
EnolaGayFor someone who is interested. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/6444812:15
UbugtuMalone bug 64448 in kdepim "news part doesn't work in Kontact in edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  12:15
EnolaGayGood night everybody.12:16
EnolaGayand thanks for edgy :)12:16
nixternalbug 3624712:20
UbugtuMalone bug 36247 in kdepim "Kontact sidebar with knode even if knode not installed" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3624712:20
nixternalthe search tool is amazing12:20
Tonio__Sime: just finished to port the patch to 3.5.512:21
Tonio_5 lines modified on a file12:22
Tonio_nothing that should impact your stuff12:22
nixternalhow is 3.5.5?12:22
Tonio_nixternal: great !12:22
nixternalim kind of scared to mess with it right now since xorg-driver-fglrx is still trashed12:22
nixternaloh well, didn't take much, but you just sold me Tonio_ ;)12:22
Tonio_nixternal: only known issue at the moment is unstability with kate, but I have a patch to test...12:23
nixternalrogert hat12:23
nixternali cannot find the kde 3.5.5 link anymore for the repos...link me please ;)12:33
jdongxeros: phoronix, yes,12:41
gnomefreakhttp://kubuntu.org edgy/main Packages12:43
gnomefreakhttp://kubuntu.org edgy Release12:43
gnomefreakor that one i cant remember12:43
gnomefreaknixternal: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-355/ edgy main12:44
gnomefreakwonder how i got the other ones :(12:44
gnomefreakupdate checks repos i dont even have12:44
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nixternalalrighty..updating to 3.5.5 now01:51
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DaSkreechHi guys07:01
Jucatohi DaSkreech07:01
DaSkreechSo what's new?07:07
DaSkreechI've been out for like 3 weeks07:07
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=== DaSkreech falls asleep on the floor
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Hobbseemhb: we dont support dist-upgrades from breezy and hoary, iirc09:31
imbrandon not directly , breezy to dapper to edgy09:34
DaSkreechAck caps09:35
HobbseeDaSkreech: easy.  packages break if they do.09:35
=== DaSkreech falls asleep on the keyboard
imbrandonDaSkreech, simple, say sorry you broke your system09:35
HobbseeDaSkreech: we only support the current stable with the replaces, provides, etc09:35
Hobbseeie, the transitional packages only are from breezy-->dapper, and dapper--> edgy09:36
DaSkreechWhat's on the feature list of r edgy?09:36
DaSkreech Powermanger 09:36
DaSkreech Looks pretty09:36
DaSkreechAnything else?09:36
JucatoKubuntuKDEMedia, KDE System Settings09:36
imbrandonDaSkreech, wow read the last 3 release notes pages ;)09:36
DaSkreechI can't sell people on System settings :)09:36
imbrandon*and it was soo peacefull before*09:36
imbrandonDaSkreech, who are we "selling" to ?09:37
=== Jucato whistles...
DaSkreechA) Linux Luddites09:37
DaSkreechB) People who think that Computers are nightmares :)09:37
DaSkreechThough I guess I really should put them on Dapper09:38
DaSkreech But edgy is so pretty :-(09:38
imbrandonDaSkreech, that makes no sense, how is that remotely development related09:38
DaSkreechWell... I guess features would have to be developed?09:39
DaSkreechIt's 3:00 AM give me a break09:39
imbrandonwe are well past feature freeze09:39
DaSkreechI've also been out of the loop for three weeks09:39
mhbHobbsee: really? Didn't know that, sorry09:39
imbrandonright thats why i said read up ;)09:39
Jucatoor sleep first then read up :)09:39
DaSkreechGood idea09:39
DaSkreech has DU gone yet?09:40
imbrandonDU ?09:40
DaSkreechAkademy finished I think09:40
mhbgood morning09:40
Jucatosome things look better after some sleep :P09:40
DaSkreechMorning mhb09:40
DaSkreechOh and good morning imbrandon and Hobbsee09:40
Hobbseehey DaSkreech 09:41
DaSkreechimbrandon: The google campus thingy09:41
mhbHobbsee: how come it's not supported when the releases still are?09:41
imbrandonUDS ? ubuntu developers summit , thats in november09:41
DaSkreech Good :)09:41
=== DaSkreech goes to create Lil zs
mhbHobbsee: my common sense told me the people who use those two are more likely to upgrade09:42
Hobbseemhb: tell them to upgrade from breezy --> dapper, then dapper --> edgy.  otherwise, you're right09:42
imbrandonmhb, becosue thats not the upgrade path ( and hoary is at the EOL )09:42
Hobbseemhb: the transitional packages are all messed if you try to skip releases09:42
DaSkreechHobbsee: Are we going to be using pdiffs in edgy?09:44
Hobbseesay wha?09:44
=== Hobbsee doesnt know what they are
=== Hobbsee is running out the door
DaSkreechdamn :-(09:45
mhbHobbsee: hm, I find it a bit silly (downloading twice as much data just even though you don't need 1/2 ) but ok09:45
