
dimeotanefl00d: you can use gparted in the live ubuntu cd12:01
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linxehis there any good dvd iso recording software for linux?12:01
billybobtom__: thing is, i havent experienced any problems12:01
RPOgreetings, does anyone know how to backup boot sector & partition table in Ubuntu?12:01
tom__bilybob: then you're golden12:01
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negenthere is plenty of good dvd software for linux12:01
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dimeotaneyou can delete the NTFS partition you don't want to make empty space12:02
negenbut i dont know what you mean dvd iso recorder12:02
billybobtom__: basically, i was just lookign for feedback,from people who have used it, that is all :)12:02
negenthat makes no since to me12:02
gravelBadhi all; tomcat ubuntu 6.10 question here12:02
tom__linxeh: check out gnome-files.org as a guide, then install those programs in synaptic12:02
ElbridgeGerryI'm off, folks.12:02
ElbridgeGerrySee you all.12:02
dimeotanenegen.. gnome baker is good12:02
fl00ddimeotane: I meen how to get to gpartition?12:02
ElbridgeGerryThanks for the help.12:02
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dimeotanewhen you boot using the ubuntu edgy live cd12:02
spinstersomebody here can help me ?12:02
agliv_LiENUS, I must have different repositiories then, caus sytaptic shows me both linux-image-2.6.17-11-* and linux-headers-2.6.17-11-*12:02
dimeotaneyou can also download a gparted live boot cd... a very handy tool to have on hand12:03
linxehtom__: many thanks - this is the first time ive tried to burn a dvd iso in linux in 10 years, and I find out cdrecord doesnt do it without paying :o12:03
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fl00dOk well I'm off I will go try it. Thanks for your help you 2 ;)12:03
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ahavewell, unrar-free doesnt seem to want to work with me.. so how do i go about gettings multiverse's unrar?12:03
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tom__linxeh: oh you just want to burn an iso... use gnomebaker12:03
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fl00dlater guys and thanks xD12:03
dimeotanelinx: you can rightclick an DVD iso file on the ubuntu desktop and burn it12:03
tom__!multiverse | ahave12:03
ubotuahave: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:03
negenburning dvd iso is nearly the same as burning a cd iso k3b will also burn iso's12:04
RPOwhere is GBACKUP?12:04
crackintoshDoes anyone know of a wireless USB dongle that works out of the box?12:04
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nexousNETHi, How do I add my current user to have access to all permissions for /opt/lampp/htdocs ?12:04
Redhammer_the_Olhi anybody got listen 0.5 beta to work12:04
Redhammer_the_Olon edgy12:04
tom__k3b is a dirty KDE program though. Doesn't work well in a gnome envirnment.12:04
LiENUScrackintosh, define "out of the box"12:04
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negeni have no problems but dont burn very much12:04
auTONYmoustom_: you beat me to it12:04
CupCakeMasterHello, i have a lil problem12:04
LiENUScrackintosh, is downloading drivers for ndiswrapper acceptable?12:04
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dimeotaneLiENUS: my guess is... he means you plug the sucker in while running ubuntu and it works... idiot proof12:05
CupCakeMasterwhen browing with firefox the scrolling seem to be very very choppy12:05
RPOcan Ubuntu create a bootable boot sector & partition table recovery disk?12:05
CupCakeMasterand way to fit this12:05
crackintoshsomething that does not require configuration for use on linux.12:05
youkilldkennedyAnyone know why Azureus will not minimize to my system tray?12:05
LiENUSdimeotane,  windows never does that... and its generallly "idiot proof"12:05
crackintoshi've got bigger fish to fry today, i dont want to spend time on it12:05
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agliv_LiENUS, should I pastebin my repositories list?12:05
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negenfrying big fish is tricky sometimes they burn befor fully cooked12:06
doofy2is the performace of software raid pretty good? I have two western digital raptors and was thinking of putting them on raid 0. Would this increase me read/write performace?12:06
dimeotaneLiENUS: more like it was made by idiots  =p12:06
billybobLiENUS: except, when accompanied with an idiot, windows machines keep me in business ;)12:06
ahavewill un archiving tool such as ARK, designed to work in a KDE, work in my gnome?12:06
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:06
youkilldkennedyAnyone know why Azureus will not minimize to my system tray?12:06
vrticalHi, I'm a newb trying to boot in framebuffer mode on dapper.  setting video=i810fb at the boot prompt doesn't work, it still boots in text mode.  Am unsure how to proceed.12:06
crackintoshahave: probably12:06
LiENUSdimeotane, actually... ms developers are quite inteligent12:06
tom__youkilldkennedy: we heard you last time12:06
dimeotaneyea forsure...12:06
hairulfryoukilldkennedy: Is it important for you to use azureus? If not, try freeloader, IMO it's better12:06
auTONYmousCupCakeMaster: Edit > Preferences > Advanced > turn on "Smooth Scrolling"12:06
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dimeotanebut i love to hammer the competition12:06
CupCakeMasterdid alredddi12:07
tom__youkilldkennedy: probably because azereus is not designed to work in gnome.12:07
LiENUSdimeotane, look at it this way...12:07
CupCakeMasterand yet stil lvery choopy12:07
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negendo you have a notifaction area in your pannel12:07
LiENUShow often do you see a ms developer on irc?12:07
youkilldkennedyHairulfr, not important, just used to it.12:07
agliv_youkilldkennedy, perhaps a problem with java? have the newest version installed?12:07
dimeotaneLiENUS: personally I get a bit tired of the VIRI and the EULAs, and the serials, and the subscrition fees... sooooooo12:07
LiENUSand how much time have you wasted on irc today?12:07
billybobLiENUS: i see them on IRC every day12:07
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LiENUSbillybob, err where?12:07
hairulfryoukilldkennedy: Then get freeloader :) Faster as well (a cooler name too)12:07
youkilldkennedyagliv_: Yep, newest versions, checked that before coming here.12:07
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auTONYmousCupCakeMaster: Is scrolling choppy in any other apps?12:07
Redhammer_the_Olanybody can provide help with listen 0.5 beta12:07
LiENUSbillybob, you just killed my logic :/12:07
youkilldkennedyhairulfr: I'll check that out then, thanks.12:07
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dimeotaneLiENUS: it's just less complicated to say, "made by idiots for idiots"12:08
Redhammer_the_Olit does not take in my 0.4 library12:08
linuxnewbie756checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c12:08
linuxnewbie756checking whether build environment is sane... yes12:08
linuxnewbie756checking for gawk... no12:08
linuxnewbie756checking for mawk... mawk12:08
linuxnewbie756checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes12:08
linuxnewbie756checking for style of include used by make... GNU12:08
linuxnewbie756checking for gcc... gcc12:08
LiENUSbillybob,  my name is inigo montoyo you killed my logic, prepare to die12:08
Redhammer_the_Olnor my podcasts12:08
billybobLiENUS: then again, i know a couple of MS devs, on IRC< that ive known since beforethey worked for MS ;)12:08
hairulfryoukilldkennedy: No problem :)12:08
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tom__youkilldkennedy: try using the torrent program that ships with ubuntu. it works all the time.12:08
linuxnewbie756checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:08
linuxnewbie756See `config.log' for more details12:08
glundberghas anyone had a problem with ubuntu hanging during reboot?12:08
CupCakeMasterfor example this chat as it moves down12:08
linuxnewbie756how can i fix that?12:08
negenLinuxmint might have somthing going if poeple want a turnkey style of ubuntu12:08
=== billybob ducks
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CupCakeMasterits not smooth at all12:08
LiENUSbillybob, ah, thats different12:08
agliv_youkilldkennedy, can you restart and autoupdate?12:08
auTONYmousCupCakeMaster:  Well, IRC scrolling and firefox scrolling are two different animals...12:08
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CupCakeMasterwell i would liek tof ix the firefox one12:08
LiENUSbillybob, i mean you dont see ms developers randomly on irc, you dont see sun developers randomly on irc, you dont see ibm developers randomly on irc12:08
dimeotanel8r sk8rs12:08
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billybobLiENUS: one is a game dever, the other was, but went to work for them for a different reason12:08
youkilldkennedyagliv_: Yeah12:08
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CupCakeMasterthat is my main problem12:08
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LiENUSthese 3 groups have one thing in common12:09
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billyboberr , different job type12:09
LiENUSthey are all VERY smart12:09
pollywoghow do I know whether I should run a generic kernel image or 386?12:09
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pollywogboth seem to work12:09
LiENUSthe only thing really seperating them is the management12:09
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auTONYmousCupCakeMaster: *shrug* could be anything from vid drivers, to mouse driver, to the mouse itself. Hard to say12:09
billybobyes, they are, you dont go work for MS, and not knowing wtf you  are doing, thats for sure12:09
linuxnewbie756i am trying to compile a program from source, but this pops up12:09
linuxnewbie756checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c12:09
linuxnewbie756checking whether build environment is sane... yes12:09
linuxnewbie756checking for gawk... no12:09
linuxnewbie756checking for mawk... mawk12:09
linuxnewbie756checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes12:09
linuxnewbie756checking for style of include used by make... GNU12:09
atomiku-linuxis there a way to see what hardware is plugged in the computer so i can get the name of my graphics card?12:09
linuxnewbie756checking for gcc... gcc12:09
linuxnewbie756checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:09
linuxnewbie756See `config.log' for more details12:09
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nikindoes anyone know a good guide how to scale Xubuntu for lowend systems? (P2 400 / 128MB RAM)12:09
pollywognewbie please don't flood12:10
agliv_youkilldkennedy, and what happens when you click the x in the upper right of the window?12:10
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CupCakeMasterwell scrolling a document i get no problems12:10
CupCakeMasterbut on firefox and opera i do12:10
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youkilldkennedyagliv_: Not responding and I must force quit.12:10
billybobLiENUS: pretty much, ANYONE who works for, or works on, any project revolving around an OS< or its internals,has to be pretty smart12:10
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pollywognewbie are you installing vmware?12:11
agliv_youkilldkennedy, you do have, correct?12:11
CupCakeMasterand if it were to be my videocard wher eexactly would i find the driver for me "nvidia geforce 6150 LE"12:11
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atomiku-linuxis there a way to see what hardware is plugged in the computer so i can get the name of my graphics card?12:11
billybobLiENUS: i consider myself a fairly decent hobbyiest programmer, and I dotn think i could hack it12:11
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pollywogatomiku-linux: lspci12:11
atomiku-linuxpollywog: thanks12:11
djm62excuse me, X appears to be unresponsive on my ubuntu laptop: how on earth do I restart gdm politely?12:11
LiENUSbillybob, its not as bad as it seems...12:12
pollywogdjm62: /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:12
atomiku-linux01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV20 [GeForce3]  (rev a3)12:12
LiENUSbillybob,  granted its been a few years since i've done that kind of stuff...12:12
thekidriodjm62:  sudo /etc/initi.d/gdm restart12:12
atomiku-linuxso its a nvidia! Excellent!12:12
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LiENUSbut when i was doing it before i was 1512:12
mycologisthas anyone managed to get a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Value to work with ubuntu?12:12
thekidrioerr yeah what pollywog said hehe12:12
atomiku-linuxIll be able to get drivers for this then play my game! :D12:12
youkilldkennedyagliv_: Finding version number hard to find. one second.12:12
djm62thx all, it's been a while... I thought init had disappeared12:12
billybobLiENUS: well, ive actually 'researched' writting my own OS, a few times, and no, its not that bad, its just that I dont ALWAYS feel like coding, as a matter of a fact, its been a few months since ive coded anythign12:12
pollywogatomiku-linux: I just did sudo apt-get install glx12:12
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agliv_youkilldkennedy, help->version...12:13
pollywogatomiku-linux: I just did 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:13
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atomiku-linuxOkay dude, thanks. Installing glx now12:13
atomiku-linuxnvidia-glx? okay12:13
pollywogatomiku-linux: I just did 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx'12:13
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pollywogyes like that nvidia-glx12:13
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LiENUSgranted when i was doing that i wasnt drugged out of my mind like they keep me now :/12:13
atomiku-linuxInstalling now :P12:13
youkilldkennedyagliv_: It's not there, but I found it.
CupCakeMasterwhere can i find the driver for my nvidia video card12:13
billybobLiENUS: for one localization is a PITA, then talkign about multiple different hardware platforms, man, thats a lot of work.12:13
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atomiku-linuxIf my game works ill be very happy12:13
gravelBadregarding tomcat 5.5 and 6.10 from universe repositories and I'm getting this error: WARNING: error instantiating 'org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager' referenced by java.util.logging.manager, class not found12:13
gravelBadjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager not found12:13
gravelBad   <<No stacktrace available>>12:13
tom__!nvidia | cupcakemaster12:13
ubotucupcakemaster: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:13
RPOCan you upgrade 32-bit ubuntu to 64-bit ubuntu?12:13
LiENUSbillybob, if you want to write your own os, go embedded12:14
tom__!pastebin| gravelbad12:14
ubotugravelbad: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:14
LiENUSbillybob, i wrote code for the sega dreamcast...12:14
pukekoewhy is there no inittab in /etc on dapper ?12:14
LiENUSRPO, that sounds like a horrible idea12:14
djm6268000 ftw!12:14
billybobLiENUS: sounds like fun.12:14
LiENUSpukekoe,  i have one...12:14
tom__Lienus: a good business decision i bet ;) lol12:14
mycologistis there a page on how to get different sound cards to work with ubuntu? i have an Audigy 2 Value12:14
ahavedoes ubuntu have a built in VNC that i can use to connect to a VNC server running on win2k?12:14
tom__ahave: yes12:14
pukekoeLiENUS: ? why don't i ?12:14
agliv_youkilldkennedy, try updating to the newest version...12:15
rob5if i have a single drive with my data on it and decided I wanted to add an additional drive and setup RAID1, do I have to reformat the first drive with all my data on it and reinstall or would the second drive automatically 'mirror' the content on the first one?12:15
atomiku-linuxHmmm.... still doenst work12:15
ahavetom_, named?12:15
tom__ !vnc | ahave12:15
ubotuahave: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:15
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LiENUSbillybob, my current project revolves around a standardized x86 system... all of generation 1 be exactly the same, all of generation 2 will be exactly the same.12:15
billybobapt-cache search VNC . . .12:15
LiENUSbillybob, greatly simplifies things if you pick the hardware rather than letting your users12:15
LiENUSalthough its still giving me fits :/12:16
billybobLiENUS:can you elaborate, or do you have an NDAin effect ?12:16
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billybobNDA in effect*12:16
billybobLiENUS: who do yo uwork for ?12:16
LiENUSbillybob, myself?12:16
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mycologistcan anyone help me with a sound card issue? i've spent 2 hours on this :(12:16
billybobLiENUS: you seem unsure of that ;)12:16
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LiENUSbillybob, i'm a business major in college12:17
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LiENUSbillybob, have several products, am working on investors now12:17
gravelBadtomcat bug on 6.10 with gij: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5489/ involves org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager12:17
billybobLiENUS: anyhow, yeah indies are few and far inbetween any more, but i know a few sucsessful ones12:17
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ahaveany XChat users here?12:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:17
billybobfrom IRC of course.12:17
tom__billybob: you're kidding12:17
LiENUSbillybob, actually im trying to incorporate asap12:17
LjL!upgrade > hanso    (hanso, see the private message from Ubotu)12:17
hairulfrLiENUS: I designing a gun, interested?12:17
RPOCan anyone help me with some ubuntu questions?12:17
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:17
spinsterhello how to install adobe flashplayer 9 ?12:18
spinstercan somebody tell me ?12:18
LjL!flash > spinster    (spinster, see the private message from Ubotu)12:18
LiENUShairulfr, haha i'm not sure im technically allowed to have guns...12:18
RPOWhere is gparted?12:18
billybobtom__: im talkign abtu single devers, who actuall sell, and make good amoutns of monies, not the average joe, like me, who writes their own stuff whe nthey feellike it12:18
gravelBadCan i pay some one for support? I've tried to get contacted from the official support team twice and no luck12:18
pukekoeis it ok to create an inittab if one does not exit ( dapper) ?12:18
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tom__billybob: ohh if you want to talk about profits hehehe i know lots of devs who don't make money ;)12:18
LjLpukekoe: uh... your *Dapper* doesn't have inittab? i'd understand if it were Edgy, but12:19
pukekoeeeek it is an edgy12:19
billybobtom__: yes, but making a confotable living isnt nessisarily a bad thing12:19
LjLRPO: don't know, but why don't you just do Alt+F2 and type "gparted" (if you have it installed, that is)12:19
spinsterLjL, ok12:19
th_why is there no Mplayer package in ubuntu?12:19
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LiENUSpukekoe, edgy and dapper are different12:19
hairulfrLiENUS: No no, I mean the manufacturing and selling of guns :)12:19
=== billybob needs to slow his fingers down some
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LjLpukekoe: well then it's ok to create it, but it will be almost totally ignored.12:19
LjL!upstart > pukekoe    (pukekoe, see the private message from Ubotu)12:19
RootSnatchhey I have proftpd installed, and I am getting a lot of brute force attacks on my the ftp server, what is the best way to stop those, I do run iptables12:19
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RPOLjL, tried it, didn't work, and I can find gsearch tool either12:19
pukekoeLjL : ta12:20
th_RootSnatch, to change the port that proftpd is listening on :)12:20
LjLpukekoe: the only think that will be taken into account, as far as i know, is the default runlevel, if you set one in inittab12:20
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billybobRootSnatch: add those hosts to host.deny ?12:20
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LjLRPO: but do you have it installed?12:20
RPOand I can't find Gbackup either12:20
RootSnatchI need to stay on the same port12:20
LjLRPO: type "apt-cache policy gparted", does it show it as installed?12:20
RPOLjL, I thought gparted installed by default12:20
RootSnatchand i want to add the hosts automaticlly12:20
RootSnatchnot manually12:20
LionheartHey, I have a quick question. In the character map it says "U+00A9", what keys do I press to get that symbol?12:20
LjLRPO: not sure, i'm on Kubuntu12:20
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billybobRootSnatch: im sure you could write a scrpt, or have someone write one for you.12:21
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RPOLjL, yes12:21
andrehey guys12:21
flounderi'm having some trouble getting a dvd-rw drive up and running...if anyone can help out let me know12:21
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RPOLjL, sorry, no it's not12:21
nikinis there a way to downgrade my PC for a time... i want to try some programs, how they run on low end maschines12:21
agliv_youkilldkennedy, still there or trying to update?12:21
LjLRPO: then  sudo apt-get install gparted 12:21
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LiENUSnikin, the most you could do is remove a ram chip if you have more than one12:21
LjLnikin: use a virtual machine...12:22
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LjL!virtualizers > nikin    (nikin, see the private message from Ubotu)12:22
LiENUSheh or that12:22
th_nikin if you remove cache from the BIOS it will be really slow...12:22
andreI've got a weird problem with ubuntu.  after I leave the computer alone for a short period it stops responding.  even if I leave it alone at the login screen it'll stop responding there.... help! what is going on?12:22
LjLnikin: try qemu if you want something slow ;)12:22
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LiENUSLjL,  bochs is slower..12:22
tyler_hey all I just installed a new wifi card in my desktop and I don't know how to activate it anyhelp?12:22
LiENUSactually qemu is quite fast...12:22
billybobRootSnatch: anyhow, a script that say monitors attempts to log in, and failures within a certain amoutn of time, get written to hosts.deny, or something12:22
tom__i have no problems with qemu.12:22
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LiENUSLjL,  i believe bochs will let you lock it at a certain speed...12:22
LjLLiENUS: well, it's slow compared to programs that use the native CPU12:22
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tom__yeah of course.12:23
LiENUSnikin, your computer isnt a laptop is it?12:23
AncientMartianRather new to this Ubuntu, none of the USB devices are working or seen from what i can tell....any ideas?12:23
atomiku-linuxSo... is there some sort of nvidia config command then?12:23
th_nikin, if you just want something simple then run this command a few times in the shell: " ( while true; do echo > /dev/null; done ) &"12:23
Fuori_dal_Tunnelhi to all12:23
gravelBadanyone able to help with a tomcat installation issue on 6.10 server?12:23
LjLLiENUS: that's quite possible, as it was meant to be more of an "IBM emulator" than a "virtual machine" (not that there is a difference, just one of intents...)12:23
Fuori_dal_Tunnelhelp for italian user?12:23
atomiku-linuxI tried this:12:23
billybobRootSnatch: ive never used proftpd, but perhaps it eve nhas that functionality built in already ?12:23
LjL!it > Fuori_dal_Tunnel    (Fuori_dal_Tunnel, see the private message from Ubotu)12:23
atomiku-linuxatomiku@atomiku-linux:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable12:23
atomiku-linuxError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed12:23
atomiku-linuxthe nvidia driver for your running kernel.12:23
LjL!paste > atomiku-linux    (atomiku-linux, see the private message from Ubotu)12:23
RPOLjL, it asks for a pasword12:23
atomiku-linuxoh sorry, it pasted 4 lines12:23
atomiku-linuxit was only supposed to be 312:23
LjLRPO: it's your password, type it12:23
CupCakeMasterim trying to instal my videocard driver and one of the steps is "Find the appropriate module for your kernel" where do i find which one i have?12:23
LjL!sudo > RPO    (RPO, see the private message from Ubotu)12:23
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pukekoei want to use mgetty and am used to /etc/inittab  i have sysv-rc-conf  what else do i need ?12:23
Fuori_dal_Tunnelthanks a lot12:23
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mycologistwhen i try to open alsamixer i get "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device". any reason for this?12:24
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andreI've got a weird problem with ubuntu.  after I leave the computer alone for a short period it stops responding.  even if I leave it alone at the login screen it'll stop responding there.... help! what is going on?12:24
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RPOLjL, password didn't work12:24
LjLpukekoe, i'm afraid i don't know much about upstart, you'll have to read a bit about it. i'm quite sure that an inittab will *not* work, though12:24
LjLRPO: what did it say?12:24
youkilldkennedyagliv_: Having some weird troubles, my top and bottom task bars died...12:24
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pukekoeLjl: cool i'll check out upstart12:24
CupCakeMasterhow do i findout what kernal i have?12:25
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LjLpukekoe: start from the link Ubotu gave you. upstart is quite totally different from the old init - that much i can say12:25
LjLCupCakeMaster: uname -r12:25
andreuname -r12:25
billybobCupCakeMaster" 'uname -s'12:25
billyboberr -a12:25
quaalazureus kinda sucks12:25
CupCakeMasterwhere do i type that12:25
pukekoeLjL: ta cheers12:25
LjL!cli > CupCakeMaster    (CupCakeMaster, see the private message from Ubotu)12:25
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billybobCupCakeMaster: term12:25
andrecupcakemaster: in terminal12:26
BigMacHey when I load I get anerror that my x server gui fails to load12:26
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BigMacis there a way to load in safe mode12:26
tyler_ifconfig lists eth1 as not there but iwconfig can see it but ifup won't bring the device up I'm lost12:26
LjLBigMac: no. well, there's recovery mode, but that will just bring you to a console.12:26
BigMacthen have it install the default xorg.conf12:26
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LjLBigMac: just type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and select the VESA driver, for a safe mode12:26
andreBigmac, you can do that from command line12:26
youkilldkennedyHaving some weird troubles, my top and bottom task bars died... anyone know how to restore them?12:27
RPOLjL, 3 incorrect password attempts12:27
CupCakeMasterthanks alot guys12:27
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LjLBigMac: however... do you have Edgy and third-party nvidia or ati drivers?12:27
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BigMacandre:how do I enter the command line, and what is the command12:27
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billybobtyler_: nic modules are loaded ?12:27
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LjLRPO: have you enabled the root account for some reason? have you ever used a GUI application using "sudo" instead of "gksudo"?12:27
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tyler_billybob, not sure I don't know how to check all I know is that iwconfig can see the device12:27
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youkilldkennedyBueller? Bueller?12:28
nikinsry for answering late... one of it is a laptop wth scalable CPU from 600 to 1600 Mhz the other is a 2,4Ghz Desktop12:28
andrebigmac: do what LJL suggested,  if you don't know where the terminal is, you should probably head his advise.12:28
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BigMacLjL: I have edgy and ati drivers because I was trying to install beryl12:28
billybobtyler: basically, you need to know what nic you have, and what module you need then . . .12:28
gravelBadhas anyone had this issue with a tomcat install on 6.10?   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5489/12:28
billybobtry 'lsmod'12:28
andreBigMac:  in any case the terminal is:12:28
billybobto see if the NICmodule is loaded12:28
youkilldkennedyLjL... t'wasn't me I swear!12:28
billybobNIC module*12:28
andrebigmac: in applications>accessories>terminal12:28
tyler_billybob ok I'll be right back12:28
LjLBigMac: and when did this problem appear? after you rebooted yesterday or such perhaps?12:28
BigMacandre:if you listened to what I said, I can't load thegui so I can't access gnome...12:29
youkilldkennedyAnyone know how to restore the bottom and top taskbars? For some reason they died.12:29
billybobtyler_: probably need to pip lsmod to less12:29
QzrIm trying to install beryl and ive come to the line "Add key" on http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Beryl.2FAIGLX_.28Nvidia.29 and when i add that line and try apt-get update i get the error "E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 35 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list" could anyone help me with this?12:29
RPOLjL, OK, got it.12:29
LjLyoukilldkennedy: try Alt+F2 and typing "gnome-panel"... IIRC12:29
andrebigmac: then you must be at a command prompt then12:29
andrebigmac: no?12:29
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BigMacLlJ yah beryl was bering malfunct, so I logged out last night, then I just booted up and I get this error12:29
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phantomgnome network manager does not show my Intel 2200 wireless network card?12:29
phantomhow do I fix thi12:30
youkilldkennedyLjL: Alt+F2 does nothing.12:30
LiENUSphantom, is your network card working in linux?12:30
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tyler_billybob, Idon't see it in lsmod its a linksys12:30
LjLBigMac, there has been a kernel upgrade, and ati and nvidia drivers won't work anymore unless you update them.12:30
nikinhow can i add Debian menu to Xfce?12:30
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phantomit did earlier12:30
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billybobtyler_: ah, not sure what to do there :/12:30
phantomI can do it through the command line12:30
youkilldkennedyLjL: Any ideas?12:30
LiENUSnikin,  shouldnt you ask that in #debian?12:30
BigMacBut I was logged out so how would it update?12:30
tyler_billybob I'll go google around for a bit thanks anyways12:31
dsquarehi how do i change my main font colour please?12:31
andreBigMac:  you would've updated before you logged out12:31
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andreBigmac:  update occur within the last week12:31
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LjLyoukilldkennedy: not really, for i use KDE... i'll check the logs if i can find an answer (i suppose restarting X doesn't work?)12:31
BigMacok so what should I do to get ubuntu back to working12:31
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nikinLienus: its an ubuntu problem... coz i have the option i just cant check it somehow. And the intsalled system is Ubuntu 6.10 and later added xubuntu-desktop12:32
mamzers555hello, this is off-toppic, is somebody from france here?12:32
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RPOLjL, ok, the apt-get install gbackup is complete -- what now?12:32
andrebigmac, switch the line that says "nvidia" in your xorg.conf back to "nv"12:32
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andrebigmac: then update your nvidia driver12:32
LjLRPO: eh? weren't we talking about gparted?12:32
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BigMacandre:I have an ati card12:32
RPOLiENUS, 32-bit to 64-bit is horrible idea?  won't work?  driver problems?12:32
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andrebigmac: sorry, can't help ya then...12:32
LiENUSRPO, more likely software problems12:32
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youkilldkennedyLjL: How do I restart or log off with keystrokes?12:33
LiENUShmm thats weird12:33
LjLyoukilldkennedy: what andre said12:33
LiENUSthe one instance linux has software problems whereas windows has driver problems...12:33
BigMacCan someone help me because I can't even boot up12:33
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LjLBigMac, uh, you can't boot? didn't you say that you just couldn't get X started?12:34
andreBigMac: did you make a backup of your xorg.conf file?12:34
tom__bad decision12:34
andreBigMac: big no no12:34
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tom__bigmac: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:34
vrticalCan anyone offer me some general advice about booting in framebuffer mode?  Will I need to recompile the kernel to enable this (on an up-to-date dapper box with intel 815 graphics)?12:34
tom__should fix you up12:34
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BigMacLjL; It starts loading then when it should go to lgin screen I get that error and it says access server mode to view problems or resart12:35
billybobandre: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?12:35
phantomcan anyone help me here, I have an Intel 2200, it is not seen in Network manager but I can use it in the CL12:35
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tom__billybob: thats what i said.12:35
andrebigmac: do what tom__ said once you get to the command line12:35
LjLBigMac: server mode?12:35
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billybobtom__: soudns reasonable to me . . .12:35
RPOLjL, er, gbackup=gparted12:35
LjLi'm not entirely sure i have it clear in my mind what screen you're seeing...12:36
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LjLBigMac: you aren't on Feisty, are you?12:36
LjLRPO: ok, then now alt+f2 and "gparted"12:36
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LjLRPO: (it will probably have to be "gksudo gparted", though)12:36
BigMacLjL:Nope I am on edgy12:36
LjLBigMac: well, see if you can just press Alt+F2 or Alt+F3 and get a "login" prompt, after X doesn't start12:36
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Anti-TeddLiENUS, I ended up just switching frequencies XD12:36
billybobBigMac : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?12:36
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Anti-TeddIs there a way that I can get my original sources.list back?12:37
alecjwLjL, yes, it iwll have to be gksudo'ed because it does mkfs etc12:37
LjLBigMac: if you do, then just type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and select the VESA driver (as for the rest of the question, press Enter on the defaults)12:37
LiENUSAnti-Tedd, 1 sec12:37
LiENUSAnti-Tedd,  switching frequencies fixed it?12:37
LjLalecjw: depends, the user might well have access to the disk :)12:37
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Anti-TeddLiENUS, I think so12:37
billybobLiENUS: have yo uworked o nthe ubuntu dev team ?12:37
Anti-TeddGotta run some testing though12:37
RPOLjL, can I reset the root password using the Live CD the way you can with Mac OS X?12:37
andreLJL: ever hear of ubuntu not responding very well after being left alone for a certain period of time?12:38
LiENUSbillybob, no12:38
LjLRPO: why have a root password?12:38
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LjLandre: nope12:38
LiENUSAnti-Tedd, you using 802.11g?12:38
RPOLjL, hehehe, well it's there and I seem to have forgotten it.12:38
Anti-TeddLiENUS, yeah12:38
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LjL!root > RPO    (RPO, see the private message from Ubotu)12:38
andreLJL: dang... tx...12:38
Anti-Teddalthough it's still kinda slow12:38
LiENUSAnti-Tedd,  do you have a cordless phone?12:38
LjLRPO: you said you managed to do the "sudo apt-get install" thing, so that means you *can* get root access, which in turns means that you won't need a live CD to obtain it back12:39
Anti-TeddLiENUS, yes I do12:39
LiENUSAnti-Tedd, ahh, you might want to look into moving to 802.11a then...12:39
RPOLjL, yeah I know it worked that one time, now it doesn't12:39
Anti-TeddDoes that involve me buying anything, LiENUS12:39
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LiENUSAnti-Tedd, what wireless access point are you using?12:39
nortyhow do i copy a file from my hd to an ipod when the file has an undefined character in it?12:40
Anti-TeddLiENUS, dumb that down for me? I'm a fool.12:40
mamzers555hello, some people from france here?12:40
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LjLRPO: then boot into recovery mode, you can select it from the grub boot menu. i can never remember whether it asks for a password or not... if it does, anyway, you can just edit the kernel command line and add "init=/bin/sh", to go straight into a root shell12:40
LjL!bootoptions > RPO    (RPO, see the private message from Ubotu)12:40
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LiENUSAnti-Tedd, ... i did...12:40
RPOLjL, sorry, I was typing SU and it worked with SUDO, my bad12:40
LjL!fr > mamzers555    (mamzers555, see the private message from Ubotu)12:40
Anti-TeddA router?12:40
LiENUSAnti-Tedd, yes router!12:40
LjLRPO: ok. though remember, sudo is quite different from sudo12:40
tom__LjL: isn't that a security breach?12:40
Anti-TeddIt's a Linksys.12:40
LjLtom__: what?12:40
Anti-TeddYou need the exact model?12:40
LiENUSAnti-Tedd, yeah12:40
Anti-TeddGimme a sec12:41
tom__LjL: going straight to a root shell from grub sans password?12:41
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LjLtom__: uh... no12:41
LjLtom__: if you have physical access to the computer, you can *always* get in, one way or another.12:41
LjLtom__: at worst, you have to use a live CD.12:41
tom__LjL: yeah i suppose.12:41
Anti-TeddLiENUS, Linksys WRK54G12:41
billybobLjL: at worst, you mount the drive in anotehr system ;)12:41
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LjLbillybob: if you can open the case, sure.12:42
LiENUSAnti-Tedd, then yes to move to a you would need to buy something12:42
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simple_x(beryl-manager:4933): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed12:42
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Anti-TeddI'll pass then.12:42
simple_x(beryl-manager:4933): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed12:42
Anti-TeddI'll just siwtch to another frequency12:42
LiENUSAnti-Tedd,  your best solution might be to do updates while plugged directly into the router using ethernet12:42
Anti-TeddRight now I'm on 1112:42
lasse_Hi, im having a problem with Firefox and file type associations. I want to change the program that by defaults open the .m3u playlist files. Ive asked over at #firefox, they tell me it might be a ubuntu thing. Anyone know anything about that kind of thing?12:42
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LiENUSAnti-Tedd, try channel 1, it reachers a little bit further12:42
Anti-TeddLiENUS, thanks12:43
LiENUSAnti-Tedd, by a bit further i mean half a foot at most...12:43
LiENUSAnti-Tedd,  but i find it to be more stable most of the time...12:43
Rhugancould someone help me, i've turned off the X Server using the Services option under Administration and I dont know how to turn it back on in the shell12:43
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billybobLiENUS: unless you have an 21db gain andrew ;)12:43
linxehRhugan: you can manually start it wit something like /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:44
LiENUSbillybob, heh since he didnt know the term wap i'd be surprised if he had one...12:44
=== billybob use to get wireless internet from 8 miles out
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LiENUSbillybob, thats disturbing12:44
CupCakeMasterim installing the driver for my nvidia videocard and while im in termianl i add thissudo nvidia-glx-config enable" and they ask me for a password12:44
CupCakeMasterand its not mine12:44
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billybobLiENUS: whats worse, that or now using WimX at 10 miles out ? ;)12:44
Rhuganlinxeh: ok thanks i'll try that12:44
LiENUSbillybob, what if you were looking at porn on that internet and a kid walked between you and the antenna and the porn was beamed through his brain?12:44
billybobpoor kid ;)12:44
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patriciono puedo intalar el msn12:45
patriciocomo lo ago ???12:45
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:45
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billybobno habla espanol, englese por favor12:45
hairulfrLiENUS: Haha,12:46
patricioa por que no12:46
toM|vendettAhi i was wondering if it was possible to run open gl games in like... a seperate xserver so that i could get a better framerate, i know there was a tutorial on how to do it but i dont know what to search for12:46
CupCakeMasterany help12:46
ihmSelbsti want download files from a http-server, but when i use "wegt -r <url>" i get only the files in the maindirectory. i need the files in the deeper directorys too. what can i do?12:46
tom__paticicio: ignore them. try #ubuntu-es12:46
DARKGuyeste es un canal para hablar en ingles. Para espaol es #ubuntu-es12:46
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DARKGuylo siento :P12:46
pollywogwhere is the tcpwrappers package?12:46
lasse_CupCakeMaster, Its gotta be your password12:46
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billybobwell, atleast someone speaks spanish better than me, thats god :)12:47
billybobgood even12:47
lasse_CupCakeMaster, try first to do " sudo ls " then do the " sudo nvidia<somecommandidontremember> and check if it still asks you for a password12:47
DARKGuybillybob: I'm a native Spanish speaker, that's why ;). Yours not too bad though ^^12:48
RPOLjL: Ok, so I have the partition information now.  So, someone told me you can run the gnome backup utility and backup the boot sector & partition table because Windows will probably overwrite it, but he didn't know the exact name.12:48
flyinghippoI have successfully installed Ubuntu onto my Dell XPS, however, the screen - Just got it fixed, never mind.  :\12:48
billybobDARKGuy: i dont spell so well, although i can speak it 'ok'12:48
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DARKGuybillybob: yeah, just noticed :)12:48
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LjLRPO: you're out of my realm, i don't know those GNOME applications at all. don't be *too* anxious about it anyway, you should always be able to restore the Ubuntu boot sector via the live CD in any event12:49
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billybobDARKGuy: if yo uwant to hear somethign funny, you should hear me try to speak spanish, and i toss in the odd german word . . .12:49
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lasse_RPO, can you clarify what you want to do?12:49
billybob(not on purpose either)12:49
lasse_RPO, are you gonna install windows, then restore the grub boot loader?12:50
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cheeseboy16how u install free-basic?12:50
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CupCakeMaster'sudo ls nvidia-glx-config enabel" still ask me for a pass and its not my pass12:50
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ezenuIn Firefox, when clicking on a file link, I have the setting saved to open it automatically with a program, however, the location of that program changed. Now I get an error message, which says I should fix it in preferences, yet this file type is not listed under "Manage" file types. Any ideas?12:51
pollywogis there a restricted-modules source package?  maybe I need that for nvidia to work in a custom kernel12:51
DARKGuybillybob: hehe, someday sure ^^12:51
DARKGuyCupCakeMaster: It must be the root password, not your use's password12:51
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BigMacLjL:omg there are so many options i have to pick form>.< I don't even understand half of them12:51
lasse_CupCakeMaster, you misunderstood. Try to do the "sudo ls" . It should ask you for a password, check if this is your password?12:51
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LjLBigMac: i told you - just press Enter.12:51
pollywogis LjL a bot?12:51
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LjLBigMac: the important one is the selection of the graphics driver (VESA)12:51
LjLpollywog: ytes12:51
DARKGuyand he spells "yes" with a t in between :p12:52
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CupCakeMastersaid command not found for "sudo is:12:52
CupCakeMaster*sudo is"12:52
pollywogI didn't ask if he was a smart bot ;)12:52
DARKGuyOh, but he is smart indeed :D12:52
ihmSelbsti want download files from a http-server, but when i use "wegt -r <url>" i get only the files in the maindirectory. i need the files in the deeper directorys too. what can i do?12:52
=== artorious [n=artoriou@pool-71-162-59-99.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
lasse_CupCakeMaster,    the only thing your gonna type is       sudo ls     . forget the "-marks12:52
RPOLjL, I'm trying to save to floppy but it says you don't have permissions (I'm admin), how to fix?12:52
BigMacLjL: I put Ati because I have an ati card.....12:52
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pollywogis there a restricted-modules source package?  maybe I need that for nvidia to work in a custom kernel12:52
CupCakeMasteri know12:52
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LjLihmSelbst: possibly the site has a robots.txt files that tells webcrawlers (such as wget in recursive mode) to leave it alone12:53
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lasse_CupCakeMaster, then try     sudo touch testfile.txt12:53
LjLRPO: what program are you doing this in?12:53
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BigMacLjL:Is that bad12:53
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CupCakeMasteri did and didnt get antyhign12:54
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dreamerdudeAnyone got source code for a simple C++ keylogger? all i can find is C12:55
tom__bigmac: just use the default12:55
kmuIs it true that by using Feisty I will have a better chance of having support for new hardware?12:55
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tom__bigmac: do it again and choose the default12:55
CupCakeMasterthis is pissing me off12:55
notgoddreamerdude: why do you need C++ ?12:55
dreamerdudecos thats all i know :P12:55
tom__dreamerdude: can i ask why you want a keylogger?12:55
dreamerdudeits for learning12:55
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LjLBigMac: no, shouldn't be, since "ati" means you'll use the open-source drivers rather than the (currently broken, it seems) binary drivers12:56
BigMacDude answer me I am sitting here with my thumb in my butt and a brand new latop that won't even boot12:56
LjLBigMac: if it still doesn't work, however, try with VESA12:56
tom__bigmac: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:56
BigMacOh crraaap12:56
tom__instead of putting ati where you did last time12:56
RPOLjL, Gnome - Computer - Floppy12:56
LjLBigMac: err, i'm not at your exclusive service, you know, i'm in a couple of other channels and doing other stuff as well12:56
lasse_CupCakeMaster, hmm it seems like you have root permissions if it didnt say anything with sudo touch testfile.txt12:56
tom__use the default12:56
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LjLtom__: the default will be the previous choice... and it won't work12:57
BigMactom_ that is the command I entered bfore12:57
BigMacthe are way to many options12:57
RPOLjL, I'm guessing it's mounted RO and not RW, but I don't know how to change this and make it stay changed12:57
BigMacwhy isn't there a write default12:57
CupCakeMasterany suggestions12:57
LjLRPO: i dunno... i guess just launch that application using gksudo. if you don't know what the filename for it is, right click on the menu and fire up the menu editor, and see what the command name is12:57
BigMacMy battery died now I have to star overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr12:57
LjLRPO: sudo mount /media/floppy0 -o remount,rw12:57
lasse_CupCakeMaster, try writing    sudo su     then write the command  nvidia-glx-config enable    without any sudo in front12:57
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LjLBigMac: there ARE defaults. what i told you is to FOLLOW the defaults, EXCEPT for the part where it asks about the driver (that is, the first part). just press Enter at the other questions!12:58
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LjLlasse_: why not sudo -i ;-)12:59
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dreamerdudeyou dont wanna log in as root12:59
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RPOLjL, "You must specify a file system type"  (FAT?)12:59
dreamerdudebad habbit12:59
lasse_LjL; because I dont have so much experience with sudo and didnt know  it :D12:59
LjLRPO: hm, no "vfat", but if it asks that, i guess it means it was never mounted - read only or not read only12:59
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LjLRPO, anyway, if what you're trying to do is write the HD's boot sector to the FD's *boot sector*, you probably *don't* want to have the FD mounted01:00
andreLJL:  the ubuntu screensaver, When the screen goes dark, is what screws up ubuntu for me... ever heard of that?01:00
BigMacLjL so just select ati and hit ente for everything else?01:00
LjLRPO: if, instead, you're just trying to dump the HD's boot sector on a *file* on the FD, that's another matter01:00
RPOLjL, it's mounted because I can read the files on the floppy.01:00
ljlolelSo, i'm using the ubuntu.exe on my laptop --- why does the kernel have to be the same as of the installer?01:00
LjLandre: no, i'll check the bug reports. how exactly does it mess up?01:00
cntb I received a tif from scan in gmail and it fails to present on ubuntu is it some proprietray restricted issu here?from windows I see same tif from gmail perfectly01:00
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CupCakeMastergot an error of : must be root or use sudo01:01
andreLjL:  if in ubuntu already, progs won't load01:01
RPOLjL, no, I'm just trying to make it work at this point and then I'll have to figure out how to backup the paritition table with GNOME backup (whatever that is).01:01
LjLRPO: alrighty, then try the same command but with "floppy" instead of "floppy0", and if it still fails, "sudo mount -t vfat /media/floppy0 -o remount,rw"01:01
cntbLjL ^^^ ideas about tif viewing?01:01
andreLjL: if at login,  X will fail to login01:01
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andreLjL: ie X will give me an error01:01
holycowljlolel, ubuntu.exe? is that the win installer of ubunut?01:01
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lasse_CupCakeMaster, type   whoami  and tell me what you get01:02
ljlolelholycow: yes, that's the windows installer for ubuntu -- it uses grldr and grub4dos01:02
LjLcntb: TIFF is a perfectly supported format... not sure about how well GNOME programs handle it, but i guess they should normally handle it quite well. perhaps save it and open it in the GIMP01:02
cntbubuntu.exe not ready01:02
holycowljlolel, where do y ou get that error?01:02
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holycownor is it really supported here, but i'm curious01:02
cntbLjL did not work01:02
AWOSDevI don't care how unstable it is, I *need* w32codecs on my 64-bit system01:03
WimpogGUYS, I installed Windows on my primary HDD and linux on my secondary HDD. I don't see grub menu, and Windows starts everytime I start the computer. Can I switch HDDs? That is make the one with Linux primary and with windows secondary???01:03
LjLcntb: like, GIMP gives an error? well if so i suppose the image is corrupted01:03
lasse_CupCakeMaster, ok, then you still arent root.   then you have to  try the  sudo su  again. Type your password once when it asks you. Does it then ask you for a password again, or doesnt it say anyting?01:03
ljlolelwell, i get it to work normally -- but if I edit menu.lst and try to boot to a .20- kernel instead of a  .17- kernel, it will fail ----- it says in the readme that you have to have the same kernel as the installer01:03
AWOSDevWimpog yes, flip the cables so that the first one is second01:03
cntbwill you permit me to send that 531k tif so you try to see it? nothing confidential - PCprices scanned01:03
holycowWimpog, well you didn'g install grub on the bootsector of the primary hd01:03
AWOSDevWimpog this will work assuming your mobo is set for cable select01:03
holycowWimpog, you have a lot of options01:04
holycowyou can get removeable trays and swap drives, i do that01:04
WimpogGUYS, thank you for quick responce01:04
BigMacalright it has been on the loading wheel fo about 5 - 10 minutes01:04
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LjLandre, there are quite a few bug reports that might or might not be relevant... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=screensaver+login&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=01:04
CupCakeMasterit says "password:" and does not allow me to write anything only if i click enter and move to the next row01:04
AWOSDevIs there any way of gettting w32codecs on my AMD64 system?01:04
holycowyou can get a usb tray, install ubuntu on one drive then put it in the usb tray and boot off of that01:04
LjLeew i always forgot how long those URLs are =)01:04
hitmanWillycntb: do you have libtiff4 installed?01:04
AWOSDevLjL hehe01:04
WimpogMy intention was to separate Windows and Linux (enemies for ever) as much as I could, so that nothing of the other OS is on another HDD01:04
ljlolelAWOSDev: there are ways to run them in a chrooted way-- search google01:04
cntbLjL I mamaged to see same maiol with TIFF attached on a Windows machine01:04
holycowor you can even install grub on the main bootsector of the windows hd ... but i would avoid that considering your question implies your not familiar with the process thoroughly01:05
AWOSDevljlolel would it be easier, or even possible, to run qemu with XP inside?01:05
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WimpogI am just curios, will I do any damage to my system if I switch places HDDs01:05
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LjLcntb: sure, mail it to ljlbox@tiscali.it01:05
AWOSDevWimpog nope01:05
cntbhitmanWilly: ty will check now01:05
LjLarray: using IRC as root is not a good idea01:05
ljlolelAWOSDev: I do that now (vmware), but I'd prefer to run linux straight01:05
cntbtyvm LjL01:05
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AWOSDevLjL you live in Italy!?  wow my family wants to move there01:05
holycowWimpog, indeed, thats the best method, the options i provided will let you do whateve ryou need01:05
lasse_CupCakeMaster, it does allow you to type everything, but it doesnt show the letters. So when you type your password it wont show, just type it and press enter01:05
LjLAWOSDev: yep01:05
AWOSDevLjL cool01:05
AWOSDevljlolel okay thanks.01:05
ljlolel* """You have to use an ISO built on the same kernel of the installer, at the moment this means 2.6.20-6-generic kernel, which is found in Herd3 ISOs01:05
arrayhi LjL, i know but I can see my ntfs hd only by root01:05
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WimpogAWOSDev: thanks. I'm gonna do that right now. I will still be able to to into windows, right??01:06
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ljlolelfrom the tarball here: http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/01:06
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RPOLjL, Usage...01:06
ljlolelunder Download01:06
LjLarray: err, and how does that imply that you should use *IRC* as root? =)   you can do one thing as root and another thing as a normal user01:06
LjL!sudo | array01:06
ubotuarray: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:06
arrayor maybe you or someone could help me :)01:06
Wimpogholycow: I am sorry, but I do not quite understand your options01:06
lasse_CupCakeMaster, this is what it should look like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5495/01:06
LjLarray: besides, you can mount NTFS so that your own user can read it01:06
holycowWimpog, then ask01:06
LjL!ntfs > array    (array, see the private message from Ubotu)01:06
arrayyes, I tried sudo mount but then I can access to files only from terminal01:06
LjLRPO, what?01:07
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RPOLjL, the syntax appears to be wrong01:07
Wimpogholycow: could you explain this USB tray issue01:07
LjLarray: no. you can do "gksudo nautilus" (using Alt+F2) and see them from the file browser. *logging in as root in X is a completely terrible idea* (and so is enabling the root account to start with, but anyway)01:07
holycowwell you can buy what is called a usb tray, its an external usb case you put  your hard drive into01:07
holycowplug in the power and plug it into your usb por01:07
CupCakeMasternow it says i never instald it WTF01:07
holycowif you have a newer mobo you should be able to tell it to boot from the usb device in the bios01:08
LjLarray: disable the root account as the !sudo page instructs, then if you like follow the !ntfs page to know how to mount your NTFS partition so that your user can read it -- or use gksudo nautilus01:08
kev_bcan anyone help with a problem i am having. User switching seems to have stopped working. Running 'gdmflexiserver' fails to start a new virtual console. I don't know how to diagnose or debug..01:08
LjLRPO: i'll check01:08
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cntbsent to ljlbox  Ljl now will sudo apt=cache search that libtiff4 hitmanWilly pointed to01:08
holycowalternatively you can buy a removable tray that goes in the same slot as your cdrom (or underneath).  you put your hd into the trays, when you reboot you just swap trays for the os that you want to run01:08
Wimpogholycow: Oh, I see. Well, I want to do something now, and I don't have usb tray right now. That's why I was asking if the method of switching roles of two HDDs would work01:08
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:08
lasse_CupCakeMaster, I recommend you to follow a guide. ill give you a link for a good guide on how to install nvidia drivers01:08
holycowWimpog, you will probably haveto install grub on the bootsector of the linux hd, but yes it will work01:09
LjLRPO: ah, wait, you probably need to specify the device when you specify the filesystem type... try "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 -o remount,rw"01:09
CupCakeMasterthank you s00 much lasse you have been so much help01:09
holycowWimpog, actually you will haveto probably reinstall linux if you swap the cables, linux kernel doesn' tlike that01:09
holycowyou might want to a:01:09
kev_bp.s. i've been asking around for a week now so if anyone has a clue i'd really appreciate it01:09
Wimpogholycow: Here how it is now: Windows is installed on primary HDD, Linux is installed on secondary HDD01:09
holycowswap the ide / sata cables and reinstall linux on it01:09
arraythank you very much LjL, just following the guide and then come back in user mode :)01:10
RPOLjL, device not mounted already, or bad option01:10
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Wimpogholycow: that's why Windows always boots and I don't even see grub menu01:10
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holycowor b: unplug the windows hd and just install grub on the remianing hd so that can boot ... because you already installed linux on that particular ide channel you haveto keep it there01:10
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lasse_CupCakeMaster, my pleasure, now try this guide and just ask if something isnt clear to you http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2901:10
LjLRPO: uhm, but still you say you have it mounted... please type "mount" and give me the line that talks about the floppy01:10
hairulfrNN All01:10
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holycowWimpog, its because the windows bootloader is on the first hd.  you bios checks your ide channels one by one for booteable devices.  when it finds the first bootloader on the first hd it stops and just uses that info01:10
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RPOLjL, /dev/sdc on /media/floppy-1 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)01:11
Wimpogholycow: GRUB is already installed, the problem is it is installed on secondary HDD, where the entire Linux is installed01:11
LiENUSim cold01:11
holycowWimpog, thus you don't have grub installed on that hd, windows bootloaders have this crazy notion that only windows will ever be installed on a pc01:11
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LjLRPO: eeerg? /dev/sdc? /media/floppy-1 with a hyphen? what sort of floppy do you have? :o)01:11
LiENUSholycow,  not true01:11
LiENUSholycow,  theres a way to edit boot.ini and have linux in it01:11
=== hauck [n=hauck@HSI-KBW-085-216-101-184.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
RPOLjL, USB01:11
ljlolelSo, why does ubuntu.exe think that the kernel of the linux in the file has to be the same as that of the installer?01:11
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holycowWimpog, and you made sure you added the right windows option to your /boot/grub/menu.lst file ?01:12
lasse_LiENUS, that is really much harder than getting grub to work01:12
hitmanWillyWimpog: most bioses will let you pick the HDD to boot from01:12
holycowits weird that it wasn't automatically done for you01:12
LiENUSlasse_, not really01:12
LjLRPO, maybe that GNOME utility is looking for the floppy in some more, uhm, normal place, such as /media/floppy and/or /dev/fd0. if you type "ls /media/floppy", do you see the floppy contents?01:12
Wimpogholycow: Yeah, windows is in my menu.lst01:12
holycowi would even just reinstall as it sounds easier than learning how to do it manually righ tnow01:12
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hitmanWillyWimpog: you could use the linux drive as default and use GRUB to boot win01:12
Wimpogat least during installation it added it01:12
esoxluciusthere is someone that could help me with an uninstall of xgl?01:12
holycowWimpog, okay cool, so do you get a chance to select linux at the beginning?01:12
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lasse_LiENUS, i know i didnt get it, but maybe i where an idiot. that happens01:12
holycowgrub will boot into the first item in tha tlist01:12
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Wimpogholycow: no, because I don't even see grub01:12
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holycowWimpog, then its not installed01:13
holycowyou might think it is01:13
RPOLjL, I tried it with floppy1 instead of Floppy0 but same error01:13
holycowBUT ITS NOT installed on the MAIN HD01:13
WimpoghitmanWilly: that's what I want to do, but the question is is it 'legal' to do that?01:13
LjLcntb: what's the email subject? looks like it's been trapped by the spam filter :P01:13
holycowbios looks at the hd, it sees the windows bootlaoder and just uses that01:13
holycowwhy don't you just unplug the windows hd and just reboot01:13
hitmanWillyWimpog: why not?01:13
Wimpogholycow: IT is installed, I don't see it ONLY because Linux AND grub are installed on secondary HDD01:13
holycowsee if the  bootloader on the linux hd actually points to the right place01:13
LjLcntb: oh wait, nevermind... i've got a 60kb limit now that i think of it, sorry. i'll give you another address in a PM01:13
esoxluciusThere is someone that could help me with an uninstall of XGL???01:13
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holycowWimpog, its NOT installed on the main hd, you said it doesn't see it01:13
holycowit might be installed on the second hd01:14
lasse_esoxlucius, sure, whats the problem?01:14
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Wimpogholycow: exactly01:14
cntbno LjL it is hebrew ignore it look at attachment01:14
holycowWimpog, so why are you making this hard?01:14
Wimpogholycow: SO I want to flip HDDs01:14
holycowWimpog, unplug the windows hd and reboot01:14
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RPOLjL, did you notice it says it's mounted RW already?01:14
hitmanWillyWimpog: win's license talks about virtualization, not actual installs01:14
holycowjust be quiet for a second and just try it :)01:14
cntbOK LjL01:14
=== thesis [n=peter@CPE0013100e6ba8-CM0012c91e000c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowit will give you enough information to furtehr move down the logic chain to debug this01:14
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Wimpogholycow: you mean I have to unplug everytime I want to boot Linux?01:15
holycowi told you already why you CAN'T flip hds01:15
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dsquarewget http://ubuntu.compiz.net/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -01:15
dsquare--16:14:58--  http://ubuntu.compiz.net/quinn.key.asc01:15
dsquare           => `-'01:15
dsquareResolving ubuntu.compiz.net... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.01:15
dsquaregpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.01:15
holycowthe kernel wont like bieng moved from ide2 to ide101:15
holycowWimpog, well thats how you set it up01:15
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RPOLjL, exact error is "You do not have permissions to write to this folder"01:15
kev_bcan anyone help with a problem i am having. User switching seems to have stopped working. Running 'gdmflexiserver' fails to start a new virtual console. I don't know how to diagnose or debug..01:15
wubrgamerhey guys01:15
thesisdoes anyone here use kiba-dock01:15
cntbhitmanWilly: libtiff4 is already the newest version.01:15
lasse_dsquaure > pastebin01:15
holycowWimpog, i don't think you fully realize the significance of what i'm telling you  tho01:15
dsquarewhy am i getting an error instead of the repository please?01:15
dsquarety lasse_.01:15
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hitmanWillycntb: hmmmm01:15
wubrgamerhow do i convert mp4 to mp3 ??????01:15
wubrgamerjoin ##linux01:15
hitmanWillycntb: try the dev lib01:15
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LjLRPO: indeed, floppies are mounted r/w normally, it would have been weird if it weren't... but anyway, what about "ls /media/floppy", with no digits?01:16
wubrgamerany ideas ?01:16
andreLJL:tx for the bug reports01:16
hitmanWillycntb: ive had crazier things work01:16
Wimpogholycow: I think I confused you, so, let me tell you my idea. Linux and grub are installed on secondary HDD. I want to make Linux's HDD primary and Windows' HDD secondary by flipping cables. THEN I would be able to see GRUB's menu and choose whatever I want - Linux and Windows. MY QUESTION IS - WILL THAT WORK???01:16
holycowno you didn't confuse me01:17
holycowyou don't understand what i'm telling you01:17
Wimpogok, then I'm confused01:17
holycowyou can't flip them01:17
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pollywogWinpog why not just do a dual boot?01:17
holycowyou installed the system while linux was on the other ide channel01:17
DARKGuyhe looks like he's dualbooting with grub01:17
RPOLjL, nope, but ls /media/floppy-1 works, I just can't save anything to the blank formatted UN-write protected floppy01:17
wubrgamermp4 to mp3 eh eh ? eh eh ?01:17
holycowWimpog, why don't you just swap and see for your self01:17
hitmanWillyWinpog: u can change the boot order in the bios01:17
WimpoghitmanWilly: hitmanWilly said I can do that01:17
holycowit should freeze on bootup or not boot at all01:17
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hitmanWillyWinpog: dont swap cables. that'll confuse the kernel01:18
Wimpogok I'll get back to you later, I'm going to try this...01:18
holycowWimpog, but dude, just try it01:18
holycowdamn why are we answering the same questio n10 time01:18
=== Zuph_ [n=bradluys@74-130-215-240.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi iexplained why it wont work, tryin git wont hurt anything01:18
holycowits simple really01:18
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holycowworst case scenario you swap drives and reinstall01:19
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LjLRPO: "floppy-1" isn't a normal name for a floppy in Ubuntu, so i guess the permissions are all set incorrectly... either use sudo/gksudo for everything, or try to fix that. but i don't know where to start looking for the problem01:19
LiENUSholycow, why not show him how to use boot.ini to boot linux01:19
Zuph_I have a USB Disk formatted FAT.  Yesterday it was working fine.  Today, though, a directory I was accessing when I turned my computer off yesterday is corrupt, and the disk will only mount as read-only.  What gives?01:19
holycowLiENUS, are you insane?01:19
holycowwhy would i ever help anyone with windows?01:19
LiENUShollywoodstar, yes actually, why do you ask?01:19
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LiENUSerr holycow yes actually, why do you ask?01:20
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lasse_Zuph_, do you know your way around in a terminal?01:20
RPOLjL, SUDO mv S* /media/floppy-1 also reports RO file system01:20
Zuph_lasse_: more or less01:20
hitmanWillyLiENUS: cause its 10x easier from GRUB01:20
LiENUShitmanWilly, iyfssb01:20
Zuph_I've tried mounting it manually, umask=000, to no availi.01:20
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LiENUSLjL, maybe mrename should be used?01:21
lasse_Zuph_, then try   cd /where/your/usbidsk/ismounted   (usally somwhere in /media or /mnt ). use the ls command to see what is in the folder you are in01:21
LjLLiENUS: i don't know what mrename is01:21
kev_bCan anyone tell me why running "gdmflexiserver" might result in nothing happening and no errors?01:21
frogzooLiENUS: grub is also 10x more powerful than boot.ini01:21
lasse_Zuph_, tell me when you are there01:21
LiENUSLjL, renames dos disks...01:21
zorba64Zuph_, running fsck.vfat or fsck.msdos find any errors?01:21
=== Dial_tone [i=Dial_ton@adsl-67-120-182-161.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
LiENUSfrogzoo, and grub can be loaded from boot.ini01:21
LiENUSfrogzoo, whats yer point?01:21
megafaunaHi, can someone help me please with installing realplayer 10?01:22
LjLLiENUS: but it's not a label problem, it's actually the mountpoint that's weird01:22
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kev_bIf run with -d for debug it just stops at a certain point...01:22
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frogzooLiENUS: grub can connect to a serial port - so you can reboot remotely from bare metal01:22
kev_bSending command: 'FLEXI_XSERVER Standard'01:22
kev_band then does nothing01:22
LiENUSfrogzoo,  i doubt he wants that functionality01:22
LiENUSLjL, gnome will pick floppy-1 or something like that if the disk is unnamed...01:22
=== LycoLoc1 [n=ubuntu@24-176-85-107.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
lasse_megafauna, check this out: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.2901:22
cntbhitmanWilly: try dev lib? dont get tit still tif viewing issue01:22
Zuph_lasse_: what do you mean "What is in the folder you are in"?  It's mounted to /media/usbdisk, and every folder except that one is fine.  The rest of the directory structure is A-OK.01:22
frogzooLiENUS: but why learn an inferior tool? that's my point01:23
LiENUSfrogzoo, no learn01:23
megafauna<lasse_> Thanks!01:23
LiENUSfrogzoo, use01:23
LiENUStheres a difference01:23
lasse_Zuph_, ok. so now you are in /media/usbdisk  ?01:23
LycoLoc1hi all - I'm using a live CD to try to fix a problem I've been having - how would I go about running fsck on my linux partition, which is hdb2?01:23
WimpogOK GUYS, thanks for all your help. It is even easier that I thougth. I followed hitmanWilly's advice and changed the boot order of HDDs in BIOS. Now I can see GRUB's menu and choose which OS to boot!!! Wicked Cool01:23
Zuph_lasse_: yes01:23
Dial_toneI can't find a definitive answer of whether gnomebaker burns dual layer...anyone know?01:24
hitmanWillyWimpog: nice, huh?01:24
lasse_Zuph_, Great! Now try to type   sudo touch testfile.txt01:24
WimpoghitmanWilly: yes. Sorry Guys for some stupid questions, I am not an expert...01:24
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hitmanWillyWimpog: experience from my own dual boot days01:24
zorba64LycoLoc1, ext3 file system - sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/hdb201:24
Zuph_lasse_: cannot touch 'testfile.txt': Read-only file system.01:24
WimpoghitmanWilly: Wicked cool.01:24
lasse_Zuph_, ah damn :)01:24
=== |ADZ| [n=kvirc@pool-72-80-241-125.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LycoLoc1zorba64: thanks :-)01:25
|ADZ|where can I find printer drivers?01:25
|ADZ|for Ubuntu01:25
LycoLoc1zorba64: it immediately comes back clean...which doesn't seem right01:25
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zorba64Zuph_, have you checked it for file system errors?01:25
kev_bI will paypal $5 to anyone to provides information on my problem which leads to either filing a bug or fixing it : )01:25
LycoLoc1shouldn't it be doing an actual scan?01:25
lasse_Zuph_, how about trying   sudo chmod 777 -R /media/usbdisk  ?01:25
frogzooLiENUS: if people want a doze way of doing things, they should -> #windows  solutions recommended here need to be able to be supported by the community01:25
kev_bits not a lot but its more than anyone else is paying! : )01:25
Zuph_zorba64: trying that now.01:25
lasse_Zuph_, then the touch testfile.txt01:25
=== soG [n=opl@bl6-241-156.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
LiENUSfrogzoo, theres no reason for him not to use boot.ini01:26
LiENUSfrogzoo, does he have the source code to his bios?01:26
LiENUSfrogzoo, does the community support his bios?01:26
zorba64LycoLoc1, then filesystem errors may not be the prob01:26
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lasse_zorba64, would he only get read permissions if the file system is corrupt?01:26
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frogzooLiENUS: not yet :D01:26
LycoLoc1zorba64: alrighty, thanks01:26
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zorba64lasse_, yeah...01:26
LiENUSfrogzoo, so then why not use boot.ini?01:27
lasse_zorba64, huh01:27
kev_b$5 people... easy money maybe?01:27
kurt_here is my question01:27
LiENUSfrogzoo, theres a project that aims to implement the windows boot loader in open source form01:27
lasse_hi kurt01:27
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kurt_i tried to mount my windows partition01:27
kurt_here is what i did01:27
shrndegruvcan someone help me get direct rendering working with open source ati drivers?01:27
kurt_sudo mkdir /media/windows01:27
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jribkev_b: I had a similar issue.  What video drivers are you using?01:28
kurt_sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/windows -o ro,users01:28
kurt_it seems to mount just fine01:28
kurt_but when i try to ls01:28
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ZirgHey Gang. When I add new hardware to a (k)ubuntu machine, how do I set it up in the o/s itself? (added a soundblaster and don't have audio)01:28
kurt_or browse i dont have permissions01:28
ImmortalD23HELLO NEWYORK!01:28
lasse_kurt_,  would you please write everything in one line01:28
ImmortalD23oh wrong channel.. :)01:28
kurt_oh ok01:28
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kurt_i tried to mount my windows partition  here is what i did01:29
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kev_bjrib: radeon driver, but it was working a while ago and i'm not sure what i changed : )01:29
ImmortalD23hey kurt_, why is there so much windows haters online?01:29
kurt_ sudo mkdir /media/windows  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/windows -o ro,users01:29
=== Kaso [n=Kaso@resnet01.nat.lancs.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lasse_kurt_, try the   sudo chmod -R 777 /media/windows  and then try to browse01:29
zorba64who has time for hate?01:29
kev_bjrib: I was playing with my networking settings and I installed NetworkManager but I can't see the relevance01:30
jribkev_b: well to troubleshoot, i would try with whatever the default ati drivers are, or is radeon the default for ati?01:30
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ImmortalD23zorba64, its some complete geeks @ demonoid01:30
jribkev_b: in my case the nvidia drivers would give me the same trouble you are having but 'nv' worked fine01:30
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zorba64ah well...their problem if it gets to them that much01:30
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ZirgWhen I add new hardware to a (k)ubuntu machine, how do I set it up in the o/s itself? (added a soundblaster and don't have audio)01:31
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kurt_oh crap01:31
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ImmortalD23yea man01:31
kev_bjrib: hmm, I think radeon is the only that will work with my card01:31
lasse_kurt_, whats up?01:31
kurt_how many of them are there????01:31
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lasse_kurt_,  youre not making it any easier to help you right now :S01:32
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Zuph_zorba64: it reports the directory that appeared to be corrupt was corrupt, but I can't seem to make any meaningful changes;  it still only mounts as read-only.01:32
kurt_it keeps saying though read-only file system01:32
RPOLjL: I found an article that had me change /etc/fstab, how do I instantiate it?01:32
kurt_why is it that ubuntu on my desktop mounting windows is a mouse click01:32
Zirgkurt_, yeah, that's what you TOLD it! (ro)01:32
LjLRPO: instawhat? :P01:32
kurt_but on my laptop its this hassle01:32
hitmanWillyLjL: mount -a01:32
kurt_and both are on the same version01:33
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zorba64Zuph_, can you copy off it...may have to reformat if the filesystem is dodgy...backup time maybe?01:33
RPOkurt, you told it to mount read-only, and its alledgely unsafe to mount ntfs partitions rw under Linux01:33
jribkev_b: does gdmflexiserver work if you use -lns ?01:33
kurt_yeah but so many....01:33
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kurt_ntfs-3g is my nextguess01:34
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Zuph_zorba64: aside from the fact that this drive is 4 times as large as any other drive in the house, it's BRAND spanking new and worked fine until last night, when I shut it off before I stopped accessing it.01:34
kurt_oh and by the way...01:34
martyI've got a .deb that broke, and now I can't use package management to any degree - it won't uninstall, either - how can I fix this?01:34
kurt_it says permission denied still01:34
kev_bjrib: no i can't get it to do anything, it's strange. It gets to "Sending command: 'FLEXI_XSERVER Standard'" and then it just waits01:34
|ADZ|does anybody know where I can find a driver for brother hl-204001:35
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kev_bjrib: but everything before that looks OK. It gets the server and authenticates.01:35
lasse_kurt_,  ok. try this one. it might seem like youre not using the 3g drivers so follow this guide. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access01:35
Zirgkurt_, show me the output of  ls -l /media/windows    please.01:35
|ADZ|on the brother website, there is noen01:35
jribmarty: maybe 'dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq packagename' but please make sure you udnerstand the ramifications before doing this (see man dpkg)01:35
zorba64Zuph_, ok...i see the prob...and it's full of stuff too huh?01:35
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justin_can someone help me?01:36
kurt_ls: /media/windows: Permission denied01:36
Flannellasse_, kurt_, ubuntuguide should be avoided.  The official wiki is a better place to look.01:36
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buuSo. I've screwed something up. I'm trying to run oowriter and I get a couple of pages of [fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureSGIS01:36
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buu[fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureTransformSGIS01:36
Zuph_zorba64: I'll gladly DELETE the one directory on the drive that's corrupt if it saves the rest of the drive, I just can't get it to mount non-read only01:36
kurt_but on my desktop it's just a click on the partition01:36
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buuI'm pretty sure OO.o used to work, but I managed to screw something up.01:36
Zirgkurt_, show me the output of  ls -l /media/   please.   my bad.01:36
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martyjrib, thanks, all fixed. :)01:36
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kurt_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     6 2007-02-11 07:04 cdrom -> cdrom001:37
kurt_drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 2007-02-11 07:04 cdrom001:37
kurt_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     7 2007-02-11 07:04 floppy -> floppy001:37
kurt_drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 2007-02-11 07:04 floppy001:37
kurt_dr-x------ 1 root root 12288 2007-02-01 10:43 windows01:37
jrib!paste | kurt_01:37
ubotukurt_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:37
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Zirgne1, added a sound card, it's not working, how do you trouble-shoot in ubuntu for new hardware??01:37
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lasse_Flannel, ok, will use that one from now on. whats wrong with ubuntuguide.org btw?01:37
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jvaioi ppl!01:37
kurt_if i knew what that meant jrib i might be able to figure this out myself01:37
Flannellasse_: some of the stuff it recommends is unsafe01:37
Zirgkurt_, your permissions are borqd!  the dir is owned by root and you have no rights to it.01:38
andrehey LJL, ubuntuguide is down, and I'd like to play a dvd,  what packages do I need to install?01:38
=== yoann_ [n=yoann@c0017-1-82-245-13-77.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
kurt_chown ?01:38
LjL!dvd > andre    (andre, see the private message from Ubotu)01:38
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Zirgkurt_, unmount it, to begin with, change ownership, then mount it and lets see what we see.01:38
kurt_i dont mind it being owned by root01:38
jribkurt_: it means you should visit http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste large amounts of text01:38
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LjLandre: (ubuntuguide eeew :P)01:38
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lasse_Flannel, like automatix and stuff?01:38
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juano__hello everyone!01:38
Flannellasse_: that's one of a few, yeah.  Some other items are just plain... well, upgrade-breaking.01:39
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lasse_Flannel, im taking your word for it01:39
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Zirgkurt_, sorry, just saw that. Yes,  chown   is what you want.01:39
andreLjL: hehe tx01:39
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megafaunahi lasse_, can I get some more help with realplayer? I'm it's my first time using the terminal and it's not working for me01:39
kurt_do I chown to users or to kurt ?01:39
Zirgkurt_, man chown  to see the syntax and capabilities.01:39
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lasse_megafauna, sure buddy. Give me one second to figure out how to do it, then ill help you with it01:40
Zirgkurt_, man chown    Bugs. :-)  Get used to looking at those MANual pages. It will save you a lot of grief later in life.01:40
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megafaunai d/l'd it from the realplayer site, it's on my desktop01:40
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jrib!realplayer | megafauna01:41
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ubotumegafauna: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:41
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Shaezschewhat file do i edit to add extra parameters to my alsa configuration?01:41
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Shaezschesuch as the position fix 1 parameter01:41
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megafaunaubotu: i'm looking now01:41
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ubotuim: mail/news handling commands and Perl modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:148-5 (edgy), package size 310 kB, installed size 1260 kB01:41
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kurt_ok i did chown kurt:users ....01:41
Zirg!hardware | zirg01:42
lasse_megafauna, you can do what ubotu tol you to do, or you can let me help you with it. Why dont you try with ubotu first, then ask if you dont get it, ok?01:42
kev_blol megafauna, i don't think the bot cares01:42
arraycan I ask why aMSN works only if lanched from the root account logged? (otherwise it say i need TLS libraries but I've already got them)01:42
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GaiaX11megafauna: ubotu is a bot :-)01:42
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megafaunaok, didn't realise i was talking to a bot, suspected, but did not realise01:42
kurt_i did a chown to kurt:users01:42
Zirgkurt_, good, remount the partition.01:42
kurt_but when i did sudo mount .... it changed back to root root01:43
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kurt_chown again?01:43
=== shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pollywogI bumped into a manikin at JC Penney once and said "excuse me"01:43
pollywogso talking to a bot is okay01:43
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andreLjL: tx dvd working :)01:43
kurt_no more chowns :(01:43
shivknights crashing a lot. I am really depressed I guess linux has lot of bugs01:44
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megafaunai had a friend who bumped into a manikin and apologised too, he never lived it down01:44
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hiptadahophttp://www.ozoneasylum.com/28921 << Job posting if you live in minnesota01:44
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Zirgwell, i guess i'm on my own with this hardware. (shrug)01:45
Zirgl8tr all01:45
lasse_shiv,  why dont you run it from a terminal and post the output it gives after a crash here  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/01:45
kurt_i tried the chown again but it ignored me01:45
megafaunaam d/l'ing the debian codecs now01:45
shivlasse_: let me do that01:45
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WimpogGUYS, one more question. So, I have two HDDs, Linux resides on one of them, windows - on another. In Linux, command fdisk -l displays them as labeled hdb and hdc. I wonder why it does not start with hda.01:46
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megafaunais reading database....01:47
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megafaunaappears to be finished. I'm going to try to stream some realplayer through firefox01:48
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zorba64Wimpog, cableng channels...master slave thing?01:48
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tarelerulzI am lost how do you find the xgl tarball or better yet deb ?01:48
=== BlackMad [n=BlackMad@247.red-81-184-83.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
kurt_wtf ???01:48
Wimpogzorba64: yeah one of them is master, one of them is slave, BUT they're labeled as hdb and hdc. Why not hda and hdb?01:49
GaiaX11shiv: You cannot say that linux has lots of bugs only because for knights. For me linux is all right. Everything running smoothly as ever  :-)01:49
shivlasse_: Here u go : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5503/01:49
kurt_where the ???? did i get sda from ???01:49
lasse_megafauna, you could just try out typing about:plugins  in firefox and check if you see any Helix there01:49
lasse_shiv, looking01:49
hitmanWillyWimpog: something else must be calling itself hda01:49
LjL!xgl > tarelerulz    (tarelerulz, see the private message from Ubotu)01:49
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LjLtarelerulz: there are howtos in the topic of that channel01:49
shivGaiaX11: All I have done is trouble shooting whenever I have it installed in last 3 years :(01:49
WimpoghitmanWilly: what might it be? fdisk -l doesnot even show hda01:49
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hitmanWillyWimpog: ive seen that from cd drives before01:49
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WimpoghitmanWilly: so cd-rom can be hda???01:50
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lasse_shiv, huh, i dont get anythingf from this output, ask someone else to check on it01:50
arrayLjL: I followed the webpage about mounting partition but it seems to work just for 1 partition (I have 2 ntfs partitions), I put two rows in /etc/fstab01:50
lasse_shiv, sorry01:50
tarelerulzThe reason I ask for that is I don't have net for my home computer and I have no idea what to do cvs .01:50
hitmanWillyWimpog: hda,b etc are ide hard drives, which is what most cd drives act like01:50
shivlasse_: I have the backtrace here too http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5505/01:50
LiENUS!pastebin | array01:51
ubotuarray: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:51
billybobWimpog: hda is its location on the IDE / SATA connection01:51
LiENUSarray, paste your /etc/fstab into pastebin01:51
=== YelloJello [n=mrbigdow@ACBF2F55.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
WimpoghitmanWilly: ok... I see01:51
hitmanWillyWimpog, if you really want to know, try mounting it01:51
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kurt_this is bull01:51
=== YelloJello [n=mrbigdow@ACBF2F55.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
WimpoghitmanWilly:  mount hda?01:51
kurt_as near as i can tell i done eberything right01:51
megafaunathe w32codecs package is not working, firefox freezes when mplayer tries to stream01:51
LiENUSkurt_, are you a zombie?01:51
kurt_i wish i were01:51
lasse_i second that emotion01:51
kurt_then i wouldnt give a damn about this xxxxx01:51
LiENUSkillall -9 kurt01:52
hitmanWillyWimpog: probably your cd is configed as primary ide01:52
kurt_dont tempt me lienus01:52
GaiaX11shiv:  this is the linux way killing troubles and enhancing it  :-)01:52
kurt_i dont know the -9 option but killing all .....01:52
hitmanWillyWimpog: just a guess01:52
WimpoghitmanWilly: YES, you're right. CD-ROM is Master on one of the IDEs01:52
YelloJellohi can anyone tell me how to get root priv. (like with copying files and stuff) and i already know the sudo command i want say my account to be root....01:52
YelloJellobut not the name01:52
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lasse_YelloJello, i see what you want to do, but i would recommend not doing it01:53
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hitmanWillyWimpog: if its that big a deal, u could reconfig that with the jumpers on the drives01:53
YelloJelloPLEASE i really would like it01:53
cablesIs there any way to request for Gaim 2 Beta 6 to be backported to Edcy?01:53
rjw_hi all got a problem with my system, lots of apps seem to have stopped loading01:53
LiENUS-9 == SIGKILL01:53
arrayok, I pasted the file in the pastebin, this is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5506/01:53
Spragie`I am running ubuntu and trying to install sound drivers from ALSA, everything has gone smoothly so far but it is asking to me to edit the kernel module config im not sure what to do01:53
shivright now I have a hda3 of 1Kb size. I don't know what to do with it. I have no clue how it got there either01:53
=== Anti-Tedd [n=na@ool-457b3956.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
lasse_YelloJello, you could log in as root. But you dont want to do it, its not safe01:53
Anti-TeddIs there a way to get my original sources.list back?01:54
megafaunalasse_ I typed in about plugins and it brought up the page, told me I could play realmedia but didn't say anthing about helix01:54
YelloJellolasse_: just i need it i wont like do anyhting stupid...but it mostly for manually installing programs and or easyly changing splash screens01:54
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WimpoghitmanWilly: not, it is not a big deal, I was just curious, why I could not see hda as one my HDDs. Actually I tried to reconfig the jumpers, but my cd-rom did not like being a slave, and did not work, so I had to make it master again01:54
GaiaX11!root | YelloJello01:54
ubotuYelloJello: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:54
Spragie`I am running ubuntu and trying to install sound drivers from ALSA, everything has gone smoothly so far but it is asking to me to edit the kernel module config im not sure what to do01:54
kurt_lasse_,  can you explain why it is so easy to do on my desktop and so hard to do on my laptop01:54
YelloJelloubotu: already know that01:54
kurt_i think i done everything01:55
hitmanWillyWimpog: probably the way the cables are hooked up01:55
kurt_besides throw this effing thing out the window01:55
=== tristil [n=method@c-71-60-19-65.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lasse_kurt, My thought may be that you have the 3g drivers installed on your desktop, and not on your laptop. try sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g01:55
arrayhda2 works fine but if i try to open (nautilus) hda1 it says I don't have such rights (or it shows an empty folder like it's not mounted at all)01:55
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kurt_no no 3g01:55
kurt_i havent got that far yet01:55
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kurt_both systems are on feisty01:56
kurt_both updated last night01:56
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YelloJellolasse_: please tell me... at leased if i screw up well its my fault01:56
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kurt_however this is the alternate install01:56
kurt_but did i do wrong with my mounts ?01:56
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lasse_YelloJello, You shouldnt do it like that. Do a sudo chmod 777 on the folder you want to copy files to, then youre user account is able to read write and execute from it. the manually installing apps, just do sudo -i   then youre loggid in as root01:56
pic__cya all01:56
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lasse_megafauna, guess you should be alright then01:57
kitche!feisty | kurt_01:57
ubotukurt_: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+101:57
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megafaunalasse_ i'm not, yet...01:57
kurt_thats cool kitche01:57
kurt_but why is the one on my desktop different to the one on my laptop01:57
lasse_kurt_,  i dont know about feisty sorry01:57
YelloJelloso say i wanted to copy a file into the usr folder i would use what exact commant01:57
jnthey everyone. I'm having a problem with debarchiver on a local apt repository not finding the packages in incoming - it has worked in the past.01:58
tarelerulzDo any of you know anything about TRUEMOBILE 1180 INTERNAL 802.11 b mini-pci card?01:58
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jntdebug output indicates that it doesn't seem to see any packages in incoming. anyone have any ideas?01:58
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lasse_megafauna, ok. can you open realplayer from the terminal with the   realplay   command?01:58
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kurt_it seems to be mounting but wont let me read01:59
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kurt_i dont want to activate su on this installation01:59
megafaunai installed it, it asked me for my password and installed, but then i didn't know what to do and it hadn't appeared in the sound&vid menu01:59
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lasse_YelloJello, ok.  first do    sudo chmod 777 -R /folder/you/want/to/be/able/to/copy/to01:59
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billybobjnt: are you trying to say apt-get install <package>  doesnt work ?01:59
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lasse_YelloJello, then       cp /file/you/want/to/copy /destination/to/where/you/want/it/copied/to/02:00
Spragie`I am running ubuntu and trying to install sound drivers from ALSA, everything has gone smoothly so far but it is asking to me to edit the kernel module config im not sure what to do02:00
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megafaunalasse_ i installed it, it asked me for my password and installed, but then i didn't know what to do and it hadn't appeared in the sound&vid menu02:00
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jntbillybob: no, debarchiver is scanning incoming and not seeing any packages to accept into the dist02:01
lasse_megafauna, ok. but try to open a terminal and type in  either   realplay   or   realplayer   . do you get anything?02:01
jntit's a local apt repository02:01
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megafaunalasse_ trying now02:01
billybobjnt: ah, not famailir with that, although soudns very usefull . . .02:01
jntwe use it a lot for home rolled or backported software02:01
megafaunalasse_ nothing: command not found.02:02
lasse_Spragie`, Im not sure at all but maybe you want to insert the module? Then sudo modprobe nameofmodule      and then check if its loaded by  sudo lsmod | grep nameofthemodule02:02
megafaunalasse_ I still have the .bin on my desktop if that helps02:02
billybobjnt: yeah, soudns like what i was trying to do over a year ago with debian, just never had teh time . .02:02
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lasse_megafauna, ok. first, lets try   killall gnome-panel   , tehn check if its in the Sound/Video menu02:02
GaiaX11megafauna: type:  which realplay02:03
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=== Joske [i=Anarky@cc68481-a.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
kurt_is there a graphical tool for mounting?02:03
lasse_megafauna, do as GaiaX11 said02:03
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megafaunalasse_ k02:03
Spragie`lasse_, well i gedit'd the file it was talking about and it seems like it had just made the file...the only command in it was lp02:03
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megafaunaGaiaXll k02:03
megafaunaGaiaXll which realplay does nothing, but at least it doesn't say command not found02:04
lasse_Spragie`, what file is this?02:04
JoskeThe Ubuntu live cd I burned does not boot properly, could someone help?02:04
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jvaijoske, u burned it @ 4x?02:04
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lasse_Joske, i think you have to either dl or burn it again. check the md5 checksum02:04
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Joskenope, at 10x02:04
jvaiaaaah slllooooow burn @ joske02:05
billybobburn speed shouoldnt matter02:05
GaiaX11megafauna: do now: which realplayer02:05
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=== billybob butrns at 32x all the time
megafaunaam now trying Automatixs02:05
megafaunaGaiaXll: ok02:05
cpk1megafauna: dont02:05
Joskeas far as I can tell everything went right, I can also access all the files.. but when booting the process hangs after selecting boot/install on the second ubuntu logo02:05
cablesmegafauna, Automatix is a really bad idea02:05
lasse_megafauna, dont do automatix, its not a good way02:05
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Spragie`lasse_ ... /etc/modules.conf02:06
HymnToLifeyep, Automatix is evil02:06
cablesmegafauna, it can break installs badly, especially when you try to upgrade to the latest ubuntu02:06
GaiaX11megafauna: do now: which realplayer02:06
megafaunahow do i stop it?02:06
lasse_Spragie`, isnt it supposed to be just /etc/modules in ubuntu?02:06
megafaunaGaiaXll:  no response02:06
cablesmegafauna, is automatix running now, or are you installing it?02:06
billybobJoske: check the integretity of the iso, and if good, make sure your writer is clean, and after that, make sure the media you use is in good order02:06
megafaunait is running02:06
megafaunacables it is running02:06
lasse_Spragie`, check what is in you /etc/modules file02:06
Spragie`lasse_, i have no idea lol im a linux new-b02:06
Spragie`lasse_, k justa sec02:07
cablesmegafauna, i'd use the automatix uninstaller to remove whatever you just installed with it, then remove automatix, then put your sources.list back to normal.02:07
jvaijoske, slow burns migitate errors02:07
megafaunafound the cancel button02:07
lasse_megafauna, :D02:07
megafaunacables: found the cancel button02:07
cablesmegafauna, you'll still need to fix your sources.list probably02:07
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megafaunaso how do i do that?02:08
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Joske:o it did give me an error saying the cd should be finalized for all the data to fit.. but since it's a > 700 mB iso I wouldn't know why it wouldnt fit on a standard 80 min cd-r02:08
GaiaX11megafauna: dpkg --purge realplay or dpkg --purge realplayer. Then install everything again :-)02:08
stian2I need some help with restoring grub (yes, I installed windows). I've mounted my root under /mnt/temp and chroot'ed. I've got a sata drive, and my ext3 partition is on /dev/sda2 (although my /boot/grub/menu.lst boots on (hd0,1)). Anyways, when I launch grub and write: root (hd0,1) I get "error 21: selected disk not found". And, if I write "sudo fdisk -l" I get "cannot open /proc/partitions". Anyone care to help?02:08
=== youkilldkennedy [n=james@dhcp80ffbb2b.residence-rooms.uiowa.edu] has joined #ubuntu
megafaunacalbes: there is a button to "Reove Automatix repositories form your souce list"02:08
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HymnToLifeJoske, it's normal - just click OK to finalize it02:09
megafaunaGaiaXll k, doing now02:09
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HymnToLife!hi | youkilldkennedy02:09
ubotuyoukilldkennedy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:09
youkilldkennedyIs anyone familiar with FreeLoader?02:09
nexousNETHow do I figure out what my IP is when DHCP is on?02:09
megafaunaGaiaXll requested operation requires superuser privilege02:09
=== HymnToLife is a huge FreeLoader :p
Joskeis finalizing needed for the cd to work?02:09
lufisAm I the only one having trouble using FTP in Nautilus? It gives me an error every time it try copying a file to a remote server02:09
GaiaX11megafauna: so sudo02:09
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HymnToLifeJoske, no, but it is required for the data to fit :p02:09
youkilldkennedyDoes the program not start where it left off with downloads?02:09
theherbalizerhey guys, problem: trying to mount sda returns this:  "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda,       missing codepage or other error       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try       dmesg | tail  or so"02:09
GaiaX11megafauna: sudo dpkg etc ...02:09
lasse_Spragie`, whats happening buddy?02:10
megafaunathought so, i just read that a min ago02:10
rbilnexousNET: you mean the ip addy assigned to your by your ISP?02:10
theherbalizeryoukilldkennedy: freeloader? it does that to me02:10
kekkonexousnet: ifconfig02:10
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JoskeI'm using a rewritable disc, maybe that's the issue?02:10
nexousNETOkay, Thanks.02:10
youkilldkennedytheherbalizer: doesn't start where it left off?02:10
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HymnToLifeJoske, it should work, just finalize it02:10
billybobJoske: dotn finalize then, or use different media02:10
HymnToLifeit's a bad idea though imo02:10
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megafaunaGaiaXll: The plot thickens: dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove realplay which isn't installed.02:11
vote4arealclownanyone have any idea how i get my opengl drivers loaded02:11
vote4arealclowni'm trying to play planscape02:11
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HymnToLifevote4arealclown, ati or nvidia ?02:11
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nexousNETAlso, How do I start up lampp (command: /opt/lampp/lampp start) on startup?02:11
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kitche!nvidia | vote4arealclown02:12
ubotuvote4arealclown: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:12
billybobJoske: i would recommend using normal media, and finalizing, i have never finalized a rw, so i couldnt sday if you would lock it down or not02:12
BigMacAlright guys my ubuntu won't load02:12
BigMacit go through grub then stops02:12
HymnToLifedamn, kitche beat me to ie02:12
Spragie`lasse_, ok ... found the modules file....idk how i can edit it or what i should do to it because the only line that is not ignored is 'lp'02:12
vote4arealclownthanks dudes....and for the correction!02:12
HymnToLifebillybob, finalizing a rw doesn't "lock" it02:12
kurt_i friggin give up02:13
megafaunaGaiaXll so if I have realplayer on my desktop as a .bin file, how do I install it, I guess I hadn't been successful02:13
HymnToLifeI still think it's a bad idea thoug, rw's are far less reliable that r's02:13
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kurt_just too fustrating02:13
Joskehmm, I looked it up and it seems a complete erase will undo the finalizing again.. so I'll try that02:13
billybobHymnToLife: overburning a RW still isnt a good idea02:13
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BigMacI stried recopying my xorg.conf with sudo cp xorg.conf.original-0 xorg.conf02:13
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HymnToLifebillybob, it's not overburning02:13
BigMacbut it still will not load02:13
lasse_Spragie`, you can add the name of the module you want to load at boottime, but i would suggest you try to load it first with  sudo modprobe nameofthemodule     then     lsmod | grep nameofthemodule    to check if it has loaded02:13
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Joskethe fact that it reports the cd-rw to be too small is surprising in the first place02:14
BigMacis there anything else I can do short of reloading ubuntu with the live disc02:14
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megafaunaCan someone recommend a really good beginners guide to using the terminal?02:14
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billybobJoske: use normal media . . .02:14
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PeloBiGcaT,sudo dpkg-recongifure xserver.conf02:14
HymnToLifeJoske, no, the max amount of data you can burn on a 700 MiB CD without finalizing it is about 670 MiB02:14
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PeloBibmac,sudo dpkg-recongifure xserver.conf02:15
theherbalizeranyone know how to fix this? "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda,       missing codepage or other error       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try       dmesg | tail  or so"02:15
rbilmegafauna: http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html.gz02:15
HymnToLifecd-r and cd-rw as well02:15
billybobJoske: a CD without being overburnt is 650MB, just that most burners + media now days is capable of being overburnt RW is anotehr ballgame02:15
Pelomegafauna, http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8402:15
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Joske...lol, seriously?02:15
lasse_megafauna, i like this  one. its short and good http://linux.org.mt/article/terminal02:15
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Joskeso what they are marketing as 80 min discs are in fact 74 min discs capable of overburning?02:15
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HymnToLifetheherbalizer, you neer a number after /Dev/sda02:15
jexdawghow do i access ~/.gnome2/totem_config  ? like... uhh... where is it?02:15
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HymnToLifeto tell the kernel which partiton it needs to mount02:16
theherbalizerHymnToLife: does 0 count?02:16
megafaunaTHANKS ALL. I shall be dual booting for the next couple of weeks I guess till I get a handle on this "Terminal Thing"02:16
billybobJoske: whats the mdeia say as far as storage ?02:16
theherbalizerHymnToLife: oh, wait, im not mounting the swap, right? so just sda1?02:16
HymnToLifetheherbalizer, no02:16
=== pichu0102_ [n=pichu010@adsl-70-134-2-138.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
billybobbecause 80 minutes tells me nothign other than its an audio / video CD02:16
Rees2can anyone tell me why I can sudo but not login as root?02:16
Pelojexdawg,    files and folders with a . at the begining are hidden02:16
Joskeafaik 80 min's was in the orange book and whatnot (or however these standards r called nowadays)02:16
brrrti have a problem running swiftfox on feisty64: everytime when i start swiftfox, a md5sum process starts to eat up both turion x2 cpu cores for about 30 seconds (!), please, how can this be ??02:16
HymnToLifetheherbalizer, yep, if /dev/sda1 is the partiton you want to mount02:16
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HymnToLifesudo fdisk -l will tell you if you're unsure02:16
Joskeit says 80 min/700 MB02:17
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rbilRees2: because by default in Ubuntu, root doesn't have a password assigned02:17
billybobJoske: ah, ok, then im not sure if overburn plays a factor there02:17
Rees2rbil, I thought SUDO & root use the same password?02:17
HymnToLifeRees2, they don't02:17
=== billybob actually has a burner that with the right media, will burn 1.4GB o na CD
jexdawgpelo - i checked "show hidden files" - where should it be?02:17
HymnToLifewhen you sudo, you use _your_ password02:17
|ADZ|I am getting the error: An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not permitted). Make sure no other program or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.02:18
billybobHD-CD :)02:18
|ADZ|when trying to connect to my camera02:18
theherbalizerHymnToLife: oh, got it now. thanks!02:18
Joske:p never heard of that02:18
Pelojexdawg,  in your home folder02:18
billybobgoogle :)02:18
Joskecan you read it on a standard cd drive?02:18
lasse_ok, this has been nice, but its getting late. think its time to go to sleep. good night everybody02:18
youkilldkennedyHymnToLife: Any suggestions for a Torrent downloader that works well with GNOME?02:18
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Rees2HymnToLife, so I guess I have to root my system?  or can I sudo and change the root password?02:18
kurt_lasse_,  i edited fstab02:18
jexdawgaha! thanks pelo02:18
billybobJoske: not many burners suported it02:18
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kurt_lasse_,  hope that works02:18
HymnToLifeyoukilldkennedy, nope, KDE all the way since 1999 for me :)02:18
particlemanok I have the dumb question02:18
kurt_thanks for the advice though02:18
lasse_ok, just 2 more mins..02:18
CoAXhi there02:19
=== bithunter [n=sander@drms-590d15d0.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
lasse_kurt_, ok try to sudo umount -a   then sudo mount -a02:19
kurt_lasse_,  sincerely02:19
Peloyoukilldkennedy,  utorrent running on wine is the preferred choice right now it seems but keep an eye out for deluge-torrent02:19
particlemanis there something wrong with my settings if I'm trying to upgrade to 6.10 and it can only dl 44 of 45 files?02:19
youkilldkennedyHymnToLife: I see... why KDE?02:19
kurt_oh ok i was gonna reboot02:19
HymnToLifeRees2, you can set a root password if you want to02:19
CoAXis there an easy way to make the update manager update all the time silently?02:19
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HymnToLifethough I can't see why you would02:19
lasse_kurt_, that should reload the partition tabel (fstable)02:19
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youkilldkennedyPelo: Sure will! Thanks for the heads up.02:19
BigMacCan someone please help me really . I can't get any help on etiher channels igMac> and I can't see aything to do besides reinstalling which would be stupid02:19
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particlemanand on an unrelated note, anyone here know anything about getting surround sound to output properly with an SB5.1 card?02:19
tritiumBigMac: did you state your exact problem?02:19
HymnToLifeyoukilldkennedy, because I like it better, I find Gnome to be awfully unfunctional, but this is quite !offtopic02:19
nexousNETHi, How would I go about accessing a windows network driven harddrive?02:19
bithunterhi! mail-notification in ubuntu edgy has no support for mozilla-thunderbird. am i missing something or is this a bug? or should i post it as a feature reuqest?02:20
