
geeksauceJordan_U, after installing nvidia drivers for my card, the resolution won't go as high as it would with the linux drivers.12:01
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Megaqwertygonzoism: wow, it is easy! Thanks!12:01
gyaresuGiod_: An xorg.conf would be helpful12:01
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gonzoismmegaQwerty  happy to help12:01
FLSimpsonKPTcan I install a flashplayer for a x64 version of ubuntu?12:01
Giod_gyaresu: you want a copy of mine?12:01
bruenigFLSimpsonKPT, you mean plugin?12:01
hanbushhello, i just switched to ubuntu, its my first time using linux, whats a good mp3 manager for ubuntu, something similiar to itunes or winamp?12:01
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FLSimpsonKPTbruenig, yes for Firefox12:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:01
xethx96i ger a could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock12:01
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geeksaucehanbush, i use xmms...it's almost exactly like winamp12:01
NafetMy father made the computer from parts that were given to him at his tech. school, there aren't any labels or names anywhere on or in it.12:01
gyaresuGiod_: Pastebin yours.12:01
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tritochhanbush: amarok is a fanfavorite12:02
Jowi!players | hanbush (I use quodlibet myself)12:02
ubotuhanbush (I use quodlibet myself): Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs12:02
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gonzoismxethx96  for instance, the command: echo $(ls) would echo out everything ls spits out12:02
raven3x7 i need help with a networking problem. im trying to open a certain port range but i cant get it to work. i've used both a direct iptables command and firestarter, but nmapfe still tells me the port is closed. i tried restarting iptables but that didnt work either12:02
bruenigFLSimpsonKPT, there are some scripts on the forums that will do it for you, you have to install the 32 bit firefox, or you can build a 32 chroot environment12:02
Nafetwait a sec.12:02
gonzoismxethx96  yave to be root12:02
gonzoismxethx96  use sudo at the front12:02
bruenighe probably has synaptic open12:02
hanbushwhich one is most similiar to itunes?12:02
jake_guys how do install flash plater in ubuntu? im a newbie12:02
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FLSimpsonKPTbruenig, how would I go about installing the 32 bit version of firefox on this 64 bit machiene?12:03
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gonzoismxethx96   or close synaptic   can't use two package managers at the same time12:03
bruenigjake_, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, assuming you have the right repositories enabled12:03
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bruenigFLSimpsonKPT, get the 32 bit tar.gz from firefox and extract it12:03
VIIIn the instructions for envy it says "double click on the deb package in Ubuntu", where is that?12:03
gyaresuhanbush: amarok but not really12:03
FLSimpsonKPTbruenig, then12:03
gonzoismbruenig  do i want binary-i386 or installer-i386 ?12:03
bruenigFLSimpsonKPT, there is a plugins folder in there, put the flashplayer.so in there12:03
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JowiNafet, well, first thing first. No need for labels. if the computer start up, enter bios and check size of RAM and which cpu is installed.12:03
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xethx96couldn't fine package build-essential12:03
stooormyI just installed ubuntu last night and it's all good except I can't save to my back up drive12:04
gyaresu!preface VII12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about preface vii - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
gyaresu!preface | VII12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about preface - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
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FLSimpsonKPTbruenig, k hold on12:04
gyaresu!prefix | VII12:04
ubotuVII: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages12:04
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FLSimpsonKPTbruenig, i might need you again12:04
bruenigFLSimpsonKPT, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202537&highlight=64+flash+java12:04
raven3x7hmm anyone know what this netstat error means? netstat: no support for 'AF INET6 (udp)' on this system12:04
Giod_gyaresu: hold on i got to disconnect and reconnect on my laptop12:04
gonzoismstooormy  is your backup drive on the network or another hard drive or a floppy or what ?12:04
gyaresu!envy | gyaresu12:04
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igor47does anyone know of a way to get the new kvm package working?  i'm getting a problem with it claiming my kernel is too old but i've got the lastest kernel..12:04
VIIubotu, I know, it wasnt ment for anyone special. :)12:04
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NafetI can only get the bios version12:04
stooormyUsb drive12:04
FLSimpsonKPTbruenig, thx12:04
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gonzoismstooormy  usb ?12:04
jake_bruenig: it says "E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?"12:04
bruenigjake_, sudo apt-get -f12:05
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nothlitVII: ubotu is a bot, not a person12:05
gonzoismstooormy  its probably /dev/sda1 or something12:05
daedrahey whats the terminal command to "print screen"12:05
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xethx96E: Couldn't find package build-essential12:05
daedraor take a screenshot12:05
VIInothlit, lol, ok12:05
gonzoismstooormy   maybe /dev/sdb1  or sdc112:05
bruenigjake_, I meant sudo apt-get install -f12:05
stooormyIt basically lets me access, but not save to... Something along the lines of I must write-enable it12:05
gonzoismstooormy  does dmesg |grep sd  sow anything ?12:05
gonzoismstooormy  what filesystem is on it ?12:05
hanbushis there a version of amarok for beryl/gnome?12:05
bruenighanbush, the regular amarok will work fine12:06
VIIGyaresu: In the instructions for envy it says "double click on the deb package in Ubuntu", where is that?12:06
JasonDMfound out why sound wasn't working12:06
gyaresuubotu: tell VII about yourself12:06
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stooormyHot sure, how do I find out?12:06
daedrahey whats the terminal command to "print screen"?12:06
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gonzoismhanbush  no.  it would be the same thing.  use regular amarok.  beryl is what does the efects12:06
JasonDMapparently, you can't use headphone output12:06
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Nafet90304k memory12:06
gonzoismstooormy  run mount and look for it12:06
KanRiNiNHello.  I'm having trouble compiling a kernel.  My error is here http://pastebin.com/895579 and I'm using instructions here http://blog.linuxmonitor.net/2007/03/ultimate-ubuntu-performance-tweaking.html12:06
gyaresu!repos > VII12:06
gonzoismstooormy it will say what kind it is12:06
gyaresuVII: Have you enabled your extra repositories?12:07
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JowiNafet, you will need the alternative cd. the desktop/live will not boot on that little ram12:07
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loquitus_of_borgIs there a way to know how much actual "memory" is available for processes to use? I am getting the understanding now that the amount of "free" memory displayed by top in Linux is a bit misleading since Linux actually takes over all the free memory. So how much memory is actually availalbe to a process?12:07
xethx96gonzoism: E: Coultn't find package build-essential12:07
mikeo2anyone have problems with networking in
Jowi!alternate | Nafet12:07
igor47or does anyone have the old version of kvm somewhere on their system? like in /var/cache/apt ?12:07
ubotuNafet: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.12:07
VIIgyaresu, not that I know of12:07
VIIwow, Im so confused.. :D12:07
gonzoismxethx96  wow.  hm...12:07
mikeo2i compiled it and everything works but my networking12:07
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:07
=== gesus [n=s2572502@CPE-121-50-203-159.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu
gonzoismxethx96  you are on the command line aren't you ?12:07
bruenigxethx96, there is something seriously wrong with your sources.list, pastebin the output of this command "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"12:07
bruenig!paste | xethx9612:07
ubotuxethx96: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:07
gyaresu!EasySource > VII12:08
gonzoismlol bruenig   cool bot.12:08
Nafetwell it's gotten pretty far into the installation process with that much.12:08
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mikeo2how do you fix networking problems in ubuntu12:08
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Nafetany sugestions for a computer with that ammount of mem?12:08
gyaresuVII: You need to be able to install all the cool things like proprietary gfx card drivers and w32codecs for (wmv's) etc.12:08
gonzoismbruenig  i want binary-i386 to get packages to install build-essential for ndiswrapper don't i ?12:08
mikeo2it gets its ip properly from DHCP, but i cant ping the gateway12:08
stooormyHonestly gonzo, not sure what you just asked me to do12:09
gyaresuVII: The link to the envy package is lower down the page http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/envy_0.9.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb12:09
mikeo2only thing i can ping is localhost12:09
ArafangionI want to buy a webcam, what's a good one?12:09
=== juice` [n=juice_@dmm51.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
JowiNafet, that is amazing by itself. I needed the alternate for a p1 133 with 128MB ram. did a "server" install then added a very light WM to it.12:09
brueniggonzoism, probably12:09
gonzoismstooormy  go on console and type mount and hit enter12:09
nrdbI am using the update-manager to upgrade from 6.06 -> 6.10 after doing a long download the manager has displayed a terminal window with a question (about vmware) but the terminal window wont active so I can answer the question !!! :( what can I do ?12:09
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gyaresu!webcam | Arafangion12:09
ubotuArafangion: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:09
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stooormyI typed mount in bash...12:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:09
VIIgyaresu, oh, ok!12:09
juice`is there any problem with Ubuntu and ICH8 support? in 6.06, 6.10 or latest alpha 5 ?12:09
ArafangionThanks gyaresu12:09
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:09
xethx96gonz: ues12:09
gyaresuubotu: tell mikeo2 about yourself12:10
Nafetwell, what do you sugest then?12:10
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Deathbiscuithi hi hi hi12:10
KanRiNiNAnybody on the kernel error posted above?12:10
gonzoismstooormy see your backup drive in there ?12:10
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gonzoismmikeo2  hi.  what is the problem ?12:10
xethx96gonzoism: yes im on command line12:10
gonzoismxethx96  i don't remember the question...  yes what ?12:11
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mikeo2nforce4 networking in edgy12:11
gonzoismxethx96  ah.  :)12:11
mikeo2running kernel
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JowiNafet, what is the problem with the installation?12:11
gonzoismxethx96  see if you can find it in synaptic.  know synaptic in the menu ?  or on the command line type: sudo synaptic12:11
gyaresuKanRiNiN: Looking now but first question is "Why do you need to recompile?"12:11
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brueniggonzoism, that link I sent you doesn't have any debs, I should have checked, this is where the debs are if you didn't figure it out. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/12:11
mikeo2if i do a /etc/init.d/networking restart it gets its ip properly from dhcp, but i cant ping the gateway12:11
daedraHi, does anyone know the command to take a screenshot?12:11
xethx96gonzoism where would i look12:12
gonzoismbruenig  thanks  i was wondering12:12
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stooormyWell the backup usb drive is H: on windows and I have a dvd burner plus cd rw ... I doubt my virtual drive matters now12:12
Nafetwell I get to a dark brown background, with a small window with the ubuntu logo and a small message on the bottom saying window manager12:12
mikeo2and no networking works12:12
KanRiNiNgyaresu: I'm getting poor framerates in UT2004 and a friend recommended it.12:12
gonzoismmikeo2 killall dhclient3 first  then try that12:12
stooormyBut as far as finding the backup, nope12:12
juice`any ideas how to solve this problem?12:12
mikeo2how do i see if the drivers are loaded too12:12
nrdbdaedra: there is a menu item to take a screen shot12:12
juice`i already sent it as a bug, but no response12:12
mikeo2cause have to reboot everytime i try something12:12
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gyaresuKanRiNiN: Pastebin's not loading for me... Don't know why?12:13
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xethx96gonzoism: it didnt find it12:13
gonzoismmikeo2  dmesg should talk about drivers.12:13
bruenigxethx96, what are you doing?12:13
JowiNafet, I suggest that you download the alternate cd image.12:13
gonzoismxethx96 what ubuntu do you have ?12:13
mikeo2ok thanks will do12:13
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raven3x7this is driving me insane. how can a port be open iptables -L and still be closed?12:13
Nafetcan you send me a link to the mirror?12:13
gonzoismmikeo2  dmesg | less will make it scroll   use the / key to search12:13
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bruenigxethx96, you are installing build-essential?12:13
daedraquestion answered: import screenshot.png12:14
xethx96linux cant find it12:14
geeksaucei'm losing my mind here guys...can someone help me with this nvidia resolution problem?12:14
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Nafetevery time I tried to put an live cd iso of Knoppix on a disk, it didn't even boot up.12:14
bruenigxethx96, right but that is what you are trying to do?12:14
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-65-93.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xethx96im trying to get my netgear card to work12:14
JowiNafet, you will need to select the download location yourself from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download12:14
gyaresuAntiLaVista: Could you post it elsewhere please. I see your name on the front page but it won't load...12:14
bruenigbut you need  build-essential12:14
=== richbarna [n=richbarn@129.Red-83-43-141.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
xethx96and i have to install that to do it so yes* sorry for my ignorance *12:15
nrdbI am using the update-manager to upgrade from 6.06 -> 6.10 after doing a long download the manager has displayed a terminal window with a question (about vmware) but the terminal window wont active so I can answer the question !!! :( what can I do ?12:15
stooormyThe backup usb drive is mounted, it just won't let me save to it and keeps telling me to write-enable12:15
bruenigxethx96, ok and you have an internet connection right?12:15
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sg2000THANK YOU!!! I did it it was so easy I just had to specify hex instead of acii12:15
NafetI'll try it12:15
xethx96not on linux12:15
=== Didi__ [n=didi@200-153-203-14.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigxethx96, yeah that is your problem12:15
xethx96im on a xp desktop12:15
Nafet<lowers head in a show of dismal hopes>12:15
=== dmb062082 [n=dmb06208@cpe-24-59-44-3.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigxethx96, it needs to download build-essential and install it12:15
JowiNafet, if it fail maybe you should try slackware on that machine.12:15
xethx96link please12:16
xethx96i have a flash drive12:16
gonzoismxethx96  no link.  sudo apt-get install build-essential12:16
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JowiNafet, slackware is very kind to old hardware12:16
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bruenigxethx96, it is going to take more than that. You will need ndiswrapper and others, I don't know all the exact packages12:16
NafetI'll give it a try12:16
sg2000evrything works now ubuntu is so cool12:16
KanRiNiNgyaresu: http://pastebin.com/895579 can you try to load it one more time?12:16
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brueniggonzoism, he doesn't have an internet connection on his linux box12:16
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Joe_CoThey, how do i tell what driver my network card is running. My friend's running suse; it doesn't work on his, and it works out of the box on mine :)12:17
=== raven3x7 is pulling his hair out
billyanyone ever had trouble getting firestarter to open?12:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:17
xethx96bruenig i dont have a connection on linux12:17
gyaresuKanRiNiN: I am. Still won't load.12:17
cypherdelicHow to run D-Bus in Ubuntu Edgy right of from the login ???12:17
xethx96i have all the other stuff just not B-E12:17
sg2000thank you all once again12:17
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Nafetthanks for the help12:17
billyi click on the firestarter icon, it acts as though it's opening, but then nothing happens.12:17
gyaresuKanRiNiN: I can get the main page though so it's not dns...12:18
gonzoismxethx96  oh.   you can download the packages offline, save them to disk and use dpkg to install them.  i'm about to do the same thing12:18
cypherdelicHow to run D-Bus?12:18
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ubotudbus: simple interprocess messaging system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.93-0ubuntu3.1 (edgy), package size 312 kB, installed size 660 kB12:18
JowiJoe_CoT, http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/12:18
billyin a terminal i get "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server. Xlib: No protocol specified"  What does this mean?12:18
=== funpop [n=michael@p54B08179.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
cypherdelicis installed, how to autorun???12:18
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xethx96gonzoism you totaly lost me there... how can you download somthing with no internet connection?12:18
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giodgyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9169/12:18
gonzoismbilly  are you in ssh ?12:18
funpophow do i launch a program from terminal, but that program shouldnt close, if i quit the terminal.. ?12:19
gonzoismxethx96  download it on the box you are on now12:19
administrator__gyaresu: envy didnt do the job =\12:19
giodgyaresu: theres my xorg.conf12:19
gyaresuadministrator__: In what way?12:19
billygonzoism: you mean the type of terminal I'm using?  I'm not sure what "ssh" is.12:19
gyaresugiod: Yeah looking now.12:19
nrdbfunpop: use the program screen (from the terminal)12:19
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Jowicypherdelic, depends on which WM you use. use dbus-launch in your .xsession if you don't run gnome/kde12:19
=== administrator__ is now known as VII
raven3x7 i need help with a networking problem. im trying to open a certain port range but i cant get it to work. i've used both a direct iptables command and firestarter, but nmapfe still tells me the port is closed(6891), while iptables -L lists it as forwarded. i tried restarting iptables but that didnt work either12:19
gonzoismbilly  what are you trying to do ?12:19
funpopbut its not there12:19
sdide funpop nohup program &12:19
=== dougie [n=dougie@c-67-171-103-197.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TehJamesHas anyone had any luck Connecting to a TV vis S-Vid with Ubuntu?12:19
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gonzoismstooormy  hi12:20
VIIgyaresu: no change, still ylaggy graphics12:20
billygonzoism: open firestarter to modify my preferences.12:20
cypherdelicJowi: I run Enlightenment E17 current CVS12:20
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stooormyStill no love with my external drive12:20
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cypherdelicfunpop: run the programm with an &12:20
gyaresugiod: That's a default setup... What are you posting that for?12:20
gonzoismtry using sudo in front12:20
Joe_CoTjowi: thanks12:20
Jowicypherdelic, how do you launch enlightenment. from .xsession or something else?12:20
giodgyaresu: well thats my xorg file12:20
cypherdelicfunpop: if you want to exit without closing running programs12:20
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gyaresuVII: You installed the nvidia graphics card drivers and it's still laggy? Did you reboot/restart X11?12:21
billygonzoism: i do use "sudo".  the error that I posted above is the error that returns.12:21
nrdbcypherdelic: the if run with an '&' and you exit the terminal the child process will also quit.12:21
VIIgyaresu: yes and yes12:21
cypherdelicfunpop: type "exit" ;)12:21
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cypherdelicnrdb: no type exit, window closes, programms open12:21
funpopthanks that worked12:21
gonzoismi'm gonna go12:21
VIIYgyaresu: I dont know about x11, but I restarted the computr12:21
billy!hi | Invitado5305112:21
ubotuInvitado53051: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:21
GraphicArtistThere cannot be 1029 people here can there?12:21
gyaresugiod: gyaresu.org/xorg.conf use mine as an example. Weren't you trying the howto from gentoo-wiki?12:21
cypherdelicfunpop: yeah right , it should ;)12:22
giodgyaresu: i added these lines   Option      "TwinView"                 "true"          Option      "RenderAccel"              "true"          Option      "UseEdidFreqs"             "true"12:22
GraphicArtistGuess soo.12:22
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nrdbcypherdelic: nope!  typed "kate &" then "exit" kate quit also.12:22
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VIII have the windows drivers on a disk, but I guess I cant use those?12:23
VIIGyaresu: I have the windows drivers on a disk, but I guess I cant use those?12:23
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xethx96ok so to install this one B-E thing i need like 4 difrent libc6 things12:23
cypherdelicnrdb: i dont know, i run "gedit &", then "exit" but gedit is open and the terminal is closed, worked too for funpop12:23
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VIIgyaresu: gotta restart, brb12:24
billyif firestarter is running, would it be in my "processes"?12:24
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gyaresuVII: I don't believe that you did it successfully if you still boot up with the laggy screen.12:24
GraphicArtistI had an old copy of redhat that hacker/script kiddies kept breaking into, so I want to try the server version of Ubuntu. Is there a trick to get the computer to boot off the ubuntu-6.06.1-server-i386.iso file on the CD?12:24
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Nafethi again12:24
Nafethow are these downloads any different from the official CD that I already have?12:24
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GraphicArtistIt won't boot off the Ubutu disk like it does off the RedHat install disks.12:25
JowiNafet, text-mode, no fat12:25
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nrdbcypherdelic: so it does, but not with kate.  ??? I wonder what different.12:25
Jowicypherdelic, dbus example for you: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9170/12:25
gyaresugiod: It's not twin view though is it? You are trying to use two different cards? I really don't know how to do this. It's been ages since I've touched mine...12:25
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cypherdelicJowi: thanks i will have a look12:26
KemayoHi, I'm trying to install the libapache2-mod-python package with apt-get, but am having difficulties.  The install completes without any errors, but I don't get the relevant module files in /etc/apache2/mods-available.12:26
KanRiNiNgyaresu: I switched it to the ubuntu pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9171/.  The guide I followed is here http://blog.linuxmonitor.net/2007/03/ultimate-ubuntu-performance-tweaking.html.  The error is at the end.  Thanks.12:26
nrdbcan someone please help!   I am using the update-manager to upgrade from 6.06 -> 6.10 after doing a long download the manager has displayed a terminal window with a question (about vmware) but the terminal window wont active so I can answer the question !!! :( what can I do ?12:26
cypherdelicnrdb: I have no idea, but im happy withit ;) because i thought it wouldnt work with &, too12:26
mirakstill no Tracker for feisty ?12:27
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poningrunrdb: there should be a gui thing for it12:27
billyin a terminal i get "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server. Xlib: No protocol specified"  What does this mean?12:27
billyanyone ever had trouble getting firestarter to open?12:27
gyaresuKanRiNiN: Yeah I see it. You will be better off taking this to the #linux channel.12:28
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nrdbcypherdelic: I use 'screen' whenever I want to do something like that, mainly when connecting via ssh to a computer.12:28
GraphicArtistHi All, is there a user freindly install tutorial you can point me to?12:28
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xethx96ok i tried installing the Buile-essential but it says the dependancy is missing...12:28
gesushey does anyone know how (i.e. program or command) i could mass rename all of my files and folders on a certain HD so that all files and folders are in lowercase?12:28
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raven3x7im going insane here12:28
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GraphicArtistWouldn't that break thinks?12:28
nrdbponingru: for what ?12:29
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gyaresu!repos | xethx9612:29
ubotuxethx96: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:29
gyaresuxethx96: I told you that you'd want to check that firs.12:29
stiv2kHelp, I popped in the ubuntu-6.10-server-i386 CD into an older emachines/celeron and it wouldn't boot it just skipped over and went to windows XP12:29
jimmygoonMy movies crash - I have a high res .mov file for a RoR screencast and I can't watch it unless I boot windows12:29
poningrunrdb: what you asked12:29
stiv2ki already checked the boot order in the BIOS and the ATAPI CDROM is the primary boot device12:29
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jimmygoonstiv2k : do you have the boot order configured properly?12:29
jimmygoonstiv2k: temporarily disable the other stuff12:30
stiv2kjimmygoon: i already checked the boot order in the BIOS and the ATAPI CDROM is the primary boot device12:30
gyaresustiv2k: old optical drive. you might try burning a cd at a slower speed.12:30
poningrunrdb: it should have popped open a thing in update manager12:30
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jimmygoonsometimes the bios gets confused as to what is the ATAPI CDROM12:30
tobyrResized partitions for the win :D12:30
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xethx96gyaresu sorry i didnt catch that, how  do i get he dependancy, i tried installing the one it asks for but i have a later version already installed12:30
gesusdoes anyone know how i could mass rename all of my files and folders on a certain HD so that all files and folders are in lowercase?12:30
stiv2kjimmygoon: should i try burning the CD at a lower speed12:30
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gyaresuxethx96: Did you setup your repos with EasySource?12:30
jimmygoonI dunna - gyaresu thinks so... I have no reason to think one way or another ... its worth a shot.. cd's are cheap!12:30
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stiv2kjimmygoon: disable what other stuff12:30
stiv2kjimmygoon: they are cheap but i have only like four left12:31
xethx96gyaresu im totaly new to linux so your speaking chinese to me XD12:31
gyaresu!repos > xethx9612:31
jimmygoonstiv2K : oh... ... heh... I meant disable all the other boot items12:31
gyaresu!EasySource > xethx9612:31
Ax3anyone ever use Miredo?12:31
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stiv2kjimmygoon: i can't disable them i can only change the order in which they are booted12:31
jimmygoongyaresu: where can I find a list of those commands you are using with whatever bot thats in here?12:31
nrdbponingru: I the terminal (inside the main window) just has a question on it "Overwrite? [yes]  " but I can't activate it to answer12:31
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tobyrDoes anyone know of any decent adventure games for Ubuntu?12:32
tobyrOr any games with a narrated dialogue etc?12:32
billywhy won't firestarter start when I click on the icon?12:32
gyaresuubotu: tell jimmygoon about yourself12:32
jimmygoonstiv2k: what are the other things in the list --- you can't like hit Shift+1 to disable or something like that12:32
jimmygoonthanks gyaresu12:32
stiv2kjimmygoon: CDROM, removable devices, hard drive, network boot in that order12:32
absolutrootgesus:  i am not sure how, but becareful when you do.. if you rename files and they have a symbolic link, it will not be able to find them12:32
Jowitobyr, beneath-a-steel-sky is nice12:32
Jowiold but nice12:33
tobyrI've got that, thanks :D12:33
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jimmygoonstiv2k: do you have more than one drive?12:33
tobyrI wish they would make a game like Still Life for Linux12:33
stiv2kjimmygoon: just one12:33
tobyrBut that's asking too much, would cost a lot of money12:33
raven3x7ok guys ive shut down iptables and port 6891 is still closed. how is this possible? anyone know?12:33
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poningrunrdb: OH12:33
tobyrI've got Egoboo12:33
tobyrThat looks quite good12:33
Giod_is there a way i can use the ubuntu live cd to erase every thing on a driver including filesystem12:33
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poningrunrdb: check the actual terminal where you called the command from12:34
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poningruGiod_: fdisk12:34
Giod_will that erase everything12:34
poningruGiod_: keep in mind thats still not a complete 'wipe'12:34
poningruas in that just destroys the table12:34
tobyrI'm in a good mood12:34
danieleboyoim having some video card difficulty if anyone would like to help12:34
tobyrI just used a towel to fix my Xbox 36012:35
geeksaucewhat should i use to burn a cd or dvd (data)?12:35
Giod_i just need to remove the filesystem12:35
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poningruGiod_: skilled can get at it12:35
poningruGiod_: fdisk is perfect for you then12:35
gyaresuraven3x7: How are you determining that your ports are shut down?12:35
billyIs there a Firestarter chat?12:35
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nrdbponingru: no printing there, I tried to answer anyway but noting happened.12:35
poningrugeeksauce: gnome-baker12:35
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poningrunrdb: are you sure the terminal in update manager has focus12:36
raven3x7gyaresu, nmapfe and i scan am i doing something wrong12:36
geeksauceponingru, is that installed by default or do i need to snag it from synaptic?12:36
poningrugeeksauce: by default12:36
jimmygoonstiv2k: I can't think of anything else... maybe try burning at a lower speed - maybe order a disc online (free - shipit) .... I dunna12:36
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xethx96gyaresu what am i suposed to do with the sourcelist?12:36
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jimmygoon!tell stiv2k about shipit12:36
poningrugeeksauce: you can also use the gnome partition editor12:36
poningruor whatever they call it12:36
nrdbponingru: the bar at the top of window is the 'active' color.12:36
geeksauceponingru, don't see it... is it not in the menu?12:36
danieleboyoim having some video performance issues12:36
poningrugeeksauce: fdisk is command line12:36
poningrugeeksauce: gparted is gui12:37
stiv2kjimmygoon: theres nothing wrong w. my CD12:37
geeksauceponingru, i meant the gnome-baker12:37
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jimmygoonstiv2k: did you "verify" it off the ISO or what makes you think that?12:37
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poningrugeeksauce: sorry got you confuzled12:37
stiv2kjimmygoon: i booted it on my other PC12:37
poningrugeeksauce: no its not installed be default12:37
poningrudo it from synaptic12:37
gyaresuraven3x7: raven3x7 What program do you have running on that port? Is there anything actually running at the moment?12:37
jimmygoonstiv2k: how old is the PC?12:38
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hanbushhello, how do i play wmv and quicktime videos in the browser?12:38
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stiv2kjimmygoon: celeron, initially came installed with win9812:38
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danieleboyoi have a geforce 6600  GT 256 mb video card, with the nvidia drivers from the web site and simple games are really choppy..any ideas?12:39
raven3x7gyaresu, no nothing is running on that port12:39
jimmygoonstiv2k: so BIOS updates ... are non existant?12:39
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gyaresuxethx96: you need to copy it to /etc/apt/sources.list12:39
stiv2kjimmygoon: i think the cdrom is broken12:39
stiv2kjimmygoon: in windows XP, it recognizes a drive D: but it thinks theres no disc in it12:39
stiv2kwhen there is12:39
jimmygoonstiv2k: >_< :Doh: -- I was wondering...12:39
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jimmygoongo to a garage sale! I used to have 2/3 laying around here at home12:40
stiv2kjimmygoon: is that substantial evidence to consider it broken12:40
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gyaresuraven3x7: And 'sudo nmap -v localhost' brings back 'Not shown: 1669 closed ports' ?12:40
jimmygoonstiv2k: .. Um... I dunna. As far as I'm concerned it is... The dilemna is ... is it worth a new CD drive... heh12:40
dougielooks like i have to copy all the disc's to a folder...lol12:40
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stiv2kcan i do a server install off of a floppy disk?12:40
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noogymmijDoes anyone know why Totem crashes (everytime) when I try to play my RoR .mov presentation?12:40
jimmygoonstiv2k: you could.... then again you could poke your eye for the next hour12:41
stiv2kjimmygoon: what's that supposed to mean12:41
jimmygoonstiv2k: honestly... if you want to install linux that bad... you can... but ubuntu doesn't have a really good alt. installation mechanism... imo12:41
gesusi've found a program that mass case-converts file names, but anyone know one that will work for folders? they are nothing important, mostly folders with of music albums and photos, etc.12:41
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AndrewBxethx96: what?12:41
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jimmygoonstiv2k: I'm just saying that anything besides a CD.... you're treading into vastly unsupported territories12:41
Jowistiv2k, yes it is possible. you have several ways. see here for instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation12:42
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jimmygoonlike its possible... but its not going to be fun.. I don't even know that there is a netwrok install for ubuntu12:42
stiv2kJowi: ok12:42
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tekkhi guys, whats the best way to run photoshop under ubuntu?12:42
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raven3x7gyaresu, no12:42
xethx96im trying to install build-essential but the dependancy isnt there so i tried installing the dependancy but it says i have a leter version already installed12:42
gyaresutekk: Don't.12:42
jimmygoonheh, Jowi is more helpful than I :P12:42
AndrewBxethx96: then you have it..12:42
jimmygoontekk: Drink wine... or rather use wine to emulate photoshop12:42
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gyaresuraven3x7: ...could you perhaps be more verbose?12:42
billyFigured out what was wrong with firestarter.  One of the howto's at their site did something bad.12:42
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tekkwine runs it well now ?12:42
xethx96but when i try to install build-essential it asks for a dif one12:43
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jimmygoon!wine | tekk12:43
ubotutekk: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:43
tekkis it best to configure wine to use windows dll's instead of its home made stuff ?12:43
DisabledBobcatCan you use more than 2 workspaces?12:43
jimmygoonI don't know if wine runs it... but thats the only way its going to run under Linux (except for Crossover but thats for pay... or using some type of emulation ...)12:43
hanbushhey guys, what program do i need to play wmv and quicktime in firefox?12:43
tekk!Crossover | tekk12:43
raven3x7gyaresu, sorry it says 1668 ports closed actually. would you like me to pastebin the entire output?12:43
colorredhanbush: vlc12:43
tekki dont mind paying to use it12:44
hanbushit works in firefox?12:44
tekkhowever, ive heard gimp is a good alternative12:44
jimmygoonDisabledbobcat: yes... right click the workspace applet - goto preferences and configure12:44
tekkis it as feature packed ?12:44
gyaresuraven3x7: And you've been messing with iptables right?12:44
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ks1hanbush, ffmpeg12:44
colorredhanbush: i _think_ there is a mozilla plugin12:44
ks1u need the ffmpeg lib...12:44
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kadjohello all: does anyone know a software from ubuntu repository for dvd audio ripping?12:44
jimmygooncolorred: I have never gotten vlc to play in my browser... in fact I just installed totem to try to resolve that12:44
silyaI need a program for recording my work on desktop12:44
raven3x7gyaresu, yes. both with firestarter and the command line12:44
nrdbponingru: I think I found out what happened it looks like the update-manager quit without closeing its window.12:44
gyaresuraven3x7: Do you need a firewall? If you've got a router then you don't...12:44
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gyaresuraven3x7: Sorry. I have to ask.12:45
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poningrunrdb: oh12:45
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poningru!plugin | hanbush12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plugin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
poningru!plugins | hanbush12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plugins - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
colorredis there a way to trigger a script when screen saver activates?12:45
poningruDUMB BOT12:45
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tekkcrossover doesnt run cs2 i thought? only upto ps7 ?12:46
noogymmijDoes anyone know why Totem crashes (everytime) when I try to play my RoR .mov presentation?12:46
gyaresu!botabuse > poningru12:46
gyaresuponingru: :)12:46
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jimmygoontekk: i have no idea if it does...12:46
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xethx96so is anyone gunna help?12:46
Jowicolorred, xscreensaver-command -watch12:46
tekkcan anyone confirm wine working with photoshop ?12:46
Jowicolorred, no idea if it exist in gnome-screensaver though12:46
pufftekk: Ouch, that sounds scary.12:46
jimmygoonxethx96: start at the beginning what are you installing?12:46
colorredJowi: thanks, dude. gonna take a look at that.12:46
poningrutekk: yes12:46
raven3x7gyaresu, i do have a router. i guess ill just shut it down for now12:46
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xethx96my wireless pci card12:47
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poningru!photoshop | tekk12:47
ubotutekk: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant12:47
danieleboyoi have a geforce 6600  GT 256 mb video card, with the nvidia drivers from the web site and simple games are really choppy..any ideas?12:47
poningruerr thats not it12:47
poningrutekk: google it12:47
tekkok thanks12:47
poningruand you will find bunch of guides on howto12:47
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cables!ask | gelie12:47
ubotugelie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:47
jimmygoonxethx96: which is? what version, etc?12:47
rjonesxany reason why i wouldnt be able to use apt-get install cabextract?12:47
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gyaresuraven3x7: Your router acts as a firewall. You'd only need a software firewall on you machine if you have issues on you LAN.12:47
xethx96netgear wg511 v212:47
Jowicolorred, you might be able to with "gnome-screensaver-command --query"12:47
rjonesxoh yeah, i am a hopeless first timer...12:47
jimmygoondanieleboyo: install drivers12:47
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poningruxethx96: whats wrong?12:48
yomm_If I set my eth0 to static ,and don't assign a gateway ,would that make my network inaccessible from everything behind my router ( which is the gateway ) ?12:48
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poningrurjonesx: that should have worked whats the error it throws?12:48
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jimmygoonxethx96: what ver of ubuntu?12:48
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xethx96cant install build essential because i have a newer version of its dependancy12:48
gyaresuponingru: jimmygoon Please help xethx96 setup his sources first... I need caffeine.12:48
geliedoes anybody know if Acer InviLink is going to work with linux?12:48
jimmygoongyaresu: what sources does he need?12:48
poningruxethx96: what are you compiling?12:48
jimmygoonoh, h/o12:48
geliedoes anybody know if Acer InviLink is going to work with linux?   --> it's a wifi "card"12:49
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jimmygoondanieleboyo: yeS?12:49
poningruxethx96: hmm does your card show up in network-admin12:49
danieleboyojimmygoon: i already have, i have the latest from the nvidia webstie12:49
fatlipokay how do i go about doing midi playback in ubuntu12:49
poningrugelie: do you know which model number it is?12:49
mikefooAnyone know free server virtualzation?  so I can split one server into several?12:49
cables!who | gelie12:49
ubotugelie: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:49
kadjohello all: does anyone know a software from ubuntu repository for dvd audio ripping?12:49
jimmygoondanieleboyo: are you sure that x.org is setup to use those drivers?12:50
rjonesxponigru: couldn't find package cabextract12:50
rjonesxponigru: no problem with other packages..12:50
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yomm_mikefoo : vmware12:50
jimmygoonxethx96: have you tried ndiswrapper? do you have a guide you are following?12:50
poningrumikefoo: qemu, vmware, XEN12:50
cablesponingru, gelie said nope. I !who'd him.12:50
xethx96i have ndiswrapper12:50
rjonesxtrying to use ndiswrapper so that i can get my wlan working...12:50
jimmygoondanieleboyo: have you tried glxgears to get a FPS reading12:50
poningruoh hehe thanks12:50
xethx96iv installed it12:50
jimmygoonxethx96: does it not work or what?12:50
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danieleboyojimmygoon: no...whats that?12:50
xethx96but i have no clue how to use ot or what to do with it12:50
fatlip"Could not open /dev/sequencer"12:51
danieleboyojimmygoon: i was playing tremulous ( i dont knwo if you knwo it...) but i was getting 48 fps...which seems pretty bad12:51
poningruxethx96: can you go to system->admin->network admin12:51
poningrudo you see your wifi card there?12:51
rjonesxneed cabextract to open the driers...12:51
jimmygoondanieleboyo: that does... but it could've been from like a fluke-- is that consistent?12:51
poningrurjonesx: question what kinda wlan is it?12:51
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geliexethx96: do you know if Acer InviLink is going to work with linux?12:51
jimmygoonxethx96: ok. Lemme put my thinking cap on because I had to use it to use my USB card to make a digipicture frame... either way12:51
danieleboyojimmygoon :( yup :(12:51
poningru!wifi | gelie12:51
ubotugelie: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:51
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poningrugelie: the problem is I need to find the model number inorder to research12:52
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ciscosurferDoes anyone know if there's a compiz settings manager for Feisty?12:52
cablesciscosurfer, there is12:52
poningruciscosurfer: a tiny one12:52
xethx96linux recognizes it though12:52
raven3x7gyaresu, hmm i shut down the firewall from firestarter but those ports are still closed12:52
poningrunothing like beryl's12:52
poningruxethx96: what do you mena recognizes it?12:52
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colorredJowi: found some - http://live.gnome.org/GnomeScreensaver/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#head-ac43c8f33bc700a5e298e6a82ded0e8bb9b3304312:52
noogymmijxethx96: what do you mean it recognizes it?12:52
lovlossIs there a good program for ubuntu/kubuntu that unerases files?12:52
ciscosurfercables, poningru: where would I find it?12:52
poningruxethx96: can you do me a favor and run this on a terminal "lscpi -v | grep bcm"12:53
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cablesciscosurfer, system>preferences>desktop effects12:53
rjonesxponigru: broadcom 4311 (on a new HP laptop: came with vista. replaced it with a functioning operating system (ubuntu))12:53
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cables!wifi > gelie12:53
ciscosurfercables, that's the manager?  I want to modify compiz plugins, etc.12:53
cablesciscosurfer, i know... it's sorta crappy12:53
danieleboyojimmygoon: its not a fluke, and other games run pretty poorly (ie starcraft under wine doesnt even get to the main load page)12:53
poningrurjonesx: you dont have to use ndiswrapper just install firmware12:53
poningru!bcm43xx | rjonesx12:53
uboturjonesx: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:53
ciscosurfercables: yeah.  I just thought I was missing something.  oh well12:53
jimmygoondanieleboyo: sorry, I've already exhausted all the troubleshooting ideas I've got for grafix cards...12:53
gelieit doesn't say if there is InviLink there12:54
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poningrurjonesx: if you search in synaptic there is a bcm firmware package12:54
poningrugelie: you need the model number12:54
danieleboyojimmygoon: hmm...any ideas who i can try?12:54
poningrugo find that out12:54
Jowicolorred, using dbus. quite cool12:54
xethx96poningru, it wont work unless i take off the -v|grep stuff12:54
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jimmygoondanieleboyo: poke around here for a while... ubuntuforums.org is GREAT!12:54
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poningrugelie: cause companies use different chipsets for different model numbers12:54
poningruxethx96: you have to put a space there thats why12:54
cablesponingru, he's a little stunned... first time on IRC.12:54
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danieleboyojimmygoon: hahah i guess so!12:55
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jimmygoonxethx96: I've got some guides I'm looking at for prism/ndiswrapper... lemme do some looking... brb.. gotta feed dogs12:55
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=== rjonesx is going to need more hand-holding. might just hold off till i can get some of my more ubuntu familiar friends to help.
xethx96what am i looking for poningru12:55
xethx96the line of code still doesnt work though12:55
rjonesxwill look into synaptic though, but i dont even know what that is (noob)12:56
xethx96lspci -v|grep bcm12:56
poningruxethx96: you didnt put a space there dude12:56
poningrulspci -v | grep bcm12:56
poningrulook at what I typed and what you typed12:56
xethx96i did that too and got nothing12:56
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poningruah ok then should have said that12:56
xethx96lspci -v | grep bcm12:56
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poningruyou dont have bcm12:57
poningruits a certain chipset that lots of people with wifi prob have12:57
poningrui.e rjonesx12:57
xethx96good thing i dont have it12:57
rellikXorg uses up a huge percentage of my CPU when using my computer normally (nothing that should be terribly taxing on the computer)..  I run xinerama.. could that be the culprit?  Is there an alternative to Xorg I could try? (I don't really know what it is)12:57
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jimmygoonxethx96: http://e-lehmann.de/index.php/2006/12/23/wlan-on-ubuntu-via-netgear-wg511v2/12:57
poningruactually bad thing cause it can be fixed with a firmware install12:57
poningrurjonesx: hold on12:57
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sethrdHello hello.12:58
xethx96thats the 20th time iv seen that12:58
wolfspiritquestion.. what would everyone here think about joining an annual or bi-annual linux lan party?12:58
xethx96and i still dont know how to use nds wrapper12:58
xethx96nor can i find how to run it12:58
poningrurjonesx: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-firmware12:58
raven3x7does anyone know how i stop the firewall from the comman line?12:59
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jimmygoonxethx96: its one instruction after another12:59
radar1976ok question, can someone check a website for me?12:59
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poningruraven3x7: what firewall?12:59
jimmygoonthe idea with ndiswrapper is that you give it the windows driver and it loads it at boot for you12:59
jimmygoonits not a program and there is no GUI12:59
raven3x7poningru, iptables i gues12:59
xethx96it doesnt tell me how to use or run nds wrapper -_-12:59
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wolfspiritponingru: check under /etc/init.d12:59
jimmygoonradar1976: pm it to me12:59
Jowirellik, use "htop" for a nice overview on which process it is exactly.12:59
jimmygoonxethx96: yes it does ;) Then type sudo ndiswrapper -i WG511v2.INF to install the driver.01:00
poningruwolfspirit: sorry?01:00
jimmygoonthat was a quote ;)01:00
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ciscosurfercables: can you point me to an app that I can use to modify my compiz setup on Feisty?01:00
poningruraven3x7: on just do init.d iptables stop01:00
poningruraven3x7: sudo /etc/init.d/iptables stop01:00
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wolfspiritraven3x7: what he just said01:00
bruenigciscosurfer, go to #ubuntu-effects01:01
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raven3x7poningru, there doesnt seem to be such an enetry01:01
ciscosurferbruenig: I did, no one's talking :/01:01
sethrdAm I really the only person who doesn't care much about Compiz or Beryl?01:01
bruenigciscosurfer, then go to forums or google or something01:01
poningruraven3x7: sorry you have to add couple of repositories01:01
wolfspiritradar1976: what is the website01:01
megafaunasethrd: perhaps. but then again, perhaps not.01:02
gesushey i've moved over from windows xp to ubuntu, just trying to configure my mail client Evolution. i want to import my contacts and emails i've saved from microsoft outlook (saved as BACKUP.PST)01:02
poningru!repositories | raven3x701:02
uboturaven3x7: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:02
xethx96couldn't coppy WG511v2.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 line 14401:02
ciscosurferbruenig: I think I'll stay here, thanks :-)01:02
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bruenig!offtopic | ciscosurfer01:02
ubotuciscosurfer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:02
raven3x7poningru, i have universe and multiverse if thats what you mean01:02
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ciscosurferbruenig: easy...01:02
xethx96god hates me XD01:02
poningruraven3x7: are you sure?01:02
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poningruraven3x7: what version of ubuntu are you using?01:03
axisyshow do i display the system time using java in one line?01:03
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mrdrillerhello! i've just installed ubuntu01:03
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gwarkcan anyone in here send SMS from within Ubuntu?    skype?  wengo?01:03
radar1976what is the result?01:03
gyaresuxethx96: I am back with caffeine and I will help you.01:03
jimmygoonxethx96: you have to have the driver files in the folder that you're in01:03
xethx96what folder am i in?01:04
raven3x7wolfspirit, i dont have that line01:04
jimmygoongyaresu: his card works with ndiswrapper so i'm walking him through that01:04
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
rellikJowi, alright, I got that htop running..  the process that is hogging all my CPU every time I do ANYTHING (type, alt-tab, etc) is /usr/X11R6/bin/W :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt701:04
jimmygoonxethx96: your home directory --- /home/xethx96/ or something like that01:04
xethx96wow i felt stupid asking that01:04
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gyaresuxethx96: jimmygoon I have caffeine and ignore me. :)01:04
Jowigesus, isn't it just to use file -> import in evolution?01:04
sethrdradar1976: It doesn't resolve.01:04
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jimmygoonxethx96: its alright I do stuff all the time thinking I'm in a different folder...01:05
rellikJowi, I don't suppose it's as easy as changing the flags X is running with?01:05
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radar1976doesn't resolve?01:05
sethrdNot on my end.01:05
raven3x7poningru, 6.10 actually01:05
jimmygoonnone here..01:05
gesusJowi, no, it doesn't recognise the file. neither does thunderbird.01:05
Jowirellik, that does not sound good. could be anything. might be drivers.01:05
jimmygoonxethx96... wait? heh01:05
xethx96yo can we talk via pm...01:05
raven3x7poningru, Amd6401:05
DM|Ok, i am trying to copy a file from a CD ( ubuntu CD) to a USB drive and no matter what i do i cannot copy it, even under sudo01:05
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poningruraven3x7: ah that explains it01:06
xethx96im geting flustered by the croudedness of this place01:06
Jowigesus, http://linux.uta.edu/article.php?pid=501:06
bruenig!prefix | xethx9601:06
ubotuxethx96: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages01:06
gesusJowi, thanks01:06
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rellikJowi, that's pretty much the worst thing I could imagine..  "could be anything" :)01:06
jimmygoonxethx96: I PM'ed you...01:06
poningruraven3x7: I am not 100% sure you can use the firmware01:07
xethx96let me get off this browser irc01:07
Jowirellik, you can see if using the VESA driver and one screen also have the problem.01:07
gyaresu!tab | xethx9601:07
ubotuxethx96: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:07
raven3x7poningru, err what firmware?01:07
bruenigDM|, can you copy from the cd to the HD, and from the HD to the flash drive?01:07
bryanlwow the new ubuntu feisty herd 5 is nice.01:07
bryanli'm impressed.01:07
DM|bruenig nope wont let me01:07
gyaresu!offtopic | bryanl01:07
ubotubryanl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:07
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bryanlDM! boo!!!01:08
bruenigDM|, so where is the breakdown then, is it CD to HD, or HD to flash drive01:08
raven3x7poningru, i was trying to shutdown iptables01:08
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poningruraven3x7: oh sorry01:08
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DM|bruenig o, fixed it, thanks hehe01:08
bryanl!cromulent | everyone01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cromulent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
DM|bruenig no wait01:08
raven3x7poningru, :D but i dont have a iptable script. its kinda weird01:08
poningruraven3x7: do 'sudo /etc/init.d/iptables stop'01:08
poningruraven3x7: how did you install iptables?01:09
DM|bruenig i copied it from the CD to my HDD, but now it wont let me copy it to my USB stick01:09
raven3x7poningru, uhm i installed firestarter01:09
bruenigDM|, is your usb stick linux compatible01:09
DM|bruenig aye,01:09
DM|bruenig think the reason is that its formatted fat16?01:09
Jowigesus, found this from Novell site. seems like you need to convert the pst. http://www.novell.com/documentation/evolution24/index.html?page=/documentation/evolution24/evolution24/data/importing-mail-and-settings.html01:09
Kookabis dann zusammen01:09
gyaresuWhat's that new command to replace 'update-rc.d _blah_ remove' ?01:09
bruenigDM|, fat16 should be fine I think, have you tried to do it with cp01:10
poningrugyaresu: didnt change01:10
ciscosurferraven3x7: firestarter is just a GUI front-end to iptables.  iptables is in ubuntu by default.01:10
DM|bruenig trying that now01:10
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poningruraven3x7: do this 'ps aux | grep iptables'01:10
gyaresuponingru: Yeah someone mentioned it yesterday. New script that does better checking.01:10
poningrugyaresu: there is?01:10
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raven3x7ciscosurfer, thats what i though myself. doesnt explain why i dont have a startup script though01:10
Edinok back01:10
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DM|bruenig it says omitting dir but doesnt actually copy it01:11
Edinim xethx01:11
gyaresuponingru: Yeah. That's what I said... Not even a memo.01:11
ciscosurferraven3x7: I wasn't really following your conversation, I just noticed that last comment and thought I'd chime in :-)01:11
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:11
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chiefanyone know hwo to make vlc my default player for all videos?01:11
raven3x7poningru, raven     8642  0.0  0.0   3900   808 pts/0    S+   02:11   0:00 grep iptables01:11
raven3x7[2] -  Done                    sudo firestarter01:11
ciscosurferraven3x7: kmyfirewall is a nifty app you might want to check out also01:12
jimmygoonchief: right click your video files and goto the right tab01:12
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jimmygoonright-click -> properties -> etc01:12
bruenigDM|, don't know my flash drives have always worked fine, I always checked on the box to make sure it said linux compatible, I would assume that most of them are though01:12
raven3x7ciscosurfer, ill check it out.01:12
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ciscosurferraven3x7, :-D01:13
gesusJowi, problem is i no longer have an install of windows.01:13
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raven3x7poningru, so if dont need a firewall is it afe to completely remove it? i mean will anything break that you are aware of?01:13
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poningruraven3x7: remove what? iptables? or firestarter?01:14
jacob_can anyone help me install darwin streaming server01:14
raven3x7poningru, iptables01:14
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Jowigesus, it say on the novell site that you can use mozilla mail (thunderbird maybe they mean) to do it.01:14
geeksaucegnome-bake keeps freezing on me... anyone know what the problem could be?01:15
gesusJowi, but aren't they talking about a mozilla install on windows?01:15
poningruraven3x7: I wanna say it will not cause problems01:15
poningrubut... not sure01:15
poningrugesus: what are you trying to do?01:15
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Jowigesus, they are, but it should not matter since they mention that you need a mail prog that uses mbox format.01:16
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kbrosnanponingru: migratate a pst file on linux01:16
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gesusponingru, i'm trying to import emails/contacts into evolution (or thunderbird) from a .pst file01:16
poningruhold on01:16
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geeksauceor an alternative program to burn cd's?01:16
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gesusJowi, i couldn't import the .pst file in thunderbird01:17
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brueniggeeksauce, cdrecord01:17
poningrugeeksauce: k3b01:17
geeksaucebruenig, data cd's?01:17
brueniggeeksauce, yeah01:17
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poningrugeeksauce: thats command line tool01:17
poningruyou have to do it in a terminal01:18
bruenigwhich means fun01:18
poningrubruenig: please tell people such things01:18
poningrudont leave them hanging like that01:18
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bruenigperhaps he would enjoy cdrecord01:18
poningrugesus: hmm do you have access to a windows box01:18
rellikis ubuntu set up to allow non-LAN ssh connections by default?  my hosts.* files are both empty, which I thought meant someone could connect..  but he says it's timing out..  does SSHd have its own connection privs?  all the settings are their defaults01:18
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KastangHey, Having a small probelm. I just did a system update on Ubuntu(Just put it on my laptop), Along with the Update was a Kernel update. I also did a ATI driver update while that was in progress.. Everything seemed to go smooth, But I rebooted and It selects the new kernel at boot, and it goes to the "loading" screen.. the orange bar gets almost to the end.. then some graphical glitches come...01:18
Kastang...up on the screen and it freezes. Im in recovery mode now, I am not sure what to do though.01:18
gesusponingru, i could probably make it happen yep01:18
Flamekebabhmm.. what's happened to Automatix/the automatix website?01:19
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Jowirellik, yes, no ports are blocked by default. if you install ssh server you will be able to connect. you must configure your router to do the port forwarding though.01:19
ciscosurfergesus: try here > http://www.go-evolution.org/Shell or here > http://linux.uta.edu/article.php?pid=501:19
poningrugesus: your best bet would be to use the pst file in a windows box with outlook and get thunderbird to import on the windows box and then take the mbox from thunderbird01:19
LjL!automatix | Flamekebab01:19
ubotuFlamekebab: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:19
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poningruFlamekebab: what are you trying to install?01:19
FlamekebabLjL, that wasn't helpful..01:19
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Edinjimmygoon i sent you a pm01:19
FlamekebabI'm not trying to install anything01:19
rellikJowi, yeah I have the port forwarded.. must be user error (my friend's of course..  not mine) :)01:20
FlamekebabI know exactly what Automatix *is*01:20
jacob_chown: `qtss': invalid user01:20
jacob_ ---how do i fix that01:20
omeilhave you tried booting with the old kernel?01:20
gesusponingru, cheers mate01:20
LjLFlamekebab: so you know it doesn't belong to here. ask in its channel.01:20
Jowirellik, want me to try to see if I get a login prompt?01:20
FlamekebabLjL, so much for being kind and helpful01:20
KastangBy the way, I have tried booting with the old kernel, and the same thing happens - It seems like I messed up something with the Driver install01:21
rellikJowi, no thanks..  I have SSH access to my text drive acct..  I dunno why I didn't think of trying it from there01:21
LjLFlamekebab: so sorry01:21
Jowirellik, no probs.01:21
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Flamekebabit's just that a friend of mine tried to download it and found the site is down, I figured here would be an excellent place to find out whether Automatix is gone now, or whether it's just having hosting issues01:21
poningruFlamekebab: when it messes up people's updates and others dont seem to care the helpers here wont be either of those01:21
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eilkeri had some options to unrar to unzip files, when i do right click, now i lost them, how can i get it again ?01:21
ubuntusomeone help me install grub/01:21
ciscosurfergesus: did you see my message?01:21
ciscosurfergesus: try here > http://www.go-evolution.org/Shell or here > http://linux.uta.edu/article.php?pid=501:21
noogymmijubuntu: sudo apt-get install grub01:21
poningru!rar | eilker01:22
ubotueilker: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:22
LjLFlamekebab: it's an excellent place to find out you don't want it installed. now, end of discussion thanks. whatever goes on to the automatix website is none of #ubuntu01:22
noogymmijwhat are you trying to do? (RE)Install grub?01:22
LjL's business01:22
poningruFlamekebab: what is your friend trying to install?01:22
poningruFlamekebab: friends dont let friends use automatix01:22
Flamekebabno, but as you're so anti-Automatix I figured that if it's gone, you'd know!01:22
ubuntunoggy, yes im trying to install grub, i installed vista and overwrote grub of course01:22
FlamekebabI use Automatix, not had any problems with it01:22
noogymmijCan someone help me with Totem01:22
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poningruFlamekebab: you are bordering on trolling please dont flame people01:22
ubuntui chroot into my linux system from live cd but i cant install grub01:23
poningrunoogymmij: whatsup?01:23
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ardchoilleLjL: Thank you01:23
ubuntunoggy, i ran grub from chroot and set root (hd0,4), thats ok01:23
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gesusciscosurfer, reading now, cheers01:23
ciscosurfergesus, :-d01:23
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ubuntunoggy, but when i do setup (hd0) it says cannot mount selected partition01:23
gesusciscosurfer, ty :)01:23
Flamekebabgreat, cheers guys, thanks for being so nice and helpful. First time anyone in the Ubuntu community has treated me like this.01:24
noogymmijponingru: Totem crashes every time I try to watch my ruby-on-rails screencast- its rather large and it crashes every time :(01:24
ciscosurfergesus: *bows* any time01:24
eilkerponingru: i have rar and unrar packages installed01:24
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noogymmijI have to boot windows to watch it01:24
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vaalthhey, im having some trouble burning cds with cdrecord01:24
jdhoreotgI'm running Edgy and i want to upgrade my Nvidia drivers from the 8776 driver that comes in the repos to the latest stable 9xxx series driver...i have one question about this...if it happens to cause massive issues and things, how do i revert back to the old 8776 drivers01:24
LjLFlamekebab: do you have an Ubuntu support question? if yes, ask, if not, other topics *do not belong here period*.01:24
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ubuntunoogymmij, you have time to help?01:24
poningrunoogymmij: try using mplayer or vlc01:24
FlamekebabYou're making it seem like I've made some sort of offensive comment against your mothers or something01:24
vaalthwhenever i insert the burned cd and try to install ubuntu it gets to the loading bar and locks up giving Buffer I/O errors01:25
BrokenPipeI've gotten apt into pretty bad shape, can someone work with me on figuring out how to fix up some errors I'm seeing?01:25
eilkerponingru: my problem i lost them in right click, i have rar and unrar in system already01:25
jacob_chown: `qtss': invalid user01:25
jacob_ -----help meee01:25
ciscosurferBrokenPipe: what are the errors?01:25
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jimmygoonubuntu: sorry -- ask me here... I'm using the other window to ask for help with totem and I'm offering help here... whats wrong ubuntu?01:25
poningrueilker: hmm ic01:25
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vaalthsudo cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc speed=4 isoname.iso01:25
noogymmijponingru: vlc / mplayer crashes as well01:25
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omeilKustang: try setting the xorg.conf to vesa and see if it boots. if it boots its a video problem..after that i would suggest uninstalling the drivers then reinstalling01:26
codecainejimmygoon, i installed vista and it over wrote my grub01:26
noogymmijand I stay away from mplayer for the most part now because one of my repos has a new version of mplayer that bits my pc :(01:26
BrokenPipeciscosurfer: when trying to "fix broken packages" I get: E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.01:26
vaalthdo i have to change any paramaters in order to burn ubuntu to a cd?01:26
codecainejimmygoon, i am in my live cd now and need to reinstall01:26
mad28anyone can give me a hand?01:26
mad28i can't get ubuntu to recognize my raid001:26
mad28so i can make it dual boot, on a third hdd01:26
jimmygooncodecaine: lemme look it up really fast01:26
Math^hello, im trying to copy from Xubuntu some files on a shared folder in WindowsXP, but how to do this?01:26
jdhoreotgI'm running Edgy and i want to upgrade my Nvidia drivers from the 8776 driver that comes in the repos to the latest stable 9xxx series driver...i have one question about this...if it happens to cause massive issues and things, how do i revert back to the old 8776 drivers01:26
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codecainejimmygoon, i've tried to issue grub command and get into shell to install but its not working...01:26
ciscosurferBrokenPipe: short of giving you a slew of commands to issue in the Terminal, you might want to fire up Synaptic and try to fix issues that way01:26
poningrunoogymmij: I am gonna goahead and guess its something wrong with your vid01:26
BrokenPipeciscosurfer: that's where that message came from =)01:27
noogymmijponingru: nah, it always happens with "large" videos... and it works perfectly in quicktime01:27
Math^how to connect on a shared folder from windows with samba?01:27
ciscosurferBrokenPipe: oh.01:27
raven3x7poningru, hmm now  after shutting down the firwall from within firestarter and then removing firestarter sudo iptables -L gives me the folllowing error: " iptables -hICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 9364, errno = 0"01:27
FlamekebabLjL - there's three other people in the automatix channel, I wonder why I come to somewhere with people that actually know stuff? Because you guys have always been smart and helpful in the past!01:27
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BrokenPipeciscosurfer: I don't know how to troubleshoot this, but I'm comfortable with command line tinkering.01:27
noogymmijIt is a very popular video-- too popular to be "messed up"01:27
kid6Can someone solve my grub ignorance.... Do I need a boot partition to install grub?01:27
Jowikid6, you can install to MBR01:28
mad28anyone can give me a hand?01:28
mad28i can't get ubuntu to recognize my raid001:28
mad28so i can make it dual boot, on a third hdd01:28
codecainejimmygoon, i've tried this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/restore-debian-linux-grub-boot-loader.html01:28
ciscosurferBrokenPipe: okay.  let me get right back to you.01:28
jimmygoon2. Open a terminal window or switch to a tty.01:28
jimmygoon3. Type "grub"01:28
jimmygoon4. Type "root (hd0,6)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are (my /boot is at /dev/sda7, which translates to hd0,6 for grub).01:28
jimmygoon5. Type "setup (hd0)", ot whatever your harddisk nr is.01:28
jimmygoon6. Quit grub by typing "quit".01:28
jimmygoon7. Reboot.01:28
jimmygoonah... sorry :(01:28
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jimmygooncodecaine: that was supposed to be in a PM to you :S01:29
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kid6if windows is on my MBR... can I still use it?01:29
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kid6will it overwrite it?01:29
codecainejimmygoon, did that it tells me error 17: cannot mount selected partition after running setup01:30
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Jowikid6, grub will overwrite MBR. you will still be able to boot into windows.01:30
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jimmygooncodecaine, you have to modify root (hd0,6) to your needs01:30
axisysanyone know how to find the grab and print the `date' command using java?01:30
Bac9when doing `ulimit -n 2048` I get "ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted", what can I do to change the limit?01:30
ciscosurferBrokenPipe: apt-get has a switch called --ignore-hold that you may find useful01:30
codecainejimmygoon, i did01:30
Evil_EdI'll think about it01:30
jimmygooncodecaine,  it will be different depending on which partition its on01:30
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codecainejimmygoon, i used root (hd0,4)01:30
jimmygooncodecaine,  did you note that its like one less or something01:30
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jdhoreotgI'm running Edgy and i want to upgrade my Nvidia drivers from the 8776 driver that comes in the repos to the latest stable 9xxx series driver...i have one question about this...if it happens to cause massive issues and things, how do i revert back to the old 8776 drivers01:31
jimmygoonso its really the 5th partition?01:31
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codecainejimmygoon, /dev/sda3            4818        4939      979965   82  Linux swap / Solaris01:31
codecaine/dev/sda4            4940        7113    17462655   83  Linux01:31
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jimmygoontry (hd0,3)01:31
Aruinhello im a n00b to Linux and was wondering where i get the codexs for mp3 and dvd play back ?01:32
Jowikid6, the only problem come if you re-install windows, since that will overwrite the MBR that grub was on with windows boot loader. then you will have to re-isntall grub again. but if you have win now, and install ubuntu, grub will see the win installation and add it to the boot menu.01:32
codecainejimmygoon, that worked, how come, what did i miss?01:32
jimmygooncodecaine: grub is funny about partition numbering -- it starts at ZERO01:32
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kid6I had ubuntu01:32
kid6then installed windows01:32
codecainejimmygoon, ooooh :)01:32
omeilyea it would be hd0,3 since the drives start from 001:32
Jowikid6, (assuming win and linux are on the same disk)01:32
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kid6now I am trying to get it back but I have the super grub disk01:32
kid6no live cd with me01:32
jimmygoonAruin : check ubuntuguide.org -> search with your browser Ctrl+F01:32
raven3x7so does anyone know ho i open a port in ubuntu?01:32
Jowi!grub | kid601:33
codecainejimmygoon, thanks for time man, you rock01:33
ubotukid6: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:33
kid6and I am trying to get it to rewite grub01:33
jake_guys when i try to play vcd on xine, audio codec needed, please help im a newbie01:33
Aruinthank you jimmygoon01:33
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jimmygooncodecaine: no problem.. heh your username is funny ... my nickname is colecaine :P01:33
billyCan we Ubuntu users use most of the Firefox extensions available on their site?01:33
kid6it isn't working :\01:33
codecainejimmygoon, haha funny :)01:33
kid6I guess I need to reburn live cd01:33
Jowikid6, read that link ubotu spat out. it includes the super grub disk01:33
crdlb__billy, yes01:33
jimmygoonbilly: absolutely - there are only a very few specialty ones that don't work (IE Tab01:33
omeiljimmygoon: atleast its a number lol :D01:33
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ciscosurferbilly: it's a matter of whether the extensions are compatible with Linux.  The answer is mostly yes01:33
billycrdlb__, jimmygoon: thank you.01:33
George1hey about installing windows i keep getting a error stop oxooooooo7b and what i would like to do is delete the partitions and start from scratch01:33
jimmygoonomeil: no kidding01:33
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omeilfirefox was released on linux first wasn't it?01:34
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xobadont think so01:34
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billyciscosurfer: I'm just looking for some security extensions.  For instance, JavaScript on a site-by-site basis.01:34
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kurtneverwinter 2 ?01:34
ciscosurferbilly: try noscript01:34
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codecainebooting into my linux, brb01:34
jake_help please01:34
billyThanks ciscosurfer.01:34
ciscosurferbilly, :-D01:34
George1im not sure how to make a boot disk on ubuntu thou01:35
xobais there anything similar to textmate for linux yet? if not im surprised01:35
omeiljimmygoon: would have been good if firefox was released on windows lol :) they would have to stick with old stinky explorer01:35
noogymmijGeorge1, http://www.sysresccd.org/01:35
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omeilkurt: ?01:35
kurtGeorge1, a boot disk ?01:35
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kurtwhy do you need to have a boot disk?01:35
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kurti figured just boot from the install/live cd ?01:35
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jimmygoonxoba, jedit is better01:36
danmorgany suggestions where to buy a computer that will work with ubuntu good?   you can /msg me the reply if you want to.   my emachines does not work well, so i've decided to buy another computer.01:36
jimmygoonGeorge1, download the iso - rightclick and burn to disc01:36
ubuntumanscan hasn't worked since edgy, and it still does not in HURD5..is there a workaround for this ? ( I have HP officejet 5510 all -in-one )01:36
omeil!port | raven3x701:36
uboturaven3x7: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall01:36
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jimmygoonGeorge1, then you boot off of it and that sysresccd has about every utility you'll ever ever ever need01:36
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billyAre /tmp files deleted after reboot?01:36
George1thank you01:37
kurtcool jimmygoon01:37
eilkerfor newbies, free e-book http://ebookspyder.net/index.php/2007/03/03/ubuntu-linux-bible.html01:37
jimmygoondanmorg: anything but emachines :D01:37
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kurti had to do an alternate install for my laptop01:37
Vaalthis it possibly to upgrade from hoary to the latest version without burning a new install disk to cd?01:37
jimmygoonkurt: the sysresccd isn't a live disc... its a utility disc that has GUI apps but have to be launched via command lie01:37
eilkervaalth: they dont suggest it01:37
kurti  like that jimmy01:37
danmorgjimmygoone: hhahaha.  yep.  it randomly shuts down.  i'm looking into dell, but i'm not sure what is a good choice01:37
eilkervaalth: they suggest one by one01:37
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jimmygoonVaalth: Alllll the way from hoary to edgy? :EEEK:01:38
kurti was lookiong for that the other day01:38
codecainejimmygoon, im on my system.  thanks again :)01:38
kurti went from breezy (i think) 5.10 to 6.0601:38
jimmygoonVaalth: you can... make sure package - ubuntu-desktop is installed - then update your sources.list file to include "edgy" instead of "hoary" then do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:38
jimmygooncodecaine: awesome01:38
SunRayCafequestion on install: downloaded live disc, burned image, am running on machine. System doesn't seem to be able to handle install that way, it keeps hanging when I get to the formatting portion. Want to install via command line, but can't find information. Anyone have a link for command line installation help?01:38
jimmygoon!tell Vaalth about upgrading01:38
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lopelis`whats the codecks do i need under default ubuntu install to paly avi mp3?01:39
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crdlbSunRayCafe, you need the alternate cd01:39
omeilDoes neverwinter nights 2 have a linux installer yet?01:39
SunRayCafecrdlb: available from ubuntu.com?01:39
kurtSunRayCafe,  download the alternate install cd01:39
crdlbSunRayCafe, yes01:39
kurtcrdlb, not that i know of01:39
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jimmygoonlopelis`, goto http://ubuntuguide.org and search in your browser (CTRL+F) to find it... it will include every codec you can imagine01:39
kurtcrdlb,  how far you get so far?01:40
lopelis`jimmygoon, thanks01:40
jimmygoon.... Whoa... the alt cd is offical01:40
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jimmygoonand definetly on the ubuntu.com website!!!01:40
SunRayCafeaaah, I don't have enough ram. Thanks guys, that should do it01:40
needtoknowHow do I change the size of my partitions? Ubuntu wont let me login as root!!!01:40
raven3x7omeil, i though they werent going to make one?01:40
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crdlbSunRayCafe, how much do you have?01:41
SunRayCafeguessing 12801:41
jimmygoonheh, you don01:41
SunRayCafedon't know off hand... can reboot and find out :)01:41
jimmygoon't know?01:41
SunRayCafeit's not my primary machine01:41
crdlbSunRayCafe, try xubuntu, but the livecd requires much more ram than the actual install01:41
jimmygoonthat and/or try a memcheck01:41
kurti hope they release one01:41
jimmygoonor DamnSmallLinux - it rocks!01:41
kurtthen i dont have to boot windows01:41
kurtactually a question01:41
needtoknowHow do I change the size of my partitions? Ubuntu wont let me login as root!!!01:42
kurthow do i install the nvidia drivers01:42
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needtoknow^^^ easy ubuntu01:42
kurtit keeps saying that its found an x session running01:42
danmorgjimmygoon: where did you buy your computer?01:42
GionnyBossIf I want to set Nautilus to open a certain type of file with another application, I can't do it. I see other applications but if I click on it I can't select them. I have this problem only on my laptop, other computers using ubuntu doesn't have this problem. Can anybody help me, please? I'm on Ubuntu Edgy, using GNOME, obviously01:42
bronze_0_1wow. scary.01:42
harmanneedtoknow, use sudo01:42
SunRayCafehmmm... memtest says I have 192. Will try the alternate anyway, since this isn't working01:42
omeilraven3x7: try !firewall it should tell you everything about ubuntu firewall01:42
crdlbSunRayCafe, 192 is enough for ubuntu (but not the livecd)01:42
kurthow do i boot to command line not to gui / x01:42
lopelis`one more: how to get kismet with intel ipw2200 card wirking monitore mode01:43
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jimmygoondanmorg: I bought this piece of ... hardware about 2-3 years ago at Office Depot... it's held up well and I got a a free warranty extenstion (totally like 3 years) because Toshiba had a class action lawsuit01:43
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jimmygoonlopelis`, how far are you with kismet?01:43
kurttoshiba's last forever01:43
kurti have 2 left from 200101:43
lopelis`jimmygoon: i'm noob01:43
needtoknowNot nice^^^01:43
lopelis`does intell support kismet01:43
kurtthe third i had got dropped, smashed actually01:43
kid6so if my MBR is windows version I just tell grub to over write it?01:44
=== needtoknow asks "How do I change the size of my partitions? Ubuntu wont let me login as root!!!"
