
maxamillionhi hi12:25
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graziewhat do people usually use to read chm (Windows Help) files on Xubuntu? Seem to have a choice of gnochm or xchm12:47
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grazieway too many dependencies for gnochm...xchm it is then12:50
maxamillionxchm is a NICE app12:50
grazieit's a comin'12:51
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graziegets put in the graphics menu though!12:52
maxamilliongrazie: yeah ... i dunno12:53
maxamilliongrazie: i would think of it as "office" but that's just me12:53
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graziemulljuli: hey...what's up?12:54
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grazieJester45: I'm still waiting for this erase to finish with k3b01:01
Jester45how can i remove all config files from removed packages?01:01
Jester45grazie: speed? i got a 30x from my dads work01:01
grazieJester45: the cd-rw is only x401:02
Jester45700mb im guessing01:02
Jester45x4 write speed also? or just erase01:02
graziealways assumed the same speed for both01:03
Jester45they might be01:03
Jester45i think the full erase writes all 0's to the disc01:04
maxamillionJester45: or all 1's ... i think it depends on the software01:04
grazieseemed much quicker on OS X though01:04
Jester45you think they would make a shortcut in the code for that? like tell the drive write all 0s01:04
Jester45so the program dosent have to keep sending empty data01:05
Jester45i know the disco can only write so fast but it seems easier01:05
graziei think I'm going to have to setup network booting or die (it's so boring waiting)01:06
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Jester45seems that thats a good choice01:07
Jester45or ... usb if possible01:07
grazieknoppix wasn't a good choice idea me thinks01:07
=== totalwor1age [n=worm@flits102-83.flits.rug.nl] has joined #xubuntu
=== neozen [n=neozen@wireless-224-115.wireless-vpn.depaul.edu] has joined #xubuntu
grazieusb is slow though usn't it...never tried myself01:08
neozenslow for what?01:08
neozen(and hi)01:09
maxamillionneozen: hello01:09
grazieneozen: hi01:09
=== totalwor1age is now known as totalwormage
maxamilliongrazie: knoppix is a good choice always, just be sure to choose something other than kde at boot ;P01:09
neozen......and at any other time for that matter01:09
=== neozen tends to run away from kde
maxamillionneozen: amen my friend, amen01:09
graziemaxamillion: only used it for k3n (this time)01:10
=== neozen smiles
=== maxamillion runs from anything written in Qt (accept the HP-toolkit because there isn't an alternative)
grazieneozen: amen01:10
grazieusb is slow for writing iso images to and booting from...no?01:11
BFTDgrazie, I find USB to be pretty fast as long as its 2.001:12
BFTDbut firewire is faster01:12
Jester45circuit board is faster01:13
Jester45firewire isnt a Universal01:13
grazieBFTD: Oh absolutely....but I'm a mac kinda guy01:13
maxamillionBFTD: firewire-800 is faster, but i challenge you to find a device that uses it .... firewire-400 transfers at 400mb/s and usb2.0 transfers at 420mb/s01:13
BFTDgrazie, they don't have firewire's on macs?01:13
BFTDmaxamillion, true true01:14
grazieBFTD: Mac's have had firewire for donkeys years!01:14
maxamilliongrazie: its not "slow" but that's all an opinion ... i think usb pen drive would actually boot faster than a cd-rom, but i could be wrong01:14
BFTDmaxamillion, your right, I have puppy on a flashdrive and it boots up 3X faster then a CD01:15
grazieBFTD: but no cheap portable fw device yet that I know of01:15
grazieBFTD: but no usb2 on my Mac01:15
maxamillionBFTD: w00t! .... i love being right01:15
maxamilliongrazie: it a g3?01:16
maxamilliongrazie: no usb2.0 on a g4?01:16
Jester45whats usb 1 ? 80mb/s01:16
maxamilliongrazie: wait ... why you getting knoppix if you are on ppc?01:16
BFTDUSB1 is like 6MB/s01:16
grazieprolly get a card...but not thought about looking...until now01:16
grazieused knoppix  on x86 machine01:17
Jester45usb drives will boot faster becuase they dont search on a disc or data and the transfer rates are about the same01:17
maxamillionUSB1 will do 1.5Mbps "low-speed" and 12Mbps "full-speed"01:18
maxamilliongrazie: ah, ok01:18
=== maxamillion is sad that ubuntu is dropping powerpc
graziek3b appears to have hung...defeated - I'm going to have to boot XP and use Nero :(  .... I  did try01:18
=== Jester45 is happy more time devoted to xubuntu and x86
BFTDmaxamillion, wait Mbps?01:18
maxamillionespecially with the new 64-bit dual core powerpc chip that is faster than the intel core2 and uses less energy per clock01:18
graziemaxamillion: not as sad as me!01:19
maxamillionBFTD: mega-bit per secong01:19
Jester45BFTD: megabytes per second01:19
Jester45what he said01:19
maxamilliongrazie: i actually got rid of my iBookG4 to pay for text books01:19
BFTDmaxamillion, I know what it is, but thats super slow...like 1200 KB/s01:19
maxamillionJester45: no, Mega-Bit ... not byte01:19
maxamillion1 byte = 8 bits01:19
Jester45yea i know01:19
neozen..max: they are?01:20
Jester45like internet connection speed01:20
=== Laibsch [n=Laibsch@p4020-ipbf2103marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #xubuntu
neozengrazie: all you want is a burning program right?01:20
Jester45BFTD: thats more of 1800kb/s ish01:20
maxamillionBFTD: yeah .... usb1 was mainly made to replace parallel ports and it is faster01:20
neozengrazie: sudo aptitude install graveman01:20
Jester45WAY faster than parallel01:21
=== BFTD is testing it out
grazieneozen: a 100% reliable burning prog yes01:21
neozenI've had great luck w/ that one01:21
neozen...runs very fast01:21
neozen....there's a few issues w/ it... (disk sizes might be reported improperly)01:21
maxamillionneozen: yeah, they said it will become "community driven" but no longer "officially supported" which is STUPID because big business with big servers run IBM POWER series processors or Xserver G5s ... etc01:21
=== neozen nods
BFTDUSB 1.1 is coping stuff at about 1200 KB/s01:21
BFTDUSB 2.0 is doing it at about 18 MB/s01:22
grazieneozen: got graveman...i like it a lot....I recommend it!....but having bother erasing/writing cd-rw01:22
neozen...and all of us people who have a few decrepit macs around who want an OS we can _understand_ will be out of luck I suppose01:23
Jester45how do i make the output of a comamnd the input of a 2nd command01:23
neozenI keep a quadra 800 in the corner01:23
neozenjester use pipe01:23
maxamillionneozen: no, they will just have to run debian ;)01:23
Jester45example please?01:23
neozencommand1 | command201:23
Jester45thnks im now01:24
grazieneozen: gentoo is great...if you don't mind compiling everthing from source...and a lot of waiting!01:24
neozenI have lots of older hardware01:24
neozen...no gentoo01:24
neozenanyone mess w/ fedoracore6?01:25
BFTDI'm on FC601:25
neozenhow's the learning curve going from ubuntu?01:25
neozen(last redhat product I messed with was RedHat 5.2 ::shudders)01:26
grazieneozen: you don't want FC on a Mac01:26
neozenthis will be on a somewhat modern dell01:27
neozen1.5ghz processor01:27
neozen512 ram01:27
neozenati card01:27
graziedo like fc really, but if I did it seems load more hassle installing01:27
=== neozen nods
neozenyeah... since I'm going to be using the box as a server01:28
neozenmain focus is security01:28
neozenw/ usability a VERY close second01:29
neozens/usability/ease of install, recovery, administration/01:29
grazieneozen: you putting a gui on a server?01:29
grazietut tut01:29
neozen....if for no other reason then to learn how things are done w/in redhad01:30
neozenyes... I know gui on a server is moronic01:30
neozen...but it will be a personal server01:30
maxamillionneozen: wait, you want a secure personal server with a GUI?01:30
neozenkinda oxymoronic isn't it01:31
maxamillionneozen: not at all, i run Xubuntu desktop install with apache and such installed ontop of it at the test server here in the office01:31
=== neozen nods
neozenthing is... I already know xubuntu01:31
Jester45i have a gui server01:31
neozen...I don't know redhat01:31
neozen.....and think I should01:31
Jester45its easier for me to turn on x and the moniter to do stuff with it01:32
maxamillionneozen: we use fedora core, ubuntu, debian, and suse as production servers (i am a student sys tech at an university so depending were you are depends on what distro the admin chose)01:32
neozenconsidering how widespread its usage is in the professional area01:32
=== neozen nods
Jester45then turn x off and its high preformance again01:32
Jester45maxamillion: what uni? country?01:33
neozenmy uni is way too attached to microsoft01:33
maxamillionneozen: fedora core is the main web server, the digital repository for the library is suse, the test server i setup is xubuntu, over in the digital forensics department they have a blade setup with different blades running a combo of fc, suse, ubuntu, and debian01:33
maxamillionJester45: USA ... SHSU in Texas01:33
maxamillionJester45: www.shsu.edu01:33
Jester45too far for me to go there01:34
maxamillionJester45: that's the home page... that runs on a fc6 box01:34
Jester45im going to go to SEMO southeastmissouri01:34
neozenI'm @ DePaul in chicago01:35
Jester45is that the art school?01:35
neozen(seems fun to say)01:35
neozenwell they do have a large art dept01:35
Jester45semo? funny01:35
neozenand a notoriously strict theatre school01:36
neozen...but a very excellent comp sci program as well01:36
maxamillionour main admin over the whole campus won some hacking thing at DefCon 2 years in a row, i wish the guy taught classes .... he's a mad man, but our network is locked down :)01:36
neozen...once you find the decent prof's that it01:36
maxamillionmy university isn't extremely well known for comp sci, but there are 2 profs here who are and i have taken every class from them that i can01:38
maxamillioni think its like that at most State universities01:38
=== neozen nods
Jester45i might go to a committy college first for the basic stuff to save money then go to SEMO01:39
maxamillionthey have to employ a couple well known ones to get grants and such but then they need to fill a staff roster too01:39
maxamillionatleast that is my take on it ... i could be wrong01:39
maxamillionactually ... lets move this to #xubuntu-offtopic if we could please01:39
neozenno worries...01:42
neozenI'm just killing time w/ conversation until someone comes in and asks for help w/ something I know about01:42
=== maxamillion waits for people to join #xubuntu-offtopic so he can continue chatting ....
