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LaserJockmdke: well it works fine in dapper12:05
BurgworkLaserJock, ubuntu docs are not really a target for backporting, so I wouldn't worry abut it12:05
LaserJockBurgwork: np, I was just booted into breezy and wanted to see the new stuff12:06
BurgworkLaserJock, true12:17
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Burgworkmdke_, do you have connection issues or are you at home now?12:24
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mdke_Burgwork, both12:31
BurgworkI am tired and bored of work right now12:31
mdke_i always irc from my home server, so the connection is a bit dodgy12:31
mdke_my wifi keeps going down so I reboot the router and it cuts the connection12:32
BurgworkI am glad I live in a country with great bandwidth12:32
mdke_me too, but I need to take advantage by paying for some12:32
mdke_it's the damn router that is the main problem though12:32
=== mdke_ kicks
Burgworkeven the neighbours stolen bandwidth is good12:32
mdke_all my neighbours have closed APs12:33
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Burgworkmy neighbours aren't so smart12:33
Burgworkmediawiki 1.6 is going to get a WYSIWYG editor12:36
mdkemoin 1.6 will be able to turn water into wine12:43
mdkeactually that's a bit blasphemous12:44
mdkemoin 1.6 will be able to turn lead into gold12:44
Burgworkmoin is wonderful is some cases and mediawiki in others12:44
mdkenah, nah12:44
mdkethat's far too conciliatory12:44
Burgworkdevelopers need moin, we need mediawiki12:44
Burgworkbecuase they target different audiences and make different assumptions12:44
mdkemoin is good stuff12:44
Burgworkfor developers12:45
mdkei'm not a developer12:45
mdkeand I like moin12:45
Burgworkmoin makes the assumption that those editing the wiki have another method of communicatin12:46
Burgworkan assumption which turns out to be wrong when you are dealing with documentation in Ubuntu12:46
Burgworkbut perfectly correct for the developers of Ubuntu12:46
Burgworkmdke, would you not agree?12:54
mdkei don't think so12:54
mdkeBurgwork, what do you mean by "another method of communication"12:55
Burgworkthe talk pages the mediawiki has by default12:55
Burgworkand the functionality built around them12:55
Burgworkand yes moin can do *some* of that12:55
mdkeI don't know mediawiki, but how does talk pages help for dealing with documentation12:55
Burgworkthere is a cool thing where you can allow anonymous editing on talk pages but lock the actual article itself12:56
mdkeah right12:56
mdkeseems sensible12:56
Burgworkas well as when you post a note to a users talk page on mediawiki, it tells them about it12:57
mdkeseems sensible too12:57
Burgworkmoin could have those things, but doesn't12:57
Burgworkmoin also makes the assumption that content is more important than presentation12:57
Burgworkmediawiki assumes they are equal12:58
Burgworkagain, an assumptoin that works for developers but not for documentation12:58
Burgworka small example of this is the table of contents12:59
Burgworkneeds to be manually created on moin but not on mediawiki12:59
mdkethese are all bugs in moin IMHO01:00
Burgworkyes, but when will they be fixed?01:00
mdkewhen someone reports them01:00
mdkeyou've done that I suppose01:00
mdkeso, dunno01:00
Burgworkmediawiki is not perfect either01:03
Burgworkwe really need a method of publishing the docs01:03
Burgworkie, two sites01:03
Burgworka wiki on doc.u.c that is editable by all01:04
Burgworkand then the finished stuff on help.u.c that is editable by only us01:04
mdkei've talked this over with henrik quite a bit01:04
Burgworkbut has a talk page that can be edited by anybody01:04
mdkehe would like that option, but I don't like it much, i'd prefer a wiki on help.u.c editable by all, and stable docs being restricted01:05
Burgworkbut help is where we drive end users01:05
Burgworkwe cannot have every joe blow editing them01:05
Burgworkby the time a doc hits help.u.c it should be mostly feature complete01:05
mdkei would have help.u.c with reliable docs01:05
mdkeand help.u.c/wiki with community maintained docs01:06
Burgworkthat is too confusing  to the end user, IMHO01:06
Burgworkand  their should be no seperation between our docs and "community" docs01:06
Burgworkthere should only be drafting docs and published docs01:07