naliothkid6: Windows doesn't use an MBR01:44
jimmygoonlopelis`, heh, okay. well you need to configure your /etc/kismet/kismet.conf file (specifically the line with source="" to work with your card01:44
jimmygoonnalioth: yes it does... it overwrites it so that it loads up XP/Vista/NTLDR01:44
crdlbkid6, grub will add windows to itself, so basically yes01:44
ardchoille!sudo | needtoknow01:44
ubotuneedtoknow: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:44
lopelis`jimmygoon: any forum forum page for that :)01:44
kid6The instructions for "Using the Desktop/LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader" say to use the boot partition... but I don't have one01:45
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ciscosurferWith TabMixPlus, is there a way to get the drop-down menu that appears on the far right to appear again, when multiple tabs are open?01:45
jimmygoonlopelis`, I really dunna01:45
billyciscosurfer: any other recommended add-ons? :)01:45
ardchoilleneedtoknow: You can install gparted and use that to resize partitions01:45
kid6sorry I am prolly sounding like an idiot... I just have no experince01:45
naliothjimmygoon: we're getting into ##windows territory01:45
jimmygoonkid6 : are you tring to repair grub by reinstalling?01:45
lopelis`jimmygoon : ok, thanks01:45
ciscosurferbilly: I use a few...what are you looking for?01:45
jimmygoonnalioth, heh :D01:45
omeilkurt: have you rebooted yet?01:45
jimmygoonbecause I just helped someone do that about 5-10 minutes ago01:45
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jimmygoonlemme scroll up and paste it to you01:45
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raven3x7omeil, i was talking about Neverwinter Nights 201:45
kid6let me scroll up01:45
kid6it was when you meant to pm?01:46
billyciscosurfer:  basic security type things.  or anything that you yourself find interesting. :)01:46
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jimmygoonyes kid6 :P01:46
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jimmygoondid you try it?01:46
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TravisivarTi'm trying to set up dual head with nvidia and twinview, but the screens are backwards (ie the right one shows the left screen)  here's my xorg.conf http://rafb.net/p/Spjp0U39.html01:46
jimmygoonbilly: I use the webdeveloper plugin (wonder why) and I use the del.icio.us plugin01:46
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)01:46
crdlbTravisivarT, why not rearrange the monitors?01:47
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kid6wtf... fdisk -l is showing me only HPFS/NTFS partitons01:47
jimmygoonI don't think that ntfs-3g is beta anymore is it?01:47
TravisivarTit's a dual boot with windows and the windows monitors are oriented correctly01:47
jimmygoonkid6: run it with sudo01:47
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JowiTravisivarT, in the section serverlayout set screen 0 and screen 1 and vice versa maybe...?01:47
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kid6hrmm smae01:48
raven3x7jimmygoon, i think it isnt on 2.6.20 kernels01:48
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Anohaaktenhey can i get some help with installing beryl on ubuntu?01:48
jimmygoonraven3x7, ok01:48
Anohaaktenlike...how do I find it in synaptic01:48
ciscosurferbilly: I don't use it anymore, but Adblock Plus is a good one....I also really like Bookmark Duplicate Detector, CustomizeGoogle, GoolgePreview, UbuntuForumsMenu, and some others01:48
kid6does that mean somehow I deleted my linux partition?01:48
Limecat|SLEEPanohaakten--are you semi comfortable with commandline?01:48
omeilraven3x7: oh :) haven't got that yet. u need to forward ports for it?01:48
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jimmygoonAnohaakten, you have to enable the repositories01:48
JowiTravisivarT, typos. I meant, set screen 0 to screen 1 and vice versa01:48
Limecat|SLEEPone sec01:48
jimmygoon!tell Anohaakten about repositories01:49
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billyciscosurfer:  thanks.  I'll check those out.  :))01:49
TravisivarTJowi i'll try it thanks01:49
Limecat|SLEEPu have a question regarding file icons01:49
raven3x7raven3x7, :D robably but what i meant was that i heard they werent goint to make a linux client01:49
Limecat|SLEEPnamely, how do i change them01:49
kid6f it.. just going to reinstall ubuntu :)01:49
Limecat|SLEEPwhere does the icon come from01:49
ciscosurferbilly: sure!01:49
crdlbLimecat|SLEEP, change the icon theme01:49
raven3x7jimmygoon, don take my word for it though01:49
JowiTravisivarT, or do it in section device for the card(s)01:49
yomm_e home samba/file/01:49
jimmygoonAnohaakten, are you ok with beryl-svn? Its more bleeding edge - more features, less stable01:50
jimmygoonraven3x7, its okay, I'm not too stressed about it ;)01:50
crdlbLimecat|SLEEP, icon themes are stored in /usr/share/icons/THEME/01:50
yomm_Would encrypting my root file system be a wise decision for my humble home samba/file/streaming server ?01:50
raven3x7jimmygoon,, :D robably but what i meant was that i heard they werent goint to make a linux client01:50
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jimmygoonwhat do you mean a linux client?01:50
crdlbyomm_, I wouldn't01:50
raven3x7lol im talkin to myself on irc01:50
jimmygoonisn't ntfs-3g ... for linux.....01:50
kurtjimmygoon, i think its considered to be stable ... mostly01:51
crdlbyomm_, unless you're worried about someone breaking into your house for your data01:51
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jimmygoonkurt: not the SVN releases...01:51
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jimmygoonnot AS stable as the regular beryl releases01:51
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yomm_crdlb : why not , for performance reasons ? from what i've Read it does add a lot of security to your system01:51
kurtraven3x7, you mean linux client for nwn2 right?01:51
jimmygoonAnohaakten, what graphics card do you have?01:51
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ubotux11vnc: VNC server which uses your current X11 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (edgy), package size 438 kB, installed size 1104 kB01:51
raven3x7err jimmygoon that was meant at someone else01:51
raven3x7kurt yeah01:52
jimmygoonraven3x7, heh, my bad :P01:52
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kurtjimmygoon, i saw some atricle saying how to write to ntfs and it seemed pretty sure about it01:52
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yomm_crdlb : well ,the server is online 24/7 ..01:52
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cantervilhello, someone can helpme with apollon???01:52
raven3x7jimmygoon, no mine actually. i need sleep01:52
crdlbyomm_, the idea just scares me, make sure that whatever method you pursue keeps the blocks independent01:52
kurti wish they would raven3x7  but i saw where they didnt intend to01:52
jimmygooneilker: you can just enable remote desktop with gnome too.... System->Preferences-> remote desktop01:52
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kurtraven3x7,  but will securerom work under linux01:52
raven3x7omeil, , :D robably but what i meant was that i heard they werent goint to make a linux client01:52
FLSimpsonKPTis there a way to burn a dvd iso with ubuntu?01:52
jimmygoonkurt: oh sorry, I'm getting mixed between a convo about beryl(-svn) and ntfs-3g we were referring to diff things01:53
yomm_crldb : i'll do a ffull disk clone just to be sure :)01:53
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eilkerjimmygoon> kde here :)01:53
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kurtit's ok01:53
Anohaaktenhey guys, when I go to try and add the repository for beryl I get NO_PUBKEY error01:53
Anohaaktencan someone help?01:53
FLSimpsonKPTis there a way to burn a dvd iso with ubuntu?01:53
raven3x7kurt i would have bought it if they were. as for securom i dont think so01:53
cantervilhi, please Apollon!!!01:53
kurtjimmygoon,  any idea how i boot to command line01:53
jimmygoonAnohaakten, its not a fatal error... but what repo are you trying to add01:53
jimmygoonkurt, something to do with a single option you append to the kernel line with grub?01:54
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Anohaaktendeb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy main01:54
Anohaaktenthat one01:54
kurti loved nwn  so i had to buy nwn201:54
jimmygoonAnohaakten, lemme find the key for you01:54
kurteven bought a video card to play it to replace my three year old01:54
raven3x7Anohaakten, if your following the wiki article those addresses for the gpg keys are outdated01:54
Anohaaktenyeah ok, just pm me, and tell me where I put the key01:54
LordLimecatcrdlb--im actually trying to find out where this "world of warcraft.lnk" is getting its icon01:54
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Anohaaktenhow do oyu enter a key?01:54
FLSimpsonKPTis it possible to burn an iso image onto a dvd or cd with ubuntu? if so how?01:55
LordLimecatis linux grabbing an icon from a windows exe? *confused*01:55
raven3x7kurt ouch01:55
kurtFLSimpsonKPT, of course it is01:55
BeverageIm trying to install  a DC++ hub on my linux server for an upcomming LAN party I was wondering how i start the server after I install it01:55
Bac9when doing `ulimit -n 2048` I get "ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted", what can I do to change the limit?01:55
LordLimecator is wow supplying the icon somewhere01:55
eilkeranyone makes with me remote desktop connection ? i wonder it...01:55
LordLimecater, wine01:55
FLSimpsonKPTkurt, i suppose I don't have the proper package :P01:55
jimmygoonAnohaakten, the stuff I just sent you might be wrong though based off what raven3x7 just said... :S01:55
LordLimecateilker--you want me to test your remote desktop?01:55
kurtyou should FLSimpsonKPT  if you did a default install01:55
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jimmygoonAnohaakten, raven3x7 I'm not as familiar with beryl-official... I'm a beryl-svn kinda guy01:56
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kurtmsut be there somewhere01:56
FLSimpsonKPTkurt, what's the name of the program?01:56
jimmygoonFLSimpsonKPT, Right click-> burn to disc01:56
Anohaaktencan someone help me on installing beryl then?01:56
kurtFLSimpsonKPT, under places you should see CD/DVD Creator01:56
jimmygoonAnohaakten,  like I said, its not fatal... it will continue with out it01:56
Grenadehey does anyone else have AD1986A for their sound??????01:56
kurtI think I used that01:56
crdlbLordLimecat, have you tried opening the icon in gedit?01:56
ClarKentCould not render default GStreamer audio output sink01:56
LordLimecatill try that01:56
jimmygoonFLSimpsonKPT, Right click-> burn to disc!01:56
ClarKenti get that error when I run muine01:56
FLSimpsonKPTlol thanks jimmygoon and kurt I feel like an idiot now XD01:56
jimmygoonits okay :P01:56
crdlbLordLimecat, it may be a .desktop file generated by wine01:56
jimmygoonAnohaakten, I was asking before--- Do you want a more stable version or one with more features?01:57
needtoknowHow would I make myself root using sudo?01:57
LordLimecatbut the actual icon must exist somewhere on my comp01:57
kurtFLSimpsonKPT,  I feel like an idiot a hundred times a day.. no biggie01:57
jessdneedtoknow sudo su -01:57
crdlbneedtoknow, sudo -i01:57
eilkerLordLimecat: yes pls,  i wanna see how i can control your desktop, if u want, u do it too01:57
raven3x7jimmygoon, i meant the links to the gpg server. if you got the key its fine01:57
jimmygoonAnohaakten,  more importantly ... waht graphics card do you have01:57
jimmygoonraven3x7, oh... ok01:57
raven3x7jimmygoon, the wiki is fine otherwise01:57
FLSimpsonKPTsad to say kurt and jimmygoon, I am trying a diferent version of linux01:57
Grenadehey does anyone else have AD1986A for their sound??????01:57
jimmygoonFLSimpsonKPT, its okay :P We won't hate you01:58
kurtI want to try that Brazilian Dreamlinux01:58
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Anohaaktenim fine01:58
AnohaaktenI checked01:58
Anohaaktenand mine is fine01:58
[GneSH0r] can i get help with samba?01:58
kurtI used to be a suse fan but 10.1 broke me01:58
Grenadei am having troubles installin the alsa sound for AD1986A01:58
jimmygoonAnohaakten, just tell me :P I need to know whether you need AIGLX or XGL01:58
Anohaaktenmy graphics card supports graphic rendering01:58
jimmygoonIs it ATI or NVIDIA or INTEL?01:58
Anohaaktenand thats it01:58
crdlb[GneSH0r] , depends on how complex your question is :)01:58
AnohaaktenI checked01:58
FLSimpsonKPTjimmygoon, good. Its supposed to have native beryl support and I am really confused on trying to make it work with 6.0601:58
jimmygoonok- good!01:58
jimmygoonjust like me!!01:59
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jessdAnohaakten: What samba help are you looking for?01:59
LordLimecateilker: open applications-->internet-->terminal services client01:59
needtoknowHow would I run QTparted( a system tool) with sudo?01:59
LordLimecathost: limecat.homelinux.com01:59
FLSimpsonKPTjimmygoon, I should of gotten the newest version of ubuntu instead *slaps Head*01:59
LordLimecatno username, no pass01:59
LordLimecatno control is granted either01:59
SunRayCafe[GneSH0r]  is looking for samba help01:59
jimmygoonFLSimpsonKPT, Anohaakten you are both trying to work with beryl and stuff so you may both benefit from this bit here ---01:59
[GneSH0r] basically im new to linux01:59
jessdSunrayCafe: TY01:59
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[GneSH0r] im using ubuntu 6.1001:59
Anohaaktenjimmygoon whatcha got bud?01:59
Anohaaktencna ya help me?01:59
eilkerLordLimecat: i am kubuntu user01:59
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ZambeziIsn't Edgy Eft server-CD bootable?01:59
[GneSH0r] and i wanna get files off my windows xp computer02:00
jessd[GneSH0r] : What are you lookin for for Samba?02:00
needtoknowYah it is02:00
kurtI need to get Nvidia driver installed to run Beryl?02:00
LordLimecatin terminal: vncviewer limecat.homelinux.com:002:00
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needtoknowHow would I run QTparted( a system tool) with sudo?02:00
[GneSH0r] and somone said in beryl to ask in here for samba02:00
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jimmygoonTwo things: one if you want to install beryl-stable then you should add the repository that you found on the wiki, then you should do "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-plugins emerald"02:00
GrenadeNeed Help: i am having troubles installin the alsa sound for AD1986A02:00
kurtwaht you need about samba ?02:00
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needtoknowHow would I run QTparted( a system tool) with sudo?02:00
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jessd[GneSH0r] : You can do it two ways02:01
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crdlb[GneSH0r] , do you see the windows computer if you open: Places->Network->windows network ?02:01
jimmygoonIf you want to run beryl-svn like I am, then you add the trevino beryl-syn repository (google) and his GPG key and then you do the same "sudo apt-get " bit02:01
Anohaaktenjimmygoon, can you pm me with the exact repository line on wiki?02:01
jessdYou can set a samba share and use the XP machine to push to Linux02:01
Anohaaktenjust to be sure im doing things correctly02:01
jimmygoonanohaakten, do you want beryl-svn or beryl-stable?02:01
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Anohaaktendoes not matter02:01
AnohaaktenI want it to run02:01
Anohaaktenthen later upgrade02:01
jessd[GneSH0r] : Or you can use smbmount to mount the windows share and copy to linux from linux02:01
Anohaaktenif I cna do that02:01
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FLSimpsonKPTjimmygoon, what is a good version of ubuntu that runs with beryl? Stable of course02:01
Anohaakten6.10 simpson02:02
crdlbFLSimpsonKPT, edgy02:02
BeverageHow do i check to see if a program that runs in the background is running or not?02:02
Anohaaktenthe newest one...02:02
needtoknowHow would I run QTparted( a system tool) as root?02:02
jessd[GneSH0r] : Setting a samba share in Ubuntu is prolly easier02:02
eilkerLordLimecat: i am downloading vncviewer02:02
kenvHello.  I am new to this OS and have been trying to work with it for a little while.  Could someone point me in the right direction to move files from one Ubuntu system to another?02:02
FLSimpsonKPTthanks crdlb02:02
jimmygoonFLSimpsonKPT, I alwys run the latest ubuntu - not feisty sinces it not released yet but otherwise...02:02
Anohaaktenok so02:02
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Anohaaktenjimmy goon02:02
kurti'm running feisty02:02
kurtseems to be pretty good02:02
jessd[GneSH0r] : Try System > Preferences > Shared folders02:02
Anohaaktencan you pm me with what the repos is02:02
needtoknowTo move files try using "wine"02:02
jimmygoonAnohaakten, yeah, sorry I'm trying to tripletask :P02:02
likwidtekhey guys.. I have an NVIDIA 7950 GX2 and I want to install Beryl.. Where do you suggest I start?02:03
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likwidtekXGL or AIXGL02:03
jessdneedtoknow: Tried gksu QTparted ?02:03
needtoknowHow would I run QTparted( a system tool) with root priv.. ?  I tryed sudo but it's noy working02:03
Beveragei installed a program that runs in the background (daemon) but i dont know if its running02:03
jimmygoonAnohaakten,  you know where to add that line and everything right?02:03
[GneSH0r] yeh i can see it02:04
[GneSH0r] on the list02:04
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jimmygoonneedtoknow, what do you mean its not working02:04
rbillikwidtek: if you're running edgy, AIGLX is already installed02:04
crdlblikwidtek, AIGLX if you're willing to install the 9xxx version driver02:04
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jimmygoonits not the right program name or what/02:04
needtoknowI dont know how to install the gksu gparted02:04
kenvI do not have shared folders in system and preferneces.  Is there a site  I could read up on this?02:04
Anohaaktenirght in synaptic02:04
Anohaaktenunder repos02:04
jessd[GneSH0r] : sudo apt-get install gksu02:04
Anohaaktenand then custom02:04
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[GneSH0r] ok02:04
kurtsigh wine updated to 9.3.202:04
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kurtstill wont run peachtree02:04
LordLimecateilker: you see it?02:04
jimmygoonwhat is peachtree?02:04
needtoknowNow none of my programs start since I started taking sudo commands from you guys02:04
kurttime to boot to the old gaming os02:05
jimmygoonAnohaakten, thats fine ... I always do it by hand but its the same thing02:05
eilkerLordLimecat: i cant02:05
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[GneSH0r] its already the newest version02:05
[GneSH0r] jessd02:05
kurtthanks all for the chat and some advice too02:05
jessdneedtoknow: Try this : export DISPLAY=:0.002:05
eilkerLordLimecat: trying to install some packages02:05
LordLimecattry now'02:05
Anohaaktenso what exactly is the repos that I need to type in02:05
jimmygoonAnohaakten, so now you can just do an "update" in synaptic and then search for beryl... and you should find it!!02:05
needtoknowEXCEPT QTparted wich keeps telling me I dont have priv... to run it02:05
LordLimecati saw your request02:05
LordLimecattry again02:05
jimmygoonAnohaakten, I PM'ed them to you :D02:05
Anohaakteni never added any repos.. though02:05
AnohaaktenI didnt get it...02:05
AnohaaktenI have on pm's02:05
jimmygoonlemme just paste it here02:05
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jimmygoondeb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main02:05
needtoknowjessd told me to run the command " export DISPLAY=:0.0" Is that safe?02:05
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jimmygoondeb-src http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy main02:06
jimmygoonadd both of them02:06
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billyI'm on the phone with my ISP.  They don't know how to release the IP address for a Linux system.  Any help?02:06
[GneSH0r] how do you look at the cube display02:06
[GneSH0r] when youve installed beryl?02:06
eilkerLordLimecat: black screen comes and goes02:06
needtoknow export DISPLAY=:0.0 <-- Is that safe I may be a noob but I think this is bad.///02:06
chavoneedtoknow, he's trying to hax0r you02:06
needtoknowNot hack02:06
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needtoknowI think he is trying to mess up my diplay02:06
FLSimpsonKPTjimmygoon, I will try ubuntu again after i mess with other distro for a bit :D02:07
jvaibilly, tell them to do it as if it was a mac02:07
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bimberi[GneSH0r] : hold down ctrl-alt and move the mouse02:07
[GneSH0r] thanks02:07
jimmygoonFLSimpsonKPT, heh, I do the same things02:07
chavoneedtoknow, export sets environment variables02:07
JasonDMok, so I have a second monitor, but I don't know how to get it to work02:07
Karark|awaycan someone tell me the program KDE uses to set default program prefs?02:07
eilkerLordLimecat: sudo svncviewer "and the adress that u have gave me"02:07
Karark|awayi don't want to leave Gnome to change a setting02:07
[GneSH0r] brilliant..02:07
jessdneedtoknow: If you did a su to root and took root's environment, you may have lost the environment variable that tells the system where X is02:07
billyjvai: OK.  I'll try that.02:07
[GneSH0r] how do you change the background?02:07
JasonDMalso, beryl doesn't want to run, at all...02:07
chavoKarark|away, you have kubuntu-desktop installed?02:07
FLSimpsonKPTjimmygoon, its hard not to isnt it? :D02:07
billyjvai: thanks for the response, also.02:07
jvaiyes billy, it's kinda the same thing....02:07
Anohaaktenadded jimmygoon02:07
Karark|awaychavo, yes02:07
jvainp @billy02:08
jimmygoonFLSimpsonKPT, after a while ..02:08
bimberi[GneSH0r] : er, hold down ctrl-alt and drag the mouse with button down02:08
chavoKarark|away, systemsettings02:08
Anohaaktenstill getting the no pubkey thing, but ill try and install02:08
jimmygoonAnohaakten, now "refresh" synaptic02:08
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Karark|awaychavo, i want my Boinc Manager to stop opening konqueror every time i click a button in there02:08
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cyphaseIs it possible to tell an SSH connection to keep-alive from the client side?02:08
jessdneedtoknow: that command sets the environment value back, so when root tries to run a command that needs a GUI, the system knows where that is02:08
Anohaaktendo you mean reload?02:08
bimberi[GneSH0r] : that (change the background) I don't know02:08
needtoknow export DISPLAY=:0.0  ,  so export is a variable but then it says display so it move's my screen.... to o.o the first pixal02:08
Karark|awaychavo, thanks02:08
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Anohaaktenjimmygoon, do you mean "reload"02:09
jessdneedtoknow: No02:09
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Anohaaktenis that the same as refresh02:09
chavoneedtoknow, DISPLAY is the variable02:09
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jimmygoonAnohaakten, sure... I don't have it open here P02:09
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Anohaaktenmore errors02:09
AnohaaktenI right clikc it02:09
chavoyou can chaeck it like this -> echo $DISPLAY02:09
Anohaaktenand make install or w/e02:09
jvaihey ppl.. a debian live cd based on sid!! - > http://distrocenter.linux.com/distrocenter/07/02/28/1017239.shtml?tid=12702:09
needtoknowNope I am not going to run  "export DISPLAY=:0.0" intill a couple people here tells me its safe02:09
eilkerLordLimecat: r u there ? wanna try for my desktop ?02:09
FLSimpsonKPTjvai, ?02:10
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FLSimpsonKPTjvai, elaborate please02:10
AnohaaktenI get beryl: depends: beryl-core but it is not going to be installed02:10
deepIs there any browser that integrates a bit more into gnome then firefox does?02:10
jvaitru.. the link is there from linux.com02:10
Anohaaktendepends: libberysettings0 but it is not going to be installed02:10
whycryho ho02:10
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Anohaakteni get those erros jimmygoon02:10
jessdIs anyone else here familiar with the DISPLAY variable to help allay needtoknow's suspicions?02:10
needtoknowOk I ran it02:10
whycryCo ai  o viet nam hong02:10
needtoknowNow what02:10
needtoknowI just used it02:10
jessdneedtoknow: Try running your program again02:11
jvaisidux  - http://www.sidux.com/ based on debian sid02:11
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jvaiubuntu is coded off of sid right?02:11
bimberijvai: yes02:11
needtoknowTells me I am not root. I am using the username on my computer needtoknow I need to use sudo becuase it wont let me login as root02:11
tekki want to install the nvidia drivers for my gfx card, shall i use the ones from nvidia.co.uk or some ubuntu nvidia ones from elsewhere?02:12
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tekkor does it not really matter02:12
eilkerLordLimecat: i see it with other way :))))))) hey where are you ?02:12
jvaiok i dont think sidux dsoes it bettr than ubuntu... but the article was impressive02:12
ericmoritz\0I'm looking at the slick Motorola Q, I was wondering how well Ubuntu (or linux in general) syncing with Windows Mobile is02:12
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c0nv1ctneedtoknow: tried sudo?02:13
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GoldeNArXsup guys. got me intel 3945abg working (finally).  now I try to get automatix installed and the web site is down... anyone know of an alternate method?02:13
billyjvai: hey.  we aren't able to do it like a mac.  any other ideas?02:13
FLSimpsonKPTwell im gonna try the new os bbl02:13
jimmygoonneedtoknow: that command "EXPORT" was safe02:13
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ericmoritz\0I have a Treo and syncing with a palm is flawless, somehow I doubt windows mobile is as easy02:13
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jvaibilly is it broadband, or dial up?02:13
billyjvai: broadband.02:14
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LjLGoldeNArX: yes - doing whatever you intended to do with Automatix using sane means instead02:14
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rbilneedtoknow EXPORTED himself out of the channel02:14
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jvaibiully it should be as easy as them configuring the modem on their end, that's all02:14
GoldeNArXLjL : lol... sane methods? automatix kinda automates the whole thing .. no?02:15
BrokenPipewtf is wrong with pastebin.com? what's another scratchpad site?02:15
jvai& ubuntu will do the rest @ billy02:15
jvaibilly comcast?02:15
LjL!automatix | GoldeNArX, automatix automates breakage02:15
ubotuGoldeNArX, automatix automates breakage: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:15
bimberiBrokenPipe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org  (see /topic)02:15
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billyjvai: yes, comcast.02:16
LjLGoldeNArX: besides, what "whole thing" are you talking about?02:16
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:16
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GoldeNArXLjL : I mean mp3 support dvd support etc etc02:16
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GoldeNArXthe proper nvidia driver02:16
LjLGoldeNArX: it's all easy enough using APT.02:16
yomm_Where can I learn about the hd vol_id system intoduced in Edgy ?02:16
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Latitude^whenever i plug my network card while edgy is on, i have to reboot it to get an ip add. is there an alternative?02:17
BrokenPipeI'm having trouble with some broken packages that I can't seem to fix. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9175/02:17
jvai!oy.. i just got comcast install @ home last nyte, thier using newer modems... Billy they have to config the modem on their end, & ubuntu will do the rest02:17
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eilkerLordLimecat: i am here, when you came back02:17
Anohaaktenjimmygoon you still alive?02:17
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GoldeNArXLjL : thanks for the links... i'll follow those02:17
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pingpongbosshey, can someone help me with a question about installing/partitioning?02:17
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bimberi!uuid | yomm_02:18
ubotuyomm_: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:18
omeildoes never winter nights 2 also have a linux installer?02:18
yomm_bimberi : thx02:18
SARAhey can someone help me get a program to burn MP3's to a Cd please?!!!!!!!!!02:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:18
jimmygoonAnohaakten, SORRY! yes... whats up?02:18
billyjvai: we're trying again. just a sec.02:18
Anohaaktenhelp me out02:18
jimmygoonAnohaakten, if you prefix everything with jimmygoon, I will see it better!02:18
jimmygoonAnohaakten, where are you stuck?02:19
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Anohaakteni pmed you02:19
jimmygoon.... I didn't get it :S02:19
jvaibilly u have the comcast techs @ the hous now?02:19
jimmygoonOH you are not a registered user?02:19
jimmygoonOH NOES02:19
jimmygoonI wasn't logged in :?02:19
Anohaaktenprobably not02:19
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Latitude^whenever i plug my network card while edgy is on, i have to reboot it to get an ip add. is there an alternative?02:19
Anohaaktenregistered user for what?02:19
jimmygoonfor freenode (this irc server)02:19
Anohaaktenno im not02:20
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jimmygoonEitherway, Anohaakten just talk on here since I know it works :d02:20
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pingpongbossin a normal ubuntu installation, it askes you to format the "/" disk before an installation. What if I choose not to format it? any chance it'll break my system?02:20
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yomm_Latitude :and if you try : "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" afterwards ?02:21
pingpongbossi'm trying to install Edgy after trying out Feisty02:21
billyjvai: on the phone.02:21
Anohaaktenjimmygoon look at your pm02:21
bruenigpingpongboss, reformat and go02:21
AnohaaktenI think its working onw02:21
jimmygoonAnohaakten, I'm not getting anything at all?02:21
Anohaaktenbah ok02:21
pingpongbossbruenig, hey, u helped me before. I want to keep my programs and settings tho02:21
Anohaaktenim getting uhm02:21
jvaibilly.. u got your own modem right? u didnt get the comcast's medem02:21
jimmygooncheck your server info window... It will say that unregistered users aren't allowed02:21
Latitude^yomm_, haven't tried that. illgive it a shot02:21
pingpongbossbruenig, but are u saying that reformat is the best option?02:21
Anohaaktenthats fine02:21
Anohaaktenlets chat here02:21
billyjvai: no.  i got comcast's modem.  :(02:21
jimmygoonAnohaakten, if the "noise" is bothersome you can aim although usaully irc stays at irc but I'm not picky02:22
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Anohaaktenim getting the error, depends: beryl-core but it is not going to be installed02:22
bruenigpingpongboss, yeah, you could back up your home and usr if you need that stuff, but it would be better to just reinstall things02:22
jimmygoonAnohaakten, does it say why its not going to be installed?02:22
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theblueHi all.02:22
SARAi need a program to burn Mp3's to cd's any suggestions?!02:22
pingpongbossbruenig, alright02:22
bruenig!burn | SARA02:22
ubotuSARA: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:22
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pingpongbossbruenig, what's in /usr?02:22
jimmygoonAnohaakten, open up a terminal and type this: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install beryl"02:22
bruenigpingpongboss, application libraries and binaries02:22
pingpongbossbruenig, my /home in on a seperate partition02:22
Anohaaktenjust says, could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade02:22
jvaii was watchin the techs last nyte configurin mine.. but they did it on my gyrl's xp box... they dl'd the sw from the site, & dropped the xp's firewall02:23
jimmygoonAnohaakten, or you can copy paste - as long as you paste in the terminal with a rightclick-paste02:23
pingpongbossbruenig, should i back that up? are there settings and stuff in there?02:23
Anohaaktenlets do terminal, maybe itll work better02:23
bruenigpingpongboss, no settings, but the applications themselves, I would just reinstall them02:23
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bruenigpingpongboss, home has all the settings02:23
pingpongbossbruenig, ic. ty02:23
LordLimecatbilly or jvai: you need modem/router setup help?02:24
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jvailordlimecat, billy needs help configuring the comcast modem02:24
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:24
LordLimecatwhat does he need configged o.002:24
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Anohaaktenhow do i register?02:24
omeilLordLimecat: you play tremulous?02:24
LordLimecati do!02:24
Anohaaktenhow do I register jimmygoon02:24
jimmygoonanohaakten: do you have AIM? :P02:25
Anohaaktensure do02:25
Anohaaktenlets do that02:25
omeilthat game is kinda hard lol :)02:25
LordLimecatim lordlimecat as aliens, Barry the butcher as humies02:25
billyLordLimecat, yeah.  i need help releasing my IP address.  I just got off the phone with comcast.  They didn't know the deal.02:25
jimmygoonAnohaakten, talk to me on there heh02:25
LordLimecatit rocks02:25
Anohaaktenwhats your s/n?02:25
LordLimecatwhat model is it?02:25
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SARAwhen i try and make a Cd using gnome baker my Mp3 are not showing up...02:25
LordLimecatwait, if its cable....02:25
bruenigSARA, k3b02:25
Anohaaktenjimmygoon, what is your s/n?02:25
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LordLimecata LOT of the time, you can release it by unplugging yer modem for 10-20 secs02:25
bruenigSARA, you can drag and drop from nautilus02:25
SARAi dont know...02:25
LordLimecatim SURE youd reset ip if it was off for longer02:26
jvaibilly ask them how can u help thru your browser.. i think that's the way, it has to resolve the dns02:26
SARAim using gnomebaker02:26
jimmygoonAnohaakten, same as it is here :D02:26
BrokenPipehow long should I wait before asking my question again? =)02:26
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billyjvai: now there's a good thought. !02:26
bruenigSARA, there is a bug in gnomebaker I guess since it happened to me too where the only way to get the files in there is to open nautilus and drag and drop them from there to gnomebaker02:26
TravisivarThrm, fixed my dual head, but seemingly randomly a screen will just go blank for a moment (not a flash, it lasts maybe 2 or 3 seconds)  nvidia 8800GTX using twinview02:26
LordLimecatbilly, are you on ubuntu now?02:26
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LordLimecatif so, go into terminal and issue command: ifconfig02:26
billyLordLimecat, you are correct sir.02:26
mikefooHey if I have a 6 drive server, how sould I setup /boot so its redundant if one drive fails?02:27
Latitude^nice question BrokenPipe02:27
LordLimecatissue command ifconfig02:27
SARAi dont know what nautilus02:27
LordLimecatfind second line under eth002:27
billyLordLimecat: OK.  Did that.02:27
bruenigSARA, the file manager02:27
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LordLimecat inet addr:
cerealkiller219how can i detect if my ubuntu is installed on say hd(0,4)02:27
LordLimecati need that02:27
jvaibilly comcast thinks the only way to config is by dl'ing their crazy software, but that's not tru... cause.. if u had a macintosh..02:27
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SARAis says the audio/mpeg is not installed02:27
LordLimecatNO! never use their software02:27
LordLimecatits CRAPTASTIC02:28
LordLimecatto use their catchphrase02:28
atomikuwhen I start bittorrent is says the port is in use... how can i make it listen on a different port?02:28
bruenig!mp3 | SARA02:28
ubotuSARA: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:28
LordLimecatsoftware is NOT needed to config routers02:28
SARAis there a qucik way to download this?02:28
LordLimecatyou just need to connect to the ip02:28
jvaity! @ lordlimecat..02:28
billyLordLimecat, you need my IP address?02:28
Aruincould some 1 help me im looking for gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 aparently it should be in ubuntu's  package manager but i cant find it02:28
LordLimecatjust the local ip02:28
LordLimecatthat ip wont tell me how to get to you, unless you dont have a router02:28
LordLimecatif its a 192.168 or 10.0 address, yer fine02:29
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bruenig!info gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp302:29
ubotugstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3: Fluendo mp3 decoder GStreamer plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2.debian-1 (edgy), package size 51 kB, installed size 196 kB02:29
LordLimecat172.16 also02:29
billyLordLimecat, inet addr:
bruenigAruin, it is in the universe repository, make sure you have that enabled02:29
LordLimecatyou do not have a router02:29
harvey_I just installed NTFS-g and when I'm deleting files on the drive, they disapear but no HDD space frees up. Any ideas?02:29
LordLimecati hope you have a firewall o.002:29
billyLordLimecat, no router.  bear in mind -- I have firestarter running.02:29
LordLimecattheres not much to config on a modem02:29
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LordLimecatbut what model is it02:29
LordLimecatill see what i can find02:29
src_afkthanks all, up and running!02:29
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Aruinhow do i enable the universe repository (sorry im a linux n00b)02:30
src_afknow I'll have to start lurking here too02:30
LordLimecatthere IS a way to connect to it, its address is prob or somethin02:30
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bruenigAruin, I would imagine that this would work, sudo sed 's/# deb/deb/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp302:30
SARACan anyone talk me through fixing my gnomebaker please?02:30
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bruenigAruin, copy and paste that all at once02:30
bruenig!mp3 | SARA02:30
ubotuSARA: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:30
LordLimecatlurk ftw02:30
billyAruin, open synaptic, and go to "preferences"02:30
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bruenigbilly, don't02:30
LordLimecatevery "noob" in here will probably end up helping others before the night is through :D02:30
billybuenig, don't what?02:30
bruenigbilly, the gui walkthrough is not a good idea02:31
Aruinok thank you i will try that02:31
SARAok well thanks but i dont know what any of that means...02:31
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LordLimecatbilly: what modem model do you have02:31
billybruenig, thanks for the warning.  I'm not doing it right now.  LordLimecat seemed to have some sort of solution.02:31
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Anohaaktenjimmygoon Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3FF0DB166A7476EA W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems scott@Toshiba:~$02:31
billyToshiba PCA 200002:32
omeillol i got ubuntu setup with dual boot and i haven't even dual booted into windows xp yet :D02:32
billyPCX 2000, that is.02:32
LordLimecati can tell you for SURE there is NO need for software ever02:32
LordLimecattrust me02:32
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LordLimecatit may require a network reconfig to access it02:32
billyLordLimecat, Okie Dokie.02:32
eilkeranyone using audacity ?02:32
omeilcan anyone get that dvd ripping softare to work?02:32
billyeikler, I've used it before.02:32
bruenig!info dvdrip02:32
ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.1-0.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 718 kB, installed size 2084 kB02:32
alperyilmazhi, i tried to install ubuntu 6.10 on usb by the instructions from pendrivelinux.com but it didn't work. I was more interested in full install rather than liveCD install. can anybody help for full ubuntu 6.10 installation on a 2GB usb drive?02:33
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BrokenPipeI'm having trouble with some broken packages that I can't seem to fix. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9175/02:33
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bruenigBrokenPipe, try sudo apt-get install -f02:34
Anohaaktenjimmygoon Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:   beryl: Depends: beryl-core but it is not going to be installed          Depend02:34
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB02:34
jimmygoon!pastebin | Anohaakten02:34
ubotuAnohaakten: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:34
jimmygoonAnohaakten, just if you want ;)02:35
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con-man!pastebin | Anohaakten02:35
Anohaaktenlets get this working first02:35
Anohaaktenok now what jimmygoon02:35
kidbuntuwhat command do you type to see all the Harddisk that is plugged on the computer?02:35
billyTim and Eric's Awesome Show.  Great Job.02:35
bruenigkidbuntu, If I read you right, sudo fdisk -l02:35
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LordLimecatfrom the manual:02:36
LordLimecatQ: How can I configure the Cable Modem and get monitoring information from02:36
LordLimecat   it ?02:36
LordLimecatA: The Cable Modem can only be configured and monitored by your cable operator.02:36
kidbuntubruenig: i'l' try that02:36
DemisMhas anyone recovered files off of an ext3 fs in which they rm'd the files?02:36
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billyLordLimecat:  that truly sucks a fatee.02:36
Aruini looked in the pacage manager and cant find where to select universal reposetry can any one help ?02:36
LordLimecatwhat exactly do you need to do02:36
bruenigAruin, run the command I told you to run above02:36
LordLimecatif you trust me, i could connect to you and have a look, it may be wrong02:37
LordLimecatno promises tho02:37
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LordLimecatthey may, and probably do, have a password on it02:37
Anohaaktenjimmygoon The following information may help to resolve the situation:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:   beryl-core: Depends: libberylsettings0 but it is not going to be installed               Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.4 is to be installed              Depends: libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.12.0) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed E: Broken packages02:37
alperyilmazyes, sudo fdisk -l02:37
Aruinwhere do i run it bruenig (sorry im beeing useless (too much vista!!!!!)02:37
billyLordLimecat: I'm getting lots of hits on my firewall.  Sometimes 3 a minute.  I need a new IP address, that's all.02:37
bruenigAruin, applications>accessories>terminal, copy and paste the whole thing at once, also make sure you close synaptic before you do that02:37
Aruinok thank you02:38
BrokenPipebruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9177/02:38
kidbuntubruenig: how do I mount now /dev/hdb2 to /mnt?02:38
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LordLimecatyour computer has the ip, i think i know what to do02:38
bruenigkidbuntu, what is /dev/hdb2 formatted as02:38
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jvailol.... lordlime.. i'm writing all this down.. ty02:39
kidbuntubruenig: it's another ubuntu, 5.10 breezy. my other hard drive. I want to back up its contents02:39
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bruenigBrokenPipe, sudo apt-get remove ttf-opensymbol && sudo apt-get install -f02:39
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bruenigkidbuntu, ok, sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb2 /mnt02:39
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bruenigkidbuntu, make sure /mnt is empty02:39
SARACan someone help me with my gnomebaker PLEASE!02:39
kidbuntubruenig: got it thaks02:39
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kidbuntubruenig: i'll check02:40
harvey_Anyone know why my USB (NTFS using ntfs-g) will not "give me back" data I free up?  I'll delete five gigs and it shows as five gigs deleted, but doesnt give me that as free space.02:40
bruenig!mp3 | SARA02:40
ubotuSARA: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:40
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alperyilmazi'll just ask one more time, in case it's not see, after that i won't bug.. is it possible to make a full ubuntu install on usb drive02:40
SARAthat did not help me02:40
bruenigkidbuntu, if it isn't just make an empty directory and mount it in there02:40
billyLordLimecat: unfortunately I'm out of time.  I must prepare food for me and my wife.  I shall return at a later time.02:40
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arrenlexharvey_: Is it in your trash?02:40
joshjoshhow do i enable ipod transfer in rhythmbox?02:40
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harvey_arrenlex, , not, it doesnt go to my trash02:40
jvaidaps billy02:40
colbertHello, how do I set the default program for a certain file type in Ubuntu ???02:40
BrokenPipebruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9178/02:40
bruenigcolbert, right click on it, go to properties, then change the openwith02:41
LordLimecatI JUST FOUND IT02:41
SARAThe plugin to handle a file of type audio/mpeg is not installed...any suggestions?02:41
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harvey_Unless I have a hidden trash can that I cant find, I dont know why space isnt being freed up02:41
joshjoshSARA: What version Ubuntu you running?02:41
yomm_alperyil : yes02:41
SARAlol i dont know!02:41
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joshjoshSARA: What kind of file is it?02:42
bruenigBrokenPipe, wow, that is some messy stuff maybe sudo dpkg --configure -a02:42
SARAi just upgraded a few weeks ago.....MP3's02:42
LordLimecatsudo dhclient eth0 >_<02:42
yomm_alperyil : if your motherboard supports booting from usb u can just install ubuntu no probs02:42
kidbuntubruenig: it didn't work02:42
joshjoshSARA: Download gstreamer plugins in synaptic02:42
bruenigkidbuntu, what did it say02:42
kidbuntubruenig: wrong fs type..........02:42
kidbuntubruenig: wrong fs type,  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb2,02:42
bruenigkidbuntu, try it without fs, sudo mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt02:42
SARAok well which one do i pick?02:42
bruenigoh well bad superblock is a problem02:43
alperyilmazcan i install by making ext2 and swap on 2GB usb02:43
bruenigSARA, all of them02:43
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alperyilmazyes it supports usb boot02:43
SARAthere is like 20 or more of them!02:43
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kidbuntubruenig: now it says must specify the filesystem type02:43
LordLimecatyo omeil02:43
yomm_alperyilmaz : yup02:43
LordLimecatyou still there?02:43
bruenigkidbuntu, is it ext3 or something else?02:43
SARAare u sure?02:43
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alperyilmazhow can i do it, just select install from liveCD and then choose usb drive as hardisk to be installed?02:44
joshjoshSARA: Read the descriptions of each of them and download what you need02:44
desi007is there a program like shut down timer that I can install which can shutdown my pc when I want to02:44
kidbuntubruenig: I'm not really sure, but when I sudo fdisk, it said Extended02:44
SARAi dont know what i need02:44
LordLimecatpretty sure you can just make a script and schedual it02:44
bruenigdesi007, are you looking for a regular shutdown at a certain time each day or a one time thing02:45
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LordLimecati BELIEVE init 6 will begin a shutdown02:45
LordLimecator perhaps init rd.602:45
yomm_alperyilmaz : yes ,usb disks would be something like /dev/sd*02:45
colbertFirefox is my default browser, but every link in XChat I open up keeps opening in Opera, and there is no option in Opera to change it.. please can anyone help ?02:45
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bruenigkidbuntu, well it should be ext3,  if there is a bad superblock, it might not be able to tell at all02:45
jvailooks like dapper may survive my thinkpad t40... it's trying to die before it's tyme :(02:45
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alperyilmazwhat about grub loading, some people say it will recognize the computers own harddisk (like hda) and install boot on it02:46
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jvai<-- *searches ebay for a new ibm t4002:46
bruenigcolbert, sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox02:46
alperyilmazis there a trick to make ubuntu install see the usb drive as only harddrive available02:46
Aruinbruenig i tride that and it dont seem to have done any thing (sorry for being a pain )02:46
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bruenigAruin, do cat /etc/apt/sources.list and put the output in pastebin02:47
bruenig!paste | Aruin02:47
ubotuAruin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:47
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colbertbruenig: Wow thanks you are awesome friend :) :) :)02:47
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darkempresshow do i change users in terminal (no not sudo or root, just a different user)02:47
abasinisvacantwhat's the command to delete a certain program02:47
BrokenPipebruenig: I'm still getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9178/ after the 'dpkg --configure -a'02:47
bruenigcolbert, opera is a little mean for doing that, took me forever to figure that out02:47
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LordLimecatabasinisvacant: try apt-get remove (program package name)02:48
darkempressi'm logging into a computer on my network, but the nick i keep logging in as is not the one i need02:48
LordLimecatyou need to know the package name tho02:48
colbertbruenig: lol yeah it's trying to bully its way into the system ;] 02:48
cpetzol2It may just be coincidental, but I have recently been trying to install broadcom wireless drivers, and everytime I install them I have to reboot my computer. When it boots normally, it just gets stuck with the progress bar at around 15% and wont move for hours. When I boot in recovery mode, it shows several lines about my new broadcom drivers, then it has a couple lines with some type of memory address and the line "child_rip+0". The only solution 02:48
cpetzol2e is by reinstally the entire OS. Does the installation of the drivers have anything to do with the boot process hanging? Should I use ndiswrapper instead of using the fw_cutter?02:48
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bruenigBrokenPipe, I don't know, there must be something seriously wrong with the post remove script of that package02:48
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KhemI am seeing problem with beryl on my ubuntu box sometimes new window starts all black02:49
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KhemI have nvidia02:49
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BrokenPipebruenig: Is there a way to sort of start over with dpkg?02:49
gary__apt-get is complaining that an installation script failed. where can i find the installation script?02:49
gary__apt-get is complaining that an installation script failed. where can i find the installation script?02:49
bruenigBrokenPipe, I have never had something not clear up after those02:49
__davidhello, i have a small (7") touchscreen monitor.  I was wondering what ideas people had for using this in a linux/ubuntu project?  It is standard vga/usb, acting just like a normal mouse/monitor, but it's tiny (640x480) and touchscreen.  What things would be cool to do with this?02:50
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Aruinbruenig it just told me permision denied after i typeed /etc/apt/sources.list02:50
__davidgary__: if you first find the package file (it's a .deb), you can open it in file-roller and dig around to find the script02:50
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bruenigAruin, cat /etc/apt/sources.list02:50
=== David_ is now known as Coranth
SARAok well i looked for what i needed and could not find it...any more suggestions?!02:51
darkempresshow do i log out via terminal as one user, and log in as another?02:51
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__davidgary__: it's in /var/cache/apt/archives02:51
gary____david, thanks02:51
brueniggary__, you can extract it with ar x whatever.deb02:51
buddy7999are there any EE's in the room?02:51
__davidgary__: you'll probably need to edit and re-run the script to make it work02:51
__davidbuddy7999, i know a bit about EE02:51
buddy7999do you know of any circuit simulatoin software02:52
__daviddarkempress, have you tried the command "logout"02:52
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buddy7999ie transistor/diode simulation02:52
__davidbuddy7999, i believe it's called spice02:52
SARAcan anyone help me with gnomebaker PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!02:52
__davidlemme google02:52
bruenig!mp3 | SARA02:52
ubotuSARA: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:52
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SARAPLEASE! that did not help me!02:52
bruenigSARA, it should have02:52
SARAwell i did not!02:53
jimmygoonSARA: what is wrong with your gnomebaker?02:53
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bruenigSARA, that is user error, there is nothing more we can do02:53
Aruinbruenig: ok its given me a load of text so no i need to put it in the past thing yes?02:53
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bruenigAruin, yes02:53
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xeladosHas any patch or update been released to handle this new Daylight Savings Time crap?02:53
darkempress__david, that stops the connection..i need to change users without breaking connection unless there's a way to change usernames as i'm logging in...02:53
bruenigxelados, what is happening with daylight savings time?02:53
Xenguyxelados: everything after breezy is immune/fixed02:53
__davidbuddy7999: it's called SPICE.  use google to learn more02:53
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xeladosXenguy: Ah, alright.02:54
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__daviddarkempress: are you using VT or gnome-terminal or xterm?02:54
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SARAit tells me If you're having problems opening certain files make sure you have the GStreamer plugins needed to decode them.02:54
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Xenguybruenig: Amerika decided to change DST02:54
jimmygoonscrew us... :P02:54
bruenigto end it?02:54
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SARAIf you're having problems opening certain files make sure you have the GStreamer plugins needed to decode them.02:54
Xenguybruenig: no, earlier this year02:54
omeil_is Team America 2 being made?02:55
Aruinbruenig: what syntax do i put it under?02:55
gnomefreakSARA: no need to keep repeating it02:55
__daviddarkempress: there is a program called "screen" that, while I haven't personally used, allows you to have terminal sessions that detach and reattach,02:55
SARAit was a mistake02:55
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bruenigAruin, just pick one, it doesn't matter, bash I guess02:55
jimmygoonSARA: thats why you need to follow the instructions on the RESTRICTEDFORMATS page that was listed above that will install the gstreamer codecs for you... :)02:55
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Xenguydarkempress: screen is the ultimate zen app02:55
jimmygoonSARA, you made need to restart02:55
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darkempress__david, forget it..i logged in via ssh with ssh <address> -l <login name>02:55
SARAi tired to restart02:55
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__daviddarkempress: su02:55
darkempressgot it sorted, thanks anyways02:55
bruenigSARA, you see that massive command about 1/3 way down, that is what you need02:55
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kidbuntuhow do you resize the subtitle fonts in VLC?02:56
Aruinbruenig:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9179/02:56
lascardialshi everyone02:56
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SARAi dont know what im doing my X put this on my computer and i have too much saved on it to seitch back to windows...so im stuck...02:57
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire02:57
bruenigAruin, you must not have run that command before, here run this one, the whole thing at once, it should enable pretty much every repo you will ever need: sudo sed -e 's/# deb/deb/g' -e 's/dapper universe/dapper universe multiverse/g' -e 's/dapper-security universe/dapper-security universe multiverse/g' -i.backup && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp302:57
lascardialssomeone have time02:57
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AruinBruenig: thank you will try that02:58
bruenig!someone | lascardials02:58
ubotulascardials: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:58
joshjoshhow do i enable ipod transfer in rhythmbox?02:58
jimmygoonSARA: open up a terminal.. ( hit Alt+F2 and type "gnome-terminal") and then rightclick->PASTE the BIIGG command that is on the Restricted Formats page that has been lsited many times02:58
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jimmygoonGAH! she left! (02:58
bruenigshe deserves windows02:58
=== bimberi congratulates the X
jimmygoonMaybe Vista will WOW her02:59
lascardialsdo anybody can help me to understand kannel s installation on ubuntu02:59
=== jimmygoon smack his forehead
kidbuntuAll the subtitles that appear in my mplayer are "________________" "_______________"02:59
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Latitude^is it just me or is this room more accommodating to females =)02:59
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bruenigLatitude^, riiiight03:00
deltarayHi, I came to this channel because I'm trying to get Ubuntu on a machine that already has Vista on it.  I know how to install Ubuntu so I don't need help with that part, but....03:00
=== cbass [n=cbass@pool-72-81-244-118.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
deltaraythe laptop with Vista already on it has a partition at the end of the drive that is 2GB and has what looks like a windows base partition on it (like a C: drive).03:00
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deltarayIts a Dell 640m if that helps.  Anyone know what this partition is?03:00
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jimmygoondeltaray: be careful - sometimes the 2gig is a recovery partition ESPECIALLY with Dells03:01
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jimmygoondo NOT delete it or write over it03:01
Latitude^deltaray, that could be PC restore03:01
Aruinbruenig: ok iv done that its nowasking for my password but wont let me type it in !03:01
jimmygoonresize the vista partition (partly dangerous) and then install ubuntu03:01
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CalJohndeltaray: manufactuer model numbers _rarely_ help, unfortunatley :(03:01
CalJohndeltaray: they're a randomised marketing gimmick03:01
bruenigAruin, just type, it doesn't show anything but it is typing03:01
jimmygoonAruin: when you type in passwords ... it is accepting the password but the ****'s don't show up03:01
=== jimmygoon got beat :(
bruenigmore succinct03:02
nasdaq7how is windows vista - better than windows xp?03:02
deltarayjimmygoon, right, that's kinda what I figured, but I couldn't find anything to indicate that I could back that partition up to a dvd or something.03:02
CalJohnAruin: unix has never shown the number of characters in a password03:02
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Ben701Any thoughts on what the best(easiest to setup) mail server would be for edgy?03:02
deltarayAnd since its at the end of the drive, it would have to be removed in order to make room for Ubuntu.03:02
bruenignasdaq7, how is throat cancer better than lung cancer03:02
Aruinit replyed with03:02
Aruinsed: no imput files03:02
abasinisvacanti installed a program that i can't get rid of... can someone help????03:02
jimmygoondeltaray : nah, that partition is like so you can hold down F8 when the PC starts up and the Dell thing runs to allow you to reapir your hard drive03:02
deltarayCalJohn, Well, I'm more used to enterprise hardware where the model numbers actually say something.03:02
CoranthIf I were to install Ubuntu on my Toshiba Notebook... how would I get online with it? I have an Alcatel Speedtouch 530 Modem that came as part of a Telstra Bigpond Broadband self-install kit. I've read some stuff on the Internet about using the -ethernet- connection port on the modem and doing it that way... but I can't do that, as I have no network 'card' in my Notebook, and the Ethernet...03:02
CalJohnAruin: it's kinda a security issue, makes brute forcing easier03:02
Coranth...port is used for a shared internet connection.03:02
jimmygoondeltaray- no03:02
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Ax3nasdaq7: this _is_ an ubuntu channel, you'll get nothing but anti m$ here haha03:03
bruenigAruin, are you copying the whole thing at once03:03
Latitude^deltaray, if u have the windows reinstall cd as well as the other softwares, you may delete it03:03
=== root2 [n=root2@d66-183-237-209.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoondeltaray- you need to resize your Vista partition to make room for ubuntu03:03
CalJohndeltaray: as far as consumer laptops, is what I'm saying :p03:03
deltarayjimmygoon, ok, so I could just reinstall Vista if it becomes a problem.03:03
bruenigAruin, copy the entire thing after the colon at once03:03
nasdaq7that is why i haven't installed it yet - have had the dvd next to me for 3 weeks.03:03
Aruinbruenig i coppyed everything you told me to and put it in03:03
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root2name/ needtoknow03:03
jimmygoondeltaray,  yes... that is what that partition is for.. which is why you should preserve it03:03
techie_Question. When I click my applications and see the installed program "Wine" to the right of it there is still a windows program which I already erased, sort of uninstalled programs in the start menu of windows that are still there even though you uninstalled them before. How do I get rid of it?03:03
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deltarayjimmygoon, Actually, I heard something about needing to resize it from within Vista before installing Ubuntu , is that right?  Or can I just use gparted?03:03
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CalJohndeltaray: even in Sun hardware for example, model numbers aren't much indication of anything, performance or feature wise, unless you know the whole range off by heart03:04
jimmygoondeltaray, if you are interested in trying to resize the vista partition.... (lemme find the link)03:04
bruenigAruin, at once, all at once, there should be an input file, that is the file you just pastebined it is obviously there03:04
=== kaek [n=kaek@CPE-72-128-21-197.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiBen701: setting up dovecot was quote straightforward (dapper though but little will have changed)03:04
bruenigAruin, oh my fault03:04
deltarayCalJohn, right03:04
haakuturiAnyone familiar with fluxbox?03:04
jimmygoondeltaray, ANY TIME YOU TRY TO RESIZE you SHOULDNOT be running any operating system off the hard drive03:04
__davidtechie_: use alacarte (you can run it from a terminal) to edit your menus03:04
Ben701bimberi: Thanks Ill give that a shot03:04
CalJohnhaakuturi: yes03:04
deltarayjimmygoon, ok, that makes sense.03:04
jturekHi, How can i change the resolution of my tty consoles ?  I run Irssi in full screen, and i want to be able to see more03:04
jimmygoondeltaray, which is why you use a livecd... hold on03:04
bruenigAruin, wow ok here it is: sudo sed -e 's/# deb/deb/g' -e 's/dapper universe/dapper universe multiverse/g' -e 's/dapper-security universe/dapper-security universe multiverse/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp303:05
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bimberiBen701: np, look for the guides on help.ubuntu.com/community03:05
root2HOW DO I RESIZE MY UBUNTU PARTITION TO 15 GB AND give the rest to windows ( sorry about the caps )03:05
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haakuturiCalJohn and xfce? I can't figure out how to browse a Windows share....03:05
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs03:05
deltarayYou know what really sucks that I just found.  I use synergy and have noticed that Vista's permissions window that comes up doesn't allow you to use synergy to move the mouse or use the keyboard when it comes up.  So Vista breaks synergy.03:05
Aruinok will try that then03:05
jimmygoonroot2, deltaray,  http://www.sysresccd.org/ <--- AWESOME THING TO HAVE AT ALL TIMES! It has something called "run_qtparted" to allow you toresize partitions03:05
jimmygoonroot2 read that ^^^03:05
bruenigroot2, gparted, you will need to use a live cd if you are trying to resize your root partition because you can't resize a mounted partition03:05
=== nxtun [n=biswajit@206-248-130-124.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:05
=== adminx [n=adminx@c-68-32-69-192.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
techie_<__david> terrific. Where in the world did you find that command? Wow!03:05
Aruinah that looks more promesing :)03:05
jimmygoondeltaray: thats really sad abotu synergy.. I love that app :)03:06
=== dani [n=dani@cpe-66-27-196-135.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
deltarayjimmygoon, Yes, I've seen that before when I made a LiveDVD for my local LUG last year.03:06
deltarayyeah, it sucks.  Fucking M$03:06
__davidtechie_: i think it was in dapper?03:06
deltarayMakes me want to hit someone03:06
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root2G-parted live cd: What do I need to burn a .ISO03:06
PriceChild!ohmy | deltaray03:06
ubotudeltaray: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:06
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jimmygoonroot2: nothing if you are running ubuntu03:07
bimberiroot2: right-click, write to CD/DBD03:07
CalJohnhaakuturi: it's generally better if you just ask the question. Then anyone can answer it can help you03:07
bruenigroot2, a terminal, and cdrecord dev=/dev/whatever whatever.iso03:07
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jimmygoonroot2: downlaod the iso to your desktop - right click right to CD03:07
deltarayjimmygoon,  Oh well, they can dig themselves into a hole.  I've never seen so much interest in Linux as I have this year.03:07
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root2Uh oh03:07
jimmygoonthats the 3rd time tonight I've siad that :P03:07
techie_<__david> it is interesting that now the Applications do not show the word Wine! I assume this is correct since I do not have any programs installed in Wines. I imagine if i were to setup another windows program, then the word "Wine" in applications would appear again. Does that make sense to you?03:07
bruenigoh yeah I forgot gnome does that03:07
bruenigI am on xfce03:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about physicsfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:07
^DeL3e7^whats the name of that gnome gui burner?03:07
root2 I sent it to steam roller03:07
deltarayPriceChild, ubotu, sorry.03:07
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jimmygoondeltaray,  I've converted a few people already... they haven't looked back03:07
bruenig^DeL3e7^, gnomebaker03:07
magez_how feisty works? is it stabile enaugh allready? is there sense to chance the version to feisty?03:07
^DeL3e7^thats it!03:07
PriceChildmagez_, feisty in #ubuntu+103:07
bruenigmagez_, #ubuntu+103:07
jimmygoontechie_ its on the menu right now... Systme- >Preferences -> menu layout ;)03:07
sparrmagez_: ive been running feisty+edgy for a while now, very happy.  im upgrading to all feisty tonight03:08
__davidtechie_: if there are no leaf or "runnable" nodes under a menu (i.e. it's all empty folders), the whole thing isn't added to the menu03:08
nasdaq7well bill gates said that vista was the 'last windows' - if you would believe that ...03:08
bimberimagez_: for a production system with data that's important to you - No.03:08
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Aruinbruenig: thank you for your help got it working now :)03:08
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omeil_anyone know how to upgrade the physicsFS?03:08
deltarayjimmygoon, Did you read about that guy who installed Ubuntu for his dad, making his Dad think that he was installing Vista and his Dad liked it?   Let me see if I can find that.03:08
bruenigAruin, yeah sorry for the bad command03:08
Aruinand the rest of you for that matter03:08
Aruinthats ok mate03:08
adminxHello from Marietta Ga...03:08
sparrdeltaray: degredo.net03:08
root2Crist I @/\/\ H@\/ | /\/ G     @   /\/\ e /\/ T @ L     B R e  @ |<     |)  () \/\/ /\/03:08
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techie_<__david> i see it there but before I could also see it in "Applications" since I erased the old window's program the word Wine disappeared from there too!03:09
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deltaraysparr, Yes, that's it.  Funny.03:09
Aruingood night all (tommorow i fight with the DVD codexs!!! oh fun!!!!)03:09
^DeL3e7^what he cant just give up windows now! he better opensource all api's then so theres better linux support in wine03:09
=== nutterpc [n=nutterpc@210-84-44-146.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
techie_<__david> is dapper another version of Ubuntu like edgy?03:09
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bruenig!1337 | root203:09
bimberiroot2: indeed you are03:09
uboturoot2: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.03:09
root2Yah but its old03:09
OMGLAZERSIf I were to download an application I wanted to run outside of the package manager, is there any place set aside to store it already in / or should I just make a file for it, say, /applicaitons/ ?03:09
jvaidapper's old???? I'M ON IT NOW...03:09
sparrOMGLAZERS: thats usually what /opt is for03:10
__davidtechie: dapper is the version prior to edgy; empty folders aren't shown (and dapper is still in use)03:10
jvaii thought dapper was current03:10
PriceChildjvai, dapper will be supported after edgy's support ends03:10
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techie_<__david> thanks.03:10
jvaioo k03:10
CalJohnOMGLAZERS: yes, but i don't know how to do it from a deb package03:10
root2Ubotu I can only hack windows 98 thrue ubuntu I hardly consider myself a hacker03:10
bimberijvai: it is, just not the latest03:10
bruenigOMGLAZERS, if it is a normally compiled application with configure script, it should be in /usr/local, if it is a precompiled binary thing like firefox, it is /opt03:10
CoranthJesus... how fast do you people type...?03:10
CalJohnOMGLAZERS: sources, i can do03:10
=== Xenguy blinks
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jvaiuall r too bleeding "edgy"03:10
jimmygoonCoranth: really really really fast03:10
bimberiCoranth: bewildering isn't it03:10
PriceChildcon-man, please don't03:10
sparrbruenig: putting anything not managed by dpkg outside of /opt is asking for trouble03:10
abasinisvacanti installed a program, mozilla-firefox-locale-ko, and there seemed to be a huge bug or something, i can't seem to get rid of it!  now i can't even use firefox.. any ideas how to fix it???03:10
con-manPriceChild: dont what?03:11
CalJohnguys, seriously, shut up with the spam03:11
bruenigsparr, no it isn't03:11
jimmygoonjvai: dapper is like ancient!!!!elevenoneoneone03:11
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:11
Xenguyjust /ignore03:11
root2Use safe mode than unistall03:11
adminxAnyone know what app replaced Disks in version 6.10 it was in 6.06 under system menu, however now no longer there.03:11
con-man!ohmy | CalJohn03:11
ubotuCalJohn: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:11
jvailmao..... dapper.. the xp killaaa yeeeea!03:11
bruenigsparr, /opt is out of the PATH, /usr/local is for personally compiled stuff by design03:11
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root2!ohmy | root203:11
techie_<__david> do you know how to write "drivers" I have a handheld Panasonic RR-US380 with a usb cable only for windows. I contacted Panasonic and no drivers for Linux. Is writing a driver a pain or difficult?03:11
PriceChild!botabuse > root2 (please see the pm frmo ubotu)03:11
__davidabasinisvacant: you could try removing the locale package and then reinstalling all the firefox packages (you'll have to track down the dependencies of the packages so you get all the firefox-related ones, which might not be fun)03:11
=== Xenguy especially likes: /ignore -replies -time 1800
sparrbruenig: then you apt-get something that overwrites it, and everything goes to shit.  enjoy  :)03:12
con-man!botabuse > con-man03:12
abasinisvacant__david, i have no idea how to do that03:12
bruenigsparr, apt-get doesn't overwrite /usr/local03:12
bruenigsparr, apt-get uses /usr03:12
omeil_checking for PHYSFS_init in -lphysfs... no03:12
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__davidabasinisvacant: use synaptic03:12
omeil_configure: error:  *** Unable to find PhysFS library (icculus.org/physfs/)03:12
CalJohnsparr: that's not how it works.03:12
jvaisorry bout the caps03:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
abasinisvacantsynaptic won't let me remove the program03:12
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omeil_but the physicsfs is installed :(03:12
tovellaadminx: i think it was replaced with "disk usage analyzer" under Applications > Accessories03:12
abasinisvacant__david, synaptic won't let me remove the program03:12
__davidabasinisvacant: or you could uninstall in, delete ".mozilla/" from your home directory (this deletes all the settings related to firefox), and then it might just work03:13
=== Coranth would love to have his Notebook dual boot Ubuntu, but may never get his pathetic Alcatel 530 Modem working on it.
=== psyker [n=psyker@modemcable181.9-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonjvai: whats your point, for most of us it is, is there a reason/need for the caps?03:13
bruenigsparr, the worst you could get is maybe you get a /usr/bin/whatever and a /usr/local/bin/whatever and having to change the name of the /usr/local/bin/whatever03:13
__davidabasinisvacant: install the english locale instead?03:13
soundrayomeil_: you probably want libphysfs-dev03:13
con-man!botabuse | ubotu03:13
ubotuubotu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:13
adminxthanks tovella03:13
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abasinisvacant__david, i installed the english locale, but it wont' work anymore03:13
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jvaijimmey i apologized for the caps.. it's a thinkpad.. in starbucks man03:13
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root2<root2> condoms03:13
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root2<ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about condoms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:13
__davidtechie_: writing a driver isn't really easy03:13
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IndyGunFreak__david: not for the squeemish for sure03:14
omeil_soundray: its so i can ,.configure a game03:14
techie_<__david> understood03:14
neptune_Howdie Ubuntu-ers03:14
flaflahey guys03:14
IndyGunFreaktechie_: what are you trying to get working03:14
flaflatotem media player is stuck on fast forward playing,  how do I stop it?03:14
soundrayomeil_: I had sort of half sussed that out03:14
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__davidtechie_: you'd want to be good at some useful programming language, like c, c++, or perhaps python03:14
abasinisvacant__david, where could i locate the file mozilla in the directory?03:14
omeil_soundray: yeah i know :)03:14
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con-manflafla: close it and reopen03:14
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flaflacon-man  doesn't work03:15
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omeil_soundray: just putting the other half in to make it complete :D03:15
techie_<IndyGunFreak>a handheld digital recorder Panasonic RR-US380 with usb cable to transfer to PC.03:15
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CalJohntechie_: writing a driver is very difficult.  Think University level Computer science.03:15
con-manflafla: use VLC instead?03:15
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flaflait always plays at like 2x... it's crazy03:15
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IndyGunFreaktechie_: oh yeah, i remember you mentioning that the other night.03:15
__davidabasinisvacant: in your home directory, ".mozillla/" is a hidden directory with all of your mozilla settings in it03:15
tekkin ubuntu i edited my default sound card with the Sound utility, however it doesnt save, how can i manually edit this in a file?03:15
techie_<CalJohn>I can imagine.03:15
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sergio_hey i have a question... does berryl comes in apt03:15
IndyGunFreaktechie_: its just a voice recorder, right?03:15
flaflacon-man: it'd be nice if I could use the same software03:15
Botamis2Hi guys03:15
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omeil_soundray: but you are right, but now i need the CURL library lol03:15
soundrayCalJohn: you are underestimating university level computer science03:15
bruenig!beryl | sergio_03:15
ubotusergio_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:15
PriceChildsergio_, > #ubuntu-effects03:15
abasinisvacantah thanks __david03:15
soundrayomeil_: what are you compiling?03:16
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techie_<IndyGunFreak>somebody else mentioned a different model which works with Linux but it will require then that I buy another voice recorder!03:16
Botamis2I just installed ubuntu with the alt iso because the live version wouldn't work at all. I finished the setup and I restarted and got the error "Failed to start the X server"03:16
__davidabasinisvacant: glad to help.  i hope it works!03:16
IndyGunFreaktechie_: i see, and even then, its prolly nt 100%03:16
omeil_soundray: some linux mmorpg called The mana world i think something like that03:16
techie_<IndyGunFreak>I can always dual boot to xp and do it via the software which came with it and is already installed in xp03:16
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:16
CalJohnsoundray: am i?  Explain :p03:17
omeil_IndyGunFreak: I installed ubuntu with a 20gb partition now :D03:17
Botamis2I just installed ubuntu with the alt iso because the live version wouldn't work at all. I finished the setup and I restarted and got the error "Failed to start the X server". What do I do to fix this?03:17
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tekkhow can i up the volume also03:17
techie_<IndyGunFreak>is there any other way to do this. For example usb cable transfer, but somehow I think I need the sofware to direct the data flow.03:17
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tekkits rathe rlow03:17
IndyGunFreakomeil_: good.. you were having severa issues... what ended up finally doing the trick?... i remember we were all tossing out several problems you might be having03:17
PriceChildBotamis2, Do you by any chance have a very recent nvidia card?03:18
root2It tells me acid ripper is illegal |()|'s /\/ () \/\/    thats funny03:18
IndyGunFreaktechie_: sorry man, thats way outta my league03:18
Botamis2Not very recent03:18
Botamis2It is nvidia03:18
tovellaflafla: open a terminal window and type "xkill", move your mouse to the application and click on it.03:18
Botamis2roughly 2-3 years old03:18
PriceChildBotamis2, what number?03:18
kidbuntuwhat other internet browser do you use besides firefox?03:18
Botamis2number what03:18
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techie_<IndyGunFreak>I hear you and understand.03:18
omeil_IndyGunFreak: everything is running fine now. ubuntu isn't stalling at the start aswell. just boots straight to gui. i used to have to type exit to continue the boot03:18
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flaflatovella: I don't have a problem with killing the application03:18
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Botamis2PriceChild: What do you mean number? 6.10 ubuntu?03:18
root2I may be mistaken but doesn't easy ubuntu have a thing for nvida?03:18
PriceChildBotamis2, nevermind... ctrl+alt+F1 and log in. "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and change the device's driver to "vesa"03:19
ubotuBrowsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), Opera (Qt, proprietary)  -  HTTP servers: apache203:19
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flaflatovella I have a problem playing a video at regular speed... it just wont03:19
techie_<IndyGunFreak>what's the best voice recorder we have in Ubuntu? Maybe I can directly tape through that program if we have any counterpart to the recorders in xp03:19
hacked_kernel I installed 915resolution and now I can get 1280x1024 resolution but its not adopted with the screen, I've to move the mouse to the extreme left or down to view the rest of the screen, any help??03:19
Botamis2When do I press that pricechild?03:19
PriceChildBotamis2, then ctrl+x to save, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:19
NineTailsI'll think about it03:19
PriceChildBotamis2, once its failed03:19
omeil_IndyGunFreak: Wine is working good. runs WoW ftw! pretty good. yea everything is good on this end :)03:19
tovellaflafla: i, i thought you meant it's stuck and won't close.03:19
Botamis2PriceChild ok I'll try that03:19
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PriceChildBotamis2, the vesa driver is slow and rubbish... but will give you a gui to fix things03:19
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents03:19
IndyGunFreakomeil_: cool, glad its working.03:19
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jimmygoonhacked_kernel: your monitor/video card doesn't "really" support that resolution so its emulated with some-name-Ican't-remember03:20
IndyGunFreaktechie_: i really don't know anything about tape recorders for linux, if i tod you the best one, i'd be just puling something out of the air03:20
jimmygoonthat stretches your screen and lets you move around with your mouse03:20
flaflatovella: nope03:20
root2Could I use a command to move my screen to the right 5832 pixals ?03:20
Botamis2PriceChild: Never mind it magically worked.03:20
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tovellaflafla: mplayer is another good alternative03:20
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PriceChildBotamis2, Good to hear :) Enjoy Ubuntu03:20
Botamis2PriceChild: Thanks man :)03:21
techie_<IndyGunFreak>sorry , what I meant is Ubuntu software for recording voice directly within the computer via the microphone?03:21
IndyGunFreakomeil_: weren't you trying to get Xubuntu working?03:21
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flaflaI accidently did something in totem player that made it play vidz at 2x, is there a way to fix this?03:21
soundraytechie_: audacity03:21
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IndyGunFreaktechie_: oh... ok... still not real familiar with that, but my first guess, would be sound recorder03:21
nalioth!tell root2 about xcfg03:21
techie_<IndyGunFreak> thanks I will compare audacity and sound recorder!!!03:22
IndyGunFreakyeah, audacity is probably good, it seems to do just baout everything pretty well.03:22
jake_guys my xmms cannot play mp3 help03:22
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jimmygoon!tell me about xcfg03:22
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root2flaflas and tovella,   Goto www.torrentspy.com goto help, my sound wont play, they have a video player for linux03:22
naliothjimmygoon: /msg ubotu xcfg works fine03:22
omegabetaQuestion: Gnome seems to have broken, It keeps coming up with a bug report tool then i close that and it pops back up, not displaying the top panel properly - this came after trying to extract an iso from a seemingly corrupt archive.. if i pasted the error report to pastebin could i get any help?03:22
hacked_kerneljimmygoon: So, I'll never be able to change it someway?03:22
woodgrainCan someone tell me where a GIMP irc channel is?03:22
naliothwoodgrain: #gimp, maybe?03:22
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jimmygoonhacked_kernel: well if your video card doens't support it---- it doens't support it... there's nothing you can do about it :S03:22
techie_<soundray>what's your opinion between audacity and sound recorder?03:22
IndyGunFreakwoodgrain: i think its #gimp here on freenode.03:22
hacked_kerneljimmygoon: Thanks :)03:23
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crdlbwoodgrain, there is also a gimp on gimpnet03:23
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cbasshas anyone heard anything about automatix? Their site seems to be down without any information03:23
IndyGunFreakwoodgrain: i just went to #gimp, and there's almost 40 people there.03:23
nalioth!tell cbass about automatix03:23
omegabeta!automatix | cbass03:23
ubotucbass: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:23
adminxYeah I used Automatix03:23
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omeil_IndyGunFreak: na was kubuntu but changed my mine since its a 200mb dload lol :D03:23
cbassthanks for the bot text03:23
IndyGunFreakcbass: their site goes down constantly, they always blame one thing or another03:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gigabeat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
jimmygoonThe topic at #gimp is... goto irc.gimp.org#gimp-users : heh03:24
adminxYou can also try easyubuntu, they do the same things03:24
soundraytechie_: I haven't tested sound recorder properly. Audacity is not pretty, but it has useful editing, level setting, mixing and other features03:24
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flaflaI accidently did something in totem player that made it play vidz at 2x, is there a way to fix this?03:24
jake_guys im  new tolinux, what player plays most files mp3 or mpeg, just like windows media player in windows?03:24
cbassThanks IndyGunFreak03:24
techie_<soundray>thanks for your input.03:24
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omegabetajake_: its not the player, its the libs03:24
kitche!mp3 | jake_03:24
ubotujake_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:24
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omegabetajake_: but i reccomend rythmbox03:24
adminxAutomatix2 worked out better for me however03:24
PriceChildjake_, You will need to install codecs which can't be shipped with ubuntu for various reasons, see the message from ubotu above03:24
jimmygoonomegabeta: not for mpeg's03:24
IndyGunFreakcbass: what are you trying to install that you need automatix?03:25
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omegabetafor mpegs !xine03:25
Dyla1hey, my mouse wont right click in ubuntu for some reason...03:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:25
woodgrainIndyGunFreak, thanks.  There are 71 users on #gimp on GIMPNet03:25
root2flafla I dont know how to fix this but if you goto www.torrentspy.com     help, my video or sound wont play, they have a free ware video player THAT IS VERY GOOD and its froo03:25
Dyla1anybody else have that problem?03:25
omegabetaQuestion: Gnome seems to have broken, It keeps coming up with a bug report tool then i close that and it pops back up, not displaying the top panel properly - this came after trying to extract an iso from a seemingly corrupt archive.. if i pasted the error report to pastebin could i get any help?03:25
jimmygoonjake_ VLC is your best friend for videos and exaile/rhythmbox/banshee for music03:25
IndyGunFreakwoodgrain: it must ave went up quickly then..lol, there wwere around 40-50 when i joined a couple minutes ago..lol03:25
jimmygoonDyla1, is it physically broken maybe?03:25
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root2VLC is that a video plaer?03:25
Dyla1no when i boot in windows, its fine.03:25
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flaflaroot2:  I jsut wanna fix my totem player03:26
Victor```it's a general media player, yes03:26
soundrayflafla: log into a failsafe session and delete the totem settings with 'rm -rf $HOME/.gnome2/totem'03:26
jimmygoonroot2,  yes03:26
IndyGunFreakflafla: whats wrong with it/03:26
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Dyla1i didn't know if there was a setting in ubuntu to turn it on or off...03:26
jimmygoonflafla, but totem sucks!03:26
IndyGunFreakVLC is the best of the bunch, i removed all the others.03:26
Victor```Yeah, VLC is very good03:26
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jimmygoonthen agian, mozilla-plugin-vlc is ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS03:26
flaflasoundray:  I'll try that03:26
omegabetaits all about mp3blaster ;)03:26
yurimxpxmanhey guys, how do I get my webcam working in Ubuntu 6.10?03:26
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root2Pretty sure its VLC I am talking abought03:26
jake_my xmms plays mp3 before but efter i update my system, i cant anymore03:26
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Victor```jake_: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:27
IndyGunFreakjake_: xmms should play mp3's w/o even installing codecs03:27
soundray!webcam > yurimxpxman, please read the private message from ubotu03:27
jimmygoonjake_ you need to install codecs... read up here: http://ubuntuguides.org03:27
Victor```dependencies may have been broken03:27
IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: xmms will play mp3's w/o codecs03:27
root2Ill get you a link03:27
root2fla fla03:27
jimmygoonyeah, but xmms is a lame music playa03:27
joshjoshjimmygoon: Pfft. It serves it's purpose.03:27
Victor```VLC doesn't require mpg123 or any of those fancy decoders. :)03:28
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jimmygoonI know, I'm jsut being absurd03:28
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nixnoobis there a way to roll back an update using apt?03:28
woodgrainIndyGunFreak, different servers: freenode vs. gimpnet.03:28
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PriceChildnixnoob, sudo apt-get install package=version03:28
IndyGunFreakwoodgrain: ah, ok03:28
jake_i think the gstreamer, i remember i uninstalled it, am i correct?03:28
PriceChildnixnoob, or use the "force package" in synaptic03:28
nixnoobpricechild im rolling back wine03:29
nixnoobsudo apt-get install wine=0.9.3103:29
Victor```emerge -av vlc03:29
root2Ty |* l /\/ g   L | |<  Th I $  IS  Ab$()r |)03:29
jimmygoonPriceChild: force version works but LOCK VERSION has been broke in synpatic for months03:29
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PriceChildnixnoob, You'll have to do it for some dependencies also otherwise it'll complain03:30
Victor```gentoo needs a binary package mechanism >_>03:30
omeil_nixnoob: why roll back wine?03:30
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root2Yah its VLC!!!03:30
nixnoobomeil_ serious regression in latest version.03:30
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omeil_32 is working fine for me03:30
[0`0] ! aol03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
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jimmygoonwhat kind of regression and why?03:31
abasinisvacantis .gksu.lock an imporant file?03:31
smohi, i just made a custom live cd installed on usb key in persistent mode great but the only problem i have is i can t see my hdx drives any ideras??03:31
nixnoobomeil do u play CS:S?03:31
jimmygoonsmo: mount them03:31
smojust list sdx but from usb only03:31
jimmygoonor add them to fstab03:31
root2Is FLafla here I wanted to get him a link03:31
smono fdisk -l i have my usb key and my usb storage drive03:31
omeil_nope don't own CS:S , CS1.6 i can play tho03:31
abasinisvacantroot2, type    f, then hit tab03:31
smoany sata disk03:31
nixnoobyea i have no problems with 1.6 either just CS:S03:31
abasinisvacantnot enter, tab03:31
soundrayroot2: he's gone03:32
yurimxpxmanI still can't get my webcam working with those instructions :-(03:32
root2Damn I worked so hard to get him the link03:32
omeil_umm can someone tell me what library i need ? checking for png_write_info in -lpng... no03:32
omeil_configure: error:  *** Unable to find png library03:32
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benjoldersmaI have a question: feisty, xgl, fglrx.  when I start beryl, my screen goes all white. anyone?03:32
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PriceChildbenjoldersma, > #ubuntu-effects03:32
naliothomeil_: libpng*-dev03:32
paradizelosthey all, was wondering if ubuntu has had an update for the 2007 DST change03:32
benjoldersmaPriceChild: thanks!03:33
PriceChild!whitescreen-#ubuntu-effects > benjoldersma03:33
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root2For people using dapper drake use this command to download VLC03:33
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root2    *03:33
root2      sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc libdvdcss203:33
joshjoshhow do i enable ipod transfer in rhythmbox?03:33
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nalioth!tell root2 about paste03:33
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=== omeil_ whats the command to change mu name? :)
naliothomeil_: /nick NEWNICK03:34
root2sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc     for edgy eft03:34
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root2for Feisty Fawn use the edgy eft one03:34
jimmygoonthe VLC plugin doens't do anything03:35
DeL3e7why is python listening on port 4686803:35
jimmygoonI'm telling ya03:35
Omeilumm what library is for this ? checking for IMG_LoadPNG_RW in -lSDL_image... no03:35
Omeilconfigure: error:  *** Unable to find SDL_image library with PNG support03:35
naliothjimmygoon: /msg ubotu worksforme03:35
IndyGunFreakroot2: your command works fine, as long as they have the proper repositories available... libdvdcss2, isn't in the default repos03:35
naliothOmeil: join #ubuntu-classroom please03:35
jvaign peepz03:35
Omeilim trying to compile a linux mmorpg but i t just keeps telling me to install librarys each time03:35
jimmygoonnalioth, huh?03:35
IndyGunFreakOmeil: we callt hat dependency hell..l9ol03:35
jimmygoonnalioth, I'm saying the vlc-mozilla plugin doesn't work for me03:35
naliothIndyGunFreak: it is available via the repos. join me in #ubuntu-classroom please03:36
Dyla1hey anyone have a prob with right clicking in ubuntu?03:36
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joshjoshDyla1: You on a mac?03:36
IndyGunFreaknalioth: if the non-free is available.03:36
joshjoshDyla1: heh.03:36
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naliothjimmygoon: /msg ubotu worksforme                        Just because it doesnt work for you, doesn't make it unusable universally03:36
Dyla1it works fine in windows03:36
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mili cant access the cmd line by using ctrl alt f#    // the screen just freezes like it cant show the terminal - mouse/clock stops moving til i hit ctrl alt f7 to get back -- any idea how to get to cmd line? Im running ubuntu using vmserver03:36
ToddEDMhey guys, how can i login as root from the login sreen03:36
jimmygoonnalioth: do you want to help me make it work because I just forced myself back to mplayer-mozilla because of it ...03:36
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OmeilIndyGunfreak: i understand lol :D03:37
abasinisvacant"i am not the owner, so i can not change these permissions", that's what it says when i try to delete a certain file.  i i am the root user, but why can't i delete it still? is ther a way??03:37
jimmygoonwhy do you write that /msg ubotu worksfor me??? lol03:37
crdlbToddEDM, why?03:37
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ToddEDMcause i want to03:37
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IndyGunFreakOmeil: i downloaded a simple emulator the other day, you wouldn't believe it, i decided if its not in the repos, i don't need it..lol03:37
PriceChildabasinisvacant, the root account is disabled by default in ubuntu. The first user is not a root user, however you can prefix commands with "sudo" to give it root privileges03:37
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IndyGunFreakToddEDM: if you'03:38
ToddEDMi want to see if , when i login as root, my ntfs drive will work proper03:38
OmeilIndyGunfreak: lol. what emu was it for?03:38
abasinisvacantpricechild, but how would i fix my problem?03:38
IndyGunFreakOmeil: snes03:38
root2msg uboto goto hell03:38
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naliothToddEDM: if you mount the ntfs drive using sudo, it should work fine03:38
abasinisvacantpricechild:  there is a file that i just /can not/ get rid of03:38
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PriceChildabasinisvacant, prefix the command with "sudo", so for example "sudo gedit foo" or "sudo rm foo"03:38
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IndyGunFreakfinally got it installed, gotta get a controller tomorrow.03:38
OmeilIndyGunfreak: wait...i thought the snes emu was in the repos03:38
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:39
IndyGunFreakOmeil: it was, but someone in offtopic talked me in to trying to compile the newest one...lol03:39
IndyGunFreaki figured why not.03:39
ToddEDMohh i can see the disk, and play media off it , but i cant save stuff on it03:39
IndyGunFreaki'ma glutton for punishment i guess03:39
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Omeili might install the snes emu aswell03:39
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IndyGunFreaknalioth: you deserve a medal for that ban03:39
omegabetaQuestion : My gnome has broken, It keep popping up with a bug report and i cant access the panel, I'm prety sure it is a gnome-pannel issue but i have no idea how to fix it.. it came after trying to extract a corrupt iso but i cant see how this would have caused it.. any ideas?03:39
Omeilis there a 64emu for lin?03:39
abasinisvacantpricechild, it opens up gedit, but the page is blank????03:39
jimmygoonOmeil : mupen64 .. its not half bad03:39
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jimmygoonalthough there was talk on their BB that someone is making Open64 ...03:40
IndyGunFreakOmeil: N64?  I don't know, i imagine there probaby is though03:40
Omeildoes that mean its half good?03:40
LordLimecatyou up for some trem?03:40
PriceChildabasinisvacant, The command you were attempting earlier, put a sudo before it. My examples were just examples... you weren't meant to do them03:40
OmeilIndyGunFreak: oh i remember the problem i had was ntfs-3g being a bitch. but it works like a giffy now03:40
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jimmygoonIndyGunFreak, Its called Mupen6403:41
IndyGunFreakOmeil: yeah, that was th eother issue03:41
Omeilnot atm03:41
Omeilthis compiling is being a bitch03:41
IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: ok.. like i said, i figured there was one, i just hadn't heard fo it, is it in the repos?03:41
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kitche!ohmy | Omeil03:41
jimmygoonOmeil, what are you compiling03:41
ubotuOmeil: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:41
jimmygoonIndyGunFreak, no but its easy... just extract... there are no "difficult" requirements03:41
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edgarinHi people03:41
Omeilbeing an itch then :)03:41
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edgarinhowto I can download all packages avaible for Ubuntu edgy?03:41
Omeiljimmygoon: some mmorpg lol.03:42
OmeilThe Mana World i think03:42
kid6I am trying to get my brodcom wireless working.  I have installed the drivers and also installed WiFi-Radar.  I can see the wireless router in WiFi Radar with a pretty good signal.  It will not get an IP Address though. Does anyone have advice for troubleshooting?03:42
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IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: doews it work pretty well, i loved Mario 6403:42
abasinisvacantPriceChild, the page is still blank03:42
jimmygoonIndyGunFreak,  quite well03:42
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PriceChildabasinisvacant, What were you trying to do originally?03:42
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kid6haha nevermind works now03:42
jimmygoon(OT) IndyGunFreak, I'm all curious now cause apparently the emulation is near full speed (w/o sound) on the PSP for Mario 64!!!03:42
kid6you guys are good03:42
abasinisvacantPriceChild:  originally i was trying to install a korean version of firefox03:43
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OmeilIndyGunFreak: speaking of mario64 i have that rom here :) :P03:43
paradizelostHey all, can anyone tell me if ubuntu has released a DST 2007 update yet?03:43
IndyGunFreakOmeil: lol03:43
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abasinisvacantPriceChild, then there was an error in installing, and now my english firefox is broken also03:43
crdlbparadizelost, I'd be surprised if that didn't happen a long time ago03:43
ToddEDM THEN, again from start menu go to System --> Administration --> Login Screen Setup.03:43
ToddEDMThere go to the "security" tab and CHECK "allow root to login with GDM". Close all windows and log out of GNOME and on to GDM.03:43
ToddEDMtype root, root's password that u had set and log in as root!03:43
adminxHave you checked that you have dhcp enabled03:43
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OmeilLordLimecat:must be fragging some aliens by now03:44
PriceChildabasinisvacant, "that's what it says when i try to delete a certain file." is what the original problem was... Hmm... I'm not too sure about what you're trying to do now...03:44
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paradizelostcrdlb: can you tell me then how i can tell what the daylight saving dates are set to?03:44
jimmygoonOmeil, IndyGunFreak it would be wrong of my to advertise that I know decent place to get roms from... so I cough won't.03:44
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IndyGunFreakjimmygoon: pm me when you get a minute..lol03:45
abasinisvacantPriceChild, i'm trying to get rid of something called "lock", because it seems that it's preventing me from uninstalling (or reinstalling)the bad firefox file03:45
Omeili wonder how u get a minute :)03:45
PriceChildabasinisvacant, How did you install this "bad firefox"?03:45
Omeilits like adding an extra minute in ur life :D03:45
abasinisvacantPriceChild, synaptic package03:45
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PriceChildabasinisvacant, So why wouldn't synaptic remove it?03:45
soundrayparadizelost: 'zdump -v /etc/localtime | grep 2007'03:45
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PriceChildabasinisvacant, what's the name of the package?03:45
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Omeilawsome the linux tibia client works with flying colours :d03:46
abasinisvacantPriceChild, mozilla-firefox-locale-ko03:46
paradizelostkk thanks03:46
naliothPriceChild: if apt was interupted, it can leave the "lock" file in place (that tells the system that an upgrade is taking place)03:46
smoi can t see my sata drives only m usb drives any idears ??   ubuntu 2.6.17-11 38603:46
soundrayparadizelost: is it correct on your system?03:46
paradizelostyes it is03:46
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PriceChildabasinisvacant, "sudo apt-get -f install" Will fix things I think...03:47
jdhoreotgI'm running Ubuntu Edgy and i want to upgrade my Nvidia drivers from the 8776 driver that comes in the repos to the latest stable 9xxx series driver...i have one question about this...if it happens to cause massive issues and things, how do i revert back to the old 8776 drivers?03:47
abasinisvacantPriceChild, ok will try..03:47
tgelterhey everyone - for some reason (and it's not a bad keyboard, I've checked) Alt-F2 won't bring up the "launch a program" dialog, nor can I bring up virtual terminals with CTRL-ALT-F1,F2, etc. yet CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE will kill gdm and x as expected...03:47
PriceChildnalioth, Stop knowing everything :)03:47
soundrayparadizelost: just curious, because I told someone else that tzdata was up to date in ubuntu, and then I wasn't too sure -- thanks.03:47
ToddEDMi guess im gonna have to just use my sneakernet to get this movie off my linux partition03:47
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PriceChildjdhoreotg, the nvidia binarys have an uninstall option. If you install from !nvidia9 packages then you can just uninstall them via apt. Either way you should be able to downgrade03:47
OmeilIndyGunFreak: so do standard controllers work in snes and ubuntu?03:48
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paradizelostsoundray: yep, unlike windows, which just released an official fix for XP SP2 and newer last month03:48
IndyGunFreakOmeil: i don't know...lol, i haven't gotten one yet, im gonna do that tomorrow or sat.03:48
smojdhoreotg it will uninstall older drivers so don t worry...03:48
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jdhoreotgPriceChild, i'm gonna be using Envy to upgrade, but if i do need to downgrade back to 8776, will i still be able to do it with apt?03:49
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abasinisvacantpricechild, it says:   could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 resource temoporarily unavailable)                    unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/, is another process using it?03:49
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omegabetaQuestion : My gnome has broken, It keep popping up with a bug report and i cant access the panel, I'm prety sure it is a gnome-pannel issue but i have no idea how to fix it.. it came after trying to extract a corrupt iso but i cant see how this would have caused it.. any ideas?03:49
PriceChildabasinisvacant, close synaptic or any other package managers then try again03:49
mili cant access the cmd line by using ctrl alt f#    // the screen just freezes like it cant show the terminal - mouse/clock stops moving til i hit ctrl alt f7 to get back -- any idea how to get to cmd line? Im running ubuntu using vmserver03:49
jdhoreotgwell...i'm gonna go now...i'll be back soon if i have issues03:50
OmeilIndyGunFreak: im gonna scream03:50
PriceChildjdhoreotg, I'm not familiar with envy.... what card do you have by the way?03:50
jdhoreotgGeforce4 MX42003:50
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IndyGunFreakOmeil: why's that?03:50
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OmeilIndyGunFreak: the library i dloaded didn't fix the compiling prblem >_<03:50
PriceChildjdhoreotg, Make sure it installs the 9631 drivers, not 9746 ;)03:50
IndyGunFreakOmeil: lol03:51
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jdhoreotgok, thanks03:51
IndyGunFreakok, bedtime all, laters.03:51
gavintlgoldguys, does anyone know of an AMD64 repository for Avant Window Navigator? (especially the svn version)03:51
jdhoreotgand i'm pretty sure my card is supported...i just got it working in Sabayon which uses the 9631 driver03:51
abasinisvacantPriceChild, it says :  E:  unmet dependencies.  Try 'apt-get -f install; with no packages (or specify a solution).03:52
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naliothgavintlgold: svn is processor/distro agnostic03:52
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crdlbnalioth, I think he wants built svn snapshots03:52
gavintlgoldsorry, yeah i meant snapshots03:52
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OmeilIndyGunFreak: ok it's sorta kinda working now :D. its probably a crap mmorpg anyways lol "D03:53
gavintlgoldi suppose saying the "subversion version" is an oxymoron, but whatever03:53
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PriceChildabasinisvacant, "sudo apt-get remove mozilla-firefox-locale-ko" ?03:53
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abasinisvacantpricechild, tried that, did not work03:53
PriceChild!away > jimmygoon|afk03:53
naliothabasinisvacant: join us in #ubuntu-classroom please03:54
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AaronMTRandom request but does anyone know where to find high resolution images of the Ubuntu logo and desktop resources?03:55
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radar1976ok  I'm wondering if iptables can do domain redirection03:55
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tgelterAaronMT: you can find them on the ubuntu marketing webpage03:55
Daynahmy basic mic works in windows, laptop's dapper ubuntu, but not my desktop's edgy. Any suggestions?03:56
radar1976have www.red.com forward to and www.rghh.com forward to, each ip is a different server behind the router (iptables)03:56
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mili cant access the cmd line by using ctrl alt f#    // the screen just freezes like it cant show the terminal - mouse/clock stops moving til i hit ctrl alt f7 to get back -- any idea how to get to cmd line? Im running ubuntu using vmserver03:57
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carambolahelp... my wlan0 interface is listed as a Wired connection in Network Settings... I therefore can't set the essid or security settings. What do I do?03:58
winmutthi im having problems with X. cant get about 1024x768 without screen going fubar. this is over dvi. over analog its just fine03:58
winmuttwhere to start?03:58
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smoi need help with my sata drives, i can t detct them i just can see usb or usbkey drives03:58
ablyssmil: is fullscreen mode enable ?03:58
smokernel 2.6.17-1103:58
winmutti checked my vert and horiz like 3 times03:58
francoishi, i was wondering if there was a way to bind a string of text to a larger one, like "help" == "please help me" ?03:59
Daynahsmo, you'll need to do a thing called mounting them. It's not because their sata drives that they aren't being detected, it's because you've plugged them in after you installed ubuntu. Lemme pull up a guide to give you03:59
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washbearhow do you reboot from single user mode - "reboot" and "shutdown" just returns an error message "cannot connect" ...03:59
smoinstall wifi-radar carambola03:59
carambolathe wireless worked before... but then i did an update (that seemed to leave network stuff alone) and it stopped working03:59
washbearam trying to reset root passwd03:59
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smoi know it daynah i m old school user lol03:59
ablyssfrancois: there are several ways to do that.. it would help to know what the string is for04:00
smono i really can t detect them with fdisk or whatever04:00
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Daynahsmo, oh okay, then I don't know anything past that. Sorry darling!04:00
francoisablyss: nothing really, i just want to be able to write something shorthand, all the time, in any window or application04:00
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smonp thx anyway04:00
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ablyssfrancois: i haven't seen any program that will do that on linux, shortcut key programs might, like xbindkeys04:02
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kid6francois: That would be cool.. if you find out let me know04:02
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blkdimndI have a question, I'm running Ubuntu Edgy with Beryl, and I see alot of screen shots with an OS X like tool barr on the desktop.  What program do you all think they are using?04:04
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jdhoreotgwell...i tried to install the 9613 driver04:04
ablyssfrancois: okay found a kde program in the kde settings that does what you want04:04
jdhoreotgand now i have no x04:04
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jdhoreotgplease help...i'm stuck using irssi via CLI right now04:04
francoisablyss: nice, i was just about to say, xbindkeys seems to only link to terminal commands04:04
bruenigfrancois, one rudimentary way that I could think of doing it is setup a script of sed substitution commands, and then run that script over a text document and all instances that are able to be changed will be, but that would only work for txt documents04:04
estupendocerowhat's a nice gui newsreader you guys would reccomend?04:04
bruenig!info liferea04:05
ubotuliferea: feed aggregator for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.23-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 734 kB, installed size 2224 kB04:05
ablyssfrancois: this one is in the settings/regional-accessibility/input actions dialog04:05
crdlbestupendocero, do you mean newsgroups or RSS ?04:05
francoisbruenig: hum... butt that wouldn't work for terminal ?04:05
jdhoreotgSOMEONE PLEASE HELP!04:05
bruenigfrancois, it would only work for txt documents like I said, for terminal you could do aliases04:05
blenna_unixis 52 degress C good for a pentium 4 w/ HT?04:06
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bruenig!attitude | jdhoreotg04:06
ubotujdhoreotg: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:06
crdlbestupendocero, either pan or sylpheed04:06
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crdlbestupendocero, sypheed is also a mail client but I really like it04:06
jdhoreotgi'm sirry bruenig, but i'm a little upset as i have no x right now and it's difficult to get help04:06
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bruenigjdhoreotg, if no one knows, they can't answer04:07
francoisablyss: hum...i can't seem to find it04:07
estupendocerocrdlb, thanks, I'll check them out. Which one has better features for handling binaries?04:07
crdlbestupendocero, I don't use newsgroups for that, but most like pan04:07
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root1How do I get ubuntu to let me login as root I always get ," Root cant login from this screen"04:07
ablyssfrancois: http://epluribusunix.net/screenshots/operating_systems/ubuntu/screenshot_input_dialog.png04:07
crdlbsince it is a dedicated NNTP client04:07
bruenig!sudo | root104:07
uboturoot1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:07
carambolasmo: about wifi-radar... i'm pretty sure the problem is deeper than a frontend: iwconfig doesn't list any wireless devices04:08
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smoah ok04:08
smowhat s your wifi card?04:08
smomoduel loaded?04:08
estupendocerocrdlb,  thanks for the tip04:08
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francoisablyss: o0o0, thank you04:09
manny_hey guys04:09
manny_how do that cmd to set up the su cmd04:09
ablyssfrancois: your welcome.. did that help any?04:09
manny_su pw or something like that04:09
carambolaorinoco (prism 2) card... lsmod shows the module is loaded04:09
francoisablyss: yes, but we're not using the same window manager, but now i know what to look for, thanks04:10
root1What EXACTLY do I have to type to change my self to root. ( It wont let me at the login)04:10
c0nv1ctsudo su04:10
ablyssroot1: type gksu gnome-terminal04:10
bruenigroot1, preface commands with sudo to run them as root04:10
crdlbmanny_, it's not recommended to make a root account since sudo -i is exactly like su04:10
adminxGood night from Marietta, GA.....04:10
c0nv1ctsudo su will give u a root shell too04:10
bruenigsudo -s sudo -i sudo su04:10
ablysshey i'm gwinnett04:10
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manny_i thought i had to type in a password04:11
naliothbruenig: it's a troll04:11
stiv2kwhy is my server install asking me to put the CD in when trying to install openssh-server ?04:11
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c0nv1ctu might, but it'll be the same one as your user account04:11
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TravisivarTare there any tools to flash your bios through linux?  i'04:13
blkdimndI have a question, I'm running Ubuntu Edgy with Beryl, and I see alot of screen shots with an OS X like tool barr on the desktop.  What program do you all think they are using?04:13
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ablyssstiv2k: because your repositories are pointing to the cdrom,, uncheck them and check ubuntu server04:13
Frogzoostiv2k: cos you still have the CD enabled as a repo04:13
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stiv2kFrogzoo: ablyss: where in the config do i change that04:13
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DeL3e7ive always wanted to flash openbios to my board04:13
DeL3e7but im afriad ill mess somethin up04:14
ablyssstiv2k: in synaptic i forget, maybe someone here might know04:14
Frogzoostiv2k: synaptic -> repos04:14
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stiv2kFrogzoo: this is a server install i dont have a gui04:14
ablysshave to edit the file with vi then04:15
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Frogzoostiv2k: kk, edit /etc/apt/sources & remove the cdrom line04:15
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ablysswhat he said :)04:15
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billydoes beryl just die from time to time for anyone else?  It restarts fine, but why does it just stop working in the first place?04:16
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billywhat happened to my first line there?04:16
c0nv1ctit used to die when i changed styles in gnome04:16
c0nv1ctbut that was it04:16
jdhoreotgi really need some help here...i don't need a 100% definite answer, i just need something to get me back to a GUI...i used Envy to install the 9631 Nvidia driver on my box..unfortunately it doeswn't like me and now X won't start...i need some help, any help of how to get myself back to the driver that comes in the Edgy repos (8776) and get X started...any help on this would be VERY greatly appreciated04:16
Frogzoobilly: is beryl out of beta yet?04:16
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c0nv1ctjdhoreotg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33641204:17
billyFrogzoo: yeah, I understand it's beta.  But I'm just curious if anyone else has this problem.  Not really a problem.  It's not hard to restart.  Just wondering if anyone else had that same sort of prob.04:17
stiv2khow can i check what services are being run at boot time04:17
c0nv1ctfollow the directions on how to properly update your nvidia drivers04:17
nfearnleyHey, I just did an online update from ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10 and it gave me kernel 2.6.17-11 . I'm trying to get the headers off of apt with aptitude, but only 2.4 headers show up. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?04:17
billyc0nv1ct, I don't use nvidia.  I have an intel integrated.04:18
ablyssstiv2k:  read /var/logs04:18
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c0nv1ctbilly: i was refering to jdhoreotg's problem04:18
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Frogzoobilly: best ask in #ubuntu-effects04:18
billyc0nv1ct, oh sorry.04:18
nfearnleyBTW, on the nvidia stuff. I was having problems. I had to use nvidia-installer to uninstall everything. Then I deleted some nvidia modules from /lib/modules. Then I reinstalled and it worked.04:19
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c0nv1ctyeah nfearnley, theres a few things that need to be done to properly update the drivers04:19
jdhoreotgc0nv1ct: i'm running the latest driver and that's exactly what i'm having a problem with04:19
c0nv1ctand removing the old nvidia kernel module is one of the important ones :)04:19
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c0nv1ctjdhoreotg: did you remove the old driver first?04:19
nfearnleyIt was complaining about mismatching module versions. So that's where I went.04:20
c0nv1ctif not, both kernel modules will load04:20
jdhoreotgc0nv1ct: yes i did04:20
c0nv1ctyeah, i had that problem yesterday when i updated my drivers04:20
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c0nv1ctdid you add "DISABLED_MODULES="nv"" to etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common?04:20
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c0nv1ctand did you do 'sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings' ?04:21
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jdhoreotgc0nv1ct: no, but the 8776 drivers were working fin, then i installed the 9631 drivers and EVERYTHING went haywire04:21
c0nv1ctcuz the 8776 drivers are still loaded04:21
GionnyBossI can't set a different file association in Nautilus. If I try to click to another application in the list, it doesn't let me add it. If I try to add another app to the list, it says 'Could not load application database'. And the weird thing is that I only have this problem on this computer, not on the other ones with the same Ubuntu version (Edgy). Can anybody help me, please?04:21
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c0nv1ctyou get an error saying its expecting 9631 but found 8776 when you start X?04:22
cablesI'm having some trouble using x264 with AcidRip. Whenever I try to rip, it says "mencoder interrupted". Can anyone help me fix this?04:22
aeromixhi all..I'm trying to make a function to convert all spaces in file/directories names into _; however  while read f; do mv ${f} $(sed 's/\ /_/g' <<<${f}); done < <(ls)04:22
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aeromixdoesn't work..no idea why04:22
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jdhoreotgc0nv1ct: i don't know04:22
c0nv1cttrust me, follow the directions on that HOWTO04:22
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nfearnleyaeromix: Maybe try quotes around ${f}.04:23
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c0nv1ctand use your 9631 driver instead of 9746 as it says on the page, if you want04:23
nfearnleyaeromix: If it has spaces in it, I'd think it would come out as multiple arguments.04:23
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ablyssaeromix:  for x in *; do mv "$x" "$(echo $x | sed 's/\ /_/g')";done04:23
jdhoreotgs of right now, i'm giving up on the 9xxx driver...too much hassle04:23
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jdhoreotgi just want 8776 back and working04:23
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jdhoreotg*as of04:23
aeromixnfearnley: well, it works with " ", tnx04:24
SqueeWhat is a good C ide (other than anjuta... i'm having too many issues with it)04:24
c0nv1ctit'd be less work to get the 9631 drivers u currently have to work04:24
nfearnleyaeromix: n/p04:24
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c0nv1ctits only a matter of like 3 or 4 commands, just try it04:24
nfearnleyAnyone know how to update apt sources from 6.06 to 6.10?04:24
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GionnyBossDoes anybody know where the Nautilus configuration files are? I would like to try to remove them to solve a problem with nautilus04:25
nalioth!tell nfearnley about upgrade04:25
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c0nv1ctyeah, add them to /etc/apt/sources04:25
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naliothGionnyBoss: ~/.gnome204:25
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c0nv1ctor that bot will tell ya04:25
nfearnleyGionnyBoss: try ~/.nautilus?04:25
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GionnyBossok thanks04:26
GionnyBossBTW, my problem is that changing file association in Nautilus is buggy... I can't use it04:26
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nfearnleyokay, the apt sources say they have edgy, but I can't find headers for kernel 2.6.1704:26
GionnyBossI try to click on another app to handle (for example) MP3, but when I click on it, it doesn't select it :(04:27
nalioth!tell nfearnley about headers04:27
Squeenfearnley: Take the sources list from ubuntuguide.org.  That should have everything you need04:27
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naliothSquee: it's not sources he needs, but the 'package name'04:27
doffhow to disable monitor power off after some time? I begin watching movie and after awhile the monitor turns off I have to turn it on by pressing some key again04:27
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nfearnleyI've searched but apt just seems to list 2.4 headers.04:28
naliothnfearnley: the bot just gave you some info, did it not help?04:28
c0nv1ctnfearnley: did u run apt-get update ?04:28
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GionnyBossdoff, System -> Preference -> Power Management. But it doesn't change on the fly, you have to reboot or restart I don't know which service04:28
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lkthomasI am using xubuntu04:29
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:29
lkthomasit's amazing04:29
GionnyBossdoff, BTW, which app do you use to see movies? I use Xine, I have monitor power off enabled and it never turn off screen04:29
mikefooSo if I have a 6 drive server, what should I do for /boot so I have some fault tolerance if a drive fails?04:29
c0nv1ctuse raid?04:29
lkthomasbut I am using dual monitor, how could I config seperate desktop on xubuntu ?04:29
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c0nv1ctraid 5, raid 1...04:30
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rude_CEI 'm trying tu use ubuntu 5.10 , but my ethernet card is an AMD PCnet home Based, the configuration is ok, but I can't conect..This car have two ledges to show its activity, but both appear inactive. I've aready tryed the comend sudo ifconfig eth1 up ..but still does'nt work04:30
doffGionnyBoss, I've alredy changed power management settings some time ago but don't remember if rebooted or not) I use totem + gstreamer 1004:30
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doffGionnyBoss, but have gxine installed too, I'll try to use it thanx04:31
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GionnyBossdoff, xine is better than gxine04:31
GionnyBossa LOT better04:31
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GionnyBossdoff, give Xine a try ;)04:31
nfearnleyfigured it out. I was searching for 'kernel-headers-2.6'. It's under 'linux-headers-2.6'.04:31
cablesHas anyone had problems with acidrip and x264? It just exits with "mencoder was interrupted"04:31
DeL3e7the firefox gxine plugin always crashes on me04:31
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billywhen I reconfigure my xserver, there's a line that allows me to indicate how much RAM my graphics are given.  I've never set it to anything, but I have 8megabytes enabled in my BIOS.  Can I edit xorg.conf to reflect this?04:32
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Evil_`hm, what happens if something happens and I get a 'fork bomb'04:32
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DeL3e7heh those are cool04:32
DeL3e7it'll lock up or severly slow down the machine04:32
nkayhanHi, I just installed the new ubuntu herd, and it comes with compiz.  Because I think I wan't to switch back to Beryl, I wanted to remove compiz.  When I do this, I am told that ubuntu-desktop is going to be removed as well.  What's the deal, and can I have both beryl and compiz on a system.04:32
Ashexbilly, what video card do you have?04:32
Evil_`DeL3e7, he told me there isn't a way to stop it04:32
DeL3e7cause multiple instances of nothing keep spawning its never endind04:33
naliothbilly: if you like.  keep a backup of your existing xorg.conf for safety04:33
billyAshex: I use an Intel.04:33
DeL3e7there is04:33
DeL3e7u can set a limits04:33
Ashexbilly, laptop?04:33
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DeL3e7/etc/limits or somethin04:33
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billynalioth: yes, I do that everytime I mess with it. :)04:33
DeL3e7lemmie look real fast04:33
billyAshex: no, a desktop.04:33
Evil_`ok, thanks DeL3e704:33
rude_CEI 'm trying tu use ubuntu 5.10 , but my ethernet card is an AMD PCnet home Based, the configuration is ok, but I can't connect..This card have two ledges to show its activity, but both appear inactive. I've aready tryed the command sudo ifconfig eth1 up ..but still does'nt work04:33
Ashexbilly, make sure it's the actual ram size. That seems insanely low for a video card. What's the model of the computer?04:34
doffGionnyBoss, how to control volume in Xine from keyboard?04:34
Ashexsounds like a manufactured computer04:34
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GionnyBossdoff, V and Shift + V04:34
ray_is there a way I can unzip an entire directory of zip files in one shot?04:34
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nkayhanCan both beryl and compiz be installed at the same time?04:34
billyAshex: I built it myself.  It's an integrated motherboard.  Perhaps I'm not using the correct terminology.04:34
DeL3e7i'd go with limiting the proccesses04:34
c0nv1ctray_: sure, just use *.zip04:35
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diminthedamhello, i am trying to install zfone on edgy and it fails saying i need libipq04:35
diminthedam. but where do i get this package?04:35
doffGionnyBoss, thx04:35
ray_gunzip dir/*.zip ?04:35
GionnyBossdoff, go on the settings for keys in Xine, there are a lot of interesting keys (you can change Audio/Video offset, subtitle offset and a lot of cool things directly from the keyboard)04:35
Ashexbilly, I see what you mean. double check the actual video ram of the onboard video card. An 8MB video card existed in the 90's04:35
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DeL3e7its cool they give u a demo forkbomb :(){ :|:& };:    if run in terminal, expect slowdowns and errors04:35
c0nv1ctor just unzup04:35
Xenguyray_: unzip04:35
kitchebilly: yea you cna set it to 8 megs but it's in kilobytes of what xorg.conf sees but that's weird that it's 8 megs mine is 16 megs onboard I have it disabled though04:35
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c0nv1ctwtf, unzip04:35
c0nv1ctcant type for crap04:35
DeL3e7might need a reboot04:35
lkthomasdoes ubuntu got a program to config Xwin ?04:36
DeL3e7but other then that it cant harm your computer04:36
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billykitche: I'm using an asus p5l-mx motherboard.04:36
ray_I'm getting an error "caution: files name not matched:04:36
ray_for each file in the directory04:36
LordLimecatso how long till nvidia stops making my gaming suck with shitty drivers04:36
Evil_`DeL3e7, I asked for help on lampp, cause I get errors and he told me to put '){ :& };:' but I didn't...and I waslike "AH WHATS HAPPENING!!?" and he said lolForkBomb....04:37
Evil_`Btw, should I make a limits file..if I don't have one?04:37
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DeL3e7thats evil04:37
rude_CEI 'm trying tu use ubuntu 5.10 , but my ethernet card is an AMD PCnet home Based, the configuration is ok, but I can't connect..This card have two ledges to show its activity, but both appear inactive. I've aready tryed the command sudo ifconfig eth1 up ..but still does'nt work04:37
Evil_`DeL3e7, I know :(04:37
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nkayhanCan I remove compiz from my system04:37
ray_nkayhan: try apt-get remove compiz04:38
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kitcherude_CE: why not use 6.06 or 6.10?04:38
chiefhow i do manually close programs through like a ctrl alt delete menu?  im new.04:38
LordLimecatrightclick the top panel04:38
LordLimecatadd to panel04:38
TakmadeusI need some help04:38
nkayhanray_:yea, when I do that it asks if it should remove ubuntu_desktop04:38
LordLimecatadd system monitor04:38
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LordLimecatand force kill app04:38
AaronMTterminate their process by getting their id04:38
LordLimecathe wants a process manager04:38
ray_nkayhan: have you tried using the synaptics package manager?04:38
TakmadeusI just got ukubuntu 6.06 CD04:38
LordLimecatie, the system monitopr04:38
rude_CE[kitche] : I'll get the CD and try04:38
Takmadeusand i wanna install KDE04:38
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jdhoreotgc0nv1ct: i installed the drivers to the letter on that HOWTO hopefully i won't be back04:39
nkayhanray_:yes, I'm on feisty herd 5 btw04:39
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jdhoreotgi'm off now to reboot and pray...maybe04:39
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Takmadeusyet I cannot find the kubutntu-desktop package04:39
c0nv1ctheh k04:39
chiefthaaanks lordlimecat04:39
ray_nkayhan: I'm not sure, sorry04:39
GionnyBosshey guys... and what about killing an app that is fullscreen and makes your computer stuck?04:39
c0nv1ctit worked for me jdhoreotg04:39
chiefi got beryl working by the way =) had to do a fresh install and it all worked great.04:39
LordLimecatcareful with force quit04:39
LordLimecatits dangerous :D04:39
XenguyGionnyBoss: xkill04:39
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lkthomasLordLimecat, is it have any program to config Xwindows ?04:39
Takmadeusplease, I wanna add kubuntu to ubuntu04:40
billyi'm going to go and see exactly how the BIOS phrases it.  I'll be back in a moment.04:40
slvis beryl worth playing with on a 1.2 ghz athlon with 256 mb ram and a geforce3?04:40
GionnyBossXenguy, but I can't go back from fullscreen ... it happened to me... I just did Ctrl+alt+backspace, but doing so I close all the session :(04:40
Xenguylkthomas: dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg (going from memory)04:40
lkthomasLordLimecat, I got two monitor and I want it to have two seperate desktop04:40
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LordLimecatslv--try it, it should work04:40
ray_c0nv1ct: unzip dir/*.zip is returning "caution: filename not matched: filenames04:40
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nkayhantakmadeus: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:40
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LordLimecatlkthomas: i think theres a way in beryl to set up 2 desktopps, but i dunnno :904:40
slvLordLimecat - i'm pretty sure it'll work but i was just wondering if it would run decent04:40
LordLimecatit should :D04:41
slvonyl one way to find out i guess04:41
XenguyGionnyBoss: hrm too bad; could try dropping to Alt-Ctrl-F6, logging in, using 'ps' to find process, and 'kill'ing it04:41
c0nv1ctyou typing the full path to dir/*.zip?04:41
LordLimecatstay away from blur04:41
chiefslv, itll run okay, i ran it on a similar system before.04:41
Takmadeusnkayhan: I have a horrible dialup connction04:41
ray_c0nv1ct: I'm running the command right in the directory04:41
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TakmadeusI cannot download that package04:41
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c0nv1ctoh, then just do 'unzip *.zip04:41
LordLimecatxenguy--you can also use pgrep o.004:41
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GionnyBossXenguy, I see thanks... I didn't think about opening a new session like that. Thanks for the advice :)04:41
c0nv1ctor 'unzip ./*.zip'04:41
Takmadeusnkayhan: just install it from the CD04:41
ray_ray@afterlife:~/games/nes$ unzip *.zip04:41
nkayhantakmadeus: ok, well that's how you'd do it, do you have a kubuntu cd?04:42
=== flafla [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034229141.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
tjsjust picked up a nice mini pc from tha friend, have thrown xubuntu on it and will be using it as a fileserver for my wife (she has alot of photos), so I've configured samba etc, it will be running headless. My question is, as its a blackbox, is there anything I should do to make it resilient to power-on/power-off usage? thats how Id like her to use it, press the button, its on, press it again, its off04:42
Takmadeusnkayhan: yes04:42
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lufisAnyone know if the dst change is automatically fixed in ubuntu?04:42
nkayhantakmadeus: OK, that cd has a ton of packages, open them up in synaptic04:42
Evil_`lol, i'm gonna make sure that I did this right, if I didn't where is the reset button they are talking about?04:42
ray_c0nv1ct: same error with unzip ./*zip04:42
jdhoreotgwell...IT WORKED! THANK YOU c0nv1ct !!!!04:43
c0nv1ctdoes 'ls *.zip' show anything?04:43
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martyvistjs: if it is ATX with softpower it should "just work"04:43
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ray_700 or so zips04:43
GionnyBossI can't change file association from Nautilus. I think there is a BUG. I try to click on another app, but it behaves like I didn't click on that. That's make me angry. Any advices?04:43
martyvistjs: press the power button (not hold) it should shutdown - i think04:43
tjsmartyvis: cool :)04:43
Xenguyray_: cd to the dir with the zip files; for i in *zip; do unzip $i; done04:43
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Xenguyray_: and be prepared for a fscking mess ;-)04:43
ray_lol, thanks :D04:43
Xenguyray_: but your files will be unzipped04:43
nkayhantakmadeus: did you add the cd as a reprosry04:43
crdlblufis, yes04:43
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martyvistjs: i think it is controlled by /etc/inittab - not sure04:44
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-65-93.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
flaflaHello guys I did a "rm -rf $HOME/.gnome2/totem" and now my totem play is very choppy.  can anyhilp help me get Totem working properly again?04:44
ray_I just need the roms out of the zips, and I don't want to do it one by one04:44
lufiscrdlb: cool, thanks :)04:44
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tjsmartyvis: I'll try it out :)04:44
ray_and then I can rm -f *.zip to remove the zips when I'm finished?04:44
slyfoxDoes Cron work with #!/bin/sh  scripts ?04:44
Xenguyray_: yep04:44
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Evil_`I'm gonna try this forkbomb, to see ifI did the limits right.  Where is the reset-button they are talking about, incase I didn't do it right?04:44
billyThe BIOS description reads "Select the amount of system memory pre-allocated by the Intel graphics device."  I have it enabled to 8MB.  Does xorg.conf need to reflect this?04:44
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Oli``Is there a way to probe for PCMCIA hardware without restarting?04:44
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DeL3e7hope that gets you on the right foot Evil_`04:45
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Evil_`Thanks DeL3e704:45
Evil_`I'm wary about trying it :P04:45
ray_Xenguy: that command isn't working04:45
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c0nv1ctslyfox: it should04:45
DeL3e7worst comes to worse try killall04:45
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DeL3e7or reboot04:45
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Xenguyray_: details04:45
Evil_`justthisguy, hit the power button? :P04:45
Evil_`thanks <304:46
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slyfoxc0nv1ct: is this something that is corrent if I make it exectuable?04:46
slyfoxrsync -av /home/slyfox/Documents /media/battlestation/I/Backups/Current/Documents04:46
ray_bash: syntax error near unexpected token `*zip'04:46
=== kewang [n=kewang@218-160-78-125.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
KeeNaFhi guys .. why i cant streaming video using firefox?? I already install plug in for streaming ..please help me04:46
c0nv1ctslyfox: yeah it should run it as a sh script04:46
Xenguyray_: I've seen that before and should know04:46
Xenguyray_: hrm04:46
=== tovella [n=ktraglin@ool-4579ba05.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Oli``KeeNaF: isn't that a #firefox problem?04:47
KrunkI need to restore my MBR after a failed attempt of using GAG as a bootloader. I've tried fdisk /mbr to retore it to no avail. Is there an easy way to do tis - I would like to keep my present installation . .04:47
Xenguyray_: could be something to do with spaces in filenames ?04:47
ray_it very well could be04:47
ray_a lot of them are awful long04:47
ray_maybe ext can't handle the long file names?04:47
Xenguyray_: long file names is not a problem...04:47
GionnyBossKeeNaF, mplayer plugin is simply the best.04:48
KeeNaF0li`` | if it is the problem with firefox, then, what should I do? How to completely uninstall and reinstall it?04:48
tovellaKrunk: did you make a backup of it?04:48
Xenguyray_: spaces in filenames can be in certain situations04:48
slyfoxc0nv1ct: Strange, the script works fine, but the program I use is Kron in KDE and it tells me that it cannot locate programs when I point it to thsi script04:48
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ray_I see, well they all have spaces in the file names04:48
Xenguyray_: how many files?  Just do them 1-by-1 if necessary04:48
Krunklovella: After 6 years of linux . . . of course not!04:48
ray_it's around 70004:48
evnhi, i'm setting up a new server, and am not sure how to get software RAID 1 configured04:48
GionnyBossKeeNaF, to see streaming video in firefox, install mplayer, get all the codecs and install mozilla-mplayer package for the plugin04:48
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | where to get mplayer plugin for streaming?04:48
c0nv1ctslyfox: in your script, did you make sure all commands use the full path?04:48
Xenguyray_: or mv them to non-space filenames first?04:48
evnwhat should i choose at the partition screen?04:48
flaflaHello guys I did a "rm -rf $HOME/.gnome2/totem" and now my totem play is very choppy.  can anyhilp help me get Totem working properly again?04:49
GionnyBossKeeNaF, it's mozilla-mplayer package. But you need to install mplayer first04:49
ray_how do I do that?04:49
KeeNaFI already installed mplayer04:49
Takmadeusnkayhan: yep, I added the CD as a repo04:49
Xenguyray_: try this to kill the spaces in the filenames...04:49
Xenguyray_: for i in *; do mv "$i" "`echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`"; done04:49
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
GionnyBossKeeNaF, that's ok. Be sure to uninstall other video plugins (like totem mozilla plugin)04:49
Oli``KeeNaF: is your about:plugins showing the plugin?04:49
GionnyBossKeeNaF, and be sure that you have all the codecs for mplayer04:49
Xenguyray_: then do the previous 'for'04:49
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ray_it's doing something04:50
KeeNaFhow to uninstall totem?04:50
ray_we'll see how that works out, thanks04:50
Xenguyray_: survey says...04:50
slyfoxc0nv1ct: how do you mean ?04:50
ray_KeeNaF: sudo apt-get remove totem04:50
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ray_Xenguy: still going there are a lot of file04:50
KeeNaFok .. I try04:50
Xenguyjesus, black sabbath...04:50
=== Xenguy kills BS...