maxamillionneozen: me too :)01:42
maxamillionneozen: but technically i am supposed to keep the channel "on topic"01:43
neozenI hear you01:43
=== neozen pokes @ gaim
maxamillionbut at the same time i'm not going to run around banning everyone who talks off topic in here because we don't have enough traffic to justify it01:43
Jester45thats what i told somerville01:45
Jester45he banned me for offtopic chat01:45
Jester45theres only 75 people and 4 of the them are active in here01:45
Jester45if somone comes in i try to help01:45
maxamillionJester45: well if it was during a busy time of day and there was someone requesting help, i would ban as well01:45
Jester45and if traffic starts up i will talk in offtopic01:45
neozen.....here's a question01:45
maxamillionneozen: shoot01:46
Jester45im in there now but nobody talks there they talk in here01:46
neozen...more general linux stuff but..... today linux froze ... hard.... how do I check out what the kernel was doing just before the freeze happened upon hard booting the machine?01:46
Jester45the klogd01:47
neozenwhere... and how01:47
Jester45not sure01:47
Jester45its a log file01:47
neozenI'd settle for a link01:47
neozento a resource somewhere01:47
neozen...I've noticed its happened once or twice when I switch from ac to battery01:48
ubotuklog: KDE ham radio logging program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2.1 (edgy), package size 168 kB, installed size 632 kB01:48
ubotuklogd: Kernel Logging Daemon. In component main, is important. Version 1.4.1-18ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 40 kB, installed size 140 kB01:48
neozenso if I reboot the machine .... it won't scrap the old log just by booting into the machine?01:49
maxamillionneozen: sounds like an acpi issue (which are unfortunately popular)01:49
neozenI use whatever packages for acpi came w/ xubuntu 6.06.1 ..and gnome-power-manager from the repositories01:50
neozen...its a thinkpad r6001:50
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Jester45do you gus know how i can scan my windos machine from my linux machine? i mean scan for open ports01:50
Jester45i wanna make sure its safe01:50
ubotunmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.10-1 (edgy), package size 702 kB, installed size 2436 kB01:51
maxamillionneozen: sorry ... i just like using the bot01:51
neozenheh first time I've seen it used01:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:54
maxamillion"all-knowing" being a fluid concept01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
Jester45my fav01:56
maxamillionthat's mine01:57
neozenall-knowing always is02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libmad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
neozen....been poking @ compiling vlc 0.8.6 lately02:03
neozen...keeps complaining about lack of libmad and ffmpeg...02:04
neozeneven though both are present02:04
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neozenoh well02:05
neozenI've switched to mplayer anyway02:05
Jester45Fetched 719954kB in 1m 18s (9230.17kB/s)02:05
piemanhey. does anyone know what xfce4 uses to set the desktop wallpaper? i know you can set it with desktop preferences. but what command does it use? i am trying to make a thunar custom action so if i right click on a photo i can select set as desktop background..02:05
neozenxfdesktop I think02:06
Jester45man xfdesktop02:06
piemani did.. nothing02:06
piemanabout it02:06
neozena lot of xfce thingies are like that02:07
neozen.....I've been wondering how to set the title of a window from within a shell script for awhile02:07
neozens/window/terminal window/02:08
piemantook me forever just to find the command to desktop preferences its self..02:09
neozenyeah I didn't find the system menu easy to browse at all02:09
neozen...just has include system....02:10
neozen..and where's that?02:10
=== neozen grins
Jester45its in /usr/share/applications02:10
=== neozen blinks
=== Nanoer [n=chatzill@pool-71-109-35-66.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu
neozen::turns head to the side::02:11
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #xubuntu
Nanoerhey how do i turn the screensaver thing that comes when you leave the computer for 2 hours?02:11
Nanoerlike how do i take it off02:12
=== maxamillion is at home now
neozenyou mean turn the screensaver off?02:12
Nanoerit shows this log in screen02:12
Nanoerthat says screensaver02:12
neozensettings->settings manager02:12
neozenthen look for screensaver02:12
grazieneozen: I think I stropped using gentoo (for a while) 'cos of the hassle getting vlc to build correctly02:13
maxamillionNanoer: So when you log in it pops up a screen that says "screensaver"?02:13
Nanoerwhen i'm logged in02:13
Nanoerand i leave for like 2 hours02:13
Nanoerthen i come back02:13
Nanoerit shows this screen that says screensaver and makes me log in again02:13
neozenI think he's just talking about xscreensaver asking for his password02:13
maxamillionNanoer: oh, you just don't want it password protected02:13
maxamillionneozen: yes, i believe so02:13
neozenlike I said...... I live in a vlc-free universe now02:14
neozen....all hail mplayer02:14
grazieoh I like vlc....I just don't like building it02:15
neozen..it compiles from source...... (displaying a metric sh*t-load of compiler warnings along the way).... but... it just works02:15
=== Jester45 hails King Mplayer and the Queen Mencoder
neozenI cannot say the same thing for vlc 0.8.602:15
ubotumencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3171 kB, installed size 7956 kB02:15
maxamillionNanoer: Applications->Settings->Settings Manager->Screensaver and uncheck the "lock screen after <time>02:16
neozenand another question max02:17
neozen...as long as you're here02:17
neozenis it possible to streamline the hibernation process02:17
neozen...mine seems to be taking about a minute to fully hibernate02:18
neozenmight even be as much as 2 min02:18
grazieneozen: how big is your swap file?02:18
maxamillionneozen: honestly that is something i wouldn't know how to do .... hibernation support has been hit or miss in my experience02:18
neozensame size as my ram02:18
grazieneozen: double it and then some!02:19
=== neozen blinks
neozen...you've got to be kidding02:19
neozen.....it never even gets used during normal operation02:19
neozen(aside from hibernating)02:19
graziei don't use it, but wouldn't bother even if I had a laptop02:20
maxamilliongrazie: you think double it? ... i would think it just needs to be the size of the ram02:20
Jester45i got 2gb ram and 5 swap02:20
neozenwell.... under windows it was blazingly fast02:20
maxamillionJester45: not bad ... i have 1gb ram 2gb swap02:20
=== Jester45 does not touch his swap
neozen....about 15 seconds from poking the button to complete power down02:20
graziefrom what I've read yes02:20
neozenI'd expect similar response w/ linux02:21
neozen..apparently I shouldn't02:21
Jester45i choose the remove power cord button02:21
grazieI'm sure it will improve over time...like everthing02:21
neozenwhen it came to windows back in the day02:21
maxamillionneozen: i generally keep it as a rule of thumb to have my swap 2X the size of my ram, but i didn't think that would be such an issue with the hibernation (then again, i didn't think ubuntu would release a kernel update that would frag 40% of users installations either)02:21
neozen......so did I02:21
Nanoerhow do i unzip stuff after i download it?02:21
maxamillionNanoer: right click and "extract"02:21
neozen......frag user's installations..... wha?02:21
Jester45right click and press exract here02:22
Nanoerok thanks02:22
maxamillionNanoer: wait, what kind of archive is it?02:22
Nanoergar something02:22
maxamillionNanoer: yeah, then just right click02:22
=== maxamillion assumes tar.gz
neozenme no know gar02:22
Nanoeri need sleep02:23
neozenyes...... yes you do02:23
=== maxamillion enjoys caffeine, sleep makes you miss things :P
=== IsleVegan [n=user@mongoose.kcc.hawaii.edu] has joined #xubuntu
neozen.....I remember there was a distro back in the day that upon fresh installation ... would open an irc chatroom for support as the first thing02:24
neozen...damned if I could remember which one02:24
Jester45thats not a good idea02:24
=== neozen shrugs
neozen....they paid moderators...02:25
Jester45to me thats saying "we cant make a good distro so heres all the support your gonna need"02:25
neozenseemed very helpful at the time02:25
=== neozen smiles
Jester45*ubuntu is more like here you go have fun or and if you need help you can come here or here or here02:25
maxamillionJester45: well we are making a Welcome Center to try and answer common questions with quick documentation upon the live cd session or first login of a fresh install for new users02:26
neozenI do so love the ubuntu forums though02:26
neozen...every issue I've ever had.... has already been resolved there02:26
maxamillionneozen: yeah, i enjoy them .... to a point02:26
maxamillionneozen: the whole "ubuntu should do this because windows does" and "zomg ubuntu vs. windows" ... etc. annoy the shit out of me02:27
maxamillioneerrr ...02:27
maxamillion!language | maxamillion02:27
maxamillion!language > maxamillion02:27
Jester45maxamillion: thats still not a help center a faq would be nice for new users02:27
graziealso same question gets ask over and over on the forums..but what do you do?02:27
neozen.....there should be some kind of forum level mallet-implementation for that02:28
Jester45removed the language bounding02:28
neozenyes.... something on-disk would be priceless02:29
neozen...especially for people unable to get net up and running out of the box02:29
neozen(rare w/ *ubuntu ....but still possible)02:29
maxamillionneozen: hence the welcome center :) ... lemme get you a link02:29
neozen....my card worked out of the box02:29
neozen..all of the hardware did actually02:30
maxamillionneozen: http://welcome.sheep.art.pl/Xubuntu_Welcome_Centre02:30
=== alnokta [n=alnokta@unaffiliated/alnokta] has joined #xubuntu
maxamillionneozen: that is the wiki that one of the project members setup ... he themed the wiki to look like the UI of the welcome center itself02:31
neozen...I'll be passing this around @ linux group tonight02:31
neozen...expect hits02:31
maxamillionneozen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Specifications/Feisty/XubuntuWelcomeCenter?highlight=%28xubuntu%29%7C%28center%29%7C%28welcome%2902:31
maxamillionneozen: that is our wiki entry for the spec ....02:31
neozenI'm getting a little tired of answering basic questions02:32
maxamillionneozen: hopefully it will make it into feisty02:32
maxamillionneozen: amen02:32
neozen(was the first person in my group to use xubuntu)02:32
maxamillionneozen: and it will even launch applications from links to demo them02:32
neozen...and now I've converted about 3 others02:32
Jester45my only problem was the sound card, hehe it was a modem/sound card the sound card just stuck in a pci slot (no connecters) and the modem sent all the sounds to it02:32
maxamillioni made my way to xubuntu because i was a debian+xfce user02:32
neozenmy one complaint about xubuntu is the movie player and the lack of a firefox2 package in the dapper repositories02:33
neozen.....I'm wary of switching to edgy as I've noticed that keyboard shortcuts have ceased to work02:33
neozen..and I use them to quickly start applications constantly02:34
maxamillionneozen: the movie player was fixed in edgy ... replaced with gxine, and firefox2 wasn't included in dapper at all (i think there might be a backport of it though)02:34
Jester45no backport02:34
maxamillionneozen: you can customize the keyboard shortcuts02:34
maxamillionJester45: ah, thanks :)02:34
neozenI know you can customize them02:34
neozensame place as in dapper02:35
neozen...but they don't seem to work02:35
maxamillionoh :(02:35
neozen.....you can type in the command02:35
neozen...and key in the shortcut02:35
neozen...but when you hit the shortcut02:35
neozen...the app doesn't open02:35
maxamillionthat's no good02:35
neozenit is not good indeed02:35
neozenshould I file a bug report?02:35
maxamillionhopefully all of that will be gone with feisty since it will include the xfce4.4 stable release02:35
maxamillionneozen: sure02:36
neozen.....there's a _stable_ release in feisty?02:36
=== neozen drools
maxamillionneozen: yup ... xfce4.4 was released stable about a week or so ago and will be in feisty02:36
neozen.....don't suppose there's a backport02:37
maxamillionneozen: http://www.xfce.org/about/tour?PHPSESSID=41cb19b0a556f14886f0c4c9fd24405d <---notice how closely their tour looks like xubuntu ;)02:37
=== neozen has grown used to repositories
neozenand also... as jester said02:38
neozenthere's no backport of firefox202:38
neozen...I ended up going out on the net and snagging a shellscript that did the job02:39
neozenbut still..... arg02:39
Jester45there isnt a planned backport of xfce from feisty to edgy02:39
neozenlts my arse02:39
=== neozen grins
Jester45wasnt sure if somebody said that02:39
neozenI've always interpreted "support" .... new stuff will be made available02:40
neozen*as new...02:40
neozenwhen's feisty out again?02:40
maxamillionneozen: late april02:41
neozenthat's far away02:41
maxamillionneozen: support to them is "we will make sure it is updated for security purposes for <blah amount of time>"02:41
maxamillioni know ...02:41
neozenanyone else in here use xubuntu dapper and successfully migrated to 4.4 using their installer?02:42
=== neozen looks around hopefully
neozenunder edgy02:43
neozenI've encountered an interesting issue w/ brightness02:43
neozen...i can turn it down...02:43
neozenbut when i attempt to turn it back up...02:43
neozenscreen goes black02:43
maxamillionneozen: really?02:44
maxamillionneozen: that's strange02:44
neozenindeed it is02:45
neozen....and this... is on a thinkpad02:45
neozen..not exactly a linux-unfriendly platform02:46
neozen..thus... I live in dapper02:46
maxamillionalso ... another thing to keep in mind is that Xubuntu is community based so the only thing we get from Canonical/Ubuntu is support in the way of being recognized as an official branch, allowance to add packages/metapackages to the repository (as long as a core dev or a MOTU will sponsor them) and hosting of our website on their servers02:46
neozenhey... even the hosting is kind of....... lacking02:46
maxamillionand access to their repositories in order to base our distro off their ubuntu-base package02:47
neozen...the image mirrors are slow to the us02:47
maxamillionneozen: yeah ... those are all hosted my volunteers02:47
neozenwe've actually hosted a local one on our campus just so that it doesn't creep02:47
neozencrooked IT people are nice02:47
maxamillionneozen: we are working on that slowly, but people don't want to host a distro that doesn't have a user base ... so we are trying to make it more popular and work our way through the social red tape02:48
maxamillionlol ... nice02:48
maxamillionwe are also in the process of fixing the website ... the CSS is jacked02:48
neozen30 million users screaming for hosting can't be wrong02:48
neozen...i just dig xubuntu because its so fast02:49
neozen...though I suppose any distro would be ok02:49
neozen...and it doesn't seem so ....... full of kindler, gentler stuff I don't need02:49
