
rfmhid3, after some poking around, the way to do what you first asked for (display /etc/motd above the dynamic stuff, not below) is to swap the order of the two pam_motd.so lines in /etc/pam.d/login and /etc/pam.d/sshd01:58
rfmhid3, or, get rid of the second (noupdate) line completely and make the remaining line "session optional pam_motd.so motd=/etc/motd:/run/motd.dynamic"02:06
NeilRGwhat program does ubuntu use to play things from my bluetooth headphones?02:31
NeilRGpulseaudio doesn't seem to be installed02:31
Guest0on newer versions02:32
Guest0on older should be pulseaudio02:32
NeilRGthank you!02:32
Guest0i'm not sure02:32
NeilRGis there a way to disable suspend on pipewire?02:32
NeilRGthe suspend never seems to resume for me and I have to reconnect my headphones every time02:32
Guest0when you resume suspend the bluetooth doesnt connect again?02:32
Guest0On what version are you?02:33
NeilRGof ubuntu?02:33
NeilRG22.04 I think02:33
Guest0yeah yeah02:34
Guest0you dont have problems resuming from suspend?02:34
NeilRGwell, the headphones stop playing sound02:35
NeilRGso they're not resuming02:35
NeilRGeven though they're still connected02:35
NeilRGI'm thinking of doing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/1cb1juo/i_cant_stop_pipewire_from_suspending_my_speakers/02:35
Guest0the music stops?02:35
NeilRGI mean, if I stop the music for a while02:35
NeilRGwhen I restart the music, no sound plays02:35
NeilRGI have to disconnect and reconnect headphones02:35
Guest0you dont have sound?02:36
NeilRGjust what I said02:36
yegorcdoes it work with wired headphones?02:37
NeilRGI don't know, I don't have any02:38
Guest0laptop speakers, desktop speakers?02:38
Guest0hdmi, displayport??02:38
NeilRGmy headphones are bluetooth02:38
Guest0do you have any wired or internal sound that you can test with it02:39
NeilRGI guess I could find a wire and plug in these headhpones02:39
NeilRGwhat am I tgrying to figure out?02:39
NeilRGoh hold on02:40
NeilRGI have speakers02:40
Guest0if it is a issue with the bluetooth daemon or the pipewire02:40
NeilRGand yes the speakers always play02:40
NeilRGhmm, I did systemctl --user restart pipewire.service02:40
NeilRGand now there's no sound02:40
NeilRGdid I do something wrong?02:40
Guest0 systemctl status bluetooth02:40
Guest0share this after02:40
Guest0doing that02:40
Guest0that gives you the issue02:41
yegorcNeilRG: you said bluetooth is still connected after wake?02:42
NeilRGyegorc, yes02:42
NeilRGnot sure what you mean by wake02:42
NeilRGI mean the suspension of audio02:42
NeilRGnot any other kind of suspension02:42
NeilRGnot like the machine is going to sleep or anything02:42
Guest0hmmmm i dont know, maybe you could try updating to a newer versioon of ubuntu02:42
Guest024.04 lts02:43
NeilRGwait, how do I check what i have?02:43
Guest0cat /etc/issue02:43
NeilRGI'm probably on latest because I upgrade regularly02:43
NeilRGyeah 24.04.1 LTS02:43
enigma9o7I would check power saving settings, see if anything related to bluetooth.02:43
NeilRGenigma9o7, I'm sure it is02:43
NeilRGI just want to disable the suspension02:43
yegorci think tlp might have something like that02:44
NeilRGdon't need that feature02:44
enigma9o7That's the latest LTS, not the latest Ubuntu, fyi.02:44
NeilRGwhat is tlp?02:44
Guest0the suspesion from pipewire02:44
enigma9o7And if this worked better for you on pulseaudio, you can always revert to pulseaudio just by installing the package.02:44
yegorcidk if ubuntu uses tlp02:44
NeilRGI'm going to restart the machine02:44
Guest0not by default02:44
NeilRGthanks for the help, all02:44
Guest0ubuntu uses by default power-profiles-daemon02:45
Guest0about that02:45
Guest0can i ask help for compiling with gcc02:45
Guest0i think its out of topic02:45
yegorc#c may be more helpful02:46
Guest0yeah it's asking for nickserv02:46
Guest0don't want to register thought02:46
yegorcwhy not02:46
Guest0i never use irc02:47
angelkdeI use kubuntu 22.04 and is it possible that unlike ubuntu it has only 3 years of support ?02:47
Guest0and beacuse im lazy02:47
Guest0official Ubuntu flavors have the same support as the official Ubuntu distro02:48
Guest022.04 is lts02:48
Guest05 years of support02:48
Guest0up to 10 years of support with ubuntu pro on LTS02:48
Guest0free for 5 machines, personal use02:48
enigma9o7angelkde, yes and no.02:49
enigma9o7angelkde, you still get all the updates to ubuntu repos that everyone else gets02:49
NeilRGokay I'm back, the sound is back02:49
NeilRGnot sure what I should try02:49
enigma9o7but ubuntu themselves dont maintain kubuntu specific stuff, thats community maintained02:49
Guest0what did you do?02:49
NeilRGjust restarted02:49
angelkdeGuest0:  from the kubuntu official page I see that it is supported until April 202502:49