DaSkreechis there a kickoff package?09:45
imbrandonDaSkreech, no09:45
Hobbseemhb: then download an iso :P09:45
Hobbseeand clean install09:45
mhbHobbsee: personal data anyone ? :o) 09:46
Hobbseemhb: and backup /home.  duh :P09:47
mhbHobbsee: I know there is always a way (back up,install,restore)09:47
Hobbseewell, most people make those backups anyway09:47
mhbHobbsee: It's not for me, you know .o) I just find it a bit silly and inconvenient, that's all09:49
mhbHobbsee: your way is what I would do in Slackware, not Ubuntu :o)09:50
Hobbseewell, you can try09:50
Hobbseeyou just might have some more problems09:50
imbrandonmhb, you will end up with tons o broken stuff becouse of the transitions09:51
imbrandonthas like going directly from woody to sid09:51
mhbyeah, I guess so09:51
Hobbseeditto unofficial repos09:52
mhbthere's no use of doing it with these two but can't we somehow avoid it for the future?09:53
Hobbseehow, sorry?09:54
mhbsomehow stabilize the meta-packages, test if it's working and fix bugs in the upgrade process (that's more of my work)09:56
mhbor improve the upgrade process so that it doesn't break (almost) anything09:57
=== Hobbsee nods
Hobbseemhb: poke me about this stuff when i come home again, and am here for a while.  i've been thinking about this stuff too09:58
=== Hobbsee has to be at work in 2 min. ouch
mhbI guess most of the people should stay with Dapper anyway, but Edgy+1 should be more "not edgy" again, right?09:59
mhbHobbsee: ok, see you09:59
Jucatoexcuse me, is mornfall the only one able to change/fix Adept?09:59
Jucatokde bug 13338810:00
UbugtuKDE bug 133388 in general "Manage Repositories is disabled" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13338810:00
mhbanyone can do it10:03
Jucatoah ok. just wondering if it has any hope of being fixed before final release. otherwise we have an incomplete Adept..10:05
mhbJucato: yeah, there are some more, like bug 4718110:07
UbugtuMalone bug 47181 in ept "broken localisation support" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4718110:07
mhbJucato: so we have 50% of adept translated because a bug's somewhere in it10:08
Jucatonot good, not good at all... :(10:09
mhbJucato: well, my hands are tied :o) as you know, I am but a simple tester10:09
Jucatoyeah... I hope someone fixes it. as we both can't... :(10:10
mhbwow, it looks like everything's disabled there for me10:15
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RiddellTonio_: if kipi-plugins hasn't appeared that's because it'll be stuck in NEW11:31
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Tonio_Riddell: yeah kamion told me...12:05
Tonio_Riddell: is there a url to check the new queue ?12:05
RiddellTonio_: source new is at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue12:07
Riddellbut I'm yet to find anything showing binary new12:07
imbrandonRiddell, thats binary and source , see some say (source) and some say (arch) 12:08
imbrandonbtw moins12:09
imbrandonalso the icons show the open box is source, the closed box is binary12:09
Riddellah, but of course :)12:10
Tonio_Riddell: thanks, I forgot that one existed12:14
Riddell**  deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-355/ dapper main    should work12:15
Riddellsebas: ^^12:15
Riddellmhb: ^^12:15
Tonio_Riddell: I should give you the link the new 3.5.5 packages with sime's patches and a fix for kate segfault12:15
Riddellfor i386 only, others uploading now12:15
Tonio_Riddell: I also uploaded 3.5.4 package with _Sime's changes12:16
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RiddellTonio_: bah, now we're all out of sync12:20
RiddellTonio_: got the links to the patches?12:21
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Tonio_Riddell: will send them to you once I confirm the kate patch works :)12:34
Tonio_Riddell: will ping you in a moment12:34
freeflyingRiddell: do we need firefox-themes-kubuntu?12:41
tomaTonio_: when you have a second can you help me?12:42
tomaor Riddell...12:43
Riddelltoma: hi12:44
tomaRiddell: hi12:44
Riddellfreeflying: I don't know if it's technically possible, it wasn't the last time I looked (firefox was just hard coded to use the ubuntu theme) but they did say that was going to change12:44
tomaRiddell: I want to depend on libkmime, which is part of the kdepim source package, but I can not find a header package for that...12:45
Riddelltoma: got an example of a header file you would like?12:46
tomaRiddell: kmime_message.h12:46
tomaRiddell: linking is no problem, libkmime is fine. Only the -dev package seems missing12:54
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Riddelltoma: it looks like it just isn't installed by kdepim, although I'm not sure why not looking at the Makefile.am 12:57
