
tsimonq2liushuyu: "Not that I know of; if there are, find them and give them to me immediately"00:01
tsimonq2(If anyone immediately gets that quote, shame on you XD)00:01
liushuyu(now I am curious and also afraid of finding it out)00:01
tsimonq2(Charlie Sheen interview on ABC from March 2011, basically became a meme :P)00:03
tsimonq2(Oh yeah, definitely not CoC-compliant, look up at your own risk. :P)00:05
tsimonq2liushuyu: Could you please file SRU bugs for your new MPs and link the bug reports in the changelogs?00:38
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vpa1977@pilot out01:58
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tsimonq2@pilot in02:33
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2
tsimonq2I'll start by working on some packaging-related documentation and be available via ping, then work my way to the queue.02:33
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tsimonq2Okay, done with those docs for now.04:46
tsimonq2Skia: Starting with zip; for your own future reference, it gets better visibility if you re-add Ubuntu Sponsors as a reviewer. :)04:47
tsimonq2(Unless you wanted me to follow up on that, specifically.)04:47
tsimonq2Skia: Hey, any luck with the MoM stuff? https://code.launchpad.net/~toabctl/merge-o-matic/py3/+merge/47925205:05
tsimonq2FWIW, once that's merged, I have a few patches I'd like to get in as well. :)05:05
tsimonq2bdrung: Hey :) bug 2095518 looks like it's right up your alley, at your convenience could you take a look?05:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2095518 in dracut (Ubuntu Plucky) "dracut-install does not install compressed wildcard blobs" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/209551805:08
tsimonq2adrien: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dojo/1.17.2+dfsg1-2.1build1 :)05:32
tsimonq2"X' gon give it to ya"05:32
tsimonq2s/' gon/ gon'/05:34
tsimonq2Alright, here's what we have left in the queue... bug 2073429 and bug 2095074 are scary (to me), the rest have pings I'm waiting to hear back on, with the exception of freeradius (which is probably a good first item for the next pilot). We're in great shape!06:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2073429 in clevis (Ubuntu Jammy) "Jammy clevis forces argon2id for keyslots" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207342906:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2095074 in libva (Ubuntu Noble) "[SRU] Upgrade to media driver version 24.3.4 in Noble" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/209507406:08
tsimonq2@pilot out06:08
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adrientsimonq2: thanks! :)07:13
toabctltsimonq2, I do a local rerun of https://code.launchpad.net/~toabctl/merge-o-matic/py3/+merge/479252 now. I though there is no interest in this but if it's considered to be merged, then I'm happy to do another test run locally...08:20
Skiatsimonq2: thanks for the feedback on the MP. And indeed, I didn't wanted to bother Ubuntu Sponsors again for something you already had the context. When I find a sponsor starting some work, I tend to stick with them for anything closely related.08:52
Skiaand thanks for the upload :-)08:53
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bdrungtsimonq2, yes. I started to review that one.09:50
ilviperoRegarding the Discourse based documentation frontend, I can help and show you around what can be done already. I think that while different from a google doc, it certainly is powerful enough already with our current plugins. I do not want to hijack this channel, but please let me know if you want to have a chat or schedule a video call demo. Cheers10:16
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sudipspdlog is failing its test on ppc64el, tried locally it seem to be getting the same result it expects but no idea why its still aborting. is it ok to skip the test only for ppc64el? I will open an upstream issue in any case.17:18
ginggssudip: did you try the usual things?  building with -O2 intead of -O3?  disabling LTO?17:28
sudipohh.. no.. missed that :(17:44
sudiptrying now17:44
sudipginggs: lto18:00
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tsimonq2adrien: No problem :) sorry for the pedantic reject, I'd be happy to swiftly get that uploaded if you get the chance to iterate on it.19:52
tsimonq2Skia: Sounds good :) as a general principle I think it's okay to re-add sponsors (bus factor), but hey, I'm happy to re-review :)19:53
tsimonq2Skia: Re: toabctl's comments, would it be possible to at least clear things up and set it on an automatic pull so e.g. myself or another Core Dev can merge it? Obviously no *huge* rush, but I want to see toabctl's and liushuyu's MPs (or a combination of the two) merged. I also have some tweaks of my own that I'd like to do.19:54
