
xu-help42wAfter successful Installing Xubuntu, it is not installed in internal drive.07:04
PeGaSuShi. so, I'm having some issues with xfce4-terminal+tmux+weechat, where some emojis create artfifcats being displayed16:31
PeGaSuShere's the example of what happens: https://filehost.0bin.xyz/5JuLDYx4ipwo.png16:33
PeGaSuSI really can't figure it out on my own16:38
tomreyni'd start talking to weechat folks about it, then extrapolate from there in case they say this is not weechat related.16:50
tomreynchances are someone there ran into this issue before16:50
marijanWhat is this chat server for?19:44

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