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Reconlufis: no from the command line, just have gnome and it's royally stuffed12:01
littlegatorIs anyone here good with wine? >_>12:01
ax1s_sorry disconnected, is there a GUI file manager that lists files/folders like the CLI way of doing "ls -x"12:01
mdszepherWhat directory does Synaptic install programs?12:01
lufisRecon: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop... although that wouldn't do anything if it's already installed12:01
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fourbit_stefg: I use limited server use. only developement.12:02
fushehIma go and try to install sc xDD12:02
lufismdszepher: usually /usr/bin, although you don't have to prodive a path in command line12:02
stefg!apt | mdszepher12:02
ubotumdszepher: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:02
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mdszephersooo confusing :P12:02
fourbit_stefg: Looking old is ok. I'm OLD!12:02
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lufismdszepher: what do you want to run?12:02
mdszepherWell, I havew reading material for the night :P12:02
Reconlufis: well, it's installed but bonked, cant use any of the admin apps as it refuses to take my admin password12:02
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rn114hi guys12:03
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littlegatorso I got an error with wine saying I have a bad input device... does this basically mean I can't use my tablet with photoshop? >_>12:03
mdszepherI have a MAME emulator I installed, but I can't find any info on how to run it12:03
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mrunagidoes ANYONE here  by chance run maya?12:03
lufisRecon: you might need to just reinstall, hopefully you've got /home on its own partitition?12:03
rn114having some trouble with gnome taking ages to login12:03
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stefgfourbit_: given the rapid pace of OSS development i'd prefer feisty (7.04) you won't have fun develoing with outdated libs12:03
mdszephername: xmame12:03
=== Polygon89 [n=mark@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rn114after the first couple of icons come up it just takes about 3/4 minutes before the rest of the desktop comes up12:04
rn114any idea how i can debug this?12:04
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lufismdszepher: you can go to synaptic and find the app, then right-click it and it will tell you which files it's installed from. find ones in /bin12:04
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ibanexis there anything wrong with closing a root terminal with a close from my window manager instead of "exit"?12:04
ax1s_rn114: this is after install? lol12:04
lufismdszepher: or just try running xmame12:04
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andrukstarcraft wont run on wine.  it complains about directx 5 not being installed.  help?12:04
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lufisibanex: probably not12:04
rn114ax1s_, yeah i have been using it for a while12:04
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rn114i think it was ok at the very beginning, but not sure now12:04
littlegatorandruk: Do you have directx 5 installed? >_>12:04
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stefgandruk: #winehq12:04
ibanexlufis: k thanks12:04
fourbit_stefg: is there anyway to update directly? Or, do I have to continue with this download and wait 6 hours to install this in place of the current one?12:04
rn114i uninstalled beryl and that didn't help12:04
ax1s_rn114: did it happen all of a sudden?12:04
mdszepherheh, as simple as that... :p12:04
ax1s_rn114: or been like that for a while12:05
andrukstefq: thanks, i thought id need to go there..12:05
ikonok mr stefg12:05
andruklittlegator: you tell me...default install of wine12:05
lufismdszepher: ;) the app will close when you close the command line though, hit alt+f2 to run it normally12:05
littlegatorandruk: I have no idea I'm just a scrub >_>12:05
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ikoni made ALL in the page that you give me, and i dont have sound yet mr stefg12:05
lufismdszepher: or add a new menu entry12:05
rn114ax1s_, been like it for quite some time now12:05
rn114ax1s_, not sure what triggered it12:06
fushehandruk: #wine may be a better place to look for help on that issue.12:06
Reconlufis: well luckly i do have /home on it's own partition, when i reinstall should i point it to the existing home partition? worried that it will overwrite it12:06
stefgfourbit_: cancel the download... upgrading is only supported in incremental steps, edgy is a mess and and fresh install will be around 200 - 400 MB smaller than an upgraded install.12:06
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andruklittlegaot: lol, me 2...12:06
lufisRecon: it won't overwrite it if you tell it not to12:06
ax1s_rn114: if it was fine at first.. no idea ;] 12:06
andrukfusheh: yep, thanks12:06
mdszepheris there a guide to transitioning from windows to ubuntu?12:06
ikonwhat can i do? mr. stefg12:06
lufisRecon: it should be pretty cautious automatically12:06
fushehandruk: I'm gonna try installing sc though xDD12:06
rn114ax1s_, what if it was always bad?!12:06
ax1s_rn114: you can always go through your bash history to see what you did .. nano .bash_history12:07
lufisRecon: if not, choose a manual install and select the partition where /home is12:07
hoelkyeah hope upgrading gets better ;)12:07
rn114ax1s_, yeah its nothing to do with that12:07
rn114ax1s_, how can i see what gnome is up to while logging in?12:07
ax1s_rn114: i'd say msg me your specs .. sounds like you are running on a p3 or off the live cd hahaha12:07
fourbit_stefg: I'm downloading the full 'dapper' version, I think.12:07
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ax1s_rn114: are you trying to use an optical drive, or 2 hd's at once or something12:07
lufismdszepher: the best way to learn is just to use it ;) and google is your friend12:07
stefg!download | fourbit_12:07
ubotufourbit_: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive12:07
Reconlufis: well i think i will try that , wish me luck and i hope i dont lose to much stuff12:07
lufisRecon: don't worry :)12:08
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Reconlol, "be happy" i know12:08
stefgfourbit_: get the recent version12:08
mdszepherI suppose so, well, thanks for the help :)12:08
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lufismdszepher: ubuntu isn't all that different from windows... it's far more secure and the system's organized much better, apps are generally easier to install... the hardest part is transitioning from windows apps to linux ones12:08
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Reconlufis : well thx for the help, here goes12:09
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ikonmr. stefg, what can i do?12:09
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stefgikon: read documentation, search the web and stop stalking12:10
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ikonstefg: i try EVERYTHING and i have no sound12:10
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ikoni dont know why12:11
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Noah0504I've finally mastered the task of compiling applications from source.  I'm trying to figure out if I should use checkinstall or just keep a folder of the source I compile.  I also want to know if I need to uninstall an application before I compile a newer version.12:11
phreckthe defualt ati drivers dont provide DRI do they12:11
lufisNoah0504: Checkinstall is useful but i generally don't bother with it12:11
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littlegatorso I'm being completely ignored in #winehq12:12
lufisNoah0504: compiling apps from source will automatically overwrite the version from the repos, so you don't need to uninstall anything12:12
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stefglittlegator: which is a legitimate reason to complain in here ?12:12
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pipegeekHi, folks12:13
inimesekenelooks like feisty is awesomely buggy12:13
littlegatorstefg: I was asking questions about it and I was pointed to #winehq12:13
lufisNoah0504: although it depends on where you tell make install to install to... typically it will go into /usr/bin, the same place that the repo does it, but if you want the compiled version and the repo version both on the same system you should tell configure to install into /usr/local/12:13
inimesekeneor maybe it's just me12:13
Noah0504lufis: Yeah, I don't know if I will.  I also hear it doesn't work all of the time.  Oh, so I don't need to purge anything from aptitude?  Although, if I was installing Pidgin, I would probably remove Gaim.  Also I've been doing apt-get build-dep to get dependencies.  Is that right?12:13
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Ominoushow do you get into a folder you have shared in sharded folders from windows? as when i click on the pc name in the network it asks me for my username and password but it dosent work12:14
fushehlittlegator: whats your problem?12:14
inimesekeneat first running from live cd i had no metacity, then after a few updates i had it, now i get sefaults from metacity and (not sure) kernel panics12:14
stefglittlegator: try to read the guide on asking questions as mentioned in /topic. so is this an ubuntu-issue? is it an issue with wine? is ist an issue witha windows game? Choose the right channel12:14
lufisNoah0504: not typically... as long as make install is installing in the same place the old version was, it will automatically overwrite the old one and the new one will take precedence. gaim and pigin are a different case in which you'd probably want to uninstall gaim, as it's using a different location12:14
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pipegeekSo, I'm using feisty.  I just installed reiser4progs, whose presence in ubuntu I took as an indication that the filesystem was at least in some way supported in feisty.  However, it suggests a package "kernel-patch-2.6-reiser4" which doesn't exist, and the existing kernel doesn't seem to have support.  Also, there's no module called 'reiser4'.12:14
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lufisNoah0504: apt-get build-dep works well, although it typically installs things you might not need... like libgtkpod in rhythmbox, for example, is useless for me if i don;'t have an ipod, but build-dep will install libgtkpod-dev for me anyway12:15
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littlegatorstefg: I actually think it's an issue with device compatibility with ubuntu12:15
pipegeekAm I to understand that, despite the inclusion of programs for managing such filesystems in ubuntu, adding actual support means recompiling the kernel with a patch downloaded elsewhere?12:15
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lordlucanhow do I mount my primary hard drive with ubuntu?12:15
nivekc1i have an older dell pentium 4 machine and it only has 128 MB RAM in it and ubuntu says it requires 256.... does it mean 256 to install or to run.. if i throw 1gb in it and install will it run with 128 on it?12:15
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littlegatorstefg: I have a tablet that photoshop detects, but my disc doesn't have a linux driver installer12:16
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ikonstefg: what can i do?12:17
Noah0504lufis: Yeah, I've noticed that.  For the longest time, I didn't want to compile anything from source because it made me feel like I was dirtying up my computer, haha.  Thanks for all of the help though.  My next task is to learn how to build packages for others to use.12:17
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lufisNoah0504: but checkinstall's benefits aren't that great... it just lets you uninstall it cleanly, which i don't see why you'd ever want to do if you're going out of your way to compile an app. if you ever wanted to upgrade the app, you could just compile the new one and the old one would be overwritten12:17
stefglittlegator: right, this is an ubuntu issue, wine will not run any drivers. So complain to the vendor of your graphics tablet that he does not provide a linux driver12:17
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lufisNoah0504: checkinstall will make a deb for you12:17
lufisNoah0504: you could install the deb for someone else i'm sure12:18
Ominoushow do you get into a folder you have shared in sharded folders from windows? as when i click on the pc name in the network it asks me for my username and password but it dosent work when i enter them12:18
littlegatorstefg: is there any way to access photoshop on wine without it detecting my tablet? would I have to unplug it?12:18
kitcheOminous: it wants the username and password on the Windows machine12:18
Noah0504lufis: Will others be able to use that DEB package?  Well, I guess you just answered that question, haha.  I've thinking about running a simple repository from my server.12:18
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lufisNoah0504: they should be, although i don't know how most people create debian packages12:18
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Ominouskitche: yes, i enter the linux username and pass but it dosent work12:19
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stefglittlegator: actually i'm surprised wine runs photosop at all. i think that stopped at V 5 or so12:19
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fourbit_Thanks stfg etal. I have to go out for a picnic. Celebration! time here.12:19
kitcheOminous: it's asking for Windows username and password not the Linux's12:19
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alexseifHi I get a funny error when I gksudo gedit however it doesn't stop anything12:19
littlegatorstefg: it doesn't run photoshop, but the error I get when trying to run it is a BadDevice error12:19
lordlucanhow do I mount my primary hard drive with ubuntu?12:20
Ominouskitche: they are the same actually12:20
littlegatorstefg: plus I'm trying to run photoshop 7.0, nothing completely new12:20
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Noah0504lufis: Thanks for all of your help.12:20
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lufisNoah0504: no problemo :)12:20
Paddy_EIREanyone know how to get that window grouping/tabbing functionality working in beryl12:20
Ominouskitche: i mean access the linuc pc shared from windows machine not other way around12:20
fourbit_stefg:  I am dl'ng from the ubuntu site. Which release do you want?12:20
fourbit_Desktop Edition Ubuntu 7.04 - Supported to 2008 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - Supported to 200912:20
Paddy_EIREis there some way to apt-get it12:20
pipegeekPhrased differently, what's the recommended way to get reiser4 working in ubuntu feisty?  The reiser4 packages that it includes don't seem to do the trick12:20
fourbit_stefg: doing the ubuntu 6.06. and 13% done.12:21
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kitcheOminous: got samba installed if you do then it's most likely not configured correctly check your security line in samba.conf12:21
lufispipegeek: the kernel should already support reiserfs, it's just a matter of formatting the drive12:21
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bruenig6.06 will be supported for 8 more months though, you make it seem like a year12:21
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pipegeeklufis: reiserfs 3, not 412:21
lufispipegeek: ooh, i don't know12:21
pipegeekI get 'unknown filesystem reiser4' when I try to mount12:21
Ominouskitche: where is that lcoated?12:21
lordlucanI don't know know how to access my ntfs hdd with ubuntu ultimate ! help!12:21
fourbit_stefg: Well, gotta run. Thanks. email if I misunderstood. nichols@midrivers.com thanks again12:21
kitcheOminous: /etc/12:21
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DrkCodemanwhat is good for video editing software for ubuntu?12:22
stefglittlegator: 1.) photoshop doesn't work in ubuntu, period. No wine will help. 2.) check if your tablet is supported by any linux driver by searching hardware compatibilty lists (!hardware) if no driver > out of luck12:22
AbhilashFlannel, i have a single static ip for my home network12:22
Abhilashi am using 2 machines12:22
yoshihi ummm ubuntu updated a bunch of drivers recently and now neithier bittornado nor evolution seem to work12:22
rn114ax1s_, very amusing the installation is very usable once it finishes logging in12:23
nivekc1will ubuntu run on 128 MB RAM after installation?12:23
bruenigDrkCodeman, avidemux, cinerrela12:23
Abhilashhow can i configure the machines12:23
littlegatorstefg: sorry I'm a huge newbie... where is !hardware? >_>12:23
lufisnivekc1: it will run, but you might want to upgrade to have an enjoyable experience ;)12:23
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport12:23
lordlucanI don't know know how to access my ntfs hdd with ubuntu ultimate ! help!12:23
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younghackerwhat is the proper syntax to create a loopback device?12:24
stefg!ntfs-3g | lordlucan12:24
ubotulordlucan: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:24
pipegeekyounghacker: to create the device, or to map it to a file?12:24
younghackercreate the device and map it12:24
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lordlucanthanks guys12:25
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pipegeekyounghacker: do /dev/loop[0-9]  not already exist?12:25
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younghackerhow would i check cd to that?12:25
pr4bhhi guys, this is going to sound stupid.. i want to set up a wireless router using ubuntu but unfortunately i dont have much networking knowledge or experience. so, what i want to ask is can anyone recommend me some links/books to learn about NAT, subnet and such things?12:25
pipegeekyounghacker: open a terminal, and do 'ls -l /dev/loop*'12:25
mrunagihow do you restart the gui when you push ctrl alt shift 612:26
pipegeekyounghacker: chances are you'll see loop0, loop1, loop2, etc12:26
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KuDeTahiya, i'm going to university in september and they block most ports. i need to be able to access my dapper servers files over http. does anybody know of a package that allows secure file browsing /downloading over http. Preferably with encryption. (im using apache webserver of course)12:26
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littlegatorstefg: Why did photoshop 7.0 get a platinum rating on the winehq app db?12:26
AsSaF_DaHaN   ?12:26
pipegeekyounghacker: so, what you want to do, is 'losetup /dev/loop0 yourdiskimage.img'12:26
younghackerbrw------- 1 root root 7, 0 2007-04-15 07:49 /dev/loop012:26
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younghackerthats what the output of that was12:26
bobbob1016I'm having a small issue with my mute button on my keyboard, it shows that it's muting, I see a speaker without )'s next to it, then with them, if I press it again, but I still get sound.  Any ideas?12:26
pipegeekyounghacker: kay12:27
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pipegeekyounghacker: so, run losetup12:27
bobbob1016It won't mute is the issue12:27
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pipegeekyounghacker then /dev/loop0 will be mapped to the file you specify, and you can mount /dev/loop0 anywhere in the filesystem12:27
stefglittlegator: did it? then the wine hackers must have put a lot of effort in making it. My (one year old) info was: forget it12:27
ramza3does anybody know why my fr**King icons keep getting moved12:27
mrunagiwhat does ctrl + alt + shift + f6 do12:27
DrkCodemani dont see cinerella for a package for fiesty 64bit12:28
pipegeekmrunagi: orders coffee12:28
pr4bhok, no help here i suppose..12:28
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marsjehi... I just build a new system with a new video card. Now I started with my old harddisk and X doesn't recognize my new video card. I had a GeForce and now I have Intel G965. What do I need to change to fic this? Can't surf right now... :(12:28
younghackerit says can't open such * no such file or directory12:28
Ominouskitche: i cant work out really where i should be looking in the file and for what12:28
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bobbob1016pr4bh, responses take time12:28
pipegeekmrunagi: ctrl+alt+f6 switches to the sixth terminal.  ctrl-alt-f7 should switch you back to x1112:29
kitcheOminous: security=12:29
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KuDeTahiya, i'm going to university in september and they block most ports. i need to be able to access my dapper servers files over http. does anybody know of a package that allows secure file browsing /downloading over http. Preferably with encryption. (im using apache webserver of course)12:29
pipegeekyounghacker: what, exactly, is the command you ran?12:29
Ominouskiche: its user atm12:29
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Ominouskitche: its user atm*12:29
mrunagii like /etc/init.d/gdm start12:29
younghackersudo losetup dev/loop012:29
arooni_anyone use frostwire?  i only get a blank screen when i load it up (i already made it past the wizard)12:29
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pr4bhbobbob1016: i doubt if someones going to bother scrolling up to read what i requested mate :)12:29
pipegeekyounghacker: what exactly is it you're trying to do?12:30
mrunagiarooni disable any desktop effects you have12:30
furenkuhello! how can i compile JACK without having it added to /usr/local?12:30
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bobbob1016pr4bh, what I do is wait a few minutes, and ask again12:30
kitcheOminous: ok that's fine but have you created a sambapasswd and such yet for the user your using just thought of that as I was installing freebsd12:30
younghackermount this image i have from the autopsy tutorial site load it into autopsy and perform forensics on it12:30
pipegeekyounghacker: i.e., why do you want to use a loopback device?12:30
mrunagiarooni_ what desktop effects are you running12:30
pr4bhok :)12:30
John`which is better? fedora or ubuntu?12:30
pipegeekyounghacker: ok12:30
pipegeekyounghacker: so, what's the name of the image?12:30
KuDeTajohn` have a guess12:30
Ominouskitche: no,12:30
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pipegeekyounghacker: the command you want to run is 'losetup /dev/loop0 practial.floppy.dd'12:31
ci_omegadoganyone know how i can get sqlite 3.4 for Dapper?12:31
pipegeekyounghacker: and remember the leading / before dev12:31
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younghackercool thanks12:31
pipegeekyounghacker: np12:32
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pipegeekyounghacker: actually, the more direct way to mount the thing12:32
younghackerok it is telling me there is no such file or directory12:32
bobbob1016pr4bh, but to answer your question, ubuntu should work with any router, or rather any router should work with ubuntu.  I've seen some that require stuff to be installe on XP to "unlock/setup" the router, I don't think that will be easy to setup, but it should be ok once you set it up12:32
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younghackeris it because i am not in the directory of my desktop?12:32
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younghackerthats where practical.floppy.dd is now12:32
pipegeekyounghacker: would be 'mount -oloop yourimage.dd /mnt'12:32
bobbob1016John`, you are asking in an ubuntu channel, what do you think the answer would be, more likely than not12:32
pipegeekyounghacker: handles it all in one swell foop12:32
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pr4bhbobbob1014: what i meant was i want to make ubuntu box AS a wireless router itself..12:33
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pr4bhim going to follow this guide: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_as_a_wireless_router12:33
bobbob1016pr4bh, OH, that I don't know, they do have tutorials on that and everything, search the forums12:33
pr4bhyeah :)12:33
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pr4bhi just wanted to get familiar with a few terms before starting.. i dont like to copy-paste commands12:34
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YamfoxMy mom had vista on her laptop and i installed ubuntu over it :D12:34
younghackerVista suX12:34
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surviveranyone, i got a (pinnacle) pctv card into my pc , now i want to try watch tv onto my pc but i dont know how i can install 'drivers' for it or a program to watch it...12:35
KuDeTahiya, i'm going to university in september and they block most ports. i need to be able to access my dapper servers files over http. does anybody know of a package that allows secure file browsing /downloading over http. Preferably with encryption. (im using apache webserver of course) some kind of php script?12:35
milllmannnhow do I ssh into linux using a different port?12:35
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Lorne_Kunsomething is a little messed up on my computer but im not exactly sure what.12:35
Paddy_EIREanyone know how to get that window grouping/tabbing functionality working in beryl..?12:35
Yamfoxubuntu is awesome, but i want to know where i can find a good orange n' black theme :)12:36
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mrunagianyone here use maya?12:36
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Lorne_Kuni erased the ntfs partitions on my drives and created new ext3 partitions12:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about maya - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:36
surviveranyone, i got a (pinnacle) pctv card into my pc , now i want to try watch tv onto my pc but i dont know how i can install 'drivers' for it or a program to watch it...12:36
ci_omegadoganyone know how i can get sqlite 3.4.0 for Dapper?12:36
DrkCodemanya cinerella doenst work for 64bit12:37
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Lorne_KunI mounted them, but the folder i mounted them in says that the amount of free space is different than the amount of free space displayed in gparted.12:37
Paddy_EIREYamfox, gnome.look is pretty good12:37
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Lorne_Kunanyone have any ideas?12:37
Yamfoxthe best thing iv'e made in maya is a lightbulb :(12:37
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marsjeis there a way in ubuntu to automatically reconfigure my X stuff? I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but that asks awfully lot of questions... there must be a way to do this automatically without reinstalling ubuntu, right?12:38
JustifiableAnarchey all .. can anyone point me to a good FAQ or page which defines the differences between Ubuntu 7.04 v/s 6.0612:38
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pr4bhi plan to set up my other ubuntu box as a wireless router.. its got a broadcom 43xx chipset card and uses ndiswrapper.. would it still work in the setup?12:38
OmegaCentiAny idea how to make my boot pretty like knoppix? Anyone know how to change what tty my bootup messages show up on?12:38
surviveranyone, i got a (pinnacle) pctv card into my pc , now i want to try watch tv onto my pc but i dont know how i can install 'drivers' for it or a program to watch it...12:39
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pr4bhsurviver: try searching for solutions on linuxtv.org..12:40
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surviverpr4bh, thx for the tip12:41
pr4bhi managed to make my dvb card work with the help of tuts there12:41
neozenYamfox: the theme you seek might lie @ http://gnome-look.org12:41
iliasbuis ale hier from amerika?12:41
neozenpr4bh: best chipset for that would be a prism2 based card12:41
neozenshould be able to get one pretty cheap12:41
JustifiableAnarcnever mind ppl ... guess I found it at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes12:41
SlartI have installed a new harddrive in my computer, is there some automatic way to create a mountpoint and mount it? or I have to edit fstab myself?12:41
neozenpr4bh: or just use a linksys and openwrt or some other open freeware that allows sshing into it12:41
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bobbob1016My mute button isn't muting.  It shows the mute symbol or the unmute symbol, but doesn't actually mute.  Any ideas?12:41
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neozenbobbob1016: what kind of hardware?12:42
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Slartbobbob1016: mine doesn't mute either.. just sets the volume really low12:42
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gerromy sound isn't working, lspci lists "02:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 03)" and "02:0c.2 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Creative Labs SB Audigy FireWire Port" its got regular speakers and a surround sound so don't know what is the problem. the mixer app says its audigy 1 unknown12:42
gerroanyone have similar problems?12:42
pr4bhneozen: i dont want to spend any money on buying a new card or anything, im a poor student you see hehe.. just wanted to take it up as an experiment12:42
bobbob1016neozen, what do you mean?  what sound card?12:42
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gerropr4bh: what card you using?12:42
pr4bhits a belkin 7010, uses 43xx broadcom :s12:43
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__JW__I just installed Java 6 because I can't run yahoo-like java games and mozilla firefox isn't recognizing that it is installed. how can I fix this?12:43
gerropr4bh: then go to the ndiswrapper site and set things up, remember to do make uninstall on the source before compiling12:43
Yamfoxi'm having trouble installing songbird..... :S12:43
PhydouxAnyone have any experience with a SunRay 1 Terminal?12:43
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gerro__JW__: install sun-java6-plugin not the other stuff12:44
pr4bhyeah, it works using ndiswrapper.. my question however is whether that would be enough to get it going?12:44
HorizonXPhow do I type CTRL+Z in bash?12:44
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gerroYamfox: check songbird site or post on ubuntu forum, do you use songbird often? I've never really tried it12:44
pr4bhim sorry im not explaining properly i suppose12:44
gerroHorizonXP: dunno I usually do ctrl + c12:44
kitcheHorizonXP: what do you mean12:44
jribHorizonXP: what do you mean?12:44
Veinorif I have my partitions set up so that my ubuntu partition has free space to the front, how do I give it that free space? Can ext3 support extending partitions from the front?12:45
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pr4bhi mean, when i use it to act as a wireless transmission interface, would it still work in that setup?12:45
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HorizonXPi'm connecting to a board, I need to send it the EOF signal12:45
VeinorHorizonXP: Ctrl-D12:45
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HorizonXPbut it just puts the program into suspension12:45
hendedoes anybody know alot about wifi and wanna help a newb12:45
gerroVeinor: if your installing and it whines about partitions then use fdisk, its a lot simpler12:45
andrukExy from #winehq tells me my video drivers arent working.  heres the output from glxinfo: http://paste-bin.com/1204512:45
Veinorgerro: no I'm resizing my existing one, I didn't give it enough space12:45
bobbob1016neozen, what do you mean, the sound card, or the mute button?  it's on the keyboard, and it worked in edgy.  I tried bringing up the hardware info, but the window just closes, which has me worried12:45
__JW__I just installed Java 6 because I can't run yahoo-like java games and mozilla firefox isn't recognizing that it is installed. how can I fix this?12:45
sindrehey... anyone that can help me with a sound card problem?... it worked just fine until i turned on my pc today, got no sound at all:/...got a maudio delta 101012:45
gerrohende: might want to list what wireless device :P12:45
jrib__JW__: did you do what gerro suggested?12:46
gerroVeinor: ah no clue then wish ya luck12:46
kitche__JW__: install the plugin for it12:46
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broedjeOS wre das Beste.12:46
HorizonXPVeinor: that doesn't work12:46
Yamfoxyes i used songbird alot when i was on windows, it's awesome. but i'm having truble installing the linux version :(12:46
HorizonXPI need to send ASCII code 0x1A12:46
gerrohende: umm if you look on the device it gives a model name and if you do lspci it might have information on it12:46
neozenie... make model12:46
VeinorHorizonXP: dunno, control-d is the standard linux eof.12:46
stefgVeinor: although that's supported it's slow and ugly. why not take the opportunity to have a fresh backup, make a shiny new partition and restore the files? Get defragmented in the process, too !12:46
bobbob1016neozen, not sure what the card is, one second, I'll google my computer12:47
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gerrohende: but yeah if its a broadcom then most likely http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/ will help12:47
Veinorstefg: so basically kill my old one and make a new one, reinstalling all the programs?12:47
neozenbobbob1016: sorry for the delay... comcast has been acting flaky lately.... yes.. I'd like to know the make/model of your card12:47
bobbob1016neozen, the sound works, just the mute button doesn't12:47
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neozenbobbob1016: just get to a terminal and type lspci12:47
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derrikHas anyone had the problem of the menu bar disappearing when you enable desktop effects?12:48
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andrukExy from #winehq tells me my video drivers arent working.  heres the output from glxinfo: http://paste-bin.com/1204512:48
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bobbob1016neozen, Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)12:48
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=== neozen nods
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neozenmake / model of laptop?12:49
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bobbob1016neozen, it's a desktop12:49
Veinorstefg: so you're suggesting to back up my home and do a fresh install, then restore home?12:49
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gerroneozen: http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv2/index.php hmm and http://openwrt.org/ might help, you use customized linux network stack?12:49
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sehuteHi, I'm unable to remove libghc6-missingpy-dev via Synaptic or Aptitude, and "purge" does not help. Anyone knows how I can force the removal of the package? Is dpkg the thing to use?12:49
stefgVeinor: yeah kill the partition and make a new one. but you don't need to reinstall. a simple tar.gz archive of all the files will enable you to put everything back in place. The only special thing you have to look at is the UUID of the new fs and adjust /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst12:49
__JW__I just installed Java 6 because I can't run yahoo-like java games and mozilla firefox isn't recognizing that it is installed. how can I fix this?12:50
bobbob1016neozen, it's a Vaio RA810G12:50
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jrib__JW__: are you going to answer the questions that people ask you or just keep repeating that?12:50
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stefgVeinor: probably read !backup first12:50
__JW__i didn't see any, sorry12:50
neozen__JW__: check out java.com's instructions for helping firefox recognize the java plugin12:50
stefg!backup | veinor12:50
ubotuveinor: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:50
jrib__JW__: did you install the sun-java6-plugin package?12:50
Veinor!cloning > veinor12:51
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jrib__JW__: try to address people when you reply, makes it easier to follow the conversation.  Did you close all your browser windows and open it again?12:51
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__JW__jrib: yes12:51
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__JW__jrib: restarted also12:51
Veinorstefg: why not just dd?12:51
jrib__JW__: what does  http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml  say?12:51
__JW__jrib: let me check12:52
stefgVeinor: dd images the partition as it is (in its original size)12:52
IdleOnejrib, java alternatives needs to be selected to use the sun java but I dont remember the command12:52
Veinorstefg: ah, so space issues.12:52
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__JW__jrib: tells me to install missing plug-ins and takes me to the java download page12:52
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arooni_ive got a 6 in 1 memory card reader (vison).... is there anyway i can get drivers for it?  or is it built into ubuntu?12:53
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neozenbobbob1016: are you changing volume on the digital input/output of the card or the analog part12:53
jfleming_where can i get the most up-to-date version of /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:53
jfleming_for feisty12:53
professorhey got a question, what is the command to delete a file folder, is it the folder then -r12:53
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Veinorprofessor: rm -rf12:53
jrib__JW__: run 'sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun' as IdleOne suggests.  Does the page I linked you to still say you do not have a plugin after restarting your browser?12:53
jimqodeaaroni_, it should just work12:53
Veinorbe careful with that, by the way12:53
IdleOne!easysource | jfleming_12:53
ubotujfleming_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:53
bruenigprobablydrew, or rmdir if it is empty12:53
stefgVeinor: so boot to live CD, put all files into an archive on a different partition. delete the small one, create a full sized one in the empty space, extract files back to the bigger partition. adjust menu.lst and fstab. Profit!12:53
mindlacehello ... I'm trying to figure out where the openvz packages in Ubuntu are going... Is my best next step to contact the maintainer of vzctl as mentioned by launchpad?12:53
professorso if I want to remove wine what do I type i n12:53
neozenbobbob1016: on my thinkpad I've got the same card, sound seems to disappear if I try to send ouptu to the digital portion of the card12:54
professorwine -rm -rf12:54
bruenigprofessor, rm -rf ~/.wine12:54
__JW__jrib: yes12:54
professorok let me try12:54
jrib__JW__: you ran that command?12:54
bruenigprofessor, are you talking about removing the package or the wine directory12:54
bobbob1016neozen, ?  I'm pressing the mute button on my keyboard.  It shows a "muted" or "unmuted" icon, but I'm still getting sound.  I am trying to make the button either mute or unmute my sound12:54
professorhmm I guess both, I want to reinstall it, its not coming up under system tools anymore12:54
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bruenigprofessor, it shouldn't come up under system tools12:55
professoryea it does12:55
bruenigprofessor, just do wine whatever.exe12:55
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neozenbobbob1016: whether or not that button works depends on whether or not you have a hardware mixer on the card12:55
__JW__jrib: just ran that command and restarted the browser and went to http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml and it still says the same12:55
bruenigto use it12:55
jrib__JW__: ok, what does this return 'apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin'?  Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:55
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neozenbobbob1016: my card does, thus my buttons work regardless of what os is installed on the computer...12:55
filthpigdoes anyone know anything about the rt73usb driver for wireless usb adapter?12:55
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bobbob1016neozen, I don't know if I do, but I'd assume I did, since it worked in Edgy, and not on Feisty12:55
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neozenbobbob1016: some models of this same card seem to only support software mixing12:55
andreranyone know a way to have a progress bar of some kind for gzip or bzip?12:56
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__JW__apt-cache policy sun-java6-plugin12:56
__JW__  Installed: (none)12:56
__JW__  Candidate: 6-00-2ubuntu212:56
__JW__  Version table:12:56
__JW__     6-00-2ubuntu2 012:56
__JW__        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/multiverse Packages12:56
filthpigubuntu recognizes my device and I can find the wlan, but I cannot connect to it12:56
neozenbobbob1016: don't know what to tell you mon... sorry12:56
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__JW__jrib: see above12:56
QwertManI installed Ubuntu on a Vista machine (dual boot). I want to uninstall it, but won't that uninstall GRUB leaving no bootloader? How do I do this safely?12:56
filthpig__JW__: please use pastebin.ca :S12:56
bruenigandrer, there isn't any12:56
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jrib__JW__: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , do not paste in the channel.  That indicates that the sun-java6-plugin package is *not* installed.  Install it with:  sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin12:56
neozenkeep asking perhaps someone else has encountered the same problem on a similar vail12:56
bobbob1016My mute button isn't muting.  It shows the mute symbol or the unmute symbol, but doesn't actually mute.  Any ideas?12:57
__JW__jrib: oh, mybad12:57
jribthanks IdleOne12:57
jfleming_ubotu, thanks!12:57
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:57
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IdleOnejrib,  your welcome but not sure how I helped hehe12:57
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crimsunbobbob1016: it depends whether your driver upports that.12:58
bobbob1016crimsun, Edgy did12:58
=== marsje choose i810 driver in X, then rebooted and stuff worked! Mouse was fixed by inserting cable properly :)
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arooni_is there a fast key shortcut to lock the screen?12:58
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crimsunbobbob1016: so which driver _are_ you using?12:58
arooni_like windows is control + alt + delete ... then k12:58
kieran_Qwertman in xp, you could boot into the xp recovery mode and run fixmbr to restore the mbr12:58
Ominousare there any good games designed for linux about?12:58
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bobbob1016crimsun, that is what I'm trying to figure out, not sure why it'd show the mute symbol and not mute12:58
crimsunbobbob1016: cat /proc/asound/modules12:58
furenkuHow can I specify where to install a program from the ./configure line when compiling????12:58
jribfurenku: what are you compiling?12:59
stefg!games | Ominous12:59
ubotuOminous: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:59
QwertMankieran_: I'm in Vista12:59
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logreevalHi, when i start FireStarter it says ""the device eth0 is not ready"12:59
furenkujrib: JACK12:59
bobbob1016crimsun,  0 snd_hda_intel12:59
crimsunbobbob1016: did you configure the hotkeys using System> Preferences> Sound ?12:59
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kieran_QwertMan: I have never used vista, but you might want to see if you can find out if vista has the fixmbr command12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdaintel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:00
jribfurenku: is there a reason you aren't using the "jack" package in the universe repository?01:00
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto01:00
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IdleOneQwertMan, ask in ##windows01:00
bobbob1016crimsun, yeah, it shows the mute/unmute when I press it01:00
QwertManDoes anybody know of any other UBUNTU chat rooms? This one is too busy for me.01:00
bobbob1016stefg, I'll look at that, thanks01:00
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furenkujrib: im am not being able to use rosegarden cos its missing libjack.so.001:01
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jribfurenku: are you using the rosegarden package from the repos?01:01
Veinorstefg: i have a gparted livecd... that one will work too, right?01:01
jimqodebobbob1016, under system/preferences/sound you can select which device your keyboard controls01:01
bobbob1016those directions appear to be if the sound card isn't working, mine plays sound fine, but it doesn't mute01:01
jimqodebobbob1016, PCM should work01:02
furenkujrib: no, im trying to compile it cos from the repos i get no dssi support01:02
bruenigQwertMan, there are a bunch of non english channels that tend to have less people in them01:02
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bobbob1016jimqode, I have the sound config open, but I don't see where to say what my keyboard controls01:03
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jimqodebobbob1016, are you using feisty?01:03
jribfurenku: it may be easier if you modify the source package for rosegarden to have dssi support and then install your modified package01:03
surviveranyone can help i got this tv card into my pc but i dont know how to start... like install drivers etc (got pinnacle one)01:03
professorI sorry it didnt work01:03
stefgVeinor: that works if you are going to resize the filesystem. that's the slow and ugly method i mentioned. the cleaner approach is making a backup (never hurts) and creating a *new* filesystem and restoring all the files.01:04
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bobbob1016jimcooncat, nm, that worked, I just clicked PCM, it didn't say anything about keyboard control01:04
professorwhat is the command to remove a folder and all its componets01:04
bobbob1016jimcooncat, wrong guy01:04
professorI want to delete "wine"01:04
furenkujrib: i've no idea how to to that, is it simple?01:04
KuRu_KaFaBurada Trk Yokmu Lea01:04
bobbob1016jimqode, nm, that worked, I just clicked PCM, it didn't say anything about keyboard control01:04
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jribfurenku: I'll answer your original question about changing where things get install to though, you use '--prefix', but it's usually a good idea to install custom things to /usr/local, *not* to /usr where the package manager puts things.  Here is how to work with source packages, on the other hand: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html01:04
bobbob1016jimqode, thanks01:04
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jimqodebobbob1016, np ;) enjoy...01:04
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neozenbobbob1016: just because it worked in the last version does not necessarily mean it will work in all future versions01:05
professorwhat is the command to remove a folder and all its componets01:05
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neozenbobbob1016: my brightness buttons worked just fine in dapper, but when I moved up to edgy or feisty I had to blacklist video or the screen would go black on attempting to use the buttons01:05
surviverjrib, u accidently know some stuff about tv card and linux drivers lol?01:05
neozenbobbob1016: sometimes things get broken between versions01:05
zerokill88Can someone help me out. I know Virtual Box lets you run  windows on linux, but is there something that will let you run Mac in Linux??? any help willl help01:05
surviverjrib, and hy * :p01:05
stefgprofessor: man rm01:05
jribsurviver: nope, I know nothing baout it :/01:05
MenZawin move down01:06
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surviverjrib, well oke ty ill search / ask farther :)01:06
professorman rm? if I want to delete wine01:06
bobbob1016neozen, I was saying it worked before and not now meaning it has the hardware to do it, since you were asking if I had a mixer or something01:06
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neozenvirtual box?01:06
surviveranyone can help i got this tv card into my pc but i dont know how to start... like install drivers etc (got pinnacle one)01:06
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, man rm.01:06
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, if you're deleting wine, use apt-get01:06
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Veinorstefg: no, what I meant is do you know if I can make a backup, create a new filesystem, restore, etc. from the gparted livecd?01:06
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neozenbobbob1016: ::nods:: I'm stumped01:06
Rebel_EclipsedAnyone here familiar with the game Armagetron?01:06
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, well, if you installed ti the best way... man rm tells you how to use rm01:06
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professorsorry I sooo noob01:06
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, rm deletes things01:06
neozenRebel_Eclipsed: yeah... i've poked @ it01:06
d4rkmonkeyRebel_Eclipsed, I've played it, why?01:06
Rebel_Eclipsedok.. maybe you guys can help01:07
gnomefreakprofessor: deleting a file or a program?01:07
professorso type in rm01:07
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professorthats it01:07
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, no...01:07
jimqodesurviver, try installing mythtv01:07
gnomefreakprofessor: rm -rf folder01:07
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, how did you install it?01:07
bobbob1016neozen, it's fine though, jimqode got it working, thanks though01:07
gnomefreakprofessor: or rm file01:07
d4rkmonkeygnomefreak, hes removing wine...01:07
professordid it through the command line01:07
Rebel_Eclipsedwhen I play it in *gasp* windows I get FPS 100+ in Ubuntu less than 50...01:07
bobbob1016told me how to get it working*01:07
Rebel_Eclipsedwhat am I not doing?01:07
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gnomefreakprofessor: apt-get remove --purge wine01:07
professorand then went into symptaic01:07
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, don't use rm to uninstall then01:07
surviverjimqode, k01:07
d4rkmonkeyprofessor, gnomefreak got the command for ya01:07
stefgVeinor: i'm not sure what it has... if you're comfortable at the command line it probably has everything you need, but i'd use the ubuntu Desktop CD for that (which has gParted as well)01:08
gnomefreakwith sudo if your not # already01:08
Veinorstefg: ok, thanks so much for the help01:08
jimqodesurviver, you shouldn't need drivers for most of the standart chipsets.01:08
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Veinor(i can probably figure out what to do to menu.lst and fstab)01:08
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Rebel_Eclipsedneozen, or d4rkmonkey  any thoughts?01:09
teenbeat2007question guys im using 6.06 now, can i update 6.06 with the 7.04 cdrom instead of a full upgrade01:09
d4rkmonkeyRebel_Eclipsed, sorry I was watching TV, missed the question01:09
Rebel_Eclipsedwhen I play it in *gasp* windows I get FPS 100+ in Ubuntu less than 50...01:09
Rebel_Eclipsedwhat am I not doing?01:09
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gnomefreakteenbeat2007: fresh install or upgrade to 6.10 than 7.0401:09
professorsays could not find apt-get remove --purge wine01:09
fred17jo, people, do you speak english?01:09
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d4rkmonkeyI don't speak engilsh01:10
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d4rkmonkeyRebel_Eclipsed, I'm not exactly sure...01:10
gnomefreakprofessor: how did you install wine01:10
jimqodeteenbeat2007, upgrades are usually messy. fresh install is the way to go.01:10
teenbeat2007ok if i upgrade to 6.10 i have to choose overwrite all files right01:10
filthpigwlan0: RX WEP frame, decrypt failed01:10
Rebel_Eclipsedd4rkmonkey, I think its a driver issue01:10
d4rkmonkeyRebel_Eclipsed, it doesn't really matter anyways, 50 FPS is fine...01:10
stefgVeinor: but mind the catch: The UUID will change, you have to tell that to grub and the fstab01:10
filthpigthis means the wlan0 driver is uable to decrypt the wep from the router?01:10
bobbob1016Rebel_Eclipsed, that was my thought01:10
stefg!uuid | Veinor01:10
ubotuVeinor: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:10
Rebel_Eclipsedsbut not sure what drivers I need?01:10
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d4rkmonkeyRebel_Eclipsed, could be, movies are like 24 fps anyways, why do you need like 100 fps?01:10
gnomefreak!upgrade | teenbeat200701:10
ubotuteenbeat2007: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:10
Veinorstefg: ok, thank you01:10
professorthrough the command line01:10
Rebel_Eclipsedd4rkmonkey, in local mode it drops to less than 2001:10
gnomefreakprofessor: from ubuntu repo?01:10
d4rkmonkeyRebel_Eclipsed, that sux01:11
fred17<d4rkmonkey> I don't speak engilsh > ??????????01:11
d4rkmonkeyfred17, I don't speak any englishj01:11
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Rebel_Eclipsedd4rkmonkey, when I play on my server people dig.. which kills FPS01:11
professorhey could you private chat01:11
gnomefreakprofessor: try apt-cache policy wine01:11
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teenbeat2007ok thanks01:11
gnomefreakprofessor: does it say Installed: and give you a version?01:11
fred17but you can say "I don't speak english", d4rkmonkey , .........so that means that you're already able to write in english, motherfucka!!!!!!!01:11
d4rkmonkeyfred17, except for all the phrases up to now which explains my lack of english speaking01:11
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gnomefreakfred17: watch your language01:12
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professorgnomefreak: I am such a noob01:12
pr4bhmother what? :s01:12
d4rkmonkeyfred17, and this phrase again explaining that I speak no english01:12
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fred17then read, Gnea , probablydrew d4rkmonkey and pr4bh :01:12
fred17[D-Coy] Adam, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
fred17[IFMO] Mr_D, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
fred17[PUPPETS] Gonzo, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
fred17[tokin] , ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
fred17\\ExTrEmE, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
fred17^betul^, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
fred17__aib, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
fred17__mikem, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
fred17_bugz_, ATTENTION!!! This Message is just for testing...01:12
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@84-73-11-234.dclient.hispeed.ch] by gnomefreak
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:12
VishaWhat Tha :|01:12
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professorgnomefreak: you have to walk me through it01:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nixternal] by ChanServ
jribd4rkmonkey: he's gone01:12
gnomefreakprofessor: in terminal type apt-cache policy wine01:12
d4rkmonkeydidn't notice01:12
Veinor[18:12:31]  fred17 [n=fred17@84-73-11-234.dclient.hispeed.ch]  has left #ubuntu: requested by jrib: "you should know better"01:13
=== d4rkmonkey missed that
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gnomefreakprofessor: let me know if it gives you a version next to word installed01:13
professorok dome01:13
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professor Installed: 0.9.40~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-101:13
professor  Candidate: 0.9.40~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-101:13
professor  Version table:01:13
professor *** 0.9.40~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1 001:13
professor        500 http://wine.budgetdedicated.com feisty/main Packages01:13
professor        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status01:13
professor     0.9.33-0ubuntu1 001:13
professor        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages01:13
jrib!paste > professor (see the private message from ubotu)01:13
=== PriceChild hits lag
gnomefreakprofessor: dont paste in here01:13
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IndyGunFreaknow he's gonna come back cussing.01:14
gnomefreakdidnt i just ask for version :(01:14
furenkuI'm not being able to open rosegarden since it asks for libjack.so.0, and i dont have it! any ideas?01:14
d4rkmonkeyfurenku, install it01:14
IndyGunFreakgnomefreak: now you know when you ask someone a question with an output, they are gonna post all 500 lines of it....lol01:14
nalioth!tell furenku about apt-file01:14
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stefg!find libjack.so.001:14
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ubotuPackage/file libjack.so.0 does not exist in feisty01:14
Rebel_Eclipsedalright guys... need to run thanks again!01:14
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naliothfurenku: after you install and update apt-file, run it against your package and it will tell you what to install01:14
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Vishadoes linux need a antivirus?01:14
Veinorstefg: this may be a stupid question, but... is there any way to create the backup without booting into a livecd, i.e. during normal operation01:15
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naliothVisha: no01:15
furenkunalioth: how do i run the apt-file against my package?01:15
stefgVisha: no, if you're not forwarding virus mail to windows boxen01:15
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naliothfurenku: after you install and update apt-file, type "apt-file search libjack.so.0" <enter>01:15
professorgnomefreak: sorry can you private chat me01:15
stefgVeinor: no... there's a lot of dynamically created files in a mounted fs01:16
professorgot booted01:16
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gnomefreakprofessor: i know you pasted01:16
Veinorstefg: makes sense. thanks.01:16
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naliothprofessor: a pastebin is forever01:16
gnomefreakprofessor: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine01:16
WhiteGullsQuestion - so I have a swap partition, /dev/sda2, yet for some reason it's not mounting or not being found.  Where should I set it to mount?01:16
gnomefreakbrb working on something  :(01:16
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furenkunalioth: do you mean apt-get?01:16
d4rkmonkeygnomefreak, isn't it just sudo apt-get remove wine01:16
nickrudWhiteGulls, in /etc/fstab01:16
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professorok done01:16
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gnomefreakprofessor: did it remove it01:17
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professornow my original question was that wine was coming up as a icon under system tools, but I did something and it wont show up there anymore01:17
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euphoriahow can i change the font for all the menus and titlebars n stuff in gnome??01:17
=== nickrud notices some old friends are spending a strange 4th
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pi3hi, my printer only prints using the color carriage, but not the black one. What can be happening?01:17
furenkuthe thing is i cannot find libjack.so.0 anywhere... not in the apt repositories, not by googling it... does anybody know about this file???01:17
nickrudeuphoria, system->prefs->fonts01:17
mariooliveirahello world this is a message from mars01:18
nickrudfurenku, try searching on packages.ubuntu.com01:18
naliothfurenku: no, please read the private message from ubotu01:18
euphoriaduhhh lol. thanks nickrud01:18
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capI was looking for some Support of managing my ipod with Linux. I am running ubuntu studios.01:18
capAny help?01:18
professoryea it removed it01:18
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pi3cap: search for ipodlinux01:18
hoelkamarok has ipod support afaik01:19
WhiteGullsOkay, i figured I should put it in mtab or fstab, but where should I mount it to?  Just 'none' or something like that?01:19
neozencap: look up roxbox01:19
neozenI think that's how its spelled01:19
WhiteGullsWait, n/m, found it.  Thanks!01:19
furenkuthanks nalioth ill try that... ill see what happnes01:19
mariooliveirai tried to install ubuntu on  pc with a hardware raid but not sure how to procedd with some steps01:19
=== dadalin sit down for a coffee
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capWell mounting the ipod itself is really different then when I had regular feisty fawn.01:19
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professorgnomefreak: ok now what do I do01:19
jribcap: ask in #ubuntustudio01:19
mariooliveiraseems that ubunto recognises the 2 disks instead of one01:19
gnomefreakprofessor: its uninstalled01:20
gnomefreakthats all i know of. be back soon i hope01:20
professorok but I want it back01:20
radio_guyHi! How to propose a new software package for future Ubuntu release repositories?01:20
professorand I want it back as a icon01:20
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jrib!packages > radio_guy (see the private message from ubotu)01:20
professorlike it was before, anyideas01:20
mariooliveirahow  do i use hardware raid with ubuntu?01:20
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jrib!packaging > radio_guy (see the private message from ubotu)01:20
neozenmariooliveira: I believe it depends on the make of your raid card01:21
neozenmight require installation of some module01:21
Paranoiakwith ibm server raid I had no problem installing ubuntu01:21
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neozenparadon: that's ibm server raid01:21
professorgnomefreak: how do I get it back now as a icon01:21
mariooliveiraim using motherboard with raid01:21
capAnyone help me with transferring songs using Rhythmbox music player to my ipod? I'm getting an error.01:21
neozend'oh sorry, meant Paranoiak01:22
gnomefreakprofessor: you have to install it to get it back. why did you remove it if you wanted it01:22
stefgmariooliveira: are you sure you have a real hardware raid controller (i.e one with its own microcontroller) ?01:22
neozenmariooliveira: ok... what chipset is it using01:22
neozenmariooliveira: might require a module01:22
neozenmariooliveira: I belive promise-based ones still do01:22
neozenbut I could be VERY wrong01:22
professorgnomefreak: because I was trying to get it to show up as a icon, under system tools, but it did not do that,01:22
mariooliveiraits a raid from mother board01:22
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professorgnomefreak: when I had it this morning it was a icon then I did something that removed it01:23
gnomefreakprofessor: removing it rarely helps that01:23
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neozenmariooliveira: but the motherboard uses SOME chip to do RAID01:23
gnomefreakprofessor: changed themes?01:23
gnomefreakprofessor: install it again01:23
neozenmariooliveira: you should know what that chipset is01:23
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mariooliveiraill try to check  that01:23
neozenmariooliveira: lspci01:23
professorgnomefreak:  sometime a go, some guy told me to use the rm command and then reinstall it and it worked01:23
professorbut I cant remember the command01:24
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gnomefreakprofessor: sudo apt-get install wine01:24
capI get an "error Transferring track" saying it could not open file "/mnt/ipod/ipod_Control/music/f57/song title.mp3"01:24
professorok hold on01:24
mariooliveiraneozen,  i have  windows instaled and it works fine01:24
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gnomefreakprofessor: rm doesnt remove the app it just removes files and folders01:24
mariooliveiraneozen,  windows dont know im using raid01:24
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neozenmariooliveira: that's probably because windows has that driver builtin01:25
neozenmariooliveira: linux might need a module01:25
capany ideas to fix the error?01:25
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neozenmariooliveira: just look up which chip its using01:25
neozenmariooliveira: you should know your hardware01:25
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guerrillawonI am trying to install grub on a sata drive and was hoping someone can help me out.01:26
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euphoriacan anyone recommend a good file manager, I installed dolphin but when i type smb://blablha/ addresses it doesnt wok01:26
guerrillawonMy sata is on hd1 I believe.01:26
stefgmariooliveira: the majority of raid controllers today are 'fake raid' (only the big iron still has real hardware raid with its own processor).01:26
furenkunalioth: any ideas on why nothing happens when i type sudo apt-file update?? after password it sort of freezes and no prompt appears01:26
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naliotheuphoria: do you use kde?01:26
capAnyone know how to fix this error when transferring tracks to the ipod with Rhythmbox? When using Ubuntun Studios?01:26
ans__updating from 6.06->6.10 the installer appears to have frozen at "installing new version of config file /etc/sound/events/battstat_applet.soundlist..." The cursor is frozen and nothing has happened in 30 minutes (it has stuck at 13 minutes remaining). What should I do? Reboot? Do I have other options? I don't want to muck up the upgrade.01:26
naliothfurenku: i have no idea01:26
professorgnomefreak: ok now how do I run it01:27
jribfurenku: it takes a while01:27
stefg!lvm | mariooliveira01:27
ubotumariooliveira: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:27
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guerrillawonCan someone help me to install grub onto my SATA drive? I looked into it a bit, but am unsure if what I found is the right thing to do.01:27
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naliothfurenku: just let it sit, the servers might be busy01:27
neozeneuphoria: I've grown to like thunar...... but I don't know if it supports smb:// uris01:28
naliothfurenku: mine isn't running either, so i think the servers/network may be down atm01:28
euphoriais there a smililar app to konqueror (file/web browser in one) for fnome?01:28
neozenepiphany perhaps?01:28
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euphoriaok neozen thanks i will try it out01:28
naliotheuphoria: nautilus is the closest thing to konq and it's not even close, imho01:28
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capAny support on using the ipod with rhythmbox with ubuntu Studios?01:29
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mdszepherI am trying to move a file into the usr directory, but it says permission denied - Is there a way to gain permission to copy a file into the directory?01:30
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neozenJoaoJoao: hoallo01:30
=== neozen waves
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neozenmdszepher: normal users can't write to /usr/ you need to be root01:31
JoaoJoaoI got a notebook with feisty installed, with the latest packages from universe, and now ldconfig segfaults01:31
neozenmdszepher: research sudo01:31
neozenJoaoJoao: ....ouch01:31
mdszephersure - thanks01:31
JoaoJoaoanyone knows how I can find out which lib segfaulting ldconfig:01:31
JoaoJoaowhich lib is segfaulting ldconfig01:32
=== neozen looks very puzzled
teenbeat2007can you install the live cd without the live part?01:32
neozenI have no idea01:32
stefgJoaoJoao: that looks really bad01:32
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neozenteenbeat2007: no point, just install ubuntu01:32
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JoaoJoaoyeah, the first time somenoe installs linux in my father's notebook01:32
ans__anyone? What to do with a frozen upgrade? Any options beyond a reboot?01:32
JoaoJoaonow he can't install anything01:33
neozenans_: ......prayer01:33
JoaoJoao(from the repositories)01:33
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neozenJoaoJoao: that sounds like a botched install01:33
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neozen..perhaps something didn't make it in that should've01:33
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JoaoJoaoyeah, the guy even upgraded everything to universe01:33
stefgJoaoJoao: spend 5 hours hacking or 30 mins reinstalling ?01:33
martyyyranyone know where to find a mono/c# channel? I'm desperate (sorry for asking that here, I've looked everywhere for it)01:33
JoaoJoaowhich is a *TERRIBLE* move IMO01:33
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neozenmartyyyr: no problem... I'm sure there's one on freenode somewhere01:34
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neozenmartyyyr: I'll take a look01:34
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dmiccan anyone help me install my linux ubuntu?01:34
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s_v_e_nHow to use a set the default audio-device for everythink includig kmix and espacially x-lite01:34
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filthpig30 mins? slow computer? ;) I think I used about 14 minutes from booting the live cd until ubuntu was installed01:34
martyyyrneozen: thanks01:34
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dmiccan anyone help me install my linux ubuntu???01:35
gregoroviusis there a command to turn off my monitor? (same as it happens when I leave it alone for 15 minutes)01:35
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Flannel!anyone | dmic01:35
ubotudmic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:35
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dmichow to install linux ubuntu?01:35
stefg!install | dmic01:36
ubotudmic: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:36
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dekelaHi People01:36
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:36
KroozrFirestarter Firewall 'events' question -> I keep getting hits on several different IPs on Port 58098, Protocol UDP, Service Unknown. . about every 1-3 seconds. Any thoughts on what it might be?01:37
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning01:37
dekelaAnyone have a minute to help me with a very annoying compiz-fusion problem?01:37
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stefgdekela: #ubuntu-effects01:37
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Flanneldmic: you'd probably get the best help from the first link in !install01:37
dekelastefg: Thanks01:37
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jimcooncatkopete users: how do I stop join/part messages in IRC?01:38
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IdleOnejimcooncat, should be an optio in the prefs01:38
=== JoaoJoao masochistic, just bought a vista license :)
neozenfor the person who was asking about mono help01:39
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-108-50-45.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
neozen...there seems to be a #mono channel on freenode01:39
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:40
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filthpigchrist, I'm getting annoyed'01:40
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martyyyrneozen: I was actually looking for a channel for c#, but maybe I should have worded my question better :) thanks tho, I'll try that channel anyway01:40
fisherhomeg'day mates01:40
neozenmartyyyr: there's one for that too01:40
filthpig-everything- is as it should be according to iwconfig01:40
mariooliveiraneozen,  here is my motherboard  http://pt.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=3&l2=11&l3=369&l4=0&model=1417&modelmenu=201:40
Newmark /msg NickServ IDENTIFY newmark01:40
jimcooncatThanks, IdleOne just haven't found it. I'll do the proper research, just thought I'd get a quick answer01:40
neozenmartyyyr: ##csharp01:40
maronaiquem  vc01:41
filthpigNewmark: just hope nobody saw that :p01:41
martyyyrneozon: yeah, I found it just now (why didn't I find this before? it was too easy!)  thank you :)01:41
Newmarkwrong pass anyway01:41
stefgNewmark: phewwww, glad you forgot to give your password01:41
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mariooliveiraControladora SATA JMicron JMB36301:41
IdleOnejimcooncat, try #kubuntu or maybe #kopete01:41
newb_probtar --list blah.tar <-- just hangs? why9;2~?01:41
Kroozrso does anyone know why I would be getting all these hits? It just started about an hour to an hour and a half ago01:41
neozenmariooliveira: sorry mon... only read english01:41
neozen...downside of being an american01:42
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=== neozen looks embarrassed
filthpignobody with some insight to wireless networking?01:42
mariooliveiraneozen, ??01:43
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:43
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filthpigI think my problem is too weird to be solved with a howto01:43
filthpigbecause everything is in place01:43
Kroozrcheck that out filthpig... i can't think of why your wireless woudln't be working01:43
neozenmariooliveira: here's your manufacturer and model: JMicron JMB36301:43
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neozenmariooliveira: its right in the description01:44
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neozenmariooliveira: to the forums with you01:44
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filthpigI fear that I might be the chip in my wlan usb01:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:44
Kroozrwhat does it say when you try to connect?01:44
neozenmariooliveira: search for that make and model in ubuntuforums.org01:44
filthpigI -am- connected01:44
filthpiggot an IP01:44
filthpigfound AP01:44
mariooliveiraneozen, ok01:44
filthpiggot the corerct essid01:44
hendei have a problem can someone help me01:45
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filthpigeverything is looking peachy from iwconfig01:45
hendeits about wifi and internet01:45
Kroozrso what 'isn't' working01:45
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s_v_e_n@hende what prob please ?01:45
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neozenhende: sorry.. we don't support general problems... only ones specific to ubuntus01:45
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filthpigKroozr: well, using the internet01:45
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:45
filthpigpinging the router01:45
hendeeverything is picking up it wont recognize my wireless01:45
=== moyer [n=moyer@ool-4353b9bd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
filthpigyou name it01:45
Solidhi, while seeing a subbed video with vlc, subs doesn't appear properly, looks like he miss them...bad english i know...?01:45
Kroozrfilthpig: even recognizing other computers on the lan?01:45
neozenhende: it helps when you be specific about your problem from the start01:46
neozenhende: do you know what kind of card it is?01:46
moyeranyone know why beryl conflicts with totem playing video?01:46
filthpigKroozr: unsure of that01:46
hendeits says its connected mozilla doesnt work and it shows no signal from the router.01:46
neozenmoyer: try mplayer01:46
Solidmoyer, disable beryl.01:46
hendebut its pickin the signal up01:46
pi3will compiz-fusion work on my computer? ATI Radeon 9200 SE (128mb)01:46
neozenhende: what kind of card?01:46
orbisvicismoyer, maybe you are using beryls video plugin01:46
gregoroviuswhat is the command gnome executes when I click on 'switch user'?01:46
moyerSolid : yeah thanks! thats how i know its the problem, except i want to run both01:46
capI need support for transferring songs using ryhthmbox into my ipod. I keep receving error messages01:46
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Solidmoyer, so mplayer.01:46
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neozenhende: that's your problem01:46
Pirate_HunterOff topic: Am i the only one who find the app Tomboy Notes very useful, I mean why didn't they implement it much sooner01:46
filthpigKroozr: how do I easily check that?01:46
orbisvicismoyer, its supposed to be faster, but not sure if many players support it01:47
neozenhende: broadcom's are famous for that01:47
moyerorbisvicis : beryl has a video plugin?01:47
hendethats what i hear01:47
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org01:47
Solidok, why can't i change the brightness and constrast in totem?01:47
hendeim a newb so all the forums dont help01:47
orbisvicismoyer, just a guess. compiz does, thats why i mentioned it.01:47
moyeryou guys are great.01:47
Kroozrunder Places, goto Network01:47
neozenhende: you need to install ndiswrapper and the windows driver01:47
dekelaHow to install mouse pointers in Ubuntu Feisty?01:47
hendecompile i dont know how to do that01:47
moyerorbisvicis : thanks ill check that out01:47
hendeits all confusing i have my windows driver cd01:47
Kroozrfilthpig: under places, goto internet01:47
hendenot the install but the driver cd01:47
filthpigKroozr: found nothing under network, trying to ping this computer only gives "sendmsg: operation is not permitted"01:47
neozenhende: there's a TON of information on doing that ... stated many different ways .... in the forums01:47
neozenhende: just a sec... I'll dig up a tutorial01:48
hendeya but i dont know how to do the stuff they say on there01:48
marcin_anthi all01:48
=== koyo001 [n=koyo001@pc-61-12-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Solidwhy can't i change the brightness and constrast in totem? i mean there are no apparent change while changing the levels....(bad english i'm not sorry)01:48
Kroozri think i had a similiar problem before on my lappy a LONG LONG time ago... but i barely remember how I fixed it and i was using Fedora Core 6 instead of Ubuntu01:48
koyo001i have a problem with qt parted01:48
moyerappreciate it everyone.01:49
neozenhende: there a LUG near you?01:49
=== justin1 [n=justin1@bas1-stcatharines10-1167949493.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
neozenhende: linux users group01:49
filthpigKroozr: it's really weird.. but I fear it's the chipset in my usb device01:49
orbisvicisive read many things, & now im not sure: is it possible to start firestart w/ icon in system tray - on first login01:49
hendei dont know01:49
filthpigor the driver for it01:49
neozenhende: you a college student?01:49
koyo001anyone know anything about how to partition other drives from ubuntu01:50
s_v_e_nhende: whre do you live ?01:50
Kroozrfilthpig: you are using a usb wireless adapter thing?01:50
=== Fabiano__ [n=fabiano@200-181-147-31.cscgo701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
hendeno its built in01:50
Solidkoyo001, are you running with the live cd now?01:50
neozenhende: ok.... let me do a little googling01:50
Kroozrfilthpig: one that looks like a thumb dribe?01:50
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gerroare there any cd burning devices that work with feisty? any at all01:50
=== ans_ [n=ans_@pool-71-244-252-238.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
koyo001solid, i amnot01:51
filthpigKroozr: yes01:51
gregoroviusnobody knows how to switch user from the command line? I can't find it anywhere01:51
Kroozrwhat make/model?01:51
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tonyyarussokoyo001: I'd recommend the GParted live CD so you get newer versions, but the GParted in Ubuntu works too.01:51
filthpigKroozr: Linksys wusb54gc01:51
neozenhende: take a look here: http://www.gslug.org/01:51
koyo001solid, i have ubuntu installed and running the problem01:51
=== tinin [n=tinin@19.Red-88-7-156.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarusso!burners | gerro01:51
ubotugerro: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:51
neozenhende: see if that's nearby01:51
tonyyarussogregorovius: su username01:51
=== icicled [n=icicled@adsl-209-30-88-190.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcin_antI would like to preserve chmod settings to some directory01:51
Kroozrlet me see what i can find01:51
ans_okay, I rebooted during the frozen upgrade and now I only have a blinking cursor on a black screen, what can do?01:51
filthpigappearently using the rf73usb driver01:51
koyo001gt parted is not working01:51
Kroozrfilthpig: let me research01:51