Spragie`lasse_, when i gedit /etc/modules, it gives me several lines starting w/ cannot find card '0', w/ a bunch of no such device lines02:20
Joskeoh well, I'm going to sleep and try some more in the morning; humntolife, billybobm others: thanks for your support! :)02:20
BigMactritium: Yah originally it sated X interface gui could not lod02:20
linxehI have a dvd .iso I wish to burn - what should I use to burn this from within ubuntu?02:20
kurt_lasse_,  you know when you do at the end what you should have done at the beginning02:20
BigMacso i assumed it was from beryl02:20
=== particleman awaits the answer to his questions
kurt_i tmounts it reads02:20
BigMacand I can't figure out what to do02:20
particlemananswers even02:20
lasse_Spragie`, jesus, thats not to be expected02:20
lasse_kurt_, true02:21
kurt_ok now i can see the data i need02:21
=== Spragie` cries
kurt_lasse_,  thank you so much02:21
jexdawgermm.. in /gnome2 there is no totem_config file, only a totem file. this guide is telling me to edit totem_config - should i just edit the totem file?02:21
lasse_kurt_,  good for you. have nice night02:21
tritiumBigMac: beryl?  Are you using edgy?02:21
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kurt_off to try a wine install of peachtree02:21
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MarcNlinxeh: open the file browser (nautilus) and right click on the iso to start the burning program02:21
Pelojexdawg,  do a search for the file they want first02:21
lasse_Spragie`, do you know what   nano  is?02:21
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kurt_nano = editor02:21
HymnToLifeyep, 10^-9 :p02:22
billybobgood ole ceasar salad . . .02:22
Spragie`ic ic02:22
Spragie`is nano better than gedit?02:22
linxehMarcN: I've tried that - it keeps telling me there isnt enough space on the disc, despite it being a new dvdr and the file being 2.7GiB02:22
HymnToLifeSpragie`, they're different02:22
CoAXa lot of people in here02:22
MarcNSpragie`: depends on what you like.  I prefer emacs02:22
billybobnano is all there is as far as im concerned02:22
lasse_Spragie`, yeah   nano is a text editor in the terminal. I prefer vim  , but nano might be easier02:22
CoAXhave a good night all02:22
HymnToLifenano is a command line editor, while gedit is a gui editor02:22
lasse_Spragie`,  try    sudo nano /etc/modules02:22
MarcNlinxeh: well it works for me.  Try using k3b if you have it installed.02:22
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billybobits not like you cant use nano in x geesh02:23
particlemanI used gksu "update-manager -c"02:23
billybobman what planet you guys coem from ?!02:23
PeloSpragie`,  nano will work without a gui which makes it a good thing to learn for when you get stuck in CLI02:23
lasse_Spragie`, first you do a sudo cp /etc/modules /etc/modules.backup02:23
linxehMarcN: ok thanks, ill give that a go02:23
Morgenroetei have a question, its possible install and run AIXGL with fglrx?02:23
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kitcheMorgenroete: no with fglrx you need xgl02:23
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:23
HymnToLifebillybob, you know, xterm is still command-line...02:24
hartsantleri have apt-get'ed twiki, how to i run it, i do not see it listed in the Services?02:24
billybobhow does xgl copmpare to beryl anyhow ?02:24
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:24
billybobive never been able to get xgl working AIXGL ran perfectly fine on my 6600GT02:24
kitchebillybob: they are two different things xgl is a server beryl is a window manager02:24
billybobHymnToLife: exactly my point HOWEVER blasphemy02:25
=== billybob is partial to Aterm
HymnToLifebillybob, they're different things, XGL is a X implementation, while Beryl is a window manager...02:25
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lasse_Spragie`, i need you to speed up a bit because im going to work tomorrow and its geting late here. Progress?02:25
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billybobHymnToLife: ok, AIXGL then02:25
HymnToLifeas far as I kner on top of Xorgow, AIGLX is just a lay02:25
HymnToLifewhile XGL is a completely different X server02:26
Rees2can anyone please tell me why my floppy drive mounted as /dev/sdc /media/floppy-1 rw fails and says Read Only file system (I'm using VFAT) AND Use floppy drive is checked for every user?02:26
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=== HymnToLife curses his touchpad
billybobHymnToLife: a PITA to setup ?02:26
Morgenroeteu cant play opengl games with AIXGL?02:26
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billybobXGL that is02:26
krznpski can't connect my laptop to my wireless network, can someone please help me?02:26
HymnToLifebillybob, as far as my experience gets, yes :p02:26
billybobMorgenroete: yes you can . . .02:26
particlemanand...ok...that was useless02:26
particlemanok, one more time for those that just showed up02:26
=== feryana [n=feryana@24-148-18-71.stk-bsr1.chi-stk.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #Ubuntu
particlemanI'm trying to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy using gksu "update-manager -c"02:26
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linxehMarcN: thanks - thats working great02:27
particlemanit goes fine and downloads 43 of the 45 necessary files02:27
particlemanthen I get a file not found on the other end error02:27
Morgenroetei want install aixgl becouse with xgl i cant run opengl games02:27
billybobMorgenroete: i used the SabayonLinux liveDVD< and ran the doom3 demo, worked perfect, except didnt work (which has nothign to do with graphics)02:27
particlemanis this my problem or the repository's, and how do I resolve it?02:27
Rees2also, if I try sudo mv ... /media/floppy-1 it says "Operation not permitted"02:27
=== Skuller [n=u0719874@Broadband-Dynamic-Central699.connect.com.fj] has joined #ubuntu
billybobexcept sound ddnt work*02:27
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Skullerhey guys02:28
lasse_particleman, i would advice you to do a fresh install. but i dont know what the problem might be, sorry02:28
SkullerLOL...i m in Unreal Tournament rite now...i dint know it had an IRC client as well...lol02:28
billybobMorgenroete: anyhow, SabayonLInux LIveDVD uses Beryl, and i loaded AIXGL to play doom302:28
particlemanlasse_-why not an upgrade?02:28
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lasse_particleman, often some things dont quite turn out how they should.. other times its flawless02:29
MorgenroeteBillybob thanks02:29
Skullerwhat is the difference between a kubuntu CD and a DVD?...i mean what extras are there in it?02:30
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billybobSkuller" probably every_possible_package ..02:30
lasse_Spragie`, Please i really want to help you, but this has to be a two way communication. talk to me man02:30
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Skullerbillybob: thnx...thas gud to know coz i m on slow broadband anywaiz...128kbps....02:31
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billybobSkuller: i know nothing about install kbuntu, but would expect, anything that you NEED could also be downloaded one package at a time, for me personally, i think DVD sized installs are a waste of time / bandwidth02:32
billybobthen again, i like min installs02:32
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icatalinahi! i've compiled gimp with a wrong "prefix" option...02:34
icatalinathen i uninstall it and delete the compilation folder02:34
jester-icatalina: and?02:34
=== bzbb [n=john@68-118-186-229.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
icatalinai extract it again and remake it but it still trying to get the configuration files from the wrong prefix folder02:35
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icatalinaany idea??02:35
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hartsantleri'm getting crappy graphics performance, should i apt-get aiglx ? or get xgl ?  which is easy for nividia card?02:35
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kitcheicatalina: how are you compiling it?02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aixgl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
jvaiquestion: is ubuntu alternate install, the closest to debian's net install?02:35
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:35
cables!aiglx | billybob02:36
ubotubillybob: AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-effects for support.02:36
jester-icatalina: nedd to delete .gimp directory on your home02:36
billyboberr yeah02:36
=== billybob thwaps the acronym
icatalinai delete it 5th times02:36
Arigatowhere on the computer are the nautilus thumbnails for video and images stored?02:36
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billybobhartsantler: anyhow check #ubuntu-effects, they probably know02:36
ferret_0567Does anybody know why the X Double Buffer Extension (dbe) is not working? I added it to my xorg.conf file under the "Modules" section, but it still does not seem to be loading. I am running Ubuntu 6.10 with a "NVIDIA GeForce 4 440 Go with AGP 4x" and the proprietary NVIDIA module.02:37
ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1 (edgy), package size 118 kB, installed size 376 kB02:37
ferret_0567That's the software I am trying to use with the DBE extension\02:37
=== krznpsk [n=krznpsk@c-69-141-165-170.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Morgenroetewho is that?02:38
|ADZ|i keep getting a message: An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not permitted). Make sure no other program or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.02:38
|ADZ|when trying to connect a camera02:38
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|ADZ|anyone know why?02:38
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krznpskmy pcmcia wireless card is not working in this old laptop, can someone help me?02:38
ferret_0567Maybe laptop not CardBus capable? :)02:39
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jexdawgin gaim, how can i automatically send this message to nickserv everytime i login: "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY my-password" ?02:39
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cablesjexdawg, #gaim02:39
frogzoo|ADZ|: not sure, take a look in sys -> prefs -> removable -> camera maybe02:39
billybobin short, learn how to script ;)02:39
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youkilldkennedyAnyone know why Azureus won't minimize to the system tray?02:40
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jexdawgis freenode like the opensource program server?02:40
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gabrielahow can check if my windows disc have virus from ubuntu?02:40
frogzoojexdawg: well s/the/a & then yes02:40
kitche!clamav | gabriela02:41
ubotugabriela: clamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.88.4-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 65 kB, installed size 208 kB02:41
cablesjexdawg, there's a password box in the account settings for an IRC account. Use that.02:41
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lealthere is a package to install the sled 10 gnome "look" to ubuntu?02:41
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gabrielado i have to installed from synaptic?02:41
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youkilldkennedyAnyone know why Azureus won't minimize to the system tray?02:41
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gabrielaok thanks gonna check it02:42
lealthemes, icons and panel?02:42
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gabrielaand if i find a virus is it safe to remove it?02:42
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Bournehi.. is there a way to make ubuntu 6.10 faster, I find the boot/shutdown process too slow, now I read that SysVinit is not anymore the script ruler in this release... how do I turn off stuff just like I used to with sysvinit?02:45
cablesBourne, I think it pretty much emulates sysvinit for all your startup services... someone should probably back that up though, i'm not entirely sure.02:46
EchoBinary....   crap - sorry - wrong window02:46
Bournecables: it is said that is some thing called upstart...02:47
eternaljoywhats KVM?02:47
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cablesBourne, I know... I think it's compatible with init configuration scripts and can be configured the same way, though.02:47
Kapuchethx for the link EchoBinary  now i know who sing that ;)02:47
cablesBourne, there's a channel called #upstart with a few people in it...02:48
Bournecables: you know the way we used to do... turning off by Sysiniv application02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:48
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cablesBourne, I think that may still work.02:48
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Bournecables: it doesn't, I marked for installation and immediately, the upstart in the list got marked as to-be-removed02:49
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DARKGuyHey, anybody knows how to remap my numeric pad return key to the normal return key? or how to make the numeric pad return key "work" in text input boxes and such?02:49
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:49
rbilBourne: I hate when "updates" like this come along that break what has worked so well for years. I'd like to read somewhere a justification for changing things like this.02:50
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amorphous_does anyone here use opera for mail?02:50
kristallpirathas anybody a running gpg version 2.0.2?02:51
Bournerbil: YEAH.LOL02:51
Bournerbil: sounds like REDHAT02:51
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:52
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:52
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)02:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about newnvidia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
=== bruenig [n=a@adsl-69-155-91-38.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable02:53
carlhumeI'm trying to find the line to add to my apt sources to be able to install java-package - anyone know?02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
=== PORDO [n=BROKEN@h-68-165-76-104.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU
bruenigcarlhume, what is java-package02:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iscsi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:54
bruenig!fishing | billybob02:54
ubotubillybob: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:54
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juggernauthow do i set permissions for a directory?02:54
carlhumebruenig, I'm following the how-to on www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-76735.html02:54
bruenig!permissions | juggernaut02:54
ubotujuggernaut: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux02:54
juggernauti remember it's a chown command but i can't remember all of it.02:54
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billybobbruenig: relax, i sent two querries ffs . . .02:54
bruenigjuggernaut, could be chmod, depending on what exactly you are dong02:55
carlhumebruenig, I'm guessing it's the deb that contains make-jpkg ...02:55
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juggernautbruenig, i just want to enable write permission to the azureus directory so it will update for me.02:55
bruenigjuggernaut, write for everyone?02:56
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juggernautfor me.02:56
=== K-Rich [n=krich@blender/artist/K-Rich] has joined #ubuntu
ferret_0567you should download the offical Azureus, not use the Ubuntu one02:56
juggernautbruenig, everybody would be ok too, as i'm the only one who uses this system.02:56
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bruenigjuggernaut, well chmod -R 777 would do all, if you just wanted you, you would need to chown it to yourself and then chmod u+w it02:56
juggernautferret_0567, what's different about the official, versus the ubuntu one?02:57
DARKGuyHey, anybody knows how to remap my numeric pad return key to the normal return key? or how to make the numeric pad return key "work" in text input boxes and such?02:57
bruenigthe official one was easier to manage for me because of the permission issues02:57
jvaiquestion: is ubuntu alternate install, the closest to debian's net install?02:57
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bruenig!minimal | jvai02:58
ubotujvai: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:58
ferret_0567The offical Azureus has a newer SWT library so that it'll crash less (atleast for me. I am using the Murrine GTK Engine)02:58
juggernautthanks!  i'll look into it after i'm done downloading my current torrents.02:58
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juggernauti'm using xubuntu for now.  just wanted to try it out....02:58
jvaiaaaaah ty bruenig .. & ubotu02:58
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andrehey guys, how do I resize my swap partition?02:58
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juggernautmy lappy is puny on specs and ubuntu was running rather slowly.02:58
bruenigandre, use gparted02:59
carlhumebruenig, Any guesses?02:59
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bruenigcarlhume, is that java for 64 bit?02:59
=== Tiksi [n=tiksi@64-148-9-73.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigcarlhume, or your initial question was about adding repo lines right?02:59
carlhumebruenig, yes02:59
andrebruenig,  I'll try that02:59
juggernautwould azureus contribute to bad sectors on my HD?02:59
carlhumebruenig, yes02:59
jvaiwow! 10mb for a minimal install image! bettr than deb's net install, & smaller!02:59
juggernautor frostwire?02:59
maxx18hey guys is it ok for me to dist-upgrade using Synaptic? (if i change sources.list manually)02:59
heatmanHi everyone. Does anyone use fluxbox with edgy? I cant find the .fluxbox folder after installing it via apt-get. Can someone help?02:59
bruenigandre, make sure you right click on it and select unmount before you try to resize02:59
bruenigcarlhume, well /etc/apt/sources.list is where you would add it03:00
kitcheheatman: did you run fluxbox yet?03:00
juggernautwhat's fluxbox?03:00
carlhumebruenig, yes03:00
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host248-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
carlhumebruenig, I can't find what repo I need to add...03:00
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bruenigcarlhume, that howto is really old, year and a half, it is probably obselete03:01
heatmana minimalist desktop... replace KDE... somewhat03:01
DARKGuyfluxbox = coolest thing ever03:01
DARKGuyHey, anybody knows how to remap my numeric pad return key to the normal return key? or how to make the numeric pad return key "work" in text input boxes and such?03:01
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=== billybob mutters "AfterSTEP
heatmanDARKGuy: can u tell me if u installed it with apt-get?03:02
DARKGuyheatman: yes, apt-get install fluxbox03:02
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carlhumebruenig, hrm - well then, back to the drawing board03:02
carlhumebruenig, thx03:02
DARKGuyheatman: you need the universe/multiverse repositories enabled though03:02
heatmanDARKGuy: can u tell me where i can find the .flubox folder? I wanna modify my menu and such03:03
bruenigcarlhume, do you need just the plugin, because I know some howtos for that03:03
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DARKGuyheatman: in /home/user/.fluxbox/03:03
unopheatman,  ~/.fluxbox03:03
DARKGuyheatman: It won't be there until you run fluxbox for the first time though03:03
=== ubuntu_cry [n=knoppix@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #UBuntu
carlhumebruenig, No - I need the SDK03:03
ubuntu_cryis there someone here03:03
DARKGuyheatman: and "man fluxbox" should tell you everything about the menu, startup and other files03:03
ubuntu_crynow i have one question03:03
heatmanthats odd... could access it... just could03:03
bruenig!hi | ubuntu_cry03:03
ubotuubuntu_cry: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:03
posingaspopularubuntu_cry: there are plenty of people here03:04
ubuntu_crybruenig man03:04
carlhumebruenig, I just found the java6 jdk in Multiverse - maybe I'll give it a whirl03:04
andrebruenig,  tx03:04
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heatmanyeah i know how to make it work... just first time installing it via apt-get03:04
ubuntu_cryperson bruenig03:04
DARKGuyheatman: Ahh, have you enabled the repositories yet?03:04
ubuntu_crybruenig i have problem03:04
=== |ADZ| [n=kvirc@pool-72-80-222-111.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== bruenig senses bot, stays alert
unopheatman,  fluxmenu is a GUI tool that'll help you design the fluxbox menu03:04
=== kismet [n=mrsiebel@cpe-66-67-151-83.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cables!ask | ubuntu_cry03:04
ubotuubuntu_cry: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:04
heatmanDARKGuy: think so... what repo is there to add?03:04
heatmanunop: i know ;)03:05
=== bruenig sees misspell, thinks now probably not bot
ubuntu_crybruenig i can't make new partition gparted say that this partition is windows dynamic what can i do man.03:05
=== spine55 [n=spine@24-181-25-108.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesubuntu_cry, why not ask everyone, not just bruenig?03:05
unop!info fluxbox | heatman03:05
ubotuheatman: fluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB03:05
kismetDoes anyone know what I need to connect my cellphone to ubuntu?03:05
cablesubuntu_cry, can you say the exact error?03:05
kismetBesides my usb cord?03:05
DARKGuyheatman: multiverse and/or universe, try editing the /etc/apt/sources.list and removing the comment (#) before the deb and deb-src lines that have universe and/or multiverse in the end03:05
ubuntu_crycables becouse man becouse i know him03:05
bruenigubuntu_cry, do you have empty space, you need empty space for a new partition03:05
DARKGuyyay, ubotu rocks03:05
ubuntu_crycables ok moment03:05
bruenigI don't know him unless it is a different username03:06
ubuntu_crybruenig man i have 31gb free03:06
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:06
HighLife245Is it possible to download files from a computer with ssh server installed?03:06
bruenigubuntu_cry, it has to be unallocated03:06
ubuntu_crybruenig man you may know him i have sometime with ubuntu03:06
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DARKGuyHey, anybody knows how to remap my numeric pad return key to the normal return key? or how to make the numeric pad return key "work" in text input boxes and such?03:06
ubuntu_crycables are you here03:06
cablesubuntu_cry, you need to shrink the existing partitions to make room for a new one03:07
unopHighLife245,  sure .. sftp or scp can be used to connect upto the ssh server .. although stfp might need extra configuration03:07
EchoBinarythere is no cables, only Zuul03:07
cablesEchoBinary, there is no cables?03:07
ubuntu_crybruenig i will try again gparted and will tell you what error give me03:07
rj__I also have gparted problem.  Or, I should say, created a major problem with gparted.03:07
ubuntu_crycables man????03:07
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HighLife245unop I was hoping to do it through something like putty03:07
ubuntu_crycables to delete the partition03:07
cablesubuntu_cry, what are you trying to do?03:07
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unopDARKGuy,  xmodmap should be able to do that03:08
ubuntu_crycables i'm trying to install format03:08
=== bruenig is happy to cede this to cables
cablesubuntu_cry, you want to make a new partition, right?03:08
ubuntu_crycables i'm im trying to make new partition03:08
DARKGuyunop: yes, but I don't know how to use it for that (I followed a tutorial for the print screen key, but I have no idea for the other return key)03:08
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ubuntu_crycables but i can't,and windows xp too say this.03:08
rj__When I last installed XP, I went partition-crazy and created an OS partition, an Applications partition, and a data partition.03:08
cablesubuntu_cry, how many partitions does the drive currently have?03:08
Mr_Bunny_where does the corefont install by default? wine wants the M$ fonts...03:08
rj__Problem is, OS partition became too small over time.03:09
ubuntu_crycables only 1 partition and is 300gb03:09
unopHighLife245,  errm, i dont really know much abut putty03:09
vote4arealclowni went threw the hold howto on installing nvidia03:09
cablesubuntu_cry, you need to resize that partition to make room for your new partition.03:09
Bournepeople... why GNOME... man, I have given a time to the linux thing... and just to get back and feel that GNOME runs slower and slower, and it keeps slowing, even on a 3Ghz/512MB computer03:09
vote4arealclownand still no go03:09
vote4arealclownanyone have any ideas?03:09
=== shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesBourne, your computer seriously has issues...03:09
ubuntu_crycables there is the problem03:09
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francoisMr_Bunny_: did you install msttcorefonts ??03:09
HighLife245Well I would like to download files to a windows comtpuer03:09
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rj__I tried to use gparted to expand the OS partition, but Apps partition was next to it.  So I copy/pasted apps to the other side of Data, then deleted original Apps (D:/).03:09
ubuntu_crycables in resize Gparted don't give me to do this.03:10
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Bournecables: it realllly doesnt, my tweaked XP is WAY faster than Gnome03:10
DARKGuyBourne: I've felt the same thing over time. However, there are alternatives oO XFCE is good, and fluxbox is too. Running GTK apps under these does good (to my PC at least)03:10
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rj__Now XP does not see D:, only "Apps" which it sees but does not access03:10
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cablesBourne, I have much less than that and Gnome is WAY faster than XP. It's just you.03:10
Bournecables: and starting to think that XP default is WAY faster03:10
rj__now all programs are broken.  please help03:10
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cablesubuntu_cry, do you speak english natively?03:10
ubuntu_crycables no why?03:10
DARKGuyBourne: It is - until you install stuff and stuff :P03:10
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shatratcables, I bet he hasnt installed his drivers or something03:11
unopDARKGuy, this should help http://cweiske.de/howto/xmodmap/allinone.html03:11
cablesubuntu_cry, what language do you speak?03:11
BourneDarkguy: I am getting xfce... GNOME is unbearable... i only can take the support comments to it as mad-passion....03:11
ubuntu_crycables lets say Bulgarian03:11
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DARKGuyunop: Ah, I'll check that link, thanks!03:11
ubuntu_crycables why can't you help me03:11
cablesshatrat, or it's a KVM :), but the problem is really that he can't make a new partition03:11
dmAnyone here know how much space XCFE will take on my HDD?03:11
bruenigbulgaria is awesome, I like the attack party03:11
dmi was thinking about trying it again03:11
cablesubuntu_cry, because you're not being clear.03:11
DARKGuyBourne: XFCE shall do good - it has a plugin to load some Gnome applets in case you miss osme of them :P03:11
unop!info xfce03:11
ubotuPackage xfce does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas03:11
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bruenig!info xubuntu-desktop03:11
ubotuxubuntu-desktop: Xubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.23 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 36 kB03:11
ubuntu_crybruenig man ok03:12
hagabakaif i use bcron instead of vixie-cron, would some packages have problem running maintenance scripts?03:12
=== CupCakeMaster [n=woppps@cpe-69-203-18-23.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dmBourne what is wrong with gnome?03:12
ubuntu_crycables can i chat with in private with you03:12
cablesubuntu_cry, sure03:12
Bournedm slower than windows xp03:12
dmbourne WHAT>???03:12
ubuntu_crycablrs but the nick is not registered03:12
Bournedm on default install...03:12
ubuntu_crycables but the nick is not registered03:12
dmbourne what kinda PC u runnin03:12
bruenigGnome is sluggish, compared to xfce03:12
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shatratBourne, did you not install your video drivers?  Gnome is faster than XP and most other windowing environments in just about every way03:12
CupCakeMasterCan anyone help me instal wine /03:12
cablesubuntu_cry, join #cables03:12
bruenigCupCakeMaster, sudo apt-get install wine03:12
cables!wine | CupCakeMaster03:13
ubotuCupCakeMaster: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:13
ubuntu_cryok man thanks03:13
Ferrethagabaka: cron is a relatively well-defined system.  As long as those maintenance scripts aren't using vixie-cron extensions like @daily, they should be fine03:13
Bourneshatrat: i take your comment as passionate?03:13
Ferrethagabaka: If they are doing that they shouldn't, so report it as a bug ;p03:13
Mr_Bunny_francois, I'm not sure how to whisper but I used Add/Remove programs on 6.10 to install "Microsoft Core Fonts"03:13
dmbruenig i was thinking about trying xfce, but last time i did, i didnt find it enjoyable as i did gnome03:13
hagabakai had some errors when i installed bcron though03:13
dmbruenig the file manager in xfce was horrible imo03:13
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bruenigdm, thunar?03:13
Bourneshatrat: i'm getting xfce, then Ill be able to tell if it's issue with video.. it could be03:13
shatratBourne, well, it is a passionate time of the year.  Anyway, if you consider anythin about gnome slow you must have something set up incorrectly or not have direct rendering03:13
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bruenigthunar is great. When I used gnome I actually used thunar03:13
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shatratBourne, it takes 2 seconds to tell, "glxinfo | grep rendering" in terminal03:14
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dudanogueirajoin #ubuntu-nz03:14
dmbruenig i tried xfce a year ago, so i dont rmember what it was03:14
bruenigno need for those arrows when you have the tabs at the top03:14
DARKGuyI use thunar here with fluxbox :P03:14
vote4arealclownanyone have any ideas on how to get my 3d working03:14
Bourneshatrat: ok help me out03:14
CupCakeMasteri got this "E: Invalid operation instal"03:14
dmshatrat aye ill agree with him bourne03:14
Bourneshatrat: coz my system, when I install XP, it is just like this until I install the video driver03:14
vote4arealclowni've went threw the howto and got nothing03:14
dmvote4realclown try ENVY03:14
bruenigCupCakeMaster, do you have the universe repo enabled or do you not know (probably means you don't then)03:14
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noodles12is there a way to configure konquerer to view "IE only" pages?03:14
CupCakeMasteryeh i have no idea what your talking about03:15
dmenvy is a gfx driver installer03:15
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shatratBourne, well its the same with any unaccelerated 2D environment, your CPU is doing the work of the videocard.  Anyway, direct rendering yes or no?03:15
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CupCakeMaster= P03:15
dmit works wonders for me vote4arealclown03:15
tritiumdm: please don't recommend that03:15
bruenigCupCakeMaster, are you on edgy or dapper?03:15
unopdm,  you could use nautilus under xfce .. or better something like gnome-commander or the rox-filer03:15
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BournelibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4603:15
Bournedirect rendering: Yes03:15
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Trini_Manhi everyone03:15
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:15
bruenigCupCakeMaster, 6.10 or 6.0603:15
Bourneshatrat: yes, direct rendering03:15
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Trini_Mani cant boot ubuntu ubuntu failed to load nvidia kernel module03:16
Trini_Manit happened after an update this morning03:16
Trini_Manubuntu failed to load nvidia kernel module03:16
shatratBourne, what hardware do you have? graphics card, ram, cpu.03:16
ubuntu_cryhey what is the command to make screenshots03:16
DARKGuyah, the link helps a lot, thanks unop!03:16
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Trini_Mancan someone help thanks03:16
Mr_Bunny_where do the msttcorefonts default install to? i need to copy them over so my wine install can use them...03:16
Trini_Manubuntu failed to load nvidia kernel module03:17
unopDARKGuy,  don't tell anyone, google is my secret weapon :p03:17
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Bourneshatrat: the video is a Savage S3 Unichrome.... the RAM I have is 512 MB, the CPU is a Celeron 2.6603:17
shatratMr_Bunny_, /usr/share/fonts I think03:17
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DARKGuyunop: lol, sure ;)03:17
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Trini_Mani try to update nvidia stuff still did not fix it03:17
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mdmartz_In what file can I make modifications to the driver used by a specific piece of hardware?  In this case a wireless card that was previously using a orinco driver and now using prism.03:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screenshots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:17
unopDARKGuy,  especially since google likes linux too -- http://google.com/linux :)03:17
Trini_Manhow do i role back kernel updates03:17
bruenigCupCakeMaster, okay copy this entire thing at once, it should enable all your repos, update, and then install wine: sudo sed -e 's/# deb/deb/g' -e 's/dapper universe/dapper universe multiverse/g' -e 's/dapper-security universe/dapper-security universe multiverse/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine03:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:17
shatratBourne, ah I see.  But you get "direct rendering: yes" when you use that command I gave you earlier?  the Savage card is a little slow but it should be fine on the desktop.  Im not familiar with it though03:17
andrehey guys, I just mounted a partition,  how do I get it to show in "computer" ?03:17
DARKGuyunop: :o didn't know that, haha ^^03:17
ferret_0567ubuntu_cry: gnome-screenshot03:17
ubuntu_cryand in kde03:18
CupCakeMastermdma? eVil MD03:18
Trini_Manubuntu failed to load nvidia kernel module03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about computer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
BourneBourne: yes I got "Direct Rendering YES"03:18
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Bourneshatrat: yes I got "Direct Rendering YES"03:18
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andrehey guys, I just mounted a partition,  how do I get it to show in "computer" ?03:18
ferret_0567Go to #kubuntu03:18
ferret_0567I haven't used KDE in a while03:18
hagabakashould the bcron package have its own man page? i installed it, but man cron still says vixie cron03:18
hagabakaand there is no manpage for bcron03:19
Bourneshatrat: and "3D driver claims to not support visual 0x46"03:19
Trini_Manubuntu failed to load nvidia kernel module03:19
shatratBourne, thats a harmless warning.  its fixed in 2.6.19 but it doesnt really effect anything03:19
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bruenigTrini_Man, little more will be necessary if you want help03:19
mdmartz_In what file can I make modifications to the driver used by a specific piece of hardware?  In this case a wireless card that was previously using a orinco driver and now using prism.03:19
=== mbirk [n=mbirk@cpe-24-143-148-016.cable.alamedanet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bourneshatrat; so, any tweaks to make this videocard faster?03:19
Bourneshatrat; coz it does perform well on XP03:20
rj__Please help. . . . Ideas on reactivating my applications partiiton in XP?  Copy/pasted my D: (applications) partition, to expand C:.  Then deleted D:.  the copied partition is seen by XP, but inaccessible.  Created a new D: and want to copy/past data from the inaccessible partition into new D:, hoping C: (XP) will see the new D: (and data pasted from former D:, now inaccessible partition) and applications will work again.  Please advise.  I am03:20
rj__ unable (or don't know how) to "mount" the partition XP cannot access.  I am using 6.06LTS live cd hoping for rescue.  please help.03:20
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Bourneshatrat; with its driver03:20
Trini_Manok i did a kernel update that ubuntu had this morning when i reboot Xserver gave me this error ""03:20
shatratBourne, I dont know if ive ever even seen one of those, much less worked with it.  Im poking around but I dont see much documentation on it.  Most people run Nvidia, Intel, or ATI03:20
Trini_Man"ubuntu failed to load nvidiakernel module "03:20
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shatratBourne, if I find something Ill let you know, but maybe you should try installing "xubuntu-desktop"03:21
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Bourneok thanks03:21
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tritiumTrini_Man: you're likely missing the linux-restricted-modules for that kernel version03:21
Trini_Mantritium : how do i install that ?03:21
bruenigTrini_Man, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`03:22
tritiumTrini_Man: should be automatic, with your kernel update.  What release are you running?03:22
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shatratBourne, actually I might have something else you could try.03:22
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Bourneshatrat: what is it03:22
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Trini_Mantritium: i dont know the exact kernal version its now it asked me to update today i am runnuing 6.1003:23
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ferret_0567Does anybody use the "dbe" X extension with a NVIDIA card?03:23
DARKGuykeycode 36 = Return03:23
DARKGuykeycode 108 = Return03:23
DARKGuyThat did it :D03:23
bruenigTrini_Man, run that command, it will install the right modules for your kernel03:23
mdmartz_In what file can I make modifications to the driver used by a specific piece of hardware?  In this case a wireless card that was previously using a orinco driver and now using prism.03:23
shatratBourne, changing the color depth to 16.  if you do gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and go down to the Screen section at the bottom there is a line that says "DefaultDepth 24"  I think if you change it to 16 and save it, then ctrl alt backspace to restart X you should be faster.03:23
tritiumTrini_Man: uname -r to find out your kernel version03:23
Trini_Manok i will try it03:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftwcutter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
tritiumTrini_Man: and bruenig has you covered03:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fwcutter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
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Trini_Mantritium : going nad try it now thanks guys03:24
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bruenigTrini_Man, remember that the ` are the thing above the tab and to the left of 1, I once thought they were ' and yeah failure ensued03:24
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Trini_Mank kool03:25
Bourneshatrat: ok i just commented out the other settings left only 16bit03:25
juano__how do i make GDM my default desktop manager again _03:25
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fat the main screen03:25
Bourneshatrat: i just installed xubuntu... how do i switch gnome to it03:25
flogin screen03:25
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:25
shatratBourne, ah, no those are the Modelines, they specify what resolution is available at different depths.  What you need to do is look for the DefaultDepth line, which specifies which one of those lines to use.03:25
bimberijuano__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm03:26
rj__Gparted problem. Ideas on reactivating my applications partiiton in XP?  Copy/pasted my D: (applications) partition, to expand C:.  Then deleted D:.  the copied partition is seen by XP, but inaccessible.  Created a new D: and want to copy/past data from the inaccessible partition into new D:, hoping C: (XP) will see the new D: (and data pasted from former D:, now inaccessible partition) and applications will work again.  Please advise.  I am u03:26
rj__nable (or don't know how) to "mount" the partition XP cannot access.  I am using 6.06LTS live cd hoping for rescue.  please help.03:26
shatratBourne, so uncomment them, and change "DefaultDepth  24" to DefaultDepth 1603:26
llama32anyone know how to fix automount? i had a screwup with users & groups, and now i've gotta mount everthing manually03:26
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Mhzhi everyone03:26
Bourneshatrat: yes, i djd that03:26
shatratBourne, lets try this first before you log into XFCE03:26
juano__bimberi: will this take away my sessions settings ?03:26
bruenig!hi | gabriela and Mhz03:26
ubotugabriela and Mhz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:26
gortba_Hi everyone. I have a textbook on C++ that I want to work through to teach myself how to program. Can anyone tell me what program I need to install on my linux machine to get started?03:26
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shatratBourne, great, save and then ctrl alt backspace.  That restarts X03:26
bimberijuano__: not sure, i doubt it03:27
gabrielai want to change the boot splash03:27
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juano__bimberi:  ok03:27
DLB|Maximusim having a problem with the ubuntu installer @ prepare mount partitions, its telling me "no root file system" i have clearly selected "/" at hda6 with size of 6gb, what gives?03:27
Mhzdoes anyone feel like helping a poor man whose update manager is screwed up?03:27
ElbridgeGerryEvery time I try to use QSynaptics to edit my touchpad, when I turn the touchpad tapping off, and click "Apply" or "OK", it doesn't save. Tapping still counts as a click03:27
gabrielabut i can not unzip the image to .grub folder03:27
shatratgortba_, well, build-essential will get you a compiler along with source code for the kernel and other good stuff.03:27
bruenig!anyone | Mhz03:27
ubotuMhz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:27
unopgortba_,  build-essentials g++03:27
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gabrielait toldme that i dont have permisions03:27
noodles12how would i install a java virtual machine for ies4linux?03:27
bimberigortba_: build-essential (includes gcc and other goodies)03:27
ElbridgeGerryDo I have to restart X for the changes to take effect?03:27
gabrielawanted to do this03:27
shatratgortba_, but you might want an IDE as well.  I think jgrasp is a decent one for beginners.03:27
gabrielaGzip your xpm file and put it into your /boot/GRUB directory (or to any directory of a /dev/hda1 partition)03:27
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gabrieladoes someones know how?03:28
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brueniggabriela, you need to sudo mv it03:28
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gortba_thanks everyone. shatrat--what is an IDE?03:28
Mhzcool, here's my problem: recently I started having trouble in my update manager with Samba03:28
mdmartz_In what file can I make modifications to the driver used by a specific piece of hardware?  In this case a wireless card that was previously using a orinco driver and now using prism.03:28
bimberinoodles12: download/install the plugin using IE itself03:28
Bourneshatrat: i seems a lot faster03:28
krelis it a known problem for ubuntu to fail to come out of standby about 50% of the time?  and if so, is there a solution?03:28
shatratgortba_, Integrated Development Environment.03:28
daveyarussoHi, a bit of an odd dialup issue here.  Using sl-modem-daemon for my modem, and the regular gnome network-admin > Enable interface works, while gnome-ppp does not.  I tried running network-admin from a terminal to see what it did differently, but got no useful output.  What should I try to change in gnome-ppp?03:28
Mhzand today I got this msg: It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.03:29
gabrielabruenig i can not get it with sudo03:29
Bourneshatrat: lemme turn on some apps to check03:29
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bruenigMhz, open a terminal and do sudo apt-get install -f03:29
gabrielai know that im doing wrong03:29
unopgzip -9v file.xpm; mv file.xpm.gz /boot/grub  gabriela03:29
shatratBourne, yeah apparently the hardware on the S3 only likes 16 bit words, so its twice as slow if it has to do 2403:29
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brueniggabriela, what does it say when you try to sudo mv it03:29
gortba_ok thanks everyone.03:29
shatratgortba_, IDE is basically a text editor that checks syntax and has a Compile button.03:29
gabrielalet me see03:29
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gortba_ahh I see03:30
Bourneshatrat: one thing I want to get rid of.. animations windows03:30
MhzI did here's the output: http://rafb.net/p/wMZidH81.html03:30
ummagummadaveyarusso>> excuse guy, but did you try wvdial?!03:30
juano__bimberi: seemed to work! thanks03:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:30
Bourneshatrat: getting rid of it would really improve more03:30
bimberijuano__: cool, np :)03:30
valehru_Hey guys, does anyone here have experience using vmware?  I keep getting the error: Failed to construct 3-D rendering backend.  The 3-D features of the display card will be disabled.03:30
gabrielasays that the files is missing03:30
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jvaiaight ppl.. i'm ghost03:30
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juano__bimberi: problem was i installed enlightenment and set Entrance as default , so now with this i could select kdm , gdm or entrance and re-selected gdm03:30
Trini_ManTerminus : thanks man03:30
juano__bimberi: thanks03:31
bruenigMhz, try doing sudo apt-get remove samba, then sudo apt-get install samba03:31
gortba_shatrat, I can just download both build essential and jgrasp from the repository--and they'll work together?03:31
unopMhz,  try doing this -- sudo rm -rf /etc/rc2.d/K09samba03:31
Trini_Manand the other person that helped me03:31
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gabrielabruenig: says that the file is missing03:31
daveyarussoummagumma, Yes.  wvdial actually does some strange things as well, which is probably related.  It asks for a password on two different occasions, and on the second, hangs.  If the pw is provided in the conf file, it connects, then drops it, and hangs later.03:31
Trini_Manu guys are life savers !!!03:31
brueniggabriela, where is the file you are trying to move located, and where are you trying to move it03:31
shatratBourne, animations window? Not sure wht that is.  Im the complete opposite direction of you, ive got composite desktop with water effects and shadows and wobbly windows etcetera03:31
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Bourneshatrat: the maximizing effects.. animations03:32
shatratgortba_, I dont know if jgrasp is in the repo, Im sure there are some IDEs though, and I bet theres plenty of guides03:32
rj__Yes, lifesavers.  Thanks, guys.03:32
ummagummawhat modem you use?!03:32
TerminusTrini_Man: i don't think you were referring to me. =P03:32
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llama32is there something lighter than openoffice that will read .doc files?03:32
shatratBourne, Ill see if I can find out how to do that.  Never tried03:32
Mhznope, it won't do: http://rafb.net/p/mQ4jgd55.html03:32
unopllama32,  !abiword03:32
shatratllama32, abiword?03:32
dude_hello does anyone know a good alternative to quuick books03:32
shatrati lose03:32
bruenigllama32, I like abiword. It's .doc ability is suspect occasionally but it does well enough03:32
gortba_Cool. Thanks shatrat. You guys are great.03:32
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gortba_going to experiment now.03:32
bruenigdude_, what is quick books03:32
daveyarussoummagumma, It's the internal winmodem on a Dell Inspiron 5100.  Not sure what the exact modem is offhand.03:32
=== francois [n=francois@fctnnbsc15w-156034068114.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bourneshatrat: they say you cant do that in metacity03:33
tritiumbruenig: accounting software03:33
francoisanyone familiar with ssh, and how to set it up ? i need a quick run down03:33
gabrielathe file is the desktop03:33
unopMhz,  sudo sh -c "rm -rf /etc/rc2.d/K09samba; aptitude remove samba; aptitude install samba"03:33
tritium!ssh > francois03:33
ubotugnucash: A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.1-3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 2014 kB, installed size 6388 kB03:33
gabrielathis is the name of the file tuxbsdxp.xpm.gz03:33
Bourneshatrat: how do I switch to xfce?03:33
dude_bruenig: yes03:33
francoistritium: i read that whole thing, i still don't understand the keys thing03:33
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ummagummawell, i think this modem have support from the driver, otherwise you cannot connect03:33
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=== llama32 didn't know abiword read .doc files... thanks guys
unopgabriela,  where is it located tho?03:33
brueniggabriela, and it its going where exactly?03:34
ummagummamy modem is a hsp56mr...03:34
ummagummabut it works!03:34
shatratBourne, well, if you log out and click on the button in the lower left you can choose it as a session, and then log back in.  I think ive found a way to disable animations though03:34
tritiumfrancois: you don't _need_ to generate keys03:34
gabrielai want to move it to the boo/grub folder03:34
dude_tritium: do you have any suggestion03:34
Bourneshatrat: what really annoys me in GNOME is that, a window never opens where you are looking at... it always opens where your not expecting...03:34
gabrielain order to change the splash boot image03:34
tritiumdude_: for a quick books replacement?  Nope, sorry.03:34
Bourneshatrat: what is the way to disable it?03:34
francoistritium: woah, ok now i'm really confused, if i just want ssh to run on bootup, with a password, how do i get it done ? i thought it needed a passphrase or a key or something03:34
daveyarussoummagumma, Yeah, the driver should be fine, since it does actually dial and such, and it does connect via the network-admin (I'm on this machine atm actually).  In short, I need to find out what configuration options are being sent when doing the n-a method so I can compare them to my wvdial.conf.03:35
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shatratBourne, hah.  Well I use Beryl and it is pretty good about placing things intelligently, but it would make your system run at about 2 frames per second03:35
shatratBourne, in gconf-editor  (launch in terminal) you can change it03:35
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brueniggabriela, ok then open a terminal and do the following,  tar xf ~/Desktop/tuxbsdxp.xpm.gz && sudo mv ~/Desktop/tuxbsdxp.xpm /boot/grub03:35
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dude_tritium: thank you03:35
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Flannelfrancois: you want ssh to run, as in, the client?03:35
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Mhzunop & bruenig : it worked! thanks a lot guys!!03:35
BlueEaglefrancois: You want to automatically log into a secure shell server using a password on boot?03:35
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ummagummaok, that's all to do03:35
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BlueEaglefrancois: Or do you want the shell server to start at boot?03:35
bruenigMhz, which one was it, the rm or the apt-get remove for future reference03:35
Bourneshatrat: ok, there in gconf03:35
tritiumfrancois: oh, you didn't explain what you're trying to do...03:36
=== der0b [n=s0d_0ff@c-66-31-142-244.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigor did you do both03:36
gabrielasays that is does not apperd to be a tar file03:36
nortycan someone help me? I have a file that has a character in the name that ubuntu doesn't recognize, I need to copy this file to a ipod, how do I get it to copy?03:36
DLB|Maximusim having a problem with the ubuntu installer @ prepare mount partitions, its telling me "no root file system" i have clearly selected "/" at hda6 with size of 6gb, any ideas?03:36
shatratBourne, the key you want to change is in Desktop/Gnome/Interface03:36
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gabrielaok let me get to dinner03:36
gabrielabe right back03:36
francoisBlueEagle: i want the server to run on boot, so that i can log into my system from school, over ssh, with a simple password login, like i have now03:36
shatratBourne, its called enable_animations03:36
MhzI tried everything you told me to try, in order. the last one was: sudo sh -c "rm -rf /etc/rc2.d/K09samba; aptitude remove samba; aptitude install samba"03:36
unopfrancois,  http://www.snailbook.com/faq/no-passphrase.auto.html03:36
shatratBourne, and after that I promise Ill let you try xfce03:36
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Flannelfrancois: the openssh server, once installed, will run automatically03:37
Bourneshatrat: LOL....03:37
bruenigtwo variables, bad scientific method03:37
daveyarussoummagumma, Do you happen to know what command the "Enable" button runs?  If I can do that directly from a terminal I'll be able to see the exact output.03:37
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francoisFlannel: on boot ? without login ? liek if i just leave it at the login screen ?03:37
Bourneshatrat: ok why the calculator opens like there in the corner of the window.. and not in the center... is this a GNOME thing?03:37
BlueEaglefrancois: The secure shell server should start at boot by default.03:37
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noodles12 in konquerer my tools menu is empty/blank. How do i get it back so i can fake the browser ID to be IE?03:37
Flannelfrancois: right.  It'll start before X even starts03:37
BlueEaglefrancois: To make sure you can install rcconf and check.03:38
shatratBourne, well, there are different algorithms for deciding where to place new windows.  I dont know if it is configurable for metacity (the window manager of gnome)03:38
francoisFlannel: sweet, ok, so i can just login with my regular ID and password ? no need to create new ones ?03:38
Bourneshatrat: thanks anyway03:38
Bourneshatrat: many thanks03:38
Flannelfrancois: that's correct03:38
ummagummai just type "wvdial" on a ternimal section, and all the commands are displayed03:38
shatratBourne, no problem, have fun03:38
francoisFlannel: ok awsome03:38
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blenna_unixif i do a "ln file1 /apps/file1" will the command copy the file from the current directory to /apps/file1?03:38
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BlueEaglefrancois: That is correct.03:38
ummagummayour connection is tone or pulse based?!03:38
unopfrancois,  do you want the server to start up, or the client connecting to another machine?03:38
francoisunop: thanks for the link, its a good one, i'll make sure to read it03:38
francoisunop: server to start03:39
unopfrancois,  ahh, thats started auto03:39
Flannelfrancois: just make sure you port forward correctly,  you probably want to try it once to make sure you've got everything setup, while you still at home03:39
francoisunop: so i can putty to my computer from school03:39
unopfrancois,  flannel read your mind :)03:39
francoisWicked, thanks everyone, i've been fiddling for hours with this03:39
BlueEaglefrancois: Make sure that the firewall at your school doesn't block port 22 tho.03:39
__mikemwell, I am done setting up edgy, and I love it so far. ITs the best ubuntu yet. Kudos to the guys at Cannonical03:39
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BlueEaglefrancois: You won't get anywhere if that's the case.03:40
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hartsantleri just installed ubuntu edgy, and am dual booting with Windows Vista, i used the resize partion option, but now Vista hangs when i try to boot it, what should i do?03:40
daveyarussoummagumma, Not sure about tone or pulse.  And yes, running wvdial in a terminal will show all of the commands, but it doesn't work.  The other thing works, but I don't know what it's doing.03:40
gOLdenHaWK3Dhi all03:40
francoisBlueEagle: i use a live cd in that case, :)03:40
posingaspopularremove vista ;)03:40
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__mikemlol @ posingaspopular03:40
ljlolelokay, so, wireless networking.. i set up ndiswrapper as instructed by many forums/websites... but now my wireless card isn't showing up as a device (wlan0 or eth1).... it used to be eth1, but now that has disappeared03:40
unopBlueEagle,  francois could port forward a different port to port 22 on his server, that ought to work03:40
SpamKidshello humans people: my cursor sometimes blinking on X11/KDE... is possible to improve it?03:40
ummagummamaybe your wvdial config file is wrong, about the tone or pulse option03:41
BlueEagleunop: Yes that would probably work.03:41
blenna_unixcan someone explain how links work? if i do a "ln file1 file2" will that command copy the file again?03:41
FlannelBlueEagle, francois, unop, if it does block 22, change the port on your ssh server.  You may want to anyway, as it'll eliminate nearly all hack attempts as well03:41
BlueEagleubotu: tell blenna_unix about man03:42
Flannelbefore I changed mine I had huge auth.logs, full of crack attempts03:42
shatratblenna_unix, ln creates links03:42
ummagummato know what type connection you have, ypu can look at your phone device, try to look03:42
SpamKidshello humans people: my cursor sometimes blinking on X11/KDE... is possible to improve it?03:42
ljlolelblenna_unix, no, that just creates another "label" to the same memory address on your harddrive03:42
shatratblenna_unix, if you want to copy file1, use cp file1 file203:42
LjL!repeat | SpamKids03:42
ubotuSpamKids: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:42
ummagummathese configs are important03:42
daveyarussoummagumma, I'll try swapping that.  Since obviously this requires disconnecting to futz with, any other things I should try while I'm at it?03:42
__mikem!repeat | SpamKids03:42
unopFlannel,  i'd rather get the portforwarder forward another port like 2222 to 22 on the ssh server .. that way, on the LAN you could use normal port 22 and 2222 from the outside03:42
PwcrLinuxHow I can find which driver loaded in for a ATI mobility 7500 (hopefully should have 9000's driver), after upgraded the kernel, the FF and DVD player much slower, is there possiblity video issues?03:42
ljlolelblenna_unix, you'll almost always want to create only symbolic links... ln -s, to copy use cp03:42
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daveyarussoummagumma, What do you mean by look at your phone device?03:43
ummagummaexcuse, i mean you may look to your phone03:43
shatratPwcrLinux, glxinfo | grep string03:43
SpamKids__mikem: hello! do you want that I repeat?03:43
SpamKids__mikem: sorry for my poor English03:43
PwcrLinuxokay shatrat hang on03:43
SpamKids__mikem: can you help me?03:43
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__mikemI don't, I was trying to trigger the info bot03:43
BlueEagleubotu: tell spamkids about repeat03:43
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SpamKids__mikem: repeat or not?? O_o sorry03:44
blenna_unixso the "ln file1 file2" command will only creates links, but when i do a "ls" command, it appears the file has been copied.03:44
LjLSpamKids: no03:44
DLB|Maximusim having trouble installing 6.10 @ preparing mount points, its telling me "no root file system" though i have selected "/" for partition hda6, anyone have any ideas whats wrong?03:44
__mikemLjL are you in offtopic at the moment?03:44
SpamKids__mikem: well, if you want that I repeat, I repeat: hello humans people: my cursor sometimes blinking on X11/KDE... is possible to improve it?03:44
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posingaspopularDLB|Maximus: yea i can help03:44
PwcrLinuxshatrat: Okay which line will be?03:44
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unopblenna_unix,  ln on its own creates a hardlink which is not a shortcut -- you need ln -s .. ln -s file file203:44
ljlolelblenna_unix, it just creates another pointer, tit doesn't copy the actual bits03:44
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posingaspopularcan you meet me in #flood though?03:45
BlueEaglespamkids: Please read the message ubotu spits out. Thank you.03:45
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DLB|Maximusposingaspopular: why there?03:45
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posingaspopularit's easier for me, too many things going on in here03:45
SpamKidsI'm sorry, what?03:45
ummagummadaveyarusso, find something?03:45
unopblenna_unix,  ln creates hardlinks which means that multiple filenames can point to the same file .. in your instance, if you edited "file2", the changes would be seen in "file"03:45
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LjLSpamKids: do NOT repeat. ask your question ONE time.03:45
shatratPwcrLinux, well, sadly im not entirely sure what it Should say, since I dont use the open source driver.   I should have thought of that before.03:45
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SpamKidsI have a little problem... I don't know, all was closed03:45
=== shooters [n=philip@modemcable101.214-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
daveyarussoummagumma, Not really.  Looking at some possibly relevant wiki pages while I'm connected to see if there's anything enlightening.03:46
SpamKidsLjL: I'm sorry. Do you is human?03:46
BlueEagleubotu: tell spamkids about de03:46
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:46
shootersHow can I count the number of subfolders in a specific folder?03:46
unopshooters,  ls -1 /path/ | wc -l03:46
PwcrLinuxshatrat: want go into prvmsg for look at it?03:46
LjLBlueEagle: i don't understand.03:46
SpamKids__mikem: are you human?03:46
shatratPwcrLinux, sure, join #shatrat, thats where my posse gathers03:46
unopshooters,  oops -- find /path -type d | wc -l03:46
BlueEagleljl: ?03:46
__mikemNo, I am a robot03:46
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BlueEagleljl: What do you not understand?03:46
LjLBlueEagle: err, sorry, was meant for sp amkids03:47
LjLSpamKids: why are you asking if we are human?03:47
SpamKids__mikem: hmmm. so, it's explainded03:47
BlueEagleubotu: tell spamkids about es03:47
amorphous_unop, shooters; not ls -l /path/ |grep ^d|wc -l03:47
BlueEaglespamkids: Please read the messaages ubotu sends you.03:47
SpamKidsLjL: because the Ubuntu prhase is "for humans beign"03:47
__mikemI spy with my little eyes a troll03:47
BlueEaglespamkids: I am not sure what language you speak tho.03:47
blenna_unixunop: ok. the reason i ask is that my samba directory has several a large files i want to publish to /var/www, im concerned that the "ln" command copied the actual bits of these files03:47
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LjLSpamKids, is your language spanish? if yes, probably you will be more lucky in #ubuntu-es03:48
SpamKidsBlueEagle: Portuguese, why?03:48
forQedWhat is the best for burning ISO files, Gnomebaker, Nero, x-CD Roast, or K3B?03:48
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LjLSpamKids: because your english is a bit hard to understand -- no offence.03:48
unopblenna_unix, well, to say it has "copied" would be a misnomer -- but you can delete the new hardlinks in /var/www and you should be ok03:48
SpamKidsLjL: I'm sorry, I don't had lucky on #ubuntu-br...03:48
BlueEaglespamkids: Because your english is bad and thus you might try a support channel that uses your own language.03:48
unopamorphous_,  come again?03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:48
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.03:48
LjLeeew BlueEagle, you're spamming more than him :P03:48
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SpamKidsubotu: de nada. you are welcome03:48
BlueEagleljl: Sorry, I mis-placed my fingers. :)03:49
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__mikemSpamKids, ubotu is only a robot03:49
SpamKids__mikem: and you?03:49
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__mikemI am human03:49
LjLSpamKids: and you are a troll03:49
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__mikemnothlit, ljl just took him out03:49
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forQedIn Gnomebaker, what does the option "Burnfree" mean?03:51
blenna_unixunop & others: thank you03:51
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BlueEagleforqed: Burnfree is a buffer under run protection feature offered by your cd/dvd burner.03:52
BlueEagleforqed: You want it enabled.03:52
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forQedBlueEagle: thanks!03:52
amorphous_unop - shooters wanted to know how to count the subfolders in a folder... i was asking if you should run it through grep ^d to just cound the lines starting with 'd' for directory... is that right?03:52
Mhzhi again everyone, I have a network problem: my computer and my gf's are connected to a hub and can't ping each other.03:52
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unopamorphous_,  ahh, ok, yea yea, thats right -- i didnt really understand what you said before03:52
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BlueEaglemhz: How do the two machines obtain IP-adresses?03:53
Mhzit looks like a netmask issue but I wouldn't know how to solve it03:53
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Mhzdhcp I think03:53
noodles12 in konquerer my tools menu is empty/blank. How do i get it back so i can fake the browser ID to be IE?03:53
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Mhzthey are both connected to the net through a dsl modem03:53
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shootersamorphous_: you need ls -lR ....  since I asked in all subdirectories,03:54
Mhzboth have a dynamic IP03:54
BlueEaglemhz: Well if they both obtain ip-addresses from the same dhcp server they should have the same netmask.03:54
BlueEaglemhz: Is the modem connected to the same hub?03:54
amorphous_shooters - respect! ;)03:54
Mhzyes, the 2 computers are connected to the hub, which in turn is connected to the modem03:54
unopshooters,  the find command i gave you would do the same too03:54
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BlueEaglemhz: Which firewall are the two machines using?03:55
shootersunop: yes, worked fine... thanks03:55
gabrielahi is me again want to change the boot screen03:55
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forQedSo today I got a Samba share working between VMware and Ubuntu, I think that is the bee's knees03:55
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gabrielabut i can not extract the file to /boot/grub03:55
Mhzmy computer is not using any and gf's (running win xp) isn't either03:55
gabrielai dont have permisions03:56
unopgabriela,  you need the right permissions -- how are you extracting files there?03:56
gabrielaim trying but i cant03:56
ljlolelOKay, I have a wireless card (Broadcom), how do I make it appear as a network interface? (eth1 or wlan0 or w/e)03:56
BlueEaglemhz: Ok. On your linux machine start a terminal and run: ifconfig |grep "inet a"03:56
gabrielathanks unop for your help03:56
BlueEaglemhz: That should normally return one line.03:56
MhzBlueEagle: sorry, she has the windows firewall enabled, but that should not block the ping command, right?03:57
gabrielaunop: im just trying to folllow the directions from a webpage03:57
BlueEaglemhz: I would not know.03:57
ljlolelRight now, my only interfaces are lo and eth0 (the wired network), but i can't make my wireless card appear again after installing ndiwrapper --- even though I could see it before03:57
gabrielai want to change the grub splash image03:57
BlueEaglemhz: Did you get the IP and the netmask of your linux box?03:57
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gabrielaunop: are you there?03:58
MhzBlueEagle: http://rafb.net/p/6pKEyU15.html03:58
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nortycan someone help me please? im trying to copy a folder from my hd to an ipod and the folder has a character not recognized by ubuntu in the name, how do I copy this file?03:58
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unopgabriela,  i'm here yes, show me the page and section and i'll help you out03:58
unophey again norty :)03:58
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gabrielathis is the web page03:59
nortyhey unop, i almost got everything off, cept this one file03:59
gavagaiI have a headless ubuntu box that isn't accepting SSH connections from the internet.  port 22 is forwarded on my router.  what should i check?  i haven't used this box in awhile, but as I remember it used to work no problem03:59
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gabrielain the section 1, 1.0 and 1.103:59
unopgabriela,  cool, now which section?03:59
unopgabriela,  ok :)03:59
gavagaii've confirmed it accepts from inside the LAN, i'm logged in now03:59
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nikin_is there  a lighter ubuntu distro than Xubuntu? i was trying to get the RAM usage of Xubuntu down... but i couldnt get it below 100 Megs (Without any production apps running) :(03:59
BlueEaglemhz: Ehh.. Hmm.. You have got a point-to-point connection set up on your linux box. Is your linux box connected to the modem?03:59
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gortba_shatrat, you still here?04:00
shatratgortba_, yes04:00
MhzBlueEagle: not directly, but through the hub04:00
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unopnorty,  have you tried renaming the file at the command line -- use the tab to complete it -- and then quote it -- e.g. mv file<TAB> ( ..after completion..)   mv "file_with??characters" /new/path/04:00
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marshallhey guys04:00
nortytab doesnt work to complete it04:01
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marshalldoes anybody know how to get rid of that page outline in inkscape? i just want to design little graphics, not a whole page spread or anything04:01
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BlueEaglemhz: I see. Well then I need to know the make and model of your ADSL modem.04:01
BlueEaglemhz: And just to make sure: Is the winXP box able to connect to the internet?04:01
gavagaiduh, fixed it...04:01
gavagaiwho installed firestarter on here!?!  :)04:01
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gortba_hi. umm I downloaded jgrasp into my /usr/local then added a link in /usr/bin to the executable, but I can't seem to run it. Can you tell me how to install this thing properly?04:01
calamarimarshall: yeah you can get rid of it04:01
marshallcalamari: how04:02
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shatratgortba_, if you run "which jgrasp" or whatever the name of the link is, does it return jgrasp?04:02
unopgabriela,  i'm sorry, i dont see where it asks to extract files -- which line is it on ?04:02
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unopnorty,  have you tried copying using the GUI ?04:02
calamarimarshall: sorry, was afk.. back now04:02
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=== f was watching 254
gabrielain instruccions 1.1 I have my image, now what?04:03
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marshallcalamari: ok04:03
nortyyep doesnt work04:03
fwas anyone watching 24?04:03
calamarimarshall: opening the app so I can tell you right04:03
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gortba_shatrat. yes04:03
nortyunop: yep doesnt work04:03
marshallits open04:03
marshallcalamari: its open04:03
gabrielaunop: 1.1 I have my image, now what?04:03
calamarimarshall: I mean on my computer.. hehe04:03
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marshallcalamari: lol ok04:03
unopgabriela, ok, this might be easier -- but be careful this -- launch a root shell -- sudo -i ... you should be able to go on now without any problems04:03
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calamarimarshall: okay, go to File : Document Properties04:04
shatratgortba_, but just running "jgrasp" doesnt do anything?04:04
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gortba_actually--it gives me an error04:04
calamarimarshall: uncheck "Show page Border".. hit ok04:04
unopnorty,  errm, is it the only file left in the directory?04:04
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marshallcalamari: lol thats it?04:04
calamarimarshall: err actually I guess you just close it04:04
nortysince i cant delete files or folders04:04
shatratgortba_, what error?04:04
gortba_shatrat here's the error:  Error at jGRASP startup:04:04
gortba_Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit04:04
marshallcalamari: ok, thanks04:04
gabrielaunop: i did that now what?04:04
shatratgortba_, stand by04:04
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unopgabriela,  continue on from where you were last :)04:05
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unopnorty,  well, ok, hold on04:05
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gabrielado i have to put the dots04:06
unopgabriela,  just this -- sudo -i04:06
calamariI've heard that the amd64 ubuntu might include slightly less packages than x86 (for example I heard there is no flash player).  packages.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to have a setting for that.. how can I find out what packages that amd64 ubuntu has available?04:06
gabrielai did that04:06
kintaro0ehello guys..how to set the path of JAVA_HOME in /etc/profile?04:06
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gabrielabut when i try to extract the files it says the same no permisions04:07
calamarikintaro0e: export JAVA_HOME=...04:07
Pie-rateWhy can't I start more than one instance of sound juicer? I have 4 drives to rip from.04:07
unopnorty, where does this file exist? the location04:07
Pie-rateIs there a better utility than sound juicer?04:07
unopgabriela,  ok, how are you extracting file to this location?04:07
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calamarikintaro0e: disregard that, misread your question04:07
gabrielaunop: how can i strart file roller with sudo permisions?04:07
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baratahow to convert ppt to avi in linux?04:08
gabrielaunop: yeap04:08
unopgabriela,  sudo file-roller :)04:08
barataor ppt (oo impress) to mpeg04:08
nevronpeople i need help with the sound drivers in ubuntu 6.1004:08
gabrielalet me try that way04:08
unopnorty,  copying over to ~/Desktop/folder2 ??04:08
BlueEaglemhz: Ok. Since you didn't get back to me I'm going to bed. What you need to try is to set up your adsl modem to act as a router. It seems that it does not do so by default. Alternately you can set up your linux box as a router for your gf-s computer. That will require an additional network card.04:08
unopgabriela,  actuall this is better - gksudo file-roller04:08
BlueEagle...and on that note I bid you all a good night.04:08
kismetCan anyone help me connect my cellphone?04:08
Pie-rateWhy can't I start more than one instance of sound juicer? I have 4 drives to rip from and only 1 CPU is being used. Is there a better utility?04:09
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:09
kintaro0ecalamari thanks04:09
nortyill try04:09
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unopnorty,  cd ~/Desktop/folder; perl -le 'opendir D,"."; print `mv -v "$_" /new/path `for readdir D'04:09
nortywhats that do04:09
shatratgortba_, what language did you settle on trying first btw?04:09
calamarikintaro0e: oh, was that what you needed?  okay cool04:09
gortba_which language?04:10
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unopnorty,  its a fancy mv command -- but this takes into consideration the odd character -- the only problem is it still keeps that character04:10
gabrielaunop: thats it i did it now i can continue with the step 2 thanks a lot04:10
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gortba_but build essential supports almost everything right?04:10
nevronwhen i start ubuntu xmms works and plays only one song and when that song finishes it throws an error and the playback stops04:10
shatratgortba_, to get jgrasp running youre gonna have to get some java dependencies taken care of, there are other IDEs in the repositores though.  Try searching for "development environment"04:11
gortba_shatrat, cool thanks again! I'll have a look04:12
Pie-rateis there any way I could force sound juicer to let me run multiple instances?04:12
shatratgortba_, theres one called "geany" that might be good for starters.04:12
unopgortba_,  another good c/c++ IDE is !anjuta04:12
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:12
gortba_ok thanks, I'll give them a try04:12
unopgabriela,  :)04:12
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calamariPie-rate: I've never really used sound juicer.. I like grip, but I dunno how it would react either04:13
gabrielaunop: now i have to figth with the next step04:13
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Pie-ratecalamari: trying grip04:13
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gravemindhi all04:14
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gravemindhow can I improve my boot time?04:14
calamarican I run x86 apps under amd64 ubuntu?04:14
samuelsup all04:14
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unopgabriela,  :) i know those instrcutions arent really for a beginner, but you'll learn a lot and quick here :)04:14
gravemindI assume I can disable some modules somewhere or something that will make it boot faster04:14
cchanc1Is their any open source sms voting application that uses internet gateways?04:14
samuelanyone know if i can get a prebuilt deb with python 2.5 on ubuntu?04:14
gabrielaunop: im a beginnner04:15
unopcalamari,  sure , use a 32bit chrooted environment04:15
calamarigravemind: which part is slow?  doesn't do any good to disable modules if that's not the slow part04:15
gabrielaand i really apreciete your time and help04:15
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:15
unopgabriela,  no worries, you're welcome :)04:15
Spragie`Does anyone have experience with alsa?04:15
gravemindcalamari: the part after grub where it says "ubuntu" and there's a bar that shows the loading04:15
calamariunop: would I be able to run X apps that way?04:16
unopcalamari,  certainly04:16
gabrielaunop: can you tell me what does this mean? 2. Edit your GRUB config file (aka /etc/GRUB.conf) and add this line:04:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:16
Spragie`I have a ad1986a audio chipset onboard and i have installed alsa drivers/lib/utils and i am still not able to get sound, does anyone have any suggestions?04:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ad1986a - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:17
gravemindSpragie: see if you can search google for linux drivers for your type of sound hardware04:17
unopgabriela, errm, hold on a second04:17
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gravemindspragie: that's what I did, and I lucked out04:17
calamariunop: how would I do that?  I can create a chroot.. that's not a problem, but I'm not sure how the X part would work04:17
Spragie`gravemind it worked for u?04:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
gravemindSpragie: I was in a similar situation. I had realtek onboard sound, which didn't work out of the box, but I found drivers through google04:18
Spragie`gravemind my card isnt showing up in /proc/interrupts04:18
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unopgabriela,  i think you might find this much more helpful -- it's in clear to understand english and you have the instructions there too 0 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto04:18
Spragie`gravemind i used google...found drivers and shit but still nothing04:18
unopcalamari,  can i give you a link?04:18
cchanc1Is their any open source sms voting application that uses internet gateways?04:18
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:18
unop!chroot | calamari04:19
ubotucalamari: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box04:19
calamariunop: sure, that'd be great04:19
calamariunop: thanks a lot04:19
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gravemindSpragie`: sorry then, I don't know. I tried to install another distro on this same computer and I wasn't able to get sound work04:19
gabrielalet me check it04:19
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gravemindcalamari: any suggestions about improving boot time?04:20
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cchanc1Can WINE applications use the internet04:20
calamarigravemind: sorry, I must have missed your response to my question.. which part of the boot is slow?04:20
frogzoocchanc1: look at kannel might be of interest for sms - wine uses stock routing04:20
yell0wgravemind, get rid of unneeded services at boot time04:20
gravemindcalamari: the splash screen04:20
calamarigravemind: oh, I see it now04:20
gbrentcan anyone point me in the right direction to get help with anope for ircd? Is there an IRC channel for it? thnxs04:21
gabrielaim mixed up04:21
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Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:21
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gabrielaunop: im now mixedup04:21
gabrielai think is better to let it like it is04:21
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cchanc1frogzoo, stock routing?04:21
gravemindyell0w: would that help speed up the splash screen, because that's the part that's slow] 04:21
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frogzoocchanc1: standard ip04:21
Ins|dei there, i have no sund in my ubuntu, i cannot ear nothing, what should i do ?04:21
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cchanc1frogzoo, Kannel what can i use though to make it ablt to recive sms04:21
unopgabriela,  errm, which part do you find confusing?04:21
calamarigravemind: well, afaik that splash screen hides two things.. the kernel booting, and the /etc/rc script actions04:21
gabrielaunop: everything lol04:22
cchanc1frogzoo, so they *can* connect?04:22
unopgabriela,  its better this way, the olderway will probably have you going all evening04:22
calamarigravemind: in my experience, the kernel boots pretty quickly.. I doubt that is your problem04:22
gabrielanow what i dont know what is edgy and what dapper04:22
unopgabriela,  he he .. errm, ok, in the old manual, how far have you gotten to now? upto which step>?04:22
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gravemindcalamari: I have a lot of folders in /etc called "rc*.d"04:23
gabrielaunop: just extract the image to the boot/grub folder04:23
calamarigravemind: one min, there is an app you might want to check out, need to find the exact package name04:23
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cchanc1frogzoo, nvm i guess i dont need it that bad04:23
unopgabriela,  edgy and dapper are versions of ubuntu - you can check yours by this command - cat /etc/release04:23
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell04:23
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unopgabriela,  or ^^04:23
calamarigravemind: package is called "bum"04:24
jonwgod I hate ATI, nvidia+beryl+wine = no worries, same thing with a radeon ... ARGHHHHH!04:24
EnsignRedshirtIs there a command that will let me look at the files that make up a .deb files, without installing the .deb?04:24
gravemindcalamari- I remember on dapper, it showed you what was going on while it booted, is there some way to hide the splash screen at boot?04:24
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:24
unopgabriela,  ok, looks like it's safe and you can continue on using the second manual04:24
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calamarigravemind: I don't know.  I've upgrades all the way from warty, and I do not have a splash screen04:24
gravemindcool, how do you not have one?04:25
unopEnsignRedshirt,  use ar to extract files from it -- ar -x file.deb04:25
calamarigravemind: so there is probably some package you have that I don't04:25
calamarigravemind: are you installing bum?04:25
linuxorHi, I wana make compilation, but I got error : No package 'gtk+-2.0' found and 'libglade-2.0', I've done build-essential , and didn't find'm using synaptic, so Please what to do ?04:25
frogzooDev-: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst - remove the 'quiet' params04:25
gabrielawhat is the secnond manual?04:25
gravemindyes, it's just installed04:25
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P235has anyone ever tried using password managers?  If so, what do you do when you're using a computer other than the one you normally use?  <---- clearly a dummy04:25
calamarigravemind: it is called Boot-Up Manager in the menu04:25
EnsignRedshirtunop: Thanks!04:26
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:26
gravemindcalamari: which menu?04:26
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atrus"xset dpms force off" and "xset dpms force standby" work fine, but gnome-screensaver/gnome-power-manager fail to shut off the screen. Any suggestions?04:26
gravemindnvm i see it04:26
calamarigravemind: system : administration04:26
leafwany clues on why ubuntu 64 alternate CD does not see my 4 HD as the raid10 that I configured them to be?04:26
frogzoojonw: don't use wine inside beryl04:26
leafwdo I have to pass flags to the kernel when installing?04:26
unopgabriela,  this one --https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto04:26
=== greywolf777 [n=david@cpe-24-31-167-231.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gravemindok, I see some things I can probably uncheck04:26
frogzooleafw: ordinarily, no04:27
calamarigravemind: ok first thing to do is to check the advanced box04:27
leafwfrogzoo : excuse me?04:27
Spragie`My onboard sound card came with linux drivers but i cannot get them to work, when put 'cat /proc/interrupts' it doesnt list my audio card any idea?04:27
Spragie`gravemind should stated that before04:27
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jonwfrogzoo: I'd live with either or at the moment or are you telling me to run wine inside a non-xgl session ?04:27
gabrielaunop: ok i will check it04:27
greywolf777how do you upgrade versions without getting another cd?04:27
frogzoojonw: bingo04:27
gabrielaunop: want to know where are you from04:28
jonwfrogzoo: ahhhh, that could be the bit I was missing lol04:28
frogzoo!upgrade | greywolf77704:28
ubotugreywolf777: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:28
gravemindSpragie`: I don't really know how I got mine to work, I had a lot of help from gurus04:28
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Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:28
gravemindSpragie`: It had something to do with recompiling ALSA...04:28
linuxorPlease, Hi, I wana make compilation, but I got error : No package 'gtk+-2.0' found and 'libglade-2.0', I've done build-essential , and didn't find'm using synaptic, so Please what to do ?04:28
posingaspopularDev-: resolution?04:28
Spragie`yes i have done that04:28
Dev-native is 1280x1024.04:29
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jonwfrogzoo: ahaa .. you star ! :)04:29
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Dev-but it doesn't even get to the splash screen.04:29
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unopgabriela,  the UK04:29
gabrielaunop: im from mexico04:29
gravemindSpragie`: I'm sorry I can't help you any more than that, I've only been using linux for 6 months04:30
gabrielathanks a lot for your help but i think im gonne let it like it is04:30
frogzoojonw: yw04:30
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gravemindcalamari: the only obvious thing I saw that I could disable was the HP printing and imaging service04:30
Dev-i have an Intel 845GPL integrated graphics chip, which it recognizes, then it says screen configured incorrectly, no screens found, in the error details04:30
nortyunop: did you figure out a way to copy the folder with the weird character or how to rename it?04:31
unopgabriela,  thats cool :) which part?04:31
calamariSpragie`: does it show up in lspci ?04:31
unopnorty,  errm, i gave you the command didnt i?04:31
=== Wimpog [n=Volodya@pool-141-154-153-110.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gabrielaunop: Monterrey Mexico near from USA04:31
nortythats to move the folder whole that the file is in04:31
nortyi cant do that, no space04:31
=== zackglennie [n=zackglen@pu106285.student.Princeton.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
linuxorHi,Pleaaaaase, I wana make compilation, but I got error : No package 'gtk+-2.0' found and 'libglade-2.0', I've done build-essential , and didn't find'm using synaptic, so Please what to do ?04:32
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unopnorty,  ok, whats the file named .. it doesnt matter about the weird character . i just need part of it04:32
calamarigravemind: yeah.. it all depends on your system04:32
zackglennieI need C headers: math.h, stdio.h, etc.  Where can I get them?04:32
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nortythe e is the weird character04:32
shatratzackglennie, sudo apt-get build-essential?04:32
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Dev-i have an Intel 845GPL integrated graphics chip, which it recognizes, then it says screen configured incorrectly, no screens found, in the error details04:32
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:33
calamarizackglennie: they will be in /usr/include04:33
WimpogGUYS, I just installed ubuntu server, and when it starts up, I do not see any messages. Like It should say "starting DHCP, starting mysql server, starting DNS, etc..." but it does not. ALSO, I cannot fine the 'inittab' file. Any ideas?04:33
canine_koujioh right :)04:33
unopgabriela,  nice, must be nice, hot and sunny there now :) .. it's the opposite here :(04:33
canine_koujiI'm getting a ubuntu server set up, yip04:33
gravemindcalamari: Ok. I wish I could hide the splash screen and see what's slowing it down though :)04:33
daveyarussolinuxor, most likely you lack -dev packages.  Try searching for things like gtk+-2.0-dev.04:33
canine_koujiI'd go FreeBSD, but I'm needing to use mono, and mono is so pathetic its only stable on linux for what I want to use04:33
gabrielaunop: actually is cold04:33
gravemindanyone know how do hide the splash screen on boot?04:33
canine_koujiubuntu server, dah dah dah dah dah04:34
calamarigravemind: well, let's see if we can figure it out.. might as well because when I install ubuntu on my new system it'll be there04:34
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daveyarussozackglennie, The apt-file utility is also good for locating things like that.04:34
dooglusnorty: what's the file called?04:34
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:34
=== tombow [n=tombow@adsl-64-175-37-238.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
zackglenniedaveyarusso: cool, I'll look into it sometime.04:34
gravemindcalamari: in suse, you can press esc at the splash screen, and it shows you text of what's happening. maybe there's some key like that04:34
zackglennieEvery time I install, I forget that g++ and other such things don't come standard.  I hadn't installed build-essential.04:35
calamarigravemind: sure, that's possible04:35
daveyarussogravemind, Splash screen?  You mean the grub menu, your computer's manufacturer logo, usplash (the thing with the loading bar), or the gnome-splash?04:35
calamarigravemind: I have no idea though04:35
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dooglusnorty: you can rename it by putting a '*' instead of the 'funny' character:  mv fil*name newname04:35
zackglennieall: working now, thanks much!04:35
calamaridaveyarusso: usplash.. thanks04:35
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gravemindcalamari: the thing with the loading bar (says ubuntu)04:35
wezlohas anyone in here compiled lirc modules successfully?04:35
nortyok let me try04:35
gabrielaunop: i have to go i hope to see you again here and i think that the world need a lot of peapole like you, thanks04:36
daveyarussogravemind, Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and remove the word "splash" from the kernel line.04:36
calamarigravemind: ahh, yes.. I don't have the usplash package installedf04:36
gravemindthanks guys04:36
unopgabriela,  definitely, you are welcome :)04:36
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calamarigravemind: daveyarusso's suggestion is better than mine04:36
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:37
unopnorty,  eh, i figured you would have tried what dooglus suggests .. let us know if it works04:37
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nortynorty@norty:~$ sudo mv /home/norty/Desktop/katie3/Music/DJ_Ti*sto/ DJ_Tiesto04:37
nortymv: cannot stat `/home/norty/Desktop/katie3/Music/DJ_Ti*sto/': No such file or directory04:37
nortythats what i get when i try what dooglus said04:38
graveminddaveyarusso: from this line then: "kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-11-generic root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet splash boot: noapic no1apic"04:38
nortythe folder is named DJ_Tiesto (where the e is the weird character)04:38
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daveyarussogravemind, yep04:38
gabrielaunop: im talking you from the window that you opened04:38
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linuxorHi, Please, I've got error : No package 'gtk+-2.0' found and 'libglade-2.0', I've done build-essential , and didn't find'm using synaptic, so Please what to do ?04:38
dooglusnorty: what do you see if you do this:    cd ~/Desktop/katie3/Music; ls | od -c04:39
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calamarilinuxor: did you install the appropriate dev packages?04:39
unopnorty,  perl -le 'opendir D,"."; print `mv -v "/home/nort/Desktop/folder/$_"` for grep /dj_ti.sto/i, readdir D'04:39
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WimpogGUYS, I can't find /etc/inittab in Ubuntu server, where is it???04:40
nortydooglus: norty@norty:~$ cd ~/Desktop/katie3/Music; ls | od -c04:40
nortybash: cd: /home/norty/Desktop/katie3/Music: Permission denied04:40
norty0000000   D   e   s   k   t   o   p  \n   E   x   a   m   p   l   e   s04:40
norty0000020  \n04:40
linuxor<calamari> like what?04:40
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calamarilinuxor: for gtk and libglade04:40
Dev-i get an error message saying that my screen is not configured correctly whenever i try to boot from the live cd, and it never goes to the splash screen.  does anyone know how to fix this?04:41
dooglusnorty: so you don't have permission to go to that directory.  try a "sudo -i" first04:41
linuxor<calamari> i think gtk is installed04:41
posingaspopularDev-: did you try the ubuntu forums/google? ive never heard of this04:41
calamarilinuxor: yes.. of course it is.. but is the DEV package for gtk installed?04:41
unopnorty, actually ,  cd ~/Desktop/folder; perl -le 'opendir D,"."; print `mv -v "$_" ~/Desktop` for grep /dj_ti.sto/i, readdir D'04:41
unopgabriela,  yep? :)04:41
gabrielaunop: still here?04:41
linuxor<calamari> i do not know ? how to install it?04:41
gabrielaim talking you from the window that you opened04:41
unopgabriela,  si :)04:42
dooglusunop: he can't cd to the directory in question...04:42
calamarilinuxor: using synaptic04:42
XenguyWimpog: do:  file /etc/inittab04:42
shatratDev-, try the safe graphic setting entry on the boot menu, and if that doesnt work, Id just try downloading the alternative text based install CD, sometimes the liveCD is more hassle than it's worth04:42
XenguyWimpog: what is the output?04:42
Wimpogjust a second..04:42
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calamarilinuxor: for example, libglade2-dev04:42
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unopdooglus,  he could copy every other file except this one -- he might not have executable permissions on the directory to CD to it, but he can definitely read from it04:42
Dev-i never even get to the boot menu.04:43
linuxor<calamari> i ''ll try04:43
linuxor<calamari> thx a lot friend04:43
Dev-i just get press F1 for help, or ENTER to boot04:43
unopdooglus,  errm, actually, on second thought, he could cd to it before04:43
dooglusunop: you can't copy anything from a directory if you don't have execute permission on it04:43
Dev-then i get an error04:43
unopdooglus, sure you can04:43
shatratDev-, hmm, dont even get to the splash screen.  Maybe it was a bad burn or corrupt iso download?04:43
unopgabriela,  hmm04:43
dooglusunop: this "bash: cd: /home/norty/Desktop/katie3/Music" indicates there's a permissions problem04:44
gabrielaunop: what?04:44
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Dev-i did burn it at 48x04:44
dooglusunop: try it.  you'll find you can't.04:44
unopgabriela,  i opened a window? :>04:44
dooglusunop: you can list the contents of a directory without 'x' permission, but can't read the files04:44
linuxor<calamari>  sorry Ii did not find them04:44
gabrielayeap one that is with your nick name04:45
gabrielayou asked me are you there04:45
=== WisePitfighter [n=WisePitf@cpe-069-134-155-231.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shatratDev-, Yeah I wouldnt be surprised.  I usually only burn at high speed with audio disks, data disks I burn at like 4x04:45
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Ph1L777I need help04:46
nortyunop: norty@norty:~$ sudo cd ~/Desktop/katie3; perl -le 'opendir D,"."; print 'mv -v "$_" ~/Desktop' for grep /DJ_Ti.sto/i, readdir D'04:46
nortysudo: cd: command not found04:46
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nortyunop: when I add sudo in front of that command it says bash: permission denied04:46
WimpogXenguy: says ERROR cannot open ... no such file04:46
unopnorty,  err, you cant sudo cd04:46
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unopnorty,  cd is a builtin04:47
unopgabriela,  gimme 2 secs ;)04:47
calamarilinuxor: libglade2-dev is in the main ubuntu package area.. if you cannot find it then either you're not looking for it correctly or your package list isn't correct?04:47
dooglusnorty: run "sudo -i" as a separate command to get a root shell04:47
XenguyWimpog: if that file is not present, then something is wrong with your system - it should always be there04:47
=== marc [n=marc@64-110-207-101.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nortyok did that04:47
nortynow what04:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
gabrielaunop: ok04:47
Ph1L777Anyone can help me out ? plz04:47
dooglusnorty: now try the 'mv DJ* DJ' command04:47
graveminddaveyarusso, calamari, I saw the splash screen anyway. I think grub is starting from my other ubuntu (32 bit) partition04:47
nortyis that exactly what the command is?04:47
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nortyi dont know linux that well..04:48
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Crescendo_What's a good MP3 to MIDI converter for Ubuntu?04:48
dooglusnorty: if you 'cd' into the folder first, and you only have one folder beginning with 'DJ' then yes.04:48
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daveyarussogravemind, That could be.  You'll need to establish which grub config is actually being used.04:48
nortyi have many folders starting with DJ04:48
calamarigravemind: you can chroot to the other drive and do the grub changes there04:48
=== zackglennie [n=zackglen@pu106285.student.Princeton.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuyHm, I got a question. I have a dual monitor setup here with 2 video cards. Now, in my xorg.conf I have both devices/screens/monitors defined. Is there a way I can kill the :0.1 display and be left just with :0.0, or visceversa ? somehow I think :0.1 is linked to :0.0 and visceversa and that if I kill one, I can kill the other one, am I right?04:49
zackglennieagain I come.  Anyone know how to install "sndplay"?04:49
=== llama32 gladly notes that his mainstream, fairly windows-centric course actually mentions windows, macintosh and linux as peers
calamarierr that isn't quite right, but you get the idea04:49
gravemindcalamari: what is chroot? I was just going to edit the other menu.lst, but if there's a better way...04:49
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=== Andymeows [n=andy@24-119-150-57.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusnorty: ok, so cd to the folder which contains the DJ_thingy folder, then "mv DJ_wh*tisname JD_whatisname"04:49
zackglennieit's the command-line program for playing a .wav file04:49
Andymeowsdoes anyone know what package to install to get man pages for functions like getopt, and other C stuff?04:49
WimpogXenguy: here is thing. I installed Windows Server in my primary HDD, and Ubuntu Server in my secondary HDD. Then, I noticed that I would not get GRUB menu, because grub together with ubuntu was on secondary HDD, and Windows server would boot EVERY TIME. So I changed boot options to boot from HDD where Ubuntu server is installed, and I can now see GRUB and load linux, but the thing is, that I don't see any messages when ubuntu is 04:49
unopnorty, whats the full path of this directory?04:49
calamarigravemind: after editing menu.lst did you run grub-install ?04:49
WimpogXenguy: could it be because I changed the boot order of HDDs?04:50
gravemindcalamari: no, I did not04:50
calamarigravemind: aha :)04:50
nortythe folder im trying to fix is in there04:50
cablesgravemind, calamari, isn't it "grub-update"?04:50
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XenguyWimpog: I really don't know - hopefully someone else can help04:50
WimpogXenguy: ok, thanks anyways04:50
calamaricables: has it changed?  I have always known it as grub-install04:50
XenguyWimpog: good luck04:50
dooglusAndymeows: manpages-dev04:51
unopnorty,  ahh, but you did this earlier --  cd ~/Desktop/katie3/Music; ls | od -c04:51
nortydooglus: it says "mv: cannot move (the file) to (new file): Read-only file system04:51
gravemindcalamari, cables, which is it?04:51
gabrielaunop: are you there?04:51
cablescalamari, when I change the settings in menu.lst, I use "sudo update-grub"...04:51
calamarigravemind: well, I have no grub-update command04:51
Andymeowsthanks dooglus04:51
unopnorty, this out to do it -  cd ~/Desktop/folder; perl -le 'opendir D,"."; print `mv -v "$_" ~/Desktop` for grep /dj_ti.sto/i, readdir D'04:51
dooglusnorty: interesting.  is it an NTFS file system?  or a CDROM?04:51
Asc__wimpog: You don't see any messages when ubuntu is loading?04:51
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cablescalamari, gravemind, i meant update-grub04:51
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unopgabriela,  i'm here but not getting your messages through pm04:51
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fnfI've tried a number of tutorials (including Ubuntu guide) on how to make suspend-to-RAM work but to no avail. Will anyone recommend a reliable way to do this ?. What is the state of suspend support in Ubuntu ?04:52
calamarigravemind: use grub-install04:52
WimpogAsc__: Yeah, I only see like 2 or 3 - checking the file system and activating swap04:52
=== zombor [n=kvirc@CPE-24-209-169-150.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== llama32 not so gladly notes that the course he's doing still mentions MS-DOS
gabrielaunop: what do i need to do to do that?04:52
dooglusnorty: do you just want to copy the folder?  'cos editing NTFS partitions in Linux is possibly unsafe04:52
unopdooglus,  you got him to do an od -c on the wrong folder there .. that explains the permissions04:52
WimpogAsc__: but it should say things like starting DHCP, starting DNS, starting Mysql04:52
=== djKap0w [n=djKap0w@63-226-220-234.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:52
Asc__wimpog: Ah, okay.  You're not using a spash screen then?04:52
calamarigravemind: for example on my system it is sudo grub-install /dev/hda04:52
unopgabriela,  ^^^ register04:52
zomborcan anyone help me out with my scanner and xsane...its is an HP F380, and xsane-find-scanner sees it, but when i launch xsane it says no scanner found04:53
WimpogAsc__: how do I activate it?04:53
cablescalamari, sorry, you're right04:53
gravemindcalamari: ok. I also have a man page for update-grub04:53
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gabrielahow and where?04:53
cablesgravemind, calamari is right04:53
WimpogAsc__: I'd like to know04:53
gravemindcables: ok04:53
unopgabriela,  http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:53
=== Dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Asc__wimpog: I get the same thing.  Started happening when I upgraded to edgy.  I'd like more messages but it dosn't seem significant to work out how.04:53
gabrielais it free?04:53
dooglusunop: I asked him to run the 'ls | od' in the folder containing the funny named folder.  I didn't mention katie...04:53
nortyyea i just want to copy04:53
WimpogAsc__: do you have inittab file in your system?04:53
djKap0whello, all04:53
nortyi dont care if its unsafe04:53
nortyim reformatting anyways04:53
WimpogAsc__: because I don't have it for some reason04:54
nortyunop: that command isnt working04:54
=== loal [n=java@c211-28-81-82.sunsh7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
zackglennienever mind. I got it working.04:54
dooglusnorty: so:  cp -r DJ_what*sname /path/to/copy/to04:54
djKap0wis there a way to lessen the disk space requirements fort the desktop version?04:54
Asc__wimpog: to use a splash sccreen add 'splash' to the end of the 'kernel' line in /boot/grub/*lst04:54
unopdooglus,  <dooglus> norty: what do you see if you do this:    cd ~/Desktop/katie3/Music; ls | od -c04:54
cablesnorty, can't you just put the drive in a Windows machine?04:54
Asc__wimpog: Dunno.  What's inittab?04:54
gravemindcalamari: "/dev/hda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive."04:54
nortyno cables04:54
nortyunop: i see a lot of lines wth characters04:54
calamarigravemind: well, which is your boot drive?  might not be /dev/hda04:55
unopnorty,  with which command?04:55
gravemindi thought it was - I only have one hard drive04:55
WimpogAsc__: type: more /etc/inittab This file specifies how your system should boot. I think maybe this is a problem why we're not getting messages04:55
nortycd ~/desktop/katie3/music; ks | od -c04:55
WimpogAsc__: let me know if you have that file04:55
Asc__wimpog: I have it.04:55
Wimpogcool, I don't and don't know why04:55
calamarigravemind: check df04:56
=== trelayne [n=trelayne@bas1-montrealak-1128693117.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
djKap0wi cannot believe a desktop-centric distro NEEDS 2gb04:56
unopnorty,  you want to run this - ls ~/Desktop/folder/DJ* | oc -c04:56
=== Ghost_Printer [n=Lucifer@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zomborcan anyone help me out with my scanner and xsane...its is an HP F380, and xsane-find-scanner sees it, but when i launch xsane it says no scanner found04:56
gravemindk I'm at df, what do I look for?04:56
cablesdjKap0w, it comes with a ton of preinstalled software. Windows uses about that much, but doesn't come with anything useful.04:56
dooglusnorty: be more specific, like "DJ*_Ti*o" - you'll get less output that way04:57
=== valehru [n=valehru@] has joined #ubuntu
daveyarussodjKap0w, Your best bet would be to install a minimal install, and get the other packages you want on top of that.04:57
calamarigravemind: this lists your drives and the total, free, used space04:57
djKap0wi understand... i only want 1/2 ton of preinstalled software04:57
calamarigravemind: df -h is probably prettier04:57
nortyunop: when i run that command i get: root@norty:/home/norty/Desktop/katie3# ls /home/norty/Desktop/katie3/DJ* | oc -c04:57
norty-bash: oc: command not found04:57
nortyls: /home/norty/Desktop/katie3/DJ*: No such file or directory04:57
valehruHey guys, has anyone here got the 3d acceleration working in vmware for winxp?04:57
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gravemindcalamari: /dev/hda is mounted on /media/cdrom004:57
dooglusnorty: 'od' not 'oc'04:57
unopnorty,  sorry -- od -c .. my bad04:58
calamarigravemind: okay.. so that's not the hard drive04:58
daveyarussodjKap0w, ie, install a minimal server, add X, Gnome, OOo, Firefox, or whatever else you want, but not the entire ubuntu-desktop metapackage.  You should be able to do it for significantly less space, and just a bit more work as a tradeoff.04:58
calamarigravemind: guessing there is a /dev/sda ?04:58
gravemindcalamari: yes, there's one of those for each partition04:58
nortyo shit, i got into the folder using that command unop04:58
nortythat ls | od c -c one or something04:58
calamarigravemind: yep.. that's probably your hd right there04:58
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WimpogAsc__: for splash screen it says "ro quite splash" what do I change here?04:58
=== Clint- [n=clanno@pool-68-239-150-191.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
calamarigravemind: so sudo grub-install /dev/sda04:59
Asc__wimpog: That's interesting.  The splash screen is working, then?04:59
WimpogAsc__: no04:59
gravemindso do I do sudo grub-install /dev/sda or sda2?04:59
dooglusnorty: don't worry about the 'od' thing - just run "cp -r DJ_Ti*o /home/norty/Desktop/DJ_Tiero04:59
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nortyi think i tried that it didnt work04:59
Asc__wimpog: What does it look like while booting?  Text-only, or blank?04:59
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n2diyAsc__: should "quiet splash" be commented out?05:00
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gravemind"Installation finished, no error reported"05:00
gravemindI'll try restarting now05:00
Asc__n2diy: It depends on what state we're trying to achieve, I guess....05:00
frobro360question: i've got two hard drives on the same ide channel, how much of a performance increase would I get by putting the two drives on seperate channels?05:00
WimpogAsc__: blank for a long time and then some text like activating swap, filesystem, only 3 messages05:00
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nortydooglus: ot@norty:/home/norty/Desktop/katie3/Music/DJ_Tisto# cp -r DJ_Ti*sto /home/norty/Desktop/DJ_Tiesto05:00
nortycp: cannot stat `DJ_Ti*sto': No such file or directory05:00
n2diyAsc__: yea, I thought he wanted to watch the boot process?05:00
calamarigravemind: from what I've seen, the "h" devices are things attached to your IDE bus, s are scsi, usb, sata devices05:01
gravemindcalamari: is there any chance that grub gets messed up?05:01
dooglusnorty: "cd .." first05:01
calamarigravemind: why, what happened?05:01
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=== help [n=Rylie@65-182-234-131.ccmtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
helpok i need help05:01
Nergarwho knows how to script in python or pearl??05:01
Asc__Wimpog: Different than mine.  Do you want a graphical splash?05:01
unopnorty, you are already in this folder -- just copy the files in it to somewhere else? :)05:01
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=== dsquare [n=del@S01060050bfa2ff46.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusNergar: the people in #python and #perl do05:01
Nergarhelp, state ur quetion if you want an answer05:01
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nortydooglus: root@norty:/home/norty/Desktop/katie3/Music/DJ_Tisto# cd cp -r DJ_Ti*sto /home/norty/Desktop/DJ_Tiesto05:01
norty-bash: cd: cp: No such file or directory05:01
=== starz [n=starz@cpe-72-129-110-243.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dooglushelp: can you be more specific?05:01
=== Chicory [n=chatzill@66-226-112-59.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nergarthanx dooglus05:02
Asc__Wimpog: Okay.  Removing 'splash' will make it text-mode.  n2diy says that removing 'quiet' will also do something,05:02
dooglusnorty: no, "cd .." is one command05:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
unopnorty, if you didnt cd .. already - cp -Rv ./*  ~/Desktop05:02
ChicoryDoes anyone have a list of PLF packages handy?05:02
dooglusthen the "cp" command, without "cd" in front of it05:02
unopNergar,  yes, perl05:02
WimpogAsc__: I'll try now05:02
=== Chicory added the Medibuntu repository, but there's no list of what's available there.
