
rfmhid3, after some poking around, the way to do what you first asked for (display /etc/motd above the dynamic stuff, not below) is to swap the order of the two pam_motd.so lines in /etc/pam.d/login and /etc/pam.d/sshd01:58
rfmhid3, or, get rid of the second (noupdate) line completely and make the remaining line "session optional pam_motd.so motd=/etc/motd:/run/motd.dynamic"02:06
NeilRGwhat program does ubuntu use to play things from my bluetooth headphones?02:31
NeilRGpulseaudio doesn't seem to be installed02:31
Guest0on newer versions02:32
Guest0on older should be pulseaudio02:32
NeilRGthank you!02:32
Guest0i'm not sure02:32
NeilRGis there a way to disable suspend on pipewire?02:32
NeilRGthe suspend never seems to resume for me and I have to reconnect my headphones every time02:32
Guest0when you resume suspend the bluetooth doesnt connect again?02:32
Guest0On what version are you?02:33
NeilRGof ubuntu?02:33
NeilRG22.04 I think02:33
Guest0yeah yeah02:34
Guest0you dont have problems resuming from suspend?02:34
NeilRGwell, the headphones stop playing sound02:35
NeilRGso they're not resuming02:35
NeilRGeven though they're still connected02:35
NeilRGI'm thinking of doing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/1cb1juo/i_cant_stop_pipewire_from_suspending_my_speakers/02:35
Guest0the music stops?02:35
NeilRGI mean, if I stop the music for a while02:35
NeilRGwhen I restart the music, no sound plays02:35
NeilRGI have to disconnect and reconnect headphones02:35
Guest0you dont have sound?02:36
NeilRGjust what I said02:36
yegorcdoes it work with wired headphones?02:37
NeilRGI don't know, I don't have any02:38
Guest0laptop speakers, desktop speakers?02:38
Guest0hdmi, displayport??02:38
NeilRGmy headphones are bluetooth02:38
Guest0do you have any wired or internal sound that you can test with it02:39
NeilRGI guess I could find a wire and plug in these headhpones02:39
NeilRGwhat am I tgrying to figure out?02:39
NeilRGoh hold on02:40
NeilRGI have speakers02:40
Guest0if it is a issue with the bluetooth daemon or the pipewire02:40
NeilRGand yes the speakers always play02:40
NeilRGhmm, I did systemctl --user restart pipewire.service02:40
NeilRGand now there's no sound02:40
NeilRGdid I do something wrong?02:40
Guest0 systemctl status bluetooth02:40
Guest0share this after02:40
Guest0doing that02:40
Guest0that gives you the issue02:41
yegorcNeilRG: you said bluetooth is still connected after wake?02:42
NeilRGyegorc, yes02:42
NeilRGnot sure what you mean by wake02:42
NeilRGI mean the suspension of audio02:42
NeilRGnot any other kind of suspension02:42
NeilRGnot like the machine is going to sleep or anything02:42
Guest0hmmmm i dont know, maybe you could try updating to a newer versioon of ubuntu02:42
Guest024.04 lts02:43
NeilRGwait, how do I check what i have?02:43
Guest0cat /etc/issue02:43
NeilRGI'm probably on latest because I upgrade regularly02:43
NeilRGyeah 24.04.1 LTS02:43
enigma9o7I would check power saving settings, see if anything related to bluetooth.02:43
NeilRGenigma9o7, I'm sure it is02:43
NeilRGI just want to disable the suspension02:43
yegorci think tlp might have something like that02:44
NeilRGdon't need that feature02:44
enigma9o7That's the latest LTS, not the latest Ubuntu, fyi.02:44
NeilRGwhat is tlp?02:44
Guest0the suspesion from pipewire02:44
enigma9o7And if this worked better for you on pulseaudio, you can always revert to pulseaudio just by installing the package.02:44
yegorcidk if ubuntu uses tlp02:44
NeilRGI'm going to restart the machine02:44
Guest0not by default02:44
NeilRGthanks for the help, all02:44
Guest0ubuntu uses by default power-profiles-daemon02:45
Guest0about that02:45
Guest0can i ask help for compiling with gcc02:45
Guest0i think its out of topic02:45
yegorc#c may be more helpful02:46
Guest0yeah it's asking for nickserv02:46
Guest0don't want to register thought02:46
yegorcwhy not02:46
Guest0i never use irc02:47
angelkdeI use kubuntu 22.04 and is it possible that unlike ubuntu it has only 3 years of support ?02:47
Guest0and beacuse im lazy02:47
Guest0official Ubuntu flavors have the same support as the official Ubuntu distro02:48
Guest022.04 is lts02:48
Guest05 years of support02:48
Guest0up to 10 years of support with ubuntu pro on LTS02:48
Guest0free for 5 machines, personal use02:48
enigma9o7angelkde, yes and no.02:49
enigma9o7angelkde, you still get all the updates to ubuntu repos that everyone else gets02:49
NeilRGokay I'm back, the sound is back02:49
NeilRGnot sure what I should try02:49
enigma9o7but ubuntu themselves dont maintain kubuntu specific stuff, thats community maintained02:49
Guest0what did you do?02:49
NeilRGjust restarted02:49
angelkdeGuest0:  from the kubuntu official page I see that it is supported until April 202502:49
NeilRGnormally  just disconnect reconnect fixes it02:49
Guest0this time not?02:50
enigma9o7so whatever they do may be different than regular ubuntu.02:50
Guest0Jan 21 21:37:39 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:37:54 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: Failed to disconnect device: Disconnected (0x0e)02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:37:56 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:38:30 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/audio/avdtp.c:cancel_request() Start: Connection timed out (110)02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:39:16 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info02:52
Guest0Jan 21 21:40:23 Desktop bluetoothd[1279]: Failed to disconnect device: Disconnected (0x0e)02:52
NeilRGGuest0, this time I did a restart of the pipewire, and then couldn't recover02:53
NeilRGGuest0, why did you paste that?  should I be doing anything about those errors?02:54
Guest0i don't know, never had issues with pipewire and bluetooth02:54
NeilRGok thanks for your help02:54
Guest0i think i'm no longer of much help to you, sorry02:54
NeilRGthat's okay, thanks for trying02:55
Guest0thanks for being nice02:55
Guest0find how to find the logs for pipewire and bluetoothd bluez, etc02:56
=== Guest0 is now known as qspqs
=== brutex is now known as Guest1190
osseI need to cross compile some stuff. To that end I have added the ports-ubuntu.com repos. When I "sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev:arm64" apt wants to uninstall A LOT of packages, like ubuntu-minimal and xorg. How do I avoid this?04:32
osseI suppose I need to install them with some sort prefix, perhaps. Otherwise they conflict (?)04:34
enigma9o7probably the wrong answer, but you could apt download then sudo dpkg -i04:41
enigma9o7that would likely work til you needed to use apt04:42
osseenigma9o7: thanks, I explored that route. I think I would need to dpkg --root or something like that. But  anyway I think perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way05:00
Basem13Can someone tell me what does this mean: Device Security Report05:24
Basem13Report details05:24
Basem13  Date generated:                                  2025-01-22 09:21:2605:24
Basem13  fwupd version:                                   1.9.2705:24
Basem13System details05:24
oemhi, any one there?05:44
=== timj2 is now known as timj

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