maxamillionyeah ... my work machine is an Athlon64 X2 4600+ w/ 2gb ddr2 ram and a nvidia 7900 gtx and i run xubuntu on it just because i prefer xfce and ubuntu makes life on the desktop easier than debian02:51
maxamillionmy home machine isn't as impressive, but its a trooper and sports xubuntu as well02:52
neozen..the most impressive thing about this lappy is its 1gb of ram02:52
neozen...and that its hardware is fully supported in the ubuntu kernels02:53
maxamillionand the laptop i am issued at work is a clunker so it reaps the benefits of xubuntu 3 fold02:53
maxamillionthat is always a plus02:53
neozenyes... it is02:53
neozen...it REALLY is02:53
maxamillioni wish we had a linux group here at my campus ... even though our whole campus is hidden behind linux boxes, everything internal is windows based and i am a horrible minority02:53
Jester45anyoner here know of hydra?02:54
maxamillionnever heard of it02:54
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neozenthat is sad02:54
Jester45googling doesnt show much becuase ofa project named hydra that uses debian for somthing02:54
neozengo find a faculty member who'd be fine with the label of 'faculty advisor' and would be cool w/ helping to slice through red-tape concerning fundage for events/ rental of rooms02:55
neozen..and just start posting flyers02:56
neozen...have regular meetings02:56
neozen....its the college student way ::grins::02:56
neozenits how ours was founded02:56
maxamillionneozen: well, we have a computer science group ... that's close-ish02:56
neozenwe have one of those.....02:56
neozenon the whole they're elitist .........#@$02:57
=== neozen grins
Jester45im in a group of windows users02:57
neozenoh well02:57
maxamillionone of my profs says that is because computer science students all know that they are the smartest computer scientist to have ever touched a computer02:57
Jester45and i say? what reboot? acting slow? viruses? system restore?02:57
Jester45kinda seems like a lot of work for games02:58
Jester45when you could use wine02:58
neozenhas anyone poked at the stable version of xfce in xubuntu02:58
neozen..ie... getting it to install/run?02:58
cellofellowFeisty is cool.02:59
neozenyeah how's that hurd2 image working?02:59
maxamillionheh .... icewm vista theme ... http://img509.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2007021220213hj0.png02:59
maxamillionneozen: hurd or herd? ... they are very different things ;)02:59
neozenit might be herd03:01
neozen...hurd is the gnu kernel in progress right?03:02
neozen...or is it the other way around?03:02
=== drx0drx-xubuntu [n=DrX-xubu@69-12-186-114.static-dsl.keyway.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45xubuntu is herd03:02
maxamillionneozen: yeah, that's right03:02
drx0drx-xubuntuhello, can anyone help me get sound working?03:03
neozenmax: I prefer the neutronium xfce theme in combination w/ linsta-black-plastic03:03
maxamillionneozen: hurd is interesting in concept, but i don't know if it will ever function well in implementation ... i've tried booting it on a number of machines and the kernel always freaks out03:03
maxamillionneozen: ??03:03
neozenheh.. just a sec03:03
maxamilliondrx0drx-xubuntu: uhmmm... we can try03:03
neozen...screenshot on the way03:03
maxamillionneozen: awesome :)03:04
cellofellowmaxamillion: I like Linux's one-piece kernel better than Hurd's Mach-based microkernel anyways.03:04
drx0drx-xubuntui used to have sound but it doesn't work anymore.  I tried known working headphones and new speakers03:04
drx0drx-xubuntuI made sure the not symbol is off03:05
maxamillioncellofellow: me too, i could see there being more issues in the mach-based approach03:05
drx0drx-xubuntuI'm playing fables_01_01_aesop.spx in sound recorder but I can't hear anything03:05
cellofellowmaybe you need to turn up the volume.03:05
cellofellowsometimes that happens03:06
=== grazie_ [n=grazie@host86-139-197-68.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu
maxamilliondrx0drx-xubuntu: right click one of your panels, click "add new item", then scroll down and select "volume control" ... then click the little speaker icon that shows up and make sure your levels are set right03:06
drx0drx-xubuntuvolume is up full03:06
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=== grazie_ is now known as grazie
drx0drx-xubuntuPCM volume & CD volume are FULL03:07
drx0drx-xubunturight click d/n do anything03:07
cellofellowopen alsamixer in a terminal03:07
drx0drx-xubuntuthis used to work & I haven't even updated Ubuntu recently03:08
neozenmax: http://neozen.no-ip.info/ss.png03:08
neozen...neutronium took a bit of futzing to get forms to be right in firefox03:08
neozenbut I just followed the instructions03:08
neozen...and they work now03:09
neozenoh ... and correction03:09
neozenneutronium is a gtk2 theme03:09
neozen...not an xfce theme03:09
drx0drx-xubuntuokay, now it just started playing but it's really really quiet and you can't hear it really03:09
cellofellowI like Murrina :)03:09
drx0drx-xubuntuboth on headphones and on speakers03:09
maxamillionneozen: nice03:09
neozendark themes are sexy03:10
cellofellow:( everything is up in alsamixer drx0drx-xubuntu ?03:10
maxamillionlol ... i stick to the usual ...03:10
cellofellowMine's darkish, charcoal and stuff, and green.03:10
drx0drx-xubuntualsa mixer, yes, got it turned up full blast!03:10
drx0drx-xubuntubut it sounds like it's in the next room with the door closed03:10
cellofellowdrx0drx-xubuntu: open a terminal and run `alsamixer`.03:10
drx0drx-xubuntuI'm in it now03:11
drx0drx-xubuntuand it used to be fine03:11
neozen....what kind of audio card?03:11
cellofellowsound card make and model?03:11
drx0drx-xubuntuon-board Realtek on Asus P5LD203:11
neozenasus ..... :shudders::03:11
drx0drx-xubuntuwe don't like asus?03:11
neozenme don't like asus03:12
drx0drx-xubuntuoh like Intel is so much better03:12
neozen.....linux probably likes it just fine03:12
neozenI honestly couldn't care... as long as it works03:12
maxamillionneozen: http://www.swooh.com/~adam/homeXubuntuEdgy.png03:12
=== neozen grins
drx0drx-xubuntuIntel once told me to buy another CPU just to update by BIOS so my dual core CPU would work, oh yeah right03:12
drx0drx-xubuntuso, any ideas why my sound sounds submerged?03:12
cellofellowMine's a Yamaha who-knows. It has basic 1/8inch speaker, line and mic jacks.03:12
cellofellowneozen: http://mellowcellofellow.homelinux.net/screenshots03:13
evilmegamanHey, xubuntu doesn't have xfce 4.4 final yet does it?03:13
neozenfeisty fawn will03:13
maxamillionevilmegaman: no, it will in feisty03:13
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drx0drx-xubuntuok progress, now the headphones sound fine03:14
=== Laibsch [n=Laibsch@p4020-ipbf2103marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #xubuntu
maxamillioncellofellow: bad link03:14
drx0drx-xubuntubut the external JBL Creature 2 speakers still suck03:14
cellofellowoops. googlepages.com instead03:14
maxamillioncellofellow: actually looks like your server is down on my end03:14
evilmegamanmaxamillion: thanks :)03:14
neozen...the speakers aren't good in this thinkpad either03:14
neozen.....but I didn't buy it for the speakers03:15
neozen...i bought it for the noise-free headphone jack03:15
=== neozen grins
maxamillionevilmegaman: no problem, there also isn't currently a plan for a backport to edgy, so it looks like we will just be having to upgrade in order to have 4.4-stable03:15
grazieat last i've done a successful burn...but I had to use nero.......03:16
drx0drx-xubuntuany ideas?03:16
maxamillionjeebus it is effing cold in my loft!!!03:16
neozen...I'm tempted to just whack out xubuntu-desktop on the lappy.. and attempt to install xfce 4.4stable from the installers on their site03:16
maxamilliondrx0drx-xubuntu: not off the top of my head .... sound in ubuntu seems to confuse me because when i run things like "alsa-config" (or whatever that command is) it claims the command doesn't exist (even when i installed the alsa apps package)03:17
cellofellowfor me it either works or doesn't. I've never configured anything.03:18
maxamilliondrx0drx-xubuntu: you could try "sudo aptitude install alsamixergui" and then run the command and see if there is an option in there that might help03:18
drx0drx-xubuntui'm wondering if the volume controls on the Creature 2 speaker system don't support LInux?03:18
drx0drx-xubuntu(I would think this would be system independent)03:18
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maxamilliondrx0drx-xubuntu: i would too03:18
cellofellowmy speakers have a volume nob, but that's the build in amplifier.03:19
neozenuse the knob dude03:19
drx0drx-xubuntui keep hitting + on the dome tweeter but no change03:19
=== neozen blinks
neozen....speakers are getting waaaay too complicated when you have to worry if your OS has support for them03:20
maxamillionso true03:20
drx0drx-xubuntuI'm going to try (evil inserted for audience) Vista and see if same is true.03:21
maxamillioni got lucky at the office actually because i was given this really nice surround sound set (because we like to listen to music while we code) and xubuntu was just like "oh, speakers ... cool" and they work03:21
neozenwhat were they incidently?03:22
drx0drx-xubuntuoh, and speaking of ASUS, they told me they don't support Vista and they don't even have it yet even tho they have the drivers on their site... yeah right.03:22
mpmcHi, I seem to be having issues installing Xubuntu 6.10, I'm using an Nvidia PCI graphics card, On the previous versions (both Ubuntu / Xubuntu, I had to edit the Xserver conf so it would find my card, But the 6.10 installation script doesn't seem to allow me to do this, It instead hangs on 'fsck check...03:23
drx0drx-xubuntumute as can be03:23
mpmcAnyone have any ideas?03:23
neozen....go w/ dapper?03:24
mpmcI can upgrade via the internet, but I have downloaded & burned the CD.03:24
=== neozen nods
drx0drx-xubuntuI have 6.1003:24
neozen...sorry.... that was a cop-out answer03:25
maxamillionneozen: i have no clue what brand they are ... :/03:25
mpmcHow would I go about upgrading 6.06 to 6.10 via the CD.03:25
neozen...you wouldn't03:25
neozento my knowledge03:25
maxamillionmpmc: can't be done03:25
neozen...did you separate your /home?03:26
neozenie... is /home in another partition?03:26
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drx0drx-xubuntuok, now it's playing really softly03:26
neozen(they should REALLY make that an option in the installer)03:26
neozenie... 2-5gb root... and the rest for home03:26
mpmcmaxamillion: I just want to upgrade, but for some reason the installation doesn't find my PCI graphics card.03:27
drx0drx-xubuntuI think the speakers are defective, the headphones are OK03:27
maxamillionneozen: it would confuse new users ... if you want to do it, use the manual partition editor ;)03:27
neozenI know03:27
maxamillionneozen: because if you come from a windows background ... /root and /home will raise a red flag of doom03:27
neozen...I just do it so often I harken for an automatic option03:28
neozen(provide simple messages)03:28
neozen/root for the os03:28
neozen/home for all your stuff03:28
maxamillionmpmc: you can't upgrade from a cd-rom because it would only upgrade the packages available on the cd-rom and anything you have installed since the original installation would then have broken dependencies03:28
neozenVERY BROKEN03:28
mpmcmaxamillion: Yeah, I thought that would be the problem03:29
grazieactually I don't like suse, but the installer is excellent for partition config03:29
cellofellowmaxamillion: actually, I think you could upgrade from the CD if you had the online stuff available as fallback.03:30
maxamilliongrazie: yeah, i will agree ... but so is fc's03:30
grazieyes. shame about everthing else03:30
maxamillioncellofellow: hrmmm.... i still think you would break a dependency somewhere03:30
mpmcWhy can't they include finding PCI graphics cards in the installation, I don't know..03:30
maxamilliongrazie: well, debian has never been stellar at a friendly installer (until the past 8 months or so) so ubuntu didn't have a whole lot to work with03:31
cellofellowmaxamillion: nah. I've a DVD to install stuff from, but I don't use it much. Apt is usually downloading things instead.03:31
mpmcOh well, Another 1.30 hours waiting for the upgrade.03:31
maxamillionmpmc: open a terminal and type "lspci | grep nvidia" and tell me if anything displays from that command03:31
mpmcmaxamillion: nothing.03:32
mpmcI'm using 'nv'03:32
maxamillionmpmc: shouldn't matter for that command ...03:33
cellofellowmaxamillion: whole point of DVD is that it's a bit faster than DSL. :) So, upgrading from a CD with repos as backup should work fine. Apt is smart enough to install the newest version of everything it finds.03:33
maxamillionmpmc: did you install the nvidia-glx package?03:33
graziempmc: how about 'lspci | grep -i vga'03:33
mpmcmaxamillion: No I didn't there isn't much point if I'm upgrading...03:34
maxamillioncellofellow: right, but the newer version will always be in the repos if trying to upgrade with a release image of edgy03:34
cellofellowhow bout just lspci and looking through it manually? it's not that long.03:34
maxamillionmpmc: yeah there is, that package isn't included by default in edgy either03:34
maxamillionmpmc: that package will probably never be included default03:34
cellofellowmaxamillion: true. well, sort of. I still install things occasionally from DVD. Like Subversion last week.03:34
mpmcmaxamillion: Yeah, I can just install it after I upgrade & edit the xconf.03:35
maxamillioncellofellow: interesting .... maybe subversion hasn't released a new version since the edgy freeze03:35
maxamillionmpmc: right ... and then run "sudo nvidia-settings" and make your linux life easier ;)03:35
neozenmpmc ...1.3 hours?03:36
maxamillionoh wow ... the nvidia-settings in the 9xxx series package is sooooo much nicer than the 8xxx series package03:37
maxamillionthey need to hurry that up for 64-bit users03:37
mpmcI tried freespire, Really hated it, Wouldn't find my Wireless card at all & I couldn't  access my USB drive.. huh, Ubuntu perfectly fine...03:37
mpmcFelt like a bad fedora core :P03:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freespire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:38
mpmcgoogle it03:38
=== neozen tickles the bot
maxamillionmpmc: yeah ... lin/freespire are both being based on ubuntu on their next release03:38
maxamillionneozen: www.freespire.org03:39
mpmcI couldn't believe how nasty it was !03:39
maxamillionmpmc: yeah ... i think it was based on debian sarge (which is pushing 4 years of age if my memory serves me right)03:40
mpmcIt felt like fedora core to me...03:40
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mpmcI havem't been using Linux long, about 8 months... I just can't decide what OS to use...03:41
maxamillionmpmc: Ubuntu is a good place to start, Xubuntu is a good place to stay03:42
mpmcI'm Duel booting XP, which I'm getting sick of :P03:42
maxamillionUbuntu is a little too automated for my taste and gnome is a tad too bloated, Xubuntu is juuuust right ;)03:42
cellofellowhehe, Duel Booting. Funny. :)03:42
=== neozen grins
cellofellowXP is dead!03:43
maxamillioncellofellow: i have to at work because sometimes i have to code for windows machines :(03:43
