
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
spot_pooped_agaiok, after a long talk with the bios, there is a setting hangin off the bottom of the devices config tab that enables/disables the microphone00:25
spot_pooped_agaithen you have to reboot puppy to get it to detect00:25
spot_pooped_againow it works00:25
spot_pooped_agaithanks guys, i knew i could count on you to tolerate my rant!00:26
=== jeff is now known as Guest4285
spot_pooped_agaioh, sorry to the developers of the very driver that allows me to work lol02:03
spot_pooped_agaithat thing had nothing to do with it, but in my excuse i present that sometimes hardware makers fought with linux dev people so it wasnt their fault the driver missed a setting02:04
spot_pooped_agaiin the past anyways, been a while02:05
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=== _justin_kelly70 is now known as _justin_kelly7
=== Guest6614 is now known as marcopolo1
ThatGuyintheRedHuh, hi05:18
ThatGuyintheRedHanyone there? Looking for help05:18
ThatGuyintheRedHnever used irc before, apologies for being green05:19
Bashing-om!ask | ThatGuyintheRedH05:20
ubottuThatGuyintheRedH: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:20
=== ejat is now known as fenris
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/05:20
ThatGuyintheRedHok uh05:21
ntr0Linux is a marathon, not a sprint.05:22
ntr0it will be many years before you are proficient.05:22
ntr0ask me how i know.05:22
ThatGuyintheRedHto be brief: either pipewire or wireplumber isnt working properly; audio crackles when doing anything remotely system intensive (discord and proton, though strangely not chrome)05:22
ntr0It's a journey for the rest of your life, which will take you to many places.05:23
ThatGuyintheRedHlooked on forums, modified files to and fro with no success, only thing i can figure is that wireplumber is still v0.4, and i cant seem to decipher how to manually install 0.5, or if that's even necessary on ubuntu05:23
ThatGuyintheRedHcurrently stumped05:24
Bashing-om!info wireplumber noble05:26
ubottuwireplumber (0.4.17-1ubuntu4, noble): modular session / policy manager for PipeWire. In component main, is optional. Built by wireplumber. Size 78 kB / 572 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)05:26
ThatGuyintheRedHwell at least 0.4 is up to date with canonical, though the site says its up to 0.5.705:26
Bashing-om!info pipewire noble05:26
ubottupipewire (1.0.5-1ubuntu2, noble): audio and video processing engine multimedia server. In component main, is optional. Built by pipewire. Size 88 kB / 123 kB05:26
ThatGuyintheRedHim just not sure what else it is. it might not have installed right, i assumed it worked right out the box but i do know there was nothing natively in the /etc/ path or /.config/ either05:28
Bashing-omThatGuyintheRedH: The troubleshooting tutorial: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/debugging-audio-issues/51884 .05:37
ntr0Hi all! o/  according to GNU Screen online documentation, the actual behavior of the BEL signal is defined in Termcap, it says?05:37
ntr0so my q is:  what is termcap? is it a file?05:38
ntr0also, how can i view/change its contents?05:38
JanCit's a file that describes the features/capabilities of all the common (virtual) terminals05:40
ntr0ah, ok.05:40
JanCwell, a library really05:40
ntr0so GNU Screen actualy uses this? or does GNU Screen use terminfo instead? or something even newer than terminfo?05:41
JanCthe file/database with the features is called terminfo05:41
ntr0i have heard that termcap is "legacy". is it deprecated and replaced entirely by terminfo nowadays?05:41
JanCI think screen uses termcap to use terminfo05:42
ntr0ah.... so to borrow some apt-get jargon: terminfo "provides" termcap?05:42
ntr0like old legacy programs see terminfo, and think to themselves "ah, THERE is that termcap I was looking for."05:43
ntr0if so, got it.05:43
ntr0i want to be able to redefine the behavior of my system, when a BEL signal is triggered.05:44
ntr0also, I wanna see what else Termcap and Terminfo can do. what else I can customize about them.05:44
JanCit's probably better to look at the terminal emulator for that?05:44
ntr0im at the tty05:45
ntr0so i guess the terminal emu in my case would be the kernel itself?05:45
ntr0oh wait... all the user-editable (or system admin-editable) stuff is in an Environmental Variable? is that how it works?05:49
ntr0oh wait by terminal emu you mean screen i guess05:55
ntr0 06:03
paul424Hello, hello, I have reinstall Ubuntu LTS to a newer version . There are some settings which I would like to remain though . How do I do it ? Most of it are printer settings and scanner settings -- that is the configured program receiving input from TCP/ip port and saving the file --- don't know even the software name --- any idea what I should do06:55
paul424I have to reinstall*06:55
paul424https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-upgrade-Ubuntu-to-a-new-version-without-losing-data-files-apps-and-settings which way do you advice guys ? A prompt with sudo do-release-upgrade  or a fresh one from the iso pendrive ?06:58
CeleoIf you happened to know where those settings are saved, like in your home or /etc/ or somewhere, you could copy those files off to another drive/partition/cloud/etc07:18