koyo001gotz a bug01:51
Solidans_, upgrade is evil.01:52
filthpigok, no prob :)01:52
hendewhat do you want me to do with that01:52
marcin_antI mean I want to upload something and make sure it's going to have for example chmod 755 always01:52
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filthpigI've tried some googling, but mostly it's just reports of it -not- working..01:52
Solidkoyo001 : so?01:52
marcin_antis there a away to make this available?01:52
neozenhende: you anywhere near where they meet?01:52
neozenhende: looks like North Seattle Community College01:52
=== whitty [n=jay@c-71-61-186-202.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
koyo001anyone know how to unbug or use another program to partiiton01:52
capAnyone there can help me with my ipod problems?01:52
neozennever heard of01:52
koyo001solid, so what01:52
=== kupesoft_ [n=dave@CPE001310f0bcdc-CM0018c0c44e76.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
neozencap: scope out the ubuntuforums01:52
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod01:53
hendehave no idea where it is01:53
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neozenhende: ooook01:53
s_v_e_nnende: there is a LUG in seatlle , have a look at http://www.gslug.org/   , amby you find some help there01:53
koyo001solid, know any other programs to partition01:53
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Solidkoyo001 : try running gparted from the console, and see what happens..(bad english i know)01:53
hendeso you dont think you can help me is there anyway i can use my windows driver cd to do it01:53
captyvm Ubotu01:53
Solidhende, patience.01:54
gnuvince_I bought a new computer with an Nvidia 6150 video card.  My fonts look really weird (jagged).  Anyone has seen this problem before?01:54
moyerYES i got it... for everyone who has an issue with totem video conflicting with beryl --> gstreamer-properties in a terminal -> video tab, choose Xwindow System (No Xv) and TADAAA!!! thanks again everyone yall rock this place01:54
koyo001solid, tried it01:54
neozenhende: can you use google?01:54
gerrotonyyarusso: yeah I know of burning applications however most them can't find an optical drive01:54
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capAnd Neozen and Ubotu I'll be back after I do a bit of more searching on the forums.01:54
filthpigprobably, gnuvince_ .. Have you installed the nvidia drivers?01:54
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tonyyarussogerro: That'll be a hardware detection issue then - see if your drive is mentioned on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport, or check the forums for tips01:55
hendei came on here cause i thought you guys could help me01:55
neozencap: ubotu is a bot01:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:55
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capJust keep it on the DL.01:55
ans_just tried recovery mode, and that gave me some info on screen, but ended with a blinking cursor and didn't move any further. Would it matter if I don't have it connected to the internet at startup?01:55
neozenhende: if you can't understand the tutorials in the forums....... and can't be specific about what you're having a problem understanding how to do.....01:55
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gerrotonyyarusso: don't know what device it is..01:55
neozenhende: there's not much we can do to help you01:56
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neozenhende: which tutorials have you tried?01:56
tonyyarussogerro: lspci give any useful info?01:56
Kroozrfilthpig: Goto Applications, then Add/Remove Software-> search for NDISwrapper01:56
hendei dont know theres millions01:56
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Kroozrfilthpig: information on NDISwrapper http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/#L01:56
gerrotonyyarusso: no and where would burning devices be listed on that wiki you gave me?01:56
hendehow do i compile stuff01:56
neozenhende: you won't need to01:56
neozenhende: not to fix this problem01:56
smev9i have a simple question, which google and so on could not answer: Where does Ubuntu store background images?01:57
hendei have wrapper or whatever its called01:57
neozenhende: ndiswrapper01:57
neozenhende: good01:57
Kroozrfilthpig: ndiswrapper should add the support for your usb stick01:57
gerrohende: cd, ls, make, ./config, make install, make uninstall use those commands01:57
gRaCiOsOi have the next problem i installed my nvidia card driver with the oficial driver from nvidia.com and it works good after install it so i installed beryl too but when i reboot the pc it appears unconfigured and i need to install the driver again why that ? someone know it?01:57
Kroozrfilthpig: copy?01:57
hendeits not usb01:58
filthpigKroozr: aye01:58
IndyGunFreaksmev9: ther's only like 3 or 4 installed by default(i think), you can download new ones at http://www.gnome-look.org, and store them whereever yuou like.01:58
=== TeeWee [n=teewee@ip-217.net-81-220-61.lyon.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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TeeWeetrop facile01:58
TeeWeeaucun challenge01:58
neozenhende: start reading this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710201:58
TeeWeeje HAIS ubuntu01:58
orbisvicis!msg ubot !find bulldog01:58
gerrohende: open terminal and cd to the directory then do ./configure then make then sudo su to become root and make install. To remove do make uninstall01:58
tonyyarussogerro: hrm, not actually sure where burners would be!01:58
neozenhende: when you don't understand how to do something.... ask01:58
bruenigorbisvicis, wow you are way off01:58
TeeWee*bad chan01:58
filthpigKroozr: but it's so weird, cus the rt73usb driver is loaded and -everything- is right from my point of view.. it just doesn't connect :S01:58
hendei dont understand what he wants me to do01:58
neozengerro: no worries... I'll help hende01:58
gerrotonyyarusso: I don't know really what to call this device it does dvds and other stuff... I also have a regular cdrom drive01:58
=== whitty [n=jay@c-71-61-186-202.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
orbisvicisbruenig, why doesnt /msg ubotu !xxxx not work ?01:59
smev9yeah but if i rightclick my desktop and then do change background, i would liek to have  all those donwloaded images  pop up in the menu01:59
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neozenhende: where's your first issue with that tutorial?01:59
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gRaCiOsOi have the next problem i installed my nvidia card driver with the oficial driver from nvidia.com and it works good after install it so i installed beryl and it works good too but when i reboot the pc it the card driver appears unconfigured and i need to install the driver again why that ? someone know it?01:59
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filthpigoh well, I'll try ndiswrapper out tomorrow..01:59
bruenigorbisvicis, you did !msg instead of /msg, you did ubot instead of ubotu, you did !find bulldog instead of find bulldog01:59
filthpiggotta sleep noew01:59
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Kroozrfilthpig: from what I read about this software and the other q&a sessions, the chipset for that stick is not directly supported and therefore, ndiswrapper should enable your wireless01:59
neozenhende: you still there?01:59
filthpigthanks for the help Kroozr01:59
Kroozrfilthpig: no prob01:59
hendecan someone help me in a private chat02:00
=== RustySford [n=Dale@unaffiliated/rustysford] has joined #ubuntu
=== revax [n=revaw@s138.dhcp212-198-72.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
neozenhende: sure ... look for a window to pop up in your irc client with my name as the title02:00
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KuDeTai need some help please, configuring ssl with apache. i thouhght i had done everything correctly, but when i try to browe with https:// i can't connect?02:01
Kroozr#ubuntu: I have several ip's trying to connect to me via port 58098 UDP Protocol, Service Unknown about every 1-3 seconds. I tried to google what port 58098 utilizes but it just brought up some hardware with model #58098 instead of info needed. Anyone know what this may be? (tired of seeing the red thunderbolt from firestarter)02:01
RustySfordhello when looking under the system monitors file systems tab it shows that my main ext3 partition has 6.9GB total, 3.7GB free and 3.3 Available. 3.2 used. I was noticing that I should have more free for a few days and was wondering how the missing .4GB was being used and how I can free it if possible02:01
bruenigKroozr, you run firestarter all the time?02:01
s_v_e_nneozen: is it poosiblle to watch the chat to lern   I wont disturb02:01
gRaCiOsOi have the next problem i installed my nvidia card driver with the oficial driver from nvidia.com and it works good after install it so i installed beryl and it works good too but when i reboot the pc it the card driver appears unconfigured and i need to install the driver again why that ? someone know it?02:01
neozens_v_e_n: no problem02:02
Kroozrbruenig: yes, all the time02:02
bruenigKroozr, why?02:02
RustySfordlike why is only 3.3 avaliable if 3.7 is free is what I'm really wondering02:02
neozenhende: in your irc client type the following: /join #hendehelp02:02
s_v_e_nneozen: how to join it ?02:02
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Kroozrbruenig: i like to know what is going on and who may or may not be trying something funny. im paranoid02:02
neozens_v_e_n: follow the directions I just gave hende02:02
=== Ltar [n=chuck@c-24-22-250-171.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
orbisvicisKroozr, firestarter is only a frontend for iptables, it only configures & montiors your iptables ... even when it doesnt run, iptables is still working02:03
Kroozrbruenig: why would I not keep my firewall up?02:03
=== neozen pokes hende with a stick
bruenigKroozr, you realize that firestarter just configures the built in firewall, it is not the firewall itself02:03
neozenhende: join #hendehelp02:03
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Kroozrorbisvicis: really? did not know this. I am an ex-windows user so im sure you can understand02:03
=== hende [n=hende@c-71-197-145-171.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kroozrbruenig: i do now but im still curious as to what is trying to connect to me every 2 seconds02:04
ans_is there anything I can do at the GRUB command line to try to recover from a mucked upgrade?02:04
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orbisvicislol, Kroozr see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=449319 and http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Firewall_.28Firestarter.2902:04
=== Crazy_Carl [n=onebored@d207-6-28-180.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu []
bruenigKroozr, yeah not sure on that, probably some sort of ssh attempt or something02:04
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KuDeTai need some help please, configuring ssl with apache. i thouhght i had done everything correctly, but when i try to browe with https:// i can't connect?02:04
neozenhende: ......its a good idea to keep monitoring the chat when you ask for help02:04
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@unaffiliated/hymntolife] has joined #ubuntu
KuDeTasombody point me in the right direction?02:04
bluefox83gnome wont load :(02:04
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bluefox83someone helps02:05
=== charles [n=charles@66-215-33-8.dhcp.arhd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
orbisvicisbruenig, Kroozr im not sure about ssh .. isnt that usually tcp ?02:05
bruenigKroozr, if you don't have any ftp http ssh or other daemons similar to that, they will always fail so it doesn't really matter02:05
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capHow do you install aps through the terminal again?02:05
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neozenbluefox83: how's the ram in the box?02:05
Kroozrorbisvicis: im sure the firewall is already installed... i've done several firewall test's via online pages and passed them all02:05
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bluefox83neozen, a gig of ram..that's not the problem...02:05
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orbisvicisKroozr, just explains what i was saying02:05
neozenhende: yes?02:05
Kroozrah, ok02:05
hendewhy did you leave02:05
LtarNTFS-3g works flawlessly with my internal NTFS hard drive, but it's considerably less useful on my external hard drive, connected via USB 1.1. I can view folders, but not actual files, and I am unable to write to the drive. I have checked the external drive option in NTFS-config. halp?02:05
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neozenhende: I'm still there....02:05
bluefox83neozen, it runs in failsafe mode, but in regular mode, it tries to load two window managers...i can't find out how to get it to stop02:06
neozenhende: join #hendehelp02:06
orbisvicisKroozr, it could be xchat .. maybe02:06
orbisvicis* irc02:06
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Kroozrorbisvicis: know of any online sources where I may gain more knowledge on the linux command-line? I know only a very few commands.02:06
smev9problem is, i see a picture, i like ... i save it on the desktop ... i let it become desktop background ... when i delete the picture, my desktop background goes light brown, after reboot e.g.           ... i want it to be permanently in the directory, where the default ubuntu artwork is installed... but i cant find THAT directory ... so here is the question: Where is the ubuntu-desktop-background-directory02:06
Kroozrorbisvicis: never thought of that.02:06
s_v_e_nhende: in your irc client type the following: /join #hendehelp02:07
Kroozrorbisvicis: i use to use Tor to log in to irc but most servers are banning tor now02:07
Kroozrmostly because of misuse02:07
orbisvicis!basg | Kroozr02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about basg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
orbisvicis!bash | Kroozr02:07
ubotuKroozr: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:07
orbisvicispity me02:07
=== Smygis [n=smygis@e611.cust.vannas.net] has joined #ubuntu
KuDeTasombody point me in the right direction?02:07
KuDeTai need some help please, configuring ssl with apache. i thouhght i had done everything correctly, but when i try to browe with https:// i can't connect?02:07
bruenigKroozr, iptables is a very cryptic command, it is probably best to use a front end if you have a gui available02:07
orbisvicis!firewall | Kroozr02:08
ubotuKroozr: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:08
orbisvicisyou can also use guarddog02:08
=== msl__ [n=msl@adsl-69-149-128-115.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kroozrcrap. now i have to go and take out firestarter from starting with ubuntu02:08
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gerrohende: /join #hendehelp :)02:08
ans_okay, splash screen shows, but goes to blinking cursor after "mounting filesystem" line is displayed.02:08
orbisvicisKroozr, if you want to find out more about the ip address ... look it up from system -> admin -> network tools. And guarddog was only an option. You can keep using firestarter02:09
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Kroozrorbisvicis: i was just making reference to the start-up because i dont really need it02:09
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bluefox83can anyone think of a reason why gnome would try to load two window managers at once, and then crash?02:09
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ans_any diagnostic tools I can run when I see the splash screen?02:10
bruenigans_, I would turn of splash and quiet in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:10
mdszepherWhat programs are available for anti-virus and firewall software?02:10
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smev9i can only think of a script in the init.d launchin more than one window manager... but why should there?02:10
s_v_e_nKuDeTa: apche2 ?  lok at  the logs  /var/log/apache2/error.log02:11
orbisvicis!firewall | mdszepher02:11
ubotumdszepher: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:11
neozenATTENTION HENDE!!!!!!!!! if you still want help in a private chat type /join #hendehelp in your irc client02:11
Kroozrorbisvicis: i would look-up some ip's but most of them are different from one another (not constantly the same) which deter me from thinking anything malicious is trying to happen02:11
milllmannnshould i build ruby from the sources or is the apt-get good enough?02:11
tininHi, what would you recommend me? SVGA 256MB ATI SAPPHIRE 9600PRO AGP    or    SVGA 256MB POINTOFVIEW 7300GT AGP02:11
mdszepherAs for antivirus, is it even needed?02:11
orbisvicis@ mdszepher antivirus isnt really needed, but you can use clam av to scan windows partitions02:11
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mdszephersounds good, thanks02:12
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LtarI am unable to access my external NTFS formatted hard drive. my internal drive works fine with NTFS-3g. can anyone offer some insight?02:12
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Kroozrmdszepher: i would think an anti-virus would always be needed but the fact that viruses can't easily spread on a linux system because all the important stuff is password protected02:12
smev9does the external drive need drivers under windows?02:12
Kroozras long as your not logged on as root or anything02:12
Ltarsmev9: no, it was recognised as a normal mass-sotrage device under windows02:12
mdszepherinteresting how that is different from windows02:13
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buenas_werteeLtar did you ever mount it?02:13
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Ramonhello.. I have an "ATX form card" installed on my linux box.. that card has 2 usb, 1 ps2 and 1 infrared.. debian recognizes the ps2 and the infrared but the usb's are not working.. what can I do?02:13
Masterkongum.. i want to use slim as a loginmanager in my ubuntu.. i'm running feisty.. do ya think i need to upgrade to gutsy do get it?02:13
orbisvicisKroozr, mdszepher ... dont log on as root. Also b/c linux never sets the executable bit except in package management, its really hard to catch a virus. Even in wine, windows virus (common) wont work02:13
Ltarsmev9: Prior to installing NTFS-3g, I was able to access files, however, now I am only able to see folders. It mounts automatically when I plug it in. my internal NTFS drive works perfectly with NTFS-3g02:13
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fadumptwhat's that gnu file sharing program?02:14
capNeozen I used the link ubotu had. It basically had a list of programs saying that it's a basic click and drag situation. I tried them. And nothing happens in some while others I get error messages.02:14
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.02:14
fadumptthat's it!02:14
neozencap: bummer02:14
fadumptthanks man02:14
Icehawk78I'm attempting to search a directory for any files that are essentially the same filename, but may have different capitalization or spaces within the filename (ie: 'in the dark.log' = inthedark.log')02:14
Icehawk78Any idea how to do this?02:14
smev9a strange behaviour....02:14
Kroozri like azureus myself02:14
neozencap: best method I've heard involves installing custom os like rockbox02:14
capneozen: Any other ideas? Or where I could get more support?02:14
neozencap: then ipod just shows up like another usb drive02:15
orbisvicisKroozr, hm thats weird that the addresses are different .. makes me think irc or something ... but i dont remember how to associate a particular port to a particular program. If you are particularly paranoid you can 'hid' your computer from a ping, but i dont recommend that b/c some programs depend on that02:15
neozencap: and it will play all the stuff you put on it02:15
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neozencap: go find a rockbox faq02:15
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capNeozen: okay, I'll research that, but I had to manually mount through terminal and am only having problems with transferring.02:15
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Kroozrorbisvicis: i tried locking the firewall (disallow all incoming/outgoing) for like 5-10min but afterwards, they still kept coming... but of coarse, when I checked i had xchat open too02:16
orbisvicisKroozr, maybe lookup the irc servers you connect to, (in the server tab) and see if they match ip address02:16
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Terry101hi dazjorz02:17
dazjorzA while ago I installed vmware-server, and the installation failed (all it said was that installing vmnet1 failed, it didn't give any additional information)02:17
dazjorzI'm having problems removing it, since it gives the same "failed" info02:17
Kroozrorbisvicis: well, i did a hostname look-up with firestarter and some were comcast, some aol, some att, etc02:17
fadumptwow, there's an advertisement for Minix 3 on sourceforge...."Much smaller than Linux!"02:18
dazjorzand apt-get doesn't have a --force option02:18
fadumptyeah...took him long enough to spit that thing out too02:18
dazjorzany ideas on how I could remove this package that won't reinstall?02:18
capneozen: should I install rockbox first? How would I do that?02:18
orbisvicisKroozr, are you behind a router ?02:18
Kroozrorbisvicis: yes, I am. 2wire.02:18
Kroozrorbisvicis: i have the new 2wire that comes with the UVERSE package from att02:18
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dazjorzThere it is02:19
dazjorzErrors were encountered while processing: vmware-player02:19
dazjorzE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:19
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dazjorzAny ideas on that?02:19
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dazjorz   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed02:19
orbisvicisok thats really weird then, b/c of nat all the connection between you & the internet should be initiate by you ... i was going to suggest services that scan for open proxies, but wont be the case if you are behind a router02:19
dazjorzthat's all that failed, and it doesn't tell me why02:19
RustySfordwhen you hit your prt scrn button does ubuntu put it somehwer by default?02:19
Kroozrorbisvicis: im not really worried anyone is going to break through my firewall and then somehow, get in to my linux machine . . . more of curiosity.02:19
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bruenigdazjorz, when did that happen02:20
dazjorzbruenig: it gives that when I apt-get remove vmware-player02:20
Kroozrstrike firewall, replace with router02:20
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bruenigdazjorz, the prerm script is failing it appears, try sudo dpkg -r --force-all vmware-player02:20
orbisvicisKroozr, there are exceptions to what i said .. if for example you enable upnp, or set up ip forwarding02:20
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Kroozroh nah, none of that has been set-up for this router yet02:21
dazjorzbruenig: I'm afraid that'll leave me with some interfaces in /dev02:21
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Kroozrwell... upnp might be enabled.. that is usually enabled by default on most routers02:21
bruenigdazjorz, what02:21
Terry101Kroozer, the 2wire probably has the firewall enabled02:21
dazjorzbruenig: vmware-player creates devices like /dev/vmnet0 to /dev/vmnet802:21
orbisvicisalso remember that many exploits come over channels you initiate .. example flash and java exploits over port 80/8302:21
dazjorzbruenig: won't those stay if I force uninstall?02:22
dazjorzbruenig: it doesn't work anyway, same errors02:22
dazjorzinvoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "stop" failed.02:22
orbisvicisi think thats the port02:22
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OSUKid7hey, I've installed Ubuntu 7.04 64-bit on my ThinkPad T61, and am unable to get X to start. I've searched all day and tried installing the nvidia drivers (for the NVidia Quadro NVS 140M), but I'm still getting a "no screens found" error when I try startx. Any pointers?02:22
bruenigdazjorz, is there a file vmware-player in /etc/init.d02:22
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Kroozrorbisvicis: yeah, for java/flash exploits its 80 (don't know about 83)02:22
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dazjorzbruenig: There is, I'll try to stop it02:23
Kroozrwhats 83 used for02:23
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dazjorz   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed02:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:23
bruenigdazjorz, no, do this: sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/vmware-player02:23
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dazjorzbruenig: Ah, that's an idea02:23
dazjorzbruenig: Trying to uninstall again02:23
Kroozrorbisvicis: its possible i navigated to a bad page... i use firefox add-on StumbleUpon02:23
orbisvicisKroozr, secure http w/ ssl, but just as susceptible02:23
Kroozrvery entertaining02:23
bruenigdazjorz, it is a stupid bug that occurs during packaging, I have filed a bug report about a month ago but no one seems to care, this happens for a ton of daemons02:23
dazjorzbruenig: where did you file the bug report?02:24
orbisvicisKroozr, hope its nothing bad02:24
smev9Who know the ubuntu-desktop-background-directory?02:24
=== dazjorz checks it out
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Kroozrorbisvicis: me too... i might restart my dsl router for a new ip02:24
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Jua1hi there02:24
bruenigdazjorz, it has to do with the use of debhelper during packaging, it adds a line in the prerm script that tries to stop whatever the daemon is before removing the files, but if the daemon isn't running often times it will error and then dpkg will get mad and refuse to go on02:25
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orbisvicislol Kroozr restart isnt automatic new ip address .. just large possibility of one02:25
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bruenigdazjorz, here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debhelper/+bug/11945402:25
gnuvince_I installed Feisty Fawn on a new machine with an Nvidia 6150 video card and my fonts look all jaggy and crappy.  Anyone has an idea what this is about?02:25
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Kroozrorbisvisic: are there any privacy tracks cleaners for ubuntu like ccleaner for windows or is this even necessary for linux-bases os's? Your last comment: True, but I can always check if I got a new IP02:26
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orbisvicisKroozr, im not sure about that. You can always clear private data in firefox, and /tmp stores - well, temporary information. But i think there might be a few other locations i know nothing of02:27
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smev9isnt there an option to let ./configure check dependencies and install them automaticaly like --build-dependencies ?02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about configure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:28
bruenigsmev9, no, how would it know how to install dependencies02:28
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smev9it is able to state them, so i think it should be able to install them02:28
orbisvicisKroozr, if you are interested in you vulnerability, run network tools -> netstat -> active network services on yourself, and see Listening ports. For example, my ms services, vnc, ssh, etc ports are open02:29
preaction_smev9: how would it know where to get them?02:29
equiumi've built linuxdcpp (from cvs) and now have an executable, everything works, but i want to have it in my Applications>Internet, how to do?02:29
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Kroozrorbisvicis: im going to check that out real quick02:29
orbisvicisKroozr, if theres anything you dont want, disable it from um /etc/inet.d/xxxx stop02:29
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smev9well ... it just has to   ;)02:29
orbisviciswait that stops it02:29
bruenigsmev9, so it finds the missing library, it then guesses somehow what the name your distribution has called the package with that dependency and then also guesses what your distributions package management scheme is so that if I am using debian it does apt-get, if I am using gentoo it does emerge, if I am using arch, it does pacman, if I am using zenwalk it does netpkg, etc etc02:29
Kroozris 'um' the command or was that you thinking02:30
smev9yes, something like that02:30
buenas_werteeequium, did you to right clict on that menu and noticed AlaCarte ?02:30
smev9it would have to check all that02:30
preaction_smev9: you know your task, get writing. will you do a funcspec before you start coding?02:30
buenas_werteesmev9 thats not the functionality of configure02:30
bruenigsmev9, yeah um well the first problem itself is insurmountable, the latter one would be hard and buggy for sure02:30
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orbisvicisactually, Kroozr im not sure which file to edit to permanently remove it ... that just stops it. That was me thinking. Im sure theres a script somewhere02:30
scarecrowhi, i have an Ati radeon resolution problem can any1 help me plz?02:30
bruenigsmev9, how does it know what package library x is in02:31
orbisvicisKroozr, xxx is the name of the service02:31
Kroozrorbisvicis:  ipsources that are listening are localhost and would that be a vulnerability?02:31
equiumooh, thx. this OS owns02:31
Kroozrtheres like 10 ports listening02:31
smev9it does not state missing librarys in my case it states packages02:31
bruenigsmev9, what is the error message02:31
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smev9No package 'glib-2.0' found02:32
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smev9same with atk pango cairo02:32
bruenig!info glib-2.002:32
ubotuPackage glib-2.0 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:32
orbisvicisKroozr, whats important there is the port. is not important02:32
bruenigsmev9, hmm well that one would fail02:32
bruenigsmev9, perhaps it means glibc02:32
bruenigwhich is what ubuntu calls it02:32
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orbisvicisif theres a port belonging to a service you dont want, stop it02:32
smev9i think so02:32
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linxehsmev9: libglib2.002:33
bruenig!info atk02:33
ubotuPackage atk does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:33
bruenig!info pango02:33
ubotuPackage pango does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:33
bruenig!info cairo02:33
ubotuPackage cairo does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:34
Kroozrorbisvicis: pm'd some sensitive stuff02:34
bruenigsmev9, so all four packages that it outputted to you don't exist by those names02:34
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smev9strange, i already habe libglib ... maybe the dev ones02:34
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bruenigsmev9, oh now it has to know to append it with -dev or -devel as some distros do it02:34
fleasAnyone have ubuntu feisty on a mac pro?02:35
Trumanfleas:  I have it on a regular macbook02:35
Jua1hi there people, im from mexico, and i have this situation, the first time i installed ubuntu feisty with beryl, everything was ok, the sistem recognized all the capacities of mi graphic card Nvidia 5200, like resolution and "refresh rate", etc, but, i had to reinstall all the entire system (ubuntu) because  i made some mistakes trying to intstall "recent nvidia drivers", so, i reinstalled feisty from the beginnig. But this last time, the ubuntu, dont recognized02:35
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fleasTruman thnx, but I have some specific Mac Pro questions.02:35
bruenig!es | Jua102:35
ubotuJua1: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:35
orbisvicisKroozr, are you registered, didnt get anything02:35
scarecrowI am using ATI Radeon x1650 on Feisty n my max res is 1024x768. Is there any way i can increase the resolution?02:36
smev9for glib libglib-dev was okay02:36
linxehfleas: tried in #macosx? some people there have run ubuntu on their machines (expect to get flamed though! :))02:36
Trumanfleas:  np02:36
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fleasIt crashes/reboots after enabling nvidia drivers02:36
skirkHi. Do you know a program to edit the music? Like remove vocals or instrument?02:36
Kroozryour not getting anything at all?02:36
Jua1bruenig: sorry but in ubuntu-es nobody answers me02:36
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Kroozrno im not registered02:36
fleasTruman :/02:37
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=== fleas launches a bottle rocket at the Americans.
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linxehskirk: audacity, ardour02:38
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Trumanfleas: hmm, I installed ubuntu on my desktop with those nvidia drivers and it worked alright .. no clue about the macbook pro, tho02:38
Kroozri just registered... getting it now?02:38
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linxehskirk: you might also want to look at JACK and LADSPA / LV2 plugins too02:38
skirkPlug in in Audacity?02:38
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linxehTruman: mac pro I think, not macbook pro?02:38
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dazjorzbruenig: there are other buts on launchpad that show the same error, maybe your bug should be marked as duplicate and you should post your fix to these bugs02:39
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Trumanlinxeh:  heh, either way, I have no idea -- my desktop was a windows box before02:39
=== dazjorz thinks there should be a way to hide all the joins and leaves for a channel, in his IRC client
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smev9thinks what dazjorz thinks02:40
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duelbootI'm trying to install vmware-server, but it says it detects a previous version so it aborts...I don't have it installed...can anyone assist?02:41
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Trumanfleas:  did you install the right nvidia-glx drivers?  'cause you might need the nvidia-glx-new ones.. if you're still around02:41
dazjorzduelboot: if I were you, I'd install the one from vmware's site, but that's probably something I shouldn't say in here02:41
duelbootdazjorz, I resorted to that and get the error as well02:42
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smev9what about other virtual machines?02:42
duelbootsmev9, no other vmware02:43
smev9like blochs and so on02:43
duelbootsmev9, lemme think about other vm apps....checking02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blochs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:43
=== nich0s-2 [n=nick@ip72-206-112-208.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nich0s-2Hey there.02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vitualisation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:43
=== McJerry [n=bryanj02@207-144-4-148.cstel.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualisation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
nich0s-2Quick question here: What is the name of the most recent version of ubuntu?02:44
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dazjorzsmev9: bochs02:44
Neil-nich0s-2: feisty fawn02:44
Neil-is 7.0402:44
Neil-The latest unstable one / devel is Gutsy Gibbon, 7.1002:44
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smev9ah, i knew it was something like block... bochs, then02:44
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nich0s-2What is the "name" of the most recent version of ubuntu? Version 7.04, believe.02:45
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xgermxfiesty fawn02:45
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dazjorzbruenig: Added comment :)02:47
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Icehawk78Does anyone know of a one-liner that I can run through sed to print out the line directly before any line which does not contain a space?02:47
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smev9who know the ubuntu-standart-desktop-background-images-directory?02:48
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dazjorzsmev9: /usr/share/wallpapers ?02:49
jamieAny one help? I`m playing games with Linux. When I try and close them they won`t close. I tried sudo kill, top to kill and it does not kill any one know why. I have to reboot to kill the progs?02:49
dazjorzsmev9: note that you can use wallpapers from anywhere02:49
dazjorzjamie: try kill -9 if they're really stuck02:49
smev9i know, but i have to know that directory02:50
dazjorzsmev9: well, it's /usr/share/wallpapers here02:50
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dazjorzjamie: it'll send a SIGKILL, a signal that can't be caught, it'll force them to quit completely02:50
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smev9i have no usr/share/wallpapers directory02:51
duelbootsmev9, found a /etc/vmware directory...removed it and it is installing now02:51
KraK3nI got a  'ata2: port failed to respond' error each time I try to boot Ubuntu on live anyone can help ?02:51
jamiedazjorz: The problem is why is it doing this in the first place? I will try this.02:52
dazjorzjamie: usually, kill sends SIGTERM, but that can be caught, and most applications just won't do anything when they're stuck, anyway02:52
=== MSIGuy [n=chris@host-150-116-111-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazjorzjamie: well, it might be a bug in the game, that it locks up02:52
Icehawk78Does anyone know of any way that I print out the line directly before any line which does not contain a space in a file?02:52
dazjorzjamie: if locked up, the application won't reply to SIGTERM, too, and SIGKILL will *force* them to quit02:52
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dazjorzjamie: I couldn't tell you why it locks up, might be a bug in the game or a library02:52
maelyaHi guys02:53
maelyaDoes anyone know how to stop sshd on ubuntu?02:53
dazjorz/etc/init.d/ssh stop02:53
dazjorzas root02:53
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maelyamany thanks :)02:53
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=== dazjorz wonders what Microsoft's going to do with their Virtual PC now VMWare Player is free too, *and for Unix*
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smev9configure: error: X development libraries not found02:54
smev9which package could that be again?02:54
dazjorzI guess they'll keep it on Windows anyway, or make some way to force people to use Virtual PC02:54
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dazjorzsmev9: apt-cache search x | grep lib | grep dev # should give you a nice list02:55
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jamiedazjorz:That did work. Emm  i tried bug squish. Could you try and see if you have the same probs.02:55
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dazjorzjamie: I think I tried bug squish before, it worked fine for me02:55
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smev9where do you get such nice commands, cut of your ribs? thank you ;)02:55
dazjorzjamie: Except that I don't like it that much :)02:56
craig1334How to restore XP hardware registry from backup in linux? XP doesn't recognize the usb keyboard at the login prompt, nor when booted to safe command mode.02:56
rampagecan anyone tell me if there is an easy setup tool for command line in ubuntu something like red-hat setup?02:56
dazjorzsmev9: apt-cache is the tool that searches in the apt cache for packets, grep just takes the lines that match to the arguments you gave it02:56
dazjorzrampage: red-hat setup?02:56
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dazjorzrampage: what do you want to do?02:56
rampageon red-hat it was calles setup02:56
dazjorzwhat do you want *it* to do?02:56
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smev9living is learning, bleh02:56
rampagefix my video in ubuntu02:57
jamiedazjorz: Me neither I was just trying all different games to find my bug and this was the last one I tried.02:57
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KraK3nI got a  'ata2: port failed to respond' error each time I try to boot Ubuntu on live anyone can help ?02:58
rampagedazjorz, I am used to using red hat / fedora on the command line there you could run setup and it would help you config the network display etc..02:58
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smev9hah, but i succeded with my common solution : Install packages and wait till ./configure accepts those choices02:58
KraK3nanyone know how to deal with ATA2 troubles ?02:58
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rampagedazjorz, I was wondering if there was a comparable command line tool in ubuntu02:59
dazjorzrampage: ah, like yast on suse02:59
smev9you mean like sax2 in suse?02:59
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rampageyes something like it02:59
dazjorzsmev9: sax2 is graphical yast, right?02:59
dazjorzrampage: I don't know of such a tool, ubuntu mainly has GUI tools03:00
dazjorzrampage: but you can of course configure everything yourself, on the command line03:00
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dazjorzusing files like /etc/network/interfaces03:00
smev9yast or sax, it is sum time ago, i used them03:00
mazzapanwhy doesn't xchat keep growing and growing in memory size like firefox does?  I've had this thing running for a week..it should be 800 megs like FF!03:00
rampagedazjorz, I see well my gui is broken at the moment03:00
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dazjorzrampage: you could try /etc/X11/xorg.conf when you're having problems with X03:01
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rampagedazjorz, yea I have been in there but am not familiar enough with it to fix it my self on the cmd line03:01
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dazjorzrampage: Try asking the real problem here, see if you get help with setting it up right03:02
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dazjorzrampage: or in #graphics-drivers03:02
dazjorzrampage: or in #xorg or so :)03:02
smev9what error do you get rampage?03:02
mneptokrampage: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:02
dazjorzbruenig: /etc/init.d/vmware is having problems, too, however, I need it for setting up vmware player03:02
mazzapancan ubuntu run on an amiga computer?03:02
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mneptokmazzapan: no03:03
pal_hello everybody03:03
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pal_im a newbie03:03
smev9whicg amiga03:03
dazjorzmneptok++ # I should have thought of that03:03
pal_where is the newbie server03:03
jamiefixed the problem with the game have pulse audio installed for ltsp. Look at the package deps and found libsdl i installed libsdl-esd and all games seem to work now.03:03
rampagerequested entity already in use03:03
MSIGuySo, I'm having a problem, I installed Azerus but everytime I start it, it closes just after it opens.03:04
dazjorzbruenig: when anything fails, the script stops with an error code, and so does vmware-config.pl03:04
smev9MSIGuy, i had that all the time03:04
dazjorzbruenig: any ideas on how I could go around that, except commenting out the broken lines?03:04
rampagemneptok, thank you that is what I was looking for03:04
bruenigdazjorz, don't know, I have used vmware once and that was a long time ago03:04
bluefox83where does gnome keep it's logs?03:04
MSIGuyReally, what caused it?03:04
dazjorzbruenig: oh, OK03:04
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smev9i dont know03:05
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mneptokMSIGuy: run it from the command line and see what errors you get03:05
mneptokMSIGuy: how did you install it?03:06
MSIGuyI installed it through apt-get03:06
Trumandoes anyone have experience with vncviewer?  Is there a better way to remote in to a computer03:06
mneptokMSIGuy: Feisty?03:06
bluefox83gnome wont load anymore in regular mode, but in failsafe it loads fine, even compiz loads...03:06
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MSIGuymneptok: yeah.03:06
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dazjorzTruman: depends on what that machine runs03:07
dazjorzTruman: I use vncviewer succesfully03:07
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dazjorzused, actually03:07
bluefox83i can't get it to get past the splash screen where it flashes two window manager icons, then it just sits there for ages...eventually it goes back to the login screen03:07
MSIGuyAborted (core dumped)03:07
mneptokMSIGuy: yeah, it seems the repo version is so out of date as to be laughable03:07
MSIGuyThat's the error I get.03:07
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Trumandazjors:  Both are Feisty, vncviewer seems to sort of work, it allows me to view the desktop of the other computer, but it won't let me change anything03:07
Juhazbluefox83, usually just stdout/err, which should get captured in ~/.xsession-errors03:07
dazjorzMSIGuy: Maybe it helps if you use another Java interpreter03:07
mneptokMSIGuy: kTorrent :)03:07
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MSIGuyI'm in gnome, will ktorrent run in it?03:08
jribMSIGuy: yes03:08
dazjorzMSIGuy: If you have the kdelibs installed, it'll run fine03:08
Trumandazjors:  or rather, I can watch my mouse moving around and changing stuff on the computer that I'm remotely logged into, but I can't see those changes reflected on the computer that I'm remote-ing from03:08
mneptokMSIGuy: sure. sudo apt-get install ktorrent03:08
dazjorzMSIGuy: Just like any other KDE program :)03:08
MSIGuyBut I'm running gnome.03:08
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MSIGuyDoes it run in Gnome?03:08
mneptokMSIGuy: doesn't matter03:08
M`Haelhello, how do I install new fonts in Ubuntu?03:08
zatoichisomebody speak spanish03:08
Pirate_Hunterhi people just need someone to help me fix the file system in Ubuntu feisty as whenever i boot I get the error: Failed file system check, please manually fix it03:09
jrib!fonts > M`Hael (see the private message from ubotu)03:09
MSIGuyAh, I thought it only ran in gnome.03:09
bluefox83Juhaz, i don't seem to have a .xsession-errors03:09
MSIGuyI'll use ktorrent.03:09
dazjorzMSIGuy: It doesn't matter what environment you use03:09
M`Haelthanks jrib03:09
dazjorzMSIGuy: the KDE applications just use the kdelibs, which work fine in any graphical environment03:09
MSIGuyAh, I thought it did....03:09
mneptokMSIGuy: kTorrent is a most excellent client, too03:09
MSIGuyYeah, I kinda wanted to use it, but didn't htink it di.03:09
dazjorzmneptok, MSIGuy: Most excellent, indeed, except it doesn't do IPv603:09
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dazjorzwhich doesn't matter for most people, anyway :)03:09
Icehawk78is there a way to move files with spaces in their filenames inside a while read loop in a script?03:09
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zatoichiI need help, I don't know how see my www.exempleserver.com in my apache03:10
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zatoichiplease somebody03:10
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zatoichihelp me, i am new03:10
raf256zatoichi: ?03:10
bruenigzatoichi, #apache03:10
zatoichiI from argentina03:10
dazjorzzatoichi: and?03:10
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mneptokdazjorz: kTorrent does partial ipv603:11
zatoichiI don't speak english well03:11
Greenque es su problema?03:11
milllmannnwhich mode give a user complete access? 666?03:11
MSIGuySo, how do I uninstall azereus using apt-get?03:11
dazjorzmneptok: Yeah, it can handle IPv6 trackers, but no peers03:11
dazjorzmilllmannn: 77703:11
zatoichiGreen gracias03:11
raf256zatoichi: try #apache for more help03:11
MSIGuyapt-get uninstall azerous?03:11
dazjorzmilllmannn: (which is: 1 + 2 + 4)03:11
milllmannnok, thanks03:11
Greenzatoichi: de nada, pero solo hablo un poco espanol03:11
zatoichiinstale apache(no apache2)03:11
dazjorzmilllmannn: 1 = execute, 2 is read and 4 is write, if I'm not incorrect03:11
bruenigMSIGuy, apt-get remove azureus03:11
mneptokdazjorz: which will be a critical bug. in about 10 years. ;)03:11
MSIGuyremove, okay.03:11
dazjorzmneptok: heh, indeed ;)03:11
pyrotixWhat address do I need my router to forward to if ifconfig returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28573/ ?03:11
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zatoichiquiero practicar viendo alguna pagina en mi browser03:11
raf256dazjorz: incorrect03:12
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zatoichicomo puedo hacer??03:12
Greenzatoichi: de acuerdo, un momento, necesito encontrarlo03:12
dazjorzmneptok: it's the second most important bug for ktorrent at the moment, another one has one more vote on http://bugs.kde.org03:12
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:12
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mneptoksolamente Ingles, pf03:12
Icehawk78Is there a way to move files with spaces in their filenames inside a while read loop in a script?03:12
=== CApi [n=nathanie@fl-71-0-175-124.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazjorzmodprobe (-r) says module vmnet is in use, but lsmod shows it's being used by nobody, and there are no vmnet interfaces in ifconfig (-a)03:13
zatoichigracias ubotu pero ahora me esta ayudando green luego me las tomo03:13
Pirate_Hunter hi people just need someone to help me fix the file system in Ubuntu feisty as whenever i boot I get the error: Failed file system check, please manually fix it03:13
d4rkmonkey!es | zatoichi03:13
ubotuzatoichi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:13
CApiOkay. i need to change the permissions on my mp3 player and it isn't letting me even when I am on the owner user (root user). Help please~!03:13
d4rkmonkeyzatoichi, english here...03:13
zatoichithan you03:13
dazjorzCApi: Your MP3 player most likely uses the FAT filesystem which supports no permissions03:14
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zatoichiok i just wait for green03:14
cafuegoAnders worden we boos.03:14
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CApiYeah it's FAT3203:14
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Bassettshow can I see what no default packages I have installed?03:14
dazjorzcafuego: ho eens ;)03:14
CApiBut... when I transfer tracks I get an error saying the folder I'm sending it to isn't allowing it to write.03:14
IndyGunFreakCApi: what are you using to transfer files?03:15
smev9woohoo i compiled for 2 hours, now i can use a theme that looks just ---- like bullshit03:15
n0cturnal_is there any way to enable ubuntu's remote desktop using ssh.. ie not at the console..?03:15
dazjorzCApi: FAT and other filesystems will say "permission denied" for any action involving something that's not supported, even if you're root03:15
dazjorzCApi: Maybe it's mounted write-only (see `mount`)03:15
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CApiExplain that?03:15
educome on plz03:15
sartekhi, i have a nfs issue, ubuntu vs suse, (suse is the server) when i mount the directory it mount OK (no errors, warning, suse's message is: "authenticated mount request from blabla", so it's mounted but in ubuntu i can see only the top directories e.g.: /mounted/{1,2}03:15
Greenzatoichi: si quiere instalarlo (apache, no apache2), me parece que deberia ir a "Synaptic Package manager" y luego buscar por "Apache"....no se que otro puede hacer, lo siento:(03:15
IndyGunFreakCApi: i don't have a lot of experience with Rhythmbox, sorry, but Amarok has worked well for me.03:15
CApiWhat do you mean by "see mount"?03:15
dazjorz!es | Green03:15
ubotuGreen: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:15
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zatoichiok tank you03:15
FlannelGreen: `apache` is in universe.03:16
dazjorzCApi: When a partition is mounted read-only, you will not be able to write to it03:16
zatoichihey ubotu what is your problem ??03:16
CApiAnd how do I change that or see if that is the case?03:16
dazjorzCApi: mount is a command-line tool, have you ever used the command-line?03:16
Greenzatoichi: de nada; bueno suerte en el otro channel. Y uboto es una robota03:16
zatoichiI go out this chat03:16
dazjorzzatoichi: he is a bot03:16
IndyGunFreak!ubotu  zatoichi03:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zatoichi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
CApiI had to mount it through the terminal03:16
zatoichi:P jajaaj sorry03:16
IndyGunFreak!ubotu  zatoichi03:16
defconany good ways to optimize ram/cache consumption and free ram/cache in Ubuntu?03:16
CApinot good at the terminal though03:16
mneptokGreen: solamente. Ingles. pf.03:16
dazjorzCApi: You probably mounted it as root03:16
IndyGunFreak!ubotu | zatoichi03:16
ubotuzatoichi: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:16
griffjonany compiz whizzes in here? having trouble getting it working after upgrading to feisty03:16
Bassettshow can I see what no default packages I have installed?03:16
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dazjorzCApi: If you mount something as root, you will only be able to access it as root03:16
zatoichigod bye03:17
Greenmneptok: sorry, i was just trying to give zat a hand before he left for the other channel03:17
CApiI mounted it in my main user which isn't root user03:17
Greenzatoichi: bye03:17
dazjorzCApi: Did you use 'sudo' ?03:17
dazjorzCApi: Then you mounted it as root.03:17
d4rkmonkeysudo chown it?03:17
dazjorzDon't do that.03:17
dazjorzIt won't help03:17
d4rkmonkeyok, don't do that03:17
CApiso this means what to transferring the songs and the transfer error?03:17
d4rkmonkeyThat was just a guess, I'm no prop03:17
Icehawk78grep ' ' | while read file; do mv $file ../backup; done  <-- Does anyone know how to make this command work as would be expected?03:17
mneptokGreen: it's an english only channel. any deviation from that leads to confusion if not outright abuse (eg "BUT I SAW _____ SPEAKING ______ !!!")03:17
dazjorzCApi: don't do that.03:17
CApii still get the error even in root user.03:17
CApiwhat should I do?03:18
cafuegoIcehawk78: mv "${file}"03:18
dazjorzCApi: You want to umount it, then remount it to make it accessible for your user by giving the 'user' option03:18
CApiit doesn't automatically mount03:18
Greenmneptok: alrighty03:18
dazjorzCApi: mount /dev/whatever -o user /media/something03:18
CApiso sudo umount03:18
cafuegoIcehawk78: you need to properly quote your variables.03:18
dazjorzCApi: Yeah03:18
mneptokGreen: tanx03:18
CApiShould I go back to the user with all the music? i won't need the root user for anything?03:18
MSIGuySo, I'm having some firewall problems it seems.03:18
dazjorzCApi: You will need the root user to mount, but give the -o user option to make the partition accessable for your own user, too03:19
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:19
eduhi MSIGuy03:19
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KuDeTaanybody have experience with SSL? would they mind looking here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=492464 im having problems with SSL and i think its becasue my hostname hasn't been updated at the hosts yet03:19
Pirate_Hunter hi people just need someone to help me fix the file system in Ubuntu feisty as whenever i boot I get the error: Failed file system check, please manually fix it03:19
KuDeTacould thought be right03:19
CApiokaay stay on03:19
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CApii'll try that03:19
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: thats not much to go on.03:20
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smev9i go to bed, thank you for your help... arent you sleepy or is it just my timezone?03:20
dazjorzlol @ neozen's quit message03:20
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MSIGuyhi edu03:20
zeddicusHello people. Is there any way to make it so when I start KDE that beryl starts automatically?03:20
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bluefox83is there a config file for everything that is started when gnome starts?03:20
eduit is the first time i use ubuntu03:20
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MSIGuyHmmm....  so there is a built in firewall03:20
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IndyGunFreakMSIGuy: yes03:21
teenbeat2007question im installing 7.04 now i got this question from installer choose kernel  : generic, liniux-image generic and linux-image-
edui would like to ask you03:21
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dazjorz$ modprobe -f -r vmnet gives "FATAL: Module vmnet is in use." while lsmod says no other module is using vmnet and there are no vmnet interfaces - how do I force it or how do I check what it's in use by?03:21
teenbeat2007wich one03:21
CApiSo what do I put in for the something in user/media/something? Dazjorz03:21
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IndyGunFreakCApi: try IPOD03:21
teamzWhenever I burn a dvd using k3b it is fine but when I burn a 2nd dvd my system is very slow (not only for burning but for everything) anybody has a clue????03:21
orbisvicisany way to get sound effects - dsp, ie surround stereo, etc ?03:21
dazjorzCApi: $ sudo mount /dev/something /media/something -o user03:21
dazjorzCApi: Just use the same mount command, but add -o user to it03:21
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dazjorzCApi: Or if you already had -o something, make that "-o something,user"03:21
dazjorzteenbeat2007: use generic03:22
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: finally a response lol, well the hda2 when booting fails system check and goes into command line which is weird. However, if I restart with alt+ctrl+delete it goes to login screen - is that helpful ??03:22
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Frogzooteamz: check 'df -h' for disk space full03:22
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: no, not at all, never heard of tat03:22
teenbeat2007ok thanx03:22
CApispace between the /media and the /dev/something?03:22
Masterkongdo i need to upgrade to gutsy gibbon to get slim?03:22
teamzFrogzoo, space disk is fine03:23
dazjorzCApi: Yeah.03:23
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CApisorry for being such a n00b lol03:23
dazjorzCApi: See also: man mount03:23
teamzFrogzoo, when I logoff it doesn't solve the problem but when I reboot it solves the problem03:23
dazjorzCApi: You want to give the device place, in /dev, as a seperate argument as the mounting place, in /media.03:23
Frogzooteamz: hmmm03:23
MSIGuyHmmm...  now to set it up for torrents03:23
dazjorzCApi: then '-o' comes as a different argument, to tell mount that the next argument, 'user', will be an option03:23
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zeddicusHow so I see how much free space I have on the drive where Ubuntu is isntalled I am new to Ubuntu03:24
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: dang need to look for that log file and paste it in bin but its just insanely late, if the system doesn't crash by tomorrow I'll post the log file as that would make more sense  - hopefully you'll be on around this time03:24
teamzzeddicus, df -h03:24
g[r] eekhi ive got putty and i want to log into my ubuntu box on the network. i type in the IP and try connect but it doesnt allow me to03:24
g[r] eekdo i have to open some kind of port on the server?03:24
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: don't count on it, my schedule is gonna be haywire tomorrow.03:24
CApiI got "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sde2, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so03:24
KuDeTaanybody have experience with SSL? would they mind looking here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=492464 im having problems with SSL and i think its becasue my hostname hasn't been updated at the hosts yet03:24
zeddicusThanks Teamz03:25
MSIGuyHow would I configure my firewall with Firestarter to run torrents?03:25
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teamzFrogzoo, could it be VRAM or something ?03:25
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CApiWhat should I do now Dazjorz?03:25
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: np well the system still lets me in I just dont have the initiative to look for the log file its 2.25 and today has been one of those days03:25
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zeddicusIs there anyway that I can make it so that I don't have to click the icon to start beryl evertime I login to KDE03:26
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: understood.03:26
dazjorzCApi: After you ran the mount command, and it gave no output, Rhythmbox should work fine03:26
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CApiIt did give an output though03:26
CApiread above a bit03:26
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Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: thanx for replying anyway take care until i next log on03:26
dazjorzCApi: I haven't used Rhythmbox, though, I suggest you use Amarok (Most people like it better ;) )03:26
dazjorzCApi: Oh, I see03:26
d4rkmonkeyRythmbox is ok...03:26
g[r] eekhi ive got putty and i want to log into my ubuntu box on the network. i type in the IP and try connect but it doesnt allow me to03:26
dazjorzCApi: Are you sure your iPod is in /dev/sde2 ?03:26
edui would like to ask every program if we would like to install in the ubuntu is free for download?03:26
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CApithat's what I used to mount it with root03:27
CApiI did fdisk -l03:27
dazjorzCApi: Could you pastebin the output of fdisk -l /dev/sde ?03:27
dazjorz/dev/sde2 seems like an odd place03:27
CApiI don't know why...but that's where i mounted it before with that03:27
CApiYeah I doubled Check now03:28
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CApiit's /dev/sde203:28
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nichola1how do i access my digital cameras files03:28
dazjorzCApi: Could you pastebin the output of dmesg | tail to a pastebin?03:28
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dazjorzCApi: I know that was double, but I rather say it twice than have someone paste it here03:28
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TaJMoX!info digikam | nichola103:29
ubotunichola1: digikam: digital photo management application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:0.9.1-1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 4397 kB, installed size 14792 kB03:29
CApiHow do I do that? lol03:29
TaJMoX!pastebin | capi03:29
ubotucapi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:29
nichola1yes but my digital camera also records mpeg videos03:29
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g[r] eekhi ive got putty and i want to log into my ubuntu box on the network. i type in the IP and try connect but it doesnt allow me to03:29
g[r] eeki just get "network error, connection refused"03:29
nichola1i need direct access to the camera storage card03:30
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IndyGunFreaknichola1: does you're camera just show up as a hard drive?03:30
TaJMoXnichola1:  you can mount your usb camera as a filesystem - i've seen it a million times on the interweb03:30
dazjorzg[r] eek: as it says, that's a network error03:30
pyrotixWhat address do I need my router to forward to if ifconfig returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28573/ ?03:30
dazjorzg[r] eek: You probably don't have an SSH server running on this ubuntu box03:30
g[r] eekah ok03:30
dazjorzg[r] eek: install the package 'openssh-server' to install one03:30
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g[r] eekthanks03:30
CApiDazjorz: what do you want me to type in the terminal to past bin again?03:30
dazjorzg[r] eek: then, if it doesn't run by default, use /etc/init.d/ssh to start it03:30
dazjorzCApi: dmesg | tail03:30
g[r] eekok thanks03:31
dazjorzCApi: (the last ten lines of dmesg)03:31
dazjorzIs there a way to force unload a module?03:31
dazjorzit keeps saying it's in use, but I don't really see what it's in use by03:31
TaJMoXdazjorz: sudo rmmod -f modulename03:32
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TaJMoXtry without -f first03:32
dazjorzisn't rmmod the same as modprobe -r ?03:32
TaJMoXum maybe?  =] 03:32
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CApidazjorz: so how do I pastbin that and what is pastebin" ubotu just gave me a link03:32
dazjorzI heard it's not exactly the same, since modprobe checks modprobe.conf, so you should use modprobe -r03:32
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dazjorzTaJMoX: however, both without and with -f, it gives "module vmnet is in use".03:32
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TaJMoXdazjorz: ok -f is force ... are you sure no vm programs are running?   you can try ps aux |grep vm03:33
Masterkonghow do i get slim in feisty?03:33
dazjorzTaJMoX: Ah, you're right! Lemme kill 'em03:33
g[r] eekthanks dazjorz it's working now :)03:33
dazjorzno problem g[r] eek :)03:34
orbisvicisanyone know of a repository with a newer version of flumotion (~0.4-ish) ?03:34
dazjorzTaJMoX: I should've thought of that ;) Anyway, the modprobe -r works great now, thanks for the hint ;)03:34
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CApidazjorz: When I type in dmesg | tail I just get a bunch of "cooling device" stuff03:34
dazjorzCApi: Retry mounting and then run dmesg | tail right after03:35
TaJMoXCApi: try dmesg | tail --lines=4003:35
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dazjorzOr give a --lines argument, indeed.03:35
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CApidazjorz: okay, I did it. Now how do I pastebin this all?03:37
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d4rkmonkey!paste CApi03:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste capi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:37
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d4rkmonkey!paste | CApi03:37
ubotuCApi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:37
dazjorz!paste | CApi03:37
d4rkmonkeyhope that helps CApi03:38
LtarMy external NTFS hard drive was working fine for an hour or so, copying a very large amount of music to it. I then started gettin I/o errors. Attempting to re-mount it yeilds this error message:03:38
LtarCannot mount volume, $MFTmirr does not match $MFT (record 0). Failed to mount /dev/sda1: input/output error NTFS inconsistent. run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot it twice03:38
dazjorzLtar: Well, do what it says ;)03:38
d4rkmonkeywhy do you have the externel on NTFS?03:38
dazjorzLtar: NTFS support is experimental03:38
dazjorzLtar: it breaks now and then03:38
CApiDazjorz: Type that in the terminal or here?03:38
dazjorzCApi: Type what?03:38
Ltarexternal is NTFS because FAT32 cannot handle files larger than 4 gb03:38
CApi!paste | CApi03:39
Flanneldazjorz: lsmod will show you what it's in use by03:39
Ltarwhat does it mean, "run chkdsk /f on windows"?03:39
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dazjorzLtar: Ext3, reiser, there are tons of filesystems that have way better support than FAT3203:39
dazjorzLtar: well, reboot into windows, use chkdsk /f03:39
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d4rkmonkeyuhh Ltar run it in windows command line I guess?03:39
CApidazjorz: !paste | CApi03:39
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dazjorzCApi: That was a command to ubotu, the bot03:39
dazjorz!paste | CApi03:40
ubotuCApi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:40
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dazjorzLtar: NTFS is a proprietary filesystem for Microsoft03:40
dazjorzLtar: Unix developers have reverse-engineered it, but it's experimental, since Microsoft never released the specs03:40
blokeI'm running Feisty on a Dell Inspiron 8000 laptop with the ATI M4 Rage 128 mobility card. If I boot normal, the machine freezes and the monitor fades white to black. If I boot recovery mode, I can run GDM and then gnome starts up jolly fine. I don't know what the difference might be between recovery mode and normal.03:40
CApidazjorz: Oh, okay. So I know the link How do i get the text there on the link from my terminal though?03:40
dazjorzLtar: chkdsk is for now the best program to check ntfs filesystems, that's why they tell you to reboot and use chkdsk03:40
Ltardazjorz: but I needed a filesystem that could also switch between windows and linux. I'm familiar with the hubbub around NTFS, but I had read a lot of nice things about NTFS-3g, and figured I could work with it03:40
brent_hey does anyone know how to restore an ubuntu installation back to "factory default", so to speak?  I have my 7.04 disc handy...I'm guessing it would involve launching ubiquity from the desktop?03:40
dazjorzLtar: It's nice, NTFS-3g, but it's still experimental and breaks now and then03:41
brent_but ubiquity just hangs halfway through03:41
defconany good ways to optimize ram/cache consumption and free ram/cache in Ubuntu?03:41
dazjorzLtar: like it just did on your machine03:41
d4rkmonkeyoops wrong window...03:41
Ltardazjorz: neat03:41
brent_I just want to restore all my packages back to default installation packages03:41
dazjorzLtar: Just use Ext3 or Reiser, then use some kind of partition explorer to Windows03:41
zeddicusDOes anybody know about a program called envy it's for configuring your video card I think03:41
Masterkongslim question03:41
CApidazjorz: Read above whenever you have time.03:41
dazjorzLtar: or assemble a group of thousands of people, then go to Microsoft and tell them to incorporate ext3 support into their kernel.03:42
dazjorza few thousands should do03:42
tininHi, I have no sound in this new motherboard,. How could I know wich soundcard am I using?03:42
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dazjorzCApi: Um.. What terminal do you use?03:42
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brent_dazjorz, wouldn't they have to GPL Windows then?03:42
dazjorztinin: try lspci03:42
dazjorzbrent_: Not if they wrote their own drivers03:42
CApidarzjorz: idk the one preinstalled in Ubuntu Accessories.03:42
brent_lol like that would ever happen03:42
dazjorzbrent_: I don't know wether the ext3 drivers are released under the gpl, or the libraries are released under the lgpl03:43
Ltargeh. I'll mess with it later, thanks for clarifying the error for me.03:43
brent_good point03:43
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dazjorzbrent_: well, the specs for ext are open, it's very easy for them to write some drivers and use them03:43
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brent_so nobody has any idea how to restore packages back to their originals by using an Install CD?03:44
air03anyone know how i can use XGL with ATI RADEON X1400?03:44
dazjorzbrent_: but they can't do anything that's positive for Unix users, of course :)03:44
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dazjorzbrent_: what do you mean with restoring packages back?03:44
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tininDoes anybody know if this motherboard will work wll under linux: Asrock k8 nForce3 vsta ?03:44
CApidarzjorz: read above again whenever you can03:44
g[r] eekok now trying to install java. do i have to have any special repositories enabled?03:44
`Nickhey, are their any particular graphics issues on a Dell Inspiron 1150?03:44
dazjorztinin: almost all will03:44
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tininMaybe i'll changet it03:44
dazjorzCApi: please use my nickname (you can use tab completion from 'daz')03:45
SirSherlockif someone knows about recompiling a kernel, i have a quick question for them??03:45
tinindazjorz i' having headache with sound, I was happy because it had 7.103:45
dazjorzCApi: the nick is 'dazjorz', not 'darzjorz'03:45
brent_I just basically f-d up my xorg with some external repos and I'd like to use the Install CD to restore my whole system back to the way it was *right* after I installed feisty, without having to boot into the Live CD environment and going through all that jazz again03:45
CApidaz: sorry.03:45
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dazjorzCApi: it's not 'daz' either :)03:46
dazjorzCApi: type 'daz', then press tab03:46
brent_I figured there was some way to beat ubiquity (or apt-get) into doing that03:46
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SirSherlockon this link,  sudo sh -c 'setterm -blank 0 </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1' konsolebox shows some code....where would i put that when i compile the kernel???03:46
CApidazjorz: got it! lol03:46
`Nickmy Dell Inspiron 1150 makes a bunch of weird lines on the bottom half of the screen, and it wont work in normal or 'safe graphics' mode03:46
dazjorzCApi: =)03:46
Flibertycould anyone give me some insight on why my monitor refuses to go into anything higher than 800x600?03:46
bloke`Nick - what graphics card do you have in the inspiron 1150?03:46
dazjorzCApi: now, you should be able to see xterm or Konsole somewhere03:46
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dazjorzCApi: It's probably possible to select the text with your mouse, then right click and click Copy03:46
`Nickbloke: um, i got no idea - it's used, and nothing has worked on it since i got it, and i dont see anything about it :(03:47
blokeFliberty, what is setup in your xorg.conf file?03:47
g[r] eekdoes dapper drake 6.06 server edition support java jdk5.0?03:47
zeddicusFliberty, it could be your drivers that xwin is using for the graphics card03:47
SirSherlockhttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=342388  - nsolebox shows some code....where would i put that when i compile the kernel???03:47
SirSherlockplz help03:47
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dazjorzCApi: If not, install Konsole, run it, rerun mount and dmesg | tail, and then select, right click and copy03:47
g[r] eekand does it support jdk6.0?03:47
CApidazjorz,  okay, All 40 lines or only a few?03:47
haqmanit should03:47
=== Darthvader [n=sapc@cbl-sd-80-187.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu
zeddicusI had to tewak my xorg.conf to get my display to stay at 1400*90003:47
`Nickjob for tomorrow: improve laptops cooling03:47
dazjorzCApi: Just use tail03:47
bloke`Nick - I;m dealing with some weird crashing issues with X on an older inspiron laptop with the ATI rage 128 card03:47
dazjorzCApi: The last ten lines.03:47
Flibertybloke: I have TwinView, and I think it's not working properly because my second monitor is actually a tv with a dvi port03:47
dazjorzCApi: unless that shows only cooling again, then use 40 lines03:48
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`Nickbloke: hm... any ideas on how to possibly make it work?03:48
Flibertybloke: I can get it to work fine in Windows, so I know it's not an incompatibily problem03:48
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dazjorzvmware is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configuredfor this system. To (re-)configure it, invoke the following command:/usr/bin/vmware-config.pl.03:48
dazjorzI *JUST* ran that.03:48
blokeFliberty, not sure. I run dual monitors are work but both are dell flat panels and have no problems.03:48
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CApidazjorz,  so send you the link after I past it on the site?03:49
dazjorzCApi: Yeah03:49
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=== Pelo hates the bloody new session manager
bloke`Nick - what exactly is the problem, sorry?03:49
pyrotixWhat address do I need my router to forward to if ifconfig returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28573/ ?03:49
Flibertybloke: i have a CRT on what port and an LCD on the second.  The CRT works fine but no matter what I put in my xorg to fix the LCD it doesnt work03:49
`Nickbloke: well, parts of the screen show random lines instead of a picture - and the whole screen is never filled at once03:49
n3rrdHas anyone had luck getting the Logitech QuickCam Orbit to work under Ubuntu?  It was working alst night, but it keeps telling me that it isn't installed or not available today.  I think it has something to do with mu USB memory stick,03:49
CApidazjorz,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28578/plain/03:50
bloke`Nick, try Fn + F703:50
blokethen do it a second time03:50
zeddicusI have a wierd beryl problem when I use the cube I only get 1 desktop on all 4 sides however when I use the pager I can switch fine between the 4 virtual desktops, any ideas?03:50
dazjorzCApi: Don't use -o [your username] 03:50
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dazjorzCApi: Use -o user03:50
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`Nickbloke: nothing03:50
dazjorzCApi: Just user, don't substitute that with your username03:50
CApidazjorz,  okey dokie03:50
`Nickbut it's getting very hot for somer eason -\03:50
Pelozeddicus,   try asking in #beryl03:50
blokedoes the F7 button have "Font" written on it, or any other button?03:50
`Nick=\ stupid laptop03:50
dazjorzCApi: I'm sorry, I should've said that in first instane03:50
Trumanpyrotix: Forward to where?03:50
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`Nickbloke: no...03:51
CApidazjorz,  no it's okay. you have been really helpful thus far03:51
blokeFliberty - does the flat panel work on its own without the CRT?03:51
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`Nickbloke: but i just freakin BURNED myself on my laptop o.o03:51
CApidazjorz,  okay it worked. With no output this time.03:51
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CApidazjorz,  can I go switch off root user now to my user with all the songs?03:52
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n3rrdHas anyone had luck getting the Logitech QuickCam Orbit to work under Ubuntu?  It was working alst night, but it keeps telling me that it isn't installed or not available today.  I think it has something to do with mu USB memory stick,03:52
dazjorzCApi: how are you on root user now?03:52
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haqmancan any one pm me... just to see how it works :D03:52
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bloke`Nick - sorry - I get a weird line thing happening on the screen too every reboot. Something to do with screen scaling fixed it for me, but I have to do it each time. Some people on inspirons have reported only higher resolutions working. try to set it up to 1400x ??? and see if it works03:52
=== patrlck [n=pat@modemcable095.27-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
CApidazjorz,  my brother signed me on it since it is his account03:52
Pelon3rrd, you might have better luck doing a search for "logitech webcam" in the forum03:52
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patrlckFrogzoo, I fixed my problem by enabling DMA 32bits03:52
`Nickbloke: now i'm more worried about it being hot enough to burn me =\03:52
imbecileok guys, this is but is not an azureus question.. i have ports on my router/firewall/azureus all set to the same number yet it is still firewalled.. someone in here please help me as #azureus-support are neither nice nor helpful03:53
dazjorzCApi: You don't need to be logged in as root to do root stuff03:53
`Nickbloke: any ideas how to make it run cooler?03:53
n3rrdPelo: I'll give it a shot.03:53
dazjorzCApi: we have 'sudo' for that :)03:53
=== CVD [n=cvd@adsl-72-50-79-156.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu
CApidazjorz,  great... lol could have saved time03:53
bloke`Nick - maybe you should figure out your heating problem first. is the fan running? is anything blocking air flow?03:53
haqmanmaaaann.... any body.. pm mme for gods sake03:53
dazjorzCApi: You should not be able to log in as root through the graphical interface, anyway03:53
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haqmanits not working.... using gaim :S03:53
dazjorzCApi: root should be restricted to maintenance access *only*03:53
CApidazjorz,  i'm going to switch users I think I am cap or capitan on the other user so look for me03:53
dazjorzCApi: however, if you log out now, and log in as his user, the partition should still be mounted03:53
Peloimbecile,  any specific reason you are using azureus ?  utorrent on wine or ktorrent do a much better job with much less resources03:54
=== patrlck backs utorrent thru Wine ..