neozenround one .... FIGHT!03:43
milkiicould someone help me with configuring xubuntu for ati :/ it just keeps annoying me03:43
maxamillionneozen: no fighting03:43
neozenyeah... I might be able to help ye milkii03:43
maxamillionmilkii: oh goodness, this could take a while .... what ati card do you have?03:43
neozenwhat kind of ati?03:43
cellofellowmaxamillion: Duel Booting, get it? Like Texas gunslingers.03:43
milkiii have a x800 gto03:44
neozenall yours max03:44
neozenI'm a radeon support kind of guy03:44
neozenas in one radeon03:44
milkiiwell its radeon isnt it03:44
mpmcmaxamillion: Ubuntu was my first try of linux.. felt bloated.... I tried Xubuntu and loved it.. very fast & easy to user...03:44
neozen...the ancient one03:44
neozen...thats in my server03:44
milkiithe x80003:45
neozen.... that's right.... a server w/ a nice graphics card03:45
cellofellowsince when did servers need accelerated graphics cards?03:45
mpmcDamn sorry about my spellings, It's is 2.45am after all..03:45
neozencello: it came w/ the box03:45
neozen...who was I to complain03:45
neozen...and it serves text just fine03:45
=== neozen grins
cellofellowcould always put it in a different box.03:45
maxamillionmilkii: ok, just a moment ... i have a link that will help03:46
milkiiok thank you03:46
neozen....but all the other boxen I have would just slow it down03:46
neozen....it'd be like making a midget suck an elephant through a garden hose03:46
cellofellowMy server has an old PCI non-accelerated graphics card. Real hunk of junk. I considered taking it out and dual-heading, but decided not to.03:46
graziemilkii: don't think there are many ati users on this channel. I've got one my mac, but there's no binary dirvers that :(03:46
cellofellownvidia here.03:47
maxamillionmilkii: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19013303:47
maxamillionmilkii: that should help, if not ... let me know and we can work from there03:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:47
mpmcOk people, I hate to ask this, but I need an IM Client... I'm not a big fan of gaim, amsn, bitbee, I just want something nice.. :P03:47
milkiiyou mean i cant play with xubuntu <<03:47
neozenwhere does ati stick their model numbers on their boards?03:47
cellofellowwhat protocol?03:47
maxamillionmilkii: actually ... hollow that ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto first03:47
mpmccellofellow: MSNP / IRC.03:48
maxamillionneozen: no clue03:48
neozenmikii... oh but you can!03:48
milkiineed to get my display working first03:48
neozenit works... its just not accelerated03:48
neozen...we'll juice ye up03:48
cellofellowmpmc: there's one called Emesene that I use form MSN. I just use XChat or Irssi for IRC and Gajim for GTalk.03:48
maxamillionmmmmmm irsssi03:49
neozenI use gaim for irc03:49
neozen...seems to work just fine03:49
maxamillionit does03:49
cellofellowI don't like gaim.03:49
cellofellowBloated for an IM client.03:49
milkiiah good link <<03:49
maxamillionmilkii: which one?03:49
milkiithe first one03:49
neozenit is a little large on the screen real-estate03:49
cellofellowprolly the wiki.03:49
=== maxamillion hopes so
maxamillioni think the wiki is a better link, but i completely forgot about it at first03:50
milkiibut theres a problem. if i type sudo nano etc/.... i get a blank editor with no text oO03:50
cellofellowGajim as a nice little slim and slick jabber client.03:50
neozennot etc/03:50
mpmccellofellow: Emesene, Looks like it will do the job :)03:50
neozenyou want /etc/03:50
neozengot that milkii?03:50
maxamillionmilkii: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" i believe is what you are looking for03:51
cellofellowmpmc: I had to compile (no big deal, it's python.) it's not in the repos.03:51
maxamillioncellofellow: compile python?03:51
milkiiyes. i mean i type sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf and it opens a blank editor screen03:51
cellofellowmaxamillion: well, run make.03:51
maxamillionmilkii: you have to capitalize the X03:51
maxamillioncellofellow: lol ... cute03:51
neozennice catch03:51
=== maxamillion has been doing this for years
cellofellowUNIX has always had case sensitivity.03:52
milkiiwhat is the x <<03:52
mpmccellofellow: Hmm.. Got a deb for Emesene :P03:52
neozen..I have noticed one strange thing w/ thunar03:52
maxamillionmilkii: what?03:52
mpmccellofellow: I was asking you if you had one :P03:52
neozensorts files Capitals first... then lower case....03:52
cellofellowmilkii: /etc/X11/xorg.conf, not /etc/x11/xorg.conf03:52
neozen...and doesn't allow you to rename on fat3203:52
cellofellowmpmc: I think I used checkinstall, let me see.03:52
neozen...any way to fix that sort order?03:53
maxamillionmilkii: oh ... sorry, i didn't specify where the 'X' needed to be03:53
neozenie.... tell thunar to ignore case?03:53
=== maxamillion == noob
milkiihaha no u helped me much i think03:53
maxamillionneozen: maybe, but i can't promise anything .... might be in preferences03:53
maxamillionneozen: yeah ... i lied, sorry bout that03:54
neozenpreferences is awfully sparse03:54
cellofellowmpmc: sorry, no deb file. I must have use make install instead of checkinstall03:54
cellofellowactually, no makefile. I think I copied it into /usr/local/* manually03:55
mpmcI could really use a Game of cannon fodder, I miss that Amiga! Bloody brother stole it & sold it..03:55
milkiithank you for helping me out. ill return in a few minutes :)03:55
neozenthere's got to be an emu out there mpmc03:55
neozenjust a sec03:56
neozen...there you go03:56
neozen*two of them03:57
mpmcneozen: : Thanks.. I just need to find the games on the net now... He took the 4000 floppy disks too...03:57
cellofellowmpmc: can't remember how I installed emesene, but it works and there are compiled pyc files and apt doesn't know it's there I think.03:57
graziemaxamillion: do you know if today's release is herd4 or still herd3?03:57
mpmccellofellow: : Ok...03:57
cellofellowdinner time03:58
maxamilliongrazie: todays release?03:58
maxamilliongrazie: i do think we skipped herd3 because we were off schedule03:59
graziemaxamillion: so we're at herd4?03:59
maxamilliongrazie: yea03:59
maxamillionanyhoo i'm off to dinner ... bbl04:00
mpmcSo whats everyone doing?04:00
neozenleaving class04:01
neozengoing to linux group04:01
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neozengoing away for a bit all04:02
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VilhelmsI just installed the latest version of gaim and it won't pick up on my Gtk theme :(04:03
mpmcVilhelms: Have you tried #gaim?04:04
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VilhelmsLet me try that :)04:04
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Jester45i think he didnt install the gtk theme plugin04:17
Jester45so gaim uses it04:18
milkiiargh :/ why is installing linux so complicated04:21
Jester45its not04:23
milkiioh yes it is ^^04:24
Jester45what are you installing it on and what cd live or alt04:24
mpmcDoes not compute.04:24
Jester45milkii: i install mine with 6 clicks of the mouse04:25
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milkiiwish i could use mouse04:26
Jester45are you useing the alternative cd?04:26
milkiii am04:26
Jester45whats making it so hard04:27
milkiifinally managed to install it but cant boot the display04:27
Jester45we might be able to help04:27
Jester45are you installing on a mac?04:27
milkiinope. amd6404:27
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milkiihave x800 graphics04:28
milkiimaximillion gave me some wise tips but it didnt help. maybe i screw the config up alrdy04:28
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jaime_kIs this the right place for questions?04:30
Jester45depends on the qusetion04:31
Jester45mostly its the right place04:32
Jester45go head and ask04:32
jaime_kI have over a decade experience with BSD unix and Mac management.  I'm wondering how hard it would be to bring Xubuntu workstations with some kind of network booting.04:32
jaime_k(Public school.  DHCP server manually configured on Unix system.  Mostly Mac workstations and Mac and Unix servers.)04:33
=== deep [n=deep@c-a12a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #xubuntu
deepIM IN LOVE WITH XFCE! :)04:33
mpmcdeep: It is great isn't it..04:34
deepOhyes. ^^ I just saw the most amazing screenshot, and i tried dreamlinux today in school. I love it. ^^04:34
jaime_kI used XFCE in 1998 and liked it a lot back then.  Nice and low overhead, yet more than functional enough.04:35
jaime_kSay, anyone know if Xubuntu supports PowerMac G3 systems?  I think I have a few of those.04:35
deepAh, now then, lets see if xfce wants to work. :)04:36
deepAh, have to install some other stuff first, nice. :)04:36
deepThe ubuntu automation is amazing. (:04:37
deepAnd yes, i am a bit new. ^^ heh04:37
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Jester45jaime_k: its supports G3s04:38
Jester45and its not that hard to setup a netboo04:38
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:38
jaime_kJester45:  Thanks.  Can it netboot them?04:38
Jester45check those04:38
jaime_kVery cool.  Thanks04:38
MightyMountai1Excuse me, I'm attempting to extract a .tar.bz2 folder onto an SD Card, but when I open Thunar (even as root), the card (it's partitioned) doesn't show itself as an option.  I tried to extract the folder onto my desktop, so I could transfer the files manually, but I encounter an error when attempting to extract the entire folder.  Any suggestions?04:39
jaime_kCan netbooting be done without making the server into your main DHCP server?04:40
Jester45im not sure04:40
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jaime_kThanks for the answer.  I appreciate the time.04:41
Jester45sorry i dont know more04:41
jaime_kSchool is out of session next week.  Maybe I'll find the time for a test run with those G3s.  :)04:41
Jester45xubuntu is pretty flexible04:41
Jester45jaime_k: may i ask what school04:42
jaime_kIts OK.  The actual REPLY is nice.  Too often I see people in IRC channels that are like large echoing chasms.04:42
jaime_kCairo-Durham CSD in NY.  http://www.cairodurham.org04:42
jaime_kI just replaced the web site with a Drupal install during the superbowl.04:43
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Jester45nice time :) nobody will be on site then04:43
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tripppywhat is min size of a HDD install?04:44
Jester451gb? maybe04:45
tripppynow to find a HDD04:47
Jester45jaime_k: would you know what afpovertcp is?04:48
neozentrippy: for xubuntu I believe it is 2gb04:49
Jester45tripppy: might be less im not sure you could use a alternative cd to not install some packages04:49
tripppysweet. so 2.1gig would be ok with a 1GH cpu and 256mb ram?04:50
Jester45not much room after install04:51
Jester45the swap partion might be small04:51
jaime_kSorry, AFK.04:53
jaime_kJester45:  Its a Mac filesharing protocol04:53
tripppyok. ill use a 4.3 gig04:54
jaime_kMacOS X, AppleShareIP (for MacOS 9 or lower), and NetATalk (for Unix) can all do it04:54
neozen256 mb ram04:54
neozenu runnin console or gui04:55
Jester45256mb of ram is fine for gui04:55
jaime_kJester45:  Why did you ask about afpovertcp?04:57
Jester45just wondering04:59
Jester45i hate compling04:59
Jester45takes forever05:00
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Jester45your back!!!05:08
cellofellowyes i am :)05:08
Jester45i should work on the scripts or the site05:11
tripppyi ran the live cd for awhile on my system. works fine05:12
tripppyjust installing now05:12
Jester45thats good05:12
Jester45cellofellow: do you only have 1 computer?05:13
tripppywhen i let the installer erase whole HDD. does it allocate swap partition?05:13
cellofellow*I* have only one. The server is sort of mine.05:13
cellofellowtripppy: yeah05:13
Jester45yes it uses a forumal based on the RAM your have and the HDD space05:13
cellofellow*sighs* there's another computer just around the corner PIII with 96MB and Win98. Family keeps complaining it's slow. Sure would like to install Xubuntu but I need two things: A notation program with MIDI capabilities, and a mail client that works with Juno. (Yet to find one. Thunderbird, Sylpheed. Haven't tried Evolution.)05:21
Jester45why you need those05:24
cellofellowMy mom.05:24
Jester45you shoudl get more ram05:24
cellofellowI know.05:24
Jester45it would help alot05:24
cellofellowI have a friend, and he's got ram, but I need to get it from him.05:25
Jester45wheres the config for ddclient05:27
cellofellowactually, the mail client is secondary. What is REALLY needed is the notation program. I've tried Denomo, no MIDI. NoteEdit, KDE and won't playback on ALSA and I have no midi port on this computer. Rosegarden is also KDE and is a sequencer, not a notation program. LilyPond is too unix-y.05:27
Jester45im gonna back it up so i dont lose it05:28
cellofellowback what up?05:28
Jester45ddclient config05:28
cellofellowoh, hehe, good idea.05:28
Jester45i think thats the name05:29
Jester45where it at /usr/somthing05:29
Jester45or etc05:29
Jester45just found it05:29
cellofellowbrb again05:32
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El3M3NTOh holy shit.05:33
El3M3NTOh only 72 people.05:33
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=== neozen chuckles
cellofellowback again05:34
cellofellowI got tired of trasparency so I restarted X without the composting stuff.05:35
neozenI can deal w/ psudo transparency05:37
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cellofellowtransparent windows. Trying to read a Python eBook and code Python at the same time without dual monitors calls for trasnparency.05:39
neozenI use two computers and synergy05:39
neozensynergy is wonderful05:39
Jester45i use 2 moniters05:39
cellofellowwhatever then. My box can't handle dual monitors unfortunately05:40
cellofellowbrb I think05:40
neozenneither could either of mine05:40
neozen...that's why I use synergy05:40
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neozenwell... its time to hop the train home05:41
neozenbye all05:41
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LaibschIs anybody here using multisync to successfully sync *to* evolution?07:15
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Rymac91I need help...07:40
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Rymac91when I try to play video's on youtube or google video or anywhere that uses a flash player based player...07:41
Rymac91...the video will freeze constantly or become unresponsive...07:41
Rymac91..why...and is there anyway to fix this?07:42
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tripppywhat a good remtoe desktop app for xubuntu?08:44
hyper_chtripppy: server or client?08:48
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tripppyhyper_ch, server10:38
hyper_chI use krdc10:39
tripppyoh . kewl10:41
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J_Phi all11:08
J_Phey all, is possible install xubuntu on pentium 100mhz ?11:08
J_PAre there some tutorial for this, remember that machine don't boot via CD, only floopy disk11:09
hyper_chJ_P: how much ram?11:21
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DimensionsHiya ... i am installing xubuntu on my usb 2 gb flash drive ..its asking where will i install my Grub ... hd0 .... where should i install boot loader if im to boot from my flash drive always without a hdd ?11:44
