
ray_how do you identify?12:00
sean_nickserv wont change ur enick unless the registered user wants12:00
mary-kate/ns identify yourpass12:00
sean_i know, beaucse im not the registered user of this nick :p12:00
naliothray_: /msg nickserv identify <password>12:00
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mary-katethen why use it if it isn't yours?12:00
ero-sennihey anyone want to be a guiney pig?12:00
ray_depends what it is12:01
sean_beacuse im sean? and what do i really care?12:01
mary-kateso you don't care if someone ghosts you?12:01
ero-senniim writing a tutorial on installing gsnes9x12:01
sean_not in the slightest12:01
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ero-sennii just need someone to follow it, and just make sure i didn't forget anything12:01
ray_gsnes9x........whats that a gui for snes9x?12:01
Fingolfinni need help with ubuntu PPC, firewire dual booting12:01
ray_send me the link i will try12:01
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andresquestion, i ran apt-get install mozilla-firefox and got the following:mozilla-firefox: Depends_firefox but it is not installable12:02
ero-sennii think i installed some libarys to get it working, as soon as you tell me the error ill write it in the tutorial12:02
ray_ero-senni: isnt snes9express the gui version.....whats the diff12:02
=== icewt [n=icewt@de221.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ero-sennisnes9xepress looks prettier12:03
ero-sennibut i couldn't get it work12:03
andresanyone can help me?12:03
tristanmikeandres, are you sure you don't have it installed already?12:03
ero-senniandres use synaptic to update firefox12:03
andreshow do i use synaptic12:03
ray_ero-senni: all you have to do is apt-get it12:03
ero-senniandres, do apt-get install firefox12:03
andresyes, i've done that12:03
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andresant i get that error12:04
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ero-sennido you have root permissions?12:04
tristanmikeandres, check synaptic12:04
ero-sennisudo apt-get install firefox12:04
andresi've done a dist-upgrade to hoary12:04
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ero-senniholy crap12:04
tristanmikeit's not funny, but that reaction was funny12:04
andresno, synaptic is a gui for apt12:04
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ray_ero-senni: did you get it.........im not gonna do that install you sent me because i just got snes9express12:05
EasterSunshineandres: take the cd sources out of your sources.list and try again12:05
=== MrTom [n=mrtom@lns-vlq-9-lil-82-65-146-156.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
andresyep, i've done that already12:05
andresand ran an apt-get update12:05
=== Nelo [n=nelo@cpe-24-221-253-171.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ero-senniray_,  im running amd64 ubuntu hoary12:05
Fingolfinnhelpless helpless helpless helpless12:05
ero-senniits not instable12:05
andresand still having the same problem12:05
sean_snes9xpress? i like the sound of that, hows it run?12:05
Fingolfinni wanna be in an Apple band12:06
=== DracosX [n=DracosX@adsl-065-015-227-185.sip.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray_sean_: it is awsome nice gui.....you can make it look just like a snes12:06
=== ekimus [n=martin@chello062178006213.3.11.tuwien.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
icewtwhen i last time fired up ubuntu, a check of some partition was forced (/foo/bar has not been checked for X days, check forced, or something). i wonder where those texts go? are they logged somewhere? don't say /var/log - not there12:06
sean_damn sounds great ray_ thanks for the tip12:06
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tristanmikeray, better than zsnes?12:07
ray_way better than zsnes12:07
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ray_zsnes is horrible..........snes9express gives you all sorts of video options12:07
=== BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sean_yeah i agree with ya there, i hated plain old znes12:07
ero-senniim gonna see if i can install snesxpress through source12:07
BTJusticeHow do you allow root to log into KDE?12:08
=== UrbanFox [n=urbanfox@68-118-240-62.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmikehorrible for linux? cause I've never had a problem with the win32 version12:08
=== NetGeek [n=dbasinge@stffp11-208.staff.library.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu
sean_win32 version is pimp :p12:08
martinQuestion: When i choose logout in the KDE startmenu and after that one of the three options (log out, restart,shutdown) nothing happens. Only when i do this a second time the action is performed. Any idea what's wrong?12:08
sean_linux version not so pimp12:08
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tristanmikeahhh, i c12:08
dan2_I'm having some difficulty using nvidia drivers on ubuntu12:08
tristanmikefair enough12:08
dan2_I keep getting this12:08
dan2_(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.12:08
=== Nuckin_Futs [n=viper@netblock-66-245-243-213.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
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LinuxJonesBTJustice, don't run kde as a root user12:08
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Nuckin_Futs /msg NickServ IDENTIFY pa3291u12:09
BTJusticeI am not going to get on the Internet with it12:09
Nuckin_Futsignore that12:09
andreslook, this is the exact error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:12:09
andres  mozilla-firefox: Depends: firefox but it is not installable12:09
andresE: Broken packages12:09
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BTJusticeLinuxJones: I am not going to get on the Internet with it12:09
tristanmikeray, so should I install all files associated with 9x?12:09
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Nuckin_Futswhen i try to instal SWAT i get this message12:10
codecaineNuckin_Futs, change your pass now12:10
ray_tristanmike: just........sudo apt-get install snes9espress12:10
naliothBTJustice: a good rule of thumb is not to run any gui file manager as root (turns some of into "file manglers")12:10
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Nuckin_Futscodecaine i should12:10
LinuxJonesNuckin_Futs, best to change your password >> /msg nickserv set password YourNewPassord12:10
tristanmikeray, right so no front-end, no opengl binarys, just the main program?12:10
Fingolfinnmac users are 1 in 3012:10
Nuckin_Futsk thx LinuxJones12:10
=== Dr_Melectaus [n=Doc@ACBCF647.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
dalamaryou want the front end if your running it in X12:11
LinuxJonesNuckin_Futs, but not in this channel :)12:11
ero-senniThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:11
ero-senni  snes9express: Depends: snes9x-x but it is not installable12:11
ero-senniE: Broken packages12:11
Fingolfinnbut there are 507 people in here12:11
Fingolfinnwhere the fuck are the mac heads that know ubuntu12:11
dalamaryou need base snes9x and snes9xexpress, and the gl if you wanna run the gl12:11
ray_tristanmike: well it gets the snes9-x and snes9-common files when you apt12:11
LinuxJonesBTJustice, it's too easy to make a mistake and totally screw up your computer12:11
Nuckin_Futswhen i try to install SWAT i get this message: swat:12:11
Nuckin_Futs  Depends: samba (=3.0.10-1ubuntu3) but 3.0.14a-3ubuntu3~5.04ubp1 is to be installed12:11
ero-senniholy crap i got it to compile12:11
ray_ero-senni: sudo apt-get -f install12:11
naliothFingolfinn: what mac question do you have?12:12
ero-senniwell ray_ , i just got it to install from source12:12
FingolfinnI'm having severe difficulty getting my firewire installation of ubuntu to boot12:12
Fingolfinnthe yaboot wouldn't install, and i'm having no luck booting manually from the firmware prompt12:12
ero-senniscrew the gsnes9x pos12:12
ray_tristanmike: what do you mean front-end    snes9express is the front end12:13
=== BTJustice [n=BTJustic@pool-68-238-1-114.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothFingolfinn: preface your comments aimed at specific people with that persons nick, please12:13
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tristanmikeray, sorry, I'm just looking at the packages through synaptic12:13
naliothFingolfinn: where is your yaboot and what is in it?12:13
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ray_i have 900 snes roms   : ))))12:13
Fingolfinnnalioth: it failed to install12:13
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sean_damn ray nice collectiopn12:13
naliothFingolfinn: failed to install WHERE?12:13
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Fingolfinnnalioth: on the firewire hardrive12:14
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dalamartheres only about 20 good ones, anyway I have the whole rom set on my xbox12:14
ray_tristanmike: if you have limewire or gtk-gnutella you can download them there12:14
vladuz976ubuntu doesn't have a .xinitrc or .xsession file?12:14
=== jose__ [n=jose@27.Red-83-38-125.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray_dalamar: you play them on your xbox?12:14
tristanmikeray, but I must make sure I get the originals first ;)12:14
naliothFingolfinn: you will have to install yaboot on your fixed hard drive and edit it to point to your fw drive, i believe12:14
=== mattyJ [n=X@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dalamarray_, along with half a dozen other emus yes12:14
ray_dalamar: how?12:15
Fingolfinnnalioth: what does that require in terms of repartitioning?12:15
mihaiwhat's the package name for xfce ? apt-get install xfce doesn't work12:15
naliothFingolfinn: if you're lucky, you have some slack space already12:15
Vash|awaywill the nvidia ubuntu drivers work with PCI versions too?12:15
Fingolfinnnalioth: that's all I need?12:15
Stormxmihai: Use synaptic and run a search12:15
vader1102apt-get install xfce412:15
dalamarray_, modded xbox running emulators off a dvd with the full romsets included12:15
naliothFingolfinn: but the boot partition only requires >1mb12:15
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Fingolfinnokay let me try that12:16
Nuckin_Futscan some one please tell me what this message is trying to say:  swat:12:16
Nuckin_Futs  Depends: samba (=3.0.10-1ubuntu3) but 3.0.14a-3ubuntu3~5.04ubp1 is to be installed12:16
naliothFingolfinn: be careful mucking with your partitions12:16
Fingolfinnnalioth: but I also have problems identifying the firewire hardrive12:16
ray_dalamar: i couls never figure out how to mod an xbox12:16
SeveasNuckin_Futs, it says, kick the backports goodbye or swat12:16
naliothFingolfinn: it's seen as a scsi drive12:16
Seveascan't have them both12:16
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Stormxray_: Take it apart and add / remove stuff?12:16
naliothFingolfinn: so it'll be sdb or sda or whatever12:16
Nuckin_Futsk thx seveas12:17
sean_man breezy update takes forever12:17
ray_well i put a mod chip in my friends12:17
Fingolfinnnalioth: do you know what format of address it should be pointed to?12:17
ray_but it didnt work12:17
dalamarray_, its actually really easy if you have a router and can connect the xbox to the network, I don't even have a chip installed its just software modded12:17
Stormxray_ You didn't just put it in the cd rom drive did you?12:17
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nate_Hey, its me again12:17
naliothFingolfinn: when you have your fw drive plugged into your ubuntu, run "sudo fdisk -l" to see what it is12:17
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Fingolfinnnalioth, the other problem is, my computer will no longer recognize the firewire hardrive12:17
nate_Can someone else try installing java, to see if its not just me?12:17
ray_dalamar: yeah i have mine hooked to a router] 12:17
Stormx+ You can get linux on your xbox, which I havn't done12:18
ray_nate_: what did you try12:18
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StormxMy bro put it on Dreamcast, though12:18
naliothFingolfinn: have you plugged it in, and unplugged it during this session?12:18
sean_linux on your x-box is not for sale in north america anymore, or for ps2..12:18
dalamarray_, do some reading on xbox-scene.com or try #xbox on efnet12:18
sean_unless u Ebay it12:18
Fingolfinnnalioth: no, it says it's unreadable12:18
nate_ray_: http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre12:18
dalamarsean_, it never was for sale it was a custom job from the beginning12:18
vader1102sean_ that's because they haven12:18
nate_I tried doing this AFTER adding extra repos12:18
Fingolfinnnalioth: it recognizes it in disk utility however12:18
vader1102anymore kits12:19
=== SweetDreams [n=vagkos@athe530-f132.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
dalamarsean_, which you can still do12:19
naliothFingolfinn: ah. i'm clueless about that. i'd reboot and replug it and see12:19
ray_nate_: ok what is the error12:19
sean_dalamar , theres a whole kit u can by, not so custom12:19
dalamarsean_, waste of money ;) its fairly simple once you know how to softmod the xbox12:19
Fingolfinnnalioth: it's the file system format, it's not readable by mac os x, it won't mount12:19
uboturumour has it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned12:19
Seveas!tell nate_ about ubuntuguide12:19
=== IceDC571 [n=Ice@c-67-188-217-5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sean_lol, i like doing things the easy way lol12:19
=== Vash dies
ewhittendo I need to enable inotify with a kernel option at boot?  And is it safe?12:19
sean_but softmodding sounds like a neat concept12:19
VashSomething is wrong with the NVIDIA Drivers12:19
ewhitten(for breezy, sorry)12:20
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nate_I already know about the Ubuntu guide12:20
SweetDreamsguys can u help me here? i am new to ubuntu! i've done what ubuntuguide tells us to do concerning the sound but i still dont have sound, any suggestions?12:20
EasterSunshineSeveas: i added something to ubotu, can you verify if its okay? it is "upgrade2breezy"12:20
naliothFingolfinn: which OS "futzed" the fs?12:20
Seveassean_, dalamar, take this highly off topic discussion somewhere else...12:20
nate_I did the extra repos and still get an error12:20
VashI followed this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia and everything seems ok, but when ubuntu goes to the graphical login, I get a black screen.12:20
Nuckin_FutsVash: when i installed nVidia driver i had to re-install ubuntu, messed up my res and wouldnt let ubuntu start12:20
Fingolfinnnalioth: what do you mean?12:20
Fingolfinnnalioth: mac os x 10.4.212:20
=== IceDC571 is currently in love with linux
EasterSunshineIceDC571: i sleep with it12:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
sean_wow.. channel nazi... so much for the humanity feeling12:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %sean_!*@*] by Seveas
naliothFingolfinn: so the data on the fw is ext3 or hfs+ ?12:21
Fingolfinnnalioth: the line of code you said to enter returned the following: fdisk: illegal option -- 112:21
Seveasthat kind of talk is not allowed...12:22
naliothFingolfinn: it is an lowercase L as in Lion12:22
Fingolfinnoh my bad12:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@dsl-212-84-153-132.solcon.n] by Seveas
IceDC571EasterSunshine: do you usually fall alseep with scrolling text?12:22
naliothFingolfinn: this will allow your OSX to read/write to your ubuntu partitions  http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsx/12:22
Fingolfinnnalioth: says the same thing except with an 'l'12:22
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EasterSunshineIceDC571: dunno what you mean...but no12:23
naliothFingolfinn: hmm, i ran "sudo fdisk -l" and got a nice output12:23
sockpuppe1a quick question.. do I need postfix to be running if im not using a mail server12:23
Vashit shouldn't make any difference that my gfx card is on PCI, right?12:23
EasterSunshinesockpuppe1: no12:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %mitsuhiko!*@*] by Seveas
Fingolfinnno go12:23
=== ray_ [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas(bot abuse, both)12:24
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Fingolfinni have 2 firewire disks plugged in12:24
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arikhey Seveas12:24
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Fingolfinn*nalioth: i have 2 firewire disks plugged in12:24
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naliothFingolfinn: "sudo fdisk -l" will (L)ist all devices currently mounted12:25
Fingolfinnlet me try the reading/writing jazz thing12:25
ariki cant change the resolution12:25
Fingolfinnit doesn't have that as an explanation under the guidelines described12:25
Seveasarik: To find out how you can change your display resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:25
morbidiarik: how big is your monitor ?12:25
arikhow do i make it 102412:25
sockpuppe1you guys ever heard of bum?12:25
Seveassockpuppe1, of course :)12:25
vader1102!wow! I haven't seen that many bans in that short a time in a while12:25
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, vader110212:25
=== ixxs [n=peto@adsl-98-16-193.m-dsl.nextra.sk] has joined #ubuntu
drudgeim trying to setup my wifi, i am using ndiswrapper and the prism02 driver, and i am able to see my router but it doesn't lease an ip12:25
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uboturumour has it, bum is a graphical BootUp Manager; see http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html12:25
Fingolfinn*nalioth: it doesn't have that as an explanation under the guidelines described12:25
sockpuppe1seveas I think its pretty kickass12:26
Seveasvader1102, I was checking the bot stats12:26
vader1102forgot about that lol12:26
shorty114are dual procs easy to configure?12:26
Seveasbot abuse is stupid and you get banned for it...12:26
naliothFingolfinn: what isnt explained?12:26
sockpuppe1and breezy colony 3 runs perfectly (as far as I saw) on my hardware12:26
naliothshorty114: sure they are (at least on my dual-G5 mac)12:26
Fingolfinnnalioth: l as an option12:26
shorty114nalioth, i'm thinking of buying a machine with dual 3.2 P4's12:26
naliothFingolfinn: you are using hoary? and bash as your shell?12:26
shorty114are dual procs supported well?12:27
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Seveasshorty114, yes12:27
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naliothshorty114: np at all, just use apt-get to install your smp kernel, and you're in business12:27
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Fingolfinnthis might be a problem: tcsh: /sw/bin/init.csh: No such file or directory.12:27
shorty114nalioth, sweet, thanks.12:27
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EasterSunshineshorty114: linux runs on comps with 512 processors, 2 processors is a walk in the park12:27
icewtis there an easy way to enter a mode where running fsck is safe?12:27
arikis there no? windows version for this seveas?12:27
Fingolfinn*Nalioth: this might be a problem: tcsh: /sw/bin/init.csh: No such file or directory.12:27
Seveasarik, for what?12:28
Fingolfinnnalioth: i'm not sure what bash or shell i'm using12:28
naliothFingolfinn: shouldnt matter, fdisk is shell independent12:28
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SeveasX does not run on windows...12:28
=== DeFi [n=DeFi@ip68-6-40-245.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshineFingolfinn: do `ps` that will tell you what shell12:28
EasterSunshinewow...where did you find a tcsh?12:29
EasterSunshinei don't even have that installed12:29
Fingolfinnno clue12:29
SeveasEasterSunshine, good :)12:29
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Seveasif you don't want bash, use zsh. csh/tcsh are bad12:29
Fingolfinnbut it says when i opened terminal, tcsh: /sw/bin/init.csh: No such file or directory.12:30
naliothFingolfinn: if you open your gnome terminal prefs, you can  choose which shell to use (i like bash)12:30
Fingolfinnnalioth: i don't have any gnome terminal prefs that i'm aware of12:30
=== judith_ [n=judith@118.Red-83-55-36.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothFingolfinn: you have had fink installed b4. and i believe you are currently in OSX12:30
Fingolfinnnalioth: i did, on a previous system12:30
Nuckin_Futsmy other pc has xp, and i have a network between them, i am using the samba server, how can i make it that i can acces files on this pc with my other one12:31
naliothFingolfinn: no wonder my suggestions arent working, you are on OSX12:31
Fingolfinnnalioth: shit.12:31
=== pcharky [n=khagen@ip503c6061.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
AkbarNuckin_Futs configurate your samba shares in /etc/samba/smb.conf12:31
Nuckin_FutsAkbar: ill give it a try12:31
Akbaror through your desktop gui app :P12:31
drudgewhy would iwconfig wlan0 essid "96WarrenAPT5" not change the essid from any/off12:31
naliothFingolfinn: thought you asked for "mac head ubuntu nerds", not "mac head mac nerds"12:32
Fingolfinnnalioth: lol fuck12:32
naliothFingolfinn: join ##apple for apple help12:32
Fingolfinnnalioth: i just i'll just have to reinstall fink then :D12:32
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naliothFingolfinn: disregard everything i told you except the ext2fs site (all my inst were for ubuntu on apple hardware)12:33
Fingolfinnoh shit12:33
Fingolfinni might be able to do this in x-1112:33
naliothFingolfinn: doubtful, as the underneath OS is darwin, not linux12:33
=== s_ean [n=shawn__@d209-107-101-94.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
s_eanstevas, that was just cold.12:34
s_eanbut tis water under the bridge... we dont need problems here.12:34
EasterSunshineif X becomes unresponsive, then the ctrl+alt+f1 shell still will work, right?12:34
Seveass_ean, ban avoiding is highly frowned upon...12:35
IceDC571any other shell should work12:35
s_eanmeh, dont ban somone who inputs to the community then?12:35
XenguyEasterSunshine: it should, yes12:35
arikSeveas, i cant make it work. im a linux beginner12:35
Seveasthen don't call people nazi12:35
drudgeCan someone please help me with my wifi setup on ubuntu?12:35
EasterSunshineXenguy: and if that shell becomes unresponsive?12:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@d209-107-101-94.abhsia.telus.net] by Seveas
XenguyEasterSunshine:  Alt-Ctrl-F2 etc.12:36
=== P4RR0T [n=ubuntu@pcp652976pcs.tharpe01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nuckin_FutsAkbar: what exactly should i look for: when i want to access files on this pc with my other one it asked for a user name and password: i put my user name for this pc and pass and it doesnt log in12:36
EasterSunshineXenguy: ...i have a bunch of shells lined up for me on my function keys?12:36
XenguyEasterSunshine: F1 to F6 normally12:36
XenguyEasterSunshine: X starts on F7 by default12:37
XenguyEasterSunshine: F1 to F6 are sometimes called 'consoles'12:37
=== nate_ [n=nate@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
P4RR0THow can I mount my Windows XP partitions (using the Live CD) to be able to access them while I'm not root?12:38
EasterSunshineXenguy: can you refer me to a guide on x shortcuts?12:38
nate_Can anybody try this? http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre12:38
EasterSunshineP4RR0T: sudo mount /dev/hdwhatever /mount/point -t ntfs -o ro,umask=02212:38
SeveasP4RR0T: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically12:38
Seveasnate_, ubuntuguide is bad12:38
nate_I have edited the Sources and I'm trying to see if maybe the server is down.12:38
EasterSunshineP4RR0T: listen to seveas, his solution is better and easier12:38
XenguySeveas: really?12:38
tristanmikeIs it possible to have an animated background/wallpaper?12:39
XenguyEasterSunshine: not offhand - are you just wanting to jump back and forth between console and X ?12:39
EasterSunshineSeveas: ubotu refers me to ubuntuguide sometimes, i think on installing java12:39
nate_I've neever had this problem before and have done the same thing at least 3 times.12:39
XenguySeveas: why do you say "ubuntuguide is bad" ?12:39
EasterSunshineXenguy: i was playing around with some shortcuts, they seem to be able do some neat stuff, i just wanted to learn more for future reference12:40
P4RR0TBut I'm using the Live CD, it would be easier for me to type in the command, rather than download the file each time...thanks a lot for the quick adivce12:40
=== WhiteRabbit [n=3am@unaffiliated/whiterabbit] has joined #Ubuntu
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Seveas!tell Xenguy about ubuntuguide12:40
XenguyEasterSunshine: I might have something bookmarked, sec...12:40
nate_Will somebody else try doing it so I can see if the server is down or something?12:40
XenguySeveas: OK, thanks for that - I'll have a closer look, but my first impression was that the Guide was pretty impressive12:41
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naliothXenguy: it is: but not for newbies12:41
nate_Will someone please help?12:42
nate_And why is the guide bad?12:42
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ManiacMacAnyone here been able to get the ATI 8.14.x driver to work on Hoary?12:43
WhiteRabbitif someone doesn't understand what effects some packages may have on the system it could lead to harmful effects12:43
nate_Someone PLEASE try this?12:43
=== AndyFitz [n=andy@CPE-203-51-237-217.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
BTJusticeCan I enable root to log into KDE Kubuntu?12:43
WhiteRabbit& then they might try to turn on the guide & blame it for there mistakes12:43
nate_ http://ubuntuguide.org/#jre12:44
Seveasnate_, it does not work12:44
Seveasubuntuguide is bad12:44
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ManiacMacBTJustice: yes, sudo passwd12:44
Seveasand hoary-estras repositories are flaky12:44
=== richardk [n=richardk@pcp01030724pcs.dothan01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasgrab a java deb from http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl12:44
IceDC571i forgot about ubuntuguide... who needs it when you have the forums with howtos and a lot of support12:44
=== michele [n=michele@host4-177.pool8256.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
IceDC571and this channel12:44
BTJusticeManiacMac: It tried that, but it still won;t allow me to log in as root at the KDE login screen.12:44
Seveas...and the wiki12:44
nate_THANK YOU!12:44
richardkhey i need some help on something12:45
butcherbirdBTJustice: sudo su then passwd ::ducks::12:45
ManiacMaci think its an option in KDM then12:45
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richardki have a .bz2 file i want to open in the terminal12:45
ManiacMaccheck in there12:45
nate_Which one should I get?12:45
EasterSunshineSeveas: are you a developer for ubuntu?12:45
ManiacMacsorry, I'm a gnome guy ;)12:45
richardkcan you tell me how to do it12:45
kikdijonoups, no french chanel!12:45
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kikdijonsorry, bye12:45
richardkand i want to extract the file12:45
pcharkyHell, E17 & composite rock! :)  check the screenshots: http://www.klaroon.nl12:45
EasterSunshinekikdijon: #ubuntu-fr ?12:46
kikdijonyes, i've just made a mistake while typing12:46
=== disasm [i=disirc@69-162-7-12.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshinerichardk: the tar command will do it after you pass some options to it12:47
kikdijongood night everybody12:47
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richardkok what options do i have to pass12:47
chavopcharky, it's not composite. E does it's own shadows.12:47
NoUserichardk tar -jvxf file.tar.bz212:47
SeveasEasterSunshine, no12:47
Seveas(re: developer)12:47
pcharkychavo: transparency is....12:47
=== Nuckin_Futs [n=viper@netblock-66-245-243-213.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshineSeveas: hmm...sry i think i asked this before...you just know soo much its crazy12:48
chavoaha, I haven't looked at the shots yet12:48
XenguyEasterSunshine: this URL pertains to debian, but most of it should be useful; I'm not sure if it is exactly what you were looking for, but FWIW :-) http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/12:48
nate_can you send why ubuntu guide is bad?12:48
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned12:48
IceDC571it is from one person and there is no support12:48
Seveas^-- nate_12:48
pcharkychavo: plaase do :)12:48
Seveasand the instructions are crap12:48
=== UrbanFox is now known as UrbanFox|afk
ManiacMacWell, anyway, I went through several howtos trying to figure out how to get fglrx working, no avail on any of them.  I get a "(EE) fglrx(0): incompatable kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work" at startup of X12:48
Xenguynate_: Seveas is arguing that the guide can be confusing to newbies (IIUC)12:49
chavopcharky, I am now. I've got e-17 installed here also :)12:49
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@d209-107-101-94.abhsia.telus.net] by Seveas
tristanmikeWhen I first saw ubuntuguide I almost cried12:49
SeveasXenguy, it cannot be because it explains nothing :)12:49
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CookedGryphonI have beep-media-player and w32codecs, and i ahve rhythmbox, still neither of them play wma files, mplayer does, tho it doesn't ahve a proper playlist option, help!12:49
Seveasit's just a stupid list of stupid instrictions12:49
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %sean_!*@*] by Seveas
=== ManiacMac shakes his fists at ATI for making shoddy software
chavommy connection is slow right now. verizon evdo and don't want to reconnect at the moment12:49
XenguySeveas: OK, I'm going to take a second look now :-)12:49
tristanmikeI was like "Well, Linux, not yet"12:49
nate_it works for me =\12:49
tristanmikeBut have since changed my tune about Linux tho =)12:50
=== blumenhalter [n=redimfan@p548661F5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasCookedGryphon, you need a separate plugin for wma in beep12:50
Seveasthythmbox cannot play wma12:50
Seveastotem can if you use the totem-xine backend12:50
CookedGryphonlol then y did everyone tell me to dl w32cod3ecs, what DO they work in?12:50
Seveasmplayer and totem-xine :)12:51
IceDC571Seveas is right12:51
IceDC571anything that has a xine backend it'll work in too12:51
CookedGryphonah rite, what do i need for beep to play wmas then,. i'm fed up with trying to get mplayer to work lol12:51
=== davix [n=lama@85-65-147-65.barak-online.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego sneezes loudly
=== Seveas hands cafuego a box of tisues
cafuegoSeveas: fanks12:52
cafuegothat's box #4 :-)12:52
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Seveascaught a cold?12:52
cafuegocold + sinus infection12:53
=== cafuego is making squishy yellow blobs for the international market
=== SweetDreams [n=vagkos@athe530-r226.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
=== SweetDreams [n=vagkos@athe530-r226.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
michelehmm why does my num-lock led doesn't work when in X? in console it is fine. (this is a thinkpad)12:55
richardkok i have another question12:55
CookedGryphonSeveas, any ideas on wma in beep?12:55
SeveasCookedGryphon, working on it12:55
Seveasare you on x86?12:55
richardkim trying to use dd on a .img file12:55
CookedGryphonyeah i am12:55
richardkand i need to know how to do that12:56
michelein place of the led I hear high and low-pitched beeps when num-lock is activated/deactivate12:56
CookedGryphonalso, anybody got any tips on the best type of laptop to get to be compatible with linux?12:56
SweetDreamsguys ive done everything that's on ubuntuguide.ord "Q: How to configure sound to work properly in GNOME?" and still dont hear any sounds, anyone can please help me?12:56
SweetDreamsorg that is12:56
richardkthe file is tiger-x86-flat.img12:56
SeveasSweetDreams, that part of ubuntuguide is on crack12:56
Seveaseven more than the rest...12:56
EasterSunshineSweetDreams: do not use ubuntuguide is does not work12:56
Seveasundo all you did12:56
CookedGryphoncos i'm getting a laptop to go away to uni, what kinda specs do u reckon to run ubuntu including near future updates comfortably?12:56
mihaidoes ubuntu 5.04 install play divx files out of the box ?12:57
cafuegoSounds like an osx86 issue12:57
Seveasand read wiki.ubuntu.com/DebugingSoundProblems12:57
cafuegomihai: no12:57
mihaicafuego: how gay is that, sigh12:57
SweetDreamsthank u man12:57
micheleCookedGryphon: most thinkpads work fine. the only problem you'd have is with the newest ati cards wich won't get HW acceleration12:57
EasterSunshinemihai: but there is a codec for divx somewhere in the repos12:57
cafuegomihai: I don't know, my machine has never had sex12:57
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debizCookedGryphon: http://www.linux-laptop.net/12:57
micheleCookedGryphon: I have a T52 and it's fine. My gf has a T42 and it's perfect12:57
butcherbirdmihai: just install vlc12:58
XenguySeveas: hrm, IMHO it is reasonable to warn newbies that Ubuntuguide is not oriented towards total newbies, but I don't think it makes sense to warn everyone off the guide entirely.  There are some nice tips and tricks in there that can be useful to many people.  YMMV  :-)12:58
=== pcharky [n=khagen@ip503c6061.speed.planet.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
SeveasXenguy, the mileage varies too much for the thing to be useful12:58
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Nuckin_Futshow do i take out the user name and password needed by other pc to access my pc?12:59
P8ntKidWhat IRC clients do you all use?12:59
XenguySeveas: I think the statement "Ubuntuguide is bad" is far too extreme.  Again, just my humble opinion.12:59
SeveasNuckin_Futs, access in what way?01:00
EasterSunshinewhoa...you can run two or more x servers simultaneousy?01:00
SweetDreamsseveas can u plz give me again the wiki ubuntu site coz it tells me it doesnt exist01:00
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XenguyP8ntKid: irssi-text here01:00
cafuegoEasterSunshine: of course01:00
cafuegoEasterSunshine: with Xnet you can run one IN another one, too.01:00
cafuegoXnest even01:00
SeveasSoundProblemsHoary is also a nice tips'n'tricks  page01:00
Nuckin_FutsSeveas: shared files01:00
SweetDreamsboth with and without www it tells me it doesnt exist :/01:00
SeveasNuckin_Futs, samba?01:00
P8ntKidXenguy, Can i PM you?01:00
Nuckin_FutsSeveas: yes01:00
EasterSunshinecafuego: and alt+f7 and up swtich the x server?01:00
Seveasset access to shared01:00
XenguyP8ntKid: if it is necessary01:01
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Nuckin_Futsseveas: how01:01
cafuegoEasterSunshine: That depends on where you've got them displaying to, but normally: yes.01:01
Seveasin /etc/samba/smbd.conf01:01
tristanmikedebiz, awsome laptop site, thanx01:01
=== erhanerdem [n=erhanerd@] has joined #ubuntu
BollocksMacenzieHow does the Keyboard Shortcuts list work... Can I add 1 for the Applications drop-down?01:01
EasterSunshinecafuego: before i try this, would you know if i can login to my user in both kde and gnome simulatneously and what dangers it encompasses?01:01
DekaPinkhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1564 This happens when mplayer finishes playing a file.01:02
SeveasBollocksMacenzie, no, but you can set custom commands and hotkeys in gconf-editor01:02
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Seveaslook for the gconf keys  apps/metacity/*01:02
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cafuegoEasterSunshine: Should be fne; it might whine about files arleady existing, though01:02
SeveasCookedGryphon, still here?01:03
CookedGryphonDo i need to set up any kind of antivirus with linux? cos i#'ve seen em about, av programs for linux, but no distros come with em as default that i've seen01:03
CookedGryphonyeah i am01:03
CookedGryphonwaiting patiently01:03
Agrajagmost av programs for linux scan for viruses on windows machiens01:03
cafuegoCookedGryphon: Normally AV on Linux is sued to scan emails that will be retrived by windows clients.01:03
cafuegoCookedGryphon: You won't need AV for Linux itself.01:03
=== dmk [n=dmk@host81-156-29-150.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
CookedGryphonthanks, it jstu confused me cos i thought, linux no viruses, so y would there be antiviruses01:04
Nuckin_FutsSeveas: this part?        "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account01:04
Nuckin_Futs# in this server for every user accessing the server. See01:04
naliothCookedGryphon: linux has AV available for those of us who want to protect our windows using brethren01:04
Seveasyup Nuckin_Futs01:04
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=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nuckin_Futssecurity = shared?01:05
SeveasCookedGryphon, almost there...01:05
CookedGryphonnalioth, surely we want to leave them to fend for themselves, and realise the error of their ways01:05
CookedGryphonSeveas, thanks, its appreciated when you get tehre.. r u writing it ureself or what? lol01:05
cafuegoCookedGryphon: I'd love to, but they pay the rent...01:05
naliothCookedGryphon: some of our mothers won't use linux01:05
SeveasCookedGryphon, I'm making a simple checkinstall package for it01:05
=== martin [n=martin@h143220.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CookedGryphonSeveas, you are a god!01:06
CookedGryphonin ubuntu circles at least01:06
=== david__ [n=david@CPE-138-130-108-163.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Nuckin_FutsSeveas: it still asks for a user name and password?01:06
SeveasNuckin_Futs, restart samba...01:07
orloki want to move my ubuntu install to a new PC01:07
orlokas the new kernel supports the sata controller on it01:07
SeveasCookedGryphon, look at http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl for the deb01:08
Seveasplease let me know whether it works (I did not test it yet)01:08
CookedGryphonokay, thanks01:08
=== siucdude [n=joniak99@c-67-175-85-213.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
siucdudei just have a simple question but can't figure out how to fix this01:10
Seveasask away :)01:10
siucdudemy ibm usb mouse the wheel does not work01:10
Nuckin_FutsSeveas: what was the terminal command for restarting samba again ( i forgot)01:10
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EasterSunshinewhat is the command for locating a file across my / filesystem?01:10
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SeveasNuckin_Futs, sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart01:11
nalioththought it was just plain "locate"01:11
EasterSunshineyeah, i don't have slocate installed01:11
Seveasnalioth, in ubuntu locate is a symlink to slocate01:11
Chris_Lappywhats the ubuntuguide link to the app for automounting ntfs and fat32 partitions?01:11
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Seveasthat's not an ubuntuguide link01:11
naliothChris_Lappy: you dont want that01:11
Chris_Lappyyes, i do01:12
naliothChris_Lappy: get the one from Seveas01:12
Seveasthe automounting thing is written by me01:12
Chris_Lappyive used it before its quite nice01:12
Seveasnot by crappy ubuntuguide :)01:12
Nuckin_FutsSeveas: uh, it stil askes for login01:12
searcher`has anyone managed to get the microphone working in skype, under ubuntu?01:12
Chris_Lappygot a weblink?01:12
SeveasChris_Lappy: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically01:12
naliothSeveas: credit where it's due, ahem01:12
naliothheh heh01:12
searcher`i can listen to calls, the mic is working over the speakerset01:12
EasterSunshinewell locate is a whole lot faster that ls -la | grep whatever01:12
Chris_Lappyoh ubuntulinux.nl is where you pointed me before01:12
searcher`but nothing gets sent01:12
=== Hadriel [n=daniel@201-0-89-107.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
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EasterSunshinels -laR / | grep whatever even01:13
cafuegoEasterSunshine: 'locate' does not have an up-to-date database though.01:13
cafuegoEasterSunshine: find . -name "*string*" would be more traditional than an 'ls'01:13
=== incubii [n=incubii@] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasNuckin_Futs, you might need to add some 'guest ok = yes' statements to your shares01:14
zukalkdoes anyone experience Zinf random crashes?01:14
Hadrielhey, anyone can help me abou t how i can compile the linux kernel?01:14
SeveasHadriel: You can find compilation instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto01:14
=== jorgp3 [n=jorgp@bnet-dial2-234.bartnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
SweetDreamsis it so difficult to hear sound? gosh01:15
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phantomhi people01:15
cafuegoEasterSunshine: THogh you'll be mightily impressed when yuou find beagle01:15
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phantomhow do I switch workspaces with with the keyboard?01:16
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Nuckin_FutsSeveas: yea there was this like guesk ok = yes but it was commented, i uncomented and restarted samba but still askes for login01:16
Seveasphantom, look for your current hotkeys in system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts01:17
cafuegodu -sh ~/.beagle/Log -> 328M01:17
SeveasNuckin_Futs, then read the docs, i wouldn't know more than this (I tend to keep things secure...)01:17
VeloxSound is just like any other device, but they advance rather quickly.01:17
NoUsephantom it defaults to Ctrl+Alt and the arrows01:17
CookedGryphonSeveas, Thanks dude! it works, i say again u are a god!01:17
kevoror.. they've protected it :P01:17
SeveasCookedGryphon, thanks for the report :)01:17
=== amonkey [n=amonkey@cpe-67-10-76-211.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nuckin_FutsSeveas: ok, thx for ur time01:17
StormxI have a package that isn't available as a deb. Can I use a command to make it into a deb? Compiling these things can be a hassle....01:17
phantomcool thanks01:18
CookedGryphonlol one more question though, is there any way to add files recursively or do i have to go into each folder and select all .. etc.?01:18
amonkeyhey, i need some help with some sql. anyone know a good channel for that?01:18
SeveasStormx, what do you have? sources/rpm/tgz?01:18
Hadrielanother doubt: im trying to run amarok on gnome, but it says before opening that the device sound is busy. how can i solve it?01:18
SeveasCookedGryphon, wouldn't know that :)01:18
phantomAnd can someone please recomend an MP3 player? Also need a program to convert my CDs to mp301:18
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
CookedGryphonah well, thanks neway01:18
SeveasStormx, alien may work01:18
=== nate_ [n=nate@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
CookedGryphonbut u know everything!01:18
StormxSeveas: How do I use alien?01:19
CookedGryphonphantom, beep-media-player's quite nice01:19
nate_Anybody know why I can't get sound through Windows Media Player through CrossOver Office?01:19
ubotuI guess alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Can give problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/01:19
Seveasalien blabla.tgz01:19
ero-sennidam i hate it that i can't play doom3 on this system01:19
ero-sennidam ati!01:19
StormxSeveas: Thanks, I'll give it a go.01:19
ero-sennidam it to hell01:19
phantomCookedGryphon can I just get it off the repository????01:19
ero-senninext time im buying a nvidia01:19
Seveasphantom, b-m-p is in universe01:19
=== gail [n=luhtien@c-24-63-231-3.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nate_Or would anybody know of a way to make the system think another player is Windows Media player so when I go to see a music video that requires Windows Media player, I can view it through another player/01:20
=== Seveas really should get some sleep - have to get up in 4 hours and 40 minutes...
CookedGryphon phantom yep01:20
Seveasso bye all, cee you tomorrow :)01:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas
CookedGryphonSeveas, where ru ? what timezone?01:20
phantomThanks.. so I use the normal get install command to get it? How do I see what's available in the universe????01:20
benjamin1254how do u install macromedia flash player for firefox... 4 that matter even how do u get it so it auto installs?01:21
SeveasCookedGryphon, it's 1:21 am (NL)01:21
cafuegobenjamin1254: x86?01:21
CookedGryphonah, i'm only an hour behind u01:21
StormxSeveas: "synce-rra_0.9.1-2_all.deb generated" but where? I ran a search and its not there......01:21
ero-senni!tellabout flash01:21
CookedGryphonand I'm tired01:21
ubotuflash is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:21
cafuegobenjamin1254: install flashplayer-mozilla01:22
richardkhow do turn a .img file into a .iso file01:22
richardkcan you do that01:22
ero-senniyes richardk01:22
richardkok how do you do it01:22
nate_Does anybody know of a way to play music videos with a linux media player instead of Windows media player?01:22
ero-sennilet me find that program again01:22
ero-sennihold on01:22
richardkother than renaming the file01:22
naliothStormx: you may have to update your locate database01:22
richardki need a legit .iso file01:22
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CookedGryphonphantom u need to edit you sources.list file01:22
NoUsenate_ mplayer can probably do it01:22
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dalamarimg2iso wont work if its a dvd image, I just went through that earlier today01:23
Stormxnalioth: Ah ha. How?01:23
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dalamarrichardk, to burn or?01:23
naliothStormx: at a terminal prompt, type "sudo updatedb"01:23
ero-sennii think is it KISO?01:23
richardkto a cd01:23
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phantomCookedGryphon, I think I've done that. to get more sources right?01:23
Akwa|userum hey01:23
richardkits 550 mb01:23
ero-sennirichardk, kiso01:23
=== Fackamato [i=Fackamat@81-229-119-116-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
benjamin1254what is the url for the newbie script?01:23
dalamarrichardk, k3b will burn a .img as well01:24
ero-senniits on the forum01:24
Fackamatohoi, is it "safe" to use the next ubuntu now? the one after hoary (can't figure out the name right now)01:24
phantomCookedGryphon, so is there anywhere to show us a list of apps available and commands to install them? Apart from the ubuntuguide?????01:24
CookedGryphonyeah phantom01:24
FackamatoI mean, is all the C transition done etc?01:24
Stormxnalioth: Alright, its doing it now.01:24
dooglus_hi everyone.  I'm looking for a bittorrent client to replace azeurus.  something with a small memory footprint would be good.01:24
=== Xappe is installing colony-3 on his ibook
CookedGryphonor synaptic01:24
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Akwa|usernalioth: I installed ex2 on my compute... it won't advance past the apple logo now01:24
richardkbut can i boot it when i start my computer01:24
dooglus_azeurus is currently using 455Mb to download just 5 torrents...01:24
cafuegoXappe: No wireless support01:24
dalamarrichardk, as long as its a bootable cd sure01:24
naliothXappe: which date is colony-3? i tried a 22aug05 daily on my imac and it killed the whole box01:24
ero-senniyea install k3b to burn the iso01:24
NoUsedooglus_ have you tried the standard client?01:24
Stormxdooglus_: I know the feeling.01:24
CookedGryphonbut u should b able to install it by saying apt-get install beep-media-player01:25
ero-sennirichardk, do sudo apt-get install k3b01:25
ero-sennithen use k3b to burn the nrg01:25
Xappecafuego: I have no wireless01:25
CookedGryphonoh or is it under bmp... on esec01:25
dooglus_NoUse: I'd like a client to remember the torrents between runs, to offer queueing, or at least multiple downloads at once.01:25
=== Crube [n=crube@a84-230-117-96.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Akwa|usernalioth: I'm kinda up shit creek without a paddle now, this really sucks01:25
cafuegoXappe: That's easy then :-)01:25
naliothAkwa|user: what is the hardware and OS version you are running?01:25
StormxCookedGryphon: Synaptic is a good idea.01:25
Akwa|useroh sorry this is fingolfin01:25
richardki have k3b01:25
dooglus_I only have 384Mb of RAM - and azeurus is using it all and more.01:25
Xappenalioth: I don't really know...but i'm erasing everything anyway, so a failure is not a big issue to me01:25
richardkthis is the file name01:25
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CookedGryphonphantom, it is beep-media-player01:26
dooglus_it's really slowing everything else down to a crawl.01:26
CookedGryphonor run synaptic and search for beep01:26
Stormxdo that01:26
richardki need to know if i can turn this into a iso file01:26
naliothXappe: ok. my G5 imac was rendered useless by the daily disk, but as long as yours is running01:26
richardki want to install this on my pc01:26
ero-sennii finally understood how to convert vcd to mpg under linux01:26
Fingolfinnnalioth: yeah, my computer's wasted now =(01:26
richardkso i need for it to be a iso file on disc01:26
ero-sennidownload vcdgear for linux01:26
dalamarrichardk, in k3b, go under tools, burn cd image, then when you click to search for the iso make sure instead of just looking for iso9660 you select it took look for 'all files' and click on it, should burn fine01:26
ero-senniand :-)01:27
naliothFingolfinn: do you have ubuntu installed on it?01:27
ero-sennii didn't ti even exist01:27
Xappenalioth: we'll se in a couple of minutes I guess :)01:27
ero-senniwell vcdgera for linux that is01:27
Fingolfinnno lol, i can't do shit all, it freezes at startup01:27
CrubeHey I'm using KDE (Installed Kubuntu) and I was wondering if there's and easy to switch to GNOME. I can isntall Gnome andall but what's bothering me is that I see the programs from both KDE and GNOME in my programs list and it's annoying :D01:27
phantomCookedGryphon, So I enter: sudo apt-get install beep-media-player ?????01:27
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CookedGryphonphantom, yes01:27
Fingolfinni can't even view the kernel boot01:27
phantomThanks mate01:27
ero-senniCrube, make a new login01:27
Stormxphantom: Yes, in terminal.01:27
ero-sennii mean like create a new user01:27
ero-senniand run it in gnome only01:27
ero-sennii would figure...?01:27
Stormxsudo updatedb is taking forever.......01:28
pr1smHi, I have a creative sound blaster mp3+, and it is recognized by ubuntu in the device manager, but ubuntu doesnt seem to be set to use it. There is a blue light on it that flashes when it is outputting a noise, however this does not flash, SO I know it isnt a silly mute problem, can anybody help me with this please01:28
richardkit says its not a usable image01:28
phantomis there a page apart from the Ubuntuguide.org with a litst of applications in the Universe????01:28
richardkwhat does that mean01:28
Crubeero-senni:  ok I'll try that :) Currently I'm using kde, but I use programs from gnome like Synaptic and Gaim couse I really hate the kynaptic and kopete01:29
RangitotoI want to install Ubuntu on an HP computer which won't boot from its non-HP CD-ROM drive. Any suggestions?01:29
HrdwrBoBCrube: why not use gnome with some kde programs then?01:29
arikhello: can u give me again the website for the screen resolution configuration01:29
Xappenalioth: and by useless you mean, totally useless or you're still able to reinstall hoary for example?01:29
naliothRangitoto: boot floppy01:29
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:29
CrubeHrdwrBoB:  that was what I was planning on doing01:29
HrdwrBoBCrube: cool01:29
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: sacrilige!01:29
=== sorush20 [n=sam@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
naliothXappe: as in the cd wouldnt boot, and when i started OSX, it kernel panicked upon reaching the desktop trying to read the install cd (no way to eject it easily)01:30
cafuegoThat's like using DOS programs under WIndows!01:30
naliothXappe: and i can't get ANY linux to install on my G5 imac01:30
cafuegonalioth: hold down teh eject key (or F12) when hitting reset will eject teh cd.01:30
Rangitotonalioth: I thought of creating a boot floppy using another computer but I was unable to find out how to create one.01:30
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Xappenalioth: ooops01:30
Fackamatowhat's the next ubuntu version called?01:31
Fingolfinnnalioth: i really appreciate your help, i think i might have some success, but now my computer's totally fucked01:31
Fackamatoand can I run it farily stable at the moment?01:31
phantomThanks People.. Your help was great.01:31
cafuegonalioth: The Hoary PPC LiveCD got as far as scanning for disks here.01:31
dooglus_Fackamato: breezy01:31
Fackamatois breezy usable now?01:31
Fackamatois all the C transition gone?01:31
Fackamatoto gcc 4 etc.01:31
dooglus_Fackamato: I've been using it without many problems for 3 months or so01:31
naliothcafuego: i tried that, and holding the mouse button, and all that. it didnt eject. had to call apple (new G5 imacs don't have the eject hole for the optical drives)01:31
Fackamatodooglus_ great, thanks for the answer01:31
dooglus_Fackamato: there are still lots of updates.01:32
pr1sm Hi, I have a creative sound blaster mp3+, and it is recognized by ubuntu in the device manager, but ubuntu doesnt seem to be set to use it. There is a blue light on it that flashes when it is outputting a noise, however this does not flash, SO I know it isnt a silly mute problem, can anybody help me with this pleas01:32
cafuegonalioth: *nod* Odd though, worked OK when mum-in-law's G5 hung01:32
siucdudecan anyone help please01:32
dooglus_I updated today and it downloaded over 300Mb of stuff in 300 packages.01:32
Fackamatodooglus_ hehe okay01:32
naliothRangitoto: wiki.ubuntu.com will help you with that. see user documentation01:32
StormxThis sucks...01:32
cafuegonalioth: swap that G5 for four mac minis and run Linux on them (and cluster them :-)01:32
=== FortMax [n=aperez@pool-70-111-253-5.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
naliothcafuego: my stuff is always problematic01:32
siucdudei have googled way to long for this01:33
Stormxalien says it is generating a .deb package, when it certainly isn't.01:33
Xappenalioth: well, I have an ibook g3, maybe i'll have better luck...colony-3 is august 1701:33
cafuegoXappe: clamshell? they *will* run hoary just fine, should breezy fail.01:33
naliothXappe: you got it goin on, then. Everything about the G3s is known to devs01:33
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Xappecafuego: I know...i've been running hoary on it since april or something like that01:34
dooglus_siucdude: what's the problem?01:34
Xappecafuego: not clamshell, a white g3 70001:34
StormxAnyone got any ideas?01:34
StormxI'll go put my output in pastebin...01:35
siucdudei had a xorg prblem this morning fixed it and now i updated the rest of the system and the only thing that is buging me is my mouse wheel is not on01:35
cafuegoXappe: Oh, I didn't realise they made those in G3 flavour :-)01:35
siucdudethank you dooglus for offer to help01:35
=== [EasterSunshine] [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-41-108.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xappecafuego: :)01:35
dooglus_siucdude: I've not seen my mouse for over 5 weeks now.  I've no idea if the wheel is working in breezy or not...01:36
cafuegoI thought they'd stopped after the bronze powerbooks and then moved everything to G4s01:36
SolidRavenuh a question, did i fuck up my kernel after two failed modprobes?01:36
siucdudedooglus: thanks anyways01:36
Stormxhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/344533 - help?01:36
SolidRavenif i do modprobe ndiswrapper the comp just freezes :S01:37
cafuegoSolidRaven: Well, you _are_ laoding windows drivers01:37
SolidRaveni know01:37
naliothcafuego: yes, they do all the way to 800mhz01:37
SolidRavenbecause of the fact that i have crappy stuff from topcom01:37
cafuegoSolidRaven: crappy stuff + crappy driver +` crash01:38
cafuegoseems fair01:38
SolidRavencafuego > not realy, i actualy think i fucked up the kernel01:38
=== wae2go [n=alex@ppp-70-242-192-227.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
SolidRaventwo freezes01:38
Stormxhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/344533 - help? It says it has generated a package, but its not there........01:38
SolidRaveni might try without loading it into the kernel01:38
wae2gohey all did the backports url change again?01:38
cafuegoSolidRaven: by loading a driver? Not likely unless the system died when writing to the kernel file.01:39
ubotubackports are applications with newer versions on a stable distributions. Ubuntu backports can be found in the hoary-backports section01:39
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cafuego(and it shouldn't be doing that after booting)01:39
SolidRavencafuego > the system freezed and i needed to reset it01:39
ubotusomebody said extras was For extra repositories, check out http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96901:39
SolidRavenubuntu loads perfectly tough :p01:39
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cafuegoSolidRaven: Then the kernel is fine and the windoze driver is the problem.01:39
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cafuegoSolidRaven: It's probably badly written and is making the kernel gpf when it probes hardware. it happens.... shitty but true.01:40
NanoBCNhi there01:40
CookedGryphonhow many different keywaords does ubotu respond to?01:40
ubotuYou can find out how to operate ubotu on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:40
cafuegoSolidRaven: Got a pcmcia slot?01:40
HrdwrBoBcafuego: if it's a laptop, the card is likely minipci01:41
HrdwrBoBget a replacement minipci card, no need for a bulky pcmcia card01:41
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: yes, but that's not my question :-)01:41
cafuegoWell, true.01:41
mcphailSolidRaven: I had a similar problem with ndiswrapper. Everything worked when I tried an alternantive windows driver for my card.01:42
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IceDC571i hate websites running on asp or windows01:44
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IceDC571they always have maintenance01:44
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morbidiIceDC571: why ?01:45
HrdwrBoBheh asp01:45
morbidiIceDC571: ?01:45
IceDC571i see nothing but errors01:45
IceDC571or.. runtime error01:45
HrdwrBoBIceDC571: it's ok, they make people (also microsoft) a buttload of cash01:45
morbidiIceDC571: bad programers01:45
wae2gowell I'll check backlater cuz Icant find java anywhere01:45
IceDC571anyone know of myspace?01:45
=== kirtis [n=kirtis@S01060080c828e315.su.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zaphandsHello. I want to setup 2 network cards. One for the internet and one for local network. Both cards are working saperately but not together. What can I do?01:45
SolidRavenno cafuego01:45
SolidRaveni don't have pcmcia slot01:45
benkong2is there a way i can install ndiswrapper in a new kernel while running another? I upgraded kernel but ubuntu crashes because ndiswrapper gives a fatal error.01:45
morbidizaphands: pci ?01:45
SolidRaventhis is a crappy pc chips motherboard01:45
morbidiethernet ?01:46
cafuegoSolidRaven: As HrdwrBoB suggested, see if you can get your hands on a decent minipci card01:46
zaphandsmorbidi: 1 pci 2 on-board.01:46
zaphandsmorbidi: the cards are detected and use different interrupts.01:46
BollocksMacenzieSeveas: The Application menu has it's own shortcut in the end... It's called "Show the Panel Menu" instead... I.e. Alt+F101:46
=== Akbar [n=Akbar@akbar.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SolidRavencafuego > i can't realy aford that now because i am already upgrading my pc01:46
morbidizaphands: sudo ifconfig -a01:46
HrdwrBoBSolidRaven: or,  if you have a friend with a wifi card, swap01:47
cafuegoSolidRaven: Then upgrading it with decent hardware might be a good idea01:47
SolidRavencafuego > i am upgrading the motherboard + cpu01:47
SolidRavenits like a crapy celeron 1.1ghz01:47
SolidRavendo you get why i upgrade :p01:47
zaphandsmorbidi: I have IPs for both. but the internet is working from the same device as the local area network.01:47
morbidizaphands: ?01:47
morbidiwhat ?01:47
cafuegoSolidRaven: Even cheap mobos these days come with half-decent (realtek) network01:47
morbidizaphands: explain yourself01:47
SolidRavenits like a 6 year old mobo01:47
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HrdwrBoBzaphands: you need to be clearer about the network01:48
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cafuegoSolidRaven: My 6-y-old Dual p2 runs fine, no need to upgrade that.01:48
zaphandsmorbidi: I want to use eth0 for my cable modem (it uses DHCP) and eth1 for local area network.01:48
=== brainz [n=brainz@dialpool-210-214-110-23.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu
morbidizaphands: sure01:48
morbidiuse it01:48
HrdwrBoBcafuego: there's always a need :)01:48
morbididhcpcd eth001:48
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morbidiifconfig eth0
Stormxhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/344533 - help? It says it has generated a package, but its not there........01:48
wfrycan anyone help with getting GUI up on a gateway m25001:48
morbidiifconfig eth1
HrdwrBoBI'm decomissioning the dual p2 nameserver here - it's too old and I can't rely on the hardware01:48
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: True, but even then buying low-quality only means you'll be buying additional hardware for years to come01:48
[EasterSunshine] when i move my mouse over glxgears, it flickers, anyone else have that problem?01:49
zaphandsmorbidi: I can see both IPs of eth0 and eth1 on ifconfig.01:49
SolidRavencafuego > for what i am doing this comp is not enough01:49
SolidRavenit takes ages to compile that game engine01:49
Stormxhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/344533 - help? It says it has generated a package, but its not there........01:49
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zaphandsmorbidi: but the internet is used from eth1 instead of eth0.01:49
morbidizaphands: sudo ifconfig -a | grep inet01:49
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: The only time mine has crashed was in 1998; when it turned out the rtl8139 driver and CONFIG_SMP and the aic788x driver were not friends (and scsi crapped out when using > 50% bandwidth)01:50
brainzall, Hi i'm a newbie,  i just installed ubuntu linux and the problem is i cant read and write into my fat32 , my fstab entry reads like this /dev/hda8       /data           vfat    defaults        0       001:50
brainz i tried to read the manual, searched in the forum but nothing helped01:50
EasterSunshinens identify jhjhjhjh01:50
kemikStormx:  dont think you can run alien on tarballs01:50
HrdwrBoBcafuego: ouch01:50
morbidizaphands: what's the big deal ?01:50
mcphailzaphands: I don't understand these things, but would "man route" help?01:50
kemikStormx:  untar the file first?01:50
Stormxkemik: Hmm, seveas said you could.01:50
CookedGryphonbrainz, u need to set the permissions01:50
AkbarEasterSunshine not really01:50
Stormxkemik: Into a folder?01:50
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: it's been stable for nigh on 6 years since the addition of two e100s though01:51
HrdwrBoBcafuego: while I don't expect them to fail, my job consists of keeping things working, and in that vein, I think I'll ditch them :)01:51
morbidimcphail: no01:51
Stormxkemik: tried.01:51
brainzCookedGryphon, how?01:51
Akbarbut can xcompmgr work with fglrx?01:51
morbidizaphands: do you need eth0 in dhcpcd mode ?01:51
HrdwrBoBmy server at home is a dual p3 933 with IDE linux raid501:51
kemikStormx:  . hmm yea looks like it's extracting it01:51
zaphands I see my eth0 IP.01:51
brainzCookedGryphon, chmod? or groups?01:51
morbidizaphands: I mean REALLY NEED01:51
cafuegoYou don't want to know what my server at home is <heh>01:51
kemikStormx:  are you sure it's a .rpm inside the file and not sourcecodE?01:51
CookedGryphonu can do it in ftab01:51
CookedGryphonsry jsut a min, i will help u in a min, jsut my gf's saying summat improtant01:52
Stormxkemik: Its not an RPM.01:52
SolidRavenoh well going to try "sudo ifup wlan0" for once tomorow01:52
SolidRavennever know it might actualy work01:52
zaphandsmorbidi: yes I do.01:52
HrdwrBoBcafuego: so old or so overpowered?01:52
Stormxkemik: I'd imagine its source, then?01:52
morbidizaphands: ok01:52
zaphandsmorbidi: the modem works that way.01:52
brainzCookedGryphon, can you be please more specific please, thanks01:52
SolidRavengoing to bed01:52
Stormxkemik: Thing is, it says it is creating it.01:52
HrdwrBoBI have a friend who's building a dual dualcore opteron for his own personal fileserver01:52
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: The drives in the P2 are a bit old, what's why i added fresh 80G ide drives in raid1 on their own controller and wiped the 4.3GB scsi drives; they now run / in raid1 too (with a hot spare)01:52
SolidRavenits like 2o' clock in the middle of the night :p01:52
morbidizaphands: dhcpcd eth101:52
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cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Even if it DOEs do poo, I'll have some advanced warning.01:52
morbidiifconfig eth0
morbidisame shit01:52
zaphandsmorbidi: command not found01:52
HrdwrBoByeah, always good to have warning01:52
morbidizaphands: sudo01:53
zaphandsmorbidi: i'm root01:53
morbidi /sbin/ifconfig eth1
morbidiyou're going to loose irc01:53
zaphandsmorbidi: does it have to be that IP?01:54
morbidizaphands: no01:54
cafuegothr only problem is that slot1 cpus with the two fans each get REAL loud01:54
morbidizaphands: make sure it is an internal01:54
cafuegoso it's banished to the shed ;-)01:54
zaphandseth1 is connected to a router which uses dhcp...01:54
zaphandsmorbidi: eth1 is connected to a router which uses dhcp...01:54
HrdwrBoBhaha that sucks01:54
Stormxthis sucks01:54
morbidizaphands: sure01:54
HrdwrBoBthis is why I love my a64, then fan spends a lot of its time off01:55
=== HrdwrBoB moves this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic
zaphandsmorbidi: I'm still here :-)01:55
kemikStormx:  didnt know alien could make .deb's out of sourcecode..01:55
morbidiI just don't understand why it is so important to have eth0 using dhcpcd and not eth101:55
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Stormxif anyone can tell me how to get my smartphone working in multisync I will be greatfull :)01:55
cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Well, not as bad as you might think; the shed was wired up with cat5 two years ago, so its finally getting a run for its money <heh>01:55
morbidizaphands: yep01:55
Stormxkemik: Meh, neither did I.01:55
zaphandsmorbidi: and I see eth1 up on ifconfig01:55
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cafuegoHrdwrBoB: Yeah, I can't heard my amd64 over the sound of the P3 at all.01:55
kemikStormx:  actually i dont think it can..01:56
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StormxI press "Sync" and multisync sits there and does absolutely nothing.01:56
HrdwrBoBcafuego: #ubuntu-offtopic01:56
CookedGryphonbrainz,  sorry u'll ahve to ask sujm1 else, i ahve to rush off01:56
morbidizaphands: ok, once and for all01:56
kemikStormx:  utnar the tarball and compile it as usual instead?01:56
wfrycan anyone help me? I have a gateway m250 and the GUI won't work right01:56
morbidiyou need to change the eth1 and eth0 services01:56
=== cafuego wanders off to cough up some lung
brainzall, Hi i'm a newbie,  i just installed ubuntu linux and the problem is i cant read and write into my fat32 , my fstab entry reads like this /dev/hda8       /data           vfat    defaults        0       001:56
morbidiyou have 3 network cards01:56
Stormxkemik: C++ Compiler can't create executables o.O01:56
morbidiright ?01:56
sorush20guys my Keyboard has stopped working in evolution can some one help.. I've restarted the program but its no use.. I don't know what to do I don't want to keep having to log out and back in ?01:56
zaphandsmorbidi: 2.01:56
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kemikStormx:  sure it can01:57
morbidizaphands: one onboard and one pci01:57
reikiI have a suspicion that Evolution is stripping the spamassassin headers off my email :)01:57
zaphandsmorbidi: yes01:57
Stormxchecking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables01:57
StormxSee `config.log' for more details.01:57
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morbidiwhich is which ?01:57
zaphandsmorbidi: eth0 is connected to modem (DHCP)01:57
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morbidieth1 currently is on dhcp ?01:57
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zaphandsmorbidi: eth1 is connected to router (LAN, uses DHCP)01:57
morbidinow do01:57
kemikStormx:  got "build-essential" installed?01:57
Stormxlet me see.01:58
morbidizaphands: which one ?01:58
=== Crube [n=crube@a84-230-117-96.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
morbidiok ok01:58
morbidizaphands: and you need to link eth0 to the router01:58
morbidiand eth1 to de modem ?01:58
CrubeAh the one thing in linux I'm good at... breaking things. :)01:59
Stormxkemik: Installing now.01:59
kemikCrube:  its a start ;P01:59
zaphandsmorbidi: If I reverse the wiring then the clock is not updated from the internet upon boot...01:59
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morbidizaphands: explain02:00
zaphandsmorbidi: I guess the init scripts use eth0 for internet access.. If I connect eth0 to LAN than upon boot time ubuntu does not update system's clock from the i-net.02:00
cafuegoStormx: Fot future reference: See `config.log' for more details.02:01
cafuegoStormx: That would tell you ehich command failed (and what app/lib is missing)02:01
sean___wow breezy update is taking aloong time :p02:01
thrushanyone know how to get a bunch of domain controllers to sync up in Active Directory heh02:01
zaphandsmorbidi: That's why i'm keeping eth0=modem, eth1=router.02:01
cafuegoA filthy disease talking about windows...02:02
thrushignore me im just frustrated02:02
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zaphandsmorbidi: I also don't want to share the internet connection.02:02
morbidizaphands: you need to bring down both devices02:02
morbidireconnect the wiring02:02
zaphandsmorbidi: ok..02:02
morbidibring up both devices02:02
erhanerdemburda turk varm?02:02
brainzall, Hi i'm a newbie,  please someone help i just installed ubuntu linux and the problem is i cant read and write into my fat32 , my fstab entry reads like this /dev/hda8       /data           vfat    defaults        0       002:02
cafuegoerhanerdem: English please, in here.02:02
erhanerdemhm ok02:03
zaphandsmorbidi: ok.. I'll do that. brb.02:03
cafuegobrainz: Where is says defaults, you need to have the correct uid,gid,fmask,dmask entries.02:03
erhanerdem have been skystar 202:03
=== |CRS| [i=ExUser@bl4-24-192.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erbrainz: u need some umask/uid/gid options in there02:03
bur[n] erbrainz: man mount02:03
erhanerdemcan not be watch dvbs tv02:03
erhanerdemwhat to do ?02:04
bur[n] erbrainz: scroll to the vfat section of that man page02:04
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cafuegobrainz: To create it automagically, '/msg ubotu fat32' and fetch abnd run the script it tells you about.02:04
EasterSunshinewhat is this i am reading about optimizing my kernal? changing from 386 to 686? what effects does that have? speed boost?02:04
brainzbur[n] er: ok, will do02:04
|CRS|anyone help me? How can I eject an iPod from Ubuntu 5.04 ?! I tried eject /media/pod...  but teh ipod is still running!!02:04
sean___optimizintation for your architecture02:04
Stormxkemik: Alright. Now its complaining synce isn't installed. I've just downloaded it (as a non .deb) and now i've extracted it. Theres 5 or 6 tgzs inside......02:04
cafuegoEasterSunshine: a little bit, yes.02:04
zealothi there... first time linux user here... i just successfully installed ubuntu02:04
bur[n] erbrainz: see cafuego's last comment :)  I didn't know there was a script02:04
brainzcafuego: I didnt get about that script02:04
sean___props to you zealot :)02:04
zealotthis is so cool02:04
kemikStormx:  dontknow what sunce is02:04
sean___welcome to linux :)02:05
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cafuego!tell brainz about fat3202:05
kemikStormx:  but compile what you need, or apt-get it02:05
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thrush|CRS|: you mean unmount?02:05
|CRS|no! it must be ejcted!!02:05
|CRS|or it burns up!02:05
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cafuego|CRS|: unmount it, then unplug it.02:05
Stormx|CRS|: If its pluged in it will be in your desktop. Right click > Eject?02:05
zealoti have a quick question though: my computer had 2 drives, c: a 20 MB drive, and d: a 80 GB drive.  installed ubuntu on C:.  ---- when I use the file explorer, I cannot find the d drive... does any of you know how I can find it?02:06
GoClickHow hard is it to get an Ubuntu install to make /home on /dev/hdb1 ?02:06
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thrushok ok my bad :)02:06
BSG75any idea why gnome running so slow?02:06
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Stormxzealot: Its not mounted.02:06
ubotuntfs is probably the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP.  To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions.02:06
cafuegoGoClick: trivial.02:06
RangitotoI am trying to create a boot floppy. I entered "mke2fs/dev/fd0" and got the message "No such file or directory". I am in the "root@ubuntu:/home/warty" directory. Am I in the wrong place?02:06
kemikzealot:  read the link ubotu pasted02:06
juanejis there a .deb of last version of azureus? backports version doesnt work here02:06
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Stormxwhat ubotu said.02:06
BSG75cpu load is 3.4% .. this is on a 2600+ amd with 1gb ram02:06
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GoClickBasicaly we want to set up Ubuntu on our server here but we want /home to be on our RAID1 hard drive setup02:06
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StormxHave to go. Bye.02:06
erhanerdemplease how use skystar202:06
zaphands_morbidi: I'm back. but I had to `ifdown eth1` for that.02:06
kemikgl Stormx02:07
morbidizaphands_: why ?02:07
zaphands_morbidi: internet didn't work.02:07
erhanerdemooof :(02:07
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cafuegoGoClick: In the installer, choose advanced partitioning, create the raid1 in the installer, format and mount it (or just format and mount, if it's hardware (promise/highpoint is NOT hardware, do not use))02:07
morbidithat's strange02:07
morbidiin fact02:07
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morbidihow do you bring up the two devices ?02:07
BSG75having issues with gnome running very very slow02:08
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GoClickcafuego no it's a Dell PowerEdge02:08
robotgeekBSG75: use fluxbox or openbox or xfce02:08
zaphands_morbidi: i noticed that when i `route` it is stuck before writing the gateways...02:08
|CRS|Stormx: my ipod when it's plugged says "do not disconnect" , and for safety removal, that message should disappear! and with a umount it doesn't! an eject doesn't work....02:08
BSG75I tried them .. and they are flying .. so is kde02:08
erhanerdemplease hepl me ? dont watch it skystar202:08
cafuegoGoClick: Then it ought to just pick up the array. In the aprtition setup, choose hdb1 and tell the system to mount it on /home02:08
zaphands_morbidi: `ifup -a`02:08
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ubotukemik: Syntax error in line 102:08
kemik!ubotu anyone is anyone = 90% of the first questions asked in this channel _annoyingly_ start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>02:08
ubotukemik: what are you talking about?02:08
kemikubotu anyone is anyone = 90% of the first questions asked in this channel _annoyingly_ start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>02:08
morbidizaphands_: both ethx are in dhcp right ?02:09
GoClickcafuego cool, and if the raid controler isn't found?02:09
zaphands_morbidi: yes.02:09
morbidithat shouldn't be a problem02:09
morbidiif you do dhcpcd eth002:09
morbididhcpcd eth102:09
ubotuNo idea, robotgeek02:09
cafuegoGoClick: Then you probably have a dell poweredge ;-)02:09
kemikubotu anyone is 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and YOU decide? <hint>02:09
GoClickIs Ubuntu ever going to get an easy to use samba gui? swat not being that...02:09
ubotukemik: okay02:09
morbidiit's the same thing02:09
morbidibut try it02:09
morbidiif it doesn't work02:09
morbidicheck the route02:09
zealoti can't find my d: drive, can anyone help me? i just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu into an empty c: drive. i have a full d: drive, but i can't see it02:09
kemik!tell kemik about anyone02:09
cafuegoGoClick: Which controller (specifically) is it?02:09
GoClickcafuego I don't know let me look into that...02:10
robotgeekkemik: good job02:10
GoClickThe server hasn't arived yet02:10
zaphands_morbidi: command not found: dhcpcd02:10
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|CRS|Stormx: my ipod when it's plugged says "do not disconnect" , and for safety removal, that message should disappear! and with a umount it doesn't! an eject doesn't work......02:10
zaphands_morbidi: the route is OK with eth0. but only after `ifdown eth1`02:10
cafuego|CRS|: Well, just unplug it then.02:10
kemikrobotgeek:  im not sure, some of the op's may be offended and think it's all "rude like #debian"02:10
kdibbleI have maxlogins set to 4 in limits.conf, but any attempt at a 3rd login fails!? anybody?02:10
kemikrobotgeek: but in debian they either a) ban you b) ignore you02:11
robotgeekkemik: what are the chances of anyone doing a !anyone02:11
morbidizaphands_: ok02:11
kemikrobotgeek:  i have no idea ;)02:11
cafuegorobotgeek: Once it exists, quite often.02:11
morbidithe problem is in eth1 then :P02:11
|CRS|cafuego, NO! It can be that way!!!! in suse when I used to do that, my pod was formatted because of that!02:11
morbidizaphands_: eth1 is now connect where ?02:11
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cafuego|CRS|: Well, if you can't unmount it, can't eject it, can't just unplug it, you'll just have to leave it where it is.02:12
robotgeekdamn...upgrading to breezy is taking a long long time02:12
|CRS|after unpluging it so many times, it doen't mounted anymore02:12
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zaphands_morbidi: eth1=modem, eth0=router.02:12
kemikzaphands:  i dontknow what youre doing.. but "dhcpd" or "dhclient" is probably what you wanted to write02:12
zealotcan someone help me find my 2nd hard drive?02:12
zaphands_morbidi: I can do: ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth1 and it will work!02:12
robotgeekzealot: fdisk -l , i belive might help u out02:12
cafuegozealot: it's probably in your computer. have you checked?02:13
brainzcafuego: sorry the script didnt work :(02:13
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morbidizaphands_: that's really strange02:13
cafuegobrainz: Ooh, how naughty. Let's yell at nalioth02:13
morbidiit seems that the both devices are searching for the same addrs02:13
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GoClickcafuego I can't say for sure it's whatever the SATA RAID controller on the Dell PowerEdge 800 us :/02:14
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robotgeekzealot: also check in /media02:14
zealotcafuego: in the computer i can only see "filesystem", floppy and the CD rom02:14
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kemikzaphands:  what's your problem?02:14
cafuegozealot: No, no.. in a terminal, run 'dmesg | grep hd'02:15
zealotrobogeek: there's nothing in /media; just the cd roms02:15
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zaphands__morbidi: oops.. u still here?02:15
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zaphands__morbidi: I was disconnected a minute ago.02:16
zealotcafuego -> i tried running the command on terminal. i can see the drive there02:16
cafuegoGoClick: CERC or PERC02:16
zealotcafuego -> how do i make it appear on my computer?02:16
cafuegozealot: 1) partition it if that ahsn't already been done. 2) Format the aprtition (with mkfs) if that hasn't already been done 3) Add it to /etc/fstab02:17
apokryphoscafuego: any way to find out who deleted a factoid?02:17
GoClickcafuego with the cost of the server and the cost of the controlers I doubt it's one of them02:17
cafuegoapokryphos: try !factinfo <factoid>02:17
cafuegoGoClick: No, it's a dell.02:17
GoClickI suppose02:18
benkong2on a laptop how can i get eth0 and wlan0 to come up manually. This things waits forever when booting.02:18
cafuegoGoClick: The Model 800 comes with either a CERC or a PERC.02:18
zealotcafuego: if i partition it will i erase it? how do I partition it?02:18
=== etker [n=killian@as4-2-8.n.n.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu
etkeranyone awake ?02:18
zealotcafuego -> sorry, linux noob02:18
apokryphoscafuego: for *deleted* ones?02:18
kemikbenkong2:  ifconfig probably, or ifup02:18
cafuegozealot: You partition it with parted or fdisk.02:18
cafuegoapokryphos: Why not?02:18
etkeri'm curious if theres any commandline soundplayer in ubuntu ?  i'm running the ppc version02:18
cafuego!test is bar02:18
ubotu...but test is already something else...02:18
cafuego!testes is bar02:18
ubotuokay, cafuego02:18
cafuego!delete testes02:18
ubotucafuego: Syntax error in line 102:18
apokryphoscafuego: I get "there is no such factoid"02:18
cafuego!forget testes02:18
ubotui forgot testes, cafuego02:18
=== Nexinarus [n=nexinaru@prox-a.its.waikato.ac.nz] has joined #ubuntu
robotgeekbenkong2: open up /etc/network/interfaces, and comment out lines containing auto wlan waut eth0 etc02:18
apokryphos!factinfo testes02:18
benkong2kemik, no i mean when booting I don't want to try and bring the interfaces up02:18
ubotuthere's no such factoid as testes, apokryphos02:19
benkong2robotgeek, thanks02:19
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etkeri know i can get sound from the machine because i can hear some drums in the end of the boot process, when i have the login screen02:19
cafuegoapokryphos: Hmm, mebbe not. Which one were you after?02:19
zaphands_morbidi: back.02:19
robotgeeketker: mp3blaster02:19
zealotcafuego -> will creating a partition delete the contents of d: drive? i have about 70 MB of content on it02:19
=== TongMaster [n=TongMast@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
GoClickcafuego it says it's onboard SATA RAID tho where as the CERC and PERC controlers are cards for sale, if it's onboard why bother buying one?02:19
cafuegozealot: Yes.02:19
apokryphoscafuego: a few random ones which I have vague recollection of adding. Ones I'm almost *sure* existed: mplayer, amarok.02:19
HrdwrBoBGoClick: because it's not raid02:19
morbidizaphands_: so ?02:19
zealotcafuego: i don't want to do that. I just want linux to recognize the existing full drive02:19
etkerrobotgeek: its not on my system ....02:20
GoClickHrdwrBoB the Dell site says onboard SATA does do RAID02:20
HrdwrBoBGoClick: http://linux.yyz.us/sata/faq-sata-raid.html02:20
apokryphoscafuego: it should keep record of !forgets as someone can just repeatedly delete loads of factoids etc02:20
cafuegoGoClick: If it's a raid controller, it'll be the CERC. the on-board one is just flat sata.02:20
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cafuegoapokryphos: They're not removed from the Db.02:20
zaphands_morbidi: I can ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth1 and it works ok.02:20
robotgeekubotu tell etker about repos02:20
cafuegozealot: Just mount it, then (add it to /etc/fstab)02:20
zaphands_morbidi: I can't activate both interfaces.02:20
apokryphoscafuego: but just not accessible in the list, I guess? :S02:21
etkerrobotgeek: i just meant its not on my machine ... i did find it through apt-cache search02:21
morbidizaphands_: you are explaing something wrong02:21
GoClickcafuego ok because it was ordered with a two disk RAID1 no OS configuration02:21
robotgeeketker: apt-get install mp3blaster02:21
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etkerrobotgeek: its probably a bit overkill though, i just wanna play a few wav sounds. Something tells me that those jungle drums i hear in the boot process are played by a shell command02:21
zaphands_morbidi: can I PM you with ifconfig and route results?02:21
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etkerso, in a way my question is: is there a way to find out whats happening there in the end of the boot up, when those sounds are playing ?02:22
robotgeeketker: :)02:22
Nexinarusanyone successfully installed Transcode here?02:22
cafuegoapokryphos: Correct, their name gets changed to '<factoid> #DEL#'02:22
Xenguyetker: I think 'sox' has the 'play' command which handles wav's, mp3's, etc.02:22
=== [EasterSunshine] [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-41-108.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zealotcafuego: ok, gotta ask... how do i mount the drive?02:23
webby`For some reason I can't get w32codecs to install on my comp. I get this error message... E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate02:23
cafuegozealot: with 'mount'02:23
etkerxenguy : aaahhh ofcourse ... i was searching for "play" alone, it never struck me that its probably _in_ the sox package02:23
webby`How do I fix this and what does that error mean?02:23
etkerwenguy: thanks, will try that02:23
robotgeekwebby`: are u on x86?02:23
Nexinarusthat is x86..02:23
cafuegoGoClick: the 2.6.12 kernel at a minimum supports the CERC controller by way of the aacraid driver. I'm sure 2.6.10 would too.02:23
robotgeekwebby`: yeah, that's what i meant anyways!02:23
Xenguyetker: np02:23
=== Nate [n=nate@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
NateWheres the download for Java Runtime Eviroment?02:24
uboturumour has it, java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java02:24
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apokryphoscafuego: thanks. No way to see who deleted?02:25
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cafuegoapokryphos: no, only who created and last accessed it.02:25
Spudchathi guys02:25
Spudchatdoes anyone know anything about piedentd?02:25
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NateWhere is a link to the debian package for Java?02:28
apokryphosNate: hoary-extras02:28
NateI would prefer install a debian package02:28
zealotok, noob here. can someone help me mount my second hard drive? first time using linux.02:28
apokryphosubotu: tell Nate about hoary-extras02:28
NateI would like to install it through the terminal, you know, sudo dpkg -i java.deb02:29
Nexinarusdo it then..02:29
NateSomeone sent me a link earlier but I lost it.02:29
NateI'm asking for the link to the .deb download.02:29
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apokryphosNate: add that repository and you'll have it02:29
apokryphosNate: of course you'll get a deb... that's what Ubuntu uses.02:30
NateI did, but the server is down and I have to install it through .deb02:30
NateI can't use apt-get..02:30
apokryphosNate: you're using the wrong mirror then; the one ubotu just gave you is working fine02:30
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apokryphosand why can't you use apt-get? :/02:30
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Wanderer_I am very angry.02:31
Nate=\ okay, thanks.02:31
apokryphosWanderer_: anger is a temporary insanity02:31
XenguyWanderer: try breathing thru you nose, and asking a question :-)02:31
robotgeekWanderer_: take 2 deep breaths02:32
zaphands_How do I `route ` if I have two ethernet interfaces: eth0 connected to the internet, eth1 connected to LAN?02:32
zaphands_(I don't want to share the i-net connection)02:33
benjamin1254i dont eather but have 202:33
Xappenalioth: so far so good, it booted into gnome directly after finished install02:34
Wanderer_I am not angry at anyone in this forum, unless they were a developer for the basic Ubuntu package. I am now going to vent, voice my opinion, what ever you want to call it. If IRC has a moderator, I would ask that he/she, as a courtesy, refrain from kicking me off this channel untill I am done. I will, of course, understand the reason for my being kicked, and will bare no ill will to whoever...02:35
Wanderer_...initiates the kicking. Please remember, I only asked not to be kicked untill I am done as a courtesy. If the the rules of this channel at any time dictate that I *must* be kicked immediatly, I will still take no umbridge.02:35
zaphands_is there a graphical wizard for setting up routing and gateways?02:35
=== c0rrupt_ [n=joe@pool-129-44-239-238.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinaruswhat if two different packages depend on two different versions of the same package, and you wont both packages installed?02:36
apokryphosWanderer_: nice prelude there. :/02:36
zealothow can I get linux to recognize my second hard drive (it has 70 mbs of content)02:36
robotgeekWanderer_: now can u just state ur problem?02:36
Nexinaruszealot: mount it02:36
FR500zaphands_: what prob do u have?02:37
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bobulorhi everyone02:37
robotgeekbobulor: hi02:37
zealotneximarus: there's the problem, I don't know how to use the mount command.02:37
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FR500zealot: what you trying to mount02:38
=== Xenguy guesses some precious data got lost...