cleverPelo: utorrent in wine crashes for me after hash checking03:54
`Nickbloke: i dont see anything, but live CD isn't even warm so it's not that03:54
cleverPelo: but ktorrent works great03:54
Pelopatrlck,  latest wine and the very latest ut beta,  wonderfull03:54
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=== dazjorz reinstalls vmware for the 6*10^23th time (does anybody know that number? :) )
`Nickdazjorz: i know that it's huge03:55
Wikkedfin^SysInfo: Linux 2.6.20-16-generic | Dual               Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.20GHz 3199.878 MHz | Mem: 351/2058M [||||||||||]  | Diskspace: 458G Free: 430G | Bogomips: 12806.5 | Screen Res: 1280x1024 | Procs: 121 | eth0: In: 112.54M Out: 3.10M | Wikked^SySiNfO v0.0.1 200703:55
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dazjorzhaqman: I pm'd you03:55
Wikkedfin^woops sorry wrong window03:55
Wikkedfin^Sorry about that ppl03:55
Pelodazjorz, it's called a mole03:55
dazjorzhaqman: Don't use gaim for IRC, I heard it sucks ;)03:55
capdazjorz,  okay i'm on the other user now03:55
haqmandazjorz... it snot working03:55
imbecilePelo,  i have used utorrent before.. i'll just that another go03:55
patrlckPelo, I'm still using 1.6.1 ... any major updates in latest beta ?03:55
dazjorzPelo: sorry?03:55
OmegaCentiI am getting some errors with startx.. need some help!03:55
dazjorz`Nick: It's supposed to be huge ;)03:55
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haqmanrecommend one them please :D03:55
capdazjorz,  do I need to do the mounting process again, or am I good? i see the icon on the desktop.03:55
dazjorzPelo: Oh, right, yeah, indeed =)03:55
patrlckhaqman, xchat03:56
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=== orbisvicis [n=orbisvic@pool-71-250-62-85.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazjorzhaqman: Try using X-Chat or Konversation03:56
=== `Nick is going to get a screwdriver to see what's up with it overheating
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haqmanok..... will be back,,,, hunting for xchat :D:D:03:56
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patrlckhaqman, sudo apt-get install xchat03:56
=== `Nick points out that he's going to disassemble it - not stab it
Pelopatrick  along with the latest wine you get all the right clicking stuff working,  even the speed control from the status bar,  but the tray icon disapeared for some reason,  the tray icon area is still there and clickable but the icon itself isn't visible03:56
bloke`Nick - don't forget to unplug it first03:56
dazjorzcap: If you did not restart, the volume should still be mounted03:56
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capdazjorz,  so try to use rythmbox now? and see if I still get the error?03:56
haqmanlol.. thanx patrick i know :D.. m not that bad03:57
`Nickbloke: it's been unplugged, but thanks for watchin out for me :)03:57
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pyrotixTruman: My desktop computer. Trying to refer ports to run apache2.03:57
dazjorzcap: Yeah :)03:57
n3rrdI think my problem with the webcam is aMSN.. it keeps sketching the webcam out and it thinks it's running when it isn't.03:57
capdazjorz,  fingers crossed03:57
n3rrdif I close aMSN and restart it, the cam starts responding again.03:57
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dazjorz`Nick: Anyhow, it's supposed to be huge, do you know why? :)03:57
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patrlckPelo, right clicking stuff is definitely wine cuz It's working fine in 1.6.103:57
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`Nickdazjorz: because you've done it a whole lot? =p03:57
capdazjorz,  ahh! Still got the error message.03:57
blokewell, its been fun and swell but I gotta run. Good luck all...03:57
dazjorz`Nick: well, I'm not the first one using the number ;)03:57
`Nickdazjorz: idk lol03:58
patrlckman I,m so happy to have my dvd burner working at normal speed again ..03:58
dazjorz`Nick: it's a scientific number03:58
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stperehi, someone knows why my PATA drive (listed as sda) is only using IO_support at 16 bit?03:58
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stpere(ubuntu 7.04)03:58
dazjorz`Nick: if you have a molecule that weighs five Units, then if you take 6 * 10^23 of those molecules (also called a mole of them), you have five grams :)03:58
dazjorzgrammes? gram?03:58
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dazjorzcap: What error message is it exactly?03:59
capdazjorz,  I think it is a problem outside of the program that I am using. But should I still try to see if amarok will make it work?03:59
haq_ohh yeah... where patrick now or daz03:59
dazjorzcap: Could you try going to the mountpoint using a terminal and see if any files are there?03:59
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dazjorzhaq_: do you mean me with daz? :)03:59
patrlckhaq_, what ?03:59
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=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-55-30.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
capdazjorz, " Error Transferring Track" "could not open file '/media/ipod/iPod_Control/music/F #/ songtitle.mp3' for writing."04:00
haq_well...yes you and patrick04:00
Pelodazjorz, I was just reading wikipedia on the mole,  it's actualy the number of atoms in 12 grams of carbon04:00
haq_try and pm me please.04:00
haq_see how it works04:00
dazjorzPelo: Yes, because carbon eighs 12 U04:00
eduplease join with me04:00
=== Pelo apologises to the channel for he off topic
dazjorzPelo: The carbon atom04:00
haq_mann... shame... c programmer who can irc :D04:00
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raymondjtothhi can some one past here whole source list to me mine got mesed up04:01
stperesomeone know why Ubuntu 7.04 can't use my drive in 32bits while 6.06 could?04:01
raymondjtothsome how and now update will not work untill i fix this can some one pm me it04:01
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capdazjorz,  did you see the exact error message I sent?04:01
patrlckstpere, dvd drive ?04:01
dazjorzcap: I did04:01
stpereno, IDE04:01
dazjorzcap: Did you see the hint I sent you?04:01
Pelostpere, did you install the amd 64  version of .7.04 ?  that would be my guess04:01
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nickrud!source-o-matic | raymondjtoth04:01
raymondjtothusing there sudo gedit04:02
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patrlckstpere, is it enabled ?04:02
stperePelo: nope, 32 bit04:02
capdazjorz,  to go to the mountpoint and check for files?04:02
dazjorzcap: Yeah04:02
air03anyone know how i can use XGL with ATI RADEON X1400?04:02
capdazjorz,  how do I do that?04:02
raymondjtothnot working the command04:02
=== klobster [n=The@c-71-229-248-134.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
raymondjtothnone of bot works04:03
nickrudraymondjtoth, yeah, ubotu's down. A sec04:03
stpere HDIO_SET_32BIT failed: Invalid argument04:03
raymondjtothnickrud ok04:03
stperethat's what hdparm output04:03
raymondjtothnick i need to resave my source list some how it got messed up with something a page told me to do04:03
milllmannndoes anyone know a good website for getting a LAMP + Rails + Mongrell system set up on ubuntu?04:03
raymondjtoththay had me do  sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list when i did what sed messed up ever thing04:04
nickrudraymondjtoth, http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ that will build you a nice set04:04
Pelomilllmannn, try in this page there might be a link  http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8404:04
raymondjtothso i need to readd it04:04
raymondjtothpelo ok were the link to new build im on new ubuntu on web site04:05
milllmannnPelo: dont see anything for rails, but thanks for the link!04:05
raymondjtothand ned the sources.list to add to it or nothing works04:05
raymondjtothpeolo still with me04:05
dazjorzcap: Open Konsole or a different terminal04:06
raymondjtothpelo still with me04:06
dazjorzcap: Where did you mount the iPod files?04:06
nickrudraymondjtoth, if you're on the site, just click country, release, computer type and send.04:06
raymondjtothnickrud i dont see that04:06
capdazjorz,  /media/ipod like you said..04:06
stperenobody have the same issue?04:06
dazjorzcap: I didn't say that, but that's a fine place ;)04:06
nickrudraymondjtoth, the link I gave you, just above04:06
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dazjorzcap: once you're in a terminal, go to that directory ($ cd /media/ipod)04:06
raymondjtothnick im on it im asking for new 7.0404:07
dazjorzcap: By the way, the $ means you do it as yourself or as a regular user, and # means you do it as root04:07
dazjorzcap: # usually means the same as $ sudo04:07
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raymondjtothnick that for 6 not 7.0404:07
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nickrudraymondjtoth, choose the one you want04:07
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capdazjorz,  thanks. I hope I get better with terminal and all. I got the official ubuntu book too. i'm a relatively new user.04:07
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dazjorzcap: (For a graphical explanation, type $ sudo su, you'll become root and your shell sign will change to #. But don't use that mode, type 'exit' to return to the $)04:07
raymondjtothnick no no miss understanding me04:08
raymondjtothmy sources.list text files messed up need to readd what in there04:08
Mataany channel speak spanish??04:08
raymondjtothto get update to work04:08
dazjorzcap: The terminal is one of the most important reasons for me to use Unix, I love it and its flexibility04:08
Peloraymondjtoth, I donT' think I was with you to start with04:08
raymondjtothim get line 5 err04:08
raymondjtothpelo understand now04:08
mongolaiMata, try #ubuntu-es04:08
dazjorzcap: Once you're in /media/ipod, type 'ls' to see all files in it04:08
nickrudraymondjtoth, yes, I do. Create a fresh sources.list with that tool, and replace the old one. Then update will work.04:09
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capdazjorz,  dang. terminal does seem powerful. I'm eager to learn more. Anyways, I did cd /media/ipod04:09
raymondjtothnick how do i do that04:09
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raymondjtothnick never did this one can you walk me thorw it04:09
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nickrudraymondjtoth, first make the list.04:09
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dazjorzcap: ls will give you a list of all files, however, it doesn't show you any information about them (except you've got a colored terminal, it'll show you the type of the file, more or less)04:09
raymondjtothnick i have one but its not working04:09
Peloraymondjtoth,   go to   /etc/apt/  , look for a file  called sources.list~    remove the ~   that will bring back your old version of the sources list04:09
capdazjorz,  okay. I did that. I got... "calendars   Contacts   iPod_Control   Notes   Photos"04:09
raymondjtothpelo ok04:10
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dazjorzcap: So you can use ls -l to get a full listing, or "ls -l file" to get a listing on one file04:10
dazjorzcap: OK, so the ipod is mounted04:10
capdazjorz,  okay, now what?04:10
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=== nickrud hopes he only saved once
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dazjorzcap: Now try if you can write a file to it, you can create an empty file using 'touch;'04:10
=== Stev [n=stev@86-41-189-93.b-ras1.chf.cork.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
dazjorzcap: $ touch file04:10
raymondjtothnick all i did was hit save04:10
LarryCould anyone walk me through a kernel recompile.  I'm following the directions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile and somewhere along i'm either messing it up or getting errors i don't yet understand04:10
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dazjorzcap: then, if you got no errors, try $ ls file to see if it's there04:10
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dazjorzcap: If it's there, the partition is writable, and rhythmbox is a whiner program04:11
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albertmkhow can I delete my ubuntu?04:11
Frogzoois there any way to get active x support for feisty's ff 2.0?04:11
Pelonickrud,  there is only so much we can do for him04:11
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dazjorzalbertmk: what operating systems do you currently have?04:11
nickrudraymondjtoth, then what Pelo said should work.  cd /etc/apt/sources.list     then sudo mv sources.list sources.list.messed-this-one-up    then sudo mv sources.list~ sources.list04:11
nickrudraymondjtoth, heh.04:11
capdazjorz,  okay....Do I need to leave the directory firsT?04:12
nickrudraymondjtoth, first command was only cd etc/apt04:12
raymondjtothnick i got it there was some that it saved i goted it and replaced it with it04:12
anthony_Hi, everyone. I have a newbie programming question. I want to create a script that takes care of a stupid ALSA bug which causes cards with the ice1724 chipset to have the left line out channel muted by default. I *think* I understand how to do this, but would someone be able to tell me if my method is correct? Thanks.04:12
=== SwissGabber [n=sebastie@d83-189-173-108.cust.tele2.ch] has joined #ubuntu
dazjorzcap: To try if the partition is writable, you can create a file on that partition04:12
nickrudPelo, these are the ones I enjoy, I remember being totally spaced once04:12
raymondjtothone thaqt it backed up goyed it and placed in04:12
dazjorzcap: Your partition is currently mounted at /media/ipod04:12
dazjorzcap: So to check if it's writable, you want to create a file in /media/ipod04:13
capdazjorz,  I'm still in /media/ipod$ is this where I type 'touch file"?04:13
Stormx2anthony_: Does this happen on boot? I remember there being a simple command...04:13
dazjorzcap: Yes04:13
dazjorzcap: Do you come from Windows? :)04:13
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mongolaianthony_, do you know what pastebin is?04:13
capdazjorz,  I'm am pretty new to linux. and not the best with computers. I want to change that.04:13
mongolaiuboto seems to be down04:13
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capdazjorz,  anyways, i got "touch: cannot touch 'file' : Permission denied"04:14
dazjorzcap: Try sudo touch file04:14
dazjorzcap: If that works, something went wrong again04:14
dazjorzcap: What does sudo touch file say?04:15
capdazjorz,  no output...04:15
romboythen it worked ;)04:15
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dazjorzcap: Yeah, as romboy said, then it worked04:16
capdazjorz,  I typed in ls and it worked I see 'file'04:16
dazjorzcap: It seems like your partition is still mounted root-only04:16
dazjorzcap: Remove the file (rm file), then type 'cd ..' to go to the previous directory which is /media04:16
capdazjorz,  RAWR. lol04:16
dazjorzcap: We're going to remount the partitio04:16
=== navets [n=navets@d39-87-92.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
anthony_Stormx2: Can I open a separate chat window with you?04:16
verb3k_guys this may seem off topic , but how can I know whether a person is online on this network ? ( using xchat) thansk in advance04:17
hwildedazjorz, you guys are making this too difficult just use gtkpod04:17
uboturaymondjtoth: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:17
hwildeverb3k_, /whois04:17
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:17
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:17
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capdazjorz,  I typed in rm file. and it asks me to remove "write-protected regular empty file 'file'" I typed in Y is that right?04:17
nickrudit's alive!04:18
Stormx2anthony_, you receiving my messages?04:18
hwildeyou guys are making this too difficult04:18
verb3k_hwilde, thnak you04:18
hwilde!ipod | cap04:18
navetshey does anyone know how you can have a windows taskbar in ubuntu using VMware server?04:18
ubotucap: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod04:18
dazjorzcap: Oh, wait, since you made the file as root, you cannot remove it as your own user04:18
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dazjorzcap: So: sudo rm file04:18
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dazjorzhwilde: I'm mainly explaining him how to use the console04:18
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hwildeyeah but now you are getting into permissions and mounting and none of that is necessray if you just follow hte wiki howto04:19
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:19
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capdazjorz,  okay. did it. now... "cd.."?04:19
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dazjorzcap: Space between cd and ..04:20
dazjorzcap: since the command is 'cd', and .. is the previous directory04:20
capdazjorz,  okay did it04:20
dazjorzcap: cd = chdir = change directory04:20
dazjorzcap: You might want to follow the wiki for the rest of the iPod writing process04:20
capdazjorz,  hopefully I remember this all it's helpful (:04:20
capdazjorz,  which is??04:21
dazjorzcap: They do a much better job in telling how to do it as I will ever be able to do, since I don't have an iPod myself and I don't use rhythmbox04:21
dazjorz!ipod | cap04:21
ubotucap: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod04:21
vikI have an ubuntu machine I want to virtualise into vmware; would it be hard to do? Could I just create a VM and point it to the ubuntu partition? Will the new 'hardware' be autodetected?04:21
dazjorzvik: The hardware is no problem, since the Linux kernel supports just about all of the hardware without configuration necessary04:21
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dazjorzvik: I remember it was possible to point VMWare to a partition, but I can't remember how to do that04:22
capdazjorz,  Could I keep in touch with you in the future to pick your brain a bit to get more familiar with Linux and all?04:22
romboyvik are you trying to turn an existing machine into a vm ?04:22
dazjorzcap: Yeah, I'm mostly found in the channels #codeyard and #dazjorz04:22
vikromboy: yep04:22
dazjorzcap: However, I will go on vacation next sunday, so I won't be here for about three weeks04:22
pyrotixWhat address do I need my router to forward to to reach my desktop if ifconfig returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28573/ ?04:22
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capdazjorz,  what's #codeyard?04:23
hwildepyrotix, ath0 looks like your wireless card,  eth0 looks like lan ethernet04:23
romboyvik and what are you using for your vm... vmware ?04:23
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:23
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vikromboy: yep vmware04:24
dazjorzcap: It's a channel for the Codeyard project, which I've joined and am actively working in :) that's why I'm mostly there04:24
dazjorzcap: I mean, that's why I'm there most of the time04:24
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romboyvik have you tried the vmware converter04:24
nmzis anyone using ioquake3 ?04:24
vikromboy: just had a look at it but it only claims to virtualise windows machines04:24
romboyhere is a howto its not specific to ubuntu but it should give you a starting point04:25
John`is there any VM software that let you use your current vid card instead of the software driver one?04:25
capdazjorz,  I have a feeling I have a lot to learn. haha. Seems overwhelming.04:25
pyrotixhwile: so if my computer is plugged in via ethernet I use .102?04:25
romboyvik: hope that helps04:25
pyrotixthanks so much04:25
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vikromboy: thanks04:25
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John`anyone know?04:26
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romboyif not.. what i would do is make a backup of my current machine, and then just install ubuntu in the vm and restore my backup04:26
romboyprobably cleaner that way ;)04:26
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romboygood luck04:26
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dazjorzcap: cd, ls, man and rm are quite important, but once you've got these, you're quite ready to figure out the rest yourself :)04:26
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John`is there any VM software that let you use your current vid card instead of the software driver one?04:27
vikWhat would be ideal would be to keep the disk as a physical disk (i.e. not a vm disk image) and be able to run either in virtual world or in real... but that might be one to play with later04:27
capdazjorz,  I don't see how the link you sent me is that useful. it is just a list of programs I already have and says you should be able to click, drag, and drop. But I already tried that for most of those programs.04:27
josh__im trying to setup openssh-server so I can ssh into my linux box from vista with putty. I installed openssh-server but cant seem to figure out how to configure it, can anyone help me?04:27
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dazjorzjosh__: You usually don't need to configure it04:28
dazjorzjosh__: what do you want to change?04:28
mongolaijosh__, do you see ssh or port 22 listed as listening if you netstat -tap04:28
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dazjorzcap: I never tried anything with iPods, I don't have one myself, so I can't help you anything further04:29
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dazjorzcap: However, I know that Amarok should have no problems with iPods, but Rhythmbox shouldn't have any either, so04:29
romboyjosh how did u install the ssh server ?04:29
capdazjorz,  thanks anyways. (:04:29
triplesome lady threatened to call the cops on me04:29
triplebut its too long of a story04:29
josh__synaptic package manager04:29
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tripleand tw would fucking rip me for it04:29
tripleso im keeping that to myself for now04:30
mongolaijosh__, are you trying to connect on a LAN, or from the WAN side?04:30
dazjorzjosh__: what happens if you ssh to localhost?04:30
level1woa... triple... language!04:30
dudemandoes ubuntu have flash for amd5404:30
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josh__that works04:30
romboyso then its working ...04:31
romboywhere are you trying to ssh from ?04:31
dazjorzjosh__: is there a firewall or router between the machine you ssh from and the machine you ssh to?04:31
josh__my wireless vista box04:31
John`anyone here know any Virtual machine software that let you run your own current video card instead of the software driver one that they use?04:31
dudemanJohn`: there are none04:31
vikJohn`: I'm not certain, but have a look at xen.04:31
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dazjorzjosh__: does it allow ssh (port 22) traffic between the two machines?04:31
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josh__lemme check04:31
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mongolaijosh__, you need to make sure to use the proper IP address which can be found by ifconfig04:32
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romboyalso do u have any sort of firewall running on your ubuntu machine04:32
=== Larry [n=larry@pool-72-94-127-89.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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LarryAnyone give me some kernel building advice.  I'm using autobuild and i get the following error:04:32
Larrymake[2] : Entering directory `/usr/src/ubuntu-feisty/debian/build/build-386'04:32
Larry  CHK     include/linux/version.h04:32
Larry  CHK     include/linux/utsrelease.h04:32
Larry  CC [M]   fs/dlm/lowcomms-tcp.o04:32
Larryfs/dlm/lowcomms-tcp.c: In function 'accept_from_sock':04:32
Larryfs/dlm/lowcomms-tcp.c:468: error: 'struct connection' has no member named 'sock_sem'04:32
Larrymake[4] : *** [fs/dlm/lowcomms-tcp.o]  Error 104:32
Larrymake[3] : *** [fs/dlm]  Error 204:32
Larrymake[2] : *** [fs]  Error 204:32
Larrymake[2] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/ubuntu-feisty/debian/build/build-386'04:33
dazjorzLarry: Do not paste in here!04:33
Larrymake[1] : *** [debian/stamp-build-kernel]  Error 204:33
_ElmoreQuestion: anyone know where I can get a keylogger that works with Linux?04:33
Larrymake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/ubuntu-feisty/debian/build/build-386'04:33
Larrymake: *** [build]  Error 204:33
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dazjorzLarry: Paste that to a pastebin.04:33
dazjorz!pastebin | Larry04:33
ubotuLarry: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:33
Larry< - new04:33
_ElmoreQuestion: anyone know where I can get a keylogger that works with Linux?04:33
g0dd3sshow to mount a windows share to my ubuntu box?04:33
mongolai!ntfs | g0dd3ss04:34
ubotug0dd3ss: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:34
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:34
=== NemesisBLK [n=Menes@71-9-38-182.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Larrythank you, i will do that and ask again04:34
dazjorzmongolai: I think g0dd3ss is talking about a remonte network share04:34
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g0dd3ssi can see it if i type smb://blahblah/04:34
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mongolaidazjorz, yea I got that a bit late ;)04:34
VoX_Elmore: it depends what you want to log04:34
dazjorz!samba | g0dd3ss04:34
ubotug0dd3ss: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:34
g0dd3ssbut can i make it to mount in my filesystem04:34
g0dd3ssok ok04:34
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_Elmoredoes anyone kno where i can get a keylogger that works with linux? i've tried lkl but that doesn't support us keymaps04:35
dazjorz_Elmore: you might be able to read from /dev/keyboard as root04:35
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_Elmorehow do i do that?04:35
dazjorzwhat do you want a keylogger for?04:35
homerjbecause his gf is cheating on him with some internet guy04:36
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_Elmoreto see what other users are doing on my computer04:36
dazjorzhomerj: that's what I thought ;)04:36
homerj_Elmore, get one of the hardware ones for cheap04:36
_Elmorebecause someone keeps fucking with my settings04:36
dazjorz_Elmore: ask them04:36
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_Elmoreok thanks04:36
_Elmorese ya04:36
LarryHi, could anyone give me some help using autobuild to build my kernel.  it throws a few errors and stops.  the last bit of output is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2858004:36
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dazjorzLarry++ # better04:36
homerjI bet _Elmore's girlfriend has a gunt04:36
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g0dd3ssno understand :\04:37
mongolaiLarry, that seems to be a problem with the kernel code itself.04:38
dazjorzLarry: I fail to figure out what causes that error04:38
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dazjorzLarry: have you done anything with the code, e.g., apply patches?04:38
mongolaiLarry, did you edit or patch the file in line 6 of your pastebin04:38
saxartistMy GPU is suddenly idling at 50*C!!!04:38
saxartistI don't know why04:38
saxartistit's not even in a case, and there's a fan blowing accross it04:39
dazjorzsaxartist: 50 degrees celcius is nothing for a GPU, if I remember correctly04:39
saxartistyou're probably right04:39
dazjorzvalues between 50 and 70 are  OK, iirc04:39
Wikkedfin^my gpu idles at 50c even on windows04:39
saxartisthahaha, the slowdown threshold is 135C04:39
Wikkedfin^what kinda gpu do you have04:39
LarryI have not, I got the code using git as per the directions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile04:39
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Wikkedfin^what kinda gfx card..04:39
saxartist7600 GT04:39
dazjorzsome PU's idle at 110 degrees Calcus04:39
saxartistMy CPU is at 4004:40
romboyyea i even sometimes idle at that04:40
LarryI'm rebuilding to get the toshiba laptop support04:40
saxartistPlus it's warmer here tonight04:40
saxartistthat's part of it04:40
dazjorzDamn, how did I succeed in making two typo's in one word04:40
Larryfor suspend and hibernate04:40
mongolaiLarry, it's a problem  with the code. You should file a bug-report04:40
saxartistI love this new set up I have, my power on set up is ctrl-esc04:40
dazjorzLarry: do you have build-essential installed?04:40
Wikkedfin^i have 7950 superoverclocked04:40
saxartistno power button04:40
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dazjorzsudo ap-get install build-essential04:40
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Wikkedfin^ idles at 5004:40
wastedfluidsudo :)04:40
saxartistWikkedfin^: water cooling?04:40
dazjorzLarry: I mean, apt-get04:41
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dazjorzLarry: If the compilation fails at the first file, it might be because you're missing a few files04:41
xtknightdo they have a canonical commercial repo for feisty?04:41
xtknightif not would opera happen to be anywhere..04:41
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dazjorzxtknight: there's the non-free repository04:42
dazjorzxtknight: opera is in the repositories, afaik04:42
ubuntuHello, I have a network problem with my installation04:42
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xtknightdazjorz, hmm nonfree?  sounds like debian to me?04:42
dazjorzubuntu: you might want to use another nickname on IRC04:42
joshua__dazjorz,  Sorry to have to bug you again (this is cap). But I'm still having the same problems. Do you know anyone I can refer to on IRC who could lend more support and are more familiar with the ipod in this case?04:43
dazjorzxtknight: I thought ubuntu had nonfree too?04:43
nonewmsgsmtoherboard, videocard and soundcard do i need to tell ubuntu to recheck my hardware?04:43
ubuntuI'm using the live CD04:43
xtknightdazjorz, actually what's odd is Edgy used to have a Commercial repo that had opera and realplayer/etc.  did feisty do away with it?04:43
nonewmsgsif i upgrade my04:43
Wikkedfin^air cooled gpu04:43
dazjorzjoshua__: Just ask your question in #ubuntu, it'll be OK04:43
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ubuntuI can't access the internet with my installation04:43
xtknightubuntu, do you know what model of NIC you haev?04:43
ubuntuBroadcom for the wireless, I don04:44
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xtknightubuntu, paste the output of the command "sudo lshw -class network" to pastebin04:44
ubuntu't know what the NIC would be04:44
Larrydazjorz:  It does not give that error at the first file, it does quite a bit before that happens.  I'll try to redownload the source and start over from the beginning.  This is my first build, so it's been trial and error.  I've learned alot already.  Thank you for the help04:44
elfgohHi all, I am hoping to order Feisty CDS via shipit for the freshmen fair at my University. However, I wish to know if it will arrive in time on 31st July. Is there anyway I can find out the shipit delivery schedule?04:44
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guyzmoI'm trying to use the wireless mighty mouse on my PC and I'm getting "Can't get device information: Connection refused". I'm not really up to date about bluetooth setups, but I suspect my bluetooth usb dongle is too old for the might mouse. anyone can help me tell if it's that ? I'm getting 'Can't get device information: Connection refused' when trying to connect04:45
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guyzmo(I read the wiki and I'm browsing the forums)04:45
dazjorzLarry: Make sure you have build-essential installed and try if the newest kernel from kernel.org compiles correctly04:45
r00tintheb0xguyzmo whats the problem?04:45
elfgohor is there some other place i can go to to find out the shipit schedule?04:45
r00tintheb0xI'll help you.04:45
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xtknightelfgoh, grabbing a cd burner and doing 20 or so discs would be a sure of way of getting em.  i dont know about shipit's schedule, sorry04:46
r00tintheb0xelfgoh https://shipit.ubuntu.com/04:46
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ubuntuwhere's the pastebin?04:46
ubuntuWhat's the pastebin?04:47
xtknight!pastebin | ubuntu04:47
voidmageKnow what's a great idea?04:47
r00tintheb0xubuntu !pastebin | ubuntulog04:47
saxartisttype "pastebin ubuntu"04:47
dazjorzubotu is dead04:47
r00tintheb0xubuntu !pastebin | ubuntu04:47
saxonjfIs there a way to limit the number of choices to boot when I start my computer?04:47
guyzmor00tintheb0x - well, I just told, I'm trying to peer my mighty mouse with my feisty fawn, and I'm getting "Can't get device information: Connection refused" when running 'hidd --connect XX:YY:...'04:47
voidmageIf NetworkManager could start during boot04:47
r00tintheb0x!pastebin | ubuntu04:47
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voidmageinstead of waiting for me to login04:47
Larrydazjorz:  I will try that.  I've been using the source from kernel.ubuntu.com retrieved with git04:47
saxartist!!!!!!!Ubotu is dead?????04:47
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dazjorzubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:47
defconI wish to get the linux-686-smp kernel for my P4 hyperthread processor, in synaptic, it says obsoleted by linux generic, would I see a performance increase with this?04:47
dazjorzsaxartist: yes.04:47
r00tintheb0xubuntu http://pastebin.ca04:47
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SirSherlockhi, i just tired a kernel recompile, and all i needed to change was one file....but when i issue the make command it says ' nothing to be done' and exit - i tired make more changes, no luck.....any ideas?04:47
elfgohxtknight, yes.. but there are a lot of freshmen and I think of ordering 100CDs. Besides, the shipit cds look nicer with the cover and cd label04:47
xtknightdefcon, P4 HT must be enabled by a command line paramter04:47
saxartistdazjorz: are they working on a new bot?04:47
dazjorzLarry: I never tried building Ubuntu's kernel before, but kernel.org kernels worked just fine for me04:47
guyzmor00tintheb0x - do you have any clues ?04:47
xtknightelfgoh, ahh i see.04:47
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dazjorzsaxartist: I think the box he's usually running on is don04:48
Larrydazjorz: thanks, i'll try that.04:48
dazjorzhe's here, just not answering04:48
defconxtknight, where can I find more info on that, I appreciate the quick response04:48
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dazjorzsaxartist: I think he has temporary problems, I guess he'll be back in a bit04:48
r00tintheb0xguyzmo mighty mouse?04:48
guyzmor00tintheb0x - yup04:48
r00tintheb0xguyzmo please elaborate.04:48
xtknightdefcon, add "ht=on" to kernel line.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11801804:49
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guyzmor00tintheb0x - well, that's what I'm doing since 3 or 4 lines :)04:49
defconxtknight, thankyou bro04:49
xtknightdefcon, keep in mind HT was disabled, due to some security concerns.04:49
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ubuntupastebin ubuntu04:49
xtknightdefcon, this will re-enable it with some potential (but probably extremely rare) issues.04:49
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guyzmor00tintheb0x - do you have any clues given what I said ? Or what else do you want to know ?04:49
g0dd3sshi i just install ubuntu again and when i try to play an mp3 with amarok it says i have to install mp3 support, click here to install blahblah so I do that and restart it and it says the same thing again anyone know how to fix04:50
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saxonjfHow can I get rid of the old Ubuntu choices on the multiboot screen?04:50
elfgohr00tintheb0x: tks for the link. Found an email there. Probly will email them04:50
r00tintheb0xcool elfgoh, no problem.04:50
tannerldwhen I do "apt-get update", I get "could not lock", but I don't have synamtic running or anything04:50
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romboyg0dd3ss automatix04:51
VoXtannerld: did you run sudo apt-get update?04:51
r00tintheb0xguyzmo join #UbuntuGurus with me... to much going on in here.04:51
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romboyitll hook u up04:51
tannerldVoX: yeah04:51
g0dd3ssapt-get it?04:51
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romboycheck out ubuntuguide.org04:51
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romboyand just search for it ..04:51
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Flannel!automatix | romboy, g0dd3ss04:51
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g0dd3ssya alrighty thanks alot04:52
Slaj_Rquestion-- Ever since I saved a session, whenever I log in I get bittorrent's "open location for bittorent meta file" dialog box.  I no longer have downloads in progress.  How do I get this to stop appearing?04:52
Flannelromboy: Please don't suggest automatix.  g0dd3ss, you shouldn't use automatix.04:52
g0dd3sso rly04:52
Flanneltannerld: did you use sudo?04:52
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tannerldFlannel: yes04:52
romboywhy so flannel ?04:52
=== tannerld was too lazy to type that out
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Flannelromboy: Because it's dangerous04:52
saxartistautomatix is likely to cause problems04:52
xtknightautomatix is cool , until you have problems and then we're the ones who are going to be fixing them04:52
Flanneltannerld: And you have no other packaging programs open? aptitude, other apt-gets,  update-manager, adept/synaptic/whatever?04:52
g0dd3ss8-} okay04:53
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saxartistt.h.e....c.o.m.m.a.n.d.....l.i.n.e. is your friend04:53
romboynever gave me a problem but ok if u insist04:53
Flannel!worksforme | romboy04:53
tannerldFlannel: nope - none that I can see04:53
=== dazjorz searches more on automatix
FlannelHmm.  Ubotu is lagging.04:53
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dazjorzFlannel: he's dead.04:53
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tannerldHe's dead jim. :P04:53
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Flanneltannerld: Alright, well, double check.  And if so, manually remove the lock file.04:53
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defconxtknight, where do I add ht=on in grub04:53
FlannelSeveas, ping re: ubotu04:54
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tannerldFlannel: just rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock?04:54
LucidFoxH.264 decoding is very slow in Xine-based players, but fast in MPlayer04:54
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xtknightdefcon, find title           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-16-generic04:54
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LucidFoxwhat could be the problem?04:54
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Flanneltannerld: er... is that the lock file?  I couldve sworn it was something else.  /var/lib/dpkg/lock04:54
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xtknightLucidFox, be more specific..playback of which kind of h.264 files? interlaced?  are you using different settings in mplayer and xine?  e.g. mplayer has options to skip deblocking04:55
defconxtknight, ok kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=8ef78ce0-a1ca-4906-925c-0f34bd9ae1fa ro splash vga=794 ht=on ?04:55
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tannerldFlannel: idk - it says "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)" on the output04:55
xtknightdefcon, exactly04:55
defconthankyou :)04:55
LucidFoxxtknight> no, not interlaced04:55
defconbbl reboot04:55
xtknightdefcon, make sure that's not the Recovery entry04:55
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mongolaiLucidFox, MPlayer has an entirely different rendering engine. If it works better for you in this case, why not just use it?04:56
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LucidFoxbecause I don't like its GUI04:56
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LucidFoxI prefer Kaffeine04:56
mongolaiOh, ok04:56
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Flanneltannerld: try `ps aux | grep apt`  nothing?04:57
romboynite all04:57
tommy_has there been any fix for the kernel 2.6.20 "busybox" bug yet?04:57
verb3k_LISTEN ALL .... AN IMPORTANT  MESSAGE TO THE UBUNTU COMMUNITY : http://microsoft.willbedefeated.com/    enjoy :)04:57
bayu_krhi all, i cant' compile postgis-1.2.1 on ubuntu 7.04,,, anyone can help04:57
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Flannelverb3k_: #ubuntu-offtopic not here, thanks.04:57
tannerldFlannel: about 12 things in there, only one on my account04:58
tannerldFlannel: which was that grep04:58
verb3k_Flannel,  sorry . I forgot it was a support channel04:58
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Flanneltannerld: er.  What about on your account?  If theyre on other accounts, it still matters.04:58
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mongolaiFlannel, why the back-tics (`) in your previous post?04:59
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defconxtknight, well everything seems to be working fine, dont know if I notice a performance difference, any way to benchmark?04:59
tannerldFlannel: http://pastebin.ca/60381104:59
OmegaCentiIf I want to remove something from startup... say.. crossfire. How would I do so?04:59
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Flannelmongolai: to separate commands from other things.  The backticks are just delimiters04:59
tommy_which kernel will gutsy be using?04:59
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xtknightdefcon, hm not sure really05:00
xtknighttommy_, 2.6.2205:00
mongolaiFlannel, doesn't the ` have certain meaning in the shell (dash/bash)?05:00
blackace11can someone assist me in virtual box? if not where do i need to go?05:00
blackace11i have xp but it won't let me upgrade it to vista05:01
tommy_is the gutsy alpha versions using the end version of kernel 2.6.22. Or are they using beta versions of it?05:01
Flannelmongolai: Yeah, but so do regular quotes most of the time.05:01
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joshua__Okay. I keep receiving Error transferring Track when I try to important songs into my ipod. can anyone help me?05:01
DaltonSblackace11, VMware server is free and does what you want (and it's really easy to install)05:01
Flanneltannerld: you've got an update running: root     18924  0.0  0.0   5168  1972 ?        SN   07:35   0:00 apt-get -qq update05:02
mongolaiFlannel, I guess you're right :) For sake of an explanation it *is* arbitrary.05:02
blackace11so i don't need to use innotek virtualbox?05:02
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Flannelmongolai: Yeah.  It's easier, and further away from the enter key.  That latter reasons probably a major factor.  I hate giving piecewise results because of a typo05:02
UbuntuBroxtknight:  found the pastebin, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28584/05:03
DaltonSblackace11, You want a test environment so that you can see if Vista will run on your system? Yes?05:03
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UbuntuBrochanged my nick also05:03
JimmioCan anyone here help me with something? Ubuntu crashes when wine attempts to do anything05:04
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tommy_is the final kernel 2.6.22 out yet, or still beta testing?05:04
tannerldFlannel: ah, yep that was it. thanks05:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:04
ubotuubuntu: please see above05:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is dead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:04
blackace11no i know it does... i just want to run it without dual booting05:04
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE05:04
Flanneltommy_: #ubuntu+1 will give you better info, I imagine.05:04
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uboturomboy, g0dd3ss: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:04
saxartistubotu's back05:04
blackace11i want to save it to external hard drive05:04
uboturomboy: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:04
`Nickhow do i set Ubuntu LiveCD to start at a higher screen resolution?05:05
tommy_ok, ill try that irx05:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s back - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
blackace11i've got the xp installed ... but when i went to upgrade to vista it gave error05:05
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mongolaiubotu is a zombie!!05:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a zombie!! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
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UbuntuBroubotu:  I pasted the output to the link already05:05
DaltonSblackace11, It's a matter of prefferance. I like VMWare personally. Try VMWare and if you don't like it you can remove it.05:05
`Nickhow do i set Ubuntu LiveCD to start at a higher screen resolution?05:05
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mongolaiUbuntuBro, uboto is a bot.05:05
UbuntuBroAh thank you05:06
UbuntuBrodidn't know05:06
g0dd3ssbot on valium05:06
ste-foyand me am I a bot ?05:06
DaltonSblackace11, You will need to register to get a key though, but I don't get any emails from VMWare so ...05:06
Talaman72got new video card, using dvi, video resolution selection only has 800x600 and 640x48005:06
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JimmioCan anyone halp?05:06
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blackace11i have vmware player05:07
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DaltonSTalaman72, that probably means you don't have the right drivers or any drivers installed (besides the basic display drivers)05:07
UbuntuBroI am trying to fix the network connection for my laptop installation05:07
blackace11but u say i need server?05:07
DaltonSblackace11, Yes. Player let'05:07
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mongolaiUbuntuBro, is it a wireless connection?05:07
anto9usJimmio: what are you trying to do with wine and what do you mean by crash?05:07
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DaltonSblackace11, let's you PLAY a virtual Host, but not make one. Server let's you do both.05:07
Talaman72how would i install them05:07
blackace11oh ok...thanks!05:08
UbuntuBroMongolai:  Neither work05:08
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DaltonSblackace11, NP05:08
UbuntuBroI was trying to get the wireless working05:08
nomici've tried to install XUBUNTU onto a machine running windows XP and it says 'the ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of scsi2 (0,0,0) (sda) failed05:08
UbuntuBroand disabled the Lan05:08
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blackace11so both my xp files i just created i won't use do to different virtualization methods?05:08
nomicis my disk broken05:08
DaltonSTalaman72, on a live cd? Not sure.05:08
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nomicxp installs/runs on it fine05:09
Talaman72live cd?05:09
DaltonSblackace11, I don't understand.05:09
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nomicthe cd will run live it is the desktop installation cd05:09
DaltonSTalaman72,  my bad, thought you said it was on a live CD05:09
nomicoh not me05:09
blackace11i'm asking if my virtualbox files i just installed xp on will work on the vmware?05:09
`Nickhow do i set Ubuntu LiveCD to use a higher screen resolution?05:09
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Talaman72no, run ubuntu of my hard drive05:09
nomici've tried to install XUBUNTU onto a machine running windows XP and it says 'the ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of scsi2 (0,0,0) (sda) failed05:09
=== Torn [n=ubuntu@c-71-236-142-163.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaltonSblackace11,  Probably not.05:09
DaltonSTalaman72, I scrolled up and re-read it :D Sorry about that.05:10
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`NickDaltonS: do you know about the liveCDs though?05:10
james296hey does anyone know why whenever I move the mouse cursor over any open dialog box in Open Office drawing, like when I choose to select different shapes, when I move the mouse cursor to more than one of the options it makes those objects look like the cursor is over those?05:10
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james296anyone get what Im tryin to say?05:10
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DaltonS`Nick, Not really.05:10
anto9usnomic: make sure you've shut down windows cleanly, do a disk check and defrag if necessary05:10
DaltonSTalaman72, what kind of card is it?05:10
nomicwhere do i do a disk check from?05:11
`NickDaltonS: oh, cuz i need to figure out how to make it run at a higher resolution05:11
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anto9usnomic: from in windows05:11
nomicits a plain new install of windows05:11
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UbuntuBro`Nick:  I'm guessing System|Preferences|Screen Resolution isn't working?05:11
nomicit wouldn't have installed if the disk was broken05:11
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`NickUbuntuBro: i need it to be at a higher resolution from the start - the low resolution messes up the Inspiron i'm using05:11
anto9usnomic: not the disk but the filesystem on it, windows also needs to shutdown cleanly05:12
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james296anyone get what I was tryin to say?05:12
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nomicok thanks anto9us05:12
mongolai`Nick, can you pastebin your /etx/X11/xorg.conf05:12
`Nickmongolai: i cant even get it to work!05:12
`Nicki'm tryin to get the liveCD to work so i can install it05:12
LucidFoxhmm, that's weird05:12
`Nickbut the screen resolution is too low for an Inspiron to handle =\05:13
LucidFoxplayback was only slow in an mkv container05:13
Talaman72DaltonS, geforce 6200 le05:13
blackace11it's saying it's installed05:13
DaltonSTalaman72, and what version?05:13
DaltonSblackace11, what is "it05:14
DaltonSblackace11,  "it's"05:14
mongolai`Nick, what is the native resolution of the Inspiron?05:14
blackace11If you installed it from the VMware website, please remove it by running vmware-uninstall.pl before proceeding.05:14
blackace11If it was installed through Ubuntu, you must purge (completely remove) the old package.05:14
=== |GrueTam| [n=tg@CPE-72-133-203-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
UbuntuBro`Nick:  From a LiveCD?  Where does the screen go blank in the loading?05:14
bruenigblackace11, sudo apt-get remove --purge vmware-player05:14
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xtknightUbuntuBro, type "sudo ifconfig eth1 up"05:14
`NickUbuntuBro: it doesnt go blank - it shows a TON of lines and stuff but nothing even remotely close to usable05:14
nomici can't understand why it says it is installing to SCSI2 when it's an IDE drive could that be the problem?05:15
DaltonSblackace11, or server (if that is the version you have)05:15
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blackace11now i will try again05:15
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Talaman72DaltonS, 7.04 of unbuntu05:15
=== Rogerioadris [n=rogerioa@200-232-184-17.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Ai-where do you guys download ubuntu?05:16
`Nicki'm trying the "ubuntu screen=1024x768" trick05:16
nomicubuntu website myself05:16
DaltonSTalaman72, 64 bit? 32 bit?05:16
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Ai-i tried to download ubuntu from ubuntu.com05:16
Ai-but i get bad hash everytime05:16
Talaman7232 bit05:16
Ai-i dled from almost every server in my region05:16
blackace11Ai after u download it u need to burn the .iso file to a Disc05:16
FlannelAi-: Grab it from bittorrent05:16
josh__how can I enable ssh in my wrt54g router with the default firmware05:16
Ai-i dled from BT, still got hash05:17
Ai-pissing me off05:17
Flanneljosh__: all you have to do is forward the port to your server.05:17
UbuntuBroxtknight:  In Terminal?  "No such file or directory"05:17
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blackace11Ai you can request a free disk from the website... mine came in 2 weeks05:17
xtknightUbuntuBro, you sure you typed that properly..?05:17
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bruenigAi-, if you downloaded from bittorrent and it completed, the iso is fine05:17
Ai-blackace11, yea i guess the only way for me to install is request a CD... and wait 2 weeks huh05:17
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UbuntuBro`Nick: Nothing at all from the very beginning?05:17
Ai-bruenig, my BT client said i missed 1 hash05:18
Ai-after completed dl05:18
bruenigAi-, did it complete05:18
blackace11i suppose that's your best bet without to much difficulty05:18
`NickUbuntuBro: it works, the main screen works05:18
DaltonSTalaman72, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new                           sudo nvidia-glx-config enable05:18
`NickUbuntuBro: but when it goes to the desktop it goes haywire05:18
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bruenigAi-, only having one hash fail on 700 mb transfer is very good, bittorrent throws away hash failed data and redownloads it05:18
HibameDoes anyone have a guide on how to add a new physical drive to a lvm?05:19
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Ai-bruenig, I burned the iso (dled from BT) to CD, when it's installing base files, it had a lot of corrupt files and unable to complete installation05:19
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HibameAll the ones I followed online on adding a lvm in ubuntu didnt work =/05:19
UbuntuBro`Nick: If you can get to the menu Try "vga=771" in the options box05:19
=== Jimmio [n=jimmio@c-69-136-97-23.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
`NickUbuntuBro: ok05:19
JimmioHello everyone...05:19
FlannelHibame: first thing is to format it as an LVM partition (usually better than doing the 'whole disk' thing), but, the usual stuff should work.  What steps werent?05:20
=== cockaigne [n=dlhead@c-76-21-105-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmiothere is a problem with my current ubuntu install05:20
elpargodoes anyone knows of a CLI util to check for "are you sure messages" ?05:20
Ai-ah w.e i gave up on ubuntu05:20
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elpargokind of like yes but usefull05:21
JimmioWine, Wine Is Not an Emulator, is causing ubuntu to crash my system05:21
Ai-wasted my whole day~05:21
HibameFlannel when I installed ubuntu I selected lvm install but I am guessing it didnt add the other two harddrives and when I attempt to do vgextend it tells me the drive isnt physical05:21
Jimmioany clue?05:21
jrzanyone using an nvidia card?05:21
DaltonSAi-, if you learned one thing, it wasn't a waste.05:21
JimmioI am05:21
stefa1opa ... problemas com reproduo de video .. alguem pode ajudar?05:21
UbuntuBroxtknight:  I copied it directly from the chat.  I'm on the live CD right now, though05:21
anto9usJimmio: be more specific, what exactly is happening?05:21
`Nicki think this laptop is about to melt...05:21
Ai-I didn't learn anything DaltonS05:21
jrzdo you get the right resolution or stuck with a smaller05:21
Ai-I think I did.05:21
Wikkedfin^Say when you enable Desktop Effects is the MInimize, maximize and the exit buttons suppose to disapear05:21
=== aaanone [n=user@pool-71-96-162-176.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ai-All the servers seem to host files with bad hash05:21
UbuntuBroI'm using a nVidia05:21
jrzim stuck at 1024 on a 19" monitor05:22
Jimmioit completely stops responding... wine is "setting up configuration files" and then the system hangs, nothing happens05:22
jrzbut in winblows i can go at least 128005:22
jrzany ideas05:22
aaanonehow long does it usually take for packages to get into the Ubuntu repository? Eclipse 3.3 has been out for a few days now but it looks like 3.2.2 is what is available via aptitude install05:22
stefa1brasil chanel ?05:22
Jimmiojrz: you stole my saying! Winblows was mine, lol05:22
`NickUbuntuBro: it makes the scrolly bar all weirddd05:22
elpargojrz, which video card?05:22
DaltonSAi-, are you on a broadband internet connection or what?05:22
jrzlol sorry man05:22
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`NickJimmio: winblows was mine a long time ago!05:23
jrzum one sec05:23
Ai-yes DaltonS05:23
Ai-forget it05:23
Ai-im going back to win 2k3 server05:23
xtknightUbuntuBro, well eth1 needs to be enabled.  maybe network manager can do that05:23
elpargoJimmio, jrib I prefer GUInDOS05:23
jrzNV44 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)] 05:23
DaltonSAi-, so start 10 DL's tonight and see if any of them work in the morning :D05:23
anto9usJimmio: what are you trying to run? There may be a Linux based alternative05:23
=== rampage [n=bob@oh-67-76-200-197.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Talaman72DaltonS, brb, got to restart x05:23
elpargoAi-, you poor soul 2003....05:23
Ai-DaltonS, i dled every ISO from every server in my region NORTH AMERICA. I also dled from BT. I got bad hash from all of them.05:23
Wikkedfin^when is 7.10 release date?05:24
FlannelHibame: You selected LVM install?  Pastebin your fstab, lets take a look.  I don't think there's an automated LVM installation05:24
elpargoWikkedfin^, in month #1005:24
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jrzNV44 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)] 05:24
Flannel!gutsy | Wikkedfin^05:24
HibameFlannel theres the option in the 7.04 server install05:24
DaltonSAi-, that says to me that YOU have an issue. I doubt that EVERY server has bad files. Your machine is the common denominator my friend.05:24
=== \\ExTrEmE|afk [n=ExTrEmE@p57B2FDBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
UbuntuBroxtknight:  How do I enable it?  Network manager isn't on my installation anymore, apparently.05:24
milllmannnwhat is the command to copy a file to make a backup of it?05:24
=== `Nick is scared by the fact that his laptop makes firework-ish noises when their are none around
FlannelHibame: Interesting.  Alright, well, that's new for me.  Pastebin your fstab anyway, we'll see what we're up against05:24
mandrakemandrake15@hotmail.com add me men..05:25
xtknightUbuntuBro, i dont really know05:25
xtknightUbuntuBro, i suggest installing to get ifconfig and then fixing it there05:25
elpargojrz, #1 did you install the nvidia drivers? #2 did you check ur xorg? to make sure it has the bigger values? actually #2 is more important05:25
UbuntuBroxtknight:  Thanks for trying05:25
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip72-210-64-240.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HibameFlannel do you know a way to paste it from a terminal to a pastebin D:05:25
Ai-I forgot to tell you, I also dled some ISO from some servers on my other machines05:25
Ai-Burn to CDRW, dont work05:26
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Ai-Oh maybe it the CDRW's fault. I used 5 blank CDR too05:26
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jrznah man im a newb not sure how to do that05:26
FlannelHibame: one way is to use pastebinit, which is in universe, even if it doesn't use the Ubuntu pastebin05:26
FlannelAi-: what speed did you burn them?05:27
DaltonSAi-, Your other machines on the same internet connection? If yes, try downloading something equally as large from some other server and see if that fail. Try a fedora iso or something else like that.05:27
elpargoHibame, there a lot of CLI-paste script I remember using one call "nopaste" it's ruby though.05:27
stefa1algum brasileiro a?05:27
UbuntuBroxtknight:  I can't install any of the packages, they all need internet access . . . which isn't working.05:27
Ai-no stefa105:27
xtknightUbuntuBro, oh i see.  i thought you had eth005:27
Flannel!br | stefa105:27
nomicwhen booting up it's also saying buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block zero - won't boot into windows now05:27
xtknightUbuntuBro, (and that you were on eth0 now)05:27
anto9usmilllmannn: "cp <filename.???> <newfilename.???>" will copy a file replacing what's in <> accordingly05:28
Flannelstefa1: #ubuntu-br05:28
nomicbad disk?05:28
linux_user400354just recently my computer with linux started to open games in a small area surrounded by black instead of taking the entire screen. what is causing this and how can it be fixed?05:28
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HibameFlannel I cant seem to find fstab =/05:29
Jimmioso, what should I try?05:29
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anto9usnomic: you're booting from floppy disk?05:29
xtknightUbuntuBro, it's not possible to hook up the wired ethernet?05:29
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HibameFlannel, there is no etc/fstab or fstab command05:29
FlannelHibame: /etc/fstab05:29
nomicno floppy in the unit05:29
xtknightUbuntuBro, what pc are you on now..?05:29
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anto9usnomic: fd0 is floppy disk, check there's nothing in there05:30
xtknightUbuntuBro, hold on just goto system->admin->Network  it lets you enable eth105:30
elpargolinux_user400354, you need to be more specific what game? which technology it uses, did you upgraded those packages recently?05:30
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HibameFlannel, yea it tells me /etc/fstab isnt a directory05:30
nomicno floppy i wonder why it says that05:30
UbuntuBroxtknight:  I was trying to get the WLAN working and removed several network packages thinking that they were conflicting with the broadcom wireless binary.05:30
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xtknightUbuntuBro, why dont you just restart the livecd05:31
theonere you05:31
linux_user400354elpargo: recently i added another monitor for dual monitors. i disabled the second monitor before playing the game though.05:31
linux_user400354elpargo: im using the nvidia driver05:31
xtknightlinux_user400354, do you use an ldc?05:31
linux_user400354elpargo: all games ive tried so far such as quake 405:32
FlannelHibame: /etc/fstab is a file, not a directory05:32
UbuntuBroxtknight:  I'm on the LiveCD now, it's my install that has no internet access05:32
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xtknightlinux_user400354, is "gksu nvidia-settings" set to center the image in case of a resolution lower than the native of your LCD?  it's usually called pixel mapping, 1:1, or centered mode.  you'd want another scaling mode.  maybe even your lcd has settings, but that's not too common05:32
DaltonSUbuntuBro, you don't have a flash drive or any way to move files over there?05:32
nomicok im losing this drive05:32
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xtknightUbuntuBro, oh i see.  hmm05:32
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linux_user400354xtknight: no, not a lcd05:33
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linux_user400354xtknight: crt05:33
`Nickanyone know about ubuntu CDs overheating a DVD drive? lol05:33
xtknightUbuntuBro, theres no way of hooking up eth0 on the installation?05:33
`Nick:) dont leave ubuntu CDs in a Inspiron 1150 for too long05:33
UbuntuBroxtknight:  anyway I could save the packages using the liveCD and install them on my install?05:33
elpargolinux_user400354, ahh then that's the problem you X still thinks it has two monitors, you need to setup two different configurations one for having 1 monitor another for the second, the reason you didn't knew this is because ubuntu probably made your first config without you even noticing05:34
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xtknightUbuntuBro, a frustrating process, but ye05:34
J^u^d^e^hey i just wanted to know if burning vcds from K3B would play in all vcd players05:34
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xtknightUbuntuBro, im a bit sleepy now but basically what you'd do is copy the .debs and then install them with "sudo dpkg -i" on the real installation.05:35
J^u^d^e^ne idea?05:35
`Nickanyone have ideas how to cool down a DVD drive of a laptop?05:35
xtknight`Nick, dont use it for a few hours?05:35
PanzerMKZnick set the read speed to be less then max05:35
`Nickxtknight: try not even half an hour05:35
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UbuntuBroxtknight: I have the RJ45 in the jack, but it does not see it.05:35
`NickPanzerMKZ: it would help if i could get an os running, couldn't it? lol05:35
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xtknightUbuntuBro, hmm.  im afraid you removed one too many things05:36
PanzerMKZthat I did not know05:36
`NickPanzerMKZ: yeaaa =\ winblows died before the lappy was even mine05:36
UbuntuBroxtknight: Thanks, I'll try that.  Good knight :)05:36
xtknightUbuntuBro, maybe a reinstall would be the best route.  beauty of linux is you can just copy your /home dir back and have the same linux you always did05:36
`NickPanzerMKZ: so i couldn't modify any settings05:36
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`Nickand, nothing seems to make Ubuntu want to work with a Inspiron apparently05:36
joel_can someone tell me how to set no permissions on a drive? (777 on all dirs and subdirs on a drive)05:36
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xtknightjoel_, sudo chmod -R 777 /drive/05:37
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xtknightjoel_, prolly bad idea, but if you know what you're doing go ahead05:37
J^u^d^e^joel_, chmod -R 777 <file>05:37
joel_thanks guys05:37
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J^u^d^e^joel_, its better to add yourself to the root group05:38
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HibameFlannel, here is a basic paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28586/05:39
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joel_i want to set up a server where anyone can take del whatever they want05:39
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r0bbyjoel_: they can delete whatever they want so long as the perms allow it05:39
Flanneljoel_: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/ftp-server.html05:39
Flanneljoel_: anonymous FTP05:39
DisabledDuckanyone know any good IRC chat programs?05:39
UbuntuBrojoel_:  couldn't you just share a folder?05:40
r0bbyDisabledDuck: irssi, xchat05:40
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jmspeexAnyone can help with a scanner? If I use xsane or xscanimage, the scanner doesn't move and eventually returns a black screen. With scanimage, I get about a quarter of the page, but can't find the option to specify the entire page.05:40
r0bbyin that order.05:40
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joel_1) i want it to be ssh 2) i want the drive to be as open and dangerious as posible05:40
J^u^d^e^hey i just wanted to know if burning vcds from K3B would play in all vcd players05:40
=== Secutor [n=mark@c-67-169-16-102.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PurpZeY"dangerous as possible"05:40
tonyyarusso!irc | DisabledDuck05:40
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FlannelHibame: alright, so.  You do have LVM on there.  Thta's really the point of the pastebin.  So, what commands didn't work correctly?  Do you currently have a LVM formatted harddrive?  (partition type lvm)05:40
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r0bbyjoel_: sudo chmod -R 0777 /05:41
r0bbyas dangerous as possible.05:41
joel_<PurpZeY> Thanks05:41
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joel_<r0bby> only on a set drive05:41
joel_<r0bby> not the / drive05:41
r0bbyjoel_: then chmod 0777 -R /media/myDrive05:41
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r0bbylearn about unix permissions05:42
HibameFlannel, I belive so I followed https://docs.astro.columbia.edu/wiki/LVM%20Disk%20Management05:42
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r0bbyjoel_: read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:43
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r0bbythen recursively chmod the mount point.05:43
smultronwhen i plug my ubuntu box into my Airport Extreme ethernet it doesn't establish a connection. but when i plug it into my powerbook's ethernet with the powerbook sharing it's internet connection through the ethernet, the ubuntu box makes a connection. any ideas why that would be?05:43
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HibameFlannel, I get the difference on the "Create the physical volume:" step where on the site it shows 2 volumes and I only get one05:43
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joel_<r0bby> thanks05:43
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J^u^d^e^can anyone help me with irc java bots05:44
wotanistHello. I have Ubuntu 7.04 with GNOME. Is it possible for me to install dcop which is basically for KDE?05:44
timmakI am having ssh problems i keep get no route to host or connect refused05:44
r0bbyjoel_: 0777 being the loosest readable, writable,executable by _EVERYBODY05:44
timmakany ideas?05:44
J^u^d^e^wotanist, yes05:44
r0bbyJ^u^d^e^: pircbot is VERY easy to use05:44
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Okay, how do I go about doing that? I can't seem to find it in the package manager.05:44
milllmannnis a basic install of proftp secure?05:44
r0bbyit's not a complete bot you have to add functionality05:44
milllmannnor is there a better alternative?05:44
joel_what is 0777 vs 777?05:45
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, you can download the .deb from the net05:45
r0bbythere's also moepii: http://moepii.sourceforge.net/05:45
J^u^d^e^wotanist, hold on i'll look for it05:45
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shiester_miestergday everyone05:45
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shiester_miesterwhats goin on in this channel05:45
diomsProftpd 1.3.0 and 1.3.0a have public exploits05:45
wotanistI found a .deb file but it said it was for python.. I wasn't sure if that was the one I needed... I needed dcop for a script in irssi which is in perl.05:46
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ssni want to understand ubuntus init system05:46
r0bbyJ^u^d^e^: pircbot can be found here: http://www.jibble.org/pircbot.php05:46
r0bbyany help?05:46
FlannelHibame: which do you get?05:46
=== Hor|zon [n=sasaerun@82-43-88-2.cable.ubr08.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
n3rrdI've searched around to find opinions, but I figured I might ask here... what do people here use for their music?05:46
ssni dont know what scripts are running at startup and how i get them of "autostart"05:47
shiester_miestern3rrd, rhythmbox05:47
J^u^d^e^r0bby, i use pircbot as framework05:47
ssnn3rrd: mpd & ncmpc05:47
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shiester_miesterssn, never heard of those, are they good?05:47
r0bbyJ^u^d^e^: so with the framework, you have everything you need to establish the server connection, the rest of it is java05:47
=== Mayjestic [n=Mayjesti@pD9E793ED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ssnmpd is very good05:47
ssnthere are different frontends05:47
HibameFlannel, I get the /dev/sda5 one05:48
n3rrdi've given rhythm box a bit of use, and I'm trying banshee right now.05:48
n3rrdi'll give those a look too, ssn.  thanks.05:48
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shiester_miesterssn, yeah i noticed all the different frontends when i did a search for it05:48
ubotuWikkedfin^: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+105:48
ubotuIt is spelt guTSy :)05:48
shiester_miesterwhat are the advantages of mpd?05:48
ubotustefa1: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:48
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FlannelHibame: this is in response to `sudo pvscan`?  After you've used pvcreate?05:48
HibameFlannel, yes05:48
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ubotuDisabledDuck: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:48
ssnso does anyone know how to control ubuntus init system?05:48
=== boricua [n=boricua@cpe-72-229-252-171.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelHibame: and where did you use pvcreate?  which partition?05:49
Flannel!bum | ssn05:49
ubotussn: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:49
HibameFlannel, and it told me when I did pvcreate of /dev/sdb1 that it was successful05:49
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ssnubotu: thx05:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
FlannelHibame: well, I'd try to extend it anyway.  See what error it gives.05:49
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Can you tell me what I need to install?05:50
n3rrdwell, that bum bit might have answered my next issue, too.05:50
n3rrddoes anyone here use aMSN?05:50
shiester_miestern3rrd, i did once05:50
r0bbyn3rrd: i have used it why?05:50
n3rrdI was having a weird issue with the version in the respository... but the new version seems to clear it up.05:50
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shiester_miesterthen i realised that it was inferior to GAIM05:50
shiester_miesterso now i use GAIM05:50
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vinnyhi all05:50
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shiester_miesteralthough aMSN does have a few more features05:50
`Nickhey vinny05:50
n3rrdwhenever the webcam was activated for the first time, it would work.  then when you would end the webcam connection, it would keep your cam itself active05:50
r0bbyshiester_miester: gaim no longer exists; it's pidgin now.05:50
n3rrdso you couldn't start it up again.05:50
herubaso, i love ubuntu and linux...but my wireless sucks...any ideas?05:50
shiester_miesterr0bby, yes i was just about to say that05:50
HibameFlannel, I did and it told me it wasent identified as an existing physical volume05:50
`Nickany known issues with Inspiron Graphics and Ubuntu?05:51
r0bbyfeisty doesn't have it in apt yet05:51
n3rrdyou'd have to close aMSN to release the webcam.05:51
shiester_miesterand i was thinking of asking...how does one install pidgin in ubuntu?05:51
n3rrdbut the newest version doesn't have that issue.05:51
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vinnyi have a question regarding installing ubuntu?05:51
shiester_miesterthe downloads page only has versions for windows, fedora and centOS/RHEL05:51