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Gorlistok quick question :) when I load up Xubuntu it keep opening a blank OpenOffice Writer document...11:59
GorlistI have been suggested its due to automatic session loader - problem is can't find anything in regards to it12:00
Gorlistany ideas?12:00
hyper_chclose OOo12:00
hyper_chclose all other appz you don't want to have auto-started12:00
hyper_chstart all appz you do want to have auto-started12:00
Gorlistsave session, log out?12:00
hyper_chThen Applications --> Quit12:01
hyper_chCheck the "save session"12:01
hyper_chand then logout12:01
Gorlistright ok will give it ago thanks ;)12:01
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Gorlistworked thanks12:02
hyper_chGorlist: do you know how I can make OOo Writer start with a new document already open?12:02
Gorlistnot sure, I assume I must have opened OOo as a new document, left it run and closed down saving session12:04
Gorlistso everytime i reloaded it came up with new document12:04
hyper_chit doesn't behave like that for me :(12:04
Gorlistvery strange - if you save a session does it work with anything?12:05
hyper_chI don't want to save it as session :)12:05
Gorlistbut if you do it once12:05
Gorlistthen it will always remeber :)12:05
Gorlistso just save with a new OOo writer document open12:06
hyper_chok :) i'll try12:06
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hyper_chnope, not really12:08
hyper_chit didn't save the session properly12:08
Gorlisthow so?12:08
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hyper_chreally strange12:10
hyper_choh well, I'll try some other time :)12:11
graziehyper_ch: hi12:20
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hyper_chhiho grazie12:44
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Gorlistanyone here good at OOo formulas?01:11
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graziehyper_ch: I'm being a bit lazy. Do you know if it's possible to run vmware images from virtualbox? Looks like it isn't possible yet.01:23
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hyper_chgrazie: no it isn't01:46
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graziehyper_ch: thanks anyway02:17
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hyper_chgrazie: just got NXServer to run :)02:47
graziehyper_ch: good! That's commercial sw isn't it?02:49
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hyper_chgrazie: it got a freeversion03:02
graziehyper_ch: free client too?03:03
hyper_chgrazie: you don't know german, do you?03:04
grazieno german no. i'll have a look at NX again, thanks03:05
hyper_chgrazie: http://www.simplylinux.ch/linux-applikationen-ueberall-verwenden-nxserver03:05
hyper_chthat's just how I did it03:05
hyper_chyou may not understand the text but the commands :)03:06
hyper_chI'll add it to howtoforge.com I think03:07
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sacaterdoes anyone know when feisty fawn is going to be released as a stable OS03:14
crimsun!schedule |sacater03:15
ubotusacater: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:15
sacaterthanks ubotu03:15
sacateri meant what date, as in march 12?03:16
sacaterthe exact release date03:17
crimsundid you actually read the links I gave you?03:18
crimsun(obviously not)03:18
sacaterfor a laptop i get the x86 release yes?03:21
crimsunwhich /type/ of laptop?03:21
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sacaterone thats about 1 year ol03:22
sacaterim getting it and thats all i know03:22
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kalikianaany generic way of fixing this kind of compile error: "undefined reference to `g_thread_init'"??03:23
crimsunso is it a macbook pro? a powerbook? a dell/hp/gw/ibm/... ?03:23
crimsunkalikiana: libglib2.0-dev installed with pkg-config used properly?03:23
sacateri know its toshiba03:24
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crimsunso either i386 or amd6403:25
sacaterwould pc x86 be okay for it03:25
sacater386 i expect03:25
graziesacater: can't you get the machine first and then look for the right build?03:25
sacateri suppose03:25
sacatergrazie: would you SUSPECT, it is PC x8603:26
sacaterin Live cd03:26
kalikianacrimsun, i do have glib2 and configure went fine, but it's no my own code o-O, so how would I use pkg-config?03:26
sacaterthats what i want to know03:26
sacaterwhich one03:26
grazieprolly yes, but you might be lucky and get an amd6403:27
sacaterthe laptop is also running xp atm, but im gonna overwrite with xubuntu03:27
sacateri reckon its 38603:27
sacateri wanna beta test feisty fawn on it03:27
sacaterthats why im asking03:28
crimsunkalikiana: but during linking is lglib* actually used?03:28
crimsunkalikiana: meaning lgthread, etc.03:28
sacateranyone have a clue what a 'Daily Build' is03:28
crimsunsacater: so grab the i386 image and03:28
crimsuna daily build is generated daily03:28
crimsuni.e., a snapshot of the current working tree. It may be horribly broken.03:28
sacaterthought so03:29
sacatergrr, i have the 6.10 xubuntu03:30
sacaterbut im wondering whether its worth installing, so close to a distor upgrade03:30
kalikianacrimsun, i don't see gthread anywhere in the failing line, should i just try to append '-lgthread'?03:30
crimsunkalikiana: sure, but that means your autotools (configure.in? Makefile.in?) config is broken03:31
kalikianasacater, better use a pre-release if you want to limit the possible amount of errors ;)03:31
sacaterkalikiana: where would i obtain that from :P03:34
kalikianasacater, browse the ubuntu websites, should there not be one?03:34
sacaterill do that03:35
kalikianacrimsun, i do have .in and .am files, how would I regenerate the files for building?03:35
sacatercant find a pre-release by googling for it03:37
graziesacater: distro watch is good place to look for linux distro03:43
graziesacater: here's a link for ubuntu releases http://distrowatch.com/index.php?distribution=ubuntu&month=all&year=all03:43
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sacatergrazie: you seem pretty 1337, if i wanted to this new laptop through my pc, then to the outside world, what would i have to doi03:49
sacateri have 2 network ports, one with the web, and one spare03:49
sacaterill also be using that for FTP03:49
siegfried__Does it make sense to install openoffice on xubuntu or should I be using a different distro that already has it? I tried apt-get install openoffice but it did not know what that was.03:52
kalikianasiegfried__, try openoffice.org ;)03:54
kalikianawether or not openoffice.org makes sense to you depends on the power of your hardware and wether abiword or gnumeric is all you need03:55
sacaterthats my own video :P03:56
kalikianathat's weird: trackerd seems to be immune to killall O-o03:57
siegfried__What about emacs? apt-get does not know about emacs either.03:59
kalikianasiegfried__, 'emacs' is actually a package. if neither is installable to you they might be in universe i wonder?04:01
kalikianaby the way 'apt-cache search' is handy sometimes :P04:01
siegfried__apt-get openoffice.org is working. Thanks. Since it is prompting me for the installation CD, does that mean it is installing openoffice.org from the CD? Is there a way I can make it install from the internet instead?04:03
hyper_chsiegfried__: comment out the cd as source in /etc/apt/sources.list04:03
siegfried__Does anyone know how to get the size of a device, the amount available and the amount used in a C program without using "df" and parsing the output?04:06
kalikianai'd know how to do that in python :P04:08
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graziehyper_ch: is it not possible to set up a virtualbox machine outside /home?04:20
siegfried__how do you do it in python?04:24
kalikianasiegfried__, if it's unix only: stat = os.statvfs(drive); size = stat.f_bavail * stat.f_bsize04:27
kalikianayou'll want to look closer at stat's values; the 'size' above is the remaining space04:28
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hyper_chgrazie: sure it is04:35
graziehyper_ch: how? every time I create a disk in vb it put's it in /home/user/.VirtualBox, with no other options04:38
hyper_chI symlinked it04:38
hyper_chln -s /media/sda1/vbox /home/user/.VirtualBox04:39
graziehyper_ch: also mounting a vb image from linux is possible?04:40
hyper_chgrazie: ???04:46
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mpmcHi, I'm looking for a simple MSN Messenger client (Not, GAIM, Amsn, Nor text based ones)04:48
mpmcNor that :P04:48
hyper_chthen good luck04:48
graziehyper_ch: mount -t ??? -o ??? /home/user/.VirtualBox/VDI/image.vdi /mnt04:48
hyper_chgrazie: try it04:49
hyper_chgrazie: althought I don't think that this works04:49
graziehyper_ch: I'll read up04:49
hyper_chgrazie: you may want to ask in #vbox04:50
mpmcgrazie: You were here last night, can you remember what Messenger client someone recommended that I try?04:50
grazie!log | mpmc04:51
ubotumpmc: Channel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs04:51
graziempmc: search the log04:51
mpmcI am :P04:53
mpmcCall me blind, but I can't find any of my messages in the logs :P04:54
mpmcIt's a day out of date, :P04:55
graziempmc: Emesene04:56
graziempmc: it's there in the logs04:57
mpmcI know04:57
mpmcI was looking in the wrong log :P04:57
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siegfried__the default debian installation has a nice program that is a GUI version of smbclient that will enumerate all the samba servers and then let me enumerate each samba server. (I wonder if this program is nautilaus?)  Is there a similar GUI program that I can install on xubuntu?04:59
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hyper_chenumerate all the samba servers???04:59
hyper_chwhat is that program called?04:59
communist_popeHow long would it take to boot xubuntu from cd, for install, on a 128mb ram with 266mhz05:00
siegfried__It was in the menu under networks. I think it was "show servers".05:00
tuxcrafterhello, i have a question. the website links in a pdf opened with evince-gtk in xubutu 6.10 are not working. How do i solve this?05:01
hyper_chwhat was the program's name?05:01
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hyper_chcommunist_pope: take alternate install cd and it'll be about 40min05:01
siegfried__I did not know how to find out.05:01
communist_popehyper_ch: where can i download the alternative?05:02
sacatergrazie: how do i route my laptops web connection through my Main pc05:02
maxamillioncommunist_pope: www.xubuntu.com/get05:02
=== maxamillion swears he maintains a website for nothing
graziemaxamillion: is there an evince pdf browser plugin? I didn't think there was05:05
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maxamilliongrazie: evince? ... not that i know of, but there should be the adobe plugin for firefox on the i386 platform05:06
tuxcrafterThe website links in a pdf opened with evince-gtk in xubutu 6.10 are not working. When run from the commanline no information is given when the website links do not open a browser.05:06
grazietuxcrafter: read ^^05:06
maxamilliontuxcrafter: will they not download?05:06
grazietuxcrafter: the adobe plugin details are here >> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_PDF_Reader_.28Adobe_Reader.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox05:07
tuxcraftergrazie: maxamillion: when opening a link nothing happens05:07
tuxcraftergrazie: I dont want to have pdf opening in firefox05:07
maxamilliontuxcrafter: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-25685.html05:07
graziemaxamillion: ta05:07
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maxamilliongrazie: ta?05:08
maxamilliongrazie: ah, rgr ... np05:08
tuxcrafterdamm i must be very unclear about my problem05:08
graziemaxamillion: northern english slang :)05:08
maxamilliongrazie: apparently there is a way to embed evince in firefox, but it doesn't appear to be a standard "plugin"05:09
maxamilliongrazie: rgr05:09
grazietuxcrafter: what do you want to do?05:09
tuxcrafterIn some pdf files there are links to websites and emails that someone can clink on an the webrowser will open this link. When a website links in a pdf file opened with evince-gtk in xubutu 6.10 are clickt they do nothing. They are not working. When run from the commanline no information is given when the website links do not open a browser. How can we solve this problem?05:10
kalikianamaxamillion: that link speaks about embedding evince in firefox, doesn't it?05:10
maxamillionkalikiana: sure does05:10
kalikianaso does it work/ is it reasonable to use?05:11
maxamilliontuxcrafter: please do not double post, you just said the same thing a moment ago ... did you look at the link i sent you?05:11
maxamillionkalikiana: no clue ... i don't bother, when i click a pdf link i am asked if i want to open it with xpdf or save to disk and that works perfectly for me, i think having firefox handle pdfs with a plugin is asking for a memory hemmorage and probable/possible firefox or X crash ... but that's just my opinion05:13
tuxcraftermaxamillion: the link is about opening pdf file in firefox correct? This is not my problem. i want to open a website link in a pdf file :-D05:13
grazietuxcrafter: ah right! no idea  sorry05:13
maxamilliontuxcrafter: ohhhhhh!!!!05:13
maxamilliontuxcrafter: open the pdf in xpdf, highlight the link and copy/paste it into the broswer05:14
tuxcraftermaxamillion: what was so unclear on the description of my post maybe you can tell me so i can work on ti05:14
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maxamilliontuxcrafter: nothing, it was my fault ... mis-interpretation sorry about that05:14
kalikianamaxamillion, i asked only because i wondered if it might work w/o instability and memory hunger - which is apparently a dream. so i'll keep opening files standalone :)05:15
tuxcraftermaxamillion: it is the purposes that the link can be automatically open there for the functionality in evince when right clinking on a link en select open link is there. but this is not working in my xubuntu. how can we solve it (not asking for alternatives)05:16
maxamillionkalikiana: i would assume evince to be less of a mem hog then adobe, but i still worry because firefox in all of its glory enjoys dying without warning05:17
kalikianatuxcrafter, maybe x-www-browser is defective?05:17
tuxcrafterkalikiana: yes maybe what was that command again to select the default browser05:17
maxamilliontuxcrafter: ohhh, ok ... its also possible that evince doesn't know what your default broswer is, let me install evince real quick so i can take a look at its options05:17
tuxcraftermaxamillion: (evince-gtk)! xubuntu05:18
kalikianamaxamillion, it might actually make even worse what happens when trackerd, folding@home and many tabs are fighting for a place on the 'top' ten :P05:18
maxamilliontuxcrafter: ah, rgr05:18
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maxamillionkalikiana: lol05:19
tuxcraftermaxamillion: (btw links in xpdf are working fine05:19
kalikianatuxcrafter, I had a problem with the different symlinks like x-www-browser and the others but I just re-created the links manually because that dpkg-reconfigure-something didn't work for me05:19