Riddelltoma: you'd need to ask kdepim dudes if there's a reason it isn't installed (i.e. the API is private) 12:57
tomaRiddell: eiks12:57
tomaRiddell: ok, will do that. 12:58
Tonio_toma: I'm not very available today sorry...01:02
tomaRiddell: pending the answer on that question, should I import a copy and link statically, or only copy the headers and depend on the package?01:14
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nukuhi.. why does the kdebase package has got a Build-Conflicts: nvidia-glx?01:26
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=== Hobbsee is back
=== Hobbsee waves
sivanghey Hobbsee 01:55
Hobbseehey sivang! 01:55
=== Hobbsee thought sivang wasnt a kde-type person
sivangI'm still undecisive. I was once a KDE only user, FYI :)01:55
sivangI have both kubnutu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop installed now, I'm using application from KDE interchangbly.01:56
Hobbseenice :)01:56
sivangKonqueror seems to succed where no browser has succeded before.01:56
=== Hobbsee thumps konq
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=== Hobbsee has a severe dislike of konq as a web browser
Hobbseehey neoncode 01:57
sivangHobbsee: why so?01:58
neoncodehey Hobbsee 01:58
neoncodeI just installed Kubuntu Knot 3. =)01:58
sivangI'm also curious about KDE packaging as well ;-)01:58
Hobbseesivang: it doesnt handle one of my 3 bank sites.  at all.01:58
Hobbseesivang: not that different to gnome01:58
sivangHobbsee: handle all of mine , while firefox can't , and it managd quite well with visitscotland.com while firefox just *chocked* to death01:59
Hobbseesivang: ahhh...02:00
Hobbseesivang: i hit the https:// bank bug.02:00
=== highvoltage thinks konqueror is quite a good web browser
Hobbseewhich makes it useless for that banking site, if i try to use it02:02
neoncodeHey, how stable is Knot 3?02:02
Hobbseeshould be.  ish02:03
Hobbseeas stable as any of it id02:03
neoncodeI just installed it and told adept to install mplayer-mozilla and it said it would break. However I hade't applyed updates at that point so i'm doing that now then I'll try again.02:11
Hobbseetry with apt-get02:12
=== Hobbsee wonders if adept is being worked on in kubuntu ever again.
neoncodeHas adept being abandoned?02:13
Hobbseeneoncode: not abandoned per se.  i'm not sure.  i'd have to look up the logs to see exactly what was said.02:14
neoncodeWell, what's replaceing it?02:15
neoncodeHmmm. Oh how close is Edgy to a full release?02:16
Hobbseei'm not sure if they'll examine smart again.  maybe it's not mature enough yet02:16
Hobbseeum.  about 20 days or something?  02:16
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases02:16
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule02:16
Hobbseei've been meaning to combine them.02:16
neoncodeOh, is it possible to make the bootup screen, the usplash thing, display all the system messages again?02:17
Hobbseejust dont ask me how02:19
Hobbseei believe a combination of any or all of esc, ctrl, shift, etc will do it02:19
Hobbseenice new artwork on g-p-m, btw02:27
Hobbseelooks like a real battery now :)02:27
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mhbHobbsee: you have time now?02:45
Hobbseemhb: yep.  heya :)02:45
HobbseeRiddell: ping?02:46
RiddellHobbsee: hi02:48
HobbseeRiddell: heya. [whisper]   when will 3.5.5 be released?  are you releasing it?  [/whisper] 02:48
RiddellHobbsee: 11th is the official date02:48
RiddellI've asked for an UVF exception02:49
HobbseeRiddell: ahhh...so i see.  that wasnt there when i last looked.02:49
Riddellif we get that I'll probably upload toot sweet since we can't really wait for long with big changes like that02:49
Hobbseeany word on the exception yet?02:49
Riddellnot yet02:49
HobbseeRiddell: how are the dapper packages?02:49
HobbseeRiddell: ie, are they made?02:50
RiddellHobbsee: made and uploaded02:51
Riddelltesting now welcome02:51
HobbseeRiddell: okay.02:51
Riddelldeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-355/ dapper main02:51
HobbseeRiddell: excellent.02:51
=== Hobbsee nods
mhbRiddell: is the kde bug 135O45 fixed in the packages ? It's marked as resolved...02:52
Hobbseekde 13504502:53
UbugtuKDE bug 135045 in general "Crash on various occasions" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13504502:53
Riddellmhb: I believe Tonio_ uploaded that to the ubuntu archive, it's not in the 3.5.5 packages yet02:54
HobbseeRiddell: right, so will it be?02:54
nukuRiddell: could you explain to me why kdebase has Build-Conflicts: nvidia-glx please?02:59
RiddellHobbsee: kde release dude is making new kdelibs and kdebase tars so I'll rebuild with them03:01
HobbseeRiddell: nice, okay03:01
Riddellnuku: not sure I'm afraid, we probably get that from debian, try looking in the changelog03:03