vinny i have maexd a ext3 partition, but the noobuntu installer crashes when i try to set a mountpoint, is there a way i can use terminal to change the mountpoint "/"' to /dev/sda3 before i run the installer so when it lists the available partitions, it will already see /dev/sda3 as "/" instead of how it currently mounts as "/media/untitled" thus avoiding the need to make changes to the disk, and hopefully avoiding the installer crash?05:51
n3rrdshiester_miester: funny you mention gaim because i'm using it as my irc client right now...05:51
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FlannelHibame: and wht does another pvcreate give you?05:51
n3rrdshiester_miester: my main issue is/was webcam support, and as far as I understood, pidgin didn't have any.  is this true05:51
shiester_miesterno idea05:52
ssnubotu: i dont understand "update-rc.d"05:52
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ssnthere is no such package05:52
shiester_miesterif i could install pidgin i would be able to tell you :P05:52
HibameFlannel, when I do the same pvcreate again it tells me it was successful again05:52
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shiester_miesterbut i cant figure it out05:52
n3rrdi guess that makes sense.05:52
shiester_miesterbecause theres no ubuntu version05:52
shiester_miesterwould the fedora core version work on ubuntu?05:52
n3rrdis there a debian version?05:52
J^u^d^e^wotanist, hold on05:52
gumjoHello Im trying to compile a package and it says I need a package named similar to libstdc++-dev but I installed them, still not working05:52
shiester_miesterwithout me having to spend 5 hours playing with it to make it work05:52
voidmageyou could pull a debian version, you could compile a version05:52
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Okay ;] 05:53
voidmageshould be as simple as apt-get build-essential gaim05:53
Flannelvoidmage: what is noobuntu?05:53
voidmageapt-get install build-essential, apt-get build-dep gaim05:53
n3rrdshiester_miester: debian versions should work.05:53
shiester_miesterFlannel, hes trying to be funny05:53
voidmagethen download source and compile05:53
FlannelHibame: I don't know.  you might try #lvm05:53
vinnygumjo did you say you *have* the package it wants05:53
shiester_miestern3rrd, there arent any debian versions05:53
HibameFlannel, Ok, thanks for the help05:53
n3rrddownload the source and build it yourself?  :|05:54
shiester_miestern3rrd, all they have on their download page is windows, source, fedora and centOS/rhel05:54
gumjoYes, I installed all packages with similar names (and Im pretty sure Ive installed the one it wants)05:54
vinnyhow old is the package, and what version are you running05:54
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milllmannnhow do i access an apache virtual host on a computer within my intranet?05:54
shiester_miesteryeah i was thinking of just doing that05:54
g0dd3ssi try to do somethng to install projectM the instruction say "make clean" but it says back make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.05:54
g0dd3ss how gto fix??05:54
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shiester_miesterbut im not familiar with building things from source, so it might be a bit awkward, lol05:54
voidmage./configure, make, sudo make install05:54
gumjoIm trying to compile ktorrent-2.2, so its not old05:55
Flannelg0dd3ss: You'd have to ask projectM people.  Their documentation is obviously wrong.05:55
vinnygumjo its possible that you installed a packaged from a repo version that is different to the version that the person who wrote the porg you are trying to compile05:55
n3rrdyeah.  it's not really any more difficult, there are just a few more steps.05:55
gumjoYes it gives me error on configure05:55
g0dd3ssok thnx05:55
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vinnyhave you tried a configure ignoring errors05:55
gumjoHow does one do that05:56
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n3rrdssn: are you using mpd currently?05:56
vinnyif their configure script allows it05:56
joshritgerwhat is the best nvidia driver?05:56
vinnytry ./configure -- help05:56
J^u^d^e^wotanist, what distribution are you using??05:56
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wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Ubuntu 7.0405:57
n3rrdjoshritger: I'm just using the one that Ubuntu auto-installed when I tried to enable desktop effects.  I haven't had any issues other than having to modify xorg.conf to list my resolution manually.05:57
n3rrdjoshritger: I'm using a 6600GT.05:57
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joshritgerI have a 6600 and I can't use desktop effects or beryl with the installed driver05:57
Noah0504I'm having trouble compiling Rhythmbox from source.  When I run autogen.sh, I get this error: config.status: error: cannot find input file: plugins/coherence/upnp_coherence/Makefile.in05:57
joshritgeri run desktop effects and it keeps telling me to install driver and restart and it does nothing05:58
joshritgerand i try beryl and emerald and it does nothing05:58
n3rrdthat's strange.  it didn't do that to me.05:58
joshritgerI also can't get my wifi card to work with wpa05:59
joshritgeri can see the wifi network but it wont log me into it05:59
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, can you compile the sourcecode??05:59
J^u^d^e^i have it05:59
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J^u^d^e^in perl05:59
wotanistI guess so. So this package will work with my irssi script?06:00
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wotanistOkay :)06:00
n3rrdjoshritger: sorry that I'm not more help.  i'm relatively new my self.  I knew I would have trouble with wireless, so I bypassed it... I bought and flashed a router to run DD-WRT and connect that to my main router as a client06:00
n3rrdjoshritger: and then I just wire my computesr to the router... works out to be significantly cheaper.06:00
J^u^d^e^wotanist, take it06:01
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joshritgeri am using a acess point for gaming instruments as we speak, but i have two comps with wifi cards in them and wanted to get it working with the wifi card06:01
J^u^d^e^its the source code for vcop06:01
joshritgerany idea which driver I should used for my 6600 there are a bunch in synaptic06:02
wotanistvcop? It says I need dcop06:02
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J^u^d^e^sorry dcop06:02
n3rrdjoshritger: I tried downloading the newest version off of nvidias site... 100. something06:02
J^u^d^e^its a compressed file for dcop06:03
joshritgerhow do i install it?06:03
n3rrdbut it told me i had to close x to do it06:03
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n3rrdand I figured out that I just needed to change xorg.conf06:03
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n3rrdyou download it and run sudo sh (driver name)06:03
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Did you send it? I didn't receive it06:03
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Dr_willisDepends on the disrto also. May be best to use their versions.06:04
n3rrd**figured out that I needed to change xorg.conf with a bunch of help from this channel... lol.06:04
nn-laptopthere is onily one thing windows is any good at wifi06:04
J^u^d^e^did you get it06:04
Dr_willisnn-laptop,  you do NOT want to know the song-and-danceing ive had to go through with windows and networking06:04
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n3rrdDr_willis: Vista or XP?06:05
Dr_willisnn-laptop,  if the card makers would just use the same 'terms' for their junk.. :)06:05
n3rrdI've never had an issue with XP networking06:05
Dr_willisn3rrd,  both.06:05
n3rrdVista is a piece of shit.  It refuses to see any XP computers on the same network as it06:05
nn-laptopoh y when it gets mesed up it kills i left that out06:05
n3rrdso "network places" is useless.06:05
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Dr_willisn3rrd,  i do have the one vista laptop working wirelessly now. :)06:05
n3rrdYou have to \\localip to get to any xp machine through my experience.06:05
wotanistNo I didn't. Can you upload it to yousendit.com or something? I'm using BitchX. Don't know if I need to do something to receive files. I didn't get any notification of a DCC.06:05
Dr_willisbut other then that. ive ran wires.. wireless was such a pain06:05
qisaultI seem to have lost all admin privileges do to sabayon.. How might I correct this?06:06
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Dr_willisn3rrd,  vista is seeing my Samba servers. :) so far.. ONCE i figured out how to change vistas workgroup.06:06
n3rrdDr_willis: Yeah.  I'd LOVE to run wires through this old house but it's a bungalow and it's really out of the question with the way it's set up.  would be a rather long cable.06:06
Dr_willisn3rrd,  i got mine in the ductwork06:06
n3rrdDr_willis: having routers drop connections just isn't worth the frustration.  well, that and the added security and simplicity... no encryption key...06:06
nn-laptopas a matter affact i doen't even own wifi ? why bother lol06:06
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, give me your email06:07
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n3rrdDr_willis: which is why I like this set up I have with two routers handling the wireless... I don't have a tonne of seperate machines to worry about everytime I make a change.  just log into the routers and modify a few settings06:07
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: alcohology@yahoo.com06:07
Dr_willisn3rrd,  yep. thats the best way to do it. :)06:08
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n3rrdssn recommended mpd as a good option for audio playback, does anyone else have any experience with it?06:09
J^u^d^e^wotanist, its uploaded06:09
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editedim trying to see a video online....but it says gxine browser plugin and it never shows any video06:09
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imbecilehey guys, what difference does it make in the size of vm i make?06:09
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:10
J^u^d^e^wotanist, check your mail06:10
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wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Received it. Thanks!06:11
editedis there any to fix gxine browser plugin?06:11
editedany way*06:11
joshritgern3rrd: where do I want to put the nvidia file before I install it?06:11
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wotanistJ^u^d^e^: In the readme file it says it needs KDE.. Will it work even with GNOME?06:11
J^u^d^e^wotanist, yes06:11
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wotanistOkay, let me try then06:11
n3rrdanywhere, really.06:11
J^u^d^e^wotanist, it should if it dose'ne06:12
joshritgerIt says I can't install it06:12
n3rrdbut it's going to force you to terminate x otherwise it won't let you install06:12
J^u^d^e^im on the irc chat the full day06:12
n3rrdwhich i couldn't figure out how to do under ubuntu...06:12
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joshritgerhow did u do it?06:12
n3rrdI didn't need to once I changed xorg.conf... I didn't have the same problem as you06:12
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n3rrddoes anyone know how you can terminate x and get to the console?  nvidia drivers won't let you install them if x is running.06:14
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, you need to be root for installing it06:14
bruenign3rrd, get to tty init 306:14
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: I've installed it06:15
n3rrdis there any way of doing that once you are already IN x?06:15
J^u^d^e^try it06:15
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n3rrdWould BUM be the proper way to have programs/services start up at login?  (beryl, AWN, etc.??)06:16
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editedwats a good plugin for watching video clips in firefox?06:16
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editedmplayer and gxine doesnt work for me06:16
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imbecilehey guys, what difference does it make in the size of vm i make? could i make one the size of my hdd and just share it with my partition with ubuntu on it?06:16
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: It shows the following... Installing /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DCOP.pm    Installing /usr/local/man/man3/DCOP.3pm   Writing /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8/auto/DCOP/.packlist    ppending installation info to /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8/perllocal.pod .... Which one of those is the path to my dcop? I'm confused06:17
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joshritgercan someone tell me how to close xserver06:17
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nephishhello all06:17
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g[r] eekhi guys i want to configure my linux box so that when it boots it automatically runs my JBoss application server. how do i do this?06:17
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g[r] eekit's like a startup service / daemon06:17
J^u^d^e^wotanist, /usr/local/man/man3/DCOP06:18
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joshritger!x server06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:19
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KakuradyJoshritger, you start x with startx, so maybe you can stop x with stopx?06:20
james296how can I change the Mark All Upgrades icon in Synaptic in Feisty Fawn? its the ONLY icon in there that is really ugly looking...06:20
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defryskstopx sounds like a laxative06:21
kyjakillall x11 ?06:22
defrysksudo init 3 I beleive06:22
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defrysksudo init 6 brings you back06:23
defrysksudo killall gdm does the trick06:23
defryskand sudo gdm to bring you back06:23
n3rrdis there any way to have programs like Beryl, AWN, screenletsd, etc. start up automatically at login?06:23
nephishhow do i get rid of packages that have unmet dependencies?06:23
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J^u^d^e^does ne one know how do i encode .mpg to .vob??06:23
defryskn3rrd, put it in sessions06:24
n3rrddefrysk: /usr/share/gnome/default.sessions?06:25
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defryskJ^u^d^e^, dvdauthor - o dvd blah.mpg06:25
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Those directories didn't work... Could my dcop be located somewhere else?06:25
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, try dcop from the terminal06:26
defryskJ^it wil be put then in the freshly made dvd folder06:26
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defryskn3rrd, sessions it in the preferences menu06:26
james296can anyone help me out on how to change the icon named Mark All Upgrades in Synaptic PLEASE???06:26
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n3rrdlol... sorry.06:27
defryskjames296, righcl;ick it and select rename06:27
n3rrdstill trying to get the hang of everything.06:27
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james296I already changed its icon to another in the folder its located in, but it hasnt changed the icon to the new one when I launch Synaptic...06:27
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james296no not the icon name06:27
james296the icon itself06:27
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Talaman72DaltonS, that didn't seem to work06:28
james296I already replaced it in the directory its located in06:28
defryskJ^u^d^e^, when done do dvdauthor -o dvd -T06:28
Talaman72DaltonS, but am going to try it again06:28
james296but Synaptic still shows it as the default icon...06:28
DaltonSTalaman72, whoa. Did it break something serious? You were gone a while.06:28
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: It says this DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket06:28
wotanistterrorpup: Couldn't attach to DCOP server!06:28
helterhi can you please recomend a newsgroup client06:28
Flanneljames296: are you sure you got the right icon?  There's multiple copies itseems: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=synaptic&version=feisty&arch=i386&page=1&number=5006:28
defryskhelter, pan06:28
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defrysk!info pan | helter06:29
ubotuhelter: pan: A Newsreader based on GTK2, which looks like Forte Agent. In component main, is optional. Version 0.120-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 781 kB, installed size 3272 kB06:29
J^u^d^e^defrysk, thanks a lot06:29
james296yes Im very sure06:29
helterthanks <defrysk>06:29
HugLeomy fstab: /dev/sda4       /media/arquivos   ext3     defaults,user             0       0  But I can't edit my partition with single user. Do you any help?06:30
wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Okay, now, upon typing dcop in the terminal, it shows amarok, kded, and klauncher.. How do I find the path to dcop?06:30
defryskJ^u^d^e^, if you wish to burn it to a dvd for watching do  growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video dvd/06:30
Frogzoohelter: pan06:30
Talaman72DaltonS, jacked up my video...but did have command line access and had to copy the xorg backup back over06:30
james296I replaced it in /usr/share/synaptic/glade/system-upgrade.png06:31
james296isnt that where Im supposed to replace it?06:31
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, try dcopstart06:31
defryskJ^u^d^e^, rewritables will be formatted automagically06:32
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JusupovHello people, which application lets you create ubuntu server install cds with custom applications built?06:32
HugLeomy fstab: /dev/sda4       /media/arquivos   ext3     defaults,user             0       0  But I can't edit my partition with single user. Do you any help?06:32
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, any luck??06:32
FlannelJusupov: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization06:32
defrysktime for coffee and porridge06:32
jpatotaJusupov: on a large or small scale?06:32
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wotanistJ^u^d^e^: Its working now:D But do I have to start dcop everytime I switch on the PC?06:33
Jusupovthank you Flannel06:33
J^u^d^e^wotanist, that's simple06:33
Talaman72DaltonS, now i'm getting an error when i try to run the enable thing06:33
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DaltonSTalaman72, when you try to enable the Nvidia driver?06:34
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, goto System>>Preferences>>Sessions06:34
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shaitaanhi all06:34
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J^u^d^e^wotanist, select new06:34
Talaman72when i run sudo nvidia-glx-config enable06:34
J^u^d^e^wotanist, type the name and the command06:35
Jusupovjpatota: apps which will fit into 1 cd06:35
mikaraguai have here 6.06 lts installer,how many years will the update/patches/fix/security update be supported if i install this as server?06:35
DaltonSTalaman72, what is the error?06:35
wotanistAh I see, cool06:35
Talaman72Error: your X configuration has been altered.06:35
Talaman72This script cannot proceed automatically.06:35
Flannelmikaragua: not a whole lot.  Max you'll download the packages installed over again once.06:35
jpatotamikaragua: same as the desktop version. lts. until 201106:35
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DaltonSTalaman72, Hmm.06:36
mikaraguaim sorry what does lts mean?06:36
DaltonSmikaragua, long term support06:36
Flannelmikaragua: oh, sorry.  mistook the question.  But yes, 2011.  And the Desktop is until 2009, jpatota06:36
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mikaraguaso what about this 7.04?06:36
Jusupovjpatota: i want to make a default install cd, its like bundling a lot of apps which i tend to install and configure when i do infra setup, it wont be another ubuntu-deri06:36
Flannelmikaragua: 7.04 is supported for 18 months.  So, until October of 200906:36
mikaraguahow many years is the support of 7.04 as server?06:36
Flannelmikaragua: er...  October of 200806:37
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demoncorsairhey channel06:37
jpatotaJusupov: i was just wondering if you were going to be deploying this on a large scale or just your home computer06:37
mikaraguaoh my gawd06:37
jpatotawhich would change the method of app customization06:37
jpatotabut that link provided earlier would probably be what your looking for06:38
demoncorsairanyone know how to update ur kernel because grub boots fine until it tries to find modules.dep06:38
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Jusupovjpatota: have freelance projects, need to setup basic office network infra, it may vary btw 10-50 pcs06:38
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tritiummikaragua: 18 months06:38
mikaraguak thanks06:38
jpatotaJusupov: then look up cfengine06:38
tritiumdemoncorsair: there is no kernel designated "ur"06:38
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demoncorsairyour kernel06:38
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demoncorsairthe linux-sources-2.6.2006:39
Jusupovjpatota: ok, i'll take a look, thanks man06:39
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demoncorsairwhy can't you just make clean bzImage modules modules_install what's with the make-kpkg06:39
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bruenigdemoncorsair, you can, that is only so that it is a deb06:41
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demoncorsairoh do u need to turn it into a deb to install the vmlinuz06:41
bruenig!ops | Talaman72 and lAonUx06:41
ubotuTalaman72 and lAonUx: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:41
DaltonSTalaman72,  glad to see you weren't gone another hour :D06:41
Talaman72DaltonS, got it working06:41
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bruenigwoops not Talaman7206:41
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Talaman72DaltonS, changed "vesa" to "nvidia"06:42
DaltonSTalaman72, awesome! Glad I could be of whatever little help I was :D06:42
brueniglooked like they were together, came in together and started with what appeared to be nonsense06:42
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gratefulis there anything wrong with this master zone file? (named)06:42
mikaraguado we have a web based program to easily  manage named or dns server?06:43
Talaman72DaltonS, i think you got me headed where i needed to be, but i think the legacy nvidia got in the way06:43
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Talaman72DaltonS, also, it says i am using a restricted driver ??, but i do now have several more resolution settings06:43
mikaraguado we have a web based program to easily  manage named or dns server? like manage the reverse and forward of a specific domain06:43
bassgoonat one point I had found a guide about triple booting ubuntu, os x and windows, but I can't find it, anyone know where it is?06:43
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dalesoneafternoon all ;)06:44
educome on06:44
Talaman72from 960X600 to 1680X105006:44
edugood afternoon06:44
DaltonSTalaman72, restricted driver means that it is not a GPL driver. It is proprietary software that is not free. at the same time, owning your video card gives you the right to use that driver.06:44
gratefulhttp://www.pastebin.ca/603874  <--- anything wrong with that phrost.net zone file?06:45
dalesoneanyone know how to get steam workin with wine?06:45
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DaltonSGotta love the constant racket that the 4th of July provides.06:45
joshritgerhow do I apply a theme with emerald06:45
edui would like to know how to backup data ?06:45
Talaman72ok, got to go play a game now to test out my card06:46
J^u^d^e^can someone tell me where ca i get a weather irc bot06:47
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Talaman72J^u^d^e^, are you using xchat?06:47
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J^u^d^e^Talaman72, yea06:48
Talaman72try #xchat06:48
Talaman72also xchat.org  i think06:48
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J^u^d^e^Talaman72, what's up with that place06:48
Syntuxguys, how to change the font size of terminal interface (CTRL ALT F1) ?06:49
Talaman72with #xchat06:49
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tritiumSyntux: pass vga=XXX parameters at boot06:49
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J^u^d^e^Talaman72, what's up with that place06:49
eduhi every one could you tell me why have we need to back up data?06:49
Syntuxtritium, isn't there a conf file?06:50
Talaman72hey J^u^d^e^, try this http://xchat.org/cgi-bin/search.pl?str=weather&cat=0&Submit=Search06:50
siskelcan anyone help me mount a newly formated ext3 partition?06:50
Talaman72they have two python and 6 or so perl ones06:50
joshritgercan someone tell me how to use a theme in emerald06:50
defryskJ^u^d^e^, use #xchat on the chatjunkies server06:50
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tritiumSyntux: probably, in either the console-setup or console-tools packages06:51
DaltonSedu, explain. Why we need to back up data? What specifically are you asking?06:51
edui would like to know why will we need to back up data?06:52
FedgeIt's incase the crab people come06:52
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n2diyedu: so you don't loose it?06:53
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edubut i only the propose or the goal to backup data06:53
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DaltonSedu,  for what purpose? As a business you need to do back ups to protect your intellectual information, as well as the business and investors. As a person you back up because it's easier to back up your stuff than to DL that 2terabyte porn collection from a bit torrent again ;)06:54
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ScottLijwhat the heck was that?06:54
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DaltonSScottLij, net split I would assume.06:54
tritiumScottLij: a Netsplit06:54
n2diyUbotu had a brain cramp.06:55
DaltonSScottLij, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:55
edui see due to it is the first time i use ubuntu and i think that it is look like window06:56
DaltonSedu,  Oh!06:56
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edusorry sir some question is look like stupid but i will try to06:56
Dr_willisIn the same way that most all pc's look like each other! They all got Keyboards!06:56
lazellamahow can i check to see which version of madwifi is installed with ubuntu06:57
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DaltonSedu, The warning box telling you to back up is because Ubuntu is going to install that operating system OVER the one you had on their previously. All your data will be lost unless you have (had) a backup.06:57
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DaltonSedu, *** there06:57
DaltonSedu,  if you didn't care about any of the information on the old operating system, there is no reason to backup.06:58
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eduum i see06:58
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VIrUZ__botnet atcak ?07:00
DaltonSalright kids. bedtime for me. Early to rise and early to bed, make a man healthy but socially dead.07:00
eduhi Daltons07:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:02
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pixelgaspcan anyone help with an apt-get problem?07:05
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Jusupovpixelgasp: what's your problem with apt-get?07:06
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pixelgaspany attempt to install pkgs gets 404 errors07:07
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pixelgaspI think my sources.list is correct07:07
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pixelgaspexample urls: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz07:07
dalesoneDoes anyone have any experience with gettin steam to run with wine,  ive been trying for hours now with no luck ! :(07:07
Jusupovpixelgasp: can you ping the mirrors?can you get online from the box?07:08
mdszepherIs there a way to make Ubuntu use my USB wireless reciever immediatly when I log in?07:08
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pixelgaspI can try to wget 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz'07:08
pixelgaspI will get a 404 - there is TCP connection07:08
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crdlbpixelgasp, breezy is unsupported07:08
pixelgaspmeaning obsolete?07:08
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crdlbas of this past april07:08
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crdlbnon-LTS releases are supported for 18 months07:09
krazyeWhy does it take so long for the boatloader to recognize my hard drives and mount them?07:09
pixelgaspcrdlb, what's the easiest way to upgrade then?  Can I do it by pointing my sources.list at a newer release?07:09
clever!upgrade > pixelgasp07:10
crdlbpixelgasp, I believe that's the only way on breezy07:10
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=== clever pokes ubotu
krinnshi all07:10
rausb0crdlb: are the repos still there after 18 months?07:10
crdlbit didn't have the update-manager07:10
krinnsin ubuntu07:10
krinnsevolution attatchment name grabled07:10
crdlbrausb0, no07:10
krinnsif there are spaces in file name07:10
krinnshow i recover this07:10
mdszepherIs there a way to make Ubuntu use my USB wireless reciever immediatly when I log in?07:11
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joshritgercan someone tell me how to apply a theme with beryl and emerald07:13
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Frogzoojoshritger: right click red jewel07:14
barnydanFrogzoo how do you do!07:14
joshritgerfrogzoo: i have tried that, I can use all the effects except that I dont have a theme07:14
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joshritgeror title bar07:15
Frogzoojoshritger: you might have to restart the theme manager after selecting a new theme07:15
joshritgerhow do i select the theme07:15
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joshritgeri try in theme manager but nothing happens07:15
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Frogzoojoshritger: there's an option in there07:15
shmooI'm a Shmoo07:15
joshritgerFrogzoo: I dont see any option07:16
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joshritgerdo i just click on the theme I want to use, or double click or what07:17
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joshritgerFrogzoo: do you know where the option to select the theme is?07:18
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Frogzoojoshritger: it's there in the menu, been a while since I used beryl thouhg07:19
Mediahuntercan anyone here tell me a good DVD burning software for Ubuntu I have some AVI files I want to burn to DVD like nero does with windows07:19
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Frogzoojoshritger: double click the theme, then restart the theme manager07:19
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Mediahunterand Also my video card it not working properly i can only go to a max res of 800x60007:19
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Mediahunterand i know it goes farther then that07:19
joshritgerfrogzoo: ok, maybe I need to restart my comp before it will take effect07:19
Mediahuntercan anyone help me07:20
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troxorMediahunter: what vid card ?07:21
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amishjimjosh i had to log out and ctrl alt backspace to get my titlebars back07:21
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Mediahunterlet me look real quick i know it is the onboard for the HP SLimline 302007:21
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Mediahuntergive me a sec and i can get it07:21
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amishjimhaha just missed him07:21
troxorMediahunter: lspci ?07:22
eamsubotu grub07:22
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:22
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troxorMediahunter: er, no ?07:22
cookiehello everyone, do you also use Anjuta IDE for programming stuff. If yes, do you know how to configure that Anjuta automatically indent a new line after hitting the return key?07:22
cookieand please forgive me for the silly question, but I'd really love to know.07:22
Mediahunteris the vid card07:23
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troxorMediahunter: then install the restricted driver for nvidia ;)07:23
andrew____I can't get eth0 to release the IP address it was assigned, even after resetting with ifconfig eth0 down, /etc/init.d/networking restart, ifconfig eth0 up ....any ideas?07:23
andrew____This is DHCP07:24
cookieany answer to Anjuta please?07:24
Mediahunterok troxor how do i go about that07:24
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Mediahuntertroxor i can work on the vid card later07:24
Mediahuntercan you anyone tell me a good DVD writing program like Nero burner07:24
Mediahunterthat makes a avi file back to a dvd playback on reg dvd player07:25
shiester_miestersup everyone07:25
troxorMediahunter: it's easy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:25
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troxorcookie: google for "anjuta auto indent"07:26
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Mediahunterok i bookmarked that page  troxor thank you, you would not happen to know a good dvd writing program i think there is one called k9 or something like that07:26
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Mediahunterk9copy will that work in gnom07:26
nomasteryodaworks for me in gnome07:26
shiester_miestersorry that this is OT but I'm not sure where else to ask, plus its a pretty simple question anyway.  I'm looking for a piece of hardware that you can plug in between an ethernet cable and a router that records all traffic passing through it.  even just the name of it would be helpful, thanks07:26
troxork9copy works in gnome, it just pulls in a lot of kde dependencies, and doesn't look quite uniform with the rest of the DE :)07:27
nomasteryodabut it does a good job07:27
nomasteryodaif simple is what you want07:28
troxorshiester_miester: an ethernet cable spliced to another ethernet cable somewhere in the middle? ;)07:28
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shiester_miestertroxor, yeah but i need something to record it07:28
troxorshiester_miester: wireshark/tcpdump07:28
Mediahunterok i looked it up and that is a dvd shrink program what about a reg writer you know how nero in windows will make a avi file or other format and burn it on a dvd so it will play on dvd player will k9copy do that07:28
mdszepherIs there a way to make Ubuntu use my USB wireless receiver immediately when I log in?07:28
shiester_miesterare they packet sniffers?07:28
troxorMediahunter: yes, k9copy duplicates a dvd, making it smaller if necessary07:29
nomasteryodabest one there is for Linux, better than the windows version for sure07:29
troxorMediahunter: avi isn't playable by hardware dvd players, iirc07:29
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Mediahunterok but what if i am not duplicating a dvd07:29
troxornomasteryoda: it won't break arccos protection though, afaik07:29
nomasteryodak3b is for cds, dvds, svcd, etc...07:29
troxorMediahunter: something like ogmrip?07:30
Mediahunterwith nero dvd maker i am able to take some movie files that are around 700-1000mb and burn them onto a 4.7 dvd and then they play on dvd07:30
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troxorMediahunter: dunno what you mean07:31
troxorMediahunter: k9copy creates an iso, to be burned with k3b07:31
DaltonSMediahunter, some hardware DVD players will play computer files (mp3, avi, vcd etc)07:31
barnydanmy dad's belly is bigger than your dad's belly!07:31
troxorMediahunter: ogmrip encodes a dvd to avi, ogm, mp4, etc07:32
barnydananyone in here tried the Dirac codec?07:32
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DaltonSI won't ever buy another dvd player again. Not with 500 gig drives being under 100 dollars :D07:32
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Mediahunterok, well i will give them a try thank you you have been very helpfull07:33
Mediahunterhave you used the 64bit version of 7.06 yet07:33
Mediahunteror distro 7.0607:33
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Mediahunterdaltons you are right but i have to be able to play the dvd for my kids on  a convential tv system still07:34
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DaltonSMediahunter,  look and see if your dvd player will play CD's. If it's only a 700 meg video file, you might be able to squeeze it onto a cd and save some cash.07:34
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Mediahuntermost of them break the cd size07:34
Mediahuntersome are around the 850megs range07:34
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Skiguyhey all. I have a dell inspirion 8500 docked and I'd like my sound to come out of the dock stereo plug instead of the one on the laptop itself. anyone know how to do that?07:34
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Mediahunterthey are dvd rips without the menus and extra and some are cam version from the thearthers07:34
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DaltonSMediahunter, aww. too bad. CD's are pennies a piece now adays. Just a thought :D07:35
defryskMediahunter, from avi to dvd : ffmpeg -i blah.avi -target pal-dvd (or ntsc-dvd) blah.mpg07:35
defryskMediahunter, then : dvdauthor -o dvd blah.mpg07:35
Mediahunterdefrysk those are software that will do it07:36
defryskMediahunter, then dvdauthor -o dvd -t07:36
barnydananyone in here tried the Dirac codec?07:36
DaltonSMediahunter, should look into seeing if you can build a medium-end computer with a T.V. out and just play the files locally. That way you can lock down what they watch and when they watch it, or you can stream one file across the network so you can play any DVD anywhere.07:36
peepsalotbarnydan, no, what's that?07:36
berentwhat is virtutalisation technology - is it similar to wine emulator07:37
peepsalotvmware, virtualbox, qemu, etc07:37
DaltonSberent, virtualization generally refers to running an operating system within another opperating system07:37
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barnydanpeepsalot reletively new open source codec for compressing video,  I'm trying to get it running. Just wondering if others have used it yet.07:37
peepsalotberent, vmware is prob the most widely used of all them07:38
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DaltonSberent, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VMware look there07:38
berentDaltonS : that means log into windows from linux?07:38
shiester_miesterberent, wine is not an emulator07:38
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shiester_miesterwine stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator"07:38
Mediahunterwell the pc i am on now is a media center pc it has svid and other comp out just dont have the tv to support it yet07:38
DaltonSberent, You can run windows under linux, linux under linux, linux under windows, unix under Mac OS X or hell, Dos under a 64 bit Linux :D07:39
andrew____anyone know how to release and IP address that was assigned via DHCP?07:39
shiester_miesterDaltonS, but 64bit linux running under dos...that would be interesting07:39
shiester_miesterwindows vista running under dos!07:39
berentDaltonS : whats the use of it and what about the speed and memory ?07:39
shiester_miesterlets think of the most ridiculous os/virtual os combination07:40
shiester_miesterberent, the speed and memory are quite an issue07:40
pixelgaspandrew, if using pump: pump -i eth0 --release07:40
shiester_miesterthe use of it is if you absolutely need a windows service and other things dont work07:40
shiester_miesterlike for example, if you need to run microsoft visual web developer07:40
andrew____What is pump?07:40
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shiester_miesterwhich doesnt currently run under linux07:41
DaltonSberent, Virtualization is an AMAZING Proof-Of-Concept tool. It's also a VERY good server tool. One powerhouse Quad - Quadcore could host 16x Win 2k3 Server editions about as well as 16 seperate machines07:41
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pixelgasppump is a common dhcp client on linux07:41
shiester_miesterDaltonS, really?  is that assuming that each of the machines is i 16th of its power, too?07:41
allenstaffordHey Everybody07:41
peepsalotberent, yeah for anything that won't run in wine, you can run it in a virtual machine, and it will behave exactly as it would natively in windows.  for example in web development, you can have multiple virtual machines each with a different internet explorer version on them, for browser compatibility testing07:42
shiester_miesteralthough 4xquadcore is pretty damn insane for cpus...you're starting to use supercomputer architecture there07:42
andrew____pixegasp:  do you recommend it?07:42
peepsalotsince windows only supports one IE version at a time07:42
DaltonSshiester_miester, actually, some tests have shown that certain things can actually be FASTER under virtualization. Because there is less overhead if all the connected machines are on one server.07:42
shiester_miesterpeepsalot, actually its quite possible to run multiple versions of internet explorer in linux :P ive been doing just that today07:42
pixelgaspandrew - not sure.  I don't know if Gnome/KDE have a different way to handle DHCP.07:43
shiester_miesterDaltonS, thats very interesting07:43
pixelgaspIf I had to use dhcp, I would use pump07:43
peepsalotshiester_miester, running in wine is not exactly the same as in a vm though.07:43
shiester_miestertrue, its not exactly the same, but the browser's interpretation of the HTML code is, afaik ;)07:43
peepsalotit behaves a bit more quirky07:43
shiester_miesterreally?  IE is pretty damn quirky anyway....07:44
andrew____Well...the network manager is build into the dektop...it acts like it's resetting the IP address, but still wants to go back to the one leased to it.07:44
pixelgaspwell, that's normal07:44
pixelgaspmost dhcp servers will keep the same ipaddr for the same mac address07:44
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shiester_miesternobody responded to my idea of ridiculous os/virtual os combinations :(07:45
DaltonSshiester_miester, VMWare installs a copy of the OS to your computer. I've seen people who will ONLY use windows put a VMWare RHEL Virtual OS on a server that never uses all of it's CPU and Ram, so they could run Bugzilla. That right there saved them thousands on hardware and only required a little knowledge of VMWare and what was required to install // configure VMWare and Bugzilla.07:45
shiester_miestercome on people!~07:45
andrew____I've changed the base IP for the DHCP server, so this explanation doesn't make as much sense....07:45
shiester_miesterDaltonS, whats so great about bugzilla?07:45
berentDaltonS ppepsalot : what do intel core 2 duo and amd mean when they say they support VT ?07:45
shiester_miesterberent, please rephrase that sentence ;)07:46
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DaltonSberent,  not sure, lemme look real fast07:46
shiester_miesterDaltonS, and why would RHEL require thousands of dollars of hardware?07:46
shiester_miesteri dont even know what RHEL is, lol07:46
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DaltonSshiester_miester, Bugzilla is just a way to track bugs in hardware // software // anything really. It would take thousands in hardware cause they always over buy on the hardware.07:47
troxorberent: processor virtualization extensions07:47
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andrew____pixelgasp: so I installed pump and your command gives "operation failed"07:47
shiester_miesterah ok07:47
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DaltonSshiester_miester, RHEL is Red Hat Enterprise Linux07:47
allenstafforddo any of your guys know of an task automation app?07:47
pixelgaspandrew, how about pump -i eth0 --status07:47
shiester_miesteroooh, i know what that is :P i just didnt recognise the acronym07:47
troxorberent: extensions to the processor's instruction set to support true virtualization07:47
pixelgaspalso, did you run it as root?07:47
varkaallenstafford: cron?07:48
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berenttroxor : so how many m/c they can support07:48
andrew____also gives "operation failed"07:48
dalesonecan anyone tell me where the wine directory is installed to?07:48
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pixelgaspis eth0 the right interface?07:48
DBlueAny one know how to get info if some package is installed in dpkg?07:48
allenstaffordvarka: I knew about that on but something a little less technical...something like automator for mac07:48
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shiester_miesterdalesone, /home/usr/yourname/.wine07:48
shiester_miestertheres also a bunch of other wine stuff floating around07:48
DaltonSVMWare Server requires a host OS where VMWare ESX (GSX? I always forget) is a RedHat OS that is super stripped down but allows you to virtually do EVERYTHING remotely. It's pretty nice IMO.07:48
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peepsalotberent, i think it means you can basically dedicate a core from a multi-core processor to handle all the instructions for a virtual machine, making it fairly efficient07:49
troxorberent: what do you mean?07:49
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shiester_miesterdalesone, type "locate wine" in a console and you will find where all of its parts are living07:49
andrew____eth0 is what has been accepting IP addresses....and showing up in ifconfig07:49
dalesonethanks :D07:49
shiester_miesterdalesone, also, i got that directory wrong, its /home/yourname/.wine07:49
shiester_miesterbut i dont think thats where wine itself is, thats just where it puts files and settings and stuff07:49
shiester_miester"locate wine" will definitely find it for you though07:50
pixelgaspandrew: I think you should sniff the dhcp traffic with tcpdump - trying to compose a correct commmand line here07:50
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dalesonelocate wine came up with something wierd07:50
varkaallenstafford: gnome-schedule, gcrontab07:50
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shiester_miesterdalesone, it should come up with heaps of stuff07:50
dalesonei installed steam with wine and there are no fonts,  i need to manually find the tahoma font in my wine directory07:50
shiester_miesterwhen i run it, it spits out like hundreds of lines07:50
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dalesonei get 5 lines07:50
shiester_miesterthats weird07:51
shiester_miestermaybe you should ask in #winehq07:51
dalesoneall /usr/share/app-install/desktop/07:51
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pixelgaspandrew: here's one I see recommended: tcpdump -n -e -i eth0 port 67 and port 6807:51
shiester_miesterthey are the wine people, so they should know07:51
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DBlueAny one know how to get info if some package is installed in dpkg?07:51
pixelgaspif you run that in one window, you can try dhcp release/renew from the GUI07:51
dalesonethnks :D07:51
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imbecilehow do i kill firefox when its frozen?07:51
troxorDBlue: dpkg -qa | grep pkgname07:52
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DaltonSimbecile, formating works well ;)07:52
troxorimbecile: xkill, then click on the window, or killall firefox07:52
allenstaffordvarka: thanks...I stumbled across an app awhile back but I didn't bookmark it....but gnome-schedule looks good07:52
DBluei need that to make setup for my program07:52
troxorimbecile: er, killall firefox-bin07:52
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DBluewhat means the arg -qa07:52
troxorDBlue: query all, iirc07:52
twosouls82My Mac keyboard defaults to pc104 in Ubuntu, but using this layout my backtick key and the one top left key (next to the '1') are swapped.. which is quite anoying writing bash scripts07:53
shiester_miesterDBlue, dpkg --help and look for q and a07:53
imbecileDaltonS,  hilarious07:53
twosouls82how can I change this? I tried tons of layouts :s07:53
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=== shiester_miester is resisting the temptation to tell twosouls82 to swap the keys with a butterknife
twosouls82hehehe :D07:54
troxortwosouls82: you can use an xmodmap hack07:54
DBlueNow i can make auto setup for Beryl07:54
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twosouls82troxor: I know, still I rather hoped someone knew the correct layout for my Mac keyboard  :)07:54
twosouls82troxor: thanks07:55
henaroHey guys I need some help D;07:55
jeremysanHi all.  I just installed (or tried to) wine, but It doesn't seem to be working.  When I click on an .exe it says that it cannot install because there is no application to do so.  Any suggestions?07:55
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troxortwosouls82: alas, afraid I'm not that someone ;) good luck, though!07:55
andrew____I think the problem may be that I added the old DHCP server and to the IP routing tables...how do I remove?07:55
henaroHow do Ichmod a folder that has a space in it?07:55
shiester_miesterjeremysan, you dont click on .exe's to get wine to run them07:55
troxorhenaro: put a backslash before the space, or enclose the dir in quotes07:55
shiester_miesterjeremysan, open a console and type "wine /application/path.exe"07:55
pixelgaspandrew: I don't understand07:55
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Anarchhenaro: chmod -v 755 'foo bar'07:56
henaroThank you it worked :D07:56
pixelgaspdo you mean maybe you configured the box for a static IP?07:56
troxorhenaro: np07:56
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berentDaltonS ppepsalot : which is amd equivalent of e6600 of intel?07:56
twosouls82troxor: you will be in the future, if I get to know it; you will too ;)07:56
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andrew____Well..it keeps looking to a server that doesn't exist....07:56
shiester_miesterhes in THE FUTURE07:57
shiester_miesterWHAT ARE THE LOTTO NUMBERS07:57
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dalesonewhere are all the fonts stored in ubuntu?\07:57
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twosouls82indeed, that sentence could use an extra ',' =)07:57
andrew____I'm trying to figure out why it's looking there, even though I've cleared out the lease files, etc...07:57
orbisvicisis powernowd (cpu freq manager) required to sleep a computer ?07:57
pixelgaspandrew: dhcp requests are broadcast.  the client doesn't know which server it's sending to.07:57
=== twosouls82 passes a chocolate chip space cookie to shiester_miester
Compressedi just ran 'free -m' and saw my ram usage..total=2012 used 1962...that isn't good is it?07:58
troxordalesone: fc-cache -v07:58
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andrew____Unless you added routes to the ip table...?07:58
troxororbisvicis: nope, sleep is an acpi thing, iirc07:58
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pixelgasphmm - I think dhcp is normally not routed07:58
orbisvicisso when does powernowd kick in ?07:59
pixelgaspandrew - is this possible - no dhcp server is reachable, therefore your release/renew efforts are all failing?07:59
jeremysanShiester_miester:  let me rephrase my problem:  Before, (I have reinstalled ubuntu) when I had wine installed, i could and did select .exe files and installed them easily.  Now, however, when I try to do so, it is as though Wine is not installed.  The command you suggested also did notwork.  Can you suggest something I can do to properly install or fix Wine07:59
orbisvicisive disabled sleep but randomly after a long time w/o use the computer dies -- it might be powernowd07:59
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orbisvicisdies = freezes07:59
troxororbisvicis: how did you disable sleep?08:00
shiester_miesterjeremysan, i dont know, try asking in #winehq08:00
sx66how do you add the wifi and battery icon in the panel back?08:00
shiester_miesterthey are the people who make wine, so they should know08:00
pixelgaspandrew - if you use tcpdump, you can see your client sending the DHCP requests08:00
shiester_miesteralthough they will probably say its a distro problem and send you back here...08:00
pixelgaspyou can see if anything responds08:00
andrew____When I ran tcpdump and tried to refresh the network connection, I see the old server IP addresses...08:00
DaltonSpixelgasp, If there isn't anything to renew to, Windows defaults to 169.XXX.XXX.XXX /24 not sure about Ubuntu though08:00
orbisvicistroxor, system -> prefs -> power managements -> on ac power (desktop pc) -> put computer/display to sleep -> never08:01
troxorDBlue: dpkg -l | grep pkgname  (sorry, just remembered -qa is for rpm :(08:01
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pixelgaspDaltonS - I'm wondering if ubuntu just keeps the old ip in that case08:01
Greenboxdoes anyone remember that website that lists alternatives to windows programs?08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
pixelgaspandrew: in tcpdump output you see SOURCE > DEST - 2 addresses08:02
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pixelgaspare you seeing the old server as source or dest?08:02
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troxorGreenbox: there are several ;)08:02
DaltonSpixelgasp, That would make sense from a desktop perspective, but would cause issues on the server side (if the IP Pool is too small and the IP was given out already)08:02
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Greenboxtroxor, well i'm trying to remember one i saw to give to a friend who's never used it08:03
orbisvicistroxor, does that work, or should i also disable acpid ?08:03
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troxororbisvicis: maybe powersaved?08:03
DaltonSGreenbox,  try searching for "Open Source <description of program>08:03
pixelgaspDaltonS: agreed08:03
troxororbisvicis: you can really stop sleep by appending noacpi to your kernel boot line in grub ;)08:04
nomici'm having to make my partitions manually because of a bug in feisty install ... what partitions/sizes do i set up for a 30 gb disk?08:04
orbisvicistroxor, its not sleeping, i dont think ... just freezing08:04
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andrew____'m seeing the old server as SOURCE and the IP address of the local machine as DEST08:05
DaltonSnomic about 150% of ram is usually good for the swap... that's all I remember off hand08:05
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troxororbisvicis: weird, and you don't know what's causing it? any log messages?08:05
nomicok thnx08:05
jusupovnomic: I'd do 1GB swap, 14GB / and the rest to /home08:05
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orbisvicistroxor: no08:05
pixelgaspnomic: I have 9.2G / - and it's 94% full.  So 14G sounds smart08:06
troxororbisvicis: maybe it might be wise to append the noacpi thing anyways :)08:06
jusupovnomic: it's good to keep your home partition seperate08:06
troxororbisvicis: unfortunately, random freezes are difficult to diagnose08:06
orbisvicistroxor: how does powernowd work (if it kicks in ~2-3 hr after no use, it could be the cause)08:06
=== barnydan sparks a joint
nomicfek im dry08:06
orbisvicisnomic: use lvm, easy to resize afterwards08:06
jusupovnomic: so when you do re-install or do dual-triple boot you can use /home everywhere08:06
nomici have the live install disk08:07
nomicdesktop install of xubuntu08:07
nomicdocumented bug in install08:07
nomicwhen you use entire disk08:07
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rohanhow do i install a fortran compiler, and the xorg devel libraries in ubuntu feisty ?08:08
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orbisvicisim worried: if i disable powernowd, could I fry my processor ?08:08
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troxororbisvicis: nah08:09
troxorit just won't run as efficiently08:09
andrew____Just set a static IP...I'm too dazed and tired to figure this out now...thanks Pixelgasp08:09
orbisvicistroxor, does powernowd kick in immediately, or does it take time ?08:09
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orbisvicis.. take time to adjust frequency08:10
pixelgaspandrew: sorry I couldn't help more08:10
rohanis the x-dev package enough to install the X.org development libraries and include files requied for compiling programs ?08:10
troxorrohan: sudo aptitude install fortran-compiler xorg-dev ;)08:10
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nomicif i set up WEP on wireless with a key is it secure enough?08:10
nomicas opposed to WAP08:10
andrew____No prob...I've gotten things pretty bolluxed...hard to see all the variables.08:10
troxornomic: wep isn't very secure08:10
nomicah ok08:11
pixelgasptroxor: how is aptitude different from apt-get?08:11
orbisvicisnomic, no use WPA08:11
nomicis wpa as easy to set up as wep?08:11
troxorpixelgasp: the former is prettier ;)08:11
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shiester_miestersimple task: i have mp3s, id like to burn them to a cd so i can listen to them in my car.  i have a lg dvd burner.  how do i go about doing this?08:11
troxorpixelgasp: it also has a curses frontend08:11
pixelgasptroxor:, yeah, I thought it *was* a curses frontend - till you used it as a cli08:12
troxorshiester_miester: brasero, k3b, serpentine, etc08:12
troxorpixelgasp: either or, yep08:12
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troxorshiester_miester: np08:13
shiester_miestertroxor, installing and using those won't mess with the drive's firmware, will it?08:13
nomicshould i set up these partitions as primary or logical? (anyone)08:13
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nomicthese new partitions08:13
troxorshiester_miester: I sure hope not! ;)08:13
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pixelgaspnomic: I think the boot partition must be primary08:14
nomicall of them?08:14
shiester_miesteralso, how can i perform simple edits on mp3 files?  like for example, cut out part of a song08:14
Eleafhmm, what is the best way to burn a playlist of mp3s to a CD?  It seems like I can only do this with k3b using amarok.08:14
pixelgaspI think you can only have 4 primary08:14
jusupovnomic:yes all of them08:14
shiester_miesteris there a program similar to creative wavestudio for mp3 files in linux?08:14
troxorshiester_miester: audacity seems to be a tool of choice for audio editing08:14
OmegaCentiSo, irssi just ate my config file because of bad syntax in the config file.. anyway to get a default one?08:14
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shiester_miesteri thought audacity was for composing music08:14
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troxorOmegaCenti: cp /etc/irssi.conf ?08:15
shiester_miesteri just want to cut crappy bits out of a few songs :P08:15
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OmegaCentitroxor: is that the default?08:15
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troxorOmegaCenti: iirc, yes.. you can also get a copy off irssi.org08:15
mikes1I am unable to remove mounted drives from my d/top?08:15
shiester_miesterill check out audacity.  thanks troxor08:15
mikes1Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor > apps > nautilus08:15
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troxorshiester_miester: np08:15
OmegaCentitroxor: THANKYOU!08:15
shiester_miesterlol you are quite the popular man at the moment, trox08:16
troxorOmegaCenti: no prob08:16
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raymondjtothhi there08:16
shiester_miesterpopular person, i should say.  i shouldnt be presumptuous08:16
shiester_miesterhi raymondjtoth08:16
Macrosofthey, if i change my UID, can i still open my files?08:16
Eleafso, is it possible to burn a playlist of mp3s to a cd without using amarok?08:16
troxorshiester_miester: :)08:16
raymondjtothwhat do i got i have what comes with deafult install want to make my ubuntu look nicer08:16
raymondjtothlike kde but new so dont want kde08:16
shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, ubuntu, compiz or compiz-fusion if you are feeling brave08:17
raymondjtothand dont want to lose nothing08:17
shiester_miesterwait...not ubuntu08:17
troxorMacrosoft: nope, the filesystem stores files according to the uid.. you can chmod them though08:17
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troxorMacrosoft: er, chown *08:17
raymondjtothsh im on ubuntu08:17
mikes1 I am unable to remove mounted drives from my d/top?08:17
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raymondjtothand want to stay there just make it better08:17
shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, i meant beryl :P08:17
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shiester_miesteruse beryl, compiz or compiz-fusion08:17
troxormikes1: right click -> eject ?08:17
raymondjtothsh whats beryl and would i lose any thing08:17
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raymondjtothi love a chanlnge also08:17
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shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, i hope not.  its just software08:17
brenixcompiz fusion is cool08:17
raymondjtothsh what is beryl?08:18
shiester_miesterbrenix, it would be, if it worked properly :P  im sure it will improve once it reaches beta08:18
mikes1troxor: I mean the drive icons on my d/top08:18
brenixyea true08:18
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shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, google ubuntu beryl and watch some videos about it and you will see08:18
raymondjtothsh im still learning this08:18
shiester_miesterberyl makes ubuntu look really sexy08:18
mikes1troxor: I like a clean d/top08:18
lAonUxany videos ?08:18
Skiguyhey all. I have a dell inspirion 8500 docked and I'd like my sound to come out of the dock stereo plug instead of the one on the laptop itself. anyone know how to do that?08:18
DaltonSshiester_miester, you need to get outside more if desktop improvement software is "sexy"08:19
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shiester_miesterwhy go outside when i can stay in bed with my gf? ;)08:19
berenthow strong support is ubuntu's 64 bit kernel08:19
rootintheboxanyone know why my wireless connection would drop when i try to connect to IRC with  XChat?08:19
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macdberent, the same as the 32bit08:20
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mikes1I do not have ,,,Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor > apps > nautilus   ?08:20
J^u^d^e^hey i'm using DeVeDe to encode my .avi to .mpg file. But after encoding it , when i play it again, the soung comes all scratchy. i there ant solution to this????????08:20
rohantroxor: thanks a lot :)08:20
shiester_miesterberent, ubuntu's support is good but the support for 3rd-party apps isnt quite as good as 32bit08:20
lAonUx 08:20
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shiester_miesterlAonUx, do you have a problem or a question, or did you just come here to annoy us08:20
troxormikes1: hmm..08:20
troxormikes1: open up gconf-editor08:21
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J^u^d^e^hey i'm using DeVeDe to encode my .avi to .mpg file. But after encoding it , when i play it again, the soung comes all scratchy. i there ant solution to this????????08:21
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rohanlAonUx, edu : this is not the ubuntu bengali channel :)08:21
troxormikes1: navigate to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck volumes_visible08:21
berentmacd shiester_miester : does all nvidia drivers available on ubuntu for 64 bit?08:21
shiester_miesterberent, i dont know08:21
raymondjtothsh so its other think like kde is08:21
raymondjtothlook cool08:21
mikes1troxor: Cheers,It should be in my main menu though?08:21
berentmacd shiester_miester : does all nvidia drivers available on ubuntu for 64 bit?08:21
dhuidrohan: you racist08:21
lAonUx  08:22
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shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, no beryl has nothing to do with kde or gnome08:22
shiester_miesterits not a window manager08:22
shiester_miesteris it :/08:22
troxormikes1: dunno, I run everything from a terminal :)08:22
macdberent, you can use the ones off the nvidia site, of the ubuntu packaged ones.08:22
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Macrosofton this line, what is the second "1000" for:  blane:x:1000:1000:Blane,,,:/home/blane:/bin/bash08:22
raymondjtothsh i mean is it what kde is08:22
rohandhuid: am i, now ?08:22
shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, no its not08:22
shiester_miesterberent, i think so, i recall using nvidia drivers when i tried to use 64bit ubuntu08:22
raymondjtothor would i keep my curint install and i see its eye candy08:22
rohanedu, lAonUx : arrey kya bol rahe ho, hindi mein bolo na !08:22
edu 08:22
shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, you dont lose anything!!!08:22
J^u^d^e^hey i'm using DeVeDe to encode my .avi to .mpg file. But after encoding it , when i play it again, the soung comes all scratchy. i there ant solution to this????????08:23
raymondjtothsh is it eye candy?08:23
lAonUx55555 08:23
shiester_miesterit just makes ubuntu look good08:23
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raymondjtothsh so its eye candy08:23
shiester_miesterit doesnt really do a whole lot else08:23
shiester_miesterwell thats what you asked for08:23
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:23
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raymondjtothsh any thing like kde is i dont want kde since new08:23
raymondjtothsh might try it\08:23
shiester_miesterdhuid, what was that about racism?08:23
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shiester_miesterhe just told them that this wasnt the bengali channel...08:23
J^u^d^e^hey i'm using DeVeDe to encode my .avi to .mpg file. But after encoding it , when i play it again, the soung comes all scratchy. i there ant solution to this????????08:24
Flannelrob: lAonUx too, same person.08:24
Thunderhitwant to copy some directories into the /usr directory, but I dont have the rights for it. thought sudo cp.. might work, but it didnt... anyone able to tell me how I can copy those directories into /usr?08:24
shiester_miesterwhich is true.  its the english channel08:24
dhuidshiester_miester: I was just humoring08:24
shiester_miesteroh ok08:24
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shiester_miesterwouldnt it be cool if language was a programming language and you had to say "</sarcasm>"08:24
Hobbseewow...feel the lag...08:24
Macrosoftanyone know anything about the /etc/passwd file08:24
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Flannelshiester_miester: (HT|X)ML isn't a programming language.  But that's -offtopic anyway.08:25
troxorMacrosoft: perhaps, ask away08:25
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pixelgaspThunderhit: if you have the root password, you can su08:25
joshritgercan someone tell me where the firefox profile is located08:25
raymondjtothsh how i put it in08:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b lAonUx!*@*] by Hobbsee
Hobbsee!sudo | Thunderhit08:25
ubotuThunderhit: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:25
FlannelThunderhit: sudo cp should work.08:25
Macrosoftok, in "blane:x:1000:1000:Blane,,,:/home/blane:/bin/bash" what is the second "1000" for?08:25
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:25
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raymondjtothsee bot back08:25
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins08:26
srammgood morning I have kind a silly sound problem. Whenever I play a game like Neverball, Freeorion or Savage my sound is very disported.. when playing normal Music all is fine .. what can this be ?08:26
raymondjtothsh still here08:26
troxorMacrosoft: gid08:26
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troxorMacrosoft: it's the user's default group08:26
J^u^d^e^hey i'm using DeVeDe to encode my .avi to .mpg file. But after encoding it , when i play it again, the soung comes all scratchy. i there ant solution to this????????08:26
shiester_miesterFlannel, yes it is, its a declarative language08:26
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troxorjoshritger: ~/.mozilla/firefox or ~/.firefox, iirc08:27
shiester_miesterit annoys me how often people cant tell the difference between a declarative language and an imperative language...08:27
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Flannelshiester_miester: You're welcome to discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic, but not here08:27
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raymondjtothsh how i get it to put it on left room08:27
joshritgertroxor: what is ~/ ?08:28
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Assassin`joshritger: your home directory08:28
troxorsramm: those all sound like sdl programs, perhaps it's a problem with the sdl sound system08:28
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troxorjoshritger: homedir08:28
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joshritgerah got it08:28
joshritgersorry i am not used to some of the terms yet in linux08:28
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Thunderhitwhen I try to copy a directory with "sudo cp Cg /usr/include" here the Cg directory, it says it left Cg untouched... hope thats somehow accurately translated :P08:28
Assassin`cd ~/ takes you back to start pretty much08:29
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srammtroxor: how do I figure out if it is a SDL problem? Is there anything I can try replacing it ?08:29
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YokoZarIs there a way to run the graphical partition tool without the install CD?08:29
troxorsramm: afraid I don't know much more than that. you can try something like `esddsp neverball`, in case it's the interaction between the game and esd, gnome's sound system08:30
Assassin`YokoZar: no i dont think so08:30
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troxorsramm: esddsp (I think) tries to reroute sound through esd, to avoid conflicts08:30
Assassin`u have to unmount it08:30
pixelgaspThunderhit: can you paste the actual cmd line and actual error msg?08:30
Assassin`but the tool is sudo apt-get install gparted08:31
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Assassin`YokoZar: sudo apt-get install gparted08:31
orbisviciswhere are the acpi events stored ?08:31
Thunderhitpixelgasp, got it working, forgot the -r :-)08:31
YokoZarAssassin`: Thanks.  I think I might just use cfdisk though :)08:31
troxororbisvicis: /etc/acpi/events ?08:31
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Assassin`lolz didn't know about that one08:31
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charlie-jayneis gparted on the ubuntu live cd?08:31
Assassin`o yea nvm i remember08:31
Assassin`no charlie-jayne08:32
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raymondjtothshiester_miester: were do i go to get it at?08:32
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berentwhat should be done to transfer the content of ATA hard disk to SATA hard disk08:33
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troxorberent: mount both, rsync away08:33
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berenttroxor : can i connect both on same mobo08:33
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orbisvicistroxor, is acpi suspend different than kernel-suspend ?08:34
raymondjtothhow do i add the over buffer kurnal08:34
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raymondjtothkernel i mean count figer it out08:34
orbisvicismeaning if i disable acpi in inetd the kernel might still sleep the os ?08:34
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shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, get what?08:35
raymondjtothsh what showed me and told me to watch video on08:35
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troxorberent: depends if the mobo has the appropriate headers08:35
srammtroxor:how do I reroute the sound trough ESD ?08:35
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troxororbisvicis: hmm, kernel-suspend?08:36
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troxorsramm: esddsp <command>08:36
mattycozehas anyone tried the new firefox 3 beta?08:36
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orbisvicis!info hibernate08:36
ubotuhibernate: smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.94-2 (feisty), package size 84 kB, installed size 424 kB08:36
c0rnd0gam i in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-unregged?08:36
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raymondjtothshiester_miester you know the eyecandy thing08:36
Grandpajoemorning guys, quick and hopefully easy question for you.  How do you change the icon for logging out, I have the little door (and hate it) but under root I have the circle / line thing,08:36
macdc0rnd0g, same thing.08:36
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shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, you mean beryl08:36
orbisviciswell, in synaptic says it supports acpi events or kernel-suspend (is that like a time-out ?)08:37
c0rnd0ganyone have a video card they can sell me?08:37
macdc0rnd0g, this isnt the place for that really08:37
shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, are you usuing ubuntu feisty08:37
raymondjtothShiester yes08:37
berenttroxor : where do i find a suitable mobo (any website) which supports both hard disk and e6600 and a geforce?08:37
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raymondjtothshiester new one off web site08:37
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shiester_miesteralthough i recommend you use AIGLX instead of XGL08:38
raymondjtothsh to me08:38
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raymondjtothshiester to me that last thing08:38
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troxorsramm: I think it's in package esound-clients08:38