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
L33t-0xhi all L33t h4x0r 31337 Kid how are you all ? ... .10:22
L33t-0xJust Ask Grandpa while grandpa is UN Secretariat General ... . if not you need alot of protocol to meet grandpa ... . while i am here just ask Kid ... .10:49
ll8if not me Sep ! - me fost me lost me - okay - thank you - ll810:52
Jay_2025is my web server working ? jnet2025.ddns.net someone plz lmk11:00
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=== pick is now known as pickanick
DoggieYes it working11:34
L33t-0xis not working for Me Jay_202511:43
tomreynsome of us still don't have ipv6 support.11:46
L33t-0xoh is ipv6 ? Jay_202511:49
L33t-0xnah i disable it ... .11:49
Jay_2025it working ok?11:50
L33t-0xi can't check11:50
L33t-0xdownload telnet11:50
Jay_2025its a domain name it has a AAAA record so jnet2025.ddns.net should point to the ipv6 address11:50
L33t-0xjust go telnet yourip : 443 or port 80 ... .11:50
tomreynJay_2025: please use monitoring services to test website availability, this is out of scope of this channel11:50
Jay_2025im on the same network11:50
L33t-0xtrust me11:51
Jay_2025but i used google to help check using a bash script an it sais it works11:51
L33t-0xjust check your ipv6 public ip11:51
Jay_2025i also used tor and it works there too11:51
L33t-0xfrom your local browser11:51
L33t-0xif you can open it mean it working then11:51
Jay_2025im on the network it works here i wanted to double check it works from outside network which i think it does11:51
L33t-0xyou can access your ip yourself from your browser11:51
Jay_2025as i have a firewall11:51
L33t-0xcheck yourself11:52
Jay_2025i know that :)11:52
L33t-0xif you can open you can then11:52
L33t-0xthat's how Kid ... .11:52
Jay_2025checking from inside only checks it works inside as i use firewalls and stuff i wanted to double check11:52
L33t-0xcheck where you listen it ... .11:52
L33t-0xis it
L33t-0xcheck the equivalent ipv6 of that11:53
Jay_2025im pretty sure it works just wanted to ouble check from outside the network11:53
L33t-0xnot even me care about ipv611:53
Jay_2025double *11:53
L33t-0xi rather code ipv7111:53
Jay_2025wtf is that lol11:53
tomreynL33t-0x, Jay_2025: please move it elsewhere11:53
L33t-0xubuntu is Us anyway tomreyn11:53
L33t-0x[ 0day (xc) Our ] ... .11:54
L33t-0xyou sure you know ubuntu ? ... .11:54
tomreynL33t-0x: do yuo have an ubuntu support question?11:54
L33t-0xyeah how debian package work ? ... .11:54
tomreynL33t-0x: a serious one, that you need a volunteer to help you with?11:55
blackslideHello everyone! New Ubuntu user ringing in. ;)12:27
usvihello hello12:28
L33t-0xwelcome blackslide13:01
L33t-0xwhat version do you use ?13:02
L33t-0xhi usvi .... .13:02
blackslideI went to 24.04 because I've had enough, for now, of fiddling with the OS all the time.13:17
usviL33t-0x: I use Windows 1013:18
blackslideI used to run Debian, but this dual GPU laptop has been a royal PITA with Debian.13:18
usviI use debian on servers and Ubuntu to build my Yocto target13:19
pragmaticenigmaLet's try to keep the channel for support topic please. If you want to compare notes about your systems and histories, please join us in #ubuntu-offtopic13:19
usviI agree13:20
L33t-0xsuper l33t fuck off from [ 0day (xc) Our ] ... .13:22
=== rvalue- is now known as rvalue
BluesKajHi all13:28
FOMalarkey333205Hey guys... Joe Biden here. I've decided to step down from the White House to focus on other projects. Billionaires are a threat to democracy, so check out https://BidenCash.st to put them in the bullseye. Keep an eye on the CNN inauguration for a promo code!14:25
=== GJdan_ is now known as GJdan
yziquelhi. does anyone have experience build plucky chroots with mmdebstrap for use with sbuild ? mmdebstrap is nifty but seems debian specific. is there a better channel to ask than here ?15:39
leftyfbyziquel: what you're looking for is way beyond ths scope of the support typically provided here. Maybe try #linux15:43
yziquelleftyfb: m'kay. sorry. thank you.15:44
leftyfbyziquel: no need to apologize15:45
tomreynnor to leave ;)15:45
yziquelleftyfb: i tend to overly apologise all the time. tomreyn: leaving. too many windows open in my tmux.15:45
=== mudrr is now known as mudrcc
farhanHi all! I installed an Ubuntu LXC container that I am using as a "cloud desktop". I want to install Firefox on it, but snapd seems to be failing.16:56
farhanwhen I run `apt install firefox` snapd fails. Is there a way to install the package without snapd?16:56
RayTraceryou could install firefox from their binaries (not using snap)16:58
leftyfbfarhan: what error are you getting?16:59
farhanPlease see the paste here: https://dpaste.com/3T4NPLYGV16:59
leftyfbfarhan: https://ubuntu.com/blog/nested-containers-in-lxd17:00
farhanIs this run on the root? or within the container?17:01
farhanahh...privileged=true. I can make that change via the console that created the container (proxmox)17:01
farhanexcuse me, will be back, restarting this container17:02
=== arielprograma is now known as arielargento
iffraffHi, my usb web cam and my laptop web cam suddenly stopped working.  I can't find anything online that seems to work.  I am running 24.04.  can someone help?18:49
