
=== ken is now known as Guest6500
=== antonispgs7 is now known as antonispgs
jarjarHi!  Meeesa called Jar-Jar Binks01:47
jarjarwhat yousa called?01:47
oerheks!coc > jarjar01:48
ubottujarjar: Please see my private message01:48
jarjarmeesa no do anything with your coc01:49
jarjarthat be inappropriate!01:49
leftyfbjarjar: hello, what can we help you with?01:49
=== monkeystu_ is now known as monkeystu
ropedI've noticed that Ubuntu has a newbie friendly power profile choice in the default GUI when I click on the battery info in the systray, which is nice, since I didn't notice that in a few other distros. Is there something similar for telling it "If the power is plugged, automatically stop charging when the battery reaches 80% and automatically start charging when it drops below 20%", or do I have to install TLP and fiddle with its config files for that?05:02
enigma9o7that sounds like something you'd want for a phone or portable device you dont use when plugged in06:33
enigma9o7unless your machine is able to run off ac power when battery only 80%06:34
enigma9o7maybe if you remove it06:34
ropedenigma9o7: a laptop, yes06:41
enigma9o7that you don't use when plugged in?06:45
ropedI'm not using it constantly, yes06:46
ropedcouple hours breaks sometimes, maybe half a day06:47
enigma9o7I mean do you not use it when you are plugged into the wall?06:47
enigma9o7Cuz if so, I don't think you can do that with the battery only 80% charged, unless the laptop itself supports that somehow, without removing the battery anyway.06:47
enigma9o7I could be wrong of course tho, just guessing.06:48
ropedI'm worried about eventually ruining the USB port if I abuse it by plugging and unplugging the charger too often06:48
=== test230118 is now known as test230117
=== test230118 is now known as test230117
=== Guest1391 is now known as snakesnake
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Fazio-83buongiorno ho lubuntu 24 e vorrei sapere come montare un disco secondario sulla barra delle notifiche devo andare su dischi e montarlo da li?08:59
Fazio-83montarlo simile a una periferica usb08:59
Fazio-83ci sono andato sulla barra delle notifiche su dispositivi rimovibili ma non me lo vede09:00
Fazio-83ho un disco secondario solo andando su computer09:00
Fazio-83se lo potessi montare come periferica all'avvio09:00
ogra_!it | Fazio-8309:05
ubottuFazio-83: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)09:05
Fazio-83good morning, I have a problem, I have a second disk mounted, the problem is that the notification bar doesn't show up when starting on removable devices, what can I do?09:08
=== realivanjx6 is now known as realivanjx
guest32can anyone please suggest me any good alternative to chpasswd. Chpasswd, passwd or usermod is no more viable for me as my /etc/passwd is a symobolic link and these tools fail opening symbolic link11:06
xypronguest32: How about putting the file back to where it belongs.11:43
BluesKajHi all12:38
guest32xypron it's not possible for my needs. Is there any alternative?13:42
leftyfbguest32: there is no valid reason to make /etc/passwd a link. Don't do that13:46
ogra_guest32, these tools (and all others talking to the passord DB) are explicitly designed like this to avoid security breaches, if you forcefully break that concept you'll have to write your own tools to support that introduced insecurity13:49
ogra_guest32, if y<our password DB *needs* to live somewhere else, have you considered using bind mounting instead ?13:50
leftyfbor a proper tool to sync password db's between devices13:51
guest32leftyfb ogra_ my whole filesystem is mouted to /var that's why it's a symbolic link.13:52
guest32leftyfb so is my filesystem built13:53
ogra_why ?13:53
leftyfbguest32: ok, then you're not running Ubuntu. Not a supported one anyway. You've completely broken your OS for some unspecified reason13:53
guest32ogra_ ubuntu is running on embeded device13:54
ogra_i mean you surely didnt just have the idea to put everyhing into /var out of the blue, what is the reason that forces you to do such a broken thing ? perhaps we could help you to solve the prob in a more supportable way13:54
ogra_there are hundrets of thousands embedded devices out there running debian and Ubuntu without such a hack ...13:55
ogra_thats not actually a valid reason to move the world into /var :)13:55