GionnyBossKeeNaF, just remove the plugin for totem! you can keep totem :) keep it04:51
TakmadeusHelp please04:51
IsaacNZHi, I have downloaded the latest hd-media fiesty vmlinuz / initrd.gz and got them booting from a usb key - also downloaded herd-5 fiesty iso images for alternative and server and stuck them on the root of the key but when the installer gets to searching for iso's it does not find any? any tips??04:51
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KeeNaFhow to remove the plug in for totem? | GionnyBoss?04:51
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ray_Xenguy: not working :\04:51
GionnyBossKeeNaF, sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla04:51
DeL3e7i guess evil forbombed himself04:52
Oli``Anyone know how to probe for new PCMCIA hardware without restarting?04:52
ray_mozilla won't play embedded mp3's either04:52
flaflaMy totem player has started working like crap, it is playing very choppy and faster pace than normal with no sound.   This just started happening for no reason... can someone help me?04:52
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KeeNaFk wait .. I try04:52
Xenguyray_: define04:52
GionnyBossKeeNaF, but first go in Firefox and type about:plugin in the address bar and see which plugin you have for streaming. Remove that plugin and then install mozilla-mplayer04:52
ray_Xenguy: it hasn't renamed any of the files, and has hung04:52
slyfoxc0nv1ct: how do you mean ?04:52
Xenguyray_: wtf?04:52
stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration04:53
ray_ray@afterlife:~/games/nes$ for i in *; do mv "$i" "`echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`"; done04:53
=== tinram [n=tinram@AC985D66.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguyray_: that recipe was foolproof for replacing filenames with spaces with underscores04:53
chiefanyone know anything about nicotine on linux?04:53
tovellaIsaacNZ: i did something similar with edgy.04:53
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ray_Xenguy: I don't doubt your method04:53
c0nv1ctslyfox: what is the exact error you are getting?04:53
Xenguyray_: if it is hanging there is something else wrong04:53
Xenguyray_: any errors?04:54
Xenguyray_: logs?04:54
KeeNaFGionnyBoss .. I typed about:plugin in address bar but it showed not valid and cannot be accessed04:54
JasonDMI'm switching to KDE, and I was wondering if there should be anything to worry about after the switch04:54
ray_cursor moved to the next line and is just blining04:54
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GionnyBossKeeNaF, about:plugins sorry04:54
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IsaacNZtovella, did it use iso images or did you copy the contents of the iso directly to the key?04:54
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tovellaIsaacNZ: i had to decompress the iso and copy the contents onto the key.04:54
fizzmahonhey guys, just installed a 80gb hard drive formatted FAT32 so that i can use it in linux and my windows boot, but how do i get linux to see it04:54
stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration04:55
ray_Xenguy: hm04:55
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ray_Xenguy: the filenames all now have / in them04:55
JasonDMhelp, beryl keeps crashing my x session?04:55
tovellaIsaacNZ: i also had to modify isolinux.cfg04:55
kitcheJasonDM: #ubuntu-effects for beryl help or #beryl04:55
IsaacNZtovella, ok cool I'll try that method - I think I found instructions for that - I was trying the installer/hd-media images method which searches for full .iso images to load04:55
ray_Xenguy: actually my stupidity, I did dir instead of ls04:55
=== woooooodsy [n=tyler@adsl-68-20-182-147.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ray_woooooodsy: hi04:56
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | how to know that is a plugin for streaming? I saw a lot of them there04:56
slyfoxc0nv1ct: Here http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/741/snapshot10fh9.jpg   it may not tell you much04:56
woooooodsyi just installed ubuntu!04:56
woooooodsyit works great04:56
DeL3e7Evisnt it great04:56
GionnyBossKeeNaF, is there a totem plugin in there?04:56
c0nv1ctslyfox: and the path to the sh script is correct?04:57
billySo if I have 8MB enabled in my BIOS should I add an "Option    VideoRam     8000" line to my xorg.conf?04:57
c0nv1ctslyfox: cuz thats what the error looks like to me04:57
flaflaMy totem player has started working like crap, it is playing very choppy and faster pace than normal with no sound.   This just started happening for no reason... can someone help me?   Totem is important to me... I don't want to have to reinstall Linux again to get back to a properly working desktop...04:57
GionnyBossKeeNaF, ok so delete the totem plugin ... open a console and write 'sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla'04:57
tovellaIsaacNZ: are you using isolinux or GRUB on you key drive?04:57
ray_Xenguy: do you know any NES emulators that can read the contents of a zip file?04:57
ray_Xenguy: like nesticle does in windows04:57
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ray_I've used dosbox to run nesticle, and it runs too slow04:58
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billyflafla, it's bad form to repeat your questions verbatim.  try different ways of asking. especially reducing the number of words you use.  that may help.  a friendly criticism.04:58
flaflaray_ www.zophar.net04:58
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | I have vlc plugin, totem plugin, realplayer g2, windows media player, quicktime plugin,04:58
stiv2kdoes the hostap driver on the ubuntu server CD come with WPA support?04:58
flaflatotem not work... help04:58
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IsaacNZtovella, grub with manual commands to load kernel / initrd04:58
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | k .. totem mozilla removed ..04:59
slyfoxc0nv1ct: the problem is the space, it should be like this /home/slyfox/Program\ Files/Scripts/KDE.sh04:59
ray_I don't see why unzip *.zip doesn't work :\04:59
IsaacNZtovella, root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz initrd /boot/initrd.gz boot root=/dev/ram rw --04:59
GionnyBossKeeNaF, ok. You said you have mplayer. Have you got all the codecs to see all kind of video?04:59
=== ekul1 [n=luke@220-253-14-152.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
GionnyBossKeeNaF, if you don't, download this : http://www2.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20061022.tar.bz205:00
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:00
=== brad_ [n=brad@wnpgmb06dc1-40-213.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
c0nv1ctslyfox: yeah, you might want to relocate the script and try it again05:00
Takmadeusanyone has been able to install ubuntu+kubuntu from CD?05:00
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c0nv1ctray_: thats weird, cuz i know i've used tar to untar a bunch at once before05:00
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billyflafla, try using totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer.  sudo apt-get remove --purge totem totem-gstreamer & sudo apt-get install totem-xine05:00
IsaacNZtovella, boots fine - mounts all the accessible drives fine, searches for iso's and despite them being on the root of the key does not find them05:00
c0nv1ctray_: i dont see why unzip shouldnt work the same way05:01
rock_lobsterAnybody using Ubuntu Ultimate...?05:01
ray_me neither, it just returns that error05:01
Takmadeusanyone has been able to install ubuntu+kubuntu from CD?05:01
slyfoxc0nv1ct: it works now. thank you.05:01
ray_c0nv1ct: and I'm not coming up with anything conclusive from googling05:01
billynever heard of that rock_lobster05:01
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JasonDMrock_lobster, I'm using the ubuntu ultime gamer edition thing thing05:01
JasonDMultimate, even05:02
LiENUSultimate gamer edition?w05:02
GionnyBossKeeNaF, done it? If you don't have the codecs for mplayer, download the archive I told you and extract it in /usr/lib/win3205:02
kid6I just reinstalled edgy and my internet is the sucks.  I am getting 10KB/s tops... around 5KB/s mostly.  Before my internet worked great.  I have broadcom wireless and used a newer version of howto to get it working05:02
pavsis uname -a the only way to know if i am using a 32 or 64bit version of linu05:02
pavsis uname -a the only way to know if i am using a 32 or 64bit version of linux05:02
Xenguyray_: sorry, you are way out there on a scale of how to make a simple thing complicated :-/05:02
kid6anyone ahve any ideas why internet would suck so bad?05:02
JasonDMyeah, comes with a crapload of games05:02
ray_Xenguy: I'm noob, sorry05:02
crimsunpavs: no. dpkg --print-architecture05:02
tovellaIsaacNZ: i used the liveCD.  it used /casper/vmlinuz by default, but i had to modify it - isolinux on vfat.05:02
ray_Xenguy: maybe an emulator for NES that can read .zips?05:02
rock_lobsterJasonDM, have you been trying to use wireless? For some reason, it recognizes my wireless card as that when I run it live on the dvd, but after installing, it tells me it's a wired card.05:02
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | downloading da codec now05:02
GionnyBossKeeNaF, and once you have the plugins... 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer' to install the mplayer plugin. And that's it. It should work05:02
ray_gcfe doesn't read the roms inside the zips05:02
Xenguyray_: no05:02
JasonDMI don't use wireless05:02
JasonDMI never liked the idea of wireless, honestly ;x05:03
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Xenguyray_: that is absolutely not necessary; this is actually very simple05:03
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ray_sucks, zsnes will read inside the zips :\05:03
rock_lobsterIn my situation, it's wireless or run a cable all the way across my house :S05:03
GionnyBossKeeNaF, ok. If you don't have a dir /usr/lib/win32, creates it. 'sudo mkdir /usr/lib/win32'05:03
Xenguyray_: it's a fscking zip file, that's all05:03
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KeeNaFGionnyBoss | ok .. tq .. just extract in /usr/lib/w32?05:03
JasonDMof course zsnes reads inside zips05:03
pavscrimsum it tells me my hardware, i wanted to know if i am using 32 or 64 ubuntu, i downloaded both i forgot which one i installed05:03
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GionnyBossKeeNaF, yes05:03
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | ok .. noted .. I will with05:03
IsaacNZtovella, ok thanks for your info - going to reboot to try again05:03
JasonDMpavs, are you using gnome?05:03
=== ekiczek [n=ekiczek@c-24-61-45-184.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tovellaIsaacNZ: best of luck.05:04
Xenguyray_: unzip is your friend, and that's all I've got to offer at this point (other than kill the spaces in your filenames)05:04
pavsjasondm yes05:04
billygoodnight everyone.05:04
JasonDMGo to Applications - > System Tools -> Sysinfo05:04
GionnyBossKeeNaF, when you have extracted it, 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer' to install the plugin. Sorry but I should leave now. I did this thing on all my computers and it worked. So... good luck :)05:04
=== Evil_` [n=OMANURFA@unaffiliated/evil/x-000666] has joined #ubuntu
JasonDMunder general info, it will show you your kernel version05:04
Evil_`lol, I don't think the limits worked too well -.^05:04
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JasonDMfor example, mine is : 2.6.17-11-38605:05
LiENUScaptain america died :(05:05
pavsjasondm there is no system tools05:05
pavsi am using edgy05:05
crimsunpavs: it's really straightforward.05:05
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | ok .. tq very much05:05
KeeNaFGionnyBoss | now traying05:05
crimsunpavs: dpkg --print-architecture returns the build05:05
JasonDMthere is no system tools under "Applications" ?05:05
GionnyBossto see the kernel version, 'uname -r' ... it's faster :P05:05
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crimsunpavs: i386 for ia32, amd64 for amd64.05:05
JasonDMok, crimsun is the guru, listen to him05:05
dabaRWhat are possible device nodes for a digital camera.05:05
GionnyBossKeeNaF, no problem! glad to help :)05:05
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ubotubind: Internet Domain Name Server. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:8.4.6-1 (edgy), package size 888 kB, installed size 2092 kB05:05
DeL3e7maybe you got the syntax wrong05:05
dabaRnever mind05:06
JasonDMcrimsun, is 686 also 64 bit?05:06
pavscrimsum, i thought it was giving me the achitecture of my hardware05:06
crimsunJasonDM: no05:06
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Dumahenhow can i use my bind as default name server ?05:06
posingaspopularanyone want to helpme install flash on a live cd? the documentation is giving me a headache and being impossible. i downloaded and extracted the .tar.gz but it's supposed to be a shell script which wont run in the konsole or terminal05:06
=== Dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunpavs: no, it returns the arch of the install, not the hardware05:06
pavscrimsum thank u05:06
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xEllioTubuntu is so tight.05:07
ray_I'm getting so frustrated :\05:07
Dr_willisIs tight good or bad?05:07
Dr_willisI forget..05:07
=== userund [n=zach@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xEllioTgood, lol.05:07
dabaRI got a new digital camera. My old digital camera worked so that I connect it, and then I mount /dev/sda1. Now I get "mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist". What can I try?05:07
=== Dr_willis waves his cane around the channel.. darn kids..
Dr_willisdabaR,  check dmesg output. it may not be sda1 could be some other sd##05:08
=== Xenguy waves his wand menacingly...
arrenlexdabaR: Disconnect it. dmesg | tail. Then connect it. dmesg | tail again.05:08
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arrenlexdabaR: Compare the output to see the new event.05:08
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Takmadeusany way to install Kubuntu desktop on ubuntu from the CD05:09
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ray_I want to shoot unzip :|05:09
kitcheTakmadeus: umm just boot to ubuntu and do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:09
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dabaRohci_hcd and address 205:09
sparrthe only thing i regret about moving from debian to kubuntu is ubuntu's release schedule  :(05:09
dabaRwhat is that?05:09
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dabaRI mean, what is that in terms of device nodes?05:09
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Takmadeuskitche: does not work.... worked with edubuntu tho05:10
sparrTakmadeus: from the CD, no.  from the internet, or from a kubuntu CD, yes.05:10
DeL3e7Evil_`, it must be that ubuntu doesnt use that limits file, i dunno how to go about implementing limits05:10
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ratbert90help! Has anybody actually got lirc to work on feisty?05:10
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dabaROh, oh.05:10
Evil_`DeL3e7, oh :(05:10
Takmadeussparr: i just got the kubuntu CD05:10
Evil_`DeL3e7, only way a fork could happen is for the user on my computer to enter it, correct?05:10
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Evil_`Cause i'm the only one that uses this computer05:10
dabaRIt was sda. Thank you.05:10
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Evil_`ok, then I should be ok05:11
ray_Xenguy: unzip '*.zip' has worked05:11
Evil_`Thanks for your help, DeL3e705:11
=== JasonDM switched to KDE and now xchat is all messed up
ray_Xenguy: but it broke terminal D:05:11
=== steve_ [n=steve@ip68-230-180-230.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DeL3e7u'd need to implement some sort of security program05:11
poningruesy as lame05:11
Takmadeussparr: i just got the kubuntu CD05:12
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Xenguyray_: I like elegant solutions (that looks like one, except for the broken terminal, whatever that is)05:12
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DeL3e7its funny eh? like u try to killall but you cant run anything05:12
DeL3e7cause ram is eaten up05:12
DeL3e7like a nuclear reaction05:13
Evil_`I did it, and it said ': | :' done05:13
Evil_`or something like that05:13
ratbert90or has anybody actually got lirc to work on a new kernel?05:13
Xenguyray_: actually I don't see why this wouldn't work: unzip *.zip05:13
Evil_`but I still lagged like crazy05:13
zack-glennieI'm having issues with grub.  The bootloader wouldn't run (error code 15, I think) so I booted a LiveCD.  I'm trying to install grub, but it's not working at all.05:13
ray_Xenguy:  and it seems to have only have unzipped half the zips05:13
stiv2kdoes the hostap driver on the ubuntu server CD come with WPA support?05:13
stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration05:13
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Xenguyray_: I wonder if you have memory/RAM issues?05:13
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:13
Xenguyray_: is your hardware old?05:13
ray_Xenguy:  no brand new laptop05:13
Xenguyray_: hrm, scratch that theory05:14
arrenlexXenguy: That won't work because the shell expands that wildcard.05:14
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ray_Xenguy: probably PEBKAC05:14
pavsjust to let everyone know netgear WG511T is the best wireless card you will get for ubuntu works right out of the box no configuration needed whatsoever05:14
Xenguyray_: all I know is that this should be very simple: eliminate spaces in filenames, and do a 'for' loop to unzip all the files (or whatever simpler invocation works for you)05:15
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ray_I got it to work, but it's forgettingthe first 400 files05:15
arrenlexXenguy, ray: unzip "*.zip"05:15
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Xenguyarrenlex: maybe "*.zip"?  and don't we want the wildcard expanded?05:16
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Xenguyarrenlex: OK, makes sense05:16
arrenlexXenguy: That's what I just said, yep.05:16
Xenguyarrenlex: right05:17
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arrenlexXenguy: And no, not by the shell, because then zip interprets them as arguments for files to take out of the first archive.05:17
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stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration05:17
ray_arrenlex: that worked05:17
arrenlexXenguy: We want to pass the wildcard to zip, which will handle it properly as the first argument.05:17
arrenlexray_: Yep. yw.05:17
ray_arrenlex: thank you, may I ask what the " does?05:17
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Xenguyarrenlex: nod05:18
=== JasonDM [n=jason@c-75-70-200-31.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_williszip/unzip is one of the few programs ive seen that take their own wildcards that way. :)05:18
arrenlexray_: Prevents bash from expanding *.zip. So instead of the zip command receiving "zip <hugelistoffiles>" and trying to extract the rest of the files from inside the first archive, it recieves "zip *.zip", which it then expands and unzips.05:18
=== deep [n=deep@c-922a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisin fact i think its the only program ive seen that does it that way05:18
ubotuThe available desktop environments in Ubuntu are Gnome (ubuntu-desktop), KDE (kubuntu-desktop), Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.05:19
ray_arrenlex:  I see, than you05:19
arrenlexDr_willis: apt is the same way. Wildcards for apt-get have to be quoted too.05:19
ray_2225 archives were successfully processed.05:19
ekul1Whats the best desktop everyone?05:19
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arrenlex!best | ekul105:19
crdlbekul1, windows05:19
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ubotuekul1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.05:19
Dr_willisarrenlex,  when would one use wildcards for apt-get?   you mean apt-get install "gnome-*" works?05:19
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:19
quaalwhere do i go to edit the firewall settings in ubuntu?05:19
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ekul1the only one apart from KDE and Gnome i've heard of is WindowMaker, so maybe ill give that a whirl05:20
crdlbekul1, you could also give xfce a try05:20
Dr_willisekul1,  best depends on what your needs are.05:20
zack-glennieubotu: fluxbox, iceWM and window-maker are NOT desktop environments.  Noob.05:20
ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB05:20
arrenlexDr_willis: Try it :) sudo apt-get install --simulate "linux-image-*"05:20
rafitahola gays05:20
scvdesktop != wm, but who cares?05:21
Dr_willisarrenlex,  stimulate? sounds perverted. :)05:21
arrenlexDr_willis: simulate :) learn to read.05:21
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Dr_willisarrenlex,  and here i thought you had a dirty mind...05:21
ekul1if WindowMaker isnt a desktop, what is it?05:21
arrenlexDr_willis: It means, "pretend I ran apt-get install, except I just want to see what happens, so only print what you would DO, and don't actually run apt-get install"05:21
ekul1Thanks I will try xubuntu next i think, yeh05:21
=== Xenguy wonders about flux vs open vs black box
Xenguyis there an easy winner?05:22
Dr_willisWindowmaker is a window manager i guess.. since its not a 'full' desktop. :)05:22
scvis NextStep a desktop?05:22
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arrenlexDr_willis: But making the switch --pretendIranapt-getinstallexceptIjustwanttoseewhathappenssoonlyprintwhatyouwouldDOanddon'tactuallyrunapt-getinstall wouldn't be very useful.05:22
ekul1Ahh k05:22
Dr_willisNextStep was the OS on the Next machines wasent it...05:22
stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration05:22
smoi need help with my sata drives please , i m running ubuntu from my usb key and i can t list them fdsik report only my usbkey and usb hdd no sata ???05:22
arrenlexrafita: Can we help you?05:22
scvNextStep ~= WindowMaker?05:22
Xenguyrafita: bye loozer05:22
JasonDMAfter switching to KDE, I believe my DPI got all messed up, can someone point me to the options for it?05:22
rafitawhat your name05:22
arrenlex!offtopic | rafita05:23
uboturafita: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:23
rafitawara wara05:23
Dr_willisJasonDM,  switching from gnome to kde shouldent be affecting that..05:23
=== blimpdude is now known as pppoe_dude
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:23
pavsnextstep was grandfather of macos05:23
rbilsmo: have u tried ... sudo fdisk -l05:23
rafitahijo de puten05:23
arrenlexJasonDM: kcontrol > Appearance > Force fonts DPI05:23
JasonDMDr_willis, well, all my fonts in all my programs are insanely huge05:23
=== scv retuens to the corner and sips coffee
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JasonDMthank you, arrenlex05:23
rafitamy pichen en tu ojeten05:23
arrenlex!de | rafita05:23
uboturafita: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:23
=== verma [n=verma@12-210-137-165.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
rafitaubotu rafita: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:24
rafita* rock_lobster has quit ("Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1/2007011111] ")05:24
rafitawara  que ????05:24
JasonDMarrenlex, where is kcontrol? ;/05:24
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rafitao tambien mi bola05:24
arrenlexJasonDM: Didn't you say you were running KDE? xD05:24
rafitagood bay05:24
JasonDMI just switched to it ;/05:25
_Maestronoob question.  if i've installed sun java runtime using  Applications -> Add/Remove, where does it go so i can set JAVA_HOME?05:25
rafitasorry bye05:25
arrenlexJasonDM: K Menu - control centre05:25
smoyes rbil05:25
smothats my problem any sata drivers listed with fdisk -l05:25
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JasonDMI don't have a control center, I do have a "system settings" option though05:25
smoonly sda and sdb need sdc normally05:25
arrenlexJasonDM: Or just run the "kcontrol" command.05:25
pavswhat was the name of the program that can list you books by ISBN?05:25
JasonDMthat works05:25
arrenlexJasonDM: That might be it... I don't run ubuntu. If I were you I'd just type kcontrol.05:26
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=== JasonDM did type kcontrol
deep_i need some help with my mic05:26
JasonDMthanks ;] 05:26
=== Dimitri [n=dimitri@74-60-23-144.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
deep_it doesnt show up in alsamixer05:26
JasonDMnow, where is this force fonts DPI option ;/05:27
JasonDMthere it is05:27
stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration05:27
JasonDMdoesn't seem to change it05:28
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arrenlexJasonDM: I would think you'd need to restart at least KDE, and maybe X.05:28
=== JasonDM tries that
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JasonDMControl + alt + backspace should work, right?05:29
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=== JasonDM tries it
KeeNaFguys, my streaming problem has not solve .. still cannot stream video .. the browser shows no video .. what should i do?05:29
arrenlexKeeNaF: What are you using to stream video?05:29
deep_what should i do if my mic is not showing up in the mixer05:30
KeeNaFarrenlex |  I want to view trailer from apple website .. once I choose the clip, browser showed no video ..05:30
=== martin1991 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-204-206.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
arrenlexKeeNaF: apt-get install totem-mozilla- mozilla-mplayer05:31
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KeeNaFarrenlex | I done it already but still cant .. I think, it maybe conflict between the plugin .. I installed many plugins like real player, mplayer, etc .. what should I do to completely remove them?05:32
stiv2kcan anyone help me with wpa_supplicant'05:32
=== blimpdude [n=pppoe_du@unaffiliated/blimpdude] has joined #ubuntu
arrenlexKeeNaF: Go to about:plugins in firefox and copy and pastebin the whole page.05:32
arrenlex!pastebin | KeeNaF05:32
ubotuKeeNaF: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:32
=== clayg [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:33
clayganyone got wow working on ubuntu? if so which of the like 5 major guides is right?!05:33
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cerealkiller219what would /dev/hdb1 translate to in grub?05:33
KeeNaFarrentlex | k .. wait ya05:33
arrenlexcerealkiller219: hd1,105:33
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arrenlexcerealkiller219: I lie! hd1,005:34
arrenlexcerealkiller219: Sorry.05:34
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cerealkiller219hmm its saying selected disk does not exist05:35
FunnyLookinHatcerealkiller219, hd1,005:35
FunnyLookinHatoh wow I'm way late05:35
FunnyLookinHatsorry ignore me.05:35
cerealkiller219i typed root (hd1,0)05:35
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=== JasonDM [n=X@c-75-70-200-31.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatJasonDM, eh?05:36
arrenlexJasonDM: ?05:36
JasonDMx died05:37
arrenlexJasonDM: Are you being smuggled away in a cup of coffee or attacked by undead vampires or by a giant alien clone?05:37
=== devilsreject [n=devilsre@adsl-75-49-224-60.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
JasonDM"Requested entity already in use" or something ;[05:37
FunnyLookinHatJasonDM, what do you mean it died?  Be more specific please  : )05:37
devilsrejectwhat up all05:37
CrescendoHow can I copy the text of a massive file in terminal to my clipboard?05:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:37
devilsrejecttryin to figure out how to install codecs in ubuntu for mpegs and all video stuff i am only comin up with audio decoders?05:37
KeeNaFarrenlex | here it is : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9189/05:38
arrenlexdevilsreject: w32codecs available at: http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/edgy-seveas/extras/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb05:38
=== BlueEagle [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-2008.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
stiv2kcan anyone help me with wpa_supplicant05:38
devilsrejectthanx arrenlex05:39
devilsrejectbtw where do i go to mount my dvd  drive??05:39
JasonDMI edited the DPI settings, some of the theme settings, and what I think caused the death: I used KDE's awesome monitor settings thing05:39
jikba1any idea how to get flash player on ppc05:39
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FunnyLookinHatJasonDM, well there's your problem!  You use KDE!05:40
Dumahenhow can i clear binds cache ?05:40
crdlbjikba1, you can't afaik, and gnash isn't nearly mature enough to replace it05:40
Dumahenwhat is the command ?05:40
ekul1How can I go about making themes? I really like the default gnome human theme, but would prefer to change the title bar colour05:40
JasonDMbut KDE is so much better to me than gnome is ;[05:40
arrenlexjikba1: You can't.05:40
KeeNaFarrenlex | here it is : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9189/05:40
arrenlexJasonDM: YES! :D05:40
FunnyLookinHatJasonDM, quick fix:   When your computer boots up you should have at least console access, run this command:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and just guess the best you can as to the right values in it05:40
JasonDMit actually has a nice monitor settings window05:40
arrenlexKeeNaF: Are you using opera?05:40
devilsrejectits still not workin arrenlex05:40
devilsrejectmpgs still arn't palin05:41
arrenlexdevilsreject: What are you trying to play it in?05:41
arrenlexdevilsreject: Anything should be able to play mpeg.05:41
=== JasonDM tries what FunnyLookinHat suggests
=== JasonDM writes it down first
KeeNaFarrenlex | im using both05:41
devilsrejectits sayin totem wont play it05:41
arrenlexJasonDM: Have you tried restarting your computer at all?05:41
KeeNaFarrenlex | wait .. I try to restart my laptop05:41
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arrenlexKeeNaF: Does it work in firefox/05:41
devilsrejectsays dosn't have a decoder for that type of file05:41
=== FunnyLookinHat likes it when people use /me in the support channel.
devilsreject... its a mpeg05:41
=== sinistrad [n=sinistra@adsl-224-151-85.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
JasonDMarrenlex, yeah ;/05:41
=== Morsellus [n=morituri@wnklmb01dc1-217-5.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
JasonDMit just boots into the error thing thing05:42
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stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration05:42
KeeNaFarrenlex | it doesnt work either in mozilla or opera05:42
=== JasonDM restarts
arrenlexKeeNaF: What do you see when you go to this site? http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger/menu.html?f=test.mpg05:42
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KeeNaFarrenlex | the video part is blank or white screen05:43
MorsellusIm looking for some help installing ati drivers on my laptop can anyone give me a hand? ive tried using a program called envy and i just get a black screen, i tried pressing ALT+F1 but nothing happend so i had to do a hard reset05:43
devilsrejecti've dl everythign in synaptic package manager for totem05:43
devilsrejectand still nothing05:43
arrenlexKeeNaF: In opera? Or Firefox?05:44
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lkthomashow could I know if my creative soundcard have been active or not ?05:44
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stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration and i just cant seem to connect05:44
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KeeNaFarrenlex | opera .. if in firefox .. it shows black screen with 'no video'05:44
devilsrejectany idea what i can do to get this to start to play these files in totem??05:45
devilsrejector should i switch to another player if so how do i do so05:45
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arrenlexdevilsreject: Switch to mplayer :) It rules.05:45
=== Wewt [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
toNtwould someone be able to give me a hand? i installed some nvidia drivers through the package manager and now icant load up X05:45
arrenlexdevilsreject: (disclaimer: mplayer owns my soul)05:45
devilsrejectdo i already have mplayer installed?05:45
ekul1happened to me toNt05:45
toNtoh nice05:45
ekul1i uninstalled them, reinstalled them, everything was fine05:45
arrenlexKeeNaF: What happens if you run the command: mplayer http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger/test.mpg05:45
ekul1maybe i was just lucky though, im a newb so not too sure05:46
toNtbut i cant get into X and i dont know how to uninstall them because im a linux loser05:46
arrenlexdevilsreject: Do you? What does "which mplayer" say?05:46
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ekul1oh do you have Envy?05:46
Tachohis there another channel for ubuntu with a higher signal to noise ratio?05:46
devilsrejectkmplayer right?05:46
KeeNaFarrenlex | i got blank page05:46
arrenlexdevilsreject: I don't think that's the same thing.05:46
arrenlexKeeNaF: What happens if you run the command: mplayer http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger/test.mpg05:46
devilsrejectits not on synaptic package manager?/05:47
toNtif i have Envy, what should i do?05:47
ubotuenvy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia05:47
Morsellusyeah i got a blank page with envy too05:47
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arrenlex!info mplayer | devilsreject05:47
ubotudevilsreject: mplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB05:47
stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration and i just cant seem to connect05:47
toNtyeah more than likely, unless its installed by default, i dont have it05:47
KeeNaFarrenlex | i got blank page ..05:47
arrenlexKeeNaF: Are you sure you ran the command, rather than clicking on the link?05:47
KeeNaFwait .. I try to restart my laptop 1st05:48
=== jikba1 [n=pleh@ip68-230-57-30.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
devilsrejectarrenlex ---- how do i find that its not coming up in synaptic package manager05:48
arrenlexdevilsreject: You need multiverse enabled.05:48
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ekul1trying to see if i can find the terminal installation thing for it05:48
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arrenlex!repos | devilsreject05:48
ubotudevilsreject: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:48
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devilsrejectarrenlex i know their divided into several sections how do i know what repositories to add05:49
arrenlexdevilsreject: Add multiverse05:49
cerealkiller219Can someone verify these instructions: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Restore_Grub05:50
=== JasonDM [n=jason@c-75-70-200-31.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ekul1toNt: wget http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb05:50
=== freelancer317 [n=bfledder@pool-71-251-145-4.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ekul1sudo dpkg -i  envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb05:50
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=== JasonDM implants sudo dpkg-reconfgiure xserver-xorg into his memory
ekul1then just type envy05:51
FunnyLookinHatJasonDM, got it working, yea?05:51
=== therapy [n=tommycat@d54C6240B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
toNtnow bare with me05:51
arrenlexcerealkiller219: That looks like a guide for the text-based config of the alternate CD. You probably have the desktop liveCD and should follow this guide instead:05:51
arrenlex!grub | cerealkiller21905:51
ubotucerealkiller219: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:51
arrenlextoNt: Ew!05:51
FunnyLookinHatJasonDM, you might have to mess with your settings for a bit... but at least you have an interface again  : )05:51
toNtif i cant get into X, can i type that if i start in recovery mode?05:51
JasonDM;] 05:51
toNtarrenlex: har har05:51
cerealkiller219tyvm arrenlex05:51
JasonDMtoo bad, though05:51
JasonDMsuch a nice monitor settings interface, and it doesn't work for me ;[05:51
arrenlextoNt: Grammar is very important. "please BEAR with me," is what I hope you meant.05:52
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=== JasonDM will probably never get to use his tiny hpvs15 monitor while using linux ;[
devilsreject'arrenlex --- i know this is a really stupid question, ive been readin about multiverse  today but how do i "install" multiverse?05:52
JasonDMbut the fonts are fixed too ;] 05:52
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:52
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firefly2442Does Beryl replace Gnome or is it a separate system?  Can Beryl run under KDE?05:53
arrenlexdevilsreject: Here, pretty pictures: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-5bbef89639d9a7d93fe38f6356dc17847d37309605:53
KeeNaFarrenlex | k .. still doesnt works05:53
JasonDMfirefly2442, from what I understand, it runs with it05:53
crdlbfirefly2442, beryl is a window manager05:53
devilsrejectnevermind didn't realize there was  direct link05:53
devilsrejectsorry lol05:53
arrenlexfirefly2442: beryl replaces the window manager (metacity in gnome, kwin in kde), not the desktop environment. Yes, beryl can run under gnome, KDE, xfce, fluxbox, or anything else you can think of.05:53
JasonDMwell, over it05:53
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firefly2442ok thanks :)05:53
=== havien [n=havien@68-189-143-101.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
JasonDMif beryl crashes, it goes back to the default window manager ;] 05:54
JasonDMor it ends your x session like it does to me05:54
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arrenlexfirefly2442: Look at the top of your window. See the titlebar, with the familiar _OX buttons? Move your windows around. See how they move? Your window manager handles those features.05:54
arrenlexfirefly2442: Look at your desktop, panels, menus, configuration utilities, etc. That's part of the desktop environment. Beryl has nothing to do with that.05:55
firefly2442Anyone know where I can get high quality video demonstrations of Beryl?  Higher resolution than YouTube?  It's for a research project....05:55
JasonDM^^would that work for me? (using the Kubuntu install script)05:55
firefly2442arrenlex: gotcha, that's a good explanation thanks :)05:55
arrenlexfirefly2442: Install it and take sreenshots. :)05:55
firefly2442arrenlex: it doesn't play nice with my ATI card :(05:55
c0nv1ctfirefly2442: yeah, what better for the project, but to install it yourself?05:55
arrenlex!fglrx | firefly244205:55
ubotufirefly2442: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:55
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firefly2442I tried the ATI drivers already, Beryl just crashed05:56
arrenlexfirefly2442: Did you install xgl?05:56
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c0nv1cthas ATI ever played nice with linux?05:56
arrenlexc0nv1ct: Well, my card runs like a dream... using the free drivers. :)05:56
firefly2442arrenlex: I believe I tried AIGLX because that was recommended on the beryl WIKI05:56
therapyfirefly2442:  i runs just fine with my ati card...05:56
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devilsrejectarrenlex --- i already had it checked.. but everything in software sources ubuntu 6.10 tab is checked should something be unchecked?05:56
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arrenlexfirefly2442: ATI doesn't work with aiglx. ATI requires xgl.05:57
c0nv1ctmy last ATI card was the 9700, and it didn't work well back then05:57
firefly2442oh, well I'll have to give it another shot then :)05:57
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KeeNaFarrenlex | this is my plugins for mozilla .. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9190/05:57
arrenlexUse the guides, firefly2442.05:57
arrenlex!beryl | firefly244205:57
ubotufirefly2442: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:57
devilsrejectw8 a min there we goez05:57
arrenlexdevilsreject: apt-get install mplayer05:57
firefly2442what about live CD distros that could demo it? would that be easier?  I just need video at the moment05:58
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c0nv1ctarrenlex: does your Xgl use mad resources when you play movies with beryl on?05:58
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arrenlexc0nv1ct: I don't use beryl or xgl. The free drivers aren't good enough for beryl, but they're good enough for mupen64 and screensavers, which is all I need.05:59
c0nv1ctah ok05:59
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arrenlexKeeNaF: apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-vlc05:59
shriphaniguys is common lisp preinstalledd ubuntu ?05:59
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shriphanipreinstalled ^06:00
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noodles12what n64 emulator you guys recommend?06:00
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devilsrejectw8 i think i got it to wok through synaptic package manager06:01
arrenlexnoodles12: mupen64! :)06:01
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devilsrejectarrenlex --- look i know ive been botherin u but the hole reason i stopped usin ubuntu b4 and went back to linux (was usin ubuntu hoary for a lil over a year) was cuz i couldn't copy dvds i still cant get anything to work k9copy would freez up on me when i would click the "open" button just to select the dvd can u help me with this or give me a link that can?06:02
arrenlexc0nv1ct: Oh, the answer to your question is yes, it should, because xgl disables acceleration of any kind except what it itself uses. So you can't run any games or watch any movies with acceleration, either 3D or 2D, when running xgl.06:02
noodles12arrenlex: thanks i'll check it out06:02
arrenlexc0nv1ct: So it has to do it all by software, which takes mad resources.06:02
arrenlexc0nv1ct: Which is why aiglx is preferable to beryl.06:02
JasonDMwish me luck06:02
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=== JasonDM restarts
firefly2442devilsreject: try acidrip?06:03
arrenlexdevilsreject: To make an exact copy of a DVD onto another DVD?06:03
noodles12arrenlex: is that in the ubuntu repos?06:03
c0nv1ctarrenlex: ahh, i should look into switching to aiglx then06:03
devilsrejectarrenlex -- yeah movie dvds06:03
arrenlexnoodles12: No. I had to compile it myself.06:03
arrenlexc0nv1ct: aiglx doesn't run with fglrx at all.06:03
=== bikini [n=tyler@c-24-2-125-228.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
devilsrejectarrenlex --- damn shouldn't mplaer be showing up under audio video now that its installed>06:03
arrenlexc0nv1ct: Get an nvidia card. :)06:03
noodles12arrenlex: boo!06:03
c0nv1ctfglrx is for ATI though right?06:03
c0nv1ctyeah, i got nvidia06:03
=== ackley_ [n=donsmith@ool-4351bc6d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
bikiniwhats the better way to run windows applications on 6.10? wine or VM?06:04
arrenlexdevilsreject: Can you run it through the command line?06:04
c0nv1ctthe 9700 pissed me off, not going ATI anymore :P06:04
noodles12bikini: it would depend on what06:04
arrenlexdevilsreject: dd if=/dev/dvd of=/tmp/somefile06:04
arrenlexdevilsreject: ...please wait...06:04
c0nv1cti was the idiot who bought the 9700 right when they came out, with the very first 8x agp mobo06:04
arrenlexdevilsreject: ...put in blank DVD...06:04
=== PhilKC_ [i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc] has joined #ubuntu
arrenlexdevilsreject: dd if=/tmp/somefile of=/dev/dvd06:04
c0nv1ctman was that a hassle06:04
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jrandolphhi hi everyone06:05
devilsrejectblank dvd is in06:05
st3phCan anyone help with a Gnome loading problem? It runs but I have neither upper nor lower panels. It happened after I installed a theme, I think. KDE works fine, but Gnome does not. I've tried deleting the newly installed theme and icon sets in .themes and .icons, but this has not solved the problem. Any suggestions?06:05
arrenlexc0nv1ct: Buying things when they come out + linux = aaaaugh06:05
bikininoodles12: dreamweaver 8, flash 8 pro, photoshop cs2. i have a dual core cpu with 512 mb of ddr2.06:05
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arrenlexdevilsreject: Maybe I should make that more clear.06:05
c0nv1ctarrenlex: lol, linux was the least of the problems, i couldnt even get it to POST, took over 24 hours to fix that06:05
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devilsrejectdd: opening `/tmp/somefile': No such file or directory06:05
noodles12bikini: whoaaa.. um you might need other people to chime in, but i believe if those run in wine. then wine is better because you won't have to completely install windows.06:05
=== PhilKC_ is now known as PhilKC
arrenlexdevilsreject: 1. put in DVD to copy 2. run dd if=/dev/dvd of=/tmp/somefile 3. Remove DVD to copy, insert blank DVD, 3. run dd if=/tmp/somefile of=/dev/dvd06:06
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noodles12bikini: you shoudl check on teh wine website to see which ones are compatible or have decent peformance in wine06:06
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:06
devilsrejectk thats what i thought just a sec06:06
c0nv1ctarrenlex: how difficult is it to switch to aiglx? should i just wait for feisty?06:06
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TheGrapeOfWrathi need someone to walk me through getting my wusb54g to work with ubuntu, id be great if someone could help06:06
jrandolphso i want to start exaile when my computer starts up, and i want it to play music automatically. i don't think it has an option that i can call it with to make it just start, so i want to write a script and have that run on start up. so i'm going to do:06:06
arrenlexc0nv1ct: You can't with an ATI card.06:06
jrandolphexaile --play06:06
c0nv1ctarrenlex: i already said i have nvidia :)06:06
JasonDMBeryl is working great ;] 06:06
srbakerwhat's the best suspend/resume supported laptop currently?06:06
jrandolphbut i can't get the second command to wait for the first06:06
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stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration and i just cant seem to connect06:07
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bikininoodles12: i checked the wine app database thing and it seemed like it'd work. i have my laptop dual booted with xp right now... and i'd really rather not install windows all over again.06:07
arrenlexc0nv1ct: Oh, did you? I can't read... aiglx is already part of ubuntu, nothing to configure. Just make sure to start plain X instead of xgl, and thne you can just install beryl right away.06:07
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devilsrejectdevilsreject@DevilsReject:~$ run dd if=/dev/dvd of=/tmp/somefile06:07
devilsrejectbash: run: command not found06:07
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arrenlexdevilsreject: Run was a command to you, not to bash. xD06:07
arrenlexdevilsreject: Aaaaugh, you are impossible.06:07
c0nv1ctarrenlex: alright, i'll give it a shot, and see if it runs better06:08
noodles12bikini: yea then i woudl suggest using wine06:08
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noodles12bikini: is your copy of XP legit?06:08
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arrenlexsrbaker: The only one that has even sort of worked for me is sudo powersave -U06:08
KeeNaF86arrenlex | sorry .. problem with connection06:08
devilsrejectarrenlex -- i installed mplayer and it never showed up in my applications menu or antying do i need to do anything else?06:08
bikininoodles12: yeah it is actually. but i dont have the cd anymore.06:08
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srbakerarrenlex: what laptop?06:08
jrandolphi'm trying to write a script that opens a media player, then makes it play... so it's 2 commands, but i can't get the second command to wait for the first one to finish06:08
phatmasterhey guys, I'm a newb, but I tried dual booting ubuntu with xp and I get "error 22"06:08
idiotjust looking for some information on getting access to usb drives plugged into my laptop.  whats the easiest way?06:08
arrenlexdevilsreject: If you launch from the command line, does it find it?06:08
DeL3e7im tryin to make a package from source and im getting an ncurses error, ncurses is installed must be missing somethin? any ideas06:08
noodles12bikini: there is a way to use vmware to open up your current xp install. but i believe you have to activate it again so may not be fo ryou06:08
arrenlexsrbaker: toshiba satellite r20 tablet06:08
firefly2442Are there any good high-res video screen capture software for Ubuntu?06:09
EADGThanks for all the help today guys. I can now copy/paste with screens in ftp, ssh, and stream music/videos via ftp. :)06:09
arrenlexjrandolph: Why don't you just use a command-line media player? xD06:09
jrandolphphatmaster, i'm really new too... i got dual boot up and working pretty easy by installing xp first06:09
bikininoodles12: do you know where theres documentaion of that method? i could probably get some program to tell me my serial code again..06:09
silyaHi all! After installing nvidia modules everything orks fine! But, after reboot... "(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure...." Reinstalling helps, but reboot crahses all again :( What is wrong?06:09
arrenlexjrandolph: Also, even for a GUI player, you should just be able to put in a straight link.06:09
devilsrejectarrenlex -- yeah it runs it in the command prompt06:10
DeL3e7checking for main in -lcurses... no06:10
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phatmasterwell, apparently I have a problem because I have an asus p5b, so everything messes up06:10
phatmasterbut I was at least able to boot from the cd06:10
phatmasterI completed the installation06:10
arrenlexDeL3e7: apt-get install libncurses5-dev06:10
jrandolpharrenlex i looked at the man for exaile, but i didn't see anything... umm... command line media player... can you give me an example?06:10
noodles12bikini: yea let me find the bookmark. my problem was that when i booted in vmware. it noticed the virtual hardware as "new" hardware so it wanted to activate again. when i boot into xp using dual boot.. same thing would happen. got quite annoying.06:10
arrenlexjrandolph: mplayer06:10
phatmasterbut after it restarted it went into xp06:10
phatmasterI didn't get a ubuntu boot loader06:10
phatmasterso I had to use an external one06:10
phatmasterwhich was really slow06:10
arrenlexdevilsreject: Does it give you a GUI, or does it just print things on the command line?06:11
phatmasterand when I eventually got to the boot loader and clicked linux06:11
jrandolpharrenlex: thanks... does that have radio stations too?06:11
phatmasterit loaded for a second then I got "error 22"06:11
KeeNaF86guys .. please help me .. I still cannot streaming video06:11
arrenlexjrandolph: Nope? It's just a plain media player for movie files.06:11
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devilsrejectcommand line06:11
devilsrejectno gui06:11
devilsrejectand i dl it from synaptic package man too06:12
DeL3e7thanx arrenlex  i swear i searched for that but now im seing results06:12
noodles12bikini: http://www.advicesource.org/ubuntu/Run_Existing_Windows_Instalation_On_Ubuntu_With_Vmware_player.html06:12
arrenlexdevilsreject: And if you run "gmplayer"?06:12
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devilsrejecti isntalled the non-gui version im a dumb@06:13
arrenlexdevilsreject: That would explain it. =P06:13
devilsrejectyeah i hope this werx now06:13
arrenlexdevilsreject: You don't need the gui version for the plugin anyway.06:13
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phatmasterwould you guys have any idea what I'm doing wrong?06:13
arrenlexdevilsreject: Run this: sudo apt-get install totem-mozilla- mozilla-mplayer06:13
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phatmasterI have two problems, one...ubuntu doesn't seem to detect my windows xp installation so I get no boot loader and have to use my own, and two..I get error 22 when I try to boot06:14
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bikininoodles12: thanks06:14
st3ph...also, xfce has the same issue, which made me think it was a GTK issue, so I reinstalled all those packages through synaptic, but am still experiencing the same issue.06:14
noodles12bikini: np06:14
phatmasterI have an asus p5b board with core 2 duo e6600, an primary SATA hard drive, an IDE hard drive, and an external eSATA hard drive06:14
devilsrejectE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:14
devilsrejectE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:14
phatmasterI know that p5b is supposedly difficult to get working06:14
devilsrejectsweet mplayers showin up in my applicatoins under sound and video06:14
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phatmasterbut I tried reading up on it and it looked like there were a few success stories06:14
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xerophyteDoes anybody use Quanta(IDE), if you do how can hide the hidden folder on the files view ?06:16
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devilsrejectarrenlex -- how do i set mplayer as my default player06:16
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vinboyis there any swf player?06:16
arrenlexdevilsreject: I don't use gnome.06:16
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barataany xfce guru?  ---- my Alt-F2 only stays for a second then it kills itself .... WHY?06:18
barataand how to fix that?06:18
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c0nv1ctbarata: mine did that too, not sure why06:18
=== JasonDM wonders why torrents are going so slow
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c0nv1ctbarata: but i noticed if i logged in quick enough, it didnt switch back06:18
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Bored1edhello world06:19
stiv2khow can I tell if my wireless PCI card supports WPA-PSK or not?06:19
stiv2khelp i am getting an "Operation not supported" ioctl when testing my wpa_supplicant configuration and i just cant seem to connect06:19
baratac0nv1ct .... did you recently installed gtk-qt integration libs stuffs?06:19
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arrenlexBored1ed: int main(void) { printf("Hello! :)\n");}06:19
c0nv1ctbarata: i dont think so06:19
Ademanin the sound applet for ubuntu, shouldn't hte "master" slider affect ALL sound? because as of now it doesn't seem to do anything, whereas PCM does (and yes it's set to alsa)06:20
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RopechoborraHi, im installin DSL (Damn Small Linux) on an USB, and i want it to have the APT-GET function (I dont know if already has it) but, if not, how can i do to install it?06:20
crimsunAdeman: that's not the sound applet's prerogative.06:20
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Ademanwell i guess alsa-mixer then?06:21
baratac0nv1ct ... do you also have KDE & Gnome in your system?06:21
Ademanregardless, shouldn't that be how it functions?06:21
MadpilotRopechoborra, isn't there a DSL channel somewhere?06:21
crimsunAdeman: no.06:21
c0nv1ctbarata: yes i do06:21
Bored1edanyone do any cool things with their themes or anything?06:21
c0nv1ctbarata: i think it only happened when i was in gnome, cuz it doesnt now in kde06:21
crimsunAdeman: not every driver has a 'Master'; expecting it to function that way is not something that can be resolved in feisty+1 or even feisty+206:21
devilsrejectstill not palyin mpegs man06:21
barataokey .... the fact is that works .... only that it kills itself quickly in a second06:21
RopechoborraMadpilot: dont know, but because i always used ubuntu, and it has the apt, maybe u could know how is that it works06:21
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Ademancrimsun: ok, but is that the intended function of "master"?06:22
crimsunAdeman: hence why you can alter the mixer element that's adjusted via Properties06:22
barataok .... that's what I think so too ... let me try to check gnome-center06:22
crimsunAdeman: that answer depends who you talk to06:22
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jrandolphso i know i just got an answer for this question, but i'd really like to have exaile start playing on startup06:23
devilsrejecti am just tryin to get my ubuntu to play  like any kind of video file   hopefully mpegs....06:23
devilsrejectmplayer or totem arn't playing either06:23
devilsrejectand iv'e installed the w32codecs06:23
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jrandolphit doesn't look like there is a command line option for it... where can i find out for sure06:23
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:25
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jrandolphhow can i get exaile to start playing on start up. i don't think there is a command line option to have it start playing. i can write a script that starts exaile, and then it toggles the play button... but i don't know how to make the second command wait for the first06:26
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anonymeeeehow do i edit grub?06:27
baratanano grub06:27
bu2What is the commnd to join a server in xchat?06:27
pavs"/join servername"06:28
cypher1anonymeeee, /boot/grub/menu.1st if i did not understand your motive behind the question06:28
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pavs"/server servername06:28
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bikiniwhats a linux equivalent to windows notepad? just something real simple06:29
cypher1bikini, gedit06:29
pavstype gedit"06:29
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billycan someone help me get my sound working with mplayer?06:30
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Bored1edbilly turn the volume up :)06:30
billyhardee freakin har har jackass06:30
cypher1billy, is your sound already working with other apps etc06:30
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Bored1edbilly's grouchy06:31
Noah0504Bored1ed: Yep.06:31
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billycypher1, it *was* working with the CD player and Xine, but now no sound at all.06:32
jrandolphso can i move the info about windows up in the grub file with out breaking anything? i'd like the windows boot options to be second (not last)06:32
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anonymeeeeCypher1: thank you06:32
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billyBoredled, not really grouchy.  a little irritated.06:32
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noiesmojrandolph, yes you can change the order06:32
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billyYou work hard to get things working, you install one more thing, and everything breaks.  good grief.06:33
snowman3388what kind of file type is .so?06:33
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cypher1snowman3388, shared object file06:33
Ademanit's like a dll on windows06:33
snowman3388can I run it?06:33
Bored1edwell im glad my Ubuntu has been working great for sometime now06:33
Ademansnowman3388: what are you trying to do?06:34
anonymeeeeI have two partitions one with windows and one with ubuntu.   I'd like to get rid of the ubuntu partion, but it doesn't show up when I run the windows cd...06:34
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mintteaIs there a commandline based instant messanger, for AIM?06:34
Noah0504Ubuntu works perfectly for me as long as I use Dapper.  The newer Ubuntu releases hate my machine.06:34
cypher1billy, did you upgrade or make changes to sound subsystem recently ?06:34
snowman3388Ademan, trying to figure out how to install a health type program but the instructions are the most retarded thing I've ever seen06:34
Bored1ednoah: lol its the other way around for me06:34
Ademansnowman3388: generally executable files don't have an extension06:35
snowman3388ademan, http://ocii.com/~jstory/programs-dmak.html06:35
ottavayanhey folks, what is an easy way to play wmv files ?06:35
noenon windows06:35
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ottavayanon ubuntu edgy.06:35
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noenI thought it was funny06:36
Noah0504Bored1ed: haha, It doesn't bother me much.  I'm happy with it just being stable.06:36
ottavayannoen, <smack> ;)06:36
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c0nv1ctanyone know if theres a batch renaming tool that comes with ubuntu? i could of swore i saw one06:36
mintteais there a commandline based aol instant messanger?06:36
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Bored1edNoah: how long you been using Ubuntu06:36
c0nv1ctnm i think i found it, lol06:36
monzieminttea: centericq06:36
billyBoredled: sorry I called you a jackass.06:36
monzieminttea: it's for all the protocols06:36
mintteamonzie: Thanks, I'll check it out06:37
Bored1edBilly: its ok...sarcastic remarks sometimes get those reactions ;)06:37
Noah0504Bored1ed: I started right when Breezy came out.  I timmed it perfectly without knowing, haha.06:37
JasonDMi'm getting a lot of static in amarok ;/06:37
billyBoredled:  that's true.  sometimes folks run in here a little frazzled.  Like me, just then, for instance.  My apologies.06:38
noenwow, it's a long time since I've been on IRC06:38
Bored1edNoah: Yea I've used it for 2 years on and off while I was in college and just recently started learning more about Linux06:38
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Desp_hi all06:38
FrogzooJasonDM: use xine engine, not gstreamer06:38
noenI've used Ubuntu for about a week06:38
Desp_Iam trieng to install oidentd and i got this error ..configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH06:38
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snowman3388ademan, I think I figured it out;)06:38
Desp_how to fix it06:38
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Ademansnowman3388: good job :-)06:39
Noah0504Bored1ed: Cool stuff.  It took me awhile before I made the complete switch from Windows.  I wanted to make sure I knew many of the beginning ropes.06:39
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snowman3388ademan, thanks a lot though06:39
pavshow to execute .rpm files?06:39
noenl'll never make a complete switch, I'm locked in with certain apps06:39
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Ademanpavs: that's a package file, you don't execute it06:39
Bored1edNoah: Yeah I downloaded some books and video tutorials and I'm running good now06:39
Ademanpavs: are you trying to install a program?06:39
DeL3e7is the essential-build  package installed?06:40
jrandolphyay, i think i know the answer to a question!06:40
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pavsademan ubuntu doesnt support rpm by default?06:40
dredhammerdoes anyone know where to find a deb for vlc 0.8.6a for edgy?06:40
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Ademanpavs: nope, uses *.deb (debian package manager)06:40
Bored1edyea my Laptop is Ubuntu and my desktop is windows for gaming and video06:40
pavsademan trying to install from rpm06:40
Ademanpavs: what program are you wanting though? i'll bet it's in the repositories06:40
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sdrevI just used Synaptic Package Manager to remove Rhythmbox, and it removed ubuntu-desktop...which looked kinda important, so I looked at it and it says it's recommended you don't remove it, how important is it to have ubuntu-desktop installed?06:40
Noah0504pavs: You'll need to convert it using "alien."  You can find that in the repos.06:40
noenbe sure to check synaptic too06:41
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Bored1edAny of you guys use Automatix?06:41
noendesktop <--- pretty important06:41
DekaritaeHas anyone here experience making Plucker work on K/Ubuntu?06:41
Bored1edwhats a plucker? lol06:41
dabaR!ubuntu-desktop | sdrev06:42
ubotusdrev: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.06:42
jrandolphso i want exaile to be one of my startup programs but i also want it to play automatically. i don't think there is a command line option to have it play on startup... but there is a command to have it play once it's open. how do i write a scrip that opens exaile then waits for it to be open, and then plays?06:42
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Cosmo__been trying to but everything with their site keeps giving me a 404 error boredled06:42
Noah0504Bored1ed: I use to use it, until I realized I could install a lot on my own.  I also feel dirty when something else messes with my sources.list.06:42
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DekaritaeBored1ed: Document subscription service for PalmOS devices06:42
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Ademanpavs: well you're either gonna have to use alien to convert the rpm to a deb, OR compile from source, unfortunately06:42
DekaritaeLike iSilo but open source06:42
Bored1edNoah: lol never thought of it like that06:42
JasonDMFrogzoo, I am using the xine engine ;/06:42
dabaRjrandolph: try exaile <filename> at the terminal.06:42
sdrevwhen I try to reinstall it, it wants to install rhythmbox...i don't really want rhythmbox installed, is there anyway i can install desktop without having rhythmbox?06:42
Bored1edDekaritae: thanks06:43
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Noah0504Ahh!  I must pee, my bladder can't take it anymore.06:43
pavsademan before this installation of ubuntu my previous installation i could install with rpm, i forgot how. but thanks anyways i am getting alien06:43
Ademansdrev: you don't need the desktop package06:43
Ademansdrev: all it does is include all of the default software06:43
devilsrejectquestion ==== do i ahve to do anything in ubuntu to install my dvd drive sooi  can burn dvds or no??06:44
sdrevAdeman, ok, thanks06:44
dabaRpavs: did you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172706:44
Ademandevilsreject: just download a burner program, you should already be good to go (i reccomend k3b or graveman)06:44
dabaRsdrev: no.06:44
devilsrejectPlease replace the disc in the drive with a supported disc with at least 7.5 GiB free.  The following disc types are supported06:45
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devilsrejectthats what its tellin me06:45
devilsrejectim trying to copy a dvd....06:45
dabaRdevilsreject: no, you do not need to install anything whatsoever, nautilus, the file manager can burn to removable media.06:45
arrowdevilsreject: just hookup the dvdburner, I switch mine between 2 computers all the time, everything is automatic06:45
devilsrejectand its a reg movie dvd06:45
pavsdabar thanks i will check it out I was looking at this http://blog.geekfront.com/blog/2007/02/18/intalling-flash-player-on-64-bit-ubuntu/ but i guess i will follow the ubuntu forum guideline06:45
dabaRdevilsreject: movie dvds are encrypted.06:45
billyOK.  I think I just had too much junk going on at once or something.  The sound plays fine now ... except for the mozilla-mplayer.06:45
devilsrejectdabaR --- soo for every movie dvd i want to copy what tdo i gotta do?06:46
devilsrejectthats my hole point06:46
devilsrejectim copying movie dvds06:46
noendo you still have a windows box devil?06:46
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dabaRdevilsreject: I understand. I am not sure how to do it. It may be described...06:46
joedjanyone know where i can get apache2.2 from without having to compile it? i'm on dapper/amd6406:46
dabaR!dvd | devilsreject06:46
ubotudevilsreject: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:46
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devilsrejectjust for playing06:46
Bored1edDEVIL: look into xdvdshrink06:46
Ademanjoedj: it's not in the repositories?06:46
joedjAdeman, nope, only 2.006:47
Ademanjoedj: it might be in fiesty, in which case you might be able to get it through edgy-backports06:47
noendvdshrink won't get past the encryption though06:47
mauanybody know why when i begin to transfer files to my mac from ubuntu, It times out?06:47
devilsrejectBordled -- ive been trying to install it???06:47
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dabaRdevilsreject: maybe search the forums if you do not get a response here. The forums are a likely place that was discussed at already.06:47
Bored1ednoen: can do some encryption06:47
devilsrejecti did actually06:47
noengoto doom9 forums for CD DVD video info06:48
devilsrejectBoredled do u have to have wine installed?06:48
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Cosmo__I have 2 hard drives, 1 has windows the other ubuntu, last night I could see the windows drive(where all my music is) now I can't how do I restor the ability to see the drive containing windows?06:48
devilsrejectdoom9 forums??06:48
noiesmodevilsreject, I use wine to run dvdshrink and dvd decrypter06:48
scvan old link06:48
Bored1edDevil: I dont believe so. Automatix can install if for you06:48
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noenthat is my advice06:48
arrowcosmos__: did you mount it?06:48
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dabaRmau: describe the process more.06:48
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devilsrejectnoismo --- could you help me get setup like that PLEASE I BEG U06:49
Cosmo__hehe I'm new to linux, how do I mount it?06:49
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metal03Hi there, How do I add multiverse to my repositories again?  and what's the exact adress for multiverse06:49
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noenbut that is mostly windows oriented, not sure if there is much linux help06:49
billymetal03, open synaptic.06:49
dabaR!multiverse | metal0306:50
ubotumetal03: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:50
Bored1edGoodnight People!06:50
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dabaRsee ya Bored1ed06:50
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:50
omeilHas anyone here ever got cdemu to work with the natui scripts?06:50
mauanybody know why when i begin to transfer files to my mac from ubuntu, the transfer times out?06:50
arrowCosmos__:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive it says how to mount it in there06:50
billymetal03, then go to settings>repositories.06:50
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:50
billymetal03, activate it.06:50
EADGAnybody know of an app for .avi to .mp4 conversion other than ThinLiquidFilm?06:50
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gesushey how can you "minimize" applications to the taskbar or whatever it's called (like the way GAIM does when you push the x button in the top right corner)06:51
arrowCosmo__: no problem, welcome to linux06:51
billynot sure if all applications are meant to do that, gesus.  are you wanting something like a dock to launch programs?06:52
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rpcis there a method of disabling SMP support on boot? or do i need to recompile the kernel just for that06:52
sivikhow do i extract a cd, not audio, so i can burn a new copy as backup06:52
ratbert90hello, could somebody send me their rc.local scripts?  I just deleted mine on accident. :(06:52
ratbert90for feisty06:52
dabaRgesus: the application has to have that functionality. Some do not.06:52
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arrowbilly: when Azereus goes away, how do I get it back06:52
mintteamonzie: I'm having issues installing centericq. I added the sources to my apt sources.list, however apt-get/aptitude is reporting the package centericq not found06:52
EADGnoen cool. checking it out.06:52
noenEADG <---- Avidemux06:53
metal03billy : thanks...  trying it right now...  but my version is in french (installing it for my dad!!) so I'm not sure!!  but thanks06:53
billyarrow, not sure.  What is Azereus, again?06:53
noennot sure how great it is06:53
dabaRminttea: sudo aptitude update?06:53
billymetal03, you're welcome.  I don't know French.  One time openoffice installed in Greek fonts.  That was a trip.06:53
mintteadabaR: I've tried this as well06:53
arrowbilly: a bittorrent client, when you close it it doesn't really close,06:54
Steilis there a way to route sound from one computer to output on another?06:54
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dabaRminttea: then you did not add universe properly, most likely. No worries, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:54
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arrowbilly: I think I have to add something to the toolbar, but I'm not sure what06:54
billyarrow: oh yes, a bittorrent.  those stay open so other users can download the files FROM your computer.06:54
gesusbilly, dabaR: i was thinking of Evoltuion email or of XChat, I'd like to be able to do it with those.  So it's not something you can just 'turn on' in ubuntu?06:54
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ubmxSteil you could try SSH X forwarding06:54
dabaRgesus: not that I know. And I do not use either of those programs, so I do not know whether they have that functionality.06:55
gesusdabaR, np thanks06:55
mintteadabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9192/06:55
billyarrow: you can shut the client down with the System Monitor > processes.06:55
CarlF1how do I pair a bluetooth mouse?06:55
dabaRminttea: please tell me what "cat /etc/issue" outputs.06:56
ratbert90I guess not06:56
billygesus:  I don't think that you can just "turn on" program to the notification area like that.06:56
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dabaRCarlF1: mine just worked.06:56
mintteadabaR: Ubuntu 6.10 \n \l06:56
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup06:56
Steilubmx: well i already have that, but some programs can't run on my desktop (which has the speakers hooked up), so they have to run locally on my laptop06:56
omeilI'm still wonderign what looks better kubuntu or ubuntu :) the KDE kinda looks like a windows setup and the gnome setup is ..different.06:56
CarlF1I found "Bluetooth devices", hit scan, see it listed, but the mouse won't gout out of discovery mode.  ill read the link06:56
dabaRminttea: thanks. Do you have a reason to have strange repos, or did it just happen?06:57
dabaRomeil: the only way to find out is to try both.06:57
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billyomeil:  I like them both.06:57
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gesusbilly, ok thanks06:58
mintteadabaR: I added a few of them from the centericq.de website to see if that was the reason aptitude couldn't find the centericq package06:58
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omeili guess06:58
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Purple13can I run ubuntu with a SATA harddrive06:58
omeilits jsut that i like them both too lol :D don't know which to choose.06:58
dabaRminttea: OK. I will paste what I have, which is all officially and community supported repositories for Ubuntu.06:58
omeili think i used the KDE setup on mandrake06:58
billygesus:  I think someone wrote a program like that for Thunderbird.  Can't remember.  It'd be a good alternative though, I guess, if you were interested.  I came across it by googlelinux'ing "Thunderbird background"06:59
billyPurple13, Yes.  I'm doing so now.06:59
nothlitwhat and how is the 'users' group used? (gid 100)06:59
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bullgard1Purple13: Yes you can. At least it works with me.06:59
Purple13can I run ubuntu with a SATA harddrive>>>ST3200820AS06:59
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noenin fact, linux can boot to a raid array, I believe06:59
Purple13I am having trouble07:00
dabaRminttea: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9193/ all binary repositories enabled, all source repositories commented out. That is what I have for myself, and is the best setup for an average user, I think.07:00
billyPurple13,  You *may* need the "alternate" install CD, NOT the LiveCD.  That's how it was for me at least.07:00
Purple13no optiuon to install on live c07:00
bullgard1Purple13: I don't know. Give it a try with Ubuntu 7.04.07:00
billyPurple13,  You *may* need the "alternate" install CD, NOT the LiveCD.  That's how it was for me at least.07:00
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dabaRSO paste that over your file, and update, then you will be able to install centericq. minttea07:00
ZetO______@_____ soy de07:00
ZetO_____@______ Soy argentino07:00
ZetO_____@______  Argentina07:00
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dabaR!es | ZetO07:00
ubotuZetO: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:00
Purple13can you point me to the other cd07:00
gesusbilly, i'll check it out.. is there like a top10 to find out what are good irc clients, email clients, web browsers, cd burning software, mp3 players, divx players , etc, etc, for ubuntu?07:00
billyPurple13, just a sec.07:00
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billygesus:  not that I know of.  I like to stick to what's in Synaptic.  :)07:01
dabaRbilly: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/07:01
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ZetONo entiendo nada lo que dicen07:01
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mintteadabaR: That worked perfectly! centericq is running now, thanks again!07:02
dabaRminttea: welcome.07:02
dabaRZetO: hablas espanol?07:02
gesuscool, thanks billy.  hey when this new version of ubuntu (fiesty or whatever) comes out, will you just be able to 'upgrade' or will you  have to reformat and reinstall everything?07:02
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cacusnalioth, hi! i would like yo register cacus as my nickname, it's expired... could you help me?07:02
ZetO[dabaR]  si hablo espaol07:02
billyPurple13, http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso07:02
dabaRZetO: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o  #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:03
dabaRZetO: /j #ubuntu-es07:03
omeilhow do i download java? i tried through the add/remove area. but it gave me 2 broken packages :(07:03
nalioth!tell omeil about java07:03
ZetO[dabaR]  son users o algunos clones o bots?07:03
naliothomeil: you left the classroom  :)07:03
naliothZetO: ingles aqui, por favor07:03
billygesus, I'm not going to upgrade to Feisty right away.  I'll let a few others try it out for a month or so and see how things fare.  If it seems to be painless, I'll upgrade.  But I'm happy with Edgy as she is now.07:04
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ZetO[nalioth]  Okas07:04
noenI wish I could run linux and windows both at the same time on the same OC07:04
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jseattlethats not nice07:05
billynoen, you can with virtualization software.07:05
gesusbilly, so no idea if it will be an 'upgrade' you can run or if it will be a full overhaul?07:05
noenand I don't mean with Wine,07:05
billynoen, me neither.07:05
noenI looked into that billy07:05
billynoen, OK.  nevermind then.07:05
ZetO[dabaR]  they are users, bots or clones?07:05
noenbut that cost money rigth?07:05
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noenor did you mean Xen?07:06
billygesus:  yeah.  I haven't a clue.  I'm really excited about the release though.  I think the driver for my CPU that I use now is only an approximate fit, though it works.  I bet Feisty will support it exactly.07:06
jseattlenalioth, what do you mean don't speak spanish.... look where you live!!!07:06
billynoen, No.  They don't cost money.07:06
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naliothjseattle: join #ubuntu-offtopic please07:07
dabaRZetO: I do not know, they speak spanish.07:07
naliothZetO: perhaps #ubuntu-ar might be of help07:07
noenI need to be able to run Modo  on the bare metal, the rest I suppose could be virtualized07:08
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ZetO[dabaR]  of which pais is?07:08
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omeilnalioth: :( in this guide for java it says for ubuntu 6.10 to install from the packages in the list..07:10
Cosmo__ok I got it mounted now the page says to add /dev/hda1    /media/windowsdrive   ext3(since the drive is in ntfs format would I replace this with ntfs?)    defaults     0        0 to the etc/fstab  is that how I should put it?07:10
naliothomeil: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please07:10
billynoen, http://xhtml.net/breves/313-Running-Windows-XP-from-within-Linux07:11
pavsYOOOOO i got flash working on 64bit :))) yessssss!!!!!07:11
billynoen, as always I recommend turning JavaScript OFF before going to an unknown website.  Or download noscript extension for Firefox.07:12
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MaartenLxHeh, I got a VMware machine for Windows 2003 Server in Linux ubuntu, it actually works quite nice :)07:12
ratbert90hello, could somebody send me their rc.local scripts?  I just deleted mine on accident. :(07:12
noenoh wow!07:12
noenhey thanks07:12
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chiefanyone know some software that i can use to record videos of my desktop?07:13
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sue-amarokerAnyone here know of any good image enhancing software?07:14
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ubotuistanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB07:14
Flannelchief: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts07:15
billychief, "byzanz" perhaps.  It's in Synaptic.07:15
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billyOh yeah.  Or instanbul.07:15
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darkgreen|Are there any 3D game engines / graphics engines for python available in Synaptic (edgy eft)?07:16
noengimp is very powerfull sue07:16
dabaRratbert90: you have 3 mintues. http://dabar.selfip.org/rc.local07:16
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sue-amarokerneon - I have some cctv footage of a person who stole my bike and I need the image enhanced to pass out fliers with the cunts face on it07:16
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dabaRratbert90: oh, oh07:16
dabaRratbert90: that is edgy, though.07:17
billydarkgreen:  you can search repositories in the shell using "sudo apt-cache search 3D game engines".  Or you can open Synaptic and perform a search.07:17
ratbert90-_o :(07:17
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:17
chiefwith istanbul it downloads as an ogg, id like to beable to upload to youtube07:17
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devilsrejecti jsut dl ripit4me and it didn't put an icon on my desktop how do i view my wine programs??? dvdshrink and the decrytper showed up fine07:17
darkgreen|billy: I've searched and searched and searched and searched.07:17
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darkgreen|thought maybe someone actually is using one, but thanks for the suggestion :)07:17
billydarkgreen| :  i know the feeling.  try not to become discouraged.07:17
RopechoborraHi, is there a way to lock tty while they are doing things (like updateing.. or things like that) ??07:18
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noenI'm sure that Gimp can handle a fram, not sure about video though07:18
noenframe I mean07:18
slvdarkgreen| try happypenguin.org, it's a site about gaming on linux but there's some open 3d engines on there07:18
slvmaybe you'll find something07:18
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noenIsn't "crystal3D" a 3d Game engine?07:18
noenI think it is07:19
dabaRRopechoborra: why lock? so someone can not use them?07:19
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RopechoborradabaR: yes, for example i let things doing and i go away, and dont want anyone to see or touch anything07:19
devilsrejecti have a problem, i can't play dvds @ all07:19
devilsrejectit gives me an error not able to read my dvd drive07:20
Cosmo__to automaticly mount the drive at boot it say ok I got it mounted now the page says to add this to /etc/fstab     /dev/hda1 /media/windowsdrive ext3(since the drive is in ntfs format would I replace this with ntfs?) defaults 0 007:20
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RopechoborraLike locking the X but tty07:20
devilsrejectbut it detects what the name of the movie in it is07:20
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noenyou know Devil, DVDs are so heavily encrypted these days that I've had trouble playing them on a plain windows box.07:21
billydarkgreen| : did you look at this page --> http://www.devmaster.net/engines/list.php?fid=6&sid=1107:21
dabaRRopechoborra: and can you not run the thing in the background with &? I think it would be the same...07:21
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devilsrejectnoen -- this shouldn't be a prob though its an old seinfeild episode dvd07:21
RopechoborradabaR: dont know what is or how to do it :S07:21
ubotuascii: interactive ASCII name and synonym chart. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8-3 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 72 kB07:21
noenThe studios don't really want you to play them on your PC at all, next thing you know, it'll be illegal even to do just that07:22
billydarkgreen| : I don't know much about what you're looking for.  Those aren't in Synaptic, but they are for Python.07:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:22
RopechoborradabaR: well i got an idea of what it is, but never done it yet07:22
ekul1how do i get TM?07:22
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dabaRRopechoborra: try in a terminal. Run a command, and put a & at the end of the line.07:22
CAP8871Olas alguna mujer ?07:22
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ekul1the trademark sign, i mean07:22
darkgreen|panda3D, and soya3D have both failed to install correctly after signicantly mucking about07:23
devilsrejectalrigh tyall07:23
RopechoborradabaR: ok, and then how i bring the process back?07:23
devilsrejectwell im off 2 bed07:23
dabaRRopechoborra: fg 107:23
Ropechoborrafg 1 ?07:23
billydarkgreen| :  hmm...  have you yet tried opening a thread in ubuntuforums.org ?07:23
Ropechoborrai just type that?07:23
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darkgreen|billy, nope, I will!07:23
billydarkgreen| : good folks in that forum.07:24
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noenDevil, if you were on a PC i'd tell you to go here http://www.imgburn.com07:24
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noenbut for linux I dont' know07:24
RopechoborradabaR: Ok, i got it !  thanks! :)07:25
meborcnoen, what is the difference between a PC and a linux machine :D07:25
RopechoborradabaR: one last thing, if i have the process already runing, how i can put it in background ?07:25
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cypher1Ropechoborra, Ctrl-Z i think07:26
dabaRRopechoborra: ctrl-z, then bg 107:26
CAP8871not woman07:26
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noenjust the OS07:26
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CAP8871[noen]  ??07:26
dabaRRopechoborra: there is a little issue. when ran in the background, if you close the terminal, such as typing exit, the program quits too.07:26
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meborcnoen - PC (personal computer)... whatever the OS07:26
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CAP8871[noen]  bot07:27
dabaRRopechoborra: to avoid that, you can prepend the command with nohup, and that will make the command keep running even after the terminal is closed.07:27
noen<-- not a bot07:27
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RopechoborraAnd i also see that the process dont run while in bkgrownd07:27
dabaRnoen: ^ not asking for help07:27
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christian1222if ive got a disk that is being used, and i want to umount it without quitting the app that is using it (counter strike install), how do i unmount the disk?07:27
c0nv1ctu cant?07:28
CAP8871[noen]  and you speak spanish ?07:28
RopechoborradabaR: prepend ? nohup? (sorry for my english)07:28
noenno I can't,07:28
dabaRRopechoborra: it should run. If you ctrl-z, then you stop it. But, then you run bg 1, and it should start running again.07:28
c0nv1ctchristian1222: i dont think its possible to unmount something that is in use07:28
c0nv1ctchristian1222: and i dont see why it would be possible07:28
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dabaRprepend means to put in front. so, for example, "nohup updatedb &"07:29
c0nv1ctchristian1222: it'd be like trying to exit your car while on the freeway doing 60, it'd get messy07:29
christian1222c0nv1ct: so im running the counter strike install in wine, and it is requesting that i remove disc 1 and replace it with disc 2, but i can tremove the disk without aborting the installation, what do i do?07:29
Cosmo__and no gurantee of survival  =)07:29
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c0nv1ctoh, a CD?07:29
RopechoborradabaR: but if i dont want it to stop?07:29
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dabaRchristian1222: and you tried to use the umount command?07:30
c0nv1ctyou should be able to, you have to unlock it, and i forget the command07:30
dabaRRopechoborra: do not want it to stop right away, or after you close the terminal.07:30
christian1222dabaR: yes07:30
dabaRchristian1222: what did it say?07:30
christian1222umount2: Device or resource busy07:30
christian1222umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy07:30
christian1222umount2: Device or resource busy07:30
christian1222umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy07:30
RopechoborradabaR: i just want to let it running while the terminal is closed (or locked) and when i come back see the changes07:30
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jrandolphi'd like to set up my rm command to move stuff to the trash instead of actually deleting it. where is the trash located from my root directory?07:31
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tonyyarussojrandolph: $HOME/.Trash07:31
noen"Crystal Space is our main project. It is a free cross-platform software development kit for realtime 3D graphics."07:31
christian1222dabaR: ?07:32
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dabaRRopechoborra: running in background should do it. so something like updatedb &07:32
christian1222could i suspend wine, would that work?07:32
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MTecknologyI was wondering, can biometrics be used with smart card systems?07:33
lorihi all :). does anyone here know how to set up an app called WifiRadar?07:33
dabaRjrandolph: /home/jrandolph/.Trash07:33
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dabaRjrandolph: tell me how you will do it.07:33
lorihi nuup.07:33
christian1222how do i find out which process is using cdrom0?07:34
dabaRchristian1222: lsof /dev/cdrom007:34
bikininoodles12, are you around?07:34
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samlo_! ati07:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:35
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samlo_?? ati07:35
christian1222dabaR: that gave me an error saying there is no such device07:35
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RopechoborradabaR: Nop =( It justs stops, and it dies when i exit... well never mind, i guess im going to sleep, to tyred07:35
RopechoborraThanks! =)07:35
loribulmer: I hope I'm not interrupting, do you have any info on wireless issues with ubuntu?07:35
christian1222dabaR: i tried running it with cdrom and it output nothing07:35
dabaRchristian1222: what about /media/cdrom0?07:36
bulmerlori: umm not much, just from whatever I have read07:36
christian1222dabaR: nothing as well07:36
loribulmer: ah. well, thanks for the response anyway :)07:36
bulmerlori: you have something specific?07:36
dabaRchristian1222: run mount in aterminal, and show me what you get on paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:36
loribulmer: yes.07:36
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christian1222dabaR: k07:37
loribulmer: I have an application i just installed called WifiRadar.07:37
bulmerlori: what is the problem with your wireless?07:37
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bulmerlori: and what is that wifiradar supposed to do?07:37
loriIt has been difficult for me to make a profile for my home wireless network in WifiRadar.07:37
loribulmer: WifiRadar is supposed to be a network profile manager.07:38
bulmerlori: am not familar with wifiradar though, so i assume it has a config file to store profiles07:38
christian1222dabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9195/07:38
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loriI have been having a ton of difficulty with my wireless setup in Ubuntu.  The symptoms have been: takes a looong time to connect to my home network usually.  it uses WPA.07:38
loribulmer: yes, it does have a place to store profiles.07:39
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dabaRchristian1222: oh ya, lsof /dev/hdc07:39
bikinidoes anyone know how to backup an mbr?07:39
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christian1222dabaR: nothing07:40
bulmerlori: i myself have not been successful with connecting to a WPA enabled AP..my ACX111 chips does not have the wpa_supplicant07:40
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loriWhen I am setting up my home profile, WifiRadar asks for a driver in order to use WPA.  I've tped the name of my driver but it doesnt seem to help.07:40
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dabaRchristian1222: then I do not know.07:40
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loribulmer: Ah.  oh well. maybe I'll have to change my setup then.07:40
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bulmerbikini: you can use dd and make the size only 512 bytes07:40
noenlori <-- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26434907:40
lorinoen: Thanks :) I'll take a look07:40
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noeninfo in that forum says you need to enable universe in synaptic07:41
christian1222dabaR: dang!07:41
bikinibulmer: i'm trying to use windows applications in vmware and this method says to backup my mbr with these two other files.07:41
bikinihow should i go about doing that?07:41
christian1222dabaR: thanks for trying!07:41
dabaRchristian1222: maybe it is documented somewhere, ask google about the game you are installing + ubuntu07:41
lorinoen: i have enabled universe tho.07:41
christian1222dabaR: thats what im trying now07:42
bulmerbikini: am not sure vmware has an mbr, it may be simulated MBR..not really familiar with it in depth07:42
lorinoen: np at all.07:42
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noodles12bikini: wassap?07:42
pavsls /usr/bin /bin /sbin /usr/sbin |wc -l07:42
pavscheck out this command07:42
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bikininoodles12: i went to that site you gave me for the vmware emulation deal. it said to backup my mbr to a folder with those two files. how do i back it up?07:43
bulmerlori: i have not used WPA on windows either07:43
bikininoodles12: and is that method the one you used?07:43
lorinoen: I'm still gonna look at that info, just in case it's got something i missed...07:43
mistoneI asked this yesterday but I will ask again just incase someone else knows : does the xbox 360 wireless rieciever work in linux yet?07:43
noodles12bikini: yea that's the method i used. and let me check to see about that mbr ting. it's been a few weeks since i've done it07:43
mistoneor is it a defualt joystick control?07:44
bikininoodles12: theres a dd command there, but anything concerning the mbr makes me nervous about fucking it up.07:44
mistoneif it doesn't work I am going to try to write a driver for it I have no idea how hard that would be07:44
bulmermistone umm..do you know what processor it has?07:44
noento back up you MBR you'll need a disk editor like partition magic or some such app07:44
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mistoneno idea about any specs07:44
loribulmer: It works on my windows side.  I dual boot on my laptop.  One side is windows xp and that side works pretty well for the wireless.  It just isnt working when i try to use the linux side...07:44
c0nv1ctchristian1222: 'sudo sysctl dev.cdrom.lock=0' may unlock the cdrom, but i dunno about remounting it07:44
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pwnzorzyou guys seen this??? http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html07:44
loripwnzorz: hi07:44
pwnzorzi'm installin ubuntu on windows!07:45
bulmerlori: on the windows side, you're also able to get WPA working? thats wonderful07:45
mistonebut I just don't want to reinvint the wheel if it already can work as a standard something or someone is working on it07:45
loripwnzorz: oooo!07:45
pwnzorzlori: hi07:45
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mistonemaybe I could even use linux-wlan-ng07:45
mistoneI dunno07:45
loribulmer: yep. it works ok, (for windows...)07:45
noodles12dd if=/dev/hda of=windowsxp.mbr bs=512 count=6307:45
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noodles12bikini: i'm pretty sure i just did that and it made a copy of it naming it "windowsxp.mbr" hopefully someone else in this room can confirm07:46
loriit's called Wubi??? Sounds like my daughters' blankie...07:46
pwnzorzI installed fglrx drivers, they didn't work, then i tried uninstalling them in recovery mode, and now kubuntu won't load!07:46
pwnzorzso i install ubuntu w/ wubi!07:46
bulmermistone: umm maybe you can try getting to uclinux, or the analog devices blackfin embedded linux and take it from there? it has a parallel kernel development as desktop07:47
loridoes it work well? fast and all?07:47
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pwnzorzlori: wubi?07:47
meborcwubi is nice... but i'm afraid that when a lot of people start using it, linux is not an OS anymore, but just another windows program :(07:47
loripwnzorz: sorry, yes: i meant does Wubi work well.07:47
pwnzorzya, its exceptable...07:47
noenwhat the heck is Wubi?07:47
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mistonebulmer:  you mean run linux on the adapter?07:48
mistonethat seems overkill07:48
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pwnzorzi cant even install fglrx drivers, i'm a failure...07:48
mistoneI just want the inputs to work07:48
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pwnzorzhey when i install ubuntu, can someone join a vnc server and get install the drivers for me!!?07:49
christian1222now i cant quit the installer07:49
bulmermistone: im not sure what you're referring to as just an adapter, am referring to embedded linux on small processors with minimum memory spaces07:49
christian1222how do i quit an installer if i already quit the term that i used to start it?07:49
noenSo Wubi is Ubuntu virtualized?07:49
pwnzorzits a windows based installer...07:49
bulmerchristian1222: you use ps aux and grep for that process then kill it07:49
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-36-146.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
noenBut it runs on top of Windows?07:50
meborcwubi = windows ubuntu installer... the name is selfexplanatory07:50
meborcit installs ubuntu as a windows program07:50
mistonebulmer: I said I wanted to get the xbox 360 wireless controller adapter for linux so I can use my wireless 360 controllers07:50
pwnzorzi get it!!! Windows UBuntu Installer, thats clever! :)07:50
mistoneer I didn't say that thats what i meant :P07:50
noenHow is it different than a VMWare player?07:51
bulmermistone: oh okay, i thought you want the psp to run linux07:51
mistonelol what07:51
mistonewhere did you get psp from :P07:51
noodles12about the windows ubuntu installer.. i don't get it.. so when you are running the .exe in windows.. is it actually installing it to your HD and replace the (live cd install) or is itjust installing a virtual environment?07:51
pwnzorzi want ds linux to be finished!! >:(07:51
mistoneI have a ds07:51
pwnzorzme too!07:51
bulmermistone: dang ..what do i know about those gameboys :)  i am not a gamer07:51
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pwnzorzooh have you checked this out mistone!!!07:52
mistoneI got a r4ds its great I run all my homebrew and stuff07:52
pwnzorzhttp://gnirfleo.blogspot.com/2007/03/screenshots.html that!07:52
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bulmeri dont know those gadgets.07:52
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mistoneOH SHI-07:52
pwnzorzyou cant own a ds without a modchip, its almost impossible, how else can you veiw your e-mail!!?07:52
mistoneI want07:52
bikininoodles12: alright i think i got everything working like it should, i'm gonna reboot and do the windows stuff. thanks for the help07:53
christian1222bulmer: thanks, got it07:53
noodles12np g'l07:53
Cosmo__when I got to any link about automatix2 in google I keep getting a 404 error, the sites were there last night anyone have any ideas?07:53
pwnzorzi think the timeri s inaccurate on wubi...07:53
mistonepwnzorz:  that looks photoshopped07:53
pwnzorzit aint dude07:53
pwnzorzi've been in the homebrew scene far longer than you :)07:53
omeilcan anyone tell me what im missing?07:53
stick-guyaccording to many forum threads, etc., I need to put the ipw2200 firmware in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/, but I don't ahve /usr/lib/hotplug/ - should I create it?07:53
yettenetCan anyone tell me how to disable notifications of giving/taking voice in Konversation?07:53
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pwnzorzcheck out dev-scene.com for the full list of everything ds homebrew-ish07:54
mistoneyea I do07:54
mistoneI have never seen a decent browser tho07:54
mistoneubuntu on DS would be the awesome07:54
pwnzorzincluding ds-linux (had to make it relevant... :)07:54
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billyI'd like to run Windows in a virtual machine.  Anyone know of a good howto.  I'm looking at this one now.  --> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=361528&highlight=XP+virtual07:54
pwnzorzthey got nano-x workin on dslinux...07:54
DarrenSSdoes anyone know the minimum specs for installing ubuntu?07:54
mistonebilly: its damn easy07:55
bulmerstick-guy: you do have a /lib/firmware/`uname -r/  and this is where most wireless drivers are located07:55
pwnzorzi also got the retawq browser workin in dslinux07:55
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billymistone:  well hell yeah then.  LET"S TO IT>07:55
loriDarrenSS: Sorry I dont know that one.07:55
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DarrenSSyeah i couldnt find them on the site anywhere - strange :/07:55
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pwnzorzwho has installed beryl/xgl07:55
bulmerDarrenSS: umm i dont know, but i can tell you it didnt install on an IBM thinkpad 600 with 92megs07:55
MadpilotDarrenSS, 128Mg RAM - more is better07:55
billymistone:  it seems a good alternative to dual booting.  Do you know of a simple to follow howto.07:55
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stick-guybulmer: gracias07:56
Madpilotcan't remember the min. spec for CPUs07:56
pwnzorzno one has installed beryl!07:56
lorinoen: I looked at my repositories: i've already got universe checked.07:56
pwnzorz...neither have i07:56
DarrenSSso i guess the trick is to try it and see? :P07:56
mistoneI have its teh awesime07:56
billypwnzorz:  what do you mean?  I got it now.07:56
bulmerstick-guy no problemo07:56
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stick-guybulmer: I actually don't have /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/, but I'll see what I can do with what I have07:56
pwnzorz... *jealous*07:56
mistonebilly: just mount the CD it is so easy you don't need a tourtial07:56
DarrenSSlucky its going on a test machine then ha ha07:56
bulmerDarrenSS: you can only learn from it..hehe07:56
NKjoephi all07:56
mistoneit depends on the VM you are using to07:56
pwnzorzi want to use myth tv it looks awesome...07:56
=== Kooka [n=Gentoo64@unaffiliated/kooka] has joined #ubuntu
billymistone:  don't I need some sort of virtual software?07:56
loripwnzorz: do you have any experience with getting a wifi manager to work in ubuntu?07:57
Geoffrey2I installed the latest version of mplayer (1.0rc1), and the mozilla plugin for mplayer.....now I can get video when I play files on the internet, but I don't get any sound.....07:57
noenSorry Lori, that was my best guess, I'm pretty new to Linux07:57
pwnzorzmy router broke all the sudden07:57
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loripwnzorz: shucks.07:57
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DarrenSSindeed - i just wanted to try it out before i dual boot it on the pc im building - cos that will take months and i wanna play with it now :)07:57
pwnzorzi know, no more wifi!07:57
lorinoen: no problem at all :) so am I.07:57
billyGeoffrey2:  what site are you testing it with?  could you provide the link for me?  I'd like to know if I have the same issue.07:57
lorii guess that's obvious tho...07:57
pwnzorzits really weird, when i plug my router in, it makes a high pitched sound...07:57
pwnzorzpeice of !#$!@07:58
dacksive since decided that ubuntu is no longer my distro of choice07:58
billydacks:  why is that?07:58
noenprobably a bad sign pwnzorz07:58
dacksive discovered gentoo07:58
billyI moved away and came back crying.07:58
loripwnzorz: what router?07:58
DarrenSSwow really pwnzorz :S07:58
pwnzorzdacks: probably :)07:58
dacksgentoo is freakin awesome07:58
Geoffrey2billy, first site was www.imdb.com....now I'm at www.apple.com/trailers07:58
billydacks:  if you like gentoo you should try Sabayon.07:58
=== els [n=mcstupid@c-67-183-255-41.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
billyit's gentoo with lots of eye-candy ... if you're into that sort of thing.07:59
dacksdoes it use a ports style package manager07:59
billyberyl is stock.07:59
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pwnzorzgentoo=hard and confusin, when i first started using linux, it was the first dist i found, i couldn't figure it out...07:59
noenisn't Sabayon losing support though? I head someone quitt07:59
mneptokpeople like Gentoo?07:59
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dacksehh im more into the lightweight system configuration07:59
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mistonedacks you will get stabbed...07:59
dacksgentoo rocks07:59
billydacks:  they use a program called portage.07:59
dackshaha mistone07:59
dacksbilly,  i know what portage is =p07:59
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DarrenSSok well time to go play with my box somemore - ta ta people - and have fun on linux :)07:59
stick-guybulmer: I don't have /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/, I built my own kernel - should I create /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/ ?07:59
pwnzorzi wonder what linux will be like in 20 years ;)08:00
dacksoh god i wonder08:00
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pwnzorzit'll be a giant robot!!!08:00
dackslinux will defeat M$08:00
dacksjust you watch08:00
mistoneit will be like SHOOP DA WHOOP08:00
=== dacks prepares for flame...