=== sean___ [n=shawn__@d209-107-101-94.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
NateHow do I uninstall a package through terminal02:38
=== Spudchat [n=Spuddle@adsl-69-211-23-135.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nateapt-get uninstall <package> ?02:38
zealoti'm trying to mount my "d" drive, (what used to be my d drive)... a 80 GB hard drive already installed in the computer02:38
apokryphosapt-get remove02:38
=== robotgeek guess sudo rm -rf /
zealotFR500: i'm trying to mount my "d" drive, (what used to be my d drive)... a 80 GB hard drive already installed in the computer02:38
XenguyNate: apt-get remove02:38
FR500zealot: is the partition FAT32 or ntfs?02:38
apokryphosand also perhaps with the --purge option should you want it02:38
zealotFR500 i don't know. it used to be a slave drive used under windows02:39
NateYou guys rock :)02:39
XenguyNate: --purge kills all app's config files also02:39
Xappedo you guys know of any major breakages after colony-3? or can I risk a dist-upgrade?02:39
bobulorhey uh, are there any uber leet ubuntu people here. I have some hardcore sound issues that rhelmer and seveas couldn't fix the other day02:39
apokryphosXappe: you can02:39
NateWhat about chmoding folders/files through terminal02:39
zaphands_FR500: I have eth0 connected to my router (LAN) and eth1 connected to my modem (i-net). They work great separatly. They just don't work together.02:39
FR500zealot: only 1 partition right?02:39
NateLike lets say I wanted to chmod opt02:39
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apokryphosNate: man chmod :)02:39
robotgeekbobulor: i tht c r i m s u n was the sound guru!02:40
Xappeapokryphos: ok02:40
zaphands_FR500: I think it's a routing problem but i'm not sure.02:40
zealotfr500: yes .... i just installed linux on my c drive (20MB) with one partition.... D drive also has one partition02:40
FR500zaphands_: how together? both sides probably have DHCP so default gws get overtriten02:40
bobuloris crimsun here?02:40
zaphands_FR500: ohm.. can I PM you my `route` table?02:40
FR500zaphands_: ok02:41
NateSo if I wanted to chmod opt to 666 I'd type "man chmod /opt 666" ?02:41
FR500zealot: you need to find out what is the HD name, type sudo fdisk -l and pm me02:41
zaphands_FR500: I'll disconnect for a second to do that..02:41
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apokryphosNate: no. "man" is the command to view the manual page for that given comand02:41
NateOh, thanks :D02:41
apokryphosNate: man chmod will give you the manual page for chmod, which instructs on its usage etc02:41
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XenguyNate: or man man :-)02:42
FR500nate type man man :p02:42
apokryphosNate: though in this case you can just sudo chmod 666 -R /opt    -- the R option, there, is for recursive02:42
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richardkhey does anyone have vmware installed on there computer02:43
richardkand you are using gnome02:43
bobuloryo i have mplayerplug-in and i kinda think it sucks, is there anything else I can hook up with mozilla?02:44
richardki just installed it and i need to know where to find it02:44
richardkon my computer02:44
=== bimberi stops waiting with baited breath
robotgeekyeah, maybe he's fallen asleep?02:44
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richardkwhere can i find vmwareworkstation on gnome02:45
richardki just installed it on here02:45
ThxGivingdoes anyone know if there are to apply special kernel patches for ubuntu?02:45
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NateI can't remember who it was, or what the site was, but I know it was a ubuntu site, that had downloads of the .deb files for java02:45
richardkand i cant find it02:45
ubotumethinks java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java02:46
NateThis wasn't it =\ there was a bunch of packages to download, and I found java.02:46
apokryphosNate: what's wrong with adding the repository I said?02:47
robotgeekNate:add hoary-extras repositories, it had jre1.502:47
=== Agamotto [n=agamotto@adsl-68-78-161-234.dsl.rcfril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
NateI would just prefer to run the .deb02:48
=== Agamotto bows
apokryphosNate: what do you think I'm telling you to do?02:48
apokryphosthat's exactly what I'm suggesting02:48
robotgeek!lart Agamotto02:48
=== ubotu cats /dev/urandom into Agamotto's ear
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robotgeekAgamotto: hehe, sorry!02:49
=== Agamotto chuckles
wickedpuppywhere are iptables settings saved ?02:49
NateSorry, apokryphos thanks.02:50
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apokryphosNate: let us know if you have problems with adding/downloading it, though.02:50
apokryphoswe're here to help =)02:50
richardkok i have mac osx for x86 and i want to install it02:50
richardknow i need to use vmware to do that02:50
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richardkand i dont know how to use it on linux02:51
richardkwould somebody please help me out02:51
wickedpuppyuse what ? vmware ?02:51
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P8ntKidCan anybody how me where i can get JRE becuase the apt sources dont have it anymore02:51
apokryphosubotu: tell P8ntKid about hoary-extras02:52
TraceGreenrichardk, So, you don't know how to install vmware on linux, is it right?02:52
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Moongirl^^good day...02:52
richardki have installed it already02:52
robotgeekMoongirl^^: hi02:52
richardki just dont know how to use it02:52
P8ntKidapokryphos, I have allready enabled the extra repositories02:52
LinuxJoneswickedpuppy, they are lost unless you create a script that loads them or install a firewall tool like firestarter02:52
Moongirl^^can anybody tell me how to become root w/ ubunto?02:52
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ubotuI guess root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo02:52
TraceGreenrichardk, can you run it?02:52
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apokryphosP8ntKid: if you have enabled taht one, then you will have it02:52
wickedpuppyrichardk, shouldn't it for vmware customer support ??02:52
P8ntKidMoongirl^^, sudo passwd root02:52
ilba7ri have a problem with deleting a user. I delete him and his group yet as soon as i log in to gdm his name is still there and when i use system>pref>add/del user he is stil there? How can i permenantly remove him?02:52
robotgeekMoongirl^^: read that link02:52
=== DekaPink thinks Moongirl's name is cute~
richardkwell it is vmwareworkstation02:53
richardkthats what i installed02:53
apokryphosP8ntKid: please don't advise people to create a root account when they don't know to use sudo.02:53
linuzcan i make a vpn connection on ubuntu?02:53
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Moongirl^^ok will do.. thanks..02:53
richardkhow bout pear pc02:53
Moongirl^^su passwd root... ty p8ntKid02:54
richardkor any other type of program like that02:54
apokryphosMoongirl^^: it's not recommended that you do that02:54
robotgeekMoongirl^^: don't use that!02:54
wickedpuppybtw .. its sudo02:54
apokryphosMoongirl^^: you should use sudo. Check the link.02:54
wickedpuppyand use sudo02:54
richardkcan i use that to install mac os x for x8602:54
P8ntKidIts not like your gona die if you use root...02:54
richardkonto my computer02:54
robotgeekP8ntKid: it's pretty dangerous02:54
ubotuhmm... sudo is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo02:54
apokryphosP8ntKid: ubuntu doesn't have it disabled for no reason. You shouldn't advise people to go against it for no reason.02:54
wickedpuppyrichardk, you got vmware ... use it02:54
LinuxJonesrichardk, where did you get that ?02:55
XenguyMoongirl^^: read that and make up your own mind :-)02:55
richardkget what02:55
richardkfrom vmware.com02:55
P8ntKidIm not advising anybody to do it, someone asked a question, and i answered it...02:55
LinuxJonesrichardk, mac os for x86 from vmware ?02:55
wickedpuppythen call those guys for help dude ... thats what you paid them for02:55
richardkmac os x for x86 from apple02:55
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wickedpuppyis it out ?02:55
apokryphosP8ntKid: erm, yes you did -- your instruction was for them to create/use the root account instead of telling them that Ubuntu has it *disabled* and that it uses *sudo* instead. Read the link.02:55
richardkit needs vmware to use it02:56
robotgeekrichardk: developer machine?02:56
richardkit works02:56
richardki just need to install it02:56
=== keegan3747 [n=keeganWi@oh-69-68-39-64.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Xenguy thinks people should read, then make their own decision...
=== robotgeek concurs
keegan3747hi, I am trying to get my linux machine on a home wireless network02:57
wickedpuppyrichardk, how much you paid for that ?? sorry its OT02:57
Moongirl^^hey guys.. i just want to know how to use the root account...i case i need to install the squid proxy..02:57
P8ntKidWhere is the apt sources list located?02:57
NateI'm trying that and it isn't working o-O02:57
keegan3747I have already done the ndiswrapper thing, now kwifi can't find any networks02:57
apokryphosMoongirl^^: why didn't you read the link?02:57
richardkits what02:57
wickedpuppyP8ntKid, /etc/apt/sources.list02:57
XenguyMoongirl^^: exactly02:57
richardkwhats OT mean02:57
wickedpuppyoff topic02:57
richardki didnt02:57
keegan3747it returns: Error : unrecognised wireless request "Mb/s"02:57
keegan3747Determining IP information for wlan0... failed; no link present.  Check cable?02:57
wickedpuppythen ? you downloaded ?02:58
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richardki really good friend on the inside gave it to me02:58
richardkhe works for a certain computer company02:58
wickedpuppyok ... richardk ... i advice ... call vmware hotline02:58
LinuxJonesrichardk, omg stealing computer software is lame02:58
orlokkeegan3747: hahahahahah02:58
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apokryphosMoongirl^^: prefix your commands with "sudo" which you want to be run with root permissions. You will be prompted for *your* password here.02:58
orlokkeegan3747: thats funny :)02:58
richardki didnt steal it02:58
richardkhe helped design it02:58
richardkhe gave me a copy to try out02:59
LinuxJonesrichardk, you are not supposed to have it02:59
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richardkwhat are u gonna do about it02:59
Moongirl^^ok.. sudo is it...02:59
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@pcp01030724pcs.dothan01.al.comcast.net] by bob2
LinuxJonesrichardk, how bout you leave the channel02:59
keegan3747orlok, wat about it is funny?02:59
keegan3747that is what it said02:59
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LinuxJonesbob2, thank you03:00
Nexinarusheh what isnt richardk suposed to have?03:00
wickedpuppyeh ah ... didn't his friend gave him ?? nvm03:00
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P8ntKidI added the extra rep. for apt to download java, but it still sais root@Jonslinux:/home/jon # apt-get install sun-j2re1.503:01
P8ntKidReading package lists... Done03:01
P8ntKidBuilding dependency tree... Done03:01
P8ntKidE: Couldn't find package sun-j2re1.503:01
P8ntKidroot@Jonslinux:/home/jon #03:01
LinuxJonesNexinarus, he has a pirated copy of OSx for x86 (The developers beta)03:01
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl03:01
robotgeekP8ntKid: use that03:02
wickedpuppyLinuxJones, not pirated ... his friend gave to him ...03:02
robotgeekwickedpuppy: yeah, right03:02
P8ntKidrobotgeek, ???03:02
robotgeekdon't paste in the channel03:02
LinuxJoneswickedpuppy, umm your not allowed to distribute that03:02
=== ray_ [n=ray@c-24-128-148-122.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppythen its his friend fault LinuxJones  ... clearly its illegal ... i am wondering whose responsibility is it03:03
NexinarusI am so lost with this dependency hell :(03:03
LinuxJoneswickedpuppy, this is offtopic03:03
AgamottoI can just see Steve Jobs knocking on his/her door03:03
Akbarso how would you put in/upgrade hardware without the drivers for osxintel :P03:03
apokryphosP8ntKid: please paste.ubuntullinux.nl your sources.list03:03
AkbarLinuxJones what repository?03:03
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ixizHow do I install iso-8859-1 on my laptop?03:04
AkbarI meant P8ntKid what repository?03:04
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P8ntKidThe one uboto gave me03:04
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emRickwhat package contains the "tex" executable?03:04
apokryphosP8ntKid: did you sudo apt-get update first?03:04
P8ntKidapokryphos, Yep03:05
robotgeekemRick: for latex?03:05
NateWhere is the .deb file I can DOWNLOAD to my desktop and extract myself?03:05
NateWITHOUT adding repos.03:05
Wanderer_To start with, I do not blame those who are just "users" like me, who are on this forum. It's not thier fault that Ubuntu seems to have the crappiest aurodetect for drivers that I have ever had the unfotuneate privilage to be subjected to. It is, however, the developers fault, not only for making an OS that is as crotchety as a senile, 80 year old little lady at detecting hardware correctly,...03:05
Wanderer_...but also for making it impossible to find a central (not the word, CENTRAL) repository for alternate drivers other than the ones provided with the default install. I also resent in the extream thier evident lack of concearn at making deceant on board help files available (in certain windows, the "Help" button is displayed even though clicking on it results in nothing happening). In fact,...03:05
Wanderer_...even the 75% of the time you do get a help file, it's not easy to jump from it to other sections of the "help" index, since most titles that form a link indicate not what program they lead to, but simply the acronym of whatever open source developer created them. If (big if) a new user *does* manage to find a relevant help file, it is often formatted oddly, with coherent text sprinkled...03:05
Wanderer_...with odd gaps of blank space. As for Ubuntu being "Linux For Humans", I really would call that an outright lie, unless one assumes that they mean "human beings that already know what the hell they are doing with a Linux OSW". Sorry, but last time I checked, ol' Aver Age Joe over thier didn't learn to communicate in "sudo-speech" whenever he was instructed in the arts of speaking a...03:05
emRickrobotgeek: Actually, I just want to use "tex" by itself but I don't mind installing "latex" at the same time.03:05
XenguyNate: that is the wrong approach03:05
wickedpuppywha wha03:05
Wanderer_...coherent language. Yet that is repeatedly what one must utilize if one wishes to hammer through Linuxs' sparse GUI Configuration options and actually get the damn C3PO wanna-b to understand where the hell your hardware is, much less get Ubuntu to comprehend what its proper name is and how to have meaningful communications with it. Oh, and who's the wise guy that thought it would be a good...03:05
Wanderer_...idea to offer patches and then: A. lump them sloppily toghether, with no semblance of order or catagorization. B. Give them quasi-mystical file names that provide no clue as to whet the hell they do, *and* not provide any descriptions for them (for all I knew, they could have been various patches for getting your OS to indentify Donald Trumps' hairstyle). So, that's it. End of maniacle...03:05
=== Logistics [n=ikon@adsl-69-150-12-203.dsl.crchtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
wickedpuppybob2, ?03:06
Wanderer_...rant. Kick me permanently if you must, Mods That Be, but I COULD NOT in good faith just silently leave the scean. I had to proclaim what a frustrating, hellish, dispicable time I had with this OS. Say sorry, Wanderer.03:06
NateI didn't mean it like that,03:06
apokryphosWanderer_: you don't have any excuse for flooding the channel03:06
emRickrobotgeek: (I'll repeat myself ...) Actually, I just want to use "tex" by itself but I don't mind installing "latex" at the same time.03:06
apokryphosNate: *why*?03:06
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robotgeekyeah, i had my ignore ready!03:06
emRickapokryphos: is insanity a defense?03:06
kevmanIf I do a apt-get dist upgrade from Warty, will the changes I made to my hardware drivers live through it?03:06
HrdwrBoBWanderer_: ... thank you for flooding, unfortunately you misspelt scene03:07
Nexinaruslol Wanderer_ so you dont like this OS, so what? Go use something else03:07
NateIt's what worked for me earlier before I reinstalled Ubuntu.03:07
Wanderer_Nope. You're right, I'm afraid. At least, none that would satisfy any but me.03:07
robotgeekemRick: tetex-bin , tetex-base, tetex-extras03:07
HrdwrBoBand haven't backed up your observations with any sort of actual problems03:07
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HrdwrBoBWanderer_: bad hardware auto detection?03:07
apokryphosP8ntKid: you haven't added the repo properly; it's there.03:07
HrdwrBoBWanderer_: 'other driers' ?03:07
emRickHrdwrBoB: yikes ... weidy Wanderer might repeat with the spell correct 8-()03:07
Nexinarusmy hardware is quite rare but auto detected fine03:07
emRickrobotgeek: ok, thanks03:07
P8ntKidapokryphos, What Repo do i need?03:07
HrdwrBoBWanderer_: saying 'it sucks' gets you nowhere03:08
apokryphosNate: it's hardly rocket-science :). Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add in that line. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.503:08
Wanderer_Yep. I was angry. You try seeing how well your spelling holds up.03:08
=== scorpix [n=scorpix@as8-81.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosubotu: tell P8ntKid about hoary-extras03:08
HrdwrBoBWanderer_: general observations have been that the hw autodetection is very good03:08
=== IcemanV9 just checks out the prerelease tour of Gnome 2.12 - looking very COOL!
wickedpuppyWanderer_, what is your problem that lead you to flood this chan ?03:08
Akbarhe's right03:08
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NateI did, but I'm getting an error.03:08
Akbarthere's no sun-j2re03:08
apokryphosWanderer_: you're just trolling03:08
HrdwrBoBWanderer_: I'm sure you have valid problems03:08
Akbarin extras03:08
HrdwrBoBWanderer_: but until you can qualify them with actual details, no-one will take you seriously03:09
Wanderer_Already stated, wicked puppy.03:09
emRickrocket-science: yow, tetex-bin, etc are 10M each ... sigh, I might do this later on ... but at least now I know what I need03:09
orlokwhat hardware?03:09
linux_ubuntumy browser is not recognising my dailup connection03:09
P8ntKidapokryphos, I did that, still the same thing03:09
XenguyWanderer_: I don't even know what to say to your precious little rant.  Ubuntu is a very impressive piece of work.  Too bad you had a rough time, but it you intend to continue learning linux you'll have to change your attitude a *lot*.  Maybe OSX is for you instead?03:09
P8ntKidand i apt-get updated too03:09
wickedpuppyno .. you never state your problem ... what hardware .. what error messages ...03:10
robotgeekemRick: i think u meant me :)03:10
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robotgeeki started using breezy and my productivity is already up 150%03:10
emRickrobotgeek: that's what I get for using `dabbrev-expand' in ERC :$(03:11
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EasterSunshinesg nickserv identify immortal03:12
robotgeekemRick: ERC, emacs...03:12
linux_ubuntucan anyone help me??03:12
EasterSunshinewhew...that was close...second time today!!03:12
EasterSunshinei am running out of passwords...03:12
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wickedpuppyoh boy03:12
Agamottolinux_ubuntu:  Possibly, start with what hardware you are using03:12
concept10anyone here play americas army?03:12
FlonneEasterSunshine, switch to your status context before identifying.03:12
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EasterSunshineFlonne: thx, but i think i'll script an auto identifier03:13
robotgeeklinux_ubuntu: or what u need help with :)03:13
linux_ubuntui am using lucent win modem on 533 mhz and 128 ram03:13
XenguyEasterSunshine: or press the 'home' key ;-)03:13
AgamottoAhhh, a win modem... half of your problem.03:13
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linux_ubuntui need help with firefox03:13
wickedpuppylinux_ubuntu, you know winmodem is crippled hardware ?03:13
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uboturepos is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96903:14
Agamottolinux_ubuntu:  Are you not able to connect at all?03:14
P8ntKidCan anybody help?03:14
linux_ubuntui installed it correctly03:14
Efwiswhere would I find the directory of the C header files that match my running Kernel?03:14
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robotgeekEfwis: try kernel-headers package03:14
Agamottolinux_ubuntu:  So it does work, but you are having some difficulty once online?03:14
linux_ubuntufirefox is not enable to browse03:15
Efwisthank you03:15
EasterSunshinelinux_ubuntu: you mean unable?03:15
Agamottolinux_ubuntu:  This is very important - can you fetch your email?03:15
linux_ubuntunot at all03:15
EasterSunshinefirefox sometimes need to be set to ipv4 from ipv6 sometimes i think03:15
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P8ntKidDoes anybody know what Repo i need to ass to get JRE5.0?03:16
HrdwrBoB!tell Wanderer_ about resolution03:16
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luihello everybody03:16
Agamottolinux-ubuntu:  I assume that you get the whistle/tones that let you know that you are connected?03:16
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linux_ubuntui installed extras from terminal03:16
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EasterSunshineP8ntKid: seveas had debs in his experimental repo03:16
P8ntKidEasterSunshine, And wat repo would that be?03:16
linux_ubuntui know its connected by dmesg tail03:16
AgamottoTrue, but if he can't even fetch email, that would be the DNS setup, if memory serves03:16
linux_ubuntuips assigned correctly03:17
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EasterSunshineP8ntKid: one sec i am looking it up03:17
Agamottolinux_ubuntu:  what ISP?03:17
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P8ntKidEasterSunshine, k, thanks.03:17
ubuntuhello room03:17
luiIs there any application to monitor my cpu temp?03:17
Agamottolui:  gkrellm03:17
arzajac Hello.  How do I create a mouse cursor theme ub gnome?  What tool do I use?03:17
orlokIs there a way to see what drivers my initrd has loaded?03:17
tristanmikelinux_ubuntu, this website may have something for you... http://linmodems.org/03:18
EasterSunshinelui: thermometer03:18
arzajaclui: lm-sensors or mbmon (xmbmon)03:18
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t0mmygoogle talk go03:18
Agamottolinux_ubuntu:  I think your problem is that your DNS servers aren't set up properly03:18
t0mmy(okay so this isn't ubuntu-related but whatever)03:18
robotgeekt0mmy: offtopic03:18
linux_ubuntuhow to set dns03:18
linux_ubuntuwhat settings03:19
luiwow! thanks everybody03:19
EasterSunshineP8ntKid: the link was http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ but i just timed out when i tried to connect to it on port 80...03:19
ixizHi i just installed java sdk03:19
t0mmyis there an #ubuntusocial or what?03:19
arzajacorlok:  you can see what goes on in dmesg03:19
ixizbut how do I add that j2sdk directory03:19
EasterSunshineP8ntKid: but whatever you do, do not install from a bin03:19
robotgeekt0mmy: ubuntu-offtopic03:19
AgamottoNot sure myself.  Anyone else good at setting up dial-up stuffs regarding DNS?03:19
t0mmyi like the community here, and a non-support irc chat would be great03:19
ixizto my path so that I can just type java03:19
t0mmyah, thanks :D03:19
P8ntKidWell, i found another.deb in one of Ubuntu ftp's so im gona try that03:19
archiequestion:  how to I log on as root using GUI?03:20
EasterSunshineixiz: in one of the following ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (dunno which) do something like $PATH = /javasdk/dir:$PATH03:20
linux_ubuntuis anyone good at DNS here?03:20
emRickAgamotto: interesting, how do I get gkrellm to report CPU temperature? the configuration CPU doesn't have anything to turn on this report.03:20
naliotht0mmy: #ubuntu-offtopic03:20
t0mmyyeah, i found it :D03:20
AgamottoemRick:  It should be configuration - builtins - cpu03:21
ixizEasterSunshine: and what about the other path's that already are specified, do they remain ?03:21
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arzajacemRick:  I think you need to install and configure lm-sensors.03:21
benjamin1254totem wont play ne audio for dvds after all dvd librarys are installed... what should i do?03:21
EasterSunshineixiz: if you include :$PATH, it should prepend the javadir to the current $PATH03:21
Logisticsany coders with freetime on their hands in here?03:21
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T5-Steboyukhi guys03:22
T5-Steboyuki'm having major problems installing breezy03:22
Agamottobenjamin1254:  fetch libdvdcss203:22
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EasterSunshineixiz: note the colon, the dir separator03:22
T5-Steboyukcould someone help?03:22
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EasterSunshineT5-Steboyuk: just ask and be more specific :)03:22
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T5-Steboyukwell the first install bit goes o03:22
EasterSunshineLogistics: what langauge?03:22
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ixizwell how do I find out if it should be .bashrc or .bash_profile ?03:22
emRickAgamotto: odd, can't find it ... is 2.2.7 the most recent?03:22
AgamottoemRick: I believe so03:23
T5-Steboyukthen i get the error 'unable to find volume group sda1 - alert! /dev/sda1 does not exist. dropping to a shell'03:23
AgamottoCheck the sensors under built-in as well03:23
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T5-Steboyukso the first stage of theinstall is ok, then i restart then i get this03:23
EasterSunshineixiz: one of them should already include a line similar to the one i gave you03:23
EasterSunshineixiz: i guess stick it right under that line03:23
brainzall, is the backport apt repository down?03:23
LogisticsC++, C# preferably03:23
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emRickAgamotto: ok, I see it in sensors but nothing is responding ... I guess my PC doesn't support this feature.03:24
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EasterSunshineixiz: my .bash_profile had this line in it: PATH=~/.bin:"${PATH}"03:24
ixizEasterSunshine: I found this one: PATH="/bin:"${PATH}"03:24
AgamottoemRick:  More info on your hardware03:24
benjamin1254root@ubuntu:/home/benjamin1254 # fetch libdvdcss203:24
benjamin1254bash: fetch: command not found03:24
EasterSunshineixiz: yeah, follow that example03:25
lexhideris breezy in reasonable shape at the moment? (i know it's not production, etc, etc)03:25
adriyelI'm back03:25
robotgeekis network-manager broken on breezy?03:25
EasterSunshineixiz: it prepends ~/.bin to $PATH03:25
ixizEasterSunshine: so I should just add the line /usr/local/j2sdk/bin:03:25
benjamin1254it wont b found03:25
benjamin1254i even did searches03:25
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EasterSunshineixiz: you may want to do the line outside the if/fi block03:26
EasterSunshineixiz: cause then if you don't have a ~/.bin, it wont prepend the java dir03:26
LogisticsEasterSunshine, can u code?03:26
hardw1re\o/ hello03:26
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EasterSunshineLogistics: i did c++ some time ago, now i only do c, python, and perl03:26
bjorn_How can I open sources.list when i'm in the server thingy :o03:26
ixizok so it should be PATH="/usr/local/j2sdk<ver>/bin:"${PATH}" I should add03:26
robotgeekbjorn_: nana, or vim03:26
EasterSunshineLogistics: and NOT winapi programming, plz it was a nightmar03:26
Logisticsim looking for a handful of coders for a project i want to startup03:27
bjorn_k thanks robotgeek03:27
hardw1resudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list03:27
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EasterSunshineixiz: you have a stray double quote. don't put one after the =03:27
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EasterSunshineLogistics: what is the project? and care to continue this conv in #ubuntu-offtopic?03:28
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hardw1reT5-Steboyuk: are you trying to boot of a SATA / SCSI device?03:28
T5-Steboyukit's a standard vmware disk03:28
T5-Steboyukworks fine w/ hoary03:29
EasterSunshinehardw1re: while you are on the topic, my hde thru to hdh are scsi devices? cause i only have space for four ide devices (hda thru hdd i assume)03:29
hardw1reyeah my SATA devices work fine with hoary, but they wont work until the hotplug system is booted03:29
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T5-Steboyukhow do i fix this then :(?03:29
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hardw1reso any of my sdx devices i cant mount until that module is loaded03:30
hardw1rehmmm i honestly dont know, you need a driver to be installed before it trys to mount03:30
T5-Steboyuki have a shell to boot from03:30
hardw1reis the os itself on the scsi drive?03:30
hardw1resee if you can load the hotplug module03:31
hardw1reand then try mounting any sdx devices again03:31
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hardw1reim only taking a stab in the dark here about the hotplug module03:31
hardw1recause i use sata03:31
hardw1rewhich is hotplug enabled....03:31
T5-Steboyukhow do i start hotplug?03:31
T5-Steboyukmodprobe hotplug?03:32
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ixizEasterSunshine: ok I added this: PATH="/usr/local/j2sdk<ver>/bin":"${PATH}" that's right isn't it?03:32
hardw1redunno :|03:32
hardw1reyou can give it a try03:32
AgamottoI could be totally wrong here, but doesn't he need to compile his kernel with the SCSI controller module in it?03:32
hardw1reixiz: you need to remove the " at the very end03:32
stephhey guys, im having a problem with Mp3 files, none of them want to play unless i use totem03:32
emRickis there a way to find out if (and where) app XYZ is on my KDE menus?03:32
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support03:32
EasterSunshineixiz: yep03:32
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hardw1reoops i miss read what he'd done ;)03:33
vladuz976how do you change the default applications like mail for instance?03:33
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EasterSunshineemRick: how vast are your kde menus? just look thru each submenu systematically03:33
hardw1reT5-Steboyuk: any luck with loading that module?03:33
c0rrupt_is it possible to convert a wepkey back into plain text?03:33
EasterSunshineemRick: or go into the menu editor for a list03:33
T5-Steboyukmodprobe hotplug don't work03:33
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ixizdoesen't work :/03:33
EasterSunshineixiz: you will have to open a new shell i think, or restart for it to work...03:34
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emRickEasterSunshine: the menus are sufficiently vast ... would take ~5min to go through them.03:34
ixizEasterSunshine: I did03:34
qatsihello all !.....ive used gentoo for some time long ago. I remember theres a file where you just add the repositorie and then you run synaptic mannager so you have an updated system, but i really dont remember the file name, and the settings....is there an example i can follow ?03:34
EasterSunshineixiz: if you want it working right now, just do that same line in the shell03:34
EasterSunshineixiz: and if it still doesn't work, take the quotes off from "/usr/local/j2sdk<ver>/bin"03:35
stephhey guys, im having a problem with Mp3 files, none of them want to play unless i use totem, and i do have gstreamer0.8-mad installed03:35
emRickI was wondering where the KDE menu info is stored ... then I could just grep or find or something.03:35
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EasterSunshineixiz: i'm not really a shell programmer, maybe someone else knows the technical aspects of updating teh path in .bash_profile03:35
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qatsisomehthing like package.source ?03:35
TaxManI wish to create an Ubuntu-Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA livecd so I can use my favorite java IDE at school. How would I go about doing that?03:35
Flonneqatsi, /etc/apt/sources.list, though Synaptic can edit that for you in most cases.03:35
funkyHatwhat does 'Hit <CR>' mean? (vim)03:35
EasterSunshineemRick: #kde would know, but i would suggest the .kde folder under your home03:35
esaci started using the nvidia driver (and xcomp btw). However all my font sizes seem to have increased considerably, any idea ?03:35
T5-SteboyukfunkyHat: press enter03:35
zealotis fr500 still around?03:35
wickedpuppyfunkyHat, that would be enter ...03:35
funkyHatok :)03:36
qatsiFlonne ok, but the updates are there ?03:36
wickedpuppyCR - Carriage Return03:36
Flonneqatsi, what updates?03:36
titaniululzanyone use netspeed? i can't get it to be transparent; it's solid and my taskbar is transparent so it looks ugly :(03:36
qatsiFlonne system updates.....?03:36
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stephhey guys, im having a problem with Mp3 files, none of them want to play unless i use totem, and i do have gstreamer0.8-mad, and libmad0 installed03:37
hardw1reok T5-Steboyuk , i just did a cat /proc/modules, and found this sata_sil <- which relates to my sata chip, your gonna have to find the details of your scsi chip03:37
hardw1reand find a corrisponding module03:37
hardw1relike scsi_xxx03:38
qatsiFlonne forget it, i think ive got it, i just uncomented all lines so i can have all files downloaded03:38
EasterSunshinesteph: did you look at the wiki page that ubotu referred you to?03:38
FlonneSynaptic has three buttons in the left part of its toolbar. Clicking them in order will upgrade everything.03:38
stephEasterSunshine, yes03:38
stephEasterSunshine, ok it looks like music player is now working, but xmms still locks up when i hit play03:39
TaxManHow do I make a livecd out of an ubuntu installation with all the stuff I need on the livecd?03:39
EasterSunshinesteph: catch crimsun, he's the channel sound guru03:39
titaniululzanyone at all use Netspeed panel applet?03:39
T5-Steboyukhardw1re would scsi_mod be right?03:39
dhunterhotplug is a daemon, is it not? Kernel notifies it of events and loads the modules03:39
qatsiFlonne now its downloading :) thanx.....03:39
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EasterSunshinesteph: check for multiple processes using the sound server03:39
zealothow can I make a drive I have mounted as "/mnt/slave" appear as a drive letter in the desktop?03:39
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EasterSunshinezealot: make a softlink to it on your desktop and name it after a letter03:40
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EasterSunshinezealot: ln -s i think makes softlinks03:40
hardw1reT5-Steboyuk: dunno... but did you do a default install, or did you type expert when you installed?03:40
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stephEasterSunshine, xmms has always given me trouble, its nothing new, and mp3's seem to be working after removing and reinstalling gstreamer0.8-mad, i must give this comp back to my wife, thanks for the help =)03:40
dhunterOr just name it slave.03:40
hardw1recause if you install via the expert route then maybe you can get it to work straightaway03:41
T5-Steboyukdefault install03:41
zealoteastersunshine: let me try03:41
bimberizealot: another way is to drag the icon from Places -> Computer onto the Desktop03:41
adriyeltheres an expert install for ubuntu? wtf?03:41
adriyeloh, gstreamer.03:41
ixizok this is trange, If I go out to my console and write java it finds the java compiler and the path woroks03:41
zealotbimberi: that's part of the problem, that i don't have an icon there03:41
ixizbut if I do it in a x-term it does not work??03:41
EasterSunshineadriyel: when booting from the cd, at the first prompt, typing expert will bring up the expert install i believe03:41
zealotbimberi: but if i brownse to the /mnt folder, i can see it there03:42
bimberizealot: ah03:42
EasterSunshineixiz: in xterm, type ps|grep sh03:42
zealotbimberi: know how to fix that?03:42
hardw1reT5-Steboyuk: you can give it a shot, it might be sd_mod you need03:42
EasterSunshineixiz: and paste here if its one line03:42
luiarzajac, how do I run lm-sensors?03:42
bimberizealot: no sorry - the icons usually appear for me :|03:42
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ixizEasterSunshine:  11923 pts/3    00:00:00 bash03:43
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ubotuWanderer_: Not a clue03:43
T5-Steboyukugh nein working :(03:43
dhunterzealot: do you have read, write permission on /mnt/slave ?03:43
zealotdhunter: i should have both, i don't know yet03:43
zealotdhunter: i'm still trying to properly mount it03:43
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zealotdhunter: it's a second hard drive, with 70 GBs of content03:44
wickedpuppyWanderer_, /msg nickserv help03:44
dhunterzealot: What is the file system?03:44
Wanderer_Oh! So you ARE going to help me? Wow.03:44
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zealotdhunter: how do you mean?03:44
EasterSunshineixiz: in the console, or whever it actually worked, type `which java`, if it points to corrent java in the correct directory, then i don't know, sry03:44
dhunterext2 dos or whatever?03:45
[Spooky] Hello, i have moved my computer to a friend and he have a diffrent router than mee, and i cant get any connection with DHCP in Ubuntu, anyone have any idea ?03:45
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sproingiedhcp is dhcp ... does his router use dhcp?03:45
ixizEasterSunshine: lol yes it does come  with the correct path, it works in the 'console' I mean when I press ctrl + alt + f1 that console03:46
tristanmikecd /usr/X11R6/bin03:46
[Spooky] sproingie yes03:46
T5-Steboyuki'll try with an expert install03:46
EasterSunshinesproingie: there is more to it then that, i've had the same problem as well03:46
zealotdhunter: it was a slave hard drive that i had under windows03:46
sproingiewhat happens when you type ifup eth0?03:46
[Spooky] dunno im in windows now...03:46
EasterSunshineixiz: if it still doesn't work at the next reboot, then maybe ask someone else, i might be missing something really obvious cause i'm new to linux03:47
sproingie[Spooky] : and dhcp works in windows?03:47
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[Spooky] sproingie yes03:47
[Spooky] but not in Ubuntu...03:47
zealotdhunter: actually i don't seem to be able to even read from that drive03:47
dhunterzealot: Was it found during install?03:47
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sproingie[Spooky] : and your nic is set up for dhcp on the linux side?03:47
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zealotdhunter: no, that's the problem03:48
[Spooky] sp4ce yep03:48
zealotdhunter: i was trying to mount it03:48
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ixizEasterSunshine: ok03:48
LexiConhas anyone installed a Yukon Gigabit network card and gotten it to work?03:48
zealotdhunter: i can read from it, i just confirmed that03:48
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sproingiei'll assume that was to me ...03:48
LexiConit uses the sk98lin module, which is packed with the kernel03:48
Xappehmm, the update-notifier takes about 90% cpu on the very new breezy install on my ibook g303:48
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dhunterzealot: Ok was it windows 98 2000 xp?03:48
Kyralthen kill it and use Apt-Get :P03:48
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zealotdhunter: windows me03:48
sproingie[Spooky] : is it wireless by any chance?03:49
zealotdhunter: then i formatted the computer03:49
punkassanyone here familiar with 855/915resolution?03:49
[Spooky] sproingie no...03:49
zealotdhunter: and installed linux from a fresh drive03:49
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dhunterzealot: with what03:49
XappeKyral: yes, but how do I get it not to load at bootup?03:49
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[Spooky] do i have to re-install ubuntu ?03:49
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zealotdhunter: ubuntu's disk03:49
EasterSunshineLexiCon: that was one hell of a specific question...03:49
zealotdhunter: i cannot write on the drive, only read03:50
Kyralsudo apt-get remove update-notifier :P03:50
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zealotdhunter: can you help me to mount it properly?03:50
XappeKyral: ah, clever :)03:50
Kyralthen again, I just tear out Synaptic as soon as I install, so :P03:50
dhunterzealot: yes03:50
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sproingie[Spooky] : i'd have to see what the output of ifup was03:50
zealotdhunter: thx03:50
LexiConEasterSunshine: yes...lol....because it's supposed to work with the supplied module, but it doesn't...so I'm wondering if anyone else has gotten the Yukon card to work (its by Marvell)03:50
[Spooky] sproingie is there any command for reget the dhcp info ?03:51
EasterSunshinezealot: sudo mount /dev/hdwhatever /mount/point -t ntfs -o ro,umask=02203:51
titaniululzanyone else have a graphic glitch in ubuntu in the top left corner of their screen, about 24 pixels from the top of the screen? it's a 1 pixel thick horizonal bar, about 60 pixels long03:51
punkassi am using 915resolution and when i run it it says i am at 1280x800 but the screen is actually bigger than my monitor03:51
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sproingie[Spooky] : on linux?  just ifdown/ifup should do it03:51
dhunterzealot: what command do you mount it with?03:51
EasterSunshinezealot: if that doesn't work, try passing -t fat3203:51
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punkassI have to use the mouse to slide the desktop around, if that makes any sense03:51
[Spooky] sproingie lets try brb03:51
zealotdhunter: hmm... not sure03:51
sproingie[Spooky] : run ifup --verbose eth0 on the linux side, that should help point out where any problems are03:51
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EasterSunshinezealot: the fstab line /dev/hda1 /mnt/point/ ntfs ro,umask=022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 003:52
Efwisjoin #ubuntu-kernel03:52
adriyeltheres a kernel channel for ubuntu?03:52
dhunterzealot: did you save data on this drive from windows?03:53
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zealotdhunter: yes03:53
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zealoteastersunshine: i'm trying that03:53
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zealotdhunter: i did it by adding a line of the fstab03:53
EasterSunshinezealot: the fstab wont work until a reboot the sudo mount should work immediately03:54
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EasterSunshineactually i think the fstab entry can be mounted by some command without haing to reboot...03:54
adriyelsudo mount device mountpoint @ EasterSunshine03:54
sproingiewith mount03:54
sproingiemount /mountpoint03:55
adriyelwhy use fstab/reboot03:55
sproingieif it's in the fstab, it'll figure everything  else out03:55
zealoteastersunshine: i tried the fstab and the sudo mount -a03:55
FruitOfTheLoomI was just wondering if anyone here uses Irrlicht?03:55
dhunterzealot: So the file system is vfat, do this [ mount -t vfat /mnt/slave03:55
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EasterSunshinedhunter: wait winme uses a different filesystem?03:55
sproingiewinme uses fat03:56
EasterSunshineoh i thought it was ntfs03:56
dhunterzealot: vfat03:56
user_hi people03:56
EasterSunshinezealot: sry, replace all ntfs's with vfat03:56
dhunterntfs is nt 2000, xp03:56
Agamottowinme usually crashes if you try to use ntfs with it03:56
sjgAgamotto, Winme usually crashes *fixed*03:56
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sproingiegood reason, since it has no idea how to read ntfs03:57
zealotdunter / eastersunshine: i get the help text when i try either command03:57
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sproingiewinme is ... unfortunate03:57
sproingieMS would probably prefer to forget that it ever existed03:57
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TraceGreenHello, i want to add a boot splash to my system, apt-cache search bootspalsh, but don't find any.03:57
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EasterSunshinezealot: paste the command you enter03:57
EasterSunshinezealot: if its one line, that is03:57
jon__Whats a comand i can use to take a screenshot?03:57
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FruitOfTheLoomSystem->Take Screenshot03:58
user_winme is ;-(03:58
jon__Im not using gnomer, im using fluxbox03:58
FruitOfTheLoomDoes anyone use Anjunta?03:58
zealoteastersunshine: mount -t vfat /mnt/slave03:58
jorgp2I have hoary installed, but I want to just download the breezy versions, is there a easy way to do this?03:58
dhunterzealot: Corect me if Im wrong. You have two hard drives.03:59
jorgp2I dont want to install them, just download them03:59
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zealotdhunter: correct03:59
=== Agamotto waves
zealotdhunter: i installed linux on the first one (20 GB) and have another one with 80 GB03:59
AgamottoTime to play some games....03:59
jon__Does anybody know a command to take a screenshot?03:59
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EasterSunshinezealot: `sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /mnt/slave -o umask=022`03:59
EasterSunshinezealot: replace hdc1 with the acutal partition you wnt03:59
dhunterzealot: you have dir /mnt/slave ? you created with "mkdir /mnt/slave04:00
gdarelanyone have a suggestion for video editing software?04:00
zealotdhunter: yes04:00
user_why am I grey in post ?; am I invisible ?04:00
zealotdhunter: i can actually see the contents in that dir, but cannot write there04:00
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zealoteastersunshine: i got : mount: /dev/hdb1 already mounted or /mnt/slave busy04:00
zealotmount: according to mtab, /dev/hdb1 is already mounted on /mnt/slave04:00
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luihelp! my xmms freezes when trying to play.04:01
EasterSunshinezealot: so you can see the contents of the vfat partition, the problem is that you cannot write to that partition?04:01
zealotif i browse in filesystem to /mnt/slave i can see the contents of the drive; i cannot write thoughh.04:01
jon__Does anybody know a command to take a screenshot?04:01
mello6don't use xmms =] 04:01
mello6Rhythmbox works swell.04:01
zealoteastersunshine: i can see the contents only inside of the folder /mnt/slave04:01
mello6just try to find some howtos on adding mp3 support to rhythmbox04:01
EasterSunshinezealot: if vfat filesystem is safe to write, then try not passing -o ro04:02
zealoteastersunshine: i cannot write there, neither can i see the drive as an icon04:02
tristanmikeyeah me too, rhythmbox suits my needs04:02
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gdarelanyone have a suggestion for video editing software?04:02
Xenguyjon__: scrot is one04:02
luithat's right mello6 , but its too big and doesn't have an eq04:02
jon__Xenguy: ???04:02
zealoteastersunshine: i'm not sure i know what you mean04:02
EasterSunshinezealot: if you want to see an icon on your desktop or something, i guess make a softlink to it using ln -s /target /softlink/location04:02
titaniululzhow do i restart the gnome panel?04:03
hardw1rehow much better is the 2.6.12-amd64-k8 kernel over the 2.6.11 / 2.6.10-5 ?04:03
Xenguyjon__: apt-get install scrot04:03
EasterSunshinezealot: do `cat /etc/mtab` and look at the line with /mnt/slave in it, paste it here, make sure you only paste one line04:03
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Xenguyjon__: ksnapshot is another04:04
EasterSunshineand does anyone here know if vfat filesystems are safe to write to?04:04
zealoteastersunshine: /dev/hdb1 /mnt/slave vfat rw 0 004:04
user_I am here but I am lost?04:04
Xenguyjon__: scrot is command-line; ksnapshot is GUI04:04
_frankEasterSunshine: of course you can write to vfat04:04
codecaineEasterSunshine, yes04:04
jon__Xenguy: Thanks, works great!04:04
EasterSunshine_frank, codecaine: and what umask should be passed to allow write?04:04
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Xenguyjon__: yw04:05
codecaineEasterSunshine, it defaults to allow write04:05
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EasterSunshinecodecaine: that's odd, this dude zealot is having trouble writing to a vfat mounted on /mnt/slave04:05
david__hey folks04:05
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zealoteastersunshine: perhaps it was unproperly mounted04:06
titaniululzanyone know how to restart gnome panel?04:06
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david__I'm a fairly nooby linux user, and am trying to install a modem onto my comp...04:06
dennis__Hey guys04:06
zealoteastersunshine: fs500 helped me mount it, and he thought i would likely have troubles writing04:06
codecaineheres my fstab: /dev/hda2       /mnt/fat32      vfat    defaults        0       004:06
dennis__Anyone know what is up with this?04:06
dennis__dennis@spartan:~$ sudo ./ati-driver-installer-8.16.20-i386.run04:06
dennis__sudo: ./ati-driver-installer-8.16.20-i386.run: command not found04:06
dennis__dennis@spartan:~$ ./ati-driver-installer-8.16.20-i386.run04:06
dennis__bash: ./ati-driver-installer-8.16.20-i386.run: Permission denied04:06
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EasterSunshineubotu tell dennis__ about paste04:06
dennis__that was 4 lines04:07
codecainedennis__, chmod +x ati*04:07
david__I need to konw how to install the ppp package04:07
jon__Xenguy: Is there anyway i can ue scrot but not make a .png image but a .jpg image?04:07
david__as mentioned here: http://quozl.linux.org.au/mm-5100/04:07
EasterSunshinecodecaine: his mtab reads: /dev/hdb1 /mnt/slave vfat rw 0 004:07
dennis__Thanks codecaine04:07
david__also: hotplug, udev, and pppconfig04:08
david__anyone know how to ?04:08
codecaineEasterSunshine, same here04:08
user_thou does not exist; therefore thou is nil04:08
EasterSunshinecodecaine: you have defaults, not rw, perhaps default includes a umask of 066 or something04:08
EasterSunshinecodecaine: or whatever, amybe i'm just being stupid04:08
codecaineEasterSunshine, i have defaults for fstab not mtab04:09
EasterSunshineah, i WAS being stupid...04:09
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david__any help ?04:10
david__I need to know how to check if ppp, hotplug, udev and pppconfig are installed04:10
david__and if not, install them :P04:10
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zealoteastersunshine: perhaps it's not properly mounted?04:11
david__never mind, got it :)04:11
reikiif fetchmail is running in daemon mode for me... and I want to have it check mail like right now... if I type fetchmail I am simply told that the background fetchmail at 24743 was awakened. So... does that mean it checked mail or not? :)04:11
EasterSunshinezealot: my knowlege ends here, sry04:12
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EasterSunshinezealot: wait for someone more experienced to roll in maybe04:12
zealoteastersunshine: can we try unmounting it and mounting it from scratch?04:12
tristanmikecd /etc04:13
EasterSunshinezealot: sure04:13
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zealoteastersunshine: may i pm you?04:13
c0rrupt_hit those corners04:13
EasterSunshinezealot: i have food all over my fingers, i maay not repsomd04:13
codecainezealot, remove it from fstab, mtab and then just do #mount /dev/hd# /mnt/slave04:13
codecainemake backup of *tabs though04:13
reikibetter to have fetchmail in daemon mode or run from a .crontab?04:14
zealotcodecaine: pls, what's the command to edit ftab again?04:14
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codecainezealot, fstab?04:14
jon__Does anybody know a command to take a screenshot?04:14
codecainejust use any editor, use vim /etc/fstab04:14
EasterSunshinezealot: sudo vi /etc/fstab04:14
mark__hi i have a question about a dvd burner i am trying to get to work properly04:14
jon__Does anybody know a command to take a screenshot?04:14
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EasterSunshinecodecaine: remember he will need root permissions to save04:15
HrdwrBoBjon__: gnome-screenshot04:15
ukatohello, if i was going to switch to KDE and get rid of all gnome-related things, what would be the best way to do that?04:15
jon__HrdwrBoB: I said command... I dont use gnome.04:15
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EasterSunshineukato: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:15
HrdwrBoBjon__: that is a command.04:15
EasterSunshineukato: or just install kubuntu from the start04:15
mark__basically i had a cdrw set up as the master on my ide interface, and now I have the dvdrw set up as the master and the cdrw on the same interface, but as slave04:15
zealoteastersunshine: how do i save?04:16
ukatoeastersunshine, okay, thank you. would that remove all GNOME stuff as well?04:16
EasterSunshineukato: apt-get install wil not remove anything04:16
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EasterSunshineukato: yoyu have to remove gnome packages manully04:17
HrdwrBoBjon__: import -window root file.jpg will do it without interaction though04:17
Yukinorohanyone know if ubuntu-ja is sjis-based, euc-based or utf8-based ?04:17
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mark__now my dvd is coming up as /dev/hdc and cdrw is /dev/hdd, but i think i need to edit my fstab and stuff, because the dvd is coming up as /media/cdrom, and /media/dvd is not recognized04:17
ukatoeastersunshine, so just go through synaptic and get rid of it that way?04:17
zealoteastersunshine: sorry, how do i save?04:17
zaphandsHi all. I have a problem. I can't configure 2 network adapters to work together. They work perfectly one at the time.04:17
bob2you need to provide a lot more detail if you want help04:18
bob2a whole lot04:18
bob2at a guess, did you accidentally give both a default gateway?04:18
zaphandsyes. but it doesn't help to remove them.04:18
EasterSunshineukato: yes, do it carefully though04:18
codecaineHrdwrBoB, what package has import cmd?04:18
bob2giving both a default gateway is meaningless04:19
bob2paste your /etc/network/interfaces to #flood04:19
EasterSunshineukato: and you may want to chasnge the default welcome scrn too04:19
mark__I can play dvds, but it's real sporadic, and I sometime get errors that dvd:/ has no plugin setup for it or something like that04:19
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mark__dont know if anyone could help, but id sure appreciate it04:19
bz0bcan someone please help me?04:19
zealotcan someone tell me how do i exit the editor after the "sudo vi /etc/fstab" command? i made the change i needed04:20
bob2bz0b: you need to ask a question...04:20
bob2zealot: :wq04:20
codecainebob2, why is your name greyed out in #flood?04:20
c0rrupt_ask me nigga04:20
bob2codecaine: I don't use xchat, so I don't know04:20
zealotbob2 thanks04:20
zaphandsbob2: done.04:20
bob2c0rrupt_: come on dude04:20
ukatoeastersunshine, so just deleting everything with 'gnome' in it's name would be a bad idea04:21
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codecaineukato, i wouldn't do it04:21
bob2zaphands: and what isn't working?04:21
EasterSunshinezealot: saving in vim is hit escape then :w, and to quit it is :q04:21
bz0bbob2: well I just bought an dwl-g650 rev b5 wifi card, and I just installed kubuntu, and like after all the apt-get upgrading, and after upating the cvs, I see my wireless card on the lspci, but when I type in modprobe ath_pci nothing happens04:21
zaphandsbob2: i have to disable one of the interface for the internet to work.04:22
bob2lspci doesn't tell you anything about whether the card is supported or not04:22
zaphandsbob2: using `ifdown eth1` for example.04:22
titaniululzhell yes i recompiled netspeed and it's transparent now :)04:22
EasterSunshineukato: some gnome pacakges are critical to keeping your system04:22
Flonnebz0b, are you sure it's a 650 and not a 650+?04:22
bob2zaphands: and what is that machine supposed to do?04:22
bz0bFlonne: yes04:22
bz0bits a 650 rev b504:22
EasterSunshineukato: basically, the ones that take out ubuntu-base with em, or the ones that take out like five million other pacakges04:22
bob2zaphands: your setup is rather odd04:22
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EasterSunshineukato: those are the ones you don't want to remove04:23
yaru22hey guys04:23
ukatomaybe i'll just get kubuntu04:23
bz0bi had the g630, and it didnt work so I exchanged it for a g65004:23
ironmcanyone know why I am getting a "cannot unlock drive" error message from K3b?  same on DVD and CD writers04:23
zealotcodecaine/eastersunshine: i edited the fstab removing the reference to hdb1 which was linkning to /mnt/slave and tried the "mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/slave" command and got the message that hdb1 is already mounted04:23
zaphandsbob2: eth0- connected to modem. eth1- connected to Lan (router). not sharing internet connection.04:23
EasterSunshineukato: but if you are really a kder and want to remove gnome all the way, kubuntu is the distro you are looking for04:23
codecainezealot, umount /mnt/slave04:23
codecainezealot, sudo umount /mnt/slave04:23
bz0bbob2: I think I am getting a HAL 13 error, for unsupported hardware04:23
bz0bbob2: but so many people seem to have success with the g65004:24
ukatoeastersunshine, mmk04:24
bz0bwhy can't I?04:24
bob2zaphands: er, so why does eth1 have a gateway configured?04:24
ukatodunno yet, gonna try it04:24
EasterSunshinezealot: removing an entry from fstab will not unmount it, you need to do the command codecaine gave you04:24
bob2bz0b: if you installed crap from cvs, you've broken things already04:24
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zealotcodecaine: ok, i unmounted and mounted with "mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/slave" ... what should i do now?04:24
c0rrupt_bz0b you noober04:24
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codecainego to /mnt/slave04:24
codecainesee if u can write04:24
bz0bbob2: oh well it didnt pick it up before04:25
bz0bbob2: and that is what it said to do on the madwifi site04:25
zaphandsbob2: I also tried to remove it using `ip route del defualt` and it didn't work.04:25
EasterSunshinebash is so nice...if i ask it to `touch me` it does so without complaining04:25
bob2bz0b: "pick it up"?  installing drivers from cvs will not change lspci output, if that's what you mean.04:25
bz0bi have the 2.6.10-5-386 kernel04:25
ukatognome will fall apart on me if i get rid of its packages while it's running, right04:25
bob2ignore lspci entirely04:25
bz0bbob2: ok04:25
bz0bbob2: what can I do?04:25
bob2zaphands: get rid of the gateway line, take both down and bring them up again04:25
bob2bz0b: undo whatever you did04:26
c0rrupt_what did you do?04:26
zaphandsbob2: brb04:26
bob2c0rrupt_: can you stop being so annoying?04:26
bz0bhow do I undo a cvs04:26
c0rrupt_i know bz0b04:26
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bz0bc0rrupt_: shut up cracker!04:26
bz0bc0rrupt_: hehe04:26
zealotcodecaine: i got an access denied message04:26
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EasterSunshinebob2: cvs installs will break my system? then how would you recommend getting a fast cedega?04:26
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bz0bc0rrupt_: hey c0rrupt_ let me install skype, and we will talk04:27
c0rrupt_you reformated?04:27
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evilbulgarianhi, im trying to patch kernel with reiser4 and there are 2 patches under reiser4-for-2.6/2.6.12/ one is reiser-4-for-2.6.12-3.patch.gz one is reiser4-for-2.6.12-realtime-preempt-2.6.12-final-V0.7.51-29.patch.gz which one should i use?04:27
codecainezealot, do ls -l /mnt/slave and tell me what it says04:27
bz0bc0rrupt_: yeah, to have both xp and kubuntu04:27
bz0bI can crack my router on xp but not on linux, how sad04:27
bob2EasterSunshine: I didn't say that04:27
LoudambianceI was looking for help as to why my livecd boot hangs after it loads the kernel image04:27
EasterSunshinezealot: lolol!! try `sudo touch me` under the mounted slave: it will say permission denied hahah!04:28
bob2EasterSunshine: installing random drivers from cvs to /lib/ can break things, tho04:28
zealotcodecaine: it shows the contents of the root folder of the second hard drive04:28
codecainezealot, sorry do "ls -l /mnt"04:28
codecainetell me what slave has04:28
bz0bbob2: would you mind telling me how to uninstall something that I installed with cvs?04:28
=== mattyJ [n=X@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg2c-224.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
codecainezealot, sorry do "ls -l /mnt | grep slave"04:28
EasterSunshinebob2: ah, i thought you were saying about alll cvs04:28
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zealotcodecaine: drwxr-xr-x  43 root root 98304 1969-12-31 19:00 slave04:29
codecainezealot, ok thats the problem04:29
zaphandsbob2: done. but now I can't ping the local network.04:29
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EasterSunshinecodecaine: woudn't umask fix it up?04:29
codecaineEasterSunshine, yeah04:29
EasterSunshinecodecaine: omg i was acutally right for a change. i am never right, i'm always wrong!! ^_^04:30
Loudambianceis the radeon x800 livecd 5.0.4 compatiable04:30
zealoteastersunshine/codecaine: how should i umask it?04:30
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bz0bc0rrupt_: get your butt on skizzipe04:30
codecainezealot, /dev/hda1       /mnt/windows    vfat    auto,ro,umask=0222 0    004:31
c0rrupt_im goin to take a shower04:31
c0rrupt_when i get back ill get on04:31
EasterSunshinezealot: unmount it, and then in the fstab, where it says default, replace default with auto,rw,umask=022204:31
bz0bcodecaine: use captive-ntfs or lufis04:31
codecainebz0b, he's not using ntfs04:31
bz0bcodecaine: oh04:31
EasterSunshinecodecaine: ro? that is read-only04:31
codecaineit works though04:32
EasterSunshineok...listen to codecaine, zealot, he knows what he is doing04:32
zealotcodecaine: i got /dev/hda1 permission denied04:32
codecainezealot, you are suppose to change your mounts to what you really have bud04:32
zaphandsbob2: I can't seem to ping anything on eth1...04:32
bob2zaphands: paste your /etc/network/interfaces again04:32
bob2bz0b: there is no general way04:33
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bz0bbob2: well then what do you want me to do? reformatt?04:33
dhunterzealot: easy look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeComputerMenu04:33
bz0bdamn, I was hoping to do some aircracking!04:33
zealotcodecaine: this is what i typed and what i got: /dev/hdb1 /mnt/slave vfat auto,ro,umask=0222 0 0 bash: /dev/hdb1: Permission denied04:33
=== CerBerO_ [n=CerBerO@pc-159-47-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2do whatever you want, but in future, don't do such silly things04:33
=== stone__ [n=stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
codecainezealot, you gotta put that in your fstab bud04:33
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zealotcodecaine: ok, let me try04:34
bz0bbob2: sorry if i am not as guru as you04:34
codecainezealot, remove any entries that you already have for /mnt/slave04:34
=== P8ntKid [n=jon@pcp0011206788pcs.salsbr01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2zaphands: can you ping 192.1681.1.52?04:34
zealotcodecaine: ok, trying now04:34
bob2bz0b: that's not at all what I'm talking about04:34
dhunterzealot: easy look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeComputerMenu04:34
codecainezealot, change ro to rw because i was using ntfs and thats why i did ro04:34
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zaphandsbob2: yes. but all the rest are unreachable.04:35
EasterSunshinedhunter: thats an ntfs, it mounts ro04:35
bob2zaphands: ping says that?04:35
bz0bbob2: I know, but I wish I knew about this stuff as much as you, what would you recommend me doing to be as knowledgeable as you?04:35
EasterSunshinedhunter: we are mounting a rw04:35
zaphandsbob2: From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable04:35
bob2zaphands: what does "ip route" say?04:36
=== shamus [n=james@c-24-128-161-15.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dhunterzealot: just change that.04:36
zaphandsbob2: on #flood04:36
EasterSunshinewhat encoding does ubuntu store my korean reggae filenames in? utf-8? and what would winxp store it in on ntfs?04:36
bz0bwow there is a channel for flooding?04:37
codecaineEasterSunshine, korean reggae eww hah :)04:37
Loudambianceok wiki stops at radeon x700, with the drivers for the x700 and x800 being the same, what would cause it not to work?04:37
=== geneo93 [n=geneo93@1Cust6500.an2.det15.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshinecodecaine: man if you heard that stuff, you'd keep a lot of it on your disk04:38
codecaineEasterSunshine, send me something04:38
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EasterSunshinecodecaine: i'm behind an evil router that wont let me send via dcc04:38
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shamusHi, i'm trying to install ati drivers for my card.. I downloaded the driver itslef and their driver installer. The driver installer is a .run file, what do I do with that?04:38
EasterSunshinecodecaine: plus, i actually support the band, i would request you to buy their cds04:38
robotgeekokay...does anyone know why upgrading to breezy made the "resize" command go away?04:39
dhunterzealot: Are you ok now04:39
bob2shamus: ignore it, wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:39
shamusthank you04:39
=== glick [n=noobia@cpe-24-193-254-95.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2zaphands: very odd04:39
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zealotdhunter/codecaine: was still trying04:40
glickhey is thunderbird better than evolution?04:40
bz0bglick: oh yeah!04:41
bz0bglick: it owns04:41
glickthere is just something about evolution that i dont like04:41
bz0bglick: IT OWNZ!04:41
Yukinorohhow often software is updated with ubuntu ?04:41
glicki cant put my finger on it04:41
P8ntKidIs there anyway i can change the time zone for ubuntu?04:41
=== nate_ [n=nate@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
bz0bP8ntKid: yes04:41
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glickbz0b, are you being sarcastic  or you for real?04:41
P8ntKidbz0b, How?04:41
bz0bglick: no im for real04:41
=== Hylas [n=Hylas@220-253-124-196.Dialup.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
zealotcodecaine: do i need to do anything else after modifying the fstab04:41
bz0bP8ntKid: double click on the time04:41
bz0bP8ntKid: and it should allow you to change the timezone somewhere in there, look around04:42
codecaineumount /mnt/slave04:42
EasterSunshinezealot: unomunt and remount04:42
nate_Grr having problems installing Java........04:42
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=== radiodog [n=ivar@71-34-225-192.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
nate_With the ubuntu guide.04:42
P8ntKidbz0b, Im not using gnome, is there a command i can use?04:42
EasterSunshineubotu tell nate_ about ubuntuguide04:42
=== kentaur [n=kent@adsl-065-006-206-159.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
bz0bP8ntKid: what are you using?04:42
zaphandsbob2: will `ifconfig` output help?04:42
regeya_way after the fact, and way after someone asked the question:  Thunderbird sucks as a calendaring app.\04:42
P8ntKidbz0b, FluxBox04:42
EasterSunshinenate_: you should be using the wiki04:42
bz0bP8ntKid: nevermind, I don't know sorry :-(04:42
=== regeya_ considers switching to Thunderbird anyway.
