
maswanfun time for mirror operators with an rsyncd RCE out there21:26
Berge(https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2025/01/14/3 for context, CVSS 9.8 RCE for rsync)21:28
maswanhm. on the other hand, we didn't get our new noble frontend stable due to probably hardware issues, the ones in prod are running focal which should have a too old version of rsync. clever planning of us.21:35
maswan(I've disabled rsync on the the noble test frontend for now so I can go to bed)21:38
BergeI've patched21:38
maswanrunning Debian?21:39
Champersjust updated and rebooted ftp.be.d.o22:47
Champersas there was a new kernel as well22:48

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