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dokomwhudson, athos: yes, the blocklist is a good way for doing that. just needs to get removed at some point07:38
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athosI will sync after the transition is complete then and get that to the blocklist. ;)09:52
athosjbicha: thanks for all the syncs :)09:54
adrienSome people wonder why I got a machine with 64GB of memory. I have plenty of answers but today the reason was to find out that a test in armci-mpi needs at least 33GB of memory to run and doesn't stop on SIGTERM.10:50
Skiacan somebody explain to me why util-linux and shadow are not migrating? I found them in update_output.txt, with a bunch of packages listed, but I can't produce any issue in a container when installing various combinations of those packages with shadow and util-linux coming from proposed. What am I missing?11:02
adrienI tried with the script I mentioned on ubuntu-devel@ a few weeks ago and I found that shadow was fine (this is not a guarantee) but util-linux lead to a conflict with dozens if not hundreds of packages. Did you see the two tied together?11:11
SkiaThe `login` binary package is moving from `src:shadow` to `src:util-linux`, so yes, they are tied together11:12
adrienand I just looked at it and saw that util-linux is blocked by shadow11:12
schopinThe question being, why doesn't it try to migrate both shadow and util-linux in one single transaction?11:15
adrienI'm seeing a fairly wide mess of packages which include pipewire and pulseaudio11:15
ginggsthe britney log shows https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/log/plucky/2025-01-22/10:42:34.log11:44
ginggs> Processing hints from the auto hinter11:44
ginggs>> Skipping auto hinting due to recursion problem11:45
ginggs^ i don't know if this is a problem11:47
Skiano idea :shrug:11:47
ginggsbut i can try manually hinting shadow and util-linux together11:47
SkiaThat was my last resort request, but it seems nobody has a better idea, so I'm fine with that, thanks11:48
ginggsSkia: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu/commit/?id=2a3357bc0e8e611349ad5b4e32ffe908a2fc1ba811:54
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit 2a3357b in ~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu "Hint util-linux and shadow together HEAD devel"11:55
ginggswe should be able to see if that hint worked in https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output_notest.txt11:55
ginggsbefore the real britney run11:55
schopinIs the current file for othe previous run?11:56
ginggsschopin: i think the notest runs are independent11:59
schopinyeah, the thing I actually wanted to know (but oddly danced around) is "when will we know?"12:01
slyonjbicha: any objections against this? https://code.launchpad.net/~slyon/network-manager/+git/network-manager/+merge/47990512:06
ginggsschopin: see update_output_notest.txt12:29
ginggsGenerated on: 2025.01.22 12:09:52 +000012:29
ginggsprevious was12:30
ginggsGenerated on: 2025.01.22 11:39:39 +000012:30
ginggsthe current log has12:30
ginggsTrying hint from ubuntu-release:12:30
schopinYup, and it seems to have succeeded, if I read correctly?12:31
ginggsi don't know :)12:31
sudipginggs: that hint will be difficult, its interlinked with python3.13 also12:32
ginggsat this stage it would complain if one of the items was invalid12:32
Skiathanks ginggs, I'll keep an eye on the situation :-)12:39
schopintsimonq2: if you want something done by an AA, please use the dedicated HL rather than pinging me, you're way more likely to get the attention of someone who actually knows what they're doing.12:41
schopin(re yesterday's stuck builders thing)12:42
schopintsimonq2: Heh, I finally caught up with the backlog. With a bit more context and the fact that you pinged Graham afterwards I'm guessing you pinged me because the rebuild mentions glibc more than anything else. My bad.12:50
schopinFTR, I'm not involved with the tests rebuilds beyond asking for one of them to be against a glibc snapshot. I don't think I have any special access there.12:53
jbichaslyon: no13:00
slyonjbicha: cool! I will upload once the PPA tests look sane13:00
Skiaginggs: yay, the hint worked!13:07
schopinSkia: now let's wait for the bugs ;)13:09
Skiayes, I'm already running apt upgrade on my side, see how it goes13:09
Skiahmm, it's not published yet, I'll have to wait13:11
* sudip thought its going to be a complicated hint13:11