leftyfbwhat limitation could your device possibly have that requires you to only have a single directory in root?13:56
guest32leftyfb ogra_ it was done by predecessors, I don't have a good explaination for it. Maybe due to squashfs.13:57
leftyfbguest32: you should work to fix this arbitrary and completely unsupported configuration before doing anything else13:58
ogra_well, if you cant change it or replace the borken install, go at least with bind mounts instead of symlinks so that you move to a slightly more secure approach (and on the side fiox the behavior of the tools, they should work on bind-mounted files)13:59
leftyfbogra_: what will a binf mount do if they don't have an /etc to begin with?13:59
ogra_well, the symlinks surely point to some /etc14:00
guest32ogra_ yes14:00
leftyfbthis makes no sense14:00
ogra_yeah,m sounds like someone didnt know what they are doing when creating this ...14:01
guest32now I have no solution except to carry on with this14:01
leftyfbguest32: I don't think that's true14:02
leftyfbguest32: I would work towards not adhearing to these arbitrary and broken limitations14:02
guest32leftyfb I can't change it14:02
leftyfbat the very least, if you discover a reason for it, then you can at least document it and maybe work with us to come up with a better solution14:02
leftyfbguest32: why not?14:03
guest32leftyfb I have to change the complete ecosystem which is not visable or doable for me at the moment14:03
leftyfbguest32: working with a completely broken and arbitrary configuration "just because" is only going to get worse for you as time goes on14:04
leftyfbsat least figure out why and document it .... if figure out that it's not actually needed and improve the situation14:04
ogra_guest32, use bind mounting then ... instead of symlinks14:05
guest32leftyfb I need to figure out why was it done at first place14:05
leftyfbguest32: bingo, prioritize that14:05
ogra_(and document that properly as leftyfb says, so the next poor souls knows about the broken design)14:06
guest32leftyfb ogra_ thank you very much for your insightful help.14:07
RayTracerapparently a bond mac is created using machine-id. Where can I turn that off, so the bond mac is one of the member nics?14:34
leftyfbRayTracer: the bond interface is a virtual interface. You should not have that MAC match any of the physical interface mac's. Bad things will happen14:37
oerheksinteresting answer, bulseye had machine-id in 2 places  https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/duplicate-mac-addresses-generated-for-bonded-interfaces-on-identical-server-hardware.70576/14:38
oerhekssee last answer14:38
RayTracerleftyfb: that's the default in red hat or suse, and it works just fine14:38
RayTracers/ or / and /14:39
RayTracerWith ubuntu the dhcp server hands out wrong ip addresses, as I configured all the member nic macs there, but with ubuntu the bond gets something else14:44
RayTracerbut I couldn't find an according udev rule or alike yet14:45
RayTraceroerheks: ah thanks, addr_assign_type -> 2 seems the right hint. Now I need to find how to change that properly.14:49
RayTracerok I think it's easier to set the ip static in the netplan yaml on deployment. Then the bond mac address isn't relevant anymore as no DHCP involved.15:40
eelstreborwhen i run lshw and get something that's "UNCLAIMED" should i be concerned about it?15:48
leftyfbeelstrebor: depends on the hardware you're seeing unclaimed and if you're experiencing an issue.15:52
eelstreborunclaimed Cannon Lake PCH Shared SRAM16:05
eelstreborseems my system runs slow too16:05
=== _justin_kelly71 is now known as _justin_kelly7
Reo`hey, can i get help here with my "gnome" themes and all?17:33
Reo`or am i in the wrong channel17:34
pragmaticenigmakind of depends on what the issue is with gnome themes... if its creation of them, you probably will want to find a forum dedicated for that. If it's an issue of Gnome not applying your desired theme, this channel can probably help you/17:35
Reo`pragmaticenigma, i installed the theme and all but idk how to set it up now17:45
Reo`through the "gnome tweaks" app17:45
Reo`i am on UBUNTU 24.04.1 LTS17:45
pragmaticenigmaAre you sure the theme you selected is compatible with the version of Gnome?17:47
Reo`pragmaticenigma, idk how to do that  ;-;17:49