P8ntKidIs there anyway i can change the time zone for ubuntu?04:43
nate_So I figure, uh do you know of a java.deb file to download?04:43
=== bz0b considers switching to fedora
P8ntKidnate_ I have one.04:43
nate_Could you send it please?04:43
P8ntKidnate_, I have one04:43
bob2zaphands: no04:43
P8ntKidnate_, Yes, let me find it04:43
bz0bfedora whore blows!04:44
bob2nate_: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java04:44
codecainebz0b, you're ignorant and irrogant04:44
codecainespell check?04:44
P8ntKidnate_, ftp://ftp2.caliu.info/backports/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb04:44
zealotcodecaine: dammit, i got access denied again04:44
robotgeekP8ntKid: run tzconfig04:44
P8ntKidnate_, Do you know how to install it?04:44
dennis__Can someone here help me install and get OpenGL working?04:44
bz0bcodecaine: i purposely spelled it that way, to point out how much I dislike fedora core04:44
dennis__I have an ati 9600xt gpu04:45
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pcp08937147pcs.trentn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zealotcodecaine: this is what i typed: /dev/hdb1       /mnt/slave      vfat    auto,rw,umask=0222      0       004:45
codecainebz0b, no i meant spell check on what i said04:45
nate_P8ntKid, I love you.04:45
zealoton the last line of the fstab04:45
bob2dennis__: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:45
nate_I was looking for it earlier for over an hour.04:45
codecainezealot, thats in fstab04:45
dhunterzealot: umask aint going to help your situation. the user you are trying to write to the disk with needs to have write access. try writing to it as root? or change ownership04:45
P8ntKidnate_, Its ok, i had the same problem earlier today, i searched for hours04:45
zealotcodecaine: yes, that was in fstab04:45
bob2dennis__: and you already have GL support, you mean "Can someone help me install the ATI binary drivers."04:45
zealotcodecaine: last line of fstab04:45
bz0bcodecaine: yeah, i was gonna say, its spelled arrogant04:45
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yaru22what kind of tools are you using when programming?04:46
EasterSunshinezealot: and if you do `sudo touch me` in the folder where it is mounted, you still permission denied?04:46
zaphandsbob2: the router is using DHCP. should I reconfigure both the interfaces to work with DHCP?04:46
=== dgibb [n=dgibb@modemcable250.246-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
P8ntKidnate_, <304:46
EasterSunshineargh, no one loves me04:46
dgibbhi guys. According to the unofficial guide to ubuntu, there04:46
nate_LOL, okay04:46
tristanmikeI love you04:47
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zealoteastersunshine: how do i do it in the folder?04:47
bob2zaphands: no04:47
dgibbthere's a azureus package, but I can't find one. Do I need a special source line?04:47
EasterSunshinezealot: cd into the folder04:47
bob2zaphands: using neither would be better, if possible04:47
codecainezealot, try sudo chmod +x /mnt/slave04:47
codecaineor no04:47
EasterSunshinezealot: and once you are in, `sudo touch me`04:47
punkassanyone familiar with 855/915resolution04:47
codecainezealot, sudo chmod +w /mnt/slave04:47
shamusbob2, wiki.ubuntu.com could not be found, says firefox04:47
shamusi know that's wrong, since i've used that before... but04:47
shamusis ubuntu.org down for everyone? I can't get any page to open up04:47
zaphandsbob2: not possible.04:47
punkasstrying to get 1280x800 on my laptop04:47
tristanmikedgibb, I assume you've edited your sources.list04:48
EasterSunshineshamus: ubuntulinux.org04:48
punkassso far it says i am at 1280 but the resolution is actually bigger then the monitor04:48
zealoteastersunshine/codecaine: i tried both. didn't give me an error04:48
zealoteastersunshine/codecaine: just the command line again04:48
punkassso i have to move my mouse around to see the whole desktop04:48
EasterSunshinewait tristanmike...you said you love me?04:48
punkassany ideas?04:48
dgibbtristanmike: well, I uncommented some of the universe lines04:48
P8ntKidI have my timeszones set correctly but my clock i 4 hour behind04:48
tristanmikeEasterSunshine, yeah, sure04:48
sjgpunkass, 1280x800 worked out of the box on my laptop04:48
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
EasterSunshinecodecaine: sudo touch me worked for him...he needs to set uid and gid maybe04:49
bob2punkass: you will need to fiddle, look through the wiki04:49
tristanmikethere's enough love to go around04:49
EasterSunshinetristanmike: <304:49
bz0bbob2: you said my issue was easily fixable?04:49
=== Em`Zee [n=mzxgiant@cpe-69-207-99-115.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
codecainethis is ubuntu not iloveyou04:49
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-68-21-169-215.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
punkassbob2: ok..the xorg.conf file was setup perfect on install but its still comin up 102404:49
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P8ntKidMy clock i et to local time, but i want it to be et at universal time, how can i do that?04:50
Em`ZeeIs there a way to run dual sessions on dual monitors with 1 Ubuntu machine?04:50
=== dennis__ [n=dennis@68-186-49-71.dhcp.mghl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Em`Zeelike 2 video cards, 2 monitors, and 2 seperate sessions?04:50
zaphandsbob2: NOOOO... the cable was unplugged!! time to go to sleep :-)04:50
tristanmikedgibb, as explained here...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto?action=show&redirect=HowToEnableTheMultiverseRepositoryInUbuntu04:50
codecainezealot, sudo chmod -R +x /mnt/slave04:50
bob2bz0b: yes, by not running off and doing random things04:50
bob2zaphands: hah04:50
=== __jose [n=jose@19.Red-83-36-72.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bz0bbob2: sorry04:50
codecainezealot, sudo chmod -R +w /mnt/slave04:50
bob2punkass: then it's not "perfect" ;)04:50
sjgzaphands, /Khan voice,...NOOOOOOOOOO!04:50
=== JumpManJr [n=None@24-119-199-101.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
JumpManJrHey what kernel is ubuntu using?04:50
P8ntKidMy clock is set to local time, but i want it to be set at universal time, how can i do that?04:50
bz0bbob2: ok, anyways, in #flood you said it was easly fixable, could you maybe help me please?04:51
bob2bz0b: if you'd googled to begin with, you'd be done by now.  what model is it?04:51
bob2bz0b: just be quiet for ten seconds04:51
bz0bdwl g65004:51
bz0bbob2: ok04:51
punkassbob2..true enough..its the new 915GM chipset..so i am not sure what the support is like for it04:51
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dgibbwill look into it, thanks04:51
bz0brev b504:51
bob2punkass: find aside from autodetection, aiui04:51
tristanmikeno prob04:51
=== johntramp [n=john@222-153-18-48.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Em`ZeeCan anyone help me? =)04:51
P8ntKidMy clock is set to local time, but i want it to be set at universal time, how can i do that?04:51
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bob2Em`Zee: it's called multiseat. google.04:51
punkassbob2: huh?04:52
dhunterzealot: What user do you want to write to the drive?04:52
bob2P8ntKid: edit /etc/default/rcS04:52
Em`Zeebob2; Ah thank you =)04:52
bob2punkass: "fine"04:52
bluefoxicyOOo2 in breezy still doesn't spellcheck04:52
bluefoxicyanyone else have this problem04:52
zealotcodecaine: nothing happened04:52
P8ntKid /ect/default/rcS04:52
zealotdhunter: i don't understand... myself, i'm the only user04:52
bob2bluefoxicy: if they had, they would have reported a bug.04:52
EasterSunshinezealot: go back in and try to write in it04:52
bluefoxicybob2:  i've seen it mentioned on ubuntu-users@04:52
EasterSunshinezealot: after you did the chmod, it changes the write permissions04:52
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zealoteastersunshine: you so not have permission to write in this folder04:53
punkassbob2: ah...well as said it set up xorg.conf up to run 1280x800 etc..so it must have recognized the chip04:53
bob2bluefoxicy: then file a bug already04:53
dennis__bob2, I followed the directions on that page04:53
zealoteastersunshine: when I wrote the command, the prompt dissapeared04:53
dennis__And fglrxinfo still didn't output the right thing04:53
=== tutbon [n=ubuntu@c-24-63-194-11.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
adriyelan ATI card @ dennis?04:53
=== dip [i=dip@ool-4355f7dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
P8ntKidbob2, That file doesnt exist04:53
dennis__OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org04:53
dennis__OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect04:53
dennis__OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1)04:53
bluefoxicybob2: 833304:53
dhunterzealot: chown -R zealot /mnt/slave04:53
EasterSunshinezealot: wow...you still can't write in it?04:53
adriyelI'll stick with my 6800GT, kthx.04:53
punkassbob2: maybe its something wierd Acer does04:53
dennis__Buy me one and I will to04:53
bluefoxicyfixed the directory in, although we still depend on the the04:54
bluefoxicyOO.o1 installation. that's post hoary04:54
bob2punkass: yes, it does04:54
adriyelI am upgrading soon04:54
codecainedhunter, if that don't work im lost04:54
adriyelwant to buy it?04:54
bob2P8ntKid: yes it does04:54
zealoteastersunshine: nope :(04:54
bluefoxicyOOo1 must be installed for OOo2 to work.04:54
dhunterzealot: sorry "sudo lot /mnt/slave"04:54
bob2bluefoxicy: there you go then04:54
adriyelmethinks Imma buying a 7800GT04:54
EasterSunshinezealot: do dhunter's chown command04:54
adriyelno wait04:54
P8ntKidbob2, Yes, im orry, i typed it in wrong.04:54
codecainezealot, sudo chown -R +w /mnt/slave04:54
EasterSunshinezealot: then cd into the directory, and do `touch me`04:54
bluefoxicybob2:  or I could just make a symlink; but no way in HELL am I touching that because dpkg will wreck some files when somebody actually fixes the problem.04:54
=== dracflamloc [n=dracflam@pcp437961pcs.ebrod01.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dracflamlochi all04:54
P8ntKidbob2, lol my S key doesnt work to well04:54
EasterSunshinecodecaine: chown is change owner, chmod is change modes04:54
dhunterzealot: no, good god.04:55
zealoteastersunshine/dhunter/codecaine: chown: invalid option -- r04:55
dennis__Can I get some help in #ati04:55
bluefoxicy(I've noticed dpkg fucks up rather spectacularly with symlinks a lot; QED breezy development cycle Xorg changes)04:55
dracflamloci have installed ubuntu on my laptop (hp zv5260us), and everything is great except for my touchpad doesnt work =(04:55
P8ntKidbob2, What part do i need to edit?04:55
EasterSunshineshould we open a new channel for zealot?04:55
bob2P8ntKid: read it04:55
bluefoxicyrather, postinstall scripts04:55
bob2that's not what "QED" means04:55
bluefoxicyquo edta demonstratum04:55
bluefoxicyas is demonstrated04:55
dhunterzealot: lol04:56
EasterSunshinebluefoxicy: in math class, we make fun of it, we say "quite easily done"04:56
zealotdhunter: chown: `+w': invalid user04:56
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bluefoxicyEasterSunshine:  heh04:56
tutbonI'm pulling my hair out with the kernel panic after the security update as described in bug 13155.  Is there a reliable workaround?04:56
dennis__Can I get some help in #ati plz?04:56
JumpManJrInstalling  Ubuntu for the first time.  3 hard drives first drive is only 2.1 gig and this needs to be boot drive.  Next drive is 6.4 gig and can't be boot drive (Don't ask)  I have 3rd drive 1 gig I'm using for swap.  So is 1st drive mounted at /boot second drive mounted at / correct?04:56
=== MrBiscuit [n=chatzill@1Cust503.an3.dca16.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
zealot:) bear with me guys, first time ever using linux :)04:56
bluefoxicyoh man04:56
bluefoxicywhen I got ubuntu installed04:56
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bob2dennis__: where did you describe your problem here?04:56
bluefoxicymy menus and text and crap were all boxes04:56
bluefoxicyI didn't know what the hell was going on, then I realized I had to install a language pack04:57
MrBiscuitDoes anyone here use Linuxant?04:57
bz0bbob2: have a second for me?04:57
bob2JumpManJr: don't bother putting /boot anywhere special04:57
bob2JumpManJr: put / on the first disk04:57
bob2bz0b: just be quiet04:57
EasterSunshinezealot: `chown -R zealot /mnt/slave` reaplce zealot with youer username04:57
bz0bbob2: ok04:57
dhunterzealot: no, "sudo chown -R zealot /mnt/slave" thats all04:57
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=== regeya_ is now known as regeya
JumpManJrbob2 ok what do I put on second dirve?04:57
bob2I'm doing your job by finding the answer on google04:57
bob2JumpManJr: /home or something04:57
dennis__bob2, I followed the instructions on that page and still get the same output for flgrxinfo04:57
dennis__OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org04:57
dennis__OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect04:57
dennis__OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1)04:57
bz0bbob2: :-)04:57
EasterSunshinezealot: yes with the sudo as dhunter indicated04:57
JumpManJrnot enough room for var on first drive when I do that bob2?04:57
bob2dennis__: then go back and do it again04:57
MrBiscuitDoes anyone have or ever used or even heard of linuxant?04:57
bob2JumpManJr: yes there is, a base install is 1.8GB, including /var being full of crap04:58
zealotok, something's happening04:58
JumpManJrShould I make another partition on drive 2 for var?04:58
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bob2MrBiscuit: they make non-free modem drivers04:58
codecaineMrBiscuit, yes it cost money!04:58
regeyaMrBiscuit: yes, and run away, far away, as fast as you can04:58
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johntrampMrBiscuit, the winmodem drivers?04:58
JumpManJrbob2.  I ran through it and got an error.04:58
codecaineMrBiscuit, they made wireless drivers too04:58
JumpManJrSaid I needed 400 gig more for var.04:58
dennis__bob2, what do you mean do it again?04:58
bob2JumpManJr: are you sure it's really 2.1GB?04:58
dhunterzealot: then "chmod -R 755 /mnt/slave"04:58
MrBiscuitYes, but they do make ways around it04:58
bob2dennis__: read the page again, and do it over.  then do it again.04:58
zealotdhunter/sunshine: it's trying to do it on every single file and says "operation not permitted"04:58
zealotdhunter/sunshine: it's still trying on every single file04:58
sentinelhmm, for some reason apt-get is throwing up errors when trying to do apt-get install webmin.. all sorts of garble like /etc/webmin/webmin.acl: No such file or directory.. eventually exiting with E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:58
EasterSunshinezealot: are you sure you included sudo?04:59
sentinelanyone know how I could sort that out?04:59
JumpManJrGot partition table up right now it says 2.1 GB...04:59
MrBiscuitWhen i try to compile the tar.gz version of the linuxant driver with my kernel source, it says "Undefined NO_IRQS" Or NO_IRQS_VECTORS, can anyone tell me how to fix that04:59
bob2MrBiscuit: you need to talk to the linuxant people04:59
JumpManJrIf I go through it... I get message saying there isn't enough room in var.04:59
EasterSunshinedhunter: i think it would be easier if he set uid and gid in fstab so he wouldn't have to rechown and rechmod it each time04:59
bob2MrBiscuit: bear in mind no one but them can fix their drivers04:59
bob2JumpManJr: well, try putting /var on the other disk then04:59
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codecaineEasterSunshine, that would work most likely05:00
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bob22.1 is plenty, tho05:00
JumpManJrSo I'll put /var on 6.4 gig on 2nd drive as well as /home.  OK how much room am I going to need for var?05:00
P8ntKidbob2, I still dont know wich one to edit05:00
PimpachuHow can I get the CVS ISO of Ubuntu?05:00
adriyelwhy do you need seperate partitions for everything?05:00
dhunterEasterSunshine, he wont have to05:00
codecaineadriyel, you dont05:00
bob2bz0b: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38972&page=105:00
codecaineadriyel, just swap and /05:00
bob2Pimpachu: there isn't any such thing05:00
zealoteastersunshine: yes, i included the sudo. i tried again.. i t tells me operation not permitted when it tries every file05:01
sentinelhmm, for some reason apt-get is throwing up errors when trying to do apt-get install webmin.. all sorts of garble like /etc/webmin/webmin.acl: No such file or directory.. eventually exiting with E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)... anyone got any ideas how I could sort that out?05:01
bz0bbob2: thanks05:01
bob2JumpManJr: just make all of the second disk /var, you can fix this up later05:01
Pimpachubob2, Do I have to use Hoary then? Is there a greater version that 5.04?05:01
JumpManJrI can?05:01
xulMunkee_anyone know good RPG games available in ubuntu universe etc... such as KQ?05:01
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bob2sentinel: no need to repeat; the package is broken (or was broken by someone or something on your system).  file a bug on launchpad.net05:01
tristanmikewhat's kq?05:01
xulMunkee_tristanmike, it's a pretty cool console RPG05:02
bob2Pimpachu: do you mean "I'd like to help test the development version of Ubuntu."?  if so, go find the colony cds, but bear in mind they may be very broken.05:02
EasterSunshinezealot, dhunter, can we contnue in #dreams? too many stray msg from other ppl here05:02
tristanmikeoh, console05:02
_frankxulMunkee_: I don't know about universe... there is heroes of lesser renown that works but I've never really played05:02
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sentinelbob2: I did apt-get remove webmin a couple of days ago, and decided to reinstall it just now, except it's throwing up errors05:02
JumpManJrbob2 are you helping all these people? Thanks for taking the time to help me.  ;-)05:02
P8ntKidbob2, I still dont know wich one to edit.05:02
sjgbob2 is a machine :P05:02
Pimpachubob2, Ok05:02
xulMunkee__frank, thanks i'll try it out05:02
JumpManJrOk I'll make all the second drive /var but I really don't know how I'm going to fix it later.05:02
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jsgotangcoPimpachu, its very  broken atm05:03
bob2sentinel: well, perhaps it didn't remove itself properly.  try manually removign all traces from /etc/ and try installing it again05:03
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bob2P8ntKid: did you actually read it?05:03
c0rrupt__is there anyreason why at boot05:03
c0rrupt__my comp stops at configuring network interfaces,until i hit ctrl+c then it continues booting05:03
P8ntKidbob2, Ye05:03
bob2P8ntKid: only one of those lines mentions anything about GMT or UTC05:03
P8ntKidbob2, Yes*05:03
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Pimpachujsgotangco, Colony2 is broken?05:04
bob2c0rrupt__: because you're not on the network you told it you were05:04
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Pimpachujsgotangco, What about Colony1?05:04
adriyelI thought colony3 was out....05:04
|QuaD-if i do apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop in breezy, would that damage anything?05:04
P8ntKidbob2, What do i have to do for the changes to take effect?05:04
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bob2|QuaD-: no, but it won't do anything useful, either05:04
bob2P8ntKid: more or less reboot05:04
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jsgotangcoPimpachu, they are only useful for debugging purposes05:04
P8ntKidbob2, k05:04
geneo93Pimpachu:  colony3 is current05:05
|QuaD-bob2: my whole xserver is messed up, it freezes when it starts, trying to figure it out, i am getting down to last resorts05:05
Pimpachujsgotangco, They don't include newer X versions or anything?05:05
Pimpachugeneo93, It's get a broken download link05:05
bob2|QuaD-: well, what you suggested will not help that05:05
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Mrafroheaneone installed clamav on ubuntu before?05:06
Mrafroheai'm a *nix n00b05:06
Mrafrohealearning though...05:06
EasterSunshinewhat is the umask for read/write/execute/everything allowed?05:06
|QuaD-bob2: any suggestions? my logs look fine, and i have reconfigured xserver-xorg numerous times05:06
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geneo93well then its best to get hoary and update that to breezy them Pimpachu05:07
bob2installing clamav is trivial05:07
bob2configuring it to do things is harder05:07
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Mrafroheait's the ./configure part that I'm having a problem with.05:08
P8ntKidbob2, I rebooted and nothing changed05:08
MrafroheaI have gotten down to the point where it tells me "configure: error: User clamav (and/or group clamav) doesn't exist. Please read the documentation !"05:09
MrafroheaI don't see that part in the installation instructions and am a little confused...05:09
MrafroheaI'm a Windoze user that is trying to convert, so please be gentle...05:09
bob2P8ntKid: what did you expect to have change?05:09
bob2Mrafrohea: why are you compiling clamav at all?05:10
MrafroheaI've gotten through the rest of it though, installing all of the other tools that it needs.05:10
sentinelbob2: dpkg --purge webmin worked :)05:10
Mrafroheabob2 because the instructions told me I need to run the "./configure".05:10
bob2Mrafrohea: someone has led you down a massively long garden path here05:10
Mrafroheathen after that I am supposed to do the "make".05:10
_frankMrafrohea: why do you need an antivirus?05:11
Mrafroheamaybe, but in the long run it'll be better that I unerstand this stuff.05:11
bob2Mrafrohea: sudo aptitude install clamav05:11
bob2all done05:11
Mrafrohea_frank because it's an excuse to learn how to use linux.05:11
JumpManJrbob2: install is continuing with 2.1 gig ext3 mounted at / and 6.4 ext3 mounted at /var.  After I finish the instal how do I fix it so /home is on 6.4 gig drive with /var?05:11
bob2bear in mind clamav is only useful for scanning incoming mail for windows users05:11
Mrafroheai'm trying to come up with projects to do on this thing, as I'm trying hard to get out of windoze.05:11
johntrampMrafrohea, you dont need clamav on a desktop pc05:11
johntrampMrafrohea, linux doesnt have viruses05:12
MrafroheaI just want to get some kind of antivirus program installed on the linux box. I don't "need" it, but I want it. Clamav is the only one that I have heard of...05:12
_frankMrNaughty: just get .wmv videos to play, you'll learn the basics of installing stuff in ubuntu ;-)05:12
Mrafroheait has rootkits though...05:12
xulMunkee__frank, i can't find that game in synaptic.. do you know the pkg name?05:12
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HrdwrBoBMrafrohea: which clamav won't help you with05:12
_frankxulMunkee_: its not in synaptic05:12
bob2Mrafrohea: anti-virus software won't help with rootkits05:12
bob2Mrafrohea: and rootkits only help when you have already lost05:12
geneo93johntramp:  yet05:12
Mrafroheatrue, but I still need some projects to practise with...05:13
Mrafroheathis would be one of them...05:13
_frankxulMunkee_: Mrafrohea clamav is mostly used to protect windows computers... you're safe05:13
amonkeyi can't get the jpeg2000 component of gaim-vv to install. something aobut qpaint. any suggestions?05:13
johntrampgeneo93, well, I dont see it possible to get them if you are using packages from an official reposotory and do not run any untrusted code05:13
Em`Zeehey bob2, I googled for multiseat but there is really nothing useful in terms of installation, is there something I can look at since there isn't much documentation in the Synaptic-retrieved multiseat configuration?05:13
Mrafroheaand I am working on getting wmv files to play... ;p05:14
Mrafroheathought I had it, but apparently I messed up somewhere and need to screw around a little more... ;p05:14
bob2Em`Zee: install ubuntu on a machine with two pci or agp video cards and it should ask you05:14
johntrampMrafrohea, set up samba  ;)05:14
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Mrafroheawhat is that?05:14
geneo93well go to cvs and grab unizone then Mrafrohea05:14
Em`Zeecan it be one PCI and one AGP?05:14
bob2Em`Zee: yeah05:15
bob2I gather05:15
geneo93files sharing ,chat app Mrafrohea05:15
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gussomeone please help?05:16
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bob2!+smart questions05:16
ubotuWish i knew, bob205:16
gusoi omp342, vc fala de onde?05:16
JumpManJrbob2:  Lot of stuff going by here.  If you can point me in the right direction I'ld appreciate it.  Just tell me what to read.  I don't see it on ubuntu's support page.05:16
concept10hello, bob2 ..05:16
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PimpachuUbuntu mirror only downloading at 200K >_<05:16
titaniululzi can't apt-get install samba because samba-common is the wrong version, and when i try to remove samba-common it says it's also going to remove ubuntu-desktop. ?? :(05:16
Mrafroheai'll be back in a few... kids need me...05:17
bob2titaniululz: your /etc/apt/sources.list is full of crap, or was05:17
P8ntKidbob2, i expected it to fix my clock because my clock is 4 hours behinf05:17
bob2titaniululz: paste it to #flood05:17
P8ntKidbob2, behind05:17
bob2P8ntKid: and you used hwclock to find out the two different times?05:17
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bob2JumpManJr: it's not an ubuntu thing05:17
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P8ntKidbob2, No.05:17
JumpManJrbob2:  hmmm okay so I want to read how-to on what?05:18
bob2JumpManJr: boot into single-user mode.  umount /var/.  mount what was /var on /mnt/.  copy contents to /var/.  come back up.  make sure it worked.  then delete the contents of /mnt/.05:18
godzirrahow do I reconfigure X?  I cahnged video cards because my other one went out.05:18
P8ntKidbob2, I dont really know what i wrong, i just want to set the clock to the right time, and im not really sure how to do that.05:18
ubotuit has been said that resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:18
bob2godzirra: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:18
godzirraP8ntKid: man date05:18
godzirrabob2: thanks05:18
gusI would like to know how it is organized the system logs...my firefox window has been just closed ...I dont know why...any clue how to find out??05:18
bob2P8ntKid: er05:18
titaniululzbob2: pasted05:18
godzirraP8ntKid: Also make sure the bios clock is right.  Mine kept resetting to the bios clock on reboot.05:19
bob2P8ntKid: I hope you actually checked UTC-ness was the problem to begin with...05:19
ballsanyone know of a way to boot the live cd with a low res??05:19
bob2gus: ~/.xsession-errors05:19
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P8ntKidbob2, k05:19
gusthanks bob205:19
JumpManJrbob2: won't it try to remount the old var when I come back up?05:19
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P8ntKidbob2, utc i checked to yes05:19
bob2JumpManJr: yes, you have to fix /etc/fstab, too05:20
P8ntKidgodzirra, You think its my bios time?05:20
bob2P8ntKid: so, hwclock shows that the hardware has the right time?05:20
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P8ntKidbob2, hwclock show the same time that fluxbox shows me05:20
JumpManJrok i'll try to figure it out.05:20
BROKEN_LADDERin ubuntu, how do i want to add services that i'd like to autostart on boot, such as tor and privoxy?05:21
bob2BROKEN_LADDER: that happens by default05:21
godzirraP8ntKid: no,it very well may be your normal time.. just saying I had that problem so if its changing on every reboot, you may want to look at it.05:21
bob2and it's the same as on any other unix since 194305:21
bob2aside from bsd05:21
adriyelhey, anyone here ever used the Enlightenment desktop?05:21
P8ntKidgodzirra, Wekk, my battery doent work, o that might be why.05:21
godzirrathat might do it :)05:21
BROKEN_LADDERbob2 what do you mean happens by default?05:21
BROKEN_LADDERtor is booted by default?05:22
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bob2BROKEN_LADDER: "when you install a daemon, it runs by default"05:22
BROKEN_LADDERactually i found an entry for it.05:22
titaniululzstill getting this when i try to apt get install samba, any ideas?  samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.10-1ubuntu3) but 3.0.14a-3ubuntu3~5.04ubp1 is to be installed05:22
sjgadriyel, enlightenment..heh veeeeeeeeeery long time ago :P05:22
BROKEN_LADDERyes i see the entries in /etc/rc2.d/05:22
bob2titaniululz: paste the output of 'apt-cache policy samba' to #flood05:22
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ashley3452Hi, I was hoping to ask a question about ssh and X forwarding, doesanyone here know much about these two things?05:23
halleyashley3452, beyond (ssh -X hostname), not much.05:23
ashley3452heh Ive got to -XC05:23
halleythe -X means, "tunnel X stuff through the connection"05:23
ashley3452yeh I know05:23
bob2ashley3452: best to just ask your question05:23
EasterSunshinewhat is the syntax to mount an etnry from fstab?05:23
ashley3452I dont know what -C does, but it makes it work05:23
BROKEN_LADDERi'm trying to use google's new jabber server.05:23
bob2titaniululz: and 'apt-cache policy samba-common'05:24
ashley3452EasterSunshine, I think just mount <mount poiint>05:24
BROKEN_LADDERwoah..it works05:24
ashley3452so anyone know much bout ssh and X ?05:24
EasterSunshineashley3452: think there was a -a in there somewhere?05:24
bob2titaniululz: using backports, you lose05:24
EasterSunshineashley3452: cause otherwise it spits back at me that the fstype is wrong05:25
bob2titaniululz: sudo dpkg -P --force-depends samba-common ; sudo aptitude install samba05:25
EasterSunshineashley3452: and i'm pretty sure my fstab is correct05:25
ashley3452ahh that could be wrong in your fstab then ?05:25
bob2ashley3452: it's really better to just ask your question05:25
ashley3452do u get same error when you boot up ?05:25
titaniululzbob2: sorry someone else had me add backports a while ago for something else :( i will remove it and try that05:25
sjgashley3452, btw, man ssh /   ~C      Open command line.05:25
ashley3452bob2, ok i will05:25
EasterSunshineashley3452: nvm , i got it, thx anytway ^_^05:25
ashley3452sjg, thanks05:25
ballshi there, im having some video problems upon booting the live cd... is there a way to boot the live cd with a low res??05:25
=== Zaphod_ [n=Agrajag@66-215-172-61.dhcp.snbr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
halleySomeone http: published a dir full of .deb files and a Packages.gz line.  What would I need to do to use it as a source for apt?05:26
ashley3452um so heres what I want to do, I just need to know what its called 9and if it's possible) I can resarch how05:26
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bob2halley: deb http://machine/path/ ./05:26
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ashley3452I have a machine A in my room05:26
ashley3452and a machine B in my lounge05:26
ashley3452I can ssh to B and start X apps05:26
bob2it's a lot easier if you ask a whole question on one line05:26
ashley3452they show up on A , thats all good05:26
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ashley3452ok sorry will do05:27
halleyWhat does the ./ indicate?  That there's no multiple-dist subdirectory below the url?05:27
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:27
bob2halley: yes05:27
gusI cant find why my browser has been closed...I looked at the .xsession log file, but theres no thing related with my browser...please help?05:27
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halleybob2, thankee!05:27
titaniululzbob2: i'm on the aptitude install samba step and it says this:  The following packages will be REMOVED:  smbclient ubuntu-desktop    -- should i be worried about 'ubuntu-desktop' ? :(05:27
bob2gus: so run it from a terminal05:27
bob2titaniululz: yay for backports!05:27
bob2yes, you should be worried05:28
titaniululzbob2,  crap :(05:28
ashley3452machien B in my lounge, Machine A in my room. ssh from A to B, and start X apps, thats ok. Now I want to have them set uop, and send the X app window back to the server, so I can turn off the noisy computer in my room, and have the lounge one keep downloading/trasncoding/etc...can it be done ?05:28
bob2apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop -> #flood05:28
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bob2ashley3452: you want the X apps to work after you shutdown the computer that was displaying them?05:28
billytwowillyanyone get rtorrent working with ubuntu?05:29
darksoulwhats so diffrant with breezy?05:29
sjgashley3452, you may want to use vnc instead of launching the apps remotely05:29
darksoulfrom what i seen its just like normal ubuntu05:29
ashley3452like send them back by changing the display ?05:29
bob2ashley3452: xmove is what you want to look at05:29
EasterSunshineashley3452: you sound knowledgable, you know if there is any way to run xapps on putty ssh client without xbeing installed on windows?05:29
adriyelvc would be wise05:29
bob2EasterSunshine: no05:29
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bob2titaniululz: ouch05:29
ashley3452not realiably/cheaply05:29
darksoulis there any screen shots of kde breezy?05:29
bob2titaniululz: and your /etc/apt/sources.list again05:29
sjgbob2, xmove .....i totally forgot about that :P05:29
adriyelset up a host VNC on the machine you want to manipulate remotely05:29
ashley3452download knoppix05:29
bob2darksoul: #kubuntu05:29
adriyelthen a client on yours05:29
adriyelyou'll find life easier05:29
ashley3452Ive used VNC, thanks05:29
ashley3452that migh be my best alternative05:29
darksoulbob2: yea but for breezy05:29
ashley3452Ill try out thisxmovethough too thanks05:30
adriyelI was about to say05:30
adriyelno need to snappy however.05:30
sjgThats the one i use, xmove is a good  way as well05:30
adriyelit just seems like the most logical path05:30
darksoulbob2: any screen shots of breezy with kde on it? and can ya tell me whats diff?05:30
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P8ntKidbob2, It was my bios clock, that was the whole reason, its fixed now. thanks!05:30
titaniululzbob2, #flood05:30
bob2darksoul: #kubuntu05:30
bob2I doubt it looks any different05:30
ashley3452see the other thing is, the lounge PC is runing mythtv, so I dont wanna clutter that display with windows, will vnc/xmove do this ?05:30
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sjgmmmm mythtv05:30
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ashley3452heh I havent got it set up completely yet, its a work in progress05:31
bob2titaniululz: dunno what backport package is breaking it for you then05:31
ashley3452i built it over the weekend05:31
bob2titaniululz: I'd use apt-show-versions to find anything with ubp in the versoin05:31
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sjgI gotta set up myth to control 3 sat boxes :P05:31
guswhy there are so many "unix" connections ...executting netstat???05:31
EasterSunshineis umask 0222 ok for read/write?05:31
ashley3452ooch flag that05:31
titaniululzbob2, apt-show-versions? command not found05:31
billytwowillyashley3452: mythtv rocks. I haven't used it since 0.15, but it was rocking back then. it must be hella sweet now05:31
ashley3452Im gonna buy a IR keyboard, and a "universal remote"05:31
sjg3 tv tuner cards :P05:31
ashley3452and get the remote to learn the main keybaord comannds05:32
ashley3452ive heard its the easiest way to get remote for myth05:32
bob2titaniululz: then install it...05:32
adriyelashley, thats a little excessively elaborate don't you think? ohhh...PVR box, thats why.05:32
bob2gus: they're fine, they're process talking to each other05:32
billytwowillyknoppmyth support the pvr-250 remote and ati remote wonder out of the box05:32
ashley3452yeh your'e right, I could prolly just runwith the keyboard05:32
=== billytwowilly did the original map for the remote wonder
HrdwrBoBI don't bother with TV05:32
HrdwrBoBI watch the torrentvision05:33
ashley3452I dont have TV card yet05:33
sjgtorrents, take to darn long05:33
ashley3452so just movies and shows that I dl05:33
sjgto download05:33
titaniululzbob2, #flood05:33
gusthanks bob2, but how can I learn about them??? I want to learn everything :) I need to know what is going on...05:33
bob2titaniululz: haha05:33
titaniululzbob2 :O05:33
bob2go TEAM BACKPORTS05:33
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bob2titaniululz: sudo dpkg -P --force-depends smbclient05:34
adriyelwhy is XMMS so crappy? and why haven't distro's changed to BMP?05:34
bob2gus: no idea05:34
titaniululzbob2 i'm new to both linux and ubuntu i didn't realize backports was a bad thing :(05:34
WhiteRabbitbmp lacks in some areas that xmms doesn't I belive05:34
bob2adriyel: how is it crappy? and because BMP is identical, aside from having less plugins and an anti-aliased preferences dialog05:34
titaniululzbob2: okay, removed05:34
ashley3452bob2, you read my mind "xmove lets you change which display an X Window System program renders to - this could be a different monitor or even a different machine."05:34
adriyelstupid BMP05:35
titaniululzstill can't get apt-show-versions05:35
bob2titaniululz: apt-cache policy apt05:36
bob2I will cry if they included a "backport" of it05:36
bob2tears, then rage05:36
regeyaby the way, there's a port of xmms-mad to bmp if anyone cares to search for it.  I had it running on gentoo at some point, wiped out my gentoo install along with the patches, like a tard, when I switched back to ubuntu05:36
titaniululzbob2, #flood ..05:36
gusI would like to learn about each process running here....e.g. the metacity process, does what???05:37
bob2gus: er, dude05:37
HrdwrBoBgus: window manager05:37
bob2you're going to be on everyone's ignore list if you do that05:37
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regeyabut um, yeah, some japanese person ported xmms-mad to bmp, but had included some other nonstandard unicode lib.  once you remove the unicode infection it works fine.05:37
bob2gus: take the process name.  then find it in /usr/bin/ or /bin or /usr/X11R6/bin or wherever05:37
HrdwrBoBgus: you can use dpkg -S program to find out what package owns it05:37
bob2gus: then use dpkg -S to find out what package that is05:37
bob2titaniululz: dunno then, talk to the backports people I guess05:38
titaniululzbob2: when i do apt-get -f install like it recommends, it says new packages to be installed: smbclient and samba-common. try it? i have backports and such removed now05:38
bob2worth a try05:38
titaniululzbob2: its installing it from the cd05:39
bob2gus: please dont try to dcc chat me05:40
gusthank you very much :)05:40
bob2ask questions in here, tho private tuition is available at reasonable rates05:40
=== sophie_msumu976 [n=msumu@91.169.99-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjglol bob05:40
titaniululzbob2,  apt-get install samba works now too! hooray. it seems like everything is fine, unless ubuntu-desktop got removed or something and if i reboot my machine will die. :O is that possible in linux? i've only ever used windows05:40
gusI see05:40
sophie_msumu976help on mpd appreciated05:40
bob2titaniululz: it's extremely unlikely to break on reboot05:41
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titaniululzbob2, * Starting Samba daemons..     [ ok ]              :)  thank you very much, i never would've fixed that without your help05:41
sjgsamba is the debil05:41
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titaniululzbob2, and lesson learned, don't use backports :)05:41
titaniululzsjg, :P05:41
sjgbackports are ok if you absolutely need them05:42
Pickle_Weaselnow..hold your laughter...but i'm having trouble dialing up to aol with my winmodem -_-05:42
sjgif you dont need them for a specific reason, avoid..runaway05:42
titaniululzi did for one thing but i didn't understand how it worked or how it could break other things05:42
sjgPickle_Weasel, ><05:42
titaniululzi'm starting to see now how the whole system works05:42
bob2apt is just a constraint solver05:42
Pickle_Weaseli got the winmodem working, and i got a source code for the only dialer known to work, but i don't know how to compile it05:42
bob2using backports can get the system into a state with no solution05:42
bob2Pickle_Weasel: and that dialer is ...05:43
Pickle_Weasellos aol05:43
Pickle_Weaselmade for linspire (lindows)05:43
bob2you're using AOL?05:43
Pickle_Weaselouch indeed05:43
Pickle_Weaselwhich is why i am trying to get this dialer to work, it's the only aol dialer known to work on linux05:43
adriyelyou gotta be fucking kidding me?05:43
billytwowillyanyone have any experience with pkg-config? whoever packaged openssl didn't include a .pc file05:43
bob2adriyel: ?05:43
titaniululzokay, back to following the wiki guide on setting up samba. one of the steps is to enable windows networking in network options; i don't have that option.05:43
adriyelon Linux?05:43
Pickle_Weaselit works!05:43
Pickle_Weaselon linux05:44
Pickle_Weaseli just need to compile this source code05:44
adriyelif this proliferates into my holy ground, I am...oh my God...I'm switching to BSD05:44
bob2billytwowilly: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/openssl.pc05:44
adriyelscrew you people05:44
bob2adriyel: please chill out05:44
EasterSunshineaol on linux is like...wtf?05:44
titaniululzalso my network settings dialogue box looks nothing like the one on the wiki despite the fact that i'm using hoary 5.0405:44
adriyelFreeBSD, you're the last stronghold...05:44
Pickle_Weaseland ./configure make make instal doesn't work05:44
bob2Pickle_Weasel: you'll need to find instructions for it05:44
adriyelEasterSunshine: my compliments exactly05:44
bob2Pickle_Weasel: or perhaps ask in #linspire05:44
adriyelwhy use AOL and Linux05:44
adriyelit makes no sense05:44
Pickle_Weaselchannel doesn't exist =\05:44
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Pickle_Weaseladriyel, because AOL is all i have and i want a connection in linux05:45
EasterSunshinePickle_Weasel: you mean, its empty?05:45
adriyelits like getting a manual transmission and a big exhaust on a geo metro, it makes no sense05:45
billytwowillybob2: I don't have that file, but there aren't obvious openssl dev files...05:45
Pickle_Weaselaye, empty05:45
adriyelare they any other ISP's in your area Pickle?05:45
bob2billytwowilly: yes there are05:45
adriyelwe should have like, a collection to upgrade you05:45
bob2billytwowilly: libssl-dev05:45
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titaniululzare there mutliple versions of 'network settings' in hoary?05:45
billytwowillybob2: would be nice if it was named so it showed up when I searched openssl;) oh well..05:46
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bob2billytwowilly: ask the openssl people to change their library name then05:46
bob2billytwowilly: "apt-cache search openssl dev" finds it05:46
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billytwowillybob2: synaptic search for openssl in file and description doesn't...05:47
bob2file a bug on synaptic05:48
cafuegobob2: Were you running courier with vmail users?05:48
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bob2cafuego: yeah05:48
Pickle_Weasellos aol compile05:48
cafuegobob2: Are you doing any server-side filtering?05:48
Pickle_Weaselsorry, that was supposed to have a /ggole in front of it05:49
bob2cafuego: not per-user (rbls and blacklists, and I used to use SA)05:49
cafuegobob2: As in: file mail into different mailboxes based on header matching...05:49
bob2cafuego: no05:49
bob2cafuego: it looked rather hard to setup05:49
cafuegobob2: Ah ok, you won't have had my problem, then. (I've got it set up, works fime from the cmdline, but refuses to work through postfix)05:49
Pickle_Weaselis there any way i can compile a program if i don't find instructions to do so? i know it's written in python, and that seems to be all i can find out05:50
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bob2talk to whoever wrote it05:51
bob2you won't be compiling it then, anyway05:51
bob2I'd be very surprised if it had no usage instructions at all05:51
bob2that would be shit, even for linspire05:51
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Pickle_Weaselwell, the thing is, linspire has a compiled version out there05:51
Pickle_Weaselbut only for members of linspire05:51
Pickle_Weaselthe source code is available for free05:52
Pickle_Weaselno instructions, however =\05:52
sjgThats kinda crappy :P05:52
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bob2and no one ever wrote external instructions?05:52
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Pickle_Weaselnot that i can find, a google search for "los aol" brings me hispanic people complaining about AOL =\05:53
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kainoshow do i know if my laptop's modem is working properly?05:54
cafuegokainos: a dialtone is normally a good indication05:54
wjesusaxlI have the following error message: /usr/lib/kaffe/jthreads/jre/bin/kaffe-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/kaffe/jthreads/jre/bin: symbol __libc_stack_end, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference05:54
wjesusaxlany idea?05:54
bob2wjesusaxl: where did you get your kaffe package from?05:54
cafuegowjesusaxl: breezy?05:54
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adriyelhispanics and AOL05:55
wjesusaxlbob2: I don't remember I downloaded it05:55
bob2wjesusaxl: you need to find out05:55
billytwowillywhats the name of the program to convert source code to a deb file automagically?05:56
cafuegobillytwowilly: checkinstall05:56
cafuegobillytwowilly: it WILL need a small amount of thought, though05:56
billytwowillycafuego: thank you05:56
billytwowillycafuego: I've used it before several times, I just couldn't remember the name. It's been a long time...05:57
wjesusaxlbob2: it came along with the java package I downloaded years ago05:57
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wjesusaxlIt was working..05:57
=== cafuego starts to cough madly
bob2then get rid of it05:57
bob2and install kaffe from ubuntu05:57
bob2assuming you're using haory05:57
dennis__Can someone help me change the default application to open a .torrent file?05:58
wjesusaxlbut i've been messing around with my "sources.list"05:58
bob2wjesusaxl: so, show us that in #flood then05:58
wjesusaxland many things got screwed05:58
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bob2also, mentioning all these crucial facts in your question to begin with saves everyone time05:58
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wjesusaxlbob2: show you my "sources.list"05:58
kainoscafuego:how do i detect a diom linux dialtopne from linux box05:59
cafuegokainos: with a teminal app like minicom05:59
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kainosic ok ill try05:59
wulfy814is it possible to put everything (boot and / ) on software RAID1 with sata drives?05:59
cafuegowulfy814: yes05:59
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dennis__Can someone help me change the default application to open a .torrent file?06:00
wulfy814cafuego: I just tried with XFS and it barked at installing LILO06:00
kainoscafuego: is it a command line utility?06:00
cafuegokainos: indeed06:00
wulfy814I'm doing it with EXT3 now06:00
wulfy814on /md006:00
dennis__Cafuego can you help?06:00
cafuegowulfy814: works fine, i've been doing it for years06:00
dracflamlocanyone have experience using ndiswrapper with buuntu06:00
bob2ubotu: q is Really, it's easier to just ask your question.06:01
ubotubob2: okay06:01
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cafuegodennis__: not running ubuntu atm; probably somwehere in the browse prefs, though06:01
wulfy8142 - 160 gig ( /dev/sda1 - soft raid 158.5 /dev/sda2 - 1.5 swap /dev/sdb1 158.5 soft raid /dev/sdb2 1.5 /tmp06:01
ubotuq is, like, Really, it's easier to just ask your question.06:01
wulfy814I'm using the "server" install option06:01
bob2dracflamloc: guess my sarcasm was too subtle06:01
bob2dracflamloc: just ask your question06:01
dennis__bob2 can you help me?06:02
dracflamlocdidnt realize you were addressing me06:02
bimberidennis__: right click on a .torrent file, select Properties, then the Open With tab and take it from there06:02
bob2dracflamloc: you appear to be ignoring the suggestions from other people, so no06:02
dracflamlocanyway, what do i need to do to get ndiswrapper to compile06:02
dennis__Thanks bimberi06:02
cafuegowulfy814: I would use 2x .5G swap (for a total of 3GB) and use tmpfs for /tmp06:02
bob2dracflamloc: you don't compile it06:02
bimberidennis__: not yet, make sure it works first :)06:02
dracflamlocyou dont need to make and make install?06:02
bob2dracflamloc: you install the ndiswrapper-utils package06:02
bob2dracflamloc: correct06:02
titaniululzhaha, i'm trying to follow the setting up samba wiki guide and i got to the point of smbmount //server/share /mountpoint. it 'worked' but when i try to ls the mountpoint i get permission denied, and i can't remove the mountpoint now either. good grief, what have i done06:03
wulfy814cafuego: RAID the swap?06:03
dracflamlocah ok06:03
dracflamlocnm then =P06:03
wulfy814or just put partition on each06:03
bob2titaniululz: sudo umount /mountpoint06:03
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bob2wjesusaxl: that's presumably missing all the other oens ytou added06:03
cafuegowulfy814: No, 2 x 1.5GB non-raid swap06:03
titaniululzbob2: ah thanks, i tried smbumout and it kept giving me permission denied. thanks06:03
cafuegowulfy814: and stuff in /tmp will be swapped out to that anyway; so you can keep the drives INDENTIAL.06:04
wulfy814cafuego: ok, that's what I thought.06:04
glickhmm so thunderbird is alot better than evolution eh?06:04
wulfy814got you06:04
wulfy814cafuego, it worked fine for ext306:04
wulfy814xfs didn't06:04
cafuegowulfy814: don't use xfs06:05
titaniululznot sure why i can't get smbmount to work... i can browse fine inside nautilus but i get hammered with permission denied when i try anything from terminal06:05
cafuegowulfy814: raid1 implies data security, xfs does not.06:05
glicki wish gnome had somehting comparable to kontact06:05
bob2titaniululz: of course06:05
kainoscafuego: wat now after typing the comman minicom...it says initialising modem...but its all blank after dat06:05
bob2titaniululz: pass it the umask=000 options (you'll need to read the manpage to find out how)06:05
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wulfy814cafuego: I was going to use XFS because of xfsdump06:06
wulfy814cafuego: this is to be a backuppc box06:06
wjesusaxlbob2: can't understand what you say06:06
titaniululzpass smbmount that option?06:06
cafuegokainos: pen the correct modem device (/dev/ttySOMETHING)06:06
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cafuegowulfy814: rsync is your friend06:06
wulfy814wanted to be able to "image" the RAID to an external drive (USB2)06:06
bob2wjesusaxl: nevermind then06:06
cafuegokainos: then send it 'AT' and see if it responds06:06
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wulfy814cafuego: rsync and large backuppc stores aren't are they?  backuppc relies heavily on hardlinks06:06
wulfy814cafuego: data store will be approx 120g06:07
=== cafuego screams at the C++
svnspeak anyone german, because i can't explain my problem in english :(06:07
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, de is #ubuntu-de bitte.06:07
cafuegoman kann dich auf #ubuntu-de auf deutsch hilfen06:08
svnbin neu in der sache hier06:08
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wulfy814cafuego: no comment on the backuppc data?  rsync would prolly take forever on a data store of 100+ gig06:09
wulfy814cafuego: maybe "dd" instead?06:09
wulfy814as long as my external volume is larger than the main store06:10
wulfy814or I suppose could just intentionally break the RAID06:10
cafuegoI've never used backuppc; I use rsync myself to mirror a remote box to a local backup archive; the first time takes a while; after that is't a few minutes tops per run.06:10
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titaniululzbob2, awesome it works :) thank you06:11
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wulfy814cafuego: you should check out backuppc - great software06:11
dracflamlocif ndiswrapper reports that the driver is present and the hardware is present, why wouldnt wlan0 show up?06:11
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wulfy814thank you for your assistance06:11
cafuegowulfy814: Nah,. too late, current solution is automated and working fine. No need to break it :-)06:12
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Logi_anyone know how to enable "AllowOverride" for apache2?06:12
Logi_i can't seem to get it to work06:12
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cafuegoLogi_: Set AlowOverride (All|List of allowed options) on the DocumentRoot.06:13
cafuegoLogi_: as in: <Directory /foo> \ AllowOverride All \ </Directory>06:13
Logi_i did that...06:13
svn`ubuntuwhere i can find the energiemenu for the hdd... after the installation the hdd sleep every 1-2 minutes why :(06:13
adriyelfoo bar...lol06:13
Logi_then restarted apache.. and it didnt work06:13
cafuegorestart apache2, make sure .htaccess isn't overriding it06:13
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Logi_<Directory /var/www> \ AllowOverride All \ </Directory> correct?06:14
cafuegoLogi_: \ is a newlin06:14
titaniululzbob2, time for some sleep. thanks for all your help tonight, you saved me hours of frustration06:15
sako75hey pplz i have an error ive just installed ubuntu on a seperate partition on my hdd from xp and wen i boot xp thru grub bootloader its comes up wid an error sayin "xmt2002 program not found - skipping autocheck, autochk program not found - skipping autocheck" can any1 help me?06:16
robotgeekbreezy works very nice now :)06:16
Logi_yeah.. didnt work06:17
robotgeekno network manager love though :(06:17
Logi_cause i did "Options -Indexex" in the .htaccess in /var/www and it still allows it06:18
cafuegoLogi_: What is it doing, saying a certain Option cannot be set from .htaccess?06:18
cafuegoLogi_: Indexes or Indexex ?06:18
Logi_no... it just flat out es*06:18
Logi_typo here, not in file06:18
robotgeeklibcairo depedency problems06:18
Logi_or else it would 50006:18
cafuegoThe right modules loaded?06:19
Logi_oh crap..06:19
Logi_what needs to be loaded06:19
svn`ubuntunobody knows?06:19
el_tororobotgeek:  NetworkManager from cvs works fine06:20
sako75any got any ideas on my question06:20
robotgeekel_toro: on ppc too?06:20
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el_tororobotgeek:  ymmv06:21
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robotgeekel_toro: :)06:21
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TraceGreenHello, if my vga set to 640x480, can i have bootsplash when booting?06:21
La_PaRCawhats a good windows python interpreter?06:22
sartasi cant start Amarok: first it told me to see if dcopserver is running.. and then it said something about that it couldnt load kde thingies06:22
sartaswhat to do?06:22
cafuegowhat's a good windows channel?06:22
robotgeekel_toro: i am trying from cvs now, thanks06:22
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sartashelp me!06:23
SeveasLa_PaRCa, the official python interpreter....06:23
Milkgood evening!06:23
billytwowillyhow do I find out what is in my path?06:23
Seveasit's friggen 6:23 am :)06:23
Seveasbillytwowilly, echo $PATH06:23
sartasi cant start Amarok: first it told me to see if dcopserver is running.. and then it said something about that it couldnt load kde thingies06:23
adriyelits 12:23am here06:23
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cafuegoSeveas: with the waking hours you keep, i doubt it matters ;-)06:23
robotgeekit's 11:14 am here!06:23
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ixizand it's 6:24 am here :P06:24
cafuegoAnyway. it's 14:24 where it matters06:24
MilkI'm trying to setup samba using the wiki guide, but I don't have a "Windows Networking" section.. can anyone point me in the right direction06:24
cafuegorobotgeek: Your cpu clock is out of sync06:24
bimbericafuego: indeed!06:24
el_tororobotgeek:  let me know how it goes06:24
sartasi cant start Amarok: first it told me to see if dcopserver is running.. and then it said something about that it couldnt load kde thingies06:24
robotgeekel_toro: sure06:24
sartashelp me!06:24
Milksartas.. whats your problem?06:24
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sartasMilk: i cant start Amarok: first it told me to see if dcopserver is running.. and then it said something about that it couldnt load kde thingies06:25
sartasand Juk says the same thing06:25
robotgeekcafuego: it does that every time i sleep my laptop!06:25
TrippDoes anyone know install pengaol on Ubuntu, i'm new to linux.  I'm used to windows shitty .exe setup.06:25
Milkwhat kde thingies?06:25
black13after you do make-kpkg what next next?06:25
svn`ubuntuwhere is the menu for the hdd sleep mode ?06:25
cafuegorobotgeek: ntpdate in a cron06:25
glickTripp, exe setups arnt that bad06:26
Milkcan anyone help me with samba via the gui?06:26
robotgeekcafuego: more like ntpdate when i connect to the network, i do it with a script anyways06:26
MilkTripp.. have you tried apt-get install pengaol?06:26
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cafuegorobotgeek: from ip-up.d - yeah, that works.06:26
Dr_WillisMilk,  help with what aspect of samba?06:26
TrippWell, I know, i'm running windows on this computer, but I installed it on my laptop.06:26
glickwhat is pengaol?06:26
TrippTry what, i'm sorry?06:27
=== cafuego is pool.ntp.org, so is on time :-)
sartasMilk: I dont remeber, and now it wont even open Juk or Amarok06:27
MilkDr_Willis, I'm trying to get shares setup using the wiki guide via the networking gui.. but I don't have options for windows networking06:27
KrispyKringleSo I'm thinking of switching to either Debian or Ubuntu--I'm tired of building my software all from source--and I'm curious; between Debian Testing and Ubuntu, I don't see many differences in packages, etc. Why should I use Ubuntu over Debian Testing?06:27
Milksartas without knowing what it wants, its near impossible to tell06:27
MilkTripp... on a command line, type   apt-get install pengaol06:27
sartasMilk: but.. i cant boot it at all T_T06:28
TrippOk, one sec.06:28
Milksartas, you got errors once....06:28
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Milksartas, are you trying via CLI?06:28
robotgeekKrispyKringle: ubuntu just works, mostly :)06:29
SeveasKrispyKringle, more freqeunt releases, more resent packages, 18 month security support, better community :)06:29
Dr_WillisMilk,  hmm... i cant actually recall using the gui. im not even sure that the samba servers are installed by default.06:29
Seveasand indeed, Ubuntu Just Works :)06:29
sartasMilk: i tried with rythmbox know. the sound in my headphones are totally changed to.. i cant hear a song in them..06:29
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MilkDr_Willis, I used apt-get to install samba06:29
robotgeekel_toro: can i msg you with a question?06:30
el_tororobotgeek:  sure06:30
sartasMilk: the sound is gone..06:30
Dr_WillisMilk,  did you start the service? did ya do a 'smbpasswd -a USERNAME' for your users?06:30
Dr_Willisthen restart the service :P06:30
Dr_Willisthats about all i can rember doing last time.06:30
Milkhrm... it gave an error.. can't load /etc/samba/smb.conf06:31
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KrispyKringlerobotgeek: I never had many problems with Debian, to be fair. ;)06:31
Milkwhats the command to restart samba?06:31
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KrispyKringleSeveas: that was always my main complaint with Debian, though. The slow updates. Unstable and Testing largely avoid that, but even so, that is what atracts me to ubuntu.06:31
KrispyKringleThanks. :)06:31
sartasGRR!! It cant make a pipeline with AlSA, ESD, and OSS06:32
sartaswhats wrong!!06:32
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Logi_anyone know how to enable "AllowOverride" for apache2?.... i still can't get it to work06:32
\dev\goatsartas, you need to install amarok-xine06:32
Dr_Willisi always ise /etc/init.d/samba restart   - same as any other service :P06:32
TrippUm, it just tells me could not open lock file, are you root?06:32
\dev\goatfrom synaptic06:32
=== Milk is still trying to get used to not being dependant on Fedora
TrippI have no idea, what that means.06:33
MilkTripp, are you logged in as root, or are you sudo as root?06:33
sartas\dev\goat: but i lissened to musik the whole day yesterday, whats changed??06:33
billytwowillywhen a command line prog tells you to type ^q to quit what does it want me to push? ^q doesn't actually work when typed...06:33
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MilkDr_Willis, its not starting06:33
billytwowilly_frank: thanks06:34
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Dr_WillisMilk,  then whats it doing dare i ask.. :P06:34
MilkDr_Willis not sure, its failing.. checking the logs now06:34
Milkempty section name in configuration06:34
MilkI'm going to try dpkg-reconfigure06:35
TrippHow do you know?06:35
LoneFreakok, this question may be stupid but yea. When i'm browsing through folders i like the window maximized, but it keeps minimizing?? is there anyway to stop this06:35
cyphaseare their any background cycling applications in ubuntu?06:35
Dr_WillisMilk,  ya could just edit the samba config manually :P06:35
SeveasTripp, if you open synaptic, close aptitude and all other things using apt06:35
cyphaseso you can have a different background every da, hour, etc06:35
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MilkTripp, in the CLI, type su06:36
MilkDr_Willis, my brain isn't up to manual tonight06:36
SeveasMilk, ubuntu uses sudo - by default there is no root password06:36
Dr_WillisMilk,  its one of the most trivial config files out. :P   in fact i think the default is 90# commants..06:36
MilkSeveas, I'm aware, but it would give him a prompt06:37
Dr_WillisMilk,  the book (online) of 'using samba' is dang handy also. to read when ya got the time06:37
SeveasMilk, not without a root password :)06:37
MilkDr_Willis, I will, thanks!06:37
TrippYou mean Syntaptic package manager, right?06:37
Dr_Willishaving a root prompt - is the kind of secuity 'issue' that this disrto tries to avoid. :P06:37
MilkSeveas, default user password worked for me, untill I set a root password.. but regardless06:37
\dev\goatfglrx is so much fun to troubleshoot06:37
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Dr_Willis\dev\goat,  heh - i cant even do that - this ati x200 isent supported by it.06:38
Milkhrm.. Dr_Willis.. even after remove/install, its showing an error with the printcap file06:38
\dev\goat>< my r9600p might as well not be supported, as much of a pain in the ass to get working as it is06:38
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Ice9why is ubuntu detecting that I have a radeon 9200 when I have a radeon 9250?06:38
Dr_Willisprintcap ? Hmm  perahps its confused by you not hving a printer set up right.. no clue really there.  comment out the samba printer section and restart the service06:39
Dr_WillisIce9,  becaise from a chipset point of view the 2 are identical perhaps?06:39
Ice9why doesn't 3d acceleration work? I did what the guide said06:40
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ixizI have a Radeon 9200 but it is recognized as a Radeon 9000 too06:40
geneo93or you where sold a 9200 for a 925006:40
Dr_WillisIce9,  did you restart X totally?06:40
TrippI'm not sure synaptic what, package manager?  The top of the terminal says home then my name, does that tell weither or not i'm root?06:40
JumpManJr bob2 installation will not complete no matter what I do.06:40
Ice9Dr_willis yes06:40
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Dr_Willistime to check the logs  and learn the JOY of fighting with ATI.. :( ive spent many an hr doing it.06:41
JumpManJrI get a failure on step of copy remaining packages to hard drive.  When I go back and select that from the list it says I need 400 meg more in /var even with it on the second drive.06:41
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shamusI need something to play wav files, when I try and play an audio cd, it recognizes them as wavs and won;t play06:42
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shamuswell, i have xmms but it gives me no sound06:42
kevmanI had no trouble getting ATI's drivers installed...06:42
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Dr_Willisi had very little problems with my ATI9700 last time i used it. took me all of 3 min to get it working right.06:42
Milkwell.. its bed time06:42
Milkthanks for the help06:42
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Ice9how reassuring lol06:43
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Dr_Willisbut ive also found that the mb's chipset/agp stuff CAN be the problem. (on another box i never did get the ati to work right)06:43
\dev\goatheh only took a couple mins to get 3d acceleration the first time, being a bitch on this fresh install tho06:43
nate_I should use MPLAYER as an alternitive to Windows Media Player when watching music videos on the internet, right?06:43
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JumpManJrSigh... I guess bob2 isn't around anymore.06:43
JumpManJrAnyone else have any ideas?06:43
sartashey! my comp stopped playing music this morning,, the AUX channel on my stereo sounds really wrong.. and ALSA cant make a pipeline. OSS and ESD can, but i dont hear anything...06:44
maeHi, I just installed breezy colony-3 .. i am having an issue, i loaded my old config from hoary for xorg.conf.. and i am getting a strange thing "keyboard" driver not found..06:44
HrdwrBoBmae: yeah the keyboard driver changed06:44
sartasplease, i need my sound to work..06:44
maeHrdwrBoB: whats the new name?06:44
HrdwrBoBmae: IIRC if you comment our that line it'll auto load the right one06:45
maeHrdwrBoB: thanks06:45
Madpilothi everyone06:45
sartasanyon, help me!06:45
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sartas"hey! my comp stopped playing music this morning,, the AUX channel on my stereo sounds really wrong.. and ALSA cant make a pipeline. OSS and ESD can, but i dont hear anything..."06:45
sartasi need help...06:46
maeHrdwrBoB: when i comment out that now i get same thing lol, driver not found "keyboard"06:46
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TrippDoes anyone know how to install pengaol, i'm new to linux.06:47
el_toromae:  afaik the new driver is kbd--can someone else back me up?06:47
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zoexiI know my video card/monitor combo is capable of 1280x1024 (I saw it happen in windows),  I check my xorg.conf file and see that it is listed as a mode in the display section.  However, it is not an option when I go to system>preferences>screen resolution.  It only lists up to 1024x768.  Any idea as to what doesn't work?06:47
Dr_WillisTripp,  try 'sudo apt-get install pengaol' yet?06:47
maeel_toro: let me try that06:48
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Gues10000i need help with ubunutu linux which i just installed06:49
sartasPlease help me, my sound is gone, its just some crunching sound!06:49
sartasi need it to work!06:49
sartasplease help me, someone..06:49
Gues10000is anyone having trouble inserting username and password06:49
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Gues10000but i cant even type it when installing06:50
sartaswhat the fuck is wrong with UBUNTU!!06:50
sartasnow it closed firefox on its own.. and i didnt do anytjing..06:51
Dr_Willissartas,  ive have had very little probmes wth it. :P   lol06:51
sartasand it changes my bakground on its own06:51
Dr_Willissartas,  perhaps it hates you?06:51
bimberi!tell zoexi about resolution06:51
sartasand it cant play my music,06:51
sartasbut it was playing it totaly fine yesterday06:51
Madpilothmmm... good reasons to have a powerful computer with lots of spare CPU cycles: http://xpenguins.seul.org/  ;)06:51
sartasi want a computer that works..06:51
\dev\goatomg finally i can have penguins walking all over my desktop06:52
\dev\goathow did i live before this06:52
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black13what are the steps to rebuild the kernel?06:53
EasterSunshinedoes anyone know the correct umask to set to allow drwxrwxrwx ?06:53
Madpilot\dev\goat: it's even in Ubuntu's repositories, that's how I discovered it... ;)06:53
black13or build a new kernel06:53
sartasubuntu sucks!!06:53
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dracflamloci'm trying to use ndiswrapper to load a netgear usb MA111 card. the driver loads and shows as hardware present, but i cant configure wlan0?06:53
adriyelmadpilot , fsck /dev/goat06:53
benplauthow can i connect a linux/ubuntu machine to a network so that on login your roaming profile is used?06:53
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benplautfor that matter, how can i set it up to login to the network?06:54
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ubotufixres is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:54
bimberi!tell black13 about kernelcompile06:55
sartasplease help me..06:55
sartasPlease help me, my sound is gone, its just some crunching sound!06:55
sew3521I need to access my windows partition of my harddrive someone pointed me to a script that automaticly mounted any windows/mac partitions...anyone here know what that script is called...or where i could look?06:55
Seveassartas, whining and ranting is a good way to get ignored, just like repeating06:55
Seveassew3521: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically06:55
sartasi know06:55
sew3521hey Serveas...thanks!  your the one who helped me before06:55
sartasbut hell.. someone arent going to help me anyway, or people just dont know how..06:56
=== Seveas wrote that thing
maekbd didn't work either06:56
sartasand i havent got anything other to do06:56
Seveassartas, we cannot know how, you did not provide ANY information...06:56
bimberihehe - "/faq..."06:56
linuxpoetbenplaut: which network are you trying to connect to? SMB? Ldap? Kerberos? Remote Pam?06:56
=== sew3521 says Seveas is awesom
sartaslong up there i did (points up)06:56
geneo93sartas:  maybe turn off pnp in bios06:56
sartasgeneo93: how do i do that? :)06:56
benplautlinuxpoet, not quite sure... it's a windows server, set up so that the windows computers can be logged into from any of the clients, and settings & files are broaght along with them06:57
geneo93well if you dont know that i cant help you06:57
benplautnobody seems to know what the type of network is called06:57
benplauti think it's with samba, though06:57
punkassok i am trying to make my laptop (Acer 4101) do 1280x800..and i am not having much luck06:57
sartasgeneo93: i think i know how.. im gonna try it06:57
punkassI am using the updated 915resolution and the gnome resolution tool actually says its 1280 but what it does is make the screen bigger then the actual montior06:58
punkassany ideas??06:58
punkassso i have to actually use my mouse to slide the desktop around to see it all06:58
sartasseveas: i started my computer a hour ago, and it told me that dcopserver maybe wasnt running (and i dont know howto check that), and the music was all chrunchy. i checked all the cable, nothing happened. on my stereo i switched from AUX to cd and the sound was fine there..06:59
sartasSeveas: so it is the computers fault06:59
Seveassartas, reboot the thing to get dcop running06:59
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sartasSeveas: i tried to change the sound engine, i had OSS running, usually i have ESD, i tested them but it couldnt make a test pipeline. ive rebooted 3 times now07:00
Seveasif you use kde, then esd is pointless07:00
sartasim gonna try geneos tips07:00
Seveaskde has arts07:00
aruwhat do I do with a .sh file?07:00
sartasim using gnome07:00
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Seveasdcop is kde crud07:00
Seveasso that error is very suspicious if you use gnome07:01
sartascan i manually make it running?07:01
sartasbut im using amarok07:01
Seveasah, ok07:01
sartasthats running on a kde engine, right?07:01
sartashowever, beep, rythmbox, xmms cant play sounds at all too07:01
Seveasyou need to ask a kde user, I refuse to use it so i cannot help you with amarok07:01
robotgeekSeveas: :)07:02
sartasim gonna try geneos tips, ill be back07:02
durtuse alsa07:02
EasterSunshineSeveas: you are always against ubuntuguide cause it doesn't let you know what you are exaclty doing, then why suggest the winmc mounting script thingy?07:02
benplautwhat do you guys recommend for pen-testing livecds?07:02
EasterSunshineSeveas: i just spent two hours helping someone mount a vfat partition with rwxrwxrwx, and i learned a whole lot07:03
MadpilotEasterSunshine: how about writing that up in the wiki? (seriously...!)07:03
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SeveasEasterSunshine, good question but allow me to answer it in a few hours - gotta run now07:03
EasterSunshineSeveas: as opposed to using the script, it reminds me of something from ubuntuguide07:03
maeargh i'm gonna try updating07:03
EasterSunshineSeveas: okay, see ya later07:03
La_PaRCaum... isnt gajim supposed to be in hoary universe now?07:04
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el_toromae: what error are you getting?07:05
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La_PaRCaum... isnt gajim supposed to be in hoary universe now?07:07
bimberidolfo: please stop that07:07
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia!07:07
zealotdoes anyone know how can I make a slave hard drive just mounted at /mnt/slave into an icon in the gui in "places"?07:07
el_toroLa_PaRCa:  yes, afaik07:08
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MadpilotLa_PaRCa: it doesn't seem to be - I saw someone's blog post about it, though...07:08
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mdz_dolfo: are you finished?07:08
el_toroMadpilot:  it's there for me07:08
La_PaRCaMadpilot, thats why I am asking. Maybe its just in for Breezy universe?07:08
=== benplaut waits in anticipation of the `exciting` ban of dolfo
La_PaRCael_toro, its probably in backports then07:09
el_toroLa_PaRCa: ah, sorry i'm running Breezy07:09
el_torosilly me.07:09
EasterSunshinewhy is dolfo still here...07:09
La_PaRCael_toro, ah... yeah, thats why07:09
Madpilotel_toro: ah, OK. Hoary user here, and I just tried updating Synaptic, too. No gajim07:10
benplautubotu tell dolfo about br07:10
benplautwrong one07:10
zealotdoes anyone know how can I make a slave hard drive just mounted at /mnt/slave into an icon in the gui in "places"?07:10
Dr_Willishmm - ive never noticed where the 'places' stuff comes from. :P07:10
=== deFrysk [n=deFrysk@i111223.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Hmmmmanyone using e17 out here?07:10
zealotdr_willis, how about an icon in the desktop?07:11
el_toroMadpilot:  i think you could compile from source if you really wanted to--the depends don't look too bad07:11
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Dr_Williszealot,  that should be fairly trivial.  just make a link from where its mounted perhaps.07:11
EasterSunshinezealot: ln -s /mnt/slave ~/Desktop/Slave07:11
Madpilotel_toro: I'm not really that interested, just curious07:11
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EasterSunshinezealot: i think that will make a link on the desktop, unless i mde a small little error, someone please catch it if i did07:11
EasterSunshinedolfo: damn stragiht your english is not good...07:12
EasterSunshinedo they speak spanish is brazil?07:12
el_toroEasterSunshine:  portuguese..07:12
zealotthat did it07:12
zealotthat created a link to the slave, as a folder... wish some day i'll have it as a drive, heheheh07:12
ixizI have an Intel Pentium M processor in my laptop (Centrino), which mplayer package should I choose to install then?07:12
ixizis that the i686 og i38607:13
zealotthanks EasterSunshine, you helped me a bunch today07:13
ixizor 58607:13
jesperixiz: i68607:13
EasterSunshinerefer him to ubuntu's protugese channel if you think they'll be able to handle him07:13
Madpilotzealot: I think everything's a folder/file in Linux - no drives like Windows designates07:13
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EasterSunshinezealot: np :)07:13
simon__very new to ubuntu07:13
EasterSunshineMadpilot: there are more than folders and files07:13
simon__need help07:13
EasterSunshineMadpilot: softlinks, hardlinks, mount points, devices07:13
La_PaRCasimon__, state you age, sex and problem07:14
simon__i just want to play the music off my memory stick07:14
simon__20,  male07:14
MadpilotEasterSunshine: true enough, but no drives like Windows designates as a seperate thing, AFAIK07:14
simon__can you help?07:14
La_PaRCasimon__, um... state your problem I guess07:14
zealotgoodnight fellas... thanks for all your help. i'll see you tomorrow07:14
La_PaRCasex/age should be channel policy xD07:15
EasterSunshineMadpilot: what is afaik?07:15
simon__i would like to play music off of my USB port memory stick07:15
ubotuLa_PaRCa: No idea07:15
=== metzen [n=yep@cpe-66-24-90-112.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotEasterSunshine: As Far As I Know07:15
simon__but the musicbox player wont let me put my mp3's in the library07:15
La_PaRCaubotu afaik is As Far As I Know07:15
ubotuLa_PaRCa: okay07:15
EasterSunshineah yse i remember now07:15
La_PaRCaubotu tell simon about RestrictedFormats07:15
Madpilotsimon__: do you have mp3 codecs added?07:15
simon__no how do i get them?07:16
EasterSunshineoh no dolfo pmed me =/07:16
Poromiesanyone have any KDE ftp-clients to recommend?07:16
La_PaRCaubotu tell simon__ about codecs07:16
benplautdolfo: other languages go in there specific channels07:16
benplautand lower your caps lock07:16
ixizand one last question which I can't find on google either: i get an error in rhytmbox when trying to open a .pls on shoutcast.com it says: 'There is no element present to handle the stream's mime type aduio/mpeg'07:16
=== blktiger [n=blktiger@cpe-24-167-79-240.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ixizI guess need a special package with somekind of mpeg support07:17
ixizbut what is it called?07:17
deFryskor something07:17
ubotuWish i knew, benplaut07:17
ubotubenplaut: I don't know07:17
ixizthank you very much :)07:17
deFrysk! restricted formats07:17
ubotuhmm... restricted formats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'07:17
=== iiiears [n=lathropw@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
deFrysklook there ixiz07:18
simon__madpilot:  can you help me figure out this music player problem i am having?07:18
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Madpilotsimon__: if it's just mp3 playing you need, see the URLs you've already been sent by ubotu07:19
simon__i c07:19
sartasgeneo93: THANKS LOADS!! The sound is working now!07:19
deFryskubotu, is this rooms bot-brain07:19
ubotuNo idea, deFrysk07:19
sartasthanks, thanks, thanks!07:19
ixizis wiki.ubuntu.com a site where u can find almost anything?07:19
deFryskixiz, yup07:20
ixizcause I always get links to that page07:20
ixizoh didn't knew :)07:20
geneo93sartas:  np07:20
=== zcat[1] [n=zcat@port164-220.ubs.maxnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ianwhat is the best program for ubuntu to detect wifi signals.?07:20
deFryskixiz, also see topic (if anyone ever would)07:20
Madpilotixiz: it's the main Ubuntu "manual", sort of.07:20
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\dev\goatxpenguins crashes when they touch the GkrellM window :p07:21
el_toroian:  as in a network-manager type thing?07:21
zcat[1] kismet ?07:21
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simon__where do i find the Synaptic repositories dialog box?07:21
bimberisimon__: Settings menu07:22
ianyes... el_toro..07:22
geneo93simon__:  click setting tab07:22
Madpilotubotu tell simon__ about repos07:22
zcat[1] System / Administration / Synaptic07:23
el_torowell...if you're runnning hoary i'd say you're out of luck network-manager wise, but if you're running breezy it's pretty easy to install07:23
Madpilotsimon__: the url you were just sent has all the repository information you'll need07:23
zcat[1] hmm NM07:23
simon__i dont understand all of the language07:23
ixizgosh I didin't know that page :-o07:23
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geneo93ubotu:  is out to lunch07:23
ubotugeneo93: No idea07:23
ixizsorry for all those stupid questions lol07:23
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simon__will keep trying07:23
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:24
zcat[1] Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch07:25
zcat[1] :-(07:25
zcat[1] Whay's it do that?07:25
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Madpilotsimon__: ask here if there's something you don't understand - and some of the wiki pages could be cleaned up, it's true07:25
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Poromieszcat[1] : try downloading that file again, or try it again little later (that could be a corrupt file on the server hosting the repository)07:26
=== esc [n=esc@ppp-68-250-77-10.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] does it a LOT.. I suspect my ISP's tramsparent proxy is screwing them up..07:27
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@ppp-70-247-170-119.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
geneo93zcat[1] :  try apt-get clean then try installing again07:27
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sartasis .txt licensed by microsoft, people?07:27
zcat[1] :-) (R)07:28
Madpilotsartas: that sounds unlikely... but stranger things are possible...07:28
zcat[1] They're probably applied for a patent already..07:29
sartasMadPilot: but gedit cant save in txt, right?07:29
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Madpilotsartas: sure it can - at least, mine can...07:29
=== mrquick [n=lickety@cpe-24-28-87-86.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotis it just not adding the .txt file suffix?07:29
sartasjust by putting .txt after the file name?07:29
sartasokay ^^07:30
geneo93sartas:  yes if you use sudo07:30
bimberi:-) (how much to i owe you zcat[1] )07:30
zcat[1] You owe MS.. they patented emoticons!! FFS!!07:30
Madpilotgeneo93: you don't have to use sudo just to save a .txt...07:30
sartasokay ^^07:30
mrquickanyone ever seen this problem? uhci_hcd 0000:00:07.2: Unlink after no-IRQ?07:30
zcat[1] They probably did it so they can crosslicence with despair.inc who have :-( trademarked..07:31
sartasgeneo93: madpilot is right, no need to sudo07:31
geneo93Madpilot:  depends where it is07:31
sartas/home/sartas xD07:31
Madpilotgeneo93: if it's a conf file, then it's not a .txt anyway, and you probably do need sudo07:31
durtian: try wifi-radar http://www.bitbuilder.com/wifi_radar/07:32
Madpilotbut if it's just a normal txt file in your own $user directory, there's no need for sudo at all07:32
=== ginger [n=ginger@S01060080c6f1b858.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== sartas thanks for all the help, and is leaving the channel
=== nate_ [n=nate@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nate_When I watch movies in Totem, the sound comes before image, how do I fix this?07:33
gingerCan anyone help me with USB and Hoary?07:33
nate_Like you'll hear something before you see it07:33
geneo93have to go cyas07:33
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zcat[1] problem solved; if I use ftp: instead of http: it works :)07:34