DLB|Maximusanyone know of a problem with the installer not allowing someone to create a seperate partition just for /home?05:02
=== mepaYancho [n=yancho@] has joined #ubuntu
gravemindit says the only contents of my /boot/grub/device.map is the one line "(hd0)     /dev/sda"05:02
frogzooChicory: I thought PLF was extinct?05:02
gravemindis that right?05:02
Asc__Wimpog: I've not tried without quiet, but it seems like it ought to make it print more messages.05:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Hobbsee
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
helpi cant get on myspace cuase i cant rememebr my password and when i get my passwrod sent to my email by pressing forget passrword it sends it there but i dont got a email05:02
Nergari want to learn unop05:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
starzo gawd05:02
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
Nergarknow where??05:02
Asc__n2diy: thanks, hadn't considered removing quiet because I didn't know what it does.05:02
starzon teh phone with cableguy05:02
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ChicoryMany of the packages were grandfathered in to Medibuntu.05:03
n2diyAsc__: I think if you comment out the entire line, you'll get a text mode boot, before you hit the splash screen, but I'm not sure of that.05:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
helpcan anyone help?05:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
Chicoryw32codecs is available there now.05:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Remy!*@*] by Hobbsee
WimpogAsc__: The fact that I don't have /etc/inittab file means already something is wrong05:03
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
unopNergar,  errm, if you want resources -- http://perlmonks.org is a good place, as is #perl05:03
Asc__n2diy: I like having a kernel, so I think I'll keep that line for now....05:03
Hobbseehelp: try #myspace or something?05:03
ChicorySo ...05:03
dooglushelp: no, I doubt if anyone can.  did someone change the email address on the account?05:03
frogzooWimpog: nopers, means they did away with inittab :)05:03
Nergarhelp, this isn't the place to ask that05:03
nortyunop , dooglus: I got it to a point where can copy it05:03
n2diyAsc__: ? :)05:03
ChicoryAny Medibuntu lists available?  XD;;05:03
nortythanks for the help!05:03
Nergarthanx unop05:03
Asc__wimpog: It's possible, but I don't know if edgy requires it.  Do you have terminals on ctrl-alt-F1 though F6?05:03
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helpdamn u guys are mean i just wanted to ask smart people Nergar05:04
WimpogAsc__: yeah, I do have that05:04
=== WisePitfighter [n=WisePitf@cpe-069-134-155-231.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
helpno just the password05:04
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dooglusnorty: good.  the copies will be owned as root now, so do a "chown -R norty:norty ~/Desktop/DJ_Tiaro" to make them owned by you.  then "exit" to stop being root.05:04
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frogzooWimpog: look in /etc/event.d/05:04
Asc__n2diy: that line defines the kernel location, so commenting it out could make booting a little more difficult.05:04
pavshow do I install nubuntu from terminal? amd64 here05:04
=== stinger [n=stinger@d220-238-162-189.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Nergarhelp, 1. your email is worng or 2. th mail is in the spam folder05:04
unoppavs,  is that a ubuntu terminal ?05:05
stingerNeed help - i delete my /var/cache dir05:05
helpwats the spam folder05:05
dooglushelp: or 3: the email is delayed, and will turn up later05:05
unoppavs,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:05
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
stingernow aptitude is complaining about /var/cache/debconf/config.dat not existing05:05
=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-201-32.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nergarwhats ur email?05:05
n2diyAsc__: ah ok, I wasn't paying close enough attention to what you guys were doing.05:05
frobro360alright what am I doing wrong??? i almost never get a response when I post a question in this channel05:05
helpbut i cant rememebr my password for my mypsace email or my normal email05:05
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stingeris there a way that i can restup the aptitude directory structure ?05:05
frogzoostinger: dude, deleting /var/cache/ is not supported05:05
Nergarspam or junk mail help05:06
dooglushelp: how do you know the email isn't arriving if you can't read your email?05:06
WimpogAsc__: Did you install Edgy or upgraded from hoary?05:06
n2diy! splash05:06
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.05:06
ChicoryI can't find a simple list of what's available through medibuntu!05:06
stingerfrogzoo, yeah long story05:06
Wimpogfrogzoo: inittab isn't present in /etc/event.d05:06
ChicoryAnyone have a suggestion on how to find what IS available?05:06
frobro360see not even a response, it's all good though05:06
=== xsystemx [n=faks@mctnnbsa24w-142167039110.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
stingerfrogzoo, is there a way i can rebuild the dir ?05:06
helpit did arrive but i dont have an normal email and it wont olet me make one iwth my myspace email and thats the only way i can get my passworf05:06
n2diy! medibuntu05:06
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/05:06
Asc__stinger: if you're going to delete files in /var/cache, don't delete the folders.  Also, you might have to make a blank file if you delete the apache log, or it won't start.05:06
frogzooWimpog: no, because upstart doesn't use inittab, it uses scripts05:06
sableI'I'm trying to download and install wine and a game called Eve-Online, and I'm going step by step, but at the first step, it tells me to type in sudo apt-get install build-essential flex bison xlibs-dev x11proto-gl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev fontconfig libfreetype6-dev fontforge checkinstall,  but I get an error that says Package build-essential is not available, but is referred to by another...05:06
sable...package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:06
sableis only available from another source05:07
unopstinger,  probably by reinstalling debconf05:07
sableE: Package build-essential has no installation candidate05:07
sablewhat is build-essential, and where do I find a copy of it?05:07
Wimpogfrogzoo: So why don't I have inittab file at all?05:07
unop!info build-essentials05:07
ubotuPackage build-essentials does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas05:07
unop!info build-essential05:07
xsystemxis there a log file that could tell me what vnc-http is not working? I get logon screen and it says network error: could not connect to server...?05:07
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB05:07
kasperany one guys sucsseus installing 3D acceleration on ATI05:07
pavsunop i want to install nubuntu not ubuntu05:07
frogzoostinger: dpkg -l return anything??05:07
sableI'm using dapper, not edgy05:07
frogzooWimpog: cos edgy uses upstart05:07
Nergarhelp, contact the myspace support team05:07
kasperit's gonna make me crazy05:07
Nergarbtw, i don't know where05:07
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Asc__n2diy: Getting back to you, I've been doing upgraded since breezy05:07
helphow do i contact tehm05:08
frogzoo!anyone | kasper05:08
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ubotukasper: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:08
Wimpogfrogzoo: whereis that upstart? Like I want to check the boot level, where do I see that?05:08
xsystemxanyone here use VNC?05:08
graveminduh, calamari05:08
Asc__n2diy: splash isn't working, but I prefer text anyway; I'm just trying to get more messages while booting.05:08
unoppavs,  ohhh, i'm sorry, i thought you'd mis-spelt that :) .. errm,  i really dont know about nubuntu .. maybe the homepage has instructions on doing this?05:08
Crescendo_What's a good MP3 to MIDI converter for Ubuntu?05:08
Crescendo_And what's a good MIDI player for Ubuntu?05:08
frogzooWimpog: just 'runlevel' will do that, but to change default bootlevel, well hmm..05:08
gravemindubuntu 32 bit has disappeared from the boot list05:08
gravemindcalamari: and sound no longer works in 64 bit05:09
sableHow do I stop X server?05:09
pavsI was hoping they have a way to do it from terminal :) thanks anyways05:09
dooglusChicory: look at http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/pool/edgy/ - that's one way to find what's in the repositories05:09
Dr_willissable,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop (is 1 way)05:09
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ChicoryThanks, dooglus!05:09
sablethank you05:09
n2diyAsc__: roger that, I've been around linux awhile too.  I thought you were trying to get a verbose boot screen, but I didn't realize it was done with inittab or startup?05:09
stingerfrogzoo, yeah heaps of stuff05:09
=== Chicory took a look in the /dist/egy/packages file.
kasperdidn't get it so how is ok ??05:09
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooWimpog: check /etc/event.d/rc-default05:09
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Wimpogfrogzoo: it doesn't say how to change the default run level05:10
calamarigravemind: have you edited your menu.lst file before?05:10
jtmoney_anyone know why apt-get install ivtv-source is not working right now? i have all the repositories enabled05:10
Asc__n2diy: I imagine it's with whichever edgy uses.  I'm going to restart to test it, back in five05:10
gravemindcalamari: I think so05:10
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=== ubuntu_cry [n=ubuntu@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #Ubuntu
frogzoostinger: ls -ld /var/cache05:11
calamarigravemind: probably a result of those past changes05:11
ubuntu_cryis there someone here05:11
n2diyAsc_: gl05:11
calamarigravemind: guessing at the time you might not have run grub-install05:11
sableis there a keyboard shortcut to switch desktops?05:11
=== hexxa [n=hexxa@c83-248-21-231.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
helpyou guys are no HELP05:11
stingerfrogzoo, i think i got it working :) thansk for your help making a blank file seems to have worked05:11
frogzooubuntu_cry: with 929 people in chan, you'd think someone was here, wouldn't you?05:11
cablessable, ctrl-alt-right and left arrow05:11
gravemindcalamari: so how do I make sound work again? The volume controller doesn't even work05:11
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Crescendo_Number lock works in BIOS and during startup - but doesn't work once Ubuntu is loaded.05:11
ubuntu_crygrogzoo what?05:11
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Wimpogfrogzoo: I also saw very few (like 2 or 3)  messages on startup, until I removed 'quite' in the menu.lst where it said 'quite splash' IS THIS OK??? I mean is it OK that I did not see many messages like starting dns, starting dhcp, starting mysqld, etc...05:12
frogzoostinger: /var/cache/ should be a directory, not a file, perms 755, owner root:root05:12
ubuntu_cryfrogzoo what???05:12
andrehello how would i add ntfs05:12
ubuntu_cryandre man help05:12
andrentfs drive05:12
ChicoryOh, is libdvdnav required for using libdvdcss very effectively?05:12
dooglusubuntu_cry: there are people here, yes.  do you have a question?05:12
frogzooWimpog: that's what quiet does05:12
ubuntu_cryandre i can't resize ntfs05:12
calamarigravemind: I am not sure05:12
cablesubuntu_cry, you have to ask your question to the whole channel, not one specific people.05:12
stingerfrogzoo, yeah but the config.dat file i mean05:12
Chicoryaptitude didn't point me to anything out of the ordinary about it.05:12
mackinac!ask | ubuntu_cry05:12
ubotuubuntu_cry: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:12
ubuntu_crycables man are you onlune05:13
dooglusChicory: no.  libdvdnav is needed to navigate a DVD's menus.  but if you just want to watch the movie it isn't05:13
=== paras [n=paras@12-207-142-61.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_crycables lets continued the work i change to UBuntu05:13
ChicoryThanks again, dooglus.05:13
gravemindcalamari: can I undo grub-install?05:13
Wimpogfrogzoo: I'm in the middle of either something is wrong with my system OR that's how it should be... I'm clueless right now05:13
frogzoostinger: kk, obviously you'll have lost a lot of state, if any packages play up, dpkg-reconfigure them05:13
cablesubuntu_cry, seriously, you need to ask your question to the channel! Someone will be able to help you.05:13
calamarigravemind: it might keep a backup.. checking the man page05:13
ubuntu_crycables the problems is for gparted man05:13
frogzooWimpog: no /etc/inittab on edgy is the default05:13
cablesubuntu_cry, ASK EVERYONE. Not just me.05:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
Crescendo_And what's a good MIDI player for Ubuntu?05:14
Crescendo_What's a good MP3 to MIDI converter for Ubuntu?05:14
andrei dont want to resize ntfs i want to access the drive from ubuntu05:14
Crescendo_Number lock works in BIOS and during startup - but doesn't work once Ubuntu is loaded.05:14
unopfrogzoo,  thats only if sysvinit is used tho .. upstart doesnt use that05:14
ubuntu_cryhey i have problem i can't install UBUntu05:14
rj__then it says "register password;" so, just type in a password, right?05:14
frogzooubuntu_cry: did you use gparted to resize ntfs & now all your data is gone?05:14
Asc__That worked.  Was still printing messages after the login prompt came up though05:14
dooglusubuntu_cry: if gparted won't resize ntfs for you, boot into windows and fix the partition.05:14
Wimpogfrogzoo: because before I had Hoary and later upgraded to edgy. That had inittab. BUT now i reformated the HDD and installed fresh edgy.05:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:14
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ubuntu_crydooglus i can't boot in windows xp05:14
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calamariCrescendo: I use pmidi, but it doesn't have a ui05:15
frogzooWimpog: correct - no inittab is needed for a default edgy install05:15
ubuntu_crydooglus only Ubuntu see the hard disk05:15
ChicoryAny way to get XGL to play nice with an ATI driver?05:15
=== Chicory can't afford a new nVidia card. :s
dooglusubuntu_cry: I see.  and what happens when you try to resize the ntfs partition?05:15
ubuntu_crydooglus windows xp say that this partition is dynamic and can't install it05:15
frogzooubuntu_cry: did you use gparted to resize ntfs & now all your data is gone?05:15
Crescendo_calamari, that's suitable, for me05:15
DARKGuyHm, I got a question. I have a dual monitor setup here with 2 video cards. Now, in my xorg.conf I have both devices/screens/monitors defined. Is there a way I can kill the :0.1 display and be left just with :0.0, or visceversa ? somehow I think :0.1 is linked to :0.0 and visceversa and that if I kill one, I can kill the other one, am I right?05:15
=== javaTN [n=javaTN@nj-69-34-164-166.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
javaTNhey all05:15
ubuntu_cryfrogzoo moment05:15
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javaTNeveryone here knows what valentines day is, right?05:15
unopWimpog,  there shouldnt be a need to change the runlevel anyway because runlevels 2-5 remain identical in debian/ubuntu05:16
mackinac!offtopic | javaTN05:16
ubotujavaTN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:16
frogzoojavaTN: this is in international chan, VD is a US festival day only05:16
kasperno i don't know05:16
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dooglusjavaTN: it's yet another means of extacting cash from suckers, right?05:16
javaTNit is?05:16
PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: you should install the linux then install windows.. if you had a windows in first, you'll likely a grub didn't get a "windows" menu selections..05:16
Wimpogunop: yeah, but I stil want to know how to do it05:16
javaTNno i just need to get some opinions of people05:16
javaTNwhat valentines day means o them05:16
dooglusWimpog: "sudo telinit 3"05:16
frogzoo!offtopic | javaTN05:16
ubotujavaTN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:16
javaTNif this isnt a reasonable channle, tell me where to go.05:16
gravemindjavaTN: apt-get deliver flowers05:17
ubuntu_crydooglus now i have error Cluster Accounting 2576892:extra cluster in $BItmap05:17
kasperguys how can you replay for some one with quto or what ever it is name05:17
cablesPwcrLinux, ubuntu_cry can't make a new Linux partition...that's his problem.05:17
dooglusjavaTN: #ubuntu-offtopic05:17
Wimpogdooglus: that'll change it???05:17
frogzoojavaTN: -> #ubuntu-offtopic plz05:17
n2diyjavaTN: /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:17
dooglusWimpog: yes05:17
ubuntu_cryError FIlesystem check faild!Totaly 1 cluster mismatches05:17
javaTNits like no one is in there.05:17
mackinacbad luck05:17
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dooglusWimpog: I have changed runlevel 2 to not include gdm, so I can 'telinit 2' to stop gdm and 'telinit 3' to start it05:17
cablesubuntu_cry, do you have windows on the computer?05:18
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PwcrLinuxcables: yea, looks like he didn't put into something correctly..05:18
unopWimpog,  hrrm, i have no idea really -- except of a workaround - create the last script in /etc/rc2.d that sends you to another runlevel using init/telinit :)05:18
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Wimpogdooglus: but is there something like 'inittab' in Edgy? Something that you can open with vim and see?05:18
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dooglusubuntu_cry: the problem is that gparted won't touch an ntfs filesystem if it's corrupted.  you have to fix it using Windows as far as I know.05:18
chonawhy can't i include mysql/mysql.h in my c file?05:18
dooglusWimpog: I thought edgy used /etc/inittab.  If not, I don't know what it uses.05:19
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EnsignRedshirtchona: Does the file exist in /usr/include/mysql?05:19
chonahow can i have the library mysql/mysql.h?download?05:19
Wimpogdooglus: folks here just told me that Edgy by default does not have /etc/inittab05:19
cablesdooglus, Wimpog, Edgy uses Upstart, but all it's doing right now is emulating sysvinit, so you can do the same things to it as you could with sysvinit.05:19
Crescendo_Things keep looking for a sequencer - how do I get one installed?05:19
ubuntu_cryThis software  has detected that your NTFS Is corrupted .please Run Chkdsk /f05:20
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gravemindcalamari: any new info?05:20
doogluschona: you need to install the headers?  package libmysqlclient15-dev or some such?05:20
lineman60I am running 6.06TLS ed. I was trying to get my wireless card to work, and some how i removed it.  Ubuntu no longer sees it in the network config tool and iwconfig shows no wireless devices.05:20
Wimpogcables: yeah, but, Is there are something similar to /etc/inittab, that you can open and see?05:20
ubuntu_cryon WIndows then reboot it twice !important don't forget the parameter /f05:20
chonahow can i download or install it??05:20
PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: Oh, how old on your hard drive?05:20
calamarigravemind: so, sorry.. the install was successful.. why don't we take a look at your menu.lst file05:20
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EnsignRedshirtchona: You probably need to install a package with the headers, possibly libmysqlclient15-dev05:20
gravemindI have it open05:20
calamarigravemind: paste it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:21
ubuntu_cryPwcrLInux 6 month why?05:21
lineman60is there an easy way to reload the wireless config05:21
EnsignRedshirtchona: sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev05:21
unopWimpog,  probably one of the files in -- dpkg -L upstart05:21
n2diylineman60: did you ever have the card working?05:21
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cablesWimpog, I used sysv-rc-conf to edit my startup stuff...05:21
lineman60yes, but it kept droping off after a few minits05:21
ubuntu_cryAfterwards you can run nftsresize.NO modification was made to NTFS05:21
EnsignRedshirtchona: ...or use Synaptic05:21
ubuntu_crythat is the problem.05:21
ubuntu_cryNOw lets repair man05:21
=== ahave [n=ahave@adsl-155-112-186.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_crywhat i need to do.05:22
dooglusubuntu_cry: it's telling you to use Windows to fix it...05:22
n2diylineman60: hmm, gl.05:22
Wimpogcables: where is it located? sysv-rc-conf05:22
cablesubuntu_cry, you need to scan the disk in Windows, I think...05:22
dooglusubuntu_cry: but if you can't boot into windows...05:22
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ubuntu_crydooglus but how i can enter in windows05:22
cablesWimpog, I really don't know if it works. You need  to install the package of the same name first.05:22
dooglusubuntu_cry: can you put the drive into a machine which can boot windows?05:22
ubuntu_cryis there a windows live cd05:22
=== kasper is a pink bunny
ubuntu_crydooglus no05:22
ahaveam looking for a C++ IDE... would kdevelop work in my gnome environment?05:22
gravemindhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5522/ It looks pretty normal, except it defaulted to hidden menu, 3 second timeout, and doesn't have the choice to boot up in ubuntu 32bit that I had before05:22
cablesubuntu_cry, sort of but not really... you need a windows pc to make it, it's called BartPE.05:22
ubuntu_crydooglus becouse windows install say that this hard drive is dynamic05:22
dooglusahave: it would, yes05:22
dooglusubuntu_cry: do you have another PC which can boot windows?05:23
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PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: you can try chkdsk -f  (fix the corrputed files), sometime may not recoverable in some of dirs05:23
ubuntu_cryyes i have05:23
cablesPwcrLinux, he doesn't have windows...05:23
gravemindcalamari: I'm most upset that the sound is not working. It took so long to install the drivers, and I don't know how to replicate it05:23
dooglusubuntu_cry: so you can put the drive with the corrupted ntfs partition into the machine where windows works, and fix it from there05:24
trelaynehi all, anyone know what packages I have to install for development? Ie. such as gcc?05:24
ubuntu_cryI thanks on UBuntu becouse he can repair the problem but why05:24
gravemindtrelayne: build-essential05:24
cablestrelayne, "build-essential"05:24
ubuntu_cryin UBuntu don't have defrag man05:24
trelaynethanks a bunch!05:24
Wimpogcables: I'm lost. I just installed ubuntu server, and can't find /etc/inittab. So I'm looking for some kind of equivalent of inittab. The system somehow boots, so it reads the configuration from somewhere....05:24
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cablesubuntu_cry, Ubuntu doesn't need defrag, Ext3 pretty much doesn't require it.05:24
valehru, I have a 5.5.2 build-29772 vmworkstation running off of an ubuntu host.  Through vmware I have installed Windows XP.  How do I install the default nvidia driver FOR VMWARE??05:24
cablesWimpog, not sure... you could ask in #upstart05:24
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ubuntu_crydooglus ufffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff nooo05:25
n2diyubuntu_cry: linux doesn't need defrag.05:25
dooglusubuntu_cry: ubuntu doesn't have anti-spyware programs either, for the same reason05:25
P235hi I'm new to password managers and I'm wondering if there is a way to export a password manager database in a secure format onto a usb for use upon any OS for travel?05:25
unopubuntu_cry,  sure it does -- sudo aptitude install defrag05:25
ubuntu_cryn2diy hi man05:25
unop!info defrag | ubuntu_cry05:25
cablesunop, doesn't need it as much05:25
ubotuubuntu_cry: defrag: ext2, minix and xiafs filesystem defragmenter. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.73pjm1-7 (edgy), package size 66 kB, installed size 208 kB05:25
n2diyubuntu_cry: hi05:25
calamarigravemind: I'm sorry that you're upset, but how was I to know that you modified that file before?05:25
ubuntu_cryunop ??? raeally05:25
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gravemindcalamari: I'm not angry at you I just want to fix it05:25
Wimpogcables: I'm going to go there right now05:25
unopcables,  in most cases you dont need it at all .. but he claimed there were no defrag tools for linux05:25
ubuntu_cryunop but this defras is for ntfs not for ntfp05:26
ubuntu_cryn2diy thanks for all05:26
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unopubuntu_cry,  ntfp?05:26
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n2diyubuntu_cry: nada05:26
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cablesubuntu_cry, you need to scan the disk on a Windows box05:26
ubuntu_cryunop ntfp05:26
ubuntu_cryunop ntfs05:26
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xsystemxI cant get VNC to work, where can I get help?05:27
ubuntu_cryn2diy like the old time.american spanish language05:27
hyarion_arg, this is driving me insane; I'm running Edgy Eft and it freezes entirely, have to manually restart a few times a day, anyone have this problem?05:27
xsystemxno log... etc...?!?05:27
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unopubuntu_cry,  i'm having trouble understanding you, can you explain yourself a little better please05:27
dooglusubuntu_cry: there's a program called 'ntfsfix' in pacakge 'ntfsprogs' which might be able to help, but I've never tried it.05:27
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n2diyubuntu_cry: ah, yes, now I remember.05:27
ubuntu_crydooglus ok lets try iy then05:27
cables!hi | gerson05:28
ubotugerson: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:28
ubuntu_cryn2diy yeah man that i'm with another nick and one big problem.05:28
ubuntu_crydooglus ok where i need to search for this program05:28
cablesubuntu_cry, open a terminal and run "sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs"05:28
dooglusubuntu_cry: you install package 'ntfsprogs'05:28
n2diyubuntu_cry: yea, I didn't remember the nick, and sorry, I don't have any ideas to help you.05:28
ubuntu_cryn2diy no problem.05:29
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ubuntu_crycables man i need to restart UBuntu05:30
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dooglusubuntu_cry: you do?  why?05:30
ubuntu_crycables to restart ubuntu live cd05:30
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ubuntu_crydooglus becouse it want05:30
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n2diyIs Dapper patched to apply the new Canadian and Us Daylight Saving times?05:30
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calamarigravemind: it's possible that you are now booting a different kernel that you were before05:31
dooglusubuntu_cry: restarting a live CD will uninstall whatever you've installed so far.05:31
ubuntu_crydooglus i didn't install nothing05:31
ubuntu_crydooglus sudo give me error05:31
gravemindcalamari: oh yeah, that's right, because update manager just ran, and wanted me to restart05:31
ubuntu_cryplease wait to come05:31
PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: do you have a USB flashdrive?05:31
gravemindcalamari: what do I have to do now that I'm in a new kernel?05:31
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Flanneln2diy: yes.  or, if it isn't, it will be before relevant.05:32
ubuntu_crydooglus and when i came tell me the command05:32
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dooglusubuntu_cry: what's the error?05:32
ubuntu_cryPwcrlinux yes i have pen drive05:32
n2diyFlannel, cool.05:32
calamarigravemind: try the older kernel.. maybe your sound will be back05:32
calamarigravemind: I mean try booting with the older kernel05:32
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gravemindok, how do I get the older kernel?05:32
ubuntu_crydooglus Reading package lists... Error!05:32
ubuntu_cryE: Write error - write (28 No space left on device)05:32
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PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: download onto usb flash drive..05:32
calamarigravemind: from the grub boot menu05:32
Flannelgravemind: when youre booting, choose a different kernel from the GRUB menu (hit escape after the POST screen to show the menu, if hidden)05:33
ubuntu_crypwcrlinux iu have 4 gb pen drive05:33
PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: good :) and let them help you05:33
ubuntu_crypwcrlinux but how to download it????05:33
gravemindcalamari, flannel: oh ok, I boot into .10 instead of .1105:33
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ubuntu_cryPwcrlinux ????05:33
n2diy! Pwcllinux05:34
PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: write errors, you didn't have enuff space of ram memory..05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pwcllinux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
gravemindI'll restart now05:34
dooglusubuntu_cry: interesting.  the live CD doesn't write to the disk, so you're out of memory I guess.  does closing some applications help?05:34
WimpogGUYS from #upstart don't know about inittab05:34
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ubuntu_crydooglus i don't have much application open05:34
ubuntu_cryhey peoples please wait i;m restarting05:35
sableI typed in sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and it stop it stopped the display manager, but when I run my vid card driver install, it still says I am running the X server05:35
sableAny other ways to stop the X server?05:35
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PwcrLinuxsame mines, when my HD died, I put the live CD, work prefectly, I can use USB flashdisk to save something from the downloads..05:36
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PwcrLinuxeasy way05:36
cablesIs anyone curious why ubuntu_cry has ntfs but no windows to chkdsk it?05:36
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unopsable,  hmm, try this command to ensure gdm isnt running - sudo killall -9 gdm05:36
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cablesPwcrLinux, dooglus, Is anyone curious why ubuntu_cry has ntfs but no windows to chkdsk it?05:37
gemini9having a hell of a time her05:37
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mackinacgo to a diff tty...05:37
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PwcrLinuxcables: his windows OS gone, probably he don't have other machine.05:37
dooglusWimpog: are the links on http://mailhost.cecs.pdx.edu/pipermail/osinternals/2007-January/000002.html any use?05:37
GMWeezelHow can I install Windows 98 on my dual booted Ubuntu Dapper and Windows MCE computer? I know Windows has a habbit of wiping the MBR.05:37
=== bzbb [n=john@68-118-186-229.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
unopcables,  well, the question arises, do you need windows to have an ntfs partition? :>05:37
elyon225Could someone please tell me how to exit X (so I can install the nvidia drivers)?05:37
cablesPwcrLinux, how's his windows OS gone before he even started installing Ubuntu?05:37
frogzooGMWeezel: install doze to a spare partition, then restore grub05:37
cableselyon225, ctrl-alt-backspace05:37
frogzoo!grub | GMWeezel05:38
ubotuGMWeezel: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:38
doogluscables: he has windows, but it doesn't boot.  I guess that's why he's using ubuntu - he wants to fix his windows.05:38
gemini9you could get windows 3.1105:38
elyon225cables: No, that restarts it... I want to END it.05:38
zeeeeeeehi all, i'm currently using ubuntu 6.06. how do i upgrade to 6.10? update manager doesn't show me the upgrade button.05:38
doogluselyon225: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:38
cablesdooglus, he should get knoppix to fix windows... it's better at fixing stuff.05:38
unopelyon225,  sudo killall gdm05:38
cables!edgyupgrades | zeeeeeee05:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgyupgrades - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
PwcrLinuxcables: he read the instruction, he didn't get read correctly or pressed the wrong keys..05:38
elyon225dooglus: That's the one I couldn't remember... thank you.05:38
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ubuntu_cryhey i ;m back05:38
cables!edgyupgrade | zeeeeeee05:38
ubuntu_crylets go now05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgyupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
ubuntu_crywhat was the command05:38
cablesdamn i thought that would work05:38
sableI tried sudo killall -9 gdm, but it says no process killed05:38
ubuntu_crythanks man05:39
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lineman60ok, rebooted and got my wireless card to show back up05:39
sableand I still get the same error, that the X server is running, and I need to shut it down to continue05:39
dooglusubuntu_cry: do you have a knoppix CD?  cables says knoppix is better at fixing ntfs than ubuntu is05:39
unopsable,  do you use kubuntu?05:39
sableno, ubuntu05:39
MixxI've got dd running - is there a way to see how fast it's running?  is there a way to see how much a process has read/written?05:39
zorba64sable, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:39
unopsable,  ok, do you use another display manager, KDM or XMD, perhaps?05:39
ubuntu_crydooglus yes but i try with KNoppix and the problem is the same05:39
Wimpogdooglus: I'll read it, thanks05:39
cablesdooglus, i just know that it mounts ntfs automatically... and it's designed as a usable livecd, not a test-and-install livecd05:39
sableI use gnome unop05:39
sableI have zorba05:39
sablesry unop, I can't PM05:40
cablesubuntu_cry, why do you have an NTFS partition, but no windows?05:40
ubuntu_crycables becouse before i have 200gb and the disk has been damaged05:40
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ubuntu_crycables and today i will return to Seagate05:40
unopsable,  is the X process listed in - ps aux | grep X05:40
gravemin1calamari: Sound Works Again!!!05:40
ubuntu_crycables and there was the all data saved05:40
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cablesubuntu_cry, if it's damaged, there's little chance you'll be able to do anything to it with Gparted...05:40
dooglusMixx: the only way I know is to "strace -p <process-id>" and look at the reads and writes it's doing05:41
gemini9using KUBUNTU here05:41
calamarigravemin1: okay cool05:41
ubuntu_crycables i have 2 hard disk05:41
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cablesgemini9, #kubuntu05:41
ubuntu_cryone 200gb who is damaged and another is 300gb05:41
zeeeeeeeah, found http://www.ubuntu.com/download/releasenotes/61005:41
gemini9i find Knoppix has no support, but makes a great rescue disc05:41
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cableszeeeeeee, backup first... edgy upgrades go wrong a lot, especially if you've used automatix.05:41
cookthiswhats the command to see hidden folders05:41
ubuntu_cry300gb i have 31 gb free and windows can see them,and UBUntu see them but can install UBUntu05:41
cablescookthis, ls -a05:42
gemini9i have UBUNTU 6.10 here,nice05:42
doogluscookthis: ls -a?05:42
gravemin1calamari: ok, until I figure out how to install sound in .11 kernel, I'm going to set the default to this .10 kernel, ok?05:42
zorba64ls -a05:42
sableYes Unop05:42
ubuntu_cryPwrcLInux what was the command for ntfs05:42
cablesgravemin1, does your linux-restricted-modules version match that of your linux-image?05:42
n2diygemini9: agreed, Knoppix would rock if it had this level of support.05:42
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calamarigravemin1: sounds good.. what were we originally working on.. boot time?  did the splash screen go away?05:42
sablethere is a bunch of stuff still running (firefox, etc)05:42
dooglusubuntu_cry: "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs"05:42
unopsable,  terminate it then -- killall X05:42
ubuntu_crydooglus thanks man05:42
PwcrLinuxubuntu_cry: see dooglus's say05:42
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cookthisand any idea why i cant play MP3's and play games at the same time? when i play mp3s game sound doesnt work05:43
unopsable,  and try your thingy again .. it should work hopefully05:43
gravemin1calamari: the linux-restricted-modules updated automatically along with the linux-image05:43
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n2diycookthis: cpu overload?05:43
ubuntu_cryok and them dooglys when i have installed it05:43
ubuntu_crydooglys what i need to do.05:43
gravemin1calamari: the splash screen is back I'm afraid :) I think it's only disabled for the .11 kernel05:43
Mr1Can anyone help me with iwconfig?05:43
cookthisn2diy: it works under windows do u think its a game bug or a ubuntu bug05:43
GoingCrazycan anybody help me with beryl and xgl with a 3d desktop ... it went to a blank install after following the instructions05:43
dooglusubuntu_cry: I don't know how safe it is to use 'ntfsfix'05:43
cablesgravemin1, you can make it disable automatically for everything05:43
cablesGoingCrazy, #ubuntu-effects05:44
lineman60quit (reboot)05:44
trelaynehi all, I've update my xorg.conf and can't get it to load... I need to use the legacy nvidia drivers... anyone know what might be wrong?05:44
ubuntu_crydooglus why?05:44
ubotudefragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.05:44
gravemin1cables, calamari: I thought I saw usplash in "bum"05:44
cookthisGoingCrazy:  just out of curiosity do u have an ATI?05:44
cablesgravemin1, calamari, don't disable it there05:44
calamarigravemin1: look on line 133 of your pastebin05:44
GoingCrazyi have a radeon 20005:44
dooglusubuntu_cry: because Microsoft keep the specifications for NTFS secret, so any Linux tool that works with NTFS is kind of guessing how best to work with it05:44
marshallubuntu_cry: lol, thats why i love linux05:44
cookthisGoingCrazy: your gona have a very hard time installing beryl with an ATI, its tricky getting direct rendering working and opengl support at the same time ect ect05:45
ubuntu_cryBad MIcrosoft pfuuu05:45
cablesgravemin1, you can disable it and have it stay disabled for every new kernel by editing menu.lst05:45
n2diycookthis: my guess is a Ubuntu bug. Gaming software isn't well supported in linux, since the game makers, and the folks that make the sound cards, don't release there specs to the linux folks.05:45
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ubuntu_crydooglus ok then leave05:45
cookthisati linux drivers = *blurrt*05:45
marshallbecause MS is a bunch of baboons05:45
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GoingCrazybut is it possible ?05:45
cookthisn2diy: okay thanks05:45
Mixxdooglus - thanks I'll check that out05:45
cookthisGoingCrazy: i tried for 2 days and i codun't do it05:45
PwcrLinux"powerchair bulldozed M$ out" hehehe05:45
ubuntu_crydooglus i will try to put the drive in windows 200305:45
gravemin1cables: I edited menu.lst before but the splash screen came back for the older kernel05:45
billybobmarshall: sure, thats how bil gates became the riches person on earth, becasue he has loads of baboons working for him . . .05:45
sableStopped Gnome, killed it, killed al lx process by number, and no more were running, did a killall and killall -9 on X05:45
cookthisbut i wouldn't say its impossible05:45
GoingCrazyi was reading comments ... at least 2 or three people got it working with the same card05:45
sableand the x server is still running05:45
dooglusubuntu_cry: that's safer.05:45
cablesgravemin1, did you edit it on the specific kernel, or on the automatic options section?05:46
ubuntu_crydooglus THanks man05:46
Mr1Wireless help anyone?05:46
dooglusubuntu_cry: you may need to adjust the jumper on the drive to get it detected as a slave.05:46
ubuntu_cryThanks of the all peoples for the help05:46
cables!wifi | Mr105:46
gravemin1cables, the specific kernel line05:46
ubotuMr1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:46
ubuntu_crydooglus ok that is not the problem.05:46
sableIs there a way to start Ubuntu without loading X?05:46
dooglusubuntu_cry: put it on a separate IDE cable if possible05:46
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gravemin1calamari, cables: what does "quiet" do? maybe if I disable that it will give more debug info05:46
cablesgravemin1, I can tell you where to edit it to make it permanent05:46
calamarigravemin1: my wife and I are going to go eat dinner.. good luck with your splash and speedup05:46
gravemin1cables: ok05:46
cookthisdooglus: select boot into debug mode05:46
ubuntu_crydooglus ???? i have master and slave???05:46
cablesgravemin1, it should05:46
gravemin1calamari: ok, thanks for all your help05:46
n2diyubuntu_cry: gl man.05:47
cookthisdooglus: sorry wrong person05:47
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cablesgravemin1, do you want to do the splash disable now?05:47
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doogluscookthis: ?  have you got the wro... yes.05:47
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jen_drooglus: which packages section is ntfsprogs in ?05:47
ubuntu_crydooglus perdon i speak for the cables05:47
gravemin1cables: yes05:47
cookthissable: boot into debug mode when your at the grub splash05:47
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ubuntu_cryn2diy is it like gl driver?05:47
marshallbillybob: i didnt say he had baboons working for him, i said that they are all baboons and I guess in this society, a baboon can be revered for being in the right place at the right time and stealing from people who trusted him05:47
dooglusubuntu_cry: hopefully everything is set up for auto-detect.  but it's possible that both your drives are set as 'masters'05:47
trelayneAll,  I would like to install nvidia-glx-legacy  but for some reason, the apt-get says that it is referred to by another name?05:47
n2diyubuntu_cry: gl, good luck. :)05:47
sablecookthis: what is GRUB?05:48
marshallbillybob: imbecile05:48
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:48
dooglusubuntu_cry: there's a little bit of plastic on some metal pins on the drive which you may need to move.  there will be a diagram near it showing what it means05:48
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ubuntu_cryn2diy hmmm aha that was in program language gl >Th.Man05:48
ubuntu_crydooglus ok i will try.05:48
cookthissable: the default boot loader for ubuntu05:48
ubuntu_cryTHanks again on all peoples05:48
ubuntu_cryim off.05:48
dooglusgood luck05:48
n2diyubuntu_cry: gl man, good luck, dude! :)05:48
ubuntu_crydooglus thanks05:48
sableI don't use a bootloader, it boots straight into UBUNTU05:48
cablesgravemin1, look for the line that says # defoptions05:48
ubuntu_cryn2diy ok lets see now.05:49
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zorba64GRand Unified Bootloader05:49
cablesgravemin1, remove "splash", then run "sudo update-grub"05:49
gravemin1cables: ok, found it05:49
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gravemin1cables, what about "quiet"05:49
cablesgravemin1, don't disable that there05:49
cablesgravemin1, if you want to do it temporarily, you can do that when you boot.05:49
gravemin1ok I deleted splash05:49
gravemin1I'm going to change default to point to the .10 kernel now too05:50
cablesgravemin1, when you boot into the grub menu next time, just highlight the kernel you want to boot, hit e, and edit the kernel line to remove quiet.05:50
gravemin1cables: can I do that for splash as well?05:50
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cablesgravemin1, yes, if you want to do it temporarily05:50
gravemin1cool ok05:51
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cablesgravemin1, i thought you wanted it permanent?05:51
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gravemin1I wanted to see why it was taking so long that's all05:51
cablesgravemin, then make sure not to save the file05:51
dooglusgravemin1: deleting quiet will just make the boot less quiet...05:51
gravemin1dooglus: what do you mean?05:51
dooglusgravemin1: it'll display more messages about what's going on05:52
cablesdooglus, that's what he wants...05:52
dooglus'quiet' suppresses the messages05:52
doogluscables: right.05:52
gravemin1dooglus: yeah, I want to see why it's so slow for the time being05:52
cablesdooglus, gravemin1 wants to do that, so he can see what's going on, in case there's an error there05:52
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dooglusI prefer not using quiet.  then I can see straight away what's taking the longest05:52
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gravemin1cables: at this point, can I also add some more things to the grub menu?05:53
cablesgravemin1, just don't screw anything up...05:53
doogluscables: I don't think the update-grub step is needed - it updates automatically05:53
gravemin1cables: I have another ubuntu partition I want to add to the boot menu, how do I do that?05:53
cablesdooglus, if you edit the default options section, you do05:53
sableI can no logner start a terminal, it just says "starting terminal" and then disappears05:53
cablesgravemin1, i have no idea...05:54
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n2diygravemin1: one thing at a time.05:54
gravemin1cables: It used to be on there. n2diy, lol ok05:54
doogluscables: I'm not sure.  I don't think that's the case though05:54
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cablesdooglus, editing the default options won't change the individual kernels 'till you run that.05:54
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doogluscables: ok05:55
cablesdooglus, if he edited the kernel lines he wouldn't have to do that, but the settings wouldn't stick.05:55
sableAny ideas besides restarting my comp that may fix the terminal so that it loads? (I'm in the middle of a download, so I don't want to restart)05:55
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dooglusI don't understand grub really.  I've got an old ubuntu partition that I want to delete, but I can't because that's where the grub menu is05:56
cablessable, use xterm instead05:56
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sablecables: how do I start it?05:56
cablessable, terminal :)05:56
cablessable, just kidding05:56
cablessable, alt-f205:56
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dealanyone know any thing about a wap 1105:56
sableI wanted to use in GUI terminal so I could copy and paste05:56
lwizardlanyone try ubuntu on a compaq proliant 6400r server05:56
dabaRdooglus: oh, come on, that is such a bad excuse...you should learn.05:57
cablesdeal, is that a wi-fi thing?05:57
dooglussable: type alt-f2 then xterm05:57
nothlitdooglus: so move the menu and kernels..05:57
dealcables, ya made by linksys05:57
cables!wifi | deal05:57
ubotudeal: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:57
dooglusdabaR: I've got a copy of the menu on my 'live' partition, but it's never used.  how do I tell grub to use a different partition?05:57
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coach_zcan anybody help me to setup a computer boot from a network??? im a complete noob and will need a lot of help with this05:57
dealanyone know anything about m0n0wall05:57
sabledooglus: I type xterm, hit run, and nothing happens05:58
dooglus!info m0n0wall05:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about m0n0wall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:58
ubotuPackage m0n0wall does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas05:58
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dealit's based on the bsd kernal05:58
dooglussable: you can try control-alt-f1 to get to a terminal.  and alt-f7 to get back here.05:58
n2diycoach_z: if you are a newb, why would you attempt such an install?05:58
cablesdeal, then this is the wrong place to ask...05:58
spike723_is there informatin on getting ubuntu set up with root on nfs? ie: diskless ubuntu?05:58
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d0uglascurrently my wifi only fires up when i log in on a gnome session... how can i get it fired up on boot, before the desktop manager goes on?05:59
dealcoach_z, you need a server to do a net install05:59
cablesd0uglas, are you using NetworkManager?05:59
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zero-1How can I run a test on my memory on X?05:59
cablesd0uglas, no way to fix that i'm afraid... you have to use the regular system for that.05:59
coach_zn2diy: my spare HD kicked the bucket and that was to be used on this machine05:59
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d0uglasand kde's equiv doesn't work so good05:59
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CoRnJuLiOxok, i've just installed the keyboard from the logitech cordless mx duo, and the F-keys aren't working06:00
d0uglasdamn so to let mom use kde i gotta log in on a separate x session as myself on a gnome de?06:00
IcemanV9!netinstall | coach_z06:00
ubotucoach_z: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues06:00
n2diycoach_z: sorry, I mis-read your question, I thought you wanted to install over the network, not boot from it. Good luck.06:00
dabaRdooglus: well, I would have to read a little bit from the recovering grub wiki page to know exactly, but it is not hard. Or something similar on the help.ubuntu.com site.06:00
coach_zdeal: okay, that sounds like i am just going to have to find a new HD06:00
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morkahi all06:00
spike723_I have a nfs serve set up that I netboot freebsd and netbsd from06:00
spike723_but I wanna try with ubuntu also06:00
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spike723_with a pxe client06:00
sc4ttrbrainhi guys :)06:00
CoRnJuLiOxis there something i need to do to get the f-keys working in linux?06:00
morkaI have this browser appliance virtual machine from vmware, it's apparently loaded with ubuntu breezy06:00
floobitany advice on HAL failing and not being able to access user permissions?  should I wipe and start over?06:00
morkahow do I upgrade it to at least dapper?06:01
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sc4ttrbrainis there a solution for read and write acces of HFS+ partition(mac os x) ?06:01
morkaor even better, edgy06:01
n2diymorka: what are you running now?06:01
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse06:01
morkan2diy: breezy06:01
dabaR!upgrade > morka06:01
IcemanV9morka: change the sources.lst from breezy to dapper06:01
morkathats it?06:01
d0uglasthen apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade06:01
zero-1how can i test my memory on X?06:01
gravemin1cables: so I save menu.lst then do sudo update-grub?06:02
cablesmorka, that's probably a bad idea06:02
dooglus!info memtester06:02
ubotumemtester: A utility for testing the memory subsystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.93.1-3.1 (edgy), package size 21 kB, installed size 96 kB06:02
cablesThat's what I've heard...06:02
morkai was just expecting im going to get into a major mess06:02
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morkacables, why is that?06:02
IcemanV9morka: yep and read more info from ubotu as well06:02
n2diymorka: Breezy is 5.10 right? Upgrade to Dagger, and, if you insist, then Edgy, but don't jump over Dapper.06:02
cablesgravemin1, you should make a backup though...06:02
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dabaRya, about that dagger....06:02
doogluszero-1: "memtester" is a console app.  is that OK?06:02
gravemin1just of the menu.lst file right?06:02
morkan2diy: so it's best to upgrade one step over?06:02
cablesgravemin1, yep06:02
zero-1thanks dooglus06:02
sc4ttrbrainno , i can mount it automatically butr, i dont have read and write access to hfs+06:02
IcemanV9cables: morka is using vmware image :)06:03
kitche!permissions | sc4ttrbrain06:03
ubotusc4ttrbrain: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux06:03
cablesIcemanV9, good point, not much to break06:03
morkaso if it blows, i live:)06:03
cablesyep :)06:03
zero-1the thing is I tried the memtest at boot but I dont know wheter is good or bad cn it be foxed or not it just wont stop06:03
sc4ttrbrainis there a solution for read and write acces of HFS+ partition(mac os x) ? i can mount it as read only ...06:03
n2diymorka: no, don't skip a distro, follow the order.06:03
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cablesmorka, you could just put an ubuntu install ISO as a CD and install to the vm...06:03
morkan2diy: is it better just to run a fresh install?06:03
dooglusmorka: the only upgrade path supported is to go one step at a time06:03
morkacables, yes, but im willing to learn how to upgrade now06:03
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morkabefore i jump in head first.06:04
sc4ttrbrainkitche, how to get read and write access in hfs+ partition ?06:04
n2diymorka: yes, IMO, provided you are backed up, or are willing to lose stuff.06:04
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morkaim not willing to lose anything06:04
mharris_hey i just installed awn from svn06:04
morkabut im backed up.06:04
gravemin1cables: ok, I'm calling it a night06:04
mharris_after downloading the source06:04
IcemanV9morka: like others said, just go from breezy > dapper > edgy > soon-to-be feisty06:04
mharris_after make install06:04
kitchesc4ttrbrain: go tot the filepermssions link then to volume permission on that page06:04
=== morka back to work.
mharris_when i type the executable in the command line06:04
mharris_it launches the old one06:04
mharris_what gives?06:04
n2diymorka: If /home isn't on it's own partition, and you don't know what you are doing, you should be learning how to back up, not upgrade.06:05
kitchemharris_: you sure it's the old one?06:05
dooglusmharris_: do "./awn" to run the awn in the current directory06:05
IcemanV9morka: just back up your vmware image overlay; so you can start over if need :)06:05
mharris_thats how i know06:05
mharris_when i new that on the new executable06:05
morkan2diy: i just copied my vmware image :)06:05
mharris_its different06:05
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dooglusmharris_: or set your PATH variable to have the new executable's directory before the old one's06:05
morkaIcemanV9, yeah, that's what ive done06:05
n2diymorka: I'm not familiar with VMware.06:05
mharris_how to remove the old one?06:06
morkaits an emulator.06:06
IcemanV9morka: well, you're ready to go! :)06:06
mharris_id rather have the new executable be installed06:06
morkaits doing something.06:06
mharris_when i run make install06:06
kitchemharris_: it is installed06:06
kitchemharris_: it's probably in /usr/local/bin06:06
morkaoh well06:06
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n2diymorka: Winders emulator? I will never be familiar with it then. :)06:06
dooglusmharris_: run "type aws" to see which one it's running06:06
sc4ttrbrainkitche, do u really know what my problem is? or just random info? because i know how to change it....06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:07
mharris_when i do which06:07
mharris_it says /usr/local/bin06:07
dooglusmharris_: when you did "sudo make install" it should have shown you where it installed to06:07
morkan2diy: its a cross platform emulator06:07
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kitchesc4ttrbrain: yes I told you how to do it if you won't do it then it's your problem https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VolumePermissions is the page that you want exactly06:07
morkayou can run anything on anything06:07
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morkabasically like xen or parallels.06:08
pavsdebsum is running in the background and hogging my system how can i stop it06:08
n2diymorka: Anything on anything!? My Vic-20 stuff will run on it?06:08
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doogluspavs: sudo pkill debsum06:08
MikeB-evening all06:08
sc4ttrbrainkitche,well i actually done it yesterday, but still i cant write on hfs+ partition :(06:08
morkan2diy: is it x86 :) ?06:08
mharris_it says nothing to be done for06:09
mharris_and then a bunch of files06:09
morkacan I install debian packages on ubuntu?06:09
morkaor is it a bad idea?06:09
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pavsthanks but when I restart it will comeback, how can i stop it from runnig without permission'06:09
DLB|Maximuscan someone tell me where i can get a list of third party repositories so i can install ndiswrapper?06:09
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n2diymorka: Umm, no, if IRCC, it is Moto 6800, or something like that. Seriously, I'm wasting your time, maybe someone else can help you, good luck.06:10
sc4ttrbrainkitche,i m thinking that maybe i need third party software (some fuse fs) or anything to get write access06:10
sableDO any of you know of a good download manager/accelerator for linux?06:10
yamathanQuick question -- what's the verdict on DRI support in the most recent proprietary fglrx binary?06:10
unop!info ndiswrapper06:10
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in edgy, edgy-seveas06:10
yamathansable:  freeloader is good.06:10
DLB|Maximusunop: :)06:10
yamathanSo is downloadthemall! in conjunction in terms of a Firefox extension.06:10
unop!info ndiswrapper-common06:10
dooglusmorka: it's generally a bad idea06:11
ubotundiswrapper-common: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 80 kB06:11
yamathanwget is a good command-line one.06:11
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse06:11
unopDLB|Maximus,  :) ^^06:11
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse06:11
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yamathanY'know ...06:11
DLB|Maximusubotu: its in the main?06:11
yamathanI hate to sound to snotty, but I just want my ATI card to work, you know?06:11
sc4ttrbrainubotu is a bot ;)06:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot ;) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:11
DLB|Maximuscomponent main?06:12
sableWould it be beneficial to just install -Everything- in the package manager? That way I do not have to worry about installingany of them later?06:12
n2diy! ubotu | DLB|Maximus06:12
ubotuDLB|Maximus: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:12
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yamathanI love the fact that I can fuck with Linux as much as I want, but, uh, I want my ATI card to WORK.  I don't care if the binary is proprietary or not for some applications.06:12
unop!language | yamathan06:12
ubotuyamathan: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:12
yamathanOh, sorry unop.06:13
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DLB|Maximusn2diy: lol, i didnt expect a bot to answer my question when i didnt direct the question at it :)06:13
n2diy! language | yamathan06:13
sable!language ubotu06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language ubotu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
sable!language | ubotu06:13
ubotuubotu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:13
=== yamathan just wishes his card would work.
unopyamathan,  kids and women frequent this channel .. they'd appreciate some gentlemanleness :)06:13
unop!botabuse | sable  :)06:13
ubotusable  :): Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:13
n2diyDLB|Maximus: the bot didn't, I told it to.06:14
=== yamathan read that as gentmeanlessness.
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DLB|Maximusn2diy: the first time i asked?06:14
sableWould it be beneficial to just install -Everything- in the package manager? That way I do not have to worry about installingany of them later?06:14
DLB|Maximusn2diy: i must have missed that06:14
yamathanEh, sometimes I forget that not everyone curses produsely.06:14
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yamathansable:  That'd be great if some packages don't contradict one another.06:14
yamathanAnd if you have conflicting repositories ...06:14
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sableSo how do I stop X server?  I dont have grub, so I can't enter debug mode06:15
=== yamathan has yet to come across that problem in Ubuntu, but his Fedora Core 4 installation had that problem.
yamathanHmm?  Isn't there a special boot --debug command?06:15
dooglussable: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:15
sc4ttrbrainis there a solution for read and write acces of HFS+ partition(mac os x) ? i can mount it as read only ...06:15
sableAnd I when i tell it to stop with /etc/init.d/gdm stop, it says it stopped it, but it doesn't.  I tried killing all the processes, it didn't work either06:15
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unopyamathan,  have you followed the instructions as per !ati ?06:16
yamathanWhat's the verdict on ATI R300 support as of the 8.33.thingamajig?06:16
=== IcemanV9 is confused by choosing kqemu, virtualbox, xen or better one that i didn't know?
yamathanUnop, I'm a little leery -- the last time I did the DRI issues were ... not good.06:16
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shatratyamathan, r300 is 9x00 series right?06:16
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yamathan*thingamajig = update06:17
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unopyamathan,  things change quite fast with ubuntu -- :)06:17
yamathanI thought it was the x1000series.06:17
n2diyDLB|Maximus: I missed something to, I told ubotu, to explain it was a bot to you.06:17
yamathanUnop -- I think it was ... what, four months ago?06:17
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unopyamathan,  worth a try then , definitely :)06:17
=== yamathan plodded around with the driver, then Beryl magically worked with no explanation --
DLB|Maximusn2diy: i caught that part06:17
yamathanAnd THEN an apt-get update and an apt-get upgrade later and it all broke again.06:18
=== yamathan really wishes he had an nVidia card, but alas.
dooglussable: run a "ps -Hef | less" and find the X process.  what's directly above it?06:18
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yamathanI'll try though!06:18
yamathanThe worst that can happen is that I'll need to try again.06:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:18
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sc4ttrbrainis there a solution for read and write acces of HFS+ partition(mac os x) ? i can mount it as read only ...06:19
morkamac mini, ipod, some intel mainboards, and dell desktops are made in the same factory.06:19
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yamathanThis might be relevant to the ATI debate, though.06:19
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DLB|Maximusn2diy: im still confused about ndiswrapper though, for software soucres i have universe, main, multiverse, and restricted selected, but when i go to add/remove and search for ndiswrapper it doesnt find anything06:19
yamathanIt's a site dedicated to Linux gaming.06:19
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yamathanSpecial emphasis on video drivers, of course.06:19
yamathanThat particular article is on the open-source vs. proprietary binary drivers for ATI cards.06:19
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samuelanyone know how to enable mysql server from any host?06:20
n2diyDLB|Maximus: I can't help, I'm not running any wireless cards here. Have you updated your sources?06:20
=== yamathan wishes the article were more in-depth, though.
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yamathanAs great as benchmarks are, uh, I'd rather know if it'll play nice with DRI.06:21
DLB|Maximusn2diy: after i selected the internet sources it downloaded a updated list if thats what your talking about...06:21
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DLB|Maximusn2diy: i was trying to figure out where to get a list of third party repositories, then i stumbled upon a howto that says to select universe to get ndiswrapper but it didnt help06:22
n2diyDLB|Maximus: Ok, keep in mind, your packages are cached locally, so when you uninstall something, and go to fetch it again, your are just getting it from your cache.06:22
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sabledooglus: what does X show up at in ps?06:22
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CoRnJuLiOxhow do i check where teh boot loader is installed? i've got 2 Hard drives in my pc rightn ow06:23
lineman60any one here good with wireless?06:23
DLB|Maximusn2diy: this is a brand new install, and all i have done is add those sources06:23
dooglussable: /usr/bin/X :0 -dpi 96 or something06:23
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IcemanV9!wifi | lineman6006:23
ubotulineman60: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:23
Pelo!wireless | lineman6006:23
n2diyDLB|Maximus: what did you use to set up the new repos?06:23
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ubuntu_cryWIndows say that this hard disk is RAW06:24
DLB|Maximusn2diy: system > administration > software sources... i selected the other internet sources that were not checked and let it update06:24
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yamathanHmm ..06:25
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ubuntu_crydoogys no it won't work06:25
dooglusubuntu_cry: hi06:25
yamathanIs there any special characteristic I need to be aware of with this binary regarding All In Wonder cards?06:25
ubuntu_crydooglus hi man06:25
yamathanIt's supposed to be a Radeon x1300 effectively.06:25
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ubuntu_crydooglus it won't work man06:25
n2diyDLB|Maximus: What ver. of Ubuntu are you running? On Dapper, I use sys-admin-synaptic.06:25
dooglusubuntu_cry: RAW, hmm.  not heard of that before.06:25
ubuntu_crydooglus that say chkdsk06:26
dooglusubuntu_cry: what happened to break this windows install?  did you try resizing it, and that broke it?06:26
DLB|Maximusn2diy: 6.10 edgy?06:26
ubuntu_crydooglus i try and it can't do it06:26
kazukawhen is ubuntu for playstation 3 gonna comeout?06:26
DLB|Maximusn2diy: i mean 6.10 is that edgy?06:26
DingbatHello -- I've been running Ubuntu for two weeks now and I have just one irritant I can't seem to figure out.  My webcam (Creative) doesn't want to work (always getting a can't found /dev/video0 message) help?06:26
dooglusubuntu_cry: yes, but why did it break to start with?06:26
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DingbatRunning 6.10 edgy06:26
ubuntu_crydooglus i gnomepart06:26
yamathanThanks for referring me to ati, everyone.06:26
n2diyDLB|Maximus: So no Synaptic option in sys-admin?06:26
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ubuntu_crydooglus in gnomepart or in chkdsk06:27
sc4ttrbrainis there a solution for read and write acces of HFS+ partition(mac os x) ? i can mount it as read only ...06:27
yamathanEspecially you, unop.06:27
DLB|Maximusn2diy: yeah, just found it in there...06:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:28
n2diyDLB|Maximus: Ok try that, there is a preferences option, or something like that in the menus, where you can click check boxes, to add the additonal repos.06:28
ubuntu_crydooglus man i'm going to sleep good day.06:28
dooglusubuntu_cry: good night.06:29
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DLB|Maximusn2diy: i found it in there, whats the diff between add/remove and synaptic?06:29
jen_with Edgy ..how do i tell mgetty to respawn ie: inittab style06:29
DingbatHello -- I've been running Ubuntu for two weeks now and I have just one irritant I can't seem to figure out.  My webcam (Creative) doesn't want to work (always getting a can't found /dev/video0 message) help?06:29
leafwmshade: the tutorial at ubuntu-in doesn't match: can't see the expected /dev/mapper/* device06:29
dooglusDLB|Maximus: synaptic is just a gui for the command line install/remove06:29
n2diyDLB|Maximus: It is there to confuse both the newbs and vets alike!06:29
Wimpogso does anybody know if there is an equivalent of inittab?06:29
kazukawhen is ubuntu for playstation 3 gonna comeout??06:30
Wimpogin edgy06:30
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PeloDLB|Maximus,  synaptic gives you the choice of all the packages indivitualy,  add/remove is more program oriented and noob friendly06:30
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IcemanV9!webcam | Dingbat06:30
ubotuDingbat: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:30
Pelodooglus,  you'Re thinking of apt-get06:30
dooglusPelo: yes.  I forgot about the gui add/remote thing06:30
n2diykazuka: when the moon falls down. :)06:30
bobohey everyone I'm in trouble I have Fedora Core 6 with grub and I don't know how to restore my windows MBR and I don't have a windows installation CD nor a floppy disk drive06:30
lineman60IcemanV9  wifi works but it keeps dieing off,06:30
DLB|MaximusPelo: it just confused me as add/remove didnt find ndiswrapper and synaptic did06:31
boboUbuntu also does not want to install over Fedora Core for some reason06:31
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DLB|MaximusPelo: so i was wondering what the diff was06:31
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PeloDLB|Maximus,  must be a repo issue or a typo,  I found it no problem06:31
alexiushey all06:31
bobocan anyone tell me how to fix MBR without a windows installation disk06:31
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gOLdenHaWK3Dbobo, configure ur grub06:32
alexiusI have a problem regarding php, I currently am running lightspeed websever and I am trying to install a blog, The problem is it says I dont have php_uploads ON and on my php.ini it says I do.06:32
IcemanV9lineman60: even when you're at least 1/2 meter away?06:32
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:32
fiberchunks!grub | bobo06:32
ubotubobo: please see above06:32
=== Andy___ [n=chatzill@netblock-68-183-95-144.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusbobo: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html ?06:33
alexiusCan anyone help me?06:33
dooglusalexius: #php ?06:33
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alexiusdooglus: its regarding php for a webserver.06:33
DLB|MaximusPelo: in add/remove?06:34
kitchealexius: so ask in lightspeed webserver channel not sure what it is though06:34
jefferydoes anyone know where I can get php4-oracle drivers package ?06:34
PeloDLB|Maximus,  I found it in synaptic,  it might not be in add/remove, add/remove is more for user program, not for services or libs06:35
boboI don't want to restore grub dooglus, I want to restore the Windows MBR06:35
bobobut i dont have a windows CD06:35
kitchebobo: you need a windows install cd or a recovery cd06:35
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bobokitche: i dont have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:36
DLB|MaximusPelo: ok, thats what i was talking about, i found it in synaptic...06:36
n2diykitche: , bobo, or a live linux cd that can get you into winders restore routine, I did that a couple of year ago with Knoppix06:36
ChristopherMy eth0 wont start when the machine is rebooted. I have to manually ifup eth0 for it to work.06:36
ChristopherCan someone help me?06:36
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jefferydoes anyone know where I can get php4-oracle drivers package ?06:37
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KeysMakerhi all06:37
PeloChristopher,  patience in waiting for your answer,  also look up your problem in the forum06:37
=== Pelo bids everyone a good night
n2diyChristopher: try system-admin-networking06:37
=== ahave [n=ahave@adsl-155-112-186.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ahavecould someone help me with setting up gcc?06:38
leafwhum, what to do when gparted is not listing a raid10 device, but dmraid -ay complains that the device is already active?06:38
ahavei get this error when compiling a simple prog;  error: stdio.h: No such file or directory06:38
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ahaveis it not linking to the proper directory?06:38
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kitcheahave: did you install build-essential06:39
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ahavehmm, i dont remember doing so06:39
ahavewith aptitude?06:39
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kitcheahave: if that's what you use06:40
sc4ttrbrainis there a solution for read and write acces of HFS+ partition(mac os x) ? i can mount it as read only ...06:40
=== gandalf[1] [n=gandalf@71-17-79-153.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ahavealright, ill do that now06:40
boboHow can I fix the MBR WITHOUT A FLOPPY OR CD????06:40
gandalf[1] heh06:40
n2diy! shouting | bobo06:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shouting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:40
TurophileG'day guys06:40
media_I have a ubuntu box I'm setting up for family.  Sometimes they don't power off correctly and they have to do a recovery mode to system to boot (otherwise it says there are filesystem inconsistencies).  It also boots and requires the root password which they don't know.  Is there a way to remove the mantainence mode root password request, or to get around the filesystem inconsistency notice that requires an alternative boot method?06:41
n2diy! caps | bobo06:41
ubotubobo: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:41
gandalf[1] is it just me or are lots of things broken in edgy ?06:41
sc4ttrbrainits just u ;)06:41
jen_anyone setup a ttyS0 for mgetty iin /etc/event.d ?06:41
n2diybobo: pay Bill Gates the ransom he wants for a winders disk, and re-install, and kiss all your stuff good bye.06:41
fiberchunksgandalf[1] , methinks it has to do with the latest kernel upgrade (at least from what I've read in channel past couple of days)06:42
gandalf[1] I was fighting for a long time trying to get a vnc server working06:42
fiberchunksbobo: more importantly, why don't you want to use grub to dual boot?06:42
gandalf[1] I thought I was a retard, until I blew it away and installed 6.06, then I got it working in half an hour06:42
fiberchunksgandalf[1] , don't feel bad, I _am_ a retard ;)06:43
n2diymedia_: Yes, winders specializes in that type of operation.06:43
jefferydoes anyone know where I can get php4-oracle drivers package ?06:43
TurophileI don't suppose that anyone here is running a Logitech Quickcam (Dell OEM)?06:43
n2diymedia_: Otherwise, try configuring it as a kiosk.06:43
fiberchunkshrm, guess bobo didn't really want an answer06:44
ahavekitche, thanks. that fixed it up06:45
sc4ttrbrainTurophile, webcam?06:45
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gandalf[1] I'm also kindof annoyed that totem doesn't seem to want to open any files from network shares directly anymore06:45
Turophilesc4ttrbrain: mhm.  V4L2 only it appears.06:45
gandalf[1] once upon a time it worked06:45
sc4ttrbrainTurophile,tried spca5xx?06:45
gandalf[1] must be regression with gstreamer-0.1006:46
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morkathe only reason people dont all switch to linux, is because windows comes preinstalled in the PCs06:46
ahavekitche, i was also trying to use apt to install JDK but after the install 'javac' was not in my bin directory06:46
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kitcheahave: it might be in /opt/java06:46
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fiberchunksmorka, yes, but more importantly, windows is 'comfortable' to most people (ignore the spam, virii, trojans, etc)06:47
ahavekitche, well whereever it is.. i get the 'bash command : javac not found error06:47
gandalf[1] I wonder if there is going to be an updated release of edgy or something06:47
gandalf[1] like 6.10.1 or something06:47
Turophilesc4ttrbrain: not yet... does ubuntu have that in the tree or am I source scavenging again?06:47
sc4ttrbrainahave,whereis javac ? ;)06:47
morkafiberchunks: it is comfortable, I get no spam virii or trojans06:47
morkaand any software that you download, will work06:47
gandalf[1] there's some glaring mistakes right out of the box on that one06:47
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n2diymorka: check the bug list, that is #1 on the list.06:47
morkabut its not easy like that with linux06:47
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fiberchunksmorka -- really?  get a copy of vista, and try out either ATI or nvidia drivers please06:47
sc4ttrbrainTurophile,i m not in ubuntu right now but just look at sourceforge for webcam ;)06:47
sc4ttrbrainTurophile,i forgot actualkly :)06:48
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fiberchunkssince the majority of windows pre-builts are now shipping with that phenomenal os06:48
Turophilesc4ttrbrain: sauce is there06:48
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ahavekitche, err. dunno if that worked. but it just returned a line saying "javac:"06:48
gandalf[1] what are ati's linux drivers like these days?06:48
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kitcheahave: which javac06:48
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morkafiberchunks: i work for a large pc manufacturer, one of the big ones06:48
ahavekitche, what do you mean? Sun's?06:49
morkavista machines work flawlessly, nvidia/ati drivers included.06:49
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ahavekitche, not IBMs06:49
fiberchunksgandalf[1] , better, but still crappy compared to nvidia binary from what I've heard :\06:49
visoredis there an easy way to upgrade from breezy badger to the latest release?06:49
drvegananother chat help guy was helping me mount a partition and i got to the point where it shows the partition (i think) but it just says 12gb free and no files06:49
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Turophilesc4ttrbrain: Found it.06:49
kitcheahave: the command which javac06:49
sc4ttrbrainTurophile, i remember sum1 on the forum has the deb ;)06:49
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gandalf[1] visored: really, I'm pretty impressed with how easy it is to compile and install NVidia's drivers _most_ of the time06:49
warri0ris ther any1 to kindly help me to install a fix for a bug06:49
n2diyvisored: only with a fresh install, otherwise you have to work up through the chain.06:50
ahavekitche, what is that supposed to do? it does and returns nothing06:50
fiberchunksmorka, if so, then why troll on #ubuntu?  Personally, I don't care what you use if it suits your needs, but I've heard a _lot_ of people complain about 3d accel in vista with either nvidia or ati drivers as of late06:50
visoredwork up through the chain?06:50
morkaI dont troll06:50
kitcheahave: ok then for some reason you don't have javac installed if you install jdk06:50
sc4ttrbrainahave, that command is to know which javac you are executing06:50
morkabig bucks are involved with things like that, fiberchunk, they get rectified rather quickly06:50
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morkaalso, we ship linux on some of our machines:)06:51
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ahavehmm. do you have a link/tut for installing javac/ JDK?06:51
sableSO after restarting my computer a lot, and a lot of package installs, the NVIDIA installer now says it cannot find the kernel source tree.  I have installed everything that is involed with a kernel source, kernel dev, and kernel tree06:51
sableAny other ideas?06:51
kitcheahave: not really sicne I use the open source one now06:51
Turophilesc4ttrbrain: doesn't support the device06:51
fiberchunksfair enough -- I misunderstood your comment above then -- essentially, you are arguing _against_ the MS tax, correct?06:51
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sc4ttrbrainTurophile, i have logitech quickcam messenger-- supported, dunno bout yours06:52
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:52
n2diymorka: that is a joke, they get fixed, renamed and you have to pay for them.06:52
Turophilesc4ttrbrain: Yeah, lsusb doesn't fit.06:52
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morkaMS products are not that expensive, I dont know why people think MS is expensive06:52
morkaOEM versions of XP were something like 20-30$ ?06:52
gandalf[1] sable: make sure you have the _correct_ packages installed, I was running the -386 kernel, but the packages installed were for the -generic kernel06:52
pate4everhey, can someone direct me to some literature about how to set up a proxy on my wireless06:53
gandalf[1] if that makes sense06:53
morkafor homeuser they are practically negigible, its other things that make windows worse06:53
gandalf[1] I have no idea wtf the difference is06:53
cafuego_morka: Except you're not allowed to buy an OEM version and put it on your computer.06:53
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morkacafuego: no, you can06:53
gandalf[1] other than they're in different directories06:53
morkaevery time you by a preload - you by an oem06:53
drvegancan someone help:  another chat help guy was helping me mount a partition and i got to the point where it shows the partition (i think) but it just says 12gb free and no files06:53
cafuego_You *can* is different from you *may*06:53
morkayou can also buy an oem license yourself06:53
n2diymorka: you should take this to #ubuntu-marketing.06:53
morkaits just that you have to agree you will be responsible for support06:53
fiberchunksreally? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E1683211620006:53
fiberchunksthat's home basic06:54
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:54
morkamy last offtopic phrase - I was talking about XP.06:54
gandalf[1] drvegan: can you see the files if you do 'sudo ls' ?06:55
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drvegani'll try06:55
pate4everhey, can someone direct me to some literature about how to set up a proxy on my wireless06:55
drvegansays "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "mnt"."06:56
leafwwhat is the command line equivalent to gparted?06:56
fiberchunksleafw, parted06:56
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gandalf[1] drvegan: that's weird06:56
gandalf[1] what kind of partition is it ?06:56
sablegandalf: I did not have the correct ones installed.  How do I find the current ones?  All that is in the package manager is 2.4, I have 2.606:57
drveganthe guy told me to add the following lines:  "/dev/hda1 /mnt ntfs rw,user,auto 0 0" and to download ntfs-3d06:57
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gandalf[1] is it mounted ?06:58
gandalf[1] try 'sudo mount' and see06:58
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drvegani think so, it says the right amount of free space, will try that06:58
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drveganlot of stuff came up but it does not work06:59
gandalf[1] try 'sudo df;06:59
gandalf[1] err06:59
gandalf[1] 'sudo df'06:59
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graftanyone really good at regular expressions, here?07:00
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drvegansays "/dev/hda1             61440556  48609472  12831084  80% /mnt" for that partition, but still not able to access07:00
grafti.e., can you write a bash regexp to match a domain name?07:00
Flannelgraft: #ubuntu-offtopic07:00
graftargh. i'm still banned from offtopic07:00
gandalf[1] drvegan: I think you might have to add some parameters for default permissions to that line in /etc/fstab07:01
fiberchunkswow offtopic in offtopic?   ;)07:01
grafti said something nasty to ubotu07:01
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zcat[1] that's what I was thinking.. you can get banned from #offtopic?07:01
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Turophilemmm... does anyone know if Ubuntu has microsoft core fonts as a package?07:02
graftmsttcorefonts, Turophile07:02
zcat[1] msttf-fonts or something..07:02
graft!info msttcorefonts07:02
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB07:02
Turophileta graft07:02
fiberchunksgraft #bash perhaps?07:02
corevetteis there anybody out there willing to digg my article?07:02
sableHOw do I find the skernel source files for my version?> the package manager only hase 2.4, I have 2.607:02
graftah thanks fiberchunks07:02
Flannelcorevette: that's horribly offtopic07:02
Turophilegraft: I'm a gentoo user.  Ubuntu is purely for my laptop because Gentoo has buggy patches at the moment07:02
drveganwill look at that07:02
corevetteflannel, isn't it wonderful :-)07:02
Flannel!kernel | sable07:02
ubotusable: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:02
TurophileAlso, doesn't show up... heh.07:02
Flannelcorevette: no.  Go elsewhere.07:02
TurophileAh, typo07:02
drveganhow would i do that07:03
zcat[1] I just installed ubuntu on a 433MHz machine with 128M ram and a fairly old 6G drive. It's not very fast :(07:03
fiberchunkszcat[1] , shocking! ;)07:03
zcat[1] in fact words like 'glacial' spring to mind..07:03
zcat[1] Guess I should have tried xubuntu.07:03
fiberchunkschange your DE to something like fluxbox or xfce perhaps?07:04
maxxismhas anyone tried accessing an NFS share from an Edgy server to a mac client?  my NFS works great from Edgy to Edgy.  but I cant seem to get my mac to log in?  maybe a mac channel would be better????07:04
zcat[1] yeah, gnome is a bit heavy for it.07:04
asc_zcat: I recomment more ram, it runs fine on 500/25607:04
graftmaxxism: i've done it07:04
TurophileUbuntu has come a long way since 5.0407:04
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maxxismgraft any suggestions?07:04
graftmaxxism: what're you using to mount with on the mac?07:04
zcat[1] I have 500mhz and 256m on my laptop and it's not too bad.. but I don't have any ram handy for this machine07:05
graftmaxxism: if i recall correctly there's a mount_nfs command07:05
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nanothiefis there a way to backup downloaded packages? My internet is slow and it would take days to redownload07:05
asc_(128 costs like $10 these days)07:05
maxxismgraft I tried that command.  it keeps saying operation not permitted.  even as root on the mac.07:05
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Flannelnanothief: they're in /var/cache/apt07:05
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asc_But in any case, just apt-get install xfce and set it to default in gdm07:05
nanothiefFlannel: thanks07:05
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zcat[1] It's getting hard to find ram that still works in the older mobos though07:05
gandalf[1] drvegan: try changing the "rw,user,auto" bit to "rw,user,umask=644"07:06
maxxismgraft I think I put it like this.   mount_nfs 192.168,1.100:/sharename /mountpoint07:06
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zcat[1] damn cat is on the desk trying to steal my dinner!07:06
fiberchunkszcat[1] , indeed -- perhaps a new $50 mobo with a new $75 proc is in order :)07:06
fiberchunksplus ram of course07:06
graftmaxxism: mount -o -P servername:/sharename /mountpoint07:06
drveganshould i delete the 0's ?07:07
maxxismgraft I tried it with the -P07:07
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maxxismgraft It mounts.  but then I cant access the folder I mounted it too07:07
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maxxismgraft it gives more permission errors07:07
graftmaxxism: try it with mount -o, not mount_nfs07:07
maxxismgraft what is the -o?07:07
maxxismgraft ok.  will do.  thanx.  brb07:08
graftdunno, just some voodoo i found on some webpage07:08
graftno idea how mac mangled nfs07:08
graftor why07:08
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drveganits not working07:09
zcat[1] I just use smb everywhere .. even when the network is all linux machines!07:09
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n2diygraft: voodoo!? cool, lots of voodoo in linux.07:10
drvegani tried "sudo chown swimmerone /mnt"07:10
gandalf[1] drvegan: did you reboot it, or just manually unmount/remount it?07:10
graftn2diy: not linux, osx07:10
drveganand it says "chown: changing ownership of `/mnt': Read-only file system"07:10
drvegandid not reboot07:10
drveganthe other guy told me i didnt need to, should i do that07:10
n2diygraft: that too.07:10
gandalf[1] I would try changing that bit from auto to umask=64407:10
drveganshould i delete the zero's when i do that07:11
zcat[1] mount /mnt -o remount,rw,umask=64407:11
TrixseyEdgy is somewhat unstable for me, do you guys think it might benefit me do update to Feisty?07:11
n2diygraft: for that matter, programming in general.07:11
gandalf[1] no07:11
TurophileThis webcam seems to be useless07:11
gandalf[1] drvegan: what zcat said07:11
drvegani add that to the code ?07:11
drveganor type it in the terminal07:12
zcat[1] and if it works, make sure the apropriate umask is in /etc/fstab for next time.07:12
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gandalf[1] drvegan, type what zcat said in the terminal07:12
gandalf[1] see if that helps07:12
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drvegansays only root can do that07:12
zcat[1] sudo mount /mnt -o remount,rw,umask=64407:12
n2diyTrixsey: no, if Edgy is unstable, what do you think Feisty will be? I'm sticking with Dapper.07:12
graftTrixsey: if you find edgy unstable, feisty is bound to feel worse07:12
gandalf[1] I'm back to dapper07:13
graftTrixsey: what's unstable in edgy? i liked it way better than dapper07:13
zcat[1] actually, no.. sudo umount /mnt then go edit fstab and add the options "user,umask=644"07:13
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drveganstill it says i dont have permission07:13
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gandalf[1] edgy broke more things than I can count07:13
maxxismgraft  -o gives me an unknown special file of file system.  -P is an illegal option.07:13
crwebwhy would apt-get repeatedly want to upgrade a package that I made? I apt-get dist-upgrade, and my 3 packages are marked for upgrade.  I upgrade them. then apt-get dist-upgrade and they are marked for upgrade again07:13
graftmaxxism: with mount? or mount_nfs?07:13
maxxismgraft mount07:14
gortba_Hi. If anyone can help, I'm trying to use anjuta and get this message: please add the files codeset.m4, gettext.m4, ... to autoconf directory. Does anyone know where the autoconf macro directory is?07:14
gandalf[1] drvegan:try 'sudo umount /mnt'07:14
n2diygandalf[1] : Trixsey, after spending an afternoon here, I abandon all plans to "upgrade" to Edgy.07:14
DLB|Maximuscan someone tell me how i change my wireless alias from eth1 to wlan007:14
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gandalf[1] then try that chown command again07:14
s0undt3chhello ppl07:14
DLB|Maximuswhen i issue iwconfig it shows up as eth1 and not wlan007:14
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graftmaxxism: argh. well, apparently the problem is, macs try to use an insecure port (i.e., > 1024) for NFS by default, even if you run it as root07:14
zcat[1] graft: just so we're clear; you mounting this on the ubuntu end, or in osx?07:14
maxxismgraft  mount_nfs gives me an Operation not permitted.07:14
Trixseyn2diy, I wouldn't if I were you ;p07:15
s0undt3chwhile trying to build my own kernel I got:07:15
graftzcat[1] : i'm not mounting it, maxxism is07:15
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s0undt3ch/lib/libc.so.6: could not read symbols: File format not recognized07:15
graftzcat[1] : but he's exporting from ubuntu to osx07:15
zcat[1] sorry, maxxism07:15
s0undt3chwhat's up!?07:15
maxxismyeah.  from ubuntu share to osx client07:15
graftmaxxism: so you can solve this by exporting with the option 'insecure'07:15
graftmaxxism: though... obviously this is not ideal07:15
n2diyTrixsey: wouldn't what, upgrade? It's not happening until LTS for Dapper is abandoned.07:15
drvegannow it says the free space from the linux partition07:15
zcat[1] ahhh... ok.07:15
cafuego_graft: Yup. There's a little utility called "NFS Manager" for OSX, it's your friend.07:15
TrixseyLTS doesn't really mean much though?07:16
maxxismgraft I do this in my exports file on the ubuntu box?07:16
TrixseyI mean people here would help you with Edgy (no LTS afaik?) anyway07:16
maxxismI will try the NFS manager.07:16
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Trixseyor even Feisty if you join #ubuntu+107:16
graftmaxxism: yeah, /etc/exports07:16
gandalf[1] I basically "upgraded" to edgy to see if one problem would go away07:16
gandalf[1] it didn't07:16
drveganwhy is this so difficult07:16
n2diyTrixsey: my boxes are happy with it, and I rarely see question here about it, I'm happy when the boxes are happy.07:17
gandalf[1] and about 8 other things broke07:17
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gandalf[1] drvegan: because linux hates ntfs ;)07:17
s0undt3chso anyone got any pointers about this libc6 prob?07:17
Trixseyexternal HDDs on NTFS is ok?07:17
Trixseyor not? :(07:17
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ahavei have a problem with ubuntu... the gnome environment will not launch any system windows, ie. terminal, system monitor, places>>computer etc  - how to fix this?07:17
graftlinux doesn't hate NTFS - NTFS hates the world07:17
gandalf[1] hehehe07:17
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graftat least linux TRIES to be friends with NTFS07:17
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drveganyeah ms sucks, but if i cant get this to work, i'm stuck with it07:17
nephishhello all07:18
zcat[1] NTFS doesn't play well with others..07:18
EEHello I have a newbie question07:18
gortba_Hi. If anyone can help, I'm trying to use anjuta and get this message: please add the files codeset.m4, gettext.m4, ... to autoconf directory. Does anyone know where the autoconf macro directory is?07:18
drveganbeen working on this hard drive thing for 2 hours07:18
graftahave: can you launch stuff to X from the console?07:18
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ahavegraft, if i could open up a console.. maybe?07:19
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graftahave: ctrl-alt-f107:19
n2diygandalf[1] : off the top of my head, no disk manager, no inittab, NV and ATI support seems to be broken, etc...07:19
graftahave: export DISPLAY=:0, etc.07:19
EEI am unable to get the Ubuntu 6.10 installer to finish loading. "BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!"07:20
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ahavegraft, what will that do?07:21
drveganis there any more i can do ?07:21
zcat[1] EE: do the disk self-test first...07:21
ahavegraft, the export line07:21
gandalf[1] drvegan: are you on 6.10 ?07:21
drvegani think so07:21
=== Wyld [n=wyld@cpe-24-162-41-174.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gandalf[1] try these instructions: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access07:22
graftahave: um... that tells it that it should try to run xwindows applications on display 007:22
gandalf[1] it might help07:22
gandalf[1] I've never used the ntfs-3g package07:22
drvegani'll try07:22
zcat[1] EE: then try things like noapic ..07:22
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Turophilesc4ttrbrain: Mmm, no joy here07:22
gandalf[1] so I can't tell you if it actually *works* or not07:22
graftahave: so if you subsequently run, like, xclock, or whatever, it'll open it in X07:22
graftahave: or tell you why it can't07:22
EEacat[1] : I'm sorry I have no idea what tha means?07:22
TurophileIt says I've got the driver up and running, but no joy with actually running/testing the device out.07:22
TurophileAnd /dev/video hasn't appeared... there's the problem07:23
zcat[1] EE: when you first boot the disk, there should be a few different options; one of them will have the disk check itself for errors.07:23
drvegansays something about broken packages07:23
EEzcat[1] : ok I will take a look. I remember a memory check07:23
drveganntfs-3g: Depends: fuse-utils (>= 2.5) but it is not going to be installed07:23
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ahavegraft, said something about missing charset.. and when i switched back over ctrl-alt-f7 the clock came up07:24
zcat[1] EE: There's also some hints about common problems if you press the function keys, I think F6 is one.... you can 'switch off' features that some computers often have trouble with07:24
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drveganis there any way to get more rows in the area that has the buttons to choose what program you're looking at07:24
gortba_Hi. If anyone can help, I'm trying to use anjuta and get this message: please add the files codeset.m4, gettext.m4, ... to autoconf directory. Does anyone know where the autoconf macro directory is?07:24
graftahave: okay... so not an X problem, it's a gnome problem...07:25
EEzcat[1] : its a toshiba satellite U200. haven't found much info on it yet07:25
graftahave: what's running, gnome-wise?07:25
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drveganso fuse utils is needed and can't be installed ?07:25
zcat[1] ahh.. laptops are often difficult :(07:25
ahavegraft, xchat, firefox 2 term windows - one on terminal other running kismet07:26
Turophilenano -w /etc/modules.conf07:26
Turophilebah wrong window07:26
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graftahave: um, oh, sorry... i thought nothing at all was running07:26
whyameyeI don't understand how the latest kernel update broke Gnome and still hasn't been fixed....07:26
Turophilewrong box as well for that matter :P07:26
graftahave: uh, so what doesn't launch?07:26
gandalf[1] drvegan: I'm not sure, you could be missing a repository for it, have you enabled the universe/multiverse repositories ?07:26
ahavegraft, nothing new will launch07:26
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EEzcat[1] : yes unfortunalty they seem to be. give me m$ and I can turn it up-side down. give me linux and I'm lost :S07:27
graftahave: can you restart the launcher app?07:27
ahavegraft, only exception is firefox07:27
drvegani dont know what that means07:27
graftahave: maybe you accidentally uninstalled everything?07:27
ahavegraft, how? and what will that do?07:27
drvegani'm looking in synaptic package07:27
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warri0rany1 know hw to apply the fix for nautilus07:28
warri0ri m a damn newbie to linux07:28
warri0rsome1 help plz :(07:28
n2diywarri0r: what fiy07:28
graftahave: try running gnome-terminal from within one of your terminal windows07:29
warri0rye tat nautilus07:29
warri0rhigh cpu usage07:29
n2diywarri0r: ?07:29
drvegani tried to install ntfs 3g, it says07:29
drveganE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:29
drveganE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:29
ahavei typed 'gnome-terminal' from one of my open terms, and it just hangs...07:29
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zcat[1] drvegan: sudo ?07:29
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drveganwhat does sudo mean, people keep asking me to type it07:30
zcat[1] !sudo07:30
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:30
redboxdrvegan: type man sudo to find out07:30
drvegani understand programming to some degree, just very unfamiliar with linux07:30
ahaveif i try to lauch a term by clicking on a link from my desktop. i can see a bottom tab open up.. then hang.. then tab disappears07:30
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zcat[1] ahave: alt-F2 and type "xterm" perhaps?07:30
graftahave: um, just hangs is weird07:30
gandalf[1] drvegan, it's giving you that since synaptic is open07:30
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warri0r@<n2diy> theres a fix available to prevent nautilus from using high cpu07:31
Hmmmmhi guys, i need some urgent help. i "rm -rf'd" a direcotry. any way i can recover it?07:31
drvegancool gan07:31
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ahavegraft, alt-f2 and 'xterm' does nothing07:31
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warri0rhere is the fix files07:31
zcat[1] Hmmmm: in short, no.07:31
n2diywarri0r: For what version of Ubuntu?07:31
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Hmmmmzcat[1] , are you sure?07:31
warri0rits edgy07:31
Mr1Hmmmm: Why would you do that?07:31
graftHmmmm: pretty much no07:31
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zcat[1] "Are you sure?" is something rm -rf never asks..07:32
relixHi, I have a question about gnome-terminal, but I don't get any answers in ##gnome so I tought I should try here07:32
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warri0rwait a min, i ll get a link to tat bug report07:32
relixI would like to start a gnome-terminal and execute a command with a delay in it07:32
drveganReading package lists... Done07:32
Hmmmmzcat[1] , no data recovery tool could find it?07:32
drveganBuilding dependency tree07:32
n2diywarri0r: Sorry, I don't have that problem with Dapper, good luck.07:32
drveganReading state information... Done07:32
drveganSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have07:32
drveganrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable07:32
drvegandistribution that some required packages have not yet been created07:32
inazadHi there, I can't receive messages with Evolution.. It can't connect to my pop server.. It still waiting07:32
drveganor been moved out of Incoming.07:32
drveganSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that07:32
drveganthe package is simply not installable and a bug report against07:32
drveganthat package should be filed.07:32
drveganThe following information may help to resolve the situation:07:32
drveganThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:32
drvegan  ntfs-3g: Depends: fuse-utils (>= 2.5) but 2.3.0-1ubuntu1.1 is to be installed07:32
relixfor example: gnome-terminal -e="sleep 3; echo 'hello'"07:32
drveganE: Broken packages07:32
graft!pastebin | drvegan07:32
ubotudrvegan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:32
Mr1rm -rf / is like crack for linux haha07:32
drveganwhat do you mean graft07:33
relixthat doesn't work though, anyone know why?07:33
grafti mean, don't spam the channel07:33
tritiumMr1: don't do that07:33
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Mr1Don't plan to07:33
tritium!paste > drvegan07:33
relixthe terminal appears and dissapears so quickly I can't see what's going on, possibly an error07:33
tritiumMr1: no, I mean don't mention that in here07:33
Mr1Why not?07:33
drveganadapting to linux is more difficult than installing windows07:33
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tritiumBecause someone might mistake that as advice, and try it07:33
Mr1Hmmm good point07:34
tritiumWorse yet, they may use sudo07:34
warri0r@n2diy: here the link abt the bug07:34
graftahave: um, can you launch xeyes from one of your terminals? or run, say, ls?07:34
warri0rther are some fixes available07:34
tritiumThanks, Mr107:34
drvegando  you think a local linux users group might be able to help if i brought my laptop to them07:34
warri0rbut hw can i install them :(07:34
Mr1trit sudo rm would remove everything right?07:34
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inazadHi there, I can't receive messages with Evolution.. It can't connect to my pop server.. It still waiting07:34
tritiumMr1: yeah, if the password was given07:34
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zcat[1] Mr1: yes, and surprisingly quickly too..07:34
unopMr1,  except a directory -- for which you use rmdir07:35
Mr1I know07:35
Mr1I have tried ti07:35
ahavegraft, yes. xeyes does run.. and as far as navigation of the filesystem the term acts normal07:35
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n2diywarri0r: Ok, if it is a know bug, you'll have to live with it until it gets fixed. That is why I stay with Dapper.07:35
tritiuminazad: must be your configuration, as evolution can connect to pop servers, and has been able to for years07:35
ny83hi just about to reinstall ubuntu - was using dapper for a while and installed edgy but i cant quite remember if i had any problems with it. i know theres trouble upgrading from dapper to edgy but are there any major known problems with a fresh edgy install?07:35
warri0rno man theres a fix released for tat07:35
ahavegraft, but in general nothing will launch. except xeyes, which besides FF are the only 2 to do so07:35
VSpikecan anyone tell me an easy way 1) To tell which kernels I haeve installed and 2) To remove a kernel?07:35
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VSpikeI get confused by the different kernel packages07:35
chris_unop: wrong, sudo rm -Rf / will remove everything... EVERYTHING07:36
tritiuminazad: are you running feisty?  You're asking in the wrong channel, in that case.07:36
Mr1Can anyone help me with my wireless?07:36
inazadtritium, yeah but how I can fix it ?07:36
inazadtritium, no edgy07:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:36
Hmmmmchris_, are you sure no data recovery can bring it back?07:36
warri0r@n2diy : the problem i dont know hw to install the fix07:36
tritiuminazad: what's the question?07:36
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Mr1Its kind of specifi07:36
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drveganthank you for trying to help, have a good night07:36
inazadtritium, I can't connect to my email' pop server..07:36
cablesWho 'rm -rf /'d?07:36
unopVSpike,  dpkg -l | grep linux-image07:36
qwerty967help! nautilus won't connect to remote servers07:36
=== zcat[1] likes to create files named "-f" in the root directory ...