Reo`this is the theme i chose17:49
=== JohnTheNerd71816 is now known as JohnTheNerd7181
pragmaticenigmaReo`: The theme description notes it supports Gnome 47, Ubuntu 24.04 shipped with Gnome 46. It possible the theme is not compatible. Personnel, I do not recommend themes as they often will remove access or hide things that make your machine more difficult to operate. There is a large number of comments on that theme stating that there are a lot of missing elements or controls being hidden by the theme.17:53
pragmaticenigmaReo`: because you are using the best tool that I know of to change themes, it is very likely that theme is not compatible17:54
Reo`pragmaticenigma, is there any proper  video which you can suggest me to follow?17:55
pragmaticenigmaReo`: I do not17:56
Reo`pragmaticenigma, ok thanks17:56
=== test230118 is now known as test230117
ioriaReo`, did you enable 'User Theme' in Extensions ?18:29
WaVoerheks: Just saw you pinged me yesterday. I can confirm issue is resolved.18:32
Reo`ioria, i did18:32
Reo`Idk where to save the file and all lol18:32
oerheksWaV,  we are still curious why it happened18:32
WaVoerheks: A mystery indeed18:33
ioriaReo`, ~/.themes18:33
Reo`Ioria i did that18:53
Reo`Didn't work18:53
oerheksmaybe that github url gives you a clue? https://github.com/Fausto-Korpsvart/Rose-Pine-GTK-Theme18:54
oerheks"make sure to install the following necessary packages:.."18:55
=== test230118 is now known as test230117
ioriaReo`, it works here; https://www.pling.com/p/181053019:08
ioriaReo`, seems to be a difference between the 'GTK3/4 Themes' ver (that works) and  the 'Gnome Shell Themes' ver (that does not)19:12
ioriaReo`, download the fist (12 files)19:13
ioriaReo`, you probably also need to download the Icon Theme (put it in ~/.icons)19:22
=== vincejv- is now known as vincejv
veliyankodeis there a way to see on which hosts i've enabled one of the free five ubuntu pro access tokens?19:43
veliyankodethe dashboard only seems to show hosts that are online19:43
kutveliyankode: you can log into ubuntu and see19:43
andreaallein apt -y : -y = ?19:44
kutasking what it means? yes/confirm?19:45
andreaalleok, it means yes to install ?19:45
oerheksveliyankode, only with pro status on the machine itself19:45
veliyankodeoerheks: can i enable it on 100 hosts if i only have 5 online at a time?19:46
kutandreaalle: you would type "apt install <program name> -y19:46
oerheksveliyankode,  no19:46
kutthe -y means say yes to all prompts19:46
andreaalleok, kut, thank you very much ... :)19:46
oerheksone cannot transfer the token to an other machine19:46
veliyankodeoerheks: the dashboard just shows the number of hosts that have been online in last 24 hours19:50
veliyankodewould be much better to show the list of hosts i've enabled it on19:51
pragmaticenigmaveliyankode: The token is matched to a specific machine. It is not transferrable, even if only one machine is online at a time.19:54
oerhekskeep track of them yourself?19:54
veliyankodeis that the solution for 2025 :)19:55
oerheksone can check if the machine has been added19:55
veliyankodepragmaticenigma: i don't want to transfer any tokens19:55
pragmaticenigmaveliyankode: Your idea is effectively the same as transfering a token, whether the term is sharing or otherwise.19:55
oerhekscreate a 2nd launchpad SSO account, and you have 5 more 😛🤪19:56
pragmaticenigmaveliyankode: you would need to unprovision one machine, to be issued a new token for a new machine. and yes... in 2025 it remains the responsibility of the user/admin to keep track of their system keys.19:57
oerheksmaybe canonical does not want to know which machines.19:57
pragmaticenigmamore to the case of the key is tied to the install... you could take the hard disk from one machine and put it into another19:58
pragmaticenigmato have someone here with more than 5 machines, is clearly someone that is trying to skirt the generosity of Canonical to offer free enrollment for consumers20:00
=== realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx
veliyankodepragmaticenigma: are you talking about me?20:11
Ticccis there a virtualbox version of ubuntu or just run the install ISO for in a virtualbox environment?20:22
pragmaticenigmaTiccc: install from ISO20:22
oerheksclick info for passwrod20:23
pragmaticenigmaTiccc: Note that the osboxes is at your own risk20:23
