
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I made the executive decision to mark the Plasma 5.27.12 bug as a release blocker for Kubuntu 24.04.2, which is intended to bring more visibility to it. Feel free to override that decision as you deem necessary20:12
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I made the executive decision to mark the Plasma 5.27.12 bug as a release blocker for Kubuntu 24.04.2, which is simply intended to bring more visibility to it. Feel free to override that decision as you deem necessary20:12
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> Agreed, thanks!20:13
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> @ council when are we going to do council elections?20:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> I see no reason not to get them under way in the next week or so (re @sgmoore: @ council when are we going to do council elections?)20:18
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> I'm away until Feb 3rd, unforseen travel. Happy to set things up, and run elections through Feb.22:03
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> Apologies re website, still need two items. 22:04
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> 1 Image path fix22:04
IrcsomeBot<Rick_Timmis> 2 DNS Repoint22:04

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