warri0rplz help dude07:36
relixso, no one?07:36
n2diywarri0r: The page says it has been fixed. I don't know how to do the fix either, have you updated recently?07:37
chris_Hmmmm: that was not the question, re-read what was stated to understand07:37
Mr1I would like to be able to cut the power to my Belkin transmitter07:37
tritiuminazad: again, check your configuration.  Did you specify the server/port correctly, etc.?07:37
warri0rno i havnt updated since install07:37
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unopchris_,  i wasnt born yesterday -- it's better to use rmdir on directories07:37
inazadtritium, wait, I will open my configuration menu.. plz wait me07:37
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VSpikeunop: thanks07:37
warri0rwhenever i try to update , my ubuntu never boots up07:37
atomiku-linuxWhen I have something playing in XMMS, theres no sound in Enemy Territory. what can I do to fix this?07:37
n2diyMr1: disconnect the power cord?07:37
tritiuminazad: only you can double-check your config.  Check it against your server settings.07:38
graftahave: um, so basically, everything but gnome apps runs07:38
zcat[1] I use -rf far too much too.. once or twice I've nuked important stuff... fortunately I have backups of anything important.07:38
cablesatomiku-linux, install packages "alsa-oss" and lanch the game as "aoss <game>"07:38
Mr1n2d: well Yeah but I want to turn off the power through my laptop any ideas?07:38
unopVSpike,  make sure you _never_ uninstall the kernel you are running eh :)07:38
qwerty967nautilus won't connect to remote server... what could be wrong?07:38
zcat[1] it keeps the box clean :)07:38
warri0r@n2diy: they asked me to use the following files to fix the bug07:38
atomiku-linuxcables: hmmm okay07:38
graftahave: so, possibly some gnome daemon died, or is hung up on something... did you try restarting gnome?07:38
tritiumunop: you can, if you install a new one before you do so07:39
ahavegraft, yea. i suppose. although xterm wouldnt bring up xclock07:39
cables!info alsa-oss > me07:39
chris_unop: I was stating either way as a better method, but you said except a directory -- for which you use rmdir, which will remove a directory as well, but the # sudo rm -Rf / will wipe your entire root directory.. nothing will be left.07:39
ahavegraft, no. i have not restarted anything07:39
atomiku-linux!info alsa-oss > me07:39
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inazadtritium, but I don't understand, I use the same settings with thunderbird and it works great... in Evolution, I'm just able to send message (smtp) ... not to receive...07:39
ahavegraft, how would i restart just gnome?07:39
atomiku-linuxseems a little unnessesary though but okay07:39
n2diyMr1: the easiest way is to disconnect the power cord. I'm waiting for your link to come up.07:39
graftahave: logout? or ctrl-alt-backspace07:39
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Mr1Like ifconfig eth1 down will kill the connection through my laptop... I want to cut the connection to my trnasmitter07:40
tritiuminazad: possibly have to setup the proper port for authentication?07:40
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n2diy! oubuntu07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
unoptritium,  thats errm, a risky thing to do.. especially since you have no idea how the new kernel is going to fare -- also "do you saw off the branch you are sitting on" ?07:40
cablesatomiku-linux, it's necessary... the game is trying to use OSS, but you want it to use ALSA, which supports sound mixing. Alsa-oss lets that work.07:40
zcat[1] Are there really no decent tools for recovering etx3? I've seen plenty for fat32 and ntfs (even Free ones!)07:40
warri0rso anyone cud help me regarding tat :( ?07:40
inazadtritium, why ?07:40
n2diyMr1: Sorry, I don't know anything about those files, good luck.07:40
inazadtritium, it doesn't ask me..07:40
warri0rit bags 95%of my cpu :(07:40
Mr1N2d: So no matter how I try to disconnect wireless it will only kill the interface right?07:41
ny83any known problems with fresh edgy installs?07:41
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zcat[1] etx3 :) I need a spelling checker in xchat..07:41
unopchris_,  i dont know why you are advertising rm -rf .. rmdir is the way to go, its safer, it prompts you if you have subdirectories or files and is consequently safer .. i know what rm -rf but i will never ever use it unless i really really have to07:41
ahavegraft, ok i will try that... i will be back. i hope :)07:42
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zcat[1] unop: even safer, drag folder to trash in gnome :)07:42
tritiumunop: I never said you _should_ do it, but it can be done, and it's not that terrible07:42
inazadtritium, and I can't change it..07:42
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dougbwho here is using feisty?07:42
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tritiumPlease take the "rm -rf" talk to #ubuntu-offtopic07:42
inazadtritium, can we see the logs of evolution somewhere?07:42
cablesdougb, go to the channel #ubuntu+107:43
tritiumdougb: ask in #ubuntu+1 please07:43
unoptritium,  heh, rm -Rf /  is not terrible .. even the mention of it is  .. the !ops will let you know about that07:43
atomiku-linuxthe thing is, cables, the sound works fine on ET without using that aoss thing07:43
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tritiumunop: I am an op ;)07:43
dougbsweet, i didn't know it had it's own channel07:43
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unoptritium,  ok, well, then you know better to say things like that :)07:43
tritiumAnd I was referring to removing the running linux-image kernel07:43
inazadtritium, u're there ?07:43
tritiumunop: you misunderstood07:43
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cablesatomiku-linux, I know... but if you want ET not to steal sound from other apps, you need to run it under ALSA.07:43
chris_unop: I wasn't advertising anything, you stated  except a directory -- for which you use rmdir, Implying that # sudo rm -Rf / would not delete a directory, when in fact it does!07:44
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atomiku-linuxAhh okaty then07:44
tritiumNow please, take the rm -rf talk to -offtopic07:44
unoptritium,  my bad my bad -- sorry, its just your post came after zcat[1] 's there and i assumed it was the same topic07:44
atomiku-linuxbtw, the sound quality is very bad and choppy on ET now07:44
atomiku-linux(when I use aoss...)07:44
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cablesatomiku-linux, no idea how to fix that, sorry07:44
chris_unop: I was simply correcting your mis-informing statement you made to everyone.07:44
atomiku-linuxthanks for the help so far though :)07:44
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unopchris_,  its not misinformation -- its just the way it should be and has been .. and FYI a directory is a file :)07:45
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zcat[1] arghhh..07:46
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Eleafahh!  My printer stopped working ;(07:46
Mr1Since when did a file become a dir?07:46
inazadtritium, ??07:46
cablesMr1, since forever in Unix... everything's a file...07:46
zcat[1] -offtopic, please!!07:46
EleafIt was printing just a second ago, but now when I try to print, the printer says "Put letter, standard paper in tray 1"07:46
EleafThere is paper.07:46
EleafPrinting is so bad in linux...07:47
unopMr1,  thats the way directories (or anything for the matter) are represented in a filesystem on *nix07:47
cables!offtopic | Eleaf07:47
ubotuEleaf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:47
n2diyMr1: linux/unix treats everything as a file.07:47
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tritiuminazad: yes?07:47
posingaspopularchris_: some info for you.07:47
zcat[1] Eleaf: there's paper in the printer?07:47
Eleafcables, ??07:47
Eleafyes zcat[1] 07:47
chris_posingaspopular: hey man, how are you07:47
Mr1So if I type mkdir blag it creates a writeable file instead of a folder?07:47
Eleafzcat[1] , windows prints fine .07:47
EleafI tried resetting up the printer, but it still doesn't print.07:47
EleafI have a huge project due very soon.07:47
posingaspopularapparently the problem we ran into is a problem with ubuntu reading / as root file07:47
unopMr1,  well technically yes, but for the sakes of usability, no07:48
cablesEleaf, you said it works in windows, print from windows...07:48
gandalf[1] what kind of printer ?07:48
posingaspopulara known bug i should say07:48
Mr1Ok I got ya07:48
n2diyMr1: linux/unix treats everything as a file. Folders don't exsist in linux.07:48
Eleafcables, it's too hard to get all my data over there..07:48
posingaspopularhow are you btw?07:48
EleafI have like 20 files07:48
cablesEleaf, email to self, put on memory card/floppy/cd07:48
inazadtritium, so, what I can do ? nothing it's working...07:48
Eleafcables, that's rediculous.07:48
inazadtritium, anyone here can download his messages ?07:48
EleafAnd why does linux not have that many options for quality?07:48
cablesEleaf, why not do that first, then fix the printing when you actually have time?07:48
unopMr1,  on some *nixes if you use cat on a directory .. you get some info .. cat on linux warns you tho07:49
cablesEleaf, it's not linux, its' the driver.07:49
Eleafcableroy, because it was working 1 minute ago07:49
EleafI try to change the quality and it doesn't work..  I put all the settings back.07:49
valehruhey guys, need help over here.  I think my kernel updated and now my drivers are not working for nvidia......can anyone help me out?  I have a 6600GT, and I am now unable to run glxgears07:49
EleafIt's the middle of the night, and the printer with linux is always the weakest part.07:49
zcat[1] Eleaf: did you change anything in the app you're printing from (like paper size) that might make it think it's supposed to use a different paper source?07:49
Eleafzcat[1] , it can't even do a test print.07:49
cableswhy the hell did the updates cause so much trouble? Seriously, don't they QA these things?07:49
Eleafzcat[1] , so I don't believe so.07:50
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zcat[1] that is weird.07:50
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tritiuminazad: whose messages?07:50
unopcables,  can every single package developer take into consideratione ever single different setups on the millions of setups around the world -- you're just a victim of fate :)07:50
graftcables: everyone's setup is in a different state at different times, it's hard to QA everything07:50
inazadtritium, anyone can't download his emails from Evolution ?07:51
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inazadtritium, I'm alone with this problem ?07:51
cablesunop, graft, it's mostly Nvidia problems.07:51
gandalf[1] try 'sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart' from a terminal07:51
zcat[1] Eleaf: sounds like your easiest option for now is just to copy the files to Windows.. :(07:51
graftcables: that's even less ubuntu's fault07:51
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cablesgraft, true07:51
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mykhulcan anyone recommend a shell based torrent program?07:52
tritiuminazad: it's not an evolution problem.  Likely you've not configured it right.07:52
zcat[1] If nvidia would just open their damn drivers (hello, comply with the GPL anyone?!) it would be a lot less hassle07:52
n2diytritium: Maybe, google will tell if you are alone.07:52
cableszcat[1] , easier said than done07:52
tritiumn2diy: ?07:52
unopcables,  ahh and thats more of an issue -- since that's non-free/proprietary stuff, it's not even ubuntu's responsibility really although they do package the binaries07:52
graftzcat[1] : never gonna happen...07:52
inazadtritium, hmmm...07:52
n2diytritium: you do know how to use a search engine, no?07:52
cablesI wonder if Novou will ever get anywhere07:52
gandalf[1] they really can't open up video drivers07:53
tritiumn2diy: what are you getting at?07:53
zcat[1] would happen overnight if the choice was comply or stop selling the chipset for embedded stuff like pvr's and games..07:53
Mr1How do I write to a file in bash?07:53
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gandalf[1] it would allow too much ip about the way the graphics chips work out in the wild07:53
Mr1Hello world > myfile07:53
cableszcat[1] , and how would that ultimatum come about?07:53
n2diytritium: if you can't find your answers here, look elsewhere.07:53
zcat[1] intel would happily supply that market for them07:53
unopMr1,  the simplest way -- cat -> file    .. and ctrl+c when you are done07:53
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tritiumn2diy: I'm not looking for answers here.  You must have me confused with someone else.  I suggest you treat users in here a little more kindly.07:54
unopMr1,  but you should use your favourite $EDITOR  really07:54
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Mr1Why is that?07:54
gandalf[1] ok ttg07:55
unopMr1,  because thats what editors are for :) -- cat is very very simplistic07:55
Mr1So... touch myfile write the hello world > myfile07:55
zcat[1] cables: kernel copyright. The legal opinion from FSF is that nvidia's drivers are almost but not quite complying with the GPL07:55
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unoptouch creates the file -- you need to echo "hello world" then into it .. so - touch myfile; echo "hello world" > myfile07:55
n2diytritium: yes, things scroll by quickly.  And I was being kind, answer that aren't available here could be a mouse click away. Sorry if I came on harshly.07:56
Mr1Ahhh thats what I was missing.. echo07:56
zcat[1] anyhow.. this is way offtopic and I hafta go pick up the family07:56
tritiumn2diy: no worries.07:56
Hmmmmdoes anyone know how to recover files using mc?07:56
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atomiku-linuxWhen I have something playing in XMMS, theres no sound in Enemy Territory. what can I do to fix this?07:57
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unopHmmmm,  this page makes some mention of it http://www.chm.tu-dresden.de/edv/mc/mc4.5/manual1.html07:59
oggyits raining on my desktop07:59
gandal1ok this is a dumbass question, but I can't figure out the logs in recent linux systems07:59
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unopgandal1,  how different can they be from older linux systems? :)08:00
gandal1unless I launch programs from a terminal, I can't find the output08:00
unopgandal1,  the output of what tho?08:00
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rmsgOLdenHaWK3D, hey man, join our private channel08:01
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gOLdenHaWK3Drms, ok08:01
gOLdenHaWK3Drms, im already there!08:01
gandal1the output of programs you launch in X08:01
n2diy! rms08:01
uboturms is Richard Matthew Stallman, founder of the GNU project. See !gnu and also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman08:01
Hmmmmunop, thanks. taking a look at the link08:01
gandal1unless I launch something from a terminal, there's no way to debug it08:01
kaje1I'm trying to get compiz to work. I have everything installed, but when I click the "Enable GL Desktop" checkbox, X locks up... Can anyone help?08:01
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gandal1I thought that stuff was supposed to show up in /var/log/messages08:02
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gandal1I'm rather new to X though08:02
unopgandal1,  well yes, that's what you'd expect normally right? you dont want your apps dirtying your GUI do you?08:02
gandal1yeah, exactly08:02
gandal1only there's nothing in there08:02
gandal1except shite from gconf08:02
gandal1for page after page08:02
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unopgandal1,  well, without detail, what exact X apps are you trying to debug?08:03
n2diy! tail08:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:03
gandal1just in general08:03
thorhi all08:03
gandal1when apps die in X, etc08:03
gandal1I would like to know what's going on08:03
gandal1specifically debug output from wine would be nice sometimes08:04
n2diygandal1: if you want to watch stuff realtime run your apps from a terminal, with the tail -f command. See man tail for the specificies.08:04
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thordoes anyone have experience with compiling void11 ? I get strange errors...08:04
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rms_gOLdenHaWK3D, hey man, join our private channel08:04
unopgandal1,  ok /var/log/messages is where syslog places it's logs -- and apps that write to syslog have their messages stored somewhere in that directory .. normal apps do not send messages there, it's usually not worth keeping a log of every single apps debugs messages08:05
gOLdenHaWK3Drms_, im already there!08:05
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gandal1ok, maybe my brain is short circuiting08:05
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gandal1probably from staring at /var/log/syslog for 2000 years getting samba to work back in the NT days08:06
oggyraindrops on a Dell widescreen 2005fpw08:06
oggylooks cool08:06
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gandal1or was it /var/log/messages ?08:06
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unopgandal1,  there is an environmental variable for wine (i cant remember what it is, but its in the wine developer docs) that spits out very verbose messages for every single action wine does08:06
oggyi wish I can upload a video of this08:06
thorvoid11 anyone has experience ?08:06
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oggybut istanbul only does flv files08:07
gandal1I've found it useful enough to run the wine apps from a terminal08:07
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gandal1I thought maybe when you launch from within X that those messages would be output somewhere else instead08:07
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gandal1I guess they just go to /dev/null ;)08:07
unopgandal1,  on ubuntu, i think samba has its own logs - not sure what they are either08:07
Mr1ANybody know where I can get a list of terminal commands?08:07
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chris_Mr1: this is just one of many.. google will show you more .. http://www.ss64.com/bash/08:08
n2diyMr1: man bash, and google bash.08:08
unopgandal1,  nothing is redirected to /dev/null unless you want it to -- or the app is launced in a GUI handling app (like gnome, kde, etc)08:08
atomiku-linuxWhen I have something playing in XMMS, theres no sound in Enemy Territory. what can I do to fix this?08:09
atomiku-linuxseems it cant handle multiple output08:10
unopgandal1, the messages you get are really down to the individual application and how the developers want it .. although if you have developer know-how, you can use tools like strace and valgrind to go behind the scenes08:10
Hmmmmi want to mount /var as read only. how do i do that?08:10
unopHmmmm,  is /var mounted on a seperate partition at the moment?08:10
Hmmmmunop, yup sda608:11
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unopHmmmm,  then just add 'ro' to the options for that entry in /etc/fstab08:11
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Hmmmmunop, next to defaults?08:12
unopHmmmm, yep .. seperated by a comma tho -- defaults,ro -- or better simply ro08:12
Hmmmmunop, okay. done. i want to run the recover command on that filesystem08:13
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unopHmmmm,  errm, i should have thought you need the partition to be writeable  .. anyway, i'm not sure08:13
ivxhello, i am trying to use a weather desklet, but it always says fail, do i have to open a port or something to get it working?08:14
trollboycan someone help me with playing wmv's?  I've tried the stuff on the restricted format's site with no avail08:14
unopHmmmm,  you have to remount the partition tho, for the changes to take effect08:14
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unoptrollboy,  install the !w32codecs08:14
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Hmmmmunop, im rebooting the machine08:14
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs08:14
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unopHmmmm,  you dont need to do that -- just -- sudo sh -c "umount /dev/sda6; mount /dev/sda6"08:15
Hmmmmunop, done already08:15
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agliv5Greetings all :) I was wondering, is it possible to compile ubuntu youself?08:16
brombombAnyone a Regex Pro?08:16
atomiku-linuxI still cant figure this out... multiple sound outputs :/08:16
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Mr1What is the whole purpose of piping info?08:16
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DarthLappybrombomb: Might depend on what you need.08:17
brombombIm trying to grep a date range from Feb 5th - Feb 9th08:17
DarthLappyHave you tried something like /Feb [5-9] th/ ?08:18
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brombombnot yet08:18
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Bielekemorning guys08:18
Bielekewhat was again the command on linux to start a program in background ?08:19
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atomiku-linuxIt just seems I cant get this to work... When I have XMMS playing stuff theres no sound on my game08:19
DarthLappyBieleke: program &08:19
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brombombThe slash seems to throw off the grep08:19
BielekeDarthLappy, thanks dude08:20
luis1234Anyone runs TOR with UBUNTU?08:20
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DarthLappyBieleke: No problem :)08:20
unska_hmm.. maybe Archive Manager says "Archive type not supported." when I try to unzip a .rar file08:20
unska_what to do?08:20
DarthLappybrombomb: Heh, that was just my way of surrounding the regex :P08:20
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atomiku-linuxYou cant unzip rar files with Archive manager08:20
atomiku-linuxdo some googling and im sure you'll find a linux program that can08:20
unska_what program should i install then08:20
mneptokunska_: you try unrar-ing it instead of unzipping it?08:20
brombombHow do I combine the Feb string with the Regex [5-9] 08:20
mneptoksudo aptitude install unrar08:21
DarthLappybrombomb: 'Feb [5-9] '...08:21
DarthLappyYou can have it as one thing...08:21
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=== mneptok wonders why and how .rar became so popular these past few years.
atomiku-linuxwindoze users with their winrar?08:22
b0ndhi guys. I would like to install mysql-query browser and mysql-admin but i get this error message: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:22
b0ndAny help.08:23
atomiku-linuxyou using sudo apt-get ?08:23
diskuswell, winrar is definitely best software for windows08:23
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b0ndi am using sudo aptitude install08:23
mneptokdiskus: for what?08:23
atomiku-linuxget more ram. lol.08:23
brombombno luck08:23
atomiku-linuxno seriously, lemme google it08:23
Byan7z is the best actually..08:24
dooglusbrombomb: what are you trying to do exactly?08:24
atomiku-linuxb0nd: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3185408:24
ByanI use winrar though.. cause I like how it looks08:24
mneptok"don't use .rar" is the best on any platform.08:24
cntbLjL wonderful08:24
Byanmneptok: what's wrong with rar?08:24
brombombvar/log/auth.log find all accepted logins from feb 5th - 9th08:25
unska_mneptok, thank you for that. how do i install mp3, divx, avi, mpeg decoders?08:25
b0ndatomiku-linux: thanks i will check it out.08:25
mneptokthere is nothing wrong with open formats. why choose a proprietary format that locks your data to one author's whims?08:25
atomiku-linuxHey would everything explode if I: VNC'd my computer with another computer runnining in a VM on another computer VNC'd to another computer VNC'd to another computer running on another VM?08:25
Byanmneptok: well... then.. same with zip files08:25
mneptokunska_: apititude search fluendo08:25
diskusmneptok: for packing files08:26
mneptokunska_: apititude search ffmpeg08:26
brombombAtomiku: Only if you created a loop lol08:26
atomiku-linuxwould the whole universe blow up?08:26
brombombwhich we did at work by accident08:26
atomiku-linuxuh oh08:26
Byansomeone definately should've created a tar.gz app for windows right away..08:26
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atomiku-linuxI bet that maxed out the connection08:26
mneptokunska_: errr .... "aptitude" will work better ;)08:26
Byanso, that it would;ve caught on08:26
mneptokByan: already been done08:26
unska_hehe ;p08:26
luis1234Does anyone know if TOR/Pivoxy works under UBUNTU?08:26
atomiku-linuxbrombomb: did your whole office blow up?08:27
DarthLappybrombomb: I think you'll find there are two spaces between Feb and the numbers.08:27
unska_mneptok, will they work automaticly after install?08:27
Bielekemmmm long time ago for me...08:27
brombombIt kicked him out of his own desktop08:27
DarthLappyluis1234: Yes, it does.08:27
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atomiku-linuxmust have been some awesome time paradox08:27
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Byanmneptok: no, I mean... there should;ve been one.. to overcome winzip08:27
mneptokunska_: yes08:27
brombombso all the computers were useless08:27
mneptokByan: http://www.izarc.org/08:27
kameroni just installed a new hard disk and rebooted. how do i use it?08:27
Bielekewhat would be the first line in a file to make it run ?08:27
Byanmneptok: I know they exist now....08:27
Bielekelike batch-files in windows i mean08:27
diskusByan: but do they have good UI or crappy one?08:27
Bielekesomething with sh08:27
mneptokBieleke: #!/bin/bash08:27
Bielekemneptok, thanks :-)08:28
graftkameron: if it gets recognized okay, you can format the device, make a mount point, and mount it08:28
Byandiskus: hmm?08:28
kamerongraft im not sure its recognized08:28
kamerongraft, it already is formatted and partitioned, info on it, etc08:28
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gOLdenHaWK3Dmy / partition is 99% filled up. & i got a warning!!! any help!!!08:28
gortba_Hi. If anyone can help, I'm trying to use anjuta and get this message: please add the files codeset.m4, gettext.m4, ... to autoconf directory. Does anyone know where the autoconf macro directory is?08:29
diskusByan: tar.gz soft for windows08:29
dooglusbrombomb: grep '^Feb  [5-9] .*sshd.*opened' /var/log/auth.log08:29
Byandiskus: winrar does it..08:29
unska_mneptok, what about xvid decoder?08:29
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gOLdenHaWK3Dmy / partition is 99% filled up. & i got a warning!!! any hjelp!!! can i empty my /tmp???08:29
atomiku-linuxWhen I have something playing in XMMS, theres no sound in Enemy Territory. what can I do to fix this?08:29
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jbellisI'm supposed to set up a server with ip / subnet -- is subnet the same as "network" in /etc/network/interfaces?  how do I determine netmask?08:29
unopgOLdenHaWK3D,  reboot and /tmp ought to be emptied08:30
gortba_OR Does anyone know of a good development environment for a newbie to learn C++?08:30
mneptokatomiku-linux: wait for ET to use a more modern sound subsystem, sadly.08:30
graftkameron: oh... um, what does /proc/partitions say?08:30
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dooglusgortba_: I don't think a newbie should learn C++08:30
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, ok, and any other place i migt empty? to free space?08:30
atomiku-linuxmneptok: :(08:30
Byandiskus: my point is that.. people should've put effort into making a tar.gz proggie with a UI comparitive to winzip.. so.. we wouldn't be using zip files all the time08:30
unopgortba_,  anjuta is pretty widely used08:30
mneptokatomiku-linux: they use ESD. bleh.08:30
kamerongraft, ah it's there08:30
atomiku-linuxsomeone suggested this "aoss" sound wrapper thingy, but it didnt work properly08:30
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Byangortba_: why do you need an enviroment..?08:30
gortba_unop, I'm having issues that I can't resolve when I start a project08:30
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kamerongraft, i think i just had the jumper on the wrong spot on the drive08:31
Byangortba_: just use vim.. or kate.. or something08:31
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mneptokgortba_: start a project in what?08:31
Byanand then compile using g++08:31
unska_mneptok, what about xvid decoder?08:31
graftkameron: most drives have an 'auto' jumper setting that figure out whether to be in master or slave depending08:31
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gOLdenHaWK3DAny other place i might empty to free space? my / is 99% filled up!!!08:31
Bielekewhoooo way cool :-)08:31
mneptokunska_: ffmpeg08:31
doogluskameron: it's often called 'cable select'08:31
atomiku-linuxmneptok: there must be something I can do, like get a sound wrapper or something08:31
chonai cannot run a C file. error message says i dont have mysql/mysql.h..how can i have it?08:32
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atomiku-linuxMaybe i'll do some researching on this "aoss" thing08:32
gortba_Guys, I'm not a programmer. I got a textbook, and I want to teach myself08:32
unopgOLdenHaWK3D,  remove old logs from /var/log/ . purge/deinstall unneeded software . install and use !localepurge and finally manually clean out your ~/ directory08:32
Bielekenow SABnzbd starts automaticly when i start gnome... way cool08:32
kamerongraft, oh.. sweet08:32
dooglusatomiku-linux: I use aoss for everything.  it works well here08:32
atomiku-linuxdooglus: How about ET?08:32
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, thanx. trying08:32
graftdooglus: does aoss do your dishes?08:32
mneptokgortba_: the only thing required to write code is a text editor.08:32
unopchona,  you need the -dev package for mysql-server08:32
dooglus(well, 2 of the 3 speakers work, anyway)08:32
diskusByan: well winzip wasn't good at all, winrar has good ui08:32
dooglusatomiku-linux: I think he was fictional.08:32
gortba_but I can't anjuta to work08:32
dooglusgraft: no, I've got a woman for that.08:32
mneptokdiskus: http://www.izarc.org/08:32
chonawhat -dev package is that?08:32
Byandiskus: it had a good UI compared to other things back then08:32
graftdooglus: ouch... -2 feminism points08:33
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dooglusgraft: don't worry - all she does is loads the dishwasher.08:33
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chonai have libmysqlclient14-dev...and can't download libmysqlclient15-dev..08:33
Bielekediskus, it's even that bad, that when you try to download winrar from usenet, it's packed with winrar, so imagine you have no winrar on your box :-)08:33
gortba_mneptok: then how do I compile it?08:33
Byandiskus: we are talking early 90's..08:33
diskusByan: well at that time there wasn't much choice, zip or some other odd packing methods08:34
Bielekeas Billy already said... life is not fair, get used to it :-)08:34
Byandiskus: there was tar.gz...08:34
diskusBieleke: well unzip then :P08:34
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brombombMy new Regex.... [F] [e] [b] [ ] [5-9] 08:34
Byandiskus: but there was no windows UI08:34
mneptokgortba_: an IDE is not a compiler. ever. an IDE may *call* a compiler, but it is not a compiler itself. and you use gcc to compile C-ish code on Linux.08:34
dooglusgortba_: you type "g++ file.cc"08:34
DarthLappybrombomb: O_o why do you need to do it like that?08:34
diskusByan: yep, but people used zip a lot in those times, dos/windows people08:34
diskusthere was arj I remember too :p08:35
gortba_on the command line?08:35
unska_mneptok, i did sudo aptitude install ffmpeg, but i cant find the video player :o08:35
brombombbecuase the other one wouldn match08:35
b0ndatomiku-linux: I followed the forum discussion and discovered that i had apt-get update running at the same time. I now however get this message:  mysql-query-browser: Depends: libglibmm-2.4-1c2a which is a virtual package. Can u help me how to resolve this?08:35
mneptokgortba_: correct08:35
dooglusbrombomb: just "Feb  [5-9] " will do08:35
brombombgrep says invalid regexp08:35
unopchona,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=mysql.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=edgy&arch=i38608:35
DarthLappybrombomb: Feb *[5-9] 08:35
dooglusbrombomb: but notice there are 2 spaces between 'Feb' and '5'08:35
mneptokunska_: sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg08:35
DarthLappyAnd remember to quote it :)08:35
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dooglusbrombomb: use this: grep '^Feb  [5-9] .*sshd.*opened' /var/log/auth.log08:36
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gortba_ok. I'm going to go try.08:36
mneptokgortba_: do you have programming experience on other platforms?08:36
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dooglusgortba_: if you don't know other programming languages, C++ probably isn't a good place to start08:36
gortba_no. Mostly I programmed in math languages to solve math problems like matlab or mathematica08:36
gortba_so I'm trying to expand08:36
benjmhi all.. is it ok to ask a question here?08:36
unop!ask | benjm08:37
ubotubenjm: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:37
dooglusbenjm: if it wasn't, you'ld already be in trouble.08:37
gortba_dooglus: should I start with Java then?08:37
benjmgreat, thanks :008:37
mneptokgortba_: i agree with dooglus. C++ is throwing yourself in the deep end.08:37
brombombThanks dooglus08:37
unopgortba_,  C would be a good one to learn08:37
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Bielekegortba_, depends... java is quit hard to learn, just as C and C++08:37
dooglusgortba_: Java's a little nicer, but still too heavy imho.  try something like Python I'd suggest08:37
brombombI went with grep "Feb  *[5-9] " auth.log | grep "Accepted"08:37
Bielekegortba_, try python instead08:37
mneptokgortba_: i would recommend an interpreted language. Python might be a good choic.08:38
gortba_hmm. Ok sounds good.08:38
Bielekeand if you know python, then you can start learning a bit java and move to jython :-)08:38
mneptokgortba_: what OS are you using now?08:38
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dooglusbrombomb: there's no need to do 2 greps.  just:    grep "Feb  [5-9] .*Accepted" /var/log/auth.log08:38
benjmi'm using squid (2.6.1-3ubuntu1.2) on ubuntu 6.10, but i keep hitting what looks like squid bug #1681 - is there anyway to check whether the squid version i  have includes the fix for that bug?08:38
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gortba_mneptok: I'm running Ubuntu distro08:38
FunnyMan3595Is there any way to prevent totem, etc. from keeping a history of recently used files?  I can see that it's storing them in ~/.recently-used[.xbel] , but I can't seem to come up with a permission setting that prevents the files from being created/written to.08:39
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unopif you know C, you can learn C++, java, perl, and perhaps languages like python and ruby with ease afterwards :)08:39
mneptokgortba_: then you have a full Pyton environment ready and waiting to run your stuff.08:39
dooglusgortba_: Ruby's good, too08:39
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mneptokPython will be of far more use in Ubuntuworld than will be Ruby.08:40
gortba_mneptok: so should I just get a book and hammer away?08:40
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unopbenjm,  spkg -l | grep -i squid08:40
dooglusC can be very frustrating for a newbie - you have to be pretty careful with memory management and stuff, whereas Python is a lot kinder08:40
unopbenjm,  oops - dpkg -l | grep -i squid08:40
FunnyMan3595I've tried touching the files as root and simply chmoding u-w, but it came back with the default permissions both ways.08:40
mneptokgortba_: only spned money on a book if the web can't teach you.08:40
Yodudehey i'm having trouble installing flash player08:40
dooglusgortba_: I'd suggest running through the online Python tutorial to get started08:40
coNPhi crazy_penguin08:40
cafuego_dooglus: giveintopython is preinstalled, is it not?08:41
mneptokYodude: sudo aptitude install flashplayer-nonfree08:41
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Yodudei know08:41
Bielekegortba_, and last but not least, if you own an xbox and it's modded, then you can use python-scripts, so it's never wrong to learn the python language08:41
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doogluscafuego_: I've never heard of it08:41
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Yodudebut it doesn't download thw whole package\it seems to download an online packag installer08:42
unopdooglus,  well, i started off learning C .. and you dont get to memory management and things like that unless you start off in the deep-end of C .. it's the perfect language to learn the basics about programming i think08:42
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benjmunop, thanks, that gives me some versions for squid and squid-common.. but i'm not sure how to tell what version has a fix for the bug08:42
Yodudethan it actually downloads the real player in the background08:42
crazy_penguinHi coNP08:42
Yodudebut it always fails to connect08:42
dooglusunop: I don't know.  as soon as you start working with strings you're in trouble.  strings are just pointers in C...08:42
unopbenjm,  how have you determined you have a bug?08:42
dooglusgortba_: http://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html08:42
Yodudealthough i can instal ohter packages just fine08:42
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gortba_Thanks everyone08:43
FunnyMan3595gortba_: For more help with Python, there's a #python channel here.08:43
benjmunop - i get errors in /var/log/squid/cache.log that seem to match exactly the description at http://www.squid-cache.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=168108:43
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Yodudeso what should i do?08:44
FunnyMan3595Aha!  Well, it's hackish, but I came up with a way: Create a directory in the place of those files.  Presumably it's using rm as a fallback when it can't write the files, and rm on a directory (even an empty one) doesn't work.08:44
agliv5Anybody know if it is possible to compile ubuntu yourself?08:44
gortba_Thanks for all your help everyone. I'm going to try some python.08:44
FunnyMan3595agliv5: Possible, but not reccommended.08:44
dooglusagliv5: it is08:44
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FunnyMan3595agliv5: If it weren't possible, it wouldn't be Linux.08:44
Bielekegortba_, good choice... i wish you good luck and happy programming08:45
unopdooglus,  well, i suppose dealing with python's object orientedness, classes, scoping, etc are not what a user wants really -- but thats a deal with every language, you have to deal with some of the advanced issues at first without knowing exactly what they do until you start learning about them08:45
Byanagliv5: if you want to compile things yourself use gentoo08:45
unopdooglus,  beginner user i.e.08:45
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dooglusunop: the thing is though, you don't notice that Python is object oriented until you need to08:45
Byangentoo works very very well... I'd use it if I wasn't impatient about installing shit08:45
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dooglusunop: whereas in C you need to understand what a pointer is pretty much from the off08:46
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gortba_Bieleke: Thanks08:46
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Byandooglus: uhmm.. C is not object orientated08:46
FunnyMan3595Byan: I know what you mean.  I moved my laptop to Gentoo a while back, and installation of software is slow.  Runs slick as ice once it's installed, though.08:46
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dooglusByan: I know.  Did you think I said it was?08:46
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Hudso1Anyone here have experience with nvidia drivers / envy? I'm having problems installing the drivers to do an aiglx/compiz install08:47
unopbenjm,  errm, have you updated recently ?? maybe there are new versions of squid in the repos already with those patches applied08:47
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Byanyou said Python is barely OO, (which I have no idea, never used it), then you said, "whereas" implying that C was the opposite or something08:47
Flannelguys, take the programming to #ubuntu-offtopic08:47
Byanso, yeah, I thougth you said it was...08:48
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benjmunop, yeah, i just did a complete update of all packages, but still the error persists (and when it happens I have to stop squid and restart it, so a bit annoying)08:48
Gincan u set a default umask value for a particular directory in your home directory?08:48
Byanbenjm: what error?08:48
nevroncan yoyu help me change my boot settings08:48
dooglusByan: Python is properly object oriented, but you don't need to know what that means to use it effectively.08:48
unopbenjm,  maybe a reinstall of squid will do the trick?08:48
benjmByan: this one http://www.squid-cache.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=168108:48
dettoaltrimentiis there a list of commonly used programs in gnome? I am used to kubuntu but I'm giving ubuntu a try and want to know the gnome equivalents to konqueror, adept, kate, kmail, etc08:48
Byanbenjm: you could try removing the package and then compiling it..08:49
Flanneldettoaltrimenti: nautilus (local)/firefox (web), synaptic package manager, gedit, uh... no idea.08:49
doogluskonqueror=nautilus adept=synaptic kate=gedit kmail=evolution08:49
Raovqis it possible to start up a second x server on another display?08:50
dooglusRaovq: yes.  type "gdmflexiserver"08:50
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Hudso1Anyone here have experience with nvidia drivers / envy? I'm having problems installing the drivers to do an aiglx/compiz install08:50
ByanRaovq: gets rid of the ability to move them in between the two displays though..08:50
benjmByan, yeah i would love to compile squid myself, but i am not sure of the procedure for compiling on ubuntu - do you have any urls by any chance?08:50
Raovqdooglus, gtk warning, cannot open display08:50
nevronpeople help me change my boot settings is there a n interface for grubb the boot loader08:50
Flannel!compile | benjm08:51
ubotubenjm: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:51
dooglusRaovq: in a terminal window?08:51
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unopbenjm,  i'd suggest a reinstall first -- if that doesnt resolve it - then attempt to compile08:51
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Flannelnevron: usually easiest to edit by hand.  What do you want to change?08:51
dettoaltrimentihow do I start nautilus/08:51
dooglusdettoaltrimenti: it's already running probably.  look at the 'places' menu?08:52
benjmthat ubotu link looks great, thanks08:52
nevronthere are some generic verisons and i dont want them listed08:52
dettoaltrimentiah thanks. can nautilus be used as a web browser too?08:52
benjmand unop, yeah but i also want to compile a squid with ssl support in it as well as fixing this bug08:52
nevronalso i am dual booting can i change the timer settings08:52
Flanneldettoaltrimenti: no, firefox is the ubuntu web browser08:52
Byanbenjm: either you can use the deb compile stuff, or you can compile it right from the tar.gz they have on the site08:52
unopbenjm,  then a compile it is :)08:52
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lwizardlanyone try ubuntu on a compaq proliant 6400r server?08:52
benjmthanks unop and Byan, you've been very helpful.. also ubotu but i think you are an unthankable bot08:53
unopByan,  probably better to get the ubuntu source and then make modifications to it08:53
agliv5Byan, thanks for the tip :)  I don't have any expierence with gentoo, is this a good place to start? http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentoo_Linuxhttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentoo_Linux08:53
dooglusdettoaltrimenti: no.  the gnome web browser is 'epiphany' - but everyone uses firefox 'cos it's better08:53
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Raovqim just messing about with ssh, my goal is to have a remote desktop and my desktop on the same machine. is it possible/easy to do without a vnc server?08:53
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fildolwizardl i have a proliant, not that model specific, but yeh i have tried ubuntu on it08:53
FlannelRaovq: yeah, you'll tunnel X through ssh08:53
Byanagliv5: people think because you are compiling stuff from source gentoo is easier or something, but it's not really08:53
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Byangentoo is fairly easy08:54
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lwizardlfildo, and how was it?08:54
Byanso, if you want to compile everything, get gentoo instead08:54
fildonot to bad, use smart start08:54
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fildon work from there, mine was a rack mounted dual 600mhz08:54
RaovqFlannel, i did that, and opened gnome-session, but it gave me all sorts of graphical weirdness. i was wondering if i could designate the output to a different window or something.08:54
Flannelnevron: yeah.  the file you want to edit is /boot/grub/menu.lst (you'll need to use gksudo or sudo), ther's a 'timeout' variable, which will change the timing08:54
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fildowith 18gigx10 hotswappable scsi08:54
nevronFlannel: sudo nano -B /boot/grub/menu.lst08:55
lwizardlfildo, mines a rackmount quad xenon p3 50008:55
nevronis tihs the command08:55
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Flannelnevron: that'll work, yes.08:55
fildohow much u pay for it?08:55
lwizardlI have 4 coming08:55
fildoi ebayed mine, ex cba australia08:55
fildoi paid 36bucks for mine08:55
Yodudehey i'm always getting this error when installing flash: automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes08:56
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lwizardlfildo, hehe repaired someone's xbox (hd died did a chip then formated a drive and locked it to the xbox)08:56
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lwizardlwas giving the servers as payment08:56
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nevronflannel can i remove the things that i dont use like 2.6.17-11 generic kernel will it be ok08:56
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, do i delete all files in /var/log to empty space?08:57
Lam_al_Adiei'd need some help switching from debian (sarge) to ubuntu (edgy eft). i got an old machine with a crappy CD-ROM that won't read my ubuntu-cd, but does read a debian-instaler-cd.08:57
Byanlwizardl: what are the specs of the servers?08:57
ByanLam_al_Adie: thats.. weird08:57
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Byanthere is no reason it should read one over the other08:57
lwizardlByan, quad p3 500, 1gb ram 4x scsi 10gb08:57
Byanlwizardl: damn...08:57
lwizardlbyan, iirc08:57
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chableanyone knows how to open udp port 8008 using iptables ?08:57
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Byanlwizardl: sounds like a fun server08:58
unopgOLdenHaWK3D,  no no .. just the old ones -- e.g. the old versions of /var/log/messages might be messages.0.gz, messages.1.gz etc08:58
Flannelnevron: Just remove those kernels via apt08:58
Lam_al_AdieByan: no, it ain't. the debian-cd is "official", the ubuntu-cd i burned with another cd-writer.08:58
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Flannelnevron: removing the packages will remove the grub entries08:58
nevronhow do i do that can you tell me an example command08:58
nevronok through synaptic?08:58
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:58
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, oh got it!!! but they are too many!!!08:58
Flannelnevron: whatever package manager you like, just remove the linux-image-[old version numbers]  stuff08:58
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lwizardlByan, yeah I think I'll run 1 as a webserver, and the others as a NAS server if I can figure it out (nas)08:59
Flannelnevron: yep, synaptic works just as well.08:59
ByanLam_al_Adie: hmmm, you could try burning the ubuntu CD with really slow speeds (4x)08:59
nevronflannel ok thanks a lot you have been a great help08:59
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ByanLam_al_Adie: it might work then..08:59
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fudgeEateriat least use a cd burner08:59
fudgeEaternot a dvd burner08:59
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Lam_al_Adieso, my question is this: given a simple debian installation, is it sufficient to change the sources.list and then make a apt-get dist-upgrade?08:59
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FlannelLam_al_Adie: to upgrade to ubuntu?  no.   that probably won't work.09:00
unopgOLdenHaWK3D,  usually -- you can remove all the ones matching *gz .. check them with this command - ls /var/log/*gz  . if you are happy that they are all old .. you can use this - sudo rm -/var/log/*gz09:00
Lam_al_AdieByan: already did, first 16x, then 4x, will try at 1x.09:00
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Lam_al_AdieFlannel: :-(09:00
fudgeEateruse a cd burner!09:00
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fudgeEateru mutha09:00
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, thanx09:00
Lam_al_Adiewouldn't want to order a cd just for that.09:00
FlannelLam_al_Adie: for a bunch of different methods, see the following factoid09:00
fudgeEateryou need one09:00
lwizardlLam_al_Adie, you having issues burning the ubuntu cd?09:00
Flannel!install | Lam_al_Adie09:00
ubotuLam_al_Adie: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:00
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fudgeEaterI used a dvd burner and it only burned a couple isos09:01
fudgeEaterthe others never succeeded after 10 tries09:01
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unopLam_al_Adie,  you cannot be sure that ubuntu's package versions are > than the ones debian provides -- but otherwise that'll work .. but expect problems tho09:01
fudgeEaterso I used my cd burner and it worked all fine09:01
lwizardli use a dvd burner and have burned the ubuntu cd with it09:01
Yodudeunop: please can ou help me with flash?09:02
Lam_al_Adielwizardl: not rally, dvdisaster would read the cd with no errors and with at least 24x (in another machine)09:02
fudgeEatertry use a dvd burner and burn red hats isos09:02
nevronflannel what are these am i removing the packages of the updated kernells09:02
unopYodude,  i'll try, whats the matter?09:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about localpurge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:02
unop!localepurge | gOLdenHaWK3D,09:02
ubotugoldenhawk3d,: localepurge: Automagically remove unnecessary locale data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.6 (edgy), package size 35 kB, installed size 152 kB09:02
Flannelnevron: yes.  You're removing the old kernels09:02
Lam_al_Adieunop: i would bet ubuntu edgy eft is in all means newer than sarge.09:02
lwizardlhmm does the md5 match ?09:02
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, oh! :P09:02
Yodudei always get this error: automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes09:02
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unopLam_al_Adie,  thats an assumption -- not a certainty -- :) so beware09:03
nevronwhat is a generic kernel09:03
frogzoonevron: no 686 optimisation09:03
Flannelnevron: it's a kernel that isn't tied to particular processor of the intel family09:03
ByanLam_al_Adie: yeah, woody to ubuntu works flawlessly09:03
Flannelfrogzoo: that's incorrect09:03
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frogzooFlannel: rily?09:03
ByanLam_al_Adie: but sarge doesn't.. because there are some packages in which case sarge has a higher version09:03
unopLam_al_Adie,  I have tried that tho -- i installed a minimal debian and then used the ubuntu sources -- but the minimal debian was an old sarge09:04
elth_can anyone recommend a good mud client? :)09:04
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Flannelfrogzoo: yes.  the generic kernel has ALL the optomizations in it, loaded at runtime09:04
unopYodude,  please address the person you are talking to otherwise they can miss your post in the busy channel :)09:04
frogzooFlannel: oh, nice09:04
Yodudeunop: ok lol so what do you think i should do?09:04
Yodudei can install other packages just fine09:04
unopYodude,  have you updated apt recently -- sudo aptitude update09:05
nevronFlannel why doesnt ubuntu understand that i have an amd athlon cpu?09:05
nevronis there a way to configure it?09:05
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Byannevron: hmmm? what does it say09:05
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Flannelnevron: it does.  The kernel doesn't need ot be a special one.  it'll still use the best optomizations for your processor09:06
Byannevron: look in /proc/cpuinfo09:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:06
guitarboy2005_dbhowdy howdy09:06
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nevronunder device manager it says unknown09:06
Yodudeunop: i'll update it now wait09:06
Lam_al_Adiewell, thanks a lot. i'll try with another burn, and if that does not work I'll just swap that drive for a working one from another machine.09:06
nevronvendor:unknown device:unknown status:status :)09:06
Byannevron: open up a terminal and type cat /proc/cpuinfo09:06
dooglusthat ubuntu.com URL is an https:// one - which browser can view those?  I don't think lynx can.09:06
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Flanneldooglus: lynx can, if you install ssl libraries09:07
unopLam_al_Adie,  there's a 90% chance it'll be successful and a 10% chance you'll lose some hair resolving small issues .. but yea, go for it if you feel brave :)09:07
thoreauputicdooglus: links2 can IIRC09:07
nevronByan it does show my cpu there but not under device manager?09:07
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Byannevron: I wouldn't bother with it in device manager then? who cares?09:07
=== Lam_al_Adie feels like Melissa etheridge: brave and crazy :-)
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unopnevron,  thats gnome for you -- it's quite economical with the truth -- but then, every GUI is09:08
=== Byan has never even opened up device manager before
dooglusis there any text web browser installed by default?09:08
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, localepurge freed 37165K of space!!! lol09:08
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unopdooglus,  lynx or w3m i think09:08
thoreauputicdooglus: w3m09:08
Flanneldooglus: yes.  i believe edgy has... elinks.  let me double check.  (it's changed a few times)09:08
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Byannevron: heh, btw, says unknown in device manager over here too09:08
thoreauputicah interesting...09:08
nevronunop than there s no problwem everything is working the way they are supposed to right?09:08
funkyzirecan i play psx games with original cds with that pcsx emulator, or do i need to convert them in iso's ?09:09
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gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, now cleaning my ~/.09:09
dooglusedgy doesn't have lynx, links, links2 or elinks, but it does have w3m, thanks.09:09
Flanneldooglus: running 'www-browser' will always work though09:09
unopgOLdenHaWK3D,  yep, localepurge is a good thing, it monitors when you install packages next and will clean up after you then too :)09:09
jordanmorei need help learning how to install things on ubuntu linux if anyone can help me09:09
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, wow! thanx again09:09
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Mr1jordan: sudo apt-get install09:09
Flannel!synaptic | jordanmore09:09
ubotujordanmore: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:09
dooglusI just tried using edgy for the first time this year and found that X doesn't want to start :(09:10
unopnevron,  well, do you think everything is working as expected? :) if so, then yes :)09:10
dooglusand I can't install anything because apt-get is downloading over 100MB of updates...09:10
=== fudgeEater opens a fresh new bag of Doritoes.
Flanneldooglus: and, in theory/hopefully, those will fix X ;)09:10
thoreauputicdooglus: edgy has had ... issues. Hopefully Feisty will be better09:10
unopdooglus,  you could update a subset of packages at a time09:10
fudgeEaterfeisty is better....09:10
unopfeisty has issue,...09:11
thoreauputicunop: well yes - but it hasn't reached release yet :)09:11
fudgeEaterFeisty is nice09:11
unopthoreauputic,  even so, once it is released, it will have issues -- thats the nature of software, isnt it? :)09:12
FlannelfudgeEater: Feisty is alpha.09:12
thoreauputicfudgeEater: sure, but it is still in development09:12
=== Glined|4|life [n=ubuntu@c-67-167-181-128.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicunop: yes, there will always be bugs :)09:12
Glined|4|lifecan i get some help09:12
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:12
Byandooglus: if you want to install something else while the downloads are going.. you can ctrl+c it..09:12
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Byanyou won't loose any of the packages already downloaded it09:13
Glined|4|lifeok i cant install ubuntu09:13
unopthoreauputic,  hopefully not the ones that are "in your face" or dont leave you hanging :) let's hope09:13
dooglusthoreauputic: I'm not upgrading to edgy from dapper - I already did that a long time ago.  These are just updates since edgy was released I think09:13
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agliv5Byan, my friend told me that if you compile yourself then Ubuntu is more adaptive to your system and it's capabilities... i.e. faster and better...09:13
vanlinxhey, is it possible to get beryl or XGL onto ubuntu hoary?09:13
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dooglusagliv5: I tried to compile myself, but found the source isn't available.09:13
thoreauputicdooglus: right - I have edgy on a partition here but mostly I still run dapper09:13
billybobunop: you familiar with rsync ?09:13
Glined|4|lifeand what dose my ubuntu to get files like debian is apt get09:13
dooglusGlined|4|life: the same09:14
Yodudeunop: it didn't work i still get an error09:14
unopagliv5,  thats somewhat a misconception -- it depends on the individual software package really09:14
vanlinxhoary+XGL, is that possible, please help09:14
Yodudeunop: how do you think i can fix it?09:14
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agliv5dooglus, I think it is; however I could be wrong... still looking09:14
Byanagliv5: yeah.. but.. if your going to do that then why not use a distro made for ricers who want to have everything run slightly faster in exchange for massive compiling time09:14
unopbillybob,  errm, only that its a command and i could use it if i wanted to -- but do ask09:14
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unopYodude,  you still get the same error? please !pastebin09:14
agliv5unop, are u suggesting normal install of ubuntu and manual compile of software?09:14
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Yodudeunop: ok09:14
Flanneldooglus: the source is available, don't be silly09:15
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Glined|4|lifewell lets get to the first problem i am runnin on the live cd how would i install it09:15
bikerman!restricted formats09:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:15
dooglusFlannel: really?09:15
thoreauputicGlined|4|life: click the install button ?09:15
agliv5Byan, sounds like a good idea, but I have no idea what you are talking about...09:15
Flannelagliv5: compiling really won't give you much of a boost, you'll spend more time compiling than you'd gain09:15
Flanneldooglus: of course.09:15
billybobunop: i have a problem gettign it to work as i intend, could be my misunderstanding, in short: rsync -av --dry-run --include-from=/home/yyrkoon/files /home/movies /home/backup/09:15
Glined|4|lifeok but i usealy get an error09:15
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dooglusFlannel: I'd love to see it.09:15
billybobunop: files contains *.jpg only09:15
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vanlinxno ones can read this?09:15
jordanmorein order to install something on ubuntu does it have to be a certain kind or file like .rpm09:16
dooglusvanlinx: no09:16
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billybobunop: rsync proceeds to copy EVERYTHING09:16
thoreauputicGlined|4|life: so tell us the error09:16
fudgeEateralluc.org = #1 source for movies and tv shows!!!!09:16
Byanagliv5: if you want to compile everything, install gentoo and no ubuntu09:16
fudgeEateralluc.org = #1 source for movies and tv shows!!!!09:16
Flanneldooglus: apt-get source [package]  gets the source of that package09:16
fudgeEateralluc.org = #1 source for movies and tv shows!!!!09:16
Byanagliv5: http://www.gentoo.org/09:16
Glined|4|lifethats why i said hold on a sec09:16
Byanagliv5: /join #gentoo09:16
unopagliv5,  well its like this -- some software's source can take advantage of compiler optmizations, the environment, etc .. some doesnt .. what i find is that compiling software for applications i use often and/or require these optmizations is better than compiling absolutely everything09:16
dooglusFlannel: right.09:16
agliv5Byan, and what distro might that be?09:16
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fudgeEateralluc.org = #1 source for movies and tv shows!!!!09:16
LynourefudgeEater: I have no belief you are an actual person, but stop it anyway09:16
Byanagliv5: the distro is gentoo...09:16
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso09:16
Yodudeunop: it's in the pastebin now09:16
fudgeEaterBot error09:16
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thoreauputicFlannel: ?09:17
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unopYodude,  whats the url ?:p09:17
Flannelthoreauputic: fudgeeater09:17
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Glined|4|lifeit keeps freezeing and its really slow :(09:17
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Yodudehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5537/ lol:)09:17
unopbillybob,  are /home/yyrkoon/files /home/movies two source directories .. being moved into /home/backup ?09:18
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dooglushrm.  the edgy update finished, but trying to run X still tells me "(EE) No devices detected"09:18
dooglusI've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:18
billybobunop: actually /home/yyrkoon/files is a includes file containing *.jpg only09:18
PwcrLinuxhi there09:19
billybobunop: in other words, i want to copy all jpg files, nothing else09:19
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Byandooglus: I was just about to ask you if there was a device attached.. but you are probably using it right now..09:19
vanlinxwh ycant people see what im writing?09:19
=== Byan forgot that not everyone would be sshing into the box
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Flannelvanlinx: Beryl/XGL support is #ubuntu-effects09:20
thoreauputicvanlinx: have you said anything ? ;-)09:20
nevroni need to rip some dvds is it easy to do for a starter?09:20
dooglusByan: it's a laptop and I'm using the built-in LCD panel.  The graphic card is an ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 256MB09:20
dooglus(it says on the sticker)09:20
unopbillybob,  ok - i think this is it then -- rsync -av --include="*jpg" /home/yyrkoon/files /home/movies /home/backup/09:20
agliv5Byan, according to unop a complete compile might not be worth it as much as compiling certian packages... I think I will go the mid-route and install base and compile everything else ;)09:20
Yodudeunop: so? what doyou think?09:20
unopYodude,  un minute :)09:20
vanlinxoh ok thanks09:20
Yodudek :)09:20
Byanagliv5: actually...09:20
=== ruben [n=ruben@145.Red-80-36-93.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, how do i remove the games i got preinstalled with gnome?09:20
billybobunop: okie will give it a go09:20
Byancompiling the kernal would probably be one of the most.. beneficial things to do...09:21
PwcrLinuxmy video driver seem working fine, im still see my system spikes cpu at 100 when I run a FF browser and DVD player..09:21
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Glined|4|life Language: English09:21
Glined|4|life Keyboard layout: U.S. English09:21
Glined|4|life Name: mark09:21
Glined|4|life Login name: flip09:21
Glined|4|life Location: America/New_York09:21
Glined|4|life GRUB will be installed to09:21
Glined|4|lifeNo partition table changes and no creation of file systems have been09:21
Glined|4|lifeIf you plan on using already created file systems, be aware that existing09:21
Glined|4|lifefiles may prevent the successful installation of the base system.09:21
Glined|4|lifewhat dose that mean?09:21
thoreauputic!paste | Glined|4|life09:21
ubotuGlined|4|life: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:21
billybobunop: nope, happil still copying the entire contents of /home/movies09:22
unopgOLdenHaWK3D,  errm, you can use the add/remove programs thingy -- or manually install them09:22
Yodude!pastebin | Glines|for|life09:22
ubotuGlines|for|life: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:22
Glined|4|lifesorry but what dose it mean?09:22
unopYodude,  aer you on edgy?09:22
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Yodudeinop: yes09:22
gOLdenHaWK3Dunop, can u please tell me the manual way of uninstalling them?09:22
dooglusByan: turns out the fix was simple - install xorg-driver-fglrx.  somehow it had gotten uninstalled(!)09:22
Byandooglus: weird..09:22
unopbillybob,  ok, what's the status of play with /home/movies .. what do you intend to do with it or file in it?09:23
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PwcrLinuxGlined|4|life: if you plan install just linux only or daul boot, which one you would like to put in it?09:23
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funkyzirei get sometimes error from (KDE?) programs: amarok and K3B: cant laun kmail notofier or something09:23
billybobunop: its a mountpoint XFS file system, for backing up my desktop machine09:23
funkyzirewhats that ?09:23
Glined|4|lifei would like to daul boot09:23
funkyzire*on gnome09:23
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unopYodude,  ok, i'd suggest changing you /etc/apt/sources.list to match this - http://pastebin.ca/348620 -- then updating apt again, etc09:24
billybobunop: right now, im trying to organize my pictures, to put somewhere else09:24
Yodudeunop: k thnkx09:24
PwcrLinuxGlined|4|life: is your windows in your hard drive? I don't know someone might know from here..09:24
Glined|4|lifeyes windows is on harddrive09:24
unopbillybob,  ok, wait let me get this straight -- you want to backup picures in  /home/yyrkoon/files? and put them in /home/backup?09:24
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billybobunop: i want to backup everything that ends with *.jpg, from /home/movies, to an alternate directory, retaining directory structures09:25
ny83can someone tell me if you are using "OTR" for instant messaging, do both people in a conversation need to be using it?09:25
PwcrLinuxanyone, Glined|4|life need help with dual installation.09:25
thoreauputic!install | Glined|4|life09:26
ubotuGlined|4|life: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:26
billybobunop: target destination is really irrelivent atm09:26
unopbillybob,  errm, why don't you use mv then? :)09:26
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billybobunop: we're talking 10's of thousands of files, in different directories, and i want to retain theeir respect directory structure09:27
Glined|4|lifeok i get an error it says no filesystem is defined09:27
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black_13does ubuntu use dexconf09:27
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thoreauputicGlined|4|life: read the URLs Ubotu sent you09:27
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unopbillybob,  ok, i see where you are going -- the directory might have other files in it and you just want *jpg?09:27
PwcrLinux<== just pure linux only on the lappy :)09:28
aphexerI had a dual headed configuration set up fine, but since an update of x11 about a week ago, there are some strange issues... When I move a window to my external screen, it can only move to about the half of the screen. The right half of my external screen is unuseable... Anyone knows how to fix this,09:28
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unopbillybob,  while maintaing the directory structure of those *jpg in the new location?09:28
billybobunop: well, some files may have the same name, so they must be in their respective directories (digi cam does that)09:28
unopbillybob,  yes, exactly09:29
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PwcrLinuxgn all, off to the bed for now :)09:29
agliv5Byan, unop, so gentoo + compile everything or i.e Xubuntu + software compile? what would you both recomend? Would it make sence to compile the linux kernel?09:29
billybobunop: anyhow rsync is supposed to do this, everyone is telling me im doing something wrong, but from what i can tell, im no :/ its quite distressing09:30
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Flannelagliv5: there's really no reason to compile anything.  You'll waste more time compiling (you've wasted more time thinking about compiling) than you'll ever make up in performance benefits09:30
unopbillybob,  you are definitely on the right path -- i'm just making certain that you get the command for just what you want, know what i mean? :)09:30
thoreauputicagliv5: gentoo if you want to compile - but you get about 1% performance increase anyway :)09:30
dooglusbillybob: you can use 'tar' to do that.09:30
Glined|4|lifehow do i find out how mutch space i have available for ubuntu09:31
billybobunop: yeah, im just very frustrated, been at this for hours.09:31
unopbillybob,  also, i don't see where this /home/yyrkoon/files directory comes into play .. whats it's deal?09:31
aphexerGlined|4|life, maybe "df -h" will tell you09:31
billybobunop: its a patch to the include-file09:31
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thoreauputicGlined|4|life: check your space from windows - you should defrag windows before you install Ubuntu as well09:32
billybobunop: i tried --include, didnt work either, but they are related09:32
thoreauputicGlined|4|life: assuming you want dual boot09:32
billybobunop: in other words, you can specify an include file, and put the rules, or patterns in it similar to what you'd do with --include09:33
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unopbillybob,  yea, i gathered -- i'm trying this out here now, but i seem to be doing something wrong too... gimme 2 secs :)09:33
billybobunop: and the man page doesnt help much, in that it has loads of unreadable symbols in it for my locale . . .09:33
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KeitaruI am trying to install ubuntu using a Live CD but always seem to freeze at the partition step/install.(this is when the cd stops spinning and it freezes)  Anyone know whats the problem?09:34
mneptokKeitaru: bad burn?09:34
billybobunop: i hope this isnt another one of Edgy's quirks . . .09:35
mneptokKeitaru: did you md5sum the .iso file and check the CD for defects?09:35
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Keitarumneptok: you mean the option on the live cd where it says Check CD for Defect?09:35
mneptokKeitaru: yes.09:35
KeitaruI'll try that in a minute I am going to give this another go09:36
mneptokpeter__: /quit09:36
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mart81et OsX er wel weer op, ik vind drie dagen prutsen om bv filmpjes te kijken en het programma voor de aangifte van de belastingdienst te installeren meer dan genoeg.09:36
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arnadeloKeitaru, it happened to me the same whe i tried to install 6.0609:36
mneptok!nl | mart8109:36
ubotumart81: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl09:36
arnadelobut ubuntu 6.10 no problem09:36
cntbserver installations q. , anyone here installed Open Xchange Server on edgy or dapper ?09:36
Lam_al_AdieKeitaru: you might also want to consider a bad drive ... happens to me just at this moment.09:36
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mart81mneptok: sorry, by touchpad on my xps laptop has this weird behaviour when i go over it sometimes, it was not intended.09:37
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mneptokmart81: keine probleme09:38
Lam_al_Adiemart81: your touchpad automatically translates englis to dutch? I'm impressed :-] 09:38
mart81:) no it comes from the clipboard, but i sure don't know how...09:39
mneptokLam_al_Adie: it's the Operation Market Garden touchpad09:39
cntbserver installations q. , anyone here installed Open Xchange Server on edgy or dapper ?09:39
rubenme cago en to09:39
rubenlos que este abando09:39
billybobmart81: you've been haxxored !!!09:39
mneptok!es | ruben09:39
uboturuben: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:39
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billybobunop: it must be giving you fits too eh ?09:41
MutantxCan someone help me on how or what command that I can use to set iptables ACCEPT everything on eth009:42
unopbillybob,  i just remembered whey i dont use rsync -- it's impossible :|09:42
FlannelMutantx: the firewall blocks nothing by default09:42
mneptokunop: huh?09:42
chableMutantx flush them09:43
=== mneptok loves rsync
billybobmneptok: try using it to backup a single file type09:43
atomiku-linuxOkay then. I've been googling this for hours and ive came to a conclusion: ET uses OSS. OSS can only have one program playin stuff at the same time. So basically unless I get a working audio wrapper for ET i cant have xmms and ET running at the same time09:43
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billybobie *.jpg09:43
atomiku-linuxI need a bit of help here09:43
dooglusbillybob: how's this?09:43
dooglusbillybob: cd /image/dir && find dir1 -name '*.jpg' | tar cTf - - | (cd /backup && tar xf)09:43
atomiku-linuxI need both ET and XMMS working at the same time09:43
billybobthat wont work . . .09:43
atomiku-linuxsharing the audio device09:43
atomiku-linuxhow can i do this?09:43
dooglusbillybob: why not?09:44
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Flannelatomiku-linux: I'd check the forums.  They have a bunch of threads about games, and I'm sure someone else has shared your plight09:44
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billybobdooglus: we're talking litternally tens of thousands of file, in different directories, and some may have the same name09:44
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dooglusbillybob: and?09:44
MutantxI'm using firestarter and I have 3 net cards and it's blocking everything on the 3rd card and I'm trying to let everything on go through09:44
dooglusbillybob: tar preserves the directory structure09:44
=== tombow [n=tombow@adsl-64-175-37-238.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
billyboband i need the directory structure for each given file to remain intact09:44
billyboband, i dont want them archived09:45
FlannelMutantx: the firewall blocks nothing.  You need something to listen/open a port though.09:45
doogluswhat do you mean by 'archived'?09:45
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billybobdooglus: as in put into a tar, or some other archive type09:45
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dooglusbillybob: read it again - it does what you want:    cd /image/dir && find . -name '*.jpg' | tar cTf - - | (cd /backup && tar xf)09:45
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dooglusit copies all the jpg files from /image/dir into /backup, keeping the dir structure09:46
agliv5thoreauputic, so stick to Xubunt + compile packages?  Would there be any reason to compile the linux kernel or is it alread optimal?09:46
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billybobdooglus: ill give it a go09:46
billybobseems too good to work though09:46
dooglusbillybob: do you have any called '.jpeg' or '.JPG' or other such endings?09:47
thoreauputicagliv5: unless you are quite experienced, compiling a kernel is kind of pointless09:47
thoreauputicagliv5: and Ubuntu kernels are patched to work well on Ubuntu09:47
MutantxFlannel: It's firestarter that's blocking everything on eth3 and I don't want it to09:47
billybobdooglusL i may halso have some png etc also, but thats not an issue09:47
=== ThunderFox [n=ThunderF@oh-71-55-62-166.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
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dooglusbillybob: better, so it only works on files:    cd /image/dir && find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' | tar cTf - - | (cd /backup && tar xf)09:47
dooglusyou can string different types together with '-o' (for 'or')09:48
thoreauputicagliv5: the only time I compile *anything* is if it isn;t in the repositories09:48
Yodudeunop: lol guess what?09:48
mneptokbillybob: why don't you just use include/exclude paraweters/files for rsync?09:48
=== funkyzire [n=michael@p54B0B627.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Yodudeunop: it still gives me the same error09:48
funkyzirewhat device is my keyboard ?09:48
dooglusanother good reason to compile things is when there's a bug in the repository version.  it's very hard to get bugs fixed in the ubuntu repositories09:48
atomiku-linuxFlannel: ive been searching for ages09:49
Flanneldooglus: no it's not.  Why do you think we have updates?09:49
funkyzirei mean: a joystick would be /dev/js009:49
atomiku-linuxthought id ask here so i can get some live support09:49
billybobtar: Old option `f' requires an argument.09:49
funkyzirewhat should i put in there if i use a keyboard ?09:49
dooglusFlannel: I think updates are mostly for security patches aren't they?  not for functionality.09:49
billybobdooglus: why do i even need 'f' ?09:49
billybobtar: Old option `f' requires an argument.09:50
dooglusbillybob: sorry...09:50
dooglusbillybob: better, so it only works on files:    cd /image/dir && find . -type f -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.png' | tar cTf - - | (cd /backup && tar xf -)09:50
atomiku-linuxHow can I have ET and XMMS both playing sound? (Sharing the audio device) I know I gotta use some audio-wrapper since ET uses OSS and OSS can only have one sound playing at a time09:50
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mneptokbillybob: why don't you just use include/exclude paraweters/files for rsync?09:50
billybobmneptok: becasue includes dont seem to be working09:50
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mneptokbillybob: what syntax are you using?09:51
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Keitaruit froze when gpart thing loaded any idea what gpart is?09:51
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dooglusbillybob: you don't need the 'f' or the '-':09:51
dooglusbillybob: cd /tmp/dir1 && find . -name '*.jpg' | tar cT - | (cd /tmp/dir2 && tar x)09:51
Keitarui am also running disc check defect right now09:52
Flanneldooglus: bugfixes and security09:52
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dooglusFlannel: most bugs I report get no activity on them for 6 months or so, followed up with a question "is this still an issue" and then "rejected"09:52
felixhummeldoes anyone know how to remap keys in mc (midnight commander)?09:53
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Flannelatomiku-linux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=250175&postcount=3  seems to indicate it should work09:53
billybobdooglus: you just did, in one line, what ive been trying to do for hours with perl, and now rsync . . .09:53
dooglusbillybob: cool09:53
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billybobdooglus: two brownies for you !09:53
billybobthanks very much09:53
=== Lucifel [n=q@c-67-180-205-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
dooglusbillybob: I was as surprised as you were that tar doesn't have a --include option09:54
mneptokbut rsync does09:54
unopbillybob,  you can't have gone wrong in perl surely :)  find /target | grep -i "jp.g" | perl -lne 'chomp;$s=$_;s[/target/] [] ;print "mv $s /home/backup/$_"'09:54
dooglusunop: that wouldn't copy any .jpg files at all09:54
=== Caplain [n=matt@adsl-75-46-171-103.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
billybobunop: my perl sucks09:55
dooglusunop: only .jpeg, .jpig and so on?09:55
mneptokand --exclude. and --include-from=/path/to/file.09:55
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nevronpeople can you help me backup some decrypted dvds?09:55
billybobmneptok: ive been at rsync for hours . . .09:55
unopdooglus, minor - find /target | grep -i "jp.*g" | perl -lne 'chomp;$s=$_;s[/target/] [] ;print "mv $s /home/backup/$_"'09:55
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billybobmneptok: --include=, and include-from= both seemed to be borked09:56
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dooglusunop: I know.  just amused me that you said "you can't have gone wrong in perl" and then went wrong in perl...09:56
Yodudehey is there any alternative to the adobe flash player plugin?09:56
Yodudei can't seem to be able to install that one09:56
mneptokbillybob: what syntax are you using?09:56
unopdooglus, that wasnt perl's part :)09:56
billybobmneptok: sec09:56
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dooglusunop: that perl won't work if there are any spaces in filenames either09:57
FlannelYodude: not really09:57
Yodudeman i'm always getting an error!09:57
FlannelYodude: did you follow the wiki?09:57
Yodudeit's always not installing09:57
unopdooglus,  actually it's a dry run -- as he'd orginally wanted -- its not even copying anything now09:57
billybobmneptok: rsync -av --dry-run --include-from=/home/yyrkoon/files /home/movies /home/backup/09:57
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billybobmneptok: and yes, i know thats a dry run . . .09:58
Yodudegive me the link again would u?09:58
Flannel!flash | Yodude09:58
ubotuYodude: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:58
mneptokbillybob: Yyrkoon?!09:58
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash09:58
billybobyyrkoon ;)09:58
=== mneptok summons Donblas The Justice Maker
=== nurdyx [n=rudy@ABordeaux-256-1-63-138.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
unopdooglus, but then again, it's small - find /target | grep -i "jp.*g" | perl -lne 'chomp;$s=$_;s[/target/] [] ;print`mv "$s" "/home/backup/$_"`'09:58
FlannelYodude: you should probably do flash9, at that.  from backports (just download the deb and install with dpkg -i), don't add backports to your sources.list, that's asksing for trouble)09:58
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ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports09:59
mneptokbillybob: the --include-from= expects a text file with thi include directives. not a source dir.09:59
Yodudeflannel: can you give me the link to the backports site?09:59
dooglusunop: how would you copy the files?  that won't work if there are double quotes in the paths?09:59
billybobmneptok: that is a text file, no extension, is that my problem ?09:59
FlannelYodude: it's right there.09:59
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agliv5thoreauputic, but mplayer / mencoder works better (My personal oppinion) when you compile yourself...09:59
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agliv5thoreauputic, for example...10:00
=== K-Rich is now known as K-Grampa
unopdooglus,  ahh come on -- first spaces, now quotes .. things you shouldnt be using in filenames anyway10:00
thoreauputicagliv5: quite possible - I'm not against compiling as such10:00
nevroncan anybdy help me backup dvds?10:00
dooglusunop: I shouldn't?  why not?10:00
thoreauputicagliv5: for instance i compiled a more recent version of fluxbox that isn't in the repos10:01
frogzoonevron: k3b10:01
dooglusunop: my point is that it's quite easy to get it wrong in Perl10:01
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billybobmneptok: yeah, anyhow, i dont know whats worse, me using yyrkoon as a username, or the fact i know the name Dyvim T'var, and Theleb K'aarna by memory ;)10:01
doktoreashi to all10:01
mneptokbillybob: rsync -a -v -h --progress --dry-run --exclude=. --include=\>jp.g /path/to/source /path/to/target10:01
dooglusunop: you've also omitted to create the destination directories...10:01
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Yodudein which category does flash player fall? utilities?10:01
pavs_is possible to sync tomboy over several PC?10:01
thoreauputicagliv5: and sometimes a package gas problems that can be solved by compiling yourself10:02
billybobmneptok: ill give that a try10:02
doktoreasi have an hp printer on a win xp box...can i use it for printing from ubuntu?10:02
mneptokbillybob: and Voilodion Ghagnasdiak? ;)10:02
=== billybob forgot that one
billybobElric should be obviousl tho, and arioc ;)10:02
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FlannelYodude: easiest to go through packages.ubuntu.com: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=flashplugin-nonfree10:03
DLB|Maximuscan someone tell me how i go about changing my default route10:03
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billybobmneptok: viloa !10:03
DLB|Maximusroute shows eth0 instead of wlan010:03
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mneptokbillybob: works?10:04
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billybobyessir, is that regex ?10:04
frogzooDLB|Maximus: sudo route add default dev lan010:04
billybobno wonder10:04
mneptokbillybob: exclude=. means "exclude everything. sync nothing."10:05
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billybobmneptok: you know, i thought about that10:05
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DLB|Maximusfrogzoo: whats the dev?10:05
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mneptokbillybob: include=\>jp.g means "include any file that ends with jp*g"10:05
billybobmneptok: but everyone was telling me just worry about the includes10:05
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DLB|Maximusoh, device?10:05
billybobmneptok: so i could replace with pn.g ?10:06
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billybobis.o etc ?10:06
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atomiku-linuxeyetoy usb webcam drivers for linux?10:06
Flannelbillybob: png is the file extension, not pnig or anything.  its because jpg could be jpg or jpeg10:07
Lynourebillybob: everyone was wrong. If you do not have exclude, everything is included (see man rsync for details)10:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eyetoy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:07
mneptokbillybob: or make a text file with "\>jp.g" and "\>png" each on one line and call that text file as the include file10:07
geeksauceis there an FTP client with a decent gui already installed in edgy?10:07
gortba_good night10:07
=== pfarmer [n=Peter@stingray.hashbang.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Ademanany vim users know how to yank text so it goes into your clipboard so you can paste it into other programs?10:07
Flannelgeeksauce: yeah, nautilus.  use places > connect to server10:07
billybobLynoure: i would except every other symbol in the man page is unreadable with my locale10:07
=== christof-kr [n=oxygene@p508063BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokgeeksauce: no. sudo aptitude install gftp10:07
billybobnot literally, but might as well be . . .10:08
Ademangeeksauce: nautilus lets you manipulate a remote server as if it's local10:08
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Lynourebillybob: oh, but luckily there are plenty of mans online.10:08
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billybobLynoure: i tried, honestly google was my first recourse man second10:08
CrummyGummyHi all, is there any sort of Ubuntu roadmap? I'm keen to know when Tomcat 5.5 will be available.10:08
geeksaucejust need to dl some files from xbins and transfer to my xbox... nothing too fancy needed10:09
Lynourebillybob: I'm not criticising you. :)10:09
mneptokbillybob: let this be a lesson. those with minds weird enough to read Moorcock can usually learn regex without going completely mad. ;)10:09
christof-krhi. i'd like to buy a "new" graphics card. is a card with nvidia 6200 chip well supported with xinerama setup (1x CRT and 1x TFT)?10:09
billybobLynoure: google is always > man ;)10:09
FlannelCrummyGummy: when was it released?10:09
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billybobLynoure: yes, i understand this has been a very frustrating several hours for me10:09
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FlannelCrummyGummy: er, 5.5 is already available, in edgy.10:10
billybobim just glad everythign works now, and two ways to do it thanks to mneptok, and dooglus :)10:10
billybobmneptok, dooglus: thanks very much, again :)10:10
=== mneptok bows and returns to Pan Tang
geeksaucewhat does "need to get 0B of archives" mean?10:11
billybobyou evil human wizard you10:11
Lynouregeeksauce: no need to download anything10:11
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mneptokbillybob: you don't know how many people in the Ubuntu community would agree with that sentiment ;)10:11
billyboblo, black hate ?10:12
geeksaucelynoure is that what that means?10:12
billybobhat . . .10:12
DLB|Maximushow do i go about making sure wlan0 is brought up at boot if im not using network manager or something like that?10:12
CrummyGummyFlannel, Really? I installed it yesterday and didn't see it...10:12
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billybobblack hat, man, it must be bedtime10:12
FlannelCrummyGummy: it's in universe, yeah. 'tomcat5.5'10:13
mneptokbillybob: if i was, that rsync help would have included a request for an account on your machine ;)10:13
CrummyGummyAh, must look with eyes open...10:13
Lynouregeeksauce: that all you need is already downloaded or available locally10:13
=== stephen [n=stephen@ppp-70-227-47-108.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
billybobmneptok: two subnets, and a router to go through :P10:13
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geeksaucelynoure i was downloading gftp... am i to assume that said app and respective dependencies are already in place?10:14
frogzoogeeksauce: means you already have it in cache10:14
Flannelgeeksauce: if not, you'll be currently downloading the dependencies10:14
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Lynouregeeksauce: that whan the text you quoted means10:14
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Dreamglideris it easy to setup dual screens ?10:15
Yodudehey which email client is better? evolution or thunderbird?10:15
geeksaucefrogzoo: not sure how those files are cached but how can i install gftp?10:15
Lynouregeeksauce: what did the other lines say? If you have removed it and are installing it, they are probably still in on the disk.10:15
Yodudeand can evolution be synced with an iPod?10:15
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billybobmneptok: hmm now for some reason, when i take --dt-run out, it resorts to copying EVERYTHING10:15
atomiku-linuxDamn! Ive installed eyetoy drivers and they work well except when it makes the microphone input high pitched! What shall I do?10:16
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billybobwhen i take dry-run out*10:16
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Dreamgliderat home i like to use two screens, the laptops lcd and a crt. and in school i just use the lcd10:16
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:17
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geeksaucelynoure: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5538/10:18
mar1hello i am boot installing off a live cd and the start bar where it says applications ect is not there i have loaded in to this disk many times and it has been there it just all the sudden disappeard10:19
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:19
billybobmneptok: something is definately borked10:19
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mar1when i install will the start bar also be gone?10:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about startbar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
mackinacmar1, right click on the bar and select "add to panel"10:21
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mar1there is no bar10:21
mar1they are both gone10:22
mackinacoh, the whole panel...10:22
geeksauceis there any way in xchat-gnome to open up a new server tab?  need to connect to a different server without disconnecting from freenode10:22
thoreauputicmar1: hit alt-F2 and type gnome-panel10:22
mackinaccan you get a terminal?10:22
mar1no makinack10:22
mackinacdo what thoreauputic said :)10:22
Dreamglidergeeksauce,  Ctrt-T10:23
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AyabaraI'm following the instructions for connecting to my nokia via bluetooth, but I'm not quite there yet. How do I perform bluetooth pairing in ubuntu?10:23
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mar1no5hint opend thoreauputic10:23
mar1nothing **10:23
geeksaucedreamglider: not working10:23
Terminushello. is `mkfs.ext3 -O dir_index` practical on a 320GB fs?10:23
stefgeeksauce: /newserver10:23
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thoreauputicmar1: OK hit alt-F2 and type gnome-terminal , then in the terminal type killall gnome-panel10:23
Dreamglidergeek you use XCaht 2.6.6 ?10:24
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thoreauputicmar1: if that doesn't bring it back, type gnome-panel again in the terminal10:24
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:24
Lynouregeeksauce: "0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 131 not upgraded." It's not upgrading or installing anything, possibly because some of the packages have been kept back. Try to do apt-get update  and retry10:24
billybobmneptok: specifcally, when i have al those files in the destination directory already, then i run rsync, it works, but if not, it doesnt owrk10:24
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geeksaucecan't get multiple servers in xchat-gnome.  /newserver causes a second instance of the app to run and crashes just about everything i have running10:25
unska_how can i get .mpg decoder?10:25
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cassidygeeksauce: IRC -> connect10:26
cowbudunska_: do you want to watch a mpeg video?10:26
mackinacmar1, did the liveCD session start like that?10:26
unska_cowbud, yes10:26
Yodudehey should i get beryl or compiz?10:26
cowbudunska_: and when you open it with totem it doesn't play?10:26
Yodudewhich one is better?10:26
unska_cowbud, thats right =)10:26
geeksaucecassidy: yes but that will disconnect me from freenode10:27
cowbudunska_: does any sound play cuase if I recall a standard mpeg should be playable10:27
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unska_nope but i can play xvid and avis fine because i have ffmpeg or something like that :o10:27
cowbudunska_: are you sure it is a valid mpeg file if you are able to play xvid you shouldn't have an issue with mpeg..10:27
Yodudehello? help please?10:28
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unska_ill test with another clip10:28
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:28
cowbudunska_: is it from a camera? sometimes those don't play nicely..10:28
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thoreauputicYodude: ask in #ubuntu-effects10:28
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unska_cowbud, ive tested several mpgs and mpegs and none of them work :o10:29
unska_there should be nothing wrong with the files10:29
ub2hello what is the terminal in ubuntu?10:29
cowbudunska_: alright try this: sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \10:29
cowbudgstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \10:29
cowbudgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse libxine-extracodecs w32codecs10:29
thoreauputicub2:  gnome-terminal by default ( xterm is also installed )10:30
cowbudthat was supposed to be on one line10:30
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cowbudunska_: basically the line at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy under multimedia players10:30
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funkyzirei cant get pcsx to run :/10:30
funkyzirewhere should i search for help10:30
funkyzirei tried google10:30
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funkyzirethe problem is i dont get an error10:30
ub2thanks thoreauputic10:30
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funkyzirejust a big black screen10:30
cowbudthoreauputic: clever name10:30
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thoreauputiccowbud: opinions vary, but I've used this nick for years now so I won't change it :)10:31
cowbudthoreauputic: I was serious10:31
thoreauputiccowbud: :)10:31
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ub2is this in africa?10:32
thoreauputicub2: ?10:32
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Dreamgliderub2,  this is in cyber space.10:32
unska_cowbud, it started working fine :)10:33
ub2heard ubuntu was from africa so want to know if this server is in africa or if anyone is from africa?10:33
mar1ok i have my applaction bar now is there a way to run a server to where some one could help me something like vnc?10:33
unska_is there a way to see .wmv? i only hear it now10:33
Yodudehey no one is answering e at the #ubuntu-effects10:33
Yodudecan someone here help me?10:33
thoreauputicub2: you could be on any number of servers in the irc.freenode.net network10:33
christof-krhi. i'd like to buy a "new" graphics card. is a card with nvidia 6200 chip well supported with xinerama setup (1x CRT and 1x TFT)?10:33
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mackinacub2, the login window should show you what freenode server you're on10:33
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cowbudunska_: that site I told you about ;) sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll && rm -r ~/.gstreamer-0.10/10:33
cowbudshould let you see wmv910:33
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thoreauputicYodude: questions about "which is better" rarely produce clear answers :)10:34
unska_why rm gstreamer?10:34
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cowbudunska_: so did it turn out your mpegs are actually wmv? and I am assuming so that it will recreate the available plugins list..10:34
Yodudethoreauputic: can you suggest one to me? please?10:34
mar1can i get some help i cannot install it it keeps getting stuck at 22% and then it just freezes10:34
Yodudei don't know which one to get10:34
Chousukethe ffmpeg gstreamer plugin should be able to play wmv9 too10:34
DreamgliderMark Shuttleworth, the father of ubuntu is a south african if im not wrong10:34
thoreauputicYodude: no, because I haven't used either :)10:34
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unska_cowbud, no the mpegs were mpegs and they started working fine but i would also like to have wmvs working10:35
thoreauputicDreamglider: you're not wrong :)10:35
Yodudei'll get beryl10:35
Yodudelol it seems cooler10:35
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mar1can  some one help me10:35
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:35
mackinac!patience | mar110:36
ubotumar1: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:36
krantixi need to run ms access 2003 on ubuntu... is there any way around? crossover does not support access... but maybe by copying some dlls from a windows installation :-)10:36
Dreamgliderallso called Mark Ubuntu Shuttleworth :)10:36
cowbudohh snap10:36
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cowbudmarl you could start by saying what you are trying to achieve..10:36
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ub2does ubuntu mean dog?10:36
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cowbudub2: im sure google knows10:37
mar1cowbud i am trying to install ubuntu10:37
cowbudor ubuntu.com for that matter10:37
Dreamgliderub2,  no it means humanity to mankind10:37
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Dreamglideror somthing like that10:37
cowbudmarl and what is your issue?10:37
mackinacmar1, is this the first time you ran the liveCD?10:37
mar1no its not mackinac10:37
mar1cow bud it gets stuck at 22 %10:37
cowbudmarl: with no errors?10:38
mackinacmar1, how much RAM do you have?10:38
mar1nope no errors it just freezes10:38
Dreamgliderub2,  Humanity towards others10:38
valehruHey guys, is there a way I can change the default icon placement in gnome?  Right now it alligns to the right hand side of the screen.  Is there a way I can get it to auto align to the left hand side?10:38
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cowbudmarl have you tried with the noacpi option?10:38
mar1no i have no clue what that is10:39
ub2yea align under properties you can get it to do top or bottom10:39
ub2point it at the  panel line10:40
valehrumarl, go to /boot/grub/menu.lst and insert noacpi into the boot options10:40
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mar1alright i got an error this time it says no root file10:40
antonisgrhi guys. I use ubuntu 6.10 on a laptop with widecreen monitor. When i choose the 1280x800 resolution, the screen make some glitches,wrong textures e.t.c Is there any way to fix it?10:40
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mar1**no root file system**10:40
cowbudvalehru: that is probably kinda tough considering it is a live cd..10:40
Madeyeguys, I'm trying to install kde-base but ran into dependency hell! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5539/10:40
cowbudgrr I forget if there is a noacpi option booting to the cd..10:41
cowbudlets find out..10:41
valehrucowbud, it shouldnt be needed for the cd.10:41
m_o_ki'am searching for an app that can find duplicate images.10:41
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cowbudvalehru: really10:41
cowbudand why is that10:41
frogzoocowbud: acpi=off10:42
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valehrucowbud, well, I have that problem with my system, but I never needed it for the live CD.10:42
valehruEach time I update grub that needs to be added10:42
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cowbudwell it is good that everyone is helping the wrong person10:42
cowbudin the meantime I bothered to boot to a cd to find out how to do it for him10:42
krantixso nobody can help me have access 2003 running on ubuntu :-)10:43
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cowbudmarl: next time you boot hit F6 and add noacpid at the end add acpi=off10:43
thoreauputickrantix: #winehq10:43
ub2bye thanks for the help10:43
cowbudmarl: hah that was confusing I mean hit F6 before it starts and add acpi=off to the end10:44
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mar1where do i hit f6 ? when it ask's me where you to ask me where i want to boot from10:44
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cowbudmarl: when you first see the ubuntu boot screen and it says Start or install ubuntu10:44
Edulixanyone here has a wifi card with AR5005G and working monitor mode?10:44
jhaigkrantix: If crossover office doesn't support it, then it is unlikely that wine will as cxoffice is just the commercial version of wine.10:45
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cowbudEdulix: did you install the patched madwifi drivers?10:45
geeksaucei downloaded ccxstream for linux.  it has a makefile... what do i need to do to run it?10:45
Edulixcowbud:  I'm about to do that10:45
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cowbudEdulix: well that would be the first step10:45
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marcin_anthi guys I'm following howto about setting up ubuntu server as firewall/router (on howtoforge) and got one question10:46
krantixok thanks!10:46
marcin_antdo I need to set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward value to 1 in order to have nat enabled?10:46
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Edulixcowbud: ok =)10:46
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jhaigkrantix: I believe that .NET stuff doesn't work well (at all?) in wine.10:46
cowbudEdulix: it is pretty is to do you shouldn't have too much trouble if you are used to compiling stuff..10:46
jhaigkrantix: (I don't know that Access 2003 is .NET, but I'm guessing that it is)10:47