NeilRGnormally  just disconnect reconnect fixes it02:49
Guest0this time not?02:50
enigma9o7so whatever they do may be different than regular ubuntu.02:50
Guest0Jan 21 21:37:39 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:37:54 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: Failed to disconnect device: Disconnected (0x0e)02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:37:56 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:38:30 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Start: Connection timed out (110)02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:39:16 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:40:23 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: Failed to disconnect device: Disconnected (0x0e)02:52
NeilRGGuest0, this time I did a restart of the pipewire, and then couldn't recover02:53
NeilRGGuest0, why did you paste that?  should I be doing anything about those errors?02:54
Guest0i don't know, never had issues with pipewire and bluetooth02:54
NeilRGok thanks for your help02:54
Guest0i think i'm no longer of much help to you, sorry02:54
NeilRGthat's okay, thanks for trying02:55
Guest0thanks for being nice02:55
Guest0find how to find the logs for pipewire and bluetoothd bluez, etc02:56
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osseI need to cross compile some stuff. To that end I have added the ports-ubuntu.com repos. When I "sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev:arm64" apt wants to uninstall A LOT of packages, like ubuntu-minimal and xorg. How do I avoid this?04:32
osseI suppose I need to install them with some sort prefix, perhaps. Otherwise they conflict (?)04:34
enigma9o7probably the wrong answer, but you could apt download then sudo dpkg -i04:41
enigma9o7that would likely work til you needed to use apt04:42
osseenigma9o7: thanks, I explored that route. I think I would need to dpkg --root or something like that. But  anyway I think perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way05:00
Basem13Can someone tell me what does this mean: Device Security Report05:24
Basem13Report details05:24
Basem13  Date generated:                                  2025-01-22 09:21:2605:24
Basem13  fwupd version:                                   1.9.2705:24
Basem13System details05:24
oemhi, any one there?05:44
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poloive been hearing python has trouble with apt ?08:22
pololike for some python stuff its better to use pip308:24
polothan apt08:24
poloeven if they exist on apt08:24
oerheksno, not true.08:25
oerhekssome even claim to use pipx over pip3, also not true.08:26
poloi thought pip3 didnt remove dependencies08:27
polowhen you remove something08:27
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paul424ubuntu 24: how to reinstall and leave the home partition intact  ... :)10:22
paul424seems that is not an option with the newest Ubuntu ....10:22
paul424I have all partitions on one hdd10:22
paul424I just want to preserve the /home partition : the most default scenario for an installer. If the actual one doesn't cover that , then congratulations on creating another usage antipattern10:26
dersteerso you have it all in one partition?10:31
paul424no / is separate partition and /home is a separate partition10:32
dersteerI guess I shouldn't answer as I haven't used the newest ubuntu however I just did the whole manual partition thing while installing10:32
dersteerit doesn't offer you manual partitioning?10:33
paul424Yes, but it's somehow also screwed10:33
dersteer??  doesn't allow you to select an existing partition and give it a mount point?10:34
paul424seems so .... I mean I can select the existing partition but when I want to give it to a mount point IT marks it as "to be formatted " no matter what10:35
paul424I really have to go by now10:35
vltpolo: These are two different things. There’s an ecosystem of packages and their dependencies on your Ubuntu system that is managed by apt. If you manipulate the files it has installed, you introduce trouble.  pip installs Python packages, yes, but preferably into a separate virtual environment.10:38
vltpolo: Python has the venv module to create these. Doing this allows you to simultaneously work with different version of packages and even different Python interpreters.10:39
vltpolo: For the latter, have look at "pyenv" (or let "uv" run all of this).10:40
kmikita"Package null was not found in the pkg-config search path."10:56
kmikitaWhere to find "null" src?10:56
ravageyou can copy/paste it here -> ""10:57
kmikitagoogle operate null as boolean )10:57
kmikitawhere is libnull repo?11:04
