
=== Signon time : Mon Oct 24 19:56:46 2005
=== Signoff time : Thu Nov 10 00:12:15 2005
=== Total uptime : 16d 5h 15m 29s
=== IRCD=dancer CAPAB CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=bdeIq,k,lfJD,cgijLmnPQrRstz CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bdeI:50 MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@ KNOCK NICKLEN=16 :are supported by this server
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else12:12
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>12:12
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Password accepted - you are now recognized12:12
=== mode/ubuntulog [+e] by services.
-MemoServ(MemoServ@services.)- You have no new memos12:12
=== ubuntulog [n=ubuntulo@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel Documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com/ Support options: http://ubuntu.com/support Upgrading to Breezy? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade Use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl for pasting IRC Info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Wed Nov 9 00:36:16 2005
(senfo/#ubuntu) k13th: I love Gentoo12:13
(k31th/#ubuntu) yeah12:13
(k31th/#ubuntu) so do i12:13
=== Hentai^XP [n=Justin@] has joined #ubuntu
(k31th/#ubuntu) but for a server12:13
(senfo/#ubuntu) k13th: Have used it daily for years...I'm just kinda getting sick of waiting for stuff to compile12:13
=== bur[n] er reminds everyone that this is #ubuntu ;)
(k31th/#ubuntu) yes12:13
(kbrooks/#ubuntu) #ubuntu-offtopic12:13
(k31th/#ubuntu) senfo: there is that to12:13
(kbrooks/#ubuntu) Use it.12:13
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-127-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
(k31th/#ubuntu) im there12:13
(k31th/#ubuntu) but no one else ever is12:14
(pdk/#ubuntu) i don't see what's wrong with some off-topic discussion12:14
(kbrooks/#ubuntu) k31th: so talk there12:14
(senfo/#ubuntu) this is a #ubuntu advocate discussion ;-)12:14
(pdk/#ubuntu) ;)12:14
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@c-24-3-119-106.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
(blackhat/#ubuntu) someones from PA using comcast ;-)12:14
(blackhat/#ubuntu) I'm from mA ;)12:14
(k31th/#ubuntu) kbrooks: Fine12:14
=== k31th waves bye
ubuntu__yuo :)12:14
=== sstrfstr [n=fstr@kotnet-150.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
(pdk/#ubuntu) GASP12:14
ubuntu__yup :0)12:14
pdkwho could this mysterious comcast user in pa be? :O12:15
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@DC-244-5.bpb.bigpond.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== nxv_ [n=matrix@dslb-084-056-079-013.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu__a complete ubuntu noob!12:15
blackhatlol ;)12:15
blackhatwhich is him above ^12:15
mAIJKwhich firewall do u recommend to ubuntu?12:15
senfomAIJK: iptables12:15
bur[n] ermAIJK: firestarter12:15
HobbseemAIJK: or guarddog12:16
Hobbseejust a few to choose from!12:16
mAIJKWich is the easiest one for a newbie?12:16
senfomAIJK: I totally recommend that you learn iptables from the command prompt12:16
senfomAIJK: it's really not difficult12:16
blackhatFirewall pftt those things are old school12:16
johnsbilHello! I'm just wondering if anyone knows a program for dowloading music. My doughter wants LimeWare on her kubuntu computer, but as far as I can see its not made for Debian. What do you use?12:16
senfomAIJK: and you'll learn a lot mor12:16
blackhatwho uses a firewall now of days ;)12:16
_Dezis there any packages already on disc??12:16
djm62johnsbil: limewire is available for linux...it's a java program12:17
nxv_i want to try hibernate/sleep as i was impressed how fine it worked on a friends laptop. but when i try to enable it through the battery monitor in kde neither suspend nor hibernate restart in a useable state12:17
ubotumethinks limewire is first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila.12:17
ctceciljohnsbil - i use limewire =] 12:17
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb12:17
ctcecilsudo apt-get install limewire-free (with ubuntu universe)12:18
_Dezi need some help. im running ubuntu as a server and i have a RT2500 wireless card and i need some help getting it to start12:18
=== kennethlove [n=kennethl@ip70-179-251-104.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usnxv_, acpi is a fledgling standard at the minute which a lot of hardware/drivers don't conform to, it's a bit hit and miss unfortunately12:19
AmaranthA server with a wireless card?12:20
_Dezyeah Amaranth12:20
mAIJKI installed Firestarter but cannot find it?12:20
_Dezim trying to do a LowMEmory install12:20
HobbseemAIJK: sudo firestarter12:20
bimberilimewire in universe?12:20
=== haich [n=haich@] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] ermAIJK: alt+f2, firestarter12:21
bur[n] erbimberi: packages.ubuntu.com12:21
foampeacedoes xmms segfault12:21
melodramaticbonjours, j'ai installer gifttoxic mais le gui du programme ne veut pas soouvrir kand je lance le programme12:21
bimberi!info limewire-free12:21
ctcecilbimberi - add the ubuntu universe to the apt sources list and apt-get it12:22
bimberi"Package 'limewire-free' does not exist."12:22
foampeacedoes synaptic show installed packages?12:22
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@dyn-83-152-139-249.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== sori [n=sori@ip93-163-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Gokee2Hello I am a user on ubuntu and I can`t get "su" to work as a user even though I know the root password..  Any help?12:22
bimberibur[n] er: tried that, no good, please link me if you can find it12:22
bur[n] erfoampeace: yes12:22
mAIJKI did the firestarter guide now and then clicked on Quit when I were finished. But how do I manage my firewall now?12:22
=== WAZA [n=WAZA@AFontenayssB-152-1-51-75.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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bur[n] erbimberi: did you see the ubotu message about limewire12:23
bur[n] er!limewire12:23
ubotulimewire is, like, totally, first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila.12:23
bimberibur[n] er: yes, i called it :) - however limewire is not in an ubuntu repository that i can see12:23
Gokee2so can anyone help me?12:23
ctcecilI just did a apt-cache search for limewire and it came up with limewire-free12:24
ctcecili simply just unpacked it though, it's just that easy12:24
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=== athlon [n=athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erbimberi: look at the link you fool :P12:24
=== bimberi is not being understood and gives up :/
michukwhy use limewire when there is mldonkey ? :)12:25
k31thguys i have an apt issue asks me to run apt-get update to fix it however it doesnt work12:25
bur[n] erbimberi: u don't need it from the ubuntu repositories!!!!12:25
=== n3C [n=n3C@klik28.klik.bydgoszcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu
k31thW: GPG error:12:25
bimberibur[n] er: pm?12:25
k31thW: GPG error:12:25
ctcecilbimberi: http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther12:25
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-249-35.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== maikeru [n=maikeru@adsl-69-149-227-28.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ctcecilclick that link, it's that easy12:26
k31thsoz got lagged12:26
bimberibur[n] er: nvm12:26
LjLi don't need *anything* from the ubuntu reps, i can download and compile from source if i want... yet, it's still nice to have them!12:26
Hobbsee!tell k31th about gpgerr12:26
k31thHobbsee: thanks12:26
Gokee2No one can help me?12:26
Hobbseek31th: no problems12:26
mAIJKHow should I do to start FIRESTARTER everytime I start the computer without have the terminal running?12:26
bur[n] er!tell Gokee2 about sudo12:26
HobbseeGokee2: try sudo, not su12:26
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-249-35.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
HobbseemAIJK: it will automatically12:27
HobbseemAIJK: you see it start if you're watching ubuntu boot in verbose mode (ie, without the splash screen)12:27
=== bur[n] er wonders why a firewall is even necessary in linux
=== Aven [n=Aven@c-24-126-233-108.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbseehi Aven12:27
Avenhow can I use gcc version 3?12:27
Avenbecause 4 is giving me a hard time :(12:28
LjLabout booting, is the "Enterprise Volume Manager" (whatever that is) strictly necessary?12:28
LjLavent: aptitude install gcc-3.412:28
LjLaven: and then use "gcc-3.4" to compile12:28
LjLaven: or do "export CC=gcc-3.4" when you need to ./configure; make something that needs gcc 312:28
=== jcoxon [n=jcoxon@jac208.caths.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
fyrmedicis there a good VNC package that I can install with the package manager in Gnome?12:29
foampeacewhats a blog12:29
foampeaceisit the same as a forum?12:29
AvenLjL: won't work...12:29
bur[n] erfyrmedic: it comes with Vino for a server.. if you want a client, use tsclient12:29
foampeacea news group?12:30
Avenit says gcc 3 is installed12:30
=== AngryClip [n=Pete@81-179-84-173.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberifyrmedic: ubuntu comes with a vnc server by default (vino), configure it via System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop12:30
Avenbut when I try and compile, it says gcc is not found12:30
LjLfyrmedic: apt-cache search vnc client     apt-cache search vnc gnome12:30
=== EnsignRedshirt [i=wweckess@horseshoe.colgate.edu] has left #ubuntu []
LjLaven: and what happens if you type "gcc-3.4"?12:30
=== al [n=al@71-33-77-209.tcsn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Avengcc-3.4: no input files12:30
fyrmedicawesome thanks all I will play around with those.12:30
LjLaven: well, then it *is* installed, and all is well12:30
alhow do i install java12:31
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb12:31
=== stpere [n=stpere@ts1-171.f1236.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
maikeruAven, gcc-3.4 blah.cpp12:31
bimberiyw :)12:31
=== Ron_o [i=Ron_o@12-226-8-81.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== athlon [n=athlon@174pc.wohnheimg.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu
maikeruit'll be called a.out12:31
mAIJKSomeone knows the standard Webmin password?12:31
maikeruthen chmod +x a.out12:31
=== Ron_o [i=Ron_o@12-226-8-81.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu []
maikeruand type ./a.out12:31
=== barosl [n=barosl@] has joined #ubuntu
Avenmaikeru: but what if I'm typing a 'make' command?12:31
LjLmaikeru: i don't usually need to chmod12:32
maikeru(for a simple console program)12:32
=== Ron_o [i=Ron_o@12-226-8-81.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
AvenI can't do one by one..12:32
alhow would i go about installing lime wire12:32
LjLaven: as i told you, "export CC=gcc-3.4"12:32
maikeruLjL, going from personal experience12:32
maikeruAven, what LjL said12:32
Hobbsee!tell al about limewire12:32
=== bimberi winces :)
maikeru!tell me about limewire12:32
ali want to no how to install lime wire12:32
alplz ppl12:33
Avenok, but *when* do I type export CC=gcc-3.4 ?12:33
LjLal: don't you think you've been answered?12:33
foampeacewhats the whereabouts of those remade sun ava deb packages?12:33
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-185.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Avenbefore I type the 'make'?12:33
nagualI have set up an ubuntu email server with IMAP, and postfix.  I can send emails ok, but when trying to check them through IMAP, i get a wrong password error.  how can I add IMAP users and passwords?12:33
=== Jimbob [n=jcape@c-67-175-222-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLaven: yeah12:33
Avenor before I type './configure'?12:33
LjLaven: before configure, actually12:33
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-185.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu []
=== bushk [n=bushk@horatio-094.cs.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu
alhow have i been answered i need to know how to install lime wire12:33
bimberial, you should have a /msg from ubotu with information12:34
Avenah, when I type 'make' it  still uses the command 'gcc' :\12:34
LjLal, as ubuntu just told you, "[00:34]  <ubotu> I heard limewire is first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila."12:34
alo i see im new to linux ty12:34
bimberiAven: retry ./configure then12:34
LjLseems clear enough12:34
LjLaven: yeah, make clean; make dist-clean and then try it all again12:34
=== honker is now known as honk|afk
darkheartAven You have to re-link /usr/bin/gcc to point to /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 instead of /usr/bin/gcc-4.012:35
mAIJKWich is the best BitTorrent client? I want it to be Graphical and good12:35
LjLDarkheart: i wouldn't do that, definitely12:35
=== oofnik [n=jordan@c-24-98-100-131.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkheartLjL Why not?12:35
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=== farruinn [n=nathan@cpe-69-201-10-6.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
aluboto plz reply12:36
oofnikcan someone answer my stupid question regarding wget?12:36
maikeruubotu is a bot12:36
ubotumaikeru: I don't know, could you explain it?12:36
[dEvIL-bOY] how can i upload files with the protocol scp?12:36
[dEvIL-bOY] is there a command or gui i can use?12:36
nagualI have set up an ubuntu email server with IMAP, and postfix.  When trying to send mail I get a "Transaction failed" message, and  when trying to check them through IMAP, i get a wrong password error.  Any suggestoins?12:36
LjLdarkheart: 'cause breezy is meant to be used with gcc 4, and bad things may happen if, for example, you tried to build a source .deb12:36
[dEvIL-bOY] !scp12:36
ubotu[dEvIL-bOY] : Are you smoking crack?12:36
LjLdarkheart: just setting "export CC=gcc-3.4" when you REALLY need gcc 3.4 for some reasons seems a decent solution to me12:36
alubuto plz reply to my pm12:36
maikerual: ubotu is a bot12:36
oofnikargh how can i get all the files in one directory with wget without downloading the whole server.. anyone want to help?12:37
=== Riddell [i=jr@kde/jriddell] has joined #ubuntu
=== Jimbob_ [n=jcape@c-67-175-222-235.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkheartLjL Well, that works also. I would have just said to re-link it back when you're done.12:37
alwtf is a bot12:37
=== maikeru shoots self
Hobbsee!tell al about yourself12:37
Hobbsee!tell al about bot12:37
alsrry im new to this12:37
bimberial: but learning fast i bet :)12:38
oofnikanyone please?12:38
LjLdarkheart: oh, well yeah, that could be done... i just wouldn't leave it to gcc-3.4 stably. but anyway, setting CC also has the advantage of working in the *specific* terminal you're using; you could even be compiling something *else* in another terminal with gcc-4.012:38
LjLdarkheart: also, you don't need root access12:38
=== Pazzo [n=Pazzo@host130-250.pool8172.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
alok so i install java and then i can run limewire12:38
=== strike3 [n=david@strike3.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
LjLal: yeah12:38
=== Pazzo [n=Pazzo@host130-250.pool8172.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
alok ty im going to stay omn incase i need more help12:39
michukoofnik: try wget -r -l 1 http://webpage12:39
=== optii [n=optii@host-87-74-18-237.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
darkheartLjL LoL Yeah man. I know how it works ;) I just wasn't thinking about using env variables.12:39
=== melodramatic [n=melodram@modemcable123.18-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
optiihi all12:39
LjLdarkheart: ok, but i was just trying to justify my opinion :)12:39
alhow do i insatll java in the first place12:39
LjL!tell al about java12:40
=== scoldingice [n=brian@207-255-162-013-dhcp.wrn.pa.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkheartLjL I think your solution is better. I wasn't thinking...again ;)12:40
=== jeanluc [n=jeanluc@c-24-1-47-34.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nagualI have set up an ubuntu email server with IMAP, and postfix.  When trying to send mail I get a "Transaction failed" message, and  when trying to check them through IMAP, i get a wrong password error.  Any suggestoins?12:40
optiihi guys - quick question... anyone know of a decent IRC server that runs happily under ubuntu?12:40
=== jeanluc is now known as Duelus
scoldingicei'm looking for a program like netstumbler but for ubuntu12:41
michukoofnik: or you can use another program like httrack12:41
optiiany suggestions would be cool12:41
DuelusHey guys I have a big question, what do I need to get in synaptic to decode mp3s?12:41
LjLoptii: apt cache search ircd12:41
oofnikthanks michuk that first thing you suggested helped12:41
al! tell al about limewire12:41
ubotual: What?12:41
LjLopti: sorry, i meant apt-cache search ircd12:41
oofnikdoes -l just limit the recursive option to 1 directory or something?12:41
optiisorry - what was that LjL?12:41
LjLal: you can just /msg ubotu <thing-you-want-told>12:41
optiiok - thanks dude12:41
alo ok lol12:42
LjLoptii: i think ircd-ircu will be fine12:42
DuelusWhat decoder do I need to play mp3s?12:42
bimberiubotu tell Duelus about mp312:42
cyphaseI use linux and windows12:42
cyphaselinux for my computer12:42
cyphasewindows for ventilation12:42
cyphaseand view12:42
=== bimberi likes that :)
LjLal: you must be registered to freenode though (something you should do anyway, by doing /msg nickserv register <password>)12:42
Hobbseehehe, i also like that12:42
scoldingicei'm looking for a program like netstumbler but for ubuntu12:42
cyphasewow, i was expecting "that's old" or "that's lame"12:43
=== StrikeForce [n=marc@203-59-15-65.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== lyrae [n=lyrae@ppp82-144.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== bimberi is old and lame :)
nagualHow can I add users and passwords to IMAP?12:43
=== Pazzo [n=Pazzo@host130-250.pool8172.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
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chrissturmhow do i stop epiphany from opening *.rpm files with totem? i just want it to download them :)12:44
=== Pazzo [n=Pazzo@host130-250.pool8172.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
strike3anybody help with WPA setup ?12:45
=== SteveMyers [n=SteveMye@] has joined #ubuntu
ali registered12:45
=== _jacques [n=jacques@a81-14-176-149.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
LjLal: good, now you can /msg ubotu whatever, and you can also have private queries with anyone on this IRC network12:46
LjLal: without a registration, this IRC network blocks queries12:46
alwhat are private queries12:46
Ron_owhat about DCC?12:46
Ron_oit can't block that, can it?12:46
=== SteveMyers [n=SteveMye@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
LjLal: simply private messages between users... like this, look12:46
chrissturmit cant block dcc because dcc means direct client to client comm12:47
LjLron_o: no, it can't, but i don't think ubotu accepts dccs from users12:47
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LjLRon_o: and dcc can have some drawbacks -- for example, i couldn't accepts DCCs even if i wanted to12:47
LjLron_o: 'cause my ISP puts me on a NAT12:47
Ron_oDCC, is actually much more secure. It's quite difficult for anyone to intercept a DCC.12:47
also how do i message ubotu12:47
LjLal: /msg ubotu thingyouwanttoknowabout12:48
Ron_oLjL, you behind a firewall or something?12:48
mAIJKHow should I do to log into Webmin when I do not have any root password & account??? Please help!12:48
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
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alnivce it worked12:48
LjLron_o: yeah i'm basically behind a firewall, but it's a firewall only my ISP has control on12:48
Ron_othat stinks..12:48
alwill ubotu reply???12:48
LjLi don't have a public IP12:48
=== abarbaccia [n=abarbacc@69-162-20-65.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLthat's the price for having a 10mbps connection ;)12:48
Ron_oyou're behind NAT?12:49
Ron_onot bad.12:49
Ron_oI'd take that any day.12:49
LjLal: it should reply in a new window...12:49
alhow did u get ur name to be red12:49
Ron_oMay I ask what that costs you?12:49
darkheartRon_o Even if the price of having it was you couldn't use it? =P12:49
LjLron_o: well, it's got its problems, lately12:49
LjLal: what do you mean?12:49
alwhat u type is sometimes red and sometimes gray12:49
Hobbseeal: most of the IRC programs will go red when your name is spoken12:49
LjLron_o: for example, if a site or even Freenode decides to ban a user of my ISP, hundreds of other users will be banned as well12:49
alo thats cool12:50
Ron_othat's not good... LjL..12:50
alubotu hasent replied yet will he12:50
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, al12:50
=== TomC [n=tom@c-24-62-161-98.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLal: it is red when i mention your nickname. it's not something i'm doing, it's your IRC client that makes everything containing your nickname red12:50
Ron_ono way. I wouldn't take that. My speed is fast enough..12:50
LjLal: to draw your attention12:50
aldid ubotu die or does he not like me beacause he hasent replied12:50
bimberial, you're not showing as an identified user, and "al" has already been registered, i think you'll need to try another nick12:51
alo ok12:51
LjLal: hmm try doing /msg nickserv identify your-password-that-you-used-when-registering12:51
alhow do i do that12:51
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alo ok12:51
bimberial: /nick anothernick12:51
LjLal: you do that by doing /nick AnotherNick12:51
alom i still dont get it12:51
Ron_o../ban LJL <and other users of her Italian kind>12:51
=== al is now known as I
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=== nefs [n=nefs@80-219-144-194.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
=== I is now known as chicken
LjLron_o: i think it's more like all of Milan North-West ;)12:52
LjLchicken: now you should re-register12:52
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Ron_oLike I know much of anything of Italy... :)12:52
Ron_oBut I'm Italian anyway.12:52
chickenim chicken now12:52
Ron_obelieve it or not.12:52
LjLron_o: well, you see, milan is a city in italy ;)12:53
Xyc0I am getting a X server error when I install xorg-driver-fglrx for amd6412:53
Ron_oNo, *really*?12:53
Ron_ohow naive do you think I am?12:53
LjLi dunno :P12:53
Xyc0I am getting a X server error when I install xorg-driver-fglrx for amd64, can anyone point me the right direction to fix this?12:53
=== Ron_o is now known as Ron_Duphous_Amer
=== Ron_Duphous_Amer is now known as Ron_Duphous
Ron_DuphousBut *I* am Italian..12:54
Ron_DuphousI swear to you.12:54
LjLchicken: anyway, meanwhile, let me just get ubotu to inform you about installing java12:54
Ron_DuphousWould you like to hear my last name?12:54
LjLRon_Duphous: and i'm from magyar :P12:54
LjL!tell chicken about java12:54
gustavorwhat's wrong with breazy main packages repositories... I tried us.archive.ubuntu.com and ftp.uio.no and both stop the download at 96%... it is happening for days12:55
chickenLjL: y can't i click on the link12:55
LjLRon_Duphous: just kidding... well, if you're italian i think it'd be your moral duty to learn a thing or two 'bout italy :P12:55
Ron_DuphousI know all I need to know... hehe.12:55
Hobbseechicken: you should have recieved a private message12:55
LjLchicken: no idea, i'm not using Gnome... but you can copy and paste, i suppose12:56
Ron_DuphousMomma Mia... Poppa Pia...12:56
Xyc0Ok guys, this is really off topic, take it outside12:56
chickenok what are u usin then12:56
Ron_DuphousI eata Itailian food, PIZZA and Spaghetti.. :)12:56
ubotuWish i knew, Xyc012:56
LjLchicken: KDE12:56
=== Ron_Duphous is now known as Ron_o
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, Xyc012:56
chickenLjL: can i use KDE if so how12:56
ubotuofftopic is probably Non-support discussions maybe carried out in #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!12:56
Xyc0thanks for backing me up ubotu12:56
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Infernall_hey guys, i cant get mysql and php to talk in ubuntu server...12:57
LjLchicken: by installing the "kubuntu-desktop" package, but you should probably look around on the web a bit to decide whether you think you prefer Gnome or KDE12:57
Infernall_the mysql extension isnt loading...12:57
chickenLjL: what are the diferences between them12:57
TomCDoes anybody in here know about the hal automounting external drives?12:57
delltonyhi anyone happen to know if there is a program for linux like mpegable that will allow you to EASILY convert avi,mov,wmv to mp4 or 3gp for cell phones?12:57
Falconinfernall: have you installed php-mysql package?12:58
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Hobbsee!tell TomC about mount12:58
HobbseeTomC: not sure how you do it automatically though12:58
LjLchicken: well, there are a ton of differences, they're different desktop environments... but mainly, KDE has many more configuration options and is much more versatile, while Gnome tries to focus on simplicity and usability --- though YMMV12:58
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xbox_skyargh wrong spelling :P12:58
chickenif i download kubuntu how do i install it12:58
TomChobbsee Not mount. When u plug in a usb drive, the hal automatically mounts it. I need to know how to configure the hal to assign the proper mask to the mounted volume12:59
Infernall_Falcon - i tried apt-get install php-mysql...no results...12:59
LjLRon_o: (last off topic message: poppa pia doesn't mean a thing, and it's mamma mia, not momma :P)12:59
doogluschicken: they're both fine.  if you've got one and not the other, try that one first.12:59
Infernall_Falcon: E: Couldn't find package php-mysql12:59
LjLchicken: like you download and install anything else in ubuntu: by typing "aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" in a terminal12:59
Falconinfernall: so maybe php5-mysql12:59
Ron_oI know LjL... it was  a joke after all.12:59
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LjLchicken: (or by using Synaptic, or Adept, or whatever you prefer)12:59
HobbseeTomC: hmmm...no clue12:59
LjLRon_o: ok ;)12:59
m_i_k_e_lelows people01:00
Infernall_Falcon:  Thanks :)  php4-mysql :P01:00
=== icewt [n=icewt@MMMCMIV.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Xyc0How many kB are in 128 MB?01:00
=== Infernall_ hits head
LjLXyc0: a lot01:00
chickenLjL: can i use synaptric to install limewire01:00
m_i_k_e_lhelo guyz01:00
TomCAnybody know how to configure HAL?01:00
LjLXyc0: 13107201:00
m_i_k_e_lwanna help w/ u01:00
Ron_oXyc0, http://www.usbyte.com/_unit_converter/kb_to_mb.htm01:00
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LjLXyc0: if you use the binary convention01:00
m_i_k_e_lis i ok01:00
Falconinfernall: :) I had the same problem :) strange thing but for example phpmysqladmin does not have php5-mysql in dependencies01:01
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m_i_k_e_ltamborong sa crusing01:01
Xyc0LjL: yea, thats what I needed thx01:01
LjLchicken: no, you can't. that's not packaged, apparently, otherwise people would have simply told you to "aptitude install limewire" ;-)01:01
Xyc0LjL: what tool did you use?01:01
LjLXyc0: a calculator ;)01:01
LjLXyc0: 1mb = 1024kb01:01
Hobbseem_i_k_e_l: you might want to check out #ubuntu-offtopic01:01
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ubotuwell, ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth01:02
LjLstop it01:02
fanopnaicI think he's just drunk :)01:02
m_i_k_e_lkick me01:02
IanDohlets spam back01:02
m_i_k_e_lkick me01:02
Hobbseegrr...why are there never ops here when you need them...01:02
IanDohor maybe he is useing ubuntu...01:02
m_i_k_e_lkick me01:02
darkheartMust be nice to be so easily amused.01:02
m_i_k_e_lmoron dude01:02
m_i_k_e_lmongoloid freak01:02
chickenLjL: i just installed java will it work with mozilla now01:02
LjLgo away from here you fucking idiot01:03
LjLchicken: dunno, hope so, i don't have java installed01:03
m_i_k_e_lkick me dude01:03
m_i_k_e_lkick me01:03
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ubotuNo idea, NoUse01:03
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ubotuI guess ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth01:03
chickenLjL: o ok lol guess ill try it01:03
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, ops is Help! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmich, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and Nalioth01:03
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m_i_k_e_lfreaky friday!!!!01:04
IanDohill just ping him to death01:04
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o daniels] by ChanServ
Xyc0Why has no one kicked thes guys01:04
danielsRiddell: ...01:04
m_i_k_e_lwhos gonna duel w/ me with tantra01:04
Riddelldaniels: IanDoh, m_i_k_e_l01:04
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darkheartThanks daniels01:04
=== Gerr cheers!
Xyc0thanks, sorry to sound impatient01:04
chickenLjL: i just typed aptitude install kubuntu how do i get kde to work on it now01:04
TomCAnybody know how to configure HAL?01:04
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Riddellchicken: install kubuntu-desktop01:05
LjLchicken: it was "aptitude install kubuntu-desktop", not just kubuntu... anyway, after installing it, just log out and, before logging it again, click on the "Session" button and chose KDE01:05
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danielsRiddell: could you please /msg me logs of what was going on?01:05
chickenLjL: o so i should have typed aptitude install kubuntu-desktop01:05
Gerri'm thinking of switching to ubuntu. is it really better than debian? It seems to have apt-get and gnome 2.12 (which I've been waiting on debian to get for too long) and debian's evolution/exchange connector is very unstable these days01:05
rick_hello, is there a way to display any seg faults a system has had?01:05
chickenLjL: ok ill brb to try and get this thingy to wo rk01:06
TomCGerr - Ubuntu is debian 7-10 years from now01:06
LjLdaniels: simply this m_i_k_e_l guy starting to flood with smileys and messages saying "kick me"01:06
Gerrrick_: kernel panics? they are in /var/log/ksym_oops or something similar01:06
_jacquesgerr: i used to have debian but i find ubuntu more satisying because of the newer packets and MUCH friendlier support01:06
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Xyc0daniels: Just random spamming, didnt look like they said anything else01:06
vinigksudo is just a link to gksu?01:06
Gerrtomc: it seems that way. I'm a long time (6 years?) debian user and i'm getting very frustrated with it01:06
danielsTomC: that's kind of unconstructive; please try to focus on specific positives and negatives rather than broad sweeping generalisations like that01:06
danielsXyc0: okay, thanks01:06
danielsbob2_: you snooze, you lose01:07
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Gerr_jacques: thanks. yes, the debian package maintainers aren't very friendly01:07
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yihi, anyone aware of a ubuntu specific howto on getting a windows printer to play nice with cups?01:07
danielsGerr: (generalisations like that aren't really helpful either; most core ubuntu developers are debian developers also.)01:07
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yii've tried the howto's found by googling but am not having any luck with those01:07
TomCdaniels: Truth is constructive. Debian is several release versions behing ubuntu in every package. That is factual and not up for discussion.01:08
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=== bimberi notes that ajmich is a typo in !ops and will fix it
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bob2_TomC: except it's untrue, and off-topic01:08
Gerrdaniels: sorry. I have found a few debian maintainers to be unpleasant, but I'm sure they aren't all like that01:08
danielsTomC: actually it's almost entirely incorrect01:08
bob2_TomC: try #uninformed-rants-against-debian or so01:08
mAIJKHi, Im running azureus now, but is there not any better way to start the program than with the terminal that have to run in the backround all the time?01:08
Hobbseeyi: there used to be one on ubuntuforums.org if that helps01:08
yiHobbsee: any idea what it was called, i tried searching already01:08
Hobbseeyi: no, but i'll go look01:09
bob2_mAIJK: you can run it from the alt-f2 box, or from the menu (if you add it there with smeg)01:09
ljamie82mAIJK you can add a menu entry or a shortcut on your bar01:09
_jacquesmAIJK: create a symbolic link in /usr/bin01:09
TomCbob2- It's not off-topic. Aquestion was asked and answered. There was quite a long off topic discussion about 15 minutes ago that nobody stopped.01:09
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Blippe#uninformed-rants-against-debian :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable01:09
danielsTomC: i wasn't here 15 minutes ago (and neither was bob2, by the looks), but I can assure you that it's both off-topic and utterly incorrect.01:09
ljamie82what does it matter if it is offtopic, seriously this is not a military tribunal01:10
kbrooksTomC: please do not argue with the ops01:10
danielsTomC: (for example, in X you might think Debian lags Ubuntu spectacularly, but the development branches of both have the exact same versions.)01:10
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o daniels] by daniels
vinigksudo is just a link to gksu?01:10
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bob2_ljamie82: claiming it's off-topic is a simple way for us to halt stupid discussions before they take over the channel01:10
danielsljamie82: perpetuating the same incorrect negative stereotypes reflects badly on both debian and ubuntu.01:10
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bimberivini: aye01:11
TomCGerr: There are several reasons I've moved my laptops and desktops from Gentoo to Ubuntu. Ease of use and simple updates/upgrades are one of the countless reasons. I like recent software, and I like simplicity in my distro. Ubuntu is a good balance of those two to me.01:11
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kbrooksTomC: please.01:11
danielsljamie82: it makes debian look worse than it actually is, which it certainly doesn't need, and it makes ubuntu look like a bunch of ungrateful whiners, given that all of ubuntu's toolchain, infrastructure, installer, etc, etc, etc come from debian.01:11
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Hobbseeyi: maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but i found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32190&highlight=printer+howto01:11
TomCkbrooks: Please what?01:11
LjLdaniels: well, it must be said that (afaics) many people who use Ubuntu *do* use it because it's got, on average, more recent versions of stuff than Debian. Debian has many other advantages, tho01:11
Guest37448loooooo  selamunaleykumm   looooo01:12
ljamie82daniels, you're answer makes sence but bob2 you should get off your high horse and realize you're just a person like everyone else in here, just with priveliges, stop talking down to everyone01:12
GerrTomC: Can you run apt-get update/upgrade frequently as you could with debian? I know ubuntu has some packages that are newer than debian has (gnome 2.12 for example), but does the repository get updates frequently?01:12
Guest37448kimse  varm ordaaa  lannnnnn01:12
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kbrooksljamie82: Please.01:12
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Guest37448burda trkkkkk  varm01:12
bob2_ljamie82: I'm not talking down to anyone, I'm trying to derail stupid and incorrect assertions01:12
danielsGuest37448: english only, please01:12
kbrooksljamie82: daniels / bob2_ are ops01:12
chckenLjL: u sti;ll ther01:12
LjLgerr: that's one of the things i didn't quite like about ubuntu01:12
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bob2_kbrooks: hence the "priveleges" comment01:12
ljamie82that's my point, who are you to call it stupid, say it's off topic, ok that's cool, but don't call it stupid01:13
LjLchcken: yes01:13
danielsljamie82: i don't really think bob2's talking down to anyone; he does certainly have a point.01:13
kbrooksbob2_: yes01:13
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Guest37448!*@*] by Seveas
bob2_ljamie82: it's provably false, that makes it silly in my opinion01:13
Dreadnoughthow do i down load java for a game01:13
danielsLjL: err, actually we're generally behind on debian01:13
chckenLjL: it said i needed a cd but i only have a cd that i installed it with01:13
bob2_Dreadnought: wiki.ubunut.com/Java01:13
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb01:13
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GerrLjL: why is that? Because it's not updated frequently or updated infrequently?01:13
danielsLjL: by the time we hit upstream version freeze and the like, debian is generally ahead us, by the majority of packages01:13
Dreadnoughtthnx ill try it01:13
yiHobbsee: ah thanks, i found my answer on the wiki01:13
Hobbseeyi:  :)01:13
yiHobbsee: it was actually very easy01:13
danielsLjL: there are some special cases where we lead debian (x until recently, but not for long; gnome), but by and large we actually lag debian, contrary to popular perception01:13
daniels(honestly, I'm not making this up)01:14
yithe offending line was "Listen ip:port"01:14
Dreadnoughtok that link didnt work01:14
yii needed to change it to "Port port"01:14
TomCGerr: I find what there's an update to packages once a week. Not all packages, obviously, but things are actively uopdated and maintained. This, too, is a good thing to me because it means someone's paying attention to software as it's released..and I don;t have to anymore01:14
yithat way it listened on all the interfaces01:14
Gerrdaniels: does ubuntu have an equivilent "unstable" release?01:14
Seveasdaniels, we lag debian testing but are miles ahead of stable :001:14
Dreadnoughtsome one give me another  java link01:14
LjLdaniels: well, what do you think are the main advantages of ubuntu over debian? also, why do you think popular perception has you with newer packages than debian? serious questions, i'm not trolling01:14
kbrooksdaniels: I don't understand. I'm sorry.01:14
GerrTomC: ack; agreed01:14
danielsSeveas: i think ubuntu compares far better to unstable than it does to debian releases01:14
danielskbrooks: hrm?01:14
kbrooksdaniels: clarify'01:14
chckendoes anyone know how to get java working in mozilla after i have instaled it01:14
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Dreadnoughtcan i have the link please01:15
TomCOk, to put it to rest...if you run a bleeding edge debian release...then you get that...bleeding edge. If you want a bit of sanity with that, ubuntu is for you. Can we move on please?01:15
danielsLjL: more things are set up out of the box and Just Work; it has a lot more polish for little niggling things you don't want to deal with.  things like that.01:15
danielskbrooks: clarify which?01:15
bob2_11:13:18          bob2_ | Dreadnought: wiki.ubunut.com/Java01:15
Dreadnoughtyes im with chicken01:15
yiis anyone aware of firefox 1.5RC1 builds for ubuntu amd64?01:15
Dreadnoughti no it doesnt work!01:15
Seveaschcken, if you installed it correctly (ie with a debfile) then you don't have to take extra steps01:16
kbrooksdaniels: "LjL: there are some special cases where we lead debian (x until recently, but not for long; gnome), but by and large we actually lag debian, contrary to popular perception"< lagging part01:16
Dreadnoughtdo  have another link?01:16
bob2_yi: packages.ubuntu.com/firefox01:16
bob2_yi: if not, does mozilla have tarballs?01:16
chckenSeveas: wouldusing a erminal and typing "aptitude install java" need xtra steps01:16
bob2_Dreadnought: did you read that link or not?01:16
kbrooksdaniels: "popular perception" -> what is that?01:16
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LjLdaniels: can we say that, in a way, ubuntu tries to be a stable debian testing/unstable?01:16
Seveaschcken, no01:16
danielskbrooks: well, it's pretty simple; ubuntu doesn't do development on most of its major packages.  by and large we do minor tweaks if at all, and just drag in the changes from debian.  so when we're actively syncing, debian is ahead of us by a few days.  when we're frozen (which is most of the time), debian can be ahead of us by months.01:17
bob2_kbrooks: lots of new (< year) ubuntu users seem to think ubuntu is masively faster than debian to update things, which is incorrect01:17
danielsLjL: yes and no01:17
chckenSeveas: then how would i go about getting it on firefox01:17
Dreadnoughtboth of them dont workj01:17
danielskbrooks: what most people tend to think01:17
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danielskbrooks: (bob2's explanation was good)01:17
kbrooksdaniels: ok01:17
bob2_Dreadnought: you need to elaborate on "dont work"01:17
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LjLdaniels: but when "we're frozen", we do have backports, don't we (at least should), even though they aren't considered part of the "official current release"... still, for the layman, they are, aren't they01:18
kbrooksbob2_: well, i'd tell them about those freezes. ;) but then again, YAGK01:18
Seveaschcken, close all firefox instances and oprn it again01:18
Dreadnoughtthe page just says it experineed an error ond wasnt operational01:18
DiscipulusI'm trying to get NX to work01:18
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DiscipulusI think Xorg needs to listen to a port01:18
chckenSeveas: open what again01:18
Discipulusany way to get it to do that?01:18
TomCYou know, all I really wanted to know is does anybody know anything about changing the mask that HAL mounts external USB drives with?01:18
kbrooksbob2_: (you aint gonna know)01:18
Seveaschcken, ffox01:18
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SeveasDiscipulus, wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX01:18
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chckenSeveas: ok then what01:18
bob2_TomC: it's gnome-volume-manager's job, afaik. perhaps a gconf key?01:19
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bob2_Dreadnought: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java01:19
TomCbob2: Yeah, tried that. There;s no mask/permission key in there01:19
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Seveaschcken, you need the packages j2re1.4 and j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin01:19
Seveasmy bad01:19
danielsLjL: backports are just an addon to ubuntu; just as backports.org is to debian.  so i don't think it really counts, tbh.01:19
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les_anyone downloaded RubyGems and Rails01:20
bob2_Dreadnought: you're not actually making it possible to help you01:20
veepster_hi, I get this error when I use the openssl command01:20
veepster_Error opening Private Key supervillain.key01:20
veepster_is there a config page for openssl?01:20
bob2_Dreadnought: if you explain what isn't working,someone can perhaps assist you01:20
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Seveasveepster_, then make the key readble...01:20
vince_hey guys is this the right place to ask a tech support question?01:20
bob2_Dreadnought: if you ignore help and make vague assertions, there's little anyone can do01:20
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bob2_vince_: yes01:20
chckenSeveas: first im new so i dont know what those packages are and what they do or were to get them01:20
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vince_i need to find out how to wirte to NTFA partions in Unbuntu01:21
Seveaschcken, sudo aptitude install j2re1.4 j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin01:21
nicholaspaulAnyone have a sample DHCP config file?01:21
chckenSeveas: and second can i use the way u first said and not have to do this01:21
vince_thats NTFS01:21
troghello, i'm not an ubuntu/debian user. i'm on a livecd now (warty) and cant find any working repositories urls. could anyone help me ? (i'm trying to install xdialog)01:21
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chckenSeveas: ok01:21
Seveaschcken, no I was wrong about that01:21
kbrooksles_: with apt?01:21
chckenSeveas: ok ill try it brb01:21
nicholaspaulI"m looking for sampledhcpd.conf01:21
LjLdaniels: except that contrary to debian, backports are the *only* way we have to get newer packages without waiting for a freeze... with debian, you can just use testing to obtain that kind of effect01:21
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LjLdaniels (or unstable of course)01:21
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NoUsevince_ NTFS write isn't supported right now01:21
SeveasLjL, daniels left :)01:22
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LjLoh did he =)01:22
vince_oh ok thaks01:22
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chckenSeveas:did that it worked now what01:22
nicholaspaulcan someone help me config dhcp3-server?01:22
Ophiocusheres a nice pickle, i have a ubuntu box that has two lan cards, eth0 gets to a switch were a win machine is plugged too, eth1 goes to the dsl modem which can dhcp (and used to take care of ips while both machines were win boxes), now i want to bridge the two lan cards and aat the same time have the modem take care of the dhcp01:22
Seveaschcken, 'did not work' is very descriptive...01:22
Seveasand it's 1:22 here so i'm going to sleep01:22
les_kbrooks, no i didn't use apt, but I tried01:23
chckenSeveas: it worked though01:23
NoUseOphiocus thats more of a iptables question01:23
LjLSeveas: yeah, he actually said it worked :)01:23
chckenSeveas: it said done know what do i do01:23
Ophiocusi havent found a way to tell the bridge "get your ip from that dhcp"01:23
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kbrooks!info rails01:23
uboturails: (MVC ruby based framework geared for web application development), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 0.13.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1192 kB, Installed size: 9192 kB01:23
Seveas!info train01:24
dreadnoughtbob i just switched users to do this could u give the link that u just gave me again?01:24
chckenSeveas: what do i do now i got those packages will it work in mozilla now01:24
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb01:24
Seveaschcken, yes01:24
bimberichcken: if it worked then run firefox again and enjoy (go to bed Seveas! :) )01:24
Ophiocusiptables,.. but thats for static ip asigning right? so if i plug another machine in the switch i ll have to manualy configure its ip settings?01:25
Seveasbimberi, stfu :p01:25
nicholaspaulanyone here know anything about DHCP3-server?01:25
Seveasagro1986, failed01:25
chckenSeveas: ok ty ill try it brb01:25
Seveasnicholaspaul, the package has an example config...01:25
NoUseOphiocus iptables is a firewall layer, doesn't deal with assinging IPs01:25
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nicholaspaulaaah.. hangon Seveas01:25
Seveasnicholaspaul, no, bimberi sent me to bed :)01:25
kbrooksSeveas: ping01:26
nicholaspaullol i mean i can prob find it.01:26
kbrooksSeveas: do u have to go wherever you have to go atm01:26
les_ubotu: do u know how to download RubyGems?01:26
ubotules_: Did you get hit by a windmill?01:26
kbrooksSeveas: DONT PM ME01:26
chckenSeveas:mozill astill says that stuff needs to be installed to run it01:26
somerville32Does anyone need help with anything?01:27
agro1986guys, I have hoary and going to install breezy. My hard disk is divided into hda1 (/) and hda2 (/home). I plan to format hda1 and do a clean install of breezy on it. Since I'm using the home partition, I think there will be leftovers of previous setting files on the home folder. Will this mess up the new version of programs?01:27
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kbrooksSeveas: ping01:27
veepster_seveas, these were my commands01:27
veepster_openssl req -new -key supervillain.key -out supervillain.csr01:27
veepster_Error opening Private Key supervillain.key01:27
veepster_363:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:278:fopen('supervillain.key','r')01:27
somerville32argo1986: No need to format and do a clean install01:27
hsevenI've got Ubuntu running on my Mac, but trying to run it on the new Dell Dimension 3100 - it ain't happening... giving me hdci_hcd error messages when trying to install... anyone know why this is happening?01:27
somerville32argo: Just add your cd as a source and upgrade all your packages01:27
les_why do i look breezy01:27
Seveasveepster_, genereate the key first...01:27
kbrooksagro1986: remove all unimportant dot directories01:28
veepster_yeah, I have01:28
OphiocusNoUse, i still dont see how that will do anything for me01:28
veepster_using 'keytool'01:28
Seveasno you did not01:28
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Ophiocusbut i ll read about it some more01:28
Seveasit can't find it01:28
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chckenok will someone help me install limewire please01:28
NoUseOphiocus iptables is what you need to share an internet connection through a PC01:28
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agro1986OK thx guys01:28
ubotumethinks limewire is first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila.01:28
veepster_the key is called something else tho. its not called 'supervillain.key'01:28
chcken! limewire01:28
ubotuit has been said that limewire is first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila.01:28
ubotukbrooks: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?01:28
Seveasveepster_, then why do you use supervillan.key... sigh...01:29
veepster_thats the new key I want to generate01:29
chckenseveas: java wont work but o well ill be ok can u help me install limewire01:29
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chris_hi is there a way to suspend to disk?01:29
LjLchcken: how can you say that java won't work? just because it doesn't work in mozilla doesn't mean it won't run limewire01:29
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chckenLjL: but i need to learn how to install limewire in the first place01:30
bob2_NewpZ: sudo /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh01:30
somerville32chicken: Have you installed the Firefox java plugin?01:30
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LjLchcken: what's wrong with doing what ubotu says, i.e. downloading that link from www.limewire.com and then running runLime.sh?01:30
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LinuxSwordhey peeps01:31
les_ubotu: do u know about RubyGems?01:31
ubotules_: What?01:31
chckensomerville32:when i try it says i need to do it manualy01:31
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LinuxSwordhow can i upgrade from hoary to breezy?01:31
ubotuWish i knew, fredforfaen01:31
kbrooksubotu: ruby01:31
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, kbrooks01:31
somerville32chicken: Then do it manually01:31
LjLLinuxSword: look at the channel topic01:31
chckenLjL: ok ill do that so i just have to click the .sh file once i download01:31
nicholaspaulI'm looking for a DHCP3 guru.. anyone?01:31
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somerville32nicholaspaul: Whats your problem01:31
LinuxSwordye ok but i get an error01:31
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popeychcken: no, you need to install java *first*, then limewire01:31
LjLchcken: i don't have limewire, but if the "official" instructions say that, why not try doing that01:32
chckenpopey:i think i have installed java01:32
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bob2_NewpZ: or hibernate from the log off dialog01:32
LjLpopey: but from what i gather he *has* java installed, just doesn't work in the browser01:32
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somerville32chicken: Goto your shell and type: java01:32
chckenLjL: ok man i will01:32
popeyLjL: so he hasn't setup the firefox plugin?01:32
somerville32chicken: If it returns something, java is installed01:32
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chckenwhats my shell01:32
somerville32chicken: Terminal?01:32
LjLpopey: or something... i don't have java installed, so i don't quite know how it's supposed to work01:33
=== LasseL chuckles
chckeno i didnt no shell meant erminal01:33
somerville32Chicken: :)01:33
LjLchcken: shell=terminal=console, basically01:33
nicholaspaulsomerville32: as in, my domain names?01:33
xoxo12hello can someone please tell me what "ls -l &" do. I know "ls -l" show directory listing but what does "ls -l &" does?01:33
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somerville32Nicho: Sorry, send me a pm with your issue01:34
LjLxoxo12: & runs commands in the background01:34
nicholaspaulk somerville3201:34
LjLxoxo12: tho that doesn't sound very useful with ls01:34
chckenok i typed java and it said command not found01:34
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LjLchcken: then you do not have it installed01:34
melvztechiechicken: check this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-ef347c277a133b64af0600bd1bf24bc64e7038b801:34
NewpZ/etc/acpi/hibernate.sh doesnt suspend to disk tho... just to ram.. i want it to power down the computer01:34
somerville32chicken: Then you either don't have it in your path or you don't have java installed01:34
xoxo12thanks nicholaspaul , it was a homework question01:34
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les_i guess not01:34
somerville32Chicken: Do you remember installing java?01:34
fanopnaicxoxo12: well, one might say an '&' at the end of an command performs the command in the background01:34
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agro1986suppose I'm in terminal (CTRL+ALT+F1). What command should I type to kill X which is on ALT+F7???01:34
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LjLagro: well, "ps aux", look for the PID of X, and "kill -s 9 that-pid"01:35
chckenya ive "installed" (suosebly) like 5 times 2day01:35
rick_what command can i use in terminal to start update manager01:35
bimberiagro1986: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop01:35
_native_david1980, hey that you birth year?01:35
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NewpZagro1986, or 'killall X' OR 'killall gdm'01:35
bimberiagro1986: "start" to fire it up again :)01:35
somerville32chicken: type: 'sudo java' does it return anything then?01:35
melvztechiechcken: check the guide, it help you solve your problem with java;)01:35
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chckenlemme check01:35
mindphasrAnybody having problems with network-admin opening up? takes at least 5 minutes to open for me...01:35
bimberiNewpZ: you brute :)01:35
NewpZhehe i like to be sure :)01:36
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grodiusWhat video programs do you suggest?01:36
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grodiusfor playing dvds, avi, mpegs etc01:36
rick_what command can i use in terminal to start update manager01:36
NewpZoh vcl player gxine01:36
melvztechiegrodius: mplayer,xmms01:36
LjLnewpZ, agro1986: or, more tidily, "/etc/init.d/gdm stop", if it's not all fscked up01:36
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chckenit said command not found summer01:37
david1980#join ubuntu-es01:37
agro1986ok, going to install breezy now... wish me luck guys....01:37
somerville32Chicken: Ok, how did you install Java?01:37
david1980#join ubuntu_es01:37
bimberirick_: sudo update-manager01:37
chckeni tried it usin terminal and usin synaptic01:37
ccc__david1980: /join #ubuntu-es01:37
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LjLUbotu has breezy links for !javadebs, but that link (http://www.giannaros.org/public/breezydebs/) is broken, FYI01:38
ubotuLjL: I think you lost me on that one01:38
LjLubotu: guess so01:38
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, LjL01:38
NewpZchcken, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:38
david1980#join ubuntu-es01:38
somerville32chicken: Goto java.sun.com01:38
somerville32chicken: Then click downloads01:38
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chckenok hold01:38
somerville32Chicken: And download Java runtime environment for linux01:38
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chckenok hold on01:38
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jeff_hey guys anybody use apt-file?01:39
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rick_thanks bimberi01:39
=== mustard5 thinks the java guide has a link to a place with a java deb
bimberirick_: yw :)01:39
LjLjeff_: no, but i guess i'll install it, sounds useful01:40
jeff_LjL: well if you do right now, let me know01:40
NewpZwhy not just uncomment multiunivese in /etc/sources.list and "sudo apt-get install j2re1.401:40
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LjLwell, ubotu should be updated in any case01:40
mAIJKI need a network tool where I can scan a network and see the computers open ports and shares, know that this sounds mysterious but it is for my home network!01:41
LjLjeff_: done, what's the problem with it?01:41
umanhello there, how do I tweak ubuntu so that it boots into CLI and not X as default ?01:41
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fyrmedicAnyone have ideas for how to access files that are on NTFS partitions of other drives that aren't mounted in the linux kernal01:41
LjLmaijk: nmap?01:41
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ekimustalking about java: i have a protocol where commands are written in lowercase in the terminal, but i have a couple of classes with a "Firstletteruppercase" naming scheme, any ideas on how to load them by name without too much string parsing?01:41
LjLfyrmedic: just mount them manually later01:41
somerville32ekimus: Are you using reflections?01:42
jeff_LjL: try searching for wx-config01:42
jeff_apt-file search wx-config01:42
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mindphasrAny idea why network programs such as firestarter and network-admin take a loong time to open? at least 5 minutes..01:42
LjLnothing found, jeff_01:42
jeff_LjL: yeah... i figured out what the problem is01:42
ekimussomerville32: i'm using Class.forName("...") and Class.newInstance()01:42
jeff_i think apt-file doesn't find symlinks, but if not, then does anything?01:42
LjLjeff_: shouldn't you first issue some apt-file command to update the list of files it know about?01:43
ekimussomerville32: but if reflection seems to suit better i'd do that, just haven't worked with reflection yet01:43
jeff_because i was trying to see which package install wx-config, but it is actually a sumlink to gtk2-unicode-release-2.601:43
jeff_well, yes apt-file update first01:43
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somerville32ekimus: Reflection allows you to load a class or envoke a method without knowning the name at compile time01:43
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rick_during startup in the console i get an error would anyone like to take a look and let me know what you think01:44
somerville32rick_: Sure01:44
carthikHi, how do I force my computer to refresh the DNS cache?01:44
LjLjeff_: FYI, there is another nice program that can do a similar thing, auto-apt... you can run any other program "inside" it, and every time it will try to access a file that doesn't exist, auto-apt will prompt you to install the right package01:44
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jeff_so does anybody know how to tell which package created a symlink?01:44
rick_the error is:     /etc/rc2.d/s13gdm 9145 sementation fault01:44
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chckensomerville32: im downloadin java now01:45
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hoslerI installed ipodslave and now Amarok detects my ipod, but I can't upload anything to it? Anyone know of a solution?01:45
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ekimussomerville32: that's what i'm doing now. user enters "login user pass" on the console and i create a class of type "Login" (mind the case) which would work for each string if such a class exists. i just don't know how to match the String "login" to the classname "Login"01:45
jeff__hey guys01:45
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jeff__does anyone know how to get mp3s to play in ubuntu breezy?01:45
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ubotuI heard mp3 is a non-free format. Restricted formats' installation instructions can be found on the RestrictedFormats page of the wiki - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats - click away:)01:45
hoslerjeff__: get gstreamer mad.01:45
dylan_how does everybody feel about the new linux worm/virus that hit the wildlife?01:46
ekimussomerville32: easy way would of course be to break conventions and lowercase all classes but that just doesn't look nice enough :) (or parse the strings to start with an uppercase letter)01:46
chckensomer im downloadin java almost finished what do i do now01:46
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veepster_Im trying to run these 2 commands (one after the other) on ubuntu01:46
mustard5rick_, thats appears to be saying the gnome desktop manager is segfaulting01:46
veepster_can someone tell me what Im doing wrong01:46
veepster_keytool -genkey -alias signFiles -keypass sibboleth -keystore shibbolethsp -storepass hamasakiayumi01:46
veepster_openssl req -new -key supervillain.key -out supervillain.csr01:46
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hoslerdylan_: tell me about it01:46
jeff_LjL: yeah i knew about auto-apt, haven't used it yet though01:46
rick_is there anything i can do??01:46
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LjLjeff_: i'm trying it right now for wx-config, anyway, and it doesn't seem to show it either01:47
somerville32ekimus: lol01:47
somerville32chicken: Yes?01:47
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jeff_LjL: yeah, apparently because i'm guessing it doesn't find symlinks01:47
dylan_hosler, i heard there was a new one01:47
chckenive downloaded java now how do i install it01:47
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jeff_LjL: the libwxgtk2.6-dev package is what created it i _think_01:47
dylan_hosler, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/11/07/linux_worm/01:48
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mustard5chicken are you reading the guide?01:48
rick_mustard5,is there anything i can do??01:48
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chckensomerville32: i downloaded java what do i do now01:48
hoslerdylan_: Im still fairly new to linux. I havnt given much thought of getting a virus. As long as I know what im executing I tend not to worry.01:48
somerville32chicken: Where did you download it to?01:48
xoxo12Hello one more question please : For posix thread, is it guranteed that cild PID would always be greater then the parent's PID?01:49
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chckensomerville32: home in a file called downloads01:49
dylan_hosler, then why tend not to worry if there's a virus on the loose?01:49
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nuckhi anyone know how to supress that dialog box that pops up whenever you download or save anything from the web? i find no use for it and just has to constantly tick it off to close. thanks01:49
jeff_xoxo12: i think that's accurate, but why don't you just test it?01:49
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somerville32chicken: Is it an executable?01:50
carthikHi, how do I force my computer to refresh the DNS cache? - My computer shows an old nameserver for a domain, while all the whois tools online show a newer one01:50
mustard5rick_, reboot and try again...if it repeats I think you might be in trouble  (I'm not expert mind you)01:50
jeff_nuck: firefox?01:50
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chckensomerville32 what is an executable01:50
xoxo12jeff i did and its always greater ( i tested 5 times) but i dont know if its always true01:50
nuckjeff_ yes01:50
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somerville32chicken: What you downloaded01:50
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nuckah you mean join that channel?01:50
sobersabrehi do you guys use kde 3.5 ?01:50
sobersabrethe beta2 ?01:50
chckensomerville32: i donloaded the java files u told me to01:50
rick_it does it every boot01:50
NoUsesobersabre it's not included in kubuntu01:50
sobersabreNoUse: i know01:51
rick_can i use synaptic to reinstall gdm??01:51
ctcecilhas anyone here made a career with linux? i'm looking for some good paying jobs involving linux01:51
sobersabrethe q. is how useable it is01:51
jeff_nuck: just go to preferences and go to the downloads section01:51
somerville32ctcecil: Lots of people01:51
jeff_nuck: you can turn off show download manager when a ...01:51
mustard5rick_, is gdm running still?01:51
nuckctcecil tell me when you find :-)01:51
NoUsesobersabre try asking in #kde01:51
ctcecilsomerville32: yourself for example?01:51
nuckjeff_ cool thanks01:51
mustard5rick_, what are you on now?01:51
rick_yes i used startx command to  get it going01:51
jeff_xoxo12: wish i could tell you for sure01:52
somerville32ctcecil: In the future maybe :)01:52
sobersabrectcecil: this is a very strange q.: join #C channel and tell: "has anybody here got a job?"01:52
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chckensomerville32: dude i downloaded the java files u said to now how do i install them01:52
mustard5rick_, ah ok....so its not fatal01:52
ctcecilnuck: i'm guessing you're either telling me no, or you have made a career and you aren't satisfied with the pay (like most people that work)01:52
somerville32chicken: Yes, is the file compressed or is it an executable?01:52
rick_startx start gnome for me01:52
=== Niomi [n=Niomi@cpe-65-185-39-209.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
chckensomerville:how do i find out if its compressed or executable01:53
=== dylan_ wants to know if linux is indeed secure-by-default as many say, or is it just heresay and rumor? additionally, no bigots please
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LjLdylan_: what would the "default" be?01:53
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mustard5rick_, I would only be guessing if I suggested something01:53
jeff_dylan_: i'd have to say that only openbsd is secure by default01:53
nuckctcecil no im telling you to let me know no sarcasm :-)01:53
robertjdylan: nothing is secure by default01:53
sobersabredylan_: this is all a propaganda...  there's nothing "secure by default".01:54
Xenguydylan_: basically if everything is patched, and you don't run any services by default (like Ubu), then that's reasonably "secure"01:54
chckensomerville32: how do i no if its compresed or executable01:54
Niomiplease help: every time i type something into the CLI i get, "timestamp too far in the future" and my clock is set wrong, but ajust the clock to the right time doesn't help and it doesn't always ajust consistantly.01:54
robertjdylan: if you assume something is secure by default you have already adopted a frame of thought that is itself vulnerable01:54
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sobersabredylan_: have you seen a country "secure by default" ?01:54
DShepherddylan_: define security01:54
mustard5rick_, I don't know any set path to fixing it, but others might01:54
dylan_DShepherd, i dont want to get hit with a virus/spyware app EVER on Linux01:54
rick_can gnome be rinstalled with synaptic??01:55
LjLdylan_: you'll hardly even come across a Linux virus, tho it might happen01:55
ctcecilnuck: i'm just an ordinary venturing uperclass high school student trying to find a future for my life... I have many skills passed from my father which is an electrician, but i also have spent alot of time with technology, unlike many people around here (Kentucky)01:55
DShepherddylan_: well stay away from computers :) thats your best solution01:55
mustard5rick_, your idea sounded hopeful, I have no idea what would happen if you did though01:55
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robertjctcecil: well if your looking for a good year start specializing ASAP01:56
Ron_oLjL, there was a worm for linux recently, but for servers.01:56
rick_well the worst thing i would have to to is reinstall 5.1001:56
LjLdylan_: if you don't work as root, anyway, you'll be able to save your system *even if* you came across such a virus, unless that virus can exploit some root-gaining vulnerabilioty01:56
nuckctcecil cool you're on your way then all the best of luck! :-)01:56
dylan_DShepherd, in that respect, could i just as easily secure windows and hope for the best?01:56
sobersabredylan_: theoretically, linux viruses exist, and spyware too... but I've been using linux for about 10 years ... haven't seen virus on my machines.01:56
mustard5rick_, true :)01:56
chckensomerville32: how do i know if its compresed or executable01:56
chckensomerville32: how do i know if its compresed or executable01:56
chckensomerville32: how do i know if its compresed or executable01:56
LjLron_o: i'm not saying there *aren't* viruses, just there are orders of magnitude less than for windows01:56
somerville32chicken: Don't spam01:56
rick_i am going to give it a shot01:56
somerville32chicken: Just send me the filename01:56
chckenok srry01:56
LjLchcken: don't flood01:56
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DShepherddylan_:  you can secure it...by locking it away....that would work01:56
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mustard5rick_, k01:56
rick_thanks for your reply01:57
DShepherddylan_: otherwise...I think your more secure with Linux01:57
Ron_oLjL, yah...01:57
wickedpuppychcken, file <filename>01:57
dylan_DShepherd, all seriousness with us, are there ways to secure windows?01:57
nuckwhat does it mean that 5.10 is prerelease?  i have hoary and want to try out 5.10 but the prerelease thing makes me think twice because it might not be stable?01:57
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mustard5rick_, sorry I couldnt help more :)01:57
Ron_obut still.... :) There is a myth put out there that virii aren't out there for linux.01:57
dylan_DShepherd, other than security and being free, any other reasons why linux is better than windows01:57
rick_no prob01:57
Xenguydylan_: find a good firewall if you want extra protection (shorewall is one), keep your apps patched when security vulnerabilities are announced, install 'chkrootkit' and 'rkhunter' for good measure (logcheck is good too), and you shouldn't have any problems with a little luck :-)01:57
sobersabredylan_: there are ways to secure windows, but we won't discuss them here :)01:57
LjLdylan_: use an antivirus and keep it updated, and keep the system firewalled?01:57
mustard5nuck, where are you getting this pre release from?01:58
wickedpuppynuck, where did you see the message that 5.10 is prerelease ?01:58
DShepherddylan_: well better differs fromperson to person01:58
saik0dylan_, that also depends on your definition of secure01:58
dylan_saik0, i see01:58
Niomiplease help: every time i type something into the CLI i get, "timestamp too far in the future" and my clock is set wrong, but ajust the clock to the right time doesn't help and it doesn't always ajust consistantly.01:58
DShepherddylan_: Linux is not for every body....neither is windows01:58
chckensomerville32:heres the filename  jre_1_5_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin01:58
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sobersabreI've heard if you glue celluloid tape in a criss cross fashion, that makes window secure...01:58
mustard5nuck, I would mention that I use breezy pre release myself, as I haven't downloaded the final breezy ISO yet01:58
LjLAmigaOS is for everybody01:58
sobersabrein case of bombing...01:58
wickedpuppychcken, thats a bin file ....01:58
chckenwickedpupy: i dont no wat that is01:59
DShepherdLjL: :)...ok if you say so01:59
sobersabredylan_: computers is not for everybody ;-)01:59
saik0is there any special options a /home filesystem should have?01:59
wickedpuppychcken, file jre_1_5_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin ... btw its rpm ... there is jre in repo ..01:59
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somerville32chicken: chmod +x jre_1_5_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin01:59
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LjL'course i do :P01:59
somerville32chicken: ./jre_1_5_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin01:59
saik0er, are there any*01:59
XenguyNiomi: this could help -> /usr/sbin/rdate -s time.nrc.ca && /sbin/hwclock --systohc01:59
dylan_sobersabre, whats the probability of a linux virus getting root privelages without asking?01:59
nuckmustard5 i can't remember the exact term but it's something to that effect. so you mean 5.10 is a stable ready for consumption version? thanks01:59
XenguyNiomi: probably need sudo01:59
wickedpuppysomerville32, pls tell him it will uncompress to rpm and get java from the repos01:59
chckensomerville32: so how do i install it01:59
Xyc0Anyone figure out a way to install ATI drivers on a 64 bit system?02:00
ubotuI don't know, wickedpuppy02:00
DShepherdanyways...guys....we should continue the secure discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic. The ops would prefer that02:00
somerville32chicken: chmod +x jre_1_5_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin02:00
ubotuSun Java debs packaged for Ubuntu. Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy))02:00
somerville32chicken: ./jre_1_5_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin02:00
robertjspeaking of windows for everyone I heard of a new library that is being built in Zambia, is there someone at the foundation worth emailing with a heads up?02:00
weobanyone install wine 0.9 beta onto breezy?02:00
mustard5nuck, their is a final release yes02:00
robertjerr linux for everyone ;)02:00
somerville32weob: ME02:00
wickedpuppychcken, go to the link ubotu showed ya for java ... don't use that rpm02:00
chckensomerville32: so how do i install it02:00
weobdo u have a link or any info on how to02:00
sobersabredylan_: if you use your computer as root user (like most windows XP users do ) - the chances are very high :)02:00
somerville32chicken: Follow the link02:00
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somerville32weob: Actually, I might not have the beta02:00
chckenwickedpuppy: i dont have that link02:00
chcken! java02:01
ubotuSun Java debs packaged for Ubuntu. Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy))02:01
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb02:01
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weobi have had the prebuilt installed02:01
chcken! javadebs02:01
ubotuSun Java debs packaged for Ubuntu. Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy))02:01
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saik0one at a time fellas02:01
weobcurious to see if its any better than cedega - which it may be02:01
sobersabredylan_: otoh if you use a regular user, then, it will be very difficult for virus to spread or live.02:01
chckeni have nothing from ubotu02:01
wickedpuppychcken, stop using the bot more than once ....02:01
dylan_sobersabre, somebody in here told me that a linux virus might very well gain root privelages when logged on as somebody else, like <myname>02:01
chckeni have nothing from ubotu02:01
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bob2_saik0: being a smartarse is a great way to solicit help02:01
bob2_saik0: nosuid might be useful, but the defaults are fine02:01
somerville32!tell chicken about javadebs02:01
wickedpuppysomerville32, if he is unreg .. forget it02:01
Xyc0dylan_: only if you execute it using sudo02:02
=== VisionOfTruth [n=blahblah@CPE-69-76-165-181.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
chckenits spelled chcken somerville02:02
nuckmustard5 isee how different is it from hoary? do i have to uninstall hoary and then install 5.10 or does ubuntu allow to just install over the previous OS version?02:02
VisionOfTruthHello im a first time ubuntu user02:02
saik0bob2_, thanks02:02
VisionOfTruthany one think they can help with a problem?02:02
Xyc0nuck: you can just update the packages, no need to reformat02:02
weobstate it02:02
XenguyVisionOfTruth: just ask02:02
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dylan_Xyc0, so no need to worry at all?02:02
mustard5nuck, you can upgrade rather than clean install...instructions are at a link that is shown in /topic or type !breezy in channel02:02
nuckXyc0 you mean just through synaptic?02:02
sobersabredylan_: this is not very likely, because:1. you need to run old software (like vulnerable network service), which isn't so by default. 2. you need to download infected file and execute it manually.02:02
VisionOfTruthIve used Vector Linux for some time02:03
VisionOfTruthand love it02:03
VisionOfTruthbut was always interested in ubuntu02:03
VisionOfTruthnow i had a reason to try it out02:03
chckencan some one tell ubotu to tell chcken about java install02:03
dylan_sobersabre, so no worries, right?02:03
wickedpuppyVisionOfTruth, great .. but pls get to the ubuntu problem pls ... and all in one line pls02:03
Xyc0nuck: no, just mount the downloaded ISO of breezy and it will update your packages02:03
VisionOfTruthbecaused its based on debian02:03
VisionOfTruthnot slackware02:03
VisionOfTruthso basically02:03
wickedpuppyVisionOfTruth, all in one line pls02:03
sobersabredylan_:  besides there are many protection means against that.02:03
Xyc0dylan_: No worries :D02:03
wickedpuppychcken, you got to register your nick02:03
=== CaBlGuY-OuT is now known as CaBlGuY
weobanyone happen to play wOw on linux?02:04
chckenwickedpuppy:how do i do that02:04
nuckbreezy is the 5.10 right?02:04
Xyc0weob:  I Do!02:04
dylan_Xyc0, thanks so much....i was gettin scared here.02:04
wickedpuppybut surely you can read the message ubotu posts on the main...02:04
Xyc0nuck: rgr02:04
weobwhat's ur method02:04
dylan_Xyc0, you MADE MY DAY02:04
wickedpuppychcken, /msg nickserv help register02:04
mustard5nuck, yep02:04
Xyc0dylan_: just watch what you install manualy, IE not through Synaptic02:04
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weobcedega sucks02:04
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dylan_Xyc0, k cool02:04
lassesandbergim having a small problem with my newly installed ubuntu02:04
dylan_Xyc0, bye02:04
chckenregister <hi>02:05
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Xyc0weob: Cedega 5 now02:05
weobdoes not have pixel shaders 1.4 support which wow02:05
lassesandbergit doewsent allow me to read from ntfs drives02:05
lassesandbergnot even read02:05
weobi did not check... but02:05
lassesandbergweob, cedega 5 has02:05
Xyc0weob: Did you buy cedega or pirate it?02:05
somerville32lassesandberg: That isn't a problem02:05
VisionOfTruthI installed Vector Linux on my new laptop and had alot of problems, could not get it to work. IRQ conflicts with PCMCIA and all kinds of junk... So I tried to install Ubuntu and I am getting the same problem. The laptop is a custom built laptop from Sager it is a real nice machine but just blows so far for linux... I thought if any distro could run it, it would be ubuntu... well... It cant.. I installed and it sees my hardware much02:05
lassesandbergweob, and wow can use opengl rendering too02:05
weobi bought it a while ago02:05
lassesandbergsomerville32, how come not?02:05
Xyc0weob: update to cedega 502:05
LjLcan someone please run "aptitude install boson" and confirm that package's broekn?02:05
VisionOfTruthinstall but when I boot it up for the first time, I get stuck at Starting hotplug subsystem......02:05
VisionOfTruthso thats my dilema...02:05
lassesandbergsomerville32, it mounts readonly, which should make me able to read it02:06
somerville32lassesandberg: Become it isn't suppose to be able to read or write to NTFS. You need a special tool for it02:06
wickedpuppyVisionOfTruth, did you try the live cd first ?02:06
nagualHow can I add courier-IMAP users and passwords?02:06
lassesandbergsomerville32, ofcourse you dont need a special tool02:06
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saik0weob, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=258102:06
lassesandbergsomerville32, it already mounts it, but it changes permissions of the mount point so that only root can read02:06
VisionOfTruthno I did not try the live CD first02:06
ubotu_Dez: I give up, what is it?02:06
VisionOfTruthhowever let me say I did try knoppix02:06
somerville32lassesandberg: You can't write to NTFS without a tool02:07
sobersabrelassesandberg: edit /etc/fstab properly to set permissions.02:07
XenguyVisionOfTruth: I had a machine that would run Knoppix live CD, but not the Ubuntu live CD, so maybe try Knoppix to see if Linux will actually run on your hardware ?02:07
lassesandbergsomerville32, i only said read02:07
bolrodsomerville32: you can actually..... its not safe though02:07
weobim sick of windoze updates having to reboot - i want to play it on linux and do it the way i want it02:07
somerville32bolrod: I know02:07
somerville32Chicken: Cool it02:07
ubotuSun Java debs packaged for Ubuntu. Install from http://tinyurl.com/bwomt (Hoary), or http://tinyurl.com/bpxbf (Breezy))02:07
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb02:07
VisionOfTruthand auditor, and they have dont work either.. Everytime they get to the pcmcia it locks hard, however if I start knoppix with codes ex: knoppix acpi=off noapic pci=bios then it works.02:07
NoUsechcken calm down02:07
bolrodchcken: just download it from sun02:07
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DShepherdchcken: are you on ubuntu breezy?02:08
Xyc0VisionOfTruth: Remember, a live cd has a lot of data it needs to execute.  The install of a distrobution is always more stable.02:08
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z3r0xhi guys02:08
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chckenDSsheperd:WHAT IS UBUNTU BREEZY02:08
wickedpuppychcken, lose ya caps dude ....02:09
DShepherdchcken: huh?02:09
Xyc0chcken: the newest version of Ubuntu02:09
VisionOfTruthXyc0 live cd's are the only thing i can get to work because of the options i mentioned above.. I cannot get any version of linux to install... Basically ACPI/PCI PNP and things like this just arent working with todays linux kernels...02:09
wickedpuppyits rude... unless you wanna shout02:09
z3r0xI have a problem installing the module Net::SSH::Perl...I installed the package libnet-ssh-perl in ubuntu and also installed net::ssh::perl over the mcpan perl console but I still have an error... what do I wrong ?02:09
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VisionOfTruthI swear its like some conspiracy from M$ and hardware developers to mess up linux...02:09
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Xyc0VisionOfTruth: sorry i missed out on the morsel of info, and yea M$ likes to think it is the only OS on a computer02:10
somerville32Chicken: No one will help you with caps02:10
NoUsechcken a bad attitude isn't the key to getting help02:10
weobthat's funny cuz i have a somewhat older pc it refuses to install windows - but linux installs fine02:10
chckenDSsheperd:HOW CAN I INSTALL BREEZY02:10
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and nalioth02:10
VisionOfTruthWebob: exactly02:10
Xyc0chcken: !breezy02:10
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade02:10
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mustard5chcken, you are shooting yourself in the foot here02:10
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somerville32Chicken: Send me a PM!02:10
NoUsechcken well you'll be kicked out soon if you don't stop02:10
mustard5chcken, plz stop02:10
VisionOfTruthWhat I mean is M$ might be paying these hardware companies to screw with things a bit on the APIC PNP stuff02:10
Xyc0chcken: everyone sees you, dont freak out02:11
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DShepherdchcken: calm down02:11
VisionOfTruthThat is where this laptop is coming into problems im sure of it..02:11
VisionOfTruthM$ runs great on this machine02:11
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DShepherdhave you checked the ubuntu website?02:11
chckenWILL SUM1 HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:11
bob2_wickedpuppy: ?02:11
steve_lo folks, anyone use a microsoft standard wireless optical mouse in ubuntu?02:11
bob2_chcken: stop it02:11
_Dezi need some help. im running ubuntu as a server and i have a RT2500 wireless card and i need some help getting it to start02:11
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VisionOfTruthbut no distro/linux works with this thing unless ACPI/APIC is manually turned off...02:11
DShepherdchcken: quit02:11
bob2_chcken: you will not be warned again02:11
somerville32Chicken: We'll all help you. Calm down02:11
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and nalioth02:11
NoUsechcken you havne't asked a question in 20 minutes02:11
Xyc0VisionOfTruth: I doubt it, there is always a way with Ubuntu02:11
bob2_somerville32: ...02:11
chckenya i hav and then everyone ignores me02:11
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fyrmedicsteve_: Yes and I haven't had any problems with it02:11
bob2_chcken: wiki.ubuntu.com/Java02:11
dmgunnHi everyone!02:12
bob2_chcken: now be quiet and read it02:12
Blippehi dmgunn02:12
NoUsechcken ubotu has sent you links with answers to all your questions02:12
bob2_chcken: if some part is confusing, tell us which part02:12
=== Broam [n=broam@pcp02460282pcs.blurdg01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
VisionOfTruthok ok...02:12
VisionOfTruthim all ears...02:12
LjLchcken: stop shouting. just tell me, why didn't you even TRY doing what ubotu said about installing limewire, and instead kept whining "help me install limewire help me"?! tell me, please?! now *who* is ignoring who? you might have said "well, i've tried doing that, but i got an error here and here". no, you just kept ignoring the information. one gets tired after a while02:12
=== chris_ is listening
=== jgraham_ [n=jgraham@67-42-214-215.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
BroamEvening all02:12
=== somerville32 is listening
steve_fyrmedic: what sort of xorg.conf do you use, my version seems to think the scroll wheel is being clicked all the time and pastes stuff randomly and moves icons around and all when you hover over it02:12
BroamAnyone taken the plunge to Dapper yet?upgraded02:12
=== JoCe [n=joce@186.Red-83-40-134.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Nitewalker [n=brandon@202-89-136-139.dialip.qsi.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
dmgunnI have a problem,  my fonts are all very small.  Does anyone know why? e.g the fonts on buttons to mozilla, the fonts of this (X-Chat), everything02:12
bob2_if you have to ask, don't use dapper02:12
DShepherdchcken: you can google.....google is your friend02:13
Xyc0How can I install X86_64 drivers for ATI?02:13
bob2_Xyc0: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:13
jeppeenyone knows what happend...i just download enemy territory..binar...i did it like (download target disk) and enemy territory name was modules.php ...ok then i just change name et-linux-2.56-2.x86.run  ..and then the hole fucking file dissapeard.???   Sorry My Bad English...??02:13
BroamToo late, anyway.  I've already gone ahead and done it.  Suppose I'll be submitting bug reports for a while now. :)02:13
VisionOfTruthI think ill send this laptop back02:13
LjLguys, i've filed a bug against the boson-base package. it has broken dependencies02:13
VisionOfTruthI shopped for so long02:13
VisionOfTruthand its so sexy02:13
Toma-is there anyway to get nautilus to use just icons rather than icons and name in the navigation bar?02:13
Xyc0bob2_: Its telling me there are none for 64 bit, but ATI has one out on their site02:13
mustard5Broam, I'm in the middle of doing it ;)02:13
JoCehi, i how can i choose olive colors in clearlooks?02:13
somerville32Toma: Yes02:13
chckenwhen i do wiki.ubuntu.com/java it says it dosent exist02:13
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-69-204-25-153.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
weobanother funny thing that happened to me - is i could not get alienarena to install on linux - well run - it installed - i got it to run and install fine on windoze02:14
fyrmedicsteve_: You know, I am sorry but I don't know that answer. I am using whatever the default installation is when you install ubuntu. I am not so savvy with Linux yet.02:14
chris_whats a good laptop that is 100% compatible with ubuntu02:14
bob2_chcken: so, it'd be awesome if yo uactually used the URL I gave you02:14
PMantis!seen lifeless02:14
ubotuPMantis: i haven't seen 'lifeless'02:14
bob2_chcken: java != Java02:14
BroamI just finished.  Have to figure out some conflicts with glade, but that's about it02:14
steve_ah right, you don't have the same problem no fyrmedic?02:14
bob2_chcken: IBM x4002:14
dmgunnI think the problem started when I installed GDM,  but all my fonts are really small.  Anyone know how to fix this???02:14
LjLchcken: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java is the correct link02:14
somerville32chris: Just buy a laptop with linux preinstalled02:14
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bob2_chris_: IBM x40, wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam02:14
=== Mackus [n=Mackus@12-223-36-129.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5Broam, I try not to mention it in here or people might end up doing it who don't know what they are doing :)02:14
LjLchcken: uppercase J02:14
jeppeenyone knows what happend...i just download enemy territory..binar...i did it like (download target disk) and enemy territory name was modules.php ...ok then i just change name et-linux-2.56-2.x86.run  ..and then the hole fucking file dissapeard.???   Sorry My Bad English...??02:14
Toma-somerville32: how might this be achieveable?02:14
Nitewalkerhi there yesterday when i used my linux box the icons and everything was smaller and now its stuck on 640x480 and it wont change is there anything i can do to get this smaller again02:15
somerville32Toma: Lots of companies do it02:15
somerville32Toma: Just ask02:15
chris_bob2_, thanks!02:15
=== Broam nods
chckeni did the right url and it says this page does not exist02:15
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LjLchcken: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java <-- well, it does02:15
jeppeim newbie...02:15
ctcecili hate the female race, i wish i was right as much as a female.02:15
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-69-151-242-11.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2_Nitewalker: /sg ubotu fixres02:15
Xyc0JoCe: google-look.org02:15
weobfemale is a race?02:15
bob2_chcken: I'm sorry, but you're doing it wrong02:16
LjLchcken: so, either your ISP is conspiring against you, or you used the wrong link02:16
Toma-somerville32: lots of companies change the way nautilus nav bar loioks?02:16
bob2_chcken: the URL we have given you is fine02:16
rain`Ok, I am trying to view a video on msnbc.com (yes, I know, microsoft...but still) and of course it complains about not having Windows media player 10 and flash player 7, is there anyway I can fool it to think i have those installed?02:16
steve_can anyone help me with my wireless mouse problem?02:16
chckenok now it works lemme read it02:16
somerville32Toma: Sorry, :P02:16
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fyrmedicAnyone know how to mount and at least read an NTFS in Gnome?02:16
bob2_rain`: if you're on i386, installing both should be as easy as wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:16
bob2_fyrmedic: /msg ubotu ntfs02:16
hoslerIm having trouble getting amarok to sync songs to my ipod.02:16
LjLchcken: oh, so it did work after all?02:17
Xyc0rain`: if your on x86_64 sent me a tell i know how02:17
jeppecan somebody help mee??02:17
=== dmgunn [n=dmgunn@London-HSE-ppp3545237.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dmgunnx this?02:17
=== Red-Sox [n=jonny@67-23-49-229.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dmgunnHi, ever since I upgradded to breezy, my fonts are really small. .  How do I fix this??02:17
Nitewalkerbob2_,  where do i type that command?02:17
Toma-is there anyway to get nautilus to use just icons rather than icons and name in the navigation bar?02:17
Xyc0dmgunn: change the resolution02:17
hoslerjeppe, enemy-territory.com. get it there.02:18
Red-Soxdmgunn: resolution02:18
Red-Soxwhere is gedit?02:18
dmgunnRed-Sox, Thanks! how do I change it?02:18
somerville32dmgunn: Try install font packages02:18
hoslerjeppe, you may have to use the command wget to retreive the file. Its a pain in the butt because its a .run find and firefox tries to open it.02:18
Lathiatdmgunn: It may be resolution, but it may also be the font DPI, you can change that in the system->preferences->[font | resolution]  screens02:18
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LathiatRed-Sox: appications->accessorties->text editor02:18
chckenevery1 im 11 im gettin lost in this whole java thing02:18
bob2_Nitewalker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:18
dmgunnoh I dont have gnome02:18
bob2_Xyc0: it appears very strongly to exist on amd6402:19
bob2_Xyc0: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?exact=0&searchon=names&version=all&case=insensitive&release=all&keywords=linux-restricted-modules&arch=any02:19
dmgunnLathiat: I don't have gnome, so no system-preferences->etc...02:19
Lathiatdmgunn: err, no idea sorry02:19
=== bob2_ is now known as bob2_ari
Lathiatdmgunn: kubuntu? xubuntu?02:19
hoslerjeppe, you may have to use the command wget to retreive the file. Its a pain in the butt because its a .run find and firefox tries to open it.02:19
Red-Soxdmgunn: system-------->prefs----------------->screen resolution02:19
LathropWellsdmgun - the configuration editor has hundreds of settings - do you think it might be in there?02:19
dmgunnLathiat: I had normal ubuntu, but removed all gnome stuff and use fvwm02:19
jeppehosler...im newbie firstday user on linux...;D02:19
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LathiatRed-Sox: He doens't use GNOME, (i.e. the standard ubuntu desktop) so that wont work for him02:19
Lathiatdmgunn: don't know what the executable name is off the top of my head sorry02:20
dmgunnRed-Sox: I use fvwm, not gnome02:20
chckencan sum1 explain what this thing ubotu gave me means02:20
Toma-ctl-alt-+ or - is so much quicker tho...02:20
Red-Soxdmgunn: what window manager do you use?02:20
Red-Soxokay, i sec02:20
chckenbecause im readin it and it makes no cense to me02:20
=== illicit [n=illicit@pool-151-196-15-39.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLchcken: what thing is that02:20
weobis it necessary to have gdm and kdm if you use some gnome apps?02:20
weobfor services that is02:20
LjLWeob: no02:21
weobok thanks02:21
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LjLweob: kdm has nothing to do with gnome, by the way02:21
Xyc0bob2_ari: this is a list of the generic modules, these do not support direct rendering unfortunately02:21
=== heatxsink [n=jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
weobi know02:21
dmgunnThe weird thing is that the buttons and scroll bars are all the right size, just the fonts are small... so can it still be resolution??02:21
chckenLjL: the link ubotu gave me is cunfusing me im new to linux and im way lost on how to just install java02:21
LjLchcken: yeah, but *which* link are you referring to02:21
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chckenLjL: this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation02:22
rain`bob2_: I already had w32codecs and I just installed flashplayer-nonfree, but It still says it cannot find wmp10/flashplayer7...maybe it is checking for the windows version? anyway to fool it?02:22
LjLchcken: uh that's an index page... what are you trying to do? installing java, or something else?02:22
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chckenLjL: im trying to install java so i can run limewire02:23
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Red-Soxctrl-alt-+or- got my screen way out of wack, how do I change it back?02:23
LjLchcken: sorry, but i'm not sure what that page has to do with installing java... i suppose i've lost some passages02:23
illicitchcken: http://www.ubuntuguide.org    there is a link there to show u how to install it.02:23
=== foobar [n=foobar@cpe-66-75-148-75.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdchcken: what distro are you on?02:24
=== yahya [n=yahya@we1337.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
z3r0x!file pali02:24
Red-Soxgot it02:24
illicitchcken: it doesn't install just java for u, it shows u how to install limewire...step-by-step02:24
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chckenDSheperd idk i got it as a freebie from my dads work02:24
=== bur[n] er wants a freebie
yahyaIs there a way to do the equivalent of Synaptic's package search from the command line?02:24
=== illicit wants a quickie
DShepherdchcken: what's idk?02:25
chckenDSheperd: i dont know02:25
EdLinyahya, apt-cache search02:25
=== dmgunn_ [n=dmgunn@London-HSE-ppp3543056.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
LjLillicit: but the instructions there to install java don't quite work02:25
z3r0x!file pari02:25
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rain`ok nevermind, i just chose the mac version and it plays fine02:25
bob2_ariXyc0: it certainly appears to contain nvidia and ati binary-only drivers: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-amd64-generic&version=breezy&arch=amd64&page=2&number=5002:25
illicitLjL: then you go to the site, and it shows you there :) i have limewire installed...its just too simple to mess up02:25
bob2_ariXyc0: (I forgot what your original questio nwas)02:25
PMantisAnyone here use NetworkManager on Ubuntu?  How can I restart the "NetworkManager" and "NetworkManagerDispatcher" processes?02:26
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Xyc0bob2_ari: when i install xorg-driver-fglrx for X86_64, i get an X server error and cannot load gdm02:26
PMantisnm-applet sees no interfaces, yet I'm on IRC! :)02:26
Red-Soxdoes ppc not work in gnome?02:26
Red-Soxi mean fluxbox02:26
birohow can I install xmms in ubuntu? "add aplications" don't get the password02:26
chckenillicit:where in that huge thingy does it show how to install limewire02:26
bob2_ariPMantis: restart debus02:26
bob2_ariPMantis: which may or may not make things explode02:26
bob2_ariRed-Sox: sure it does02:26
LjLillicit: i'm not interested in installing java, but clearly chcken is quite new to linux... and that guide says to do "sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5" to install java, but that jsut doesn't work, there is no such package in the reps02:26
Red-Soxbiro: sudo apt-get install xmms02:26
akonkwaHi everyone02:27
bob2_aribiro: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto02:27
bob2_ariXyc0: log file?02:27
DShepherdchcken: why are you here? you are in the #ubuntu asking about ldk which you dont have a clue about,,,02:27
=== gwark [n=gwark@203-158-34-67.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Red-Soxbob2_ari: is this bob2?02:27
PMantisbob2_ari, Heh, ok.. but it that breaks things, I'm driving back to Montreal! :)02:27
illicitLjL: he has to install java directly from the site...02:27
=== nicholaspaul [n=Nicholas@d198-53-138-13.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
chckenLjL: huh so any clue on how i can install java02:27
birothanks Red-Sox & bob2_ari02:27
Red-Soxbiro: np02:27
Xyc0bob2_ari: um... I couldnt load GDM so I had to reinstall Breezy.02:27
bob2_ariPMantis: hah02:27
bob2_ariRed-Sox: yes.02:27
Red-SoxXyc0: thats not good02:27
Xyc0bob2_ari: I have no other way of finding out how to fix it02:28
illicitchcken: Go to to the java website and download the linux version of it, and then proceed from there..02:28
carthik!ubotu java02:28
bob2_ariXyc0: that's a bit sub-optimal02:28
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb02:28
Red-Soxbob2_ari: widja change it?02:28
biroI'm new in Ubuntu02:28
LjLillicit: i.e. download an RPM from the Sun site and stuff? doesn't sound very newbie-friendly, if i must say my opinion02:28
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akonkwaI am having trouble switching to root user, I've tried everything in the faq, but it doesn't work... can anyone help?02:28
bob2_ariXyc0: just disabling nvidia's drivers would have fixed it02:28
=== Noah0504 [n=Noah@66-141-90-76.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2_ariakonkwa: what are you trying to do?02:28
illicitLjL: is the only package they have in RPM format?02:28
chckenDSheperd: man i just installed ubuntu yesterday i have no clue about all these forums and or all the codes and stuff i need to install i figured that some1 in these forums could help me02:28
bob2_ariRed-Sox: proving a lame point to someone02:28
=== bob2_ari is now known as bob2
Red-Soxbob2_ari: okaaaaaaaay02:28
Xyc0bob2_ari: what do you mean, when I install xorg-driver-fglrx does it install nvidia drivers aswell?02:28
LjLillicit: i dunno, but reading what chcken was saying with someone else some minutes ago, i gathered so...02:28
yahyaEdLin: thanks02:29
DShepherdchcken: now we can help you.02:29
ubotuhmm... automatix is an application that automatically installs many popular programs, particularly the proprietary formats that don't ship with most distros by default. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6656302:29
Red-Soxas you can see my sprinkled facicias emphasise02:29
bob2Xyc0: er, configuring it to not use the ati drivers, I mean02:29
LjLillicit: anyway, wouldn't limewire work with Blackdown?02:29
Noah0504Can anyone help me?  I installed the w32codecs and libdvdcss2 from the PLF repos, but when I try to play a Divx movie or a DVD in totem, neither work.02:29
=== jente20 [n=jente@38.62-97-237.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu
illicitLjL: thats the problem with us...eager to help, but too lazy to check it out ourselves.. hehe02:29
Toma-chcken: get automatix02:29
gwarkwhich is the better ATI Radeon package please ??   xserver-xorg-driver-ati    -- or  --  xorg-driver-fglrx ???   thanks!!02:29
bob2rain`: I don't know, sorry02:29
mustard5Toma-, is that officially sanctioned by the help team?02:29
bob2gwark: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:29
chckenDSheperd: ok thats what ive been trying to get for about 3hours02:29
akonkwabob: Well when I try to do a sudo command it says "akonkwa is not par of the sudoers list" but when I try to edit the file, permission's denied02:29
Red-SoxNoah0504 try libdvdread302:29
LjLillicit: well, i'm not going to pollute my system with java, personally :)02:29
Xyc0gwark: xorg-driver-fglrx. unless you are on 64 bit02:29
chckenDSheperd: ty help is what i need02:29
Tokenizersorry, new to this samba business. installed samba now my windows machine can connect to this terminal, however i see only the following... one folder named "myusername" and another named "home" ..... both of them have a folder in them called "mnt" and two other files ".bash_profile" and another named ".bashrc" ... the question is how can i shared forexample "/var/www" so that my windows computer has access to thsi linux apache server ...... (this is o02:29
Tokenizernly within a local home network)02:29
PMantisbob2_ari, Yeah, a couple panel applets blew up, but NBD02:30
DShepherdchcken: you on ubuntu right now?02:30
Toma-mustard5: dunno? it works, it gets things installed, and its gui based. why not use it?02:30
PMantisbob2_ari, Thanks!02:30
Xyc0!restricted gwark02:30
ubotuXyc0: I haven't a clue02:30
Noah0504Well, what about playing Divx files?02:30
chckenDsheperd: ya02:30
illicitLjL: to your question...im not sure, never tried it.02:30
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Xyc0!binary gwark02:30
ubotuXyc0: Are you on ritalin?02:30
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available on http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl02:30
PMantisbob2_ari, Thanks!02:30
gwarkthankyou Xyc0 , bob202:30
DShepherdchcken: ok, go to System-> Help-> Ubuntu Starter Guide02:30
Xyc0thanks ubotu, your a real help02:30
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-206-088.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-chcken: if youre using xchat, type the first few letters of a persons nickname then hit tab02:30
bob2PMantis: np02:30
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chckenDSheperd: ok02:30
akonkwabob: and when I go to systems/administrations/user and groups I get prompted for my passwd but when I enter it , it reports an error02:31
Red-Soxnoah0504: beyond me02:31
bob2PMantis: dbus doesn't handle restarts well, sadly02:31
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DShepherdchcken: alot of the stuff you going to want to do...is covered in there...02:31
DShepherdchcken:  the java thing too02:31
bob2akonkwa: did you do something silly like try to enable the root account?02:31
akonkwaI probably did02:31
Red-Sox!tell noah0504 about dvd02:31
DShepherdchcken: that should keep you busy for a while02:31
PMantisbob2, It wasn't bad though... battery charge monitor bombed, that's about it.02:31
PMantisbob2, BTW< you at UBZ?02:31
=== Rev-Marc [n=Rev-Marc@cpe-065-184-139-240.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
akonkwabob: But I don't think I succeeded02:31
Xyc0bob2: so should I follow the steps to reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx, let it error, then disable it to show the channel?02:31
=== kennethl1ve [n=kennethl@ip70-179-251-104.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Noah0504haha, Well, I already installed that.02:32
bob2PMantis: no, sadly02:32
=== ubotu pokes red-sox with a pen
bob2Xyc0: yes02:32
bob2akonkwa: dues "sudo ls" in a terminal work?02:32
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LjLbob2: yeah02:32
=== jimmygoon [n=jimmygoo@ip24-255-226-173.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
akonkwabob: i'll try02:32
PMantisbob2, Sorry. I thought it was great... was there Nov 3-702:32
chckenDsheperd:were do i go to learn how to install things02:32
Rev-Marccould someone recomend an open source video editing software and where and how to get it?02:32
bob2PMantis: ah, cool02:32
chckenDsheperd:in the guide02:32
Xyc0bob2: How do I change back to the generic ati drivers once I error?02:32
PMantisMark rocks! :)02:33
bob2PMantis: they do tend to be fun in between the endless meetings02:33
bob2Xyc0: edit /etc/X11/Xorg.conf02:33
DShepherdchcken: yes02:33
gwarkRev-Marc ... avidemux or LiVes02:33
bob2PMantis: not going is probably good for my liver, tho02:33
carthikchcken, this is as good a place as any to learn, what are your problems?02:33
gwarkavidemux is like wondows virtualdub02:33
bob2Rev-Marc: everyone seems to use kino, no idea how good it is, tho02:33
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jimmygoonhow does gnome hibernate?02:33
Rev-Marcgwark are they available for Ubuntu?02:33
akonkwabob: I tried sudo ls, I got prompted for a password, I entered it , and that it says "akonkwa is not ine the sudoers file"02:33
illicitAnyone upgrade to Dapper yet?02:33
DShepherdchcken: see your a finding your way around linux all by urself...great....keep up the good work02:33
Rev-MarcThanks bob202:34
carthikillicit, dont you think its a bit too early to even think about this?02:34
bob2akonkwa: bah02:34
bob2akonkwa: you broke it02:34
PMantisbob2, Yeah, Sunday night we were all in the lounge near reception, singing classic rock songs 'till 2AM. Then Mark(I think) spilled wine on me02:34
bob2akonkwa: does "groups" show you being in the admin group?02:34
PMantisOh well, was fun. :)02:34
bob2PMantis: hah02:34
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akonkwabob: how can I see that?02:34
illicitcarthik, Actually, i saw a couple of threads posted around on sum forums...thought sumthin might be available02:34
bob2akonkwa: is this a warty install, originally?02:34
bob2akonkwa: run the command groups02:34
chckenDSheperd : some guy said automatix what is that02:34
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jimmygoonWhat command does GNOME use to hibernate?02:34
jimmygoonI need to use it in XFCE402:35
PMantisbob2, But, MAN, what a group you guys are!! bzr rocks!02:35
nuckhow do i <Alt-Tab> between XP and Ubuntu without rebooting?02:35
gwarkRev-Marc if you find the debian package, or the redhat package, (alien -d *.rpm) it will work ...... update manager may eveb find the latest for you once youve installed the debian package02:35
LjLjimmygoon: i don't think gnome uses a command specific to gnome. /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh should start hibernation in or out of gnome02:35
akonkwabob: it's a hoary install , and the command groups prompts "akonkwa adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner"02:35
Red-Soxjimmygoon: you want to know the command for gnome or xfce4? or you want to use the gnome terminal in  xfce4?02:35
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NoUsenuck are you dual booting?02:35
VisionOfTruththis blows02:35
nuckNoUse yes02:36
jimmygoonred-sox: none... I'm trying to hibernate my pc02:36
PMantisnuck, LOL use VMWare, only way I know.02:36
VisionOfTruthDAMN HARDWARE!!!!!!!!!02:36
_Dezim trying to get my Wireless card working in terminal02:36