liushuyutsimonq2: I have already absorbed toabctl's changes into my MP19:55
tsimonq2bdrung: Awesome, thanks :) when you happen to have a second, could you git pull on ubuntu-sponsoring? We have CI now, and I've gotten into the workflow of testing locally, so surely that could be automated again?19:55
tsimonq2ilvipero: Thank you :) adrien I'd definitely take Mauro up on his offer, just a suggestion though :)19:55
tsimonq2liushuyu: Ahhh, right. Regardless, would be great to recgonize both of you for your efforts. It's great work :)19:56
liushuyuMaybe we also should give MoM's website a fresh coat of paint or something20:02
tsimonq2That's exactly what I'm thinking :)20:03
liushuyu... after this Python 3 migration is done20:03
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tsimonq2liushuyu: And after MoM, I have my sights set on Ben.20:22
liushuyutsimonq2: I can see someone recently bought a lot of paint buckets20:22
tsimonq2It's LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG overdue.20:23
tsimonq2liushuyu: The long game here is to unify the reports; probably not under the same domain, but at least in terms of UX, make it *seem* unified.20:25
tsimonq2That navbar I added to the sponsorship queue is a start to that.20:25
liushuyuAh I can see that20:25
tsimonq2(I have no idea how Britney Excuses will be tackled in this respect, but that's also on the list, iff it's doable without causing pain for others.)20:26
liushuyutsimonq2: I think the issue with Britney Excuses is that some automated tools read the HTML output20:28
tsimonq2Yeah, exactly. I would *hope* those tools use the YAML file instead, but that's unclear.20:29
tsimonq2I *think* the list of tools so far includes Matthieu's visual-excuses and some ubuntu-dev-tools scripts; I'd be curious to see if anything else is out there.20:30
liushuyuI mean we probably should also have a JSON version, so that you can have an alternative frontend20:30
tsimonq2JSON and YAML might be equally good in this respect. Might.20:31
liushuyuJSON parsing is more well researched than YAML though20:31
tsimonq2I'm the maintainer of yaml-cpp in Debian and I use YAML a *lot* in place of JSON, so I'm definitely biased here. :P20:32
liushuyu... and in browser20:33
liushuyuyou can do JSON.parse (builtin function)20:33
tsimonq2Hmm, but the parsing would surely be done on the backend, yeah?20:34
liushuyutsimonq2: Well, you know, you can also do it in the browser20:36
adrientsimonq2: I think there was only https://code.launchpad.net/~adrien/ubuntu/+source/kakoune/+git/kakoune/+merge/479992 left with you and I've fixed it; or where you talking about something else?20:37
adrienand I need to effectively end my day at some point20:37
tsimonq2liushuyu: True. I just have recent memories of excuses being so big it crashes the browser window, so might not be the best long-term solution. :P20:37
tsimonq2adrien: Yup, that's the one iirc :)20:37
liushuyutsimonq2: Browsers can handle large JSON but not large HTML, surprisingly20:38
tsimonq2adrien: I'm on a ~= 300 kB/s download speed until about Monday, so I'll try to upload this, it just might be past EOD for you before it hits -proposed ;)20:39
tsimonq2liushuyu: Doesn't surprise me, tbh. That being said, whatever solution it ends up being, some things like search also may be useful.20:40
adrienexcuses_by_team.html has O(n^2) links for packages involved in transition (or something fairly close); with perl packages, n can be easily 1000; that creates too many DOM nodes and is the worst offender I know of (you can sed it rather easily: nothing will be lost because you're not going to click on millions of links anyway)20:40
adrientsimonq2: I'll see it when it happens but don't worry about when you do it :)20:40
adrienand thanks!20:41
tsimonq2adrien: transitions> That's exactly the kind of problem that should be solved more robustly :D (Eventually(tm))20:42
tsimonq2adrien: kakoune> yw :) should be hitting Launchpad now.20:42
adrienthat one is a big topic :D20:42
adrien \o/20:42
tsimonq2https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kakoune/2024.05.18-2ubuntu1 - my mobile provider has already throttled my connection ;)20:43
adrienI feel for you. My copper line was stolen so I'm on mobile too (but France has inexpensive mobile contracts luckily)20:44
tsimonq2Oooof. Mine's unlimited but throttles after a bit :)20:45
mclemenceauHello tsimonq2 I was lurking and reading about the sponsoring queue update when you mentioned my name and visual-excuses ;)21:11
mclemenceausponsoring page looks good, I like the banner that keeps all the tools together.21:13
tsimonq2mclemenceau: Hello :) good to see you! And thanks!21:25

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