
asomersetwell i would be curious to find out what the cloudflare stuff is, it almost looks like a crawler or someone putting us behind Cloudflare CDN???07:46
asomersetbecause it certainly aint us :D07:49
asomersetthe 404's are basically long ancient reieleases like precise (12.04)07:50
BergeAny Referer on those requests?07:51
asomerseti'd probably have to go delving through the logs on those07:51
asomersetthe precise 404's are Apt07:59
asomersetlooks like a user somewhere in ZA hasn't updated their servers for a LONG time....08:00
asomersetthe cloudflare one is fun, wonder if cloudflare does some magic proxying for their internal servers08:03
BergeCould very well be08:04
Champersfyi, my mirror stopped saturating its uplink when I started blocking crawler bots like Bytedance and Facebook :(09:00
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