mgedminis there really a library called 'libnull'?  or was that a build configuration error?11:06
oerheks!find libnull11:08
ubottuFile libnull found in alsaplayer-common, liberasurecode-dev, liberasurecode1, openjdk-21-testsupport, qmmp, vcmi11:08
kmikitagtk+-3.0.pc requires "null >= 2.35.1"11:11
mgedminalsaplayer has libnull_out.so, liberasurecode has a libnullcode.so, only qmmp has a libnull.so (located in a directory called plugins/Output, so not a general purpose library)11:12
mgedminon my system /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/gtk+-3.0.pc does not contain the string 'null'11:13
mgedminit does have atk >= 2.35.111:13
mgedminwhich is a surprisingly similar version constraint11:13
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kmikitamgedmin, ok, I'll try to rename null -> atk11:16
mgedminyou should not be editing .pc files by hand11:17
mgedminhow did you end up in this situation?11:18
kmikitamgedmin, it is gtk3 from source build11:19
kmikitanot deb-package11:19
mgedmindid gtk3 use meson already?11:27
mgedminit feels like one part of the build configuration tried to turn off use of atk by defining some variable to be null, but some other part got confused and thought 'null' was a dependency name11:28
mgedminnot really on-topic for ubuntu11:28
kmikitamgedmin, thanks for help! Yes, it is not ubuntu topic. But the best people are here. And I once saw this null.pc in my /usr/local.11:37
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centAt Ubuntu 22.04 I want to disable unattended-upgrades in favor of crontab control.11:46
centWhat services do I have to disable besides "unattended-upgrades"?11:47
centapt-daily.timer for example?11:47
mgedminI would set APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0"; in some file numerically after /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades11:49
mgedmin(possibly also APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0"; if you want to save network bandwidth)11:50
mgedminaccording to /usr/share/doc/unattended-upgrades/README.md.gz, the official way of disabling it is interactively with sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades11:52
centmgedmin, But would that work to call the unattended-upgrades from cron instead?11:53
centFor there is the unattended-upgrades service as well.11:53
mgedmingood question, I don't know11:53
centI disabled the service and left all set to "1" in the configs.11:54
centI'll see if there will be an entry in the unattended-upgrades.log file tomorrow.11:54
mgedminyou can check what apt-daily does, it's a script in /usr/lib/apt/apt.systemd.daily11:55
centCorrect. Just heading that way :)11:55
paul424oki I am back with my problem , what shell I do ? '11:55
paul424During Ubuntu 24 LTS install  I can select the existing partition but when I want to give it to a mount point IT marks it as "to be formatted " no matter what11:56
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paul42424 LTS is much more D i f f r e n t then 20 LTS12:06
lotuspsychjepaul424: its possible that the new installer has still bugs at the moment12:10
lotuspsychjepaul424: checkout some current bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=012:10
paul424lotuspsychje, hi, but it doesn't list my problem...12:14
paul424so which version I should look forward to ?12:14
imranздравствуйте, у меня почему-то не работает open vpn на lubuntu12:26
BluesKajHi all13:02
zaggynlWhat could cause an ubuntu host not being reachable by hostname after changing its hostname via hostnamectl hostname <hostnamehere>14:53
JanCwhat do you mean by "not reachable by hostname"?14:56
RayTracerguess: nothing updated your DNS14:58
pragmaticenigmazaggynl: If you're trying to reach it via Windows File Share you may need to restart your samba instance. If it's zeroconf, it will take some time for the changes to be picked up by other machines. Same for any DNS, if anything has a cached entry, it will have to wait for the time-to-live to expire (usually 15 minutes)15:02
JanCnot to mention all sorts of other caches or conflicts :)15:12
pragmaticenigmawhen in doubt... first step, reboot the machine you changed the configuration... then reboot the rest15:15
JanCwell, you *can* try to figure out why it doesn't work and try to find some other solution for the future (it might or might not be possible)15:42
dragonmaster"can't reach host by name after changing its name" does narrow things down a bit.15:48
pragmaticenigmadragonmaster: only if you're assuming they didn't try their new one... let's give them the benefit of the doubt they didn't forget to use the new name.15:51
dragonmasterI hadn't even considered that15:51