NoUsenuck you can't do that, you have to reboot to bring up a differnet OS02:36
_Dezit comes up when i do iwconfig02:36
nuckPMantis yes i was just kidding :-)02:36
jacobkmAnyone know if the rule of making swap 2x RAM still applies when you've got lots of RAM (as in 8G)?02:36
_Dezbut it wont get DCHP Stuff blah blah02:36
Rev-Marcgwark thanks02:36
PMantisnuck, Heh, apparently others didn't know either. :)02:36
jimmygoonLjl red-sox : I tried that and when I came back from hibernation it went through the percents and every 10 or so it through an error... eventually it went and it was ok... but I'm worried :)02:36
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bob2jacobkm: it does not02:36
PMantissorsis, who here was/is at UBZ?02:36
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bob2jacobkm: if it's a server with 8GB of ram, you probably don't want any swap02:37
bob2PMantis: hah, thanks02:37
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PMantissorsis, who here was/is at UBZ?02:37
LjLjimmygoon: and that doesn't happen just chosing Hibernate from the Gnome shutdown dialog?02:37
PMantisStupid Xchat.02:37
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jacobkmbob2: interesting... do you mean leaving out a swap partition entirely?02:37
jimmygoonLjL: no thats what I'm worried02:37
Tokenizeranyone knows how to get files added to my samba share? i have the samba share set up... i want to setup folders on my computer such as /var/www to be shared02:37
Nitewalkerim jst wondering how you install xine because when i went to try install mplayer it said i had to go to a lower c complier which i dont know what that is so now im trying xine02:38
akonkwabob2: it's a hoary install , and the command groups prompts "akonkwa adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner"02:38
LjLjimmygoon: now that i think of it, i think that Gnome actually makes use of a daemon called "power-manager" to hibernate. you can install it, but then i'm not sure how to tell it to hibernate manually02:38
winstonhey people02:38
Toma-Nitewalker: youre building it from source?02:38
winstonwhat happened to the terminal option on the right click on the desktop with Breezy^02:38
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jimmygoonLjL: grr... thanks... I did notice though.. I'm an observer and the commands and junk all look the same... :S02:39
bob2jacobkm: yes02:39
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bob2akonkwa: and sudo used to work?02:39
jimmygoonand that /etc/acpi/hibernate.py was already there... I sure didn't install it02:39
jrattner1What players support wma?02:39
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bob2Tokenizer: edit /etc/samba/smb.conf or use the gnome thingy02:39
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winstoncan I configure the menu to get the terminal option back in?02:39
bob2jimmygoon: it came with acpi-support02:39
akonkwabob2: It never did, I installed ubuntu this morning02:39
unkn0wn2ujrattner1, mplayer does02:39
bob2akonkwa: bah02:39
bob2akonkwa: please don't tell me you did an expert install02:39
NitewalkerToma-, i found the command online on how to install it and then i used the command line thing to try that02:39
bob2because then I'll have to mock you02:39
jrattner1unkn0wn2u, by default?02:40
bob2jacobkm: if you have 8GB of ram, you'll never hit swap until the sky is falling02:40
winstonWas anyone here in Montreal for Ubuntu Love Day^02:40
unkn0wn2ujrattner1, no but with w32codecs it does02:40
bob2jacobkm: also, you presumably don't want suspend-to-disk, so you don't need swap for that either02:40
akonkwabob2: Unfortunately I did (I thought I coul handle it because I had done it before.... :s)02:40
Toma-Nitewalker: do you know about the synaptic program that comes with ubuntu?02:40
jimmygoondang... share some ram with me02:40
jacobkmbob2: but if I did, what would happen without a swap part?02:40
chckenDSheperd: dude how can i use this stuff to install java now02:40
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jacobkmbob2: yeah, suspend doesn't matter (it's a server)02:40
NitewalkerToma-,  i know of it but not sure how it works tho02:41
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bob2akonkwa: bah02:41
Toma-Nitewalker: it installs everything you want, for you. just point it in the right place and it works.02:41
bob2akonkwa: then use your root password to add yourself to the admin group02:41
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bob2chcken: you need to explain PRECISELY waht isn't working, or is too confusing02:41
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_Dezim trying to get my Wireless card working in terminal it comes up when i do iwconfig but it wont get DCHP Stuff blah blah02:41
NitewalkerToma-,  okay sounds thats the program for me then02:41
Toma-Nitewalker: indeed.02:41
bob2chcken: your vague rants are of no use and will just lead to you being ignored by everyone02:42
ubotuHow to add repositories:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example soruces.list02:42
winstonAnyone here know how to edit the right-click menu on the desktop?02:42
Toma-Nitewalker: check out that link02:42
bob2jacobkm: nothing happens if you don't have one, aside from the kernel not swapping things out :)02:42
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Toma-then use synaptic to look for mplayer or xine02:42
bob2jacobkm: if all your ram is used, the kernel will start nuking things (OOM killer) to free it up, so you do need to be careful02:42
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Nitewalkerchecking now toma and thank you very much for the help02:42
chckenbob2: ive been sittin here tryin to figure out how to install java can sum1 just lead me through it02:42
Toma-no problem02:42
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winstonAnyone here a contributor to Ubuntu?02:43
DShepherdchcken: havent found it in the guide?02:43
jacobkmbob2: it sounds like having something like a 1G "cushion" might be a good idea to avoid OOM killer things (reading about that now); would you concur?02:43
chckenDsheperd: no02:43
DShepherdok...let me point you to it02:43
chckenCan sum1 help me or lead me through installing java02:43
winstonAm I invisible or something?02:44
akonkwabob2:But when I go to System/administration/user and groups, I get prompted for my password, and when I enter it either does nothing, or prompts me with a "failed to run..." message02:44
DShepherdyou have the System->help-> StarterGuide->applications->? Java02:44
DShepherdchcken: you cant miss that02:44
chckenDsheperd:were is the starter guide part02:45
DShepherdchcken: Ubuntu starter guide02:45
bob2chcken: w.t.f.02:45
bob2winston: lots of people are.02:45
bob2chcken: that page explains exactly what to do02:45
bob2chcken: if it's too confusing for you, you need to actually tell us what part is too confusing02:45
bob2chcken: instead of whining that it's all too hard and that someone should retype it all to you in IRC02:46
winstonBob2, I sure hope so, were you in montreal for ubuntu love day a couple of weeks ago?02:46
bob2jacobkm: yes, that is a good plan02:46
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bob2winston: np02:46
bob2winston: er, "no"02:46
Noah0504Besides w32codecs, do I need anything to play files such as Divx movies?02:46
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winstonhehe gotcha02:46
_Dezim trying to get my Wireless card working in terminal it comes up when i do iwconfig but it wont get DCHP Stuff blah blah02:46
chckenDSheperd: in help mine has desktop aplications other docs man pages about ubuntu hoary release notes and ubuntu quick guide02:46
DShepherdbob2 he should be cool now, the only thing that can stop him now is his ability to read02:46
jacobkmbob2: awesome; thanks for your help!02:46
_Dezoops sorry02:46
bob2Noah0504: are you using mplayer/xine/?02:46
Noah0504No, just Totem.02:46
bob2jacobkm: np, good luck with that shiny server of yours02:46
DShepherdoh....it;s ubuntu hoary you have02:47
winstonSo no one here knows how to edit the desktop right-click menu to get back the terminhal option?????02:47
bob2totem makes everything hard02:47
bob2just using mplayer is far simpler to watch movies02:47
bob2akonkwa: ignore that02:47
chckenDsheperd:how can i change to breezy02:47
bob2akonkwa: type "su" and your root password in a terminal, then 'adduser whatever admin'02:47
ScatterBrainI just installed the latest drivers from ATI - 8.18.8.  But I can't run fglrxconfig - it's not installed.  Doesn't this come with the ATI dirver package?02:47
DShepherdyou can download breezy02:47
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Toma-chcken: get this, http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/dists/breezy/java/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb then open up a terminal and run "sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb"02:47
akonkwabob2:Ok I'll try that right away02:47
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LjLtoma-: well done02:48
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SEJeffwinston: There is a nautilus plugin you get from synaptic02:48
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DShepherdchcken: the link that Toma- gave you should work02:48
SEJeffwinston: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal02:48
SEJeffwinston: Then you get the terminal back02:48
winstonSEjeff  I will try that02:49
Toma-why bother with fakeroot when u have dpkg ^_^02:49
DShepherdSEJeff: what's that?02:49
akonkwabob2:it almost worked, but it says the group admin does not exist02:49
bob2fakeroot is something other than dpkg02:49
bob2akonkwa: bah02:49
SEJeffDShepherd: apt-cache show nautilus-open-terminal02:49
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winstonSEJeff were you the Jeff in Montreal?02:49
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Xyc0bob2: Where can I find the Xorg error log02:49
bob2akonkwa: add a line like 'rob     ALL=(ALL) ALL' to the end of /etc/sudoers02:49
bob2Xyc0: /var/log02:49
SEJeffwinston: Jeff Waugh? no, he is far more a gnome hacker that I02:49
DShepherdSEJeff: yeah I reading about it...in synaptic.,thanks anyways02:49
bob2winston: if that jeff was scary and loud, it was probably jeff waugh02:49
RedRoseif i wanted to ban an IP from my server, i would put there IP address in the host.deny file, right?02:50
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NitewalkerToma-,  at the moment its installing some packages i needed so once those are done how do i get it to find mplayer sori to be a pain in da butt02:50
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winstonyeah thats him02:50
bob2RedRose: ban them from what? network access?02:50
winstonfrom down under02:50
Toma-Nitewalker: it'll be under Applications, Multimedia, Mplayer02:50
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bob2RedRose: blocking them using iptables might be simpler02:50
RedRosebob2:i've had someone trying to bruteforce my server and i would like to block them02:50
bob2RedRose: bld or /usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian02:50
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winstonSEjeff  I tried what you said, not working, do i need to reboot?02:51
Noah0504bob2: If I just wanted to play them in Totem, what would I need to do?02:51
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bob2Noah0504: I don't know, I gave up on totem02:51
Xyc0bob2: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/428102:51
Noah0504bob2: haha02:52
gwarkgxine is nice02:52
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akonkwabob2: how do I open the sudoers file with an editor using the terminal?02:52
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cyphaseare there undelete utilities for reiserfs?02:53
ctcecilakonkwa: sudo gedit <file>02:53
tritiumakonkwa, visudo02:53
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mustard5akonkwa, visudo02:53
ubotuA list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:53
cyphasei know there are for ext2..02:53
tritiumakonkwa, you know that you can add the users you want to have sudo priveleges to the admin group, right?02:53
ctcecilok, i thought he meant from a prompt, sorry just caught a glimpse02:53
SEJeffRedRose: hosts.deny isn't used in all servers. bob2's suggestion of blocking the ip with a firewall rule is better02:53
winstonSEjeff  I tried what you said, not working, do i need to reboot?02:54
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SEJeffwinston: Nautilus is kind of stupid with extensions. Just like the panel is stupid about recognizing newly installed applets02:54
SEJeffwinston: You will likely have to logout or just kill and restart nautilus02:54
bob2akonkwa: nano /etc/sudoers02:55
winstonok kill, kill, kill02:55
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akonkwatritium: yes but I can't get into systems/administration/groups without being prompet "failed to run.." and I can't edit the sudoers files using the file explorer because then permission is denied02:55
ctcecilI'm having hella trouble with using my Intel Easy PC Camera webcam02:55
akonkwabob2: thanx02:55
ctcecileven after i installed drivers for it02:55
ctcecili installed http://spca50x.sourceforge.net/spca50x.php?page=cams and it still wont work with gnome meeting or camorama02:56
winstonSEJeff It works!! but im greedy, can i get the term as my first option as in hoary??02:56
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tritiumakonkwa, use visudo then02:56
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Toma-ctcecil: whats it doing?02:57
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ctcecilctcecil: the same stuff02:57
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ctcecil"could not connect to video device /dev/video002:57
Nothingmanhi, all02:57
SEJeffwinston: no02:57
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Xyc0bob2: See anything int he error log?02:57
Nothingmanis there an easy way to get XFree86 on Breezy?02:57
Nitewalkerwhen u go to use xine and install it do u only need the xine -ui file to get it to work or is there something else to go with that02:57
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foobarDoes anyone know why my inetd.conf file would be empty (as in, 0kb)?02:58
bob2Nothingman: why?02:58
SEJeffNothingman: Why do you want XFree86? xorg is superior02:58
bob2foobar: because it's not needed by default?02:58
Noah0504Does anyone else feel the default Ubuntu fonts are a little "blah?"02:58
unkn0wn2ufoobar, because its empty02:58
winstonSEJeff Shiite -- thanks anywayz, I did love the idea of having it as the first option02:58
Nothingmanbob2: the radeon driver works under XF864.4, but not x.org 6.802:58
foobar then how would I close unneeded ports? =/02:58
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unkn0wn2uNoah0504, so change them02:58
winston% B] ] ] ] ] 02:58
Nothingmanand I can't wait for x.org 6.902:58
livindedi'm getting an error when trying to install unreal tournament:goty and 2003, is there a compatability issue with the x86_64 kernel?02:59
bob2Nothingman: 4.4 is not in Ubuntu (or any other free OS that I know of)02:59
Xyc0Nothingman: im wrestling with that problem too02:59
Toma-ctcecil: does "lsmod | grep spca" show up anything?02:59
SEJefffoobar: Ubuntu has a policy of 0 open ports by default. If you don't believe the ububuntu devs, install firestarter from apt02:59
bob2Xyc0: tell it to not use the fraebuffer02:59
Noah0504unkn0wn2u: Did you change yours?02:59
bob2foobar: there are no "ports" to close02:59
Nothingmanbob2 and SEJeff: they're on KnoppMyth02:59
unkn0wn2uNoah0504, no02:59
akonkwabob2: one i've edited the etc file with gedit in the terminal, how do I save and exit it?02:59
Nothingmanbob2 and SEJeff: I need the 3D support *and* TVout02:59
Xyc0Option "fraebuffer" off ?02:59
bob2Xyc0: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:59
unkn0wn2uNoah0504, did you?02:59
ctcecilToma-: no02:59
bob2Xyc0: yeah02:59
Toma-ctcecil: well i think its not getting loaded....03:00
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NothingmanXyc0: that would be "framebuffer"03:00
Toma-ctcecil: try sudo modprobe spca5xx03:00
ctcecilToma-: should i have to do something besides install the .deb?03:00
Xyc0bob2: wait, should I reconfigure or edit the xorg config03:00
DShepherdbob2 enabling frame buffer does what?03:00
ctcecilmodule spca5xx not found03:00
Toma-ctcecil: what exactly did you install?03:00
foobarSEJeff: yea I installed firestarter, but when i nmap myself im getting open ports... am I missing something here.. =/03:00
NothingmanXyc0: I would simply edit03:00
bob2Xyc0: reconfigure if it works, edit if not03:00
tcmjrHelp here guys. This is the problem: I have an Abit kd-7 board 2 main IDE's and 2 RAID IDE's: main hdd on IDE1, optic drives on IDE2, 1HDD on IDE-RAID1 and 1 HDD on IDE-RAID 2. I installed ubuntu on IDE-RAID 2 and set grub to /dev/hdg (wich is the hdd I want) but when i try to boot to that hdd I have grub error 21, anyone got a clue ?03:01
bob2DShepherd: it tells X to not poke for /dev/fb* devices...I'm not actually sure what it does instead03:01
Nitewalkerwhen u go to use xine and install it do u only need the xine -ui file to get it to work or is there something else to go with that03:01
winstonHow to I enable my machines to ssh?03:01
bob2perhaps just hitting up the AGP bus directly?03:01
bob2winston: install openssh-server03:01
Toma-ctcecil: thats not a driver. thats the source code,03:01
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ctcecilwhere would it install03:01
DShepherdbob2 so it gives u better framerate or something03:01
livindedi'm getting this error, http://pastebin.com/423864 when tryign to install uneal tournament goty and 2k3, is there a compatability issue with the x86_64 kernel03:02
Toma-ctcecil: you dont need it.03:02
bob2DShepherd: don't think it really matters, it's just a different way of accessing it03:02
chris_when i run dvd::rip it complains that it can use stdin xine.. i have lxinelib and gxine installed but it is looking for the executable 'xine' am i missing something?03:02
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Noah0504unkn0wn2u: No, but I think I may.  I just did a fresh install of Breezy to replace my Windows XP install.  I'm just trying to get other things taken care of now.  I'm still new to this world they call Linux, haha.03:02
DShepherdbob2 ok thanks03:02
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moccahGPG error: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release --- what to do?03:02
moccah!GPG error03:03
ubotumoccah: Bugger all, i dunno03:03
akonkwabob2: one i've edited the etc file with gedit in the terminal, how do I save and exit it?03:03
ubotuIf you get GPG errors when accessing the Ubuntu archives, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* (Yes, you will get some 'is a directory' messages, that's fine) then wait 10 minutes and retry.03:03
winstonbob2 thanks, quickest reply ever!03:03
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dabaRalso, moccah search the !list when looking for something, please do not test it the channel if you do not know whether something exists, or ask ubotu directly.03:03
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foobarwould I be able to use the hosts.deny file to block adserver ips?03:03
ctcecilToma- what do you mean i dont need it03:03
bob2akonkwa: save fom the file manu?03:03
bob2foobar: no03:04
Toma-it should be installed with the kernel03:04
chris_ok past that.. what the (*)*# does this mean? "cdrecord device (n,n,n or filename): 0,X,0 has not format n,n,n and is no file : NOT Ok"03:04
Nothingmanbob2: how does that give me TVout03:04
bob2foobar: firewalling or /etc/hosts hacks are simplest03:04
moccahdabaR, sure thing03:04
ctcecilToma-: spca5xx?03:04
bob2Nothingman: I don't know what you're talking about03:04
Toma- apt-file search spca5xx.ko linux-image-2.6.12-9-386: lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/usb/media/spca5xx/spca5xx.ko03:04
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foobarbob2: I see, thanks03:04
winstonI LUV f-spot btw03:04
=== juan1963 [n=guytoron@HSE-Toronto-ppp286899.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
NitewalkerToma-,  with xine amd i to download only the xine-ui file or is there something else i need?03:04
winstonbest image viewer ive seen03:04
that_weaselanyone have a link for a Ubuntu MythTV how to...03:04
ctcecilHow do i untar a .gz2 i forgot03:05
juan1963i have a question03:05
Toma-Nitewalker: yeh you need xine-ui or gxine03:05
NothingmanXyc0 said that he was having the same problem I was and you told him to add 'Option "framebuffer" "no"' to his xorg.conf03:05
that_weaselsynaptic keeps failing at the mythtv-database part because the login fails03:05
bob2ctcecil: bz2? bunzip2.03:05
Nitewalkerthats the one ive downloaded xine-ui03:05
livindedi'm getting this error, http://pastebin.com/423864 when trying to install uneal tournament goty and 2k3, is there a compatability issue with the x86_64 kernel03:05
akonkwabob2: there is no 'save' in the file menu... :s  only something like  "^X exit " and more...03:05
bob2Nothingman: I never said you had the same problem03:05
bob2akonkwa: ok03:05
bob2akonkwa: don't use gedit then03:05
juan1963i have installed the distribution but I cannot find the root password... i haven't been asked for the root password when I installed03:06
Red-Soxjuan1963: go on03:06
=== CameronBergh [n=me@c-24-22-122-59.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-ctcecil: follow this howto http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75284&highlight=webcam03:06
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Toma-ctcecil: it made my webcam work03:06
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bob2juan1963: wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo03:06
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NothingmanOK, so does anyone know where I can get XFree86 for Breezy?03:06
bob2juan1963: the installer mentioned this to you, as did the FAQ03:06
bob2Nothingman: www.xfree86.org03:06
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bob2Nothingman: it will be a long and tedious process, tho03:06
CameronBerghHey you amazing ubuntu'ers you!03:06
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Nothingmanso you03:06
subzero440i previously installed the kubuntu desktop on an ubuntu installation. how will i uninstall the kubuntu desktop?03:06
Nothingman*you're* suggesting source?03:06
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bob2akonkwa: note you need to have su'd to actually edit that file03:06
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NitewalkerToma-,  how do u actually get synaptic to check for the stuff for xine as ive extracted the folder where i have all my downloads going03:06
bob2Nothingman: I'm suggesting not using xfree86 at all03:06
bob2Nothingman: if you're inistent on using it, I guess you have to compile it03:07
Nothingmanbob2: not an option03:07
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LjLsubzero440: aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop, if you used aptitude (or perhaps also synaptic?) to install it03:07
NothingmanXF86 provides TVout03:07
=== psusi is a newbie to grub... can anyone help? I'm trying to get it to install to my sata fakeraid by following these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FakeRaidHowto
winstonI saw a demo of a prog used to open other progs. Looks like a mac-type program but its basically used to type in the name of a prog you want to launch and guesses using auto completion and shows the prog icon in the center of the screen. Anyone know what the prog name is so i can dl it??03:07
bob2subzero440: depends how you installed it03:07
LjLsubzero440: otherwise, you're in trouble03:07
Toma-Nitewalker: theres no extracting involved...03:07
bob2winston: alt-f203:07
Nothingmandoes anyone *else* have an idea on how to get XF86 on Breezy?03:07
juan1963Thank you !!03:07
gimmulf_how do i run an shell script? (.sh)03:07
psusionly grub gives some very terse error message about the partition table when I give it the root command03:07
subzero440i installed the kubuntu desktop thru apt-get.03:07
akonkwabob2: and I did , I did su, like you told me too... so... what else should I use to edit the sudoers file?03:07
jsubl2winston: my guess is a kde program called katapult03:07
Toma-Nitewalker: ill find you a guide to synaptic03:08
LjLsubzero440: well then you're in trouble. but you can start removing kdelibs03:08
LjLsubzero440: that'll remove a lot of it03:08
winstonbob2 not that, maybe katapult, ill try...03:08
mustard5akonkwa, is your sudo mucked up?03:08
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_Dezoops sorry03:08
_Dezim trying to get my Wireless card working in terminal it comes up when i do iwconfig but it wont get DCHP Stuff blah blah03:08
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CameronBerghwhile doing an install of breezy, all i get is a textbased login screen. does anyone know why?03:09
=== psusi slaps grub upside the head a few times for good measure
akonkwamustard5: It seems to be... I don't really understand what is wrong03:09
bob2akonkwa: nano /etc/sudoers03:09
that_weaselCameronBergh, did you chose to install Xorg?03:09
gimmulf_how do i run an shell script? (.sh)03:09
Xyc0bob2: reconfigure didnt work, was that Option "FrameBuffer" "off" or "no" or what?03:09
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mustard5akonkwa, what error is it giving you?03:09
juan1963bob2: Thank you very much03:09
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psusigimmulf_, bash foo.sh03:09
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that_weaselstill looking for a mythtv howto if anyone has a good link...  ;)03:10
CameronBerghthat_weasel: i didnt choose anything, when the installer reboots to finish installing packages it just goes to this login03:10
tcmjrHelp here guys. This is the problem: I have an Abit kd-7 board 2 main IDE's and 2 RAID IDE's: main hdd on IDE1, optic drives on IDE2, 1HDD on IDE-RAID1 and 1 HDD on IDE-RAID 2. I installed ubuntu on IDE-RAID 2 and set grub to /dev/hdg (wich is the hdd I want) but when i try to boot to that hdd I have grub error 21, anyone got a clue ?03:10
akonkwabob2: It says permission denied03:10
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LjLsubzero440: by the way, if you want my opinion, use aptitude in the future, that will allow removing a package *and* all the dependencies that were installed automatically03:10
akonkwamustard5: It says akonkwa is not part of the sudoers file03:10
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that_weaselCameronBergh: are you sure thats its booting the installer and not some other installation?03:10
bob2Xyc0: either should work, I think03:10
mustard5akonkwa, you might have to try getting to a root prompt through recovery mode03:10
Toma-Nitewalker: cant find a howto, but this http://www.nongnu.org/synaptic/action.html shows how it works, kinda...03:11
CameronBerghthat_weasel: i have formatted many times... so i dont know why it would03:11
bob2tcmjr: it's not RAID, ignore that part of it03:11
z3r0x!file crypt03:11
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psusitcmjr, why don't you use the raid part?03:11
bob2tcmjr: sure your BIOS can boot from those last two channels?03:11
Toma-Nitewalker: you select the packages you want with right click, then click apply changes03:11
ctcecilToma-: i did all that and at the end i got03:11
ctcecilFATAL: Error inserting spca5xx (/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/kernel/drivers/usb/media/spca5xx.ko): Invalid module format03:11
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MaTaKshow can i restart usb device?03:11
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NitewalkerToma-,  thanks i will try that now03:11
Toma-ctcecil: youre not on breezy are you?03:12
psusiit sounds like the bios is booting the correct drive, but then the grub stage 1 loader is trying to load stage 2 from the disk but is using the wrong bios disk number... I wouldn't be surprised if it assumes it should use bios disk 80 which is not the case here03:12
dpirotteHi there... I removed the /etc/apache2 folder after doing sudo apt-get --purge remove apache203:12
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dpirotteand now when I try to reinstall apache2, the /etc/apache2 folder doesn't come back.03:12
ctcecilToma-: no, all i have is hoary CD's03:12
dpirotteAny thoughts?03:12
akonkwamustard5:how do I get to recovery mode?03:12
Ophiocushow can i know which kernel am running?03:12
ctcecilToma-: is there a way to update without re-downloading and re-installing03:12
moccahdabaR_, hmm, still i get the GPG error...03:12
akonkwabob2: do you also think I should go to recovery mode?03:12
mustard5akonkwa, its an option in your grub menu03:13
tcmjrbob2, yeah it can i can choose on the bios boot (ata133raid) and on the raid menu choose the main drive for booting03:13
LjLOphiocus: cat /proc/version03:13
Toma-ctcecil: nope..03:13
akonkwamustard5: ok03:13
mustard5akonkwa, when you boot up, you might have to hit ESC to get the grub menu03:13
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DShepherd I want a gnome program that can remember clipboard entries..so I can use them when I want even if it's the 3rsd , 4th or 5th thing I copied. Know where I can find a good one?03:13
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Red-Soxhow do you add the trash bin to the panel in gnome?03:13
subzero440the uninstallation is successful. but why is it the k applications that was previously installed when i installed the desktop were not removed?03:13
bob2akonkwa: that will work, too03:14
Noah0504LjL: Are those MS fonts?03:14
LjLsubzero440: because if you use apt-get, dependencies that were installed automatically will not be removed automatically03:14
Toma-Red-Sox: right-click the panel, Add to panel.., scroll down to Desktop&Windows and its in there03:14
bob2tcmjr: it's still not raid.  can you boot into ubuntu with a live cd and re-grub-install?03:14
LjLNoah0504: yeah. i mean, maybe you don't like it as a matter of principle, but they do look better03:14
tcmjrbob2, I'm on the livecd right now :)03:15
tcmjrbob2, just have no idea how to regrub it03:15
psusitcmjr, do you want to raid the two drives or use them seperately?03:15
Ophiocusyou meant cat /proc/version right?03:15
Noah0504LjL: I may have to install them and give them a looky.  I actually really like many of the MS fonts.03:15
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akonkwabob2: Isn't there any other way? gedit didn't work because I couldn't save and exit, and nano prompted 'permission denied', isn't there another way than recovery mode?03:15
LjLOphiocus: why, what did i say?03:15
bob2tcmjr: chroot /mnt/whevereryourrootpartitionis/ /bin/bash03:15
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Nitewalkerdoes synaptic search my computer for particular files right?03:16
Ophiocuscat proc/version03:16
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Toma-Nitewalker: no03:16
bob2tcmjr: update-grub ; grub-install /dev/hdc (or whatever it was)03:16
mustard5akonkwa, not really..if your sudoers file doesnt have you in it03:16
pppoe_dudehi. how can i use PSI to add my msn contacts?03:16
LjLNoah0504: clearly, they're not open source, but MS is giving them away for free, and they can be installed easily in ubuntu using apt03:16
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Toma-Nitewalker: it searched the online repository of files for what you need03:16
bob2akonkwa: these all point to you not actually using su as I said you had to03:16
tcmjrpsusi, I just want to to boot ubuntu from one of the drives on the raid ide03:16
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mustard5akonkwa, unless you set a root password at some stage03:16
bob2akonkwa: there's little I can do if you don't do that03:16
bob2mustard5: he/she did03:16
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Toma-then downloads and installs everything you need03:16
mustard5akonkwa, have you set a root password at any stage for some reason?03:16
LjL<LjL> Ophiocus: cat /proc/version <--- no, i didn't :P03:16
psusitcmjr, ok... I've got my two drives raided and am trying to get grub to boot from that ;)03:16
winstonjsubl2 and bob2 katapult, thats the one!! pretty cool03:17
akonkwamustard5: yes I have03:17
Noah0504LjL: Thanks.03:17
psusiI managed to get lilo to work, but I have never used grub before...03:17
pppoe_dudeor is the msn transport just for the server? i.e. I can't do much about it?03:17
akonkwabob2: I'm sorry, I don't unsterstand everything, how am I supposed to use su?03:17
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nuckhi why my firefox can't display porn? it hangs?03:17
mustard5akonkwa, the you can hit ctrl + alt +f2 then login as root and do visudo03:18
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NitewalkerToma-,  they aint small files for xine are they03:18
bob2akonkwa: "su"03:18
mustard5akonkwa, ctr + alt + f7 will bring you back to desktop03:18
Toma-Nitewalker: theyre not 5kb, but theyre not 50mb.03:18
mustard5bob2, I'll stay quiet :)03:18
=== mustard5 zips it :)
LjLbob2: i haven't been following this, but how is "su" supposed to work in ubuntu? i suppose you mean using it to switch to root?03:18
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Toma-Nitewalker: it'll tell you how much needs to be downloaded when you click Apply Changes03:18
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bob2LjL: akonkwa is special and did an "expert" install, which doesn't setup sudo but does ask for a root password03:19
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mustard5LjL, akonkwa has a root password set up so he can use that03:19
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DrZeushi all.  Im trying to recompile a kernel but xconfig nor gconfig are working03:19
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LjLmustard5, bob2: i see03:19
bob2DrZeus: why are you trying to compile a kernel?03:19
mustard5LjL, its not advisable to keep a root password set up though03:19
LjLmustard5: sure sure03:20
tcmjrbob2,  I don't think the livecd is recognizing the disk03:20
DrZeusxconfig: unable to find Qt instalation; gconfig: unable to find GTK installation03:20
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blankwho here enabled the root account on their box03:20
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winstonok gotta get back to werk, thanks everybody, be seeing you around03:20
silversurferroot account can be created03:20
blankI'm learning linux and do you guys think that enabling it will help me get a bietter understandment of it?03:20
blanksilversurfer: i know, that's why I'm asking who has done it03:21
AgrajagDrZeus: use menuconfig, or install the GTK or QT development packages03:21
silversurferroot acoount is set by the expert mode installation03:21
DrZeusbob2, because in my laptop the acpi doesnt recognize the state of the battery; I found a patch that says it is needed to recompile a kernel without the acpi support03:21
Xenguyblank: on one box I made a root account, on the other I didn't -- they both work fine :-)03:21
LjLblack: NO, do not enable it03:21
mustard5blank, no03:21
blanksilversurfer: how can I get into expert mode installation03:21
EdLinblank, you don't need to do that, just run sudo -s and you'll get a root shell03:21
LjLblack: you can learn as much using sudo, you don't need a root account03:21
bob2DrZeus: this is with 2.6.12?03:21
blankwhy not, the wiki on ubuntu tells you how to do it if you want03:21
Xenguyblank: root is the traditional *nix model that's all03:21
silversurfertype expert03:21
DrZeusbob2, yes03:21
bob2DrZeus: please do file a bug so yi can be included in the next release03:21
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silversurferwhen you inserted the cd at boot03:21
LjLblack: that's the key, IF you want... you DONT want ;P03:21
mustard5blank, akonkwa is a special case..he used expert install and that requires the you edit the sudoers file to give yourself sudo privileges03:22
bob2DrZeus: install build-essential and libncurses5-dev, and then make menuconfig will work03:22
blankoh really, hey I remember that in 5.04, when I installed it downloaded all the updates, in 5.10 it doesnt do that, is that waht expert install does?03:22
silversurferthen you install your ubuntu box at expert mode03:22
blankoh, then nevermind03:22
DrZeusmenuconfig is working, but I thought xconfig was fine03:22
Toma-DrZeus: you could always try the acpi=off kernel arguement in grub03:22
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bob2DrZeus: libqt3-mt-dev, I'd think03:22
silversurferdr17 rocks on ubuntu03:22
silversurferI like it03:22
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DrZeusToma-, but can that make the system recognize the state of the battery?03:22
AgrajagDrZeus: it needs to compile a small program to run xconfig, you need gtk2.0-dev for that03:22
silversurferso fast03:22
blanksilversurfer: when it downloads the package during installation, that's when it's expert mode?03:22
akonkwamustard5: once I hit ctrl alt F2,  what can I do so that I can use sudo like everyone else?03:22
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blankSir_Nick: nice name, I have a friend like that03:23
Toma-DrZeus: it'll turn off acpi without having to re-build the kernel03:23
blanksilversurfer: oh no wonder03:23
blanksilversurfer: how much harder is expert mode03:23
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mustard5akonkwa, come with me to another channel  #kubuntu-offtopic03:23
mustard5akonkwa, I'll walk you through it03:23
silversurferexpert mode is no harder that normal mode03:23
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Toma-that way you can continue going whatever horrible thing you were about to do to your laptop :)03:23
blanksilversurfer: what's the difference?03:23
ubotujohnsie2: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!03:24
DrZeusToma-, I need to apply a patch that was done for my laptop model(toshiba satellite pro L10)03:24
Xenguyblank: just try it if you want to find out (I never have actually)03:24
silversurferyou just got to assist the installation because you will be asked for some advenced options03:24
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DrZeuscan I just apply it in the current kernel Im using without recompiling it?03:24
johnsie2how to install/extract a .deb file?03:24
Ophiocusin setting up a box to be the proxy, which of these should i perform first, and which does interfere with another(if any) : 1) dhcp server for internal network 2)proxy server/NAT to link external and internal networks 3)firewall   ??03:24
tcmjrbob2, could not use the command you gave me I have nothing on /mnt03:24
Toma-DrZeus: you cant compile it as a module at all?03:24
silversurferfor example you can select the installed kernel03:24
mustard5akonkwa, /join #kubuntu-offtopic03:24
blanksilversurfer: I have adequate knowledge of linux, will that do?03:24
Agrajagjohnsie2: dpkg -i03:24
bob2tcmjr: you need to mount it  first...03:24
akonkwamustard5: ok thanks03:24
Xenguyjohnsie2: ar03:24
blankah, are there default settings you can choose if you dont understand?03:24
pppoe_dudeso is there anyway to use msn on psi?03:24
silversurferit's remain easy03:24
blankfor example for kernel decision03:24
Nitewalkertoma so once the files are all downloaded does that mean i can start using xine?03:24
blankpppoe_dude: psi?03:25
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Xenguyjohnsie2: or dpkg -i (to install)03:25
silversurferI prefer expert mode03:25
tcmjrbob2, could you help me on the command to mount it ?03:25
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Toma-Nitewalker: yes... sort of. it'll download AND install it for you. then you can start03:25
silversurferThen you got the root account created03:25
DrZeusToma-, here are the instructions of doing the patch http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/~ferdy/l10.html#way103:25
blanksilversurfer: oh so in expert mode you can create the root account03:25
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Toma-Nitewalker: what were you planning on watching? because windows codecs and dvd codecs arnt included :(03:25
bob2tcmjr: not unless you can tell us what partition you want to mount03:25
Agrajagblank: there's a root account already03:25
silversurferit simply ask you for the root password03:26
AgrajagThe only difference is how you log into it03:26
DrZeusI was looking at the kernel compile section of the howtos; its kinda complicated.  I have recompiled a kernel before, but because I dont have to do it so often, i forget most of the time03:26
silversurferblank how do you talk directly to som103:26
that_weaselcrap i removed mysql and reinstalled it to fix a problem with mythtv install and now I can't login to mysql with my old password or set a new one....03:26
blanktype /query nick03:26
blankfor example /query blank03:26
Toma-DrZeus: well, youre on your own with that.03:26
tcmjrbob2, the hd is hdg and it was instaled using the standard ubuntu partition 1 ext3 and 1 swap i think03:26
Toma-DrZeus: just use menuconfig03:27
dooglusDrZeus: it's not hard at all in ubuntu.  there's a package that does it all for you03:27
silversurferHow many of you got dr17?03:27
blankwhat's that03:27
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DrZeusdooglus, is it kpkg?03:27
silversurferyes enlightenment03:27
dooglusDrZeus: get 'kernel-package'03:27
dooglusDrZeus: yes.03:27
silversurferIt owns03:27
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bob2tcmjr: mount -t ext3 /dev/hdg1 /mnt03:28
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blankwhat's enlightenment, a game?03:28
silversurferthe faster and the most eye candy interfact03:28
blankgot a link?03:28
blankSir_Nick: nice name03:28
blankgot a link?03:28
that_weaselsilversurfer: i can't find a good howto with package, and I don't dare install from source on a distro since it f's up package management so often03:28
Xenguyblank: a window manager03:28
silversurferIt got native shadows03:28
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DrZeusblank, enlightenment is not precisely a game03:28
Toma-silversurfer: its also pretty unstable >_>03:28
dooglusDrZeus: if you have specific questions, pm me and I'll do my best to help you03:28
blankso I dont miss much when I dont have root account enabled right, I mean, sudo just does as well03:29
silversurfernot now03:29
blanknon, lol, getting frenchy are we03:29
Toma-crashed like a 747 on my pc03:29
that_weaselblank,  its a window manager....dr17 version is moving towards a desktop enviroment though03:29
silversurfersince last moutth for me it's pretty stable03:29
Agrajagblank: you don't miss anything.03:29
silversurferI'm french03:29
blankthat's cool, then I'll stick with ubuntu03:29
blanksilversurfer: cool, I'm learning it :D03:29
Agrajagthe root account still exists, whether it has a password set or not03:29
theturtlran fine on slack for me since a few months ago03:29
silversurferforget it03:29
DrZeusdooglus, ok let me try and then ask you then03:29
dooglusDrZeus: I wrote a couple of shell functions to build the kernel for me.  See http://pastebin.ubuntulinux.nl/428303:29
silversurferfrench sucks03:30
blankI'm mexican, I like spanish03:30
Toma-silversurfer: but it did look spectacular before it crashed and burned :D03:30
rain`francais mangez les chiens03:30
=== andrew_ [n=andrew@219-89-49-200.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-the animated backgrounds are so sxc.03:30
nuckhi how do i install a printer in ubuntu? im using a dell printer on a dell laptop and it's driver is only for xp? thanks03:30
that_weaselanyone know how to recover a password in mysql-server or just reset the root, or just reset to the default mysql install>03:30
blanktrying to look for enlightenment screenshots03:30
rain`nuck: what model?03:30
dooglusthat_weasel: there's #mysql here - probably best to ask there03:30
ubotufrom memory, printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org03:30
nuckrain' dell printer 710 laptop 51003:30
nuckrain` dell printer 710 laptop 51003:31
Toma-nuck: System > Admin. > Printing03:31
silversurferfor installing dr17 >> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7915503:31
andrew_i'm having some issues with mp3 tags, does rythymplayer use taglib?03:31
nuckToma- yes i tried it but have problem when it comes to the driver part03:31
rain`nuck: for mine, I have a 720, and its based off of a lexmark z600, so I got the driver from lexmark, im not sure what the 710 is based off of03:31
NitewalkerToma-,  jst some avi's i was given its my brothers wedding i wanted to put on my linux machine03:32
BROKEN_LADDERis there any way to recursively move every file under some folder to another location through a regular expression like *.ogg03:32
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Toma-Nitewalker: you might wanna look at !w32codecs03:32
ubotuhmm... w32codecs is for w32codecs in Breezy visit http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/breezy-extras/03:32
that_weaselI was hoping for a Ubuntu friendly "how to fix it so it doesn't fudge up package management' method03:33
nuck!printer driver dell03:33
ubotunuck: Are you smoking crack?03:33
blanki've always been meaning to ask this section03:33
blankROFL UBOTU03:33
that_weaseldooglus, I was hoping for a Ubuntu friendly "how to fix it so it doesn't fudge up package management' method03:33
blankhow can I make my desktop to look like this, with the bar across the bottom with those icons, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/24840-1.jpg03:33
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NitewalkerToma-,  so what does that do does that enable me to play my brothers avi's?03:33
nuck!do you? don't pick a fight with me ubotu03:33
ubotunuck: I give up, what is it?03:33
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livindedis there any way to install unreal tournament goty without disk 2?03:34
blankwhat was that03:34
Toma-Nitewalker: and realplayer file and quicktime and a bunch of other windows type of movies03:34
silversurferthe bar in botton is with gdesklets03:34
blankhey, always been meaning to ask this question, how can I make my pc look like this http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/24840-1.jpg03:34
blankkay I'll search it03:34
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uboturumour has it, w32codecs is for w32codecs in Breezy visit http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/breezy-extras/03:34
silversurferapt-get install gdesklets03:34
rain`nuck: hold on, I will find the lexmark drivers that work for it03:34
that_weaselblank, "*blank has quit (Nick collision from services.)"03:34
silversurferits the most known gnome eye candy app03:34
blanknick collision? what's that03:35
blankthanks silversurfe03:35
dooglusthat_weasel: I reckon #mysql is your best bet03:35
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that_weaselblank, google "IRC nick collision"03:35
BROKEN_LADDERwhat is the other way of doing `` in an expression?03:35
blankobviously it's that someone else had my name I guess03:35
blankcan I register my name here03:36
nuckhow good is the marketing for ubuntu going? i hope everysingle computer user in the world gets acopy of it03:36
LjLblack: yeah you can03:36
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dooglusif I log into a virtual console, what do I need to do to let it open programs on my X display?  I copied the XAUTHORITY and DISPLAY env vars - but it seems to need something more03:36
that_weaselblank, yea...03:36
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LjLblack: /msg nickserv register password03:36
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blank*crying like a little kid*03:36
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blankit's already registered03:36
LjLdooglus: "xhost +" in an X terminal, though i think that's a bit of a security risk03:36
LjLblank: happens ;(03:36
BROKEN_LADDERany of you guys use ipodder?03:36
blankwho here uses kde instead of gnome03:36
johnsie2is there any way i can run an app full screen from the terminal?03:36
BROKEN_LADDERblank i used to.03:37
LjLblack: me03:37
blankdoes it run all right on ubuntu03:37
LjLblank: you know there's a #kubuntu channel, don't you?03:37
BROKEN_LADDERblank runs great.03:37
NitewalkerToma-,  that website you gave says its not available :-(03:37
LjLblank: well, it works for me03:37
_Dezhow do i make my wifi card get info from DCHP03:37
Toma-...the one from !w32codecs?03:37
BROKEN_LADDERLjL strange to refer him to a different channel just because he uses a different window manager than the default.03:37
blankyes LjL, but,...nevermind03:37
nuckrain` thanks03:37
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azuronhi i am installing SVN and Apache on Ubuntu, but i couldn't find the package "libapache2-svn", what's its new name now???03:38
blankin this picture ( http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=13854105624345452f5d23f&p=screen ), anyone know how to get those stats on the bottom left, what app that is?03:38
LjLBROKEN_LADDER: did i tell him "don't f*cking talk about KDE here", or do you think it was more like an information he might have foudn useful?03:38
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BROKEN_LADDERyeah, maybe.03:38
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LjLblank: kasbar perhaps03:38
LjLblank: i'm not sure tho03:38
blankkay thanks :) i'll search it03:39
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LjLblank: no need you have it installed03:39
blankhow I run it03:39
LjLblank: right click on your panel, add to panel, kasbar03:39
NitewalkerToma-,  my bad its jst been my computer playing up lol it found it now03:39
blankah yes03:39
LjLblank: right click on your panel, add to panel, panel, kasbar  <-- actually03:39
Toma-cool :)03:39
johnsie2is there any way i can run an app in full screen mode from the terminal?03:39
Toma-Nitewalker: you know how to install .deb files right?03:39
NitewalkerToma-,  which one should i go for? they have a large selection of files03:39
Toma-what URL are u looking at?03:39
NitewalkerToma-,  go for the package or the source?03:40
Toma-Nitewalker: package03:40
blankyou know what app does the wheather in there?03:40
LjLblank: oh but wait a moment, that screenshot is running gnome... i thought it was about KDE03:40
blankthe wheater forecaster03:40
Toma-that one ^^03:40
blanklol nah LjL03:40
LjLblank: no, i was wondering myself03:40
NitewalkerToma-,  the one from w32codecs03:40
blanki wub gnome03:40
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blankso you got an idea/03:40
LjLhm no03:41
derrickwhey i have a question. i'm trying to set up an ftp server in ubuntu to host my music, and i wanted to create an account, "music", that has the ability to upload and download but not delete or overwrite files in its own home directory. is there a way to do this without logging in as root?03:41
blankhow bout this one ( http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=91449175405429b51cd0b&p=screen ), the panels on the right side, if I could just get a name I'd search myself03:41
NitewalkerToma-,  i have no clue on how to install .deb files ive only jst go linux three days ago lol03:41
Toma-Nitewalker: if you've got a dvd player in your PC, grab libdvdcss2 from that page too03:41
Toma-Nitewalker: open up a terminal and run "sudo dpkg -i w32" and03:42
blankI'm just amazed at all these screenshots and I wanna get my desktop to look like it03:42
Toma-Nitewalker: open up a terminal and type "sudo dpkg -i w32" and then hit tab then enter03:42
LjLblank: if i had a name i'd search it myself, 'cause it looks cool, but i don't03:42
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NitewalkerToma-,  im not that lucky to have a dvd player lol03:42
blankhttp://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=26493984340556dfea183f&p=screen <--really nice, anyone here know what apps are the panels on the left and right?03:42
Toma-ok! :D03:42
holycowblank, those ar gdesklets in gnome03:43
holycowsomething else in kde03:43
Nitewalkerwhat does the tab and enter do?03:43
dooglusLjL: I don't need to 'xhost +' because I've copied the XAUTHORITY variable...  what I did need to do was copy "SESSION_MANAGER" too.  It turns out it was working before, but very slowly, 'cos it was waiting for the connection to the session manager to time ot03:43
dooglustime out03:43
perry753hi. when will ubuntu have x86_64 support?03:43
holycowjust little apps that sit on the desktop03:43
holycowmostly incredibly useless03:43
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perry753im new to ubuntu03:43
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blankholycow: yes, thanks, but I mean the...oh...I thought gdesklets was only the toolbar at the bottom03:43
Toma-blank: read the damn page and it tells you its gdesklets and also what desklets this person is using03:43
holycowi never understood why anyone would install something like that03:43
LjLdooglus: i see03:43
derrickwhey guys, please, could someone tell me if there is a way to change priveliges on a user's home folder without being logged in as root?03:43
holycowno dude03:43
livindedperry753: it already does03:43
blank:( sorry I thought gdesklets was only the toolbar :(03:43
livindedperry753: i'm running 5.10 on my amd64 right now03:43
dooglusderrickw: you use "sudo chmod g+w ~dude" and such like03:44
perry753livinded: is unbuntu good? i heard it's only good for new users.03:44
speedyboydopedhey hey pp;03:44
speedyboydopedhey hey03:44
Toma-Nitewalker: tab completes what you want to write. saves you typing out long file names03:44
ogami1972hi channel- now that i have reinstalled, i need to add my storage drive to fstab- can anyone point me towards a how-to?03:44
dooglusderrickw: if the user wants to change permissions on his own home he doesn't even need to use sudo03:44
speedyboydopedthe Tango icon theme has been up to art.gnome.org03:44
speedyboydopedgo and get it now03:44
speedyboydopedHOT HOT03:44
Toma-just type the first few letters then hit tab, same as in xchat with nicknames03:44
derrickwcan a user deny himself priveliges?03:44
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livindedperry753: well beign semi new myself its a nice distro if you don't mind bulk but i personally like gento's portage system better than apt03:44
perry753what do you guys think of Ubuntu? only good for the new linux users?03:44
rain`nuck: you can try these deb packages at your own risk: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=340749&postcount=403:44
blankhearing that ubuntu is only good for new users makes me sad :(03:44
derrickwpretty - not being able to log in as root is annoying as hell03:44
johnsie2Is there any way I can set an app to be run in full screen mode?03:45
LjLholycow: i'm not really into eye candy, but what's wrong with having weather and cpu load and stuff displayed in a nice way?03:45
derrickwhaha sorry03:45
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perry753livinded: i see, thanks for your opinion03:45
livindedif you want something that will just work though with little effort give it a try03:45
ogami1972join /ubuntuforums03:45
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LjLblank: where di you hear that?03:45
NitewalkerToma-, is it alright to download the file and save to disk so i can pass these files onto  my brother and would it make the process any different?03:45
holycowLjL, because its stupid?  What can i say, it's my definition of stupid.03:45
silversurferthat's true03:45
holycowand i can qualify the stupid03:45
LjLholycow: well, give me some reasons why it's stupid?03:45
Toma-Nitewalker: thats fine. just run the same comming03:45
holycowsure its easy03:46
perry753livinded: yeah im actually looking for a very advanced and capable distro. i'm not the new linux user, RHCT & RHCE, i just have never actually used a Debian distro on my systems.03:46
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silversurferubuntu was for new linux users03:46
azuronhi guys, i cannot find libapache2-svn, any kinds of help would be appreciated, thanks!03:46
holycowif your cpu is so wildly spiking in temperature from one minute to the next so as to justify having a fekin applet on the desktop monitoring it, you don't need an applet you need a new fekin computer03:46
silversurfernow pros are using it more and more03:46
LjLwhoever ubuntu was for, i've been using debian for some years, and now i'm running ubuntu03:46
blankperry753: I may not be the one to tell you, but having a nice package system doesn't mean ubuntu/debian based distros are only for new linux users03:46
silversurferI was on debian before03:46
blankit really helps out03:46
holycowif you need an applet to tell you what the weather is like outside of your window, your a fekin moron03:46
holycowits stupid03:46
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silversurferI move tu ubuntu cause ubuntu owns debian nowadays03:47
LjLholycow: if you need a calculator when you have a piece of paper in front of you and a pen, it's stupid03:47
holycowit's cool and the 'cause i can factor' but its usefullness cannot be justified by an ameaba03:47
silversurferit got very fast servers and blleding edje psackage03:47
derrickwokay, so how do i give myself priveliges to another user's home folder (to upload, overwrite, etc.)03:47
perry753Does Ubuntu really stand out that much? Is it one of those distro's where you can just do everything by clicking buttons?03:47
Toma-holycow: weather apps are cool. only small ones tho... also, why have a Cpu monitoring app that uses 40% of the cpu to do so anyway :D03:47
nuckrain` thanks but i was advised against using .deb packages over ubuntu... ill do some research will let you know if i find some solution03:47
blanklol holycow, I know what you mean, about the wheather thing, but I was just wondering, damn03:47
DShepherdholycow:  what if u want to know the temperure outside...?03:48
LjLderrickw: i'm afraid the answer to all you've asked is "you don't", but what do i know. you might have some success with SELinux perhaps?03:48
DShepherdholycow: u going to look out there fr that03:48
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holycowhey i didn't tell anyone how to run their system :) i do reserve the right to be judgemental about how they run their system03:48
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johnsie2I'm a farmer... my crops might get frosty :-)03:48
blanklol perry753, I'd say the easyiness lies in the package management03:48
_Dezwhere do i get the following packages ? imlib1/libpng10-0/libungif4g03:49
johnsie2I'm a school caretaker... should I put grit down this morning?03:49
perry753beh, i'd think i'd go back to Fedora03:49
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perry753thanks for your opinions, really appreciated.03:49
derrickwLjl - well it seems like there has to be a way. on the old ubuntu, i could log in as root, but i don't seem to be having as much luck in breezy badger03:49
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holycowDShepherd, if you don't know if its 'hot' or 'cold' outside, you have some serious problems03:49
blankdebian or ubuntu...debian or ubuntu...debian or ubuntu *head explodes*03:49
holycow*hmmm* there are these funny things falling out of the sky03:49
holycowi wonder what temperature they are03:49
holycowoh let me look at my applet on my desktop03:49
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holycowohhhhh ... so its RAINING OUTSIDE MY WINDOW and its 5C today03:49
LjLderrickw: you can't log in as root, but that's quite irrelevant, you can use sudo03:49
holycowyes that makes total sense03:49
_Dezwhere do i get the following packages ? imlib1/libpng10-0/libungif4g03:50
brad_is there something wrong with mutliverse or universe right now?  i uncommented the lines and now im getting errors like the server is down or something03:50
blanklol shut up already, I was just asking what app it was and now you guys are fighting03:50
derrickwljl - yes but using sudo for everything is a bitch, and i used to be able to give myself access to other users' folders but logging in as root03:50
DShepherdholycow: not just hot.... but how hot03:50
Toma-holycow: alot of them have a forecast function too... t03:50
blankderrickw: you can activate the root account03:50
blankwant the link to the wiki page?03:50
LjLholycow: well, my weather applet gives me the weather from some nearby airports. i know if it's going to rain in a few minutes, and i know i have to take an umbrella to go outside03:50
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derrickwblank - yeah, if it will tell me how, it would be a big help03:50
holycowlol, you guys are anal03:50
blankderrickw: anything to keep a user :)03:51
LjLderrickw: what's wrong with typing "sudo -i"?03:51
theinternsudo -s ? =o03:51
tryingsomethingok who can tell me how to set a static ip with a router as primary dns?03:51
_Dezwhere do i get the following packages ? imlib1/libpng10-0/libungif4g03:51
theinternsudo -i even better03:51
tryingsomethingi know its something like sudo ifconfig eth0 *address* - but ive done that and it doesnt work03:51
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blanktell me if it helps, derrickw03:52
derrickwi think it will, blank. thanks03:52
blanknp buddy :)03:52
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.03:52
LjLholycow: if you don't *care* whether you have to take an umbrella to go out in the next X minutes, i can understand you. but stating that "i run my system badly" just cause i do, seems more than a bit ridiculous03:52
blank:( i cant pway wit ubotu :(03:52
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blankman you guys, I feel guilty now :(03:53
blankubuntu: the guts of debian, with the support of canonical03:53
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holycowLjL, actually its not ridiculous, i have as much perrogative to think people running weather applets are retarded as you are thinking my opinion is ridiculous03:53
blankhello sum_4103:53
LjLderrickw: i strongly advise against activating the root account, based on many things i've read here. and i know the very same results as using a root account can be obtained by using sudo (and *not* harder than by using a root account). then, of course, do what you prfer03:53
holycowat the end of the day, its your box, do as you will03:53
_Dezhow do i get this imlib103:53
LjLholycow: ok. bye03:53
blankLjL: what difference is there from activating root on ubuntu than already having root on slackware or debian03:54
blankI'd like to know, cause if you cant use root right in ubuntu, I might switch to debian03:54
blankare there many things you cant do with sudo?03:54
uboturoot is probably disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo03:54
holycowblank read that03:54
LjLblank: i can't really speak knowlingly, only from second sources... but those second sources tell me that ubuntu is *intended* to be run without a root account, and things may easily break if you activate one03:54
ubotuWish i knew, _Dez03:55
holycowthere is a reason for a disabled root, its probably not a bad idea03:55
LjLblank: maybe it's all false rumor, but anyway, what in heaven is wrong with using sudo?03:55
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Avenhi, how do I login with ssh?03:55
XenguyLjL: sorry, I haven't been following, but are you speaking about technical problems that can happen by activating the root account (giving it a password) ?03:55
blankI'm just saying, not activating it, will that impede my learning of linux?03:55
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Avenusing terminal03:55
_DezANyone KNow where i can get imlib1 lib png 10-0 libungif4g03:55
blankXenguy: yep03:55
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holycowblank, not really, there is no reason you shouldn't run debian tho, it will shed some perspective on the situation for you03:55
johnsie2Anyone know how to make a program run in full screen mode?03:56
LjLXenguy: yeah. again, i haven't experienced this first-hand (and do not intend to), but read about this kind of problems. and, since i can do with sudo anything i could do with root, i'm definitely not going to try03:56
z3r0x!file libcrypt-dh-perl03:56
XenguyLjL: I think I see what you are saying; I remain unconvinced about problems being caused by that though (maybe I just have to learn the hard way :-)03:56
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glickexcuse me, i have a book in html form, and i was wondering if there were any tools available that would convert it into a nice proper book into pdf or something ?03:56
LjLblank: no, it won't. just do "sudo -i" and it'll be just like a root login in every respect03:56
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johnsie2what does the -i do?03:57
holycowjohnsie2, that depends on the program.  if the program has been hardcoded not to run in fullscreen mode, you will haveto write code to allow it.  otherwise look up the man pages and help files for the program03:57
theinternsudo -i = su -03:57
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theinternin theory03:57
LjLblank: but i don't even use "sudo -i" anyway. the command i most often (almost exclusively) run as root is aptitude, so i've just aliased "apt" to "sudo aptitude", and i can type "apt install something"03:57
LjLblank: when i need root for something else (rarely), then i just use sudo03:57
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johnsie2thanks holycow03:57
benplautanyone here use alltray?03:57
Xenguyjohnsie2: -i invokes the root environment also03:57
Avenhi, how do I login with ssh? using login and password..03:57
blankoh okay :)03:57
Avenerm, and host..03:57
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Avenusing terminal03:58
Madpilotglick: I think there are, but ask google - or ask on #ubuntu-doc, because some of those tools get used by the Doc Team...03:58
blankcan ubuntu be for advanced users, or is it like linspire or xandros, where it's made easy for you03:58
vvlawhow to set the adsl auto logon in?03:58
XenguyAven: ssh -l uid host/domain03:58
holycowblank, ubuntu is just debian with gnome and some patches03:58
holycowits plain jane vanilla03:58
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glickthanks Madpilot03:58
holycowi.e. its as advanced as you can get latest gnome/debian to be03:58
LjLblank: it's linux, dammit. it's HOPEFULLY made easy for you, but you can still do whatever you want. if you *want* the hard way, with *no* facilities at all, go build linux from scratch! :)03:59
AvenXenguy: what's 'uid'?03:59
holycowsecondly there is nothing really 'non advanced' about any of the distros you mentioned03:59
XenguyAven: userid/username03:59
Avenah ok03:59
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holycowthey are all advanced in every way, that is to say they have all the capabilities those desktop environment and os variants allow03:59
Madpilotglick: Google for html2pdf, there's a site that'll PDF-ize webpages on the fly...03:59
Ophiocuswhere can i find troubleshooting info with dhcp3-server?03:59
_DezANyone KNow where i can get imlib1 lib png 10-0 libungif4g03:59
Ep|phanyim new to linux and need some help03:59
blank:D thanks, I thought ubuntu was one of those 'easy transition' distros where everything is menus and stuff03:59
holycowplus some patches to make them seem windowish like03:59
XenguyAven: man ssh, it's very cool, and deeper than I've gone too03:59
Avennice :)04:00
Ep|phanyi installed something by using synaptic package manager but i can find it to run it04:00
Madpilotblank: as much as possible, it is. That's one of the things that's great about it.04:00
Ep|phanycan anyone help04:00
LjLblank: no, it's one of those "easy transition" distros where you video card and stuff like that gets autorecognized without you spending a week getting crazy on it04:00
MadpilotEp|phany: tell us what you installed?04:00
blanklol, cool :D04:00
blankso it's 'for noobs to experts', cool04:00
LjLblank: as far as menus are concerned, that's Gnome and KDE's problem (if it's a problem at all), not a specific distro's problem04:00
holycowblank, there are no such thing as 'easy transition' distros04:00
holycowthat is a misnomer04:00
blankholycow: I ment things like, the ones where they make it look like windows04:01
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Ep|phanymadpilot any ideas04:01
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Xenguyholycow: Ubu has conveniences shall we say? :)04:01
holycowthe biggest things that differentiate distros is: patch set, package managers04:01
MadpilotEp|phany: I've never used VNC, sorry...04:01
LjLblank: again, the only things i can think of to "make it look like windows" are in KDE and Gnome04:01
Ep|phanywhere do you think it installed though04:01
holycoweverything else is minor and if you care you can hack any distro to resemble another04:01
holycowgenerally tho that is pointless04:01
LjLblank: to start with, my windows currently have EXACTLY the same widget layout (and similar graphics) as Windows. but that's KDE's default, not Ubuntu's default04:02
blankyeah I guess you're right04:02
MadpilotEp|phany: in Synaptic, right click on the package and select Properties. One of the tabs there is Installed Files or something like that, it'll show you where every file in that package went04:02
Ep|phanyit says its section is miscellanous - text but i dont know where to find that section04:02
blankI just wanted to know if it restricted you from anything04:02
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blanki like it since it's like debian with support04:02
holycowyeah no distros can really restrict you04:02
blankI mean, company support04:02
LathropWellswhere do i change the text size for gnome glabally?04:02
LjLblank: try typing "sudo rm -r -f /", and you'll see it doesn't quite restrict you ;)04:02
holycowon the base level most distros have a package manager of some sort04:02
LjLblank: i mean, don't actually do that...04:02
blankI'm not that stupid :P04:03
Madpilotblank: the only restriction that comes to mind in Ubuntu is that the CUPS web interface is blocked off, but the Gnome Printer Manager has all of that functionality built in, I understand...04:03
LathropWellsoops! - Hey!!! - lol04:03
holycowthat is a component that is hard to 'rip out' and replace and therefore i classify as one of the big things that distinguish distros04:03
Ophiocushow can i see the error logs of a given app?04:03
blankI've tried many distros and ubuntu, I just fell in love with, but I wanted to know if it was more noobish than slackware or something04:03
XenguyOphiocus: logging is pretty good on *nix04:03
nickrudMadpilot, except, you can't name your printers with gnome-cups04:03
blankit's all right though04:03
blankI wub ubuntu04:03
blankand !ubotu!04:03
blankI gotta go now, c ya guys!04:04
LjLblank: it's probably considered "more noobish" by some, but then who cares? they can label me a newbie if they like04:04
LathropWellsUbuntu is terrific04:04
nickrudset a basic resolution, a couple other things04:04
blanklol, now I know how to say my question04:04
holycowblank, ubuntus chief differentiation is that they freeze debian every 6 months and then polish it up with pure muscle and marks money04:04
blank'does ubuntu's easability hide you from the real linux'04:04
blankyeah, that's what I like holycow :D04:04
LjLwell, the answer, but you know by now, is no it doesn't04:04
blankthat's cool :D04:04
blankthanks guys!04:04
holycowdebian just doesn't have the resources, nor the social policy room to actually focus on the desktop and only 4 architectures04:04
_Dezapt-get is for Respositorys right?04:05
LjLdebian is a big beast04:05
Ophiocusok,  * Stopping DHCP server...                                               [fail] 04:05
Ophiocus * Starting DHCP server...                                               [fail] 04:05
LjL_Dez: yes, though i suggest using aptitude instead04:05
blankLjL: how04:05
Ophiocuswhere can i look up what happened?04:05
LjLblank: it wasn't in a derogatory sense04:05
blankEnabling the root account04:05
blankNote: This is not recommended! It will break all the GUI admin tools04:05
blankTo enable the root account (i.e. set a password) use:04:05
blanksudo passwd root04:05
blankEnter your existing password04:05
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blankEnter password for root04:05
blankConfirm password for root04:05
LjLblank: as holycow said, basically04:05
blanktaken from the wiki page04:05
XenguyOphiocus: /var/log ...04:06
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blankso I guess that clears some things, right LjL >04:06
LjLdon't paste here blank please04:06
XenguyOphiocus: messages  syslog04:06
blanksrry :(04:06
_DezLjL i need imlib1/libpng10-0/libungif4g but i dont know how to get them04:06
Agrajaghow does setting a root password break all the gui admin tools?04:06
LjL_dez: i suppose it's the gdk-imlib1 package04:06
LjLAgrajag: how should i know... but it's in the wiki :)04:06
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blankbasically what ticks me off, is when I have to move a file(s) from one place to another, and I wanna use nautilus, I have to type sudo nautilus, but I guess that'd be the sasme with other distros04:06
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XenguyOphiocus: explore the log files, they're just ASCII files (sometimes .gz files, so you need either 'less' or 'zless' to view the file contents)04:07
_Dezljl No install canidate04:07
holycowblank, well you are copying files from one users dir to another04:07
LjLblank: well, you'd have to login as root or something, but it would basically be the same amount of hassle04:07
chris_hi i used dvd::rip to rip a dvd... it created a directory with all the .vob files.. what do i need to do to burn it to dvdr?04:07
holycowof course you need sudo04:07
blanki feel so anxious to switch over to linux (ubuntu) completely, but I cant cause I dont have enough space and I still need windows for some things (mainly programming)04:07
Madpilotblank: for moving stuff into/out of the root area, I use the command line still - it's easier than re-launching Naut. in sudo...04:08
holycowthis isn't windows where everything everywhere is writeable by default04:08
witlessi'd like to hear the answer to chris_'s question too04:08
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LjLblank: that's just the way Linux work: you don't (and must not) stay in root all the time, which means that you must take the time to *go* into root (or sudo, in Ubuntu's case) when you actually need it04:08
holycowblank, give it time, it's fine to use win, or mac or whatever04:08
blankyep, I understand, I've learned to get used to it04:08
LjL_Dez: try libgdk-imlib104:08
blankyeah I love windows since I know it's in and outs, but I really love ubuntu, it's something new04:08
holycowactually you've learned how to operate an os safely04:08
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holycowwelcome to computing 101 dude :)04:08
LathropWellschris - mencoder ???04:08
chris_do tell04:08
holycowforget everythign you learned on windows ... it's both wrong and dangerous04:09
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_Dezstill didnt ljl brb04:09
blankI'll just make a partition in my brain04:09
blankone for windows and one for linux04:09
LjLblank: use AmigaOS04:09
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blankWhat's that LjL04:09
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LjLtsk tsk... it's the best OS in the world :P04:09
RedRoseCan I Use Breezy's Repository In Hoary?04:09
RedRosewhat's the best OS?04:09
LathropWellsblank - but what if you bootloader fails you?04:10
LjLRedRose: AmigaOS04:10
blankhmm...that's true04:10
blankI'll have boot floppies04:10
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blankdont worry04:10
AgrajagRedRose: You can change your repositories to breezy and then run apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade to breezy from hoary04:10
LjLblank: seriously, Amiga was/is a computer that used to be really cool (at least IMHO)04:10
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blankwth, amigaos runs windows apps?04:10
LjLhmm no it doesn't04:10
LjLnot with an emulator at least04:10
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blanknvm that was webos, whatever that is04:11
rixth/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/components/libnecko.so: undefined symbol: _Z15NS_ProxyReleaseP14nsIEventTargetP11nsISupportsi04:11
Ron_oThe best linux OS is the one that works for you.04:11
rixthWhen I try and start Firefox.04:11
blankno i wub cozy ubuntu04:11
RedRoseok, ty04:11
Ron_oThis isn't Windows Vs. mac.04:11
henriquemaiaHello, I'm trying to use cron (as normal user) on my ubuntu, but it looks like it is not working. Anyone knows something about this?04:11
blankit runs my games fine, and accepts my ati card04:11
blankhey guys, i hope you keep coming here, I have to go! later!04:11
holycowRedRose, just one warning if you are upgrading from hoare: please uninstall openoffice.org or openoffice.org204:11
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holycowthat hoses the upgrade on a good number of machines04:11
LjLno, amigaos is a system that was created in 1985, and that had multitasking and windowing in 1985... the last version is 4.0, from like 2003-2004, but it sucks04:11
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holycowyou can install oo.org after upgrade of course04:11
RedRoseAgrajag:will the upgrade take a while?04:11
LjLRon_o: amigaos isn't QUITE linux04:12
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brad_LjL, 4.0 doesnt suck04:12
AgrajagRedRose: depends on your internet connection04:12
Ron_owhat does OO do to the upgrade?04:12
holycowit stops it half way04:12
LjLbrad_: well, that's my opinion. it sucks compared to most modern operating system. let's not get into this, tho04:12
XenguyRedRose: hit the highway :-)04:12
holycowand reduces apt to pulp ... meaning that you wont be able to remove oo.org half way with apt, you will haveto use aptitude04:12
Xenguyheh - not that highway04:13
holycowif you are lucky aptitude got upgraded and you can properly remove ithalf way before with proceding with the upgrade04:13
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Ron_ohehe.. someone was complaining in here how that happened holycow04:13
holycowi had it happen to 6 boxes04:13
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holycowlots of people online posted same04:13
Ron_oThis is why I like to stay behind the times.04:13
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La_PaRCaum... anyone here that can help me with a java3d problem?04:14
Ron_oit just makes sense in this complicated computer world of ours.04:14
XenguyRon_o: the trailing edge - ahhh :-)04:14
Ron_olol.. yah..04:14
LjLgoina sleep, night04:14
Ron_onight LjL04:14
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Nitewalkercan anyone give me the command to load up w32codecs im using the package one and not the source\04:16
LathropWellssudo dpkg -i <codec.deb>04:16
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NitewalkerLathropWells,  that command is done the the terminal window and where u have <codec.deb> do i have to put the file name?04:18
XenguyNitewalker: nod04:18
INTI_ARGENTINAhello everybodyes04:19
_Dezwhere do i get libimlib204:19
suboptDoes the Ubuntu live CD have any way of saving a user's ~home to a flash drive?04:19
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nybblei am getting the ubuntu logo tatooed on my wrists.04:20
Agrajag_Dez: from apt, just like everything else04:20
_DezAgrajag i dont know the package name04:20
_jasonnybble, that's dedication04:20
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Agrajagyou just said04:20
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nybbledamn straight04:21
_Dezwhen i do libimlib2 it says Package libimlib2 has no installtion candidate04:21
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Agrajag_Dez: it's in main04:21
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AgrajagI'm looking at it right now04:21
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MagicFabHas anyone watched Revolution OS here ?04:22
henriquemaiaHello, I'm trying to use cron (as normal user) on my ubuntu, but it looks like it is not working. Anyone knows something about this?04:22
_DezAgrajag im a newb can you explain :main:04:22
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Agrajagit's in the main repository, unless your sources.list is completely ruined it should be there04:23
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MagicFabWould you think it's a good tool to introduce some people to the history and origins of OSS ?04:23
NitewalkerXenguy,  if i want to do that i would type this then sudo dpkg -i <w32codecs_.20050412-0.0_i386deb>? thats the file im downloading?04:24
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MadpilotNitewalker: leave the <> off, and you'll be fine04:24
dtrostisHello,I have a problem. I was able to share my internet connection with my windows machine but today for some reason I wasn't able to do it. Any ideas?04:25
_Dezyay thx Agrajag04:25
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NitewalkerMadpilot,  okay thanks for that i want to get it right the first time lol04:25
nuckits chmod a+x filename.sh to make a shell script executable right?04:25
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MagicFabdtrostis: off topic ?04:26
dtrostiswhy off topic?04:26
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MagicFabdtrostis: how is that problem related to U. ?04:26
XenguyNitewalker: I thought you already had the .deb file downloaded, am I wrong?04:26
benplautdtrostis: have you tried simply rebooting?04:26
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benplautfixes 90% of problems :)04:26
dtrostisWhat do you mean? I was able to share my internet connection and now I can't04:27
_Dezis .deb files like RAR files?04:27
benplautubuntu: enjoying Ubuntu LiveCD?04:27
dtrostisRebooting linux? I though that you never have to reboot Linux :)04:27
Xenguy_Dez: not exactly, but it is an archive04:27
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Madpilot_Dez: sort of, yeah, but they're configured for installation on Debian systems...04:27
Ron_odtrostis, you probably don't in command line mode.04:27
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caonexcan someone tell me why i cant remove linux-restricted-modules without removing linux-amd64?04:28
caonexthe kernel?04:28
dtrostisI'll give a try woth rebooting my linux box, but it's kind of dissapointing04:28
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NitewalkerXenguy,  nope i jst wanted to make sure i had the command jst incase i forget what it is before my download has finished and i jst started the download now lol i was still doing some updates thru synaptic for xine :D04:29
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XenguyNitewalker: K04:29
=== ICE [i=WhatuLoo@71-10-90-51.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
keironcan anyone point me in the direction of accessing a windows network through ubuntu?04:30
foobarkeiron: is it wireless?04:30
Niomikeiron, find more info on samba04:30
Xenguykeiron: samba is your friend04:30
keironfoobar: no, it's over ethernet04:30
brad_haha!  the FOX news tonight picked up the Sony rootkit story04:30
keironill check out samba :)04:30
brad_at least here in socal04:30
ubotuI heard samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently04:30
psusiI'm looking for an expert on grub... this is my first time using it and I'm trying to get it to work with my hardware fakeraid with these instructions:04:30
Niomioooh did they, brad! i'll switch04:30
ICEanyone have any difficulty installing ubuntu ?04:30
psusipsusi only grub seems to be getting confuse04:30
foobarno way, LOL04:30
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psusionly grub seems to be getting confused between the partition and the disk itself04:30
ICEI get a freeze screen when booting up to gnome04:31
NitewalkerXenguy,  since ive finished downloading the xine updates how do i get to use xine since it hasnt loaded up a program for me to use?04:31
ICEjust a bunch of pixels04:31
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ICEanyone  have this problem04:31
MagicFabICE: you may have video wrongly configured04:31
XenguyNitewalker: you find the executable/bin file - try typing xine04:31
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MadpilotNitewalker: totem-xine will just seamlessly replace the version of Totem you were already running - just start Totem like you used to04:32
Niomiplease help: every time i type something into the CLI i get, "timestamp too far in the future" and my clock is set wrong, but ajust the clock to the right time doesn't help and it doesn't always ajust consistantly.04:32
MagicFabcan you get to CLI using CTRL ALT F1 ?04:32
ICEafter the modules load you mean04:32
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ICEI get the splash screen04:32
ICEand thats it04:32
MagicFabNiomi: perhaps your BIOS clock battery is dead (old system ?)04:32
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NitewalkerMadpilot,  will it say totem-xine on the program once its loaded up?04:32
GhostFreemanHow do I check to see what version of Perl i am running?04:33
ICEknow what I'm talk ing about04:33
MagicFabNiomi: or try setting up automatic time + date updates using NTP (by clicking on the tim & date on your status bar)04:33
medgnoGhostFreeman, perl --version04:33
NiomiMagicFab, it's a new system, but a laptop (does that make a difference?)04:33
XenguyGhostFreeman: or dpkg -l perl04:33
MagicFabICE: how far do you get04:33
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MagicFabNiomi: well, BIOS battery problem ruled out04:34
ICEto the splash screen loading the modules04:34
caonexcan someone tell me why i cant remove linux-restricted-modules without removing linux-amd64?04:34
MagicFabNiomi: what exact command(s) provoke the error(s)04:34
henriquemaiaHello, I'm trying to use cron (as normal user) on my ubuntu, but it looks like it is not working. Anyone knows something about this?04:34
MadpilotNitewalker: I don't think so... let me check04:34
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MagicFabICE: what is the last output you get04:35
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Xenguyhenriquemaia: crontab -l and crontab -e04:35
MadpilotNitewalker: no, it just says Totem Movie Player or whatever...04:35
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henriquemaiaThanks, but the problem is that it looks my user crontab isnt working, Xenguy04:35
ICEqc -> flags & ATA_QCFLAG_ACTIVE, drivers/scsi/libata-CORE.C,ata_qc_complete,line=308204:36
MagicFabI have a question: what is the "safe mode" equivalent option in Grub called ?04:36
ICEthats the error I'm getting04:36
NiomiMagicFab, i've tried to apt-get and and launch synaptec. synaptec won't launch from the GUI either, neither will synaptic04:36
Xenguyhenriquemaia: I guess you could paste it (not here tho)04:36
psusiMagicFab, single user mode?04:36
NiomiMagicFab, err, neither will adept, rather04:36
henriquemaia I schedule the command and nothing happens.04:36
NitewalkerMadpilot,  okay thanks for that i jst wondered cos all i used was the synaptic to do some updates when i said find xine-ui04:36
Xenguyhenriquemaia: most likely a syntax error04:37
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MagicFabpsusi: no.. when you invoke GRUB at startup, you can boot from the regular kernel or... what is it called...04:37
ICEdamn it04:37
ICEyep got pixels agin04:37
MagicFabNiomi: synaptec is not an application (that I know of)04:38
MagicFabNiomi: You're looking to start synaptic04:38
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MagicFabNiomi: but you need to be su (superuser) to do that04:38
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MagicFabNiomi: from command line, do "sudo synaptic"04:38
MagicFabICE: pixel to me indicate that your video is not config'ed correctly04:38
NiomiMagicFab, aye, I used sudo04:38
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jeff_hey guys04:39
MagicFabICE: do you know how to change the config manually ?04:39
ICEyeah by getting into a promp04:39
jeff_does anyone know of a wlan tutorial for breezy?04:39
ICEbut having a hard time getting into one04:39
ICEalright I can login now04:39
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MagicFabwhen the pixels appear - can you get to a text screen using CTRL-ALT-F1 ?04:40
ICEyeah I got it04:40
psusiMagicFab, regular kernel?04:40
ICEwhat config do I need to do04:40
MagicFabICE: once logged in, sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:40
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doogluscould someone help me with the 'iptables' command please?04:41
MagicFabpsusi: at boot time, in grub, there's several options... which are... ?04:41
ICEk one sec04:41
_tester_anybody know the default root (sudo) password for breezer badger / ubuntu 5.1 ????04:41
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dooglusI have a 'dummy0' network interface pretending to be a router.  I want to forward incoming connections to the dummy subnet04:41
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DShepherd_tester_: yes yours04:41
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dooglusI'm doing "sudo /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 2717 -i eth0 -j DNAT --to" but it only works about 1 time in 10...  what gives?04:42
_tester_DShepherd      seriously   'yours'   without the quotes?04:42
MagicFabICE: In the Device section (if I remember well) look for "Driver" and tell me what it is04:42
ICEcommand not found04:42
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DShepherd_tester_: no..I meant your password04:42
MagicFab_tester_: it's the same as the first user you create04:42
_tester_i only have a passwd for an ordinary user04:42
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_tester_it didnt work for root :(04:43
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Madpilot!tell _tester_ about sudo04:43
dtrostishey guys, I'm back. After I reboot I still not getting to share the internet connection with my windows machine. What I suspect is that Synaptic did an update of Ubuntu and something got screwed up.04:43
dooglus_tester_: that's right.  'sudo' uses your password, not root's04:43
MagicFabICE: which command04:43
Madpilot_tester_: read the URL that ubotu just sent you. Ubuntu uses sudo, not root, by default04:43
bettong_BOFHi need an mp3 editing app that can edit large mp3 files and remove what i don't want to end up with a finished version04:43
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ICEsudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:43
MagicFabdtrostis: the way you asked about it the first time it seemed as you were sharing the connection FROM Windows04:43
dooglus_tester_: the default root password is locked ("passwd -l").  sudo wants your own password04:43
ICEno such command04:43
bettong_BOFHi need to get rid of the commercails from streamripper04:44
dtrostisno I have my linux connected to the internet04:44
MagicFabICE: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:44
dtrostisSorry for the misunderstanding04:44
MagicFabICE: sudo makes you su (superuser) for one command, but you have to enter the command (nano in this case)04:44
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ICEoh yeah no shit04:45
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ICEmy bad04:45
MagicFabdtrostis: how did you initially configure network sharing ?04:45
johny5Hello, I want to move my /home directory to a new partition, but I want to keep all of my existing users.  I copied the home directorys to the partition and chowned them to the appropriate users, but when I try to mount the partition as /home, I can't log on with any users.04:45
johny5Anyone help?04:45
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MagicFabdtrostis:  (which steps or tool(s) )04:45
ICEok I'm in the conf file now04:45
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ICEwhat do I need to change04:45
dtrostis_Thru the system ---> Administration ---> Networking04:46
dtrostis_and then configured manually the eth0104:46
MagicFabICE: look for a line that starts with "Driver". You can use the "W" key to do a keyword search04:46
ICEusing vi04:47
ICEbut ok04:47
MagicFabdtrostis: Go there and de-activate it. Logout, re-login, re-activate it. Not very elegant but following instinct.04:47
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dtrostisI can try that04:47
ICEk driver "kbd"04:47
MagicFabdtrostis: I am not sure if restarting only the notworking services via CLI owuld be enough and since I don't know the other services involved in net sharing, that's why I tell you to login again04:47
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MagicFabICE: the next one04:48
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keironif gnome had sticky side support for their windows I would use it instead of kde04:48
MagicFabICE: should be in "Device" section04:48
ICEyou mean generic monitor04:48
MagicFabrobitaille: ;)04:48
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MagicFabICE: yes04:48
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_Dezubuntu is great :)04:48
i3dmastertoday's  dapper upgrade got mplayer removed..04:48
ICEk what now04:49
ICEchange to what04:49
MagicFabICE: what is the "Driver" value04:49
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MagicFab_Dez: why is that ?04:49
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ICEmagic going to pm you04:50
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MagicFabICE: sure04:50
_DezMagicFab not sure but its working fine for me so far :)04:50
EpixOne reason i love linux, the lack of spyware (my windows box is so infected its not funny)...04:50
dtrostis_magic: that didn't work either04:50
FlyingSquirrel32I just got a LaserJet 6L given to me, but it isn't automatically detected in add printers.04:50
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MagicFab_Dez: anything cool experience to share ? :)04:50
Ron_oepix, you can do things about that.04:51
FlyingSquirrel32the parralel port also doesn't show up in the list of ports.04:51
Ron_oHave you tried Search and Destroy?04:51
_DezMagicFab last night i boned a milf :P04:51
ICEyou get it fab04:51
MagicFabdtrostis_: let me check the wiki for that04:51
ubotuNot a clue, MagicFab04:51
ICEturn off your spam04:51
EpixI mean, something installed a fake spyware remover which made it look like windows was warning me about spyware, but of course, it was trying to sell me some stupid program.04:51
Ron_oI have no spyware at all.04:51
robitailleHi MagicFab04:51
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EpixRon_o: yep.04:51
dtrostis_That's what I'm doing04:51
_tester_thanks everybody !!!04:51
Ron_oI don't install crappy software, either.04:51
squidbulletsnalioth thank you for the link going off-topic jubuntu04:52
ICEmagicfab ?04:52
Ron_oI d/l from Snapfiles or I check online before I install it to see if it's spyware or not.04:52
MagicFabdtrostis_: can you check this ? :04:52
hlt_someone had problems mounting sata drives after upgrading to 2.6.14 ?04:52
ubotuit has been said that netsharing is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/InternetConectionSharing?highlight=%28sharing%2904:52
naliothsquidbullets: so where are you now?04:52
MagicFabICE: yes04:52
MagicFabICE: sorry, multitasking here04:52
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ICEwife on my ass to get off04:52
EpixRon_o: snapfiles?04:52
Epixhttp://www.cash-coupon.com/normal/yyy65.html dont go there. i just had to :P04:53
squidbulletsnalioth, simultaneously here with #off-topic jubuntu04:53
MagicFabrobitaille: I couldn't make it to the CC anyways!04:53
MagicFabICE: so what was the value for "Driver" ?04:53
FlyingSquirrel32nalioth: I know you're a real expert, could you help me install a parallel DeskJet 6L?04:53
ICEso section monitor or section screen04:53
hlt_someone can help with a mount problem ?04:54
Ron_oepix, www.snapfiles.com04:54
naliothFlyingSquirrel32: "man cups" or linuxprinting.org04:54
dtrostis_Check what magic?04:54
MagicFabdtrostis_: I sent a link04:54
hlt_it says already mounted04:54
MagicFabdtrostis_: here it is again04:54
ICEmount /dev/?04:54
ubotuit has been said that netsharing is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/InternetConectionSharing?highlight=%28sharing%2904:54
hlt_but there's nothing in the folder04:54
hlt_on the old kernel it works fine04:54
ICEfor install or live04:54
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!04:55
MagicFabdtrostis_: it's information on how to share Internet connection - review it and perhaps you'll find what's wrong04:55
ICEunmount and mount again04:55
hlt_i used the .config from the old kernel04:55
ICEcould spelled wrong04:55
Ep|phanyanyone know what i can use to unrar something?04:55
hlt_( halt - ~ )% mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/media/04:55
hlt_mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt/media/ busy04:55
hlt_( halt - ~ )% umount /dev//sda104:55
hlt_umount: /dev//sda1: not mounted04:55
robitailleMagicFab,  yeah, I saw that when I looked at the wiki page afterward.   There is one every 2 weeks, so I'm sure you will get to one at one point04:55
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squidbulletsnalioth it did not take soory i misinformed you it is #off-topic04:56
jah_raztahwhich is better? gdesklets or adesklets?04:56
naliothsquidbullets: type /j #kubuntu-offtopic please04:56
MagicFabICE: let's go priovate, it flies too fast here04:56
bimberiEp|phany: unrar-free (universe) or unrar-nonfree (multiverse)04:56
naliothjah_raztah: personal preference, and you forgot 'superkaramba'04:56
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jah_raztahi wanted to mention in terms of ram usage and stability04:56
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_Dezanyone know where i can get XFree8604:57
_DezNOT Xorg04:57
Ep|phanyhi im sorry i didnt see if anyone replied04:57
Ep|phanydoes anyone know what unrar tool i can use?04:57
thechitowncubs_Dez, why on earth?04:57
bimberiEp|phany: unrar-free (universe) or unrar-nonfree (multiverse)04:57
Ep|phanyunrar-free isnt working for me04:57
MagicFabEp|phany: have you tried looking for "rar" in synpatic ?04:58
Ep|phanyand i dont have money for the other one04:58
jah_raztahgdesklets vs adesklets in terms of low resources usage and stability04:58
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Ophiocusam in the middle of http://www.aboutdebian.com/proxy.htm and i have put the .sh file in the correct directory, i can gedit it but when i run it the shell returns sudo: /etc/init.d/proxy.sh: command not found04:58
Ophiocus , any ideas why?04:58
Ep|phanygives me a bunch of non related stuff04:58
_Dezthechitowncubs Xorg doesnt work for my Resolution04:58
MagicFabOphiocus: wrong permissions04:58
_Dezi ALREADY tired the Wiki04:58
MagicFabOphiocus: chmod 755 whatever.sh04:58
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_Dezthat didnt work04:58
hlt_MagicFab: have you ever seen this problem with sata drives? mounting problem..04:58
_Dezand i KNOW Xfree works04:59
keironi have heard a lot of bad things about the amd64 release of ubuntu 5.10. should this worry me? should i stick to the i386 release?04:59
thechitowncubs_Dez, why don't you just add your resolution?04:59
Ep|phanyanyone else?04:59
MagicFabOphiocus: then use ./whatever.sh to run it ?04:59
Ophiocusarf, lazy me, thanks04:59
ekimusanybody happens to know how to dynamically downcast in java? (like from Object to String based on the runtime type of an object)04:59
MagicFabhlt_: not familiar with that04:59
ubotuMagicFab: I don't know, could you explain it?04:59
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bimberiEp|phany: huh? does unrar-nonfree require money?04:59
error000how can i restart the usb device?04:59
Ep|phanyi cant find nonfree04:59
naliothkeiron: for maximum usability, stay with an x86 arch04:59
MagicFabEp|phany: non-free refers to freedom, not money ;)04:59
Ep|phanyi can only find free04:59
ekimusbimberi: no, it's just not free (as in free source)04:59
_Dezthechitowncubs when i add my Res it doesnt work04:59
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Ep|phanyunrar-free only shows up for me04:59
naliothEp|phany: enable universe and multiverse repositories04:59
ekimusnonfree is in uni or multiverse05:00
keironnalioth: ok then05:00
raghuerror000: mount/unmount05:00
thechitowncubs_Dez, what is your resolution05:00
MagicFaban exanmple, Acrobat Reader is not "free" , it's closed, prprietary software05:00
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ICEgetting pm magic05:00
Ep|phanywhere would i find non-free05:00
ubotuask me about !repositories05:00
ICEwife going to kill me05:00
Ep|phanywhere would i find non-free?05:00
ubotuHow to add repositories:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto See !sources for example soruces.list05:00
naliothEp|phany: please dont repeat05:00
bimberiEp|phany: see that link - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:00
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Ep|phanyi didnt notice i did it twice05:00
amittp_Hi, Does anyone know if there is any sftp GUI ? I found nautilus does it, but I can open files only in read-only mode05:00
bimberiekimus: thanks, i know05:01
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_DezWill someone just tell me were to get XFree05:01
MagicFabEp|phany: once you've activated universe and multiverse repos, re-search for rar05:01
litagei booted using the latest ubuntu live cd. lspci didn't recognize my ide controller, so i loaded the ahci kernel module. however, the ide controller still isn't recognized. what can i do?05:01
MagicFabamittp_: gftp I believe, very similar to WinSCP05:02
Xenguyamittp_: gftp does that I believe, tho I find the interface a bit clunky (it works tho)05:02
nalioth_Dez: while waiting in here, i'm sure if you asked uncle google "xfree86 homepage" he'd tell you05:02
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MagicFabICE: I am writing to you in private - do you see thaht ???05:02
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amittp_MagicFab, Xenguy  ty :)05:02
Xenguyamittp_: yw05:02
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ICEI don't see anything05:02
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nagualWhat is a good vcd creator with a gui for ubuntu 5.1005:03
naliothMagicFab: ICE cant msg you back, he's not registered05:03
dooglusis there a channel here where people might know about NAT and iptables?05:03
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raghudooglus, #iptables05:03
tryingsomethingmaybe #nat&iptables?05:03
Xenguydooglus: I use shorewall -- done :-)05:03
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dooglusraghu: thanks05:03
bimberinagual: k3b05:03
nagualI can't use that in gnome huh05:04
MagicFabok ICE, let me know what the value of "driver' is in the "Device" section05:04
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anathema_hey got a problem...X only allows me to pick 60hz for my refresh...anyone know how to add 75 hz05:04
dooglusXenguy: does shorewall allow you to route packets from one subnet to another for a particular port?05:04
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server_newbieHere is one for you guys !! I want to find out what ports I can use thru my company fire wall. I need something to send out like nmap and something to view on ubuntu what pings get thru. How do I do this ?05:04
raghudooglus, yes05:04
MagicFabanathema_: reconfigure your video05:04
dooglusraghu: how do you set that up?05:04
Xenguydooglus: I have no idea - it has advanced features - and also good documentation :-)05:04
raghudooglus, apt-get install shorewall05:05
bimberinagual: you can, it just brings in a lot of kde libraries when you install it05:05
Dr_Willisserver_newbie,  try a port scannign web site like grc.com05:05
raghudooglus, shoreline.net05:05
anathema_MagicFab:  what do you mean05:05
MagicFabanathema_: from command line - sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf - the first few lines tell you how to restart the config script which will let you specify refresh rates05:05
anathema_cant i just add it in xorg.conf somehow05:05
Xenguyanathema_: dpkg-reconfigure packagename05:05
MagicFabanathema_: yeah you can also do that05:05
raghudooglus, www.shorewall.net05:05
MagicFabI believe you'll need to have _ranges_ of frequencies, though05:06
Ophiocusif i have an ethernet connection (eth1) to a dsl modem , shouldnt i change EXTIP="`/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 | grep 'inet addr' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/.*://'`"         for         EXTIP="`/sbin/ifconfig eth1 | grep 'inet addr' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/.*://'`"   ?05:06
server_newbieWhat log file can I watch to see what ports are fit by nmap05:06
ICEdevice driver "nv"05:06
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anathema_found it thanks05:06
Xenguyserver_newbie: /var/log/messages for one05:06
MagicFabanathema_: it's in "Monitor" section, the value to change is VertRefresh05:06
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dooglusraghu: have you visited shoreline.net?  it's some kind of christian flash nightmare :)05:07
MagicFabICE: ok! change that to "vesa"05:07
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MagicFabICE: save the file05:07
Xenguydooglus: content, not form :-)05:07
raghudooglus, sorry it is www.shorewall.net05:07
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MagicFabICE: hit CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to restart the X Server05:07
dooglusraghu: right :)05:07
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MagicFabICE: vesa is a generic driver for graphic cards05:08
OphiocusMagicFab, could you help me on that one?05:08
Xenguydooglus: gah, I see what you mean - that is not it ;-)05:08
amittp_Xenguy, gftp does allow me to open it in gvim, edit it too.. but I think it saves it to temp folder, not edit the file at server itself, is this normal behaviour?05:08
MagicFabICE: if you have the same problem, then we can rule out bad driver config and try other stuff05:08
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Ep|phanyhey is unrar-nonfree a universe repository?05:09
Hobbsee!info unrar-nonfree05:09
alex777quick question, can I enable the installed vnc server on an ubuntu install remotely through ssh ?05:09
ubotuunrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB05:09
bimberiEp|phany: no, it's in the multiverse repository05:09
MagicFabOphiocus: what are you trying to do, connect to the modem or authenticate with your provider ?05:10
litagei booted using the latest ubuntu live cd. lspci didn't recognize my ide controller, so i loaded the ahci kernel module. however, the ide controller still isn't recognized. what can i do?05:10
Ep|phanyhmm gotta figure out how to get muliverse repository now05:10
MagicFabEp|phany: no, it would be a package (application)05:10
litageor...are there any cheat codes for the ubuntu live cd, like there are for knoppix?05:10
ICEdamn whats the sudo to give you access to the file05:10
Hobbsee!tell Ep|phany about repositories05:10
Dr_Willisalex777,  you can login as a user, and run the vncserver with ssh.. or do you mean tunnle to the box with ssh to get to the vnc service?05:10
ICEsudo ___05:10
bimberiEp|phany: does that repositories page help?05:10
milkmantry rebooting in F8 safe mode05:10
MagicFabalex777: yes you can05:10
uboturaghu: What?05:10
alex777I just need to enable the vncserver05:10
ICEsudo what to give access05:10
alex777so I can connect to it using a vnc client05:10
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Ep|phanyhmm i did everything it said for universe and multiverse repository and i still dont see it05:10
alex777I read about it on the ubuntuguide, but it only says how to enable it from gnome05:11
MagicFabalex777: yes, but you'll need port redirection / tunneling through SSH - look it up05:11
i3dmasterdapper upgrade got rid of mplayer today05:11
MadpilotEp|phany: hit the reload button in Synaptic05:11
Ep|phanyi did05:11
MagicFabICE: sudo nano file05:11
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OphiocusMagicFab,  that is part of a proxy script, i have 2 nics and that line if for setting up the extip but it returns ppp0: error fetching interface information: Device not found05:12
alex777MagicFab I mean I want to enable the remote desktop function from ubuntu remotely05:12
=== Khaaaaan [n=nicholas@69-161-72-233.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbsee!tell Ep|phany about repositories05:12
alex777that's what I want to do, I just didn't explain it correctly05:12
=== nemik [n=nemik@c-67-162-61-199.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hobbsee!tell Ep|phany about sources05:12
nemikwhat up ubuntu'ers?05:12
Ep|phanyhobsee i did all that already05:12
HobbseeEp|phany: oops...on that second one, there's a list of sources there, including multiverse05:12
ICEnow I just have to restart right05:12
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MagicFabalex777: remote desktop in Ubuntu is really a VNC server05:12
server_newbieWhat log file does knockd watch ?05:12
Ep|phanyanyone know what else i can do to get unrar-nonfree?05:13
=== markw beats his head against the wall on software raid install.