JackFrostslyon: Have you figured out how to address dka's request on the wireguard PR?  I was going to merge next day as noted, but don't feel comfortable just bypassing his remark since he's the primary maintainer.13:12
slyonJackFrost: hey! Yeah, I didn't find the time to split it further down, yet. But have it on my TODO list for today or tomorrow, so hopefully should get there. I can ping you on the smaller MRs once they are ready.13:13
JackFrostEh, I've got very limited time to review until the weekend anyway.13:15
schopin@pilot on13:19
ubottu(pilot <in|out>) -- Set yourself as in or out of patch pilot.13:19
schopin@pilot in13:19
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: schopin
juliankrbasak: Are you going to look into the APT SRUs given that we discussed and agreed the intermediate noble plan or should someone else pick this up?13:56
juliankEverything except noble is um trivial13:58
juliankTrivial in the sense of "rip out the custom binary tree of apt-ftparchive and use a standard one"13:59
juliankWe need the focal one for launchpad :D13:59
guruprasadjuliank, we can't wait to have those fixes available to use soon ;)14:13
juliankah the other fix is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/208784814:23
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2087848 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-ftparchive: More static buffers" [Undecided, Fix Released]14:23
juliankThis has not been SRUed anywhere yet due to the current SRUs being blocked for ages14:23
juliankThere may be more14:23
juliankWe need to get back to a a point where we can do regular apt SRUs14:24
guruprasadYeah, we have 2 apt-ftparchive fixes and one apt fix14:26
juliankAnyway maybe we should actually stuff them in a PPA14:28
juliankcopy it to a launchpad owned PPA14:28
juliankthis will like reduce Contents generations time from hours to seconds14:29
cjwatsondoko,LocutusOfBorg: Looking (very slowly) at process-removals output, I think I can remove llvm-toolchain-16 + spirv-llvm-translator-16 in favour of -17 to reflect Debian removals (-15 is more complicated as there are still some rdeps).  Any objections?14:32
LocutusOfBorgcjwatson, I'm always happy when people ask me to remove llvm-* from release :D14:37
LocutusOfBorgI'm working to have ldc migrated with rdeps, it was on llvm-16 IIRC14:37
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: ldc doesn't show up in reverse-depends14:41
LocutusOfBorgcjwatson, ldc was stick on llvm-17, and some hours ago a new ldc migrated, using llvm-1914:42
LocutusOfBorgmy NCR are to drop it out14:42
LocutusOfBorgwhat is missing for -17 to go away?14:42
cjwatsonNo idea, I haven't looked at that14:42
cjwatsonAnd it's still in Debian so it doesn't show up in process-removals14:43
LocutusOfBorgllvm-15 can go away, just android-platform-art (syncd some seconds ago), and emscripted (blocked due to autopgktest regressions as in Debian)14:45
cjwatsonFeel free to clean up its rdeps but I won't touch it before then14:46
LocutusOfBorgemscripten needs some ubuntu-archive help14:46
LocutusOfBorgfor android, it needs time hopefully14:46
cjwatsonThere's also arguably nvidia-cuda-toolkit for -1514:46
LocutusOfBorgI checked with reverse-depends  -r plucky -b src:llvm-toolchain-1514:47
cjwatsonDepends: massive | list | of | compilers | including | clang-15, but not clang-16 or later14:47
LocutusOfBorgwas my tool incomplete?14:47
cjwatsonYou need to run both with and without -b14:47
cjwatsonAnnoyingly there's nothing that gives you both at once (AIUI)14:47
LocutusOfBorg Depends: nvidia-profiler (= 12.2.131~12.2.1-3), nvidia-cuda-dev (= 12.2.128~12.2.1-3), nvidia-opencl-dev (= 12.2.128~12.2.1-3) | opencl-dev, g++-12 | g++-12 | clang-15 | clang-14 | g++-11 | clang-13 | clang-12 | g++-10 | clang-11 | clang-10 | g++-9 | clang-9 | g++-8 | clang-8 | clang-7 | g++-7 | clang (<< 1:16~) | g++-6, libc6 (>= 2.34), libgcc-s1 (>= 4.2), libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1)14:48
LocutusOfBorglooks like we are happy since g++-12 satisfies it?14:49
cjwatsonFor now I suppose14:49
LocutusOfBorgit is even mentioned *twice* :D14:49
LocutusOfBorgoh, one is default version, so it gets bumped with no change rebuilds14:50
rbasakjuliank: sorry. Someone else will have to pick it up. I hope to continue processing SRUs but I expect I'll only have the capacity for trivial ones. This one unfortunately has non-trivial history now.14:59
juliankrbasak: no worries I'll go bug other people then :D15:00
