=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 [11:39] jugmac00: guruprasad: Hi! Any news on my username claiming question? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/820081 [14:50] skia: I will have a look in a moment. [14:50] thanks [15:37] skia: this needs some more internal discussion as we will probably create a fixed policy on how to handle these cases; I will get back to you as soon as possible [15:49] jugmac00: yes, I expect this will trigger some internal discussions. I mostly wanted to make sure this was tracked. Thanks :-) [18:01] is there something wrong with git.launchpad.net? I've tried several times to push a very small delta via git+ssh and it times out on port 22. [18:04] ^ jugmac00 i assume this is too late for you? === amurray_ is now known as amurray === bandali is now known as mab