[00:13] Saved and out - shifting focus to that of support :D [01:40] * guiverc pasting summary for general comm.news one (by itself) [01:41] * guiverc out [01:52] * guiverc can't currently paste, and next two are on discourse (503 errs) so will return later [01:54] guiverc: Discourse being overwhelmed :( 503'n for me too in saving a support reply. [02:06] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/community-contributed-how-tos-and-documentation/53214 will need to be dropped; it's in the staff area [02:07] * guiverc can do it when I'm next pasting... [02:31] * guiverc pasting [02:37] * guiverc out ... I don't see why https://www.creativebloq.com/tech/ubuntu-studio-why-you-need-this-open-source-adobe-alternative shows up as it is, unless discourse has a link length limitation.. [02:38] guiverc: Chances are I screwed up ^ checking . [02:39] still plenty of time to fix... but I didn't see anythign wrong with it, thus my comment (not wearing my glasses currently, so sure could have missed something) [02:40] ^ in just a bit --- to to clean the ice cream from my beard before it dries :D [02:41] * guiverc suddenly wants cool ice-cream... not yet warm/hot here inside; but just put fan on... [03:00] guiverc: Studio: I do not see why yet --- going to redo the link and see of that helps. [03:04] guiverc: Are you clear of edits where I can do the re-do ? [03:04] i'm not editing... [03:05] going in :P [03:07] you can add following summary too maybe ... "Lance Evans starts by reminding us why many are moving to open source software, and in this article gives reason we may want to use Ubuntu Studio. This is a long post, where Ubuntu Studio is downloaded, and installed on three devices, with us walked through that process. We're given screenshots, with commentary useful to newer users." [03:09] guiverc: Will do ^ // did the redo and though I saw no text differences --- the redo is effective. A glitch in the matrix ? [03:10] some 'unseen' character maybe.. thanks for fixing anyway. [03:14] And out :D [03:49] * guiverc pasting [03:52] * guiverc out [04:06] * guiverc about to paste [04:07] * guiverc out [04:09] I refered to GNU.org which is being treated as a link.. The link opens appropriately so its not worrying me right now, but that may need re-word/change... [04:25] guiverc: Ouch - but opening GNU.org could be a good thing :D [04:26] if a problem, it could be changed to 'GNU' alone [04:27] * guiverc wonders if GNU is 51% better anyway... [04:32] * Bashing-om Mutters to self - trust guiverc's judgement much more than my own -- [04:33] nah, we all have good & not-so-good days... hits & misses etc.. [04:36] I have run into a spat of those not-so-good lately --- I am due for a good one now :P [04:36] :) [06:27] Bashing-om, https://www.debian.org/News/2025/20250117 (Steve Langasek / vorlon) .. just noticed it [06:32] guiverc: Ands I forgot to check for it - and it i on my check list :( [06:33] if we include; i just posted it on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/remembering-and-thanking-steve-langasek/52665/25 and gave it a quick summary too. [06:34] * guiverc still reading it.. There is mention of "Canonical's Ubuntu" & I have NO ISSUE at all with its inclusion.. but mostly how to include it [06:42] guiverc: Agreed to include - think'n as to where. [06:45] guiverc: "Other Community News" seems appropriate to me. [06:45] yep sounds appropriate, thanks ! [06:45] are you adding? or want me... that link ^ on discourse may have suitable summary (if required) [06:46] * guiverc still reading it... I paused & went outside with birbs, only back inside again... [06:56] guiverc: I can add it - ya done the heavy work --- however I do see some light editing. [07:02] its very late for you.. i can do it, or just do it tomorrow.. [07:03] guiverc: Got it ready to go --- I do it; see that you approve. [07:11] guiverc: Saved and out /// How about this ? [07:13] I'd not have included the quote (I added that later.. it doesn't read well or as intended in UWN format) [07:13] * guiverc editing [07:15] i left quote in, but \n removed & slight edit (one word or somethign minor) [07:19] guiverc: I thought your quoting was a nice touch and well done. [07:21] :) [07:40] guiverc: Toddling of to bed - I play catch up in a few hours. [07:41] sleep well Bashing-om [07:41] & thanks (as always) [07:42] laters [21:34] UWN: Opening 875 for Saturday's ops. [22:56] Saved and out.