maxamilliontuxcrafter: interesting05:19
tuxcraftermaxamillion: (but mailto links in xpdf are not working but it is trying someting (cpu load)05:21
tuxcrafteryou can test links for example by making a pdf with open office that contains weblinks and email links05:21
tuxcrafter(btw (by the way) what means rgr05:23
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maxamilliontuxcrafter: rgr is short hand for "roger" or "acknowledged"05:27
tuxcraftermaxamillion: oke thanks, have you find the place where evince is configuring its default browser and email tool05:28
maxamilliontuxcrafter: honestly, this appears to be a bug and i would suggest you report it to launchpad05:28
maxamilliontuxcrafter: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu <-- launchpad, bug tracking system for ubuntu05:28
tuxcraftermaxamillion: do you have the time to fill it??05:29
tuxcraftermaxamillion: i also have printing problems with evince gtk and xubuntu05:30
maxamilliontuxcrafter: you running edgy?05:31
tuxcraftermaxamillion: of course :-D05:31
maxamilliontuxcrafter: i386?05:31
tuxcraftermaxamillion: but i am a advanced user and have find a hole list of possible bugs05:32
tuxcraftermaxamillion: yes i368 but that should not matter do?05:32
maxamilliontuxcrafter: of course it matters, because the binary is compiled for i386 so if you submit a bug report for a package on i386, it might not pertain to amd64 or powerpc05:33
tuxcrafteryes oke sorry :-D05:33
maxamillionno worries05:33
maxamillioni think launchpad might be down or something ... the bug link isn't available :(05:34
kalikianamaxamillion: would you be able to help me compiling a tarball?05:37
maxamillionkalikiana: sure05:37
sacaterlaunchpad isnt down cos im using it05:38
=== maxamillion blows dust off the part of his brain that is used for such things
maxamillionsacater: i know the whole site isn't down, but are you able to see the bug reports?05:38
sacaterwanna screenshot05:38
maxamillionno ... just curious why i can't05:39
sacaterit took a while to load mind you05:39
maxamillionkalikiana: actually ... i have to go to class in like 10 minutes so i might not be of much help05:39
kalikianaI would like to compile osb-browser and it fails by missing g_thread_init which has to do with libgthread05:39
mpmcGod, I really hate Gaim :P05:39
kalikianamaxamillion: that'd be okay, my life doesn't depend on compiling it now :P05:39
maxamillionmpmc: gaim suffices for things like aim, jabber, etc. ... but i need irssi in my life for irc :)05:40
maxamillionkalikiana: rgr05:40
maxamillionkalikiana: misses g_thread_init ... you sure you have a new enough version of libgthread or even have it installed at all?05:40
mpmcmaxamillion: Yeah, I only use IRC / MSN.. I really hate it I just want something simple...05:41
kalikianamaxamillion, i think so. ought to be in glib afaik05:41
kalikianaand configure didn't fail05:41
maxamillionconfig didn't fail but make does?05:42
maxamillion.... no good05:42
kalikianayep, so since .in and .am files are present, would that be any helpful? like recreating the makefile or something?05:43
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kalikianasadly there is nothing in the readme and it's no svn archive05:43
maxamillionglorious ... and you have build-essential installed i assume since it passed the ./configure?05:44
kalikianayep, sure compiled several things already.05:45
maxamillionyeah ... i'm at a loss, its probably an issue with the make file05:46
kalikianaso should i try to add -lgthread somewhere?05:46
maxamillionyou could try ... worst case scenario is that it still won't compile05:47
maxamillionannnnnnnd class05:47
maxamillioni'll bbl05:47
kalikianaciao :)05:47
UbugtuMalone bug 77186 in poppler "http links don't work correctly" [Low,Fix committed] 05:48
tuxcrafterwo thats not the bug beheavur i have sorry!05:50
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siegfried__I would like to install a g85 printer on my new xubuntu system. Do I start with pointing a browser at http://localhost:631 (what is the port for CUPS? I forogot).06:27
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VilhelmsI installed xubuntu-desktop and was wondering if its possible to upgrade to XFCE 4.4.06:57
kalikianaVilhems, not through the repos, until feisty that is.06:57
kalikianahowever you might download the graphical installer and install it to /usr manually.06:58
Vilhelmskalikiana, So could I do it if I download the source and compile it? Or is it too risky?06:58
kalikianaVilhems, I did that and it works fine. Just a) use the installer (or it may get a bit more complicated) and b) install to /usr06:59
kalikianaif you use a different prefix it may break your existing installation.06:59
siegfried__I'm reading http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_a_printer -- is this appropriate for xubuntu? It says Go to "System -> Administration -> Printing" but I don't have such a menu entry.07:00
kalikianaactually compiling from source works of course. but installing to /usr/local is no good thing.07:00
Vilhelmskalikiana, Where should I compile it then?07:00
Vilhelmskalikiana, The compile path is done with ./configure prefix=/path/ right?07:01
kalikianasiegfried__, there are different apps in 'generic' ubuntu, so look in settings->.. instead07:01
kalikianaVilhelms, if you compile manually, yes, e.g. ./configure prefix=/usr07:02
siegfried__Printer system settings? That just displays some version numbers and allows me to select cups.07:02
grazieVilhelms: you don't have to compile unless you want to...there's a .deb package available07:03
Vilhelmsgrazie, Ohh okay :)07:03
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kalikianagrazie, for xubuntu < feisty? i didn't know about that07:05
graziekalikiana: ?07:05
Vilhelmsi'm on edgy, is there a deb for edgy? ( i think thats what kalikiana is saying )07:05
VilhelmsWould the debian deb package work for Ubuntu/edgy?07:06
VilhelmsI don't know much about their compatibility lol07:07
kalikianayeah, I only know about a xubuntu feisty package of xfce stable07:07
grazieVilhelms: at xfce.org there's the installer (which includes the compiled package)... .deb was wrong term to use07:07
kalikianagrazie, it'd be wrong to call it compiled, but easily joined :)07:08
graziekalikiana: yes ok07:08
Vilhelmsso use the .run file?07:09
kalikianain any case, the installer takes good care of compilation steps in the right orders :)07:09
kalikianaVilhelms, yes, that'd be the easiest07:09
Vilhelmskalikiana, so in a .run do i haev to do the whole <filename>.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/edgy?07:09
Vilhelmsi rememer doing that with my video card drivers...07:09
Vilhelmsor do i just excute it?07:09
maxamillionsiegfried__: i don't know entirely what you are trying to do, i just scanned the logs but with printing I generally install the gnome printer config tool, it doesn't pull many dependancies and makes life a whole lot easier07:09
kalikianaVilhelms, just execute it07:10
Vilhelmskalikiana, alright :) thanks so much!07:10
kalikianaVilhelms, it'll tell you about missing dependencies. by the way you can sefely enable 'optimizations' for x86 :)07:11
kalikianaI'm off now. ciao!07:11
Vilhelmskalikiana, have a good one, thanks for the tips :)07:12
kalikianasee you :)07:12
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_siegfried_Why does http://localhost:631 say file not found? When I go to the services menu, I see a list of services including cupsys and its checkbox is selected. I click OK but that does not help.07:13
Vilhelmsahh when i opened the .run it opened in gedit :(07:13
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geburahello everybody07:14
geburai have a question:07:14
geburais xfce 4.4 inclued in latest xubuntu ?07:15
gebura(i don't know very well ubuntu , and i haven't found packages.debian.org alike07:15
geburaif it's not included does anybody have an idea about when it will be done ?07:16
maxamilliongebura: technically, yes ... xfce4.4-beta2 is but because of the stable package freeze at the end of the development cycle for edgy (6.10 - most recent stable release) we were unable to include xfce4.4-final/stable release .... it will be included in feisty though that will release in april07:16
maxamillionif you would look to search for packages that way07:17
geburaloving you :)07:17
maxamillioni try, i try07:17
graziemaxamillion: no ever loves me!07:17
maxamilliongrazie: what can i say, i'm just a lovable guy :P07:18
grazieso true07:18
geburaso if i install a feistry now ( or i install a edgy and upgrade) i will get this versions ?07:18
maxamilliongebura: yes, but feisty is still in alpha stages of development, so its stability is not certain07:19
maxamilliongebura: there really isn't a big feature difference between the edgy version and feisty version, just that it has been released as officially stable in feisty ... i might recommend waiting for feisty unless you consider youself an advanced user .... feisty is roughly equivalent to debian's sid branch in its current state07:20
geburai consider myself as an advanced user but it 's not for , its for a friend you don't know every thing in computer/computer sciences, if you said that it is like sid , i don't think it's a good idea but if it's like testing maybe i can be good07:22
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geburasome feature of 4.4 are very important for me if i want to make a great desktop for user who don't know every thing07:23
maxamillionits still too early in the development cycle for me to say it would be as stable as debian-testing branch ...07:23
gebura(like support of hal, usb key/drive discover...)07:23
maxamilliongebura: i agree and edgy has 4.4 ... but its the beta2, not the official release07:23
maxamilliongebura: that's all there ... i use my usb key all the time, plug it in and the icon pops up on the desktop07:23
maxamilliondouble click the icon and Thunar jumps into action07:24
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geburatou said that is it is a beta , it is stable ?07:25
geburayou sorry07:25
maxamilliongebura: yes, its stable ... i run it on 6 different machines (3 at work, 3 at home) 1 PowerPC G4, 3 i386, 2 amd64 and none of them have any problems07:27
geburaok, great07:28
maxamillionone of them is a test implementation server that i just left the gui for kicks07:28
geburai think i will install a edgy07:28
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geburamay thanks :)07:30
VilhelmsIs /home/jfanaian/local a good place to install xfce4.4?07:31
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maxamillionVilhelms: i don't recommend you install xfce4.4 at all ... many have tried, i haven't heard of a successful attempt thus far07:32
Vilhelmsmaxamillion, Oh really? I asked earlier and no one said anything about it07:32
Vilhelmsmaxamillion, I'm just having a few  problems with icons in xfce now and I figured upgrading might fix it07:32
maxamillionVilhelms: yes, the icons issue was something that was still unstable at beta2 so the xubuntu core devs kinda did a "work around" in order to make it more stable, but it did make creating desktop icons a tad tricky07:33
maxamillionVilhelms: actually .... here you go .. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=350508&highlight=xfce+4.407:34
Vilhelmsmaxamillion, I'm not making icons... its just the icons get corrupted everytime something changes in the taskbar like opening an app that shows up in the app list07:34
Vilhelmsmaxamillion, but when I hover over them they look fine again07:34
maxamillionVilhelms: ahhh ... yeah, that could be something they fixed in the final release ... check that forum link i showed you, it looks like somone made an edgy backport package of xfce4.407:35
Vilhelmsmaxamillion, Alright I will try that :) Thank you so much!07:36
maxamillionno problem :)07:36
graziemaxamillion: I know kalikiana has had success installing xfce4.4 and someone else that I can't recall too07:37
grazie..but can't see much point myself07:39
maxamilliongrazie: oh ... huh, well that's good .. atleast i know it can be done, and i can't see any point either ... i am just going to wait till feisty, from the tour on xfce.org i don't see anything different between beta2 and final07:40
graziemaxamillion: bug fixes and real transparency...07:42
maxamilliongrazie: real transparency? ... the compositor was in 4.207:42
graziemaxamillion: that's pseudo transparency07:43
maxamilliongrazie: oh, they using aiglx now?07:43
graziemaxamillion: haven't looked up the details yet07:43
graziemaxamillion: what's your view on the ubuntu + ppc issue?07:44
maxamillioni'm angry07:45
graziei'm confused07:45
maxamillionPowerPC is, has, and always will be the superior platform and if more and more people stop supporting it, it go the way of the DEC Alpha07:45
maxamillionit will*07:46
graziemaxamillion: from my point of view, my mac is the best machine I have by fare and it's got 3-5 or more years of life in it07:47
maxamillionwell ... once debian releases etch stable i think you should transition over that direction because i don't doubt that powerpc ubuntu will completely die off07:48
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graziemaxamillion: beginning to think testing feisty on ppc could be a complete waste of time07:48
graziemaxamillion: more likely to focus on gentoo again07:49
graziemaxamillion: there's even talk of a new ppc distro ...I can't remember the name now07:50
maxamillionthat would be interesting07:51
maxamillionactually .... terrasoft is supposed to release YellowDog5 for the desktop soon, and as much as i don't like that they are FC based, they have always been really good at supporting ppc07:51
grazielike gentoo a lot, but compiling absolutely everything can be a drag07:52
graziemaxamillion: tried yellowdog once v.briefly though ...didn't like it07:53
graziemaxamillion: do you think I'm wasting time testing feisty on ppc?07:54
maxamilliongrazie: uhmmm... i hate to be a downer, but yes07:55
graziemaxamillion: thanks for saying what you think07:56
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maxamillionno problem ... i just really think that by the time feisty+1 comes around that powerpc ubuntu will be dead and it wouldn't be worth spending time working with it ... just go out and find a solid alternative you enjoy and stick with it07:57
graziemaxamillion: never got round to trying crux07:58
graziemaxamillion: also there's quite a few ubuntu ppc users. what are they supposed to do?07:59
jlisthi all. I have a question about vi. When I use the arrow keys on my keyboard, letter A/B/C/D is put on screen before the current line07:59
maxamilliongrazie: don't know ... the story is that powerpc will become community supported but i think it will be short lived07:59
jlisthow can I use arrow keys as arrows? I don't have this problem on kubuntu07:59
maxamillionjlist: did you hit esc first to make sure you weren't in insert mode?07:59
jlisti am in insert mode. But I can still use arrow keys in insert mode on kubuntu vi08:00
jlistcould it be a default vi setting issue?08:00
maxamillionjlist: i can use the arrow keys on my vi right now, default install08:00
=== neozen [n=neozen@c-67-186-66-137.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
