
Skiacjwatson: thanks for all the info and the plan. I indeed have access to the VM, and found a `setup-history` file in the juju environment. To me, it doesn't look really hard to maintain or redeploy: it's just a bunch of python triggered by a cron, so compared to autopkgtest or the error tracker, it's a breeze. The only thing I don't have right now is time to really commit to it. I only kick it from time09:13
Skiato time when something gets stuck :-)09:13
Skiaalso, with the HAProxy in frontend, it shouldn't be too hard to spin up a new modern VM and play with it until it works, then switch the backend.09:17
cjwatsonSkia: right :)09:19
guruprasadcjwatson, "would be stored in OpenStack object storage, but you'd need a DB to keep track of all the pointers", are we doing another librarian? :)09:40
cjwatsonguruprasad: Conceptually a bit similar!  Though much simpler09:43
toabctlSkia, could you make the bzr branch of merge-o-matic emtpy so others do not run into the same mistake?12:51
Skiatoabctl: the thing is that MoM is currently still deployed with bzr, so it's technically still the main repo. I'll do all that when I get to work on MoM. Maybe I should plan something for next pulse, so that the situation doesn't stay for too long...13:18
toabctlah. ok. thx13:19
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tsimonq2adrien: I'd be deeply interested in learning what the latest developments are in post-quantum cryptography support if you happen to have any pointers.17:02
tsimonq2(I've taught myself the basics of quantum mechanics recently so this is more of a hobby-based question, to be honest.)17:03
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liushuyuHi, can someone sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/ruby3.3/+git/ruby3.3/+merge/479108? (Must be CoreDev or better, as this package is in main)17:24
tsimonq2liushuyu: looking17:39
liushuyutsimonq2: Thanks!17:39
tsimonq2I would ping Utkarsh as well for an FYI but he's still bouncerless. :(17:39
tsimonq2liushuyu: Hey, before I sponsor, I just want to dot my Is and cross my Ts... this will start a Ruby transition. You all prepped and ready to go for that?17:41
tsimonq2(I suppose not a *major* one, but notable enough where I figured I'd ask.)17:41
liushuyutsimonq2: I think the transition is already on-going (needs autopkgtest infrastructure to be a bit stable though)17:42
tsimonq2Skia, paride: ^^^ I've occasionally been running retry-autopkgtest-regressions --only-unknown - if this is counterproductive please let me know17:42
tsimonq2liushuyu: Thanks!17:42
Skiatsimonq2: well, usually, it's not, and thanks for that, but with the current outage in PS6, it's just not really useful, because tests just aren't processed17:43
tsimonq2Skia: Ah okay, got it :)17:44
tsimonq2liushuyu: Any chance you could rebase your changes on the NMU?17:44
liushuyutsimonq2: Will do18:10
liushuyutsimonq2: Done now. So this new NMU dropped another Ubuntu delta, nothing else18:18
tsimonq2liushuyu: Precisely. Thanks, looking again :)18:26
tsimonq2liushuyu: One more thing... what's up with that debian/rules diff?18:28
tsimonq2-DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS += abi=time6418:28
tsimonq2what does this do18:28
liushuyutsimonq2: we have that in Ubuntu by default and according to a previous uploader of this package, we need to remove it to avoid issues with debhelper in Ubuntu18:29
tsimonq2...which I touched last. Nice. :P18:30
tsimonq2Okay, no objection, uploading.18:30
liushuyutsimonq2: Thanks! The fix for ppc64le has been merged upstream, but the upstream won't backport this fix to the 3.3 series18:31
tsimonq2liushuyu: Meh that's fine, just make sure Debian has it if they need it :)18:32
tsimonq2(I didn't look too closely at that specific element here because you've been good about it in the past.)18:33
liushuyutsimonq2: It's forwarded to Debian as https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/ruby/-/merge_requests/918:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 9 in ruby-team/ruby "Fix memory corruption issues and enable LTO" [Opened]18:33
tsimonq2awesome :)18:34
liushuyuGCC won't blow up the Ruby interpreter on non-ppc64le platforms, but the issue is present on all architectures18:34
liushuyu(I checked Clang and Clang indeed will misoptimize Ruby 3.3 due to more aggressive optimizations)18:34
tsimonq2Ah, okay. That makes sense.18:35
tsimonq2liushuyu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby3.3/3.3.6-1.1ubuntu118:35
tsimonq2Skia, paride: hi yes many autopkgtests incoming ;) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby3.3/3.3.6-1.1ubuntu118:36
liushuyutsimonq2: Thanks! MRI Ruby C code quality is quite questionable, but eh, we can't do a lot about that18:37
tsimonq2liushuyu: heh fair enough :)18:38
liushuyuDo we have a general policy for adding extra dependencies for Debian/Ubuntu packages?18:39