=== Buuyo^ [n=systick@S010600a00cc84839.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] (at least until my fsckwit ISP miscaches the ftp versions too)07:34
Buuyo^Hi. Is it possible to upgrade with apt-get to the x64 ubuntu? Want to avoid reinstalling.07:34
gingerCan anyone help me with USB and Hoary?07:35
durtnate_: not sure but totem xine seems to work better than totem gs with sound and overall07:35
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nate_apt-get install...? for totem xine.07:37
=== ark3qqq [n=ark3@ool-182e7609.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] totem-xine07:37
dreware there any other IM programs aside from Kopete and Gaim?07:37
zcat[1] apt-cache search helps too :)07:37
zcat[1] drew: one or two..07:38
glickyay one page done of my 5 page term paper07:38
ark3qqqI recently reinstalled Windows; doing that blew away grub. What's a good way to reinstall grub so that I can boot into Hoary again?07:38
=== TongMaster [n=TongMast@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
glickdamn i hate term papers, isnt there som open source program that writes them for you07:38
drewacat[1]  what are they?07:38
eschow do you open .package files? I have the gaim package file and for some reason it tries to open with gedit. any ideas?07:38
zcat[1] cant remember, but there's lots. jabber/gabber is good.07:39
durtesc: you have to make it executable07:39
=== nate_ [n=nate@adsl-68-73-66-198.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nate_does it replace the old totem?07:40
escdurt how do I do that?07:40
durtesc: sudo chmod a+x whater.package07:40
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durtnate_, yes07:40
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@ppp-70-247-170-119.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nate_ok thanks :D07:41
drewzcat[1]   what are those IM programs called?07:41
Madpilotark3qqq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:42
aruwhats aclocal?07:42
escthanks durt07:42
escworking now07:42
zcat[1] apt-cache search " im " will give you some07:42
drewk thanks07:42
ark3qqqMadpilot: Thanks much.07:42
mrquickdoes anyone know how I can go about assigning a device a specific irq within linux or in hotplug?07:44
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zcat[1] brb, I hope..07:46
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javier_hi, can anyone help me , how do i see the windows hard disk on my computer from ubuntu? its the first time that i put this s.o. on my computer07:49
=== AndieB [n=andieb@c83-248-243-49.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
AndieBHi there!07:50
AndieBI have a question (newbie).07:50
AndieBI downloaded a DEBIAN package. How do I install it?07:51
NoUsedpkg -i file.deb07:52
iiiearssudo dpkg -i <my.deb>07:52
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javier_hi there!07:53
ubuntuwhere u from07:53
DekaPinkhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1564 This happens when gmplayer finishes playing a file... and it'll just close... Is there anyway to stop that?07:53
=== _Rappy_ [n=hunt-pre@dsl-253-122.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu
javier_can anyone helpme to see the windows hard disk from ubuntu? i need to see some files from windows07:54
=== Shorty` [n=shorty@persephone.trancelab.org] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntuis it in ntfs or fat3107:54
ubuntusory fat3207:54
iiiearsjavier - winmac_fstab07:54
javier_its a SATA0  disk07:55
iiiearsubotu winmac_fstab07:55
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, iiiears07:55
PimpachuHow do I start SSH server on Ubuntu07:55
iiiearsubotu ntfs07:55
iiiearssomebody said ntfs was the (N)(T) (F)ile(S)ystem, the filesystem normally used under Windows XP.  To automatically mount your NTFS partition/s, you can use this utility: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab . It handles HFS+, NTFS and FAT32 partitions.07:55
\dev\goat`workafk really this time~07:55
DekaPinkAnyone know what's going on with my mplayer up there, then? :)07:55
javier_thanks  iiiears, i will try .07:56
iiiearsubotu ssh07:56
ubotuI heard ssh is "http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SSHHowto/"07:56
ubuntucan any one help me abt gateserver in linux07:56
orloki just changed motherboards07:56
orloknow X doesnt work :-\07:56
ubuntuplz it's emergency07:57
orlokwell, not properly.07:57
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@dsl-201-129-132-64.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
benplautgoogle talk is out!07:58
iiiearsgateserver?? - connection sharing using ubuntu linux connected to the net and forwarding packets to other machines behind it?07:58
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simonvallore_COuld some one help me compile netcat07:59
iiiearsubotu connectionsharing07:59
ubotuiiiears: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:59
cyphasebenplaut, what's so special about it?07:59
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levander`I'm trying to set up my mail client to access gmail via pop.  Anybody know if the gmail pop server is just down?07:59
x3ndouI don't believe so07:59
cyphasei can think of a few things that might be different then other IM systems, but..07:59
benplautit'll give jabber alot moer popularity08:00
upgrdmanwhat daemon is responsible for gamin_server? i dont see a listing for it inside /etc/init.d/08:00
naliothlevander`: have you set your client up to jump thru googles hoops?08:00
NoUsebenplaut I'll be happy when it supports jabber-to-jabber connectivity08:00
cyphasebenplaut, people won't care about the protocol08:00
x3ndouI just set up vmware workstation and it's having trouble setting up the internet stuff08:00
NoUsebenplaut until then, Its nothing special08:00
=== DrSchlauf [n=Sven@p54895A84.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
simonvallore_COuld some one help me compile netcat08:00
simonvallore_COuld some one help me compile netcat08:00
x3ndouIt's not finding what it's looking for in /dev08:00
levander`nalioth: hoops?  I'm trying to use fetchmail to login to pop.gmail.com with my username and password is all08:00
benplautNoUse, oh, i didn't know it didn't///08:00
cyphaseall the IM systems could use jabber, and they'd still be known as MSN, Aim, and Yahoo08:00
=== Mestapheles [n=Captain@d205-206-9-46.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
levander`nalioth: 'telnet pop.gmail.com' times out here.08:00
cyphasenormal people don't care about the protocol08:00
naliothlevander`: gmail requires TLS08:00
NoUsebenplaut you can't im anyone outside of talk.google.com08:00
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levander`nalioth: you know if fetchmail supports TLS?08:01
benplautNoUse, oh... well, it's still pretty cool 8)08:01
crimsun_levander, it does08:01
NoUsecyphase not really, if they all used jabber, you wouldn't need a separate login for each08:01
cyphasebenplaut, why though?08:01
naliothlevander`: not sure about fetchmail, i leave tbird runnin all the time08:01
cyphaseNoUse, that's beside the point08:02
DekaPinkHuh... gmplayer doesn't seem to be erroring anymore and I didn't do anything. Go team me.08:02
=== KrispyKr1ngle [n=KrispyKr@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
floocan anyone tell me which program is good for webcam chat?08:02
NoUsecyphase not for me, I'd love that08:02
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levander`nalioth: 'telnet pop.gmail.com 25' always fails, or is it just failing now?  That's usually how I check to see if a mailserver is up and running.  Although now that I think about it, that's the sendmail port, not the pop port.  What's the pop port?08:02
gingerokay, the reason i'm asking this is that the usb was working in warty on this machine - then i did a clean install of warty - didn't test usb - and upgraded to hoary from apt. i cannot get any signs of usb life - my dmesg is giving me ohci_hcd: 2004 Nov 08 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver (PCI)08:02
cyphaseNoUse, so would I, but it's beside the point i was trying to make08:02
gingerany help?08:02
benplautcyphase, well, it provides an opportunity to get all of my semi-tecky friends to get something other than AIM, Y!M, MSN... jabber is too complex/vaugue for them08:02
benplautbetter google talk than those08:03
naliothlevander`: log into your gmail account via a web browser, and there's a page there to tell you all the ports, tls requirements and all08:03
upgrdmanwhat daemon is responsible for gamin_server? i dont see a listing for it inside /etc/init.d/08:03
cyphasebenplaut, google talk uses jabber08:03
benplauti know08:03
cyphasewon't it be complex/vague for them then?08:03
benplautbut it's a helluva lot easier to set up08:03
cyphasei don't think jabber is complex by the way08:03
benplautespecially with the google client08:03
cyphasewhy is it easier?08:03
cyphasebecause they don't have to type an URL?08:03
crimsun_upgrdman, do you mean gam_server?08:03
benplautcyphase, pretty much, they're not getting around the thing of jabber being more like email than IM08:04
crimsun_upgrdman, if so, that's in /usr/lib/gamin/08:04
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levander`nalioth: yeah, i was just looking at the instructions for a regular client to connect.  You know the GUI instructions with the screenshots.  I'll look for that page that's more detailed.08:04
cyphase"It's like sending an instant email"08:04
cyphasethat's it08:04
cyphasewhat's not to get?08:04
naliothlevander`: it's under "other client"08:04
=== Zaphod_ [n=Agrajag@66-215-172-61.dhcp.snbr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
upgrdmancrimsun, ok, but killall -9 gamin_server, and it comes right back... how do i do the equiv. of "/etc/init.d/blah stop"08:04
benplautcyphase, when i say semi-tecky, i mean posers who don't really want to learn much :P08:05
crimsun_upgrdman, you probably don't want that, because the GNOME infrastructure uses it08:05
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benplautask away08:05
upgrdmancrimsun, well then a restart08:05
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upgrdmanits not letting me umount a partition08:05
ubuntuplz help for linux gatewaay server08:05
upgrdmanwhich is stupid08:05
upgrdmanand its the only thing lsof shows08:05
crimsun_upgrdman, -HUP it08:05
x3ndouholy crap08:06
=== milksteak [n=milkstea@60-234-138-71.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
x3ndouthe volume control just hung up on my ppc08:06
crimsun_unfortunately ppc sound is a bit quirky; hopefully it's much more stable in Breezy. Test with a Colony 3 live cd if at all possible.08:06
=== mrquick [n=lickety@cpe-24-28-87-86.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
upgrdmancrimsun, HUP and it still comes back08:07
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=== cafuego [n=cafuego@i.am.cafuego.geek.nz] has joined #ubuntu
gingermaybe there's a ubunut-usb channel i'm missing here...08:07
crimsun_upgrdman, do you have any Nautilus windows open to it?08:07
benplautubuntu, ask a question, and ye shall get an answer08:07
cyphaseanyone here have any suggestions for techniques to manage data in gnome?08:07
naliothcrimsun_: i've had my fun with a 22aug05 daily install build for ppc08:07
upgrdmannope, but my desktop has a link to it, and nautilus displays my desktop. but its not opened08:07
cyphasei'm writing a paper on it08:07
crimsun_upgrdman, does it respawn if you -9 it?08:08
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upgrdmanyes, i was using 9 to begin with08:08
PimpachuIs there a Flash for 64 bit Linux?08:08
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upgrdmancrimsun, fuck it. i was hoping it would be a easy thing to work around. i'll just reboot the box its on08:09
Hmmmmhey sukrit08:09
crimsun_upgrdman, can you sudo kill -HUP `pidof gam_server` && sudo umount /mountpoint ?08:09
sukrithello the Hmmmm08:09
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javier_ iiiears  it works, thanks a lot!08:10
iiiearsthank crimsun - he showed me h08:11
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sukritanone here usin e17?08:12
benplautgo into #ubuntuforums and talk to bored2k08:12
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kairu0i can run zsnes as root, but when i run it as anyone else i get a segmentation fault. any ideas?08:13
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punkassanyone now how to call rhythmbox from streamtuner?08:15
TrippPengaol has been extracted in my home folder, and i'm now in root terminal, does anyone know how to install pengaol?08:15
punkassby default its xmms %q, but rhythmbox %q doesnt seem to work08:15
x3ndouyeah, we need more smart people in here08:15
levander`Anybody got a working user line for gmail?  Here's what I got: "user 'xxxx@gmail.com' there with password 'xxxx' is 'levander' here options fetchall ssl"08:15
=== jdub [n=jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
levander`That doesn't work with some error about no greeting timestamp in APOP08:16
topylilevander: mine works, let me see08:16
cyphasedoes anyone here have any suggestions for techniques to manage data in gnome?08:16
=== TheRaginAsian [n=john@65-73-151-161.br1.hnv.mi.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasethey don't have to be currently implemented08:16
iiiearspunkass - guessing there is a python script to link xmms to streamtuner. might need a linking script?08:16
sukritcyphase: can you explain a lil more what you are looking to do08:17
topylilevander: poll pop.gmail.com with proto POP308:17
topylilevander: user 'xxxxx' there with password 'xxxx' is 'xxxx' here options keep ssl08:17
punkassiiiears: not sure...just under preferences in streamtuner there is a spot to type your app08:17
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iiiearsmaybe tailor the script to call rythmbox08:17
TheRaginAsianheeeelllooo all08:17
TheRaginAsianjuuuust installed Colony 308:17
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TheRaginAsianis it smart to do a full update right after install?08:18
x3ndouWhat, are your keys getting stuck?08:18
cyphasesukrit, i'm writing a paper about information mangement in gnome. i'm just doing some research on techniques, programs, etc that can help08:18
punkassiiiears: i am not even sure how to call a .pls file for rhythmbox from command line08:18
cyphasecurrently implemented or not08:18
sukritoh ok08:18
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sukritwell last time i met nat and miguel they were talking about a unified data managemnt system for gnome08:18
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levander`topyli: the only difference between our two lines is that you have a "keep" option, and I have a "fetchall" option.  That shouldn't matter.08:19
cyphaseyea, i had that idea as well08:19
sukritcheckout mailing lists for posts from either of the two fellas08:19
topylilevander: yeah, there must be another problem08:19
cyphasei have08:19
cyphaseyour talking about dashboard i think08:19
sukritbeagle, gaim, evolution... are supposedly the first victims of the gnomes file system08:19
levander`topyli: actual, i'm polling gmail with APOP, you're polling it with POP3, that's the problem.  Thanks.08:19
sukritdashboard too is based on that idea08:19
sukritbut dashboard doesnt really have data of its own08:20
topylilevander: :-)08:20
sukritwhereas gaim, evolution have data of their own08:20
escI'm seriously having problems with dependencies08:20
sukritwhich will be moved into a common space08:20
benplautesc, what?! with apt repos?!08:20
kairu0i can run zsnes as root, but when i run it as anyone else i get a segmentation fault. any ideas?08:20
cyphasei'm thinking of a centtral database for bookmarks, notes, address book, eeds, etc08:21
escbenplaut - yeah, dont know why. everything I try to install doesnt work...08:21
escfor example08:21
escI'm trying to install azureus08:21
sukriti think all data should be stored in a unified space08:21
sukritand accessed by independant apps08:21
escThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:21
esc  azureus: Depends: sun-j2sdk1.5 but it is not installable or08:21
esc                    java2-runtime but it is not installable08:21
escE: Broken packages08:21
TheRaginAsiankairu0: does it have to be run as root is that the deal?08:21
bob2bluesky ideas like that need to be accompanied by prototype code08:21
sukritesc: apt-get install azureus08:21
bob2I think we should all have ponies08:22
bob2sukrit: how will that help esc, whose problem is a lake of a JDK?08:22
topyliwe all don't?08:22
bob2esc: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:22
sukritesc: first apt-get install j2sdk08:22
kairu0theragin: i dont want to run it as root. i think theres a permissions problem that wont let others run zsnes.08:22
kairu0theragin: maybe a video device permission problem?08:22
escapt-get install azureus is how I got that error08:22
TheRaginAsianperhaps, would not know for sure08:22
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bob2esc: read that wiki page and install java08:23
topylibob2: you poor thing, are you poniless? :(08:23
sukritesc: read ubuntuguide.org08:23
topylii really need to get rid of this capslock key08:23
punkassbob2: remember my Acer laptop that "Failed at linux"?08:23
sukrit and install java08:23
sukrit11:53 < topyli> bob2: you poor thing, are you poniless? :(08:23
sukrit11:54 -!- r4ndy- [n=r4ndy@tor/session/x-690ab9420e8c860a]  has quit [Ping08:23
sukrit          timeout: 14400 seconds] 08:23
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escsukrit - I have. I added the extra repositories as described in the guide08:24
escand everything I try to install I have problems...08:24
punkassbob2: breezy colony3, almost everything working execpt for battery polling and hibernation08:24
sukritand u cant get j2sdk to install?08:24
topylisukrit: oh, that's so crues08:24
topylicruel even08:24
bob2punkass: nice08:24
=== jkindy [n=jkindy@pcp09000727pcs.malvrn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
punkassbob2: yes :) makes me happy08:25
bob2esc: so, read the wiki page I pointed you at08:25
escok reading now08:25
jkindyhey how do i change the password i set up?08:25
ubuntu#ubuntu channel08:25
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sukritjkindy: passwd08:25
deFryskupgraded here to breezy yesterday (x86) it went flawlessly08:25
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jkindyany tutorials out there that teach u linux..like lerning the codes to type in the terminal08:28
durtesc: search for stuff at ap-get.org08:28
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thoreauputicjkindy: http://tuxfiles.org is a good starting point08:28
bob2please don't recommend apt-get.org to people08:28
sukritjkindy: you new to computing?08:28
bob2unless you're will to explain to them in what ways it will screw up their system08:28
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sukrityolinux.com is also a good link08:28
jkindyned to linux08:28
sukritbob2: how can apt-get screw up a system08:29
HrdwrBoBjkindy: thye're not codes, it's not a secret :)08:29
ubuntuexcuse me08:29
sukritits meant to make installing shit easier, aint it?08:29
ubuntui would like to know08:29
bob2sukrit: what?08:29
ubuntuhow i can08:29
bob2sukrit: installing random crap from apt-get.org can easily break your system08:29
ubuntuon my normal system08:29
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durtapt-get.org is good08:29
thoreauputicsukrit: it's not apt that would screw up - it's the sources you get from that site08:29
bob2it's good if you know how to use it08:29
sukritoh ok08:29
ubuntuexcuse me!08:29
bob2ubuntu: please stop it08:30
ubuntuplease dont ignore me08:30
sukritbut i guess the sources that come by default with ubuntu are ok right?08:30
bob2ubuntu: you need to ask a whole question08:30
bob2on one line08:30
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bob2stating what you want to have happen08:30
ubuntui would like to know how to simulate ubuntu in my normal windows xp system08:30
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bob2"simulate ubuntu on my normal system" is not very descriptive08:30
bob2ubuntu: go get the live CD then and boot into it08:30
ubuntulike on a window08:30
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sukritubuntu: buy vmware and install ubuntu using it08:30
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\dev\goat`workvirtual pc08:31
laserlineHello everyone08:31
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bob2ubuntu: if you mean "Run Ubuntu inside Windows.", then www.vmware.com and have your credit card ready08:31
ubuntuvirtual pc?08:31
sukrithey laserline08:31
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ubuntuo thx08:31
bob2or Qemu08:31
laserlinei would be glad for some assistence...08:31
Madpilotjkindy: http://linuxcommand.org/08:31
bob2but that will require reading documentation, etc08:31
ubuntuany free stuff?08:31
sukritlaserline: shoot08:31
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bob2ubuntu: google for qemu then08:31
sukritubuntu: ya there free stuff... knock off windows, install linux. then run windows in ubuntu08:32
paulproteuslaserline: Ask your question.08:32
Madpilotjkindy: also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands08:32
ubuntuwhat is qmu08:32
laserlineI own a Fujitsu Siemens S-4546, Working with Ubuntu 5.04 for 5 months now, I ave ACPI problems...08:32
bob2ubuntu: no, go use google08:32
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escok, I follow the instructions on adding repositories...but I am still having the same problem.08:32
thoreauputicubuntu: google is your friend08:32
ubuntuwhich program do i need for emulation?08:32
uthiniwhy is the ubuntu repository so out of date with nvidia drivers?08:32
ubuntuin that vmware.com08:32
bob2esc: ignore all documentation aisde from wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:32
laserlineyesterday i got my battery fixed, and i'm able to suspend and hibernate08:32
bob2ubuntu: again, use google08:32
sukritesc: do u already have java installedo n ur system?08:32
ubuntuexcuse me, which software do i need from vmware.com to simulate ubuntu?08:33
bob2uthini: er, it's not that out of date.  hoary froze in like january, remember08:33
laserlinebut when the system comes back from hibernation all is well except esd taking 100% juice and i have to kill it.08:33
bob2ubuntu: have you actually read their website?08:33
ubuntuwhere in the webstie08:33
bob2ubuntu: then do so08:33
bob2ubuntu: no, be quiet and read the website08:33
uthinibob2, unfortunately i don't remember cos i only got ubuntu 3weeks ago08:33
deFryskmindless questions08:33
thoreauputicubuntu: this is an ubuntu help channel - we can't give help on vmware08:33
paulproteuslol, ubuntu! :)08:33
bob2asking us to read a website for you is a bit silly08:33
laserlinewhen it comes back from sleep (ram suspension) network doesn;t come back.... it says device not found and only reboot fixes it...08:33
escThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:33
esc  azureus: Depends: sun-j2sdk1.5 but it is not installable or08:33
esc                    java2-runtime but it is not installable08:33
bob2the product you'd want is "vmware workstation"08:34
ubuntucan u give me a link?08:34
bob2esc: so, stop pasting crap and read08:34
deFryskmindless flooding..08:34
uthinion another note, how can i setup my machine to accept terminal server/remote desktop connections?08:34
bob2esc: what didn't work on wiki.ubuntu.com/Java?08:34
laserlineanyne could help with the ACPI ?08:34
ubuntubob2 are u an ubuntu supporter?08:34
uthinido i use the remote desktop settings in the admin menu?08:34
MadpilotdeFrysk: just another evening on #ubuntu... ;)08:34
=== roberts [n=roberts@dsl-220-253-67-72.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bob2laserline: report a bug on the linux component08:34
bob2ubuntu: oh, stop it08:34
_frankuthini: install ssh server08:34
bob2you're not going to shame me into thinking you're not lazy08:34
paulproteusbob2: You're either with Ubuntu or against it!08:34
ubuntuu are rude08:34
laserlinebob2 - how do i do that ? this is the first bug i encounter...08:34
deFryskMadpilot, morning here and coffe hasnt kicked in yet :s08:35
escsorry guys.08:35
durtesc http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/08:35
paulproteusbob2: And ubuntu is the *name* of Ubuntu!08:35
bob2ubuntu: and you're being ridiculously lazy08:35
escI added hoary-extras08:35
ubuntuo well08:35
ubuntulets shake hands08:35
bob2laserline: bugzilla.ubuntu.com, linux is the component08:35
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ubuntuand stop the argue08:35
benplautubotu tell ubuntu about google08:35
adriyelI assume your keyboard is functional Ubuntu08:35
escbut when I search for sun-j2re1.508:35
bob2ubuntu: stop flooding the channel please, it's highly annoying08:35
escnothing comes up08:35
laserlinelaserline: ok08:35
MadpilotdeFrysk: 2330 here and I've just opened a beer...08:35
bob2esc: so, stop08:35
thoreauputicubuntu: please stop - bob2 is always helpful: you haven't done your homework08:35
adriyelnoise:signal ratio falling....08:35
paulproteusesc: That's sad.  Did you run aptitude update?08:35
deFryskMadpilot, lucky you08:35
ompaulubuntu, go read uncle google he has many, many good tails to tell if you ask him correctly :)08:35
ubuntubye guys08:35
ubuntuo yea08:35
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adriyelthats tales :P08:35
ubuntui wonder08:36
=== paulproteus shakes hands with ubuntu and waves good bye
ubuntuif there is any free software?08:36
cihadselam millet08:36
ompauladriyel, correct08:36
ubuntudoes bochs work?08:36
uthini_frank, after that? settings and stuff?08:36
adriyel*slaps forehead&08:36
paulproteusubuntu: Look up qemu; it's better than bochs.08:36
bob2ubuntu: I already suggested Qemu08:36
Madpilotesc: j2re is in Hoary Extra repo, se the bottom of the AddingRepositories wiki page for more info...08:36
ompaulshhhhhh its very quite08:36
thoreauputicwhat a relief...08:36
adriyelg'night everybody08:36
laserlineand what would that do ? will in be fixed next version, or somone will be able to show me how to fix that in current version of hoary?08:36
=== IceDC571 [n=Ice@c-67-188-217-5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotwow, how without common clue can you be? ;)08:36
_frankuthini: well once you have the ssh server running. users will be able to login remotely with a ssh client08:36
bob2laserline: depends on what the problem is08:36
benplautubotu ubotu google is <reply> Someone is trying to let you know that you should always search on www.google.com before asking a question.08:36
ubotuI think you lost me on that one, benplaut08:36
escyes, I have that added as well08:36
deFryskubuntu can rest now from his hard work08:36
uthini_frank, does that include a windows login?08:37
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bob2esc: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood08:37
Madpilot!tell benplaut about question08:37
_frankuthini: you mean login from a windows machine? use putty for windows08:37
paulproteusesc: Did you run e.g. apt-get update?  Sorry if I missed your answer.08:37
benplautMadpilot, that's not in there, either :P08:37
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cafuegobob2: "Filing message in /var/spool/vmail/cafuego.net/me//.Trash/"   - WOO!08:37
escpaulproteus - yes I did08:37
escseveral times08:37
_frankuthini: that will give you shell access. It's more complicated for graphical applications08:37
bob2cafuego: oh, nice08:37
paulproteusesc: Okay.08:37
benplautubotu google is Someone is trying to let you know that you should always search on www.google.com before asking a question.08:37
ubotuokay, benplaut08:37
bob2cafuego: with sieve?08:38
cafuegobob2: Nop, courier maildropfilter08:38
Madpilot!tell benplaut about ask08:38
bob2laserline: no need to /msg me08:38
bob2laserline: it's red because I started the line with your name, and your client coloured it08:38
pulkis there any gui interface in ubuntu for editing the order of init scripts at boot?08:38
cafuegobob2: turned out to be a matter of explicitly telling postfiox to use maildrop as virtual_transport08:38
uthini_frank, why so complex? anyways08:38
uthiniwill sort out l8r08:38
uthinigotta go to the office and make sure i still ahve a job08:39
cafuegobob2: If you want the cfg, let me know and I'll mail it through.08:39
escok /etc/apt/sources.list posted into #flood08:39
_frankuthini: well you need xserver on your windows computer for graphical apps08:39
bob2cafuego: mmmm, that would be very handy08:39
laserlinecool, so when i write start a line with a name, for example "bob2: blah blah" (w/o the quotes) you see it coloured ?08:39
cafuegobob2: msg me an addy :-)08:39
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bob2laserline: yes, most clients do that.  it's possible to disable/change the colour/etc, tho, and it all happens on the client end08:40
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laserlinebob2: is there any more information i shoud put in the bugzilla ?08:40
IceDC571whats the offtopic channel?08:40
bob2esc: apt-cache search j2sdk -> #flood08:41
bob2laserline: laptop details, as much output as you can capture, versions, etc08:41
escbob2 ok08:41
ompaulpluk no there isno gui however if you look in the /etc/init.d files and then look in the various rc.d directories S## is for startup order and K## is for shudown order08:41
_frankpulk there is ubm08:42
ompaulpluk if you believe that such a tool is required there is nothing to stop you from building one :)08:42
_frankpulk: ubuntu boot manager08:42
ubotu_frank: Bugger all, i dunno08:42
ubotuit has been said that bum is a graphical BootUp Manager; see http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html08:42
bob2esc: apt-cache search j208:42
lewI've heard there is a major Ubuntu release every 6 months, but I can't find on the website when the next major release will be. Anyone happen to know?08:42
_franklew in october08:43
laserlinebob2: when i run sleep from gnome menu it really runs /etc/acpi/sleep.sh - so if i sudo it from terminal, it'd be good input (or am i wrong?)08:43
TheRaginAsianthere is a roadmap somehwere08:43
lew_frank, TY08:43
bob2lew: october...08:43
bob2lew: hm?08:43
bob2TheRaginAsian: yes, on the wiki08:43
ompaulso wheres the repo for bum?08:44
_frankmaybe in backports I don't know08:44
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robertsload ircprimer08:44
benplautit's in breezy :)\08:45
naliothlew: the ubuntu release version numbers are the year/month of their release08:45
ompaulso no use to me _yet_ :)08:45
laserlinebob2: does sleep from gnome meny the same thing as sudo /etc/acpi/sleep.sh08:45
bob2laserline: afaik, yes08:45
bob2I always run the script manually, anyway08:45
Nexinarusoh that makes sense heh08:45
bob2esc: oh, bah08:46
_frankompaul: you can install manuallt08:46
bob2esc: it's not your fault, the backports people screwed up08:46
escbob2 oh?08:46
bob2esc: wget http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb08:46
ompaul_frank, this is true08:46
_frankbackports screwed up where?08:46
bob2esc: sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb08:46
bob2esc: then try installing azeeures again08:46
bob2_frank: their Packages.gz file is incorrect, it seems08:47
escok im wget that right now08:47
esclets see if it works08:47
cafuegobob2: sent08:48
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bob2cafuego: dankeshan08:48
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laserlinebob2: i only see linux as OS after choosing Ubuntu as product, should i put Linux in the package dialogue ?08:49
nobileI was wondering how can I download the lastest version of gaim, because it won't dl from synaptic08:49
cafuegobob2: I haven't written a php front end for it yet (but i do now have a suid wrapper to recursively trash mailboxen via a web page)08:49
nobileand using the site, I don't know which package I should get08:49
bob2laserline: hm, no, I think me memory sucks08:49
x3ndouWhat is the network in /dev/08:49
=== dabar [n=dbernar1@wnpgmb02dc1-157-95.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2cafuego: hah08:49
benplautnobile: look in the forums for how to do it via autopackage08:49
_franknobile: there is a newer one in backports I think08:50
bob2cafuego: I have vague plans for a zope-based thing08:50
bob2x3ndou: nothing08:50
bob2interfaces don't have device nodes08:50
laserlinebob2: so.... how to report the bug in the best way ?08:50
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some dvd's require libdvdcss2, which can be found in !hoary-extras08:50
=== cafuego still runs the whole thing via squirrelmail
x3ndouhow is VMware supposed to connect to the ethernet08:50
naliothcafuego: squirrelmail beats sneakernet08:50
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x3ndouIt defaultly tries to connect to /dev/vmnet008:51
bob2x3ndou: do you mean tun?08:51
bob2that's created by the vmnet module08:51
x3ndouI tried that08:51
bob2it's not a normal network interface08:51
bob2you don't want tun if you're using vmware08:51
x3ndouI wam using vmware08:51
bob2the vmware install worked out of the box for me08:51
dabarI switch from the f7, to alt+ctrl+f1, and when I go back to f7, it is just a black screen, and I hear  the little ubuntu sound, so I know its wokring in the background. This is a new install of Hoary on an HP computer, all HP hardware/whatever they use,... Does one of you guys have any idea what I can do to fix this?08:51
x3ndoudo me a favor08:52
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x3ndoulook at what the ethernet is set to08:52
Tribunei need help08:52
bob2"what the ethernet is set to"?08:52
cafuegonalioth: yes it does, with a massive wooly cricket bat08:52
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bob2I have no idea what that sentence means08:52
x3ndouwhat device08:52
x3ndouis it using08:52
bob2is what using?08:52
=== \dev\goat [n=brian@68-119-201-194.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2it presumably uses /dev/vmnet or whatever08:52
x3ndouit's not finding that on my setup08:53
bob2it had better be, since it tainted my kernel to do so08:53
bob2remove it all08:53
Tribunetry to apt-get install for realplayer but i receive this message : E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.08:53
x3ndouand reinstall it?08:53
bob2run "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)"08:53
HrdwrBoBTribune: try to manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.08:53
thoreauputicTribune: and did you?08:53
x3ndouI did that08:53
bob2then download vmware workstation 5.008:53
bob2then install it from scratch08:53
Tribunehow to do?08:53
escbob2 - thanks for your help. azureus/java are now installed08:53
bob2esc: cool08:53
x3ndouso uninstall vmware08:54
x3ndouand then reinstall it?08:54
thoreauputicTribune:  sudo dpkg --configure -a08:54
dabarthoreauputic: :)08:54
Tribunei will try it now08:54
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x3ndouwill uninstalling it delete my virtual drives?08:54
x3ndouBecause I want it to08:54
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dabarTribune: I hope it does not fix it, cause I will have to die if it does.08:55
jkindydo any of u know of a external HDD that has bios support08:55
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bob2jkindy: that's a bios question, not a hard disk one08:55
x3ndoumy bios supports usb drives08:55
x3ndouMany don't08:55
thoreauputicTribune: and I suggest in future you *not* interrupt installations with apt/synaptic/dpkg08:56
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DrSpinok -- when I logout of my X session, how can I nicely end dbus-daemon-1 and gam_server so that I don't get 10-15 instances running at any one time??08:57
Tribunei want to install azureus:08:57
dabarso, noone of you had an issue where switching between consoles, like f1 and going back to f7 there is a black screen instead of X?08:57
Tribunein my terminal recieved that message08:57
DrSpindabar: Are you using Warty??08:57
Tribunenow the message inform differently08:57
dabarDrSpin: a new hoary install.08:57
TribuneThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:57
Tribune  azureus: Depends: sun-j2sdk1.5 but it is not installable or08:57
Tribune                    java2-runtime but it is not installable08:57
TribuneE: Broken packages08:57
bob2dabar: that usually means your hardware or your X driver sucks08:57
DrSpindabar: nvidia or ati??08:57
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bob2Tribune: please don't paste things in here08:57
x3ndousomeone just had that problem Tribune08:57
Tribunesorry bob208:57
thoreauputic!tell Tribune about java08:58
Tribunegosh... i need to install lots of mp3 songs08:58
bob2ubotu: get java on i386 is 'wget http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb', then 'sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb'08:58
ubotubob2: okay08:58
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bob2Tribune: do the above08:58
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Tribunei'm running in kubuntu now... should i change to ubuntu-destop to do that?08:58
cafuego!get java on i386 =~ s/wget /wget -c /08:58
ubotuOK, cafuego08:58
dabarDrSpin: no graphics card, and restarting the server does not help, and   it does start as normal and works as long as I dont change to console...08:59
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_frankTribune: no just open a konsole08:59
DrSpindabar: LOL -- you have to have a graphics card for the display to function08:59
dabarstart as normal=when you boot,..08:59
dabarDrSpin: and by no graphics card, i mean its an onboard thing.09:00
DrSpindabar: ok09:00
x3ndouIntegrated you mean, dabar09:00
DrSpindabar join #flood and past the result of # lspci for me09:00
dabarim not there.09:00
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dabarDrSpin: you got the part where: it works when I boot, until I switch to console?09:01
DrSpindabar: yes09:01
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dabarok, so I should try getting help when I am at that computer?09:01
DrSpindabar: in the last release of ubuntu this was a problem -- I'm getting some information to work with so maybe I can help you fix it09:01
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DrSpinxsession :: How can I kill applications when I logout like dbus-daemon-1 and gam_server09:02
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dabarI will try again when I am where this computer is... also, I tried installing colony 3 today, and base install fails...I have so far tried burning the ISO twice, but onto the same RW, and the md5sum for the file is good.09:03
dabarand I was installing that Hoary today, and I forgot the CD at home:)09:03
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dabarso...good night guys.09:04
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Tribunemy konsole show nothing happen during wget09:06
Tribunefor java09:07
jkindythe command to reset the menus?09:07
_frankyou should get a progress bar09:07
Tribunenope.. i did paste exactly as ubotu url09:07
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_frankTribune: does it output anything?09:08
Tribuneok ok09:09
Tribunenow's working09:09
Tribunelol.. how stupid i am :D09:09
jkindytried to download visualboyadvanced from package manager and got 50% done and said couldnt connct to the server? any ideas?09:09
=== Digi [n=robert@cpe-24-161-198-111.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_franktry again?09:10
Digiquick question09:10
Digiwhen trying to install flash player in terminal I got this error09:11
DigiE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla09:11
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_frankDigi: do you have multiverse enabled? do you run x86?09:11
=== nerdy2 [n=jeff@adsl-68-21-169-215.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Digiyes, x86 and I'm sorry i don't know what multiverse is09:11
Digi<-- new to linux09:11
=== cafuego explodes and covers you in snort
uboturepositories is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto09:11
_frankthis should help ;-)09:12
_frankgood night09:12
TrippHello, does anyone know how to install pengaol?09:12
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Madpilothas anyone ever set a parallel-port scanner in Ubuntu?09:15
=== Ex_Cyber [n=excyber@1Cust143.an4.den10.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
jkindyi allways wondered thers 470 ppl in here and not even 10% talk09:15
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Madpilotlots of us never, ever logout even when we're not actually here09:15
DrSpin#linux went from a conversation about eating habits to health to masturbation as a form of exercise!! LMFAO :)09:15
bluefoxicyhaving synaptic search description and name for nmap returns nothing09:16
bluefoxicyjust name gives nmap09:16
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Madpilotbesides, right now it's late at night in the Americas, early morning in Europe, and dinnertime in NZ/Oz. it's usually slow around now09:16
jkindyits like 3 in ther morning here09:17
Madpilotyeah, it's 0020 here. "late at night/really  early morning in the Americas", if you want to nitpick!09:18
DrSpin0020 here as well09:18
crimsun_crazy leftcoasters :p09:19
DrSpin_left_coasters ?!? LOL09:19
punkass0020 here to09:19
jkindyi am on the east coast philly to be presice09:19
Madpilotcrimsun: you'd better believe it. I'm a crazy Canadian, to boot...09:19
DrSpinhow 2 dimensional ;)09:19
crimsun_DrSpin, lends itself nicely to a 2d screen ;)09:20
punkassMadpilot: and another ;)09:20
=== gabriel [n=gabriel@host134-241.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Mestaphelesand another09:20
thoreauputicDrSchlauf: the earth is flat! It's obvious! Look out he window! *grin*09:20
bluefoxicy nmap pop.gmail.com -p 11009:20
bluefoxicyPORT    STATE    SERVICE09:20
bluefoxicy110/tcp filtered pop309:20
bluefoxicyoh wow.09:20
bluefoxicygmail filters pop3 but offers pop3 anyway09:20
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bluefoxicy(yes it instructs pop.gmail.com be used, doesn't specify a port)09:20
DrSpincrimsun_ lmao indeed :)09:20
gabrieli need to instal samba on hoary? or is it already installed?09:20
jkindydoes anybody know who don vito is09:20
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DukGalNamuhow do i mount a samba file system?09:21
orlokjkindy: as in the godfather?09:21
Madpilotso, old parport scanners? anyone? the sane projects claim it's fully supported, but the drivers mentioned don't seem to be in Ubuntu repos...09:21
orlokdon vito corleone?09:21
jkindyno as in viva la ba09:21
=== nalioth [n=Apple@cpe-68-201-223-188.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jkindymtv man ...do u live under a rock lol09:21
crimsun_well, not everyone has/watches tv09:22
thoreauputic!tell DukGalNamu about samba09:22
=== Madpilot never turns his TV on. Cable is for highspeed internet, not TV... ;)
durthelp! i messed something up: how can i uninstall libc6 and use an older version without having to uninstall everything that depends on it?09:22
=== Pogopuschel- [n=zovax@p54AF1E69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
jkindywell if u ever get a chance check out viva la bam on mtv great shom09:23
crimsun_durt, force a downgrade? That can be messy.09:23
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thoreauputicdurt: practically anything and everythig depends on libc6...09:23
gabrieli get an error installing samba-common because in synaptic i have only 3.0.10 but smb-client needs 3.0.14a?09:23
crimsun_durt, essentially, you'll have to downgrade its rdepends anyway09:23
durtcrimsun: how can i do it?09:24
jkindydoes anybody use Knoppix?09:24
crimsun_gabriel, do you have a breezy deb line in there somewhere?09:24
bob2durt: what did you do to break libc6 to begin with?09:24
bob2jkindy: #knoppix09:24
Tribunei did use knoppox last time :D09:24
Tribunebut using live cd09:24
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crimsun_durt, just downgrade libc6 and accept the fact that you'll lose its redepends09:25
gabrielcrisum_: i have hoary. i don't know if i have samba installed by defaut maybe?09:25
crimsun_durt, otherwise you'll end up with an even more broken system09:25
gabrielcrimsum_: i have hoary. i don't know if i have samba installed by defaut maybe?09:25
durti was being stupid and installed the breezy version so i could upgrade wireless tools09:25
Tribunecan ubuntu communicate with pocket pc running mobile 2003?09:25
crimsun_gabriel, hoary definitely doesn't have 3.0.14a09:25
bob2gabriel: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood09:26
crimsun_durt, then why not just completely dist-upgrade to Breezy?09:26
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gabrielcrimsun_, so i can't install samba right?09:26
crimsun_gabriel, please heed bob2's instructions09:26
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gabrielcrimsun_ google for "bob2's"?09:27
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bob217:26:20 @         bob2 | gabriel: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to #flood09:27
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random003does ubuntu 5.04 come with a cd burning program?09:28
bob2a number of them, including the default file manager09:28
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random003bob2, I'm after one that is able to burn iso files, that doesn't require being downloaded (or is on the cd)09:28
durtcrimsun_: good idea, ill try breezy09:28
=== zcat[1] was surprised as hell when I popped a blank CD in and got a drag-and-drop burner window!
knowledgeI'm happy to announce that I have officially wiped out my windows partition...09:28
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random003knowledge, good work :D09:29
jkindyi am a noob who is trying to lern...were is telnetvand how do i get to it..everyone tell me to use ssh but i want to use telnet because that is what is being used in a tutorial i am using09:29
gabrielbob2, ok09:29
bob2random003: right click on the .iso in the file manager.  select "burn". enjoy!09:29
=== darksatanic [n=hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
PimpachuHow can I kill X server to install the latest NVIDIA drivers?09:29
PimpachuI just need to kill X09:29
knowledgeI booted it up today and I was using it for a little...and it just didn't feel right...I was like mann, nothing like linux...09:29
bob2Pimpachu: don't bother09:29
bob2the instructions are wrong09:29
Pimpachubob2, Sup?09:29
random003thanks bob09:29
knowledgeeven after installing OS X on my laptop, I came back to linux09:29
Nermaljkindy, ssh is more secure than telnet09:29
Pimpachubob2, I already installed the old ones09:29
ThardasIs there any downsides in adding universe to sources.list?09:30
bob2jkindy: it's not worth it09:30
bob2jkindy: ssh user@ipaddress09:30
PimpachuI need the new ones because i'm running 7800GTX in SLI09:30
PimpachuI need the latest drivers.09:30
jkindydo i need to download ssh or is it allready installed09:30
bob2Pimpachu: ok, but don't bother killing X09:30
Nermalits already installed09:30
Nermaljust type ssh -l <username> <hostname>09:30
Nermalman ssh :P09:30
gabrielbob2,  is flood a xchat user or a chan?09:30
knowledgebut now I have a question...I have a hard drive with OS X installed on it (6 gig partition) and the drive is a 60 gig, how can I move my current linux install onto that without any sort of problems?09:31
bob2gabriel: a channel...09:31
Nermalgabriel, channel09:31
Pimpachubob2, nvidia tells me it cannot install while X is running.09:31
NermalPimpachu, so stop X ?09:31
DukGalNamuhey, does anyone know of a graphical network interface??09:31
bob2Pimpachu: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop09:31
NermalDukGalNamu, ?09:31
NermalX ?09:31
bob2lord those drivers are terrible09:31
DukGalNamuNermal: network09:31
NermalDukGalNamu, X ?09:31
bob2DukGalNamu: you seem to have forgotten a word from your question09:32
DukGalNamuNermal: as in ethernet server client network09:32
NermalDukGalNamu, eh ?09:32
bob2DukGalNamu: are you perhaps looking for a tool to configure your network interfaces?09:32
Nermalspeak properly09:32
Nermalor a dictionary09:32
DukGalNamubob2: no a tool to mount other hard drives graphically09:32
Nermalright 5 minutes of n00bs is enough for me today09:32
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Pimpachubob2, It says it's still running X09:32
bob2DukGalNamu: so, say that09:32
Pimpachubob2, That's a good command to know though.09:32
DukGalNamubob2: over thernet09:32
DukGalNamubob2: *ethernet09:33
gabrielbob2, ok done it09:33
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bob2DukGalNamu: www.ubuntuguide.org09:33
bob2gabriel: ask on the backports forums, I guess09:33
zcat[1] brb09:34
Pimpachubob2, The apt-get version of the driver is too old for what i'm running09:34
gabrielbob2, sorry. what are the backports forums? not here?09:34
bob2gabriel: www.ubuntuforums.org, I assume09:35
bob2it's very likely the issue is with you using the backports09:35
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bob2Pimpachu: I'm not saying I don't believe you...09:35
jkindyi have a addiction to that nibbles game09:35
DukGalNamudoes anyone know of a gui that mounts bob2 thats all nice and dandy, but i am not using gnome, and all of my attempts at command line shareing have failed09:35
=== Freduardo [n=Freduard@kotnet-160.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
gabrielbob2, i go there and give it a try09:35
Pimpachubob2, Do you know why even though X is dead NVIDIA would say it is not dead?09:35
gabrielbob2, thanks09:36
bob2DukGalNamu: you're going to have a lot of problems getting help with that attitude09:36
=== maan84 [n=maan84@h-83-140-118-91.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #Ubuntu
bob2DukGalNamu: things mising from your question include: explaining what sort of files yo uwant to share, what OS the other system runs and how secure you want it to be.09:36
bob2Pimpachu: no09:36
naliothDukGalNamu: we need information09:36
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DukGalNamubob2: sorry, the other os is gentoo, it requires a username and password, no encryption, security is not an issue, folder is shared with samba09:37
parkahi all ... i don't understand how to search in aptitude. if i search for xfce4, it displays some packages but not the main xfce409:38
bob2when you said "hey, does anyone know of a graphical network interface??" you meant "Can someone help me mount a SAMBA share?"?09:38
naliothparka: do you 'have' to use aptitude? try synaptic if you can09:38
knowledgeparka: use synaptics09:38
Pimpachubob2, tty7 just has a black screen with a blinking cursor that won't accept input.09:38
bob2Pimpachu: yes, X is no longer running on it09:38
zcat[1] DukGalNamu: apt-get install telnet-server09:38
bob2Pimpachu: it sounds very much like the nvidia installer being shit09:39
Pimpachubob2, I figured it out09:39
bob2DukGalNamu: do try to be clearer in future...09:39
DukGalNamubob2: actually, i had found a GUI program that uses kde that give a nice little interface into mounting things... but if i can figure out how to do it command line then all the more power to me09:39
bob2DukGalNamu: sudo mount -t smbfs -o ro // /mnt/ooder09:39
DukGalNamubob2: sorry, i am very tired and don't make sense some times09:39
parkanalioth, knowledge: thanks, i know ... i just wanted to get used to aptitude. have heard it solves dependencies better09:39
bob2DukGalNamu: where the IP is the IP of the remote machine, snap is the share name and /mnt/ooder is the local mount point09:39
bob2the man page explains how to use a a username09:39
naliothparka: aptitude and synaptic are the primary frontends to apt-get09:39
knowledgeparka: it is my understanding that it is the same thing one's gui and one is command based09:40
knowledgebut I could be wrong09:40
bob2they're similar, yes09:40
bob2and both use the same backend09:40
DukGalNamubob2: how do i enter the username aslo?09:40
sukritthey're similar, yes09:40
bob2DukGalNamu: 17:39:56 @         bob2 | the man page explains how to use a a username09:40
parkaah, so would you recommend synaptic over apt-get?09:41
bob2aptitude or synaptic should be used instead of apt-get, yes09:41
naliothparka:  synaptic is a frontend to apt-get09:41
bob2aptitude is basically a drop-in replacement09:41
bob2e.g. sudo aptitude install blah09:41
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bob2DukGalNamu: come on dude, man smbmount09:42
knowledgequestion...I have a hard drive with OS X installed on it (6 gig partition) and the drive is a 60 gig, how can I move my current linux install onto that without any sort of problems?09:42
bob2DukGalNamu: the first page shows how to specify the username09:42
bob2knowledge: I wouldn't bother09:42
=== joseph [n=joseph@bb220-255-100-158.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
knowledgebob2: good stuff...09:42
naliothknowledge: depends on your current linux distro09:42
parkaokay, thank you all09:42
knowledgebob2: not even try to make an image?09:42
DukGalNamubob2: no man for smbmount...09:42
knowledgenalioth: Ubuntu09:42
Pimpachubob2, What's the package name for the Kernel source to apt it down so I can build the nvidia drivers?09:42
josepha lil prob here cant connect to internet but i can still chat on messenger09:42
bob2DukGalNamu: then you need to install it09:42
=== dennis__ [n=dennis@68-186-49-71.dhcp.mghl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Pimpachu: you don't want the kernel source; sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:43
naliothknowledge: better to install from scratch ubuntu on the hd, and just move your HOMEDIR over09:43
dennis__cAN ANYOne help  me with some totem problems?09:43
knowledgenalioth: I could definitely do that09:43
josephconnection to internet problems....helppp09:43
naliothknowledge: what kind of mac?09:43
bob2knowledge: eh? moving will be tricky and annoying, and involve a boot disk.   why not just use that partition for something else?09:43
knowledgenalioth: Dell Inspiron 820009:43
dennis__I'm having problems with stupid totem :(09:44
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naliothknowledge: i'm very confused, but thats a common constant with me09:44
knowledgedennis__: what's the prob?09:44
bob2dennis__: dude, we've done thise twice already today09:44
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bob2dennis__: just ask your question already09:44
knowledgenalioth: it's the osX86 version of os x09:44
dennis__One sec09:44
naliothknowledge: just install ubuntu of whatever flavor on it, and it should be no prob09:44
cyphaselinuxjournal.com is gettind DoS'ed09:44
dennis__When I try and open a file in totem09:44
dennis__I get this09:44
thoreauputicDukGalNamu:  sudo aptitude install smbfs09:45
dennis__otem could not startup.09:45
=== nalioth sees lots of confusion ahead with intel/osx and ppc/osx
dennis__Resource busy or something else09:45
DukGalNamuthoreauputic: i got it, and it still doesn't work09:45
=== newman [n=stanthec@c-24-20-3-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dennis__Even though I restarted x and rebooted the computer after the X reboot didn't work09:45
knowledgenalioth: yeah, I know what you mean...honestly even though I got it to run clean, it still doesn't seem like a mac, you know what I mean?09:45
dennis__This always seems to happen when I install new graphic drivers09:46
Pimpachubob2, The latest Hoary only uses 2.6.10-5?09:46
bob2Pimpachu: that's what was stable when hoary froze 6+ months ago09:46
maan84Excuse me... I'm trying to play an *.mkv file and it run's very laggy in Xine, anyone know where I can get good codecs or a solution to the problem? Thank you09:46
naliothknowledge: i'm sure the macs that have intel inside are gonna be tweaked to their last squeak09:46
=== Digi [n=robert@cpe-24-161-198-111.bak.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pimpachubob2, Is there no way to use a greater version?09:46
dennis__bob2 did you see my question?09:46
bob2Pimpachu: of course there is, but why?09:46
bob2dennis__: yup09:46
Pimpachubob2, I know I could compile it myself, but I fear the worst lol09:46
DigisWill ubuntu breezy would work on such a hawdware ibm thinkpad 240 (celeron 300mhz, 128 ram), now I am running sarge on it, and planning installing ubuntu...09:46
naliothmaan84: what hardware are you running it on?09:46
dennis__ANy idea whats up with it?09:46
bob2I don't use totem09:46
crimsun_Digis, yes09:46
PimpachuPimpachu, There's a problem with the NVIDIA driver and Kernels < 2.6.1109:47
bob2Digis: it will run as well as sarge09:47
Digismaybe even faster?09:47
Digiswhat do U think?09:47
naliothDigis: plan on installing breezy in october09:47
maan84nalioth: P4 3.2Ghz, 512 662DDR2 mem, SATA 10,000rpm, GF409:47
dennis__nalioth can you help?09:47
knowledgenalioth: I'm sure, but I thought it was cool that macs had a processor that was unique, and from what I understand...the PPC arch was a MUCH better design, but then again, I'm not a programmer so I can't care that much09:47
bob2DukGalNamu: no need to /msg me...09:47
naliothmaan84: try using vlc09:47
bob2Digis: about the same09:47
DukGalNamubob2: its my actuall username and password....09:47
Digisnalioth, I am running breezy on my work pc, and it runs not bad09:47
maan84nalioth: I'm very new, vlc? :)09:47
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DukGalNamubob2: :P09:47
orlokknowledge: actually, thre have been unix systems running that CPU family for a looooooooong time09:48
bob2DukGalNamu: I know, but there's no need to show that to me at all...09:48
DukGalNamubob2: well it fails emerging09:48
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naliothdennis__: sorry, am not familiar with totem or multimedia in general09:48
IceDC571how would you test a dpkg package to see if it would install correctly or not?09:48
DukGalNamubob2: duuur, i mean it fail mounting09:48
dennis__Is anyone here familiar with totem?09:48
naliothknowledge: politics is the decision maker in the switch09:48
bob2IceDC571: try and install it09:48
Wilfjust installed ubuntu, but x won't start. S3 Trio video card, is this the cause?09:48
naliothmaan84: videolan client, it plays dang near everything video09:48
bob2DukGalNamu: so09:49
bob2DukGalNamu: I can't see your screen.  or your logs.  or how yo uset things up. etc.09:49
orlok knowledge: IBM's RS6000 systems, i remember seeing a PPC604e based one09:49
maan84nalioth: Ok :) Where can I get a hold of it?09:49
bob2DukGalNamu: telling me "it dont work" does not let me help at all09:49
thoreauputicWilf: S3 Trio? Is this an old machne?09:49
DukGalNamubob2: sorry09:49
bob2anyway, hometime09:49
dennis__thoreauputic, how about you?09:49
dennis__YOu familiar with totem?09:50
nalioth!info vlc09:50
Wilfsays there are errors09:50
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.1-1ubuntu7 (hoary), Packaged size: 4867 kB, Installed size: 11816 kB09:50
Wilfwith symbols not found09:50
thoreauputicWilf: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose the vesa driver09:50
Digican someone tell me what to do about this error message?09:50
DigiPlease use apt-cdrom to make this CD-RO M recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs09:50
naliothmaan84: you need the universe repo enabled and you can get vlc using synaptic09:50
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thoreauputicdennis__: I use totem-xine sometimes09:50
knowledgenalioth: agreed, in the end, it's money and politics09:50
dennis__For some reason09:50
dennis__After I installed the ati drivers for my video card09:50
thoreauputicdennis__: I wouldn't say I'm "familiar" with it ;)09:50
dennis__Totem fucked up :/09:51
maan84naloth: ok thanks, I'm pretty sure I got universe added in the sources list, do I use some apt command to get it? :)09:51
dennis__It says it is busy and can not play the file09:51
dennis__Even after a reboot09:51
naliothmaan84: you can use "sudo apt-get install vlc"09:51
maan84nalioth: Thank you09:51
dennis__and I searched running tasks and totem is not there09:51
thoreauputicdennis__: possibly an esd issue - just a guess09:51
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knowledgeorlok: true, but it's not a mac, I don't know how to explain it...but to me, a mac was something special....elite I guess you could say...I mean I'm sure that there will be another OS that will still use Risc procs...but it's not the same09:51
dennis__thoreauputic, esd?09:52
naliothknowledge: another OS (you mean like linux?)09:52
thoreauputicdennis__: Enlightened Sound Daemon09:52
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knowledgenalioth: yeah09:52
\dev\goathttp://www.mailnation.net <-- how badass is that09:52
thoreauputicdennis__: try killall esd and re-run totem09:52
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naliothknowledge: i have 2 macs now running ubuntu, and am working on gettin 2 more running ubuntu09:53
naliothknowledge: i find OSX overrated09:53
dennis__Thor :/09:53
dennis__Didn't work09:53
DukGalNamubob2: its called smb4k09:53
thoreauputic!doesn't work09:54
ubotumethinks doesn't work is something you should never say.  Be more specific.09:54
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athlonis digital camera supported by ubuntu stock kernel   ?09:54
knowledgenalioth: yeah, I agree, I was so hyped about using OSX on my own computer, so I could fool around with all the ins and outs...but after about an hour I was like...this is it? I just think the cases looked nice. Also, I don't even know where to begin looking for mobos and processors to build a PPC comp09:54
dennis__Thor, same error message09:55
gabrielbut in hoary is samba istalled by default or not?09:55
dennis__"Reource busy ...blah blah"09:55
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naliothknowledge: there are not a lot of PPC mobos other than via apple09:55
jesperathlon: yes, most are..09:55
knowledgenalioth: exactly...09:55
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Seveasgabriel, depends on what you need09:56
knowledgenalioth: so even if there are distros and os' that can utilize PPC, there's no longer a point after 2Q '0609:56
Seveasgabriel, the samba part in nautilus is there, the samba daemon or smbfs program/library not.09:56
dennis__esource busy or not available.09:56
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gabrielSeveas, i just need to share files beetween hoary and wxp under vmware09:57
Seveascan't you just mount the XP disks or does VMware hide them?09:57
bob2DukGalNamu: so, when you were talking about mounting things, you only meant SMB shares, ok09:57
DukGalNamubob2: yeah, although that program is great for all other shares09:58
gabrielSaveas. let me check09:58
DukGalNamubob2: i still can't figure out why it doesn't mount....09:58
athlonIve removed the stock kernel some time ago  and use a custom kernel. I am trying to install it again but strangely synaptic only has linux-image up to 2.6.1109:58
bob2"all other shares"?09:58
DukGalNamubob2: ntfs09:58
DukGalNamubob2: and such09:58
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bob2athlon: synaptic won't know or care about packages that aren't in apt repositories09:59
bob2Pimpachu: you'll be on your own then, no ubuntu kernels above 2.6.10 work on hoary09:59
DukGalNamubob2: it sees everything on the network and can mount something if its available09:59
gabrielSeveas, do you mean i should mount the virtual file of vmware?09:59
athlonoh, okay. I just thought it's a bug or something09:59
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Wilfthor|away, that didn't work10:01
DukGalNamubob2: its late, i am sorry if i don't make sense10:01
Wilfchanged the driver to vesa10:01
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Wilfbut i get no symbol found error a few times10:01
Wilfthen "fatal server error: no screens found"10:01
gabrielSeveas, i cant see xp disks under vmware10:02
Thardasgabriel: share them.10:03
maan84Weird, *.mkv won't play at all in VLC =/ And I tried open a *.avi that plays fine in xine, it plays in vlc but without sound :P10:03
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gabrielThardas, should i shear the whole xp disk under xp in vmware?10:04
Madpilotdoes anyone know if the Ubuntu kernal includes the ppSCSI module, or a way I could check for it? I'm not interesting in compiling my own kernal...10:04
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Thardasgabriel: it would probably be the easiest way.10:05
ThardasDo you have Simple Sharing enabled?10:05
gabrielThardas, hei man,it was the easyest way! Thanks10:06
SeveasMadpilot, CONFIG_SCSI_PPA=m10:06
Seveasis that it?10:06
Thardasgabriel: you're welcome.10:06
Internatany users of bluez in here?10:06
MadpilotSeveas: possibly. I'm just googling on getting an old parport scanner working - does that mean the module I'd need is already in the Ubuntu kernel?10:07
MadpilotSeveas: http://www.kirchgessner.net/sanehpfaq.html#HPFAQ3A10:07
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DukGalNamubob2: apperently something is wrong with my system, cause it can't see any network or any of the computers on my network...10:08
DukGalNamubob2: ohh, could it be because i set my system to DMZ?10:08
DukGalNamubob2: that now i am not allowed to talk to other computers on the network for samty reasons10:09
catfoxmorning all. i'm struggling with my synaptics touchpad on a different distro(work laptop). the same touchpad works fine on my other laptop though, so can anyone point me to the default haory config  for it, please?10:09
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DukGalNamunope i can ping it10:10
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bob2DukGalNamu: go to bed, dude10:11
DukGalNamubob2: yeah ok10:11
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DukGalNamubob2: gnight :P10:11
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ekimuscatfox: i could give you a (quite) generic howto on the synaptics touchpad10:12
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catfoxekimus, sure10:12
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ekimuscatfox: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Gentoo_Acer_Travelmate_803LCi_Manual#Synaptics_Touchpad10:12
catfoxekimus, thanks, i'll take a look10:12
Madpilotcatfox: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowto <-- not sure about this for Hoary - it seems to be for Warty - but have a look10:13
Madpilot(and update it if you can when you get your touchpad working!)10:13
catfoxMadpilot, cheers i'll check that out too10:13
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onkarshindeanyone trying colony 3? How is it? Does it contain GNOME 2.12 (unstable)?10:15
Burgundaviaoneleaf, yes10:15
Burgundaviaonkarshinde, yes, it contains 2.11 (which will become 2.12)10:15
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thoreauputicWilf: this might help (no guarantees) >>  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg  and say "no" to the framebuffer question10:15
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onkarshindeBurgundavia: How is colony 3 as compared to Hoary?10:16
Burgundaviaonkarshinde, much better10:16
Wilfok thoreauputic, brb10:16
onkarshindeBurgundavia: Any specific improvements?10:16
Wilfthanks for helping by the way10:16
Wilfi really appreciate it10:16
Burgundaviaonkarshinde, wiki.ubuntu.com/QuickTourDraft is a quick guide to some of the latest cool things10:17
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Wilfthoreauputic, S3 or Vesa?10:18
Jowihello everyone10:18
thoreauputicWilf: I would stick with vesa - it works for anything, normally10:19
thoreauputicWilf: if not , you might need to rerun the command and try other drivers10:19
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onkarshindewhy isn't vlc included in Ubuntu by default though it is better than totem.10:22
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bob2better sounds fairly subjective10:22
thoreauputiconkarshinde: when did you stop beating your wife?10:22
thoreauputicleading questions...10:23
onkarshindethoreauputic: What is that?10:23
thoreauputicnever mind10:23
Madpilotthoreauputic: :)10:23
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Wilfthoreauputic, nada.10:25
thoreauputicWilf: :(10:25
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thoreauputicWilf: have you tried running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choosing the simple options? Like trying to get it working at 800x600, choosing low values for vid memory etc?10:27
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Wilfall configs are set low by default due to the limitations of the video card10:28
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doogluscan someone please help me find /usr/lib/perl5/Curses.pm in 'breezy'?10:29
dooglusI see this:    $ apt-file search /usr/lib/perl5/Curses.pm10:29
doogluslibcurses-perl: usr/lib/perl5/Curses.pm10:29
gabrielThardas, i got to the smb shared folder from linux onto xp but i get a log request. none of the username + psw go well. it asks username domain and psw. what should i use?10:30
dooglusbut I've installed libcurses-perl, and the file didn't appear.10:30
Jowisorry for breaking in, but Wilf, have you had a look with "sudo ddcprobe" to see what is supported?10:30
Wilfnope Jowi, will do that now10:30
dooglusgabriel: try blank username and password, and put the workgroup name for the domain10:31
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Wilfall the settings seem to be within limitations of the card...10:31
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Jowiso what is the problem?10:32
Wilfx wont start :\10:33
Wilf"fatal server eror: no screens found"10:33
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Jowiouch. alright. so no sceen is configured in xorg.conf? have you posted xorg.conf in the pastebin already?10:33
Wilfxorg.conf in the pastebin?10:34
Jowiyeah. copy your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:34
toonXi am trying to run some X app from console logged as root , but i get this error that the app can't connect to the X server , i did a set and saw i have no DISPLAY variable for user root, how can i export one ?10:34
Jowiand give us the link to your post10:34
Wilfdifferent computer10:34
drcodeany one know about free backup software client /server with nice gui ?10:34
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Wilfand the other one is not set up to the internet yet10:35
JowiWilf: nasty :P10:35
Wilfi could copy it to a floppy and copy it over10:35
Wilfthis is a fresh install by the way10:35
Wilfnever worked from the word go10:35
Jowilowtech. i like it. lol10:35
Jowiyeah, something is wrong in the xorg.conf file i'm sure10:35
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Wilfi used ubuntu for a while on this computer, until my studies took priority (3DS Max) :\10:36
Wilfworked fine on this machine10:36
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Jowi...but the other one does not get a "screen" according to xorg...10:37
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gabrielthe net server doesn't open anymore.10:37
Wilfit also says "screens found, but none with a useable configuraion"10:37
Wilfif that helps10:37
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JowiWilf: if you can find a way to give us a taste of your xorg.conf it would help alot. useless advise you'll get otherwise10:38
toonXwhy do i get this err when trying to some some X apps from Terminal as root ? Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server and Xlib: No protocol specified and10:38
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Wilfok, give me a minute10:38
toonXand Error: unable to open display :010:38
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Thardasgabriel: are you sharing from Windows to Linux?10:39
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WilfJowi: sorry about the noobie questions, but how do i mount a floppy?10:39
Wilfi've forgotten :\10:40
Wilfmount (something) /mnt/fdd010:40
Jowierhm... should be mount /media/floppy10:40
Wilfmy mandrake is showing :\10:40
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ndlovuhi all. I'm having trouble installing samba. not sure if it's a problem on my side or with the repositories. I get this error:10:40
ndlovu smbfs: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.14a-3ubuntu3~5.04ubp1) but 3.0.10-1ubuntu3 is to be installed10:40
ndlovuany ideas?10:40
Jowii don't have a floppy on this computer so i'm lost there. was a few years ago10:41
gabrielThardas, yes under vmware. now i can't open the net window no more i think i should reeboot10:41
Seveasndlovu, disable backports...10:41
thoreauputicWilf: if it helps, my old pentium 200 here with S3 Trio Gx or DX is using depth 16 rather than 24, with the vesa driver, and running at 1024x76810:41
ndlovuthanks Seveas, will try that10:41
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thoreauputicWilf: mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy for the floppy10:43
Tribunei did finish do wget http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb. after this i need to do sudo apt-get install ..?10:43
Seveasdpkg -i sun*deb10:44
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ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:45
Tribunegosh... what my next step. how stupid i am10:45
thoreauputicTribune: Seveas just told you above10:46
thoreauputicTribune: insert " sudo " before that command, BTW10:46
Tribuneif i finish install my java.. is it i can use m limewire & azarues?10:47
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Tribunereal player format? which application can i use?10:48
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MadpilotTribune: rm can be played by Totem or nearly anything10:49
ubotuit has been said that restricted is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:49
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maan84Hello, in Mplayer I get that subfont.ttf is missing, and I googled some and found out that any *.ttf file will work (Arial) was default, so I thought I'd copy a font to ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf, though where can I find a font to copy? :D *new*10:50
Wilfshould it be too big for a floppy?10:50
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JowiWilf: xorg.conf is about 3kb10:50
thoreauputicMadpilot: unless you like listening to BBC radio, in which case realplay is the only option afaics10:50
arcanistheroguesay, anyone here use legacy doom?10:50
hussamanybody here using openofficeorg2 from http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/localization/OpenOffice.org/devel/680/SRC680_m125/Build-1/ ?10:50
arcanistherogueI have a question10:51
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Wilfwhere should it be?10:51
arcanistherogueis there a switch that lets me play it in a window?10:51
Madpilotthoreauputic: really? gack. all the net radio I've used so far has worked fine in Totem...10:51
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Wilfah, wrong place, stupid me.10:51
Wilfsorry, brb :P10:51
thoreauputicWilf: /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:51
thoreauputicMadpilot: they use a "BBC player" that relies on realplay to work (it's really dumb)10:52
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Madpilotthoreauputic: my respect for the Beeb just went down a notch...10:52
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k31thwat was ubuntu docs channel10:53
thoreauputicMadpilot: a while back they had ogg vorbis feeds, but it was experimental and they stopped10:53
k31thim ment to be helping out with that10:53
maan84Anyone know where I can find Arial.ttf or another ttf font file? Which location on the harddrive? :)10:53
Jowimaan84: the packagename is called msttcorefonts10:54
dooglusmaan84: /mnt/c/WINDOWS/FONTS/arial.ttf10:54
k31thwtf is the mp3 codec called?? i cant play mp3s in any player yet if i hover the mouse over the sound file it plays10:54
dooglus(or wherever you mount your C: drive)10:54
NgMadpilot: they use Real because nobody else was doing decent hardware encoder boxes when they introduced the service. they are writing their own Free codecs though.10:54
maan84Jowi: ok thank you so I have to install a package to find fonts? :)10:55
maan84dooglus: Not running windows, but thank you :)10:55
MadpilotNg: interesting. I use other Real feeds, though, and they work fine in Totem... bah, audio is just a mess...10:55
dooglusmaan84: I just used "locate" to find that font10:55
Wilfi got me a conf file.10:55
Madpilotk31th: do you mean ubuntu-doc channel?10:55
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Jowimaan84: Arial and the like is used under licence. there is a package called msttcorefonts that downloads and installs the fonts from microsofts site10:55
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doogluslocate .ttf10:55
thoreauputicNg: are they reiventing the wheel or do their codecs have some special advantage over vorbis and friends?10:56
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maan84Jowi: Ah ok, it don't have to be arial, just a readable ttf font that I can add in the ~/.mplayer/ directory so I can view subtitles, it appears to be missing, and I read that any ttf font would be ok to add there10:56
thoreauputicJowi: actually it downloads from various sites - I don't think MS co-operate any more10:57
Jowimaan84: all installed fonts are in /usr/share/fonts/10:57
maan84Jowi: Thank you :)10:57
Madpilotisn't there an "mplayer-fonts" package specially for mplayer?10:57
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doogluswould someone using 'breezy' please try installing and running 'sysv-rc-conf'.  is it broken?10:57
thoreauputicMadpilot: there is indeed10:57
Jowithoreauputic: maybe it changed since last week then :-)10:58
Ngthoreauputic: pass, I think their dirac video stuff is aimed at working fine with broadcast resolution video10:58
maan84If there is, I don't seem to have it installed for mplayer :)10:58
thoreauputicJowi: ? last time I installed msttcorefonts they came from several URLs ?10:58
gabrielhei i cant get nautilus to respond anymore how do i kill ilt and restart it?10:58
ProwerHmm...there's a fastcgi module for apache2, but there isn't a fastcgi package anywhere :/ Is it needed?10:58
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Jowithoreauputic: yep. and one of them was microsoft connected10:59
thoreauputicJowi: ah, OK - my bad10:59
thoreauputicJowi: I didn't notice that10:59
dooglusdo you mean libapache-mod-fastcgi, Prower?10:59
=== Jowi goes to watch a movie
knowledgeGood night everyone...I'm out10:59
dooglussorry - apache2?10:59
WilfJowi, thoreauputic: http://www.ahsforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3328910:59
doogluslibapache2-mod-fastcgi then.10:59
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gabrielcan i only reboot to get nautilus to respond?11:00
Prowerdooglus: Yes, that's right :> On other systems I've used there's also been a fastcgi package that was required for it to work, and in the Debian/Ubuntu guide for rails it also mentions it11:00
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dooglusPrower: I never used it, sorry.11:00
thoreauputicWilf: umm - login reuired11:01
Wilfoh -_-;11:01
Prowerdooglus: Ahh, no problem, thanks...I'll just have to keep looking around11:01
Jowithoreauputic: not important enough to fuzz about. just something i noticed while installing them that's all11:01
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JowiWilf: pastebin11:01
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl11:01
thoreauputicJowi: sure - interesting though11:01
Wilfthanks :)11:02
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Jowithoreauputic: sure is. makes me want to uninstall - reinstall just to doublecheck!11:02
SSkroederHi ... i'm new with ubuntu -- and i've got a question about getting software upgrades ... see, whenever i start gaim, it says to me, that a 1.5.0 version is available --- but when i use the update tool nothing happens .... how can i get gaim 1.5.0, so i don't get an anoying popup anymore ...11:03
k31thwhy can i not play mp3s in xmms11:03
k31thyet i can by hanging my mouse over the file11:03
Seveask31th: To make xmms or beep-media-player actually play things, change the audio output plugin to eSound11:03
k31thSeveas: is that an option in xmms ?11:03
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JowiWilf: run "sudo ddcprobe" again, take notice of the horiz and vertical refresh values because you need to enter them in xorg.conf11:03
thoreauputicJowi: heheh - <tinfoilhat> MS have imbedded a trojan in the fonts!!  </tinfoilhat>11:04
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zcat[1] /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts/FreeSans.ttf ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf11:05
zcat[1] should work?11:05
cafuegothoreauputic: mr bush rang, he wants his hat back11:05
zcat[1] err ln -s all that...11:05
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Seveaszcat[1] , yes11:05
Jowithoreauputic: nah, they have been freely available for download for the past 5-6 years at least. but that tinfoilhat idea is brilliant!11:05
maan84Phew, worked so hard to get the *.mkt file running with sounds and videio and all, xine/totem/vlc failed but mplayer could play it, then subs don't work /cry :P11:05
thoreauputiccafuego: hahah11:05
k31thdamn this xmms has crashed11:05
k31thi cant find the pid out11:05
k31thit just hangs there11:05
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WilfJowi: is a log of the ddcprobe kept anywhere?11:06
JowiWilf: nope, just prints to the screen. in section "Monitor" add something like this:      HorizSync          30-9611:06
Jowi     VertRefresh        50-16011:06
=== cafuego gets suspicious
Wilfyep, but those values have scrolled up the screen11:06
Wilfbefore i could see them11:06
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JowiWilf: mouse scrollwheel work too11:07
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Wilf31 - 69, 50 - 12011:07
SSkroederHi ... i'm new with ubuntu -- and i've got a question about getting software upgrades ... see, whenever i start gaim, it says to me, that a 1.5.0 version is available --- but when i use the update tool nothing happens .... how can i get gaim 1.5.0, so i don't get that anoying popup anymore ... ---anyone ?11:08
JowiWilf: so in xorg.conf, look for "Monitor" and as last option add: HorizSync 31-6911:08
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JowiWilf: and:  VertRefresh 50-12011:09
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ProwerSSkroeder: Sorry, I don't think I've ever gotten a popup like that11:09
thoreauputicJowi: http://zapatopi.net/afdb/  and  http://zapatopi.net/mindguard/  :D11:10
SSkroederPrower: ... it's a popup from inside Gaim --stating that the 1.5.0 now is available - and several bugfixes and such have been resolved...11:11
Jowithoreauputic: lol!11:11
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thoreauputicJowi: the program is a hoot ;D11:12
cafuegoSSkroeder: Any chance it's a spam with a worm download?11:12
deFryskSSkroeder, stable version of ubuntu does only do security patches , package versions are frozen till stable next release comes out11:12
ProwerSSkroeder: Oh, I know what you mean, yeah...I've just never got them in Ubuntu before11:12
=== Jowi Minds his Mind with Mindguard!
