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Skiaschopin: yes, same for me, the upgrade went well, but was a no-op :-)08:29
SkiaI am not sure the link to this discussion has been posted here, but it would be interesting for people to know: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2025-January/043224.html08:31
SkiaTL;DR: a move to Matrix seems well engaged08:31
sudipjbicha: gst-plugins-bad1.0 will need another merge please, I was looking into it, but Debian has disabled directfb support. not sure if its needed in Ubuntu or can be removed.12:01
bdrung@pilot in12:03
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: bdrung, schopin, enr0n
slyonJackFrost: FYI: I've now split the WireGuard testing MR into smaller pieces, as requested by dkg: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/wireguard/-/merge_requests/8#note_57543212:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 8 in debian/wireguard "New DEP8 and build-time tests" [Opened]12:06
JackFrostI saw the IRC commits/prs yeah.  9-11 seem the most important to me.12:13
cjwatsonRemoved LLVM 16 from plucky, as discussed yesterday12:21
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enr0n@pilot out15:46
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: bdrung, schopin
schopin@pilot out15:49
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bdrung@pilot out16:01
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* bdrung left the plane (with a parachute) as last pilot :D16:02
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sudipadrien: I didn't know you were +1 today, I have a request for next +1, do you know who it will be? little busy with some horrible bug in $dayjob so not getting time to check the problem myself.17:11
adriensudip: well, I'll also be on +1 tomorrow; I'm mostly going to try to finish stuff I've started however; next week it will be liushuyu but I don't know if he already has plans17:14
sudipahh.. ok.. no problem, I think liushuyu is already in the middle of lots of D and rust. :)17:18
jbichasudip: I'm working through gstreamer. May take a few days.17:36
Trevinhojuliank: hey, shouldn't now dh-cargo now have some releationship on debian/control with cargo-vendor-filterer? Or it's up to packages to define it? Maybe should be mentioned somehow still17:41
Trevinhojuliank: however, now the same package source that built till yesterday is failing17:43
Trevinho`Cannot open directory: No such file or directory at /usr/share/cargo/bin/dh-cargo-vendored-sources line 33`17:43
TrevinhoI can provide it if you want test that17:43
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jbichaTrevinho: rust-defaults was swapped from 1.83 to 1.84 this week17:45
Skiatsimonq2: I'm going eod, but would you please have a look at the `zip` SRUs, and possibly sponsors them with my latest changes? Thanks :-)17:46
jbichacargo-vendor-filterer is most relevant currently for packages in main so there's https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir/pull/7617:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Pull 76 in canonical/ubuntu-mir "vendoring: Mention rust-cargo-vendor-filterer" [Open]17:46
Trevinhojbicha: not sure it's the problem... The main issue there is that we're using vendored-sources, and now it does some extra check...17:46
Trevinhook added some debugging...17:50
TrevinhoChecking /build/authd-mzMr9a/authd-0.3.7+git250123+260+86eebf48~25.04.1/vendor_rust/prettyplease/src17:50
TrevinhoChecking /build/authd-mzMr9a/authd-0.3.7+git250123+260+86eebf48~25.04.1/vendor_rust/futures-channel/src17:50
TrevinhoChecking /build/authd-mzMr9a/authd-0.3.7+git250123+260+86eebf48~25.04.1/vendor_rust/fnv/src17:50
TrevinhoCannot open directory: No such file or directory at /usr/share/cargo/bin/dh-cargo-vendored-sources line 34.17:50
Trevinhoso last one fails...17:50
Trevinhoand dropping the `has_code` check things work again17:54
sudipjbicha: thats ok, it can wait few days unless you want me to do it. but its related to gstreamer so might be better for you to do it17:55
Trevinhook saved the details at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-cargo/+bug/209626818:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2096268 in dh-cargo (Ubuntu) "has_code check in 31ubuntu3 breaks authd builds" [High, Triaged]18:04
liushuyuadrien: I am not on +1 next week, it should be pushkarnk18:14
liushuyuAlso ruby3.3 (3.3.6) is migrated18:16
tsimonq2Skia: Thank you for the reminder, it's much appreciated :)18:17
liushuyusudip: already in the middle of lots of D and rust > I was trying to get libgit2 migrated (and also fix D toolchain now that Debian does not have any active D maintainers)18:34
mwhudsontsimonq2: well i assume we're not going to SRU make 4.4 so no?19:22
mwhudsonthere might be more make 4.4 fallout to fix though judging by the debian bug19:23
adrienliushuyu: you're absolutely right! I read a schedule for 202*4*19:33
liushuyuadrien: Maybe we should have a better way to track this19:35
adrienliushuyu: I've done some small cosmectic changes on the document to separate the years, should improve the situation but not ground-breaking either19:38
adrienI think we'll need Simon to discuss possible bigger changes19:38
tsimonq2mwhudson: Thought so, just checking :) thanks!19:58
tsimonq2adrien: Which Simon? I see schopin claimed libgit2 in the Foundations meeting today, but I've also been working on it. :P19:59
adrienhahaha, sorry, schopin :)20:03
adrienhe created a spreadsheet for +1 rotation (I don't think there is access to it; unfortunately that probably matches a broader topic that we had about public[-readable] specifications)20:04
tsimonq2I might argue that it's okay for that to be Canonical-internal, or at least semi-Canonical-internal. As a community member, I do +1 maintenance ... whenever. :P20:05
adrienI think we may want this to be more open (although this one raises PII questions) but we don't really have a good way to do it20:08
adrienhmm, it could actually be a guinea pig for how to open specifications: for specifications, a question is how to limit spam or unwanted edits basically; I think access rights should be limited once issues have been identified, not pro-actively (unless mandated by something else of course) but others had different takes on that20:09
tsimonq2I think Discourse is slowly but surely becoming the Right Place for that.20:10
adrienmaybe the rotation could be on discourse; I'm not sure what the technical issues would be (I'm using the list in a very basic way)20:13
adrienfor specifications, the issue was in-line comments which discourse doesn't make possible unfortunately20:14
tsimonq2adrien: Ah, if you're talking about e.g. HTML-style comments, those are a thing. UWN is an example of that.20:15
adrientsimonq2: have a link?20:21
tsimonq2adrien: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-876/53650 is the latest one.20:24
tsimonq2As a general note for everyone reading, #ubuntu-news is a *great* channel to idle in.20:24
adrienhah, I was thinking UWN would be a completely different thing :D20:27
adrienI was refering to the ability to select text in a document and attach a comment to that20:28
tsimonq2OH, okay, I see. Thanks for clarifying.20:29
adrienI'm not sure that would fit in discourse's model but who knows, maybe there's a plugin20:35
adrienhmmm, https://www.discourse.org/plugins/code-review ; that looks like a heresy20:37
vpa1977@pilot in20:47
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tsimonq2The table is now wider, thanks liushuyu! https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sponsoring/commit/?id=f10504b59ab3db7ae8011334a038762513aaf82623:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit f10504b in ubuntu-sponsoring "In lieu of a review from the Vanilla team, apply a fix from liushuyu to make the table wider"23:47
tsimonq2I also updated some of the navbar links based on general feedback: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sponsoring/commit/?id=dcf7ba5c46b96dd3c7145c585badc69815d788a923:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit dcf7ba5 in ubuntu-sponsoring "Clarify the navbar links a bit further based on general feedback HEAD main"23:48
liushuyutsimonq2: some of the navbar links based on general feedback > Do we have a glossary somewhere for those terms/names?23:57

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