pppingmewhats output of lsusb18:50
iffraffoh, is there a command I can use to paste a ghist or something so I don't blow up the channel with result?18:51
pppingmesee topic18:52
iffraffI see. thx18:53
pppingmeI duno what lines 5,6,9,10 are, but I don't see your cams, sounds like you're trying two, a built in one and a usb one?18:54
pppingmeby the way, almost every "built in" webcam i've ever seen is really just another usb device18:54
iffraffcorrect.  idk what those line are either18:54
pppingmein theory you should see two on that list (your built-in and your usb one)18:55
pppingmedoes the external one seem to be getting power?18:55
iffraffno it does not.18:55
pppingmetry a mouse or some other known working device18:56
pppingmetry it in the same usb port as you're trying the cam18:56
iffraffso when I do v4l2-ctl --list-devices18:57
iffraffI get Cannot open device /dev/video0, exiting.18:57
pppingmefigure out the usb issue first, the /dev/videoX won't show up until you can at least see it on the usb list18:57
iffraffnice, so uh, yea, I tried the mouse in same usb port. no dice.  switched back, moved usb camera to different usb port now it works!  however laptop one does not19:00
pppingmepossibly a driver issue related to your usb ports, one of them isn't coming up or  a built in hub not working19:01
iffraffI'm using a hub and the usb port that was not working was "red" the others "blue" I think that's supposed to mean it charges19:01
pragmaticenigmahave you tried rebooting the machine?19:02
iffraffyes, a couple times.19:02
pppingmeyeah, red usually means extra power for charging or in come cases still has power when device is off, shouldn't affect connectivity19:02
oerheksiffraff, on what laptop exactly? maybe it gives a FN+ webcam key?19:03
iffraffI actually need the built in one cuz the usb cam does not give a great head shot and I need to do job interviews.19:03
pppingmesomething that may give hints, at least with external cam, with cam disconnected, reboot, while watching dmesg see if anything shows when you plug it back in19:03
yegorcsorry, i just joined this channel so i'm missing context, but have you tried checking lsusb?19:03
iffraffoerheks: it's a hp spectre.  I looked for soemthing that looked like a fn+ webcam key but did not see any19:03
pragmaticenigmaiffraff: plug the camera directly into the computer. if it still doesn't show up, the camera maybe defective, try it in another computer. if it works, then it's your hub, and it is likely drawing too much power and causing a brown out19:04
iffraffSo pppingme helped me get the external camera working.  Now I just need to get the builtin laptop camera working19:05
iffraff@yegorc lsusb does not show the internal camera19:05
pppingmedo what I said with the external and that may give some hints about overall USB issues and a hint to fix19:05
pppingmebut def sounds like a usb issue, not a cam issue19:05
pragmaticenigmaiffraff: the internal camera may not be connected internally via USB. It may be disabled in the system bios or something19:06
pppingmepragmaticenigma: he seems to have some "dead" usb ports possibly19:06
iffraffpppingme: I'll do that now.  re bios, the camera "used" to work. I installed 24.04 a while back. I haven't tried the internal camera till now.19:06
oerheksswitch on the side? https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/hps-new-spectre-laptops-have-a-webcam-kill-switch-to-protect-you-from-creeps/19:07
pragmaticenigmaiffraff: if you have a working camera, I'd stop trying to get another one working with this important meeting you have coming up.19:07
pppingmebut that shouldn't affect an external cam??  he seemed to get it working on one usb port but not another19:07
oerheks' internal camera'19:08
yegorcwait, so which camera works?19:09
pppingmeif I understood right, external cam works on one usb port but not another..  iffraff am I hearing that correctly?19:10
pppingmeinternal cam doesn't work at all19:10
yegorcinternal cameras are usually usb devices. if it doesn't show up, it's not a driver issue19:11
iffraffDang! There was a tiny ass little switch on the side.  I turned it ... the other way and it did not help.  I switched it back and now the laptop camera works!.  how odd. So now both cameras work.  Thank you all for the great help.19:11
oerhekshave fun!19:11
oerheks* you were not the 1st one with this issue19:11
oerheksi use a black sticker19:12
yegorcthis is why lenovos physical shutters are better, can't go wrong there19:12
iffraffThat is a super inconspicuous switch. what a pain.19:12
iffraffyea, I would think a physical block would be best.19:12
iffraffThanks again!19:12
oerheksnice machine19:13
eruditehermitis there a channel with parts recommendations for building an ubuntu/linux machine?21:33
oerheks##hardware ?21:34
pragmaticenigmaeruditehermit: You can also check out Ubuntu's own hardware cerification listing. That will at least narrow down the list to hardware tested with Ubuntu, you can then cross reference with reviews and other publications on performance: https://ubuntu.com/certified21:37
oerheksbip bop21:48

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