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ubotuNew bug: #114547 in malone "Warn about bugs assigned to inactive people" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11454706:26
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Odd_BlokeHey guys, are there any prerequisites for setting up a super-project/project group?  The Warwick University GNU/Linux User Group have a couple of projects that are in Launchpad and it'd be cool to be able to group them...12:59
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tjsG'day, is there any way to have launchpad notify an irc bot about a commit?01:58
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milianhi there02:27
milianis there a way to prevent the automatic subscription to bugs in a given project?02:27
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Hobbseekiko: where's my cluebat?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/11461603:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 114616 in webmin "Broken package dependencies" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  03:18
kikodid I promise you a cluebat Hobbsee? :)03:24
Hobbseekiko: no.  but you should have.  one can never have too many cluebats03:25
Hobbseekiko: but this is why we need to make ti harder to file bugs :P03:25
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wingolaunchpad's not updating its bzr mirror of my project, anyone know why?05:00
salgadowingo, what's the project?05:03
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wingosalgado: http://code.launchpad.net/guile-gnome05:04
kikomwhudson, do you know anything about this?05:06
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kikomwhudson, and also, why is pygtk not importing?05:08
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mwhudsonkiko: no, but i can probably find out05:25
mwhudsonwingo: can you tell me a branch that should have updated?05:27
mwhudsonkiko: at a guess because the current vcs import is from cvs and pygtk is using svn now05:29
wingomwhudson: for example, https://code.launchpad.net/~andywingo/guile-gnome/atk05:30
mwhudsonwingo: not sure instantly, will try to look in a bit05:34
wingomwhudson: thanks05:36
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wingoI filed a "question" about it, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/652805:36
kikomwhudson, can we update that, you think?05:40
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mwhudsonkiko: probably06:15
kikomwhudson, feeling brave?06:20
mwhudsonkiko: not really06:21
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mwhudsonwingo: it seems no bzr mirror branches are updating...06:33
=== mwhudson and ddaa on it
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beunomrevell: ping me when you're around  :D06:48
mrevellbeuno: I'll pong you instead :)06:48
beunomuch better, how's it going?06:49
mrevellbeuno: Not bad, thanks :) You?06:49
beunofighting with a cold, it's winning 2-106:49
beunodo you want to play around with the Launchpad Etiquette idea?06:50
mrevellYeah. 06:50
Hobbseelaunchpad etiquette?06:51
mrevellAs I said in my email, I think we need something simple and overarching - like the Ubuntu CoC "Ground Rules" section - followed by tool-specifics06:51
mrevellHobbsee: Yeah, a general introduction to being a good Launchpad citizen06:51
mrevellHobbsee: Without being patronising. So, something like a CoC for Launchpad.06:51
beunomrevell: the idea popped into my head after an incident where someone started adding teams to their team06:51
mrevellHobbsee: I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!06:51
beunowhich created some panic06:52
mrevellbeuno: Right06:52
beuno(emails flying everywhere)06:52
Hobbseeah yes, ettiquite on teams being subscribed to bugs, etc, would be good06:52
mrevellbeuno: So, to me that would be one of the specific "It's best not to do this"  situations.06:52
Hobbseei'm wondering how much it's needed though - those who dont use common sense dont read teh documentation either06:52
beunoHobbsee: I was thinking something very short and simple that you could place somewhere when creating a new account (email even)06:53
Hobbseecould be smart06:53
mrevellHobbsee: It's hard to encourage people to use Launchpad in a way that treats other people with respect, if you can't point at a document that says, "This is a good way to behave"06:53
Hobbseemrevell: that's a good point06:53
beunomrevell: that was my second point06:53
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beunoI think examples work pretty well06:54
mrevellI think the important thing is that it should be clear and simple. If you're new to Launchpad, there is a lot to take in.06:54
mrevellSo, it may be easy for someone to accidentally do something that affects other people badly.06:54
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mrevellbeuno: What sort of examples are you thinking of?06:55
ubotuNew bug: #114651 in launchpad "Question emails don't have in-reply-to/references headers" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11465106:55
beunomrevell: like when filling a bug, not to add 9 comments after06:56
beunoas in explaining the consecuences of your actions in Launchpad06:57
