=== tds3 is now known as tds === smcavoy7 is now known as smcavoy === tryfan3081211784 is now known as tryfan [22:41] Hello - I'm trying to extend the `cloudinit.distros.freebsd.Distro` class to support pfSense configuration. The inheritance seems to be working as the `cc_users_groups` module is running successfully, however when trying to apply the network configuration values, I'm receiving a distro '' [22:41] does not implement apply_network_config` error message. [22:41] This function is implemented in the parent `cloudinit.distros.Distro` class, but maddeningly it's not being found when applying the network configs. Is anyone able to assist me? [23:05] Arg - as with most things, as soon as you ask for help, the solution presents itself - turns out a function that raises `NotImplementedError` was being called, which caused a try/catch to point to the wrong spot... the function does indeed exist. [23:08] I feel that in my soul