Grandpajoeberent, try newegg or tigerdirect or google product search, I recommend asus, just cause they have been so good for me08:38
troxorberent: I have no idea08:38
troxorberent: newegg?08:38
shiester_miesterraymondjtoth, what?08:38
shiester_miesterto you the what?08:38
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raymondjtothshiwster the aigl08:39
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shiester_miesterwhat about it?08:39
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raymondjtothhow i get aiglx08:39
shiester_miestergoogle it08:39
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robster_having a problem getting synergy to run before login08:39
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joshritgeris there a way to get rid of the buttons on the side of a non expanded panel?08:39
shiester_miestergoogle "install aiglx ubuntu feisty"08:39
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eternalswdis anybody able to use the program Orage?08:39
orbisvicistroxor, how do I disable kernel suspend ?08:39
jeremysanCan somebody explain to me how to properly install Wine?08:39
c0rnd0gmacd: why does this channel have two names?08:39
c0rnd0gwin 208:39
Grandpajoeanyone know how to change the look of the log off icon?08:39
mattycozehas anyone tried the new firefox 3 beta?08:40
robster_it keeps trying to connect to my server before the network is fully loaded08:40
orbisvicisGrandpajoe, its part of you icon theme08:40
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robster_followed the directions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynergyHowto#head-e0819c48796446198c68df547f83be5acbf68dff08:40
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pixelgaspSo - I am 1 hr into upgrading my obsolete breezy to dapper - what are the odds it will go smoothly?08:41
dxdemetriouis there a way to lock a program to not overcome the defined maximum memory? now I have firefox to work wih 200+mB ram, and can't go down08:41
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shiester_miesterdxdemetriou, yes there definitely is08:41
YokoZarpixelgasp: do you plan to go breezy->dapper->edgy->feisty?08:41
pixelgaspYokoZar: that was my second question08:42
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pixelgaspWhat is considered stable?08:42
YokoZarpixelgasp:  It may be quicker (and less likely for errors) if you just backed up your home folder somewhere and installed feisty fresh08:42
YokoZarpixelgasp: Feisty is stable08:42
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inayetneed help with making my external Creative SoundBlaster work. When I click on systems--> preferences ---> sound, and then click on the TEST button I hear a BEEP noise. however, when I want to listen to audio I cannot hear anything. Please help. I am new to the world of linux, if you can walk me through to fix this problem it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.08:42
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dxdemetrioushiester_miester, how? I never found a solution08:42
YokoZarDapper has "extended" support because some users (eg enterprises) like to have a standard version they can keep for 5 years08:43
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troxorrobster_: you can add a longer sleep time08:43
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pixelgaspdo you know when dapper support stops?08:43
shiester_miestersorry about that08:43
jeremysanCan somebody explain to me how to properly install Wine?08:43
shiester_miesterdxdemetriou, i have no idea how08:43
troxorrobster_: but by default, the client will retry at some time interval08:43
troxorjeremysan: apt-get install wine08:43
inayet need help with making my external Creative SoundBlaster work. When I click on systems--> preferences ---> sound, and then click on the TEST button I hear a BEEP noise. however, when I want to listen to audio I cannot hear anything08:44
inayeton the internet08:44
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inayetPlease help08:45
inayetNeed Help with making my external sound card work08:45
eternalswdjeremysan, sure, http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb has instructions for installing from wine's repository.  once installed, alt+f2 and rune winecfg08:45
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jet_blackI got a tricky problem, asus590 mobo w/ onboard wireless + 6.10, ndis sez it has the hardware, i can see it in the usb devices, connection prop sez the signal strength is zero. if i boot in to xp (triple booted pc) the wireless is great.  can anyone point me in a good direction08:46
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pixelgaspinayet: you are able to get a beep out of the sound card?08:46
eternalswdjet_black, does your router have wep or wpa encryption?08:46
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shiester_miesterjet_black, if you can spell "wireless", "connection" and understand the concept of a triple-boot system, you can certainly spell "says" :P08:46
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jet_blacknot at 2:50 EST08:47
dxdemetriouis it possible to not be a program manager on linux that can manage the maximum memory to used for some programs?08:47
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shiester_miesterdxdemetriou, if you talk to the kernel guys i bet they can help you08:47
shiester_miesterwhats the channel for the ubuntu kernel?08:47
eternalswdjet_black, have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo08:48
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gordonjcpdxdemetriou: do you want to set limits to the amount of memory programs can use?08:48
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madducki just installed feisty on a new R60 and it all seems to work fine except for s2ram. if i resume, the screen is black, it's lit, but X does not show. also, the machine gets no IP address it seems. I cannot SSH into it or continue an SSH session from before the suspend. any idea what i should do to make s2ram work? s2disk works alright.08:49
dxdemetriougordonjcp, yes08:49
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tux75hi there. i need to add a comand to the normal user path, can anybody help me, please?08:49
gordonjcpdxdemetriou: there is a way to do it, but it's so unlikely to ever be useful it's not particularly easy08:49
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dxdemetriougordonjcp, I try to do that for programs like firefox that memory goes up and don't come down08:49
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gordonjcpdxdemetriou: that isn't important08:50
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shiester_miesterdxdemetriou, you have to close the app for it to free up the memory08:50
shiester_miesterdxdemetriou, and firefox's memory usage should go down when you close its tabs08:50
shiester_miesterit shouldn't be using that much anyway...08:50
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shiester_miestermine uses a few hundred mb when im doing tons of stuff with it08:51
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shiester_miesterbut thats usually all08:51
pixelgasptux75: your path is probably set in ~/.bash_profile08:51
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eternalswdjet_black, typically, you'll want to disable encryption first to make sure it's not some other issue08:51
iDNhello, need help with mac changing...08:51
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shiester_miesteriDN, if i had a mac i'd want to change to something else too ;)08:52
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nomicim installing ok now thnx08:52
=== shiester_miester puts his hand on iDN's shoulder and sighs
iDNi mean mac address :)08:52
=== nomic throws windows disk in bin
shiester_miesternomic, good luck08:52
nomicim motivatedshiester08:52
iDNi'm tryng to change my mac using sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:a0:af:55:c5:23, and after my eth0 has been turn off. the result: SIOCSIFHWADDR: Device or resource busy08:52
shiester_miestergood! :D08:52
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shiester_miesteriDN, why are you trying to change the mac address?08:53
jet_blacketernalswd, i need further conf of WPA Supplicant, thx for the pointers08:53
tux75pixelgasp: it seem that ~/.bash_profile  doesn't exist.08:53
iDNin order to change my ip.08:53
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eternalswdjet_black, typically, you'll want to disable encryption first temporarily to make sure it's not some other issue08:53
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iDNi used to do that every day on my windows, didn't have any problem there.08:53
pixelgasptux75: echo $SHELL08:53
dxdemetriougordonjcp, what is the way to do it? is some command?08:54
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shiester_miesteriDN, its much easier to just change the IP by itself08:54
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shiester_miesteri cant think of any reason why u would want to change the MAC08:54
iDNbtw, i also tried using macchanger which return an error message as well.08:54
eternalswdjet_black, typically, same as when setting up on windows or os x.  always a good idea to disable the encryption to make sure the hardware is actually functioning.08:54
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shiester_miesteranyway...isnt the mac address hardcoded onto the NIC?08:54
tux75i must to edit .bash_profile? and if so, what is the right syntax?08:54
nomicthats a hardware address isn't it?08:54
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pixelgasptux75: first lets see if you're getting your path from another file:08:55
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pixelgasptux75: grep PATH ~/.*08:55
eternalswdiDN, any particular reason you want to change it?08:55
iDNimpossible on my system. i have static ip, which won't change after disconnecting form my isp/08:55
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gordonjcpdxdemetriou: ulimit08:55
NoEvidenZFrom TTY, is there a way to list the programs yuo've got installed?08:55
jet_blacketernalswd, thx - but at 3am EST, i'll wait til tomorrow to drap the lappy over to the router to re-conf, good call tho08:55
gordonjcpdxdemetriou: seriously, it's more trouble than it's worth08:55
tux75pixelgasp: the output is empty08:55
shiester_miesteriDN, you can use a proxy server?08:55
iDNyes. i want to download something from rapidshare, and i already did.08:55
tux75no sorry.08:56
shiester_miesteriDN, have you tried TOR?08:56
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shiester_miesteror various types of proxy servers08:56
iDNno. rapishare does not allow it.08:56
gordonjcpdxdemetriou: it doesn't actually matter how much memory apps need08:56
shiester_miesteroh ok08:56
iDNno. what is it?08:56
shiester_miesteroh well...wait a while and then you can do it again, cant you?08:56
pixelgasptux75: ok, you can create the file - not sure it will be read08:56
tux75/home/ubuntux/.bash_history:apropos PATH (ok, it's empty!)08:56
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shiester_miesterhaving a static IP is a huge liability these days...most times you dont even need it, a DNS redirect can do almost the exact same thing that a static IP can anyway08:56
pixelgasptux75: do you have /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files08:56
shiester_miesteri dont see why people get them...08:56
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eternalswdiDN, tor should work, but it'll crawl08:57
shiester_miesterone of my clients requires a static IP to connect to their FTP, which is some heavy-handed security, so i had to go and get myself a DNS redirect08:57
iDNwell, i have a cable modem, without dial up communication so thats my last option.08:57
eternalswdshiester_miester, yep, dyndns.org is a lifesaver for dynamic ip ;)08:57
shiester_miesteri use no-ip.copm08:57
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tux75i've not examples in /usr/share/doc/bash..08:57
gordonjcp07:56 < shiester_miester> having a static IP is a huge liability these  days..08:57
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defconFor some reason my ubuntu users more ram than swap, any way to even out the amount or optimize it because I dont have much ram08:58
gordonjcpshiester_miester: why's that then?08:58
dxdemetriougordonjcp, I know it, but sometimes is annoying to restart after some time some program. I'll try and see. thanks08:58
defcononly 768 meg08:58
iDNok, TOR stands for?08:58
gordonjcpdefcon: why?08:58
pixelgasptux75: create the file with a line like: PATH=/some/path:"${PATH}"08:58
gordonjcpdefcon: the memory is there to be used08:58
defconif I use more swap would my pc run faster?08:58
DBlueHi again, i changed the background of my desktop, but when i start ubuntu, the default human background first starts, where it can be changed?08:58
shiester_miestergordonjcp, iDN's problem, for example08:58
eternalswdiDN something Onion Router I think08:58
shiester_miestersome web services dont allow the same IP to connect more than once or something08:58
pixelgasppixel75: then start a new terminal and echo $PATH08:59
tux75ok, pixelgasp. but i need to add all paths or just this last one?08:59
defcongordonjcp, ok i see your point08:59
shiester_miesterand also, if anyone gets your IP and wants to be malicious, you're pretty screwed08:59
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pixelgasptux75: just the new path.  That's why you're including ${PATH} - to keep the old paths08:59
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shiester_miesterdefcon, swap is much slower than ram08:59
shiester_miester many, many times slower08:59
defcondoes ubuntu free ram as soon as you close the app? or does it remain in memory08:59
gordonjcpshiester_miester: ?08:59
iDNok. despite the risk im willing to take my chances. :)09:00
eternalswdiDN, yep stands for TheOnionRouter09:00
shiester_miesterdefcon, it frees it up.  afaik, every OS worth its salt does this09:00
pixelgaspmy breezy to dapper upgrade has hit a snag: Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld09:00
pixelgaspit's stuck there09:00
defconwhen I first boot up ubuntu it says 25% memory in use, any way to free/ compress ram linux in winblows09:00
iDNi can find it in synaptic, right?09:00
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eternalswdiDN, http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/06/how-to-setup-tor-and-privoxy-in-ubuntu-feisty-fawn.html09:00
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shiester_miesterdefcon, otherwise your computer would very quickly become unusable :P09:01
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iDNthanks <eternalswd> and <shiester_miester>. i'll try.09:01
shiester_miesterno worries, i didnt do much anyway09:01
shiester_miesterdont thank me :P09:01
iDNjust a second...09:01
tux75well, pixelgasp so the frist part is for the new command and ${PATH} is the old path?09:01
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DBlueHi again, i changed the background of my desktop, but when i start ubuntu, the default human background first starts, where it can be changed?09:02
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pixelgasptux75: the first part is the new *directory*09:02
iDN<shiester_miester>, is that package change mac or is it doing something else?09:02
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pixelgaspexample: PATH=/usr/local/bin:${PATH}09:02
shiester_miesteriDN, what package?09:02
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DBlueWhere can i get free cd's for Fedora?09:03
shiester_miesterno it doesnt affect your IP or your MAC09:03
shiester_miesterit just routes the connection through someone else's computer09:03
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eternalswdiDN, it runs you through a public proxy09:03
shiester_miesterso instead of your IP, whatever is on the other end sees their IP instead of yours09:03
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iDNbut i can't use proxy in rapidshare for two reasons: one, the site is blocking proxy users. second, it will slow down the download.09:04
shiester_miestereternalswd, what was the proxy software that worked in a way reminiscent of the bittorrent protocol?  it routed the connection through other peers, who may also route a connection through you09:05
iDNany other solution crossed your mind mates?09:05
shiester_miesterit was like a huge spaghetti bowl of routers09:05
preactionShiester_Miester: the onion router?09:05
DBlueWhere to find intel modem driver for 2.6 kernel?09:06
shiester_miesterdoes that just have a few public proxy servers?09:06
eternalswdshiester_miester, that is what tor does, but it also makes it incredibly slow09:06
shiester_miesteroh ok09:06
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domsfirefox browser cant open friendster website  but when i use opera i can open it? what goes wrong09:06
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shiester_miesterah ok, i thought it was tor, but got confused when you said that it routes it through public proxy servers09:06
DBlueOpera has simulation buttons09:06
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DBluefor 3 browsers, opera, mozilla,int. explorer09:07
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iDNi have  a detail that may help..09:08
DBlueCause some site's are made just for some browsers, cause they are crazy, and make the site's for int. explorer09:08
eternalswdiDN, try adding hwaddress ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX to your /etc/network/interfaces file.  you'll need to edit it as root. and then reboot09:08
pixelgaspmy breezy to dapper upgrade has stopped - root partition is full.  Not sure what to do next.09:08
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eternalswdiDN, obviously put a real mac address instead of XX...09:09
varkaDBlue: what type of modem?09:09
shiester_miesterDBlue, i HATE internet explorer for having so much of the browser share, thus meaning you have to write non-standard code to make sites work in IE09:09
=== shiester_miester <- web developer
tux75pixelgasp: if i would like to add just one command instead of a directory, what i need to do?09:09
iDN<shiester_miester>, when i'm disabling eth0, i'm doing it by left clicking the NetworkManager Applet, and selecting the first option.09:09
shiester_miesteri came up with a php script that detects if someone is using IE or not, and if they are, doesn't allow them to view the page >:)09:09
DBlueintel internal soft sweex modem09:09
pixelgasptux75: probably use an alias09:09
DBlue56k v9209:10
shiester_miesteri was thinking of modifying it to send them to a shock site instead of to a firefox download page09:10
pixelgaspalias foo=/usr/local/bin/foo09:10
iDNThe problem is that immediately after i click that option, the applet is try to reconnect.09:10
tux75and what i need to do to see if the new .bash_profile work properly? i need to re-login or restart?09:10
iDNis that normal?09:10
shiester_miesteriDN, you can stop it manually using a command "ifdown eth0"09:10
shiester_miesteri think thats it anyway :S09:10
shiester_miesteru might need to "sudo" that too09:10
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eternalswdshiester_miester, and though IE7 is more compliant to standards, they changed the way in which it parses the specialized comments, so now some of my code looks really ugly with multiple comments for IE!=7 and IE=7. yuck09:11
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varkaDBlue: this one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Intel536EP09:11
iDNyou're probably mean: ifconfig eth0 down09:11
shiester_miesternot if its php code >:D the browser doesnt even see it09:11
DBlue537 is my modem09:11
iDNtried that. same thing.09:11
shiester_miesteriDN, no, ifdown is a valid command09:11
shiester_miesterbut it probably does the same thing09:12
DBluenot 53609:12
shiester_miestereternalswd, what comments are you talking about?09:12
eternalswdshiester_miester, hold on, let me find one09:12
shiester_miesterif i need to do browser-specific stuff, i just do it in php and make it write IE-specific code in the first place09:12
DBluevarka wait i bit hold the answer, i need to take a dump09:12
DBlueto the toilet09:12
linuxboycan I read my tomboy notes from the command line?09:13
linuxboylike, is there a tool for that ?09:13
varkaDBlue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/98756/+viewstatus09:13
iDNyou're the king!09:13
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iDNit's working. Thank you very much!09:13
iDNThank you all.09:13
shiester_miesterDBlue, ewww09:14
shiester_miesterwe dont want to hear that :#09:14
shiester_miesteriDN, whats working?09:14
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iDNsudo ifdown eth009:15
shiester_miesterah ok09:15
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shiester_miesterand then u do "sudo ifup eth0"09:15
iDNit's disabling the network and allowing me to change mac. thanks!09:15
shiester_miesterthat actually worked?09:15
iDNyes, i got that.09:15
=== shiester_miester rolls on the floor while saying "roffle"
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iDNshiester_miester rolls on the floor while saying "roffle"09:16
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iDNhow do you come up with that stuff?09:16
shiester_miesteri employ a comedian who writes for me at a moment's notice09:16
iDNnvm, i'm gone. bye. thanks again.09:16
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ubuntubeginzI was trying to run glut (./a.out) in ubuntu.. What does this means...?I asked in opengl channel...but they think this some ubuntu warning.. any idear09:16
ubuntubeginzX Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)09:16
ubuntubeginzMajor opcode of failed request: 142 (GLX)09:16
ubuntubeginzMinor opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GLXCreateContext)09:16
shiester_miesterglad i actually helped someone :D09:16
ubuntubeginzSerial number of failed request: 1809:16
ubuntubeginzCurrent serial number in output stream: 1909:16
shiester_miester!paste ubuntubeginz09:16
shiester_miester!paste | ubuntubeginz09:17
ubotuubuntubeginz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:17
shiester_miesterah there we go...wrong syntax09:17
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BlueDvarka, i'm back09:18
varkaDBlue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210405 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/98756/+viewstatus09:18
ubuntubeginzOh sorry...guys... I thot it was just 5 lines...so i pasted in.... :) ... sorry will put into pastebin next time... any one got any clues... isit my memory running out or sumtin09:18
eternalswdshiester_miester, example of the specialized comments at http://www.pastebin.ca/604008 and believe it was entirely necessary to do it that way :(09:19
jakobbg_I'm having serious problems with a crashing firefox on a completely updated feisty with a clean user profile - what can I do to at least report it correctly?09:19
pixelgaspanyone - my box is now jammed halfway through an upgrade from breezy to dapper - root partition full09:19
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BlueDo, i see09:19
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pixelgaspany ideas?09:19
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bruenigpixelgasp, reinstall09:20
BlueDnope, i never had any problems with mozilla, cause it is uncrashable09:20
berentis there any command to know mobo details in ubuntu09:20
varkaberent: lshw and hwinfo09:21
berentthks varka09:21
BlueDis there an irc channel for mono?09:22
pixelgaspbruenig: that's what I thought09:22
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shiester_miestereternalswd, thanks09:22
ubuntubeginz:) .. anyone has any clue about my issue.. i cant find in google oso..09:22
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varkaBlueD: ##mono09:22
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pixelgaspany comments on the "alternate desktop CD"?  I prefer a text-based installer.09:25
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holycowthe text based installer is d-i or debian installer09:26
holycowit is a superb killer of an installer09:26
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Phlosteni prefer the text based installer09:26
holycowit really should be used by everyone, hopefully the butt buggy live cd installer is getting better from its first incarnation09:26
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pixelgaspok, I'll try it09:27
pixelgaspreally hoping I can download the iso and burn, although my system ishosed09:27
Phlostenif you definately want to just install it, the alternate one is the way to go09:27
krinnsmy evolution sucks09:27
eternalswdshiester_miester, notice the <!--[if !IE] > --> need to end comment right afterwards or firefox, opera, etc will see the whole block meant for non-IE browsers as a comment.  Before with IE6a and lower it wouldn't have seen an end to the specialized comment block without the ![endif] , but IE7 changed that so what should only need one specialized comment block now requires two :(09:27
krinnsany idea09:27
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pixelgaspPhlosten: I'll use it.09:27
porthosedoes anyone know of a good wave editor09:28
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bruenigwave or wav?09:28
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rojoHi, I ran out of diskspace, I deleted loads of suff, emptied the bin but still kde wont start....any ideas?09:28
holycowkrinns, yeah dump evolution and use another clinet09:28
bruenig!info audacious | porthose09:28
ubotuporthose: audacious: Small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-4 (feisty), package size 742 kB, installed size 2356 kB09:28
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bruenig!info audacity | porthose09:28
ubotuporthose: audacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2032 kB, installed size 6016 kB09:28
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holycowor set your self up with a web based interface to an imap accoutn somewheres09:29
krinnsi cant09:29
BlueDrojo, what does it says?09:29
porthosecool thanks09:29
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krinnsi have 300 users using evolution09:29
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holycowoh ouce09:29
krinnsin ubuntu which email client is best09:29
holycowouch even09:29
jokeri have a ?09:29
bruenig!best | krinns gmail09:29
holycowit really is crap, i would not recommend anyone using it09:29
ubotukrinns gmail: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:29
rojo BlueD, not a lot, just comes back into the login screen09:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:29
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jokerhow do i get yahoo to get voice09:30
holycowkrinns, if you have 300 uswers using it, you are probably running what a corporate network right?09:30
bruenigjoker, you don't09:30
jokerhow do i even download yahoo09:30
bruenigjoker, you don't09:30
BlueDrojo, unable to write autorization, right?09:30
krinnsonly prb is my attatchment have apaces the names get grabled09:30
jokerwtf :((:((09:30
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bruenigjoker, use pidgin for the yahoo protocol, there is no voice09:30
holycowif you are, seriously look at getting something like zimbra setup with a web based client, local clients are a nightmare to manage09:30
bruenigjoker, I mean gaim09:30
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krinnsis there any way09:30
jokeri tried to switch back to Windows XP but its all messed up09:31
holycowkrinns, for evolution specific questions i would hop on evo mailing lists and get a devel to put in some time to look at your issue09:31
holycowpay them if you haveto09:31
ajax4Hey guys....I put together a new bare bones system, and my DVD burner doesn't appear to my system as a burner, only as a DVD-rom. Both the new system and the old system were Feisty and its the same burner. Any ideas?09:31
krinnsn some of my users complain crash handler in evolution09:31
rojoBlueD: There is no error, I type in my username and pass, screen goes black for a bit then comes back with the logon screen or just hangs09:31
bruenigajax4, what happens when you try to burn something to it from command line09:31
holycowevo is just a large piece of doodoo so getting help from the actual devels is far more productive than in a generic distro channel09:31
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ajax4bruenig: What command would I use to burn an iso from the command line?09:31
BlueDrojo, try to restart the X09:32
holycowwe use open office but we had to hire coders to fix a few bugs in that over the last couple of years09:32
bruenigajax4, growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/whatever=foo.iso09:32
holycowi suggest taking the same attitude with evo09:32
rojoBlueD: I restarted the computer several times09:32
BlueDrojo, try ctrl+alt+f109:32
bruenigholycow, why is it bad09:32
ajax4bruenig: I will try that right now and let you know what happens.09:32
holycowand i suppose, frankly thats the way it should be09:32
jokerhow do i get Ubuntu OFF my computer and get Windows Xp back i have tried but its all messed up09:32
shiester_miesterkrinns, use thunderbird09:32
holycowbruenig, it crashes, looses email, can't handle large quantities of mail, problems with imap servers09:32
holycowand on and on09:32
eternalswdshiester_miester, or rather, I just remembered what the problem was, IE7 was outputting the --> which was needed for firefox etc.  So I had to add a specialized block for IE7 with the exact same content as for firefox etc without the --> immediately following the conditional comment opening.  grrr Microsoft, even when they fix stuff, it messes things up09:32
shiester_miesterkrinns, evolution int very good at all09:32
holycowto summarize it, they are trying to copy microsoft which is just a bad idea09:33
shiester_miestereternalswd, you could still do all that with php, its a very simple script09:33
holycowinstead of making separate applications that work together nicely they recreated that large piece of crap called outlook09:33
shiester_miestereternalswd, see privmsg09:33
holycowso now they have a nice and large application that is hard to refactor and rewrite as all things eventually haveto be09:33
shiester_miesterholycow, lol09:34
shiester_miesternot all things09:34
jokeri want my Windows XP back :(( :((09:34
holycowwell okay but generally speaking09:35
holycowjoker, then reinstall it :)09:35
shiester_miesterbut yeah, large, bloated software is like that09:35
jokeri have tried09:35
rojoBlueD: I can get CLI no problem, its kde Im after :-D09:35
eternalswdshiester_miester, unfortunately no due to the fact that opera can go around masquerading as IE and if the user doesn't specify to add opera to the user agent string, php cannot tell the difference, believe me, I tried.  the problems originate with poor javascript browser sniffers that wouldn't support opera09:35
holycowit's perfectly okay, sorry we cannot make you happy here09:35
jokerwhy cant there be voice tho09:35
shiester_miesterbut if opera is masquerading as IE then it would use the IE-specific code anyway, wouldnt it?09:35
holycowwhat are you talking about?09:35
shiester_miesterso what does it matter?09:36
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jokeris it yahoo that doesnt allow or ububtu ?09:36
shiester_miesterjoker, what?09:36
holycowjoker, what?09:36
shiester_miesteryou arent making sense09:36
jokeri cant get voice on yahoo09:36
ajax4bruenig: I'm getting "no such file or directory". What command should I use again?09:36
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holycowwhat do you mean 'voice on yahoo'09:36
BlueDrojo, sorry then i use gnome09:36
bruenigajax4, paste the command you used09:36
holycowyou mean via gaim?09:36
bruenigjoker, no you can't I just told you09:36
holycowand yahoo messenger doesn't have voice09:36
ajax4bruenig: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hda=fan.iso09:36
jokeri know but why cant there be voice09:37
holycowwhat the heck are you talking about?09:37
BlueDdoes it have web cam support?09:37
bruenigajax4, are you in the directory that fan.iso is in09:37
eternalswdshiester_miester, that's the problem, it doesn't use any IE-specific code, it just changes the user agent string sent to the server09:37
shiester_miesterjoker, because there ISNT voice09:37
shiester_miesterits NOT THERE09:37
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ajax4bruenig: Yes, and /dev/hda is my cdrom device09:37
bruenigjoker, it is hard to implement it, give it a try if you don't believe me09:37
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holycowoh is he talking about voice calling?09:37
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jokeri know theres no voice but whos fault is it YAHOO's or UNBUNTU's ?09:37
holycowcan yahoo messenger do that actually?09:37
bruenigholycow, using a microphone09:37
shiester_miesterjoker, why dont you go and download the source code and add voice support in yourself?  the community will love you for it ;)09:37
pixelgaspI think my breezy to dapper upgrade has worked!  I deleted a 2.4G old directory to make room, apt-get unstuck itself09:37
holycowjoker, no one has bothered to implement it09:38
bruenigholycow, it isn't calling, you IM someone and you can get a crappy microphone thing going09:38
holycowyou are free to do so09:38
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shiester_miesterjoker, its not somebody's fault, because nothing is wrong09:38
BlueDthere is yahoo msg for Linux09:38
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holycowbruenig, oh i didn't know they had that, neat, i thought he mean 'voice' as in irc09:38
mundungushi guyz09:38
shiester_miesterjoker, just because they didnt implement a feature that you happen to want, doesn mean that they have done something wrong09:38
shiester_miesterhi, mundungus09:38
pepsi24i need help by getting my roller coaster tycoon 1 to work09:38
pixelgaspwhat command can verify if my apt-foo is healthy now?09:38
bruenigajax4, do the full path to fan.iso09:38
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mundungushey anyone here using ubuntu breezy?09:38
bruenigmundungus, we don't provide support for it09:38
shiester_miestermundungus, thats a very old version09:38
mundungushi shienter09:38
bruenigmundungus, upgrade09:39
pixelgaspmundungus: I just upgraded from that09:39
ajax4bruenig: Same error :(09:39
bruenigajax4, ok do ls /dev/hda09:39
mundungusheheheh shieter but i love it!09:39
shiester_miesterof course you do09:39
pepsi24can any one help me09:39
bruenigmundungus, you still using firefox 1.0?09:39
shiester_miesteri love my grandpa too, but some things just have to go when they get too old ;)09:39
mundungusi wish i cud upgrade but my comp specs cant allow iy09:39
holycowshiester_miester, rofl!09:39
bruenigmundungus, sure they can, get xubuntu if you need to09:39
hrvoojehi all! i have pci sound card and sound on MBR ...sound is set to automatic. when i boot feisty sometimes there is a sound, and somethimes not. then i have to change a jack of headphones09:39
shiester_miesteri upgraded him to FEISTY GRANDPA09:39
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varkajoker: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/12/gyach-enhanced-yahoo-messenger-with-webcam-and-voice-support-for-linux.html09:39
=== shiester_miester laughs at himself
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shiester_miesterazureus, whats your favourite torrent client?09:40
bruenig!find gyach09:40
ajax4bruenig: Hmm, it says no such file or directory. I tried it with a disc that was not blank and it said the same thing.09:40
ubotuPackage/file gyach does not exist in feisty09:40
varkajoker: http://www.phrozensmoke.com/projects/pyvoicechat/09:40
mundunguswho uses gprs here for net connection09:41
bruenigajax4, ok so /dev/hda is not your cdrom, do "grep cdrom /etc/fstab"09:41
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pepsi24jusupov i need help with a game i go to put the game in and go to applications right clike on autorun and go to other applications and go to the custunm command and some one told me to type in wine and nothing happens the game dosnt start or anything09:41
BlueDwhy i can't install xine, it need's some package libxine1, in repositories, there two versions, i download them and still it says that package is needed09:41
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ajax4bruenig: Yeah, I checked fstab and it says /dev/hda in there. Maybe it should be sda?09:41
bruenigvarka, that has to be the ugliest thing I have ever seen09:41
bruenigajax4, did you upgrade or reinstall?09:41
jusupovpepsi24: what game?09:41
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mundungushey i need help to connect via gps for free,any ideas?09:42
varkabruenig: maybe, never used it :P09:42
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ajax4bruenig: Built a new barebones system and moved my components over.09:42
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varkajoker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43129009:42
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eternalswdshiester_miester, you should have waited a development cycle then you could have had a GUTSY GRANDPA ;)09:42
pepsie24can any one help me with a game?09:43
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shiester_miesteror even...HOARY09:43
BlueDmundungus, and i need to connect from my desktop too for free09:43
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shiester_miesteractually...he's already hoary09:43
mundungusedgy is kewl too09:43
bruenigajax4, the new kernel doesn't do hd anymore, now whether that means your cdrom is sda or something else I am unsure, mine is sr0, I would recommend opening the cd drive, putting a disk in it and then waiting a few seconds and checking the output of dmesg to see what it is calling it09:43
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mundungusBlueD, do u haveany deas?09:43
=== [selfsearcher] [n=ivan@host105-190-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
hasannoorihi to all09:43
ajax4bruenig: What should I grep dmesg with?09:44
hasannoorican you help me?09:44
pepsie24can any one help me with a game???09:44
mundungusBlueD, which ubuntu are u using?09:44
jokerhold on brb09:44
bruenigajax4, just do it with no grep and look at the last few lines09:44
shiester_miester!ask | pepsie2409:44
ubotupepsie24: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:44
jusupovpepsi24:what game is that?09:44
hasannoorican any one help me with my modem?09:44
eternalswdpepsie24, need more info like what game, is this through wine, is this native?09:44
BlueD<mundungus> I'm using Feisty Fawn09:44
bruenig!anyone | hasannoori09:44
ubotuhasannoori: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:44
pepsie24it was roller coaster tycoon 109:44
krinnsi cant do over night change09:44
shiester_miesterwelcome back, krinns09:44
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shiester_miesterof course you dont09:45
mundungusUuuh! dats the one i used at my workplace for the intranet server09:45
krinnssorry was away09:45
shiester_miesteryou still do the change, you just do it slowly09:45
mundungusBlueD,but at home here i use breezy!09:45
krinnsany idea09:45
shiester_miesterbit by bit09:45
BlueD<mundungus> but unfortinetly i don't have modem drivers, so in the moment i'm slave to stupid win09:45
shiester_miesterlots of businesses have to do things like that09:45
[selfsearcher] i see a partition (Backup) under "Computer" but i have to mount it every time. Is there a way to automount it?09:45
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krinnsevolution works great09:45
shiester_miesterthey dont just stay static just because they cant change everything all at once09:45
shiester_miesterkrinns, thats not what you were saying earlier09:45
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hasannoorii have a smart link modem09:45
krinnsexcept that attatchment name grabled thing09:45
bruenig!enter | hasannoori09:45
ubotuhasannoori: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:45
hasannooriit worked some time09:46
eternalswdis anyone able to get orage to work in feisty.  no window comes up for me when I run it first time.  If I keep it open and run it a second time, it opens a really small window that cannot be manipulated.09:46
shiester_miesterkrinns, then its not working great, is it09:46
shiester_miesterthats a pretty serious problem09:46
pepsie24jusupov it was roller coaster tycoon 109:46
krinnssee if 10 usres r complaining i wont change it for 300 users09:46
ajax4bruenig: I don't see anything in the last few lines of dmesg that appears to be relevant.09:46
hasannooriand now is'nt work!09:46
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krinnssee prbs are there09:46
varkapepsie24: should run fine with wine http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=26509:46
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bruenigeternalswd, it worked fine in xubuntu, I didn't use it much on account that it is crap but it works09:46
bruenigajax4, do it once more and pastebin09:46
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KprofthreatLol, Xubuntu...lol09:46
[selfsearcher] i see a partition (Backup) under "Computer" but i have to mount it every time. Is there a way to automount it?09:46
krinnsbut i think should be resolved thats why am here09:46
shiester_miesterpepsie24, what are you trying to use to play it09:46
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shiester_miesteri dunno...some old games dont work well under wine at all09:47
bruenig!fstab | [selfsearcher] 09:47
ubotu[selfsearcher] : The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:47
shiester_miesterusually software that natively supports windows xp works better than stuff made for an older version09:47
jusupovpepsie24: sorry man i never played the game, however, I believe the game can be started typing wine /path/to/game/game.exe09:47
varkashiester_miester: it has goldstatus09:47
shiester_miesteroh ok09:47
shiester_miesterwell in that case...go for it :P09:47
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[selfsearcher] ok bruenig !09:47
=== shiester_miester doesnt check the appdb before making unfounded claims
[selfsearcher] !Partitions09:47
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:47
=== DBlue [n=DamjanDi@] has joined #ubuntu
technelIn GNOME I went to the Keyboard shortcuts and set up my keyboard media controls and they worked great. Now I'm on Ratpoison, but if I enter "0xa2" (this time in xbindkeys), the program just crashes after I try to start it...any ideas?09:47
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shiester_miesterhey what was the name of the version of ubuntu after breezy?09:48
eternalswdbruenig, hmm, now of another gtk based calendar app that just shows the current calendar?  doesn't need to inform me of anything except give me a calendar of the current month09:48
bruenigtechnel, how can I program crash after you try to start it09:48
bruenigtechnel, does not try imply that you don't09:48
pepsie24jusupov were do i type /path/to/game/game.exe09:48
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technelbruenig: The process successfully loads, then reads the config, then fails/crashes09:48
rausb0shiester_miester: dapper09:48
shiester_miesterthere was no "c" release?09:49
rausb0shiester_miester: i guess not09:49
shiester_miesterbruenig, programs crash after you start them all the time09:49
jusupovpepsi24: open the terminal, and type wine /path/to/game.exe09:49
shiester_miesterfor example, windows09:49
shiester_miesteri start it, then it crashes09:49
DBlueCan i use wine, to dial the modem?09:49
mundungusBlueD,how come, see me am using my mobile fone as a modem and it orks fine!09:49
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rausb0shiester_miester: i wonder how the "c" release would have been called. maybe "chaotic chicken" :)09:49
varkaDBlue: no09:49
shiester_miestermundungus, thats cool09:49
mundungushey guyz anyone know how to setup courier IMAP?09:50
=== shiester_miester resists the urge to suggest "Crappy"
eternalswdDBlue, why?09:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:50
bruenigshiester_miester, something cannot crash after you try to start it, something can crash after you start it but it cannot crash after you try to start it09:50
rausb0shiester_miester: hehe09:50
mundungusShiester,u know how?09:50
shiester_miesterbruenig, ah, semantics...clever ;)09:50
shiester_miestermundungus, how what?09:50
pepsie24jusupov it says that there are No such file or directory09:50
bruenigshiester_miester, it is confusing as to whether the thing starts or not, often times crash is used to mean "I don't know what is going on"09:50
DBlueAnybody home?09:50
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jusupovpepsi24:man, you have to change the path to your game09:50
shiester_miesteroh, imap09:51
khinhello, how do i read usenet on ubuntu09:51
mundungusshister,setup a IMAP server?09:51
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shiester_miestermundungus, nope09:51
pepsie24jusupov how09:51
shiester_miestermundungus, but i bet my friend knows09:51
technelbruenig: "how can I program crash" :) Any idea how to fix the problem?09:51
shiester_miesterhe knows everything09:51
eternalswdDBlue, have you not read the two messages directed at you?09:51
shiester_miesterhe has a website where you can ask him stuff09:51
jusupovpepsie24: if your game is in /home/pepsi24/game_name then replace it with the /path/to/game09:51
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mundungusDamn, its been cracking my head the whole day yesterday09:51
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bruenigeternalswd, http://pimlico-project.org/09:51
pepsie24ok ty09:51
=== Michael147 [n=Michael1@82-46-157-138.cable.ubr03.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mundungusshiester,ur friend is here?09:52
DBlueBut your modem is supported09:52
DBlueand it is uptodate09:52
shiester_miesterno, he is at his website :P09:52
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DBlueMine is from 2002, i think09:52
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jusupovpepsie24: have you actually done anything?or you just put the cd and expect it to work?09:52
chrismhampsoni'm having problems with grub and lilo. They both take a long time to initiate (c.30secs) before the graphical menu appears. Someone has suggested reiserFS is a problem but both my partitions are ext3.09:52
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bruenigtechnel, there is a difference between a typo and a statement that is confusingly ambiguous09:53
shiester_miesterchrismhampson, i dont think grub sits on the ext3 partition anyway...doesnt it have its own little partition in the boot sector or something?09:53
DBlueWhat happend i start blender, and there is no menu09:53
technelbruenig: Please allow me to rephrase.09:53
shiester_miesterbruenig, lol09:53
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chrismhampsonshiester_miester: yes but it must check filesystems09:53
shiester_miesterchrismhampson, true09:53
ajax4bruenig: I gotta reboot and check on something...thanks for your help.09:53
khinhello, what is a good way to read usenet on ubuntu09:53
jeremysanHow can I tell whether or not Wine is installed properly?  I installed it (atleast I tried to) but It's as though I didn't, its not there at all.  Can somebody help me on this?09:54
shiester_miestertechnel, do you mean that a program is crashing and you want to find out why09:54
hasannooriI have Problem with my SmartLink Modem!09:54
rausb0shiester_miester: no, the stage_* files of grub do sit on the ext3 partition09:54
varkajeremysan: winecfg09:54
defrysk!info pan khin09:54
ubotupan: A Newsreader based on GTK2, which looks like Forte Agent. In component main, is optional. Version 0.120-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 781 kB, installed size 3272 kB09:54
technelPreviously, in GNOME I went to the Keyboard shortcuts and set up my keyboard media controls and they worked great. Now I'm on Ratpoison, but if "0xa2" is entered in xbindkeysrc, the program will not start. Any ideas?09:54
shiester_miesterrausb0, oh, thanks.  The more you know...09:54
mundungusdoes anyone here has a working mplayer?09:55
chrismhampsonrausb0: I literally wait 30secs inbetween each grub stage and lilo while isn't as bad still appears to pause09:55
technelshiester_miester: No. I know the reason. If I take that out of the config file, it starts up fine....and I already read the log, it's just that I want to get my play/pause/stop buttons working09:55
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varka!anyone | mundungus09:55
ubotumundungus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:55
mundungusapparently mine doesnt play videos09:55
shiester_miestertechnel, i have no idea what you are talking about09:55
mundungusvarka, u know?09:55
=== Yoanben [n=Ikko@AAmiens-153-1-38-244.w90-18.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
jeremysan varka, i run winecfg, and the Wine Configuration window pops up, but I am still unable to install .exe programs.09:55
varkamundungus: maybe you have to install codecs09:56
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technelshiester_miester: I have media keys on my keyboard (pause, play, etc). I am trying to bind actions to them in xbindkeys, but when I enter "0xa2", the program crashes when it reads the config. That is the keycode that I got from the gnome keyboard shortcuts app09:56
YoanbenSalut a tous09:56
mundungusvarka, i installed the whole packages, when i play a video, i get a -vo error09:56
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shiester_miestertechnel, sorry, i dont know how to solve that problem09:56
YoanbenFrench ?09:56
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shiester_miester!fr | Yoanben09:57
ubotuYoanben: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:57
mundungusvarka, that the -vo output has an initialiazation error09:57
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technelshiester_miester: Ok, thanks anyway. At least we got my grammatical issues resolved ;)09:57
shiester_miesterwhoa, that was a good guess09:57
shiester_miestertechnel, no problem09:57
Yoanbenok thanks09:57
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DBluein Ubuntu Blender is trilion times more faster the in win09:57
shiester_miesterwhats that?09:57
CppIsWeirdis there any way to probe my wireless card to get a make and model or some identifiable information in order to search for it on google?09:57
varkamundungus: open mplayer, rightclick->preferences->video , change driver until one is working for you09:57
shiester_miesterother than an appliance used to finely cut things09:58
mundungusshiester, its a 3D modelling application09:58
eternalswdshiester_miester, 3d modeling app09:58
DBlueThat thing is a powerfull program, for animating and modeling09:58
shiester_miesteroh ok09:58
DBlueand 11 mb too09:58
shiester_miesteronce again ubuntu has been proven conclusively superior09:58
varkamundungus: as far as i know you have to restart mplayer after every driverchange09:58
galorinI just upgraded from 6.10 to 7.04 and xfce has started launching applications when I put in a CD/DVD/USB,and I don't want it to do that.  How do I stop it?09:58
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mundungusvarka, at the moment i havent configured it to use gui, i still have to install sme dependencies so am running it on terminal and i try to direct video output to the x11 window but with no sucess09:59
DBlueWish luck for the, drivers, i'm rebooting in Ubuntu, see ya when i install the modem driver,bye!09:59
eternalswdshiester_miester, ever taken a gander at wine's source code?  it's a mucky mire thanks to how microsoft develops it's platform09:59
rausb0DBlue: maybe you haven't enabled 3d hardware support for your gfx card09:59
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DBlueIt is working09:59
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DBlueSuper working09:59
rausb0DBlue: so it cannot be the reason for blender being slow?10:00
DBlueNo, in win is slow10:00
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varkamundungus: you can also set it up for using framebufferdevice instead but i can tell you more at the moment, sry10:00
rausb0DBlue: oh okay10:00
DBlueIn Ubuntu is turbo10:00
=== yellow_chicken [n=goldenpi@cpe-66-8-235-245.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBlueLike on drugs, it is flying10:01
rausb0DBlue: :)10:01
mundungusvarka,framebufferdevice, how does it work?10:01
yellow_chickenis there a command to list all the files in a file.tar.gz without unzipping it?10:01
DBlueI must reboot.10:01
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rausb0yellow_chicken: tar tvzf file.tar.gz10:01
varkamundungus: without any X, but as i said, i cant tell you more for now, google for it yourself10:01
=== Greeny_ [n=greeny@77-96-136-35.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eternalswdshiester_miester, at one point I was using wine to run utorrent until deluge got up to speed because azureus=hog imo.  but I wanted my nice xcursors to be used.  so I took a gander and the cursor is hidden inside reference within reference until one loses track of it altogether.  It's in some hardcoded resource somewhere.10:01
mundungusDBlue,hehehe, u must having a great time with blender!?10:01
mundungusvarka,k,thanx anyway10:02
yellow_chickenrausb0: thanks10:02
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krinnswhats up10:03
=== Biohazard [i=Bio@blfd-4db516e7.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
eternalswdshiester_miester, and if one wants to change the cursor in Xwindows, it takes a few calls at most.  Windows=complex bloat ;)10:04
mundungushello krinns!10:04
shiester_miestereternalswd, whaaaat10:04
shiester_miesterwhat are you on about10:04
jokerhey varka10:04
shiester_miesterah ok10:04
=== craigmcc [n=craigmcc@c-71-193-166-97.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shiester_miesternow i see what u mean10:04
varkajoker: ?10:04
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sh00thello thar10:04
shiester_miesteralso a murky mire because its made by so many different people, who dont have a strict organisational or management structure10:04
yellow_chickenrausb0: you know if tree command has this function on tar.gz files?10:04
jokerYou must be the ROOT user to install these packages.  <<<<<< how do i know if im the ROOT user ?10:05
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shiester_miesteri have the sneaking suspicion that wine has been altogether "hacked" together10:05
krinnswhat abt my evolution issue10:05
shiester_miesterlike, they kept adding things and tweaking things until it worked10:05
krinnsany idea10:05
varkajoker: just use "sudo <command>"10:05
shiester_miesterjoker, you arent10:05
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rausb0yellow_chicken: the "tree" command cannot look into archives i think10:05
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shiester_miesterjoker, if you were root user, it wouldn't say that :P10:05
siskelhow do i connect to a mac on the same network?10:06
shiester_miesteruse the "sudo" command to execute something as root10:06
woodhello room10:06
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shiester_miestergday wood10:06
yellow_chickenrausb0: i am looking at man tree to see if it's listed or not10:06
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jokerhow do i sign in as a root user10:06
eternalswdsiskel, is this your's or someone else's.  in otherwords con you configure the mac at all?10:06
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shiester_miesterjoker, you dont need to10:06
shiester_miesterjust use "sudo"10:06
johnbenin my file cdrom0 it says that i have 0 bytes of free space and in there and when i go to my home file thing it says that i have 2.8 gb of free space10:06
varkajoker: if you are installing downloaded .deb packages just type: "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/blablabla.deb"10:06
rausb0joker: sudo -s   (type in your _user_ password)10:06
siskeleternalswd, it's my friends ,so yes10:06
jokercrys******** im very new :((10:07
shiester_miesterjoker, so are most people here, including me10:07
siskeleternalswd, i want to copy some of her files10:07
wooddoes anyone know were to get the default list of Third-Party Software lists, for Software Soures , for Ubuntu10:07
varkajoker: or doubleclick the .deb in nautilus, then gdebi will install it graphically10:07
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jokeris there anyone that can remote and show me how to do it please10:07
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shiester_miesterwood, if you go into add/remove, select "all available software" in the sources selection box in the top right10:08
eternalswdsiskel, you should be able to run an ssh server.  os x in *nix based so should be able to run sshd.  once that's set up, you can use sshfs to mount it to your linux system.10:08
jokerthis is the name of the file10:08
shiester_miesterwood, sorry its actually "all available applications"10:08
yellow_chickenrausb0: is there a trick? like maybe i can pipe it to tree with, tar -tvzf fiel.tar.gz|tree?10:08
johnbencan any help me with my problem10:08
jokergyach-enhanced_pyvoice-source-1.0.7.tar.bz2  <<<< thats it10:08
shiester_miesterjohnben, thats not a problem...cd roms dont have free space because you can't write to them10:08
siskeleternalswd, is there a way to create a shared folder on the mac that i can see on the network?10:09
rausb0yellow_chicken: tree wants to read the filesystem, not from standard input10:09
woodi mean were you add the http://archive lists10:09
eternalswdsiskel, I'm not an os x expert, so it may have some sort of windows sharing mechanism that will allow you to use samba10:09
jokerdid i download the wrong thing10:09
shiester_miesterwood, oh ok10:09
shiester_miesteri dunno then10:09
shiester_miesteroh wait a sec10:09
shiester_miesteri think its in /etc/apt.sources or something10:09
shiester_miesterill look10:09
siskeleternalswd, the problem is that i can't see it10:09
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varkajoker: ok, this one you will have to compile yourself, as you are pretty new i dont recommend it, just try the last link i gave you instead as it contains .deb packages which are very easily to install10:09
shiester_miesterwood, its in /etc/apt/sources.list10:09
johnbenwell i new here and i wanted to play a game that i have played a game  on my old windows computer but i cant play it10:09
woodok,,,thanks will look...10:10
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shiester_miesterjohnben, you might be able to play it if you use wine to run the .exe10:10
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eternalswdsiskel, http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mac/2002/11/19/mac_pc.html10:10
jokerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=431290  <<<<<<<<< that link ?10:10
johnbeni allready downloaded win10:10
varkajoker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43129010:10
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shiester_miesterjohnben, were you having problems with using wine earlier?10:10
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siskeleternalswd, thanx10:11
eternalswdsiskel, in your case linux takes the place of windows.  so you'd have to translate the windows side to linux10:11
varkajoker: just to make things clear, i never used gyach or installed it, my very only knowledge about it is its existence ;)10:11
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jokerwell its installing so10:12
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ubuntubeginzjohnben: u cud try crossover also... more suited if u want to microsoft applications..in ubuntu10:12
shiester_miesteranyway, its dinner time10:12
marsjejust one user question: I don't get how I can apply my changes that I make in the Network Manager... it seems like I have to reboot for the changes to become active. And I don't see how I can select which NIC to use10:12
shiester_miestersee you all later10:12
shiester_miesterbest of luck in future problem-solving!10:12
eternalswdsiskel, of course it doesn't look like that tutorial even touches on windows.  come ask for more help if you need to set up the linux end of things10:12
newuser00how do i access my ubuntu partition as root when im booting from the live cd?10:12
ubuntubeginzsudo -i10:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about curlftpfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
rausb0!info curlftpfs10:14
ubotucurlftpfs: filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2 (feisty), package size 24 kB, installed size 92 kB10:14
jokervarka, Errors were encountered while processing: clvm and redhat-cluster-suite and system-config-cluster10:14
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jokerwat is that10:14
rausb0!info curlftpfs dapper10:14
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ubotuPackage curlftpfs does not exist in dapper10:14
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rausb0!info curlftpfs edgy10:15
ubotuPackage curlftpfs does not exist in edgy10:15
siskeleternalswd , actually i was kinda hoping for help on the mac side , though i realise this forum isnt for that,....10:15
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jokervarka , guess your not there10:17
Myrttirausb0: you can use the bot on /msg too10:17
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valdaswhat is that?10:18
valdas./configure: 27: cannot open /proc/ksyms: No such file10:18
valdas-en Where is the linux source build directory [/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build] 10:18
woodHello again, anyone know what should be in the repository list for Ubuntu it wont do up dates i get an error10:18
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beasty_checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:21
beasty_iemand een id ?10:21
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beasty_anyone has an id ?10:21
rausb0beasty_: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:21
newuser00how can i access my ubuntu partition as root while booting the live cd?10:22
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valdas./configure: 27: cannot open /proc/ksyms: No such file10:27
valdas-en Where is the linux source build directory [/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build] 10:27
valdasany idea?10:27
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markusi want to use sftp instead of ftp to close another port on my webserver. is there a sftp-client that ignores hidden files/directories? i upload from a svn copy and gftp/filezilla always upload all the .svn dirs.10:28
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Frogzoowhat is apport & why is it fork bombing me after I just updated?10:30
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starzmarkus, i believe thats a server side command but dont quote me on that10:32
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J^u^d^e^hey could ne one help me to encode a .avi to .vob??10:33
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markusstarz, i don't think so... sftp is plain ssh file transfer, no extra daemon running there besides sshd.10:35
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starzah well all i could do is google it and i'm busy so i leave that to you :D10:35
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markuswell, if there's no graphical client that supports exceptions around, i'll better create a script or tunnel ftp through ssh...10:35
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gerroTrying to setup a printer that's plugged in by usb (lexmark x83). I have no clue what to do.. never really used printers much http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=660cz2p10:37
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J^u^d^e^hey could ne one help me to encode a .avi to .vob??10:38
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Frogzoowhat is apport & why is it fork bombing me after I just updated?10:38
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varkaJ^u^d^e^: did you try DeVeDe or tovid?10:40
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J^u^d^e^i tried DeVeDe10:41
J^u^d^e^no help10:41
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varkaJ^u^d^e^: maybe you want to try tovid instead: http://tovid.wikia.com/wiki/Installing_tovid10:43
Stwangethis might be a stupid question, but can .odt be opened in MSWORD?10:43
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newuser01how can i access my ubuntu partition as root when booting from the live cd?10:44
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J^u^d^e^thks varka10:44
gerroStwange: openoffice can create msword documents or you could use a conversion program10:44
Stwangethanks gerro10:45
newuser01Stwange: nop, but you can create a MSWORD file with open ofice, that would work10:45
voltagexI cannot get the networkmanager vpn extensions to work - no matter which plugin I install there is no VPN option anywhere in network manager.10:45
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gerroStwange: the ones generated by openoffice are smaller and efficient though :)10:45
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varkaStwange: maybe you have a look at this https://sdlc6b.sun.com/ECom/EComActionServlet;jsessionid=774858CDC4E60B90C492905F000FC90A10:47
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gerrovoltagex: hmm I had similar thing with wireless so I went into /etc and told it there was a wireless location :)10:47
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gerrovoltagex: in particular try /etc/modprobe.d/10:48
Stwangevarka: is that a plugin for msoffice to run open office files?10:49
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varkaStwange: yes it is10:50
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Stwangevarka - thanks, I'll make a note of it, but I'm more concerned about sending my CV off - I can't exactly go installing plugins at their end ;)10:50
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varkaStwange: m$ themselves announced developing a plugin but i dont know if it is finished yet, so unless any kind of plugin was installed before you cant open .odt in word10:52
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newuser01i need to modify a folder's name in my ubuntu partition while booting from the live CD, but i have read-only rights when using the CD... how do i get root privileges to modify the partition? =/10:54
mundungusnewuser1,do a sudo then u'll be able to do that10:55
newuser01i dont know how to change a folders name using the console >.<10:55
varkamundungus: if it is mounted read-only a sudo wont help anyway ;)10:55
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mundungusi guess thats a conc problem then10:57
xjkxmy firefox of ubuntu comes with that thing when you close the browser with many windows open, when you restart it asks you if you want to restore it, i thought it was an extension but i cant find any extension listed, how do i remove it?10:57
varkanewuser01: "mv <oldname> <newname>10:57
Woodpeckerhi guys10:57
SlimeyPetexjkx: I don'tthink it's an extension. I think it's built-inthese days. It might be configurable in Preferences.10:57
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mundungusxjkx,its not an extension10:57
newuser01varka: thank you, ill try10:57
mundungusyep,go to preferences and choose,its in general settings!10:58
Frogzooxjkx: it's called "tab saver"10:58
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xjkxFrogzoo: i cant see any server tab to unmark in preferences :<11:00
Frogzooxjkx: it's in add ons/extensions11:00
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Frogzooxjkx: tools -> add ons -> tab saver11:00
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mundungusxjkx,which version of mozilla u using?11:01
teenbeat2007help how can i change user in grub edit11:01
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xjkxmine is empty, Frogzoo11:01
teenbeat2007i mean nano11:01
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varkaxjkx: maybe you are searching for the crash resume, you can change its behavior by changing the boolean value of browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash when opening "about:config" in your adress-bar11:01
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mundungusxjkx,its not in addons/extensions,its in general the place where u put ur homepage to load with bowser11:02
mundungushey dominik11:02
dominikdo you speek polish11:03
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dominikjest ktos z polski11:03
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varkadominik: #ubuntu-pl ?11:04
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KuDeTaanyone know how long a reverse DNS usually takes to update?11:05
xjkxtak means yes if anyone is wondering :P11:06
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Darkhello. how can i see if i have 3d acceleration enabled?11:06
xjkx/JOIN #UBUNTU-BR11:06
varkaDark: glxinfo | grep Rendering11:07
Darki type all that?11:07
varkaDark: glxinfo | grep rendering11:07
varkasry lowercase11:07
varkaDark: yes in terminal11:07
Darkit says direct rendering: yes11:08
varkaDark: so its enabled11:08
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xjkxI envy your rendering: yes :>11:08
xjkxmine is rendering: no :s11:09
Darkbecause of your card or because it doesnt work correctly?11:09
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xjkxbecause of my card, need to buy a new one :>11:09
mundungusnah,me from kenya!11:09
varkaxjkx: what type of graphics adapter do you own?11:10
Darkwhere can i get the divx 5 codec?11:10
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xjkxIt's onboard, not worth checking, sis740 i think11:10
greedocan gnome enforce a maximum window size for an application11:10
greedothe same way kde does ?11:10
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krinnsany one works on SRSS3.1.111:10
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mundungushey krinns11:10
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Darkwhere can i find the divx 5 codec?11:12
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varkaxjkx: oh yeah, sis sux11:12
n2diyCan I open Thunderbird and tell it _not_ to check for new mail?11:12
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varkaDark: http://labs.divx.com/DivXLinuxCodec11:13
LunatikBunniehay guys.11:13
Darkthanks varka11:13
sirusanyone got some rdns-able ips?11:14
mundungushave the same problem, i want to configure my evolution mail client to connect to my yahoo,is it possible?11:14
LunatikBunniei've just installed ubuntu, do i need to do anything post-install?11:14
xjkxvarka: as hell...all the world is enjoying 3desktop and i am not, because of sisHit11:14
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greedocan gnome enforce a maximum window size for an application ? i can't find this setting11:14
mundungusLunatik,not really,but if u need more applications that the default. there sooo much to get! enjoy ubuntuing!11:15
varkaLunatikBunnie: updates and then maybe something mentioned here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty11:15
LunatikBunniei'm using VMWare to install Ubuntu : how do i increase the resolutions?11:15
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n2diyLunatikBunnie: yes!!. no you get to configure and customize, loads of stuff to do, but, you don't have to do it.11:15
LunatikBunniemundungus : how about video drivers?11:15
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varkaLunatikBunnie: you have to install vmware-tools11:15
LunatikBunnievarka : i'm still updating my ubuntu, there's this guide i'm following that tells me to get vmware-player AFTER i finish the update and uninstalling VMWare.11:16
mundungusif u not satisfied with the resolution maybe try getting them online,like nvidia,mi didnt have to get drivers after my install11:16
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:17
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mojojojo_could you recommend a good file manager?11:17
BillyHell every one.11:17
mundungusconcerning multimedia, mi still have an issue with mplayer,it cant play video11:17
n2diymojojojo_: mc, midnight commander.11:18
LunatikBunnieubuntu kinda lags with vmware O_O11:18
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mojojojo_n2diy:  and something  else? It doesn't have the feature (or at least I haven't noticed it).. of jumping right to the directory/file by typing the first letters of its name....11:19
Darkhey varka, maybe you can help me with a little problem...i cant play divx; it opens totem but it says video codec divx 5 is not handled11:19
Darki just installed it11:19
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teenbeat2007how do i change user and password in recovery mode11:19
varka!codecs | Dark11:19
ubotuDark: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:19
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n2diymojojojo_: sorry, no. MC is point and click.11:21
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KuDeTaanyone know anything about SSL?11:22
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Billymundungus: I had the same problem with Mplayer   I used VLC insted and it works perfect.11:22
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sirusyeah what about it?11:22
LunatikBunnieubuntu renders REAL slow on VMWare, is there any solutions to this issue?11:23
Frogzoomojojojo_: maybe the deskbar applet with nautilus will suit11:23
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mojojojo_Frogzoo:  which packages is it?11:23
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maxwellsirus how can i get python to download11:24
TWIZTEDbytheloopdoes anybody know how to instal my ati display driver11:24
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Frogzoo!ati | TWIZTEDbytheloop11:24
maxwelli am asking you too billy11:24
ubotuTWIZTEDbytheloop: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:24
ub2hello from las vegas11:24
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Frogzoomaxwell: download python? just install the package11:24
TWIZTEDbytheloopuboto thnx11:25
maxwellbilly do u have any softwares dat can extract cvv from any online shop?11:25
