[06:33] bambinone: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack/refs/ ? === matttbe1 is now known as matttbe [17:20] tjaalton: yes I see the e.g. v6.13-rc7 tag but not cod/mainline/v6.13-rc7 [17:22] cod/mainline/v6.13-rc1 was the last one, along with cod/mainline/v6.12.3 for stable and cod/mainline/v6.6.63 for longterm [17:23] those would ideally be caught up to 6.12.9 and 6.6.71, respectively [17:23] maybe someone forgot to do a `git push --tags` :p === bambinon1 is now known as bambinone