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nukuRiddell: it's not mentioned there :(03:04
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nukusome other packages seem to mention it: "Please never ever build your opengl based packages with nvidia-glx package installed." ..hmm03:09
Riddell14:09 < MadCoder> Riddell: because if you don't do so, the kdebase depends upon nvidia-glx because of the shlibs03:10
Riddell14:09 < MadCoder> that's me that put the build-conflict03:10
Riddellnuku: ^^03:10
nukuok thank you.. so i guess it will be fine for a personal build :)03:11
Riddellfor local use, yes03:11
Riddellbut not if sharing with others03:11
nukuyep sure..03:11
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Tonio_Riddell: yeah I uploaded sime stuff for 3.5.403:21
Tonio_Riddell: I had to port the patches for 3.5.5, I tested them and that's fine.03:21
Tonio_Riddell: I'm emailing the patches to you.03:22
sivangI wonder, the only active channel during the weekend seems to be this :)03:24
sivangthat is, highly active03:24
Hobbseesivang: the non-idiotic one, anyway03:24
=== Hobbsee rolls her eyes at -devel
sivangHobbsee: what do you mean?03:24
Hobbseesivang: see the "she?" comment?  yes, duh.  she. i'm unlikely to make a typo over my own gender.  then he doesnt even get the joke afterwards.03:25
Tonio_Riddell: I sent a second mail for kdelibs, I have a patch for kate segfault. works for me, but I wait for other feedbacki to report it works on kde bts03:25
sivangHobbsee: ah, sorry, I must have ignored it automatically then03:25
Hobbseesivang: was a while ago03:26
Tonio_Riddell: I'm leaving today, will not be there toonight so if you have questions, it is for now :)03:26
HobbseeTonio_: make sure that your machine stays up this time :P03:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: it will :) don't worry about it :)03:26
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Hobbseehey bddebian 03:28
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bddebianHeya Hobbsee03:28
sivanghey bddebian 03:31
bddebianHeya sivang03:32
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HobbseeRiddell: what's the plan for upgrading kopete?  i dont have a fast build machine at the moment.  aside from that, how does the base tarball get generated for it?04:38
=== Hobbsee is now confused.
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Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll have time on monday to work on kopete if you want04:44
Tonio_I finished the work for kipi-plugins and kde-guidance.04:44
HobbseeTonio_: i'd appreciate that, thanks04:44
HobbseeTonio_: and do tell me how you do it :)04:44
Hobbseewhen they've only released 0.12.3 in the kdenetwork source04:44
Tonio_Hobbsee: email me your infos (latest sources url etc...) I'll do it04:44
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HobbseeTonio_: latest source is the kde 3.5.5 source, latest kopete is the one currently in edgy.04:45
Tonio_Riddell: received my mails ?04:45
Hobbseei've yet to find a changelog for 0.12.3, actually04:45
Tonio_Hobbsee: yeah I have to compare the versions....04:45
HobbseeTonio_: want an email reminder anywya about it?04:45
Tonio_we can patch kdenetwork if the diff is acceptable size, but it that's too big, I think we'll have to separate it04:45
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes that would be nice since I don't have the full kopete historic04:46
Tonio_I remember we separated it from kdenetwork once04:46
HobbseeTonio_: we've split it before.  04:46
Tonio_that's all I know :)04:46
HobbseeTonio_: it's still split04:46
Hobbseewe could always shove it back in kdenetwork, if we wanted, but they seem to like releasing out of cycle04:46
Tonio_Hobbsee: let's rediscuss this on monday okay ?04:46
Tonio_I'll have to focus on someone else this WE hehe :)04:47
HobbseeTonio_: will do.04:47
Hobbseeoh, it's only sunday morning, not monday morning.04:47
Hobbseesorry, Tonio_ 04:47
Tonio_she's not there very often :)04:47
HobbseeTonio_: smart, focussing on a woman.04:47
Tonio_Hobbsee: heh, no problem don't worry, just that she's only there 3 days in a week; so she doesn't accept the computer during that time hehe :)04:48
Tonio_Hobbsee: focussing on THE woman :)04:48
HobbseeTonio_: sounds good to me.  yes.  the woman.  04:48
Tonio_leaving ;) seya on monday04:48
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Tonio_Hobbsee: if you wanna test something usefull on that we, how about testing wengophone ?04:49
Tonio_you'll find it on my repo : http://ubuntu.tonio.homelinux.org04:49
=== Hobbsee nods
Hobbseemay do04:49
=== Hobbsee has to sleep, go to work again, and actually do her comp tute today.
