=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 [15:29] good morning [15:29] o/ [15:37] joalif: hmm. with just us two this doesn't seem likely to be a useful meeting. you could grab a package from the lists if you've got time, and for my part, we've got some of the security reviews assigned, and we'll conduct a training with some new folks, but I don't expect actual results in the next week [15:38] joalif: so I propose we call it here, and I'll return to the morning routines :) [15:38] yup sounds good [15:38] thanks [15:38] bye === Mr_Pan_ is now known as Mr_Pan [20:00] hey [20:00] o/ === amurray_ is now known as amurray [20:00] o/ [20:01] hey amurray rbasak! [20:01] #startmeeting Ubuntu Technical Board [20:01] Meeting started at 20:01:52 UTC. The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [20:01] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [20:02] #topic Apologies [20:02] I didn't see any sign from Lukasz since he left Canonical but I'm going to assume he's not going to join us tonight [20:02] #topic Action review [20:03] ACTION: amurray to look into scripting for packages in flavor-specific overlays [20:03] carry-over please [20:04] #action amurray to look into scripting for packages in flavor-specific overlays [20:04] ACTION: amurray to look into scripting for packages in flavor-specific overlays [20:04] ACTION: seb128 to continue working with AA and Release teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations [20:04] I'm carrying that over still but I've seen some action from teams on documentation so I will try to pick that up again [20:05] #action seb128 to continue working with AA and Release teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations [20:05] ACTION: seb128 to continue working with AA and Release teams to document their membership process and link to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard#Team_Delegations [20:05] ACTION: sil2100 to follow up on the Cinnamon 24.04 LTS Qualification to ensure the listed contacts can action the flavor [20:05] it was decided in the previous meeting to carry that over until we have a new board I think [20:06] so doing that [20:06] #action sil2100 to follow up on the Cinnamon 24.04 LTS Qualification to ensure the listed contacts can action the flavor [20:06] ACTION: sil2100 to follow up on the Cinnamon 24.04 LTS Qualification to ensure the listed contacts can action the flavor [20:06] ACTION: amurray and seb128 to engage with IS re Canonical leavers and ubuntu LP team memberships [20:06] I've opened a RT for Canonical IS which got some activity and is triaged [20:07] rbasak wrote a script that could be used to ensure teams under community governance aren't modifier by the Canonical exit process, which seems to be a good step [20:08] I haven't taken that script any further FWIW. I've been occupied with some personal matters. [20:08] rbasak, did you want to continue on that topic and own to propose that solution to IS? [20:08] would it be useful to get the CC to review the script/the output of the script and then if we are happy with it then propose it to IS? [20:09] seb128: I think that's difficult as I've leaving Canonical on Friday. [20:09] Would it be easier for those at Canonical to take this on? I'm happy to help from the scripting/community end, but I'm not sure I'll be able to drive it effectively with Canonical IS any more. [20:09] right, I'm happy to continue the IS side of the discussion [20:09] Thanks! [20:10] I don't really have an opinion on getting review from CC or not, I think it's probably straightforward enough that it is not needed [20:10] but at the same time it doesn't hurt either [20:10] rbasak, opinion? [20:10] I don't think it's necessary to get review [20:10] (except IS will review it of course) [20:11] no worries - yeah I wasn't sure if we thought it needed some other eyes on it but am happy for us to just proceed as we see fit [20:11] amurray, did you feel strongly about the CC review? [20:11] no, am happy to go ahead without it [20:11] ok, well I will review and if I'm happy I will follow up with IS [20:11] An opportunity to enhance the script might be to also identify whether or not a team has an ultimate owner who is a member of ~canonical. If not, it's probably a not-Canonical not-Ubuntu team and membership of it shouldn't be touched. [20:12] But I don't think I'll have time for that in the next couple of weeks. [20:12] So probably better to go with what's there so far. [20:12] #action seb128 to continue the discussion with IS and propose the script from rbasak or its output to be integrated in their process [20:12] ACTION: seb128 to continue the discussion with IS and propose the script from rbasak or its output to be integrated in their process [20:13] ack, we can always iterate later/improve [20:13] #topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item) [20:15] I'm going to mention that I pinged the CC again (because I didn't see the summary of the governance sync posted on discourse), the TB election is still waiting for review from Mark from what I understand [20:15] they will extend the current board meanwhile [20:15] . [20:15] other topic I emailed the list about to discuss here [20:15] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2025-January/002969.html [20:16] the ubuntu.com TB description states [20:16] ``` [20:16] Nominations for the Technical Board will be considered for each release [20:16] (every six months). Mark Shuttleworth, as project sponsor, is [20:16] responsible for nominating candidates, and a poll of Ubuntu developers [20:16] will be conducted to select, or veto, the final membership. Appointments [20:16] are made for a period of two years. [20:16] ``` [20:16] which seems inaccurate/not to match what is happening [20:16] Sounds like we need someone to fix the text to be accurate again. [20:16] I'm happy for that to be delegated to one TB member and trust them to do a good job :) [20:17] right, I was unsure if that was a change that was decided [20:17] I can take that on - can draft something and circulate to you both if you like before getting it updated [20:17] or if practice drifted from what should happen [20:17] amurray, thanks [20:17] AIUI, the current process has been happening since before I got involved in 2011. [20:17] I'm