MagicFabOphiocus: can't help with that - sorry05:13
Khaaaaanhey guys, what is the extra package I need to install k3b?05:13
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alex777MagicFab yep, and I just want to know how I can enable it, is there a config file I can change to enable it ?05:13
MagicFabICE: you don't have to reboot - you can hit CTRL -ALT-BACKSPACE05:13
ICEmagic how to restart now in x05:13
markwok, this thing won't let me do software raid, then put lvm on top of it. :(05:13
raghuKhaaaaan, run k3b it only says05:13
ICEI tried startx05:13
ICEbut its already running05:14
raghuKhaaaaan, apt-cache search k3b05:14
MagicFabalex777: found this w/google: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=37534605:14
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Ophiocusok i ll give you an easier one :) (tried the change, it works) how do i get my current dns info?05:15
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alex777MagicFab oh, nice, what was your search on google for ? just curious05:15
Ophiocusmy isp s dns that is05:15
Ep|phanyis there any other way i can get unrar-nonfree its not loading even with repositorys in synaptic05:15
alex777it looks like what I need, thanks05:15
AmiracleHi, I've done everything I can to install printer drivers.  I installed csh, tcsh, a2ps,  installed the LPR driver, then the CUPS driver, reset cupsys, connected to localhost:631, set up the printer, but nothing prints!  Can anyone help me out???05:15
=== ULffuntu [n=ULffuntu@ppp-70-250-152-187.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
MagicFabICE: did you try th ekey combination I told you ?05:16
ubuntuthis is awesome :O05:16
Khaaaaanraghu: Will the package be in the normal Breezy repos?05:16
HobbseeEp|phany: packages.ubuntu.com?05:16
ubuntuubuntu LiveCD is the shit05:16
ICEi retarted05:16
MagicFabalex777: "vnc server start ubuntu"05:16
Ep|phanyor are there any other unrar programs05:16
alex777cool, thanks05:16
raghuKhaaaaan, you donot have multiverse repo05:16
ubuntuDoes ubuntu use ext3?05:16
MagicFabAmiracle: which printer05:16
KhaaaaanI started it... it didnt say05:16
bimberiubuntu: yes05:16
MagicFabubuntu: yes, default05:16
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bimberiEp|phany: paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to a pastebin ...05:16
ubuntuHow do I access my windows files?05:16
ubotusomebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl05:16
anathema_hey another question..is there a joystick configure thing in ubuntu?05:17
ubotuanathema_: Wish i knew05:17
MagicFabICE: works ? ..??05:17
=== ubuntu is now known as topaz
anathema_ive got a gamepad, want to get er going05:17
anathema_calibrate it05:17
AmiracleBrother MFC42005:17
bimberiubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions05:17
anathema_anyone know if there is a util?05:17
raghuubuntu: samba05:17
_DezWhere can i get XFree8605:17
ubotuMagicFab: Syntax error in line 105:17
raghu_Dez, apt-get install x-window-system05:18
AmiracleI get a message with the cups manager that says "USB printer is busy: will restart in 5 seconds"05:18
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KhaaaaanThe wiki don told me !05:18
KhaaaaanWhoo hoo05:18
_Dezraghu isnt that XORG not XFree86?05:18
MagicFabanathema_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75063.html05:18
MagicFabAmiracle: did you look it up in linux-printing.org ?05:19
=== turmat [n=turmat@host148-202.pool8258.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Ep|phanyhow do i use a .deb?05:19
Amiracleyeah, wasn't listed05:19
IRCPunk_Dez I think your correct05:19
nicholaspauli need some help sharing a connection - anyone good with firestarter?05:19
AmiracleI've read some reports floating around that people got this printer to work05:19
_Dezi need _XFree86_ only05:19
turmathy guys05:19
server_newbiesorry lost my connect what is theport scanning web site again Thanks05:19
SEJeffnicholaspaul: Good with firestarter? That is really easy to use05:20
MagicFabEp|phany: from command line: dpkg -i xxxxxxxxx.deb05:20
turmatdo you know how to install ms truetype core fonts?05:20
nicholaspaulSEJeff: have you shared connections with it?05:20
MagicFabAmiracle: then won't work, most probably05:20
Hobbsee!tell turmat about msttcorefonts05:20
nicholaspaulSEJeff: i'm using a crossover cable05:20
Hobbseeturmat: read the PM :)05:20
MagicFabnicholaspaul: check this05:20
ubotunetsharing is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/hardware/InternetConectionSharing?highlight=%28sharing%2905:20
Hobbseeno problems05:20
SEJeffnicholaspaul: In firestarter: Firewall ---> Run Wizard05:21
AmiracleI've read, through randing searching, that someone got the brother MFC420 to work in Breezy, but no further help - anyone else have any ideas????05:21
naliothturmat: install msttcorefonts package05:21
nicholaspaulSEJeff: i've done that. I've been thru howto's and nothing works for me05:21
Ophiocusok,....   MagicFab ,.. i did it, am happy to say that my ubuntu box is dhcp serving a private lan ahich can access the net through the proxy on the ubuntu machine05:21
nicholaspaulhey nalioth: i even reinstalled my entire ubuntu system!!!05:21
Ep|phanydpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege thats what i get when going dpkgp -i xxx.deb05:21
MagicFabAmiracle: let me check it out05:22
SEJeffnicholaspaul, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward05:22
AmiracleMagicFab: Thanks a lot05:22
bimberiEp|phany: sudo dpkg ....05:22
=== FarrisG [n=farris@c-24-1-176-16.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicholaspauldo what SEJeff ?05:22
MagicFabAmiracle: this seems to indicate it's actually supported directly by Brother:05:22
MagicFabAmiracle: http://forum.linspire.com/viewtopic.php?t=394967&sid=1a68859fd5166bbfa4f59e125da0afbe05:22
MagicFabAmiracle: Brother how-to: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/cups_wrapper_install.html05:22
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MagicFabEp|phany: don't quit just yet - you have to be su to do that... soo.... su dpkg -i xxxxx.deb05:23
AmiracleMagicFab: That's where I got the CUPS driver from, it's installed and recognized but it still won't print05:23
nicholaspaulSEJeff: i got 'command not found'05:23
FarrisGIs there a list somewhere of all the packages breezy installs by default? My system reported a problem just after the first bootup, but I think everything's fine. I'd rather not go through the installer again, so I'd like to just install everything manually05:23
naliothnicholaspaul: good to hear05:23
MagicFabAmiracle: did you restart cups ?05:23
AmiracleMagicFab: Yep05:24
nicholaspaulnalioth: just so i know my problems are not me screwing up ownerships!!!05:24
AmiracleMagicFab: I did get an error when installing the CUPS that said that csh wasn't found, though I'm SURE that it is there05:24
AmiracleMagicFab: Even with the error, it still is recognized in the printer setup and on the cups manager05:24
SEJeffnicholaspaul: Well you didn't type it right. echo is a bash builtin command05:24
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MagicFabOphiocus: pay it forward ;)05:24
nicholaspaulSEJeff:  oh i missed a bit then05:24
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nicholaspaulwhat was it again SEJeff ?05:25
SEJeffnicholaspaul: scroll up05:25
Ep|phanyurgg i keep getting erros when using su dpkg05:25
FlyingSquirrel32How do I install a parallel printer that's not detected if the lpt port doesn't show up in the port list... it only shows usb ports05:25
Ep|phanyare there any other ways to run .debs?05:26
nicholaspaulSEJeff: permission denied. And i copy/pasted05:26
mustard5Ep|phany, su?05:26
SEJeffnicholaspaul: sorry, I forgot. Put sudo in front of it05:26
Ep|phanyim trying05:26
Ep|phanykeeps giving me errors05:26
nicholaspaulSEJeff: i put sudo infront.05:26
mustard5Ep|phany, I thought you use sudo05:26
Ep|phanylemme try the other one then05:26
SEJeffnicholaspaul: no. You won't get permission denied if you use sudo05:26
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Liketwhat's the best place to get various packages for a fresh ubuntu install? i don't even have "make" currently, and I have no idea where to find it05:26
MagicFabAmiracle: can you try this: http://forum.linspire.com/viewtopic.php?p=38186105:26
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SEJeffnicholaspaul: Unless your user isn't in the admin group05:26
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Ep|phanythat doesnt work either05:27
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Ep|phanyhow else can i use .debs05:27
MagicFabFlyingSquirrel32: your BIOS probably has parallel port deactivated05:27
_Dezi love Xorg now :)05:27
mustard5Ep|phany, what is the error message?05:27
nicholaspaulSEJeff:  i can normally sudo just fine05:27
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Ep|phany(Reading database ... 62779 files and directories currently installed.)05:27
Ep|phanyPreparing to replace unrar-nonfree 3.3.6-2 (using .../unrar-nonfree_3.3.6-2_i386.deb) ...05:27
Ep|phanyUnpacking replacement unrar-nonfree ...05:27
Ep|phanydpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of unrar-nonfree:05:27
Ep|phany unrar-nonfree depends on libstdc++5 (>= 1:3.3.4-1); however:05:27
FlyingSquirrel32MagicFab: great idea. thanks for your help.05:27
Ep|phany  Package libstdc++5 is not installed.05:27
AmiracleMagicFab: Checking it out, I'll let you know - thanks a lot05:27
Ep|phanydpkg: error processing unrar-nonfree (--install):05:27
Ep|phany dependency problems - leaving unconfigured05:27
Ep|phanyErrors were encountered while processing:05:27
Ep|phany unrar-nonfree05:27
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Likethey, what's a good place to get packages for ubuntu? (looking for equivalent of rpmfind for redhat)05:28
bimberiLiket: you get them from the ubuntu repositories (/msg ubotu repositories).  For "make" and other such tools install the build-essential package'05:28
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=== mustard5 should have know that would happen when he asked the question :)
EdLinLiket, enable universe and multiverse, in synaptic, or in /etc/apt/sources.list. Getting make is in build-essential, but you probably don't want that for installing 3rd party programs because, including universe, Ubuntu has over 16,000 programs in its repository05:28
AmiracleMagicFab: Yeah, all of those articles I have read.  I actually followed SpeedyOne's suggestions from the last article posted.05:28
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anathema_hey MagicFab, which control center is he talking about05:28
EdLinoops, someone else explained too.05:28
anathema_and i dont have the programs mentioned05:28
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Ep|phanywhyd i get kicked?05:29
MagicFabAmiracle: out of ideas05:29
bimberiEdLin: but i like yours better :P05:29
MagicFabAmiracle: except going to your place ;)05:29
mustard5Ep|phany, no pasting in main channel05:29
SEJeffLiket: apt-cache search :-)05:29
AmiracleMagicFab: Any idea why when isntalling the cupswrapper driver I got an error message saying something to the effect of csh not found05:29
naliothEp|phany: what part of the /topic did you not understand?05:29
mustard5Ep|phany, the problem is not sudo...05:29
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EdLinbimberi, thanks. :-)05:29
AmiracleMagicFab: Can I point the installer to the directory?05:29
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mustard5Ep|phany, ther problem is you don't have a dependency installed05:29
Ep|phanywhats that mean05:29
jgraham_anyone ever had a issue installing and the write stopping to the HD?  (this is on a laptop)05:29
=== tsume [n=tsume@zanshin.tsumelabs.com] has joined #ubuntu
litageare there any cheat codes for the ubuntu live cd, like there are for knoppix?05:30
tsumeanyone set up twinview with nvidia before who can let me peak at their xorg.conf file?05:30
nicholaspaulSEJeff: that wiki on internet sharing makes no sense to me :(05:30
MagicFabAmiracle: you could retry it and google the exact error messgae you had along with "brother"05:30
mustard5Ep|phany, its looking for libstdc++5, but you don't have it installed05:30
anathema_found em on synaptic MagicFab05:30
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Ep|phanyhow can i install that05:30
AmiracleMagicFab: Yeah, tried that.  Got nothing05:30
tsumeI'm trying to get twinview working on this laptop, which I know has TV capability05:30
AmiracleMagicFab: Thanks for your help though05:30
mustard5Ep|phany, you could use Synaptic Package Manager to search for it05:30
SEJefftsume: xinerama is a PITA05:30
Madpilotlitage: if you type "BFG9000" it'll be easier to defeat the end-of-level bosses :)05:31
AmiracleMagicFab: You don't happen to live in Iowa do you?05:31
AmiracleMagicFab: =)05:31
=== poofyhair [n=poofyhai@ip24-250-132-188.bc.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Nitewalker [n=brandon@202-89-136-139.dialip.qsi.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
SEJeffMadpilot: nice05:31
DrZeusQuestion: how do I use the --append-to-version with kpkg?05:31
saik0Is anybody here familiar with using the thin client ltsp server (following wiki)? I cant build the runtime environment and I'm not sure why05:31
tsumeSEJeff: oh?05:31
tsumeSEJeff: I'm just tyring to get eh second monitor up period :) even without Xinerama05:31
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MagicFabAmiracle: nope - Montreal - phew! :D05:32
Nitewalkerhi there everyone ive jst finished installing w32codecs and its still not loading up the avi i want to play im jst wondering if i need to install xine i did some updates thru synaptic for this particular item i found them under xine-ui05:32
poofyhairI like totem-xine best05:32
saik0Nitewalker, try totem-xine05:32
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poofyhairmore tahn xine-ui05:32
mustard5Ep|phany, unrar-nonfree is availabe through synaptic too05:33
Nitewalkersaik0, thanks i will try that now05:33
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MagicFabsaik0: error messages ?05:33
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tsumeSEJeff: loks like I found the problem :)05:33
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saik0Hey look it's poofyhair guy. I was stating to think you we're some ethereal creature who only exixts in the realm on ubuntuforums.org05:33
MagicFabICE: still there ?05:33
mustard5Ep|phany, you would need to enable the multiverse repository to get unrar-nonfree through synaptic05:34
poofyhairno I'm a real boy05:34
poofyhairI'm just not that good at typing so IRC is harder for me05:34
poofyhairam I the only one who can't get enough of lugradio?05:35
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [n=FlyingSq@ool-4571f2e3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
robertjPS: If your downloading a file that ends in .rar, your downloading from a moron05:35
Nitewalkersaik0,  those are already loaded up on my computer05:35
robertjjust thought I would throw that in ;)05:35
SEJefftsume: What did you do?05:35
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MagicFabrobertj: be nice05:35
Ep|phanymustard5 i did but im still not seeing multiverse things05:35
davidleerothI have a question... my clock is wayyy too fast. there are around 5 seconds on the clock for every real second of time.  this makes animated gif's and other things move very fast. the time is also wildly innacurate.  there have been times when the fake time has looped the real time (24 hrs).  i tried the noacpi boot command, but this turns off my wifi card (wont work after boot either).  help!05:35
Ep|phanyi did the steps it said for universe and multiverse things05:35
FlyingSquirrel32Dude! you're the best. I can't remember your name, but ou're right it was the BIOS. Thanks a bunch!05:36
robertjMagicFab: bahh I've spent too much time with .tar.rar.gz.zip files05:36
FlyingSquirrel32I think it was MajicFab05:36
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saik0MagicFab: Not sure =( It tries configuring xorg and then X crashes. Should I be doing this in a chroot or stop xorg?05:36
mustard5Ep|phany, try typing sudo apt-get update in terminal with syaptic closed05:36
tsumeSEJeff: nothing yet05:36
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MagicFabFlyingSquirrel32: no prob.. - pay it forward :D05:36
nybblei'm having problems getting my dvd drive to read anything05:36
tsumeSEJeff: man, its amazing how many dumb asses there are whio will reboot the computer every time they make a change to linux05:36
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nybblelol tsume05:36
robertjwhich undoubtedly contains a self-extracted windows executable which unpacks an mp305:37
MagicFabsaik0: try to startx from command line, it should let you see errors05:37
poofyhairthats not nice05:37
FlyingSquirrel32well, at least I got to do a little cups reading ;)05:37
SEJefftsume: 99% of the things people think need to reboot for can be fixed by restarting a service05:37
MagicFabsaik0: CTRL-ALT-F1, login, stop GDM, startx05:37
FlyingSquirrel32thanks, see ya.05:37
tsumeSEJeff: i know, its sad05:37
tsumeSEJeff: I come from BSD land05:37
SEJefftsume: at very most, init 1 and then CTRL D to go back to runlevel 505:37
tsumeSEJeff: if I rebooted a server after every change, i wouldn't have any customers05:37
SEJefftsume: I come from Unix land :)05:37
mustard5Ep|phany, the way you are going about it at the moment is not the easiest way....once you have all your repositories enabled you will have an easier time installing packages in apt-get and synaptic05:37
SEJefftsume: I hear ya05:37
saik0MagicFab: oh. i forgot to mention after X crashes it starts back up again. But my PXE thin clients do nothing05:37
MagicFabtsume: be nice - vocabulary05:37
davidleerothcan anyone help me with an annoying clock problem?05:38
tsumeMagicFab: well damn, I get all over my windows friend about it05:38
tsumeMagicFab: he is like// "reboot!"05:38
=== PrideF [n=PrideFFF@c-67-161-220-216.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tsumeI have to tear out all the reboot commands and buttons from the computer so he stops it05:38
mustard5ubotu: tell Ep|phany about pastebin05:38
MagicFabsaik0: oh, LTSP. I 've had problems with rong permissions - it's too far in memory though05:38
poofyhairdavidlee roth05:39
poofyhairone sec05:39
SEJefftsume: What is this "not having to reboot" thing you speak of?05:39
AmiracleMagicFab: FYI, let me throw this out for you and maybe something will pop up and you can say, "Ahhh, just do this."  This is the error I get when unpackaging the cupswrapper file.05:39
davidleeroththanks poofyhair05:39
AmiracleMagicFab: sudo dpkg -i cupswrappermfc420cn_1.0.0-1_i386.deb05:39
Amiracle(Reading database ... 103398 files and directories currently installed.)05:39
AmiraclePreparing to replace cupswrappermfc420cn 1.0.0-1 (using cupswrappermfc420cn_1.0.0-1_i386.deb) ...05:39
Amiracle/var/lib/dpkg/info/cupswrappermfc420cn.prerm: line 3: csh: command not found05:39
AmiracleUnpacking replacement cupswrappermfc420cn ...05:39
AmiracleSetting up cupswrappermfc420cn (1.0.0-1) ...05:39
tsumeSEJeff: I kjnow, its what he asks05:39
Amiracle/var/lib/dpkg/info/cupswrappermfc420cn.postinst: line 3: csh: command not found05:39
MagicFabdavidleeroth: perhaps look up "real time clock linux" in google - I think it may be related to what u described05:39
mustard5Ep|phany, check PM from ubotu about pastebin I'm going to get you to show me your sources.list05:39
tsumeSEJeff: I told him to restart dhcpd.. he reboots the server05:39
SEJefftsume: Windows has detected mouse movement, please restart for these changes to take effect.05:39
AmiracleMagicFab: I checked Synaptic and csh is installed05:39
naliothAmiracle: did you not see the /topic?05:39
PrideFmy head hurts!!!  Someone tell me why I suck at figuring out sound on Breezy?05:39
BROKEN_LADDERcrimsun you ever figure anything out with my gmailfs issue? :(05:39
MagicFabAmiracle: no pasting here please, using http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl05:40
naliothAmiracle: pasting is offensive to all the rest of us05:40
poofyhairI think I have a solution05:40
poofyhairI hope ti works05:40
=== PrideF commits sepiku
davidleerothmagicfab, it is because i have an amd6405:40
Ep|phanymustard5 how do i show you my sourcelist05:40
mustard5Ep|phany, type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list in terminal then paste the content of that file in a pastebin then show me the URL to the pastebin05:40
davidleerothi am running a 32 bitubuntu though05:40
Amiraclesorry, first time here - should've read that first05:40
poofyhairthere is guide for both05:40
poofyhairon same page05:40
SEJeffdavidleeroth: Why not install 64 bit ubuntu?05:41
MagicFabAmiracle: it's not csh that is not found, it's the /var... command05:41
MagicFabAmiracle: are you doing all that as su (sudo)05:41
AmiracleMagicFab: no as root05:41
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AmiracleMagicFab: I just didn't create a root this time for example purposes05:41
dduckoWondering which video card some of you would recomend, budget, and compatibility with Ubuntu biggest concern.. i have 2 idea on one..05:41
MagicFabAmiracle: well, that's what I meant - it seems to be a permission prob05:41
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Ep|phanymustard5 what do i do after i do the sudo gedit05:41
davidleerothsejeff, 64 bit distros arent really supported as well as a 3205:41
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theturtldefinitely nvidia05:42
AmiracleMagicFab: I get the same message when I'm doing it as root05:42
dduckoThey are both nvidia chips05:42
SEJeffdavidleeroth: Ubuntu does ok05:42
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=== booger [n=abrahams@h-67-101-6-118.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
dduckoones by diablotek and the the other evga05:42
PrideFSEJeff, HAHAHAH, tell that to my sound card on my AMD6405:42
MagicFabAmiracle: use the paste bin so I can see it closely05:42
theturtlthey are the same card05:42
mustard5Ep|phany, copy and paste the contents of the sources.list to the pastebin...ubotu sent you a message about where to find the pastebin05:42
poofyhairthe 5500 is a waste05:42
poofyhairbig waste05:42
=== IcemanV9 [n=nobody@adsl-68-75-56-195.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
theturtlbut i agree with poofyhair05:42
davidleerothpoofy, they give the noacpi solution.... which turns off my wifi card05:42
poofyhairmight as well get the 520005:42
boogeryet another atttempt to fix the sound on gxine05:42
boogerany one?05:43
poofyhairthe 5500 can't play games anyway05:43
dduckoOne you would reccomend for under 70?05:43
MagicFabEp|phany: you have to visit http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ and paste the contents of your file there05:43
poofyhairI have a much better suggestion05:43
theturtlyou'd be better off getting a slightly older higher priced card05:43
poofyhairget an ATI 925005:43
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poofyhairI'm very close to buying one05:43
dduckoNo Ati.05:43
poofyhairwhen the EXA stuff gets hammered out05:43
SEJeffDon't get an ATI card for linux05:43
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nemikno, ATI bad05:43
poofyhairit will be the first supported card05:43
AmiracleDon't know how that works, sorry05:43
AmiracleMy first time on a chat program for a LONG time05:43
poofyhairtthe 9250 has the best open soruce graphics driver in the world05:44
PrideFATI == teh. suck05:44
SEJeffATI has official linux drivers, but they are crappy05:44
poofyhairnot the 925005:44
dduckoI ve got a raedeon 9200 laying on the shelf05:44
boogercan anyone help me with sound for gxine05:44
poofyhairthe 9250 will be the first card to have stable compmanaging05:44
=== turmat [n=turmat@host148-202.pool8258.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
dduckoand an nvida 64 meg card in the sytem now05:44
MagicFabAmiracle: visit this website: http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ and paste your output there05:44
SEJeffthe ATI linux drivers are crap, this is known05:44
PrideFbooger, yes...windows :P05:44
AmiracleMagicFab: Thanks, I'll do that05:44
davidleerothpoofy, they give the noacpi solution.... which turns off my wifi card05:44
Ep|phanymustard5 http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/428405:44
poofyhairthe open soruce drivers for that ATI card05:44
poofyhairare better than Nvidia's05:44
mustard5Ep|phany, thanks05:44
DrZeuswhat does this line means? cd /usr/src cd kernel-source-version cp /boot/config-uname --kernel-release ./.config05:44
PrideFbooger, sorry, long day working on sound on this bugger05:44
boogerPrideF: I hate windows05:44
PrideFme too05:44
boogerI understand05:44
DrZeusit is in the kernelhowto but I dont understand it05:44
Ep|phanywho doesnt05:44
DrZeuscd /usr/src cd kernel-source-version cp /boot/config-uname --kernel-release ./.config05:44
saik0MagicFab, I'm by no means an expert on the subject but i think I should be building this runtime environment inside a chroot. Here's the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (See Part 2)05:44
MagicFabEp|phany: great - I realize this pastebin thing is not that easy to grasp :(05:44
Ep|phanyi just switched to linux today05:44
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SEJeffpoofyhair: Tell that to the fps I get in ppracer05:44
PrideFbooger, I will never adopt that *cough* os out of redmond05:44
cyphaseEp|phany, congratulations05:44
nemikstill can't let go, stupid school apps05:45
DrZeusdooglus, I dont understand this line cd /usr/src cd kernel-source-version cp /boot/config-uname --kernel-release ./.config05:45
SEJeffPrideF: Why not, DOS is a great OS from Microsoft?05:45
poofyhairwho cares about open soruce games05:45
MagicFabDrZeus: it's several commands on one line - that won't work05:45
poofyhairthe point of cheap graphics cards05:45
SEJeffpoofyhair: Or quake 305:45
poofyhairis 2d05:45
boogerPrideF: so figure anything out on sound for yourself05:45
PrideFSEJeff, haha, dos was great...20 years ago05:45
nemikbut use ubuntu for all else...especially base install for servers....so stable and yummy05:45
poofyhairso the user should get hte best supported card05:45
MagicFabsaik0: can't follow you there - no expert either ;)05:45
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=== jon_ [n=jon@user-0c90tvi.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
theturtlwhats the point of getting the 9250 exactly05:45
PrideFyeah, don't use Ubuntu for sound on breezy.  there have to be a dozen threads out there with zero answers05:45
poofyhairthe 9250's now have EXA support05:45
DrZeusMagicFab, it is in the kernelhowto, but dont understand the --kernel-release ./.config05:45
theturtlit sucks for any games, what else use does it have?05:46
Ep|phanymustard5 is everything okay?05:46
poofyhairAKA: desktop acceration05:46
dduckoI run NWN on this setup, and it plays better then it does in windows05:46
mustard5Ep|phany, go to this link http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 and replace your old sources.list with the one at that link05:46
poofyhairdesktop acceration is like what OSX has05:46
dduckoespecially now then i went from 256 ram to 1 gig05:46
poofyhairthe 9250's will be the first to have it stable05:46
SEJeffpoofyhair: and EXA is still very new05:46
Ep|phanyhow do i replace my source list05:46
boogerHELP! SOUND05:46
jon_Hey, I just got my Ubuntu system up and i'm going to attempt to install Java, if I type something wrong in Terminal will it harm my system at all?05:46
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=== davidleeroth is sad about his damned clock.
AmiracleMagicFab: It's posted05:46
PrideFme is ashamed:  he's DL'ing Fedora05:46
poofyhairxgl ONLY runs on the 92xx's now05:46
nemikso i'm looking for a nice big hard drive to put into my USB 2.0 enclosure. any suggestions?05:46
poofyhairEXA is developing fast05:46
mustard5Ep|phany, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:46
saik0MagicFab, I'll just pretend I am and try it. no harm can really be done in a chroot anyhow05:46
poofyhairyou get a 9250 now05:46
poofyhairand by dapper05:46
poofyhairit WILL be used05:46
tryingsomethinganyone can tell me right quick how to setup static ip with a router?05:46
pc22how do i watch avi file in ubuntu05:46
poofyhairby EXA05:46
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mustard5Ep|phany, you just executed that command about one minute ago ;)05:46
SEJeffpoofyhair: Developing fast will not be in breezy. Maybe in dapper timeframe05:46
poofyhairin a stable fashion05:46
=== shinu [n=blu@cpc2-walt2-6-0-cust172.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
dduckotryingsomething, what router?05:47
tryingsomethingi tried man ifconfig - that didnt tell me much05:47
MagicFabAmiracle: checking it05:47
tryingsomethingi know the ip of the router and what i want to give the machine05:47
mustard5Ep|phany, its fine..its all overwhelming at the start :)05:47
DrZeuswhat is this: cp /boot/config-uname --kernel-release ./.config05:47
nemiktryingsomething, my linksys VOIP doesn't allow IP reservations, very annoying. is yours like this too?05:47
MagicFabsaik0: you go :D05:47
SEJefftryingsomething: ifconfig eth0 netmast
poofyhairaccourding to Alex05:47
DrZeusMagicFab, what is this: cp /boot/config-uname --kernel-release ./.config05:47
poofyhairthe guy hacking EXA the most05:47
jah_raztahhow do i change the grub default ubuntu boot screen to a new one05:47
poofyhairthe ATI card is already stable05:47
SEJefftryingsomething, is your ip and 255.x is your subnet mask05:48
tryingsomethingim doing wifi but its still nearly the same05:48
poofyhairwith render accel05:48
SEJefftryingsomething: iwconfig then05:48
mustard5Ep|phany, that link http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 is a standard sources.list so just copy and paste it over the top of your old one then do a sudo apt-get update05:48
tryingsomethingwhat about telling it about the router / gateway = dns?05:48
MagicFabDrZeus: uname --kernel-release get you a kernel version05:48
henriquemaiahello, just a question... How do I run a X application through crontab?05:48
SEJefftryingsomething: Then do route add default gw where is the ip of your router / gateway / cable modem05:48
jah_raztahi found one ---> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=29962 but don't know how to set it in breezy05:48
mustard5Ep|phany, after saving the sources.list that is05:48
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tryingsomethingi have wpa_supplicant taking care of the wifi config - just not the ip assignment05:48
Ep|phanyk doing that now05:48
tryingsomethingthat's the one i was looking for thanks05:48
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MagicFabDrZeus: so the cp command becomes something like cp /boot/config-2.6.xxx ./.config05:48
DrZeusMagicFab, and that ./.config what is that?05:48
tryingsomethingthank you thanks05:49
DrZeusoh I see05:49
Ep|phanythen i should go back into synaptic right05:49
dduckowhat about a 6200,  Tha worth $70.. or getting?05:49
MagicFabDrZeus: you can do uname --kernel-release and reuse the output to pu ttogether the command05:49
mustard5Ep|phany, k..after you do a sudo apt-get update ..do this...05:49
SEJefftryingsomething: np, I am getting ready to take my LPI 201 Linux Certification test tomorrow. I breathe linux networking :)05:49
davidleerothcan anyone help me with a clock problem05:49
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mustard5Ep|phany, sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree05:49
dduckoI will not get ATI.05:49
poofyhairthe 6200's with turbo cashe05:49
DrZeusMagicFab, hows that?05:49
poofyhairI understand if you don't want ATI05:49
MagicFabDrZeus: ./.config is the destination file (hidden config in current directory)05:49
PrideFdavidleeroth, is your clock running fast (by like 2x+)?05:49
poofyhairget a 520005:49
poofyhairwith lots of RAM05:50
=== brukental [n=brukenta@c-24-98-229-170.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jon_I'm trying to install Java Runtime and i'm going into terminal and all but when it need my password it's saying it's wrong...if i'm doing anything wrong i'm going in System Tools> Terminal05:50
poofyhairor a 660005:50
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MagicFabDrZeus: be specific how's what ?05:50
SEJeffpoofyhair: the OSS drivers with EXA will be sweet, but ATI will still release substandard linux drivers and give crappy support05:50
cafuego_Get an nvidia, that way you won't have to put up with shite ATI drivers.05:50
poofyhairthe 6200 have shared mempory in most cases05:50
naliothULffuntu: tell jon_ about java05:50
nemikdoes anyone recommend seagate baraccuda HD's over WD caviar ones? the WD is much cheaper on newegg.....05:50
poofyhairit deosn't matter05:50
nemikneed them for an external hd05:50
davidleerothpridef, there are around 3 seconds on the clock for every real second05:50
poofyhairthe 9250 deos not need the official ATI drivers05:50
tryingsomethingati doesnt support linux05:50
naliothubotu: tell jon_ about java05:50
Ophiocushow can i make sure the current firewall is "doing its job"?05:50
tryingsomethingati is in bed with ms05:50
poofyhairthey released the specs for that card05:50
SEJeffnemik: seagate vs wd is like nike vs reebok05:50
Ep|phanyit did that should i go into synaptic now?05:50
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poofyhairthe 9250 is the best support card in Linux today out of the box05:50
brukentaljon: did you set a root password?05:50
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mustard5Ep|phany, you just installed it05:51
stevejesuswhats up guys05:51
sizzamanyone know the command to uninstall vmware05:51
cafuego_poofyhair: Yeah, the 9200 too, but they're not really high end by today's standards.05:51
mustard5Ep|phany, its done05:51
PrideFdavidleeroth, haha, saw the same thing earlier with debian sid.  I tried it with amd64 breezy and the problem went away.  now i I could just get sound working  :P05:51
poofyhairbut for normal desktop work05:51
Ep|phanylet me check if it worked05:51
poofyhairthey are the best options05:51
nemikSEJeff, sorry not up to sneakers...how about designers? prada vs levi's? or a bit better?05:51
poofyhairbecause you will get acceration first05:51
stevejesusso i just put a dvd-rom in my computer and it doesnt show up in /etc/fstab05:51
dduckoI have a 9200.. its a paper weight right now05:51
stevejesusim not sure what to do05:51
jon_Yeah, I just got my system up and during installation it said 'Do you want to make an account besides root' I clicked yes and made my account.05:51
PrideFdavidleeroth, sorry, no answers for you, really05:51
mustard5Ep|phany, apt-get and synaptic are basically the same thing..but one is command line and one is pretty graphical user interface05:51
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poofyhairdducko- you have a 9200?05:51
poofyhairtell me more05:51
SEJeffnemik: porsche vs volkswagen?05:51
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Ep|phanyoh thank you so much05:51
poofyhairhave you tried the OSS drivers?05:51
=== cafuego_ has a 9200 in the mac mini, works beautifully.
dduckoNot plugged in.. No05:51
nemikSEJeff, gotch ;)05:51
davidleerothPrideF, i used to use a 64 bit distro, but so many things would not work. John The Ripper would not even work!05:51
naliothSEJeff: nemik captilism in #ubuntu-offtopic please05:51
dduckoI tried it once.. didnt like it05:52
poofyhairyou should try them05:52
Ep|phanyi just have on last question is there a gui for unrar-nonfree05:52
mustard5Ep|phany, does our unrar command work now?05:52
poofyhairbefore you buy a whole new card05:52
MagicFabAmiracle: can you paste the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/cupswrappermfc420cn.prerm if that file exists on your system ?05:52
poofyhairthats not much more powerful05:52
PrideFdavidleeroth, which 64 bit distro?05:52
tryingsomethingit gave me an error saying a file exists...lol05:52
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AmiracleMagicFab: Let me see what I can do05:52
stevejesusso i just put a dvd-rom in my computer and it doesnt show up in /etc/fstab05:52
poofyhairI can tell you how if you want05:52
mustard5Ep|phany, type this in terminal '   man unrar   '05:52
davidleerothpridef: Ubuntu of course!05:52
SEJeffpoofyhair: I am running a radeon 7500, there are only OSS drivers and they are ok on this machine05:52
poofyhairbut if you must ahve a new05:52
Ep|phanyoh wicked05:52
mustard5Ep|phany, man unrar will give you the manual for unrar05:52
poofyhairI recommend the 660005:52
PrideFhahaha, I'm trying to find something else05:52
brukentaljon: chmod 777 j2sdk, etc. etc....05:52
dduckoPCI, 128 meg, ATI Radeon05:52
brukentaljon: ./j2sdketc, etc.05:52
poofyhairthats why05:52
=== IRCPunk [n=rawbarb@c-67-168-175-1.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== cafuego_ has a 5700 TD, which works flawlessly (64 bit, too)
jon_Am I even going in the right terminal? I also see on the menu there is different terminals like Root Terminal, Terminal05:53
poofyhairI see why you wish to replace it05:53
mustard5Ep|phany, np05:53
poofyhairif you get a 620005:53
MagicFabmustard5: cheers!05:53
stevejesusis it possible anyone can help me with my fstab?05:53
poofyhairmake sure it has a 128 bit bus05:53
mustard5Ep|phany, come back anytime for advice ;)05:53
poofyhairand no turbocahse05:53
Ep|phanythanks for spoon feeding it to me05:53
jon_So in Terminal just type chmod 777 ENTER and boom?05:53
AmiracleMagicFab: done05:53
brukentaljon: your normal terminal will do.05:53
DrZeusMagicFab, how can I use the make kpkg "--append-to-version".  The --append-to-version, how do I type that?05:53
brukentaljon: regular user account will do just fine05:53
MagicFabAmiracle: looking it05:53
nemikjon_ you nay have to do sudo05:53
Ep|phanyi just have 1 last question is there a good gui client like real vnc?05:53
poofyhairI love my 6600 GT05:53
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jon_Alright i'll try, be back.05:53
Ep|phanyfor viewing05:53
poofyhairI use xcompmgr all day05:53
poofyhairand I get a crash maybe once a week05:54
poofyhairat most05:54
poofyhairand I haven't had one in a while05:54
mustard5Ep|phany, search in synaptic now05:54
HedgeMagehi IRCPunk05:54
poofyhairsince the new xcompmgr release05:54
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MagicFabAmiracle: can you make sure you have both csh and tcsh ? just a thought -I know you said you did05:54
SEJeffpoofyhair: I had a problem with xcompmgr and desktop icons05:54
jon_nemik: I tryed and got this error: chmod: too few arguments05:54
mustard5Ep|phany, use keywords that you think might find it...and use the name and description serach option05:54
PrideFok, guys.  My sound is killing me here.  I have breezy installed on an MSI 1029 chasis laptop (AMD64 ML-40, 1 gig, ATI 200P express chipset and ATI X700 Graphics05:54
brukentaldont do sudo unless really needed....05:54
MagicFabDrZeus: don'tknow05:54
PrideFSound no worky.  (more details to follow)05:55
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-67-164-213-99.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nemikjon_ do chmod 777 and then the folder/file you want to chmod05:55
brukentalyep nemik right05:55
nemikso chmod 777 /usr/bin/local for example05:55
DrZeusMagicFab, because the kernelhowto says it has to be used, but gives no examples05:55
stevejesusis anyone here familiar with fstab more than?  because I am having issues05:55
nemikand if it gives you some permissions error, do sudo  chmod 777 /usr/bin/local05:55
=== jrsims is now known as sweetjesus
MagicFabAmiracle: does /usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper/cupswrapperMFC420CN-1.0.0 exsit on your system ?05:55
poofyhairxcompmgr is a hrash mistress05:55
mustard5stevejesus, whats the issue?05:55
brukentalanybody know where ubuntu enterprise can be downloaded?05:56
poofyhairbut I have tamed it05:56
jah_raztahhow do i change the grub default ubuntu boot screen to a new one05:56
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MagicFabstevejesus: just ask away05:56
nemikwhat is xcompmgr?05:56
jon_nemik: cannot access `usr/bin/local': No such file or directory05:56
MagicFabbrukental: "enterprise" ?05:56
stevejesusmustard5:  i just not more than 10 minutes ago added a dvd-rom to my machine to install ut2004.  it doesnt show up in fstab, therefore i dont seem to be able to mount it.05:56
AmiracleMagicFab: Yes, csh and tcsh are present. I posted a screenshot of Synaptic showing everything I have installed related to that.  And yes, I do have that file in that directory.05:56
ubotugrub is, like, totally, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting05:56
davidleerothcan anyone help me with a clock problem05:56
nemikjon_ well it was an example. instead of that, put the file/folder you need to be chmodded.....05:57
mustard5stevejesus, hmmmm..I was hoping for an easy question ;)05:57
ubotuDrZeus: I give up, what is it?05:57
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brukentalmagicfab: aye, tehre is a enterprise release of ubuntu, ibm just awarded certification for db2, but i cannot find enterprise edition of ubuntu.05:57
jon_Dunno how to do that. ><05:57
mustard5stevejesus, hehe..I'm not immediately sure how to proceed05:57
nemikpoofyhair: yes?05:57
[linner] greetings and salutations :)05:57
brukentalmagicfab: dont know if its een released.05:57
stevejesusmustard5:  do you have a dvdrom in your machine?  if so i could grab the info from your fstab and point that towards my respective device05:57
brukentaljon: chmod 777 nameoffile.bin05:57
mustard5stevejesus, I do05:58
poofyhairlook at my link05:58
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mustard5stevejesus, one tick..I'll get it05:58
nemikthanks poofy05:58
SEJeffbrukental: There is not an "enterprise" version of ubuntu. It is the same stock ubuntu05:58
stevejesusmustard5:  it would be most helpful if you could share that with me05:58
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PrideFAll of my mixers (from alsamixer[gui]  on up) all see the card just fine.  I can even get xmms, vlc to play music or video without complaining (well, they start without complaining, but no sound)05:58
stevejesusmustard5:  by the way, thanks for your help when i stop in.05:58
brukentaluhhh lemme copy and paste from web site.05:58
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sweetjesusdoes anyone know a textmode app that i can use to watch the network traffic to and from my pc in real time?05:58
jon_I'm looking through my filesystem and I probably can just type: computer/bin/chmod05:59
nemikoh nice05:59
PrideFeverything says it's working, but _zero_ sound05:59
Ep|phanymustard5 thanks for all the help i relaly appreciate it05:59
mustard5stevejesus, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/428905:59
mustard5Ep|phany, np05:59
PrideFI think perhaps I have been typing so much that the only noise I hear is *click*click*click*click*05:59
brukentalUbuntu will always be free of charge, and there is no extra fee for the "enterprise edition", we make our very best work available to everyone on the same Free terms.05:59
jah_raztahhow do i change the grub default ubuntu boot screen to a new one?05:59
jon_sorry: computer/filesystem/bin/chmod05:59
SEJeffsweetjesus: kismet05:59
MagicFabbrukental: from http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/releases/document_view :05:59
Ep|phanyaw crap now i dont know where it extracted to05:59
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sweetjesusSEJeff: that's textmode?06:00
mustard5Ep|phany, probably somewhere in ~/ directory06:00
MagicFabbrukental: check "Enterprise releases"06:00
gallonegro__whats the easiter way to make all torrents i download open with azures, instead of the orignal preinstalled oen?06:00
SEJeffsweetjesus: I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't06:00
MagicFabbrukental: not out yet I think06:00
Ep|phanyis there a way to serach my computer for a file?06:00
mustard5Ep|phany, type cd ~/ and then ls06:00
sweetjesusSEJeff: Cool. Just checking. Thanks!06:00
rain`stevejesus: ethreal or tcpdump?06:00
[linner] nalioth: hello stranger06:00
Ep|phanyah was on the desktop06:00
SEJeffsweetjesus: Do you use ethernet, or wireless?06:01
mustard5Ep|phany, there is a search funtion in the Places menu06:01
sweetjesusSEJeff: ether06:01
Ep|phanyanyways im off06:01
brukentalmagicfab: aye, cool thanks, thats what I was thinking.06:01
dduckoFound the one I want, but sold out every where I look..06:01
nalioth[linner] : speak of the devil, lol06:01
[linner] ???06:01
[linner] :)06:01
SEJeffsweetjesus: ok, kismet is your best bet06:01
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[linner] nalioth: how are you my mentor?06:01
[linner] :)06:01
sweetjesusSEJeff: word up. Getting it now...06:01
jon_Grrrr...this is pissing me off.06:01
brukentaljon: you cannot find chmod?06:01
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stevejesusmustard5:  oh so it looks like the info for a dvdrom is the same as a cdrom.  boy, i guess i could have just copied and pasted another entry and point it a hdd!06:01
_Dezwhere do i put ifconfig ra0 up | dhclient ra0 so it automaticly does it?06:01
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brukentaljon: chmod should work np06:02
jon_I can find it on the dictionary but Terminal is giving me BS that it cannot find it.06:02
cafuego__Dez: Nowhere. Add a stanza for ra0 to /etc/network/interfaces06:02
mustard5stevejesus, give it a go anyway ;)06:02
MagicFabToo bad daidlee left - found a possible solution!06:02
bur[n] er_Dez: you don't do that so much as you make a good /etc/network/interfaces file06:02
sweetjesusSEJeff: say, Synaptic says kismet is for wireless06:02
brukentaljon: gimme a sec.06:02
mustard5stevejesus, you can always remove it or edit it :D06:02
PrideFMagicFab, really?  where...the clock thing?06:02
MagicFabsweetjesus: ethereal ?06:03
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rain`jon_: do "whereis chmod"06:03
SEJeffMagicFab: ethereal isn't console based06:03
jon_ethereal: like a ghost06:03
AmiracleMagicFab: Did you see my last post?  Thanks for helping!06:03
MagicFabPrideF: yes - it's a documented bug in 2.6.10 kernels06:03
_Dezbur[n] er can you explain in privmsg?06:03
MagicFabAmiracle: nope06:03
sweetjesusMagicFab: I'd prefer to find something in textmode if I can. I do know about Ethereal though. :)06:03
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PrideF2.6.10 +?06:03
jon_cool got it :D06:03
SEJeffsweetjesus: Sorry, I do lots of wireless hacking :-)06:03
mustard5stevejesus, I wonder whether sudo fdisk -l will list your dvd06:03
AmiracleMagicFab: Yes, csh and tcsh are present. I posted a screenshot of Synaptic showing everything I have installed related to that.  And yes, I do have that file in that directory.06:03
oscarellohi, I made an account on ubuntu, so that it could send me some cds... now I have the and I have finished givinig them away.. but when I try to login I can't... Ive tried with all my emails (I just have 3)  but it doesnt enter06:03
bur[n] er_Dez: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%2Fetc%2Fnetwork%2Finterfaces&btnG=Google+Search06:03
SEJeffsweetjesus: tethereal06:04
bolbolhi, just ordered 10 cds from ubuntu ..are there really free? thanks! just wanna try linux, been scared and tired using win9506:04
jon_now just right 'chmod 777 and the path?'06:04
linuxusr50jon_   Try   which chmod and it will show you the directory the binary located in.06:04
MagicFabAmiracle: ok, just saw it06:04
holycowmozilla totem plugin is playing a stream now, weird.  not working exactly correct but its not really taking up any cpu time06:04
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holycowthats interesting06:04
DrZeusMagicFab, Im compiling now; brb06:04
sweetjesusSEJeff: np. Ah yes. tethereal....06:04
mustard5stevejesus, naaah.I just tried it :D06:04
MagicFaboscarello: make another one06:04
_DezThx bur[n] er <306:04
jon_Sweet brb lemme try.06:04
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Ron_oubuntu cds are free.06:04
oscarelloMagicFab, ok  then..06:04
dazvidHello world\n06:04
jon_Yeah it did.06:04
MagicFabbolbol: if you just wanted to try it yourself use those CDs carefully06:04
thewayofzenanyone able to help me resolve this:06:05
thewayofzenW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>06:05
MagicFabbolbol: perhaps donate to a local library instead of passing around06:05
rain`linuxusr50: whereis works also, as I said06:05
stevejesusmustard5:  more bad luck for me.  you know, fedora always updated the fstab for me.  and i do sort of miss kudzo06:05
MagicFabDrZeus: will be waiting06:05
jon_Now just manually go into the file and change it? I tried writing the path and terminal and it isn't working.06:05
linuxusr50sorry rain.  missed your post while typing mine.06:05
naliothubotu: tell thewayofzen about gpgerr06:05
MagicFabAmiracle: can you try executing those commands manually ?06:05
mustard5stevejesus, I've only ever been an ubuntu person...so I'm ignorant of other distros06:05
thewayofzennalioth,  to the rescue again. thanks.06:06
stevejesusmustard5:  otherwise ubuntu is being very nice to me.  still not as finetuned as fedora, but apt-get is certainly a better tool than yum, and i am also learning that debs are a lot better managed than roms!  but this is also due to apt-get06:06
=== Melissa83 [i=Boggle@ip70-178-29-8.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
_Dezbur[n] er do i just put ifconfig ra0 up then dhclient ra006:06
uboturain`: Did you get hit by a windmill?06:06
jon_I'm in the propertys of chmod, if I change it there will it work?06:06
stevejesusmustard5:  not roms "rpms" lol06:06
AmiracleMagicFab: Tried typing bsd-csh and I get just # waiting for commands06:07
mustard5stevejesus,  :)06:07
sweetjesusSEJeff: rock. I have tethereal now. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.06:07
AmiracleMagicFab: I'd need a little help that direction06:07
SEJeffsweetjesus, : np06:07
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Melissa83Has anyone here tried installing Ubuntu 5.10 on a laptop with a Turion64/ATI Xpress 200M chipset?06:07
jon_WTF? It's saying I am not root, how can I access the root account?06:07
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bur[n] er_Dez: no... look at the other examples in there and adapt it accordingly06:07
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SEJeffjon_: sudo -s06:08
SEJeffubotu, tell jon_ about rootsudo06:08
bur[n] er!tell jon_ about sudo06:08
mustard5Melissa83, you worried about compatibility?06:08
oscarellosudo su06:08
jon_K thanks brb06:08
MagicFabthewayofzen: try this: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/10/msg01283.html06:08
SEJeffoscarello: sudo -s is the best way to do it06:08
naliothScislaC: please dont advise that06:09
oscarelloSEJeff, whats the differnece  betwen sudo -s and sudo su?06:09
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Melissa83mustard5: Well, i ran the install, it seemed to go OK, but on first boot, X fails to load. I've reconfigured it several times, looked through the error log, and looked all over google/FAQ sites and haven't found much of anything useful. This seems SEMI - useful but.... well, i'm still lost http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7427406:09
naliothoscarello: please dont advise that06:09
SEJeffoscarello: sudo su goes through pam and the login process twice.06:09
MagicFabAmiracle: I am talking about the cups.... long command names06:09
oscarelloohh sorry06:09
tsumeSEJeff: yep, its up now :)06:09
sweetjesusis sudo an ubuntu only thing? or will I find sudo in other *nix os'es too?06:09
tsumeSEJeff: this rocks :)06:09
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SEJeffoscarello: sudo su makes it slower than sudo -s06:09
=== Melissa83 grins
tsumesweetjesus: sudo is software06:09
jah_raztahhow do i change the grub default ubuntu boot screen to a new one?06:09
AmiracleMagicFab: Oh, you mean setting up the cups drivers manually??06:09
tsumesweetjesus: a distro is software placed together witht he linux kernel06:10
Melissa83had to find sudo -s earlier when i was trying to open the gdm.conf file and look at it, hehe. I was like "wtf?! i don't remember setting a root pw!"06:10
naliothsweetjesus: sudo works in all unices06:10
tsumesweetjesus: sudo is a seperate project from ubuntu06:10
naliothsweetjesus: you may have to enable it, tho06:10
MagicFabAmiracle: yes06:10
tsumesweetjesus: sudo is a addon, its not in base06:10
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AmiracleMagicFab: I could, but I honestly don't know what difference that would make.  Do you have any idea why I am getting the error on the csh line?06:10
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sweetjesusnalioth: cool. that's what I wanted to know.06:10
SEJeffAmiracle: do you have to have csh?06:10
jah_raztahhow do i change the grub default ubuntu boot screen to a new one?06:10
n0odl3does anyone use pypanel?06:11
SEJeffAmiracle: Is that a requirement of the script06:11
mustard5Melissa83, do you have access to the machine?06:11
MagicFabAmiracle: that would give you more details on the error than just "not found"06:11
SEJeffAmiracle: if not, change it to bash06:11
AmiracleSEJeff: Yeah, csh or tcsh06:11
john__can someone direct me to a howto for recompiling a kernel under ubuntu.  every time i tried i get a kernel panic..06:11
ubuntuwho can help me with an Ubuntu doubt ?06:11
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ubuntuwho can help me with an Ubuntu doubt ?06:11
naliothubuntu: please dont repeat06:11
MagicFabAmiracle: use this syntax:  "./command"06:11
rain`nalioth: LOL06:11
Melissa83mustard5: It seems as though my problem is specifically related to the ATI chipset in my laptop (if you want to see the exact specs, checkout http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7367878&type=product&id=1125465158282 )06:11
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Melissa83mustard5: yes, it's sitting right next to me06:11
jon_I went into terminal and typed it gksudo gedit then a window opened and terminal showed this: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.06:11
n0odl3or does anyone know how to use python?06:12
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thewayofzennalioth,  your method worked flawlessly as always thanks again.06:12
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M0nk3yB0yI was discussing running Ubuntu on my servers insteed of Debian? A friend said it's a bad idea... but without giving me specifics. What's the real dea?06:12
rain`n0odl3: #python ?06:12
mustard5Melissa83, I'd like to peruse the xorg.conf in pastebin http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl06:12
nalioththewayofzen: ubotu is the know-it-all06:12
_Deziface eth0 inet dhcp06:12
[linner] tritium: hi sweetie :)06:12
mustard5Melissa83, I suppose that going to be hard though :D06:12
MagicFabM0nk3yB0y: from what I've read server installs of Ubuntu use somewhat older packages - nalioth can u confirm ?06:12
gwidionHi there!06:12
tsumemy favorite activity06:12
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gwidionI am having an issue with Ubuntu and raid 106:12
tsumewatch movies on the 19" monitor, and code on the other06:12
_Dezif i put this in my /interfaces iface eth0 inet dhcp will this automaticly do everything for me?06:12
sweetjesuslinner = lunch + dinner?06:12
SEJeffjon_, try sudo xhost localhost06:13
[linner] sweetjesus: you got it kiddo06:13
mustard5Melissa83, what drivers is it using according to xorg.conf now?06:13
M0nk3yB0yOlder then the Desktop Version06:13
naliothMagicFab: not so. the 'server' option on an ubuntu install cd is as up to date as anything else, just has no X06:13
AmiracleMagicFab: If I use that syntax I get "bad interpreter: Permission denied"06:13
=== tsume loves Toshiba laptops, they are the best(only if they have NVIDIA
AmiracleMacFab: Regarding the /bin/csh06:13
sweetjesus[linner] : yay.06:13
[linner] sweetjesus: actually  i made it that way because i was building a linux box during dinner... so really it's linux + dinner06:13
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jon_Whats that? Is that where I type is sudo chown example' ?06:13
SEJeffAmiracle: can you put the script on a pastebin?06:13
M0nk3yB0ynalioth: Thx06:13
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sweetjesus[linner] : that's commitment.06:13
AmiracleSEJeff: sure06:13
jah_raztahanyone have nay idea how do i change the grub default ubuntu boot screen to a new one on breezy?06:13
=== markw tests AMD64 raid1 and lvm install at one time on breezy.