freeflyingTonio_:  Hobbsee can you reproduce malone #3576004:50
UbugtuMalone bug 35760 in scim-qtimm "dapper f5: konsole transparency" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3576004:50
Tonio_a few issues but I think riddell and imbrandon have managed to do interesting things with it :)04:50
Tonio_freeflying: I have to leave, will look at that on monday. that bug is on my todo list.04:50
freeflyingTonio_: thanks04:51
Hobbseefreeflying: i dont use skim04:51
Hobbseefreeflying: works fine here.04:52
freeflyingHobbsee: thanks, seems I'd reject it :)04:52
Hobbseefreeflying: i believe it was due to skim stuff, henc ei could never reproduce it04:52
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freeflyingHobbsee: when they use en_US locale, skim scim scim-qtimm stuffs will not be used indeed, so I wonder how can tghey interfere04:54
Hobbseefreeflying: at least that's what we found the cause of it was04:54
Hobbseebut i'd get the skim type people to test on 3.5.5 and see if it's still there04:54
freeflyingHobbsee: but I can not reproduce, and the author too  :)04:55
Hobbseegood point04:55
freeflyingHobbsee: thanks04:59
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freeflying_how can malone #52670 be a bug to kubuntu?05:16
UbugtuMalone bug 52670 in mozilla-thunderbird "Thunderbird uses konqueror as web browser" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5267005:16
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Hobbseefreeflying_: in the way we set the default browser settings05:19
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freeflying_Hobbsee: ya, so it isn't a bug to kubuntu05:21
Hobbseefreeflying_: well, we should be setting the xxx-alternatives, or something like ti05:21
Hobbseeso that the default browser in kde is the same all over, for each user05:21
freeflying_Hobbsee: I don't think so, in kubuntu, the default should be konqueror, not the orthers05:22
Jucatoor www-browser?05:22
Hobbseefreeflying_: yes, but what if you change it?05:22
HobbseeJucato: that's them05:22
=== Jucato likes butting in... :(
freeflying_Hobbsee: I'd prefer reject it05:23
Hobbseeto squish another bug, yes :P05:23
fdovingwouldn't running 'update-alternatives' from k-d-s be a nice way? 05:24
fdovingor make a program to do it, like a wizard or something. easily undoable of course, with a config that apt wont reset every time k-d-s is updated.05:26
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sebasRiddell: Installing the dapper packages now06:18
marseillaiRiddell: kdevelop-dev package don't depend on automake and autoconf but it is needed to use kdevelop. is it normal ?06:19
fdovingmarseillai: yes, kdevelop-dev depends on kdevelop,which depends on automake and autoconf etc.06:38
marseillaifdoving: sudo apt-get remove automake1.9 remove only automake so kdevelop don't seem to depend on it06:39
marseillaiit should but it isn't06:39
marseillaimay be i'm wrong06:40
fdovingsorry, my bad, misread. it recommends automake and autoconf.06:41
marseillaiyes for kdevelop06:42
marseillaibut i think kdevelop-dev should depend on it an not only recommand it06:42
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Tm_Twhat is "apt-index-watch" ?06:43
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fdovingTm_T: it's used to rebuild the apt-front indexes when you, for example run 'apt-get update' or 'aptitude update' instead of say adept -> fetch updates, or synaptics -> update.06:51
jeroenvrpdo I need it? it eats 100% cpu every aprox. few sec.06:51
fdovingit does what i just wrote to :)06:53
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jeroenvrpfdoving: I just noticed it today after the daily upgrade06:53
jeroenvrpfdoving: what it does is known, but why should it take up 100% every 5 sec06:55
Tm_Tfdoving: ok, I use only apt-get, and now that stuff eats my cpu06:56
fdovingthat's probably not intentional.06:56
jeroenvrpfdoving: thats what I presume06:56
fdovingnot for long anyway.. and if it doesn't already, it should be patched to run at lowest priority possible.06:56
jeroenvrpok; but do we really needed06:57
jeroenvrpneed it?06:57
fdovingif you use apt-get/aptitude for all your package-stuff, no.06:57
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Tm_Tmooh, I reboot, maybe that frees my cpu ->06:58
Riddellsebas: any luck with 3.5.507:08
Riddellmarseillai: yes, you can use kdevelop with non C/C++ languages07:09
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sebasRiddell: Looks good, no regressions on dapper.07:09
sebasI'm now upgrading this installation to Edgy07:09
Riddellsebas: excellent07:10
sebasYeah, is 3.5.5 already in Edgy?07:10
Riddellsebas: no07:10
Riddellbut it's on kubuntu.org07:11
sebasNot that either is released anyway ;-)07:11
sebasRiddell: btw, I'm in Edinburgh for a mid-week in late december with Kim07:11