liushuyu... the question is more about if it's okay to add 20+ dependencies to the newer version of a package because the upstream decided to import a lot of libraries?18:42
tsimonq2Depends. Off the top of my head, I'd gauge that with two questions...18:43
tsimonq2 1. Is the package in Main?18:43
tsimonq2 2. Is it necessary?18:43
tsimonq2If #1 is no and #2 is yes, JFDI.18:44
tsimonq2If both are yes, be careful of MIRs.18:44
tsimonq2If both are no, then I'd say yeah, think twice, but it's your GPG key not mine. ;)18:44
liushuyutsimonq2: The package in question is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mailman-hyperkitty, so the newer version added 20+ Python dependencies, which are hard requirements (missing any of those 20+ new dependencies will result in the software non-functional). The other option is to not upgrade though18:46
liushuyuDebian did not pick up the updates because the debian/watch file is broken18:46
tsimonq2> the debian/watch file is broken18:47
tsimonq2Let me guess, GitHub?18:47
tsimonq2liushuyu: Seems okay on first glance, I'd just double check with Debian Policy 4.13. Embedded code copies <https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#embedded-code-copies>18:47
tsimonq2(Is there a debhelper substvar that can be used for Python includes? If not, that might be awesome to have.)18:49
liushuyutsimonq2: Not GitHub, but PyPI. Well, I should probably say that the upstream decided to stop doing releases on PyPI and moving everything to GitLab18:49
tsimonq2liushuyu: Ah, okay. So even more drastic.18:49
tsimonq2something something make sure to poke Debian etc etc18:49
liushuyutsimonq2: Yes, the newer version also bundles a megaton of minified JavaScript libraries18:50
liushuyuOkay, I guess I will probably start the discussion or something in Debian first18:51
tsimonq2liushuyu: The debian/copyright of qt6-base, qt6-declarative, and qt6-webengine might be useful references, specifically the Files-Excluded section18:51
tsimonq2Debian-first is certainly best practice, but if you have it nailed down correctly and you're verysure, feel free to upload to Ubuntu. But yeah, discussion in lieu of a (lowercase c) canonical answer there is probably useful.18:52
liushuyutsimonq2: I am familar with the source tarball repacking business, but a lot of web applications like this don't like it if the static files are replaced by symbolic links18:52
tsimonq2liushuyu: Very true. I do webdev in $dayjob a bit, and I've seen many projects nail down a specific e.g. jQuery version and don't support anything else.18:53
tsimonq2I suppose the downside of "modern" languages having their own package managers, and JavaScript in general, is dependency hell. :P18:53
tsimonq2(But I've also seen symlink-related issues too, Ben comes to mind.)18:54
liushuyu(oh yes, wait until you see some projects start to compile C/C++ code to WebAssembly/asm.js for cross-platform compatibility)18:54
tsimonq2Oh yeah. We have a few of those internally. Unfortunately I'm aware.18:55
liushuyuI see, so it's more widespread than I think then18:56
tsimonq2Yeahp. :(18:57
tsimonq2(This is why I wrote the entire nascent Lubuntu CI in C++ with QHttpServer and some *basic*, basic JS on the frontend. It's because I'm sick of using 500,000,000 languages all cobbled together. :P)18:58
liushuyuOh, you don't like the experience of minifying 8 billion different Npm modules and merging them into your code?19:00
tsimonq2Yes of course, it's the reason I get up in the morning. /s19:00
tsimonq2liushuyu: Have you started your Core Dev application btw? From my perspective it doesn't seem like it'll be long :P19:02
tsimonq2(meaning, a long time before you actually submit it, not referencing the length of the application)19:02
liushuyuHa ha. No wonder your blanket can't hold you hostage in the morning19:02
liushuyutsimonq2: I do, initially I was preparing to apply for CoreDev. But someone suggested me to go through a safer route19:04
liushuyu... so the application for CoreDev actually already existed, I just need to revise a bit19:04
tsimonq2Agreed that it's safer, it's not often you see successful "no rights" -> Core Dev applications.19:04
tsimonq2liushuyu: If you can nail this Ruby transition, I'd say that's worth an endorsement, or at least a comment. No pressure. ;P19:05
liushuyuSounds like I have one more excuse to enable the Rust bits in Ruby then19:07
liushuyu(the new JIT compiler)19:08
adrientsimonq2: I feel like the PQC field is incredibly large (and deep), and changing. I feel like it's very difficult to summarize. https://blog.cloudflare.com/pq-2024/ should be a good read (although it's not necessarily the page I was looking for)19:47
liushuyuHi, can someone take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/nut/+git/nut/+merge/479590? Thanks!20:00
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