juliankThis is a perfect opportunity for enr15:00
juliankFor enr0n's training if they look at it together15:01
juliankOh ahasenak isn't on IRC15:06
rbasakI think he's out at the moment.15:10
juliankcomputer says no15:13
juliankwell the calendar :D15:13
enr0njuliank: I'll make note of it for my next training session15:16
juliankrbasak: Could you leave a comment on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/2060721 though to confirm that we did in fact reach the conclusion we reached here?15:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2060721 in apt (Ubuntu Noble) "APT 2.8.4+: Promote weak key warnings to errors" [Undecided, Fix Committed]15:18
juliankrbasak: Oh wait I can just link to irclogs :D15:19
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liushuyuLocutusOfBorg: Are you retrying the ldc builds in Debian for mips64el? I think that might be a known infrastructure issue in Debian, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=109320016:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1093200 in src:linux "Some packages consistently FTBFS with EFAULT (Bad address) on most mips64el buildds" [Serious, Open]16:53
LocutusOfBorgliushuyu, nope, they are not an issue17:02
LocutusOfBorgdebian testing has no mips64el17:02
LocutusOfBorgliushuyu, https://salsa.debian.org/d-team/dh-dlang/-/commit/022148c381f151969645a2694837d5d103dd13bb please check my fix17:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit 022148c in d-team/dh-dlang "Fix tests when ldc2 is not the default compiler"17:03
liushuyuLocutusOfBorg: I think the only D compiler that uses -o instead of -of= is GDC. DMD/GDMD/LDC/LDMD all use -of=17:04
liushuyuso I believe you can simplify your check to just check GDC17:04
liushuyuMy recommendation is to do this https://salsa.debian.org/liushuyu/dh-dlang/-/commit/1546674e7586a050d69b4beec9127d6381d93bab17:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit 1546674 in liushuyu/dh-dlang "d/tests/smoke-test.mk: fix the smoke test with GDC"17:07
liushuyu(or something similar to the effect)17:07
LocutusOfBorgI like it, thanks!uploaded17:29
LocutusOfBorgliushuyu, sigh https://launchpadlibrarian.net/772175551/buildlog_ubuntu-plucky-amd64.glib-d_2.4.3-2build3_BUILDING.txt.gz17:35
liushuyuLocutusOfBorg: Maybe the code generator is broken17:36
enr0n@pilot in18:17
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schopinSkia: my local util-linux upgrade went well, but OTOH I was already running the versions from your PPA so... ;)18:45
dokocjwatson: well, Debian seems to remove dependent packages as well, and sometimes reducing functionality. if nothing else uses a LLVM version, sure, go ahead19:03
tsimonq2schopin: Builders and AAs are separate things ;) but no worries, thanks anyway!19:05
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enr0nEickmeyer: are you working on sorting out the remaining conflicts with ubuntu studio upgrades?20:42
Eickmeyerenr0n: I honestly don't know what's conflicting now.20:48
EickmeyerI was hoping you had an idea.20:48
enr0nI do not. I don't understand half of what these apt solver logs are trying to tell me. I also don't really have time to allocate to digging into it.20:54
Eickmeyerenr0n: Understood. 😞20:54
enr0nThe reason I ask is because I need to push some other u-r-u SRUs forward. I may need to revert that attempted fix for now in order to do so20:55
EickmeyerWell, that attempted fix is *part* of the fix, but not the whole fix unfortunately. I have to leave to run some errands, but I'll try to do some more digging in a while.20:56
enr0nRight, but without verifying the fix, we can't release that patch to -updates. But sounds good o/20:58
Eickmeyerenr0n: So, hold on to the patch, but go ahead and revert to get the other SRUs forward. Maybe we can recruit juliank to look at it as he's, like, the apt guru?21:00
enr0nEickmeyer: sounds good. And yeah, u-r-u is managed with git, so the history will remain21:01
enr0nthanks for understanding21:01
Eickmeyerenr0n: No worries. I just know the clock is ticking and the community is getting restless.21:04
cjwatsondoko: I checked for rdeps before asking, of course21:51
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tsimonq2mwhudson: Is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/1.22.11ubuntu4 something that may need to be SRUed?23:57
tsimonq2Especially in the context of an ongoing Oracular rebuild.23:57

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