Pogopuschel-Download and compile it yourself11:12
deFryskSSkroeder, only safe option for newer packages is the backports repo11:13
SSkroederdeFrysk: how often are new stable versions made ...11:13
cafuegoSSkroeder: every 6 months11:13
deFryskSSkroeder, every half year, in april and october11:13
Jowithoreauputic: i like this quote: "MindGuard -- the name known and trusted by Amiga users for a decade. Now available for Linux. Use Linux, because THEY don't want you to."11:14
ProwerSSkroeder: You could use the 1.4 version in backports, that works well11:14
Jowii laughed so hard i got a headache, thanks11:14
thoreauputicJowi: heheh - yeah the whole site is very funny: note the license "MGPL"  ;)11:15
SSkroederPrower: as in : just keep on using the version, im using now because all the security fixes a bound to come ?11:15
deFryskSSkroeder, ubuntu-developers are working hard to make the packages work properly and stable , so safest way is to stick to the ubuntu repositories11:15
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SSkroederOk ;-)11:16
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Wilfuh oh :\11:16
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JowiWilf: ?11:17
Wilfscreen stopped responding (light went orange)11:17
rwabelis it normal that when upgrading (dist-upgrade) from hoary to breezy over 100packages get removed?11:17
pennystartx 2 > mylog11:17
Jowidid you put in the vertical refresh as well?11:17
pennynano mylog11:17
Wilfdinner, back in a while.11:17
Madpilotpenny: wrong window?11:19
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JowiWilf: next step is to remove your faulty resolutions. in the xorg.conf only use the following modes: "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"  for all colordepths and delete the rest. you can add them later if 1024x768 works fine. that will do the trick. I'm off to watch a movie now11:20
ProwerSSkroeder: Security updates are done for the packages, but they're not necessarily bumped up to the latest version at that time...so you can be pretty confident the version you're using is secure, just not the newest11:20
SSkroederPrower:  ok ...11:20
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Jowicu guys11:22
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Madpilotback in a bit - actually need to shut this box down for the first time in a week...11:27
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mediamillanyone using ubuntu as a production hosting server?11:31
Wilfok, back.11:32
Wilfso i've entered my monitor settings incorrectly11:32
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Prowermediamill: I will be once I have apache configured and everything :>11:33
Di42lohow can i compile my dialer to the internet in ubuntu if i dont have internet and i cant install gcc11:34
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mediamillI just managed to do Apache2 with php, perl mysql, and phpmyadmin via synaptic. have not checked the config yet but its running.11:34
Di42lomediamill: it was designed to be running11:35
gabrielreboted and nautilus now working again. when i get to shared folder on wxp machine i get prompted for username and password. no user password combination works.. not even blank. how can i gain access to folder?11:35
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josephi can connect to messenger but cant move on to other internet sites other then file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html.....helppp whats wrong11:36
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josephit says the operation timeed out when attemptin to connect to www. blah blah.com....need help..i can only connect to messanger but cant go to other sites other thanfile:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html11:38
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Kamping_Kaiserany gues how long 14GB will take to put into a tar.bz2?11:39
HrdwrBoBKamping_Kaiser: a long time11:39
gabrielwhen i get shared password wrong 10 times or more i get a nautilus hang. how do i unfreez it?11:39
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Kamping_Kaiserheh. was hoping for a closer figure ;)11:39
HrdwrBoBKamping_Kaiser: also gzip would be better11:39
Kamping_Kaisergzip? why?11:39
HrdwrBoBbzip2 would hammer your CPU11:39
Kamping_Kaiseryeh it is11:40
Kamping_Kaiserjoseph: can you ping websites by ip address?11:40
Kamping_Kaiserso no ;|11:41
Wilfhow do i list all process ID's11:41
can-o-wormsi have a samba share on a ubuntu box that i can access with linux or windows, but not from osx... i know there is nothing wrong with the osx box because it can access a samba share on a gentoo box i have .... anyone seen anything like this?11:41
Kamping_Kaiserps or top?11:41
pennyps uax11:41
kemikcan-o-worms:  well your sambashare seem to work aswell since you can acces it from windows/linux ;)11:43
kemikcan-o-worms:  but it does seem strange11:43
Di42lohow can i compile my dialer to the internet in ubuntu if i dont have internet and i cant install gcc?11:43
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can-o-wormskemik: it is really strange... it actually locks finder up11:43
kemikcan-o-worms:  maybe you mistyped the adress? or blokcing the OSX machine in a firewall ?11:44
kemikDi42lo:  apt-get install build-essential.. it could be on the CD, im not sure11:44
ubotusomebody said compile was tar -zxvf tarball, cd blah, ./configure, make, make install or install by hand  Ask me about <compiling>11:44
can-o-wormskemik: i am just doubling clicking the icon in osx, and there is no firewall, the gentoo box is and ubuntu is
ubuntunobuntuhi there. ive got some noob question: How can I set an alarm for birthdays in Evolution?11:45
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can-o-wormskemik: do you have an osx box?11:45
kemikcan-o-worms:  so the share "appears" on the network, but trying to access it hangs you OSX application (finder)11:46
kemikcan-o-worms:  luckily no ;) hehe11:46
can-o-wormskemik: exactly... but windows and another ubuntu box have no problem with it11:46
kemikand the gentoo box and ubuntu box has the same settings for their shares? (access-wise)11:47
kemikcan-o-worms:  gentoo and ubuntu using hte same version of samba?11:47
can-o-wormskemik: not exactly, i tried copying the config file straight over and had a few problems11:47
can-o-wormskemik: but the actually share part is the same.... the global has a couple of different parts11:48
can-o-wormskemik: do you use samba?11:48
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mediamillbig respects to all involved in ubuntu, just installed it and I'm very impressed. My new favorite distro11:49
kemikcan-o-worms:  not much these days.. since i've migrated all my computers to debian / ubuntu .. but sometimes i dualboot this one to windows... so yes i use samba but mostly NFS11:49
kemikmediamill:  nice ;)11:50
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Madpilothow do I check to see if a SCSI device has been detected by Ubuntu?11:50
michi-23123hello, please help me11:51
HrdwrBoBMadpilot: look in dmesg?11:51
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michi-23123does anyone know how to mount a usb stick on solaris11:51
can-o-wormskemik: it is just that the unbuntu starter guide talks about using a smbusers file, but i just use smbpasswd file11:52
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michi-23123very impotan11:52
michi-23123very important11:52
kemikmichi-23123:  solaris ?11:52
michi-23123sun solaris11:52
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MadpilotHrdwrBoB: how can I use the massive output from dmesg and find any mention of SCSI?11:53
kemikmichi-23123:  and this is #ubuntu -linux11:53
michi-23123i know11:53
WilfJowi, thoreauputic: I WIN!11:53
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michi-23123but perhaps there is someboy who knows this11:54
HrdwrBoBMadpilot: pipe it to less11:54
thoreauputicWilf: how did you fix it?11:54
kemikmichi-23123:  i'd imagine solaris and ubuntu differs quite alot11:54
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Wilfthoreauputic, horizontal and vertical frequencies11:54
MadpilotHrdwrBoB: thanks, should have thought of that...11:54
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thoreauputicWilf: congrats 111:54
thoreauputicheh s/1/!11:55
clem_yeatsmichi-23123: join #solaris and ask there11:55
kemikcan-o-worms:  dont know what can be causing you problems really. could be a bug, bad-config etc..  :/11:55
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thoreauputicMadpilot: or dmesg | grep -i SCSI    I suppose  ?11:57
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can-o-wormskemik: yeah... thanks for your time... thoreauputic might know something11:57
can-o-wormsthoreauputic: do you use samba with your mac?11:57
Madpilotthoreauputic: hmmm, that gives no output, but I did see something about scsi when I piped to less and read the blasted thing...11:58
thoreauputiccan-o-worms: yes, but it tends to be slow - I use ssh/scp for preference11:59
thoreauputiccan-o-worms: of course that's mostly about me being too lazy to configure samba properly ;)11:59
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Madpilotold-school SCSI tech is great - so *clumsy* compared to USB... ;)12:00
can-o-wormsthoreauputic: well, i have a share on a ubuntu box that locks up finder when i try to open it12:00
can-o-wormsthoreauputic: but i can open the share from linux and windows without a problem12:00
can-o-wormsthoreauputic: the osx box is ok, because it doesn't have any problems opening a samba share on a gentoo box12:01
thoreauputiccan-o-worms: so I gathered - I'm afraid I'm no samba expert - I use nfs and scp here12:01
thoreauputicalthough nfs with OS-X is a pain too...12:01
can-o-wormsthoreauputic: fair enough... i suppose it is just a matter of pulling out some more hair12:01
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linux_ubuntuhello room12:04
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linux_ubuntuis there anyone can help me?12:05
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Madpilotlinux_ubuntu: that depends on your questions12:05
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zaphandsHello everyone! After activating firestarter firewall I can't access my LAN. I'm using eth0 for my modem, eth1 for LAN's router and I don't want internet connection sharing.12:06
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linux_ubuntumy browser is not working at all12:06
linux_ubuntudialup connects correctly12:06
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linux_ubuntuis there a problem with firefox?12:07
Wilfok all up and running :D12:07
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Wilfhow do i make it fluxbox instead of gnome?12:07
steve_is there any1 in here from blackpool12:07
linux_ubuntuis this room alive?12:08
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Ex_Cyberlinux_ubuntu: what happens when you try to access a web site?12:08
linux_ubuntuit says could not find address check and try again12:09
Madpilotlinux_ubuntu: try google.com or something that you *know* won't be down...12:09
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Ex_Cyberif the address can't be found it doesn't matter if the remote site is down12:10
Ex_Cyberas you can't contact it to begin with12:10
linux_ubuntui tried every thing i know like yahoo and msn12:11
linux_ubuntumy modem is lucent win modem12:11
Madpilotlinux_ubuntu: are you on dailup right now? IRC is working, then?12:11
linux_ubuntuno i am at other pc now12:11
linux_ubuntui check in the terminal window that ip's assigned correctly12:12
Ex_Cyberlinux_ubuntu: can you paste the contents of the file /etc/resolv.conf to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl ?12:12
Ex_Cyberalso, do you have an ethernet interface on your system?12:12
Ex_Cyberor any other network interface besides loopback12:12
Madpilotlinux_ubuntu: I haven't used dailup in a long time, and never w/ Linux, sorry...12:12
linux_ubuntuwill it be good to use linux on dial up12:13
linux_ubuntucoz there are lots of mbs data to download12:13
Ex_Cyberso far it's worked better than XP for me with this ISP, after tweaking some settings that had REALLY strange defaults in Ubuntu12:14
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Ex_Cyberbut this ISP isn't very good12:14
Ex_Cybereither that or something is wrong with my brother's modem12:14
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Ex_Cyberbut if you want to do full updates and such prepare to be waiting a while12:15
linux_ubuntuit will take long time to download from web12:15
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Ex_Cyberif you have an unmetered connection you can probably learn to cope12:15
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linux_ubuntuthis is 56k modem12:15
Ex_CyberI usually browse with images turned off to speed things up... you don't *need* to do that if your connection is decent, but it helps12:15
Ex_CyberI just need to do it because performance is really inconsistent on my connection12:16
DocTomoelinux_ubuntu: so what? Windows Up^MPatches are hardly small :)12:16
linux_ubuntusome one told me tweak DNS setting . have any idea?12:16
jtan325does anyone here know anything about maintaining debian/ubuntu packages?12:17
stretched_lobesi am having a problem configuring my router/phone adapter that came with vonage12:17
DocTomoelinux_ubuntu: How long have you used linux? Changing DNS is something beginners should not do.12:17
stretched_lobeswhat tools if any do i neetd to fix this12:17
NgDocTomoe: ?!12:17
linux_ubuntuits been a week now12:17
Madpilotjtan325: might want to ask on ubuntu-devel12:17
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jtan325Madpilot, i asked on ubuntu-motu12:18
NgDocTomoe: are you saying editing a small file, or using a gui program is beyond a new user?12:18
jtan325not getting a word...12:18
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jtan325like when i ask any n00b question, politely12:18
jtan325i seem to be ignored :-(12:18
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morbidijtan325: ask12:18
DocTomoeNg: I am saying changing system-critical files without an idea what may happen is not a good thing to do12:18
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jtan325morbidi, i am building a package for a pretty simple program12:18
Madpilotjtan325: ah, OK. not sure what the difference is between -motu and -devel - but somebody here might know anyway...12:18
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jtan325i am following the new maintainer's guide12:18
NgDocTomoe: DNS isn't that system-critical and it's clearly broken already12:19
jtan325and i have reached the chapter on building12:19
jtan325now, i think i've done all the steps correctly12:19
Ex_CyberDocTomoe: yeah, if he edits /etc/resolv.conf his name resolution might break... :/12:19
morbidijtan325: that's not a n00b question12:19
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jtan325just wait12:19
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chrys_sereni upgraded *something* (linux-headers?) yesterday together with a small unrelated install -- thought it was a security update...12:19
morbidiI never made a package12:19
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zaphandsAnyone undestands the iptables?12:19
chrys_serenand now have a kernel panic on my hands:12:19
stretched_lobesI have a networking area and also network tools on the system12:19
jtan325set up my rules, my control, my copyright12:19
DocTomoeEx_Cyber: linux_ubuntu states that he has one mere week of experience with linux. do you think that this level of beginner should really work as root?12:20
stretched_lobesany other programs to help12:20
Ngzaphands: probably several of us12:20
DocTomoeprobably he even has not any clue of the shell.12:20
chrys_seren(reiser fs on /dev/hd6, i think, unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)12:20
NgDocTomoe: if he wants his DNS to work, I reckon it'd be a good start12:20
morbidizaphands: ask12:20
Ex_CyberDocTomoe: considering that the alternative is to not have a system that is useful, yes12:20
zaphandsI can't access the LAN after activating firestarter12:20
Ngdeactivate firestarter then ;)12:20
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DocTomoeNg: He states that his connection is slow. he also states that his system uses a 56k modem. I do not see how fucking up the DNS configuration can solve this.12:21
Ngzaphands: can you ping anything on the LAN after? and can anything else on the lan ping you?12:21
Madpilotlater, everyone12:21
zaphandsNg: ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted12:21
Ex_CyberDocTomoe: he says that he can't get his browser to resolve addresses12:21
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pennyping loopback,localhost,getway and ...12:22
Ex_Cyberin any case, I asked to see resolv.conf, I did not suggest editing it blindly12:22
NgDocTomoe: well I wasn't paying all that much attention, but I'm pretty sure he was saying he couldn't resolve things, so it's not working and slow, it's broken. also there's no need to swear12:22
jtan325the problem i am running into, when i do "debuild -us -uc", is i get stuff about12:22
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Ngzaphands: sudo ping then ;)12:22
DocTomoeMy wrong, *that* info I didn't get.12:23
jtan325cp -f /usr/share/misc/config.sub config.sub12:23
jtan325cp: `/usr/share/misc/config.sub' and `config.sub' are the same file12:23
jtan325make: *** [clean]  Error 112:23
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jtan325and i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong12:23
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Ngjtan325: do you have a config.sub symlink in your source tree?12:24
jtan325i think so?12:24
zaphandsNg: Would you care to look at my `iptables -L`? (i'll paste it to #flood)12:24
linux_ubuntumy firefox is not recognising my dialup connection12:25
linux_ubuntuso no browsing12:25
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morbidilinux_ubuntu: can you ping something ?12:25
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ndlovuI'm trying to install java, but apt can't find the package (E: Couldn't find package sun-j2re1.5). Wrong repositories?12:25
linux_ubuntui tried dig www.google.com12:25
jtan325Ng, did you have an idea about it?12:26
linux_ubuntuit said some dns error12:26
Ngzaphands: could you use pastebin instead?12:26
zaphandsNg: sure12:26
Ngjtan325: I'm just wondering if your source has a config.sub symlink to /usr/share whatever, if so rm it12:26
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ndlovuhave checked the wiki and ubuntuguide and followed those instructions12:26
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jtan325my program does have to run aclocal, libtoolize, autoheader, automake, and autoconf before the "./configure"12:26
linux_ubuntui tried apt-get update and it go well12:27
jtan325Ng, yeah i will try that12:27
jamalhalo kenalan dong12:27
chrys_serenall right, i'll boot from cd and have a look at the grub's menu.lst, but if it doesn't work, i'll be back.12:27
zaphandsNg: Is it #pastebin?12:27
Ex_Cyberlinux_ubuntu: if the update really happened it should take at least a few minutes on dialup12:28
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Wilfhow do i go about making ubuntu run fluxbox?12:28
ApellAgood afternoon12:28
ubotuWilf: Bugger all, i dunno12:28
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apokryphosWilf: install it?12:28
Ngzaphands: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/12:28
linux_ubuntuyes it did good for some time12:28
Wilfapokryphos, is it that easy?12:28
apokryphosWilf: probably12:29
ApellAwilf: never tought about it? :)12:29
Wilfgnome on a P1 166 with 96mb of ram is bad12:29
ApellAwilf: if it doesnt work, just deinstall it again, and gone is that problem:)12:29
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apokryphosWilf: thoreauputic is the one to ask ;-)12:30
Wilfhe is good12:30
Wilfor she12:30
kemikWilf:  use IceWm on such slow system12:30
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apokryphosthoreauputic: no factoid for fluxbox? :/12:30
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kemikWilf:  im running icewm on my p2-233 64mb ram laptop12:30
zaphandsNg: Done.12:30
Wilfis it better for slower systems?12:30
kemikWilf:  icewm is designed to use as little resources as possible12:30
ApellAanyone knows something about scripting? I would like to make a scipt that shuts down esd just by using a click instead of allways going to the menu and so on12:31
Wilfah, i'll use that then12:31
thoreauputicapokryphos: the hoary package for fluxbox has... some issues12:31
kemik"The goal of IceWM is speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way."12:31
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linux_ubuntudoes anyone have answer for me?12:31
apokryphosthoreauputic: usable?12:31
Wilfcan i just install it?12:31
ndlovudoes anyone know why java's not in the repositories (sun-j2re1.5)?12:31
kemikApellA:  touch killesd.sh ; echo "sudo killall esd" ; chmod a+x killesd.sh ;  perhaps. ;)12:32
ApellAlinux_ubuntu: what is your question? (came in only later12:32
thoreauputicapokryphos: for some people it works fine, others have troubles: the answer is to recompile using --disable-xmb12:32
kemikndlovu:  licensing issues i think12:32
ApellAkemik: thx12:32
kemikoh.. that echo line is wrong of course12:33
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Ex_Cyberlinux_ubuntu: do you have any other networking interfaces on your system?12:33
ndlovukemik: is that a new development? I know I've installed it on a computer less than a week ago12:33
kemikecho "sudo killall esd" > killesd.sh12:33
ApellAok, i'm not really getting it:)12:33
thoreauputicndlovu: it's in hoary-extras, but the mirror ahd an inaccurate Packages.gz a few hours ago12:33
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kemikndlovu:  jre is in some repository not the official ones12:34
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thoreauputic!get java12:34
ubotuthoreauputic: I haven't a clue12:34
Ngzaphands: did it give you a url to give me so I can see it? ;)12:34
thoreauputicbob2 must have wiped his factoid12:34
ndlovuthoreauputic: thanks, so in other words just wait for a while until it comes back?12:34
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Ngzaphands: actually, never mind, I found it12:35
zaphandsNg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/34488512:35
thoreauputicndlovu: do you have hoary-extras ? If so yes12:35
ubotujava is probably to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java12:35
Ngzaphands: :)12:35
thoreauputicndlovu: the other way is to download the deb directly with wget12:35
ndlovukemik: I have all the unofficial repositories installed, so it should be there.12:35
thoreauputicHrdwrBoB: the repo has a problem12:35
kemikndlovu:  follow the guide ubotu opsted12:36
kemikor listen to thoreauputic12:36
HrdwrBoBthoreauputic: ah12:36
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ndlovuthoreauputic: but won't that possibly give issues in the future with upgrades and the like?12:36
Ngzaphands: my first reaction is that firestarter is junk, but let me read on ;)12:36
thoreauputic... unless it's been fixed12:36
thoreauputicndlovu: I meant d/l it from the repo itself12:36
thoreauputicndlovu: same deb..12:37
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thoreauputicNg: firestarter is fine: PEBCAK12:37
HrdwrBoBmy first reaction to firestarter is: why are you bothering12:38
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ApellAkemik: sorry for being such a pain in the ass (:)) but could you plz give the command again (correct) cause it doesnt really work:)12:38
zaphandsIs there a better firewall gui?12:38
ndlovuthoreauputic: thanks for the advice. will wait a few hours and if it's still not there will try wget.12:39
Ngthoreauputic: does it not do stateful firewalls though? I can construct the same firewall as this by hand in a very few lines :)12:39
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Ngzaphands: I tend to believe that the only way is to do it by hand, but I appreciate that that is too complex for many people to be bothered with12:39
thoreauputicNg: I wasn't commenting on elegance ;) Just that it works...12:39
Ngzaphands: I'd suggest setting your OUTPUT policy to ACCEPt, there's usually little point bothering with output rules12:39
ApellAkemik: sorry for being such a pain in the ass (:)) but could you plz give the command again (correct) cause it doesnt really work:)12:40
ApellAwow, suddenly, it all was quit12:41
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zaphandsNg: How do I do that?12:41
Ngzaphands: I'm afraid I don't know firestarter. the iptables command would be "sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT"12:42
zaphandsNg: Got it. nevermind.12:42
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why-oh-whyHi!  How can I reboot your computer remotely on Solaris?12:42
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TraceGreenHello, if i boot linux with bootsplash, then, i will find /proc/splash, is it right?12:43
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thoreauputicwhy-oh-why: erm, ssh ubuntu.box.box ; sudo shutdown -r now  ?12:43
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zaphandsNg: That is not the rule that's blocking my LAN though.12:44
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Ngzaphands: you'll probably need to add a rule allowing your lan ip range access12:45
zaphandsNg: Did I say I use two network interfaces? eth0 for modem and eth1 for LAN?12:45
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zaphandsNg: ACCEPT     all  --          anywhere12:47
zaphandsACCEPT     all  --  anywhere   
zaphands Doesn't work. :-S12:47
thoreauputiczaphands: in the policy tab of firestarter you should be able to right-click in the policy fields to add rules... Maybe easier than hacking iptables for you (or me for that matter ;) )12:47
Ngzaphands: well I don't know then, it's a firestarter problem12:47
zaphandsNg: How can I do it with iptables?12:48
Wilfgod i'm dumb12:48
Wilfi've just downloaded the AMSN .deb12:48
Wilfhow do i install it?12:48
Ngsudo dpkg -i foo.deb12:49
thoreauputicWilf: hmm - no need to do that12:49
zaphandsthoreauputic: That's what I did...12:49
NanoBCNWilf, not happy with Gaim?12:49
thoreauputicWilf: amsn is in the universe repo afaik12:49
Wilfi prefer AMSN12:49
Ngzaphands: sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -s -j ACCEPT12:49
Ngzaphands: that will allow to access your machine12:49
Wilfit's coming back :|12:49
Wilfthanks Ng12:50
bonvenonWilf: sudo apt-get install amsn12:50
zaphandsNg: What does the "/24" mean?12:50
Ngzaphands: the same as / but in CIDR form - ie a netmask12:50
thoreauputicWilf: why are you downloading debs? use the apt tools to get your stuff as bonvenon suggested12:50
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Wilfthoreauputic, it can't find package amsn12:51
Wilfmy lists must be outdated...12:51
thoreauputicWilf: enable universe repo12:52
ubotumethinks repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96912:52
thoreauputic!info amsn12:52
ubotuamsn: (An MSN messenger written in tcl), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.94-1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1946 kB, Installed size: 6976 kB12:52
repeteHi all12:52
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repeteAnyone know if the 20050823 ISO was broken?12:52
Wilfthis is good12:53
Wilfso much faster then 9812:53
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zaphandsNg: It's not working. How do I remove the rule?12:54
StormxHi Sexies12:54
Ngzaphands: same command again, but with "-D INPUT" instead of "-I INPUT 1"12:54
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zaphandsNg: Maybe I need an output rule as well.12:55
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Ngzaphands: the output policy should be ACCEPT really, unless you have specific need to block outbound traffic12:56
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PPowerI am getting Bad Header Line error when connecting to the official ubuntu respritory12:57
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zaphandsNg: iptables -I INPUT 1 -s -j ACCEPT Worked! Thanks.12:57
bilgeHi, I have mysql server and client running, all okay, but i cannot connect to the machine remotely, my db permissions look fine. If i port scan, 3306 does not show? What do i need to do to get remote access working?12:57
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zaphandsNg: Replacing INPUT=OUTPUT.12:57
Stormxbilge: Port Forward?12:58
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Ngzaphands: also change -s to -d12:59
Ng(for the OUTPUT one)12:59
zaphandsNg: Will these settings be saved after reboot?12:59
tahorganyone can tell me my 12 applets use 104MB in _RSS_ in breezy ?12:59
Ngzaphands: no12:59
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Ngtahorg: how much of that is shared though?01:00
tahorgit uses about 42MB on hoary01:00
Ngalso, linux memory reporting is rubbish ;)01:00
StormxPPower: Try using the official repo list01:00
tahorgNg: RSS, which means Resident01:00
ubotuI haven't a clue, Stormx01:00
uboturepos is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96901:00
tahorgNg: in virtual it's about the double01:00
PPowerStormx: I am, I used the one from the Synaptic dropdown combo01:00
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StormxPPower: You can get errors, its normal, or so Seveas told me.01:01
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Ngtahorg: RSS is code and data, can not the code section include shared libraries and so on?01:01
Ngvirtual is the full map, ignore it, it means nothing01:01
PPowerWould I have better luck with a mirror. I have been getting these error all day and quite a lot last week.01:01
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zaphandsThanks everyone! goodbye.01:02
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TraceGreenHello, what's the relationship between bootsplash and grub/lilo?01:05
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PPowerAre you talking about Project Bootsplash?01:06
repeteTraceGreen: what are you trying to do?01:08
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TraceGreenrepete, i want to add bootsplash into knoppix, work just like gnoppix01:09
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seliniumhi all, how do you start xmms without it starting a tab on the desktop?01:09
battletuxdoes anyone know whats going on with the repos?01:10
nerdy2battletux: something off with them?01:10
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battletuxyeah the backports dont seem to jave and a few other packages on them01:11
seliniumbattletux: I can find no issue with them01:11
battletuxhmm starge01:11
thoreauputicbattletux: bob2 said the backports Packages.gz was wrong01:12
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thoreauputica few hours back anyway01:12
seliniumbattletux: java ?    sun-j2re1.5 ?01:12
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seliniumhi thoreauputic!01:12
thoreauputichi selinium01:13
PPowerTraceGreen: If you are talking about the www.bootsplash.org one then I dunno. But I would like someone to explain to me how to set up the usertools01:13
Seveasbattletux/selinium, you can grab a java deb from seveas.ubuntulinux.nl01:13
seliniumHi Seveas, cool01:13
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Seveasthese packages aren't as brain-dead as the ones from hoary-extras01:13
Seveasie: no newer libgcc needed01:13
battletuxselinium yeah sorry j2rel1.501:14
TraceGreenPPower, what do you mean?01:14
PPowerWell the main server is still down: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/Release.gpg: Bad header line [IP: 80] 01:14
SeveasPPower, I get no such problem here...01:14
repeteTraceGreen: yea, sorry, bootsplash is a bit of a dark art that i never properly understood01:14
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PPowerTraceGreen:When you say bootsplash do you mean the one from bootsplash.org01:14
SeveasPPower, tru us.archive or se.archive if the problem persists01:14
TraceGreenPPower, hes. :-)01:15
repetewasn't sure if you had a simple "how to I tell grub I want to use a bootsplash?" questions :-)01:15
PPowerWell you add splash=silent or whatever to the bootline01:15
TraceGreenrepete, actually, no. i want to add bootsplash to knoppix liveCD01:15
repeteright, saw that...01:15
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PPowerWell you will have to remake the cd01:15
PPoweror DVD :-)01:16
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StormxPPower: Isn't it a case of just copying the image over and editing grub?01:16
repeteIs it possible to do a network install of Ubuntu?01:16
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repeteI'm trying to fix a failed install...01:16
StormxAlso, while anyone is here, can someone tell me why alien isn't working: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/34453301:17
PPowerStormx:Well from what it says on the webpage it involves adding the splash to the initrd and then calling up the splash from GRUB. Can anyone give me a guide to set up a splash on my box. From the bit where there is those strange commands for the init.01:17
seliniumSeveas: DO you know of a way of starting xmms without it creating a tab? I want to use gxmms but it seems silly to have xmms refenced all over the shop01:18
thoreauputicStormx: because you are tring to use alien on a *tar.gz01:18
Stormxthoreauputic: >.< But seveas said you couuuld01:18
thoreauputicStormx: only if it's a slackware package ( .tgz)01:19
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Seveasas in: an icon in your taskbar?01:19
thoreauputicStormx: yours is probably source code or maybe a binary - either way you need to untar it01:19
SeveasStormx, no01:19
Seveasalien can work on .tgz - if it is a slackware package01:20
Seveas.tar.gz is impossible01:20
thoreauputicSeveas: erm.. I told him above, in case you didn't notice01:20
mjris there an easy way to fetch all dependencies for certain packages, regardless of whether they're installed? (apt-get -d --reinstall gets the packages themselves, but no dependencies)01:20
seliniumSeveas: yes the icon in the task bar. It is taking up valuable space! :)01:21
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mjr(if said dependencies are installed, that is)01:21
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tooseyhow can i prevent apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade linux-image* ?01:21
battletuxSeveas: thanks for your repo, jre is now installing :)01:21
nHow do I regenerate a configure file?01:21
Seveasselinium, ENOCLUE about that01:21
Seveasn, dpkg-reconfigure01:21
NanoBCNhi guys, any of you running Breezy?01:22
seliniumSeveas: Cheers :)01:22
repeteNanoBCN: I would be if I could get it installed :-)01:22
nseveas: umm, no. I mean I just changed some files in /conf/m4 (of some source code)01:22
NanoBCNrepete, :( I can use that as an answer to what I wanted to ask...01:23
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Seveasn, download the tarball again :)01:24
NanoBCNI was about to ask if breeze was mature enough to migrate already01:24
repeteNanoBCN: sorry, dude. Just frustrated..01:24
SeveasNanoBCN, not if you want a stable system01:24
NanoBCNI migrated to hoary long before it was released and looked pretty stable to me01:25
NanoBCNthat's why I asked01:25
NanoBCNbut I guess I can wait a couple of months more01:25
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bonvenoncan someone help me figure out why my usb memory no longer mounts automagicly?01:27
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shinuhello everyone01:27
seliniumNanoBCN: People have installed it and cant even get x running01:28
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shinuhwo do i check what process is still using some folder?01:28
NanoBCNselinium, I'll wait. Thanks01:28
bonvenonI'm running hoary, but with a breezy kernel. I guess that might be the problem, but now I don't even get it to work in the old one...01:28
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wolkiNanoBCN: you can try the live cd to see if it works01:29
seliniumwolki: Hadn't even thought about that!01:30
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NanoBCNwoki, I'm affraid it's not enough since it might change when installing it01:31
NanoBCNwolki, sorry01:31
seliniumSeveas: I just auto upgraded with your repo up. It has installed transcode as well. That isn't likely to cause any trouble is it?01:32
battletuxhmm it seems acroread 7 has also disappeared from the backports01:33
seliniumNanoBCN: Live CD just loads into memory. it does not over right your system? Does it?01:33
mwestis it possible to do a network installation of Hoary via FTP instead of HTTP?01:33
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mwestit looks like the installer is hardcoded to tag "http://" in front of the source mirror :-(01:34
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thoreauputicbattletux: it will still be there - the problem is the file Packages.gz is wrong so apt can't find stuff01:34
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Seveasselinium, it's transcode from breezy01:35
battletuxthoreauputic: that may explain also why the mirrormax servers seem down for me, thanks01:35
Seveasselinium, and the server is NOT online 24/7, so apt-get update may fail at times if you have it in your sources.list01:35
tooseyhow can i teach apt-get dist-upgrade not to upgrade linux-image* ?01:36
Seveaspin it01:36
shinucan mkfs.vfat make a filesystem on a drive of 20gb in 5 seconds?01:36
Seveasor put it on version lock in synaptic01:36
seliniumSeveas: Does that meann it will not function. I switched the repo on when you did the wammu/gammu stuff. I switch it stright off01:37
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siretartcan please anyone with breezy try to open a png file with the gimp? - this fails for me because of some missing input filter01:37
siretartI cannot image which package I would miss. can someone confirm this before I make a bugreport?01:37
Seveasselinium, the server does work, I just switch the thing off at night01:37
Seveasat that time apt-get update will fail on it ;)01:38
Seveassiretart, libpng?01:38
seliniumSeveas: I don't have your repo in my list all the time. I meant will the transcode work? :)01:38
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thoreauputicbattletux: mirrormax is pingable so it isn't actually down01:38
Seveasthe transcode will work :)01:38
battletuxthoreauputic: for me apt-get update wont retreve listings from thoses servers01:39
siretartSeveas: is installed.01:39
thoreauputicbattletux: right, the Packages.gz is misconfigured somehow01:39
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battletuxoh well i'll just try in a few days see if it gets fixed01:40
klienada yg bisa indonesia ga yah?01:40
klienhelp ..!!!!01:41
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Malinis it ok to install ubuntu on primary slave disc or should i rather install it on primary master? [i got windows on my primary master disc] 01:42
seliniumbattletux: acroread-plugins 7 is there. Is that what you want?01:43
seliniumMalin: I had no probs installing it on the Slave01:44
battletuxselinium: yeah, using acroread just installs version 5 for me01:44
siretartMalin: linux, or better grub does not have any problems with that configuration01:44
siretartMalin: I think you will need to install GRUB in the MBR, the installer will ask you this question01:45
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seliniumbattletux: search for acroread-plugins01:45
battletuxselinium: will do thanks01:45
battletuxright lunch time, i'm off: thanks for all the help guys01:45
Malinsiretart, it will not do any harm to my data stored on the primary master disc?01:45
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siretartMalin: no, not I you don't explicitly ask to do so01:46
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siretartMalin: btw, backups are ALWAYS a good idea ;)01:46
seliniumtime for me to do some 'real' work. See you all later!01:46
snorkscan someone help me with Could not open "VA.-.Lights.In.Forest-2005-dIz-BFR.rar"01:47
Malinsiretart, it's a bit hard to do 40 GB backup, isn't it? :-)01:47
snorksArchive type not supported.01:47
Malinbye selinium01:47
bozeI just installed Hoary 5.04, and it never gave me an option for root password01:47
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seliniumcye Malin01:47
snorksHow do I add support for .rars with the interface archive extracter?01:47
bozeCan anyone help me with that?01:47
bimberiboze: there isn't one, ubuntu uses sudo for superuser access01:47
bimberiubotu: tell boze about sudo01:48
bozethats new to me, never heard of sudo01:48
Malinsiretart, so i just enter install cd and then choose to format pirmary slave disc and install ubuntu there? nothing will happen to primary master?01:48
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snorksboze: SuperUserDO01:48
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Ngsnorks: make sure you have the multiverse repository and grab rar :)01:49
bonvenonboze: your "root password" is the same as your user password01:49
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snorksNg: gotcha01:49
bozeahhh, k, thanks01:49
seliniumsnorks: have you installed rar?01:49
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seliniumsnorks: Yeh do as Ng says01:49
snorksselinium: I have the added repos, but there is no rar01:49
snorksselinium: I fetched unrar yesterday01:50
siretartMalin: partman (the partitioner) will ask you for confirmation of any potential destructive actions.01:50
Ngsnorks: do you definitely have multiverse?01:50
NgI'm quite sure it's in multiverse :)01:50
siretartMalin: just read all messages carfully01:50
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NgFilename: pool/multiverse/r/rar/rar_3.30-2_i386.deb01:50
bozethanks Bimberi and Bonvenom, thats all I needed.. ubuntu looks great so far01:50
Malinis it possible to install boot loader after installing the whole os?01:50
siretartit turns out that my png was corrupt.01:50
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Malini could just switch off the other disc, install ubuntu and then switch it on after installing01:52
Malinso i'm sure i didn't do anything stupid with my data01:52
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snorksNg: I added a repo now called hoary 5.04 multiverse (source). why is it source?01:52
Seveassnorks, you don't need the source repositories as normal user01:52
Ngsnorks: you want the binary one, not the source one01:52
Ngthe source repositories are only if you want the actual source code to edit/recompile01:53
snorksNg: ok, changed it to binary, still no rar when I search for it01:53
snorksNg: strange :/01:53
Nghave you refreshed the apt listings?01:53
bimberisnorks: did you update (or reload)01:53
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=== bimberi thinks Ng's Q was framed better :)
DjKriticalHey I just heard about ubuntu... I only really have one question before I give it a go... does Ubuntu use Apt-get like debian?01:54
bimberiDjKritical: yes01:54
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DjKriticalokay and I lied.. one more question.. does Ubuntu use gnome or kde?01:55
MalinDjKritical: gnome01:55
Ngbimberi: yours uses the terms that apt/synpaptic would use, which is probably better really. either way is fine if the meaning makes it through though :)01:55
bonvenonDjKritical: gnome (as default)01:55
Malinthere is also Kubuntu which uses KDE01:55
bimberiDjKritical: gnome, but there is kubuntu as well01:55
snorksbimberi: still nothing :/01:55
vader1102Gnome fot Ubuntu or KDE for Kubuntu01:55
azolhi all. my old pc has no  cdrom-drive. How can I install hoary? Is it possible to install from floppy+(ftp/http/nfs)?01:55
snorksbimberi: might be wrong multiverse rep ofcourse. Who knows01:55
DjKriticalIs there a big difference? because I'm more use to KDE... but I'm a noob and willing to listen to some good advice01:55
Malinso how about that boot loader i asked a moment ago?01:56
MabusI'm having some problems importing pictures from my digital camera... gThumb/f-Spot says "Operation not allowed" when trying to get the camera from the USB BUS. If I do 'sudo gthumb' (thus launching it as root), it works ...01:56
MabusAny tips ?01:56
MabusMaybe my user needs to be in a group that he's not in currently ?01:56
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newrozDjKritical, i like gnome/xfce more.. it looks more proffessional..01:56
thoreauputicDJ_Mirage: if you like KDE, kubuntu is a better choice - but you can install both from apt repos01:56
Ngsnorks: use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com to show us the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list01:57
bonvenonMalin: I think you will need to install grup into the mbr on the primary disk01:57
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bimberisnorks: wot Ng sed :)01:57
bonvenonMalin: ...but what do I know01:57
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SolidRavenhi everybody01:58
snorksNg: http://pastebin.com/34491901:59
DjKriticalnewroz: okay I'm going to give it a go :D01:59
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LokeDKIs there a way to run the kde konsole in gnome? I mean... it looks terrible in gnome01:59
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snorksdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary multiverse?01:59
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ivoksany1 else having problems with USB2 and breezy?01:59
SolidRavenconclusion: never drink Active O Iced Berry, its crap, belly hurts because of it :p01:59
onkarshindeLokeDK: And why do you want to do that?01:59
thoreauputicLokeDK: some would just say it looks terrible ;)01:59
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LokeDKonkarshinde, Because I like the kde konsole01:59
marleneffg rita01:59
SolidRavenLokeDK > install KDE ;)01:59
LokeDKNo I don't like kde heh01:59
newrozLokeDK, there is a gtk-qt engine ..01:59
SolidRavenit isn't that hard :)01:59
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SolidRaveneventough i needed to reinstall ubuntu after trying but that is just because i am a newb01:59
Selektawhen synaptic says foo cannot be installed01:59
Selektawhat does this mean?01:59
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Selektalike, the dependancies02:00
jameyCan someone give me some pointers as to how can I promote FOSS?02:00
bonvenonivoks: I do, sort of02:00
thoreauputicLokeDK: use gnome-terminal in gnome - you can customise it to look as you wish02:00
Selektafor the dependancies02:00
bimberimarlene: please stop that02:00
Selektait says blah is selected, blah cannot be installed02:00
ixizwhat is wrong with my soundcard? If I try to open a .mp3 in xmms I just get, could not open audio, and it won't play either in any other music player02:00
thoreauputicmarlene: enough02:00
Ngsnorks: mental, no idea, but you can grab the .deb directly from http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/utils/rar02:00
Ngany ops around? Seveas? ;)02:00
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia!02:00
ivoksbonvenon: what kind of?02:00
onkarshindeixiz: nothing wrong woth your sound card.02:01
LokeDKthoreauputic, yeah.. just thought kde's konsole is better. but what the heck02:01
bimberithoreauputic: beat me to it :)02:01
marleneking of ?02:01
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snorksNg: perhaps because I use amd64?02:01
Ngsnorks: oh, yes02:01
onkarshindeixiz: you will need to install some plugin. I don't know exactly which one.02:01
Ngsnorks: I gave up on that and went back to the i386 tree so things actually worked ;)02:01
bonvenonivoks: I actually run hoary, but with the breezy kernel. my usb flash memory doesn't mount automaticly02:01
marlenewat so name please ?02:01
ixizonkarshinde: I did install the libmad and gstreamer0.8-mad0 plugin and the ffmpeg and those02:01
snorksNg: ouchie :( amd64 can't extract .rars?02:02
ivoksbonvenon: ok02:02
bonvenonivoks: ...and if I mount it with pmount it's very slow02:02
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Ngsnorks: it probably can, you could force the package to install and it'll probably still work ok02:02
ivoksbonvenon: usb1, right?02:02
Selektalet me rephrase this better :P02:02
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Selektathat mode no sence02:02
Selektain synaptic, when you choose a program, and it needs dependancies, it says some of these dependancies are not installable...what does this mean?02:02
bonvenonivoks: usb1 speed maybe, but it's an usb2 device02:02
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ivoksnone of my usb2 devices aren't recognized as USB202:02
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bonvenonivoks: ok. I see02:03
ivoksbonvenon: dmesg will tell you02:03
Selektaamsn runs on ubuntu. it's a known fact02:03
SolidRavendidn't they release the source of the unrar files?02:03
ivoksbonvenon: if it says something like: usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 202:03
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ivoksbonvenon: then it's connected via usba (ubci_hcd)02:03
NgSelekta: either there is some kind of conflict, a missing package, you need to refresh your package lists or something like that, if you could try it from a terminal with apt-get you'll get a more descriptive error02:03
ivoksbonvenon: if it's USB2, it should say ehci_hcd02:03
Luna-TickHello  everyone :). Does anyone else have problems with all the flash plugins02:03
Selektaok, thanks ng :)02:03
Luna-TickNone of them seem perfect - no sound and sometimes missing the right hand side etc.02:04
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bonvenonivoks: hmmm... I don't think we have the same problem after all: "---new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd..."02:04
onkarshindeixiz: Did you try this instruction. You sure you didn't miss any package? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=mp3#head-d67b20adc8d30f9d239222912aeb42f2e456b36b02:04
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linuksoHi! Has anyone got a pcmcia mmc card reader/writer working with ubuntu? I need one and wonder if anyone can recommend one...02:05
snorksNg: do you know what the force flag is?02:05
snorksNg: for dpkg02:05
Ngsnorks: I think --force-architecture02:06
ivoksbonvenon: ok then02:06
SolidRavenlinukso > give a bit more detailed info over t hat reader / writer02:06
snorksNg: ok ill try. thanks02:06
ixizonkarshinde: yes I did, and I did this one too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary?highlight=%28Sound%2902:06
bonvenonivoks: but it's still very slow02:06
Ngsnorks: check you have ia32-libs package installed too02:06
SolidRavenmaybe i can find some drivers, have nothing beter to do02:06
snorksNg: correct02:06
ixizthat's why I don't understand why it does not work02:06
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snorksNg: I think I get errors on that one when trying to upgrade my system02:06
phreakyszdoes anyone know how to get phpmyadmin running from the repos?02:06
phreakyszdo i need to manually alias apache?02:07
onkarshindeixiz: And are other formats working? If you are using xmms which output plugin is selected?02:07
snorksNg: Well I didn't get any "archive not supported" yet :)02:07
Luna-TickThanks anyway, guys :). I'll be off02:07
SolidRavena little question, if i get a new motherboard and cpu, will need to change the ubuntu configuration?02:07
linuksoSolidRaven: I haven't found any yet, just asked if anyone got one to recommend.02:07
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SolidRaveni oh02:07
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_SWAT_I've had this problem a few times know. I think it happens when my PC is on for a week or so. Then suddenly, when I hold a "k"button down, it's only printed once (instead of lots of k's). Anyone any idea how to fix it?02:08
jtan325hi does anyone here know a bit about debian packaging?02:08
bonvenonphreakysz: I think you just need to apt-get install it. it will end up in /var/www/phpmyadmin02:08
Ngsnorks: hehe, good good02:08
ixizonkarshinde: I use esd in xmms02:08
bonvenonphreakysz: at least I can't remember I did anything more02:08
ixizonkarshinde: Now I can play them in music player for some odd reason, but still not in xmms which is what I want02:08
snorksNg: it worked :) thanks a bunch mate02:08
phreakyszyes, you're right02:08
Ngjtan325: tried #ubuntu-devel?02:08
phreakyszi see it nw02:08
Ngsnorks: no probs :)02:08
onkarshindeixiz: hmmm. Sorry then I have only this knowledge about it. Can't help you.02:09
jtan325Ng, ok02:09
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ixizonkarshinde: it works if I choose the alsa driver02:09
kaptainkhello, is it possible to password protect selected folders in ubuntu without setting up multiple accounts?02:09
ixizbut ubuntu wiki said that esd was the default one strange02:09
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onkarshindeixiz: make sure that esd server has started. You can choose it to start at machine startup from Preferences.02:10
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clem_yeatskaptaink : why not using multiple accounts ?02:11
SolidRavenclem_yeats > because that maybe gets messy ?02:11
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clem_yeatswhat ??02:11
kaptainktoo many multiple accounts02:11
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SolidRaveneventough the user acount limit is one bilion if i remember right :p02:11
kaptainkis there any other way?02:12
ixizonkarshinde: preferences and then what?02:12
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SolidRavenkaptaink > what filesystem?02:12
nerdy2you could always encrypt them or such (gpg)02:12
clem_yeatskaptaink : do you have more than one person per account ???02:12
onkarshindeixiz: I think it should be Preferences-?Sound02:12
BrazilianFor those who know hollycow: have you seen here lately?02:12
clem_yeatskaptaink : this IS messy.02:12
kaptainkmyself and a friend02:12
onkarshindeixiz: I mean Preferences->Sound02:13
nerdy2kaptaink: why not give your friend his own account?02:13
kaptainkis (gpg) a good way to go?02:13
ixizonkarshinde: 'enable sound server at startup' was marked02:13
SolidRavenkind a02:13
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snorksixiz: remove it like the pest02:13
SolidRavenyou need the key to decode it02:13
kaptainkany better alternatives?02:13
clem_yeatskaptaink : the permission and user management in unix is a tremendous thing, but you need to respect one_person=one_account02:13
ixizonkarshinde: but thx anyway it's not that important now that I can play music :)02:13
snorksixiz: alsaoutput > all02:13
BrazilianFor those who knows hollycow: have you seen him here lately?02:13
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nerdy2kaptaink: the good way to go would be to have two accounts, one for you and your friend, and then to give appropriate group permissions to whatever you wish to share02:14
flhi and good day :-)02:14
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ixizsnorks: what you mean?02:14
kaptainkok, i guess i could do that02:14
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kaptainkthanx again02:14
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Braziliananybody know hollycow?02:15
nerdy2kaptaink: this has many advantages over having the same account  [in addition to not being able to see your porn,  he also can't screw up your desktop,  or your precious work files :)] 02:15
snorksixiz: esound is slow02:15
snorksixiz: using alsa-output is in most cases always better02:15
phreakyszi would like to run mod_rewrite on the server, but im not sure how to this on a debian distro02:15
ixizsnorks: well then I should be fine :)02:15
kaptainkthankyou nerdy202:15
clem_yeatskaptaink : do you have root access ?02:16
SolidRavennerdy2 > porn > desktop files :P02:16
SolidRaveni mean nerdy2:02:16
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DjKriticalstoopid question... whats the url for ubuntu? o_O02:16
flall: did you ever see boot issues with isolinux when using CD-RW as opposed to CD-R?02:16
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SolidRavenfrikin autonickname script :p02:16
clem_yeatskaptaink : then the best solution is to create an account for your friend and to change your own password.02:16
SolidRavenpr0n > desktopfiles02:16
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kaptainklol, ok so much help...i should be able to go on from here02:17
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nerdy2SolidRaven: we all have to have priorities :)02:17
SolidRavenbtw, you keep those on a flash drive :p02:17
SolidRavennerdy2 > like trying to get ndiswrapper to work once02:17
ubotuI heard ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards02:17
SolidRavenbut concluding that the drivers are realy bad02:18
nerdy2SolidRaven: heh  fortunately never messed with that02:18
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kaptainkndiswrapper was so hard to set up02:18
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kaptainki use a netgear 311v202:18
kaptainkbut once u learn its easy to setup again02:18
nerdy2i have an ipw2200,  which i am happy with  [modulo the firmware blob] 02:19
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SolidRavenKaloz > here it crashes when i do modprobe ndiswrapper ;)02:19
SolidRaveni mean kaptaink02:19
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ekimus_anyone knows where the $PATH is initially set on the live cd?02:19
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nerdy2ekimus_: not in /etc/profile?02:20
kaptainkah, sorry im just a noobie and wouldnt know how to help you SolidRaven02:20
kaptainki followed the ubuntu ndiswrapper guide02:20
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clem_yeatsSolidRaven: does the ndiswrapper -l says everything's fine ?02:20
ekimus_nerdy2: damn too easy. reamstering damages my brain :)02:21
SolidRavenyes clem_yeats02:21
SolidRavenit even says hardware is connected02:21
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kaptainkhttp://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation is very helpful02:21
SolidRaveni did that ;)02:22
clem_yeatsSolidRaven : did you follow the ndiswrapper guide on their website ? finding your PCID and all.. ?02:22
SolidRaveni got the right drivers02:22
clem_yeatsSolidRaven : was there only one set of drivers on the LIST page for your PCID ?02:22
kaptainkndiswrapper -l should show the status of ur installed driver02:22
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SolidRavenndiswrapper says this: sis136u driver present, hardware present02:22
markrianDoes anyone know how to get Gossip to make use of a transport?02:22
SolidRavenonly modprobe fails02:22
clem_yeatsSolidRaven: find your PCID, and see if there are other drivers for it on the "LIST" page of ndiswrapper.02:23
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phreakyszi cant find apache in the processmanager, but its still running02:24
SolidRavenclem_yeats > its a crappy topcom USB skyr@cer V2 54mbps02:24
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persiaMounting /boot fails for me about 80% of the time, with the message "/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lib0: p1".  I'm not finding anything useful on google.  Anyone have any ideas?02:24
SolidRavenand topcom doesn't want to give me the source code of their frikin drivers02:24
SolidRaventhe bitches02:24
clem_yeatsSolidRaven : try the PCID thing..02:25
SolidRavenwere do i find out that pcid?02:25
paopersia, are U sure that's the complete error message'02:25
paopersia, ?02:25
clem_yeatswell you can read the ndiswrapper site for a start...02:25
kaptainkhttp://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ubuntu   this link should be more helpful02:26
kaptainkit relates directly to ubuntu gnome02:26
paohow do I cleanly start a custom service at startup? is there any rc.local script?02:26
persiapao: That's the entry in dmesg and syslog.  Nothing prints to console.  In both cases, the time since boot preceeds the actual error.  Note that within a single boot cycle it may work, as long as I wait enough.02:26
paopersia, that's not an error message :-(02:27
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persiapao: Add a file to /etc/init.d/ using start-stop-daemon.  Link this to /etc/rc?.d with a name like S99foo (for /etc/init.d/foo), and a sequence number indicating when you want it to start.02:28
persiapao: Well then, /boot doesn't mount without an error message.  Any ideas?02:28
paopersia, thanks... I was looking for a shortcut to that solution ;-)02:28
SolidRavenkaptaink > don't you need to do modprobe to get them to work :S02:28
paopersia, ... you said it hangs while trying to mount?02:28
kaptainkSolid Raven - yes02:29
paopersia, could you show me your fstab?02:29
SolidRaventhen i might have a chance :)02:30
persiapao: nothing hangs, just that message shows in dmesg, `ls /boot` returns nothing,  /proc/mounts fails to show an entry, and new files get stored on the / partition.02:30
kaptainkhope that helps02:30
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persiapao: see #flood02:30
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SolidRavenmhh, now i need to get dhcp working by wireless :|02:31
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ntolldamn... can't find it on the web site... whats the name of the dummy package to install thedevelopment tools such as gcc etc etc02:32
persiantoll: build-essential covers most of that02:32
ntollpersia, aha... thats the one02:33
ubotuntoll: Are you on ritalin?02:33
paopersia, ... relevant dmesg...02:33
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ntollubotu, I'm on a comfy chair infront of my new breezy install... :-P02:34
ubotuntoll: I don't know, could you explain it?02:34
thoreauputic!tell ntoll about ubotu02:34
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paopersia, the message is repeated... right?02:35
paoseems to be an hw problem detecting your ide disk...02:35
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persiapao: yes, it's repeated.  Some of that is me, and some the boot process.02:35
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paopersia, when it does not mount try issueing mount -av02:36
paopenguin_roar, what happens?02:36
persiapao: Alas, if it's hardware, I'll have to investigate otherwise.  Just for fun, I'm pasting a shortcut for /etc/init.d/foo to #flood.02:36
paopersia, does there exist the ugly, old rc.local :-(?02:36
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=== pao want his rc.local back!!! :-)
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persiapao: Thanks.  I'll try that.02:39
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ncp_how is ubuntu with postfix? i have only used debian stable before, so dont know how good it works02:40
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thoreauputicncp_: you know postfix is the default MTA in ubuntu, right ?02:42
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TraceGreenCan anybody help me with my bootsplash?02:42
TraceGreenwhen i boot, just black screen, and after start x, i check /proc/splash, it show:02:43
TraceGreen"plash screen v3.1.6-2004/03/31 (0xf0, 640x480): off"02:43
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ncp_thomerz, no, never used it before, im reading about ubuntu an it seems to like debian but alot faster with updates?02:43
ncp_be like*02:44
thoreauputicncp_: very similar, but with a freeze/ new release every 6 months02:44
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ncp_thomerz, what are the main defferences between debian and ubuntu?02:45
painesanyone know why "~" is only printed when pressing it the second time. german keyboard layout02:46
SolidRavenkaptaink > going to try it out now02:46
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thoreauputicncp_: mainly the release model - and more desktop focus02:46
GoClickWhat's the difference between the server install and the regular install on 5.04?02:46
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kaptainkgood did u visit the ndiswrapper ubuntu specific site?02:46
thoreauputicGoClick: the server install just installs the base system - no X or gnome02:47
ncp_thomerz, du you have any experince with ubuntu as server? just wanne know if theres any reason to switch to ubuntu instead of debian02:47
sweatybobanyone give me a hand with partition magic?02:48
thoreauputicncp_: I don't, no02:48
No1VikingHello. I have a mutimachine and wonder if it's possible to set up in Ubuntu. The machine is a Brother MFC890.02:48
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flpaines, you probably have the germen keyboar _with_ "dead keys"02:48
Erlenmayrwhere do i find the mc in ubuntu apt?02:48
painesfl, ah okay. will check it02:48
thoreauputic!info mc02:48
GoClickDoes Ubuntu come with a hardware diagnostic tool of some kind? We bought some hardware for a desktop here and it poops out all the time while doing stuff, usually while installing actually tho it has made it (it's a test system rigth now so it's hard Linux installed like 5 times this week)02:48
ubotumc: (Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre1-3ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1912 kB, Installed size: 5340 kB02:48
painesfl, thanks02:48
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thoreauputicErlenmayr: you need to enable the universe repository02:49
Erlenmayrapt-get install mc says, there is no package available02:49
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Erlenmayrhow do i do this in textmode only?02:49
ubuntu#ubuntu channel02:49
ncp_Erlenmayr, you need to edit your /etc/apt/sourcelist02:49
flpaines, are you using Gnome?02:49
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Rockett18mc is sweet02:49
painesfl, no gnome02:49
GoClicktextmode sounds so much more friendly than "command line interface".02:49
ubuntui would like to know how to run ubuntu in qemu02:50
painesfl, ups. hahha. i mean kde02:50
ncp_Erlenmayr, after you have done that, type "apt-get update" an "apt-get install mc" in a terminal02:50
No1VikingThe following NEW packages will be installed:02:50
No1Viking  mc02:50
No1Viking0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:50
No1VikingNeed to get 1959kB of archives.02:50
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KokoroDoes anyone here use dosbox?02:52
thoreauputicubuntu: there's aqemu howto on the wiki02:52
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Erlenmayrncp_, ok, thx, it works alright now02:52
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ubuntuthx on wiki02:54
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ubuntuwhats wiki02:55
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ntollokay... Realplayer.... I've found realplayer8 in apt repositories... but not Raelplayer 1002:56
ntollwiki != encyclopedia. Wiki is user editable web site02:56
thoreauputicubuntu: a wiki is a website that anyone can edit, in simple terms02:56
GoClickHow big is the Ubuntu install and is there a way to make it smaller?02:56
ubuntuexcuse me02:56
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flpaines, hehe. *Very* funny. in KDE, this should be in the KDE control panel :-) try to add Option "XkbVariant"  "nodeadkeys" to the Device section of your keyboard02:56
ntollWikipedia (the most famous wiki) is an online wiki encyclopedia02:57
ubuntuit says that the qemu page cant be found02:57
pancho_Hello all02:57
pancho_Greetings from Argentina02:57
kaptainkfor realplayer 10 visit ubunut guide02:57
ubuntuany moderators?02:57
ubuntucan u answer my question?02:57
ntollkaptaink, thnks... url?02:57
ubuntu404 not found error on qemu wiki02:57
ntollkaptaink, thx02:57
thoreauputicGoClick: about 1.8 Gig default: you can make it much smaller by starting with a "server" install, but you need to befamiliar with apt and package names etc02:58
ubuntucan u guys tell me how to operate qemu?02:58
thoreauputicubuntu: use the search function onthe wiki02:58
kaptainkgo to install multimedia aplication, then realplayer02:58
ubuntuit says 404 not found02:58
flanyone tried Crossover Office on Breezy yet?02:58
KokoroThe install is pretty small to begin with though. you will definatly be looking for stuff to add to it02:59
GoClickthoreauputic, well we'd also like x and gnome and synaptic and firefox but that's about it02:59
bimberiubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/02:59
ubuntui am not stupid02:59
ubuntui know the site02:59
ubuntubut it is down02:59
ubuntuso can u tell me how to do it here?!02:59
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GoClickWell we'd like to be able to fit a drive images of the install onto a CD03:00
No1VikingHello. I have a mutimachine and wonder if it's possible to set up in Ubuntu. The machine is a Brother MFC890.03:00
Kyynara_ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/QemuEmulator?highlight=%28qemu%2903:00
Kyynara_works for me03:00
ubuntuo i c03:00
ubuntuthanks for the help03:00
ubuntuit did not work03:00
pancho_Sorry, anyone can point me how to support accented characters in console?03:00
ubuntufor me03:00
bimberiubuntu: it works for me (and there was no inference of stupidity intended whatsoever)03:00
thoreauputicGoClick: with gnome? tight fit I think03:00
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pancho_I've tryed with a simple export LANG=es, and export LC_ALL=es03:01
KokoroThe image fits on 1 700 Mb cd03:01
pancho_but it didn't worked03:01
GoClickHrm maybe we can use DVDs and get all of the Ubuntuie goodness on there03:01
thoreauputicKokoro: he wants a *drive* image03:02
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GoClickSo as to be able to DD back to the disk if things go farkwise03:02
thoreauputicGoClick: understood03:02
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GoClickdd I'm a Caps nut :P03:02
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KokoroThe one thing that gives me fits right now is that Dosbox has all their faqs and help files for windoze. I need to find out how to set up dosbox.conf on Ubuntu03:03
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void-Hi, Is there a way to make gstreamer extend its output buffer? And maby force it to nut run in realtime mode.03:03
GoClickKokoro I can't say I've ever heard of windoze, is that an open source clone of Windows?03:03
Erlenmayrhow can i remove all packages, which are no longer needed by installed packages, with apt?03:04
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thoreauputicKokoro: did you install dosbox from the ubuntu repos? Doesn't it have a man page or anything?03:04
Erlenmayrthe old dependies of packages which are no longer installed03:04
thoreauputicErlenmayr:  install deborphan , debfoster03:05
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clem_yeatsy'a deja #kubuntu03:06
wtfwhat is the command to see how big is a directory?03:06
Kokorothoreauputic: I haven't found it. Files are stuck in strange places.03:06
clem_yeatswtf: du I think03:06
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clem_yeatswtf: du -k03:06
wtfthat shows all the files03:07
thoreauputicKokoro: did you install from ubuntu repos? If so try dpkg -L dosbox to see the files03:07
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clem_yeatswtf : du -k .03:08
thoreauputicwtf: du -sh in the directory ( cd to the directory first)03:08
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=== wtf thanks theoreauputic
mgcrosshey all...just ran chkrootkit and all came back fine except eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[5636] )03:09
mgcrossis that just my dhcp client waiting for changes?03:09
mgcrossSeveas: any idea?03:10
GoClickgrrr bad hardware is the bain of my life :P03:10
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thoreauputichmm actually du -sh directoryname works fine - no need to cd03:12
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=== thoreauputic learns something new
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=== wtf is happy to cause that
thoreauputicwtf: :)03:13
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twibblerWonder if anybody could help me with a printer setup in an application called vym which uses the qt printing..03:14
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mgcrossshould I be worried?03:14
prowerJust a quick question...how secure should the servers (e.g. Apache2) in universe be considered? Are they suitable for use in a production environment?03:14
thoreauputictwibbler: qt printing? Printing uses CUPS surely?03:15
Seveasprower, absolutely03:15
jtan325what's a unix command to replace the first line in a file with another line as input03:15
jtan325or is there something easier03:15
haakonncan anyone tell me how ubuntu on amd64 is? a friend dropped it claiming there were few packages available. true?03:15
twibblerthoreapuic: should do but network printer through cups qt wants to connect to it locally ...03:15
prowerSeveas: Ahh, okay...thanks for clearing that up03:15
thoreauputictwibbler: you've lost me...03:16
GoClickHow do I enable universe packages?03:16
ubotuI heard repositories is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:16
=== zeedo [n=zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu
GoClickWhat a bot!03:16
GoClickthanks HrdwrBoB03:16
HrdwrBoBno worries :)03:16
depravehe needs a tune up03:16
HrdwrBoBwe got sick of typing the same things over and over :)03:16
thoreauputic!good bot03:16
GoClickAlthough, why does it use https?03:16
ubotuthanks thoreauputic :)03:16
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HrdwrBoBGoClick: you can use https if you like03:16
twibblerqt thinks my printer is via usb .... cups has it set via jet direct ..03:16
HrdwrBoBtwibbler: qt fails it03:17
GoClickNo it auto goes to the https:// for me03:17
GoClickI clicked the link and I get directed to https://wiki.ubuntu.com//AddingRepositoriesHowto03:17
twibblerHrdwrBoB: meaning ? .....03:18
GoClickIt's so the spys can't tell what I'm learning about!03:18
HrdwrBoBtwibbler: what program are you trying to print in03:18
thoreauputicGoClick: someone who was logged in probably copy-pasted the URL like that :)03:18
twibblervym (view your mind).03:18
ubotumethinks java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java03:18
=== EasterSunshine [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-62-221.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
titaniumfragmentation is more or less a nonissue in ext3 right?03:19
prowerthoreauputic: I don't think so, I always get redirected to https when I go there too...just the way it's configured I guess03:19
thoreauputictitaniululz: right03:19
titaniumthat's nice :)03:20
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TadejHi can someone help me03:20
TadejI cant use cdrecord03:20
titaniumTadej: just ask03:20
Tadejon 2.6 kernel03:20
HrdwrBoBTadej: yes you can03:20
Tadejcant find writer03:20
thoreauputicblech why do people have such similar nicks ?03:20
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=== thoreauputic decides to try making <tab><tab> a habit
twibblerHrdwBoB: have a vymrc file in the .qt directory which has printer name ... but thinks it local ....03:21
mgcrosscan anyone tell me if eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[5636] ) when shown by chkrootkit shows me a problem?03:21
HrdwrBoBtwibbler: I have nfi03:21
TadejHrdwrBoB: how?03:21
mgcrossor is this normal when using dchp03:21
twibblerok than you ....03:21
Tadejwhen I do cdrecord -scanbus03:21
titaniumthoreauputic: titaniululz is me anyways ;) (titanium=winxp, titaniululz=ubuntu)03:21
HrdwrBoBTadej: what are you trying to write03:21
prowermgcross: That's normal from what I've been told03:21
HrdwrBoB... yes a CD, but what are you trying to write to it03:22
thoreauputictitanium: huh - OK then ;)03:22
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mgcrossprowler: thanks much03:22
Tadejcdrecord cant find my writer03:22
TadejI cant write anything03:22
HrdwrBoBTadej: that's not the question I asked03:22
titaniumcopying 2gb from this machine to my ubuntu over samba is taking forever :(03:22
kaptainkhow can i create an alias for terminal?03:22
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HrdwrBoBTadej: right click on the iso03:22
HrdwrBoBclick write to disc03:22
EasterSunshinetitanium: what is the trasnfer speed?03:22
HrdwrBoBTadej: you're using debian03:22
prowermgcross: No problem :> The dhcp server probably just listens on eth0 in promiscuous mode or something like that03:22
can-o-wormsthoreauputic: kemik .. i am sure you guys have been thinking about nothing but my samba problem.. so to put your minds at ease... it was a problem with version 3.0.14a03:22
TadejHrdwrBoB: ubuntu03:22
HrdwrBoBok cool03:22
titaniumEasterSunshine: oh christ had wondershaper on... it was 1mB/s, now it's 8mB/s :O03:23
thoreauputickaptaink: alias foo='foobar'  in .bashrc03:23
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EasterSunshinetitanium: i usually get 4-5 mb/sec...how did you get 8?!03:23
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thoreauputiccan-o-worms: oh, I can sleep now ;-)03:23
mgcrossprowler: that's what I thought, but i came to linux in part for the security...don't like not being sure03:23
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titaniumEasterSunshine: good network card i guess? :) i don't know. i get the same transfer speed to my xbox, but not from it03:24
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kaptainkthanx thoreauputic03:24
HrdwrBoBEasterSunshine: depends on cpu/bus/network hardware/cables/etc03:24
thoreauputicnp :)03:24
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mgcrossanyone: whats the best supported printer for Ubuntu right now?03:24
funkyHatwhat's the command that tells you what group you're in?03:24
HrdwrBoBmgcross: see linuxprinting.org03:25
funkyHatuser and group id03:25
HrdwrBoBmgcross: anything that does postscript03:25
can-o-wormsHrdwrBoB: if you could afford a postscript printer you wouldn't be asking in here ;-)03:26
depraveoh snap!03:26
mgcrossHrdwrBoB: thanks...time to go read! No cheap-ass models to stear clear of? I'm in Korea atm and I don't want to haveta fight with a salesperson to return siomething...03:26
HrdwrBoBcan-o-worms: they are relatively cheap03:26
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mgcrosshard to do in gestures and noises..lol03:26
HrdwrBoBmgcross: lexmark now have drivers but the cheaper ones generally suck anyway03:26
mihaihow do i get just one package from the breezy repos without alterint apt.conf ?03:27
HrdwrBoBmgcross: most HPs are good03:27
HrdwrBoBmgcross: price one you like, then check it on linux-printing.org03:27
mgcrossHrdwrBoB: nothing has changed but the level of Linux support, then03:27
HrdwrBoBmgcross: actually no most are supported now03:27
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EasterSunshinemgcross: tru dat, i've a hp lasterjet 1200 or something for like three years now, never ever gave me a problem03:27
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HrdwrBoBjust generally don't buy a crap printer :)03:27
HrdwrBoBI have a $180AU samsung ML1710 laser b/w03:28
can-o-wormsmgcross: if you are in korea then you'll probably find the model numbers are all different03:28
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HrdwrBoBdoesn't do postscript, but has a linux driver03:28
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can-o-wormsmgcross: so just buy a HP03:28
EasterSunshinewow i'd definetely want a korean printer03:28
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EasterSunshineis all teh hardware in korean in korea?03:28
mgcrosscan-o-worms: good advice, thanks03:28
mihaihow do i get just one package from the breezy repos without altering apt.conf ?03:29
can-o-wormsmgcross: i'm in japan and none of the models match anything on linuxprinting.org03:29
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EasterSunshinemihai: you can do in and downoad the package manually03:29
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thoreauputicEasterSunshine: yeah but the numerals are Arabic ;)03:29
SolidRaventhis time modprobe ndiswrapper returned an error03:29
bimberimihai: http://packages.ubuntu.com/03:29
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EasterSunshinemihai: and then use dkpg, or put it in a local repo03:29
mgcrossbtw all...if you want a cheep set of speakers that ROCK see if you can find the britz brandname back in the west..dead cheap and great sound03:29
can-o-wormsEasterSunshine: the koreans make great ram03:29
EasterSunshinenext time i go to seoul, i'm getting myself a whole lot of korean computer parts ^_^03:30
SolidRavenroot@ubuntu:/home/bart # modprobe ndiswrapper03:30
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mgcrosscan-o-worms: good to here about the RAM...need to get myself another 512 stick...<grin>03:31
can-o-wormsEasterSunshine: i'm getting myself another pair boots03:31
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=== malin just installed his ubuntu for the first time :-)
mgcrosser hear03:31
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DjKriticalmalin: I'm installing it now, what do you think?03:31
mgcrossmalin: rocks, dosen't it?03:31
mihaiEasterSunshine: well what if that package has a lot of dependencies ? will dpkg -i get them ?03:31
can-o-wormsmgcross: i thought the whole world used samsung memory03:31
malinaye, it does03:31
SolidRavenFATAL: Error Installing ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko):operation not permitted03:32
malinbut i have to mount my other hard drive first and take a loog at it03:32
mgcrosscan-o-worms: smacks forhead..duuuuh!03:32
malinDjKritical, install, don't hesitate :-)03:32
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ekimusis there a sun java for ppc + linux available?03:33
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thoreauputicekimus: I think not03:33
malinis there any hard drives mount-howto for ubuntu?03:33
brennermihai: just joined, but no... that's why you should use apt-get/synaptic03:33
thoreauputicekimus: there's an IBM one I think ( haven't tried it)03:34
h08817i have a problem with my dual boot system03:34
SolidRavenmalin > the easy way is reinstalling it03:34
blaqHey all, I've got a Duron machine running ubuntu but its still using the 386 kernel. Should i go the 686 kernel or the K7 kernel?03:34
malinreinstalling what?03:34
ekimusthoreauputic: anything that one could use for java development on ppc?03:34
SolidRavenbut that is stupid03:34
SolidRavento get the harddrives detected03:34
thoreauputicekimus: I don't know, sorry03:34
ekimuswell i'm gonna ask my friend google :)03:35
SolidRavencan anybody help me with ndiswrapper03:35
SolidRavenkeeps returning errors :'(03:35
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SolidRavenFATAL: Error Installing ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko):operation not permitted03:35
h08817b4 when i had linux on my main hd which had 2 partitions one extfs and the other fat32 and windows as the slave i could read my main hd in windows03:35
SolidRavenand now ubuntu doesn't even want to boot anymore03:35
DjKriticalDoes anyone know a good php/html editor which allows you to edit files directory on an ftp server?03:35
SolidRavenit stops at hotplug system03:35
h08817but now that windows is main and linux is slave i can't read that second partition03:36
h08817could it have to do with the jumpers on my hds?03:36
h08817could they be configured wrong?03:36
Onkel|Adolfhmmm is there a channel there is about X64?03:36
brennerh08817: can't read it in linux you mean?03:36
=== neo78 [n=henk@wbs-146-187-08.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
neo78just installed ubuntu!03:37
thoreauputicneo78: welcome to our world :)03:37
Onkel|Adolfhmmm is there a channel there is about X64?03:37
EasterSunshinesailors installing ubuntu?03:37
h08817in windows i want to be able to see my fat32 partition on my other hd which also contains linux note: i have 2 partitions on that hd03:37
neo78and for the first time had a hassle-free printer installation! (although i still have to figure out scanner, tv card etc)03:37
brennerneo78: welcome :)03:37
neo78thank you thoreauputic! brenner!03:37
neo78i hope it really is for 'humans'!03:38
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neo78cos i have a loong way to go!03:38
thoreauputicneo78: we wouldn't know - we're all bots here ;)03:38
neo78i'm definitely a sub-level primate when it comes to linux03:38
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mihaiwell it seems the package in the breezy repo i want to get (valknut) depends on a lot of stuff that has older versions in hoary. i updated apt.conf to breezy, should i switch back to hoary after this package is complete ? will it break my package if i do so ?03:38
blaqI've got an AMD Duron and was wondering which kernel would be best. Should i go the 686 kernel or the K7 kernel?03:39
synapmoin, anyone using the senao nl-2511 ext2 card within ubuntu ?03:39
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neo78synap, no, but i've used it with Mikrotik (a linux based RouterOS). Mikrotik simply picked it up and was happy03:39
SolidRavenh08817 > just get the ext2 drivers for windows03:39
SolidRaventhey work in most cases03:40
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neo78i think it's the nl2511 in any case (PCMCIA card with external antenna connector)03:40
h08817what is ext2?03:40
h08817i don't wanna read my linux files in windows03:40
KokoroI must be missing something. I keep running into the same problems trying to write dosbox.conf.03:40
mdkei want to upgrade my system via cron, but with the entry "apt-get -y upgrade", for some reason dpkg fails due to not being able to find certain commands in the path. Does anyone know how to sort this out?03:40
h08817i want that blank fat32 to be readable in windows03:40
neo78speaking of that... how do i read my windows harddrives in ubuntu (ntfs partitions)03:40
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synapext2 as in 2 external tennas :)03:41
can-o-wormsmdke: use the full path?03:41
h08817synap: which is?03:41
synapwhich is ? the senao nl-251103:41
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titaniululzsamba is awesome :)03:41
neo78how do i mount my ntfs partitions so i can use them in ubuntu ?03:41
h08817synap: what is the ext2 used for?03:42
can-o-wormsh08817: ext2 is a filesystem... read the filesystem howto, there is more than ntfs and fat3203:42
ubotu[mountwindows]  Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically03:42
mdkecan-o-worms, that doesn't help: it is not the apt-get command that it can't find, but some commands used in the installation of the packages by dpkg03:42
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yccheokhi guys, i folo the instruction in ubuntu unofficial FAQ, but still cannot get the nvu after adding the extra respitory03:42
thoreauputicneo78: note that ntfs is read-only from linux03:42
h08817also my windows won't read cd-rom drives for some reason03:42
yccheokmay i noe the exact respitory for nvu?03:42
can-o-wormsmdke: what commands?03:42
thoronHi! I would like know if there is some preliminary schedule on next release Ubuntu CD shipments start?03:42
Wallanneo78: Check out the Starter Guide. It'l tell you everything you need to know/03:43
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h08817linux does which is good i was just wondering why03:43
GoClickHow do I make another user with the same privlages as the user I made durring setup?03:43
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thoronI am thinking of ordering them for students.03:43
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can-o-wormsGoClick: adduser03:43
deFryskWallan, do not use ubuntuguid as referene03:43
GoClickDo they need to be in group 0?03:43
ubotu[ubuntuguide]  a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned03:43
thoreauputicGoClick: just add the new user to the same groups03:43
mdkecan-o-worms, can't remember the exact commands I'm afraid03:44
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thoreauputicGoClick: erm group 0 is root, so no03:44
h08817lol its ok i use it03:44
WallanAm fairly new to this... the guide's helped me a lot...03:44
can-o-wormsmdke: well, without knowing exactly what error you are getting it is very hard to tell you anything03:44
GoClickI'm not sure how to check what groups the original user is in and I can't figure out how to put someone in multiple groups from the GUI manager03:44
deFryskWallan, ubuntuguide is a cut and paste guide,...explains nothing03:44
h08817tells u how to install things which is about it03:45
can-o-wormsGoClick: groups03:45
Kokorothoron: you do know there is edubuntu also?03:45
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mdkecan-o-worms, the error is because cron is running the apt-get command without being in the full root environment I think: for that reason commands in /sbin and /usr/sbin are not in its path03:45
thoreauputicGoClick: type " groups" as th first user03:45
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thoronKokoro, I have seen the name, but I don't know it.03:45
can-o-wormsmdke: so add the command to root's crontab03:45
thoreauputicGoClick: then note the groups and add the decond user to those03:45
yccheokgreat, i get it. seems like the unofficial FAQ is outdated. deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted03:45
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WallanI see what you're saying. It worked for me (never used Linux before). Am currently working on understanding everything.03:46
randyMorning all.03:46
mdkecan-o-worms, I had added the command using "sudo crontab -e", is that not sufficient? it is mailing to root03:46
brennerevening randy03:46
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h08817SolidRaven: well where can i get the ext2 drivers for windows03:46
deFryskWallan, next time refer to the wikipages of ubuntu03:47
KokoroThoron: It's Ubuntu for the classroom03:47
can-o-wormsmdke: what does sudo crontab -u root -l tell you?03:47
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randyAnyone have this "Installer cannot run in graphical mode" when trying to run the a .bin file from sun of netbeans and jdk combo in Breezy?03:47
thoreauputicmdke: using a cron job with apt and -y is kind of risky, BTW - what if one of the answers should be -n ?03:47
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mdkecan-o-worms, i see it if I do that command03:48
WallanCheers deFrysk, I'll make better use of them.03:48
thoronKokoro, Ok, I tell that to the teacher. I was more like going to spread ubuntu for engineering students for home use at school.03:48
mdkethoreauputic, i want it upgrading automatically :)03:48
viktrying to apt-get install samba, but it tells me samba-common is an incompatible version (both ubuntu variants). Any ideas? Am happy to force things if necessary03:48
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thoreauputicmdke: I know what you *want* :)03:48
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mdkethoreauputic, i never say "n" to upgrades03:48
can-o-wormsmdke: hmmm... i dunno what to tell you, i think i really need to see the exact error03:48
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brennerrandy: is it meant to run outside of X?03:48
mdkecan-o-worms, ok i will try back later with the exact error03:49
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SolidRavenh08817 > i found them on google, they are easy to find, if i remember righ its fsdrivers.com03:49
mihaiwhat are the codec packages named ? mpg/divx/aac ?03:49
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h08817SolidRaven: ok thanks03:49
brennermihai: w32codecs, found in hoary-extras03:49
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h08817SolidRaven: and that will allow me to see my other partition?03:49
ubotumethinks codecs is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:49
mdkemihai, gstreamer also has support for those codecs if you use totem, install gstreamer0.8-plugins and gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg03:50
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can-o-wormsmdke: the only time you would want to upgrade with a cron job is if you were only doing security updates03:50
randybrenner: Nope.  It's a graphical installer for Java and Netbeans.  Java InstallShield.03:50
mdkemihai, it's not full support tho afaik03:50
h08817not saying i am going to but if i ever remove linux how can i do so and remove grub03:50
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ElvenProgrammeris there a way to make it so linux doesn't recognize my cdrom drive which is broken?03:50
mdkecan-o-worms, but I do want to upgrade with a cron job, do you mean that it is unwise?03:51
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thoreauputicElvenProgrammer: unplug it? :)03:51
deFryskElvenProgrammer, if your cdromplayer is broken, remove it03:51
randybrenner:  I have 2 machines.  One I did a dist-upgrade for Hoary (No Problem here) the other I installed from Colony 3 CD and then a dist-upgrade  (This one is the problem).03:51
can-o-wormsmdke: unless you are only doing security updates03:51
mdkecan-o-worms, how come?03:51
brennerh08817: iirc, you can probably just delete the linux partitions and then restore your mbr03:51
ElvenProgrammerit's a laptop, i don't know how to remove it...03:52
thoreauputicmdke: config changes sometimes ask you questions03:52
h08817well how do u restore mbr?03:52
mdkecan-o-worms, i'm not only doing security updates and I still want to upgrade automatically. am I a bad person?03:52
brennerrandy: not familiar with breezy problems really, sorry.03:52
neo78what is my root password???03:52
neo78when i first install ubuntu?03:52
mdkethoreauputic, true...03:52
can-o-wormsmdke: well, i just spent 2 days scratching my head over samba... it turned out the latest version was screwed03:52
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thoreauputicmdke: no one is saying you are a bad person :-)03:52
h08817neo78 it is ur password03:52
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brenner!tell neo78 about root03:52
malinwhere does ubuntu keep apt-get server list?03:53
thoreauputicmdke: you are of course - but no-one is saying so *grin*03:53
Deep6malin, /etc/apt/sources.list03:53
shawarmamalin: /var/lib/dpkg/lists/, I think.03:53
mdkethoreauputic, ;)03:53
h08817neo78: the root password is the same password you used when u logged in03:53
shawarmamalin: Oh! /etc/apt/sources.list     I misunderstood.03:53
mdkecan-o-worms, well I can't find out if the latest version is screwed or not unless I install it I guess03:53
Deep6anyone know how to  invoke the dpkg --set-selections to work?03:53
malinnp shawarma :-)03:53
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shawarmaDeep6: Yes. :-P03:54
neo78h08817, doesn't seem to do the trick03:54
h08817neo78: but be careful in root since ur new03:54
mdkecan-o-worms, it's a breezy install and I want to keep it up to date overnight, rather than using my bandwidth during the day, i guess I could just get it to download the sources, but i figure that I might as well upgrade too03:54
ElvenProgrammeris it possible dev/hdc is my cdrom drive?03:54
h08817neo78: u have to already be logged in03:54
shawarmaDeep6: It reads it's input from stdin.. echo 'somepackage hold' | dpkg --set-selections03:54
can-o-wormsmdke: but if it all happens when you are asleep you won't know what has been installed or when03:54
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neo78i'm logged in as user at the mo03:54
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shawarmaElvenProgrammer: Yes.03:54
mdkecan-o-worms, sure I will, cron sends me email03:54
Deep6shawarma, I want to install my "set" programs03:54
neo78i type su at termina03:54
thoreauputicElvenProgrammer: very possible03:54
neo78but authentication fails03:54
h08817neo78: now what do u wanna do?03:55
h08817sudo and what command?03:55
neo78login as root03:55
shawarmaDeep6: Oh. That's not dpkg. That's aptitude or dselect..03:55
ElvenProgrammershawarma: when i type grub-install it says /dev/hdc does not have any corresponding bios drive03:55
neo78just su03:55
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thoreauputicneo78: use sudo <command>03:55
