
JackFrostcjwatson: Ah!  Nice to know, and there does appear to be https://github.com/u1f35c/listadmin3 at least.00:06
=== ubuntu_4321 is now known as ubuntu4321
sudipLocutusOfBorg: there seems to be a problem, when you triggered the rebuild of ocaml-gettext for ocaml transition, it rebuilt with the old "ocaml-base-5.2.0". the build log shows it using the old one.07:29
LocutusOfBorgsudip, let me check09:01
LocutusOfBorgwait sudip this is level 1909:01
LocutusOfBorgmy rebuilds are at level 15 :)09:02
LocutusOfBorgwe need some more time09:02
sudipLocutusOfBorg: thats what I thought but you pushed a rebuild on 23rd Jan for "Rebuild against new OCAML ABI", so I thought you have reached that level :)09:04
LocutusOfBorgsudip, I had, but new ocaml were autosyncd :/09:06
LocutusOfBorgand with botch FTBFS we didn't migrate09:06
LocutusOfBorgso, new rebuilds now09:06
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, any gtk4 news?09:07
sudipohh.. all good then, thanks LocutusOfBorg09:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1092479 in src:botch "botch: FTBFS in sid" [Serious, Open]09:07
LocutusOfBorgif you now how to fix that one, we might have ocaml migrate :)09:08
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: It's the same as yesterday. We are updating gtk4 in the next few days.10:39
LocutusOfBorgok but with or without the patch? I remember you having to speak with them10:43
jbichagtk4 ftbfs because of the libpng issue, we'll land a fix for that in the next few days10:44
LocutusOfBorgoh...this has become a FTBFS and not only a autopkgtest failure?10:45
LocutusOfBorgnice to know! :)10:45
LocutusOfBorgfor me this is a good news10:45
jbichayes, it's a build test that is also an autopkgtest. Given the nature of the problem, I am ok with waiting a bit to get our patch approved/merged by gtk devs upstream10:46
ahasenackbdrung: hi, how serious is that tzdata regression? Do we need it in 24.04.2?16:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2096974 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "tzdata-2024b-0ubuntu0.24.04 makes std::chrono unusable" [High, Triaged]16:07
bdrungahasenack, it looks severe enough to me. not sure how many applications use C++ chrono (but this is a stdlib)16:17
ahasenackbdrung: should we upload a revert? Looks like the fix is in c++ libs, and not tzdata?16:19
bdrungahasenack, i am not sure. the proper fix would be in the c++ stdlib. maybe a quick revert of one commit in tzdata could be enough for now. let me check...16:21
jbichatsimonq2: are you actively working on the libgit2 1.9 transition? If not, could we undo it until it's either pre-staged or Debian has started that transition17:50
tsimonq2jbicha: Zixing did some related work, I also need to do a merge from Debian. Not ready to undo it.17:51
jbichaI haven't really seen progress since like January 8. I don't understand why the new libgit2 is needed either.17:54
bdrungahasenack, the scope of the tzdata regression is unclear. https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=std%3A%3Achrono%3A%3Aget_tzdb&literal=1&perpkg=1 might give an indication.19:04
ahasenackthat link doesn't work19:05
bdrungsearch for "std::chrono::get_tzdb" on https://codesearch.debian.net/19:06
ahasenackthat's a lot of toolchains19:07
ahasenackwhat is the normal result of that call, all tzs? Now it just returns 2?19:07
bdrungyes. all timezones that are not symlinks.19:09
ahasenackbdrung: did you find something you could do in tzdata itself to fix it?19:13
bdrungi can try rearguard19:13
ahasenackbdrung: otherwise, where is the real fix?19:13
ahasenackbdrung: we can also just upload a revert, while this is investigated19:14
ahasenackbdrung: what do you mean by rearguard?19:14
bdrungahasenack, give me some more time.19:14
ahasenackI see debian stable has 2024b as well19:14
ahasenackbdrung: ok19:14
ahasenack"time" hehe19:15
bdrungdebian stable is too old for this C++ 20 function19:15
bdrungand no complaints there yet19:15
bdrungahasenack, rearguard works. let me write that down.19:24
ahasenackbrlin: ok, but what is it? I can wait for the write down, though :)19:24
bdrungahasenack, want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+git/tzdata/+ref/ubuntu/oracular before I release that?19:44
ahasenackcreate an MP? Does somenone normally review these?19:45
bdrungahasenack, okay. converted into a MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+git/tzdata/+merge/48039219:55
ahasenackbdrung: you pushed to a ~ubuntu-core-dev remote?19:55
bdrungthere is no-one reviewing those normally19:56
bdrungahasenack, yes. tzdata lives in ~ubuntu-core-dev because it is based on the salsa branches (not git-ubuntu)19:56
ahasenackah, ok19:56
ahasenacknice test20:00
ahasenackbdrung: reviewed20:08
bdrungahasenack, pushed fix for noble and oracular21:45
bdrungahasenack, should I do the same for the older releases (where the std::chrono test case fails to compile)?21:46
ahasenackbdrung: does it fail with the previous tzdata?21:46
ahasenacki.e., is the bug there too? Do we know?21:46
bdrungahasenack, the c++ stdlib is too old in jammy to support this get_tzdb function.21:48
ahasenackbut other apps/code could also not support the change in tzdata21:48
ahasenackany idea how likely that would be?21:48
bdrungthat could happen21:50
ahasenackbdrung: let's do it then21:52
ahasenackbut it's way late for you21:52
ahasenackcan be tomorrow21:52
bdrungokay. I'll pack my stuff for fosdem now and go to bed. I'll do the other releases tomorrow.21:52
Eickmeyerenr0n: I am pretty sure I made the fixes you asked for. Tested, it works.21:54

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