mneptokpwnzorz: fatter, but the mortgage will be paid down and the kids in college.08:00
loripwnzorz: i hope linux will be free forever.08:01
pwnzorzthey need to get rid of the command line, and get more support from dell... thats how the defeat 'em08:01
stick-guydacks: I keep hoping, but it's not as probable as I'd like...08:01
billyGeoffrey2:  i'm checking there now.08:01
pwnzorzlori: its gnu, i'm not worrying!08:01
noenthere will be no linux in 20 years08:01
elsI just did a fresh Draper install.  When I try to login it flickers and puts me back at the login screen.08:01
elsAny ideas?08:01
meborcthe command line is here to stay... and i like it08:01
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billyGeoffrey2:  not sure if I can help, but I'd like to know if I'm having the same difficulty.08:01
dacksi want the GPL license tatooed in its entirety on my left leg08:01
noenyou'll just plug into the back of you neck08:01
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-75-132.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
pwnzorzmeborc: tryin tellin that to the millions of people who cant figure out the start menu...08:01
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=== mneptok gestures at #ubuntu-offtopic
=== mneptok is being polite. for now. ;)
corevettewhen you convert mp3 to ogg....do you lose sound quality?08:02
bulmerstick-guy; i honestly dont know which modules uses that directory to stash wireless drivers08:02
mneptokcorevette: yes08:02
meborcels - try to reconfigure the xserver by "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and set the correct refreshrates08:02
Madpilotcorevette, they're both lossy, so yes.08:02
loridacks: whats the gpl liscence?08:02
dacksmneptok, gotcha08:02
dackslori, google it08:02
corevettemadpilot...what about mp3 to flac?08:02
mneptokdacks: grazie.08:02
billydang.  the mplayer is taking up *2* desktops.  good thing beryl's up and running!08:02
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pwnzorzgeneral public license w00t i love acronyms!08:02
Madpilotcorevette, no idea.08:02
elsmeborc - thanks, I'll give that a try08:02
loridacks: *googles*08:03
Cosmo__how do I edit my source.list it keeps telling me it is read only08:03
meborcpwnzorz - true... but try to tell me to use windows way of installing soft :)08:03
Madpilotcorevette, I'd guess not, given that flac is lossless.08:03
mneptokcorevette: that will retain the quality of the source mps08:03
pwnzorzi gtg to bed... :l08:03
mistoneoh yea is there a easy to use program that can convert mp3s to aiff or wav?08:03
billyCosmo__ : open a terminal and sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:03
mistoneright click menu option would be awesome08:03
meborcCosmo_ "sudo gedit /eyc/apt/sources.list"08:03
corevetteso when you transfer mp3 to ogg...is the sound quality loss noticeable mneptok or madpilot?08:03
Madpilotmistone, if you just want to burn audio CDs, use Serpentine08:03
billyCosmo__: you need root priviledges to rewrite that file.08:03
pwnzorzmeborc: try instsalling soft the windows way... ;)08:03
mistoneMadpilot: I don't08:03
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Madpilotcorevette, no idea, I rip everything as .ogg and ignore mp308:04
dfgasanyone get the HDA NVIDIA sound card to work yet?08:04
mneptokcorevette: depends on input and output bitrates, and your adio sensitivity08:04
kadjohello all: is it not possible to run two multimedia applications in ubuntu at the same time? i observe that the other one is mute08:04
mistonepwnzorz: the only problem I got with my DS is the sound quality sucks... its 10 bit :(08:04
meborcpwnzorz - hhh08:04
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bullgard1No beep: I downloaded the DEB program package 'beep'. My kernel 2.6.20 contains the 'pcspkr' module. When I issue the command 'beep' in a Gnome terminal I will not hear any beep. What's wrong with my software?08:04
dackshas anyone here used/heard of jakosher08:04
pwnzorzmistone: i use headphones!08:04
mistoneI was planing on using it as a ipod08:04
mistoneit still sucks tho08:04
cafuego_ blh 08:04
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loridacks: hope you have long legs honey...08:04
pwnzorzmistone: i use my ds as an ipod08:04
mistoneI am a musician I can hear the 10bit08:04
mistoneits 10 bit audio!08:04
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corevettemneptok how big are normal flac files08:04
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pwnzorzmistone: they even have a media player for the ds that looks and controls like in ipod!08:05
mneptokcorevette: large. 10MB+ per minute.08:05
yettenetCan anyone tell me how to disable notifications of giving/taking voice in Konversation?08:05
pwnzorznot very stable though...08:05
mistonepwnzorz: yea I got it its really cool08:05
mistoneit is for me08:05
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mistonethe ng 1.0 stable is ... stable :P08:05
pwnzorzmistone: i need a supercard...08:05
mistonemy r4 owns :D08:05
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pwnzorzmistone: grrr!08:05
pwnzorzmistone:the greatest software for the ds is dsorganize though!08:06
corevetteare there any smaller ones mneptok?08:06
KeeNaFhi guys .. I want to add/remove program but this error msg appear .. "E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing." .. what should i do?08:06
mneptokcorevette: not lossless, no08:06
mistonepwnzorz:  it curropts my card !08:06
pwnzorzmistone: suxxorz for u!!!08:06
pwnzorzmistone: have you tried dldi08:06
loriKeeNaF: sorry, i dont have experience with that problem :)08:06
pwnzorzmistone: lol08:06
kadjomneptok: is it not possible to run two multimedia applications in ubuntu at the same time? i observe that the other one is mute08:06
mistonesound quality is better in DS organize tho08:07
mneptokkadjo: depends on if they use ALSA, OSS, or ESD08:07
mistonethe ipod one is really bad quality08:07
pwnzorzmistone: go complain to dragonminded at #dsorganize he loves complaints! ;)08:07
pwnzorzmistone: wait... i mean hates..08:07
kadjomneptok: so how will i know if i'm using either of the three?08:07
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KeeNaFlori | it is because I deleted files in var/cache/apt/archives/ .. if there any way to get partial file in that directory?08:08
pwnzorzmistone: when does it corrupt your card??08:08
pwnzorzmistone: it corrupts my card whenever i try movin big files...08:08
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omeilanyone know what i require to make this compiling succesful?08:08
loriKeeNaF: I dont know. But there's probly some brainy perosn here who does, Keep trying:)08:08
NKjoepmy serverX is lopping at login after installing a fonts package.... gdm log says: Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/ .... what can i do?08:08
pwnzorzi'm goin to sleep bye all!!!08:09
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wapityyyHi, this is a stupid question... how do i enable my SSH :S ?08:09
mneptokkadjo: there's no dead simple way. but ALSA is newest and best. ESD and OSS use the sound channels to the exclusion of other apps.08:09
KeeNaFlori | ok .. TQ .. :)08:09
mistonepwnzorz:  did it :P08:09
loriditto. gotta call it a night.08:09
pwnzorzI'M LEAVING!!! NOW!08:09
Madpilotubotu, ssh | wapityyy08:09
ubotuwapityyy: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/08:09
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kadjomneptok: i've observed that there is alsa-base in the list of my package which is installed so that means ...im using alsa?08:10
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pavsazurues wont run in ubuntu08:10
wapityyyMadpilot: i cant believe you ubotu'ed me :|08:10
Madpilotwapityyy, the bot is the smartest thing here, don't complain ;)08:11
mneptokkadjo: different apps use different sound architectures. you are definitely using ALSA, all Ubuntu users do. but some app might be using ESD or OSS. it's nothing you control.08:11
IkimashoZI have a debilitating wlan card problem in ubuntu 6.10.  The card is a broadcom chipset 4309.  Please help!!08:11
wapityyyi guess that makes me an ubotard08:11
mneptokpavs: sudo aptitude install bittornado-gui08:11
shatratIkimashoZ, there is a broadcom how-to on the ubuntuforums.org that worked for me, you might as well try that08:11
NKjoepany way to fix my fonts? :D08:11
Cosmo__ok next question, I got the nvidia drivers installed, how do I enable my second monitor?08:11
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billyStrange.  I have the mplayer plugin playing a movie.  I can't see it, but I can hear it.  Where did it go?08:12
pavsmneptok but I want azureus to work, :)08:12
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omeilmade a runner08:12
mneptokpavs: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin08:12
kadjomneptok: ah..i see...what i wan though is to capture the one being played in gxine using sound recorder..maybe the other one is using different aside from alsa08:12
NKjoepCosmo__ try truning off you pc, plug your other monitor then run ubuntu08:12
KeeNaFhi guys .. I want to add/remove program but this error msg appear .. "E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing." .. what should i do?08:12
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kadjomneptok: ok thanks.. i'll be exploring some other things here...08:13
Morselluscan anyone point me to somwhere where it will show me how to install kde on ubuntu 6.10 may sound like a stupid question, but this is my first time really using any kind of linux, and was told to use the kde instead of gnome08:13
macdKeeNaF, in a console type 'sudo mkdir /var/cache/apt/archives/partial"08:13
NKjoepKeeNaF try checking that dir exists08:13
NKjoepagree macd08:13
mneptokpavs: then edit the Azureus shell script to call the binary from the proper dir. you'll need to get the latest build, unarchive and chown it, and move it to /usr/local-share08:13
Cosmo__they were both already plugged in and I have restarted several times08:13
dacksis there any way to background a process during an ssh session , to assure that the process does not break while you exit the ssh terminal, ie: apt-get install a b c d e f g, and your class at school ends....08:13
macdMorsellus, its not that hard actually, just :08:13
mneptok /usr/local/share08:13
Flanneldacks: You want to use "screen"08:14
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Flanneldacks: but, the background thing is "command &", but that'll stop when you exit.  But, screen fixes that08:14
macdMorsellus, the 'sudo apt-get install kdebase'  add, koffice if youd like an openoffice =.08:14
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lkthomaswhy ubuntu got old version of thunderbird ?08:14
Flanneldacks: well, or to stop it (ctrl-z), then force it into the background with "bg"08:14
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KeeNaFmacd | NKjoep | .. k .. problem solved08:15
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Tigger_`yay :)08:15
KeeNaFmacd | NKjoep | .. k .. problem solved .. Thank  you08:15
lkthomasdoes ubuntu got backports like debian ?08:15
Flannellkthomas: each ubuntu release has the version of software it was released with, only security updates/bugfixes are made08:15
MorsellusThanks Macd08:15
macdlkthomas, yes it does, you need to enable them in the software repositories08:15
Madpilotlkthomas, there are backport repos for some things, yes08:15
lkthomasmacd, any guideline that I could use ?08:15
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ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports08:15
pavsnmeptok thanks i am working on it08:15
Flannellkthomas: there are backports (a separate repository), but very little is bacported.  You usually upgrade for newer packages08:15
NKjoep`awayi need help with this in gdm log: Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/, removing from list! .... wich list?08:15
=== Lucifel [n=q@c-67-180-205-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
dacksFlannel, thank you08:16
billyLooking at the various tutorials for the virtual software, i think I'll wait until it becomes a little more newbie user friendly.08:16
lkthomasFlannel, where is the guideline ?08:16
Madpilotubotu, backports | lkthomas08:16
ubotulkthomas: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports08:16
KeeNaFguys .. 1 more problem .. I still cannot streaming video using firefox .. what should I do?08:16
Flannellkthomas: guideline?  Thunderbird isn't backported, by the way08:16
lkthomasFlannel, hmm08:16
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macd!backports > lkthomas08:16
FlannelHoly cow, how many times are you people going to link him to that?08:17
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macda few, hi Flannel btw.08:17
omeilhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9196/ can someone help08:17
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Flannellkthomas: what version are you looking for?  (what updates are yo ulooking for?)08:17
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savilesi have ubuntu on VPC 2007 but i can't get the scrool mouse to work. i've search the forums and seen a few responses on them but there isn't a 'solution' for it yet. does anyone have any suggestions?08:18
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IkimashoZI've got some questions for anyone who has successfully gotten a broadcom 43xx wlan card to work with ubuntu 6.1008:18
lkthomasFlannel, at least 2.0 of thunderbird08:18
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omeilLordLimecat: have you stopped playing trem yet?08:18
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macdomeil, you dont have the java compiler.08:18
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Geoffrey2Thunderbird 2.0 is still in Beta, so even the latest Ubuntu won't have it....08:18
Flannellkthomas: 2.0 isn't stable yet, it won't be in Ubuntu until it is (or close to it)08:18
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omeilmacd: i don't know hwich one08:18
omeilmacd: i guess it will be one with a -dev at the end?08:19
Geoffrey2the latest stable version of Thunderbird is, I believe,
=== A[D] minS [n=Whisky@dxb-b111519.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #Ubuntu
lkthomasI see08:19
omeilWhats thunderbird?08:19
lkthomasthanks guys08:19
A[D] minSi installed vmware  and want to change configuration of vmnet808:19
Flannelomeil: It's Mozilla's mail client08:19
Geoffrey2you could always go to Mozilla's website and download it directly08:19
A[D] minSso i tried it with ifconfig but when i reboot it become as before08:19
billyWhy in the world in mplayer taking up two desktops?08:19
A[D] minSso how i can set it as default ?08:20
A[D] minSor where i can find network interfaces file08:20
mistonethis is madness08:21
FlannelA[D] minS: /etc/network/interfaces08:21
savilesA[D] minS check /etc/network/interfaces ?08:21
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macdomeil,what release of ubuntu?08:21
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Noah0504haha, That's get my blood going.08:21
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macdomeil, did you install ant with apt?08:22
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omeili think o_o08:23
omeilyea yea i did08:23
IkimashoZI'm not sure whether or not I hate ubuntu more than XP at this point...08:23
omeilsudo apt-get install ant08:23
macdomeil, do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure java-gcj-compat'08:23
macd'sudo dpkg-reconfigure ant'08:24
macddid that fix it?08:25
omeiltry compiling again?08:25
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omeilBUILD FAILED08:26
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omeil/home/omeil/Desktop/stendhal/build.xml:428: Unable to find a javac compiler;08:26
omeilcom.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.08:26
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asdfdcan someone help me?08:26
macdomeil, 'sudo apt-get install javacc'08:26
gesushey i've got a bunch of rar files that are like .00, .01, .02, etc ... what archiver will open them? "xarchiver' doesn't seem to want to open them.08:26
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pavsIkimashoZ: why?08:27
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macdjust open the one titled extended in .rar, make sure you have unrar installed.08:27
Tigger_`asdfd, just ask your question08:27
omeilmacd: javacc already installed to the newest version08:28
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macdomeil, try to reconfigure javacc08:28
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asdfdg++ main.cpp -lSDL -lSDLmain not linking librarys08:28
bikininoodles12: are you still around?08:28
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omeildidn;t work :(08:29
macdomeil, well Im out of ideas, sorry08:29
macdomeil, try posting on the forums08:30
_Rappy_I need JRE. Until now I've used Atumotaix to install it, but now I just found (in synaptic) that there ARE JRE packages from sun there (and they're even installed, but I've not done it). Are the packages in synaptic official from Sun?08:30
macdor ask later here.08:30
noodles12bikini: yea about to leave though. wassap?08:30
macd_Rappy_, yessir08:30
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bikiniwhen i go to load the windows.vmx i get this error message:08:31
bikiniCannot open the disk '/home/tyler/vmwarething/windows.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.08:31
bikiniReason: Insufficient permission to access file.08:31
asdfdg++ main.cpp -lSDL -lSDLmain not linking librarys in even though it should be08:31
bikinishould i chmod something?08:31
omeilmacd: thanks for the help anyways :)08:31
asdfdthe librarys are in the proper dir, and -L'ing the dir still doesnt fix08:31
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asdfdcan anyone here code08:31
noodles12bikini: sudo vmplayer08:32
noodles12bikini: see if that does the trick08:32
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omeilmacd: i think i need jdk08:33
bikininoodles12: holy shit it worked.08:33
bikinii just screamed.08:33
bikinithanks a lot08:34
noodles12bikini: np!08:34
omeilmacd: Sunjava development kit08:34
noodles12bikini: tell me if you get that activation crap08:34
macdomeil, then sun-java5-jdk is your package08:34
_Rappy_macd : thanks.08:34
omeilmacd: yup your right. gonna download thatone now08:34
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omeilmacd: Cause i have JRE and the tools file is in JDK08:35
macdomeil, sounds logical then, but Im not java person08:35
macdnot a*08:35
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omeilmacd: neither am I :D08:35
omeilmacd:i just need it because this mmorpg requires it08:36
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IkimashoZwhat a waste of time08:37
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Helmigood morning guys - does anyone have a link for me for some basic vfs stuff - especially for samba. some introductionary document or something08:38
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mneptokHelmi: what are you trying to do?08:41
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:41
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cristian_esiese jose08:43
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cristian_esiq sigues a todos los lados08:43
cristian_eside donde sois????????????????????:)08:44
Josegood morning08:44
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:44
cristian_esiq paza hios de puta08:44
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Joselinux rules08:45
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posingaspopularmneptok: thanks forkicking that guy. thats pretty offensive, especially since i actually know spanish08:46
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JohanLgoeie dag weet julle julle is dom onosel08:46
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omeilso what did he say osh ?08:46
Josewhat man?08:46
mneptokposingaspopular: tambien.08:46
posingaspopularha okay.08:47
Josedo you speak spanish08:47
mneptok!nl > JohanL08:47
dackshablo espanol tambien08:47
mneptokJose: not in this channel08:47
omeilI speak maltese :)08:47
mneptok!es > Jose08:47
dacksy aleman y ruski08:47
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lkthomashow could I test my xfce sound setting ?08:48
posingaspopulari speak english in this chan/school/everywhere else, spanish at home with my fam.08:48
mneptokshto nyatchiz slova "#ubuntu-offtopic?"  ;)08:48
dacks=] 08:48
omeili do the same popular except i speak maltese08:48
JoseI speak italian and spanish08:48
Helmimneptok: thanks for the samba stuff. i'm trying to find out more about different ways to mount remote files systems - via smb or probably nfs, via ssh and anything - i'm rather new to linux/ubuntu though i played with it already and have some dedicated webservers running out there.08:48
posingaspopularwhat is maltese...?08:49
omeilMediterainian language08:49
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omeilits a small island in the meditarainian sea :) called Malta08:49
omeillook at the language settings in ubuntu Malta is listed on there :D08:49
dacksi heard Malta is beautiful this time of year08:50
mneptokHelmi: in a Windows/Linux mixed environment, Samba is the best file and print service option08:50
dacksi hail from bermuda myself08:50
omeili live in australia now tho. usedt to live in malta :) nice beaches there08:50
dackstropics are most certainly my bag08:50
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Helmimneptok: yeah i know but there are also other linux machines in the environment - that's the reason why i'm just reading and asking around to learn some basics ;)08:50
dacksi am moving to aus in approx 1 year08:50
JoseI have ubuntu08:50
omeildacks what state?08:51
Josemy computer --> amd xp 2800+ 768 mb ram geforce 680008:51
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IkimashoZHi, I've got a question.  How is it that Ubuntu gets away with having the slogan "it just works"?  So far, in my 3 days using it, I've realized that basically it just doesn't work.  I have multiple debilitating errors, and while there seems to be a number of how-to's for "solutions" to these problems, none of them actually work either.  So now I've got windows XP, which does what I need it to do, albeit slowly and brokenly.08:51
IkimashoZand on the other hand there's ubuntu08:51
IkimashoZwhich doesn't work at all08:51
IkimashoZso yeah08:52
romeomajkAhh meditarainian sea.. that sounds lovely.. I am in Sweden scandinavia and it is cold up here.. yikes..08:52
IkimashoZhow does ubuntu get away with "it just works"??08:52
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MadpilotIkimashoZ, because for a lot of us, it just does? How about asking questions to help yourself, rather than just complaining?08:52
omeilit just works for all of us except you :D08:52
IkimashoZno one answers08:52
IkimashoZforums, here08:52
mneptokIkimashoZ: where do you see "It just works?"08:53
posingaspopularlkthomas: it depends on what you're trying to do08:53
IkimashoZfor the third and final time, I have a broadcom08:53
lkthomasposingaspopular, just want to test my soundcard08:53
shatratDid you follow the how-to?08:53
IkimashoZI have tried three of five08:53
IkimashoZa fourth I couldn't finish08:53
IkimashoZb/c I lost net access in the middle of performing it08:54
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IkimashoZwhich how-to, shatrat?08:54
IkimashoZI've found five08:54
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posingaspopularwell thats not so much ubuntu as it is the hardware. that sound card was probably designed for a windows machine, and prob. has closed source drivers.08:54
IkimashoZI understand the issue08:54
IkimashoZand it's a lousy excuse for lack of support08:54
mneptokIkimashoZ: Broadcom does not release ANY code in ANY form to allow their stuff to work with anything except Windows. this is NOT a Linux problem. it's a Broadcom problem. and if you don't like it, vote with your wallet.08:54
shatratIkimashoZ, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom+how+to08:55
IkimashoZyeah, okay, I can't do that one anymore08:55
shatratIkimashoZ, and before you start moaning about lack of support, consider that its a free operating system.  If you want you can pay canonical for support, but this is not a support channel, its just a bunch of users.08:55
IkimashoZhold on...08:55
=== threeseas [n=threesea@adsl-34-10-59.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
IkimashoZbecause I did this one -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20190208:56
mneptokIkimashoZ: how is "we can't see how the hardware works so we have to design solutions in the dark with our hands tied" a lousy excuse?08:56
IkimashoZand my wlan card disappeared from networking08:56
IkimashoZand I don't know how to get it back08:56
threeseashow do I find out how much space I have avialable on the drives I have in may system?08:56
borisyeltsinlol topic: "Official Ubuntu Support Channel"08:56
shatratthreeseas, df -h08:56
mneptokthreeseas: df -h08:56
lkthomasI am setting up xmms, but xmms doesn't have permission to mount cdrom to /mnt/cdrom, what should I do ?08:56
IkimashoZif you could help me get it back, that'd be great08:56
posingaspopularwell we could write a driver in all of two seconds of we could see how the hardware was written. like mp3s, we cant use out of the box becuase its not free. we prefer freedom 9 timesout of 1008:56
posingaspopularwas supposed to work imean, the drivers are written08:56
dacksomeil, are you there?08:57
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omeilomeil, here i am!08:57
threeseaswow _ have 9.9 gigs availabel on a 2 gig usbstick08:57
IkimashoZand shatrat, as per my "moaning", if the user support was so great, why were you ignoring my pleas for help before??08:57
dacksomeil, check /msg08:57
omeildoh i wrote omeil instead of dacks lol08:57
chiefanyone know any good software i can use to convert ogg theora to avi or a windows format?08:57
omeildacks i haven't recieved anything from you08:58
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shatratIkimashoZ, I didnt say it was great.  Support is for people who cant help themselves.  I got my wireless running on the first try, so is the problem ubuntu or is it you?08:58
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omeiloh im not logged in. how do i verify my account again?08:58
mneptokIkimashoZ: the better question is "why do you feel people are obligated to help you for free?"08:58
IkimashoZwell, I asked you to explain it to me and and you ignored08:58
ubotulogin: system login tools. In component main, is required. Version 1:4.0.16-2ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 306 kB, installed size 2776 kB08:58
Slasherx2i got my wireless running with ndiswrapper with help frim ubuntuguide08:58
DarkX_anyone in here have luck with the ATI Radeon 200 Onboard Video accelation08:59
=== omeil is now known as Omeil
IkimashoZthey're not obligated, but shouldn't I at least get a response if I ask a question??08:59
mneptokIkimashoZ: if you'd like a guaranteed response we sell commercial support contracts.08:59
dacksOmeil, i will be in byron bay in approx. 1 year08:59
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Slasherx2DarkX_: i messed up when i tried to install my ati drivers :|08:59
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shatratDarkX_, thats kind of some messed up hardware.  I got it working using a specific how-to though, one moment08:59
dacksany quake players in the house?08:59
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Omeildacks: is that in QLD? heard of it tho09:00
=== DarkX_ giggles....we got our installed working...just not with DRI
DarkX_and we need DRI09:00
=== Slasherx2 hides
shatratDarkX_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=321766&highlight=fglrx+200m09:00
=== Slasherx2 smacks ati lol
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shatratDarkX_, that one worked for me, and for a few others Ive seen in irc who couldnt get it going any other way09:00
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mneptokDarkX_: i'm a Dirty Rotten Imbecile. how can i help?09:00
DarkX_^_^ you can make my roomies video card work mr dri09:01
threeseashow do I get access to a partition that has all my free space but doen't show up anywhere cept df -h09:01
mneptokDarkX_: http://www.newegg.com  >:)09:01
posingaspopularIkimashoZ: i agree since i had the same problem getting help earlier,but with my ubuntu i have wayy less problems with software crashes/drm and all that garbage than i ever did with windows09:01
Omeildacks: i think byron bay is in New south wales, im in Queensland north of you :)09:01
IkimashoZIf someone directly asked me question, I'd at least have the decency to say "I'm busy, not right now"09:01
shatratthreeseas, sounds like you need to mount it.09:02
mneptokthreeseas: man mount09:02
DarkX_mneptok, we have a 7300GT for it BUT the fans dieing09:02
=== IkimashoZ sighs
DarkX_so hes stuck with onboard for now09:02
OmeilIkimashoZ: what if no one knows the answer to your question?09:02
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OmeilIkimashoZ: you expect 945 users to instantly say i don't know?09:02
IkimashoZI sent a direct message09:02
IkimashoZnot in this window09:02
Omeilwow that would lag this irc server lol09:03
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shatratif youre not registered on freenode PMs are blocked09:03
Slasherx2lol omeil09:03
FlannelIkimashoZ: yeah, your query never went through.09:03
threeseasoh great now I have to guess as to how it is formatted09:03
=== Morsellus [n=morituri@wnklmb01dc1-217-5.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kookacya muss wech09:03
chiefanyone know any good software i can use to convert ogg theora to avi or a windows format?09:03
Slasherx2that would be a ddos not meaning to happen09:03
dacksOmeil, SAE is an audio engineering school that is located in byron bay, i'm transferring there pending my completion of the LA program09:03
shatratthreeseas, no need to guess, fdisk -l I believe09:03
Omeilshatrat: how do i verify my account?09:03
IkimashoZhow do I register?09:03
Omeildacks: cool09:03
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:03
Slasherx2right im off to work cya09:03
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shatratOmeil, IkimashoZ msg nickserv help and you can read the instructions, its kind of a pain but once youve done it once and added it to your IRC clients auto-run you dont have to deal with it again09:04
threeseasfdisk -l only shows the usb stick09:04
MorsellusMacd i just wanted to say thanks for helping me with that KDE :)09:04
posingaspopulardoes mtab do anything?09:05
Morsellusit works very nice09:05
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posingaspopulari was messing aroud with it trying to get it show my partitions09:05
posingaspopularbut i duno too much about partitions09:05
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Omeilshatrat, so its /IDENTIFY Mpassword>09:06
lkthomashow could I config xmms to play cd09:06
yommMorning :) !09:06
shatratOmeil, /msg nickserv identify passwort09:07
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
threeseasthis partition was suppose to have been created and made availabel when I installed ubuntu 6.1009:07
posingaspopularthreeseas: available...? or mounted?09:07
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threeseasdon't remember09:07
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:08
posingaspopularthreeseas: does fstab do anything09:08
threeseasit's linux formated and its odd that my main partition is fat 3209:08
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Cosmo__can anyone recomend a good IRC client, I really don't like this chatzilla09:09
threeseasWhat I remember is that it was supposed to be set up when I installed09:09
posingaspopularor xchat09:09
posingaspopularCosmo__: ^09:09
yommCosmo : or bitchx09:09
Omeilumm i have a problem people :)09:10
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posingaspopularOmeil: this isn't a support channel! :)09:10
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posingaspopularask away09:10
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threeseasapparently it didn't put it in fstab so now I am babysitting ubuntu09:11
OmeilI am trying to compile a mmorpg with ant dist, but Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.1-
Omeil, thats where ant is looking for the tools file but its actually /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/lib/tools.jar. whats up with that? :D09:11
threeseaswarning - no finial newline at the end of fstab -- hmmm09:11
posingaspopularuh it's renamed or something09:11
posingaspopularjust rename it or moveit or whatever works for it to be functional09:12
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Omeilbut wouldn't copying the tools.jar to the older java version screw it up?09:12
threeseasmount can't find hda409:12
yommOmeil : a Symlink maybe ?09:12
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posingaspopulariduno, i would do it anyway09:13
=== posingaspopular has a broken ubuntu box though
lkthomasI need some help09:13
=== dacks proclaims that the whole world is dead
lkthomasxmms playing my cd09:13
lkthomasbut no sound comes out09:13
yommlkthomas : check the output plugings ;)09:14
dackscheck your alsa plugin in xmms prefs and verify that your device is selected by the dev id09:14
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Omeili copied the lib folder from the 1.5 to the older version lets see what happens :D09:14
lkthomasyomm, I try alsa and oss, none of them are working09:14
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yommlkthomas : but outside xmms u09:15
dackslkthomas, try going into the alsa configuration panel within the output plug interface of xmms09:15
yommlkthomas : but outside xmms you are getting sound with alsa , or oss ?09:15
Omeilok i think i just made it screwed up even more :D09:15
dackslkthomas, and set the device to your alsa device09:15
lkthomasyomm, nope09:15
yommOmeil : u should have gone with the symlink , a bit safer to try out :)09:15
lkthomasyomm, both, nothing09:15
dackslkthomas, try editing alsa.conf09:16
Omeilyomm: from 1 error now 50 errors :D09:16
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
posingaspopularundo! undo!09:16
Omeilhow do u delete a folder?09:16
Omeilfrom command line?09:16
dacksOmeil, its rm -rf folder09:16
yommOmeil :  rm -rf /foldername09:16
Omeilwhats the -rf for/?09:16
dacksOmeil, recursive and force yes09:16
yommrecursive . force09:17
posingaspopularwhat's recursive?09:17
=== Maskeye [n=maskeye@host81-129-47-160.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
yommgo into dir tree09:17
dacksit means it will descend into the underlying directories and files09:17
posingaspopularahhh okay09:17
yommlol dacks :)09:17
dacksyomm, can you blame me09:17
yommstop typing soo fast :)09:17
lkthomasI got this09:18
Omeilshould i rename the old java folder into somethjing else. and rename the newer java that has the tools to the old java name?09:18
lkthomasMessage: alsa mixer timed out09:18
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@laphiwi0.informatik.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #ubuntu
dackslkthomas, verify that your user login is in the audio group09:18
Omeilor should i just delete the old java?09:18
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Omeilna that i shouldn't do :)09:18
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dacksOmeil, aka usermod -a -G audio omeil09:19
lkthomasdacks, I think so09:19
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkPL;109:19
yommlkthomas , if you go to "system -> prefs -> sound" , do you hear the test sounds ?09:19
Omeildacks, whats that do?09:19
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lkthomasyomm, I am using xfce09:19
dacksOmeil, that adds your user to the audio group verifying that you will be able to access alsa devices09:20
dacksOmeil, must be done as root09:20
dacksor sudo ...09:20
dxdemetriouis there some way when I have some programs I want to build from source to not replaced by the binary if is there an update? for example I want to build the audacious to support other languages09:20
yommlkthomas : I'm not sure where the sounds prefs are in Xfce...09:20
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkP|;a09:20
Omeilhow do i login as root so i can change files with the GUI?09:20
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkPsNcP{=p09:21
yommlkthomas : but  I would check those09:21
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkPC=fP@NOPn09:21
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zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkP,:p09:21
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=Yk=/RH09:21
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zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkP6NIPYNvRFNGQACT09:21
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkNPRCN2R[N7PPNPQHH409:21
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkLrRqN6PNNvS/N`QGKfQk09:21
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkPUNFR] N=SbNRQJGo09:21
lkthomaszcat[1] , fuck off09:21
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zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkR^MTRCMFR,Fv09:21
drunckstoo many glasses of chardonnay09:21
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=YkP>N>PNNIPGNPP<@{09:21
zcat[1] de=+zaqo%,cw=Yk>HPXLu09:21
drunckszcat[1] , wtf ??09:21
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Omeillkthomas | !ohmy09:22
Omeilhow do i renamea folder?09:22
yommOmeil : if you install GKSU ,you can type "gksu nautilus" or "gksu thunar" and start your file manager with root privileges .. be cautious though09:22
yommOmail : or whatever file manager you are using :)09:23
lkthomaswhat a pain to config sound on ubuntu09:23
Flannelyomm, Omeil, gksu is already there.09:23
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gordonjcplkthomas: how so?09:23
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yommflannel : thx09:23
Omeilhow do i use it?09:23
lkthomasgordonjcp, my soundblaster can't play anything09:23
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Omeilso gkso nautilus09:23
dxdemetriouthe apt-src is synchronised with apt-get?09:23
yommgksu *09:23
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gordonjcplkthomas: strange, Soundblasters have been well supported for about 10 years...09:24
yomm!gksu | Omeil09:24
ubotuOmeil: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 09:24
mehlngis there any chat program that comes with vanilla ubuntu installation?09:24
gordonjcplkthomas: what exactly are you doing, and what's going wrong?09:24
gordonjcpmehlng: gaim iirc09:24
mehlngNo, for IRC09:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vanilla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
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lkthomasgordonjcp, ok, alsamixer shows emu10k109:25
gordonjcpmehlng: no idea, but I thought gaim did irssi09:25
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lkthomasgordonjcp, but then even cd is playing, no sound comes out from speaker09:26
Flannelmehlng: GAIM does, yes.  and GAIM does do IRC, just not very well.09:26
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yommlkthomas : did you give alsamixer a thorough whipping ?09:26
gordonjcplkthomas: have you unmuted the channels?09:26
lkthomasyomm, what do you mean ?09:26
yommwhat gordon said :)09:26
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lkthomasgordonjcp, PCM and master channel unmuted09:26
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lkthomaswhat else should I unmute ?09:26
threeseasgreat wanna make a back up but the software says it don't have room but there is and now i'm screwing arouynd trying to just see the room that is there] 09:26
yommlkthomas : I ment did u try tweaking the alsa mixer :)09:27
Flannel!sound | lkthomas09:27
ubotulkthomas: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:27
gordonjcplkthomas: can you hear pcm playback?09:27
threeseaswhat ever happened to system info?09:27
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zcat__gaim is weird for irc.09:27
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c0nv1ctIM clients with IRC is usually weird09:28
c0nv1ctthey never seem to get it right09:28
zcat[1] lots of different fonts and smileys and stuff. line using IM ..09:28
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zcat[1] *like09:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:29
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lkthomasgordonjcp, Message: alsa mixer timed out09:29
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gordonjcplkthomas: that's a bit odd09:30
guideXi installed ubutnu, and however my username and pw doesn't work? even though i've reinstalled twice and typed it correctly09:30
drunckslkthomas, did you add yourself to the audio group as i suggested?09:30
GabzKymberly: this should come up in bold09:30
gordonjcplkthomas: have you tried running alsamixer from a terminal?09:30
lkthomasdrumline, audio group does not exists at all09:31
lkthomasgordonjcp, yeah09:31
threeseasis there a problem with gnomebacker?09:31
lkthomasgordonjcp, alsamixer working09:31
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gordonjcplkthomas: and all the channels are unmuted?09:31
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lkthomasgordonjcp, yes09:31
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yeniklasorwhat is the C channel?09:32
FlannelguideX: How did you install it?  and where are you putting in your user/pass?09:32
Flannelyeniklasor: ##C09:32
jb5can anyone tell me how to change the tooltip timeout?09:32
threeseasI go through the trouble to tell it what files I want to write to disk and then it tells me it doesn't have room tpo make and image on the harddrive when that spece is supposed to be there from what all I can tell09:32
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
firebird619I tried connecting to the Internet (Cable) but Web sites would not load. The Internet worked fine until I had to switch modems, which now I use a Motorola Surfboard SB5100. It is connected via Ethernet. I ran pppoeconf and it said the Access Concentrator of your provider did not respond. How Can I fix this?09:32
guideXinstaalled edgy with alternate cd, oem install09:32
guideXeverything installed fine09:33
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guideXthen it prompts for my username09:33
FlannelguideX: so, this is after you've done oem-config-prepare?09:33
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guideXand it reboots into ubutnu and asks for your info09:33
guideXthe info i typed isn't cutting it09:33
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FlannelguideX: reboot, hit escape to get to the grub menu, go into Recovery cnsole (or rescue consoleor whatnot) and see what's in /etc/passwd09:34
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guideXok 1 sec fiannel, thanks09:35
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druncksKymoie, have you tried apt-get install nvidia-drivers09:35
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belathorHow can I get an external DVD drive to play DVD movies?09:35
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druncksbelathor, is it usb or firewire09:36
Omeilanyone know anything about using ant?09:36
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Kymoiedruncks: its ok, I was testing the bots out09:36
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Kymoiedruncks: but thank you anyway09:36
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druncksKymoie, gotcha np09:36
lkthomasok, the sound is working09:36
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jb5i hate asking for help like a noob but does anyone know how to change the tooltip timeout in 6.10?09:37
lkthomasanother question09:37
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jb5it's pretty annoying moving my mouse over somethign to get to something else and 5 tooltips appear09:37
lkthomashow come only root could play cd09:37
lkthomasbut other can't ?09:37
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Andunehey guys..  I've done a bit of searching and as creative of googling as I can come up with, and I can't find any answers as to how to get Ubuntu to recognize a hardware RAID-0 mirror on install09:38
Flanneljb5: You probably need to download gconf-editor, and there could be a value in there (I don't know)09:38
jb5thanks Flannel09:38
AnduneThe manual partioner shows me both raw hard disks, but I want a view of the mirrored device.09:38
threeseaswhat cd/dvd writing software actually works on ubuntu 6.10 ? gnomebaker obviously doesn't as it can't even really actually save a project09:38
belathordruncks; I have an internal dvd drive that reads them but is horribly loud and I cannot hear anything. Ubuntu recognizes it but not as carrying a dvd disc.09:38
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Flannel!burn | threeseas09:39
ubotuthreeseas: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:39
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash09:39
=== druncks is now known as dacks
AnduneThis is now the 2nd machine I've tried to do this with in the past year or so, previously with 6.06, now with 6.10.  I know what it *should* look like b/c Fedora detects the mirror fine and uses it on install09:39
Flannel!dvd | belathor09:40
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ubotubelathor: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:40
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports09:40
AnduneI just need to know how to get Ubuntu to do the same thing.  Any ideas?09:40
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lkthomashow come only root could allow to play audio CD ?09:40
gordonjcplkthomas: sorry, was afk09:40
FlannelAndune: the alternate CD doesn't do it?09:40
dacksbelathor, /msg me the contents of your mount output09:40
lkthomasgordonjcp, alsa seems working09:40
gordonjcplkthomas: maybe because you haven't got permissions to some device or another?09:40
gordonjcplkthomas: I have a CD player for playing audio CDs...09:40
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lkthomasgordonjcp, how should I config it ?09:40
threeseasI didn't ask for a list of what cd/dvd software is available - I asked for what software actually works?09:40
Anduneflannel: not sure, first useful clue I've had.  I'll give it a shot, thanks.09:41
Flannellkthomas: you need to be in the "cdrom" group09:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:41
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash09:41
guideXflannel: there's no pw, password, passwd or anything like that in etc\09:41
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FlannelguideX: no /etc/passwd?  (that's a file)09:41
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FlannelAndune: Alternate CD recognizes LVM and a bunch of stuff, much more.  Pobably your best sot09:41
lkthomasFlannel, I am in cdrom group tho09:41
guideXoh ok.. sry <linux newb>09:41
woodgrainHow can I make KDE remember what I have open upon a logout?09:41
Flannel!raid | Andune09:41
ubotuAndune: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO09:41
jb5Flannel: nothing I can find in gconf-editor09:42
woodgrainAs in, If I leave a browser open to a certain page, that I want to remember the following day when I return to work?09:42
Flanneljb5: Hmm.  No idea.  you might ask in #gnome on irc.gnome.org09:42
Anduneubotu: thanks, I'll read those while I'm downloading the alternate CD09:42
asaupi have installed ubuntu but my mount point is in sda1 that i want to format now. I want to know that if i format it will my ubuntu work again. is there any problem ?09:42
jb5is there a delay there without beryl running? maybe it's a beryl or emerald theme setting?09:42
belathorFlannel: I've got all the codecs installed and it works when I'm using my internal cd-rw/dvd, but it doesn't work when using the external.09:42
Flanneljb5: You'd have to ask in #ubuntu-effects (or #beryl)09:43
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threeseasgnomebaker wruite something to a project file but then doesn't really read it back09:43
Flannelbelathor: then you've got some mounting issue with the external (not necessarily DVD specific)09:43
woodgrainasaup, you'll have to change the mount point to where you want to go.  Dicey territory without solid understanding/help.09:43
=== Morsellus [n=morituri@wnklmb01dc1-217-5.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
lkthomasdo I need to chgrp to /media/cdrom ?09:43
Omeilany ANT experts here?09:43
Flannelasaup: what do you mean?  You're installing something overtop of your current ubuntu install?09:44
asaupnut not over my ubuntu09:44
asaupi have the mount point in sda109:44
asaupand ubuntu in sda209:44
Flannelwhat is "the mount point"?09:44
Flannelyou mean you're using sda1 as some folder?09:45
woodgrainFlannel, asaup has installed ubuntu for a second time and it's on a new partition.  but can't reformat first partition sicne mount point is there.09:45
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:45
Flannelwoodgrain: what on earth is "the mount point"?09:45
lkthomasI see09:45
lkthomasthings seems working now09:45
lkthomasthanks guys09:45
threeseashow do I find out if home really is what its supposed to be (partition hda4)?09:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:45
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash09:46
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Flannelthreeseas: check your fstab (/etc/fstab)09:46
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports09:46
EnErGy--za ubuntu09:46
threeseasits not in fstab09:46
asaupwhen i installed ubuntu it says sda1 mount point , sda2 / and sda3 wap09:46
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EnErGy--ot bg li ste09:46
Flannel!ask | EnErGy--09:46
ubotuEnErGy--: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:46
asaupnow i am saying that if i formatt sda1 will ubuntu work09:47
woodgrainFlannel, I'm a noob, but asaup is screwed because the mount point is different than the partition where the new installed ubuntu is.09:47
Flannelwoodgrain: I... still have no idea what this mount point is.09:47
asaupthats it what i am saying09:47
Flanneland, no, I doubt he's screwed09:47
woodgrainFlannel, are you trying to take me to school on mount points?09:47
woodgrainFlannel, I'm a noob.09:47
Flannelwoodgrain: I'm trying to tell you that sda1 being "the mount point" makes no sense.  And I understand that that's what it said in the installer, but still have no idea what that means09:48
threeseasubuntu 6.10 was installed with had4 supposed to be home, where all my availabel space is. -- fstab doesn't have a hda4 entry so where the hell did home get put?09:48
woodgrainFlannel, screwed in the sense of 'confused'.  I've had this problem too.09:48
Flannelthreeseas: If you have no /home, then /home is in /09:48
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woodgrainFlannel, what is a sane mount point then?  Isn't it a partition name?09:49
threeseasoh great, so no storage space... ubuntu install lied to me an gnomebaker lied about its ability to read in a project09:49
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Omeildoes ubuntu get damage if the computer suddenly resets?09:49
threeseasit'l likle babysitting09:49
Morsellusok i need help, i want to map a network drive sorta like i would in uggh Windows so that i can stream my mp3s over the network could someone tell me how to do that?09:49
=== Sainouhe [i=Geselle@a80-100-32-21.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelwoodgrain: mount points are directories in the file tree, not partitions.  Partitions get mounted TO mount points.  And there wouldn't be a single "the" mount point either, it'd be just like any other one (but, a directory, not a partition)09:50
Flannel!samba | Morsellus09:50
ubotuMorsellus: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:50
threeseasSo now I want to backup my stuff so I can dump ubuntu and it won't let me... souind like microsoft09:50
belathorFlannel: Properties says the DVD disc isn't getting mounted. It also gives me the option to set a mount point. However, I'm not sure how to set it up. I'm given three forms: Mount Point, File System and Mount Options.09:51
osfameronsomeone on #london.pm is telling me about a script to convert Windows to Ubuntu - does that exist?09:51
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osfameronreally that would be nice: basically, install Ubuntu, copying the user home data to the new setup09:51
Flannelbelathor: go ahead and mount it somewhere.  somewhere in /media I think is the default for removable media09:51
woodgrainFlannel, thanks.  Didn't understand.09:51
zcat[1] osfameron: yes there's a windows installer for ubuntu now...09:52
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osfameronI know that wouldn't be as reliable as backing up and restoring, but I could live with a small amount of risk if that was convenient09:52
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osfameronzcat[1] : cool, where do I find it?09:52
woodgrainasaup, you should read what Flannel said above.09:52
zcat[1] can't rememebr :)09:52
threeseascd/dvd creator - file borwser? what is that, another illusion?09:52
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zcat[1] It's a bit experimental for now... I wouldn't touch it yet.09:52
osfameronzcat[1] : heh :-)09:52
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asaupmnt  Mount  Temporary mounting points09:52
regresshey all, I don't have a capture tab on my "volume control", any reason why that might be?09:52
osfameronzcat[1] : basically I've been meaning to upgrade to ubuntu from this windows machine for 3 months, and I'm too lazy to back up my email09:53
asaupit says temporary09:53
osfameronit's only work stuff so I could afford to lose it, but would be convenient to keep09:53
Flannelthreeseas: Stop trolling.  I highly doubt ubuntu "lied" to you, most lkely you're not doing it properly.  Of course, bugs aren't unheard of.09:53
asaupso it means that there is no problem if i formatt it??09:53
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threeseashow do you add to it without it become just a plain file browser? Oh wait - that's all it really is - its not what it says it is ---09:53
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:54
=== coolty [n=coolty@adsl-68-123-73-1.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
regressok, this  is really simple....I can hear my mic coming through the speakers, but I cannot record it09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about convert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
threeseaswhere exactly is location burn:///?09:54
=== osfameron sighs
fannagogannaregress, wow, your mic works :)09:55
IkimashoZokay, I've really screwed myself up now09:55
IkimashoZI'm working on the wlan card problem09:55
regressheh, no, it really doesn't09:55
IkimashoZanyone care to give me a hand??09:55
regressI just now got it to come through the speakers at least, but no application can record it09:55
regressso ubuntu basically cannot do any voicechat for me09:55
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osfameronzcat[1] : ah, it appears to be at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/09:56
regressafter two months of it, I've become pretty frustrated, to the point I'm actually searching out the reason it's not working09:56
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fannagogannatry arecord -f cd -t wav -d 3 temp.wav, and speak into your mic09:56
zcat[1] osfameron: yeah, that would be i :)09:56
fannagogannato be fair, it's not Ubuntu's fault09:56
fannagogannaALSA is really a piece of shit09:57
regressis it?09:57
regressisn't it made to replace OSS, which was supposed to be a pos?09:57
belathorFlannel: I have no idea how to mount it. Could you give some pointers?09:57
fannagogannait's the most polished piece of shit in the Linux audio world09:57
fannagogannabut that doesn't really change its essential shittiness09:57
threeseasFlannel: I'm not troilling unless trolling is the act of being frustrated with not getting done what should be easy to do and voicing it09:57
fannagogannayes, true, ALSA should not be voodoo09:57
regressno, no sound09:58
crimsunregress: pastebin your ``amixer''09:58
regresstemp.wav has no sound09:58
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regresswow....learn a new command every day, haha09:59
zcat[1] My soundcard appears as two different audio devices in the mixer thingy... the second one has two switches per input, one feeds the audio through to the speakers and the other selects it for recording.09:59
crimsunI really wish people who have not invested significant effort in improving alsa would stop making blanket statements about alsa.09:59
osfameroncrimsun: why?09:59
crimsuneither help fix it, or shut up.09:59
zcat[1] BUT the default device doesn't have all the switches. wtf?09:59
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fannagogannayes why, why is it so much easier to set up sound in windows than in linux?09:59
crimsuntalking trash about alsa doesn't magically make problems disappear.09:59
fannagogannaok, how should we fix it?09:59
fannagogannahow do we get a debug trace on all ALSA processes?09:59
zcat[1] fannagoganna: file a bug report I think?09:59
=== Anohaakten [n=Anohaakt@66-227-152-35.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
osfameroncrimsun: many more people want to be able to listen to sound than know how to fix software, configure things, write code, debug drivers etc.10:00
Anohaaktenwho has beryl installed?10:00
osfameronoh, yeah, submitting bug reports is within reasonable endeavours though, yeah10:00
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Anohaaktenyou using beryl?10:00
crimsunfannagoganna: give me a concrete problem with sufficient debugging info for starters.10:00
threeseasI could verify my home directory is what it is suppose to be if I know how to determine how much space home has.10:00
Anohaaktenhow do you do the zoom out thing with beryl?10:00
fannagogannaand what would i say, "for obscure reasons my mic does not work. I have the right permissions on all my sound devices"10:00
fannagogannais this sufficient?10:00
regresshere: http://rafb.net/p/5Utkp533.html10:01
Anohaaktenhow do you do the zoom out thing with beryl?10:01
zcat[1] crimsun: is terrible UI a bug though? where do we file usability issues?10:01
crimsunfannagoganna: go read wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems , then pastebin that info somewhere.10:01
threeseasdisk usage analyzer says it not what it was suppose to be when I installed ubuntu10:01
zcat[1] Anohaakten: window-button and mousewheel..10:01
crimsunI'm very displeased that people would rather talk trash about alsa than actually try and figure out the problem.10:01
regresswell, I think it happened after I updated a month ago or so10:01
fannagogannaas i said, how do we do it?10:01
crimsunfannagoganna: I just told you.10:02
fannagogannadoes ALSA emit messages to /var/log?10:02
fannagogannathat's the only way. Otherwise, it's voodoo10:02
threeseasthe reason I installed 6.10 is because 6.06 decided it wasn't going to boot up my desktop, let me log in10:02
Anohaaktenyou using beryl?10:02
regresssuddenly my soiund went crazy...my headphones played sound at the same time that my speakers did (speakers didn't cut when I plugged in my headphones), headphones were always WAY too loud...I found out that headphones are controlled separately10:02
crimsunAnohaakten: no, I don't.10:02
regressso that's taken care of...it would be nice if headphone and speaker volume were tied together, but owell10:02
crimsunwhich problem do you want me to look at?10:03
crimsunI'm not going to tackle everything at once. I'm a finite resource.10:03
regressbut mic still isn't working...today I finally got it to play through the speakers (I can hear it) but no programs can record it10:03
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crimsunyes, you.10:03
regressoh, the mic one please10:03
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regressI think the others are taken care of now10:03
regresssome googling and experimentation took care of them10:04
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Menasim1___I have windows and I want to install ubuntu10:04
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Menasim1___without removing windows10:04
crimsunregress: is this the only sound card you have recognised?10:04
posingaspopularMenasim1___: got hard drive space?10:04
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yettenetHow can I remove a program that I installed manually?10:04
crimsunregress: (DebuggingSoundProblems output would be really useful here)10:04
Menasim1___76 GB10:04
posingaspopularokay cool10:04
regresscrimsun: I'll go read through that link10:05
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Menasim1___I think that there is an exe ubuntu installer10:05
lkthomasguys, what is universe repository ?10:05
posingaspopularMenasim1___: there is10:05
Menasim1___is that right?10:05
posingaspopularim looking for it10:05
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regressbut crimsun, no, I have two devices it seems10:06
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crimsunregress: so provide the info I asked for in another pastebin10:06
regressone is the nvidia nforce 3 (ALSA), the other is Analog Device (OSS Mixer)10:06
lkthomaswhat's the diff between xfce add/remove and synaptic package manager ?10:06
crimsunregress: no, that's the same sound device10:07
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crimsunregress: your AD1xxx codec is what drives the actual output10:07
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Ademananyone who's used dosbox, where the heck is the root dosbox directory?10:08
=== athlon [n=siregar@miyazaki.rz.uni-frankfurt.de] has joined #ubuntu
posingaspopularMenasim1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype10:08
posingaspopularits a prototpe10:08
=== Woodrow [n=woodrows@ip13.49.1411C-CUD12K-02.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
ecklkthomas: they're all just frontends to apt10:08
regresshmm, ok10:08
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regressthe "cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc*" produces an error, I don't have either file10:09
crimsunregress: that's fine.10:09
eckwell i guess apt is just a frontend to dpkg...10:09
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lkthomaseck, but some package can't be found on xfce add/remove and I found it on synaptic10:09
threeseasdup stuff into the blank cd/dvd icon and then open it and click on write to disc - in order to get a ghosted dialog box10:09
ecklkthomas: yes, because the gnome/xfce add/remove programs are meant to be simplified10:09
lkthomaseck, hmm10:09
Woodrowhas anyone ever had problems with invisible texts in ubuntu?10:09
ecklkthomas: the idea is to make adding and removing the most popular software programs as easy as possible for new users10:10
threeseascan't get here from here -- shell beach10:10
Menasim1only 9 MB!!!!!!10:10
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Anohaaktensomeone in here has to have beryl installed10:12
crimsunAnohaakten: why don't you ask in #ubuntu-effects?10:12
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Anohaaktencuz nobody is in that chatroom10:13
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regresshttp://rafb.net/p/mSwnEu89.html <-sndstat http://rafb.net/p/Idxt4G54.html <--amixer http://rafb.net/p/bHzaKY83.html <--lspci10:13
Anohaaktenjust kidding10:14
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crimsunregress: well lo and behold, 'Capture' is both muted and zeroed.10:15
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riaalmorning, how do I check if my wireless network card in installed proparly? it is supose to be supported, used it in an drapper computer before (now edgy)10:15
ubotuhdparm: tune hard disk parameters for high performance. In component main, is standard. Version 6.6-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 57 kB, installed size 228 kB10:15
regresscrimsun: I don't have a "capture" tab on the volume control10:16
=== MEyeSev-ven [n=mfraser@ip68-109-135-35.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
eckriaal: use iwconfig10:16
AskarShould I have the hdparm service turned on or off att boot?10:16
eckriaal: you should get a least one device that doesn't say no wireless extensiosn10:16
regressso...not sure how I could have found out, hehe ;)10:16
=== ubm [n=d1n@cpe-24-27-105-34.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
regressI'm an idiot10:17
regressI changed the device to the Analog Device (OSS Mixer), there's the capture tab10:17
eckAskar: if you have a non-scsi and want to configure it, it doesn't hurt10:17
crimsunregress: or you could have chosen Edit> Preferences  and added it.10:17
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regressI see....I had assumed OSS was the old style and I should just use the ALSA one10:17
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Woodrowwhat do I do, if the text of buttons, menubars and documents has become invisible?  http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07102/also_buttons.png10:18
regresscrimsun: no, there's no "capture" in the edit->preferences10:18
riaaleck,  lo= no wi,  eth0 = no wi, ra0 = Wireless, sit0 = no wireless10:18
regressthere's "phone capture" and "aux capture"10:18
eckriaal: then ra0 is your wireless card10:18
regressgreat though, thanks!10:18
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Askareck: I dont know what I have really.. I have a laptop10:18
riaaleck, ok, so its probably working?10:18
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eckAskar: you can probably get a performance increase by turning it on10:19
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eckAskar: iirc setting it up is kind of manual and tedious10:19
Ademanare there any alternatives to dosbox? dosbox is unbearably slow for what i want it for (nostalgic game playing)10:19
regressnevermind, it still doesn't work10:19
eckriaal: probably, at least you have the correct kernel module (otherwise it wouldn't show up at all)10:19
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Askareck: So i dont get better performace by just turning it on, I must set it up?10:20
riaaleck, great10:20
riaaleck, thanks10:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootclean - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:20
crimsunregress: is Capture unmuted and set to non-zero?10:20
eckAskar: look at /etc/hdparm.conf10:21
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crimsunregress: i.e., amixer -c0 sget 'Capture'10:21
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eckAskar: you would have to figure out what modes your hdd supports, and then set up hdparm to use those parameters through /etc/hdparm.conf10:21
regresscrimsun: I'll send you my screenshots...10:22
crimsunregress: why? just pastebin the output from that command10:22
eckAskar: if you want to give it a shot, look at this http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_hdparm_to_improve_IDE_device_performance10:22
Askareck: Ok, will do. I have every service turned off exept for gdm, odccm, dbus and inetutils-inetd. Is there something else I should turnn on?10:22
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regressI think capture is set to 0...10:23
regressoutput > http://rafb.net/p/2Z6vOe73.html10:23
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crimsunregress: it's still muted and zeroed.10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about superuser - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:23
crimsunregress: I don't know how you expect to capture audible stuff with it muted and zeroed.10:24
ekul1cheers :D10:24
regresscrimsun: sure, I'll go ahead and unmute, just tell me how10:24
ekul1this flashplayer doesnt seem to be downloading though :(10:24
regressI think I have unmuted everything in the gui10:24
posingaspopularekul1: i have te same problem10:24
posingaspopularstill havent got it to work10:24
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jussi01ekul1, the flashplayer takes forever10:24
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crimsunregress: amixer -c0 set 'Capture' cap && amixer -c0 set 'Capture' 90%,90%10:25
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crimsunthat's a command. Copy and paste it.10:25
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regressheh, yes, I got that10:26
regressjust a bit far away from gui simplicity, hehe10:26
regressI don't feel so stupid for not knowing the answer to this now..10:26
=== Werdnus [n=andrew@203-206-136-145.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunthen use something like pulseaudio10:26
regressit works!10:26
Werdnushello, adept screwed up and I now have no /sbin/init. What do I need to do to get it back (I'm chrooted into it off an OpenSUSE livecd)10:26
crimsunof course it works.10:26
regressI'll check out pulseaudio10:26
=== threeseas [n=threesea@adsl-224-167-178.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Werdnusis init in a specific package?10:27
crimsunWerdnus: yes.10:27
mneptokthreeseas: sleep, now.10:27
regressc'mon man, you attitude is like I'm an idiot...but I'm not sure how I could have known this was the problem, nor what the solution was...it was far from obvious10:27
Werdnuscrimsun: the implied question was "which package is init in". apologies for not being clearer10:27
threeseashow do you recover or reinstall without losing your files ?10:27
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mneptokthreeseas: reinstall and tell the installer not to format10:27
crimsunregress: I'm not saying you're an idiot; I'm addressing the fact that people would rather trash-talk alsa than actually step through the problem.10:27
regressheh, I said nothing about ALSA10:28
mneptokcrimsun: i'd rather trash-talk ESD or OSS  ;)10:28
regressand I was more than willing to step through each portion10:28
regressanyway, I'll say thank you again10:28
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regressand back to googling for my other questions10:28
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M_Fatihi have a problem with apt, i don't know what is this, when i trying to use apt, it prints some lines like errors but my task works fine, i'm installing and removing packages succesfully but i think there is somethings, this is the lines : http://paste.linux-sevenler.org/index.php?id=44710:28
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Woodrowwhat do I do, if the text of buttons, menubars and documents has become invisible?  http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07102/also_buttons.png10:29
eckAskar: I think most of them are ok to keep on, especially since ubuntu boots pretty quickly10:30
humakaI am trying to update 6.0.6 to 6.10 and upgrade fails to fetch mozilla-thunderbird package, I think the package seems to be too small 4.5, can someone help me? Thanks10:30
eckAskar: you will find out what you need to turn on as things break10:30
eshaasehow do i scan my entire hard disk for bad blocks?10:30
Werdnuscrimsun: are you aware of which package init is in? if so, which one is it?10:30
jussi01Woodrow, what version are you using?10:30
=== SushiP [i=User@bzq-88-154-27-136.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
regressis there a way to tie headphone and master/pcm volume together - i.e. master volume goes down, headphone volume goes down?10:30
jussi01Woodrow, you using compiz?10:30
crimsunregress: sure, you need a quirk for that10:31
eckAskar: you are also missing a number of really big ones like cron10:31
Woodrowi tried to install xgl and compiz - that's how this happened10:31
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WoodrowI removed it already but it didn't change the problem10:31
jussi01regress, there is a patch, but its quite hard to install10:31
threeseasmneptok: thats a trust thing.... since the first install didn't really make the /home partition I told it to...hmmm - it won't write to cd/dvd ...I'm being held hostage10:31
eckand udev10:31
regressah, ok10:31
crimsunjussi01: he doesn't need a patch.10:31
cyphasehas anyone else noticed that more and more TV shows are using Linux on computers?10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
regressa quirk?10:31
crimsunit's a simple modprobe snd-intel8x0 ac97_quirk=hp_only10:31
eckAskar: i wouldn't be surprised if you could not boot in that configuration10:32
regressjesus, how do you know that?10:32
crimsunregress: magic.10:34
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Woodrowjussi01: should I reinstall it?10:34
=== foutrelis [n=foutreli@ppp226-72.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Askareck: Once my computer is booted, the system will not bee slower if I have a lot of services running?10:34
jussi01crimsun, thanks!! didnt know about that one - there was a patch released a while back10:34
regressheh, alright10:34
eshaasehow do i scan my hard disk for bad blocks?10:34
eckAskar: yes, but they are always sleeping. they do nothing but take up a few megabytes of ram, if you are not using them10:34
jussi01Woodrow, try looging out and selecting a non xgl session10:34
eckAskar: and if you turn off critical services you risk severely breaking your system10:34
=== zerdith [n=zerdith@66-188-62-36.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Woodrowjussi01: I am in an gnome session. xgl is already removed10:34
eckAskar: if you have more than 100 MB of ram you can afford to keep the essential services on, with no slowdown after the system is booted10:34
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Askareck: I am using BUM. I dont think it lets me turn of critical services like cron.. thats good :)10:34
regressso run that command then restart?10:34
Woodrowjussi01: gnome is my standard session10:34
threeseasguess its a buy another drive - move my files to it  and then wipe the installationS (2) form the two drive in teh system now.10:34
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crimsunregress: no, you need to close all audio apps, then do this:   kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*) ; sudo modprobe -r snd_intel8x0 && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 ac97_quirk=hp_only10:34
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threeseasI suspect it won't let me do that... maybe ubuntus last name is murphy10:35
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports10:35
jussi01Woodrow, Im not sure how to fix it exactly, but do try logging out and checking your sessions. you can still be in gnome with an xgl session10:35
threeseasoh well more time wasted with technology that is suppose to save time10:36
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coolmudithi everyone10:37
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Woodrowjussi01: I don't have xgl anymore. and I am already in a gnome10:37
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regresscrimsun: thanks! everything great now!10:37
regresshave a good night then, all10:37
coolmuditthis is the first time i am accessing this chatroom10:37
coolmuditdo i need to register or anything?10:38
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krauthi, i have a problem with a glogic fc hba and sansurfer. when i start sansurfer, i get this error message in dmesg: http://exodus.packetloss.biz/~fek/temp/qlremote_kernel-problem10:39
krautanybody an idea what's getting wrong?10:39
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Woodrowjussi01: but I can do that nevertheless. so, what should I check once logged out?10:40
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jussi01Woodrow, just check you are in standard gnome10:40
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eckkraut: yeah, whoever wrote the kernel module messed up10:40
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IkimashoZOkay, so I'm in Ubuntu at home, so my card obviously works.  The icon shows up in Networking.  However, when I click on the networking icon in the upper right, it doesn't display my wireless connection10:41
tuxcrafterHello, i got a guestion i am fine tuning my xubuntu installation and got a list of modules I dont need and that i have removed with the rmmod tool.  I did a update-modules but they are still loaded during bootup, what is the correct way to disable them?\10:41
IkimashoZthis is not a huge problem, obviously10:41
IkimashoZbut it'd be nice to see it10:41
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IkimashoZany ideas??10:41
krauteck: i know, but what should i do?10:41
jussi01IkimashoZ, try right clicking and seeing if its another connection listed there10:42
mneptokIkimashoZ: just because the device is displayed does not mean Linux can actually use it. are you able to connect with that card?10:42
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IkimashoZI'm connecting with the card for sure10:42
mneptokIkimashoZ: GNOME?10:43
IkimashoZbecause there's no other way I could be connected10:43
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Helmii'm playing around with smb mounts in ubuntu. according to the wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently) it should be possible to use the ~/ shortcut for the smbcredentials-file but as long as i use it like this i  get "error 2 opening credential file..." when is user "/home/username/.smbcredentials" everything works fine - ideas anyone? kinda senseless using the full path...10:43
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mneptokIkimashoZ: sudo aptitude install network-manager-gnome10:43
Helmi...for a global file :)10:43
IkimashoZthank you mneptok!10:43
AskarHow do I change the look of my gnomepanels..? If I change the colour, the buttons is still gray..10:43
tuxcrafterHello, i got a question i am fine tuning my xubuntu installation and got a list of modules I don't need and that i have removed with the rmmod tool.  I did a update-modules but they are still loaded during boot-up, what is the correct way to disable them?10:44
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mneptokHelmi: smb.conf is read by root. so ~/ is being interpreted as /root10:44
jussi01Askar, just right click on the panel, then choose the background tab10:44
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IkimashoZUnrecognized input.  Enter either "Yes" or "No".10:44
IkimashoZDo you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?10:44
IkimashoZTo continue, enter "Yes"; to abort, enter "No":10:44
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IkimashoZwhat should I do?10:44
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mneptoktype Yes10:45
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Helmimneptok: ok i thought this ... so i have to reenter the mount in fstab for every single user?10:45
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mneptokHelmi: /home/$USERNAME10:45
IkimashoZon my 3rd time10:45
Askar jussi01: the buttons is still gray if I do so10:45
Helmimneptok: thanks10:45
IkimashoZhow many times should I expect it to do this?10:45
mneptokIkimashoZ: what did you type exactly?10:45
eckkraut: file a bug in launchpad10:46
eckkraut: they will probably report it upstream and ask you if you can replicate the problem10:46
IkimashoZokay, install complete10:46
IkimashoZshould I restart?10:46
eckkraut: if you can, there's a good chance it will be fixed in a future kernel10:46
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Helmimneptok: doesn't this have the same effect than ~ ?10:47
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mneptokIkimashoZ: remove the GNOME networking panel applet. then reboot.10:47
krauteck: it's reproducable10:47
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mneptokHelmi: /home/~USERNAME is a fully qualified path. ~/ is not.10:47
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mneptok /home/$USERNAME10:48
eckkraut: file a bug in launchpad and make sure you're subscribed to it or checking it10:48
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eckkraut: they will probably give you instructions on how to collect debugging data to submit10:48
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SaizHai I have a problem, everytime I try to boot the live CD on this comp GNOME bugs out and doesn't load properly and essentially the whole thing wont work or so slow that watching a snail slide forward for 3 days is more interesting and faster.10:49
eckSaiz: how much ram?10:49
tuxcrafter Hello, i got a question i am fine tuning my xubuntu installation and got a list of modules I don't need and that i have removed with the rmmod tool.  I did a update-modules but they are still loaded during boot-up, what is the correct way to disable them?10:49
krauteck: sure, but i need a solution to yesterday :/10:49
Helmiso $USERNAME or ~USERNAME?10:49
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bitwizelogicanyone having lots of problems with flash in linux, and a possible solution; i used automatix to install flash 9 in swiftfox?10:50
eckkraut: get the latest kernel from upstream and compile it, there is a possibility that it is already fixed10:50
Helmimneptok: still the same error: "error 2 opening credential file /home/~USERNAME/.smbcredentials"10:50
Helmisorry substitute ~ with $10:50
Helmichanged that10:50
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mneptokHelmi: did you restart Samba?10:50
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shahzadi need a bit of help if some one is availabel to help, and I m pretty new to all this linux stuff !10:50
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krauteck: hmm, i'd like to use the edgy kernel :/10:50
Askarbitwizelogic: I have problems wieving some flash movies..10:51
krauteck: but i'll test it10:51
Saizeck, 256mb's D:10:51
mneptokHelmi: is there, in fact, a .smbcredentials in your home?10:51
Helmimneptok: not yet - didn't see the reason - but will now10:51
bitwizelogictoyota.com seems to be the worst that I've run into so far10:51
shahzadi dont know why but I can't access my hard drives throug linux, though they work fine on windows !10:51
Helmimneptok: yeah it works when using /home/myname/.smbcredentials10:51
eckSaiz: i am not sure if that is enough10:51
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cybermadyahoo messenger is undefeatable :( i look the server configuration of Yahoo Messenger in Gaim, then i block the scs.msg.yahoo.com and cs.yahoo.co.jp as define in Gaim configuration (Yahoo Messenger)10:51
eckSaiz: i think the minimum requirement is 256 MB, but i am not sure if that is actually enough to fully boot without getting OOM errors10:52
cybermadany idea how to block it?10:52
shahzadany help ?10:52
Saizi'll go out and buy more ram later then i guess10:52
shahzadplease !10:52
eckSaiz: typically what happens if you get OOM when gnome is starting is that it will notice that the processes it is starting have died and will keep trying to restart them10:52
eckwhich is very annoying10:52
shahzadi need help... anyone ?10:52
SaizI see o_o10:53
eckSaiz: you can also use the alternate install10:53
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eckSaiz: after you have installed, 256 MB is fine, it's just an issue with the live cd trying to load everything into ram and not being allowed to keep files on disk10:53
shahzadyohoo /10:54
SaizAh I see, is there anyway to directly install from the live cd?10:54
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shahzadi m not a pretty geeko, some one help please 110:54
yommMy gnome-screensvaer is regularly locking up my entire box , 2 out of 10 I can't exit the screensaver at all , not with ctrl-alt-bckspc / or delete ...Anyone else having this issue ?10:54
eckSaiz: i think you need to download the alternate install (or the netboot install) CD10:54
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mneptokyomm: everyone with poor 3D drivers, yes.10:55
shahzadam I at the wrong place asking for help ?10:55
Helmimneptok: you're sure $USERNAME works within fstab? it seems like it's not substituted10:55
mneptokyomm: change the 'saver prefs to blank the screen only10:55
Woodrowthe problem still remains10:55
mneptokHelmi: you should not be editing fstab10:55
Woodrow... great (-.-' )10:55
mneptokHelmi: what are you trying to do?10:55
eckSaiz: for the install consider using xubuntu, it will work better than gnome for the amount of ram you have10:56
Helmimneptok: for what reason?10:56
Helmimneptok: trying to mount a smb share from another pc in the network ;)10:56
ekul1Hey, i tried to install flashplugin-nonfree but its just not downloading, now i cant use Synaptic till i get it to download and install, how can I? Just says Downloading... for ages10:56
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mneptokHelmi: and why do you need to do that from fstab?10:56
Helmimneptok: i'm a noob so i'm just following the wiki10:57
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mneptokHelmi: Places -> Connect to server10:58
Helmimneptok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently10:58
yommmneptok :I'm using the latest nvidia official drivers10:58
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Helmimneptok: that's the clicky way, isn't it? :)10:59
yommmneptok : And the blank screen was the default setting :/10:59
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mneptokHelmi: man smbclient10:59
eckHelmi: haha, i like that, "clicky way"10:59
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yommIt's like the milky way , but more .. err .. clicky :)11:00
eckyomm: i think if X locks up it will put a log somewhere, maybe /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:00
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Helmimneptok: do mounts via the "places->connect to server" way get saved for future sessions and get automounted on boot?11:01
alexIdoiahey what daemon is responsible of sound ?11:01
alexIdoiain edgy11:01
yommeck : Ok , I'll check that file !11:01
mneptokHelmi: no. and they shouldn't11:01
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Helmimneptok: ok than that's not the way i'd like to have :)11:01
eckalexIdoia: in gnome? probably esd11:01
eckwhich uses alsa, but afaik that isn't really a daemon11:01
mneptokHelmi: don't be a typical "who cares about system security?! I'M LAZY!" Windows user ;)11:01
alexIdoiaeck: that is what I thought but I could /etc/init.d/esd restart it11:02
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alexIdoiaeck: no process of such name11:02
eckalexIdoia: i think it's a per login daemon11:02
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Helmimneptok: hmm what's that got to do with security? i got a networks storage device (raid) where i save all my documents instead of saving them locally - so why not automounting this share instead of mounting it manually each time i'd like to save a file (about 200 times a day?)11:03
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yommeck : Not a single error in that log11:03
alexIdoiaanother thing I want to add dictionnary to evolution, how do I do this ?11:03
Helmimaybe i'm the only one not seeing the security hole here :)11:03
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eckyomm: check /var/log/{messages,syslog}11:03
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mneptokHelmi: uhhh .... you don't see a problem in storing your cleartext server password in a text file?11:04
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eckworld readable even11:04
mneptokHelmi: and you mount it once. when you boot up. done. once por day.11:04
yommmneptok : He could use credentials , no ?11:04
alexIdoiaeck:  do you know about how to add a dictionnary to evolution ?11:04
Helmihmm as it's not a relevant password yes - would i save the documents locally there probably wouldn't be much difference?11:04
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mneptokHelmi: how is any password not relevant?11:05
eckalexIdoia: i think gnome uses aspell, so i guess that's what evolution would use11:05
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eckalexIdoia: i would ask on #evolution (on irc.gnome.org), they have helped me in the past11:06
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stalkhello all =)11:07
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yommMneptik : I use the credential/fstab procedure to (auto) mount my smb shares after boot , is this considered unsafe ?11:07
alexIdoiaeck: off course, thanks, also I have not solved my sound problem here, I have no sound sundenly and I don't know how to diagnostic , should I reboot ? uh11:07
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eckalexIdoia: you should be able to use alsa directly with aplay11:07
eckalexIdoia: you can use that to figure out if the problem is in alsa or esd11:08
Helmimneptok: ok i just thought it couldn't take long until this discussion raises in a linux channel ;) some things never change11:08
alexIdoiaaplay ?11:08
ecki think you have to use a .wav file11:08
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alexIdoiaah ok11:08
tensori need some help on       using kdevelop11:08
__max_anyone know whats bugged out when i can no longer just press the left/right arrows and let the cursor "slide" through what iv written? i now have to press right/left like a gazillion times to correct stuff in command lines.11:08
eckit's the basic alsa client that is distributed with alsa11:08
alexIdoiaall daemon say that the resource is busy11:08
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__max_its not just in xterm/aterm etc, its systemglobal.11:09
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eckif you are feeling really brave, you can replace esd with pulseaudio11:09
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mneptokHelmi: yes. you're right. some things never change. experienced Unix users will always tell you storing passwords in files is a bad idea. because, well .... IT IS11:10
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eckalexIdoia: http://live.gnome.org/PulseAudio11:10
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alexIdoiaeck: I can't hear anysound, how can I restart the daemon ? there is no /etc/init.d/esd nor /etc/init.d/asla11:11
Jowi__max_, gnome-keyboard-properties. try disable + reenable the keyrepeat11:11
eckalexIdoia: i think alsa accesses the sound card directly11:11
__max_jowi : thanks.11:11
Helmimneptok: you tried to help me (i'm very thankful for that), it unfortunately didn't work and the next argument is "don't do it that way - it's insecure" - i'm really not the one ignoring security at all. but there definitely ARE some other important things like security like performance and workflow and if that way of mounting shares is that bad we sould probably take it out of the wiki11:11
eckif alsa doesn't work it is an issue with the kernel not talking to hardware properly, you would probably have to reload the alsa modules11:11
eckor possibly restart11:12
alexIdoiaeck:  how to I restart the alsa module ?11:12
alexIdoiais it modprobe ?11:12
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mneptokHelmi: if you're not ignoring security, who is?11:12
Helmimneptok: okay, let's stop here - doesn't make sense.11:13
mneptokHelmi: you admit you're new to Unix. i have been using it for 25 years. why would you argue with me about it?11:13
mneptokHelmi: if you want advice from experienced people you have to be willing to accept that that advice may sometimes not be what you want to hear.11:14
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Helmimneptok: i'm really new in using linux on my desktop. it's not that i never had anything to do with it. And i have to do with unix freaks for about 15 years and that's why i can say the discussion is always the same11:15
riaalCan I actevate my wireless card whit out having to configure it? =S11:15
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mneptokHelmi: have you stopped to consider that maybe the discussion is the same because they know what tehy're talking about?11:15
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mneptokriaal: what card?11:16
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riaalmneptok, its a Cnet PCI cad, have used it in another breezy computer before, autoinstalled11:17
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riaalmneptok,  im running edgy now.11:17
mneptokriaal: chipset?11:17
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riaalmneptok, ? (sorry)11:18
mneptokriaal: what wireless chipset does the card use?11:18
mneptokBroadcom? Atheros? Intel?11:18
alexIdoiaeck: how do you reconfigure aspell ?11:18
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Helmimneptok: for you security is a binary parameter - there's only "secure" or "insecure" - probably i'm just too dumb but for me there are some step in between and if i am using a share with irrelevant documents using a password i don't use for the criticals stuff it's not too silly to store it just to make it more comfortable - what if the login credentials would be just guest-credentials  or...11:18
Helmi...other stuff? you don't know the situation here in the local network, do you? so why does it always have to be bad and insecure - a single advice like "but be adviced you should not store passowrds in plain text files" would probably enough? sometime noobs also think about the stuff. of course you're right - abstracted. Storing passwords in plain text files IS bad.11:18
riaalmneptok, not sure, on sec11:19
alexIdoiaI did a dpkg-reconfigure aspell but it returned a "done"11:19
Helmimneptok: it's just the way these discussions take that i don't like - i don't say you're wrong.11:19
mneptokHelmi: if it's bad, don't do it. mount the drive manually once per day when you boot and be done with it.11:19
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lkthomasanyone got problem to compile latest version of kernel ?11:20
mneptokHelmi: not only more secure, but far easier.11:20
eckalexIdoia: try DEBIAN_PRIORITY=low dpkg-reconfigure aspell11:20
Helmimneptok: so entering all the data for each single share every day? hmm11:20
eckjust a guess11:20
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mneptokHelmi: or use a shell script taht calls smbclient and prompts you for your password.11:21
alexIdoiaeck: command not found11:21
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eckomit the 'try'11:22
alexIdoiaeck: off course :)11:22
yommHelmi : I'd go for that latest advice11:22
roland__why do i get at each upgrade of ubuntu when its nearing the end at the last few packages i get connection reset11:22
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yommmneptok : so the answer to my former question to you would be a big yes ?11:23
riaalmneptok, look here, can you find it? http://www.cnet.com.tw/product/cwp-854.htm  I sure cant, crap :S11:23
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alexIdoiaeck I put it into two lines but I get the same result, I guess the package aspell does prompt the user for configuration that is all11:24
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adonis827hi guys!11:24
eckalexIdoia: try setting your LANG variable as you launch an application11:24
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ecke.g. LANG=foo evolution11:25
alexIdoiaeck: I have also tried dpkg-reconfigure locales but it does not prompt me for anything, it does something and ends with Generation Complete11:25
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adonis827newb guestion-11:25
alexIdoiaeck:  but that won't be definitive would not it ?11:25
riaalmneptok, I found linux drivers for it here: http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html but I think it is supose to autoinstall whit ubuntu11:25
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:25
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eckalexIdoia: i think it would be if you put it in your ~/.bash_profile11:26
adonis827what is the difference between "install to the hard disk" and "install a lamp server" in the ubuntu server cd boot screen?11:26
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:26
mneptokriaal: it's a Ralink chipset11:26
Jowiadonis827, the lamp option installs the above, the "server" does not11:26
mneptokriaal: sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules11:27
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eckalexIdoia: or if you change your language in gdm, but obviously that might change more than you want11:27
alexIdoiaeck locale not found11:27
riaalmneptok, aptitude = apt-get in ubuntu?11:27
eckalexIdoia: you would need to replace foo with the locale11:27
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adonis827thanks jowi! what's a server without a lamp anyway? :lol11:27
alexIdoiaI used to do a dpkg-reconfigure locaes and it used to prompt me, i don11:27
alexIdoia't understant11:27
mneptokriaal: aptitude = apt-get + ncurses11:27
eckalexIdoia: did you try the DEBIAN_PRIORITY trick?11:28
Jowiadonis827, you can use lighttpd and a different sql server for starter :)11:28
alexIdoiayep I did same11:28
alexIdoiamight it be because I am in the Xserver ?11:28
eckthat's why11:28
mneptokthttpd FTW11:28
adonis827ok. i thought installing to hard disk already contains the server. guess i was wrong11:28
adonis827i mean the lamp and all11:28
adonis827new install coming up11:29
eckapache for concurrency :-)11:29
adonis827just about right now :)11:29
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foutrelisFrom your experience, what happens when you have about 500+ mb cached RAM (1 GB in total) and try to run a program which demands lots of ram? Does the system get slower?11:29
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alexIdoiaeck: same of the same11:29
riaalmneptok, "Couldn't find package "linux-restricted-modules"11:29
XBlogHi all11:29
Sir`Psychohi XBlog :D11:29
mneptokriaal: sudo aptitude update11:29
mneptokriaal: then try again11:29
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Sir`Psychothere are a lot of people here :) i hope someone can help you  :P11:30
adonis827@foutrelis any system should11:30
XBloghi Sir`Psycho :)11:30
Jowiadonis827, the server install is very minimal and a nice foundation for whatever server platform you wish to set up (not just lamp).11:30
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eckfoutrelis: are you asking what happens if you push out the disk cache? it depends what kind of applications you are running11:30
riaalmneptok, same problem, is it in univers?11:30
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:30
eckalexIdoia: well i am not sure then11:30
adonis827ok thanks jowi. so the lamp server is a superset of the "install to hard disk" then?11:30
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adonis827why didn't ubuntu made the lamp install default then?11:31
mneptokriaal: sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-generic11:31
mneptokriaal: sorry.11:31
Jowiadonis827, yep. well, not everyone want lamp.11:31
Jowilike me11:31
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=== mneptok too
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eckfoutrelis: if you have disk I/O intensive needs then the cache will save you, otherwise it is not a big deal11:32
adonis827so what's your server setup jowi?11:32
riaalmneptok, awesome, thanks a lot, is it supose to work now or do I need to do somehting else?11:32
XBlogSorry, can i install liloboot on a usb drive ?11:32
adonis827the default install does not even have ssh11:32
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foutreliseck: I mean, when free -m outputs 981mb used and 688mb cached and I try to, let's say, make mysql from source.11:33
Jowiadonis827, just a basic lighttpd server, ssh, nfs.11:33
mneptokriaal: "suod aptitude install network-manager-gnome" then reboot11:33
Jowiadonis827, nothing fancy11:33
foutreliseck: Will Linux manage my RAM correctly? or will the system seem slower?11:33
eckfoutrelis: in that case it will not be a big deal, because gcc is CPU intensive11:33
riaalmneptok, thanks a lot! :)11:34
adonis827hmm i am not familiar with lighthttpd. what do you use if for?11:34
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adonis827can you use php with it?11:34
eckfoutrelis: on the other hand, if you are running a big database and use up all the ram so there is not a lot of cache left over, then the database won't be able to use the kernel caches of the disk, and it will slow it down noticeably11:34
mneptokadonis827: of course. in CGI mode.11:34
Jowiadonis827, it is a webserver. and php work fine11:34
mneptokadonis827: and the CGI handling of Lighty is light years beyond Apache11:35
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adonis827would all of my php apps work in lighthttpd?11:35
foutreliseck: Thank you very much for all the info! :) Summary: Does Linux manages RAM in an effective way? :)11:35
eckfoutrelis: yes :-)11:36
kidbuntuis there a channel where I could ask about programming?11:36
Jowiadonis827, and my ram usage went from a couple of hundreds of megabytes (apache) to 1-2 megabytes (lighttpd). quite important for me since it's just a simple site.11:36
mneptokadonis827: yes11:36
eckwell, it will do the best job it can11:36
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foutreliseck: Yay :P Thanks again. ;)11:36
adonis827i am about to setup a home lamp server with just 392 ram with no x and everything else11:36
mneptokJowi: if you think that's a good memory footprint, check out thttpd ;)11:36
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=== foutrelis only likes apache :\
adonis827are we starting a web server war in here?11:37
mneptokJowi: thttpd is currently serving up montreal.canonical.com from a Mac68K with 32MB RAM and NetBSD ;)11:37
foutrelismneptok: wow11:37
adonis827nice to hear that11:37
Jowimneptok, nah, no need to push it lower than that atm. but i will keep it in mind in case i need a webserver for my PDA :)11:37
mneptokfoutrelis: good luck with Apache on that Quadra 605 ;)11:37
Sp4rKydoes anyone use tinyerp ?11:38
foutrelismneptok: lol :)11:38
leagrismneptok, let's try the deathly SlashDot test ;P11:38
adonis827i thought my p3 500 mhz server would be so obsolete11:38
mneptokJowi: also does throttling, if you want a different httpd handing out big media files11:38
Jowimneptok, ah ok. very nice.11:38
eckmneptok: good luck with thttpd on your web server with 10,000 concurrent connections :-)11:38
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Sp4rKyi install server part on my server, but the client side doesn't want to connect to him (client is on my computer), whereas a telnet myserver 8069 works , any idea ?11:38
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bikinihow do i change the size of my desktop icons? they're too damn big.11:39
Anohaaktensomebody in here has to have kiba-dock installed11:39
eckthat, and mod_{perl,python,whatever}, are where apache wins big11:39
mneptokeck: works fine. no problems at all. good luck waiting at your desk while thttpd eats through the queue ;)11:39
eckhaha, sounds about right11:39
adonis827hi sparky!11:39
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adonis827what do you mean when you say you want to connect to your server?11:39
gobanwhats the command to start up the thing that runs KDE apps (KLauncher)11:40
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Anohaaktenhey, who has kiba-dock, I need to know how to install it11:40
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AskarWhen I shutdown ubuntu, firefox complains about not being shut down correctly last time.. Do I have to close firefox before I click on shutdown ubuntu :S:S:S11:41
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adonis827hi askar11:41
AskarAnohaakten: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26864511:41
adonis827it happens just about everywhere11:41
foutrelisAskar: yes you do have to close it before shutting down :)11:41
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adonis827i think that is just ok11:42
JowiAskar, yeah. but you can turn that warning off in abou:config i beleive11:42
Askarfoutrelis: hmm...thats pretty annoying...11:42
Jowiabout:config i mean11:42
foutrelisAskar: not really11:42
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gobanall KDE apps say cannot talk to klaucher help plz11:42
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adonis827guys how do you delete lvm configuration in your hard drive?11:42
AskarJowi: Ok thanks11:42
cpk1how would I get user joe who is logged in on a konsole on user bob's X session to be able to run apps using that X screen?11:43
foutrelisAskar: Maybe Firefox could be configured not to display a warning. Don't know :)11:44
adonis827askar it is a nice feature actually if firefox hangs up11:44
adonis827then the next time you start it all the web sites you were browsing is in there11:44
Askaradonis827: why?11:45
yommcpk1 : x forwarding ?11:45
foutrelisAskar: In firefox enter "about:config" in your URL bar. Then in the Filter text box type "browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash"11:45
bikinidoes anyone know of a way to implement a coherence like mode in vmware? for windows programs?11:46
foutrelisAskar: Set this to false and your should be ok :)11:46
foutrelisAskar: Note: I have not tested it. I may not work. It's worth the shot though :)11:46
Askarfoutrelis: yeah thanks then I dont get that popup at start.. But it still wont save my changes if I dont shutdown firefox before ubuntu..11:46
adonis827lamp server installing as i speak11:46
cpk1yomm: is that what its called? both users are trying to use tty7 though11:47
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Askarfoutrelis: Hmm dont have browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash11:48
foutrelisAskar: I cannot help further. Sorry :(11:48
foutrelisAskar: hmm11:48
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foutrelisAskar: How about if you just add "crash" in the filter box?11:48
adonis827askar your question is firefox specific. i suggest asking a firefox relater channel or something else :)11:49
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gordonjcpsilly Gnome question, but is there a command in Ubuntu to reset all the Gnome settings back to the defaults?11:49
Askarfoutrelis: Still shows nothing : /11:49
Anohaaktenhey, my beryl just all the sudden stopped working, anyone know why?11:49
adonis827erase entire disk and use lvm...11:50
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mneptokbecause compositing on Linux is beta?11:50
foutrelisAskar: As adonis827 suggested, you should better ask in #firefox11:50
Anohaaktenis someone talking to me?11:50
Askarfoutrelis: yes will do. Thanks! Is #firefox in freenode too?11:50
mneptokAnohaakten: yes, i was.11:51
adonis827anohaakten not me11:51
foutrelisAskar: Yes. Wish you luck with your issue :)11:51
Anohaaktenwhat did you mean mneptok11:51
leagrisgordonjcp, something like rm -fr ~/.gnome*11:51
adonis827i am installing a lamp server right now hehe11:51
adonis827choose utc11:51
Anohaaktenmneptok:  do you know how to fix it?11:51
gordonjcpleagris: hm, nothing less drastic?11:52
mneptokAnohaakten: i mean that Beryl, Compiz and all other compositing frameworks are filled with bugs and not ready for general use, IMO.11:52
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Anohaaktendo you have any idea how to fix it?11:52
mneptokNitro: please lose the public /away messages11:52
leagrisgordonjcp, less drastically you could dig inside the ~/.gnome* directory and remove significant user settings11:52
Nitrooh, sorry11:52
mneptokAnohaakten: nope, as i don't touch that stuff.11:52
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arn_Hi, how can I make a folder available, so that any script on that folder will be running from any other folder?11:53
adonis827what is a beryl anyway?11:53
gordonjcpleagris: now if I blow away .gnome, will it recreate it when I restart X?11:53
mneptokAnohaakten: your life will be easier if you don't, either ;)11:53
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_jameshow to mount  on my windows partiton automatically?11:53
Anohaaktenbut is it so cool looking11:53
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adonis827_james read on /ets/fstab11:53
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arn__james, read this ---- http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy11:53
adonis827that's /etc/fstab11:53
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leagrisgordonjcp, yes. If you blow out any .gnome* setting in your user dir it will default to common settings.11:54
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AskarHow do I disable some virtual terminals?11:54
Anohaaktenhow else can you make your linux "cool" mneptok11:54
leagrisgordonjcp, I did that some time ago. Backup any .gnome* beforhand11:54
mneptokAnohaakten: my sister is cool looking. doesn't mean i'd sleep with her. ;)11:54
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Anohaaktenoh psh11:54
Anohaaktenhey mneptok  do you use kiba-dock?11:54
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gordonjcpleagris: yeah, I've done that before too.  Seems odd that Ubuntu doesn't have some "nice" way to reset it, but there you go...11:55
mneptokAnohaakten: download some Windows malware and watch it fail miserably. that's cool.11:55
adonis827how about i sleep with her mneptok? joking!11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
leagrisgordonjcp, mkdir ~/.gnomeolds && mv ~/.gnome* ~/.gnomeolds11:55
Anohaaktenhey mneptok im new to linux and I am just trying stuff out, come on, help a brother out11:55
mneptokAnohaakten: and i use GNOME11:55
Anohaaktenno need for the sarcasm11:55
_jameshow to mount on windows automatically on boot? there's a script on it i think but i forgot something called ntfs-3 but im not sure.11:56
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adonis827_james you need to add an entry in your /etc/fstab11:56
adonis827that's your clue11:56
_jamesadonis827: can you guide through it :)11:56
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yommmneptok : having said that imo Beryl has come a long way ,and is quite close to stable imo11:57
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yommmneptok : compiz I have not used11:58
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adonis827_james what is the partition type that you want mounted?11:58
techie_hello all!11:58
adonis827ie ntfs or fat?11:58
zubeentechie_: hello11:58
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bullgard1How can I replace the audio value 'offhook' with 'onhook'?11:59
techie_<zubeen>good morning zubeen.11:59
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adonis827this one is a nice read _james- http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html12:00
techie_Can anybody tell me the command to find out how much space I got left on my C drive. I have a dual boot xp and ubuntu. In Windows I would go to my windows explorer to c and figure out by preseing properties!12:00
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_jameswhat's the command to list all hda?12:01
Lynouretechie_: C drive?12:01
techie_<Lynoure>yes c drive into a dual boot12:01
Lynouretechie_: Linux does not handle local drives with that kind of names. Do you mean a disk used over Samba?12:01
adonis827you want to see the partions in hda?12:01
_jameswhat's the command in the terminal to list all the partition?12:02
techie_<Lynoure>i don't know if is samba but I use Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy12:02
adonis827try fdisk /dev/hda if it is included in ubuntu12:02
Lynouretechie_: If you mean you have ubuntu on one partition and want to see how much that partition has stuff on it, do  sudo du -sh /12:02
techie_<Lynoure>probably, since I have heard others talking about samba12:02
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_jamesany other command/12:03
techie_<Lynoure>i wrote down sudo du -sh /  in my terminal and got password12:04
Lynouretechie_: Yes, that's your password12:04
techie_after pasword a blank rectangle12:04
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adonis827do you use beryl on top of your window manager?12:04
Lynouretechie_: it takes a bit of time.12:04
techie_Lynoure what is the actual meaning of do  sudo du -sh /12:05
Lynouretechie_: eventually you'll get the amount of disk used12:05
_jamesis there any other command in the terminal to know all the partitions?12:05
kontingenzwhat have I done? A lot of system tools "system --> administration" are not shown. I can't sudo tools! like wifi-radar.12:06
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adonis827_james check this out- http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows12:06
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techie_<Lynoure>is giving me a bunch of lines with No such files. /mnet/windows/....blablabla12:06
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mneptok_james: ls -l /dev/sd* && ls -l /dev/hd*12:06
Lynouretechie_: sudo  mean  do as root, du  is a disk usage command (see  man du), -sh means  summary, human readable (see man du) and / means starting with / directory, that is, including all12:06
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techie_is going through every file in window.12:06
xanthiayou could always use the gnome partition manager to view the partitions if you are careful12:06
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techie_<Lynoure>actually I have mounted windows so that I am able to read each window files but what I meant is how much space I got left in Ubuntu only.12:07
LePoulpe303ikonia: ping ?12:07
adonis827how about the graphical partition editor james?12:07
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adonis827gparted etc12:07
Lynouretechie_: but I guess you could have done  df  too, assuming you could then recognize which drive you meant.12:07
LePoulpe303hi all12:07
Lynouretechie_: you can stop it with  ctrl+c  if it is too slow12:07
techie_<Lynoure>original install I had used about 30 g in windows of which I use the 25 g left and divided them equally. I must have about 13 gig in xp now and about 11 or so in Ubuntu12:08
techie_<Lynoure>it already stopped but only looking at my files in my mn/windows not in ubuntu12:08
Lynouretechie_: so you want to know how much disk your ubuntu uses or your windows uses?12:09
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techie_yes and how much space is left in each12:09
Lynouretechie_: Which?12:09
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Lynouretechie_: then do  df  (that stands for disk free)12:09
techie_<Lynoure>I don't want to run out of space in Ubuntu, so I must judge what to download or not.12:10
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Lynouretechie_: if you cannot from that tell which disk is which, put it in pastebin and I can try to help you with that.12:10
LePoulpe303anyone could help me for this : i must boot windows first in order to have 3D detected in ubuntu ....12:10
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VIImaybe someone can help me now, my graphics are really laggy when I move a window or scroll in FF. I have a nvidia geforce 6800 ultra. Envy didnt do the trick.12:12
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techie_<Lynoure>I believe this is windows or my hd1 right?: /dev/hda1             43886816  31808576  12078240  73% /mnt/windows12:13
adonis827install completer12:13
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techie_Lynoure and this is ubuntu: /dev/hda2             13836040   3291464   9841736  26% /12:13
techie_lynoure: does that make sense?12:14
adonis827VII check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:14
adonis827does it use the right driver?12:14
VIIadonis827: I know nothing about that12:14
techie_<Lynoure>so about 12 g space in one and 13 in the other?12:15
arn_Why "sudo cd data" is not working? I get an error like "sudo:cd: command not found"12:15
Lynouretechie_: they wrapped weirdly, so it takes me a bit to read. pastebin would have made it easier12:15
adonis827ok VII but i hope you don't mind working on the command line12:15
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VIIadonis: I will try =)12:15
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dan1arn_ you can just cd without sudo12:16
adonis827fire up a terminal then12:16
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adonis827and run "less /etc/X11/xorg.conf"12:16
Lynouretechie_: oh, if you add -h to that  (du -h) you get it in a more human readable form12:16
adonis827jowi still there?12:16