not sure there are many people around any more who would know if the change was intentional. [20:18] I can think of one person we could ping if curious. I don't want to bother them that much though if we don't need to know. [20:18] #action amurray to draft an updated description for the TB nominations process on ubuntu.com [20:18] ACTION: amurray to draft an updated description for the TB nominations process on ubuntu.com [20:18] I'm happy to describe the current process and leave the old one behind. [20:18] +1 [20:19] * rbasak has an AOB topic [20:19] well, there is still one list thing [20:19] rbasak, can you provide context on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2025-January/002967.html and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2025-January/002968.html ? [20:20] did you move from an owner team that included the TB to direct set the TB as owner? [20:20] Sure. It's a minor thing that I don't think matters, but I moderated through the emails as I didn't want to hide anything. [20:21] I "wrapped" ~git-ubuntu-import into ~git-ubuntu-owners. Ultimate TB ownership didn't change. [20:21] This is important because ~git-ubuntu-import is a "Code admin" under launchpad.net/ubuntu, to manage the "official" git repositories for the project [20:21] So the TB should be the ultimate owner [20:22] ack, makes sense, thanks for the context! [20:22] But for admin purposes, we need some people to be able to write to the repos if required, even if right now (pending the staging branches spec) they should be read-only. [20:23] So while addressing the bus factor, I did the wrapping so that the owners can add and remove themselves from the actual git-ubuntu-import team, so that they don't have to have write access all the time. As a type of "safety". [20:23] . [20:23] thanks [20:24] I've to admit I still don't really understand who has access to git-ubuntu changes but I will study that [20:24] ahasenack, me and bryce. [20:24] despite being coredev and TB member I don't have acces to change the status of merge requests for example [20:24] Yes that's annoying. [20:25] I guess owners don't have special rights in that sense? [20:25] The staging spec was supposed to fix that but it's pending implementation at the Launchpad end. [20:25] Currently changing MP status requires write access to the target repo, but it's important that Ubuntu developers do not write to the git-ubuntu repos except through uploads. [20:26] well I though that by being owner the TB would have access though [20:26] One way around it might be to write a bot that changes MP status based on instructions in comments, or something like that [20:26] I don't think ownership is treated as team membership [20:26] I see [20:26] It's just someone who can act as a team admin without necessarily being an owner [20:26] Which actually works quite well in general, IMHO. [20:27] right [20:27] Since it's a good way to specify ultimate ownership but delegating all powers [20:28] thanks again, and let's move on, that's getting out of topic in context of the TB that was more curiosity from my side now [20:28] #topic Check up on community bugs and techboard bugs [20:28] #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bugs?field.assignee=techboard [20:28] #info No new community bugs [20:28] #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/techboard [20:28] #info No new techboard bugs [20:29] #topic Select a chair for the next meeting (next from https://launchpad.net/~techboard/+members) [20:29] #info The next chair will be amurray with rbasak as backup [20:29] ack [20:29] #topic AOB [20:29] ack [20:29] rbasak, you have one [20:29] Sorry I didn't raise this in the agenda properly. I've been occupied with some personal matters for the past week or so that couldn't wait. [20:29] You'll have seen my thread on moving from IRC to Matrix. I said I'd ask the TB, but it seems we have consensus on the ML anyway, so maybe that isn't really necessary at all. [20:29] I'm planning to announce a move to Matrix for #ubuntu-devel and #ubuntu-release on 1 March, to give people time to set up accounts, etc. The old channels wouldn't shut down or presence banned or anything, but privileged team presence should move to Matrix instead, and we should try to hold conversations on Matrix as much as possible to avoid fragmentation. [20:29] Is the TB OK with that, and to leave the details to me? [20:29] I'm abandoning my proposal to merge -release and -devel since many people weren't sure about that. [20:30] +1 from me, and thank you for pushing that forward, it's about time we move to a more modern platform [20:30] +1 from me - thanks for driving this basak, it is long overdue [20:31] Great. Thanks! Nothing else from me. [20:31] now to move this channel as well ;) [20:31] :) [20:31] amurray, any AOB? [20:31] This channel is a little more complicated [20:31] There's no replacement for meetingology AIUI [20:31] true [20:31] So I think it's open as to whether we should move or wait. [20:31] But I don't want to hold up the main move on that point. [20:32] Perhaps we can set a deadline and move anyway, say in six months. [20:32] Or earlier if someone ports meetingology earlier. [20:32] Depends on how important people thing it is. [20:32] I would also prefer we go to something more high bandwidth like google meet and we record those etc but yes then it would need someone to actually take notes during the meeting without meetingology [20:32] I like it - it helps with logs, which is very useful for TB / DMB business IMHO. [20:33] let's talk about that with the new board when we have one I would say [20:33] But I can ask on the ML to see what others think. [20:33] yep lets leave it to the next TB [20:33] maybe once better staffed we will have someone wanting to spend some time working on a solution [20:34] it's probably not going to me, the workload problem isn't likely to get better any time soon I think [20:34] to be me* [20:35] anyway [20:35] anything else? [20:35] nothing from me [20:35] that's a wrap then, thanks amurray and rbasak! [20:35] #endmeeting [20:35] Meeting ended at 20:35:47 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2025/ubuntu-meeting.2025-01-28-20.01.moin.txt [20:35] thanks seb128, rbasak [20:36] Thanks all! === bandali is now known as mab