neozenhoallo all08:01
maxamillionneozen: j008:01
jlistmaxamillion: that's strange.08:01
graziejlist: you can configure vi/vim to use arrow keys in insert mode, but I'd have to find the details08:01
maxamillionjlist: very strange08:01
neozen....vim should start with arrow keys mapping correctly08:01
jlisti have the same problem for ubuntu. only kubuntu works fine08:02
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graziejlist: only kubuntu is configured like that...08:02
maxamillionjlist: you using vi, vim, or gvim?08:02
jlistgrazie: i find vim work fine, but not vi08:02
neozenhe's probably using vi08:02
jlisti'm using vim now08:02
graziejlist: oh I see08:02
jlisti'm using vi now08:03
neozenwith vim... they work correctly08:03
=== neozen smiles
neozenvim is good08:03
jlistyeah. that is the case. any idea why vi works on kubuntu but not xubuntu/ubuntu?08:03
maxamillionyeah ... in vim on my end they work correctly, lemme test with vi08:03
maxamillionjlist: no clue, its the same package on all three distros08:03
neozenvim works just fine from install w/ xubuntu dapper08:04
neozen(I should remember I don't use the most up to date version)08:04
jlistyes, vim works fine on u/xu/kubuntu08:04
=== neozen whacks himself in the head
jlistbut vi only works on kubuntu, not on the other two08:05
jlistbeing a novice linux user, i don't really know the difference between vi and vim ;-p08:05
neozenI can't understand how people dealt w/o multi-level undo08:05
neozenvim.....is god08:05
graziejlist: use vim :)08:05
maxamillionjlist: there isn't much, but vim is better08:05
maxamillionwell ... i take that back ... there is alot08:05
neozenvim has multi level undo08:05
neozen...vi only has one undo08:05
neozen...that's enough difference for me08:06
=== neozen grins
maxamilliongvim makes me smile ... best of both worlds08:06
neozen...gvim kind of scary08:06
neozenI'm a terminal fanatic08:06
neozen...until it comes to configuring things08:06
neozen....then... I yearn for a gui08:07
neozen..but when coding....08:07
maxamillioni'm a terminal junkie as well, but there are certain features of the gui that i can appreciate08:07
grazievi in a gui app...my brain couldn't cope with that :)08:07
neozenI want nothing distracting me from what I'm working on08:07
jlistok i'll remember to use vim next time :) just tried gvim and it doesn't seem to exist on my installation08:07
Vilhelmsmaxamillion, cool the upgrade worked! :)08:07
neozen...I've got a general question again08:07
neozen....concerning sound08:07
neozen....sound is working fine08:08
maxamillionjlist: "sudo aptitude install vim-gtk" then the command is "gvim"08:08
maxamillionneozen: ok08:08
neozen...but I can't use more then one sound app at once08:08
maxamillionVilhelms: awesome! good to know08:08
Vilhelmsmaxamillion, Thanks for the help :)08:08
maxamillionneozen: yeah, i dunno08:08
maxamillionVilhelms: anytime08:08
neozenye can't help?08:09
grazieVilhelms: that was pretty quick08:09
maxamillionneozen: i've never really tried to use more than 1 application at a time to access the sound device ... lemme try08:09
Vilhelmsgrazie, Haha, I had finished it for like 10mins before I got in and said something but yeah it went by quick :)08:09
=== neozen nods
grazieneozen: you read the sound troubleshooting guide?08:10
neozen.....where be that?08:10
jlistmaxamillion: 24.2MB download for vim-gtk?08:10
=== neozen smiles
neozenyeah... that sounds about right08:10
neozen.....I've just stopped paying attention to the size of packages08:11
maxamillionjlist: i guess ... its been so long since i installed08:11
neozen....the joys of a 60gb drive08:11
jlistit's ... large08:11
neozenyes... yes it is08:11
grazieneozen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting08:11
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grazieneozen: if you get no joy with that one, there's a couple of others you can try08:12
neozengazie: thankee08:12
jlistthanks all for the help08:14
maxamillionneozen: yeah .... mine is able to have 2 media players access the sound card at once08:14
jlistsince i'm running it on vm with limited hd space, i'll skip gvim for now :)08:15
neozengot it08:15
neozen..its my card08:15
neozen...apparently famous for issues08:15
neozenI think I found a mini-guide concerning it here: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?module=hda-intel just in case anyone else has the same issue08:17
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neozenor just uses this card08:17
maxamillionneozen: could help ;)08:18
cellofellowOn my families other computer, a Compaq, the onboard sound is broken, so there's a PCI sound card with some nice features. But whenever I boot Linux on it (usually Knoppix-based.) it chooses the broken onboard sound. Can't get it to use the PCI.08:18
neozen...I've noticed the volume is quieter then windows w/ whatever the default installed driver is08:18
cellofellowWindows is noisy and brazen.08:18
neozen...and the sound starts to distort heavily (even in headphones!!) when volume approaches 90%08:18
neozen..can't be good right?08:18
=== cellofellow usually keeps his alsa volume down and uses the amp in the speakers.
maxamillionneozen: that is just something you need to change in the levels of the volume control panel plugin ... that distortion thing happened to me08:19
maxamillionneozen: the PCM level is what did it for me08:20
cellofellowI've noticed that all XMMS's volume slider does is move the PCM level.08:20
maxamillioncellofellow: lol, xmms doesn't do it but i noticed that gxine does08:20
cellofellowI think XMMS does though.08:22
maxamillionit might08:22
maxamillionwell ... no, it doesn't on mine actually08:22
maxamillionno .. yeah, cellofellow you are right ... it does08:22
cellofellowok :)08:22
neozenyeah... I'm just going to install this driver08:22
maxamillionneozen: hope it works out for ya08:23
neozenyeah... I'll just keep reading up08:24
neozenjust didn't know if it was an easy fix or not08:25
maxamillionif there is a package, yes .. otherwise, it can get messy08:26
cellofellowcompiling kernel modules is a hit-and-miss ordeal.08:28
maxamillionyes ... yes it is08:29
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cellofellowonly one I've successfully compiled is kqemu08:31
maxamilliononly one i ever needed to compile was a pcmcia-ethernet card module for an oooold laptop like 5 years ago but then the kernel update right after that had it built in08:34
graziecellofellow: kqemu...no. have you not tried virtualbox?08:34
cellofellowkqemu is open source now.08:34
cellofellowno, what's virtualbox?08:34
grazieit's fantastic!08:35
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox08:35
maxamillioncellofellow: virtual box is like qemu with sugar on top ... it has a nice gui and such08:35
cellofellowI don't actually USE virtualization, just dapple with it.08:35
cellofellowok. Qemu with scripts works here.08:36
graziemaxamillion: i never had much joy with qemu..but that's ppc memories prolly08:36
maxamillionwell ... emulation of another processor architecture not native to your hardware is never fun08:37
cellofellowqemu, the emulation part with no virtualization. (using a software CPU) is REALLY slow. ad kqemu and you get virtualization and it's much faster.08:37
jlistvirtualbox - how does it compare with vmware?08:37
graziemaxamillion: ah yes but ppc on ppc was no fun either08:38
cellofellowgrazie: like you can use QEMU to create an emulated software PPC on an Intel.08:38
maxamilliongrazie: oh ... hmmm08:38
cellofellowgrazie: plus there's no virtualization plugin similar to kqemu for PPC.08:38
graziejlist: i think it's better, but I only installed it yesterday08:38
cellofellowso, it's just emulation08:38
maxamillionjlist: i read a review of the two side by side and the editor liked virtualbox better overall08:39
cellofellowI saw benchmarks of qemu vs. qemu with kqemu vs qemu with Linux's kvm and kqemu won.08:39
cellofellowI'll try virtualbox anyways08:40
maxamillioncellofellow: don't doubt it ... kqemu is rock-tastic08:40
jlistoh. good to know. thanks. i've been using vmware on windows and run linux as guest os, not sure if virtualbox helps me in that :)08:40
cellofellowdon't run a VM in a VM. :)08:41
cellofellownot good idea.08:41
graziea bad kqemu update crashed my kernel recently though08:41
maxamillioncellofellow: lol ... double virtualization!!! :P08:41
maxamilliongrazie: :(08:42
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cellofellowI updated kqemu when Linux 2.6.17-11 came around and I need to recompile.08:42
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jlistcellofellow: ox actually has a windows version :)08:43
jlistcellofellow: virtualbox actually has a windows version08:43
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cellofellowwell, cool. I'm not planning on VM's on any of my window's boxes though. The one over next to me is a PIII with 96MB RAM. Talk about slow.08:44
maxamillionwell... i think i need to get going on some work stuffs, i'll bbl08:44
cellofellowone cool trick with qemu+kqemu is I can run `sudo qemu -hda /dev/hda` and boot from my current drive, if I was dual booting this would be awesome.08:46
neozen...it worked just fine08:47
neozendidn't even have to fix something08:47
neozen...just had to tell mplayer to use alsa08:47
jlistdo you guys think xubuntu works better (faster) than windows on those old P3 boxes?08:47
=== neozen grins stupidly
jlisti'm running xubuntu on vmware now, so i can not tell. But it's slower than vmware-ed windows though08:48
cellofellownot really done an apples-to-apples test but does here08:48
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jlisti see.08:50
fxrhi i updated 2 packages from a third party repo, libwnck-common libwnck18, can i downgrade these packages to wht there were previously, i have just down the upgrade via apt-get08:50
=== fxr dont know if third party repo is the right term
fxrdown = done08:50
cellofellowI think aptitude can downgrade things, but not sure how.08:51
graziefxr: using synaptic may be easier08:52
jlistbtw, a more general question about xubuntu. xubuntu uses two desktop bars (start bar, task bar) but i actually like the combined bar better, as in windows and kde. Is there any way to have that on xubuntu/ubuntu?08:52
cellofellowsynaptic is nice, but aptitude has lots of features that apt (and synaptic by default) don't have08:52
neozenme likey aptitude08:52
=== cellofellow uses nothing else.
graziecellofellow: true. just for ease of doing what fxr wants...I'd do it with synaptic08:53
cellofellowIf synaptic can download things, then go for it.08:54
cellofellowI don't know08:54
neozenI wish the ubuntu documenters would do a mass search for apt-get and replace it with aptitude08:54
cellofellowfor the commands?08:54
fxrok found the options in synaptic.. thaanks grazie08:54
graziefxr: np08:55
cellofellowactually, I use apt-get for some things. like when I dist-upgraded from Dapper and and installed the xubuntu-desktop package.08:55
jlistxubuntu uses two desktop bars (start bar, task bar) but i actually like the combined bar better, as in windows and kde. Is there any way to have that on xubuntu/ubuntu?09:00
cellofellowjlist: just customize it that way.09:02
cellofellowmine is like this: (or was actually, I reverted to the original Xubunut style the other day.) http://mellowcellofellow.googlepages.com/screenshots09:03
jlisthmm. how did you do that - to show tasks in the start bar?09:05
cellofellowput Icon Box panel applet in there. Right click the bar and click Add Item, there's lots of stuff in there.09:06
cellofellowDefault is Task List, Icon Box is an alternative.09:06
jlistoh i see. i'll try that. i suppose it'll work for ubuntu as well. currently running ubuntu vm :)09:07
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jlistcellofellow: it works well! Now I'd like to not show the original start bar. how should I do that?09:12
cellofellowright click, Customize Panel, select the one you want to remove, and then click the "-" minus button.09:13
jlistnot a button, but the whole bar?09:13
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cellofellowyou can move the button around. Right click it and click Move. All objects on the panel are like that actually. You may have to fiddle with moving the System Tray.09:14
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jlistnow i have two bars, the orignal start bar and the modified task bar. I don't need the original start bar any more. How can I get rid of the whole bar?09:15
cellofellowby removing it in the Customize Panels dialog09:15
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=== neozen chuckles... ::looks around for a 'disallow multiple instances' checkbox in gaim::
jlistcellofellow: thanks. that might be xubuntu specific. I can not see that option in ubuntu09:20
cellofellowyeah, it's Xubuntu specific.09:20
cellofellowI didn't realize you were using GNOME, sorry I may have messed something up09:20
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cellofellowI never messed with panels in GNOME.09:20
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jlistnot really. adding a button to the task bar actually worked. the two bars work pretty much the same as in gnome09:24
cellofellowwell, you still got me on how to remove or move a panel. Look around in the available config dialogs.09:25
jlisti actually think gnome is a little too inflexible.09:28
hyper__chjlist: don't use gnome then09:28
jlistxubuntu seems to be a good balance between gnome and kde09:28
jlistbut i had some problems installing xubuntu on vmware, and some crashes with apps09:28
hyper_chyou could use e1709:29
cellofellowconfigurable and unstable to no end I've heard.09:30
jlistunstable to no end?09:30
jlistthat sounds bad to me09:31
cellofellowjust not Stable version.09:31
jlistwell, i hope xubuntu will get more stable, especially with apps and apps selection09:31
jlisti'll definitely try it later09:32
hyper_che17 runs fine for me09:32
cellofellowFeisty Fawn, the Alpha version of Xubuntu, has XFCE 4.4 Stable.09:32
cellofellowas opposed to the 4.4 Beta 2 in Edgy.09:32
hyper_chis there a rss feed of slashdot?09:33
cellofellowI've one on my Google Homepage. Couldn't tell you the address. There should be a little RSS icon in Firefox at that site.09:34
graziehyper_ch: how did you get e17 installed?09:35
hyper_chthere is a project09:36
graziehyper_ch: you built from source?09:36
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hyper_chno, there's a deb09:36
cellofellowebuntu? (or Lightbuntu or whatever it's called now.)09:36
hyper_chyeah, ebuntu was it I think09:36
hyper_chsomething similar09:36
MightyMountainExcuse me, I'm attempting to format a SD card using fdisk, but when I've written my partitions, and say "# fdisk -l" I can only see "/dev/sda1", I have three partitions, shouldn't there be an "/dev/sda2" and "/dev/sda3"?09:38
graziehyper_ch: but I thought that died?09:38
hyper_chgrazie: not that I know of09:38
grazieMightyMountain: if fdisk says you have 1 then you have 1 (I'd say)09:40
MightyMountainWhen I go into cfdisk there are three, but they are "sda1p1", and so on.09:41