arn_dan1, "data" directory is restricted for the username i am using12:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:17
olrraihey, 994 users! :)12:17
Lynouretechie_: the windows one is 73% full and the ubuntu one 26% full. yes, about 12 and 9 G free12:17
dan1arn_, it should not stop you using cd, after you will need to use sudo to perform actions12:17
adonis827what's the package for sshd?12:17
Lynoureadonis827: openssh-server, I think.12:18
arn_dan1, jahid@jahid-desktop:/usr/local/pgsql$ cd data12:18
arn_bash: cd: data: Permission denied12:18
VIIadonis ok, done12:19
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techie_Lynoure: here is the paste....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9211/12:19
adonis827why is ssh not installed in a server really bugs me12:19
yommadonis : it's on the cd12:19
techie_<Lynoure>help me interpret the results.12:19
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dan1arn_, odd, i can cd anywhere as a user, what does "ls -l" tell you12:20
techie_although it seems I still have plenty of space12:20
adonis827VII check the line Section "Screen"12:20
VIIadonis: yes12:20
IkimashoZHey, has anyone ever successfully solved the skype-scim conflict??12:20
arn_danl, also says permission denied12:20
adonis827sorry it's12:20
adonis827Section "Device"12:20
adonis827what is the driver used in there?12:20
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dan1arn_, ok sudo ls -l12:21
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arn_danl, it works12:21
_jameshow to automatically mount to windows drive on boot? help pls.12:21
VIIadonis: Identifier"Generic Video Card"12:21
arn_danl, even i can copy and remove things from that folder using "sudo", but not "cd"12:21
mneptok_james: that's completely documented on the wiki.12:22
mneptok_james: there's no reason to make someone type it again12:22
dan1arn_, it is odd that you cannot use cd, you could try dropping to root using "su" but pay attention to what you type12:22
techie_<Lynoure>did you receive my pastebin!12:22
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adonis827VII that's basically it i guess12:22
adonis827your video card was not detected12:22
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_jamesdude i can't find it right.. im just new on ubuntu :(12:22
adonis827is the nva driver compiled by default in ubuntu?12:23
adonis827i know it is in lts12:23
mneptok_james: http://wiki.ubuntu.com12:23
mneptokadonis827: "nv"12:23
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre12:23
adonis827VII can you kindly change the Driver value to nv instead of vesa12:23
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VIIadonis ok12:24
mneptoksamlo_: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin12:24
adonis827then restart X by alt + ctrl + backspace12:24
techie_what the best way to learn publisher from office in Ubuntu. Is there documentation anyplace?12:24
adonis827hope it works hehe12:24
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VIIadonis, how do I do that?12:24
techie_Or whateve is equivalent to publisher from xp in Ubuntu?12:25
VIIchange that line I mean12:25
adonis827ah you are using less12:25
adonis827right now12:25
adonis827press esc12:25
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adonis827press q to exit12:26
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mneptoktechie_: what is it you want to actually do?12:26
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:26
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Lynouretechie_: Linux is quite space efficient :) Out of those only hda1 and hda2 and data partitions you need to care about, the first number column is actual size, the next is the usage, and the third is what is left. and then the % for hom much is used12:26
VIIadonis, I tried to change the file from the text editor, but it wouldnt alow me to save the changes12:26
varkatechie_: http://www.learnopenoffice.org/tutorials.htm12:26
adonis827then use an editor you are familiar with maybe nano12:26
adonis827sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.cong12:26
adonis827sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf that is12:26
Lynouretechie_: I'm not sure I know if Publisher by Microsoft is desktop publishing or web stuff.12:27
=== mneptok realizes he didn't do a Main inclusion report for ne in Fiesty :/
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techie_desktop publishing12:27
adonis827VII are you following?12:27
techie_varka thanks I will check that link.12:27
VIIadonis, yes12:27
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VIIIve typed that command now, and I see the file12:27
adonis827ok you may now edit the file12:28
Lynouretechie_: most people use  scribus  for that12:28
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mneptoktechie_: sudo aptitude install scribus12:28
VIIadonis, Ive made the change, how do I save?12:28
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techie_do we have learning tutorials like in office?12:28
techie_thanks mneptok12:28
mneptokugh. i really want ne for *nix n00bs editing from the shell :(12:29
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adonis827VII ctrl + x12:29
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mneptoktechie_: http://www.scribus.net/12:29
ycmarvinhello..can ples someone help me. I need a file shredder program12:29
adonis827restart your X now12:29
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adonis827logout in there12:30
VIIok, brb12:30
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threeseasstrange - ubuntu 6.10 install - hda1 fat32 for transfer between linux and window and storage - hda2 swap - hda3 system, had4 home - but what it did is put home on the smaller system partition put stuff I put in hda1 on hda4 but assumed the smaller partition size of hda1  --- results - no real access to the space of hda1 and greatly limiting the available space on hda4 (calling it hda1) --- seems to be some sort of install problem in 6.12:30
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ycmarvinhello..can please someone help me. I need a file shredder program12:30
mneptokycmarvin: please do not repeat12:30
ycmarvinoh sorry12:31
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mneptokrm not doing it for you?12:31
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VIIadonis, I logged out and back in, still laggy12:31
Tomcat_ycmarvin: "wipe"12:31
Lynoureycmarvin: sudo aptitude install wipe  if rm is not suitable for you12:32
=== mneptok places a white stone next to goban
adonis827what do you mean by laggy anyway?12:32
adonis827is the screen resolution right?12:32
techie_All the information you guys are providing me is terrific. I have to keep copying and pasting the info to my text editor (gedit) for reference later. Is there an easier way of doing this, I am using xchat 2.6612:32
adonis827or is it too low?12:32
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mneptoktechie_: enable logging12:32
VIIadonis, its updates window movements and scrolling very slowly12:32
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techie_how do i enable?12:33
adonis827hmm you need to change your monitor resolution too12:33
ycmarvinthanks lynore and tomcat12:33
aileanhow do i ./ a file without navigating to that directory first?12:33
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VIIadonis: oh?12:33
techie_enable logging12:34
techie_I guess not here.... how do I enable logging in xchat?12:34
mneptoktechie_: dunno. i don't use XChat12:34
varkaailean: you want to execute a file?12:34
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aileanvarka, yes, i want to put a shortcut in the menu for it12:34
techie_<mneptok>ok i will figure it out. let me see....12:34
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varkaailean: just put in the whole path to it beginning with /12:35
aileanvarka, but it's in /opt/foo/foo/file12:35
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aileanoh right12:35
adonis827sorry i got dc12:35
aileani don't need ./ then?12:35
varkaailean: no12:35
adonis827i need to leave after around 20 minutes but i need to setup ssh first on my server before i go12:35
funpopis there a sound-juicer alternative for ripping cd's in the repos ?12:35
aileanvarka, now it's not showing up . . .12:35
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adonis827VII go back to editing your xorg config file12:36
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adonis827VII go back to editing your xorg config file12:36
frying_fishadonis827: set up in what manner?12:36
varkaailean: "." ist the directory you are right into, you just have to put "./" in front of an executable if you are in the same directory12:36
techie_<mneptok>also is there a way to search in the chat for what certain persons said etc.... or is enabling logging the only way.12:36
adonis827hi frying_fish12:36
adonis827i have just made a new lamp server install12:36
adonis827and there's no ssh service in there12:37
aileanvarka, thanks varka12:37
=== goban realizes that mneptok has found the perfect move, and method of winning thereafter; gets depressed and launches himself into space on a one-way trip
frying_fishadonis827: ok, well sudo aptitude install ssh will get the openssh server12:37
techie_anyway, thanks to you all I must run12:37
predaeustechie_: hit CTRL-F12:37
adonis827makes sense frying_fish :)12:37
frying_fishand then you can edit the sshd config if you need to to change from default options.12:37
VIIadonis, Im having some trouble here now, I changedd the resolution from the system-menu to 800-600, and now I can only see the top left corner of my screen. I cant see what Im writing. :D12:37
adonis827look in the section Monirot12:37
techie_<predaeus>i will try i.12:37
adonis827can you tell us what is in there?12:37
predaeusCTRL-F is searching in most apps and also works here12:37
VIIadonis, I gotta find a way to see my whole screen first :D12:38
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predaeusin XChat i mean, sry. *g*12:38
adonis827what's wrong VII?12:38
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frying_fishadonis827: you need some unusual ssh options?12:38
adonis827not really it is installing now thanks!12:39
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frying_fishadonis827: :) thats ok then, don't forget to use key logins to be a little more secure and such, and disable root login (if you enabled the root user on your ubuntu)12:39
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spotted!ati > spotted12:40
adonis827how was it VII? hand editting the config file is always the way to go :lol12:40
VIIadonis, I changed to 800x600, and now its not laggy! but now I cant see my mouse pointer :|12:40
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adonis827no mouse at all VII?12:40
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VIIadonis, things gets highlighted when I move over them tho12:41
adonis827so there is mouse?12:41
adonis827anyway you need to edit your xorg configuration like before12:41
adonis827and perhaps change the value of your monitor refresh rate etc12:42
VIIadonis, ok, I know nothing of that12:42
adonis827so tells us what is in the section monitor12:42
ekimushmm what's the minimum ram for ubuntu, I wanna test a few amanda backups with some clients under xen. should 32mb be enough?12:42
VIIwhat was that thing u typed again? sumo nano? :D12:42
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adonis827better if you can paste your config file so we can all take a look12:43
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adonis827it's sudo nano12:43
adonis827sudo to have admin permission on your command12:43
adonis827and nano is the editor12:43
posingaspopularekimus: depends on which ubuntu12:43
posingaspopularxubuntu is light weight12:43
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posingaspopularbut i think even that is too heavy for 3212:44
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VIIadonis, whats the url to the pastebin?12:45
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adonis827try .http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:45
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ekimusposingaspopular: that's all the same, i don't have any x running so for me there's no difference in which flavor, and they're all virtualized12:45
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posingaspopularhmm i duno how to answer than12:46
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CraeoQuick questionn about a permanent install, I'm in the Windows environment, I have the Ubuntu 6.06 CD, but how do I perm. install the OS on my system using the CD, I see no link or icon to do so?12:47
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frying_fishCraeo: you need to boot from the ubuntu cd12:47
frying_fishthen it will give the options for installing12:47
CraeoYes, ok12:47
seravitaehey um12:47
CraeoI tried that once before and the computer froze for some reason12:47
seravitaedoes anyone know how i might use my english keyboard + pc to write japanese in ubuntu12:48
ekimusCraeo: you need to reboot with the cd - that's not a programm that's another OS which will (if you tell it to do so) overvriwite your windows...12:48
posingaspopularCraeo: burn an iso of the ubuntu system12:48
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:48
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VIIadonis: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9216/12:48
Jowiekimus, I think 64MB is the "recommended" minimum for the server install. don't know if it will actually install on less or not (I used minimum 128MB)12:48
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archangelpetrocan anyone recommend a package which will securely remove files from a computer/12:49
archangelpetroso they cannot be reconstructed12:49
Jowiekimus, ah wait. found some numbers: http://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/ch03s04.html12:50
ekimusarchangelpetro: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/secure-delete12:50
varkaarchangelpetro: wipe12:51
ekimuscool, I'll go with 32MB then, guess for my usage that should be enough thanks Jowi12:51
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KenSentMeIs there a linux ssh client like putty, but that saves passwords and integrates in Gnome?12:52
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adonis827VII what is your monitor again?12:52
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:52
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dystopianrayis anyone able to tell me what handles the mute button on my laptop? It's muting the wrong channel12:53
VIIadonis, Im not sure, I know what graphic car it is tho12:53
VIIadonis, its a HP monitor tho12:53
JowiKenSentMe, secpanel has got an ok interface12:53
Jowi!info secpanel12:53
posingaspopularVII: do a 'lspci'command12:53
ubotusecpanel: A graphical user interface for SSH and SCP. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.41+0.4.2-2 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 380 kB12:53
adonis827hmm it is not an lcd screen right?12:53
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KenSentMeJowi: thanks12:54
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adonis827VII you need to set the values of HorizSync and VertRefresh in the section monitor12:54
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adonis827then later configure a subsection display under the section Screen12:55
adonis827look at my sample configuration in here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9218/12:55
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VIIadonis: lspci and xorg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9219/12:55
adonis827what the values of HorizSync and VertRefresh are would depend on your monitor settings12:55
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kane77hmm.. I have integrated graphic card.. If I bought second one (to agp) would it be possible to have dual screen?12:56
maggotHello guys12:56
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adonis827VII i am sorry i will be late for work already :(12:57
maggotkane77 : you can`t use bouth graphic cards. you must disable the onboard one inorder to use the agp12:57
VIIadonis, as I start to understand more and more of this, I think I need to run 60hz, and I was running 75hz before. now Im running 800x600 @ 60hz, and that work.12:57
VIIadonis, ok, thank you very much tho! <312:57
kane77maggot, too bad :(12:57
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adonis827i hope some other guys in here would be able to help you out12:57
_eMaX_ne! has problems w/ flash 9?12:58
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Ace2016hi all12:58
Ace2016i need help with my router12:58
maggotkane77 : but most of the graphic card today have dual display.12:58
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Ace2016it won't connect to any website apart fromg google12:58
Ace2016no other websites, not even my isp's website, only google12:59
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maggotI know this question may sound dumb. But why my screen resolution is limited to 1024X768 ?12:59
Ace2016i can search for anything, view the cached text of it12:59
JowiVII, just add -> Option "HWCursor" "off" to the Section Device. that should give you the mousepointer.12:59
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Ace2016and i can get to froogle and stuff but no other site apart from google12:59
Ace2016i can only even get to irc in windows with a usb modem which does not work in linux01:00
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posingaspopularAce2016: yea01:01
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)01:01
JowiAce2016, if you're behind a router you might want to restart it01:01
posingaspopulartry 'sudo pppoeconf'01:01
posingaspopularsee what happens01:01
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Folkerthello all, i have a little problem. Have ubunutu server installed and disabled root login. after that i can login trhough secure ftp but i cannot do anything with the files on the server. So i do need to add a user for ftp or what should i do ?01:01
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Ace2016Jowi: i restarted it many times but still only google works01:01
ikonia_Folkert how did you disable the root login ? it should have never been enabled01:01
Ace2016Jowi: but with the sagem fast 800 i can get to any website01:01
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Folkertfor ssh01:02
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Folkerti did01:02
JowiAce2016, so it is a hardware problem01:02
Ace2016However on a side note i can use bittorrent in linux perfectly even though i can only get to google, torrents are going very well01:02
zzz_Hi zzz! Are You there please?01:02
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Ace2016i can only get to google in opera/firefox/konqueror but torrents work and download fine01:02
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Ace2016its very confusing01:02
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:03
Folkertin ssh_config set the PermitRootLogin to no01:03
JowiAce2016, a faulty modem/router. replace it. use the sagem one if it works. Might be the MTU value as well. talk with your ISP.01:03
JowiAce2016, or the router manufacturer01:04
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Ace2016can a router really break and only allow you to get to google?01:04
Ace2016apart from on torrents01:04
posingaspopularAce2016: but if you talk to your ISP, spefically demand to speak to a linux expert01:04
JowiAce2016, yes01:04
posingaspopularAce2016: what web browser are you using?01:05
JowiAce2016, sometimes my router hangs so http works but https does not.01:05
JowiAce2016, get it replaced.01:05
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Ace2016posingaspopular: its the same in windows and linux in opera, konqueror and firefox01:05
posingaspopularcan you get onto the net in windows?01:05
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kliklikAce2016, try traceroute google.com and other hosts that you have problems with. Make sure it's your router and not your ISP01:05
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:05
JowiAce2016, faulty hardware happen. replace replace replace :)01:06
_eMaX_what is the difference between $@ and $*01:06
Ace2016Jowi: this is right after a restart, i've cleared the settings and checked the settings over and over again but still only google01:06
maggotI know this question may sound dumb. But why my screen resolution is limited to 1024X768 ? How can I add more options to it ?01:06
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:07
JowiAce2016, you say it is the same in all systems. you say that when you use the sagem 800 it works. you know where the problem is. call the manufacturer if it is under warranty or buy a new one.01:07
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maggotThanks :)01:07
Ace2016maggot: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might help01:07
posingaspopularmaggot: no questions are dumb here. spamming, bot abuse, language abuse are dumb. notquestions01:07
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JowiAce2016, but before you do, check if the MTU value should be something else than the default 1500. and see if there are any firmware upgrades available.01:08
maggotAce2016 : yeah, i`ve thought of that. But I have installed compiz. Won`t that ruin my xserver configuration ?01:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdemu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:09
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Ace2016maggot: you could make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and then use the command to modify it and then make changed the the new config it generates01:10
tarelerulzThis is weird ,but I remember getting mplayer for ubuntu from it repostitory01:10
Ace2016Jowi: ok thanks01:10
jussi01tarelerulz, mplayer is in the repos01:11
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Ace2016Jowi: how do i get traceroute, since linux hasn't got access to the repos now? i only have traceroute6 which i think is for ipv6 right?01:12
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JowiAce2016, tracepath01:13
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Ace2016does windows have traceroute?01:13
zzz_!ntfs > zzz_01:13
Folkertnobody on the ftp secure users ?01:13
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zzz_Ace2016: Try tracert.01:14
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_jameshow to remove installed programs using terminal?01:15
threeseas_fresh install 6.10 (plus auto-updates and xchat and thunderbird) put in blank DVD, copy directory to its icon and click write to disk. Get a ghosted write to disk requester that loses all inside if you move a window over it and off.01:15
Ace2016apt-get remove bla01:15
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garuhhhhi! can i ask for help regarding my internet sharing?01:16
Ace2016you could do apt-cache search to find the name of the package if you don't know it01:16
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Ace2016best way to share an internet connection is a router01:16
garuhhhace, i have an ubuntu, with two lan cards.01:17
funpophow do i run a .bin file if double-clicking doesnt work ?01:17
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funpopopen with .. ?01:17
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threeseas_funpop: sh .....bin from a shell01:18
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_jamesAce2016:  i would like to remove the vmware server because of it i can't mount my windows automatically on boot. and when i try to remove it, it says that couldn01:18
Ace2016or is it a bin file to be mounted?01:18
_jamesAce2016:  i would like to remove the vmware server because of it i can't mount my windows automatically on boot. and when i try to remove it, it says that couldn't find the package.01:18
funpopthreeseas_, thanks01:18
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jussi01!repeat | _james01:19
ubotu_james: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:19
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threeseas_now that I have attemped to write to the dvd I know that that drive is no longer accesible without reboot01:19
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tarelerulzSo any of you use mplayer?01:21
Ace2016i use mplayer01:22
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tarelerulzYou ever use it over smb01:22
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Slarthmm.. I have mplayer installed.. I can try it over smb01:23
tarelerulzNo network01:23
Slartbig file? small file? anything special?01:23
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tarelerulzWell, I have movies I want to watch easy and I wanted mplayer just to read them though konqueor01:23
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garuhhhhi! i would like to enable internet sharing from my Ubuntu having 2 LAN cards... help?01:23
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jussi01tarelerulz, you need to have the smb drives mounted in fstab01:24
Slarttarelerulz: I'm using gnome.. but I doubt it will make much difference01:24
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Slartgaruhhh: this is a very common setup for linux.. there are tons of tutorials out there.. it looks basically the same for all linux distros01:25
amcaHello. I am interested in installing Ubuntu. I am wondering if the Ubuntu Server install has programs that the Desktop install doesn't?01:25
tarelerulzWhy can't you just click on the file and steam it to you. I know totem does that ,but it dose not have avi and so01:25
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Slartgaruhhh: you can do it using iptables and masquerading01:25
jussi01!lamp | amca01:25
ubotuamca: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:25
Slarttarelerulz: wouldn't that depend on the server sending the stuff??01:26
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)01:26
amcaDoes that mean that the Desktop install doesnt have LAMP?01:26
garuhhhslart: thanks! i had followed a number of them, and just would like to confirm if i did them right... can I IM you?01:26
Ace2016tarelerulz you could use ICS using firestarter01:26
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Slartgaruhhh: better to do it here.. so people can stop me if I say something stupid =)01:27
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garuhhhi can't seem to follow well the instructions given for iptables and masquerading...01:27
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garuhhhlast thing i used was firestarter..01:27
Ace2016all the traceroutes ping timed out01:27
Slartgaruhhh: ah.. you're using a special distro01:27
Ace2016in windows with a working connection to the net01:27
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garuhhham using ubuntu 6.06...01:27
Slartgaruhhh: I haven't tried firestarter myself.. used IpCop when I last did it01:27
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:28
VIII cant get into ubuntu. I get a black screen saying "Out of range, set monitor to 1280 x 1024 @ 60Hz" WHat should I do?01:28
garuhhhow? IPCop? can it share internet to windows?01:28
Slartgaruhhh: so... you're trying to do it using iptables and masquerading?01:28
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Sp4rKydoes anyone already use tinyerp ?01:28
garuhhhi guess i typed something like iptables but got stucked with the "echo" lines... errhh forgot bout them...01:28
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garuhhham sorry, i'm really new at linux.01:29
Slartgaruhhh: it's a special distro for gateways.. it's pretty good.. we used it at the school where I worked before.. server 100 windows pc's with internet connection01:29
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funpopwhere should i go for problems with google-earth ?01:29
raw-binGreets. Dapper seems to symlink /bin/sh to /bin/dash. I have some perl scripts that use the 'system' perl command that seem to need bash. I'm not clear about this as yet but was wondering if making /bin/sh point to /bin/bash would break anything ?01:29
samloIm trying to install an sh file.. And it gives me this: ./install.sh: 146: function: not found.. How can i fix this01:29
JowiVII, it means your monitor does not support the resolution the way you have set it up.01:29
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garuhhhok.. can i use apt-get to install it? ipcop?01:29
Slartgaruhhh: are you going to use the computer for anything else than sharing the network?01:29
garuhhhactually sharing the internet01:29
Slartgaruhhh: ah.. no.. it's a whole operating system.. a very small one but still01:30
VIIJowi, yes. Ive tried to change it through "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", but it wont work.01:30
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garuhhhright now, file sharing and printer sharing is good.01:30
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Slartgaruhhh: ok.. but you don't use it as your desktop?.. so it's just a server?01:30
garuhhhah... so ipcop is not really part of ubuntu?01:30
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garuhhhyeah... i use it also as a desktop01:30
JowiVII, first of all check the specs of your monitor on the manufacturer home page to see which resolutions and rates it support.01:31
Slartgaruhhh: nope.. it's a stand alone system01:31
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VIIJowi, will do right away01:31
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garuhhhok... too bad.. am already using ubuntu..01:31
Slartgaruhhh: ok.. then you probably want to do it "the hard way" =)01:31
tarelerulzI play movie with it01:31
tarelerulzthe sound is all messed up01:31
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garuhhhby the way,, your replies have my name "garuhhh" at the start... how can i do that?01:31
Slartgaruhhh: how many computers will you be connecting?01:31
garuhhhdo you just type my name?01:31
garuhhhi'll just be connecting 1.01:32
Nallemanhow do I do to mount my memorycard? If i start Ubuntu with card in the slot its ok but if I unmount it Im not able to return it. help plz01:32
garuhhhits WinXP01:32
Slartgaruhhh: you type S, L, A, R, T, : before you type the rest of the message.. very low tech =)01:32
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garuhhhslart: ok... i get it. i thought there a speciall button to do that! :D01:32
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Slartgaruhhh: ok.. you use a fixed ip-address for the windows machine?01:33
garuhhhslart: can i describe my current setup now to see if i'm doin it right?01:33
Slartgaruhhh: sure.. go ahead01:33
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garuhhhslart: yep i used static address01:33
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.01:33
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garuhhhslart: on my windows machine it has ip
VIIJowi, I didnt find much, but I found this: Up to: 1280x1024 / 75Hz, Recommended: 1280x1024 / 60Hz01:33
garuhhhslart: my 2nd LAN card on ubuntu is
Slartgaruhhh: sounds good so far01:34
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JowiVII, very good.01:35
garuhhhslart: on my windows, the gateway i used is, is that right?01:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resolutions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:35
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JowiVII, see the last link01:35
Slartgaruhhh: yes.. it uses the linux machine to access internet so the linux machine is its gateway.. correct01:35
VIIjowi, yes01:35
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kliklikDoes anyone remembers "FIle Menu" applet for gnome? Where did it go? Is there a modern replacement?01:35
garuhhhslart, good so far... now, my card has a blank entry for the gateway, is that ok?01:36
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Slartgaruhhh: yes01:36
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Slartgaruhhh: it's connected directly to the internet so it doesn't need a gateway01:36
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pebblestoneHi, I accidently reinstalled windows xp, which rewrote my boot loader. But the linux partition is still there, can I restore the boot loader?01:36
garuhhhslart, my eth0, which my computer uses to connect to the internet uses  DHCP01:36
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pebblestoneOr do I have to reinstall ubuntu?01:37
IdleOne!grub | pebblestone01:37
Robinsjostromis there any good musicapplication that will sync well with ipod just like itunes but for ubuntu01:37
ubotupebblestone: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:37
IdleOne!ipod | Robinsjostrom01:37
ubotuRobinsjostrom: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod01:37
Robinsjostromthanks IdleOne01:38
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VIIJowi, that didnt help me, as Im not able to get into ubuntu01:38
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ubotuyum: Advanced front-end for rpm. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.0-3.1 (edgy), package size 197 kB, installed size 960 kB01:38
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ikonia_how strange to package yum for ubuntu01:39
pebblestoneIdleOne: thanks01:39
erstaziI know01:39
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VIIjowi, as soon as the loading reaches 100% I get a black screen and a monitor error01:39
erstazimy server runs CentOS and I am just tired01:39
nijisanHi all, can someone help out with an X server problem?01:39
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Ace2016bye all01:42
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VIIAnyone? I cant get into ubuntu. When the loading reaches 100% I get a blacj screen and a monitor error complaining about the resolution and refresh rate. -_-'01:42
=== Vaalth [n=kyle@adsl-69-213-87-75.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frost^-Hello. I've installed eclipse a long time ago. I now ran out of space, so I want to remove eclipse and all the things it installed. Can anyone tell me how to do so?01:43
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SlartVII: probably somethings not setup correctly in your X server settings01:43
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Vaalthhey, im having trouble burning the latest ubuntu iso to a cd with cdrecord01:43
weathermanhi, in order to use nfs, how do I assign an IP adress to the server?01:44
sigvardVII> dude? have you been changeing video drivers? Sounds like it. Try and boot in to CLI / safemode and redo changes01:44
Vaalthwhenever i boot from it, it hangs at the ubuntu screen with the progress bar and gives Buffer I/O errors01:44
VIIsigvard, Ive tried that. =\01:44
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Steve_JHi, I am trying to recover my username and password, can anyone help me, I have found a solution online but I don't understand all the commands01:44
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Vaalththe command im using is "cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc speed=4 isoimage.iso"01:45
VIIsigvard: I ran the reconfigure thuingy a couple of times, tried different things, but I still get the same error01:45
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VIIalso, the reconfigure program looks kind of weird. Its not displayed properly, but good enough to use.01:46
Robinsjostromdo you people recommend banshee or amarok=01:46
sigvardTry and do a reinstall from repo's of all the different X stuff too..01:46
Vaalthanyone know what im doing wrong?01:46
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Steve_JHi, I am trying to recover my username and password, can anyone help me, I have found a solution online but I don't understand all the command01:46
SlartRobinsjostrom: I hate amarok a little less then banshee =)01:46
RobinsjostromSlart: so no one of them is good?01:46
sigvardVII > have you tried that?01:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:47
SlartRobinsjostrom: well.. depends on what you're looking for in a music player.. I still use amarok for playing music.. but there are some things that annoy me01:47
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VIIsigvard, tried "dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" you mean? yes, a couple of times01:47
SlartRobinsjostrom: I tried banshee.. but I didn't like it.. can't really remember why..01:47
jmazaredois there a way for my webcam to work in ubuntu its not listed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras Im just wodering if there are ways01:47
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intelikeydoes gnome have to have  hald  to run ?01:48
jmazaredomy cam is PC CAM VQ105 100k01:48
Steve_JHi, I am trying to recover my username and password, can anyone help me, I have found a solution online but I don't understand all the command01:48
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RobinsjostromSlart: I use itunes on win right now but gonna switch to ubuntu. so is it better or worse than itunes?01:49
bimberiSteve_J: boot into recovery mode, get the username from /etc/passwd and set a new password with 'passwd <username>'01:49
garuhhhslart, thanks for the help! i really apreciate it :D01:49
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Frost^-Hello. I've installed eclipse a long time ago. I now ran out of space, so I want to remove eclipse and all the things it installed. Can anyone tell me how to do so?01:49
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SlartRobinsjostrom: there's no support for buying music in amarok.. and I don't have an ipod. but it claims to be able to connect to one01:49
intelikeyi just found a bug in the dapper update of udev  it depends on kernel 2.6.15-27 being installed but the update from the repos is 2.6.15-28  so installing the updates fail with /lib/modules/2.6.15-27 not found01:49
posingaspopularFrost^-: sudo apt-get remove eclipse01:49
Slartgaruhhh: eh.. you're welcome.. what did I do?01:50
Steve_JHi, I am trying to recover my username and password, can anyone help me, I have found a solution online but I don't understand all the command01:50
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Frost^-posingaspopular: thanks.01:50
intelikeydo i have to have  "hald"  for gnome to run ?01:50
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garuhhhslart, i confirmed if what i did with my ips is right :)01:51
bimberiSteve_J: I answered you01:51
SlartRobinsjostrom: you can just install them both and try until you find you're happy with one... it's probably easier than trying to decide before you see them01:51
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sigvardVII Sorry then... Don't know if can help you..01:51
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abunasserhi i am finally got ubuntu installed :)01:51
Steve_Jbimberi: sorry, I didn't spot your reply01:51
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posingaspopularabunasser: welcome01:51
Slartgaruhhh: ah.. so that was the problem.. I thought you were just preparing a really long horrible question about iptables =)01:51
roland__when will ubuntu 7 be released?01:51
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Steve_Jcan you help me01:51
abunassernice OS but it seems like win 98 :)01:52
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=== intelikey wonders if he has ever gotten any help out of this channel....
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Slartabunasser: eh.. was a lone time since I used win 98.. but I'm pretty sure ubuntu is a a bit more advanced =)01:52
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bimberiSteve_J: I have. But if there's any part that you don't understand then ask about it specifically.01:53
abunassertoo much advanced yes01:53
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abunasseri meant the interface01:53
Steve_JOk I will post the help page I am trying to understan in the PasteBox01:53
garuhhhslart, naaah.. i left the iptables thing... might find time to read them later on..01:53
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ikonia_abunasser whats the problem with the pastebin01:53
roland__when will ubuntu 7 be released?01:53
Slartabunasser: hehe.. you think Gnome is to advanced? or is it just an unfamiliar system?01:53
posingaspopularabunasser: gui? that can be changed.01:54
posingaspopularroland__: april01:54
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)01:54
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fnfI never use GDM, but just noticed it does not respect the ".bashrc" file. E.g: Some environment variables I've exported in .bashrc doesn't seem to have any effect, one of them is GTK_IM_MODULE for scim. Can anyone confirm this ?01:54
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ikonia_fnf thats for shell invokation01:54
Slartgaruhhh: oh.. ok. Well.. Ip tables can be kind of nasty until you get the hang of it01:54
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garuhhhslart: one more thing, what should be tHe DNS that should be found on my Windows machine?01:54
abunasseri got ati driver installed and 3d acceleration enabled but could not use beryl yet01:55
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Steve_JI have posted the help file I am reading in the PasteBox, can you read it01:55
fnfikonia_: just about to ask it, I guess so. What is the standard way to set some env. variables in GDM ?01:55
ikonia_fnf check the gdm.conf file01:55
yrtw6erabunasser: did you install XGL01:55
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abunasseryes by backage manager01:56
Slartgaruhhh: you can use the same dns as the linux machine gets from your ISP... or you can setup your own dns server on the linux machine.. I have setup bind on my router/gateway/server01:56
roland__whats the difference between beryl and compiz?01:56
fnfikonia_: thanks for the hint =)01:56
abunasseri got these error :::  beryl: No composite extension01:56
Slartgaruhhh: there are other dns servers.. look for a dns server in synaptic.. and find one that looks easy01:56
Frogzooroland__: beryl has more features01:56
ikonia_fnf no problem- think of bash_profile being run when you login to a shell, not when you open a shell01:56
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Slart!dns server01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dnsserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
Steve_Jbimberi I have pasted the help file I am working from in the PasteBox01:57
ikonia_Steve_J you have to supply the url01:57
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Steve_JIts http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9227/01:57
yrtw6erabunasser: ok, well I don't think you are actually running XGL... you have to make a special entry in GDM in order to use that instead of just X1101:57
Slartabunasser: ATI and Beryl are... well.. let's say they don't send each other christmas cards any more =).. it's fixable but it takes some work01:57
fnfikonia_: bash_profile by default runs .bashrc.01:57
ikonia_fnf yup01:58
ikonia_fnf and /etc/profile01:58
yrtw6erSlart... working fine here.... but..yeah...did take some work01:58
ikonia_(although thats unwritten)01:58
abunasserhow to make xgl start with gnome instead of aiglx ?????01:58
ikonia_abunasser what ?01:58
ikonia_abunasser gnome is a desktop01:58
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Slartabunasser: I'm sure there are people here that have ATI cards running beryl.. myself I have a nvidia so I wouldn't know where to start01:58
Steve_JThe help file is it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9227/01:58
roland__i ran beryl fine on my ati radeon 9550 in kubuntu01:58
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abunasserDetected xserver                                : AIGLX01:59
abunasser   >>>>>>>  how to make it glx ???01:59
Slartyrtw6er: might as well update myself on this.. does the the tutorials that ubotu has work for ati and beryl?01:59
garuhhhslart: ok i might find a dns server...01:59
garuhhhslart: thanks again.. i 'll try that.01:59
ikonia_abunasser join #ubuntu-effects01:59
Slartgaruhhh: you're welcome01:59
Steve_J Hi, I am trying to recover my username and password, can anyone help me, I have founda solution online but I don't understand all the command02:00
abunasserthanks :)02:00
ikonia_Steve_J re-install or reset the password file from the livecd02:00
Vaalthare ubuntu install cds on sale at any stores? like best buy02:00
fnfSteve_J: the username does not need recovering, the password should just be reset02:00
SlartSteve_J: do you have the url to the online solution?02:00
yrtw6erabunasser: i'll try to find you a tutorial...02:00
PiciVaalth: No... But you can download it for free or get a version shipped to you (for free)02:00
Steve_JIts here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9227/02:00
Vaalthi need to get it working today and i keep getting buffer i/o errors from cds i burn02:01
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Steve_JI don't understand the Run the "tail /etc/passwd" command bit02:01
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roland__shipping ubuntu cd around the world is free ?02:01
ikonia_Steve_J re-install02:01
fnfSteve_J: can't you invoke passwd as root to reset yours ?02:01
SlartVaalth: why not try some other burning software.. brasseros or gnomebaker?02:01
PiciSteve_J: Thats only if you forget what your username is02:01
zero-9376can someone reccommend an easy to learn programming language to make a nice looking gui that will simply change a config file and a maybe a channel that i can join for more info on programming under linux?02:01
VaalthSlart : I'll give it a try. thanks :)02:02
PiciVaalth: Have you checked the md5 of the downloaded file?02:02
bimberiSteve_J: I have told you a solution.  If you are trying to crack through a password protected grub as well I am becoming skeptical and reluctant to help.02:02
ikonia_Steve_J either re-install or reset the password file from the livecd02:02
Vaalthhow would i go about doing that?02:02
Pici!md5 > Vaalth02:02
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Vaalththank you02:02
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PiciVaalth: Sure02:02
yrtw6erzero: Python...02:02
Slartzero-9376: python perhaps.. there are probably others02:02
yrtw6erthere are defniately others...:-P02:02
Slartany nice easy ones?02:03
marsanhello. i got a printer problem, after i innstalled Ubuntu 6.10 again i cant seem to get my printer to work (Epson stylus c66). I can see my printer in lsusb but the gnome-cups program cant find its location.02:03
Steve_JI am not trying to do anything dodgy, I have just installed Ubuntu for the first time, but it is not loading with the usersname and pass I thought I chose02:03
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zero-9376i just read in linux format about mono? easy enough?02:03
yrtw6ernah....I use Python02:03
ikonia_Steve_J re-install or reset the password file by booting from the livecd02:03
Steve_JI don't want to re-install cause it is hard to fix GRUB the02:03
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Steve_Jhow do I reset the password from the live CD02:03
ikonia_zero-9376 I'm finding it goo, but slow to learn and I normally do c/c++02:03
ikonia_Steve_J I've given you your two options02:03
bimberiSteve_J: OK.  Then the solution I posted is less complicated and should be all you need02:04
bimberiSteve_J: boot into recovery mode, get the username from /etc/passwd and set a new password with 'passwd <username>'02:04
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ikonia_Steve_J you bootfrom the cdrom mount the harddisk file system and remove the password from the /etc/shadow file on the mounted file system02:04
yrtw6erabunasser: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL02:04
MrEgg964Hi. I'd like to run my existing XP on Ubuntu. What do I need for that? Thanks.02:04
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Steve_Jye thats where I am stuck02:04
zero-9376thanks ill look into python02:04
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fnfMrEgg964: a VM.02:04
PiciSteve_J: What confuses you?02:04
Steve_Jhow do I use the /etc/passwd command02:04
kontingenzhow to create a DVD image? I got File "size limit exceeded" with mkisofs -o /home/data/burn/bilder.iso -r -l -J -V Bilder-Backup-03.2007 /media/usbdisk/bilder/02:04
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ikonia_bimberi that won't work as passwd will update the password on the livecdo - not hte mounted file system02:04
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ikonia_Steve_J its a file02:05
ikonia_Steve_Jnot a command02:05
Steve_JI need a bit of a step by step02:05
zero-9376is pythin crossplatform02:05
PiciSteve_J: /etc/passwd isnt a command, its a file, you need to look at it using something like cat, tail, nano, something02:05
ikonia_Steve_J you'd be easier installing02:05
yrtw6erzero: yes02:05
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Slikehello, how do i get the output of a machine on another desktop (with Xclient): "export DISPLAY=" didn't do very much02:05
Slartzero-9376: python is available for windows and linux.. at least02:05
bimberiikonia_: what livecd?  I'm suggesting recovery mode - from the HDD02:05
ikonia_bimberi ahh right02:05
ikonia_bimberi sorry thought you where taggin on to my comment02:05
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Steve_Jbimberi I am with you02:05
yrtw6erSLike: what exactly are you trying to do?02:06
bimberiikonia_: kk :)  this has been going on for a while02:06
Steve_Jhow can I recover from HDD using the /etc/passwd file02:06
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bimberiSteve_J: 'tail /etc/passwd' <-- should show you what the username is02:06
ikonia_Steve_J forget the /etc/password file - follow what bimberi said boot in recovery mode and just use passwd $username02:06
Slikeyrtw6er: there's a windows box here, it has some xclient program installed on it. we want the output of a remote server on that screen02:06
Steve_Jyes where do I type 'tail /etc/passwd02:06
Steve_JI did 'e'02:07
yrtw6erahh... sorry can't really help you w/ that02:07
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ikonia_Steve_J you're at too much of a basic level - re-isntall02:07
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Don_Juanhow can I get the gigabit working on a thinkpad x60?02:07
Steve_Jthen "init=/bin/basj02:07
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Steve_Jthen what02:07
TheLightyhello all02:07
ikonia_Steve_J re-install02:07
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PiciSteve_J: You want to boot now02:07
kontingenzhow to create a DVD image? I got File "size limit exceeded" with mkisofs -o /home/data/burn/bilder.iso -r -l -J -V Bilder-Backup-03.2007 /media/usbdisk/bilder/02:07
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Steve_JI want to leard please02:07
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Steve_Jlearn I mean02:08
bimberiSteve_J: you don't need to do that.  Hit escape when Grub gives you the option and select recovery mode from the menu02:08
omeilhas anyone set up cdemu properly with the scripts? mine aren't workin02:08
TheLightyhow can I add addition IP's to the Ubuntu 6.10 server02:08
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ikonia_Steve_J you've been given the exit commands, boot in recovery mode and do password $your_user_name then it will reset your password02:08
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Steve_Jok bimbari02:08
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Steve_Jso I hit recovery then what02:08
PiciSteve_J: Just do a hard reboot to get out of there, it wont change the settings02:08
ikonia_Steve_J your not listening02:08
Piciikonia_: He wants to learn, let him try02:09
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ikonia_Pici but he's not listening02:09
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Steve_JI am listening but this is all VERY VERY new to me02:09
Piciikonia_: Since he doesnt have anything installed, it wont hurt to mess it up02:09
ikonia_Pici oooh agree with that02:09
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Steve_JI am trying to follow you all02:09
Don_JuanI just got a x60 with ubuntu pre-installed but the gigabit connection seems to fail. Any hints?02:09
bimberiSteve_J: if should boot to a command line with a # prompt02:09
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ikonia_Steve_J boot the box - on the grub menu select Recovery mode - then when you get a console prompt to "passwd $your_username" and it will reset the password to what you type02:10
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ikonia_bimberi excellent call on recovery mode02:10
Steve_Jok, I think I understand I will try that now02:10
yrtw6erDon jaun, what exactly is your hardware02:10
aileanhow do i install a true type font?02:11
VaalthPici : how do i install those cd burning apps? i tried apt-get install but it couldnt find them02:11
Don_Juanyrtw6er: can I type any commands to list it?02:11
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TheLightyhow can I add addition IP's to the Ubuntu 6.10 server02:11
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PiciVaalth: Which apps?02:12
yrtw6eryes, try "lspci"02:12
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Slartailean: isn't there something in the menues about fonts?02:12
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:12
aileanSlart, yeah, but it lets you select them, not install them02:12
Vaalthbrasseros and gnomebaker02:12
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aileanSlart, i think i just have to shove it in a folder somewhere02:12
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VaalthPici : sorry, just noticed that was someone else that suggested it :P02:13
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VaalthSlart : you know how i can install them?02:13
PiciVaalth: You'll need to enable the universe repositories, /msg ubotu universe for information how02:13
Don_Juanyrtw6er: it says: Intel Corporation 82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller02:13
bimberiikonia_: I should know it.  It was a recipe that I got into the Ubuntu Book! ;)02:13
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Slartailean: there is a folder.. try typing fonts:/// in nautilus02:14
SlartVaalth: hmm.. hold on.. I'll check02:14
ikonia_bimberi I would have gone the old root mouonting the file systems and editing the shadow file etc etc02:14
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ikonia_bimberi hence why I thought you made an excellent call02:14
eilkersuddenly i have no sound in pc....any help ?02:14
yrtw6erok...I'm sorry don't have any experience with anything Intel..02:14
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vitorneveshi there, Can someone help me with installing ubuntu on a sata 2 hard drive. The installation cannot recognize the hard drive02:14
aileanSlart, thanks02:14
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ikonia_vitorneves its more likley it can't recognise the chipset the drive hangs off02:15
SlartVaalth: gnome baker is in the "Add/Remove Applications" thingy in the applications menu02:15
vitornevesit's a new acerpower f602:15
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SlartVaalth: in accessories02:15
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vitornevesmandriva recognizes it02:15
omeilvitorneves:have you tried changing the RAID setting to IDE in your BIOS if u have one that is02:15
vitornevesbut mandriva sucks02:16
aileanSlart, got it - it's in through /usr/share/fonts02:16
ikonia_vitorneves that doesn't mean ubuntu will but I take your point02:16
Slartailean: ah.. and you can just put your tff-files there?02:16
_jameshello i need help. .i just installed the crossover 6 final and i don't know hot to use it. what is the run command?02:16
TheLightyhow can I add addition IP's to the Ubuntu 6.10 server02:16
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ikonia_!crossover >_james02:16
Slart_james: I think there is a crossover channel02:16
aileanSlart, yep] 02:16
Slartailean: nice02:16
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vitornevesyes I've tried to change the bios but IDE option is not available (I think)02:17
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aileanSlart, there are different folders for different file types, so obviously just select the correct one - ttf in this case02:17
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TheLightycan anyone help, how do I add addition IP's to the Ubuntu 6.10 server02:17
eshaasewhat gstreamer plugin is recommended to install for mp3 playback?02:17
Slartailean: ah.. I see it now.. yes02:17
omeilvitorneves: better check. because if u can set the RAID to IDE it is supposed to work02:17
eshaaseseems like there are quite a few of them02:17
ikonia_TheLighty add them in the gui or in the /etc/interfaces file02:17
omeilbecause it will think its just a standard drive02:17
VaalthSlart : i dont see it in there02:17
Steve_JNearly have this sorted I think, does a password have to be a minimum length02:17
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vitornevesok, thanks I will double check it02:17
SlartVaalth: hmm.. were you on 6.06? or 6.10?02:18
ikonia_Steve_J type what you want, it will tell you if its unusable02:18
TheLightyomeil I looked in there but not sure how to add02:18
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Vaalthim on 5.04 :/02:18
Vaalthtrying to burn 6.10 to a cd and install it02:18
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eki1nothing like thegood old days..;)02:18
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SlartVaalth: ouch.. 5.04.. I wasn't even using linux back then.. =/..02:18
omeilTheLighty: looked in where? the scripts? i got the script to show mount and unmount in my right click but they won't do anything :D02:18
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quietUbuntu has a nice big article in my newest Eweek. :)02:19
_jamesSlart:  what is a crossover channel?02:19
TheLightysorry not you02:19
TheLighty[ikonia_] 02:19
SlartVaalth: try "sudo apt-get install gnomebaker"02:19
Slart_james: a irc-channel for crossover users.. like this is a channel for ubuntu users02:19
TheLightyikonia_ I have looked in there and not sure how to add the IP's02:19
Vaalthi tried that :(02:19
quieti remember 5.04...02:19
ikonia_TheLighty use the gui02:19
quietgood times.02:19
TheLightyI tried and could not access it by remote02:20
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ikonia_TheLighty use the /etc/interfaces file as a template and add new ip's02:20
SlartVaalth: now I'm beginning to understand why you were using cdrecord =)02:20
TheLightyI only have remote access to it02:20
ikonia_ok - so the /etc/interfaces file is what you need02:20
TheLightyyou have a link that shows examples02:20
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quietoh... here's the web-based version of the article I was referring to. -  http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2098141,00.asp02:20
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Vaalthat first i couldnt even get into x lol02:21
SlartVaalth: what is that version called? warty?02:21
VIIAfter Ive typed in my password on the login-screen, it gets black for a second, and then Im back at the login screen!02:21
TheLightyikonia_ you have a link that would show examples of additional IP's02:21
ikonia_TheLighty use the file as a template02:22
Vaalthhm... someone said something about doing a console-based install02:22
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Vaalthis that the same as a regular install except without the gui?02:22
erUSUL!alternate > Vaalth02:22
ikonia_how strange I don't have an interfaces file on my laptop02:22
SlartVaalth: there's some alternatives.. cdrtoaster is one02:23
Vaalthty :)02:23
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ikonia_TheLighty sorry it /etc/network/interfaces02:23
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SlartVaalth: I looked here http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/allpackages and searched for burn.. there are lots of cd burning packages.. there's bound to be one that works02:24
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VIIAfter Ive typed in my password on the login-screen, it gets black for a second, and then Im back at the login screen! I might add: I dont get an eroor message like when I enter the wrong info.02:24
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eki1VII:look at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file02:24
ubotubastille: Security hardening tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.1.1-12 (edgy), package size 358 kB, installed size 1508 kB02:25
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Steve_JIts me again with lost password problem, I have done the exact commands you all gave me, the commands worked, in that is said my password was changed successfully, but when I go to log into Ubuntu it still says I have the wrong unsername or password, any other ideas (besides re-insal)02:26
finalbetaYou are sure your keyboard in in the same layout when you set up the password and when you are asked for it?02:27
VIIekil: ok02:27
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Vaalthi have an amd athlon 6402:28
ComputerHermitsudo passwd root02:28
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TheLightyikonia_ I have the first IP in there, but how do I add more IP's02:28
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Vaalthcan i run the x86 version?02:28
calraithWhat's the name of the executable used to launch the VNC / RDP client for remote desktop?02:28
VIIekil: how do I do that from the logn screen?02:28
SlartVaalth: if it doesn't need any fancy libraries you usually can02:28
erstaziif you are using letters and numbers (hopefully you are), make sure your num lock is on02:28
eki1you can't....02:28
Steve_JMy keyboard setup should be the same I have not been able to login since install to change it02:28
eki1go " ctrl+alt+f2"and log in from there02:29
Steve_Jand my chosen user name and pass are two simple words02:29
erstazicharacter set?02:29
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erstaziwhat character set did you choose?02:29
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eki1V11 then look through that log for the problem02:29
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varkacalraith: vncviewer <host>02:30
varkacalraith: vncviewer <host>:<display#>02:30
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calraithvarka: that's not quite what I'm looking for.  The default install of Ubuntu / Gnome has a GUI for rdesktop and vnc combined into one app02:31
jaycie-awaycan someone tell me what wireless card i can buy to use with edubuntu or ubuntu?02:31
calraithjust trying to figure out what to apt-get install on my ubuntu server to get that same app02:31
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jaycie-awayi can't get usb wireless to work02:31
erstazidid you try logging with root?02:31
Frost^-Is there a utility for viewing applications I/O usage (like top but for I/O)?02:32
gordonjcpjaycie-away: surprisingly enough, pretty much the cheapest card you can find...02:32
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ikonia_jaycie-away a supported one, check the hardware compatability lists and google02:32
eki1jaycie: have you tryed ndiswrapper?02:32
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jaycie-awayikonia what do u mean.. list off the card itself?02:32
Steve_JOkay I give up, I'm going to re-instal, thanks for all your help, at least I learned something new about Ubuntu02:32
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eki1sorry we couldn't help more02:33
gordonjcpjaycie-away: cards based on the Ralink chipset *always* work02:33
erstaziSteve_J: did you try logging with root?02:33
jaycie-awayeki1 o i have not.. i just use the usb adapter and so far didn't work02:33
ikonia_jaycie-away there are hardware compatability lists for supported chipsets - buy a card with a supported chipset02:33
TheLightycan someone help me with adding IP's to Unbuntu 6.10 server02:33
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Steve_JI tried the word "root" as the username but it would not allow me to use it02:33
gordonjcpjaycie-away: atheros seems good too02:33
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ikonia_TheLighty I've told you what to do02:33
eki1jaycie: if you are using x86 version of Ubuntu,Ndiswrapper is almostgarunteed to work..02:33
FrogzooTheLighty: virtual IPs or real interfaces?02:33
TheLightyno you did not02:33
VIIeki1: what was the command to see the log again?02:34
TheLightyI need an example02:34
ikonia_eki1 is ndis that good these days02:34
arn_Why "www.ubuntu.com" is not working?02:34
ikonia_TheLighty there are examples in the file02:34
TheLightyjust saying add made the server not connect02:34
jaycie-awaygordonjcp is htat a card? atheros?02:34
eki1gordon: negative, I've had nothing but trouble with the madwifi-ng02:34
ikonia_TheLighty there are examples on google02:34
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ComputerHermitanyone here use bastille02:34
ikonia_ComputerHermit on hupx - yes02:34
ikonia_ComputerHermit hpux02:34
SelaiahHey there! SOUND QUESTION: I have a A8N-SLI with realtek onboard sound. It works out of the box with Edgy. However I'm using a X-FI Music on my Windows Partition now, which is sadly not supported under linux. Now I have the problem that my onboard sound does not work under Ubuntu anymore either! Seeing I don't want to have to unplug the X-FI everytime i log in ubuntu (wanting, and try to use it as main OS) I would greatly appreaciate if one of02:34
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eki1ikonia: it works everytime i've tried it...02:34
ComputerHermitIam getting a error message02:35
ikonia_eki1 sounds like its moved on a lot02:35
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TheLightyFrogzoo they are real IP's02:35
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VIIeki1: what was the command to see the log again?02:35
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ikonia_TheLightyhe means virtual on a nic or on a real nic02:35
Don_Juanwhen I say: lsmod | grep e1000 is says: e1000   124440   002:35
Steve_Jerstazi : I tried the word "root" as the username but itwould not allow me to use it02:35
eki1"less /var/log/Xorg.0.log"02:35
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jaycie-awayx86 i don't even knwo what that is.. im not good at pc stuff just don't like windows lol02:35
ikonia_Steve_J just re-install02:36
eki1yes... root login is disabled by default02:36
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ikonia_TheLighty google for the interfaces file - or use the examples in the file02:36
ikonia_TheLighty there should be examples in the file if it is on the network02:36
jayciethe pc is an older dell02:36
VIIeki1: th02:36
erstaziSteve_J: I would re-install02:36
Steve_Jye looks like it02:36
gordonjcpjaycie: atheros is the name of a chipset inside a card, as is Atmel02:36
Steve_Jthanks for all your help02:36
eki1yeah....reinstall(sounds like windows..haha)02:36
Steve_Jgood day to you all02:36
dyrneSelaiah: might work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36666202:36
jaycieok gordonjcp02:36
gordonjcpjaycie: lots of manufacturers use the same chips in their cards02:37
erstazidon't get me started about M$02:37
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SelaiahWill have a look thanks Dyrne.02:37
erstaziSteve_J: No problem02:37
jayciedoes anyone here use usb wireless with ubuntu?02:37
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jayciei will be glad to buy an internal card if that simplifies things02:37
ComputerHermitfunny realy02:37
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ikonia_jaycie I personally don't like them and I think the drivers are weak as a general rule of thumb02:38
erstaziikonia_: agreed02:38
olofantsearching person with gnome & ethernet per Router02:38
jaycieikonia thats y i will buy the card but wanted to know a brand thats tested and i will have to buy online02:38
Selaiahjaycie: I bought a WRT54GL router and flashe dit with a special firmware. Its now working as a wireless bridge with my main router. TO go on online now all i have to do is plug in my comp with an ethernet cable to router2 :D02:39
SelaiahThats how i circumvent ALL the linux wlan troubles, ive had before with internal cards.02:39
ph8hey guys! I just tried to install edgy-386 on a mate's machine, and it gets 'logical block' errors on /dev/hda - which stops the installer starting - any idea how to combat this? Already unplugged all USB (bar keyboard/mouse) in case that was a problem02:39
FrogzooTheLighty: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html02:39
erstaziwhat firmware did you use?02:39
olofantsomeone here with ethernet per router?02:39
jayciei can't plug in.. i have to use wireless and i talked to linksys and they don't support any cards i think02:40
fnfph8: are you sure the HDD is working ?02:40
SelaiahWhy do you HAVE to us ewireless Jaycie?02:40
ikonia_jaycie thats why I told you to searc for hardware compatible lists to show the cards02:40
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Selaiahive read good results from ppl with netgear WPN111 or something02:40
jaycieSelaiah router is upstairs and this ubuntu pc will be downstairs02:40
Selaiahyes Jaycie thats why i suggested buying a 2nd router ;P read again please02:40
jaycie2nd router?02:41
Selaiahyou basicly connect both routers wirelessly, and put the 2nd next to your comp.02:41
Selaiahthen you connect ur pc with ethernet to the 2nd router02:41
ikonia_or just by a repeater02:41
Selaiahthat way you have to make NO setup at all.02:41
ikonia_which is a bit of kit designed for that purpose02:41
eki1or you could get one of those gaming adapters...02:41
Caithnesswhere is xchat's userlist?02:41
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ikonia_Caithness you hover over it02:41
Caithnessi'm using 2.6.6 on edgy02:41
ph8fnf: Windows boots off it02:41
erstazican I submit a link to jaycie?02:41
ph8fnf: Although that could mean anything :-)02:42
jaycieyes plz do erstazi02:42
Caithnesshover over which now?02:42
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jayciei hate to buy another router.. linux does not make it so simple for newbies lol02:42
ph8i'm about to try feisty herd 5 - desktop - but do you think that will fix it?02:42
erstazijaycie: that was the quickest thing I found02:42
blue|palmhelp: I left my kubuntu pc on last night while it was downloading a torrent, and at about 3:pm today i tried to resume using it but kde froze. I then reset my x server with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and now i cant login using kdm anymore. kdm starts and I can enter my username and password, but when i hit enter the screen goes black and kdm just restarts02:42
Caithnessu'm used to using xchat aqua where the userlist is on the right02:42
erstazilinux does, its community02:42
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Caithnessbut there's nothing there in the ubuntu version i just installed02:42
fnfph8: it sometimes is caused by non-standard/bad drive controller. Just to be sure, add "hda=noprobe" to the kernel parameters or unplug your HDD to see if it works.02:42
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Selaiahbuying a new router is not significiently more epxneisve than buying a proper wlan card tho Jaycie :D02:43
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pubohi all02:43
blue|palmhi all, what can i do if kdm just restarts when i try to log in?02:43
erstazijaycie, Selaiah is correct, some routers are pretty inexpensive now02:43
Selaiahthe Wlan card that I read the most positive results about in regards to compatibility was 45 euro here in germany. The Router thats flashable with flexible linux Firmware was 60 euro :P02:43
eki1blue|plam : "ctrl+alt+f2" and log in there02:43
fnfblue|palm: no experience with KDE, but you couls try logging in as other user.02:43
puboanybody knows any program like Flashget where I could limit the downloads velocity?? Thx02:43
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ikonia_blue|palm possibly out of disk space in your home dir or no write support02:44
arn_is there any file transferring program for ubuntu? i mean "winscp" type program that will connect to server using as a SSH client02:44
ikonia_arn_ scp02:44
blue|palmeki1, my flgrx drivers screws up the CTRL+ALT+F terminals02:44
Selaiahjaycie: And just remember. once its running its running. Mac OS, Windows, Linux, new kernal reinstall.. its all running, you never have to install wpa supplicant or enter any passwords again or worry about drivers. All you need is onboard ethernet. :D02:44
=== thegve_ [n=germ@ip51cffcc4.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
eki1really? doesn't do that for me...02:44
blue|palmikonia_, thanks02:44
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erstaziSelaiah: I have seen your set up before but I have never attempted it. I shall try it this weekend.02:44
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blue|palmikonia_, I am low on disk space at present02:44
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ikonia_blue|palm thats one of the most common causes.02:45
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erstaziSelaiah: is it secure?02:45
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blue|palmikonia_ I had no idea thanks again02:45
eki1what about under session in KDM, select "console login"02:45
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Caithnessikonia_, i don't know what i'm supposed to be hovering over; the channel tab?02:45
SelaiahYeah i can definately recommend it erstazi. I have installed it at a friends and hes running 3 consoles and a comp on it now with good results to throughput and ping02:45
blue|palmeki1, i can get to a console login02:45
eki1ok.... then log in there...02:45
blue|palmeki1, ill just delete some junk :)02:45
ikonia_Caithness you hover over it right click and there is something that says list users or show users02:45
ikonia_I don't have xchat at the moment so can't check02:45
Selaiaherstazi: the maximum encryption u can do with wireless bridge is WPA/AES and with cliennt bridge its WPA2/AES. Thats as secure as it gets.02:45
puboplease, I', trying to find a flashget like program which I can limit the download velocity. Anybody knows one??02:45
blue|palmeki1, if that is the problem02:45
eki1could very easily be...02:46
erstaziSelaiah: does the firmware have MAC address allowance?02:46
blue|palmthanks and bye02:46
TheLighty[Frogzoo]  thanx02:46
Selaiahyes although I do generally not recommend using mac address allownace at all Erstazi02:46
fnfpubo: wget02:46
erstaziI like the most restrictive enviroment :)02:46
SelaiahThere is no security gain from it. Much better to use a proper 63 letter long pre-shared key and WPA or WPA202:46
eki1can you do that with wget?02:46
jaycieerstazi do u use this wireless?02:46
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fnfeki1: yup02:47
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eki1oh...i'll have to try that02:47
pubofnf, can I limit the velocity of the downloads with wget??02:47
azathothhow can i change the output on my soundcard? the sound is currently coming out of a different socket than i want it to...02:47
erstaziencryption is great, but for quick setups and what not, its great02:47
fnfpubo: you can pass --limit-rate to it, man for more info02:47
arn_ikonia, scp is having any GUI, is any software that have GUI and i can use to transfer file and folder to server?02:47
erstazijaycie: use what wireless?02:47
SelaiahIts easy for people to "emulate" as in fake their MAC address. And Mac address allowance is the work of the devil with a huge number of reported issues. I'm really hesitant about it.02:47
jayciethe url u sent me.. do u use what is on there>02:47
eki1arn_ are you using kubuntu?02:47
pubofnf, great!! thanks!!02:47
ikonia_arn_ if you want ssh/scp - not that I'm aware of, for ftp you could try gftp02:48
weathermanone last try :) does anybody know how to assign an ip adress to a server in a private network?02:48
arn_eki1, i am using ubuntu02:48
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eki1kubuntu's konqueror does a nice job of ssh remote folders02:48
erstaziSelaiah, maybe, I know it can be emulated.02:48
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ArCHoNKoGDoes anyone here had Creative Vision M 60, working on Ubuntu Edgy amd64. If so how because i have been reading for about 2 hours on forums.02:48
eki1you can probably just go get konqueror...02:48
fnfweatherman: setup a static network config02:48
dyrneweatherman: do you mean simply static address instead of dhcp?02:49
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ph8flf: It boots with noprobe, but drops straight out to command-line - presumably because it has no local hard drives to install to (?)02:49
ph8where do i go from there?02:49
eki1ArCHoNKoG: you have to use MTP02:49
ph8would an alternate work better?02:49
jaycieerstazi so i need to download something there is what i think?02:49
=== einPaul [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-060-009.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
erstazijaycie: wikipedia provides links to02:49
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fnfph8: no, it should run GNOME even if you have no drive, what does it say on the console ?02:50
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erstazijaycie: http://dd-wrt.com is the correct place to find about the firmware and download02:50
jaycieok i will check it more. tahnks alot *s*02:50
jayciehave u used this?02:50
eki1a gaming adaptor might be easier...02:50
Selaiahim using it atm02:50
weathermandyrne , fnf: I know very little about networking, but I suppose a static address is what I need (I'm just setting up nfs between pc and laptop). How do I configure the static address?02:50
ph8fnf: some errors about not finding /dev/root or similar02:50
erstazijaycie, don't thank me, thank Selaiah02:50
ArCHoNKoGeki1, Which version, i just installed libmtp2_0.0.18-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb02:50
eki1I don't know..... but I was researching it for a freind02:51
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AyabaraI'm trying to set up automounting at work. 1. in which file do I set nisdomainname? 2. how can I make sure that /home is not automounted?02:51
jaycieah ok gthsnks Selaiah02:51
Selaiahnp :D02:51
fnfweatherman: to save the fuss, you may go to Administration-->Network and work from there02:51
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SelaiahAhwell I'll try booting my ubuntu now to see if i can fix this soundcard problem. BB soon :D02:51
jaycieglad yall r here to help.. bye for now02:51
fnfph8: there's no such device though. Does unplugging the HDD help ?02:51
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dyrneweatherman: well a one time connect would be like: sudo ifconfig eth0 up; sudo ifconfig eth0   and thats it. to setup perm youll edit interfaces file like gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces    but you can do all that through gui though im not familiar with gnome tools02:52
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erstaziThank you Selaiah, I have heard of people before installing DSL on a router02:52
Caithnessaha, it was there all along, it was just so skinny i couldn't see it02:52
dyrneweatherman: what fnf said :)02:52
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ph8fnf: I haven't opened up the box - i think my friend would be averse to it :)02:52
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Selaiah:D the DD-wrt firmware is clearly a great piece of coding. Its making my life so much easier02:53
eki1last time I checked it was a big pain... festy should have native support though02:53
ph8could it be a case of an fsck being needed on the drive? (or the windows equivalent)02:53
Selaiahanyway BB and thanks for the nice chat!02:53
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fnfph8: in which case I have no idea, it could be a kernel mis-configuration but most likely caused by the drive. What Ubuntu version is it anyway ?02:54
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azathothanyoen know how i can change my soundcard output? the sound is currently coming out of the wrong socket... i want to change from the subwoofer output to the main front output...02:54
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azathothi can't see it in any configuration dialog02:54
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weathermandyrne: hmm I just have fluxbuntu on the server, is it hard to edit /etc/network/interfaces manually?02:55
eki1no...its not..02:55
eki1^^to weather man.. sorry02:55
fnfph8: Ubuntu under Feisty makes no attempt to automount the partitions, so any bad sectors or screwed FAT would no raise such error.02:55
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spinz8rthere is sneak preview on herd 5. go to osnews02:58
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ikonia_why ?02:58
ikonia_just install it02:58
spinz8rooops sorry wrong post02:58
_Rappy_I'm trying to use wget to get all the stuff in a dir, but it noes not seem to be possible. Anyone knows how to make this work?02:58
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ikonia_its not "sneaky" you can download it02:58
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dyrneweatherman: no very straight forward. im not familiar with the syntax offhand but a quick google search should show you. (im not on ubuntu right now)02:59
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dyrneweatherman: then just sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth002:59
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weathermantnx everybody, I found a couple of howtos and I'll try them out now03:00
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rafahello friends03:02
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rafagood morning03:02
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rafamy name is rafa03:03
Rebeccahey, how do i restart my usb sub system? lsusb completely freezes (kill -9 fails to terminate it). and auto mount doesn't work.03:03
lava-headHi everyone, I need some help on a tricky problem.03:03
eshaaseanyone here have bmpx working in feisty?03:03
AngryElf_Did somebody break php5/apache2 last night?03:03
pierreluxRebecca: you can unload a module with rmmod03:03
Rebeccapierrelux: then reload without rebooting?03:03
noehi, is there somebody from Russia?03:03
Lynourelava-head: What kind of tricky problem? Mindreading in too tricky for me :)03:03
Lynoure!ru | noe03:04
ubotunoe:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke03:04
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AngryElf_I can't apt-get upgrade/exit03:04
marsanhello. i got a printer problem, after i innstalled Ubuntu 6.10 again i cant seem to get my printer to work (Epson stylus c66). I can see my printer in lsusb but the gnome-cups program cant find its location. any tips?03:04
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VIIHelp. WHen I login I get sent back to the login screen. Really confusing.03:06
Rebeccapierrelux: do you know what module in particular i should be rm-ing? given my system sees my hdd + my usb both as scsi devices i don't want to make a mistake here03:06
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lava-headMy problem is with an s3virge video card.03:06
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pierreluxRebecca: just reboot if you can, and it will be fine I guess if it's just bad mount/umount03:07
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dyrnemarsan: im not familiar with gnome-cups but in a browser and a search of linuxprinting.org is how i usually set one up03:07
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Rebeccapierrelux: rebooting isn't an option at the moment.. otherwise i would have done so03:07
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marsanthanks dyrne!03:08
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IndustrialWhat do I open .rar files with on *nix?03:08
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erUSUL!rar > Industrial03:08
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Industrial!info unrar-free03:08
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB03:08
lava-headAnyone help me with my video card problem?03:09
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TangledUpInBlueI am having a probem with my dual boot Win2k/ubuntu 6.10.  I had Ubuntu do the partioning, then installed ubuntu. Did the updates.  booted back to win 2000, it did an automatic chkdsk and everything was ok.  I then rebooted and wanted to go to Ubuntu again and it almost get up to the point where the menu comes up where I can select Win 2k or ubuntu to boot.  before I can see a menu it just...03:10
TangledUpInBlue...reboots again and again and again03:10
Rebeccapierrelux: rmmod usb_storage seems to have frozen..03:10
pierreluxis edgy back-compatible with some dapper packages ? http://monotone.ca/downloads/0.28/monotone_0.28-dapper0.1_i386.deb is only available for dapper. Does Ubuntu provide an out-of-the box solution to upgrade dependencies inside this package ?03:10
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VIIHelp. WHen I login I get sent back to the login screen. Really confusing.03:10
Lynourelava-head: What kind of problem you have with it?03:11
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lava-headLynoure: I am getting strange artifacts and colour smears when displaying some images, otherwise it is fine. Realplayer for example gives me lots of green rectangles. I have some screenshots if you would like to see. A lot of windows like this one are fine.03:14
Lynourelava-head: Which version of ubuntu you are using?03:15
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dyrneVII: are there any other user accounts? two things to do: alt-ctrl-f2 then login then 'sudo adduser' whatever name and pass once thats done check hd space by 'df -h' see if / is full.   then alt-crtl-f7 and try to login with the new user. if that works its just a straight forward profile issue easy to fix. if youre out of space on / youll need to free some up. it could be other things also03:15
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VIIdyrne, I have alot of space, also, I dont get any error message, like when I type in the wrong password.03:17
VIIthis started after I ran "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:18
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fluppetthe sys admin hasn't written a name on the new printer in my computer room, so I don't know what to call it when using lpr -Plaser???, is there any way of finding out what it is called?03:19
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dyrneVII: so x isnt configured correctly. just alt-ctrl-f2 and login and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   again. make sure you choose vesa as driver then just defaults or whatever for everything else03:19
epignosiswhen i try to configure amarok in ubuntu i get this error " Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!" , i have already tried to install the libqt-mt-dev package from synaptic, unfortunately it cannot install.  does anyone have any suggestion in this matter?03:19
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minimechi... Just a software question. I always used realplayer 10. Is it still worth using it, or do the standard video player do a good job on real-files?03:19
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Guerrandfluppet: see if you can get to the printers menu system ... if they havent already locked it out you can print a configuration page through the menu and get the name03:20
dyrneVII: or you can use nano to edit the file like sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  if youre comfortable doing that03:20
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lava-headLynoure: I have put a note about it on the forum. You can see it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=379174.03:20
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VIIdyrne, yes, it was set to "nv" before, which would alow me to get to the login screen. I got a monitor error instead. So I change dto vesa, and now I get to the login screen, but I cant login. I just get sent back to the login screen.03:20
dyrneVII: once reconfigure is done youll sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart   to have it read the new file03:20
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VIIdyrne: which WOULDNT allow me03:20
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b0ri5how do I test if my Nvidia card is working?03:20
bna31help needed... unable to update to latest x11-common (herd5)03:21
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eshaaseanyone have any luck with bmpx in feisty?03:21
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IdleOnebna31, change your sources.list to archive.ubuntu.com ( remove the country code )03:21
dyrneVII: hmm if youre already having this much trouble might as well just try and install nvidida drivers.03:21
fluppetGuerrand: thanks, I'll try that03:21
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bna31thanks... i'll try03:21
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b0ri5is there a cmd to test the nvidia drivers?03:21
Jowibna31, (feisty support in #ubuntu+1)03:22
IdleOnebna31, Feisty support in #ubuntu+103:22
IdleOneJowi, plus 1 for you :P03:22
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=== Jowi wins
riaalis it possible to connect to a network or just list (etc.) whit kismet?03:22
b0ri5I installed the Nvidia drivers, and now I need to test to make sure they're working. How do I do this??03:22
VIIdyrne, Im gonna give it another shot, will probably be back in 5 mins :P03:23
dyrneb0ri5: sudo apt-get install tremulous :)03:23
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omegabetaQuestion : I want to rysnc an iso from* a server to my home dir, whats the comand to do this03:23
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IdleOnebna31, the reason for that is apperently not all the repos have the new updated package. should be uploaded to other repos soon I would think03:23
qsrvI've got a question regarding cd and dvd burning03:23
b0ri5I get this:03:23
b0ri5E: Couldn't find package tremulous03:24
Lynourelava-head: I do not think I have any ideas you have not already tried.03:24
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IdleOneb0ri5, you have universe and multiverse enabled?03:24
fluppetGuerrand: Hmm, I printed the config pages (2), but there doesn't seem to be a name on them... it has a protocal information section which has host name as pr-15, but, but I don't think that's the printer name...03:24
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qsrvSome applications (like nero for windows) can write to a dvd or cdr without creating an image on the hard drive beofre that. Are there any linux applications, capable of this?03:24
IdleOne!repos | b0ri5 enable universe and multiverse03:25
ubotub0ri5 enable universe and multiverse: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:25
minimecqsrv: Maybe k3b, but I am not sure03:25
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lava-headLynoure: Drat! Do you think it is a faulty xserver package or could it be one of the graphics libraries?03:26
b0ri5yes, how would I have installed the drivers in the first place? But do I have to enable for ALL of the channels?03:26
dyrneb0ri5: i was sort of kidding trem is a 3d shooter game.  glxgears in terminal will tell you03:27
Lynourelava-head: You could try reconfiguring or reinstalling the packages. Do you have the artifacts outside video streams?03:27
bobslaedei love how the evolution team has "irc meetings weekly" and "everybody is welcome to join", but theres no irc server listed...03:27
omeilis there anyway to stop wine from only loading half a program? itsl ike i get a boarder and a blank screen03:27
b0ri5I am a newbie to linux, so I don't know the cmd's03:27
Lynourelava-head: (oh, seems that you do)03:27
dyrneanyone remember flag for fps on glxgears?03:27
IdleOneb0ri5, hehe sorry I thought you just wanted to install the game didnt realise it was to test 3d03:27
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b0ri5I also might want a game for linux. Didn't know they existed.03:28
omegabetaQuestion : I want to rysnc an iso from* a server to my home dir, whats the comand to do this03:28
IdleOneb0ri5, but if apt-get isnt finding the package then you dont seem to have enable universe and multiverse03:28
ke-b0ri5, WoW or Enemy Territory :)03:28
b0ri5I have enabled them for Ubuntu Binary03:28
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b0ri5can I get a pirated Linux version of WoW?03:29
dyrneb0ri5: look at tremulous or enemy terr for fps and wesnoth is nice kind of like the old might and magic03:29
IdleOneb0ri5, follow that link ubotu gave you and follow the instructions... your going to need to do it anyway03:29
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lmghello there. I have a problem booting any kernel newer than 2.6.20-6-generic (which works fine). it freezes after detecting USB devices.03:29
Guerrandfluppet: you might find that the printer has been ip locked ... I would tell you to do a pingsweep .. but chances are you admins wouldnt appreciate it03:29
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b0ri5running that "glxgears" cmd I get the gear animation. Does that mean the card is working?03:30
Lynourelava-head: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-95531.html sounds possibly related03:30
lava-headLynoure: Yes, but only on certain images like the ubuntu support page header or the progressive download bar of firefox. I had a series of vertical lines down my Enlightenment WM screen, but my Icewm screen is normal. I suspect it has something to do with overlay effects.03:30
SelaiahHow can i select a different default audio player?03:30
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pierreluxb0ri5: please go away if you want to do illegal stuff03:30
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IdleOnehehe quit \quit ] quit errr where is that / key again03:30
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omegabetaftp://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/debian-cd/current/i386/iso-dvd/ - how do I rsync this directory? (as in download its conetents) ?03:31
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b0ri5I thought linux is for hackers and people who want to pirate stuff03:31
dyrneb0ri5: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark  should give frames per sec03:31
IdleOneb0ri5, we dont provide support for software cracking/hacking or anything like that03:31
IdleOneb0ri5, you thought wrong03:31
b0ri5just asking.03:31
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dyrneb0ri5: linux is what you use when you get tired of having to break the law just to use your computer03:32
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lmgdo failed attempts to boot a kernel get logged? and if so, where to?03:32
`nicolaguys when I start ubuntu I have this error http://pastebin.ca/38631203:32
IdleOneb0ri5, Ubuntu is what you use when you want to learn how to be free again03:32
`nicolagnome-panel fails to load03:32
dyrneb0ri5: and for cracking wep and stuff :)03:33
IdleOnedyrne, :P lol03:33
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b0ri5I bought windows server corp. for $4 outside but I hated it so I decided to use Ubuntu.03:33
yamanhi every one i am having too many problems trying to make my modem work any help ?? my mode is ali(asus laptop)03:33
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IdleOne!modem > yaman03:34
omegabetaftp://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/debian-cd/current/i386/iso-dvd/ - how do I rsync this directory? (as in download its conetents) ?03:34
perplexityomegabeta: you could use the mirror command in lftp as a start03:34
b0ri5I don't get the fps using the cmd: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark03:35
IdleOneomegabeta, tried clicking on the link?03:35
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K3ntobori5: welcome to the good side03:35
VIIdyrne: didnt work. still cant login03:36
erUSULb0ri5: try 'glxgears -printfps'03:36
b0ri5This is the first time I'm not using pirated software in my life.03:36
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VIIANyone nkow why I get sent back to the login screen when I login???03:36
KeeNaFhi guys .. how to install printer driver? im using laser printer xerox phaser 312103:36
`nicolaguys when I start ubuntu gnome-panel keeps crashing  http://pastebin.ca/38631203:36
dyrneb0ri5: glxgears -printfps  try that03:36
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IdleOne!printer > KeeNaF03:36
b0ri5I'm never going back to Windows03:36
IdleOne!offtopic > b0ri503:37
VIIneither am I, if only I could login :D03:37
omegabetaIdleOne: they screw up unless they are rsynced, trust me - ive downloaded 25 gigs trying03:37
KeeNaFIdleOne .. what does !printer mean??? I dont get it03:37
IdleOneKeeNaF, you should have a window/tab from ubotu look at it03:37
b0ri5I get around ~220FPS, is that ok?03:37
PiciKeeNaF: See the private message from ubotu03:37
kristofer_I just installed nss-mdns... I can ping the apt repositories, but apt can't resolve any hostnames. got any ideas?03:37
Picib0ri5: glxgears is not a benchmark03:38
b0ri5where do I get legal benchmarking tools?03:38
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KeeNaFIdleOne: ok ..03:38
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kristofer_as if there are illegal benchmarking tools03:38
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dyrneb0ri5: but thats low.  google glxgears fps for an idea of what to expect.  if you installed nvidida though you whould have a nvidia splash screen when x starts03:39
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Selaiahautomatix webby down for everyone?03:39
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shigutsois it true that MS Office 2007 will read all OpenOffice documents, like .odt, etc?03:39
Pici!automatix | Selaiah03:39
ubotuSelaiah: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:39
b0ri5It's weird. I also got 2200FPS later on03:39
bronze_0_1shigutso: no03:39
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bronze_0_1shigutso: not that I've heard.03:40
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bronze_0_1shigutso: but there are people working on plug-ins for MS-office that will do that.03:40
IdleOneshigutso, would be nice . but OpenOffice for windows works with MS office03:40
SelaiahPici: I didn't ask for support. I just asked about the website :P !apache ? :P03:40
shigutsobronze_0_1, oh... :/... it's because i've read in a magazine about linux here03:40
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dyrneb0ri5: install some 3d games in synaptic and play around03:40
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shigutsoIdleOne, yeah, but MS Office can't read .odt documents...03:41
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bronze_0_1shigutso: as being a feature of MS-office or as being a third party add-in?03:41
IdleOneshigutso, well that's MS fault03:41
Hitman079O.S.R-open source revenge http:\\www.nuxil.blogspot.com03:41
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PiciSelaiah: I know, I'm just posting the caveat03:42
KeeNaFfrom https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XeroxPrinters ,, what is dmesg???03:42
b0ri5doesn't make sense. At first I got 2200 then 220FPS all the time.03:42
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shigutsobronze_0_1, being a feature of MS Office.. because a lot of governments are changing all of it's documents do the OpenOffice format, because it is better than MSOffice format03:42
=== taavi [n=taavi@a91-154-96-50.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
`nicolaguys when I start ubuntu gnome-panel keeps crashing  http://pastebin.ca/38631203:42
Tuxhey guys, I have a problem, I want to install vm client on my linux distro ( ubuntu ) so that I can remote with vm server03:42
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tarelerulzI don't have working cd drive and I do have usb hard drive how would I install ubuntu ?03:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about benchmark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:43
IdleOne!install > tarelerulz03:43
roland__help i installed Transgaming Cedega on ubuntu 6.10 (version 5.2 cedega) and its all ok until i get to the system checks to see if my pc can run games then when i click video test it fails and it locks up my system only way to come back is to hard shutdown.why is this happening ? i have ati radeon 9550 and i installed the ati proprietary drivers and in my xorg.conf it shows as module "ati"03:43
Tuxbut I dont know how to install vm client on linux ?03:43
bronze_0_1shigutso: I really dont think its a feature of MS-office. I thinks its an add in, but I can be wrong.03:44
tarelerulzI want to install it on the computer with out working cd rom drive03:44
bobslaedecan anybody recomend a *good* CalDav client?03:44
VIIAnyone know why I get sent back to the login screen when I login???03:44
shigutsobronze_0_1, hmm ok... thanks for the information  :D03:44
b0ri5how do I install superkaramba?03:45
Guido93Hi , Im Italian. I've a problem with installation of Ubuntu. When i starting the installation in my old laptop , Ubuntu says me "Need BIOS Update". How can i update BIOS if i can't install none system operative? Excuse for my bad english.. Someone can help me?03:45
IdleOne!it | Guido9303:45
Guerrandshigutso: it IS only an addon ... MS contributed some code or somesuch to a sourceforge project to assist them ... in reality they didnt do anything, but atleast this way they can claim to the gov's that they are implimenting it03:45
ubotuGuido93: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:45
bobslaedeGuido93: i think theres an #ubuntu-it channel03:45
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bobslaedeoh :P03:45
Guido93Thank's :)03:45
`nicolaGuido93, you don't need os to install bios03:45
Guido93My english was very bad!03:46
`nicolabtw join italian channel03:46
PiciGuido93: No, it wasnt that bad!03:46
Guerrandshigutso; and the add-on doesnt work very well .. it can open OK .. but since it is lacking the specs for MS office it really is hit-and-miss03:46
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quietGuido93, you seen like you speak good English... but if you'remore comfortable with italian, there is #ubuntu-it03:46
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IdleOneGuido93, your english is fine but I thought that maybe it would be easier for you to understand in Italian03:46
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Guido93IdleOne , quiet , Pici: Ok! I am there :)03:46
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shigutsoGuerrand, oh.. what a piece of crap then :P... but at least it is a begining...03:46
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TangledUpInBlue am having a probem with my dual boot Win2k/ubuntu 6.10. I had Ubuntu do the partioning, then installed ubuntu. Did the updates. booted back to win 2000, it did an automatic chkdsk and everything was ok. I then rebooted and wanted to go to Ubuntu again and it almost get up to the point where the menu comes up where I can select Win 2k or ubuntu to boot. before I can see a menu it just...03:47
TangledUpInBlue...reboots again and again and again03:47
roland__help i installed Transgaming Cedega on ubuntu 6.10 (version 5.2 cedega) and its all ok until i get to the system checks to see if my pc can run games then when i click video test it fails and it locks up my system only way to come back is to hard shutdown.why is this happening ? i have ati radeon 9550 and i installed the ati proprietary drivers and in my xorg.conf it shows as module "ati"03:47
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The_Noob_Ninjaanyone available to help with additional hd install issues?03:47
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Guerrandshigutso: MS is trying to delay the implimentation of odf so that they can push their own format ... until someone kills off m$'s chances of that they will still simply toy around with odf03:48
shadow_18pollinwhats up03:48
tarelerulzany of you guys see black arrow on konqueror with white x on it that lets you searh fast03:48
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b0ri5ok, I installed superkaramba and ran it. It opened, but I got errror msgs in the prompt. Is this normal?03:48
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devilsrejectwhat up all03:49
ekimusany suggestions on a lightweight smtp command line mailer (i.e. sendmail replacement)?03:49
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shigutsoGuerrand, damn... I have MS >=/... but, as the governments are changing to ODF, MS won't have choice :D03:49
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b0ri5it says it failed to open input device. What is this and is it normal??03:49
bobslaedeekimus: i think theres a new sendmail in qmail or courier03:49
`nicoladoes anyone read what I write ?03:49
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The_Noob_Ninja@ nicola: yep :)03:50
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`nicolathanks The_Noob_Ninja03:50
=== Woodrow [n=woodrows@ip13.49.1411C-CUD12K-02.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
`nicolaguys when I start ubuntu gnome-panel keeps crashing  http://pastebin.ca/38631203:50
roland__i installed cedega and it fails on video test locking up my system can anyone sugest me a solution? i have ati radeon 9550 and ati driver03:50
roland__worked fine on kubuntu 6.1003:50
ekimusbobslaede: no I don't want a full mailserver i just need something that forwards mails to my mailserver (which is postfix). but there are just too many out there and I don't know how well supported they are03:50
b0ri5has anyone here installed superkaramba??03:50
b0ri5when i run it in prompt, are those error msgs normal?03:51
`nicolaroland__, try #cedega03:51
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DaneliFAti 9550, Ubuntu orginal driver is better then Ati's own03:51
Guerrandshigutso: if the governements can all legislate odf then your right .. eitherway if m$ loses their proprietary formats then they will be at serious risk of losing the market .... this is how they built their empire and I seriously doubt they are going to die quietly03:51
bobslaedeekimus: then i can't help, sorry :P03:51
b0ri5it said failed to open device, but superkaramba ran anyway03:51
Syco_Hi guys, I seem to be having a odd 3d problem.  I can only seem to play any 3d games after a fresh reboot.  Be it ET for linux or WoW through both Cadega or Wine, with ET it runs very slow after the pc has been up and being used for an hour or more, with WoW it just wont open.  Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing it?03:51
DaneliFsudo dokg reconfigure xserver-xorg03:51
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Syco_but they both run fine after a fresh boot03:52
VIIAnyone know why I get sent back to the login screen when I login??? Sorry if I re-post to often. :x03:52
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b0ri5it said cmd not found03:52
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lava-headLynoure: Thanks for your interest. I haven't found much else to go on. I'll restart and see what happens. Thanks.03:52
GuerrandSyco_ : to me it seems like you have a memory leak .... although saying that I have no idea how to help :P03:52
shigutsoGuerrand, yeah, they are bad but not stupid... but maybe one day (not too far hehe) ODT and DOC will be fully compatible03:53
Syco_Guerrand: haha, yeah..  Google also has no idea how to help it seems :(03:53
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Syco_Is there any way I can check for a memory leak?03:53
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ZaggynlWhen I open a file with VLC, then close it, the sound keeps playing, unless I kill the process wxvlc03:53
ZaggynlUbuntu 6.0603:54
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GuerrandSyco_; try shutting down any unncessary services/apps ... then bring them back up one by one .... eventually you should findout what program is causing the leak .... otehrwise you could prolly just look at the resource list and see who is eating all your memory when you cant play games03:54
crash_i have a serious problem03:54
Syco_in the task manager type thing Firefox is using the highest amount (100mb) but I have 2gig and apparantly only 400mb is being used thus far03:54
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crash_i did a rm -R /etc/03:54
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dyrnecrash_: thats a problem :)03:54
Picicrash_: thats quite a problem03:54
gordonjcpSyco_: you're not using anything odd like Beryl that might be getting in the way03:55
gordonjcpare you?03:55
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crash_how can I undelete it03:55
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gordonjcpcrash_: you can't03:55
Picicrash_: a time machine?03:55
Syco_gordonjcp: I installed Beryl recently but don't have it running at the moment.  But I don't think that's the problem as I've had this issue since I first installed Ubuntu (so a month or so before Beryl)03:55
Guerrandshigutso: noticing alot of noise in the media about googles premium services ... if google is upto the hype i seriously think they can throw m$ out of the market .... and honestly as long as google supports open standards i would throw my weight behind them ... they are about the only one that can take on m$03:55
gordonjcpSyco_: hm, and you've got glx working properly?03:55
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b0ri5what superkaramba theme displays sys info like cpu load, etc.? Is beryl a theme?03:56
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gordonjcpcrash_: there isn't really an undelete03:56
dyrnecrash_: maybe you could do a dpkg-reconfigure on ever one of your packages.. im not familiar with debian system enough to know though03:56
Lord_Vaderif I did a bad poweroff (not letting linux unmount all the drives etc etc) and during the next bootup linux checks the filesystems and says it's ok. can I be absolutely sure that no data loss has occurred?03:56
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gordonjcpdyrne: where would dpkg get its configuration from?03:56
Syco_gordonjcp: well, it seems to be after a fresh boot..  websites I've read that had "do this to see if glx is working" and have followed the directions have come back positive03:56
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roland__what was the other driver module named (for ati card) coming with Xorg ?03:56
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gordonjcpSyco_: can you pin it down to any specific thing that stops it working?03:57
crash_do ext2 undelete tools work?03:57
Guerrandgordonjcp: is it possible to have a memory leak taking the ram from the gfx card?03:57
gordonjcpGuerrand: doubt it03:57
dyrnegordonjcp: i cant be bothered with the details!03:57
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eegressosome from Brasil ?03:57
Guerrandgordonjcp: yeah hadnt heard of it either .... : /03:57
IdleOnebesides bluefish and nvu any other apps I can try out?03:57
Syco_gordonjcp: No..  I might try some tests over the next few days.. ie, fresh boot and not open anything for a few hours then try launching something.. then try opening one program at a time I have running normally... I haven't done this yet though so no I can't pinpoint it atm03:57
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Pici!br | eegresso03:58
ubotueegresso: pt is Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:58
gordonjcpSyco_: also, you might try running ps and see if that shows anything that shouldn't be there03:58
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shigutsoGuerrand, yea me too... well, google's programs aren't opensource at all, but they prefer to use opensource formats... and yea, I think too that google is the only one that can beat MS03:58
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dyrnecrash_: maybe someone could tar their /etc for you but id consider a reinstal after backing up /home03:58
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Syco_gordonjcp: heh, I haven't used Linux for years.. I don't think I'd know what should and shouldn't be there..03:59
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tarelerulzunlesl google comes out with an Os they are going to have to do alot to beat ms03:59
erstaziMS definately fears google so much that they are "supposively" going to have web applications03:59
dyrnecrash_: there will be much messyness03:59
crash_crap, i had a lot of custom config in there03:59
Syco_Should firefox with only two tabs open really be using 100mb of memory?03:59
crash_its a server04:00
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nosrednaekimthey don't need to some out with an OS... just look at the FAA04:00
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Guerrandshigutso: i honestly dont mind that google isnt opensource .... the fact that they adhere to open standards is all i could ask from a company .. that they are fighting with m$ is just a dream come true :P04:00
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Syco_Don't Google sponsor a lot of open source projects?04:00
nosrednaekimfirefox is a memory hog...its not unheard of04:00
Lord_Vaderif I did a bad poweroff (not letting linux unmount all the drives etc etc) and during the next bootup linux checks the filesystems and says it's ok. can I be absolutely sure that no data loss has occurred?04:00
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ChousukeAll modern apps are memory hogs :/04:01
crash_its a raid 5 setup with lvm does that help?04:01
roland__hey, my video test fails and locks my system when it comes to glxgears test ...04:01
tarelerulzI am just saying google is still ran on windows and program or two they lost is not that big04:01
nosrednaekimLord_VAder yes... everythin us fine04:01
erstaziSyco_: depending on what you are viewing, yes 100mb is not unheard of with two tabs04:01
VIIAnyone know why I get sent back to the login screen when I login??? Sorry if I re-post to often. :x04:01
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Syco_I know in windows it used to get up over 200mb sometimes heh04:01
Lord_Vadernosrednaekim, u sure?04:01
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Lord_Vaderkewl :D04:01
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erstaziI know PDF files push the limits04:01
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dyrneVII: it sounds like your settings are out of range for your monitor but i cant be sure04:02
Kookahuhu zusammen04:02
Guerrandtarelerulz: not true .... the applications are what define the OS .... if you take the applications out of the mix then the rest is simply a function of cost ... for proof just look at m$'s defeat of OS2 and Apple04:02
shigutsoGuerrand, hehe yea that's true... when google start a real fight against  MS, we will be happy xD04:02
Lord_VaderChousuke, which leads you to the question: are the apps really modern or just obselete? :P04:02
nosrednaekimVII did you go check the Xorg log like I said?04:02
Syco_the next largest thing running is just "java" at 60mb .. I'm not real sure why that'd be running unless it's needed by xchat or gaim (I just closed firefox)04:02
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roland__hey, my video test fails and locks my system when it comes to glxgears test on my ati radeon 9550 with ati proprietary driver.. what can be wrong ? pls04:02
ChousukeLord_Vader: Actually, no-one just cares about memory usage that much anymore,.04:02
erstaziJava can be bloated also04:02
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b0ri5how do I install beryl?04:03
Chousukenot on a normal desktop machine at least04:03
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VIInosred: yes04:03
nosrednaekimBori5: go to ubuntuguide.com04:03
Lord_VaderChousuke, that's sucks :/ no one appreciates an effective app anymore?04:03
nosrednaekimwhat did the end say?04:03
VIInosred: I didnt know what to lok for tho, it was a huge file04:03
ChousukeLord_Vader: Well, on embedded platforms.04:03
