
daftykinswell, they laid the fibre today... it's all coiled up in front of my front wall now... the channels under the inspection covers look so underutilised xD22:06
daftykinsno we wait22:11
zxmpii remember when we had broadband (1 mb) installed at work as a trial customer back in 2001. they came in in august and ran the wires and installed the box and modem and we just had to wait for 'the man' to come out and activate it22:45
zxmpioops not august, july22:46
zxmpibox sat doing nothing till september.22:46
daftykins;_; so close22:46
zxmpiseptember 11. easy date to remember for some reason22:47
daftykinswe had 512 Kbps over here at the beginning, the first ADSL rollout... no idea what upstream would have been22:47
daftykinsin a way i know this is the most exciting bit, once it's in it'll become all too familiar and going back will be the struggle!22:48
zxmpiours 1mb down 128 up. we could finally retire the isdn :-)22:48
zxmpithough the phone company did seek special permission to offer that as 'broadband' for another few years as they had invested a *LOT* in isdn hardware22:49
daftykinsoh wow they called ISDN broadband? D:22:49
zxmpithey really tried but even in backwards ireland no one bought it22:50
daftykinsi knew two local lads over IRC that had ISDN at home, pretty funny learning they had to get their lines converted22:50
zxmpithey could have been smart and offered the cd channels for some slow net data services and would have made money on it but nope22:51
daftykinscd channels? o022:51
zxmpiisdn has a, b, c and d channels. a + b are 64k each c and d are control channels and lower speed iirc22:55
zxmpisome places used them for alarm monitoring22:55
daftykinsah ha ia see22:58
zxmpibring back ceefax! count binface for mayor! :-P22:59
penguin42daftykins: Yeh I knew a dev who had ISDN early on23:49
zxmpiwe had it because 1-2 of our customers had it to beat shite copper phone lines in arse end of ireland. it was grand but only 64k. 128k was 2 calls which was mad23:51
zxmpiwas great fun to come into office on a monday and find my boss had connected to a customer on a friday and had forgotten to break the link *KERCHING*23:52
penguin42I got a line set up in ~98 from our office to an office in canda, it was frame really, 64k on our end, I think 56k on theres23:53

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