mdkewell then you'll need to abolish the docteam repository01:07
mdkeand work only in wiki form01:07
Burgworknot really01:07
Burgworkbut this seperation between online docs and web docs needs to end, in some form01:08
Burgworkmake that offline docs01:08
mdkewell you'll have to abolish the distinction between online and offline then I guess01:09
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mdkeabolish the internet!01:12
mdkeBurgwork, I've uploaded a couple of drawings that me and henrik did when trying to figure out how to implement BetterWikiDocs, you can save them from that wiki page and open the with openoffice01:14
mdkefeel free to do one yourself01:15
=== Burgwork is on the phone with a publisher
mdkeok, --> sleep01:15
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mr4005Setting myself up with the needed software to contribute.  The getting started page says get docbook and subversion.  There are a lot of docbook pakages shown in aptitude.  Which are needed/relevant?  Which should be ignored?02:08
mr4005Subversion was easier, the choices are smaller and more decipherable.02:08
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LaserJockmr4005: I think xsltproc, docbook-xsl, and docbook-defguide are good to start with02:09
LaserJockmr4005: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocBook is where I got that info at. I think that is all I have for docbook stuff02:10
mr4005Ah!  xsltproc was not found while searching for docbook.  02:10
mr4005<< off to read that page more closely02:11
mr4005Thanks, LaserJock02:11
LaserJockxsltproc is cool because it allows you to turn your Docbook xml into html 02:12
mr4005or docbooks into html pages02:19
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=== rob1 looks in
Madpilothi rob106:39
rob1hi Madpilot 06:39
Madpilothave you seen my email about CD burning in the Desktop Guide?06:40
rob1no not yet, evolution is playing funny buggers06:40
Madpilotif I'm finding typos and errors in the desktop guide html, should I just start editing, crank out diffs, and send them to the list?06:44
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rob1the html is automatically generated from the xml, but as for the copy on help.u.c go feel free to edit06:56
Madpilotyeah, just realized the html isn't actually in the svn - I'll start plugging away at the xml. 06:57
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MadpilotOK, I'm confused... what I've got in my svn d/l bears no resemblance to the filenames in use on doc.u.c...07:07
rob1thats because it isn't the same07:07
Madpilothttp://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch02s03.html <-- where is this file, in the xml versions from svn?07:07
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rob1no that was generated using xsltproc from the xml07:07
rob1everything under /build is generated when you run the makefile07:08
rob1(depending on what you want to build)07:08
Madpilot... I think I need to go read some of the DocTeam "how we do things" stuff again, before I look even more clueless :P07:09
rob1in xml the desktopguide.xml file in that directory is the main file, which only contains xreferences to the other xml files07:09
rob1xml file layout != generated html layout07:10
Madpilotrob1: that's why XML makes my head hurt...07:10
rob1xml has stylesheets that determine how to break things up07:10
Madpilotah, that Gnomebaker stuff is in common-tasks.xml07:11
Madpilotgah... I know we've got good reason to use XML, but (X)HTML is just so much **easier**07:14
rob1nah, one you get used to xml its just as easy07:14
rob1it just has a lot more features that you can use07:14
rob1when I say xml, I mean docbook xml07:14
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mdke_ah, Madpilot, awesome news that you're starting to get into the docs09:09
mdke_rob1, you didn't reply to my 10 thousand emails yesterday :(09:10
Madpilotmdke_: right now I'm mostly staring at XML and wondering when my eyes will start bleeding ;)09:10
mdke_Madpilot, aw it's not as bad as all that!09:11
Madpilotnot quite09:11
Madpilotclose, though09:11
mdke_you'll get used to it :)09:11
Madpilotexpect my first few diffs to be total crap :P09:12
Madpilotcode-wise, that is09:12
mdke_Madpilot, the important thing is to use the validation tool in our repo09:13
