
sp-irc84wMy Linux Xub22 6.8.0-52-generic got a bit crazy. I decided  to upgrade to 24. "If a new version of Xubuntu is available, a box at the top of the window will appear". It does NOT. What can I do?03:36
SabotenderZ0mg, channel exists!03:37
Bashing-omsp-irc84w: "Xub22" Does not tell us enough - show ' lsb_release -a ' and we go from there.03:39
SabotenderA user from Miss channel recommended that I install this distribution. Let me tell you…03:39
SabotenderThis cactus is pleased.03:40
oerhekssp-irc84w, do it manually; sudo apt update && sudo apt install update-manager-core && sudo apt upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade03:40
oerheksoops, mispaste03:40
oerhekssp-irc84w, do it manually; sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade03:41
SabotenderI just popped in here, because I've been receiving a few errors, that ever since I installed mythtv, I had a popup regarding a program encountered a system error. I am assuming that it is mostly some sort of coredump etc. I just wonder whether or not this is a serious issue.03:42
Sabotenderoerheks:  Get out of my channel!03:43
oerheksSabotender, go back to your #debian03:43
Bashing-omoerheks: sp-irc84w: ^ dependent too on what the current release is and the prompt set in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades .03:43
Sabotenderit's lovely to have a like-minded individual here.03:43
sp-irc84wThanks for manual manual :). By the way, "a bit crazy" means I can't logout (GDBus error - "yb" instead Of  "b". Anybody knows what it means?03:44
oerheksthis GDBus error could be solved by deleting the folder /home/USERNAME/cache/sessions ( if it exists)03:46
oerhekssomthing went wrong with Hibernating/Suspending03:47
sp-irc84wOerheks, thanks a lot!03:49
oerhekshave fun!03:49
SabotenderDebian was a bust. Mythtv 'just works' with Xubuntu. Its just been a while since I've seen these system errors, as a pop-up.04:14
=== pusher is now known as keypusher
xu-help15wPerchè thunderbird continua a scaricare tutti i messggi dal giorno della sua attivazione?12:31
SabotenderHuh. Do you know, I was wondering if anyone had interest getting the biometric button working on the Apple Magic keyboard with touch ID working with Xubuntu16:16
SabotenderBeg pardon?22:15

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