mojojojo_Frogzoo:  thanks, I'll have a look what it has to offer11:25
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shannihey, I'm not new to linux but I am new to ubuntu and have a couple of questions :). Since most things seem to have a gui, I was wondering if there was one for setting up more buttons for the mouse (synaptics side scrolling) or if I just need to install the synaptics package... hey, I should try installing first, n/m :).11:25
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BillyNot that I know of11:25
Frogzoo!mouse | shanni11:26
ubotushanni: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:26
shannithanks Frogzoo11:26
rlparkerI'm trying to boot 7.04 on and older Powerbook G4 with 256k ram...and having no success.  Splash screen looks fine, but after about 3 minutes of "activity bar" action, I receive numerous syntax errors followed repeating HD errors...5.10 Desktop boots fine as a live CD, but only 740x480 resoultion.. Is there a know issue with 7.04?11:26
=== shanni hopes it has a gui
LunatikBunnieubuntu renders REAL slow on VMWare, is there any solutions to this issue?11:26
shanniah, there's a package, I see11:26
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shanniquite cool11:26
rlparkerer..640x480 ..sorry!11:26
varkaLunatikBunnie: there is no 3d acceleration if running a guest in vmWARE11:26
FrogzooLunatikBunnie: give vm more memory to run with11:27
Phlostenrlparker, hope you mean 256MB of ram not 256k :)11:27
maxwellfrogzoo do u have a software i can use to extract cvv from online shop or get the administration password to their accounts11:27
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ub2never seen so many persons anywhere11:27
rlparkerer.. oh yeah..sorry..I'm sleepy and I apologize11:27
shanniub2, #gentoo ;)11:27
shanniaww, it isn't quite as big11:27
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elbingI've got an Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02), all appears goes well, but i can't ear any sound. There is a modem in some chipset, I think it's not properly configured, but it's not important, I only want how to run sound in that intel, anyone can help me?11:28
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Frogzoo!sound | elbing11:28
ubotuelbing: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:28
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maxwellhow can i download a hacking software shanni11:28
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ub2shanni thanks for the tip11:28
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n2diymaxwell: try asking in #ubuntu-admin-passwords11:28
elbingFrogzoo:  all of this are checked, I'm in linux since 8 years11:29
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shannimaxwell: I highly recommend sudo rm -rf /11:29
elbingoss doesn't works too11:29
LunatikBunnieFrogzoo : i gave 1024mb to Vmware.11:29
kanzie_How can I make an action happen every night at 20:15?11:29
kanzie_in crontab11:29
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shannito others: (don't really rm /)11:29
kanzie_does * 20:15 * * * work?11:29
siruskanzie_:  man crontab?11:29
sirusit gives you the * * * * * layout11:30
vmlemonHi, is it possible to install Ubuntu using the Internet as the source of packages, with the Install DVD?11:30
n2diyshanni: thanks, I _thought_ you were kidding. :)11:30
Billyis there a command from term that will show you how much procsers speed is seen and how much ram is seen?11:30
beasty_15 20 * * *11:30
=== rlparker man it's dangerous in here (rm / and all) O_O
beasty_that should do the trick11:30
kanziebeasty_: indeed...great... why didnt I think of that11:30
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maxwellshanni how can i get it or download it from11:31
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beasty_kenzie: you're an idiot ?11:31
beasty_oh damn he's gone :(11:31
Billyis there a command from term that will show you how much procsers speed is seen and how much ram is seen?11:32
n2diyBilly, top11:32
BillyThank you11:32
Billyn2diy wow that is a AWSOME command.. Thank you...11:33
LunatikBunniei want more eye candy with ubuntu, anyone have any ideas?11:33
maxwellanyone in there wanna help me get a software that can break shop admin11:33
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valvojaanyone familiar with ubuntu+ltsp and usb printer connected to client?11:33
n2diyBilly, welcome to linux! :)11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ikl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:33
kestaz_keylogger on ubuntu ?11:33
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ub2anyone know how to put a test on the swap file?  i have a 512 memory and have not yet it seen to use swap so how to test?11:34
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mojojojo_Frogzoo:  it looks very promising11:35
maxwelln2diy do u have any softwares that can crack into shop admin?11:35
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n2diymaxwell: rm?11:36
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maxwelln2diy wht is rm?11:37
maxwelln2diy:i was askin if u had any software that can crack inton11:37
n2diymaxwell: rm is cracking software.11:37
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Phlostenrm will crack a lot of things11:38
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AnAntis there a GUI subversion client in Ubuntu ?11:38
maxwelln2diy:can u give me the url11:38
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n2diymaxwell: ?? I did?11:39
LunatikBunnieBeryl, what else.?11:39
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eifzoni did install 100.14.11 nvidia driver, and i get this error: "NVIDIA kernel and module's doesent match"11:40
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maxwelln2diy:so how o you go abt it11:41
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Billyman I am a windows addmin at work... I wish we had a command like top we could telnet in to a box and run... that would cut back on so much time. I think that would give us the answer to 5% of our problems.11:42
maxwelln2diy have found a free download version and i want you to help me use it11:42
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J^u^d^e^can any one help me with eMovix11:42
J^u^d^e^can any one help me with eMovix11:42
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n2diymaxwell: really???11:42
J^u^d^e^i can't seem to be crating it11:42
Billymaxwell: you seem to be baiting.11:42
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n2diymaxwell: I wouldn't trust a free download version, it might wipe out your hard drive?11:43
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maxwellN2DIY yeah i need ur help badlly11:43
Math^hello, I've got two cd-image files: '.cue & .bin' is there some way to mount this image?11:43
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Billymaxwell: and I do not think cracking cc info and vcc on online shops should be on the official Ubuntu support channel were teens could read.11:43
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maxwellbilly:can i have ur private chat id11:44
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BillyI have no idea on what that is.11:44
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ub2anyone know how to put a test on the swap file?  i have a 512 memory and have not yet it seen to use swap so how to test?11:45
maxwelln2diy:can i have ur private id so i can mail u11:45
n2diymaxwell: Its late here, so I can't offer a lot of time, but what are you trying to crack?11:45
maxwellshop admin11:45
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maxwelln2diy shop admin11:45
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n2diymaxwell: Na, I don't respond to email.11:46
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eifzonanyone how to fix it?11:46
maxwelln2diy:okay how can i chat one on one with you11:46
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eifzoni did install 100.14.11 nvidia driver, and i get this error: "NVIDIA kernel and module's doesent match"11:46
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LunatikBunnieOther than beryl, what can you reccommend for eye-candy and beautifying ubuntu?11:47
maxwelln2diy:i would really love to get intouch with you11:47
n2diymaxwell: I don't know, all I know about IRC I do here.11:47
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SlimeyPeteLunatikBunnie: enlightenment e17 seems to be a common choice (though I've not used it myself)11:47
PriceChildeifzon, ubuntu has its own packages for nvidia... /msg ubotu nvidia11:47
eifzonPriceChild: i want the NEWEST drivers..11:47
PriceChildeifzon, Well then install the properly.11:47
eifzonI did11:47
PriceChildeifzon, we support the ubuntu packaged stuff here11:48
PriceChildeifzon, obviously not...11:48
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eifzon2.6.20-16-generic i got that kernel, what nvidia-kernel shall i download11:48
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LunatikBunnieenlightenment e17?11:48
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maxwelln2diy:how do u install a cracking software in ubuntu11:48
SlimeyPeteLunatikBunnie: it's a window manager. Like Sawfish (Gnome) but prettier.11:48
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lapkosUbuntu Incompatible with mother board: 775i65GV ?11:49
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LunatikBunnieissit beryl compatible?11:49
slocateeifzon: it depends on what you want to do11:49
eifzonslocate: FIX my driver..11:49
maxwellwelcome billy11:49
n2diymaxwell: I think it is already installed.11:49
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slocateeifzon: uh-huh.  Well there's two main nvidia projects, an open source one and the proprietary one11:50
eifzonslocate: i got the nvidia.com latest one11:50
Billymaxwell: thank you11:50
maxwelln2diy so how can i find it in ubuntu5.1011:50
eifzonbut, it says i need the same nvidia-kernel as normal11:50
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slocateeifzon: then depending on your card you want either the NVidia binary X.Org driver of the 'legacy' driver11:50
BillyI still do not know what my privet chat is .. tryed to comeback in to see if I see it, I don11:50
eifzonslocate: i got nvidia geforce 7950gt11:50
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n2diymaxwell: Also check out tripwire, that is FUN!11:51
slocateeifzon: I don't use any nvidia atm, just try one :)11:51
eifzonslocate: but i got the newest one..11:51
eifzonlaame!! problem :@11:51
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slocateeifzon: well then, try the old one *eyeroll*11:52
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maxwelln2diy ;SO HOW DO I GET THE TRIPWIRE IN UBUNTU 5.1011:53
PriceChildeifzon, This is why a higher version number doesn't mean better.11:53
Billyif I want the df command to refresh ever few seconds how do I do that?11:53
n2diymaxwell: Not by YELLING at me.11:53
Myrtti!caps | maxwell11:53
slocatemaxwell: if you're asking in this room, you need to do some research11:53
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ubotumaxwell: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:54
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jscinozIs it known what phones Ubuntu 7.10 Mobile will run on?11:54
LunatikBunnieWhich is better? Beryl or E17?11:55
slocatenow in synaptic I can't seem to find the clearlooks gtk2 theme but google shows me a (I think it's breezy) package for it.  Do the different versions have completely separate repos?11:55
jscinozLunatik, neither, get compiz fusion :P11:55
maxwellokay bro11:55
GiZiMWhich is Beryl with a splash of new11:55
Billyif I want the df command to refresh ever few seconds how do I do that? I have tryed looking it up on line with http://www.computerhope.com/unix/udf.htm11:56
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slocateBilly: 'watch'11:56
jscinozWill Ubuntu 7.10 mobile/embedded run on an N95?11:56
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Billyslocate: thank you11:57
slocateis anyone here aware of a repo that would have the gtk2 clearlooks theme?11:57
slocateI'm not entirely sure how to configure synaptic yet :)11:57
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Frogzoo!themes | slocate11:58
ubotuslocate: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:58
jscinozslocate, not sure, but you could try Trevinho's massive sources list, has pretty much everything11:58
maxwelln2diy:sorry i dnt knw.so how do i get the tripwire from ubuntu 5.1011:58
jscinozbut themes are better installed manually11:58
crimsunapt-cache madison gtk2-engines-clearlooks11:58
crimsunit ships with Ubuntu, BTW.11:58
slocategkt2 themes need to be compiled, iirc11:58
fragot a lil' problem with kde and beryl11:59
fracan i ask here?11:59
slocatecrimsun: is that available in synaptic, too?  I'm installing this stuff for my sister atm and it'd be good if she knew how to do it ;)12:00
slocateI don't think throwing her into the cli is a good idea on the first day12:00
slocatefra: do you... have ubuntu?12:00
maxwelln2diy:ar u there?12:00
slocatefra: close enough for me, what's up?12:00
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g0dd3sssearch feature in synaptic is good 8-] 12:01
crimsunslocate: it's installed by default...12:01
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frawell, sometimes, with beryl turned on, the 'panel' on the bottom of the screen is invisible because it goes on the background12:02
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n2diymaxwell: sorry, gotta go, GL.12:02
fraand i want it to pop up always on top12:02
slocatecrimsun: no, 'Human' seems to be12:02
maxwelln2diy:please wait12:02
slocatewhich is like Clearlooks only not as customizable.12:02
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n2diymaxwell: Hurry12:03
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teenbeat2007how do i install sounddrivers in ubuntu12:03
Billyn2diy: thank you for the help...  gd12:03
maxwelln2diy.i have found it but i want you to show me how to go abt the installation12:03
maxwelln2diy and how to use it12:03
teenbeat2007i want to install sis7018 drivers12:03
n2diyBilly GL, 7312:03
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n2diymaxwell: no you don't, I'm tired and sleepy.12:04
TWIZTEDbytheloopi downlownloaded the Xorg ati radeon driver but i don`t know how to install it12:04
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LunatikBunnieis compiz fusion that good?12:04
hamedv90:-D dorod,12:04
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maxwelln2diy:so when do i meet u agian12:05
geert_when trying to execute a 32bits executable on a 64 bits system I get "Exec format error". See here for output: http://www.pastebin.ca/604122 any1 have a clue?12:05
maxwelln2diy:give me a time so we can meet again12:05
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n2diymaxwell: plenty of people here can help you, you don't need me.12:06
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LunatikBunnieany software to run in ubuntu like VMWare?12:06
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n2diycu maxwell.12:06
povedaeres ingles12:07
TWIZTEDbytheloopcan i anyone guide me through the installation proces of my ati radeon driver??12:07
Stwangethis is probably a really dumb question, but why is it so difficult to get programs running on a 64 bit architecture? Would it not be simple for a 32 bit program to run on 64 bit, and just have the extra 32 bits unused? or is it not that simple?12:07
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Billydose and one know what 73 means.. I tryed google?12:07
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miniBillcompiz o beryl?12:07
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fracompiz fusion12:07
GiZiMYeah that12:07
Billy!73 | billy12:08
n2diyStwange: not that simple.12:08
beasty_anyone knows a great alternative to gosa ?12:08
nothingssomethindoes anyone know if there is a program that i can use for my treo12:08
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Stwangen2diy: then is it simpler in windows because it usually doesn't use the extra bits?12:08
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GiZiMStwange It has to deal with how the 32bit program was compiled and about a dozen other things.12:08
nothingssomethini have a treo 650 and i want to be able to use it with lunix12:09
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nothingssomethini need to be able to use it12:09
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n2diyStwange: no, it still takes two transistors to count to four, and three transistors to count to eight, the OS has nothing to do with it.12:09
nmzHi.  I've used pppoeconf to create a connection.  It connects and works fine...  But often disconnects on it's own12:10
nmzI don't have the problem in Windows, so it's not my line or ISP12:10
TWIZTEDbytheloopcan`t get my graphics driver installed i allready downed it but i dunno how to work the terminal12:10
nmzany suggestions?12:10
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ramirez4iwual k yo12:11
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laeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiii nadie ava12:13
eifzonWhat programs do i need for the nvidia driver 100.14.11?12:13
Billyn2diy: what did the 73 mean at the end?  I have tried looking it up but can not find any thing from google.12:13
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TWIZTEDbytheloopcan anyone help me through the installation of my ati radeon driver12:14
mrsnoeifzon you would have to use envy to install the nvidia.com driver12:14
mrsnoto get 100.14.1112:14
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mrsno!tell TWIZTEDbytheloop ati12:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:15
eifzonmrsno: what do you mean with envy12:15
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mrsnooh TWIZTEDbytheloop i see someone already provided you the link for information on ati, what problems are you having exactly?12:16
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TWIZTEDbytheloopu told me that but i can`t get through with that12:16
n2diyBilly, search for ham, and 7312:16
mrsnoeifzon currently in feisty the latest nvidia driver is 9631 or 9755 in nvidia-glx-new12:16
TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno the real problem is probably lack of knowledge of ubuntu12:16
eifzonmrsno: but i want the nvidia.com driver12:17
mrsnoenvy is a program to easily let you use the latest version of the nvidia.com driver12:17
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mrsnoand a bit cleaner than just downloading and running the nvidia.com .sh file12:17
eifzonmrsno: ok, just apt-get install envy ?12:17
TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno so if u could guide me through it u have my thnx12:17
Billyn2diy: thank you I will be reading about this ham stuff for a wile.. thanks...12:17
mrsnoeifzon  envy is currently not in ubuntu repositories, but that link i provided has the .deb file (please check the faq)12:17
varkaeifzon: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html12:17
LunatikBunniecompiz fusion seems nice12:17
Billyn2diy: get some sleep  :)12:18
n2diyBilly, roger, 7312:18
varkaeifzon: sry, didnt see it was already posted12:18
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mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop what ati graphics card do you have?12:18
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eifzonenvy_0.9.5-0ubuntu5_all.deb this one?12:18
TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno the radeon ex550 extreem12:19
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varkaeifzon: yes, just download it, gdebi will install it after download12:19
mrsnoex550 extreem? i haven't came across that model before TWIZTEDbytheloop , but as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto the first thing it asks is run lspci at the terminal, to see what the card is12:19
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mrsnoso run that now and tell us12:20
BillyBest regards : that is sexy12:20
LoevborgGuys, what's the canonical (pun intended) way to find out if there is a file, say rst2latex.py, in some package?12:20
equiumim on Ubuntu 7.04 and I have a WRT54G wireless router (with WPA TKIP), but I cant connect to it, what's wrong?12:20
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varkaLoevborg: sudo dpkg -L package.deb | grep "file.name"   perhaps12:21
TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno the controller is x300se12:21
Loevborgvarka, _all_ packages, not just the ones installed12:21
stefg!find rst2latex.py12:21
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ubotuPackage/file rst2latex.py does not exist in feisty12:21
varkaLoevborg: or just look at http://packages.ubuntu.com12:21
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Loevborgstefg, okay :)12:21
nmz_it seem that my pppoe connection randomly loses DNS servers?12:22
mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop ok so you have an x300, are you using a note book or is it a pc ?12:22
BillyGood Night every one.. I have some reading to do now...12:22
stefg!ipv6 | nmz_12:22
ubotunmz_: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv412:22
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rreckcan anyone please point me at the right default configuration file for httpd, i assumed it was /var/apache2/apache2.conf but i cant find the docment root specified anywhere12:23
Loevborgthnaks guys12:23
TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno it is desktop12:23
morpheus_anybody having trouble downloading updates via synaptic today?12:23
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mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop alright, which version of ubuntu are you using, feisty ?12:23
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno it is 7.0412:24
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno i believe that is feisty12:24
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mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop lets try just clicking "System -> Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager'12:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fesity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:24
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents12:24
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mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop what is listed in that box that appears?12:25
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno driver with hardware acceleration for grafic cards of ati12:26
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mrsnook TWIZTEDbytheloop so click the tick box and apply it, sorry i cant remember exactly what it looks like from here12:27
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mrsnothen check what it says to you12:27
Harnahi. Maybe someone know where i can change config menu in xfce (xubuntu)?12:27
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joker_ok i need some help wat does Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libssl0.9.6   <<<<< wat does that mean ???12:28
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno i allready did that it acticated it and know it says what i told u just now12:28
varkaHarna: #xubuntu12:28
Harnavarka: pl?12:28
Frogzoojoker_: you installing debian debs?12:28
varkaHarna: no, ger12:28
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mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop ok so log out and log back in12:28
Frogzoojoker_: well don't12:28
mrsnothen go back into the restricted drivers manager12:28
joker_why not12:29
mrsnoit should said 'in use'12:29
TWIZTEDbytheloopok be back in a sec12:29
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joker_i want yahoo messenger with VOICE like on Windows XP :((12:29
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Harnavarka: varka: i think you from Poland because in Poland we have beer "Warka"12:30
joker_how do i get that libssl0.9.6 to go away so i can install this12:30
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varkaHarna: my full name is varkatope. so... ^^12:30
Harnavarka: heh12:31
morpheus_Are the default repositories running slow today, I'm only getting 4k download from them????12:31
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno becouse the software isn`t open it can`t be adjusted easily to fix future problems12:32
varkajoker_: last chance i see for you: http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/12:32
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mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop sorry i dont understand , what is happening ?12:32
varkajoker_: it only has packages for edgy but maybe they work under feisty tooo12:32
TWIZTEDbytheloopmsno it is the same as before12:32
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joker_im so sorry varka im to the point i have smoke 2 packs of ciggs and pissed off from hell and want my Windows XP back and everytime i try to switch back to Windows XP it is all messed up and everything want work12:33
mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop i still dont understand sorry :) maybe you can take a screenshot or something?12:33
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno maybe this will help you i had to down the xorg driver but now i need to install it that is the linux driver of my card12:33
TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno i could but its in dutch12:34
varkajoker_: you dont have to be sorry, everybody should use the os that fits his needs best12:34
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mrsnoTWIZTEDbytheloop if speaking in dutch is easier could i suggest you try in #ubuntu-nl ?12:34
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TWIZTEDbytheloopi tried that but i cant get in12:35
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joker_well i want Windows back i tried reformatting and its all messed up so im basicly left with Ubuntu12:35
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joker_varka thank you let me try this and i'll be back12:35
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno i am gonna try it again thnx for if i can get in12:36
n00bcan you see history of chats ? ...12:36
mrsnoyour welcome TWIZTEDbytheloop , hope you get it sorted:)12:36
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TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno i am in so thnx and see ya12:36
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mrsnon00b yes in http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ i believe12:36
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ermanuhay alguien12:37
sirusanyone got a dedi12:37
TWIZTEDbytheloopmrsno that won`t help a bit there is no one12:37
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joker_varka, Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libgail17    << wats this mean if i may ask ?12:38
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varkajoker_: what did you try to install, the deb for edgy from my last link?12:39
joker_varka, let me look12:39
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varkajoker_: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gyachi/gyachi_1.0.5-1_edgy_i386.deb?download12:40
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joker_varka, ok12:40
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AyabaraI'm trying to setup a "big desktop" setup with monitors with different resolutions. How can I input the resolution of the second monitor in xorg.conf?12:42
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twosouls82Ayabara: I used this page as a reference setting up a dual head layout; http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors12:44
Ayabaratwosouls82, thanks12:44
nomadhey, can anyone help me with my makefile? http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/12461/?format=txt in the folder in which the makefile is exists a file named "example.tex", but with "make" nothing happens12:45
WeeJeWelI just wanted to press enter and give you that link... lol12:45
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_EXPanyone familiar with ltsp?12:46
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nomaddoes anyone know whats wrong with my litte makefile? ^_^12:47
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twosouls82nomad: yes I think I do12:47
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gnomefreaknomad: #ubuntu-motu would be a better place to ask12:48
Ayabaratwosouls82, I think I'm on to something. I need an "Option SecondMonitor...... 1280x1024". Is there a place to see the possible options for a device in xorg.conf?12:48
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twosouls82nomad: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28615/12:48
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=== sirus wonders if he should setup dns/web on the workstation box
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siruswould that be a security risk?12:48
varkaAyabara: do you have an nvidia card?12:49
jmelen espanin12:49
nomadtwosouls82: oh, nice :) and why my efforts were in vain?12:49
twosouls82Ayabara: yes, I Googled my *ss off12:49
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nomad<twosouls82> ah thanks12:49
Ayabaravarka, nope, I have an ati card12:49
jmeltodas estais buenisimas12:49
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twosouls82nomad: your version didn't have any command (I entered a new line and a tab)12:49
Ayabaraand screen0 is 1440*900, while screen 1 is 1280*102412:49
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WarboAnyone know how to tell wget to not use a proxy? I used gnome-network-preferences to set my Onion Router client as a proxy, but after changing it back wget still seems to be using it (and is therefore slow). I am running wget as root if it's relevant (don't ask)12:53
AladinHow can I send desktop notifications from one logged in user to another? I try "notify-send" from Ubuntu package "libnotify-bin" but it doesn't work.12:53
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jribnomad: "wildcard *.tex", not "wildcard %.tex"12:55
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g[r] eekhi - i have created a user "jboss". as a result, there is now a /home/jboss/ directory. now i type 'su jboss', in order to change to this user. i then try install some files to the /home/jboss directory, but it doesnt let me "cannot create directory" etc. any ideas?12:56
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joker_varka ..............12:57
g[r] eek(the installation process in question needs to create some directories inside of /home/jboss/...)12:57
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varkajoker_: what?12:57
Warbog[r] eek: Is the su part working? Try running it as sudo su - jboss12:57
joker_varka, thank you it works but people say i sound like a kid talkin on the mic and it cuts out bad12:58
m0u5eanyone know how to get a wacom graphire 4 tablet working with ubuntu?12:58
g[r] eekok one sec12:58
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varkajoker_: well thats a completely different problem which has nothing todo with gyach i think, but i cant help you with sound issues, im sry12:58
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g[r] eekWarbo: doesn't seem to have done the trick. when i type su jboss, it prompts me for the password. i type in the passwd i set for the user jboss and it doesn't complain, so i assume su is indeed working.12:59
g[r] eekWarbo: ie, i don't think su is the problem12:59
joker_varka, its ok i think i can figure out the sound issues but thank you so much now i can talk to people while i work on figureing out more stuff12:59
hdwowhi. where can i find the public key of the person who signs the ubuntu-security-announce messages?01:00
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fsssssssssshcan anyone tell me howto make a watermark out of a graphic that is opened in open office OR gimp ?01:00
Warbog[r] eek: Hmm.. I'm not sure of the problem then (although it should be asking for the current user's password)01:00
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varkajoker_: no problem01:01
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jribhdwow: https://launchpad.net/~keescook01:02
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B_777Need some help with ubuntu installation...when I try to install ubuntu from CD it gives me a tty cannot load error, job stopped (something to that affect)..need to know how to work around this...01:03
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=== Warbo is still waiting for his packages to download at 50KB/s over an 8MB/s line :(
CromagWarbo: change repos.01:04
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g[r] eekWarbo: is there some way if i have su'd to a different user? btw, i've logged in as g[r] eek, so my prompt says g[r] eek@ubuntu, but when i 'su jboss' and type in the jboss user's password (which seems to be accepted), my prompt doesn't change to jboss@ubuntu. is this normal?01:04
=== krizzy is away: Away
g[r] eek*is there some way to check01:04
jrib!away > krizzy (see the private message from ubotu)01:04
=== L0cKn hello ;)
WarboCromag: They are going through TOR, and I don't know how to tell it not to01:05
Cromagi never used that.01:05
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Warbog[r] eek: typing su as a user will do nothing, it is disabled. To use su you need to be super user (ie. sudo su). Other than that I know adding a dash in there can change it somehow (not sure what it does, but I needed to use it to run KDE4)01:06
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krizzygo fuck yourself, it was an accident01:06
jribWarbo: a - resets your environment01:06
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phave downloaded beryl but i cant get it to work, have also tried to download nvidia from Automatix but again it does not allow me to install it, using a hp pavillion dv4000, can someone help me?01:06
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qodoshI am having a problem where everytime I try to compile and install something I get an error saying gcc cant create executable files. Anyone know what thats about?01:06
g[r] eekWarbo: ok but when i type in 'sudo su jboss' it only accepts my sudo user's password, ie: it doesn't ask me for jboss user's password01:06
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m0u5ei wish i could download nvidia :301:07
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Warbog[r] eek: Yes, that's because super users can su to anyone they want without needing a password. But you need your password to become a super user01:07
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g[r] eekWarbo: ok ill try again01:07
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scoldogAnyone know anything about exaile?01:09
B_777Is there a guide available to installing ubuntu?01:09
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pwhat do i need to have in order to run Nvidia?01:09
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jribB_777: it's pretty straightforward, but see:01:10
jrib!install > B_777 (see the private message from ubotu)01:10
jrib!nvidia > p (see the private message from ubotu)01:10
g[r] eekWarbo: ok i did 'sudo su jboss', and typed in sudo user's password. then, from inside /home/jboss/, i tried to install my application, but the installation fails when it tries to create folders inside /home/jboss/ - "cannot create directory"01:10
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Warbog[r] eek: Sorry, I can't think what the problem might be. Try asking the channel again01:11
XeonwalesHi, can anyone help me with downloading torrents & opening ports?? Cheers01:11
jribg[r] eek: you can just 'su jboss', no need for sudo there01:11
g[r] eekWarbo: ok thanks anyway warfaren01:11
g[r] eek*warb01:11
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g[r] eekjrib: any idea why, as user jboss, and inside /home/jboss/ folder, an installation procedure fails to create directories?01:12
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jribg[r] eek: output of 'ls -ld /home/jboss'?01:12
g[r] eekjrib: even 'mkdir foobar' fails - permission denied01:12
ubuntu_noob10111hi is there anyone from australia who can tellme what to write in my /etc/apt/sources.list? i seem to have overridden it01:12
g[r] eekjrib: one se01:13
g[r] eek*sec01:13
jrib!easysource > ubuntu_noob10111 (see the private message from ubotu)01:13
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g[r] eekdrwx-r-xr-x 2 jboss nogroup01:13
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g[r] eekjrib: btw, jboss is a system user01:13
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jribg[r] eek: hmm, why is there an extra -?01:14
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ubuntu_noob10111jrib: awesome thanks!01:15
Mik1hi all01:15
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Mik1i've problem with loop-aes01:15
JakobsenOkay, I'm requiring more experience than my own here. Trying to run Compiz-Fusion on Ubuntu 7.04 on my Thinkpad Z61m (Radeon Mobility x1400), but it just won't work..01:16
Mik1is there anyone who work with it?01:16
Mik1LOOP-AES under Ubuntu 7.0401:16
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g[r] eekjrib: that was a typo, my bad. correction: drwxr-xr-x 2 jboss nogroup01:18
JakobsenAnybody? :)01:18
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g[r] eekjrib: does the fact that jboss is a system user not make a difference?01:18
PiciJakobsen: Try asking in #ubuntu-effects thats the compiz/beryl/compositing channel.01:18
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JakobsenOkay, thank you..01:18
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jribg[r] eek: probably.  Try 'sudo -u SYSTEM_USER mkdir /home/SYSTEM_USER/foo'01:19
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Bogaurddoes ubuntu have support for iptables layer7 packet matching?01:19
Mik1czy ktos bawil sie loop-aes, albo innym szyfrowaniem pod linuksem?01:20
Mik1albo kompilacja jadra?01:20
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Bogaurdspecifically, l7-filter, if I didnt make that clear :)01:20
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Mik1is there anyone who is using loop-AES or compiling kernel?01:21
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jribg[r] eek: did you change the shell for the system user?01:21
g[r] eekjrib: so in a nutshell: i did "adduser --system jboss". i then "passwd jboss" to set this user's password. i then change to "/home/jboss/". i then type "su jboss", and type in the password - no errors so i assume it accepts the password and changes user to jboss. i then "mkdir foobar" and i get "cannot create directory - permission denied"01:21
BogaurdMik1: I compiled a new kernel the other day... but I dont use loop-AES01:21
jribg[r] eek: type 'whoami' after you su01:22
Mik1I see01:22
g[r] eekwow lag01:22
Mik1it's to bad01:22
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eifzonhow do i get avant window navigator for ubuntu fiesty 7.04 ?01:22
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g[r] eekjrib: after su'ing to jboss, and typing whoami, it says "g[r] eek"01:23
jribg[r] eek: try 'sudo chsh jboss' and giving it a shell other than /bin/false01:23
user1_i hate that every distribution has different hier01:23
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user1_makes linux unnecessariliy difficult to manage01:24
jribuser1_: "hier"?01:24
g[r] eekjrib: i have no clue what the second half of that advice mean01:24
g[r] eekjrib: ill try sudo chsh jboss, one sec01:24
user1_i guess linux users just don't care about hier01:24
|ajmorris_|ive just installed mesa.... i had direct rendering before.... now i dont.... how do enable it for mesa?01:24
jribg[r] eek: for the shell, give it '/bin/bash'01:24
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Warbouser1_: hier means yesterday in French doesn't it? I don't understand what you mean01:25
dhi, i have an old 'Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_' installed, and im trying to run aptitude to install some simple tools like wget etc, however when i try it cannot find anything. in sources.list I have "deb http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted" listed but it cannot find anything here, where should I find the correct address because i dont even find anything for breezy at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dis01:25
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daniel_was_hereHi, i have a wierd issue with ubuntu01:25
user1_care to do a man hier?01:25
jribd: breezy is no longer supported, I'm not sure the repos are being mirrored anymore01:25
g[r] eekjrib: ok its asking for a shell, and in brackets (the default i assume) it says /bin/false :)01:26
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daniel_was_hereAs soon as i start it up everything runs fine, then once the desktop loads completely everything freezes; locking me out of everything.01:26
djrib: and if i was to use another release in the sources.list ?01:26
Warbouser1_: Oh, I see. LSB :)01:26
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jribd: you should upgrade to dapper01:26
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andrewssHi, can someone tell me how can I fix this: "failed to parse line, skipping: logfile = razor-agent.log" (Mailscanner/spamassassin/razor)01:27
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djrib: this is a VPS, so its pretty much set and I just need it for simple things - anything else I can do?01:27
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g[r] eekjrib: this seems to have done the trick. once i su'd to jboss, i got jboss@ubuntu prompt. then i tried executing the installation script, and this time got a different error, one say "cannot create log: /tmp/jems-install.log" - so i assume i need to give the jboss user write access to /tmp?01:28
gerrolshw only lists one cdrom like device even though I have 2, anyone know how to fix that?01:28
Stwangeany idea why firefox makes my speakers squal continually in ubuntu?01:29
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jribd: you can search for an active mirror, but I don't know of any.  Note that breezy probably isn't getting security updates anymore, so it's not wise to run a server with it imo01:29
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ajmorris_ive just installed mesa.... i had direct rendering before.... now i dont.... how do enable it for mesa?01:29
jribg[r] eek: everyone has permissions to /tmp by default01:29
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gerroajmorris_: mesa isn't a very good graphics driver :(01:29
glickexcuse me, where do i access beagle from?01:29
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glicki just installed it01:29
djrib: ill settle with that and try upgrade, thanks!01:29
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ajmorris_gerro: better than i810....01:30
thermodynamics44can anyone help, i have a xw9300 HP workstation, it cames with XPP 32bits, but my Spec, are @processors Opteron 2.4 and 2 gigas of ram expandible to 32gigas, the thing i want to ask, is if  i put a distro of Ubuntu am i going to have the ability to work and have same or better performance???01:30
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jribd:  ubuntuforums.org has many threads with people having this problem, maybe you can find one where someone lists a mirror01:30
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ajmorris_glick: its not in the menus?01:31
gerrothermodynamics44: no duh of course but if you need some help picking out drivers before you get to work on it I might be able to help01:31
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glickajmorris_, i dont see it which menu should it be in?01:31
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ajmorris_glick: im not sure.... but what happens if you type Alt+F2 and type beagle in the dialog box that appears?01:32
gerrothermodynamics44: what OS do you have currently running?01:32
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thermodynamics44i have a quadro 3450, and i have a bad expirience with Mandriva 2007, i have to compile and doesnt work fine, the image trumbles01:32
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siskelinstalled vmware-server with synaptic, then uninstalled it. now when i try to reinstall the tar.gz i get "A previous installation of VMware software has been detected." and it doesnt install. HELP!01:32
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glickajmorris_, it says the file could not be found01:32
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ajmorris_glick: give me a sec, never used beagle, installing it now to see what the command to start it is01:33
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glickajmorris_, its beagle-search01:33
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gerrothermodynamics: I've used that on a similar machine http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/feisty/release/xubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso01:33
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glicknow it works, but isnt it installed onto the menu somwhere?01:33
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jribg[r] eek: make sure the file does not already exist in /tmp from your other user (if it does, delete it)01:33
siskelhow do i remove vmware-server completely?01:34
thermodynamics44I have windows 32 bits and other partition of 64 bits, and i use to have ubuntu but not with beryl01:34
gerrothermodynamics: can you manage to burn a cd? if not there is a usb install method that works well01:34
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jribsiskel: sudo aptitude purge vmware-server01:34
ajmorris_glick: it all depends on what it is configured to do, it might be configured to install only to the menus of, say, KDE for example ....01:34
thermodynamics44Yes i can i have DVD burner01:34
eifzonanyone here using avant window navigator?01:34
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gerrothermodynamics44: dvd a bit of a waste since image so small01:35
ajmorris_eifzon: yep i am01:35
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thermodynamics44oki let me check thanks01:35
siskeljrib -thanks. how come sudo apt-get remove purge didnt do anything , but aptitude does?01:35
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thermodynamics44OMG i don't have cd's Gerro01:35
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gerrothermodynamics44: lol no prob do you have a flash stick?01:35
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jribsiskel: syntax for apt-get is:  apt-get remove --purge01:36
thermodynamics44a kingson01:36
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siskeljrib, i did that and it said 'vmware-server' is not installed, but when i replaced apt-get with aptitude it removed it!01:36
jribsiskel: weird01:37
gerrothermodynamics44: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick or you could try net based dapper 6.06 install on your win partition with http://downloads.sourceforge.net/instlux/instluxNETUbuntu6_06english.exe?modtime=1150144115&big_mirror=001:37
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g[r] eekjrib: if that is the case then why can't my jboss user create and write to a log file in /tmp?01:37
siskeljrib this is the last time i install something with synaptic...01:38
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jribg[r] eek: make sure the file does not already exist in /tmp from your other user (if it does, delete it)01:38
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g[r] eekjrib: sorry i am experiencing some serious lag here. i get no messages for a minute or two and the 100 all at once.01:38
thermodynamics44Thanks man01:38
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gerrolshw reports  *-display:1 UNCLAIMED for product: RV350 AP [Radeon 9600]  (Secondary) how do I fix that?01:39
jribg[r] eek: k, np01:39
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gerrog[r] eek: perhaps a firewall issue?01:42
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jribg[r] eek: feel free to use #ubuntu-classroom if the traffic makes it hard for you to follow then01:43
AnoninonIs this thing on ?01:43
g[r] eekjrib: thanks for your help i have managed to install application under jboss user successfuly :)01:43
g[r] eek*successfully01:43
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AnoninonIgnore JOINS PARTS and QUITS to make this channel usable !01:43
jribg[r] eek: cool, you may want to change the shell back to /bin/false and lock the account again (passwd -l)01:43
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g[r] eekgerro: it's my network cable. i have tried another cable and i get no lag whatsoever. i am about to go back to the shops to replace it.01:44
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gerrog[r] eek: perhaps straighten it out and recrink the ends?01:45
predojehow can i register????01:45
jrib!register > predoje (see the private message from ubotu)01:45
predojei ssee that but that is just help01:45
predojei ssee that but that is just help01:45
predojei ssee that but that is just help01:45
predojehow can i register????01:45
predojehow can i register????01:45
predojehow can i register????01:45
predojehow can i register????01:45
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jribpredoje: stop01:45
jribpredoje: did you read the page ubotu linked you to?01:46
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Picipredoje: read the mesage from ubotu, it explains everything.01:46
thermodynamics44predoje is getting crazy Lol01:46
predojeInformation about registering your Freenode nick is01:46
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predojeit say information01:46
predojei dont giva fuck about info01:46
Pici!ohmy | predoje01:47
predojei need registr01:47
ubotupredoje: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:47
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predojefuck you01:47
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g[r] eekcheers be back later with more questions i am sure :)01:47
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thermodynamics44predoje has a bad attitude01:48
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rausb0what is ubuntu motu?01:48
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ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU01:48
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eifzonError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libawn-svn, when i am trying to install awn01:48
rausb0thanks EdLin01:48
jscinozDoes sun-java6 have a memory leak?01:48
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EdLinjscinoz: Java *is* a memory leak. ;-)01:49
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thermodynamics44Woooooow that sound nice: The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu01:49
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jscinozWhat java should i use for maximum performance? sun-java6 is extremely slow01:49
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EdLinjscinoz: Java 6 is an improvement on its predecessors in speed, in my experience. That doesn't say much.01:50
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jscinozEd, i mean should i use the GNU java, the blackdown or sun?01:50
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EdLinjscinoz: Sun, IMHO.01:50
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EdLinjscinoz: GNU's more politically correct, but you'll encounter compatibility problems01:51
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jscinozEdlin, i'm using an old computer with only 256mb of ram, it can run games like tremulous fine, but it slows so bad i have to ctrl-alt-bksp on running a java game "Runescape"01:51
jscinozYou'd think it could handle java01:52
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MajorPayneIsn't Sun Java now under GPLv2 also?01:52
Picijscinoz: have you tried it with java5?01:52
EdLinjscinoz: maybe try Java 5, it's in the repository too.01:52
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EdLinMajorPayne: part of it is.01:52
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EdLinjscinoz: even try blackdown, but its slower.01:53
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jamestouchpad not working on my laptop hp 500 please help01:53
jscinozok thanks, do i lose any functionality with java 5?01:53
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EdLinjscinoz: not at present.01:53
EdLinjscinoz: Blackdown you'll loose functionality though.01:53
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jscinozalright i'll try sun5 and get back to you01:53
EdLinjscinoz: and GNU's not ready for prime-time on clients...01:54
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EdLinjscinoz: good luck.01:54
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:56
doppelgaengerHi I am interested if any new release after Edgy will fully support (encryption during installation) LUKS based harddisk encryption or if there are any plans to implement this soon ?01:56
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:56
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jscinozwell i've removed sun java 6, and installed java 5, now firefox thinks there's no java installed at all02:00
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maunixcan someone point me to a still alive 5.10 (breezy) repository? the ones i added and tried do not work. thanks in advance.02:00
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troopperi_jscinoz: i solved problem and i installed both02:01
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fssshcan anyone tell me howto make a watermark out of a graphic that is opened in open office OR gimp ?02:02
jscinozand this should fix my speed problems?02:02
EdLinjscinoz: installing both doesn't have an effect...02:02
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B_777I try to run the install utility in the ubuntu menu from CD, but it then goes to the shell saying that the tty could not be loaded & stays in the shell...what do I do now?02:02
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EdLinjscinoz: use update-alternatives --config java, perhaps02:02
troopperi_EdLin: i mean that firefox problem02:02
jscinozMy main concern is to have java run at an acceptable speed. i get 60fps+ in opengl, yet under 10 in java02:03
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EdLinjscinoz: Java will always be slower than native code in OpenGL...02:03
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jscinozstill, it shouldnt be this slow02:03
EdLinjscinoz: maybe upgrade your video card?02:03
gerrojscinoz: java usually used for online stuff, perhaps a slow network speed or inconsistency02:04
jscinozThis shouldnt be a problem, it worked back when this was windows, here's something wrong with the linux java...02:04
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JimQodejscinoz, did you install sun-java ?02:04
jscinozI can assure you network connection isnt an issue, neither is the graphics card02:04
EdLinjscinoz: are you using compiz? If so, deactivate it, that will speed up OpenGL. (At the expense of neat-o eye-candy. :-) )02:04
jscinozi currently have sun-java5 installed02:04
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jscinozNope, just plain old metacity02:05
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gerrojscinoz: you haven't even begun to tweak your linux install so you know little of the depths the rabbit hole goes young grass hopper :P02:05
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EdLinjscinoz: I assume you are using your card's 3D drivers.02:05
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greedoplease, can gnome enforce a window size for a specified application ? i can't find this setting , i was able to do that in kde before02:06
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jscinozGerro, this is my fourth ubuntu install, i've gone into beryl, compiz, compizfusion, custom kernels on the others, havent bothered onthis one due to low specs02:06
jscinozEdlin, yes. nvidia-glx-legacy02:06
kaviaHi, I've problem with my cdrom is disappeared after installation!!!02:06
Kroozr#ubuntu->I've googled and googled to find a way to set focus-follows-mouse. Anyone know how I would do that?02:06
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Jack_Sparrowwhat was the release number for edgy?02:06
kaviasomeone can help me please?02:07
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EdLinjscinoz: I upgraded my system which used a TNT2 to a GeForce FX for $30US from NewEgg, that did wonders for my video capability and performance. :-)02:07
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jscinozfirefox refuses to recognise sun-java5 as a valid java plugin, and yes i have the sun-java6-plugin installed02:07
EdLinjscinoz: you'll need to change the symlink I suspect.02:08
jscinozEdlin, graphics card isnt the main problem, RAM is, and seeing as this thing uses RDRAM, its not worth updating02:08
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jscinozthe symlink in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins?02:08
wckavia, you mount it?02:08
EdLinjscinoz: my system uses SDRAM, plain SDRAM, and the update helped...02:08
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EdLinjscinoz: yup02:09
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jscinozyeah RDRAM is way to expensive and slow02:09
Picijscinoz: have you run the update-alternatives for java?02:09
jscinoz200US for a 512 chip.02:09
jscinozyes pici02:09
kaviawc: if I mount it says that /dev/hda doesn't exist02:09
EdLinjscinoz: faster than plain SDRAM, but RDRAM is very expensive....02:09
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jscinozyeah the symlink is the problem, still linking to 602:09
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williyis hier een jelle02:10
wchardware problem? can you find it in other operation system?02:10
EdLin!nl | williy02:10
ubotuwilliy: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl02:10
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rambo3kavia, you cant mount hda02:10
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kaviarambo3: I did mount /media/cdrom02:11
EdLingtg, hope things work out OK.02:11
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kaviawc: I can try fedora 702:11
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wckavia:strange, i google to find it now...02:12
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Picikavia: typically, the cdrom is /dev/cdrom  not /dev/hda102:12
jscinozEdlin, fixed the symlink, restarting firefox now to see if it works02:12
kaviaPici: it doesn't exist anyway02:13
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Picikavia: which?02:13
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kaviaPici: also /dev/cdrom02:13
jscinozOk, i've fixed the symlink, firefox still thinks theres no java plugin, do i need to edit a file somewhere? like pluginreg.dat?02:13
Kroozrkavia: did you check the Restricted Drivers Manager? That is how I fixed my graphics card problem . .  just a thought02:13
Picikavia: What about /dev/dvd ?02:14
roland_my laptop shots down himself in cause of high temperature02:14
kaviaKroozr: what I have  to do with that?02:14
roland_but the tempereature is OK02:14
kaviaPici: nope02:14
roland_what can i do02:14
ZeroA4jscinoz, firefox looks for plugins in at least 2 places. the system plugin folder and the user plugin folder02:14
Kroozrkavia: System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager02:14
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kaviaPici: take a look about my bug report and see that it isn't mentioned at all during boot02:15
Kroozrkavia: might be there if your cd-rom drive drivers isn't supported02:15
kaviainstead it's present during alternate installation boot02:15
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jscinozZeroA4, which would be? ~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins?02:16
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ZeroA4jscinoz, this is the user plugion folder02:16
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jscinozwhere is it?02:16
roland_nobody any idea?02:17
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kaviaKroozr: nope launched and said that I didn't need it02:17
rambo3roland_, run without acpi02:18
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kaviaI really don't know what to do :(02:18
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ZeroA4jscinoz, the system plugins folder is at /usr/lib/firefox/plugins02:18
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jscinozYes, but where is the user?02:19
kaviadon't know if the fact that notebook is a santa rosa could be the problem02:19
maunixcan someone point me to a still alive 5.10 (breezy) repository? the ones i added and tried do not work. thanks in advance.02:19
ZeroA4jscinoz, in front of the computer?02:19
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jscinozThe user plugin folder.02:19
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wckavia: i don't think that matters, and i found nothing, is it possible to change a cd-rom?02:20
Picimaunix: Breezy is no longer supported, you are going to have a hard time finding an active repository for it.02:20
jscinozZero, that doesnt exist02:20
ZeroA4jscinoz, you have to change user-name!02:20
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ZeroA4jscinoz,  /home/jscinoz/.mozilla/firefox/plugins02:21
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kaviawc: well no, it works and what I say to the vendor? Linux installed doesn't recognize it? They laugh at me :(02:21
maunixpici: thanks02:21
ilikec0wsWhats the default font used for gtk in ubuntu?02:21
jscinozLook i know what i'm doing, dont assume me an idiot. in .mozilla there is simply a profile directory with a long randomly generated name, inside that there is NO plugin direcytory02:21
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qwxztrying to install ubuntu 7.04 - it just hangs at 5% "creating ext3 filesystem" and ignores the mouse.02:23
ZeroA4jscinoz, then i guess this particular user has not use firefoz yet and has no plugins.02:23
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jscinoztrust me i have.02:23
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jscinozi use firefox, and both flash and java are installed02:23
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sirusati cant run composite extention?02:23
pimp31415ilikec0ws, gtk or gtk202:23
pimp31415i think for me helvetica02:23
jscinozMy problem is that java is far to slow, and thats why i'm switching from sunjava6 to sunjava502:23
ZeroA4jscinoz, strange... they should be at one of this 2 places02:23
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jscinozYes, its at the system directory, and i can confirm that the symlink is correct but firefox still finds no java plugin02:24
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pimp31415sirus, eh?02:24
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siruspimp31415: tryin gto run beryl02:25
ZeroA4jscinoz, wait.. let me test here02:25
sirusi have an ati radeon xt 9600 card02:25
pimp31415sirus, what card... eh ok02:25
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects02:25
siruspimp31415: what can i do?02:25
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pimp31415well it should run beryl more or less no problem02:26
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pimp31415i think02:26
pimp31415let me double check something gimme a bit ok?02:26
Darkhello. how do i config evolution mail to get messages at startup?02:26
Darkanyone know?02:26
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rambo3sirus, i have aiglx & beryl with same card02:27
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ilikec0wspimp31415, gtk202:27
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tckis there a way to minimize evolution to system tray ? (except kdocker)02:27
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sirusrambo3: cam i see your xorg.conf?02:27
pimp31415ilikec0ws, i think mebbie sans? check system > preferences > font02:28
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equiumhello. I have Ubuntu 7.04 and a ATI SB-450 on-board sound card and I only have sound on my right speaker (not the left, nor headphones), whats wrong?02:28
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ilikec0wspimp31415, Im trying to do it on enlightenment and well that option doesnt exist :P02:28
pimp31415sirus first uninstall everything you got in with beryl02:28
pimp31415then change back anything else you have02:28
pimp31415then reboot02:28
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pimp31415then sudo apt-get clean02:28
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pimp31415then follow that guide02:29
Scorp_XVsem privet!!! Zdes' russkij kto-nibud' znaet?02:29
pimp31415ilikec0ws, .....02:29
pimp31415google enlightenment + fonts02:29
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pimp31415or sirus alternately let me find you another one02:29
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TurtleBootsanyone know how to burn mp3's using K3B?02:30
rambo3sirus, no i am not at home02:30
TurtleBootsi.e.is it possible02:30
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siruseveryone seems to have the card but nobody is never home02:30
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto02:30
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:30
deGrassome no lag la02:30
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sirusrambo3: you dont have ssh access?02:30
alext_had some problems with hibernate, managed to get it working, but booted from an *old* resume image, now fs is completely screwed, grub wont show boot alternatives. Suggestions please? Can i just restore some way?02:30
pimp31415yeah aiglx seems to work decently man02:30
pimp31415got it going on a 9200 on my roomates02:31
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rambo3sirus,  Driver "ati" and extension composite are in xorg02:31
VIrUZ__ubuntu dosent support mp3 ?02:31
Pici!mp3 | VIrUZ__02:31
ubotuVIrUZ__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:31
sirusim using fglrix02:31
sirusi need to use ati?02:31
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pimp31415that right there sirus02:31
rambo3sirus, fglrx cant work with beryl as far as i know . open source "ati" and aiglx work02:31
TurtleBootsdoes K3B support MP3's in 7.04?02:31
pimp31415yeah purge the fglrx02:32
pimp31415bookmark this guide and go with it02:32
metbsdseriously, ubuntu should include mp3 support by default02:32
sirushow to purge ?02:32
pimp31415report back :D02:32
troopperi_!ru | Scorp_X02:32
ubotuScorp_X:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke02:32
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pimp31415TurtleBoots, sure -02:32
metbsdthere's no point to exclude mp3 codecs02:32
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Picimetbsd: Its a licensing/legal issue02:32
TurtleBootspimp31415 - thansk02:32
Lunar_Lampmetbsd, the reason it doesn't is because of licence issues02:32
Aewalgum brasileiro aew?02:32
pimp31415libk3b2-mp3 thats the package you need i believe02:32
metbsdwhy other disbritutions do this but debian/buntu02:32
pimp31415try apt-cache search k3b mp302:32
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ZeroA4Aew, oi va pra o #ubuntu-br02:33
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pimp31415metbsd, because of public exposure including mp3 is legally risky02:33
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TurtleBootspimp31415 - cheers mate!02:33
webmarenanybody wanna help me with my widescreen02:33
ZeroA4!br | Aew02:33
ubotuAew: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:33
Aewalgum brasileiro?????????02:33
pimp31415ubuntu would have to pay for a volume liscense or so02:33
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pimp31415webmaren, eh?02:33
metbsdmp3 is risky?02:33
Gato_BA[09:33]  fT Incapaz de entrar no #ubuntu-br: Voc est banido (Ctrl+F8: Reentrar)02:33
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ZeroA4Aew, sim po! mas aqui no  pra falar em portugues! mude de canal!02:33
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pimp31415metbsd, its 50 cents per user per decoder02:33
PiciAew: escribe /j #ubuntu-br02:33
keck0fhow can i enable video-thumbnailing in nautilus?02:33
pimp31415and i think 5 bucks for encoder or some such nonsense02:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:34
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webmarenpimp31415: the widescreen resolution on my monitor won't work02:34
pimp31415chek those links out02:34
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webmarenalready tried using 'nv' and 'nvidia'02:34
metbsdso i'm paying for mp3 without noticing?02:34
pimp31415webmaren, we need you to paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:34
pimp31415also what vid card etc02:34
Pici!paste | webmaren02:34
ubotuwebmaren: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:34
pimp31415metbsd, did you pay for ubuntu? i think not.02:34
webmarenits on this thread on ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49160702:34
keck0fhow can i enable video-thumbnailing in nautilus?02:34
pimp31415neither the bsds but thats a seperate issue which you would ahve to take up with their devs02:34
webmarenoopsd wrong one02:35
pimp31415webmaren, ok lemme look02:35
webmarenthat one02:35
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pimp31415keck0f, open a folder go to edit > preferences > preview tab02:35
alext_noone who can help me restore broken grub?02:35
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ZeroA4alext_, how broken ?02:36
alext_tried grub-commands (root, setup), won't work02:36
Gato_BA[09:33]  fT Incapaz de entrar no #ubuntu-br: Voc est banido (Ctrl+F8: Reentrar)02:36
rambo3webmaren, why do you have Section "Extensions"?02:36
jedi79hey guys i theres anyone who knows about linux mce could they please pm me?02:36
alext_grub hangs after loading stage 1.502:36
keck0fpimp31415: the setting on that tab are correct... Do i need to install a special multimedia-component of gnome? totem, any thumbnailer-app?02:36
pimp31415webmaren, is that a lappy?02:36
rambo3!grub | aleX-xx02:37
ubotualeX-xx: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:37
pimp31415!grub | alext_02:37
ubotualext_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:37
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pimp31415gah  rambo3 winz02:37
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webmarenpimp31415: are you sure you're looking at the right one, the first time i pasted the wrong URL02:37
webmarentheres no extensions02:37
jscinozSun-java6 is excruciatingly slow in firefox, is there a fix to this?02:37
pimp31415keck0f, not 100% sure after that -02:37
metbsdso i didn't pay for netbsd too, how come it comes with cd?02:37
keck0f pimp31415: tahnx02:37
nothingssomethinhas anyone been able to get a treo to be used with ubntu02:38
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Gato_BAhow can i configure my microfone ?02:38
ZeroA4alext_, you have already tried to boot from liveCD, used the terminal, grub, find /boot/grub/stage1, root (hdx,x), setup hd(x) ?02:38
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rambo3webmaren, did you try envy ?02:38
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rzimek78is there any difference between 'adduser' - 'useradd' or 'addgroup' - 'groupadd'??02:38
alext_ZeroA4, i waited like 10 mins for grub to show linux kernels, then got grub command and did that02:38
webmarenrambo3: can't use 'nvidia' driver02:38
pimp31415webmaren, i dont understand exactly what extension your talking about... what vid card and is it a lappy or desktop02:39
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webmarenand yes i've tried it like 5 times02:39
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alext_ZeroA4, but i think my fs i screwed up badly (resumed from old hibernate image). Can you recommend an action? Reinstall or can i fix this somehow?02:39
pimp31415webmaren, what is your uname -a02:39
webmarenpimp31415: this is a desktop and i don't know what you're talking about extensions02:39
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ZeroA4alext_, looks like you have disk problems... fdisk -l show up any errors?02:39
pimp31415<webmaren> theres no extensions02:39
nothingssomethinanyone know anything about the connectability with the treo's02:40
webmarenpimp31415: Linux webmaren 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux02:40
webmarenyeah i know02:40
pimp31415thats why i asked what extensions silly lol02:40
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pimp31415ok make sure that linux-generic package is in02:40
alext_ZeraA4, how can i run fdisk when i can only use liveCd? Sorry, n00b... I know that root partition is /dev/sda2 or hd0,1...02:40
rambo3webmaren, you should paste  /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:40
pimp31415webmaren, have you also done the restricted codec stuff?02:41
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nothingssomethinis there a better room to go to for hardware questions02:41
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ZeroA4alext_, fdisk -l at the liveCD should list the hard disks partitions02:42
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alext_ZeroA4, thanks will try, brb02:42
webmarenpimp31415: restricted drivers manager says there are no drivers for my hardware, though i used to be able to02:42
pimp31415and webmaren sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic02:42
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webmarenXorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28624/02:42
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pimp31415then do a sudo apt-get update02:43
webmarenalready got it02:43
pimp31415sudo apt-get upgrade02:43
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pimp31415sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx02:43
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KaurHi... I have  a problem with swap02:43
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Kaurmy system seems to be using a swapdrive and a swapfile...02:43