gwidionSo, it looks like the raid1 module is not in the initrd.img - taht gives me nasty error messages when the FSs have to be checked. I need help getting the raid1 module into the initrd.img.06:13
Melissa83mustard5: Mind a PM? I'm having a hard time parsing through all of this, hehe06:13
_Deztsume were you talking to me?06:14
Melissa83mustard5: I'm also bringin the laptop up now so that i can open it up again06:14
FR500jah_raztah, afaik grub doesn't come with a boot screen06:14
MagicFabnalioth: hmpf! actually heard that at UBZ!06:14
naliothjah_raztah: please wait a few minutes between repeating the same question. we are not ignoring you, we just dont know your answer06:14
tsume_Dez: did i? sorry06:14
=== michael_t [n=michael@cblmdm72-240-220-204.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5Melissa83, /join #kubuntu-offtopic plz06:14
n0odl3rain`: how do i set up a program using python06:14
[linner] sweetjesus: why not do two things you love at once...  :)06:14
n0odl3rain`: pypanel needs to be set up usin python06:14
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jon_So is there anyway I can just find the 'root' password?06:14
rain`n0odl3: i have no idea06:14
MagicFabnalioth: can u help Amiracle ? I am almost guessing stuff06:14
naliothMagicFab: help them with what?06:15
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FR500jon_, root login is disabled06:15
FR500jon_, i think you gotta enable it in grub06:15
michael_turleyhi, all.  where should I go to find help with firefox on ubuntu?06:15
pppoe_dudedoes jabber save conact list?06:15
jon_Alright, so i'll reboot. How do I do that?06:15
gwidionFR500, jon_ no need for that.06:16
SEJeffjon_: sudo shutdown -r now06:16
n0odl3does anyone know how to use python to set up a prograM?06:16
[linner] does anyone know if official breezy fixed the broadcom wireless problem???06:16
gwidionjon_ just do sudo  passwd06:16
M0nk3yB0yI've been running Debian for the last four years and I have to say I'm very impressed with Ubuntu... So if any of the maitainers or project cordiantor are listening... GOOD JOB!06:16
SEJeffn0odl3: /j #python06:16
gwidionand create a password for root.06:16
jon_Alright, wait? sudo is the password?06:16
naliothmichael_turley: ask your question here06:16
AmiracleSEJeff: Done06:16
pppoe_dudejon_: by default, ubuntu comes with the root account disabled06:16
michael_turleythanks, nalioth06:16
pppoe_dudejon_, google it and you will find more info06:16
gwidionjon_ : no need to reboot - are you there?06:16
SEJeffAmiracle: I kind of need a URL06:16
nicholaspaulnalioth: i'm really baffled by my lack of connection sharing :(06:16
michael_turleyi can't get firefox to start unless i06:16
gwidionjon_: no, sudo is the command to issue root commands without a root password.06:17
michael_turleyunless i'm sudo'ed06:17
naliothnicholaspaul: you're baffling me too06:17
FR500jon_, he mean, type "sudo passwd"06:17
tsumenow using gnome and KDE on a dual seems to pathetic06:17
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MagicFabjah_raztah: try this: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2005/10/msg01283.html06:17
tsumeI think I'll start using fluxbox again06:17
markwso am I pushing my luck?06:17
jon_Ohhh!! Great, this clears everything up06:17
Amiraclenalioth: Check out http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/429006:17
SEJefftsume: meh, use openbox06:17
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nicholaspaulnalioth: esp. as my install is new, and i've tried everything. I think.  i dunno. perhaps a few days sleep will help.06:17
nicholaspaulwell nalioth i'm heading to bed - see ya soon.06:17
jon_Wooo! There we go.06:17
michael_turleyi click the icon, or find it under "applications" and get the taskbar box that says "starting firefox" but it never launches06:17
pppoe_dudeso does jabber save your contact list? say if you log in from a different location?06:17
gwidionAnyone can help modifying the contents of initrd.img without recompiling the kernel?06:18
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jon_You guys rock :D Soo...I think i'm just going to pick up 'Linux in a nutshell' at the bookstore.06:18
MagicFabpppoe_dude: yes jabber saves it06:18
freefallerI just installed 5.1 and I can't add multiverse or universe to the "update manager"06:18
gwidionjon_ beware - certain books are _quite_ outdated.06:18
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michael_turleyi can't figure out this problem because it didn't happen until a few days ago, weeks after installing ubuntu06:19
crimsungwidion: you can always do that without recompiling the entire kernel. Just use mkinitramfs.06:19
jon_Yeah, i'll make sure to buy a newer copy.06:19
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pppoe_dudefreefaller, try adding deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy multiverse06:19
MagicFabmichael_turley: weird. have you tried re-installing it ?06:19
naliothfreefaller: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list as detailed here06:19
naliothubotu: tell freefaller about repos06:19
MagicFabAmiracle: sorry, can't help you much more06:20
jon_Tell you this, even though I had to go through hell just to figure out something I still like Linux better than Wind0ws06:20
[linner] let me see if i can rephrase my question... is anyone else having broadcom wireless problems?06:20
gwidioncrimsun: But I would need a compiled-kernel tree for that don't I? I just wnat to mount or otherwise chaneg the files in there.06:20
michael_turleyyes, in the synaptic package manager?06:20
AmiracleMagicFab: Thanks for trying, I really appreciate that!06:20
crimsungwidion: no, you don't06:20
pppoe_dudejon_, soon you'll start hating other things too... like stupid companies who dont make drivers for linux06:20
MagicFab[linner] : which specific problem did you refer to first ? I have broadcom w/o problems06:20
jon_Lol, like whom? Gentoo? Fedora?06:20
michael_turleyi've reinstalled it, but never uninstalled it before doing so because it says it'll take my ubuntu-desktop, too.06:20
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SEJeffpppoe_dude: don't hate them man. Pester them. Find their contact email addresses and phone numbers. If enough people ask them, they will start supporting linux06:21
naliothAmiracle: may i assume you've installed or checked the funtion of csh?06:21
pppoe_dudejon_, oh no, like ca*on, so*y, etc.06:21
[linner] MagicFab: I have a new compaq laptop with a broadcom wireless and have NEVER been able to get it to work06:21
gwidioncrimsun: Ok - so, the problem I am having is I had set up raid 1, and at the time the system wants to fsck at boot, it doesn't have the raid 1 ready - I suppose this can be fixed by putting the raid1 module inside initrd.img, right?06:21
MagicFabmichael_turley: it's not bad if you remove ubuntu-desktop, as long as you reinstall it06:21
Amiraclenalioth: Yep, csh and tcsh are all installed06:21
michael_turleyi'm new enough to linux to fear removing the desktop...06:21
MagicFabmichael_turley: just note which packages are being uninstalled06:21
naliothAmiracle: in your console, type "csh" <enter> and then try the script06:21
michael_turleywhat do I use to reinstall it?06:22
freefallerppoe_dude:  I tried and I get "error unable to get exclusive lock" ???06:22
MagicFabmichael_turley: it doesn't remove the desktop06:22
pppoe_dudeSEJeff, not from my experience... "Hi sir, how can I help you" "Hi I have linux blahblahblah" "Oh sorry sir, we can't continue this conversation any further..."06:22
SEJeff[linner] : install ndisgtk and then load the windows driver for your card06:22
jon_pppoe_dude : Alright I got passed the password thing and now to install it says : Change to the directory in which you want installed. What does that mean?06:22
dazvidIm trying to capture some video from my DV camera using Kino (through a 1394 cable) and it states that IEEE 1394 subsystem is not enabled. So how can I get this thing working?06:22
SEJeffpppoe_dude: No, ask them when they are going to support it06:22
AmiracleWell, my console doesn't understand csh, that's the problem.  It does understand bsd-csh though.06:22
[linner] SEJeff: what is ndis?  is that the wrapper?06:22
MagicFabmichael_turley: ubuntu-desktop is a "meta-package" that ensures other packages get installed as a whole (using dependencies)06:22
naliothfreefaller: you have too many apt-gets open06:22
SEJeffpppoe_dude: Call sales, not tech06:22
naliothAmiracle: something is wonky06:22
michael_turleyso goto synaptic, tell it uninstall, then reinstall from there, too?06:23
pppoe_dudeSEJeff, maybe i should06:23
_Dezwireless-essid any Will this make it conenct to any ??06:23
freefallernalioth:  none, just the update manager window06:23
naliothAmiracle: sudo apt-get install csh06:23
glickharvey birdman attorny at law is hilarious06:23
SEJeff[linner] : ndiswrapper is the only way to get broadcomm cards to work in linux. It uses the windows drivers06:23
jon_Where in general do I want to install things, thats kind of what I ment.06:23
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[linner] SEJeff: i tried that prior to the breezy release and lord know it didn't work for me... that's why i had to uninstall it and put windoze back on06:23
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SEJeff[linner] : ndisgtk is a gui that makes ndiswrapper easy to use for someone who isn't a shell scripting monkey06:23
Amiraclenalioth: If I use bsd-csh and ./command I get "Permission Denied"06:23
naliothSEJeff: [linner]  runs a powerpc06:23
MagicFabmichael_turley: yes06:23
pppoe_dudejon_, what was the problem sorry??06:23
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crimsungwidion: google probably has more clue than I do, sorry.06:23
naliothAmiracle: install 'csh' using apt-get06:23
[linner] nalioth: no I don't...06:23
SEJeffnalioth: windows on ppc?06:23
michael_turleywill I be able to stay on here as I do so?06:23
nalioth[linner] : you dont?06:23
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[linner] nalioth: I have an AMD Turion 64 on a Compaq.... how quickly we forget! :)06:24
jon_Alright, now it's saying I need to install it to a directory path name. Where should I install programs?06:24
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M0nk3yB0yIs anyone running Ubuntu for their servers?06:24
Amiraclenalioth: apt-get install csh - nothing new, upgraded, or installed06:24
[linner] SEJeff: No... don't listen to him... about my machine :)06:24
gwidioncrimsun: Thank you anyway - I have a starting point. I could not get to mkinitramfs in google prior to getting here.06:24
MagicFabM0nk3yB0y: yes06:24
tsumeM0nk3yB0y: I had a hoary server, but it was a bit of a pain for what I needed it for06:24
Amiraclenalioth: It says it's there06:24
JaMiNkLedoes snes9x even work on ubuntu06:24
white_lightningdoes anyone have ANY expirience with America's Army on a 64-bit installation?06:24
tsumeM0nk3yB0y: though my setups are extreme06:24
SEJeffJaMiNkLe, zsnes does. And it is much better06:25
tsumeM0nk3yB0y: i hve to compile everything anyway :) Ubuntu is great for a server06:25
pppoe_dudejon_, are you compiling something?06:25
JaMiNkLei need a ppc version and zsnes isent06:25
michael_turleyMagicFab: can I stay on this chat channel as I uninstall and reinstall firefox?06:25
MagicFabmichael_turley: yes06:25
jon_I have no clue, I just downloaded the (self-extracting) linux file from Java.com06:25
pppoe_dudejon_, OH06:26
_Dezhow would i add no acpi to grub ??06:26
Amiraclenalioth: A little background - If I go to localhost:631, my printer is recognized and is set to it's USB port.  The CUPS driver is recognized but the printer won't print.  I think it all goes back to this csh business.06:26
pppoe_dudejon_, install it to /opt/java06:26
white_lightningdoes anyone have ANY expirience with America's Army on a 64-bit installation?06:26
white_lightningCheat protection disabled06:26
white_lightningWARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!06:26
white_lightningCouldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual06:26
MagicFabmichael_turley: unless you're using chatzilla like me06:26
M0nk3yB0yWe are getting a bunch of new AMD64 servers this month... and since Debian doesn't have an "Official Build" for AMD64 I'm thinking about putting on Ubuntu insteed06:26
jon_usr/java won't work?06:26
tgagood idea, linux should come in a self-extracting file06:26
pppoe_dudejon_, or any directory for that matter06:26
naliothwhite_lightning: please dont paste06:26
[linner] SEJeff: ok... so apt-get ndisgtk right?06:26
pppoe_dudejon_, youll have to add it to path later anyway06:26
[linner] SEJeff: then do what?06:26
SEJeff[linner] : Yes06:26
michael_turleyMagicFab: I'm using the X-chat.  I don't think that's dependent on Firefox.06:26
tgaM0nk3yB0y, are they Sun Galaxies? :)06:26
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jon_Thats what i'm doing now. It wants a directory path.06:26
naliothAmiracle: without being able to log into a csh shell, i'm lost06:26
M0nk3yB0yNo Penguin Computing06:26
z3r0xhas anybody installed google map on linux?06:26
MagicFabmichael_turley: X-chat is ok - go!06:27
[linner] z3r0x: I didn't know that you could...06:27
pppoe_dudejon_, you can install it to any directory, and then put it in the $PATH so programs can find it without looking06:27
SEJeff[linner] : It puts a menu entry somewhere under System --> Administration --> Windows Wireless Drivers06:27
_Dezhow would i add no acpi to grub ??06:27
tgaz3r0x, you can't 'install' Google Maps06:27
michael_turleyMagicFab: I'll give it a try...  but before I do...  there's no chance this'll trash my data directories on my second and third HDDs, right?06:27
z3r0x[linner] , is only for linux06:27
[linner] SEJeff: define "it"06:27
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MagicFabz3r0x: unless you mean Google Earth06:27
z3r0x[linner] , sorry I mean for windows06:27
Amiraclenalioth: Yeah it's crazy.  If I type in csh <enter>: bash: csh: command not found06:27
jon_K, so just type in usr/java06:27
z3r0xMagicFab, ups yes google earth06:27
[linner] z3r0x: oh okay06:27
pppoe_dudejon_, yes "/usr/java"06:28
Amiraclenalioth: Thanks for your help though, it's appreciated!06:28
tgaz3r0x, that's Google Earth and there is no Linux version.. try wine maybe06:28
_Dezwhere do i edit the motd ??06:28
jon_'No such file or dictionary' damn.06:28
MagicFabz3r0x: I'd suggest a virtual machine using qemu and Win2K06:28
tga_Dez, /etc/motd06:28
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pppoe_dude_Dez, /etc/motd06:28
z3r0xI tried it with crossover office but it didn't work06:28
pppoe_dudejon_, create it then install in it06:28
tgaz3r0x, then there's probably no easy way to get it working06:28
SEJeff[linner] : it as in apt-get install ndisgtk06:28
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jon_The example shows to put it in cd...then go to cd/usr/java06:28
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MagicFabtga: wine won't get you far06:28
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MagicFabtga: at least not w/ GE06:28
[linner] SEJeff: ok...06:28
JaMiNkLedoes qemu work with ppc linux?06:28
naliothAmiracle: try installing csh with synaptic06:28
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tgaMagicFab, heh, then I guess you're SOL06:29
naliothJaMiNkLe: it does06:29
z3r0xtga, hm ok :) I don't wanna use this windows crap06:29
tgaz3r0x, I don't think you have much choice here06:29
[linner] SEJeff: If you say it works... then I'll try reinstalling again.06:29
Amiraclenalioth: it's installed06:29
MagicFabJaMiNkLe: I don't see why it wouldn't06:29
SEJeff[linner] : I have seen it work on 2 laptops I worked on06:29
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Amiraclenalioth: I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it too06:29
[linner] SEJeff: were they NEW?06:29
pppoe_dudejon_, r you using the .bin file?06:30
n0odl3how do i uncompress a tgz file?06:30
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[linner] I mean like July 2005 new...06:30
MagicFabtga: SOL ?06:30
n0odl3dont i use gzip -d?06:30
SEJeff[linner] : But you will need to have a copy of the windows drivers with the inf06:30
jon_pppoe_dude : Yes06:30
naliothubotu: tell n0odl3 about cli06:30
SEJeff[linner] : hp zd7000 series06:30
pppoe_duden0odl3, gunzip <file> then tar -xvf <file.tar>06:30
[linner] SEJeff: I have that... not a problem06:30
naliothn0odl3: if you read this stuff, you'll become more powerful06:30
pppoe_duden0odl3, theres also a one liner06:30
SEJeff[linner] : You should be good then06:30
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n0odl3thank you nalioth06:30
[linner] SEJeff: ok... i'll give it a whirl especially since compaq generally = hp06:30
[linner] SEJeff: if it work dude, you're my hero06:30
n0odl3ppope_dude: cant i just pipe it?06:30
[linner] SEJeff: ANd by the way, I'm a girl :)06:30
MagicFabz3r0x: qemu is not quick to install, but easy if you follow the docs06:30
michael_turleyMagicFab: firefox is uninstalled now...06:30
pppoe_duden0odl3, I think theres a tar-xzvf or something06:30
naliothAmiracle: and when you type "bsd-csh" <enter> nothing happens?06:31
pppoe_duden0odl3, i never use it though...06:31
[linner] ok guys i'm off so i can try to REinstall breezy....06:31
jon_can I just create a programs file and install my programs to usr/programs/program dictionary ?06:31
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[linner] be back afterwhile :)06:31
pppoe_duden0odl3, better do it in two steps coz the filename chages06:31
Amiraclenalioth: Oh no, then I get my csh command line06:31
z3r0xMagicFab, ok.... I found this -> Wine, as a Win32 API implementation for Unix, is useful now. You can run IE, Office 2003, Google Earth, ....06:31
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[linner] SEJeff: thanks again!06:31
MagicFabz3r0x: I mean, creating the operating system (Win2K for example) is the long part06:31
tgaMagicFab, sudo apt-get install wtf && wtf sol06:31
naliothAmiracle: <sigh>06:31
SEJeff[linner] : Linux needs more women :-)06:31
tsumewell later people06:31
[linner] SEJeff: why thank you :)06:31
naliothAmiracle: run your script FROM that command line06:31
tsumeI guess I didn't need help after all :)06:31
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Amiraclenalioth: did that, no go06:31
JaMiNkLelol ill make my gf install linux06:31
n0odl3oh i found out what went wrong06:31
n0odl3i was in the wrong dir06:31
MagicFabz3r0x: every thing I tried with Wine failed for me - but yes, you can try06:32
Amiraclenalioth: Permission denied06:32
n0odl3thanx for the help though06:32
naliothAmiracle: then your script is screwed06:32
Amiraclenalioth: And I am in root06:32
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dazvidMagicFab, did you you use wine 0.9.1 ?06:32
naliothAmiracle: n/m your script is fine06:32
pppoe_dudePsi is really good, however, the difficulty lies in making other people use it06:32
naliothAmiracle: chmod +x scriptname.sh06:32
michael_turleyMagicFab: now reinstalling firefox.  I didn't close the Synaptic06:32
pppoe_dude"convincing others"06:32
z3r0xMagicFab, I'll try first with wine...windows is my last choice06:32
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SEJeff[linner] : you're welcome06:32
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michael_turleyMagicFab: and now reinstalling gnome-desktop and those other misc things that went out with the uninstall....06:32
cronikhi everyone06:33
jon_can i install it to the home folder and just make a folder in there titled: Programs then install all my progs into there?06:33
SEJeffjon_: linux doesn't work like that06:33
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MagicFabdazvid: nope - haven't needed to lately06:33
SEJeffjon_: You can't06:33
z3r0xI have an other question. always when I try to install a package over apt-get I get this warning: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated06:33
pppoe_dudeSEJeff, it can... if you really want it to06:33
obscuriteGood evening guys. Anyone know how to make evolution send SMTP mail on an alternate port?06:33
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theturtlanyone ever tried qemu versus Vmware 4.x ? i'm using vmware 4 and its ok, but could be faster06:33
Amiraclenalioth: Still no go06:34
squareffany reason timidity would work and kmid not?06:34
MagicFabmichael_turley: following you06:34
jon_So then what? Where do I install my programs too?06:34
obscuriteI only ask here because it's the defacto default mail client on ubuntu :)06:34
pppoe_dudeSEJeff, but i wouldnt be a good way i guess06:34
naliothAmiracle: then at this point , i'm out of ideas06:34
SEJeffpppoe_dude: Lets not get technical. I doubt a newbie wants to learn to do the ./configure && make dance06:34
ubotuIf you get GPG errors when accessing the Ubuntu archives, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* (Yes, you will get some 'is a directory' messages, that's fine) then wait 10 minutes and retry.06:34
SEJeffpppoe_dude: Putting things in context, it can't06:34
michael_turleyMagicFab:  thanks...  it's taking a long time re-setting up yelp, but doesn't seem to have hung06:34
pppoe_dudeSEJeff, k sorry06:34
obscuritetheturtl - vmware 4.5 and 5 have done very well for me. dont want to pay for the upgrade?06:34
SEJeffpppoe_dude: But technically, you are correct :-)06:34
MagicFabtheturtl: qemu has an accelerator, but it worked fast enough as it is for me06:34
pppoe_dudejon_, for the most part, you can use 'synaptic' to install most of the programs06:35
obscuriteI just got vmware workstation running on ubuntu with a helpful webpage that showed me how to use gcc 3.4, link the kernel headers dir, etc06:35
john__obaueite: did you have to recompile your kernel to get them to work? thats what its telling me to do.06:35
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jon_Alright, so how the hell do I even install it?06:35
obscuriteI also had to use some patch06:35
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pppoe_dudejon_, other programs that let you choose the path are generally better to install in some directory like /opt, so that you have control over the file tree06:35
john__can u find me tutorial06:35
john__i been tring and tring06:35
=== markw may have found an issue in the install.
john__keep getting kernel panic on compiled kernel06:35
john__booting on sda106:36
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jon_alright. so i'll just try typing/opt06:36
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obscuriteis someone talking to me? lol06:36
pppoe_dudejon_, try that06:36
markwcreated two raid devices, 200mb /boot which was /dev/md0 and 196GB /dev/md1 which I put lvm on top of.06:36
FarrisGIs there a list of known issues with the fglrx ubuntu package?06:36
n0odl3is the canada server haveing problems because im getting gpg errors06:36
michael_turleyMagicFab: about how long should yelp take to reinstall?  minutes?  tens of minutes?  more? (2.8ghz celeron, 256MB ram)06:36
markwthe installer wrote /dev/md1 as /boot in fstab.06:36
obscuritejohn__ - didn't realize you were talking to me06:36
jon_oO Nope. No such file or dictionary...all i'm doing is just typing 'opt/' do I need to add anything else like /usr/opt/06:36
obscuritejohn__: put my name in front of your msgs so I know06:37
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MagicFabmichael_turley: dpeends how fast you're connected/ how big th epackages are06:37
n0odl3wheere is the sources list again?06:37
pppoe_dudejon_ you have to type "/opt"06:37
obscuritejohn__: let me find that helpful web page06:37
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jon_I did. Nope.06:37
john__obscurite: im tring to recompile kernel to use vmware..  been having problems.   ok that would be nice.06:37
MagicFabyou can check details of the install06:37
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n0odl3 is it /etc/apt/sources.list?06:38
pppoe_dudejon_, make that directory. go to a terminal, type "sudo mkdir /opt"06:38
FarrisGWhenever I ctrl+alt+F1 to get a tty, after I'm done and I ctrl+alt+f7, my screen gets some nasty image warping at the top and the system completely freezes, requiring a reboot. I've tried it with more than one ATI card and more than one mobo. Same problem06:38
obscuritejohn__: this is what I used http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65638&highlight=vmware06:38
bimberin0odl3: yes06:38
Amiraclenalioth: Thanks for your help.06:38
john__obscurite: what version of windows you running?06:38
obscuritejohn__: I am using default breezy kernel, no probs. had to use a patch though (which is mentoined on that page)06:38
jon_wtf? it's saying the file does exists, yet when I try to install it says it isn't a dic06:38
MagicFabFarrisG: instead of going to ctrl+alt+f7 I would issue a "startx" command06:38
obscuritejohn__: i run linux guests at this point only06:38
MagicFabor hit CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE06:39
pppoe_dudejon_: you probably had the /'s wrong06:39
pppoe_dudejon_, or maybe the script is going whack06:39
naliothAmiracle: i hate proprietary tainted stuff06:39
michael_turleyMagicFab: Ok...  cable modem, still running.   (never thought I'd like IRC, but I see the appeal tonight, that's for sure)06:39
z0rzSo what's the best vnc server to install on ubuntu?06:39
FarrisGMagicFab: But I already have X started06:39
jon_I'm doing exactly what your saying "sude mkdir /opt"06:40
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obscuriteSo, noone knows how to make Evolution mail use an alternate SMTP port?06:40
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MagicFabFarrisG: why do you go to CTRL-ALT f106:40
n0odl3arrgh! gpg errors!06:40
obscuriteHow can an advanced mail client not have an option to change SMTP port :)06:40
n0odl3is it because im using a bad mirror (ca)06:40
pppoe_dudejon_, yes but in the java installation, did you put /opt too?06:40
john__obscurite: your the man!06:40
ubotuIf you get GPG errors when accessing the Ubuntu archives, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* (Yes, you will get some 'is a directory' messages, that's fine) then wait 10 minutes and retry.06:40
bimberiz0rz: vino is already installed (configured via System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop)06:40
obscuritejohn__: enjoy :)06:40
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pppoe_duden0odl3, you probably need to download the keys06:40
AmiracleSo long, farewell, aufviedersehen nalioth und MagicFab06:40
MagicFabobscurite: did you try the config files ?06:40
z3r0xMagicFab, I tried it with wine -> I need a file called c:\windows\system\psapi.dll :(06:40
obscuritejohn__: I found a slightly newer patch on that site, rather than the one they mention and it worked fine for m06:40
naliothMagicFab: ade06:40
n0odl3pppoe_dude: what do you need?06:40
MagicFabAmiracle: don't forget to ask Brother forums about Ubuntu support ;)06:41
obscuriteMagicFab: no, i'll try it thanks06:41
n0odl3pppoe_dude: i mean what do you mean?06:41
pppoe_duden0odl3, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&postid=1908818#post190881806:41
jon_1 sec, during installation I typed just like the example: "cd /opt" and created a new line... so I guessed it worked.06:41
n0odl3pppoe_dude: my keys were fine until now whats wrong with them?06:41
MagicFabz3r0x: what you need is a full Windows licence in another partition ;)06:41
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MagicFabz3r0x: lookup the file in google, who knows06:41
MagicFabnalioth: ade ?06:41
pppoe_duden0odl3, I don't know, but I had a bit of a problem similar to that before... I had to redownload them and update apt06:41
obscuriteAnyone using xen with ubuntu?06:42
dazvidHow do i enable my Firewire connection for read/write?06:42
michael_turleyMagicFab: what is yelp, anyway?  (I'd check, but the Synaptic package manager is *still* busy)06:42
dazvidfor use with kino video editor ^06:42
n0odl3thats site does not answer any of my questions06:42
pppoe_duden0odl3, namely, gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys then apt-key add /root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg06:42
n0odl3why does my keys constatly brake?!06:42
MagicFabmichael_turley: don't know06:42
naliothMagicFab: i was told "auf wiedersehen" i responded with an unmarked "ade"06:43
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=== MagicFab is lost in translation
linuxgeek2hi folks06:43
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MagicFablinuxgeek2: what can we serve you tonight ?06:43
pppoe_duden0odl3, I don't know. Which one breaks?06:43
michael_turleyMagicFab: I'm not usually impatient, but this is taking far longer than even the update from the "preview" edition of breezy badger06:44
linuxgeek2I want some Indian food06:44
=== MagicFab will expire in about 15 mins.
n0odl3pppoe_dude: join #flood and ill show ou the message06:44
=== obscurite gives up on using the configuration editor thingy
linuxgeek2Do u serve indian food at the ubuntu restarant MagicFab06:44
MagicFabmichael_turley: can you see the details of what it's doing ?06:44
raghulinuxgeek2: dal sambar06:44
linuxgeek2haha raghu06:45
=== MagicFab is checking if the Indian chef is still around
raghulinuxgeek2: yo06:45
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linuxgeek2Not dal sambar, I want chicken biriyani06:45
jon_pppoe_dude: Alright, I got int /opt now my terminal is like this: root@dffedfd4e: /opt .... now it needs me to create a dictionary for it...so now do I type: cd /opt/usr/java06:45
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linuxgeek2and bacon and eggs for brealfast06:45
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MagicFablinuxgeek2: order placed06:45
michael_turleyMagicFab: it now says "dependency problems, leaving unconfigured"06:45
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michael_turleyMagicFab: I hope that's only "yelp".   I'm gonna try again.06:46
MagicFabmichael_turley: you need to reinstall the same packages06:46
sizzamanyone have a linux alternative to 'shortkeys' on windows?06:46
sizzamkeyboard macros basically06:46
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linuxgeek2Wow MagicFab My mouth is begining to water06:46
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linuxgeek2MagicFab, Do u server fresh juice at the ubu restuarant too ?06:47
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michael_turleyMagicFab: it seems to be coming along now... gnome-desktop requires yelp, so I'm doing yelp first.06:47
Cindycan  anyone here please help me install this gdm- to my ubuntu??06:47
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linuxgeek2What do u have on ut menu MagicFab06:47
silversurferwhy this gdm.06:47
_Dezis there a editor for IceWM?06:48
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Cindyhow can i install it?06:48
MagicFablinuxgeek2: nope - that would be at #offtopic-tropicaljuices ;)06:48
obscuriteAny evolution gurus happen to know offhand where the config is to set a custom SMTP port? :)06:48
raghuCindy: it is apt-get what is the problem?06:48
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naliothlinuxgeek2: MagicFab y'all talk food in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:48
obscurite(Yes, I am being a lazy SOB)06:48
Cindyapt-get --purge my gdm then i want to reinstall it06:48
tgaobscurite, in the smtp window?06:49
silversurferdpkg -i gdm....06:49
Cindyapt-get --purge remove<--- i mean06:49
raghuCindy: it is apt-get insatll gdm06:49
obscuritetga: Hmm, I think I checked every darn option06:49
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obscuritetga: you sure it's there, or are you teasting06:49
obscuritetga: teasing, rather06:49
linuxgeek2come to offtopic MagicFab06:49
silversurferUse dpkg -i06:49
silversurferIt's like apt-get06:49
raghuCindy: or apt-get install --reinstall gdm06:49
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linuxgeek2Cindy, apt-get reomove gdm to remove gdm06:50
linuxgeek2and apt-get install gdm06:50
Cindysilver it cannot access archive, where im gonna put the archive?06:51
tgaobscurite, funny, it's not there\06:51
=== FarrisG [n=farris@c-24-1-176-16.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nuckare there packets that won't be captured by ethereal if its not run as root?06:51
obscuritetga: no kidding :)06:51
tganuck, no, unless you specify a filter06:51
FarrisGOk, here's another one: Is there a default keyboard shortcut to open up the "Screen Resolution" dialog?06:52
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naliothnuck: yes, all of em06:52
tganuck, oh, if you're *not* root you can't even put the card in promiscuous mode06:52
=== MagicFab aims for the bed
MagicFab'nite all06:52
=== tga won't ask what MagicFab is doing
obscuriteEvery google link I check says evolution doesn't allow you to change SMTP port06:52
nuckso the only way to run ethereal is as root?06:52
=== obscurite slaps evolution around
MagicFabobscurite: last resort - port forwarding ?06:53
tgaobscurite, lame06:53
naliothnuck: if you want it to work properly, yes06:53
MagicFabcouldn't help it ;)06:53
obscuriteMagicFab: barf06:53
=== Delvien [n=dm@cpe-65-31-24-117.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DelvienHas anyone got their Microsoft Bluetooth mouse's scroll wheel working?06:53
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michael_turleyMagicFab: well, the reinstall didn't work..  I'll check here tomorrow.06:53
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nucki heard you can order ubuntu 5.10 cd for no charge... why? who pays for it?06:54
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IGOREKHORRORHello people06:54
tganuck, you get billed for it next year, with 200% interest06:54
Delviennuck if im not mistaken you pay for the cost of the CDr lol06:54
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tgaDelvien, ever heard of shipit?06:55
tganuck, there's something about that in the shipit faq06:55
nuckwhat's 200% of free? :-p06:55
Juhaznuck, cd's are practically free to produce in large quantities06:55
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tgathey're not free to ship internationally, heh06:55
Delvientga nah, i wouldnt order it anyway, i can burn my own copy06:55
pppoe_dudejon_, mkdir creates directories06:56
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obscuriteI may have found a way to change SMTP port in evolution. One sec.06:56
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nuckbut someone from here is giving away ubuntu5.10 cds for free says he ordered / got it for free?06:56
naliothnuck: shipit.ubuntu.com06:56
nuckerr maybe its some governement conspiracy and they installed spyware on ubuntu06:57
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nuckhe he06:57
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npricesay i did a server install, what's the name of the virtual package(s) that i need to install to install all the normal GNOME desktop components?  I wanted to put 5.10 on but I only had a 5.04 CD so i figured i'd just do a server install and pull the rest from apt06:58
nuckthe problem with ubuntu is it depends on the goodwill of people to make it going... what if the good people get tired?06:58
Juhazthey're shipping those discs simply because they want people to use ubuntu06:58
naliothnprice: "ubuntu-desktop"06:58
Kyralnprice, ubuntu-desktop06:58
Kyraland now I sleep06:58
=== CaBlGuY is now known as CaBlGuY-Sleep
SEJeffnuck: How does it depend on people? Mark shuttleworth gave 10 million dollars to the Ubuntu Foundation to keep it going06:59
SEJeffnuck: 10 million dollars will keep it going for some time06:59
npricebeen using freebsd and solaris for too long06:59
bluestrainnuck: do some googling for interviews with Mark Shuttleworth.  You will find good answers.06:59
nuckwhere can i give another 10million?06:59
obscuriteOkay, why they don't tell you this I don't know. You just add :PORT to the host name in the sending mail section for server name.06:59
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Delviennuck can i have 10 million ?:P07:00
=== obscurite unslaps evolution
nuck10 million praises for job well done that is he he :-)07:00
Delvienanyone solve the MS bluetooth mouse scroll wheel bug yet?07:00
linuxgeek2Hi folks is ubotu a bot07:01
pc22how do i install w32 codec07:01
Delvienyes geek07:01
nuckany chance ubuntu foundation can solicit financial help from bill gates?07:01
=== cef [n=cef@c211-28-9-44.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
cef*sigh* damn evolution is a sucky program07:01
SEJeffnprice: the package name you want is gnome-desktop-environment and ubuntu-desktop07:01
Delviena memory hog too07:01
linuxgeek2Delvien, can I command it to give me some howto links in wiki.ubuntu.org07:01
nuckubotu is a bot? gosh i was picking a fight with it a while ago07:01
ubotunuck: Do they come in packets of five?07:01
bluestrainand those are evolution's good points07:02
nuckshut up ubotu07:02
SEJeffnuck: no, because Mark founded it07:02
Delvienlinuxgeek2 yeah say things like !restrictedformats and stuff07:02
linuxgeek2Delvien, How do I do that ?07:02
Delvienlinuxgeek2 just type it07:02
concept10it seems that all popular applications are memory hogs, evolution, firefox, thunderbird, etc07:02
n0odl3which lines do i uncomment to activate the multiverse/ universe?07:02
cefbluestrain: yeah.. I have a message that is crashing evo... in an imap mailbox07:02
uboturestrictedformats is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'07:02
linuxgeek2u mean /msg him07:03
regeyaindeed concept1007:03
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.07:04
cefbluestrain: so I fire up evo using -c cal (well it avoids the thing crashing) .. get into the prefs, turn off the mailbox, and it stops crashing07:04
nuckhafta go cheers07:04
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cefbluestrain: however, if I go back into preferences and enable the mailbox - BANG! it crashes07:04
concept10firefox is using 191 mb currently on my system07:04
rssanyone here with Sony Vaio Laptops here?07:04
rssrunning Ubuntu on it?07:04
concept10rss, i just saw your question on #debian, the fn keys work for me on breezy with my laptop07:05
rssAre you able to use Fn key on it to change monitor settings?07:05
n0odl3which lines do i uncomment to activate universe?07:05
n0odl3nevermind that question07:06
n0odl3i have a more important one about gpg keys07:06
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rssconcept10: can you change even the contrast?07:06
n0odl3how do i upload keys to apt?07:06
n0odl3please help the gpg key problem is really gettin on my nerves07:06
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naliothn0odl3: what problem are you having?07:06
concept10rss, yes, they mostly all work.  contrast, volume, etc07:06
rssconcept10: which is your model?07:06
rssis there anyway that monitor could be made to change contrasts through software?07:07
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n0odl3nalioth: well you see two days ago i had  gpg problem with the us mirror so someone told me to switch to ca07:07
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linuxgeek2!How to install true type fonts07:07
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, linuxgeek207:07
concept10rss, I have a HP laptop ze5570 i think07:07
nybbleHello all07:07
nybbleit seems me cd drive is on the fritz07:07
markwok, what's a fast socal ubuntu mirror?07:08
ubotuwell, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto07:08
n0odl3nalioth: then today i had some gpg errors... i THINK i fixed it when i was able to update with the us mirror again07:08
rssconcept10: mine is PCG-F270 -- Sony Vaio07:08
naliothubotu: tell n0odl3 about gpgerrs07:08
kestasguys what's that repo which has the java deb?07:08
naliothubotu: tell n0odl3 about gpgerr07:08
concept10rss, have you installed linux on it before?07:08
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.07:08
kestas!tell kestas about java07:08
kestas!about java07:08
ubotukestas: Are you on ritalin?07:08
markwkestas: blackdown.org07:08
n0odl3nalioth: however i am told that i have to find a way to add keys to apt using sudo to fix the problem permenantly07:08
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, display is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FixVideoResolutionHowto or ask !Resolution07:08
rssconcept10: yes... first Sarge then Breezy07:08
kestasmarkw, trhanks07:08
IGOREKHORRORAll of you pederasts!!!!!!!!07:08
nerdy2hmm, anyone have problems connecting to their dbus session bus?07:08
markwkestas: at least it works for Debian.07:08
dduckoPoor Bot.. so abused and no thanks07:08
naliothIGOREKHORROR: take that to #ubuntu-offtopic please07:09
rssconcept10: Sony Vaio controls those settings through software... through proprietory drivers for windows07:09
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rssconcept10: Sony Vaio controls those settings through software... through proprietory drivers for window07:09
pc22nalioth, hi07:09
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n0odl3nalioth: do oyu know what pppoe_dude is talking about?07:09
naliothpc22: howdy07:09
pc22E: Couldn't find package w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb07:09
kestasmarkw, could you give me the sources.list line? I'm not sure where abouts the reop is?07:09
rssconcept10: for linux... some one has reverse engineered it... but it's not working :(07:09
naliothubotu: tell pc22 about w32codecs07:09
IGOREKHORRORTo me all the same... All of you pederasts!!!!!!!!07:10
nybbleanyone having issues with their CD/DVD drive in Breezy Badger?07:10
pppoe_dudenalioth, gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net 40976EAF437D05B5. then n0odl3 has to upload hem to apt.07:10
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concept10rss, have you tried breezy on that laptop?07:10
naliothpppoe_dude: that is not a proper gpg line07:10
rssconcept10: running it...07:10
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nybbleas usual, no replies07:11
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pppoe_dudebefore #07:11
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concept10rss, im not sure what you have to do to get them to work, because they worked out of the box for me.  maybe try and search for other linux users of that laptop, and check the wiki07:11
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rssnybble: no, mine works very fine07:12
pppoe_duden0odl3, try gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B507:12
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rssnybble: is yours not working?07:12
pppoe_dudethen sudo apt-key add ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg07:12
nybblenope :D07:13
nybblereplaced it too07:13
nybblei should probably re-install ze kernel07:13
n0odl3go back to flood07:13
n0odl3i got some error07:13
kestashow is it not working?07:13
=== Talia1KubBrzy [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
kestasnot detected, not getting anything from it, getting strange output, it's slow, what?07:14
nybblekestas: detected, mountable, readable to a point. Whenever any data is to be accessed from the disc, it presents me with a FAIL07:14
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nybbleand this is on any disk07:14
nybbleand same problem with brand new drive07:14
concept10you know what bugs me while using linux?  you start a task, and find out that something else needs to be configured and you forget what you were doing in the first place. Anyone else experience this or is my memory just bad?07:15
nybblefrom a different company07:15
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bonbonhow are you guys tonight?07:15
gshi bonbon07:15
=== nybble takes a bonbon and chews for a while
gsgood n u07:15
bonbonnot bad, more playing with ubuntu tonight :)07:16
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0861.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
nybbleyay bonbon07:16
bonbonI got ndiswrapper working last night, but now my card isn't working properly07:16
bonbonfor wireless07:16
bonbonwhen it's active my connection is verry verry slow07:16
nybbleok this is odd07:17
bonbonso my goals tonight are: Install Wine, Install GParted, Mount a Shareable drive for windows/linux07:17
bonbonyeah, i think i need to port forward my wireless07:17
naliothbonbon: gparted is default07:17
bonbonjust not sure how to in linux07:17
bonbonoh, so gparted is in here?07:17
Mr_MilenkoA fly just hit my light.. and fell down like a burning zeplin07:18
Mr_Milenkoit was on fire O_o07:18
dduckoNice Light.07:18
Mr_Milenkooh yeah07:18
bonbonbeen trying to get linux to access my NTFS partition so I can have mp3s on both OS without duplicating07:18
bonbonso far, no luck07:18
BROKEN_LADDERare there any x86 "pda"s?07:18
bonbonMr_Milenko:  Be careful, light may fall on your bed or desk!07:19
Mr_Milenkosure BROKEN_LADDER07:19
=== No1Viking [i=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
bonbonMy question at the momennt is wine-install related07:19
Mr_Milenkoi turned it off bonbon07:19
Mr_Milenkothat was too freaky07:19
Mr_Milenkobonbon: in fstab you gotta add a new line for the ntfs partition07:19
Mr_Milenkoit wont be writable though..07:20
bonbonwhen i run the dpkg command or the tar -xf command it says "no c compiler found"07:20
Mr_Milenkoand im too tired to remember the line07:20
bonbonnot writeable is fine07:20
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obscuritenight all07:20
naliothbonbon: install "build-essential"07:20
holycowanyone here use epiphany browser?07:20
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bonboni download in my big windows partition, just want to read mp3s and other files so I can listen to mymusic07:20
nybbleCrazy Milenko... ha ha ha ha ha... crazy milenko hoo hoo hooo hoo hahahaha07:20
Mr_Milenkolemme find it07:21
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naliothholycow: ask your question07:21
holycowis it possible to create a sub category in bookmarks? i don't see an obvious way to do it07:21
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bonbonnalioth: apt-get?07:21
Mr_Milenkohold on bonbon07:21
nybbleMr_Milenko: ICP fan?07:21
naliothbonbon: yes, use apt-get07:21
Mr_Milenkoused to be07:21
Mr_Milenkothe name stuck07:21
nybblesame hear really (former fan)07:21
=== graig [n=graig@ppp-70-225-91-227.dsl.covlil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
graigim having all sorts of sound problems recording things.07:21
Mr_Milenkostill listen to em.. just not into it like i used to be07:22
bonbonnalioth: ok, i typed "sudo apt-get build essential"07:22
graigi get lots of static, and sometimes the volume of something i record is too low, and full of static.07:22
naliothubotu: tell bonbon about apt-get07:22
bonbonand i get a message that says "E: INvalid Operation"07:22
nybblegraig: what are you using to record?07:22
Belutzbonbon, sudo apt-get install build-essential07:22
bonbonthat bot is sweet07:22
bonbonkeeps saying: couldn't stat source package07:23
=== Danny| [i=danny@83-131-191-138.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
bonbonok, ran apt-get update07:24
bonbonnow it just says "couldn't find package build"07:24
bonbonwhen i run install build essential07:24
Belutzbuild-essential mind the '-'07:24
Belutznot "build essential"07:24
Mr_Milenkobonbon: mkdir /mnt/win | then in fstab /dev/hdXX  /mnt/win  ntfs  ro  0 0 (ASK SOMEONE IF THIS IS RIGHT FIRST ITS 1:30am here lol) and xx is the drive/part your ntfs is on07:25
bonbonah, my bad07:25
Mr_Milenkoi think thats right..07:25
Mr_Milenkodouble check07:25
bonbonis it mnt or mount?07:25
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Mr_Milenkothe directory would be /mnt/win07:25
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bonbonMr_Milenko: Ty07:26
=== mebaran151 [n=mebaran1@c-24-126-6-20.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mr_Milenkothen you would type mount /mnt/win07:26
bonbonoh, btw, I think Milenko was probably their best album, that or riddlebox ;)07:26
Mr_Milenkoand itd mount it whenever you need it07:26
mebaran151how do I setup alsa mixing07:26
mebaran151I am running a Via Envy sndcard07:26
mebaran151and I want to be able to play a movie in mplayer07:26
bonboncould you guys Ubotu fstab for me?07:26
bonbonso i can go read somemore, I'm not familiar w/fstab07:27
mebaran151ubotu, fstab?07:27
ubotufstab is probably /etc/fstab is a real pain for new users. The fstab file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the winmac_fstab file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab  See <partitions>.07:27
Mr_Milenkonano /etc/fstab07:27
Mr_Milenkoin an xterm07:27
=== IcemanV9 [n=nobody@adsl-68-75-56-195.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["TTFN"]
mebaran151or sudo gedit /etc/fstab07:27
Mr_Milenkoor that07:27
=== Mr_Milenko lubs on nano
bonbonwhat's the past URL?07:28
mebaran151or sudo $GODTEXTEDITOR /etc/fstab07:28
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jrsimshi all. is there a way to make Gnome remember window positions?07:28
mebaran151bonbon, http://rafb.net/paste07:28
foxinessafter click on cancel "when the synaptic do apt-get update" after that it fail to get the repos ,what should i do now07:29
Mr_Milenkotheres two things wrong with me helping right now...07:29
Mr_Milenkowell 3..07:29
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Mr_Milenkodialup, 1am, and using windows to get online07:29
bonbonMr_Milenko, now paste the url for the...uh.. paste post?07:29
foxinessmebaran151, or sudo -e /etc/fstab ;007:30
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bonbonthat's what I pasted07:30
bonbonit's my gedit from fstab07:30
bonbonbut i'm not sure what it means07:30
jrsimshi all. is there a way to make Gnome remember window positions?07:31
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Mr_Milenkoadd this line at the bottome of that file07:31
bonbonjrsims, have you searched the customization area of the ubuntu forums? they have good stuff07:31
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Mr_Milenkoadd /dev/hdXX  /mnt/win  ntfs  ro  0 0 (change XX to where you windows partition is)07:31
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jrsimsbonbon: I haven't. sounds like Gnome doesn't have features to remember window positions.07:32
bonbonso if windows was on say, /dev/hda4/ that's what i put in for xx?07:32
Mr_Milenkoadd that line to your fstab file07:32
foxinesshow can i fix broken repos "failed failed ..."07:32
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bonbon/dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs ro 00  <-- does that look right?07:33
mebaran151how do I enable ALS07:33
mebaran151A mixing07:33
ubotuubuntu is probably an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards07:34
bonbonMr_Milenko, ty07:34
Mr_Milenko0 007:34
ubotu[awards]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubunturocks07:34
bonbonno, it's not right?07:34
Mr_Milenkospace between the 0's07:34
DrZeusHi all.  I just recompiled and added a patch to my kernel.  How do I do to make the system load the modules automaticly in the boot, just for not doing "modprobe" again and again in the console?07:34
Mr_Milenkospace between the 0's07:34
n0odl3does anyone know how to use fbpanel?07:34
Mr_Milenkodunno if its needed...07:34
linuxgeek2u mean cpanel ?07:34
Mr_Milenkobut i always do it that way07:34
bonbon/dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs ro 0 0  ?07:34
n0odl3no fbpanel07:35
n0odl3for openbox07:35
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Mr_Milenkotype sudo mkdir /mnt/win when your done07:35
bonbonMr_Milenko now do i have to run something else to use my windows partition?07:35
bonbonah, ok, ty07:35
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n0odl3im trying to build it but i get some missing gtk thing07:35
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Mr_Milenkothen when your done type sudo mount /mnt/win07:35
n0odl3its strange because i HAVE Gtk2.007:35
DrZeusHow do I set some kernel modules to be loaded in the booting, just for not doing any modprobe in the session07:35
=== Mr_Milenko scratches head
bonbonMr_Milenko, it says "mkdir: cannot create directory 'mnt/win': No such file or directory"07:36
Mr_Milenkoits /mnt/win07:36
Mr_Milenkonot mnt/win07:36
bonbonah, still learning that every little mark counts lol07:36
bonbonas usual, most of my linux problems are user-related, hehe07:37
n0odl3i posted my error in flood07:37
n0odl3please help07:37
bonbondo i have to do anything else now?07:37
Mr_Milenkotype sudo mount /mnt/win07:37
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Mr_Milenkodamnit im tired07:38
Mr_Milenkotry that07:38
bonbonit says: "Contents could not be displayed"07:38
bonbon"You do not have permissions necessary"07:38
bonbonto vew the contents of "win"07:38
Mr_Milenkowell we know it works..07:39
Mr_Milenkojust gotta change the line in fstab for all users07:39
bonboni do know permission is a "bad word" lol07:39
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Mr_Milenkocan someone else help him set the permissions of what hes mounting for all users??07:39
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bonbonplleeeeez :D07:40
bonbonthen I can use something other than windows!07:40
Belutztry put this in the /etc/fstab --> /dev/hda? /mnt/win ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 007:40
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Belutzchange the '?' into your hdd number07:40
Wolveenthats just for SATA no?07:40
Myrttihas anyone tried mathmlviewer?07:41
Myrttishould it work?07:41
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litagei loaded e1000 (``modprobe e1000'') successfully, and then brought eth0 down and up. however, pinging anywhere still says host unreachable. any suggestions?07:41
MyrttiI searched the forum and there is nothing about it07:41
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crimsunlitage: how did you bring it up, with ifconfig or ifup?07:42
bonbonok, trying it now07:42
litagecrimsun: ``ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0``07:42
bonbonbelutz, add that in addition to the line milenko gave me, or replace it?07:42
crimsunlitage: is the default route correct?07:43
Belutzbonbon, replace it07:43
litagecrimsun: where do you set the default route?07:43
crimsunlitage: are you using dhcp or static? if dhcp, that's set for you by the dhcp lease07:43
bonbonBeluts, just add it anywhere?07:44
Belutzbonbon, yup, better to put it at the end of the file07:44
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litagecrimsun: static07:45
bonbonBelutz, ok, now it says already mounted Is that right?07:45
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Belutzbonbon, unmount it first, sudo umount /mnt/win07:46
crimsunlitage: have you set your default gw then?07:46
crimsunlitage: sudo route add default gw <some ip>07:46
Belutzbonbon, then mount it again, sudo mount -a07:46
crimsunlitage: (this should be set in /etc/network/interfaces)07:46
SirWraithi'm trying to install on my powerbook and it can't find the cd-rom drive, can anyone help?07:46
jath_jathpwede sli07:46
ubotuHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, fooishbar, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, and nalioth07:47
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
[Chameleon] SirWraith: are you holding "C" while booting the laptop?07:47
bonbonwe did it07:47
SirWraithyeah, i'm gone with that, i'm in the ubuntu installer07:47
bonboncan you explain what that line we typed in meant, belutz?07:47
SirWraithi chose the language and kayboard layout07:47
Belutzoh, i didn't know crimsun is an op, sorry ops :)07:47
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by crimsun
ubotulinuxgeek2: Wish i knew07:48
SirWraithand now it needs to detect and mount the cd-rom drive, and it can't find it07:48
Belutzbonbon, sudo umount /mnt/win <-- it unmount the ntfs partition07:48
bonboncan i run gparted from inside unbutu?07:48
bonbonyeah, i mean the line in the fstab07:48
Belutzbonbon, sudo mount -a <--- remount all partition in /etc/fstab07:48
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bonbonBelutz, the line we put in fstab07:48
bonbonwhat does it mean?07:48
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bonbonif too complicated, is ok07:49
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bonbonnow, how do i do it so I can see my linux folder in windows? heehee07:50
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Belutzbonbon, it's not too complicated, but my english is not that good, so i recommend you to read it yourself by typing man mount07:50
vvlawvv@weiwei:/usr/local/djgame2$ sudo ./startdjg07:50
vvlaw./Hall: error while loading shared libraries: libQt3Support.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:50
vvlawanybody know that what's wrong?07:50
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Belutzit's about file permission and directory permission07:51
DrZeusHow is it done for making some kernel modules to be loaded during boot?07:51
SirWraiththe problem is this, i'm in the ubuntu installer and it doesn't detect the cd-rom drive07:51
SirWraithnow i can choose a module to load and it gives me the option of /dev/?????, and i don't know what to do from here07:51
vvlawanybody can help me now?07:51
litagecrimsun: i'm on the same switch as this machine that's causing trouble, so i don't need a gateway specified. however, i gave it the proper gateway and the problem persisted07:51
crimsunDrZeus: you can place them in /etc/modules07:51
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bonbonBelutz, so far your english has been quite good, what is your native tongue?07:51
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DrZeuscrimsun, just the name of the modules?  And that will avoid the need of doing "modprobe" during session right?07:52
crimsunlitage: what's the output from route -n ? Use paste.ubuntulinux.nl07:52
crimsunDrZeus: correct07:52
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DrZeuscrimsun, thnx I really appreciate it07:53
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=== cafuego_ has an oddness in parted.
naliothcafuego_: has an oddness in part of 'is 'ed?07:54
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DrZeuscrimsun, will test if they are fine loaded.  brb07:55
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cafuego_nalioth: Well, I get "Error: Filesystem has incompatible feature enabled" on a bog-standard ext2 fs.07:56
cafuego_I don't suppose there's anyway to make parted tell me WHICH feature?07:56
naliothcafuego_: weird07:56
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cronikanyone knows how i can install smf on my computer07:57
croniki want to turn it into a mini server07:57
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SirWraithso i haven't used linux much except for live CDs, and i'm pretty much newish to unix, would ubuntu be best to experiment with, or should i go with debian or YDL?07:59
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bonbonis there a terminal command that will let me move a file from my desktop to ~/.Icons?07:59
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mebaran151SirWraith, Ubuntu is a nice clean desktop07:59
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cronikanyone knows how i can install smf on my computer08:00
naliothcafuego_: theyyyy'rrrree back08:00
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirWraithbut now that these powerbooks all come with dual-layer DVD, i can only assume this is the problem that the install can't detect the CD drive08:00
nybblegraig: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44753&highlight=ALSA08:00
SirWraithso should i try something like debian, until i get the hang of it better08:00
bonbonCould someone point me in the right direction for installing an ICON set?08:00
SirWraiththen just wipe that partition and go with ubuntu08:00
cafuego_nalioth: whut? whut?08:00
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litagecrimsun: the machine's in a different room, but here' most of the output:  http://rafb.net/paste/results/FN7wYr45.html08:01
naliothcafuego_: dont you see them? our friends have returned08:01
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robotgeekbonbon: System -> Preferences -> Theme Drag and Drop08:01
cronikim trying to host a mini site08:01
cafuego_Oh, the botnet moron08:01
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CamiloSanSirWraith: I have the same problem with DVD detection - I got DEbian Sarge 3.1r0a - no DVD detect. Problems with modprobe. So I'm giving hte Ubuntu a shot myself08:01
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cronikcan anyone tell me how i can install a simple machine forum?08:01
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=== cafuego_ is more preoccupied with this parted annoyance
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by nalioth
crimsunlitage: and you can ping just fine, correct?08:01
SirWraithCamiloSan: have you been able to get the ubuntu installer to detect the drive so it can install?08:02
CamiloSancronik: dude, you've asked the same question at least three times08:02
litagecrimsun: no, pinging says host unreachable08:02
bonbonone problem w/drag and drop08:02
robotgeekbonbon: what?08:02
bonbonit's just an icon set, not a theme08:02
croniki need to know08:02
crimsunlitage: what is eth0's ip?08:02
robotgeekbonbon: no problem, it would work08:02
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bonbonso it says "invalid file time"08:02
bonboninvalid file type08:02
GURTwhy not install phpbb, its a lot cleaner looking and is simle to install08:02
crimsunlitage: interesting. Anything in dmesg08:03
bonbonrobotgeek: it says, "Invalid File format08:03
CamiloSanSirWraith: nah, I'm looking up info on modprobe - perhaps I can drop to shell and play with the parameters to get the drive to recognize. My problem is with Debian Sarge 3.1r0a - I'm in the middle of downloadin ghte Ubuntu CD image08:03
robotgeekbonbon: weird, that works for me. gimme a moment, let me look up the manual way08:03
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cronikthe pro is that i don"t know whe i can put the file so apache can read them08:03
mebaran151cronik, probs /var/www08:03
robotgeekbonbon: extract the icon set into ~/.icons/08:03
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linuxgeek2ubuto tell linuxgeek2 about fonts08:03
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linuxgeek2ubuto tell linuxgeek2 fonts08:04
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CamiloSanSirWraith: I suggest if you're having problems with the install to do the same. Drop to a shell and see if you can mount the CD/DVD somehow08:04
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bonbonok, is this the line:08:04
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SirWraithCamiloSan: well i have no idea how to do that for now, and i just partitioned the drive to give me 8GB of linux to play with, should i try a diff distro and come back when ubuntu supports it, hopefully in the next version08:04
DrZeuscrimsun: the modules loaded fine.  Thanks man; God bless you08:04
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linuxgeek2ubotu, tell linuxgeek2 about fonts08:04
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bonbonrobotgeek:  cd ~/.themes && tar xzf /Tux-n-Tosh.tar.b2.gz08:04
nybble!ubotu tell linuxgeek2 2about fonts08:05
CamiloSanSirWraith: well, that's an idea but you may run into the same problem with other distros - some drives are simply a bitch to get going.08:05
morzelhow can I install theme for ubuntu?08:05
bonboni mean tar.bz208:05
=== Orborde [n=orborde@shrv-c-148.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
croniki can"t copy anything in that file08:05
linuxgeek2haha nybble08:05
cronikhow can i copy something in the file08:05
CamiloSanSirWraith: I personally think I have one of those bitchy drives ;)08:05
nybble!ubotu tell linuxgeek2 about fonts08:05
Myrttitar xjf08:05
robotgeekbonbon: then use tar -jxf08:05
OrbordeWhat's the command that you use to make install something AND get it registered as a deb package?08:05
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morzelhttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=18631 i have downloaded this file08:05
SirWraithCamiloSan: do you know of any distros besides gentoo that may support the drive?08:05
linuxgeek2ubotu, tell morzel about themes08:05
linuxgeek2ubotu, tell morzel about installing themes08:06
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robotgeekOrborde: from source, checkinstall08:06
cronikhow can i copy file in that folder08:06
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aftertafwhen using ssh, do you use the -D option to specify a different server port on the destination ssh server?08:06
Orborderobotgeek: Thanks08:06
cafuego_aftertaf -p08:06
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cronikcan anyone tell me how i can copy files to my apach folder08:07
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CamiloSanSirWraith: well, you can simply shoot it with a shotgun. Try RedHat Fedora, Slackware - anything. I personally don't know. My drive is a NEC ND-2510A. Maybe you could flash the firmware or something to make it play nice with the Kernel08:07
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bonboncould someone shoot me that paste link again?08:08
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bonboni get a funny error when i try to install08:08
bonbon!ubotu Paste08:08
ubotuhmm... paste is please use http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text08:08
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robotgeekcronik: i woul suggest that you read the apache configuration files, though apache by default is in /var/www/08:08
Cindywhere to find package for this --> gdm-
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SirWraithCamiloSan: ha, i can try fedora. if it doesn't work, i'll make my friend do it for me until i know enough to try that myself. Thanks08:08
Myrttibonbon: /j #flood08:08
bonbonOk, i just posted my error in #flood08:08
CamiloSanhappy hackin, SirWraith08:09
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SirWraithto you as well08:09
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bonboncould someone take a peek at it for me?08:09
bonboni think i'm using the wrong commands08:09
bonbonthey are the ones that came from art.gnome.org08:09
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bonbonor do i need to post it again?08:10
bonbondon't wanna flood the flood, heh08:10
Juhazjust put it in the pastebin. it'll stay there for quite a while, no re-re-reflooding :)08:10
CamiloSanfor code, use http://pastebin.com/08:10
CamiloSanditto Juhaz08:11
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aftertafthx cafuego_ :) ill try that08:11
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bonbonok, here is link:08:12
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n0odl3does anyone know how to work fbpanel?08:12
bonboni think i need to move the tar file from it's location (desktop) to hte icons folder08:12
bonboni just dunno how to get there08:12
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aftertafssh -p 8090 david@ssh.server.org  <- is that right syntax08:12
naliothubotu: tell bonbon about cli08:12
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aftertaftrying to force it via the http proxy08:13
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Juhazbonbon, "tar jxf ~/Desktop/ICON-Tux-n-Tosh.0.1.tar.bz2"08:13
icemanAnyone know how to install active x control for mozilla08:13
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bonbonty nihaloth :)08:14
litagecrimsun: sorry for the delay. had to write it down08:14
Juhazbonbon, alternatively, you shouldn't need to play around with cli for that, you can drag and drop the tarball from desktop to gnome-theme-manager08:14
bonbonok, i tried that, says improper file format08:14
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Juhazmight be a corrupted file08:15
bonbonnvm, i'm a dumbass08:15
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bonboni was dragging and dropping the extracted folder08:15
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bonbonnot the actual tar08:15
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bonbontar works08:15
bonbonagain, user error, the source of my troubles, heh08:16
bonbondidn't rt enough fm tonight08:16
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DrZeusIm out fellas; God bless you all.  C ya08:17
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litagecrimsun: http://rafb.net/paste/results/kTs1IC60.html08:20
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=== rob^ wonders if +r is actually working
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Mr_Milenko+r isnt set08:21
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naliothrob^: we're not +r08:21
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fitaWeird, no one's asking anything.08:22
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rob^maybe you need to08:22
naliothrob^: most of these joins/parts are actual users08:22
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rob^whats with the odd names08:22
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aeon17xCan you hear me now?08:22
rob^looks like someone just mashed the keyboard08:22
aeon17xI liek their names though.08:23
rob^what the heck is a "aqovaaa"08:24
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cevizoglusounds like a kind of bottled water08:24
MyrttiI liek mil --- *smack*08:24
naliothrob^: you've heard of the million monkeys typing a million years?08:25
Mr_Milenkowhatd you mack me for?08:25
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MyrttiI smacked myself08:25
rob^nalioth, I've seen a million monkeys all joining the one chan08:25
Mr_Milenko[02:31]  <Myrtti> I liek mil --- *smack*08:25
Mr_Milenkousually people call me mil.. sorry08:25
aeon17xHey, good thing ubotu's alive and kicking.08:25
naliothrob^: the point is: some of those randome 9character nicks will be 'cool'08:25
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Myrtti"I liek milk"08:26
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=== cafuego_ actually has some chat client testing software scripts that endlessly repeat the complete works of shakespeare ;-)
BROKEN_LADDERanyone know of a solid tablet/pda x8608:26
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keyboardMashhmm why did I just get the ban list?08:27
AlexAnyone know how I can add entries to grub.. during boot? I appear to have installed grub and forgotten to add anything other than my Windows installation o_O08:27
cafuego_keyboardMash: wallops enabled?08:27
AlexkeyboardMash: you typed /bans or /mode +b?08:27
BROKEN_LADDERkeyboardMash you clicked on the window text area08:27
keyboardMashall I did was change my nick :)08:27
naliothkeyboardMash: um, +r ?08:28
litagedoes a network driver exist for the 82801GR chipset that drives the NIC that's on the Intel D945GNT motherboard?08:29
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keyboardMashBROKEN_LADDER, don't take my ctcp version at face value08:30
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cafuego_filthy ctcpliar08:31
Madeyeguys, I have P4 2.6/1gb of ram, 2.6.12-9-386 , Do you think It's better to install linux-686 kernel ?08:31
Madeyecrimsun, why? Where can i read about this ?08:32
naliothMadeye: yes, you'll benefit08:32
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aftertafMadeye: its optimised for your processor architecture08:33
HiddenFlyIs there any way I could disable trash, like in Windows, so that however one deletes a file it will never go to trash?08:33
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aftertafHiddenFly: use the rm command ;)08:34
holycowHiddenFly, i don't know the answer, but i'm curious, where would the file go?08:34
aftertafholycow: direct to dev/null :)08:34
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HiddenFlyholycow: it would get deleted.08:35
Madeyenalioth, aftertaf , yes I'm apting it now, but I would like to read more about this, I couldn't find anything explaining what kind of optimization it has08:35
naliothMadeye: the 686 kernel mostly addresses ram over 768mb08:35
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aftertafMadeye: run make menuconfig and read what the kernel tool says..... might help08:35
HiddenFlyI found only a setting that gives one an alternative way to delete a file so that it goes there, but it won't disable it.08:35
aftertafor asl nalioth, our resident linux encyclopedia :)08:35
HiddenFly*so that it doesn't go08:36
Madeyeaftertaf,  i don't have menuconfig08:36
aftertafbut you have nalioth :)08:36
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A-z-i-zhello... ubuntu didn't detect my PCMCIA controller... when i type lspci, i get "0000:01:04.0 CardBus bridge: ENE Technology Inc: Unknown device 1412 (rev 10)"... I used another distribution and it found it as "0000:01:04.0 CardBus bridge: ENE Technology Inc CB-712/4 Cardbus Controller (rev 10)". what can i do to get my PCMCIA controller enabled on ubuntu ?08:42
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ulaasoh!! i cannot se "no backports for breezy" comment on the topic. This means there is?08:46
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Belutzulaas, yes08:46
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manuvcubehere we are: how fo i resize/merge hfs+ partitions without loosing data on other partitions?08:47
naliothmanuvcube: use parted08:47
tjolliwow that nickserv stuff really is a piece of crap for me who only pops in once in a blue moon08:47
manuvcubenalioth: thx08:48
naliothmanuvcube: shrink only for hfs+08:48
manuvcubenalioth: shrink only, hmmm. Bad. Need to delete/merge two smaller parts into one bigger. Will see the man first!08:48
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naliothmanuvcube: shrink your partition, make a new partition, mount new partition08:49
manuvcubenalioth: ok08:49
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ulaasBelutz, oh! tell me tell me tell me08:50
nuckspambot spambot trap!08:51
tjollianyway, does anyone know why postfix insists on sending all mail for root to root@my.isp.com? /etc/aliases looks fine to me... what else can I do, besides dpkg-reconfigure postfix?08:51
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cafuego_tjolli: Check .fiorward files, check /etc/mailname, check /etc/postfix/main.cf; check that a smarthost isn't set.08:57
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ulaasBelutz, well there is backports but nothing inside right? :)08:57
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naliothulaas: backports do not exist yet08:58
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saik0is there a way to disable the ctrl+alt+Fx hotkeys to bring up different terminals?08:59
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Belutzulaas, sorry i was disconnected08:59
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limguohong91Hi :), How do i run dcr file on my Firefox?09:00
thoreauputicsaik0: you can comment out the extra tty s in /etc/inittab09:00
ulaasnalioth, well the repo exists. but you are also true that it does not really exist without packages :)09:00
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naliothulaas: you are not getting errors? when you update apt-get?09:01
thoreauputicsaik0: you need to keep 1  at least - and 7.8 etc09:01
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ulaasnalioth, no! :)09:02
ulaasnalioth, i also checked the repo with browser. it is there09:02
saik0thoreauputic I dont need to get rid of the ttys altogether really. just hide them from users of a browser kiosk09:02
limguohong91How do i run .dcr file on firefox, anyone :p?09:03
naliothlimguohong91: you dont09:03
limguohong91nalioth: so i can't?09:03
naliothlimguohong91: that is a shockwave type file, correct?09:03
bonbonanybody know the command to run winecfg?09:03
limguohong91I don't think so, nalioth09:04
thoreauputicsaik0: ah well getting rid of 2,3,4,5,6 is pretty easy - and I guess 1 can go as well if you are only running X, although you'd need to be able to ssh in if something goes wrong09:04
[Jonne] hi, i have a question, I posted it on ubuntuforums, but nobody answers it. Can someone look at it and give an answer? It should be easy if you know GNOME a little09:04
[Jonne] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8322809:04
limguohong91nalioth: I know sockwave type file are onlt swf09:04
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naliothlimguohong91: only flash is supported on x86 boxes, shockwave is not09:05
saik0thoreauputic, they are diskless and have a readonly nfs root. I ssh into the server and chroot into it =)09:05
limguohong91nalioth: but i can run swf file o.O (shockwave file)09:05
tjollicafuego_, thanks, but there are no .forward files.. looking at the postfix faq, seems like I have to set virtual_alias_maps. but it is already set to $virtual_maps, which does not exist... why would ubuntu do that?09:06
luckyabais there a way to disable the screensaver via command line?09:06
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OrbordeWhat's the Ubuntu dev channel?09:06
naliothOrborde: -devel09:06
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thoreauputic[Jonne] : are you saying you can't tell nautilus to open the file with scite? Did you change the "properties" tab after right clicking the file type?09:08
ogami1972is it possible to rebuild fstab without rebooting?09:08
thoreauputicogami1972: yes09:08
mustard5ogami1972, yes09:08
OrbordeI was going to suggest that the default sshd settings not permit root login at all. Where would I file this suggestion? Should I file a bug or what?09:09
[Jonne] it will open scite, but the file isn't opened09:09
ogami1972i thought so- i tried "sudo rebuild fstab" but, no... i've been looking for a script...09:09
[Jonne] scite gets the wrong path09:09
topyliOrborde: no need, root logins are disabled in any case :)09:09
bonbonI'm guessing MS doesn't provide instructions on how to expand an NTFS partition using gparted?09:10
thoreauputicluckyaba: xscreensaver-command -throttle  or xscreensaver-command -someotherthing in the man page for xscreensaver-command  (or just killall xscreensaver)09:10
topyliOrborde: if you want to suggest changes, do it in bugzilla09:10
[Jonne] it gets /home/jonne/file:/home/jonne/file.txt, instead of just file:/home/jonne/file.txt09:10
aftertafbonbon: if ic can do it, you'll first need to unmount it09:10
thoreauputic[Jonne] : if you can wait a few minutes I'll see if I can reproduce your problem here09:10
[Jonne] at least that's what i see in the title bar of scite09:10
[Jonne] ok09:11
[Jonne] but it's probably a conf file somewhere that i need to edit09:11
[Jonne] i want to know which one09:11
thoreauputic[Jonne] : be patient - I'm on dialup and it will take about 8-10 minutes to install ;)09:11
thoreauputicoh - actually less than that09:12
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penguin_roarOrborde: i couldnt agree more about sshd09:13
BuFFwhat's the meaning for "~/" ?09:13
penguin_roarBuFF: home09:13
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naliothBuFF: it's a quick string to mean /home/BuFF/09:14
[Jonne] it works ok in konqueror, btw09:14
[Jonne] seems to be a nautilus thing09:14
penguin_roarBuFF: ~ = home/username09:14
Madeyeaftertaf i have installed 686 kernel, and now Xorg wont start, complaining No monitor09:14
Madeyeaftertaf  how to force it to recognize the monitor09:14
luckyabaim trying to copy over some files to another computer but nautilus is saying it can't display contents of the folder?09:14
aftertafMadeye: what gfx card?09:14
thoreauputic[Jonne] : works perfectly here09:14
bonboncan you run gparted from within ubuntu?09:15
Madeyeaftertaf  nvidia09:15
mustard5Madeye, you probably need the restricted module for your kernel installed?09:15
penguin_roarbonbon: as long as the partitions you want to change arent mounted09:15
[Jonne] and you know where those settings are stored (open with, and stuff?)09:15
Madeyemustard5 nvidia was working fine with the old kernel.09:15
thoreauputic[Jonne] : I just right clicked a .txt file , went to "properties", added scite to "open with" and checked it as preference09:15
aftertafMadeye: did you use the ubuntu nvidia drivers or the nvidia website ones?09:15
[Jonne] they're a mess anyway, so i'd need to fix that09:15
Madeyeaftertaf  nvidia repos drivers09:16
mustard5Madeye, the 686 has a seperate restricted module for itself09:16
holycowanyone run scribus on a gnome desktop?  i need to give scribus a decent gnome friendly theme ... how is that done for kde once again?09:16
thoreauputic[Jonne] : in nautilus I mean :)09:16
ogami1972so... how do i rebuild fstab without rebooting?09:16
aftertafmustard5: right, but it should have installed that package too.... :/09:16
mustard5Madeye, I'll find it in synaptic for you09:16
mustard5afteraf, it doesnt though09:16
thoreauputicogami1972: just edit it, and check with mount -a if you are paranoid09:17
Madeyemustard5 thanks,09:17
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mustard5afteraf, I've been through this myself09:17
aftertafok mustard5 :) hehe09:17
tjollianyone else have problems with postfix sending root@localhost mail to root@isp on a "internet site with smarthost"?09:17
bonbonif i unmount a drive will i lose information?09:17
mustard5Madeye, I'm just apt-get updating on dialup..soo..a little wait :D09:17
bonbonlike data?09:17
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thoreauputictjolli: I haven't had that problem but I've heard of it happening09:18
Madeyemustard5 yeah sure take your time, bitchx sucks btw :-)09:18
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bonbonanyone know?09:18
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thoreauputic[Jonne] : sorted?09:18
OrbordeHey, is there anyone that hasn't set their root password that can help me?09:18
OrbordeHey, is there anyone that hasn't set their root password that can help me?09:18
mustard5Madeye, 8 minutes to go ;)09:18
[Jonne] oh, it works oh if i do 'open with', and navigate to the scite binary, instead of the one listed in the box09:18
[Jonne] *ok09:18
thoreauputicOrborde: no need to repeat09:18
theturtlyeah there is,09:18
theturtlhe said it twice, i still don't understand09:19
Orbordethoreauputic: Sorry, it looked like it had jetted offscreen :)09:19
Madeyemustard5 okay :-)09:19
thoreauputic[Jonne] : no, go to the "properties"'inthe right click menu09:19
Orbordetheturtl: You haven't set a root password?09:19
Madeyemustard5  how to reconfigure my xorg just a try maybe it will work09:19
luckyabaim getting this error Nautilus cannot display "/mnt/curt".09:19
mustard5Madeye, tis ok I got it09:19
[Jonne] well, i meant that one ;)09:19
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Madeyei just cant get the full naem of xorg installation09:19
mustard5Madeye, linux-restricted-modules-68609:19
Madeyemustard5  okay09:20
thoreauputic[Jonne] : in the "properties" select "open with" and set it to scite09:20
mustard5Madeye, I didn an apt-cache search09:20
[Jonne] it's sorted, tnx09:20
thoreauputic[Jonne] : to make it the default you tick the button for it09:20
BROKEN_LADDERwhat is the windows called that's on "pocket pc"?09:21
=== Madpilot [n=bburger@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madeyemustard5 i'm apting it, What next ?09:21
mustard5Madeye, whats your kernel version?09:21
mustard5Madeye, uname -r09:21
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Madeyeerr exec -o doesnt work in bitchx lol09:22
Madeyemustard5  it's
MadeyeLinux madi 2.6.12-9-686 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:25:32 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux09:22
=== keikoz bjour tlm
Madeyeyeah! it works09:22
mustard5Madeye, just confirm you have the right kernel version for me, but you should just be able to reboot if your xorg.conf is set up with sudo nvidia-glx-config enable09:22
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mustard5Madeye, all good?09:23
Madeyemustard5  no i mean the exec -o :-) still apting restricted modules.09:23
thoreauputicluckyaba: does the directorY /mnt/curt  exist?09:23
Madeyemustard5  i'm on 12809:23
mustard5Madeye, the kernel version is good to09:23
bonbonubotu mount partitions09:23
ubotuNo idea, bonbon09:24
ubotumethinks mountwindows is Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/winmac_fstab to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically)09:24
thoreauputicbonbon: is that what you needed?09:24
bonbonwell, i made another partition09:24
bonbonnot for windows09:24
luckyabathoreauputic: yeah.. i browse it for a while then it starts showing that error09:24
dduckoWhat are you needing to do bonbon ?09:24
bonbonthoreauputic, I want to mount this seperate partition/drive to linux and windows, it's FAT 32, primary09:25
thoreauputicluckyaba: so you can access it but it disappears? Or are you trying to enter a subdirectory09:25
ubotufrom memory, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive. For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives09:25
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, windowsdrives is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions09:25
luckyabathoreauputic: when i access it i  try and go into a subdirectory and then it takes forever when it comes up i cant go back to the parent directory09:26
dduckoThat should tell you how to set it up for linux,  with windows should auto detect09:26
bonboni must be a masochist, I'm actually enjoying this stuff09:26
luckyabathoreauputic: gives me the error i just posted09:26
thoreauputicluckyaba: so the problem is the subdirs09:26
dduckoOh Its lots of fun actually09:26
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dduckoSame reason I like working on computer09:26
thoreauputicluckyaba: and what sort of filesysytem is this mount point?09:26
luckyabathoreauputic: i velieve ext309:27
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thoreauputicluckyaba: and is it a samba share or an nfs mount point?09:27
thoreauputicor jsut a partition, or another drive?09:28
luckyabathoreauputic: samba09:28
=== Melissa83 is now known as LissaSleep
thoreauputicluckyaba: I suspected - it's likely a samba config issue then09:28
mustard5Madeye, just to check again..your not using a nvidia-legacy card?  Its a fairly new vid card?09:28
thoreauputicluckyaba: I don't use samba - maybe someone else can troubleshoot09:28
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bonbondoes this look like the right mount command?09:29
bonbonthoreauputic, sudo mount /dev/hda4/ fat32 /media/shares09:29
Madeyemustard5 it's pretty old 64mb nvidia,09:29
hussamhow do I defrag my linux hard disk?09:29
thoreauputicbonbon: no09:29
aftertafMadeye: gf4 ? gf2?09:29
Madeyemustard5  I have just apted restricted modules, what next? just reboot ?09:29
mustard5Madeye, it worked on the old kernel I take it without nvidia-legacy?09:29
aftertafMadeye: no need to......09:29
Madeyeaftertaf  to be honest, I don't know lol but mostly 209:29
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thoreauputicbonbon:  sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda4 /media/shares09:29
mustard5Madeye, you need to restart X I think09:29
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mustard5Madeye, reboot is a crude method of restarting X of course :D09:30
Madeyemustard5 aftertaf  i'm in! lemme run xchat one sec09:30
mustard5Madeye, if it bombs out I have another step to try :)09:30
mustard5Madeye, ah cool09:30
aftertaflol cool :)09:30
bonbonok, getting on to windows, brb09:31
mustard5afteraf, I took me ages to work this problem out when I stared changing kernels :)09:31
luckyabais there a way to see if i am connected to my network at 100 or 1000?09:31
thoreauputicluckyaba:  mii-tool09:32
Habbieluckyaba: ethtool I think09:32
thoreauputicluckyaba: that might not be right - hang on09:32
aftertafmustard5: hmm depends on luck of draw i suppose...09:32
thoreauputicluckyaba: yes, looks like that's it09:32
aftertafmustard5: i installed linux-k7 kernel and it dragged all it needed, no pbs09:32
luckyabahabbie: where it says speed .. is that what i am connected at?09:33
mustard5afteraf, you lucky bugger :)09:33
Habbieluckyaba: paste it09:33
Habbieluckyaba: if it's just one line :)09:33
mustard5aftertaf, it had me stumped for days09:34
luckyabahabbie: Speed: 1000Mb/s09:34
Habbieluckyaba: sounds about right :)09:34
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thoreauputicah, ethtool eth0  - nice, I learnt a new command :)09:34
luckyabahabbie: means im connected to the network at a very high speed right?09:34
Habbieluckyaba: yes :)09:35
Habbiethoreaupu: ethtool is basically the new mii-tool :)09:35
thoreauputicHabbie: and much easier to use it seems :)09:35
luckyabahabbie: so why is it taking over 7 hours to copy 70 gigs?09:35
Habbieluckyaba: don't know, tell us more about your copying method09:35
aftertaf70 gigs is a lot of wad....09:36
luckyabahabbie: opened the computer on the network browser and pasted it to the computer09:36
Habbieluckyaba: is the other computer on 1000mbit too?09:36
aftertafluckyaba: source pc on 10mbit NIC?09:36
luckyabahabbie: yeah09:36
naliothluckyaba: your connection capacity is far from your actual throughput09:36
aftertaftrue :)09:36
Habbieyou're doing about 3 mbits09:37
aftertaf100mb gets you about 309:37
thoreauputicluckyaba: doing it graphically introduces some overhead...09:37
naliothluckyaba: if you dont have gigabit devices all the way through, you'll only see 10/100 capabilities09:37
Habbiethat's usually what I get for all kinds of copying activity too09:37
Habbieeven though networks may be 100 or 100009:37
naliothluckyaba: also if you have ANY 10/100 devices plugged into your network, it may slow it down09:37
Habbieluckyaba: you might be able to speed it up by breaking the copy in two halves and doing those at the same time..09:37
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luckyabaso it should take like 7 hours to copy 70 gogs?09:37
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Habbieluckyaba: but first, check CPU and I/O load on both machines09:37
luckyabak 1 sec09:38
Habbie(while copying :)09:38
naliothluckyaba: yes that sounds about right09:38
Habbieluckyaba: I must add that last week between two fast machines I did much much more than those 3 mbits09:39
luckyabanalioth: on a gigabit lan?09:39
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naliothluckyaba: if you are actually running at maximum capacity, no09:39
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luckyabanalioth: we just got our fileserver setup and i have alot of stuff i want to move to the server... i figured since we were setting up the gbit lan it would copy much faster09:40
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Madeyehey! aftertaf mustard5  :-) I'm in now09:41
mustard5Madeye, well done :)09:41
aftertafcongrats to Madeye09:41
Madeyemustard5, aftertaf  Thank you guys :-)09:41
naliothluckyaba: sleep on it09:41
=== robotgeek [n=robotgee@ppp-70-247-168-35.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
action09hi all , i have problem maybe with X ( after nvidia prprietary drivers installed, can't log out correctly freeze ) and now i have some apps that shutdown by themselves (firefox/pan).. how can i do a debug or submit a bugreport ? is it first a good idea ?09:42
=== viviersf [n=cain@rrba-146-120-32.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
luckyabanalioth: friggin gigabit hype got me.. haha09:42
luckyabathanks for the info everyone09:42
hussamhow do I defrag a Linux harddisk?09:42
luckyabalearnt a thang or two09:42
mustard5action09, what driver version?09:43
aftertafaction09: nvidia website drivers?09:43
action09hussam you don't have to :)09:43
thoreauputichussam: you don't, normally09:43
action09aftertaf  yes :)09:43
naliothhussam: there is no fragmentation on linux09:43
aftertafhussam: it does it itself.09:43
Habbienalioth: that's not true ;)09:43
thoreauputicwell, there is but it's negligible09:43
aftertafaction09: bugreport to nvidia website and/or remove drivers, put ubuntu ones instead.09:43
action09linux FS rocks :)09:43
robotgeekhmm, there we go again about fragmentation :)09:43
naliothhussam: there is virtually no fragmentation on linux09:43
aftertafaction09: i take it you want latest versions for a reason ;)09:43
naliothHabbie: happy?09:43
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agro1986help, after installing both linux-686 and nvidia-glx-legacy suddenly the command "ls" is colorless! How to restore so that "ls" is colorful again??? (for example blue for directories)09:44
Habbienalioth: hehe, yes :)09:44
=== thoreauputic starts a fragmentation war
hussamnalioth: there is defragmentation. the last time I cheked the disk at boot, it was 5+ % fragmented09:44
aftertaflol thoreauputic09:44
action09aftertaf  ok i installed nvidia by ubuntu method glx enable don't modify anything ( no nvidia on xorg.conf) so i  decided to installed one from nvidia site09:44
mustard5action09, did you sudo nvidia-glx-config enable ?09:45
action09mustard5 yep09:45
Myrttihttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88344 (please)09:45
thoreauputicagro1986: check that your ~/.bashrc has colors turned on :)09:45
mustard5action09, maybe you had an altered xorg.conf before doing it09:45
naliothhussam: that is considered "not enough to affect your system" levels09:45
action09when i relaunch X nothing  same free drivers.. no nvidia logo09:45
hussamnalioth: what if it increases?09:45
mustard5action09,  it borks from enabling if your xorg.conf has been changed09:46
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naliothhussam: then something is wrong with your system09:46
action09mustard5 maybe because i had some anoying lines when playing a video ? do you mean i had to try a dpkg-reconfigure xfree ?09:46
mustard5action09, breezy uses xorg09:46
naliothhussam: it should stay ~5%09:46
thoreauputichussam: I've never needed to defrag  a linux filesystem09:46
action09mustard5 yes sorry09:46
thoreauputichussam: neither should you09:46
Tidusmustard5: only warty used xfree09:47
action09i will provide a nvidia bug report first to find why09:47
agro1986thoreauputic: no .bashrc in my home folder09:47
mustard5action09, possibly that might have helped or you could reset the xorg.conf and start again09:47
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action09ok  thansk a lot all :)09:47
aftertafaction09: retry, from scratch... and youll need to rune the nvidia installer with the -uninstall option before ;)09:47
thoreauputicagro1986: well, that's a problem09:47
Tidusaction09: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:47
mustard5action09, stick around while you are doing it09:47
action09yes ok :)09:47
thoreauputicagro1986: you kind of need one :)09:47
naliothagro1986: make one, they come in really handy09:47
mustard5action09, I want to know the how the story ends :)09:48
agro1986thoreauputic: ok, what should I put in .bashrc to make colorful consoles?09:48
naliothagro1986: if you ask uncle google "sample bashrc" or use the one in /etc/bash.bashrc (copy it your yours) to start you off09:48
Madeyeguys, When we have to turn DMA on or OFF ?09:48
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Tidusnalioth: if you don't have a .bashrc in your home folder, it uses the system global one in /etc09:49
mustard5Madeye, are you saying you want a DMA how to?09:49
thoreauputicAgrajag: I'll show you mine in /query if that's OK09:49
Madeyemustard5, yes if it's required to understand when I have to turn it on or off.09:49
thoreauputicagro1986: sorry that was for you09:49
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naliothTidus: i know this, agro1986 is the one missing a ~/.bashrc09:49
Tidusand if he's missing one, it'll just use the system global09:50
naliothubotu: tell Madeye about dma09:50
mustard5Madeye, oh..ok well I am not sure when you turn it off.  People usually turn it on to stop jerkiness in their DVD playback09:50
naliothTidus: agro1986 wants to have colored console output09:50
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thoreauputicagro1986: did you see my /query?09:50
Terminusthe bashrc the OS gives to new users is also in /etc/skel09:50
mustard5Madeye, the how to just covers turning it on09:50
mustard5ubotu: tell Madeye about dman09:50
mustard5ubotu: tell Madeye about dma09:50
TidusMadeye: the only time i had to turn DMA off was with my OLD cd burner... it flat refused to work if DMA was on09:50
Madeyeaha, cool09:51
Madeyecheers guys :-)09:51
Blah`hey how do u by pass the write protection on the source.list ??09:51
MadeyeBlah`, sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list09:51
TidusBlah`: sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list09:52
Blah`i thought it was sudo09:52
=== mustard5 contemplates throwing in a gedit version of that too, but decided against it
mustard5Blah`, sudo is what allows those apps to have permission to edit09:53
Madeyeactually there is no pico because it's replaced by nano, but because people are used to pico bleh, it's a shortcut for nano now09:53
Tidusmeh... i use vim anyway09:53
mustard5Tidus, I just noticed the -w in yours, I've never seen that before :)09:53
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mustard5Tidus, it must be the default with nano09:54
Tidusmustard5: that switch turns off line wrapping09:54
mustard5Tidus, ahh!09:54
Madeyemustard5,  just for wrapping texts09:54
mustard5Tidus, I'm learning :)09:54
Tidusmustard5: nothing wrong with that :)09:54
Blah`btw does anyone kno what site i can add to the sources.list to get kismet ?09:54
mustard5!info kismet09:55
TidusBlah`: just enable the universe repository09:55
ubotukismet: (Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2005.08.R1-1ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 983 kB, Installed size: 2920 kB09:55
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mustard5ubotu: tell Blah` about repositories09:56
cbetanHello everybody. apt-get update is reporting some invalid signatures. What could that mean?09:56
TidusBlah`: remove the '#' from the deb line containing 'universe' in your /etc/apt/sources.list09:56
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mustard5Blah`, check pm from ubotu09:56
cbetanGPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:56
robotgeek!tell cbetan about GPGerr09:56
_native_!gpg error09:56
ubotu_native_: Are you on ritalin?09:56
mustard5_native_, one word09:56
_native_my bad09:56
ubotu_native_: Are you on ritalin?09:57
xuniluserHELP: do you know any offline browser that can download websites???09:57
mustard5gpgerr ;)09:57
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robotgeekxuniluser: you can use wget to do that, though there's httrack also09:57
BROKEN_LADDERwhat would my odds be of successfully running ubuntu on this: Acer Aspire AS3003LCi Mobile Sempron AMD3000 15.0" 256MB 40GB DVD/CD-RW Combo SiS Mirage 2 NoteBook - Retail09:58
=== _native_ thinks mustard5 sucks. ;]
xuniluserrobotgeek: oic.. thanks09:58
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ubotuIf you get GPG errors when accessing the Ubuntu archives, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* (Yes, you will get some 'is a directory' messages, that's fine) then wait 10 minutes and retry.09:58
robotgeekxuniluser: webhttrack09:58
_native_what happens after 10 minutes exactly?09:58
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mustard5_native_, I wouldnt have a clue :)09:59
Habbiethe 10 minute wait makes no sense to me :)09:59
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mustard5_native_, I just ignore gpg errors09:59
mustard5_native_, it doesnt stop stuff from installing09:59
Blah`ok thanks09:59
Blah`now how do i lock the sources.list file again?09:59
cbetanThank you! Why did the GPG error happened in the first place? Any pointers to documentation?09:59
Habbiemustard5: that's a dangerous approach10:00
mustard5Blah`, what do you mean 'lock'?10:00
cbetanDid the ftpmaster change the gpg key?10:00
TidusBlah`: just save and exit, and it's locked again10:00
BROKEN_LADDERdo any of you guys know much about using ubuntu on an amd laptop?10:00
_native_sudo -K will drop your privs back down.10:00
mustard5Habbie, it is :)10:00
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mustard5cbetan, its really just a connection issue that is doing it10:01
naliothcbetan: it is nothing to do with you, it's a server glitch10:01
Blah`its fixed10:01
Blah`thanks alot10:01
naliothubotu: tell cbetan about gpgerr10:01
cbetanHope you don't mind I insist, but how does a connection issue explain the gpg error?10:01
mustard5cbetan, I can hit reload in synaptic and get gpg errors every time..but I hardly ever get them with sudo apt-get update10:01
BROKEN_LADDERhmm..this sucks.10:01
Tidusadept for kubuntu is cool10:02
cbetanAlright, I guess I feel more confortable - was starting to get paranoic.10:02
_native_BROKEN_LADDER, why are you having issues because its a sempron10:02
mustard5cbetan, you can try sudo apt-get update if you like...I guarantee that it will work better than synaptic ;)10:02
_native_cause i have seen several people with installation issues on that processor.10:03
cbetanIt seems the GPG error is rather frequent - why so? The first bell it rings in my head is 'security compromise'10:03
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mustard5cbetan, as it should10:03
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mustard5cbetan, the unreliability of it will lead to complacency (take me as an example)10:03
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cbetaneven an apt-get from the command line (ssh root@localhost - I use key authentication) gives the same error.10:04
Tidusheh, i just got a GPG error on my debian box10:05
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Tidusimmediately tried agian and it worked10:05
cbetanAnyway, already applied the robot response.10:05
penguin_roardoes anybody know a good host monitoring app for Ubuntu?10:05
cbetanFor the time being it will be fixed, but what if it happens again? mustard5, as you point, unreliability will lead to complacency - and then we may have no defense against an attack10:05
penguin_roarlike, ping a host and warn if it doesnt respond10:06
cbetanIs there any official statement regarding the GPG problem? Any Ubuntu employee in this room?10:06
mustard5cbetan, what mirror you downloading from ?10:06
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mustard5cbetan, no employees around that I know of...mostly community members10:07
BROKEN_LADDERsemprons have ubuntu issues? :/10:07
cbetanbe.archive.ubuntu.com (for updates) and archive.ubuntu.com for the rest. Both give the gpg error10:07
mustard5cbetan, k10:07
=== xTina [n=xTina@dslb-084-056-140-020.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Orbordecbetan: You could try #ubuntu-devel , but I'm just kind of guessing here10:08
_native_BROKEN_LADDER: im not fully sure but was helping a girl "she was not new to linux" for like an hour with hers, it just would not install.10:08
cbetan(quick question, mustard5: how do you address messages to me. I'm quite rusty on irc - it's been a long time...)10:08
aftertaf /msg nick10:09
_native_BROKEN_LADDER: whats your issue?10:09
mustard5type the first few letters of my nick and hit tab key10:09
_native_BROKEN_LADDER: if any.10:09
mustard5cbetan, I type your name first10:09
cbetanmustard5, Let's see...10:09
BROKEN_LADDERmy issue is that if i were to buy that laptop, i would want to have ubuntu on it.10:09
mustard5cbetan, yep..its in red for me10:09
BROKEN_LADDERso..if that would be a problem, i probably wouldn't get it.10:09
_native_oh ok10:09
_native_i see10:10
BROKEN_LADDERbut being able to get a nice fast laptop for 600$ is awesome.  you gotta love living in an era where computers are so ridiculously fast, that even a 2-year-old one is still plenty fast for most every day usage.10:10
mustard5cbetan, its the nick at the front that tells xchat to change the lettering color10:10
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BROKEN_LADDERi could just leave windows on it but..god..i hate windows10:10