dragonmasterperhaps I worded it badly.  I'm just suggesting that whatever resolver is used in this situation needs reconfigured when a name changes15:52
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zaggynlthanks pragmaticenigma15:59
zaggynlyes dns lagging behind,  it's reachable now15:59
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oem_hello everybody16:27
vltzaggynl: I often change the hostname of a machine just booted from USB that gets its IP address via DHCP. `hostnamectl hostname <newname>; systemctl restart networking.service` is usually enough to instantly update the DNS as well.17:07
enigma9o7I have enabled the gnome setting to disable touchpad while typing.  How would I increase the amount of time before it turns back on?17:19
enigma9o7(I sometimes pause while typing and bump it and messes things up, etc, I'd like to experiment with increasing that time signnificantly, to like 5 or more seconds, to see if it causes me less problems.)17:20
zaggynlI did do a reboot after the hostname change, I'm thinking it something at the network17:25
enigma9o7the solutions I can find by web searching so far all require the use of "syndaemon" to set the time which is not used anymore in current versions of ubuntu, i.e. "-i 120" for 120 seconds.17:28
janisozaurhi, SDL3 has been released, what are the chances of seeing this new version available in 24.04 repositories?17:32
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ravageabout zero17:41
renergyisn't the volume adjust - two finger scroll on speaker icon - reversed?17:43
renergyup should be more imo, down less - and it is vice versa17:43
renergyguess this is the gnome default, but it is counterintuitive17:44
renergyscroll up = volume up would be17:44
enigma9o7i agree renergy17:48
enigma9o7up should be volume up17:48
enigma9o7but cool, didnt know 2 finger scroll worked there17:49
renergyit's the default of "natural scrolling", which reverses the scrolling direction17:49
renergysorry "traditional"17:49
enigma9o7even cooler it works without clicking it open first, TIL17:49
enigma9o7right and left should work but they dont17:50
enigma9o7since its actually oriented right and left17:50
enigma9o7they make it pop up, but wont adjust it17:50
renergysettings/mouse and touchpad/touchpad/scroll direction17:51
renergyby default it's "natural" = scrolling moves the content17:52
enigma9o7yeah but that changes everything not just the volume17:52
renergysensible default btw17:52
renergyenigma9o7: yeah17:52
renergyactually: in settings, the impression of the label is you are setting something for scrolling windows only17:56
renergywhile in effect the settings reverses the scroll direction globally17:57
renergywhich effects volume too17:57
renergyenigma9o7: this has been here since mouse wheel scrolling, two finger scroll is just alternative to mousewheel17:58
renergythis=volume change while hovering over17:58
renergyand scrolling17:58
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renergylong known bug actually https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-shell/+bug/173867618:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1738676 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "With natural scrolling, horizontal sliders behave backwards" [Low, Triaged]18:15
dragonmaster!seen any118:57
ubottuI have no seen command18:57
dragonmasterconsider asking a different question18:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:59
lennypleasecalmdI'm using lubuntu, how do I disable the "you're using default monitor settings" message?19:13
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oerhekswhere do you get that message? https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.10/monitor_settings.html?highlight=settings19:16
lennypleasecalmdit's popping on the right top corner of my screen19:18
oerheksno clue, you might want to reask in #lubuntu too19:22
weSthi everyone20:33
weStis there anyone there20:33
weSthi dude20:34
weSti am new user ubuntu20:34
weSti want to install hyprland20:34
weStcan you help me please20:34
weSti live hyprland design20:34
weStthank you so much20:35
oerhekshttps://github.com/JaKooLit/Ubuntu-Hyprland for 24.04 lts20:35
dragonmasterthe hyprland documentation suggests that ubuntu is a poor choice for running hyprland20:36
weSti tried it but failed20:36
weSti need help please20:36
oerhekssee the last part, there are issues not solvable20:36
dragonmaster"However, since Hyprland is extremely bleeding-edge, distros like Pop!_OS, Ubuntu, etc. might have major issues running Hyprland."20:37
oerheksgood luck20:37
dragonmasterYou should probably choose one of the more supported distros20:37
weStmy lattop is old20:38
weStits 2014 model20:38
