=== tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 === matttbe7 is now known as matttbe [06:26] RikMills: Hopefully not long(TM), last I heard most of the major hurdles were fixed and IS was gearing up to deploy an IRC bridge to staging. After how many times we've been "almost there" I'm not sure I'd put too much faith in that, but that's what I heard last. [07:15] mwhudson: that was on a riscv64 chroot [07:16] actually on a riscv64 board, but chroot should also do [08:35] juliank, arraybolt3_: I'm reluctant to wait. I also don't think the room is going to be overloaded by the relatively small number of people active in #devel and #release [08:47] Especially with no ETA. [08:48] I'm also not very keen on use of a bridge, FWIW. I'm not seeking to ban one or anything, but it just promotes fragmentation and reduction of the useful featureset to the lowest common demoninator. [08:49] Eg. if everyone just says "I'm on Matrix via the bridge" then we gain nothing from the move really, and then we advertise Matrix to the wider community and they are also unable to use the richer features because we're ignorant of them - eg. threading. [08:50] I really want people to *actually* move to Matrix and communicate without feature loss. [08:53] people also need time to migrate and that's where the bridge is valuable [08:54] plus matrix clients are not perfect and it may take time to find a satisfying one [09:06] My very humble personal opinion: I don't buy "need time to migrate". Browser-based chat is available. That should be sufficient to get going. Figuring out preferences to polish personal experiences can come later. [09:07] At least for people who primarily communicate in here. [09:08] I get that there are people who have a single IRC client to talk on multiple networks and channels across multiple projects, and it's inconvenient for them to have to use yet another client. [09:08] I don't mind *them* using a bridge. But all the key Ubuntu developers should be able to cope with a Matrix web client if that's what it takes. [09:10] * Skia couldn't agree more [09:10] Anyway, there seems to be consensus on the ML, and the TB agreed yesterday, so I'm going to announce an official move to Matrix as soon as I get round to writing the announcement email. [10:48] utkarsh2102: FYI, I've created the 24.04.2 milestone on the ISO tracker [10:49] for some reason, we don't have a template card for this, apparently (or I couldn't find it) [11:22] Skia [11:22] Skia: thank you! [12:02] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: ginggs [13:16] ginggs or utkarsh2102: please could you moderate u-d-a@? I used to moderate it but the password was apparently changed recently, and I think you have it? [13:17] listadmin for the lazy! \o/ [13:18] I do use listadmin [13:18] fetching data for ubuntu-devel-announce@lists.ubuntu.com ... [13:18] ERROR: fetching https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/admindb/ubuntu-devel-announce [13:18] ERROR: 401 Unauthorized -- skipping list [13:19] :( [13:19] Oh, let me just fix List-Reply-To [13:20] *Mail-Followup-To [13:21] (done) [13:21] rbasak: i have a password for u-a, but not u-d-a [13:23] ginggs: OK. The person who does have the password should fix the listing at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-announce then :) [13:31] rbasak: yep, done, moderated your mail. [13:31] Thanks! [13:31] \o/ [13:31] rbasak: Might want to ensure it's not mistakenly removed from Ubuntu to match Debian's removal. There was one last upload first, not sure how to sync that. [13:32] And _now_ I spot a typo. I think I'm getting old. I'm used to just proofreading my own stuff but I've been making too many mistakes recently. I think I need to find some vim-based spelling and grammar checking solution :-/ [13:33] JackFrost: ah - no Mailman 3 support? I think we'll need to follow Debian in practice FWIW. lists.ubuntu.com will probably move to Mailman 3 eventually. lists.canonical.com already did. [13:33] rbasak: https://github.com/kamykn/spelunker.vim [13:34] ty! [13:35] this one doesn't do grammar check. This is a much harder requirement than just an improved `:set spell` [13:35] rbasak: IMO it's still useful as *others* run mailman2, it's more like client packages that have no server component packaged. [13:38] 845029 [13:38] ahem [13:39] rbasak: thats an easy password [13:43] JackFrost: sure. If someone can maintain it, then I support the idea that it stays in Ubuntu for the moment, but they would need to drive that with the AAs. [13:44] sudip: it's HOTP and already superseded :) === Serge is now known as hallyn [16:00] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: N/A [16:07] enr0n: Had a chance to look at my MP? [16:07] Eickmeyer: no not yet [16:07] Ok, just checking. Saw you had other things going on in -release. [16:11] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: jbicha [17:02] Eickmeyer: I left a review now [17:05] enr0n: I see that, and replied, but I'll still make the changes. [17:16] Spamming this in several places since I think it's relevant and potentially useful: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/shipping-the-element-desktop-snap-in-official-ubuntu-flavors/54208 [17:34] bdrung: looks like tzdata missed one copy to security already: [17:34] tzdata | 2024a-0ubuntu0.20.04 | focal-security | source [17:34] tzdata | 2024a-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 | focal-updates | source [17:34] same for jammy, etc === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 [17:49] enr0n: Theoretical fix pushed, I'm not that proficient with Python so I hope it is what you had in mind. [18:06] matrix is difficult. I am getting desktop notifications that rbasak commented on ubuntu development channel but I have not yet figured out which thread and where is that thread in that channel [18:13] sudip: It's not really specific to Matrix tbh, it's the client. [18:14] sudip: Just click on the threads icon at the top of the window and it will open the threads. [18:14] * tsimonq2 points at Eickmeyer [18:14] (assuming you're using Element) [18:14] yeah, the web client [18:15] So, same thing. If you want a dedicated client (highly recommended): `sudo snap install element-desktop`. [18:21] rbasak: ltex is a spelling & grammar tool that I use [18:47] JackFrost: I've been carefully skipping listadmin when running process-removals, FWIW [18:48] I think there's a listadmin3 somewhere [18:48] ginggs,utkarsh2102: please could you either remove me from the list of u-d-a moderators or give me the new password (I don't mind which)? And somebody should obviously remove Steve [18:50] enr0n: Did the fixes. [18:53] Eickmeyer: still a couple things broken (will comment), but even after fixing those, my upgrade attempt still fails [18:53] Have you done a fresh end-to-end test? [18:56] I'll revert my VM again to be sure [20:26] Eickmeyer: this is the apt.log from the latest run: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mbXTzNjNK9/ [21:18] enr0n: I'm suspecting `pulseaudio-module-*` -related. [21:18] With a mix of `studio-controls` in there as well. I got it to calculate then it failed mid-distupgrade. [22:03] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: N/A [22:08] holmanb: thank you! [22:32] ... also I wonder if there is any update on the merge-o-matic Python 3 migration? === thibf78 is now known as thibf7 === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2