[02:53] hello i would like to know if kubuntu 22.04 is supported after 2025? === thelou756463590 is now known as thelou75646359 === gurupras- is now known as guruprasad [09:00] Hi, on a brand new Kubuntu install I just made, I got error "library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table" when compiling with mvn or others compilator, but also when installing a pkg... [13:02] Hi all === victor is now known as the_druid [15:53] For some reason, installing any os keeps failing on virt-manager. Any reason why? Vbox doesn't have issues [16:13] most software provides something called "error messages", those can be useful for trouble shooting [16:39] Interesting. import.meta.glob(['@img/test/**.jpg']); // Adds files into Manifest [16:39] Interesting. import.meta.glob(['@img/**.jpg']); // Does not add files into Vite manifest [16:39] The second "interesting" is sure redundant, sorry. [16:40] Does Vite v4 support such as the following in such case?: import.meta.glob(['@img/**.jpg']); [17:07] So, file in '@img/test/test2/file.png' also is not imported using the above. [17:08] It seems like Vite does not support larger depth level than 1? [17:51] I see... [17:52] It should be `@img/**/*.jpg` [18:00] The reason is that, if I am not mistaken, it seems it expects either "slash" or "parent", or else it writes it as value, and in my initial case, `@/img/**.webm`, that would be files literally named `.webm` anywhere in `@/img/`: [18:01] https://i.imgur.com/zs6Ot0a.png [18:02] This is `node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-4d3eff22.js:1250` in Vite version `4.3.8`. === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === karenw_ is now known as karenw [22:49] Hi, currently running 24.10, Can somebody explain what a "refresh" is in Discover updates? Is it just reinstalling the software or are they actual updates? [22:52] sorry i wanted to know when does kubuntu 22.04 support end since ubuntu 22.04 ends in april 2027 ? [22:53] yes, 2027 [22:53] !lts [22:53] LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Noble (Noble Numbat 24.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information. [22:56] ok so kubuntu 22.04 also kubuntu 22.04 will be supported to 2027 ? [22:57] oh wait, kubuntu 22.04 April 2025 [22:57] only server and ubuntu (gnome) for 5 y [22:59] o no...i upgrade for 24.04 the only thing is that I don't like 24.04 very much [23:00] get 24.10 for kde6 [23:01] i need LTS version 24.10 is the end until July 2025 [23:02] 24.04 is lts, next is 26.04 lts [23:02] in between are supported 9 mo [23:03] thanks