dragonmasterAttempting to run bleeding edge software on 10-year-old hardware may be a challenge20:38
weStthank you so much celeo20:38
weSti will check it now20:38
dragonmasterYes, checking the documentation of the thing you're attempting to use is a good 1st step20:39
weSthey friends20:41
weStwhat do they use for windows20:41
oerheksthey? windows?20:42
weStlike hyprland20:42
oerhekssee the wiki Celeo posted?20:42
weSti am installing now20:42
weStsudo apt-get install -y meson wget build-essential ninja-build cmake-extras cmake gettext gettext-base fontconfig libfontconfig-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev libdrm-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libxkbregistry-dev libxkbcommon-dev libpixman-1-dev libudev-dev libseat-dev seatd libxcb-dri3-dev libegl-dev libgles2 libegl1-mesa-dev glslang-tools libinput-bin libinput-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libxcb-ewmh2 libxcb-ewmh-dev20:42
weStlibxcb-present-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-render-util0-dev libxcb-res0-dev libxcb-xinput-dev libtomlplusplus320:42
weSti installed now20:42
weSti am so happy because i am at ubuntu anymore20:43
weSti love linux life20:43
oerheksa youtube url without saying why we should watch it?20:44
weStthello again20:49
weStti installed hyprland but still same no display20:53
weSttxorg and xorg ubuntu20:54
weSttdo you use hyprland20:54
gordonjcpwhat is hyprland20:54
weStttiling window manager20:55
gordonjcpthen no20:56
dragonmasterIt's a window manager whose own documentation suggests that if you attempt to run it on ubuntu you will have problems.20:56
gordonjcpI don't use any tiling window managers, they're stupid20:56
oerheksonly supported in oracular20:56
oerheksgood luck20:56
gordonjcpthey were stupid 30 years ago and they're stupid now20:57
oerhekstheir wiki gave you a clue20:57
gordonjcpwe have hardware accelerated pixbufs now that you just render a window to and allow the graphics chipset to blit it to wherever it's needed20:57
gordonjcpyou don't even need to keep track of what's under the window any more20:57
gordonjcptiling WMs are so so so obsolete20:58
gordonjcplike, I don't know, maybe you're running Linux on an early-90s Sun workstation or something that only has a dumb framebuffer, I don't know your life20:58
oerheksthey dont have a irc channel20:59
CeleoI don't mind tiling WMs when I'm working *just* on tech projects, but as soon as I want to do just generic stuff I definitely prefer the "normal" setup20:59
oerheksinstall 24.10, and add hyprland from the repos21:00
weSttthank you so much for help friends21:01
gordonjcpCeleo: I think I am too neurodiverse to have a mind that can cope with just sticking things on a grid, plus I remember tiling WMs from when they were the only WMs and I hated them back then21:01
weSttpavlos i am watching your link now21:01
Celeohaha totally fair21:01
Celeomeanwhile whenever I use Mac I have to install something like Rectangle so I can get my windows properly positioned21:02
weSttalso what do you use for irc app21:02
weStti found hexchat21:02
gordonjcpweStt: irssi running in screen in a server somewhere21:02
gordonjcpmeans I can do this, watch21:02
oerhekshexchat is old, unsupported ( no updates)21:02
CeleoI'm on hexchat personally; sometimes I'll run a bouncer on a server. Have thought about making a TUI IRC client as a fun side project.21:03
dragonmasters/irssi/weechat/ for me21:03
gordonjcpweStt: see? I just rebooted my desktop21:03
gordonjcpwatch this21:03
weSttand where are you from friends21:03
dragonmasteroui.  weechat21:03
oerheksfrom ipv621:03
weStti will download it now21:03
dragonmasterI am from earth21:03
gordonjcpweStt: okay now I'm in the shed, but you didn't even see me change connection21:03
weSttgordon wait please21:04
dragonmastergordonjcp: you were misbehaving and are relegated to the shed?21:04
weSttmy english is bad sorry21:04
dragonmasteryour english is fine21:05
weSttahaha thank you so much21:05
weStti am from turkey21:06
weSttgreetings from turkey21:06
weStti am watching real madrid - salzburg matches now21:06
weStti found it from repo dragonmaster21:07
weSttthank you so much for weechat21:07
dragonmasterhexchat is a fine client but I usually use IRC remotely, so I need a text-based client21:08
weSttactually i love mirc but there is no support for linux21:09
weSttsince i am joining servers in 200121:09
weStti installed weechat but there is no inside apps21:11
weSttwhere is it21:11
weSttsudo apt install weechat and no problem21:12
ravageterminal tools are not in the app list21:12
dragonmasterjust type weechat in the terminal21:12
weStthow can i call it21:12
leftyfbweStt: you type "weechat" in a terminal and hit enter21:13