Deep6shawarma, I did  a dpkg --get-selections to a file before I reinstalled then I did the dpkg --set-selections < file03:55
Deep6now I need to know how to start the install03:55
Deep6of the set03:55
h08817u need a command after it03:55
thoreauputic!tell neo78 about root03:55
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neo78hey! maybe a title for a book... "just su stories"03:55
uboturoot is probably disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo03:55
h08817go there neo8703:56
h08817sry neo7803:56
Deep6shawarma, any ideas?03:56
shawarmaDeep6: Right. And then you need to make aptitude actually do the install.03:56
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shawarmaDeep6: 2 sec.03:56
can-o-wormsmdke: i would guess that if you feel that way, then you are not running anything critcal, and a complete meltdown would probably not be the end of your world... but automatically updating anything other than security stuff is generally frowned upon in the debian world03:56
Deep6I can't do it from a command line/03:56
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shawarmaDeep6: aptitude install03:56
shawarmaDeep6: Oh.. synaptic can probably do the same ting.03:57
h08817what is aptitude install? apt-get?03:57
mdkecan-o-worms, well if you are running an unstable distribution with a lot of changes, it is difficult to check all the packages one by one03:57
shawarmaDeep6: No. aptitude is another interface.03:57
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mdkecan-o-worms, anyhow, even if I only do security updates, the problem is still there03:57
maan84Does anyone know why Mozilla Firefox "Time Out/Freezes/Stops" when I choose install missing plugins -> shockwave -> agree then when the download bar suppose to start it happens?03:57
SAMUany idea what cheap tv cards are supported by linux?03:58
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h08817same here03:58
NgSAMU: anything Hauppauge, which is all the ones worth buying :)03:58
shawarmaDeep6: just fire up synaptic and click apply. I THINK that's the same thing.03:58
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h08817maan84: did the same to me u have to install them manually from the terminal03:58
maan84h08817: Ok thank you, saves me some time =P03:58
NgSAMU: their older analogue cards are supported by bttv and the newer digital ones by a driver whos name I have just forgotten ;)03:58
SAMUNg, do they have like unofficial linux drivers then or something? because i was just looking at a cheap card over at hauppauge.co.uk and it says windows required03:59
Deep6shawarma, I need to know how to do this from a command line #debian folks are saying just apt-get install with no args should work03:59
neo78how do i use the GUI to mount harddrives?03:59
brennerSAMU: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:59
ElvenProgrammerso there is a way to remove the cdrom drive?03:59
neo78i.e. WITHOUT using mount or editing fstab (for which i first of all need to figure out which dev is which)04:00
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ekimuscan qemu somehow share the clip with the hostmachine?04:00
NgSAMU: they don't provide official drivers... which card was it?04:00
deFryskElvenProgrammer, ask someone to unplug it is the best option04:00
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GoClickIs there an official Ubuntu package for PHP5?04:01
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NgSAMU: I seriously recommend one of the DVB-T cards if you have a decent aerial and get freeview reception :)04:01
ElvenProgrammerok well thx anyway, it was a try...04:01
can-o-wormsSAMU: very few vendors supply linux drivers, and even if they do everyone disses them04:01
thoreauputicneo78: type  computer:///  in the file manager  (ctrl-l for a loction field)04:01
shawarmaDeep6: dselect install or aptitude install04:01
Ngcan-o-worms: "everyone"?04:01
deFryskElvenProgrammer, you can also comment the cdromline in fstab I guess04:01
Ngcan-o-worms: like all the official vendor supplied drivers in the kernel? ;)04:02
shawarmashawarma: dpkg --set-selections just marks the packages for installation. aptitude or dselect actually makes it happen.04:02
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SAMUNg, model name is HAU-75104:02
shawarmaDeep6: dpkg --set-selections just marks the packages for installation. aptitude or dselect actually makes it happen.04:02
can-o-wormsNg: like the nvidia drivers?04:02
thoreauputicneo78: or click the Computer menu (I'm using a different window manager)04:02
Ngcan-o-worms: they are not in the kernel, they are distributed seperately04:02
SAMUis it possible to use the tv capabilities of the voodoo 3 3500 tv somehow?04:02
Ngcan-o-worms: I mean things like e100 and aic7xxx, which are supplied by Intel and Adaptec respectively04:02
can-o-wormsNg: or the philips webcam?04:02
mihaihow can i enable the repository that has w32codecs or whatever?04:02
Ngcan-o-worms: when did philips submit an official driver to kernel.org?04:03
Ngso no!04:03
neo78thoreauputic, thanks, but it only shows devices already mounted04:03
can-o-wormsNg: or the via raid stuff?04:03
Ngcan-o-worms: what via raid stuff?04:03
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ubotuI heard repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96904:03
can-o-wormsNg: exactly04:03
Ngcan-o-worms: you are misunderstanding what I am saying04:03
shawarmaDeep6: does "dselect install" do the trick?04:03
thoreauputicneo78: erm - here it shows anything that's in fstab04:03
deFryskmihai, study the pages on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation04:03
Ngcan-o-worms: my point was that when vendors submit drivers to the kernel they are not dismissed by anyone04:04
deFryskmost answers lay there04:04
Ngyou said vendor drivers are dismissed by everyone04:04
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mihaideFrysk, well i don't know what repo is that04:04
neo78thoreauputic, same here... but i'm talking about mounting a drive that's currently unmounted04:04
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thoreauputicneo78: mounted or not - you click the relevant icon04:04
deFryskmihai, its all in the wiki ;)04:04
deFryskmihai, so read i ok ?04:04
neo78thoreauputic, i can't see my SATA drives (ntfs drives)04:04
can-o-wormsNg: so long as they are open source they aren't04:04
GoClickWhen I go "sudo groups saleient" it tells me there is no user but there is04:04
thoreauputicneo78: ah - ntfs04:04
thoreauputicneo78: you need a line for ntfs stuff in fstab04:05
thoreauputicor several04:05
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princ_hotsauceis there a way to play partypoker.com game on the ubuntu ?04:05
neo78thoreauputic, that's what i thought... i think fedora had a gui way of doing it04:05
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GoClickprinc_hotsauce wine might do it04:05
PeaceMakranyone not so new with ubuntu living in Joburg pls contact me04:05
neo78btw, how big is ubuntu?04:05
ElvenProgrammerdeFrysk: does it need to reboot to apply?04:06
thoreauputicneo78: yeah, this is something ubuntu got wrong IMO - it should happen automagically04:06
deFryskElvenProgrammer, I do not think so04:06
PeaceMakrneo78 i got ubuntu on 1 cd04:06
NgSAMU: yeah, that'll work fine04:06
SAMUNg, voodoo 3500 tv?04:06
thoreauputicneo78: in the meantime you need to do some editing or use seveas' script04:06
NgSAMU: sorry, the WinTV Express04:06
thoreauputic!tell neo78 about mountwindows04:06
SAMUNg, so the HAU-751?04:07
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neo78thoreauputic, thanks!04:07
thoreauputicneo78: :) you're welcome04:08
Mac38DOHi! My keyboard does not work, when I boot from an actual Ubuntu-CD.04:08
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SAMUon a sidenote has anyone noticed the similarity between the logos of microsofts myspace blog thingy and ubuntu?04:08
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tommi^Hi. Why is my totem skipping(?) lot of frames so the video shows like it's stuttering. Sound is ok and everything works with mplayer but I want to get totem working. Any ideas? thanks04:08
GoClicktommi^ I can't even get totem working!04:08
brennertommi^: this a DVD or local file?04:08
ElvenProgrammerdeFrysk: grub-install still give me the same output, thx anyway04:08
brennerGoClick: what probs you having?04:08
tommi^brenner, it's a local file.04:09
brennertommi^: in any case, install totem-xine04:09
NgSAMU: yeah, as far as I can tell the 751 is the WinTV Express04:09
deFrysktommi^, maybe you need totem-xine ?04:09
tommi^brenner, right. I think I'm using the gstreamer versin.04:09
brennertommi^: the default gstreamer backend has caused probs with a lot of people04:09
PeaceMakrcan someone help me with my iburst setup?04:09
neo78thoreauputic, do i simply copy the text there to a file (let's say mountScript) and go ./mountScript ?04:09
tommi^brenner, oright. Thanks, I'll try and get back to you04:09
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thoreauputicneo78: see the instructions he gives in the comments04:10
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Deep6apt-get dselect-upgrade is how you do it guys04:10
tommi^Such a pity that if it's causing the problems, gstreamer is a good thing04:10
deFryskElvenProgrammer,  grub is supposed to detect your cdrom04:10
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thoreauputicneo78: you need to use sudo bash  etc - it's all there in the comments04:11
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neo78thoreauputic, dang... sorry, i see it now!04:11
thoreauputicneo78: no worries :)04:11
tommi^And we have a winner! It works!04:11
SAMUNg, w00t. i should get one of those then.04:12
Mac38DOHi! My USB-keyboard does not work, when I boot from an actual Ubuntu-CD. Any ideas? Any kernel parameter, which might help?04:12
thoreauputicneo78: right click, save as should do it (save to your home dir is easiest, rather than Desktop)04:12
brennertommi^: glad to hear ... if it's any consolation, iirc the gstreamer issues will be fixed in breezy04:12
delirea bunch of x86 ubuntu cd's arrived today but all of them fail at the same location in the install process, debootstrapping. anyone else have this experience? i have only tried on one machine albeit.04:12
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thoreauputicdelire: do you have another machine to test on?04:13
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thoreauputicdelire: seems highly unlikely that they are all duds...04:13
delirethoreauputic: hmm not really, i don't want to reinstall ubuntu anywhere other than on this machine. i'll find a box somewhere, somehow and report again.04:14
adriyelhi delire04:14
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delirethoreauputic: ../ agreed ;)04:14
adriyelremember me? the guy who was having problems with firefox04:14
delireadriyel: hi there.04:14
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delireadriyel: yep, sure do.04:14
adriyeldid I tell you what the problem was, and how I fixed it?04:14
tommi^brenner, that's good to know. mplayer seemed to have some problems syncing video and sound, especially if I rewinded the video but I can't say for sure if it was player's or the videos fault. The video just seemed to get a second or two behind the sound. But anyway, thanks for all ubuntu developers and to you, branner.04:14
delireadriyel: no, how did you fix it?04:14
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adriyeldelire: we found out libflash-mozplugin.so wasn't 64 bit clean, with a gdb backtrace...friggin unstable04:15
brennertommi^: np04:15
delireadriyel: ahah interesting..04:15
kumaranhi..any clue on how to retain the vnc client session which is crashed and logged out unexpectedly04:15
adriyeldelire: the reason the crashing seemed "pseudo-random" and not triggered by websites, is because I was getting flashvertisements "pseudo-randomly"04:15
adriyeldelire: I mv'ed it out of there into /backup04:15
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adriyelso, no probs04:15
neo78brb, reboot...04:16
kumaranhi all04:16
delireadriyel: very weird.. though i thought you said the random segfaults were during periods of no activity, even without a loaded site.04:16
adriyel*nods* it seemed random, but they weren't seg faults, it was crashing on a new thread04:16
adriyelthe new thread was for the flash04:17
adriyeland the random ads04:17
delireadriyel: hmm nasty04:17
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kumarancan any one tell me how to retain a vnc client session which was kicked out04:17
adriyelindeed, delire, thats gotta be the weirdest, hardest to dredge up bug I've ever had on Linux04:17
godzirradelire: still no luck getting it working.04:17
sproingiei never heard of a 64bit version of flash04:17
adriyelnot necessarily a negative thing towards Ubuntu, just fact04:17
adriyelsprongie, it comes built into Ubuntu 6404:17
godzirradelire: wine I mean... winetools wants wine, not libwine, and in ubuntu, wine has been replaced with libwine apparently.04:17
adriyelAthon64 3500 here04:18
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sproingieadriyel: must be breezy then, i certainly dont have it04:18
Brad_ccan someone tell me where i go to set up multiple monitors?04:18
adriyelnope Hoary04:18
Brad_ci have two pluged in04:18
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Brad_cbut with the same thing on each04:18
adriyelgo look04:18
deliregodzirra: getting what working?04:18
deliregodzirra: sorry, it's been a while.04:19
sproingieis that actually macrodobe's version, or some third party thing?04:19
Ngsproingie: it's a third party GPL version04:19
Brad_ccan anyone please tell me?04:19
deliregodzirra: ahah wine. weren't your repositories a problem?04:19
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sproingieNg: ah. my experience with those is that they're not worth using04:19
Brad_cdoes anyone know how to set up multiple monitors?04:20
sproingieheck the only thing that makes flash worthwhile is the complex stuff that isn't bling04:20
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Ngsproingie: easiest solution ime is to run firefox from a 32bit chroot ;)04:20
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NgBrad_c: what kind of graphics card?04:20
sproingieNg: yep, it's what I do04:20
CrubeI've got a problem. I ran out of space in my hd, but it cant be possible, becouse I have about 50% of the drive really used. The trash is empty. I wonder what's taking almost half of my space in my hd O_o04:20
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Brad_cits an ati 12804:20
godzirradelire: I'm not sure...  after uncommenting those though, I can get libwine, but not winetools.04:20
Brad_cthey are both displaying the same desktop04:20
neo78thoreauputic, thanks a lot! that worked brilliantly ! (though my system bitched a bit while starting up)04:21
deliregodzirra: hehe how annoying04:21
brennerCrube: how are you checking space?04:21
ubuntuwhat do you guy think of mac seitching to intels04:21
NgBrad_c: I'm not sure then, sorry. only done it with nvidia cards, which works differently04:21
deliregodzirra: you could try the _risky_ 'apt-get -f install' and ensure that nothing important is removed before accepting.04:22
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Brad_cNg is there somewhere to configure it?04:22
deliregodzirra: then attempt to install winetools again.04:22
Crubebrenner:  with gtkdiskfree, and I'm not able to intall one program becouse it says I'm lacking space04:22
NgBrad_c: it'll involve editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and putting dual monitor configuration entries in, try googling for linux xinerama ati04:22
ndlovuquick question: where does wget download files to? your current directory?04:23
neo78is Totem mediaplayer any good? if no, what should i get, if yes, how do i get codecs to play my movies (mostly avis)04:23
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Ngndlovu: yes04:23
Brad_calright thanks Ng04:23
Ngneo78: totem is ok, some people prefer totem-xine. generally you want everything listed on the RestrictedFormats wiki page :)04:23
ndlovuNg: thanks.04:23
neo78"Totem Movie Player"04:23
brennerCrube: maybe try: 'du -h | less' and see where the usage is04:24
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Ngdu has a --max-depth option which is quite nice for overview summaries of disk usage04:24
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adriyelNg: I had FUN getting mp3's to work. XMMS and BMP still crash though04:24
brennerNg: totem-xine just changes the backend from totem's default gstreamer .. still essentially the same app :)04:24
adriyeldelire: brb, gonna try E1704:25
delireadriyel: good luck, an interesting project.04:25
Ngbrenner: I know what it does and I'd disagree as to the similarity, totem is really just a tiny layer on top of either gstreamer or xine04:25
adriyel*nods* @ delire04:25
Crubebrenner:  that list is so long it's impossible to find anything :P04:25
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delireCrube: use the --max-depth option as Ng suggests04:25
brennerNg: oh ok, maybe i'm mistaken ... i thought gstreamer/xine were the video engines04:25
Ngbrenner: they are, but that's about 99% of what a media player is ;)04:26
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neo78dang... now i'm confused?04:26
godzirradelire: ok, I'll try that.04:26
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brennerNg: then what *is* the difference b/n totem and totem-xine? :)04:27
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delireCrube: du -h --max-depth 104:27
adriyeldelire: ok, Enlightenment wasn't listed in "Session" how do I change my window manager?04:27
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delireadriyel: i'd look at creating an ~/.xinitrc and adding 'exec enlightenment' (if that's the name) in there.04:28
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Belutzadriyel: killall metacity & enligtenment &04:28
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neo78basically, all i wanna know... is how do i play movies in Totem (since it complains about not having a codec. most of my stuff is DivX)04:28
Ngbrenner: they both have the same visual interface, which is a thin layer on top of the complex multimedia libraries that actually do all the decoding/playing and you can choose to have xine or gstreamer backend libraries. My original point was that even though they both look the same, they are fundementally different inside.04:28
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delireadriyel: but yeah, just kill them for now to try it out.04:28
Ngneo78: install the things listed on the RestrictedFormats wiki page04:28
NgI did say that :)04:28
neo78Ng, do you have a URL ?04:28
rizlahow can i  manage my connection by text-line?04:29
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neo78no you didn't... you said "generally you want everything listed on the RestrictedFormats wiki page :)"04:29
brennerNg: ok, you've enlightened me :)04:29
Ngneo78: which is the same thing04:29
adriyelthat was dirty04:29
neo78Ng, syntactically, they're definitely not... semantically, they mean two different things to me, but the same thing to you...04:29
adriyeldelire: I've got gnome and enlightenment running at the same time04:29
godzirradelire: even using apt-get -f install winetools, it says "No...  piss off"04:29
Ngneo78: less backchat, more installing :)04:30
godzirraunmet dependencies04:30
neo78Ng,  ditto!04:30
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Ngneo78: my system already plays everything :o04:30
delireadriyel: hehe yuk.04:30
neo78you don't take backchat from the public?04:30
adriyelok, fsck this, xinitrc04:30
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battletuxcan someone help getting the external vga connector on my laptop to work?04:31
srijithbattletux, tried the obvious restart of X solution?04:31
neo78battletux, yeah. step1: plug it in04:31
deliregodzirra: well i'd have to have a solid look at your sources.list and also the error output. i'm about to leave work so sadly you'll need to look elsewhere for help. many people in here use wine, there will be a simple reason as to why you have these odd dependency problems. compare sources.lists with that of the default hoary repo list.04:32
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battletuxit's plugged in, and restarted. i now have no display on monitor04:32
tommi^Another totem question: Why, in full screen mode, the controls won't clear out after a while? The clock does stop without activity and continues when mouse is moved but doesn't fade to black.04:32
Ngtommi^: I think that's a bug :/04:32
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battletuxhave installed nvidia drivers as ubuntuguide04:32
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neo78no legal way to play DVDs on linux ???04:32
phreakyssure there is04:33
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tommi^Ng, probably yes.04:33
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Ngneo78: please direct your anger to the DVD-CCA @04:33
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adriyelnow my windows are all fscked up delire04:33
Ngneo78: they won't give out free licenses :(04:33
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godzirradelire: where can I find the default hoary list?04:33
godzirradelire: and no problem at about you leaving.. I appreciate all your help already :)04:33
adriyelI needz Slack :( delire.04:33
delireadriyel: you'll need to ensure gnome-session doesn't run at all.04:33
neo78Ng, sheesh, that page is complicated04:34
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delireadriyel: sorry, metacity.04:34
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deliregodzirra: anytime. good luck. you'll get there soon.04:34
Ngneo78: yeah, it covers quite a range of stuff, but it's worth ploughing through :)04:34
godzirraAnyone know where I can go find the default hoary sources list?04:34
godzirraactually.. I did apt-get dist-upgrade04:34
godzirraI shouldnt be using hoary anymore should I?04:34
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Nghoary is the current stable release04:35
Ngyou should be using it unless you know better :)04:35
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neo78Ng, cool. How do i install the stuff though? looks like i'm gonna want gstreamer0.8-mad, gstreamer0.8--ffmpeg, possibly gstreamer0.8-plugins, w32codecs etc (though i'm still confused about the totem-xine vs. totem-gstreamer thing)04:36
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Ngneo78: you need to add universe and multiverse repositories and use apt-get or synaptic to install those packages. the page should say. w32codecs I prefer to grab by hand from the marillat repository and personally I prefer totem-gstreamer, but if that gives you problems feel free to switch to totem-xine04:37
godzirraNg: ok.. I'm just trying to get wine and winetools installed but I can't yet.. any idea where I can find a default hoary souces.list for apt?04:37
osfameronI think winetools is borken in hoary04:37
neo78which totem do i have (hoary hedgehog default install)?04:37
Nggodzirra: offhand no, but mine is http://www.pointlessrubbish.net/sources.list and has main, restricted, universe, multiverse and backports04:37
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Ngneo78: totem-gstreamer04:38
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srijithhow do I get back the nice round hourflass replacement of ubuntu? Some change in theme changed it and I can't seem to get it back04:39
CrubeWhat's the "proc" folder in /?04:39
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malincan ubuntu handle ntfs filesystem?04:39
NgCrube: it's a fake filesystem provided by the kernel so programs can find information and/or control the kernel04:39
srijithmalin, read yes04:39
NgCrube: e.g. run "cat /proc/cpuinfo" in a terminal, what actually happened was the kernel prepared that information and pretended to cat that it's a file04:39
malinsrijith, i did cat /proc/filesystems and it wasn't there04:39
CrubeNg:  i just wondered why it's 1gb bit and it doesn't seem to have anything in it :D04:40
NgCrube: that sounds deeply wrong :)04:40
srijithmalin, why not try and mount it? mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/nfts assuming /mnt/ntfs has been created04:40
CrubeNg:  thought so ^04:40
NgCrube: does /proc show up in the output of "mount" in a terminal?04:40
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godzirraNg: k, I'm checking it out.. .do you have wine and winetools installed out of curiousity?  And if not can you apt-get just to see if ti gives you dependency issues?04:40
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srijithmalin, I have it mine, under nodev and I can mount ntfs for read04:41
Nggodzirra: I use Crossover and Cedega, so I have enough wine installed already ;)04:41
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godzirrawhats crossover?04:41
CrubeNg:  ok after refreshing it it shows empty and doesn't have anything in it.04:41
Nggodzirra: www.codeweavers.com04:41
srijiththoreauputic, any idea how to get back the nice round hour glass replacement of ubuntu? Some change in theme changed it and I can't seem to get it back04:41
malinsrijith, can it be mounted for read and write?04:41
godzirraand cedega isnt free is it?04:41
Nggodzirra: neither is crossover ;(04:41
godzirraahh bummer04:42
NgCrube: you might want to run "sudo mount /proc" in a terminal04:42
srijithI dont think write on ntfs works fine.. don't try it if you mind losing any data :)04:42
godzirraI just want it for running stuff like yahoo messenger, palm desktop/apps, etc.04:42
Nggodzirra: wine seems to be installable though04:42
thoreauputicsrijith: nice round hour glass ? No clue what you are talking about...04:42
godzirranothing big enough that I want to pay money for it :)04:42
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Nggodzirra: I don't see a winetools package though04:42
brennerisn't cedega cvs free?04:42
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godzirraNg: dangit.04:42
Ngbrenner: true04:42
sproingiethat round hourglass cursor is the one built into xorg i think04:42
Ngbrenner: no .deb and no copyprotection though :/04:42
CrubeBut cedega cvs doesn't support dx904:42
srijiththoreauputic, the default installof Ubuntu gives a mouse arrow like a round spinning thingie.. doesn't it?04:42
srijithmouse pointer or whatever it is called04:43
thoreauputicsrijith: ah, I see - and you lost it in fluxbox?04:43
brennerNg: copyprotection? (sorry, still keep windows solely for gaming)04:43
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neo78Ng, what's the deal with Ogg Vorbis ?04:43
srijithnope.. before that when i was trying to change themes in Gnome.04:43
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neo78can it play mp3, avi etc?04:43
srijiththoreauputic, trying to change bacl the theme does not bring ot back :(04:43
thoreauputicsrijith: hmm - try installing gcursor and selecting it04:44
malini don't have access to that disc04:44
Ngbrenner: yeah, things like SafeDisc, stuff that prevents you straight copying a disc04:44
srijithmalin, which disk?04:44
malinwhen i try to enter the directory i get access denied04:44
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srijiththoreauputic, ok.. will try04:44
CrubeI've started to use linux for gaming. Cedega does cost, and I think that's wrong. Afterall playing games using it is still not easy04:44
srijithmalin, which dir?04:44
Ngneo78: it should work out of the box04:44
malinhda1, my ntfs hdd04:44
srijithyou need to be root..04:44
Ngneo78: oh, ogg vorbis is just another encoding format, like mp304:44
thoreauputicsrijith: you select the cursor theme, logout/login04:44
malinit has 755 rights04:45
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srijithelse you will need to tweak the perrmissions04:45
NgCrube: I use cedega because I'd rather pay than reboot and buy a windows license ;)04:45
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srijiththoreauputic, selection using gcursor?04:45
=== malin is a moron
Crubemalin try mounting it by typing "sudo mount -t ntfs -o user,rw,exec,umask=000 /dev/hda1 /mnt/"04:45
thoreauputicsrijith: yup04:45
malini got no rights to view it04:45
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Crubemalin:  try "udo mount -t ntfs -o user,rw,exec,umask=000 /dev/hda1 /mnt/" It will make the mount accessible for every user.04:45
srijithmalin, just to make sure it did mount, why not try and become root and then try to cd?04:46
CrubeSo you can access your windows partition as user.04:46
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thoreauputicsrijith: select the "human" theme04:46
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srijiththoreauputic, ok.. gonna try it now04:46
malinfunnt thing is, when i do su and enter my pass, it won't give me access04:46
recoverCan anyone recommend a good ftp program which supports SSH connection, I have tried gftp but for some reason it skip all the files (you can't imagine how irritating it is)04:46
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thoreauputic!tell malin about root04:47
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srijithmalin, try sudo -s -H04:47
malinthanks thoreauputic04:47
Crubemalin:  you need to set your root password if you havent done it yet. If you're the only one using the comp set the root password to be the same as your password so you can use the same password everyhere04:47
srijithand then once you are root, cd04:47
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thoreauputicCrube: totally unnecessary - sudo -i does the same as su (gives you a root shell)04:48
Crubemalin:  and if you want to browse files a root you can use "alt+f2" and start your file browser as root, so you can browse files accessible only for root04:48
malinthx 4 the tip :-)04:49
apokryphosCrube: you shouldn't advise people to make a root account04:49
malini'm trying to do all at one moment :-)04:49
Crubeapokryphos:  i didn't O_o04:49
thoreauputicmalin: don't do what Crube said - you don't need to04:49
apokryphosCrube: "you need to set your root password if you haven't done it yet" -- yes, you are.04:50
srijiththoreauputic, great.. worked :)04:50
Crubethoreauputic:  yes but I had problems using root password in console04:50
thoreauputicsrijith: :D04:50
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apokryphosCrube: eh? What problems?04:50
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thoreauputicCrube: you don't need a root password - sudo -i  is enough04:50
Crubeapokryphos:  I wasn't able to use sudo or use root as konsole, becouse after installing ubuntu there was no root password set04:51
srijithnote, *sudo* -i, not su -i04:51
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apokryphosCrube: you're not meant to use su04:51
jonois it possible to upgrade from woody to hoary?04:51
apokryphosCrube: you're meant to use sudo, which requires *your* password04:51
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Crubeapokryphos:  yes but I wasn't able  to use sudo eighter.04:51
apokryphosubotu: tell Crube about root04:51
malinok, got it04:51
apokryphosCrube: with the user you originally used? Plainly not true.04:51
thoreauputicjono: possible, yes04:51
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apokryphosCrube: if that was the case then you *would not have been able to set the root pass*04:52
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Nghey jono :)04:52
thoreauputicjono: recommended, no ;)04:52
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malinThe disc is mounted properly, i can see all the data. I just have to mount it properly, just like Crube said04:52
jonohi Ng04:52
jonothoreauputic, I figured so :P04:52
srijithmalin, great04:52
jonois there a cleve way to identify which script started apache/mysql?04:53
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Crubeapokryphos: I was able to do things as root in kde, but the terminal it never accepted my password so I wasn't able to use sudo. That's why I had to set the password with kuser to be the same as my user password. After tht it started working.04:53
thoreauputicjono: cat /etc/init.d/apache2  ?04:53
thoreauputicor whatever...04:53
mihaigrr, this is annoying, first i needed a package that was not in the hoary repository, i enabled breezy in apt.conf, now i tried to enable this multiverse repository, and something doesn't work, since there's no mplayer04:53
malinhow do i abandon root rights after doing sudo -s?04:53
jonothoreauputic, it is part of xampp, so started from /opt/lampp/lampp04:54
thoreauputicmalin: ctrl-d ?04:54
mihaiso damn annoying why did you have to separate them, in breezy warty hoary blah04:54
thoreauputicjono: ah04:54
apokryphosCrube: Impossible. Listen, you cannot set the root pass without using sudo; ordinary users cannot alter the *root* account. Hence, sudo must have been working for you to set a root pass04:54
mihaiwho the f*** picks these names anyway ?04:54
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apokryphosmihai: Mark Shuttleworth04:54
apokryphoshe pays himself specifically to think them up ;-)04:55
Crubeapokryphos:  at least not in terminal it wasn't. And I had loads of trouble with it04:55
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apokryphosCrube: you were evidently doing something wrong; you shouldn't presuppose that the contrary was occuring if you don't have a sufficient understanding of what's going on. :/04:55
mihaiok so tell me how do i get mplayer, i can't stand this any longer04:55
srijithCrube, strange.. havent heard anyone who has had such a problem04:55
apokryphossrijith: it's because there was no such problem, most likely :)04:55
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ubotumethinks mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto.  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106104:55
thoreauputicCrube: you're in a minority of one on this subject, methinks :)04:56
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mihaii already read that wiki04:56
mihaiit tells me to ad..04:56
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mihaiso if i modified apt.conf with breezy instead of hoary, i have breezy now ?04:56
mihaithe breezy part applies to me ?04:56
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apokryphosmihai: sources.list --yes04:56
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brennermihai: did you dist upgrade?04:56
thoreauputicmihai: mplayer is in multiverse - if you are getting errors you've fubar ed your sources04:57
tuxbin ich schon drin?04:57
Crubeapokryphos:  I must have done something terribly wrong. I had this problem only with kubuntu, but not with ubuntu, so it might be me not using kde right.04:57
mihaiapokryphos, yeah sources.list, that one04:57
brennerthoreauputic: he's using breezy sources in hoary ... this is a no-no correct?04:57
apokryphosCrube: sudo operates exactly the same in KDE, and sudo is independent of it04:57
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apokryphosbrenner: not if he wants to upgrade to breezy04:57
Proclivitygreetings... newbie here with a question04:58
thoreauputicbrenner: well, unless you are a pinning guru, yeah I think so04:58
brennerapokryphos: but i don't think he has04:58
brennerapokryphos: afaict, he's just using breezy sources04:58
brennerin hoary04:58
brennermihai: did you dist upgrade?04:58
apokryphosbrenner: then he might well end up getting breezy by accident :)04:58
mihaibrenner, no i didn't upgrade fully to breezy, i just enabled it to get valknut04:58
mihaishould i switch back brenner ?04:58
apokryphosbrenner: though, if he doesn't specifically dist-upgrade he could ruin his system by running some breezy and hoary things. Could produce incompatibility issues04:59
apokryphosmihai: risky04:59
brennerthat's what i was thinking04:59
Crubeapokryphos: yes, but still my kde konsole never allowed me to use sudo. It asked me the password, but didn't accept it. I was able to run programs as root with "alt+f2"04:59
mihaiapokryphos, bah, gentoo is much easier than this04:59
apokryphosCrube: and typing what in alt+f2? Alt+f2 is just a konsole, you know?04:59
thoreauputicmihai: if you like gentoo, use it :)05:00
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thoreauputicmihai: reading the docs always helps on any distro, of course05:00
ProclivityI am attempting install of Hoary and hardware search isn't finding my second drive which is already Windoze partitioned... that is where I would like to install - any ideas?05:00
mihaithoreauputic, my partition is too small for it, i'll be using it fully in a week or two, gentoo has no versions !!!05:00
srijithquick q on ntfs in fstab, will "/dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfs ntfs uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" get me a rw mount for user with uid 1000?05:00
Crubeapokryphos: for example runnign kuser and else as "different user"05:00
mihaiwell right now i jsut wan to play a damn movie05:00
benkong2anybody help with RewriteEngine module for apache2? Cannot find the module05:00
apokryphosCrube: and else?05:00
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mihaiso what multiverse should i add breazy or hoary ?05:01
apokryphosCrube: you can run kuser as a normal user, but you'll most likely need root perms to make changes05:01
apokryphosmihai: if you're on hoary, then hoary ones of course05:01
brennersrijith: are you against using a utility, or do you prefer the fstab route?05:02
brenner*i.e. do you prefer05:02
Crubeapokryphos: I ran kuser as root to give pass to root, so I was able to use sudo in konsole, which I couldn't do before05:02
srijithbrenner, I want it to be automounted on boot05:02
brenner!tell srijith about ntfs05:02
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thoreauputicsrijith: ntfs is read-only though05:02
apokryphosCrube: do you *want* to muck up your system? You shouldn't ever run GUI apps in KDE (and probably gnome) without using kdesu/gksudo05:02
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srijiththoreauputic, yup.. forgot that..05:03
srijithbrenner, if I do it the fstab way, is it correct?05:03
apokryphosCrube: so, right now, enter a konsole and type sudo {somecommand} -- you're telling me it doesn't accept it?05:03
mihaiapokryphos, but my sources.list is all breezy05:03
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apokryphosmihai: your sources.list should reflect the distribution/version that you are running05:03
Crubeapokryphos:  It does accept it now05:03
thoreauputicsrijith: I have05:03
thoreauputic/dev/hda1       /windows        ntfs    noauto,ro,users,umask=022 0 005:03
apokryphosmihai: having breezy sources and running hoary is evidently going to either give you breezy or cause issues05:04
Crubeapokryphos:  But it didn't accept it before I went to kuser and gave root a pass (which is same as the user pass)05:04
thoreauputicsrijith: but if you want auto mount on boot  s/noauto/auto05:04
brennersrijith: not exactly sure of all the fstab syntax to tell you the truth. :) which is why i suggested the utility.  it will mount it for you ... you can then worry about learning fstab syntax later :)05:04
mihaiapokryphos, but how else can i get a package that's not in hoary ?05:04
brennersrijith: or you could just get thoreauputic  to tell you :)05:04
apokryphosCrube: type alt+f2 -> kdesu kuser, and put in your *user* pass. It will work, I guarantee it.05:05
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apokryphosmihai: (i) not run hoary; (ii) risk using it;  (iii) compile.05:05
Crubeapokryphos:  indeed it works when I run it fromk alt+f2 and put the pass there. But for some reason sudo didn't work in konsole. It didn't accept the pas there. That was the problem I had.05:05
mihaiapokryphos, yeah that's why gentoo is the best, no versions and such05:06
srijiththoreauputic, umask=022 implies write :)05:06
Ngshame about all that compiling though ;)05:06
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apokryphosmihai: you can always run the "development" version here if you want to. Breezy is reasonably stable at the moment05:06
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mihaing there are binary repos you can get binaries if you really want05:06
poe-thi! how do I add cyrillic to LaTeX in ubuntu?05:06
Ngmihai: I know :)05:07
srijiththoreauputic, crap.. I am sorry, me was wrong there05:07
thoreauputicsrijith: heh05:07
srijith2 = read=execute05:07
Proclivityanyone have a moment to advise on install05:07
mihaiyou could've made an ubuntu based on gentoo just as easy, it would've been much better, something like vida linux, just more decent05:07
tahorgpoe-t: scalable-cyrfonts-tex - Scalable Cyrillic fonts for TeX05:07
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brennerProclivity: ask away05:07
pittipoe-t: install latex-ucs, \usepackage[utf8] {inputenc}, just paste it there; should work05:08
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thoreauputicsrijith: 022 implies 644 perms on files, 755 on dirs05:08
ProclivityI'm attempting install on my machine - only sees my primary drive not the second 200 G05:08
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poe-tpitti, thanks a lot.. the text should be utf8, right?05:08
ProclivityI have that partitioned and a 60G partition reserved for Ubuntu, but05:08
BombuHow much HD space does Ubuntu require?05:08
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Proclivityinstall doesn't see it05:08
apokryphosBombu: few gigs05:09
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=== brenner only has one HDD, so doesn't know of the issue
Bombumore than 5?05:09
poe-tBombu, something around 1,8 Gb05:09
thoreauputicBombu: default install is about  1.8 Gig05:09
apokryphosBombu: original installation -- no, certainly not.05:09
srijiththoreauputic, yup.. so u are +w for root aren't you?05:09
tombshi ppl05:09
Bombuhopefuly I have a large enough hard drive...05:09
brennerBombu: 1.8gb typical, 350mb minimal05:09
elsedoes anyone has an idea why my mobile phone doesn't find my pc (bluetooth)? i can pair them, but the mobile doesn't find it when i want to send a file to the pc.05:09
thoreauputicsrijith: you won't be able to write to ntfs - it's kind of academic :)05:09
Proclivityis there a way to manually browse to that drive to install?05:10
srijiththoreauputic,  :)05:10
Proclivityduring install05:10
poe-tBombu, you may need some space for /var/cache/apt (thats wjere new packages gets downloaded prior to install), and /home/bombu of course ;-)05:10
thoreauputicsrijith: and 7 is needed for directory access05:10
malinwhen i try to install anything by apt-get, it says there is no such packet05:10
malinam i doing anything wrong?05:10
malini tried sudo apt-get install quodlibet05:10
elsemalin, sudo apt-get update05:10
elsemalin, sudo apt-cache search quodlibet05:11
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BombuAnyone from Canada have any problems with the free shipping i would like to kow before i order.05:11
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thoreauputicmalin:  apt-cache search <keyword> to see package names05:11
malinapt-cache search quodlibet found nothing05:11
thoreauputicelse: no need for sudo with apt-cache05:11
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brennerBombu: shouldn't be, biggest issue people have had is the time period for delivery05:12
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malinis midnight commander only for kde?05:12
jebemcan somebody tell a good guide to ubuntu/linux?05:12
Proclivitymaybe a hardware compatibility problem with my second HD?05:12
Proclivityis that why it isn't seen05:12
thoreauputicmalin: midnight commander is package " mc "05:13
elsethoreauputic, yeah, you're right ;)05:13
reiki_workJust in case anyone is interested... I have abandoned using spamassassin as a filter in Evolution. It was way too slow. Now using a VERY simple fetchmail->procmail->spamassassin setup with Evolution just using the local mail spool to retrieve. MUCH faster and spamassassin tagging works like a charm.05:13
thoreauputicmalin: and it's a terminal app so you can use it anywhere you like05:13
BombuAny idea what knd of processor i'd need? I can run "Puppy" linux on my 586 166mhz.05:13
srijithreiki, I have abadoned using Evolutionas such :)05:13
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brennerjebem: rather general area, but... try tldp.org and linux.com for linux, wiki.ubuntu.com for ubuntu05:14
_liquidfireyou should install xfce with that install05:14
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_liquidfireserver-mode etc05:14
_liquidfirethen apt-get xfce05:14
reiki_worksrijith: abandoned Evolution completely? What email client are you using?05:14
malini did sudo apt-get install mc and i got a message that mc packet couldn't be found05:14
brennerjebem: hehe, actually, linux.com's howtos are mirrors of the tldp ones.05:14
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srijithreiki, mutt05:14
thoreauputicmalin: your sources are broken then05:14
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reiki_worksrijith: ahhh... ok. :)05:14
malinthoreauputic, you mean my sources list?05:15
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casHi everybody!05:15
thoreauputicmalin: yes05:15
thoreauputic!info mc05:15
ubotumc: (Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre1-3ubuntu1 (hoary), Packaged size: 1912 kB, Installed size: 5340 kB05:15
Proclivity*yawn* :] 05:15
GoClickIf I want to run a java program on my Ubuntu 5.04 machine should I install java-common?05:15
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ubotujava is, like, totally, to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java05:15
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thoreauputicmalin: your adventures with breezy and such have probably resulted in weird and wonderful inconsistencies05:16
casI just updated my Hoary to Breezy but I have some problems now :( The biggest problem is that my nic doesn't work anymore. I get a kernel error on boot (my realtek card doesn't support 8139cp, i need 8139too).05:16
GoClickHow can I make it so that my machine caches dns infomration longer we've got 8mbit fiber and world's slowest dns servers :P05:16
brennerthoreauputic: OOI, are you running breezy?05:17
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casIf i start with my old kernel (2.6.10) I don't get the error but ifconfig won't give me a good ip.05:17
reiki_work"weird and wonderful inconsistencies" ... hehehe... indeed05:17
Proclivityoh well... thx anyway - I'll ask elsewhere05:17
thoreauputicbrenner: no, I'm cautious and on dialup ;)05:17
casthe /etc/network.conf seems fine. What can i do?05:17
brennerthoreauputic: same here, in both senses. :)05:18
apokryphosthoreauputic: dialup! No-one should ever be subjected to such evil 8)05:18
mihaiwhat package do i need so totem movie player could play divx ?05:18
malinthoreauputic, breezy?05:18
apokryphosthoreauputic: still, yesterday's occurence made me realise how much I take it for granted. ;-)05:18
casGoClick: just use another DNS there are tons out there05:18
thoreauputicapokryphos: I'm moderately happy in my poverty ;)05:18
brenner!tell mihai about restricted05:18
apokryphosmalin: w32codecs05:18
mihaiwell i have that and divx is not playing05:18
apokryphosthoreauputic: we're lucky in that it's so darn cheap now around here.05:18
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malinstill dunno what r u talking about :-)05:18
mihaiany ideas?05:19
Hammanmihai: are you running totem-xine or totem-gstreamer?05:19
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Hammangstreamer is the default05:19
thoreauputicmalin: it sounds (forgive my directness) as if you dived in without a lifejacket and expected to swim immediately05:19
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=== erle________ is now known as Erlenmayr
Hammantry totem-xine if you haven't already, works better for me05:20
malinthat's pretty possible05:20
mihaigstreamer haman05:20
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thoreauputicmalin: ;)05:20
malin(directness forgiven, i like directness :-))05:20
Hammanok the mark totem-xine for installation in synaptic, an then mark totem-gstreamer for uninstallation05:21
Hammanthen report back05:21
thoreauputicmalin: you know what your nick means in French, I suppose?05:21
brennerinstalling totem-xine will remove the gstreamer one automatically05:21
malinthoreauputic, i know :-)05:21
brennerthoreauputic: i don't... please indulge :)05:21
dhuntertotem-gstreamer will automagically be uninstalled05:21
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malinthoreauputic, do you know what does my nick mean in scandinavian countries? :>05:22
thoreauputicbrenner: "smart" with aconnotation of...05:22
thoreauputicmalin: no - enlighten us ! :)05:22
malinbrenner, "malicious" would be the best, i think05:22
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malinthoreauputic, Malin is a popular scandinavian female name :D05:22
brennerhehe, two rather different translations05:23
thoreauputicmalin: oh05:23
malini guess i don't have to tell you i'm a guy :-)05:23
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Belutzmalin: i have a friend name Marlin :D05:23
thoreauputicbrenner: emphasis on the unwritten connotation ;)05:23
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twibblerso after a rather annoying couple of hours found out why I couldn't print through qt from cups ... It was due to the printer name have a '-' in... does anybody now how to easily change a printer name ?.05:24
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brennerthoreauputic: *nod* still ... the first one is usually said in a cheeky way, the second isn't.05:24
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thoreauputicbrenner: true05:25
kumarancan some one give clues on retaining vnc client sessions which got kicked out unexpectedly05:25
HUP10any suggestions on a text-based IRC client?05:26
malini got four urls in /etc/apt/sources.list05:26
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brennerHUP10: irssi05:26
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HUP10I've tried to apt-get both of those, and no joy05:27
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mike998HUP10 try bitchx05:27
malinhttp://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu05:27
thoreauputic!start an IRC client war05:27
ubotuirssi is better than konversation !05:27
kumaranbrenner: do you have any clues on how to regain vnc client session which got kicked out05:27
malinshould i add any url?05:27
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brennerkumaran: eek, no sorry.05:28
=== EasterSunshine [n=EasterSu@pool-70-18-62-221.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:28
mike998thoreauputic : I'd join in but I don't know much about them05:28
brennerkumaran: is there a #vnc channel?05:28
thoreauputicmike998: that never stops anyone else ;-)05:28
brennermalin: a valid list can be found here:05:28
HUP10which file do I put those apt servers in?05:28
uboturumour has it, repos is at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96905:28
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brennermalin: assuming you're running hoary05:29
malinthanks brenner05:29
mike998thoreauputic: It's like starting a war about window managers, editors, religion, politics or any of those other fun subjects05:29
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srijithanyone knows where to get the code for factoids like ubotu05:29
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thoreauputicmike998: indeed :)05:29
malinbrenner, yeah, i got 5.0405:30
apokryphossrijith: ubotu is a bot; he has many factoids05:30
ubotuhmm... list is you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:30
brennermalin: good to go then05:30
thoreauputicsrijith: ^^^^05:30
=== malin is going reading
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CrubeAnyone have an idea why my disk space stays the same even when i delete files -.-05:31
BlissexCrube: yes.05:31
mjrCrube, if you have the files open in some process, they're not actually deleted when you unlink them05:31
srijithapokryphos, any idea where to get the source code/script for the bot?05:31
thoreauputic!info blootbot05:32
ubotublootbot: (a severely modified infobot for IRC), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.1.0-5.1 (hoary), Packaged size: 235 kB, Installed size: 936 kB05:32
=== DekaPink contemplates trying to resize partitions.
EasterSunshineinstalling blootbot almost borked my system05:32
=== andreas__ [n=andreas@hd5e2527c.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphossrijith: he's a blootbot; you can get him from apt.05:32
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brennerEasterSunshine: almost?05:32
srijithapokryphos, oh ok.. thanks05:33
andreas__"checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" what does this mean?05:33
apokryphoswritten in perl though, isn't he? :S05:33
Ngwhich means you can also hack him so he doesn't sound so stupid ;)05:33
apokryphosandreas__: libx11-dev05:33
EasterSunshinebrenner: why it borked yours completely?05:33
thoreauputicNg: party pooper ! ;-)05:33
Ngthoreauputic: maybe, but it just looks dumb to me when it says "foo is like totally bar"05:34
apokryphosandreas__: it just means that you don't have the X includes; you can get them by installing that package.05:34
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apokryphosNg: ok, so he's a rebellious-teenager-bot :P05:34
brennerEasterSunshine: hehe, no. nvm, just my ramblings.05:34
apokryphostime to grow05:34
thoreauputicNg: like, you are totally 4w3som3 , man... ;-)05:34
sharmastreethello everyone05:35
malinok, a brand new sources list was what i needed05:35
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sharmastreethi malin how are you05:35
apokryphoshi sharmastreet05:35
malinme? cool05:35
sharmastreethi apokryphos05:35
malinmc installed05:36
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apokryphosmalin: yuck :P05:36
malinmc roxxor05:36
malinbut it hasn't got polish characters05:36
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mihaiHamman, ok now it works, but no sound on totem05:36
apokryphosl337h4xx0r: w00t05:36
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guupsta1337 5k1ll505:37
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thoreauputicapokryphos: :D05:37
sharmastreethey has anyone seen that film gone with the wind05:37
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Dr_Willissharmastreet,  Hmm years ago.05:37
=== apokryphos has
apokryphosOld Classic05:37
thoreauputicsharmastreet: nah, it was a total box office flop - no-one saw it ;)05:37
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steve_sharma loves it in the arse05:38
Dr_Willislet me guess  ...  Steven Speilburg  is remaking it05:38
sharmastreetoh my god how rude05:38
andreas__Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (library qt-mt) not found <--- what should I install?05:38
steve_she loves eating spunk05:38
sharmastreetsomeone tell him to go05:38
mihaiok anybody to help, i have no sound in totem-xine, i have w32codecs05:38
thoreauputicsteve_: ops any minute now...05:38
steve_u love my spunk sharma05:38
apokryphosandreas__: libqt3-mt-dev05:38
brennerandreas__: what are you installing?05:39
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia!05:39
sharmastreetcan someone tell that rude man to go05:39
apokryphossteve_: do be quiet05:39
brennermihai: installed totem-xine?05:39
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apokryphosthoreauputic: great factoid :P05:39
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andreas__brenner, valknut05:39
sharmastreetthanks apokryphos05:39
poe-tthanks a lot05:39
thoreauputiclee84: nice try but the logs betray you05:39
spunkive spunked05:39
poe-tpitti, thanks a lot..05:39
Lefunguswhat do I need to download to get latest development version of ubuntu ?05:39
Kokorothoreauputic: Thanks for the tip I now have the original Wing Commander Privateer working on dosbox05:39
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thoreauputicKokoro: cool :)05:40
mihaiwtf ubuntu doesn't even have gcc05:40
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XandriXthoreauputic, http://www.hardocp.com/image.html?image=MTEyNDgzNzA3MkhqUkdBMzJwNFVfMV8xX2wuanBn im not sure thats he best way to cool them05:40
brennermihai: install build-essential05:40
ubotu[build]  sudo apt-get install build-essential, or use the synaptic package manager to install the build-essential package: or ask me about synaptic05:40
Ngmihai: of course it does05:40
spunkim just spunked again05:40
mihaiconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH05:40
mihaiSee `config.log' for more details.05:40
=== apokryphos can't believe there's no ops around :/
kumaranbrenner: any idea on how to enable assistive technology05:40
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carajeanhey guys i noticed ubuntu came with a bit torrent thingy is there a better one?05:40
thoreauputicmihai: can you read? at all?05:40
apokryphoscarajean: Azureus, KTorrent05:40
spunkFUCK OFF05:40
brennerkumaran: probably not, seeing as i don't know what it is :)05:40
sharmastreetthis chat line is boring05:40
kahacarajean: I like bittornado05:41
brennerkumaran: checked the wiki & forum?05:41
mihaithoreauputic, no i cannot read05:41
kumaranbrenner: thanks05:41
sharmastreetso do i05:41
Ngsharmastreet: spunk: lee84: how about all one of you shut up and go away?05:41
apokryphossharmastreet: it's for Ubuntu :)05:41
carajeanis that for linux kaha?05:41
apokryphosspunk: What are you doing?05:41
Ngapokryphos: being a stupid 15 year old05:41
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kahacarajean: yes. In fact, it's an Ubuntu package.  :)05:41
Ngapokryphos: they're all on the same host05:41
sharmastreetpissoff ng05:41
apokryphosspunk: maybe we could get you a medal for your galiant perfomance in here05:41
kumaranbrenner: i see this in system ->preferences->assistive technology05:41
=== srijith ignores spunk , hopefully others will too
kumaranin my ubuntu05:41
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kumarani tried to enable the check box05:41
apokryphossrijith: hopefully an OP will *act*05:42
kumaranbut no able to proceed further05:42
=== kaha thinks some 4 yr old hijacked his mommy's computer.
Ngsharmastreet: you have the same hostname as spunk and lee84, which means you are in the same house or on the same access point, if you are a different person, you should go and beat the shit out of whoever the tool is05:42
srijithapokryphos, dont think there is anyone "alive" right now05:42
apokryphoskaha: seems likely :P05:42
kumarancan any one tell me how to enable and use assistive technology support in ubuntu05:42
spunkIM THE TOOL05:42
brennerkumaran: might need to install the packages it recommends in that tip at the bottom of the box05:42
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Ngspunk: we can see that05:42
sharmastreetng is your name sherlock holmes in disguise05:42
spunkSEE WOT05:43
Nghehe, teenagers are so funny ;)05:43
sharmastreetng is a twat05:43
malinMy /mnt/ntfs directory has 500 rights now, so i can't access it unless i'm a root. Even if i'm a root i can't change the rights. Should i mount that disc in another way to be able to read that disc??05:43
apokryphossharmastreet: please don't flame05:43
kumaranthanks brenner. i will try that now05:43
sharmastreetwhy talk to me than prick05:43
kumaranbelieve me i am a newbie to linux05:43
Ngspunk: then you must be some kind of "special" person05:43
=== clem_yeats is now known as clem_yeats_away
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia!05:43
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tristanmikewatch the language05:43
Dr_Willis32 - i though your IQ was about that range.05:43
Ngspunk: what kind of 32 year old wastes their time talking about spunk on the internet?05:44
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thoreauputicwhere the heck are the ops? jdub?05:44
NgI say no older than 14 ;)05:44
tristanmikeTake the off-topic conversation elsewhere05:44
NoUseNg insult to 14 year olds everywhere05:44
sharmastreetNG what sort of name is that05:44
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srijithSeveas, There u are!!!!!!!05:44
srijith :)05:45
CarinArrhey does anyone know an application that might be able to read copy protected cds?05:45
tristanmikeSeveas, save us05:45
Ngspunk: that takes us back to "special" then ;)05:45
CarinArri.e. music cds05:45
thoreauputicSeveas: action required, please05:45
srijithSeveas, kick spunk please05:45
apokryphosSeveas: please ban/kick spunk lee8405:45
tristanmikeSeveas, spunk is being a punk05:45
NgSeveas: and sharmastreet05:45
sharmastreetget lost spunk05:45
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Dr_WillisCarinArr,  hmm -  what cd exactly? most of the music copy protections ive heard of are so trivial to get around - a fast google search should get ya some info.05:45
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CarinArrkaiser chiefs - employment05:46
=== Seveaz [n=dennis@seveas.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== spunk [n=steve@dial81-135-243-113.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [requested]
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carajeanok for some reason guys the apt-get isnt working for the flashplayer plugin can someone help me do it manually?05:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*.in-addr.btopenworld.com] by Seveas
Seveastoo bad it's dialup05:47
brennercarajean: probably need to enable multiverse05:47
srijiththanks Seveas05:47
Seveashave to set a broad ban05:47
tristanmikethanx Seveas, good work05:47
NgSeveas: that's a really terrible ban dude05:47
Zero_Icegot a quickie question about the ubuntu iso file...05:47
Ngseriously, that's thousands and thousands of people05:47
Seveasi know05:47
=== IcemanV9 already put spunk on the ignore list
Zero_IceDo i have to burn it to a cd to install or can i just extract the file in the seperate partition and install it from there?05:48
apokryphosNg: temporary, of course.05:48
kahaCould someone plz explain why I have no /dev/sequencer? Is this normal, or am I missing a package?05:48
Ngbtopenworld is *every* BT dialup and ADSL user in the country05:48
Seveasi'll make it narrower in an hour05:48
Seveaswhat was wrong with lee84 ?05:48
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thoreauputicSeveas: same stuff, different nicks05:48
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=== lee84 [n=steve@dial81-135-243-113.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [requested]
Seveasgone and banned05:49
apokryphosSeveas: [16:38]  <steve_> u love my spunk sharma05:49
Nglee84 was just the same person05:49
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apokryphos[16:39]  *** steve_ is now known as lee84.05:49
bonggnuhi, i have  VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60), the systems works, but doesnot sound to speaker05:49
apokryphoshi :)05:49
bonggnui checked audio levels, all up but not sound05:50
brennerbonggnu: not even system sounds?05:50
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb %mikkus!*@* %mikus!*@*] by Seveas
bonggnubrenner, not sound05:50
carajeanbrenner how do i set to multivers?05:50
Sypder_ManIf anyone has the knowledge....can they help me in #cedega05:50
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@*.in-addr.btopenworld.com] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dial*.in-addr.btopenworld.com] by Seveas
brenner!tell carajean about repos05:51
Dr_WillisSypder_Man,  what knowledege? i missed somthing. :P05:51
Belutzkebanting: what part of indonesia do you live in?05:51
carajeanoohh those i did those alreay05:51
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brennerbonggnu: ?05:51
bonggnubrenner, what05:51
kebantingyup... belutz05:51
srijithSeveas, do stick around for some time incase he comes back :)05:51
kebantingi from indonesia05:51
Belutzkebanting: in jakarta?05:51
kebantinghow  about y..?belutz05:51
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carajeanbrenner i already did the repos i know that much05:51
Belutzkebanting: i'm from indonesia too :p05:51
AkisOleHello... i've succesfyllu installed Greek Microsoft office in crossover platform after a lot of trying i figured oute that the correct command to have greek encoding is env LC_CTYPE=el_GR.ISO-8859-7 /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --cx-app winword. The problem is that when i write a document in greek it does not have the write encoding... I write something like chinese...05:52
brennerbonggnu: not even system sounds?05:52
Seveassrijith, he can't, I just changed the ban to only dialup users05:52
kebantingoooo yaaa... where .. are u .. live05:52
bonggnunot even system sounds05:52
Belutznow, i'm in tangerang05:52
kebantingooo i c..05:52
Seveasthoreauputic, ?05:53
brennercarajean: you should have mozilla-mplayer available then05:53
carajeanok let me check them again maybe i typed something wrong05:53
brenner!tell bonggnu about sound05:53
thoreauputicSeveas: sorry?05:53
brennerbonggnu: maybe look at that for a start05:53
Seveascan I pm you for a second?05:53
kahaQuestion: is it normal to have no /dev/sequencer?05:53
thoreauputicSeveas: did you ping me?05:54
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Seveasnot as in /ping, but I shouted your name in i high-ptch voice :)05:54
kebantinganyone try remastring ubntu for special case .. i mean add some package in postinstall or remove some packaged from pool/05:54
thoreauputicSeveas: ah sorry was sfk05:54
Hammankaha: I had to configure it when I played around with rosegarden a couple of weeks vack05:54
Seveasthoreauputic, can I pm you for a second?05:54
kahaHamman: what exactly did you configure?05:55
thoreauputicSeveas: sure05:55
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kebantingbelutz: udah pernah coba e17 blom...05:55
kahaHamman: I mean, what would be the correct file to edit?05:56
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brennerAkisOle: played around with word's prefereneces?05:57
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AkisOlebrenner, no... i'l try.. but i think there is nothing usefull there... :(05:58
Belutzkebanting: not yet...05:58
kebantingbelutz: it's ok..my man ..05:59
Belutzkebanting: :)05:59
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chicken-manHi every one05:59
thoreauputicgood night all :)05:59
kebantingbelutz: a' u working ..?05:59
Belutznite thoreauputic05:59
bonggnubrenner, my sound card is update, but my problem is the output of the sound, i open a media player, and play an mp3, the apps shows like "sounds" , but the sound is not heared, i checked alsamixer, alsamixergui, and all the levels are up and on05:59
Belutzkebanting: just graduated06:00
n0hai'm getting 500 internal server error when trying to apt-get install package06:00
Belutzkebanting: brb, want to smoke for a while :D06:00
n0hacan someone help me plz?06:00
kebantingbelutz: oo .. ic06:00
kebantingbelutz: interesting for woking ..?06:00
brennerbonggnu: yes, but if you're not even getting system sounds, you might need to do something more...06:00
chicken-mann0ha, check the sources.list file in /etc/apt06:01
brennerbonggnu: what player app you using?06:01
bonggnubeep media player, amarok, xmms06:01
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bonggnueven mpg123 in console06:01
brennerbonggnu: and you've changed the output plugin in bmp/xmms?06:01
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n0hachicken-man: when i do apt-get update, everything goes fine06:02
n0hai have checked the sources.list according to the ubuntu guide06:02
brennerbonggnu: *nod* then something bigger is up.....try pinging crimsun when he's active.  he's the sound guru in here06:02
chicken-mann0ha, hmmmm06:02
chicken-mann0ha, try  sudo aptitude  and see if that works06:02
carajeanok brenner could u send me that link again06:02
ubuntuyou guys like this ubuntu shit06:02
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uboturepos is, like, totally, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96906:02
kahais there an FAQ pertaining to MIDI playback, sequencing? Trying to get a software synthesizer to work, but I get no sound. All other sound is okay.06:02
phantom_I just downloaded a skin for BEEP Media Player.. how do I install the zip file????06:03
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kebantingchicken-man: what the function of aptitude command line .06:03
brennerphantom_: copy it to ~/.bmp/Skins06:03
kahaphantom: unpack it in ~/.bmp/skins/06:03
phantom_as a zip???06:03
kebantingcomic: hai06:03
brennercarajean: that one?06:03
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kebantingcosmic: dari pekan baru ya06:04
brennerphantom_: yes, it can handle zip archives.... ~/.bmp/Skins06:04
chicken-mankebanting, ?06:04
bonggnuhi, i changed the output in xmms and works06:04
n0hachicken-man: i was trying it with kynaptic, and the result was the same06:04
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brennerbonggnu: i thought it didn't work?06:04
chicken-mann0ha, :-/06:04
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brennerbonggnu: i thought you did change it?06:04
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phantom_I cannot cd into .bmp06:05
chicken-mann0ha, clear the cache06:05
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phantom_sory i can06:05
brennerphantom_: ~/.bmp06:05
=== malin is back
n0hachicken-man: how can i do that?06:05
malinmissed me? :D06:05
brennerphantom_: ~ is your home directory ... shorthand for /home/username06:05
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Belutzkebanting: do you work?06:06
kahaphantom_: you can put winamp skins in there too, and it'll use them.  :)06:06
kebantingchicken-man: when i use aptitude command line .. i mean06:06
apokryphosSeveas: oh, by the way, are you the maintainer of the paste.ubuntulinux.nl? Just a suggestion: I think it would be cool to have highlighting options for what's pasted06:06
kebantingbelut: yup06:06
brennerphantom_: winamp classic only :)06:06
brennerkaha: any good skins?06:06
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Belutzkebanting: where do u work?06:06
chicken-mann0ha, apt-cache dump  i think06:06
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matrix79does the ubuntu support the powerpc G3 architecture?06:07
kebantingbelut: my team need some pepole for linux migration06:07
kahabrenner: LOTS of em. I prefer Nucleo Nlog06:07
GoClickI added the horay-extras reposatory and looked for j2se I also tried sun- and no avail.06:07
brennermatrix79: *nod* there's a powerpc iso iirc06:07
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kebantingbelutz: i working at vistek06:07
kahaBut yeah, just the "classic" skins work right06:07
n0hachicken-man: ok, i tried apt-get clean, and i get this when trying to apt-get install mozilla-firefox: 500 Internal Server Error [IP: 80] 06:07
wickedpuppyGoClick, have you enabled multiverse ?06:07
brennerkaha: i like WdotAmp06:07
Belutzkebanting: hmmm, interested :D does your company has vacancies? :D06:07
matrix79brenner: website only saws G4 and G5.06:08
malinis there a shortcut that launches the terminal?06:08
chicken-mann0ha, apt-get update06:08
malin[keyboard shortcut] 06:08
wickedpuppymalin, you can make your own short cut06:08
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brennermatrix79: oh, not sure then sorry. :)06:08
malinoh, do i?06:08
malincool :-)06:08
kebantingbelutz: send me mail .. with cv n app latters...06:08
wickedpuppyright click on the panel and make a short cut :P06:08
benjiHi, I had a question.  I don't seem to have access to the latest depository with apt.  My source is... deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted06:08
brennerwickedpuppy: why not bind it to a key?06:08
Seveasapokryphos, what do you mean?06:08
brennere.g. the windows start key :)06:08
Belutzkebanting: but i'm no expert :)06:08
wickedpuppybrenner, why not ? ctrl-alt-f106:09
Seveasbenji: Adding Repositories: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:09
Seveasbenji: For a ready-to-use sources.list with all official Ubuntu repositories, go to paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96906:09
benjishows that gnome with ubunty hoary is 2.10...and I see 2.8 with apt-get06:09
brennerwickedpuppy: eww. :)06:09
benjithanks seveas, i'll check it out06:09
apokryphosSeveas: i.e. ww.pastebin.com -- choice of different highlighting. Bash/python etc. Though I understand the majority of the time it will be bash06:09
kebantingbelutz: no worry man06:09
kahaokay, I'm now assuming that nobody out there has a /dev/sequencer.  :P06:09
carajeanyeah brenner that was the one even though goin through the synaptic thing did work06:09
matrix79ummm - trivial question - how do you start-up ubuntu on a mac os 8 - I put the cd in and on boot up it said rebuilding desktop image then nothing happened06:09
Seveasapokryphos, yeah, mine is based on pastebin.com, but he never released the highlighting code06:09
kebantingbelutz: try ..n pray :D06:09
apokryphosSeveas: that's nice of him. :/06:10
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Seveasand I'm too busy to implement it myself (unless it's some sort of pear class)06:10
Belutzkebanting: where's vistek office?06:10
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apokryphosSeveas: no, I wouldn't bother; if it was available then it would be a good idea; otherwise -- not worth the hassle.06:10
=== stone__ [n=stone@c-24-14-85-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kebantingbelutz, gatot subroto adhi graha building06:11
SeveasI'm looking at pear now06:11
Seveasexpect the 'show diff' function soon :)06:11
matrix79how do you start-up ubuntu on a mac os 8 - I put the cd in and on boot up it said rebuilding desktop image then nothing happened - anyone have any ideas?06:11
GoClickwickedpuppy I think I have06:11
kebantingbelutz: do u ever know.. ?06:11
Belutzkebanting: ic, and where should i send the email?06:11
carajeanok brenner those sources examples i can just copy and paste and they will work?  because some of the stuff is commented out and i dont know what to make work and what not to???06:11
mihaiHAHA firefox got broken !06:12
jonoanyone run xampp here?06:12
Belutzkebanting: hmm... never heard of it hehehe06:12
benjiIs Ubuntu 5.04 live now?06:12
mihaii cannot see any menu text, it's just lines06:12
brennercarajean: iirc, that will give you main, universe and multiverse06:12
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GoClickHow do I enable multiverse?06:12
kebantingbelutz: ASAP man, do heard survayor indnesia... ?06:12
benjiapt-get only has 2.8.0 of gnome...says that ubuntu 5.04 has 2.1006:12
ubotuask me about !repositories06:12
uboturepositories is, like, at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto06:12
Belutzkebanting: yes, i see the big word on top of a building :D06:13
carajeanok i must be really special cause in the examples i dont see iirc?06:13
brennerubotu: forget repositories06:13
ubotubrenner: i forgot repositories06:13
brennerubotu: repositories is probably at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96906:13
ubotuokay, brenner06:13
kebantingbelutz: good viewer .. hehhehe ..06:13
=== xhaker is away (Away, bnc logging)
zarcxdo you guys think it is worth it to run ubuntu on a powerbook or i better buy a x86 laptop06:13
matrix79how do you start-up ubuntu on a mac os 8 - I put the cd in and on boot up it said rebuilding desktop image then nothing happened - anyone have any ideas06:14
deFryskzarcx, get both06:14
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flmatrix79, are you talking about a old world machine?06:14
zarcxdeFrysk: why is that?06:14
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Belutzkebanting: what's the email address?06:14
deFryskzarcx, was jusk kidding ;)06:14
matrix79fl: what makes something an old world machine?06:14
GoClickI added the horay-extras reposatory and looked for j2se I also tried sun- and no avail.06:15
carajeanSeveas is ur example of sources good to use? will that let me download flashplayer?06:15
ubotuwell, java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:15
kebantingbelutz: ridho@e-visitek.com ..06:15
brennerGoClick: see ubotu's link06:15
Belutzkebanting: ok :)06:15
GoClickI did06:15
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Sypder_Mandennis@spartan:~$ xrandr06:15
Sypder_ManXlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".06:15
GoClickI added the extras and I have dissabled sources enabled and I've read that link06:15
flmatrix79, what is the machine's name/type you want to install ubuntu on? (like e.g. "Powerbook G3 Series)06:15
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kebantingbelutz: don't forget okey.. i'm waiting u mail....06:15
Sypder_ManCan someone tell me where to get extention Randr for Xserver06:15
Belutzkebanting: ok, maybe i'll send it tommorow06:16
brennerGoClick: and then?06:16
kahahas ANYONE had any luck getting a synthesizer (namely ZynAddSubFX) to run on their Ubuntu box? I'm getting no sound.06:16
GoClickI looked for sun- and j2re and the full name and I get no results06:16
matrix79fl: it is just a G3 from like 6 yrs ago with mac os 806:16
flmatrix79, one of the beige tower systems?06:16
brennerGoClick: did you reload in synaptic?06:16
Seveascarajean, yes it will06:16
GoClickyes I did06:17
Rockett18look for j2sdk06:17
kebantingbelutz: ok, .. do ever u try remastering ubuntu....06:17
=== Rockett18 doesn't really remember what it was called
carajeanthanks Seveas06:17
=== luke [n=luke@spc1-brig2-3-0-cust104.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
brennerRockett18: he wants the re :-/06:17
Belutzkebanting: not yet... u mean remastering a live cd right?06:17
GoClickj2 doesn't find anything06:17
matrix79fl: ummm...it is green and clear colored06:17
GoClickWell not java06:17
kebantingbelutz: nop .. remastering installed cd06:18
Belutzkebanting: hmmm no...06:18
Belutzkebanting: so you need a custom install cd ?06:18
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kebantingbelutz: i've being tried but lot of errrors ..06:19
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kebantingbelutz: may be .. custom install..06:19
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Belutzkebanting: why don't just install like usual, but create a post install script?06:19
kebantingbelutz: what .. can i do.. for custom cd install06:19
benjiSince I'm usinv hoary main restricted as my repository, I should have the hoary 5.04 packages available to me, right?06:19
matrix79fl: here is a pic - http://www.everymac.com/images/cpu_pictures/apple_powermac_g3bondi.jpg06:19
lukehello all.  I'm 100% noob and having troube with usb devices.  I have a generic Memory Stick reader and a Netgear WLAN adaptor..  They get listed in device manager but neither are working.  Any suggections?06:19
flmatrix79, ok. that's actually better then beige in more than one way :-) let me check something...06:19
lukeBTW I am on 5.0406:20
Belutzkebanting: hmm i have no idea..06:20
brennerGoClick: only thing i can think of is that hoar-extrashasn't been enabled somehow ... post your sources.list to a pastebin06:20
BelutzSeveas: is it possible to create a custom install cd for ubuntu?06:20
=== Robinho_Peixoto [n=Robinho_@201008149173.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
phantom_how do I get flash installed on firefox???06:20
GoClickbrenner where is that file and which pasebin would you like?06:20
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brennerGoClick: /etc/apt/sources.list , pastebin in topic is fine06:21
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apokryphosphantom_: install flashplayer-mozilla06:21
mihaiok i had like 12 tabs open in firefox, it suddenly crashed (just disappeared) and now i cannot see webpage, or the url i write, or any text in the menus !06:21
Belutzphantom_: sudo apt-get flashplayer-mozilla06:21
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phantom_thanks people06:21
Belutzphantom_: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla06:21
srijithcrap.. how many updates are needed for pcre??!!!06:22
kahaFirefox crashes alot on me when I try to download files06:22
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Belutzhmmm, i never had problem with my firefox06:22
mihaiyeah, i was trying to download a file and it crashed06:22
CrubeMine's working fine.06:22
flmatrix79, ok, that's a "bondi blue" or rather "blue and white" G306:22
kebantingme too06:22
phantom_sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla06:22
Xenguykaha: try 'wget' with the '-c' option :-)06:22
lukehello all.  I'm 100% noob and having troube with usb devices.  I have a generic Memory Stick reader and a Netgear WLAN adaptor..  They get listed in device manager but neither are working.  Any suggections?06:22
apokryphosmihai: link?06:22
mihailink to what ?06:23
phantom_cant find package06:23
kahaYeah, it's weird. Pics, even. The vanilla firefox from moz org doesn't do that.06:23
apokryphosmihai: the file you tried to download06:23
matrix79so: fl how do we get the ubuntu os to fire up06:23
GoClickbrenner you can go look at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/157806:23
apokryphosphantom_: you will need to enable the Multiverse repository06:23
kahaXenguy: I usually do that.  :)06:23
apokryphosubotu: tell phantom_ about repos06:23
Belutzphantom_: you have to enable the multiverse/universe repo06:23
flmatrix79, this one has "Open Firmware", which you can access at boot with apple+alt+o+f06:23
mihaii have no clue.. i can't see anything in firefox now06:23
Xenguykaha: ah good - some people don't know about wget goodness06:23
flmatrix79, ok, that means that you should be using the "yaboot" boot manager06:23
LoveBug356don't use backports for firefox or any of his extensions, if you do so you have an unstable program06:23
mihaiit doesn't show up pages anymore, and the text in the menus is gone06:23
benjiSince I'm usinv hoary main restricted as my repository, I should have the hoary 5.04 packages available to me, right?06:23
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flmatrix79, and, if you put the CD in, and press and hold "c" during the boot, your machine should start from the Ubuntu CD06:24
bonggnui have troubles to record a cdr with cdrecord, only works with cdrdao06:24
matrix79so fl: I reboot the machine and hit apple+alt+o+f06:24
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flmatrix79, sorry, type too slow.06:24
mihai(Gecko:6680): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_cairo_show_glyph_string: assertion `PANGO_IS_CAIRO_FONT (font)' failed06:24
mihaiwhat's this ?06:24
=== pinpoint [n=pinpoint@pool-70-104-154-153.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
flmatrix79, put in the Ubuntu CD, and press and hold "c" during the boot,  your machine should start from the Ubuntu CD06:25
kebantingbelutz: i'm so sleep.... n i'm going to my bed ...06:25
matrix79ok - testing now06:25
Belutzkebanting: ok man... have a nice rest06:25
GoClickbrenner ?06:25
kebantingbelutz: nice to meet u ..:D06:25
chicken-manwhat do i use so i can start a telnet server ?06:25
benjiuse openssh06:25
benjiinstead of telnet06:25
benjiif you can06:25
GoClickchicken-man telnet is unsafe06:25
Belutzkebanting: nice to meet u too :)06:25
Xenguychicken-man: ssh :p06:25
chicken-mani don't like SSH06:25
kahachicken-man: telnetd. But use ssh06:25
GoClickWhy don't you like it?06:26
brennerGoClick: dunno, link seems ok.  i'm tempted to tell you to just replace it with this: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (uncomment extras)06:26
Xenguychicken-man: hah06:26
benjiWhy don't you like ssh? :)06:26
srijithchicken-man, wow! why?06:26
chicken-mani can't get telnetd to work06:26
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GoClickbrenner ok I'll give that a shot06:26
brennerGoClick: also, don't know why you had a warty repo there06:26
kahachicken-man: ya prolly don't have it installed06:26
chicken-mani do06:26
GoClickI don't know either06:26
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benjibrenner, I'm using that same sources.list...that is where the hoary 5.04 packages are right?06:27
Xenguychicken-man: you'll be cracked in no time - weeeee06:27
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=== brenner nods
benjiI don't :-/06:27
kahachicken-man: telnetd is insecure06:27
chicken-mani know that06:27
benjiie..I have access to gnome 2.8.006:27
benjiinstead of 2.1006:27
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srijithchicken-man, cant start it from init.d?06:27
brennerbenji: what package?06:28
chicken-mani tryed invoke-rc.d telnetd start  but that don't work06:28
Belutzkebanting: wow, Bank Indonesia is your client??06:28
brennerXenguy: that was horrible. ;)06:28
kahachicken-man: /etc/init.d/telnetd start06:28
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Xenguybrenner: ;-)06:28
brennerbenji: if it's any consolation, i'm getting 2.8 here too06:29
benjiahh okay06:29
srijithchicken-man, /etc/init.d/telnetd start ?06:29
=== carajean [n=carajean@pcp0010646516pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
benjiI guess they didn't put up 5.04 in the repository yet?06:29
carajeani think the flashplayer messed up firefox06:29
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carajeanany site that had flash wont load and i have to create a new profile everytime06:29
chicken-mansrijith, that don't work06:29
GoClickbrenner I changed it with your file and got an error http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/158006:29
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brennerthose *are* the 5.04 repos ...06:29
srijithchicken-man, what does it say?06:30
benjiso why is gnome 2.8? :)06:30
chicken-mansrijith, file or command not found06:30
malinI tried to open an mp3 in rhythmbox and it told me that i don't have an mp3 plugin installed. Where can i find such plugin?06:30
mihaican anybody join #kde ?06:30
brennerGoClick: where'd you get the error?06:30
chicken-mansrijith, some thing like that06:30
kahachicken-man: then you don't have it installed06:30
srijithchicken-man, and what about "which telnetd"?06:30
chicken-mansrijith, i do06:30
brenner!tell malin about restricted06:30
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chicken-mansrijith, ahhh06:30
benji"In Hoary, qwe have GNOME 2.10.1"06:31
GoClickAfter I restarted Synaptic but then I closed it and restarted it again and I didn't get it, however it still can't find any packages with j2re in the name06:31
brennermihai: what for?  #kubuntu might be useful06:31
carajeanok guys is there another browser i can use cause firfox is foobared06:31
benji!tell benji about restricted06:31
mihaiso i can ask kde related questions, but not specifically ubuntu06:31
chicken-mansrijith, hmmm telnetd works06:31
brennerGoClick: reloaded?06:31
malinthanks brenner06:31
chicken-mansrijith, but i cannot telnet to my own computer06:31
brennerbenji: we do ... system > about gnome06:31
srijithchicken-man, is telnetd running?06:32
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GoClickbrenner yes06:32
srijithchicken-man, ps aux |grep telnend06:32
chicken-mansrijith, it should be06:32
benjisystem > about gnome?06:32
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srijithchicken-man, ps aux |grep telnetd06:32
GoClicktang is much better when it's mixed double strong and left for 4 hours to mellow....06:32
mihaiso why does it forward me to another channel when i join #kde ?06:32
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GoClickmihai because it's not an official channel (if it starts with ##)06:32
=== Kyynara [n=pate@hki2-6-2-ad.hoasnet.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
chicken-mansrijith, what does that do?06:32
brennerGoClick: run sudo apt-get update06:32
srijithit should show you if telnetd is running or not06:33
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Belutzmihai: maybe it needs you to register your nick first06:33
mihaiGoClick, no, that's not it, pls try to join it yourself and see06:33
chicken-mansrijith, i don't get any thing06:33
mihaiit doesn't say nothing about that06:33
srijithchicken-man, then most probably it is not running06:33
Belutzmihai: i just join #kde and it has +r for the channel attributes06:34
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chicken-mansrijith, when i run telnetd it don't do any thing06:34
srijithchicken-man, try telnetd -h  or man telnetd06:34
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kahachicken-man: apt-get install telnetd06:35
srijithchicken-man, I don't have telnetd on any of my machines, so can't say for sure what could be going on..06:35
srijithkaha, he has telned06:35
GoClickbrenner, ok I did the apt-get update but still synaptic can't find it06:35
=== Cassius [n=ulver@ts1-a124.Ulan-Ude.dial.rol.ru] has joined #ubuntu
carajeanhow to uninstall and then reinstall firefox???06:36
brennerGoClick: do you get the errors though?06:36
brennerGoClick: you uncommented hoary-extras right?06:36
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GoClickNo errors nothing06:36
GoClickI wonder if my DNS is buggered?06:36
brennercarajean: easy way: synaptic, mark for reinstallation06:36
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chicken-mansrijith, i use invoke-rc.d inetd start  to start it but it fails06:37
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srijithchicken-man, with any particular error message?06:37
BkEthere was a page called "ihate640x480" at wiki, it told me how i can make that in console my resolution is 1024x768 instead of 640x480.. but that page is dead :'( does anyone know what it was to add in menu.lst ? vga= ...06:37
BkEsorry for my bad englisch06:37
brennerGoClick: you uncommented hoary-extras right?06:38
chicken-mansrijith, nope just [fail] 06:38
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GoClickbrenner, no, although I did that just now and ran update again and got a whack of errors, I'll pastebin them06:38
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chicken-mansrijith, restart works06:38
tristanmikewhere do i find the documentation on why I shouldn't write to NTFS?06:38
brennerBkE: 0x31806:38
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tristanmikeon the wiki preferably06:38
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BkEon, yes :)06:39
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chicken-mansrijith, but still don't work06:39
srijithchicken-man, that would mean telnetd is already running06:39
srijithtry stopping06:39
srijithand then running06:39
GoClickbrenner, here are my errors http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/158106:39
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chicken-mansrijith, nope06:39
=== tim_ [n=tim@cpe-66-67-139-238.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
brennerBkE: that's for 1024....you can also pass vga=ask to try different ones.  there's a framebuffer table out there that has the hex codes for all resolutions06:39
brennerGoClick: sec06:40
BkEok thnx06:40
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kahabrenner: and where should that be added?06:40
srijithchicken-man, you are doing "sudo" right?06:40
chicken-mansrijith, i am logged in as root06:40
brennerGoClick: i just enabled extras on my machine and i connected fine....looks like something to do on your end06:41
kahabrenner: I mean, to what file? /boot/grub/menu.lst?06:41
brennerGoClick: i.e. i didn't get the 404s so the extras repo is definitely online06:41
srijithchicken-man, does /var/log/kern.log say anything about telnetd?06:41
GoClickThat's pretty obviouse... heh06:41
reiki_workok I just find this interesting. I visited a#windows on Efnet where I was an opper for many years. And I talked about my recent experience with Ubuntu and how much I am enjoying it. And another opper there (who used to work for RedHat in Charlotte, NC, US) was telling me that he is very impressed with Ubuntu. The interesting thing is that nobody was like... "evil linux!" or that kind of baby...06:42
chicken-mansrijith, *checks*06:42
reiki_work...crap. Everyone is interested. It's just harder for some to get away from the software that RUNS on windows.06:42
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Xappehello ppl. how do I get the update-notifier not to load at gnome startup? it's currently taking up 100% cpu and I don't want to remove it because of ubuntu-desktop06:42
brennerkaha: ?  i thought BkE was asking that06:42
brennerGoClick: try again later maybe?  sorry, dunno.06:42
kahabrenner: he was, but I need to know also.  :)06:42
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carajeanplease will some tell me how to uninstall firefox?06:42
brennerkaha: did you want the options or hardcoded 1024?06:42
srijithreiki_work, what is a guy from RH doing in #windows?06:43
=== Xof [n=mas01cr@gibbons.doc.gold.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
GoClickDNS resolution takes a REALLY long time on my Linux machine on the same connection as my Windows machine, any ideas?06:43
reiki_workcarajean: sudo apt-get remove mozilla-firefox   ... I think that's it06:43
chicken-mansrijith, nope06:43
kahabrenner: hardcoded 1024 sounds good. And I need a font that shows the arrows in mutt.06:43
carajeanthanks that worked06:43
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Xofdoes ubuntu provide a 64-bit userland on G5s?  (basically, how many bits in "long"?)06:43
reiki_worksrijith: most of the old oppers on that channel do a LOT of different things06:43
GoClickbrenner what IP address do you get for public.plantmirror.com ?06:44
srijithchicken-man, I am stumped.. havent used telnetd for some time now06:44
=== Sparky [n=ryanomal@pcp0011999445pcs.hamden01.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
srijithreiki_work, :)06:44
SparkyI have a very big problem with gtkpod06:44
chicken-mansrijith, how did you start it ?06:44
brennerkaha: add vga=0x318 to the end of the kernel line for your ubuntu boot section in menu.lst06:44
Sparkyhere is exactly what happened06:44
Sparkythat thread shows what happened06:44
=== carajean [n=carajean@pcp0010646516pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
srijithchicken-man, star what?06:44
carajeanok now what the apt-get command to install it?06:44
kahabrenner: ah, thank you!06:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jdub] by jdub
Sparkydoes anyone know how to fix that?06:45
chicken-mansrijith, telnetd06:45
carajeanflash player messed up firefox so im doin a remove and install06:45
brennerkaha: dunno about mutt sorry06:45
Sparkyhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=316791#post316791 can anybody help me?06:45
srijithchicken-man, that was more than 2 yrs ago.. havent used it before that.. then I guess using init.d/telnetd06:45
phantom_Anyone know how to add true type fonts????06:45
brennerGoClick: how do i get the ip address? *sheepish grin*06:45
reiki_workcarajean: you might also want to do a purge. Otherwise some user preferences may remain after the uninstall06:45
ubotuit has been said that fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto06:45
carajeanok how do i purge?06:46
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SparkyI tried to use my Ipod just a second ago with Gtkpod, but I get an error06:46
Sparkyand when I use the ipod, all the music is gone06:46
reiki_workcarajean: sudo apt-get purge mozilla-firefox I think... might want to verify that one06:46
GoClickbrenner nslookup public.plantmirror.com06:47
Sparkycan anybody help?06:47
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GoClickYeah that's totally not what I get06:47
carajeanreiki_work  that didnt work06:47
brennerGoClick: so that's bad? :)06:48
Jolla00what is the default root password in ubuntu?06:48
ubotusudo is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo06:48
Sparkycan anybody help me??06:48
GoClickNo it means I have crummy GT DNS servers :P06:48
GoClickJolla00 there is no root user persay you need to use sudo for security reasons, when it asks for a password, put your password in06:48
carajeanok now that i deleted firefox is there another default browser?06:48
Deep6anyone have a rio mp3 player working in ubuntu?06:48
GoClickcarajean did you try and reinstall firefox?06:48
Deep6more specifically the chiba?06:48
=== srijith thinks Ubuntu should show a BSOD screen after install and get the attention of users to tell them about sudo!