oerhekswe did not made them20:24
veliyankodebecause that claim was blatantly false20:24
oerheksveliyankode, i doubt pragmaticenigma gave false info20:24
veliyankode"is clearly someone that is trying to skirt the generosity of Canonical"20:25
veliyankodethat is false20:25
oerhekspragmaticenigma, pointed at my tip, 2nd launchpad SSO account20:25
pragmaticenigmaveliyankode: i stated my own opinion. if you wish to take offense to it, that's your decision to make. However dicussion about such things is offtopic for this channel. Please take that conversation somewhere else.20:26
veliyankodeso you didn't mean me?20:27
veliyankodeubuntu pro is off topic here?20:27
kutyou have 5 machines and are trying to add another, is what I have gathered, which is probably why you got that comment20:30
kutor you have however many machines20:30
veliyankodei would like to see in the ubuntu pro dashboard, how many hosts i've enabled ubuntu pro on20:31
kutit doesn't display that way, apparently20:31
kutI didn't see a list of my 3 machines when I logged in20:31
veliyankodelooks like it's more important for canonical to show how many hosts with ubuntu pro have been online since the last 24 hours20:31
pragmaticenigmaveliyankode: This channel is operated by volunteers and the community. If you have a concern or issue with Ubuntu Pro you will need to contact Canonical directly.20:32
veliyankodei'll just ignore your suggestions from now on20:32
oerhekscanonical does not want to know which machines. that is a responcibility20:32
oerheksadminister them yourself20:32
kuthow do I check my machine if it's on ubuntu pro? what's the command?20:32
oerhekspro status20:32
veliyankodea simple "2 of 5 used" would suffice20:33
kutoh some of my services weren't enabled20:33
kutthank you for the help20:34
oerheksput all the machines online, and dashboard shows them..20:34
pragmaticenigmaveliyankode: As I said earlier, no one here has the authority or ability to take or make suggestions. Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical.20:34
oerhekswe don't think it is usefull, machine details, not even machine-id20:34
oerhekskut have fun20:39
oerheksso, that does help? nope..20:46
pragmaticenigmaIf I'm understanding the documentation linked in that post... You are limited to 5 active machines in a 24 hour period. It doesn't matter what machines or how many machines. Any more than 5 machines attempting to access the Ubuntu Pro services within a 24 hour period will be denied20:50
pragmaticenigmaHonestly, this is a Canonical question. It's their commercial offering, that is offered free to consumers. They manage the program, they're really the only people capable of offering an answer.20:51
=== Emree is now known as Eray
LittleBillyBiscuWow, the new Ubuntu Discourse site is such garbage. Says you can't post until you increase your read time to 15 mins, but no matter how much I pointlessly waste my time scrolling, the read time never increases. Great job replacing a working forum with a broken modern app!21:32
pragmaticenigma!ot | LittleBillyBiscu21:33
ubottuLittleBillyBiscu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:33
LittleBillyBiscuI tried to install kdenlive yesterday, and when I rebooted my computer, I discovered that it somehow borked my entire system. It changed the login manager to something that no longer allows me to log in. There is a password field, but when I enter my password and press enter, nothing happens. It just sits there (there is no GUI button to submit21:35
LittleBillyBiscupassword either). The internet connection is also broken, so I am not able to install a new display manager like gdm, etc to see if that will fix it. Is there any way to just undo everything that happened (including configuration changes) when I typed "sudo apt install kdenlive")21:35
pragmaticenigmaLittleBillyBiscu: what did you do before installing Kdenlive?21:36
LittleBillyBiscuI did nothing out of the ordinary before installing kdenlive. I was using Firefox, and recorded a video that I needed to trim. I installed kdenlive (which dragged in ~100 packages), and then everything broke. My biggest issue right now is that it broke the login manager, so I can't even get into the system outside of the text terminal via ALT+F321:38