weSttahaha very interesting21:13
weSttwhat is that command21:14
weSttfor connect any server21:14
leftyfbweStt: https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html21:14
weSttthank you so much leftyfb21:21
weStthow can i change port21:21
pragmaticenigmachange what port?21:22
leftyfbweStt: https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html21:22
weSttfor example21:23
pragmaticenigmaweStt: that doesn't help explain anything21:23
weSttbeacause other server port is different from default port number21:23
leftyfbweStt: https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html#command_irc_server21:23
leftyfbweStt: please read the documentation21:24
weSttleftyfb you are great21:29
weStti love you21:29
weStteverything is ok but its dont connect server21:33
weSttcan you help me21:33
tomreynis there an error message (which)?21:34
weStterror says: address didnt find21:34
weSttbut there is21:34
weSttaddress is true21:35
tomreynhow did you configure it?21:35
weSttfirst added it21:35
tomreynuse a pastebin when sharing multiple lines21:35
weSttafter i call it21:35
weSttof course one sec please21:35
dragonmasterafter you add then you connect:   /connect geveze21:39
weSttbut its dont connect21:40
xploreU/server del geveze21:41
xploreU/server add geveze irc.geveze.org/666721:41
xploreU/connect geveze21:41
xploreUant there you go weStt21:41
tomreynthere should be no need to specify the port, though, sinc ethis is the default plain text (non-tls) port.21:44
weSttirc: Hata: An unexpected TLS packet was received.21:48
xploreUTLS on port 6667?21:49
xploreUwait testing on geveze to see21:50
weStti tried like you said21:50
weSttthank you so much21:50
xploreUyeah is "on" per default now21:52
xploreU/set irc.server.geveze.tls off21:52
xploreUand the connect21:52
weSttwait please21:53
weSttoh no21:54
weStti got zlined21:54
rkvou heckear todos21:59
weStthow can i enter nickname password xploreU21:59
xploreUyou'd better ask on #weechat weStt, we're on #ubuntu support chan weStt22:01
xploreUyou can /set *geveze* to list all geveze related options22:02
pragmaticenigmaif you want them to move to a different support channel for additional help, kind need to stop helping them here22:02
weSttthank you so much22:02
weSttyou are great22:03
weSttalso is there whatsapp in ubuntu22:04
pragmaticenigmaweStt: there is not22:04
pragmaticenigmaat least not one that I'm aware of22:04
pragmaticenigmaor officially sanctioned22:04
pragmaticenigmaweStt: or are you asking if there is a whatsapp program?22:05
weSttyes you are right22:05
weStti need whatsapp app22:05
weSttor i will try web whatsapp22:06
pragmaticenigmaweStt: there isn't one that is officially supported or offered. the web page for whatsapp would be the safest way to connect to that service22:06
weStti am new user in ubuntu sorry for questions22:06
weSttfirst time i am trying linux world22:07
CeleoI'm enjoying Halloy now, thanks for the recommendation22:07
weStti tried it but its fail22:08
pragmaticenigmaweStt: I wouldn't recommend using programs that aren't officially offered or recommended by the whatsapp. (same for any other online services.)22:09
weSttthanks a lot22:09
oerhekswhatsapp 🤭22:10
NoImNotNineVoltyou can run an android emulator and then run whatsapp in there22:10
oerheksyou cannot connect to #ubuntu with whatsapp, nor telegram22:12
oerheksif it can, i leave22:12
enigma9o7whatsapp doesn't support irc?  wtf?22:12
oerheksno bridge here22:12
enigma9o7well yeah i assumed it had native built in irc support22:13
enigma9o7anyway there are whatsapp clients in snap store22:15
enigma9o7https://github.com/xeco23/WasIstLos for example22:15
oerheks#kubuntu has this telegram bridge, i ignore them22:15
weSttthank you NoImNotNineVolt22:15
enigma9o7It would be a lot simpler to just search the gui app store for "whatsapp" and pick one of those clients....22:17
enigma9o7afaik there are no android emulators for linux, the closest thing is waydroid, and although that's pretty damn cool and I use it myself, its not in ubuntu repos, and its sometimes tricky to get stuff working as desired, its not as simple as you might imagine.22:18
weStti will try hyprland again now22:19
oerheksuse it on you phone22:19
weSttwhat do you use tiling window22:19
oerheksnope, i use gnome22:20
enigma9o7no, using it on your phone would be a hassle22:20
enigma9o7unless its really old, it likely doesn't have a keyboard22:20
oerheksnokia 3310?22:20
enigma9o7i guess there's that ummm scrcpy whatever it is that puts your phone screen on your desktop, havent used that in years, as a way to use your phone with your computer....22:20
weSttstill its alive?22:21
oerhekswhy not?22:22
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weSttgnome kde xfce22:26