eddtheduckI have a hard disk from from a cctv device which has an unidentifiable partition type. Is it possible and if so how, to get the data off the disk?04:03
nosrednaekimyeah.... the essential part is at the end04:04
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b0ri5I could not find the package in package manager, and terminal does not recognize the cmd.04:04
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crash_will a dd find anything?04:04
ChousukeLord_Vader: but on modern machines, you can basically assume that you're not going to run out of memory.04:04
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:04
Lord_VaderChousuke, guess I'll come back nagging after I've done some programming myself :P04:04
VIInosrednaekim: I thought so, but I could find anything of interest..or anything mentioning a login at all04:04
eddtheduckhow does dd work04:04
garuhhhhi! anyone ever used webmin?04:04
Syco_OK, well, hopefully I haven't over-stayed my welcome and can move onto my next issue heh...  I have two FAT32 300gig IDE drives that run fine in windows but are so increadibly slow in Ubuntu.  To copy a 700mb file sometimes takes over 30 minutes.  To just open a folder and read the contents takes 20-25 seconds (per folder).  Any ideas?04:04
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ChousukeLord_Vader: heh.04:04
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nosrednaekimV11: ok, there must have been an error though04:05
ChousukeI try to avoid making stupid mistakes while programming04:05
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cogenoI'm trying to reinstall grub (Nuked it with a Windows re-install) through a Gentoo livecd. when I try to install it to /dev/hda (grub-install /dev/hda), it tells me selected disk does not exist. I know that the HD is on /dev/hda and the Linux partitino is on the first partition.04:05
riaalNeed some help, if a page say: "sudo apt-get install linux-headers"  the apt-get says I need to specify a package,  what to pick of them?04:05
varka!anyone | garuhhh04:05
ubotugaruhhh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:05
cogenoanyone know what's going no/04:05
tarelerulzI use ntfs-3g for my fat32 usb drives04:05
Chousukebut if there's a choice between less memory usage and less code, I take the less code approach .P04:05
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Lord_VaderChousuke, that's always a good idea no matter what you do: don't make stupid mistakes :P04:05
Syco_tarelerulz: and it works well?04:06
Lord_Vaderyeah I get that :P04:06
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tarelerulzIt works great I have not had one problem04:06
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tarelerulzand I used it all the time04:06
ChousukeThe two rules of optimisation are 1) Don't optimise and 2) still, don't optimise. ;P04:06
Syco_I might give that a go for my IDE drives then, they're so increadibly slow04:06
Lord_VaderChousuke, lol04:06
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nosrednaekimcogeno, do the chroot approach into our ubuntu04:07
tarelerulzand for media  mplayer is the best I have used04:07
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cogenonosrednaekim did that04:07
garuhhham trying to follow a tutorial for webmin, and am stucked.. help?04:07
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nosrednaekimok so are all your files and everything still there?(ie did windows erase it)04:08
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cogenoIt's alls till ther04:08
cogenoIt's all still there*04:08
b0ri5When installing Beryl I always get: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:08
cogenoI made the mistake of installing Windows second\04:08
b0ri5or: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:08
b0ri5why does Linux have to be so complicated?04:09
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cogenob0ri5 Do you have a package manger open04:09
GuerrandSyco_: cants say i have any problems with my IDE's .. but i simply dont know enough about linux to help you out .. <-- n00b04:09
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cogenoeg. Synaptic?04:09
b0ri5yes, should I close it?04:09
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Menasim1I want to install ubuntu04:09
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devilsrejectb0ri5 --- Linux is only comlicated cuz you dont know it... if you knew linux, well.... windows would still be ez LOL ;0)04:09
Syco_I just closed Firefox and opened WoW and ... it opened!04:10
GuerrandSyco: hehe atm i cant even keep my machine stable ... and there are no games involved :P04:10
Tuxhow do I get vm client on my linux ?04:10
Syco_What's the next best browser?//////04:10
Syco_Guerrand: haha04:10
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devilsrejectMenasiml  -- smart choice i just got done with the install and all the updates up to beryl i got wine installed so i can copy dvds w no prob04:10
nosrednaekimopera, konqueror04:10
XifHi. Does anyone know how I can install XChat 2.8 or later on Edgy?04:10
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Syco_Oh, there's my third issue...  it's not major but every time I try to do a ?///// it comes out like that and I have to backspace the slashes..  Well, half the time it comes out as that, the other half the time it doesn't work at all04:10
GuerrandSyco: i think you might find that the Java and Firefox are the same problem04:11
cogenoXif: Check the package manager04:11
cogenoOr do it yourself04:11
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cogenoI'd prefer going throught he package manager04:11
cogenoThat way it's eaier to maintain04:11
Xifcogeno: sure, but the latest in the PM is 2.6.804:11
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nosrednaekimcogeno: I'm not sure what your partition problem is.04:12
GuerrandSyco: your keyboard is prolly screwey ... just grab another keyboard and test it ... if it stops then its the keyboard .. if it doesnt then something in ubuntu is doing it04:12
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cogenonosrednaekim : Is it possible that it's a problem with /etc/fstab?04:12
Syco_Guerrand: Nah, it's a brand new keyboard (Wireless) it works fine in Windows..04:12
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b0ri5(sigh) I get this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:12
Syco_I remember having the same issue years ago with Slackware but can't for the life of me remember the fix04:12
[GneSH0r] Does anyone know whow i set the skydome images in ubunto?04:12
nosrednaekimcogeno: I don't know04:13
b0ri5then at the end: E: Broken packages04:13
Syco_Ubuntu 6.10 = Edgy right?04:13
[GneSH0r] yup04:13
Guerrandnew one is feisty :P04:13
devilsrejectyep Syco_04:13
devilsrejectthats what im runnin04:13
nosrednaekimbori5, are you still trying to install beryl?04:13
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kristoferI've installed libnss-mdns and now apt-get update won't resolve hostnames04:14
Guerrandhehe every new ubuntu release brings an equally hilarious name ... tis a good distro in all sense of the word :P04:14
kristoferany ideas?04:14
cogenonosrednaekim: As I've noticed it's laid out quite a bit differently than Gentoo's04:14
nosrednaekimbori5: did you check out the tutorial I gave you?04:15
b0ri5yes I did04:15
nosrednaekimdid you follow it?04:15
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Smirnovhow do I add an IP to my dhcp server ignore list?04:15
cogenoActually, maybe I should google it...04:15
nosrednaekim( there should be a part in it about beryl)04:15
Guerrandstill dont understand why they keep doing their PR speak to explain the names .... seriously just accept that someone prolly named it while drunk ... im certain the entire world would understand that04:15
b0ri5yes, I got the msg when running: sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes04:15
devilsrejectb0ri5 --  what kind 0f vid card u got?04:15
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b0ri5nvidia MX 40004:15
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devilsrejectsholdn't b hard 4 u04:16
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nosrednaekimcogeno: well... gentoo is.... gentoo, its "Just Different":-P04:16
devilsrejecti have a direct link for how to install driver04:16
b0ri5I already installed drivers, and tested them04:16
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devilsrejectright on04:16
b0ri5I'm trying to install beryl now.04:16
devilsrejecti thoguht u where going to install04:16
devilsrejectright on04:16
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erUSULb0ri5: beryl-project wiki has guides04:17
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devilsrejectyeah i got it instaled but it wont go to the beryl window manager04:17
b0ri5thats what I'm following!04:17
devilsrejectfor some reason04:17
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nosrednaekimthe beryl project wiki? or the one I gave you?04:17
erUSULb0ri5: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu04:17
b0ri5I get this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:17
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b0ri5the one u gave me04:17
nosrednaekimhmm... ok...erUSUL's is newer... try that...04:18
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b0ri5what does it mean? are the packages not installed or something?04:18
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nosrednaekimyes,and aren't on the server04:18
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b0ri5whats the difference between xgl and aiglx?04:18
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`nicolaguys EVRYTIME I start ubuntu gnome-panels crashes http://pastebin.ca/386336 and http://pastebin.ca/386344 . I need help thanks04:19
erUSULb0ri5: i followed that beryl + aiglx + beta nvidia drivers04:19
nosrednaekimAIGLX will only work with recent Nvidia cards and Intels04:19
nosrednaekimXgl does the rest04:19
erUSULb0ri5: xgl is a separate X server aiglx is an extension integrated in the default Xserver04:19
erUSULnosrednaekim: and the cards supported by the free radeon driver (up to r300)04:20
nosrednaekimright... forgot about them04:20
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devilsrejecterUSUL === i got beryl installed but when i select beryl as my window manager beryl tries to run but it kicks back to metacity04:21
erUSULnosrednaekim: and it is not "recent Nvidia cards" is "recent Nvidia *driver*"04:21
=== Lord_Vader is Away, Reason: ( pwning teh games ) | Since: ( Thursday, March 8, 2007. 14:00:57 ) Xlack v2.1
vitornevesI does anyone knows how to install UBUNTU on sata 2 HD? Suse, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora don't work also, only sabayon, madriva and gentoo can handle these discs / controllers04:21
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b0ri5I followed all directions twice, still get the same error msg!04:21
erUSULdevilsreject: run beryl-manager froma terminal it will spit out the error04:21
nosrednaekimyes, but only recent(past 2-3 years) nvidia cards can use that driver04:21
devilsrejecterUSUL --- ur the man thanx04:21
erUSULb0ri5: which card & driver are you using?04:21
b0ri5nvidia 400 mx04:22
devilsrejectChecking for XComposite extension               : failed04:22
devilsrejectNo composite extension04:22
devilsrejectlibberylsettings: Couldn't get vtable from '/usr/lib/beryl/libwallpaper.so' plugin04:22
devilsrejectlibberylsettings: dlopen: /usr/lib/beryl/libbench.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:22
devilsrejectberyl: No composite extension04:22
devilsrejectu know what that means?04:22
nosrednaekimdevisreject: are you using aiglx?04:22
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devilsrejecti dont think so04:22
kimmernHey! I was messing around with beryl last night, and on rendering options, I choose "force xgl" when i had the choice between that and "force aiglx" and "force nvidia"..which obviesly  was a stupid thing..beryl won't work, and i cant get into the beryl settings to change back..ive tried uninstall an reinstall, but still it wont work..can anyone help?04:22
erUSULdevilsreject: yes you didn't enable the render or composite extension in your xorg.conf? or maybe your driver does not support it04:22
devilsrejectit should04:23
erUSUL!paste > devilsreject04:23
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devilsrejectits the new ati04:23
devilsrejectit worked b404:23
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devilsrejectwith this card04:23
nosrednaekimusing XGL?04:23
devilsrejectim pretty sure im xgl04:23
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devilsreject6.10 edgey04:23
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erUSULb0ri5: and the driver? are you using nvidia-glx package?04:23
nosrednaekimdevils: did you install XGL?04:24
devilsrejectdidn't know i had to lol04:24
nosrednaekimyeah.... go do that04:24
devilsrejecti followed the instructions04:24
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devilsrejecton the sites to a T!04:24
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nosrednaekimwell..I remember having to install Xgl.. maybe you had better check and make sure is installed04:25
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devilsrejecthow do  check04:25
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nosrednaekimkimmern: did you try a complete removal?04:25
devilsrejecttheres no package avail04:25
devilsrejectxserver shows up04:25
nosrednaekimdevils: check in your package manager for xgl04:25
devilsrejectmaybe i installed the wrong version of xserver lemme check04:25
nosrednaekimno..no... your version of the xserver doesn't matter04:26
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devilsrejectnosrednaekim == right on, no xgl server package came up04:26
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nosrednaekimok...IDK where you have to get tat from...04:26
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[GneSH0r] does anyone know how he has that OS X bar at the top?04:27
[GneSH0r] ?04:27
kimmernnosrednaekim: I remove it with automatix2bleeder, same as i installed it with..how do i do a complete removal?04:27
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nosrednaekimthere should be a package " xerver-xgl"04:27
devilsrejectxserver-xgl yeah.. i have that installed04:28
ares32could anybody help me please? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9236/04:28
nosrednaekimkimmern, use synaptic and these instructions http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu04:28
devilsrejectthats the only thing athat came up with xgl on it when i searched for it in synaptic package manager04:28
nosrednaekimafter removing beryl from automatix04:28
nosrednaekimoh ok... you have tat installed?04:29
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nosrednaekimthen thats fine...04:29
devilsrejectthats what i dont understand04:29
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nosrednaekimyou miust not be running that xserver, you must still be using vanilla X1104:29
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atomikuanybody know of some sort of virtual decks program for linux?04:29
devilsrejectit is detecting aiglx04:29
dfgasis there a repo that has pretty close to the newest kernel04:29
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vitornevessata 2 HD , anyone????04:29
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devilsrejectDetected xserver                                : AIGLX04:30
devilsrejectChecking Display :0.0 ...04:30
devilsrejectChecking for XComposite extension               : failed04:30
devilsrejectNo composite extension04:30
devilsrejectlibberylsettings: Couldn't get vtable from '/usr/lib/beryl/libwallpaper.so' plugin04:30
devilsrejectlibberylsettings: dlopen: /usr/lib/beryl/libbench.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:30
devilsrejectberyl: No composite extension04:30
D--Hey, I'm having a problem with banshee after last update. I get a problem that the gtk-sharp assembly isn't found (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=179)04:30
atomiku!paste | devilsreject04:30
ubotudevilsreject: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:30
atomikuits alright :)04:30
D--Tried an apt-get install gtk-sharp but that's not fixing it04:30
devilsrejecti even went to the website to paste it04:30
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nosrednaekimdevils: ok,did you see somewhere in the instructons you followed that said anything about making a separate GDM selection?04:31
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devilsrejectseperate gdm selection??04:32
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nosrednaekimyea, a section that started xserver-xgl instead of xserver04:32
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devilsrejectno dont remember that04:32
devilsrejecthow do i do this04:32
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nosrednaekimyou know..I'm using Kubuntu,maybe Ubuntu handles it differently..04:32
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atomikuanybody know of some sort of virtual decks program for linux?04:34
nosrednaekimwhat is a virtual deck?04:34
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atomikufor mixing04:34
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nosrednaekimoh...ok..I don't know04:34
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devilsrejectthanks for helping man04:35
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nosrednaekimI'm checking o it though04:35
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ik_hi my friends04:37
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devilsrejectthanx man04:37
ik_i want to put a svn server is that posible?04:37
Dr_willis!fins svn04:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fins svn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
Dr_willis!find svn04:37
ubotuFound: libapache2-svn, libsvn-core-perl, libsvn-doc, libsvn-javahl, libsvn-ruby (and 27 others)04:37
Dr_willisik_,  theres quite a few svn pakcatges it seems in the repos. :)04:38
nosrednaekimdevils: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl04:38
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vitornevescan't install ubuntu on a new acer power pc with sata 2 HD, any help?04:38
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Kronuzhey, why is it that applications in X (gnome, KDE, etc...) are not as responsive as Windows applications when it comes to start them (it always takes longer that it generally takes a windows app to load, even small apps)04:38
ik_Dr_willis ah o :)04:38
devilsrejectawesome thanx man04:38
Kronuz...I'm wondering why is that so04:39
Dr_willisKronuz,  windows tends to preload a lot of things at boot time.04:39
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nosrednaekimhmmm Kronuz, I haven;t noticed that04:39
Dr_willisKronuz,  while kde or gnome has a lot of libs and services that load when a program first starts up.04:39
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Dr_willisnosrednaekim,  ive not really noticed it much either. :)04:39
cogeno*Spams a mac channel out of boredom*04:39
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fonghas anyone been able to make the hibernate function work?04:40
Dr_willisId actually notice where is linux is normally faster.04:40
nosrednaekimfong, I have suspend2ram working, but not hibernate04:40
osfameronI notice that linux shuts down much faster :-)04:40
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osfameronbut startup doesn't seem much different04:40
Kronuzbelieve me, I have noticed apps load much slower in linux... I come from Windows and I had been a Windows user for ages04:40
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fongnosrednaaekim, did you do any special config?04:40
unconnhi 2 all04:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend2ram - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
Kronuzlike, iven the calculator04:41
trueslashI actually don't watch my computer shutting down ^^04:41
Kronuztakes about 3 seconds to load04:41
nosrednaekimit depends on your chipset though( ATI Xpress1100 here with a turionX2)04:41
Kronuz(every time)04:41
b0ri5I'm back. I still cannot install beryl-I get the unmet dependencies error msg.04:41
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mt3Hi all04:41
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Dr_willisKronuz,  i would like to see accurate benchmarks to be honest with ya..  ive not noticed  many differances.. not that it matters much.04:41
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Kronuz(say 2 seconds)04:41
mt3Does anyone here use a DG834G?04:41
nosrednaekimoh the caluculator...I'm not sure whats wrong with that thins04:41
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mt3I need to know what port remote access runs on04:42
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b0ri5I tried installing the packages from package manager, but I get the same error message.04:42
KronuzDr_willis, it does matter to users coming from other systems, I'm sure...  it makes the system look slower (for the time it takes to load apps)04:42
mt3You know I may give Ubuntu another try when 7.03 is released. It's BEGINNING to look nearly presentable.04:42
Dr_willisKronuz,  only thing i can think of is your DMA may be disabled for your hard drives.04:42
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KronuzDr_willis, I don't think so ;)04:43
Dr_willisKronuz,  amazing thing is that You are proberly the first person ive seen in here saying linux was slower.. i see several a day comming in and saying howmuch FASTER ubuntu is then their windows setup.04:43
KronuzDr_willis, and I'm using RAID with an access rate of around 100MB/s04:43
Kronuzit's just slower loading apps04:43
Kronuznot the apps per se04:43
Kronuz(the time it takes to first load them, comared to the time it takes in windows)04:43
Dr_willisFind some benchmarks then i guess. if you are saying the hard-drive system seems slow. Its possible theres some driver bugs or somthing going on.04:43
b0ri5 No one has any ideas??04:44
vitornevescan't install ubuntu on a new acer power pc with sata 2 HD, any help?04:44
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b0ri5what are "unmet dependencies" anyway?04:44
Kronuzand I'm not sure it's the pre-load thing, I've loaded the calculator quite a few times and it's still taking around 2 secs to load04:44
nosrednaekimbut are the same apps, Kronuz?04:44
vitornevescannot recognize HD04:44
Dr_willisb0ri5,  packates that are needed by the initial package.04:44
=== Vuen [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1088816785.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Kronuzany app takes too long to load (I'm testing the calculator right now, but any does)04:44
Vuenhey guys, has automatix ceased to exist?04:44
nosrednaekimthey are packages that need to be installed, but can;t be found on tha package mirrors04:44
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Kronuzlook, loading calculator again....04:45
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Dr_willisKronuz,  sounds more and more like some ide/drive/system bottleneck.04:45
Kronuz~2 seconds (again)04:45
b0ri5but I can't even install those!04:45
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KronuzDr_willis, try opening the calculator (gnome's) and tell me how long it takes to load, plz04:45
nosrednaekimyes, try updating your package lists in synaptic04:46
Dr_willisgcalctool takes 1 sec to show up from the time i hit enter.04:46
Kronuz(around how long)04:46
Dr_willisusing the terminal04:46
bulmeram having difficulty running freenx server and client because of key..am getting confused which key goes to where and if i have to generate the key.04:46
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Kronuzoh, 'cause in windows is practicaly immediate04:46
Dr_willisim also running gnome. :)04:46
nosrednaekimwell what do you expect? thats why windows uses so much ram04:46
Kronuzyou press the button and bang, it's there (at least the second time)04:46
nosrednaekimit probably preloads the calulator04:46
Dr_williswindows preloads everything04:47
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Kronuznosrednaekim, but still, it would be nice if linux had that option for users with a bunch of RAM04:47
bulmerKronuz you tried windows 2000 slowness?04:47
devilsrejectdear god my system is runing SUPER SUPER SLOW now04:47
nosrednaekimI think there is somewhere04:47
Kronuzhow can I tell how much RAM it being used in my system?04:47
Dr_willisfree -h04:47
b0ri5hwo do I install these initial packets?04:47
bulmerKronuz: you can, try using ramdisk04:47
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devilsrejectlike soo slwo i cant do anything04:47
devilsrejectthis sucks04:47
nosrednaekimwhat did you do devils?04:47
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devilsrejectwhat that page told me to do04:47
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devilsrejectit worked i picked xgl as my defualt login04:48
Kronuzbut, hey, linux still also has cache04:48
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Kronuzand by now, the calculator should be in cache already04:48
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FredaStarkhi, happy international women's day!04:48
Kronuzand still takes around two or 1.5 seconds to load04:48
simoneDeBeauvoirhappy women's day!!!!!04:48
simoneDeBeauvoirLes progres sociaux soperent en raison du progres des femmes vers la liberte04:48
cogenoTo the person that was asking if Hibernate works; nope :D04:48
charlottePgilmanWhen the mother of the race is free, we shall have a better world04:48
devilsrejecti mean i can't even move the mouse around it spointless04:48
[GneSH0r] anyone know what i need to run windows games04:48
FredaStarkNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.04:48
MilenaJesenskahappy womens day!04:48
nosrednaekimok, well then you probably don't have good 3d acc3el04:48
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sistero_"We don't have a clue what it is to be male or female, or if there are intermediate genders. Male and female might be fields which overlap into androgyny or different kinds of sexual desires. But because we live in a Western, patriarchal world, we have very little chance of exploring these gender possibilities.04:48
[GneSH0r] anyone know what i need to run windows games IE Steam04:48
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graceHopperThey told me computers could only do arithmetic.04:48
FredaStarkIn my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist04:48
[GneSH0r] anyone know what i need to run windows games IE Steam04:48
=== Mom is back
Tomcat_wtf... bot attack.04:48
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MilenaJesenskasocial progress is due to women's progress towards liberty04:48
simoneDeBeauvoirles dcadences dordre social soprent en raison du dcroissement de la libert des femmes04:48
Momno bot04:48
[GneSH0r] anyone know what i need to run windows games IE Steam04:49
graceHopperNo we are women not bots04:49
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sistero_NOT BOTS04:49
donna2,4,6,8, who do we appreciate?04:49
MilenaJesenskaLes droits, les droits, il faut les respecter04:49
MilenaJesenskaDans dans dans le monde entier04:49
MomHAppy International Women's Day!!04:49
donnamiss piggy04:49
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graceHopperBread and roses04:49
nosrednaekimwell then keep on topic04:49
simoneDeBeauvoirsimone de beauvoir04:49
Tomcat_Annoying not-bots. ;P04:49
sistero_Happy womens day!@04:49
MilenaJesenskaemma peel04:49
Dr_willisxcalc takes about 1 sec to pop up also for me.04:49
FredaStarkSilvia Plath04:49
charlottePgilmanAretha Franklin04:49
graceHopperMother Jones04:49
FredaStarkClaude Cahun04:49
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sistero_I love my mum04:49
Tomcat_But probably just bots saying they are not. :)04:49
donnaemma golgman04:49
devilsrejectnosrednaekim ----- ok i spent alot of time on this vid driver thing and its showin up right here check this out ima show u i do step by step and then tell u the prob i have when im done k? my vid card is a ati radeon 955004:49
MomValentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova04:49
sistero_"We don't have a clue what it is to be male or female, or if there are intermediate genders. Male and female might be fields which overlap into androgyny or different kinds of sexual desires. But because we live in a Western, patriarchal world, we have very little chance of exploring these gender possibilities.04:49
simoneDeBeauvoirnooooo not bots!~04:49
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sistero_Everybody loves you when they are about to cum.04:49
KronuzDr_willis, yep, just a little bit more than a second04:49
charlottePgilmanmaybe you are all bots too04:49
nosrednaekimok. devils: run "glxinfo"04:49
MomHappy International Women's Day!04:49
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[GneSH0r] anyone know what i need to run windows games IE Steam on linux ubunto with beryl04:50
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graceHopperVagina Power04:50
[GneSH0r] anyone know what i need to run windows games IE Steam on linux ubunto with beryl?04:50
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Dr_willis[GneSH0r] ,  ive heard that wine and beryl have some issues at times.04:50
KronuzDr_willis, say 800 ms perhaps... and that's 750 ms too long :P04:50
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AskarHi! How come my trayicon doesnt show up as transparent when it is?04:50
Dr_willisKronuz,  egads! it shoudl calculate what i am THINKING!04:50
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nosrednaekimthank goodness04:50
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b0ri5how do I install Beryl? I keep getting the unmet dependencies msg04:50
nosrednaekimyeah yeah... did you update your pack lists?04:50
Dr_willisLoad your calculator and just minimize it then if its that imporntant. :)04:51
devilsrejectnosrednaekim u mean in sypnatic package man?04:51
KronuzDr_willis, no, but really, there must be something that's making all the apps load slower that they can (somewhere) I'm sure it's not a disk access thing04:51
Dr_willisor fire up those debuging tools and see what all the apps are doing.04:51
Dr_willisI would guess they are checking libs and other things.04:51
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nosrednaekimbori5: click the reload button in synaptic04:51
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nosrednaekimdevils: say again?04:51
Dr_willistry a uber-minimal window manager. :) try the shell...04:51
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Dr_willis!info bonnie04:51
ubotuPackage bonnie does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas04:51
nosrednaekimand use python as a colulator04:52
slippyr4is there an web based ubuntu package list? a bit like gentoo-portage.com is to gentoo04:52
ubotubonnie++: Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.03abuild1 (edgy), package size 40 kB, installed size 144 kB04:52
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Picislippyr4: http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:52
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b0ri5I get this msg: W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3FF0DB166A7476EA04:52
slippyr4ty pici04:52
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nosrednaekimyeah... don't realy worry about that04:52
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b0ri5what do I do next? Install those packages or run the cmd?04:53
nosrednaekimdevils: did you run glxinfo? wat do the first 5 lines say?04:53
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nosrednaekimboris: reinstall the beryl packages04:53
slippyr4!beryl : b-ri504:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beryl : b-ri5 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
AskarHow do I check my gnomeversion?04:53
slippyr4!beryl | b0ri504:53
ubotub0ri5: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:53
minimecb0ri5: You have to load the key file and then sudo apt-key add 'key-file'04:53
matthewgroulxHi, this is going to sound ultimate newbiesh, but I am trying to install graphics drivers and I dont know how to get to my desktop directory where I saved the file04:54
slippyr4b0ri5 : the howto that links to has the step required to fix the problem you're describing04:54
nosrednaekimits in /home/yourusername/Desktop04:54
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matthewgroulxthank you04:54
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Dr_willismatthewgroulx,  you following the !ati or !nvidia guides? whats your video card?04:54
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slippyr4matthewgroulx: in a console, ~ is short for your home dir, which on ubuntu is /home/username . Desktop is a subdirectory of that. so you can cd ~/Desktop04:55
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matthewgroulxgeforce 8800 following invidias guide a little and a forum post in the ubuntu support forums04:55
b0ri5I ran that wget cmd, but it does not return to bash. Am I supposed to wait?04:55
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nosrednaekimnice...hows the 8800?04:55
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flaflais there anyone knowledgeable with the nvidia drivers?  I have to reinstall mine everytime I reboot... there must be a way to fix this...04:55
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matthewgroulxit would be better if I had the drivers installed I think lol04:56
dyrneflafla: guessing youre in feisty04:56
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flafladyrne: no04:56
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arowanaj /server irc.quakenet.org04:56
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vitornevescan't install ubuntu on a new acer power pc with sata 2 HD, any help?04:56
slippyr4#join #ubuntu-effects04:57
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Kronuzkeeping certain applications loaded would be a nice addition to linux (so that they start really fast, explorer, calculator, and in other words, the most used applications)04:57
AskarHow do I update to latest gnomeversion??? :(04:57
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Kronuz(or rather browser :P)04:58
nosrednaekimI was about to say...04:58
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nosrednaekimbut yes...I agree with you Krunuz04:58
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dfgasis there a repo that has pretty close to the newest kernel04:58
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minimecAskar: Why would you want to do that? 'Feisty will have a quiet new Version of Gnome. So just wait another month ;)04:59
dyrneflafla: looks like an issue with nv since they incuded it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37684004:59
slippyr4b0ri5: do it in two steps, i think the pipe is broken. try wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg first, and then sudo apt-key add root@lupine.me.uk.gpg04:59
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nosrednaekimor go get the fiesty alpha if you want to break your system that bad...:-P05:00
ucordescdrecord is giving me cdrecord: Data will not fit on any disk. cdrecord: Cannot write more than remaining DVD capacity.05:00
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ucordesthe iso is 2gig and im using a normal dvd- how can htis be?05:00
nosrednaekimyou're out of room on the DVD/CD05:00
=== Wewt wonders if he could use a remote screen as one on his computer
Wewtwhat? Wewt? :s05:00
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flafladyrne: Thanks,  I'll give that a try :D05:01
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ucordesnosrednaekim: gnome said it would be an empty dvd05:01
=== WorldDomination [n=Jay@ANice-252-1-39-195.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
WorldDominationI got a problem with software update in edgy eft05:01
dyrnei wish ubuntu would prompt to install /home as a sep partition. it would save alot of reinstall issues for new users..05:01
WorldDominationit doesnt like my software sources05:01
nosrednaekimyeah...that wouldbe agood idea05:01
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b0ri5I still get the same error message!05:01
nosrednaekimWordDomination: whats the exact error message?05:02
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Lr5I guess I would need to remotely mount the other computer's video card to use it's screen...05:03
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b0ri5I still get "The following packages have unmet dependencies:"05:03
b0ri5how do I meet dependencies?05:04
bulmerdyrne: its a choice during partitioning mode05:04
nosrednaekimand what packages are those packages?05:04
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Toma-b0ri5: are you using dpkg?05:04
Dr_willisits possible youve added some repositories that are confused/broken.05:04
nosrednaekimbulmer: by default it doesn't do that05:04
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b0ri5i have no idea what dpkg is.05:04
b0ri5whats the url for pastebin?05:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:05
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=== Dr_willis wonders if the addage for 'learning to walk befor you run' applies. :)
nosrednaekimhe's using synaptic05:05
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bulmernosrednaekim: if one does uses the default suggested partiions indeed, but it also gives an option to customize partitions05:05
WorldDominationI dont know howto get rid of this problem05:05
WorldDominationwhat softwaresources should I specify05:05
Dr_willisIts going to get scary when Beryl is officially supported...05:05
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nosrednaekimyeah... but will n ordinary user know to do it?05:05
nosrednaekimhaha yeah...05:06
bulmernope, only if they read what it says05:06
nosrednaekimwhish they would just go over to ubuntu-effects05:06
Toma-Dr_willis: thats when you say "Get out while you still can." :D05:06
b0ri5error msg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9243/05:06
Dr_willisWorldDomination,  i think you nead to clarify what you are doing and what what the problem is.05:06
apokryphoshow can you get a little more output on what fetchmail is doing? /var/log/fetchmail isn't very useful05:06
dyrnebulmer: if it was default we could have a simple system restore that wipes and reinstalls / after grabbing current installed packages using dpkg brand new working system will all packages ready to go and /home intact05:06
Dr_willisToma-,  ive allready taken the additude that i dont support 'beryl, themes,  wine, or games' :)05:06
Toma-Dr_willis: how boring :>05:07
Dr_willisToma-,  and wireless .. :)05:07
Dr_willis*wireless* egads... dont even get me strted on that..05:07
Toma-b0ri5: can you paste 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list' aswell?05:07
Dr_willisheh heh..05:07
bulmerdyrne: i dont expect much of the user storing much in their ~ dir anyways05:07
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Toma-Dr_willis: yeh, when it comes to wireless, its "!ndiswraper | nick" next question plz!05:07
Kronuznosrednaekim, other thing I've noticed is that gnome has to have some issues 'cause it takes too long for it to draw a window05:08
Dr_willisToma-,  i am still amazed at the total Chaos in the wirless market.. then they keep comming out with new stuff...05:08
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WorldDominationok Dr_willis05:08
nosrednaekimToma: yeah ndiswrapper is a nice cure all, but then along somes WpA05:08
taonariDoes anyone know if there is a working howto for automatix?05:08
KronuzI mean, c'mon... a window resize should be much faster than what it currently is05:08
b0ri5sources.list= http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9244/05:08
Dr_willistaonari,  best it to NOT use automatix.05:08
taonariDr_willis, really?05:08
Toma-Dr_willis: its does seem sometimes that standards just have no purpose05:09
Dr_willistaonari, REALLY REALLY!05:09
taonariDr_willis, I don't know much about it...I am just switching over from Gentoo05:09
taonariDr_willis, does it cause problems?05:09
Dr_willisToma-,  yep.. save .oo4$ by breaking the standard.05:09
WorldDominationDr_willis I am initiating a software update or better: system update. it tells me that something is wrong with the software sources. the server I have specified has something with "gandalf"in it. itis afrenchserver.tis the only one I have specified.05:09
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KronuzI'll get into the source code just as soon as I feel comfortable working in linux (I just came from Windows world, running away from Vista)05:09
Dr_willistaonari,  it can cause a lot of problems.. its best to elarn to isntall the packages manually.05:09
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Toma-taonari: try easyubuntu. its smarter.05:09
taonariDr_willis: no problem then.  Thanks for the advice...I have been using the CLI for most of it05:09
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Toma-!easyubuntu | taonari05:10
ubotutaonari: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu05:10
nosrednaekimBoris I corrected your sources list...05:10
Dr_willistaonari,  i can go from a clean install, and get the video, java ans otehr stuff installed in just a few min.05:10
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WorldDominationDr_willis: now I want to know what sources I need to specify and "how" -for edgy eft.05:10
ucordesnosrednaekim: can a scratched up dvd be the reason for my problem?05:10
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nosrednaekimboris : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9245/05:10
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Toma-ucordes: whats your problem?05:11
nosrednaekimover write your sources.list with that05:11
matthewgroulxmatt@matt-dekstop:`/Desktop$ sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-9755.pkg1.run , I am typing that in and it says no such file or diectory, I know that is the name of the file and I know its on my desktop, any suggestions of what I am doing wrong05:11
Dr_willisWorldDomination,  could use that !easysource wite and make a new sources list.05:11
Menasim1I want to install ubuntu05:11
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taonariToma-: I am using Ubuntu Edgy 6.10 and it seems fine.  I just installed it yesterday but I have been reading the ubuntu forums a lot and I hear mention of automatix every once in a while.05:11
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:11
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ucordesToma-: cdrecord is saying that my file would fit on NO disc and that there is not enough space on my current disc05:11
Dr_willistaonari,  you proberly missed out on the HUGE flamefest/war about a year or so ago about it :)05:11
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Toma-matthewgroulx: you want the 9xxx drivers?05:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screenwm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:11
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eyalwhi, I just opend the computer and there's no sound, it used to work. i know that if i'll restart it will come back from past experience, but rebooting is not the 'linux way' of doing things. can u guild me how to fix it console style?05:12
matthewgroulxI have no idea lol05:12
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:12
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WorldDomination!easysource wite05:12
matthewgroulxjust trying to install the drivers nvidia had for my card lol05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource wite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
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rowland__Hello folks, I've just worked out how to access: /join #ubuntuforums-beginner. by pasting it into the speak bar.  How can I make this a permanent location?  I'm using Xchat.05:12
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[h] tony|afkAhoi05:12
WorldDomination!easysource site05:12
Toma-matthewgroulx: dont install the nvidia drivers from nvidia :D its crazy hard to do. use easyubuntu or even just run 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx'05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource site - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
Dr_willismatthewgroulx,  enable the correct repository, and you install 1 or 2 packages.. its that easy. I think. :) been a few mo since i last did it.05:12
taonariDr_willis: I bet hehe.  Well I just found a nice howto to join the workstation to the Windows domain and I am going to give it a shot.  Thanks for the advice and have a good day.  :-)05:12
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:13
Toma-taonari: yeh, just swap all the times youve heard 'automatix' to 'easyubuntu' and youll be set05:13
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ClarKentanyone know what's my drive if i installed ubuntu without any customization05:13
taonariToma-: very cool. So is easyubuntu a script?05:13
Toma-ucordes: how big is the file?05:13
matthewgroulxalright that is downloading/installing thanks05:13
Dr_willisalso take count of all the tmes yovue seen 'easy  ubuntu' 'automatix' and "Trashed System" and you get a large #05:13
Kronuzhey, how do I install my printer? it's a laser printer connected thru ethernet05:13
Toma-taonari: yeh. unlike automatix, it wont alter your configs05:13
eyalwhi, I just opend the computer and there's no sound, it used to work. i know that if i'll restart it will come back from past experience, but rebooting is not the 'linux way' of doing things. can u guild me how to fix it console style?05:13
ucordesToma-: 2.1gig it is an iso file. i tried it with cdrecord filename.iso05:13
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b0ri5I get this error msg: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_main_binary-i386_Packages)05:14
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Toma-ucordes: and your using a DVD for this file right?05:14
Dr_willisKronuz,  with mine i run that Printer config tool and use the directjet protocol, and give it the ip#05:14
ucordesToma-: the disc is gently scratched up yes a DVD05:14
Dr_willisKronuz,  then i tell it the make/model05:14
ucordesbut gnome said it would be a blanc dvd though05:14
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Toma-ucordes: youre trying to burn an ISO onto a scratched disc?05:14
matthewgroulxwhats the command to turn KDM back on and get into my desktop again after I hit ctrl alt F105:14
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Dr_willisKronuz,  'gnome-cups-manager'05:14
ucordesToma-: no i just wanted to have the iso as a file on the disc05:15
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ucordesToma-: with cdrecord file.iso05:15
Toma-matthewgroulx: 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'05:15
Toma-ucordes: do you need to use the command line?05:15
ucordesmatthewgroulx: ctrl+alt+f7 !!05:15
Dr_willisKronuz,  using the 'hp direject' 'printes ip#' 'port 9100' for my hp printer.05:15
Kronuzokay, I'm trying I'm in the printer's config05:16
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Kronuzthen should I press New printer? I suppose05:16
Dr_willisKronuz,  of course your printer may support the other methods as well.. Mine does.. but i find the DirectJet works best.05:16
ucordesToma-: yep yep05:16
Dr_willisKronuz,  Logically.. yes. :)05:16
b0ri5I think the sources.list file u gave me is incorrect-I get: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_main_binary-i386_Packages)05:16
Kronuzbut then what? :S05:16
Kronuznetwrk printer?05:16
Toma-ucordes: so you want 1 file on a disc, and its an iso?05:16
Dr_willisactually youmay need to run that tool with gksudo or whatever to let it run with root access05:17
ucordesToma-: xactly05:17
Dr_willisKronuz,  unless it asked forroot password allready.05:17
=== kmaynard [n=kmaynard@user-24-214-249-208.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisnetwork printer --> conection --> whatever your printer supports.. ---> enter the right info.--> select printer driver --> done. :)05:17
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KronuzDr_willis, hmm.. my printer is not listed :(05:18
Dr_willisKronuz,  clarify.. not listed where...05:18
Kronuzin the next step "Printer Driver"05:18
nosrednaekimbori5: you are uising edgy repositories with a dapper release... not a good idea05:19
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ucordescan cdrecord handle blue ray?05:19
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KronuzDr_willis, it's a DELL 3100cn05:19
Dr_willisKronuz,  what kind of printer ya got? it may be a clone of some other kind.. or it mayneed some extra printer packages installed.. or it may not have any support.05:19
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Dr_willisKronuz,  i woudl guess the DELL is a clone of some other make/model.05:19
KronuzDr_willis, the port is in 9100 too, I belive05:19
Dr_willisTo the Bat Google!05:19
b0ri5What does this mean: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_main_binary-i386_Packages) ??????05:20
lynucshas anyone an idea, why hdparm -t on my usb-hd only shows 1MB/s? on both sides is usb 2.0. its a maxtor hd. hdparm -i, -d or -c don't work, quitting with "invalid argument".. what might me do??05:20
Dr_willisKronuz,  first google hit. ----->  http://wiki.osuosl.org/display/LNX/Dell+3100cn,+Cups,+Firefox05:20
Picib0ri5: It sounds like you have duplicate entries in your /etc/apt/sources.list file05:20
Dr_willisKronuz,  its a LEXMARK... :) ick05:20
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Dr_willisLexmark Optra Color 1200 Foomatic/Postscript05:20
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Dr_willisKronuz,  may need to      apt-get install foomatic-db cupsys foomatic-filters-ppds05:21
b0ri5Pici, how should I fix the problem?05:21
KronuzDr_willis, hehe :)05:21
Picib0ri5: Have you been changing anything in your sources.lst?05:21
nosrednaekimboris your package lists are all messed up, you need a fresh packlist file..I have edgy or I wouldgive it to05:21
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b0ri5yes, someone gave me a new one05:21
b0ri5to fix the unmet dependencies problem in beryl05:21
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Dr_willisKronuz,  look at the power of linux.. :) odds are you dident have to install muchof anything to get the printer working.. all drivers there.. or at least in the repos. NO huning down web sites/driverguide.com and so on. :)05:22
Dr_willisKronuz,  be thankfull you dont have a Canon Printer.05:22
WorldDominationDr_willis ok I got the sources list generated from the ubuntu-nl.org site - where do I paste that content into ?05:22
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Dr_willisWorldDomination,   - /etc/apt/sources.list is the location of that file..05:22
MetaMorfoziSwhat ius the easyest (rsync like way) to mirror a folder to a remote, ftp server? (via ftp protocol)05:22
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KronuzDr_willis, still it's downloading 22 MB :P05:22
Dr_willisWorldDomination,  you may want to read up on apt and how it works some time. its a very large topic.05:23
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Dr_willisKronuz,  those packages may not been needed. :) that url just mentioned them.05:23
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WorldDominationi suppose I need to be root to edit this05:23
avagantSo how's Edgy coming along?05:23
PiciWorldDomination: just use sudo05:23
Dr_willisWorldDomination,  logically.. ANYTHING thats 'system' configuration - needs to be root.. so yes.05:23
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avagantWhat's new?05:24
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nosrednaekimwell... that one is obviously messed up Bori%05:26
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WorldDominationthanks a lot05:26
blue|palmis there any way to fix the massive blockiness around red areas when i play movies (.avi) with mplayer/xine etc.05:26
nosrednaekimblue|palm... did you fix your problem with xorg?05:27
blue|palmnosrednaekim: i have direct rendering up if thats what you mean?05:27
gordonjcpblue|palm: have you got an example?05:27
Crazytomhow do i reinstall the gui for disk administration?05:27
matthewgroulxalright now I am trying to install UT2004, I got to the right directory buut when I type in sudo sh linux-installer.sh it says no file or directory found05:27
dfgasok on debian they have config.gz in /proc    is there the samething on on ubuntu and where?05:27
blue|palmgordonjcp: well anything that is red is highly pixelated even with post processing (pp) on... should i post a pic?05:28
ardchoilleHow do I unmount when umount says: umount: /mnt/ISO: device is busy  ?05:28
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dyrneardchoille: you can do umount -l05:28
blue|palmmatthewgroulx: see if the file is actually there :)05:28
blue|palmmatthewgroulx: it was for me05:28
gordonjcpblue|palm: is it only in mplayer?05:28
blue|palmgordonjcp: nope, also in xine05:28
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matthewgroulxI dont see it anywhere actually05:29
[GneSH0r] anyone know what i need to run windows games IE Steam on linux ubunto with beryl?05:29
gordonjcpblue|palm: does it do it with all video clips?05:29
PeloCrazytom, if you mean gparted, sudo apt-get install gparted05:29
blue|palmgordonjcp: no... it seems only 4CC encoded files (like xvid divx etc. )05:29
Crazytompelo thanks05:29
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blue|palmgordonjcp: could there be something wrong with my codecs?05:30
gordonjcpblue|palm: it's possible05:30
PeloCrazytom,  you can also use synaptic,  you can search through the packages for descriptions of what you want05:30
blue|palmgordonjcp: im newish to linux so im learning as i go along... where does linux even keep its codecs?05:30
gordonjcpblue|palm: I suspect your video clips tbh ;-)05:30
matthewgroulxsince I dont see the linux-install file should I just try and install UT2004 through wine?05:30
blue|palmgordonjcp: but these same video clips under media player classic are perfectly fine :)05:30
gordonjcpmatthewgroulx: why?05:30
KronuzDr_willis, it seems to be doing, but I can't print the test page... looks like it's sending an A4 page and I have Letter paper loaded (so it just starts beeping about loading A4 paper)05:30
gordonjcpblue|palm: hmm05:30
WorldDominationseems to work05:31
blue|palmgordonjcp: Ive been using media player classic and ffdshow (which uses ffmpeg as well same as mplayer) under windows up till now...05:31
matthewgroulxgordonjcp: I cant find the linux-installer.sh anywhere on the disk, so not sure what to do05:31
b0ri5This is driving me nuts. I tired all possible combinations of installing beryl in /etc/apt/sources.list, and now it's screwed up more-running "sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes" returns even more unmet dependencies.05:31
gordonjcpmatthewgroulx: uhm, download it?05:31
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blue|palmmatthewgroulx: do you have the dvd?05:31
Dr_willisKronuz,  a4 may be the default paper size. you can set that in the printer settings.. also check your dpi  settings.. ive noticed it sets it low for my printers05:31
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WorldDominationDr_willis thanks05:31
matthewgroulxya I have the dvd05:31
dyrneblue|palm: you could try grabbing latest codecs from mplayer website05:31
WorldDominationit seems to work05:31
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Kronuz"Load Tray A4" and the computer says "Letter test page has been sent to PRINTER"05:32
Dr_williskrang,  mine prints anyway with the wrong peper size.. but cust the end off. :)05:32
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blue|palmdyrne: thanks i didnt even know that there were codecs on mplayer's site :)05:32
WorldDominationoh no 130mbs05:32
gordonjcpmatthewgroulx: http://www.mepisguides.com/ut2k4/ut2k4.html05:32
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Dr_willis*mepis* *shudder* heh heh05:33
b0ri5How do I install beryl????05:33
ph8search the wiki b0ri505:33
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Dr_willisBeryl is VERY VERY much a work in progress05:33
Pelo!beryl | b0ri505:33
ubotub0ri5: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:33
matthewgroulxya but see even in his guide he shows the file linux-installer, and on my disc it is nowhere to be found05:33
b0ri5I've been literally spending 2 hours to install it.05:34
Dr_willisand stuff changes for it.. well.. perhaps daily even.05:34
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b0ri5now sourcs.list is screwed up after someone gave me a corrected version.05:34
Dr_willisb0ri5,  now ya know why i say 'dont mess with it yet' :()05:34
b0ri5what should I do now??05:34
blue|palmdyrne: anything special i should do with these codecs? is there a guide anywhere?05:34
KronuzDr_willis, then how do I make my printer appear at my OpenOffice (there's just a generic printer there)05:34
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Dr_willisKronuz,  i never use openoffice.. im guessing theres some add printer tool for it.05:35
Pelob0ri5, sudo gedit /etc/sources.list ,   remove the beryl sourcers and start again05:35
Dr_willisI dont even have openoffice installed.05:35
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Aw0LI connected to a domain on an ubuntu server following this walkthrough: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91510 - I'd like to restrict anyone who is not on the domain from viewing samba shares05:35
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.05:35
KronuzDr_willis, what do you use then?05:35
Aw0Lhow might I go about doing that?05:35
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes05:35
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PeloDr_willis,  if you are using ubuntu you have open office installed,   printers can be added in the main ubuntu menu  > system > admin > printers05:35
Dr_willisPelo,  no i DONT have it installed.. :) i removed it.05:36
dyrneblue|palm: you basically just drop them in /usr/share/somewhere/lib/   they need to be in dir mplayer is looking for libs at. im not in ubuntu and in my slack box i installed mplayer to /home/ so im not sure of default path05:36
dyrneblue|palm: /usr/local or something05:36
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Dr_willisPelo,  point that to Kronuz05:36
bulmeram having difficulty running freenx server and client because of key..am getting confused which key goes to where and if i have to generate the key.05:36
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PeloKronuz,  printers can be added in the main ubuntu menu  > system > admin > printers05:37
KronuzDr_willis, hehe... but you don't use any word processor or spreadsheet then?05:37
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KronuzPelo, I have added my printer there, but I can't use it in OpenOffice :(05:37
b0ri5Pelo, after removing the beryl sources, I get this: E: Couldn't find package beryl. What should I do next?05:37
Dr_willisKronuz,  most of my needs i cna do with abiword05:37
blue|palmdyrne: ill find it thanks05:37
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KronuzPelo, (there's just a generic printer listed there)05:37
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Dr_willisb0ri5,  you have been doing 'apt-get update' after changing the sources.list ?05:37
AMSmith42Which flavor of Ubuntu should I use for my LTSP server?05:38
PiciWould rsync be the right tool to use if I wanted changes to propagate in both directions?05:38
PeloKronuz,  Kronuz  what is the name of the printer listed in the cups windows ?05:38
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KronuzPelo, I named it DELL05:38
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stbhas anyone used DownloadThemAll?05:38
b0ri5it's even worse now; I get this:05:38
b0ri5E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:38
b0ri5E: Unable to lock the list directory05:38
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KronuzI'll try Gnumeric and AbiWord05:39
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blue|palmdyrne: thanks but it made no difference ill try mplayer's mailing lists05:39
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WorldDominationDr_willis is airsnort available as a normal sw-package in ubuntu ? or do I need to get it somewhere else than in the standard sources05:40
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b0ri5Dr_willis, I get those error msgs above after apt-get update05:40
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blaz3hello all!05:41
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Vigo_Is Feisty stable? I have one, just wanted to make certain it is sorta ok release?05:42
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blahlahey i was wondering if there was any helpers to help me install ubuntu05:43
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vicenteVigo, it is stable enough, but for maximum stability i would go with edgy05:43
vicenteblahla,  do you have two computers?05:43
Kronuzis GNOME office the same as AbiWord and GNumeric?05:43
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Vigo_vincente: Thank you.05:43
vicenteKronuz,  no05:43
blahlaim getting an error when i try and boot with it, i get an error of not enough higher memory05:43
Aw0Lhow can I setup samba so that only authenticated users on a domain can access shares?05:43
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vicenteblahla, how much memory do you have?05:44
blahlado i have to install gnome first? and ubuntu a mod of that?05:44
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blahlaits 512 ibm laptop05:44
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vicenteblahla,  you should be fine i think, try running memtest or check the cd for errors. ifyou haveless than 64mb of ram you might  have trouble installing05:45
ZaggynlAnyone knows how to install enet in Ubuntu?05:45
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ZaggynlI need it for mana world (repo version is outdated)05:45
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mbacare you kidding me? making a mistake in /etc/sudoers makes it impossible to gain root?05:45
blahlaok is there a installer that i can use in windows that i could use?05:45
mbaci added a config directive to the end of /etc/sudoers and it refuses to run because i typo'd the name05:45
mbacso now i can't become root to fix it05:45
Zaggynlmbac, sort of, try booting with a livecd, chroot your partition, and rechange the sudo file05:45
vicenteblahla, no, but ifyou boot from the ubuntu edgy cd then it does all the installing fairly easy through the use of a nice interface05:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:46
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash05:46
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mbacyeah yeah, it's just obnoxious that there's no root account that i can su - to05:46
Picimbac: Try booting into the recovery console to fix it05:46
blahlahrmm ok ill try n download another copy and reburn it ... thanks for the assist =D05:46
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Zaggynlnp. g;05:46
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Vigo_I go install or something now, I thank you kindly05:47
mbacdo all of the other graphical tools consult the /etc/sudoers file to do privilege escalation?05:47
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vicentembac, i have never trusted sudo because its such a big piece of crap. i usually shh in and su to the root account. or sudo su if i dont feel like typing root password05:47
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vicentembac, did you back up the file before you edited it? or can you create another account to sudo from05:48
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mbacuhm, i'm a powerless user if sudo is broken and i can't escalate to root05:48
mbactime to boot init=/bin/bash05:48
Orfeousgot some problems while compiling oddcastv205:48
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mbaci'm commenting more on the ridiculity of the situation more than i'm asking for help ;)05:49
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vicenteOrfeous, is this a default i386 compile you're doing?05:50
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Orfeousvicente, yes05:51
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brian007go to05:51
Orfeousvicente, downloaded oddcastv2 source and did a ./configure and then make.. after a while that error happened.05:51
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vicenteOrfeous, it seems that the 2.5 version of wxWindows might be broken, is there a way to try wxWindows 2.4?05:51
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Orfeousvicente, maybe but i dont know how :P05:51
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vicenteOrfeous, oh hold on lemme see if i can find it05:52
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Aw0Lso, any help with ubuntu-server + active directory?05:52
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lonrananyone with edgy 64 and flash player 9 can tell me how to install it?05:53
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Kasowhat would be the "correct" way to specify a http_proxy for apt and various other console apps.05:53
vicenteOrfeous, there is libwxgtk2.4-1 in the repositories that you can try05:53
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predaeus_lonran: I think we are still stuck with flash705:53
optik`hey, installed ubuntu-server onto a box earlier to use as a webserver and for some reason on the network you can browse to it via hostname but not IP and no im not using the wrong IP because i am ssh'ing at the same time05:53
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predaeus_lonran: for native 64bit flash apps that is.05:54
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lonranpredaeus_, is there a version for 64? great i didint know, i dont mind the version, just need flashpl05:54
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vicenteoptik`, there might be a problem with your hosts file05:54
goomAnyone use rdesktop 1.5 with seamlessRDP?05:54
MasterKis 1GB transfer rate possible yet over networks of ethernet?05:54
optik`on my local machine or the server vicente?05:55
cefx1GB/s ? ethernet? no05:55
MasterKhmm... firewire?05:55
cefxMasterK: fiber optics or dark fiber networks yes?05:55
MasterKoh ok05:55
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Orfeousvicente, thank you.. im gonna try05:55
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goomMasterK: Gigabyte GB gigabit Gb05:55
vicenteoptik`,  on the server05:55
predaeus_lonran: oh well nevermind, I am talking rubbish here sry. gotta eat something. I think there is no official player for 64bit at all. But you can get firefox running as a 32bit app on amd64 and install flash with 32bit there. But in general I think there is not even flash9 for 32bit for linux yet.05:55
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Orfeousvicente, but its allready installed05:55
optik`vicente: what might be wrong with it?05:55
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cuacurieHello.  Anyone have time to answer a few newbie questions?05:56
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Dr_williscuacurie,  we can always point you to the right places to start reading. :)05:56
Orfeousvicente, maybe i must declare in configurescript where the 2.4-libs are..05:56
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vicenteoptik`, you are using a normal end user router right? are you trying to reach the site throught he LAN ip address or by the exterior ip address05:56
Orfeousinstead of the 2.6..05:56
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dromerhow can I play .flv-files ?05:57
vicenteOrfeous, yeah that might be what is wrong, i just saw someone say that 2.5 was broken and that 2.4 compile worked05:57
optik`by the lan ip address05:57
aloonwhen installing a nvidia video card , do you have to change xorg.conf fron "nv"  to "nvidia" ?05:57
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cefxMasterK: internet2 and ca*net4 have been using speeds of 10GB/s for awhile now05:57
optik`e.g. the hostname is vle and you can browse to it that way05:57
vicentealoon, yes its a good idea to do that05:57
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optik`but browsing to doesnt work05:57
cefxthey're experimental networks, and we have a dark fiber network locally to, that can reach those speeds05:57
dromeraloon: depends on which drivers you want, the nvidea drivers are pretty good i think05:57
aloonthx vincete05:57
vicenteoptik`, can you ping that address from the client computer, or do a telnet into the webserver port of it?05:58
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sivikaloon: yes05:58
optik`yeah i can ssh and ping
optik`but not actually browse to it05:58
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optik`i havent tried telnet'ing05:58
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cuacurieDr_willis, I have tried the live CD version of ubuntu.   I would like to try it now as a dual boot on my existing windows XP latop.  Is there an intaller that will automate this to some extent? )05:59
Orfeousvicente, strange.05:59
vicenteOrfeous,  what is that?05:59
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Dr_williscuacurie,  the normal installers can resize the ntfs partition and install to the hard drive i belive. so yes.. thats now its designed to work. :)05:59
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Dr_williscuacurie,  be sure you are using the latest livecd. not the older ones.05:59
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Dr_willisI think the live cd can resize ntfs.. anyone verify that?06:00
ernstwhat is the lspci command for usb?06:00
Dr_willisernst, lsusb :)06:00
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ernstlol ok06:00
jshrivergood morning06:00
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jshriverI'm having problems with fetchmail. I'm using it to make a backup of all of my gmail emails.06:01
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jshriverBut it seems to only grab about 10% of them.. I used the -a cli argument06:01
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jshriverany tips?06:01
MrSHiathi all. Anyone try connecting to a sonicwall vpn with ubuntu? had much luck?06:01
cuacurieDr_willis, Should I be using version 6?  I read on another site the 7 is the latest version, but i don't see that on the ubuntu website06:01
alooncan anyone tell me the name of the right package to apt-get for nvidia drivers?06:01
jshriverMrSHiat: I am in the process of doing that now06:01
Owner_can someone give me some pointers on reconfiguring my network? please I cant get my sever talking with ipcop but if I plug it into the inhouse network we are all good I get a light to come on06:01
vicentejshriver, in the gmail settings have you told it to do pop3 forwarding of ALL email or just new ones?06:01
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aloonis nvidia-glx   right?06:02
jshriverMrSHiat: I just use firefox to load the IP of he SonicWall and login that way.06:02
SoulChildHey, how can i found all installed packages that are not included in ubuntu-minmal meta-package... ???06:02
jshrivervicente: good question I'll check online06:02
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Dr_williscuacurie,  you proberly want to be sure to be using the 'edgy eft' version..   thats 6.10 I think.  the OLD livecd's had no installer.06:02
vicentealoon, yes i think it is go to www.ubuntuguide.org for exact instructions06:02
defrysk!info df > defrysk06:02
Orfeousvicente, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9255/06:02
optik`vicente what can i do to my hosts file then06:02
MrSHiatjshriver: what sonicwall vpn do you have? i didn't know you could obtain an ip address that way06:03
cuacurieDr_willis, Gotcha )  thanks for your input06:03
MasterKi loved the old live cds06:03
Dr_williscuacurie,  backup, scandisk, and defrag your windows drive befor doing that install.06:03
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SoulChildHey Guys, how can i find all installed packages that are not included in the  ubuntu-minmal meta-package... ???06:04
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kleftisxwhat do i have to install in ubuntu so i can write code like Borland C++ 6 ????06:04
jshriverMrSHiat: well the sonicwall router sits on an IP .. just load that in a browser it'll ask for your username/password.. then it'll pop up a window saying "You are logged in you have 480minutes remaining" or x minutes06:04
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jshriverkleftisx: gcc g++06:04
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mbackleftisx, you should probably install eclipse06:04
Dr_williskleftisx,  you mean write "C++" code?06:04
mbacbecause it's so aewsome06:05
mbaceclipse and a plugin for C++06:05
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jshriverthought eclipse was just for java06:05
watchmeHi.. I've a question about feisty and compiz....06:05
MrSHiatjshriver: Oh.. i actually have a sonicwall firewall with vpn.. so it doesn't work that way, I wish it did though06:05
kleftisxDr_willis : yes c++ and c code06:05
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kmaynardwatchme, join #ubuntu+106:05
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jshriverMrSHiat: we have a VPN here as well on the sonicwall router. At least that's hwo I connect to the VPN and subsequent servers06:05
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vicenteoptik`,   www.example.com example.com should read the line of the client computer i believe to resolve the hostname to an ip address06:05
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jshriverMrSHiat: but as far as I know there isn't a client of sorts like there is for windows06:06
optik`so in my example vle.....06:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
optik`but why would that affect it06:06
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jshriverMrSHiat: then again I also have a static IP, so I dont have to use the VPN client just to get on the network for an IP06:06
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:06
SoulChildHey Guys, how can i find all installed packages that are not included in the  ubuntu-minmal meta-package... ???06:06
xeladosIs there a way to force NumLock to be active when gdm starts?06:06
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xeladosSoulChild: Perhaps the ubuntu-standard package?06:07
Dr_williskleftisx,  install the 'build-essential' package and it will pull in all the needed minimal C and C++ and other compilers/libs/tools...06:07
MrSHiatjshriver: oh I am tryihng to connect remotelky06:07
MrSHiatremotely even06:07
Dr_williskleftisx,  if you want fancier IDE tools.. well theres several to use.06:07
kleftisxDr_willis : how to instal the build essential package from console?06:07
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kleftisxDr_willis : ok i found it06:08
Orfeousvicente, did you look?06:08
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SoulChildxelados: i think u didn't understand :S06:08
dballesterhi to all06:08
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dballesterI'm trying to install ubuntu-server arch amd64/em64T into one Dell Poweredge 860 ( http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/pedge_860?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd ) by now is the second time that install cd ( 2 different burns ) claims that  libiw28 packages is corrupt06:08
xeladosSoulChild: I'm welcome to try to understand and help. :)06:08
vicenteOrfeous, sorry i missed it, reading now06:08
dballestermd5sum for the iso image is correct06:08
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Dr_williskleftisx,  reading up on the 'apt-get' system is another thing thats well worth doing. :)  'sudo apt-get install whatever'06:08
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vicenteOrfeous, you know that oddcastv2 is not being developed any more right?06:09
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SoulChildxelados: i want to see all installed packages except that ones, that are included in ubuntu-minmal meta package06:10
SoulChildunderstood ?06:10
Orfeousvicente, yes i know! i have tried oddcastv3 but i cant get it working with jack.06:10
Orfeousit has no gui either06:10
xeladosYeah, I get it now.06:10
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vicenteOrfeous, ok hold on lemme replicate the error you have going on :)06:10
xeladosSounds pretty nifty, actually. Does apt-get have any sort of selective listing like that?06:10
killownhelp -me I am try start xawtv but I get erro /dev/video0 not found06:11
killownhow I do to create /dev/video0?06:11
cefxxelados: there's an additional package that lets you search and use something like apt://06:11
Orfeousvicente, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9253/06:11
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killownhow I do to create /dev/video0?06:12
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dimychkillown: I don't know the answer, but google shows a lot on "create /dev/video0" query06:15
ekimushmm any reason why  a file in /etc/cron.hourly/ doesn't run? when i create an entry in /etc/crontab to run it it just works (filename ist gen_data.cron.sh)06:15
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vicenteOrfeous, what i did just now was got the list of packages described here http://www.oddsock.org/tools/oddcastv2_xmms/ and also those packages ending in dev or devel as it requested06:15
vicenteOrfeous, If you are installing RPM versions of these packages, then you will also need the "devel" version of ALL the above pacakges (i.e. libvorbis-devel, lame-devel, etc...)06:16
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vicenteOrfeous, i know you aren't installing from rpm, but it might be our problem06:16
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Dr_williskillown,  i would say load the proper modules for your card and it should show up06:17
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bigjohntoanyone here know how to use solaris?06:17
killownDr_willis, i do it06:17
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optik`vicente, any idea why it would be something to do with the server's hosts file?06:18
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vicenteoptik`, the host file allows a computer to resolv an ip address from a host name so i thought it might have been something messed up there. it could also be a firewall or a router acting up although i dont think it is. its worth a shot to check though06:19
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optik`i might try setting it back to dhcp tomorrow and see if i can browse to it then06:19
optik`just in case i got something wrong there06:19
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eckkillown: if you need to you can use mknod, but that is not the proper solution06:20
eckkillown: the best way is to let udev take care of it06:20
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Vaalthhey, where can i get the latest ati drivers?06:21
noodles12i cannot burn a program with k3b. i looked in permissions for my cdrom and its read only. I think i should change that to write only but i can't access that without being root. I am not sure how to sudo nautilus and then access permissions for cdrom.06:22
SoulChildHey Guys, how can i find all installed packages (with synaptic or terminal) that are not included in the "gnome-core" meta-package?06:22
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Vaalththe default "ati" driver that comes with ubuntu doesnt work for me06:22
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vicenteOrfeous, i got it06:22
Vaalthi had to use the fglrx driver to get x to start06:22
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c0olI am trying to setup TwinView using my dell 2407WFP as my primary screen and my Samsung SyncMaster 173P as my secondary.  I have read many threads on this topic but it always seems to show login on the samsung and nothing on the dell.  I read the log for Xorg and it says that my virtual screen is set to 1280x1024 when it should be 3200x1280.  Is there a way to force this?06:22
vicenteOrfeous, do you have gtk2.+ installed? the site says it wont work with gtk2.0+ so that may be our problem06:22
quietvaalth, if all else fails.. vesa is usually a safe bet... temporarily06:22
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Vaalthquiet : why temorarily?06:23
quietno accelleration or anything.06:23
DefdefHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 6.10 in Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, and the installation seems to hang and become unresponsive, does anyone know why?06:23
SimonWdoes anyone know a sane way of running more than one Apache 2 instance on an ubuntu server?06:23
quietbut it 'works'06:23
Vaalthwell im trying to play opengl games :(06:23
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savvaswhen will ubuntu release a newer version of gnome-system-tools? i still have 2.15.5 and as i'm told 2.16.x is more stable06:24
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lonranpredaeus_, ii found the solution for the flash player: nspluginwrapper for the 32bit flash 9 plugin and it works with firefox 6406:25
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Defdef Hello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 6.10 in Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, and the installation seems to hang and become unresponsive, does anyone know why?06:25
noodles12what isthe command to see all the devices attached? fdisk -l ?06:25
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kbdmplayer32: error while loading shared libraries: libgnutls.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:25
kbdls -l /usr/lib/libgnutls.so.13lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2007-02-26 04:01 /usr/lib/libgnutls.so.13 -> libgnutls.so.13.0.506:25
kbdso wtf?06:25
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kylequammeDefdef: probably cuz it's microsoft VPC06:25
kbdI don't get it... this is a head scratcher06:25
Defdeflol, ok. what should i use as an alternative?06:25
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eckSoulChild: i would use apt-cache and aptitude and then a creative use of grep and cut06:26
quaalwhat ubuntu program should i use to rip a dvd?06:26
chip0waacid rip06:26
kylequammeDefdef: vmware06:26
eckSoulChild: you can get all the dependencies of a package with apt-cache depends06:26
kbdquaal: acid rip, dvdrip, gnome-baker06:26
quaalchip0wa, thanks06:26
dyrneDefdef: i had to do something with hyperthreading i think when i installed on vpc a while back. maybe noht will work in kernel line of grub. thats not what i did but it might work06:26
SoulChildeck: ahh that helps a lot thanks06:26
eckSoulChild: and you can find installed packages by doing an aptitude search and then grepping for ^i06:26
savvasnoodles12: try gksudo gparted06:27
riaalSomething is wrong whit my wireless network card.. Wifi radar detects a lot of networks but I can press "Connect" there is just a "Disconnect" buton.. when I press disconnect nothing happens =S06:27
eckthere is probably a better solution :-\06:27
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savvasnoodles12: you'll need gparted (gnome partition manager) for that06:27
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SoulChildeck: thanks ,... but how that the whole command look now , i am not that good in grep and cut ...06:27
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noodles12sawas: i mean. i want to know what my dvd-rw is listed as. like /dev/dvdrw or /dev/dvd1 .06:27
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Defdefkylequamme: what version of vmware is right for what i am trying to do? (install a virtual ubuntu on windows xp pro) is it vmware player?06:28
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eckSoulChild: so this is all the packages you have installed: aptitude search ".*" | grep ^i06:28
savvasnoodles12: dir /dev/?d*06:28
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eckSoulChild: and then if you cut the second column you get the package names06:29
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SoulChildeck thanks06:29
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ecki think you need to be more creative to parse the output of apt-cache but it is similar in principle06:29
savvasnoodles12: it's probably /dev/hdb but i'm not sure how many drives/disks you have06:29
Orfeousvicente, yes i have gtk2 installed.06:29
riaalI can't connect to my wireless network, spent 2h getting the right driver. lol kismet works but I can't connect to my whit wifiradar?? =(06:29
ViroHey, if I wanna patch my dapper to a newer release like Edgy, what do I hafta do ? :)06:29
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noodles12sawas: i have a /dev/cdrom and /dev/cdrw . which one is it?06:29
savvas!edgy | Viro06:29
ubotuViro: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes06:29
evnare people having trouble with mdadm on herd?06:29
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thian[gone] Hi how do I change my ip proxy from the Firefox thats in Ubuntu 6.06 ?06:30
vicenteOrfeous, if wxwindows compiles in ubuntu with gtk2.0 support then it breaks oddcastv2 because oddcastv2 only supports gtk1.206:30
savvasnoodles12: you want to access the cdrom files? then cd /cdrom/06:30
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noodles12sawas: thank you06:31
Orfeousvicente, stupid program ;)06:31
vicenteOrfeous, i know, and to recompile wxwindows with gtk1.2 support only would be bass ackwards06:31
Orfeousvicente, maybe its possible to specify where gtk1.2 libs are installed ;)06:31
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savvasnoodles12: the path /cdrom/ goes for all types, dvd or cd :)06:31
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Orfeousvicente, ok... oddcastv3 is working BUT i cant get jack work with xxmms.. etc..06:32
Orfeousvicente, please try it06:32
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vleonwhat is the command to install kde without swiching with the gnome (i want both kde and gnome on my comp)06:32
tonyyarusso!kde | vleon06:33
ubotuvleon: KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.06:33
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vicenteOrfeous,  ok what do i have to install, jack, xmms and ocv3?06:33
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mikeconceptsapt get install nvidia.glx says can't fins it, and I need to get it installed after an update which included the kernel06:34
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dyrnemikeconcepts: nvidia-glx06:34
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thian[gone] Hi how do I change my ip proxy from the Firefox thats in Ubuntu 6.06 ?06:35
piedoggieare there any models for running apt-get automatically to fetch security updates?  This is in a server context where there is no interaction except over terminal sessions06:35
mikeconceptscorrect, yes, nvidia-gls, will try that again06:35
vicentemikeconcepts, go to www.ubuntuguide.org for instructions on nvidia drivers :)06:35
dyrnemikeconcepts: heh06:35
mikeconceptstyping issues here06:35
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Rep0rterHi how do I change my ip proxy from the Firefox thats in Ubuntu 6.06 ?06:35
savvasRep0rter: edit -> preferences -> advanced -> network -> settings06:36
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Orfeousvicente, yes... i think it tell you in the installation document that are included in the oddcastv3 source.06:36
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vicenteOrfeous, ok thanks06:36
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_Jaak_what will be the best stuff feisty will offer?06:36
Rep0rtersavvas:  thank you06:36
dyrneRep0rter: maybe you could rephrase that im not sure i understand.  you want to change the proxy firefox is using?06:37
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dyrneRep0rter: nm :)06:37
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riaalI just downloaded linux drivers for my wireless network card. (http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html ) can someone please help me "install" them?06:38
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clouderHas anyone else had a problem where Blender open way to wide? I'm using MergeFB 1600x1200-1024x768 ati opensource driver on a Radeon9000pro06:39
Dr_willisriaal,  you may want to check the wiki/forums for your specific card. there may be some tips/howtos given there06:39
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nixnoobhey why doesnt my ipod mount properly when i plug it in?06:39
bahrCan someone tell me how I switch my locale from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15?06:39
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Dr_willisclouder,  using 2 monitors?06:39
Dr_willisclouder,  some programs are just STUPID. :)06:39
Dr_willisclouder,  they dont proplery get the display info and just open over both monitors.06:40
piedoggiefound the answer to my questions about automatic updates:http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_automatically_update_Ubuntu06:40
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mikeconceptswhen I try apt-get install nvidia-glx it say can't fetch from http://albertomilone.com...06:40
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Dr_willisblender is one of those progams thats always been a little weird.06:40
clouderoh alright, it's not that big of a deal just a annoying for 10 seconds ;D06:40
mikeconceptswhat should be in sources.list for nvidia-glx06:40
quaalchip0wa, hmm acidrip seems to make .avi files06:40
riaalCan someone please help me? Need to install drivers I just downloaded06:41
quaali want to rip the dvd, leaving it in .vob format06:41
savvaspiedoggie: sudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get -y upgrade06:41
Dr_willisclouder,  vmware does the same thing for me.. and it makes fullscreen mode unuseable.06:41
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Dr_willisquaal,  access the dvd drive and copy the files over? :)06:41
savvasoh it has that ;p06:41
quaalDr_willis, hmm does it work like that ?06:41
savvaspiedoggie: you might wanna watch it with dist-upgrade, that should be done manually06:41
Dr_willisquaal,  if you want 4+GB files for a video that could be converted to avi at 1/2  the size... yes.06:41
riaalhow do I check what kernel I have?06:42
piedoggieyes, I was just looking at that and I think I wouldn't want to do a dist upgrade automatically06:42
quaalDr_willis, wow i didnt know that06:42
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Dr_willisquaal,  of course you may need vlc to play the files. or some other players and the decess stuff06:42
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vicenteOrfeous, im still here, trying to get all this set up, do you have oss support or alsa?06:43
quaalDr_willis, yes i have vlc06:43
quaalbest player out there06:43
riaalplease? how to check kernel version?06:43
mikeconceptsdeb http://www.albertomilone.com/drivers/edgy/latest/32bit binary/ was not in my sources.list06:43
Dr_willisriaal,  uname -a06:43
mikeconceptsthat must be the problem06:43
Dr_willisriaal,  shows thecurrently in use kernel06:43
Rep0rterBtw how do i copy some files to my windoes Drive like fat32 or NTFS. The drive is mounted and i can explore them but i cannot copy anything to the drive i can only copy from the drive06:43
piedoggiesavvas: dist upgrade drags in the latest distribution upgrade?06:44
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Dr_willisRep0rter,  you mean to say the drive is "READ ONLY" ?06:44
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Rep0rterDr_willis:  I"m guessing it is.06:44
savvaspiedoggie: yes, i think only when it's ready06:44
Dr_willisRep0rter,  fat32 is eaiallymade writeable.. ntfs takes more work06:45
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse06:45
Rep0rterDapper automatically mount the Drive to my desktop dont know about the Attributes06:45
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)06:45
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Rep0rterokhay how about the Fat32 ?06:45
Dr_willisRep0rter,  well you need to determine if its fat32 or ntfs.   a06:45
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume06:45
Virohm when I run gksu "update-manager -c", nothing happens... asks me for the Root passwd and nothing06:46
Dr_willisfor fat32 you just need to be sure the proper uid/umask and other options are set in the fstab file06:46
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Rep0rterDr_willis:  Is there an easy way ?06:46
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Dr_willisRep0rter,  i find it ratehr easy to edit the fstab file as needed.06:47
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Dr_willisRep0rter,  of course ive read the various mount docs and so forth. so i understand whats going on.06:47
Dr_willishttp://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/ - is a 'must' read.06:47
Dr_willisit has a lot of very good core/fundamental info06:47
davidfetteri'm looking for a way to install a couple of different versions of postgresql on 6.10 desktop. what's the recommended way to do this?06:47
Gorgaporso, when doing "upgrade-manager -d", how important is it not to have any other programs running?06:47
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Viroupdate-manager -c :)06:47
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riaalIm following a readme and it says: "$cp rt2561.bin /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/# copy firmware " but there is no Wireless folder??06:48
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Rep0rterok thanks06:48
riaalplease? =S06:48
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pablo_hi! ive installed egropuware but.. now? how do i configure it? i go to http://localhost/egroupware/setup and browser says "page not found" ive also tried http://localhost/apache2-default/egroupware/setup but i have the same problem! where should i ponint my browser so that i can acces egrpuware config? (apache is working)06:49
Dr_willisriaal,  make the directories then.06:49
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riaalDr_willis, that really make 0 sence to an X windows user. but okey06:49
Dr_willisriaal,  making a directory makes no sence? does 'make the folders' make better sence?06:50
CrazytomI can't get the permissions right for my ntfs partition.  only root can access it06:50
b0ri5I cannot install xserver-xgl in package manager. I get this:06:50
b0ri5  Depends: libc6 (>=2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 is to be installed06:50
b0ri5 Depends: libglitz-glx1  but it is not installable06:50
b0ri5 Depends: libglitz1 (>=0.4.3+cvs20050728) but it is not installable06:50
javbHi guys.. can someone tell my what is 'chroot' ? Reading about this and dont quiet understand (im trying to use Postfix at Ubuntu Server)06:50
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Dr_willisCrazytom,  check out the following url...06:50
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume06:50
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Gorgaporjavb, i don't understand it very deeply, but i know it's a way to have your system treat a different folder as /06:51
b0ri5How come I can't install xserver-glx?06:51
riaalDr_willis, not what I ment, if the directory dosn't exist you f..ked (as I said, windows =) )06:51
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riaalthere is no way this can work ?? :S06:51
Gorgaporjavb, you can use it to create a different system configuration that only applies when you run a program with chroot06:52
riaalIm following a readme and it says: "$cp rt2561.bin /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/# copy firmware " but there is no Wireless folder??06:52
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b0ri5Does anyone have ideas why I can't install xserver-glx?????06:52
Symmetriain its simplest form what Gorgapor said is correct, chroot changes the root of the system from a particular programs perspective06:52
Dr_willisriaal,  then make  them.  mkdir /path/to/the/folder06:52
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b0ri5I get unmet dependencies] 06:52
riaalDr_willis, well, okey... cheers06:52
b0ri5but those dependencies are not installable!??06:52
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Dr_willisriaal,  it may bw worth your while to read some beginner console guide/docs. :)06:52
b0ri5Doesn't make any sense. What do I do?06:53
Dr_willisriaal,  im betting you will have a lot bigger issues soon. :)06:53
bswiftMy laptop doesn't boot, starting in recovery mode I get "/sbin/init: Accessing a corrupted shared library" and then a kernel panic. Any pointers in which direction to go ?06:53
riaalDr_willis, I know how to make a directory =) just that I don't know what im doing messing whit the kernel06:53
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Dr_willisriaal,  drivers are 'kernel' modules.06:53
javbGorgapor, so is it a kind of profile of the system for a program  that needs the system with a conf different than the way it is in reality?06:53
riaalDr_willis,  Think so?06:53
Dr_willisriaal,  im supprised the modulkes for that card are not included allready06:53
Dr_willisriaal,  what brand card was it exactly?06:53
b0ri5how do I install these unmet dependencies???06:54
b0ri5does anyone know?06:54
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Vaalthhey, does anyone know how to add the ubuntuguide.org repositories? it tells me to in this guide but it doesnt say how06:54
Dr_willisb0ri5,  you still fighting with Beryl?06:54
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riaalDr_willis, The strange thing is, it is supose to be.. And it works.. sometimes.. So before I trow the 4%&& card in the trash I tought installing the "real" drivers could help?06:54
b0ri5I've reverted ALL changes, and am doing it over again06:54
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Dr_willisb0ri5,  just to give you a heads up - i installed the beryl stuff a week or so ago.. after fighting with it.. then it crashed constantly.....06:55
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b0ri5so I shouldn't install it?06:55
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Dr_willisb0ri5,  so ya know why i  KEEP SAYING .. dont mess with Beryl.06:55
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Vaalthhey, anyone know how to add the ubuntuguide.org repositories? it tells me to in this guide but doesnt say how06:55
b0ri5fine, but those animation effects looked cool06:55
Dr_williswhen feisty comes out - it may be much easier to setup.06:55
Vaalthim trying to get ventrilo working under wine06:55
Dr_willisb0ri5,  get a live cd' play with them till lyou reaize how useless they are.. then reboot. :)06:56
riaalDr_willis, But, It  is a cNet card whit Ralink chip06:56
chrxhi...i am new to ubuntu....i was trying to install something and the disk got really full..then when trying to delete some big files i realised that i had to be root to delete....then i logged off and try to log on again but told me cant log on because disk is full...so now how can i delete some files to be able to log on again....06:56
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olrraianyone know how to make gdialog or zenity timeout?06:56
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Dr_willisriaal, you are saying you boot up. the card works.. for a while, then stops? or some times you boot and it dont work at all.. THEN another reboot and it works?06:56
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Cnl_Deltachrx, import the disk into another computer, and delete the files from there06:56
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ray_I'm trying to add some gdesklets but I'm not sure what directory to drop the desklets in06:57
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javbguys, how do i create a password to identifie  my nickname ?06:57
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savvasViro: did you find a way to upgrade?06:57
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Dr_willisjavb,  /msg nickserv help06:57
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Gorgaporjavb, you actually create a chroot folder somewhere with all the variant etc/ bin/ usr/ folders in it, then tell a program that THIS folder is /06:57
Virosavvas, no06:57
savvasViro: download the edgy-alternative cdrom, it will be easier that way06:58
Virosavvas, when I type that gksu "update-manager -c" msg it just closes it ;)06:58
vicenteOrfeous, what error are you getting with oddcastv3?06:58
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Viroahhh... allright :( ima get it06:58
Gorgaporjavb, it also keeps the program from accessing anything outside of the chroot folder, because you can't cd .. from /06:58
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ray_I can't figure out how to add desklets to the gdesklets shell06:59
savvasViro: or just change the sources, you just tried the 1st of the 3 ways to install :P06:59
riaalDr_willis, It always works when I just reboted, strange thing is. It goes to some kind of "lockdown" but kismet can monitor networks whit it "forever" but I can't connect to my own router =S06:59
idelhi all, I need help. How can I list files through subdirectories including path, "ls -R dir/*" doesn't work06:59
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b0ri5I cannot install a superkaramba theme.06:59
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chrxi have a dual boot with windows on same disk....can i delete linux files from windows to free space...06:59
Virosavvas :) ima try that06:59
Dr_willisriaal,  odd.....06:59
javbThanks Gorgapor, so what would be the technical reason to make a program run as chroot..06:59
Dr_willisriaal,  may want to find the ra chipset/drivers homepage/forums - could be some driver bug thats being worked on for the next kernel.07:00
riaalDr_willis,  just found something: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13298007:00
javbi mean, why smtp server, in this case, Postfix in Ubuntu Server, must create another / system link?07:00
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Virobtw, does anyone know what script is the latest that goes off after you log in to X Windows ? I tried /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsession  but that's not late enough :))07:00
Gorgaporglad to help07:00
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Gorgaporwith what limited knowledge i do have about linux (i'm still a bit new myself)07:01
kleftisxwith what command i can compile C++ projects on ubuntu???07:01
Dr_willisgcc whatever.c07:01
riaalDr_willis, lol......."(a) Do not use the "Networking" tool (network-admin). You will get a lock-up at boot time at the point where the network interfaces are bieng configured"07:01
jribkleftisx: install build-essential, the command is  g++07:01
ray_what other NES emulators are there for ubuntu?07:01
tremmorhow do I resize LVM physical partition? gparted doesn't know physical volumes ?!07:01
Dr_williskleftisx,  may want to google for some basic C++ tutorials for linux.07:01
NallemanIm about to install avant windows navigator using this guide.http://awn.wetpaint.com/page/SVN+Version+Installation, i got stuck on the "make" part. Make does nothing, shoul I install something else?07:01
denis_on_ubuntuquestion: i have an external hard drive that I loaded a bunch of files to. But when I installed Ubuntu it does not let me "write" to the drive - how do I gain read/write/execute access to my external HD???07:02
kleftisxjrib : i have installed build-essential and i have use g++ but it not regonize commands like "cout" "endl" e.t.c07:02
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Dr_willisray_,  theres some that may not be in the repos. will have to use the source. check that zophars domaine site for what ones exist.07:02
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Dr_willisdenis_on_ubuntu,  ntfs drive?07:02
jribkleftisx: pastebin your source code, the command you used, and the error output from that command07:02
Gorgapordenis_on_ubuntu, it's probably mounted with the wrong permissions07:02
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denis_on_ubuntuhm - i'm a total noob here, so i dunno whether its ntfs or not07:02
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Gorgapordenis_on_ubuntu, are you familiar with fstab?07:02
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denis_on_ubuntuso how do i go about this?07:03
denis_on_ubuntui'm really new to linux (2nd day on it)07:03
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Gorgaporok, run 'mount' to see what you have mounted07:03
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kleftisxjrib : have a look http://cpp.sourceforge.net/?show=3267907:03
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EnverexWhat is the current state of Biometrics in Linux?07:04
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denis_on_ubuntu -> /dev/sdb1 on /media/External Disk type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8)07:04
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tonyyarussoEnverex: "Varies".  The ThinkWiki has some info for fingerprint readers.07:04
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Peter77hi, I'm getting a core 2 duo laptop, should I use 32-bit or 64-bit linux on it?07:04
Gorgaporyep ntfs07:04
denis_on_ubuntuok so its ntfs07:05
denis_on_ubuntuwhat do i do now07:05
denis_on_ubuntu? lol07:05
jribPeter77: if you like multimedia, use 32bit07:05
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Peter77won't films play in 64-bit?07:05
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Gorgapordenis_on_ubuntu, i'm not an expert at this stuff, my policy has just been "use FAT32 if you need an external partition"07:06
jribPeter77: flash isn't available on 64bit and getting some codecs like wmv is also cumbersome07:06
Gorgapor: (07:06
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Peter77ahh so I should just stick with i686?07:06
denis_on_ubuntuhm - there HAS to be a way for me to give myself access to my dirve! even if its NTFS!!!!07:06
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b0ri5when I run superkaramba, I get this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16607:07
sparrwb0ri5: you should see that same error running any X app from the terminal07:07
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Gorgaporwell you can read by default07:07
denis_on_ubuntui can07:07
denis_on_ubuntubut that's not good enough07:07
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b0ri5sparrw: for example, I installed a theme, and got this:07:08
b0ri5Error reading file 39609-TempMon_AIO-0.3.theme from zip07:08
b0ri5Could not read config file.07:08
b0ri5X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 307:08
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jribPeter77: yeah.  You could always install both and just see if you think it's worth the extra trouble to get flash and such to work on 64-bit07:08
Enverextonyyarusso, For any readers or just the ThinkPad one?07:08
FarrisGI've got a dapper box running gnome/gdm. I have a few gnome-terminals open with ssh sessions to another box running a long job. gdm has puked/hung, but the remote jobs are still running. Is there any way for me to restart gdm or recover without nuking those remote jobs? Too late to use screen07:08
quesWhat do the synchronous updates on mail queue mean in postfix?07:08
Gorgapori'm without browser access right now, unfortunately, so i can't help research it07:08
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Gorgaporbut you should look at the forums07:08
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tonyyarussoEnverex: It's for the thinkpad one, but I'm told a fair amount of the info applies generally too.07:08
Orfeousvicente, no error.. i just cant get jack working with it ;) and xmms07:08
denis_on_ubuntuI did07:08
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Gorgaporor alternately create a FAT32 partition and copy everything to it07:08
denis_on_ubuntucan't find anything that's relevant to my situation07:09
ScotFI'm doing an install and it looks like the automatix2 web site is down. Does anyone know if this permanent?07:09
jribkleftisx: how about the rest?07:09
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quesWhat do the synchronous updates on mail queue mean when installing postfix in ubuntu07:09
Peter77can't I install both kernels?07:09
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visualnetsI need some help07:09
sparrwFarrisG: ssh into that other machine again, figure out how to take over the ssh session?07:09
Gorgapordenis_on_ubuntu, is it reasonable in your case to create a FAT32 partition?07:09
kleftisxjrib : what rest?07:09
visualnetshello all07:09
jrib!helpme | visualnets07:09
ubotuvisualnets: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:09
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denis_on_ubuntui dont think so07:09
Peter77therefore letting me access my files using either?07:09
denis_on_ubuntui have a LOT07:09
denis_on_ubuntuof stuff on the drive07:09
denis_on_ubuntuand i cant format it07:09
jribkleftisx: pastebin your source code, the command you used, and the error output from that command07:09
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visualnetsthx for u07:09
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gumpishis there a way to change the color of text in the console? (not xterm, I mean the ttys you get in ctrl-alt-F1-6)07:10
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visualnetsjrib,I am a fresher to use ubuntu07:10
kane77!ntfs | denis_on_ubuntu07:10
ubotudenis_on_ubuntu: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:10
quesWhat do the synchronous updates on mail queue mean when installing postfix in ubuntu07:10
kane77!ntfs-3g | denis_on_ubuntu07:10
ubotudenis_on_ubuntu: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)07:10
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kleftisxjrib : i have use gcc -Wall -g hello.c -o hello and i just write void main(){ cout << "Hello World" << endl; }07:11
kane77!fuse | denis_on_ubuntu07:11
ubotudenis_on_ubuntu: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:11
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FarrisGsparrw: Is there any way to do that if we haven't already screened that session?07:11
visualnetsjrib,i am in bash now,i want login to gnome,but i do not know the command07:11
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wick2oanyone here customize their own install cd with a different preseed or some such?  I follow the online guide and fix the ubuntu-keyring...and i also do a sudo find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sudo tee md5sum.txt to update the new hashes07:11
denis_on_ubuntuwhy is it unsafe?07:11
kane77denis_on_ubuntu, I recommend ntfs3g07:11
wick2obut when i try and install the debconf gives me errors and says these files that i modified are corrupt07:11
wick2oam i missing something stupid?07:11
kane77denis_on_ubuntu, it can mess up your stuff07:11
soundraygumpish: you can use ANSI escape codes07:11
denis_on_ubuntui cant risk messup07:11
visualnetsjrib,can u help me login to gnome07:12
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Gorgaporthen transfering to FAT32 or ext3fs seems like a good option, seeing as how you really like your data : )07:12
zumihow can i change preferences of 3ddesktop?07:12
kane77denis_on_ubuntu, there has been extensive testing going on..07:13
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visualnetshello all i need some help07:13
zumihow can i change preferences of 3ddesktop?07:13
jribkleftisx: it should be: g++ foo.cc07:13
kane77zumi, man 3ddesktop07:13
Gorgaporvisualnets, you can just outright ask a question :)07:13
ScotFzumi, do u have the red gem on your desktop or on the taskbar?07:13
jribvisualnets: how come the graphical login window didn't start?07:13
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ardchoilleWhen I insert a CD in the cd drive, which file is it that tells the system which mount point tt use when mounting that cd disk?07:14
zumiwhich red gem? you mean beryl?07:14
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kmaynardardchoille, /etc/fstab07:14
quesany postfix installation tutorials?07:14
visualnetsjrib,yes when i power on my pc,boot to bash07:14
ardchoillekmaynard: Thank you :)07:14
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ScotFyeah --07:14
kmaynardardchoille, np07:14
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kane77zumi, you meant like berryl?07:15
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jribvisualnets: ok, is ubuntu-desktop installed?  use this command to find out:  apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop07:15
kane77zumi, or the 3ddesktop package?07:15
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visualnetsjrib,thx let's me try07:15
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soundraygumpish: what?07:15
sacaterzumi: having trouble with beryl?07:16
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infinitodoes anyone a way to make exim not sending emails with "undisclosed recipients" as TO: ??07:16
zumino, I just want to change preferences of 3ddesktop package07:16
b0ri5For some reason Ubuntu freezes randomly when I'm using FIrefox07:16
b0ri5I think Windows is more stable that Ubuntu07:16
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gumpishI don't want to just add color to my prompt or something. I want EVERYTHING to be in green text instead of gray.07:16
kmaynardcrap, caps lock07:17
Enverexb0ri5, Depends on the app or if your hardware is defective07:17
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soundraygumpish: so, use echo with the appropriate escape code07:17
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b0ri5I had Firefox, Konversation, and terminal open when it completely froze.07:17
SoulChildhey guys : i habe this command that shows packages not included in gnome-core metapackage, how do i add ubunut-minmal to this command ? sudo aptitude search '!~RDepends:gnome-core ~i'07:18
Enverexb0ri5, So there's something wrong with your PC (hardware fault of some kind)07:18
b0ri5it responded to NOTHING. I had to unplug the computer. It happened twice already today.07:18
Gorgaporgumpish, are you talking about colors in gnome-terminal ?07:18
soundrayb0ri5: since you're already convinced that Windows is more stable, why are you here?07:18
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Gorgaporcome on don't be mean soundray : )07:18
b0ri5Cause it sucks.07:18
SoulChildGUYS, i have this command that shows packages not included in gnome-core metapackage, how do i add ubuntu-minimal to this command ? sudo aptitude search '!~RDepends:gnome-core ~i'07:18
gumpishGorgapor:  no, the tty1 - tty6....07:18
Gorgaporok that07:19
b0ri5Ubuntu is much better, but I get weird problems.07:19
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kmaynardb0ri5, are you being forced to use it?07:19
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Gorgaporyeah maybe you can put an ANSI escape code in your bashrc07:19
b0ri5by myself07:19
Gorgapornever tried it, but it seems logical07:19
genieQuotation about Arabic characters , when I type Hello in Arabic three is a gaps between the "Haa" characters and "Laam"07:19
kmaynardjust wondering who you should blame here...07:19
DigitalNinjaI'm a gnome user. How do I install KDE with out breaking anything?07:19
genieany body know how to fix this?07:19
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soundrayGorgapor: I'm just generally annoyed with people who think we'd like to listen to them slagging off Ubuntu, or, as the case may be, Windows.07:19
genieI have ubuntu 6.1007:19
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kmaynardDigitalNinja, kubuntu-desktop07:19
Gorgapori understand07:19
jrib!kde | DigitalNinja07:19
EnverexDigitalNinja, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:19
ubotuDigitalNinja: KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:19
=== DigitalNinja Thanks!