sebasJust so you can book tickets to run away ;-)07:11
Riddellsebas: ooh, rocking07:12
Riddellsebas: pre-hogmanay?07:12
Riddellthe big party07:13
Riddelllast day of the year07:13
sebasOw, that one :)07:13
sebasRight before i18("Christmas")07:13
sebas18-23rd indeed07:14
sebasSo think about a doubledate or something like that07:14
Riddellmy birthday is the 24th, maybe I should have a party07:15
Riddellan early party07:15
=== sebas wonders how apt deals with 3.5.5 kde packages in dapper upgrading to edgy
sebasSounds good, we're leaving 22nd, early morning07:16
Riddellsebas: the edgy ones on kubuntu.org have a larger version number07:16
sebasAh, cheater ;)07:16
Riddellsebas: who do we want to come to the ubuntu summit?07:17
sebasWhat's the pool we can choose from?07:17
Riddellwe have john tapsell, Sebastian Kuegler, Nuno Pinheiro, Benjamin Meyer, Celeste Lyn Paul and Josef Spillner07:17
Riddellbut only 5 places07:17
sebasHm, hard decision.07:17
RiddellI want you for being cool, nuno for artistry, celeste for usability07:18
sebasThough I'm definitely for having Celeste there, meetings without usability peeps are not hip anymore07:18
sebasYeah, Ben for kcontrol stuff might make a lot of sense as well07:18
=== sebas for being cool cannot be underestimated of course ;-)
Riddellyes, I've not got hold of him to confirm he can come07:19
sebasI'll try not to return with black eye in the morning, btw.07:19
sebasI see little direct relation between John, Josef and Ben to Kubuntu otherwise07:20
sebasDoesn't make any decision easier though07:20
sebasRiddell: I'm thinking about tackling the decoupling of release cycles for UDS, btw.07:22
Riddelluh oh07:22
sebas355 and edgy only shows that it makes more sense07:22
sebasNot that this situation is too likely to repeat itself in the future, but it would be cool if we could release Kubuntu together with KDE407:22
Riddellsebas: together with kde 4 is uber complex because kde 3 and kde 4 don't sit alongside each other07:23
sebasThat would be pretty cool for Kubuntu, first platform to release kde4 or something like that ... 07:23
Riddellso we'd lose any kde 3 apps not ported to kde 4, like most of extragear and koffice07:23
sebasRiddell: Challenging! ;)07:23
sebasHm, I thought it was possible07:24
sebasThat's an extremely uncomfortable migration path07:24
Riddellsebas: well it's possible if you put it in /opt and change the default path, but debian-policy (which is used by ubuntu) says everything much go in /usr07:25
sebasHm, still messy.07:25
sebasHow does Debian deal with KDE major version bumps? 07:26
sebas(i.e. looks like the policy is broken for real world usecases)07:26
Riddellsebas: last times it just said that would can only have one kde major version installed at a time07:26
sebasWell, that sucks.07:27
sebasI mean, realistically, that's just not an option.07:27
Riddellwhich as do-able for kde 1 -> 2 because there weren't that many apps, and for 2 -> 3 the porting was fairly easy07:27
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Tm_Tfdoving: what's wrong with that apt-index-watcher, it keeps eating my cpu07:27
Riddellbut 3 -> 4 is a tricky port and we have more apps than ever07:27
sebasPorting 3 to 4 is probably not easy, if done well.07:27
sebasYeah, all that phonon and solid goodness ... :)07:27
fdovingTm_T: don't know. you can try to stop it, or remove it. '/etc/init.d/apt-index-watcher stop' to stop, and 'update-rc.d -f apt-index-watcher remove' to disable from startup.07:28
marseillai<Riddell> marseillai: yes, you can use kdevelop with non C/C++ languages -------->> oki i understand for kdevelop! but for kdevelop-dev packages i think it should be usefull! no?07:29
Tm_Tfdoving: thanks, I just did kill it =)07:29
sebasWhere are the 355 edgy packages?07:30
Tm_Tahh, loads dropped immediately07:30
sebasSame URL as dapper, but s/dapper/edgy?07:30
fdovingguess so.07:30
sebasThanks fdoving 07:33
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mhbum ... what is the preferred way to upgrade from Kubuntu Dapper -> Edgy (i.e. the way that I should test)?08:07
Jucatomhb: afaik, just change the "dapper" words into "edgy" in sources.list08:08
mhbswitch "dapper" to "edgy" in sources.list and then run an upgrade through Adept?08:08
mhbJucato: ok, thanks08:09
fdovingwe should make a simple script to basically replace dapper/edgy in sources.list, telling users to do it manually is a mess.08:26
fdovingit's a oneliner in perl. could make it take two arguments like 'chdist-sources dapper edgy' would replace all dapper instances with edgy.. or something like that.08:28
fdovingtelling users to run a command is easier than explaining what they should change in what file, and how to save with the text editor. etc.08:29
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=== sebas wants serenity for Edgy!