pragmaticenigmaLittleBillyBiscu: You didn't add a repository or anything additional before deciding to install Kdenlive?21:38
LittleBillyBiscusudo apt install kdenlive is literally the only thing I did, and I haven't had to make config changes in months. This system has been working flawlessly until this install.21:39
LittleBillyBiscuIs there a way to just say "whatever you did during last apt command, revert all of it"?21:40
pragmaticenigmadid you update and upgrade before installing Kdenlive?21:40
sarnoldno :( you pretty much have to read the logs and reverse them yourself21:40
sarnold/var/log/apt/history.log is probably the easiest one to read21:41
LittleBillyBiscupragmaticenigma: unfortunately no :(21:41
LittleBillyBiscusarnold: Any ideas where I might start to fix broken login manager?21:41
LittleBillyBiscuIt's really weird. It shows a password entry field, but literally does nothing after you type in password and press enter, and there is no GUI element to click21:42
pragmaticenigmaLittleBillyBiscu: I'd make it a habit to always run updates before installing new software. The extra 100 packages, has me thinking it updated what it needed to install kdenlive and thus broke other things.21:42
sarnoldLittleBillyBiscu: you might find error messages in /var/log/auth* or ~/.xsession-errors or journalctl output21:43
oerhekskdenlive, if you install that on gnome, 100 packages are usual21:43
sarnoldmy wild guess is that kdelive somehow brought in sddm and that replaced gdm or whatever you had before .. no idea why that would break though :(21:43
LittleBillyBiscuI'm looking at /var/log/auth.log and xsession-errors and not seeing anything notable ... fun part is that it also managed to break network connectivity, so I can't install a different display manager now21:44
LittleBillyBiscuis there a way for me to use the current desktop I'm on to grab the packages, put them on USB, and then install on the laptop (assuming it didn't break USB as well?)21:45
LittleBillyBiscuand yes, I am pretty sure you're correct that it installed sddm over gdm321:45
sarnoldLittleBillyBiscu: yeah, you can use apt download to download packages for copying21:45
sarnoldif you were going to do it all the time, apt-offline is very handy for it, but it might have enough setup costs that it isn't worth doing for this one time21:46
LittleBillyBiscuHonestly, this is insane and I'm kinda considering just wiping the entire system and re-installing because it'll probably take less time than the hours spent trying to figure out how to fix all the things it broke ... is there an easy way to get a list of all of the packages that I've *manually* installed, so that after I reinstall, I can just do a21:49
LittleBillyBiscusingle "apt install everything-on-this-list"?21:49
LittleBillyBiscuI literally just wanted to trim 5 seconds off of a video lol21:49
LittleBillyBiscuWas definitely not expecting that installing a video editor would render my entire system unusable.21:50
oerheksctrl alt F3, login, remove kde, then apt autoremove , sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3  # to get gdm back again21:51
oerheksc/remove kdenlive21:52
oerhekssystemctl status display-manager.service21:52
LittleBillyBiscuwill that work without internet?21:52
sarnoldit might21:53
oerheksyou do not install anything, just remove stuff21:53
sarnoldit depends if you had the old package in your package cache still21:53
LittleBillyBiscuhow do I check if the package is in the package cache?21:53
sarnoldor if it's still installed, just not active21:53
oerhekshold the apt autoremove, to be sure21:53
sarnoldcheck /var/cache/apt/archives21:53
tomreynRE "is there an easy way to get a list of all of the packages that I've *manually* installed?": apt-mark minimize-manual && apt-mark showmanual21:54
tomreynthis is not exactly what you ask, but what you really want21:54
LittleBillyBiscusarnold: only two things in /var/cache/apt/archives are a file called "lock" and an empty dir called "partial"21:54
sarnoldwhat's the minimize-manual step do?21:54
sarnoldLittleBillyBiscu: dang :(21:55
LittleBillyBiscutomreyn: thanks21:55
tomreyn"Mark all dependencies of meta packages as automatically installed."21:55
sarnoldahhhhh very handy indeed21:55
LittleBillyBiscutomeryn: most of the packacges in the apt-mark showmanual list are things that I did not install manually ... can you explain why this is what I want anyway?21:59