b0ri5it couldn't be faulty hardware. This computer was a server for 6 months, running folding@home all the time. Didn't crash once.07:20
Gorgaporgenie, which input method are you using?07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:20
Vaalthhey, can anyone with ventrilo help me test it out?07:20
Orfeousvicente, how is it going?07:20
geniejust wait07:20
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Vaalthwant to see if i got it working correctly under wine07:20
genieI will let you know07:20
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neighborleeb0ri5, linux is perfect, what are you talking about ;)07:20
vicenteOrfeous, I GOT IT07:20
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b0ri5I agree, just I have these random problems07:20
vicenteOrfeous, HOT DAMN!!!!!!07:21
SoulChildGUYS, i have this command that shows packages not included in gnome-core metapackage, how do i add ubuntu-minimal to this command ? sudo aptitude search '!~RDepends:gnome-core ~i'07:21
genieI am using default07:21
Orfeousvicente, ;)07:21
kmaynardb0ri5, i had problems with bad RAM in the past...replaced it, all was well07:21
jribSoulChild: what do you mean by "add ubuntu-minimal to this command"?07:21
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neighborleeb0ri5, my issues were bad ram.07:21
Drakeneighborlee: no linux is not perfect if it was nobody would develop things for it anymore07:21
neighborleeb0ri5, once fixed,,all my issues *( MOST of them ) went away I found07:21
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=== trpr needs assistence setting things up to compile C++. What packages do I need?
SoulChildjrib: this command shows packages that are not in gnome-core, i also don't want to see the packages that are included in ubuntu-minmal07:22
neighborleeDrake, I was being a tad facetious ;0007:22
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soundraytrpr: all those that build-essential depends on.07:22
EADGSomebody know the command to hide joins/parts/quits in irssi? I can't find it in /set.07:22
Drakeneighborlee: I know i was jocking also07:22
vicenteOrfeous, the repositories have jackd and xmms-jack available grab those07:22
neighborleeDrake, lol07:22
trprsoundray: hrm. i am not sure what i am working with here. there are lots of calls to cout, etc, which are unrecognized07:22
sacaterEADG, have you tried the irssi website or help07:22
trprsoundray: but it is very important i get this code to compile so i can get working on it :\07:23
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ubotuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo07:23
neighborleeDrake, yeah your a jock alright ;) ( ill take your word on that LOL )07:23
jribSoulChild: instead of "gnome-core", write "ubuntu-minimal"?  Is this what you mean?07:23
Lr5EADG: try #irssi07:23
b0ri5I'll memtest the RAM later. Could it be because of ESD?07:23
trprsoundray: but yeah, build-essential is definitely something i already have installed07:23
SoulChildjrib: no i don't want to see both meta-packages07:23
Orfeousvicente, allready installed07:23
Drakeanyway i need some tryng to run a script and it give : bash: ./_setup: No such file or directory07:23
EADGsacater: I looked at a couple websites. Not at help though.07:23
jribSoulChild: don't use sudo to search btw07:23
grindardoes anyone know what directory azureus puts .torrents in by default?07:23
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SoulChildhmm okay ... and what else ?07:24
jribSoulChild: http://people.debian.org/~dburrows/aptitude-doc/en/ch02s03.html#searchBrokenType have you seen this?07:24
sacaterEADG: always check the help :P07:24
jribSoulChild: ignore the anchor07:24
EADGLr5: will do.07:24
SoulChildwhat is anchor ?07:24
SoulChildjrib: ?07:24
jribSoulChild: the #searchBrokenType thing07:24
Drake i need some help trying to run a script and it give : bash: ./_setup: No such file or directory07:24
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:24
Drakeany idea07:25
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code07:25
Lr5is there any way to "link" some windows so that if I click one, also the other pops up?07:25
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soundraytrpr: once your system has build-essential and dependencies, any remaining problems are down to the code you are compiling.07:25
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Helmianyone around with experiences regarding codepage/charset-problems using samba?07:25
SoulChildjrib i think u dind't understand me07:25
trprsoundray: bleh. i am positive it is my setup that is flawed. i doubt very much my professor would give me a framework that doesn't compile :(07:26
geniehello every body, I have problem with Arabic in Ubuntu 6.10; gaps occur between some characters in Arabic, example: Hello in Arabic07:26
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jribSoulChild: I did and since I don't know off the top of my head, I linked you to the documentation that explains how to do what you want07:26
mirakwhat is the necessary amount of disc space to hibernate ?07:26
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genieany body know how to fix this?07:26
kmaynardgenie, English :)07:26
SoulChildjrib: ahhh okay07:26
geniethere is a gaps between characters07:27
Vaalthanyone with ventrilo able to connect to a server and help me test something?>07:27
genieit should be no gaps07:27
Gorgaporgenie, i know that few people use arabic in ubuntu07:27
SoulChildjrib: i missed the reference ... thanks07:27
jribSoulChild: I /think/ this would do it: aptitude search '!(~RDepends:gnome-core|~RDepends:ubuntu-minimal)~i'07:27
Gorgapori've tried to get help with japanese and chinese input, and it's hard to find07:27
mirakwhat is the necessary amount of disc space to hibernate ?07:27
Drake i need some help trying to run a script and it give : bash: ./_setup: No such file or directory07:27
b0ri5I cannot install any superkaramba theme. I get this msg:07:27
b0ri5Error reading file 53490-calgadget.theme from zip07:27
b0ri5Could not read config file.07:27
soundraymirak: your swap partition should be as big as your RAM. No extra space is needed outside swap.07:27
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wick2obut when i try and install the debconf gives me errors and says these files that i modified are corrupt07:27
wick2oanyone here customize their own install cd with a different preseed or some such?  I follow the online guide and fix the ubuntu-keyring...and i also do a sudo find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sudo tee md5sum.txt to update the new hashes07:28
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miraksoundray: what ???07:28
genieI want to know this problem from font or input method?07:28
Lr5mirak: with no experience about that, I'd say you need same disk space than ram memory is used07:28
miraksoundray: how can it use the swap to hibernate ?07:28
b0ri5Does anyone have an idea why I get the error msg:07:28
b0ri5Error reading file 53490-calgadget.theme from zip07:28
b0ri5Could not read config file.07:28
miraksoundray: and only the swap by the way07:28
wick2ob0ri5: zip file is corrupt?07:28
b0ri5but it's the same for every theme?07:28
Gorgaporgenie, well you could try different fonts and see if that changes the problem07:29
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genieI do07:29
soundraymirak: extend me some courtesy and read up on your assumptions before you second-guess my advice.07:29
wick2ob0ri5: purhaps you have an older version and the file was zipped with a newer version?07:29
geniein fact I install all fonts from windows to linux07:29
genieno use07:29
mbacis there a way to disable the startup/login sounds?07:29
geniein windows working fine, but some gaps in linux07:29
jribmbac: system > preferences > sounds07:30
b0ri5wick2o: am i installing themes correctly? I click on "New Stuff", download a random theme, and get the exact error msg with any theme.07:30
miraksoundray: it's already done. I can explain you why I think it's not accurate07:30
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xushi_hi all07:30
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mbacoh, i mean before logging in07:30
wick2ob0ri5: that i dont know...im more of a termial person07:30
wick2oi ssh into all my linux boxes07:30
jribmbac: the drums?07:30
jribmbac: system > administration > login window07:30
xushi_I can't for the life of me manage to boot ubuntu, kubuntu, or xubuntu on this old machine.. After choosing to boot from the livecd, i get a blank page with blinking cursor on top right. I googled a lot but only found unanswerd questions or different problems07:30
soundraymbac: System-Admin-Login Window-Accessibility07:30
miraksoundray: where do you put the data from the swap then ?07:31
b0ri5how do u install superkaramba themes then?07:31
xushi_my gfx card is a Geforce fx 5200 (128Mb)07:31
soundraymirak: go on then07:31
wick2oxushi_: i know what this is07:31
wick2oyou need to boot from a windows 98 cd with cdrom support07:31
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soundraymirak: I'm not here to answer rhetorical questions07:31
wick2othen goto /boot/linux and run linux.bat07:31
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ysophi can anyone help me to find my wine-directory ? i can open it in console in my home dir, but i cant see it in nautilus...07:31
soundraymirak: swap is hardly needed when the machine is suspended.07:31
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Lr5Is there any method I could use the screen on my other laptop's (ubuntu 6.06 there, 6.10 here) screen as one of this computer?07:31
Gorgaporlocate wine07:31
wick2oit has something to do with isolinux or something....i get that problem from time to time with old computers07:31
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Lr5ysop: ctrl+h07:31
jribysop: it's ~/.wine  so nautilus won't show it unless you "show hidden directories"07:31
xushi_that's .. weird. but at least it's a shot =)07:31
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kleftisxhello im trying to write a program in C++ under ubuntu but when i go to compile it i get so many errors. what else except gcc i can use to run the program???07:32
xushi_hmm, if i don't have a win98 bootable cd, what should i do ?07:32
mbachaha, silly people07:32
jribkleftisx: did you try what I said?07:32
mbaci meant that i'm at the login prompt and want to stop the sound from playing so i don't disturb the office07:32
miraksoundray: the data in swap are not necessarily just performance cache, there can be data in it07:32
wick2oxushi_: download an image online...goto bootdisks.com or something07:32
mbacoh well, fuck it, let them suffer one more time07:32
kleftisxjrib : yes07:32
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xushi_thanks wick2o07:32
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tonyyarusso!ohmy | mbac07:32
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ubotumbac: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:32
kleftisxjrib : i get the same errors07:32
wick2oget a usb floppy and a bootimage07:32
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MadDog011What can be the cause of mouse chopping in linux :007:33
MadDog011wherenver my hard drive works07:33
jrib!find iostream07:33
ubotuFound: libboost-iostreams-dev, libboost-iostreams1.33.107:33
ysopah thx a lot Lr5 and jrib07:33
ScotFanybody know what is going on with automatix2?07:33
mbacwow, you guys can engage in technical discussions without swearing?07:33
mbacthat is impressive07:33
mbacmy apologies07:33
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PriceChildmbac, system>admin>login window. Choose the "accessibility" tab and disable the login screen ready sound07:33
PriceChildmbac, steady07:33
PriceChild!automatix | ScotF07:33
ubotuScotF: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:33
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jribkleftisx: is libstdc++6 installed?07:34
roeanyone know when the mythtv-frontend package will be fixed?07:34
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SoulChildguys | means "or" and what does mean "and" ???07:34
tectagrr why doesnt totem-xine play rm files anymore?07:34
b0ri5wait, we cannot swear here? Thats B$07:34
SoulChildwick2o: thanks07:34
roeSoulChild, doesn't || mean or07:34
kleftisxjrib : yes is installed07:34
soundrayroe: what's wrong with it?07:34
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vicenteOrfeous, im very close07:34
tectaroe yes it does07:34
jribSoulChild: !(a or b)  means   a and b07:34
roesoundray, libjack0.80.0-0 (>= 0.99.0) but it is not installable07:35
roe                   Depends: libmyth-0.20 but it is not going to be installed07:35
roe                   Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.4) but it is not installable07:35
tectaroe && means and07:35
PriceChildb0ri5, This channel should be work safe and family friendly07:35
soundrayroe: do not paste errors here. Read the topic07:35
jribkleftisx: pastebin the complete source you are using07:35
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riaalcan someone please have a look at this? ( http://www.soundaddict.se/wifii.jpg ) My wireless card seams to work but for some stupid reason there is no "connect buttom" and the "disconnect" don't work!!07:35
Orfeousvicente, nice! i am curious! but i am gonna watch some tv.. back later!07:35
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roesoundray, my apologies, if figured 2 extra lines would not be a flood07:35
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oni-draculaum...whats up with ubuntu lookin like it's about to become a paid OS?07:35
juice`could someone help me with this problem ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2266153#post226615307:36
mbaconi-dracula, haha what?07:36
LjLoni-dracula: don't be ridiculous.07:36
trprroe: whatever. soundray might as well be a bot he is so helpful ;)07:36
Agrajagoni-dracula: what are you talking about?07:36
jriboni-dracula: #ubuntu-offtopic07:36
b0ri5how do I install a superkaramba theme?07:36
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roeso in short mythtv-frontend's dependencies are broken07:36
soundrayroe: remember that 1100+ users get it. Have you tried apt-get install libqt3c102-mt ?07:36
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LjLoni-dracula: and?07:36
Agrajagoni-dracula: you're free to download it at no cost.07:37
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riaalI have spent 6h strying to get this to work... someone have any ide?07:37
oni-draculaat the bottom "free security updates for 18 months"07:37
kleftisxjrib : http://cpp.sourceforge.net/?show=32682 have a look07:37
juice`could someone help me with this problem ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2266153#post2266153 please, really tried everything07:37
b0ri5does anyone here use Superkaramba?07:37
juice`riaal: 6 ? i tried more than 20 with my problem :(07:37
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Agrajagoni-dracula: yes, 18 months is the standard support term. Dapper is supported for 5 years, also free.07:37
soundraytrpr: can you please keep personal comments out of here.07:37
riaaljuice`,  =(07:37
roesoundray, yea, and it has been depricated, and replaced by a different package07:37
jribkleftisx: you need to use  std::cout  and  std::endl07:37
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AgrajagAfte rthat term is up, you get no more updates, but you can update to a newer version of Ubuntu for free.07:37
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oni-draculaso 18 months is how long the devs make security updates07:38
b0ri5no one uses superkaramba here?07:38
soundrayroe: has someone filed a bug against mythtv-frontend?07:38
Agrajagyes, for Edgy.07:38
kleftisxjrib : you mean ... std::cout << "hello world" <<std::endl; ???07:38
juice`riaal: and what is your problem? nobody wants to help me, but maybe i will be able to help you?07:38
jribkleftisx: yes07:38
riaalThink Im going to flood the channel untill someone awnsers me =) I have finaly got the drivers to work and no I can't disconnect or connect =S check:  http://www.soundaddict.se/wifii.jpg07:38
vicenteOrfeous, ok i got it07:38
roesoundray, not sure, where are the ubuntu package bugs maintaned07:38
juice`could someone help me with this problem ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2266153#post2266153 please, really tried everything07:39
soundray!bugs > roe, please read the pm from ubotu07:39
trprsoundray: i will keep myself out of here. you are incredibly rude. i was under the impression help in this channel was voluntary.. why don't you stop volunteering please07:39
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riaaljuice`, : can someone please have a look at this? ( http://www.soundaddict.se/wifii.jpg ) My wireless card seams to work but for some stupid reason there is no "connect button" and the "disconnect" don't work!!07:39
kleftisxjrib : same many erros nothing runs07:39
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots07:39
jribkleftisx: what command are you using?07:39
mbac!bugs > mbac07:39
jribmbac: /msg ubotu bugs    works even bette ;)07:39
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juice`riaal: i never even tried to connect anything wireless in linux so no idea07:40
mbacright on07:40
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kleftisxjrib : gcc -o p kleftisx.cc07:40
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jribkleftisx: type this:    g++ -o p kleftisx.cc07:40
riaaljuice`, save yourself the problems and dont =)07:40
b0ri5how do I install a superkaramba theme?07:40
Piciriaal: You cant use kismet and connect to an AP at the same time07:41
wick2oanyone here remaster a dapper server install cd? even after updateing the md5sum.txt file, the files i modify still get a flag from debconf as being corrupt07:41
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kleftisxjrib : no errors but nothing runs07:42
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riaalPici, Dosn't matter if I quit it and rebot, still get connected to som random network and cant disconnect07:42
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pablo_hi! inve installed egroupware. where hould i point my browser to configure it?07:42
jribkleftisx: that just compiles kleftisx.cc.  You should now have a file called "p" that you can execute like so:  ./p07:43
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juice`could someone help me with this problem ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2266153#post2266153 please, really tried everything07:43
DefdefWhat version of VMware is best for loading a virtual install of ubuntu? Is it vmware desktop? (and if so is that free?)07:43
kleftisxjrib : thanks its working now07:43
jribkleftisx: great07:44
Piciriaal: Have you used `iwconfig eth0 essid "yourssid"` to switch to a different access point, where eth0 is your wireless device07:44
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soundraypablo_: to find help getting started with a package, it is often useful to look at the contents of /usr/share/doc/packagename -- especially README.Debian07:44
kleftisxjrib : and something last... "cin" command should be used like std::cin>> ?07:44
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pablo_4soundray: ok ill read :)07:45
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jribkleftisx: right, the guys at ##c++ may be able to point you at some good tutorials as far as writing the actual c++ goes, I only know the basics07:45
riaalPici, no, if the SSID is  to words, do I use  ' '  around it?07:45
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Exal|awayanyone can show me your cupsd.conf please?07:45
DefdefWhat version of VMware is best for loading a virtual install of ubuntu? Is it vmware desktop? (and if so is that free?)07:45
Piciriaal: Yes, you need to use quotes around your ssid07:46
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NaPsTeR_i have a hard drive that is in a removable case. its not letting me write to the drive. wat do i do?07:46
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rbilDefdef: vmplayer should handle it and it's free07:46
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wick2oNaPsTeR_: remount using -rw07:46
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NaPsTeR_sorry im a noob07:46
wick2omount -rw /dev/blah /media/blah07:46
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Defdefrbil: Thank you07:47
christopherhi, is it possible to configure PPPOE during the install progress of ubuntu edgy alternate??07:47
Exal|awayanyone can show me your cupsd.conf please?07:47
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EdgEyhas anyone here ever experienced java applets not loading at all? firefox acts as ifthe applets are not there07:47
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mbachooray, i think this is the first bug report i've ever filed07:47
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donkeyjawsHi can anyone help me to get my network printer working?http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376057&highlight=network+printer+troubleshooting#post224689507:48
EdgEyi have the plugin installed07:48
Exal|awayanyone can show me your cupsd.conf please?07:48
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PiciNot on the first date07:48
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soundrayExal|away: this is not the right way to ask for help. You should describe the problem. Sample cupsd.conf files can be found on the web.07:48
NaPsTeR_it ses i must specify the filesystem type. how?07:48
wick2oNaPsTeR_:  using the -t option07:49
wick2o-t vfat or -t ntfs (i think)07:49
wick2oyou should man mount for the correct syntax07:49
reynI'm having some trouble getting eclipse to start up: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.memmove07:49
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Picireyn: How did you install eclipse?07:49
Exal|awaysoundray: I cant install a printer07:49
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soundrayExal|away: alternatively, rename your botched cupsd.conf file and do a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install cupsys'07:50
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Exal|awayI dont know what paswd is07:50
Athensman has anyone here had any problems installing XuBuntu???07:50
reynPici, with apt, installed java 6, got that error, then tried downloading the 5 jre from sun07:50
soundrayExal|away: configure it via System-Administration-Printing. You won't need a password.07:50
Exal|awaysoundray: how is this?07:51
mbacis there no open source implementation of flash?07:51
soundray!gnash > mbac07:51
mbacoh neat07:51
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-41-170.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Picireyn: hm.. I believe that there is something in the control panel that will let you specify which version of java you want to use, you might try looking their first.07:51
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mbaci'll add it to the wikipedia article ;)07:52
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Athensman has anyone here had any problems installing XuBuntu???07:52
DK_IIis it a good idea to use envy to install the nvidia drivers?07:52
EdgEy! ask07:52
MarkChAThensman: problems like what?07:52
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:52
reynPici, yes there is a /etc/eclipse/java_home, but I still get the same prob with different jvms ...07:52
DK_IIor just use nvidia-glx in the repos07:52
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DefdefQuestion regarding VMWare: It is asking for a .vmx configuration file...is one available for 6.10 ubuntu?07:52
soundrayExal|away: I don't understand your question07:52
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HymnToLifeDK_II, it seems to work, however I'm not very fod of this kind of automatic installation scripts07:52
reynPici, I think it might be the gtk eclipse libs that are 32bit and not 6407:52
MarkChDefdef: you can make your own...07:53
HymnToLifeDefdef, you installed vmware player, right ?07:53
NaPsTeR_it is already mounted but it doesnt work07:53
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Picireyn: Hm. I dont have any experience with using 64bit, so I'm not sure if I can help you reconcile the problem07:53
Exal|awaysoundray: how to configure a printer via system pinting...07:53
wick2oNaPsTeR_: type umount /media/blah07:53
reynPici, mkay, thanks07:53
Defdefbut after installing vmware player it automatically asks me for that .vmx file07:53
wick2othen remount it07:53
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HymnToLifeDefdef, then you need to have an existing VM to "play" it, google might help you to find one07:53
wick2ois the drive ntfs or fat32?07:53
MarkChDefdef, go download VMware server. it lets you make vmx files easily.07:53
soundrayExal|away: why don't you just try it and come back if you have problems.07:53
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HymnToLifeyou can also install vmware server, which will let you create one yourself07:54
MarkChor you could search for an ubuntu 6.10 vmx in google07:54
soundrayExal|away: use the menus: System-Administration-Printing.07:54
NaPsTeR_i dunno07:54
Exal|awaysoundray: the problem is when I try to install a printer cups ask for a passwd, I type the passwd of the user which have sudo privileges but doesn't work07:54
rbilDefdef: better still ... go here and create one ... http://www.easyvmx.com/07:55
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wick2oNaPsTeR_: well, you kinda need to know that...if its ntfs then your really only ever gonna get read only permissions07:55
soundrayExal|away: are you logged in as the user who has sudo privileges?07:55
Exal|awaysoundray: yes07:55
NaPsTeR_i think it is ntfs07:55
NaPsTeR_how can i get a fat32?07:55
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wick2oyou have to format the drive as fat3207:56
wick2owhich means loose everything you have on the harddrive07:56
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soundrayExal|away: which version of ubuntu is this?07:56
NaPsTeR_there is nothing on it07:56
NaPsTeR_how can i do it07:56
NaPsTeR_its a new drive07:56
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EdgEy! ntfs-3g07:56
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)07:56
wick2owww.google.com/linux format harddrive07:56
KhalsaHi, I have an IBM X41 Tablet PC. It has no Optical drive in it. I want to Dual-boot windows and ubuntu. Is there some guide/link you can tell me how to install ubuntu from a USB HDD?07:57
wick2oEdgEy: its the BETA that scares me :)07:57
Pici!install | Khalsa07:57
ubotuKhalsa: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:57
Exal|awaysoundray: root@serverkfc:/etc/cups# uname -a07:57
Exal|awayLinux serverkfc 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Fri Sep 8 19:55:17 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux07:57
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Lr5How do you stop X?07:57
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:57
Enselic``Hello. When I run 'X :1 -novtswitch', the vt actually is switched. Anyone know?07:57
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Lr5killing it or ctrl+alt+backspace just restart it07:57
PiciLr5: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:57
Lr5Pici: thanks07:58
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soundrayNaPsTeR_: use mkdosfs from the dosfstools package07:58
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soundrayNaPsTeR_: better yet, format the drive as ext3 and use a Windows driver like ext2fsd07:58
KhalsaPici: thanks07:58
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kesselDefdef, here you can find Ubuntu vmx: http://search.vmware.com/search?q=ubuntu&filter=0&btnG=VMTN+Appliance+Search&restrict=&output=xml_no_dtd&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&ie=UTF-8&btnG.y=12&client=vmtn_appliance&num=10&btnG.x=15&oe=UTF-8&proxystylesheet=vmtn_appliance&site=vmtn_appliance07:58
mbaci cannot believe how fast the open source development pace is proceeding07:58
EdgEywhat is the problem if java applets don't appear at all in firefox.. i have no errors, the applets just don't appear at all on the page07:58
KhalsaAlso, Would you recomend some tool to use to resize my windows partition?07:58
yommIs it possible to completely boot off a server ,and run the OS 100% native on the client ? So in other words a diskless ubuntu-box ...Can anyone point me in the right direction ?07:59
mbacall of these projects there were in their infancy years ago are becoming huge mature systems07:59
wick2oKhalsa: partition magic07:59
wick2oqtparted in linux07:59
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donkeyjawsCan anyone help me to get my my network printer working?  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376057&highlight=network+printer+troubleshooting#post224689507:59
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TerrasqueI have an interesting problem here.. When I use ssh://server and totem to watch movies on one of my servers, everything works great. When I use it on another, it works very very slowly. Like one frame every 5 seconds. scp manages 20 mbytes/sec off the same server..07:59
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jribEdgEy: does http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml work?07:59
soundrayExal|away: can you try this: 'mv /etc/cups /etc/cups-backup ; sudo apt-get --reinstall install cupsys', then try again07:59
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EdgEyjrib, blank box where the applet should be08:00
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techie_Hello all. Is there any place to learn more about sudo commands and other commands used via the terminal in Ubuntu?08:00
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SoulChildI simply want to see all installed packages, i do this with: aptiitude search '~i' and now i want to remove all packages that are included in the "gnome-core" and the "xorg" METAPACKAGES... how do i do this ... PELASE HELP ME!!!08:00
jribEdgEy: does about:plugins list the java plug-in?08:00
EdgEyjrib, same color as the background08:00
soundray!cli > techie_08:00
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techie_What is the terminal called, is that the Gnu editor?08:00
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:00
soundraytechie_: the topic of #bash also has very useful information08:01
techie_<soundray>yes i tried !cli already08:01
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Exal|awaySoulChild: doesnt work08:01
jribSoulChild: didn't what I said before work?08:01
yomm!cli > yomm08:01
techie_<soundray>the #bash file is that another chatroom?08:01
Exal|awaysoundray: doesnt work08:01
EdgEyjrib, yes08:01
SoulChildjrib: no ,... unfortunatly no08:01
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jribSoulChild: in what way?08:01
lightenupHas anyone had any success mounting and using microsoft DFS shares?08:02
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soundraytechie_: it's another IRC channel. Try /join #bash08:02
techie_<soundray>i remembered you told me about this before and when I checked the #bash room hardly anybody there was talking!08:02
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soundraytechie_: I said read the topic08:02
techie_<soundray>i will try them again.... thanks08:02
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SoulChildi habe problem writing the command ... cause it uses OR but there need to be AND between the meta-packages08:02
Exal|awaysoundray: is still asking for a passwd but doesnt work08:02
lightenupI can mount my DFS root...but its contents do not show up on ubuntu08:02
kelsintechie_: once you are in #bash type /topic and look up some of the tutorials listed there08:02
SelaiahHow do i copy something frmo my desktop to  a root-owned folder? :D08:02
jribSoulChild: aptitude search '!(~RDepends:gnome-core|~RDepends:ubuntu-minimal)~i'  seems to work here, what makes you think it doesn't?08:02
techie_<soundray>what is that information called the bash ? is that the officila ubuntu shell?08:02
EdgEyjrib, the plugin and ll mime types are shown08:02
soundrayExal|away: can you start other system maintenance programs?08:02
jribEdgEy: how did you install it?08:02
techie_<soundray>great.... thanks.08:02
techie_thanks kelsin08:03
kelsintechie_: yes, bash is the shell run by default for all users in ubuntu08:03
SoulChildjrib .... damn thanks i forgot the bracks08:03
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Exal|awaysoundray: sure, I dont have other problem08:03
EdgEyjrib, apt-get install sun-java6-plugin08:03
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kelsintechie_: so when you open a terminal you are running gnome-terminal that is running bash inside of it08:03
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jribEdgEy: did java5 work?08:03
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techie_<kelsin>so bash is one of Ubuntu Shells?08:04
soundrayI can't explain this, sorry08:04
soundrayExal|away: I can't explain this, sorry08:04
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EdgEyjrib, i instgalled both. should i remove 6 and try 5? FF reports java version 1.608:04
kelsintechie_: bash is the shell that ubuntu uses yes, there are many shells and bash is used in many distrobutions, not just ubuntu08:04
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jribEdgEy: sure why not.  I was just curious if it had ever worked, I don't really know what's going on atm08:05
techie_<kelsin>Are there books written on this bash shell. I imagine you could probably do "everything" once you know the commands!!!08:05
EdgEyjrib, i think it did08:05
Terrasquetechie_: you could try reading http://www.linuxcommand.org/08:05
soundrayExal|away: people here are always coming and going -- please ask again in an hour or so. Eventually you'll find someone who can help.08:05
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rbiltechie_: here's an interesting read ... an old standard ... http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html.gz08:05
techie_<Terrasque>very interesting.08:05
soundrayExal|away: you could even ask again now. Be specific about what the problem is.08:05
techie_rbil thanks.08:05
mbacdoes Add/Remove Applications have a package that installs a full C/C++ toolchain or do I have to go through the apt-get install libstd-devel, etc.?08:05
kelsintechie_: yes, you should look at the tutorials listed in the /topic of the #bash channel. There are also ploenty of books. The run I recomend is an O'Reilly book about bash08:05
kelsinmbac: the build-essential package does that08:06
va1Hey guys, while upgrading from dapper to edgy, I got a configure error for xfonts-intl-european ("usage error: unrecognized option"). Google didn't help me on this, any idea ?08:06
yommIs there a server irc channel for Ubuntu ?08:06
techie_<kelsin>thanks I will search for that08:06
soundrayExal|away: and say that you have ubuntu 6.06 (your kernel version suggests that that is the release you have installed)08:06
EdgEy:/ java5 doesn't work either08:06
mbackelsin, so it does08:06
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starcrafthello Ubuntu folks :) Anyone here knowledgeable about viewsonic and monitors on Ubuntu? I posted here about it but no one replied http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2266117#post226611708:06
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donkeyjaws  Can anyone help me to configure my system to print to a network printer?  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376057&highlight=network+printer+troubleshooting#post224689508:07
Terrasquecan anyone explain why totem should have problems streaming files from one server via ssh, but have problems with another (and much more beefier) server?08:07
soundraylightenup: how do you mean 'do not show up'?08:07
Exal|awaythanks soundray08:07
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EdgEydonkeyjaws, try using nvidia-settings (terminal) i use that every boot to fix up my monitor's resolution for twinview08:07
jribEdgEy: when did this start happening?08:07
Exal|awaysoundray: how I can see the ubuntu version installed?08:08
EdgEyjrib, 3-4 days ago, i'm not sure of the exact update08:08
soundrayExal|away: cat /etc/lsb-release08:08
Terrasquecan anyone explain why totem have no problems streaming files from one server via ssh, but have huge problems with another (and much more beefier) server?08:08
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donkeyjawsEdgEy:  ??08:09
soundrayTerrasque: QoS settings on the server?08:09
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jribEdgEy: are you using beryl or compiz by any chance?08:09
EdgEydonkeyjaws, have you ever used terminal in linux?08:09
kelsinstarcraft: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1804884 that post has people posting some (what they say are working) xorg.confs have you tried those?08:09
EdgEyjrib, nope08:09
jribEdgEy: have you seen if it happens with a new firefox profile?  A different browser?08:09
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EdgEyjrib it doesn't work with Konqueror though i'm not sure if it would anyway08:09
donkeyjawsEdgEy:  yes08:09
SoulChildQuestion: how to i find removable packages that won't autoremove Xorg, ubuntu-minmal and gnome-core ???08:10
EdgEydonkeyjaws, try the command 'nvidia-settings'08:10
soundrayExal|away: the printer you are setting up -- is it locally connected?08:10
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EdgEyit's the nvidia control panel, has a GUI for setting up resolution08:10
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starcraftuh, kelsin not sure what you mean ><, as far as I know I'm the only one that posted my xorg conf and another person bumped me...08:10
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EdgEyeven if you can't have it permanently set that, it's better than nothing.. i have to change my secondary monitor resolution every boot (19"tft and 17"crt here)08:10
jribEdgEy: firefox -profilemanager   try with a new one.  Make sure about:plugins still lists java and visit http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml08:10
donkeyjawsEdgEy:  no, I'm trying to get my printer working08:11
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EdgEydonkeyjaws, ahhh crap wrong person08:11
EdgEyreally sorry08:11
Terrasquesoundray: nope, no such things. its just a basic fileserver sitting on a 1gbit network. scp can pull 20 mbyte/s from it (and at most 3mb/s from the server that works perfectly..), and ftp gets close to 50 mb/s from that server.08:11
EdgEystarcraft, scroll up and look at what i said to donkeyjaws xD08:11
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gumpishAnyone know how to prevent the screen from blanking in a tty?08:12
starcraftah, sorry kelsin, I see your link hmmm, will look at that, thanks :)08:12
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ubotuxdmx: Distributed Multihead X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu12.1 (edgy), package size 733 kB, installed size 1628 kB08:12
gumpishI tried disabling the GNOME screensaver (just in case it was somehow linked) but no change...08:12
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EdgEyjrib, still listed but doesn't work08:12
NaPsTeR_i did al of that. it still says im not the owner so i cant write to the disk08:12
donkeyjawsEdgEy:  Help me when you get done with soundray...please08:12
Lr5How do you get Xdmx to work?08:12
NaPsTeR_how do i make it fat32?08:12
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soundraygumpish: try with setvesablank. There is a man page.08:12
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gumpishok thanks08:13
EdgEydonkeyjaws, i don't know anything about printers, sorry08:13
kelsinstarcraft: no that link might not have working ones either, just what I found googling, I don't have that monitor, good luck08:13
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donkeyjawsEdgEy:  OK Thanks08:13
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starcraftok, thanks kelsin, I'll be sure to back up before modifying08:13
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EdgEyjrib, hmm, in Konqueror i get a grey box instead of applet08:14
USSRi hate it when my BitchX is taking over my console colors08:14
MojoWorkhow do i get info from a deb file? like rpm -qlip foo.rpm08:14
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USSRman dpkg08:14
=== MojoWork sighs
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PocketIRCHow do I connect to my PC over SSH from another network?08:14
[Jonne] hi, anyone know how i can just browse the pictures on a digital photocamera? It pops up the whole wizard thing, and that doesn't allow me to manage the pics on the camera itself...08:14
MojoWorki'm looking through dpkg --help now08:14
PocketIRCis that possible ?08:14
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Lr5(Fatal Error) dmx: dmxOpenDisplay: Unable to open display
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MojoWorki don't see much that acts on deb files08:15
Thorachi all08:15
=== Bostonguy [n=Martin@static-71-248-182-117.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
donkeyjawsCan someone help me to configure a network printer? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376057&highlight=network+printer+troubleshooting#post224689508:15
Pici!ssh | PocketIRC08:15
n-iCeWhere can i download codecs for my video player?08:15
ubotuPocketIRC: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/08:15
Lr5Do I need to do something on that computer to get xdmx to work?08:15
[Jonne] i don't see it mounted as a filesystem anywhere08:15
n-iCeI tried to run a .wmv , but doesn't work08:15
USSRn-iCe just install easyubuntu08:15
USSRit will do it all for you08:15
jribEdgEy: want to try epiphany, galeon, or mozilla?  I don't know how konq handles plugins08:15
n-iCeUSSR sudo apt-get install easyubuntu08:15
jrib!wmv | n-iCe08:15
ubotun-iCe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:15
PiciMojoWork: What do you need to know about the package?08:15
USSRno, google for easyubuntu and you will find it all08:15
soundrayPocketIRC: it's possible -- give some more details about the client and the remote08:15
BostonguyHello all. I was hoping to find some help in getting info on non-destructively dual-booting Ubuntu on my WinXP box08:15
MojoWorkah i see -I08:16
USSRand im sure you will have everything up and running within 10 minutes08:16
soundrayPocketIRC: and what goes in between08:16
MojoWorkwell, i have postgresql-8.2 debs i made myself08:16
=== nikosapi [n=nikosapi@gw01.dawsoncollege.qc.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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MojoWorkand there's repository with 8.2.3, but i think mine have a higher priority, cus apt doesn't want to upgrade08:16
Thoraci downloaded ubuntu 6.10 and burn it with nero. The cd is booting but it is not installing any help08:16
=== Bostonguy hasnt h ad much experience with unix/linux since using SCO V4 in the late 90s
soundray!dualboot > Bostonguy, please read the private message from ubotu08:17
USSRn-iCe let me know when you are having any problems after googling08:17
EnverexThorac, You need to be a little more specific...08:17
n-iCeUSSR ok i0m googling it08:17
MojoWorkproblem is i already installed them by  hand, so now apt-cache policy postgresql-8.2 doesn't show my original ones08:17
soundrayBostonguy: essentially, it's straightforward. Ubuntu will resize your Win XP partition for you.08:17
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Thoracok i downloaded the iso file of ubuntu 6.1008:18
PiciMojoWork: Try using dpkg-query to see the information on the debs08:18
Thoracand burn it08:18
USSRvery good Thorac08:18
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Thoracusing nero08:18
USSRi would love to get rid of all those dirty sounds in KDE08:18
MojoWorkPici: thanks08:18
USSRwhen i switch window for example08:18
PocketIRCsoundray: client is running ubuntu edgy and wlan. The remote is running putty and xp and wlan.everything  works if both are connected to the same network08:18
BostonguySoundray: I have space on another partition, but I'm concerned with Ubuntu messing with the boot shit on my main xp paertition08:18
USSRit keeps making those irritating sounds08:18
USSRany1 got a clue?08:18
soundray!enter > Thorac, please read ubotu's message08:18
usdhi, how could I disable the root account? yesterday enable it accidently but I dont need this account I always use "sudo" and I want to disable the root account08:18
Thoracrestart my computer and boot from cd08:18
soundray!language > Bostonguy08:18
jrib!sudo | usd08:18
ubotuusd: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:18
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USSRwhen im switching desktops in kde, kde makes those fucking lame sounds08:18
USSRany1 has a clue howto disable that?08:19
usdI know what sudo is..08:19
USSRgood, start using it usd08:19
kmaynardconvert to capitalism08:19
usdI just want to disable the root account08:19
jribusd: see the link with "all information" (including what you asked) :)08:19
=== Cave [n=balishag@0x535dc89e.vgnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Bostonguy apologizes for the nasty word
=== Lr5 wonders if anyone listened to usd
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about https - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
soundrayPocketIRC: to my knowledge, puttyssh is just a client. You can install openssh server inside Cygwin08:19
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:19
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MojoWorkPici: that seems to be the same as dpkg -l08:19
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rbilBostonguy: it will replace the existing Windows mbr with one that will launch Grub and allow you to select which operating system you want to boot.08:20
Woodrowhi, what do I do, if the text of buttons, menubars and documents has become invisible?  http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07102/also_buttons.png08:20
MWS_Just finished the design for the new wubi homepage (wubi is the ~ Windows Ubuntu Installer) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2266719#post226671908:20
jribusd: ugh someone removed it.... it's  sudo passwd -l root  iirc08:20
soundrayBostonguy: the ubuntu bootloader (named grub) is very reliable. Let it do its job, and chances are that you won't have a problem.08:20
=== Cave`G is now known as Cave-
PocketIRCsoundray: hmm yeah.. i meant i want to control ubuntu from the xpcomputer over Ssh08:20
USSRuse BitchX08:20
soundrayBostonguy: if you want to go back to booting with NTLDR, you can restore its MBR with the Windows install CD08:20
Thoraci burn 4 cds. they r both booting for installation but whe i choose install i only see a black screen.08:21
Lr5usd: disable root u08:21
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Terrasquesoundray: unless the partitions change, the resizer / partitioner barfs, and so on and so forth08:21
Lr5usd: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_disable_root_user_account08:21
Lr5that is what I mean08:21
soundrayPocketIRC: "remote" is usually the computer that you control. The client is the one that you control it from.08:21
Lr5usd: the first one is just text from the link. :D08:21
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PocketIRCok as I said before but..backwards then :)08:22
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soundrayTerrasque: I've only ever had such problems with pre-release versions of Ubuntu.08:22
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:22
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PiciMojoWork: I'm not sure what to tell you, I'm sure that theres some information in the dpkg man pages, but I'm not sure what you need08:22
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BostonguySOundray: would I just use XP to do a repair install?08:22
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EdgEyjrib, when using galeon, i get an error in terminal08:23
PocketIRCsoundray: ok as I said before but..backwards then :)08:23
jribEdgEy: what error?08:23
Lr5Anyone ever used Xdmx?08:23
EdgEyjrib, VM did not start up properly08:23
MojoWorkPici: yeah thanks anyway. it's not that important ;)08:23
EdgEyjrib, Could not start JavaVM!08:23
Lr5I'm having trouble getting it to work08:23
soundrayPocketIRC: so, you do 'sudo apt-get install ssh' on edgy, then you can puttyssh to it by giving it the edgy machine's IP address08:23
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Lr5(Fatal Error) dmx: dmxOpenDisplay: Unable to open display
HiP_Phmmmm https:// sites aint working anymore ....weird08:23
jribEdgEy: k at least that's progress...  google for the exact error string.  If nothing useful turns up, ping me again08:23
PiciBostonguy: If you can get to the windows recovery console, you'll want to use the command `fixmbr` that will restore things to the windows bootloader08:23
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jribardchoille: hey, do you happen to be Ardchoille2 on the forums?08:24
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soundrayBostonguy: you won't want to, anyway. The grub installation will discover your WIndows installation and offer a boot option for it.08:24
PocketIRCsoundray: dont they have to be in the same network for that?08:24
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AlteredBeasti need a bit of help getting my mysql visible08:24
soundrayBostonguy: failing that, you can configure this from ubuntu.08:24
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BostonguyPici: Thanks! I was thinking of the fdisk option to fix the mbr, but didnt notice until now that X doesnt even have fdisk (at least not on the system I'm using right now at work)08:24
AlteredBeasti have msyql installed and mysqladmin works with localhost08:24
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AlteredBeastbut when I try to connect with mysqladmin from another machine08:25
soundrayPocketIRC: yes, generally computers have to be in the same network if you want them to communicate ;)08:25
AlteredBeastit immediately says it isn't available08:25
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AlteredBeastseems like a firewall issue, but ubuntu doesn't have firewall by default, right?08:25
=== Bostonguy thanks all for the advice!
