
* guiverc will be pasting02:52
* guiverc out02:54
* guiverc pasting03:04
* guiverc out03:05
Bashing-omguiverc: irihapeti has brought to my attention that would be good to place the Forums closure notice in the current issue. Run this "quoted" in the General News Section ?04:14
guivercno issues with that... all the promotion of that change the better is how i see it.04:14
guivercif ya wanna edit; feel free as i'm typing here locally (mousepad)04:15
Bashing-omdoing :$ ,, and if you gavew not add cjdc to credits.04:16
Bashing-om*have not added - 04:16
* guiverc has no idea what a 'non-happy [release-upgrade] path' is... unsupported?04:19
* guiverc adds it doesn't matter; i've covered it under the 'and more' anyway... just wondering...04:19
guivercyou out? or still checking??   wanna paste some..04:33
Bashing-omguiverc: Finally out -- all yours now :P04:40
guivercthanks, will post04:40
* guiverc out04:46
* guiverc back in & pasting04:49
* guiverc going back in & minor tweak of forums migration (remove \n's probably)04:52
* guiverc out & thinking..04:54
guivercthe forums migration could also be pushed to fridge; I do note prior stuff there (rarely though, eg. https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2012/08/23/ubuntu-forums-staff-team-changes/ .. ie LONG ago)04:55
guivercas its a HUGE change; maybe pushing to fridge (so it'll reach planet.ubuntu etc) maybe worthwhile...04:55
Bashing-omguiverc: I agree - more eyes on the migration the better.05:07
Bashing-omGot a blurb ^ on Mastodon :D05:24
guivercBashing-om, how does https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4yCssTvPDy/ look (i've not pasted into fridge yet, may be tweaked, but looks ~okay in ghostwriter..)05:37
guivercreformatted; source I grabbed from UWN actually rather than UF...  There is NO SIGNOFF/paste YET, but I'll create one when I work out what to use as source..05:38
guivercin fact Bashing-om , is there a source anywhere (public); i see ref at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/staff-please-post-here-that-are-willing-to-help-create-categories-and-tags-for-the-forum/49480/33 to something..05:41
Bashing-omguiverc: wandered back - looking ^,06:28
Bashing-omguiverc: I do not have a good source refernce - --- edit: That last sentence is real long --- more so than 80 characters for column width ?06:34
guivercparagraphs appear as a single line ; so line length isn't an issue06:37
Bashing-om:D Then I see nothing else to pick about.06:39
guivercmy final line is as follows06:40
guiverc<em>Posted <a href="https://ubuntuforums.org/"></a> on Thu Nov 21 2024 by Ubuntu Forums Staff</em>.06:40
guiverci'm not sure about date, and would prefer a different url  (not sure if what you used in UWN is better or just equiv..)06:41
Bashing-omguiverc: Wonderful !06:41
guiverci asked in #ubuntuforums hoping someone may reply, but I'm in no hurry,, haven't logged into fridge to ensure it previews there correctly etc.  06:42
guivercjust noticed that final line is WRONG; i removed the text the uf link is tied to .. will tweak06:47
Bashing-omguiverc: Ack on #ubuntuforums // side note I got to tweak my IRC client's activity bar - for some reason activities are no longer highlighted :(06:49
Bashing-omguiverc: Running off and leaving you - night meds have kicked in - got to go to bed.07:04
guivercsleep well Bashing-om 07:04
Bashing-omguiverc: I catch up in a few hours - take care til then :D07:06
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Balint Reczey: Firebuild 0.8.3 is out with 100+ fixes and experimental macOS support! @ https://balintreczey.hu/blog/firebuild-0-8-3-is-out-with-100-fixes-and-experimental-macos-support/09:56
* guiverc just edited a quoted summary for ubuntu.on.air; 2x \n's in it annoyed me, & on removing those the switch to 'about the speaker:' was confusing so dropped that..11:03
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=== tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 869 shortly for Saturday's ops. Nothing new to add.21:29

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