krantixjhaig, thanks... will try anyway :-)10:47
Edulixcowbud: I'm used to10:47
albe84trcan I ask some stuffs about mozilla and linux... I have just installed it.. and i dont know anybody in this country I live who can help me....10:47
jhaigkrantix: If you really need it you could try setting up a vmserver to run windows.10:48
geeksaucecan anyone help me get this running?  i'm new to the whole needing to compile source files thing :)10:48
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Edulixcowbud: some people recomend using patching it with http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/madwifi-ng-r1886.patch but I think the patch doesn't affect my card ?10:48
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jhaiggeeksauce: The usual way is "./configure" followed by "make" and "make install"10:48
davidwhen upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10 on boot after upp grade i get a grey distorted ubuntu screan this is for amd 64 version i386 works fine but i want to run the 64 version10:48
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davidoh and it dosent boot10:49
jhaiggeeksauce: "make install" needs to be run as root, unless you want to install it in your home directory.10:49
mackinac!compile | geeksauce10:49
ubotugeeksauce: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:49
cowbudEdulix: hrmm it is from january of 2007 so i'd say chances are it does but since I don't have that particular card I can unfortunately not confirm or deny that..10:49
cowbudid say give it a try10:49
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krantixjhaig, i have vmware but it's very slow... (i've only 1GB of ram)10:50
Edulixcowbud: ok do you have any tutorial to recomend?10:50
albe84trthe problem is that both with firefox and mozilla when I go to some pages the program closes and thats all... I dont know why10:50
mar2i did not see that option cowbud10:50
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welemskiis it ok to discuss programming here?10:50
geeksaucejhaig: "./configure command not found"10:50
mar2gumby is that you off hbh??10:50
cowbudEdulix: not really might help10:50
jhaigkrantix: Too slow even if all you are running in it is one application?10:50
Lam_al_Adiehmmmm, `loadlin linux initrd=initrd.gz vga=normal ramdisk_size=14972 root=/dev/rd/0 rw --` says bye-bye with "RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data". I tried with a ramdisk of 16M, but that would not work either.10:51
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cowbudEdulix: http://huwico.hu/~litch/wep/ubuntu_wep_hack.pdf or the actual pdf10:51
lagrimowhats wrong here? http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/7499/10:51
Lam_al_Adiewill i need a bigger RD or something else?10:51
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albe84trah... nobody answer me...10:51
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jhaiggeeksauce: That is the usual way of doing it, but obviously not in the case of your application.  Try reading any readme or install files, and also follow mackinac's suggestion.10:52
Edulixcowbud: ok thanks. I'll be back when wifi starts working again10:52
=== Edulix executes ifconfig ath0 down
mar2cowbud that option was not available??10:53
cowbudmar2: F6?10:53
jhaigkrantix: I suppose using a different database is out of the question.  :-)10:53
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mackinacmar2, its not an option you can select. at the boot menu screen, hit F6 then add "acpi=off" at the end of the text that pops up10:53
mackinacthen enter10:53
mar2ok thanks10:53
cowbudmackinac: thank you ;)10:53
albe84trI wrote my easy problem last time than if somebody want to help me can write later... both firefox and mozilla when i click on continue in the window that speaks about ecrypted information close by it-selfs10:55
albe84trno error msgs or anything like that10:55
welemskii have a question for mozilla firefox i dunno if it is a bug...10:55
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albe84trwelemski it is not my same problem? isnt it?10:56
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welemskinope... but is it appropriate to ask about it here? about certain firefox bug?10:57
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krantixjhaig, i'm trying to migrate to mysql... i've found navicat for creating easily queries...10:57
krantixis there a better program?10:58
mar1ok got it acpi=off correct?10:58
cowbudmar1: yah10:58
mar1ok now what?10:58
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cowbudkrantix: mysql-admin is a possibility maybe..10:58
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cowbudmar1: hit enter and try to install again10:59
mackinacenter then see how it runs10:59
albe84tri asked and no answer then probably... it isnt :-)10:59
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mar1cowbud can i pm you10:59
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geeksaucewhat is a file with a .c extension?10:59
F-nkyMNKmarl: you can pm me to, but yeah, i have not much to say10:59
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F-nkyMNKgeeksauce: its a C file (C as in the programming language). So, its basically raw code11:00
jhaigkrantix: I don't know navicat so I cannot comment on that.11:00
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jhaigkrantix: If you are going to migrate to MySQL, couldn't you do that in Windows and then replace Windows when you don't need to run Access anymore?11:01
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ploomgeeksauce, use "file any-file-name" command, where instead of any-file-name is the .c file you want to identify the content type of any file11:01
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mar1ok cowbud i pmed you11:01
albe84trhey anybody can say at least "This is not the topic" or "I have no time" so I try to find some other solution?!?11:01
Lynourealbe84tr: let me do lastlog on you first11:01
cowbudmar1: uh you did?11:01
cowbudI didn't get it hah11:01
krantixjhaig, i'll try... who knows :-) anyway.... why do my kde application look quite ugly on gnome? is there a way to have a better look (buttons, texts...)?11:02
Lynourealbe84tr: you mean your FF occasionally crashes?11:02
mar1ill try again11:02
albe84trno every time...11:02
mar1did you get that time11:02
mackinacyou can't pm if your nickname isn't registered11:02
geeksaucei had this working before i reformatted...forgot how though.  there is a shell script included with the archive but i cannot get it to run11:03
cowbudahh there ya go so no I didn't11:03
mackinaccreate a new channel11:03
albe84trok one sec11:03
cowbudmar1: join #mar111:03
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ploomits a matter of taste, but haven't kde apps always looked ugly?11:04
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ploom...for a gnome freak11:05
darkstarhi there11:05
tombowkde == win95 emulator11:05
darkstar'morning everybody I need some help if u can11:05
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Lynouretombow: That's just trolling11:06
mackinac!ask | hi darkstar11:06
ubotuhi darkstar: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:06
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darkstaralreight, then...11:06
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slippyr4hi all, is there any way to load a propriatary module into the kernel during install?11:06
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darkstarI have messed up with a recursive permission chang and ended up changing permission to my user to lots of files..11:07
suguruHow can I find all python .deb and mark and install them all without clicking each one?11:07
darkstaris there a script that can check essential files ownership and revert?11:07
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albe84tris it ok now....11:07
ploomkrantix, a lot has changed since 2004, but here is one link that might interest you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5663011:08
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unopsuguru, why do you want to do that? you'll be installing a lot doing so11:08
rpcis it possible to run something on cron more often than every single minute? i would like 30s interval11:08
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darkstarjust reverted /etc/sudoers but truthfully don't know how many more files have been changed by -R11:08
unoprpc,  use a script that sleeps for 30 seconds and run it every minute :)11:08
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albe84trlynoure... are you there ?11:08
rpcunop well yes that would work ;)11:08
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ploomkrantix,  and then there comes http://www.google.ee/search?q=make+kde+applications+look+nice+on+ubuntu11:09
rpcbut does it mean that cron can't run more frequently than 1min?11:09
Lynourealbe84tr: yes, but you never answered my question on your problem11:09
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Lynourealbe84tr: so I thought you no longer want any help11:09
jhaigrpc: For something that needs to run that often, it would probably be a better idea than by using cron.11:09
unoprpc,  afaik no, but most of the time i'm wrong :p11:09
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rpche he unop11:09
albe84trno sorry is that i though that this msg i get it red because it was personal then i registered11:09
suguruI need all python packages.  How can I get a pk mgr to show all python so I can mark them all automatically and then just let computer pkg mgr dl11:09
rpcjhaig i read you, it's just better not to call it so often? ok11:09
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rpcunop hm this sleep 30 trick is cool11:10
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krantixploom, thanks!!!11:10
albe84trthe problem is that when in every browser11:10
mackinacdarkstar, just wait a while and ask your question (in one line) again if nobody gets to it right away11:10
unopsuguru,  thats not answering the question.. i asked you why you want to do that because i might be able to help you better then11:10
jhaigrpc: If, for whatever reason, it hangs you could end up with a lot of processors running very quickly.11:10
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rpcjhaig mhm11:10
aarohihow do i change the theme settings for kde apps?11:10
unoprpc,  it's a trick that has been around for a long time11:11
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albe84trthe window that asks me if i am sure to send ecrypt information apear11:11
rpcunop but that might be a bit of insecure as jhaig says11:11
rpcjust wondering11:11
darkstarmackinac, alright... just like to avoid having to re-install the whole system11:11
rpcit's a VERY simple script... it only checks if a process is running11:11
albe84trthen whan i click on continue the program crashes11:11
rpcso hopefully it won't cause any troubles11:11
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ploomkrantix, it would be nice if you could provide some "before" and "after" screenshots maybe ;-)11:12
Lynourealbe84tr: Anything about in ~/.xsession-errors ?11:12
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jhaigrpc: If the process needs to be checked every 30 seconds, I would suggest that something needs to be done about that instead.11:12
albe84trno window appear to indicate any error it just close11:12
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unoprpc,  if a script fails, it fails - it's upto you to do the exception handling off course and ensure that it cleanly exits  .. but the fact that you run it every minute ensures that a new one is run even if the previous one should fail11:12
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Lynourealbe84tr: did you check .xsession-errors at least?11:12
albe84trI dont know what it is11:13
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Lynourealbe84tr: in all browsers you say? Which ones have you tried?11:13
albe84trand mozilla11:13
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albe84trand i can not install opera because some database problem11:14
Lynourealbe84tr: are you on dapper or edgy?11:14
unoprpc, jhaig is right tho, if the script fails and hangs about, it's likely all other instances of the script will fail and you dont want too many scripts hanging about -- but you can get your own script to kill it's predecessors if they are hanging about :)11:14
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albe84trhard question... i have installed ubuntu 2 days ago...11:15
aarohihow do i change the theme settings for kde apps?11:15
Lynourealbe84tr: Do you have ubuntu 6.06 or 6.10?11:15
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albe84trno 5.1011:15
suguruI need all python packages because I am a professor who needs to be ready to show whatever any student wants to know.  How can I get kpackage apt or synaptic to just show all python packages ready for marking so I can dl them all?  Synaptic will show them all easy.  But marking each one by hand and waiting for synaptic is a pain.11:15
albe84trand I cant download 6.1011:16
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Lynourealbe84tr: then I recommend upgrading, 5.10 is not supported very long anymore (just couple of months)11:16
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suguruI am running edgy.11:16
geeksaucecan someone help me compile some C source?11:17
albe84trso help me to make it upgrade because when i try11:17
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albe84tran error occurs11:17
Lynourealbe84tr: :?11:17
unopsuguru,  i suggest doing this in two parts -- first part -- aptitude search python > py_packages  .. and then edit the py_packages file to exclude/delete the packages you don't need -- second part - sudo aptitude install $(cat py_packages | cut -c 3-30 | xargs)11:18
albe84tri am trying to install to read the error msg properly11:18
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albe84trcant install ubuntu-desktop, it wasimpossible to install  a required package. Please report it as a bug...11:20
albe84tri am trying to install 6.0611:20
rpcunop you are right, just trying to fix a proper error handling code :)11:21
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albe84trand  then can not calculate the upgrade11:21
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suguruunop  Thanks I will go try that.11:22
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unoprpc, that's the trickiest, hardest and meanest part of programming/scripting  :)11:23
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Edulix it works very well, included monitor mode11:26
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mipswhere does the pppoe.conf file live ?11:27
Edulixlets see if I can crack my own wep key ;)11:27
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erUSULmips: /etc/ppp/*11:27
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mipserUSUL and if there is no such file there /11:28
geeksauceok i figured out that ccxstream has no install for "make install" but how do i get the .c files into useable binaries?11:28
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erUSULmips: /etc/ppp/options <<< main conf file for pppd11:28
albe84trare you there?11:29
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mipserUSUL is that the same as pppoe.conf then /11:29
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albe84trwhere are you... my hero !!!!!!!11:31
thoreauputicmips: are you confusing this with the command "pppoeconf "  ?11:31
erUSULmips: what do you want to change?11:31
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mipserUSUL I need to add ACNAME= parameter11:32
erUSULgeeksauce: gcc -o exefile exefile.c <<<11:32
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Lynourealbe84tr: Work took my attention for the bit11:33
welemskiis there an update for mono in ubuntu in the repository?11:33
albe84tranybody can help me? mozzilla and firefox too are crashing when I chose ok whan a window asks me if I want to send encryp info....11:33
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albe84trand i can not upgrade to 6.0611:34
albe84trfrom 5.1011:34
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Lynourealbe84tr: you could of course try to tell the browser never to ask that and see if it happens still.11:34
albe84trbecause to problems that are bugs...11:34
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unopmips,  locate ppoe.conf11:35
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albe84tri did... it happens11:35
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unopmips,  you might need to run updatedb first if you recently installed ppoeconf11:35
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thoreauputicunop: no such file - maybe mips should look at man pppoeconf11:35
NeoCicakhi.. i've just downloaded some new fonts, hoping that i can use them on my desktop (gnome)... but it turns out that I cant use some of them... can any of u guys tell me what are the criteria for a font to be usable for desktop fonts?11:36
geeksauceerUSUL:  not working... just throwing mad errors.11:36
thoreauputicpossibly ppposeconf creates such a file ...11:36
thoreauputicumm pppoeconf11:36
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unopthoreauputic,  it's likely11:36
PookyI've got a weird issue, whenever gnome pops up a dialog for any app that needs sudo, the screen gets dim, and then where the dialog box should be, nothing shows up. Any ideas why that might be happening?11:37
thoreauputicunop: I don't know - I use a router so I haven't needed pppoeconf :)11:37
erUSULgeeksauce: i'm sure the package has some readme or install file explaining how to build the thing11:37
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sitchukPlease help: how to install the GCC compiler on Ubuntu Dapper? There is no one by default. I have tried "sudo apt-get gcc make", but there is no any libraries and header files after that. Thanks.11:37
Lynourealbe84tr: And is this how you are upgrading: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=14 ?11:38
unopthoreauputic,  same here but i seem to recall the name from someone else in here who had a problem with it11:38
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geeksauceerUSUL: heh, i wish it did.  the readme contains useless info like how to use the program AFTER it's been compiled.  no install file at all.11:38
unopsitchuk,  sudo aptitude install build-essential11:38
Pookynevermind, I just realized it's only happening in beryl, I'll go ask there.11:39
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albe84tryes it is...11:39
albe84trand then it cant complete it11:39
sitchukunop, thank you, I'll try.11:39
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:40
GoingCrazyi wanted to bring to peoples attension about 3d desktop and issues with laptops11:40
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albe84trshall I write again the  errors?11:40
GoingCrazyin case anybody asks about hp laptops and cant get the 3d running ... its the sideport in the bios11:41
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Madeyenyone can help me with this ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5540/11:41
erUSULgeeksauce: here http://www.xboxmediacenter.com/download_files.htm they recomend using samba over ccxserver...11:42
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VSpikecan I automate a web form that uses POST from a script?11:42
Lynourealbe84tr: I'll need to go, but the next person will probably want to see the errors and your sources.list in pastebin11:42
unopMadeye,  what does this command return ? ls -ld /usr/X11R6/share11:43
geeksauceerUSUL i know, but i prefer a dedicated app to stream video, so only my xbox can see the shared media11:43
albe84trwho will be the next person?11:43
cowbudalbe84tr: I don't think anyone with the attitude you have11:43
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albe84trwich attitude i have?11:44
frogzooVSpike: perl/python choose your poison11:44
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albe84trbig ?11:45
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cowbudalbe84tr: reread some of your messages. So what is your goal to get a browser working or to upgrade to ubuntu 6.06?11:45
praveeni am using, Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  661/741/760/761 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter (rev 03) and after running 3ddesk iam getting the following error11:45
VSpikefrogzoo: thanks11:45
Yodudehey can someone help me with beryl?11:45
unopMadeye,  you still there?11:45
praveenAttempting to start 3ddesktop server.11:45
praveenDaemon started.  Run 3ddesk to activate.11:45
praveen3ddeskd: glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible!11:45
praveen3ddeskd: Please configure hardware acceleration.  Exiting.11:45
Yodudewhen i logged into XGL i got an ugly theme11:45
frogzooMadeye: have you tried reinstalling/then remove?11:45
unop!paste | praveen11:45
ubotupraveen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:45
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Yodudeand there was not effects11:45
Madeyeunop, yes, I'm back sorry d/c11:45
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geeksaucemaybe this will shed some light on things >> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5541/11:46
unopMadeye,  what does this command return ? ls -ld /usr/X11R6/share11:46
frogzooMadeye: have you tried reinstalling/then remove?11:46
suguruI got an error in step 211:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:46
Madeyefrogzoo, I couldn't install it from the first place, it was all broken so now I'm trying to remove what been installed11:46
Yodudecan someone help me please?11:46
lolmanYodude: #ubuntu-effects is better for Beryl questions :)11:46
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Madeyeunop,  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2007-02-13 12:36 /usr/X11R6/share11:46
Yodudebut nobody answers me there11:46
suguru/var/cache/apt/archives# aptitude install $(cat /home/js/56/linux/debPackages/SudoInstallAllThesePackages.sh | cut -c 3-30 | xargs)11:46
suguruReading package lists... Done11:46
suguruBuilding dependency tree11:46
suguruReading state information... Done11:46
suguruInitializing package states... Done11:46
unopsuguru,  use a !pastebin and show us some output :)11:46
suguruBuilding tag database... Done11:46
suguruCouldn't find package "install".  However, the following11:46
sugurupackages contain "install" in their name:11:46
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suguru  debian-installer kinstaller zope-cmfquickinstallertool libextutils-autoinstall-perl installation-guide-sparc libmodule-install-perl11:46
suguru  installation-guide-hppa app-install-data adept-installer libdebian-installer-extra4 mini-dinstall debian-edu-install f-prot-installer11:46
suguru  rancid-installer libdebian-installer4 installation-guide-i386 scsh-install-lib typo3-site-installer daemontools-installer installation-guide-amd6411:47
albe84trboth of that... sorry if i was unpolite... but i cant use this chat and I cant use ubuntu at all.. for this reason i am asking...11:47
suguru  djbdns-installer installation-report libsub-install-perl libdebian-installer4-dev gnome-app-install systeminstaller qmailanalog-installer11:47
unopsuguru,  you're pretty dumb arent ya?11:47
suguru  checkinstall installwatch libdebian-installer-dev installation-guide-ia64 libsysadm-install-perl app-install-data-commercial11:47
suguru  installation-guide-powerpc11:47
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso11:47
suguruE: Unmatched '('11:47
suguruE: Badly formed pattern $(cat11:47
suguruThe following NEW packages will be automatically installed:11:47
suguru  python2.5-minimal11:47
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@adsl-209-77-57-78.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] by Seveas
faemir_suguru: FGS use pastebin11:47
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Seveas!paste | suguru11:47
ubotusuguru: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:47
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frogzooMadeye: there's no x permission on the directory - very odd11:47
unopfrogzoo,  its not even a directory :p11:48
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unopMadeye,  try this -- sudo sh -c "mv /usr/X11R6/share  /usr/X11R6/share.bak; aptitude install -f"11:49
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Madeyefrogzoo, aha! ok , I remove it, created it as dir, then it complained about share/app.link so I created it and it worked!11:49
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CrakeHuntermonring! whats the command for ending a "vpnc" - session?11:49
frogzoounop: in Madeye's paste, find seems to think it should be a directory11:49
frogzooMadeye: choice11:50
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erUSULgeeksauce: a simple "make" build everythimg for me11:50
unopfrogzoo,  indeed, and his /usr/X11R6/share wasnt a directory -- Madeye> unop,  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2007-02-13 12:36 /usr/X11R6/share11:50
geeksauceerSUL: that's the command that threw all those errors :)11:50
LucifelHow would I go about forwarding a single port from my machine to another on the LAN?11:50
frogzooLucifel: google 'iptables + DNAT'11:51
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albe84trI have to upgrade 5.10 to 6.0611:52
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albe84trbut 2 errors occur:11:52
erUSULgeeksauce: most likely you lack *-dev packages try installing the basic build-essential and then libc6-dev....11:52
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albe84trand it is writen they are bugs...11:53
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thoreauputicerUSUL: libc6-dev is a dependency of build-essential11:53
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albe84tranybody wants to help me? I offer a dinner in istanbul...11:53
bauer77albe84tr: Do you pay for the flight to?11:54
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erUSULthoreauputic: good to know, i stand corrected ;)11:54
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thoreauputicerUSUL: :) apt-cache depends build-essential11:55
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haechello, does anyone know why I get a burst pipe error when I try to install the ati fglrx pack? Is there something i'm (not) doing correctly?11:55
haeclike prior to installation11:55
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CrakeHunterdoes anyone know the command fo stopping my vpnc- VPN connection?11:58
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albe84trhey guys please! somebody helps me... I have to write my final-work in one month and I can not use this ubuntu... nobody uses linux in this country!!!!!!!11:59
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BrendanMabe84tr, what seems to be the trouble?12:00
BrendanMAlso, does anyone know if there's a piece of free software that'll let you fill out PDF forms? Or do I have to get the official Adobe reader?12:00
albe84trI can not upgrade to 6.1012:00
BrendanMDo you need 6.10 to write your final?12:00
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albe84trno but so manythings are not working12:01
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mattfletcheris there any way to quickly restore the default gnome panels? i've played with mine that much i want to start again12:01
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geeksauceerSUL: ok, installed necessary packages and made a little improvement.  here is what i get now with 'make' >> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5542/12:01
albe84trlike mozilla or firefox crashes when i click ok on continue in the window that asks me if I wanna send ecrypt msg12:02
BrendanMalbe84tr, why don't you figure out what the minimum you need to have working in order to finish your schoolwork, and then concentrate on just doing that. If you're having trouble upgrading to 6.10, you might be able to just reinstall from a 6.10 CD12:02
BrendanMthat could save you time12:02
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unopgeeksauce,  what package is this in relation to?12:02
BrendanMalbe84tr, what're some of the things that aren't working on 6.06?12:02
albe84trI have 5.1012:02
geeksauceunop: it isn't in relation to any package12:02
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unopgeeksauce,  so, it's random code? :)12:03
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geeksauceunop: haha, no... sourcecode (c) that i can't seem to compile12:03
albe84trlike mozilla or firefox crashes when i click ok on continue in the window that asks me if I wanna send ecrypt msg12:03
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BrendanMSo...no suggestions for PDF software that can handle fill-in forms?12:04
unopgeeksauce,  bahh, ok then, whats the name of the source-package  you are trying to install? :p12:04
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geeksauceunop: ccxstream12:05
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BrendanMalbe84tr, I can read your PM, can you read mine?12:06
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mattfletcheris there any way to quickly restore the default gnome panels? i've played with mine that much i want to start again12:06
BrendanMalbe84tr, which version of firefox are you running? I've heard 1.5 is kind of glitchy. You might try upgrading to 2.012:06
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unopgeeksauce,  i'd try this -- sudo aptitude install gnulib12:07
BrendanMalbe84tr, also, if you just need a working web browser ASAP, try installing Opera, and worry about fixing FF later.12:07
albe84trok but I can not12:07
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BrendanMalbe84tr, why not? Is your internet connection no good?12:08
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albe84trbrendan; bacause i tryed in the menu you can chose the aplications and12:08
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BrendanMalbe84tr, I wouldn't use the "add programs" thing, do you know how to open the synaptic package manager?12:09
albe84trbrendan; bacause i tryed in the menu you can chose the aplications12:09
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albe84trbrendan. no12:09
geeksauceunop: installed that... same errors as last time12:10
Cinhey, when I press print screen, is there a way I can make it be taken by GIMP instead of the default?12:10
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albe84trbrendan.. ok found12:11
erUSULgeeksauce: you need libreadline-dev12:11
BrendanMalbe84tr, here is a direct link to download opera: http://www.opera.com/download/index.dml?platform=linux12:11
unopgeeksauce,  hmm, do you have an INSTALL or README file in the source directory? check them and make sure you satisfy the prequisites too12:12
BrendanMif firefox won't work well enough to download it, we can go at it anther way, but try that12:12
erUSULgeeksauce: please use tab completion of my nick i almost missed the last msg12:12
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DimensionsHow can i add something in Sessions via terminal without accessing it via System Preferences Sessions ??12:13
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geeksauceerSUL:  tab completion?12:13
lolmangeeksauce: you can type part of someone's nick, then hit tab and the IRC client will complete it for you12:14
erUSULgeeksauce: well most irc clients can complete the nicks hitting <tab> as bash do with commands and filenames12:14
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just-this-time\o is rssh chroot jailed by default ? where can I read how to use rssh ?12:14
erUSULgeeksauce:  i only type ge<tab> and your nick is completed for me... ;)12:15
albe84trbrendan but other small things are not working... so somebody told me to upgrade it because 5.10 it is not good any more12:15
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BrendanMalbe84tr, oh, you're on 5.10? Then yes, I would suggest upgrading. I thought you were on 6.06 LTS12:16
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BrendanMalbe84tr, have you tried upgrading to 6.06 instead of going all the way to 6.10? I've heard that can work better.12:17
albe84trCould not open "opera_9.10-20061214.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb"12:17
albe84trArchive type not supported12:17
[H4z3] Hey guys im having a problem with jdk... Im running dr java... and it says it cant find tools.java12:17
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just-this-timealbe84tr: backup home dir and etc to other disk / partition / computer12:17
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:18
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DimensionsHiya ..... To run a script when we login to system we add it to /usr/bin and add its name into System Preferences --> Sessions --> and add it to Startup Programmes ... how can i do the same via terminal ??12:18
[H4z3] thanks ill have a look12:18
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albe84trbrendanM couldnt install opera12:18
BrendanMalbe84tr, yeah, can you just back up your home directory and then do a clean reinstall from a 6.10 install disc? Honestly, that will probably be the simplest. That will also get you firefox 2.0 which should work better.12:18
assasukassei have a problem, sudo mc and in general terminal window is extremely slow, what can i do?12:18
unopDimensions,  you mean add a startup script for bash?12:18
[H4z3] I have done what that says.. And it says it installed fine.. yet i still get the error12:19
unopassasukasse,  why the need to sudo?12:19
assasukasseunop sometime i use mc for modification on /etc so is convenience to use sudo mc12:19
BrendanMalbe84tr, you can also enter "sudo aptitude install opera" at a terminal to install opera. Anyone know if he needs multiverse enabled?12:19
just-this-timeassasukasse: also if in X (GUI) try krusader12:19
geeksauceerUSUL: thanks :)  works fine now12:19
Dimensionsunop i donno but currently when i want to run a script or programme automatically on system startup i add it to System Preferences Sessions .... how can i add it via terminal instead ?12:20
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erUSULgeeksauce: no problem ;)12:20
assasukassejust-this-time but i would have to install the whole kde libs no?12:20
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thoreauputicBrendanM: opera is in the commercial repo - whether it is available for anything but 6.06 I don't know12:20
aimtrainerhi! does anyone now how I can edit a symlink? I just wana open it with a texteditor, but it always opens the file it points to12:20
erUSULaimtrainer: you can not "edit a symlink"12:21
BrendanMwould it be easier for albe84tr to get firefox 2.0? has that been backported to 5.10?12:21
thoreauputicaimtrainer: you don't edit symlinks - you replace or remove them12:21
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assasukasseexactly gnome terminal is slow in starting and in executing commands12:21
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unopthoreauputic,  i believe you can install the opera available in the commercial repo on any version of ubuntu (dapper and upwards)12:21
aimtrainerthoreauputic, yea the problem is that creating the symlink I want doesnt work12:21
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mitkozola nhvdfgjh12:21
thoreauputic!doesn't work12:21
ubotuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:21
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aimtrainer.. havent tried it in the shell yet12:22
erUSULaimtrainer: symlinks in unix are very different of direct access of windows... only vista (at least) will support proper symlinks12:22
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BrendanMhow would he enable the commercial repos from the CLI? I've always done it through synaptic.12:22
unopassasukasse,  does the same behaviour exhibit itself in another terminal -- something like xterm or rxvt ?12:22
assasukasseunop i don't have them installed12:22
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unopassasukasse,  i think xterm is installed by default (not entirely sure)12:23
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assasukassebut i notice that it speeds up alot if i delete .metacity and .nautilus for a few bootup, then became slow again..unop12:23
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aimtrainerwhat'S the command to create a symlink in the konsole?12:23
erUSULaimtrainer: man ln12:23
unopDimensions,  what you could do is add an oddly named script named foobarbazquuz, add it up to the startup list via the GUI and then try and locate the same name from the terminal12:24
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unopassasukasse,  you using gnome-terminal right?12:24
assasukasseunop do u have idea how to use windows icons on wine? i mean taking them out from exe? my wine uses always the same icon for every exe12:24
Lucifelfrogzoo I think that was on the right track, but I didn't seem to get the results I was looking for12:24
assasukasseunop yes gnome-terminal12:24
albe84trbrendan if you tell me how to upgrade on line wouldnt be better?12:24
aimtrainerthanks erUSUL12:24
erUSULaimtrainer: no problem12:24
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erUSULubotu tell albe84tr about upgrade | albe84tr see priv msg from ubotu12:25
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LucifelI'm trying to tunnel a MS Remote Desktop connection to access a machine on the same LAN as an ssh server12:25
unopassasukasse,  there's probably a way to extract the icons from the exe's resource table .. but i'm not sure how that'd work on linux12:25
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LucifelI got this far http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5545/12:25
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unopassasukasse,  i dont like gnome-terminal -- it's extremely heavy for a terminal -- you should really try another term (atleast to rule gnome-terminal out)12:26
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assasukasseunop sorry i found it already http://www.winehq.com/pipermail/wine-users/2005-September/018892.html12:26
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assasukasseunop i was used for rvxt, but i would try something with more features..12:26
Lucifelthe -p 5822 being a port forwarded to the ssh server12:26
assasukasseunop how can i change the default terminial?12:26
suguruunop, I pasted into pastin.something and ubuntu-pastin.nl now I am stuck in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5547/  what should I do next?12:27
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Enselic`Is the magnetic field from a subwoofer strong enough to threaten my harddrive?12:27
unopassasukasse,  i didnt know there could be one :) usually i just have a keyboard-shortcut as i dont tend to use icons and menus12:27
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GoldenphoenixEnselic, not the magnetic field, but the Bass :-)12:27
Enselic`Goldenphoenix: :D      I'm not actually placing it immediately on top of it12:28
Enselic`it's on its of shelf12:28
Enselic`put very close12:28
Dimensionsunop:  what i can do is that add script in /usr/bin and add its name in startup list via GUI in sessions .... but my question :- can i do the same without opening GUI my goal is to write some script to add it to there12:28
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LucifelHow do I forward a MS Remote Desktop port from an ssh server to the destination doze machine on same LAN?12:29
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GoldenphoenixEnselic, normally the magnetic field is not strong enough to influence your harddrive12:30
pihusHi ya'll. Anyone knows why multiple apps cannot play a sound at the same time (e.g. aMSN & bmp)?12:30
BrendanMalbe84tr, instructions for upgrading from 5.10 can be found here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_upgrade_from_Hoary_Hedgehog_-.3E_Breezy_Badger_-.3E_Dapper_Drake12:30
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Enselic`Goldenphoenix: is that guess or a fact?12:30
Enselic`Goldenphoenix: I dont want to appear as paranoid, but my hd is precious to me12:30
Goldenphoenixpihus, do you know about esd ?12:31
unopsuguru,  if the first command is -- aptitude search python > installallthesepackages.sh; then change the second one to this -- sudo aptitude install `cat installallthesepackages.sh | cut -c 3-30 | xargs`12:31
LucifelEnselic` my sub came with a disclaimer saying not to use within 2 feet of electronic devices12:31
albe84trbrendan thanks a lot... if you come to ist let me know12:31
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F-nkyMNKbye all12:31
=== Cin looks at his subwoofer sat parallel to his PC
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pihusjeap i know, but since switching bmp to esd, it doesen't play a thing anymore12:31
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Enselic`Cin: any mysterious hd happenings yet?12:32
LucifelEnselic` so I'm not sure I'd take the chance if you have the option12:32
unopDimensions,  you can add commands to the ~/.xinitrc -- so that they are executed everytime you start X12:32
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assasukasseunop i changed the menu with xterm, however i dunno if gnome-terminal is the default one..12:32
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Yodudehey i need to remove a file i added to /12:32
Yodudehow do i remove it?12:32
BrendanMNo problem albe84tr. It looks like you can't upgrade directly to 6.10. So you'll want to follow that guide to upgrade to 6.06. That should probably be good enough to get your work done. 6.10 isn't that big of an improvement.12:32
CinEnselic`, er, both of them are dead. I'm using my laptop12:33
CinEnselic`, possibly related. but both are bout five years old anyway12:33
ahaveubuntu doesnt seem to play application sounds yet it will play login/logout sounds12:33
GoldenphoenixEnselic`: the hd is build with metal around, that's shield the magnetic field12:33
ahavehow can i correct this?12:33
mitkozay algen q able espanol12:33
okaylorsque je ping avec l'option -f j'ai un E comme rsultat, je n'arrive pas trouver la signification! qq1 peut-il m'aider12:33
mokYodude: sudo rm * ?12:33
unop!fs | okay12:33
okayoups sorry12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
unop!fr | okay12:33
ubotuokay: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:33
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pihusHow to get bmp working with esd?12:34
unop!es | mitkoz12:34
ubotumitkoz: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:34
okaywhen i ping with -f option, i have E as result! somebody know why plz?12:34
Yodudemok: it says rm: cannot remove `/etc/X11/Sessions/Xgl-beryl': No such file or directory12:34
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:35
Cinanyone know of a program that can record your screen?12:35
Cinto video format12:35
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CheshireVikingGoldenphoenix, just saw your thread, I had a subwoofer sat on top of my desktop case for 7 years, never had any problems with the hard drive, but the subwoofer broke a couple of months ago12:35
Cinsay, if I want to create guides or whatever12:35
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mitkozunop olaaaaaaaa12:35
unopokay,  can you use a !pastebin and show us some of what you see there12:36
albe84tredit:12428): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:12:36
albe84trAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.12:36
LucifelI'm looking to connect MS Remote Desktop through an ssh tunnel to a box on the same LAN. How would I accomplish this? I've gotten this so far: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5545/ but the iptables entry doesn't seem to work12:36
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mokyodude: then the file isnt there i think..12:36
albe84tri can not upgrade...12:36
GoldenphoenixChechireViking: lol12:36
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unopalbe84tr,  did you try and sudo something just now?12:36
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erUSUL!es | mitkoz12:36
ubotumitkoz: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:36
bulishkolaudis klau, ka es varu restratet savu apach nerestartejot PC?12:37
unopLucifel,  does the windows machine you want to "remote desktop" to have an SSH server installed?12:37
=== [NC] FreeZZ [n=paul@a80-126-120-230.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
just-this-timeassasukasse: I see you on GNOME12:37
albe84trunop yes...12:38
mitkozerusur q m quieres decir12:38
Lucifelunop no I was hoping to forward the port from a box on the same LAN that does12:38
bulishkoups, sorry, not for this chanel :)12:38
erUSULmitkoz: lee el mensaje de ubotu12:38
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unopalbe84tr,  you really have ought to use gksudo there instead and then you wont see those messages12:38
just-this-timeunop how do I install SSH on windows machine?12:38
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TMH_crap! I've just locked myself out of my system with some careless usermodding. How can I solve this problem?12:39
albe84trunop i can not upgrade in any other way12:39
mitkozn l e podido ler q dice12:39
Lucifelssh on Windows sux so I was hoping to use the Ubuntu box I tunnel into to forward traffic along to the remote desktop destination machine12:39
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TMH_actually never mind i think i know the solution12:39
unopLucifel,  ok, well, i trust you know what you are doing there -- but anyway, since you are tunneling port 3389-in-ssh .. you need to configure IPtables for the SSH port .. port 5822 here i believe12:39
erUSUL!es > mitkoz12:40
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LucifelWell 5822 is forwarded to 22 on the tunnel machine12:40
albe84trunop i can not upgrade in any other way... help me please12:40
unopalbe84tr,  you trying to upgrade what exactly?12:40
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LucifelThat part I got to work, and I tested it creating something similar to tunnel VNC directly to the Ubuntu machine12:40
albe84trubuntu 5.10 to 6.06 or 6.1012:40
mitkozerusur eres xiko o xika no me entr d nada12:41
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erUSULmitkoz: este canal es en ingles si quieres ayuda en espaol con ubuntu entra en #ubuntu-es ( /join #ubuntu-es )12:42
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albe84trunop... I am trying to upgrade ubuntu 5.10 to ubuntu 6.10/6.0612:44
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erUSULalbe84tr: what comand is failing ?? gksudo "update-manager" ??12:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bmp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
ubotuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead12:45
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albe84trgksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:45
albe84tr(gedit:12546): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:12:45
albe84trAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.12:45
Lucifelunop if I change those 3389 ports on the local line to 5900 I can VNC into the Ubuntu ssh target machine as expected12:45
unopLucifel,  errm, i'm not sure if 3389:localhost:3389 is the right spec here .. please verify that, somehow i dont see that transporting RDP traffic to .. also, are you just trying to open a port in the firewall to allow RDP traffic outwards ?12:46
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Lucifelunop I think now I just need to figure what to feed iptables to get this machine to forward to the remote desktop12:46
albe84trgksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:46
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BrendanMalbe84tr, that sounds like it's a permissions error. Are you using sudo or gksudo12:47
erUSULalbe84tr: whay are you trying the hard way instead of using the update manager??12:47
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unopalbe84tr,  ok, now change sources.list to this http://pastebin.ca/34862012:47
BrendanMerUSUL, he's on 5.10, isn't the update manager only for 6.06->6.1012:47
unopalbe84tr,  once done, save the file and run this command - sudo sh -c "aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade"12:48
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erUSULBrendanM: according to the oficial docs here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades no it isn't12:48
mackinacdoesn't the edgy alt install cd have option to install from hdd image?12:48
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albe84trthere is but it is not working from there12:49
albe84tr2 errors occured12:49
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albe84trand both of that are bug...12:49
mackinac(that dapper had)12:49
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demodogcan anyone tell me syntax for sending message with smbclient to other user?12:49
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unopLucifel,  there also appears to be slight syntax errors with the iptables command -- sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --to --dport 3389 -j DNAT  (i think, not verified)12:50
ubotulinpopup: X Window System port of Winpopup, running over Samba. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-8 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 332 kB12:50
unopdemodog,  ^^12:50
Lucifelunop yeah the iptables entry is where I'm stumped12:50
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unopLucifel,  do you have iptables already configured?12:51
Lucifelunop 5900:localhost:5900 gives me a working tunnel for VNC12:51
jean-bi wish to install beryl on kubuntu edgy12:51
stinger_auanyone here in Australia ? got a good sources file i can rip ?12:51
unopLucifel,  i think you might be best off with using !firestarter as the front end to iptables, it'll make your life easier12:51
mackinac!beryl | jean-b12:51
ubotujean-b: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:51
jean-bstinger_au: i am in aus12:51
faemir_jean-b: you have to love ubotu ;)12:52
stinger_aujean-b, good a good sources list ?12:52
jean-bthanx mackinac12:52
pihusargh, bmp isn't avalible via apt-get?12:52
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albe84trunop how to list there12:52
jean-bwhat do you mean by good sources list?12:52
BrendanMhmm, good call erUSUL. I just installed from a CD so I've never done any of this upgrading stuff.12:52
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unophttp://pastebin.ca/348620  jean-b12:52
unopalbe84tr,  to list what?12:52
BrendanMalbe84tr, you should try the update manager instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  it looks to be a one-shot deal12:53
stinger_auwell a complete list - update to date12:53
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stinger_aui just did a fresh install12:53
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unopLucifel,  but 5900:localhost:5900 means that the client launches a tunnel, connecting it's port 5900 to the server's 5900 .. there's a different flag and combination to use for remote forwarding12:53
tsaihello all, has anyone tried using beryl on ubuntu edgy?12:53
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:53
stinger_auarr ok cool12:53
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Lucifelunop that may be the issue as the iptables entry doesn't look as wrong as I first thought12:54
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albe84trbrendan it is not working...  it says I need to dowload PSM to see this page12:54
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LucifelI just used my VNC tunnel as a reference for setting this up and hoped for the best12:54
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unopLucifel,  install and use !firestarter its a neat GUI that'll make IPTables really easy12:54
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Lucifelunop ahh I'll look into that, thank you12:55
BrendanMwhat's PSM?12:55
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unopLucifel,  but you mentioned that the VNC server was on the same machine as the SSH server you connected to right? if thats the case, then you dont want the same SSH command line12:55
albe84trunop i dont know what to do in the page you linked me:  http://pastebin.ca/34862012:55
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tsaihi vanlinx have you tried beryl?12:55
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vanlinxnah, im running hoary, i dont know ifs possible12:56
Lucifelunop yeah that sounds like what I've got wrong12:56
tsaiwhat's hoary?12:56
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vanlinxubuntu 5.0412:56
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unopalbe84tr,  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  -- paste the contents of http://pastebin.ca/348620 into it, save the file, and run this command ..12:56
vanlinxcause i got this ATI 340 IGP, impossible to set up with EDGY12:56
unopalbe84tr,  sudo sh -c "aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade"12:56
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tsaii see, i have tried beryl and everytime it breaks my system on edgy no prob with dapper though12:57
mackinactsai, if you need help with beryl, try #ubuntu-effects12:57
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:57
vanlinxoi, does dapper pick up ATI cards immediately?12:57
BrendanMif you can't open that website, I copied the instructions here: http://pastebin.ca/35349212:57
BrendanM^ for albe84tr12:57
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tsaidoes ubuntu effects do the same as beryl12:58
mackinacits a help channel like this one12:58
vanlinx3ddesktop is like a watered down version, not as pretty >__<12:58
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mackinac ... /join #ubuntu-effects12:58
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erUSULtsai: it is only the name of the channel...12:58
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Lucifelunop how would I correct the ssh line to accomodate?12:59
tsaioh my bad i will go there thanks erUSUL12:59
jarhead756i am trying to compile sound converter .9.3 from source, but it won't get past ./configure, this pops up checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c12:59
jarhead756checking whether build environment is sane... yes12:59
jarhead756checking for gawk... no12:59
mackinacyoure welcom12:59
jarhead756checking for mawk... mawk12:59
jarhead756checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... no12:59
jarhead756checking for style of include used by make... none12:59
albe84trunop it says that it is not posible to save it12:59
jarhead756checking for gcc... no12:59
jarhead756checking for cc... no12:59
jarhead756checking for cl.exe... no12:59
jarhead756configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH12:59
jarhead756See `config.log' for more details.12:59
erUSULjarhead756: stop it, do not paste here...12:59
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agreifwhich package do I have to install to have the full java 1.4 SDK?01:00
mackinac!pastebin | jarhead75601:00
ubotujarhead756: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:00
unop!paste | jarhead75601:00
erUSUL!pastebin > jarhead75601:00
agreifwhich package do I have to install to have the full java 1.4 SDK?01:00
unopLucifel,  i have a feeling you need this -- ssh -f -L 3389: user@ssh_server01:00
jarhead756oh, ok, but does anyone know what i am talking about?01:00
erUSULjarhead756: sound-converter is on the repos01:00
unopLucifel,  can the ubuntu server use the windows machine's remote desktop at the moment (without ssh)??01:00
erUSULjarhead756: why bother compiling it?01:00
jarhead756yes, but not the newest version is it? i need the newest, the one that uses gstreamer 1 instead of .801:01
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albe84trunop it says that it is not posible to save it01:01
unop!build-essential | jarhead756 , you need a C compiler :)01:01
ubotujarhead756 , you need a C compiler :): Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:01
unopalbe84tr,  did you use gksudo to launch gedit???01:01
Lucifelunop I haven't tested from the Ubuntu machine specifically but remote desktop to the intended target works from Mac OS X on local LAN01:01
unopLucifel,  why not try ssh forwarding now without IPTables running?01:02
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mamzers555i get this error with wine: wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\--winver.exe"01:03
mamzers555can somebody help me with this01:03
mamzers555i installed it from the repos01:03
albe84trI used the terminal...01:03
unopmamzers555,  whats the ocmmand you are using there?01:03
lancerrIs it possible to have a different desktop background for each virtual desktop? I don't think it is (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149130), but things may have changed since then (eg. in Beryl). Thanks01:03
Lucifelunop I was after a tunneled remote desktop session for when I have to work on the Windoze machine from shady networks01:03
vanlinxhey, whats the channel for ATI ubuntu specific installations if there is one01:03
mamzers555unop; wine --winver.exe winxp xxx.exe01:03
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unopalbe84tr,  use this command _exactly_ -- gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:03
erUSUL!ati | vanlinx01:03
ubotuvanlinx: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:03
BrendanMalbe84tr, in the terminal, did you use the gksudo command?01:03
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vanlinxok kool01:04
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BrendanMalbe84tr, what command did you enter to launch gedit01:04
frogzoo!appdb | mamzers55501:04
ubotumamzers555: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org01:04
Lucifelunop ssh forwarding works for VNC from Mac OS X on external network to the Ubuntu machine01:04
unopmamzers555,  well obviously -- is --winver.exe a command even -- it should be wine winver.exe winxp xxx.exe -- but i doubt that command will work01:04
chrisjw_hi can someone post me that ubuntu FAQ website01:04
chrisjw_it was really interesting01:04
frogzoomamzers555: also, you're best off using the budgetdedicated repo01:04
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frogzoo!wine | mamzers55501:04
ubotumamzers555: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:04
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Lucifelunop oh NM misread your last msg, checking that now01:05
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unopLucifel,  I understand exactly what you are doing :) what i mean is turn IPTables off and try that ssh command i gave you there from your mac to the ssh server on ubuntu01:05
antonisgrhi. I have low transfer speeds on gaim messenger.Is there any way to solve it?01:06
coNPanyone using mediawiki on edgy? it complains that tsearch2 is not installed, however I installed the postgresql-8.1-contrib package (and tsearch2 seems to be part of it)01:06
albe84trgksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:06
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unopalbe84tr,  forget this approach, it's just not working for you01:07
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unop!upgrade | albe84tr follow this instead01:07
ubotualbe84tr follow this instead: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:07
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albe84trubotu, i can not bacause it says I have to download personal security manager first01:09
mamzers555how can i found out, which charset my ubuntu has?01:10
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FedmanI have problems playing .mov files. I've installed all the codecs from automatix and still get the no stream error in mplayer01:10
erUSULmamzers555: utf801:10
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Fedmanany ideas what I can be doing wrong01:11
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erUSULFedman: automatix is a black box for most of us... we can not know what it has done wrong...01:12
mackinacusing automatix :p01:12
albe84trunop, 1 I write in the terminal: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 2 i copy in the window that apears (sourse.list) the text that is in the link you gave me. 3 I write that comand. What is wrong???01:12
BrendanMAnyone know what this personal security manager it's asking for is about?01:13
BrendanMI've never heard of that01:13
mamzers555erUSUL; thank you, do you also know how to find out which charset my windows has?01:13
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jarhead756configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool01:13
erUSULmamzers555: no, sorry :(01:13
jarhead756does this mean i need something else?01:13
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mamzers555ok, thanks01:13
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ahavei am having trouble with some apps and their sound, could someone help me diagnose this?01:14
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erUSULjarhead756: you need  XML::Parser perl module01:14
FedmanerUSUL: I've tried installing all the codecs from the repositories before using automatix including the bad and ugly ones01:14
jarhead756where can i find that erusul?01:14
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:14
BrendanMalbe84tr, you can't open that website in Firefox? Is that the problem?01:14
erUSULubotu tell ahave about sound | ahave see priv msg from ubotu01:14
erUSULFedman: for mov files you need w32codecs afaik01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patronizing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:15
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BrendanMGuess not.01:15
erUSULubotu tell Fedman about w32codecs | Fedman see priv msg from ubotu01:15
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albe84trbrendan no i can open it in mozilla...01:15
erUSULjarhead756: with synaptic or apt-cache search01:15
vanlinx /msg NickServ IDENTIFY fullysick01:15
mamzers555somebody get photoshop cs2 running on linux with wine?01:15
BrendanMalbe84tr, ok so just read it in mozilla01:15
albe84trbrendanM, I cant open it in mozilla...01:15
erUSULvanlinx: XD01:16
FedmanerSUL: thx mate much apretiated :)01:16
BrendanMalbe84tr, neither mozilla nor firefox will open it?01:16
erUSULFedman: no problem01:16
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jarhead756erusul, so it starts with xml, right?01:16
Tomcat_vanlinx: "Pizza" Fan? ;D01:16
erUSULjarhead756: most likely with perl-01:16
albe84trno I cant open in in mozilla i dont have firefox anymore and I can not dowload opera01:16
GrogsAm I going to have a lot of problems installing Ubuntu on a system using the Asus P5B?01:16
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Tomcat_!hardware | Grogs01:16
ubotuGrogs: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:16
GrogsThanks. :)01:17
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Tomcat_Grogs: Try with the LiveCD first, but I doubt you'll have problems.01:17
GrogsAlright, I just read on the forums and there was mention of problems with drivers for CD drives etc. :)01:18
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erUSULalbe84tr: try epiphany web browser01:18
Aaron_Masondoes anybody know how to compile H.264 support into ffmpeg?  I need it for podencode01:18
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jarhead756erUSUL, this would be it wouldn't it? libxml-parser-perl01:18
albe84trerUSUL, it is not possible to dowload it from application manager... I try to find it online01:19
erUSULjarhead756: yes it could be...01:19
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albe84trbut i have just the impression taht upgrading the system everything would work...01:19
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erUSULalbe84tr: your systems seems to be falling appart nothing works... :(01:20
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jarhead756in compiling, after ./configure, is it make, or ./make01:20
sebrock|aI need some help, just installed Ubuntu 6.10 and X wont start, I do hear the loginsound etc tho. Any tips?01:21
ahaveerUSUL, the link you gave me doesnt seem to be quite what i am looking for...01:21
ahaveerUSUL, sound works with _some_ apps. but not all01:21
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erUSULahave: what apps do work?01:21
ahaveerUSUL, i tried a diff liveCD of diff distro and the sound works fine01:21
albe84trbut i have just the impression taht upgrading the system everything would work...01:21
albe84trIl pacchetto epiphany-browser non ha versioni disponibili, ma .01:22
albe84trQuesto significa che il pacchetto  diventato obsoleto on disponibile all'interno da un'altra sorgente01:22
albe84trE: Il pacchetto epiphany-browser non ha candidati da installare01:22
ahaveerUSUL, firefox works and i tried a few games and they worked also01:22
ahaveerUSUL, but xchat has no sounds and kismet has no sounds01:22
sebrock|awas the same with the LiveCD, i have no clue01:22
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vanlinxhey, why cant i talk to anyone here? do i need to register or something?01:23
albe84trerUSUL I have tryed to install it from terminal: it says that there is no versin aviable01:23
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erUSULalbe84tr: maybe a fresh install would be better (if you can backup your files)01:23
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sebrock|ahmmm anyone?01:24
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erUSULvanlinx: yes, you have to be registerd to pm (and ask first)01:24
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erUSULsebrock|a: try booting in recovery mode and reconfigure X try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'01:25
carlhumeOkay, I have to ask - why is the mysql-server-4.1 deb dependent on postfix?01:25
frogzoo_carlhume: mail alerts, unfortunately01:25
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sebrock|aerUSUL, maybe I should tell you more, after the bootscreen when X should start, the marker blinks a few times and then freezes01:26
carlhumefrogzoo, hrm - I cancelled out of the postfix config, and apt appears to just be haning...01:26
albe84trerUSUL this is the second time I install ubuntu 5.10... same problems... know i would like to upgrade to 6.06/6.10 BUT there is some problem... unop was explaining me how to do but then he stoped:01:26
troughtoni am wanting to find out about composit managers can anyone help ?01:26
CheshireVikingvanlinx, you put in a /msg NICKSERV info in the channel before, that'd suggest you are registered on freenode01:26
albe84trI was doing as follow:01:26
carlhumefrogzoo_, hrm - I cancelled out of the postfix config, and apt appears to just be haning...01:26
erUSULahave: maybe kismet (being qt iirc needs arts running)01:26
albe84trunop, 1 I write in the terminal: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 2 i copy in the window that apears (sourse.list) the text that is in the link you gave me. 3 I write that comand. What is wrong???01:26
frogzoo_carlhume: start over maybe01:26
carlhumefrogzoo_, I was afraid you'd say that :)01:26
mamzers555i have problem with recode, if i enter recode ucs-2..utf-8 xxx.reg then i get an error01:27
frogzoo_carlhume: just the mysql install, not all over01:27
ahaveerUSUL, what do you mean by qt iirc and arts?01:27
erUSULalbe84tr: and nothing happens when you issue the aptitude comands?01:27
ahaveerUSUL, link me?01:27
BrendanMalbe84tr, what's the matter with doing a clean install? Can you just download/burn the install CD?01:27
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Jowicarlhume, it isn't for me. mailx is there but not postfix01:27
mamzers555somebody have an idea about that?01:27
FedmanerSUL: I installed em and I still can't play mov files :(01:27
BrendanMalbe84tr, it really seems like you're having a lot of trouble with the upgrade01:27
carlhumefrogzoo_, No worries - it wouldn't have been a smiley afterwords if I thought I'd be reinstalling everything01:27
erUSULahave: arts is a sound server like esd some apps need one to be running kde uses arts and gnome esd01:27
sebrock|aerUSUL is this saying anything to you, its from .xsession-errors: http://www.pastebin.ca/35351401:27
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albe84trmaybe it will be easier to find the 6.06/6.10 version cd in01:27
carlhumeJowi, Really?   hmmmm01:28
ahaveerUSUL, ah01:28
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Jowicarlhume, "apt-cache depends mysql-server-4.1" show only mailx (edgy)01:28
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erUSULFedman: it works for me... i do not know what can be wrong...01:28
jekson_this is my problem01:28
troughtoncan anyone help me with composit manigers and ubuntu eye candy ?01:28
ahaveerUSUL, can i load a KDE environment ontop/next to my ubuntu w/ gnome?01:28
ahaveerUSUL, or possibly switch to KDE without loosing all my settings01:29
albe84trerusul. this happened: GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:01:29
albe84trAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.01:29
carlhumeJowi, interesting - I just dove into a apt-get install mysql-server-4.1, and low and behold - postfix!01:29
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=== carlhume scratches his head
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erUSULahave: not wise, maybe tyou can configure kismet to use alsa directly and all other apps that doesn't work01:29
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jekson_i try to install cedega CVS i install the dependances but whe I i try to launch WineCVS script it turn me this problem01:30
jekson_test: 43: ==: unexpected operator01:30
jekson_WineCVS.sh: 48: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:30
albe84trbrendanM where to download the installCD?01:30
Jowicarlhume, are you using the ubuntu repos?01:30
ahaveerUSUL, what if i just switch to KDE? would that require a new install?01:30
erUSULalbe84tr: use nano instead of gedit in a terminal01:30
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carlhumeJowi, universe, multiverse, restricted01:30
carlhumeJowi, using the Canadian mirrors though01:31
FedmanerUSUL: uh sorry I'm dumb it's working now :)01:31
carlhumeJowi, if that makes a difference...01:31
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erUSULahave: no, install kubuntu-desktop but it seems like no worth the effort just for hearing kismet01:31
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erUSULFedman: no problem01:31
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Jowicarlhume, Filename: pool/universe/m/mysql-dfsg-4.1/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb  <-- that's the one?01:31
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jekson_any idea for my problem look up01:31
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ahaveerUSUL, i agree. but i wouldnt mind seeing the difference in the two.01:32
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erUSULahave: as i said install kubuntu-desktop01:32
ahaveerUSUL, alright. thank you01:32
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carlhumeJowi, Not sure, to be honest - how do I find out?01:33
albe84trerUSUL and then?01:33
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Jowicarlhume, apt-cache show mysql-server-4.1 | grep name01:33
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carlhumeJowi, thanks01:34
erUSULalbe84tr: change breezy to dapper in all lines01:34
BrendanMalbe84tr, you can download them here: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download01:34
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carlhumeJowi, carl@home:~$ apt-cache show mysql-server-4.1 | grep name01:34
carlhumeFilename: pool/universe/m/mysql-dfsg-4.1/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb01:34
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Jowicarlhume, same. why do we have different dependencies? it isn't another package you're installing that demands it?01:36
albe84trerUSUL no line... the page it is empty01:36
carlhumeJowi, I just typed "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-4.1" ...01:36
=== carlhume is just getting started with ubuntu / debian, so ...?
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carlhumeJowi, Thanks for your help - the babies are calling me01:37
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Jowicarlhume_afk, np01:37
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troughtoni am wanting to find out about xgl and alglx and composit manages can anyone help ?01:37
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erUSULalbe84tr: have you done 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list'  ??01:38
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cizraHello there01:38
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albe84trerUSUL.. sure..01:38
cizraI've got a VERYstrange problem.01:38
erUSUL!beryl > troughton01:38
cizraWhen Iwrite a small test program, GCCcomplains that bar.cpp:5: error: stray \342 in program01:38
cizraIbet it's a codepage issue.01:38
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erUSULalbe84tr: and it's empty ??01:38
cizra$LANGand $LC_ALLare both et_EE.utf801:39
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cizrafile bar.cpp says bar.cpp: UTF-8 Unicode C program text01:39
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erUSULalbe84tr: no wonder nothing worked...01:39
cizraAny ideas?01:39
darwethI have a simple problem.  When I apt-get install, it no longer asks me Y/N before installing something.  How can I turn Y/N back on?01:39
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albe84trerUSUL yes   GNU nano 1.3.8        File: '/etc/apt/sources.list'01:39
albe84tr                                 [ Nuovo file ] 01:39
albe84tr^G Guida     ^O Salva     ^R Inserisci ^Y Pag Prec. ^K Taglia    ^C Posizione01:39
albe84tr^X Esci      ^J Giustifica^W Cerca     ^V Pag Succ. ^U Incolla   ^T Ortografia01:39
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darweth(It does ask Y/N before removing).01:39
troughtonwhen i try that erUSUL i lose my graphics all together01:40
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albe84trerUSUL yes it is empty01:40
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cizradarweth: When you apt-get one package, it doesn't ask, IIRC. When apt-getting a package that depends on a bunch of others, it should ask.01:40
erUSULtroughton: go to the specific irc channel mentioned in the ubotu msg01:40
darwethAh.  I see.01:40
darwethI suppose that would explain not asking over xchat-systray.01:41
erUSULalbe84tr: you need to regenerate it or copy one hold on01:41
Ins|dehi there, i've a little problem with sound, i cannot hear anything, i've unmuted all channels, all modules are loaded, but it stills completely mute, can anyone help me? thanks01:41
Jowidarweth, normally, if it is only one package without dependencies it will not ask. if it is a package that need to install dependencies in order for it to work it will ask01:41
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darwethOkay, I did not know that. :)  Thank you.01:41
IdleOneIns|de, speakers plugged in?01:41
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albe84trerUSUL regenerate=write ?01:41
Ins|deIdleOne, yes01:41
IdleOne!sound | Ins|de01:42
ubotuIns|de: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:42
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albe84trerUSUL I can write it again letter by letter01:42
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grimsanwhat is a good firewall program for ubuntu ?01:42
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Ins|deIdleOne, thanks, let me check01:42
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IdleOnegrimsan, sudo aptitude install firestarter01:43
IdleOne!info firestarter01:43
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 383 kB, installed size 1884 kB01:43
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erUSULalbe84tr: wget http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5555/plain/ this will dl a index.html that you can rename as sources.list and use01:43
grimsan!info guarddog01:44
ubotuguarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 476 kB, installed size 1424 kB01:44
grimsanwhich is best?01:44
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IdleOnegrimsan, or guardog01:44
grimsanim a complete newb01:44
IdleOne!best | grimsan01:44
ubotugrimsan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:44
jekson_ i try to install cedega CVS i install the dependances but whe I i try to launch WineCVS script it turn me this problem01:44
jekson_ test: 43: ==: unexpected operator01:44
jekson_<jekson_> WineCVS.sh: 48: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:44
Aaron_Mason!info ffmpeg01:44
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 612 kB01:44
grimsanso i need something easy01:44
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grimsanok IdleOne , im a newb, so what do u recomend01:45
IdleOnegrimsan, try them both see what works for you... sudo aptitude install firestarter ( if you dont like it ) sudo aptitude remove firtestarter01:45
erUSULalbe84tr: once you replaced the sources.list use the aptitude comands unop said and cross your fingers (or use: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade) DO NOT MISS the  DIST part of the command01:46
IdleOnegrimsan, I have tried firestarter have not used guarddog01:46
albe84trerUSUL but it is not possible to write there in the page that I open writing sudo nano ... thing...01:46
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grimsanIdleOne , it doesnt get firestarter01:47
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IdleOnegrimsan, have you enabled universe and multiverse?01:47
IdleOneyou sure01:47
grimsanwhats the difference between apt-get and aptitude01:47
grimsanyes im sure01:47
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erUSULalbe84tr: use sudo for example 'sudo cp -i index.html /etc/apt/sources.list' (answer yes)01:48
IdleOneok go to System>Administration>Synaptic package Manager and search for it there01:48
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Jowigrimsan, (don't forget to apt-get update or reload in synaptic)01:48
grimsani did01:48
grimsanthis is weird man :D01:48
IdleOnegrimsan, aptitude seems to track dependencies a little better for me at least.. apt-get sometimes doesnt remove all the depends after I decide I dont like a certain app01:49
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erUSULalbe84tr: cp copies files01:49
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maaaani^wegis it possible to use Smart Package Manager with kubuntu?01:49
sebrock|aif I only could get the ath0 to work then installing the nvidia would solve my problem I think01:49
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erUSULalbe84tr: i have to go away, sorry...01:50
sebrock|aFatal server error:01:50
sebrock|ano screens01:50
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sebrock|athats what I get when starting X01:50
IdleOnegrimsan, if you need more help ask away in channel here. /me brb01:50
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albe84trerUSUL last thing!01:50
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erUSULalbe84tr: ?01:51
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albe84trerUSUL, what i have to write after cp:01:51
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erUSULalbe84tr: 'sudo cp -i index.html /etc/apt/sources.list' you have to be in the dir you dl the index.html file with wget01:52
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erUSULalbe84tr: Ciao!!01:52
sebrock|ahow the hell do I get the network to run??01:52
sebrock|aI cant get it up by iwconfig01:52
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albe84trerUSUL: dl? wget?01:52
sebrock|a"no such device"01:52
frogzoo!wifi | sebrock|a01:52
ubotusebrock|a: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:52
albe84trerUSUL dont go!!!!!! :-))01:53
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lasse_sebrock|a, try sudo ifconfig  and see what network interfaces is up a nd running?01:53
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albe84trerUSUL: no te ne andare... ti prego :-)))))))))))99+01:53
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albe84trerUSUL: dl? wget?01:53
sebrock|alasse_ I did01:53
sebrock|aIts just a bunch of loopbacks01:54
Yodudehey can someone help me with beryl? no one is answering me at the #ubuntu-effects channel01:54
lasse_sebrock|a, and what is listed?01:54
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sebrock|aeth0 ath001:54
sebrock|awhich is correct01:54
Yodudeunop: lol can you help me with beryl plz01:54
sebrock|abut when I try to start them, I get "no such devvice"01:54
lasse_sebrock|a, ath0 is your wifi?01:54
sebrock|alasse_ funny thing is that during install it was detected and asked for WEP code and said it was successfull01:55
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lasse_sebrock|a, you use wep?01:55
Night_OwlHoly moley01:56
Yodudehelp please!!!01:56
Night_OwlThere's a lot of people in here :)01:56
IdleOneYodude, there is #beryl also you can ask in01:56
lasse_sebrock|a, do you use wep on your wireless network?01:56
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lasse_sebrock|a, do you know if it is ascii or hexidecimal?01:56
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sebrock|ait was all configured good in install, its hex01:57
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lasse_sebrock|a, try sudo iwconfig ath0 essid <yournetworkhere> key <yourweppassword>01:57
lasse_sebrock|a, you sure the syntax is right?01:58
sebrock|ait complains about no such device01:58
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suguru_I tried to pastin I did a replace of01:58
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suguru_v   pythonPackages very many01:58
suguru_#  v   pythonPackages very many01:58
suguru_leaving a long list of01:58
suguru_p  pythonPackages very many01:58
sebrock|aI really dont understand that, as everyhting was configured during install01:58
suguru_and that was unwieldly so I aborted as you can see below01:58
suguru_then I deleated everything except01:58
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suguru_p   python 2.5 and another package01:58
suguru_which was only 16MB to dl but I could not even01:58
suguru_get this.01:58
suguru_I have flown across 12 time zones and would really like01:58
suguru_to start a download to take back to the Indonesian01:58
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suguru_disaster zone to help others learn python.01:58
suguru_We are charged for each byte dl in Indonesia if we01:59
suguru_are even lucky to be able to dl.  You can't most of01:59
suguru_the time in the disaster area.01:59
suguru_Will someone please help me?01:59
wirelexhplease where are spanish server for xchat?01:59
suguru_Why is only downloading python so slow on my01:59
suguru_high-speed connection after hours of trials?01:59
sebrock|adamn this is bugging me out01:59
suguru_ and the results but I got a message that I appeared to be spamming.  I was asked to enable javascript.  But I want to stay secure.01:59
lxsungon svensk?01:59
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lasse_lxsu, this is not a swedish channel01:59
Jowilxsu, yeah, but try #ubuntu-se01:59
wirelexhplease where are spanish server for xchat?01:59
CrakeHunterhello, how can i control the speed of my case fan?01:59
Jowilxsu, only English speaking in here02:00
lxsuook.... can I find some swedish channel for ubuntu users?02:00
Jowilxsu, "/join #ubuntu-se"02:00
jribsuguru_: why are you downloading python?  It's included in ubuntu02:00
wirelexh#ubuntu-se o #ubuntu-es it's a channel or server?02:00
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Jowiwirelexh, a channel on this server02:01
suguru_Where is version 2.5? How can I tell what is included and what is not.  I only got 2.4 in Edgy.02:01
Night_OwlI'm looking for networking help.. Running on an XP box atm, other box is Ubuntu 6.10, looking to network the two together so I can share files and printers.  Do I need Samba (it looks like it would be a major headache to set up for a new user :/)02:01
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jribsuguru_: only 2.4 is included, 2.5 has to be downloaded02:01
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lasse_Night_Owl, yuo need samba02:02
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IdleOnewirelexh, click on Xchat ( top left ) and then network list in there you will find a list of all the servers02:02
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wirelexhJowi, do you know any spanish server, please?02:02
frogzooNight_Owl: samba is the way to go02:02
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frogzoo!samba | Night_Owl02:02
ubotuNight_Owl: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:02
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:02
wirelexhubotu gracias02:02
jribsuguru_: are you using a local mirror?02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gracias - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
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suguru_I did not do anything special.  I am near LAX in Los Angeles.02:03
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yabbahello, i am trying to install ubuntu linux dapper drake. my bios accepts my S-ATA HDD (I have RAID switched OFF) but when the ubuntu installer checks for HDD it says it doesn't find any partitionable media02:03
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ahavecan anyone help me with soundplay?02:03
lasse_Night_Owl, if you want to set up insecure, but easy samba, this is the way to go http://my.opera.com/Mr%20Green/blog/show.dml/22709502:03
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posingaspopularyabba: are you using a live cd?02:04
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posingaspopularcan you try a different one?02:04
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yabbai also tried with an earlier version which was non-live02:04
posingaspopularive never heard of this having.02:05
Night_OwlAt this point, easy will do plenty :) I'm not *as* concerned about security with the Linux box, and my XP machines have firewalls installed already (note - not Windows Firewall) ;)02:05
posingaspopularwhat exactly is the error you get?02:05
Night_OwlAt this point I just want simple and stable :)02:05
yabbafrom the live cd the installer just crashes, and the earlier version's installation process gives me "no partitionable media found"02:05
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yabbait says it doesnt find any media to create a partition on, which is strange cause my BIOS has got the S-ATA02:06
yabbaim a big helpless, could it have to do with the RAID?02:06
lasse_Night_Owl, thats good. follow the link then, but be aware that you might compromise information you might want to keep secure if you go for this solution02:06
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posingaspopularwhat would happen if you turned RAID on. i assume that you're booting from the live cd and trying to install ubunt on your SATA?02:06
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Night_OwlAs in, worrying about it getting over the Internet?02:07
suguru_unop, told me how to dl a list of python programs then edit the list to get what I wanted then say aptitude install cat to install list.  Can anybody help me do what he suggested?02:07
yabbayes exactly posingaspopular . if i turn the RAID in my bios on it doesnt find the HDD anymore02:07
Hub441i finally did it, and my laptop boots now the xubuntu-cd over PXE02:07
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frogzooHub441: neat trick02:07
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Hub441last problem: gdm won't start due to wrong owdnerships in /var/lib/gdm02:07
Night_OwlI insist on wired, not wireless ;)02:07
posingaspopularwow thats strange, ive never heard of that02:07
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yabbayes i dont get it either02:07
Hub441frogzoo: jupp, needed a lot of trying to make it work02:07
yabbaok ill continue googling thx anyway02:08
lasse_Night_Owl, if its wired and not wireless your 95% more secure02:08
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frogzooHub441: drwxrwx--T 2 root gdm 1024 2007-02-13 23:47 /var/lib/gdm/02:08
posingaspopularis there anyone in here wo can help out with this SATA/install problem? I'm no good with SATA02:08
Hub441so my question: what's the password for the CD?02:08
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Hub441frogzoo: can't login 'cause i don't know the root-pw for the liveCD02:08
frogzooHub441: blank passwd ?02:09
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yabbaSATA HDD accepted in BIOS but ubuntu installer doesnt find it02:09
lasse_Hub441, you should be able to log in as root by typing sudo -i    . It shouldnt ask you for a password02:09
Night_OwlAye, I agree. They pretty much have to be physically connected to get anywhere :)02:09
yabbacould it be my BIOS version?02:09
lasse_Night_Owl, did you find the link useful?02:09
frogzooHub441: sudo -i should just pop you a shell straight up02:09
ahavewhat is ubuntu's default sound player? and where is it located?02:10
Hub441GDM didn't start !02:10
posingaspopularit could be bios, or the installer02:10
frogzooahave: alsa on edgy02:10
posingaspopularor a combination of the two02:10
Night_OwlDo I have to install Samba on both machines?02:10
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Hub441no GUI at all,, only console02:10
grimsanthx IdleOne , firestarter was great02:10
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ahavefrogzoo, what is edgy?02:10
Anubishey all02:10
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frogzooahave: edgy is latest release02:10
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lasse_Night_Owl, no, windows has its smb protocol installed02:10
mackinacQuestion: fresh Edgy install :: a fat32 partition from previous install, not reformatted :: the fat32's vol label i gave it at install was "data(fat)" - in some places nautilus gives it the correct name, but in other places, like the drive icon on desktop or in nautilus location bar, it's labeled with weird characters: "ht, "");    }" ..... any idea why?02:10
frogzooHub441: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start02:10
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ahavefrogzoo, ah, ok :)02:10
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Night_Owlok.. gimme a few min.. gotta hop onto the Ubuntu box and find Samba :)02:11
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Hub441frogzoo: LOL how to start without beeing logged in?02:11
ahavefrogzoo, so if i have an app that is asking (in the config file) for the location of the sound player... i should enter what "whereis alsa" tells me?02:11
ptrgcan't get hardware acceleration working on my x300 i have the fglrx driver installed from ati. i have followed several tutorials, with no luck. any secret magic tricks out there?02:11
frogzooHub441: you can't ctrl alt f1 & get a terminal ?02:11
Hub441frogzoo: i've only got a command-line02:12
lasse_Night_Owl, to restart samba after you have configure /etc/samba/smb.conf you reload it with a  sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart02:12
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Hub441frogzoo: and the command-line asks me for login02:12
frogzooHub441: cool, so 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'02:12
frogzooHub441: argh...02:12
lasse_ptrg, buy nvidia :D02:12
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lasse_Hub441, isnt "ubuntu" the default login name on live-cds? i think it is also on xubuntu02:13
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lasse_Hub441, try   user   ubuntu   and password  <blank>02:13
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Anubisi hope this does not sound like a stupid question, but i have a nvidia chipset on one of my desktops, do I also have to get a nvida card to get all of the beryl effects going?02:14
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Hub441lasse_: nope blank password won't work02:14
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zyththis is odd.  Vista is on hd(0,0) but it won't boot in grub.  The screen just flashes and it comes back to the grub menu.  Ubuntu boots fine though. (I have vista on hd0 and ubuntu on hd1, reinstalled grub after installing vista) - anyone got any suggestions for me?02:14
=== Chicory [n=chatzill@66-226-112-59.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu
ahavefrogzoo, thank you!! i got one application working :D02:15
ChicoryNothing like a snow day to work with Linux.  :D02:15
lasse_zyth,  http://digg.com/software/HowTo_dual-boot_Windows_XP_and_Windows_Vista_-_Windows_Vista_Beta:_02:15
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lasse_zyth, sorry wrong link02:15
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CrakeHunterhow do i change discs on cedega while installing a more-than-one-cd-rom-game? i cannot open my dvd-rom02:15
ShaffoxPower the computer: what does this mean ?02:16
mackinacguess i should try getting updates first02:16
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cafuego_zyth: remove vista - problem solved02:16
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zythcafuego, yes, so freaking helpful.  Either be constructive or stfu.02:16
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cafuego_Hey, you wanted suggestions.02:17
posingaspopularcafuego: agreed :)02:17
ChicoryUnop, if you're on here under a different handle, THANK YOU.02:17
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ChicoryFglrx works brilliantly now!02:17
frogzoozyth: you do realise grub calls to the doze bootloader which loads xp ?02:17
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chrisjw_is there any dvd ripping software for ubuntu02:17
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sebrock|alasse_ some progress, I got the eth0 to talk to the router02:17
cafuego_chrisjw_: Yup, dvd::rip02:18
frogzoochrisjw_: k3b02:18
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sebrock|alasse_ but it should get a DHCP adress, and it is not02:18
zythfrogzoo, it won't boot vista.  worked fine when XP was on that drive, but now that vista is there it just flashes and goes back to the grub menu02:18
sebrock|aso I cant get online02:18
frogzoozyth: spooky02:18
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:18
lasse_sebrock|a, try  sudo ifdown eth0     and   sudo ifup eth0   and see what happens02:18
frogzoozyth: Redmond fights back!02:18
mackinaczyth, have you tried booting directly to the win drive via bios options?02:19
cafuego_Without wanting to incur futher STFUs, how is vista not booting an Ubuntu problem?02:19
oxigengentoo have command 'revdep-rebuild' for updating libs, what is command in ubuntu for this?02:19
sebrock|alasse_ ok, I have to boot into win all the time, so I cant do it just like that02:19
ChicoryOh, guys, what's the verdict on Vista's "BitLocker" NTFS protocol?02:19
zythmackinac, grub is on the windows drive.  grub is in the mbr on hd0, and vista is on the rest.  Ubuntu is on hd102:19
ChicoryLast I heard it was a foil to other OS'es accessing the partition.02:19
cafuego_oxigen: There isn't one; not needed.02:19
lolmanChicory: pile of dog turd02:19
ChicoryHas someone successfully reverse-engineered it yet?02:19
sebrock|aI did all that aswell lasse_, how do I assign an DHCP adress to the card?02:19
lasse_sebrock|a, hold on02:19
cafuego_oxigen: There is 'apt-get build-dep <packagename>' to pull in buoild depends.02:20
suguru_noop or jrib, I was told to use pastin.  Which I did but no one has responded to my pastin.  What am I suppossed to do?02:20
Chicorylolman: To our advantage or disadvatage?  XD02:20
jribsuguru_: you haven't told us the url to your paste02:20
lolmanChicory: depends if you use it XD02:20
sebrock|alasse_ this maybe: iface eth0 inet dhcp02:20
mackinaci would redo the mbr on the hd0 and put grub on hd102:20
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ChicoryEh, I don't know if I'm ever upgrading to Vista.02:20
oxigencafuego_: i have libpng,but still get 'error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.3'02:20
ChicoryIf anything "Vienna" is coming out in 2009.02:20
cafuego_oxigen: What app gives you that error?02:20
Chicory... Supposedly.  :P02:21
frogzoozyth: quick google turned up this "Try hiding some of the partitions when02:21
frogzootrying to boot XP/vista with something like02:21
frogzoo"hide=(hd0,0)" in your grub.conf...obviously you will have to hide the correct partitions for your system."02:21
=== bokey [n=bokey@unaffiliated/bokey] has joined #ubuntu
chrisjw_is k3b available with synaptic02:21
ChicoryVista, after all, was SUPPOSED to come out like four years ago.02:21
jrib!k3b | chrisjw_02:21
ubotuchrisjw_: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto02:21
oxigencafuego_: kerkythea02:21
lolmanChicory: I'd call it 2011, and with a load of stuff removed too02:21
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zythfrogzoo, ehh? that an option in menu.lst?02:21
jribchrisjw_: (yes)02:21
=== Chicory will wait. :P
cafuego_oxigen: installed using apt?02:21
ChicoryAs long as people keep porting my favorite games into Linux, I'll stick with Linux/WinXP ...02:21
chrisjw_i'm after something such as clone dvd or ripdvd02:22
oxigencafuego_: no, it's not available02:22
ahavewhat is the thing to install if i want to install kde?02:22
frogzoozyth: it's a grub option you can set within the doze section, google around for examples02:22
ChicoryGranted that my WinXP installation doesn't die, which it will.02:22
cafuego_oxigen: So compiled binary off a site somewhere?02:22
chrisjw_will k3b do that or is it just a dvd burner02:22
lasse_sebrock|a, dont think no iface command will work02:22
oxigencafuego_: yes02:22
=== Killeroid [n=Krush_U@pool-68-160-187-128.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoochrisjw_: k3b copies dvds, yes02:22
cafuego_typical. probably redhat binary.02:22
lasse_sebrock|a,  sudo ifconfig up eth0   should use dhcp by default02:22
sebrock|awell it doesnt02:23
jrib!kde | ahave02:23
ubotuahave: KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE02:23
chrisjw_frogzoo: even dvds i buy from stores that i want to make backups of02:23
=== fr34k_[PB] [n=fr34k@kiel-4db2556c.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:23
frogzoochrisjw_: I don't see why not02:23
cafuego_oxigen: Do you have 'libpng3' installed as well?02:23
oxigencafuego_: yes02:23
chrisjw_there are protections that stop you doing things like that02:23
Night_Owlok how do I find where smb.conf is hiding on my system? :/02:24
ahavejrib, how will it work? will i be given a choice? i want to have both gnome and KDE just to try them out02:24
chrisjw_but programs such as clonedvd on windows break the protection02:24
frogzoochrisjw_: try it, see what happens02:24
cafuego_oxigen: what does `ldd kerkythea' say about libpng.so.3?02:24
lasse_Night_Owl, its in /etc/samba/smb.conf02:24
PiciNight_Owl: probably in /etc/samba/smb.conf02:24
jribahave: at the long screen, you can choose which you want to use with the "Options" button in the bottom left corner02:24
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ChicoryQuick question -- can I run Beryl using the proprietary binary ATI driver?02:24
dreckslordhello dudes02:24
ChicoryInquiring minds wish to know.  :s02:24
oxigencafuego_: i have also problems with compiling inkscape 0.45, the same libpng3 problem :/02:24
lasse_sebrock|a, check the /etc/network/interfaces   file and confirm taht eth0 is set to dhcp02:25
ahavejrib, ok. sweet.02:25
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PiciChicory: I don't think you should have any problems02:25
dreckslordcan sombody help me with my grub i tried to install but he says Error: Couldn't find /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst. Is GRUB installed?02:25
cafuego_oxigen: Well, there at least I can help you, I have inkscape 0.45 packages for edgy :-)02:25
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ahavejrib, one more Q: is there a way to findout how much room i have remaining on my / partition?02:25
ChicoryAh, well, the Ubuntu Community Documentation is having a hissy fit about that.02:25
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variantHow do you set the default media player for all video formats, without having to do it one at a time?02:25
ahavejrib, i feel as if i am installing left and right here...02:25
jribahave: df -h, or right click and go to properties in natuilus02:25
Picidreckslord: What exactly is giving you the error?02:25
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cafuego_oxigen: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/edgy-cafuego/inkscape/02:26
dreckslordpici its the installer of arch linux02:26
oxigencafuego_: yea!!? cool!! thanks!02:26
dreckslordi dont know what command its specified02:26
sebrock|alasse_ maybe I need to set the gateway02:26
lasse_sebrock|a, it should say something like auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp02:26
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lasse_sebrock|a, no dhcp will do that for you02:26
Pelomorning folks,  anyone know something to convert m4a to mp3 ?02:26
variantPelo: mplayer.. or google for m4a2mp302:26
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chrisjw_k9copy is a tabbed tool that allows to copy of one or more titles from a DVD902:27
chrisjw_to a DVD5, in thesame way than DVDShrink for Microsoft Windows (R).02:27
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variantPelo: mplayer/mencoder02:27
sebrock|aI wonder... rebooting02:27
Picidreckslord: uh, Ubuntu installs the menu.lst to /boot/grub/menu.lst  I'm not sure if I can help you with an Arch Linux install02:27
chrisjw_that's what i wanted02:27
Pelomplayuer realy ?02:27
cafuego_oxigen: Hmm, I have no problems running kerkythea on edgy.  Can you reinstall your libpng3? (sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpng3)02:27
variantPelo: well, mencoder which is part of mplayer. yes02:27
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oxigencafuego_: ok, i'll try02:27
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lasse_Night_Owl, how is the samba configuration going?02:28
variantPelo: really you would want to play the m4a file and pipe it to mp3 encoder02:28
Asl[a] ndo I have to enable WINS server on ubuntu tog get samba wrking properly?02:28
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frogzooAsl[a] n: you can map by ip only if you don't want to use nmb02:28
CrakeHunterhow do i manually unmount my dvdrom ? and mount it again?02:28
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ahavejrib, ok. thanks. ... i only have 1G remaining for installs :O02:28
dreckslordpici yes i had ubuntu installed but i mgiht crushed gdm so i just tryed something new :D02:29
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dreckslordpici what do you think can i do?02:29
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oxigencafuego_: you are right! i have now problems with libtiff, but i know now where is the problem. hmm, how comes?02:29
lasse_CrakeHunter, sudo mount  to list the mounted devices   then sudo umount /dev/<yourdvdrom>    then sudo mount /dev/<yourdvdrom>02:29
lisette# j ./momomo02:29
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cafuego_oxigen: Dunno... unfinished update at some stage?02:29
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lisettevad skriva bjrn02:30
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oxigencafuego_: hmm, maybe... thank you!02:30
cafuego_np :-)02:30
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oxigencafuego_: do you have some pubkey for your repository?02:31
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cafuego_oxigen: Yeah, check the front page of the site link, it's there02:31
CrakeHunterlasse, thanks, it tells me "the device is busy"02:32
oxigencafuego_: ok, thanks02:32
cafuego_or pull it from a keyserver02:32
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ChicoryAIGLX v. GLX in Edgy using fglrx -- does it matter?02:33
frogzooChicory: XGL for fglrx02:33
CrakeHunterlasse, how do i force unmounting my drive?02:33
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=== Chicory doesn't want to break fglrx, but the Beryl wiki is asking him to do so for AIGLX.
ChicoryAh, thanks frogzoo.02:34
lasse_CrakeHunter, i was wondering about the same thing.02:34
frogzooChicory: also you may consider reading the docs...02:34
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frogzoo!beryl | Chicory02:34
ubotuChicory: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:34
chonahow can i run a c file?02:34
=== Chicory is doing so.
=== rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-248-229.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
chonahow can i run a c file?02:34
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mackinacc is source code02:35
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lasse_CrakeHunter, i guess the -f option would work02:35
hjmillsare there any known issues with the latest linux-restricted-modules and the atheros based wireless cards?02:35
lasse_chona, youll have to compile it02:35
chonathen after compiling?02:36
suguru_I just went to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ as I was told and did a pastin.  I also did it in pastin.com or org  Sorry guys.  18 hrs fly plus all nite here Now must fly again02:36
chonathen after compiling wirth gcc?02:36
chonathen after compiling with gcc?02:36
CrakeHunterlsse, yea thats the comman, however it still says: device is busy02:36
rexsumyou can execute it or link it02:36
chonais it ./ ?02:36
=== Rossimo-work [n=rossimo@130-127-54-59.supptctr.clemson.edu] has joined #ubuntu
lasse_hjmills, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17/+bugs?field.tag=atheros ?02:36
chonait says permission denied02:37
hjmillsthanks lasse_02:37
rexsumgcc -o file.c file?02:37
Rossimo-workis there any way I can disable ad-hoc networking with NetworkManager?02:37
chonarexsum: then what?02:37
rexsumthen you have an executeable02:38
lasse_CrakeHunter, im not sure.02:38
rexsummight want to read the install file that came with it02:38
rexsumor get prebuild programs if you dont know how to build02:38
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lasse_Night_Owl, how did the samba configuration go?02:38
Asl[a] nhow come i don't get any contents in the network folder- cripes. I was able to share files without a problem on samba. but not anymore.02:38
Asl[a] nok, i can see an icon which says 'windows network'.02:38
=== hayden is now known as hayden_
Asl[a] nbut nothing happens when I double click it02:38
lasse_Asl[a] n, try  smb://<iptotheserveryouwanttoconnectto  in nautilus02:39
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lasse_Asl[a] n, *smb//<iptotheserver>02:39
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Asl[a] nlasse_, __GASP___. you're a life saver :)02:40
hjmills can network manager be set to auto connect to any open network if there are no known secured networks around?02:40
hjmillsand can it be set to run a script when it does so?02:40
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Asl[a] nlasse_, so how come it doesnt work like it used to? i used to be able to see the server on my network.02:41
Asl[a] nnot anymore though02:41
lasse_Asl[a] n, you can mount it so you dont have to write the ip adress all the time.. http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-network-file-systems-nfssamba-in-ubuntu.html02:41
lasse_Asl[a] n, im not sure02:41
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CheshireVikinghjmills, don't know how you would set it to do that, but my laptop connects automatically to an open network if there;s one available, not sure how it would react if it found 2 open networks in range though, presumably it'd connect to the last one it was connected to, or maybe just the first one it finds02:42
Night_OwlI haven't a clue, lasse_02:42
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lasse_Night_Owl, whats the problem02:42
Night_OwlI think I did it properly according to what you'd shown me02:42
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Night_OwlBut I don't know how to get the two systems to be able to 'see' each other :/02:42
lasse_Night_Owl, after you have edited the /etc/samba/smb.conf   youll have to restart samba to load the new config file02:43
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Night_Owlok how do I restart it without rebooting the PC?02:43
Night_Owlsorry I've never had a Linux box before :/02:44
lasse_Night_Owl, the way you do that is   sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart    .   Then try to write smb://<iptoyourwindowsbox> in nautilus  or \\<iptotheubuntubox> in windows02:44
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erUSUL!seen albe84tr02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen albe84tr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
rexsum!seen me?02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen me? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
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frankzhaohi, how to disconnect using pppoeconf?02:48
=== ahave [n=ahave@adsl-155-112-186.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
frankzhaoi want to disconnect ...02:48
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Night_Owlhmm.. how do I find my IP address for my Linux box? :/02:48
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frankzhaoipconfig, I think02:48
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Zil_frankzhao: sudo poff -a02:48
ahaveis there a terminal command to display system settings? i want to display info such as whether or not the system is 32bit or 6402:48
frankzhaothanks a lot!02:48
Zil_anybody have an idea for a PDF editor?02:49
frankzhaowhere r u from, man?02:49
hjmillsfrankzhao: ipconfig is for windows - ifconfig is the linux command02:49
jfanaian_I'm having a problem with my ubuntu... I installed my ATI drivers last night and also apt said to do "apt-get autoremove" to remove ndiswrapper-common because supposedly it wasn't needed02:49
frankzhaoyes, u r right! it is cool to chat with everybody here!02:49
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jfanaian_Now when I boot normally it stops before the login screen and doesn't show anything but the typing "_" on the top left02:49
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jfanaian_And if I boot in recovery mode it stops after ndiswrapper loads02:49
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chonawhy can't i use this ./ ?02:49
jfanaian_And it says "NET: Registered protocol family 17"02:49
jfanaian_And it won't boot after that :(02:50
IdleOnechona, what are you trying to use it for?02:50
chonato run02:50
IdleOnerun what?02:50
bulmerchona an equivalent to that is  source command02:51
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=== faemir_ is away: killing stuff
IdleOne!away | faemir_02:51
ubotufaemir_: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines02:51
chonai already included a source command..it doesn't work on any command02:51
=== FirstStrike [i=First@nv-71-52-60-102.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
chonalike ./configure..and any other commands02:52
IdleOnebulmer, doesnt chona need to install build-essential to be able to use ./configure and the such?02:52
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chonaall i want is to run a file afetr compiling it.. i worked before, but now it doesn't02:52
jfanaian_Is there an alternate way to boot other than recovery boot? When I try to boot in recovery mode it hangs02:52
ahaveis there a terminal command to display info such as whether or not the system is 32bit or 6402:53
chonai already installed build-essential02:53
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chonai already installed build-essential, its the latest..02:53
chonai can compile with gcc but i can't run02:53
chonai can compile with gcc but i can't run any02:53
Night_OwlI can tell XP it has two different IP addresses, one for LAN and one for the Internet, using the same NIC. How do I do that for the other box?02:53
bulmerchona  its like this  .  ./commandhere02:54
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chonayes, i've done thta...02:54
chonayes, i've done that..02:54
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chonaas i've said, it worked before..02:54
IdleOnechona what did you compile?02:55
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Night_OwlI'm gonna log on from the Linux box.. be able to C&P from there should I need to02:55
erUSULNight_Owl: use ethn:1 as the second iface of ethn (so you have two virtual nics in the same real nic)02:55
ChicoryWhy is XGL being such a pain in the ass?  :s02:56
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IdleOne!ohmy | Chicory02:56
ubotuChicory: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:56
Chicoryfglrx worked without any errors regarding DRI.02:56
pic__heya ;] 02:56
erUSULNight_Owl: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/IP-Alias.html02:56
ChicoryAh, sorry, IdleOne.02:56
ChicoryBut, lo, xgl -- xgl is ... argh.  >: E02:56
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:56
ChicoryXgl is spitting out "missing DRI" errors all over the place!02:56
=== NoEvidenZ [n=kyle@220-245-129-15.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ChicoryBut AIGLX is certainly no better!  D:02:56
IdleOneChicory, try #ubuntu-effects they might be able to help you02:57
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NoEvidenZYou know how you click on System > Administration > Networking?02:57
ChicoryI dunno, it was pretty dead a few minutes ago.02:57
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IdleOneChicory, :/ hang out here I guess sooner or later someone will be able to help you02:57
glundberghas anyone had a problem with ubuntu not rebooting completely?02:58
NoEvidenZI don't have Networking anymore. What packages do I need to download or reinstall or whatever to get it back?02:58
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jfanaian_Is there an alternate way to boot other than recovery boot? When I try to boot in recovery mode it hangs02:58
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ChicoryThanks, IdleOne.02:59
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IdleOneChicory, NP sorry I cant help you more02:59
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ChicoryNah, I think I might be on to something in the Ubuntu Help Wiki.02:59
Nightscapehere I am02:59
IdleOneheya Nightscape02:59
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=== Nightscape == Night_Owl
NoEvidenZCan anyone tell me how to get Networking back in the System > Administration menu?03:00
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Nightscapeon Ubuntu box03:00
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IdleOneNoEvidenZ, Applications>Add/remove should be in there and you can add it back03:00
NoEvidenZWhat's it called?03:00
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IdleOneprobably Networking03:01
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NoEvidenZHeh, c'mon. It can't be that easy..03:01
IdleOnewhy not :)03:01
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NoEvidenZBecause my problems never are. =o03:01
jfanaian_Is there an alternate way to boot other than recovery boot? When I try to boot in recovery mode it hangs with the last message being "NET : Registered protocol family 17"03:01
NoEvidenZWell, maybe a few...03:01
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IdleOneNoEvidenZ, doesnt seem to be in there03:02
zythuhhh my sound has decided to randomly start cutting out for no apparent reason.  It's going, then it gets skippy, then it just turns right off.03:03
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NoEvidenZIdleOne: Could you maybe look at the launcher on yours and tell me what it launches, so I can go hunt for that?03:03
IdleOneNoEvidenZ, you can also install alacarte ( menu editor )03:03
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mtyhomehi all03:04
IdleOneNoEvidenZ, app is called network-admin03:04
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LjLEdgy with the updated -11 kernel and updated nvidia drivers from lupine - X works, but it doesn't start at boot, i have to  sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start  manually. anybody else had this happening?03:04
IdleOnehello mtyhome03:04
Night_OwlNightscape - url - http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/IP-Alias.html03:04
mtyhomecan you tell me a way to make networkmanager work with my prism3 wifi chipset?03:04
IdleOne!wifi | mtyhome03:05
ubotumtyhome: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:05
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jfanaian_Is there an alternate way to boot other than recovery boot? When I try to boot in recovery mode it hangs with the last message being "NET : Registered protocol family 17"03:05
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NoEvidenZIdleOne: Thanks03:05
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Hudso1Anyone able to help me get Nvidia drivers installed and AIGLX working? I can't seem to get it to work03:05
IdleOneNoEvidenZ, yup03:05
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Nightscapethis looks confusing :/03:06
IdleOneNightscape, what does?03:06
Jowijfanaian_, boot in recovery and press ctrl-c to interrupt the bootprocess when you feel you can03:06
NightscapeThis thing about aliasing IPs and NICs03:06
jfanaian_Jowi: it does nothing if i do that, but if i press ctrl+alt+del it interrupts and goes right to the prompt but the whole drive is in read-only mode03:07
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QzrIs it possible to get flash and java for amd64?03:07
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IdleOne!flash > Qzr03:07
IdleOne!java > Qzr03:07
NightscapeI'm guessing it's not possible to do that in a GUI?03:07
LjLjfanaian_: well, you can remount it read-write with "mount / -o remount,rw"03:07
mtyhomeok thx for the link, but does somebody use linux-wlan-ng drivers with nm??03:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:07
erUSULQzr: flash:no, java: dunno but i bet no03:07
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash03:07
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:07
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jfanaian_LjL: I will try that and see if it works03:08
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports03:08
LjLjfanaian_: i don't really know what the protocol family 17 message is about, however03:08
finalbetaWhat software do I need to create a shoutcast server, or something that does the same, and allows me to schedule?03:09
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jfanaian_LjL: Cool, its working now :) Let me see if I can get it to boot normally by replacing the xorg.conf backup, because I think it has to do with me trying to install my ATI drivers03:09
Paddy_EIREhey guys, I've been migrating my friend to linux now for about 1 week and there still remains a few big bugs that render him booting back into winxp "yuk" and the transition aint working as of yet03:09
rexsumi sense a question03:09
LjL!darkice > finalbeta    (finalbeta, see the private message from Ubotu)03:10
LjL!icecast-server > finalbeta    (finalbeta, see the private message from Ubotu)03:10
finalbetathank you03:10
Night_Owl"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would?"03:10
apecathow can i enable a full kernel message output view on bootup in ubuntu?03:10
Paddy_EIREthe radio streaming in linux is weird it plays for about 1 min or 2 then stops?? he has a 1.1mb connection and it works fine in windoze03:10
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LjLfinalbeta: i don't know about scheduling, but i suppose that in the worst case, you could do with some shell script03:10
rexsumcrappy sound daemon/drivers?03:10
apecati've tried  # defoptions=quiet splash03:10
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rexsumdmesg will list it afterwards03:11
apecatin grub's conf03:11
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erUSULapecat: quit the quite boot option in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:11
rexsumwasnt the tag nosplash ?03:11
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Paddy_EIRErexsum, how would I check which are currently being used03:11
rexsumprobably esd in the process list03:11
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unopLjL,  The IP Protocol #17 pertains to the UDP protocol. :)03:11
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rexsumkill it and then try to mpg123 directly to the sound device03:11
LjLunop: ACK03:11
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apecaterUSUL: thanks03:12
unopLjL,  ahh no, UDP doesnt not understand and use them :)03:12
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Paddy_EIRErexsum, gonna note what I will do otherwise I maybe on this channel in his comp if i still cant solve it03:12
erUSULapecat: no problem03:12
LjLunop: don't nitpick now :P03:12
unopLjL,  AYN/ACK? :p03:12
Hudso1Every time I try to use envy to install nvidia drivers I end up reinstalling ubuntu03:12
Hudso1anyone able to point in me a better direction03:12
erUSUL!nvidia | Hudso103:12
ubotuHudso1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:12
[h] tony|afkmoin moin03:13
karthikhi guys help needed in gcc...how to convert integer to string>???????/03:13
karthikhi guys help needed in gcc...how to convert integer to string>???????/03:13
LjLunop: well surely TCP isn't the only network protocol where ACK packets are used anyway :P03:13
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LjL!repeat  | karthik03:13
ubotukarthik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:13
Nightscaperuh roh03:13
meuchubonjour les gens03:13
karthikhi guys help needed in gcc...how to convert integer to string>???????/03:13
IdleOne!fr | meuchu03:13
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ubotumeuchu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:13
LjLkarthik: this is an Ubuntu support channel, not a programming room... .P03:13
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ChicoryA HA!03:13
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ChicoryBeryl+XGL on Edgy!03:14
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:14
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash03:14
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LjLkarthik: sprintf(string, "%d", integer)03:14
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CrakeHunterhow do i create a symlink?03:15
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LjLCrakeHunter: ln -s target linkname03:15
LjLCrakeHunter: man ln03:15
CrakeHunterk thx03:15
unopLjL,  indeed, but in terms of networking it's TCP that comes to mind as the one that relies of acknowldgements, connections, flow control, etc .. UDP is the "chilled out" cousin :)03:15
NightscapeThat URL I was given earlier (for IP aliasing) .. the first line I was given, I'm sure I typed right, and it came back saying can't read.. no such file or directory03:15
bulmerhow one would test an LPD services from running on a windows xp (printer parallel por attached); testit from linux side03:15
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NoEvidenZIdleOne: No luck.03:15
jfanaian_LjL: Its still not booting, I don't know what the problem is. Could it have to do with ndiswrapper-common? Aptitude said I should do a apt-get autoremove because that package wasn't being used. Could that cause it to hang?03:16
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Nightscapethe line about loading the module into the kernel03:16
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LjLjfanaian_, i don't really know. i would look at /etc/network/interfaces and disable any interface you aren't using. but i'm not even sure why i'm saying this - it's just as likely to be successful as any other random thing03:17
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LjL!away > faemir_    (faemir_, see the private message from Ubotu)03:17
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jfanaian_LjL: I'll see what I can do03:17
unopbulmer,  are you sure it's not CIFS (like samba) thats not sharing the printer there?03:17
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bulmerunop: the LPD services is run on the xp03:18
LjLjfanaian_: perhaps look at /var/log/messages and friends, and try to see exactly where the boot process stops (the message you mentioned might be deceiving)03:18
erUSULbulmer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter03:18
bulmerunop: i just need to telnet to it or something to check the queue if it is getting the print jobs03:18
jfanaian_LjL: I'll look in there as well. I just installed ndiswrapper-common to see if that is the problem because the message right before it is about ndiswrapper loading03:18
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jfanaian_LjL: Oh it was it!!!! It booted :)03:19
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LjLjfanaian_: cool03:19
jfanaian_LjL: Now let me try normal boot03:19
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CrakeHunterand how do i delete copyprotected files?03:19
unopbulmer,  if you were to be strict .. LPD is a unix thing not windows .. so if you said LPD on windows, i'd be inclined to think you were running it under cygwin/uwin03:19
Piciunop: Or Windows Services for Unix03:19
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bulmerunop: they have an equivalent LPD services running on the windows xp03:20
unopPici,  or that yea03:20
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JowiCrakeHunter, rm -f filename03:20
CrakeHunterk thanks03:20
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jfanaian_LjL: Awesome, it all works perfect :)03:20
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LjLCrakeHunter: no file is "copyprotected". files can be marked as readable, writable or executable, for a given user -- and anyway, *deleting* a file pertains to the permission that the *directory* (and not just the file) has03:21
LjLCrakeHunter: if the file is owned by root, delete it as root (though this begs the question, why would you delete a root owned file?)03:21
unopbulmer,  well, i think you mean "Windows File and Printing Services"  .. so http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing.html03:21
bulmerunop: actually I dont know how to test if one is running (LPD) on an Linux box..just do an lpstat?03:21
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bulmerunop: that could be it, File and print services03:21
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CrakeHunterljl - im experimenting with cedega. i cannot just delete a file in there i need to go to console and get su rights03:22
unopbulmer,  err yea, that link has a section i think to troubleshooting the windows print services03:22
marsswellhow do you  find a server in the software Alexandria?03:22
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CrakeHunteri assume there is no possibility to get sudo rights on the desktop without going to console03:22
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CrakeHunterthis would speed things up03:22
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rexsumyou need root if you cant su or sudo yeah03:23
rexsumsu prolly works though03:23
jfanaian_Is there any other wifi manager other than the default Networking tool on ubuntu to manage multiple wifi networks easier?03:23
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erUSULCrakeHunter: you can launch a 'gksudo nautilus'03:23
erUSULjfanaian_: network manager03:23
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marsswellhow do you  find a server in the software Alexandria?03:23
CrakeHuntera good!03:23
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FarhanI went to /etc/dgm/dgm.conf-custom and well I enabled allowroot=true but it doesn't work.03:23
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marsswellhow do you  find a server in the software Alexandria?03:24
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IdleOne!repeat | marsswell03:24
ubotumarsswell: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:24
freezeybesides running an psaux how do i find what programs are running?03:24
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faemir_don't you just love ubotu ;)03:25
bulmerCrakeHunter: try this  sudo su -03:25
Night_OwlI'm lost :/03:25
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fiXXXerMetCould anyone help me set the hostname in ubuntu 6.10?  Everytime I do "hostname site.domain.tld", it changes back at reboot.  I even echo the address to /proc/sys/kernel/hostname03:26
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jribfiXXXerMet: system > administration > networking03:26
fiXXXerMetServer - no gui03:26
freezeyfiXXXerMet: it should be in /etc/03:27
jribfiXXXerMet: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts appropriately03:27
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fiXXXerMetShould /etc/hostname be the fqdn, or just the part before the first dot?03:27
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freezeyfiXXXerMet: its just your computer name03:28
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chrisjw_join ##windows03:28
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chrisjw_wine is screwing up03:28
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fiXXXerMetMail?  or mail.domain.tld?  This is a mail server03:28
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jfanaian_erUSUL: I already have network-manager installed... how do I find it?03:28
buckwildhas anyone had any experience running two x servers?03:29
freezeybuckwild: yeah it crashes03:29
buckwildI tried running twinview with my HDTV and my monitor03:29
Night_OwlI looked at the mini howto for IP aliasing, but the first command I went to type in (to load the module) came back with an error a la 'file not found'03:29
buckwildbut the problem is that my monitor isn't widescreen, and my HDTV is03:29
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buckwildso my HDTV I think will constantly be forced into a non-widescreen resolution (aka cutting off some of the screen)03:30
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freezeybuckwild: are you trying to get the dual monitor affect?03:30
buckwildfreezey: exactly03:30
buckwildfreezey: I don't really care if both monitors are tied together, I'd like to eventually run mythTV on my TV and other stuff on my computer03:31
erUSULjfanaian_: run nm-applet03:31
freezeybuckwild: how i have it is i have 2 monitors that are identical03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
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ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager03:31
freezeybuckwild: you can do that but ur mythTV would be running through a diff card03:31
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buckwildfreezey: why a different card?03:31
freezeybuckwild: or my apologies that dam wingo tv card03:31
freezeybuckwild: i had this setup before03:31
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freezeybuckwild: i just cant remember how i had mythTV going03:32
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buckwildmy problem right now is getting the HDTV to pop up at a resolution that makes sense03:32
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buckwildI don't think twinview works with one regular resolution monitor and one 16:9 resolution monitor03:32
freezeybuckwild: yeah if you run 2 sessions of X server its going to crash03:32
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buckwildI've gotten both to have a picture at the same time, but both monitors were in a regular monitor resolution, and the HDTV wasn't showing all of the screen due to that03:33
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therapyanyone had problems on logout with ati cards and fglrx drivers?03:34
buckwildisn't there a way to run two different X servers, one per monitor?03:34
buckwildis that possible?03:34
freezeyyeah buckwild: no03:34
freezeybuckwild: i have tried to run 2 xservers03:34
freezeybuckwild: and it has crashed on me and i had to rebuild xorg03:34
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buckwildwhat would you suggest then?03:35
portahexmy feisty desktop is no longer booting, following the last round of updates. it begins to boot, shows some unexpected messages ("init: 1: cannot open /dev/root" and output from "modprobe -h" and "busybox" amongst other things). it then stalls completely around the usb device detection stage03:35
buckwildtwinview I don't think will work03:35
buckwildI think both monitors have to have the same aspect ratio03:35
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buckwildand I don't wanna buy a 16:10 monitor just to get it to work right03:36
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buckwildI think the problem with twinview is that it wants the added resolutions to equal a 16:9 or 4:3 ratio when they aren't going to when you combine a 4:3 and a 16:9 display together03:36
freezeybuckwild: yeah buck i am not sure i personally have 2 identical monitors running... so i dont know any other way to do it... but i know running 2 sessions of X does not work.. but maybe their is some way you can do it with editing the xorg.conf03:37
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freezeybuckwild: i would say google it... or even post a question on ... http://www.linuxquestions.org03:37
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jribportahex: #ubutnu+1 for feisty03:37
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davebuckwiled, i got two different xservers running by editing my /etc/X11/xorg.conf (make sure u backup first) so that it was setup for extended desktop over two monitors using xinerama, then deleting the "leftof" part in the serveroptions at the bottom03:37
jfanaian_Oh god, now my wireless interface won't show up even though it shows in ndiswrapper -l as present :(03:37
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nofxxhi.. my pppoe connection drops in ubuntu.. and  I need to restart the modem to make it work!! it wasnt happening in xubuntu..... any idea???03:37
freezeydave: thats not two different xservers running tho... thats just using dual monitors isnt it?03:38
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freezeydave: so what your saying is you have 2 entirely different desktop enviroments?03:38
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buckwildwhat I've read of xinerama is that you can't set resolutions on either monitor, is that true03:39
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facugaichI want to upgrade the kernel but it tells me its not authenticated, what's going on? (Dapper)03:39
buckwildI think that honestly I'll have to hardcode the resolution for the HDTV in because I don't think it'll detect it03:39
array_Can someone help me? I tried to install xchat by tarball so I got a new icon 'XChat IRC' in applications/internet menu, but it doesn't work 'child process execution failed'... then I installed xchat-gnome using apt-get and it's ok but I want to uninstall the other xchat03:39
buckwildwhen I run it with just the HDTV it puts it in a standard desktop resolution03:39
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samalexHey guys.  I had been running Ubuntu 6.10 but installed KDE as that's what I prefer to use over Gnome.  This morning the HD in this box died so I replaced it but installed Kubuntu instead.  Though it's still KDE, it looks quite different.  For example, the fonts just don't look right as commas and periods look almost the same.  Also many apps, like synaptic, aren't there.  I'm installing these one by one, but just curious.03:40
freezeyarray_: sudo apt-get install xchat03:40
array_freezey: I need to uninstall it03:40
freezeyarray_: sudo apt-get remove xchat03:40
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array_oh, thanks :)03:41
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nofxxhi.. my pppoe connection drops in ubuntu 6.10.. and  I need to restart the modem to make it work!! it wasnt happening in xubuntu 6.10 too..... any idea???03:41
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jfanaian_I'm having a problem now. Ndiswrapper is showing my wireless card as present, but it won't show up in iwconfig or ifconfig03:43
array_freezey: it says xchat is not installed so it shouldn't be removed03:43
nofxxjfanaian_: ifconfig ra0 up ?03:43
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nofxxor iwconfig... i dunno...03:43
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jfanaian_nofxx: I don't have a device named ra003:44
Quintin_I keep getting "Your session has been saved." when I click power button to power off.  then it doesn't power off, but keeps running03:44
jfanaian_nofxx: ifconfig -a only shows eth0, lo and sit003:44
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Quintin_I don't want any "session" crap anywhere03:44
nofxxjfanaian_: humm... it gives that name on my laptop...03:44
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jfanaian_nofxx: We can have different interface names :)03:45
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Quintin_any ideas ?03:45
jfanaian_nofxx: Mine's usually named wlan003:45
nofxxjfanaian_: yup.. sure.... try sit0 up03:45
Night_OwlI'll pop by tomorrow03:46
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Night_Owlhopefully someone can help me then :)03:46
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garyI'm having problems with the internet on my PC.  It is very very slow.  I'm on a local network, and the other computers seem fine, but mine is slow for some reason.  can anyone help me with commands that will help me try to find a reason why this is happening.  I think I have a 100mbps network card03:46
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nofxxjfanaian_: i guess is the chipset... i've got a ralink....03:46
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jfanaian_nofxx: Probably heh03:48
Pici!ipv6 | gary, take a look at this, it should speed up your network browsing03:48
ubotugary, take a look at this, it should speed up your network browsing: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:48
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Quintin_gary: disable ipv603:48
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Quintin_Pici: noob03:49
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freezeyis anybody familiar with postfix and sympa?03:49
garyubotu: Quintin_ thanks, I'll try to do that now03:49
buckwildanyone have any experience using even an HDTV in ubuntu03:49
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buckwildgetting the correct resolution to show up?03:49
Ninosorry, i'm french, i'm have error on open channel03:49
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Quintin_Nino: bie03:50
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jfanaian_My wireless was working before, but now it isn't showing up with either iwconfig or ifconfig even though in ndiswrapper it shows it as present03:51
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garySorry, quick question, how do I tell if I am using dapper, breezy, etc??03:52
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jrib!version | gary03:53
ubotugary: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell03:53
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alephantHi all...03:53
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alephant...Is the Mozilla Quality Feedback Agent (AKA Talkback) enabled in the Firefox package in Edgy?03:53
[gijoework] gary: cat /etc/*-release03:54
array_Do someone knows how to make the terminal complete a filename while we're typing it? (e.g.: if there is a file called 'file1' in current directory I just type 'fi' and then press TAB)03:54
garyThank You!03:54
garyrestarting to disable IPv603:54
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ithaycuCan anyone give me some advice on tracking down the cause of unexpected machine shutdowns?03:55
jribarray_: what shell03:56
erUSULithaycu: check the varius logs in /var/log/03:56
alephantAnybody?  Talkback / Moz Quality Feedback Agent in Ubuntu Firefox build?03:56
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jfanaian_My wireless was working before, but now it isn't showing up with either iwconfig or ifconfig even though in ndiswrapper it shows it as present03:56
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array_jrib: the terminal under 'applications/accessories' menu03:56
array_bash i guess03:57
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chrisjw_hi is there any reason why i can't use tahoma with03:57
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[gijoework] array_: export PATH=.:"${PATH}"03:58
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ithaycuerUSUL: Thx, I'll check the logs. I know the shutdowns are non-graceful03:58
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jfanaian_chrisjw_: Try doing "sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts"03:59
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jfanaian_chrisjw_: That will install the Microsoft TrueType core fonts03:59
array_thanks [gijoework] , will this work after my next reboot?03:59
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chrisjw_i have done all of that04:00
Benjiboy0784hi... i really need some assistance on installing ubuntu 6.1004:00
chrisjw_tahoma isn't part of that anyway04:00
chrisjw_i've already installed tahoma04:00
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[gijoework] array_: No, but add it to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile04:00
chrisjw_my problem is, amsn can't see it in the font list04:00
chrisjw_every other application seems to eb able to04:00
jribarray_: bind '"\t":menu-complete'    it seems04:00
chrisjw_gaim, open office, vIRC, xchat04:00
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array_[gijoework] : is there a way to make it works with folders as well?04:00
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jfanaian_chrisjw_: Does MSN rune nativetly on ubuntu? Or are you running it through wine or similar?04:01
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jribarray_: see "cycling set-up" http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2003/papers/bash_tips/04:01
chrisjw_i'm using aMSN it was a debian package04:01
[gijoework] array_: it should work with folders as well, it does here anyway. You just have to type in enough characters to make a match.04:01
array_jrib: thanks, perfect, it's what I was looking for04:01
chrisjw_I am emulating mIRC at the moment using WINE04:02
chrisjw_that's even using tahoma!04:02
chrisjw_i just don't see why the damn application won't04:02
garyI've disabled ipv6 now, and restarted the computer.  However the internet still seems slightly slow.  Again, I believe the other computers on the network are browsing quite a bit faster than I am.  The command: ip a | grep inet6 returns nothing, so it seems it is turned off04:02
variantchrisjw_: thats not somthing most people would admit to04:02
chrisjw_let me use tahoma, im using verdana right now04:02
chrisjw_thats ok im not bothered i like what i like04:02
chrisjw_and i like tahoma :(04:02
chrisjw_any ideas?04:02
yeniklasorhi, is here anyone was worked Internet Explorer on linux? Some websites requed I.E04:03
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jfanaian_My wireless was working before, but now it isn't showing up with either iwconfig or ifconfig even though in ndiswrapper it shows it as present04:03
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yeniklasorwine for example04:03
variantchrisjw_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-82318.html04:03
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ithaycuyenkilasor: You'll probably find that most ppl stop using thos sites.04:03
variantyeniklasor: yes, there is a very nice script that will install it for you flawlessly with flash as well04:03
nofxxyeniklasor: there is a neat plugin for firefox... you change the name of it for the sites...04:03
ithaycuyenkilasor: I know I do04:03
nofxxso the site thinks its IE and you get it.. xD04:03
variantyeniklasor: I will get you the link04:04
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IdleOneyeniklasor, if the site isnt firefox friendly then you can email the webmaster and tell them to ge with the times or start using a different website04:04
variantyeniklasor: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page it installs ie604:04
jfanaian_My wireless was working before, but now it isn't showing up with either iwconfig or ifconfig even though in ndiswrapper it shows it as present04:04
yeniklasorok I'm checking04:04
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nofxxIdleOne:  that site will be in my blacklist too...  f*** ie only sites04:05
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HymnToLifejfanaian_, does ndiswrapper appear in lsmod ?04:05
nofxxthe worst is this detection thing... without a "let me in anyways"04:05
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Benjiboy0784can anyone help me.....?04:06
nofxxthis firefox addon fixs this... you can change your browser name to opera, ie... anything04:06
variantyeniklasor: obviously you can improve firefox site compatibility by making sure you ahve all the relevent plugins and fonts installed, as somone else mentioned there is a plugin for firefox that makes it pretend to be ie as well. this fixes 99% of the sites that "require" internet exploiter04:06
bulmerjfanaian_:  look under /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf  and see if your interface is there04:06
jfanaian_HymnToLife: Ndiswrapper does show up in lsmod04:06
HymnToLifeBenjiboy0784, you'll need to ask something a bit more precise04:06
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jfanaian_bulmer: the file is empty04:06
yeniklasorvariant : thanks for solve thanks04:07
HymnToLifejfanaian_, and ndiswrapper -l says "driver installed, hardware present" but iwconfig shows nothing ?04:07
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variantyeniklasor: np04:07
HymnToLifethat's definitely weird :/04:07
jfanaian_bulmer: oh its a dir04:07
bulmerjfanaian_: this means the kernel never detected any  of your networking stuff04:07
Benjiboy0784im trying to install ubuntu but it stops and wont go any further.....04:07
jfanaian_HymnToLife: Yeah, thats correct04:07
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variantyeniklasor: it does a very good job of installing ie.. but it wont run quite the same as it does on windows04:07
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jfanaian_bulmer: in ipv4/conf it has all, default, and lo04:07
HymnToLifeBenjiboy0784, what is the last thing you see and what does it do exactly after that ?04:07
IdleOneBenjiboy0784, you need to be alot more specific04:08
bulmerjfanaian_: what are listed there? be precise now.04:08
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yeniklasoryes but some sites dont look good with firefox04:08
jfanaian_bulmer: Three directories, all, default, lo... each with a bucnh fo files like accept_redirects, accept_source_route, arp_accept, etc.04:08
Benjiboy0784i just get a flashing line on the screen... thats what it sits at...04:08
jfanaian_bulmer: Each seem to have the same files04:08
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yeniklasorI wanted it for this ;)04:08
HymnToLifeBenjiboy0784, try an !alternate CD04:08
IdleOne!alternate | Benjiboy078404:09
ubotuBenjiboy0784: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.04:09
jfanaian_bulmer: If I do lshw the wireless card does show up but it says "UNCLAIMED" for it04:09
HymnToLifethe Live CD's installation thingie can still be quite buggy sometimes04:09
bulmerjfanaian_: that just shows you dont have a nic recognized..it would have something like eth0 or wlan004:09
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aarohiwhich program can i use to make animated gifs?04:09
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jfanaian_bulmer: my eth0 is working fine... i'm using it and i can browse the internet04:09
variantaarohi: gimp04:09
HymnToLifeaarohi, !gimp04:09
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.04:10
aarohivariant, i have gimp. what am i looking for in there?04:10
bulmerjfanaian_: i asked you to be precise when listing whats on that directory, you didnt mention eth004:10
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HymnToLifeaarohi, you need to make layers on your image04:10
aarohiafter that? save as animated gif?04:10
MagicRabbitHello everybody! I think I want to kill my Laptop, lol... I might just be being thick though. Anyone know much about Wireless networks - newbie level?04:10
jfanaian_bulmer: It doesn't have eth0 in there... I told you everything that is in there04:10
IdleOne!wifi | MagicRabbit04:10
ubotuMagicRabbit: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:10
HymnToLifeaarohi, yes, when you'll save a multi-layered image as GIF, you'll have the option to save it as animation04:10
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variantaarohi: you need the gimp animation program afaik.. not done it in  along time04:10
bulmerjfanaian_: and your eth0 is working you say?04:11
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HymnToLifewith each layer being a frame of the animated gif of course04:11
jfanaian_bulmer: Yup04:11
jfanaia1bulmer: This is jfanaian_, connected from my ubuntu machine04:11
bulmerjfanaian_: that is really odd..all has to show up under /proc04:11
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variantaarohi: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Advanced_Animations/04:12
jfanaia1bulmer: oh wait... eth0 is showing up now04:12
jfanaia1bulmer: It showed up after i did dhclient eth0 haha, sorry :(04:12
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bulmerjfanaian_: it should, thats the only it will work04:12
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MagicRabbitThanks - just re-reading to check I haven't missed anything.04:12
variantaarohi: it's not exactly excellent but it's the only one i know of (there are likly more because it's not somehting I do)04:12
michaelpowhy i cant play vcd in linuxmint? i can play dvd..04:12
jfanaian_bulmer: Yeah sorry about that =\... I didn't have it loaded, I had to get an IP first and now its showing up, but my wlan0 is not showing up04:12
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variantmichaelpo: why are you asking about linuxmint here?04:12
bulmerjfanaia1: thats the trick, to get the kernel to include your wifi into that dir and all its supporting files04:13
michaelpoit's based on ubuntu... i had the same problem with ubuntu before...04:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:13
variantmichaelpo: so go ask in linuxmint's irc channels or forums04:13
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jfanaian_bulmer: Well, how would I go about that?04:14
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bulmerjfanaia1: you may have to look into /etc/init.d/networking and figure out how this scripts enable interfaces04:14
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jfanaian_bulmer: Oh... Okay I will try to see what I can find04:14
IdleOnemichaelpo, you probably need to install dvd codecs. check the forums for linuxmint. I dont know about linuxmint sorry04:15
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bulmerjfaniian a lil difficult but..04:15
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michaelpoi will reread ubuntu manual04:15
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications04:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:16
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:16
Benjiboy0784rite... a bit more info on what it stops at....... [429.269557]  Kernel panic - Not syncing: VFS Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (8,1)04:16
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HymnToLifeBenjiboy0784, custom kernel ?04:17
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IdleOnemichaelpo, type /server irc.spotchat.org then /join #linuxmint.com04:17
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Benjiboy0784no... i went into the help on the install and typed Boot: live acpi=off04:17
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jfanaian_bulmer: So what you're saying is that I should try to figure out how this script loads an interface and try to manually load wlan0?04:18
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MagicRabbitOk - have read wireless. My wireless card is coming up as eth1 and wont let me do ifconfig stuff - says "SET failed on device eth1: Operation not permitted"04:19
bulmerjfanaian if you must ..do what it takes04:19
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HymnToLifeMagicRabbit, what kind of card is it ?04:20
HymnToLifeyou most likely need a firmware for it04:20
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MagicRabbitIt's one built into a Dell Inspiron 2200 - coming up as a Broadcom 431804:20
infidel_anyone have a suggestion for an icon editor04:21
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Benjiboy0784does it matter that im trying to install ubuntu on a seoerate partition?04:21
IdleOneBenjiboy0784, it shouldnt04:21
IdleOne!dualboot | Benjiboy078404:21
ubotuBenjiboy0784: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)04:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:21
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse04:22
IdleOneinfidel_, search for icon editor in Synaptic04:22
IdleOnemichaelpo, yes?04:22
IdleOnemichaelpo, please enter my whole nick so I can see when you are talking to me :)04:22
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infidel_IdleOne, thankls04:23
infidel_IdleOne, thanks04:23
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IdleOneinfidel_, you find it already?04:23
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IdleOnelater folks04:25
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likwidtekso what's the difference between the "add and remove program" and synaptic04:25
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unska_how can i enable global quickbuttons on totem?04:26
MagicRabbitI can see my card in the Network Configure but it always says diconnected. Is there a "Connect" button I'm overlooking?04:26
ithaycuHow do I keep from having to reinstall the Nvidia binary driver everytime I reboot?04:26
unska_they work while totem is focused only04:26
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infidel_IdleOne, yeah mini gimp04:29
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arpheticHi dudes, im getting anoyed by the retarded error message again which I cant remove :<04:30
infidel_IdleOne, yeah babygimp04:30
gumpishGrrr... My desktop is 1600x1200 but my screen isn't. (If I move my mouse to the edge it scrolls.) What gives?04:30
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MagicRabbitHymnToLife - How do I check if I have firmware installed... I thought firmware was on the card itself - if this basically drivers under Linux?04:31
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Eldoxanyone knows about a partition recovery program, i need to recover two documents from a NTFS partition. i would be very great full :D04:31
ganda1f`anyone know why wine apps don't see my printer ?04:31
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ganda1f`all the docs say it should automatically add cups printers, but it's never worked for me04:32
gumpishEldox:  TestDisk and PhotoRec are free software and worth a try.04:32
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KyralEldox: Try the SystemRescue LiveCD04:33
Eldoxtnx, i'll try testdisk :)04:33
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Baronvonbarbequeok, i have just installed, trying to get ubuntu to recognize my cd drive. any advice?04:34
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bulmerBaronvonbarbeque: did you use a cdrom to install?04:35
Baronvonbarbequeyes i did.04:35
Baronvonbarbequenow i see a few things but no cd-drive.04:35
bulmertry   dmesg | grep cd04:35
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bulmeranything shows up as cd?04:36
Yaseaxhello :)04:36
Baronvonbarbequeok, i have just installed the first linux os ever, and i have had it running for 5 min.04:36
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bulmerBaronvonbarbeque: is it okay if I ask you to then browse through the very helpful tutorial on linux? lots of them around04:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xbuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
ahavecould someone tell/link me to what xbuntu is?04:37
Baronvonbarbequeok, i found it in the device manager. i may be new to linux but i am far from new to computers04:37
Kasoubuntu just died on me, grub failed with error 17 and now i'm on the LiveCD and i can't mount my root Partition, i wonder if anyone has any ideas?04:38
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Baronvonbarbequeok, here is the next idiot question. the button for my cd-drive is also broken is there any way i can get the computer to eject via command?04:39
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seraphimsudo eject04:39
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seraphimor right-klick the symbol on the desktop and choose eject04:39
Benjiboy0784how can i specify what partition i want to install ubuntu on?04:39
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seraphimBenjiboy0784: the installer asks you ;)04:40
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slightdoes anyone know if there's any way to hack networkmanager to connect on  boot? i need to mount an NFS homedir over WPA protected wifi...04:40
JaMiNkLe-how do i restart networking04:40
Benjiboy0784seraphim: its not letting me get that far04:40
bulmerBaronvonbarbeque: type the command eject04:40
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slightJaMiNkLe-, "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"04:41
slightkameron, in terminal04:41
JaMiNkLe-sweet thanks04:41
slighter, JaMiNkLe- rather :)04:41
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noelferreirahow can i open a .fdf file in edgy? urgent help04:42
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slightwhat is is noelferreira ?04:42
aarohity variant04:42
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JDStonenoelferreira: what's an fdf file?04:43
noelferreiraextension of pdf i guess slight04:43
noelferreirasomething to fill forms04:43
slighti'm not sure you can then04:43
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noelferreirai should04:43
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JDStonetry using Preview04:43
ahavecan someone better describe the diff between xbuntu and ubuntu?04:43
noelferreirai won't install windows in order to open it04:43
soundrayPlease help me figure out this USB mass storage device -- it shows up in the device manager with two partitions, but there are no disk device names. What can I do?04:43
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slightnoelferreira, try installing acrobat reader04:43
rexsumxubuntu uses a lighter windowmanager04:44
seraphimahave: xubuntu uses xfce, ubuntu uses gnome as desktop-manager04:44
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rexsumand lighter desktop stuff04:44
noelferreiraubuntu acrobat reader?04:44
CrakeHunterim searching for java support in my firefox. do i need to install it manually or is there a java package in synaptic?04:44
ahaveso it would be better fit for an mp3 server?04:44
mthaddonahave: Xubuntu uses XFCE as the default window manager (more lightweight, less features) while Ubuntu uses Gnome04:44
ahaveor would ubutnu-server04:44
JDStoneahave: use ubuntu server04:44
JDStoneif you don't need a gui04:44
JDStonegotta get ready for work04:45
ahavealright, thanks everyone04:45
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Kasomy ubuntu just died on me, grub failed with error 17 and now i'm on the LiveCD and i can't mount my root Partition, i wonder if anyone has any ideas?04:45
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:46
soundraynoelferreira: what are you lol'ing about?04:46
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Slaughtererhi, i need help04:46
noelferreiraacrobat reader04:46
CrakeHunterheh how cool is that04:46
soundraynoelferreira: what about it?04:46
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SlaughtererUbuntu doesn't seem to mount my SATA NTFS HDD04:46
Slaughtererit shows up in the Device manager, but not under Computer04:46
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noelferreirathere's no acrobat reader for linux systems04:47
ahmaru2hey guy... how to get rid of firefox... i tryed to remove it but then error 127 occured04:47
soundraynoelferreira: you are wrong04:47
soundray!acroread | noelferreira04:47
ubotunoelferreira: acroread: Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Format file viewer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.9-0.0.ubuntu0.6.10 (edgy), package size 22375 kB, installed size 54700 kB (Only available for i386)04:47
JaMiNkLe-does ubuntu come with a vnc installed04:47
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soundrayJaMiNkLe-: yes, you can share the main desktop by default (System-Preferences-Remote Desktop)04:48
noelferreiraedgy won't use it anymore04:48
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noelferreirai don't have that package04:48
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atomiku-linuxHow can I get Enemy Territory to use a different sound device like AOSS so I can have sound on ET and XMMS?04:48
CrakeHunteruh just tried to install java from the repositories... and i got this: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 104:48
soundraynoelferreira: you have to enable multiverse and you have to be on i38604:49
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soundraynoelferreira: and let me point out that your reaction to slight's advice was incredibly rude04:49
noelferreiraah ok04:49
ahmaru2hey guy... how to get rid of firefox... i tryed to remove it but then error 127 occured04:49
noelferreirai'm in amd6404:49
noelferreirathat's it04:50
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bulmerCrakeHunter:  E:  ? you're in windows?04:50
CrakeHunterheh, no!04:50
CrakeHunterubuntu :D04:50
soundraynoelferreira: the forums have advice on how to install acroread32 on amd64. Look for user Kilz.04:50
CrakeHunterdunno E: is for error i guess04:50
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Slaughterersoundray: could you please help me04:51
ahmaru2nobody knows about this bastard error 12704:51
soundraySlaughterer: only if it's quick, have to pick up the wife ;)04:51
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Slaughterercan i PVT you ?04:51
soundraySlaughterer: oh, I see. Try 'sudo fdisk -l' and see if your NTFS partition is listed04:52
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soundraySlaughterer: if it is, follow ubotu:04:52
soundray!ntfs | Slaughterer04:53
ubotuSlaughterer: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:53
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soundraySlaughterer: if it isn't, then you have the problem that I came here to ask about.04:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netgear - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
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soundraySlaughterer: hope that helps, really have to go now.04:53
bulmerCrakeHunter:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java04:53
Slaughtererk thanx :)04:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:54
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Slaughtererubotu: it is not a partition, it is another hard drive04:54
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:54
Slaughtererusing 'sudo fdisk -l' displays the hard drive04:54
Slaughtererbut i'm unable to see it under computer04:54
ahmaru2ubotu can you help me again? about this error 12704:55
CrakeHunterthx, unfortunately my java-crossword riddle, still doesnt load, after installing the java-plugin package04:55
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Kasothe filesystem on my root partition seems to have become damaged, is there anything i can do other than format and reinstall ?04:56
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ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:56
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atomiku-linuxHow can I get Enemy Territory to use a different sound device like AOSS so I can have ET and XMMS both playing sound at the same time?04:57
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dsquarewhat is the best game for ubuntu dapper drake 6.06????04:57
CryoniqOh great.. todays update for 6.10 messed up beryl for me. Cant move windows at all grabbing them, no icons in corners to maximize or minimize them etc.. anyone else experienced this problem?04:57
vascoi've just installed ubuntu04:57
seraphimdsquare: supertux! ;D04:57
atomiku-linuxdsquare: Enemy Territory04:57
dsquarecool vasco are you excited?!!?04:57
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GaiaX11How long will i get updates for dapper? Because I am still getting it :-)04:57
vascobut i,ve the following problem: when 1 boot form hdd, sound doesn't work04:58
dsquarelol ok ill check them out.04:58
ahmaru2nobody can help me about this firefox thing?04:58
HymnToLifeGaiaX11, 3 years04:58
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seraphimdsquare: nexuiz is cool too04:58
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vascowhen i'm booting from cdrom, sound just works04:58
ahmaru2because if i can not remove it I can not install epiphany neather04:58
jfanaia1ahmaru2: What method are you using to remove?04:58
GaiaX11HymnToLife: :-)04:58
ahmaru2because if i can not remove it I can not install epiphany neather04:58
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padlefotcheers, I some help, I'm using ubuntu for six computers at a sporting event, so people can see the scores from the games on my website. Whats the best way of restricting the OS/Internet to just one web-area??04:58
ahmaru2come on!04:59
vascoi've used freebsd for 1.5 year, but i'm impressed by the neat gnome stuff04:59
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vascoand synaptic is great04:59
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jfanaia1ahmaru2: What method are you using to remove firefox?04:59
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vascobut when my sound wouldn't work, i'll switch back to freebsd05:00
padlefotany way of making restrictions on internet use, in say Firefox?05:00
JaMiNkLe-ok my resolution is 1680x1050 and the refresh rate is 60 :\ i cant change any of them and my screen if flickering like crazy any idea how i can get the rez down?05:00
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vascoi'm using a ich4 soundzut05:00
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ahmaru2jfanaial from upgrade manager05:01
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noodles12using anjuta 2.0.2, 1) how do u make teh automake plugin active all the time? i have to reselect it everytime i start anjuta?05:01
ahmaru2and the resolution uo? my prob too05:01
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variantpadlefot: use a firewall, i reccomend firestarter05:01
ahmaru2and the resolution up? my prob too05:02
ahmaru2JFANAIAL from upgrade manager05:02
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variantpadlefot: and close all ports by default, then open http port only and only allow it to the ip address of the website you wish to be accesable05:02
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ahmaru2JFANAIAL anyother method?05:02
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jfanaia1ahmaru2: try apt-get remove firefox on the terminal05:03
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jfanaia1ahmaru2: You'll have to be patient with me, I'm at work and trying to type so I can't look at this window all that often05:03
variantpadlefot: did you see my comment?05:03
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ahmaru2jfanaial... dont warry thanks because you can help me05:05
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jfanaia1ahmaru2: Did apt-get remove work?05:06
JaMiNkLe-my resolution is 1680x1050 and the refresh rate is 60 i cant change any of them and my screen if flickering05:06
ahmaru2jafanaial: E: Impossibile aprire il file di lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:06
ahmaru2E: Impossibile creare un lock sulla directory di list05:06
unopvasco,  what did you make of debian/ubuntu after the switch over from BSD? is it daunting? is it easy? are you totally lost? are you comfortable? etc05:06
ahmaru2jfanaial. no05:06
jfanaia1ahmaru2: Use sudo apt-get remove firefox05:06
unopvasco,  I've just got a spare machine to play with and put fbsd6.2 on it, and i'm hopelessly lost :)05:07
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jfanaia1ahmaru2: You'll have to type in your password as well05:07
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ahavedoes ubuntu come with a bittorrent manger that has a command line interface, ie able to be used on a server?05:07
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zythunop, the freebsd handbook = the best thing ever.05:08
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unopzyth,  yea but it doesnt encompass everything -- especially what i need for the puddle i am in at the time :)05:08
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Baronvonbarbequeok, looks like i need to find a pluggin to get my mp3's to work. any advice?05:09
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ahaveBaronvonbarbeque, xmms05:09
unop!w32codecs | Baronvonbarbeque05:09
ubotuBaronvonbarbeque: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:09
unop!mp3 | Baronvonbarbeque05:10
ubotuBaronvonbarbeque: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:10
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vascounop, i'm a bit loss, my sound is'nt working anymore05:10
unopvasco, would you happen to have multiple sound cards -- one onboard maybe?05:10
ahmaru2jfanaial i did it but didnt work: ahmaru2@devrim:~$ sudo apt-get remove firefox05:10
ahmaru2Lettura della lista dei pacchetti in corso... Fatto05:10
ahmaru2Generazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto05:10
ahmaru2Il pacchetto firefox non  installato, quindi non  stato rimosso05:10
ahmaru2 consigliabile eseguire 'apt-get -f install' per correggere questi problemi:05:10
ahmaru2I seguenti pacchetti hanno dipendenze non soddisfatte:05:10
ahmaru2  mozilla-firefox-locale-it: Dipende: firefox ma non sta per essere installato oppure05:10
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ahmaru2                                      language-support-it ma non sta per essere installato05:10
ahmaru2E: Dipendenze non soddisfatte. Provare 'apt-get -f install' senza pacchetti (o specificare una soluzione).05:10
ahmaru2ahmaru2@devrim:~$ apt-get remove firefox05:10
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padlefotcheers, I need some help, I'm using ubuntu for six computers at a sporting event, so people can see the scores from the games on my website. Whats the best way of restricting the OS/Internet to just one web-area??05:10
ahmaru2E: Impossibile aprire il file di lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:10
ahmaru2E: Impossibile creare un lock sulla directory di list05:10
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso05:10
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Enselic``Does anyone know of a laptop brand with good linux compability?05:11
vascounop,oneboard stuff ac97, ich4 driver05:11
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padlefotany way of making restrictions for internet use in firefox? say to only one specific web area? Im using Firefox with Ubuntu Linux05:11
unopvasco,  use the asoundconf utility -- i think asoundconf list05:11
Lunar_LampEnselic``, IBM traditionally does. System76 sells laptops with linux preinstalled./05:11
Dr_willispadlefot,   you could set up iptables rules, or check out some of the koisk mode plugins i guess05:12
CryoniqAnyone with beryl where windows after last updates arent able to be moved, and no themes?05:12
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Dr_willispadlefot,  or your own dns server/ or proxy05:12
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noelferreirai people. how can i open a .fdf file with evince?05:12
LjL!beryl > Cryoniq    (Cryoniq, see the private message from Ubotu)05:12
infidel_padlefot, you could use a proxy server and just allow that url05:12
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seraphimpadlefot: i would set up a router with shorewall05:12
JaMiNkLe-how can i force a resolution05:12
ewaloehi people05:12
Lunar_LampEnselic``, there's several places on the internet that will sell laptops with linux pre-installed.05:12
Enselic``Lunar_Lamp: I'm not looking for preinstalled ones, just those with good drivers etc05:13
Enselic``Lunar_Lamp: the one I have now is not very good05:13
padlefotDr_willis, infidel_; would it be hard to configure a proxy server? I have some network experience..05:13
atomiku-linuxHow can I get Enemy Territory to use a different sound device like AOSS so I can have ET and XMMS both playing sound at the same time?05:13
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Dr_willispadlefot,  proberly not. :)  but it depends on how locked down/paranoid you want to be i guess.05:13
infidel_padlefot, it's not hard to setup05:13
vascounop, hmm, sound was muted :(, i'll reboot my machine without noapci05:13
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Lunar_LampEnselic``, well, IBM would be a good place to start looking though http://www.linux-laptop.net/ might be a place to look for compatibility of a model you like.05:13
padlefotDr_willis; hehe.. im not sure yet05:14
Dr_willisatomiku-linux,  check the command line optionms for the game.. its so old. it may not have many sound options05:14
Lunar_LampEnselic``, or here: http://www.linux.org/hardware/laptop.html05:14
padlefotinfidel_: tips&tricks?05:14
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padlefotshould i use Ubuntu, or would XP be easier?05:14
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padlefoti have a ton of old computers donated to me05:14
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atomiku-linuxDr_willis: i dont believe it does.05:15
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infidel_padlefot, i would use linux, i'm assuming that all the pc's are networked together right?05:15
felicia5www.exotic-chat.nl gratis   www.exotic-chat.nl gratis   www.exotic-chat.nl gratis   www.exotic-chat.nl gratis   www.exotic-chat.nl gratis   www.exotic-chat.nl gratis  www.exotic-chat.nl gratis   www.exotic-chat.nl gratis  www.exotic-chat.nl gratis05:15
deftim upgrading to the 6.10 now.. wish me luck05:15
Enselic``Lunar_Lamp: ill take a look, thanks05:15
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JaMiNkLe-ok google says i gotta edit x11 to force a resolution... anyone wanna tell me how05:15
padlefotinfidel_: correct05:15
LjL!fixres > JaMiNkLe-    (JaMiNkLe-, see the private message from Ubotu)05:15
LjL!xconfig > JaMiNkLe-    (JaMiNkLe-, see the private message from Ubotu)05:15
vascojoj, sound is working now05:15
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso05:16
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LjLLunar_Lamp: ?05:16
Lunar_Lampfelicia5, spamming05:16
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Lunar_LampThankyou LjL :-)05:16
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padlefotanybody tried out Anon Proxy server?05:17
geemso freenode is a no services server?05:17
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geemlike efnet?05:17
LjLgeem: ?05:17
atomiku-linuxit does05:17
LjLgeem:  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o LjL05:17
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Dr_willisJaMiNkLe-,  you may want to research your actual problem more befor editing the xorg.conf file.05:17
atomiku-linuxanope or something05:17
geemso unlike efnet sorry05:18
atomiku-linuxsomewhat modified05:18
atomiku-linuxit hink05:18
geemi see05:18
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atomiku-linux*I think05:18
geemi believe it05:18
Kasois there anyway i can stop ctrl c from closing Xchat, i keep accidently pressing it :<05:18
geemi own a pc store05:18
geembeen trying to get a new server up05:18
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geemthe ubuntu machine05:18
bjornI'm running a dual boot with ubuntu and suse. Currently suse is controlling my grub (as I understand it). Before removing suse therefore I would like to put ubuntu back in control. Anyone know a good way of doing this?05:18
JaMiNkLe-sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh ahh thats what i was looking for05:19
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geemall i got to do is fig out permissions to modify apache2 folder05:19
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Enselic``Is there a place to globally set bigger fonts? including in apps?05:19
atomiku-linuxKaso: lol use mirc on wine or something05:19
geemi am getting out thru the router and everything now05:19
unopbjorn,  install and configure grub within ubuntu05:19
Dr_willisbjorn,  read the grub docs/web site - and check that ubuntu has the proper grub configs, then rerun the grub-install script05:19
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atomiku-linuxim currently on mirc right now, using wine05:19
atomiku-linuxits pretty good05:19
Skew-_how do i list a folder on my desktop? i tried: ls ~/desktop/school but it didn't work05:19
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Dr_willisatomiku-linux,  thats sick in soooo many ways.05:20
atomiku-linuxcapital D?05:20
geemhome use05:20
bjornunop and Dr_willis, thanks05:20
infidel_padlefot, this might help http://schools.coe.ru.ac.za/wiki/Configuring_transparent_proxy05:20
ahmaru2I am sorry :-(05:20
unopSkew-_,  ls ~/Desktop/school05:20
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atomiku-linuxSkew-_:capital D05:20
Skew-_is the terminal case sensitive?05:20
unopSkew-_,  you can always tab complete ~/D<Tab> ...05:20
CrescendoHow can I force close an application without the command line?05:20
geemso i am a bit lost05:20
unopSkew-_,  everything on nix should be assumed to be case sensitive05:20
ahmaru2it is just since this morning that i try to make ububntu working but after 7 hours i couldn manage...05:20
geemdo i have to do edits thru the terminal window05:20
Dr_willisCrescendo,  make a script to run xkill and make an icon for it.05:21
geemi cant log on as root05:21
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unopgeem, try this command - sudo -s05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about entyer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
Skew-_yay it worked, thanks the help05:21
LjLCrescendo: try gnome-system-monitor perhaps, it should be somewhere in the menu05:21
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:21
CrescendoDr_willis, so I can't CTRL+SHIFT click the window and then kill it.... :/05:21
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EdgEyis there a package to add rar support to fileroller05:21
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geemwhats that do?05:21
CrescendoLjL, yeah, I just can't figure out waht program it is05:21
Dr_willisCrescendo,  there are some window managers with some features lijke that i guess.. never tried.05:21
CrescendoIt's two "deleting files" windows05:21
Dr_willisCrescendo,  i just use a terminal and xkill.05:21
unopEdgEy,  afaik, it uses it if you install rar and unrar05:21
CrescendoAnd they're just hanging there05:21
CrescendoI don't know what program they are, though05:22
Dr_willisCrescendo,  or use the terminal and the 'kill' command.05:22
unopgeem,  sudo -s  gives you a root terminal there05:22
EdgEythanks unop, i'll try that05:22
geembut then05:22
CrescendoHow can I find out what program they are?05:22
unop!enter | geem05:22
ubotugeem: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:22
geemi  have to edit the file in terminal window?05:22
EdgEyyep seems to work. :)05:22
geemor make the switch?05:22
LjLCrescendo: can't help sorry, i'm on KDE05:22
CrescendoLjL, s'okay. :/05:22
unopgeem,  please try and keep all your conversation on one long line like this so that people can keep track of it :)05:23
geemyes i am sorry05:23
CrescendoHow can I figure out what program a certain window is in GNOME?05:23
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unopgeem,  you can use your favourite editor -- try typing  gedit in the root terminal05:23
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geemi already got locked out of the other machine my messing with permissions05:24
LjLCrescendo: i don't know -- but i've previously tried to find out about that, and i couldn't find an answer. so perhaps it just can't be done05:24
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CrescendoLjL, Linux fails on the simple things, yet again. :/  Though, I'm a Linux fan, and I use it as my personal computer.  It's little things like this that make it an irritation05:24
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ntbnnthey, quick question, i try to makefile and get "/lib/modules/2.6.15-28-686/build" no such dir, any suggests?05:25
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LjLCrescendo: well, why do you need to know that, anyway?05:25
LjLCrescendo: to know which program to kill?05:25
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CrescendoLjL, a "deleting files" window or two hung.05:26
xfabhi there05:26
LjLCrescendo: if you just click on the Close button a couple of times, won't a dialog come up asking if you want to terminate it? in KDE, it's like that05:26
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CrescendoLjL, nope - clicked the X button for many many times, nothing, no force quit window05:26
LjLCrescendo: there's probably also some panel applet called "killsomething" or similar, that allows you to just click on a window and have the app killed, IIRC05:26
Galego_Kunhow can i chosse channels?05:26
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LjL(which would mean, on second thoghts, that there *is* a way to know what process a window belongs to..)05:27
unopCrescendo,  well, its just the constraints of your environment and circumstances -- a driver who just got a ferrari after driving a beemer for 10 years is going to say "wow, i love this .. but errm, i wish i could go from A to B or pull more birds" .. it's all an art, a know-how, a lifestyle, etc and it all comes in time :)05:27
ahmaru2hi... today everybody is hungry with me bacause i am here since this morning trying to make ubuntu 5.10 working on my laptop but i cant.... can anybody help me?05:27
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LjL!away > Pic|Away    (Pic|Away, see the private message from Ubotu)05:27
JaMiNkLe-ok so i restarted x now i am just at some screen with a blinking _05:27
jfanaia1ahmaru2: Why are you using 5.1?05:27
JaMiNkLe-for about 5 mins05:27
xfabI've got a little question about kernel kompiling05:27
jfanaia1ahmaru2: Just curiosity =\ lol05:27
Crescendounop, Ubuntu's goal is freedom - and while I'd like to also point out Torvalds' goal of ruling the world - it isn't going to happen, ever, when simple functions aren't available.05:27
CrescendoEasily, at least05:28
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unopCrescendo,  what "simplicity" are you seeking?05:28
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xfabI've compiled a kernel on ubuntu Breezy and tried to start it, but right after the start, the booting stops05:28
Crescendounop, the ability to close a window05:28
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xfabwhat have I done wrong?05:28
unopCrescendo,  xkill and point in window :)05:29
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unopCrescendo,  point and click, i.e.05:29
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unopCrescendo,  and it wasnt just torvalds who got the phenomenon of GNU/Linux going .. he was just one of the many thousands05:29
ahmaru2jfanaial because i got this cd I am in turkey, so it is difficoult to get 6.10 cd and I can not dawnload the upgrade from the upgrade thing, this is one of the 3 programs i cant solve since this morning05:29
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xfabI someone here, who's good at kompiling kernels?05:30
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Cyrus25801i am having problems with firefox. it is haning and after 5 min it comes right then hangs again.05:30
CrescendoYeah, so I'm going to just reload GNOME to make these windows go away.05:30
CrescendoApparently Windows has a "Switch To" feature in their system monitor05:30
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xfabCyrus25801: you've tried to reinstall firefox?05:31
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unopI dont crescendo actually checked the gnome-system-monitor close up05:32
xfabdoes anybody hear me? test05:32
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PriceChildxfab, hey05:32
xfabwas just a test ^^05:32
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Cyrus25801xfab: ok any other ideas05:33
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JaMiNkLe-how do i start x from shell05:33
LjLJaMiNkLe-: startx05:33
xfabPriceChild: hey there ^05:33
unopJaMiNkLe-,  gksudo gdm05:33
xfabCyrus25801: didn't work?05:33
LjLJaMiNkLe-: or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart, if you want the login screen05:33
LjLunop: eeew, why not start it with the proper script? :P05:33
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unopLjL,  it's effectively the same thing :p05:34
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JaMiNkLe-heh they both dont work05:34
jfanaia1I don't know what to try anymore, my wireless is not showing up in ifconfig but ndiswrapper says it is loaded. When I do lsmod ndiswrapper shows up on there too. What else could I try?05:34
unopJaMiNkLe-,  do you use kubuntu?05:34
JaMiNkLe-gksudo gdm says cant open display05:34
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LjLJaMiNkLe-: then your xorg.conf is broken i guess05:34
MenaHow to play 3gp files05:34
seraphimis the nvidia-driver /module problem fixed?05:35
unopJaMiNkLe-,  did you try - sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart  ?05:35
xfabMena: you tried mplayer?05:35
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Menadidnt work05:35
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xfabMena: otherwise you could use realplayer, I'm quite sure, that it supports this format05:35
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unopjfanaia1,  you sure its not listed -- ifconfig -a05:35
facugaichMena: google "play 3gp ubuntu" and you'll get some tuts05:35
JaMiNkLe-ill try detect the gfx again05:35
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Cyrus25801xfab: will try and get back to you05:35
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xfabCyrus25801: ok05:36
s0undt3chwhile trying to compile my kernel I keep getting /lib/libc.so.6: could not read symbols: File format not recognized05:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mjpeg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:36
Menaxfab, okay05:36
unopJaMiNkLe-,  are you installing something like nvidia or ati drivers?05:36
ahmaru2anybody know how to increase monitor resolution?05:36
xfabIs anybody here, who could help me with my kernel building problem?05:36
Menafacugaich, okay05:36
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s0undt3chxfab: what's your prob? like mine?05:36
xfabahmaru2: yes, 1. install proper drivers05:36
unopahmaru2,  gnome-display-properties05:36
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JaMiNkLe-no.. i just installed ubuntu and my resoslution was crazy05:36
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morgWorksup guys05:37
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unopJaMiNkLe-,  do you know what changes you've made?05:37
xfabahmaru2: then Settings -> Monitor Resolution05:37
seraphimis the nvidia-driver /module problem fixed?05:37
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|rms|gOLdenHaWK3D, hey man05:37
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Svishguess I shouldnt ask programming questions here.. where should I do that?05:37
ahmaru2xfab where is gnome?05:37
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morgWorkanyone know how to get apt-get install libnss-ldap to NOT prompt for configuration? -y, -qq, and --force-yes don't seem to have much effect.05:38
xfabahmaru2: you've installed ubuntu right?05:38
unopSvish,  well, whats the matter, we can direct you on if we know05:38
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JaMiNkLe-even sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart dies05:38
jribSvish: ##c for c, #python for python, etc...05:38
xfabahmaru2: the windowmanager you're using is called gnome then05:38
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finalbetaHow do I start a bash file non blocking? I mean ./test.sh will block until executed. In windows I could use start. what can I use in bash?05:38
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jribfinalbeta: append &05:39
xfabahmaru2: you just got to go to System -> Settings -> Monitor Resolution05:39
unopfinalbeta,  send it to the background --05:39
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finalbetadamn, right. I knew that :p.05:39
finalbetalols, converting is confusing. thnx05:39
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aoupia question about background, if I hit ctrl+z will the app continue running or will it pause untill I bring it up again?05:39
xfabcould someone help me with my kernel problem? (booting freezes right after the start)05:39
lannyol galera05:40
madprobegOLdenHaWK3D, hey man05:40
jribaoupi: pause, but you can use the 'bg' command to resume it in the background.  Google for "shell job control linux"05:40
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aoupijrib: oh didn't know about 'bg', thanks05:40
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jribaoupi: 'jobs' and 'fg' are two other usefull ones...05:40
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aoupijrib: yea I know them, 'jobs -l' was very useful to get the PID when I didn't know about fg :)05:41
monitor_ol pesoal05:41
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ahmaru2xfab... ah ok :-) but where is diplay... sorry but i am using the italian version...05:41
jribaoupi: to work with jobs you don't need PID btw, you can refer to them with job numbers.  Like  fg %2  will foreground job 205:42
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gh0sthey, how can i SYNCHRONISE two folders (while the first folder isn't changed, but the second is updated so that it's exactly like the first)?05:42
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xfabahmaru2: what you mean exactely by display? ^05:42
aoupijrib: I see05:42
bjdieiHow reliable is upgrading to Breezy to Dapper?05:42
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ahmaru2xfab if it is the window called monitor resolution I would like to change it more then this...05:43
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jribbjdiei: wfm fine, but you should always have backups anyway.  It can be 99.99% reliable but you still don't want to be taht .01% and not have backups05:43
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ahmaru2xfab you wrote this gnome-display-properties05:43
fr0ghello people05:44
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xfabcould someone help me with my kernel problem, please?05:44
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padlefotany good proxy servers (with GUI) in linux?05:45
JaMiNkLe-ahhhh it wont redetect my gfx just keeps taking me back to the reconfi screen05:45
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adinsxjesus this is a crowded channel!05:45
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ntbnntxfab: what's up05:46
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arpheticHiya, since today I have some strange error on Azureus, http://paste.debian.net/21861 for the error logfile thing. What should I do?05:46
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padlefotwhat I really meant was is there any good proxy servers in the ubunbu resps?05:46
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xfabhey ntbnnt05:47
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xfabntbnnt: I try to solve my kernel building problem05:47
ntbnntxfab: what's goin' on in your box05:47
kmaynardpadlefot, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=proxy&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all05:48
adinsxI have a simple problem with Gnome in Ubuntu, but im not sure how to phrase it.  I would like to set Gnome so that it dosn't animate windows until i select a place to move them to05:48
kmaynardpadlefot, squid and tinyproxy are good05:48
adinsxim using open source drivers and the animation isnt smooth05:48
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bjdieiAnyone here have experience upgrading breezy to Dapper?05:49
kmaynardbeen a long time05:49
ntbnntkmaynard: have you played with just the desktop prefs05:49
NetCruZaJust installed Compiz, and it works great... But I can't get gnome-compiz-preferences to work, whenever i try to run it i get these errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5586/05:49
variantadinsx: what graphics card is it?05:49
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adinsxMobility radeon 9000, isn't covered by the proprietary ati drivers05:49
kmaynardntbnnt, huh?05:49
adinsxthey probably wouldnt work much better, its 3d accelerated atleast05:49
xfabntbnnt: I'm using v6.10 ubuntu, kernel-version 2.6.17 (ubuntu)05:49
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adinsxit would just be nice if it would only animate windows when i find a place ot move them to05:49
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ntbnntkmaynard: what animations are you wanting to disable05:49
variantadinsx: strange, i have a radeon 7000 igp with the open drivers and it works very smoothly05:50
variantadinsx: you are using aiglx right?05:50
kmaynardntbnnt, none, i never said anything about animations05:50
adinsxits pretty smooth dont get me wrong05:50
xfabntbnnt: I kompiled everything and added the kernel with dpkg05:50
variantadinsx: and edgy not dapper?05:50
padlefotcheers, I need some help, I'm using ubuntu for six computers at a sporting event, so people can see the scores from the games on my website. Whats the best way of restricting the OS/Internet to just one web-area??05:50
ntbnntxfab: yea, but whats the problem05:50
adinsxum, im not sure how would i check05:50
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variantyeah edgy05:50
ntbnntkmaynard: my bad, i must have read wrong :(05:50
xfabntbnnt: after I tried to boot the new kernel and it crashed right after I select it in grub05:50
padlefotanybody formiliar for approx?05:50
Hub441did anyone manage to boot the xubunut-cd via network/pxe?05:50
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ntbnntxfab: you got another kernel to boot to?05:51
padlefotor the anon-proxy server?05:51
xfabntbnnt: there is also some text, before it crashes, but I can't read it, it's to fast05:51
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variantadinsx: I have only really used beryl.. it has a settings manager. I don't know how compiz handles that sort of thing05:51
xfabntbnnt: yea, I've got my standart ubuntu kernel05:51
adinsxi followed a guide to get the radeon drivers installed and they work pretty well05:51
xfabI logged in with this one actually05:51
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variantadinsx: an alternative to compiz05:51
ntbnntxfab: for the text, you could try your system pause button - works on some comps05:51
adinsxim not familar with either of those, lemme look them up really quick05:51
variantadinsx: if you are using radoen 9000 then you already hav ethe drivers installed.. you shouldnt have to follow a guid05:51
kmaynardpadlefot, are you looking for an anonymizer or something?05:52
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ntbnntxfab: try getting to that GRUB menu and boot to a previous kernel05:52
variantadinsx: please show me what guide you followed to isntall the driver05:52
bjdieijrib: Have you done an upgrade in Ubuntu?05:52
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xfabntbnnt: i can't see an error, just the splashscreen with a little bit orange in it05:52
adinsxum, i dont remember, it was in the official ubuntu wiki i think05:52
xfabntbnnt:  if this helps you05:52
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variantpadlefot: I already told you how to do it but you ignored me05:52
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ntbnntxfab: hmmm, have you done a reinstall05:52
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xfabntbnnt: I booted the previous kernel, it's all working, just the new one isn't05:52
yann__join #debian-mirror05:52
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xfabntbnnt: I'm writing from this machine to you05:53
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fiftykpscan someone please tell me how to change the default runlevel of ubuntu 6.10 workstation install, now that the /etc/inittab file is gone?05:53
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adinsxi believe05:53
ntbnntxfab: go with the previous one05:53
xfabntbnnt: but I wanted to kompile a kernel that is more efficient05:53
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ntbnntxfab: err, ubuntu doesn't like custom kernels05:53
xfabntbnnt: that's why I wanted to compile one05:53
adinsxalso ya i thought i was just crazy or i was remembeing wrong... why did they get rid of the inittab file :(05:53
variantpadlefot: you don't need a proxy server. just use your firewall as i described. if you don't have a firewall then install firestarter (apt-get install firestarter) and block all ports accept http05:53
xfabntbnnt: sure?05:54
variantpadlefot: and also only allow http to that one site05:54
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adinsxoh im pretty sure my xwindow system isnt hardware accelerated, i should check this out05:54
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adinsx(looking at compiz wiki right now)05:54
variantadinsx: it is05:54
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xfabntbnnt: is there a reason why ubuntu doesn't like customs?05:54
ntbnntxfab: im sure, tried myself several times and even let someone ssh my box and try05:54
variantadinsx: run glxinfo | grep direct05:54
xfabntbnnt:  I see05:54
ntbnntxfab: it's just ubuntu05:54
variantadinsx: your looking for a "yes"05:54
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xfabntbnnt: on Gentoo the kernel I compiled worked pretty good05:55
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xfabbut that was on another pc05:55
adinsxgot a yes05:55
ntbnntxfab: stock kernels for ubuntu isn't soo bad05:55
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variantadinsx: then you have 3d accelleration05:55
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Wandereranyone know how to make a system renew it's dhcp lease any time a network cable is unplugged and re-plugged?05:55
xfabntbnnt: but it's a bit slow I thought05:55
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ntbnntxfab: werid things like touchscreen for compaq computers are enabled, but hey05:55
s0undt3chdam, why am I getting /lib/libc.so.6: could not read symbols: File format not recognized05:55
adinsxbut is the gnome using it to animate the desktop?  I have 3d acceleration on my windows machine but it dosnt use it for the desktop05:55
LjLfiftykps: you can still use /etc/inittab for setting the default runlevel. that's the only think that inittab is checked for. there's probably a "better" way though05:55
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:55
s0undt3chwith make menuconfig!?!?!?05:55
xfab ntbnnt yea ^^05:55
Svishjrib: trying to find out how I can program a tool in c or java that merges jpegs into a mjpeg05:56
LjLfiftykps: let me find the script that checks for the inittab default runlevel...05:56
xfabntbnnt: support for a toshiba laptop :P05:56
ntbnntxfab: you might just go with dstraight debian, it loves customs and05:56
fiftykpsLjL: thank you05:56
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ntbnntxfab: you almost need a custom to work in debian05:56
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_Freedom0_could someone help me with downlloading cvs files as i cant connect via my modem05:56
xfabntbnnt: how do you mean exactely?05:57
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jtinneyI've been having some trouble with the nvidia drivers and X, I didn't in Dapper, but now I get an error on start up after i install nvidia-glx and then run nvidia-xconfig, that itself yields no errors, it successfully modifies xorg.conf and even has the driver name as 'nvidia', but x will not start and i have to resort to a backup05:57
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xfabntbnnt: is it otherwise so slow?05:57
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lolmanBit of help needed, I have 2 rather small hard disks (a 3.2GB and a 4.3GB) and want to combine them, either using LVM or software RAID. I was just wondering: how would I get such a partition booting?05:57
jtinneyi'm looking for some 3d support, because even dragging windows and scrolling is very jerky05:57
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LjLfiftykps: the file is /etc/event.d/rc-default -- if you look at it, you'll see that it just greps for "initdefault" in inittab and, if it's there, uses "telinit" to set the runlevel..05:57
ntbnntxfab: well, not really, but you will run into strange errors and some boards just don't like debain05:58
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fiftykpsok, cool, thanks05:58
_Freedom0_could someone help me with downlloading cvs files as i cant connect via my modem i need it from this :cvs -d:ext:anoncvs@cvs.infradead.org:/home/cvs co -D 2006-01-17 usbatm05:58
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xfabntbnnt: hmm... that sounds like a lot of problems ^^05:58
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ntbnntxfab: that's y im on ubuntu now05:59
xfabntbnnt: but thank you anyway05:59
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xfabntbnnt:  I see :)05:59
ntbnntxfab: ubuntu is nice, and its debain based05:59
variantadinsx: as you said before, you are using compiz so yes05:59
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varianti'm offski05:59
JimmeyI connected my laptop and my Desktop together using a xover cable and a setup I've had work previously, and I get "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted" - What's wrong?06:00
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adinsxwell ok...06:00
xfabntbnnt:  can I ask you one last question? :D06:00
archangelpetrocan anyone tell me how i'd get the man pages for syscalls? (which package do i install for them?)06:00
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ntbnntxfab: sure06:00
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majortomif i wanted to use the s-video out on a graphics card, would i have to configure anything special? or would it "just work"?06:00
xfabntbnnt: if you run xfce (xubuntu), how fast are gnome and kde-programms on it?06:01
ZtaAny experts who can help me understand a new things about ivman?06:01
latzhi how do you add services to startup?06:01
xfabntbnnt: because if you start a kde app on gnome it's quite slow06:01
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ntbnntxfab: i noticed no difference with my comp (duo, 2ghz, 2gb ram, 256 ati card)06:02
freezeyi have all these conf files that are now labeled as executables but shouldn't be how do i change that?06:02
ntbnntxfab: i like gnome; you can still run kde prgms06:02
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xfabntbnnt: I like gnome too, but I tried amarok and it's quite cool06:03
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xfabntbnnt: perhaps I should try xmms ^^06:03
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xfabntbnnt: but thank you again for your support :-)06:03
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ntbnntxfab: np, thanks, nice chatting06:03
jtinneylatz: In Ubuntu, go to System > Preferences > Sessions, then go to the Startup Program Tab and you can add a start up entry from there06:04
xfabntbnnt: you've really spared me some trouble (trying to getting the kernel to work06:04
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xfabntbnnt: yea, have a nice evening06:04
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latzjtinney, kay ... that's fine for the desktop but how do you do it on console? cause I need both solutions06:04
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xfabntbnnt:  (got to go reading a book for school :-/)06:04
ntbnntxfab: just go with stock, unless you have gentoo, debain, etc.06:05
xfabntbnnt: ok, I see06:05
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jtinneylatz: You got me there, I'm newish. I'm having trouble this time around getting X to work with the nvidia-glx drivers and my GeForce 4 Ti420006:05
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ntbnntxfab: fedora, solaris don't like customs either06:05
xfabntbnnt: good to know06:05
ntbnntxfab: have a nice evening, yea06:06
zAii have redhat dictro and want to dual box ubuntu. ir order to do it, i need just to change / to something like /root ?06:06
xfabntbnnt: thank you and cu06:06
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xfabcu guys06:06
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jtinneyntbnnt: are you any good with getting nvidia 3d support going?06:06
latzjtinney, kay but it would be nice knowing that......06:06
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fiftykpsin 6.10, runlevel is telling me its in runlevel 2, while x and gnome is running, how is this possible?06:06
ntbnntjtinney: it depends on your card, what is it06:06
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jtinneyntbnnt: it is a Gainward GeForce 4 Ti420006:07
petalsorry, dumb question: What's the command again to bring up the gnome-config-editor? I tried to google it but couldn't come up with a correct keyword... Sorry!06:07
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latzlol and that's how you get your questions answered by answering (or at least try to) other questions first!06:07
Jimmeyjtinney, sudo apt-get install nvidia-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)06:07
Jimmeyjtinney, no, that's wrong.06:07
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Jimmeyjtinney, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)06:08
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_Freedom0_!msg the bot>LjL06:08
jtinneyE: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-server06:08
sdac1hi does anyone know roughly when the final stable version of xubuntu fiesty will come out ?  my installation of edge is ruined so i was thinking of waiting for fiesty and do clean install06:08
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ntbnntjtinney: okay06:09
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Jimmeyjtinney, you have to enable the multiverse repository06:09
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:09
Agrajagsdac1: April06:09
freezeywhats the command to make evertying just read and write? not executable06:09
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atomiku-linuxWhat audio wrapper shall I use for enemy territory so I can get sound?06:09
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jtinneyThey are enabled..06:09
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freezeywell whats the numbercode06:09
latzjtinney, thx anyway :)06:09
ntbnntjtinney: go to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174 and try there, your card was a sticky one...06:09
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jtinneyntbnnt: Excellent, thank you very much for all of your help.06:10
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Jimmeyjtinney, then sudo apt-get update; apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules-($uname -r)06:10
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sdac1Agrajag:  ok thanks06:10
latzehum another question ... is it possible to disable tooltips on gnome? and if yes how?06:10
jtinneyJimmey: standby, running now06:10
_Freedom0_hi !06:10
jtinneylatz: Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I tried to google it for you but came up empty.06:10
latzsame here06:10
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_Freedom0_Could someone help me for downloading this :cvs -d:ext:anoncvs@cvs.infradead.org:/home/cvs co -D 2006-01-17 usbatm06:11
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sdac1does anyone know if firefox stores that saved sessions (open tabs) ... is it on the root parition or in /home  ?  I need to format and reinstall ubuntu so i need to make sure i can recover these open tabs06:12
freezeywhats the number code to make things just read and write not executable06:12
jhallhey, i booted into ubuntu this morning and my wireless network settings were gone (including no wlan0)... There was an additional kernel listing on bootup... there are 3 there now.... what happened?06:12
LjL_Freedom0_, excuse me?06:12
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ntbnntjtinney: this is a nice project going on right now https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/accelerated-x06:12
jrib!permissions | freezey06:12
ubotufreezey: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux06:12
Jimmeysdac1, in /home/user/.mozilla06:12
kbrosnansdac1: ~/.mozilla06:12
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_Freedom0_lol ,where were you,!06:12
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iratikI found a .pem file on my system - only its badly named and I have no clue which certificate it is -- is there a way to query the certificate to get its general info ?06:13
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_Freedom0_LjL,please i need you to download for me a cvs file as i couldnt do it (i cant access to the net via my usb modem)06:13
jtinneyntbnnt: yes, it does, I will be very excited if 3d acceleration is enabled by default. It sure would save a lot of hassle.06:14
LjL_Freedom0_: err, if you can't access the net, how are you on IRC and how will i send it to you? :P anyway, giving me !msg the bot isn't a good way to get my attention. really.06:14
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atomiku-linuxWhat audio wrapper shall I use for enemy territory so I can get sound?06:14
sdac1 Jimmey and kbrosnan:  ok so everything is already saved.  great06:14
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jtinneyJimmey: When I run the apt-cache command it just seems to execute and returns me back to the command prompt06:14
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ntbnntjtinney: hell yea!06:14
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jhallwhat happened to my network settings?06:14
_Freedom0_LjL!its simple i connect via anotehr modem wich isnt a n USB!!huh!06:14
_Freedom0_im not using the dsl now!06:15
LjL_Freedom0_: then can't you get that CVS stuff from there?06:15
sdfdsfdsfsdfddfghey, I need some help here06:15
sdfdsfdsfsdfddfgI'm having a Kernel Panic error, when I try to install the Edgy version...06:15
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Jimmeyjtinney, alright - are you sure that multiverse is enabled? What does "sudo less /etc/apt/sources.list | grep multiverse" say06:15
_Freedom0_im using windows ,and those cvs files are for my usb modem!dont worry!06:15
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iratik_Freedom0_: the internet is interoperable between any type of connection device and any other type of connection device because it abides by a protocol - it doesn't matter if you are using usb modem - if it can connect to a website - it uses tcp/ip - therefore you can probably get the csv file you are looking for if you try06:16
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_Freedom0_check this if u ont believ me http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/zxdsl85206:16
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jtinneyit lists ten entries with multiverse in them06:16
Agrajag_Freedom0_: Then why don't you just install cvs in windows and download the files?06:16
jtinneyJimmey ^06:16
_Freedom0_how i coan n im a newbie and using windows!!!!06:17
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_Freedom0_euh i dont think windows could download cvs files!06:17
Agrajag_Freedom0_: http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ I haven't used this, but I have used tortoiseSVN and it's pretty simple.06:17
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Jimmeyjtinney, what does "apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules-*" say06:17
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jtinneyJimmey: You might kill me for not mentioning this sooner.. but my installation is an Ubuntu Edgy Server, then I installed ubuntu-desktop on top of that to get a GUI06:18
_Freedom0_i dont know how to use it sorry!i tried with it!06:18
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iratik_Freedom0_: what do you need to do - and what are you running06:18
Jimmeyjtinney, I don't think that'll make much of a difference, I could be wrong though06:18
jtinneyJimmey: Ok. I didn't think it would, but you never know.06:18
_Freedom0_i need these files for compiling a module for my modem as shown on this tuto http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/zxdsl85206:18
aalhamadis there a something close to metacafe for linux?06:18
LjL_Freedom0_: there's plenty of CVS clients for windows. anyway, i've downloaded it... here you are http://mega-file.net/file.php?file=c8f32c344528d06715c110b427f1272c06:18
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jtinneyJimmey: It has a listing of linux-restricted-modules, is there one in particular I should look for?06:19
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aalhamadmetacafe will not display the vedios06:19
iratik_Freedom0_: alright ... why do you need to compile a file for your modem ?06:19
Jimmeyjtinney, one for your kernel06:19
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sdfdsfdsfsdfddfghey I need some help installing my Edgy...06:19
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_Freedom0_and as im newbie and i just using windows and i need to download them n compile it as wrtiiten on the tuto!06:19
jtinneyJimmey: Ok, how do I determine my kernel..? I guess I could check my GRUB file06:19
sdfdsfdsfsdfddfgI have a Kernel Panic error msg06:20
_Freedom0_tahts why i ased you for a hand!06:20
Jimmeyjtinney, that's what uname -r does06:20
jtinneyah, alright06:20
thianpaOne question. Why is that Knoppix and Mandriva can support mp3 codec on default but Ubuntu dont ??06:20
iratik_Freedom0_: okay.... arrete06:20
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therapysdfdsfdsfsdfddfg:  I thought you might need some help picking a nick06:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:20
Jimmeythianpa, Ubuntu can, just chooses not too06:20
iratik_Freedom0_: why are you compiling it under windows?06:20
sdfdsfdsfsdfddfghaaha yeah I had no idea, so I put this06:20
sdfdsfdsfsdfddfgmy name is Joe06:20
_Freedom0_iratik ,,arrete  why?06:20
sdfdsfdsfsdfddfgyou can call me like hat06:20
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_Freedom0_euh no ,compilng under unbuntu 6.0606:21
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aalhamadis there a something close to metacafe for linux? cuz meta cafe will not display videos before downloading them06:21
iratikil y a des instruction pour l'installer sans l'internet - pour quoi est vous ne les suivez pas si vous devez l'installer sur un boite sans l'internet ?06:21
thianpaJimmey : Why dont they choose it? i mean its one of the most used Music Format in the world. Would that make it more popular ?06:21
jhallwhat would cause my wireless network settings to be lost after a reboot (i've been using wireless for MANY MONTHS)???06:21
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jtinneyJimmey:  I have 2.6.17-11-server, which I didn't see in the apt-cache results, probably where my trouble lies..06:21
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iratiki'm not sure if my french is as good as your english -- but ... why aren't you following the instructions for installing without the internet ?06:22
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_Freedom0_iratik ,vous me comprenez pas ou quoi?j'ai dit jai besoin de connexion !! pour toi tu as un linux sans connexion c'est normal?06:22
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Jimmeythianpa, it's closed source, Ubuntu ships completely open source - It's up to you whether you opt to use closed source stuff.06:22
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Jimmeyjtinney, try sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic06:23
_Freedom0_iratik i install ubuntu and its alright!but ghow do you think that i could use Linux withouta connection :s??!06:23
AgrajagJimmey: it's not closed-source.06:23
AgrajagJimmey: it's patented.06:23
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod06:23
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio.  See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!06:23
jtinneyJimmey: Excellent, it is downloading now. Will advise06:24
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thianpaJimmey : ok thanks06:24
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aalhamadis there a something close to metacafe for linux? cuz meta cafe will not display videos before downloading them... plz help06:24
Baronvonbarbequehmmm, looks like my sound card is not working or something, im getting no sound whatsoever06:24
schwachHate to ask.. where so I set my computer's domain name - is there a config file somewhere?06:24