=== Bostonguy has to run, get to work
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soundrayPocketIRC: do you have a firewall or something between the machines?08:25
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PocketIRCsoundray: oh..but I have connected to a computer in another network from home once..how did that work?08:26
Thoracany ideas about running installation problem on ubuntu 6.1008:26
PocketIRCsoundray:no firewall08:26
soundrayAlteredBeast: you have to edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf to enable network access to your mysql server08:26
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soundrayAlteredBeast: the lamp page has more info:08:26
soundray!lamp > AlteredBeast08:26
AlteredBeastgreat, thanks!08:27
MojoWorkPici: ah! figured it out. the repository has it in edgy-backports08:27
ardchoillejrib: Yes, that's me.08:27
AlteredBeasti just did a port scan and it seems ubuntu is running a firewall?08:27
MojoWorkand i hadn't enabled that08:27
MojoWorkPici: thanks man08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vhost - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vhosts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:27
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AlteredBeastbut iptables doesn't seem to be up08:27
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ardchoillejrib: Actually, I am ardchoille42 on the forums and Ardchoille2 on the wiki and help docs.08:27
soundrayAlteredBeast: iptables is a kernel component. It doesn't have to be "up"08:27
soundray!firewall > AlteredBeast08:28
cefxDoes anyone know what I need to do on an Ubuntu box when I've registered a domain name, created the nameserver records, and all of that done?  When I try to use the hostname with my Ubuntu box, it defaults to the other hostname rather than the one I want it to use.08:28
=== Cave` [n=balishag@0x535dc89e.vgnxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayPocketIRC: how are your two machines connected to the internet?08:28
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AlteredBeastbut the init.d script isn't entered into any run level08:28
jribardchoille: may I /msg?08:28
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ardchoillejrib: Sure.08:28
PocketIRCsoundray : wlan08:28
AlteredBeasti'll check out the link, thanks!08:28
cefxIs it just /etc/hosts or something?08:28
soundrayPocketIRC: are they both on the same router?08:28
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:29
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PocketIRCsoundray: No..when they are it works fine.08:29
soundrayPocketIRC: what's the problem then?08:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:30
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PocketIRCsoundray: I want to do the same thing from home where they are not on the same router08:30
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cefxAnyone...? Do I just need to edit /etc/hosts to use a vhost if all the work is already done on the nameservers and on the domain name side?08:30
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soundrayPocketIRC: more detail please08:31
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soundraycefx: /etc/hostname08:32
cefxok, what's hosts for?08:32
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thcmonkeyanyone tell me how to install amsn.96 ?08:32
soundraycefx: local name-to-IP lookup08:32
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mbaccefx, why do you need to use /etc/hosts if the nameservers all have the appropriate entries?08:32
[Jonne] hosts allows you to override what's in the dns08:32
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PocketIRCsoundray: I want to reach my computer running ubuntu from another compueter running xp. The computers are miles away from eachother.08:32
[Jonne] add a line like this:08:32
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cefxmbac: I have tried to use that hostname on irssi on this machine, and it defaults to another vhost.08:33
[Jonne] www.microsoft.com08:33
WaZ_!pastebin >WaZ_08:33
cefxgonna try something else08:33
[Jonne] and whenever you go to microsoft.com, you'll end up on your own computer08:33
mbaccefx, are you trying to set up a vanity hostname?08:33
cefxthere's already a nameserver record pointing at this ip08:33
soundrayPocketIRC: you have said that already. I have asked for more detail. You're going to have to be a tad smarter about this.08:33
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raven3x7hey guys im curious. is kvm virtualization fast enough to play 3d games with a virtualized version of Windows?08:33
VeriliumHi there.  DST-wise, I'm noticing the Canada/Eastern zone for example, seems fine, and 'll switch over on March 11th, but the EST5DST timezone on the other hand, still seems to be listing a change on april 1st?  Is this normal in any way?08:33
cefxmbac: I own a domain name.  I am using xname.org and pointing said domain name to the IP of a desktop I work at.08:34
Enverexraven3x7, Pretty sure 3D isn't supported yet08:34
PocketIRCsoundray: : / what details do u want?08:34
cefxBut it already has a hostname pointing to its ip, and when I try to use the domain name I registered, it does not allow me to do so.08:34
soundrayPocketIRC: how are they connected to the internet?08:34
SeanTaterI want to run a Linux distribution in a window (I don't want to restart, install, partition..), what is the best way to do that? (qemu?) Maybe a wiki page?08:34
mbaccefx, how are you using the domain name you registered?08:34
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cefxmbac: xname.org08:35
EnverexSeanTater, Kinda defeats the purpose of Linux but you could use any VM08:35
mbacirssi -h?08:35
cefxirssi -h and tried --hostname= too08:35
PocketIRCsoundray: wlan to a router..08:35
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raven3x7Enverex, pitty. I hope its something that will be possible in the future though. Although because of intel macs we might actually see more OpenGl games again08:35
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=== cheeseboy16 [n=G-Fundie@68-118-245-36.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mbaccefx, what's the domain name?08:35
soundrayPocketIRC: do you notice we're going around in circles?08:35
cheeseboy16how do i get wireless to work on ubuntu?08:36
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PocketIRCsoundray: yeah..kind of felt that..08:36
soundray!wireless > cheeseboy16, read the private message from ubotu.08:36
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nforce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
lutroxWhats this? I can not connect to irc.euirc.net on port 6667 oO08:36
soundrayPocketIRC: so, are you going to give me the information I need in order to give you the help you want?08:36
mbaccefx, you see how host partisansec.org resolves to
cefxthat's my machine08:37
mbacan irc server has no idea what your hostname is, what it does know is your ip08:37
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zumican you help me in query how to enable sound output?08:37
mbacso it reverse resolves your IP to Mblast.cs.Dal.Ca.08:37
cefxmakes sense.08:37
soundray!sound > zumi, read the private message from ubotu08:37
PocketIRCsoundtray: I am trying :( don't think I really understand exactly what information you are looking for...08:38
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mbaccefx, whoever owns that IP has to update the PTR record for it if you want reverse resolution to match the forward resolution of partisansec.org08:38
cefxFor a v6 entry though, is Scope: Global or Scope:Link the one I want?08:38
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zumithank you soundray!!!!08:38
cefxthanks :)08:38
soundrayPocketIRC: how are the two machines connected to the internet?08:38
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mbaccefx, so, the sys admin for dal.ca, most likely08:39
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cefxI just needed to know that bit about the reverse/forward08:39
mbacthey may or may not do it, depending on how nice they are ;)08:39
PocketIRCsoundray: I want to say via wireless router but I guess you want something else...08:39
soundrayPocketIRC: so what is it that doesn't work?08:39
Dubstar_04Anyone use mythtv?08:40
soundrayDubstar_04: no, I prefer vdr08:40
PiciPocketIRC: I've only been following your problem a little, but it sounds like you need for forward port 22 through your routers08:40
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Dubstar_04Thats cool you maybe able to help08:41
soundrayDubstar_04: but this channel is off-topic for surveys.08:41
HiP_Pahhh sorry found it on the forums. laters all08:41
PocketIRCsoundray: Hmm perhaps I should try to reformulate the question... Is there a way to control a computer with SSH over the internet, not local network?08:41
kestazskype under wine ? isn't bad thing ?08:41
HiP_Pskype has a debian  package08:41
Dubstar_04No i need help with a sound device changing at reboot08:41
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soundrayPocketIRC: yes. You have to give the ssh client the IP address of the remote machine (the one you want to control)08:41
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PocketIRCPici: Why 22?08:42
soundrayDubstar_04: I doubt I can help, but do describe the problem -- someone else might jump at it.08:43
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niekieAnyone know what I need to apt-get to get a "base64" program that'll encode stuff in base64?08:43
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mintteaPocketIRC: that's the port that ssh uses08:43
Drake i need some help trying to run a script and it give : bash: ./_setup: No such file or directory08:43
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PocketIRCsoundray: hm ok thanks08:43
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PocketIRCminttea: Ok thanks08:44
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Drakeso anyidea?08:45
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Anohaaktenhey can someone help me with installing kiba-dock?08:45
AnohaaktenI need to get the repositories for it08:45
Anohaaktenanyone know?08:46
sharperguyis it possible to add additional custom emocations to gaim? (2.00beta6)08:46
Drakewhy when i try to run a script it give : bash: ./_setup: No such file or directory08:46
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PocketIRCAnohaakten: think there is a howto at ubuntuforums.org08:47
soundrayniekie: there is a perl tool in package fml. Package sharutils has uudecode/uuencode.08:47
soundrayDrake: what is that setup for?08:47
Drakesoundray: softimage XSI08:48
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soundrayDrake: where did you put the download -- is it on the desktop?08:49
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Drakesoundray: At first yes but after i put it in /var/tmp08:49
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Drakesoundray: but nothing changed08:49
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soundrayDrake: then you'll have to 'cd /var/tmp ; chmod 700 _setup ; ./_setup' (if _setup is really the name of the file)08:50
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DrakeI tun the same script on another Ubuntu ad it works fine08:50
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omglazersAnyone here mind helping me edit the GRUB to direct to partitions properly?08:50
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Drakesoundray: actually it is 75508:51
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soundrayDrake: is that what it currently is, or are you correcting me?08:51
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Drakesoundray: is that what it currently is08:52
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Drakesoundray: i thing it should work no?08:52
soundrayDrake: then you won't have to change it. Just leave out the chmod command08:52
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:53
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dreamerdudeim trying to play an old dvd (natural born killers) only it says could not read from recource. Any help? ive played other dvds fine before, with the menue and everything08:53
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soundraydreamerdude: try Mary Poppins instead, I'm sure that one will play08:54
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Drakesoundray: so are we stuck?08:54
rolerhow do I get my back and forward buttons working in ubuntu on my mouse?08:54
soundrayDrake: no, just do what I asked you to do.08:54
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jrib!MOUSE | roler08:54
uboturoler: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto08:54
mbacwow, the build dependencies for gnash are endless08:54
omglazersCan anyone tell me how to mount my drives in the LiveCD boot of ubuntu? I can't fix something preventing my machine from booting08:54
jribmbac: isn't gnash in the repositories?08:55
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dreamerdudeignoreing your sarcasm, the dvd works fine on a dvd player08:55
cberloHi folks!  Playing around with PXE Grub today, trying to automate installs.  Anyone know of a way to set a variable based on IP address in grub?08:55
mbacjrib, i couldn't find it08:55
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jrib!info gnash | mbac08:55
ubotumbac: gnash: free Flash movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-1~edgy1 (edgy-backports), package size 117 kB, installed size 216 kB08:55
jribmbac: you using edgy?08:55
soundraydreamerdude: seriously, have you tried another DVD? Something might have changed in your setup.08:55
jribmbac: have you enabled universe?08:55
rolerthanks guys08:56
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dreamerdudei tried another old one (human traffic) and it worked08:56
_chillhi #ubuntu !08:56
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mbaci searched for it in Add/remove programs and since it wasn't there i didn't think to try apt-get install gnash08:56
shof2khello _chill08:56
=== mbac slap forehead
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Drakesoundray: always the same bash: ./_setup: No such file or directory08:56
waspiushey..i have installed all packaged for beryl..i followed http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Debian#Configure_xorg.conf...the top part i hope i am correct..not sure...and i need to add it to the session manager..how do i do that..and how do i check if i installed the right files?08:56
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_chillI have a simple question ! When start the ubuntu project ? 2k3 or 2k4 ?08:56
soundrayDrake: did you do the 'cd /var/tmp'?08:57
jribmbac: yeah add/remove doesn't always list everything,  the synaptic frontend does08:57
fatihyardm edebilicek var m :S ?08:57
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mbacjrib, hmm, that might be a useful feature to add08:57
Drakesoundray:  yes of course08:57
fatihyardm edebilicek var m :S ?08:57
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soundrayDrake: is the _setup file there? Check with 'ls'08:57
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Piciwaspius: Any particular reason you are using the Debian install howto?08:58
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Drakesoundray:  yes of course08:58
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mbacadd/remove programs might want to just put a link at the end of the listing that says "171 packages not shown [more information...] "08:58
waspiusPici: i have debian installed08:58
Drakesoundray: in fact i cannot understand08:58
soundrayDrake: try 'bash _setup'08:58
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jribmbac: in the top right corner of add/remove do you have a drop down menu with "supported applications"?08:59
fatihyardm edebilicek var m :S ?08:59
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mbacjrib, i have it "All available applications"08:59
jribmbac: k, well just so you know, gnash shows up in feisty08:59
waspiusPici: any ideas?08:59
Drakesoundray: _setup: _setup: cannot execute binary file08:59
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Piciwaspius: As you can see we are in the #ubuntu channel.  Unfortunatly, I dont have experience installing beryl under Debian.09:00
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R3M4Xhi all09:00
waspiusPici: ok..do u know though what i need to edit so i can have beryl as an option in window manager?09:00
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soundrayDrake: give me a minute09:01
Piciwaspius: I'm guessing that its something in your gdm.conf file, but thats a geuss09:01
mbacjrib, is there a good reason not to show, say build-essential if someone keyword searches 'C compiler'?09:01
Drakesoundray: ok09:01
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matejis there something like gamespy in LINUX?09:01
waspiusok thanx09:01
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mbachmm, build-essential doesn't have the word compiler in the text blob09:01
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eddi/name eddi.x09:04
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con-manhow do I change the player that firefox uses to play embedded videos09:05
JudicataMy USB printer suddenly stopped working, after months of working great.  Shows up on dmesg and lsusb.  Any ideas?09:05
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JudicataBtw, gnome-cups-add doesn't detect it.09:06
soundrayDrake: same error if you run '/var/tmp/_setup'?09:06
napeci new09:06
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:07
Drakesoundray: yes09:07
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vicenteim back09:07
vicenteand better than ever09:07
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Drakesoundray: I tried with csh tcsh exec ..... always the same09:07
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Drakesoundray: I had . to PATH09:08
soundrayDrake: have you still got the package? Is it called "XSI-6.0-linux.tar.gz"?09:08
con-manhow do I change the player that firefox uses to play embedded videos09:08
Drakesoundray:  yes i have09:08
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jribcon-man: remove the one you don't want, install the one you want09:08
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soundrayDrake: are there any other files in that package?09:08
Drakesoundray:  yes there are other files09:09
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soundrayDrake: have you put them all in /var/tmp, or just the _setup?09:09
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craigbass1976I'm trying to run a shell script, which I can do fine in a terminal.  Now though, I want a desktop icon that I can double lick on.  I'm using 6.06 with GNOME.  I've made the icon, but all I see is a flash of a terminal.  The script has a read-p at the end (so I can see the script output) but I'm not prompted.  What gives?09:10
crdlbcon-man, look in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and remove the ones you don't want09:10
mbachahah, i wonder why they ripped my name out of gnome-dictionary credits09:10
|GaiJin|anyone here running cedega under ubuntu Edgy... Having some questions about the 2D accelleration...09:10
Drakesoundray:  I moved the tarball there and then I extracted it there09:10
|GaiJin|errr... 3d accell09:10
Picicraigbass1976: Make sure that the 'run in terminal' option in the icon properties is checked.09:10
con-mancrdlb: now, is there a vlc plugin for firefox?09:10
mbacoh well09:11
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soundrayDrake: no errors during the extraction step?09:11
con-manfound it09:11
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crdlbcraigbass1976, put something at the end of the script that will stay open, such as "cat"09:11
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crdlbcon-man, personally I like the mplayerplug-in better than the vlc plugin09:11
Drakesoundray: no error09:11
craigbass1976but the script (I'm checking for the thigns it should have done) isn't working either.09:12
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mbacsun keeps saying they open sourced java, but i still haven't seen the full sun jvm/jdk appear in the official debian packages (i know it's available in non-free/multiverse/etc.)09:13
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mbaci guess this means sun hasn't actually open sourced the entire thing?09:13
soundrayDrake: did you use 'tar zxf XSI-6.0-linux.tar.gz' to extract?09:13
vicenteanyone here have something really cool they like about ubuntu in particular that i should install09:13
Drakesoundray: yes09:13
mbacvicentre, pymol makes you look like some kind of genius09:13
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con-mandamn, vlc cant play embedded wmv files in firefox09:13
soundraymbac: the process isn't complete yet09:14
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soundrayDrake: it should have created a directory /var/tmp/XSI-6.0-linux -- has it?09:14
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RembaneHow do I change keymap to one that gives me the swedish letters I want?09:15
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BotamisHello, I installed unbuntu and after the first restart the X server failed. How do I fix this?09:15
soundrayRembane: system-preferences-keyboard-layouts09:16
Rembanesoundray: Console.09:16
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FunnyLookinHatBotamis, in a console:    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:16
Rembanesoundray: Sorry for forgetting to mention that.09:16
FunnyLookinHatGuess what your values are as best you can09:16
Botamisok i'll try that09:16
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soundrayDrake: hello?09:16
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Thug-N-Mewhen`s the new ubuntu out ?09:17
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)09:17
soundrayRembane: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup09:17
Thug-N-MeFunnyLookinHat cheers09:17
FunnyLookinHatThug-N-Me,   : )09:17
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soundrayDrake: still here?09:19
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Drakesoundray:  yesw it has created it09:20
Drakesoundray: sorry it was the phone09:20
soundrayDrake: what do you get from 'cd /var/tmp/XSI-6.0-linux ; ./setup'?09:20
soundrayRembane: got it?09:21
BotamisFunnyLookinHat: I've been going through these steps and now i'm back to the console..09:21
Drakesoundray: exec: 9: /var/tmp/XSI-6.0-linux/_setup: not found09:21
FunnyLookinHatBotamis, try running:   startx09:21
GenieHosthi there09:21
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BotamisFunny: Fatal screen error09:22
kimmern Hey! I've got a new laptop with 2gb intel centrino duo, and 512mb nvidia geforce..my question is why minimize and maximize animations on windows arn't running smoothly? I have the newest nvidia drivers, and my laptop should be good enough to make this animations run smooth..any tips for us nvidia users?09:22
FunnyLookinHatBotamis, ouch.09:22
GenieHostrun this command09:22
GenieHostsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:22
soundrayDrake: are you root?09:22
BotamisI've done that Genie09:22
FunnyLookinHatGenieHost, could you help Botamis     I have to run to class....09:22
Drakesoundray: yes09:22
BotamisBye funny09:22
GenieHoststill not working?09:22
FunnyLookinHatBotamis, my guess is that you just picked a wrong value in there somewhere09:22
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Botamiscya man09:22
Botamisanyway genie09:22
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Botamisthis has worked once09:22
GenieHostselect all default and should fix it for you09:22
Rembanesoundray: I think so.09:23
Botamisi just kept hitting enter09:23
omglazersAnyone know anything about GRUB Error 17: 'Cannot Mount Selected partition' ? It seems to be unable to mount a simple ext3 partition and I have NO clue why. Help, please :(09:23
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EdgEycan anyone here help me with a java problem, it's installed but webpages don't show applets, and Galeon gives me a 'Could not start JavaVM!' error09:23
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soundrayDrake: what do you get from 'ls /var/tmp/XSI-6.0-linux/_setup'?09:23
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BotamisGenie: It failed once and then it worked the next time. I was able to install beryl and then when I went to restart it failed again.09:23
Drakesoundray: -rwxr-xr-x 1 oem oem 1865879 2007-03-08 15:59 /var/tmp/XSI-6.0-linux/_setup09:23
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slippyr4kimmern: what does glxinfo | grep direct say ?09:24
soundrayDrake: you're not on a 64bit machine?09:24
Drakesoundray: yes i m on a 64 bit machine09:24
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rickympli'm trying to get an identd to work in linux, i followed the following tutorial i found for my distro http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227857&highlight=ident, but the identd won't start, it says starting, but doesnt09:24
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denis_on_ubuntuhey guys - question - i have NVIDIA card on my laptop, and the drivers seem to be installed, but even pressing "shut down" gives a "laggy" step by step transition of the "shut down fade" effect in the background. How do I get my Nvidia to work "cleanly"?09:25
soundrayDrake: that's the problem. It will only work on i386, not on x6409:25
BotamisGenie: I went through what you said again and I'm back to console.09:25
Drakesoundray:  but shoudn lt matter as i installed on a 64 gentoo09:25
BotamisGenie: now what?09:25
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BotamisGenie: It worked! Why though when it is starting it has problems with the background, it's staticy?09:26
soundrayDrake: your 64bit gentoo will be a mixed installation with 32-bit libraries. You can try forcind 32bit libs on your system, but it's not recommended.09:26
soundray*forcing ... onto09:27
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morpheusdreamsfirst of all, am new to linux and have never used a command line except the occasional ipconfig on windows. I want to navigate to my desktop through the terminal window but I don't know where it is. Please help?09:27
Drakesoundray: ok i will try it thx for help I have to go they are calling me09:27
Drakesoundray:  night09:27
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slippyr4what is ubuntu server's preferred MTA?09:27
gordonjcpmorpheusdreams: cd ~/Desktop/09:27
morpheusdreamsthank you :)09:27
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gordonjcpmorpheusdreams: the "~" translates to /home/(your username)09:28
Slart_morpheusdreams: ~ is short for my home dir.. usually /home/username09:28
slippyr4morpheusdreams, as gordonjcp said, but note that ....09:28
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slippyr4gah,gordonjcp said it quicker09:28
gordonjcpmorpheusdreams: think of /home as being very roughly like C:/documentsandsettings/09:28
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Slart_but with backslash... ;)09:28
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morpheusdreamsThank you all for your responses!09:28
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pauldaoustho boy. I'm stuck in 640x480 mode and getting claustrophobic. I haven't touched the xorg.conf file, haven't installed any new packages (or upgraded any old ones), or replaced any hardware. Any ideas?09:29
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=== soundray sings ~ sweet ~
pauldaoustnVidia GeForce FX5200, analogue LCD panel, Ubuntu Dapper09:29
Slart_pauldaoust: that's why you have 640x480.. you have to touch all kinds of stuff to get it higher =)09:29
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gordonjcppauldaoust: did you install the real genuine nvidia-glx drivers?09:30
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Slart_pauldaoust: or you meant it was higher yesterday and just got this way recently?09:30
slvmchnyeah do you get the nvidia splash screen when you boot?09:30
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pauldaoustSlart_, gordonjcp: yep, using official closed-source drivers. Fine yesterday -- no changes made -- screwy today.09:30
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pauldaoustslvmchn: yep, I get the nVidia logo -- in 640x480 :-)09:30
EdgEyah, jrib, lib-x11-6 was the problem incase you are interested, Konqueror gives a more descriptive error message. i downgraded lib-x11-6 and it works fine.09:30
crdlbpauldaoust, please pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:30
Slart_hmm... doesn't usually do that.. without something happening09:30
slvmchnSystem -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution?09:30
slvmchnonce you get to the desktop09:31
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gumpishAnyone know how to prevent the screen from blanking in tty1 through tty6? I tried setvesablank but it didn't help.09:31
Cyrus25801hey guys09:31
denis_on_ubuntuhey guys - question - i have NVIDIA card on my laptop, and the drivers seem to be installed, but even pressing "shut down" gives a "laggy" step by step transition of the "shut down fade" effect in the background. How do I get my Nvidia to work "cleanly"?09:31
Cyrus25801what is the channel for sme server09:31
Slart_ahem... so can anyone recommend a good general purpose IDE for writing pything, perl, c/c++ stuff.. mostly smaller programs09:31
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slippyr4denis_on_ubuntu: glxinfo | grep direct says what?09:32
gumpisheclipse w00t09:32
kane77Slart_, hmm.. anjuta? eclipse?09:32
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vicentedoes anyone else use a custom font in gnome-terminal?09:32
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Slart_eclipse didn't work the last time I installed it.. neither did Anjuta09:32
pauldaoustslvmchn: only one mode available09:32
Slart_or I have to get versions from the official sites?09:32
kane77Slart_, no, what exactly didnt work?09:32
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pauldaoustSlart_: gedit. I love it for developing. Ha!09:33
slippyr4slart_ kdevelop09:33
pauldaoust(not the answer you were looking for, I'm sure)09:33
omglazersAnyone know anything about GRUB Error 17: 'Cannot Mount Selected partition' ? It seems to be unable to mount a simple ext3 partition and I have NO clue why. Help, please :(09:33
Slart_kane77: hold on.. I'll try again. .last time I got a splash screen I think.. and then nothing09:33
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crdlbpauldaoust, please pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:33
Slart_pauldaoust: oh.. gedit isn't to bad, I use Scite text editor at the moment09:33
pauldaoustcrdlb: working on it; pastebin is reallllly slow right now09:33
crdlbpauldaoust, use the ubuntu pastebin09:33
slvmchnpauldaoust: that's wierd, if you're getting the nvidia splash screen but only have one resolution, something's not right09:34
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slippyr4omglazers, chances are it's trying to use a different partition to what you think it is09:34
dyrneomglazers: what does the partition show as hd0,0? or what09:34
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va1Hey guys, while upgrading from dapper to edgy, I got a configure error for xfonts-intl-european ("usage error: unrecognized option"). Google didn't help me on this, any idea ?09:34
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pauldaoustcrdlb: found it. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9293/09:35
va1It's an error during the post-removal script09:35
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pauldaoustcrdlb: not sure if that's the Ubuntu pastebin you meant, but...09:35
Slart_hey.. why am I Slart_.. hmm.. ah.. 2 xchat windows open.. doh09:35
omglazersdyrne, slippyr4: The linux uses /dev/sda2, mapped as /hd2/ in the drivemap.. when I load grub, it gives me error 17 trying to boot to it. When I try to edit the root (hd2,0) command for it, the tab autocomplete shows as ,0) being the only accessable choice on hd2. All other hd2 choices just return error 22, no partition or something like that.09:35
Slartthis is better09:35
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crdlbpauldaoust, that's it (it's in the topic :) )09:35
morpheusdreamsArgh i seem to suck at this. Am trying to install flash player but when navigating to the directory it says the directory doesnt exist?09:35
pauldaoustcrdlb: dang. I shoulda read the topic :-S09:36
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Slartmorpheusdreams: case sensitive.. check your spelling09:36
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slippyr4omglazers, how many other hard disks do you have?09:36
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Slartmorpheusdreams: /home/Slart isn't the same as /home/slart09:36
morpheusdreamsyeah its all lower case :|09:36
omglazersslippyr4: 3 total; mapped as the first two under hd0 and hd1 when I last looked at the drivemap in grub09:36
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morpheusdreamsmorpheusdreams@morpheusdreams:~/Desktop$ '/home/morpheusdreams/Desktop/install_flash_player_9_linux'09:37
morpheusdreamsbash: /home/morpheusdreams/Desktop/install_flash_player_9_linux: is a directory09:37
morpheusdreamsmorpheusdreams@morpheusdreams:~/Desktop$ /home/morpheusdreams/Destop/install_flash_player_9_linux09:37
morpheusdreamsbash: /home/morpheusdreams/Destop/install_flash_player_9_linux: No such file or directory09:37
morpheusdreamssee ;_;09:37
Slartmorpheusdreams: destop?09:37
morpheusdreamscrap :|09:37
Slartmorpheusdreams: use tab to autocomplete directories09:37
omglazersslippyr4: I should note; the grub is installed in the first partition on the disk09:37
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slippyr4omglazers: from grub's point of view, hard disks are numbered in bios order. that is basically boot order. therefore, your boot drive, sda2, is /probably/ hd0 from grub's point of view09:37
doomnxhello guys09:37
morpheusdreamsSlart, thank you :)09:37
doomnxi'm here again09:37
omglazersslippyr4: I made a 50 meg partition, put it under /boot and put grub there rather than the MBR09:38
omglazersslippyr4: Ahhh09:38
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rickympli'm trying to get an identd to work in linux, i followed the following tutorial i found for my distro http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227857&highlight=ident, but the identd won't start, it says starting, but doesnt09:38
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omglazersslippyr4: So I should try renaming it hd0 if im booting to it first?09:38
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denis_on_ubuntuslippyr ->09:38
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omglazersslippyr4: =-O!!!!09:38
omglazersslippyr4: I think you did it!!!09:38
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omglazersslippyr4: Thank you :D09:38
omglazersslippyr4: Damn grub :P09:38
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doomnxif anyone remembers me, i'm here for the offline nvidia driver installation. what files do i have to download? i've just installed ubuntu, nothing else. please help me09:38
omglazersslippyr4: Score!!!09:38
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pauldaoustcrdlb: anything untoward? I did notice that the display device was recognised as CRT-0; I don't know if that means it wasn't detected properly through DPMS.... or what.09:39
colbertWhat is required for dual monitors to work? Do you have to have special kind of monitors or just any 2 monitors ??09:39
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omglazersslippyr4: :D Thanks. I didnt realize it would change it like that. Should I just edit my grub's drivemap to make it hd0 from now on, or just change the acutal config file09:39
pauldaoustcolbert: any old pair of monitors. However, you need a dual-head video card.09:39
slippyr4omglazers, no - just setup grub to use that drive, it'll still be sda2 from linux's point of view09:39
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pauldaoustcolbert: there are a lot of dual head cards out there; if you have one (rather than an onboard monitor port) you may very well have the appropriate hardware.09:40
crdlbpauldaoust, pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf for completeness09:40
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omglazersslippyr4: Is that the 'setup' command ?09:40
slippyr4omglazers: enter grub console,09:40
omglazersslippyr4: Like, I would put under root, put setup (hd0) under the root?09:40
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VIIA really easy question, how do I style the top and bottom panel?09:41
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doomnxany help would be greatly appreciated...09:41
slippyr4omglazers, root (hd0, and press tab  - what partitions are listed?09:41
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omglazersslippyr4: I already got it to work. Im in ubuntu.. 0, 2 and 4 were listed though. 0 was the proper place to boot to, and it worked fine09:41
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denis_on_ubuntuSLIPPY ->  um, glxinfo | grep direct says "direct rendering: No"09:41
omglazersslippyr4: Im just wondering how to fix it in the future09:41
pauldaoustVII: right-click on an empty spot, then go 'Properties'. You should be able to change colour, transparency, size, etc.09:41
colbertso I have a ATI Radeon 9700 Pro, I must buy a new video card for 2 monitors ? That's the only way?09:42
omglazersslippyr4: How should I edit my grub so that this never happens again09:42
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VIIpauldaoust: thx!09:42
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pauldaoustVII: no prob!09:42
slippyr4it won't happen again - nothing will change where grub is installed09:42
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pauldaoustcolbert: nope, a 9700 Pro should have two sockets09:42
slippyr4i got to go now, glad it works for you09:42
pauldaoustcolbert: so you should have the right stuff09:42
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pauldaoustcrdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9294/09:43
colbertpauldaoust: Okay, so then I have 2 monitors, a samsung and NEC, do I just need a cable and what kind ?09:43
Slartok.. eclipse doesn't start.. here's the log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9295/09:43
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LadyNikonanyone get office 2k7 running in ubuntu09:43
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LadyNikonif you did was it wine or caldera?09:44
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pauldaoustcolbert: you just need a cable for each monitor, and plug them both into your video card. You may need a VGA to DVI adapter. And as for software... I've had nothing but headaches setting up drivers for ATI cards, even just with single-head, so I'll have to let someone else help you with the drivers.09:44
colbertwow its possible to get office2k7 going in ubuntu ?09:44
LadyNikoncolbert: thats why i asked the question ;)09:44
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colbertpauldaoust: lol, no prob, thanks though I didn't think I could but that's good news:)09:45
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colbertLadyNikon: hehe, of course ;) Just a surprise to a noob like me09:45
Xenguycolbert: yeah, install virtualization, then run d0ze as a virtual machine where it belongs ;-)09:45
LadyNikoncalavera: aah09:46
crdlbpauldaoust, you have two monitors?09:46
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LadyNikonXenguy: i dont wanna do a virtualization for office though09:46
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=== LadyNikon sniffs
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orange_what happened to automatix site?09:46
yommHow can I get Xorg 7.2 on my Edgy ? compile ?09:47
pauldaoustcrdlb: no; I did a while ago, but I don't anymore. It didn't seem to hurt to have the TwinView stuff in xorg.conf, even with only one monitor, so I left it in there.09:47
colbertXenguy: What is virtualization? And I have made the whole switch to Ubuntu I am glad to say !09:47
gnubeyomm did you check which version is available in Ubuntu?09:47
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yommgnube : current version is 7.1 i belive in Edgy09:48
crdlbpauldaoust, try commenting the twinview stuff out09:48
gnubeyomm, If 7.2 is not available you have to download the source and compile it yourself09:48
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gnubeyomm, Are you trying to do beryl / compiz stuff?09:48
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frickthere's 7.2 howto with repos here09:49
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gnubeyomm, Or do you just want a different X server?09:49
pauldaoustLadyNikon: according to http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/group/?app_parent=1911 it looks like Office '07 hasn't been officially tested under Wine and Crossover Office, so it may not work yet.09:49
yommgnube : I heard the i810 drivers are far better on 7.209:49
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orange_whats a good prog for monitoring network usage - similar to DUmeter09:49
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colbertpauldaoust: So if I use my 2 monitors, will I see my desktop across both or will it work some other way? And is it a very complicated thing to do in Ubuntu?09:49
Xenguycolbert: like xen, vmware, virtualbox, qemu (plus kqemu accelerator) -- these kinds of software allow you to run (inferior) (non-free) OS's under linux, each in their own 'virtual machine' (like a bubble).  It helps if you have good hardware and lots of RAM :-)09:49
LadyNikonpauldaoust: :(09:49
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LadyNikondern it09:49
yommgnube : and check out the new features :)09:49
LadyNikonthats what i get for having free copies of stuff09:49
gnubecolbert, Do you have two graphic cards?09:49
Xenguycolbert: they run simultaneously with linux09:49
fatihyardm edecek biri yok mu09:50
colbertXenguy: That sounds awesome.. I think I cannot though because I have only 1.2gb ram !09:50
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colbertgnube: No I have one card, ATI Radeon 9700 Pro09:50
frickthat's plenty09:50
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gnubecolbert, To have a dual-head system you need two graphic cards09:51
PriceChildgnube, No you don't09:51
PriceChildgnube, You could have a dual output card09:51
pauldaoustcolbert: there are a couple different ways to do it. There's TwinView which stretches your desktop across both screens (and works with 3d acceleration), Xinerama, which is similar, but places windows and dialogue boxes in more sensible places (i.e., new windows aren't split between two screens), and just setting up two X servers, which is nifty, but you can't drag a window from one monitor to another.09:51
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gnubePriceChild, True, but this is laborious and no one does it. :)09:51
Xenguycolbert: heh, I have half that RAM and VMware server works here :-)09:51
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colbertpauldaoust: So I think TwinView is best way ?09:52
frickI did it. One card, two monitors. Well, one is a tv :P09:52
yommgnube : it's actually quite easy setting up dula head09:52
flaflahello Everyone09:52
AutoMatriXhi folks ;)09:52
PriceChildgnube, for berylites its a lot easier having one dual head nvidia card ;)09:52
colbertflafla: Hello09:52
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crdlbgnube, actually practically every laptop has a dual head card (crt+lcd)09:52
gnubeyomm PriceChild : Really? I didn't know that . . .09:52
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gnubeI though one had to have two graphic cards09:52
colbertyes I am using Beryl XGL so I want to be able to see my one desktop across my 2 monitors.. so I assume it is not just plug n play in Ubuntu to do this ?09:53
pauldaoustgnube: I think it would be too laborious to have two cards; I think a dual-head card is much easier.09:53
doomnxcab anyone help me to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu offline? :(09:53
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gnubepauldaoust, Really? Wow. I had no idea.09:53
PriceChildXXX, English only in here please...09:53
flaflaI screwed up my totem player...  It always plays at like 1.5x speed,  anyone know how to undo this?09:53
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pauldaoustcolbert: not entirely. I don't konw the situation with ATI, but I do know it was difficult but not insane to set up with an nVidia card.09:53
PriceChildcolbert, #ubuntu-effects really... and it won't be pretty :(09:53
gnubeDoes someone have a resource for getting two monitors to work with one card?09:53
colbertlol sounds like going to be a mission !!09:54
XXXFUCK YOU PriceChild09:54
XXXFUCK YOU PriceChild09:54
XXXFUCK YOU PriceChild09:54
yommflafla : maybe your sample rate ? check the output pugins/preferences09:54
XXXFUCK YOU PriceChild09:54
XXXFUCK YOU PriceChild09:54
colbertmean :(09:54
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n-iCeGood PriceChild !09:54
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:54
pauldaoustgnube: yeah, it's pretty nifty. Then you can have accelerated Beryl on both desktops. It looks really cool when you rotate the cube.09:54
flaflayomm: sec09:54
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frickjust with beryl worked with two x servers...09:55
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pauldaoustcrdlb: well, I've made the requisite changes to xorg.conf; I'm gonna restart my session.09:55
pauldaoustgood bye folks!09:55
gnubepauldaoust, I can imagine! I have tried beryl, but I have not done the dual head thing since I thought I had to  have two graphic cards.09:55
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colbertSo if I have 2 monitors showing my desktop does the size of desktop increase or is it stretched at same resolution ?09:55
_JohnyHave anyone of you ever used a soft called "Democracy Player" on Ubuntu?09:55
crdlbcolbert, the resolution doubles09:55
flaflayomm: output plugins?09:55
yommI am even remote controlling Beryl on my dual monitor setup , :p09:55
Symmetriacolbert http://mirror.ac.za/temp/desktop.jpg09:55
Symmetriathat should answer your question09:55
Symmetria(my desktop)09:55
ParaPlayercan somebody help me to change the resolution and the refreshrate of my ubuntu. atm the maximum seems to be 1024x768 @ 60 Hz. I'd like to have 1280x1024 @ 85 Hz instead. i know i have to edit the xorg.conf but i don't know how09:55
colbertcrdlb: So my 1600x1200 would be 3200x2400 ?09:56
yommflafla: what media player again ?09:56
crdlbcolbert, 3200x120009:56
flaflayomm: otem movie player09:56
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flaflayomm: totem movie player09:56
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gnubeSymmetria, Nice, but please clean that coffee cup. :)09:56
linuxx"init: rc-default process (4208) terminate with status 127"09:56
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yommflafla : aren't their any preferences for soud ?09:56
Symmetria:p pfft, I'd had 10 cups of coffee that morning since I walked in in that cup09:56
linuxxwhat can I do to fix that?09:56
_JohnyParaPlayer: Try "dpkg reconfigure -phigh xorg-server.org09:56
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colbertSymmetria: Wow that is awesome09:57
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Symmetriaheh thats my office desktop, I run similar at home, except at home Im now running 3 of them09:57
flaflayomm:  the problem is the video is running at 1.5x therefore there is no sound... I'm having issues with the video playing at 1.5x09:57
Symmetriasame monitors though09:57
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Symmetriabecause those monitors > *09:57
erUSULubotu tell ParaPlayer about fixres | ParaPlayer see priv msg from ubotu09:57
jhonnycuerdas de brujas09:57
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colbertSymmetria: What video card do you use for that? Could I do that with Radeon 9700 Pro ?09:57
yommflafla : ok i thought you ment the mp3's were playing too fast09:58
gnubeSymmetria, Does your work help you or do you have to maintain linux on your own at work?09:58
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:58
yommflafla : nm then ...09:58
_Johny!search xorg.conf09:58
ubotuFound: artifacts-#ubuntu-effects, glcontextmode-#ubuntu-effects, xorg.conf, __glcontextmode-#ubuntu-effects*09:58
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cheeseboycan anyone help me install belkin 54g usb 54g v3 adaptor drivers?09:58
Symmetriagnube err, heh, Im the Chief Technology Officer, people at my work do what I tell them to do :p09:58
n-iCeI can't with my printer :S09:58
linuxxwhat can I do when getting "init: rc-default process (4208) terminated with status 127" ???09:58
_Johny!xorg.conf | ParaPlayer09:58
ubotuParaPlayer: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:58
n-iCeI need a really good hand :(09:58
gnubeSymmetria, w00t!09:58
flaflaI screwed up my totem player...  It always plays at like 1.5x speed,  anyone know how to undo this?09:58
pauldaoustcrdlb: thanks; that worked like a charm! I have no idea why it caused problems out of the blue like that...09:58
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gnubeflafla, Click on the >> arrow, it will speed up. :)09:59
Symmetriaheh gnube actuallly though, a lot of what we use is solaris based09:59
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colbertI just saw the ATI page for my card it does support 2 separate monitors, awesome09:59
Symmetria(my personal preference for servers)09:59
tomwhola folks09:59
gnubeSymmetria, Open Solaris or regular Solaris?09:59
gordonjcpis there an alternative to the nvidia-glx driver that comes with feisty?09:59
flaflagnube:  do you even know what you are talking about?09:59
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PriceChildgordonjcp, You can use the open source "nv" driver09:59
gnubeflafla, It depends. :)09:59
Symmetriagnube solaris 10, open solaris is just solaris 11, but its not stable enough for production yet09:59
gordonjcpPriceChild: yes, yes09:59
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tomwcan someone point me to documentation on how to change the application that launches when my machine auto mounts a DVD?09:59
ParaPlayer_Johny: if i type "dpkg reconfigure -phigh xorg-server.org" into the terminal it awaits an action-option (don't know whether this is right, got a german version)09:59
Symmetriagnube, heh http://mirror.ac.za <=== thats one of our solaris servers :)10:00
gordonjcpPriceChild: one that actually works would be good though10:00
crdlbpauldaoust, generally the simpler a config file is, the better it will run :)10:00
gnubeSymmetria, Lots of interesting stuff in Solaris, like ZFS10:00
PriceChildgordonjcp, what card do you have?10:00
orange_anyone know how to install automatix (site is down)10:00
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gordonjcpPriceChild: I get a headache working at 640x480x60Hz10:00
gordonjcpPriceChild: GF410:00
PriceChild!automatix | orange_10:00
ubotuorange_: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:00
PriceChildgordonjcp, Which card? that's a large range10:00
Symmetriaheh gnube well like I say, mirror.ac.za runs solaris (which hosts ftp.za.freebsd.org, za.archive.ubuntu.com, za.releases.ubuntu.com, etc etc)10:00
pauldaoustcrdlb: you're probably right. I'm sure you noticed all the config bits I left in there, for all the different video cards and monitors I plug into it on occasion...10:00
gordonjcpPriceChild: no idea, just a generic Geforce 410:00
Symmetriaprimarily for zfs and zones10:00
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.10:01
gnubeSymmetria, Cool, you are mirroring MIT open course ware, lovely.10:01
gordonjcpPriceChild: the nvidia-glx package for feisty doesn't support cards that old10:01
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PriceChildgordonjcp, nvidia-glx-legacy then... and #ubuntu+1 for feisty10:01
gnubeSymmetria, .za is that Zimbabwe or South Africa?10:01
PriceChildgnube, "lspci | grep nvidia" should tell you what card btw10:01
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gnubeI should know that but I do not.10:01
crdlbpauldaoust, most of that config is not loaded because it is not referenced by the ServerLayout section, so those parts can be left alone10:01
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titusHello all, I'm upgrading dapper->edgy with apt right now. Is there anything I should especially know about?10:02
gnubePriceChild, Even if it is built into the motherboard?10:02
gordonjcpPriceChild: legacy doesn't support glx10:02
PriceChild!upgrade | titus10:02
ubotutitus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:02
gnubetitus, Edgy rocks.10:02
PriceChildtitus, That's allt he important info :)10:02
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PriceChildgordonjcp, It does...?10:02
pauldaoustcrdlb: oh, that's good. I thought it loaded them, probed the hardware, etc even before it got to the ServerLayout section. Anyway, thanks again for the help, and now I've gotta start work!10:02
=== titus reads upgradenotes
orange_PriceChild: Why does it take so long to boot after installing wifi drivers -- I did Alt+F1 to see where the errors occur if any during boot - it jus stalls really bad when scanning hd10:02
PriceChildgnube, gordonjcp actually the V in nVidia needs to be capital: lspci | grep nVidia10:03
gnubetitus, Feisty is almost here, why don't you just wait for that?10:03
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PriceChildgnube, you can't miss versions when upgrading10:03
preactionorange_: maybe you should actually wait for it to run?10:03
LadyNikonso here is the tricky question10:03
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PriceChildorange_, I wouldn't know sorry.10:03
gordonjcpPriceChild: and in fact, it doesn't work anyway10:03
gordonjcpwoo yay10:03
gnubePriceChild, Or really? wow. Another thing I should have known.10:03
LadyNikoni have a pantech cellular modem10:03
gordonjcpnice one ubuntu10:03
titusgnube: I don't especially want to be using the latest & greatest. I have waited til now to go for edgy10:03
LadyNikonanyone use that10:03
PriceChildgordonjcp, ?10:03
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tuxworldhi , who can help me?10:04
jribLadyNikon: that's an easy one, "yes"10:04
Flannel!ask | tuxworld10:04
ubotutuxworld: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:04
gnubetitus, Apparently to upgrade to Feisty you _have_ to have Edgy so go on and upgrade.10:04
LadyNikonjrib: works great?10:04
pzmomaLadyNikon, .... i kno you10:04
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tuxworldwho use ubuntu?10:04
LadyNikonpzmoma: i get around.. so i am not surprised10:04
VIIhmhmh, where do I find the "gdmsetup tool"?10:04
siouxfeist is released?10:04
gnubetuxworld, This is the ubuntu channel so probably everyone here uses it.10:04
jribLadyNikon: idk, I don't use it, I just mean you should ask a more specific question10:04
gordonjcpPriceChild: using nvidia-glx-legacy, it dies with the less-than-helpful message "Failed to load the nvidia module"10:05
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Xenguytuxworld: nobody uses that =)10:05
PriceChildgordonjcp, Is this on feisty?10:05
titusgnube: exactly - I don't want to be more than one version behind, but I don't want to use the blleding edge on my main pc10:05
LadyNikonjrib: well i was hoping my question would mean.. someone runs it in ubuntu10:05
LadyNikonbut i guess not.10:05
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gnubetitus, But it is not dangerous. I think you will find it quite stable10:05
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gnubetitus, It is not like debian's sid10:05
gnubeRather, from what I understand, it is testing frozen10:06
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gordonjcpPriceChild: yes, but I'm about to flatten and reinstall Edgy10:06
jribLadyNikon: http://samat.org/weblog/20070127-high-speed-cellular-wireless-modems-in-ubuntu-linux-6-10.html10:06
titusgnube: really? I read about lots of problems with X when edgy was new.10:06
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gnubetitus, New or in beta?10:06
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titusgnube: New10:06
gnubethe releases get released a little early so they can be tested.10:06
tuxworldi want to have 3GP convertor in ubuntu10:06
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NobodyExpectsTheHello everyone.10:06
NobodyExpectsTheI want to know how to bring up a terminal window in ubuntu.10:07
NobodyExpectsTheCan someone tell me?10:07
PriceChildgordonjcp, remember feisty isn't released yet and has bugs. The majority of users are recommended to stick with released versions. If you head to +1 I'll try and help though10:07
gnubeI had problems with X with the pre-releases but not otherwise.10:07
leoely_pelu es una bruja10:07
NobodyExpectsTheHow does one bring up a terminal window using a hotkey?10:07
gordonjcpPriceChild: I'm in +110:07
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gnubeNobodyExpectsThe, Do you know where your applications are?10:07
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:07
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flaflagnube:  do you even know what you are talking about?10:07
NobodyExpectsTheI'm running a restricted version with the terminal links removed.10:07
morpheusdreamsHi there, I have just tried to install flash player. It asks me to delete xpti.dat from my Mozilla folder. So i found it and deleted it and installed again. Logged out an logged in, still nothing. Any idea what i should do next?10:07
flaflagnube: sorry wrong button :S10:07
NobodyExpectsTheI want to bring a terminal up with a hotkey.10:07
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gnubeflafla, You asked me that before and I told you!10:07
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NobodyExpectsTheIs there something like that available by default?10:07
leoely_lokeroi34b n10:07
leoely_2T PT10:08
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tuxworld i want to have 3GP convertor in ubuntu10:08
flaflagnube:  my mistake appologies10:08
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titusgnube: Fair enough - I am talking about rumour and doubt here, I don't know anyone who actually had the problems myself :-)10:08
gnubeNo1Viking, Something like what?10:08
flaflaI screwed up my totem player...  It always plays at like 1.5x speed,  anyone know how to undo this?10:08
gnubeNobodyExpectsThe, , Something like what?10:08
NobodyExpectsTheA hotkey to bring up the terminal.10:08
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NobodyExpectsTheLike... CTL-ALT-T?10:08
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gnubetitus, I think when you try Edgy you will see it is really stable and just works.10:08
LadyNikonjrib: thanks i was on the evdoforums10:08
jribNobodyExpectsThe: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts10:08
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gnubetitus, That was my experience several months ago10:09
NobodyExpectsTheIsn't available on this restricted platform.10:09
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NobodyExpectsTheIs there a built in command to bring up the terminal?10:09
jribNobodyExpectsThe: what do you mean?10:09
jribNobodyExpectsThe: 'gnome-terminal' is the command10:09
gnubeNobodyExpectsThe, You have to assign keys to hotkeys10:09
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NobodyExpectsTheSo, I can't bring up the terminal if I don't have a terminal?10:09
NobodyExpectsTheOr any l inks?10:09
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gnubejrib, You can't use the terminal to open a terminal if you do not have a terminal open?10:09
morpheusdreamsHi there, I have just tried to install flash player. It asks me to delete xpti.dat from my Mozilla folder. So i found it and deleted it and installed again. Logged out an logged in, still nothing. Any idea what i should do next?10:09
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alperyilmazdidi anybody here succesfuly run ubuntu from flash drive (mine is 2GB) by creating ext2 and swap partitions10:09
jribgnube: I was just answering his question :/10:10
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titusgnube: for sure - I have been using on my laptop for a while - enjoying beryl/xgl too. Plus uptodate haskell packages10:10
n-iCewhy my cpu do weird noises like the pc were working alot10:10
gnubemorpheusdreams, Did you restart your browser?10:10
n-iCewith UBUNTU10:10
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NobodyExpectsTheSo suppose I was to go to a terminal screen by pressing CTL-ALT-F110:10
raven3x7NobodyExpectsThe, can you right click on the desktop?10:10
gnuben-iCe, It is paging10:10
NobodyExpectsTheBut it prompts me for a login.10:10
jribNobodyExpectsThe: there is no default shortcut key, keyboard shortcuts are set using gconf though...10:10
morpheusdreamsgnube: closed all browsers before installing10:10
alperyilmazall instructions about usb install mention FAT and ext2 partitions10:10
NobodyExpectsTheWhat are the odds that root is enabled?10:10
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n-iCegnube what's paging ?10:10
gnubeNobodyExpectsThe, 100%10:10
raven3x7NobodyExpectsThe, it wants yor username and pass10:10
colbertPriceChild: Xinerama is the one to go with for ATI cards for dual monitor ?10:11
NobodyExpectsTheCan't right-click on the desktop.10:11
gnuben-iCe, It is when the system swaps out pages to memory10:11
kitsuneofdoomI'm using gcc on ubuntu. I get errors when I try to use the pow function. I have #include<math.h> in the program at the top.10:11
PriceChildcolbert, I'm not sure myself sorry... I think it is though yes.10:11
kitsuneofdoomgajendra.c:(.text+0xcc): undefined reference to `pow'10:11
Grif3rdo anyone here use Window maker in Ubuntu 6.10?10:11
raven3x7gnube? isnt root disabled in ubuntu?10:11
schasicolbert: Xinerama ist the one for both cards10:11
n-iCegnube but why with ubuntu always ?10:11
jribNobodyExpectsThe: is this your system?10:11
NobodyExpectsTheOk, so I don't have a username or pass and I want to log in.10:11
NobodyExpectsTheI have a graphical interface and that's it.10:11
gnubekitsuneofdoom, There could be a thousand things wrong, why do you think it is the OS at fault?10:11
colbertschasi: So I can use Beryl XGL just fine on 2 monitors with Xinerama?10:11
NobodyExpectsTheIt's somewhat disabled but I want to get to the terminal.10:11
schasicolbert: the ati specifix is mergedfb or mergefb, the nvidia one twinview10:11
NobodyExpectsTheNo hotkey exists by default?10:11
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FlannelNobodyExpectsThe: er, if you don't have a username, or a password, you can't login.  That's a good thing.10:11
jribNobodyExpectsThe: speak with the administrator10:11
schasicolbert: dunno, never tried Beryl. Just try it10:11
gnuben-iCe, I have no idea, what type of processor are you using?10:11
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n-iCegnube uhm, intel celeron? pentium 410:12
NobodyExpectsTheWell, thanks guys.10:12
n-iCeIntel inside *10:12
gnuben-iCe, do this command: top10:12
NobodyExpectsTheI'll have to find some other way to carry out my plan of world domination.10:12
gnubewhat do you see?10:12
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titusgnube: when I upgraded the laptop I made a point of starting with a disk. I am just scared of upgrading with apt, which is why I came here and asked :-) If it all goes well (including my ndis wireless drivers) I'll be back to celebrate. If not, I'll be back to beg for help :-)10:13
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n-iCegnube done, with top10:13
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gnuberaven3x7, Well in a way yes, but root always exists with any unix - like operating system10:13
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kitsuneofdoomgnube: because the program works on Dev-C++, or so says my teacher.10:13
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gnubetitus, Gotcha! Better safe than sorry!10:13
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gnuben-iCe, What does it say?10:13
kitsuneofdoomgnube: I tried compiling my teacher's sample10:13
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Grif3ranyone? window maker?10:14
n-iCeA lot of things10:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:14
Flannelgnube, raven3x7, the root user exists, but the root account is locked, there is no password that will be able to successfuly login as root.10:14
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gnubekitsuneofdoom, So you are using a different compiler than you were instructed?10:14
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raven3x7gnube, of course i just remember that you cant login as root10:14
gnubeFlannel, That is what I said10:14
colbertschasi: When you install Xinerama, is it something that can be turned off/on or must it be uninstalled to stop it ?10:14
raven3x7Flannel, thats what i thought10:14
gnuberaven3x7, You can if you do this: sudo passwd root <password>10:14
FlannelBut there's absolutely no reason to10:15
schasicolbert: Xinerama is a feature that comes with your xorg X Server10:15
kitsuneofdoomgnube: dev-C++ is an IDE around gcc10:15
raven3x7gnube, yeah i know i was just talking about the default config10:15
gnubekitsuneofdoom, The issue though is the compiler no?10:15
Agrajagkitsuneofdoom: did you install build-essential, or just gcc?10:15
schasicolbert: I feel that there a some howtos and such in the ubuntu wikis and pages10:15
colbertok I am searching10:15
schasicolbert: You might have to restart X for activating/deactivating ist10:15
kitsuneofdoomAgrajag: thanks, that's probably the problem. Nice name, btw.10:16
n-iCegnube: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9304/10:16
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kestazwhat you think http://www.ipix.lt/view.php?img=1432_test.png.html ?10:16
kitsuneofdoomAgrajag: still has the error10:16
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gnuben-iCe, Whatever Java process you are running is eating up your processor10:16
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Grif3rI can't get .wmv files to play in wmaker or hear flash animations10:17
maarten_kitsuneofdoom: link with libm10:17
gnuben-iCe, Some kind of torrent tool?10:17
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n-iCeah ?10:17
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n-iCefrostwire , could be ?10:17
maarten_kituneofdoom: add the flag -lm when linking10:17
gnuben-iCe, Kind of a high load average for a single user on a pentium 410:17
justthisguyHi, I have a problem with my usb / audio. When I have a usb device that transmits a lot of data, like my cd burner or ipod, any sound that is playing 'wobbles' regularly. Can anyone help?10:17
gnuben-iCe, Do this: ps aux | grep torr10:18
n-iCewhy gnube ? what's the problem ?10:18
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gnuben-iCe, No problem, just using your processor to the max10:18
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kitsuneofdoommaarten_: ok, if you don't mind me asking, what does that do?10:18
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n-iCegnube let me reboot ok ?10:20
maarten_kitsuneofdoom: the function pow is defined in the library libm10:20
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n-iCei can't close some windows10:20
maarten_(m for math)10:20
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gnuben-iCe, Sure. It is your computer! =)10:21
kitsuneofdoommaarten_: then what is math.h for?10:21
n-iCehold on, but why this pass with linu and not with windows?10:21
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maarten_kitsuneofdoom: in the header you have the function prototypes, not their actual definition (== implementation)10:21
gnuben-iCe, Are you sure it does not do that with Windows? Windows is notorious for paging all the time.10:21
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n-iCegnube nope doesn't pass10:22
n-iCewait i'll reboot10:22
pequatrehi. i'm having troubles setting the touchpad on my laptop. I've modified xorg.conf to enable synaptics as explained in the how-to's, restarted the X server and it worked...until i reboot. now it doesn't..what gives ?10:22
kitsuneofdoommaarten_: Ah. I suppose the gcc in Dev-C++ detected that it was supposed to link, whereas regular gcc wouldn't?10:22
maarten_kitsuneofdoom: that might be10:22
gnubekitsuneofdoom, No, they use the same gcc10:22
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kitsuneofdoomgnube: I meant dev-C++ detected it had to use gcc with that flag10:23
maarten_ kitsuneofdoom: maybe on dev-c++ you use g++ instead of gcc10:23
gnubekitsuneofdoom, Ah!10:23
gnubenow I get it10:23
kitsuneofdoomgnube: just articulated it badly10:23
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gnubekitsuneofdoom, Yeah, what maarten_ said.10:23
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deafboyI'm going to install the new fglrx drivers (8.34) but they aren't in synaptic should i un-install my old ones first?10:25
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morpheusdreamsam about to throw this through the window :(. have tried to install flash through Synaptic Package Manager, Add/Remove.... and downloading it and installing it through command line, nothing works.10:26
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Terrasquefunny.. I had absolutely no problems.. did you install ubuntu 64bit?10:27
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jribmorpheusdreams: ok, lets try the package.  Is  flashplugin-nonfree installed right now?10:27
shatratmorpheusdreams, what does it say when you do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"?10:27
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morpheusdreamsjrib have tried nonfree and mozilla both dont work10:28
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morpheusdreamsshatrat havent tried that way, will try now10:28
nanothiefI'm having a problem running programs from terminal. If I type a.out when the terminal is at a folder containing a.out, it doesn't find the command. Is this normal?10:28
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jribmorpheusdreams: ok, install it so we can troubleshoot.  Does  'apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree' indicate it is installed?10:28
shatratmorpheusdreams, You arent on 64 bit by the way?10:28
gnubenanothief, You have to type ./a.out10:29
jribmorpheusdreams: I'll let shatrat help to prevent confusion, bbl10:29
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gnubenanothief, That means run the program right here10:29
OMGLAZERSAnyone know a good ghosting program to back up a partition so in case I nuke one I can just restore the other?10:29
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morpheusdreamsshatrat no10:29
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PocketIRCwhat does free as in beer mean..?10:29
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gnubePocketIRC, No cost10:29
nanothiefgnube, thanks10:29
gnubePocketIRC, Free beer! w00t!10:29
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gnubenanothief, Sure thing!10:30
Alessandro! iptables10:30
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:30
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OMGLAZERSgnube, When I meant nuked, I mean, I screw it up, rather than physical damage. I dont need a RAID 110:30
ArafelIm having some problems installing ubuntu 6.10, when I have started the intall it gives me this error: "Buffer I/O error on Device hdc. Block 357564" Does anyone know what it means?10:30
gnubeOMGLAZERS, Okidoki.  =)10:30
PocketIRC<gnube> beer isn't free..? If it is tell me where? :O10:30
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OMGLAZERSgnube, Any other suggestions for me? :\10:31
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gnubeOMGLAZERS, What is wrong with tar?10:31
morpheusdreamsshatrat am going to relog, if it doesnt work i shall be back10:31
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gnubeOMGLAZERS, Or pax?10:31
OMGLAZERSgnube, Nothing; I don't even know what those are. :P10:31
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gnubeOMGLAZERS, Oh I see. Use tar, it is an archive tool, very good, everyone uses it.10:32
OMGLAZERSgnube, Im a newbie. I'm in ubuntu for a reason. I've nuked a few installations in the past week by screwing around and I want to know how to ghost backup a partition, so in case I screw it up again, I can just restore it with all my settings rather than having to reinstall10:32
OMGLAZERSgnube, Thanks. Ill google it.10:32
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AlessandroHi, i have a question , it's good theat:10:32
Alessandro iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 31337 -j DNAT --to
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gnubeOMGLAZERS, You use it like this, tar cf new.tar directory_you_want_to_back_up10:32
TheVaultGot a question. My screen is able to go past the 1024x786 limit, but when I am adjusting the resolution in the System>Preference>Screen Resolution, when I click the drop down menu, there is nothing in there to select besides the 1024x786, is there anyway to make my resolution into something past that?10:33
gnubeOMGLAZERS, Try this, it is faster than GOogle. man tar10:33
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gnubeTheVault, That depends on the capabilites of your monitor10:33
pzmomaedit xorg.conf?10:33
shatratTheVault, you can add new resolutions to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.10:33
TerrasqueTheVault: in a terminal: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf - you might want to save a backup first, tho.10:33
OMGLAZERSgnube, Well I meant I'd like to read up on it. I just want to make sure I know what im doing. I didnt know if there's any gui type deal like Norton has 'Norton Ghost' or such10:33
OMGLAZERSgnube, I really want to make sure I dont screw it up again10:34
TheVaultHow do I make a backup of the xorg.conf file?10:34
Grif3rTheVault: you can ignore all but 16 and 24 bit colordepths10:34
shatratTheVault, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup10:34
Terrasquemake a copy of the file, place it somewhere :)10:34
pzmomadef make backups, its imperative, constantly editing a file causes it and its ~backup to be overwritten10:34
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TheVaultshatrat: Thnx10:34
Grif3rno need to edit lower colors10:34
gnubeOMGLAZERS, Yeah, there are GUI type deals, unforntunately I do not use them, sorry.10:34
shatratI wonder what x would look like with a depth of 110:35
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Grif3rshort question: can you see me write?10:35
OMGLAZERSgnube, Ill google the tar command and maybe look for something else. Thanks for the help :)10:35
Terrasqueshatrat: black and white :)10:35
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TheVaultAlright, I am about to open the xorg.conf file, I will need to know what to do. I think on my Windows Xp, the resolution is 1024x120010:35
PWillshatrat: TRY IT :)10:35
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gnubeOMGLAZERS, You are very welcome! :) And good luck.10:35
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morpheusdreamsyey am backk, flash still doesnt work10:36
ArafelTheVault: Your shure its not 1280x1024 or something like that?10:36
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shatratmorpheusdreams, if you do "locate libflashplayer.so" in terminal what does it say?10:36
PWillTheVault: hmm, that resolution sounds weird...10:36
utet1432Hey everybody,10:36
utet1432My cousin moved to Georgia which isn't close at all to where I live. He recently got a huge huge windows virus that completely prevented his computer from booting up. He couldn't find the XP disk so I convinced him that he should use Ubuntu. He has a Dell Dimension 8100 with a P4 1.4 Ghz and 384 MB RAM. So we installed with the alternate cd because the Desktop CD was way too sluggish for us to install with. After the instal10:36
utet1432l, boot-up takes 30 minutes and before X starts up this error shows up and takes 15 minutes to go away:10:36
utet143217179569 SMP mptable: bad signature [0x0] !10:36
utet143217179569 BIOS bug, MP table errors detected!10:36
utet143217179569 ...disabling SMP support (tell your hw vendor).10:36
utet1432something like that shows up it's either that or10:36
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utet1432[4294667.296000]  SMP mptable: null local APIC address!10:36
utet1432[4294667.296000]  BIOS bug, MP table errors detected...10:36
TheVaultits 1280x102410:36
utet1432[4294667.296000]  diasabling SMP support. (Tell your hw vendor)10:36
utet1432(my cousin didn't explain it well)10:36
TheVaultyeah, that was it10:36
utet1432X loaded up and so did gnome but gnome is so so sluggish that it feels that it doesn't have any RAM. But I typed10:36
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morpheusdreamsshatrat it doesnt say anything10:37
utet1432into the command prompt and there was at least 100MB of RAM available. What can I do to get this computer to work at a reasonable speed like it did when it had windows? Also gnome is slow sluggish that it took 15 minutes to load firefox. It is rediculous. Should I try maybe xubuntu? Or is the problem related to the SMP error?10:37
PWillholy cow10:37
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TheVaultSo in the file, how do I make it 1280x1024?10:37
flaflaI screwed up my totem player...  It always plays at like 1.5x speed,  anyone know how to undo this?10:37
RoyBhas anyone succeeded booting both ubuntu and Vista using grub or any other method?10:37
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Grif3rcan anyone see me?10:37
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shatratmorpheusdreams, well your enot gonna believe this, but that means it's not installed ;D10:37
mbacwhat package will install all of the man pages, including the one for pthread_create?10:37
flaflagrif3r: yes10:37
TerrasqueTheVault: look for a Screen section, see what the default color depth is, and add a new res at the Display subsection.10:37
=== Vuen [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1088816785.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
shatratmorpheusdreams, what did it say when you did "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"?10:37
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Grif3rok, thanks just wondering because I have idle coloring :)10:37
Vuenhey guys, what would i use to open an apple keynote file in linux?10:37
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nicotinaHi gnube10:37
nicotinagnube,  I'm n-iCe10:38
nicotinaSo what can be the problem ?10:38
Grif3rVuen: nothing. save it as .ppt in Keynote10:38
morpheusdreamsshatrat shoul di just paste it all?10:38
PWillTheVault: you should see something like this:         SubSection "Display"10:38
PWill                Depth           2410:38
PWill                Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"10:38
PWill        EndSubSection10:38
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shatratmorpheusdreams, wel, did it say already installed, broken package, something like that?10:38
PWillTheVault: make sure you have "1280x1024" on the list10:38
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erUSUL!paste > PWill10:39
betatuxWhy are there (edu)(x)(k)ubuntu versions of ubuntu which only differ in certain packages ? If Microsoft would go that way them clients would be getting 'WOFFICE' (windows office) and 'WEMAIL' (windows email) versions :)10:39
erUSUL!paste > utet143210:39
PWillerUSUL: pfft, it was 4 lines10:39
TheVaultPWill: Alright, lemme check10:39
utet1432paste what?10:39
gnubehey nicotina10:39
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shatratbetatux, to keep the installer under 700mb while still offereing different desktop environtments10:39
Terrasquebetatux: no, more like windows home, windows professional, windows server, windows starter, and if i know them right they would make it impossible to upgrade from one to another10:40
morpheusdreamsshatrat it said reading package lists...done, building dependency tree, reading state information... done, flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version, then a list of packages which were automatically installed and no longer required10:40
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TheVaultNo, 1280x1024 is not on the list10:40
shatratbetatux, keep in mind, there is very little on a windows install disk compared toa  linux one.  windows comes with practically no applications10:40
jimmygoonWhy does the new version of Xchat want me to dist-upgrade to get it :S10:40
PWillTheVault: add it :)10:40
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TheVaultlemme get a paste bin real quick of what I am seeing10:40
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flaflaI'm not sure what I did but my totem and VLC player both play at about 1.5x speed and choppy and with no sound can someone help me fix this?10:40
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betatuxshatrat, Terrasque indeed , you're both making a point.10:41
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TerrasqueTheVault: just use the keyboard, and add "1280x1024" to the modes. It's no magic10:41
milanmhello all, a quick question: I added bunch of servers to /etc/hosts. Now, when I try to ssh like so "ssh user@host.com" and if I try to expand name of host by hitting TAB, it doesn't work. It always did on RedHat/CentOS. Any ideas as to why?10:41
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PWillTheVault: after you add it, save the file, then save all of your open work, and press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to restart X10:41
shatratmorpheusdreams, ok, one quick thing.  do "ls ~/.mozilla/plugins"  and if you dont see libflashplayer then try "sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree"10:41
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TheVaulthttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9309/ - thats what I am currently seeing10:41
vinuxdo you know if VLC let to send a DVB stream ? or play a stream on a DVB card10:41
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nicotinagnube,  what can i do then ?10:42
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rpedro_i wonder if #ubuntu will pass the 1500 mark when feisty is released. :D10:42
TerrasqueTheVault: got a widescreen monitor?10:42
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TheVaultUmmm I think10:42
gnubenicotina, How does it sound now?10:42
Grif3rTheVault: use nano if you're not comfy editing files10:42
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Grif3rit's friendly10:42
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nicotinagnube,  after reboot?10:42
TerrasqueTheVault: what did you say the max mode windows had?10:42
nicotinaSounds good10:42
morpheusdreamsshatrat ok it was there and have ran that command, it's been removed10:42
gnubeGrif3r, I strongly disagree, nano is mean.10:43
TheVaultI believe it was 1280x1024 on Windows Xp10:43
RoyBhas anyone succeeded booting both ubuntu and Vista using grub or any other method?10:43
shatratmorpheusdreams, ok, try installing it again, "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"10:43
PWillRoyB: ew, no :-P10:43
nysosymhi there, are git user there?10:43
nysosymi have a problem with running git "/usr/bin/gitfm: fatal error: `chdir' failed: permission denied."10:43
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nysosymanyone with the same problem?10:43
morpheusdreamsshatrat  automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes10:43
PWillgnube: Nano is great, but vim is best10:44
RoyBcan someone tell me why I can only get 1024x768 resolution in Ubuntu 6.10?10:44
erUSULnysosym: git the vcs?10:44
shatratmorpheusdreams, well, I have no idea what that means.10:44
Arafelnysosym: You have to be root?10:44
erUSUL!fixres > RoyB10:44
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gnubePWill, Religious war! Religious war!10:44
nysosymArafel: yes i run it with sudo10:44
morpheusdreamsshatrat damn :(10:44
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shatratmorpheusdreams, do you have the backports repository enabled?10:44
erUSULnysosym: i use it to track the vanilla kernel tree10:44
nysosymerUSUL: yes10:44
Grif3rgnube, no it's not10:44
Grif3rfor small editing much handier than vim10:44
nicotinagnube,  now looks good, but when i open programms satrt the noise10:44
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Grif3rwhich I've never really learned to use swiftly10:45
TerrasqueTheVault: I would try something like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9312/ first10:45
morpheusdreamsshatrat i'm not sure. i don't remember enabling it (am new to linux as of tonight if you couldn't tell :))10:45
OldGnuMangnube: Emacs is the best!10:45
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.10:45
kelsinutet1432: I don't know about the problem at all, but the speed is definitely an issue, that computer should be running fine without a problem10:45
shatratmorpheusdreams, do gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:45
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ArafelI was wondering if someone knew a realy easy and elegant way to get a program to start when the machine enters INIT3 (as I want the program to always be running)10:45
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gnubeOldGnuMan Emacs rocks10:45
kimmern Hey! at the startup screen when kubuntu loads, it uses a hell of a lot time..i think it is "scanning all disks" at every startup..how can i disable that?10:45
kelsinutet1432: I mean to say the desktop cd should not have been slow either10:45
yommI don't have my cpu manual anymore , How can I find out which type it is ?10:46
shatratmorpheusdreams, you should remove the # in front of the lines with the backports repositories10:46
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:46
thingyyomm: cat /proc/cpu10:46
TerrasqueI just dont understand why people bother with that vi vs emacs vs nano discussion. I just dont see the point at all. After all, VI is best, so why argue? :p10:46
PWillyomm: run gnome-system-monitor10:46
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flaflaI'm not sure what I did but my totem and VLC player both play at about 1.5x speed and choppy and with no sound can someone help me fix this?10:46
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erUSULArafel: use /etc/init.d/skeleton as a base for a startup script for your app and use update-rc.d to add it to the apropiate runlevels10:46
yommpwill / thingy : thx10:46
Grif3rhmm wird. suddenly I can't start any programs (now in Gnome)10:46
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kelsinutet1432: have you guys tried booting with acpi=off?10:46
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morpheusdreamsshatrat these?  deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse10:47
morpheusdreams deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multive10:47
shatratyomm, you could also do cat /proc/cpuinfo for a lot of info about the processor10:47
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PWillyomm: just kidding, gnome-system-monitor only shows CPU type in Feisty, I think10:47
kelsinutet1432: at the boot menu of the alternative cd or the normal cd check out the options for acpi=off10:47
TheVaultAlright, Here is what I had before http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9309/ and this is whats after http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/9314/ -- Did I do that correctly?10:47
shatratmorpheusdreams, yeah, make sure theyre not commented out (no #)10:47
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yommcat /proc/cpu does nothing :)10:47
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yommpwill : not using gnome anyway :p10:47
utet1432kelsin:  we already installed ubuntu and it still is really sluggish10:47
morpheusdreamsshatrat they were, have taken them out and now i save and try again?10:47
thingyyomm: oops,,,it should be cat /prov/cpuinfo10:47
shatratmorpheusdreams, save, then sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:48
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PWillcat /proc/cpuinfo10:48
yommthingy : figured it out :)10:48
kelsinutet1432: then you should etc the /boot/grub/grub.conf file and add acpi=off to the kernel line, I don't know the "ubuntu" way of doing that if there is one10:48
utet1432and now how after the installation should i put in the acpi=off10:48
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shatratutet1432, you can put it in your grub kernel options10:48
utet1432should i add it before root?10:48
morpheusdreamsshatrat ok done and done10:48
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TerrasqueI have a question. totem can stream movies via ssh:// from one machine, but fails miserably from a different (much beefier) machine. sshd_config is identical, and the 2nd machine have 0 in load. scp can drag 20 mb/s from it, and ftp 50mb/s10:48
shatratutet1432, just at the end  of the kernel options should be fine, after quiet splash10:48
jememehey guys i have these speakers:  Creative Inspire P5800 5.1 Surround Sound Speaker when i plug them in and listen to music through them i only hear it comming out of the two front speakers and the sub the other two rear and center dont work, any ideas why sound is not comming out of them? i heard i had to do something special to get them to work?10:49
utet1432also could it be that the virus corrupted the BIOS?10:49
seanIn windows, I can press the scroll button to make a little thing on my screen for FIREFOX and then i can move the wheel up and down to scroll, how do i that with ubuntu?10:49
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utet1432and if that is the case should I update the BIOS????10:49
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yommStrange , though I'm quite sure my processor supports sse3 , it doesnt stat sse3 in "cat/proc/cpuinfo" any clues ?10:49
shatratmorpheusdreams, did it say anything comforting about it installing the package?10:49
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cosmodad&join #ns10:49
thingyTerrasque: why use ssh:// to stream anyway?10:49
thingyTerrasque: you need the encryption?10:50
gnubethingy, Apparently to encrypt10:50
morpheusdreamsshatrat it said the same as it did before, about the dependency tree and the automatically installed packages10:50
shatratyomm, you could google your processor using the other info you got10:50
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kelsinutet1432: you could try to flash the bios, but that seems very extreme. I would also look into kernel options to turn off smp and ht support right away, I'm not sure what they are10:50
kelsinutet1432: class time for me, good luck10:50
thingygnube: but encrypt a movie stream? weird!10:50
gnubethingy, pr0n?10:50
yommshatrat : ok10:50
TheVaultAlrighty, I saved the file after I edited and then I pressed CTRl+ALT+Backspace and it logged me out and nothing looks different10:51
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Terrasquethingy: because 1. it Just Works(TM) (when it works), I can set up pam to unlock the keys at login, and its standard on every server I have :) Oh, and ftp lags when jumping position in the file10:51
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Grif3rgod I hate gnome10:51
colbertHow can I connect to a network printer?10:51
shatratmorpheusdreams, still no libflashplayer.so ?10:51
utet1432but i think i might flash the bios10:51
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crdlbTerrasque, I do the same thing but it works great for me (the server is a 450 MHZ PIII)10:51
gnubecolbert, Look at CUPS10:51
thingyTerrasque: Use samba and cifs...much much better option for your purposes...its minimal config required10:51
morpheusdreamsshatrat when i do ls ~/.mozilla/plugins  it is there10:52
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seanIn windows, I can press the scroll button to make a little thing on my screen for FIREFOX and then i can move the wheel up and down to scroll, how do i that with ubuntu?10:52
EADGCan anybody recommend a free .avi to .mp4 (iPod video) converter?10:52
thingyTerrasque: with ssh, your wasting cpu doing encryption and the protocol is expensive i.e. doesnt give max throughput10:52
Terrasquecrdlb: the fun part is: it works perfectly on a P2 300mhz with 128 ram and a ton of stuff running, but it just refuse to work on my new fileserver10:52
shatratmorpheusdreams, I dont understand why it isnt working in tha tcase10:52
utet1432um does anyone else know how to disable SMP support in the kernel10:52
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morpheusdreamsshatrat :( i shall try relogging again10:52
TheVaultwhen I edited the xorg.conf file, I put what you guys said and then pressed the CTRL+ALT+backspace and then it logged me out and nothing looks different10:52
EADG...wrong window.10:52
thingyutet1432: nosmp boot option?10:52
Grif3rsean same way as in windows10:52
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gordonjcpEADG: you could try mencoder, but I don't know exactly what settings you'd need10:52
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seanjust click?10:52
Grif3renable the feature in menus10:53
cafuego_Terrasque: mount the remote stuff using sshfs and fuse, see if that helps.10:53
seanGrif3r: nothing happens when i click though..10:53
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utet1432should i also use acpi=off10:53
Terrasquethingy: I am perfectly aware of that. But it's not a problem for me, and the benefits far outweights the downsides.10:53
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morpheusdreamsshatrat nope, still nothing.10:53
TheVaultMy resolution has not changed when I edited the file10:53
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Grif3rsean: you have to enable it from the regular menu10:53
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thingyTerrasque: ok. back to your problem then..so are both these machines on the same lan?10:53
Grif3rjust look around10:53
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thingyTerrasque: i.e. running off the same switch/router?10:54
shatratmorpheusdreams, could you pastebin the error you get when you try to do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"?10:54
seanGrif3r: yeah i just found drivers for logitech in synaptic, so i'll try that out10:54
GuychiHi! I have a 5GB file and trying to get it from another machine through FTP. I get an error since it is over 4GB. How can I transfer files larger than 4GB?10:54
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Terrasquethingy: yes. the fileserver and desktop share the same gbit switch. The other server is two switches away.10:54
gnubeTheVault, Are you sure your monitor can handle the resoulution you want?10:54
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gnubeTheVault, Find that out first.10:54
TheVaultgnube: Yeah, in windows xp it goes10:54
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TheVaultDo you want me to login to windows and see the exact resolution?10:55
morpheusdreamsshatrat i dont seem to be getting any error messages at all10:55
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gnubeTheVault, Fine, but do you have the linux driver installed?10:55
thingyTerrasque: umm so you have the latency on the server which is two switches away?10:55
Terrasquethingy: the only real difference I can guess is that the fileserver use ubuntu 64bit, while the other use 32bit. But scp dont have any problems with that, and normal gnome drag'n'drop copy works dandy10:55
TheVaultlinux driver?10:55
Solarionis apt smart enough yet to do diffs instead of downloading the whole package?10:55
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nicotinagnube,  to calm down my cpu again? how can i do it10:55
Grif3rTheVault: nvidia10:55
TheVaultI don't use nvida gfx card10:55
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seanWhat is the 'best' flash plugin?10:55
Grif3rati has linux drivers too10:55
shatratmorpheusdreams, what about sudo apt-get upgrade?10:56
pzmomawhered mplayer go? im not seeing it in the pkg database10:56
gnubesean from adobe10:56
TheVaultIf you want, I'll give you the name of my gfx card though10:56
cafuego_Solarion: amt doesn't download diffs10:56
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ghata2Hi, When i try to play something online, firefox always tries to open it in Totem and Totem is never able to play anything, i have better players like VLC and mplayer on my system, how do i tell firefox and use these players and not use Totem ?10:56
Solarioncafuego_: too bad10:56
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morpheusdreamsshatrat 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:56
SolarionI hate to eat several megs of download for something simple.10:56
gnubeghata2, Check in the preferences settings for firefox10:56
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gnubemorpheusdreams, You are up to date then10:56
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shatratmorpheusdreams, you've already done an apt-get update since you edited the sources.list, right?10:57
ghata2gnube: i have already done that, i can not find anything that will associate these players10:57
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TheVaultbasicly, I want the resolution thats above the 1024x78610:57
morpheusdreamsshatrat yeah you said to just after i did it, big list went zoom :)10:57
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TheVaultThat things are smaller on the desktop10:57
Grif3rghata2: go to some saved videofile > rightclick > settings10:57
morpheusdreamsgnube yeah, it does look that way, as shatrat says there doesnt seem to be any good reason it isnt working10:58
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jimmygoonTheVault: are you even sure that your video card/ display supports it?10:58
Grif3rthere you can change default video player10:58
seani'm used to macromedia flash, adobe flash doesn't have the same ring to it :-/10:58
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shatratsean, at least adobe makes a decent linux version, if youre 32 bit10:58
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TheVaultjimmygoon: Yes10:58
morpheusdreamsshatrat i just tried it again and got E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)10:58
morpheusdreamsE: Unable to lock the list directory10:58
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Grif3radobe owns macromedia......10:58
grndslmanybody know where i might find the "alignmargins" command (for cups maybe)...my brother printer is offcenter and people say this "command" can fix it10:58
seanshatrat: 64 :<10:58
shatratmorpheusdreams, did you not do it as admin, or did you already have synaptic or something open?10:59
jimmygoonmorpheusdreams, prefix the command with sudo10:59
Grif3rsean just install 32bit firefox10:59
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morpheusdreamsshatrat it worked now10:59
IndyGunFreakshatrat: just another reason not to mess with 64bit distros.. yet.10:59
morpheusdreamsjimmygoon thanks10:59
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shatratIndyGunFreak, I have the best reason of all, 5 year old cpu11:00
IndyGunFreakshatrat: lol, thats a pretty good reason to.11:00
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yomm64bit distros , gave that up quite some time ago , mb it's worthwhile if you big big server with huge amounts of ram , else leave it be11:00
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blenna_unixsimple question. instead of typing < http://foo.com/1.html > how can i redirect users to that page by using <http://foo.com/1 >  thanks11:01
aluno\j mp3ware11:01
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Grif3r64bit rules11:01
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IndyGunFreakGrif3r: yeah, it rules allright... spend all day getting 32bit apps to work on a 64bit distro,11:01
Grif3rsome things are just a bit harder to do, like getting flash to work11:01
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Traveler7Anyone familier with installing from a USB disk? I followed the directions, and am now booting from the usb disk, but all i've gotten is a blinking cursor (for about 10 minutes). Is this normal, or did I luck out and not get a good usb drive/mobo combo?11:02
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yommGrifEr : also you only benefit if you have a lot of ram ( + 4 gig ) and the right configuration & software11:02
Grif3rname some 32bit app I need, <IndyGunFreak>11:02
shatratyomm, 64 bit is also a pretty significant increase in integer calculations, like compiling software11:03
cafuego_Grif3r: openoffice? wine?11:03
sorinn #ubuntu-devel11:03
KrunkHi. Earlier I trashed my MBR. To get it back, I installed another edition of Ubuntu on hda3, swap hda6, then booted to the old (good) edition I had installed before on hda1, swap hda5. I'd like to delete the new edition's partitions, but hda3 is set to 'active' which means the info is stored on that partition. Where could I find the old partitions boot info, and what should I do to get it to boot? Help?11:03
IndyGunFreakGrif3r: if it works for you, thats great.11:03
Grif3ropenoffice is 64bit already11:03
TheVaultAbout my graphic card: Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family11:03
=== cafuego_ has found 64bit desktop apps to be mainly slower then the 32bit versions.
Grif3ryup, compilation times are shitloads faster even with lessa ram than 4gig11:03
yommshatrat : true , so you can spend that time looking for the dependencies & fixes :p11:04
TheVaultits 256mb of ram and does support 1280x1024 truecolor11:04
Grif3rinstall 32bit version of gentoo, then 64bit on same computer and count the difference it takes11:04
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TheVaultHey IndyGunFreak11:05
IndyGunFreakGrif3r: so the biggest adventure is you can compile faster?..lol11:05
IndyGunFreakTheVault: hey11:05
shatratTheVault, I know some intel chipsets are buggy with changing resolutions, theres a 915resolution package to workaround it but I really dont know muhc about it or what chipsets are afected.11:05
cafuego_Grif3r: Sorry, but I don't have enough time to waste to even look at gentoo, let alone try it.11:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swift - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:05
yommthough I must admit it's been a few months since I used a 64bit distro  (Ubuntu AMD server ), and hell , linux moves fast11:05
utet1432do u think that flashing the bios will solve the problem????11:05
Grif3rcafuego_: well that's bad11:05
=== auraithx [n=ubuntu@cpc1-ruth2-0-0-cust882.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Grif3rteaches more about linux in less time than any other distro IMHO. great starter distro11:06
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cafuego_then again, if I don't bother compiling stuff, i don't need a cpu that's faster at compiling11:06
cafuego_Grif3r: Yeah, I did that in 1994. Really don't need to start again now.11:06
IndyGunFreakcafuego_: thats for sure, if its not int he repos, i don't need it..lol11:06
auraithxI need help - I accidently installed the gfx card drivers and now I can't start up Ubuntu. (I'm on the LiveCD right now)11:06
Grif3rok :)11:06
jimmygoonTheVault, where are you finding that it says it supports 1280x1024?11:07
auraithx*installed the wrong gfx card drivers11:07
smultroni have a rather simple question: do you have to disable DHCP on your router before you can assign yourself a static IP address?11:07
yommsmultron : no11:07
McattNo smultron11:07
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sorinnsomeone here who know to use valgrind ?11:07
Grif3rI have a noisy keyboard... damn11:07
smultronoh, ok. thanks :)11:08
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yommGrifer : press the mute key :p11:08
martalliIf I want to share a directory over our local network, what is the "linux way" of doing this? Is it NFS?11:08
auraithxanyone? is there a way to revert the changes I've made....11:08
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shatratmartalli, yes.  If you dont have to get along with windows machines use NFS11:08
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flaflaI'm not sure what I did but my totem and VLC player both play at about 1.5x speed and choppy and with no sound can someone help me fix this?11:08
erUSULauraithx: without knowing what have you done...11:08
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auraithxI installed Nvidia drivers and now when I reboot I get an error: no monitor11:09
martalliaurathrix:  Run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver" from the command line11:09
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sorinn;) and choose nvidia not nv11:09
sorinnas driver11:09
effthiscould somebody pls tell me how to get a FILE LIST from a package using apt-cache?  ideally i'd like to do a search for a file that i want to provide, and receive a list of packages that have that file.11:09
nicotinaA good mp3 player please :)11:09
martalliCan windows machien use NFS at all?11:09
erUSULauraithx: how have you installed them?...11:09
effthisthe only way i know how to do this currently is to install the package and then do a find/locate...11:09
sorinnnicotina -> Listen11:10
Grif3rso is here anyone who has successfully used window maker in ubuntu?11:10
nicotinasorinn,  let me check t11:10
sorinngoogle for Listen music player11:10
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eckeffthis: to find what package provides a file, you need to install apt-file11:10
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auraithxerUSUL: through this tutorial http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu11:11
eckeffthis: if you want to see what files a package provided, you can use dpkg -L11:11
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effthisso apt-file will search NON-INSTALLED packages, using the package database?11:11
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eckeffthis: yes, that is correct11:11
effthisgreat, thanks!11:11
erUSULauraithx: which one? (there are many links in that page)11:11
yommAnyone know how to set up a toggle key with xbindkeys , or any other app ? e.g I want F2 to open/terminate  Xterm !11:12
nicotinasorinn,  :/ bad bad bad =p a good mp3 player!11:12
nicotinaWith good look11:12
auraithxerUSUL: sorry, this one --> http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia11:12
=== Oetzi_ [i=oetzi@gletschereis.net] has joined #ubuntu
sorinnah - Xmms is skinable11:12
eckyomm: in gnome? system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts11:12
oplasalut tout le monde11:13
yommeck : how bout just in x with twm ? :)11:13
sorinnXMMS support winamp skins11:13
eckyomm: if you use gconf you can bind keys to arbitrayr commands11:13
nicotinasorinn,  when can  i find the skins ?11:13
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eckyomm: usually it is supported by the WM11:13
killownopla english only11:13
ecklook at the twm man page?11:13
nicotinasorinn,  really  ? i can download them in winamp.com ?11:13
darkyoshihow do I install a .debdiff file?11:13
yommeck : also the toggle ?11:13
AMSmith42Any idea why I am getting a 403 Forbidden when I apt-get kubuntu-desktop with ubuntu-server?11:13
sorinngive me your mail - I'll send you a lot11:13
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nicotinaThank you sorinn11:14
oplaall right11:14
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yommeck e.g. I want F2 to toggle opening/ terminating Xterm11:14
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eckyomm: that would also be a WM feature, but i haven't heard of a WM that has that feature11:14
killownblackbox = bbkeys11:14
yommeck : ok thanks ;)11:15
erUSULauraithx: well that script does a lot of things... i recommend you to boot your ubuntu in recovery mode and doing a try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to reconfigure the x server...11:15
auraithxhow do I do recovery mode?11:15
shatratauraithx, its in grub.  In the future I dont recommend using that how-to11:15
killowngrub boot say it11:15
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darkyoshianybody? how do I install a .debdiff file?11:15
erUSULauraithx: in the grub menu should be a recovery mode entry11:15
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auraithxOkay, thanks. bbl11:15
PirateHeadI can't import pictures from my camera unless I'm root -- any way to fix that?11:16
palbuddyhelp a newbie (me!) I have put in a second hard drive and don't want to format it.  How do I access it under ubuntu ultimate?11:16
PirateHeadIt's annoying, because I then have to chown them to my user.11:16
killownPirateHead, sudo?11:16
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PirateHeadkillown: obviously, that's the way I've been doing it11:16
eckPirateHead: are you in all the default groups?11:16
tituswhat is ubuntu ultimate11:16
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PirateHeadkillown: it seems like a bug to me, though11:16
ecki think the group would be plugdev11:16
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PirateHeadtitus: it's a distro based on Ubuntu with lots of extra packages set up by default11:17
PirateHeadeck: thanks for the suggestion, let me check11:17
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sorinnnicotina: other one -> http://www.zinf.org/11:17
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titusPirateHead: oh.11:17
sorinnthere are themes too11:17
darkyoshi372what do I do with a debdiff?11:17
colbertI have a Palm Treo 650 (bluetooth), is that all I need to be able to send files to my PC via bluetooth or must my PC have some bluetooth type hardware ?11:17
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PirateHeadeck: I am in all the defualt groups, but plugdev is not one of those.11:18
eckPirateHead: i think if you add it and log out and back in it will work11:18
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PirateHeadeck: I will try that. Thanks.11:18
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=== titus wonders how much of his life has been spent watching progress bars, as dist-upgrade reaches 81%
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=== Grif3r wonders what on earth has happened to wmaker development
palbuddyAnyone help me with my hard drive woes?11:20
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eckpalbuddy: you just need to mount it11:20
palbuddythat won't delete anything?11:20
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darkyoshi372only if you format11:21
palbuddyokay, so how do I do that?11:21
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Grif3rwoot: http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/07/03/08/1817210.shtml11:21
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=== Aladin_ [n=lars@dslb-084-058-050-064.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigpalbuddy, what is the fs format, is it ext3 or ntfs or fat32 or what11:21
darkyoshi372try sudo mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2 (correct me if I'm wrong, people)11:21
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Grif3r"all microsoft updates phone home now"11:21
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bruenigdarkyoshi372, yeah make sure /mnt/hda2 exists though, sudo mkdir /mnt/hda211:21
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jimmygoonGrif3r: seriously? you didn't know that already....? :(11:22
bruenigpalbuddy, then the darkyoshi372 command should work, you may need to specify the filesystem though like this, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda211:22
=== [NOVA] praetorian [n=praetori@p579B2F60.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonGrif3r, they've been doing that for forever I'd imagine11:22
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palbuddyokay I"ll try that11:22
palbuddythanks for the help (brb)11:22
Grif3rno, that's new. I worked for MS nearly 2 years ;)11:22
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mentaluproarhello room!11:22
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc5-nthc3-0-0-cust747.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Grif3rit's because of the new WGA11:22
jimmygoonthats only if its his second partition11:22
eckof the first hard drive!11:23
riqzGuys my main drive that was labelled hda1 on my desktop suddenly changed its name to  -->11:23
riqz</scr  without me touching anything... what happened11:23
PirateHeadI think there are noobs on my computer11:23
PirateHeadls -lR / | grep noobs11:23
bruenigyeah I just got in here, I just assumed they already figured out the name, palbuddy if that isn't the name then that command won't work11:23
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palbuddyI'm sorry11:24
bruenigpalbuddy, did that command fail11:24
eckPirateHead: in the interest of pedantry, i must insist that you use find11:24
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effthisapt-file worked perfectly eck, thanks again11:24
palbuddyI'm trying right now11:24
riqzplease help me guys?can i change the name back to hda1? but why did it change in the first place11:24
mentaluproar1 issues I cant figure out.  I haven't touched linux in a few years, so I'm lost again.  I need help, first, adding XP back into the boot manager.  The installer didn't see it11:24
bruenigriqz, it doesn't matter, just use the new one11:24
jimmygoonHow do I reload gnome-panel to reload the menu entry?11:24
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riqzbruenig: but why would it change11:25
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shatratmentaluproar, youll need to add it to /boot/grub/menu.lst11:25
palbuddyokay it asks for my password then it just says nothing11:25
bruenigriqz, it just changed out of nowhere? you didn't reinstall or anything?11:25
mentaluproarhow?  in what way?11:25
eckmentaluproar: if you look at the menu.lst they have a sample entry for winxp11:25
riqzbruenig: last thing i did was connect for the first time my 300gig external to the firwire11:25
eckmentaluproar: it's near the top, commented out, iirc11:25
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mentaluproarone moment11:25
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blahblahhey is there anyone that can help me with a quick question??11:26
bruenigpalbuddy, you put your password and then what?11:26
palbuddynothing happens after I put my password in11:26
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bruenigpalbuddy, just goes to another line or what11:26
Pricey!ask | blahblah11:26
ubotublahblah: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:26
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blahblahlol ok ok =] 11:26
palbuddyI can get to it by file browser then it says 'no application for this file'11:26
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bruenigpalbuddy, ok, do sudo fdisk -l and figure out what the name of the hdd is, probably something like /dev/hdb I would bet11:27
r4ngetrying to grep an ip from a log,  the log for example has,  i want to grab everything until the ? and it has to match exactly11:27
bruenigriqz, don't know, wouldn't worry about it11:27
palbuddyokay brb breuing11:27
riqzbruenig: so can i change the name back?11:27
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=== Heavenquake [n=per@0x3e42be57.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
blahblahive seen a sort of desktop cube, you have the ability to zoom out and rotate a cube to see different desktops is that a setting or a plug in or something ... im new this is my first time using this os and so far its reall nice =D11:27
WannabeNewbieDoes anyone know of a good map program for Linux? Like a streets map and a topo-map for hiking?11:27
bruenigriqz, I don't think you can change names11:27
r4ngeso just putting in 127 wont grab the line11:27
eckr4nge: i hope you know sed :-)11:28
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riqzbruenig: no i cant /cry wtf11:28
shatratWannabeNewbie, google maps? Google earth?11:28
r4ngeyeah, discovered sed last night11:28
Priceyblahblah, That is Beryl or Compiz. They're beta and unstable. NOT recommended for beginners, support in #ubuntu-effects11:28
goomeAnyone use rdesktop who could maybe answer this question? I have seamlessRDP but want to run more then 3 apps before the windows box says Exceeded maximum terminal sessions, anyway to increase that ?11:28
riqzbruenig: i dont want a desktop icon with  -->11:28
riqz</scr as a name11:28
=== vicente [n=vicente@c-75-70-62-150.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
r4ngebut thought grep or awk would be easier11:28
palbuddylooks like hda211:28
GenieHosthello every body, any multimedia software support .wpl play list?11:28
bruenigriqz, create a different icon11:28
palbuddyunless I'm missing something11:28
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WannabeNewbieNo software though? I know about the web based stuff, I was hoping for something software based11:28
r4ngei've been using the rute book to learn11:28
mentaluproarboot must be stated at the end of the windows script, right?11:28
blahblaheven tho is is a beta is there a location you know to download it or can i find it in the other irc chan11:28
bruenigpalbuddy, ok that seems like a partition not a different hd though, that is the only reason it seems weird to me11:28
=== Avantasia [n=fido@227.Red-88-16-134.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
eckr4nge: you can't just do it with grep, you need sed/perl/python (awk?)11:29
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GenieHostso the playlist from Windows Media not supported in linux?11:29
mentaluproarit ends at "chainloader +1"11:29
bruenigpalbuddy, so there is nothing in /mnt/hda211:29
=== fallingdutch [n=fallingd@krlh-590f388f.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
palbuddyI'll try again brb11:29
riqzbruenig: for my hda1 drive?11:29
r4ngetried this... logip=`awk -F? '"/$url/" {print $1}' $LOG2`11:29
thoreauputicgoome: that sounds like a windows limit - nothing to do with Linux11:29
=== eletido [n=Jon@24-197-203-144.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
palbuddyno there isn't11:29
palbuddybut there is that subdirectory11:29
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fallingdutchanyone familiar with lx-office? i need help with ssl connection to postgres11:30
bruenigriqz, you realize that the desktop shortcuts are just symlinks, you can create that however you want11:30
palbuddythat's called hda211:30
r4ngethat grabs it but will grab if anything matches11:30
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ataqhey, where is thunderbird user files stored?11:30
GenieHostI am talking about .wpl playlist file11:30
bruenigpalbuddy, odd11:30
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titusblahblah: see http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL11:30
r4ngeso if port matches it grabs it11:30
GenieHostit's not supported by any software in linux?11:30
GenieHostit's just xml file11:30
palbuddyit's a western digital 200 gb HD11:30
riqzbruenig: i realize now that you tell me. I still think its weird that it would change on its own/... how do i make a new one11:30
r4nge$url being a command line argument11:30
=== cafuego__ [n=cafuego@caffeine.mel.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
r4ngei'm a rookie so been trying various stuff11:31
yommI want an Ubuntu T-shirt :- I like the logo !11:31
thoreauputicataq: you probably mean ~/.mozilla-thunderbird11:31
palbuddysuppose the HD is not working....can I format it, and then dump files into mnt/hda2?11:31
mentaluproarok, menu.lst is read-only.  How do I change the permissions?11:31
bruenigriqz, something like, ln -s /mount/point/of/hda1 ~/Desktop/nameoflink11:31
ataqThanks mate11:31
titusyomm: the ubuntu logo is rubbish compared to plan911:31
eckouch, i don't know awk. i _think_ in python you would have something like (\d\.){4}:\d+\? and then use .group()[0]  or whatever extracts the matched part11:31
eletidowhen i do "sudo apt-get upgrade", i get "The following packages have been kept back:11:31
eletido  linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-38611:32
eletido". However, when I use the update manager, it wants to install those packages. which app is right?11:32
yommsudo apt-get knit Ubuntu-T-Shirt11:32
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thoreauputicmentaluproar: you don't, you edit with sudo/gksudo <your editor>11:32
evnmdadm raid broken on feisty herd5?11:32
eckerr, i guess it would be (\d.){3}\d:\d+\?11:32
eckthat's wrong too11:32
eckwell, you get the idea11:32
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eckyou try out twenty regexes until you overcome your stupidity11:33
jribeck: #ubuntu+1 for feisty11:33
g333k_workhi, can I install the normal ubuntu in a AMD mobile sempron processor?11:33
thoreauputicmentaluproar: changing permissions of system files is generally A bad Idea (tm)11:33
riqzbruenig: i cant delete the old icon11:33
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)11:33
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titusI would venture to say that plan9 is the OS with the finest logo bar none11:33
r4ngeokie, will look into that, was hoping for a simpler solution, heh11:33
GuychiHi! Is there a way I can truncate a file in place? E.g. chop off the first 1GB of a large file, when I don't have enough free disk space to dd the rest of it first?11:33
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cafuego__g333k_work: yes11:33
palbuddyokay well gotta go! thanks for the help....I'll be back!11:33
thoreauputicGuychi:  man split :)11:33
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mikeconcepts2where do I find the nvidia restricted drivers11:34
bruenigriqz, you have to select for the icon to not be automatically put on the desktop in gconf-editor, so do "gconf-editor" and then navigate to /apps/nautilus/desktop and turn that off. I am not 100% sure on the navigate part because I am on xfce.11:34
jrib!nvidia | mikeconcepts211:34
ubotumikeconcepts2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:34
Guychithoreauputic: I mean _in place_11:34
thoreauputicGuychi: umm, split will split your file - I don't follow you11:34
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Guychithoreauputic: not create new files, but operate on the original.11:35
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mentaluproarok, I forget how to use the Vi editor11:35
yommWhat are actually the main/biggest differences between Debian & Ubuntu ?11:35
mentaluproarhow else can I change the menu.lst?11:35
jribmentaluproar: nano11:35
g333k_workcafuego, ok11:35
darkyoshi372yomm: ease of use11:35
OMGLAZERSAny ntfs-3g users in here? I need help automounting ntfs drives using ntfs-3g at startup11:35
thoreauputicGuychi: ah, you want to split without using extra disk space ? I don't know then11:35
yommdarkyoshi :p11:35
darkyoshi372it's true!11:36
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mentaluproarAHH!  thank you!11:36
thoreauputicmentaluproar: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst11:36
Terrasqueyomm: its the difference between a big pile of lego and an already made lego model :p11:36
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eshaasemy system lags when i switch between desktops that have maximized windows open, can someone point me in the right direction?11:36
yommdarkyoshi : ok :) I was thinking more technical , as in why  to use debian packages in Ubuntu etc..11:36
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yomm*not to use11:37
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yommTerrasque : That's good , I love Lego11:37
Terrasqueyomm: which means its very handy if your goal is that lego model, but twice the work if you have something special on your mind :p11:37
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eletidowhen i do "sudo apt-get upgrade", linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 are help back. Are they safe to install through the update manager?11:37
GenieHostany multimedia software support .wpl play list?11:37
yommTerrasque : I used to love technic Lego :) Actually , I still do :)11:37
GorgaporI seem to have messed up my gnome and X configuration, is there a simple way to reset gnome to "factory" settings11:37
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Terrasqueyomm: lego is king! :D11:37
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mentaluproarOk, I add "boot" at the end of the windows thing, right?11:38
yommtoo bad Lego has changed soo much11:38
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yommthis is the Lego channel , right ?11:38
AzraelMhey everyone11:38
Pricey!offtopic | yomm Terrasque11:38
ubotuyomm Terrasque: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:38
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yommsorry :)11:38
AzraelMI need help configuring my screen resolution11:38
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AMSmith42When I try to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, it tells me that I am 403 Forbidden to us.archives.ubuntu.com dapper/main11:38
Gorgaporfor example, which package could i reinstall to get gnome back to default configuration11:38
AzraelMThe one I normally use, 1440x900 is not on the list :(11:39
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AzraelMcan someone help?11:39
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AMSmith42AzraelM: Is that higher or lower than the max listed now?11:39
jrib!fixres | AzraelM11:39
ubotuAzraelM: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:39
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:40
AzraelMheh, I was there already :) I'll see if I missed anything else11:40
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riqzbruenig: i posted on the forums as well lets see how it goes11:40
murcielagojajaja sorry, pero soy ultra nuevo en este sistema, alguna ayuda... donde pillo ese canal en espaol?11:40
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riqzAnyone know how to make my wireless card into an access point on my laptop?or tell me an faq page for it?11:40
mentaluproarok, I tried to boot into windows with the edited menu.lst file and I get "erro 12:  Invlaid device requested"11:41
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mentaluproarwithout the typos11:41
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erUSULmurcielago: "/join #ubuntu-es" en tu cliente irc11:42
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AzraelMhola murcielago11:42
murcielagohola =)11:42
AzraelManda a help.ubuntu.com, ahi hay de todo11:42
AzraelMah, esa es una pagina, cierto11:42
Cave`what do people use as music player, songbird?11:42
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:42
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AzraelMthat page does not helped me solve my resolution problem, think I should ask for help at the forum?11:42
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thoreauputicmentaluproar: you backed up your old menu.lst before editing it, of course ?11:43
clouder`grrI use exaile! for my music.  It's still under heavy development though11:43
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mentaluproarno, but I remember how toi undo it, and I can still boot to ubuntu11:43
pzmoma lol  http://youtube.com/watch?v=mxq2QbMg-H811:43
pzmomaused that to check my firefox flash plugin and yup it installed perfectly11:44
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pzmomasound and all11:44
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thoreauputicmentaluproar: the windows stanza is usually just a chainloader +1 , make active  IIRC ( I don't use windows)11:45
mentaluproarone moment11:45
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jribthe default one11:46
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Gorgaporquestion: what's the best way to reset gnome to its default configuration?11:46
FlannelGorgapor: What did you change?11:47
jribGorgapor: delete/rename  ~/.gnome* ~/.gconf*11:47
mentaluproarsame problem.  Maybe windows isn't on hd(0,0)11:47
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thoreauputicmentaluproar: http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html11:47
GorgaporFlannel, i was trying to get beryl to work, and now metacity doesn't start along with gnome11:47
mentaluproarbefore I installed ubuntu, I installed windows on drive D instead of C (partitions.  only one drive)11:47
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Flannelmentaluproar: You're adding this at the end of your menu.lst, right?  (after the "End debian automagic kernels" comment?)11:47
Gorgaporbut i don't want to change how i have my panels and menus set up11:47
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Marc1Hi! I got problem installing crossover office. when i try to install it on my computer wich runs with amd 64 bits, it gives me the message "The setup program seems to have failed on libc6-i386" Anyone knows how to resolve this problem?11:48
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FlannelGorgapor: ah, yeah.  Removing your startup should work.  Although, I don't know what you change for beryl.  If that doesn't, try asking in #ubuntu-effects11:48
Gorgaporremoving my startup?11:48
clouder`grrGorgapor: have you tried booting into the fail safe gnome and disabling beryl in start up?11:48
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Flannelmentaluproar: Well, you should verify what HDD and partition windows are on11:48
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Gorgapori've disabled beryl11:48
mentaluproarsame hdd, what partition?11:49
thoreauputicmentaluproar: your problem is that windows doesn't like to boot from anything but the primary master I think11:49
FlannelGorgapor: the .gnome/ and .gconf folders.  But yes, failsafe gnome should d the same thing.11:49
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theherbalizerhey guys. problem: usb ain't working anymore. it would automount my flash drives and phone last week, but now it does nothing when i plug usb devices in. i don't even know where to begin, so i came to you for ideas. have any?11:49
Flannelthoreauputic: no, you can boot windows fine most of the time.  And, that wouldn't give you a GRUB error anyway11:49
Gorgaporbrb gonna try some of that stuff out11:49
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pzmomasudo udevmonitor && plug device in11:49
Flannelmentaluproar: Open up "disks" to look11:49
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thoreauputicFlannel: it wouldn't give a grub error as such, but you need to do some fancy swapping in menu.lst IIRC11:50
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theherbalizerpzmoma: who was that for?11:50
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pzmomaautomount uses udev11:50
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Flannelthoreauputic: just mapping harddrives, yeah, hardly fancy.  But again, that's not the cause of this error.11:50
pzmomait might help u figure out whats going on11:50
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thoreauputicFlannel: OK - well as I said I don't use windows, so I'll leave you to it :)11:51
pzmomahmm i wonder if u can use  udevmonitor not as root?11:51
mentaluproarI'm in tansition, so I still need windows11:51
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erUSULMarc1: you need 32 bits libraries... try this 'sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound2'11:51
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pzmomanope gotta be root11:51
SnakesAndStuffHello.  I'm new to Ubuntu (not new to linux) and I was curious if I could get some help getting Beryl loading (using an ATI card... when it loads it defaults back to the backup window manager)11:51
thoreauputicmentaluproar: yeah, understood11:51
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FlannelSnakesAndStuff: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support11:51
mentaluproaraccessing disks....how?11:51
seandownloading  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic  is VERY VERY slow, how can i speed it up?11:51
SnakesAndStuffThank you11:51
seanlike download from a second source perhaps?11:51
lonrananybody with an ati card, could tell me the command to open the ati linux control panel?11:52
Flannelmentaluproar: there's a "disks" something or other in one of the System menus (I don't know which one)11:52
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thoreauputicsean: use a different Ubuntu repo mirror perhaps11:52
seanthoreauputic: how would i change that?11:52
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mentaluproarI think it was there while in live mode, but not after installed11:52
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dark-nitedoes anyone know where i can get automatix please?11:52
Flanneldark-nite: You don't want it.11:53
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:53
thoreauputicdark-nite: don't11:53
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Flannelmentaluproar: It is there after installed.  Uh, bother.  Times like these I wish I had a GUI.11:53
dark-niteok then11:53
holycowjust out of curiosity, anyone here have expereience with openvpn?11:53
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holycowclient wise11:53
dark-niteplease could you help me then? lol11:53
Flannelmentaluproar: Look for anything that looks like a disk-ish sort of thing.  I believe it's in the "administration" submenu11:53
Flanneldark-nite: what do you need help with?11:53
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sly007Hello, how do I set the url handler for gnome-terminal? I want it to open firefox11:54
PirateHeaddark-nite: we might be able to help you install the things you want11:54
dark-niteto get an internet connection within ubuntu11:54
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jribsly007: system > preferences > preferred applications11:54
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thoreauputicsean: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download  <--lots of mirrors11:54
PirateHeaddark-nite: how are you trying to connect?11:54
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sly007jrib: I don't use gnome11:54
caffinatedhi.  has anyone had an issue with ubuntu where when you switch to a VT (ctrl-alt-f1, etc) from X that the console is broken?  It looks like it's not switching in to a text mode properly.  it looks like it's in a distorted graphics mode.11:54
dark-nitewireless pci card11:54
Flannelsly007: update-alternatives --config x-www-browser11:55
PirateHeaddark-nite: what card model?11:55
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seanthoreauputic: those arent repos though...?11:55
thoreauputicFlannel: beat me to it :)11:55
mentaluproardevice manager, keyboard indicator plugins, keyring manager, language support, login window, networking, network tools, printing, services, shared folders, software sources, synaptic package manager, system log, system monitor, time and date, update manager, users and groups11:55
mentaluproarthats what I see11:55
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dark-nitebelkin F5D7000uk11:55
Flannelmentaluproar: Hmm.  This is what, dapper? Edgy?11:55
Anohaaktendoes linux have itunes?11:56
thoreauputicsean: most repos are of the same form - you just have your country code prepended to the archive.ubuntu.com part11:56
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sly007Flannel: is update-alternatives an Ubuntu thing?11:56
eckAnohaakten: no11:56
PirateHeadmeantaluproar: that's System -> Administration, not System -> Preferences11:56
seanthoreauputic: how do i change my source though?11:56
Traveler1hi, trying to install from USB. Following the directions linked from here. I've restarted and am booting from the disk but I get: "NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl+Ald+Del to restart." Any advice?11:56
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eckAnohaakten: there are a lot of itunes-like programs though11:56
PirateHeaddark-nite: lemme look quick11:56
Jowicaffinated, that is possible. depending on what hardware you are using the framebuffer might be distorted. I would suggest setting the framebuffer resolution to the same one you use in xorg.11:56
jribsly007: it's a debian thing11:56
Flannelsly007: it's a debian thing, so sure11:56
AnohaaktenDoes it have an equivalent to itunes?11:56
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eletidowhen i do "sudo apt-get upgrade", linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 are help back. Are they safe to install through the update manager?11:56
thoreauputicsean: edit /etc/apt/sources.list11:56
mentaluproarnope, nothing there either11:56
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eckAnohaakten: there are a couple, but none of them are very good at exporting to ipod11:56
Flannelsly007: basically, when a program wants to use a browser, it calls "sensible-browser", which figures out the most appropraite (based on your choices, and whether you're in X or not),11:57
Jowicaffinated, the framebuffer is not text mode.11:57
Anohaaktenthat stinks11:57
caffinatedJowi: it's a radeon x1600 if that helps (laptop) - will have a poke at that.  thanks.11:57
barkerwhats the command to see what display driver i am using?11:57
theherbalizerhey guys. problem: usb ain't working anymore. it would automount my flash drives and phone last week, but now it does nothing when i plug usb devices in. i don't even know where to begin, so i came to you for ideas. have any?11:57
thoreauputicsean: back it up first to be safe, so you can replace it if you make a mistake11:57
eckAnohaakten: you can use gtkpod, which works pretty well, but it's a fary cry from itunes imho11:57
toNtwould someone be ablet o get me a hand. im going through hell trying to get my monitor to run in 1280x1024. i believe the nvidia drivers are installed but im not sure.11:57
Jowi!framebuffer | caffinated (see bottom of page)11:57
ubotucaffinated (see bottom of page): If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer11:57
PirateHeadAnohaakten: you can run iTunes using Wine, or you can use Rhythmbox or Amarok, both of which have capabilities and interfaces similar to iTunes.11:57
dark-nitethx pirate11:57
Flanneleletido: yeah, update them manually11:57
eletidoFlannel: thanks.11:57
caffinatedubotu: i'll look at that as well.  thanks.11:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:58
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:58
Anohaaktendoes Wine run slow?11:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:58
theherbalizerAnohaakten: no11:58
PirateHeadAnohaakten: no.11:58
eckhmm, last i checked itunes did not run in wine11:58
AnohaaktenI mean, does it run apps slow? or run them perfect11:58
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Anohaaktenok, then ill look into that11:58
Anohaaktenthx guys11:58
=== actuary286 [n=ryan@d205-206-111-158.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
PirateHeadeck: the latest versions of iTunes do not run on wine.11:58
theherbalizerAnohaakten: in fact, i'm getting higher fps in wow with wine/edgy than i did on windows11:58
eckthat must be it then11:58
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PirateHeadeck: I think iTunes 4 runs on Wine, which is pretty outdated.11:58
Anohaaktenthats pretty impressive theherbalizer11:59
PirateHeadthe latest is iTunes 7, right?11:59
toNtwould someone be ablet o get me a hand. im going through hell trying to get my monitor to run in 1280x1024. i believe the nvidia drivers are installed but im not sure.11:59
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Anohaaktenyes PirateHead iTunes 7 is the latest11:59
dark-nitepirate can we Pm eachopther instead please?11:59
AnohaaktenIt doesnt run in wine?11:59
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mentaluproarusing device manager, I thinkm I found windows11:59
PirateHeadyeah, so you might have to put up with old software if you go the wine route, Anohaakten11:59
mentaluproarvolume name "zero"11:59
mentaluproarok, now what?11:59
Anohaaktenill pass on that11:59
=== mbudde [n=michael@0x503fe218.boanxx21.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
eckAnohaakten: if you're lucky, banshee will work for you12:00
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PirateHeadAnohaakten: your primary concern is interfacing with your iPod?12:00
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Flannelmentaluproar: Eh?  i don't believe so.  Are you using LVM or anything like that?12:00
eckthere is a bug in the parser though, so it will choke on files with bad metadata12:00
JowitoNt, "glxinfo | grep direct" in a terminal should tell you if it is enabled or not...12:00
Anohaaktennot so much12:00
eckthat is the problem i have had with it12:00
=== bigjohnto [n=bigjohnt@S01060018396f59b3.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelmentaluproar: install "gparted" and you'll be able to see.  I guess there's no partition viewer thing by default12:00
=== Nitro [n=Nitro@ti541110a080-10690.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
AnohaaktenI would like it to, but my primary concern is sorting my music out :)12:00
Flannelmentaluproar: just don't change anything ;)12:00
bigjohntowhen connecting a tape drive is it really important to create the stinit.def file?12:00
=== Overdose1 [n=Steffen_@dsl-ht-244.monet.no] has joined #ubuntu
mentaluproarLVM?  i dunno, but a while back I screwed up my partitions, so I got usaed to windows not being on C12:00
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dark-niteif someone can help me get my wireless internet connection up and running please PM me :D12:01
PirateHeadAnohaakten: if your primary desire is a slick music organizer/player, then Amarok is great.12:01

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