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pimp31415webmaren, did it actually install anything on any of those?02:44
KaurHow can I make it use just the swapdrive?02:44
pimp31415said each was up to date>?02:44
webmarenalready all current versions02:44
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alext_ZeroA4, fdisk -l shows no errors, fsck says "clean"02:44
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nothingssomethindoes anyone know anything about useing a treo with ubuntu?02:44
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pimp31415well, you could try to go with nvidia;s own drivers but your problem is a little common atm gimme a bit02:45
ZeroA4alext_, then it should work02:45
dominat0ri tried searching on how to get my 5.1 speaker set to work, can anyone help me in the right direction ?02:45
ZeroA4alext_, what find /boot/grub/stage1 inside grub shows?02:45
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alext_ZeroA4, don't you think that some crucial grub files may be missing?02:45
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alext_ZeroA4, 2 sec..02:45
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alanderson  procuiura02:46
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pimp31415alanderson, warning02:46
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alext_ZeroA4, it says (hd0,1), which is my linux partition02:47
ZeroA4!br | alanderson02:47
ubotualanderson: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:47
webmarenpimp31415: ok trying the driver from nvidia's website now02:47
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KaurHow can I tell my system NOT to use a swapfile?02:47
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pimp31415webmaren, your gonna have to track down a few dependancies but yeh02:47
smoenuxif Firestarted blocks a IP, how do I know if its a real threat or just some rogue ip or something? how do I know where it comes from?02:47
ZeroA4alext_, then root (hd0,1) and then setup (hd0) should restore grub boot02:47
dominat0ri tried searching on how to get my 5.1 speaker set to work, can anyone help me in the right direction ?02:48
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dominat0rnew to ubuntu :)02:48
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siruspimp31415: its a no go on beryl02:49
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pimp31415sirus, kill the beryl-manager02:49
pimp31415right click and close it02:49
alext_ZeroA4, got "running embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"... 17 sectors are embedded. suceeded. Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hdo)1+17 p (hd0,1)/boot/grub/stage2/boot/grub/menu.lst"... succeeded. Done.02:49
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pimp31415open a terminal and run it from there02:49
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alext_ZeroA4, rebooting now....02:49
nothingssomethindoes anyone know anything about useing a treo with ubuntu?02:49
pimp31415!paste | sirus02:50
ubotusirus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:50
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pimp31415paste your output there02:50
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ZeroA4alext_, ok02:50
ZeroA4alext_, good luck :)02:50
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alext_ZeroA4, thanks. *crossing fingers*02:50
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alext_ZeroA4, still hangs at "GRUB loading, please wait..."02:51
ZeroA4alanderson, por favor use o canal #Ubuntu-br pra ter ajudar em portugus esse canal aqui  em ingles.02:51
alandersonalandersom boiola02:51
ZeroA4alext_, do you have a DOS boot disk ?02:52
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alext_ZeroA4, i have a GParted one... with knoppix, dunno if i have a DOS one though..02:52
tckanyone use evolution?02:52
inohHi all. I am trying to allow anonymous access to a page template but I get the error, "Unauthorised: Not authorised to access binding: container" could someone point me to the permissions I need to set please?02:52
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SlimeyPeteI used to us evolution, until I discovered kontact02:53
ZeroA4alext_, you can get one from the FreeDOS project02:53
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matzejoin #ubuntu02:53
cionhey all, what's a GUI for iptables on KDE?02:53
pimp31415sirus, eh?02:53
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alext_ZeroA4, ok what do you think i should do? overwrite MBR?02:53
ZeroA4alext_, the fdisk /mbr command from dos clear the mbr...02:53
tckSlimeyPete, quick question, ,basically i want evolution to play something else (other than a beep) when i receive email02:53
tckany ogg samples around?02:53
inohcion, kfirewall rings a bell but I usually use firestarter02:53
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cioninoh even on kde?02:53
Kaurtck: that should be easy02:53
alext_ZeroA4, ok will try that. be back in like 15 mins. thanks for your help02:54
Kaurtck: let me check02:54
ZeroA4alext_, ok :)02:54
tckKaur, yeah option is there, just something erm 2-3 seconds long but decent to the ears :P02:54
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gobanhi, i dont need multiple ips to host multiple websites right?02:54
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holdenhello, is there a command that tells you which release of ubuntu are you using?02:55
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Piciholden: lsb_release -a02:55
Kaurtck: so u got the option... And u want a decent file?02:55
ZeroA4holden, cat /etc/issue02:55
holdenPici: it worked, thanks02:55
tckKaur, im just looking for sound samples in ogg format really02:56
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tckthought somebody might know a good place to get some02:56
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Kaurtck: K, can't help then02:56
tckhaha ok :)02:56
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gumjodoes anyone here use conky, where do I put the conkyrc file?02:56
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Picigumjo: iirc, wherever you want, just run conky with the file as an argument.02:58
gumjoas an argument?02:58
gumjowhen I start it nothing shows up02:59
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Picigumjo: the manpage says to save the file in ~/.conkyrc or use the -c option to load a specific file.03:00
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deludeNeed help with sharing internet connection with multiple interfaces (eth1,eth2,wlan0)03:02
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deludehas anyone managed to set up semthing similar?03:02
deludedo i need to bridge all connections to other computers and is it possible to put wireless and ethernet in one bridge?03:03
Kroozrhow come when I create a launcher on my desktop for Super-User Terminal or Super-User Nautilus (i.e. sudo /etc/bin/nautilus) it doesn't ask for a password? It just starts as super-user03:04
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PiciKroozr: Have you used sudo lately? perhaps its using the cached credentials.03:05
KroozrPici: so should I apt-cache clean?03:05
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PiciKroozr: huh? no just wait a few minutes until sudo's credentials expire and try it again.  This has nothing to do with apt03:05
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KroozrPici: Ok... I have heard you can change the time frame in which your sudo is remembered. For example, 0 minutes if you dont want it remembered at all03:06
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PiciKroozr: I'm not sure where that setting is stored, it might be in the sudoers file, but dont quote me on that03:07
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Kroozrpici: i'll check it03:07
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shiester_miesterhey all03:10
nothingssomethin i am reading on a site that a program called pilot-link can transfer to a treo, but i am getting mixed openions. wether or not it is used for much older pda's or not. can anyone advise if this will03:10
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etalliIf I have a computer that I installed ubuntu on off of the cd, then I did sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, is my machine running Ubuntu or Kubuntu?03:11
shiester_miesterso, how is everyone03:11
ZeroA4etalli, both03:11
andylockranis anyone aware of the neo1973 coming out on the 9th July?  How easy do you reckon it'll be to use with ubuntu?03:11
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mrsnoandylockran im quite looking forward to seeing what can be done with the neo03:12
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andylockranetalli - you're running both :p - ubuntu is with the gnome interface, and kubuntu is with kde - and you can select which one you log into on the login window03:12
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etalliandylockran:  what about at the tty console, then I am running neither Gnome or KDE03:13
ZeroA4nothingssomethin, there are some programs for palms at the repos...03:13
etalliso then am i running buntu?  :)03:13
andylockranyou could say that03:14
tripppyanyone using linuxmce with 6.10?03:14
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ZeroA4nothingssomethin, aplications - add/remove programs -> filter by pilot03:14
andylockranbut I think then I you'll just be using default ubuntu03:14
andylockranif you install ubuntu-server without gui it's still ubuntu03:14
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etallino I couldn't, it says I am logging into Ubuntu 7.04, so it is still Ubuntu underneath.03:14
skopalguem tem o pacote IMHear-1.0.zip?03:14
ZeroA4!br | skop03:15
ubotuskop: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:15
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andylockransorry dude - just learning IRC - how do I cite on individual user, like you're doing with andylockran:03:15
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skophow can I download the packet IMHear-1.0.zip?03:15
MajorPayneandylockran: You just type user: before your message.03:15
Kroozr#ubuntu: i want to change the default time sudo remembers the password from 15min to 0min, how would I do this? (not in sudoers. . checked already)03:15
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MajorPayneandylockran: Most IRC clients will let you type something like: andyl<tab> to complete the rest of the name and add the ':'.03:16
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andylockranMajorPayne: thanks03:16
andylockranthat worked?03:16
etallibut now for the real question, the KDE was only for testing purposes, but when I installed kubuntu-desktop, it changed all of the startup logo and login thing to Kubuntu. I want the Ubuntu one back, can anyone help?03:16
MajorPayneandylockran: Yes.  The highlighting is done on the client side.  There is nothing special about the message you sent.03:17
matzeetalli, : may install gnome03:17
MajorPayneBut that is all there is to it.03:17
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etallimatze: what?03:17
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nothingssomethinZeroA: ....are you refering to the package manager with third party enabled ..................do you think that would work for installing a program on my palm???? dosn't palm need a package manager??03:18
andylockranMajorPayne: cheers - I'm sure I'll get used to it quite fast03:18
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reign_ofwhere r you come from?03:19
varkaKroozr: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_default_timeout_in_sudo03:20
Kroozrvarka: thanks, i finally found it03:20
Kroozrgotta add the darn line03:20
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Arno1407Hi everybody! Does anyone know how to get WPA2 working in 7.04? In Networkmanager I get only to choose WEP, WPA is not mentioned at all. Since I use fixed IP (don't want to use DHCP) I have to setup the network manually, but if I disable Roaming I can't choose WPA in networkmanager.03:21
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shiester_miesterpidgin is screwing up :/ when i open it, the main window just disappears straight away03:21
ZeroA4nothingssomethin, it needs just a program that installs .prc to the palm03:21
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etalliHere I'll start over.  I originally installed Ubuntu off of the CD.  Then I did sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop.  It changed all of my startup branding to Kubuntu.  But, Ubuntu/Gnome is still where I am the most.  How do I change the startup graphic/loadingbar thing back to Gnome?03:21
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PriceChild!usplash | etalli03:22
ubotuetalli: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:22
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reign_ofask your technican03:22
Kroozr#ubuntu: just figured this out.. with a super-user launcher, you must use gksudo over sudo to get a prompt for the password? I assume gksudo is for a gui prompt (trying just sudo didn't bring anything up)03:22
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andylockranArno1407: that's weird behaviour - my 7.04 has WPA working as default03:23
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zidzerois it true that adobe made the photoshop code open sorce?03:23
reign_ofor throw away your computer...into03:23
alext_ZeroA4, no luck. What happens if i reinstall ubuntu on top of existing install? Will that work? Can i then keep installed programs and stuff?03:23
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ZeroA4alext_, you can but i never tried taht03:24
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MajorPayneKroozr: Do you want to launch a text based app in a console or a GUI app?03:24
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Kroozrgui app (i.e. nautilus and the gnome-terminal)03:25
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etalliPriceChild:  Thanks, and also, how do I make GDM my default, cause now when I go to the login screen setting window, it says GDM is not running03:25
MajorPayneKroozr: Then you use gksudo.03:25
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Arno1407andylockran: I have tried reinstalling nwm, does not work either. If I choose 'Connect to other network' from the wl-icon I can set WPA, but I can't get an IP-adress since I hace no dhcp.03:25
KroozrMajorPayne, thanks. . i didn't want to just assume that was the case and then get confused about something later on03:25
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jnewmancan anyone help me. complete newbie to Linux and having trouble with my Inspiron 8600 screen resolution03:26
shiester_miesternetworking ubuntu is frustrating...03:26
nothingssomethinZeroA:.... probbally not relevant but do you have a treo or have dealt woth one unter linux ??03:26
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shiester_miestercan someone give me a hand with getting these 2 ubuntu boxes to communicate03:26
Arno1407andylockran: Now I do get the signal from my router, but can't use the network :(03:26
Kroozrjnewman: System->Preferences->Screen Resolution03:26
andylockranArno1407:  Yeah, in manual config you can't set WPA - and in automatic you have to have dhcp03:26
MajorPayneKroozr: Yea.  If you wanted to create a launcher for a terminal based app you could use sudo and select "launch in terminal".  But for launchers with GUI gksudo is best.03:26
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PlantainHow can I get firefox to play .wmv's?03:27
NET||abusegosh darn it, i really need to get in touch with someone, i have their name, but i wonder if it's possible to dig up an emailaddress for this person?03:27
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takeshi86wow, there's a lot of people03:27
NET||abusei've googled their name to infinity,, but nothing coming up..03:27
KroozrMajorPayne, thanks for the information. greatly appreciated.03:27
jnewmantried upping but not able to go above 1024x76803:27
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shiester_miestertakeshi86, very few of them are talking though ;)03:27
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Arno1407andylockran: I don't want dhcp and do want WPA203:27
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Arno1407how to get that working?????03:28
Kroozrjnewman: your graphics driver may be restricted due to a lack of support. Try System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager03:28
joker_heyyy varka.....03:28
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varkajoker_: ?03:28
Kroozrjnewman, if it is in there then just check it and restart03:28
takeshi86hahaha, I feel ashamed for asking such newbie things with this lot of people that are maybe asking interesting things, but I'll do it03:28
andylockranArno1407:  yeah, that appears to be an impossible combination.. unless you want to use the commandline?03:28
Gabzhow do i get my computer to do a disk check ? fsck ?03:28
Arno1407no prob03:28
etalliPriceChild:  Thanks, and also, how do I make GDM my default, cause now when I go to the login screen setting window, it says GDM is not running03:28
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joker_varka, could you help me out with finding a ISO image burner for this Ubuntu Linux deal ?03:29
andylockranArno1407:  If you have the WPA set nicely - just open a terminal and set the ip address manually - using ifconfig03:29
andylockranyou know how to do that?03:29
JimQode!k3b | joker_03:29
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ubotujoker_: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto03:29
vltHello. I just installed (K)ubuntu 7.04 on my notebook w/o mouse wheel. How can I set the 3rd mouse button to emulate one? I've seen this before: Clicking it and then moving the mouse scrolls page up/dn (at least in Konqueror) ...03:29
etallijoker_:  right click the iso and choose burn to disc03:29
takeshi86I have ubuntustudio, and I changed my kernel to 2.6.15 to solve all my audio problems, but now I can't use my virtualization tools because I guess the 2.6.16 kernel-headers are still there03:29
elcucohi, my ubuntu installation is failing. the problem i found is that grub cannot be installed. can anyone help me?03:29
jnewmanahh yes there is an ATI driver there with not in use.03:30
Arno1407andylockran: How can I check if wpa is set ok?03:30
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takeshi86so I've tried to install the 2.6.15 kernel headers, but it asks me to insert my ubuntu-dvd in the drive, the problem is that now I don't have a dvd-drive03:30
KurtKrauttakeshi86, I think you can get the older kernel header version from http://packages.ubuntu.com03:30
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Kroozrjnewman, check it and it should prompt for a restart. i had to do that for me nvidia card.03:30
rambo3takeshi86, edit repositories03:30
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Kroozrjnewman, afterwards you should be able to modify System->Preferences->Screen Resolution03:30
jnewmanOK will give it a go and get back to you. cheers kroozr03:30
joker_ok thank you all i have a ??? is redhat linux a little easy or Knoppix ?03:30
andylockranArno1407: I haven't got much experience - but configure nwm to work using WPA and dhcp - and then once that appear to be trying to connect - set the ip address manually03:31
Kroozrjnewman, you will also notice crisper graphics03:31
takeshi86sorry, total newbie, how?03:31
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takeshi86I know how to edit them, but what do I edit, which file?, which lines do I put?03:31
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KurtKrautjoker_, Red Hat is aimed for corporate use. If you want to try linux at home, consider using Ubuntu for instance.03:31
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k_where can i submit suggestions for the next release?  has anyone given thought to a 'full disk encryption03:31
joker_thats wat im on03:31
k_where can i submit suggestions for the next release?  has anyone given thought to a 'full disk encryption' option during the install?03:31
k_sorry for repeat!03:32
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andylockranjoker_:  Don't start with redhat - overcomplicates stuff.03:32
KurtKrautk_, the guys over #ubuntu+1 can give you more details03:32
Arno1407andylockran: Il give it a go. Have to reconfigure my router too to do that. Bit of a mess!03:32
JimQodejoker_, ubuntu is the choice for desktop!03:32
Kroozrjoker_,  I would have to say out of all the linux distrobutions I have used, Ubuntu is the most stable and most supported.03:32
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KaurMy system uses a swapfile and swapdrive...03:32
KaurI want it to quit using swapfile03:33
Kaurhow can that be done?03:33
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mojiroif anyone got trouble getting hddtemp to read sata hdds temps, there's a fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sensors-applet/+bug/94558 on the bottom of page03:33
Frogzook_: you can already do disk encryption, there's several available packages03:33
etalliI installed kubuntu-desktop over my ubuntu installation, and set KDM as my default. How do I change it back to GDM?03:33
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joker_OMG lol cause im new and cunfused from hell and back..... just wish my computer would reformat back to Windows XP without probelms but it want so yea im stuck lol03:33
Kauretalli: GDM is for ubuntu AFAIK03:33
zylchewget - http://example.com/000.mp3 to http://example.com/048.mp3 - how to download all of the file incrementally?03:34
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KurtKrautzylche, certainly wget is the right tool for that. But I don't know precisely how to do that.03:34
defrysketalli, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm03:34
etallidefrysk:  Thanks03:34
joker_ok i have a ??? can i get hacked easyer on Linux then i can with Windows ?03:35
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Kroozrjoker_,  you should always dual-boot when switching from another OS (i.e. run windows xp and ubuntu)03:35
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KurtKrautjoker_, instead of just throwing questions here I suggest you spending some time reading stuff online.03:35
Kroozrjoker_,  linux is a much more secure system than windows will ever be.03:35
Billydose anyone in here play Wesnoth?03:35
pschulz01joker_: Yes.. if you want to be.03:36
KurtKrautjoker_, start reading this: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/03:36
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joker_ok thank you all let me go read some stuff be back in a few03:36
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alext_ZeroA4, ok i found out that menu.lst is pure *garbage*03:37
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alext_so can i reconfigure to auto-generate that one?03:37
Abhi123guys i tried installing apache server on ubuntu server03:37
Jack_Sparrowetalli: Did someone answer your question.. there is an option icon where you login to switch between WM's03:38
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Abhi123apache2 uses apache2-conf?/03:38
etallidefrysk: I am getting an error:  invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.  I tried restarting the X server, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, but nothing happened.03:38
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ZeroA4alext_, try to remove the file and reinstall a kernel03:38
ZeroA4alext_, it should regenerate the menu.lst03:38
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defrysketalli, sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm03:38
alext_ZeroA4, ok. is that initramfs-update -c ?03:38
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etalliJack_Sparrow:  No that's not what I mean.  I chose Gnome in that, but when I try to go to System>Administration>Login Window it says GDM not on or something like that.03:39
ZeroA4alext_, i dont know what that is...03:39
BillyI can not get wesnoth to run compain mode, can some one point me to a page that has the answer or could help me.. I have spent about an houre searching in google for help.03:40
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etallidefrysk:  does do I have to make sure gnome isn't running, or can i just run that03:40
alext_ZeroA4, ok but how do i reinstall a kernel?03:40
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eifzonwhere is the folder for all icons?03:40
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ZeroA4alext_, i dont know from apt-get... in synaptic is easy03:41
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ratihow to block https sites03:42
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nothingssomethinafter about an hour of searching on google somehow i found what seems to be the perfict page instructing on how to function with a treo supriseingly it's actually on ubuntu wiki if anyone intristed03:42
ksivajiis there any dictionary software in ubuntu03:42
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nothingssomethincan't quite rember how i got there03:42
nothingssomethini think ubuntu already has a dictionary03:43
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nothingssomethinyep look under acessorys03:43
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gabriel_hi *03:44
etallidefrysk:  I got the exact same error!03:44
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nothingssomethinyou might be able to get a dictionary update from package manager for more detailed descriptions03:44
gabriel_how do you get a verbose boot instead of just that progress bar?03:44
etalliinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.03:45
gabriel_im on 7.0403:45
defrysketalli, not sure how to fix that03:45
nothingssomethinksivaji that was to you03:45
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andylockranwhen do people recommend upgrading to gutsy - is it usable yet?03:45
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Piciandylockran: Wait until its released.03:45
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ksivajinothingssomethin ok03:46
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andylockranPici: fair comment03:46
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south01hi i have a very big problem03:46
south01i had ubuntu and xp in different partitions,03:46
KurtKrautandylockran, if you are an experienced user, you may want try messing aroung with Gutsy when it achieves the Beta state. It's still alpha for now.03:46
alext_ZeroA4 et al, SUCESS!!! Thanks for all your help. Turned out that when i loaded the old hibernate image, menu.lst got garbled, which caused grub to hang. Thanks again everyone!03:46
gumjothe release candidates are stable enough IMO, but if you're going to wait that long you might as well wait the whole way03:46
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Piciandylockran: Its not stable if you arent prepared to fix things that break.  And theres a fair chance that you'll be left with a unusable system after the install.03:46
rockywhat's the most ram that a 32bit feisty fawn system can address?03:46
south01i re-installed xp, now i cant boot with ubuntu anymore03:47
ZeroA4alext_, :)03:47
Picirocky: 4gb iirc.03:47
Jack_Sparrowsouth01: |!boot03:47
ZeroA4alext_, how did you restore it?03:47
KurtKrautandylockran, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule03:47
rockyPici: i'm asking because on my system here with 4g of ram ubuntu only sees about 3gb03:47
andylockranKurtKraut: yeah - that what i meant, it's more for end users bug reporting that i'll set up the other system03:47
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:47
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gabriel_that might help me03:48
Jack_Sparrowsouth01: I should have gone grub03:48
Picirocky: well, its ~4gb not including anything else that might be taking up address space.03:48
alext_ZeroA4, turned out that i had a backup from when i messed with some settings. I think you should be able to do it with dpkg-reconfigure grub maybe otherwise?03:48
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rockyPici: well i also have a 768mb video card so i'm wondering if that factors into the equation03:48
etalliAhh my X server just crashed, and I need to get back to the login window not straight into my account stupid startx must reboot bye!03:48
Picirocky: It might, I'm not an expert on this kind of thing.03:49
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ZeroA4alext_, ok :)03:49
=== rocky wonders if there is an faq on this sort of thing
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andylockranrocky:  I had a similar problem with 4GB of ram on _Vista_ in that it'll only see 3GB - it's because most 32bit packages are written with a memory limit of 3GB03:50
amorphous_I'm having problems trying to find out what software/versions are installed on my machine. is there and apt-get/cache command? i cant find one - they all seem to show what's available... :(03:50
andylockranrocky: or something like that03:50
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south01jack_sparrow i did not understand03:50
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rockyandylockran: ah i see... yeah i have the same issue with xp03:50
Piciamorphous_: apt-cache policy packagename03:50
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andylockranrocky: there is a way round it - but not worth the extra hassle in my opinion03:51
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andylockranrock: just wait til x86_64 becomes a reliable architecture03:51
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andylockranrocky: in terms of desktop support (i.e. flash .etc)03:52
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alext_ZeroA4, its wierd how hibernate can totally screw up your system like that. Shouldn't the fs notice something's wrong?03:52
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EllixisHi all03:53
ZeroA4alext_, i guess so but hibernate bypasses some fs checks03:53
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pennagiorno atutto03:54
zyclopmy system clock is too fast. what can i do?03:54
EllixisI have a PC with WinXP installed... and want to turn this machine into a server during night with Ubuntu Server Edition. Does the Server Edition of Ubuntu contains a boot loader with XP a the install ?03:54
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Ellixiszyclop: downclock your CPU ? :)03:54
KurtKrautEllixis, what do you mean by 'a server during the night' ?03:54
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PiciEllixis: All the Ubuntu installers will install grub iirc03:55
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EllixisKurtKraut: When I sleep, my computer is sleeping too.... But I want it to do computation03:55
IvisHi i use gnome desktop where i can find  desk like MAC OS X ? please help03:55
Pici!themes | Ivis03:55
ubotuIvis: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:55
KurtKrautEllixis, if yor RAM is not too limited, you can do it with the Ubuntu Desktop. It should be also a good oportunity to you get used to ubuntu and stop using WindowsXP as a desktop system03:56
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IvisPici, there are no desk03:56
PiciIvis: desk?03:56
EllixisKurtKraut: I don't want the Desktop Edition.. only the server edition. My laptop is already running the Ubuntu Desktop :)03:56
ilikec0wsIvis, On gnome look, there are lots of MAC OS X related themes/icons03:57
IvisPici, u know like mac os x transpert03:57
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amorphous_Pici, thanks, but is there a command to list all of them so I can grep and find the name of the app I have installed?03:57
KurtKrautEllixis, 'server edition' is not a edition. It is just ubuntu lacking the graphical packages.03:57
Ivisilikec0ws,  http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a176/TK1994/DEsk.jpg03:58
EllixisKurtKraut: It's an edition.... the default installed kernel are differents in the Desktop & Server Edition03:58
Ivislike this desk transpert03:58
Piciamorphous_: dpkg -l03:58
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ilikec0wsIvis, Yeah? You want it to look like that?03:58
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amorphous_Pici, Hehey ;) thats the baby. Thanks, man...03:58
boojithi there: quick question -- For some reason I can't exactly pinpoint, my mouse pointer isn't behaving properly. Any time the pointer is over the desktop area, it goes to the "busy" animation continuously. If I move the pointer over a regular application, it looks normal. Anyone ran into this before?03:58
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ilikec0wsIvis, Well you want a MAC OS GTK2 Theme, Icon theme and im unsure about the name of the dock sorry03:59
Ivisilikec0ws,  ohh ok thanks03:59
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ilikec0wsIvis, People on here will know the name of the dock if they have a poke at that screenshot03:59
boojitI've tried basically killing every service I can think of but to no avail. I also created a new user and logged in with that, and in that case the pointer works fine.03:59
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calder_ranybody know how to make conf on EDIMAX EW-7128G, because I have problems (ubuntu fiesty; rt61; seems to work, but no conecting...)03:59
raakildeMy compiz-fusion cannot start. I get this error: "Fatal: Failed test: texture_from_pixmap support" --why?04:00
KurtKrautEllixis, yes...but this different kernel should not provide you any sort of difference04:00
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KurtKrautEllixis, nothing you'll notice04:00
ilikec0wsraakilde, ask in #ubuntu-effects04:00
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wathekany one could help me with my wifi I'm trying to configure an Ad Hoc network between 2 computers the network works but I can't ping !04:00
SuperkuhFeisty 64bit, Gnome-display-properties displays my possible refresh rates at: 50-58Hz in 1 cycle increments; that is all possible modes. My monitor's internal display reports the rate to be 85.4Hz at the 50 setting, and 75.5 at 55. ...and 87.6 at 58. My xorg.conf is here: http://pastebin.ca/604347 my video card is a geforce 5700LE, I am using restricted nvidia drivers installed auto-magically when I attempted to view the "Preferen04:00
Superkuhces:Desktop Effects" settings. Now, I can use this, yes, but is anyone aware of this issue happening in other circumstances, or a few keywords to point me towards fixing the mapping?04:00
IvisWho know's a doc name mac os x for ubuntu04:00
raakildeilikec0ws, thank you ;)04:01
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alext_if i have an old kernel image laying around, can i just delete it or how do i remove the old kernel from the system (including grub)04:01
Costelhi,when u add a user the Examples directory links in /home/$USER.Where can disable this option?04:01
herois it possible to run identd without installing inetd?04:01
herousing apt-get, that is04:01
desperAny one Can help me regarding to Evolution Problem in Ubuntu04:02
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powergoalHey, whats the name of the program that runs in the background of this image: http://www.doelman.info/linux/kubuntu_17-02-06.png ;  the one that shows cpu/disk status?04:02
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andylockranpowergoal: +1 - that looks neat - will wit work on ubuntu too?04:03
kestazpowergoal, superkaramba maybe ?04:03
mrsnopowergoal i believe its called gdesklets or super karamba04:03
Picipowergoal: without looking at it, perhaps conky04:03
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trelayneall is there any way to start gnome application so that they are: always on top, occupying all workspaces, etc... from the command line?04:03
fdrhello. is there any more gnome-ish alternative to xsane? thank you!04:04
Picitrelayne: take a look at devilspie04:04
powergoalkestaz mrsno Pici:  thanks!   Ill look up those names.  :D04:04
boojitthat's not conky, I can confirm that04:04
powergoalandylockran: I don't know, I wasnt sure what it was called until right now04:04
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powergoalboojit: perhaps superkaramba?04:04
amorphous_Ok. I'm trying to find out what my firefox flash plugin is called, but according to dpkg -l there are no packages with either flas or adob installed, yet I can play flash movies/apps... what gives? I do have kde & gnome installed, on a feisty system.04:04
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boojitno idea. I just know it's not conky, since I'm one of the developers on that project04:05
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NutubuntuCan I use aptitude to install a .deb that I've downloaded from getdeb.net ? How would I "point it" at the directory I saved the download in?04:05
Piciboojit: :)04:05
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gumjoIts definitely superkaramba04:05
PiciNutubuntu: use dpkg -i package.deb04:05
arodwhat's the best tool to copy an audio cd? I've a sata cd-dvd recorder04:05
arodit's awfull slow04:05
defryskNutubuntu, doubleclick the package04:06
trelaynethanks  Pichu010204:06
ksivajiarod k3b04:06
trelaynethanks  Pici04:06
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Piciarod: k3b or gnomebaker04:06
Costelwhen i add a new user i want to automatically create certained folders in /home/$user how shall i do?04:06
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defryskarod, right click the disk and select copy04:06
NutubuntuPici, defrysk - Would prefer aptitude if possible04:06
defryskNutubuntu, why ?04:07
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PiciNutubuntu: but you arent installing a package from apt...04:07
arodI haven't installed k3b because I'm running gnome. I've tried gnomebaker and the copy didn't work04:07
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nomicon the network settings properties setup for wlan0 which is where my netgear wg111 dongle is there is no 'enable roaming mode' which they talk about in setting it up04:07
Nutubuntudefrysk,  in case I need to uninstall  later on.04:07
darwin81Can anyone reccommend a CD burning program? I don't mind using KDE apps.04:07
nomici'm on xubuntu04:07
defryskNutubuntu, easyest is to let gdebi handle it04:07
aroddefrysk: you mean using nautilus? does it use cdrdao internally?04:07
PiciNutubuntu: you can dpkg to uninstall thing...04:07
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:08
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defryskarod, when you insert an audio disc a disc icon appears on your desktop , right click it and select copy04:08
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nomicim on feisty 7.0404:08
joker_i have a ???? for everyone how do i get my Windows CDROM games to work on Linux or can i even make them work ?04:09
arodI'm fine with iso files. nautilus is simple, fast and great for this job. I have problems with audio cd and I'm wondering if it's a sata related issue04:09
boojitjoker_: check out cedega04:09
joker_wat that boojit ?04:09
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boojitit allows you to run windows games under linux04:09
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boojitit isn't free, though04:10
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joker_do you have it ?04:10
NutubuntuPici, defrysk - yes, but if mypkg.deb installs lib01, lib02, lib03 ... and nothing else is using them, aptitude will uninstall them if I install and uninstall mypkg.deb with aptitude. I'd like that, if I can have it :)04:10
boojitalso: it doesn't work for _all_ games, but they have an impressive library04:10
boojitjoker: no, I don't04:10
defryskNutubuntu, also gdebi automagically resolves the dependencies04:10
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joker_is there anywhere i can get a free version anywhere of it ? or do you know anyone that has it that i can get it from ?04:11
darwin81Does K3b have anything worth getting it over GNOMEbaker.04:11
Nutubuntudefrysk, cool! I have learned something :)04:11
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defryskNutubuntu, let gdebi handle it , after install you can simply remove the package with apt-get remove04:11
powergoaljoker_: if you check the cedega wiki, there is a list of all supported games; and then there is a list of every game that works and sort of works.  it also tells you what potential problems you might have and how people have found workarounds.04:11
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south01hi, i have serious problems..04:11
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boojitso, anyone ever had the issue where your mouse pointer is constantly in "wait/busy" mode (the spinning disk) when it's over the desktop area?04:11
Nutubuntut/y all :)04:11
etalliIs it possible to configure the tty console login to make it look cooler?04:12
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Picietalli: cooler?04:12
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south01i cannot access internet while using live ubuntu04:12
boojitcooler, like with explosions and stuff?04:12
boojitsouth01: wireless or hardwired?04:12
defryskboojit, sure , get a half broken down monitor04:12
powergoalAlso, the image and program that I was curious about is SuperKaramba for those that were curious, and thanks for the help in identifying it!04:12
joker_im new where do i find this cedega wiki thing can i get a link or help with finding this please ?04:12
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defryskjoker_, google04:13
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boojitjoker: google cedega.04:13
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arodI'm trying brasero. 12 minutes to get an image of an audio cd. isn't that way too much?04:13
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joker_thank you all04:13
powergoaljoker_: subscription fee is 5$ / month i think04:13
etalliJust is it possible to configure it?  I haven't yet determined what I want to do, for now just can I configure?04:13
south01i was using it without a problem04:13
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south01than i reinstalled xp on the other partitio..04:13
south01than the boot menu dissappear04:14
south01comp just loads xp04:14
south01i boot with cd..04:14
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south01i enter live ubuntu04:14
powergoalsouth01: reboot with your install disk and then youc an reinstall the grub / lilo boot loader04:14
south01how's that?04:14
south01do i need internet for that?04:14
Pici!enter | south0104:14
ubotusouth01: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:14
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powergoalsouth01: no, just the install disk... at least with the gentoo distro.  I can't speak for ubuntu, as I don't really use it04:15
etalliPici:Just is it possible to configure it?  I haven't yet determined what I want to do, for now just can I configure?04:15
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etalliMaybe colorful, or something?04:15
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etalliAnd have it say a bit more ... interesting ... things04:16
south01does anybody have idea how to do that with ubuntu04:16
ExidusHi folks, im completly new to linux/ubuntu, i have been looking everywhere for a working ATI X1950 series driver without any luck, anyone have an idea?04:16
PriceChild!fixgrub | south0104:16
ubotusouth01: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:16
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blithenI am having problems with flash.04:17
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etalli!flash | blithen04:17
ubotublithen: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:17
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blithenI installed flash and everything but, still everytime I go to a site with flash, mozilla closes out.04:18
Picietalli: the /etc/profile file determines what the shell looks like04:18
blithenwithout warning.04:18
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etalliOK, let me check that out04:18
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Picietalli: I'm not sure if thats what you want, but its  a start04:18
Exidusno idea anyone about a working x1950 driveR?04:18
jason_hey anyone know if theres a repo that has slang104:18
matt__is there a way I can change the default place to store settings for all programs? Basically, instead of /home/matt/.whatever, can it be /home/matt/Desktop/Settings/.whatever? I want to do this because /Data is a seperate hard disk, like a backup. Is there a way I can do this?04:18
powergoalExidus: there might be a proprietary driver released by ATI.  thats what I had to use for my Radeon04:19
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etalliPici: not exactly what I want, but w/e04:20
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boojitmatt__: not sure i'm entirely understanding you, but if it were me i'd probably try to figure out a way to hack it with symlinks04:21
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blithenI installed flash and everything but, still everytime I go to a site with flash, mozilla closes out. Without warning04:21
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Exidusive looked over many forums and it seems to be a common problem, ATI has just done nothing yet for the x195004:21
chadeldridgeAnyone ever had an issue with an external USB drive not mounting after connecting it to a windows machine.  The force mount option doent work either04:21
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matt__boojit: um...i haven't quite understood symlinks, can you explain? and for example, i want firefox's settings, .mozilla, to be stored in /home/matt/Data/Settings/.mozilla, instead of /home/matt/.mozilla/04:22
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gordonjcpmatt__: man link04:23
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boojitok so move /home/mat/.mozilla to /home/matt/Data ...04:23
gordonjcpmatt__: or rather, man ln04:23
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boojitthen from /home/matt do this: ln -s /home/matt/Data/Settings/.mozilla04:23
etalliPici:  Found it! /etc/issue04:23
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Picietalli: aha!04:23
boojitmatt__: now you have a symlink in your home directory that points to that Data location04:24
etalliPici:  Now how does one display colors in the console04:24
bdheemananyone out there ever upgraded knoppix 5.x from ubuntu repositories?04:24
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matt__gordonjcp: i don't understand, should i run man link /home/matt/ /home/matt/Data/Settings/04:24
Picietalli: I have no idea, sorry.04:24
boojitmatt__: it's like a shortcut in Windows if that makes any sense04:24
matt__boojit: so how would i create one?04:24
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r_rehashedhi all. i removed the networking applet, that comes by default, from my desktop panel by mistake in Feisty. how to get it back?04:25
boojitmatt__: please read what I wrote04:25
boojitit's all there04:25
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boojitmatt__: also lookup symlink on wikipedia for more background info04:25
etalliPici: Google!!!  This is an example I found04:25
etalliecho -e "\033This is green."04:25
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matt__boojit: so how would i do it for everything in /matt/04:26
rendoAnyone else just run those updates and have FireFox break?04:26
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chadeldridgeIs there something wrong with this mount statement:    sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdg1 /media/External -o force04:26
Zenobiar_rehashed , Just rightclick on the panel, click 'Add to panel' and select the network monitor04:26
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jlhenryHow can I make a restricted desktop ubuntu installation04:26
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magnetronmatt__: you have misunderstood the usage of the unix filesystem hierarchy04:26
boojitmatt__: the best thing to do at this point is to play around with symlinks for a little bit so you understand it04:27
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boojitthen you should be able to answer that question04:27
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matt__magnetron: what do you mean?04:27
boojitmatt__: make yourself a little test area with some directories and files, make some symlinks, get comfortable with the concept, then apply that to the problem you're trying to solve.04:27
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r_rehashedZenobia: tried that. but it's different04:27
phantom_is there a prog with which I could morph to images for linux ( make the animation from young boy to old man ) ???04:27
jlhenryI'd like to have gnome desktop with Ubuntu and shutdown button. Nothing else.04:28
boojitmatt__: for extra bonus points, teach yourself the difference between symbolic links and hard links04:28
r_rehashedZenobia: the default applet in feisty was different and useful to disconnect quickly. i need it04:28
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matt__boojit: ok, so ln -s is what i need to play with? and would ln -h be a hard link? i'll just need to figure out the difference04:28
Zenobiar_rehashed : Hmm, sorry then.04:28
boojityeah to do a hard link you just skip the -s.04:28
magnetronmatt__: the paths of folders are not arbitrary in unix, and it's for a reason.04:28
matt__boojit: so ln04:29
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r_rehashedphantom_: blender maybe. try blender.org04:29
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gordonjcpmatt__: you'd do something like ln -s Data/wherever/.mozilla .mozilla04:29
boojityes matt__ and i should say again: i'm not even saying you _can_ or _should_ do what you're trying to do with symlinks, I'm saying that at first glance, if it were me, I'd start farting around with a symlink hack04:29
boojitbecause it's easy04:29
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phantom_<r_rehashed> blender is 3D  can I edit images with it04:30
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JimQoder_rehashed, phantom_ , blender is a 3d modeling software. No relation with morphing04:30
Frogzoophantom_: apt-cache search morph04:30
rendoIs there a shortcut key for the address bar in Opera?04:30
JimQodephantom_, gtkmorph may be what you need04:31
BillyI have an AVI video I want to set the propertys on like  audio/video properties  "title, artist album year" and so forth?04:31
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powergoalrendo: F6 in firefox, i believe.  you could try it04:31
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StwangeYou know how it's possible (advised) to have one hard drive split into partitions mounted at different points, eg. /home and /usr? Is it possible to do it the other way around, ie. split off the folder into it's own partition and make it mount at the same point?04:32
rendoI've always used alt+d in FireFox, And FF is broken from the updates I just installed so I'm using Opera for now, and alt+d doesn't work for Opera :/04:32
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boojitStwange: so you have a folder on the root partition and you want to move it to its own partition?04:32
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Stwangerendo: try F4, works in IE, could be the same04:32
twosouls82_or ctrl+l ?04:33
Stwangeboojit: yeah, pretty much04:33
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r_rehashedphantom_: gtkmorph, maybe. try searching for 'image morph' in synaptic, with all repos. activated04:33
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rendoIt's F8, thanks guys04:33
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Stwangerendo: we all learnt something today :) I wish they could be consistent though, would be nice if there was a way of changing that shortcut04:34
kbrosnanblithen: are there any flash plugins listed if you type about:plugins in the address bar04:34
ZenobiaStwange : This is perfectly possible, I did this for my /home.04:34
boojitok so i think the way to do that is: a) move the dir you want to copy to a new name. b) make a new partion, mount it to the correct mountpoint location (the old dir location) c) move the contents of the renamed dir to the new mountpoint.04:35
JimQodeStwange, yes. just make a new partition, format it, mount it somewhere. move the contents of, say "/home" to it. unmount it, mount it back to "/home", change fstab.04:35
blithenWell I did a trace back using the terminal and I got this04:35
blithenSegmentation fault (core dumped)04:35
Bogaurdall of a sudden my mysql has stopped working... trying to restart the service gives errors like this: error: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'04:35
dfgasis here a way to make my current install of linux a live cd?04:35
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boojitdfgas: not easily04:35
boojitit's "non-trivial" as they say.04:35
dfgasoh, darm04:35
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StwangeJimQode, boojit: That's what I would have done, but I don't have enough space to move the stuff into AND have the partition at the same time, so I was kinda hoping it could be done in one step (without resizing partitions)04:36
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boojitStwange: no way to do that AFAIK04:36
JimQodeStwange, nope. sorry you can't do that.04:36
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boojitStwange: why do you want to do that anyway? I've always found the mult partition thing a little overrated.04:37
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boojitI mean I do that on all my servers -- different parts for /var /home etc04:37
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JimQodeboojit, It is very practical, you can change your distro in 15 minutes with all your personal files and settings intact04:38
boojitbut I mean. I bet you it's come in handy that I've done that maybe. once. twice.04:38
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powergoalboojit Stwange: it makes things really difficult later on when you realize you wanted more space for your home dir. or your root dir, or whatnot, because then you have to do a resizing utility thats sorta complicated and stressful (particularly if it fails.)04:38
Digit0my sound card doesn't work in feisty fawn04:38
boojitpowergoal: yeah exactly, that's the minus part04:38
Digit0it is a ICH8 HD Audio04:38
boojitJimQode: I don't understand why I can't do that w one single partition.04:38
nothingssomethinANYONE is there a way i can get more descriptive information on some of the packages in synaptic manager04:38
JimQodeboojit, because you have to backup your home folder somewhere else and copy them back04:39
Digit0nothingssomethin, search the package name in google04:39
Stwangepowergoal, boojit: it's because all my music, films (legally paid for of course) etc. are all in my NTFS, and I want to get rid of the NTFS partition and have them as /portal/ or something, so if I change distro I don't have to back them up04:39
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Digit0nothingssomethin, maybe you can get webpages where the program is commented04:39
boojitJimQode: but i _always_ have a backup of my home folder. Don't you?04:39
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powergoalStwange: you could make a new partition fat32 and have read/write access from both linux  and windows04:39
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JimQodeboojit, no I don't. How often do you backup? daily, weekly?04:40
boojitJimQode: and as powergoal points out, the downside of it is when you find out you've made a particular partition too small -- and then you have to frig around with that04:40
boojitJimQode: nightly04:40
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Pete_Somethings happened to my multimedia keys (they were working fine before), now the play/pause button raises the volume and "Media" now gives XF86WWW04:40
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Stwangepowergoal - I never thought of that, it's a good idea. The NTFS is readable from linux, the lack of write is annoying, but ideally I'm looking to get rid of Windows and replace it with a virtualization. Your idea could be better though, maybe leaving a 6 gig or something windows partition in NTFS, and a FAT32 for all the data.04:41
Barr1How do i edit my sources.list file?04:41
boojitStwange: the 3g ntfs module is great for ntfs read/write04:41
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boojitI use it a bunch04:41
JimQodeStwange, fat32 partitions can't hold a DVD iso. That drives me mad.04:41
StwangeBarrl - sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:41
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defryskBarr1, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:41
Digit0anyone with the ICH8 sound card problem ?04:41
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Stwangeboojit: does gparted on the live CD support NTFS 3g?04:42
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powergoalboojit: is the 3g ntfs module reliable?  I had heard there were problems that come up when writing to ntfs ...04:42
boojitStwange: no idea, sorry04:42
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GuybrushThreepwo I installed Ubuntu with Wubi, and whenever I reboot (after full installation) I can't get past the boot screen and have to reinstall. Help D:04:43
mrsnoStwange ntfs read support is supported from the livecd, but you can install ntfs-config and enable ntfs-3g for read/write04:43
Stwangewhat about converting from NTFS to FAT32, that possible? Because I'm having a ballache converting to ext304:43
matt__boojit: ok, i think i have it, -s if for dir, hard is for devices???04:43
mrsnojust like a physical installation04:43
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boojitpowergoal: i've used it with no problems. I had heard the opposite, that with 3g write is now supposedly safe.04:43
boojitanyone heard?04:43
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boojitmatt__: no not at all04:43
nothingssomethinwhat are  Bluetooth stack utilities furthermore, would that solve some sort of passkey problem???04:43
matt__boojit: really?04:43
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defryskGuybrushThreepwo, is wubi supported by ubuntu ?04:43
JimQodeStwange, powergoal, It is reliable when your disk is in good shape. But there are no filesystem checkers so practically you have to windows now and then to check the filesystem04:43
boojitmatt__: really04:43
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boojitbut here's the deal: you only need to worry about symlinks for now04:43
mrsnoboojit as safe as can be really, much safer + faster than captive-ntfs04:43
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boojitmrsno: yepp that's what I heard too04:44
GuybrushThreepwodefrysk: Nope04:44
mrsnosome limiations on ACL but thats more the filesystem not the driver afaik :)04:44
matt__boojit: well, i can't do a hard link on a dir, i don't think04:44
powergoalboojit: thats awsome if it is.  right now I am working on converting my friends sole winxp OS machine to a linux windows dual boot system and if we don thave to convert the massive drive to a fat32 for dual write purposes, that would be fantastic04:44
defryskGuybrushThreepwo, then find a forum where wubi is discussed and ask there04:44
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nothingssomethinthis would be my verry first time useing bluetooth and i do have bluez already on my computer04:44
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boojitmatt__: hard links are useful for certain types of problems04:44
matt__boojit: but could i do this? copy all my /matt to /Data or whatver, then ln -s /home04:44
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boojitmatt__: i recommend you make yourself a test directory, then put some test dirs and files in that directory04:45
matt__i mean, cd home, then ln -s /home/matt/Data/Settings/matt/04:45
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matt__boojit: i did04:45
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boojitget out your bash prompt and start making symlinks04:45
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Barr1How do i edit my sources.list file?04:45
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defryskBarr1, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:45
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StwangeBarrl - I answered that a minute ago....04:45
boojitonce you understand how they work (use ls -l a lot so you can see where they are pointing), then you should be able to apply that knowledge to your real problem04:45
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Barr1Stwange: Your command didn't work04:46
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Stwangeok fair enough04:46
Barr1I got it up now though04:46
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freeagyhay  I'm change my storeo speakers---> to a 2.1 set. and the wolume is very low. all slides are maximum  (panel&totem player). with the stereo speakers the volume is ok.04:47
trelaynethanks again for the tips Pici, devilspie works like a charm04:47
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bigoldshebeari have the new unbuntu and trying to get java installed and asking for the type of linux i have also how do i install once i find it04:48
pkunduhi, while installin perl module i am getting error as http://sial.org/pbot/26039 . any one who can help me. thanks04:48
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jwickardI set up a connection to another server via ssh in the "Places >> Connect To Server" wizard.  I have a shortcut on my desktop, where on the filesystem do connections through that wizard actually get mounted?04:48
defrysk!jre bigoldshebear04:48
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blithenI'm trying to installing a patch, but it's saying permisson denied, anyway to get around that?04:48
GenNMXfreeagy: With the 2.1 set, how are you hooking it up? Does the speakers & subwoofer connect directly to your sound card, or does your connection to the speakers go through the subwoofer?04:48
defrysk!java bigoldshebear04:48
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Pici!java | bigoldshebear04:48
ubotubigoldshebear: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:48
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defryskPici, forgot pipe04:49
Stwangedoes ubuntu have a general error with sound cards? I've seen a few questions about them in here, and I know mine is a bit tetchy - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes it works but on top of all the sound is a high pitch squeal (often started by firefox)04:49
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freeagyGenNMX the speakers are connected tho the subwoofer04:49
nothingssomethinPLEASE HELP.. does anyone have sugestions or tips for what i should do if i run into any trouble my first time trying to pair a bluetooth device while running into pin (password, authenication, verifycation) problems?????04:49
sychoI have an dual ati x1600. to try to get compiz /beryl work should I use radeon+AIGLX or fglrx+XGL?04:49
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artofmagicanyone on04:50
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artofmagicDoes anyone know a site for the ubuntu free books04:50
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GenNMXfreeagy: How high is the subwoofer volume?04:50
artofmagicbut i can't get into the links04:50
artofmagicfor some reasons04:50
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nothingssomethinthe links might be files try save link as04:51
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Barr1If anyone know kismet, what command to i run in console to view my wireless card 'source'?04:51
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nothingssomethinright click04:51
freeagyGenNMX very low (5-10%maybe)04:51
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magic_ninjadoes anyone know how to create a shortcut for wine04:52
magic_ninjafor diablo II04:52
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GenNMXfreeagy: Uhhh, turn it up?04:52
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Stwangehow can I EXIT terminal once there have been stopped jobs with ctrl+z?04:52
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GenNMXfreeagy: The volume control on the subwoofer is most likely for the speakers too, unless there's a volume control on the speakers themselves04:53
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nothingssomethindoes anyone know of a decent or any GUI that controls blue-z applications??04:53
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matt__boojit: hey, i created a -s at /home/matt/Desktop to /home/matt/Data/ , how can i remove it?04:53
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Eric_Jardascan anyone tell me the command to start software sources ?04:53
freeagyGenNMX its on the maximum! :)04:53
GenNMXmatt__: rm <symlink>04:53
Stwangemrsno: thanks for the tip on ntfs-config, write support could solve my whole problem of converting partitions04:53
GenNMXfreeagy: Turn up the subwoofer volume04:54
QwertManI have a huge problem, could someone who knows a lot about Linux and Vista please get in private chat with me; QwertMan04:54
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williyjelle-k gebruik jij xs4all04:54
liwayhi. i installed feisty fawn on a compaq presario C551TU with 256MB ram. i find it quite slow. how do i perk it up? any tweaks?04:54
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freeagyonly one volume turn up04:54
freeagymy eanlish is poor04:54
powergoalQwertMan: the advantage of staying in this room to have that chat is that there are more people from whom you can possibly draw knowledge.  staying here will also likely provide better support. :)04:54
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Eric_Jardascan anyone tell me the command to start software sources ? You can read it with menu editor.Please04:54
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matt__GenNMX: ok, can you tell me how i would do this? i want all my profile settings (/matt/) to be in /home/matt/Data/Settings/matt/04:55
matt__GenNMX: difference between a symlink and a hard link?04:55
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andreas_Hi all04:55
GenNMXmatt__: symlink should work fine04:55
Eric_JardasAnyone ?04:56
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andreas_I thought of trying KDE, so i downloaded the Kubuntu desktop for ubuntu 7.04, but when i start the computer i get the kubuntu boot screen instead of the ubuntu one. how do i get the ubuntu boot screen back?04:56
powergoalEric_Jardas: what do you want to do with the sources?04:56
GenNMXmatt__: ln -s -t TARGET LINK_NAME04:56
matt__GenNMX: so how would i do that?04:56
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GenNMXmatt__: In the future, man ln ;)04:56
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Eric_Jardaspowergoal I deleted the icon in the menu and I wan't to put it back but I don't know the command to start it.04:56
matt__GenNMX: what does -t do?04:56
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GenNMXmatt__: In the future, man ln ;)04:57
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powergoaleracc: ok, if you open a terminal and you remember the name of the program and begin typing it in, when you hit <tab> it will try to auto complete the name for you.04:57
liwayhi. i installed feisty fawn on a compaq presario C551TU with 256MB ram. i find it quite slow. how do i perk it up? any tweaks?04:57
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powergoalEric_Jardas: oops, that was for you...04:57
powergoalEric_Jardas: also, if you provide the name of the program someone might know the commandline version if it04:57
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w2ddrrddis ubuntu good?04:58
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Eric_Jardaspowergoal, its the software sources. under menu->administration04:58
QwertManI dual booted Linux and Vista as according to http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first . I decided I didn't want Ubuntu, so I deleted the partition. When I re-booted I got Grub error 22. This is what I thought might happen. Right now I'm booted on a Live CD for Ubuntu. How am I supposed to get back the Vista Bootloader? I don't have a vista CD or a Vista Live CD as my computer was pre-load04:58
Eric_Jardaspowergoal, can you open the menu editor and check what the command is set to for that menu item ?04:59
hoarycrippleWhen I try and rip a cd with grip (cdparanoia) it pauses for a *very* long time between tracks.  It actually counts from -6000x to only 3x max speed.  The drive is SATA, Thus far, I have found it is not a DMA problem.  And the "spin down cdrom between tracks" option in grip is not checked.  Any ideas?04:59
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sychoI have an dual ati x1600. to try to get compiz /beryl work should I use radeon+AIGLX or fglrx+XGL? Is one better than the other?04:59
powergoalEric_Jardas: I dont run ubuntu... sorry05:00
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hoarycripplein fact, cdparanoia is so slow, i have had to use cdda2wav which improves things slightly, but it still spins down the cdrom between tracks.05:00
powergoalEric_Jardas: so I dont know the ins and outs (if you will) of the ubuntu window editor.05:00
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compengiw2ddrrdd, depending on your needs05:00
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compengiw2ddrrdd, and the way you want to use it05:00
Eric_Jardaspowergoal, oh OK..., I don't know why no one wants to help, is it to hard to open the menu editor and click properties...05:01
Eric_Jardaspowergoal, thank you anyway05:01
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LeeJunFanWhat's the best software for creating DVD's with menu's? I've got some mpegs of Ron Paul I want to put on DVD for some non-high-speed internet connected people.05:01
Eric_Jardaspowergoal, I hope someone will read it...05:01
powergoalEric_Jardas: well, no need to be spiteful...05:01
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michuphi, ive problem with my graphic cards, theres two of them one asus x for pci-e and videowall card http://smartavi.com/products/PRESENTER.htm and when i plug them both theres problem with resources it hanges on POST and recieve single message05:01
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powergoalEric_Jardas: what program do you want to access?05:01
Barr1how do i list my wifi card in console?05:02
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Eric_Jardaspowergoal, I don't know the name of the program, the name in menu is sources list, i tried looking it up in cosnole but i didn't found it05:02
Eric_Jardascan anyone tell me the command to start software sources ? You can read it with menu editor.Please05:02
michupwhen i plug only videowall card then ich8 pci-e root port 5 corrupts with bridge pci-to-pci05:02
michuphow can i handle this?05:02
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powergoalEric_Jardas: ahh... well, good luck, sorry I can't be of more help.  If you are still here in an hour or so, Ill take a look; imworking on installing kubuntu on my friend's machine now.  and Ill look when its up.05:03
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Eric_Jardaspowergoal, OK, ty05:03
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Eric_Jardascompengi, can you help me ?05:03
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compengiEric_Jardas, depending in what05:04
Eric_Jardascompengi, can you tell me the command to start software sources ? You can read it with menu editor.Please05:04
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tbussis it possible to change the message on the Lock Screen dialog box, I know you can change the Log In message but I have failed to find a way to change the Lock Screen05:04
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Barr1Anyone know how to see all the devices attached?05:05
Fisherss_Hi, does anyone know how to change the default "F1" keybinding in 7.04 ????05:06
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astrobitwhere can i manage the size qt applications use?05:06
astrobiti mean. the font size05:06
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Eric_JardasPlease guys I really need this, can anyone please look ?05:06
Barr1Lots of questions...05:06
Fisherss_Eric_Jardas: look what ?05:07
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Eric_JardasFisherss_, , can you tell me the command to start software sources ? You can read it with menu editor.Please05:07
PiciEric_Jardas: software sources? I dont know what that means.05:07
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Fisherss_what's "start software souces " ????05:07
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Fisherss_Eric_Jardas: and what's menu editor ?05:08
Eric_JardasFisherss_, are you running ubuntu ?05:08
PiciEric_Jardas: We have a few language specific channels, perhaps one of them might answer your question better.05:08
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Fisherss_yes, I am05:08
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egarimanyone known how could i backup entire linux-hd include mbr to and image ?05:09
Eric_JardasPici, what don't you understand in my question ?05:09
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powergoalegarim: look up some info on "dd"05:09
PiciEric_Jardas: No, I'm not sure what you are referring to.05:09
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powergoalegarim: I dont remeber the specific usage, but its something like dd if=<input file> of=<output file>05:10
Eric_JardasPici, are you running ubuntu ?05:10
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compengiEric_Jardas, you want to run a program you installed to it's default and don't know how to start it?>05:10
egarimpowergoal, but dd doesn't copy also unused space ?05:10
ferronicagettin import error Rhythmbox :(05:10