LittleBillyBisculike what I actually want is a list of packages X,Y,Z where I explicitly typed "apt install X Y Z"22:00
LittleBillyBiscuI don't want any of the dependencies in the list, because I don't know which of the currently installed packages broke my system22:00
oerheksremove the metapackage kdenlive, set gdm as default, worry about the leftovers later?22:00
LittleBillyBiscubasically, I want to take the list of all packages I've manually installed, remove kdenlive from that list, and then install all of the rest of them, and their dependencies.22:02
tomreynLittleBillyBiscu: it's just difficult to produce a correct list, due to package interdependencies. What you get there is usually a good enough derivation. If you strictly need the list of what you asked t be manually installed, you'll need to go over the full apt history + terminal log - assuming you still have that.22:02
tomreyn(but for the use case you mentioned, that would most likely not be needed)22:03
LittleBillyBiscutomreyn: I see, thanks for explaining. terminal history will probably be challenging because this system has been running fine for a couple of years, with packages periodically being installed throughout22:03
LittleBillyBiscuok ... well now that I'm thinking more on it, before I take the time to back up everything and reinstall the system ... maybe if I figure out how to get networking up again, reinstalling gdm3 will fix it ... is there something special that I would normally have to do to get networking when I do ALT+F3 from login screen? I tried systemctl restart22:07
LittleBillyBiscuNetworkManager with no luck. It's showing a wireless interface, but it does not have an IP22:07
tomreynthen i'd start with reviewing active apt repositories, removing/disabling what you don't need and what no longer works, run "apt update" and (install and run) apt-forktracer and remove/downgrade packages as needed. then apt full-upgrade    and finally undo the kdenlive installation, if that still matters then (probably not, if you cleaned things up thoroughly).22:07
LittleBillyBiscuI can't run apt update because I have no network access22:08
tomreynyou installed kdenlive from cdrom then?22:08
LittleBillyBiscuThis would be a lot less stressful if it hadn't wiped out my network too lol22:08
LittleBillyBiscunope, I had internet before installing kdenlive. I downloaded all the packages and installed, and then after reboot no more network22:09
tomreynhmm that's very peculiar22:09
tomreynmakes me wonder whether something went wrong in the process - outside of the system, between chair and keyboard.;)22:10
user111Is there an official Linux Mint irc channel?22:10
LittleBillyBiscuTo reiterate. Everything was working fine before kdenlive install. I have not had problems for nearly 2 years. I made mistake of attempting to install kdenlive without running apt update first, and now nothing works22:10
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/22:10
LittleBillyBiscuI have no network, can't log in, etc22:10
pragmaticenigmauser111: They have it on a differnt IRC server/network... see message post from ubottu22:11
tomreynLittleBillyBiscu: well you can login on a temrinal, right22:11
LittleBillyBiscuYes, as I said above, I have access to terminal via ALT+F322:11
sarnoldLittleBillyBiscu: I wonder ifyou could get networking back via nmcli22:11
tomreyndo you use a wired network connection, or wireless22:11
sarnoldLittleBillyBiscu: it's not the easiest tool to use, something like "nmcli c up ..." might do it22:12
tomreyncan you switch to wired temporarily, or too much effort?22:12
sarnoldrun "nmcli c" on its own, and if you recognize your networking configuration name there, use it in place of the "..."22:12
LittleBillyBiscusarnold: nmcli shows "wlo1: disconnected" ... I don't want to break anything further, and am not familiar with nmcli, so what is best way for me to try to bring this connection up using normal configuration settings (i.e. whatever it was using before all thsi)22:13
LittleBillyBiscuoh sorry I see you just answered that while I was typing22:13
LittleBillyBiscuone sec, I'll try that22:13
LittleBillyBiscuOK, when I run "nmcli c", I can see my wifi network there ... but I can't figure out how to use device "wlo1" to connect to a particular  SSID ...22:15