Sparkycanb anybody help me with this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=316791#post31679106:49
reiki_workcarajean: try apt-get --purge (2 minus signs in there)06:49
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srijithcarajean, Opera?06:49
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StRHi all06:49
carajeanok i tried to install mozilla firefox but it said that it depended on firefox06:49
srijithcarajean, not sure if there are packages available, but should be06:49
StRin aptitude?  how do I do a remove --purge?06:49
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brennerman aptitude06:49
Sparky canb anybody help me with this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=316791#post31679106:50
brennerpurge might be an apt-get thing06:50
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apokryphosStR: it purges automatically06:50
reiki_workcarajean: it'd be sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox06:50
carajeannvm mind guys my boyfriend is on his way over with windows06:50
brennerSparky: if anyone knows, they'll answer, searched the forums yet?06:50
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SparkyA little06:50
brennerdo more while you wait for an answer :)06:51
apokryphosStR: hm, actually, I forget myself... there is a purge06:51
brenneranyway bedtime for me06:51
=== Trackilizer [n=gsg@p54AEC0C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Ubuntu
xenomeliteforcehi all. Does anyone know where to find the file usbvideo.h? I need it for "make"ing my webcam working (Trust Spacecam 120)06:51
xenomeliteforceI installed the linux-headers (Hoary 5.4)06:52
srijithxenomeliteforce, dont think it comes with the headers06:53
gnujachhi Does anyone know change X resolution in 5.04 from console06:53
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xenomeliteforcesrijith: Do you have an ideo where to get that file? I tried google but I didn't find anything for ubuntu :(06:53
srijithxenomeliteforce, dont know offhand.. will try to find out and let u know if I find anything06:54
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xenomeliteforcesrijith: Thank you very much :)06:54
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tristanmikeIs anyone else having troubles with the forums??06:55
Sypder_Man xenomeliteforce , why would you want to change the resolution via console?06:55
srijithif I am looking for codes on how the windowing system performs copy-paste where should I look for them?06:55
Sypder_ManIf you are in gnome right now06:55
srijithin the X codes?06:55
Sypder_Manctrl + alt + (+) on the keypad06:55
Jolla00GoClick, thanks06:55
Sypder_ManMake sure you use the + on the keypad06:55
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xenomeliteforceSpyder: I didn't ask how to change the resolution in the console ;)06:56
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Coplandis there any reason why xmms is locking up on me06:56
GoClickHow can I clearn DNS cache?06:57
Sypder_Manxenomeliteforce, did that solve your problem?06:57
xenomeliteforceSypder: No. I want to get my webcam running :) My resolution is just fine06:57
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_frankxenomeliteforce: check http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=usbvideo.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=unstable&arch=i38606:59
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CoplandI got mp3 working on the other programs like rythmbox and totem but still xmms locks up every time i try playing an mp3 and yes i apt-get xmms-libmad plug06:59
Sypder_ManI was talking to the wrong guy :/06:59
_frankxenomeliteforce: I have no idea if that helps though06:59
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xenomeliteforce_frank: Thanks! I'll try it06:59
mlopeshi. which is the package that contains the codecs for mplayer?07:00
bonggnuhi, i  cannot write a cdr with cdrecord, only works with cdrdao07:00
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Bartimaeuscan anyone help:  I made an html document and tried to save it in /var/www and it said error, cant save it there.  ANyone know whats going on?07:01
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mlopes_frank.. it says it is not available.. am I missing a deb repository?07:01
flis there something nice and windowy for LVM?07:01
srijithBartimaeus, sudo07:01
=== EfaistOs [n=efaistos@m239.net81-64-31.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Bartimaeusdo u just do it at a terminal?07:01
_frankmlopes: its in hoary-extras and only for x8607:01
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mlopesdoes hoary-extras come with sources.list?07:02
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Coplandmlopes,  I know that people like using apt-get but mplayer win32codcs can be downloaded from there website and extracted into the /usr/lib/win32 directory07:02
x_orCan anyone help me get ruby 1.8.2 installed?  I've downloaded and installed the source, but I cannot install gems since t requires yaml and zlib.  Installing those with apt-get doesn't work since the repository is for 1.8.1 ruby.07:02
mlopesCopland: didn't know it was so easy07:03
mlopesif it is a matter for tar xvzf then i'll download it07:03
mlopesbut.. apt-get makes it easier to upgrade07:03
Coplandyeah there not real install but let me double check07:03
karczican anyone tell me the reason why sound is not work good in my kubuntu or if anyone knows - plz tell me the solution07:04
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Coplandmlops just have to find where ubuntu did with mplayer07:04
tristanmikeCan someone else please confirm that the forums are down please.07:04
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Coplanda source install of mplayer put the win32 codec folder in usr/libs but i am not seeing it here07:04
mlopesin the mean time.. _frank, what is the address of the hoary-extras?07:04
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Coplandyeah just apt-get it07:04
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, _frank07:05
nophixkarczi: you should describe your problem better07:05
karczinophix: i'm a newbie so i dont know how to describe it better :|07:05
_frankdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted07:05
tristanmikeDavey, is that NOOOOO they're down, or NOOOO they're not down?07:06
xenomeliteforce_frank: Hm, is didn't work :( I copied the usbvideo.h into the same directory of the file which wants to include the usbvideo.h, but it can't find it :(07:06
tristanmikeDavey, lol07:06
nophixkarczi: then it's _very_ hard to help you07:06
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Bartimaeusanyone: how do i sudo and save an html in /var/www?07:06
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mlopesdeb http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-extras universe07:06
mlopesisn't this right?07:06
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xenomeliteforce_frank: And when I'm performing a "make clean", the usbvideo.h gets deleted :-/07:07
karczinophix: mmmm so what u need to know to help me?07:07
nophixBartimaeus: with your favoriteditor maybe?07:07
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thespiritoftalis there a way to resume a download I have started with wget? I have got disconnected :/07:07
_frankxenomeliteforce: I really got to go...sorry.. I don't know what to do07:07
nophixkarczi: is it working at all or in just some programs?07:07
landotterthespiritoftal, "wget -c nameofdownload"07:08
tristanmikeDavey|Work, Was that no they're down or no I have a crappy ISP? lol07:08
Bartimaeussome1 saidsomething about sudo -s -H, and then cp/mv07:08
xenomeliteforce_frank: Ok. But thanks for your help!07:08
Davey|Worktristanmike: they're down07:08
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thespiritoftalhmm and how can i learn the name of download?_07:08
tristanmikeDavey|Work, NOOOOOOOOOO!07:08
tristanmikeDavey|Work, thanx07:08
karczinophix: not working al all :|07:09
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landotterthespiritoftal, scroll through your previous entries in the console with the up and down keys, then just add a "-c" to the command when you find the previous wge entry.07:09
nophixkarczi: search for sound on wiki.ubuntu.com and read some docs first07:10
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thespiritoftallandotter: so you say "wget -r -c <site name>" should work?07:11
gnujachSyderMan: My Screen Not suport 102407:11
karczinophhix: that's what i'm doing now :]  i'll try to get more specific information and then i'll try here again :P 10x anyway07:11
landotterthespiritoftal, I'm not certain what the "-r" switch does, but "-c" simply continues a download. Make sure you're in the same directory as the file that you want to continue. :)07:11
thespiritoftal-r belonged to the older command07:12
Bartimaeusall:  How do you move a file in the command promt?07:12
Bartimaeusya, but what is the syntax07:13
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apokryphosBartimaeus: man mv07:13
landotter"man mv"07:13
apokryphosprivate jinx07:13
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ubotu_frank: Do they come in packets of five?07:14
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apokryphos_frank: the Wiki is good for some of that stuff07:14
apokryphosAlso worth checking is the Rute guide07:14
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, rute is a great guide for learning about Linux and is available at http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/07:14
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Bartimaeushow do you move something in the terminal - DETAILS PLEASE!!!!! not just man mv07:15
thespiritoftallandotter: it doesn't work cause what I was downloading wasn't a single file I was downloading an entire web-site07:15
thespiritoftalis there another way maybe?07:15
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apokryphosBartimaeus: the man page tells you *exactly* how to do it07:16
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Bartimaeusi know, except i dont understand a word of what it is saying!!!!!!!!!!!07:17
bretzelHello, Does someone using wine ?07:17
chillywillywhat do I thorugh in ~/.vnc/xstartup to start up a gnome session via VNC?07:17
=== lirio [n=lirio@total-pool3-222.metrotel.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
NoUseBartimaeus you don't understand Source and Destination?07:17
chillywillyhmmm, it stuck x-window-manager in there but that didn't start up gnome07:17
Bartimaeusi get that, but not how to implement it07:17
apokryphosmv [OPTION] ... SOURCE DEST07:18
ompaulBartimaeus, source where the file lives now - destination where it will live - mv foo /Desktop/.07:18
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rob_pBartimaeus:  try, "mv /path/to/file/filename /path/to/new/location/new_filename"  It doesn't get much easier than that!07:18
ubotuNoUse: I don't know, could you explain it?07:18
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Bartimaeusthats what i wanted07:18
Bartimaeussomeone to tell me *exactly* what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:19
apokryphosBartimaeus: erm, he told you nothing more than the man page tells you. Good practice to read :)07:19
NoUseBartimaeus yeah IRC is not an exercise in hand holding07:19
Bartimaeusno, thats news to me07:19
apokryphosBartimaeus: you learn something new everyday :)07:19
apokryphosthe channels shouldn't be a substitute for the man pages or for Google07:20
Xappeis www.ubuntuforums.org down? can't seem to reach it right now...07:20
Bartimaeuspersonally, i beg to differ07:20
thespiritoftalwho invented ubuntu?07:20
tristanmikeXappe, yes the forums are quite down07:20
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apokryphosthespiritoftal: Mark Shuttleworth, but it's based on Debian.07:20
liriodo you speak spanish07:21
apokryphosBartimaeus: then your personal opinion is wrong :)07:21
tristanmikeapokryphos, damn, you got to it before me =)07:21
thespiritoftalwhat are the basic differences with debian and ubuntu?07:21
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Bartimaeusapokryphos:  actually, i just took a detailed look at the main page.  It says nothing useful to someone who already knows nother07:21
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apokryphosBartimaeus: then you should man man07:21
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chicken-mancan some one see if my ssh server works
apokryphosubotu: tell thespiritoftal about debian07:22
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tristanmikeI'd have to agree with Bartimaeus, the man pages are pretty cryptic07:22
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NoUselearning to understand man pages is one of the best things you can do to understanding linux07:22
apokryphosThen you should learn to read them; it's not hard.07:22
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thespiritoftalman pages are so simple07:23
apokryphosmv source destination is cryptic? Hm.07:23
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tristanmikeabsolutely, the point was for a person who knows nothing, they're cryptic07:23
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tristanmikeit just takes time =)07:23
Bartimaeuswell, im 10, and ive had ubuntu on this computer for a grand total of 4 days07:23
chicken-mancan some one see if my ssh server works please07:23
mihaihow can i tell apt-get to remove all direct backward dependencies of mozilla-firefox and redownload them from the repos ?07:23
sean_wow breezy took my system down :(07:23
apokryphostristanmike: I completely disagree; mv source destination is anything but cryptic07:23
landottermax@ubuntu:~$ man woman | No manual entry for woman07:23
JairunCalothI have to agree, man pages used to make me want to cry07:23
=== zeedo [n=zeedo@www.reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu
hardw1resean_: yeah breezy is still way too much in development to use to be honest07:24
hardw1restick to hoary07:24
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sean_hardw1re, i was trying to test it for bugs..07:24
landotterjust upgraded to hoary from wary--it's the business. :)07:24
sean_but it wont even load07:24
doogluswould someone using 'breezy' please try installing and running 'sysv-rc-conf'.  is it broken?07:24
hardw1reyeah i used it the other day :|07:24
mihaichicken-man, seems to work07:24
zer0`root@ubuntu:/home/kev # man you\! | No manual entry for you!07:24
JairunCalothdoes anyone here use samba much?07:24
hardw1rebut i reinstalled to hoary lol07:24
tristanmikeapokryphos, it's the dots and brackets they use, confusing, was, kinda still is for me07:24
chicken-manmihai, thanks :P07:24
sean_but hoary runs great :p07:25
mihaibut i don't know the password :p07:25
chicken-manmihai, heh :P07:25
hardw1re(Kernel):[Linux 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic x86_64] 07:25
Virtuall...hello everybody, need help. Installing Ubuntu over Fedora Core 3 (removed everything except /home and /root). Everything installed ok, but on boot it says 'Filesystem has unsopported feature enabled'. Anyone knows what feature it could be?07:25
sean_aside from the one line u have to fix to get sound working, but i mean thats pretty bloody easy... remind me of mandrake07:25
apokryphostristanmike: ok, sure. All the more reason to get used to them, and *all* the more reason for me to recommend them07:25
JairunCalothwhen I try to connect to my computer from a windows box, it wants a user name and password, but I can't figure out what to put in07:25
apokryphostristanmike: no point having man pages as some type of gremlin for you, if you're using Linux07:25
thespiritoftalhere I am on the road again07:25
Virtuall(FS type is ext3, and it mounts it as ext3)07:25
ompaul!tell hardw1re about ask07:26
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tristanmikeapokryphos, like I said, I absolutely agree, but they are kinda cryptic if you don't know anything, that's all07:26
=== ThxGiving [i=Cirrus@p5091FC53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hardw1reompaul: and the purpose of that was? :P07:26
Virtuall...anyone? :(07:26
mihaiok so can anybody help me fix firefox ? i guess some libs from breezy broked it, how can i reemerge all its dpendencies from hoary07:26
tristanmikeapokryphos, I never said asking questions on the man pages wasn't helpful either ;)07:27
=== theblue [n=theblue@pcp04402293pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
theblueHi all.07:27
theblueIf I order CDs from Shipit now, will they be Hoary or Breezy CDs?07:27
apokryphostristanmike: :)07:27
dooglusis there a man page that explains that "[ ] " means "optional", "|" means "disjunction", "..." means "one or more times" and so on?07:27
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ompaulhardw1re, ask your specific question and maybe someone can help, but how hard your question is at this time nobody knows  and therefore can't guage if they can reply correctly for you07:27
dooglusah - "man man" does just that.07:28
mihaiok so can anybody help me fix firefox ? i guess some libs from breezy broked it, how can i reemerge all its dpendencies from hoary ? i've modified sources.list to the original, but i still get firefox 1.06 help !07:28
=== cycom [n=cycom@c-67-163-188-227.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThxGivingmaybe someone can help me ;)07:28
Virtuallhey... somebody just has to know what undocumented feature it's talking about07:28
ThxGivingi try to install package "bootsplash" and "limewire-pro"07:28
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ThxGivingthose packages require a libc6 > 2.2.3.ds1-2107:29
hardw1rebut i dont have a question07:29
=== Draucon [n=Draucon@dialup-free-325.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
hardw1reim just a humble hoary user on an x86_64 system07:29
ThxGivingand hoary has ver 2.2.2.ds1-2007:29
mihaiVirtuall, probably ext3 extended attributes or something ?07:29
hardw1rehere to help other people07:29
Virtuallmihai, i understand that, I don't get which ones exactly07:30
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cycomThxGiving: so...go download 2.2.3 and install it by hand?07:30
ThxGivinggreat idea07:30
mihaiVirtuall, you should ask in #fedora maybe, since it's more like a fedora issue ?07:30
ThxGivingwhere can i find the ubuntu deb for this lib version?07:30
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HieronymusCan somebody help me with dh_make? It gives this error message: "Source file is a bz2 but bzip2 or gzip not available at /usr/bin/dh_make line 409, <STDIN> line 1.07:30
mihaiok so can anybody help me fix firefox ? i guess some libs from breezy broked it, how can i reemerge all its dpendencies from hoary ? i've modified sources.list to the original, but i still get firefox 1.06 help !07:31
mihaioops, re apt-get :)07:31
mihaigentoo got to me07:31
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mihaii predict we will all be using gentoo in a few years07:32
tristanmikewhat, it's not Ten-to, it's half past?? :s07:32
hardw1rei predict, in a few years microsoft will finally give in and actually convert there system over to the linux way of life07:32
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-42-247.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mihaihardw1re, never :)07:33
tristanmikei predict that windows will fall very hard and very fast07:33
tristanmikethe bigger they are.....07:33
ompaultristanmike, however they will try to make linux illegal in the mean time07:33
mihaibecause you always have human stupidity and ignorance07:33
theblueI like tristanmike's idea better.07:33
reiki_workwindows isn't windows because of how good teh product is... it's where it is because of how well it was marketed07:33
theblueAnd how stupid people are.07:33
tristanmikeompaul, I'm afraid they might actually succeed at that07:33
theblueHi reiki!07:33
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reiki_workhi The Blue! :)07:33
reiki_workI'm at work dude... so kinda in and out of here07:34
theblueI noticed.07:34
reiki_workoh yeah.... duh07:34
tristanmikedoes anybody remember the first Steve Ballmer Windows commercial, "ONLY $99.00"07:34
=== mindstor1 [n=mindstor@168-103-106-248.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
reiki_worktristanmike: how about Chicago!  With Win32C07:34
theblueI can get 20 Ubuntu CDs FOR FREE.07:34
ThxGivinghow stable is breezy?07:34
theblueAnd all the software I want FOR FREE.07:34
mihaiok so help me if you can,.. how can i re-emerge firefox's dependencies ? and where does apt keep it's downloaded packages07:34
reiki_workI still have a Chicago logo somewhere07:35
chicken-manmihai. reinstall it !07:35
ompaulThxGiving, not very, it will be great in octber07:35
theblueLet's see, M$ rapes me and takes control of my PC, my rights, and my firstborn, and I'm PAYING THEM.07:35
theblueFor $99.07:35
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ThxGivingi mean.. are there any major problems in breezy?07:35
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ThxGivinglike gcc4 transition incomplete07:35
tristanmikeThank You Mr. Shuttleworth and the Ubuntu community07:35
ThxGivingor many broken packages?07:35
reiki_worktheblue: yeah but when you want to RENEW your license... then it's another $20007:35
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mihaichicken-man, yeah i did apt-get remove mozilla-firefox apt-get install mozilla-firefox but it gets 1.06 instead of 1.02 which hoary has, because i've updated to breezy and then switched back07:36
mihaioops, bad idea07:36
theblueAnd $35 whenever you need help that's never helpful.07:36
ompaulThxGiving, on a day to day basis stuff changes and will continue to, so right this moment you could be okay and in five minutes who knows07:36
theblueHere, I can just drop in, 24/7 and ask a question, and someone who knows about it is almost always here to help.07:36
dooglustheblue: I've had no major problems with breezy in the last few months.07:36
theblueAnd the wiki is also very useful.07:36
concept10mihai, hoary has 1.06 now07:36
ThxGivingompaul: thanks07:36
thebluedooglus: I'm just wondering if Shipit CDs ordered now are Breezys.07:37
ompaulThxGiving, that five minutes is really a full day long but that is how it is07:37
ThxGivingompaul: i need a newer libc6 because of dependencies..07:37
ThxGivingompaul: thats why im asking07:37
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thespiritoftalubuntu works so slow at my computer... but debian works really nice... this means it is not because of Ram or gnome...07:37
mihaiconcept10, oh ok then.. but how can i fix it ? i have no text in web pages, just the pictures07:37
dooglustheblue: I doubt it.  breezy isn't released yet.07:37
thespiritoftalcan it be about screen settings maybe?07:37
thebluedooglus: Nevermind.07:37
mirakis there an easy way to upgrade a ubuntu 32bits tu ubuntu 64 ?07:37
concept10mihai, my firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050725 Firefox/1.0.4 (Ubuntu package 1.0.6)07:37
ompaulThxGiving, why not live with the latest and greatest stable, and then in October you can move forward07:37
=== robodex [n=arnoct@HSE-MTL-ppp70858.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tristanmikeif you even want to then, Hoary is so amazing07:38
concept10mihai, try changing the font/color settings07:38
mirakis it possible to do a dist-upgrade from ubuntu 32 to ubuntu 64 ?07:38
mihaiconcept10, ok, but i want to fix it, i think one of the libs is broken or something, i don't know how to fix it07:38
HieronymusI fixed it myself already, had to rename the .tar.bz2 to .tar07:38
Hieronymusthanks anyways07:38
mihaiconcept10, it's not that, it just crashed and since then it's been like that, i can't even see the text on the menus, i'm blind07:38
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robodexforums are down?07:38
tristanmikerobodex, for some time now07:39
migDoes anybody know if ubuntu/kubuntu runs in a IMac rev. A07:39
=== ompaul thinks of that olde saying - and transmografies it into - yer downloads yer sources and yer takes yer chances with nobody to blame but yerself
robodexah, k07:39
concept10mihai, I still have a copy of the old firefox version if you want to try that package.07:39
=== lucas_vignoli [n=lucas_vi@201-0-106-241.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
thebluemig: From what I've heard, (K)Ubuntu will only run in a G4 or G5 man.07:39
thebluemig: mac.07:39
thebluemig: The original iMac is a G3.07:39
ThxGivingompaul: thanks :)07:40
mihaiconcept10, it's not the package, it's some of the libs, i want to reemerge the libs, but from the internet, not the local cache07:40
mihaican i do that ?07:40
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@dD5E045F3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
migthanks. I run yellow dog linux, but I want to go to other more open distros07:41
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thebluemig: No prob.07:41
=== _liquidfire [n=liquidfi@cp725918-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
migany recomendations on what distro for the IMac07:41
concept10mihai, this isnt gentoo, but, you can remove firefox and try to reinstall. you may purge the install07:41
mirakis it possible to do a dist-upgrade from ubuntu 32 to ubuntu 64 ?07:41
thebluemig: From what I've heard, Debian might be able to.07:42
mihaiconcept10, i already did that a few times07:42
thebluemig: NetBSD, which isn't quite Linux, but is similiar, will probably run.07:42
mihaiconcept10, it;s in the libs somewher07:42
lucas_vignolihi, folks, i'm having some trouble with sound on ubuntu, since i've intalled the kernel for k7, my sound isn't working anymore. It's an SI7012. Anyone could help me here please?07:42
_liquidfireI want to install an external program but i need to compile it from the source its a tar archive07:42
migThat was my second choice after ubuntu07:42
thebluemig: You can always check out www.distrowatch.com to see what distros will run on your hardware.07:42
_liquidfireand source is writtin in python07:42
tristanmikemirak, I wouldn't think so, that's a pretty hefty change, mobo and processor, and most likely RAM, probably video,07:42
=== Boy [n=boy@i-195-137-53-95.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
migthanks  for the info man07:43
thebluemig: No problem at all.07:43
thebluemig: If you want anymore help, just /msg me.07:43
tristanmikemirak, I wouldn't think you could do it for windows either though.....07:43
miraktristanmike: what ?07:43
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tristanmikemirak, os upgrade from 32 to 6407:43
miraktristanmike: you know I have just changed cpu and processor07:43
miraktristanmike: I use the same ubuntu version07:43
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miraktristanmike: mmm07:44
tristanmikemirak, you mean the motherboar and processor07:44
miraklus graphic card07:44
=== petitohaime| [i=MTP@dyn-83-157-232-48.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mihaianybody know how to start links in graphic mode ?07:44
lucas_vignolihi, folks, i'm having some trouble with sound on ubuntu, since i've intalled the kernel for k7, my sound isn't working anymore. It's an SI7012. I'm using Hoary. Anyone could help me here please?07:44
=== gooktime [n=dave@82-33-155-238.cable.ubr04.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
concept10mihai, what do you get from dpkg -l | grep -i firefox07:44
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tristanmikemirak, I don't know, like I said, I just wouldn't think however, you could be pleasently suprised07:45
mihaiii  mozilla-firefox                       1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1                  lightweight web browser based on Mozilla07:45
mihairc  mozilla-firefox-gnome-support         1.0.6-0ubuntu0.1                  Support for Gnome in Mozilla Firefox07:45
mihaiii  mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb          1.0.1lang20050411ubuntu1-0ubuntu1 Mozilla Firefox English language/region package07:45
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jalagusIs there some default root password or why didn't the install ask me to set it? (sorry for my bad english :P)07:46
lucas_vignoliAnyone could help me please with my sound problem?07:46
ThxGivingsudo passwd root07:47
ThxGivingor use the expert installer (type expert at boot:)07:47
=== noob1 [n=luke@spc1-brig2-3-0-cust104.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFooljalagus: ubuntu does not enable root by default; see link below for more info07:47
jalagusOk. Thanks. :)07:47
ubotusudo is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo07:47
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wiegehtslucas_vignoli, don't ask to ask, just ask07:47
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blightwiegehts: do or do not, there is no try07:47
Bartimaeusanyone:  I hav an html file in my www folder, how do i make it so that ppl see the webpage, not the actual code?07:48
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mihaianybody know how to st art links in graphic mode?07:48
noob1hello.  've got ndiswrapper problems.  Using 5.04 hoary hedgehog07:48
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HappyFoolBartimaeus: if the filename ends in '.html', that should happen automatically07:48
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concept10mihai, I dont know how to fix your problem.. If I were you I would try the old firefox version.  Or check your dependencies http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/web/mozilla-firefox07:49
Bartimaeusit shows me the actual code, but im am getting at it through virtual server on my router (http://localhost/)  Does that make a difference?07:49
=== hezekiah [n=hcarty@pool-151-200-19-136.res.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
lucas_vignolithanks for the tip. okay. i'm using hoary and when i installed the kernel images for k7 the sound stopped working, it's an SI7012, how can i fix it?07:49
lucas_vignoliI have an Acer Aspire 300207:50
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HappyFoolBartimaeus: i wouldn't have thought using a router would make any difference. What is the name of the html file?07:50
Virtuall...and back from fedora guys. seems like ubuntu doesn't know the resize_inode feature07:50
Virtuall"what now?"07:50
Bartimaeusat least, i named it website.html07:51
=== yahalom [n=amichai@bzq-218-82-131.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
wiegehtslucas_vignoli, either the sound module is not being loaded or is not there at all07:51
phantom_anyone know if there is a way to play multirgion DVDs in Xine??07:51
phantom_I had remote selector in windows...07:51
BartimaeusHappyFool:  the file has a "HTML" written on it when you look at it in nautolis07:52
jalagusHmm... Has this useraccount I created in install same privilidges as root?07:52
lucas_vignolii don't know how to view wich modules are loaded07:52
jrj_Is there a simple way to migrate from a Debian testing install to Ubuntu ?07:52
wiegehtslucas_vignoli, lsmod as root07:52
HappyFoolBartimaeus: i ahve created a simple /var/www/website.html, and browsed to http://localhost/website.html, and i see the rendered (i.e., not source) html07:52
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Bartimaeusill mmake sure its html07:53
wiegehtsjrj_, copy /home and install ubuntu, copy /home back over07:53
rob_pBartimaeus:  Do a, "ls /var/www" and see if your document is listed with a, ".html" extension...07:53
jrj_wiegehts: hehe - yep I tought so07:53
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Bartimaeushow do i change it if it isn't?07:54
rob_pBartimaeus:  use mv07:54
jrj_Getting pretty tired of broken Debian packages - even in testing07:54
Bartimaeusya, its only webpage07:54
lucas_vignoliwiegehts: these are the snd prefixed modules loaded, snd_intel8x007:54
HappyFoollucas_vignoli: please don't paste here07:55
noob1hello.  've got ndiswrapper problems.  Using 5.04 hoary hedgehog and it says ndiswrapper : unknown fucntion07:55
_liquidfirehttp://www.bittornado.com/download.html i have no clue howto install the tar archive07:55
_liquidfirewhat command do i need to use07:55
lucas_vignolican i chat with you?07:55
wiegehtslucas_vignoli, sure07:55
=== rapha [n=rapha@p54A0A1DB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolnoob1: have you read the ndiswrapper page on the wiki?07:55
rob_pBartimaeus:  ok, so change it to something like, "index.html" or similar...07:55
raphaHi all!07:56
raphaAre there .debs for bonjour? You can't really Google for it ...07:56
HappyFool_liquidfire: i think bittornado is available in via repositories07:56
_liquidfirebut it would be great if you tell me how to do it in the future07:56
_liquidfireor is there an howto?07:56
Bartimaeusit is now webpage.html, but when you click on the file in the index, it gives the source07:56
=== robodex is Away, Reason: ( gba, then shower, then I got some stuff to do -- might be on before I go to work, but it's doubtful ) | Since: ( Wednesday, August 24, 2005. 13:33:40 ) Xlack v2.1
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rob_pBartimaeus:  Do this... rename it to, "index.html" and then visit, "http://localhost" and you should see it...07:57
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Boyhi guys07:58
=== TomGass [n=TomGass@mot-gw-01-213245073125.chello.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Boyi was wondering if any of you could help me07:58
malinhm, i installed quodlibet [from .tar.gz, there wasn't a packet in repository]  and when i want to run it, nothing happens07:58
malinam i doing something wrong?07:58
HappyFool_liquidfire: it varies from app to app; usually, you download the .tar.gz file, extract it somewhere useful ( tar xjf filename.tar.bz2 -C ~/build/ ); then go to the src directory, and run './configure' or maybe 'python setup.py' (i think bittornado might be a python app)07:58
Bartimaeusthanks a lot, that worked07:58
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HappyFool_liquidfire: typically there's a file called INSTALL or README or similar in the tarball telling you what to do07:59
_liquidfireah thanks07:59
Boywhenever i try to compile anything it comes up with and error "configure: error: C compiler cannot make executables."07:59
Boyi have all the latest gcc's installed07:59
=== rob_p [n=rob@cust-ipadvanced-dynnat-232130.d-star-eutelsat.com] has joined #ubuntu
HappyFoolBoy: have you installed the build-essential package?08:00
rob_pdamn satellite connection  :-(08:00
Seveas<spam>paste.ubuntulinux.nl now does diffs too when posting corrections, see http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/f1579 for an example</spam>08:00
=== Ben_P [n=Ray@c-24-62-215-21.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Boyi dont know let me just check08:01
rob_pBartimaeus:  Did that work?08:01
HappyFoolSeveas: cool. going to be including version control for pastes too? ;)08:01
=== iiiears [n=lathropw@cpe-24-30-191-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bartimaeusthanks a lot08:01
SeveasHappyFool, *g*08:01
raphaHello anybody?08:01
rob_pBartimaeus:  Cool!08:01
Seveasno, i'm gonna do syntax highlighting now08:01
raphaAm I being received?08:01
Seveasrapha, not really, there's a lot of noise in your signal :)08:02
Ben_Prapha: indeed you are08:02
HappyFoolrapha: theren't aren't any bonjour debs in the ubuntu repositories that i can see; you can check on packages.ubuntu.com if you want08:02
bluefoxicyoh god they broke rhythmbox in breezy08:02
sean_breezy is broke :p it crashed my system08:03
iiiearsthere is always xmms :/08:03
raphaThanks Seveas, Ben_P, HappyFool!08:03
noob1hello.  've got ndiswrapper problems.  Using 5.04 hoary hedgehog and it says ndiswrapper : unknown fucntion08:03
=== g0su [n=g0su@165.Red-80-33-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasnoob1, install the ndiswrapper-utils package08:03
HappyFoolSeveas: i'm sure you have ideas how, but if it helps, i think viewcvs uses enscript08:03
raphaHappyFool: Actually I've been trying to install libsipphone from http://www.gizmoproject.com/download/libsipphoneapi_0.78.20050817.1-1_i386.deb and it requires bonjour...08:03
g0suhi all08:03
Seveasthere's a PEAR class for syntax highlighting08:04
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Seveasjust like for diffs08:04
g0suone question please, the channel for ubuntu ppc?08:04
sean_sure is :)008:04
Seveasg0su, this one08:04
=== HappyFool [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p456.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
g0suok thx, i am not sure if the plataform ppc have a specific channel08:05
malinI installed quodlibet [from .tar.gz, there wasn't a packet in repository]  and when i want to run it, nothing happens08:05
malinam i doing something wrong?08:05
Seveasno it has not, we're all one big family :)08:05
=== Danny|afk is away: I'm busy.
GoClickI uncommented the extras line in the sources.list file and ran sudo apt-get update and this was the result I got 404 errors, wget also gets 404 errors and firefox does not so I assume it's a redirect. Here is the result http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/158308:05
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hmrochai need some help08:06
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lucas_vignolimy sound stopped working since i've installed the k7 kernel image, and know... even when i boot from the i386 it doesn't work anymore.08:07
hmrochai'm mounting a directory with nfs08:07
hmrochabut the mount takes a long time08:07
SeveasGoClick, looks like publicmirror ditched hoary-extras...08:07
=== Discipulus [n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus] has joined #ubuntu
rouvenhi. where do i get the nvidia-kernel-module for breezy?08:07
Seveasdelete it from your sources again08:07
hmrochait mounts the remote directory, but it takes a lot of time08:07
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hmrochawhat might be happening?08:07
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deaconHow is everybody today?08:07
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GoClickSeveas, so why didn't burner have a problem connecting, that said wouldn't everyone be hooped now AND how can we fix this?08:08
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@cpc4-hem12-6-0-cust227.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
GoClickdeacon,  stressed, you?08:08
Seveashmrocha, I'm experiencing the same om my machines. I solved it at work on a cluster but forgot to copy the settings. PLease msg me tomorrow when I will have them08:08
=== hey2k5 [n=hey2k5@69-11-30-138.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
deaconEh, could be better.  I can't log into my ubuntu at all08:08
hmrochaSeveas, i just tried running dmesg08:08
rouvenhmrocha: do you have the portmapper running?08:08
HappyFoolany suggestions for a simple embedded linux distribution? something sans all the usual services (cron, mail etc) -- i'm wondering if it's easiest just to build my own08:09
hmrochaSeveas, i have some lines reporting "RPC: failed to contact portmap"08:09
rouvennvidia-glx doesn't contain the module, neither does linux-restricted-modules.08:09
hmrocharouven, if ubuntu doesn't run it by default, i don't have it08:09
GoClickHappyFool, will the embeded device have [Internet] work access?08:09
hmrochaSeveas, maybe that's our problem, not running portmap08:09
SeveasI'm running portmap08:09
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@1Cust1330.an4.den10.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
rouventhen you have to install it yourself.08:09
hey2k5can anyone tell me how I can get the "ndiswrapper-utils" package for warty? I have a wireless card, so I can't download "ndiswrapper-utils" via apt-get, i'm in windows.08:09
deaconIf anyone here familiar with the issue of: Cannot log into ubuntu under runlevel 5?  I just get kicked back to the login screen.08:09
HappyFoolGoClick: err, some specialized network only (canbus, i think)08:09
=== dbw [n=dbw@208-186-60-67.nrp3feld.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasthere's something icky: you really have to tune the parameters on the server08:10
g0summm please one little question, for change the clock utc for local? i move the two service hardware clock too stop(SXXlll -> K20lll) and edit one link(ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Madrid /etc/localtime what it don't works(2h. different between ubuntu and mac ox)08:10
Seveasand I copied them from the network admins at work ;)08:10
hey2k5is there someway to know the address of a package, so I can download it without apt-get08:10
GoClickHappyFool, you might want to just roll your own, there gentoo, it's a metadistro it's a good starting place if you can.08:10
=== JoeC [n=Joe@cpe-65-24-30-40.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoshey2k5: packages.ubuntu.com08:10
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lucas_vignolimy sound stopped working since i've installed the k7 kernel image, and know... even when i boot from the i386 it doesn't work anymore. When i installed hoary it worked out of the box. My card is a SI7012. esdsink is the only sink that doesn't returns error, but alsasink and osssink returns error!08:10
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HappyFoolGoClick: cool, thanks.08:11
GoClickSeveas, So is there a way I can get extras if the plantmirror dumped them?08:11
apokryphoshey2k5: though, you can use apt-get to download, and just tell it to not unpack/install08:11
rouvenbreezy uses nfs4, so you also have to pass the mount option nfsvers=3, if you want to access a nfs3 server.08:11
=== nophix [n=cosbnos@ua-83-227-163-203.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasGoClick, other urls can be found at backports.ubuntuforums.org08:11
=== derFlo [n=florianq@port-213-61-192-49.fra.dial.de.colt.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosSeveas: JRE pack was taken out of hoary-extras?08:11
rouvennobody with a nvidia graphics board on breezy?08:11
HappyFoollucas_vignoli: have you looked at the debugging sound page on the wiki?08:12
Seveasapokryphos, is that so?08:12
apokryphosrouven: many08:12
apokryphosSeveas: yeah; been wondering why, but no worries.08:12
Seveasapokryphos, JRE/J2SDK can be found at seveas.ubuntulinux.nl too :)08:12
fldid one of you you ever see boot issues with isolinux when using CD-RW as opposed to CD-R?08:12
rouvenapokryphos, do you run nv or nvidia?08:12
apokryphosSeveas: excellent; I'll recommend that for now08:12
lucas_vignoliHappyFool: i've looked into another wikipages related to sound, but not this noe08:12
Seveasapokryphos, that thing is not online 24/7, so tell that too :)08:13
derFloi'm trying to make a multi boot DVD, putting ubuntu-install, ubuntu-live and debian-netinst on it using isolinux08:13
hey2k5thanks apokryphos, am going through it, I found the package, would I be able to download the .deb package? i'm looking around, can find the .deb download link..08:13
=== hmrocha is away: dinner
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derFlomy problem: all of them have a "pool" directory08:13
SeveasderFlo, these dvds can be downloaded from ubuntu mirrors...08:13
deaconI seem to be unable to log into my Ubuntu.  When i try to log in it startts the login, then the screen flickers, then I get kicked back to the login page.  Can anyone help me?08:13
g0suAny know the option for change the UTC clock to local clock?08:13
rouvenapokryphos, how did you get the binary only module into your kernel, i.e., which package does contain the module?08:13
SeveasderFlo, find one at wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive08:13
derFlocan I use another dir, and if yes how08:13
lucas_vignoliHappyFool: Shall i look at it and return here if the errors persists?08:13
derFloSeveas: also Debian?08:14
CrubeAre the ubuntu forums down?08:14
hardw1redeacon: when u say kicked back, is that kicked back to a graphical or text screen?08:14
hmrocharouven, thanks very much, it worked great08:14
apokryphoshey2k5: you can, yes. Choose to browse packages08:14
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hmrocharouven, i wasn't running portmapper :)08:14
derFloI also want to put Win (BartPE) on it08:14
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@83-131-140-205.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
hajikihow can i disabled ipv6 from being used in networking08:14
rouvenhmrocha, you're welcome.08:14
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lucas_vignoliHappyFool: i thought that topic were for developers.08:14
apokryphosrouven: I just used the nvidia-glx provided; works fine here08:14
derFloSaveas: I'll have a look, thx08:14
deaconhardw1re: I just get dumped back to the graphical login08:15
apokryphosrouven: might use the drivers from the site soon though; had some problems with composite08:15
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CrubeAnyone else having trouble connecting to ubuntu forums?08:15
apokryphosCrube: yes, they're down apparently08:15
rouvenapokryphos, how do you call the driver in xorg.conf08:16
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fldid someone here _ever_ use a CD-RW instead of a CD-R?08:16
CrubeOk just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one thanks.08:16
JairunCalothI did one time....08:16
=== HappyFool [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p456.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
hey2k5apokrypho, I can only find files for download ending with *.gz @ http://packages.ubuntu.com/warty/misc/ndiswrapper-utils08:16
HappyFoolhmm. that was weird. either emacs crashed or i inadvertently switched desktops.08:16
mjrhmh, where did gdm store the user's session and language choices?08:17
flJairunCaloth, and?08:17
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apokryphosrouven: easiest way is to use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:17
JairunCalothHonestly, I think CD-RW's are a big waste of time for the most part. Unless you do a backup like every day or something08:17
rob_pdeacon:  Check your system logs and see if there are any clues in there.  I suspect an authentication problem or similar but that's just a guess...08:17
apokryphoshey2k5: you can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicks in IRC :)08:17
lucas_vignoliHappyFool: i've certified myself lots of times if the mixer wasn't muted08:17
apokryphoshey2k5: are you looking to download a .deb?08:17
JairunCalothYou have to format a CD-RW when you want to re-write it08:17
JairunCalothI'd just rather burn a new CD-R08:17
flhmm. why "waste of time"? Because they are a compat nightmare?08:18
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flI just hate it to blow a CD-R I know I only use once.08:18
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HappyFoollucas_vignoli: apologies; if you said much to me earlier, i'm afraid i probably missed it08:18
apokryphosfl: they cost like 15p here :P08:18
apokryphossame price as a Lolipop08:18
hey2k5oh apokryphos, i figured it out now. I had to click on the i386 link under Architecture to download the deb file.08:18
JairunCalothFl, CD-r's are cheaper than rw's too08:18
flcost it not my problem. Wasting resources is.08:18
apokryphoshey2k5: precisely, yes :)08:18
=== robert_ [n=robert@HSE-Montreal-ppp336895.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
deaconrob_p:  That's just it.  I CAN log into a terminal session.  Just not normal Gnome or failsafe Gnome.  They just dump me back to the login screen.  It's almost as if I'm being logged immediately out as soon as I log in.08:19
HappyFoollucas_vignoli: ok, so you're certain sound is not muted? And you don't here any sounds at all?08:19
apokryphosfl: you should be more worried about the power stations kept running by the usage of your computer :)08:19
iiiearsfl - grab an external usb hard drive box. - gigs of portable  storage from old otherwise useless drives.08:19
rob_pdeacon:  go to the terminal and view your system logs...08:19
lucas_vignoliHappyFool: don't worry, can i chat with you about something i think it is a bug an UI bug?08:19
JairunCalothI'm not saying don't use cd-rw's I"m just saying that I never bother with them08:19
JairunCalothMost of the stuff I put on CD's, I want it to stay on the CD08:19
hey2k5thanks for your help, i found file ending with *.gz, so I was looking for one ending with *.deb, didn't realised i386 was linked, i thought it was only bold text08:19
JairunCalothSo for me a CD-RW is impractical08:19
deaconok, how do I do that again?08:20
malinis there any other Direct Connect client than dcgui?08:20
flapokryphos, go figure: the CD-Rs just started piling up so bad, that I use practically only CD-Rs now. I had about 200 CD-Rs lying around.08:20
tristanmikefl, how do you catalog those08:20
rob_pdeacon:  ... as in, ctrl-alt-f1 and then login at the prompt and view your logs...08:20
apokryphoshey2k5: seriously though, the easiest way to get a .deb you want is to just   sudo apt-get -d install {somepackage}08:20
deaconyeah, ,I am in the terminal, i just don't know how to view the logs08:20
fltristanmike, the CD-Rs? By writing on the surface and letting the intern sift through the mess...08:21
rob_pdeacon:  they are located in /var/log08:21
apokryphoshey2k5: that will automatically download it to /var/cache/apt/archives08:21
iiiearsfl - lol - the same here folio's piled 2 feet high filled with hundreds of mp3 cd's08:21
apokryphoshey2k5: ...but it won't do anything else; i.e. it won't unpack or install it.08:21
tristanmikefl, lol08:21
rob_pdeacon:  /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog are typical files of interest...08:21
JairunCalothHeh, I'm planning on numbering my CD-r's and building a searchable database I've got so many laying around08:21
rob_pdeacon:  dmesg is good too!08:21
JairunCalothjust do a search for the program/song I'm looking for, and it tells me what cd it's on08:21
tristanmikefl, but seriously, do you know of any catalog programs for linux?08:21
fliiiears, sounds familiar. I found even the pile of RedHat 6.1 betas. Twentyish or so.08:22
=== apokryphos only uses DVD-Rs these days :P
=== sataere [n=sataere@cpe-24-161-97-57.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fltristanmike, no, sorry, I don't. My problem was that we usually used them once, and when the install went ok, the next beta rolled around. Never really needed to get them after that.08:22
deaconok, got it up (funny, gedit runs.)08:22
JairunCalothI still use CD's some times08:22
JairunCalothlike to burn a cd I can listen to in my car08:23
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JairunCalothor something else that dosn't need a whole DVD08:23
hey2k5apokryphos, i would have done that, but you know I have a wireless card supported under windows only so am unable to have internet access in ubuntu, gotta install this ndiswrapper on there to make it work, so that's why I was asking for this package location to download it on windows, and then will go to linux to install it...08:23
flJairunCaloth, how backwards ;-) ipod your BMW!08:23
JairunCalothplus cd's burn 100 times faster than dvds08:23
deaconweird.  I'm getting errors:  /homd/deacon is not owned by UID 100008:23
hey2k5time to get back to linux08:23
tristanmikefl, fair enough, I've been having a damn hard time trying to find one, kinda strange.08:23
JairunCalothI'm poor,08:23
apokryphoshey2k5: I understand =)08:23
flthe new BMW 1 even has an aux input08:23
sataereHey everyone, is there a way I could prevent Ubuntu from setting up the network when it starts up?  I am using a cisco card to get online, but it tries to set up the network before loading the drivers.  I have to manually C-c the network config, or else it would just stick there all day.  I have no problem getting online at all, but the hang on startup is annoying.08:24
=== rouven [n=rouven@dsl-213-023-135-147.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
flJairunCaloth, ok, sorry. But you could use something like the iTrip08:24
flnow that's cool.08:24
rob_pdeacon:  what did you do prior to not being able to login properly?08:24
fland it beats having CDs08:24
robert_is the forum down or something?08:24
JairunCalothnah, cd's work fine for me08:24
deaconTried to install cedega08:24
=== Nevado [n=roger@cpc1-duns3-5-0-cust35.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
JairunCalothI'd rather have a mp3 cd player than an ipod anyways08:24
rouvenapokryphos, reconfiguring xserver-xorg is nice, but my system still lacks nvidia.ko. where did you get that from?08:25
JairunCalothI can bring all my music and listen to it all08:25
tristanmikesataere, unplug your ethernet cord when installling??08:25
deaconand point2play08:25
rob_pdeacon:  'cause /home/deacon should be owned by deacon and in group deacon...08:25
apokryphosrouven: did you install nvidia-glx?08:25
iiiearsipod - hm. - suddenly car multi cd players sound quaint. - grin08:25
sataeretristanmike, It's never been plugged in.08:25
JairunCalothinstead of just what I can fit on an ipod08:25
GoClickI've seen the wiki page on Java, I uncommended the line for the extras and planetmirror gave 404s, then I tried the ubuntuforums mirror and still can't find any packageswith j2re or sun- in the name08:25
JairunCalothHow about a 10 cd changer that will play mp3 cds08:25
rouvenyes. i did. it only contains nvidi_drv.o, not the kernel driver.08:25
JairunCalothipod = pwned08:25
apokryphosrouven: I don't have nvidia.ko08:25
flcoming back to the CD-R question: anyone ever had funny boot problems with CD-R? I'm pretty much prepared to blame it on the CDROM drive, _but_ the FC{1,2,3,4} and a host of others just worked fine...08:25
caliminushow about a 10 dvd changer supporting mp308:26
tristanmikesataere, oh, i see, sorry08:26
rouvencould you do sudo lsmod|grep nvidia?08:26
apokryphosrouven: erm, no wait... I do. Hm.08:26
sataeretransgress, no prob08:26
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sataeretristanmike, no prob08:26
JairunCalothlol caliminus I see we are thinking along the same lines08:26
rob_pdeacon:  That's why your X session is dumping you back to the login... your home directory is not accessible  and can't be written to apparently...08:26
sataeretransgress, sorry :(08:26
JairunCalothoh dvd, nice08:26
caliminusgot like 1000 dvd08:26
JairunCaloththat would be some major mp3 space08:26
apokryphosrouven: nvidia               3711172  12  (among other lines)08:27
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caliminus500 double side08:27
=== kenny [n=kenny@cpc4-ruth1-6-0-cust225.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
JairunCalothwhy won't this friken game work!08:27
apokryphosrouven: nvidia.ko should come with your kernel08:27
kennyhi guys08:27
apokryphosrouven: linux-restricted-modules08:27
Seveashi kenny08:27
Flonnesataere, I believe you can just remove the 'auto' line from /etc/network/interfaces, which should be what the network configuration utility under Gnome does when you deactive a card.08:27
kennyi need help with a plugin08:27
flhmm. I just can't believe that noone ever uses CD-RW (any more). That's probably what Kernigham/Ritchie said when PHP came out...08:28
Seveasplugin for what?08:28
sataereFlonne, thanks I'll try that08:28
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kennyi need to find gstreamer-muse plugin but cant find it08:28
flor rather Larry Wall08:28
JairunCalothI own one CD-RW and I don't think it's ever been re writen08:28
kennyhi seveas08:28
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apokryphoskenny: gstreamer0.8-musepack08:28
rouvenapokryphos, linux-restricted-modules only contains .o files, no .ko.08:28
ompaulwhen given a url with a pdf how do I get it to open in firefox as opposed to wget http://www.foo.whatever/some.pdf08:28
=== GoClick is going to cry
kennyyea thats what i need but i cant find it08:28
JairunCalothCD-r's are way cheaper than CD-RW's and they burn faster08:28
JairunCalothand they read in more stuff08:29
rouvenapokryphos, how am is upposed to load that driover?08:29
apokryphosrouven: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin//search_contents.pl?version=breezy&arch=i386&case=insensitive&word=nvidia.ko&searchmode=searchfiles08:29
kennyi have 0.8.10 but it wont install08:29
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flJairunCaloth, why do I get the feeling we turn in circles :-)08:29
sataereBoy I miss rc-update08:29
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kennyi only have one song in mcp format and rhythembox dosnt play it08:29
HappyFoolompaul: i think the acroread-plugin might be what you want (in multiverse)08:29
apokryphoskenny: what's the error?08:29
flok, have a nice day guys. gotta make the wife happy.08:29
=== Julia1 [n=julian@c-24-19-169-153.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flonnesataere, you'll get used to it soon enough. :)08:30
iiiearsfl - "Take out the trash"? - silly grin08:30
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kennydependency problems prevent configuration of gstreamer0.8-musepack08:30
derFlook, I have an idea08:30
rouvenapokryphos, argh! i'm running 2.6.12 (banging my head against the wall right now)08:30
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Julia1Anyone here have experience running anjuta?08:30
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apokryphosrouven: heh, I shoulda checked that first :P08:30
rouvenapokryphos, so let's downgrade.08:30
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rouvenapokryphos, not your fault at all.08:30
kennywhat version do i need to install and were can i get it08:30
rouvenapokryphos, thanks for the massive help.08:31
ompaulHappyFool, think I may have broken system eariler :(08:31
HappyFoolompaul: doh08:31
ompaulHappyFool, I will get it in a little bit :)08:31
ZZcoif you don't get off my nickname08:31
ZZcoI'm killing you08:31
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kennyguys? any suggestions08:31
apokryphosrouven: there's problems with graphics drivers in breezy kernels, altogether, and moreso in ATI than nvidia :|08:31
kennyiv tried looking at ubuntu forums but i think that is down08:31
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rouvenapokryphos, does it run stable on yopur system?08:32
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rouvens/yopour/on your08:32
apokryphosrouven: breezy? As of late, yes -- reasonably stable.08:32
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rouvenapokryphos, the nvidia driver, to be exact.08:33
kennythis is the version i have gstreamer0.8-musepack_0.8.10-1ubuntu7_i38608:33
kennyis that the correct one08:33
deaconrob_p:  ok, so how do I fix that08:33
apokryphoskenny: that looks fine, yes.08:33
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rob_pdeacon:  Well, for starters, your home directory should be owned by you!08:33
apokryphoskenny: could you paste.ubuntulinux.nl the error output?08:33
deaconright.  how do I fix that?08:33
deaconchown 1000 /home/deacon???08:34
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apokryphosrouven: sorry -- yes, fairly. Though I'm still having problems with Composite08:34
rob_pdeacon:  chown it as in, chown deacon.deacon /home/deacon08:34
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kennyiv pasted it what do i do08:34
Julia1No one worked with Anjuta?  I've been seeing the same issue with it as with some other things I've tried to do.  I get "Unable to load plugin /usr/local/lib/anjuta/*.so.  Error: "GetDescr": /usr/lib/libgmodule-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: GetDescr"08:35
rob_pdeacon:  As far as I know, you should be able to do a recursive chown with the -R switch.  I think that would be safe since all the files below /home/deacon should be owned by you... someone correct me if I'm wrong.08:35
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HappyFoolJulia1: did you install using apt (synaptic, apt-get, etc.) ?08:35
kennycan you see the error message apokryphos08:35
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apokryphoskenny: yup; one sec08:36
Julia1I also have installed the fgxrl ati drivers.08:36
deaconExcellent!  I'm in!08:36
kennyi think i need 0.8 and not 0.8.1008:36
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rob_pdeacon:  no prob.  Have fun :-)08:37
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apokryphoskenny: hm, are you not using apt for this?08:37
Julia1I get several error messages for various plugins in /usr/local/lib/anjuta08:37
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jpfariashey people08:37
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HappyFoolJulia1: i don't think the ati drivers make a difference. i don't use anjuta, but it surprising that it is looking in /usr/local08:37
kennyiv tried apt but it dosnt have muse pack in it08:37
apokryphoskenny: it doesn't actually seem to be in the hoary repos08:37
apokryphoskenny: Yes, only in Breezy I guess08:38
kennyso i used breezy, which i know is stupid08:38
jpfariasis there any link on how to solve that bug java applets about libfontmanager.so?08:38
apokryphoskenny: you're on breezy? :/08:38
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kennyno im on horay08:38
hussamHelp, when I do locate something, I get /var/lib/slocate.db: permission denied08:38
kennyI know its stupid08:38
apokryphoskenny: but added the breezy repository? Or, just got the breezy pack?08:38
Julia1these libs exist where it's looking.08:38
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apokryphoskenny: you will cause problems if you do that08:39
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kennyi just download the file08:39
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kennyyea i know thats why i didnt add breezy to apt08:39
kennyi though it would be ok08:39
apokryphosThing is, without apt you'll likely get dependency hell (as you have). But if you really need it, then you should compile08:40
jpfariasis there any links on how to solve that bug java applets about libfontmanager.so?08:40
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apokryphoskenny: what does it do?08:40
kennyI dont really need it, i only have one song encoded in mpc08:40
kennywhat does what do?08:40
kennymay i be able to convert the mpc to ogg08:41
=== Boy [n=boy@i-195-137-53-95.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
paulproteusAnyone here use Jabber?  I'm trying to test my new Jabber ID, paulproteus@unstable.nl .  It'd be great if someone would IM me so I know it's all working.08:42
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malinI installed quodlibet [from .tar.gz, there wasn't a packet in repository]  and when i want to run it, nothing happens08:43
malinam i doing something wrong?08:43
paulproteuskenny: You should convert the MPC to FLAC and let that be that.08:43
paulproteusmalin: You should install it from Breezy.08:43
paulproteusThat's the easiest way.08:43
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haakonnpaulproteus: i think you can add eliza@unstable.nl, it's a chat bot :)08:43
kennyWhat do i need to convert it, muse-tools aint in apt either08:43
malincan you tell me a bit more about breezy?08:43
kennyi guess mplayer could do it08:43
iiiearsubotu breezy is?08:44
ubotuiiiears: Wish i knew08:44
=== poe-t [n=poe-t@gw9.m-lan.ru] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearsubotu breezy08:44
ubotu[breezy]  the next version of Ubuntu (5.10); released October 2005. It can and will be broken, and can damage your system. Differences between Hoary & Breezy: http://members.home.nl/jeroen-91/ubuntu/breezy-new/08:44
paulproteushaakonn: Okay, that's a start; I want to make sure inter-domain routing works, too, though.08:44
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paulproteusmalin: Go to packages.ubuntu.com, find quodlibet, and install the package from Breezy.08:44
poe-thi! did anyone successfully restricted FreWnn server to localhost only in ubuntu?08:44
paulproteusIt will probably require dependencies you don't have.08:44
paulproteusThat's okay, then use Synaptic or aptitude to install the dependencies.08:44
paulproteusAnd then quodlibet should work fine.08:45
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WindowsDependanthello linux won't recognize my printer08:45
kennyi have Musepack (MPC) format library can i use that08:45
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poe-tWindowsDependant, http://localhost:63108:46
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WindowsDependantcan i just take all the files off of the cd and put them in my home dir?08:46
moireis the packet gnome-audio corrupt?08:46
WindowsDependantpoe-t: what is that?08:46
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adriyelhi everyone08:47
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WindowsDependantcan i get some help with my printer?08:47
WindowsDependantshould i use ndiswrapper?08:47
^guy27i want to install ubuntu on an existing windows xp partition. The only way is to partition it by partition magic?08:47
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WindowsDependantyes if you have the entire drive being used by windows08:48
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jpfariashello? is there any links on how to solve that bug java applets about libfontmanager.so?08:48
moireguy27: no, you can change the partitions on startup of the install script :)08:48
^guy27ic tought maybe there was another way08:48
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adriyelguy27, you can use qtparted to resize the NTFS partition08:48
adriyelit will let you create room for Linux08:48
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SAMUcan you resize an NTFS partition during the install process?08:49
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adriyelI don't think so, no08:49
adriyel#ubuntu doesn't use qtparted08:49
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adriyelerm, ubuntu08:49
poe-tWindowsDependant, oh.. they moved it to System > Administer > Printing in gnome08:49
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^guy27ok understood08:49
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WindowsDependantpoe-t: what about it?08:49
SAMUis qtparted a windows program then?08:49
^guy27so the only is by partition magic08:49
adriyel^guy27, no its not08:50
^guy27the only way08:50
poe-tWindowsDependant, setup your printer thru gnome configuration dialogue08:50
tristanmikeSAMU, are installing Hoary?08:50
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WindowsDependantpoe-t: ok08:50
SAMUtristanmike, im planning to put it on my laptop after i can backup all the necessary files08:50
WindowsDependantpoe-t: brb08:50
tristanmikeSAMU, on a PC laptop i assume08:51
iiiears"Volume Control" toggle "Capture from audio device" - Where is the audio file saved?08:51
poe-tWindowsDependant, up2date printing system is "cups". it has a huge database of printers. should be ok08:51
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^guy27i saw that qtparted is a partition magic clone08:51
SAMUtristanmike: im gonna do a dualboot and i am gonna use my laptops winXP "recovery" discs to reinstall windows first08:51
jpfariashello? is there any links on how to solve that bug java applets about libfontmanager.so?08:51
tristanmikeSAMU, the Hoary installer does do resizing08:52
SAMUim just not sure what options the recovery discs give you for setting the size of the partition08:52
dooglushow can I set up iptables to allow me to mount an smbfs partition?08:52
dooglusit seems to need a different port each time I do it.08:52
WindowsDependantalso is there any reason why my ubuntu freezes ALOT!?08:52
SAMUi hear they reset your computer to the way it was when you got it. so i assume that means i will get a fresh XP install on a partition that fills the whole HD.08:52
iiiearsCan i use a command to tell what files are open?08:52
rob_pdooglus:  this implies that you are running some sort of a firewall then?08:53
dooglusrob_p: Linux has a built in firewall08:53
SAMUbut what i want to do is install windows on a smaller partition. and give the rest to ubuntu.08:53
dooglusrob_p: iptables is built into the kernel08:53
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tristanmikeSAMU, i don't have a laptop and have never delt with recovery disks, so I'm not sure, but the install does do partitioning if you wish08:53
WindowsDependantdo u have anything important on ur windows partition right now?08:53
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WindowsDependantwhat kind of a windows cd do u have? recovery cds or an actual windows xp cd08:54
rob_pdooglus:  Well, it has a tool (iptables) that is used for configuring the kernel's ability to filter packets, but by default there are no rules specified...08:54
tristanmikeSAMU, i'll be interested in finding out your answer too because a laptop is my near future and this is actually one of the things that I was curious about.08:54
SAMUtristanmike, but if i have a 60GB HD and the XP partition is taking up the whole HD. can i resize that partition through the ubuntu installer. cant remember what options i got for partitionin when i installed on my desktop PC.08:54
dooglusrob_p: is it possible to specify a rule to allow me to mount smbfs shares?08:54
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iiiearsSAMU - Some have had great luck sharing a hard drive with windows. - installing ubuntu to a second drive seems better. no problems later when windows needs to be reinstalled08:55
dooglusrob_p: I already specified a rule to drop all incoming packets, but I want to be able to mount smb shares08:55
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SAMUtristanmike, remember to ask me in the future then. I am just waiting for my DVD burner so i can backup what i need from this HD first.08:55
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rob_pdooglus:  This means that unless you specifically set the policies and/or specified any rules to disallow, then there is no packet filtering going on.08:55
SAMUiiiears, yeah, but i only have on disk on this laptop. i have a dualboot on two drives on my desktop which works very nicely already.08:55
tristanmikeSAMU, yes, you can resize with the Hoary installer, just be sure to scandisk/defrag first. As to the "recovery disks" I assume have been provide by the manufacturer, I've never seen one, so I don't know08:55
rob_pdooglus:  Oh, that explains it.08:55
jpfariashey, guys, is there any links on how to solve that bug java applets about libfontmanager.so?08:56
WindowsDependantSAMU: who are the cds from hp?08:56
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SAMUits the ones i got with my acer travelmate 43008:56
WindowsDependantalso what kind of mice do u guys have in here that work well with ubuntu?08:56
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joschis there a german channel?08:56
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rob_pdooglus:  Ok, the information you need is that windows networking uses ports 137-139 and port 445.08:56
SAMUi think they are supposed to prevent you from installing windows on any PC.08:56
ubotuhmm... de is #ubuntu-de bitte.08:56
f_newtonquick question... is there a place to see what the upcoming apps to be included in breezy are?08:57
joschhatte _de08:57
Nevadoanyone having trouble getting on the ubuntu forums?08:57
WindowsDependantanybody that is using ubuntu what kind of mouse do u have?\08:57
WindowsDependantand is it possible to use a serial mouse in ubuntu?08:57
dooglusrob_p: I see an incoming connection on port 33288.08:57
dooglusrob_p: this morning it was on port 33546.08:58
dooglusrob_p: it seems to keep changing.08:58
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TrippHey, i'm new to linux, does anyone know how to install pengaol, aka penggy?08:58
tristanmike*cough*microsoft*cough* optical mouse08:58
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asfrahi, I'm really hoping someone can give me a tips here :) I've just installed ubuntu on a machine I can't connect to the wireless network here. I therefor want to connect it to another machine which is connected to the internet so I can download some packages. How do I do this the easiest way?08:58
benkong2ubotu, why does ndiswrapper fail after a kernel upgrade? I have an AMD64 running 386 and wanted to use the k7 kernel but qemu and ndiswrapper went wild and the machine freezes when trying to display the desktop.08:58
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, benkong208:58
f_newtonasfra what wifi card are you using?08:58
tristanmikeNevado, forums are down08:58
cavediverHi. How can I resize images within AbiWord? I can't drag it like is ms word...08:58
benkong2ubotu, ok08:59
ubotuNot a clue, benkong208:59
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rob_pdooglus:  That doesn't seem to correspond with anything I've ever seen relating to windows networking traffic...08:59
f_newtonbenkong2, every kernel is specific... you will have to reinstall ndiswrapper08:59
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malinhow do i install a .deb file i downloaded?09:00
f_newtondooglus that seems more to do with illegal traffic09:00
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f_newtondpkg -i09:00
asfraf_newton: my wifi-card is working just fine on one machine. But I don't have a wifi-card on the other so I've connected them throught a cabel and want the machine without the wifi-card to connect to the internet througt the other... if you understand :)09:00
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benkong2f_newton, that would be good but I can't get to the desktop...guess I could log in to a terminal and try to reinstall09:00
TrippAnyone know how to install pengaol, anyone?09:00
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malinthanks f_newton09:00
f_newtonasfra... if you use a cat5 or 6 cable to connect to another machine directly without the use of a router you need a special patch cable09:01
ompaulbenkong2, ubotu is the channel bot09:01
WindowsDependantcan i use my microsoft serial mouse or does it have to be usb for linux?09:01
ubotuThaaat's me! I'm a bot, not a human. I'm sometimes the most coherent poster on #ubuntu! For more, ask me about "add". You can browse my brain on http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:01
benkong2ompaul, oops!! thanks09:01
f_newtonyer welcome malin09:01
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WindowsDependantis everyone here using a usb optical mouse?09:02
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benkong2I use a wireless optical09:02
WindowsDependantpoe-t: thanks it worked09:02
rob_pdooglus:  brb... gotta go get my food :-)09:02
malinpaulproteus, imo it doesnt make sense installing quodlibet from breezy because it's older version than the one i tried installing from .tar.gz09:02
GoClickI've seen the wiki page on Java, I uncommended the line for the extras and planetmirror gave 404s, then I tried the ubuntuforums mirror and still can't find any packageswith j2re or sun- in the name09:02
ompaulben_d, hardwiring to a network card System - Administration - Networking might just be what you are looking at09:03
WindowsDependantdoes it have to be wireless or usb?09:03
poe-tWindowsDependant, welcome ;-)09:03
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ompaulben_d, sorry wrong spy09:03
WindowsDependanti can't get my serial mouse to work09:03
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ompaulbenkong2, , hardwiring to a network card System - Administration - Networking might just be what you are looking for09:03
Rockett18!get java on i38609:03
uboturumour has it, get java on i386 is 'wget -c http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-extras/restricted/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb', then 'sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update04_i386.deb'09:03
f_newtonI am just looking for a package list for breezy09:03
asfraf_newton: my cabel says cat5 patched, does that work? I have others as well, haven't looke at the yet09:03
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WindowsDependanti just got a compaq optical and i think it causes ubuntu to lock up alot09:04
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WindowsDependanti keep hearing that annoying tone it makes all the time until it is unlocked09:04
f_newtonasfra I forget which pins need to be switched but you cannot just plug two nics together09:04
f_newtonuse a router09:04
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benkong2ompaul, ??? wlan in linux has given me problems on this laptop. ex. in the office i can make it work by manual config. then when i go home still have to manual config for home.09:05
ompaulWindowsDependant, if it did not before and it does now most likely it is a hardware issue - maybe click on system - preferences - mouse might help09:05
WindowsDependantok i'll check09:05
benkong2I used the unoffical hoary cd and got java09:05
poe-tis there any # for Japanese users of ubuntu ?09:06
asfraf_newton: cables that work to connect to computers in windows will work in ubuntu as well, right? Assuming I have a calbe that work, what do I do then? both machines run ubuntu09:06
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benkong2WindowsDependant, I have a logitech cordless optical mouse and it works flawlessly09:06
benkong2WindowsDependant, has 2 parts the optical mouse and the usd transmitter or reciever09:07
HappyFoolpoe-t: doesn't look like it (it would probably be #ubuntu-jp if there were one)09:07
darkheartHappyFool I think it would be ja actually =)09:07
ompaulbenkong2, I read that as how to connect to another computer without wireless as it did not work, I am sorry to have to say I know very little about wireless at this time09:07
HappyFooldarkheart: doh!09:07
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ubotuit has been said that wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards09:07
TrippOk, I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop and it rusn perfect, but the only internet connection I have is aol.  In order to use that connection I have to install a program called pengaol, because linux does'nt use the same dialup settings or something.  Does anyone know how to install pengaol?09:07
GoClickRockett18, I've tried to install Java per the instruction on the site, HOWEVER Synaptic can't find the packages09:07
Nevadoforums are back up now09:08
ompaulbenkong2, maybe that link by ubotu might help09:08
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ray_sudo apt-get install pengaol09:08
benkong2ompaul, ok. The problem for me is moving from one wireless AP to another. checking the ubotu link now. :-)09:08
TrippI tried that last night from another guy, but he had to go to work, and it did'nt work.09:08
WindowsDependantbenkong2: so do u think i should go wireless?09:09
ubotuWindowsDependant: I don't know09:09
benkong2WindowsDependant, that is a personal decision. I have an HP zv5000 AMD 64 3200+ laptop and it works for me just that one hassle.09:10
benkong2However I am trying to write a script that handles it for me. Since I know all of the essid, passpharses etc.09:10
WindowsDependantwell i think my new mouse is causing problems b/c it locks up a lot with it09:10
ompaulTripp, that might be 'sudo apt-get install penggy' I found it by using the command 'apt-cache search aol' and it looks like the best candidate09:10
WindowsDependantbenkong2: can i use a serial mouse?09:10
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benkong2If your machine supports it. probably hard to find one09:11
ompaulWindowsDependant, you should have no problems using a serial mouse09:11
WindowsDependantwell i do09:11
olivier__bonjour a tous09:11
WindowsDependantlinux won't move the mouse09:11
=== zenlunatic [n=zenlunat@pcp0011110799pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WindowsDependantit stays in the center of the screen09:11
zenlunaticshould any usb flash based mp3 player work in ubuntu?09:11
Belutzompaul: is it possible to create a custom install cd of ubuntu?09:11
ompaulolivier__, pour vous, #ubuntu-fr here is english09:11
ompaulBelutz, I believe that it is, have a look at the guys on the beatrix project09:12
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Belutzompaul: do you have an url?09:12
ompaulBelutz, it is here  http://www.watsky.net/    <--- rather nice very small and what turned me onto ubuntu in the first place :)09:13
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Belutzompaul: thx a lot :)09:13
ompaulBelutz, enjoy09:13
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h08817is python beneficial to know?09:13
h08817or should u just learn c++09:14
paulproteush08817: Yes. :)09:14
ompaulh08817, it is if you want to learn to program, I seem to remember this conversation the other evening09:14
h08817www.python.org for tuts?09:14
h08817ompaul: lol yes i wanna learn09:14
h08817i am just now choosing python for the language i wanna start with09:15
asfraCan someone help me connect one computer to the internet throught another?? thanks09:15
asfraboth running ubuntu..09:15
h08817explain what u have as far as how u are connecting them09:15
ompaulh08817, have a look at the names of the online materials that are pointed to in the channel #python09:15
h08817wow there are really tons of channels on this server09:16
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barongasasfra: What like file transfer?09:16
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kennysrry im back09:16
ompaulasfra, a crossover cable for one to go to the other network card to network card is one option - two of them attached to a router / hub /switch with standard networking cables is another possible way09:16
kennyi have Musepack (MPC) format library can i use that to convert mpc to ogg09:17
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asfrabarongas: I've just installed ubuntu on one of them, and I need additional packages.. the packages are on the other computer so perhaps I don't need internet? can apt fix this?09:17
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ray_anybody connect to aol in here09:18
asfraompaul: cant I just connect them directly together.. I have to cables, I think atleas on of them is crossed09:18
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zenlunaticanyone use an ipod shuffle in ubuntu?09:19
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ompaulray_  'sudo apt-get install penggy' may help you a lot with that aol stuff09:20
PhoenixDPIzenlunatic: not under ubuntu bu another debian09:20
PhoenixDPIwhats the prob?09:20
zenlunaticPhoenixDPI: well im in the markey for a flash mp3 player and i want to know do they all work in linux or what09:21
ompaulasfra, if you have a crossover cable you need to enable the ethernet cards and then use scp to get the .deb files from one to another09:21
ray_ompaul: thank you...im on cable but trying to help someone09:21
ompaulray_, well then that may help them :)09:21
PhoenixDPIzenlunatic: the shuffle works fine for me since it's supported by gtkpod09:21
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ray_ompaul: i bet it will ..he was trying to compile the source of that file....except it was called peng and when i searched the repos for it i couldnt find it09:22
zenlunaticPhoenixDPI: i think ill get one with ogg support though09:22
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asfraompaul: yeah, thanks! what is scp?09:22
ompaulray_ apt-cache search aol is they way forward there :)09:23
ompaulasfra, secure copy09:23
PhoenixDPIzenlunatic: well, why not09:23
zenlunaticPhoenixDPI: if only they had mpc support09:23
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ompaulasfra, you may find this url useful  http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/help/tutorials/scp/09:24
PhoenixDPIzenlunatic: your on a special model or brand?09:24
zenlunaticPhoenixDPI: the iaudio u2 looks nice09:24
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barongasAny package that supports windows media files?09:24
Rockett18w32codecs is on backports09:25
zenlunaticbarongas: not vlc09:25
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sorush20guys what program do I use to get CPU temperature and speed09:25
barongasCool thanks09:25
ompaulare we going to get colony 4 ?09:25
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PhoenixDPIzenlunatic: for me the creative zen series sounds nice09:25
zenlunaticsorush20: i think there is some command line stuff but also gkrellm09:26
Deep6how is breezy ...is it installable yet?09:26
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Deep6I have no idea what state it is in..09:26
Brad_cserver irc.ballistixnet.com09:26
tristanmikeDeep6, .....installable but still broken09:26
ray_ompaul: is there a gui he could use?09:26
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ompaulray_, no idea09:26
infernallAnyone else experiencing lockups with the nvidia drivers?09:26
infernallI am stuck using the gpl nv driver, which doesnt support dual displays09:27
kevmanHey, whever I do a apt-get update, I am getting this error at the end:09:27
kevmanOh, wait. nvm.09:27
poe-tkevman, wjar kind of error?09:27
ompaulray_, suggest searches with the following text in them on google and then ferret out what you need  penggy gui ubuntu debian and see what falls out of the sky :)09:27
Deep6tristanmike, what is brokenish?09:28
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kevmanI'm trying to use apt to upgrade from Warty to Hoary, but some packages seem to be 404...09:28
ubotuit has been said that upgrade is "One-line upgrade: sudo sed -e 's/warty/hoary/' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"09:28
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tristanmikeDeep6, still alot of bugs, but apparently it's installable09:29
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Deep6hrmm I might have to try it this evening09:29
tristanmikeDeep6, I'm just gonna wait till october09:29
h08817can linux extract .zip files?09:29
ntollh08817, yes09:29
kevmanWell, I did all that, but some packages are missing from the servers.09:29
h08817what command?09:29
ntollsee above09:30
h08817or can i just use the archive manager?09:30
apokryphosBreezy is fairly stable at the moment09:30
kevman"Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openoffice.org-dictionaries/myspell-en-gb_20030813-3ubuntu1_all.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80] "09:30
h08817ok thanks09:30
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apokryphoskevman: make sure you sudo apt-get update first09:30
poe-tkevman, server down. so?09:30
apokryphospoe-t: the server is not down09:30
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kevmanWell, why the hell are needed packages missing?09:31
kevmanI did do apt-get update. 3 times.09:31
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apokryphoskevman: who said they were? The names could've changed09:31
kevmanWell, then, how do I tell that to apt?09:31
kevmanI would think apt-get update would fix that.09:32
apokryphosapt-get update *should*, in theory, resolve that09:32
apokryphosare you doing dist-upgrade?09:32
=== jedistar [n=jedistar@cpe-65-28-234-137.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== kevman thinks that apt prolly ruined the install...