weSttare there any tili window more?22:26
yegorci3wm is good22:26
yegorconly takes a few days to get used to22:27
weSttfirst time i heard i3wm22:27
yegorcit's for more technical people22:27
weSttwaow like arch linux?22:28
oerheksdo some research for tiling, bing it22:28
weStthow long do you use for linux?22:29
enigma9o7its the future man22:29
yegorcarch linux is for people who know how to fix weird bugs in their garbage os but don't actually know what to use it for22:29
oerheksrolling release hell .. we are gratefull for their findings22:29
leftyfblets please stay on topic here22:30
enigma9o7and their wiki :)22:30
leftyfbweStt: feel free to chat about non-support issues in #ubuntu-offtopic22:30
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!22:30
weSttif i have mistake22:30
weSttsorry guys22:31
weStti am not disrespectful person22:31
weStti need cmake upgrade how can i do22:59
yegorcupdate the cmake package?23:00
weSttfor hyprland23:00
weStti will apply make all && sudo make install command23:01
oerheksinstall 24.10, and add hyprland from the repos23:01
oerheksgood luck23:01
weStti download it but i cant apply make command23:01
yegorcit's in the universe repo23:01
yegorcsudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y hyprland23:02
weSttCMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1 (cmake_minimum_required):23:02
weStt  CMake 3.30 or higher is required.  You are running version 3.28.323:02
oerheks24.10 only23:02
oerheksnot 24.04 lts23:02
yegorcoh ok23:02
oerhekshe does not read nor listen23:03
enigma9o7is there 24.04 to 24.10 upgrade path?23:03
weSttwhat is the different23:03
oerheksenigma9o7, yes23:03
weSttlts or other23:03
yegorcdid you install the build depends?23:03
oerheksset not lts, and go23:03
weStti downloaded hyprland23:03
enigma9o7sounds like there's your solution, upgrade to new version of ubuntu and install hyprland from official ubuntu repo.23:04
weSttCMake (recommended)23:04
weSttgit clone --recursive https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland23:04
weSttcd Hyprland23:04
weSttmake all && sudo make install23:04
weStt, am here23:04
weStti am here23:04
enigma9o724.04lts isnt new enough to even build it, due to older cmake version23:04
oerheksread their wiki23:04
pragmaticenigmaweStt: You cannot build it, you are not reading the instructions... ALWAYS read the instruction top to bottom before doing anything!23:04
oerheksweStt, stop doing that23:04
yegorchyprland is for arch users, it's got built in anime wallpapers; if you're using ubuntu you probably won't like it23:05
weStthyprland isnt for ubuntu?23:05
weStti dont know sorry23:05
yegorcyou can run it23:05
oerheksnot for 24.0423:05
enigma9o7It is from universe repo.  That means its basically maintained by debian but available for your using pleasure.23:06
weStti am new user sorry guys23:06
enigma9o7But its not supported by Ubuntu in the same way.23:06
yegorci thought universe was an ubuntu thing, not debian23:07
pragmaticenigmaweStt: Maybe just try using Ubuntu as you have it already installed for awhile. get comfortable with is alreayd on your system before you go and expirement with a bunch of stuff.23:07
weStti love hyprland design thats why i want to install it but i am failed sorry guys23:08
yegorchow often do you use the terminal23:09
enigma9o7stuff in ubuntu's main is supported by canoncical.  stuff in ubuntu's universe are "community maintained" in some way.23:09
enigma9o7I never close it.23:09
yegorctrick question, anyone who would use a tiling wm has more than one23:10
weStti like hacker tiling window can you recommend different tiling window manager23:11
yegorci wouldn't recommend it until you know what this symbol does: |23:11
weSttwhat do you mean23:12
yegorcyou failed 😔23:12
weSttahaha yes23:12
oerhekshacker.. i ignore you now23:12
weSttgood luck dude23:13
enigma9o7westt: sudo apt install sway23:13
weSttsway ?23:13
enigma9o7its similar to i323:13
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weSttwait please23:13
weSttok i installed it23:14
weSttthats it?23:14
enigma9o7and completely intuitive, you'll have zero issues23:14
yegorcyou can now log out and it'll show up in your display manager23:15
enigma9o7logout, login to it23:15
enigma9o7you will have to read docs to use it23:16
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yegorci didn't read docs, i just read the config, intuitive23:22
yegorche's probably trying to figure out how to leave rn23:23
enigma9o7if you've never used i3, you would have no idea what to even press to get a terminal etc23:24