sarnoldis the ssid listed in the nmcli c output?22:16
LittleBillyBiscuOK, I tried "nmcli device wifi connect MYSSID password MYPASSWORD and it gives me an error "Connection activation failed: Secrets were required but not provided"22:18
LittleBillyBiscusarnold: yes, the SSID is listed in the output22:18
tomreynnetwork manager creates connection profiles once you activate a connection, those can also your wireless password. so you'd just need to activate the connection (profile) now22:19
=== test230118 is now known as test230117
LittleBillyBiscutomreyn: Thanks, what is the correct way to do that?22:20
tomreynLittleBillyBiscu: what sarnold said, i think22:20
tomreynquote: something like "nmcli c up ..." might do it. run "nmcli c" on its own, and if you recognize your networking configuration name there, use it in place of the "..."22:21
LittleBillyBiscuIt's working! (I had to modify it slightly and run with --ask flag) ... thanks sooo much y'all ... now that I have internet, I feel a lot more confident in my ability to fix this. I'll come back in a bit if I have more questions22:22
LittleBillyBiscuappreciate all of your patience, I know this is a weird problem22:22
tomreynnice, good luck22:23
tomreynand indeed, it doesn't seem like you can just   nmcli connection "some_existing_profile" up22:26
tomreynat least not for a wireless22:26
sarnoldtomreyn: verb / subject swap, nmcli c up some_existing_profile22:27
tomreyn"Error: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection (device enp9s0 not available because profile is not compatible with device (mismatching interface name))."22:28
tomreyni had tried that, too22:28
tomreynon a wireless ssid named profile22:28
tomreynwhich i know works from the gui without further input22:28
tomreynso the CLI somehow doesn't understand that this is a wireless connection profile nad it would need to use the other interface22:30
tomreyncould be a matter of policykit / permissions, too, though, since i think this is a system connection profile22:30
tomreynalso i'm on debian 12 :)22:31
sarnoldtomreyn: ah then apply more sudo? :)22:38
sarnoldtomreyn: there's some funny things about system connections vs user connections22:38
tomreynno luck with the sudo either22:45
tomreynbut i was also thinking whether that's wise, might break things22:45
=== guy is now known as vyvantaur
morgan-uI am using Pluma and "somehow'  it took up the entire screen. I couldnt even get the dock. I started trying things at random. (I had already tried escape and many other things, like control C I was out of gas.) so I tried  "windows key=D which worked. Is that called superD?)23:12
morgan-uWhat is the proper thing to do and how did I get to that stuck full screen?   22.0423:13
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u: what is pluma?23:14
morgan-uplma is a plane/plain text program. I forget what the other version are called.  It probably comes from mate one of the official ubuntu flavores tbs23:16
morgan-ulike nano23:16
morgan-ulike gedit  (I had to look up these names. -- I used to use pico in the olden times.23:17
morgan-uI wish there was something more advanced so it could do some text styles and do links... like Mac had in the way way back.. just not complex like word. or libre23:18
pragmaticenigmano idea, and there is no documentation for it... so I'm guessing you pressed a shortcut key combo that put it in fullscreen mode or something... Ctrl + Shift + P might activate something like Print Preview mode23:19
pragmaticenigmabut if it's a terminal app... no idea... I stick to nano or Vim23:19
morgan-uI may have hit an f-key while seeking another key with my finger,23:19
morgan-uGOT IT F1123:20
morgan-uWhile explaining it I thought, just try all the F-keys from the high end. b.i.n.g.o. -- and thatnks for being the techmind y'all23:21
morgan-uis Xubuntu supported in this channel too?23:22
morgan-ugo it: Below is the list of official Ubuntu flavors:23:23
morgan-uUbuntu GNOME (default Ubuntu flavor)23:23
morgan-uUbuntu Mate23:23
two21you all long time lurkers?23:24
morgan-uBelow is the list of official Ubuntu flavors:  Ubuntu GNOME (default Ubuntu flavor), Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Kylin-Ubuntu Studio23:25

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