iratikvous avez un boite avec ubuntu - mais il ne peut pas utilise votre modem dsl avec algerie telecom ...  vous avez aussi un boite avec windows -- et vous voulez utilizer l'internet avec ubuntu , oui ?06:25
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iratikn'est pas ?06:25
fr0gFR0GS RULE06:25
fr0goh noe06:25
fr0gplease don't eat me ><06:25
_Freedom0_iratik ,what do you eman by 'boit'?06:25
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cnchi! i kinda couldn't find this anywhere. how do i make xdm autologin me as a normal user? it's possible w/GDM, what about xdm?06:26
jtinneyJimmey: System restart is required. So, I'll brb.06:26
_Freedom0_i ve an usb mdeom wich isnt supported by my linux! (ubuntu 6.06)06:26
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atomiku-linuxhow do i create a symbolic link?06:26
Baronvonbarbequecan someone please help me get my sound to work.06:26
iratikln -s path name06:26
tj_Can anyone help me with how to install 3 harddisks on 1 pc?06:26
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waxfactor2ndwhat is the Option "DPMS" in the xorg.conf06:27
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yasi8hlap so that i can accsess it remotly06:27
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Flanneltj_: it's no different than 1, you still have various partitions mounted places, except in your case, those partitions are on separate drives06:27
yasi8hi installed openssh-server and i can accsess it localy06:28
Goldenphoenixwaxfactor: it's to use powermanagement for monitors06:28
yasi8hlike from the box where the server was installed06:28
yasi8hbut i can't accsess it from a another pc in the lan?06:28
yasi8hwhat can be the problem?06:28
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Flannelyasi8h: You sure you have the ip correct?06:28
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iratikalright .. bottom line ----   you can use linux without the internet -- just like you can use windows without the internet. if you would like the internet on your ubuntu box -- and are on your windows box right now.. please refer  to the instructions for downloading the cvs client in windows  and it will compile it for UNIX if you specify as instructed ... then you can also download the .bin file to upgrade the modem for compa06:28
iratiktibility and go on from there -- the instructions are right there06:28
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yasi8hwhen i sshd 192... it just stays there like its stuck or something06:29
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tj_Flannel, I have 1 hd_a installed with dual boot win/ubuntu but other 2 hd_b&c installed via raid card. Not able to see them in ubuntu.06:29
SurfnKDaldoes anyone know a help page for the diffferent models of Wireless mini-PCI cards?06:29
Baronvonbarbequedoes anyone have any idea why my sound could be not working?06:29
yasi8hit doesnt give me a error message or anything at all06:29
waxfactor2ndGoldenphoenix: thanks - can it for some reason interupt the resulution?06:29
SurfnKDalthat ubuntu supports?06:29
Baronvonbarbequei just installed ubuntu06:29
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aalhamadis there a something close to metacafe for linux? cuz meta cafe will not display videos before downloading them... plz help06:30
JD|workI'm getting a whole bunch of weird ATA errors06:30
yasi8hoh its giving some time out and connection refused errors?06:30
JD|workfor example:06:30
JD|workata1: translated ATA stat/err 0x51/04 to SCSI SK/ASC/ASCQ 0xb/00/0006:30
JD|workATA1: command 0x25 timeout, stat 0x50 host_stat 0x106:30
yasi8his it a firewall or something like that?06:30
JD|workwhat are these?06:30
Flannelyasi8h: check /etc/ssh/sshd_config, I guess it might be set to local lstening only, but it shouldn't be by default.06:30
yasi8hok i check it06:30
Flanneltj_: ah, RAIDs.  you shouldve said so06:30
Flannel!raid | tj_06:30
ubotutj_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO06:30
atomiku-linuxHmm... Theres no sound in enemy territory. in the console it says this: /dev/dsp1: No such file or directory06:30
Goldenphoenixwaxfactor2nd: not likely, but try it out06:30
silyaHi all! when i create classes with prio's from 0 to 3 with the same 'rate' and then add filters: problem appears: default class with prio 1. best traffic walk to class with prio 0 and bad traffic to class with prio 2. when I add filter for bad class best class begin work very bad. ICMP replyes before adding: 10ms, after adding bad filter - 200 ms. what's wrong? (tc htb)06:30
faemircan someone tell me a good rss feedreader? not including akkregator06:30
atomiku-linux(when i use aoss et)06:30
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iratikaalhamad: its a flash version issue - not an os issue06:31
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aalhamadiratik, i didn't get you..06:31
waxfactor2ndGoldenphoenix: well i cant use more than 640*48006:31
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aalhamadthere is a metavafe for linux..06:31
ikononehey i just downloaded ubuntu AND xubuntu(which I would prefer to install) but when I go to boot from the CD's I  keep getting the message corrupt kernel image on BOTH cd's06:31
jtinneyJimmey: I have returned. Should I try and run nvidia-xconfig now ?06:32
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tj_Flannel, yes sorry,.... I forgot because they used to be easily detected by windows. So I ignored the fact that things need to be configured in linux06:32
xstWhere do I get inkscape 0.45 for ubuntu?06:32
Goldenphoenixwasfactor2nd: nopaste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, please06:32
aalhamadbut i want something that can display the videos before donwloading them.. metacafe for linx is doen with command lines06:32
faemirikonone: try burning them again at the slowest speed possible06:32
Jimmeyjtinney, have you got nvidia-glx installed?06:32
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yasi8hhey i dont see anything that says don't accept connections from the out side in the sshd configuration fiel06:32
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faemirikonone: and also check the md5 sums06:33
jtinneyJimmey: I have installed it several times, but I can install again just in case.06:33
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ikononefaemir yeah i checked the sums and they both turned out correct06:33
Jimmeytry "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"06:33
Baronvonbarbequecan someone PLEASE help me figure out why i am getting no sound now that i am running ubuntu06:33
ikononefaemir which should mean they should work.... ill try reburning them...06:33
Flannel!sound | Baronvonbarbeque06:33
ubotuBaronvonbarbeque: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:33
Goldenphoenixikonone: have you checked the sums of the cds?06:33
faemirikonone: yup :)06:33
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jtinneyJimmey: Unable to load nvidia kernel driver.06:33
jtinneynvidia-glx is installed.06:33
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ikononeGoldenphoenix yup....06:34
iratikfaemir: you aren't trying to rescue a broken system are you?06:34
Jimmeyjtinney, does it say why?06:34
tj_Flannel, but you are suggesting I better install the HD's without a raid card to avoid fuss and trouble?06:34
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ikononek3b did it when I burned them, I had verify CD checked on both burns06:34
faemiriratik: um, why would i do that?06:34
jtinneyJimmey: It says Be Sure to have installed the nvidia driver for your kernel06:34
faemiriratik: be doing that*06:34
jtinneyJimmey: That is all it says.06:34
Jimmeyjtinney, alright06:34
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iratikwell.. i ran into the same problem when a friend's windows installation abruptly stopped working06:34
iratikwe tried boot disk after boot disk - i told him we could always try linux06:35
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Goldenphoenixikonone: that's very strange06:35
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ikononei dont get it06:35
iratikturns out his fans were fried and his system couldn't keep anything straight in its head - i didn't matter what OS was running - a hardware failure06:35
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Jimmeyjtinney, maybe you need some different kernel modules - I don't know. I don't know whether it's trying the 386 ones06:36
pjzdoes the ubuntu livecd come with a repartitioner?06:36
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Jimmeypjz, yes06:36
Flanneltj_: I didn't say that.  That page gives RAID info.  You'll definately need the alternate CD though.06:36
pjzit can resize a winXP NTFS partition?06:36
yell0whey guys which key do i hit to stop something like the command top ?06:36
Flannelyell0w: ctrl-C06:36
Goldenphoenixpjz: not safely06:36
jtinneyJimmey: Okay, it looks like in my grub list i have other kernels installed that I can boot in to, should I try that and if it works then I guess we would know it was the -server kernel giving us trouble ?06:36
waxfactor2ndI can't get my screen to more than 640x480 after installing the nVidia driver. Anyone got some suggestion? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5588/06:37
Flannelpjz: yes.  juts don't resize it too small06:37
iratikno sound ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35825306:37
pjzFlannel: cool, thanks06:37
Jimmeypjz, there's two ways. There's software called Gparted that can resize partitions, but I'm not sure if it can do NTFS. The install partitioner definitely can.06:37
Goldenphoenixpjz: and defragment before06:37
Jimmeyjtinney, that's definitely worth a try :-P06:37
yell0wthanks Flannel , all this time i  used ctrl-z and manually kill the process =))06:37
jtinneyJimmey: Great, I'll be back in a few.06:37
iratikI found a .pem file on my system - only its badly named and I have no clue which certificate it is -- is there a way to query the certificate to get its general info ?06:37
Flannelpjz: it's best to defrag first.  and actually, safest if you repartition in windows itself06:37
pjzGoldenphoenix: nothing's guaranteed in this world.  All safety and surety are illusion.  Ah, and that sounds like good advice =)06:37
VincentMXi've installed edubuntu to my laptop, but i dont have any sound06:37
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iratikno sound ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35825306:37
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pjzFlannel: how do I shrink an NTFS partition in windoze? I'd rather not drop the $$$ on partition magic or whatever06:38
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Jimmeypjz, the install partitioner does it perfectly06:38
atomiku-linuxWhen I use "AOSS ET" the game's sound output is really crackily06:38
atomiku-linuxwhat can I do06:38
VincentMXthe Volume Control shows AC 97 as a sound interface, and hda-intel06:38
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cac__hi folks06:41
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cac__don't troll pls06:41
waxfactor2ndHi cac__06:41
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cac__hello guy06:41
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jtinneyJimmey: Alright, I've returned with kernel 2.6.17-10-38606:42
sableIs there an easy way to back up my computer?  I've ddone 8 reinstallitions in the past 12 hours, and I'm really getting tired of it06:42
ubuntujoop i have started a room dose that mean im the "mod"06:42
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Wicksanyone know how i can simply emulate a "right click" with the ALT button?06:43
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likwidtekdoes anyone use synergy ?06:43
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Goldenphoenixsable: perhaps you should look at dirvish06:43
sableGolden: will do06:43
jtinneyAh, Jimmey abandoned me. :( Alas.06:43
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yell0wWicks, there's a key on the keyboard for that purpose06:44
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faemiron xubuntu, my resolutions only goes up t 1024 x 768, i take it i need to get the gfx card drivers to go higher06:44
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cac__that is a big lie06:44
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atomiku-linuxWhen I use "AOSS ET" the game's sound output is really crackily. is there any way I can fix this?06:44
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faemiratomiku-linux: tried using a different sound instead?06:45
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tuxcrafterdoes any one now a video tutorial for creating a *.deb package file?06:45
faisalkohello all i use ubuntu but i cant connect to the internet i use sierra card mobile and the ubuntu unknow the hardware :((06:45
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faemiris it just me or is there a troll logging in and out?06:45
adinsxdoes anyone know how to set gnome to only animate windows when you select a place to move them to?06:45
atomiku-linuxfaemir: what do you mean06:46
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adinsxlike when you drag a window in gnome, its visible the entire time, i would rather the window stay put until i select a place it should be moved to06:46
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adinsxits sort of hard to describe06:46
faisalkohello all i use ubuntu but i cant connect to the internet i use sierra card mobile and the ubuntu unknow the hardware :((06:46
faemiratomiku-linux: well that is OSS, try alsa06:46
cac__ey guys06:46
faemiradinsx:  i get you06:46
atomiku-linuxhow can i get ET to use ALSA?06:46
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cac__have you tried linuxt mint?06:47
faemiratomiku-linux: i don't know xD06:47
Goldenphoenixwaxfactor2nd: the xorg.conf looks good, can you give the xorg.log in /var/log/ ?06:47
faisalkoplz help06:47
faisalkohello all i use ubuntu but i cant connect to the internet i use sierra card mobile and the ubuntu unknow the hardware :((06:47
cac__it is a must06:47
_3oo3_hi.  is ubuntu a good OS compared to BSD platforms?06:47
Wicksyell0w: what key would that be o_006:47
faemiradinsx: sorry, i cant check at the moment (updating & on xfce), if you will stay put on there i will check a bit later06:47
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adinsxok thanks :)06:47
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faemir_3oo3_: imo it has better software resources06:47
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yell0wWicks, the key to the left of your right CTRL key06:48
rouven hi. im using compiz with aiglx + nvidia 1.0.9631 binary drivers on ubuntu feisty and have a constant load of ~1.6 with xorg eating approx 40 to 50 % of my cpu without any applications running. what's the cause for that?06:48
adinsxim not even sure where to look, ive checked "optimizing gnome" type guides06:48
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_3oo3_faemir -- im not sure what you mean?06:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:48
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Baronvonbarbequebig problem, the manufacturer of my sound card doesnt show up in the big list of linux sound card manufacturers!!! HELP06:48
faisalkohello all i use ubuntu but i cant connect to the internet i use sierra card mobile and the ubuntu unknow the hardware :((06:48
faemirrouven: is that the xorg drivers or the official drivers06:48
Wicksyell0w: thanks.. trying it now... bloody macs06:48
rouvenfaemir: nvidia binary drivers06:49
yell0wWicks, oh wait, macs ?06:49
faemirrouven: sorry, dunno then. try turning of some of the sfx :P06:49
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=== yell0w sighs, i just destroy a person' life
faemirrouven: have you tried with beryl instead of compiz?06:49
GoldenphoenixBaronvonbarbeque: try it here: http://www.alsa-project.org/06:49
rouvenfaemir: is there a special channel for desktop-effects?06:49
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_3oo3_faemir what do you mean by better software resources? can you elaborate?06:50
Baronvonbarbequeyeah, im running an onboard sound card made by some chinese manufacturer, i doubt it.06:50
rag_hi all06:50
faemir_3oo3_: i find that there are better programs for linux in general over *BSD06:50
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rag_please how to translate list of packages ;)06:50
Baronvonbarbequeand yep, not there06:50
faemirrouven: nope06:50
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rag_just description field on list, adept, synaptic, all ;)06:51
Baronvonbarbequeany ideas?06:51
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rag_any ideas?06:51
Wicksyell0w: Nope doesnt work :E06:51
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rag_is there this translate?06:51
faemirrag_: google translater06:51
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Baronvonbarbequehar har har06:51
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yell0wWicks, yeah,  i didn't realize it's a mac, sorry ;(06:51
Wickshehe no worries06:51
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Pag_XPI need some help with a serious kernel / boot problem06:51
Baronvonbarbequeseriously though, im using an ASUS brand soundcard, i need drivers!06:52
rag_faemir: o good!06:52
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Pag_XPI am stumped06:52
rag_faemir: and other?06:52
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Wicksis here a way how i can map a key to that function?06:52
rag_faemir: but how to change the list?06:52
Goldenphoenix!metaquestions | Pag_XP06:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metaquestions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:52
Pag_XPI have a Pentium D 2.66 Ghz 1GB RAM system running Ubuntu Edgy06:52
_3oo3_faemir:#ubuntu like what?  can you give example?06:52
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:53
rag_faemir: first how to extract list06:53
rag_faemir: any command?06:53
Pag_XPWhen it boots, I get a lot of messages that ends with "Kernel Panic, tried to kill init"06:53
rag_faemir: with apt-cache is possible, i see06:53
faemir_3oo3_: amaroK is the best media player - for linux only06:53
Pag_XPI can repair it by booting from a live disk, chrooting into the filesystem and reinstalling the linux-image package with apt-get.06:54
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_3oo3_faimer:  thats just not true.06:54
faemir_3oo3_: also, if you use a very popular distro like ubuntu, you get a massive irc channel like this for help ;P06:54
Pag_XPBut every time I reboot the problem comes back. If anyone else had this: How did you fix it?06:54
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Baronvonbarbeque*starts crying* i just want to play my music, i have the codecs, the sound card is driverless i think06:54
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rag_faemir: nooo06:54
faemirrag_: idk06:54
unopPag_XP,  is this edgy? was it upgraded from dapper or installed afresh?06:55
faisalkohello all i use ubuntu but i cant connect to the internet i use sierra card mobile and the ubuntu unknow the hardware :((06:55
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_3oo3_faimer:  amarok is crossplatform....bsd, linux, and i think some others06:55
Pag_XPAnd, how do I interpret the kernel messages to find out what is actually causing the problem? I looked up "tried to kill init" on the forums06:55
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Pag_XPunop, it is Edgy, installed from scratch06:55
faemir_3oo3_: that's changed :\06:55
Baronvonbarbeque*sigh* no one can help me06:55
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_3oo3_also firefox, mozilla06:55
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faemirBaronvonbarbeque: what is your problem?06:55
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rag_faemir: ok thx06:55
_3oo3_im trying to find reasons to consider both os's06:55
unopPag_XP,  I'd suggest you purge and reinstall the upstart package06:55
unopPag_XP,  via the chroot, etc06:56
Pag_XPI had it hang on boot with "Tried to kill init" a couple of times, but booting into recovery mode always fixed it06:56
rag_please any say where locate list apt06:56
rag_on local?06:56
Pag_XPNow recovery mode hangs too06:56
Pag_XPunop, I will try that06:56
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rag_because it is in local06:56
faemir_3oo3_: companies that do make alt. drivers they are usually for linux06:56
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faemir_3oo3_: if they do at all06:56
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jahidcan anyone tell me, how can activate the middle mouse key of IBM laptop?06:56
unopPag_XP,  sudo sh -c "aptitude purge upstart; sudo install upstart"06:56
rag_because without net apt-cache work it06:56
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rag_any say me whereis the list of packages?06:56
karthikhi guys...help me...how to convert string into double in gcc?06:56
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_3oo3_faemir, so you could say one advantage is support with third party gaming and multimedia hardware?06:56
karthikhi guys...help me...how to convert string into double in gcc?06:56
jahidThat middle moues key used to use scroll n a page06:56
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Enselic``karthik: what language?06:57
unopkarthik,  you want #c or #gcc not ubuntu06:57
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notgodkarthik: you don't in gcc.06:57
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faemir_3oo3_: yeh, and i don't know if there is a wine for *BSD. probably is.06:57
karthikwht..cant understand06:57
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_3oo3_yes, wine is for freebsd06:57
notgodfaemir: there is.06:57
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faemir_3oo3_: ok06:57
aLFiBmy applet startbar is not working correcly... can anyone help me please?06:57
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_3oo3_it was actually written on bsd :)06:57
faemir_3oo3_: ^^06:57
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_3oo3_(as was amarok)06:58
karthikhi guys...help me...how to convert string into double in gcc?06:58
karthikhi guys...help me...how to convert string into double in gcc?06:58
_3oo3_(as was linux)06:58
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Enselic``karthik: gcc is a compiler06:58
unopkarthik,  do you want to get banned?06:58
Enselic``karthik: not a language06:58
matswasnt linux crated on minix?06:58
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unopkarthik,  please ask in a programming room, this is off-topic here06:58
karthikhi guys...help me...how to convert string into double in C?06:58
rag_ok apt-get update is for download packages list06:58
_3oo3_mats no linux was created in the form of minnix06:58
rag_but where is this list on local?06:58
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Goldenphoenixkarthik try "/join #gcc"06:58
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rag_anybody know it?06:58
mats_3oo3_: ah, right! ;D06:58
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jmazaredois there a problem when installing 6.10 using (hdisk master+cdrom slave in 1 cable)06:59
faemiraLFiB: what wm you using?06:59
aLFiBfaemir, ubuntu06:59
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:59
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karthikguys///help me06:59
Enselic``karthik: http://www.thinkage.ca/english/gcos/expl/c/lib/strtod.html06:59
faemirBaronvonbarbeque:  try OSS instead!06:59
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unop!ops | karthik offtopic06:59
ubotukarthik offtopic: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso06:59
Baronvonbarbequetried oss06:59
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Baronvonbarbequeno good.06:59
atomiku-linuxWhen I use "AOSS ET" the game's sound output is really crackily. is there any way I can fix this?07:00
faemirBaronvonbarbeque: dunno then, sorry07:00
_3oo3_in all fairness unop....no one was answering his question...when you ignore someone they tend to get frustrated in 'supportive' environments07:00
Baronvonbarbequetried all of the built in ones07:00
faemiratomiku-linux: what game is this?07:00
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atomiku-linuxenemy territory07:00
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faisalkohello all i use ubuntu but i cant connect to the internet i use sierra card mobile and the ubuntu unknow the hardware :((07:00
unopBaronvonbarbeque,  have you made sure you have the right card set a default07:00
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faemiratomiku-linux:  is this is wine?07:00
atomiku-linuxim trying to get it to use alsa, so i can have xmms and et both playing sound07:00
youkilldkennedyAnyone have any idea why Azureus won't show up as a system tray icon, and won't minimize to the taskbar? I'm using Azureus and 6.10.17 of Ubuntu (I think)07:00
atomiku-linuxno, not wine07:00
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faemiryoukilldkennedy: i have that problem as well, i just used ktorrent instead :|07:01
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GaiaX11Do you know if the CNR (package management from Linspire) will be also available to older ubuntu versions or only from feisty on?07:01
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Baronvonbarbequeunop where would i look to check?07:01
faemiroh dear lord07:01
Wicksanyone else have any ideas on how i can map a key on the keyboard to be a right click button? :E07:01
aLFiBfaemir, can u help me?07:01
faemiraLFiB: remind what was wrong again sorry07:01
unopBaronvonbarbeque,   asoundconf list07:01
aLFiBfaemir,  my applet startbar is not working correcly... can anyone help me please?07:01
PiciGaiaX11: Probably only for new versions07:01
youkilldkennedyfaemir: It sucks, don't it? I heard using uTorrent with wine was a good alternative. Does ktorrent keep your place in the download when you close the application.07:01
aLFiBfaemir,  it has a black background07:02
faemiryoukilldkennedy: yes07:02
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faemiryoukilldkennedy: i heard that utorrent selling their data :s07:02
daviddixonI am trying to install MATlab and this is what I get :~/programs/matlab_sv$ /cdrom/install_unix.sh -glnx8607:02
daviddixonbash: /cdrom/install_unix.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied      can anyone help07:02
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Pag_XPunop, I've purged and reinstalled; I'll reboot a few times to see if it worked. Just for future reference, what exactly does the upstart package contain / do?07:02
Baronvonbarbeque"names of available sound cards intel"07:02
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unop!upstart | Pag_XP07:02
ubotuPag_XP: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:02
unop!info upstart | Pag_XP07:03
ubotupag_xp: upstart: event-based init daemon. In component main, is required. Version 0.2.7-7 (edgy), package size 91 kB, installed size 300 kB07:03
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unop!info sysvinit | Pag_XP07:03
ubotupag_xp: sysvinit: System-V-like init utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.86.ds1-14.1ubuntu16 (edgy), package size 106 kB, installed size 280 kB07:03
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GaiaX11Pici: They say that there will be a CNR plugin. So, I am in Dapper then what if I install the plugin?07:03
UbuntuguyALl -- How can I keep boot parameters from disappearing when the kernel is updated?07:03
latzHi anybody using openvpn in here, could some1 help setting up the permissions so a non-root user could start a openvpn connection using tun device? (the device is set up properly already) Thx07:03
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Baronvonbarbequei give up for tonight.07:03
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unopPag_XP,  if you understand what the init script does, this is ubuntu's enhancement of it07:03
Baronvonbarbeque2am 4 hours of trying to get sound.07:03
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Baronvonbarbequeno progress07:04
joe_joe_joehey guys, I boot with the Ubuntu 6.10 cd, and I click Install Ubuntu, and then the Kernel starts to load, and then I get this: "Kernel Panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init"07:04
joe_joe_joewhat's wrong..?07:04
Enselic``Baronvonbarbeque: we understand you are disappointed, but whining will not help07:04
faemiraLFiB: are you using GNOME?!07:04
PiciGaiaX11: I cant speculate on what will happen until we start to see CNR in current versions of Ubuntu.07:04
Enselic``Baronvonbarbeque: when someone knows the solution they will tell you07:04
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faemirjoe_joe_joe: you checked the md5?07:04
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aLFiBfaemir, Yes07:04
prabuHi guys i need major help here, heres what i need help with : i got a server with 6.10 and a RAID1+LVM the problem is when i add a new HDD in to rebuild the raid it doesnt boot LILO how can i get LILO back in thre07:04
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faemiraLFiB: tried changing themes?07:04
joe_joe_joefaemir, what's the md5..?07:05
Baronvonbarbequeim not whining, more like groaning as my arse hurts from a bad chair and my brain hurts from no progress. i will keep trying in the morning.07:05
sableAnyone know of a graphical backup program? I can't figure out dirvish07:05
joe_joe_joeand how do I check it? (i'm kinda noob using Linux)07:05
faemirjoe_joe_joe: its a verification thing07:05
Baronvonbarbequegood luck to the rest of you. may you have better luck than me07:05
faemirjoe_joe_joe: they are used in windows as well ;)07:05
joe_joe_joeoh, you mean when I record the cd?07:05
faemirwait sec07:05
aLFiBfaemir, no... what diference it makes?07:05
faemirjoe_joe_joe: also, try burning it again on a _really_ low speed. like 4x07:05
Baronvonbarbequeoh, and hopefully you will have someone to spend valintines with, might manage some amount of computational frustration.07:05
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faemiraLFiB: try07:05
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prabuanybody on how i can get my LILO back ?07:06
faemirprabu: pm me your problem07:07
atomiku-linuxHow can I have enemy territory and XMMS playing sounds at the same time?07:07
faemiratomiku-linux: cant you just play both? :S07:08
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sableAnyone know of a graphical backup program?07:08
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youkilldkennedyfaemir: Does Ktorrent run well under GNOME?07:09
GaiaX11Pici: Even in their FAQ this question and answer was not proposed. I tried to get a way of asking them through e-mail, but I did not find. Someone could help me to ask that for them. So they could answer it in their FAQ's (Ubuntu faq/ Linspire faq)07:09
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GoldenphoenixKTorrent works under GNOME07:09
faemiryoukilldkennedy: yeh07:09
gozertHello everyone07:09
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youkilldkennedyOkay, thanks.07:09
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pollywoganyone know why nvidia won't work with a custom kernel even though I also installed nvidia drivers for the custom kernel?  I have done this in Debian for years but apparently something else is needed in Ubuntu?07:10
gozertcan anyone point me to a page about enabling composite, with drop shadows? Not XGL/AIGLX but the plain 2D desktop that was introduced wayyy before the 3D desktop07:10
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madprobegOLdenHaWK3D, hi dude07:10
Nukeadorhi all07:10
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gozertbasically it would give shadows and would let the freedesktop clock run with real translucency07:11
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Nukeadorany idea why in services-admin i have all unchecked and if I check them again and quit they are not saved? O_O its a big problem because i cant log in normal mode07:12
Nukeadori have to use recovery mode and launch gdm manually07:12
atomiku-linuxHow can I have enemy territory and XMMS playing sounds at the same time?07:12
Goldenphoenixbruegge: nabend, aber hier ist englisch07:12
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brueggeoh ok sry, dann bin ich flashc glandet, mla gucken wo der deutsche war. ^^07:13
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Goldenphoenixbruegge: #ubuntu-de07:13
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brueggejut thx07:13
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numistwindow set stick off07:14
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CrescendoWhat command can I run to schedule a full hard drive scan and repair on the next reboot?07:14
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HymnToLifeCrescendo, shutdown -rF now07:15
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HymnToLife(that will reboot now though)07:16
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CrescendoOkay, I'll just do it when I can.07:16
neighborleemy HP scanner ( officejet 5500 ) used to work great running xsane, but in edgy it trys..a minute or so later I get error can't communite with device..did they remove support for this device for some reason in edgy ??07:16
gozertIs there a howto for enabling the composite and damage extension to get shadows and translucency (not xgl or aiglx)07:16
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CrescendoThat'll find bad sectors and eliminate their use?07:16
Pag_XPOK, so, it worked in that it will boot one time after I reinstall upstart and the kernel image.07:16
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Pag_XPBut the second reboot, it's right back at the same problem07:16
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HymnToLifeCrescendo, most of the time, yes07:17
Pag_XPI am seeing something that looks like a stack trace, talking about "acpi_hw_low_level_read" and "kernel_thread_helper" and a lot of hex, maybe opcodes07:17
HymnToLifeyou can do sudo touch /forcefsck if you don't want to reboot immediately07:17
HymnToLife(that will run fsck at next reboot)07:17
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CrescendoHymnToLife, will that do the same scan and repair?07:18
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Nukeadorhow can i see what services run at startup? because services-admin does not save my settings07:18
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Enselic``Nukeador: /etc/init.d-ish07:18
unopNukeador,  ls -l /etc/rc2.d/S*07:19
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Sianis_hi all07:19
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Sianis_i installed Azureus from repo07:19
Sianis_but i haven't taskbar icon07:19
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WebspotUsing Netgear WPN111 (atheros chipset). Installed ndiswrapper. Installed the windows driver with ndiswrapper. Installed the ndiswrapper in to the kernel modules. running iwconfig shows no wlan0 or ath0 or any other wireless networks adapters07:19
arpheticAzureus sux :<07:20
GoldenphoenixWebspot: ifconfig07:20
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NukeadorEnselic``, /etc/init.d-ish does not exist07:20
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arpheticifconfig in terminal07:21
gozerti think i got it, apt-get xcompmgr and transset, put Option "RenderAccel" "true" under Device in xorg.conf, enable the composite extension with a section extensions (copy/paste), restart X, run xcompmgr07:21
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GoldenphoenixWebspot: whats the output of ifconfig07:21
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Sianis_arphetic: what are you using?07:21
unopNukeador,  ls -l /etc/rc2.d/S*07:21
Enselic``Nukeador: unop was right, and I confused07:21
Webspotjust about to run it. It's acutally my friends machine...07:21
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Nukeadorunop, that way i get a full list of the services, but they are not loaded on startup :S07:21
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arpheticSianis_: unless you install the azureus independent from Ubuntu/gnome, you'll get probably tons of problems, as I did ;)07:22
sableAnyone know of a good graphical backup program? I can't figure out devish07:22
Sianis_but the bittornado is so unfriendly :)07:22
unopNukeador,  they are a list of scripts that run at startup -- whether they get a service running or not depends on the individual script there -- most do, some done07:22
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marckoI don't get this story of torrent files. Each time I try to download one, the transfer rate is really slow ( 20, 30 KB/S)07:23
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:23
lnxmomomaybe its not a popular file07:23
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arpheticI love that 1 tbh xD07:23
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multichilmarcko : Check you port forwarding settings07:24
sacaterhello, if anyone can help me get beryl or/and xgl on my computer i would appreciate it greatly, please join #sacater to help me07:24
Nukeadorunop, but my prob is that no service run at startup and im unable to log in the system, i have to run ubuntu in recovery mode to log in07:24
unopNukeador,  i suppose the question to ask is , what are you trying to achieve?07:24
gozerti got it, thanks anyway07:24
marckomultichil. How?07:24
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arpheticmarcko: when you upload more, you'll download more (I think)07:24
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Nukeadorim trying to activate at startup the services07:24
gozertarphetic: true07:24
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unopNukeador,  how do you conclude no services run at startup?07:25
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Goldenphoenixhallo bruegge07:25
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multichilmarcko : Do you use Nat or is you pc directly connected to the internet?07:25
arpheticmarcko: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent read more about Torrent system07:25
Nukeadorbecause i cant run ubuntu in normal mode (blank screen instead of login screen) and if i run services-admin all are unchecked07:25
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brueggehey, ich geh aber wieder in den deutschen, war blo nen fehler meiner seits ^^07:26
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WebspotGoldenphoenix: ifconfig showed eth0 and lo07:26
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Pag_XPThis is getting more and more confusing07:26
=== Pag_XP tried disabling ACPI in bios and booting wiht the noacpi option
aalhamadis there a good proxy site?07:26
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Pag_XP........I get an ACPI ERROR!07:26
gozertNukeador: "update-rc.d <script> defaults" will reset that script to run at default runlevels07:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about newline - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:27
jahidwhy my firefox cant play audio and video file?07:27
marckoO well :) I'm newbie. I have a dsl connection. I have a username and passord. I'm using a modem/router. multichil07:27
GoldenphoenixWebspot: what's the output of "modprobe ndiswrapper"07:27
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Pag_XPIs there anyone I can pm the calltrace to who can interpret it for me?07:27
=== Pag_XP needs an oracle
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Nukeadorgozert, so i should do update-rc.d * defaults in /etc/init.d ?07:27
marckoI guess it's nat, multichil07:27
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gozertNukeador: not * but almost :D07:28
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gozertNukeador: * would also include rc?.d07:28
arphetic!enter > Pag_XP07:28
traisenIs there a list of available packages for Ubuntu?07:28
Goldenphoenixmarcko: Right guess07:28
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marckothanks arphetic07:28
arphetictraisen: yes, what version do you have?07:28
Picitraisen: http://packages.ubuntu.com ? I'm not sure thats what you're looking for though07:29
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=== ikonia akes
aalhamadis there a good proxy site?07:29
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ikoniaaalhamad: proxy for what07:29
aalhamadif i want to use a proxy to surf over the internet what shall i do ?07:29
marcko:) I'm already becoming an expert Goldenphoenix.07:29
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gozertNukeador: try something like ls -l|grep -v drwx|awk '{ print "update-rc.d " $8 " defaults"; }'|bash -07:29
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arphetictraisen: http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/07:30
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gozertaalhamad: what browser, firefox? epiphany07:30
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aalhamadikonia, for surfing over the internet..07:30
ikoniaaalhamad: do you want to run your own proxy, or use someone elses ?07:30
ikonialoca|host: hello07:30
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traisenarphetic: Thanks07:30
aalhamaduse somebdy else..07:30
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gozertaalhamad: edit > preferences07:30
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loca|hosthow to not to permit users to do: sudo passwd root07:30
arphetictraisen:  thank Pici instead07:30
Nukeadorgozert, i get lots of System startup links for /etc/init.d/reboot already exist.07:30
ikoniaaalhamad: then wy are you asking in a channel thats about supported ubuntu technical supports07:30
gozertaalhamad: then advanced > network07:30
WebspotGoldenphoenix: modprobe ndiswrapper showed nothing07:31
loca|hostand change root's password07:31
gozertaalhamad: click settings07:31
ikonialoca|host: add them to the sudoers file07:31
aalhamadgozert, ok?07:31
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gozertNukeador: ohhh that should be fine07:31
loca|hostikonia, what should i add ?07:31
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aalhamadand what proxy i can use...07:31
ikonialoca|host: look at the file and you should see the format07:31
=== Ace2016 [n=ace@212-1-155-103.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaaalhamad: you need to find someone who is willing to let you07:31
KresjahHello there! I was wondering if someone could help me get Mesa GL working on my machine07:31
=== faemir_ [n=faemir@82-133-107-60.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Nukeadorgozert, but if i run now services-admin all the services are unchecked...07:32
aalhamadikonia there are site that i can;t get into it..07:32
arpheticKresjah: try stating the problem instead07:32
ikoniaaalhamad: so ?07:32
joe_joe_joefaemir I'm having a problem again installing my ubuntu.. I burned t at 8x, and i'm still having the same Kernel Panic error msg07:32
joe_joe_joeatempted to kill init....07:32
Ace2016Hi all i need help07:32
aalhamadso i need to enable a proxy..07:32
gozertNukeador: thats strange... everything should be back to defaults07:32
ikoniaaalhamad: so you need to have a proxy07:32
Ace2016but its a bit off topic07:32
aalhamadi guess many sites give the out..07:32
GoldenphoenixWebspot: whats in your /etc/modules with relating ndiswrapper?07:32
aalhamadon 8080 port07:32
faemirjoe_joe_joe dodgy iso then07:33
Ace2016Anyone know what the song is in this video?  http://www.funny-videos.co.uk/404.php07:33
pavswhats the most important linux certification?07:33
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Ace2016i don't know why the error page has a song but i like it07:33
Nukeadorgozert, is a big problem since i can log in into ubutu normal mode because os this issue07:33
ikoniapavs: personal opinion07:33
gozertpavs: LPI level 3 imho (which is beta)07:33
joe_joe_joefaemir what do you mean with dodgy iso...?...07:33
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faemirjoe_joe_joe, it's corrupt07:33
faemirprobably have to redownload the iso07:34
WebspotGoldenphoenix: It's a line at the bottom07:34
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faemirjoe_joe_joe, you didn't check the md5 though did you07:34
gozertNukeador: i'm sorry, could you please reformulate that?07:34
arpheticfaemir: you should 'v checked the md5 huid07:34
KresjahVery well. Basically, I have my laptop here running an ATI Mobility M1 (8MB). Getting GL working on it is hell. On windows (I just recently switched to ubuntu, so I'm still a newbie to all this) was impossible, and even though I have found some for linux, they have a lot of issues07:34
gozertpavs: you _should_ know about LPI if you're interested in linux certification07:34
joe_joe_joefaemir, you mean like chech the disk after the burning, with the same software?07:34
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pavsI am new to linux :)07:34
gozertohhhh then don't try getting certified now07:35
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Goldenphoenixwebspot: is there an "alias" in this line?07:35
pavsI will googl it07:35
ikoniapavs: so forget about certification until your not new07:35
gozertget more acquainted first07:35
jman_anybody here have experience with virtualbox?07:35
faemirjoe_joe_joe, try that test, and see what it says07:35
gozertand try several different distros07:35
WebspotGoldenphoenix: what do you mean alias?07:35
Nukeadorgozert, i mean if i run ubuntu in normal mode, i get a blank screen instead of the login screen, then i start ubuntu in recovery mode, and run gdm manually (i get and error with HAL, normal if all the services are off) and log into the system07:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
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pavsI think I will go for linux+ to get me started somewhere07:36
faemirmsg joe_joe_joe tell me when you have done that07:36
arpheticKresjah: what version of ubuntu are you running?07:36
gozertNukeador: strange... have you set gdm to auto login?07:36
ikoniapavs: how about just play with linux07:36
KresjahI've been searching on the net through all kinds of how-to's, and basically found one on how to get the binary snapshots running on ubuntu. The newest snapshots are from 20060403 (development has stopped it seems), and from reading several other threads on it, these binaries has an issue where polygons drawn outside off the screen goes missing.07:36
ikoniapavs: forget certification07:36
Goldenphoenixif there stands "alias" in this line or is there only "ndiswrapper" alone07:36
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Nukeadorgozert, no, i read about that but my gdm has not autologin enable07:36
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Kresjaharphetic: I'm currently running feisty herd3, although I had this issue with Edgy too07:36
WebspotGoldenphoenix: just ndiswrapper alone07:36
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pavscertification will give me motivation to learn even harder , me thinks07:37
arpheticI have no experience with either feisty or Edgy, but hold on07:37
KresjahBut in one of the topics out there, someone said that the polygon issue seems to be something with the binaries, and building the mesa/dri source rather than using binaries solves the problem.07:37
ikoniapavs: you'll get no-one with out just playing07:37
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aalhamadis there a way i can set my own proxy?07:37
Goldenphoenixwhat is the chip on your Card, Webspot07:37
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gozertpavs: try running a webserver, dns server, samba, etc etc. create complete (virtual) networks, try creating rpm and deb packages, try out lots of distros like slackware, debian, suse, fedora, ubutu (ofcourse), and read a good buck like running linux or linux in a nutshell07:37
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ikoniaaalhamad: not if your behind a firewall thats causing your problems07:37
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KresjahSo, I've been trying to build mesa/dri based on the guide here: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/Building07:37
gozertand forget nice GUIs, run everything from terminal windows or virtual consoles07:38
WebspotGoldenphoenix: atheros07:38
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WebspotGoldenphoenix: gtg. ill come back to #ubuntu later07:38
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aalhamadikonia, then if i want to surf anonymouse what shall i do?07:38
KresjahI managed to get myself to 1.6, but there's where my problems with getting the sources working started.07:38
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aatdarkdoes any one know how the get german for openoffice ..?07:38
gozertNukeador: can you run X :1 from a virtual console?07:38
gozertNukeador: does that give a gray mesh?07:38
ikoniaaalhamad: you'll need an external proxy07:38
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arpheticpavs: you might better start with some e-Books on linux or something07:39
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aalhamadikonia, is there a wiki i can reffer ?07:39
pavsgozert thanks for your list :) I have done the the first 3 of them and on my secondbook now (linux bible, and novell Linux+ guide)07:39
KresjahI'll just hold a bit so that people can catch up with my non-talking :p07:39
Nukeadorgozert, i cant do ctrl+alt+f1 in the blank screen unfortunately07:39
gozertpavs: great :)07:39
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Kresjahnon-stop that should be07:39
gozertNukeador: ohhh it locks up hmm07:39
freshfishanyone installed ubuntu 6.10 on a thinkpad T60p 2623? If so how do you like it compared to Suse07:39
ikoniaaalhamad: your not getting it - if your being blocked, you need a proxy on your network thats not blocked - you can't just "have one"07:39
gozertNukeador: so you dont get X at all?07:39
amar can anyone plz explain me how to upgrade ubuntu 5.10 to 6.10......... i'm a newbie...07:40
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ikoniafreshfish: I've run it on a T6007:40
=== tib [n=tib@ALille-153-1-33-240.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
pavsarphatic I have hacking ubuntu e-book, very interesting i havent read it yet07:40
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ikoniapavs: how do you know its interesting if you've not read it ?07:40
freshfishATI drivers work ok?07:40
ikoniafreshfish: yup07:40
=== tib [n=tib@ALille-153-1-33-240.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Nukeadorgozert, i do X :1 and i get a grey screen yes07:40
aalhamadikonia, ok now i get you..thanks07:40
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gozertamar: download the Ubuntu 6.06.1 Alternate CD07:40
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pavsi went through couple of pages fro the middle07:40
freshfishfingerprint reader?07:40
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gozertamar: then insert that while its running07:40
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ikoniafreshfish: didn't use that07:40
gozertamar: it should autodetect the new version and ask you if you want to upgrade07:40
aalhamadikonia, what sites offers other proxy.. cause i can't go on trial and error07:40
Nukeadorgozert, but in normal mode there is no X at all07:41
comradeChow do you tell what module is associated with a device like eth1?07:41
gozertNukeador: weird :D07:41
ikoniapavs: thats crap - you can't base a topic you know nothing about as "interesting" based on a few pages of a book you've not read07:41
Flustratedokay, so I figured out that my HDTV is cutting off part of the screen due to overscan in a factory mode (720p), does anyone know how to go about fixing this?07:41
freshfishso last Q, did it work "Out of the box"?07:41
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ikoniaaalhamad: it doesn't matter what sites offer proxys - if you can't get to them on your network07:41
ikoniafreshfish: yes it did07:41
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FlustratedI used to be able to fix the overscan issue in Windows XP by setting the resolution of the TV to one setting under 1080i07:41
freshfishman thx good news *_^07:41
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n|RaYhey guys :D07:41
rahmetliwhy do you use gnome? i really wonder. is it just the matter of taste?07:41
jahidcan anyone tel me, how can i make my firefox to play media files? like songs and videos?07:41
ikoniafreshfish: no problem07:41
Nukeadorgozert, i think that i get the blank screen cause in normal mode no service es loaded07:42
ikoniarahmetli: personal taste07:42
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gozertNukeador: i think not07:42
jaldrichFlustrated:  you  not in  16x9  format  your in 4x307:42
Flustratedjaldrich: are you sure?  The resolution showed as 720p07:42
pavsikonia "interesting" is an opinion, you may not share it.07:42
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n|RaYhow i fix this problem: If i start Firefox and loads a site with Java, firefox crashs :/07:43
jaldrich720  by what   4x307:43
unopcomradeC,  i think ethtool might be able to tell you07:43
ikoniapavs: its like me reading a few pages of atomic fusion - and saying "interesting topic" I know nothing about atomic fusion, so I can't make that call reading a few pages on a topic I know nothing about07:43
jaldrich720  is just the rez07:43
Nukeadorgozert, so what can i do?07:43
=== bjorn [n=bjorn@extern-halls-ge-21.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Raskallany known problems with evolution-exchange in feisty? Cannot authenticate against the exchange-server07:43
Flustratedjaldrich: nah, it was 720p, 16:9 ratio, I divided them out on a calculator when I read the resolution and it was correct, or it seemed to be, maybe not07:43
gozertNukeador: you _could_ try disabling usplash, or running a different dm07:44
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jaldrich90% of the market  use 720 is a 4x3 format07:44
unopRaskall,  can you logon and use the exchange-server with other clients?07:44
n|RaYhow i fix this problem: If i start Firefox and loads a site with Java, firefox crashs :/07:44
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amargozert:i have downloaded 6.10...... but when dat gparted window appears it gets struck there......07:44
gozertNukeador: though i really don't know what exactly causes this weird behavior... maybe if you look at the xorg log file07:44
Raskallunop: with outlook, yes. :)07:44
Flustratedjaldrich: nope, it was correct, resolution was rated at 1280x720, which is 16:907:44
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gozertamar: you can't upgrade 5.10 to 6.1007:44
comradeCdoes anyone here have a broadcom 4138 wireless07:44
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pavsikinio, its an "interesting topic" because it interests you, you dont necessarilly have to know everything about it. like I said its a perssonal opinion.07:44
Raskallunop: I guess I miss some kerberos-stuff.07:45
gozertamar: upgrade to 6.06 first07:45
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Nukeadorgozert, .Xsessions-errors?07:45
jaldrichok  then your not setting in the begainning to a 16x907:45
amark ........ temme how to do dat07:45
gozertNukeador: /var/log/Xorg.log.0 iirc07:45
Nukeadorgozert, k07:45
ikoniapavs: but how do you know it interests you when you know nothing about it ?07:45
amari wanna to do it manually07:45
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gozertNukeador: before launching another X server07:45
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Flustratedjaldrich: it's the resolution that reconfiguring the thing auto-detected, because it couldn't find the mode I tried to enter it into I presume07:45
jaldrichand depends on how its broad casted07:45
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amari think we can do dat using some code......07:45
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unopRaskall,  verify you are using the exact same settings in evolution  .. maybe grab a howto and have a go that way too07:46
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Flustratedjaldrich: I'm talking about hooking my HDTV up to the computer, it cuts off the menubar, etc.07:46
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jaldrichyes  me to07:46
gozertNukeador: good luck with your troubles, i gotta go07:46
jaldrichare you using dvi ? or componet07:46
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Nukeadorgozert, thanks07:46
=== qos [n=qos@dslb-088-076-135-071.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flustratedjaldrich: my guess is this: WinXP had overscan in these modes too.  My guess is that in regular TV resolutions, (ie 720p and 1080i) you get overscan because the monitor is assuming it needs it because it's broacast content07:47
gozertNukeador: you can always disable gdm with update-rc.d -f gdm remove07:47
gozertNukeador: then log in to the console and run startx07:47
Flustratedjaldrich: DVI07:47
gozertcya ./07:47
pavsikonio not reading the book doesnt mean i know nothing about it. the book title was hacking ubuntu , I know ubuntu, and by hacking it basically was referring to messing with setings and importing e-mail froom windowz boz in unconventional way. definately interesting as far as i am concerned even though I dont know how to do it yet.07:47
jaldrichif you broadcast is 720p07:47
=== amaru [n=amaru@sek76-2-82-245-144-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniapavs: then why did you say you where new to linux - if you know ubuntu ?07:47
jaldrichyour video card might only be 4x307:47
amarufr ???07:48
jaldrichnot 16x907:48
Pici!fr | amaru07:48
ubotuamaru: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:48
Flustratedjaldrich: not so, I had this working in WinXP07:48
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comradeCI have this problem with broadcom 4138 wireless, I've used ndiswrapper before but not with this card, the odd thing is that ubuntu detects this and installs it as eth1 on my system, but I can't do anything with it like search for essids or anything... I was trying to find the module it is using so I can unload it and use ndiswrapper07:48
jaldrichwhat is your point07:48
Flustratedjaldrich: so my card is 16x907:48
pavs3 weeks == new, I would say.07:48
Flustratedit's not the card07:48
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BusMasterwhy can't I copy the .dat files in the mpegav folder of a vcd using linux?  Ican very well do it in windows, but linux simply says input/output error07:48
Flustratedthe TV is overscanning the picture in these modes07:48
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Flustratedis there a software way to correct that?07:48
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jaldrichtv use a diffrent res07:48
ikoniapavs: so 3 weeks = not know ubuntu07:48
qoshey guys ... i want to install scribes. but it isnt in my packetmanager. i have enabled multiverse and universe in repository ... does anyone know why i cant find it?07:48
jaldrichlines of resalution07:49
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pavsnow 3 weeks == is still new to ubuntu.07:49
Flustratedjaldrich: where can I find the resolutions my TV can support?  I knew one that worked in WinXP but I didn't write it down or anything and now I no longer have XP installed07:49
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BreetaiHi all, I am running edgy. Anyone have any idea how to get sound in VMWare?07:50
arpheticIm using ubuntu for 1 week now, but I have used Red Hat a lot before, and I have a certain experience. Besides that I read a lot of docs on several linux subjects. I know what I want to know, I just aint some walking encyclopedia knowing a solution to all problems.07:50
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gleissBreetai: have you installed the client components?07:50
kiwiihi, does linux-image-386 have ext3 module installed ?07:51
Flustratedjaldrich: I'd be willing to settle for 720p if I could fix the overscan, but how do I do that?07:51
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jaldrichyour tv  will only out put what the card does07:51
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pavsarphetic exactly my sentiment you dont have to be a genius in a topic to know that a book might be interesting based on reading couple of pages07:51
Picikiwii: Yes07:51
jetzi06hello, how can i deactivate the touchpad of my laptop? there is no entry in the Xorg.conf07:52
aLFiBdoes anyone knows what error is this: E: gtk-engines-eazel: subprocesso post-installation script retornou cdigo de sada de error 2 ?07:52
mrpoundsignok...  ugh, I am going to have to kill pppd + dhcpd :)07:52
jaldrichu might try to  with your remote  changing your screen size07:52
aLFiBit happens when i try to install NVIDIA packages07:52
Flustratedjaldrich: my TV remote?07:52
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kiwiipici: i installed this by apt-get, and I got error in Grub07:52
n|RaYhow i fix this problem: If i start Firefox and loads a site with Java, firefox crashs :/07:52
Flustratedjaldrich: tried, no settings07:52
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FlustratedI wish that they'd truly make these TVs like monitors07:52
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Flustratedand give you the ability to adjust picture dimensions07:52
jaldrichthen  that is what the tv will do07:52
Picikiwii: can you paste/pastebin the error?07:53
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arpheticpavs: I was more refering to know how to fix all bugs. I'm fimilar with the terminal, and linux itself. Ubuntu is not really THAT different from Redhat to be honest, and there is nice support for it. Eventhough I still dont have the solution for my errormessages problem ^^07:53
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jaldrichyou can;t compair apple and oranges07:53
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Flustratedjaldrich: not exactly apples and oranges, but whatever07:53
pudlandxserver help please, crashed after restricted modules update07:53
jaldrichxp use a closed format driver07:53
pavsnIray what site? i want to see if i can replicate it07:53
jaldrichubuntu use a open  driver format07:53
Breetaigleiss: yes, but when I turn sound on, I get an error failed to open sound device /dev/dsp device not found07:53
Flustratedactually I'm using an nvidia binary driver07:54
Breetaior cannot be opened07:54
kiwiiPici: I think its a common error, VFS: cannot open root device "hda2"07:54
Flustratedbut whatever you like07:54
n|RaYhow i fix this problem: If i start Firefox and loads a site with Java, firefox crashs :/07:54
jaldrichi'v been in broadcast  for a very long time07:54
pavsarphetic main differance IMO is that red hat uses KDE as their main XDM07:54
ikoniapavs: thats nonsense07:54
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pavstermianl commands in most linux distros are universally same AFAIK07:55
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ikoniapavs: the layout of components and the package managment is the main difference07:55
jaldrichand all so what are you using  nivida07:55
pavsikonia calling me crap and now nonsense:)07:55
jaldrichor ati07:55
ikoniapavs: I didn't call you crap07:55
gleissBreetai: ls /dev/dsp?07:55
ikoniapavs: I said your statment was nonsense07:55
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pavsok whatever makes you happy07:56
qoshey guys ... i want to install scribes. but it isnt in my packetmanager. i have enabled multiverse and universe in repository ... does anyone know why i cant find it?07:56
ikoniapavs: its not about making me happy - you just made a wrong statment07:56
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ikoniahow are you meant to learn if you can't take that critisism07:56
pbureauyou two need a room ?07:56
ikoniano thanks07:56
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gleissqos: did you do an update after chaning the source config?07:56
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pavsikonia package management in most major distro are differant anyways07:57
comradeCwhat does it mean to unblacklist something?07:57
Picikiwii: is your rout filesystem on hda2?07:57
ikoniapavs: not really as there are only 3 or 4 main ones, but the 3 or 4 main ones are the ones that seperate themselves07:57
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ardchoilleikonia, pavs, Please take the off-topic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic . This channel is for Ubuntu specific support.07:57
kiwiiPici: yes07:57
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MinuoIs there a [somewhat]  simple way to get the ubuntu install CD to give me a ssh session and a text-mode installer?  I want to install Ubuntu on a headless server and I don't have a monitor handy07:58
ikoniaardchoille: apologiese, got caught up07:58
kiwiiPici: and swap is on hda107:58
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ikoniaMinuo: the cd doesn't come with ssh server07:58
pavswhat happened07:58
ardchoilleMinuo: You'll need to use the alternate cd to get a text-based install07:58
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Minuoardchoille: Will the alternate CD have an SSH server?07:59
pavsIkonia: i said major distros.07:59
ardchoilleMinuo: _that_ I don't know07:59
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ikoniaMinuo: no07:59
qosgleiss, sure. it is enabled since months... do u know the exact packet name?07:59
pbureaupavs take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please07:59
MinuoI can plug a keyboard in and take my best guess as to what commands I will need to type to get an ssh server running08:00
MinuoI've done it with Gentoo, but this computer is slow as crap so I don't want to have to do that08:00
comradeCwhat does it mean by saying that I need to unblacklist bcm34xx08:00
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pbureauMinuo, you dont even have a basic monitor handy ? driving blind man your desperate for it eh ?08:00
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gleissqos: mmm... I confused it with Scribus08:01
Minuopbureau: It's a giant CRT out in my garage.  I'll get it if I have to but I'd rather not08:01
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pbureaucomradeC,  sudo pico /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and remove the bcm43xx from the list CTL-X and save the file08:01
KresjahHmm... I've followed the instructions of the DRI wiki install on how to build DRI/Mesa so far, but at point 1.6, it says that I should copy the driver files from mesa/lib to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri ... However, there are two issues; 1. the modules folder does not exist. I could probably mkdir it, but I get the feeling that there's more to that issue than so. 2. The command line they said I should use (cp lib/*_dri.so /usr/X11R6/lib/modu08:01
kiwiipico: should I recompile kernel ? or there is a problem in grub configuration08:02
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joe_joe_joehey is there any way I can check my cd with md5, but from windows?08:02
jetzi06hello, how can i deactivate the touchpad of my laptop? there is no entry in the Xorg.conf08:02
Yodudehey i have a question about beagle, can i make it the default search engine for my system instead of the default search in ubuntu?08:02
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gleissqos: scribes could be in an external, "3rd party" repository08:02
ikoniaKresjah: what card are you using08:02
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technomancyif i install with the boot parameter "acpi=off" will that only affect that boot, or will all future uses of that installation be unable to use acpi?08:02
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qosgleiss, thank u ... why is it called scribus? i thought the program is called scribes ...08:02
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joe_joe_joehey is there any way I can check my cd with md5, but from windows?08:03
Yodudehymntilife: can you help me with something?08:03
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pbureautechnomancy, if it does, you could reinstall it afterwards and enable it afterwards ...08:03
OlgaBHow do I change the gamma in gnome?08:03
Kresjahikonia: The dreaded ATI Mobility M1 (Mach64)08:03
gleissqos: scribus is a page layout editor.  Aren't you looking for the text editor?08:03
technomancypbureau: i could, but the installer fails to load on my machine unless I disable acpi =(08:03
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technomancy(this is edgy 64-bit on a core 2 duo laptop)08:03
qosgleiss, i am looking for the text editor ;)08:03
Breetaigleiss: it is there,  crw-rw---- root,audio 14, 3 /dev/dsp and the audio group contains the correct user.08:04
ikoniatechnomancy: that doesn't remove it from the kernel  - just disables it. Just remove the line from the boot parameters and it will use it08:04
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pbureautechnomancy, no you did not understand what I said, run apci=off if it remains off and you want it later, install it again. when you use a parameter it usually means for this install (thus not installing apci)08:04
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technomancyikonia: ok, cool. i can just edit the grub config files later then?08:04
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funkyzirehey guys i need your help:08:04
=== pbureau ^5's ikonia
technomancyok, thanks!08:04
funkyzirei have a partition with xubuntu08:05
pbureau!ask | funkyzire08:05
ubotufunkyzire: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:05
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technomancyhopefully failing to boot with ACPI is only a problem with the installer and not with ubuntu in general on my machine.08:05
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joe_joe_joehey is there any way I can check my cd with md5, but from windows?08:05
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Kresjahikonia: I tried the binary snapshots of mach64 mesa before I switched from edgy to feisty, but polygons rendering offscreen would not draw properly. From a topic I found back then (which I lost the link to) the polygon drawing issue was for some very odd reasons only happening in the binaries, but should supposedly work correctly if built from sources which is why I'm building from the sources this time.08:05
ikoniajoe_joe_joe: join #windows08:05
gleissBreetai: That's all I have.  That and virtualbox.org08:05
funkyzireand i want completly delete it and use it with my standart ubuntu as a normal data-partition ext308:05
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pbureaujoe_joe_joe, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=md5%2C+but+from+windows&btnG=Google+Search08:06
gleissqos: I can only suggest a web search08:06
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=== technomancy &heart;s the (no-longer-)new graphical install
pbureau!jp | chezz9908:07
ubotuchezz99:  #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 08:07
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arpheticI was just gnna try nd translate that ^^08:08
chezz99I am chinanese08:08
arphetic!ch | chezz9908:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:08
arpheticchezz99: this is international chan, try english08:08
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk08:08
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Yodudeis there anyone who can help me with Beagle?08:08
HymnToLifech is Switzerland :p08:09
bulishkozdarova narod!!!!!08:09
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arpheticeh lawl ye soz typo :P08:09
kiwiiis 2.6.17 good version or should I install other ?08:09
calvarez.cn is china08:09
tomekddhi all08:09
bulishkohi bot08:09
calvarezkiwii, it's fine08:09
HymnToLifekiwii, it should be good enough for you08:09
arphetickiwii you can update it after install I think ;)08:09
kiwiiwith ext3 support bultin ?08:09
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Nukeadorhi again08:10
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ikoniakiwii: why do you want to change your kernel ?08:10
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HymnToLifeext3 support exists since 2.4.15 IIRC08:10
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HymnToLifeso 2.6.17 certainly has it :p08:10
ikoniaHymnToLife: exactly08:10
NukeadorI run services-admin in a terminal, the settings doest save but i see and error: (services-admin:5633): Liboobs-CRITICAL **: oobs_service_set_runlevel_configuration: assertion `runlevel != NULL' failed08:10
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YodudehymnToLife: can you help me please?08:11
ikoniaYodude: whats up08:11
kiwiiikonia, i  try to install ubuntu on computer which doesnt have cd and floppy, so I boot pxe from Knoppix liveCD08:11
calvarezlibboobs? :o ;)08:11
HymnToLifeYodude, not if you don't ask a question08:11
kiwiii got install linux-image, add new lines to grub08:11
Nukeadorwhy service-admin doesnt save the settings? :S08:11
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ikoniakiwii: so what does that have to do with why you want to update the kernel  ?08:11
kiwiiby my system gets an error08:11
Yodudewhassup iKonida08:11
arphetickiwii: how do you load liveCD if you dont have a cd player?08:11
ikoniakiwii: whats the error ?08:11
kiwiiikonia: cannot open root device "hda2"08:11
ikoniaarphetic: he net boots08:11
Yodudei have a question about beagle: can it be set as the default search engine?08:12
kiwiiikonia: it cant read ext3 partition..08:12
arpheticAh okey :)08:12
Yodudei really don't like the default engine in ubuntu08:12
Raskallunop: got the exchange plugin working. I didn't know that I had to use the owa server address.08:12
cmt^^Anyone using Skype here? I can't get my mic to work08:12
kiwiiarphetic: live boot on laptop, and then netboot08:12
calvarezyodude, what do you mean by engine?08:12
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:12
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Picikiwii: Sorry, I was away from the computer, it just occured to me, are you just putting in hda2 or /dev/hda2 ?08:12
HymnToLifeikonia, if you stuck with the default kernel, of course it can08:12
ikoniakiwii: no - it can't see your disk08:12
arpheticyeah I figured ;)08:12
pbureaucmt^^,  using gnome ? make dure Alsa doesnt have it as muted08:12
ikoniaHymnToLife: it can what ?08:13
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:13
HymnToLiferead ext308:13
kiwiiwhen i try to install linux-image it warns me to configure LILO08:13
ikoniaHymnToLife: I know08:13
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ikoniaI didn't say it couldn't08:13
kiwiibut if i use Grub do i have to configure Lilo ?08:13
HymnToLifesorry, that was to kiwii :p08:13
ikoniakiwii: I think you may want to check your docs - pxe booting has nothing to do with a boot loader08:13
pbureau<- tries Kunbuntu yesterday... man the 149 updates just mess the setup completly...lol thank god for Gnome08:13
GaiaX11suppose that I go to the shop today and buy a modern HP printer will i find the drivers to install it in ubuntu?08:13
calvarezkiwii, nah, if you're using grub you're set08:13
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ikoniaYodude: no idea08:14
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pbureauGaiaX11, why what printer you have ?08:14
cmt^^pbureau - i did that, but it doesn't work08:14
calvarezGaiaX11, you should be able to get any printer, I'd recommend you make sure before you go buy it though08:14
Yodudemaybe if i just uninstall the other search function it will be the default seeing it's obviously the ONLY one08:14
PhilHHi Guys, Does anyone know of a nice simple way to convert videos to 3GP format for use on a mobile phone?08:14
ikoniaYodude: search the forums08:15
kiwiiikonia: i use pxe booting only to install ubuntu, and then i want to use normal boot from grub08:15
Serg1hello, i just installed ubuntu and i have a question.. why the totem can't play mp308:15
PhilHthere are dozens of converters for windows but not a lot in the way of linux stuff08:15
pbureauPhilH, check http://www.freshmeat.net/08:15
PhilHpbureau, have done08:15
calvarezyodude, rephrase the question. What do you mean by engine?08:15
Serg1how to play mp3 music in ubuntu08:15
Pici!mp3 | serg108:15
ubotuserg1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:15
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Yodudecavarez: like in firefox, the default searsh engine is google08:16
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pbureauGaiaX11, so what the make/model of your printer ?08:16
arphetichttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasLogitech <- I have a quickcam messenger, and I use Dapper Drake. How can I figure out what package/driver I should install (I heared it was supported in the latest linux kernels...)08:16
Yodudehere it's the same: i want Beagle to be the default Search engine for ubuntu08:16
GaiaX11calvarez: pbureau Where do I find a list of HP printers supported by ubuntu?08:16
calvarezyou're talking of the search engine for firefox?08:16
Yodudeand want it to be the engine of the deskbar search08:16
HymnToLifeYodude, you know, UBuntu is not a browser...08:16
Serg1how to install this all with terminal?08:16
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arpheticall this what?08:17
adamonline45How do I exit gnome and all GUI stuff entirely, and get to just the command line?08:17
YodudeHymnToLife: it's a revolution08:17
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Serg1of codecs etc. to play mp3 music08:17
PhilHAny other ideas on the 3GP video front?08:17
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GaiaX11pbureau: I want to buy one modern HP. So where do I find a supported ubuntu list?08:17
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HymnToLifewell, I really can't see what "the search engine for ubuntu" refers to08:17
arpheticctrl+alt+f1 adamonline45 brings you in shell for start08:17
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pbureauGaiaX11,  if you use your web browser and type in http://localhost:631 you will get a web interface for Cups, click on add printer  and check the list , but they carry pretty much all HP printers08:17
adamonline45arphetic: That will eliminate any processor and memory overhead from gnome?08:18
nofxxhow to use apt-get on other directory? ie.: ltsp chroot08:18
Serg1i don't want to read08:18
GaiaX11pbureau: thx :-)08:18
PiciPhilH: It looks like mencoder can re-encode to 3gp, check out it's man pages for details08:18
Serg1=] 08:18
pbureauSerg1, then use windows08:18
arpheticnofxx: man apt-get08:18
Serg1i want to listen music08:18
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thorhi all08:18
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)08:18
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minimecHi. I installed edgy with the live CD. Installation was done without any error. The problem is, that I can't boot now. The system hangs on grub without error... Is there a posibility to rewrite the boot sector with the live disk?08:19
YodudeHymnToLife: like when you go to Places-Search, it's the default search engine in ubuntu08:19
stephenwhat is firefox name for killall command08:19
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mlpugis there some uname or other command to find out what ubuntu is this? dapper or edgy?08:19
adamonline45minimec: Is there a flashing cursor under the text "GRUB"?08:19
Serg1i'll read the ubuntu faq, hope to get some help08:19
minimecstephen: hmmm firefox-bin i think08:19
YodudeHymnToLife: i want to replace that TOTALLY by beagle08:19
kiwiihmm maybe i got problem because I had intrd instead of initrd :D08:19
technomancymlpug: more /etc/apt/sources.list08:19
minimecadamonline45: one moment08:19
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pbureau!gstreamer | Serg108:19
stephenyeah that did it08:19
HymnToLifecan't help you with this, I haven't used ubuntu for ages08:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:20
thordoes anyone know how to check what kind of drivers my wireless card is using? It's working fine just want to check what driver is used by the kernel08:20
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minimecadamonline45: Yes there is...08:20
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technomancyok, i've got a situation where enabling acpi in edgy causes booting to fail. (does not happen with fiesty) is it likely that upgrading my kernel will solve the problem? can i upgrade just the kernel without going all the way to feisty?08:20
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Picithor: try lsmod to list the currently active modules08:20
YodudeHymnToLife: lol? what are you using now then?08:20
adamonline45minimec: I had that same problem with an ubuntu-server install on an old pentuim 2... The BIOS doesn't know how to read disks larger than 8gb08:20
cypherdelicI need help setting up an encrypted Root-FS for Edgy 6.10, any experts? I got error during startup: "no cryptroot configfured, skipping"08:21
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HymnToLifeYodude, right now, I'm on Debian08:21
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pbureau!GStreamer | Serg108:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:21
Serg1pbureau i have check and it's seems that all gstream codecs are installed for my system08:21
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adamonline45minimec: The only way I was able to get it working was to create a physical partition that was 8GB in size, for the root directory08:21
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cypherdelicAnyone familia with cryptsetup-luks for edgy 6.10? please08:21
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Jordan_1is there anyone who wants to be a moderator of a forum here ??? whisper me please !!!08:22
jargheya all, i want to download a live cd, my question is, is the same iso? so i don't found a live cd iso08:22
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Vilhelmsjarg: Its teh same as the installation iso08:22
ikoniaJordan_1: probably not appropriate to ask in here08:22
HymnToLifejarg, the live cd's are the "desktop" ones08:22
adamonline45minimec: I just put my home directory on a second partition.  The MBR is not the issue, the problem is that when the BIOS tries to read the necessary kernel information it can't find it because it's potentially more than 8gb away from the start of the disk08:22
minimecadamonline45: it is a 8 GB disk... So I have to flash the BIOS? Oh. So I should do some more partitions... like 4GB for root 512mb swap and the rest for home?08:22
cypherdelicI need help setting up an encrypted Root-FS for Edgy 6.10, any experts? I got error during startup: "no cryptroot configfured, skipping"08:23
thorPici: i only get ath_pci. I should have something about madfifi or atheros...08:23
adamonline45minimec: Once Ubuntu loads, however, it can read the whole disk fine...08:23
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Picithor: ath_pci sounds like atheros to me08:23
pbureauthor you have an atheros wifi ? did you install madwifi ?08:23
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Jordan_1if there is someone who wants to join an adult forum , please whisper me !08:23
minimecadamonline45: THx a lot... That just means that I have to do the whole procedure again... ;)08:23
pbureauJordan_1,  go away08:23
HymnToLife!ops [ Jordan_1 is spamming the channel08:24
thorno i did not install madwifi. my wifi card is wg311T netgear08:24
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ikoniaJordan_1: is already leaving......;)08:24
adamonline45minimec: Hmm, well that's interesting then!  Flashing the BIOS may help, as well as creating a smaller partition for the root directory.  What are the specs of your machine?  Yeah, I think it took me about 4 installs to get it working :) Good luck!08:24
kiwiiok my system is working :D08:24
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kiwiithank you guys :D08:24
VilhelmsMy network manager can't find any of my network devices08:24
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thorPici: it sounds like :) ? how can i make sure?08:24
cypherdelicI need help setting up an encrypted Root-FS for Edgy 6.10, any experts? I got error during startup: "no cryptroot configfured, skipping"08:24
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Serg1it's seems that gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is not included to be installed with synaptic manager08:25
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso08:25
tatcypherdelic: read /usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/CryptoRoot.HowTo08:25
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ikoniacypherdelic: for a root FS - are you sure about that08:25
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minimecadamonline45: its PIII 400 with 256MB RAM and a ATI Rage 128. I just wanted to use that machine as a simple client. That's why I didn't do any 'partitioning' ....08:26
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pbureauthor do you plugged it in and does lspci see the hardware ? what does it report it as being ?08:26
pbureauVilhelms, type lspci and tell us the network card you using ?08:26
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adamonline45minimec: I learned a lot from ubotu's links regarding grub... It's odd that you're getting that error with just an 8GB disk...  Perhaps it's a similar issue, but your BIOS can only handle an even smaller root partition than the typical 8GB...08:26
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cypherdelictat. i read that its completely wrong!!!08:26
adamonline45!grub | minimec08:26
ubotuminimec: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:26
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cypherdelicikonia, yes, absolutely shure, i want to encrypt my hole root08:27
minimecadamonline45: THX08:27
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thorpbureau: the card is working fine just want to know what driver is used08:27
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rohanwhat is the default apache ServerRoot in ubuntu ?08:27
adamonline45minimec: No problem :)08:27
pbureauthor,  lshw -class network it will show under driver = for that card08:27
HymnToLiferohan, /var/www - like everywhere else08:27
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cypherdelictat: it didn't work that way!08:27
rohanHymnToLife: thanks08:27
Vilhelmspbureau: I'm using a Broadcom Wireless Card08:27
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Vilhelmspbureau:  Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)08:28
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso08:28
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pbureauVilhelms, what model bcm xxxx <- ???08:28
minimecadamonline45: The same procedure as last year Miss Sophie?  *rofl*08:28
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matssudo /usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh08:28
Vilhelmspbureau: BCM4318, I am using it through ndiswrapper08:28
Serg1how to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly08:28
pbureauVilhelms, see my pvt message08:28
cypherdelicI need help setting up an encrypted Root-FS for Edgy 6.10, any experts? I got error during startup: "no cryptroot configfured, skipping"08:29
Serg1is this package exists for ubuntu..08:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mmf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:29
matspbureau: download the 'bcm43xx-fwcutter' for multiverse and to a sudo /usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh08:29
thorpbureau, thank you !!! that what i was looking for :)08:29
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infidel_is there a mp3 to mmf converter?08:29
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pbureaumats thanks... but I already knew that. :)08:29
Vilhelmspbureau: I already have the card working properly, it just won't show up in network manager08:30
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adamonline45anyone: I know about <ctrl><alt><F1> taking me to a virtual terminal, but is there a way to get to a pure terminal with Ubuntu-Desktop so I can completely maximize my available resources?08:30
matspbureau: aha ;) sorry mac. so much typing here08:30
pbureaumats no worries08:30
Serg1is the possible to play mp3 in ubuntu?08:30
Flustratedsergl: yeah08:30
VilhelmsSerg1: yes it is08:30
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Flustratedwhen does feisty come out?08:30
pbureauVilhelms,  humm.. Network-manager or Network applet ?08:30
cypherdelicI need help setting up an encrypted Root-FS for Edgy 6.10, any experts? I got error during startup: "no cryptroot configfured, skipping"08:30
hartsantlerwhat do i apt-get to play mp3s and xvid movies?08:30
kitcheFlustrated: April or so08:30
Vilhelmspbureau: Network Manager Applet08:31
kitche!feisty | Flustrated08:31
ubotuFlustrated: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+108:31
thorDoes anyone try to compile void11 ??08:31
Vilhelmspbureau: Thats what the about says08:31
mrpoundsignis there any way to speed up evolution-exchange?  every time I launch it, it seems to be re-indexing my email, which takes a good 5 minutes.08:31
pbureauVilhelms, then we need to look at a few files, you using wpasupplicant as well ?08:31
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Vilhelmspbureau: wpasupplicant a program? no all i installed to get it working is ndiswrapper08:31
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arphetichttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasLogitech <- I have a quickcam messenger, and I use Dapper Drake. How can I figure out what package/driver I should install (I heared it was supported in the latest linux kernels...)08:32
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mrpoundsign!webcam | arphetic08:32
ubotuarphetic: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:32
pbureauVilhelms, come to #ubuntu-wifi well check a few thing08:32
cypherdelicDid nobody encrypted his Root-FS, cmon please.08:32
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jexdawghow do i change the TEXT color on a panel? (not the background color through right click --> prefs --> background)08:32
antipopphew im here08:32
arpheticmrpoundsign: nice one, replying the page on which I based my question ><08:32
Serg1E: Couldn't find package libxine-extracodecs08:32
antipopi got a huge problem:08:32
antipopi destroyed my grub08:32
antipopno idea how to get it workin again08:33
adamonline45!grub antipop08:33
mrpoundsignarphetic: oh, jeez, didn't notice, sorry.  haha08:33
ikoniaantipop: re-install grub08:33
ubotugrub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB08:33
antipopi tried08:33
Serg1fuck this linux08:33
antipopill give you some info first:08:33
ikoniaSerg1: watch the lanaguage08:33
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Flustratedhow hard is it to install beryl on edgy?08:34
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ikoniaFlustrated: not really08:34
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PriceChildFlustrated, #ubuntu-effects for beryl stuff :)08:34
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matthew__beryl on edgy - doddle08:34
jexdawgflustrated - i am retarded and i did it my 2nd day on ubuntu08:34
matthew__use automatix bleeder08:34
matthew__it just works (well)08:34
matthew__with nvidia card08:34
antipopmy harddisk is 4 partitions..2-4 is ubuntu, my usual OS. on the primary partition was a kubuntu installed. i deleted the first partition from my ubuntu using gparted08:34
PriceChild!automatix | matthew__08:34
ubotumatthew__: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:34
Pici!automatic | matthew__08:34
ikonianever use automatix08:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
antipopafter a reboot08:34
arpheticFlustrated: about 12 inch hard tbh08:34
antipopnothing happend..08:34
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antipopim here with a live-cd of ubuntu08:35
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matthew__ah - oops08:35
FlustratedI tried to get compiz to work on umm, the last release, dapper, I guess, didn't work out very well08:35
FlustratedI eventually gave up on those08:35
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cypherdelicI need help with cryptsetup, does anybody knows, why it cant load my cryptroot? its loaded in /etc/crypttab, listed in /etc/fstab and it is on the kernel-line in /boot/grub/menu.lst. PLEASE08:35
Flustratedbut it seems like people are having a great deal more success with edgy08:35
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:35
jahidcan anyone tell me a better database designing tool for ubuntu?08:35
Serg1Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse"08:35
ikoniajahid: vi ?08:35
Serg1what's wrong?08:35
Picicypherdelic: Chances are if no one is answering, nobody knows.08:35
cypherdelicit does NOT work, please help08:35
antipopi dont have a floppy08:35
ikoniaSerg1: you may not have the  multiverse repo enabled08:36
jahidikonia, vi? i knew that is just an editor. isn't it?08:36
Serg1ikonia: what is this?08:36
ikoniajahid: yup08:36
ikoniaSerg1: whats what ?08:36
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Serg1ikonia: how to enable it then...08:36
Frost^I'd like to add some windows shares to my /etc/fstab. When I look at my current fstab, I see a UUID prefix before every block device. Should I set one for the devices I wish to add or can I ignore it?08:36
jahidbut, i need a database designing tool08:36
antipopis it possible to repair the grub when using the live-cd ?08:36
jexdawghow do you change the font/text color on panels? right now its black text, but i'd like to make the background of the panel black to fit my theme better and so i need to change the font color to white. is that possible?08:36
jahidwhere i can draw database diagram08:36
ikoniaantipop: yup08:36
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cypherdelicPici: There are many HowTos online, noone of these are 100% correctly, and i cant get it to work08:36
Serg1ikonia: how to enable it -)08:36
antipopbut it doesnt find devices08:36
kitcheFrost^: you don't need UUID for a share that is for devices only08:37
ikoniaSerg1: search the wiki08:37
Serg1of thanks08:37
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antipopthe primary partition is hd0,0 right ?08:37
Serg1you don't know?08:37
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ikoniaantipop: depends on your setup08:37
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ikoniaSerg1: I know fine - hence why I have plugins installed08:37
adamonline45How do I exit gnome entirely and get to a CLI?08:37
antipophow can i see how i did set it up ?08:37
Serg1how to enable multiverse repo in ubuntu08:37
UberPsyXmy usb card reader with a CF in it doesnt come up as a storage device so i can open the content but mp3 players, etc do work. any ideas on why?08:37
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ikoniaSerg1: search the wiki08:38
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Serg1what wiki, googe?08:38
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minimecantipop: hd0,0 is IDE1 Master08:38
ikoniaSerg1: the ubuntu wiki08:38
dmIs there a XFCE chat?08:38
kmaynardadamonline45, ctrl+alt+f108:38
kmaynardadamonline45, ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to desktop08:38
ikoniaminimec: thats not true if there is sata/scsi AND ide in the system at the same time08:38
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FlustratedI read that nvidia's latest driver is giving people problems with "detecting" certain resolutions.  I was thinking this might be the problem I'm having.  Does anyone have any experience with this?08:39
adamonline45kmaynard: That keeps all my Gnome processes running though; I need the system's full resources at the CLI... :/08:39
minimecikonia: You are right ;)08:39
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suchethagood day everyone08:39
ikoniaFlustrated: use the drivers out of the repo08:39
kmaynardadamonline45, ctrl+alt+f1 then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:39
Chanksteri keep getting this error "bash: ./sb: cannot execute binary file" any ideas?08:39
Serg1in the next vers. please include this stuff enable08:39
dmIs there a XFCE chat?08:39
Frost^kitche: When I add the relevant lines and try to mount, I get an error. This is what dmesg tells me: [17234306.880000]  smbfs: mount_data version 1029990773 is not supported08:39
Flustratedikonia: if I installed the drivers using apt-get they won't be the new ones then?08:39
Frost^any ideas?08:39
adamonline45kmaynard: That's the best answer yet, thank you :)  How do I restart gnome should the need arise?08:39
archangelpetroIs anyone familiar with a program that will create a PDF file with given text and not add lots of bloat to it? (i need it to be less than 20kb08:39
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antipophello! i just wasted my hole system, could anyone give me quick help08:39
ikoniaFlustrated: they will be the latest out of the repo's08:40
ikoniaantipop: how did you waste it08:40
antipopkilled grub08:40
UberPsyX!repeat | dm08:40
ubotudm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:40
ikoniadm: search freenode08:40
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ikoniaantipop: how ?08:40
antipopby formating a not used partition08:40
Soullessantipop: use UR live CD08:40
gnat_xi am using the packaged version of azureus. it is having issues, and the azureus folks suggested using JRE which i have installed.08:40
antipopim running a live cd atm08:40
ikoniaantipop: that shouldn't effect grub  - as thats your boot sector08:40
adamonline45kmaynard: Oh, duh, gdm start? :P08:40
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archangelpetrogod damn, does anyone here ever reply?08:40
antipopi used gparted08:41
ikoniaarchangelpetro: that your attitude - no08:41
suchethagnat_x azureus has had issues with the debian/ubuntu jre package..08:41
antipopdeleted the first partition there08:41
axif i have a intel core2 duo do i want to use an -smp kernel, or is generic fine?08:41
Serg1sorry but i don't know how to edit /etc/apt/sources.list08:41
axi don't see a new -smp kernel actually08:41
antipopsince a kubuntu was installed there that i never did use08:41
archangelpetroikonia, my attitude is so because of 'your' attitude.08:41
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol|nope :P annoying isnt it?08:41
ikoniaSerg1: search the wiki08:41
PiciSerg1: Those codecs are not installed because by doing so they would violate the license that Ubuntu is published under.  It is the user's discretion to install those repositores if needed08:41
gnat_xsuchetha: any fix aside from building it myself?08:41
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archangelpetroUberPsyX, it's frustrating.08:41
ikoniaarchangelpetro: your just being impatient08:41
Flustratedoh, one more question, how do you get to a console outside of X?08:41
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ikonia!patience >archangelpetro08:41
jugheadi have a directory with many subdirectories and files; how can I change all of the directories and files to allow anyone to have full access (read/write, delete,e tc) to all of the directories and files?08:41
gnat_xsuchetha: ideally i like to keep using package managers.08:41
archangelpetroikonia, is my patience supposed to extend to infiinity?08:41
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol|are you any good with ubuntu08:41
suchethagnat_x, not that i know of, tried it repeatedly finally said frell it and moved to ktorrent08:42
ikoniaarchangelpetro: how long have you been waiting08:42
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antipopdamn this is so annoying08:42
infiniteejughead: chmod -R parent_directory08:42
jexdawgnot trying to spam but can you guys just tell me if its possible to change the text color on your panels? i'll look the fix up myself08:42
suchethagnat_x: hopefully feisty will have the new FOSS version of jre08:42
archangelpetroikonia, i've been waiting for other questions to be answered.. since i asked them.. anywhere from days to weeks ago.08:42
Raskallmy monitor isn't autodetected. How do I tell X that the monitor handles 1280x1024 and not only 1024x76808:42
Soullessantipop: if U use the live CD I think U can reinstall GRUB08:42
archangelpetroUberPsyX, i'll help with what i can :)08:42
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gnat_xsuchetha: ok. that makes sense.08:42
jugheadwhich numbers would I use for chmod infinitee08:42
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Techno|usthello fellow ubuntu people.  If I want to execute a unix command at startup to I need to make a sh script to allow this or is there another way?08:42
antipopyes but HOW ?08:42
ikoniaarchangelpetro: whats your question08:42
ikoniaantipop: search the forums/wiki08:42
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol| thanks, my usb card reader with a CF in it doesnt come up as a storage device so i can open the content but mp3 players, etc do work. any ideas on why?08:42
Yeseax_Flustrated, do you mean a real original console? press strg+alt+F1.. F1-F6 are normal the consoles .. F7 is the X-Server.. a ,,console'' on X is called Terminal08:42
antipopi dont understand all these english howtows08:42
ikoniathen ask speciic questions here08:42
noodles12i went to system>administration>printing and the "new printer" button is not highlighted and i cannot select it.08:42
Soullessantipop: I think it's an option marker 'REPAIR' or somethin' like that08:43
FlustratedRaskall: have you tried dpkg-reconfigure?08:43
infiniteejughead: what permissions are you aiming at? generally 755 for ordinary user08:43
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isakillwha.....  this copy of x-chat doesn't do multiple networks?08:43
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol | and in the device manager it comes up as a mass media device08:43
antipophda: empty hda1 ubuntu hda2 ubuntu hda3 swap hda4 ubuntu08:43
archangelpetroUberPsyX, i suppose it's down to the auto mounting of those kidns of devices.. have you tried manually mounting it?08:43
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antipopi need a grub again08:43
ikoniaantipop: we know08:43
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icatalinahello, i've update to feisty and i've lost the units icons on the computer menu.... (the windows partition). It still mounting it, but it dont appear on the computer menu... do you know how to repair it?08:43
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Techno|ustdo you have to make a .sh script if you want to execut unix commands at startup????08:43
archangelpetroikonia, my problem is.. that i need to write a txt file to pdf format without the extra bloat.. I need to keep a 1page document under 20kb (openoffice bulks up the pdf to 200k)08:44
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol | as if,  im a complete noob! lol how do i do that?08:44
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SoullessTechnolust: I reckon so08:44
jugheadI would like full read/write/execute for all users/groups08:44
infiniteeTechmolust: use "sessions" option to include apps at startup08:44
ikoniaarchangelpetro: not aware of an app that can do it that smal08:44
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol | sudo /mount usb?08:44
RaskallFlustrated: on xserver-xorg? Yes, I did, but I was unable to log in afterwards. GDM had the right resolution, but X just died when I tried to log in08:44
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Techno|ustsessions work with xcfe?08:44
ubotuhpijs: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - gs IJS driver (hpijs). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.9+1.6.9-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 337 kB, installed size 712 kB08:44
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archangelpetroUberPsyX, sudo mount something along those lines yea :P08:44
suchethaarchangelpetro: i don't think there is a way to do that. a pdf file is large BECAUSE it is an image file.. kind of like a jpeg or summat08:44
infiniteeTecholust: it is in gnome, not sure how to go abt in xfce08:45
archangelpetroUberPsyX, i have trouble with my own portable storage devices08:45
archangelpetrosuchetha, aye, but there must be a way of dropping its size to something reasonable for text08:45
infidelis there a mp3 to mmf convertoer for linux?08:45
antipopubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/hda08:45
antipopCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.08:45
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol | lol, windows 98 is looking reeeaaallyy appetising at the minute :P08:45
Flustratedraskall: check out the error log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or whatever it is08:45
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posingaspopularicatalina: you mean the grub?08:45
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icatalinano, when you are in ubuntu/places/computer08:46
suchethaarchangelpetro: not that i know of, iirc pdf embeds fonts as curves etc etc etc.. that is why it works on any system with any font without the need for the font to be there on teh target machine08:46
archangelpetroUberPsyX, dont go that way :P honestly i'm probably not the best person to ask :P sorry :)  lookup on ubuntu forums 'manually mounting external drives' etc.08:46
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icatalinayou have some partitions icons... and i lost it...08:46
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Flustratedraskall: I know for most monitors it'll try at the top of the list, and see what your hardware will support, so if it's not running at the highest possible res it must've bumped into an error08:46
archangelpetrosuchetha, well, odd that they ask for a page under 20k in pdf format :/08:46
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol | lol thanks for the help. what do you need help with?08:46
infiniteehey anybody have this wierd prob: laptop peaks performance and fan blasts full when the laptop is left idle for 5 mins or so.. is there some way to fix it?08:46
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ikoniainfinitee: update the bios to a better one08:47
archangelpetroUberPsyX, im trying to send off my PhD proposal :P08:47
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol | i might be able to help :P (helped by a noob08:47
suchethai have a problem: i use a sb audigy ca0106, i upgraded to the latest version of eft and now i don't have any sound.. ideas?08:47
UberPsyXarchangelpetrol | lol cool08:47
infiniteeikonia: oh, thanks.. I shall do that (I never updated!)08:47
RaskallFlustrated: I tried to add 1280x1024 as a valid resolution in xorg.conf. I am trying to restart X now08:47
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archangelpetroUberPsyX, i wouldnt worry about it, I'm pretty crap at most things too :P08:47
archangelpetroi imagine you have your strengths elsewhere :P08:47
Flustratedraskall: k, if it kicks out read the error log afterwards08:48
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UberPsyXarchangelpetrol, lol, ok thanks for everything. good luck finding some help :P cya08:48
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RaskallFlustrated: it worked. :)08:48
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archangelpetroUberPsyX, sorry i couldnt be more helpful :P08:48
RaskallFlustrated: ahh.. nice to have room on the desktop again.08:48
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suchethaarchangelpetro: hmm there are 6 page documents in pdf nder 20kb08:49
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suchethaarchangelpetro: so that should be possible.. maybe if you got rid of colours and/or images?08:49
archangelpetrosuchetha, hehe aye, i just want one page.. the actual file is text08:49
archangelpetrothere are no images or anything08:49
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Piciarchangelpetro: You may be able to use html2ps then ps2pdf to convert it to pdf08:49
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archangelpetrojust OO adds lots of bulk08:50
archangelpetrothanks Pici :)08:50
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suchethaarchangelpetro: hmm try a print to file08:50
Soullessarchangelpetro: Maybe use Abiword08:50
suchethathat should give you a ps file08:50
Piciarchangelpetro: I believe htm2ps is in one of the repositories, the ps2pdf is in one of the LaTeX packages, I'm not sure which one08:50
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archangelpetroand, I do appreciate all the help :).. thank you very much :)08:51
archangelpetroill try  Abiword and htm2ps/ps2pdf08:51
Soullessarchangelpetro: cuz Abiword can export directly to PDF08:51
kmaynardadamonline45, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart  or start if it's already dead08:51
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suchethaproblem: no sound on a sb audigy after an upgrade, can anyone please help?08:52
VincentMXi've installed edubuntu-desktop, but gnome, firefox, and such, and the educational programs, are in english, while i installed it in dutch08:52
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infiniteesucheta: maybe if you could point what package was installed during the update, someone might be able to help you08:53
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suchethaVincentMX: you may have to install the language packs08:53
rfschmidCan anyone help me find out what's going wrong with my ATI graphics card for which I just installed the proprietary ATI driver?08:53
Wulfecan someone help me on amarok ... no sound on streaming audio08:53
VincentMXi installed a base system, since i had no edubuntu cd, then i upgraded, then installed edubuntu-desktop, then some was in english08:53
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VincentMXsuchetha: how?08:53
suchethainfinitee: i think the primary one was that the kernel got upgraped08:53
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suchethaVincentMX: checking now.. one minute please08:53
nofxxmy screen looks way offset to the right.... nvidia... using nv graphics on a thin client..... how to change that?08:54
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sidny4if I make changes to /etc/network/interfaces, do I have to restart the computer to make those changes come into effect08:54
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infiniteeVincentMX: did you go to amarok preferences and use the appropriate device?08:54
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Serg1i can't un-comment file , have no permission..08:54
EissblocKHi ubuntu users08:54
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Ferretsidny4: you should just have to do sudo /etc/init.d/net restart08:54
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Wulfein configure amarok ?08:54
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EissblocKi have searched all the google ;) and i have a little issue08:54
EissblocKi am a beginning ubuntu user08:55
EissblocKi just installed my nvidia drivers08:55
sidny4EissblocK: ask your question08:55
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suchethaVincentMX: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/translations/language-pack-gnome-nl08:55
Serg1i have opened source.list and un-commented that i need and cannot save the chnages08:55
isakillI just rebooted after doing some updating....  I can't play mp3s :/08:55
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suchethaVincentMX: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/translations/language-pack-gnome-nl-base08:55
ikoniaSerg1: search the wiki08:55
Serg1have opened with "text editor"08:55
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infiniteeSergl: use "sudo" before the editor command08:56
rfschmidI just installed the ATI driver, but fglrxinfo still says I'm using "Mesa GLX Indirect" rendering.08:56
EissblocKi am trying with this game called nexuiz... so i installed it, and it works for like 2 minutes and then everything returns to desktop again :s08:56
suchethaVincentMX: download install and enjoy08:56
EissblocKvery sucky08:56
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coldbootWhenever I view a LaTeX converted to PostScript file in Evince or GhostView, the text looks like it has pixelitus. Even the text that's part of GhostView's interface looks like pixelitus. Does anyone know where I can start to fix this problem? It's hard to search...08:56
Wulfehow do i get sound on streaming audio in amarok ?08:56
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patrick_i was wondering if someone could send me 2 files, i messed them up when trying  to do network printing.08:56
patrick_they are08:56
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jexdawgHow do i get a media-player control applet on my panel? preferably for rhythmbox?   heck, where do i get any applets?08:56
supmorkhi. experiencing some problem with wifi connection. eg: PC1 has eth1 connected to adsl router has a wifi card (ndismapper); PC2 (windozxp) has wifi. Wifi software tells they're connected. but in fact it seems that no packets arrive to and goes from PC1 *excep* for ARP request (Who has Tell and browser master announcement08:57
patrick_and /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf08:57
ikoniapatrick_: just re-install cups08:57
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dannyhi, I have an urgent network problem [distri == ubuntu]  - any suggestions for a good channel about such problems?08:57
supmorkany suggestion?08:57