sebasRiddell: Does it make sense to have klaptopdaemon in kcontrol, or is it me?08:41
Tm_Tsebas: I'll try that style, thanks for hint08:45
sebasTm_T: Cool :)08:47
Tm_Tthough that possibly doesn't change much in my desktop08:48
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imbrandonfdoving, sure here is your one liner with no script needed or extra packages installed , tell them " sudo sed -i s/dapper/edgy/g /etc/apt/sources.list "08:53
Riddellsebas: if you use kcontrol you're on your own :)08:54
sebasRiddell: Ow, right. I accept that as "it's me"08:54
sebasEdgy feels smooth and fast, btw.08:55
sebasNo regressions I've found yet.08:55
imbrandonman i wish my c++ was not so rusty, i would really like to see/drive a spec for adept/other package manager08:55
Riddellsebas: how did you upgrade?08:56
imbrandonYESS !! new hdd just showed up, no more laptop only for me !!!08:57
sebass/dapper/edgy in  sources.list08:57
sebasAnd then dist-upgrade08:57
sebasI had to 'manually' install the python packages, those wouldn't upgrade without first removeing the 2.4 stuff08:58
imbrandoni dident have to remove them but i had to tell python to manualy install08:58
imbrandonthey were "held back"08:59
sebasYeah, that's what I did08:59
sebasBoils down to put a little more force into it09:00
imbrandonRiddell, i think i fixed the usplash issue too earlier today too, if you hear any more complaints please tell them to poke me and i'll relook at it09:01
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Tm_Tsebas: there's multiple things I sorta hate :(09:11
sebasTm_T: Such as?09:12
Tm_TI think I take a pic09:12
Tm_Tor maybe I try to explain afterall :p09:19
Tm_Tin treeview, there's ugly "buttons" instead of just symbol09:19
Tm_Tsame thing goes in menu09:20
Tm_Tbuttons instead of only symbol09:20
Tm_Tor hmm, maybe that's my settings, triplechecking09:21
Tm_Tno, that's in style09:23
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Riddellimbrandon: what did you do?09:36
imbrandonRiddell, removed the --set and added a remove of the old old ( dapper ) alternative and the new alternative and use the weight number to set it higher than dappers ( was 20 dan dappers was 50, so now the wieght is 55 )10:01
imbrandonso should work on upgrades from dapper clean still AND not reset ( via --set ) every time k-d-s is uploaded 10:01
imbrandonRiddell, did that make sense ?10:02
imbrandonWent from :10:03
imbrandonupdate-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so 5510:03
imbrandonupdate-alternatives --set usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so10:03
imbrandonupdate-initramfs -u10:04
imbrandonTo :10:04
imbrandonupdate-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so10:04
imbrandonupdate-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so10:04
imbrandonupdate-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so 5510:04
imbrandonupdate-initramfs -u10:04
imbrandons/55/20 in the first one 10:04
imbrandonthe --set was causing everyones usplash to be reset to kubuntu no matter what they had set using update-alternatives manualy10:06
imbrandoneverytime we uploaded k-d-s10:06
mhbRiddell: sorry to bother you but the lines from the hwdb-kde were not added into Rosetta like I suggested to you10:16
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gnomefreakimbrandon: you fixed it?10:28
imbrandongnomefreak,  i'm about 98% sure i have, but some tests would be nice10:29
mhbhi kwwii 10:29
imbrandonheya kwwii10:29
gnomefreakyou go it i will remove k-d-s and install it to make sure.10:29
gnomefreaknot sure if i want to do that :(10:29
gnomefreakjust remembered what that stood for10:30
imbrandonprobably not ;)10:30
gnomefreaknot too bad10:30
gnomefreaki can do this10:30
gnomefreakit only removes k-d-s and -desktop10:31
imbrandongnomefreak, make sure its 6.10-55 k-d-s installing ( i dont know if its built yet , i just uploaded it a few hours ago )10:31
gnomefreakthats the one10:32
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kwwiimhb, imbrandon, howdy10:40