mustard5cbetan, its a necessary thing in here when its busy :)10:10
_native_BROKEN_LADDER: is it one of those nice little compaq s ?10:10
cbetanWhat is the difference, then between using /msg or just the nick?10:10
aftertafmsg sends a private message to the person10:10
mustard5cbetan, /msg will send me a pm that only I can see10:10
_native_BROKEN_LADDER: no its an acer huh.10:10
mustard5cbetan, you see that private message ?10:11
cbetanmustard5, got it10:11
mustard5cbetan, you registered your nick too?10:11
cbetanIs it possible to assign a sound alert when someone addresses me a message?10:12
aftertafcbetan: depends on your irc client10:12
cbetanyes, my nick is registered. Why?10:12
mustard5cbetan, that gives you access to the bot if you are registerd..he will talk to you in PM10:12
_native_cbetan: yes10:12
aftertafyes for xchat, check in prefs!10:12
mustard5cbetan, try /msg ubotu gpgerr10:12
_native_you can do some cool stuf. custom sounds etcc...10:12
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BROKEN_LADDER_native_ yeah, an acer.10:12
dduckoToo much Black? http://www.myimagehub.com/files/603/toomuchblack.png10:12
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_native_BROKEN_LADDER: those are cool.10:13
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_native_BROKEN_LADDER: and the price isn't bad at all.10:13
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strike3anybody help with wpa with acx chipset10:13
_native_hey what color does my text show up as to you guys?10:14
=== mustard5 wonders what wpa is
BROKEN_LADDER_native_ black10:14
BROKEN_LADDER_native_ i ignore all coloring crap10:14
aftertafcbetan: np ;)10:14
mustard5_native_, black10:14
BROKEN_LADDER_native_ uh..so you think that laptop would probably work okay with ubuntu?10:14
cbetanLast time I used irc was to download movies; it was a very agressive environment. Thank you guys for your kind help10:14
_native_its grey on my end i hate it.10:14
cbetanaftertaf, you in france?10:14
aftertafyes :)10:14
mustard5cbetan, np :)10:14
=== cbetan lives in Brussels
nalioth_native_: your client colores anything that mentions your nick10:14
_native_im not entierly sure.10:14
cbetan(I could remember /me ;-)10:14
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mustard5strike3, what is wpa?10:15
aftertafcbetan: cool ;) nice place :)10:15
naliothmustard5: are ya pullin my leg?10:15
_native_i hate the grey and as dumb as it sounds i have'nt found how to change it in xchat.10:15
nalioth_native_: prefs10:15
_native_only your guys colors10:15
mustard5nalioth, I have no idea..or perhaps I am being senile ;)10:15
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strike3mustard5: wireless security10:16
_native_yeah i can change yours but im so blind it seems that i dont see how to change mine.10:16
aftertafwep protection algorithm ?10:16
mustard5strike3, ah ok10:16
phiqtionGood evening, i need help reinstalling the GRUB. it's completely gone after i installed Windows on a separate partition.10:16
ubotuI guess grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting10:16
_native_who wants to know wireless? i got cha on that ish.10:16
mustard5_native_, strike310:17
=== _native_ is so wireless addicted
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_native_strike3: whats your question?10:18
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mustard5_native_, wpa on acx chipset10:18
phiqtionnalioth, to reinstall GRUB. i need the LiveCD? i only have the installacion CD.10:18
mustard5_native_, he wants help..thats the ony info we have so far :)10:18
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hawkingI am on my university's network and trying to download torrents using azureus.But I always get a NAT error so I can't download well...Is there anyway to fix this problem? Do you know of any torrent programs that uses proxies?10:19
strike3_native_: cant get wpa supplicant setup - wireless was ok with no security - now trying to get wpa.10:19
naliothphiqtion: it can be done from the install cd, but you really have to know what you're doing10:19
_native_wpa is implemented in software the chip is supposed to be irrelevant.10:19
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phiqtionnalioth, give me the details bro.10:19
robotgeekhawking: maybe your university blocks torrents?10:19
_native_if your using wpa_supplicant that is or xsupplicant.10:19
phiqtionnalioth, i have some knowledge, but not yet a pro.10:19
strike3_native_@ wpa suplicant10:20
naliothphiqtion: follow the installer til you answer the language and keyboard settings. at that point, click "go back" it should bring you to menu. choose "install bootloader"10:20
hawkingrobotgeek: yes I guess so but there are people here who uses proxies to get access to torrents...10:20
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phiqtionnalioth, thanks10:21
mustard5phiqtion, good luck10:21
phiqtionthank you10:21
_native_strike3: hold on let me get at my configs10:21
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hawkingrobotgeek: any ideas?10:22
BROKEN_LADDERis 2.8 kg pretty light for a laptop?10:22
BROKEN_LADDER6.2 pounds i guess that would be on earth.10:22
=== corza [n=corey@ppp98-35.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafBROKEN_LADDER: depends if that is heavy or not ;)10:22
robotgeekhawking: nope,sorry10:22
neeja2.8kg is pretty heavy10:23
corzahey guys, i ripped a DVD with DVDBackup and now the Vob files have crappy voice over commentary what have i done wrong?10:23
aftertafcbetan: and messge in forum here :)10:23
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mustard5welcome mattfury10:25
mattfurycan i ask for some help, im using debian.10:25
mattfurycp: cannot stat `/home/matfury/fglrx-installer_8.18.6-1.tar.gz': No such file or directory10:25
mattfuryafter running:10:25
mustard5mattfury, I would say you are in the wrong working directory at a guess10:25
mattfurycp /home/mattfury/fglrx-installer_8.18.6-1.dsc /usr/src && cp /home/matfury/fglrx-installer_8.18.6-1.tar.gz /usr/src && cd /usr/src && dpkg-source -x fglrx-installer_8.18.6-1.dsc && dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -tc -uc -D10:25
mattfuryi am in /home/mattfury.10:26
mattfuryand the file exists ...10:26
_native_strike3: did you read the wpa howto at the ubuntu wiki?10:26
mustard5mattfury, I can see the typo from here ;)10:26
mustard5mattfury, there are two 't's' in matt ;)10:26
mattfuryif there werent two t's in my nick ... why wouldnt there be two t's in my home dir.10:27
=== mustard5 waits for the light bulb to go off
strike3_native_: yes didnt work - i have acx card which i seen somewhere has problems10:27
ccookemattfury: read the command string again carefully.10:27
mustard5mattfury, you have used one 't' in matt10:27
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=== mustard5 sees a large light bulb :)
strike3_native_: card light comes on if i try to ping etc but no connection10:28
mustard5mattfury, well done :D10:28
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mustard5mattfury, no pasting in main channel too ;)10:29
mattfuryi did what it said.10:29
mustard5mattfury, read topic /topic10:29
mattfurywhat in #flood?10:29
mustard5I'm in there now10:29
revmoohi, im getting no sound in avi files i have w32codecs installed and all other sound works, any ideas?10:29
revmooxvid format..10:29
mattfuryok could you look at this mustard5 ?10:29
mustard5mustard5, yep10:29
_native_strike3: what i did was take it in steps get wireless working with no encryption, then WEP, then WPA. does WEP work with your card?10:30
=== Bonarges [n=TNTales@68-118-86-241.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bonarges<--BonBon in windows10:30
strike3_native_: never tried wep10:31
Bonargesdo you guys know if you can run Guild Wars in WINE?10:31
_native_strike3: you should.10:31
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revmooive run it in cedega its slow though10:31
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Bonargesyeah, thought it might be10:31
phiqtionnalioth, which partition i select from GRUB to write?10:31
Bonargesbeing streaming10:31
revmooa 3ghz with 1gig of ram and a good vid card could prolly handle it ok10:31
naliothphiqtion: the /mbr, i'd suspect10:31
revmoobut i have a celeron so its just too choppy10:32
phiqtionnalioth, no MBR in the menu10:32
phiqtionnalioth, it10:32
Bonargeshow do i optomize the speed of my wireless card?  I've got it installed and configured, do i need to do port forwarding to get it to work?10:32
naliothphiqtion: then you need to know the partition your linux is on10:32
phiqtionnalioth, i know that10:32
_native_strike3: i dont know your wireless expertise level so dont be insulted if i ask seemingly lame questions to find out what you do and dont know. :-] 10:32
naliothphiqtion: thats the one to use10:32
Bonargesit's ok, i used to do tech support10:32
Bonargesso: yes, the computer is plugged in, it is on10:33
_native_strike3: cause wireless can be tricky.10:33
Bonargesoh, talking to someoen else, lol, my bad10:33
strike3_native_: im new to linux  - i wont be offended10:33
phiqtionnalioth, are you sure? it seems it wants to erase the partition and copy everything to it. it doesn't look like it wants to install the GRUB.10:33
naliothphiqtion: then stop where you are10:33
Bonargesit's amazing how much you learn about linux, just sitting in here and watching the scroll, lol10:33
phiqtionnalioth, done.10:33
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_native_strike3: do you know if your card is 32 bit interface or 16 bit?10:34
mattfurycan someone try to solve my problem?10:34
mattfuryany (experienced) person.10:34
phiqtionnalioth, i selected "install the grub boot loader on a hard disk" is this the correct option?10:34
corzahey guys, i ripped a DVD with DVDBackup and now the Vob files have crappy voice over commentary what have i done wrong?10:34
naliothphiqtion: it is10:34
Bonargescorza: you have probably chosen the wrong streams, if it's like ripping is for windows10:34
phiqtionnalioth, well, the next menu is the same menu i got when i formatted my partiton 6 to ext3.10:34
phiqtionnalioth, in ubuntu10:35
naliothmattfury: please dont post the "download" links for us, use the URL out of the address bar10:35
corzaBonarges: how can i choose the right streams?10:35
strike3_native_:  its acx111 dont know if that 32 or 1610:35
mattfurynalioth, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/429310:35
cyphasemy server isn't detecting the network10:36
cyphaseat all10:36
naliothmattfury: yes i see it. open the tar.gz and copy your .diff and .dsc into it10:36
cyphasebut it configured DHCP during installation10:36
phiqtionnalioth, what do i do next?10:36
Bonargescorza, when you open your dvd ripper, does it give you a selection of files to choose from? the vobs?10:36
naliothphiqtion: get a liveCD10:36
_native_strike3: so do you know the basics of bringing up a card by hand using the commandline?10:37
phiqtionnalioth, there must be a way. what do you would do in this menu to install grub?10:37
corza? i just typed in to rip the whole movie10:37
corzain termina10:37
Bonargescorza: this is an awesome website for rippers/endcoders, etc10:37
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naliothphiqtion: i'd back my stuff up and do as we have been doing10:37
Bonargesit may have what you need to know10:38
corzai have a ripper.10:38
Bonargesi've only done ripping in windows10:38
Bonargeswell, not just the programs, but faqs on using them10:38
corzai already have a ripper.. it's called CDBackup.10:38
corzaand i don't use windows10:39
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BonargesI was hoping the program worked in a similar way10:39
corzano it has no GUI10:39
phiqtionnalioth, does it have to do something with LVM?10:40
Bonargeswell, you could run DVD Decrypter through wine, the Win proggy works real good, imo10:40
Bonargesok, what files do you extract when you use dvdbackup?10:40
Bonargeslike does it send them to a folder?10:41
naliothphiqtion: it does not10:41
corzawhat files do i get i get vob files.10:41
corzathing is i dont have wine on my computer10:41
Bonargesok, the biggest vob file is the movie10:41
naliothcorza: use dvdrip10:41
Bonargesthe picture10:41
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corzayeah i open the vob file and it opens and all it's the whole movie except it has commentary voice over10:42
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Bonargesok,when you ripped did it give you options to unpack files or did it just unpack everything10:42
corzaohhhh wait a minute!10:43
corzanevermind lol!! i was opening the wrong file :)10:43
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phiqtiondoes dvdrip takes my dvd and changes it to mpg or avi?10:43
phiqtionin the hd10:43
corzaactually, no i wasnt opening the wrong file.. it's just that when i open it in mplayer it has commantary and in totem it has it normal?? oh well i'm over it :P10:44
naliothphiqtion: you can choose10:44
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Bonargescorza: glad i could help, lol10:44
corzalol you done a lot ;P10:44
Bonargesi still recommend doom9.org, lot of information on codecs10:44
Bonargesand ripping,etc10:44
corzameh i can't get alien to work with FrostWire.10:45
phiqtionnalioth, can we talk somewhere else?10:45
=== KaoticEvil [n=KaoticEv@host-64-72-33-53.classicnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bonargesmaybe you could help me10:45
clb_is wine == winex_10:45
BonargesDo i need to port-forward my wireless card to get it to run10:46
KaoticEvilanyone care to lend a hanf for a second?10:46
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mustard5KaoticEvil, depends no the problem :)10:46
Bonargesclb_:  for lack of better word, it's an emulator that runs windows programs in linux10:46
mustard5KaoticEvil,  whats the issue?10:46
Bonargesnot a true emulator, or a true running of a second OS, but more like appropriating some windows operations to run the files in linux10:47
clb_Bonarges: yes but is there different packages or programs called wine and winex? or is there such thing as winex?10:47
KaoticEvilmuep:  i just moved /home to its own partition, and that went flawlessly... but im at a loss as to what to enter into /etc/fstab for options, dump, and pass10:47
corzaBongares: what are you trying to 'run'?10:47
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Bonargesclb_:  I belive xwine is the name, it's supposed to be a graphical interface for wine10:47
mustard5KaoticEvil, you want to see my fstab?10:47
corzai'd like to see your fstab ;)10:47
KaoticEvilive already got the device, mount point, and filesystem10:47
Bonargescorza: well, most people use it for games, but i understand you can use it10:47
Bonargesfor stuff like office10:47
clb_Bonarges: ok.. so is wine free? and cedega is commercial?10:48
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Bonargeswine is free10:48
J_Elementhow do install .gz audio driver packages?10:48
phiqtionnalioth, i did it :)10:48
corzayou mean gaming servers right?10:48
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mustard5KaoticEvil, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/429410:48
KaoticEvilmustard5:  sure... ill see if i can extract what i need from it :)10:48
OrbordeBonarges: Cedega is "we let people download the source but we'll kill you if you try to do much with it", isn't it??10:49
Bonargesclb_: http://winehq.org/10:49
corzaBonagres: what are you trying to do with the wireless network card?10:49
naliothphiqtion: great!10:49
BonargesOrborde: I hear it's not as good as wine, but i've not used it so i can't say10:49
KaoticEvili just cant believe that i moved an entire partition without rebooting...10:49
KaoticEvilive been using windows too long LOL10:49
mustard5KaoticEvil, :)10:49
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mustard5KaoticEvil, you see the link above?10:50
KaoticEvilmustard5:  i did10:50
bobslaedehey everybody... I've got a tiny problem with keyboard layouts.10:50
KaoticEvilwhat are the dump and pass options for anyway?10:50
bobslaedeyou anybody got a minute :)10:50
mustard5KaoticEvil, I have no idea ;)10:50
KaoticEvilLOL ok10:50
mustard5KaoticEvil, I'm as much in the dark as you10:50
KaoticEvilwell, i got what i needed.. thanks :)10:50
HabbieKaoticEvi: the pass-options influence the order in which the filesystems are checked10:51
mustard5KaoticEvil, k10:51
KaoticEvilHabbie:  with fsck?10:51
HabbieKaoticEvi: yes10:51
KaoticEviland the dump options?10:51
Habbieman dump :)10:51
corzaBonarges: what are you trying to do with your wireless network card?10:51
KaoticEvilNo manual entry for dump10:51
Habbieoh ;)10:52
mustard5bobslaede, describe your problem plz10:52
Habbiein any case, dump is a backup tool10:52
Habbieand that column can specify whether or not a partition should be backed up etc.10:52
{dss}Anyone used snort?10:52
mustard5bobslaede, if someone knows they will put their hand up to help10:52
KaoticEviloh, ok10:52
bobslaedemustard5: yes sir :)10:52
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KaoticEvilok, thanks mustard5 and Habbie :)10:53
KaoticEvilyall are great :)10:53
mustard5KaoticEvil, your welcome10:53
Habbienp :)10:53
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bobslaedeI have two layouts, danish, and us english, us for coding. And i can swicht 'em, except for one app (zend develpment enviroment), only danish works there. in my xorg.conf the layout is "us", and the current layout of gnome is en_US, but not this program. The app itself cannot be configured with layouts10:54
mustard5bobslaede, you got any easier questions ;)10:55
bobslaedegood enough mustard5?10:55
mustard5bobslaede, thats very good10:55
mustard5bobslaede, I wish I knew the answer :)10:55
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bobslaedei wish so too10:55
mustard5bobslaede, hopefully someone will10:55
mustard5bobslaede, its pretty quiet in here atm though10:55
bobslaedemustard5, hopefully10:55
AngryClipbobslaede, you might be better asking that in a zend dev env support group, if every other program is working, it looks zend specific10:56
bobslaedei'll wait with patience... its just really hard coding with the danish layout10:56
AngryClipyou never know thugh, someone here might know10:56
bobslaedemustard5: it worked until i upgraded to breezy10:56
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AngryCliphello internet btw... I just woke up :D10:56
kestasguys is there any way of delaying the login time so that I log in before it automatically tries to join ubuntu?10:56
naliothJ_Element: did you need something?10:57
bobslaedekestas: yes10:57
AngryClipkestas, you talking IRC/XCHAT ?10:57
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bobslaedekestas: system > admin > login10:57
mustard5kestas, I have that issue myself...I get dumped into #ubuntu-unregged sometimes10:57
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highvoltageI just looked at: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+specstable10:57
bobslaedekestas: if youre in gnome ;)10:57
kestasIm in gnome10:57
highvoltagedoes this mean Ubuntu 6.04 will support amd64, arm, hppa, i386, powerpc and sparc?10:58
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kestasusing xchat10:58
Habbiebobslaede: that's not what he means10:58
bobslaedekestas: but i misunderstood you10:58
kestasand I mean logging into irc10:58
idimmuhi, how can do i install the gpg keys to do package authentication when i apt-get stuff?10:58
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bobslaedeits still early, and i have only had 3 cups of coffee10:58
kestas guys can you please help me with a way of filtering out everything between < and > in a document, so if there was < asdf> the ' asdf' would get filtered out?10:58
idimmukestas: man perl or man sed !10:59
kestasidimmu, I know but I don't know perl and dont want to learn just for this10:59
jack-man sed10:59
kestasand I cant get my head around the right regex10:59
jack-its the thing you want10:59
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mustard5idimmu, they should work already11:00
BROKEN_LADDERanyone here ever gotten one of those 3g pdas to work as a usb modem in ubuntu?11:00
mustard5idimmu, what repository are you using?11:00
idimmudeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main universe multiverse restricted11:01
idimmuthat one !11:01
idimmui expect11:01
mustard5idimmu, you can reset your gpg keys to default in synaptic11:01
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thoreauputickestas: re: xchat login - put your password in the server field instead of the nickserv field11:02
mustard5idimmu, look under settings>repositories>authentication button11:02
jack-guys, stupid question..i have a hoary box that runs fine; how would i go about updating it to breezy? just update sources.list and run apt-get dist-upgrade?11:02
thoreauputickestas: works fine11:02
nerdy2kestas, something like sed "s/.*<\(.*\)>.*/\1/"  would work if there were only one <> thing11:02
mustard5idimmu, good luck11:02
strike3__native_: you still there11:02
idimmuthanks <311:02
idimmuok ive done that, now to test !11:03
jack-yes? no? maybe? thanks11:03
mustard5strike3, he was talking to you when you disappeared last :)11:04
AngryClipkestas, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakxchat11:04
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mustard5strike3, his last message was   'err...' :)11:04
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strike3_msg nickserv link strike3 lauren11:04
mustard5strike3_, :)11:05
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jack-guys, stupid question..i have a hoary box that runs fine; how would i go about updating it to breezy? just update sources.list and run apt-get dist-upgrade?11:05
Habbiejack-: see topic :)11:05
ubotuThe guide to upgrading to breezy (5.10) is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade11:05
Lathiatjack-: apt-get update before the dist-upgrade11:05
phiqtionis there a way to edit the GRUB entries?11:05
mustard5phiqtion, yep I think its called menu.lst or something11:06
Habbiein /boot/grub/ I think :)11:06
thoreauputicphiqtion:  sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:06
hyphenatedshould be /boot/grub/menu.lst11:06
thoreauputicphiqtion: or your choice of editor of course :)11:06
hyphenatedbut be careful, because if you break it, you'll have trouble booting :-)11:06
mustard5phiqtion, make a backup first11:06
idimmuInstall these packages without verification [y/N] ? y11:07
idimmuGet:1 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe bluefish 1.0.1-0ubuntu3 [11:07
idimmumustard5:  :cry:11:07
idimmuim not sure if it's just universe stuff though11:07
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ubotuIf you get GPG errors when accessing the Ubuntu archives, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* (Yes, you will get some 'is a directory' messages, that's fine) then wait 10 minutes and retry.11:07
thoreauputicidimmu: well you know the URL so it's pretty safe I guess11:07
Habbiethoreaupu: don't recommend that to people :)11:08
thoreauputicidimmu: I get that from time to time here too11:08
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thoreauputicHabbie: *cough* look at the URL - do you think it's spoofed?11:08
idimmuah well, it's only because im lazy :D11:08
_native_mustard5: man isnt that annoying.11:08
idimmuactually my /etc/hosts file points that address to a romanian site :o11:08
idimmusup AngryClip11:08
mustard5_native_, strike3_ is looking for you :)11:09
idimmuthis is where *i* have to go to get help too :o11:09
mustard5strike3_, you around now?11:09
phiqtionthe menu.1st file is blank11:09
mustard5phiqtion, you sure you got the right directory11:09
strike3_mustard5: yes11:09
mustard5strike3_, _native_ is back11:10
thoreauputicphiqtion: lst not 1st11:10
thoreauputicphiqtion: it's an "ell"11:10
hyphenatedphiqtion: short for "list"11:10
thoreauputicnot a "one"11:10
_native_where oh where could strike3 be the reboot took'em away from me. he's gone to the internet so i got be good so i can help strike3 use the W E P :-P11:10
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_native_no DCC11:10
ubotu_native_: Wish i knew11:10
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_native_only pm11:11
strike3__native_: how did you start the seperate windoe the last time11:11
_native_like that11:12
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vothcan someone point me to where i can grab libavcodec, which repo might have it11:13
thoreauputicpeter@prospero:~ $ apt-cache search libavcodec11:14
thoreauputiclibavcodec-dev - development files for libavcodec11:14
thoreauputicvoth: probably multiverse11:14
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thoreauputic!info libavcodec11:14
thoreauputic!info libavcodec-dev11:15
ubotulibavcodec-dev: (development files for libavcodec), section universe/libdevel, is optional. Version: 3:0.cvs20050918-4ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 2363 kB, Installed size: 6572 kB11:15
thoreauputicther's no libavcodec - only the -dev version11:15
vothi need the dev version11:15
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thoreauputicvoth: well if you read ubotu you'll see it's in universe11:16
vothneeded to un-# it in my sources.list11:16
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thoreauputicvoth: if you are compiling something that needs that I suggest you enable multiverse as well11:17
mustard5welcome BockBilbo11:17
thoreauputicvoth: a lot of multimedia stuff is non-free11:18
vothreally, it shouldn't take an act of congress to get a dvd to play11:18
thoreauputicvoth: in the US it would :)11:18
uboturumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ; also see !javadebs (for sun-java debs) and !w32codecs11:18
mustard5voth, what you using to play DVD?11:18
vothwell, i'm following the instruction to install mplayer from the ubuntuforums.org site11:19
BockBilbothanks nalioth11:19
naliothBockBilbo: np11:19
thoreauputicvoth: you know that mplayer is in the repos, right?11:19
thoreauputic!info mplayer-38611:20
ubotumplayer-386: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9 (breezy), Packaged size: 3729 kB, Installed size: 8268 kB11:20
thoreauputic..or mplayer-586  etc11:20
mustard5voth, we have complete instructions for setting up DVD if you wish11:21
vothwhich repo, because it can't find it11:21
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mustard5voth, well lets work on your sources.list first then11:21
mustard5voth, you on breezy?11:21
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thoreauputicvoth:  mplayer-386: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics  <<----11:22
BockBilbogot a question related to gpl, but not to ubuntu. I have to install a picture viewer on my granpa's computer, which uses win98 (my family didnt allow me to install him ubuntu or any other linux distro). I wanted to know if any of you know of a nice image viewer program based on gpl  that doesnt use much memory for him?11:22
vothwhere is that11:22
thoreauputicso you need the word "multiverse" at the end of your "universe" lines11:22
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mustard5voth, type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list for me in terminal11:23
thoreauputicin /etc/apt/sources.list11:23
mustard5voth, then go to this link and copy and paste the sources.list there over the top of your old sources.list11:23
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mustard5voth, then save and run sudo apt-get update11:25
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thoreauputicBockBilbo: well, the gimp is available for windows, but that might be overkill11:25
BockBilbothoreauputic, perhaps that more and image editor than an image viewer11:26
thoreauputicBockBilbo: true11:26
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mustard5BockBilbo, I don't know of a gpl one, but I know I like irfanview on windows :)11:26
BockBilboperhaps i was thinking on a program similar to gthumb11:26
thoreauputicBockBilbo: did you try googling for "open source image viewer windows"  ?11:26
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vothok, which mplayer to install now?11:27
mustard5BockBilbo,  you searched at sourceforge.net?11:27
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BockBilboi tried it with gpl insted of open source11:27
BockBilbogonna try to search google for that and also sf11:27
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BockBilbothanks mustard5 thoreauputic11:27
mustard5voth, what kernel you running?11:27
thoreauputicBockBilbo: this might help: http://www.jairlie.com/oss/suggestedapplications.html11:28
vinican I enable the CD eject by the driver button?11:28
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mustard5voth, and what cpu you have?11:28
mustard5voth, kernel version is returned with the command uname -r11:28
voth 2.6.12-9-38611:29
aftertafvoth: whats your cpu?11:29
mustard5voth, ok 38611:29
mustard5voth, cpu?11:29
aftertaf;) mustard511:29
vothp4 2.4ghz11:29
BockBilbothanks thoreauputic :) http://www.jairlie.com/oss/suggestedapplications.html#graphics i have some there11:29
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mustard5voth, ok mplayer-58611:30
aftertafvoth: install linux-686 package then11:30
thoreauputicBockBilbo: :))11:30
thoreauputicthe 586 and 686 mplayers are identical I think11:30
dystopianrayhow can I disable the X cursor? I'm running a fullscreen game that renders it's own cursor and I need to stop the X cursor from appearing11:30
mustard5voth, I might be wrong on that :)11:30
mustard5voth, hehe11:30
mustard5voth, you got nvidia drivers installed?11:31
vothmy choices - http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/429511:31
BockBilbothanks to all11:31
BockBilboi gotta go11:31
vothno, actually. haven't installed the nvidia drivers11:31
mustard5BockBilbo, cya11:31
aftertafvoth: then dont ;)11:32
vothshould i install 586 then11:32
mustard5voth, well you could go with the mplayer-386 or you could install a 686 kernel and use mplayer-68611:32
aftertafvoth: do that ^^^^^11:33
mustard5voth, if you have nvidia card then you will need and extra 686 restricted module for your kernel11:33
NoobieDoobieDohrm...gaim keeps freezing (live cd horay)11:33
NoobieDoobieDobut only in yahoo chat rooms.11:33
thoreauputicvoth: keep it simple and install the mplayer-386 package - you won't see a big difference11:33
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mustard5nalioth, no?11:34
vothi'll just keep it simple, no reason to make this anything like rocket science11:34
mustard5nalioth, it says 686 in synaptic11:34
thoreauputicmustard5: it's a "transitional package" - it installs 58611:35
naliothmustard5: can you say11:35
naliothdummy package?11:35
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Terra-NiuxHello how can I make ubuntu boot into a command prompt not a desktop11:35
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thoreauputicTerra-Niux:  echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager11:36
naliothTerra-Niux: check your priv msgs11:36
bluebloodHow do I mount a samba share?11:37
Terra-Niuxits for a server so im only going to ssh into it from another computer11:37
aftertafTerra-Niux: you did the default installation?11:37
thoreauputicTerra-Niux: then uninstall gdm11:37
aftertafyou can also remove X completely if it wont be needed11:37
NoobieDoobieDoit must be a violation to include java w/the OS.11:37
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NoobieDoobieDocause ive yet to see a system that comes w/it11:38
Terra-Niuxokay how would that be done? uninstalling x that is11:38
thoreauputicNoobieDoobieDo: it is if it's Sun Java11:38
mustard5voth, I think mplayer-586 will work11:38
NoobieDoobieDoso, someone could use say, blackdowns java ?11:38
thoreauputicNoobieDoobieDo: there's a free java included, but it isn't all that functional11:38
vothinstalled 38611:38
mustard5voth, it seems to for your processor11:38
aftertafTerra-Niux: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg11:38
mustard5voth, k11:38
thoreauputicNoobieDoobieDo: yes, in fact it's in the repos11:38
mustard5voth, as long as it plays ;)11:39
mustard5voth, its all good :)11:39
ompaulTerra-Niux, if you are going to build a server on another machine to save the grief you are about to undergo you can install the server version - by typing server on the command line as the machine boots up and pauses during the install11:39
mustard5voth, you want how to on setting up DVD play?11:39
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ompaulTerra-Niux, there is also a 'Server' CD version11:39
NoobieDoobieDothoreauputic, ic.11:39
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thoreauputicNoobieDoobieDo:  j2re1.411:39
vothmplayer doesn't like my dvd+-rw drive, though likes my old standby11:39
thoreauputic!info j2re1.411:39
ubotuj2re1.4: (Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition), section multiverse/devel, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 21982 kB, Installed size: 58892 kB11:39
Terra-Niuxah I see11:39
NoobieDoobieDothis channel owns.11:40
!lilo:*! Services will be restarted in a moment to restore a single-channel backup. Please bear with us.11:40
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dortohow to install mediawiki on ubuntu?11:40
NoobieDoobieDoima start hanging out here.11:40
naliothompaul: got a linky to d/l ubuntu-server?11:40
ompaulnalioth, in a moment I will :-)11:40
naliothuh oh11:40
mustard5chanserv gone!11:40
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dortoany mirror u know from where i can apt-get mediawiki?11:41
=== voth enjoys the Shaw Brother's classics, thanks mustard5, aftertaf and thoreauputic
thoreauputicvoth: :)11:41
mustard5voth, np11:41
aftertaf :)11:41
mustard5voth, come back anytime :)11:41
aftertafor dont even bother disconnecting ;)11:41
mustard5that too :D11:42
ompaulnalioth, I only have the torrent on my machine back in a mo have to grep some mail to find it11:42
NoobieDoobieDoIve used like 8 or 10 distro's (including livecds). Ubuntu is my favorite.11:43
aftertafyeah for ubuntu11:43
NoobieDoobieDoyes, very much so.11:43
mustard5dorto, mediawiki is in the universe repository11:43
mustard5ubotu: tell dorto about repositories11:44
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mustard5gone awful quiet in here :)11:48
wickedpuppythe bot should be made op in case there is no op when services are down11:48
NoobieDoobieDoanyone here a kvirc fan ?11:48
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mustard5wb ChanServ11:49
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ignotushello, how can I run 32bit binary on amd64?11:50
ompaulnalioth, the last place you look is the first place you find it :-)  http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ubuntu-server/5.10/11:50
!lilo:*! Service restored.... thank you for your patience!11:51
=== keikoz je trace @++ all
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bimberiubotu tell ignotus about chroot11:54
mustard5ignotus, I think everyone is tied up in another channel doing something11:54
TNTalesok, question11:54
TNTalesI'm at the partition manager11:54
TNTalesand I need to mount11:54
mustard5TNTales, you might explain your goal first11:55
NoobieDoobieDomount what11:55
TNTalesok, I have an Error 17 from grub11:55
TNTalesso I can't boot up my OS, ubuntu or windows11:55
TNTalessupposedly using the partition manager w/the ubuntu install disk11:55
mustard5so you want to restore grub?11:55
TNTalesi can restore them by remounting the partitions11:56
TNTalesyes, restore grub11:56
mustard5TNTales, you read the wiki guide?11:56
TNTalesi read the forum post11:56
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=== quail_linux returns (quick check of logs and a few weekends off [1h 28m 20s] ) (total away time: 1h 28m 20s)
TNTalesit's a HowTO restore GRUB11:56
mustard5TNTales, ok..we have a wiki guide in here it might be the same I dont know11:56
ubotugrub is, like, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting11:56
ignotusbimberi: thx11:57
bimberiignotus: yw :)11:57
=== mustard5 reads TNTales forum guide
TNTales17 : Cannot mount selected partition11:57
TNTalesThis error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.11:57
mustard5TNTales, you got a liveCD?11:58
mustard5TNTales, hmmm k11:58
TNTalesi was trying the install cd method11:58
TNTalesi just don't know what commands mount the existing partition that it's not recognizing11:59
TNTaleswhen i get to !!! partition disks11:59
holycowi'm loving banshee music player11:59
holycowsupport for ipod too apearently11:59
TNTalesI just see IDE master (hda) - 60.0 GB IC25N060ATMR04-411:59
mustard5TNTales, what is the fileformat?11:59
TNTalesno partitions listed11:59
TNTalesok, i have an NTFS for windows11:59
TNTalesan ext3 for linux12:00
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TNTalesand a big FAT32 (VFAT) for file swapping12:00
TNTalesi had to use the windows disk manager to make that last partition so windows would see it12:00
TNTalescouldn't find manual mounting instructions12:00
mustard5TNTales, man mount12:01
TNTalesIf I'm screwed I"ll just do a clean reinstall, but after 4 days of work, I woudl like to know taht I won't have to do all that again12:01
TNTalesno, i mean teh commands in WINDOWS12:01
TNTalesi can do it in linux12:01
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mustard5TNTales, I have no idea about windows12:01
kbrooksTNTales: have the livecd?12:01
kbrooksuse it12:01
kbrooksubuntu livecd12:02
TNTaleskbrooks no i don't have it12:02
mustard5kbrooks, he doesnt :)12:02
kbrooksTNTales: you dont? burned it yourself12:02
TNTalesit's 6 am here, I just got everything working and this bull happens12:02
TNTalesyeah, i dld the ISO for the install12:02
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TNTalesand did everything on my own (with lots of RT-ing of the FM-s and late night chats)12:03
TNTalesJust had everything installed, got everything running (except the wireless ports forwarded) wine, all that12:03
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TNTalesand now this... this... BGULLSHIT12:03
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mustard5TNTales, stay calm :)12:03
TNTales*deep breath*12:03
TNTalesthis is fixable12:03
mustard5TNTales, I'm thinking about it...12:04
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mustard5TNTales, its new to me too12:04
TNTalesi appreciate it, I'm just sleepy12:04
mustard5TNTales, now I imagine you have to mount these drives on a directory12:04
kbrooksTNTales: go to bed, u need a fresh head12:04
TNTalesI work on this when I'm not at work, and catch a little sleep here and there, heh12:04
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TNTalesyeah, see, the thing is, they are still on there12:04
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TNTalesthe windows install cd shows the partitions still existing with the files intact12:05
TNTalesgrub just doesn't see them and neither does the ubuntu loader12:05
kbrooksbut grub wont boot it12:05
TNTalesright, won't boot12:05
kbrooksyeah ...12:05
TNTalesand if you try to install grub (from the list of things in the install cd)12:05
TNTalesit takes you to the partition manager12:05
TNTalesI may just have to download the livecd12:05
kbrooksit SEES the harddisk, and it even sees the menu.lst12:05
kbrooksno problem with that12:06
TNTalesit shows it as empty though, not even w/free space12:06
kbrooksit just cant detect ... huh?12:06
TNTalesjust the IDE MASTER12:06
kbrooksdefine empty?12:06
TNTalesno partitions12:06
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TNTalesjust the IDE MASTER (HDA) BLASHAHA12:06
kbrooksTNTales: win32 doesnt detect those ext3 partitions12:07
TNTalesright, not in windows12:07
bungleCOuld my PSU be maken my pc reboot randomly ... and on ocasions not letting the monitor come out of suspend12:07
TNTalesbut the windows install cd12:07
TNTaleshas a partiton manager12:07
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kbrooksTNTales: yes i know that12:07
mustard5TNTales, I heard something like this earlier..you go to the language setup part, then hit <back> and it will show a menu and you can go to an option to setup boot manager12:07
TNTalesand it shows those partitions12:07
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TNTalesok, setup boot manager... looking12:08
kbrooksTNTales: ubuntu install cd, use it'12:08
TNTalesI'm using it12:08
kbrooksmustard5: oh wait there is a problem with that12:08
TNTaleskbrooks that's what i was telling you, the partition manager12:08
TNTalesis what is not seeing my partitions12:08
kbrooksyou have to install the base system first12:08
TNTalesso i have to reinstall unbutu?12:09
=== kbrooks smacks mustard5
TNTaleslike start over?12:09
kbrooksTNTales: no12:09
TNTalesok, whew12:09
naliothkbrooks: got a new perspective on mr gibson?12:09
TNTalesok, when i select "Install GRUB Boot Loader"12:09
kbrooksgrab the livecd and boot it up. you'll want to check around12:09
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TNTalesit takes me to "{!!]  PARTITION disks"12:09
kbrooksfor any partitions12:09
TNTalesok, I'll go dl the damned live cd12:10
mustard5TNTales,  and partition disks give you an error?12:10
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kbrooksTNTales: the menuitem depends on that other menuitem12:10
TNTalesno, what I see is12:10
mustard5TNTales, the how to says to choose manual partition at that stage12:10
TNTalesIDE1 master (hda) - 60.0 GB IC25N060ATMR04-012:11
kbrooksmustard5: please!12:11
TNTalesso select the master and do manual partition?12:11
kbrooksmustard5: he does not need to startover just yet12:11
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kbrooksTNTales: Nope. pressing enter on wthe master will ask you if you want to clear the partition table12:12
TNTalesi hope i was supposed to pick yes there12:12
kbrookseffectively destroying all data12:12
TNTalesor that undo works12:12
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kbrooksTNTales: it works12:12
TNTalesso i pick NO there or YES?12:12
kbrooksjust go back and show us what the partitions are12:13
kbrookssay no, ...12:13
TNTalesok, when i pick no12:13
TNTalesit goes back to that same screen12:13
TNTalesnothing there12:13
kbrooksTNTales: huh?12:13
TNTalesjust the IDE thingy12:13
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kbrooksand dont touch anything else12:14
TNTalesok, when i hit ENTER on the MASTER12:14
kbrooksTNTales: NO12:14
TNTalesit asks if I want to prepare a partition table12:14
TNTalesof free space12:14
kbrooksTNTales: i already described what it does12:14
TNTalesok, I selected NO12:14
kbrooksTNTales: please say no and show us the partition information12:15
kbrookswe need it ;)12:15
TNTalesit doesn't say anythign different, that's what I've been trying to tell you12:15
Magic07i have installed  ubuntu on my imac...everything went fine but the root is set sdb4 in yaboot but was installed on sdc4...any suggestions on how to fix this12:15
TNTalesit goes back to IDE1 master...12:15
TNTalesno partitions12:15
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TNTalesnot even free space12:15
TNTalesno table, nothing12:15
kbrooksTNTales: reboot and recheck. i'm not even sure that is even possible12:16
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TNTalesaborting, rebooting12:16
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TNTalesubuntu installer is loading... ....12:16
Siropelanyone got some ideas why /etc/init.d/apache2 start won't start apache ?12:17
TNTalesok, i'm at the default installation stage "Press ENTER"12:17
TNTalesbooting install12:17
kbrooksTNTales: okay12:17
TNTalesok, we're back to the select your language12:17
kbrooksTNTales: go back, select partition12:17
mustard5Siropel, I'm thinking you just use apache12:18
kbrooksmustard5: No.12:18
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mustard5Siropel, I can't recall though12:18
=== mustard5 gives up I seem to have all the wrong answers today :)
Siropelmustard5 i used it, but stoped it12:19
kbrooksSiropel: Did you install apache or apache212:19
kbrooksTNTales: ping12:19
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TNTaleskbrooks do i go through all the steps before partition?12:19
Siropelbut apache is stoped12:19
kbrooksTNTales: NO.12:19
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TNTalesok, i hit escape (at the language select)12:20
TNTalesit gives me the following options12:20
TNTalesChoose Language12:20
TNTalesSelect A Keyboard Layout12:20
TNTalesDetect and Mount a CD-ROM12:20
TNTalesLoad Installer Components from CD12:20
MarlunI need some help, I'm new to linux/ubuntu but have just installed ubuntu on a Virtual PC to test it, but I'm not able to enter the character @ for some reason, I'm on a swedish keyboard and everything works except when I hit <AlrGr + 2> nothing happends. What can be wrong?12:20
TNTalesChange Debconf priiorty12:21
TNTalesCheck CD-ROM integrity12:21
TNTalesExecute a Shell12:21
TNTalesand Abort Installation12:21
kbrooksTNTales: erm. you were at a later stage in the installer, right?12:21
TNTalesno, i hadn't moved12:21
TNTalesok, i'll start...12:22
TNTalesdetecting hardware....12:22
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kbrooksTNTales: k12:22
TNTalesscanning cd rom....12:22
TNTalesloading additional components....12:22
kbrooksTNTales: ubuntu breezy?12:22
TNTalesdetectin network hardware..12:22
TNTaleskbrooks yes12:22
TNTales5.10, latest build12:23
kbrooksTNTales: did it boot before?12:23
TNTalesnetwork is of course unplugged12:23
TNTalesyes, I've been working in it for some time12:23
TNTalesalmost a week12:23
TNTalesgot wine installed and configured, got all my apps, got my desktop like i like it12:23
kbrooksi mean ubuntu12:23
TNTalesyes, ubuntu12:24
TNTaleseven had little penguin icons :****(12:24
kbrooksso at 6, this just happens12:24
kbrookswithout warning?12:24
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TNTalesok: what i did just before12:24
kbrookswhat about yesterday?12:24
TNTaleswas in windows, downloading stuff from steam12:24
TNTalesand I made an additional partition on my hard drive12:24
TNTalesof some remaining free space12:24
kbrooksfor what12:25
TNTalesto stuff media files in to share between windows and linux12:25
kbrooks... and12:25
TNTalesthere's instructions on how to mount partitions made in windows12:25
TNTalesfor linux12:25
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TNTalesbut not vice versa12:25
bungleI have 30gig spare space to save pcs and movies n stuff in for when I format12:26
TNTalesso i had to make one using the terrible windows disk manager12:26
kbrooksyou can mount linux in windows12:26
TNTaleswell, i used disk manager12:26
TNTalesand made my partition, loaded some files on it, etc12:26
kbrooksTNTales: XP?12:26
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kbrooksor xp cd?12:26
TNTaleskbrooks yes, XP SP212:26
LathropWellsParttion Recovery "TestDisk"      take a peek see what you think - www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk.html12:26
TNTalesunder system tools12:26
TNTalesi think12:26
TNTalesright click on my computer and click manage12:26
kbrooksTNTales: yes12:27
TNTalesyeah, made partition, made it FAT32, quick formatted12:27
TNTalesput some files on it12:27
kbrooksand then?12:27
TNTalesand restarted computer12:27
TNTalesand POOF12:27
TNTalesError 1712:27
kbrooksTNTales: OK12:28
kbrooksTNTales: so it just happened12:28
TNTalesi suspected my new partition12:28
TNTalesyes, just happened12:28
kbrooksTNTales: partitioning step yet?12:28
TNTalesso i thought i was fried, so i put in the XP OS Recovery Disk12:28
TNTalesgo ahead and do the username, etc? or skip out of that?12:28
=== petitohaime| [n=petit@dyn-83-156-197-118.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
TNTalesit's asking me to put in a host name?12:29
TNTalesis this where i skip ahead to the partition thingy?12:29
kbrooksskip out12:29
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TNTalesok, and go to???12:29
TNTalespartition disks?12:30
kbrookspartition disks12:30
TNTalesdetecting hardware...12:30
TNTalesstarting partitioner...12:30
kbrooksif its still blank, i'm not sure what to do12:30
kbrooks(ie no partitions)12:30
TNTalesok, gives me options of: Erase Entire Disk, Erease and use LVM12:30
TNTalesor manually edit table12:30
TNTalesmanual yes?12:30
kbrooksTNTales: huh? no list?12:30
TNTalesok, here's what it says:12:31
TNTalesConfigure software RAID12:31
TNTalesConfigure Logical Volume Manager12:31
TNTalesGuided Partitioning12:31
TNTalesHelp on partitioning12:31
TNTalesthen the IDE thingy we saw before12:31
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TNTalesno partition table listed12:31
=== Huey [n=Huey@ip68-6-108-46.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
TNTalesthen undo changes, finsih partitioning12:32
wickedpuppyhmms ... this will be the second longest help session ...12:32
TNTalesi probably messed it up12:32
TNTalesand I coudl start over, it'd just be a pain in the butt12:32
kbrooksTNTales: grub can detect it!!!12:32
TNTalesgrub sees the drive, but not the partition table12:32
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TNTalesit sees the master12:32
TNTalesnone of the partitions though12:32
TNTales*thinking bad thoughts about linux*12:33
kbrooksTNTales: so how could it have put out error 1712:33
TNTalesi dunno12:33
kbrooksthe partitions are unmountable12:33
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TNTalesbut, the windows install disk shows them as there12:33
TNTalesso they are on the disk w/the info on them12:33
kbrooksyet windows detects them12:33
TNTalesyes, i just can't boot to windows12:33
TNTalesbecause grub fails12:33
kbrooksTNTales: so we neeed to think12:34
TNTalesso a bad boot record?12:34
kbrooksof something12:34
TNTaleswell, the least pleasing but simplest option is: Wipe and Restart12:34
TNTaleshoepfully we can avoid that12:34
TNTalesI had mine at the computer, lol12:34
TNTalesbuscuits and mountain dew12:34
TNTalesok, I tell you what, you think while you eat, I'm going to go to bed12:35
LathropWellsParttion Recovery "TestDisk"      take a peek see what you think - www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk.html12:35
TNTalesif you think of something12:35
TNTalespost it in the absolute beginner forum12:35
TNTalesand I'll check it out12:35
TNTalesmay just need to boot the live cd12:35
TNTaleswill the live cd boot?12:35
TNTalesw/out grub?12:36
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Habbiethe live cd needs -nothing-, that's the idea :)12:36
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TziHi =) Anyone had experience with Quake 2 under Linux?  I'm attempting to get multiplayer working over a 256/64 ADSL connection.. Unfortunately, as soon as I move, I get a 'disconnected' icon, and suddenly can't move any more, although I can see others moving, and read incoming messages (outgoing messages take a good 10, 20 secs to send)12:36
TziI guess the uplink is being saturated with traffic, but I'm not sure how to stop it happening =)12:36
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TNTalesthis really pisses me off12:37
hukkkaanyone here happen to have experience on bluetooth gprs connections?12:37
ompaulTNTales, language please12:37
hukkkaor gprsec12:37
kbrooksTNTales: well, poke12:38
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kbrooksTNTales: livecd. dl it.12:38
LathropWellsTzi - Hello, sorry to hear that you are having problems. - i wasn't able to install it all. how did you install Quake 2?12:38
kbrooksTNTales: and then boot it12:38
TNTales*sigh* ok12:39
TziLathropWells: I just downloaded the binary from a mirror, and untarred it over the installation =)12:39
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TNTalesif that doesn't work, I think my linux adventures may come to a close12:39
TNTalesit's feeling less and less worth it12:39
LathropWellsTzi - Ok, Thanks i will give that a try.12:39
kbrooksTNTales: u have to work for what you get12:40
kbrooksTNTales: switching back to windows just because of partitioning troubles is not going to work12:40
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jpfariasis there a development version after breezy?12:41
aftertafnot yey12:41
kbrooksTNTales: in the livecd, you will want to ... emm, i havent really used it, but i think i can blame windows12:41
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ubotuThe 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release.12:41
LathropWellsTNTales - If a computer phobic like me can install and use Linux so can you.12:42
kbrooksLathropWells: HE HAS12:42
TNTalesLathropWells Oh, I installed it12:42
kbrooksLathropWells: 1 week12:42
TNTalesI had a configured, completely installed, drive shared12:42
aftertafTNTales: you lost your grub?12:42
bimberidapper repositories are open, but they'd be for the brave12:42
TNTaleswireless on the verge12:42
TNTalesand poof12:42
TNTaleserror 17, grub just won't work12:42
ubotuhmm... grub is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting12:42
kbrooksaftertaf: no12:42
mustard5afteraf lost his grub and only has install CD12:42
kbrooksaftertaf: both of us, me and TNTales concluded (for now) that ...12:43
Liketwhere can I get the linux kernel source tree for ubuntu 5.10? i need it to compile a driver, is there a package to install?12:43
kbrooksmustard5: he didnt lose it12:43
aftertafLiket: lunux-source package12:43
Liketsweet, thanks12:43
aftertafLiket: spot the spelling mistake ;)12:43
mustard5kbrooks, your calling the shots..I've been told to stay quiet :)12:44
kbrooksmustard5: he created a new partition, rebooted, *bang*12:44
Likethehe np12:44
kbrookserror 1712:44
TNTalesyup, POOF12:44
TNTalesthought i must have erased the HDD12:44
TNTalesbut when i put in the windows OS recovery cd12:44
Liketis there a text based package manager (like synaptic) that'll work over SSH?12:44
TNTalesit picked up the partitions as still being there12:44
bimberiLiket: you might only need the headers - sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)12:45
LathropWellsgee kbrooks i usually have to pull the plug on reiserfs to get my parttions to go *BANG*12:45
kbrooksTNTales: i have a idea12:45
kbrooksTNTales: get the recovery cd12:45
bimberiLiket: aptitude :)12:45
kbrooksremove the shared partition12:45
TNTalesok, js12:45
Liketwow, that $(command) will come in very handy, you learn something new every day :) tnx12:46
bimberiLiket: np :)12:46
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aftertafLiket: whats that?12:47
kbrooksaftertaf: no12:47
Liketaftertaf: well, it appeared to grab the console output of whatever was put within the paranthesis and append it to the commandline12:47
aftertafok ;) gotcha....12:48
Liketaftertaf: i remember needing to do that once way back when, and having no idea how :)12:48
kbrooksTNTales: post this all the forums too -- that you have a booting problem12:48
TNTalesloading files...12:48
TNTalesok, lets try this first, if it works, we can post it as a solution12:48
bimberiLiket:  probably with back-quotes (which also work)12:48
aftertafTNTales: :)12:48
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TNTalesI was getting ready to try out Half Life 2 in WINE :)12:49
kbrooksTNTales: hopefully it should work12:49
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TNTalesI have to get up for work in 6 hours, heh12:49
phinnaeusdang bf2 doesnt work12:49
phinnaeusspeaking of wine12:49
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kbrooksTNTales: you can readd the partition in the future12:49
LathropWellsTNTales it works very well in cedega.12:49
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phinnaeuscedega costs money12:49
kbrooksphinnaeus: uh no12:50
phinnaeusit doens't?12:50
kbrooksphinnaeus: there is a free cedegaa too12:50
phinnaeusi thought it did12:50
TNTalesok, i'm in the recovery part12:50
kbrooksu have to pay for the binaries12:50
TNTalesshoudl i try the "fix boot command?12:50
TNTaleswrites a new boot sector to drive C12:50
phinnaeuskbrooks: should i just google free cedega?12:51
kbrooksTNTales: uh ok. not sure if that'll work. it'll overwrite grub12:51
TNTalesok, i put no then12:51
LathropWellswine can be gotten from CVS - transgaming protects non disclosure agreements on disk copy protection on some games. that small amount of code isn't released.12:51
TNTalesWine is supposed to be pretty good though.. dunno haven't got to try it yet :/12:51
kbrooksTNTales: remove the shared partition that windows detected12:51
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TNTalesok, had to reboot from the console12:52
kbrooksLathropWells: cedega != wine12:52
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TNTalesisn't cedega more of an emulator though?12:52
kbrookswine <- (winex -> cedega)12:52
TNTaleslike more windows dependant than wine?12:52
kbrooksTNTales: no12:52
TNTalesah, ok12:52
TNTalesi tried to get winex to work, ended up just being easier to do terminal stuff12:52
LathropWellsTNTales - it works.  to me Cedega is handy and quicker to get your game working.12:53
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kbrookscedega is a fork of wine. cedega was known as winex12:53
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phinnaeuskbrooks: where is this free cedega you speak of12:53
TNTalesok, deleted partition12:54
dylan_rogersis there anywhere in linux that i can adjust security settings?12:54
TNTalesor create a partition again?12:54
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LathropWellskbrooks - yes but still not all wine code is cedega12:54
NoobieDoobieDodylan_rogers, what kind of security settings ?12:54
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dylan_rogersNoobieDoobieDo, like Group Policy under Windows12:54
dylan_rogersNoobieDoobieDo, or something12:54
=== xota re!
Liketholy crap it worked!! :)12:55
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TNTaleskbrooks well, i don't see grub12:55
kbrooksphinnaeus: google winecvs12:55
TNTalesbut windows will now boot12:55
TNTalesit skips over grub12:55
TNTalesall together12:55
kbrooksTNTales: okay12:55
NoobieDoobieDodylan_rogers, System -> Administration -> Users and Groups ?12:55
LathropWells<<< - still misses Loki Games - R.I.P. bankrupted.12:55
TNTalesah, it's doing the installation though12:55
kbrooksTNTales: of what?12:55
Liketi now have a new compiled driver (.ko) for my hard disk controller.. it's my boot drive though. should i just replace the old file with the new file and reboot? or do i need to add it to a ram disk image or similar?12:56
dylan_rogersNoobieDoobieDo, thats it?12:56
TNTales*crosses fingers*12:56
NoobieDoobieDolooks like it12:56
dylan_rogersNoobieDoobieDo, is linux really secure by default as some say?12:56
kbrooksdylan_rogers: yes12:56
TNTalesnow i'm stuck in the install loop!12:56
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TNTalesit wants to set up windows :/12:56
TNTalesputting in the ubuntu cd12:57
TNTalestryu that12:57
dylan_rogerskbrooks, sweetness....so im never really gonna get hit with a virus/spyware app like under Windows, etc?  Microsoft says that Vista will be secure.....will they accomplish security?12:57
NoobieDoobieDodylan_rogers, yes.12:57
ompauldylan_rogers, why would they say it was if it was not, Linux does not have a marketing system12:57
ompauldylan_rogers, they said that about 9512:57
NoobieDoobieDodylan_rogers, there are many resources on the net that can tell you why.  part of the problem is windows is _insecure_ by nature.12:57
kbrooksTNTales: heh. well, I don't really KNOW why the IDE is blank12:57
ompaul2000 and xp12:57
dylan_rogersompaul, they did?12:57
kbrooksdylan_rogers: yes they did12:58
dylan_rogersNoobieDoobieDo, i thought it was because it was so popular.  if linux was to be as popular as windows, would we see any viruses12:58
LathropWellsdylan - yes. - at least some of the reason s linux is less than ten percent of machines on the desktop. - only the most energetic anti social hackers have time for us after writing code exploits for windows12:58
kbrooksdylan_rogers: no viruses12:58
kbrooksvery few12:58
TNTaleskbrooks aren't all great discoveries made on the virtue of a lack of knowledge, heh12:58
ompauldylan_rogers, go look at the marketing for those days12:58
NoobieDoobieDodylan_rogers, their core structure is different. linux by design is more secure and stable than windows can ever be give the way it is designed.12:58
kbrookstrojans technically exist as rootkits12:58
NoobieDoobieDoi hope this makes sense.12:58
hukkkadoes anyone know which port does bluetooth use in ubuntu?12:59
dylan_rogerskbrooks, but they dont do anything without the user explicity allowing privelages, right?12:59
TNTalesnope, doesn't appear12:59
kbrooksdylan_rogers: uh, right.12:59
LathropWellsstill a few exploits out there - read the internet weather report for yeserday?12:59
kbrooksTNTales: hmm. sooo strange12:59
dylan_rogerskbrooks, is that sarcasm, or a yes?12:59
kbrooksdylan_rogers: s/uh, //12:59
kbrooksdylan_rogers: its a yes12:59
TNTalesand it goes back to the freakin windows set up!01:00
LathropWellsLupper worm had a party on some wiki equiped servers01:00
TNTalesi think I'm gonna test the aerodynamics of my newly minted paperweigh :/01:00
NoobieDoobieDodylan_rogers, http://www.theregister.co.uk/security/security_report_windows_vs_linux/01:00
kbrooksTNTales: you should really reinstall01:00
kbrooksfrom stratch01:00
TNTalesyeah, looks that way01:00
TNTalesscrew it01:00
kbrooksTNTales: i have no idea how this happens01:01
kbrooksscrewc what01:01
TNTalesI'm just so upset right now, I shoudl go to bed01:01
TNTalesor I'll get so mad I"ll give up on linux and destroy my laptop01:01
kbrooksTNTales: well, blame windows01:01
TNTalesI'll try01:01
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TNTalesthanks for your help01:01
kbrooksyou created that partition in windows01:01
TNTalesI'll just reinstalled01:01
kbrooksTNTales: forum post01:02
TNTalesreinstall it all01:02
TNTaleswindows first right?01:02
mustard5TNTales, get some sleep ;)01:02
TNTalesoh, yeah, call it: Don't Use Windows Disk Manager for Partition Making01:02
TNTalesyeah, see you guys tonight01:02
TNTalesI'll try the live cd trick01:02
mustard5TNTales, it will all be clearer in the morning :)01:02
kbrooksTNTales: post ur experience01:02
TNTaleshaha, it is morning :)01:02
TNTalesok, I'll post it before I go to work01:03
kbrookson the forums01:03
TNTalesit's 7:00 am here01:03
kbrookssame here01:03
TNTalesI'll post it today01:03
TNTalesty for your help, I"m off01:03
LathropWellsRelax - TNTales good night -  it'll be a lot easier after a bit of rest.01:03
kbrooksTNTales: cmpfixer@hotmail.com01:03
kbrookswell, that sucks :)01:03
dylan_rogersdoes popularity diminish the security of an OS?01:04
kbrooksi had to tell him to remove that spare partition01:04
LathropWellsonly one sure thing when he does get installed he is going to make backups religously. - grin01:04
kbrooksdylan_rogers: microsoft has sucky advertising01:04
mustard5I'll keep an eye out for him and pass the email on kbrooks01:04
LathropWellsdylan - erm - yes is my guess. still very few linux machines out there.01:05
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J_Elementcan any one assist me on configurting samba with my ubuntu 5.0401:05
LathropWellsWindows gets the lions share of attention.01:05
ubotufrom memory, samba is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently01:05
LathropWellsWhew! - thanks ubotu.01:06
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Likethow do i make an init ramdisk (kernel image?). never done this before, but i need to install a new hard disk controller driver01:06
kbrooksgaim-vv is being merged back into gaim01:06
kbrooksfor 2.001:06
LathropWellsyou never know what he might know01:06
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LathropWellsLiket - I would try the linux documentation project for the answer.   tldp.or01:07
LiketLathropWells: tnx, will do01:07
LathropWellsLiket  tldp.org01:08
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Liketthat's a huge site, LathropWells, can you point me in the right direction?01:09
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LathropWellsLiket -erm - best guess even GPS guidance fails there. GNU positioning system lol01:10
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LathropWellsNoUse, - i get lost there all the time too.01:11
LiketLathropWells: haha exactly :)01:11
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LiketLathropWells: the thing is, i have installation instructions for this driver (from 3ware) for red hat and suse. neither of them match debian, of course. for redhat it references /etc/modprobe.conf which of course doesn't exist01:13
LiketLathropWells: and for suse it references /etc/sysconfig/kernel01:13
Liketwhich doesn't exist in ubuntu either.01:13
Liketany idea what they're talking about?01:13
LathropWellsLiket - i have only been doing this for a couple of months01:14
Liketahh.. you definitely feel my pain then :)01:14
LathropWellsAbsolutely - (faxes an aspirin and a papsi)01:14
Liketi installed ubuntu yesterday. i'm reinstalling tomorrow (reinitializing raid with more drives) so i figured today is an excellent day to make mistakes01:14
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LathropWellsa little planning is sure to help.01:15
LathropWellsLiket - "insomod" - ???01:16
LathropWellsinsmod  ?01:16
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, LathropWells01:17
Liketthat does exist! hmm01:17
ubotuLathropWells: Are you on ritalin?01:17
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Likethehe, bot's got at attitude :)01:17
bimberiLiket: probably /etc/modules01:17
LathropWellsbotsnack - arsenic01:18
ubotukbrooks: What?01:18
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ubotuthanks lathropwells :)01:18
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bimberiLiket: insmod is the command to insert modules into the kernel but the preferred way is to use modprobe (which will insert dependant modules as well)01:18
=== whyameye [n=whyameye@ip68-102-30-153.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Liketbimberi: ahh, i gotcha. i'm trying to upgrade the raid controller driver that is used for my boot drive.. it can't be as easy as putting modprobe in rc.local right? don't i have to update the ram disk image or similar?01:19
LathropWellsAh okay. - i always learn something here.01:19
whyameyesometimes my applications just quit. No warning. No crash dialog. Suddenly just gone. happens a lot with Thunderbird and Firefox. So frustrating. I was just typing an email in Thunderbird and bang. The application has completely disappeared. Hoary.01:20
Liketwhyameye: tried opera?01:20
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whyameyeLiket: so the problem is the app? Never had this problem with Thunderbird in WinXP...01:20
bimberiLiket: sorry i don't know about the "ram disk image", but if you want modules loaded at boot time you can add them to /etc/modules.01:20
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Liketbimberi: the thing is, i know the module is getting loaded already somehow (or the system couldn't boot).. but i'm not sure where01:21
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bimberiLiket: and there's no rc.local in ubuntu either :) - /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh is probably the most equivalent01:21
bimberiLiket: ah01:21
Liketoooh THAT is a very useful tidbit of information, bimberi :)01:21
LathropWellsbimberi would there be a log of when the moule was loaded maybe that could narrow it down01:22
bimberiLathropWells: ooh yes - perhaps grep-ping in /var/log Liket?01:23
bimberi*grep-ing :)01:23
LathropWellsnp - i stile canned spel eyther01:23
Liketi do see the console output from the driver in kern.log01:24
Liketno reference to WHAT loads it in that file. hmm... ...man kern01:25
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Liketi mean, man grep :)01:25
kestasif theres a competition where at a certain time of the day a link is posted on a website, and the first 200 people to click that link get the prize01:25
kestasis it illegal for you to set up a script to download the site repeatedly, automatically check for differences, and let you know when differences are detected?01:25
kestas there's nothing against it in the TOS, but I dont want to be gipped out of the prize01:25
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Habbiekestas: that -would- entail giving yourself an unfair advantage.. but I don't know about the legal side :)01:26
bimberiwow, that's ubuntu related :P01:26
kestaswell the script is running on ubuntu01:26
LathropWellskestas - interesting. - i wonder if they are hip to only allowing new unique ip addresses see the prize page.01:26
bimberikestas: pretty thin :)01:27
kestasLathropWells, well I only want 1, but they could see the repeated page hits from my ip for the last 24 hours and get suspicious01:27
kestasbimberi, I know :P but there's no #legalitiesofcompetitions01:28
J_Elementany one can help me with samba configurations01:28
J_Elementto be able to share file for windows network ?01:28
kestasJ_Element, just take a look at the sample config, it gives all the examples youll need in a basic setup01:29
kestasat least it does on freebsd01:29
J_Elementi need it on ubuntu01:29
kestasIm sure the config will be on ubuntu too01:29
J_Elementwhere is this sample config ?01:29
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kestascant remember, but 'locate -u && locate smb samba | less' should find it01:30
bimberiLiket: sudo grep -r <modulename> /etc/*     <- might show some clues01:30
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J_Elementdo u mind me asking u a question in ur dialog chat window ?01:31
kestasjust ask in here please01:32
J_Elementumm i got some help earlier on installing drivers for my sound card01:32
Liketbimberi: now that's an excellent idea - running01:32
J_Elementdo u know how can i know if its config correctly01:32
kestasaplay /dev/urandom01:32
LathropWellsJ_Element, Only tangentially related. but still nifty for ssh file sharing.  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/429601:32
kestasmake sure all sound is turned up first, all plugged in01:33
J_Elementcuz when i see the sound volume control on my task bar01:33
kestasLathropWells, is that sshfs01:33
kestasLathropWells, cant beat sshfs :) much better than smb and nfs01:33
J_Elementwhen i open xmms with a file it says : "make sure that no other prog is blocking ur sound card , or that u got ur sound card config prop "01:33
kestasalso see encfs01:33
kestasalso very neat01:33
Liketbimberi: not found!01:33
kestasJ_Element, try aplay /dev/urandom01:33
bimberiLiket: :/01:34
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LathropWellskestas - lol - thats the 3rd time in an hour you sent me to google to larn something new. - lol01:34
J_Elementit didnt do any thing01:34
kestasJ_Element, hmm01:34
kestasJ_Element, what did it say?01:35
J_Elementnothing ! it just gave blank01:35
J_Elementit didnt even give me the command line01:35
kestasopen up a terminal first01:35
J_Elementi did :S01:35
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J_Elementand pasted ur code in it01:36
kestasso it's jelement@jspc:~ $ aplay /dev/urandom01:36
kestasyou press enter01:36
kestasand you just see jelement@jspc:~ $01:36
LathropWellshttp://arg0.net/wiki/encfs/intro2 - seems authoritative01:36
J_Elementit didnt give that01:36
Liketbimberi: i wonder if it's compiled into the kernel01:36
J_Elementit just put the cursor to a new line and thats it01:36
kestasJ_Element, okay, and youre sure the volume is turned up?01:37
kestastype alsamixer01:37
kestasdouble check that everything is turned up and not muted01:37
J_Elementdid that01:38
bimberiLiket: yes, i guess so, although i really don't know much about it01:38
J_Elementbut when i ran xmms player01:38
J_Elementits not working :S01:38
kestasJ_Element, and you dont hear any drums when using the interface?01:39
J_Elementwhich interface ?01:39
Liketbimberi: alright.. i guess i'll live with it for now.. it does work, but i'm worried the raid manager daemon won't be able to run with the old driver that's included in ubuntu01:39
J_Elementi didnt hear any sound ever since i installed ubuntu01:39
kestask, are you using a generic sound card or a rare one?01:39
Liketbimberi: thanks for your help!01:39
J_Elementrealtek builtin with my intel 915gav01:40
bimberiLiket: np :) wish i could have helped more01:40
J_Elementlisten why dont i reboot01:40
kestaswhere do you get libcss from again?01:41
kestas!tell kestas about libcss201:42
naliothubotu: tell kestas about libdvdcss201:42
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J_Elementthe sound is working but i cant work any mp3 to play01:44
J_Elementit closes the totem player and says resource is busy01:44
J_Elementor not available01:45
kestasJ_Element, enable the universe repository in /etc/apt/sources.list, and install totem-xine01:45
kestaswhile youre at it install beep-media-player01:45
kestasits a gnome-centric xmms01:45
J_Elementbeep ?01:46
J_Elementbut why isnt xmms working01:46
J_Elementmy friend recomended it highly01:47
kestasyoure probably using the wrong output pluging01:47
kestasuse esd01:47
kestasbut really I recommend beep-media-player over xmms, and I think everyone here would agree01:47
J_Elementbut sound is working ! i heard the bootin & every thing01:47
J_Elementnow im installing the xine thingie01:48
LathropWellsJ_Element, - it's worth a try. - i used to confuse xmms all the time by adding conflicting codecs.01:48
J_Elementwhy the heck not01:49
J_Elementim sure u guys have better experience in this than i do01:49
J_Elementu guys are gods to ME :D it works01:49
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LathropWellsSend the checks to... - lol01:49
J_Elementi gotta go to a meeting now with my dean , i finish work in 5 mins01:50
J_Elementso take care fellas01:50
J_Elementim mighty gratefull01:50
LathropWells"Pay it Forward" to the next person. Linux Community01:50
J_Elementsure will01:50
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sybil52hi how do I install kde?01:53
hochimapt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:53
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naliothyou guys need to register and identify yourselves01:54
sybil52hocghim is that for kde?01:54
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dylan_rogersif i am using the ext3 filesystem, will i ever need to defrag?01:55
vothis there a way to mget an entire folder including it's sub-folders through ftp?01:55
Habbievoth: I recommend the mirror-command in lftp for that01:55
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Habbievoth: or wget -m :)01:55
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hochimsybil52: yes, it loads lots of kde stuff01:56
sybil52I just tried it in terminal and it said01:57
sybil52sybil52@sympatico:~$ apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:57
sybil52E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)01:57
Habbiesybil52: put 'sudo' in front01:58
sybil52ah! ok01:58
hedonickdylan_rogers: very unlikely... I used a separate /var partion for a couple of years withough the fragmentation rising over 10% (and with a lot of updating of debs, then purging etc... trashed that partition good I think)01:58
frogzoosybil52: you need root permission - sudo will suid your process, and run as root01:58
dylan_rogershedonick, so no?01:58
hedonickdylan_rogers: could be extreme cases... but generally I think no01:59
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sybil52ok thanks guys01:59
dylan_rogershedonick, great01:59
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karjalaHow can I change the keybord language that I type in? (I've installed greek and english)02:00
frogzoohedonick: btw: ext2 defrags itself - it's built into the driver, so defrag is really a non issue02:00
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_Dezim using ext102:00
_Dezdo i need to defrag02:00
Habbie_Dez: ext1?!02:01
frogzoo_Dez: chuckle :p noone uses ext102:01
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karjalaHow can I get a systray icon to see (and select) the language that I type in?02:01
LathropWellskarjala, - on the top or bottom taskbar right click and add to panel keyboard manager02:01
frogzoonewsflash _Dez is still running 1.02 :p02:02
karjalaLathropWells: Thanks!02:02
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LathropWellsponingru, Hi02:03
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_DezIN runs so well on my 4Mhz Proc02:05
sybil52it is now d/l . thanks a lot02:06
_DezI need a PRog to show how much Power my Batterys laptop holds02:07
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kestasyour battery's laptop?02:09
fanopnaic_Dez: "acpi"02:09
aftertaf4mhz proc ;)02:09
aftertaf_Dez: you running kernel version 0.1 too ?02:10
_Dezyeah kestas02:10
_DezFlashDrives aftertaf02:10
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_Dezwell off to school i go lator02:10
kestas386 has always been > 4mhz02:10
elzappDez: there is plugins for both kde kicker and gnomepanel that shows battery status02:10
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kestasand linux doesnt run on anything slower02:10
=== ubotu strangles _Dez with a doohicky mouse cord, courtesy of aftertaf
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frogzoo_Dez: there's a battery monitor as one of the standard applets - just right click menu bar02:11
kestasunless you use bochs and simulate it at 4mhz, while telling it it's going at, say 100mhz02:11
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darklightred83who knows about fork()02:13
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poningrusomeone called?02:13
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darklightred83ununtu ryt?02:13
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darklightred83any1 please02:13
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frogzoodarklightred83: sounds like a school assignment?02:13
poningrubill you called?02:13
darklightred83yez it is02:14
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frogzoodarklightred83: maybe try #c ?02:14
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darklightred83whats that?02:14
elzappAs in the channel #c02:14
frogzoodarklightred83: type "/join #c"02:14
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darklightred83join #c02:14
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Ophiocushehe, this ones gonna take long02:14
tastyratzhey, I tried installing Kubuntu on my system last night and had an issue. I was able to select language, keyboard, and then the primary network controller. It got to a screen with a loading bar saying "this may take awhile" did a few things and then the screen changed to just the background blue color with a light gray bar on the bottom I could type in. cd spun down and nothing happens after that02:15
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frogzoodarklightred83: you missed the "/" like so "/join #c"02:15
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aftertafdid it try connecting for updates?02:15
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nayifi have problem on my website it appear diff on both IE and firefox where can i find help for this problem ?02:15
aftertafcss maybe?02:16
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frogzoonayif: I believe the only one who can help you is a guy in Redmond, Bill somebody or other02:16
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tastyratzit didnt say anything on the screen about connecting02:17
nayiffrogzoo, i hope this guy and team on IE help us to get the webdev an simple like text file02:17
agtnzHmmm whats a good monospace font.. :/02:17
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poningrutastyratz: you sure that the cd is good?02:17
poningruas in did you burn it?02:17
tastyratzi just burned it 10 min before trying02:18
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poningruif so did you make sure that it was burnt correctly?02:18
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nuckwhat's going on? whenever i log in im redirected to ubuntu-regged02:18
LathropWellsmd5sum /path/your.iso    ?02:18
naliothnuck: check your identification setup in your client02:18
poningrubut if you dont have access to your computer it may not be possible02:18
dylan_is the linux team working on a way to reduce processor and memory usage, or are they going the microsoft way and needing extra processor speed, etc.?02:19
poningruif you burn a cd at higher speeds you should always check your data02:19
poningruthe linux team?02:19
nuckanyho anyone else using VLC to view videos? i installed vlc but i get no audio.  of course ive checked volume control etc. what else could ive missed? thanks02:19
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poningrudylan_: the beauty of linux is that it can be run in the tiniest machines02:19
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LathropWellsdylan_ - a different mindset. - you have a choice of at least a dozen desktops fot debian02:20
dylan_poningru, i really meant GNOME and Ubuntu, but Linux too, the kernel i guess w/e im new....have an older system and want to be able to upgrade.... 500mhz 128mb ram02:20
naliothnuck: you got all your audio codecs installed?02:20
Eclipsei have some problems with my ubuntu machine02:20
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poningrudylan_: take a look at xubuntu02:20
Eclipsei instaled the ltsp02:20
Ophiocusdylan_,  theres linux distros that can run on cell phones02:20
naliothubotu: tell nuck about multimedia02:20
LathropWellsterminal skinny to java sun obese.02:20
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dylan_poningru, where can i download it?02:20
frogzoodylan_: the linux kernel is extraordinarily lean - it's the gui that soaks mem/cpu02:20
dirkdigglerAre all applications installed with brezzy visible in the GNOME 'Start Menu'?02:20
naliothdirkdiggler: they are not02:21
naliothdirkdiggler: only the gui apps02:21
Eclipsenow i try to modify my network ip etc and it takes a lot02:21
poningru!tell dylan_ about xubuntu02:21
=== dylan_ wants to know where to download xubuntu
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dirkdigglernalioth: what is the 'program files' equivalent?02:21
frogzoodirkdiggler: nope, guess again02:21
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LathropWellsxubuntu-desktop  - ?02:21
poningrudylan_: you should have gotten a message from ubotu02:22
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nuckok thanks02:22
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frogzoodirkdiggler: probably /usr/bin02:22
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naliothdirkdiggler: you have executable files all over your system. those files are in several 'bin' directories02:22
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dylan_poningru, i just did - thanks02:23
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poningrujust follow the instructions on that page02:23
poningruand you should be good to go02:23
theturtlanyone know of an easy to use app to manage songs on my ipod02:23
LathropWellsnalioth - timer script for #ubuntu-unregged   ?02:24
naliothLathropWells: timer ?02:24
dirkdigglernalioth frogzoo: Thanks, one more question - what is the different between ' Applications - Add Applications' and 'System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager'?02:24
LathropWellsboot after 5mins02:24
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dylan_poningru, but somebody told me that xfce is shitty compared to gnome or kde02:24
tastyratzjust checked md5: checked out fine02:24
naliothdirkdiggler: add applications is a subset of synaptic02:24
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naliothUdontKnow: howdy02:24
trpdx!tell trpdx about xubuntu02:24
deFryskdylan_, not if you have a light spec box02:24
naliothUdontKnow: you missed the bot flood02:24
UdontKnownalioth: hi02:25
ubuntuhi nalioth02:25
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UdontKnownalioth: I was sleeping, heh02:25
tastyratzanyone have any ideas?02:25
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ubuntu@lalioth: so i wake you up ;-)02:25
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poningrudylan_: well you get what you pay for02:26
poningruin processing power02:26
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macarthyhi all.02:26
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macarthyHow do you access a smb share via the command line?02:27
macarthyit's arleady mounted02:27
veepsterusing 'cd /pathtomounteddirectory'02:27
poningruI think wherever you mounted it02:27
poningrubeauty of *nix everything is a file02:28
macarthyI used the connect to server menu item, where does it get mounted ?02:28
macarthyplaces menu..02:28
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kestasponingru, :) its not mounted on a file02:28
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kestasponingru, it uses an smbclient backend02:29
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qivwhat is the best mathematic-tool for ubuntu? :)02:29
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qivmethematica or maple-like02:29
macarthykestas, so how do I access the share via the command line? do I need to mount it again?02:29
qivanyone an idea? ;)02:29
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marlunHello again, I've got 2 harddrives, if I install ubuntu on one of them, if I layter decide to remove ubuntu, is it just to format the harddrive from windows or how do I get it back so I can use it from windows?02:30
kestasmacarthy, you need to install smbmount02:30
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flippihi, can somebody help me? im trying to install an programm and i get this error: gcc cannot create executables02:30
dylan_poningru, you get what you pay for?  not entirely true.  you pay 300 bucks for windows xp, but you get shit02:30
Eclipsehow can i run an x aplication as root02:30
kestasmacarthy, or fuse and the smb module for it, but I image smbmount is easier02:30
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naliothflippi: install "build-essential"02:30
poningrudylan_: hahahaha so true02:30
flippikk thx02:30
Ophiocusmarlun, you simply refotmat the drive02:30
poningruEclipse: um why do you want to do that?02:31
macarthyok. so there is no mount point using the places menu? ok02:31
akurashyhello, when i open bzflag it gives me this error, how can i fix this, i installed nvidia-glx/settings and is still like that, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/430202:31
marlunOphiocus, ok, thanks! =)02:31
poningruwell its just a simple as creating a root pswd02:31
poningruand logging in as that02:31
poningrumarlun: you can do that using fdisk in win02:31
Eclipseit tells me that root cannot log in in graphical mode02:31
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marlungoing to install it then, wish me luck :P02:31
poningrugood luck02:31
mAIJKHi, how can I check if i have installed my Nvidia driver correctly?02:32
ubotuextra, extra, read all about it, root is disabled in Ubuntu, you can read all about it on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo02:32
Micksalet's see if this is familiar to anyone02:32
MicksaI have an inspiron 6000 laptop running breezy02:32
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Micksaand whenever I run mplayer on just about anything I constantly get messages like02:32
Micksaalsa-space: xrun of at least 0.083 msecs. resetting stream0.4% 6 0 90%02:32
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Micksaand the clip is all choppy02:32
Micksayes, DMA is on02:33
basvghmm, since this morning I keep getting errors on `dselect update`:02:33
basvgW: GPG error: http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>02:33
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basvgdoes anyone know 1) why this is and 2) what to do about it?02:33
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ubotuIf you get GPG errors when accessing the Ubuntu archives, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* (Yes, you will get some 'is a directory' messages, that's fine) then wait 10 minutes and retry.02:33
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basvgubotu: thanks :)02:34
ubotubasvg: de nada02:34
ggellerI've seen that one before :)02:34
naliothAmaranth: you get the news?02:34
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aftertafwhich one nalioth ?02:36
agtnz!tell agtnz about fonts02:36
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tastyratzwould I be better unplugging my network cable from my pc and trying to install again?02:37
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aftertaftastyratz: weird..... does your network have direct net access? try wthout the cable and leave it if it 'hangs' for like 30 mins when checking for updates.02:38
akurashyis there a better video player than mplayer?02:38
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AzMooHey. I'm trying to play a dvd using Mplayer. I use: "mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/hdc" and it says it loads successfully, but I don't get a playback window. What am I missing?02:38
tastyratzi never see anything on the screen saying its checking for updates02:38
tastyratzjust stays blank02:38
aftertafakurashy: whats wrong wxith it?02:38
tastyratzit allows me to type in that gray bar on the bottom however02:38
AzMooakurashy, you can use totem.02:39
aftertaftastyratz: try without cable....   also, try Alt F1/alt F2 etc02:39
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akurashyaftertaf, it does weird sounds when i play a mpg02:39
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AzMooakurashy, But personally I use mplayer for pretty much everything.02:39
aftertaftastyratz: and md5checksum your CD and iso...02:39
tastyratzwhat does alt-f1/alt-f2 do?02:39
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tastyratzi md5'ed it a few minutes ago02:39
akurashyAzMoo, totem doesn't play mpgs for me02:39
aftertaftastyratz: changes consoles02:39
Eclipsenobody really answered my question.. how can i run an x application as root02:39
aftertaftastyratz: what is the last thing it says before gong blank?02:40
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Eclipsei want to modify certain files (that need root access)02:40
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raghutastyratz: it is ctl-alt F1/F202:40
aftertafEclipse: what do you want to run, generally not a good idea.02:40
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AzMooakurashy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:40
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tastyratzill see if i can mimick it under virtual pc02:40
naliothEclipse: alt-f2, 'gksudo "x-applicatoin""02:40
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akurashyAzMoo, kk going to take a look02:40
tastyratzim in windows xp now02:40
aftertafEclipse: nano in that case... or gedit.... with gksudo02:41
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aftertaftastyratz: hmm. wont be same hardware though.....02:41
tastyratzim a complete and total linux n00b, im trying to come out of the binary closet02:41
tastyratzi wanna make the switch02:41
aftertaftastyratz: good call ;)02:42
aftertaftastyratz: but your pb is not helping that move ;)02:42
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carambolis there a virusscanner for ubuntu?02:42
aftertaftastyratz: give us the final message before it dies on you....02:42
aftertafcarambol: sort of, but not needed. only if a mail server for win clients02:43
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frogzoocarambol: this is linux - viruses aren't a problem02:43
carambolbut there is signalled a virus for linux02:43
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raghucarambol, apt-cache search virusscanner02:43
carambolsee  http://www.osnews.com02:43
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Ophiocustastyratz,  wise choice, ubuntu will be easy to install and learn with plenty of resource (like this place) to help you in the way02:45
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quail_linuxhehe...geek IRC gravestone  http://unix.rulez.org/~calver/pictures/11morbidbastid.jpg02:45
aftertafcarambol: a php security hole....02:45
NewWithoutClueubuntu is _the_ linux learning distro, IMO02:45
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akurashyhello, when i open bzflag it gives me this error, how can i fix this, i installed nvidia-glx/settings and is still like that, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/430202:46
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aftertafcarambol: that have a lready been fixed ;)02:46
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frogzoofolks, carambol's concern about worms is interesting - I'm wondering if Linux supports NX these days, & if so, are worm exploits still possible with NX enabled?02:47
carambolok, aftertaf02:47
ulaasNewWithoutClue, ubuntu is _the_ linux learning. and after that hell using it forever distro.02:47
funkyhow can I see the services launched, I mean all the /etc/rc.X/ stuff02:47
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NewWithoutClueulaas, sure, why not? i love ubuntu.02:47
frogzoooh, NX support was released mid 2004 - should have know ;)02:47
frogzoothere's your answer carambol, get an A64 & enable NX :D02:48
ulaasNewWithoutClue, hell use it.. :)02:48
Amaranthexploits are still possible02:48
AmaranthNX makes buffer overruns harder02:49
aftertafwhat is NX ?02:49
Amaranthit doesn't magically make all the viruses and worms stop working02:49
carambolfrogzoo how i get the A64?02:49
AmaranthNo eXecute bit02:49
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Amaranthcarambol: It's a CPU.02:49
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caramboloh..i see02:49
carambolstupid question02:49
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Amaranthaftertaf: It marks memory holding data No eXecute so nasty programs can't exploit a program and put stuff there that gets run.02:50
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Shin_Goukihello i got a prob! im running ubuntu 5.04 and i cant install samba :/02:50
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raghuShin_Gouki: whats the problem?02:50
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NewWithoutCluei have a security related query. Nothing urgent, so you can ignore me =)02:50
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naliothNewWithoutClue: ask your question02:50
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ph8hi all02:51
Shin_Goukiwhen i type : sudo apt-get install samba it says: E: Unable to fetch some archives...02:51
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ph8Does ubuntu come with gnome2 as standard or do i need to apt-get it?02:51
naliothShin_Gouki: try again later, the repos are having a problem atm02:51
Shin_Goukii tried apt-get updtae still...error :(02:51
NewWithoutCluewould it be a lie if i were to say: " echo "ALL: ALL" >>/etc/hosts.deny makes me _very_ secure.02:51
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naliothph8: it does come with it02:51
Master_5ph8 standard02:51
Shin_Goukilater is funny02:51
raghuShin_Gouki: have you uncommented lines in /etc/apt/sources.list02:51
naliothShin_Gouki: dont be vulgar, please02:51
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ph8i'm just looking at some themes to make my desktop look sexy and it's saying for gnome2.x and up (who knew there was a gnome2?! :p)02:52
Shin_Goukihmm ok when u think problems will be solved..?02:52
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F-JakobHi, how do i exit X?02:52
AmaranthNewWithoutClue: I don't see how that would be any different from a stock ubuntu install. Ubuntu doesn't have any ports open to the outside world by default.02:52
Shin_GoukiSTR+ALT f302:52
AmaranthF-Jakob: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:52
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Shin_Goukinalioth, were may i see when the problems are solved..?02:53
NewWithoutClueAmaranth,i have ssh running only for local use...and i add remote addresses when i need to. Was just wondering if that makes me very secure...given the fact that nothing is perfect...does this come close?02:53
melalcooliqueis launchpad bugzilla down ?02:54
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AmaranthNewWithoutClue: I don't see how it would help.02:54
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NewWithoutClueAmaranth, so it makes no difference?02:54
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naliothShin_Gouki: you may try changing your sources URLs02:54
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AmaranthNewWithoutClue: As far as I can tell, no.02:54
Shin_Goukiok to what?, what do i have to insert?02:54
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tastyratzdoes linux support win xp ntfs integrated file compression?02:54
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NewWithoutClueAmaranth, i felt safe. Thanks alot. geez.02:55
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serpiedifference between reiserfs and reiser4?02:55
AmaranthNewWithoutClue: You were already safe.02:55
naliothShin_Gouki: in your sources.list do you have us.archive.bhel or another country code?02:55
raghuShin_Gouki: uncomment repositories line in sources.list02:55
Amaranthserpie: reiserfs is reiser302:55
NewWithoutClueAmaranth, no.02:55
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frogzooNewWithoutClue: deny ALL: ALL isn't such a bad idea if you don't plan to run any services - security rule #1 is turn off everything you're not using02:55
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Shin_Goukinalioth can u plz be a bit more specific? what u mean by country code..?02:56
frogzootastyratz: ntfs support is only read only AFAIK, and I don't think compression's supported at all02:56
serpieAmaranth: So what does 4 have that 3 doesn't?02:56
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Amaranthserpie: Everything.02:56
Amaranthserpie: Neither one is worth using though.02:56
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naliothShin_Gouki: paste your sources.list please02:56
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naliothubotu: tell Shin_Gouki about paste02:56
NewWithoutCluefrogzoo, ok, just a question about a certain service that i have been thinking about....dhclient3...has an open port...why? is it needed?02:57
Shin_Goukii know THAT ^^02:57
Shin_Goukiits topic :P02:57
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dirkdigglerWhat application does the opposite of DVDRIP? Meaning i have an .avi file and would like to burn it to DVD - in DVD format (whatever that is).02:57
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phoenix_atlantisHi folks, does anybody know under what conditions a user is shown in the gdm face browser? (gdm 2.6.0 - debian)?02:57
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Amaranthdirkdiggler: You wouldn't be talking about burning illegal copies of DVDs, would you?02:57
dirkdigglersorry I know that was question was a little off topic02:57
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dirkdigglerAmarnath: Nope02:58
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`ph8i'm just looking at some themes to make my desktop look sexy and it's saying for gnome2.x and up (who knew there was a gnome2?! :p) How do i upgrade to gnome 2? All themes for gnome 1 just say 'invalid file format' as well - is that a common problem?02:58
frogzooNewWithoutClue: you need that port to receive a DHCP address - you need it if you use DHCP - but can still lock down to local subnet02:58
Master_5dirkdiggler: doesn't dvdrip do both?02:58
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infested_maggotcan someone help me with a port forwarding pls ?02:58
frogzooAmaranth: no mention of warez there - just a technical question :)02:58
Shin_Goukinalioth here is my sourceslist,  http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/430502:59
NewWithoutCluefrogzoo, i've just been killing the process :)02:59
NewWithoutCluefrogzoo, thanks.02:59
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dirkdigglerMaster_5: I'm not sure. I had a quick look earlier didnt see anything obvious...02:59
Amaranthdirkdiggler: http://dvd.chevelless230.com/ - first in google for 'burn DVD linux' :P02:59
dirkdigglerMaster_5: best take a closer look I guess.02:59
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ph8anyone? ;)03:00
frogzooAmaranth: dirkdiggler Peeps should appreciate that cracking CSS is now illegal in some countries - Finland?03:00
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naliothShin_Gouki: looks good, try again later03:00
Master_5dirkdiggler: ah i couldn't remember....avidemux and dvdauthor together will do the trick there's a nice howto on it somewhere03:00
Master_5dirkdiggler google avi to dvd03:00
tastyratzok I have a sift memory and had to run the install again to get it. right after setting up partitioner is where it got stuck03:00
Amaranthfrogzoo: Any EU country that accepting the EU's version of the DMCA.03:01
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roshanCan anyone help me? Pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1...F6 doesn't show any virtual consoles. I just get a blank screen.03:01
tastyratzi remember seeing that screen, but I dont remember seeing the disk partitioning screen03:01
Lathiatroshan: what Xorg driver?03:01
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Master_5roshan: did you kill the getty processes?03:01
ubotumethinks fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto03:01
dirkdigglerAmaranth: Thanks for the tip - but it doesnt help me. I'm starting with an .avi file03:01
dirkdigglerMaster_5: Thanks.03:02
akurashyWhere do I get extra fonts for mplayer, I'm having a weird font problem with it03:02
roshanLathiat, I'm using the nvidia driver. Master_5, I didn't kill the getty processes03:02
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Lathiatroshan: thats probably why03:02
Lathiatroshan: the nvidia driver breaks things in lots of interesting ways03:02
Lathiatroshan: see if it happens with the 'nv' driver03:02
tastyratzive got a crapload of drives and partitions on my system, i wonder if that has anything to do with it03:02
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tastyratzmaybe something with one of them is pissing off the installer03:02
Master_5Lathiat: which version of the nvidia drivers...i use it all the time and that's never happened to me03:02
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Shin_Goukinalioth ok laters is a word...can u be a bit more specifc? 1 day? 4 hours? 3 weeks?03:03
tastyratzmy drive letters go up to O in windows, and ive got 2 other linux only partitions reserved for when I did this03:03
roshanLathiat, I'll try that. Thanks for the help. nvidia-glx-config disable should do the trick, right?03:03
Master_5roshan: ps -x and see if there are any processes named getty03:03
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nathan__has anyone found ubuntu causes vmware 5 to hog the cpu when initialising a reboot03:03
Lathiatroshan: yeh03:03
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naliothShin_Gouki: next year?03:03
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Lathiatnathan__: yes i have noticed that, solution si not to do a reboot03:03
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tigloredont suppose there is any one who could help me get sound going on my latop?03:03
deelerXvnc segfaults ! , anyone else has this problem ? ? ?03:03
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nathan__Lathiat, any idea why?03:04
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roshanMaster_5, there are 6 getty processes. Lathiat says it might be an nvidia problem. I'll try changing to nv03:04
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Lathiatnathan__: nope, i assumed it was a vmware bug03:04