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=== Sionide //> Pub
apokryphoskevman: are you getting that for many packages or only for that one?09:33
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kevmanapokryphos, total of 2.09:33
jedistarI think I might have accidently deleted the pane that programs minize to... for example before If i minimized firefox it will be visible on the bar... now it just disapears09:33
apokryphosit might be worth installing those manually then, for now. In theory it should all go smoothly09:33
kevmanThat and... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openoffice.org-dictionaries/myspell-en-gb_20030813-3ubuntu1_all.deb09:34
kevmanapokryphos, how does one install packages manually?09:34
jedistaranyone know how can I get it back?09:34
apokryphoskevman: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openoffice.org-dictionaries/09:34
=== jose is now known as kik0
apokryphoskevman: actually, the best way is to get it from packages.ubuntu.com09:35
Xappejedistar: the applet is called window-list09:35
kevmanapokryphos, what do I do? Or where do I go for instruction?09:36
eliphas_what can make some sites I can't open them ?09:36
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eliphas_like google09:36
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apokryphoskevman: go there and go to Browse... Hoary. Your stuff would be under Text Processing09:37
guessingI am having trouble while installing nvidia drivers09:37
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guessingsomebody can help me?09:38
apokryphoskevman: i.e. your first one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/text/myspell-en-gb09:38
=== zevets [i=zevets@pcp0011034180pcs.mtromd01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosguessing: state the problem, and maybe someone can help09:38
simonvallore_how do i stick a file into my root directory09:38
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apokryphossimonvallore_: you'll need root permissions09:39
apokryphosso sudo09:39
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guessingIt couldn't find the precompiled kernel?09:39
simonvallore_im in root consol09:39
guessingIt couldn't find the precompiled kernel!09:39
ompaul!tell guessing about nvidia09:40
jebemhow can i find my packages with synaptic when they are in the desktop?09:40
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Benjamin_Lsorry if this has been asked a thound times, but is there an esay way to get themes back in latest breezy ?09:40
kevmanapokryphos, once I get the .debs, what do I do with them?09:40
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apokryphoskevman: sudo dpkg -i {package}09:41
simonvallore_how do i stick a file into my root directory09:41
thespiritoftalanyone who can help me?my ubuntu works so slow..I thought maybe it was because of gnome and my ram but I installed debian with gnome.. it worked just fine.. can someone guess why it is? may the screen settings cause that?09:41
priestis the nforce 3 chipet well supported in the linux kernel? like sata and lan?09:41
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apokryphossimonvallore_: sudo mv /some/location/somefile /.09:41
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benkong2how do I get sources for the 2.6.10-k7 kernel only image and headers available in synaptic?09:41
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Benjamin_Ldoes anyone experience problems with themes in latest breezy ?09:42
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uthinibenkong2, sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1009:43
benkong2uthini, thanks09:43
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kevmanapt-get happily contunies....09:45
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reiki_workok... I'm *convinced* now that most of the kids AND their parents that are starting college this week are a pack of idiots and I have no idea how such clueless morons got accepted09:46
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jpfariashey people09:46
guessingubotu, please send me the link again, I closed the window by mistake09:46
ubotuguessing: I don't know, could you explain it?09:46
jpfariashow do I downgrade a package to a previous version?09:46
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Rockett18guessing> is a bot09:47
zevetshi, I need the kernel source so I can install the nvidia drivers?09:47
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Ex-Cyber!tell guessing about nvidia09:47
guessingdidn't you send my some links about nvidia drivers?09:47
zevetswhere can I get it?09:47
guessingubotu,  ty09:47
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ubotuNo idea, guessing09:47
Ex-Cyberguessing: someone told it to earlier with the command I just pasted :)09:47
ubotu[nvidia]  at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, or quick optimizations at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptimizingNvidia09:47
jpfariashey, how do I downgrade a package to a previous version?09:47
uthinilol Rockett1809:48
=== Rockett18 thinks we've all accidently talked to a bot at one time :)
Rockett18im out09:48
kevman"Errors were encountered while processing:09:49
kevman /var/cache/apt/archives/kmail_4%3a3.4.0-0ubuntu10_i386.deb09:49
kevmanE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"09:49
reiki_workI came i drunk one night and carried on a long conversation with a giant stuffed animal that my little brother won at the fair. :)09:49
uthinizevets, sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1009:49
=== uthini is gonna make a script to say that
uthiniif thats your kernel version09:49
guessingthanks everybody09:49
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kevmanThat error above... Is something running that is stopping apt from working?09:50
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uthinikevman, anything further than the error code?09:50
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zevetsuthini, I wasn't using the package that comes with this09:51
zevetsbut thx anyway09:51
kevmanuthini, I'll paste the whole thing in http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl09:51
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NoHopehello all09:52
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hajaI just reinstalled Ubuntu and I have a vfat partition. I go to access it and it can't get to it. When I login to my windows installation it sees the drive. Anyone got any clue?09:53
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pestilenceis there any way to revert a package back to the original configuration files?09:54
pestilence(without removing the package)09:55
paulproteuspestilence: dpkg --purge package ; apt-get install09:55
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paulproteuspestilence: Oh.09:55
arauzohow can i change file types and programs associations????09:55
paulproteuspestilence: dpkg --reinstall ...?09:55
pestilencepaulproteus: yea, but that causes all sorts of problems due to dependencies09:55
pestilencepaulproteus: hmm.09:55
paulproteuspestilence: That's safe.  Watch this:09:55
pestilencepaulproteus: didn't think that would overwrite configuration09:55
poe-tarauzo, done thru your window manager, I guess09:55
paulproteusdpkg --purge --force-deps packagename09:55
paulproteusapt-get -f install09:55
arauzopestilence: dpkg-reinstall09:55
paulproteusThen apt-get should bring it back.09:55
kevmanhttp://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/1586 <- any idea about this error?09:56
arauzopestilence: sorry dpkg-reconfigure09:56
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eliphas_what port do I need to pen to use gaim ?09:56
paulproteuseliphas_: Uh, it just works.09:56
arauzoeliphas_: depends on the network you want to use09:57
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arauzoso you need to find which ports msn uses...09:57
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silentiggermp3 in ubuntu?09:58
thespiritoftalwhat is the command to move a directory to another folder and overwrite the directory with the same name in that folder?09:58
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ubotuit has been said that mp3 is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information about mp3 support09:58
Seveas^-- silentigger09:58
kevmaneliphas_, msn is port 186309:59
eliphas_kevman thanks09:59
apokryphosthespiritoftal: mv -r09:59
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eliphas_because for some reason i cna't manage to reach google09:59
silentiggerSeveas, yes09:59
eliphas_my routeur is weird09:59
kevmanNo ideas?09:59
arauzoeliphas_: more info at: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~rakerman/port-table.html10:00
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silentiggerSeveas, can i mp3 player?10:00
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Logi_if i want to install apache 1.3 with php4, and mysql... what are the packages that i ned10:02
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mihaiwhere in /dev is the path to eth0 ?10:02
silentiggermy AirPort ubuntu not support10:02
RootX|ArpheticI would like to know the name of the tiny linux distro, something like ... tomsrtr or so?10:02
uthiniLogi_, apt will read the dependancies for you10:03
=== RogerD [n=delrusso@h-66-166-99-234.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
keksladeni've got a problem with ubuntu.. (i've installed it today) i cant login with root because i dont know the password..10:03
hajaI just reinstalled Ubuntu on a ext3 parittion. I also have a vfat partition. When I try to access it in Linux I can't get to it. Do I need to remount it?10:03
mihaitomsrtr ? lol10:03
keksladeni made a user and i can login with this user, but not with root...10:03
Logi_what do you mean?10:03
ubotuit has been said that root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo10:03
telemacois there any way for install ubuntu from usb-hard-disk ?10:04
Seveas^-- keksladen read that10:04
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CookedGryphonkeksladen, try ure user pasword10:04
mihaiwhere in /dev is the path to eth0 ?10:04
Seveasubuntu by default has no root password10:04
CookedGryphonkeksladen, that's what it was on mine10:04
uthiniLogi_, you know about apt_get?10:04
Logi_uthini, yeah10:04
CookedGryphontho i'd made a typo when settign my password, n i made it twice so i couldn#'t log in for a fair while, lol10:04
CookedGryphonSeveas, why did mine then?10:04
CookedGryphoni tried typing nothing but it didn't work10:04
uthiniit also reads the dependancies (what other packages are needed by the package) and prompts to install10:05
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SeveasCookedGryphon, login in the recovery mode10:05
Logi_uthini, i had apache2 on my machine.. but it wouldnt allow for certain things to work... so i still have php4, and mysql on my computer... they just arent configured10:05
mihaican somebody tell me the full path to eth0 in /dev ?10:05
Seveasthat will give you a root login without entering a password10:05
CookedGryphonits ok i don't have the problem now10:05
silentiggerubuntu powerpc10:05
Logi_uthini, i also have apache1.3 on it too.. but it wont recognize the .php extension10:05
=== _liquidfire [n=liquidfi@cp725918-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
_liquidfire[22:04]  <_liquidfire> I just installed abc-bittorent client with the deb package10:05
_liquidfire[22:04]  <_liquidfire> Where can I find where he installed the program10:05
_liquidfire[22:04]  <_liquidfire> It doesn't appear in any menu listing10:05
Seveasmihai, why do you need to know10:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
CookedGryphonSeveas, i typed in random stuff n it let me in after a while, whereby i hastily ran passwd10:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %liquidfire!*@*] by Seveas
ray_!find penggy10:06
RogerDhello everyone - Does anyone know how to RESIZE a partition.   I looked at GPARTED, however I want to resize the active "/" partition from 40GB to 30GB.   HELP!!!!10:06
ubotupenggy: (Allows you to connect to AOL via modem or TCP/IP), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 0.2.1-3 (hoary), Packaged size: 70 kB, Installed size: 332 kB10:06
Seveasdon't paste!10:06
uthiniLogi_, have u done the config'ing apache10:06
silentiggerliquidfire, opa10:06
mihaiSeveas, so i can configure an xfce plugin to show net-usage10:06
_liquidfireits only 3 lines :o?10:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %_liquidfire!*@*] by Seveas
silentiggerliquidfire, lucas mendes10:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %liquidfire!*@*] by Seveas
Logi_uthini, that's really what i need to know how to do... cause i cant find the correct documentation on it... everything is done for apache2 now...10:06
Logi_uthini, which isnt stable enough for my liking..10:06
Seveasmihai, that shoult just need eth0 not something in /dev10:06
hajaI just reinstalled Ubuntu on a ext3 parittion. I also have a vfat partition for files. When I try to access it in Linux I can't get to it. Do I need to remount it?10:06
michelpI'm not so good at this package thing, I read the man page for sources.list but I'm still getting an error, I want to install the software and I use syntaptic to add the repository "deb http://download.librdf.org/binaries/ubuntu/hoary/" but it doesn't show up in the repo list and if I add it to source.list my self I get an error.  nayone know the right syntax?10:06
Seveashaja: Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows and mac partions mount automatically10:07
silentiggerSeveas, hi10:07
=== RogerD rolling my eyes
mihaiSeveas, thanks, it works :)10:07
jkindywhat can i use to write HTML?10:07
silentiggerSeveas, do you help-me?10:07
Seveasmichelp, you need to add a path to that list10:07
pestilencepaulproteus: your dpkg --purge --force-depends seems to be exactly what i wanted.  thanks!10:07
Logi_jkindy, gedit10:07
hajathanks Seveas10:07
Seveasprobably just ' ./' (without the quotes)10:07
jkindyis gedit on ubuntu allready10:07
michelpSeveas ok i'll try that thanks10:07
silentiggercan you help-me?10:07
Seveassilentigger, did you read that page I sent you?10:07
Logi_jkindy, yeah10:07
silentiggerSeveas, ok10:08
Hoxzerwhat is the good software for ubuntu for make of music10:08
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silentiggerSeveas, ubuntu for powerpc10:08
michelpSeveas, sweet it works!10:08
CookedGryphonHoxzer, beep-media-player is best n easiest, in my hunmble opinion10:09
CookedGryphonoh make10:09
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CookedGryphonbuger, i'll sthu up10:09
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Logi_uthini, do you know what i have to do10:09
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jkindycan i get aim sniff from apt-get?10:10
ubotuI guess java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java10:10
Seveaswae2go, the repositories in these instructions are down10:10
Seveaswae2go, gar a deb from http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl10:11
Seveasgrab a deb*10:11
hajaThanks again seveas.... worked perfectly10:11
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %_liquidfire!*@*] by Seveas
Bixmarkcan I type this: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf in Applications -> Run Applications?10:12
_liquidfiresorry for the paste :/10:12
SeveasBixmark, only if you tick 'run in console'10:12
Seveasotherwise do: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:12
Bixmarkthanx seveas10:12
_liquidfireBut anybody has an idea about my problem? I installed ABC using the debian package but i have no clue how to start it since i don't see any ABC buttons in any of my menu listings10:12
Bixmarkis that the only place where you can type in that sudo command?10:13
Seveasdpkg -L abc-bla (put the actual package name there)10:13
Seveasthat shows where it is installed10:13
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SeveasBixmark, you can write it in any terminal too10:13
arauzohow can i change file types and programs associations??10:13
ubotuSeveas: I give up, what is it?10:14
ubotuSeveas: Do they come in packets of five?10:14
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RootX|Arphetic<mihai> tomsrtr ? lol <- it was tomsrtbt10:14
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Seveasarauzo, rightclick on a file, seclect properties. Third tab 'open with'10:14
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black13has anyone built a boot floppy that uses a 2.6 kernel?10:14
arauzoSeveas, but I want to make it permanent10:15
Logi_uthini, do you know what i have to do?10:15
Seveasarauzo, THAT makes it permanent10:15
seliniumSeveas: Do you ever sleep?10:15
Seveasselecting open with from the right click menu not10:15
Seveasselinium, hardly :)10:15
wae2goanyone know where backports is now?  I need to install java?10:16
arauzoit is not working for me10:16
ubotuhmm... java is to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java10:16
CookedGryphonyah! been dying to use that lol10:16
wae2gook... is anyone more up to date then ubotu?10:16
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arauzoisn't there any place where i could edit the types???10:16
Seveaswae2go, I just told you where you could grab a deb...10:17
snoopyhi people10:17
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clattadoes anyone know how to uninstall ati drivers and restore the original ones coming with the installation cd?10:17
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wae2godidnt see it Seveas, where was it?10:17
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Seveaswae2go, http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl10:17
jkindyonce i download a mp3 from limewire i cant get it to play outside of limewire and programs that will let me play it with out opeing up limewire?10:17
uthiniLogi_, i knew once, back in 200210:17
wae2gokewl thanks10:17
uthinilong since forgot10:18
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Lichtehow do I get gnome-db widgets for glade in Ubuntu ?10:18
wae2goseveas whats with all the backports urls not existing any longer?10:19
LichteI've installed all the gnome-db stuff I can find10:19
Seveaswae2go, ENOCLUE10:19
Logi_uthini, boo...10:19
wae2gouh ok...10:19
uthinii remember it being in the httpd.conf10:19
reiki_workis it against any "rules" to use the Ubuntu logo on a web site when talking about how great it is? :)10:19
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uthinior summin like that10:19
Seveasreiki_work, no10:20
uthinigottta add lines to make apache recognise php10:20
Seveasreiki_work, best ubuntu logo i've seen so far: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ubuntu-logo.png10:20
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Seveasuthini, a2enmod php410:21
Seveas(if you installed libapache2-mod-php410:21
uthiniSeveas, knows10:21
wae2goI am installing a lot of "work at home" workstations for a group of jr high kids and they all need to be able to access the same things.  The last couple of days getting the required packages has been hard to do10:21
GameCathi, van someone tell me how to stop mysqdld from running at startup? i don't really want to go messing in the init stuff by hand...10:21
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pestilenceGameCat: update-rc.d -f mysql remove10:22
Lichtewill the new services app in Gnome 2.12 work with Ubuntu ?10:23
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hajaWhats the package name for sunjava?10:23
GameCatpestilence: thats great, thanks, worked a treat10:23
McGuinnessHiy, anyone know what "Ignoring unknown interface sit0=sit0." means? (its supposed to be my wireless card... ;/10:24
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_liquidfireThanks Seveas, i got it working10:24
reiki_workSeveas: thank you much... I've now... uh... "borrowed" that graphic for later use. :)10:24
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carambolis it possible to enter Home with the keybaord?10:26
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juanejhow do i take a screenshot (.jpg) with a console command?10:28
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tagOk, so I've got a pretty default ubuntu setup10:28
wae2goseveas thanks a lot.... that worked, was that your own site?10:28
tagin debian defoma was setup so I could just mkdir ~/.fonts/ and throw fonts in there10:29
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tagbut I dunno, defoma seems not set up the same here10:30
inferno30Hello! Someone here who can help a newbie figure out what's wrong with his Ubuntu installation (error 21)?10:30
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arauzoinferno30: error 21?10:31
arauzogive us more details10:31
arauzowhen does it says that?10:31
inferno30after the first stage of installing10:31
inferno30it has to reboot10:31
inferno30and i find myself looking at the loading screen of that linux boot program thingy10:31
inferno30and error 21 appears10:32
inferno30I've got 3 disks, with the first disk windows 98, and the third disk ubuntu10:32
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arauzoI am trying to use the check for video player at firefox from ubuntu with mplayer and mozilla-mplayer installed of: https://mysql.webex.com/mysql/mywebex/epmainframe.php?rlink=https%3A%2F%2Fmysql.webex.com%2Fmysql%2Fonstage%2Fmainframe.php%3Fmainurl%3D%2Fmysql%2Fonstage%2Ftool%2Fevent%2Fevent_detail.php%3FEventID%3D386586052%26FirstEnter%3D1%26GuestTimeZone%3D%26SourceId%3D&Rnd5824=0.629558084780917210:32
arauzoinferno30: doesn't it says anything else?10:33
Lichtehow do I get gnome-db widgets for glade in Ubuntu ?10:33
NoUseinferno30 does it say "grub error 21"10:33
haonI tried linux before with mandrake and gave up because I couldnt for the life of me get my wireless usb linksys network adapter to work, is there support for it with ubuntu?10:34
Bixmarkhow do I get the desktop back up after doing cntl-at-backspace ?10:34
morbidiBixmark: it get's up auto10:34
Bixmarkafter I do cntrl-alt-backspace I get the command screen10:34
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Bixmarklike DOS screen10:35
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wae2gohaon you will probably have to use either madwifi or ndiswrapper10:35
WallanBixmark: Isn't it /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?10:35
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seliniumHI guys, i am looking to start coding an application to convert a dive computer log into a visual dive log. Never coded anything on linux. What language do you guys suggest?10:36
haonc++ i would presume10:36
WallanBixmark: Works for me, but I am new at this...10:36
McGuinnessHow come I cant open up some GUI programs in UBUNTU? for isntance, Im clicking :system;Administration;networking. It thinks for awhile, then nothing happens......10:36
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seliniumhaon: Cheers, have you used C++ and or Python?10:37
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black13selinium who is going to view the log10:37
seliniumblack13: hi10:37
noob523423quick question: how do i boot without X?10:37
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seliniumblack13: me10:37
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black13or rater how is it goin to be view?10:38
^thehatsrule^use bootcode 210:38
^thehatsrule^for clie10:38
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^thehatsrule^i.e. runlevel 210:38
seliniumblack13: ON screen and also printed out for my logbook. People have to see it from time to time.10:38
noob523423that's what it is right now10:38
noob523423and it's still booting to X10:38
^thehatsrule^perhaps you didnt save?10:39
black13is the information in some hiearchical form?10:39
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noob523423i DID save10:39
noob5234232 is the default10:39
zevetsrunlevel 310:39
seliniumblack13: Not sure yet. But probably.10:39
noob523423i tried that too10:39
zevetstype it into command line10:39
black13selinium so people means other than you?10:39
zevetsworked for me10:39
zenwhere is 'i18n' in ubuntu?10:39
black13selinium think about xml10:39
seliniumblack13: Yes, in its printed form10:39
persianoob523423: either uninstall gdm, or remove the symlink in /etc/rc3.d10:39
^thehatsrule^try it on the append, in grub maybe10:39
haonare ubuntuforums down or is t my computer?10:39
black13i dont know your data or you application10:39
noob523423persia: how do i remove that symlink?10:39
zevetshow do I set the resolution to 1280x1024?10:40
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zenzevets > hello10:40
zevetshow do I set the resolution to 1280x1024?10:41
^thehatsrule^noob523423: use a # to comment it out10:41
black13but spending more time upfront means less time in back or pain in the back ... xml-izing your data means you could do more with what you have ... you could make a web app then you could point "others" to a website that would contain you logs10:41
lexmarkhow do I save changes in Nano using the terminal?10:41
zevetsctrl O?10:41
zenzevets > I'm just a newbi for ubuntu. I got a question. Could u help me ?10:41
zevetsim a newb too10:42
zevetsbut sure10:42
persianoob523423: `sudo mv /etc/rc3.d/S??gdm /etc/rc3.d/K01gdm`10:42
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lexmarkyeah, ctrl O means writeout10:42
zevetsthats save10:42
zenzevets > where is 'i18n'?10:42
lexmarknot sure if that means save10:42
zevetsno clue10:42
zevetsits save lexmark10:42
lexmarkok thanx10:42
zenI couldn't find it in the dir '/etc/sysconfig'10:43
zevetsI wouldn't know zen10:43
zevetsim sry10:43
zenzevets> O, but thanks.10:43
zevetsdo you know how to change the resolution10:43
noob523423persia...rebooting right now10:44
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seliniumblack13: cheers. There is an old program that does some of what i want here. http://pakuro.is.sci.toho-u.ac.jp/aladin/INSTALL-e.html10:44
lexmarkzevets: you can try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:44
QMarioHow do I copy and paste a directory into a file owned by root using the terminal?10:44
zenand could something kindperson help me ?10:44
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QMarioHello Seveas.10:45
jkindyis there a winzip program on ubuntu10:45
QMarioHello bob2! :)10:45
QMarioHello Ubotu!.10:45
seliniumblack13: Great idea about the xml!10:45
zenzevets > where are u from ?10:45
ubotumethinks themes is at http://art.gnome.org - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/57/ - http://www.guistyles.com10:45
noob523423persia: it worked... thanks!10:46
zevetsmd, why?10:46
zevetshow do I change my resolution?10:46
noob523423okay.... another guestion: how do i install the kernel sources?10:46
seliniumblack13: I am a web programmer and i forget that you can use xml outside php!  :)10:46
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QMarioLexmark, how do I copy and paste a directory into a file owned by root using the terminal?10:46
ubotuWish i knew, QMario10:46
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, QMario10:47
ubotuI guess paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text10:47
RogerDSeveas: Thanks for your help yesterday (I was the guy that could not get root access)10:47
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zenzevets> have u got any problem too?10:47
zevetsI want to change my resolution to 1280 102410:47
zenzevets > what's it?10:47
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wae2gowell this one is finished....10:48
zevetsdon't know how10:48
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persiaQMario: `sudo mv source destination` or `sudo cp -aRp source destination`10:48
noob523423i can't install nvidia drivers cause i don't have my kernel source installed it says... i need the latest ones that apt-get doesn't have yet cause i have a 7800 GTX10:48
wae2goevery thing a teenager needs in a computer...10:48
QMario  Wae2go, how do I copy and paste a directory into a file owned by root using the terminal? 10:48
QMarioOkay. Thank you persia.10:49
zenzevets > u can try to edit the file named initrd10:49
QMario 10:49
zevetsI will try10:49
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wae2gouh QMario I guess you got answered?10:49
IRCMonkeyquick question...  I just picked up an old macintosh 7600 with a g3/445 upgrade for $35.  Does anyone know if the PPC version of ubuntu will run on this?10:50
ghaishello everyone, who can I change the font size of tty(s)10:50
zenzevets > what's the desk ur using?10:50
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RogerDI have the same question as IRCMonkey, only I have an 8600.   :D10:50
QMarioHow do I install a theme?10:51
zenzevets >what's that? I never hear it before. and mine is gnome10:51
zevetsoh window manager10:51
zevetsI use gnome10:51
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zevetslike all ubunut10:51
meffquick q, i've been using debian sid for quite awhile and i am looking into ubuntu and i am wondering, if i am just going to update from hoary -> breezy anyways, is it ok to install from a colony test cd? is it the same?10:51
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Sparkydoes anybody know how to format an ipod under linux?10:52
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zenzevets > oh, u also can use the menu ,system->display->..10:53
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RogerDSparky: Does gtkpod have that ability?10:53
RogerDtry it10:53
floppyearsis there something like a script that I can use to turn .sxw files into .doc files?10:53
zenzevets > oh, u also can use the menu ,system->system management->display->..10:54
SparkyRogerd: I'm not sure, I dont think so because I cant find a way10:54
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thespiritoftalcan i remove all the files that start with "index" in a certain directory with one command?10:54
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RogerDSparky: Did you try gtkpod?  or do you need help to get that?10:54
persiathespiritoftal: `rm directory/index*`10:54
zensparky > hi10:54
RogerDSparky: It should be in the universe or multiverse10:54
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QMarioOkay, I did it! :)10:55
SparkyRogerD: I have GTKpod, but I cant find an option to format the ipod10:55
QMarioThank you!10:55
QMarioHello Sparky! :)10:55
SparkyHello qmario10:55
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zenSparky > I also got a question ,Could u help me ?10:55
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noob523423is the kernel source on the install cd?10:55
SparkyI'm not that great with linux10:55
hardw1rehey, can someone tell me what this xFce desktop environment is? cause im trying it out now, i've never heard of it before....10:55
Sparkyhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=316932#post316932 heres more info on the problem10:55
zenSparky > where is 'i18n'?10:56
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DekaPinkHey all... I'm trying to resize my partitions with gparted from the Ubuntu live CD... and it says that I'm trying to resize an active partition when I try... What should I do? :310:56
RogerDSparky: If that does not work, you may need to get your fingers dirty with HFS. (apples file system)  you can download kernel modules to read/write HFS filesystems.   that's the "old school way" of doing it.   If there is a newer/better way.  I'm all ears10:56
ubotuwell, xfce is a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4". http://www.xfce.org/10:56
sean_xfce owns :p10:56
hardw1reyeah, steam runs without borders in it :D10:56
RogerDI think the ipods are still using HFS for their underlying file system10:56
hardw1reit seems rather quick and responsive too :D10:56
sean_oh its damn fast, i run a 333celeron /64mb ram, and its still pacey10:56
thespiritoftaland is there a way to remove all the files starting with index in a directory and all the files starting with index in the directories inside the first directory?10:57
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hardw1relol sean_10:57
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hardw1reim on an amd 64. with 1GB of ram :P10:57
sean_hahaha, yeah man i feel like im antiquing10:58
sean_im a good test dummy for old hardware thou :p10:58
DekaPinkDoes anyone know what the deal might be? As far as I can tell, the partitions aren't mounted.10:58
black13selinium web apps make distrobution so much easier ... jut point to a url no software push10:58
sean_DekaPink, what type of partitions?10:58
persiathespiritoftal: `man regex` for an explanation of the wildcards (or maybe `man bash`.  For this, you might try `rm directory/*/index*`, but for more, you'd best take a look at the included docs.10:58
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DekaPinksean_: My windows partition... I want to make it smaller so I can make my Ubuntu partition bigger.10:59
andrilhello all again10:59
DekaPinkSo... ntfs and ext310:59
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sean_heh, thats a pain in the @$$ espically if u dont want to lose data10:59
haon99:/ My wireless usb adapter is broken10:59
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dalamaror ass even10:59
andrilany problems with repositories? I just ran a reinstall and alot of packages are not installing (java,mozilla,and scuh)11:00
hajaDoes anyone know the java package name?11:00
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andrilhaja, you too huh?11:00
DekaPinksean_: Blast~ xD11:00
hajayeah.... I just reinstalled ubuntu and can't get anything installed11:00
seliniumblack13: true but i still have to get the info out of my dive computer which means tranfsering it to the pc anyway. When its there it seems a bit strange to upload it. but in that you have given me another idea!11:00
hajaThought it was just me...11:00
zenDekaPink > u can use the tool named magic partition. it can make u wanted11:00
RogerDok: so does anyone know how I can shrink down my Ubuntu partition.  Specifically I want to shrink my 40GB '/' partition down to 30GB.......11:00
dalamaryou mean partition magic?11:01
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DekaPinkI guess I'll go do that.11:01
RogerDI tryied GPARTED, but it didn't seem to want to work.11:01
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sean_partion magics handy :)11:01
RogerDI booted from the LIVE CD, apt-get'ed it, used it, no joy ..........11:01
sean_but its commercial11:01
hajaI get a COuldn't Find Package error...?11:01
sean_and windows11:01
hajaYou too andril ?11:01
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klatohey guys, i just ran the live cd and it seems to work ok (even detected me wireless =), but i can't seem to connect to anything, even though i specified my essid and WEP in the options...?11:02
RogerDI do not have the NTFS headaches!!!   Just need to shrink a standard Linux partition (Ubuntu created)11:02
andrilhaja, yes I reinstalled on 2 pc's and no luck just errors because java is missing11:02
zendalamar >perhaps!11:02
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klatoi'd look in the forums but i they seem to be down..11:02
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dalamarthey all knew what you meant ;)11:03
neo78allright folks...11:03
neo78bedtime for me...11:03
medamaybedoes anyone have a suggestion on this? "meda is not in the sudoers file"?11:03
medamaybegoodnight neo11:03
neo78have to lecture a programming class eeeearly in the morning11:03
dalamari think whatever site I was using for one of my repos pooped out because I can't seem to install amarok now11:03
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hajaSeems a lot of people are having problems with repos???11:04
dalamarfor sure11:04
RogerDanyone?   shrink down my '/' partition?11:04
hajafigures... just when I decide to reinstall11:04
yaru22universe and multiverse source list adding?11:04
yaru22what is it?11:04
ubotu[repos]  at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto A list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/96911:05
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hardw1reanyone else using the cvs of aMSN?11:05
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sean_yea i do11:05
medamaybedoes anyone know how I get a user in the 'sudoers' file?11:06
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nakatain a terminal11:06
dalamarmedamaybe, are you using gnome?11:06
medamaybeyes, gnome11:06
dalamarsystem -> admin -> user and groups11:06
parkajoin #xfce-de11:06
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medamaybeI was trying to do it from the command line11:07
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dalamarmedamaybe, I always check for a pretty picture version first ;)11:07
medamaybe"Child terminated with 1 status"11:07
medamaybewhat's that all about?11:08
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no_dammagEhi, can I remove all contents from /var/cache without fear (I have only 200 MB left on /) without fear?11:08
dalamar? dunno thats what happened when you tried to run it?11:08
no_dammagE-without fear :)11:08
medamaybewhen I tried to run it, it asked me to type in a password, I did11:08
medamaybeand that's what it said11:08
black13selinium what creates the data?11:08
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dalamarmedamaybe, then user your trying to use it with right now has sudo privilige right?11:09
seliniumblack13: A wrist mounted computer11:09
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medamaybeno, the user I'm trying to use it with right now, NEEDS sudo privileges, but I can't get it to work11:09
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alllanonAre the daily builds of Breezy known to be working?11:10
dalamarmedamaybe, you do have A user with sudo though right? your going to need it to run the program11:10
medamaybeno..that's the problem11:10
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medamaybeI don't know how to give sudo priviledges to a user11:10
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alllanonmedamaybe: is he in /etc/sudoers?11:10
dalamaryou mean your main user doesn't have sudo privilege to begin with? thats not right11:10
Seveasalllanon, they are known to be working somtimes11:10
medamaybehang on, I'll check11:10
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Sauron21Hi...I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could get a ppp/mppe patch for ubuntu?11:11
alllanonSeveas: okay :]  I tried booting yesterday's iso three times today. different problem on every boot :}11:11
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medamaybeonly "root"  is in /etc/sudoers11:11
TMSI dont suppose anyone happen to know of an ipw2100 source with WPA support enabled?11:12
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alllanonOh, forgot to mention it was the live cd.  Is there a Breezy live cd known to be good, then?11:12
dalamari've only got 'root' in my /etc/sudoers as well yet my main user 'dalamar' still has sudo ability11:13
medamaybewould it do me any good if I change the /etc/sudoers file and put a user in there?11:13
medamaybethat's odd11:13
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Seveasdalamar, in hoary the admin group is in the sudoers file11:13
metiscan anyone help me with creloaded/oscommerce?11:13
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Seveasand the first user you create is in that group11:14
dalamarSeveas, ah ok11:14
medamaybeI read something about users having to be in the 'wheel' group to be able to use sudo11:14
alllanondalamar: hm, yes. i usually use archlinux, and i thought i set it there. could be different on ubuntu.11:14
dalamarso its based on group in hoary11:14
FiRezmedaybe: no11:14
alllanonah, then it should be just to add your user to the admin group then?11:14
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medamaybeso...how do I add a user to the admin group?11:14
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FiRezYou can change that in the user adm. program11:14
dalamarmedamaybe, I really dont see how your first user you created on install couldnt have admin11:15
medamaybewell..neither do I11:15
FiRezis called Users and Groups I think, sorry I don't have Ubuntu installed in my work's PC11:15
black13has anyone played around with making bootable cd roms based on ubuntu?11:15
black13or debian11:15
medamaybeI can't get to the Users and Groups thing11:15
medamaybeit tells me I need a password11:16
dalamaryour using the -user's- password when it asks right, not root pw?11:16
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medamaybeyeah, the users password11:16
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dalamarand are you trying this with your first/main user?11:16
medamaybeI have only 1 user11:16
FiRezit should work like that or just enable the root account11:16
FiRezwait...I will look for the link11:16
seliniumanyone a bluetooth wizard here?11:17
FiRezsee Enabling root account11:17
seliniumI am having some bonding issues!  :)11:17
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zenwhere is the file named 'i18n'?11:17
zenwhere is the file named 'i18n'?11:17
zenwhere is the file named 'i18n'?11:17
medamaybeok, thanks11:17
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apokryphosYou can't enable the root account if sudo isn't working11:17
apokryphoszen: don't flood11:18
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medamaybeI can't do ANYTHING if sudo is not working, or so it seems :)11:18
dalamarso thats really not going to do you any good11:18
FiRezsorry I forget that you can't use sudo11:18
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apokryphoswhat happened?11:18
FiRezwhat happens when you try to use the terminal as root?11:18
medamaybethat works11:18
hardw1rexfce is tehh ownage11:19
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apokryphosonly real way to stop sudo working is to muck up your subdoers file; you shouldn't really be playing around with that11:19
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FiRezwell just use the command without sudo but be sure that you are using the terminal with the root profile11:19
TaxManQuick question, just so I won't waste time trying this and have to reboot: Can I install packages when on the LiveCD (obviously only for the same session but still)?11:19
juanejis there anyway to get rid of gnome and install xfce?11:19
medamaybeI never even touched my sudoers file11:19
juanejwithout reinstalling i mean11:19
apokryphosmedamaybe: and what happens when you try to sudo? Password incorrect?11:20
dalamarjuanej, install xfce, set it in your sessions at login, then delete gnome11:20
medamaybeno, it tells me 'meda is not in the sudoers file'11:20
juanejdalamar, how?11:20
dalamarhow what?11:20
FiRezmm....it's my connection or the forums are down?11:20
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apokryphosmedamaybe: and that's the user you said you started with?11:20
dalamaruse synaptic11:20
medamaybeyeah, it is11:20
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apokryphosmedamaybe: but you can get into root permissions now?11:21
mattyJdoes anyone know if you can use gnomemeeting to connect to someone with ichat on a mac?11:21
apokryphosmedamaybe: if you can, type visudo there11:21
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hajacan someone give me a hand in installing java..11:21
apokryphosmedamaybe: and add in {username} ALL=(ALL) ALL11:21
FiRezdid you tried to install it from synaotic?11:21
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ubotu[java]  to install Java please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java11:21
CookedGryphonhaja, i have java installed n working, what do u want to know?11:21
hajawhat is the package name to install it?11:22
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zenapokryphos > I 'm sorry ,I just wanna solve my problem.11:22
dalamarim guessing the aq would tell you11:22
FiRezsearch for JRE11:22
dalamarthe faq too11:22
bytefoosomeone know what version of ipw2200 ubuntu is using11:22
CookedGryphoni dint dl a package myself11:22
bytefoois it the latest that supports monitor mode :O11:22
apokryphoszen: hmm?11:22
asfrahaja: sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.511:22
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CookedGryphondownloaded the self extracting archive from www.java.com11:22
hajaI get nothhing in synap11:22
dalamarzen, the il8n stuff is language packages most likely11:23
asfrahaja: check sources.list11:23
apokryphosEveryone's mentioning ten different ways to get it (and I have another). Confusing, I'm sure. :)11:23
NoUsehaja have you looked at the wiki?11:23
hajaE: Couldn't find package sun-j2re1.511:23
apokryphosactually, the wiki is dated -- jre is no longer in hoary-extras11:23
zendalamar > yeah, I wanna find it. but I'am fail11:23
hajaI am using the ubuntuguide.com or hwatever11:23
medamaybeit works!11:23
NoUse!tell haja about java11:23
medamaybemy other user is now able to use sudo11:23
medamaybethanks guys11:23
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dalamarmedamaybe, congrats11:23
CookedGryphonyou could jsut do what i did, it works11:24
uboturumour has it, ubuntuguide is a set of instructions with no explanation. Please do not advise people to use ubuntuguide.  Advise https://wiki.ubuntu.com instead. The official FAQ Guide will be released with Breezy, stay tuned11:24
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medamaybenow...let's see how I can screw everything up again ;)11:24
apokryphosCookedGryphon: unnecessary11:24
CookedGryphondownlaod the self extracting11:24
zendalamer > perhaps, Ubuntu hasn't that file. but another do.11:24
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CookedGryphoni like to do things the logn way around tho11:24
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dalamarzen, ubuntu has alot of those, though its not just called il8n, its got a long filename with the language name in the front of it11:24
CookedGryphonits more fun11:25
apokryphosCookedGryphon: most others won't -- I think that's a safe presumption :P11:25
rmflaggDoes anyone know anything about the workings of GDM?11:25
zendalamer >and what? I can't see the follow words11:25
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juanejcan i replace nautilius with rox file manager?11:25
Seveasall the people needing java: backports mirrors seem to have problems11:25
CookedGryphonapokryphos, i wanted java to run a risk game n it referred me to java.com, then when i searched synaptic 4 java, nothing, so i juust went off the java website11:26
Seveaslook at my hostmask to find out where you can grab java debs :)11:26
apokryphosand hoary-extras doesn't have it anymore11:26
apokryphosCookedGryphon: it's an option, sure; but there are easier methods11:26
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CookedGryphonoh yeah, i have a problem11:26
RockFooAnyone here have experience with installing an ATI Radeon in Ubuntu?11:26
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ubotusomebody said ati was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:27
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Seveas^-- RockFoo11:27
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rmflaggI am running Hoary and GDM doesn't ask if I want to use Session "X" as my default session anymore.  It also doesn't save the "Last" session setting.11:27
dalamarzen, i was just saying the file isnt just called 'il8n', thats only a small part of a long filename11:27
hajaWhen I search for sun-j2re1.5 in synaptic I get nothing11:27
hajaI've added all the repos11:27
apokryphoshaja: you don't have the appropriate repository enabled11:27
Madisoncould I ask some advice when someone's got a minute11:27
bytefoowhere can i check the latest package version on somethin :O11:27
Seveashaja, look at what I just said :)11:27
bytefoofor ubuntu repo :X11:27
dalamarhaja, listen to Seveas, get it from there11:27
apokryphoshaja: add.... deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl ./11:28
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SeveasMadison, just ask :)11:28
keegan3747cookedGryphon, u have to download the .tar.gz file from sun's site11:28
FiRezbytefoo google the package11:28
zenoh, thanks ,but what's that?11:28
apokryphosSeveas: it's the damn wiki that's confusing, too. Will edit that.11:28
Seveasbytefoo, with synaptic11:28
Seveasapokryphos, just did :)11:28
hajasorry.... I didn't see that11:28
bytefoogoogling the package tells me the package version, not what ubuntu is using11:28
zendalamer >oh, thanks . but what's that?11:28
bytefooyah i would, but im at work on an xp box :X11:28
Madisonany chance anyone knows where to get a driver for a compaq deskpro en soundcard?11:28
apokryphosSeveas: ah, good going.11:28
CookedGryphoni have a java game in a .jar pkg, and it has several shell scripts to run it in different modes, when i type in the path to one of the scripts in terminal  it works fine, but then as soon as i put exactly the same command line in smeg then nothing happens11:28
Seveasbytefoo, ok, then packages.ubuntu.com :)11:29
dalamarzen, whats what? its most likely a language file11:29
hajaadd that as a repo?11:29
FiRezsorry I thought you wanted to know the latest version of the package11:29
bytefooahh thank you :)11:29
CookedGryphonkeegan3747, eh, i already have java, no problem with it11:29
apokryphoshaja: yes11:29
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rmflaggI can't find anything on Google about the settings and what to change inside GDM conf.11:29
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KumaCan someone help me. When I run "Add/Remove Programs" I get this error:11:29
keegan3747cookedgryphon, I misread wat u typed ;)11:29
Seveashaja, either add it as repo or manually download a java .deb file from there11:29
ubotuNo idea, durt11:29
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FiRezCookedGryphon did you used the installation files from sun.com or did you got it from synaptic?11:30
hajathanks again11:30
SeveasKuma: disable backports and reinstall python-xdg11:30
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hajaWhen I installed the first time I got it installed fine... don't know whats going on this time11:30
CookedGryphonFiRez, installation files, not synaptic11:30
thespiritoftalwhat is the command to write a directory to a cd?11:30
CookedGryphonand yes java dir is in my path variable11:30
KumaSeveas: I am sorry, but I am a noob how do I disable backports and reinstall python...11:30
FiRezthanks, I was planning to install it today11:30
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SeveasKuma, first give the error :)11:31
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KumaW: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)11:31
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rmflaggOk, so NOBODY in here can supply me with ANY insight as to what could have happened to my GDM setting?11:31
ubotuskora: I don't know, could you explain it?11:31
CookedGryphonwhat's the exactly problem rmflagg ?11:31
SeveasKuma, oooohhh11:31
rmflaggI am running Hoary and GDM doesn't ask if I want to use Session "X" as my default session anymore.  It also doesn't save the "Last" session setting.11:31
Seveasthat's not what I expected :)11:31
zendalamar >oh, thanks for ur help.11:32
haonwould the linux driver available here work on ubuntu? http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?childpagename=US%2FLayout&packedargs=c%3DL_Download_C2%26cid%3D1115417109934%26sku%3D1121874580756&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper11:32
SeveasKuma, simply open synaptic and hit the reload button11:32
Seveasor in a terminal, run: sudo apt-get update11:32
KumaSeveas: I am sorry, but I am a noob how...11:32
rmflaggIt also has the default setting to Gnome and I am running Fluxbox exclusively.11:32
KumaSeveas: Never mind.11:32
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SeveasKuma, synaptic is in the menu at the top of the screen: system -> administration -> synaptic11:32
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CookedGryphonrmflagg, can u do anything in System -> Administration -> Login screen setup?11:32
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beniaminoanyone know why apt-get sun-j2re1.5 stopped working (for me) in the last few days? i know backports/extras isn't official, just wondered if anyone knew what happened11:33
apokryphosbeniamino: it's no longer in hoary-extras11:33
dalamarits not working ;)11:33
keegan3747rmflagg, I am not sure if I understand the question or not but don't u change the session by clicking session on the login screen?11:33
KumaSeveas: Error: Another synaptic is running...11:33
apokryphosKuma: close the other one :P11:33
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SeveasKuma, close the add/remove programs thing11:33
rmflaggI am running Fluxbox.  I have been for months and everything has been fine.  It just changed last week!11:33
icewthow can i change gtk1 theme?11:33
KumaSeveas: It is not open.11:33
durtwhere is sun-j2re1.5 now then?11:34
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skoraHi. I'm trying to find out information about metapackages, but I checked the forum [down] , the wiki [no info]  and google; and unable to find out.11:34
apokryphosubotu: tell durt about java11:34
asfrahi, is it possible to copy alle the packages related to aptitude to en external harddrive? is so, can anybode tell me where they are located?11:34
dalamardo you have an apt-get running on cmdlin?11:34
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Seveasskora, the wiki should have info11:34
skorafor example - can I remove them without any harm ?11:34
seliniumblack13: the program downloads a bitstream from the dive computer this then needs to be turned into readable info using the formula found at http://www.muenster.de/~matthias/aladin/aladin_frame.xls11:34
apokryphosasfra: all packages are in archive.ubuntu.com11:34
SeveasI wrote a page about them a few months ago11:34
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skoraSeveas, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/search?SearchableText=metapackage&Title=&Description=&created%3Adate=1970%2F02%2F01+00%3A00%3A00+GMT&created_usage=range%3Amin&pt_toggle=%23&portal_type%3Alist=AmazonItem&portal_type%3Alist=Discussion+Item&portal_type%3Alist=Document&portal_type%3Alist=Event&portal_type%3Alist=Favorite&portal_type%3Alist=File&portal_type%3Alist=Folder&portal_type%3Alist=HelpCenter&portal_type%3Alist=HelpCenterDefinition&11:34
rmflaggkeegan3747: Yes, you do.  But it doesn't remember the Last session setting anymore.  So everytime I log in, I go to Gnome, which I don't use.11:34
skoraack sry.11:34
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dalamari have no eyes11:34
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klatomy WAP is not detected (although my wireless card is) in ubuntu, although all is fine in another os. the wireless is eth1, and i entered my essid/wep (using 4th, dont see any way to have it use the 4th though)...any ideas?11:35
Seveasjeez, what an a**11:35
rmflaggAlso, it doesn't ask anymore if I want to change my default setting to Fluxbox anymore.11:35
KumaSeveas: It is not open.11:35
c0rrupt__damn long link11:35
keegan3747rmflagg, if you change the session by clicking session on the login screen, it should ask if you want to make it the default, so u should be able to edit the default there11:35
SeveasKuma, hmm11:35
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chrishey I'm looking for an applet to sit on my gnome-panel that will alert me to new emails does anyone know of a good one?11:35
rmflaggIt doesn't ask anymore. :(11:35
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RockFooAlright I tried using the guides to installing an ATI card on Ubuntu but I can't start X back up11:35
Seveasclose all instances of synaptic, apt-get, add remove programs and whatnot11:35
beniaminoapokryphos: well that would explain it :-) but what happened?11:35
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RockFooCan anyone help me?11:36
robotgeekKuma: sudo killall synaptic11:36
Seveasand then retry11:36
asfraapokryphos: ok, thats online. But doesn't apt keep all the dowloaded packages in a local directory on the computer?11:36
alllanonchris: xbiff?11:36
apokryphosbeniamino: I have no idea11:36
apokryphosasfra: *downloaded* ones, yes11:36
chrisalllanon, I'll give that a try thanks11:36
apokryphosasfra: /var/cache/apt/archives/11:36
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seliniumblack13: thanks for your pointers.11:36
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robotgeekdoes anyone know a good mp3 tag editor?11:36
ircleuseris the ntfs partition resizing working on latest daily install cd?11:36
apokryphosrobotgeek: JuK11:36
alllanonrobotgeek: amarok :)11:36
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Madisonwell, I'll be damned if I can find a driver...11:36
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robotgeekapokryphos: thanks11:37
seliniumrobotgeek easytag11:37
apokryphoseven KRename can do it, I believe11:37
KumaSeveas: Okay I am at Synaptic, now I get... W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hoary-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)11:37
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xeratheveryone from rsa?11:37
SeveasKuma, good11:37
asfraapokryphos: thanks! I need to update a system that is off-line.. I think this will work...11:37
SeveasKuma, now hit the reload button in synaptic11:37
RockFooCan anyone here help me one on one with installing an ATI Radeon card under Ubuntu?11:37
alllanonxerath: no, some of us from aes11:37
RockFooI've tried the guides11:37
keegan3747rmflagg, lemme c wat I can dig up11:37
xerathhow long should a root@woof:/home/xerath # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdd11:37
robotgeekapokryphos, alllanon , selinium : thanks, will try them out, except amarok11:37
dalamarrobotgeek, easytag is a nice little one too for a specific program for editing them11:37
KumaSeveas: Ok...11:37
xerathtake on a 160 gig?11:37
apokryphosasfra: use the -d option to download and not unpack/install11:37
alllanonamaroK <3 <3 <311:37
seliniumGood night all, happy ubuntu'ing!11:38
dalamaramarok is ugly ;)11:38
alllanonsomeone should make gamaroK.11:38
apokryphosamaroK is boootiful11:38
asubedianyone successful in resizing a ntfs partition from the install cd?11:38
SeveasRockFoo: sample xorg.conf for a radeon 9600 http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/79311:38
KumaSeveas: Thank you very much... It works.11:38
dalamarand the playlist is bloat and uneeded if you want a basic mp3 player11:38
haonwould the linux driver available here work on ubuntu? http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?childpagename=US%2FLayout&packedargs=c%3DL_Download_C2%26cid%3D1115417109934%26sku%3D1121874580756&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper11:38
andrilcome on first the repositories and now a hurricane - is it all over? :)11:38
Seveasmaybe you can get some inspiration from that11:38
asfraapokryphos: so already downloaded and istalled packages are not contained in a 'form' that can be used by another system?11:38
robotgeekhehe, looks like i've started off a flmaewar!11:38
xerathhow do I extract .deb packages?11:39
dalamareveryone's got thier fav mp3 player heh11:39
apokryphosasfra: I think APT does regular "apt-get clean"s, which basically deletes every package in that directory, so no11:39
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durtxerath: sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb11:39
apokryphosdalamar: indeed11:39
apokryphosdurt: no, that's to extract+install :P11:39
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asfraapokryphos: ok, thanks!11:39
Seveasxerath, ar x filename.deb11:39
Seveasor dpkg-deb -x (oslt)11:40
FiRezDoes anyone use enlightement? I just wanted to know if it's faster than gnome11:40
macarthyanyone know the current status of mono on AMD64? Can it be run on Hoary?11:40
robotgeekdalamar: i use beep-media-player, though rhythmbox on breezy seemed nice for a while, but started skipping after song changeover. maybe a bug report is in order?11:40
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alllanondo totem support loading and selecting subtitles in the gui now?11:40
dalamarthough amarok my not be my fav, its got to hands down have the most features11:40
durtmy bad11:40
apokryphosFiRez: it's more lightweight11:40
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Seveasalllanon, yes (for dvds at least)11:40
apokryphosdalamar: yes; JuK has *very* many too, though. So few know about it.11:40
alllanonrobotgeek: wait, skipping... sound familiar. it doesn't use gstreamer, does it?11:40
dalamarrobotgeek, couldn't say, have never been a fan of rhythmbox so I dunno about its ups/downs11:41
apokryphosdalamar: amaroK got some of its major features from there (it uses JuK's tagging library, for example)11:41
keegan3747rmflagg, does this help? http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/changeman.html11:41
FiRezapokryphos Thanks I will try to use it, hopefully I will not break my installation again11:41
dalamarapokryphos, i see, i'll admit myself I've yet to try that one yet11:41
robotgeekalllanon: okay, i couldn't see any preferences ther eto change it?11:41
apokryphosubotu: tell FiRez about e11:41
dalamarthough I've heard of it11:41
beniaminoapokryphos: do you know if sun-j2re1.5 will come back? or where i can find out?11:41
apokryphosbeniamino: you can use the other repo I linked you to11:41
robotgeekalllanon: it plays fine if i pause and play back again11:42
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robotgeekalllanon: in fact, it plays great once i do that, but song change screws all that up11:42
RockFooHow can I tell that the fglrx driver for the Radeon has been correctly installed?11:42
codecainewhat does "+e" mean for chat?11:42
alllanonrobotgeek: no, i never used it, so I don't know, but skipping when changing songs in amarok while using gstreamer (with or without crossfade) is a well-known problem.11:42
vitor4130hi there! i have vlc installed in my computer but i can only see image, no sound! any idea why? thanks11:42
codecaineRockFoo, run glxgears11:42
alllanonsome were amarok problems, other gstreamer problems.11:43
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=== apokryphos is out for a bit: food
robotgeekalllanon: ah okay...bmp skips when i open a firefox window :(11:43
=== ReleaseX [i=ReleaseX@adsl-70-249-202-49.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
confreyhi everybody11:43
alllanonhm. old computer?11:43
rmflaggkeegan3747, it doesn't cover gdm...only xdm. :(11:43
RockFoo345FPS on GLXgears11:43
dalamarmemory amount may be an issue11:43
robotgeekalllanon: powerbook g4 50011:43
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CookedGryphonbmp rocks.. but also skips when i dial up, not when i open firefox tho11:43
alllanonrobotgeek: neat, lucky you :)11:44
robotgeekdalamar: i have lots of free ram :) i ue only about 256 of my 76811:44
RockFoounder xorg.conf what should the driver be labled as?11:44
ReleaseXcan anyone suggest a good wireless mini pci card for my laptop11:44
RockFooshould it be fglrx or vesa?11:44
dalamarrobotgeek, ah okay obviously not lacking there ;)11:44
alllanoni had performance problems, but with dmesg i found out it was all because my crappy SIS controller kept sending my drives into PIO mode.11:44
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FiRezRockFoo just to let you know that I got the same fps with glxgears with my TNT2 Ultra11:44
beniaminoapkryphos: can't see the link (this channel moves fast) -- could you post again?11:44
alllanonReleaseX: mini-pci? not pcmcia?11:44
RockFooi've got a radeon 980011:44
asfraapokryphos: just checking to be sure: all .deb packages are ready to be installed by APT right? so I can just: ' apt-get -d whatever_package ' and then copy the /var/cache/apt/archives to another drive and then modify sources.list to get packages from that directory? thanks..11:45
robotgeekalllanon: only if i fix this thing, it would be perfect ;)11:45
keegan3747rmflagg, does fluxbox show up in your sessions?11:45
codecaineRockFoo, fglrx11:45
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alllanonbeniamino: esc-p works in most irc clients.11:45
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robotgeekbeniamino: or page up11:45
RockFooWhen I have the driver st to fglrx I can't boot up Xwindows though11:45
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rmflaggkeegan3747, Fluxbox does show up in the Session menu.11:46
pinpointis there a disk defrag program for ubuntu?11:46
keegan3747rmflagg, ok cool11:46
beniaminoalllanon: i can scroll, i just can't find the link11:46
alllanoni just saw someone had gotten that wireless... airport extreme, i think to work under linux too.11:46
alllanonit included using Mac-on-Linux, but still :}11:46
=== esc [n=esc@ppp-68-250-77-10.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
dalamari've got a question, dma is defaulted to on for my hdd and off for my dvd burner, I tried setting it on with hdparm and any attempt at using the drive will seriously lock the whole system .. at first I thought it was the driver for the ide controller, but it works fine with dma on for hdd .. is it the specific driver for the drive or just bad burner or what?11:46
_nereospinpoint:  it's not necessary11:47
RockFooAnyone have any other ideas for my radeon problems?11:47
Seveaspinpoint, you don't need that - linux filesystems don't fragment11:47
pinpointis normal for a disk to click once in a while?11:47
alllanondalamar: doubt it is the burner. nor driver. maybe cable.11:47
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robotgeekpinpoint: also no antivirus, no anti-spyware11:47
alllanonpinpoint: yep. mine does. then dies two years later.11:47
pinpointits my lappy11:47
alllanona bit hard to say if related to the click :>11:47
pinpointthey always do that11:47
dalamaralllanon, its using same cable as the hdd?11:47
ReleaseXalllanon, mini pci11:48
alllanonbeep-beep-click is also usual in my hard drives. and some had this circle saw sound.11:48
codecaineSeveas, how do i get some info on what channel modes are used / avail for this server?11:48
pinpointi see11:48
Seveascodecaine, www.freenode.org11:48
=== Ice9 [n=Ice9@user-11fa06g.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
codecaineokie dokie11:49
Seveasand specifically: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml11:49
P8ntKidHow do i isntall wine with ubuntu?11:49
alllanondalamar: hm, hm, maybe read up on ata100 cables and ata133. i don't know much about it, but i think the cables look identical, but if wrong one is used, it might send the unit into PIO mode.11:49
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alllanontake it with a grain of salt.11:49
=== sponge008 [n=anna@c-24-147-184-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
beniaminoubotu: tell beniamino about java11:49
sponge008Guys, where can I DL the ubuntu source code?11:49
keegan3747rmflagg, still looking, be aware I am no expert11:49
funkyHatwhat is the name of the program that outputs keymappings of the keys you press while it's running?11:49
thespiritoftalubotu: tell thespiritoftal about wine11:49
dalamaralllanon, is there a way to see if the drive is in pio? listed in dmesg perhaps?11:50
funkyHat(and other info)11:50
NoUsesponge008 apt-get source <program>11:50
rapasoftdamn, i'm tired...11:50
Seveassponge008, there is no such thing as 'the ubuntu source code'. You can download sourcecode for packages with apt-get source11:50
alllanondalamar: hdparm should be able to tell you11:50
dalamari'll check11:50
alllanondalamar: not on linux now, and can't remember the switches.11:50
robotgeekfunkyHat: xev11:50
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funkyHatthanks robotgeek, thats the one :)11:50
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sponge008To install Ndiswrapper, I need a "source folder", then how do I make one?11:50
alllanonmkdir "source folder"11:51
durtsponge008: you need the kernel headers11:51
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sponge008but, it's supposed to be the Debian source I think11:51
ubotuwell, ndiswrapper is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper11:51
robotgeekfunkyHat: also do a apt-cache search xmodmap , there was a graphical tool too!11:51
sponge008oooh thanks11:51
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macarthyAnyone running MONO on Ubuntu/ AMD64?11:51
alllanoni wonder if that guy installed xbiff.11:51
P8ntKidHow do i install WINE with ubuntu?11:51
yaru22what does multiverse and universe mean?11:51
keegan3747rmflagg, On the GDM login screen, select Session -> default11:51
keegan3747then log in.11:51
keegan3747If you want to use fluxbox as your gnome window manager,11:51
keegan3747add the following line to the end of your ~/.fluxbox/startup11:51
keegan3747exec gnome-session11:51
keegan3747My ~/.fluxbox/startup file contains only the following lines:11:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %keegan3747!*@*] by Seveas
alllanonthank you, keegan3747.11:51
yaru22what does multiverse and universe mean?11:52
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Seveasyaru22, www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components11:52
funkyHat:( the extra keys at the top of my keyboard have stopped working for no apparent reason11:52
yaru22Seveas, thanks11:52
malinhm, i installed quodlibet a while ago and it seems not to work11:52
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P8ntKidNoUse, The un ubuntuforums are down for me...11:53
dalamaralllanon, do I need to throw hdparm a variable to check that? hdparm /dev/cdrom doesnt say anything about PIO ...11:53
=== beniamino thanks alllanon for his sarcastic non-help
Seveasapokryphos, are you there?11:53
caffinatedquick question - are the ubuntu forums down?  or is it just me?11:53
sponge008Select the inf-file you need.   Launch synaptic or whatever package management tool you prefer   Install the package "ndiswrapper-utils"   Call "sudo ndiswrapper -i foobar.inf" where foobar.inf is the path to your inf-file (windows wireless-lan driver).   Call "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" to install the needed module.   Now you can set up your working Wlan device under Desktop->Administration->Networking   Dont forget to type "ndiswrapp11:53
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sponge008I do not understand11:53
alllanondalamar: wait, i will use google since you can't :)11:53
dalamar;/ sprry11:53
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sponge008I found the instructions, it's just that they don't work11:53
dalamarsorry even11:53
sponge008Ubuntu has no source folder11:53
malini when i run it, i got only one proccess: python /usr/local/bin/quodlibet11:54
alllanondalamar: hdparm -d /dev/hda-whatever11:54
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malinany ideas what's going on?11:54
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dalamaralllanon, only line I get from the is 'using_dma = 0'11:54
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alllanoni guess that is a "no", then :)11:54
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durtsponge008: where are you getting errors?11:54
dalamarhmm this is wierd11:54
alllanonthat means it is in PIO mode.11:55
sponge008well, I get errors when I try to make and make install11:55
sponge008but you're supposed to go to the source folder to do that11:55
alllanondalamar: you will probably notice a real slowdown when copying files from cd to disk11:55
Xappedarn, linuxdc++ doesn't compile on my ibook...something with the atomic.h11:55
sponge008which I can't, since there isn't one in Ubuntu11:55
durtyou dont need to make and make install if you use synaptic11:55
SeveasXappe, use valknut :)11:55
durtto get the utils11:55
XappeSeveas: never again11:55
sponge008or is it installed?11:55
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Seveassponge008, you're not supposed to compile ndiswrapper11:56
sponge008I didint11:56
Seveasthe guide does not even say that...11:56
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alllanondalamar: try a hdparm -d1 /dev/yourdevice?11:56
durtsponge008: run "ndiswrapper"11:56
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sponge008I tried, nothing happenned11:56
sponge008you mean the Perl exe, right?11:56
XappeSeveas: it has compiled fine before, but now they changed something about atomic that I can't figure out how to fix for ppc11:56
dalamaralllanon, well never tried other than the original install, and it wasn't too slow .. burning is obviously slow with no dma but how do I get it out of PIO? is this still related to the cable? .. the hdparm -d1 /dev/device is what locks up the comp if I try to use the drive11:56
Seveassponge008, there is no such thing as a perl exe11:56
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sponge008perl executable file11:57
QbYI installed Ubuntu on my laptop, the screen looked like crapola (epsecially gradients) so I installed the nvidia drivers from nvidia..  However now my resolution is set low, and I can't change it---any suggestions?11:57
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alllanondalamar: oh. right. -d1 is to switch it from pio to dma :\ then i don't know. to you dual boot?11:57
alllanons/to you/do you/11:57
dalamaralllanon, nope, straight ubuntu11:57
lilldudecan you  auto sum  md5 sumchecker debian cds?11:57
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Seveas!tell QbY about res11:57
sponge008sorry perl script11:57
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sponge008not exec file11:57
lilldudei was told in comand line you could it root shell11:57
lilldudei tried that and cant do it11:58
alllanondalamar: what drive do you have, by the way?11:58
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=== QbY waits to be told..........
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SeveasQbY: To find out how you can change your display resolution, go to http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:58
lilldudehow  do i cehck my cds for debian?11:58
alllanondalamar: i know some plextor drives have a jumper on the back of the drive (close to where the master/slave jumpers are), and that works as a physical switch to disable DMA.11:58
Seveas(apparently the bot no longer knows it)11:59
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Seveaslilldude, ask in #debian ...11:59
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jyehI'm a ubuntu and linux newbie11:59
alllanonand there are many of us.11:59
lilldudedoesnt ubuntu  use  same md5 sumchecker11:59
jyehand the default install correctly isntalled my ethernet card11:59
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dalamarits a memorex dvd16+/-dl4rw|d212:00

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