fdovingimbrandon, yeah i know that -we- can do it easily. the idea is to make it easier for regular users that don't know sed/perl/etc. having a simple command or a button to push, is the way to go imho.10:45
mhbkwwii: did you hear the responses to your new battery icon?10:46
mhbkwwii: some people (including myself) found the concept good, but the icon itself seems out of place due to the lack of colours10:47
fdovingi agree to that. would be nice with some colors.10:48
fdovingdoes it go red when the batterylevel becomes low/critical? 10:48
kwwiimhb: I think that is becuase it is an oxygen icon10:50
kwwiimhb: I have another idea...just need to sit down and draw it10:50
kwwiiprobably tomorrow or monday10:50
mhbkwwii: ok10:50
kwwiimhb: thanks for pointing it out10:50
kwwiithe old one had too much color, the new one too little :p10:51
mhbkwwii: no problem I'm glad you're open to feedback :o)10:52
sebasLinking /bin/sh to /bin/dash rather than /bin/bash has it's drawbacks.10:52
mhbsebas: what's the problem?10:53
imbrandonsebas, yea it does but its been beat to death on the -devel ML 4 or 5 times each with month long threads soooo10:53
sebasati drivers wouldn't install without changing the link back.10:53
sebasYeah, glad I didn't read those.10:54
=== sebas sighs. More errors in the ati installer.
sebasdpkg-gencontrol: warning: can't parse dependency -driver-fglrx10:58
sebasdpkg-gencontrol: error: error occurred while parsing Depends10:58
sebasdh_gencontrol: command returned error code 230410:58
sebasmake: *** [binary]  Error 110:58
sebasAnybody any idea?10:58
sebasThat's the result of 10:58
sebas./ati-driver-installer-8.29.6.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/edgy10:58
imbrandonno clue , one reason binary drivers suck 10:59
imbrandonbut i hear ya10:59
sebasI'm getting pretty sick of this mess.11:00
imbrandonwhy not just install them instead of building a package ?11:00
mhbum... what's the current situation with libdvdcss?11:02
imbrandonmhb, what do you mean ?>11:03
sebasHm, funky.11:03
mhbit's not available for installation in edgy11:03
sebasI've got to recompile my kernel with edgy's compiler obviously.11:03
imbrandonmhb, it isnt in any ubuntu official repos ( seveas has it )11:03
imbrandonbecosue its questionably not legal in most places11:03
mhbI know it's a problematic package but is there any other way how to watch my legally bought dvd in (k)ubuntu?11:04
imbrandonnope , just install it from seveas's repos11:04
imbrandonit wont ever be in the "official" repo though11:04
mhbI guess so11:05
mhbare we going to tell all users to download it from Seveas' repos?11:06
imbrandonmhb, yes and thats how its been since day one11:07
imbrandonno change11:07
mhbreally? I must have forgotten that :o)11:07
imbrandonused to tell users to get it from malirat but those are built for sid so seveas are better imho11:08
imbrandonbut its really just pref11:08
Tm_Tsebas: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/Serenity-amarok.png11:17
sebasTm_T: With your colorsettings it looks like crap indeed :>11:18
Tm_Tsebas: well, it's fine otherwise, but those treeview "buttons" is big minus11:18
sebasTm_T: Yeah11:19
Tm_Talso notice same button thing in menu11:19
=== Tm_T thinks he could move to darker grey
=== sebas likes bright and shiny
Tm_Twell, it's heavy to eyes, atleast here11:25
Tm_Tsebas: hmm, "CDE" colour scheme seems to be interesting11:27
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Tm_Tsebas: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/Serenity-amarok2.png11:31
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sebasTm_T: It fits better with the expanders, but I still don't like the colors, too little contrast11:31
Tm_Tsebas: true, but I think I'll use this as base to my new colour scheme11:32
Tm_TI'm not 100 % sure about white text, but it makes everything lighter :)11:32
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=== sebas has X now, but the acpi buttons on the thinkpad stopped working
sebaskmilo could handle them in dapper11:50
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