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frogzoonathan maybe nice vmware?03:04
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Master_5roshan: ok then..never seen it not work with the nvidia drivers but ok03:04
deeLerXvnc segmentation fault on startup ! , anyone else has this problem ? ? ?03:05
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deeLeri'm using ubuntu server amd6403:05
nathan__frogzoo, well that would work but not sure if it'd ever actually reboot03:05
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hussamI got firefox 1.5 from ftp.mozilla.org but firefox won't use the gtk2 fonts like other gtk2 apps like synaptic. any ideas?03:05
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nathan__frogzoo, the cpu would still sit at 100% usage doing that anyway03:05
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frogzoonathan__: sure, but wouldn't "hog" if you wanted to do something else it would play "nice"03:07
infested_maggotcan someone help me with a port forwarding pls ?03:07
keHmm, when I try to install (kubuntu though) it says something about write error or something... "No more space, og try burning at a slower speed"03:08
keMight it be because I burned it on 52x?03:08
nathan__frogzoo, still horrible, but yeah its not too much of a problem im just playing with ubuntu to see what its like03:08
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naliothke: burn your ubuntu iso while you watch tv (burn it slowwwwwly)03:09
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frogzoonathan__: if you stick with the supported apps, Ubuntu is pretty cool03:10
dylan_anybody know where i can get the w32codecs as a deb?03:10
naliothubotu: tell dylan_ about w32codecs03:10
nathan__dylan_, ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/03:10
nathan__thas debian, mightw work with ubuntu :)03:10
jack-not recommended03:11
Habbiedebian-marillat is what the ubuntu wiki recommends03:11
jack-w32codecs is in the backports repo i think03:11
Habbieand as the deb only contains windows dll there is no ubuntu vs. debian compatibility issue03:11
jack-mmh ok03:11
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kestasguys I keep hearing a random noice03:12
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kestasand I dont know what's making it :s03:12
tigloreany one can help get sound up on a old dell latop, its a 300 cpi, prob has a isa cs4236 sound card03:12
kestas(coming from my PC)03:12
nathan__acid :)03:13
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jack-apt-get install beep03:13
jack-problem solved03:13
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nathan__tiglore, isapnp ?03:13
frogzoojack-: re backports for breezy, see menu ^^03:13
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ph8does anyone know how to install gnome2?03:14
tiglorebeen tinkiering with that and few other solutions that turned up searching03:14
nathan__tiglore, does it show up in the dump ?03:14
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tigloremost of them though are for older version of ubuntu, and it seeems they changed some of the config structure in the newer version03:14
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nathan__gutten tag03:15
Fergy2haben sie ein grote worst?03:15
frogzooFergy - I think you want #ubuntu-de ?03:16
tigloreyeah it does03:16
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trondis this topic german??03:16
nathan__ok in that case should just need some rejiggery03:16
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tiglorethis thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22180 is the closes fix ive seen to getting it working03:17
ubotuBitte gehen sie nach #ubuntu-de fuer deutschsprachige hilfe03:17
tiglorebut its for a older version03:17
ubotuI haven't a clue, jack-03:17
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ubotuMaster_5: No idea03:18
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b1n0ryi've never used ubuntu but i'm in the process of downloading the livecd. does ubuntu include an automated package update utility (like yum or apt) and does it use rpm binary packages?03:18
ShitHawkhi... I've just inherited an Ubuntu box.. How can I tell what version it's running from theCL?03:18
jaimeubuntu use apt03:19
Master_5b1n0ry: it's debian based...apt03:19
b1n0ryok, i haven't used apt, but i can learn it, i'm sure03:19
Master_5b1n0ry easier than anything you've used before probably03:19
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frogzoob1n0ry: apt yes - rpms - no03:19
b1n0ryMaster_5 i dunno, yum is very easy "yum update" wait a few and done :)03:20
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bobdesloperi have a question abuot ubunt03:20
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b1n0rybut i'll have to try apt for myself. i'm sure it's not very difficult.03:20
Master_5b1n0ry, try it you'll see03:20
funkyhow can I know what services (lauched through /etc/rc.X) are currently running, any idea ?03:20
funkysomething like rc-status in gentoo03:20
wezzerhow to uninstall flash player from firefox?03:21
frogzoob1n0ry: you might like synaptic - gui to apt - very straightforward03:21
bobdesloperis there a posibility to get Windows aplications run on ubuntu03:21
b1n0ryhow are pre-compiled binaries distributed?03:21
b1n0ryfrogzoo thanks, i'll make a note of that03:21
Amaranthstupid bot03:21
Master_5wezzer: apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla03:21
Master_5i think03:21
nathan__bobdesloper, wine and vmware03:21
jaimewhat's the diference betwen ubuntu and kbuntu?03:21
thenukebobdesloper: what applications? games?  cedega for games03:21
Amaranththat's it03:21
ShitHawkanyone know how to tell what ver ubuntu Im running so I can find an appropriate sources.list?03:21
thenukejaime: ubuntu has gnome, kubuntu kde03:21
bobdesloperscool things like Multi sim Auto Cad03:22
Master_5jaime: gnome is standard in ubuntu, kubuntu has kde added03:22
Ophiocusjaime kubuntu runs the kde gui ubuntu runs with gnome, thats all i know03:22
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wezzerMaster_5: _uninstall_ ;)03:22
Master_5only difference03:22
thenukebobdesloper: maybe wine can run them, and with vmware you can actually run windows in your ubuntu03:22
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Master_5change install to remove03:22
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ShitHawkcan anyone help me with a few questions? thansk03:23
frogzoofunky: install "bum"03:23
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funkyfrogzoo: ok, thx, Im going to try03:23
Amaranthshould i kick the bot or make it leave with admin powers?03:23
Amaranthit's useless having it in the channel now03:23
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wezzerMaster_5: flasplayer-mozilla package ins't even installed03:24
Ophiocusno way uboto rulz03:24
wezzerbut still I have flash working03:24
seliniumShitHawk, Hi there, firstly can you change your nick, it goes againt the code of conduct here... I will be happy to help..03:24
OphiocusShitHawk, i dont want to say swearwords every time i need to adress you, ..03:24
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kestashow can I find out03:24
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ShitHawkah .. np hang on03:24
kestasevery now and then there's a 'ding-dong' sound03:24
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Amaranthkestas: everything makes that noise03:25
Amaranthkestas: it's like a drum, right?03:25
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HnnnnnngHow do i see with kernel i got?03:25
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jaimecan I use dapper servers in my source.list???03:25
Master_5wezzer: why do you want to uninstall it anyway?03:25
Master_5Hnnnnnng: uname -r03:25
seliniumSweetHawk, much better!03:25
kestasAmaranth, nope, this is more like 'ding-dong' like a doorbell03:25
Ophiocuskestas, have you ordered pizza? look at the front door03:25
kestasnever heard it before03:25
wezzerMaster_5: because websites are too flashy03:25
frogzookestas: is this a metallic twang? describe the sound03:25
Amaranthkestas: sounds like gaim03:25
kestasgaim eh03:25
wezzerMaster_5: and my adblock extension is broken too03:25
wezzerso I can't block them03:25
frogzookestas: hard disk might be failing ... how old is it?03:26
kestasgot it ;) thanks Amaranth03:26
kestasand frogzoo .. thats the worst suggestion of all03:26
kestastip your head in shame03:26
Master_5wezzer: you can search synaptic for flash and see what you have installed03:26
SweetHawkIm trying to get an inherited box up to date.. how can I tell the Ubuntu ver so I can build an appropriate sources.list?03:26
Master_5wezzer: then remove it03:26
tigloreahhh sound I remember installing other distros on this lptop and having sound ...03:26
wezzerMaster_5: ok, thanks03:26
kestaswhy would a failing hard disk go 'ding-dong'?03:26
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frogzookestas: how many hard disks have you had fail on you?03:27
b1n0ryto let you know03:27
nathan__out the speakers? that woould be impressive03:27
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seliniumSweetHawk, Goto System/help it will tell you what version you have installed03:27
Master_5tiglore is your regular user a member of the "audio" group?03:27
b1n0ryit's that new Smart-IDE technology :)03:27
kestasfrogzoo, just one03:27
frogzoonathan__: missed the speakers bit :)03:27
kestaspersonally a door bell isn't the sound of a piece of hardware about to fail03:27
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seliniumSweetHawk, 5.04  or  5.1003:27
tigloreUbuntu is not loading the modules correclty for sound, its knows i have a sound card, just not how to interface with it, as it is a crystal sound isa baord03:28
SweetHawkSelinium, Im CL only03:28
SweetHawkno GUI yet03:28
tigloreso autodetect is all confused03:28
nathan__have you ever heard the motherboards that say this after POST: 'post successfull now booting operating system' in a female's voice.. so cheezy03:28
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kestasnathan__, 'system intializing..' urghh03:28
b1n0rynathan__ where can i get one?03:28
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seliniumSweetHawk, np, sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list   it will tell you in there!03:28
tastyratzhow do I partition a smaller partition in the kubuntu installer?03:28
b1n0rynathan__ i want to paranoy my wife03:29
seliniumSweetHawk, have you used vim before?03:29
kestasI think there was one in knoppix03:29
nathan__i shall find out for you... lol03:29
frogzoonathan__:  but is it a _sexaie_ female voice?03:29
SweetHawkIve used vi03:29
SweetHawkpretty close right?03:29
tastyratzit seems to be going through in the virtual pc but it wont let me partition anything smaller than the entire remaining contents of the disk the virtual hard drive is on03:29
seliniumSweetHawk, same thing, but better :)03:29
nathan__frogzoo, american bodybuilder03:29
SweetHawkjust a sec let me look03:29
seliniumSweetHawk, np :)03:29
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drcodehi all03:30
SweetHawkk. 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog03:31
drcodeany one know about jpegtran03:31
seliniumdrcode, hi :)03:31
drcodeI want to change pixel03:31
drcodeso the image will be smaller03:31
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seliniumSweetHawk, and you want to upgrade to breezy?03:31
drcodei convert it to my palm and the image are big03:31
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SweetHawkthanks. no of a good place to find a built sources.list? the existing one is returning all kinds of errors03:31
dylan_I've installed mplayer-386 and w32codecs and yet I cannot play videos in Firefox without Totem starting...what do i do?03:31
SweetHawkselinium, is that possible?03:32
nathan__dylan_, theres a plugin for that purpose :)03:32
Master_5dylan_: install the mozilla-mplayer  plugin03:32
seliniumSweetHawk, yep, easy.... :)03:32
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naliothSweetHawk: the repos are having problems atm03:32
dylan_Master_5, thanks a billion03:32
LathropWellsa plug in to edit file associations????? - (scratches head)03:32
seliniumhi nalioth, didn't know that myself! :)03:32
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SweetHawkselinium, how would I go about the upgrade?03:33
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seliniumSweetHawk, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  :)03:33
nathan__o0o0 my first ubuntu install is ready, brb :)03:33
seliniumnathan__ :)03:33
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SweetHawknice.. thanks very much. sorry bout the name03:33
nathan__ok we have a nice enya like intro tune... mmmm03:34
seliniumSweetHawk, np at all! But we have users from a young age upwards in here... :)03:34
dragonhmm ubuntu is cool :)03:34
tiglorewhy did they remove alsaconf form the standard intall, it would make things so much easier :/03:34
bobdesloperi agree03:34
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LathropWellsUbuntu is cool03:34
nathan__i'll prob moan about a few things being a debianeer :)03:34
SweetHawkI understand... thanks again for the help. Have a good one. Im goign to go read that03:35
seliniumSweetHawk, You will find this channel very friendly and helpful, but we do try to stick to the code of conduct! :) http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct/03:35
seliniumSweetHawk, See you soon! :)03:35
Dinyhay can someone tell me how to update ubuntu from 5.04 to 5.10, that i will still have all programs that i have now?03:35
SirKillalot2anybody using the primax scanner driver?03:35
SweetHawkexcellent.. I will be back03:35
seliniumnathan__ We will soon turn you into an Ubuntite!03:35
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Master_5Diny: change your /etc/apt/sources.list to the new repos and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade03:36
naliothDiny: that is correct03:36
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naliothubotu: tell Diny about breezy03:36
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frogzooDiny apt-get dist-upgrade & cross your fingers03:36
Dinyam i have new cd iso 5.1003:36
seliniumSweetHawk, Be advised if the repos are having problems, apt-get upgrade and such may not function properly at the mo.03:37
bobdesloperi have 2 lucent p112T 24 port Switches who is interesst?03:37
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frogzoobobdesloper: do they run Ubuntu?03:37
naliothbobdesloper: that is off topic for this channel, join #ubuntu-offtopic03:37
jack-switches? :p03:37
SweetHawkselinium, One more question after looking at the firt lines of that.. Where can I get an up to date sources.list for 5.04? It wasnt working a couple days ago either, so Im not sure its rep problems03:37
naliothfrogzoo: off topic03:37
jack-bobdesloper: i'm interested03:37
yahyahow can I make quicktime videos work?03:37
naliothjack-: frogzoo bobdesloper y'all all go to #ubuntu-offtopic and have a blast03:38
frogzoonalioth: I believe my question was Ubuntu on topic :p03:38
naliothfrogzoo: lucent switches run anything03:38
naliothyahya: install libquicktime03:38
seliniumSweetHawk, ubotu should have sent you the links03:38
seliniumSweetHawk, :)03:38
LathropWellsAnyone have any ideas on what to do with all the windows utilities on CD we don't need anymore?      (Anti-virus, Adware trojan remover, Active Registry monitor. Disk Defragmenter, )03:38
Ophiocusyahya, check the ubuntu starter guide->multimedia03:38
dragoni have question, how to do to LEXMARK P4350 Works?03:38
SweetHawkooh.. preesh.. Thanks youall03:39
Dinyam ( 15:36:13 ) ( Master_5 ) Diny: change your /etc/apt/sources.list to the new repos and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ///// am new reops? where do i get that list?03:39
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naliothLathropWells: use it as a coaster03:39
seliniumSweetHawk, np at all, See you around soon! :)03:39
naliothDiny: check your private msgs03:39
LathropWellsnalioth - interesting aol disks are running low.03:39
bobdesloperjack- private..03:39
Ophiocusbtw i think that guide could use a howto for proxy and internet sharing03:40
jack-i have question, how pimple squeezing work?03:40
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dragoni have question, how to do to LEXMARK P4350 Works?03:40
ubotuLathropWells: I haven't a clue03:40
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ubotufirestarter is, like, Ubuntu has, like every other Linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is Firestarter, which can be installed via Breezy's "Add Applications" or Synaptic03:40
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n9uibgood morning everyone03:40
nadiaMornin....  Anyone created a Compact Flash boot disk before?03:41
naliothbobdesloper: if you join #ubuntu-offtopic you may be able to auction the thing, several of us are interested and waiting03:41
dragoni go... cya03:41
nadiabye dragon.03:41
LathropWellsfirestarter can smooth the way in setting up a more standard internet proxying gateway.03:41
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seliniumfredforfaen, there you go!03:42
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Ophiocushttp://www.aboutdebian.com/proxy.htm has it all, although id like to see it from the ubuntu standpoint, only for ubuntu guide completeness03:43
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Dinybtw is there possible to add some programs to startup that they would be run each time i run pc (need to run programs for specific user!)03:43
nadiaI've got a box that used to be a router.  Now I'm trying to install ubuntu on it.  Unfortunately this box doesn't have connectors for keyboard and mouse and can't get to the bios.  So would like to create an autoinstall boot on a compact flash.03:43
seliniumDiny, yep system /prefs/session03:43
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frogzooDiny: edit ~/.gnomerc03:44
n9uibubuntu is such a great distro..... i have tried alot, but by far, this is the easiest to configure and use03:44
Ophiocusoh and the ubuntu guide in networking has a typo on step 6, where do i report that again?03:44
Obi-1need some help configuring my network03:44
frogzoonadia: grub-floppy /dev/xxx should get you started03:45
naliothOphiocus: which ubuntu guide?03:45
xbox_skyyeah..I just hope I will learn stuff.. meaning not THAT easy...03:45
Obi-1have some problems with the gui03:45
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xbox_skyyou got problems with the gui?03:45
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frogzooObi-1: maybe edit directly /etc/networks/interfaces03:45
nadiafrogzoo..  type that up in bash in ubuntu?03:45
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Ophiocusnalioth, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#sect-dhcp-server    ->step six03:45
Hoxzerwhen I try to convert DC++ and when I use scons I get error "Checking for None >= 3.4...ValueError: invalid literal for int(): s:" what should I do?03:46
naliothOphiocus: step into #ubuntu-doc and let them know03:46
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Obi-1but i can`t edit it with my notepad becouse it requires root passw... doesn`t it^03:46
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thenukeObi-1: if the pc is yours, you have the right to be admin of it :)03:47
thenukeObi-1: sudo nano for example starts nano as a root03:47
thenukeObi-1: sudo asks for your password03:47
frogzoonadia: that will get you grub installed on the thing, then you need somehow to get the install to the usb key03:47
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Master_5Obi-1: my favorite is sudo passwd root03:48
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trappistquit scrolling and ask a question.03:48
darklightred83what does linux ubuntu uses when it comes to threads?03:48
Dinyam frogzoo can you give me little better instructions how to ad programs ?03:48
yahyaOphiocus: I can an error 'w32codecs is not available but referred by another package'03:48
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darklightred83what does linux ubuntu uses when it comes to threads?03:49
naliothdarklightred83: please dont repeat03:49
darklightred83what does linux ubuntu uses when it comes to threads?03:49
trappistwhere's my @03:49
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Amaranthtrappist: In some other channel.03:49
Amaranthdarklightred83: why does that matter?03:49
GURTwhat is nano?03:49
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trappistAmaranth: it was a rhetorical question, but thanks.03:49
trappistGURT: text editor03:50
Amaranthdarklightred83: why do you need to know?03:50
nathan__darklightred83, what are you trying to find out exactly ?03:50
darklightred83its my ass.03:50
naliothdarklightred83: please wait for an answer. pestering the channel is not helping you at all03:50
Amaranthdarklightred83: We don't do homework.03:50
darklightred83this is what i know so far03:50
darklightred83linux is a open source code ryt?.03:51
Master_5good start03:51
JemtGreetings. I have shared a folder on my computer (the folder is located on a removable device). The folder is shared using Samba. But I am not able to mount it from another Linux computer using 'mount -t vfat -o username=jemt,password=foo //ip/folder /mnt/net' (the file system on the removable device is FAT32). I have also add'et the user 'jemt' to Samba, enabled the account and assigned a password. Please help me :)03:51
nathan__im impressed if your homework directly referers to ubuntu :)03:51
xbox_skystupid question.. in order to see the bot commands, I'll do a !help,@help.help or...!??03:51
frogzooDiny: open synaptic, search for your package, select it & click apply - & your'e done03:51
darklightred83now linux ubuntu uses kernel 2.6.03:51
Amaranthxbox_sky: /msg ubotu help03:51
xbox_skycheers m803:51
Master_5jemt smbmount maybe03:51
JemtMaster_5: Nope :)03:52
Amaranthdarklightred83: linux is the kernel03:52
frogzooxbox_sky: /msg ubotu help03:52
veepsterjemt, what software are you using to mount? plain mount command is useful between 2 linux boxes running NFS. for windows, you probably need samba running03:52
Amaranthdarklightred83: the kernel is called linux and is at version 2.6.1403:52
darklightred83ahh okay thanks for the info.03:53
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darklightred83now what i need to know is the thread that was used in the kernel?03:53
frogzoodarklightred83: many of the user space programs were developed by Gnu - which is why some refer to Gnu Linux03:53
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darklightred83i always ends up with fork() and clone()03:53
Jemtveepster: The "host" is running Samba. The "client" has 'sambaclient' installed. I though that would be enough. What should I install on the client in order to make it possible for me to connect ?03:53
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frogzoodarklightred83: it all starts with init - process 103:54
Amaranthdarklightred83: For that you want google. We don't do homework. :P03:54
Jemtveepster: Btw - I got no problems connecting from Windows03:54
Master_5sco spy03:54
ScatterBrainI just added my normal user account to a new group.  Is there a way that I can force those changes to take affect _without_ logging off and back in?03:54
darklightred83o i c03:54
nathan__ScatterBrain, not that i know of03:54
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guillem101I upgraded to breezy my AMD64 some time before, and now I am planning to upgrade the 32bit chroot... do I have to take care about anything special rather the default upgrading method for the 32bit chroot part?03:55
wickedpuppyScatterBrain, once you added normal user account to a group .. it stays that way ....03:55
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darklightred83could anyone could give info where i could find specific answers?03:55
Amaranthdarklightred83: ok, now that you see how that works the answer is: LinuxThreads or POSIX Threads03:55
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wickedpuppydarklightred83, ##c03:56
wickedpuppythey have experienced c gurus who has experience with linux programming ...03:56
caonexanybody using fglrx?03:56
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nathan__caonex, probably a few thousand03:57
darklightred83posix threads has problems or bugs, so i supose that this was not used in ubuntu.03:57
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n9uibwell, it got awful quiet in here...lol03:58
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nathan__darklightred83, LinuxThreads is an implementation of POSIX03:58
ice9nice distro in all but not much of a gnome fan anyway I can change to kde ?03:58
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nathan__ICE9, kubuntu03:58
darklightred83o i c03:58
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LathropWellssure install   sudo kubuntu-desktop03:58
darklightred83 i thought that this was different treads03:58
ICE9really thats it03:58
nathan__darklightred83, LinuxThreads uses clone()03:59
veepsterjemt, you dont need to 'mount' from the server03:59
LathropWellsxubuntu-desktop   or xfce-desktop03:59
nathan__now google for the rest of your homework :)03:59
veepsterthats not what I meant to say03:59
veepsteryou dont need any extra software on the client03:59
darklightred83so my base search should be linuxthreads?03:59
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ArdieMwhere is the folder for fonts like ttf ??03:59
nathan__darklightred83, LinuxThreads FAQ04:00
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darklightred83okay ill try searching, thanks04:01
ICE9are you sure thats the command04:01
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ICE9sudo kubunut-desktop04:01
nathan__darklightred83, NPTL is another pointer04:01
ICE9nothing else04:01
darklightred83you're all a big help for clearing things on my mind04:01
Master_5sudo aptget install kubuntu-desktop04:01
darklightred83ill try to ask if i have loose ends again04:01
ICE9thats wht I though04:01
darklightred83NPLT the site does not load04:02
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deeLerhow to remove the wallpaper from an ubuntu icewm desktop ????04:02
nathan__darklightred83, try wikipedia ?04:02
JakobGedionsenhow do i install the  kernel source pakage in ubuntu04:02
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Master_5forgot the - in apt-get i did04:02
DShepherdhey I want to install ubuntu....with no desktop....then use VMWARE wrapper to XP on it....How do I install ubuntu without the desktop...just ubuntu's base04:02
LathropWellsDShepherd, server install04:03
ICE9sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop04:03
ICE9E: Invalid operation kubuntu-desktop04:03
nathan__DShepherd, X is required for vmware04:03
Master_5sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:03
ICE9also is there a way to use root04:03
LathropWellsnathan_ - good tip. :004:03
DShepherdnathan__: oh ok..04:03
ICE9instead of sudo04:03
nathan__LathropWells, why thankyou :)04:03
Master_5ICE9: sudo passwd root04:03
Master_5ICE9: set root password and then login04:04
DShepherdnathan__: So can I install X plus like the base....nothing else...04:04
seliniumdarklightred83, here is POSIX explianed   http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-posix1.html04:04
ICE9this is different then debian04:04
nadiaI'm trying to do a grub-floopy on a compact flash.  I can see my compact flash at /media/usbdisk, but when I run grub-floppy /media/usbdisk I get a not a block device error.  Any suggestions?04:04
Master_5a little04:04
wickedpuppyICE9, using root is discouraged .... very strongly discouraged04:04
JakobGedionsenhow do i install the  kernel source pakage in ubuntu04:04
nathan__DShepherd, you could install something like twm or blackbox if you do not want the bloadedness of gnome/kde04:04
ICE9why is that04:04
ICE9for security04:04
Master_5JakobGedionsen sudo apt-get install kernel-source04:05
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ICE9is sudo the new thing now04:05
Master_5ICE9  just in ubuntu04:05
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Master_5ice9 they prefer sudo04:05
Master_5i prefer root04:05
seliniumDShepherd, nathan__ :  here you go https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu04:05
ICE9your preferece is it better04:05
ICE9I perfer root too just cause use to it04:06
Master_5ice9 sudo is more secure i guess04:06
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LathropWellsnadia - ubotu has a link for creating bootable flash media04:06
DShepherdnathan_ I dont mind gnome of kde...but......I dont want some of those packages that comes with ubuntu...just enough to run X and ubuntu....What I mean,.ubuntu with minimal packages04:06
wickedpuppysudo force you to type 4 more characters ... lol04:06
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nathan__DShepherd, maybe refer to that url from selinium04:06
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Master_5JakobGedionsen did you get the kernel source installed?04:07
ICE9yeah its a lazy thing04:07
seliniumICE9, DOnt use root unless you want an insecure system. Also if you type something at the command line the worst you can do is borjk the user. If you use root you can borj the machine!04:07
nadialathropwells, where can I find the link!04:07
seliniumICE9, s/borjk/bork04:07
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Master_5selinium: sudo can hose a machine just as easy04:07
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LathropWellshttp://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch04s04.html.en here is part 1 of 3 (hope i can find the rest)04:07
ICE9are there any security holes in ubuntu04:07
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ICE9that you know of04:08
seliniumMaster_5, Yep but you tend to use sudo when you need to. Rather than arbitarily04:08
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DShepherdnathan__: selinium That ubuntu with XCFE.. that just a replacement for kde and gnome. windows manager or desktop manager is not really a problem. How do I install ubuntu with minimal packages. Enough packs to make it run04:08
Master_5true selinium04:08
HabbieDShepherd: type 'server' at the CD bootprompt :)04:08
ICE9never tried xfce04:08
ICE9or fluxbox04:08
Master_5both are nice04:09
ICE9I heard flux is really nice04:09
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ICE9better then kde or no04:09
LathropWellsnadia http://www.ubuntux.org/node/16704:09
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HabbieI use fluxbox04:09
Master_5enlightenment dr17 would be nice04:09
swbgreetings fellow ubuntuers04:09
seliniumDShepherd, when installing, at the first prompt type server as mentioned. It will install with no gui04:09
DShepherdHabbie: Do I get when I type server?04:09
ICE9can you still use all the apps on fluxbox04:09
Master_5ice9 it's lighter than kde04:09
DShepherdHabbie: Do I get X when I type server?04:09
HabbieDShepherd: no04:09
Master_5ice9 yes04:09
nadiausb stick and compact flash should work the same...  sweet, thanks I'll do some reading...04:09
darklightred83can any1 tell me what is the thread for debian? bec. it is most likely to ubuntu04:10
HabbieDShepherd: it just installs less -by default-; you can always add what you want after install04:10
guillem101hmmm, seems to have upgraded smoothly....04:10
ICE9you got the apt-get link for fluxbox04:10
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ari123hi someone could  hel a newbi  ?04:10
Master_5ICE9: you can search apt with apt-cache search fluxbox04:10
ICE9ask away04:10
DShepherdI was told I need X to run VMWare? is this true04:10
n00blarhi all, do I have to load anything else to get amarok to play mp3s for me? I was able to install it, but it will not play mp3s04:10
Kumohi guys, does anybody know how to detect my internet detection everytime I turn on my computer? I have internet after #dhclient eth0 but is not done by default04:10
darklightred83can any1 tell me what is the thread for debian? bec. it is most likely to ubuntu04:10
seliniumari123, always! :)04:10
ICE9thats right cache seach forgot about04:10
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Master_5DShepherd yes04:10
DShepherdMaster_5: ok04:10
darklightred83can any1 tell me what is the thread for debian? bec. it is most likely to ubuntu04:10
ari123can i pm ?04:11
swbn00blar, you may need mpg123?04:11
Master_5darklightred83: use google04:11
nathan__darklightred83, you have already asked, behave04:11
shinudarklightred83: dont repeat your question like that...04:11
DShepherdSo after server installl  how do I get X?04:11
DShepherdor install it04:11
seliniumari123, it is best to ask the question 'outload' incase I cant help you! :)04:11
n00blarswb, I'll try to install it, thanks04:11
nathan__darklightred83, ii gave you a hint for LinuxThreads, NPTL and POSIX.04:11
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swbn00blar, I take that back04:11
swbinstall xine04:11
swband amarok-xine04:11
Master_5DShepherd somenoe may correct me but i believe it's apt-get install x-window-system04:12
swbthen configure it to use the xine engine in options04:12
ari123i have a hard drive ntfs formated that i can access it s not mounted04:12
swbI find that works better than gstreamer04:12
n00blarswb, oh..ok, will do..thanks04:12
nathan__ari123, man fstab and/or man mount04:12
Magic07i installed breezy on my imac and everything went fine...however yaboot root is set to sdb4 while the install was on sdc4...any suggestions04:12
JakobGedionsenMaster_5 Dunno... I have to install the new nVidia drivers, but it keep saying i've haven't got the kernel source... Installed some kernel packs in the packet manager, but still...04:12
seliniumn00blar, have you installed w32codecs? you need it to play mpo304:12
swbMaster_5, perhaps also/instead xserver-xorg04:13
n00blarselinium, yes..it's been loaded04:13
seliniumari123, when you can it will only be in read only, you know that yes?04:13
shinuKumo: maybe sudo network-admin may help you? just a guess...04:13
Master_5JakobGedionsen apt-get install kernel-source04:13
Master_5JakobGedionsen apt-get install kernel-headers04:13
ari123this i know04:13
JakobGedionsenIn console?04:13
seliniumari123, ok,04:13
Master_5it'll give you a list04:13
DShepherdswb: Master_5: THanks for the info04:13
Kumoshinu: ok, I'll try04:13
darklightred83sorry for asking to much, i just need proffesional help04:13
n00blarswb, will the xine package  be called..xine or something else?04:14
ari123is there an utility to change to ext3 without loosing data N04:14
shinuKumo: how do you connect to the net?04:14
darklightred83andby giving me pointers, i helps me a lot.04:14
Master_5JakobGedionsen if you don't know your present running kernel type uname -r04:14
darklightred83 and04:14
swbselinium, when I try to install those on my gf's box it says it has no installation candidate... do I need any funky sources?04:14
Kumoshinu: eth004:14
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swbn00blar, sudo apt-get install amarok-xine04:14
shinuKumo: yeah, try network-admin, it might help :P04:14
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nathan__darklightred83, what are you asking that you havn't already been told?04:14
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seliniumswb the codecs?  http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/breezy-extras/04:15
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seliniumari123, I dont think so. NTFS was designed to be secure...04:15
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beerockxsI'm having a problem with the fglrx driver.04:15
swbthanks selinium04:16
seliniumswb np04:16
ari123but i think partition magic has an toolls like that no ?04:16
DShepherdwhat's the difference between a dummy package and a normal package?04:16
beerockxsWhen I log into X, after a few seconds, the display is no longer updated, except for the mouse driver, which still works.04:16
beerockxser, mouse cursor04:16
swbI think a dummy package is just used for clearer naming04:16
swbit points to another package I think04:17
nathan__ari123, http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/04:17
JakobGedionsenMaster_5 uname -r04:17
JakobGedionsen2.6.12-9-386, my kernel is not in the apt-get install kernel-source list...04:17
seliniumari123, You can change the filesystem but it will wipe the drive.04:17
beerockxskeypresses don't do anything either, ctrl-alt-backspace does not kill X, etc.04:17
ari123wipe ?04:17
beerockxsanyone have any idea what might cause that?04:17
swbari123, I just did a similar thing but copied all the data off then backon after reformatting...04:17
DShepherdswb: ok04:17
swbbeerockxs, anything in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?04:17
seliniumari123, that is the only way I know, what swb said...    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:18
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nathan__ari123, you cannot change the FS but you can read/write to it04:18
ari123nathan i m newbie04:18
ari123plz help me on istalling it04:18
ICE9for apt-cache its just called fluxbox right04:18
seliniumnathan__, If you try to write to NTFS you will corrupt the data04:18
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JakobGedionsenMaster_5 uname -r04:18
nathan__selinium, not true :)04:18
Kumoshinu: I can see my connection but I don't know how to set it to detect it by default04:18
JakobGedionsen2.6.12-9-386, my kernel is not in the apt-get install kernel-source list...04:18
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nuckim running apache server where do i find the webpage file that it loads when a client connects to it? thanks04:18
seliniumari123, Seriously, dont try to wirte to ntfs.04:18
beerockxsswb: the last entries are about a font renderer already being registered04:18
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nathan__selinium, http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/04:19
JakobGedionsenMaster_5 uname -r 2.6.12-9-386, my kernel is not in the apt-get install kernel-source list...04:19
swbbeerockxs do cat /var/log/XFree86.0.log | grep EE04:19
ari123anyway i can t read also04:19
ari123i can give remote04:19
swbanyone an xorg with composite guru04:19
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ari123acces who want to help ?04:19
swbI had it running once, but it was slow becasue I have an ati card04:20
beerockxsswb: no errors04:20
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swbbut now when I enable it the mouse is clear when I start X but everything underenath comes out in like wierd vertical bars04:20
swbof misrendering04:20
swbbeerockxs, no idea then sorry04:20
seliniumnathen__ there are 'new' systems that may work most of the time. But I would not trust them with my data. NTFS is a proprietory format which has not been released into the public domain. Therefore any coding has been done on a best efforts basis.04:20
shinuKumo: how do you start your connection then?04:21
beerockxsit seems to be a problem with the proprietary ati driver, because the open source one works. but i want the driver from ATI, for my TV out and stuff04:21
nathan__selinium, 'Captive' is fairy stable as it uses the ntfs.sys driver for windows, it doesnt mount directly04:21
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swbbeerockxs, I use fglrx with no problems04:21
swbbeerockxs, have you got composite enabled in your xorg.conf?04:21
swbbecasue that messes mine up04:22
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Kumoshinu: using #dhclient eth0 but I have to do it everytime I turn on Ubuntu04:22
beerockxsswb: I did not specifically enable it, so I guess no, if it defaults to that.04:22
agxhello, anyone knows where i can get a grub with the i2o patch already compiled in?04:22
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seliniumnathan__, I see that now... But therefore you need to have a WIndows license to run it.... :)04:22
swbI think it does, you can check, look at the end of /etc/X11/xorg.conf for the extensions section04:22
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nathan__selinium, speak to my lawyer :)04:22
n00blarswb, awesome...amarok's working nicely...thank you!04:22
seliniumnathan__, rofl!04:22
swbn00blar, np :)04:23
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beerockxsswb: I don't even have an extensions section :-)04:23
swbI like amarok04:23
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swbbeerockxs, heh probably not then, if you want to double check you could grep the log for composite04:23
swbalso do a grep for WW04:23
ICE9damn how do you run the seach for apt-cache04:23
swbmight give you some info04:23
swbapt-cache search04:23
Toma-is there a way to swap the dev entry a device gets created on? ive got a tv card and a webcam and wanna swap em04:23
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ICE9I tried nothing happens04:24
shinuKumo: cant you put that command into some startup script? not very elegant but i dont know much :P04:24
nathan__selinium, if you're interested at all you may want to look at http://www.reactos.org04:24
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swbICE9 you have to put a search term in also04:24
Toma-lol reactos04:24
swblike apt-cache search foo04:24
swbor you could just use synaptic04:24
ICE9apt-cache search fluxbox04:24
ICE9nothing happens04:24
seliniumICE9, apt-cache search <application>  where <application> is the name of what you are looking for04:24
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swbwhen you say nothing happens..., does the command return without finding anythign or does it just hang04:25
nathan__Toma-, this started regarding read/write to ntfs partitions, please keep laughter to a minimum :)04:25
Toma-hehe ok04:25
ICE9searches then brings me back to the prompt04:25
ICE9thats all04:25
swbyou are probalby missing some apt sources04:25
swbor havent done apt-get update04:26
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DShepherdwhat's the size of the default install for uibuntu04:26
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seliniumnathan__, Interesting, i will give it a look over. But IMHO i think the architecture behind linux is far superior, so why try to emulate a bad thing?04:26
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seliniumDShepherd, under 700mb04:26
beerockxsswb: I have a warning from fglrx there, "specified desktop not supported: 8"04:26
seliniumDShepherd, fits on a CD04:27
Kumoshinu: yeah may be by now I can do it, thanks04:27
swbbeerockxs, doesnt mean anything to me I am afraid04:27
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ICE9did the update still nothing04:27
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DShepherdselinium: sorry I meant after installing...the default ..04:27
nathan__selinium, s/IMHO/everyones\ opinion/04:27
shinuKumo: its weird cause i have inet over eth0 too, but it starts by default, so i guess it might be how you configued it at the installation04:28
seliniumnathan__, lol04:28
ari123"There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins" ...04:28
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ICE9maybe it can04:28
adam_does anyone know of a good webcam chat/community for talking and meeting people?04:28
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nuckwhere channel can i ask for linux commands?04:28
swbICE9 have you done http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories04:28
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seliniumari123, what are you trying to play?04:28
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ICE9I'll try04:28
ari123live radio04:28
nucki just want to find which files contain certain string i.e. "thisstringtofind"04:28
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ICE9different commands are killing04:29
seliniumari123, where from?04:29
ICE9I'll get it though04:29
nuckwithin a certain directory04:29
ICE9thx for the help04:29
seliniumari123, pm?04:29
DShepherdHow much space, by defauly does ubuntu take up on your hard disk after install04:29
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Master_5ICE9 it must be int he multiverse repos04:29
ari123oki pm04:29
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__ibznuck: find . -type f -exec grep "thisstringtofind" /dev/null {} \;04:29
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seliniumari123, Have you registered you nick?04:30
swb__ibz, leet04:30
Master_5deb http://Archive.Ubuntu.Com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted multiverse universe04:30
Master_5deb http://Archive.Ubuntu.Com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted universe multiverse04:30
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seliniumMaster_5, dont paste in here please04:30
adam_im trying to find a program/community similiar to yahoo or msn messenger that supports a webcam. does anyone know of anything such as this?04:30
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ari123no not yet04:30
ari123i come back04:30
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zahey guys, i downloaded the .iso file last night, burnt it to a cd, but my computer wouldnt boot from it, did i burn it wrong?04:30
seliniumari123, np04:31
DShepherdHow much space, by defauly does ubuntu take up on your hard disk after install04:31
nathan__za, probably :)04:31
Kumoshinu: yes is weird I it doesn't happen with a previous kernel just with the last one, yesterday a guy from this forum help me with this but it seems that is not here now04:31
swbadam_, gnomemeeting supports webcam04:31
swbas does linphone I think04:31
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nathan__za, burn as an image and mak sure you're computer is set to boot from cd ?04:31
swbbut they dont have comuniteis like yahoo04:31
swbalso gaim is a really good multiple platform messenger04:31
adam_ah, thats what im looking for04:31
ulaasza, did you burn as image? or just an iso file in the cd ? do you have a windows to check?04:31
seliniumDShepherd, I will ask about. but it isn't huge.. What are you trying to install it on! :)04:31
swbnot sure abotu webcam support04:31
zaim must not have burned it as an image04:31
nuckthanks __ibz it worked04:31
ulaasza, there ya go04:32
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DShepherdselinium: I know it is small. I just want to know the specs.....a big enough harddrive I am sure04:32
darklightred83ma i know the memory management of ubuntu?04:32
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darklightred83may i know the memory management of ubuntu?04:33
swbdarklightred83, the memory managemenet?04:33
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dvyou mean the kernel memory management?04:33
swbif you want current stats do vmstat04:34
swbon the command line04:34
frogzoodarklightred83: homework still?04:34
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nathan__DShepherd, clearly a homework question04:34
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mahanguhow can i unrar somehting?04:34
mahangucommand line04:34
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shinuKumo: strange... my net was fine after the upgrade... i guess you can just put the command in a start script temporarily :P and maybe reask your question later on giving more details :P04:34
swbmahangu, you need the nonfree unrar04:34
DShepherdnathan__: doing my home work now :)04:34
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nathan__mahangu, apt-get install rar l rar e <file>04:34
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Kumoshinu: ok, thanks anyway04:35
swbmhangu, http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/utils/unrar-nonfree04:35
DShepherdselinium: nathan__ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/releasenotes510#2.0 -- doing homework pays04:35
darklightred83yez the kernel04:35
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mahangunathan__, swab, thanks :)04:35
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seliniumDShepherd, You got there before me! must type faster.... :)04:36
__ibznuck: np04:36
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nathan__whoever asked about ubuntu default install size it is around 1.7gb04:37
swbdoes anyone know what the future is for usplash....?04:37
seliniumDShepherd, What processor has it got?04:37
swbas in... its hella-ugly04:37
swberk bathtime04:37
Amaranthswb: I think it's rather nice.04:37
dvusplash is what?04:37
Amaranthswb: Not much you can do with 16 colors04:37
seliniumnathan__, DShepherd just posted you the link!04:37
dvthe graphical startup screen?04:37
swbAmaranth, aye thats the problem I guess04:37
swbalso the brown...04:38
Amaranthdv: The image and status bar you see when you start your computer04:38
swbnot too appealing04:38
swbis framebuffer limited to 16 colors?04:38
dvwell 256 colors should be ok04:38
Amaranthswb: It's better than the one for WinXP and they only get 16 colors too.04:38
DShepherdselinium: i dontknow it yet04:38
nathan__selinium, blergh i just did df -h  in my vmware session :)04:38
Amaranthno, it's 16 colors04:38
swbAmaranth, I dont think it is :P04:38
seliniumnathan__, :)04:38
dvdetect whether or not VESA is present04:38
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swbanyway.... bath04:38
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dvand load 16 or 256 colors pic04:38
seliniumnathan__, much cleverer than me hunting in google!04:38
Amaranthdv: They tried.04:38
darklightred83kernel memory management?04:39
Amaranthdv: Anything above 16 colors needs a lot of extra detection code to load the right modules.04:39
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seliniumdarklightred83, You can also try #linux for answers04:39
dvah, i forgot the kernel framebuffer mess04:39
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nathan__darklightred83, i'm feeling generous so here's a usefull page: http://home.earthlink.net/~jknapka/linux-mm/vmoutline.html04:40
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nathan__darklightred83, please note that was the 2nd hit in google for 'kernel memory management'04:41
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ICE9ok so why do they comment everything out in sources.list04:41
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darklightred83huh...but thanks alot! im close to finishing this ass.04:43
NotLarryI am trying to get my wifi to work (using ndiswrapper).  Thinks look like it is working but led on card is not lit and an iwlist wlan0 power shows Current mode: off  How do I change that?04:43
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darklightred83by the way ur from what country?04:43
nathan__darklightred83, Scotland04:43
nathan__NotLarry, you need to put it into mode 'managed'04:44
OrbordeWhy does the latest round of updates contain RPM updates? I thought Ubuntu didn't even use RPM....04:44
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nathan__NotLarry, iwconfig wlan0 mode managed04:45
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trappistOrborde: do you have alien installed?04:45
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Orbordetrappist: ...no.04:46
AnswerHey, I destroyed all of my panels by accident.  How do I restore the default panels?04:46
Orbordetrappist: I'm so confused04:46
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darklightred83wow thats to far from here, im from the philippines, maybe sometime you should visit here, the weather here is good, its tropcal.04:46
Orbordetrappist: Though I'm installing it now in case I need it later.04:46
trappistOrborde: some packages (like alien) deal with rpms and have rpm and/or librpm as dependencies.04:46
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Orbordetrappist: Okay04:46
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shane543L o04:47
nathan__darklightred83, yeah a friend at work used to live there, she said i could stay at hers anytime04:47
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NotLarrynathan__: nope, didn't do it04:47
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AnswerHey, I destroyed all of my panels by accident.  How do I restore the default panels?04:48
bettong_BOFHany one know of a good mp3 track editor for ubuntu?04:48
nathan__NotLarry, what does  ndiswrapper -l say?04:48
bettong_BOFHwhere i can edit and or mix my tracks?04:48
ispikedHow do my friends access my shared files when I share them via samba?04:48
nathan__bettong_BOFH, im a BOFH im going to say google04:48
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NotLarrybcmwl5 driver present, hardware present04:48
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nathan__NotLarry, dell laptop by any chance?04:49
NotLarryI hate when everything looks right but isn't:)04:49
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mrdeathhello all04:49
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darklightred83that good, well you should go here.thanks for your generosity04:49
NotLarryno, some mb laying on my desk with a motorola pci card I just took out of my kids desktop (so, it was working 10 minutes ago on a wintel box:)04:49
ICE9hey real quick someone pm the top two lines of sources.list04:49
mrdeathis there are any RSS readers which can display posts as digest?04:49
ICE9if you have the 5.10 version04:49
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nathan__NotLarry, im using the same driver as you, working fine ;)04:49
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MaCaIs there a easy way to customize the live CD? Say, remove openoffice and add some static files?04:50
mrdeathpractically all of them works as usual mail client :(04:50
NotLarryI have set something somewhere wrong I am sure.  Ok, so how do I set it to start up on reboot?04:50
adam_does anyone use a webcam and chatting software in here?04:50
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AnswerHey, I destroyed all of my panels by accident.  How do I restore the default panels?04:50
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AnswerHey, I destroyed all of my panels by accident.  How do I restore the default panels?04:51
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seliniumnathan__, UK ubuntu! :)04:51
OrbordeWhy is it that ndiswrapper -l gives me driver present, hardware present, but I still don't have any wlan interfaces?04:51
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OrbordeAnswer: How did this happen?04:51
AnswerOrborde, I right clicked on them and chose Delete This Panel...04:51
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nathan__NotLarry, you'll need to forgive me here, im on debian atm, you should be able to specify it in /etc/network/interfaces with wireless_mode, wireless_essid, wireless_key etc04:51
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OrbordeAnswer: So why are you complaining if you did it on purpose :) ?04:52
OrbordeAnswer: Try going into synaptic.04:52
trappistone after the other, accidentally?04:52
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nathan__NotLarry, iirc theres a package for reading the interfaces file with wifi support04:52
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OrbordeAnswer: Try reinstalling gnome-panel.04:52
OrbordeAnswer: or apt-get install --reinstall gnome-panel04:53
seliniumICE9, I sent you a link to the repos ages ago...04:53
OrbordeAnswer: Actually, you can just make new panels and repopulate them with the appropriate applets.04:53
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AnswerOrborde, /me does not want to repopulate everything in the panels04:54
AnswerDoes anybody use a lightweight window manager?  I need to remove all the panels and icons and disable right clicking on the desktop04:55
zain nero i can just select Image Recorder (cd/rw) cant i, and that should burn my .iso as an image?04:55
OrbordeAnswer: What exactly are you doing, anyway?04:55
adam_does anyone know of or use a webcam and chatting software?04:55
nathan__za, no :)04:55
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OrbordeAnswer: First you're rebuilding panels, now you're removing them?04:55
zahmm i cant find 'burn as image'04:55
wickedpuppyadam_, gaim and skype04:55
nathan__za, select burn image, the image recorder will burn to a file instead of an actually cd04:55
OrbordeAnswer: Why do you want to disable right-click on the desktop?04:55
adam_skype has video?04:56
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adam_i did not know that04:56
wickedpuppyeh hmms .. maybe not .. no idea04:56
AnswerOrborde, we have a thin client that is just a web browser.  when it crashes or if someone hits F11 to exit fullscreen mode, we don't want them to be able to click anything.  and it's a touchscreen so no right clicking on the desktop04:56
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wickedpuppybut there should be  webcam software04:56
nathan__za, it is probably in the file menu just to confuse you04:56
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wickedpuppyadam_, search in synaptic04:56
mojoHello every1, it's happy to see community get bigger everyday ;) GO GO Ubuntu04:56
zado i need to select the option to create a bootable cd?04:56
AnswerOrborde, I thought the simple solution would be to just delete all the panels with gnome, but then it wouldn't let me delete the last one.04:56
adam_im looking for some kind of community thing to meet people04:56
adam_i will do that04:56
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OrbordeAnswer: That sounds like some script-fuage04:56
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seliniumadam_, gnomemeeting skype deosn't have video... as far as I konw04:56
mojocare to read this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88477?04:56
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OrbordeAnswer: Uninstall gnome-panel04:57
nathan__za: shouldn't need to the iso includes the MBR04:57
wickedpuppyadam_, you are already in community thing to meet people ...04:57
OrbordeAnswer: That's the first and shortest answer.04:57
mojoTango vs Human http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8847704:57
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zathe user interface on nero 6 sucks04:57
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OrbordeAnswer: DISCLAIMER: You are a little over my head, so I'm not exactly certain about what I'm doing. Take heed.04:57
AnswerOrborde, any idea on the right click?04:57
nathan__Answer, break the right hand mouse button04:58
OrbordeAnswer: I don't see why you need to disable right-click if the touchscreen won't let you do it anyways...04:58
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OrbordeAnswer: Why do you need to disable right-click?04:58
AnswerOrborde, nathan__, it is a touchscreen monitor04:58
wickedpuppynathan__, i would have thought of another answer ... use one button mouse04:58
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nathan__Answer, how does a touch screen monitor have right click then ?!04:59
OrbordeAnswer: So they can't right click anyways and figuring out how to disable it is unnecessary, right?04:59
wickedpuppyright hand touch ... of course04:59
AnswerOrborde, nathan__, there is no mouse attached, but when the web browser crashes and u touch the desktop, the right-click dropdown menu apperas04:59
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nathan__ahhhh ofcourse04:59
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OrbordeAnswer: If you want to make the desktop unmodifiable, you can chown all the stuff there to root and chmod 555 it.04:59
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zain my nero i select data cd, then i select the .iso, then it only gives me an option to burn, not 'burn as image'05:00
OrbordeAnswer: Okay...hmm....05:00
AnswerI just completely removed the gnome-panel, but the last panel is sitll there that lets u switch desktops.  Can i just make it one desktop somehow?05:00
nathan__za, its there i tell ya!05:00
wickedpuppyza, are you asking about nero here ?05:00
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nathan__wickedpuppy, he's burning an abuntu cd... ;)05:00
zaand nero is just preventing it ;p05:00
wickedpuppybtw if you select data cd its wrong ... you go to tools and burn as image ... unless my nero knowledge is screwed05:01
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nathan__za, its either in tools or file menu, but its definetly there, clean your lenses :)05:01
zano just my nero is screwed05:01
OrbordeAnswer: Actually, I think that might be built into gnome desktop. I'd bet money that there's some way to disable it, but I don't know how.05:01
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nathan__Answer, yes05:01
wickedpuppyyes nero doesn't have easy image burning button ... but then i doubt many M$ users know whats an image is05:01
zayeah this version of nero hides everything05:02
NotLarrysomehow the radio is turned off and I can't figure out how to turn it on:)05:02
=== eYYuaeI [n=iduemi@adsl-70-126-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
Answernathan__, how do i set it to one desktop and get rid of that panel?05:02
zai have yet to even find file, tool menus05:02
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wickedpuppyza, which version of nero are you using ?05:02
Master_5k3b has an easy "burn image to cd" option05:02
Answer"Error: You cannot remove your last panel"05:02
Dekkardme tinks hes trying to burn it from winders.....05:03
Answerooo I crashed the panel and it disappered!05:03
OrbordeAnswer: You removed gnome-panel, right?05:03
zaits got some corny "for 6 year old" UI05:03
OrbordeAnswer: Try logging out and in again.05:03
AnswerOrborde, yeah, mabye it just took a minute to crash05:03
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wickedpuppyza, 6 itself has a lot more versions ... ultra ?05:03
wickedpuppyor unlimited05:03
nathan__Answer, well the thing you are seeing is the 'workspace switcher' you could remove that.. either that or change the preferences for how many workspaces you have :)05:03
trappistcdrecord -dev=/dev/hdX -dao -speed=24 filename.iso05:03
OrbordeAnswer: The program may still have been in memory05:03
zait comes with xpress and xpress205:03
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wickedpuppyah then its not ultra edition .. hope its not nero express05:04
zanero express 605:04
zawhich is horrible05:04
AnswerAnybody know the package for opera6 ?05:04
digitalci downloaded the ubuntu image to my xp system and burned it with nero05:05
wickedpuppyyes ... way horrible .. you got menus on the right top side ... right ?05:05
OrbordeAnswer: I'm curious; what exactly are you doing?05:05
zalol express 6 doesnt even have menus05:05
digitalcbut it wont work05:05
OrbordeAnswer: Why opera6? They're up to 8 now....05:05
Magic07i installed breezy on my imac and everything went fine...however yaboot root is set to sdb4 while the install was on sdc4...any suggestions05:05
digitalcnow nothing happens05:05
AnswerOrborde, fine opera8 whatever05:05
wickedpuppyza, really ... no comments05:05
zawell it lets me select how i want to burn it: such as data, music, dvd05:05
wickedpuppythats not express05:05
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wickedpuppythats crippled05:05
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OrbordeAnswer: I don't think there is an Opera 8 repo package, as Opera is not GPL.05:06
AnswerOrborde, we have a touchscreen and all we want on it is our webpage in a webbrowser.  but sometimes the webbrowser (opera) crashes.  when that happens we dont want people to be able to 'click' on anything in the bg05:06
OrbordeAnswer: Until recently, it was commercial05:06
DekkardMagic07 how old an ibook..does it have airport extreme card?05:06
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zawhat would you recommend me getting wicked?05:06
Magic07G5 imac05:06
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digitalci di burn an image05:06
nathan__za, http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm05:07
zathanks nathan05:07
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OrbordeAnswer: You could probably put together a script to automatically reboot the browser. Sadly, I am not amazing enough to do it myself./05:07
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antisocial_boriscan anyone link me to the dc++ page that tells me how to compile it?05:07
nathan__za, and you are sure there is no 'burn image' option in the FILE menu ?05:07
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wickedpuppyantisocial_boris, dc++ ?05:08
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ben_does alexfeinman's iso recorder support sp2 now?05:08
digitalci am looking at the isorecorder now05:08
wickedpuppydigitalc, k3b05:08
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wickedpuppywait ... iso recorder05:08
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wickedpuppyrecord iso ? same as burn iso ?05:08
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digitalcwell i burned the ubuntu image to a cd using nero express 605:09
digitalcbut when i insert it nothing happens05:09
trappistreal men use cdrecord05:09
digitalcwhere do i get cdrecord05:09
trappistyou almost certainly already have it05:10
wickedpuppydigitalc, nero express 6 ?05:10
nathan__you'll have issues running cdrecord under windows05:10
Orbordedigitalc: Look up iso recorder...05:10
trappistoh windows05:10
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Orbordedigitalc: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm05:10
nathan__wonder if it runs under cygwin :p05:10
zanero is horrible05:10
wickedpuppythis channel is turning into nero support centre05:10
nathan__someone wish to change the topic lol05:11
trappistnathan__: it does05:11
Dekkardi burned my first linux cd wif nero... did they have a 5..?05:11
Ophiocusif that helps getting a ubuntu distro installed, why not05:11
digitalcso u can see me better05:11
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Orbordewickedpuppy: Well, it's a signal that soon we will have a lot of Ubuntu help requests.05:11
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digitalcyes nero express 605:12
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nathan__any linux based q's?05:12
wickedpuppyOphiocus, true but nero is commercial software ... support gpl soft thats not related to ubuntu is one thing .. supporting a crappy software that runs on M$ is another05:12
Orbordewickedpuppy: Like babies or something05:12
Orbordewickedpuppy: It means that people are trying Ubuntu05:12
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digitalcwell i was looking up ubuntu website and they told me to come here05:12
wickedpuppyOrborde, well .. if i were you you would write a book about installing and configurating ubuntu linux05:12
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digitalcwell how am i supposed to get started with linux05:13
Ophiocuspoint taken, but i dont see how theyll get help from redmond to "how can i stop using your product?"05:13
Orbordedigitalc: Was that a question?05:13
digitalcwhen not with ubuntu05:13
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nathan__digitalc, you can order an ubuntu cd if you get stuck05:13
digitalci want to use it as a server05:13
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Orbordedigitalc: Did you download ISO Recorder?05:13
digitalcbe good05:14
digitalci did use cdrecord05:14
trappistis general mplayer suckage on ubuntu a commonly acknowledged and possibly documented and/or fixed issue?05:14
digitalcalso to make a second cd05:14
Ophiocusdigitalc,  make sure you are actually using an iso as a burn project, and not simply drag dropping the iso in the burner program05:14
Orbordetrappist: Ubuntu + Multimedia = not so hot ATM :(05:14
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Kumoshinu: hi, I fixed my problem, I checked this page: http://svaksha.com/how2extdev.html and with a lot of luck I edited succesfully the /etc/network/interfaces file just adding eth0 to the auto lo line, like this: auto lo eth0, may be this is useful for you05:14
trappistI wonder why that would be05:15
digitalcthanks ophiocus05:15
Orbordedigitalc: Yeah. There is a difference between burning the file onto the CD and creating a CD from the image file.05:15
digitalcwell no i openend nero and selected05:15
adam_ok, so I want to add skypes repository to sources.list, but in terminal when i type: sudo sources.list - it says that command is not found05:15
trappistthe mplayer issue looks to be alsa-related05:15
digitalcburn image to a cd05:15
Ophiocussee ? platform independent advice :P05:15
adam_what am i doing wrong?05:15
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wickedpuppyadam_, sudo nano sources.list05:15
trappistadam_: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list05:15
nathan__adam_, that be `coz its a text file :)05:15
wickedpuppyadam_, sudo is not a text editor05:16
trappistor your favorite text editor05:16
adam_and nano is i take it?05:16
ICE9selenium, you got pm05:16
trappistsudo wine winword.exe /etc/apt/sources.list etc.05:16
adam_i see05:16
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mjrtrappist, sounds like a Good Idea :] 05:16
Ophiocusdigitalc, another thing, make sure your bios look for cd to boot from before hard drive05:16
trappistone of my best :)05:16
nathan__vi / nano / mcedit ? :)05:16
digitalcwhere do i look for platform independent advice05:16
wickedpuppywhat happened to emacs ?05:17
nathan__emacs too !05:17
trappistkate, gedit, gvim...05:17
wickedpuppydigitalc, your software vendor hotline i suppose ...05:17
trappistemacs is a nice operating system, but I prefer linux05:17
Ophiocusdigitalc,  platform independent advice was a bad joke, forget about that05:17
AnswerOrborde, we actually have a script to automatically restart the browser.  but there is about a 3-5second delay where they could potentially click on things05:17
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nathan__trappist, lol05:17
AnswerOrborde, removing gnome-panel seems to work tho05:17
digitalci just think that there is an error05:17
adam_what command would i use to edit the file in ubuntus text editor?05:17
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digitalci know about booting05:17
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nathan__adam_, could try gedit05:17
Ophiocusdigitalc what happens when you insert the cd?05:18
Orbordeadam_: Or pico05:18
wickedpuppyadam_, i don't get your question .. you mean gui editor ?05:18
trappistadam_: whichever text editor you like.  there is no ubuntu text editor.  you have dozens of them at your disposal.05:18
adam_yeah gui05:18
deFrysksudo gedit /path/to/file05:18
nathan__am i talking to myself here05:18
digitalcwell i can read the directory and winace opens to05:18
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digitalcextract the files05:18
adam_nathan__ thanks05:18
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Orbordenathan__: Yes. yes you are05:18
trappistdigitalc: you don't want to extract the files05:19
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digitalcu see i want to use it on a second compi05:19
digitalclet me try again05:20
Amaranthmojo: Cut it out.05:20
adam_ok, one more question i think. Do i add the skype repo to the sources.list in the /root folder, or the one in /etc/apt ?05:20
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Habbieadam_: /etc/apt05:20
nathan__adam_, /etc/apt :)05:20
wickedpuppyadam_, there is only one sources.list05:20
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wickedpuppyhow come you got two ?05:21
nathan__if you have one in root you must have copied it05:21
adam_for some reason theres on in my /root too05:21
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Amaranthunless you created the one in /root05:21
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adam_i must have for some reason05:21
trappistadam_: delete it to avoid confusion later, unless it's there as a backup05:21
bastardkestreluh hello. is this thing on?05:21
wickedpuppyadam_, apt-get reads sources.list only from /etc/apt/ dir .. so all changes must be made there ...05:21
adam_i see05:21
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swbwhat is dapper?05:22
nathan__bastardkestrel, your name implies your parents we're married when you were born05:22
trappistbastardkestrel: do you have a question?05:22
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nathan__my typing is shocking today05:23
swbnathan__, welcome to the club05:23
Amaranthswb: dapper is shorthand for "Dapper Drake", the code name for Ubuntu 6.0405:23
x86iI have sort of a weird problem. I cannot run anything that requires root in gnome. For more info , please see this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7572205:23
swbthere was me thinking I was all up to date on breezy05:23
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Amaranthswb: dapper just opened a couple days ago :P05:24
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Mabus06can anyone reccomend me a decent game for Ubuntu?05:24
Amaranthswb: but it's the development version. You're more or less on your own for things breaking.05:24
jah_raztahare there any changes from breezy in, what is currently there in the drapper repositories?05:24
swbAmaranth, do you use it?05:24
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Amaranthswb: yeah, but i also write programs and make packages, so i know my way around05:25
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slibshi guys05:25
trappistAmaranth: does mplayer perform any better in dapper?05:25
swbheh I have made packages, but only using dpkg-buildpackage or whatever05:25
Amaranthswb: you should only use it if you can accept the fact that X or GNOME or etc might not work for say 3 days and you're stuck with a command line05:25
slibscan you tell how to install cpkg files?05:25
swbalso I have written programmes, none in C or on apt tho05:25
Amaranthtrappist: I don't use mplayer05:25
swbAmaranth, aye, I am fully au fait with the command line05:25
OrbordeAnswer: Awesome. Have fun. Is this at a company or something?05:26
swbbitchx, lynx, barely notice the difference05:26
jah_raztahare there any changes from breezy in what is currently there in the drapper repositories?05:26
Amaranthswb: Then you'd probably be just fine. :)05:26
Amaranthjah_raztah: Probably, but nothing major.05:26
swbtrappist, you shou;d really compile your own mplayer05:26
swbwhen you do its so awesome05:26
swbits better than all the other player imho05:26
swbit starts so quickly05:26
Amaranthswb: vlc > *05:26
swbyou just double click a file and BAM its playing05:26
swband then BAN fullscreen05:26
Amaranthx86i: looking05:27
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swbAmaranth, yeah lots of my friends hae moved from mplayer to vlc05:27
Ophiocusjah_raztah, repeating a question dosent make it more important or people more willing to answer, if you dont get an answer try saying the same question in a diferent more specific way05:27
x86iAmaranth: Thank you05:27
swbI dont like the ui05:27
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Dekkardso i should uninstall mplayer and compile my own?05:27
Amaranthslibs: what cpkg? what did you get it?05:27
jah_raztahOphiocus: what was more specific then i said05:27
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slibslike these things05:27
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jah_raztahi just wanted to since the repos opened anything new or interesting in drapper05:27
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swbAmaranth, is there a wiki page about dapper?05:27
slibsbut i don't understand how to install them05:27
swblisting the upgrades and new versions etc...05:28
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bastardkestrelnathan_: hi! there seems to be some major differences between Kubuntu and Ubuntu installs05:28
jah_raztahi'm not planning on using drapper anytime soon05:28
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Amaranthswb: well, it'll have X.org 7, GNOME 2.14, etc but none of those are out yet05:28
Ophiocusjah_raztah, you can allways check the backports05:28
swbDekkard, not saying you should, its just what I do and it runs like a dream05:28
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jah_raztahmaybe wait 2 weeks afer it's released05:28
Amaranthswb: right now it doesn't have much of anything breezy doesn't except for some autosyncs from sid05:28
x86iAmaranth: I was thinking about just un-installing the ubuntu-desktop package, but I don't think it will help.05:28
Chris_in_the_ukHate to ask a stupid question but... i want to install ubuntu on a pc with a scsi CD drive, can anyone give me a walkthru?05:28
jah_raztahohh there is a backports for breezy now?>05:28
frogzooOphiocus: jah_raztah: there are no breezy backports05:28
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swbAmaranth, cheers, I'll wait abit then05:28
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swbare they any plans to package up the new firefox?05:29
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jah_raztahahh that sucks... maybe in 2-3 weeks there will be a backport05:29
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Amaranthx86i: I'm pretty sure that's a known problem that was supposed to be fixed in breezy-updates.05:29
digitalcthanks for ur help05:29
AmaranthThere are breezy-backports05:29
bastardkestreltrappist: I cant understand why the wireless setup should be so different05:29
AmaranthAs of yesterday05:29
robzonis it possible to install Ubuntu from network?05:29
digitalcgonna try again05:29
digitalcsee ya05:29
frogzooAmaranth: since when? and where?05:29
robzonor from hard disk, just not to use cd-rom05:29
bastardkestreltrappist: between kubuntu ubuntu that is05:29
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Amaranthfrogzoo: same place hoary ones were05:30
x86iAmaranth: Should I try apt-get update , upgrade?05:30
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Amaranthx86i: yeah05:30
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swbI dont have the sources for breezybackports ither05:30
frogzooAmaranth: can we arrange a linkie in the banner ^^05:30
Amaranthx86i: make sure breezy-updates is uncommented sources.list05:30
Amaranthfrogzoo: nah, people will find it05:30
jason^is there a way to change my locale to en_US instead of en_US-utf8?05:30
jah_raztahAmaranth how do i add the breezy backports to my repos... like what is url i add to my sources.list05:30
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x86iAmaranth: Will do. Going to try that now, will report my findings05:30
Amaranthdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main universe multiverse restricted05:31
swbit would be cool if there was a more standardised easier to use way of maintaining sources.list05:31
Amaranthswb: synaptic05:31
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bastardkestrelnathan_: it seems kde is screwed up, so im forced to use gnome05:31
swbAmaranth, yeah... but its not that great, I was thinking something that abstracted you furtherwaya from the actual source lines05:31
swblike check this box for these elements...05:31
trappistbastardkestrel: I just use kwifimanager05:31
Amaranthswb: it does have that05:31
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Amaranthswb: for things that come in the sources.list commented out or active05:32
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Amaranthswb: what more do you want?05:32
zion115any1 run steam on ubuntu?05:32
bastardkestreltrappist: kubuntu detected both my devices correctly, but something broke thier connections05:32
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martixHi there05:32
bastardkestreltrappist: I used kwifi also and ifconfig etc05:33
martixI need some help on my freshly ubuntu05:33
martixactually Im looking for some answers05:33
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bastardkestreltrappist: also with this Linksys card on a desktop . same thing happened05:33
martix1.- Do you know where to download codecs for totem to play MPEG files?05:33
swbAmaranth, yeah actually its cooler then I remember05:34
Chris_in_the_ukcan anyone help with a non-cd install of ubuntu?05:34
trappist!tell martix about w32codecs05:34
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trappistwhere is the bot05:34
bastardkestreltrappist: with the notebook its a problem with acpi.05:34
Amaranthtrappist: pm the bot, it isn't in the channel05:34
Dekkard!tell dekkard about w32 codecs05:34
bastardkestrelwith the desktop, who knows?05:34
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swbstill something on the gnome menu "choose ubuntu version" where you select from breezy, hoary etc...05:34
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bastardkestreli just have to install ubuntu first always05:34
swbwould be pretty nice05:34
jah_raztahAmaranth i added the repo you told me about and i recived and error stating the following signatures were invalid: balh balh05:34
frogzoo!tell trappist about ubotu05:34
Amaranthbastardkestrel: acpi is more than power management05:34
Dekkardor matrix05:34
Amaranthfrogzoo: PM the bot, it isn't in the channel05:34
frogzootrappist - you need to register/identify05:34
zion115does any1 use steam on linux and if you do how did you get it to run??05:35
Dekkardhave you looked into synaptic under totem?05:35
frogzooAmaranth: ah, k, thx05:35
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bastardkestrelAmaranth: I know that with pcmcia the vaio would not boot also05:35
trappistfrogzoo: I am with freenode.  I need to get friendly with the bot too?05:35
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Amaranthtrappist: No, you just need to PM the bot.05:35
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AmaranthI kicked it out of the channel.05:35
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trappistthat'll learn it05:35
frogzootrappist - just send a pm to "ubotu"05:36
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kahuna_Hi. Is there any known issue with hotplug not paying attention to the blacklist?05:36
trappistyeah I did05:36
bastardkestrelAmaranth: im just very curious, how on kubuntu wireless did not work05:36
storkurSo, what program should I use to play DVD on ubuntu?05:36
martixWhat shuld I look in synaptic?05:36
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bastardkestrelAmaranth: every time on 2 different computers now05:36
jah_raztahAmaranth so i have to wait ten minutes and try again05:36
Amaranthbastardkestrel: KDE sends the wrong commands?05:36
trappiststorkur: xine is nice05:36
bastardkestrelAmaranth: yes05:36
Amaranthjah_raztah: more or less, yeah05:36
Amaranthbastardkestrel: I was giving you an answer.05:36
kahuna_I put e100 in my /etc/hotplug/blacklist and the module still loads05:36
bastardkestrelAmaranth: oh05:36
Amaranthbastardkestrel: Solution: Don't use KDE.05:36
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bastardkestrelAmaranth: i was earlier saying it was kde05:37
highvoltagehi. to which keyserver should i upload my gpg key for launchpad?05:37
Dekkardbecause if you have the repositories enabled ... there are only like 17000 packages to choose from..05:37
kahuna_I just upgraded to breezy. The module did not load with hoary05:37
bastardkestrelAmaranth: thanks05:37
bastardkestrelAmaranth:  I dont like gnome either05:37
trappistbastardkestrel: I use kde and wifi works great here.05:37
martixso how should I search in synaptic for this codec?05:37
storkurtrappist, okey, thanks05:37
bastardkestreltrappist: whats the notebook? do you run ubuntu?05:37
AmaranthIf you use KDE and need help the best place is #kubuntu05:37
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jah_raztahAmaranth thanks for the help05:38
trappistbastardkestrel: inspiron 600m and yes05:38
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jah_raztahi'm out05:38
bastardkestrelAmaranth:  i know, but my question is about ubuntu?05:38
Dekkardif you have totem gstreamere installed it should play mpeg video05:38
Dekkardor gstreamer05:38
x86iAmaranth: Sweet, it seems to be updating gksu, which was causing the problem to begin with.05:38
bastardkestreltrappist: thats why it works05:38
Dekkardon day i will learn how to type05:38
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swbDekkard, I'ld recomend totem-xine05:38
Amaranthbastardkestrel: Well, not if it worked with GNOME and you're messing with a DE-specific control applet05:38
swbless buggy I find05:38
martixhmm I see I have installed gstreamer0.8-misc05:38
Chris_in_the_ukcan anyone tell me where to get general install help with ubuntu?05:38
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Dekkard i tried em both05:39
Dekkardits six of one ..a dozen of the other05:39
bastardkestrelAmaranth: im going to avoid the kde wireless packages05:39
swbDekkard, what are you trying to do?05:39
Dekkardme.. nuffin.. matrix needs some help05:39
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bastardkestreltrappist: for me I have to install Ubuntu first05:39
Dekkardi can play most multi media files..05:39
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martixits quite odd05:40
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trappistbastardkestrel: that's what I do.  then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:40
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bastardkestreltrappist: so i should go file a bug i suppose05:40
trappistsounds like a plan05:40
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martixhey Dekkard so do you have an idea where to go?05:40
trappistor see if the #kubuntu folks know what's up05:40
bastardkestreltrappist: me too, but im not going to use all of it05:40
Dekkardfor plugins??05:40
Mabus06is there a windows-like search function for ubuntu?05:41
Dekkard well. its easy to findem for mplayer05:41
Dekkard i have no prollems mostly wif totem.. because i use eiother mplayer or vlc...05:41
trappistMabus06: 'find' on the command line is insanely powerful05:41
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trappistalso see 'locate'05:41
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bastardkestrelAmaranth: i have a stupid question?05:41
bastardkestrelAmaranth: does the ubuntu or kubuntu iso, is it ans the install alwys same?05:42
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DekkardCurrent song: 1. Foo Fighters - Times Like These05:42
Amaranthafaik the only difference is at the DE and app level05:42
bastardkestrelAmaranth: is there a newer installer ever?05:42
Amaranthbastardkestrel: nope, not until dapper05:42
Dekkardgadda go05:42
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martixhey Dekkard05:43
bastardkestrelAmaranth: there are no files downloaded ever ?05:43
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Amaranthbastardkestrel: sometimes, but not a kernel (which is where your drivers are) unless it's to fix a security bug05:43
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Dekkardmatrix what is the trouble exactly you are having?05:43
martix"There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins"05:43
martixthats the error messahe05:43
Dekkardcant play wmv9.. or sompin?05:44
martixI cant play a file *.mpg05:44
Seveas!tell martix about restricted05:44
bastardkestrelAmaranth: the vaio fs660w with nvidia is very toughy, buggy bios05:44
Seveas!tell Dekkard  about restricted05:44
Seveasah, ubotu is gone05:44
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AmaranthSeveas: pm it05:44
SeveasDekkard, martix: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:44
DekkardSeveas dekkard has no prollems wif repos.. its matrix..05:44
AmaranthSeveas: if it won't talk to us in the channel we won't talk to it in the channel05:44
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Dekkardmatrix.. open synaptic ..and add repositories05:45
SeveasAmaranth, when was that changed?05:45
Dekkardthan look for the plugins05:45
AmaranthSeveas: When I /remove'd it a couple hours ago.05:45
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Dekkardyou need to prolly ad restriced.. universe,, and multiverse..05:45
kahuna_does /etc/hotplug/blacklist work for you guys? it seems borked after my hoary->breezy upgrade05:45
Dekkardgalzxy... panoply of god.. and nonfree05:45
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AmaranthSeveas: The SNR in this channel is bad enough without everyone saying '!tell foo about bar' and trying to tell the channel something just to have ubotu yell at you like you're doing something wrong.05:46
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frmarkushi all05:46
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Ophiocusis there a way to keep track of the codecs already installed?05:46
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storkurtrappist, a little help please? :)05:46
SeveasAmaranth, still I think it's a bad decision to remove it05:46
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Ophiocusfor example, xmms can play a given file type but totem fails to05:46
AmaranthSeveas: It'll force someone to fix it.05:46
frmarkusi followed the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaPPC to install java on my titanium powerbook05:47
Seveasyou could at least have discussed it...05:47
SeveasOphiocus, xmms has mp3 builtin05:47
Seveasso no codec needed05:47
frmarkusbut there where no links created in /usr/bin to /etc/alternatives05:47
frmarkuscan anybody help me?05:47
ICE9hey someone paste the sources.list in pm for me mine is really screwed up05:47
SeveasICE, paste.ubuntulinux/nl/232505:48
SeveasICE, paste.ubuntulinux.nl/232505:48
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ICE9is that a link05:48
Seveasvisit it for a standard breezy sources.list05:48
martixok question number 205:48
x86iAmaranth: Hrm, well. It updated a bunch of stuff, and i have rebooted but still no luck05:49
martix2.- Is there a way to import Lookout PST files to Mozilla Thunderbird or evolution?05:49
ICE9doesn't work05:49
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ICE9is it http or no05:49
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x86iAmaranth: Should I try to uninstall ubuntu-desktop and install it again?05:49
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Amaranthx86i: No, that won't do anything.05:50
Amaranthx86i: I'm out of ideas.05:50
SeveasICE9, yes05:50
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ICE9not working05:50
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storkuranyone that can help me with xine?05:50
ICE9is it ubuntu.linux05:50
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SeveasICE, http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 works...05:50
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martixhey guys05:52
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martixany idea to import PST files to mozilla?05:52
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vickshas anyone here gotten the d-link dwl-g122 (wifi with rt2500) to work?05:53
vicks(in breezy)05:54
akurashyis there a way to fix the GPG error:05:54
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Chris_in_the_ukCan anyone help me install ubuntu from harddrive?05:54
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SeveasChris_in_the_uk, what do you mean with 'install from harddrive'?05:54
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brosioz which software could i use to burn mdf/mds image  ?05:55
x86iAmaranth: Im just gonna re-install using the 'server expert' option and build up from there to see whats wrong.05:55
Seveasbrosioz, windows05:55
Amaranthx86i: That won't help.05:55
Seveasand the weird program that created the image05:55
Amaranthx86i: It's the same packages.05:55
action09is it the 'official' way to install nvidia proprietary drivers for Ubuntu please ? --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2905:55
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Amaranthx86i: You just want to install it all on your own that way.05:55
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frmarkuscan anyone help me with some problems with update-alternatives05:55
Seveasaction09, yes05:56
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action09ok thanks :)05:56
speedboyI found an interesting stuff on forum, i think people here should have a look http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8847705:56
akurashyafter compiling bzflag 2.0.4 I don't know what the bash command is. =/05:56
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frmarkusi do sudo update-alternatives --install java1.5 java /opt/ibm-java2-ppc-50/bin/java 105:56
frmarkussudo update-alternatives --config java05:56
x86iAmaranth: So something is wrong with the packages? I was under the impression something went awry in the installion05:56
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Amaranthx86i: No, pretty sure it's the packages. Are you on PowerPC?05:56
Chris_in_the_ukSeveas: i have a pc with a scsi CD drive which i can't boot off, so i've copied the ISO to a hard drive to put in the machine to boot off.  However, i imagine i need a boot disk or something to get to the ISO05:57
frmarkusbut there are no links anywhere which point to /etc/alternatives05:57
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Magic07G5 imac05:57
SeveasChris_in_the_uk, on what kind of system is the ISO?05:57
Magic07i installed breezy on my imac and everything went fine...however yaboot root is set to sdb4 while the install was on sdc4...any suggestions05:57
JakobGedionsenMaster_5 uname -r 2.6.12-9-386, my kernel is not in the apt-get install kernel-source list...05:57
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JakobGedionsenMaster_5 Dunno... I have to install the new nVidia drivers, but it keep saying i've haven't got the kernel source... Installed some kernel packs in the packet manager, but still...05:58
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JakobGedionsenhow do i install the  kernel source pakage in ubuntu05:58
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raghuJakobGedionsen, it is simple apt-get05:58
x86iAmaranth: No, x86 intel latop05:58
SeveasJakobGedionsen, sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1205:58
Amaranthx86i: Then I'm really lost....05:58
Chris_in_the_ukSeveas: Do you mean file system? NTFS05:59
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SeveasChris_in_the_uk, no i mean operating system05:59
Seveasassuming it is windows (given that it's ntfs) then the answer is that it's impossible05:59
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Chris_in_the_ukseveas: how do i boot from a scsi drive?06:00
SeveasChris_in_the_uk, specify in the bios to boot from scsi...06:00
JakobGedionsenThanks :-D06:00
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Sam3773Hey all :)06:01
traxashi, maybe anybody tried to run modo (3d app) in Ubuntu?06:01
JakobGedionsenSeveas But it says i already have it... And nVidia says i don't :-|06:02
SeveasJakobGedionsen, for that you don't need the source but the headers.06:02
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Sam3773Urm, let's just say Sammy is a Smee' and forgot his Ubuntu logon, any root or default passwords to get in?06:02
x86iAmaranth: I think a found a temporary work around. Gonna re-install just using some of the packages for the desktop from the cd, and the rest online.06:02
speedboymaybe, artwork developer for Dapper should look at this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8847706:03
SeveasSam3773, reboot into recovery mode06:03
yanchenghw i can extract rar file type?06:03
raghuSam3773, single user mode06:03
Seveasspeedboy, #ubuntu-art06:03
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raghuyancheng, apt-cache searc rar06:03
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Chris_in_the_ukSeveas: I don't have an option to boot from scsi device, i only have floppy, hard disk, Cd or network, do i have to instal an IDE Cd drive?06:03
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JakobGedionsenSeveas K... And how do i do that :-)06:04
SeveasChris_in_the_uk, that or network install06:04
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Chris_in_the_ukhow do i do a network install?06:04
x86iChris_in_the_uk: you need either the mini.iso, or manually configure the IP in the installer, and remove the cd when doing the base install06:05
hadizHi all, how can I setup a printer via TCP/IP? the local address of the printer is and ubuntu has the driver for this particular printer listed.06:05
Carter|Laptopwiki.ubuntu.com isn't loading for me and I need to know how to upgrade to breezy06:05
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x86iIt doesnt seem to work if you use DHCP06:05
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MstrshadeMorning all06:05
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Carter|Laptopanyone know?06:06
raghuCarter|Laptop, you?06:06
MstrshadeQ for anyone06:06
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Carter|Laptopraghu, what?06:06
MadpilotCarter|Laptop: wiki.u.c works here - maybe try again?06:06
x86ihadiz: You need to install samba to access the printer share.06:06
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Mstrshadehave a dual botted box xp/ubuntu ..the xp partition has 14 gb .. I was to take another gb from that ..what tool do I use?06:07
JakobGedionsenSeveas K... And how do i do that? :-)06:07
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Carter|Laptopoh i see the problem06:07
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DShepher1Mstrshade: I think  can use gparted...I have never used it myself thougoh06:08
raghuMstrshade: knoppix has partiton resizing it may be in ubuntu also not sure06:08
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Sam3773Urm.. How come startx wont work in recovery mode, makes life easier to edit users.06:08
x86ithat was strange06:09
JakobGedionsen:-D Yir... Funny dude...06:09
MstrshadeWel you see Its a work machine, but I find myself using ubuntu more and more06:09
Mstrshadeso I don't want to wipe the xp part off, just take some more space and add it to ubuntu06:10
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raghuMstrshade, xp has how many partition?06:10
Sam3773Any way to bring up a user list in recovery mode?06:10
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JakobGedionsenHow do i get the headers for the Kernel source?06:11
JakobGedionsenIt's linux-source-2.6.1206:11
raghuSam3773, ls /home06:11
Mstrshaderoc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       006:11
Mstrshade/dev/hda3       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       106:11
Mstrshade/dev/hda2       none            swap    sw              0       006:11
Mstrshade/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:11
Mstrshade/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       006:11
Mstrshade/dev/hda1      /media/windows   ntfs    iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0       006:11
JakobGedionsenSome dude said i should do that and then left...06:11
DShepher1Mstrshade: check out gparted http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=39606:11
Sam3773Cheers, now all i need is the password06:11
raghuJakobGedionsen: apt-get update06:12
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Sam3773Ahhh i'm in, thank you all06:13
JakobGedionsenraghu Was that it???06:13
DShepher1Mstrshade: use synaptic....to search for it..if you want to install it. ensuire you have universe and multiverse installed06:13
kowasorry im new ive the question how can i install kylix06:13
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SeveasMstrshade, NEVER paste in here06:14
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raghuJakobGedionsen: apt-get update && apt-cache search kernel source && apt-get install sourcename06:14
highvoltagei wouldn't recommend it.06:14
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highvoltagekylix is a dead project.06:14
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kowai need it for school06:14
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vezultis there a reason why, in GNOME, when attempting to connect to a samba server, I am prompted to authenticate with each server on the network in turn?06:15
ari123oki i jsut need help how i register here ,06:15
ari123 ?06:15
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kowawho can help me to install kylix?06:16
JakobGedionsenSeveas Still no-go... How did i do that header thing?06:16
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JakobGedionsenSeveas root@Jakob:~# apt-get install linux-source-2.6.1206:17
JakobGedionsenReading package lists... Done06:17
JakobGedionsenBuilding dependency tree... Done06:17
JakobGedionsenlinux-source-2.6.12 is already the newest version.06:17
JakobGedionsen0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:17
raghuJakobGedionsen, what are you trying to install?06:17
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %JakobGedionsen!*@*] by Seveas
SeveasNEVER paste in here06:17
ari123selenium u around ?06:17
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crightonIm having trouble installing JRE, im following the steps in the java howTo from the wiki but am getting the "No matching Plugin Found" error when running make-jpkg, ive tried prefacing the command with DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE=i386-linux as suggested there but i still get the same error06:18
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Seveascrighton, what is the exact command you are running?06:19
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F-JakobWhy did you ban me?06:19
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crightonseveas, fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin06:20
crighton at first then tried DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE=i386-linuk fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586-rpm.bin06:20
Madpilot!tell F-Jakob about paste06:20
Seveascrighton, throuw out the -rpm.bin and download the correct .bin06:20
DShepher1crighton: I not sure what command or what exactly ur reading...are you using ubuntu breezy?06:20
ari123i cant see my ntfs partition ? how it s possible since my external drive is recognise ..;its also ntfs .06:20
SeveasMadpilot, amaranth kicked the bot...06:20
Seveasand cafuego is not around06:20
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MadpilotSeveas: yeah, just noticed that... what happened?06:21
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crightonDshepher1: im using hoary06:21
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DShepher1oh.. ok06:21
crightonSeveas, thanks will try06:21
SeveasMadpilot, single-sided decision without even an attempt to discuss06:21
Seveasvery weird...06:21
kowahow can i get libxll.so  ??06:21
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MadpilotSeveas: huh... ah well. We'll just have to actually remember things, instead of always asking the bot. :P06:22
ari123someone could help me i jsut want to use unbutu as workstation with some applic and some hardware ...06:22
ari123plz help06:22
deFryskkowa, what are your trying to install ?06:22
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kowai also need stdint.h06:23
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kowacan you help me deFrysk06:23
deFryskkowa, I cannot for I do not know the package06:24
raghukowa: http://sheepdogguides.com/tut.htm06:24
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crightonseveas, problem solved...thanks!06:24
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Faultycan someone help me please?06:24
trappistapt-file search filename06:24
antwanI have few troubles with my config : I'd just do apt-get install linux-686, afterwards, my sound card doesn't work anymore (?!)06:24
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raghukowa: http://www.arunet.co.uk/tkboyd/tutad.htm06:24
FaultyWith various linux questions ... like connecting to irc etc06:24
andrishow to install KDE on ubuntu?06:25
=== darkheart pokes ubotu.