mdke_that way you can check that the doc is ok before doing the diff09:13
mdke_Madpilot, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamStepByStepRepository09:13
Madpilotk, thanks - I'll read that tomorrow - I'm just about to crash for the night09:14
mdke_rob1, so what do I do with my working copy of common-tasks.xml09:14
mdke_nuke, or commit?09:14
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jsgotangcohey guys09:42
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HrdwrBoB21:05 < raphink> I upgraded my dapper and now it doesn't recognize my sound card anymore :S11:06
HrdwrBoB... whoops11:06
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mhzhi all03:46
mhzI see this http://wiki.edubuntu.org/CorporateUbuntu03:47
mhzand the first line  mention 'corporate environment by Naaman Campbell.'03:47
mhzjust to have a clear policy in my head... do we want this 'by author' things?03:48
mdke_no we don't. But we have not yet established the licence policy on the wiki03:49
mhzso, i dont edit it?03:49
mdke_in any case, the guide doesn't appear to have been written03:49
mhzwould be ok if i create a CategoryAuthor ?03:50
mhzso we can easily get those edited after policy has been up03:50
mdke_actually perhaps that is a bad idea03:52
mdke_we will probably have to give people a chance to remove documents which they are not happy with licensing under a "no attribution" licence policy03:52
mhzooooh, good point03:53
mhzand how do you think we'll inform those people about the wiki policy?03:54
mhzI have noticed many wiki page creators are not subscribed to pages :D03:54
mdke_i don't know03:55
mhzso, I'll make my own subpage listing those pages i have found that include the "by author" thing. once we set the policy, (when?) it'll be a little easier to inform them, at least manually.04:00
mpt"... setting up Ubuntu for use ... by Naaman Campbell"04:28
mptI might want to set up Ubuntu for use by someone else...04:29
mptthat doc is on the wrong wiki anyway04:31
mptso that's two excuses for nuking the byline04:31
mdke_mpt, they are the same wiki with a different address, mhz just posted that link because he is an edu kinda guy04:32
mptthe same wiki with a different address?04:36
=== mpt 's head hurts
mdke_i mean04:36
mhzthey are sharing /data so we should see same pages04:36
mdke_wiki.edubuntu.org and wiki.ubuntu.com have the same pages04:36
mhzyes BUT..04:37
mhzone is working https and the other only http04:37
mdke_how do you authenticate?04:37
mhzI have just found out that I have to login in www.ubuntu.org04:38
mhzso I get access to all pages04:38
mdke_you mean edubuntu.org04:39
mhzso, now that I loged in via edubuntu, I  can't reach ubuntu pages duh!04:39
mhznop. 04:39
mptwww.ubuntu.org isn't computer-related :-)04:39
=== mhz will logout to show
mhzhttp://www.ubuntu.com/  --> use wiki tab https://wiki.ubuntu.com/   -->   then login link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserPreferences04:41
mhzand now, I can see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CorporateUbuntu04:42
mhznotice the diff URL but same content04:43
mhzhowever, I had first loged in via www.edubuntu.org, I could have not reached https:// urls04:44
mhzhowever, I would have seen same exact contents04:44
mhznow, the question is... Should we consider that a bug? or just a nonsense way to get contents ?04:44
=== mdke_ shrugs
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Burgworkhow do I get grep to only show me each match once?10:53
LaserJockBurgwork: not sure, I would pipe to sort and then uniq but maybe I should read the grep man page10:54
LaserJockor is that even what you are looking for ?10:55
Burgworkuniq did what I was looking for10:55
Burgworkgrr, bloody sort10:57
Burgworkit does stupid crap like that ^10:57
LaserJockI have a couple of questions about the server guide11:14
LaserJockIn the last paragraph of the preface it talks about using vim as the text editor11:15
LaserJockI mentions sudo, but it capitalizes it to "Sudo". That isn't right is it?11:16
LaserJockalso it says "Its recommended that you also run11:17
LaserJock ..." but shouldn't that be "It's" ?11:17
LaserJockor I guess it should be "It is" to eliminate the contraction11:23
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