mrevellbeuno: I have a concern.06:57
beunoI'm not sure what the best example is, but it's probably not clear to a lot of people that when something gets changed, a lot of emails get sent06:57
beunomrevell: scaring users into not using it?  :D06:58
mrevellbeuno: Yeah, but also06:58
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mrevellbeuno: we could end up with a long list of examples, which could make the document unmanageable and become quickly outdated. That's not a reason to throw out using examples, we just need to think of the best way to handle them.06:59
mrevellI think the more general principles that we can establish, the better.06:59
beunomrevell: absolutely, I think one good example can give you a general idea06:59
mrevellDo you think we could update the interface text to make some of this more obvious?07:00
mwhudsonwingo: should be updating again now07:01
mwhudsonmay take a while07:01
wingomwhudson: thanks for looking at it07:02
beunomrevell: absolutely, adding a few words on *what* is going to happen besides the specific action would help a lot07:02
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beunoas in "You're about to asociate a new team, please keep in mind all members from both teams will be emailed about this change"07:02
mwhudsonwingo: if it happens again let us know07:02
mrevellbeuno: Do you think that could annoy experienced users? It would take up space. Perhaps we could have a "hand-holding" mode, not that I know if that's possible.07:03
wingowill do07:04
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beunomrevell: well, it depends on where you place the text, I don't think a few words somewhere will annoy anyone07:05
beunoand since launchpad is so big, their might be people who have used it for a long time, but not a specific part, and that might be helpful07:06
mwhudsonkiko: ddaa has told me how to re set-up the pygtk import07:08
mwhudsonkiko: but i'm too fried to try it now...07:08
ddaawise decision07:08
mrevellbeuno: Okay. Cool. I'm going to seek input from as many different users as possible. In a few minutes, I'll post to the launchpad-users lists to open the discussion. It'd be great if you could reply with your thoughts.07:08
beunomrevell: sure, I have a couple of specific cases I had thought of scribbled somewhere, I'll keep looking for it and reply in the mailing list07:09
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mrevellbeuno: excellent, thanks07:10
beunomrevell: thanks for the quick feedback  :D07:10
mrevellmrevell: No probs. I think this is a really great thing to be doing, so thanks for bringing it up. I'll ping you when I've sent the mail.07:11
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mrevellbeuno: Okay, sent :)07:14
beunomrevell, :D07:18
mrevellRinchen: Hey, feeling better?07:19
Rinchenmrevell, yes, thanks :-) 07:19
Rinchenso good in fact the wife had me working all weekend07:19
mrevellRinchen: Glad to hear it :)07:19
mrevellRinchen: Got time for a call at some point this week?07:19
Rinchenyes sir, especially for you07:19
mrevellgreat, thanks :)07:21
mrevellOkay, I'm afk until tomorrow. Rinchen: I'll mail you.07:21
Rinchenokey dokey07:22
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ubotuNew bug: #114657 in launchpad-answers "Cannot add subscribers to skipped list because of bad indentation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11465707:45
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sjmorganis launchpad.net down?08:29
kikosjmorgan, working for me08:30
sjmorganare you sure it isn't cached?08:31
kikowhat are you getting?08:31
sjmorganit redirects me to https:// and then it just can't seem to connect08:32
kikosjmorgan, are you sure you are able to connect to https sites from where you are?08:32
sjmorgangood point, other https sites don't seem to be working either08:33
sjmorganhow peculiar08:33
sjmorgani'm fairly sure it isn't a pebkac error08:34
sjmorganno new iptables rules or proxy settings08:34
sjmorganmaybe it's my isp, can't think why though08:35
sjmorgani can connect using opera, weird08:39
sjmorganthanks for your help08:40
Hobbseekiko: one of hte bugs that i filed got milestoned, etc, for 1.1 :D08:41
Hobbseemaybe there is a point in filing bugs on LP08:41
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mptGoooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!11:31
flacostegood morning mpt!11:31
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beunomornin' mpt11:33
mptOdd_Bloke, yes, https://launchpad.net/projectgroups11:34
Odd_Blokempt: Thanks.11:34
mptoh, that page is forbidden, odd11:35
mptwhat I suggest11:35
Odd_Blokempt: Heh, so it is.11:35
mptis going to https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad11:35
mptafter you've registered your individual projects11:35
mptand make a request that lists the projects you want to group together, and what you want the group to be called11:36
mptthen a Launchpad admin can set it up for you11:36
Odd_Blokempt: OK, cheers.11:37
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ubotuNew bug: #114705 in launchpad "Security vulnerability checbox too easy to hit" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11470512:00
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