trappistFaulty: ask questions, get answers06:25
DShepher1apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:25
silversurfersudo apt-get install kde06:25
raghuandris, apt-get install kde by adding kde repositorie or using kbuntu06:25
Faultytrappist: I can open google via firefox on my ubuntu machine, but i cant connect to irc with x-chat ... ?06:25
trappistsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:25
deFryskkubuntu-desktop would be the best option06:26
trappistFaulty: how are you trying and what happens when you try06:26
antwanno sound after apt-get install linux-686, why ? thx06:26
kowathx very much06:26
Madpilotdarkheart: we're botless here ATM... but ubotu is still on #ubuntu-offtopic or via /msg06:26
crightonout of interest if you install using kubuntu-desktop will it automatically offer a choice of KDE and gnome on login?06:27
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Faultytrappist: ok um ... first it said summin bout secure connection then i moved from using ssh and a proxy now it says ... summin summin "Maybe wrong version?"06:27
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Faultywrong version number sorry06:27
darkheartMadpilot Ahh, he's on strike huh?06:27
deFryskcrighton, if you prefer kde , you could also install kdm and set it as default for it has better functionality with kde06:27
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trappistcrighton: iirc it gave me a choice between kdm and gdm, and kdm let me choose06:27
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KououkenI'm using Ubuntu on a linux box that serves as a media center, but is controlled from a windows machine on the network.  I can turn on the box with a simple wake-on-lan network command, but is there an easy way to shut down the box without doing SSH and logging in, sudo, etc etc.?  I'm fairly new to linux, but love the flexibility and ease of use of Ubuntu.  If anyone knows how I might create a simple script to do this please let me 06:28
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FaultyAnd I'm on a lan via this pc ...06:28
crightondeFrysk, new to linux thought it might be nice to have both :)06:28
trappistFaulty: I need you to do better than summin summin.  if you can tell me what you did and the actual error message, maybe I can help.06:28
Faultyvia a 56k connection *puke*06:28
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deFryskcrighton, with kdm you can also login to gnome06:28
Madpilotdarkheart: one of the ops kicked the bot for reasons unknown...06:28
antwanWhy my rt2500 wifi pci card is working well under 386 and not on 686 version ?06:28
crightontrappist, cool might be worth a shot then :)06:28
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Faultytrappist: ok lemme type it out seeming i cant copy paste :( ok wait maybe i can ......... hold on06:28
darkheartMadpilot That's...kinda funny =P06:29
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KououkenI suppose what I'm looking for is the quickest way to shut down Ubuntu over a network?06:29
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crightondeFrysk, sounds good!06:29
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PatrikJohanssonPhotoshop is to the Gimp as Flash MX is to ... ??06:30
deFryskcrighton, and you can always switch back to gdm if you choose to do so06:30
deFrysknythacker, why the ping ?06:30
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trappistKououken: you can do it via ssh without actually logging in and getting a console06:30
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crightondeFrysk, the PCs at uni had a setup where you could just choose from a drop down box at login, is that kind of thing easy to setup?06:31
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deFryskcrighton, gdm does that and kdm does that also06:31
trappistKououken: like, ssh remotebox shutdown -h now06:31
antwanHey Guys, nobody to answer my questions ? 1) No sound since apt-get 686 and rt2500 wifi 's module not detected under 683 (it is under 386), thnks06:31
crightondeFrysk, brilliant, once ive finished installing JRE i'll prob give that a try06:32
Kououkentrappist: could I google that and figure it out myself maybe? :)06:32
hsPatrikJohansson, i think only for windows and to mac06:32
hsPatrikJohansson, no equivalent06:32
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deFryskcrighton, in gdm choose session and then gnome or kde06:32
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trappistKououken: you could do that, but I just gave you an answer06:33
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hsantwan,  may be files overwrittenn try reinstalling them or even plgins06:33
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KououkenTrappist: and it won't ask for user/pw every time?06:33
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antwanI'll try, ok thx06:34
crightondeFrysk, so kdm and kde are different things?06:34
trappistKououken: set up ssh keys so it won't ask for a password.  put your ssh public key in root's .ssh/authorized_keys and you can do it as root.06:34
FaultyConnecting to kornbluth.freenode.net ( port 6667...06:34
Faulty* Connection failed. Error: (336130315) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number06:34
FaultyAre you sure this is a SSL capable server and port?06:34
Faultysorry for paste06:34
=== lilo collects spambot klines
[LethAL] I think you use ipv6.freenode.net06:34
OneakinI'm sitting with windows right now, but I'm planning to change to linux. I have a question though, Can I reach my old harddrives through linux easily ?06:34
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hsOneakin, why not06:34
DShepher1Oneakin:I hope so...you should be able..once the are working06:35
OneakinIsnt it different file systems?06:35
Oneakinor something..06:35
Chris_in_the_uki'm back.  i'm trying to install ubuntu over network.  I have set up a server as outlined in the wiki and i've set the installing pc to boot off network but it's not working06:35
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DShepher1Oneakin: your asking or telling us?06:35
Ophiocusonce you install linux linux can read fat and ntfs partitions06:35
hsOneakin,but linux has support for them06:35
KououkenTrappist: great! I'll look into it.  Now I won't have to touch the keyboard even to watch movies...  This is going to do wonders for my health.06:35
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Seveaslilo, yeah seems like a new invasion has happened06:35
Oneakinnice :)06:35
[LethAL] Although by default accessing your NTFS partition may be awkward06:36
[LethAL] And NTFS support is still only ro06:36
trappistFaulty: 6667 is not an ssl port on freenode.  don't try to connect securely.06:36
Oneakinwhat's "ro" ?06:36
deFryskcrighton, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kdm06:36
Faultytrappist: in the x-chat settings i took off ssh and secure connection + proxy06:36
liloSeveas: *nod* I think they're still expecting to be doing private messages spam06:36
hsOneakin, read only06:36
Faultycant connect to blabber either06:36
DShepher1[LethAL] : Oneakin you can write to NTFS....but it is not 100% safe06:36
deFryskcrighton, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Display_Manager06:37
liloSeveas: that at least is no longer a problem06:37
crightondeFrysk, cheers for all the help, will read that now06:37
trappistFaulty: I don't even know what blabber is06:37
[LethAL] DShepher1, I know you can, that's what I meant06:37
DShepher1[LethAL] : ok06:37
Faultytrappist blabber is just another server :/06:37
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Faultybut i can connect to the net via firefox so it must be x-chat settings right?06:37
NiomiDShepher1, I didn't know you could write to NTFS, do you have a tutorial or page on it to recomend?06:37
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[LethAL] And Oneakin, I said it would be awkward because when I installed Ubuntu again a few days ago, I could only access my NTFS partition as root06:38
trappistFaulty: yes.  xchat is trying to establish ssl connections on non-ssl ports.06:38
trappistFaulty: in xchat, just do this: /newserver irc.freenode.net06:38
DShepherdNiomi: just set the options to rw06:38
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Faultyok trappist i'm gonna go slog away and see if i can cvonnect :) btw why is Adrenalin an erroneuos nick here>06:38
trappistFaulty: I guess the nick is taken06:38
NiomiDShepherd, thanks :D06:38
Faultyty trappist06:38
x86iChris_in_the_uk: Which WIKI are you reading?06:39
DShepherdNiomi: but I must warn you... weird things do happen06:39
OneakinIs it the same with fat 32 ?06:39
AnswerOK I know this is an obvious question... how do I install a .deb package?06:39
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trappistAnswer: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb06:39
[LethAL] sudo dpkg -i foo.deb06:39
hsOneaki: no it as very god suport for it06:39
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MadpilotOneakin: Fat32 can read/write fine06:39
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Oneakinokey... just checked and both my old drives is ntfs -_-06:40
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[LethAL] You can convert NTFS to FAT32, but you have to do it in Windows and you have to have special partitioning tools06:41
=== hs says Oneakin carefull convert one to fat
Swamp_Donkey<-= Faulty  :)06:41
NiomiDShepherd, I don't want too much -- I have a windows and linux partition, I'm transferring my files gradually from windows to linux. But I want to keep my windows partition for games. I have a note on each NTFS folder that i've transferred over to linux, and i'd like to delete that folder from linux because it would be easier that way to know which folders i've brought over and which i haven't. i don't plan to modify any files from li06:41
Niominux, though. is this safe?06:41
Niko__what does a swamp donkey look like?06:41
Faultyyay i connected06:41
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trappistNiomi: I think it is with very new versions of the ntfs drivers, which I don't think ubuntu has yet.06:42
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DShepherdNiomi: well you can try deleting them, but do so at your own risk06:43
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Niomitrappist, is there a way i can update the drivers or encorperate them into my breezy install? are the new drivers in dapper?06:43
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trappistNiomi: I just checked the site, and the status of that feature is 'alpha', which means you risk losing the whole filesystem06:44
trappistNiomi: http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/status.html#ntfsdriver06:44
[LethAL] It's a lot easier to rw to ext3 in windows06:45
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trappistNiomi: your other option is captive: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/06:46
arekhi czy s tu jacys Polacy ?06:46
trappistarek: #ubuntu-pl06:46
arekok to jest kna ubuntu ?06:46
trappistnm it's empty06:46
trappistthat sucks06:46
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DShepherdhas anyone enable their breezy backports and begun upgrading to dapper?06:48
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areki have  problem my firefox  is dead ...what doing ?06:48
swbI enabled backports this morning06:48
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trappistarek: it might be running in the background - killall firefox-bin06:48
Niomitrappist: thanks for the info, it'll be much appreciated! i think i might backup my whole windows NTFS system and overwrite it with a FAT32 install. i could install the new dapper as ext3 (my breezy install is rieserFS) and use that explore FS program to read/write from windows.06:48
DShepherdarek: call the hospital..06:48
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arek:) sure06:49
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DShepherdswb: started upgrading and stuff?06:49
swbno updates06:50
arek:( a recevie  non processed kiled06:50
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DShepherdswb: really ok06:52
arekfirefix runing nice but, have not  buttons or textarea only show  jpg06:52
DShepherdswb:  you running it on a test machine?06:52
swbDShepherd, nope on my desktop box06:52
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raghuarek: have installed web developer extention?06:52
swbI havent changed my sources to dapper tho06:53
yanqido you have tips to optimize ubuntu ? i mean, i'm really happy with it because it's working great and it's very usable but i sometimes feel like it lacks responsiveness06:53
swbonly put the backports06:53
arekyes :(06:53
DShepherdswb: ok kool06:53
raghuarek: if so you might have clicked on show only images in them06:53
swbyanqi, you could try using a more lightweight window manager06:53
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swbwhat are your specs?06:53
DShepherdyanqi: it depends on how you want to customize it06:53
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raghuarek, :)06:54
arekonly show images06:54
arekno text from www website06:54
yanqiDShepherd, well, gnome may be too much for my computer, i don't think i've got enough RAM to run it 128Megs06:55
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raghuarek, may be some extension you have clicked by mistake06:55
DShepherdwell do what swb suggested06:55
areki check06:55
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DShepherdget a light weight window manager.....Xcfe is very nice06:55
yanqiswb, do you use another wm yourself ?06:55
[LethAL] Yeah, xfce pwns06:55
[LethAL] :P06:55
[LethAL] Not that I'm using it right now06:56
swbI have done06:56
DShepherd[LethAL] : me either...:)06:56
swbbut this machine ha a gig of ram and a 1.4gig chip, and gnome 2.10 is sweet :)06:56
DShepherd[LethAL] : gnome?06:56
swbI used fluxbox06:56
[LethAL] Yeah06:56
swbit was very nice06:56
[LethAL] I may switch to wmaker soom, I allways like that one06:56
swbbut no desktop icons or panels or bars06:56
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[LethAL] soon*06:56
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swball menus are accessed from right clik and it scrolls through desktops wih the mouse wheel, its very quick06:57
DShepherd[LethAL] : wmaker....hmmm.... ok06:57
yanqiswb, yeah.. gnome is pretty usable, i'll try fluxbox and xfce anyway06:57
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yanqithx all for your advices06:57
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[LethAL] DShepherd, it loks ugly until you turn AA and font-smoothing on :P06:57
DShepherd[LethAL] : ok. i have heard of it...but neva really looked at it06:58
swb[LethAL] , thats pertty interesting06:59
PatrikJohanssonhs, isnt there anything similar??06:59
swbi thought it just looked ugly06:59
[LethAL] Well, you could have worse06:59
swbI didn't know it did AA06:59
[LethAL] Ya06:59
swbyou got a screenshot?06:59
[LethAL] Nope06:59
DShepherdswb:  whats AA?06:59
[LethAL] AntiAliasing06:59
swbtoo damn slow06:59
[LethAL] :P06:59
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swbof jagged lines and edges07:00
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DShepherdswb: kool07:00
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[LethAL] I used wmaker on windows, was going to set it as my shell then the box fooked up07:00
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npriceI'm having a bit of trouble with CPU frequency scaling.  On Ubuntu, it will only go down as far as 700mhz from 850mhz, but on FreeBSD, it was able to scale down to 125mhz.  Any ideas?07:01
DShepherd[LethAL] : :) ...that's how it goes sometimes07:01
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[LethAL] sometimes? :p07:01
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dean_am how do i chaneg my language in ubuntu 5.10 breezy version07:03
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DShepherdswb: http://windowmaker.org/imageview.php?a=wmaker-0.91.0_1280x1024 -- screenshot07:04
g|patrick!uboto mounting07:04
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g|patrickcan someone tell me how to mount harddisks?07:04
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cellphone$ man mount07:04
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Secreth`Xerr ok07:05
swbthats not so bad07:05
Secreth`Xdoes someone have some time?07:05
kvidellcellphone: If you're not going to help, don't.07:05
g|patrickcellphone: excuse me?07:05
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Secreth`XBecause, I know how strange it sounds, but the Ubuntu Install CD just ruined my HD.07:05
cellphonemanpages give great deals of helpful info on their respective commands07:05
nprice_hmm I seem to have lost my wireless link07:05
kvidellyes, but we like to try and give a good answer before resorting to "rtfm" here.07:05
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dean_am i make update from mz ubuntu 5.04 to 5.10 breezy do i have to change now source.list, because there are still adress for updates of hoary ubuntu07:06
raghudean_, yes07:06
nprice_anyways, on FreeBSD, I was able to use cpu frequency scaling to scale down from 850mhz all the way to 125mhz.  On Ubuntu, the only options are 700mhz and 850mhz, and 700mhz isn't much of a power savings over 850mhz.07:06
g|patrickdean_: I did so, but my breezy is full of annying bugs because of that overwriting :(07:06
Secreth`XIs there anyone who has some time for me? Because, I know how strange it sounds, but the Ubuntu Install CD just ruined my HD.07:07
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dean_i see some bugs too, but so to what i change_07:07
g|patrickis the disc exploded and crashed through the harddisk?07:07
g|patricki'll make a clean install soon07:07
cellphonemust've shattered and embedded itself in your platters07:07
PatrikJohanssonanyone know a program similar to Flash MX for linux???07:08
g|patrickbackupping data and installing breezy from scratch07:08
Secreth`XErr no g|patrick..07:08
g|patrickwell... so u cant boot windows anymore?07:08
Secreth`XI was trying to do a multi OS07:08
Secreth`Xno I cant07:08
g|patrickdefine "destroyed" my harddisk07:08
raghuPatrikJohansson, no equivalent in linux07:08
Secreth`XEverytime it says "Unable to read HardDisk"07:08
Secreth`Xeven from boot07:08
g|patrickis it physical wrecked or are the partionslost?07:08
Secreth`Xit doesnt even start windows07:08
dean_can anyone give me link to that script that make you sources.list07:08
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dirk777I use ubuntu (as browser-appliance) and firefox disappears (after some period of time) on the regular basis. The same with epiphany. What's wrong? Does anybody experience the same trouble?07:09
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g|patrickur harddisc seems to be ok, but ur bootsector is defect, iguess07:09
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Secreth`XThen it must happend in the last 10 minutes07:09
Secreth`Xbecause before running Ubuntu Install CD I just could start up windows as I wanted it07:10
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raghudirk777: strange!07:10
Marco`your giving free cds and gonna pay the shipping costs too?07:10
g|patrickSecreth`X: have u installed ubuntu in a separate partition or did u write it into the windows one?07:10
stephankMarco`: They've been doing that for a while, I just got mine yesterday :p07:10
Secreth`XNone of the two.. I let the install CD make a partition itself..07:11
Marco`i gotta try this07:11
g|patrickwell, can someone give me a tutorial how to make mount points and mount harddisks07:11
raghuSecreth`X, automatic partition?07:11
g|patrickneither google nor ur wiki gives a simple answer07:11
canindyaare the official breezy backports are available/open now?07:11
Secreth`Xyes raghu07:11
Secreth`Xg|patrick if ubotu was here you just needed to type windowsdrives :)07:12
raghuSecreth`X, it will erase entire disk07:12
Secreth`X!ubotu windowsdrive07:12
Secreth`Xerr no raghu07:12
Secreth`Xthere was an option to just resize it07:12
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Secreth`Xand then make a partition of the freed space07:12
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g|patrickSecreth`X: no... i am talking about filesystems and aprtitions in general07:12
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raghuSecreth`X, k07:12
g|patrickhavent used linux for weeks07:12
Secreth`Xg|patrick k sorry07:12
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Secreth`Xraghu, do you know something? :x07:12
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raghuSecreth`X, are you resizing partition/07:13
dirksonHey all07:13
g|patrickhey... cant u give me even the command to mount?07:14
Secreth`XYes I did07:14
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Secreth`Xbut It didnt work07:14
Taa5iIs there a way to redirect or split stdout from a script [eg echoes and program outputs]  to a file instead, please?07:14
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Secreth`XIt said something about insufficient space (thats not the word, but anyway, something similiar)07:14
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dduckoGot a quick question, auto updater says Nautilus needs updated, but its not authenicating it?07:14
Secreth`Xand then it just didnt resize it07:14
Marco`tell me07:14
raghuSecreth`X, http://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntfsresize.html07:14
Marco`where did you get the money to pay for all the shiping costs?07:15
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g|patrickcome on, simply the mount command plz...07:15
g|patricki am searching for it for 20minutes now07:15
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canindyadducko, not authenticating means? its not accepting the password?07:15
darkonowhy i can open a rar objet?07:15
g|patrickweired, that i cant find basic commands in the web :(07:15
Secreth`XI know that raghu, thanks anyway07:15
Madpilotg|patrick: have you read "man mount" yet?07:15
canindyag|patrick,  mount "which part to mount" "where to mount"07:15
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dirksonSay- Anyone know how to get the ncurses package? I'm a bit of a linux n00b, but I need it to recompile the kernel. (I need newest version for some hardware of mine)07:15
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g|patrickMadpilot: what are u talking about?07:16
Secreth`Xraghu, I'll redo the setup and tell you the errors, ok?07:16
dduckono it accepted and when I go to install it isnt Authenicated, like its coming off the multiverse.. but its Nautilus07:16
avengerhi, just wondering, is it alright to install sun's jdk on a mounted partition?07:16
dirkson(The kernel says it needs ncurses)07:16
g|patricknobody gave me a link to whatever u are talking about07:16
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DShepherdexample mount -t filesystemtype devicetobemount mountpoint -o options07:16
Secreth`Xg|patrick type man mount in terminal07:16
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g|patrickcanindya: ???07:16
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gratuitdirkson: install libncurses5-dev or whatever the ncurses dev package is these days07:17
raghuSecreth`X, tried this? http://nishants.net/articles/ntfsresize.htm07:17
Madpilotg|patrick: the man pages are on your own system - see Secreth`X's comment above...07:17
canindyag|patrick, look here http://publibn.boulder.ibm.com/doc_link/en_US/a_doc_lib/cmds/aixcmds3/mount.htm07:17
dirksonOh. Well that's pretty simple :D07:17
Secreth`Xraghu: I didnt try anything07:17
Secreth`Xraghu: I just let the install cd do its work07:17
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canindyaare the official breezy backports are available/open now? anybody please?07:17
raghuSecreth`X, truy with link i pasted07:18
daved-anyone know anything about native xen support in dapper?07:18
avengerhi, anyone have any idea on what could be the reason for this error? sudo: unable to execute /media/linux/jdk1.5.0_05/bin/java: Permission denied07:18
gratuitavenger: is the execute bit set on that file?07:18
raghuavenger, what is the permission on that file?07:19
dirkson*blinks and sighs* I think it says I need a directory. It's depressing to be n00bish enough to need help picking a directory.07:19
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g|patrickwell... i still dont understand how to mount a partition07:19
g|patrickhave read that07:19
avengeri used chmod to set it to 77707:19
canindyag|patrick, did you see the page?07:19
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raghuavenger, who has permission?07:19
dirksonOpen terminal. Type Mount hdaX /MOUNTAREA where x is the number of the partition you want to mount, and mountarea is where you want to mount it07:19
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canindyag|patrick, do you know which partition you want to mount?07:19
g|patrickya... but its a little too complex07:19
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raghuavenger, do ls -l07:19
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g|patrickcanindya: thats why i google for it07:20
Secreth`Xstupid internet..07:20
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avengerthe file owner is root, but everyone has permissions for everything07:20
g|patricki have no idea how linux hanldes this07:20
g|patrickhalf a year ago someone had a script that did that for me07:20
g|patrickbut i personally have never found a tutorial that explains it without complex crap i never use again07:20
Ratzilladoes anyone know how to change the default font size?07:20
canindyag|patrick, 'do you know' which partition you want to mont?07:20
avengerteo@ubuntu:/media/linux/download$ ls -l07:20
avengertotal 223207:20
avenger-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  202240 2005-11-10 21:48 Dual Perspectives NaNoWriMo2.doc07:20
avenger-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root 2072958 2005-11-10 23:46 jedit42install.jar07:20
Secreth`Xraghu, did you get everyting I sayd?07:21
raghuavenger, try running as root07:21
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g|patrickcanindya: no... in now that there is only one partition on dev sdb2 that has to be mounted07:21
bigmoecould someone help me07:21
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g|patrickgparded generated it for me07:21
gratuitavenger: what are the permissions of /media/linux/jdk1.5.0_05/bin/java07:21
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avengerFailed to run  sudo /media/linux/jdk1.5.0_05/bin/java jedit42install.jar07:21
avenger as user root:07:21
avenger Child terminated with 113 status07:21
bigmoei cannot login linux only the flase terminal07:21
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bigmoethis is my problem i signed out of linux without shutign it down i forced the shutdown but there was a file that's still open and then when i wanted to relogin a messege tells me that the permission denied to create the mkdir in the tmp for the new session07:22
bigmoeand now i cannot login only on the false terminal07:22
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avengerpermissions are :for owner,group,others:read write execute07:22
avengerall the boxed are checked07:22
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dirksonStill not having any luck here......... Anyone feel inclined to walk me through installing ncurses? :-/07:23
gratuitavenger: is the noexec option passed to mount when you mount the partition? check fstab if not sure07:23
g|patrickwould it be mount dev/sdb/ dev/sdb2 ????07:23
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raghuavenger, java -jar ./jedit42install.jar07:23
g|patricki dont see the partionen anywhere07:23
canindyag|patrick, create a directory first then type in mount /dev/sdb2 'the path to the dir you created'07:23
g|patrickneither can i find a graphiccal tool07:23
g|patrickthat mounts that for me07:24
avengerraghu:Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit07:24
PatrikJohanssonraghu, so you cant make flash applications in Linux???07:24
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avengergratuit:/dev/hda5 /media/linux vfat user,auto,iocharset=utf8,umask=000 thats the exact command in fstab07:24
raghuPatrikJohansson, no as for as i  know07:25
dirkson*smiles and waits on the mercy of the Linux-gurus*07:25
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PatrikJohanssonraghu: GAH :'(07:25
raghuPatrikJohansson, it is possble in MAC and windows07:25
PatrikJohanssonraghu: that i know07:25
g|patrickwell, i called the folder linux207:25
blondieMAC = Media Access Control, not Mac07:25
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daved-anyone know anything about native xen support in dapper?07:25
raghuPatrikJohansson, :)07:26
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g|patricknautilus is confusiing...07:26
g|patrickcant i switch to an adressbar where the path is displayed07:26
g|patrickthese buttons there instead are annoying07:26
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canindyag|patrick, you can press Ctrl + L07:26
g|patrickah thx07:26
swbg|patrick, you can right click and select browse07:26
g|patrickthere is no rightclick menu07:27
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swband you can set to default to that kind of view in the gnome configuartion editor07:27
g|patrickmy breezy is wrecked07:27
swbright click on a folder07:27
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g|patrickthere is no rightclick menu!!!07:27
g|patrickas i said...07:27
g|patrickhave to mount that partion07:27
avengererm, any ideas for my problem?07:27
g|patrickcopy there my stuff07:27
canindyag|patrick, in a terminal you then type in mount /dev/sdb2 'path of linux2'07:27
g|patrickany reinstalling breezy07:27
alexander__can anyone help with an instal prob07:28
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siegheilSIEGHEIL!!!!! HEIL HITLER!!!07:28
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g|patrick"dev/sdb2 /media/linux2" in my case07:28
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raghuavenger, wait a sec07:28
Secreth`Xsiegheil: you're sick.07:28
avengerraghu: ok thanks07:28
g|patrickand enver been to germany...07:28
Alinuxsiegheil no nazis here. shut up please.07:28
g|patrickthese ancient stupid prejudges are annoying07:28
dirksonAny chance someone could help me out installing ncurses? Or gtk, even, for that matter.07:28
g|patrickwe in germany have less nazis than the usa!!!07:28
g|patrickin percent of population!07:29
canindyag|patrick, fine thnn type in sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/linux207:29
g|patrickcanindya: thx :)07:29
Alinuxg|patrick, or in russia :)07:29
g|patricki'll give it a try07:29
g|patrick^ ^07:29
Stormx2any nice way to assign hotkeys a command?07:29
Madpilotcanindya: any idea how to change Nautilus back to buttons after hitting Ctrl+L?07:29
alexander__how do you install stuff in linux07:29
alexander__in the command line stuff07:29
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Stormx2alexander__: "sudo apt-get install <package name>"07:30
g|patrickhmmm... i have to give a filesysteminfo07:30
blondiealexander__: apt-get install07:30
MadpilotStormx2: System menu - Prefs - Keyboard shortcuts07:30
g|patrickhow do i do that?07:30
Stormx2Madpilot: Theres no "command" option?07:30
alexander__so when do type that in07:30
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g|patrickah ...07:30
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g|patricklost a slash in front of "dev"07:30
Stormx2alexander__: Applications > Accessories > Terminal07:30
canindyaMadpilot, no man07:30
dirksonHmm... Alexander's answer helps. So, to find out what the ncurses package it named.... I don't think it shows in Synaptic.........07:30
Stormx2alexander__: But, you can use synaptic!07:30
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Stormx2alexander__: Go to System > Administration > Synaptic!07:31
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Madpilotcanindya: just discovered that if you close Naut & restart, it reverts back to buttons07:31
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dirksonBut booting up firefox is scary o.o I might overload my connection and have to reboot. Choices, choices.07:31
canindyaMadpilot, thats is there but not in that window i think , i mean without restarting07:31
Stormx2Madpilot: You want an address bar?07:31
g|patrickok... drive is mounted07:31
g|patrickbut no rights to access it07:32
g|patrickhow can i change that?07:32
MadpilotStormx2: do you mean assigning kb shortcuts via terminal? no idea, I'm afraid07:32
alexander__i dont have an administration07:32
MadpilotStormx2: no, I like the buttons07:32
canindyag|patrick, sudo chmod -R 777 /media/linux207:32
Stormx2alexander__: At the top. Click on "System"07:32
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Stormx2Madpilot: You have it in address bar mode and have to keep switching to buttons?07:33
alexander__at the top of what07:33
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canindyaStormx2, nope Madpilot  wants the opposite after switching to location bar07:33
dirksonI'm having some trouble finding the ncurses package to install. Is it -supposed- to be in synaptic?07:33
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MadpilotStormx2: nope, it's in button and I switched it to adress w/ Ctrl+L - but hitting Ctrl+L again doesn't switch it back to buttons - restarting Naut. does, though07:34
Stormx2alexander__: Top of the screen. You see the gray bar?07:34
Stormx2Madpilot: Hmm.07:34
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markohello guys07:34
dirksonI'm having some trouble finding the ncurses package to install. Is it -supposed- to be in synaptic?07:34
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markocould anyone please give me a hand?07:34
siegheilSIEGHEIL!!!!! HEIL HITLER!!!07:35
canindyadirkson, yes I can find it in synaptic07:35
markoI have an issue installing a package07:35
marko"checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"07:35
markoanyone heard about this before?07:35
MadpilotSeveas: ping07:35
dirksonOk, well, that helps... Hmm.......07:35
g|patricksiegheil: ur a nuisance07:35
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MadpilotSeveas: thnx07:35
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g|patrickcanindya: thx07:35
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*kyle@*] by Seveas
g|patrickworked fine :D07:36
canindyag|patrick,  np07:36
Seveas(hope there are not too many kyles in here)07:36
Rockett18nice job Saveas :)07:36
Rockett18Seveas rather07:36
g|patrickwouldnt it be better to ban is ip?07:36
fanopnaiccool, what advanced ircd feature was that? (making people leave a channel instead of kicking)07:36
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dirksonAh, well, fine, now we've complicated matters- Ncurses is indeed installed! However, when I use make to try to compile the kernel, it complains that ncurses is not installed. Any ideas about -that- one?07:36
Seveasif he is who I think he is, then it's not better :)07:37
Silencerhow to disbale clock synchronising07:37
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dirksonAhhh, ahhh, nevermind. It need ncurses-devel07:37
dirksonI should have noticed that earlier07:37
DShepherdSilencer: at startup?07:37
g|patrickSilencer: reconfigure ur server and use utc instead of timezone compensation via gmt +x07:37
DShepherdSilencer: yeah I am interested in doing that tooo.07:37
alexander__storm2: are you there07:37
SilencerMy watch is hury always on any reboot 20 minutes07:38
g|patrickdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:38
g|patrickthen it uses local time - means the time in ur bios07:38
Silencerit always07:38
Silencerchange my timezone07:38
dirksonOk, so to rephrase my question in a way that actually makes sense- Does anyone know where to get the ncurses-devel package?07:38
DShepherdg|patrick: ok thanks..07:38
markowould anyone know how to get round this error plz? "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"07:38
Silencerg|patrick, how to do that07:39
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Orbordemarko: Do you have gcc installed?07:39
eghiehey marko i had that yesterday07:39
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markoyeah I have gcc07:39
dirksonMarko: Do you have enough permissions to do what you're trying to do?07:39
g|patrickafaik it was part of configuration of xorg07:39
g|patricki am not sure07:39
markowell I tried with default user & root07:39
eghieforgot to install the build dependencies07:39
g|patrickdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:39
eghieuse default user07:39
markomarko@cypher:~/wine-0.9.1$ which gcc07:39
g|patrickit should be one of those options07:39
Ep|phanyim trying to play a dvd in vlc but i cant seem to figure out what my dvd readers device name is07:39
Ep|phanydoes anyone have any ideas07:40
eghieapt-get install build-dep jadajada07:40
markoI'm on ubuntu 64b07:40
Orbordemarko: Are you sure it wants whatever version of gcc you have installed?07:40
eghiewine in your case07:40
markoattempting to recompile wine since I can't find a 64b version in synaptic07:40
CorruptedMindon which IDE port is it pluged ?07:40
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Madpilotdirkson: libncurses5-dev maybe?07:40
markoermm let me check the log... maybe you're right and it's not the right gcc07:40
Ep|phanyor does anyone know a good dvd player?07:41
Orbordemarko: You may need to set up a 32bit chroot to use wine...not really sure.07:41
MadpilotEp|phany: Totem works for me; it's got a nice UI07:41
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Ep|phanyit saysit doesnt have the codec07:41
tastyratzhow do I launch the kde gui? whats the command?07:41
markowhy are no proggies ported to 64b yet :/07:41
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CorruptedMindEp|phany : the LG are pretty good07:41
dirksonMadpilot: Right, but where do I -find- this? I can't use Synaptic's built in downloader since it barfs my internet connection07:41
markoI read the chroot stuff and it looks quite harsh for a nOOb :p07:41
g|patricktastyratz: have u installed the kde envirion ment?07:41
tastyratzjust installed kubuntu07:42
tastyratzon a virtual machine07:42
teo_how do i un-install java?07:42
markoah, I think i'll try switching to a 32b then.... thanks for your help anyhow Orborde & dirkson07:42
Madpilotdirkson: you could grab it from packages.ubuntu.com, I guess, but that'll get messy very quickly07:42
dirksonMost things barf my internet connection right now. I need to upgrade the kernel to fix that *Grin*07:42
g|patrickthen on ur loginscreen should be kde avaible in the sessions menu07:42
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dirksonMadpilot: Howso? I'm a bit of a n00b07:42
DShepherdSilencer: was your question answered?07:42
markonot as bad a I am :)07:42
dirksonMarko: Np at all :-/07:42
markokk well thanks guys07:42
=== marko switches back to 32bit....
SilencerDShepherd, no :(07:43
dirksonHey Marko:07:43
DShepherdSilencer: g|patrick cause dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt do anything07:43
tastyratzi just get the option to enter un/pw then it goes right to a command line interface07:43
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DShepherdg|patrick: nope it doesnt07:43
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teo_erm, to un-install java, do i just simply delete the directory?07:43
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g|patricki wonder which comman i used to confiugre that07:44
teo_as in suns's java07:44
Orbordemarko: "c compiler cannot make executables" would seem to be an error unrelated to 32vs64bit, though07:44
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dirksonYou might try looking at some Gentoo resources. I've heard that have good support for 64b, you might find a 64b wine thingie somewhere in their resources that you could use07:44
Madpilotdirkson: getting the package thru Synaptic will let Synaptic get the other packages that that one might depend on07:44
markodarn :/07:44
DShepherdSilencer: have you tried asking our good fren?07:44
Stormx2apt-get remove <java package name>07:44
g|patrickwhcih command give acess to the timezone configuration?07:44
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Stormx2g|patrick: No idea07:44
markoyeah well if I use a 32b OS on my 64b AMD (which is a shame) I will get rid of all these problems :p07:44
SilencerDShepherd, u mean on MAN and or DOC ? :)07:44
DShepherdSilencer: nope Google :)07:44
Silencero that07:44
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dirksonMadpilot: Ahhh, ok. Unfortunately, not going to work.... Time to try that package site. Prolly gonna barf my connection Thanks a lot!07:44
Orbordemarko: Unless you're like me and get hit by the double clock speed AMD64 kernel bug :)07:44
BLOOD|walqNhi .. hm .. i have a problem .. everytime i want to install Ubutu i get an error that linux-386 package cant be installed ! Need help :(07:44
dduckog|patrick, if you right click on the clock you can change it through preferences07:44
teo_stormx2: that applies even if i installed using the installer from sun directly right?07:44
markodouble clock speed?07:45
markosounds nice :)07:45
Stormx2teo_: Don't think so07:45
dduckoBLOOD|walqN, What are you installing it on?07:45
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tastyratzis there something I can type in manually to pull it up?07:45
dirksonMarko: I know :) I'll be fighting the same battle. I'm running 64b ubuntu. Don't need wine, though, which is nice07:45
foampeaceis there a better download manager then d4x?07:45
Stormx2Orborde: There is a how-to on ubuntuforums.org on how to stop double clock speed07:45
teo_stormx2: hmm then how should i remove java then?07:45
BLOOD|walqNdducko dont understand what you mean :/07:45
markodo you use anything else to emulate crappy win32 api?07:45
foampeaced4x is ugly...its embarassing on the desktop07:45
raghuhSecreth`X, sorry disconnected07:45
dirksonMarko: You -might- also try a windows emulator. The help file in ubuntu has a couple it reccomends07:45
Secreth`XYay.. (sarcasm) Another error from installing Ubuntu: The installer cannot figure out how to install the base system. No Installable CD-Rom was found and no valid mirrir was configured.07:45
OrbordeStormx2: Yeah...it fraggles my networking if I'm on a 32bit kernel07:45
Secreth`Xany suggestions?07:45
Secreth`Xno problem raghu07:46
dduckoSecreth`X, Do you have it in the First CD Drive in the chain?07:46
foampeacemaybe someone can give d4x a facelift07:46
OrbordeStormx2: It fixes it if I'm running 64bit kernel, but applications still don't support 64bit. Sad face.07:46
dduckoOr only one Drive?07:46
Secreth`Xyes dducko07:46
dirksonMarko: Me? Naw. I don't need Win. Only thing it has that Linux doesn't is games, and I've given those up.07:46
markowell I'd like to run a couple07:46
markoI'm not a big player07:46
markobut wouldn't mind having a few running under linux :)07:46
dduckoHmm..  I got that error and changed CD drives and it worked.07:46
Orbordedirkson: Yeah, switching to Linux has probably kept my grades from going completely down the tubes.07:46
BLOOD|walqNdducko: no i have 2 drives .. im installing it on the second ..07:47
Secreth`XHow do you mean?07:47
Secreth`Xget it out and put it in the other?07:47
Ratzillago dual boot if you want games :D07:47
Orbordemarko: Well, there's always the FOSS selection :)07:47
dirksonMarko: *chuckes* True :)07:47
g|patrickweired... cant create folders on sdb207:47
Madpilotmarko: Enemy Territory has a Linux-native free version, if you want to shoot things ;)07:47
dduckoSecreth`X, yeah try that07:47
g|patricknor can i delete or drag stuff from there07:47
Secreth`Xok dducko07:47
dirksonOrborde: Well, I still kinda kept one game ^^ It runs on Linux.07:47
dduckoBLOOD|walqN, not sure on yours07:47
foampeacewhy doesnt linux have a good download manager07:47
markoyeah I already have Enemy territory & quake 3 running fine07:47
Orbordemarko: Free and Open Source Software07:47
g|patrickfilesystem is ext307:47
Ep|phanydoes anyone know how i can get plugins for totem movie player?07:47
markobut can't get half lide 2 going without an emulator07:47
Orbordedirkson: What game?07:47
dduckoBLOOD|walqN, Possibly a bad CD?07:47
OrbordeEp|phany: What are you looking for?07:47
Ep|phanydvd codec07:47
Secreth`Xdducko: during the install?07:47
BLOOD|walqNdducko: so should i try an other CD Drive ?07:48
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Ep|phanyit says i need a plugin07:48
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markoright gtg for dinner07:48
BLOOD|walqNdducko: i've tried 3 different ones :/07:48
dirksonOrborde: Bridge construction set. No-name developers. Quite possibly the best $20 I ever spent. I love that game.07:48
CorruptedMindEp|phany : the mepg ones ?07:48
kowawhat did i wrong???07:48
markothanks again for all ur adive guys07:48
kowa/home/kowa/kylix3/bin/delphi: relocation error: /home/kowa/kylix3/bin/libwine.borland.so: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference07:48
markoc ya later :)07:48
OrbordeEp|phany: libdvdcss, I think...07:48
g|patrickmarcels: hl2 uses directx07:48
dirksonMarko: Np, see ya'!07:48
Ep|phanyk should i search for it synaptic?07:48
dduckoSecreth`X, You can try it from the begining07:48
Orbordedirkson: Website you could give me?07:48
dvin qtorrent it is impossible to specify the port?07:48
g|patrickmarko: hl2 uses direct x07:48
dduckoBLOOD|walqN, what is your Processor?07:48
Secreth`Xdducko: I have to install CD's07:48
g|patricku need cedega to run it wihtin linux07:48
Secreth`XIf I put it in the other now07:48
CorruptedMindEp|phany : yea , lt call libmepg207:48
Secreth`Xcould it work then?07:48
OrbordeEp|phany: Try Synaptic, yeah, but I'm not sure whether it's there.07:49
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BLOOD|walqNdducko: AMD 2400+07:49
dduckoSecreth`X, How many CD Drives do you have?07:49
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dirksonOrborde: Hmm..... Not right now, my connection barfs when I try to use the web. Just try putting in "Bridge construction set" or "pontifex II" into google. Keep in mind, though, that it is a paid game.07:49
dduckoBLOOD|walqN, were the CDs all burnt from the same download?07:49
BLOOD|walqNthey are original ..07:49
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BLOOD|walqNi ordered them from ubuntulinux.org07:50
ispikeddducko: *burned07:50
dduckoAnyone else got a clue why he cant install the 386 package?07:50
KououkenI'm still trying to get Ubuntu set up with rsa keys.. the public key goes in /root/.ssh/ and the private gets used by putty on say, a windows machine, right?  Sorry for the simple question, but googling isn't bringing up much for Ubuntu, and there's nothing in the Wiki ,' /07:50
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dduckoispiked, Sorry.07:50
BLOOD|walqNhelp pls :(07:50
dduckoAmerican, I dont speak proper english..07:51
Secreth`Xdducko: forget to mention, I have 2 but one it broken I think.07:51
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dduckoSecreth`X, Disconnect it from the computer, the IDE cable,  When I tried to install once I had07:51
OrbordeKououken: Might want to go check the doccies for your SSH implementations.07:52
BLOOD|walqNanyone got knowledgement on PACKAGE linux-386 ?!07:52
dirksonOrborde: It is a really cool game, though. On my first day, I played it for about eight hours straight : ) Who needs Rome total War? I'm makin' a bridge!!07:52
dduckoThe cd in my second drive and it wouldnt look to it07:52
trappistKououken: your public and private keys go in .ssh.  your public key goes in the authorized_keys file on the remote box07:52
Ep|phanyi installed libmpeg2.4 but totem still wont play my dvds07:52
raghuhkowa: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 and try07:52
dduckoWhen it came to the package part.07:52
Ep|phanyit sasy i need a corresponding plugin07:52
Orbordedirkson: I've been addicted to supertux lately....07:52
BLOOD|walqNdducko: should i try to use my other CD drive ?07:52
Secreth`Xok dducko07:52
dduckoBLOOD|walqN, You could, you might have a bad drive, but I was refering to Sec's problem07:53
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CorruptedMindEp|phany: i just got the solution07:53
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Ep|phanywhat isi t?07:53
BLOOD|walqNdducko .. ok i will try it - cya07:53
BLOOD|walqNthanks :)07:53
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dirksonOrborde: What's supertux?07:54
Orbordedirkson: apt-get install supertux :)07:54
highvoltagedirkson: a fun mario-brothers-like game07:54
highvoltageplatform scroller07:54
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Ep|phanyCorruptedMind whats the solution?07:55
dirksonOrborde: Ahh, cool : ) I can't apt-get yet. Barfs my connection. Most things besides instant messanging barf my connection07:55
DShepherdlink to Ubuntu Starter guide for breezy please..thank you07:55
Orbordedirkson: Poor baby.07:55
dirksonOrborde: This is why I so desparately need to recompile the kernel. I NEED 2.6.13 at least.07:55
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Orbordedirkson: wtf is wrong with your connection, anyway?07:55
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Ep|phanyanyone know how i can play a dvd using vlc media player07:56
DShepherdEp|phany: File -> Open disc07:57
dirksonOrborde: Er.... That's a bit hard to explain. It's a wireless modem running off the verizon wireless network. It's designed for EVDOx1, (~800kbits/second internet) and I'm in an EVDOx1 area, but without the newer kernel, it barfs at speeds above normal network speeds (~100kbits/second)07:57
Ep|phanyyea it doesnt open07:57
DShepherdand type...07:57
Ep|phanyi dont know my device name07:57
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Orbordedirkson: Weird.07:58
DShepherdEp|phany: with out the quotes.07:58
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dirksonOrborde: So when I recieve too much data at the same time, it tries to bump up to EVDOx1 speeds, and barfs my connection, and I have to restart07:58
Ep|phanyi type that in vlc?07:58
Orbordedirkson: Well, start downloading?07:58
akurashyHey is there a way to make mplayer Full Screen with the video too07:58
DShepherdEp|phany: is the hdc is that's your drive...07:58
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akurashyi press full screen but the video is little07:58
Orbordedirkson: I think there are bandwidth regulating programs you can use...07:58
Orbordedirkson: But if you can't download them, you're kind of SOL :(07:58
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dirksonOrborde: Naw. The new kernel will fix my issues. I've just got to get it to compile :D07:59
daved-anyone know anything about xen?07:59
Ep|phanyits still not working with /dev/hdX07:59
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Secreth`XI love you07:59
Ceddy23hey people07:59
DShepherdEp|phany: hdx =  hdc if hdc is the your cd drive07:59
KououkenCan I generate an rsa key for no username/password login for root?07:59
Ep|phanystill not working07:59
Silencerhe beck my timezone to europe/sarajevo07:59
dirksonOrborde: This IRC stuff is giving my a headache. Do you have AIM?07:59
Silencerwhy ubuntu do that :(07:59
Orbordedirkson: Yes07:59
Ceddy23where can i get drivers if ubuntu doesn't recognize my modem ???08:00
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Ep|phanynevermind i got it to work08:00
Ceddy23it's a good old 56k :p08:00
dirksonOrborde: dirksonii on aim. message me08:00
nathan__Ceddy23, if its a winmodem it will never work08:00
Ceddy23why not ?08:00
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Orbordedirkson: But I'm going to go take a nap now, and then I have class.08:00
DShepherdEp|phany: ok...have fun!!08:00
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nathan__Ceddy23, because they're called winmodems for a reason :)08:00
dirksonOrborde: *laughs* Fair enough. It was nice talking with ya'.08:00
Ceddy23ah...good point08:00
Ep|phanydshepard im still having problems08:00
Ep|phanythe dvd kind of lags08:00
Ep|phanyevery couple seconds08:01
Ceddy23is there any version of linux that will work with a winmodem ?08:01
DShepherdoh ok...you on ubuntu right?08:01
Ep|phanyit like pauses kinda08:01
Ep|phanyand is really jerky08:01
DShepherdbreezy that is08:01
nathan__Ceddy23, nope, or any other OS other than windows08:01
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Ceddy23so i'll have to get a new modem then08:01
Ep|phanyany ideas?08:02
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nathan__Ceddy23, well you could do a 'lspci' to identify the chipset then google to find out :)08:02
dduckoSecreth`X, Yes?08:02
Ceddy23i'm pretty new to this linux thing lol08:03
Secreth`Xdducko: I love you08:03
DShepherdEp|phany: yeah..give me  sec08:03
Secreth`XI got it working08:03
Secreth`XAt least I think..08:03
dduckoSecreth`X, lol Glad it worked.08:03
Ceddy23lspci u say hey08:03
Ceddy23lemme try that right now08:03
Secreth`XIts installing it08:03
dirksonCeddy23: Type it into the terminal08:03
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Secreth`XIt just was a bios fault btw..08:03
Secreth`XI had the broken CD Drive as main08:03
dduckoAhh I see.08:03
dirksonCeddy23: Then it'll barf back all the stuff attached to the PCI08:03
Secreth`Xand then the normal one :)08:03
dirksonCeddy23: Including what chipset your modem it! ^.^08:04
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dduckoyep and it only looks to that one.. scared me the first tiem it did it.08:04
dirksonCeddy23: *is, not it08:04
Ceddy23me and my roomate are rebuilding an old system 1.2 Ghz08:04
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Secreth`XIt didnt scared me. Im used to some abnormal behavior of my PC :)08:04
dduckoUbotu's dead?08:04
Ceddy23I know i have a Rockwell 56k08:04
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Secreth`Xyea wanna know that too08:04
Secreth`Xwhere is ubotu? :(08:05
DShepherdEp|phany: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-389f8b000408629ef4fbb99723cfe0133fe31e7e <--- should help08:05
dirksonCeddy23: Well, everyone online will be using its -exact- linux chipset, so finding that and copy/pasting into google becomes very, very useful08:05
DShepherdEp|phany: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA <== this is wat u really want08:05
Ep|phanyokay thanks08:05
Corruptedwhy when I try to burn a iso with the gui burning tool, it just burn one line on my CD-R ?08:05
Ep|phanylet me read it08:05
dduckoEp|phany, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA08:05
dirksonCeddy23: I had to do basically the same with with a weird TI carbus controller my laptop has. Wow did that turn into a headache08:05
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Ceddy23i can imagine!08:06
lsuactiafnercan linux read ppt files?08:06
Ceddy23been trying to understand linux for abt 3 weeks now08:06
Ceddy23but on and off in btw work08:06
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dirksonCeddy23: It's hard : ) I'm unemployed, so I have some spare time.... I was a total n00b two days ago : )08:06
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Rockett18lsuactiafner> OpenOffice.org Present can open them08:07
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Secreth`XI still am dirkson, lol08:07
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dirksonCeddy23: Installing apps still greatly confuses me, but at least I know something about the file systems, and how to use the command line08:08
nathan__Ceddy23, oh i almost forgot to mention it /might/ be possible to get it working with linuxant08:08
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dirksonSecreth: *laughs* I think I am too, but I'm not as -much- of a total n00b as I was two days ago :D08:08
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dduckothis channel is a great place to learn, just watching and reading08:09
Blissexthe key to no being a n00b is to read a number of HOWTOs/tutorials/books :-)08:09
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dduckoAnd taht too.08:09
snorks_books own08:09
Blissexdducko: :-)08:09
Corruptedwhy when I try to burn a iso with the gui burning tool, it just burn one line on my CD-R and stop ?08:09
El_Chehow to post bugs to universe packages?08:09
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Secreth`XI still have one question. I'm now install Ubuntu, its still running. But I have a network over here. Will I get internet or do I need to set up things?08:10
BlissexCorrupted: what do you mean by just burn one line?08:10
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BlissexCorrupted: also, more details pls, consider reading http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 on how to ask informative questions...08:10
dduckoSecreth`X, Do you have a DHCP enabled router?08:11
Corruptedit just write some garbage date on my cd08:11
DShepherddoes anyone else think that finding stuff at wiki.ubuntu.com is  hard!!08:11
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Secreth`Xdducko: Honestly I'm guessing when I say yes.08:11
TronexDoes anyone of you have experiences with synchronizing a motorola v600 via USB on an ubuntu workstation? ;-)08:11
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El_Chedducko: no that's main08:11
dduckoSecreth`X, Most likely you do, most are.  It should alraedy be going.08:11
Secreth`XOk Ill check it out08:11
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james_Hello folks. When I've created a connection to a Windows share using the 'Places' menu in Gnome, where in the filesystem is that share mounted?08:12
dirksonTronex: I have some experience getting a Verizon 620 modem card to work. Kinda the same thing? :D08:12
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Secreth`Xdducko: Is there any way to check it out? I don't want another surprise08:13
SepheeBearjames_: it's under /media/,sharename>08:13
DShepherdcan anyone point me to the link for Ubuntu Starter guide for breezY?08:13
Tronexdirkson: I guess not. I once got the internal modem to work, so I could connect to Internet via GPRS, but I need to get the calendaring and addressbook function to work...08:13
Corruptednevermind , i will use the good old cdrecord program instead08:13
BlissexCorrupted: but all GUI frontends use 'cdrecord'...08:13
dirksonTronex: Ahhh, yes, that would be different08:13
Corruptedyep, i know but when i use the gui, it just bug08:14
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SepheeBearjames_: oops that was wrong if you connect to a windows share using the Places menu, it never gets mounted to the filesystem. it gets soft-mounted using gnome-vfs08:14
dirksonOk.... I downloaded a .deb from the packages website. How do I install that thing?08:15
Habbiedirkson, dpkg -i08:15
dirksonThanks : )08:15
Ep|phanywhen im adding those lines to my hdparm.conf do i have to add the # infront of them?08:15
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Tronexdirkson: dpgk -i <packagename>08:15
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dirkson*laughs* Thanks Tronex too : )08:16
SepheeBearif you want a harder mount use mount -t smbfs //server/share /media/share and "share" will show up in the places menu08:16
El_Cheso no bugzilla for universe packages?08:16
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Ep|phanycan anyone help me?08:16
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james_will do. Thanks. I'll give it a go.08:16
DShepherdcan anyone point me to the link for Ubuntu Starter guide for breezY?08:16
SeveasDShepherd, http://help.ubuntu.com08:17
topyliwhat a disappointment. i'm writing my first audio cd08:17
DShepherdSeveas: thanks08:17
Corruptedwhat is the name of GUI cd frontend program ?08:17
topyli's on breezy and serpentine failed08:17
Ep|phanyDpsheperd when im adding lines to hdparm.conf do i have to put # in front of my new lines?08:17
SepheeBearEp|phany: adding the '#' in front will make the lines you just added inactive08:17
Ep|phanyoh okay08:17
Ep|phanyso i just leave it as is?08:17
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g|patrickthx for helping...08:18
g|patrickhave to leave08:18
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SepheeBearEp|phany: which lines are we talking about?08:18
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Ep|phanyumm i have to add /dev/hdc{ and then next line dma=on and then next line }08:19
andrew_I noticed in the update today a redhat package manager (rpm). What exactly does this do?08:19
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Secreth`XIs there any way to check out if my network has DHCP anabled?? I don't want another surprise08:19
dirksonumm......... Ok, it says that the dkpg command cannot be found... What stupid thing have I done this time? : )08:20
dduckoWhat machine are you on OS?08:20
Secreth`Xnow? Windows.08:20
dduckoGo to the Network cards08:20
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Ep|phanysorry i got disconecte08:20
Secreth`XOk. There.08:21
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dduckoUmm.. yikes its been awhile.. umm Right Click and Properties,08:21
Secreth`X:) Take your time08:21
DShepherdSilencer: luck!! http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#fg-troubleshooting08:21
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dduckoGo to the TCP/IP connect and highlight it and Click Properties below it08:21
Secreth`Xok there08:21
DShepherdSilencer: I havent tried it my self...just found it08:22
SepheeBearEp|phany:  add "/dev/hdc { dma=on }"08:22
dduckoIs it set to use DHCP or is it manually configured?08:22
SepheeBearall can be one line08:22
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dduckoDHCP is a checkbox up at the top I believe08:22
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Secreth`XIts DCHP :)08:23
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dduckoOk, nevermind that we can look to the Router.. Ahh good.08:23
DShepherdSilencer: by the way..you still have the problem right08:23
Secreth`XThanks dducko :)08:23
dirksonumm......... Ok, it says that the dkpg command cannot be found... What stupid thing have I done this time? : )08:23
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Corruptedwhere I could find a good Howto for burning CD with the ubuntu gui tool ?08:23
dduckoTypo dirkson its dpkg08:23
Enneiwell, Ubuntu has built in help08:24
Enneitry that08:24
dirkson*laughs* Well, at least I new it was a stupid thing, no? :)08:24
gouchiis there page where we can ask for request package ?08:24
Corruptedit's not complete enough08:24
Secreth`Xdducko: Found it on my router page too. Its DCHP Enabled :)08:24
dduckoYep figured it was,08:24
Corruptedsomething with a error FAQ08:25
sorush20how can I increase the size of the images on the handouts in impress08:25
Secreth`XThanks dude08:25
andrew_what can we do now with the rpm package manager that was in the update today?08:25
dduckoOk time for lunch, good luck with everything Secreth`X08:25
SilencerDShepherd, he still change my timezone08:25
Ep|phanyhi i enabled dma but now when my movie is playing theres no sound08:25
Ep|phanybut i get sound on the menu and stuff08:26
Enneiwell it probably wasn't DMA then08:26
Enneiis your sound card configured? Can you play other sounds?08:26
Secreth`XIts working08:26
DShepherdSilencer: ok oh....well this may work..http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#id252466708:26
Ep|phanyi was getting the movie sound like 2 seconds ago08:26
Ep|phanyjust stoped working all of a sudden08:26
Enneido you have a cheap horrible sound card?08:26
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Ep|phanyits a laptop08:27
Ep|phanyso i have no cluelol08:27
Enneiheh, me too then08:27
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Corruptedwhy the cd I burn are slow to read ?08:27
Enneiit's not a Thinkpad X24 is it?08:27
dirksonOk, this is kooky...... The ncurses-dev has a 64 bit version, but is compiled for the i386, but the normal one is compiled for the AMD64....... Crazy!08:27
Secreth`XOhh dducko I love you :D08:27
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kemikubotu !08:28
kemikoh damn08:28
dirksonOh man! It's 1.3 MB! I'll never get it without net connection barfage!08:28
dirksona few hundred k scared me!08:28
dirkson800......... freezing, freezing....08:28
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Enneiheh, good luck with that08:29
dirksonYES! YES! I got it!! *grin*08:29
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Xappekemik: what about skype?08:30
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sledge__how come breezy is runnign 2.6.12 and the most recent kernel soruce package on the apt-repositores is 2.6.1108:30
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kemikXappe:  it has broken dependencies08:31
x86iAmaranth: You here?08:31
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Amaranthx86i: yep08:31
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kemikdepends on some QT lib, installing it doesnt help08:31
dirksonAnd I'm in! Now all I have to do is recompile.......my........kernel...................... Oh, man, I'm doomed.08:31
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x86iAmaranth: I figured out something new. If you do the expert installtion, and setup users in the installer menu, that Gnome problem happens. However, if you just skip creating users, and let the system prompt you for your normal user account, the problem is fixed.08:32
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Amaranthfile a bug08:32
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kemikXappe:  solutions ?08:32
ranfsledge__, use "linux-source.."08:32
x86iWill do08:32
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Xappekemik: what's the problem?08:33
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kemikXappe:  [20:31:20]  kemik depends on some QT lib, installing it doesnt help08:33
x86iAmaranth: Where can I file the bug at?08:34
kemiklibqt3c102-mt to be specific08:34
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kemikand installing libqt3-mt doesnt help08:34
Amaranthx86i: file it at http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com against the ubuntu product, 5.10 version, debian-installer package08:34
silversurferthere is a -dev version of it?08:34
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sledge__thanks dude!08:34
sledge__i was doing kernel-source08:34
Secreth`XHow to share a folder in Ubuntu (Share it to the network)08:34
kemikSecreth`X:  set up samba or nfs08:34
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Xappekemik: hang on I have a link for you...just have to reboot into linux08:35
Secreth`Xkemik: I'll try. I only have Ubuntu for 10 minutes :P08:35
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sorush20when I change form a four slide hand out to a a six or vice verse there is no change in the size of the slides on the computer so what should I do how can I make the four slides on the four slide hand out bigger?08:37
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Ep|phanyis it possible to play pc games on a linux system?08:39
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dduckoEp|phany, Some,  And some through Wine/Cedega08:39
dduckoA game In Particular?08:39
Ep|phanyi wanted to play age of the empires 3 and the new matrix game08:39
Xappekemik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=376677&postcount=4108:40
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Ep|phanywhats wine/cedega08:40
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dduckoWindows Emmulation08:40
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masonI'm hoping someone could help me. I'm trying to compile xvid 1.1.0 but the make is failing. I believe its because of GCC 4.x but I don't know how to force it to use GCC 3.x08:40
kemikty Xappe08:40
Ep|phanydoes it work well?08:40
Xappekemik: np08:40
BockBilboone quick question08:40
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DShepher1Silencer: utc. What does it mean?08:40
SilencerDShepher I dono08:41
BockBilboam I the only one whose firefox gets frozen when opening a website with a flash animation which has music?08:41
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dduckoEp|phany, I havent used either, so I cant tell you for sure.  But I think it runs decent. Cedega is a gaming version of Wine.08:41
DShepher1Silencer: Coordinated Universal Time :)08:41
sorush20when I change form a four slide hand out to a a six or vice verse there is no change in the size of the slides on the computer so what should I do how can I make the four slides on the four slide hand out bigger?08:41
dduckoBockBilbo, Only if it has sound?08:41
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yohanwhat video player do you use?08:42
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k3nnycould anybody help me with my wlan connection and internetaccess?08:42
BockBilbodducko, yes08:42
yohanvlc good or mppalyer?08:42
BockBilboyohan, i use both08:43
BockBilbovlc and mplayer08:43
sensophi like vlc personally but yeah i use both08:43
BockBilbodducko it gets frozen when opening only flash sites with music..08:43
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BockBilboback in hoary i did that trick of making a sim link to libesd.008:43
masonDoes anyone know about GCC 4.x?08:43
BockBilbobut now doesnt work08:43
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k3nnycould anybody please help me with my wlan connection and internetaccess?08:44
dduckoBockBilbo, Havent ran into that yet, I had the problem when I had bad video drivers.. but all flash killed it08:44
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dduckoI know the totem plugin is bad for firefox in breezy08:44
dduckoHang on a sec..08:44
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martixhey guys08:45
Ep|phanydo you guys know where i could find cedega08:45
martixIs there any p2p program like emule for ubuntu 5.1?08:45
sensophtransgaming.com but unless you use the cvs you have to pay a subscription fee08:45
k3nnyive configured wlan via wpa, i can connect to my router but not to the internet08:45
Ep|phanysensoph are you talking to me?08:45
Dshepherdmartii: amule08:45
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martixbut I cant find it using synapctic08:46
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sensophyes ep try transgaming.com for cedega08:46
Dshepherdyou need to enable universe and mulltiverse08:46
jareth_martix: try gtk-gnutella08:46
Ep|phanydo you use it?08:46
Madpilotmartix: you need to enable the Universe repo - that's where amule is08:46
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sensophwell i intend to once i get my stupid ati card to work08:47
martixMadpilot: how can I do that?08:47
x86iAmaranth: Alright, bug submitted. thanks for the pointer08:47
silversurferhow to customize the loaded modules for every boot?08:47
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k3nnycould anybody please help me with my wlan connection and internetaccess?08:47
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martixjareth_: I cant find gtk-gnutella08:47
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Madpilotmartix: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:48
jareth_martix :listen to Dshepherd08:48
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Secreth`XOk back08:48
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Secreth`XI can't seem to get samba up, neither NFS08:48
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Secreth`XPlus I even can't find my way up to the Terminal o_O!08:48
k3nnyserver irc.afterworkchat.com08:48
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martixMadpilot: thanks08:49
silversurferhow to customize the loaded modules for every boot?08:49
Dshepherdmartix: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#addinguniverse08:49
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teohow do i remoe the default java supplied by ubuntu?08:50
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snorks_lol on it08:50
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teowhat do u mean?08:51
snorks_lol -a08:51
anavimwhere do I set my quit message in x-chat?08:51
snorks_i bet slash quit <reason>08:52
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Octane2anyone know how to kill a screen session08:52
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snorks_killall <pid number>08:52
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snorks_or kill 908:53
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snorks_or kill -kill08:53
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Secreth`Xdducko: still here?08:53
masonI found the solution to the GCC problem. Using export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.3 in the folder forced the make command to use gcc 3.308:53
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bimberiteo: sudo aptitude remove s2jre1.408:55
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bimberiteo: sry, should be    sudo aptitude remove j2re1.408:55
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martixMadpilot: thanks! i soved the problem08:56
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Kovecseshow can I run alsaconf?08:57
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WildZeckrun it ?08:57
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Kovecsescant in ubuntu08:57
snorks_of course you can08:57
johnny2005where can i get blackbox-menu08:57
WildZeckdownload source08:57
snorks_i just dont know how08:57
WildZeckcompile it08:57
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Kovecsessnorks_, not by default08:58
dduckoSecreth`X, Yeah08:58
snorks_call me supersnorks thx08:58
KovecsesWildZeck, yup thats what im gonna have to do08:58
Secreth`XIs it possible to have a network with windows and add a Ubuntu user in it? (sorry for the strange sentence :x)08:58
trappistI'm going to fire ubuntu's package maintaner for alsa08:58
flogistonI cant run ssh server on my computer.08:58
WildZeckSecreth`X, yes with samba08:58
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flogistonI get error message: cannot load ssh_host_keys08:59
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Secreth`XWildZeck can you give me some more information about samba? I think I downloaded it with synaptic08:59
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Ceddy23ok, dumb question coming up: i found drivers for my winmodem and there's on a floppy disk now as a .tar file09:00
Ceddy23now, how do i extract them and make them work with ubuntu ?? lol09:00
WildZeckflogiston, dpkg-reconfigure ssh09:00
Kovecseswhat is the difference between the cd iso and the dvd iso.... what packages are added to dvd?09:00
snorks_didnt think winmodems worked under linux09:00
Ceddy232 hours later :p09:00
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flogistonWildZeck, thanks I'll try that09:00
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AnswerAnybody know what package has cool cursors like the crosshair or x ?09:00
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WildZeckSecreth`X, to join a domain with samba your user have to existe in the microsoft domain09:01
snorks_HOOI FLIPY09:01
flipyis there a solution for the ide-cd problem on ubuntu breezy install cd?09:01
Kovecsesok im about to ditch debian and grab ubuntu09:01
bimberiKovecses: the dvd is both live and linstall and i think the dvd has all the packages in the main repositories09:01
snorks_whats stopping you09:01
flogistonWildZeck: Still failing.09:01
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yohanwhat video player do you guys use?09:01
Secreth`XWildZeck: The group excists. But I think the user is not.09:01
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Ceddy23snorks >>>> www.linmodems.org09:02
flogistonIs it something else that can be wrong?09:02
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WildZeckSecreth`X, create user in microsoft windows09:03
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yohani tried player but its all ugly, is there no gtk2 version?09:03
flogistonyohan: vlc09:03
Secreth`XWildZeck yeah but how? Im such a noob on those things..09:03
kowaive a problem....if i compile my kylix 3 my computer dont work anymore09:04
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Octane2anyone know how to kill a session with a screen09:04
meatwad64ok i'm having issues with my touchpad still09:04
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meatwad64i think its an alps one? which is synaptics?09:04
snorks_caress it09:04
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meatwad64dmesg says compaq touchscreen output or something like that09:04
Kovecsesok while downloading the iso let me get up to speed.....09:04
yohanflogiston: mine is all ugly, can i get the gnome version somewhere?09:04
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flogistonChange the settings to wxwidgets.09:05
yohanhow do i do that?09:05
meatwad64nobody uses a alps touchpad with ubu?09:05
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Ep|phanydoes anyone here use par209:06
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Ep|phanyit was wroking for me yesterday but now its messing up09:06
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Kovecseswhat is the default email app in ubuntu09:06
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linkdevolution or something i think09:06
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linkdi just use thunderbird09:06
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cubehello,i've a problem with kylix;can you help me?09:06
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flogistonyohan: setting>preferense>interface>interfacemodule: skinneble09:07
grodiusDoes anyone know of a partitioning program so that I can make a windows partition?09:07
spudsehow can I make an select option selected with javascript ?09:07
Ep|phanydoes anyoneknow hwo to run .debs09:07
Kovecsesdpkg -i09:07
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SepheeBeargrodius:  fdisk09:07
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meatwad64par 2 is the bomb09:07
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ari123someone could help me on installing driver for philips webcam ?09:08
Ceddy23how can i install my drivers onto ubuntu now ??? :s09:08
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spudsesry wrong channel09:08
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yohanflogiston: i tried that but it didnt work...09:09
cubeif i want to compile a kylix project,the programm stays at this process all the time...what can I do?09:09
flogistonyohan: restart vlc09:09
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ari123i find driver .but dunno how to install it09:09
yohanflogiston: i could load it, and now i have a different frondend but the options and everything is super ugly still09:09
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yohanflogiston: cant i make it look like my gnome theme?09:09
flogistondoes it looks like OSX? What do you considre nice/ugly?09:10
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flogistonYou have to searche for new themes.09:10
grodiussepheebear for windows machines? all i can find are for atari and acorn machines09:10
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anavimI'm having serious trouble with my thinkpad t43 when I try to suspend or hibernate - I've lost my entire hard drive in the process.  Is there a known workaround?09:10
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sensophhey grodius are you wanting to actually format the hard drive ?09:11
flogistonyohan: rightclick on the player then chose open skin. Chose a skin that you like.09:11
sensophcreate the file system and everything?09:11
flogistonyou've got to download it first thoght,.09:11
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cuscohi! how can I add an option to the sound juicer to rip the songs of teh cd to MP3 ??09:12
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cuscoor then, what is the best way to rip my cd songs into mp3 instead of ogg?09:12
flogistonINstall goobox.09:13
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Ep|phanysweet i got cedega09:13
SGershonI want to thank everybody that helped me last week!09:13
Ep|phanyhopefully games work with it09:13
Secreth`XDoes someone has some time to help me out in private? :)09:13
wezlohey all - is anyone else having overheating problems with breezy that didn't occur in hoary?09:13
BlissexEp|phany: many do, and fairly well.09:13
BlissexSecreth`X: consider reading http://tinyurl.com/bz8v4 on how to ask for help...09:14
SGershonAfter weeks of trials, my network works --> and with it my Dual-Monitor, My packages, my MPlayer. So thanks!09:14
Kovecseswezlo, no but strangly enough i did have that problem in hoary09:14
wezloKovecses, weird09:14
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wezloKovecses, what kernel are you running?09:14
Secreth`XBlissex: o_O sorry I asked or something :x09:15
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Kovecseswezlo, 2.6.12-686-smp  .........  not on my ubuntu machine so i dont know the exact kernel09:15
SGershonToday, I am in front of a new challenge: Use other language (in my case, hebrew) in the applications.09:15
SGershonAnybody did that?09:15
Kovecsesanyone use serpentine yet?09:16
wezloKovecses, when I run that kernel, I get the overheating problems, when I run 2.6.10 - no problems09:16
wezloit's like the fan decides to go away or something09:16
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borupSGershon: sure - not Hebrew but uft8 covers hebrew09:16
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Kovecsesthe thing that is weird about ubuntu is that by default anything after 2.6.10 detects my soundcard... but with ubuntu it doesnt09:17
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wezloI'm going to run another liveCD with the 2.6.12 kernel to see if it's just with breezy, or with the 2.6.12 tree09:17
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SGershonborup: How would I do if I want to input hebrew in OpenOffice?09:18
canindyahighvoltage, can anybody give me the breezy backports addresses?09:18
wezloKovecses, the bummer is that I've got 3d acceleration working in the 2.6.12 kernel!!!09:18
Rev-Marcis there a write up on how to speed up booting IE: removing the time syncing etc?09:18
flipyis there a solution for the ide-cd problem on ubuntu breezy install cd?09:18
wezloSGershon you need to two two things09:18
wezloSgershon are you using gnome or kde?09:18
Kovecseswezlo, thats easy enough to use with the 2.6.10 kernel though09:18
canindyaoops sorry highvoltage that was a generic question not to you only09:18
highvoltagecanindya: i'm sure someone can.09:18
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SGershonwezlo: gnome09:18
highvoltagecanindya: ok :)09:18
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wezloKovecses, nope - I need the k7 kernel or the module won't compile!09:19
abarbacciahey all - can someone help explain this - i have a comptuer with only ubuntu on it.  I changed the cables for the CDROM + HDD and now on bootup it says DISK BOOT FAILURE  --  think it has something to do with master/slave or possibly the MBR?  I unplugged the cdrom drive and now its the only drive as primary master09:19
Kovecseswezlo, oh09:19
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wezloSGershon, ok, first you need to find the keyboard selector for gnome09:19
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canindyaabarbaccia, mostly master-slave09:19
wezlonot sure where it is because I'm in kde09:19
flipydoes anyone had any trouble during Breezy installation and IDE-CD module???09:19
abarbacciawell it is the pri. master right now09:19
Rev-Marcis there a write up on how to speed up booting IE: removing the time syncing etc?09:19
Madpilotabarbaccia: did you change the jumpers on the back of the hard drive to match the cable positions?09:20
wezloSgershon, select hebrew as one of the keyboards09:20
abarbacciaI'm going to turn them all to cable select right now09:20
borupSGershon: if you add the Keyboard indicator applet to you panel - use that to change keyboard layout09:21
wezloSgershon, then you need to go into OOo go to tools ==> options and in that window select "language settings"09:21
abarbacciaoh boy! it was on Master (and then in small writing - with slave present)09:21
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abarbacciathanks Madpilot and canindya09:21
canindyaabarbaccia, np09:21
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borupSGershon: well, provided you have a hebrew keyboard...09:21
SGershonwezlo, borup: I'll try all that NOW. Thanks, stay tunned!09:22
Madpilotabarbaccia: np09:22
wezloSgershon under languages, check the "CTL" box - and then select hebrew at the default CTL language09:22
Kovecsesmy ubuntu cd is halfway done burning09:22
wezloborup, don't forget that OOo needs to be made aware that you want to type hebrew09:22
Kovecseshow can ubuntu afford to ship free cd's??09:22
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abarbacciawait - i'm not done yet!!  Now, it says ALERT! /dev/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!09:22
abarbacciahow do i find what tried to access that and change the references?09:23
MadpilotKovecses: Mark Shuttleworth has large amounts of money09:23
Kovecsesguess so09:23
Kovecseshe aint greedy like gates09:23
borupwezlo: I didn't - you allready said that09:23
Secreth`XOk. I don't understand shit of samba. Neither of networks in windows. So who wants to help me out? o_O09:23
wezloKovecses, I guess I could just download the 2.6.10 source package and recompile it to be k7 optimized!09:23
grodiushow do i play mpeg files ??09:24
abarbacciaSecreth`X, what are you trying to do09:24
Kovecseswezlo, what video card u got?09:24
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Rev-Marcis there a write up on how to speed up booting IE: removing the time syncing etc?09:24
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wezloborup, I got ya, I used to forget that when I upgraded OOo, and then when I went to import hebrew I'd flip09:24
Kovecsesmicrosoft_bob, ???? u a spy ?????09:24
jasongrievesI added the backports to repository, but no updates , anyone getting updates form backport?09:24
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Secreth`Xabarbaccia: I'm trying to get my Ubuntu work with a Windows network.09:24
wezloKovecses, it's a S3 Unichrome09:24
Rev-Marcwe have nothing to ide  :)09:25
canindyajasongrieves, can you give me the addresses of the backports?09:25
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Kovecsesjasongrieves, updating form backports is a bad idea09:25
Secreth`XI need to get some MP3s, logs, etc on my ubuntu09:25
Rev-Marc\hide even09:25
abarbacciaSecreth`X, do you care about security or is it a simple home network?09:25
wezloKovecses, the REAL bummer is that the unichrom dri module is included in the latest kernel!09:25
Secreth`Xsimple home network09:25
ironucklesDoes anyone know of a good Blogger client?09:25
Secreth`Xwindows security sucks anyway :)09:25
wezloI may just have to upgrade09:25
jasongrievesdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse09:25
jasongrievesdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ breezy-extras main restricted universe multiverse09:25
KovecsesSecreth`X, you have to make sure that you have all that stuff in a windows shared folder09:26
jasongrievesKovecses I will select what packages09:26
grodiusanyone know what prog i need to play mpeg4 files09:26
canindyajasongrieves, thanks09:26
jasongrievesKovecses I went through a lot of Breezy dev, thakns for hte warning :)09:26
Madpilotjasongrieves: I'm not sure there is a breezy-extras?09:26
abarbacciaSecreth`X, install samba and smbfs09:26
jasongrievesMadpilot that was off of the "official" link09:26
jasongrievesMadpilot do you more09:27
Secreth`Xabarbaccia: thats what Im trying to say, I dont understand samba and I think I have installed it, Im not sure09:27
Madpilotjasongrieves: hmm, OK. I guess I was wrong09:27
Kovecsesmy cd is almost done burning09:27
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abarbacciaSecreth`X, do this:  sudo apt-get install samba smbfs09:27
jasongrievesMadpilot I think I read something about changing that09:27
Secreth`Xok brb09:27
Kovecsesi can get off this outdated debian box09:27
Kovecsesgnome 2.8 sucks09:27
sorush20the oddest things happen I try to close a program but it will not xmms but i can minimize it fromt eh kde menu bar but not form the minimize button could it be the xmms gui fault..?09:27
K-Richis there a command i can use to view all packages available at one repository09:28
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El_CheK-Rich: apt-cache search name09:28
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KovecsesK-Rich, synaptic09:28
hussam how do I tell what package installed or can install a certain file?09:28
jasongrievessudo apt-get update09:28
jasongrievesstill doesn't give me any new packages09:28
jasongrievesand yet i know pepople are getting new stuff09:28
Sonderbladehow do you do to set a higher ulimit when ubuntu boots?09:28
MadpilotK-Rich: search in Synaptic; there's thousands of packages, so just looking at all of them is not likely to be much help...09:29
Secreth`XHe is busy abarbaccia09:29
Secreth`Xabarbaccia: ok done. Now what? :D09:29
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wezlohow easy is it to patch the vanilla kernel source to match ubuntu's?  How heavily patched is ubuntu's kernel?09:30
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El_Chewezlo: pretty09:30
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abarbacciaSecreth`X, now do 'sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf'09:30
wezloEl_Che, pretty patched or pretty easy?09:30
wezloor both09:30
abarbacciaSecreth`X, you want to find the line that says 'security = user09:31
El_Chewezlo: you can take the .config from ubuntu09:31
abarbacciaSecreth`X, and replace it with security = shared09:31
abarbacciaSecreth`X, then finally do a 'sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart'09:31
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El_Chewezlo: apt-get install linux-patch-ubuntu-2.6.1209:31
abarbacciayou should be golden then - you can then easily share folders with no logins and such09:31
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Kovecsesok brb guys gonna install : )09:32
confis    ?09:32
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wezloEl_Che, already installed09:32
confis  ?09:32
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mjrconfis, english here, please09:32
El_Chewezlo: then you know what the patches are09:32
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Secreth`Xdone abarbaccia09:32
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reconWhen I try to use the "make" command on my BASH shell, it reply's that it does not exist.09:33
reconAny help?09:33
Ep|phanydoes anyone know wehre i can find help with cedega09:33
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antisocial_boriscan i get realplayer or quicktime using aptitude?09:33
sensophbest place is probably on their forums whats the problem?09:33
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confisI DONT HAVE EN09:33
Blissexamazingly, I saw the lines above aa righto-to-left with Konversation, in proper characters.09:33
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Madpilotrecon: install "build-essential"09:34
bigmoeone question what is the c compiler command for ubuntu gcc, cc, c++ they all dont work09:34
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bigmoeplease one word09:34
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confisI DONT HAVE EN ?09:34
Secreth`Xabarbaccia: Im on windows now.. I found Samba connection but there seems to be a user and a password. How do I know what user and password I need?09:35
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canindyabigmoe : you need to get build-essentials09:35
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bigmoei have all the packages and libraries09:35
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bolrodyou need help to disable capslock09:35
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canindyabigmoe : then gcc -o outputfilename sourcefilename.c09:36
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canindyabigmoe : for c++  g++ -o outputfilename sourcefilename.c09:36
bigmoei have ubuntu 5.0109:36
Madpilotconfis: kill the caps lock first, please...09:36
bigmoethe newest version09:36
confisTHIS NOT CAPS09:37
bigmoei'll try09:37
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bigmoecommand not found09:37
bigmoefor g++ and c++09:37
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canindyabigmoe : gcc was there right? only g++ is missing?09:38
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bigmoegcc also09:38
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dduckoconfis, System, Administration> Language selector09:38
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confisI HAVE UBUNTO09:38
bigmoei really do not know what is wrong09:38
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Ep|phanywhat are rpm files09:38
reconHow do  you install the make command?09:38
dereksay hi09:39
bigmoecould you tell me where to find the build-essentials09:39
dduckorecon, sudo apt-get install build-essential09:39
bolrodconfis: wtf is with the caps?09:39
canindyabigmoe : type echo $PATH in teminal and see whether /usr/bin is in the path09:39
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canindyabigmoe : sudo apt-get install build-essential09:39
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isoHi, I have a Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger DVD i386. I'm getting debootstrap errors which says that files couldn't be downloaded...09:39
dduckoHis keyboard is one language till he hits shift, then he has English?09:39
zdennishey all,....openoffice quit working today =(09:39
dduckoAny idea of how to firs it?09:39
reconepphany, rpm files are like .deb for red hat, you can install them on debian using alien09:39
=== derek derekh55
zdennisit just doesn't do anything. It doesn't start up, when i start openoffice from CLI it just hangs forever09:40
Ep|phanyare they for a diffrent version of linux09:40
SGershonborup, wezlo: It worked! Look: ...  :)09:40
zdennisthe only thing I did was install sun java 1.4.209:40
bigmoeit is09:40
reconjust a different distro09:40
zdennisdoes openoffice2 require 1.5?09:40
abarbacciaSecreth`X, did you change that line to say security = shared and save the file because that will make it so theres no password09:40
wezloSGershon, glac to be of service09:40
MadpilotEp|phany: RPM is a different type of Linux - Ubuntu is based off Debian09:40
isochecking /target/var/cache/apt/archives and a 1%3a has been inserted in those files reporting missing09:40
confisnow i o.k09:40
Secreth`Xabarbaccia I did what you said09:40
JDahlI am trying to help a friend recover a machine after a breezy distupgrade, which went awfully wrong. What's the recommended way to configure just the network? If I can just ssh to his machine, I will be fine09:40
dduckoconfis, go ahead an hit caps lock, then use your shift.. nm09:40
Secreth`XIts still asking a password09:40
highvoltagezdennis: 1.4.2 or 1.5 will work.09:40
abarbacciaSecreth`X, did you save and then restart samba?09:40
bigmoecould you tell me where to find the build-essentials or if i can get it by apt-get09:40
wezlothanks gang see ya later!09:40
isoEven ran the setup from a mounted iso..09:40
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Secreth`Xyes I did09:41
zdennishighvoltage, any idea how to debug this problem? i have done a "dpkg-reconfigure openoffice.org2"09:41
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Secreth`Xtwo times :x09:41
Ep|phanydo any of you guys use cedega09:41
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zdennisbut nothing09:41
canindyabigmoe : you can get it by apt-get09:41
canindyabigmoe : sudo apt-get install build-essential09:41
confishow can i move ln from keybord09:41
abarbacciaSecreth`X, try rebooting the linux machine just to be sure09:41
sensophthink they ahve mentioned a few times to do apt-get install build-essential heh09:41
isoSearched the forums too09:41
isono luck09:41
canindyabigmoe : see whether you find gcc by typing in locate /usr/bin/gcc in terminal09:41
dduckoEp|phany, #cedega09:41
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derekwat is cedega?09:41
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JDahlshouldnt base-config setup the network also?09:42
