[00:50] following https://canonical-kteam-docs.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/public/how-to/build-kernel.html to build a kernel with CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y, but toward the end of the build, it wants to do a dkms build of zfs, which is trying to download packages from launchpad. I don't have Internet access, so this fails. how do I disable the zfs part of the build? [02:02] looks like just having the zfs-dkms package installed solves that problem === matttbe7 is now known as matttbe [02:08] nope, nevermind, it still tries to download from launchpad even with zfs-dkms installed [02:24] removing debian.master/dkms-versions avoided the zfs build === fling_ is now known as fling [07:44] tomreyn, that's adding a lot of variables to the problem [07:45] tomreyn, given I dont have clear STRs, it's going to be diffficult to assert whether the bug is indeed fixed [07:46] tomreyn, also, martin stransky pointed to a fix he landed on firefox nightly dealing with wayland buffer suspecting there may be a link, so I'm wondering how much the bug could be on the kernel side if firefox is exhausting some resources === Serge is now known as hallyn === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 [22:33] lissyx: i was just trying to think of alternatives since "these are not going to be built with signing enabled". hope you'll find a good way. [22:37] if you can enroll your own signing keys that might be an option, I suppose...? === thibf78 is now known as thibf7