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prairie_dadhello to all.  same question as yesterday: is there a way to mount a webdav volume using https:// in xubuntu _other_ than using nautilus' "connect to server" command the way one would in a gnome desktop like ubuntu.  I'm trying to limit (eliminate) gnome deps in my xubuntu if possible.  thanks in advance.09:49
cellofellowwell, I think fuse can do that, somehow.09:49
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:50
cellofellownot NTFS stupid09:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:50
cellofellow!the meaning of life09:51
ubotuthe: Full-screen character mode text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-4 (edgy), package size 277 kB, installed size 796 kB09:51
hyper_chcellofellow: 4209:51
hyper_chthe meaning of life, existance, the universe and everything else is 4209:52
cellofellowoh, really? I was trying to tease the bot.09:52
hyper_chcellofellow: you don't know "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"?09:53
cellofellownope, sorry09:53
hyper_chthat explains it :)09:55
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rdarchhey guys, i've got a toshiba satellite laptop. upto date kernel, and am trying to get the internal MMC reader working, with the new kernel it shows when theres a card put in the drive in dmesg and lspci recognises it without need of fiddling. any idea how i can figure out where to mount it from?09:58
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grazierdarch: you can mount it from anywhere you want...what paramaters you'd need I dunno10:02
rdarchi'm not questioning where to mount to, for example its the /dev/xxx that i'm looking for10:03
rdarchare card readers usually sd's, hd's? any of the others?10:03
rdarchcause /dev/ is awefully big lol10:03
neozenwell all ... I'm off to do work10:04
=== neozen is now known as neozen-away
cellofellowit's most likely sd10:05
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grazierdarch: this link may help >> http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_SD_and_MMC_card_readers10:06
rdarch:( i was really hoping you'd not say that lol, cause the only sds that mount are my hard drives. to be honest i wasnt holding out much hope just getting dmesg to recognise something is happening to the device is a stop forward10:06
rdarchah thanks :)10:06
cellofellowusually HAL should allert xfdesktop that there's a new device, and show it on the desktop.10:08
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VilhelmsI'm trying to get the Super (Windows) key to register as a modifier correctly. In xmodmap its set to mod4 but when I go to keyboard settings and try to set a shortcut to lets say <Super>~ for exampe it only reads "grave" without the Super modifier.10:13
cellofellowMine I get Super+Super_L happening. It should only say Super in my book.10:14
cellofellowMeans I'd like to know too10:14
rdarchok heres another question. does the xubuntu installer leave a copy of the kernel config somewhere? so i can compile a new kernel based around that template rather than doing it from scratch? cause i suck and it takes many attempts10:14
cellofellowrdarch: I think you may be able to find what the kernel config is in some development thing somewhere.10:15
rdarchhmmm thanks10:17
rdarchsorry guys lol my responses have probably sounded a bit rough, been a long 48 hour day, really appreciate the help.10:22
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hyper_chwhat's the best way to convert a dvd to 4.7gb and make it region free?10:30
cellofellowrip and burn maybe10:35
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hyper_chcellofellow: that's the name of a program?10:36
cellofellowacidrip is a DVD ripper I've heard of.10:36
ubotuacidrip: ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 54 kB, installed size 288 kB10:36
cellofellowlooks good to me10:36
hyper_ch:) I'll test taht10:36
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rahmetlihow to convert kubuntu into xubuntu? is there a special script?10:37
hyper_chrahmetli: sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop10:38
hyper_chrahmetli: however it will not exactely be the same as if you install from a xubuntu cd10:38
rahmetliwow i dont have to select each packet individually?10:38
cellofellownah. remove all of the kde stuff, by opening aptitude, looking at kubuntu-deskop's dependancies and removing them, and then install xubuntu-desktop10:38
hyper_chrahmetli: no, you don't have to do that10:38
rahmetlii want to have kde to10:39
hyper_chrahmetli: then just do sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop10:40
cellofellowthen just install xubuntu-desktop. say yes to using GDM (it'll ask "GDM or KDM" somewhere.) Xscreensaver doesn't like KDM.10:40
rahmetliok.but if i log into xfce,will any of the kde programs run ay startup?10:40
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rahmetlican we say that it has better performance over kde?10:41
cellofellowyes yes. I started with Kubuntu but switched.10:42
rahmetliok,thank you :) 4 ur help.10:42
rahmetligoing to install it :)10:42
hyper_chrahmetli: :)10:42
hyper_chrahmetli: it's not as much eyecandy as kde but I don't need that :)10:42
hyper_chrahmetli: no need for me to waste system ressources on eyecandy10:43
rahmetlii dont need it too.10:43
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cellofellowI have eyecandy that DOESN'T waste resources :)10:43
rahmetliwhats that? :)10:43
cellofellowadesklets is cool10:44
rahmetliis it 4 xfce?10:44
cellofellowit's lightweight and has an xfce4 mode10:44
rahmetliok thanks again.10:45
rahmetlihow the system settings managed in xfce?10:46
rahmetlisorry.last question.10:46
cellofellowthere are some basic utilities that come bundled. Users and Network and APT sources and things, but most of the time, I'm editing conf files.10:48
malnilionAnybody know of any Xubuntu splashes for grub?10:48
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rahmetlinow its installing the xfce.10:50
hyper_chrahmetli: the download was quick for you :)10:50
rahmetlisorry its downloading actually :)10:52
=== communist_pope [n=marko@CPE000f1f54c17f-CM00e06f1f6878.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu
communist_popeXubuntu wont connect to the internet10:52
communist_popeany help?10:52
rahmetliadsl or ?10:52
hyper_chit does connect for me :)10:53
communist_popeCable modem, connected to wireless router, wire connected to a laptop10:53
rahmetlii will connect for me too :)))10:53
hyper_chyou are using wifi?10:54
communist_popeNo, just a wireless router10:54
communist_popeit has 4 ports for wired connections10:54
rahmetlisudo ifconfig10:55
rahmetlito see what you have :)10:55
hyper_chcommunist_pope: Applications --> System --> Networking10:55
communist_popedid that, got it activated, still wont work, even tried another network card10:56
hyper_chis the ethernet adapter enabled?10:56
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hyper_chcommunist_pope: does your router provide a DHCP service?10:57
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communist_popeummm, It connected with auto DHCP configuratiion in puppylinux10:57
hyper_chcommunist_pope: is DHCP enabled for the network card?10:58
communist_popeI really dont know, but it connected with puppy10:58
hyper_chcommunist_pope: and if you have multiple network card, did you select the correct default ne?10:58
hyper_chcommunist_pope: have a look at Applications --> System --> Networking10:58
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communist_popeI had it not connecting when i had one card in it10:59
communist_popehyper_ch: I have installed puppy, then formatted, and now installing ubuntu10:59
communist_popeif all fails, i still have a 2000 pro cd11:00
communist_popeMy desktop is very good with ubuntu11:00
hyper_chcommunist_pope: if you don't want help why are you here?11:01
communist_popeI do want help11:02
hyper_chthen how comes you haven't answered any of the questions I asked?11:02
communist_popeBecause my computer says one of my partitions are damaged, an i cannot run any os currently11:04
hyper_chI don't get it11:04
hyper_chI'm out11:04
hyper_chgoing to bed11:04
communist_popeok...hold on, its configuring it11:05
communist_popeit wont work11:06
communist_popegood night then11:06
icicledg'job to the folks who put together xubuntu, it works fairly well on my old p3 750MHz laptop =] 11:08
communist_popeicicled: you are lucky, i have a 266mhz laptop11:09
rahmetlidoes it have a server version?11:10
icicleddoes what have a server version?11:12
communist_popexubuntu, i think hes asking11:12
communist_popeubuntu does11:12
communist_popeI am yet to find a good linux for my laptop11:16
icicleddamn small linux11:17
rahmetliused ubuntu?11:17
communist_popetried, and failed, it wont work with my internet11:17
communist_popeicicled: i dont like that, but it is good for inschool, from my ipod11:18
communist_popeMy fav livecd\usb key is puppy11:18
rahmetliwht is the difference between dsl?11:19
communist_popei just find puppy is way more featured, than dsl for only about 30MB more, and u can save multisession to cd11:20
icicledpuppy has more11:20
rahmetlii guess dsl is debian based?11:20
Jester45communist_pope: but puppy cant fit on a 50mb biz card and thats the reason for dsl11:21
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communist_popeyea, but ultimatley, puppy is better11:21
Jester45rahmetli: yes i think so11:21
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VilhelmsI'm trying to get the Super (Windows) key to register as a modifier correctly. In xmodmap its set to mod4 but when I go to keyboard settings and try to set a shortcut to lets say <Super>~ for exampe it only reads "grave" without the Super modifier.11:22
Jester45?? your tring to map keys?11:23
=== Sharn [n=dino@dsl-216-128-233-200.teton.id.tetontel.com] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45i just make them a F## button11:23
Jester45Welcome back Sharn11:23
SharnWhat you up to now?11:24
Jester45o yea11:24
communist_popeGO LINUX11:24
rahmetliis there any rss feeder like news ticker for xfce?11:25
VilhelmsI'm trying to get the Super (Windows) key to register as a modifier correctly. In xmodmap its set to mod4 but when I go to keyboard settings and try to set a shortcut to lets say <Super>~ for exampe it only reads "grave" without the Super modifier.11:25
communist_poperahmetli: i dont know, but i like google reader11:25
rahmetlii like it on top of my screen :)11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
rahmetliubotu: you should learn11:27
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communist_popeI AM COOL11:28
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rahmetliwhat makes you cool?11:29
communist_popeyah rly11:29
communist_popeI USE LINUX11:29
rahmetliyou r right.11:29
communist_popeand windows, but thats cuz windows wont connect to the internt11:29
SharnI think most of us here use Linux. ;)11:30
rahmetliits not the linux that cant connect to internet.11:30
communist_popeit is11:31
communist_popewindows connects11:31
rahmetliyou cant connect :)11:31
communist_popeI can11:31
rahmetliwhen you use it you are cool,but when i cant connect it is linux?11:32
communist_popeits cool when it works11:33
communist_popelike on my desktop right now11:33
communist_popefine, leave me11:34
Jester45you dont understand to many things do you11:35
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SharnJester45, you ever get the blog thing figured out?11:36
Jester45no i just made a regualr site11:36
Jester45working on my logo11:37
communist_popeirvin: what did you send me?11:37
SharnI copied your URL name. xD11:37
Jester45i spent a lot of time with buttons/code11:37
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Jester45so i decided to copy a xubuntu logo untill i get time to fix11:38
communist_popefor you11:38
SharnRofl. http://sharnis.boldlygoingnowhere.org/blog/11:39
communist_popecommunism ftw11:40
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communist_popeno u11:42
SharnI'll change it soon. xD11:42
SharnYours was just so cool.... :P11:42
Jester45im just smart11:43
Jester45litle long but worth it11:44
communist_popewhat are we talking about11:44
Jester45my website11:44
SharnHis website. ^11:45
SharnThat's 20x fastr than mine11:45
communist_popeOn a related topic, is there anyway to get microsoft office live without a credit card?11:45
SharnMaybe. :O11:46
communist_popecan i borrow yours?11:46
SharnBut this isn't the right place to talk about that...11:46
communist_popei dont like the boxes that show when i minimize a window11:47
Jester45try #windows or ##windows11:49
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communist_popeI know the idea sounds unorthodox, but a recent study at Harvard has substantiated this view.11:52
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communist_popeJOIN OUR COMMUNIST PARTY11:56
irvincommunist_pope, please stop11:56
maxamillioncommunist_pope: two things ... frist, please don't use caps and second ... communist parties are far off topic and not community friendly, i would appreciate it if did not talk in this manner11:57
rahmetliwhich one should i select gdm or kdm?11:57
maxamillionrahmetli: for xfce or gnome use gdm .. for kde use kdm11:57
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rahmetliok thanks.11:58
maxamillionno problem :)11:58
Jester45LordGamer your back!!!11:59
communist_popemaxamillion: sorry11:59
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maxamillioncommunist_pope: its ok, this is just considered a family friendly channel and is intended for use by xubuntu community members for topics pertaining to the distrobution or support12:00
Jester45communist_pope: try /join #xubuntu-offtopic12:00
communist_popeJester45: does /j also work?12:01
maxamillioncommunist_pope: in most irc clients, yes12:01
communist_popeI am using Gaim12:01
maxamillionhmmm... not sure, i use irssi12:01
rahmetlilet me try my newly installed xfce :)12:02
naliothcommunist_pope: please be civil12:03
maxamillioncommunist_pope: you will not be given any more warnings12:03
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Jester45Sharn: go to my site and click on the what's new button12:16
maxamillionJester45: link?12:17
Jester45logo is ugly i know12:18
Jester45havnt spent time on that12:18
maxamillionJester45: lol ... you just need to resize it ... and get the newer one ...12:18
Jester45im gonna make my own12:18
maxamillionJester45: what is X-Kings?12:19
Jester45the other index12:19
Jester45a games12:19
Jester45i quit playing12:19
maxamillionany good?12:19
maxamillionoh ...12:20
rahmetlihow can i edit app menu?12:20
maxamillionApplications->Settings->Menu Editor12:20
maxamillionrahmetli: Applications->Settings->Menu Editor **12:20
rahmetliok thanks again.i am getting used to it :)12:21
communist_popeWhat is the best version of ubuntu? My friend says kubuntu, but i like the regular one12:21
maxamillionJester45: i hate you12:21
maxamillionrahmetli: no worries12:21
kalikianacommunist_pope, are you reious? you must decide for yourself!12:22
maxamillioncommunist_pope: there is no "best" its all about choice12:22
maxamillionJester45: your "whats new" link has perminantly fragged firefox12:22
communist_popemaxamillion: for a fast comp12:22

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