erUSULderek, a wine derivative for running games09:42
SGershonWhere's Ubotu the bot?09:42
isodireves from wine but uses directx dlls.09:42
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SGershonIs he on vacation?09:42
confisi need halp09:42
sorush20why can't I restart the hotplug system it hangs help?09:42
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bigmoeYOU ARE THE BEST09:43
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canindyabigmoe : hey np but no caps please09:43
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SGershonconfis, what's the matter?09:43
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confisi cenot change langreg by kibord09:43
Ploujis there a difference between the Ubuntu 5.10 preview LiveCD and the 5.10 LiveCD?09:43
SGershonerUSUL, ubotu is on vacation...09:43
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Secreth`Xabarbaccia: rebooted.09:43
SGershonconfis, how did you changed now?09:43
bigmoeok then thanks alot09:43
canindyabigmoe : np :)09:44
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derekhow many games are available to Linux through cedega?09:44
confisby admin kibord09:44
honzahelp please.. i can't get my tv card work - it's prolink pixelview pro with bt 878 chipset.. in tvtime there is 'no signal'. if i lspci i can see it there09:44
confisu wont from kibord09:44
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erUSULderek, visit the web site or google around09:44
SGershonconfis, Do you have the Keyboard Indicator in the panel?09:44
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BeanDipHas anyone ever experienced a problem with an ext partition that won't let you mount?  three of my partions on seperate drives were not cleanly unmounted and have since been fixed with fsck but when I mount them I get "mount: /dev/hdc1 already mounted or /mnt/hdc1/ busy" errors09:44
isoderek: its a list on their website, check it.09:45
BeanDipthe partitions are not mounted and the mountpoint paths are not busy09:45
confishoe can i do it09:45
SGershonconis: Add it to the panel, then you can change by just clicking on it.09:45
=== Plouj wonders if ubuntu uses the same HW detection system as Knoppix
isoSomeone got a wink or something a may do to resolv the problem I have?09:45
reconWhenever i try to mount a FORMATTED floppy, it goes "IS NOT A MOUNTABLE UDI VOLUME". Anyone know why?09:45
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derekShey, how do i download an entire ftp site (recursively) via wget/09:45
topylii just connected a bluetooth dongle to a usb port, and my phone finds it. gnome-bluetooth does not. huh?09:45
confisfrom ware i Add it to the panel09:46
abarbacciaSecreth`X, I made a mistake!!! Sorry!!! the line is 'security = share'  not shared!!  then do /etc/init.d/samba restart09:46
highvoltagePlouj: nope, it doesn't09:46
isoTried to name the files proper but debootstrap just downloaded the files into the cache with the old crapfilled name09:46
confisi have ubunto09:46
SGershonright-click on the pannel, and press "add"09:46
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canindyaderekS, I use httrack for downloading09:46
reconDoes anyone know how to change the repositories from "main restricted" to "universe"? i'm a newb09:47
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derekScanindya: i want to use a standard util like wget09:47
axel_hey all09:47
tklauserIs it somehow possible to restore the default "Save As" dialog in Firefox in Breezy?09:47
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confiscan i do it now from keybord like in win09:47
SGershonNow, you can right-click the language and choose propierties, andthen choose the keys used to change between langs.09:48
Secreth`Xok abarbaccia09:48
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zdennisno one else have issues where openoffice doesn't work in breezy?09:48
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ironuckleszdennis, OpenOffice opens very slowly at the moment, if you want to speed it up, disable Java09:48
SGershonconfis: try pressing bth alt keys!09:48
derekSwould it just be wget -cr ftp://afdsafas to get everything on that?09:49
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SGershonBEFORE you try to change the language properties09:49
zdennisironuckles, how do i disable java?  kill "java" from my path?09:49
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nisqpaulHI all09:49
Secreth`Xabarbaccia!! worked :D09:49
kismeti can't remember my root password, but i need to change my default grub bootloader option... help!09:49
confisgast alt09:49
ironuckleszdennis, no, you need to tell OpenOffice not to use java when it runs. It does this by default, and disably it will disable a few features. I am not sure what you need to change to disable it, try searching on Google09:50
SGershonyou have 2 'alt' keys, right?'09:50
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confisgust alt ?09:50
KnowerrorsHey all, I get something weird, when I reboot or start up computer with monitor off, and then turn it on, the video settings are detected as 320x240, but If I boot up with monitor on, it comes up as 1024x768, help please?09:50
Madpilotkismet: you can probably do that w/ sudo - and sudo uses your own user pw....09:50
abarbacciaSecreth`X, glad i could help - you should be networked like a champ now09:50
SGershonconfis: besides the space-key, you have two "ALT"s, rihgt?09:50
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MadpilotKnowerrors: I've had that happen too - it's a known error, I gather09:50
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KnowerrorsAny fix for it?09:51
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SGershonpress both of them together.09:51
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SGershonconfis: worked?09:51
isokismet: if not boot up the with a 1 in the boot line.. it will go directly into init 1..09:51
guizhi there, does anyone can help me to configure my thunderbird for gmail ... it works on windows but on ubuntu can't check mail :S09:51
MadpilotKnowerrors: not that I know of, sorry.09:51
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confisalt end ? what09:52
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fruudeeep i need help, my "Add remove programs" is gone!09:52
SGershonAlt and Alt. Both the alt keys. You have 2.09:52
guiz>< love this friendly spirit09:52
Seveasfruud, sudo apt-get install gnome-app-install09:52
fruud*add remove packages09:52
confisthenk u09:53
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SGershonpress one, and while pressing the first, press the second.09:53
trayzsomeone speak french?09:53
fruudSeveas, why i need CD for this  ?09:53
confiscan i chose enthr key ?09:53
Seveascafuego_, hurry ;)09:53
SGershonUbotu's on strike!09:53
SeveasSGershon, no, amaranth made him leave09:53
=== nisqpaul wonders if anyone could help him find a XP 64bit wireless driver for a Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)
nisqpaul (Ubuntu 5.10 64bit)09:53
Seveasstupidly enough09:53
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cafuego_trayz: tous leg gents  #ubuntu-fr parle fanais.09:53
cafuego_les gents09:54
SGershonconfis: Alt x2 worked?09:54
confisyes thenks09:54
isogah same fault with server install..09:54
cafuego_Seveas: Can't remember yer high school french? ;-)09:54
SGershonSeveas: LOL09:54
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confiscan i chose enthr key ?09:54
Seveascafuego_, i'm too lazy09:54
Seveasthat's why we need ubotu back :)09:54
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SGershonYou get used to that, but you can choose other in the languages preferences (right click hte language on panel)09:54
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reconIn synaptic, i can't find any kind of a download manager09:55
SGershonconfis: got it?09:55
fruudcan i open .deb files in ubuntu ?09:55
confisenother key09:55
Secreth`Xabarbaccia: Im not. I still cant seem to find out how to put something from windows in to the network of Samba.09:55
zygisrecon, d4x09:55
topylihow come my phone finds my bluetooth dongle but my machine doesn't seem to?09:55
reconcan i find it in synaptic?09:55
canindyarecon, d4x !!09:55
reconcan i find it in synaptic?09:55
cafuego_stupid bot09:55
canindyarecon, yes09:55
sensophyes fruud .deb files are for debian linux which ubuntu is based of dpkg -i whatever.deb unless you need more options09:56
reconi'll take a loog09:56
Seveascafuego_, uncripple it ;)09:56
Ploujthats the difference between ubuntu CD and DVD releases?09:56
abarbacciaSecreth`X, i usually do it from the windows machine and just drag and drop - if it doesnt let you its because of the permissions on the directory on the linux system - try a sudo chmod 777 -R 'dir name'09:56
fruudsensoph, ok :)09:56
reconthanks, canidya09:56
Secreth`Xmoment please..09:56
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canindyarecon, np09:56
cafuego_Seveas: No, it's a kill -9; restart operation.09:56
reconwhat does np mean?09:56
canindyarecon, no problem09:57
SGershonconfis: Again, click the language in the panel, choose Language Prefereces.09:57
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SGershonconfis: Then you go to the third tab, and then ask again.09:57
cafuego_Okay, here we go.09:57
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fruudto be able to compile all programs i download, iv installed many packages through apt-get install, question is do i need KDE DEVELOPMENT installed ?09:57
fruudall these progs09:57
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confislayout options ?09:58
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SGershonNow enter:09:58
sensophit may depend on the program being installed.09:58
SGershonGroup/Shift lock behavior09:58
Secreth`Xabarbaccia: still doesnt seem to work09:59
total_assaulthey, I have a weird probelm whenever i click a video file to play in firefox that opens in a new window both the new window and the parent window close after a second, I am running 5.10 x86_6409:59
SGershonconfis: Scroll down, choose: "Alt+Shift changes group". And you have a windows-like setting.09:59
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SGershonconfis: Got it?09:59
Seveasubotu, wb09:59
ubotuSeveas: I don't know, could you explain it?09:59
abarbacciaSecreth`X, what error are you getting?09:59
Secreth`Xin windows abarbaccia?10:00
confisi look for it now10:00
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SGershonUbotu: We missed you.10:00
ubotuSGershon: Are you smoking crack?10:00
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SGershonNo, I'm not!10:00
Secreth`Xyay ubotu is back :D10:00
SGershonconfis: worked?10:00
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abarbacciaSecreth`X, yes10:00
=== Shadow777 [n=Shad@119.40.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
confisi look for shift and alt10:00
Secreth`XNasty :x. Its asking for a password again10:01
Secreth`XNow with a Guest thingie :x10:01
SGershonconfis: Scroll down, choose: "Alt+Shift changes group". And you have a windows-like setting.10:01
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ironucklesubotu, I think you're hot!10:02
ubotuironuckles: I give up, what is it?10:02
ironucklesubotu, want to cyber?10:03
ubotuI haven't a clue, ironuckles10:03
confis: )10:03
=== tiglore [n=tiglore@24-247-180-173.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
confisthenk you10:03
Seveasironuckles, playing with the bot is still not allowed..10:03
Ep|phanyanyone here use point2play?10:03
Secreth`Xto bad Seveas :P10:03
ironucklesSeveas, sorry10:03
=== f_favila [n=f_favila@o1-dialup-66-81-16-118.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
SGershonconfis: you're welcome.10:03
bluefoxicyIs there a Firefox 1.5 for breezy backport yet?10:04
confisdo you know how to install driver to wifi pci card from edinax ?10:04
Seveasbluefoxicy, no10:04
=== SGershon is now known as SGershon_
bluefoxicySeveas:  shit.10:04
DShepherdbluefoxicy: you can run it externally though,,,without installing it10:04
derekhanyone going for the firefox 1.5 extensions competition?10:04
DShepherdbluefoxicy: that's what I am doing10:04
confisi found driver name rt2500010:05
bluefoxicyDShepherd:  I know.10:05
DShepherdbluefoxicy: ok10:05
total_assaultwhat site do i use to post a big error log?10:05
=== SGershon_ is now known as SGershon
confisend i dont know how to work with this10:05
ubotupastebin is probably a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl10:05
Seveas^-- total_assault10:05
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fruudSeveas, through my linux i can enter my pc with windows XP on, but through XP i cant enter my Ubuntu... it asks for username and password... where do i choose what user and pass i want ? :)10:05
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Seveasfruud, in what way are you trying to access it?10:06
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fruudim gonna share a folder and send ova things10:06
Stormx2barnag: heh, thats almost my name :)10:06
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fruudfile tranfer sorta..10:06
fruudiv clicked "shared folders" and added a folder10:06
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Seveasfruud, then your username and password should work if you did sudo smbpasswd -a $USER on the linux machine10:07
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ironucklesfruud, youre using NFS then?10:07
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fruudyes i do, how do i set up a username and password for my network so i can enter through XP ?10:07
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ray_i just installed breezy and my floppy drive doesnt work???10:08
fruudshould i paste this in terminal ? (sudo smbpasswd -a $USER)10:08
seth_kAnyone know a way to get Eclipse to let me install plugins? I can't run it as root b/c it errors out, and I can't get it to install plugins to my home directory; has to be to the global plugins directory.10:08
total_assaultok can someone please take a look at my apt-get error http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/4323 , thanks10:08
bluefrog-10!tell bluefrog about skel10:08
=== Divinesavior [n=eddie@ool-43543a0b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
bluefrog-10total_assault, no big deal10:09
seth_ktotal_assault, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the cdrom line (should be the first line)10:09
total_assaultok thanks a lot10:09
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Divinesaviorwhy does ubuntu freeze up on me anytime I enter a website with music in the background. Not all the time but somtimes it get annoying. Is there a solution?10:09
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pitillohi, anyone can tell me why the installation dont let me put password for root? or can tell me what is the default password for him?10:11
Stormx2Divinesavior: You may be missing some drivers/plugins for firefox10:11
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Stormx2!tell pitillo about root10:11
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Stormx2pitillo: Check your messages from ubotu10:11
ray_why cant i acess my floppy drive???10:11
Divinesaviorstormx2 how do I get these?10:11
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Stormx2Divinesavior: have a look in synaptic and try installing firefox audio plugins.10:12
gearryI am trying to get my laptop to suspend/sleep10:12
zdennisbah!! this is sucking10:12
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Stormx2zdennis: How come?10:12
Divinesaviorstormx2 k thanks10:12
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zdennisopenoffice just wont do anything10:12
pitilloStormx2, thanks, i will read about that... i dont understand why do that...10:12
zdennisit just hangs10:12
gearryI know this is a common problem, but even after much searching I can not find a good general howto10:12
zdennisand never actually starts up10:12
ethan-allisonhow would i find out the name of all the currently available wifi networks?10:12
zdennisstarting from CLI shows that the process just hangs10:12
gearryI had ubuntu installed previously, and I could get it to sleep, but not wake up properly10:12
Stormx2pitillo: Well, I'm not all too sure why. It think its mainly for security. You can enable root, but it breaks the GUI system tools!10:13
zdennisi have tried with abunch of different options10:13
zdennisbut to no avail10:13
=== lesersomfaen [n=eine@chello212186066182.6.14.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
gearrynow I can not even recall where the config file was that allowed me to enable sleep mode10:13
ubotuit has been said that list is you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:13
zdennisand it doesn't show any errors!10:13
lesersomfaenhey, yo everybody10:13
pitilloStormx2, interesting, i use Debian, and im installing ubuntu for my sister... but i didnt know that, i need to read about it then, thanks10:13
lesersomfaenanybody home?10:13
luckyabacould a heavy load on my computer cause my usb keyboard to string letters ( lllllikkeeee tthissss)?10:14
Stormx2pitillo: Its kind of interesting, but you get used to it =)10:14
Stormx2pitillo: It means that new users won't go using root as their normal account and piling junk onto their computer10:14
lesersomfaenHey, fellas, can I crash da chat with a short n00b q?10:14
Stormx2lesersomfaen: Hey10:14
ethan-allisonlesersomfaen: yeah10:14
Stormx2lesersomfaen: As long as you don't ask it in gansta ^.^10:14
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siAre all the special device files in /dev created by udev or are there some fixed files still in there. I'm asking because I'd like to do a complete backup using tar which can not archive special files.10:15
ethan-allisonStormx2: seconded10:15
lesersomfaenaright.. I downloaded this chessgame with synaptic rite...10:15
=== comfrey [n=comfrey@h-64-105-87-234.sttnwaho.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
lesersomfaenand it doesnt show in da menu10:15
lesersomfaensame with edonkey10:15
lesersomfaendoesnt show?10:15
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ubotumethinks ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian.  http://ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org http://wiki.ubuntu.com. It means 'Humanity to others'. see !awards10:15
ethan-allisonlesersomfaen: run it from the command line10:15
Stormx2lesersomfaen: What menu?10:15
pitilloStormx2, well thinked, most users work with root account... new users...10:15
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ubotuwell, awards is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubunturocks10:15
ethan-allisonStormx2: apps menu10:15
lesersomfaenwell, the menu above, duh10:15
lesersomfaenapps menu10:15
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Stormx2pitillo: They shouldn't! Root is for administration only!10:15
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total_assaultCan one use xine to play embedded videos instead of mplayer?10:15
Stormx2guys: /msg ubotu <word>10:16
Stormx2Stop clogging up the channel10:16
lesersomfaenWell I don't work with root10:16
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pitilloStormx2, yes but im looking that account to prepare the machine to my sister... thinking in debian... :)10:16
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lesersomfaenOh, who should I private message then...?10:16
Stormx2pitillo: Heh yeah. Well, you're sister will get by pretty well :)10:16
Stormx2lesersomfaen: No no10:16
ubotuwhaley|work: Did you get hit by a windmill?10:17
Stormx2lesersomfaen: When people clog up channels with !<word> it gets annoying10:17
pitilloStormx2, i hpe so :)10:17
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lesersomfaenokay, what is !word?10:17
theinetotal_assault, if you install totem-xine, then definately yes I guess...10:17
ubotuStormx2: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about10:17
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Stormx2He responds.10:17
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lesersomfaenubotu is a bot?10:17
ubotulesersomfaen: I give up, what is it?10:17
=== topyli will never trust technology again
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadeb10:18
luckyabawhy would my screen fade to a black screen after like a minute of me not touching it?10:18
Stormx2whaley|work: /msg ubotu <word>10:18
SGershonStormx2, goto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:18
ubotuNo idea, theine10:18
theinethat's helpful...10:18
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dougskohey guys, i noticed there a new kernel ou there,, but it's not in apt-get, would it be a good idea or bad to upgrade?10:18
Stormx2SGershon: What are you on about? I know how to use ubotu.10:18
whaley|workStormx2, k10:18
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lesersomfaenwell, so how do I get eDonkey in my apps menu?10:18
lesersomfaenand da chessgame?10:19
spityi've heard that theer are some problems with visibility support in gcc and KDE, i have fairly stable desktop now, as i haven't updated for quite a while and i'd like to update now, so i'm curious whether it's true10:19
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lesersomfaenI have ubuntu10:19
dougskoim running 2.6.12 now10:19
Stormx2lesersomfaen: You don't get a bar at the top?10:19
theinelesersomfaen, da chessgame?10:19
lesersomfaennot under games10:19
lesersomfaennot under internet10:19
lesersomfaennot under anything10:19
lesersomfaengod damn10:19
Stormx2lesersomfaen: What is the chess game called10:19
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Stormx2lesersomfaen: Just because its installed doesn't mean it will come up in the applications menu.10:19
JDahlI dowloaded a debian package "openafs_1.4.0.orig.tar.gz" and "openafs_1.4.0-1.diff.gz". How do I apply the patch? I seem to doing it the wrong way10:19
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Madpilotlesersomfaen: some apps don't install themselves into the menu automatically10:20
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theinelesersomfaen, relax, you can add it yourself anywhere you want10:20
lesersomfaenso how do I install them in the menu?10:20
lesersomfaenWhat do I type in terminal10:20
lesersomfaenor console?10:20
theinelesersomfaen, gnuchess is just a chess engine10:20
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ari123how can i instal a driver .? i find it and want to instal .?10:20
Stormx2lesersomfaen: Use SMEG10:20
=== SGershon [n=SGershon@DSL217-132-172-254.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2lesersomfaen: Right click applications > edit menus10:20
theinelesersomfaen, for a gui, you need a client like xboard10:20
lesersomfaenwell I got eboard10:20
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lesersomfaenand phalanx10:20
=== jhaa [n=juha@dsl-aur-ff2dc000-227.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
theinelesersomfaen, that should do10:21
lesersomfaenand GNU- chess as well10:21
Madpilotlesersomfaen: try "gnuchess" in the terminal?10:21
lesersomfaenuse SMEG?10:21
SGershonHi. How can I discover whick codecs I have installed?10:21
lesersomfaenoh, that simple?10:21
theinelesersomfaen, so eboard doesn't show up in the menu?10:21
ubotuAlacarte Menu Editor is an easy-to-use menu editor for GNOME. Older versions were called smeg. Get it at http://www.realistanew.com/projects/alacarte/10:21
Stormx2lesersomfaen: Its installed with ubuntu. Right Click Applications > Edit Menus10:21
=== NoobieDoobieDo [n=NoobieDo@adsl-70-240-87-16.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray_whats up with ubuntu not supporting internal floppy drives.... this is very very very dissapointing10:22
=== DJMirage [n=djmirage@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nicholas_paulray_ it does support CDRWs tho :)10:22
SGershonHow to check which codecs I have installed?10:22
jonfCould someone tell me how I can install mldonkey and wine with Sypnatic??? I try to search them but I dont find them10:22
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theineray_, what? it doesn't?10:22
nicholas_paulSGershon try synaptic10:22
jorggwhat does the numbers behind the commands in the man-pages mean?10:22
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SGershonnicholas_paul, where in synaptic?10:23
ray_theine, no it doesnt10:23
lesersomfaenarite, I go to the menu editor alacarte page10:23
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lesersomfaenbut if I dont dl with synaptic, I dunno how to install10:23
theineray_, i'm sure you can mount a floppy10:23
nicholas_pauljonf you should be able to find wine in Synaptic - if not, activate your repositories.10:23
dougskojorgg: the manual is set up in chapters10:23
theineray_, sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt10:23
ray_theine, look it up..... ubuntu doesnt support internal floppy drives10:23
nicholas_paulSGershon you'll have to search for codecs and see which are highlighted.10:23
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nicholas_paulray_ why do you need floppies ?10:24
SGershonnicholas_paul, thanks!10:24
MarlunI've tried to install ubuntu 2 times now, but both times it gets stuck when it's going to install something called GRUB, I've got windows xp on another hardrive too.10:24
MarlunWhat can be wrong?10:24
nicholas_paulSgershon anytime : )10:24
NoobieDoobieDoStrange. On my livecd no web browsers are loading.. Firefox didn't load twice so I installed Epiphany, it's failing to load now....10:24
theineray_, could you perhaps point me to that kind of information?10:24
dougskowhat kernels are you guys running?10:24
jorggdougsko: okay10:24
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ray_nicholas_paul, i have documents saved on a floppy10:24
dougskojorgg: thats what the number is10:24
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nicholas_paulray_ aahhh... find a store with a floppy drive in a pc and email them to yourself. Then stop using decades old technology :)10:24
bluefrog-10where can i find info on how /etc/skel works, pls?10:25
luckyabai have a weird problem.... my computer seems to be running iin "fast forward".. the screensaver comes on way before it should.. movies play way to fast, and when i type the keys run on llllikkkeee this10:25
MarlunAlso in the Partitioner, should I choose "... erase harddrive...Use LVM" or not?10:25
reconI am trying to install java on ubuntu according to the Ubuntu Guide (ubuntuguide.org), but it doesn't exist. What gives?10:25
jorggdougsko: Is there a way to quickly jump to other parts when you see other commands refered?10:25
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theineray_, you can access internal floppy drives through the terminal10:25
ray_nicholas_paul, my pc is brand new and it has a floppy drive10:25
MarlunI've choosen the other alternative both time (not using LVM) because I have no idea what LVM is.10:25
nicholas_pauljonf in Synaptic, go to Settings and Repos then highlight all the ones you need10:25
dougskojorgg: hold on a sec, let me find a link for you10:25
ray_nicholas_paul, low tech yes but at the moment i need it10:25
jorggdougsko: okay10:25
theineray_, only gnome seems to have problems with them10:25
nicholas_paulray_ yea but you need an OS that uses it, right? Find somebody with windows. Sorry i think thats the only solutaion10:26
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MarlunIf someone could help me, please write a private message since theres so much text flowing in the main chat, thank in advance!10:26
reconCan I please have some help?10:26
nicholas_paulask away recon10:26
trappistray_: snatch a floppy drive from one of the pentium machines in the nearest dumpster10:26
theineray_, try that sudo command I posted, the contents of your floppy should appear under /mnt10:26
ray_nicholas_paul, what are you talking about??  every other distro supports floppy fine10:26
reconwell, I'm trying to install java10:27
dougskojorgg: http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1886411999/ref=sib_rdr_next1_18/104-9911620-4297549?%5Fencoding=UTF8&p=S01B&ns=1#reader-page10:27
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trappistMarlun: help stays here so everyone can benefit10:27
jorggdougsko: : okay thanks10:27
SGershonAnother one: What in your opinion is better, amule, xmule?10:27
dougskojorgg: you can read the chapter in this book10:27
Marluntrappist: okey, thats ok then =)10:27
jonfnicholas_paul thank you!10:27
dougskojorgg: its all about the manual10:27
erUSULrecon, ask10:27
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-173-92.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
trappistMarlun: if you don't know what lvm is, don't use it.  if there's nothing you need to save on your hard drive, let ubuntu wipe it out.10:27
ray_trappist, and the archatecture you are using?10:27
=== KaoticEvil [n=KaoticEv@host-64-72-33-53.classicnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
KaoticEvilanyone use the xmail mail server?10:28
trappistray_: i386 if I understand your question correctly10:28
theineray_, are you listening to me? you *CAN* access your floppy drive from the terminal10:28
Marluntrappist: no, I have 2 harddrives, 1 which has windows installed and one which I want to install ubuntu on.10:28
=== axel_ [n=axel@168.64.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray_trappist, and your saying to get pentmiums out of the dumpster?10:28
trappistMarlun: your best bet is to manually partition the hard drive you want to put ubuntu on10:28
erUSUL!tell recon about java10:29
Marluntrappist: however, when the installation comes to "installing grub" everything stops working, nothing happends"10:29
ray_theine, i already told you.... i know you can from the term10:29
axel_hey, anyone uses the contact birthdays in Evolution ? i cant get them to go into my calendar, how do i do that ?10:29
theineray_, sorry, i missed that10:29
trappistray_: pentium as in ye olde pentium as in 100mhz.  they're in dumpsters everywhere.10:29
jonfnicholas_paul I added Ubuntu 5.10 Updates and Ubuntu 5.10 Security Updates and I still dont see the mldonkey10:29
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luckyabacan i manually sync my clock with a command?10:29
ray_theine, it even puts an icon on the desktop.... but i wish nautilus could do it10:29
Marluntrappist: so you think it's something to do with the partitioning that makes the installation of grub not working.10:30
bigmoei have another question10:30
erUSUL!tell jonf about repos10:30
trappistluckyaba: rdate -s clock-1.cs.cmu.edu && hwclock --systohc10:30
NoobieDoobieDolol @ the !tell bot.10:30
bigmoewhere can i find the GLIB >= 1.2.210:30
theineray_, it's a known bug, nobody prohibited mounting floppies under nautilus on purpose...10:30
Seveasluckyaba, sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org10:30
theineray_, people do make mistakes sometime...10:31
trappistMarlun: I don't know.  this is the first time I'm hearing about the grub problem.  it could be a problem if the partition /boot is on is xfs10:31
luckyabatrappist: command not found10:31
axel_hey, anyone uses the contact birthdays in Evolution ? i cant get them to go into my calendar, how do i do that ?10:31
seth_kAnyone know a way to get Eclipse to let me install plugins? I can't run it as root b/c it errors out, and I can't get it to install plugins to my home directory; has to be to the global plugins directory.10:31
erUSULlucaas, sudo ntpdate hora.usc.es10:31
lucaasnot me maybe :>10:31
trappistluckyaba: then try ntpdate tock.greyware.com && hwclock --systohc10:31
jonferUSUL than you!10:31
erUSULluckyaba, sudo ntpdate hora.usc.es10:31
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erUSULlucaas, tab completion mistake sorry ;)10:32
trappistwait, doesn't ubuntu also have an ntpdate server?10:32
Marluntrappist: xfs?10:32
erUSULjonf, np10:32
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theinetrappist, yes, it does10:32
bigmoebut where can i find  GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed -10:32
Marlunthe harddrive that i want to install ubuntu on is the slave.10:32
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jorggis there any dc-clients i can install with the synaptic packet manager?10:33
erUSULbigmoe, apt-cache search glib10:33
ray_ok another question..... my hard drive cpu light thing stays on?????10:33
luckyabatrappist: ok that fixed part of the problem...10:33
luckyabatrappist: thanks10:33
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erUSULjorgg, have you searched with synaptic?10:34
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trappistMarlun: xfs is a filesystem that grub doesn't work well with10:34
jorggerUSUL:  i have tried one program that i found but i didnt get to connect with it10:34
axel_hey, anyone uses the contact birthdays in Evolution ? i cant get them to go into my calendar, how do i do that ?10:34
trappistMarlun: I'm not a grub guru - xfs just comes to mind because I've run into that problem.10:35
ray_ok another question..... my hard drive cpu light thing stays on?????10:35
luckyabatrappist: know why my keyboard and mouse woould be going very fast.. the cursor blink incredibly fast and i had to disable key repeat so it wouldn't string letters together when i type10:35
jorggerUSUL: it was dctc gui or somthing, it tried to connect troug the eth0 not my internett atml0 ...10:35
trappistluckyaba: sounds like you're having clock issues10:35
trappistlike it's running too fast10:35
Marluntrappist: ok, seems weird, I have not done anything else, it was NTFS before, I put in the cd and run the ubuntu installation, and tell it to erase the slave harddrive and partition it however it likes.10:35
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ray_ubuntu is mighty buggy10:36
erUSULjorgg, maybe only some configuration needed10:36
trappistMarlun: ntfs could be the issue.  maybe.  I don't really know.10:36
luckyabatrappist: would that explain why the screensaver seems to come on in like a minute instead of 10?10:36
Blissexray_: naaah, invidual apps may be a bit, but usually it is pretty reliable.10:36
trappistluckyaba: yes10:36
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jorggerUSUL: i could try, toy dont happen to recommand any other dc-client?10:37
erUSULray_, yeah b win is way worse so...10:37
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Tobais there a reason a ps/2 mouse would be blatantly ps/2 incompatible?10:37
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Marlunhmmmm....so maybe I should use the winxp disc to remove the partition first?10:37
MarlunI'll try that10:37
axel_hey, anyone uses the contact birthdays in Evolution ? i cant get them to go into my calendar, how do i do that ?10:37
luckyabatrappist: this sucks. movies aare doing it too i think when i try and play them it seems like they are in fast forward10:37
fruudtheme problem... or something like that. halp ?10:37
trappistMarlun: no, linux can delete an ntfs partition fine.  but it wants to write the boot sector to your primary master, which I guess is ntfs.10:37
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trappistluckyaba: that does pretty much suck.  it's either a hardware issue or a kernel issue, though... maybe google has an idea.10:38
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luckyabatrappist: thanks for the help10:38
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trappistluckyaba: for example, you might try booting without acpi10:39
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Marluntrappist: ah, ok hmmm.. then I've go no idea what to do.10:39
fruudwhy does my firefox and many other buttons and so  on look ugly like this for now ? all fat and ugly! ( example: http://www.fruud.se/Files/Pictures/messedupfirefox.png )10:39
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total_assaultalrite, i have just compiled mplayer, install greasemonkey + pklaunch, the music videos from launch.yahoo.com launch and i hear the music playing for the entire song but i do not see any video, i tried going to configure and switching the video output fronm x11 to xv but no luck, any is help is appreciated10:39
erUSULluckyaba, running in a laptop?10:39
trappistMarlun: me neither.  try asking the channel again - when I jumped in it wasn't a grub issue.10:39
swordim having trouble w/ mplayer right now for some reason..10:39
swordwhat are you guys settings10:39
swordfor the audio and video codecs10:39
luckyabaerUDUL: no10:39
trappisttotal_assault: you probably lack the video codec10:39
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total_assaulttrappist: alrite thanks i will download some more codecs10:40
ray_my hard drive light stays on ??? anyone else have this problem?10:40
trappist!tell total_assault about w32codecs10:40
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ray_!tell ray_ about w32codecs10:40
trappistray_: if it's for your own edification, please /msg ubotu w32codecs10:40
ompaul!tell ray about msg the bot10:40
MarlunI want to install ubuntu on my slave harddrive, the master has Windows XP. When the ubuntu installation comes to "installing grub" nothing happends it just stands there on 0% done, what can I do?10:40
ray_trappist, lol ok will do10:41
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erUSULfruud, i can not see the problem10:41
erUSULfruud, it looks like it should10:41
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ray_trappist, nothing happened10:41
fruudit does ? i remeber it like it looked nice and so like all my other buttons and themes from KDE :S10:41
erUSULfruud, with the theme you are using maybe clearlooks is more pleasant10:42
justinpineautootwut is happeneing?10:42
davrojust installed edbuntu, is there a way to switch back to ubuntu ?10:42
luckyabaanyone familiar with the "double clock speed" issues?10:42
theinedavro, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:42
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theinedavro, that will leave all edubuntu applications in place though10:42
KaoticEvilanyone run a mailserver?10:42
borupluckyaba: I suffer from it10:43
fruudim using "Plastik"10:43
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fruuderUSUL, Im using Plastik10:43
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luckyababorup: did you get it fixed?10:43
fruudwould that be good enyff ? :(10:43
erUSULluckyaba, a kernel problem with your hard. maybe trying other kernel?10:43
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davrotheine: cheers mate apps are cool just wondered if it was a gnome theme10:43
bluefrog-10davro, edu or u are the same except for the ltsp setup10:43
bigmoecan anyone tell me what is the GLIB for the xmms program10:43
borupluckyaba: nope - its a amd64 thing aparently10:44
bluefrog-10davro, just download a them if it's the only thing that annoys you10:44
lanjelotWhat repositories can we set in breezy-updates ?10:44
erUSULfruud, i use Gnome can not help you10:44
fruudokey thanks for ur time10:44
erUSULbigmoe, what's the problem?10:44
lanjelotmain & restricted yes, but what about multiverse and universe ?10:44
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trappistluckyaba: boot with 'clock=tsc' in your boot line10:45
KaoticEvillanjelot:  those are safe... and they have LOTS of packages available10:45
trappistluckyaba: http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0405.3/0462.html10:45
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axel_hey, anyone uses the contact birthdays in Evolution ? i cant get them to go into my calendar, how do i do that ?10:45
erUSULfruud, np10:45
davrobluefrog-10: cheers just looking really.10:45
P00fwhere might I find a complete apt-list online? I am in windows and am shopping for distros... would like to compare some files... TIA :)10:46
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ari123help me to install a driver10:46
theineP00f, check packages.ubuntu.com10:46
P00fThanks :)10:46
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lanjelotKaoticEvil, with the line deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security main restricted universe multiverse.10:46
lanjelotWill i really get security updates for my universe and multiverse installed packages ?10:46
bluefrog-10davro, enable universe and get art-manager, then in system > preferences >art manager you will be able to get and swith themes/backgrounds... very easily10:46
bigmoei'm installing(./configure) the xmms program but it always tell me that the GLIB 1.2.2 is not installed10:47
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Habbiebigmoe, xmms is in the ubuntu package repositories10:47
theinebigmoe, why don't you install the one in the ubuntu repositories?10:47
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bigmoeis it??10:47
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total_assaulttrappist: i am running x86_64 no 1386 :(10:47
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theinebigmoe, you need to enable the universe repository10:48
trappisttotal_assault: you're going to have some limitations then, with available codecs10:48
theinebigmoe, sorry, you don't need to...10:48
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bigmoehow can i do that??10:48
erUSULbigmoe, why not just installing it from repos? or better bmp?10:48
ethan-allisonso i'm startin' up wifi_radar, and i get "eth1   Interface doesn't support scanning: Operation not supported".10:48
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ethan-allisonhow do you add scan support?10:48
trappisttotal_assault: but wait, doesn't x86_64 do 32 bit code just fine?10:48
avrinehi dears10:48
bigmoei'll see10:48
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ethan-allisonavrine: elo10:48
theinebigmoe, you don't, just open system -> administration -> synaptic package manager and search for it10:48
topylii really never realized there were incompatible bluetooth dongles still in this world10:48
erUSUL!tell bigmoe about repos10:49
piccadoes anyone know if reiserfs is better on diskspace than ext3?10:49
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total_assaulttrappist: im going to try some codecs off the mplayer site10:49
thedcm!tell me about repos10:49
thedcmo thx10:49
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reconCan somebody help me?10:49
KaoticEvil.msg ubotu repos10:49
avrinei want to play  mp3 files and vcd by totem but it take very long to install libraries10:49
erUSULrecon, ask10:49
trappisttotal_assault: the w32codecs package just downloads the codecs from mplayer.hu10:49
ethan-allisonavrine: apt-get install xmms10:50
KaoticEvilubotu:  tell lanjelot about repos10:50
Ep|phanyis there anyway to play windows games without paying for cedega?10:50
avrineno i use BMP10:50
reconwell, when i run 'java' in a terminal, it runs gij instead.10:50
avrineand not have problem10:50
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ethan-allisonEp|phany: in theory10:50
avrineso, for totem10:50
theinerecon, update-alternatives --display java10:50
theinerecon, try that and see if the sun version shows up10:51
P00fwow cool! you guys got lots of nice emulators :)10:51
erUSULEp|phany, with the cvs version or the ones that run on wine10:51
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bigmoebut there are plenty of packages should i install all of them10:51
SGershonI want to use Apache+php in Ubuntu. How?10:51
Ep|phanydam because i have cedega but i dont have a transgamer account so i dont know how to use it10:51
erUSULbigmoe, ony the ones you need10:51
theinebigmoe, the one called xmms will do I guess10:51
reconit came up with "java - status is auto.10:51
recon link currently points to /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/java10:51
recon/usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.0 - priority 4010:51
recon slave rmiregistry: /usr/bin/grmiregistry-4.010:51
recon slave rmiregistry.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/grmiregistry-4.0.1.gz10:51
recon slave java.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/gij-wrapper-4.0.1.gz10:51
recon/usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/java - priority 104010:52
recon slave java.1.gz: /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/man/man1/java.1.gz10:52
reconCurrent `best' version is /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/java.10:52
trappistrecon: don't paste here10:52
erUSULSGershon, install them10:52
ompaulrecon,  DONT PASTE10:52
theinerecon, how did you install sun java?10:52
Madpilot!tell recon about paste10:52
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erUSULrecon, do not paste here please10:52
theineI think he got that now...10:52
Ep|phanyanyone have any ideas?10:52
ompaulMadpilot, your too fast10:52
erUSUL!tell recon about pastebin10:52
SGershonerUSUL, I did not found them in "Add Application".10:52
reconi used alien to install rpm from java.com10:52
trappistsomebody should tell recon not to paste10:52
P00fI am a computer recycler.... can I install ubuntu for free for refurbished computers? (for poor kids)10:52
ompaultrappist, will you10:53
bigmoebut all the others and just plugins i guess10:53
trappistP00f: of course10:53
ray_my hard drive light stays on ??? anyone else have this problem?10:53
reconi get the message10:53
theinerecon, that's not optimal, try the one from http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl10:53
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SGershonP00f, you can10:53
P00fyou guys rock :)10:53
erUSULSGershon, Use synaptic, add all repos10:53
erUSUL!tell SGershon about repos10:53
bigmoeand by the way is there a playlist editor if anyone used it before10:53
theinerecon, he has a java repo with j2re 1.510:53
trappistbigmoe: for what10:54
avrineSGershon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:54
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reconi'm getting a not found error10:54
SGershonavrine, thanks.10:54
theinerecon, oh...10:55
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ulaascan i find a goot gtk2 based cvs tool in breezy repos?10:55
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theinerecon, http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/10:55
ethan-allisonso i'm startin' up wifi_radar, and i get "eth1   Interface doesn't support scanning: Operation not supported".10:55
ethan-allisonhow do you add scan support?10:55
bigmoefor the xmms that come in the ubuntu repositories10:55
jrattner1Network Manager is the BEST wireless network manager for linux ever10:55
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reconwhat do i click from there?10:56
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theinerecon, you would need to add the repository to /etc/apt/sources.list, but you can also just wget the .deb package and install with dpkg...10:56
theinerecon, wget http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl//pool/java/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb10:57
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avrine?plugin for totem to play vcd or dvd it take long time10:57
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theinerecon, does that work?10:57
reconi got a 404 not found error10:57
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theinerecon, hmmm, maybe his repository is down...10:58
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theinerecon, yes, it seems so10:58
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reconany quick fix?10:58
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reconif you have it you can transfer it to me10:59
reconthis is irc, after all10:59
Madpilotrecon: you can get Sun Java from their website10:59
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theinerecon, it's too big i'm afraid10:59
reconi already have the rpm installed10:59
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theinerecon, you should definately use java-package instead of alien though11:00
ethan-allisonjrattner1: the network-manager package, right?11:00
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recontheine, ???11:00
Ep|phanyanyone know how i can install quake4 with ubuntu?11:00
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nekohayohey there, wasn't breezy supposed to have a trick to "hide" the system menu for users without admin rights?11:00
theinerecon, just a sec11:00
=== keikoz bjour all
nekohayokeikoz: #ubuntu-fr ^^11:01
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erUSULethan-allison, what's your model card, chip, driver? maybe scanning is not supported by driver?11:01
theinerecon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-e2ebd70ede0e3eb2117ffbd618d2295dd1540dca11:02
martin_hey, I want to copy all my desktop icons and the menu to a fresh Ubuntu install, what folder are all the gnome prefs and icons in?11:02
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theinerecon, that should solve your problem11:02
Madpilotnekohayo: there're things in the System menu that you can do w/o admin rights...11:02
erUSULmartin_, move your entire home directory11:02
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martin_tried that, the icons on the menu bar to get copied11:03
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avrinei try gcc a.cpp -o a.out but recive this error11:03
avrine/tmp/ccozyQ84.o:(.eh_frame+0x11): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'11:03
avrinecollect2: ld returned 1 exit status11:03
theinerecon, welcome11:03
flipyI can't install ubuntu breezy! It gets stuck at "Loading module 'ide-cd'". I've tryed with the linux irqpoll acpi=off noapic nolapic but still no luck... any suggestion?11:03
Habbieflipy, is your drive a dvdrom drive?11:04
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flipyno, it s LG 52X drive11:04
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Habbiehmm, no idea then11:04
nekohayoMadpilot: huh? you have an example of that?11:04
trappistavrine: .c extensions are for gcc and .cpp for g++11:04
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nekohayoMadpilot: oh sorry, not talking about the whole system menu11:05
flipyHabbie: what was going to be your advise?11:05
Madpilotnekohayo: "Take Screenshot"?11:05
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nekohayoMadpilot: I mean the administration menu IN the system menu11:05
Chopstixhow do it reboot with parameter rescue ?11:05
Madpilotnekohayo: ok, got you. might be an interesting idea to suggest to the devs, actually.11:05
theineflipy, you just need to wait for a long while11:05
avrinetrappist: thanks11:05
theineflipy, eventually it will go on...11:05
flipytheine: I've done it... and nothing happen....11:06
ancientHow do yo Apt-get apache web server ?11:06
thedcmmy mum wanted to have me aborted11:06
Razor-Xare there any good non-GTK or non-QT based PDF viewers other than xpdf?11:06
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flipyit just get stuck on a blue screen, trying to find "media"11:06
ancientWhatsapt-get nemt for apache11:06
Madpilotnekohayo: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MenusRevisited/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MenusRevisited/Comments11:06
trappistavrine: btw I didn't know that before you asked, but the first 5 google hits all agreed.  google is your friend.11:06
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theineflipy, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-76482.html11:06
nekohayoMadpilot: but I was pretty sure it "was to be in 5.10" o_O I doubt I dreamed that one11:06
nekohayooh thanks11:06
erUSULChopstix, telinit 111:06
theineflipy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1347111:06
flipybut that doesn't work for me :(11:07
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MadpilotRazor-X: Adobe Acrobat Reader is still the best - Evince isn't bad, though11:07
Razor-XMadpilot: does Evince use GTK?11:07
Razor-Xbecause xpdf is pretty... umm.. yeah11:07
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Razor-Xyou can't custom zoom, even11:07
Amaranthxpdf is dead11:07
Razor-Xand that11:07
MadpilotRazor-X: yeah, it's Gnome's native PDF viewer - missed your non-GTK part11:07
theineflipy, oh, you already checked those threads?11:07
ompaullong live evince11:07
Razor-XMadpilot: heh11:07
Amaranthit's dead because poppler replaced it11:07
Amaranthand evince uses poppler11:07
Razor-XAmaranth: poppler hmmm?11:08
Razor-Xany non-GTK non-QT clients that use poppler?11:08
theineflipy, maybe remove you drive for the installation?11:08
nekohayoMadpilot: thanks for the link, this page is incredible!11:08
flipytheine: I've searched the forums for 2 days... but still no solution11:08
AmaranthRazor-X: none that i know of11:08
flipytheine: erhm... and how am I supposed to do the installation then?11:09
Razor-XAmaranth: :(11:09
AmaranthRazor-X: i think kpdf uses poppler now too, but that's qt :P11:09
theineflipy, right...11:09
flipytheine: erm11:09
theineflipy, guess it's too late for me...11:09
Razor-XAmaranth: I've always liked kpdf's rendering a lot, and kdvi11:09
Razor-Xunfortunately, loading QT baggage is... not preferred11:09
AmaranthRazor-X: err11:09
theineflipy, have you got any other linux distros installed on that machine?11:09
Razor-Xcompared to xpdf, I mean11:09
AmaranthRazor-X: before poppler kpdf == xpdf == gpdf11:09
flipyis there any way to use another media? (usb stick, usb mass storage driver...)11:09
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Secreth`Xrofl somehow XMMS is the only player that actually can play my files :P11:09
Razor-XAmaranth: yeah, I know11:09
AmaranthSecreth`X: mp3s?11:09
Razor-Xxpdf renders fine11:09
flipytheine: last week I've managed to install ubuntu-server (breezy also)11:09
Secreth`Xyes amackay11:10
theineflipy, you can install from a live-cd with debootstrap11:10
Razor-Xit's just that, the interface is pretty bad11:10
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Secreth`Xyess Amaranth11:10
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flipybut suddenly I've apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:10
eliezerhello people! im a new linux/ubuntu user and i just love it n_n11:10
Razor-Xlike xzgv has an excellent interface, and it doesen't use qt or GTK11:10
avrinebye bye11:10
flipyand all got wrong11:10
AmaranthSecreth`X: you got a PM11:10
Secreth`XI saw11:10
flipyso I thought I'll install again with the normal CD...11:10
theineflipy, all got wrong?11:10
Secreth`XI own you big time :)11:10
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flipytheine: yes.... all messed up11:10
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Swamp_Donkeyhmm ok this is new to me ... how do i install my hardware on ubuntu? and check  if it's working?11:11
ompaulflipy, paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list into paste.ubuntulinus.nl11:11
theineflipy, that's unusual...11:11
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flipyproblems with packages, things not working (and the only thing that I've really wanted was usb mass storage automount :()11:11
flipyompaul: I'm using the standard ones for my country11:11
eliezeranyone knows what can i do if the volume control (the speaker icon on the taskbar) is not accesible? audio is working fine. but i can't access to the volume control.11:11
theineflipy, what kind of problems?11:11
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ompaulflipy, make me happy go on :-)11:11
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AmaranthRazor-X: Your choices are GTK+, Qt, or GNUStep11:11
AmaranthRazor-X: for poppler frontends11:12
Razor-XAmaranth: GNUStep11:12
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flipyompaul: erm... the fact is that I can't boot into the box again...11:12
tenzin_anybody knows a benchmarking tool for my graphic-card that shows me the fps?? I want to overclock my grafic-card11:12
R0bNycis ubuntu stable?11:12
erUSULeliezer, add a volume control to the panel. right click on the bar and choose add to panel11:12
R0bNyci wonder how can i be more up to date if possible11:12
flipyafter I've tryed to install breezy (which I couldn't), the box won't boot... It gets stuck at "uncompressing"11:12
ompaulflipy, tried recovery mode?11:12
AmaranthRazor-X: http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/gsimageapps/trunk/Applications/Vindaloo/11:12
trappistR0bNyc: there's not a correct yes or no answer to that11:12
R0bNyctrappist, how come11:12
blackvdneed some urgent help here,I'm running kde,but when I went into fluxbox to jack around wiht fixing the menu and what not, it somehow created my current porblem, which is I'm unable to log into kde now heres my error message...11:12
Razor-XAmaranth: thanks a bunch, i'll check it out11:12
eliezeranyone knows what can i do if the volume control (the speaker icon on the taskbar) is not accesible? audio is working fine. but i can't access to the volume control.11:12
flipyompaul: tryed everything, even acpi=off11:13
trappistR0bNyc: how stable do you need?11:13
theineflipy, you can follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromAnotherDistro?highlight=%28distro%2911:13
MadpilotR0bNyc: you could start following the Dapper development, if you enjoy breaking your computer...11:13
Secreth`XAmaranth: can amaroK run on default Ubuntu (so, with gnome and not KDE) ?11:13
blackvdNo write access to '/home/blackvd/.ICEauthority' kde unable to start11:13
HabbieSecreth`X, yes11:13
AmaranthSecreth`X: sure11:13
theineflipy, it's a little bit of a hussle though...11:13
AmaranthSecreth`X: it'll just look different11:13
blackvdthen I click yes and get11:13
R0bNyctrappist, stable/up to date11:13
Madpilotblackvd: rm /.ICEauthority, then restart11:13
Secreth`Xok Thanks :)11:14
R0bNyci can go to another distro and be stable/latest/greatest so im not sure here im new to this ubuntu stuff11:14
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trappistR0bNyc: those two are trade-offs.  the more up to date a system is, the less stable it's likely to be.11:14
flipytheine: I'm thinking in buying a new CD reader... but it's weird... last week I've managed to install ubuntu-server :'(11:14
eliezerhelp me please ): // anyone knows what can i do if the volume control (the speaker icon on the taskbar) is not accesible? audio is working fine. but i can't access to the volume control.11:14
trappistR0bNyc: ubuntu is a pretty good balance.  not ancient like debian stable, but not so shiny-new that it's always broken.11:14
R0bNyctrappist, unfortunately some ppl think like that .. but most that know about it know is not true11:14
trappistR0bNyc: mkay.11:14
theineflipy, i think you should install ubuntu-server and try upgrading to ubuntu-desktop again11:14
erUSULeliezer, add a volume control to the panel. right click on the bar and choose add to panel11:14
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russ_i am trying to update to breezy from hoary11:15
theineflipy, it should really work without problems11:15
R0bNyctrappist, thanks but i can assure of u others not so many that are shiny new and 90% of the time are stable w/o any probs11:15
russ_and when i try getting the packages ubuntu-base11:15
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russ_and ubuntu-desktop11:15
trappistR0bNyc: 90% != stable dude11:15
flipytheine: I've tryed it! Now I can't even install ubuntu-server! Get stuck at the same point!11:15
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eliezererUSUL, done.11:15
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russ_it says i have broken packages11:15
R0bNyctrappist, hey 90 is a lot11:15
theineflipy, oh, damn11:15
trappistR0bNyc: if 90% is good to you then I can say yes, ubuntu is hella stable.11:16
lanjelotHey. Do you guys know a way to disable the ctrl+alt+del shortcut that kills the x window server ?11:16
theineflipy, then you're stuck with debootstrap I guess11:16
The_Voxruss_: are you using apt or aptitude or what to do this?11:16
AmaranthR0bNyc: 90% doesn't get you lots of users, it gets you some users and lots of pissed off people11:16
R0bNyctrappist, lol anyway i can go debian sid or something11:16
trappistR0bNyc: but if 90% is good enough for you, you don't need to worry about stability11:16
theineflipy, provided that you can get a linux live-cd to boot properly...11:16
flipytheine: oh well... if it's the only way...11:16
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flipytheine: I'm used to run gentoo on my desktop computer11:16
The_Voxruss_: try with aptitude...it's algorythms to deal with broken packages are better11:16
R0bNycwell ubuntu is great for newbies since they dont really know about new pkgs or stuff11:17
theineflipy, then you should be in a good position for doing a debootstrap installation11:17
russ_The_Vox, what is the standard command for aptitude11:17
russ_The_Vox, usage...11:17
theineflipy, it somewhat resembles a stage 1 install...11:17
trappistR0bNyc: yeah newbies only know about vi and cat and echo11:17
flipytheine: well, how long can it take to install? (last gentoo installation went for almost 36h)11:17
NotLarryis it s/incorrect/correct ?11:17
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The_Voxruss_: "sudo aptitude"11:17
Secreth`XIs it bad if you install kdelibs-bin and kdelibs-data on ubuntu?11:17
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Secreth`Xwith gnome, I mean.11:18
theineflipy, you don't compile... that's the major difference11:18
russ_The_Vox, oh its a ui app11:18
AmaranthR0bNyc: We're more up-to-date than sid most of the time.11:18
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The_Voxruss_: you can use it exactly like apt if you prefer (same switches and all), but I like the UI11:18
R0bNycAmaranth, thats not what i heard11:18
erUSULSecreth`X, no11:18
R0bNycu guys are at least 6months behind sid11:18
flipytheine: so it's just a matter of download speed?11:18
theineflipy, yes11:18
Secreth`XerUSUL: ok. Thanks.11:18
The_Voxruss_: you can do the "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" too if you prefer that11:18
trappistR0bNyc: are you here to troll or do you have a sensible question?11:18
AmaranthR0bNyc: Every 6 months we get about 6 months behind sid, sure. Then catch up again.11:18
Renegadei am new to Ubuntu and am wounder how i can get a program for WiFi since this use to be a windows pc11:18
flipymust thank you a lot theine for your time11:18
=== trappist stops feeding R0bNyc
theineflipy, you're welcome11:19
eliezererUSUL: it says REGISTRY IS NOT THERE OR IS CORRUPTED, PLEASE UPDATE BY RUNNING GST-REGISTER. I did that and still doesn't work.11:19
AmaranthR0bNyc: But that's lots of small packages. For the big stuff we're almost always ahead. First debian-based with xorg, latest GNOME, etc11:19
R0bNyctrappist, no quesiton at the moment .. i'll be back going to take a nap11:19
flipyI'll try it (but indeed, is my cd-rom broken? because it's the second one that doesn't boot that %$&$& CD)11:19
R0bNycAmaranth, there u got a point11:19
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R0bNycAmaranth, how about kde 3.5 ?11:19
russ_The_Vox, where would i find ubuntu-base, and ubuntu-desktop in the menus11:19
Secreth`Xtrappist are you dutch? :x11:19
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AmaranthR0bNyc: If it's out and you're on x86 kubuntu probably has it.11:19
theineruss_, those aren't actual applications, so nowhere...11:19
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R0bNycAmaranth, no it snot out yet theres beta out11:20
The_Voxruss_: hit / then type what you want. With \ it goes to the next match11:20
AmaranthR0bNyc: iirc it was x86 only at the moment, but the packages should be there11:20
R0bNycand it works pretty good in different distros of course11:20
Amaranthok, for the beta then11:20
humboldtOpenOffice2-beta in Ubuntu sucks, bigtimes! Is there a relief in sight?11:20
The_Voxruss_: hit ? and it'll give you all the commands11:20
humboldtIt crashes all the time!11:20
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theineruss_, please ignore me11:20
erUSULeliezer, 8| i've never heard such an error message. i'm puzzled11:20
AmaranthR0bNyc: http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35beta2.php11:20
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eliezererUSUL: I understand, I guess it must be my motherboard because my audio card it's inherent to the motherboard. It works on Windows, though. I have partitioned my HD.11:21
jeanlucHey Guys, What do I need to get from symaptic to decode WMV .MOV .AVI, ?11:22
russ_thanks guys11:22
R0bNycAmaranth, u using it yet11:22
russ_this is my millionth attempt to update to breezy, having bad luck11:22
Madpilot!tell jeanluc about w32codecs11:22
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The_Voxjeanluc: mplayer and the codecs package from mplayer's website11:22
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AmaranthR0bNyc: I use GNOME.11:22
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The_Voxruss_: do you currently have ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-base metapackages installed in hoary?11:22
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refuze2loozeanybody here use an ipod with ubuntu?11:22
fruudim using KDE in ubuntu, can i in a way get the same "theme manager" from Ubuntu when its using gnome in KDE ?11:23
russ_im working on that now11:23
Amaranthfruud: You mean so you can set the theme for GNOME programs in KDE?11:23
refuze2loozefruud, KDE uses different themes than Gnome11:23
olafurabanshee in dapper should work11:23
olafurafor ipod11:23
Amaranthfruud: I think you need to have gnome-settings-daemon running to get that to work.11:23
fruudno no no, i want the same window manager etc etc11:23
russ_The_Vox, last time i up'd to breezy i had no text in firefox...11:23
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fruudto set up my themes11:23
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The_Voxruss_: ah, don't know about that...I'm running 1.5rc111:24
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fruudu know like clearlooks and industrial etc11:24
ethan-alliso1so i installed network-manager. now how do i run?11:24
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refuze2loozeolafura, what were you saying about ipod?11:24
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WellyHello all.. I'm currently running apache 1.3 on my machine, if i want to upgrade to apache 2, is it just a matter of apt-get install apache2? or do i need to do something else?11:24
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russ_The_Vox, do i have to setup aptitude before doing a update and dist-update?11:25
Blissexruss_: no.11:25
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dell500does anyone else have problems with random quits in apps in breezey?11:25
The_VoxWellark: check your config files...there were some changes11:25
The_Voxruss_: no, it uses the same sources.list as apt11:25
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Paradoxxany one know how i can get my cds ripped in mp3 format? atm sound juiver only has flac, wav and ogg11:25
The_Voxdell500: only licq is being stupid here, but it's not quitting, it's sig11'ing11:26
russ_The_Vox, so i have to change the sources.list to breezy sources still then...11:26
refuze2loozedell500, which apps?11:26
The_VoxParadoxx: uhm..k3b does ripping, IIRC11:26
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dell500The_Vox, ya11:26
fruudAmaranth, i want to have the same options as in using Gnome, just click the "themes" buttom from menu and so on11:26
dell500refuze2looze, sometimes gaim, sometimes my clock, sometimes firefox11:26
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dell500that's about it though11:26
MadpilotParadoxx: you can get SJ to rip mp3, I think, with the right codecs installed...11:26
The_Voxruss_: right...but first make sure you have ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop installed in hoary...install them if you don't...then change to breezy in sources.list and do the upgrade11:26
Amaranthfruud: That's not possible. You need to use KDE's configuration stuff to change KDE settings.11:27
ParadoxxMadpilot: i downloaded the codecs for mp3 etc...11:27
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[t0rc] !ati11:27
ubotuhmm... ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1011:27
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Amaranthlet's see if ubotu is fixed yet11:27
HawkeyeIs it possible to override the umask setting of users in a specific directory ? For example, on most gnu/linux systems, the default umask is 022 (644), but I'd like to force the umask to 002 (664) in a directory (that's already chmod'd 2770)11:27
Paradoxx!sound juicer11:27
ubotuParadoxx: Did you get hit by a windmill?11:27
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ubotusound is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary11:27
ethan-allisonso i installed network-manager. now how do i run it?11:27
ubotuParadoxx: Do they come in packets of five?11:27
refuze2loozedell500, i have no problem with gaim and the clock, but firefox exits for me when i change from a page that contains streaming media (which i solved but i guess your problem is different)11:27
BlissexHawkeye: no, but look at ACLs11:28
ubotuwell, k3b is "A sophisticated KDE cd burning application", its said to be the best burning GUI out there!11:28
MadpilotAmaranth: I think cafuego_ disabled the !+ feature11:28
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HawkeyeBlissex: thanks, I figured as much11:28
AmaranthMadpilot: This is what I'm pissed about.11:28
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[t0rc] !windmill11:28
ubotu[t0rc] : I don't know, could you explain it?11:28
dell500refuze2looze, ya, i'm not sure why it does it though, my memory is at 100% though, which kind of frightens me11:28
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AmaranthMadpilot: Even worse is the attacking message it sends you when you try.11:28
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MadpilotAmaranth: it was being used to spam the channel last week11:28
Paradoxxany other ideas how i can get to rip my cds in mp3?11:28
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AmaranthMadpilot: Bad users, don't break the bot.11:28
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
BlissexParadoxx: I like a ripper called GrIP11:29
Amaranthban the users :P11:29
ubotuparse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about, Paradoxx11:29
The_VoxBlissex: grip is good11:29
MadpilotAmaranth: "no, I won't harass the entire channel for you"... heh11:29
Paradoxxkk, i'll try it out11:29
HabbieI rip with abcde11:29
Chopstix2can someone help me with these 20 steps? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2052211:29
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olafurarefuze2looze: banshee in dapper should  work with ipod11:29
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russ_The_Vox, thanks again11:29
The_Voxruss_: np11:29
russ_The_Vox, im going to give this one more try11:29
SeveasAmaranth, it is totally insane to kick the bot becaus an abused feature is disabled11:30
djm62I rip to mp3 or ogg with sound juicer11:30
dell500gtkpod works great refuze2looze11:30
Seveasplease don't do that again11:30
anavim is there an ubuntu page about kernel dev volunteering?11:30
refuze2loozedell500, which program is using all the memory?11:30
dell500with my 5th gen video11:30
AmaranthSeveas: it's just noise in the channel as-is11:30
ParadoxxDJM62: how did you get it to work with mp3?11:30
djm62Paradoxx: you set it up with a gstreamer pipeline11:30
dell500refuze2looze, java, java_vm, nautilus, and firefox-bin11:30
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djm62Paradoxx: 1 sec11:30
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refuze2loozeolafura, dell500, the problem i am having with the iPod is when i unmount it the "Do not disconnect" still appears on the iPod11:31
dell500refuze2looze, 310mb,230mb, 148mb, 116mb respectively11:31
Habbierefuze2lo, you need to send the ipod an eject event11:31
russ_The_Vox, what might i do after i get everything installed11:31
SeveazAmaranth, it is not just noise, it is very helpful to havr him in the channel11:31
Habbierefuze2lo, however, you can in fact disconnect it safely after you just unmount11:31
dell500refuze2looze, um i just fixed that, hold on let me find it real quick11:31
djm62Paradoxx: http://www.emcken.dk/weblog/archives/99-MP3-encoding-with-Sound-Juicer.html11:31
djm62Paradoxx: those look like the recipe I followed (I don't pretend to 'get' gstreamer)11:32
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
Paradoxxdjm62: kk m8, i'll try it out11:32
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=== Hex1 [n=H1@60-240-206-225.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
BeGuwhat is the best way to find out bitrate of .avi files?11:32
The_Voxruss_: reboot11:33
refuze2loozedell500, that's weird... firefox is using 111 for me but nautilus only 40.. what is java running for?11:33
olafurarefuze2looze: Even when you disconnect it11:33
The_Voxruss_: you'll have new kernel, among other things, so you'll need a reboot11:33
topyliso i have managed to buy an non-supported bluetooth dongle. any suggestions for a replacement? epox? d-link perhaps?11:33
dell500refuze2looze, facebook for picture upload11:33
russ_The_Vox, thats it, nothing command line before i reboot11:33
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The_Voxruss_: nothing that I can think of...I didn't to a thing before the reboot11:33
russ_The_Vox, ok11:34
RedRosehow can i set it up so that a anonymous ftp user(vsftpd) can write and read a Dir, but not delete?11:34
djm62my system has regressed on power management, following hoary->breezy11:34
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gearryso I am trying to get sleep/suspend working on my laptop11:34
The_Voxruss_: did you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade11:34
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refuze2loozeolafura, i'm not gonna disconnect it when it says do not disconnect on it =)11:34
gearrydjm62: I am having a similiar problem11:34
russ_The_Vox, yeah11:34
Hex1does anyone know what libraries you need to visit "https://" pages in Firefox (in Breezy) - i beleive i have them all, yet i can't visit any https sites, including gmail - this is the only reason I keep Windows on my machine11:34
=== action09 [n=action09@rue92-2-82-228-120-222.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
HabbieHex1, hmm, that always 'just worked' for me11:34
dell500refuze2looze, i think it's because i'm viewing a bunch of pictures in a folder11:34
gearryI am just noticing that all acpi related processes tend to hang on startup, restart, etc11:34
action09back !11:34
russ_The_Vox, it says after the upgrade to purge remove portmap11:34
djm62it no longer suspends to ram: how can I make it do so again, and how can I effectively report this to the appropriate people?11:35
russ_The_Vox, and to reinstall postfix11:35
The_Voxruss_: oh, that's new, wasn't there when I upgraded :)11:35
refuze2loozedell500, that still doesn't explain the weird crashing of gaim and nautilus.. are you using breezy?11:35
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ermoI'm getting this: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libncurses5-dev_5.4-9ubuntu4_i386.deb (--unpack):11:35
ermo unable to create `./usr/include/curses.h': Input/output error11:35
Chopstix2 how do i Add ehci_hcd on a line of /etc/mkinitrd/modules11:35
Hex1- Habbie Just worked?11:35
HabbieHex1, yes, https just works for me11:35
russ_The_Vox, yeah, should i do that before reboot or after11:35
The_Voxruss_: I'd say before.11:35
Habbieermo, Input/output errors can pooint to serious hardware issues :(11:35
erUSULHex1, no need for extra libraries afaik. it should have installed all dependencies11:35
refuze2loozedell500, by the way how did you fix the 'do not disconnect' with the ipod11:35
RedRosehow can i set it up so that a anonymous ftp user(vsftpd) can write and read a Dir, but not delete or overwrite?11:36
=== ancient [n=ancient@ip68-103-12-1.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
russ_The_Vox, ok ill give it a shot11:36
dell500refuze2looze, i'm lookin' for it real quick, my cable is slow11:36
ancientAnyone willing to help me set up a webserver ...11:36
Hex1Habbie: I wish it would 'just work' for me - i need access to gmail11:36
ermoHabbie: ok? I've checked and rechecked my RAM with memtest86+ - it's all good.11:36
action09i went this afternoon and spoke about nvidia drivers installed from off. website.. , i tried now to install Ubuntu supported drivers by doing 1) apt-get install nvidia-glx 2) sudo nvidia-glx-config enable  3) strl + alt +backspace (relaunch X)  but no way:i.e: no nvidia logo and no modification ( s/nv/nvidia in xorg.conf..)11:36
Hex1erUSUL: Why isn't it working if you don't need extra libraries?11:36
erUSULdjm62, open a bug in bugzilla11:37
Habbieermo, how about your disk?11:37
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refuze2loozedell500, thanks11:37
Hex1It always appears to be connecting for a long time then times out11:37
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ermoHabbie: right, I was about to ask you about that. Bonnie++?11:37
HabbieHex1, that sounds like more of a networking issue11:37
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Secreth`XIm getting tired of this. Only XMMS is playing all my files, amaroK some, and the rest just doesnt :x11:37
Habbieermo, bonnie++ is a good stresstest; I recommend smartmontools next to it11:37
Paradoxxty guys, it seems to b work11:37
=== Welly [n=chatzill@spc1-harg3-4-1-cust111.seac.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
djm62erUSUL: good call, but it's very hw specific11:37
Hex1- Habbie Once I managed to open it in Epiphany, but never since11:38
ermoHabbie: mmm. That makes sense. Thanks for the heads up.11:38
Wellyhi all.. i did -> apt-get remove apache11:38
Habbieermo, good luck11:38
djm62erUSUL: and I'm not sure where the bug is (installer?)11:38
erUSULHex1, i do not know. any error messages? run from terminal to get them11:38
RedRoseancient:I Will11:38
Wellythen apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php411:38
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topyliSecreth`X: the rest of your players use gstreamer i guess, and you don't have the necessary codecs for it11:38
Wellybut when i try to view php pages, it prompts me to save the file11:38
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ancientRedRose What do i need for get Apache running11:38
=== ermo crosses fingers and pray to the bit gods that gremlins didn't infiltrate his hdd
action09damn :(   sudo nvidia-glx-config enable is not supposed to put nvidia instaled of nv in xorg.conf ?11:38
RedRoseWelly, What are You Trying To Do11:39
Secreth`Xtopyli, I set amaroK to the arts plugin thing.11:39
P00fubuntu 64 breaks my windows partition... if I install 32bit Ubuntu might I get teh same problems? windows always says cannot find a spacific file in windows32...11:39
Secreth`XBut it doesnt play al my files either11:39
WellyRedRose: remove apache 1.3 and install apache 211:39
Hex1erUSUL: ok, i'll try running it from terminal, one sec11:39
topyliSecreth`X: you use kde?11:39
action09it's why i tried to install nvidia drivers from website because this didn't work :(-11:39
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Secreth`Xno topyli, gnome.11:39
refuze2loozeolafura, did you have the problem of 'do not disconnect' still on the ipod after unmounting?11:39
RedRoseapt-get remove --purge apache11:39
=== MaggieL [n=maggie@207-103-102-51.lata228-vz-1.voicenet.com] has joined #ubuntu
Wellyok thanks11:40
RedRoseapt-get install apahce211:40
=== xx94 [n=plecebo@68-119-204-151.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
RedRosewelly, check your PM's11:40
topyliSecreth`X: are you running arts in gnome then instead of gstreamer?11:40
Secreth`Xehh, yeah sort of11:40
Secreth`Xonly in amaroK though..11:40
xx94i completely killed my apt config11:40
WellyRedRose: my PMs?11:40
RedRoselook up at the top tabs11:40
topyliSecreth`X: sorry, gstreamer is not exactly a sound server. i'm confused :)11:40
RedRosewelly, are you using xchat?11:40
Wellyredrose, no chatzilla11:40
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xx94can someone send me theirs? :embarassed:11:41
ubotuA list of official repositories can be found at http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/969 (Hoary) or http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl/2325 (Breezy) - Create your own sources.list at http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:41
RedRoseoh... are you in linux welly?11:41
marluntrappist, all done, have ubuntu installed now =)11:41
topyliSecreth`X: i'm not much of a kde expert :(11:41
WellyRedRose: oh PMs.. no, not received any! did you PM me?11:41
WellyRedRose: not at the moment!11:41
Secreth`Xsomeone gave me that link11:41
=== MaggieL mentally prioritizes her Breezy questions...
Amaranthit says it won't "harass the channel for me" but it does anyway11:41
olafurarefuze2looze: I only have an Shuffle so I don't se it but the light is still blinking11:41
Secreth`XThe one in your private11:41
bimberiAmaranth: it will if the factoid is short11:42
ancientSomeone pastbin me a new complete sources.list please11:42
topyliSecreth`X: i have no private messages11:42
RedRosewelly, use xchat11:42
cafuego_Amaranth: The !+ will not be fixed.11:42
Secreth`Xfrom ubotu?11:42
Amaranthbimberi: I know. It's idea of "short" is too small"11:42
Amaranthcafuego_: Then the bot is worthless for me.11:42
refuze2loozeolafura, oh.. and you just disconnect it anyways?11:42
Hex1erUSUL - no error messages, just times out after a while of 'connecting'11:42
Secreth`Xmisspelled your name, sorry..11:42
bob2ancient: if you trashed your, 'sudo apt-setup'.11:42
SeveasAmaranth, but it's very valuable for the rest11:42
bimberiAmaranth: it will make us more succint :)11:42
=== bob2 finds the bot useful
=== Secreth`X too
El_Cherefuze2looze: do you unmountyour ipod befor disconnecting?11:43
cafuego_Amaranth: Well, if one op is going to kick it coz it posts alrge reponses and another because the responses are too short....11:43
topyliSecreth`X: oh, ok. i know the page and it's a fine page11:43
ancientbob2 no on a new system, need a updated system there11:43
cafuego_Amaranth: Then perhaps the ops should go huddle, chat, make a decision.11:43
Secreth`XBut the gstreamers didnt work11:43
Secreth`Xnone of them11:43
MaggieLOK... services-admin doesn't seem to match the docs? There's no button for process properties.11:43
bob2ancient: then you need to be a lot more specific about what you want to do11:43
Secreth`XSo I installed them via Synaptic11:43
RedRoseancient:Check Your PM's11:43
cafuego_As opposed to just kicking 'im off11:43
bob2ancient: are you trying to upgrade from hoary to breezy?11:43
refuze2loozeEl_Che, i haven't disconnected it. I unmount it and "Do not disconnect" still appears on the screen of the ipod11:43
olafurarefuze2looze: Yes11:43
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ
bob2I'd like the bot to stay.11:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o bob2] by bob2
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
Amaranthcafuego_: The solution would either be increasing the limit and banning people that abuse it or just +q'ing it and getting it over with.11:44
MaggieLI'm also looking for what UI I use to I save Gnome sessions.11:44
=== Seveas too
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas
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cafuego_Amaranth: Yah, well. The banning is a policy decision that's up to you lot <heh>11:44
El_Cherefuze2looze: then it's still mounted? see if it's mounted by typing "mount" in the commandline11:44
SeveasAmaranth, you're the only one that wants a change...11:44
El_Chegot to fo11:44
bob2Amaranth: er, I think there are lots of other options11:45
Secreth`Xtopyli still confused? :P11:45
gearryMaggieL: when you log out there is a check box to save your setttings11:45
topyliSecreth`X: the system may be confused by your using artsd and gstreamer together, i'm afraid to take any chance on this. a multimedia guru should take my place now :)11:45
RedRosemy sshd doesn't show ' when transfering data, is puts an a with ^, how can i change it?11:45
bimbericafuego_: could !+ be made only available to ops?11:45
cafuego_... and not one I think should be on this channel...11:45
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Secreth`Xhehe k topyli11:45
marlunIs there a FTP application installed on ubuntu after install?11:45
Secreth`Xthanks anyway11:45
cafuego_bimberi: maybe by someone who knows perl...11:45
MaggieLGearry: Ach, yes...must have missed it11:45
bob2if people abuse !+, they can be removed11:45
Seveasmarlun, places -> connect to server (in the menu)11:45
djm62marlun: nautilus has native  ftp support11:45
MaggieLUsed to having a session manager gadget in the menus.11:45
Hex1does _anyone_ know why i can't connect to https11:45
djm62marlun: what seveas said better ;)11:45
marlunoh, okey =) thanks11:45
refuze2loozeEl_Che, no it's no longer mounted but i figured it out.. i remounted it and instead of umount i used eject and it worked.. interesting11:45
=== meatwad65 [n=meatwad6@68-68-103-174.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
RedRosedoes apache2 run on top of apche1.3?11:45
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=== cafuego_ cna _try_ to enable it for ops, but I cna't guarantee that code will even do what it's supposed to.
Secreth`Xbob2: whats different from ! and !+? :)11:46
meatwad65anyone here use an alps touchpad with ubuntu?11:46
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cafuego_RedRose: No, instead of.11:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by Amaranth
bob2RedRose: no, they're basically unrelated web servers with similar names11:46
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ancientsomeone please pastebin me a update working sources.list11:46
AmaranthIf someone says !ops I'll come, otherwise I don't have time to help people anyway.11:46
RedRoseoh... ok11:46
NotLarryOk, I have a motorola pci wi-fi card plugged into a ubuntu box, I have followed instructions for ndiswrapper and modprobe, gone into the network settings and configured it and it says it is active... However11:46
MaggieLI do still need to get the CPU sensor daemon into services or something.11:46
AmaranthSo you guys decide what you like.11:46
RedRosewell which would you recommend?11:46
bob2ancient: what are you trying to do?11:46
cafuego_Amaranth: That's fine.11:47
gearryargh, I can't even get the option for sleep to appear on my logout screen11:47
bob2ancient: upgrade from one ubunutu version to another?11:47
ancientbob2 need to get apache2 through apt-get ...11:47
gearryI had this working in hoary, but in breezy, no go11:47
RedRosebob2:well which would you recommend?11:47
superm1Anyone here using network-manager found a useful way to disable the major networking stuff in the os so that network-manager can control it all instead of dealing with them fighting sometimes?11:47
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NotLarrylight on card is not lit and iwlist scan fails and iwlist power shows off11:47
gearryI edited /etc/default/acpi-support11:47
gearrybut I can't seem to get it to run11:47
=== nexus1001 [n=nexus100@203.Red-83-49-96.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
gearryall of my acpi related processes hang11:47
nexus1001alguien ke hable espaol ke me pueda ayudar por favor?11:48
RedRosebob2:well which would you recommend?11:48
bob2ancient: erm? what does that have to do with your sources.list?11:48
djm62nexus1001: try #ubuntu-es11:48
pitillonexus1001, ves al canal ubuntu-es11:48
bob2RedRose: apache2 is the default supported one in ubuntu11:48
bob2superm1: remove all the "auto" lines from /etc/network/interfaces, aside from auto lo11:48
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superm1okay thanks11:48
RedRoseok, but is there an advantage to one or the other?11:48
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ancientbob2 it's iceman here... new system, going to make a server ... could go home and pastbin myself a working sources list, apt-get tells me there are problems with the one i got ...11:48
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bob2gearry: what does 'sudo laptop-detect && echo true || echo false' print?11:48
bob2ancient: sudo apt-setup, as I said11:49
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RedRosebob2:ok, but is there an advantage to one or the other?11:49
=== Syruss [n=syrus@i-195-137-116-41.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
ancientbob2 still not working11:49
bob2RedRose: apache2 is newer and perhaps less tested, but 1.x is basically only getting bug fixes11:49
bigmoeone question is there a program on ubuntu that runs the video files like wmv, rm and others11:49
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bob2ancient: which is not a useful description of the problem11:49
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cafuego_Right then11:49
ancienteezy-backports_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)11:49
Secreth`X:( where is ubotu going to?11:50
bob2ancient: I would have thought I'd made it clear over the past couple of months that you need to show things like your sources.list and the error from apt?11:50
RedRosecasue apache2 won't work for me, it boots, then down nothing11:50
bob2ancient: uh, get rid of that line from your sources.list then11:50
action09\0/ Victory11:50
=== maurycy [n=maurys@dzb118.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
bob2refuze2looze: 'down nothing'?11:50
=== tenzin_ [n=tenzin@80-218-241-19.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
maurycyany ideas how to record shoutcast radio into mp3?11:50
action09my nvidia drivers are working now :)  cool, i missed to install linux-restricted-modules for my new smp kernel :)11:50
ancientbob2 can walk 3 blocks home, and send myself a good sources.list, or ask for one and save the walk11:50
marlunis there a editor with php syntax-coloring too? =)11:50
bob2ancient: um11:50
djm62maurycy: wget ?11:51
gearrybob2: sorry, nobody seemed interested so I shut it down and started packing to go home11:51
bob2ancient: apt-setup did not put a backports line in your sources.list11:51
dell500refuze2looze, i'm sorry this is takin' so long, i kinda lost it  again lol11:51
gearryI am rebooting now11:51
icewtmaurycy: (k)streamripper11:51
Wellyhow can you do an apt-get remove apache2 and it still be running?11:51
bob2marlun: emacs does (of course)11:51
Wellyeven after a reboot?11:51
maurycydjm62: it'd save me music to a mp3 format?11:51
bob2Welly: did you look and see what the "apache2" package contained?11:51
cafuego_Welly: 'apache2' isn't the server, it's apache2-mpm-prefork11:51
Wellyoh ok11:51
bigmoeis there a shortcut in ubuntu that switches btween desktops11:51
bob2Welly: it Depends on the actual apache2 server (apache2-mpm-prefork)11:51
marlunbob2, I'm new to this whole linux thing :) how do I open a file in emac?11:52
djm62maurycy: I've recorded netradio that way before, just captured the stream11:52
cafuego_or apache2-mpm-worker11:52
jeanluchey I downloaded the w32codecs.deb how do I install?11:52
maurycyicewt: looks interesting, thank you guy11:52
bob2marlun: ah, emacs is probably not for you then.  does gedit do highlighting?11:52
meatwad65anyone here use a touchpad at all?11:52
superm1bigmoe: ctrl alt right11:52
Seveasjeanluc, sudo dpkg -i w32codecs.deb11:52
bob2ancient: so why is it in there?11:52
superm1bigmoe: and ctrl alt left11:52
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refuze2loozedell500, i managed to get rid of the 'do not disconnect' by remounting it and instead of umount using eject11:53
cafuego_sorry about the spam11:53
refuze2loozedell500, you don't remmeber how you did it?11:53
Wellyhow do i see what php related packages are installed?11:53
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jeanlucok the file name is w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb but I tried it in console and its not installing11:54
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bob2Welly: dpkg -l11:54
bob2Welly: dpkg -l | grep '^ii.*php'11:54
jeanluchow do I install a .deb named w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb in the console?11:54
Habbiejeanluc, dpkg -i11:55
ljljeanluc: dpkg -i packagename11:55
=== ljl is now known as LjL
jeanlucits not working11:55
jeanlucdo I need to ls over to the directory?11:55
dell500refuze2looze, well there is a way of making it disconnect properly if you quit out of gtkpod, like it does it automatically11:55
=== DansFloyd [n=dan@user-12l252r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
shinuis there a nameserver command in ubuntu?11:55
bob2jeanluc: ls lists directories11:55
bob2jeanluc: you may need to actually cd to the dir it is in, yes11:55
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jeanlucwell I will move it into my home11:55
bob2shinu: to do what?11:55
LjLjeanluc: you certainly must *be* in the directory where the file is, duh11:55
LjLjeanluc: "cd" switches directories11:55
dell500refuze2looze, http://taint.org/wk/IpodOnBreezy11:55
shinubob2: change nameserver?..11:55
bob2shinu: edit /etc/resolv.conf11:56
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refuze2loozedell500, thanks11:56
shinubob2: ah ok, can i set more than 2 nameservers?11:56
phasegenanyone have trouble getting audacity?11:56
bob2shinu: yes, but why?11:57
jeanlucSelecting previously deselected package w32codecs.11:57
jeanluc(Reading database ... 57447 files and directories currently installed.)11:57
jeanlucUnpacking w32codecs (from w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb) ...11:57
jeanlucSetting up w32codecs (20050412-0.0) ...11:57
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marlunbob2, I don't know if gedit does syntax highlighting =)11:57
LjLshinu: 'course you can11:57
jeanlucthis mean it installed ?11:57
jeanlucSelecting previously deselected package w32codecs.11:57
jeanluc(Reading database ... 57447 files and directories currently installed.)11:57
jeanlucUnpacking w32codecs (from w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb) ...11:57
jeanlucSetting up w32codecs (20050412-0.0) ...11:57
bob2shinu: it only moves onto the next if the one before is unreacable11:57
gearrybob2: when I run the command you listed it returns true11:57
Habbiejeanluc, yes11:57
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bob2gearry: interesting11:57
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gearryI am running on a toshiba 2100cdt11:57
topylishinu: normally, the nameservers your isp provides should be enough. if not, you can blame them, not your system :)11:57
shinubob2: just wondering, cause for example network-admin only lets me set 211:57
Habbiebob2, I'd say explaining and pointing to a pastebin is more useful than requesting a part -after- the fact11:57
LjLjeanluc: yes, probably11:57
shinutopyli: i see :D11:58
agtnzHi, how do I change my 'sensible-browser'?11:58
bob2Habbie: yes, it was silly of me11:58
jeanlucso I needed that to play wma in totem?11:58
bob2I reacted too slowly and poorly, sorry.11:58
Habbiebob2, don't sweat it :)11:58
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shinutopyli: i just thought that for each system i >should< use their nameservers in case they block others or something... but that doesnt make sense now i think about it :P11:58
_Dezubuntu is great11:58
duke3zyay  Howdy11:58
_Dezanyway to speed up the boot process11:58
bob2shinu: you can put more in, but I have a feeling glibc ignores 3 onwards11:58
bob2tho I have nothing to cite11:59
shinubob2: oh i see11:59
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LjLshinu: look, i've just joined and i'm not sure what you're at, but i have dnsmasq installed, it's a tiny dns "proxy" server that caches dns queries, it's very easy to configure and helps for times when your ISP's dns isn't quite in its right mood11:59
marlunbob2, it did :) nice, thank you, I didn't think it would, tought it was a simple notepad ;P guess I'm still in windows.11:59
duke3zhas anyone gotten Call of Duty 2 to run on this?11:59
jeanlucI installed the w32 codecs and when I try to play a wmv in totem i get this message Selecting previously deselected package w32codecs.11:59
jeanluc(Reading database ... 57447 files and directories currently installed.)11:59
jeanlucUnpacking w32codecs (from w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb) ...11:59
jeanlucSetting up w32codecs (20050412-0.0) ...11:59
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jeanlucI mean this message here were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins11:59
bob2shinu: oh, I'm wrong, sorry12:00
duke3zhas anyone gotten Call of Duty 2 to run on this?12:00

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