Muligangood afternoon y'all, having an issue with an ubuntu 16.04lts VM running 4.4.0-210-generic x86_64 on VMware vSphere.  The issue I'm having is migrating it from an intel based host to an AMD based host, and upon startup, it won't boot up fully.  Gets to detecting new hardware, from the looks of it the USB controller, and then just stalls out.  Any suggestions?23:24
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:24
enigma9o7it is bare sway, no swaybar, nothing, and mouse wont do anything, so they're likely stuck scratching their head :)23:24
enigma9o7hopefully smart enough to at least get to tty23:24
leftyfbMuligan: 16.04 is no longer supported. Your next step is to upgrade to a supported release like 22.04 or 24.0423:24
Muliganoerheks, yeop, some legacy DB that needs migrated to new hardware23:24
yegorciirc ubuntu logs out when you run ctrl-alt-f123:24
oerhekscopy them, reinstall, copy back23:25
yegorc(that means everyone on this channel should try it)23:25
Muliganleftyfb, understood, upgrading to 18.04 kills this php based site, just trying to migrate as is23:25
oerheks22.40 or 24.0423:25
leftyfbMuligan: 18.04 is EOL as well23:25
Muliganall of this I'm fully aware23:25
leftyfbMilencho: if this is a server for a business, you can seek paid support for your EOL release from Canonical. We cannot be expected to support EOL releases23:25
leftyfbMilencho: good luck23:26
Muliganyea, good luck Milencho23:26
oerhekswhat has 'intel based host to an AMD based host' to do with DB?23:26
leftyfbMuligan: good luck23:26
weSt_are you there enigma9o723:26
Muliganoerheks, zero, zilp, nadda, it's the guest OS version that's preventing this VM from being migrated23:27
oerheksexport db23:27
MuliganI'm not the DB admin here, more so infrastructure, I've migrated quite a number of existing ubuntu EOL VMs, including the same kernel version that's running on this currently23:28
yegorcweSt_ i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html23:28
yegorcread this in its entiret23:28
weSt_yegorc dude23:28
weSt_i installed for sway23:28
weSt_and i got screen no problem23:28
yegorcit's mostly the same23:28
weSt_but there are no apps anywhere ahaha23:28
yegorcare you using sway as we speak23:28
weSt_i am looking empty screen23:28
yegorcok, look, you use alt+d or super+d to open dmenu23:29
yegorcthat's how you open apps23:29
weSt_wait please23:29
yegorcor waysomethingmenu23:29
weSt_i will try it23:29
weSt_session end23:29
weSt_yegorc, are you yhere23:41
weSt_what did you say for tiling window23:42
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yegorcsway is basically a port of i323:43
yegorcso it operates very similaryly23:43
weSt_how will i install it?23:43
enigma9o7for now, start a terminal (look up the keyboard commands for i3 or sway, the same defaults)23:44
enigma9o7you probably want to install a runner app, maybe swaybar, etc.  but ubuntu doesnt set it up for you.  youg otta do all that yourself.23:44
weSt_i installed sway but its so difficult beacause i cant see anything23:44
weSt_i tried all keyboard23:44
yegorcor super23:44
weSt_but no action23:45
enigma9o7ijust said, look up i3/sway keyboard commands23:45
yegorci will NOT call it the windows key23:45
enigma9o7you need to know them all to use a tiling window manager23:45
enigma9o7its keyboard driven, not mouse23:45
weSt_if there any document about this23:45
enigma9o7cal it whatever you want, most people have windows keyboards with windows key23:45
weSt_also can i install all linux distro?23:46
yegorcat the same time? no, only i can.23:46
leftyfbweSt_: /join #linux23:46
weSt_wait i will try sway again23:47
weSt_i like it23:47
yegorchere's a tour23:47
yegorche doesn't give instructions though23:47
weSt_you are wonderful23:47
weSt_thank you so much23:47
weSt_i thankful you23:49
yegorcglad i could helpful you23:50
weSt_linux life baby23:50
weSt_i love ubuntu23:50
yegorcubuntu is windows with a skin23:51
leftyfbyegorc: lets not23:51
weSt_do you use sway now?23:51
yegorci use i323:52
weSt_sway looks like hack theme23:52
weSt_you are controller with keyboard everything so nice23:53
oerhekssudo or not to sudo23:53
pragmaticenigma!ot | weSt_23:53
ubottuweSt_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:53
weSt_sway isnt ubuntu? what i say23:54
yegorcit's not support now23:54
weSt_everything is forbidden thats why here is looks like library silence23:54
pragmaticenigmaweSt_: You're not conversing about anything related to support. If you want to discuss your enjoyment of using Sway, do so in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel please.23:54
weSt_ok i shut up sorry23:55
pragmaticenigmaweSt_: You've had said that several times, might I recommend you /part this channel and /join #ubuntu-offtopic to avoid the temptation23:55

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