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patrick_how do i do that ikonia08:57
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ikoniadanny: just ask08:57
patrick_sorry i'm not that well versed08:57
EissblocKi understand if u don't answer my question :)08:57
ikoniapatrick_: remove cups - then re-install it08:57
patrick_ok thanks ikonia08:57
pbureaudanny, #ubuntu-wifi08:58
dannygot a 3com 3c905c nic which connects only with 10Mbit [working fine when I boot windows]  and does not react on commands I give with ethtool08:58
livingdaylightcan soemone tell me what the command is for identifyying one's aversion of ubuntu?08:58
infiniteeEissblock: yours is a very specific question, I doubt others would have encountered that, hence your q wasnt answered08:58
jexdawgout of beep-media-player, rhythmbox, banshee, and exaile, which do you guys prefer?08:58
ikoniadanny: try mii-tool08:58
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EissblocKi m not mad about it or anything08:59
dannyisn't mii-tool older than ethtool?08:59
WulfeAmarok - no streaming audio .. but sound work in ubuntu ... suggestions ?08:59
EissblocKi just love the linux styles and i kinda hate this08:59
infiniteelivingdaylight: system->about ubuntu08:59
MystaMaxhello, i installed xfce on a server, but dont want it to run all the time, only when I need it, how do I go about that?08:59
ikoniaEissblocK: please be-quiet08:59
Flustratedinfinitee: I like rhythmbox...xmms is good too tho08:59
livingdaylightinfinitee, do older versions of ubuntu have this?08:59
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infiniteeWulfe: try exploring preferences of amarok08:59
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livingdaylightis there not a command line way of finding out?09:00
infiniteelivingdaylight: check your sources.list09:00
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FlustratedI was impressed by how quickly rhythmbox got through my collection, which is rather large09:00
dannyok, i will try and come back if I can't solve the Problem... by the way if it work, how to make the change permanent for further boots?09:00
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ikoniadanny: an init script ?09:01
patrick_ ikonia how do i uninstall it cups?09:01
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livingdaylightinfinitee, huh? just to identify ubuntu version?09:01
shrndegruvin awn, does anyone else notice that right clicking and selecting preferences doesnt work?09:01
ikoniapatrick_: open synamptic - find cups - click remove09:01
dannyok which one? and how... havent done this so often...09:01
infiniteepatrick_ sudo apt-get remove cups09:01
Blaisehi everyone09:01
Wulfenothing i have done amarok has gotten me to get sound out of this09:01
BlaiseI'm getting Segmentation Faults when I try and load Firefox, (this also happens from the liveCD), does anyone know how I can get Firefox up and running?09:01
ikoniadanny: add it to the network one, or make your own09:01
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VilhelmsI'm having a problem with World of Warcraft. I installed it on wine but after running it for about a minute the game hangs and so does my whole PC. Then I am forced to a hard shutdown. What could be the problem?09:02
patrick_then just sudo apt-get install cups after?09:02
dannythanks and good night09:02
ikoniaVilhelms: you'll get better support in #wine-hq09:02
bartVilhemls which wine version do you use ?09:02
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infiniteelivingdaylight: if you cant/dont find about ubuntu under system, using CLI that is the way I thought is possible.. it should be listed what version (dapper or feisty) it gets packages from09:02
Wulfe is there maybe something i have to download as far as a plugin or streaming audio plug in ?09:02
Pookywhat's a recommended gnome media player?09:03
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livingdaylightinfinitee, ok, sure09:03
Pookymusic player, sorry09:03
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Pookylike, exaile, or listen09:03
Vilhelmsikonia, Thanks :)09:03
Pookybut not those :P09:03
kitche!players | Pooky09:03
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ubotuPooky: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:03
Vilhelmsikonia, There's no one in that channel :(09:03
Pookykitche, thanks09:03
=== method [n=method@c-24-131-125-216.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wulfe do wha ?09:03
ikoniaVilhelms: try #wine09:04
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jexdawgwhadya guys think of exaile?09:04
jexdawgis it a resource-hog?09:04
Vilhelmsikonia, Alright that works, thanks :)09:04
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PookyI really liked it09:04
Pookybut it kept locking up in beryl09:04
jexdawgpooky, you're referring to exaile?09:05
shawnquick question, how do i get out of X and just have a terminal to install some video drivers09:05
mitchelochey guys, i'm following an older how to guide on mounting a drive using the ubuntu live cd, it mentions getting in the "disks" manager window, i can't find that menu option anymore??09:05
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Serg1(gedit:11808): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:09:05
Serg1Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.09:05
jexdawgdamn. i'm using beryl and i'd rather have it than exaile.. i'll probably give it a shot though09:05
bartshawn : ctrl-alt f109:05
Serg1what is this..09:05
shawnthanks bart!09:05
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mitchelocwhere did system -> administration -> disks go?09:05
PookyI would have liked Listen, if it would let me change the library location09:05
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ahmaru3do you have any idea about a driver for an hercules 3d prophet 4500 with chipset kiroII?????09:05
Serg1is something wrong in this?09:05
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bartshawn : but you probably also need to stop gdm : sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:06
shawnokay wait follop up question, how do i get back in gui mode09:06
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Hopposaiok. lack of sound is not a kernel problem09:06
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bartalt F709:06
shawnawesome i love you thanks09:06
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lolmanIf gdm is not running alt-f7 won't get you a gui back :P09:06
Serg1bye all09:06
rmd_if i install xubuntu-desktop and decide that i like it, can i apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop and experience no problems?09:06
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Wulfe anybody have any ideas about amarok ?09:07
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Hopposairmd_: nor really.. ubuntu-desktop is a virtual package, removing it will not remove the gnome desktop09:07
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posingaspopularWulfe: what exactly have you tried?09:07
infiniteermd_ removing "ubuntu-desktop" wont take away the apps with it.. it would still work09:07
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ahmaru3do you have any idea about a driver for an hercules 3d prophet 4500 with chipset kiroII?????09:07
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Hopposairmd_: i should know, i tried.. and i now have xfce desktop manager crashing09:08
PookyThere's a script in the ubuntu forum for removing ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu09:08
rmd_infinitee: so i would have to go through and manually remove all the gnome apps?09:08
Pookybut, it's kind o scary09:08
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ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd09:08
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:08
SpudDoggHELP!!! I accidentally move a file to big for the trash into the trash!!!!  How can I get it back?!?!?!?!09:08
pbureauWhite_Lightning, what bcm card you have ?09:08
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Wulfe i have done the default install and never get any sound .. but in other OS's ex: freespire ... the default works09:09
HopposaiSpudDogg:  if you're REALLY lucky you may be able to roll back the jurnal09:09
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infiniteermd_ not sure, but it seems so09:09
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SpudDoggHopposai, how do i do that?!09:10
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Wulfe there supposeally is a way to get it running with package install .. but im not sure what i need to get sound out of a sterming file\09:10
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pbureauSpudDogg,  look for ~/.trash it may still be in there09:10
Frajiv installed gpart (Partition program) but how do i run it? I cant find it in applications!09:10
ahmaru3do you have any idea about a driver for an hercules 3d prophet 4500 with chipset kiroII?????09:10
RyanT5000i know my printer is on /proc/bus/usb/002/003, but it's not being detected by gnome-cups-add; how can I set it up manually?09:10
RyanT5000(or make it get detected)09:11
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HopposaiSpudDogg: if its not on the partition you are using now, unmount partition asap09:11
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infiniteeFraj: "sudo gparted" in terminal09:11
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SpudDoggHopposai, no, its not.  any other ideas?09:11
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grimboyinfidel, I think you mean gksudo, sudoing gui applications can do bad things.09:11
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posingaspopularmitcheloc: what was the question09:11
pbureauRyanT5000, open a browser and http://localhost:631 and use the interface to install your printer that way09:12
pbureauahmaru3, check http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=linux+hercules+3d+prophet+4500&btnG=Search09:12
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Frajok gotted09:12
adaptranyone know how I can list my mainboard/BIOS info without booting ?09:12
Frajbut it wont let me delete the main drive its got a lock on it09:12
Frajwont let me do anything to it09:12
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gpdshot in the dark: can I switch from 64Bit Ubuntu to 32Bit without reinstalling?09:13
infiniteegrimboy: yes, you are right..09:13
adaptrFraj: you should use gksu or gksudo when you run that from X09:13
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Frajyeh its running09:13
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RyanT5000pbureau: it just gets to "device" and doesn't show anything reasonable either09:13
adaptrgpd: tricky, but should be possible09:13
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RyanT5000LPT/Parallel, internet, bluetooth, jetdirect, etc.09:13
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pbureauRyanT5000, and you click on administration, remove what ever is there and click on add printer it shoudl l ist it IF it is connected directly to the PC09:14
HopposaiSpudDogg: http://linux.sys-con.com/read/117909.htm good luck09:14
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adaptrgpd: you'd have to "switch" your distro, and at least swicth all repos to 32-bit sources, then get the whole base 32-bit ubuntu install, probably onto a new partition, then get a 32-bit kernel, then juggle files around, then reboot and cross fingers...09:14
Frajadaptr how can i dlete the main partition?09:14
Frajas i wantt o get rid of ubuntu09:14
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adaptrFraj: how *can* you delete the partition you're running from ?09:14
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gpdadaptr: yes - that is what i thought -- probably not worth the effort09:14
Jowi_n1ahmaru3, best thing is to check here http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/09:14
Savage-{hey is that new Open Client Solution from IBM supposed to be available yet?09:14
adaptrgpd: :)09:14
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Frajas when i put another OS cd in it i twont let me boot from it iv checked the bios etc, says press any key etc but then wton boot09:15
gpdadaptr: can you remember the apt-get command to clone a dump of packages onto a new machine?09:15
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adaptrdoes anybody know a way to list my mainboard make/BIOS version without booting ?09:15
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Hopposaithis is annoying, my sound card refuses to work.. its being detected, it seems to be working, but no sound is coming out. checked with speakers and headphones.. as near as i can figure it out alsa is setting the volume to 0 and not letting me change it upwards.09:15
adaptrgpd: never heard of it09:15
infiniteegpd: "apt on cd"?09:15
kristallpiratWhen I run ./configure for gnupg 1.4.6 I get the error: C compiler canot create executables <= any hints how to change that?09:15
adaptrgpd: but you probably want dpkg, not apt09:15
lolmanHopposai: tried using alsamixer?09:15
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adaptrkristallpirat: did you install build-essential ?09:16
gpdinfinitee: apt on cd?09:16
Jac1Hey everyone, i need help with installing Ubuntu on an older PC09:16
kristallpiratadaptr I will check that09:16
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adaptrkristallpirat: if you don;t know, then you don't have it09:16
infiniteenot sure if I got you right, !aptoncd>gpd09:16
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Hopposailolman: tried them all.. everytime i raise the volume it drops it ight back down to zero09:17
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RyanT5000pbureau: doesn't work09:17
gpd!aptoncd > gpd09:17
RyanT5000is there some way I can force a USB hotplug update or something?09:17
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frwagonI've swapped off the GNOME screensaver system to xscreensaver, and now the screen fades when i'm playing full-screen games... any way to stop that?09:17
Jac1It is an old PC (used to run 98) and Now i want to install ubuntu on it. But it just won't boot from the CD Drive, it tries to boot windows, eventhough it is no longer on the system09:17
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lolmanHopposai: is it changed on reboot or as soon as you leave alsamixer?09:17
VincentMXinfinitee: i installed the kernel source, but when i compile alsa, it says it cant find /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h09:17
pbureauRyanT5000, what kind of printer is it ? (dont answer cannon please)09:17
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mrpoundsigndoes anyone here use evolution with exchange?09:18
RyanT5000pbureau: samsung09:18
RyanT5000it was recognized before09:18
rmd_ok, so i did a sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop and ubuntu is still loading the ubuntu desktop with gnome apps... do i need do change something?09:18
kristallpiratadaptr installing ...09:18
RyanT5000the first time i tried to add it, it worked09:18
pbureauJac1, boot iun bios set bios to start with cdrom first09:18
VincentMXi installed the kernel source, but when i compile alsa, it says it cant find /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h09:18
infiniteeVincentMX: sorry, I never was brave enough to play with kernels :)09:18
RyanT5000but it hasn't worked since rebooting09:18
pbureauRyanT5000, what model (some are windows only printers)09:18
Jac1pbureau: I have but it won't work09:18
RyanT5000well it's worked before09:18
pbureauRyanT5000, try setting it up as an HP 4 printer09:19
RyanT5000oh what port?09:19
pbureauusually 910009:19
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kristallpiratadaptr thx that helped09:19
RyanT5000it's USB09:19
=== adaptr praises Hal device manager... just click on "computer" and all DMI data is there :)
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feryanathis is not a linux question, but, do you any one know how to send money from my paypal to my checking account in my bank???09:20
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Hopposailolman: its changed WHILE i'm using it09:20
frwagonI've disabled the Gnome screensaver manager, and am using xscreensaver, but some of the settings from Gnome are still overriding... how can i reopen the Gnome SS control panel?09:20
Hopposaii use the arrow keys to push it up and it pushes them back down..09:20
rmd_you are amazing09:20
infiniteeferyena: what is your login/pw? ;)09:20
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Hopposaii may have done something incredibly stupid, but this may fix it.. i just removed alsa09:21
pbureauferyana, login, and click on withdraw09:21
Jowi_n1frwagon,  "gnome-screensaver-preferences"09:21
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feryanainfinitee my login is 123fbndfg@yahoo.com and my pass is dhhhffffbedjffjfdshsbgdfhffjfghdd09:21
feryanainfinitee I hope it helps :P09:21
Hopposaitime to run away now09:21
RyanT5000i have AppSocket/JetDirect, Backend Error Handler, Bluetooth printer, hp no_device_found, http, ipp, LPD/LPR Host or Printer, LPT #1, Parallel Port #1 (EPSON), Parallel Port #1 (CANON), SAMBA09:21
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feryanathanks plbureau09:21
RyanT5000those are the choices, and none seem right09:21
Hopposaiboil me a kipper, i'll be back for breakfast09:22
frwagonJowi - Great! Thank you!09:22
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pbureauRyanT5000, humm....09:22
bakertAnyone just got the "Technical Board Decisions" email?09:22
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drakehow do i get to irc://irc.freenode.net/09:22
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Seveasdrake, you're there right now :)09:23
nekr0zHello all! Is there a way to see how large is a directory with all of it's contents in mc?09:23
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darkmatterdrake, what Seveas said ;)09:23
Pelonekr0z,  mc ?09:23
warkruidnekr0z: cmdline "du -ks"09:23
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drakeoh word?09:24
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warkruidnekroz: sry "du -cks"09:24
nekr0zPelo: Midnight Commander09:24
Hopposaipelo midnight commander..one09:24
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posingaspopulardrake: i got you09:24
posingaspopularyou're in knoversation right?09:24
VincentMXim missing version.h in linux/include/linux09:24
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nekr0zwarkruid: yeah I know, but I hoped there was some way inside mc, like they have in Gnome Commander...09:24
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warkruidnekr0z: sry not that i know off. But then I am a commandline junky ;-)09:25
Jac1I'm trying to boot Ubunto onto an old PC (used to run 98) , but it just won't boot from the CD Drive, it tries to boot windows, even though it is no longer on the system (the Boot sequence is set to CDROM drive first)09:25
FerretVincentMX: That only appears once you've compiled the kernel sources09:25
KennethPnekr0z: F9 + choose info in left or right09:25
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FerretVincentMX: Although if you don't need to compile a kernel, just build modules against it, you can configure the kernel and run 'make prepare' to get version.h and friends09:26
HopposaiJac1: your cdrom drive may not be detecting the ubuntu cd09:26
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nekr0zwarkruid: I like command line, but sometimes I have to do some file organizing, and nothing is better than a good old 2-pane manager there.09:26
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HopposaiJac1: advise you plug in a new cdrom drive09:26
Jac1Hopposai: It does because when i DID have windows installed i could run the CD from there and install firefox etc.09:26
warkruidnekr0z: your right of course..09:26
infiniteeJacl: you have enabled boot from cd as first option in set up, right?09:26
KennethPnekr0z: Press F9 + choose Info in left or right menu option09:27
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nekr0zKennethP: F9 - isn't that for just menu?09:27
Jac1infinitee: yes i have09:27
warkruidnekr0z: the f9 suggestion rings a bell09:27
KennethPnekr0z: yeah, and try as I told you09:27
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infiniteeJacl: check the contents of the cd from windows.. something might have gone wrong in the burning process09:27
VilhelmsHow can I add custom applications to the Applications -> Internet menu?09:28
Jac1infinitee: it works on my other computer09:28
nekr0zKennethP: Looks the same as C-x+i, but it doesn't give the total amount. It only shows what's occupied by directory itself (usually 4 kb)09:28
infiniteeVilhemsL alacarte09:28
Hopposainekr0z: it IS C-x+i09:29
Vilhelmsinfinitee, Thanks :)09:29
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HopposaiJac1: hmm as a test, try unplugging the hdd and just boot cdrom livecd style09:29
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nekr0zHopposai: well it shows the free space good, but i need the occupied space.09:29
maimsterHi everyone.09:29
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jexdawgis there anyway to control rhythmbox from an applet installed on a panel? its annoying to find it using beryl +3d cubes09:30
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posingaspopularmaimster: hi. it's snowing. im upset.09:30
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Hopposainekr0z: hmm that is a not sure09:30
Jac1Hopposai: kk, will do09:30
Ferretnekr0z: In order to display the real usage of a directory all the files and directories within in have to be added up. o.o09:31
maimsterpostingaspopular: Yeah. I agree. Hopefully it doesn't stick.09:31
Ferretnekr0z: You either need to slect the directory in your file manager and run some command or menu-item, or use some other program. ;P09:31
Ferrettree, xtree, du09:31
posingaspopularmidwest winters are the worst09:31
pestilenceposingaspopular: hope it doesn't stick in chicago?  good luck with that :)09:32
Hopposaiposingaspopular: there are winters in teh midwest now?09:32
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maimsterposingaspopular: Spell your nick wrong....09:32
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nekr0zFerret: du is no problem, and I use it, but I hoped for some builtin feature...09:32
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posingaspopularwhat's that about my nick?09:32
shrndegruvhow come every gtk theme i download and install from gnomelook errors out when i try to import?09:32
Hopposaiposingaspopular: i remember it used to be two seasons, hot and sticky, and tornadoes09:32
posingaspopularpestilence: how do you know im from chicago?09:32
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Ferretnekr0z: Check the documentation for your file manager. ;)  If it doesn't have that feature, maybe it just sucks? ;P09:33
pestilenceposingaspopular: /who posingaspopular09:33
posingaspopularHopposai: yea global warming is awesome no?09:33
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maimsterpestilence: heheh.. good one.09:33
elias_Does anyone know if i can get xfc4 via apt-get ?09:33
posingaspopulareven i dont do that on myself09:33
Ferretnekr0z: Oh, it's mc.  That doesn't suck.09:33
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maimsterposingaspopular: I did, to reset the dam real_name tag.09:33
posingaspopularelias_: just try it09:33
Hopposaielias_: yes sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:33
pestilenceposingaspopular: i'm 2 hours south, we probably have 8 inches by now09:33
nekr0zFerret: MC, being otherwise a most decent and mature linux manager I know, just plain sucks on this? I don't beleive it! ;-)09:33
posingaspopularwhere is 2 hours south?09:33
posingaspopularahhh does champaing have a linux LUG?09:34
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Wulfei am near dayton ohio ... bout what we have09:34
maimsterpestilence: As in Champaign IL?  Is that anywhere near Chanute?09:34
pestilenceposingaspopular: i'm sure they do, i've never attended.  there's probably a SIG linux with the ACM at the u of i09:34
Hopposaiok see you guys when i get this thing working09:34
VilhelmsIf I right click on an icon on my desktop and go to properties, how do I find out the location of the icon so I can use it in alacarte?09:34
pestilencemaimster: 15 miles south of rantoul, home of chanute afb09:34
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maimsterpestilence: Yeah I went to school there.09:35
pestilence(former chanute, i should say)09:35
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maimsterpestilence: Oh?  They shut her down?09:35
posingaspopularactually yea there is,this guy in the chicago ubuntu loco went to a lug meeting somewhere round champgain. or i shold say he came from champaign talking about a linux meeting09:35
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infiniteeelias: apt-cache search xfce09:35
pestilencemaimster: mid nineties :)09:35
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maimsterpestilence: Jesus...  where does the time go.09:35
posingaspopularmy mom today actually said 'you must be real popular, if you're posingaspopular'09:36
pestilenceno kidding09:36
elias_infinitee, when i use apt-cache search, do i search for everything that is downloadable?09:36
infiniteeelias: yes, that are available in your emabled repos09:36
VilhelmsIf I right click on an icon on my desktop and go to properties, how do I find out the location of the icon so I can use it in alacarte?09:36
maimsterAnyone use the Ubuntu Unlease book?  If so what did you think?09:36
pestilenceposingaspopular: so champaign is where the university of illinois is, in case you weren't aware (it comes as a shock to a lot of people in chicago, i know).  there are definitely a lot of people using linux here.09:36
Wulfeanybody want to help me with amarok in private convo or tell me stap by step how to get streaming audio to work09:36
suzyleehow can I get Edgy to use my Nivda 7300 notebook graphics card?09:36
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posingaspopularpestilence: ive visted the school and have friends there09:37
pestilenceposingaspopular: good :)09:37
erUSULVilhelms: they are usually in /usr/share/pixmaps/09:37
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VilhelmserUSUL, I'm trying to get the ies4linux icon and its not in /usr/share/pixmaps/09:38
minimecsuzylee: What do you mean by 'use'? You have no x-server interface=?09:38
pbureau!nvidia | suzylee09:38
ubotusuzylee: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:38
webmareni'm trying to make a backup of my home folder but "sudo cp /home/sam/*" doesn't copy the folders09:38
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ZtaCan someone please help me with ivman?  I want my usb device to be automatically mounted and then have a script executed.  I can only get one of the two to get at a time.09:38
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pestilencewebmaren: you need cp -a09:39
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pestilencewebmaren: i would use rsync, though09:39
suzyleeminimec: I dont think its using my Nivda 7300 notebook graphics card to the fullest ability as video and DVD doesnt play smoothly at all09:39
Ferretnekr0z: Command/show directory sIzes09:39
Ferretnekr0z: apparently. o.o09:39
ahmaru3ma non c' un modo per scaricare l'immagine da terminale o roba simile?09:39
webmarenpestilence: okay i'll give it a try09:39
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pestilencewebmaren: sudo rsync -av /home/sam /path/to/destination09:39
posingaspopularahmaru3: french?09:39
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:39
Ferretnekr0z: That *should* work... :/09:39
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Ferretnekr0z: Assuming you have permissions to browse those directories09:39
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minimecsuzylee: Try to use the link of ubotu... ;)09:40
nekr0zFerret: And it goddamn does! Thank you, man, I must have missed that one. Strange it has no hotkey :-(09:40
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pooyaShould I upgare to Edgy from dapper?09:40
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:40
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LjLpooya: we can't know for you... is there something you need in Edgy?09:40
suzyleeminimec: what link?09:40
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pooyaLjL, WPA09:40
minimec!nvidia | suzylee09:41
ubotusuzylee: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:41
posingaspopulari have to shovel the neighbor's walk now09:41
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posingaspopular(she's old)09:41
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pooyaLjL, hard to get it woring under dapper09:41
LjLpooya: just keep in mind that dapper is supported for much longer (meaning you get security updates, for instance), and it's often reported as being kind of more stable09:41
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pestilenceposingaspopular: good on ya09:41
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Hopposaithis is fun.. using ircii..09:42
suzyleeminimec: right, fanx09:42
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DallurAnyone else having problems with fglrx since last kernel update for Edgy ?09:42
Hopposaireminds me of the days at uni09:42
blatyoI an09:42
pbureaupestilence, depends if hes doing it out of the grace of his heart, or because he pity's her09:42
LjLDallur: everyone who got it from unofficial repositories, yes09:42
LjLDallur: you just update it09:42
Wulfe any help with amarok with streaming audio ? private convo too09:42
maimsterHopposai: I thought that client was a lot like BitchX?09:42
blatyoI cant seem to get direct rendering on09:42
cablesDallur, everyone's having problems with everything after the updates.09:42
nekr0zFerret: Thanks once again.09:42
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DallurLjL: thx, tried recompiling but still unable to load module :(09:43
pestilencepbureau: not from her standpoint it doesn't...does it09:43
suzyleesince ubuntu loaded today, my hdd is going crazy and wont stop reading the HDD!  What could be causing that?09:43
LjLDallur: tried rebooting after the recompile?09:43
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Hopposaimaimster: it is.. bitchX is like ircii for X09:43
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DallurLjL: yup, no luck09:43
adaptrHopposai: bitchx has nothing to do with X09:43
fredlhi guys, I've created a Debian repository at http://ut-repo.surfnet.nl/, I've followed this document on http://www.jejik.com/articles/2006/09/setting_up_and_managing_an_apt_repository_with_reprepro/ to do so, but I'm having some difficulties with it, would anybody like to try and help me?09:43
maimsterHopposai: I have not used that client since my old Red Hat days.09:43
pestilencesuzylee: it's probably running updatedb09:44
maimsterHopposai: I find IRSSI to do what I need, plus I like the scripts.09:44
suzyleepestilence: whats updatedb?09:44
Hopposaiadaptr: you may be right.. been a long time since i used either09:44
Hopposaiadaptr: actually you probably ARE right09:44
adaptrHopposai: bopth are commandline clients09:44
pestilencesuzylee: when you type locate from a command line, it uses the database generated by updatedb09:44
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cablesCan anyone tell me why I have "dapper-commercial" in my sources.list? I'm on Edgy. Did Automatix do that (I know automatix is bad, but I found out too late...)09:44
DallurLjL: removed all packages, reinstalled, recompiled, and the error I get when I modprobe is F"ATAL: Error running install command for fglrx"09:44
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Wulfeanybody ... help with amarok ?09:44
suzyleepreaction: okay09:44
maimsteradaptr: Is there any other way to go?09:44
pestilencesuzylee: from a command line, type "ps aux |grep updatedb"09:45
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:45
LjLcables: i guess that's enabled automatically when you select commercial programs from Add/Remove Programs, such as Opera or somesuch... though it might also have been added by automatix, for all i know09:45
Hopposaimaimster: i use a WM so i can have mre command consoles running at the same time.09:45
adaptrmaimster: go for what ?09:45
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cablesLjL, ok, thanks09:45
LjLDallur: hm, i don't really know09:45
cablesWulfe, try channel #amarok09:45
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maimsteradaptr: I was seconding your notion about the commandline clients.09:45
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bouterI' m having a huge problem installing my linksys WMP54G v4.1 NIC   who can help me?09:46
pestilenceWulfe: what's your problem?  you also might have more luck in #kubuntu, as that is a KDE app09:46
cables!wifi | bouter09:46
ubotubouter: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:46
blatyoI'm having trouble getting direct rendering to run09:46
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cablesbouter, I think your card is covered there.09:46
DallurLjL: thanks, I will try to figure it out later09:46
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maimsterHopposai: I have a graphical running....  I still like my irc running via terminal.09:46
adaptrmaimster: I did not claim anything one way or the other, merely corrected you in stating that bitchx is not in any way dependent on X09:46
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pbureaubouter, come to #ubuntu-wifi Ill help you09:46
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maimsteradaptr: I know. i thought you were stating that fact that BitchX was a commandline base client is all.  No biggie though.09:47
dc2447is there anything in ubuntu I have to enable in order to get scripts in /etc/cron.daily to execute?09:47
adaptrmaimster: yes, I was09:47
pestilencedc2447: shouldn't be.09:47
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suzyleepestilence: I posted you the output09:47
maimsteradaptr: Then I agree.  What client are you running, (just being nosey now).09:47
adaptrdc2447: copy the syntax from another one; they don't even have to be executable09:48
adaptrmaimster: this is K09:48
pestilencesuzylee: i don't see it.09:48
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dc2447I'm nort even seeing the the script getting invoked in cron.log (I updated the default syslog settings)09:48
maimsteradaptr: Ahh cool.  I have never used K.09:48
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UberPsyXhelp, getting error when trying to install a deb file, dependency is not satisfiable: python. wtf?09:48
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LjLUberPsyX: which deb file?09:48
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suzyleepestilence: 22354  0.0  0.3   2888   812 pts/0    S+   07:50   0:00 grep updatedb09:49
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pestilencesuzylee: oh, so it's not running09:49
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adaptrmaimster: it's pretty near perfect, execpt for advanced stuff like  selecting out different users to a virtual channel to keep the clutter down (bitchx can do this)09:49
pestilencesuzylee: is your hard drive still churning?09:49
suzyleepestilence: the HDD just stopped anyway09:49
UberPsyXLjL, gnomeboyadvance, a front end for visualboyadvance09:50
maimsteradaptr: I do that also with irssi.09:50
Spino_hi, a quick question, how do i switch the startup splash screen (and see dmesg on boot?)09:50
LjLUberPsyX: link please - i don't see it in the repos09:50
pestilencesuzylee: problem solved then :)09:50
reaphow hard is it to set up a raid array on ubuntu?09:50
HymnToLifeSpino_, remove the splash from your kernel line in gub09:50
LjLSpino_: remove "quiet splash" from the kernel command line09:50
HymnToLifegrub, even09:50
adaptrreap: 3 minutes09:50
reapusing an onboard promise ATA100 controller09:50
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Spino_there's no way to do it on the fly (say, manu linuxes would do it with esc)09:51
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adaptrreap: use soft raid (aka linux kernel raid) , and shove the onboard crap down the drain...09:51
blatyoI'm trying to enable direct rendering, I have an ati card using fglrx driver, how can I do it?09:51
LjLSpino_: no, not on Edgy09:51
Spino_LjL: ok, thanks. thats kinda strange though :)09:51
UberPsyXLjL, http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/GnomeBoyAdvance-Download-3467.html09:51
sarassaras@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -i skype_debian-
LjLSpino_: you can probably make the splash screen go away (with Alt+Fsomething rather than just Esc, i think), but you still won't see the messages09:51
saras(Reading database ... 58821 files and directories currently installed.)09:51
sarasPreparing to replace skype (using skype_debian- ...09:51
sarasUnpacking replacement skype ...09:51
sarasdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of skype:09:51
saras skype depends on libqt3-mt | libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:; however:09:51
saras  Package libqt3-mt is not installed.09:51
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saras  Package libqt3c102-mt is not installed.09:51
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reapadaptr: thanks, is it just as efficient as the onboard?09:51
Julien_i have a laptop pc, and i want to download ubuntu 6.10 with torrent file, so i use this file: ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent ?09:52
Spino_LjL: do you know if it's the same in kubuntu by any chance?09:52
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LjLJulien_: i'd say so09:52
HymnToLifeJulien_, you can use it if you want09:52
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cablesJulien_, that should work.09:52
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LjLSpino_: i'm running kubuntu. yes.09:52
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Julien_there is another one: ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent09:52
adaptrreap: it is a. 100% supported, b. 100% safe, and c. doesn't suck , like every single on-board fake-raid solution ever devised.09:52
cablesJulien_, use the desktop cd09:52
HymnToLifeAlternate ftw.09:52
cablesJulien_, alternate is text-based.09:52
Spino_LjL: allright, thanks again09:52
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Julien_ok thank you09:53
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reapadaptr: i have a Promise PCI raid card...how will that work...any idea if the 2 raid setups will be an issue?09:53
UberPsyXLjL, http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/GnomeBoyAdvance-Download-3467.html09:53
adaptrreap: just FYI, every. single. so-called on-board raid "solution" is in fact fake.. there is nothing hardware-based about it09:53
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adaptrreap: 2 raid "setups " ?09:53
reapso its just a softbios onboard?09:53
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adaptrreap: it's properly called "host-based raid", which is the correct term for any system that does not present the raid set to the BIOS as if it were one drive09:54
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adaptrreap: true hardware RAID makes the individual drives invisible to the PC09:54
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adaptrreap: but if you want to mess around with the Promise "solution" be my guest... I'd just ditch it and go for kernel raid09:55
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reapadaptr: thanks for your help...i am gonna be using ubuntu to slap together a low end server to play with later today...just wanted to know what i was in for09:55
saraswho can tell me something about installing programs on ubuntu, i have a problem...  in private chat, please :(09:56
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quintinreap: debian + sw raid = happiness09:56
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Hopposaiyou forget how much you depend on the WM09:56
adaptrreap: install server 6.06 LTS, it will be supported until 2009 or something, takes about 30 mijnutes including disks09:56
reapadaptr: i dont care of teh onboard stuff...but i do have a PCI Promise Card that i bought that i would like to use in addition09:56
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adaptrreap: just hang single drives off it then, not more than 1 per cable (or you performance will magically disappear)09:56
Hopposaireap: i have used 6.06 as well as 6.10 for servers09:56
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Hopposaireap: either server version of ubuntu will serve you well09:57
quintinreap: lies. use debian!09:57
adaptrHopposai: don't spread the noise please09:57
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=== Hopposai wishes that webmin came as a package in multiverse
rattlerviperI used easy ubuntu and now ubuntu crashes all the time :(09:57
rattlerviperhow do I fix it?09:57
ZarathustraHeya. I get a "The X11 driver is missing.  Check your build!" when trying to run wine. Any ideas on how to correct this? I tried reinstalling my ati-drivers to no avail, got the idea that it's something basic I'm missing here...09:57
reapquintin: thanks, but i like all that ubuntu offers...its just too well done for me to piss around with debian...but thanks for your input, its much appreciated09:58
Hopposairattlerviper: do you have a crash message?09:58
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rattlerviperNo...Gaim just crashes now when I connect09:58
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sarascan someone help me in private? :(09:58
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quintinrattlerviper: what about typing 'gaim' in a terminal?09:58
reaphopposai: btw...thats a good anime series 2 thumbs up09:58
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quintinreap: ubuntu is debian.. :p09:59
rattlerviperHopposai, yeah I tried the terminal I don't get a error message09:59
Cheetahare there many people using ubuntu dapper?09:59
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Hopposaisaras: well depends on if you're cute and female 8-)09:59
rattlerviperHopposai, it's only when I connect to jabber09:59
reapquintin: im a nub...forgive me...i havent touched a linux installation since the turn of the century09:59
Jac1ok, two questions. ONE) I unplugged my Hard Drive to try and boot ubuntu from the CD but now all i get is a loud beeping that won't stop (even when i plug it back in) and nothing appears on screen, How can i fix this? TWO) Does anyone know of any NES/SNES/GBA Emulators for linux?09:59
Cheetahor did most of them upgrade?09:59
adaptrit rocks for servers, so yes09:59
ompaulCheetah, I use it for work desktops for people10:00
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adaptrJac1: ONE: you screwed up something on your mainboard, possible the video card, possibly something else10:00
ompaulCheetah, where users want stability10:00
quintinsaras: I've sent you *two* PMs.10:00
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=== ompaul also requires that
ian|Hi! I'm trying to compile alsa-sources with 2.6.19 kernel, but I get the error that "linux/config.h" cannot be found? Does anybody have some hints, what could be the problem?10:00
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Cheetahompaul: I have to put together some kind of system that I install by default on Point Of Sale PCs, so dapper is the way to go, right?10:00
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Hopposairattlerviper: only jabber? in that case see if you have all the files installed.. last time that happened to me i had to install nss and nspr10:01
ian|I use the debian/rules script to start compilation (target binary_modules)10:01
ompaulCheetah, I would if that is what I was doing10:01
ZarathustraHeya. I get a "The X11 driver is missing.  Check your build!" when trying to run wine. Any ideas on how to correct this? I tried reinstalling my ati-drivers to no avail, got the idea that it's something basic I'm missing here...10:01
quintinreap: ubuntu is built on debian unstable/testing.  I use debian for all my servers.  my personal desktop is ubuntu10:01
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quintinZarathustra: /join #winehq10:01
Cheetahompaul: alright. are there any drawbacks I might have compared to the latest ubuntu?10:01
rattlerviperHopposai, thank you I'll go check now10:01
LjLUberPsyX: that package requires a version of Python less than 2.4, and Ubuntu comes with 2.4. i guess it was made for an older Debian (remember anyway that, in general, packages made for Debian are far from guaranteed to work with Ubuntu)10:01
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Jac1adaptr: how do i fix that? just poke around at stuff till it works? :P10:01
Zarathustraquintin: k thanks10:02
Hopposaijacl: you have a hardware problem as far as i can see.. tighten all the cards, maybe clean the cobwebs and the rat turds out of the casing..10:02
saraswhere is it?10:02
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adaptrJac1: that depends on how rich you are, I guess10:02
ompaulCheetah, none for what you want to do - just make sure you got hardware that you can work with - i.e. straight off the shelf - nothing too fancy run of the mill and it should all be great10:02
sarasi dont understand anything there10:02
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quintinsaras: ...10:02
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Jac1adaptr: lol it doesn't really matter if everything goes caput, old machine10:03
Jac1Hopposai: kk, will try10:03
Hopposaisaras: neither do we, we're just making it up as we go along10:03
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adaptrJac1: re-seat the video card, yes10:03
Cheetahompaul: the hardware will be all standard, not even a fancy graphics card. alright. I'll go with dapper then.  :)10:03
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suzyleedoes gparted support ntfs resizing?10:03
adaptrJac1: also make SURE you do a complete cold boot10:03
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Hopposaisuzylee: the latest one on the livecd does10:03
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reapwhats the easiest windows file sharing program?10:04
Hopposaisuzylee: make sure you defrag and check the ntfs partition for errors BEFORE you resize10:04
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ompaulCheetah, there is only one thing you will want to consider in the future that is this new init script but wait for the next lts for it - parallel init scripts but not on a short term one10:04
suzyleeHopposai: is that version ?10:04
quintinreap: samba10:04
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Jac1adaptr: ahem, cold boot?10:04
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adaptrJac1: unplug power, wait 1 minute, plug i power10:04
suzyleeHopposai: I want to create a separate partition on my notebook 120gig HDD so I can install Edgy.  Will  gparted liveCD help me do that without losing MS Windows which is already on the HDD?10:04
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Jac1adaptr: ok, thanks10:05
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Jac1adaptr: so unplug power, poke around a bit, tighten cards etc. then wait 1 minute?10:05
x2mjokadahey guys, i'm trying to set up my network printer, and i'm running 'sudo hp-setup' but it gives me this error: error: No devices found.10:05
x2mjokadaerror: Error occured during interactive mode. Exiting.10:05
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x2mjokadaany help?10:05
dyrnesuzylee: yes but back up anything you cant afford to lose first. there are occationally problems10:05
adaptrJac1: you should unplug the power before you touch anything inside, yes10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adventure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
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suzyleedyrne: ok10:06
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Lunar_LampHmm, are there any other text-based games like "adventure" in the ubuntu repositories?10:06
suzyleedyrne: will partition magic be better to use for that?10:06
adaptrJac1:  if you did not unplug the power before yanking out the HD, you may very well have fscked your computer10:06
adaptr!Nethack | Lunar_Lamp10:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nethack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:06
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adaptrstupid friggin bot flying piece of shite!10:06
Lunar_Lampadaptr, nethack isn't the same kind of text based game.10:07
Lunar_LampIt's nothing like the same kind of game!10:07
adaptrsure, but fuckbot not knowing about it is INEXCUSABLE10:07
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Lunar_LampHehe, true :-)10:07
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Lunar_LampDoes anyone know of a game similar to Adventure then?10:08
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NetCruZaAny memory editors for linux, that works like TSearch?10:08
dyrnesuzylee: i used to be wary of parted but it seems pretty robust now and to be honest im more worried about norton these days so either or i guess10:08
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yamanany one can help me to get the asus laptop drivers for ubuntu (wifi or camera or modem or even vga)10:09
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patrick_could someone PM me with the text of /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf and /etc/cups/cupsd.conf10:09
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DybberHow do i change the default browser? Links opened from xchat and gaim will open in lynx :s10:10
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NetCruZapatrick_: i will10:10
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patrick_thanks NetCruZa10:10
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sebrocklasse__, I worked it out, it was gateway that needed to be specified10:11
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shawnhrm nvidia drivers says  i need binutils, whats that about?10:12
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billybobany rsync pros around ?10:13
yamanany tutorial for how to install hardware drivers ?10:13
tim167doe these work for anyone ? : http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9631/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9631-pkg1.run10:13
alicen68why is it when i type the cd command in terminal it tells me "rbash: cd: restricted"?10:13
NetCruZapatrick_: have you recieved it?10:13
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kcinnahey all10:14
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alicen68why is it when i type the cd command in terminal it tells me "rbash: cd: restricted"?10:15
kcinnaubuntu wont recognize my ipod, dmesg indicates that it's at /dev/sde, but it says sde2 doesnt exist10:15
LesterGreenanyone have a guide to learn linux quickly... a good overall primer. command line stuff and filesystem stuff really?10:15
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fiberchunkskcinna, wouldn't it be /dev/sde1 ?10:15
patrick_no i didnt NetCruZa10:16
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comradeCis there any kind of task viewer like the one in vista for linux?10:16
NetCruZapatrick_: well, the first file is empty, and I posted the other one here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5610/10:16
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patrick_thank you!10:16
LesterGreen/server irc.gamesurge.net10:16
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erfouch sorry cleaning the keyboard10:17
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erfhavent been on this box for a while10:17
kcinnafiberchunks: i read a guide saying it would be 2 since one is for the firmware partition, but that doesnt work either10:17
erfHostname: stagma.ath.cx - OS: FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE/i386 - CPU: 2 x Pentium II/Pentium II Xeon/Celeron (367.50-MHz 686-class CPU) - Processes: 29 - Uptime: 258d 16h 20m - Load Average: 0.00 - Memory Usage: 36.58MB/115.46MB (31.68%) - Disk Usage: 6.28GB/35.88GB (17.52%)10:17
alicen68why is it when i type the cd command in terminal it tells me "rbash: cd: restricted"?10:17
adaptrcomradeC: "vista for Linux" :)10:17
fiberchunkskcinna, ah, hrm10:17
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Spee_DercomradeC: I use system monitor.10:18
icheynehow come when I install a package using the NO RECOMMENDS flag, it tries to uninstall other unrelated stuff?10:18
comradeCsorry maybe I said something wrong10:18
icheynesorry I was using aptitude!10:18
comradeCI mean the task manager thats 3d that shows all your windows10:18
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Lunar_Lampalicen68, you're using the rbash envirconment which is really strict security-wise on what you can and can't do.  cd is something you aren't allowed to do evidently (or at least, not to that dir)10:18
adaptrcomradeC: that would be a task *switcher*, and yes - beryl does that 3d10:19
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alicen68Lunar_Lamp: how do i get rid of rbash and just go back to bash?10:19
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Lunar_Lampalicen68, are you an administrator on your box?10:19
fiberchunkskcinna, kinda convoluted, but you could try using a partitioning tool to look at what partitions actually exist on /dev/sde (and then try to mount them) -- does the ipod use the vfat or fat filesystem? (I don't have one personally)10:20
alicen68Lunar_Lamp: through sudo, yes10:20
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Lunar_Lampalicen68, hmm, did you set rbash up yourself?10:20
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Lunar_Lampalicen68, does it happen every time you open up a terminal, or just this one time?10:20
niko_was there a bad update? after restarting x won't start10:20
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reapprobably a dumb question10:21
reapbut if i wanna get somba10:21
alicen68Lunar_Lamp: i'm a friend of this user trying to figure out what's wrong with this pc, i had never even heard of rbash10:21
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reapi need the debian one yes?10:21
alicen68Lunar_Lamp: it's every time i load up terminal10:21
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linxehreap: why not use the ubuntu one ?10:21
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reapwhere is it?10:21
cheeseboy16whats the code to make a shortcut10:21
linxehsudo apt-get install samba10:21
HymnToLifeubotu, tell reap about samba | reap, see the private message from ubotu.10:21
Lunar_Lampalicen68, ok, then the default shell is probably set to rbash in /etc/passwd - you can edit that file for the user to set it as bash.10:21
HymnToLifecheeseboy16, define "shortcut"10:22
Lunar_Lampalicen68, however, if you don't know the file, it can be dangerous to edit.10:22
reapthank you10:22
cheeseboy16link to another file] 10:22
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cikasi dont know how to make my tvtuner work10:22
linxehcheeseboy16: if you mean a windows shortcut, then it isnt a link to another file10:22
Lunar_Lampcheeseboy16, you mean how to symlink to another file?10:22
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cikasin xp on the same pc is working10:22
erfis it possible to install beryl on freebsd?10:22
cheeseboy16i mean like windows shortcut10:23
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linxehcheeseboy16: the closest thing in linux is a browser bookmark, or a symbolic link (symlink)10:23
dyrnealicen68: "sudo sed -i 's/rbash/bash/g' /etc/passwd "   would be safe enough id think10:23
cikasdoaes anybody knows about tvtuner?10:23
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alicen68Lunar_Lamp: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash10:23
linxehgenerally linux doesnt have a concept the same as "shortcut" in windows10:23
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NetCruZaAny memory editors for linux, that works like TSearch?10:23
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cheeseboy16k.. how do i do it?10:24
Lunar_Lampalicen68, the root user there has their default shell set as bash.  Try pasting the whole contents of the file to pastebin10:24
Lunar_Lamp!pastebin | alicen6810:24
ubotualicen68: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:24
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linxehcheeseboy16: http://linuxreviews.org/beginner/ or something10:24
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linxehcheeseboy16: hundreds of tutorials came up when i googled for "linux symlink tutorial"10:24
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cbx33is it easy for us to remaster an ubuntu live cd now?10:25
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alicen68Lunar_Lamp: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5613/10:25
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maxamillionhow long should it take the installer to change the size of an 80gb partition to a 60gb partition?10:25
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cikasdoaes anybody have tvtuner on pc?10:25
jkHi! I'm running ubuntu on a small webserver. Is it normal that there are like 9 apache processes and 18 mysql daemon processes runing (when checking with pstree) ?10:26
Lunar_Lampalicen68:x:1000:0:Alice Snyder,,,:/home/alicen68:/bin/rbash <== that line there [28]  change the very last bit from "/bin/rbash" to "/bin/bash".10:26
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cheeseboy16cikas:, yes10:27
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alicen68Lunar_Lamp: still saying restricted10:27
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AndrewWilliamsis there any way to force gnome sensors applet to detect a item under libsensors as a temp and not a voltage? the "sensors" command line shows it correctly but the applet doesnt10:27
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Lunar_Lampalicen68, hmm, the user may need to login and logout - at the very least start a new session.10:28
linxehcikas: yes, I have 210:28
suzyleeif I install Xbuntu 6.10 on my notebook, should it automatically install the Nivda 7300 graphic card drivers for me?10:28
Lunar_Lampalicen68, did the file save correctly? You will need to use "sudo" to edit the file.10:28
htaccesshi my sshagent seems to have died and now i have to type my passphrase every time i ssh anywhere, how do i restart the agent so it works properly on ubuntu?10:28
linxehjk: yes that is normal10:28
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cikasand how can i do mine working?10:28
jklinxeh: ok good to hear that :)10:28
AndrewWilliamssuzylee, it should pick it up and use the NV driver for X, but for 3d acceleration you may need to download the nvidia drivers10:28
alicen68Lunar_Lamp: let me double-check the file, but it should work10:28
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Lunar_Lampalicen68, it's also possible that the bashrc file also is wanting to load up as rbash rather than normal bash :-)10:29
linxehcikas: read the wiki / forums. there are lots of tutorials on getting "video4linux" and "mythtv" working10:29
suzyleeAndrewWilliams: download the nvidia drivers from the nvidia website?10:29
linxehcikas: it's not particularly easy for some cards, and some are impossible10:29
linxehcikas: : which card do you have ?10:29
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visik7which memory subdivision use ubuntu kernel generic 1/3 3/1 2/2 or 4/4 ?10:29
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linxehsuzylee: no, from the ubuntu repositories10:29
cikashow can i find what card i have?10:30
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linxehcikas: :well, you bought it surely ?10:30
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dyrnecikas: lspci -v  or sudo lshw maybe10:30
suzyleelinxeh: how do I do that please?10:30
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linxehsuzylee: if you tell synaptic to use the universe and multiverse, you can install "nvidia-kernel-common" and "nvidia-glx" etc10:30
AndrewWilliamssuzylee, nvidia-glx - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver10:30
linxehsuzylee: the ubuntu wiki has several guides on getting it to work10:30
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cypherdelici reinstalled ubuntu edgy server now and installed cryptsetup. i got everything working as long as i use root=/dev/sda2 for kernel-line (menu.lst) . but i need to use root=/dev/mapper/root, if i do so, startup hangs10:31
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cypherdelicplease help10:31
cypherdelichow to make /dev/mapper/root an early cryptdisk10:31
_3oo3someone told me that ubuntu was african for 'I cant figure out Debian'.....is this true?10:31
ubuntujoopcan opera be installed in kubuntu ?10:32
linxehcikas: that chipset is well supported - there are guides for setting it up10:32
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cypherdelici think it needs to be loaded before the main cryptdisks, because its the root10:32
cypherdelicbut iot doesnt10:32
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suzyleelinxeh: can you give me a link to this guide you speak about?10:32
cikasgive me a link pls10:32
linxehsuzylee: its in the topic10:32
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linxehcikas: use the links in the topic10:32
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NetCruZaAny memory editors for linux, that works like TSearch?10:32
NickGarveywhat command will tell me how much RAM I have?10:32
linxehNickGarvey: "free"10:32
erUSULNickGarvey: free10:32
boomHelp me please ... I want to play a game ... windows game ...10:32
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suzyleelinxeh: which link?10:32
NickGarveyhah, thanks10:32
boomwhat I need10:32
NickGarveyI know that actually10:32
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NickGarveyhm, question 2 then10:33
_3oo3someone told me that ubuntu was african for 'I cant figure out Debian'.....is this true?10:33
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NickGarveyit is not detecting both sticks..10:33
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NickGarveylet me see if the bios.. sees it..10:33
linxehsuzylee: www.ubuntu.com/support I guess ?10:33
cypherdelici reinstalled ubuntu edgy server now and installed cryptsetup. i got everything working as long as i use root=/dev/sda2 for kernel-line (menu.lst) . but i need to use root=/dev/mapper/root, if i do so, startup hangs10:33
UrteTehi. is it possible to make a symlink to a remote server using ftp?10:33
suzyleelinxeh: you guess?  you not sure either?10:33
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linxehsuzylee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/10:34
xavier___hi. how do i disable gdm boot .. keeping only console login?10:34
linxehsuzylee: it really isnt hard to find the wiki link from www.ubuntu.com...10:34
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boomWhat I need to play an exe game ??10:34
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dyrneUrteTe: you could use sshfs i guess but im not sure of solution for ftp..10:34
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Hopposaihmm sound STILL doesn't work10:35
linxehboom: wine, or if you want an easy life, cedega (www.cedega.com) or crossover office - www.codeweavers.com10:35
drakeboom: WINE10:35
Hopposaiuninstalled alsa, and had to reinstall a whole BUNCH of software.10:35
boomwere can i get wine ?10:36
dyrneboom: wine or cedega. cedega might be easier to configure but it has a minimal fee. /join cedega for info maybe10:36
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Hopposaiboom: a liquor shop?10:36
UrteTedyrne: thanks10:36
cypherdelicHelp, im trying to encrypt my root, i got "no cryptroot configured,skipping". Works fine if I use old Root for startup and mount the encrypted partitions as additional encryptioned disks10:36
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linxehboom: sudo apt-get install wine10:36
Hopposaiboom: wine can be got by enabling the multiverse on your sources.list file and then using apt-get10:36
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boomlinxeh doesn`t find ... wine:(10:37
linxehboom: you need to enable multiverse10:37
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linxehHopposai just told you...10:37
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Hopposaiboom: can you edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file?10:37
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sidny4does anyone know the directory to put themes in (manual install)10:38
boomi don`t know how :(10:38
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Hopposaiboom: distro and version please?10:38
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tretlecan anyone tell me if ntfs writing has been added to the feisty fawn herd 3 release?10:38
dan_sidny4 it's just your .themes folder10:38
Hopposaiboom: can you use a command line?10:38
sidny4haha, the one place I didn't think of, thanks dan_10:39
Hopposaitretle: i think its in ntfs-3g mackage in multiverse10:39
boomubuntu 5.1010:39
dan_it's in your home folder10:39
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tretlehopposai, Its not added as default?10:39
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Hopposaiboom: do you know how to use a command line/command line editor10:39
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Hopposaitretle: not sure on that, it may not be. depends on how the community reacts to it. enabling ntfsread-write by default can have SERIOUS consequences10:40
dyrnetretle: im not seeing ntfs-3g on my machine10:40
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Hopposaiboom: ok, lets start simple then10:40
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dyrnetretle: herd 310:41
tretleits in early stages of developement then? yes?10:41
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Hopposaiboom: apt-get install synaptic10:41
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huXfluXhello all! i have a laptop with a touchpad and a mouse attached on usb. If i go to control panel > periph > mouse and lower the acceleration, it lowers it for touchpad ONLY. How can i modify the acceleration of the MOUSE?10:41
Hopposaitretle: ntfs-3g is pretty mature, but anything that touches NTFS is bound to be unstable.10:41
andreahola alguien que hable espaol10:41
bcardarellaI'm getting a 'make not found' error for a program I am trying to install... I user apt-get to install gcc, is there anything else that needs installation for make?10:41
boomi have it10:41
BrendanMhuXflux, how is your xorg.conf setup10:42
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BrendanMandrea, hablo un poco espanol10:42
xavier___hi. it seems my hard disk is full ... and now i gdm cannot write its configuration file in the /etc ... wht should i do? i deleted lots of stuff .. how much free space is reqd for login?10:42
cikasi type sudo gedit.etc/modules  and the answer was command not found10:42
BrendanM!es | andrea10:42
ubotuandrea: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:42
=== CupCakeMaster [n=woppps@cpe-69-203-18-23.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
boomHopposai what i do now10:42
tretleand dosn anyone know of any open source software comparable to dreamweaver suit?10:42
dan_hey guys, im trying to compile the mesa dri source from cvs in order to enable dri on the r300 chipset of radeon cards, but it keeps crashing out with a compile error10:42
cikasi type sudo gedit/etc/modules  and the answer was command not found10:42
=== JoachimLM [n=Jojosan@chez.desoutter.org] has joined #ubuntu
JoachimLMhello people :)10:42
Hopposaiboom: ok go to settings > repositories and enable all four repos10:42
JoachimLMI have a problem with k8n-4e motherboard and ubuntu10:42
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huXfluXBrendanM: well, there's only one inputdevice > the touchpad10:43
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huXfluXand one for keyboard10:43
Hopposaiboom: universe mail multiverse and restricted10:43
JoachimLMThe NIC won't work, and there's a MIIO resource problem, it says10:43
JoachimLMany clue ?10:43
cypherdelicHowto mount encrypted / as early cryptdisk, so i can startup?10:43
CupCakeMasteri need help burning iso's whats a good program i can use?10:43
JoachimLMthere's k3b CupCakeMaster10:43
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dan_however the mesa source compiled fine when i got it out of the git repo10:43
JoachimLMit's easy to use10:43
BrendanMhuXfluX? So your USB mouse isn't represented in xorg.conf?10:43
dan_does that mean that current mesa cvs is broken?10:43
huXfluXand i don't know the driver10:44
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huXfluXand the /dev/ thing10:44
BrendanMthat's probably the root of your problem10:44
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crazy_penguinGood night10:44
JoachimLMwhatever NIC is used, it will fail10:44
nochanceis there a german channel for ubuntu help too ?10:45
BrendanMhuXfluX, I'm not an expert on xorg.conf, but I can show you my file if you want. I also have a laptop with a touchpad + usb mouse (I also have a pointstick)10:45
JoachimLMthe forcedeth driver fails with errorcode -22, etc.10:45
UrteTedyrne: works like a charm10:45
BrendanM!de | nochance10:45
ubotunochance: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:45
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-72-172.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
huXfluXBrendanM: show me the part with the usbmouse please;)10:45
jexdawgcan i change the font color on my ubuntu panels? for instance, change the font to white and the panel background to black? the bg is easy to change but i don't see an option for the font10:46
cypherdelicHowto mount encrypted / (root) as "early cryptdisk", so i can startup? root=/dev/mapper/root cryptoroot=/dev/sda4 does not work, help please.10:46
BrendanMhuXfluX, here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/5622/10:47
dan_also, my glxgears also seems broken10:48
dan_i keep getting glxgears: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: drmOpenOnce10:48
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BrendanMI think the trick is to have one thing configured as "CorePointer" and then the other devices have "SendCoreEvents" turned on, so they pass all their input through that core device10:48
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elias_Could anyone tell me how to install .sh files?10:49
boomHopposai: i`m redy now ?10:49
NetCruZaAny memory editors for linux, that works like TSearch?10:49
BrendanMelias_, set their permissions to make them executable, then run them with ./ <filename>10:49
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elias_BrendanM, im pretty new, so what do you mean by set their permissions to make them executable?10:50
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entelwhich matrix printer is good?10:51
squeakshey guys, i can use all my internet applications, but in gnome-terminal i have 100% packet loss on pings anywhere farther but not including my router, what can i do?10:51
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entelsqueaks,  see u /etc/resolv.conf10:51
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:52
cypherdelicHowto mount encrypted / (root) as "early cryptdisk", so i can startup? root=/dev/mapper/root cryptoroot=/dev/sda4 does not work, help please.10:52
=== mojo_ didn't see a "don't feed the bots" sign, soo...
=== FunnyLookinHat [n=funnyloo@] has joined #ubuntu
squeaksentel, search resnet.cornell.edu \n nameserver
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squeaksthat nameserver is my router's ip10:52
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squeaksthe name server should be my isp's right?10:53
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entelsqueaks, do you know the DNS of ur company?10:53
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squeaksi don't, but should this be automatic with dhcp?10:53
BrendanMelias_, in Linux, files have specific permissions specifying what different users are allowed to do with them (read, write, run as an executable), you can change the permissions with the chmod command. In your case, you want to run "chmod u+rwx <filename>"10:53
adaptrsqueaks: most routers forward DNS to whatever it got from your ISPs DHCP10:53
RaptorJesusi got a disk is confused error when trying to run the live CD any solutions???10:54
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BrendanMelias_, that command will make it so that users (the "u" part) can read, write, and execute the file (r, w, x)10:54
squeaksentel, adaptr, woah, google must be refusing my pings, i can actually ping others10:54
squeaksbut not google10:54
=== SilverSpace [n=mirozagr@83-131-171-61.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
entelgoogle does not like u :P10:55
squeaksgoogle has been who i always go to for pings10:55
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BrendanMelias_, alternatively, you can probably right-click the file and go to properties and find a way to change it there10:55
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cikasi followed all the steps from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153935 and nothing(in xp tvtuner is running)10:55
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elias_BrendanM, ill try it out10:55
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entelbots :P10:56
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BrendanMcan we silence them somehow?10:56
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso10:56
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SeveasApparently it's peanutbutter-jelly time again on irc10:57
SeveasRichiH, thanks!10:57
RichiHdid i miss any bot?10:57
RichiHSeveas: de nada10:57
Seveaslet's see if you missed any10:58
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adaptrpeanutbutter jel-LY ! peanutbutter jel-LY!10:58
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BrendanMSo when I bring my machine back from hibernate, there are some error messages that flash by really quickly before the X server comes back up. Does anyone know how I can see those messages?10:58
SeveasBrendanM, try dmesg10:58
dan_so uh, anyone know what my prob is?10:58
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dyrnedan_: what was your question?10:59
dan_hey guys, im trying to compile the mesa dri source from cvs in order to enable dri on the r300 chipset of radeon cards, but it keeps crashing out with a compile error10:59
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dan_it seems to be an issue with includes but i'm not really sure what i'm doing wrong11:00
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Seveas!compiling | dan_11:00
ubotudan_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:00
RaptorJesusso has eny 1 ever get an disk is confused error when trying to load the boot CD??11:00
Seveasdan_, read that wikipage and look for 'build-depends'11:00
mojo_what is so funny that i missed?  hey man, can i get in on that rotation?  <//////////# ~ ~  ;)11:00
fiberchunksyou folks know if there's a way to load a kernel module on the liveCD at install time11:01
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Seveasmore bots coming in11:01
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Seveasdan_, you need lbc6-dev, just install build-essential11:03
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Seveascables, the freenode staff is clever :)11:03
Seveas(and they have detailed logs)11:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by Seveas
cikasi followed all the steps from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153935 and nothing(in xp tvtuner is running)11:04
cikaspls help11:04
=== jexdawg [n=jexdawg@adsl-153-9-189.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu []
dan_Seveas: actually that's already installed =/11:04
=== barbarella [n=barbarel@j89012.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Seveastidiman07, jellobean: you'll need to repeat your qustion, noone saw it11:04
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jellobeanSeveas: I am installing ubuntu for the first time, and I get the error cannot access tty; job control turned off11:05
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Seveasjellobean, is that when booting from the cd or booting from harddisk?11:06
jellobeanbooting from the cd11:06
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cypherdelicHowto mount encrypted / (root) as "early cryptdisk", so i can startup? root=/dev/mapper/root cryptoroot=/dev/sda4 does not work, help please.11:06
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:RichiH] : spambot control channel
toM|vendettA_hi i was wondering if it was possible to run open gl games in like... a seperate xserver so that i could get a better framerate, i know there was a tutorial on how to do it but i dont know what to search for11:06
Seveasjellobean, your cd may be broken, it has a self-test option. Please try it11:06
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agliv_Greetings all :) is ubuntu available for 64-bit Intel Core 2 Duo ?11:06
SeveasRichiH, ?11:06
RichiHargh, fuck11:06
=== tyler_ [n=tyler@d199-126-139-45.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasI'll find the old topic :)11:07
cablesSpambot control channel?11:07
Music_Shuffleagliv_, yeh11:07
Hopposaiagliv: i believe so11:07
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:ompaul] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
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RichiHSeveas: i did /topic #ubuntu spambot control channel in the runner channel11:07
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SeveasRichiH, LOL :)11:07
RichiHSeveas: but irssi is too illigent to let me do that11:07
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fiberchunksSeveas, any idea about my earlier question (is there a way to load a specific kernel module via boot: line on liveCD?)11:07
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:08
Seveasompaul, thanks11:08
ompaulSeveas, np11:08
=== RaptorJesus [i=bbb@belotwcnas21-3521279658.dial.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu []
ompaulRichiH, your still great :)11:08
Seveasfiberchunks, there may be one but such things are very underdocumented11:08
livingdaylightunop, ping11:08
RichiHompaul: heh, thanks ;)11:08
fiberchunkswhom or where should I ask?11:08
livingdaylightunop, hey amigo11:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about llibdvdcss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:08
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:08
fiberchunksperhaps #ubuntu-devel?11:08
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Seveasfiberchunks, that channel is not for support11:09
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marwanhello guys11:09
jellobeanseveas: i tested the cd and i get the same error "cannot access tty; job control turned off"11:09
CupCakeMasteri need help11:09
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Seveasfiberchunks, try 'grep /proc/cmdline /etc/init.d/*11:10
dyrnemarwan: hey11:10
Seveasjellobean, cd test was succesful?11:10
linxehCupCakeMaster: go see a shrink11:10
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jellobeanseveas: nope...gives me the same error message11:10
CupCakeMasterim trying to instal wine but i get this error 'wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\run.exe": Module not found11:10
Seveasjellobean, then the cd is definitely broken11:10
agliv_Music_Shuffle, but on ubuntu.com it says that the 64-bit-version is for AMD systems... not intel...11:10
cypherdelicHowto mount encrypted / (root) as "early cryptdisk", so i can startup? root=/dev/mapper/root cryptoroot=/dev/sda4 does not work, help please.11:10
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:10
linxehagliv_: the 64bit version works on intel and amd 64 bit11:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:10
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linxehagliv_: AMD created the 64bit extensions for the opteron. Intel then copied them to stay in the game11:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i915 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:11
jellobeanseveas: should i burn a new cd using the same .iso image?11:11
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Seveasjellobean, check the md5sum of the iso11:11
Seveas!md5 | jellobean11:11
bimberi!msgthebot > marwan11:11
ubotujellobean: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:11
marwanhey guys, Can someone point me to a good information site on how to setup my graphics driver for i91511:11
Seveasmarwan, sudo apt-get install 915resolution11:12
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ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:12
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marwanSeveas thanks11:12
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Seveasmarwan, also make sure to use i810 as driver in xorg.conf11:13
cablesmarwan, hold on11:13
agliv_linxeh, so the 64-bit PC version is also for Intel Core 2 Duo processors?  Why doesn't it say that on Ubuntu.com?11:13
cablesmarwan, Seveas, what about xserver-xorg-video-intel ?11:13
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Seveascables, that should be installed by default11:14
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Seveasagliv_, not al core 2 duo machines are 64bit11:14
marwancables: what do you mean?11:14
cablesSeveas, not on my system... does it automatically install it if you have an intel graphics chip?11:14
zackglenniequick question: what does it mean to compile an application under a directory?  I have a source .tar.gz which I presume I can install, I just don't know how to install it "under /usr/local/sbin"11:14
Seveascables, you probably have upgraded from breezy or an early dapper11:14
=== f_favila [n=f_favila@66-81-18-178.socal.dialup.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesSeveas, installed from scratch. marwan should at least make sure it's installed before he changes the driver.11:15
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dyrnezackglennie: ./configure --prefix=/home/username/local/     or whatever then just make or make install11:15
Seveascables, definitely but it's really installed by default on an edgy ubuntu-desktop machine11:15
Seveasmaybe ubiquity does funky hardware detection, but I doubt that :)11:16
cablesmarwan, run this command please: "aptitude show xserver-xorg-video-intel | grep State"11:16
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linxehagliv_: dunno; generally the EM64_T extensions are refered to as amd64 I guess11:16
khermans__does the Ubiquity installer support software RAID?11:16
cablesmarwan, that will make sure you have the right driver installed11:16
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jman_does anybody know any good tutorials or guides for setting up Samba as a PDC?11:17
bcardarellaWhat is the username that Apache uses for permissions?11:17
Seveasjman_, is an example config good enough?11:17
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Seveasbcardarella, www-data11:17
jman_yes Seveas11:17
Seveasjman_, ok, hang on11:18
khermans__jman_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSambaPDC11:18
Seveaskhermans__, ah, nice! Didn't know that existed :)11:18
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cwatt? some one help me  in one issues in windows11:18
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cablescwatt, there's a #windows channel11:19
Seveas!windows | cwatt11:19
ubotucwatt: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents11:19
=== Tiksi [n=tiksi@64-148-9-73.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
cwattIn my company has a w23 with AD but all the machine has a Ubuntu11:19
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cwatthow autentifi with active directory11:19
cablescwatt, what is a w23 with AD, and what's the ubuntu-relaed problem?11:19
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jman_what is a w23?11:19
Seveascables, windows 2003 with active directory I assume :)11:20
cwattso sorry11:20
Seveascwatt, do you want a dmoain logon or just browsing the shares?11:20
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cwattyes my boss need that but all the team :$11:21
marwancables: Thank you vey much I will try that11:21
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khermans__if the GUI installer on the LiveCD does not support RAID config + install, can i use the text mode installer from the GUI in a shell?  what is the text mode installer binary to launch?11:21
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Seveascwatt, you may want to look into winbind and some weird pam stuff11:21
cablesmarwan, that won't fix anything, just check if the driver's installed. If it's not, you'll have to install it.11:21
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cablesDamn, marwan left11:21
agliv_Seveas, you wouldn't happen to know if the E6400 is 64-bit or not, having trouble finding good results with google...11:21
compengican i monitor on my box the number of processes that are connected to the internet?11:21
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cwattI will try to install that with LDAP11:22
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Seveascwatt, there is pam_ldap, not sure if that does AD to11:22
khermans__compengi, cat /proc/cpuinfo11:22
jellobeanagliv_ im trying to find out the same thing11:22
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khermans__compengi, oh i thought you asked a really dumb question, processors11:23
barbarellaSeveas:no, that is not the way11:23
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cwattseveas what system are better11:23
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khermans__compengi, netstat -an11:23
agliv_jellobean, Seveas according to http://www.intel.com/products/services/emea/deu/sitelets/viiv_features.htm the E6400 is 64-Bit11:23
cwattto authentication11:23
cwattubuntu with AD11:23
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agliv_Seveas, according to http://www.intel.com/products/services/emea/deu/sitelets/viiv_features.htm the E6400 is 64-bit...11:24
chorseperhaps  "netstat -an | grep -v unix" to get rid of the unix sockets11:24
linxehcwatt: PAM i guess11:24
Seveascwatt, I don't really know, never used Ubuntu with AD, only windows with samba on ubuntu :)11:24
linxehPAM_LDAP should work with AD11:24
linxehI've used LDAP to authenticate against an AD before11:24
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bfdhudHow can I completely remove all traces of Java, I didn't accept the EULA and now it wont work and add/remove cant get rid of it11:24
Seveaslinxeh, good to know :)11:24
jellobeanagliv_ according to http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2768780 it is 64-bit11:24
MurderousHoboIf I have a ubuntu server here, not connected to eth0, but eth0 has my router in11:24
MurderousHoboHow do I conenct it11:24
cwattok tks11:24
linxehhang on, I've got an example search string for AD here11:24
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jellobeanagliv_ i ran the regular ubuntu live cd on my e6400 and it hadn11:25
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jellobeanagliv_ i ran the regular ubuntu live cd on my e6400 and it hasn't worked yet..im thinking i might need the 64=bit11:25
shatratbfdhud, you read the eula? I think youre the first person in the history of software to do that.11:25
bfdhudshatrat, I was quick clicking and didnt check the box11:25
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Music_Shufflejellobean, you can run regular LiveCD's on dual-cores, or 64 bits, or any mix therein.11:25
cafuego_agliv_: Just becase a cpu is an x86_64 doesn't mean it would be best to run a 64bit Linux on it. Certainly not if you're going to use it for the desktop.11:26
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=== technomancy read the eula on his new laptop before wiping the windows partition
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:26
bfdhudshatrat any idea's how to get it off my computer so i can reinstall11:26
shatratbfdhud, How did you try to install it?  Im not really familiar with it since I havent had any problems but maybe I can help11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ethernet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
technomancyif i ever try to get a windows refund it's helpful to be able to say you read it and disagreed with it11:26
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cablesbfdhud, do you know the name of the java package you installed?11:26
jellobeanmusic_shuffle...thanks for the info11:26
cablesbfdhud, was it Sun Java 5 or 6?11:26
MurderousHoboDoes anyone know how to connect to an ethernet device11:26
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MurderousHoboi.e. router11:26
bfdhudCables it was java 511:26
shatratMurderousHobo, usually you just plug in and it works.11:26
bfdhudcables from the add/remove menu11:26
cablesbfdhud, hold on a sec11:26
cablesbfdhud, open a terminal11:27
MurderousHoboshatrat, I need a console command, im on server11:27
linxehcwatt, Seveas: this is what I use with JBoss to use AD as an LDAP auth source- http://rafb.net/p/XzEhaa14.html11:27
bfdhudcables ok11:27
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shatratMurderousHobo, oh I see.  Well are you plugged in? Does it at least physically look like it should work? Theres probably a green light that comes on at both ends to show connected.11:27
linxehcwatt: the important bits are the uidAttributeID I guess11:27
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MurderousHoboIt is plugged in11:27
MurderousHoboBut the router doesnt show it in devices11:27
cablesbfdhud, run this command: sudo aptitude remove sun-java5-plugin11:27
cablesbfdhud, if it asks you anything, ask me before answering.11:28
shatratMurderousHobo, ok, what does "ifconfig" say for eth0, eth1, etc.  Do they have IP addresses? not ipv6 btw11:28
cablesbfdhud, you can paste into the terminal with ctrl-shift-v11:28
MurderousHoboshatrat I dunno11:28
Seveaslinxeh, interesting!11:28
MurderousHoboshatrat, Im kinda doing this without a monitor11:28
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shatratMurderousHobo, yeah, you have a command line? type ifconfig11:28
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MurderousHoboshatrat, Let me go get a monitor11:29
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bfdhudcables it seemed to work fine11:29
jellobeanIf my hard drive is new and has never been partitioned will that cause problems in boot up on a live cd of ubuntu?11:29
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agliv_cafuego, please explain...11:29
Music_Shufflejellobean, no.11:29
joe-coti updated to feisty, because i wanted to use kvm .... and then found out it works based on hardware virtualization, and my chip doesn't support it >_<11:29
khermans__Does anyone know the command to run the text mode installer?11:29
cablesbfdhud, didn't ask you anything?11:29
shatratjellobean, you could boot the liveCD even with no HD at all11:29
joe-cotdoes anyone know about kqemu? does that also only work on dual-cores?11:30
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fiberchunksshatrat, assuming that the liveCD will recognize your cdrom drive :)  which is my problem11:30
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khermans__joe-cot, check out virtualbox11:30
cablesbfdhud, if you're back at the terminal (you see a $), you can run "sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin" to install it. Make sure you do it right this time :)11:30
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
joe-cotkhermans__ : i'm on 64 bit11:30
bfdhudcables it's fixed11:30
fiberchunkssorry, assuming the liveCD _kernel_ has the proper module loaded for the cdrom drive11:30
bfdhudcables thanks, I'll actually check the box this time :)11:30
cablesbfdhud, didn't you want to install java?11:30
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cablesbfdhud, ok... don't run the second command i sent11:31
shatratfiberchunks, well, the liveCD is often more trouble than it's worth imo.11:31
cablesbfdhud, you can do it again from add/remove11:31
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khermans__joe-cot, do you need 64-bit gusts?11:31
bfdhudcables i'll install from the add /remove window, I didnt check the accept EULA button on accident last time11:31
joe-cotkhermans__ no, i just want windows 200011:31
fiberchunksshatrat, perhaps you might know -- is there a way to tell the installer kernel -- hey, use _this_ kernel module for the IDE controller?11:31
khermans__joe-cot, then it will work, so will vmware server11:31
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joe-cotkhermans__ i've tried both. vmware server dies. I have a thread about it on their site, and they have no idea what the problem is11:32
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Lenaud01-CodingI have Ubuntu laptop version installed trying to get Broadcom Wireless going I have ndiswrapper going and drivers loaded and it says Hardware present Yes yet I cant get wireless ? I noticed the radio is off and I cant get it turned on this worked another distro any ideas?11:32
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khermans__joe-cot, last hope is Xen with VT CPU extensions11:32
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joe-cotkhermans_ but i don't have VT cpu extensions. that's the problem11:33
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shatratfiberchunks, Probably but I dont know it.  You might try the options "irqpoll" and "pci=noacpi" though if you havent yet, those sometimes clear up problems11:33
Err_i'm trying to use vmware player to run windows through ubuntu, but when i click on the .vbx file it tells me that it is unable to access /dev/vmmon, that the file does not exist, and that my monitor is not supported11:34
khermans__joe-cot, well virtualbox should work then11:34
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MurderousHoboshatrat, I have a monitor now11:34
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barbarellaLenaud01-Coding:has your laptop got a name, like hp....etc.11:34
fiberchunksshatrat, indeed, I've gone through the regular motions -- I've pretty much determined that it's the controller driver (due to some forum posts), and I just really, really don't want to get all into the usb stick install, or other foolishness - I will if I have to though11:34
shatratMurderousHobo, sweet, "ifconfig" will list your adapters11:34
Lenaud01-Coding@ barbarella its a Gateway 7422GX11:35
agliv_jellobean, just go to http://support.intel.com/products/viiv/requirements.htm <- if Intel doesn't know, who would?11:35
MurderousHoboit says lo11:35
=== freebse2 [n=freebse@p57A28EEF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
shatratMurderousHobo, thats the only one?11:35
shatratMurderousHobo, try scrolling up11:35
Lenaud01-CodingI think the issue might be that I am running 32 bit ubuntu and the broadcom drivers are 64bit11:35
MurderousHoboNo its the only one11:35
MurderousHobobut ifconfig eth0 does stuff though11:35
Lenaud01-Codingbut I cant find 32 anywhere11:35
knytAnyone got a fix for the recent feisty update that makes the gui hang on the transition to gnome?11:35
MurderousHoboI also have ra0 wireless11:39
mecfs4_Does anyone know why k3b won't eject a DVD disk when you want to make a copy?11:39
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Lenaud01-Codingiwconfig I can see Broadcom 430611:39
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shatratMurderousHobo, ok in your eth0 is there an "inet addr:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" on the second line?11:39
Lenaud01-Codingalmost seems like radio is off11:39
MurderousHoboshatrat, No11:39
Lenaud01-Codingbut normally I turn that on with FN+Wireless and thats worked in gentoo but now11:39
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shatratMurderousHobo, does the machine have multiple interfaces? if so you might have to check eth1, eth2, etcetera11:39
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:39
MurderousHoboIt has ra0 and eth011:39
shatratMurderousHobo, ok.  well if eth0 doesnt have an IP then you are in fact not connected.  Is your router set up to use DHCP?11:39
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barbarellaLenaud01-Coding:strange, should work out of the box.11:39
agliv_cafuego, why would I not want to install 64-Bit Ubuntu?11:39
jellobeanchecked my md5sum on my iso and it the sums match up correctly, what can cause my cd to be malfunctioning?11:39
MurderousHoboshatrat, Ys11:39
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shatratMurderousHobo, well, something is gone wrong there.  Perhaps if you set a static IP you will be ok, thats assuming that the problem is just the DHCP11:39
grodiushey I need help installing a .jar file on my computer11:39
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MurderousHoboIt wouldnt connect in the setup11:39
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rexsumhow is snort configured by default on ubuntu?11:39
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kitcheMurderousHobo: java -jar <file>.jar or do you want to put it someplace?11:39
erUSULgrodius: java -jar file.jar11:39
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MurderousHoboshatrat, I dont know or have a clue about static ips11:39
shatratMurderousHobo, well, you can change the config for your interface by editing the text file /etc/network/interfaces11:39
kitcheMurderousHobo: sorry about that that was for grodius :)11:39
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negenwhat is the best webcam program for ubuntu?11:40
frogzoorexsum: -> snort.conf11:40
MurderousHobokitche, Okay11:40
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bruenig!webam | negen11:40
cables!webcam | negen11:40
bruenig!webcam | negen11:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:40
ubotunegen: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:40
thorhi. i have problem setting the password for remote desktop connection. Does anyone know what is the configuration file for this service ?11:40
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MurderousHoboshatrat, Only lo is there, should eth0 be?11:40
rexsumfrogzoo, i just want it to log to /var/log/snort11:40
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rexsumbut doesnt even take the -l <directory> override11:40
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rexsum(keeps logging to tty)11:40
elyon225What can I do to increase my internet speed?  For some reason, all websites are now loading VERY slowly...11:41
shatratMurderousHobo, I dont think kitche meant to say that to you, thats for installing java programs.  I think eth0 should be there...maybe there is a driver problem.  Do you know what chipset the ethernet adapter uses?11:41
frogzoorexsum: it logs through syslog11:41
knytThe virtual consoles also lack gettys after the update, so the only way to command is through the 'failsafe terminal'11:42
frogzoo!ipv6 | elyon22511:42
ubotuelyon225: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv411:42
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agnosticany actual laptop works with ubuntu?11:42
MurderousHoboshatrat, I have used ubuntu desktop before and it worked out of the box11:42
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frogzooagnostic: what kind of a question is that?11:42
frogzoo!hardware | agnostic11:42
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ubotuagnostic: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:42
joe-cotkhermans_ was there something you saw that led you to believe virtualbox worked on 64? everything i'm seeing says it doesn't11:42
negenthe drivers for the webcam already come  installed with ubuntu which is nice the cam works right after install too bad flash dosnt have color correction11:42
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shatratMurderousHobo, in that case I dont really understand it.  try "lspci | grep controller" and look for your ethernet controller11:42
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MurderousHoboshatrat, Ethernet controller: nVidia Corp. nForce Ethernet Controller (rev c2)11:43
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shatratMurderousHobo, same thing I have, mine worked as well, although ive never tried the server install.11:43
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negenI think that GyachI must be the better progam to use11:43
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MurderousHoboshatrat, Does the desktop cd have ubuntu-desktop on11:43
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MurderousHobowell obviously it does11:44
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lwizardlanyone setup ubuntu as a storage server ?11:44
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MurderousHoboor should11:44
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shatratMurderousHobo, yeah.11:44
rexsumi just needed coffee, tail -f /var/log/snort/alert &... , whoopsie :D11:44
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MurderousHoboshatrat, How would I install desktop if I have it here11:44
cablesMurderousHobo, you mean you want to install Ubuntu on your computer?11:45
adaptrlwizardl: easy, use 6.06 lTS, it has very good LVM support to span your storage across mutltiple drives11:45
=== freebse [n=freebse@p57A29781.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
sleepy723anyone using irssi?..11:45
lwizardladaptr, what about 6.10?11:45
shatratMurderousHobo, well, you could just go through the installer.  There are ways to install packages through apt from a CD but if you just now installed the server edition it would probably be just as fast and easier to just go through the installer.11:45
adaptrlwizardl: 6.10 is not LTS11:45
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MurderousHoboshatrat, The desktop installer didnt work11:45
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cablessleepy723, there's an #irssi channel if you want help with it11:46
adaptrlwizardl: for a storage box, you install it once then don't bother anymore... you want LTS11:46
|rt|lwizardl: I haven't had any problems with LVM on 6.1011:46
barbarellashatrat:what module is loaded, so you can help MurderousHobo11:46
=== SilverSpace_ [n=SilverSp@83-131-171-61.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
MurderousHoboI have the desktop install mounted11:46
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cablesMurderousHobo, is there a problem with it?11:46
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sleepy723cables, no one is responding in there11:46
erUSULsleepy723: me11:47
sleepy723I tried that channe11:47
MurderousHobocables, I have a ubuntu server install here, and a ubuntu desktop. I want to install the desktop11:47
sleepy723erUSUL, should I use screen or fifo for irssi11:47
shatratMurderousHobo, could you run lsmod |  grep forcedeth? Id still like to figure out how to get your ethernet working11:47
MurderousHoboSpecifically the ubuntu-desktop package11:47
cypherdelicHow to configure cryptroot??11:47
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Chicory... Question.11:48
MurderousHoboforcedeth 32780 011:48
ChicoryWhy is, uh, ...11:48
erUSULsleepy723: i use it with screen donno what fifo is. anyway irssi only needs a terminal11:48
ChicoryWhy is Ubuntu claiming that home/yamathan is NOT my home directory?  :P11:48
shatratMurderousHobo, well...youve got the driver running.  Now im more confused.11:48
ChicoryMy username IS yamathan.11:48
ChicorySo ...11:48
ChicoryWhy does Ubuntu think that my home directory doesn't belong to me?11:49
cypherdelicALERT! /dev/mapper/root does not exist. Dropping the shell!11:49
cablesChicory, did you just create that user?11:49
MurderousHoboshatrat, When I originally installed this, the ethernet wasnt connected11:49
frogzoo!anyone | Chicory11:49
ubotuChicory: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:49
ChicoryI created it at installation.11:49
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shatratMurderousHobo, hmm, maybe if you add an entry for it to your /etc/network/interfaces it will work.11:49
thorwhere ubuntu stores vnc password? Or another worlds where ubuntu stores password that you enter to connect via remote desktop?11:49
SeanTaterI want to be able to ude mailx to send an e-mail to an e-mail server I have set up. What options in exim4 do I need to change for it to mail to remote domains?11:49
frogzooChicory: finger yamathan11:49
fiberchunkshttp://www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/solutions/en/winvista?c=us&l=en&s=gen#faq11  look down the page under the "Windows Vista Capable" part of the chart11:49
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ChicoryFrog, what of it?11:50
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ChicoryThe input just describes how long I've been on.11:50
coreymon77hi everyon11:50
MurderousHoboIfconfig just decided to start listing eth011:50
shatratMurderousHobo, add 2 lines to your /etc/network/interfaces that look like "auto eth0" and below that "iface eth0 inet dhcp"11:50
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ChicoryWhich is actually one minute as of "finger".11:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:50
shatratMurderousHobo, we're dealing with a very devious computer, its thinking ahead of me.11:50
MurderousHobothose lines arnt there yet11:51
frogzooChicory: should show your homedir, or grep yamathan /etc/passwd11:51
MurderousHoboso should i add them?11:51
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coreymon77i was wondering about the -11 kernel update11:51
coreymon77have the nvidia and wifi bugs been fixed11:51
Chicoryfrogzoo:  Nope.  :P11:51
shatratMurderousHobo, yes, thts how mine is set up.11:51
cablescoreymon77, probably not.11:51
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MurderousHoboStill not connected11:52
coreymon77should i just not bother and just wait until the next kernel update to upgrade my system11:52
shatratMurderousHobo, now use the command "ifup" to load them11:52
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=== Chicory wonders if something went horribly wrong.
grodiusCan someone help me? IM trying to install an IDE for Java and I cant find where my java tools.jar file is located11:52
cablescoreymon77, you might want to wait.11:52
frogzooChicory: so where did they go?11:52
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frogzoocoreymon77: if you're up & running atm, that might be best11:52
ChicoryFrog, I sudo'ed it.11:53
ChicoryIt SAYS my directyory is /home/yamathan!11:53
MurderousHoboshatrat, Thanks for staying with me :)11:53
erUSULgrayscale: maybe you instaled the jre but you need the sdk ??11:53
Chicory*directory, rather11:53
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frogzooChicory: define "I sudoed it"11:53
=== Monseigneur [n=HoneyPot@mbl-65-149-121.dsl.net.pk] has joined #ubuntu
shatratMurderousHobo, everythings working? Great11:53
Chicorysudo finger yamathan.11:53
erUSULgrodius: maybe you instaled the jre but you need the sdk ??11:53
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MurderousHoboshatrat, Yeah, now I can install vnc and get rid of this monitor11:53
shatratMurderousHobo, you could installed ubuntu-destktop with apt-get now if you still want to.11:53
Chicoryfor that matter ...11:53
erUSULgrayscale: sorry was a bad tab completion ;P11:53
shatratMurderousHobo, ssh imo ;)11:53
Chicory"finger yamathan" did the same trick.11:53
ChicoryThat was :F11:53
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frogzooChicory: grep yamathan /etc/passwd11:54
sroskeHi, just installed edubuntu 6.10 on a pII 200mhz, "unable to locate RDSP" on boot, keeps rebooting ????11:54
MurderousHoboshatrat, Thats what im doing11:54
MurderousHoboThis is gunna be a server11:54
MurderousHoboBut I like fancy stuff11:54
MurderousHoboI guess11:54
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ChicoryFrog:  yamathan:x:1000:1000:Yamathan Contril,,,:/home/yamathan:/bin/bash11:54
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:54
grodiuserUSUL, I have the SDK downloaded. its a .bin file, but i guess i need to install it11:54
shatratMurderousHobo, even when im sitting down at a computer, I still prefer commandline most of the time, so im def. not a VNC oriented person.  ymmv :D11:54
=== tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MurderousHoboshatrat, I use a Mac11:54
MurderousHoboshatrat, What do you expect11:55
erUSULubotu tell grodius about java | grodius see priv msg from ubotu11:55
shatratMurderousHobo, shh, youll be lynched round these parts11:55
MurderousHoboI used to use ubuntu11:55
MurderousHoboAt least im using something which is atleast unix based11:55
MurderousHoboUnlike SOME things11:55
grodiuserUSUL, is java6 not out for linux?11:55
erUSULgrodius: java is in the repos see priv msg of ubotu11:55
Seveasgrodius, it is, in feisty11:55
shatratMurderousHobo, yeah if I could afford it I would have a macbook.  instead I have a spiral notebook.11:55
erUSULgrodius: yes it is i installed the jre from repos11:55
Chicoryfrogzoo: This is very, VERY odd.11:55
MurderousHoboI have had two macbooks11:55
MurderousHoboThey both broke within 3 days11:56
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MurderousHoboI got an iMac now11:56
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frogzooChicory: ls -ld /home/yamathan11:56
MurderousHoboHardware broke11:56
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Seveas!offtopic | MurderousHobo11:56
ubotuMurderousHobo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:56
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sroskeexcuse me, but is there any information on "unable to locate RDSP" google and unbuntu forums were unhelpful.11:56
grodiuserUSUL, ok well i already had java511:56
erUSULgrodius: is in multiverse11:56
frogzooChicory: assuming you know what you're doing & haven't been playing, yes, very odd11:56
ChicoryFrog, to be honest I haven't had enough time to play.11:56
grodiuserUSUL, i need to point my IDE to where its installed, how do i find it11:56
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=== MurderousHobo is now known as Abst
ChicoryStupid storm sort of screwed up my plans to.11:57
kameroncan someone help me mount an ntfs drive?11:57
Seveas!ntfs | kameron11:57
ubotukameron: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:57
frogzooChicory: ls -ld /home/yamathan11:57
erUSULgrodius: dpkg -L sun-java5-jdk (or 6)11:57
michaelpoi've installed a few packages... now i can play dvd... but not vcd... did i miss out any packages?11:57
Chicorydrwxrwxrwx 48 yamathan yamathan 4096 2007-02-13 16:56 /home/yamathan11:57
sleepy723which is better for scripts, xchat or irssi?11:57
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ChicoryIt all SEEMS to be in order.11:57
barbarellasroske:you can start with what mainbord you have.11:57
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rockPod_MANhey is there a way to have ubuntu boot from the cd drive first becaus eI went into bios and changed the disc order but that did nothing. I can't access anything after the grub menu and a terminal, so could someone tell me what to do to get the cd(desktop live disc) to boot so I can reinstall?11:58
Seveasirssi if you like perl, xchat if you like python11:58
ChicoryWaaaait, waaaait ...11:58
kameroni have 1 ntfs drive that mounts fine, another one is having problems.11:58
=== Chicory does something crazy.
=== Monseigneur is now known as Galga
frogzooChicory: world writable homedir - nice11:58
kameroni cant read anything from the disk.11:58
kameronbut in windows i can.11:58
MystaMax!restricted > Chicory11:58
sroskebarbarella: I would have to crack open the case for that. It's an old machine. Does it come to that?11:58
Chicoryfrogzoo: Hmm?11:58
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kameronSeveas, ?11:59
frogzooChicory: dude, did you make your homedir world writable?11:59
Seveaskameron, look at what ubotu said11:59
fiberchunksit sure is11:59
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kameronSeveas, i saw that. but it's not working.11:59
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frogzooChicory: what services do you run on the box & does the box have an internet IP?11:59
barbarellashatrat:it's a start12:00
ChicoryNot that I KNOW of, no.12:00
grodiusHey im trying to install a .bin file, can someone help me12:00
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=== Chicory just looked at the permissions.
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hairulfrHappy valentines day all.... http://www.fat-pie.com/love.htm12:00
mathrickhey, is there an equivalent of dpkg --get-selection, but for aptitude?12:00
fiberchunksothers == write with those permissions chicory12:00
ChicoryI've given read access to the group and I SHOULD take it down to "none" for others, but I don't screw with the defaults ...12:00
harisundDoes anybody know how I can resize my NTFS partition (of 60 GB) to create a 30 GB seperate partition to install Ubuntu in? I have only 8 GB of data in the 60 GB NTFS partitoin.12:00
frogzooChicory: what services do you run on the box & does the box have an internet IP?12:00
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mathrickI want to carry over the installed packages, but I don't want aptitude to think everything was installed manually12:01

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