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powergoalegarim: no, only the contents of the disk05:10
PiciEric_Jardas: Yes, I am.05:10
Eric_JardasPici, OK, under the Menu Administration you have an entry "Software sources" right ?05:11
Stwangewhat's lamp server called in synaptic?05:11
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PiciEric_Jardas: Oooh... I see. Let me see where its pointed, hold on.05:12
egarimpowergoal,  so if my / partition is on /dev/sda2 to copy all dd if=/dev/sda2 of=beta05:12
egarimis it correct ?05:12
SlimeyPeteStwange: lamp? You mean Linux Apache MySQL PHP?05:12
powergoalegarim: I *think* so, but you would be very wise to read up on the man file first...05:12
powergoalegarim: I think it comes with a man.05:12
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Eric_JardasPici, thank you05:12
JimQodeegarim, yes but beware! you can't copy a partition onto itself05:12
PiciEric_Jardas: gksu gksu --desktop /usr/share/applications/software-properties.desktop /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk05:12
StwangeSlimeyPete - probably, I want to run php on this computer without a server :)05:13
egarimJimQode, ofcourse it maybe cause a loop05:13
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mundungusStwange,is it possible?05:13
williyhi jelle-k05:13
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Eric_JardasPici, thank you very much05:13
SlimeyPeteStwange: oh. You mean you don't want to install a webserver? in which case just install the php5 packages05:13
Pici!nl | williy05:14
ubotuwilliy: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl05:14
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ferronicagettin import error Rhythmbox :(05:14
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SlimeyPeteStwange: if you don't want a server then you don't want LAMP. LAMP is just an acronym meaning the Apache server plus PHP and MySQL, running on Linux.05:14
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flubberCan anybody help me get hal running for the ubuntu hardware website.05:14
magic_ninjaDoes anyone know how to create a desktop shortcut for diablo II under wine05:14
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williyhello jelle-k05:14
StwangeSlimeyPete: I do want to run them at some point, I'm looking to learn php and my friend told me to install lamp05:15
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Jelle-kwilliy, >> privmsg05:15
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StwangeSlimeyPete: is it in the repositories or will I have to find it?05:15
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SlimeyPeteStwange: he means to install the Apache server (search synaptic for apache2), plus the apache php5 libraries (again, search synaptic for "apache2 php") and mysql (search for mysql)05:15
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SlimeyPetethat will give you what is known as a LAMP system05:16
StwangeSlimeyPete: ah ok thanks :)05:16
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen05:16
mundungusStwange, kewl, LAMP basically eliminates u the hassle of setting up and configuring apache and php...05:16
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eugmanIs there a way to see what packages orprgrams haven't been used in a while?05:16
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IceLinkhey. is there a program which can convert mp3s to ogg-vorbis?05:17
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williyjelle-k gebruik jij xs4all05:17
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Jelle-kIceLink, that is not recommended05:17
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williyheb jij op de ortolaan gezeten05:17
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Stwangemundungus: is there a way of installing it all together as one package?05:17
IceLinkJelle-k: why not05:17
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IceLinkJelle-k: you read it the right way? mp3 to ogg, not ogg to mp305:18
PiciIceLink: check out mp32ogg05:18
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Pici!english | Jelle-k williy05:18
ubotuJelle-k williy: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:18
ferronicagettin import error Rhythmbox :(05:18
mundungusStwange,yep and thats wat XAMPP and LAMP do,the set up evrything for u,u only start writing ur script once u install it!05:18
magic_ninjaferronica: try banshee, amarok is really nice but i think im going to switch to banshee, its nicer :-)05:18
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compengiIceLink, soundconverter is a good one05:19
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Stwangemundungus: do I have to google the repository or does it exist in synaptic already?05:19
Shin_Goukihello there! anyone here who knows the programm: PSPVC?05:19
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ferronicamagic_ninja: i am using GNOME not KDE :(05:19
SlimeyPeteStwange: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server  <-- mightbe useful for you05:19
Polysicshi all!05:19
mundungusam not sure of that but jus go to apachefriends.org05:19
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IceLinkcompengi: where do i get it05:19
Jelle-kyea i know Shin_Gouki05:19
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Jelle-kyes i know*05:19
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Polysicsanyone else having trouble with php on 7.04?05:20
compengiIceLink, sudo apt-get install soundconverter05:20
williyjelle-k its me william v beek i was in your klas05:20
Polysicsi've installed apache and stuff out of the box05:20
ferronicamagic_ninja: and Rhythmbox is defalut musicplayer for ubuntu05:20
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IceLinksorry compengi05:20
Jelle-ki know william, please discuss this in privmsg :P05:20
Polysicsbut php files get served for download instead of parsed05:20
Shin_Gouki<Jelle-k> cool i try the isntal script but it fails..05:20
compenginp IceLink05:20
magic_ninjaferronica: banshee is a spinoff of rythmbox05:20
Jelle-ki had some problems with it too Shin_Gouki05:20
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Jelle-kfound the solution on the sourceforce forums, seareching..05:21
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Shin_GoukiJelle-k> ah ok u have link?05:21
ferronicamagic_ninja: okay, you too getting import errors ?05:21
Jelle-ki'm searching for you :)05:21
Polysicsno one has had this same problem? i suspect it could even be a bug05:22
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X3rusI have a windows application that is used on the network. Right Now the application is install on Windows Server 2003 and the employees have a link to the main exe on their desktop. What I want to do is migrate the server to Ubuntu Server. Is there a way that the application run on the employees computer and have the files on the linux server?05:22
magic_ninjaferronica: do a sudo apt-get install banshee and try it out, see if you get an import error with that05:22
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williyjelle-k do you remerber me noob05:22
raymondjtothwere is the over buffer kernal page at05:22
raymondjtothcant finde it05:22
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Jelle-kwilliy, >> privmsg !!05:22
viola1933anybody knows how much traffic i need for an 32solt ts server?05:22
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Jelle-kShin_Gouki, http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=53591405:22
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raymondjtoth> were is the over buffer kernal page at05:23
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> cant finde it05:23
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Shin_GoukiJelle-k> thx!05:23
Jelle-kyw :)05:23
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raymondjtothjelle see my q05:23
blithenI'm trying to run something using the terminal, but it keeps saying permisson denied anyway to get around this?05:24
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magic_ninjablithe: sudo05:24
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IceLinkcompengi: LAME GStreamer plugin not found, desactivating MP3 output.^^05:24
magic_ninjablithe: sudo <your command here> then it will ask for a password and enter your password and it will work fine05:24
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williyjelle-k do you remeber me05:24
FrogzooX3rus: called samba05:24
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raymondjtoth> were is the over buffer kernal page at05:24
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> cant finde it05:24
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raymondjtoth!spam |raymondjtoth05:25
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compengiIceLink, it works for me fine =/05:25
X3rusFrogzoo; it won't matter that the application is share on a linux server? it will run?05:25
blithenThen it says command not found? It's a .run file so...anything I can do with that?05:25
morpheus_is there a quick way to create quite a few symbolic links on ubuntu? I have 40 files in folder A that I want linked to in folder B05:26
varkablithen: chmod +x blabla.run then sh blabla.run05:26
IceLinkcompengi: is there a support channel or sp (if you know bout it)05:26
ferronicamagic_ninja: i am installing it via ADD/REMOVE is it okay?05:27
compengiIceLink, a support channel for what?05:27
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IceLinkcompengi: soundconverter05:27
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williy<jelle-k> can you help me05:27
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astrobitdoes anybody know where can i change the font size qt applications use?05:27
Piciastrobit: I think its in kcontrol somewhere.05:28
compengiIceLink, nope, but's a very simple application it should be working fine05:28
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astrobitbut i have gnome05:28
astrobiti only installed some qt libs to use skype05:28
Piciastrobit: You'll have to install kde to get at kcontrol :/05:28
astrobitno ways...i remember there was some qt app, to change the fonts05:28
astrobitbut i dont remember the trigger in the console05:29
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eifzon_where can i change the size on Awany window navigator?05:29
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IceLinkcompengi: which one05:29
X3rusFrogzoo; it won't matter that the application is share on a linux server? it will run on windows machines?05:29
compengiIceLink, the "soundconverter"05:30
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powergoalcan someone point me to the system requirements of kubuntu feisty?05:30
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IceLinkcompengi: where's the difference to soundconverter huh >.<05:30
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compengiIceLink, what application are you using now/05:30
flubberDoes anybody know how to use the hardware information Website, mine says hal might be disabled05:30
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IceLinkcompengi: soundconverter05:31
compengiIceLink, does it satisfy you?05:31
IceLinkcompengi: it displays the msg above05:31
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compengiIceLink, i don't have anything installed other than default and i got it converting fine05:32
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IceLinkcompengi: mp3 to ogg?05:32
varkaIceLink: from what to what are you trying to convert?05:32
compengiIceLink, yeah, i just tried it after you posted your message05:32
varkaIceLink: http://soundconverter.berlios.de/gstreamer-mp3-encoding-howto/05:32
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deludeplease help: my /etc/network/interfaces doesn't seem to get executed. is there another place 6.10 stores network settings?05:33
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unclemikehow much of a difference is there in ubuntu and ubuntu studio05:33
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IceLinkvarka: i already installed gstreamer0.8-lame.05:33
Piciunclemike: Ubuntu studio includes applications for doing artwork,music production,and video production.05:33
varkaunclemike: and a neat dark theme ;)05:34
varkaunclemike: and its kernel is optimised for audiowork as i had a lower latency05:34
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unclemikeoh ok i thought maybe it was better for multimedia use05:35
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magic_ninjaferronica: thats fine05:35
magic_ninjaferronica: you may just have a corrupted file05:35
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IceLinkvarka: hey, there's mp3-ouput described, i need mp3-inpt05:36
compengiIceLink, btw i don't have gstreamer0.8-lame installed05:36
IceLinkbut i'm using dapper05:36
compengiIceLink, oh...05:37
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forger007how can i send an email using mail ? i tried this and it doesn't work: echo "test | mail -s "test" some@mail.com05:37
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forger007sorry: echo "test" | mail -s "test" some@mail.com05:37
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compengiIceLink, then idk maybe you need some sort of a lib, i'm using feisty05:37
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astroraptorhey, I'm doing a text-only install of Ubuntu and it's been on 1% at "language-pack-en-base" for the past 30 minutes, but I'm getting activity from the drive05:38
m11how fast pc ?05:39
m11did u check for defects ?05:39
Shin_GoukiJelle-k>  the readme sucks but ur advice+ forums is good :)05:39
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JackTenricis this the ubuntu heaven?05:39
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Shin_Goukiof course it is05:40
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mundungusJackTenric,yep! the heaven for sure!05:40
m11ussualy we have more angles, but is too early :)05:40
JackTenricI'm having problems trying to run ubuntu05:40
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Picim11: surely you mean angels05:41
astroraptorit's a Pentium 233MMX, 48MB RAM and 6GB drive05:41
m11ye Pici , sry :)05:41
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mdszepherCan Ubuntu recognize and use my USB wireless receiver immediately when I log in?05:41
varkaastroraptor: and you are installing ubuntu oO not xubuntu or even better fluxbuntu?05:41
m11astroraptor, think it will take u a while05:41
astroraptorwell it's the server install, I plan on installing IceWM later05:42
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varkaastroraptor: ok05:42
astroraptorso it's still going to take a while?05:42
m1148mb ram :)05:42
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m11maybe whole day imho :)05:42
Shin_Goukihow do switch to console in xubuntu ?( from desktop ) and back? which keys?05:42
astroraptorwait wait, 96MB RAM, I upgraded ;)05:42
m11i wish u gl astroraptor :)05:42
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xtknightShin_Gouki, ctrl alt F1, ctrl alt F705:42
Shin_Gouki<xtknight> thx!05:43
m11it will install, but it will take time, proc/ram are slow astroraptor05:43
astroraptorthat's right, I moved up in the world05:43
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eifzon_where can i change the size on Awany window navigator?05:43
m11my minimum install was 128ram/500mhz05:43
JackTenricI'm having a lot of trouble trying to run ubuntu.. I keep on getting errors whenever I run it, could my motherboard be the problem?05:43
nothingssomethinis there someone here that can help me with some bluetooth  problems that i am haveing i found the correct fourm i belive but i don't quite understand it05:43
astroraptormeh, worth the fun of installing and testing ;)05:43
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m11yes i belive :)05:44
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varkaJackTenric: nobody can tell as long as you dont show the errors05:44
ShiftyPowersman LVM and reiserfs sucks05:44
m11is nice when u get some piece of crap runing :)05:44
ShiftyPowersmy drives are crapping out05:44
varka!paste | JackTenric05:44
ubotuJackTenric: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:44
JackTenricThis is the error I get05:44
jbroomelvm and ext3 has been good to me05:44
Shin_Goukihello i have a problem with a programm on the console, can anyone help me? i write: install but then the shell closes!05:44
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nothingssomethinhow do i get to pasetbin05:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:45
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JackTenric[70.502620]  BUG: at driver/char/vt c:3429 do_unblank_screen05:46
JackTenricthats the error I get05:46
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Shin_Gouki<xtknight> i have problems with a console program could u help me?05:46
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Jarekb84i just plugged in an external usb hd, but don't have write permissions to it, how do I change that05:46
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zero-9377i need to password protect some files, what is the easiest way of doing this, perhaps using a compression tool with password protection?05:47
powergoalzero-9377: you could change r/w access to them05:47
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geniizero-9377: Thats what I generally do05:48
xtknightShin_Gouki, maybe.  any more details?05:48
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raymondjtothkernal over buffer page05:48
zero-9377powergoal: im actually going to place these files in a few email accounts and possibly web server05:48
Michael147Can anybody help?I need to install some drivers for my motherboard on linux, now ive downloaded the drivers theyre IDE extension but im unsure of how to install them. Can anybody shed some light?05:48
powergoalzero-9377: then compress and pw protect them :)05:48
raymondjtothcant finde it05:48
powergoalzero-9377: thats a good idea05:48
raymondjtothi seen it05:48
raymondjtothcant finde agen05:48
Shin_Gouki<xtknight> thx for reply! i try to run this program: http://pspvc.sourceforge.net/#requirements05:49
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zero-9377powergoal: im trying to work out which compression tools will let me use a password, and whether it will work in windows as easilu05:49
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powergoalzero-9377: gzip does (i think) and I know rar does05:49
jbroomezero-9377: zip should do both of those05:49
Shin_Gouki<xtknight> but when i type: . install.sh it "does" something to a cetain point but then it write a RED message and closes the shell , i cen even read so fast :/05:49
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Michael147Anybody?Please, i really need this help05:49
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geniiMichael147: That extension is usually for Borland C compiler05:50
raymondjtoth over buffer kernal were page?05:50
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xtknightShin_Gouki, this one?05:50
xtknightpspvc-intall-0.3 (2007-03-13)05:50
pparkerhi, i'm having troubles with my bluetooth dongle05:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:50
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Michael147The filename ends is -ide05:51
ubotuIf you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server05:51
Shin_Gouki<xtknight> yes exceatly05:51
compengi!ask > Michael14705:51
pparker"hcitool inq" tell me "no device"05:51
Michael147Its a driver for my NIC.05:51
pparkerany help is welcome :)05:51
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geniiMichael147: Yes, I just said that .ide file is usually a file type associated with the Borland C compiler. I do not think you will be easily able to convert it to something GCC will use05:51
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astroraptorhmm, well I guess I'll let it sit for a while and if it's not finished in an hour (it's already been an hour) then I'll try another distro ;)05:52
astroraptorthanks, bye05:52
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xtknightShin_Gouki, did you try "sudo ./install.sh" ?05:52
varkaMichael147: what type of NIC are you trying to install drivers for?05:52
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JackTenricI keep on getting errors05:52
Michael147Why would Asus offer a download for linux with i file extension i cant execute?05:52
ubotuIf you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server05:52
raymondjtoth over b uffer kernal05:52
geniiMichael147: It would seem you downloaded some source code to make the driver, but it was made to compile with the borland compiler05:52
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Shin_Gouki<xtknight> mom i check05:53
compengiMichael147, maybe you are not using the right distro for the file they are offering05:53
zero-9377only zip and rar support encrypting by a password05:53
Michael147varka, well i have downloaded a 4 in 1 driver package as instructed by Asus tech support.05:53
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hendrixskihelp! If I created my own helloworld package with dh_make, do I need to modify debian/rules for it to install on my system?  because currently after running dpkg -i I can't seem to launch my helloworld window.05:53
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varkaMichael147: what model of motherboard are you using?05:53
powergoalzero-9377: so use one of them :)05:53
jbroomeMichael147: uhh, htat's for windows05:53
varkanot vendor05:54
geniiMichael147: Yes, 4 in 1 driver is for Windows not linux05:54
zero-9377powergoal: i just thought id let ppl know :)05:54
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Michael147jbrooms, there is a version that is supported by linux.05:54
=== genii curses linux ignorant tech support!
mdszepherIs there a way to create a shortcut on my desktop to my SDA HDD, similar to the shortcut to HDC1 on my desktop?05:54
xtknightShin_Gouki, also you need some dependencies.  type this before "sudo ./install.sh"  :    "sudo apt-get install libxvidcore-dev libfaac-dev liba52-dev nasm libgtk2.0-dev ffmpeg"05:54
IceLinkcan anyone name me another audio-converter as soundconverter?05:54
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compengiMichael147, maybe under a different distro, not necessary under ubuntu. most likely it's for red hat05:54
Shin_Gouki<xtknight>  hmm seems i didn't put the sudo before, incredebile that it just crashed without a warning! like: u need sudo!05:54
Shin_Gouki<xtknight>  hmm i think i got all depen. before i searched synaptic for all .dev lsited in ERADME05:55
geniiMichael147: I'm pretty sure Kdevelop can import Borland .ide files, but it's for KDE not Gnome05:55
varkaMichael147: ?, your motherboard, what model is it? i want to know that funny string of caracters and numbers on the first page of your motherboards manual ;)05:56
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xtknightShin_Gouki, ah well try the apt-get anyway just to make sure.05:56
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Michael147genii, ive got it wrong. Sorry. Heres the link: http://support.asus.com/faq/faq.aspx?SLanguage=en-us&model=P5VD1-X05:56
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Michael147varka, its on the link.05:56
geniiOK, reading etc AFK05:57
xtknightShin_Gouki, i was able to instal it.  "PSPVC installation completed"05:57
Michael147Its the LAN one i think.05:57
Shin_Gouki<xtknight>  my is still compiling O_O05:57
IceLinkhey compengi or who told me, mp32ogg works fine, i like :D05:57
xtknightShin_Gouki, it seems to run fine here also.  at least you know it's possible. good luck05:58
geniiMichael147: OK05:58
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xtknightShin_Gouki, i have to go05:58
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kbrooksopinion on floppy drives?05:58
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varkaMichael147: its an intel 82540em NIC, it should be supported ootb05:59
Shin_Gouki<xtknight>  ok alright thx alot for ur help!!05:59
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geniiMichael147: I'm going to d/l the file and examine it05:59
varkaMichael147: what version of ubuntu are you using? feisty?05:59
compengiIceLink, Pici did ;)05:59
Michael147varka, yes.05:59
kbrooksopinion on floppy drives?05:59
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powergoalkbrooks: what of them?06:00
pparkerwho uses bluetooth here ?06:00
kbrookspowergoal, any thoughts06:00
Kroozrkbrooks,  old and outdated technology06:00
DaltonSkbrooks, they are useful only when you want to flash your bios and don't want to waste a CD-R06:00
compengipparker, i tried it once06:00
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MajorPaynekbrooks: I don't even have any.06:00
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IceLinkcan anyone tell me how to use "steak", it's a dict for console06:01
Kroozrkbrooks, same here... no floppy drive. im sure you could probably buy one for $1.50 now06:01
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gordonjcpIceLink: well, you fry it a little on each side, and then serve it with some chips and maybe a bit of peppercorn sauce06:01
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MajorPayneKroozr: Hardly more money than the floppy itself.06:01
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IceLinkgordonjcp: very funny ;)06:02
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bwlangwhat happens in ubuntu when i hit the volume up and volume down buttons.  They work but i don't understand how06:03
geniiMichael147: It's a zip file which decompresses to a tar.gz archive of source code. No .ide file that i can find06:03
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bobsomebodyquestion: how do I produce a tone from command line?06:03
powergoalbobsomebody: I think \a does it in a bash script, but Im not sure...06:04
commander-apei got 2 ddr1 512 MB Ram - Bars. If i put them both in, memtest gives me errors. if i test them individually i dont get any problems06:04
commander-apewhere is the problem?06:04
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geniiMichael147: extract it all out to some directory, then in a console in that directory, just do standard make make install type stuff06:04
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nothingssomethini pasted all of the details of my problem can someone help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28646/06:06
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IceLinkcan i change id3-tags with Rythmbox06:07
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nothingssomethinit is probbally simple for someone that knows ubuntu better than me06:07
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powergoalIceLink: Amarok can, and a nice utility is kid3 :)06:07
south01i, tried to fix my boot, i did everything in the wiki, it says you have mounted sucessfully, but i cannot boot correctly06:07
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nothingssomethinthe problem has to do with paring a blue tooth http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28646/06:08
bobsomebodyquestion: how do I produce a tone from command line?06:08
m3m0r3xXxhi m8's, why only 1 program can use my sound device(ALSA)06:08
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IceLinkpowergoal: i see, my traffic limit will be.... won't suffice06:09
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ilikec0wsIceLink, Theres a certain library you need installing for tag editing to work in rhythmbox i just cant recall its name06:09
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IceLinkunluckily ^_^06:10
liwayi just installed the xubuntu-desktop... its really fast (10x faster than ubuntu!) and i like it. however, how can i see the network status icon that's in the ubuntu-desktop at the top panel? i can't seem to connect with my wireless router.06:10
m3m0r3xXxcould you tell me why only one program can use my sound device ?06:10
ilikec0wsIceLink, Give me a mo06:10
nothingssomethinis there anyone that can help me with a blue tooth prob??06:10
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powergoalIceLink: if you do a google search for the use tags of rythmbox, it might tell you the requirements for the individual tags.  (one of them will be for the id3 tags, i imagine..)06:10
blithenI have been having a problem with sites dealing with java and flash. When I backtrace, this comes up.      Segmentation fault (core dumped)06:10
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ilikec0wsm3m0r3xXx, What programs in particular?06:10
m3m0r3xXxi run xmms, and other programs can't use it06:11
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m3m0r3xXxi run flash, and othert can't use it06:11
m3m0r3xXxonly one program can run at time06:11
bobsomebodyquestion: how do I produce a tone from command line?06:11
m3m0r3xXxothers did not have sound06:11
Michael147genii, how would i use the make command to install the driver?06:11
nothingssomethinwhat do you mean tone06:11
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NaKeDMaN89hi can someone help me ? i have OS Ubuntu feisty with a Ati Radeon 9550 video card, i followed every tutorial from internet on how to install the drivers to work with 3d, installed the binary from ati.com and still no 3d, what should i do ?06:11
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powergoalnothingssomethin: I think he means the audio bell06:12
Michael147Bare in mind im running it off  of a live CD just to test it 1st, if its fine ill install.06:12
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geniiMichael147: Usually the way is to type: sudo make     then afterwards type in sudo make install06:12
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nothingssomethinand by command line you do mean terminal??06:12
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Michael147genii, would i still be able to do this from a live CD?06:13
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Michael147Because i wanna test it 1st.06:13
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IceLinkpowergoal: well, thanks, i've already done it with kid306:13
geniiMichael147: I need to be away from my keyboard here but will be checking in every 5 minutes or so for messages to me06:13
powergoalIceLink: cool. :)06:13
Michael147Thanks alot for your help.06:13
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NaKeDMaN89hi can someone help me ? i have OS Ubuntu feisty with a Ati Radeon 9550 video card, i followed every tutorial from internet on how to install the drivers to work with 3d, installed the binary from ati.com and still no 3d, what should i do ?06:13
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powergoalNaKeDMaN89: if you don't find help here, you might also try #linux?06:14
geniiMichael147: If you try from a livecd you will need to do some other steps. I do not have time this moment to explain. Basically is to chroot into the place your distro is on then make sure build-essential package is there then do the make make install sequence06:15
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nothingssomethinif you are talking about a termnial in ubuntu  then you need to ckick on edit and go to current profile open it and it will be a check box06:15
IceLinkmy ubuntu gets better and better :D06:15
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mrsnoStwange your welcome06:15
Judg3_Dr34DHello, could somenone tell me how can i see my GPU's driver version06:16
mrsnoJudg3_Dr34D that depends on your gpu really, what card do you have?06:16
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mrsnoif you use nvidia and are using the nvidia-glx accelerated drivers, nvidia-settings will tell you the version06:16
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Judg3_Dr34Dmrsno: nVidia GeForce 7600 GT06:16
StwangeSlimeyPete: got the servers running I think, thanks :)06:16
Michael147genii, dont bother explaining anymore. I dont want you to have to babysit me, i think its in my best interest to go and figure something out for myself.06:17
mzanfardinook, I'm trying to install ubuntu feisty on a new AMD64 Athlon x2 machine.  Whether I choose the 32bit or 64 bit version, I only get as far as loading the liveCD when it seems something times out and I'm left with a busybox prompt and a message that bin/sh can't access tty.  Help!06:17
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Michael147genii, thanks ever so much for the help though.06:17
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Judg3_Dr34Dmrsno: so I type nvidia-settings in terminal ?06:17
mrsnoJudg3_Dr34D its a gui app, but yes type that06:17
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Michael147I just dont wanna be dependant on other people to sort my shit out lmao06:17
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mrsnoJudg3_Dr34D another way to check is sudo dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia06:18
mrsnoto find the version of the installed deb file06:18
IceLinkhow do i install steak? this dictionary for console...06:18
mzanfardinoanyone have any idea what to do when presented with a busybox shell and job control turned off?06:18
andylockranIs there an IRC channel for ubuntu on the ps3?06:19
mrsnomzanfardino most likely that can be a problem booting the cd, did you check the md5sum of the disk before booting ?06:19
mrsnoof the iso, not the disk06:19
Judg3_Dr34Dmrsno: ok, found the version can you help me with something?06:19
nothingssomethinjudg3 the super easy to do it is to go to you synaptic manager and search for nvidia06:19
mrsnoandylockran try #ubuntu-powerpc06:19
mrsnoJudg3_Dr34D only if you ask a question :-)06:20
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nothingssomethinor we could test our mental super powers out on you06:20
Judg3_Dr34Dnothingssomethin: thanks :)06:20
mzanfardinomrsno: sadly, yes, and the disk checks out fine.  In fact, I have installed from that CD on a different machine.  And I have several CD's of fiesty of which none go any further on this platform... but!  I can boot the liveCD for Edgy!  Wierd, huh?06:20
Judg3_Dr34Dmrsno: do I have to uninstall the current nvidia driver in order to install the latest from nvidia?06:20
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mrsnovery strange mzanfardino , could you tell me your computer specs/motherboard etc06:21
powergoalmzanfardino: did you try memtest86?  perhaps you have some bad ram thats causing problems?06:21
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mzanfardinomrsno: one moment (it's a new HP, I will hav eto check the box)06:21
nothingssomethinall you need to do in synaptic manager is uncheck and check the one tou want06:21
mrsnoJudg3_Dr34D yes, but instead of downloading from nvidia.com , i suggest you use the 'envy' deb that will do it for you, but a bit cleaner06:21
mzanfardinoJudg3_Dr34D: have you tried Envy?06:21
mrsnoJudg3_Dr34D after removing nvidia from synaptic, install the deb file from http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html (please read the faq)06:21
Judg3_Dr34Dmrsno: no but I will give it a try :)06:21
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nothingssomethin...........that's the intent at least06:21
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Judg3_Dr34Dmrsno: mille merci :)06:22
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namit|laptopwhen installing apache-ssl I get error "processing apache-ssl --configure"06:22
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nothingssomethinisn't envy a bad a alcholic drink like hippo06:22
frost_I just installed Ubuntu. I'm rather new to linux. I used the package manager built into Ubuntu to download applets for the gnome panel06:23
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Fraencan I use ubuntu to change partition letter?06:23
crdlbJudg3_Dr34D, just install nvidia-glx-new06:23
geniiMichael147: OK, if you have questions I'll be around although on a bit of a time lag (2-3 minutes)06:23
der_meisterhi .. I have a problem with my Gnome 2.18 ... MPlayer doesn't play videos when Desktop effects are enabled06:23
der_meisterAny ideas why ?06:23
frost_anyway, I tried to put the xpenguins applet on my panel and my panels started flickering and then crashed. I tried a reboot but it didn't work and I don't know how to get the panels back :(06:23
crdlbthat's the best driver for your card (better than the newer 100.x.x drivers)06:24
nothingssomethinyou can't use ubuntu but you can use qtparted06:24
fbcHelp! I just installed xubutu for someone that speaks only spanish. I was able to get the menus to be in spanish, but not the desktop icons. Is there a language pack that I can install? If so where do I find it? Is it for Thunar?06:24
nothingssomethinto change letter06:24
=== noob_ [n=noob@81-233-49-201-no58.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
mrsnocrdlb nvidia-glx-new is not the latest nvidia driver (there are some substantial fixes in 100x drivers)06:24
crdlbmrsno, like what?06:24
noob_I want a simple paint program06:24
noob_I tried gpaint, but I didn't like it06:25
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nothingssomethinyes like what06:25
mzanfardinomrsno: check out http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/WF06b/12454-12454-64287-321860-3328896-3252512-3253418-3439312.html?jumpid=oc_R1002_USENC-001_HP%20Compaq%20dc5750%20Microtower%20PC&lang=en&cc=us.  These are the specs, save the machine came with 2GB RAM (not 1) and 2 SATA 250GB HDD's with software (fake) raid 1 (which is a whole other issue)...06:25
noob_any other recommendations06:25
crdlbfor the most part, the 100.x.x drivers only add support for 8xxx cards06:25
der_meisterAnyone ....06:25
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frost_I don't know how to do anything without my gnome panels. I had to cheat to get here. I opened a folder, went to my home folder and then to my examples folder and opened a .png in firefox and then loaded chatzilla in firefox06:25
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frost_can someone please help me get my gnome panels back up?06:26
mrsnoyes nvidia-glx-new was really for 8800 series support, but there are too many changes to name really it should be in the changelog06:26
nothingssomethincrdb ......does it autoconfig my laptops svideo tv out port to start working??06:26
frost_they crashed when I put the xpenguins applet into a pnel06:26
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richeehow do I convert iso images to vmx images so, that I can boot using vmplayer?06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:26
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:26
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richeeis there any way?06:27
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richeecan anyone help me !06:27
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nothingssomethindid you try ubuntu fourms?06:28
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mrsnomzanfardino ok that spec doesn't look like it should cause problems, but maybe the ati chipset :/ have you tried other bootable media on this pc? as you said the feisty disk works on another pc fine06:28
geniirichee Give it a few minutes to let someone look into it then perhaps ask again if no replies06:28
Judg3_Dr34Dcrdlb: nvidia-glx-new is the 9755 version, but nVidia has a newer driver, why do you suggest nvidia-glx-new???06:28
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richeegenii: ok06:28
frost_I'm stuck :( Is there a way I can open a terminal and then load gnome panels again? If so, how do I open my terminal if I can't click it from my main panel?06:28
crdlbJudg3_Dr34D, because there's an extremely good chance envy will break your system06:28
crdlband there is minimal benefit in using the 100xx drivers06:29
crdlbin fact many people recommend against them06:29
nothingssomethincrdb i never heard of that06:29
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mzanfardinomrsno: yes, I've been able to boot the liveCD for Ubuntu Edgy.  It just seems to be Fiesty... I'm going to try the alternate CD once I've completed the download and see if I can manage to get the text installer working, but if for some reason the TTY consoles aren't loading (not sure if I"m saying that right), I can't imagine it will work...06:29
Judg3_Dr34Dok then I'll follow the manual way and not use Envy... Should I do it the manual way?06:29
crdlbJudg3_Dr34D, that's just as bad06:29
mrsnoif you can get away with using nvidia-glx-new then i would recommend using that over envy, but as you said you were using nvidia.com driver anyways, using envy is slightly less evil for that06:29
powergoalfrost_: This doesnt directly answer your question, but if you hit ctrl + alt + backspace, you will force a restart of your xserver.  and then you can reload gnome through (gdm or xdm... whichever is installed.)06:29
mrsnoneither are a perfect solution, until we get open drivers :-)06:30
frost_how would I reload gnome through one of those?06:30
mrsnomzanfardino well hopefully the alternate gives you more joy, just be sure to check the md5 as usual before burning the iso06:30
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Judg3_Dr34Dcrdlb: ok, nvidia-glx-new is listed on Synaptic, so what I should do is uninstall the current nvidia driver, reboot and install nvidia-glx-new... Right?06:31
powergoalfrost_: likely, when you restart your xserver, it will auto restart.  if it does *not*, then you can type ``startx'' from the terminal that comes up. (after you login.)06:31
crdlbJudg3_Dr34D, just install nvidia-glx-new06:31
geniirichee You may find something useful here http://www.mlcug.org/vmware.html  where it says about Creating Your Own Virtual Machine06:31
crdlbit will uninstall nvidia-glx for you06:31
frost_thanks, I'll try that06:31
powergoalfrost_: but it will probably start up like it normally would at the beginning boot.06:31
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crdlbthen yes, reboot06:31
Judg3_Dr34Dcrdlb: if you say so :D06:31
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mzanfardinomrsno: yeah, I aways do that.  Can you explain (briefly) what it is that's happening?  That is, when it says it can't load the tty console, that tells me no interface, is that accurate?06:31
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Polysics90% is working on my new install, but i need one more pointer06:32
Polysicson ubuntu 7.04 stock installs, where should the /sf alias point to?06:32
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mrsnomzanfardino well it can be a multitude of things really, but its basically saying it cannot boot as normal06:32
Polysicsin the VirtualHosts directive for a particular site06:32
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nothingssomethinif you are in a terminal gui you can asign a hot key i belive06:32
Stwangedoes anyone here have trouble with their sound card under ubuntu? This is the last reason I need to keep Windows, so it would be great to fix it. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes it works fine, sometimes it squeals really loud06:32
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Sporkhello all06:32
mzanfardinomrsno: ok, good enough.  I'm botting from alternate CD now and the text installer is at least starting...06:32
Polysicswhoops, i think i'm on the wrong channel :-)06:32
nothingssomethinnot me ............my sound works much better than it did in windows06:33
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nothingssomethinbut that's just how it's soposto be06:33
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frost_ok, I'm back06:33
Stwangeill try rebooting and see what happens this time :)06:33
mrsnoStwange there is a comprehensive sound troubleshooting guide on the ubuntu forums, but for me at least i had to turn my speaker outputs to less than 80~ or i get crackling06:33
powergoalfrost_: did that work?06:33
mrsnotoo slow! :] 06:33
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SporkI am trying to troubleshoot GLX, and i was wondering fi someone could tell me what linker ubuntu uses by default?06:33
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frost_upon restarting my xserver and logging in my gnome panels appeared at the top of the screen, flickered, and then crashed again06:34
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ilikec0ws!register > ilikec0ws06:34
yoqwww.tamsohbet.com www.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.com06:34
yoqwww.tamsohbet.com www.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.com06:34
yoqwww.tamsohbet.com www.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.com06:34
yoqwww.tamsohbet.com www.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.com06:34
yoqwww.tamsohbet.com www.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.comwww.tamsohbet.com06:34
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dhuidhow can I change between english and arabic characters?06:34
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:34
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Sporkcan someone please help me? :(06:34
powergoalfrost_: hmm... i dont know...06:35
etherealitydid that yoq guy just get banned?06:35
Drk_GuyWhats the prob Spork06:35
eifzon_anyone got a good hddtemp/cpu program for ubuntu?06:35
frost_I really need my gnome panels back :( I can't do anything without them :(06:35
frost_stupid xpenguin applet06:35
powergoalfrost_: I use icewm & terminal, so perhaps someone else will know better.  You might also try #gnome06:35
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SporkDrk_Guy: what linker does ubuntu use by default, not ld i assume06:35
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Drk_GuySorry, idk that06:35
fbcCan someone tell me how I can find the language packs for the xfce desktop?06:35
Sporkim having a hell of a time getting glx to work06:36
Drk_GuyTry asking someone else06:36
=== trulinG [n=ha@c-76-19-159-86.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sporkhave you gotten glx to wokr06:36
nothingssomethinwhat is wrong with is06:36
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Sporkit wont load06:36
nothingssomethinand describe to me......what a linker is to you06:36
Drk_GuyMaybe something that links06:36
Sporka slightly large paste, sorry06:36
SporkAfter the correct kernel interface has been identified (either included in the .run file, downloaded, or compiled from source code), the kernel interface will be linked with the closed-source portion of the NVIDIA kernel module. This requires that you have a linker installed on your system. The linker, usually /usr/bin/ld, is part of the binutils package. You must have a linker installed prior to installing the NVIDIA driver.06:36
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nothingssomethinmaybe as something to do with zelda06:37
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Drk_GuyGot it06:37
=== pim [n=pim@cc664731-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Sporkokay i guess i have it06:37
Drk_GuyYou are trying to install the Nv driver06:37
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IceLinkhm? didn't read. but zelda. Zelda? *confused*06:37
nothingssomethinuse the paste bin06:37
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Sporki already installed the driver06:37
nothingssomethinif you want to type alot06:37
PriceChild!nvidia | Spork06:37
ubotuSpork: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:37
Sporkim trying to get glx to work now06:37
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Sporkyes i have it installed06:37
nothingssomethinlike a whole lot06:37
Sporki've read that06:37
PriceChildSpork, then use that, don't install yourself.06:37
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Drk_GuyBut there's somethign that makes that really fast and automated Spork06:38
yrlnryI just started using "evolution" email app, and I now have 2000 junk messages in my inbox.  There might be one or two useful messages in there too.  I tried selecting everything and then choosing "check for junk" from the "message" menu, but nothing was filtered out.  How can I make it cleverer or more stringent?06:38
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nothingssomethinno no no no you make a pastebin it's something you create06:38
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Sporkokay, I have already installed it. I'm trying to figure out why GLX isn't running06:38
Drk_GuySystem->Preferences-Desktop FX06:38
omgwtfIs it possible to mount a .nrg file as a drive in ubuntu ?06:38
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frost_I'm about to become really frustrated. My computer is currently fairly useless. I can't access any of my software without my panels06:38
richeeWhat I want is I have a Fedora 7 iso...I want to make a vmware image so, that I can just launch vmware player and point to the vmware image so that it can boot into linux from windows itself06:39
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Drk_Guy!Iso | Omgwtf06:39
ubotuOmgwtf: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:39
omgwtfthank you06:39
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Drk_Guy4 nothin06:39
nothingssomethinfrost ...06:39
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richeeI have my laptop loaded with ubuntu06:39
Drk_GuyYou there?06:39
nothingssomethinfrost what's goin on then06:39
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Sporkdesktop effects wont work btw06:39
Drk_GuyThat assistant installed the GLX driver in no time06:40
Sporkwhat did?06:40
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Drk_GuyThe Desktop FX enabliong Wiz06:40
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Spork1 sec i'll show you the error06:40
Drk_GuyPasten it instead06:40
Sporkwill do06:40
Sporkbut i will brb i screwed with xorg06:40
Drk_GuyScrewed X?06:41
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Sporkno, i edited it but i need to unedit it06:41
nothingssomethinspork that's where most of the problems with nivida are06:41
Sporki know lol06:41
nothingssomethinare you useing a laptop06:41
Drk_GuyIn recovery mode: sudo dpkg reconfigure xorgconf06:41
Drk_GuySomething like that06:41
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Drk_GuyI screwed X and solved it that way06:41
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nothingssomethinguy are you the one with the problem06:42
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Drk_GuyYour pastebin is ready?06:43
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kharlosshi there. i have a problem . after 6 month of smooth working, my ububtu server become verry verry slow when i connect using a ssh client  like putty , or  SFTP using gFTP. any ideeas  ? server is used as web server .06:44
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barnydanhow can I list irc channels alphabeticaly like in mirc in xchat?06:44
asdokasdofjhey anyone available to help me with a quick kernel question?06:45
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tckkharloss, what does var/log/messages say? any clues06:45
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Drk_Guy!spanish | elburmariajosegu06:45
ubotuelburmariajosegu: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:45
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nothingssomethini don't know kernal06:45
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Drk_GuyBarnydan, go to the #help channel instead06:46
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geniikharloss: Yes, the logs are usually very informative. It may be that you are just having heavy traffic, or it could be some other issue like brute force login attempts, etc. Also possible is some obscure thing like perhaps your server is an open email relay for instance06:46
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nothingssomethinhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28646/ btw this is my problem06:46
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geniikharloss: Also running top can be enlightening as to actual server load06:48
nothingssomethinwhat's happening  with everyone leaveing06:48
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SporkDrk_Guy: I'm back06:49
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Sporkit just says Desktop effects cannot be enabled06:49
Drk_GuyGLX is installed, but not working, right?06:49
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SporkWell, that's the thing, i _THINK_ it's isntalled, i certainly used the apt-get install nvidia-glx-new06:50
kharlossgenii:  could be my sshd corupted     ?06:50
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finalbetaIn thunderbird, how do I add an image that's viewable inside the mail? Not just as an attachment.06:50
dhuidhow can I change between english and arabic characters?06:50
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kharlossit`s frustrating ... server it`s inside my network  actually in the same switch as my local computer ..06:51
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SporkNV-GLX loads just fine06:51
Drk_GuySo aptitude should have configured it, right?06:51
IceLinkhow can i enable midi-support? (dapper)06:51
Sporkyea i think so06:51
kharlossbut someone talk to me and tell me he is trying to break my computer  using bruteforce ...06:51
kharlossi have root user disabled btw ..06:52
Drk_GuyKharloss, change Ip06:52
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Drk_GuySpork, try running "GLX" in the terminal06:52
Spork1 sec06:52
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kharlossi can`t do it   Drk_Guy  :  it`s easy to find my ip . i use maybe 10 virtual domain on this machine .06:52
geniikharloss: No, I doubt sshd is the issue. I suspect some chore or program the server is occupied with for long periods is causing your slowdown. It is then the process of trying to decide what is the offending thing by studying logs, what processes are consuming what resources, etc etc06:52
SporkDrk_Guy: GLX not found06:53
Drk_GuyKharloss, go off-line for a while06:53
SporkDrk_Guy: also http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28659/06:53
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Stwangeany suggestions how I can open .mdb?06:53
kharlossDrk_Guy:  i host maybe 10 websites  now , it`s imposibil to do this .06:53
bobsomebodyi seem to be having trouble finding the path to my sound device, any ideas?06:54
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Drk_GuySpork, sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx06:54
bobsomebodyim trying to use the beep -e option and its not working06:54
geniikharloss If someone is trying to break in using bruteforce methods this will definitely slow things. You can study /var/log/auth.log  (or similar name) to see who and how many failed login attempts etc06:54
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Drk_GuyKharloss, check IpTables logs and Blacklist thje attackers Ip's06:54
Sporkthe file is there though, /usr/lib/xorg/libglx.so exsits06:54
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vltStwange: OO.org?06:54
asdokasdofjHey all... I recompiled my kernel using the ubuntu forums method and made two deb packages. now when I reboot and select the new kernel I get depmod errors indicating that it can't find libc.so.6.... any ideas?06:54
Drk_GuySpork, remember the Glx install command06:55
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Stwangevlt I have open office installed but it's not opening it06:55
Sporki only installed the nvidia-glx-new06:55
asdokasdofjCan anyone help me?06:55
Sporkbut yes i remember it06:55
bobsomebodyi seem to be having trouble finding the path to my sound device, any ideas?06:55
Drk_GuySo, replace the install, for remove06:56
Drk_Guyand run the command06:56
liway_is there an alternative to wifi-radar?06:56
geniikharloss: A good idea would be to read some articles on hardening your server. there are tons online. something debian oriented would be preferable06:56
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asdokasdofjDrk_Guy - got a sec to help me?06:57
liway_is there an alternative to wifi-radar?06:57
Drk_GuyOk asdo06:57
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asdokasdofjHey all... I recompiled my kernel using the ubuntu forums method and made two deb packages. now when I reboot and select the new kernel I get depmod errors indicating that it can't find libc.so.6.... any ideas?06:57
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:57
asdokasdofjI've tried recompiling even with a version a little farther back....06:57
finalbetaIn thunderbird, how do I add an image that's viewable inside the mail? Not just as an attachment.06:57
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Drk_GuyOne question for you, asdoc, where is that module supposed to be?06:57
geniikharloss: Also remember here there is a channel #ubuntu-server which you may find some immediate help06:58
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tonyyarussofinalbeta: insert > image ?06:58
asdokasdofjI used "make-kpkg -initrd --revision=new64bit kernel_image kernel_headers modules_image06:58
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SporkDrk_Guy:  what should i do after i remove them?06:58
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ubotua FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042706:58
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Drk_GuyYep, Spork06:58
tonyyarussoliway_: network-manager?06:58
frost_I have a problem with ubuntu on my laptop. My laptop's screen is broke so I use it with a monitor06:58
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finalbetatonyyarusso: Insert? Can't find that as a top level menu;06:59
kharlossok thanks a lot about information . let`s say i guess who is trying breaking my servers.. what can i do  ? what`s next step   ?06:59
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ubuntu_Ehm.. Can someone tell me why I cant install Xubuntu on my 250GB /dev/sdb disk.. I even tried removing all the partitions on it with fdisk and tried to install but it didnt work..06:59
KnightWsehey everone06:59
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Drk_GuyKharloss, block or drop all packets from that Ip06:59
tonyyarussofinalbeta: in the Compose screen while you're writing one, between View and Format06:59
asdokasdofjDrk - So... have you ever seen that issue before?06:59
Stwangeopen office won't open .mdb, is there a plugin I can get?06:59
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liway_i have both ubuntu and xubuntu desktops installed on my laptop... how to i acvtiate the network-manager in my "system tray" everytime i use xubuntu?06:59
KnightWseStwange, depends06:59
frost_the problem is that ubuntu keeps thinking both the monitor and the broken screen should be on whenever I reboot so I have to open my laptop and switch the laptop's screen to be off06:59
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Drk_GuyAsdo, i am no compiler06:59
geniikharloss: What i normally do on attempted breakins is look up the ip range, with whois etc then report it to whoever is responsible for abuse on that range, along with logs of it06:59
Drk_GuyTry re-starting the whole process07:00
asdokasdofjDrk - I understand I just wonder what happened... shrug07:00
frost_is there a way to make it so ubuntu knows that my monitor is the only display I want it to use?07:00
bobsomebodyi seem to be having trouble finding the path to my sound device, any ideas?07:00
asdokasdofjDrk -Already did ;-)07:00
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finalbetatonyyarusso: I have File/Edit/View/Options/...07:00
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kharlossreport it ... hmmm  but report where  ?07:00
StwangeKnightWse: on? there's no password or anything on it07:00
liway_tonyyarusso: i have both ubuntu and xubuntu desktops installed on my laptop... how to i acvtiate the network-manager in my "system tray" everytime i use xubuntu?07:00
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Drk_GuyFinalBeta, in the #Thunderbird channel, you'll be better helped out07:00
tonyyarussofinalbeta: what version?07:00
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Drk_GuyReport to his/her/it's ISP07:01
tonyyarussoliway_: Not sure - try #xubuntu07:01
KnightWseStwange, what version of windows was the MDB file made in07:01
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Drk_GuyUse a WhoIs service Kharloss07:01
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geniikharloss when you do the whois  it gives you a lot of information including even the telephone number of the tech responsible for that domain or ip range. Along with it the abuse email to send reports of service abuse to07:01
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Drk_GuyThat's a database KnightWise07:01
finalbetaDrk_Guy: no such channel on this server at least. i'll check there website, tonyyarusso I'm in Edgy, That's version 1.5...07:01
StwangeKnightWse: XP07:02
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tonyyarussofinalbeta: weird - on Feisty here07:02
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Drk_GuyFinal, try checking the website07:02
geniikharloss: A decent site to use for lookups is dnsstuff.com07:02
KnightWseStwange, try opening it in office 2000 , might be a conversion issue07:02
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tonyyarussofinalbeta: can you screenshot your compose window?07:02
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geniiOK sorta AFK again for next 10-12 mins but checking in for msgs etc07:03
Drk_GuyDid stwange tried Openoffice.org DB07:03
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Stwangesorry, someone was helping me but I closed xchat by accident07:03
finalbetatonyyarusso: http://users.telenet.be/greenhouse/compose.png07:04
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kharlossi`ll disconnect right now .  you know what`s  crazzy ?  i guess only connection  with my computer is  corrupted ...  i try acces one of my site and cannot acces it maybe 10 secconds .. but someone from outside  tell me connection was varry quik ...07:04
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tonyyarussofinalbeta: maybe it's under edit07:05
finalbetatonyyarusso: it's not.07:05
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Drk_GuyKharloss, did you whoIs that guy?07:05
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kharlossDrk_Guy:   i have to disconnect  and use the monitor attached to this  computer , i didn`t bought a KVM switch yet ..07:06
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kharlossi`ll be back in 10 minutes .07:07
kharlossc ya .07:07
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Drk_GuyFinalBeta, go here: irc://irc.mozilla.org/Thunderbird07:07
maxwellhelp install tripwire on ubuntu 5.1007:07
finalbetaDrk_Guy: already there07:07
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sirushow can i install diffrent themes?07:09
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IntuitiveNippleDoes anyone have a solution for the Feisty LiveCD failing to boot past the initrd, because it doesn't mount the SCSI CD-ROM (but the CD is seen at /dev/scd0 and can be mounted manually from the BusyBox)07:10
atuli am having this problem07:10
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Neogenikwtf chan with no ops07:10
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Neogenikwild wild west07:10
atulhey neo07:10
sampbarNeogenik, there are ops they are just hidden :)07:11
atulshut up07:11
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Neogenikyes sir ?07:11
finalbetaDrk_Guy: / tonyyarusso , found it , need to set in the account prefs that I want to compose messages in html as default.07:11
enixam i wrong that a folder name w/ spaces like: "test folder" should be written as "test\ folder" ( without quotes obviously)07:11
finalbetathnx for the help.07:11
tonyyarussofinalbeta: ah07:11
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atulmy keyboard gets stuck up07:11
Drk_GuyI'm happy you solved your prob dood07:11
IntuitiveNippleenix: That is the correct way to do it, to escape the space07:11
=== Neogenik brb : dinner time
kharlossIntuitiveNipple:  you are the one on #windows channel ?07:11
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bobsomebodyi seem to be having trouble finding the path to my sound device, any ideas?07:11
IntuitiveNipplekharloss: Huh?07:11
sirusDrk_Guy: you know how to install diffrent themes07:11
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kharlossno matter .07:12
atulkeyboard problems07:12
Drk_GuyGet the themes files, and open them07:12
atulany help07:12
enixintuitivenipple: thanks, must be doing something else wrong07:12
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Jack_Sparrowsirus: No need to open them, just drop them onto the theme manager.. note not all will work07:13
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Barr1Anyone now a site with a listing of reccomeneded wifi cards?07:13
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kharlossso  i found in my  /var/log/auth.log   those entries "07:13
sirusJack_Sparrow: the tar file?07:13
Drk_Guy!wine > Drk_Guy07:13
kharlossJul  2 21:09:01 spaceserver CRON[7591] : (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0)07:13
kharlossJul  2 21:09:01 spaceserver CRON[7593] : (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0)07:13
kharlossJul  2 21:09:01 spaceserver CRON[7591] : (pam_unix) session closed for user root07:13
kharlossJul  2 21:09:01 spaceserver CRON[7593] : (pam_unix) session closed for user root07:13
kharlossJul  2 21:17:01 spaceserver CRON[7609] : (pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0)07:13
tonyyarusso!paste | kharloss07:13
ubotukharloss: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:13
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kharloss!paste | kharloss07:14
Barr1Hello, just wanted to know if there was a list of recommended wireless cards with r/f mode?07:14
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Jack_SparrowBarr1: | |hardware07:15
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:15
kharlossi must say that i dsisabled  root login   so i`m sure i don`t even try use this login combination .07:15
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dcoxdcox in07:16
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Anlartrying to get those stupid bot commands ignored.. what's wrong with this /ignore -regexp "^!" PUBLIC07:18
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mdszepherI would like ubuntu to automatically recognize my USB wireless receiver when I first log in.  Any way to do that?07:18
geniikharloss: that entry is not to worry over. the scheduler (cron) needs to run something as root, nothing else. It is an automated login to do it07:18
a5benwillisShould I have to run gnomebaker as root to burn cd's????07:19
jpatotawhy is apache 2.0 avaliable and not 2.2 in packages?07:19
sirushow dou install a diffrent theme?07:19
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gabriel_hello *07:19
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Anlarah, need * etc07:19
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gabriel_can somebody tell me how to the verbose boot screen07:20
gabriel_i.e., not just the progress bar07:20
atulhey my keyboard and mouse are not working properly... keyboard gets stuck uuuuuup     like this07:20
dcoxwhat am i here for?07:20
geniigabriel remove quiet as a boot option in /boot/grub/menu.lst for the default kernel07:20
mdszepheratul: System > Preferences > Keyboard - play with the delay settings07:20
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siruscan somebody help?07:21
gabriel_beautiful, thanks genii!07:21
geniigabriel_: np07:21
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daangabriel: or to use it once press e when grub shows07:21
Busatasirus, System -> Preferences -> Theme07:21
geniidaan yes, good tip :)07:21
oliverpi've just installed ubuntu server on my machine, and now i'm trying to run 'aptitude install x-window-system-core'. it works fine but it wants me to mount a cd with all the packages. can't I just download them instead? how do I tell aptitude to get the packages from the internet instead of cd?07:21
gabriel_ah cool07:21
kharlosswhat entries i have to search  in /var/log/auth.log   ?07:21
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gabriel_daan: thanks07:22
sirusBusata: yes then what i want to pick a theme from gnome-look.org07:22
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Busatasirus, then you normally download it as a tar.gz, and you can just drag that file into the theme manager07:22
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geniikharloss: Believe me a brute force attack would be painfully obvious. It woiuld say stuff like attempted login aaaaa bad password        and so on in order usually alphabetically and around 5 attempts a second for hours on end07:23
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oliverpHow do I configure aptitude to fetch the packages from the internet instread of the file system?07:24
SporkDrk_Guy: I tried uninstalling/reinstalling glx, video card drivers07:24
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Sporknothing works07:24
geniikharloss: The /var/log/auth.log you need to look at is the one on your server, not on the machine you connect to the server with btw07:24
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daankharloss: it'll look a bit like this: Failed password for invalid user sales from port 33828 ssh207:25
kharlosssometimes  like  now  connection is smooth ...07:25
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sirusBusata: how can i install a gdm theme?07:25
kharlossi can connect using  putty07:25
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ferronicamagic_ninja: okay downloaded07:26
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Busatasirus, System -> Administration -> Login Window   | Local tab, add07:26
geniikharloss: daan showed the right format :) But again, it would be obvious. I suspect you maybe have an open mail relay, or else you have extensive logging for some programs and the logs get rotated a lot on a schedule, which chews up resources07:26
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frost_hey, is it normal for a dual core laptop to have one cpu at around 81 degrees F and the other at around 140 degrees F?07:27
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gabriel_that worked, of course07:27
X3rusIf I copy the application files into the server and then run the application from a client pc. Where would the application run on the client or on the server?07:27
geniifrost_: No07:27
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kharlossi installed  ubuntu firewall    i found  here . :  http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/2/29/07:28
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kharlossyou know what`s strange  ?07:28
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kharlossit`s a site hosted on that machine07:28
kharlossit`s up and running07:29
Judg3_Dr34DPROBLEM... HELP... Error Message: Failed to start the X Server (your graphical interface)07:29
kharlosscan you confirm it`s up and running  ?07:29
sirusBusata: thx07:29
daanIt's running07:29
MajorPayneJudg3_Dr34D: What does it say before that?07:29
Busatayup kharloss, working here07:29
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geniikharloss: I"unknown host spaceshop.ro"07:29
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daanThat's strange...07:30
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Judg3_Dr34DMAJORPAYNE: After that I see the error API MISMATCHH07:30
daanDNS problem07:30
kharlosshmm  genii  ...07:30
MajorPayneJudg3_Dr34D: I mean, what do you see before the error message.  It sholud say more that just that.07:30
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mdszepherI would like ubuntu to automatically recognize my USB wireless receiver when I first log in.  Any way to do that?07:31
Drk_GuySpork, try getting help on the #Nvidia channel07:31
cmihaiI'm having some issues burning CDs and DVDs. (cdrecord -scanbus doesn't list it, growisofs won't burn).07:31
cmihaiThis is feisty up to date.07:31
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Sporkwill do thanks :)07:31
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Judg3_Dr34DMajorPayne: Before that it is booting normally and after this message it gives me the option to see where is the problem07:31
geniikharloss Since I'm in Toronto Canada it maybe my default dns here doesn't go to root dns info zones07:31
geniiARIN etc07:32
Judg3_Dr34DMajorPayne: the problem is with the nvidia drivers07:32
liwayis there a quick and safe way of changing the usplash?07:32
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MajorPayneJudg3_Dr34D: And what does it say about the nvidia drivers?07:32
geniikharloss: OK, got it now. Failed to load in Konqueror but Firefox found it OK07:32
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geniidaan Interesting about Konqueror dns vs Firefox there07:32
kharlossyou understand whay it`s strange   ?07:33
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kharlosswhy a secured connection like SFTP or ssh  is so slow   ?07:33
Judg3_Dr34DMajorPayne: API Mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-9755 but this X-module has the version 1.0-965507:33
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geniikharloss: Have you tried a traceroute/tracepath on it? There can be a slow box between you and it somewhere07:33
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daanjust what I was about to say07:34
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ZCODEDoes ubuntu have the fixfiles command?07:34
gabriel_does anybody know the "vga=foo" boot option for a 1680x1050 monitor, for full res in virtual terms?07:34
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MajorPayneJudg3_Dr34D: Did you recently make a change to your system?07:34
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kharlossgenii:  the other computer is in the same room07:34
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daankharloss: maybe your or your server's connection is maxed out07:34
CarlFKwhere is the "instructions for burning images on win" page?07:34
kharlosson the same switch07:34
Flannelgabriel_: Don't believe there are widescreen vga options.07:34
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supanekoCould someone please tell me how to change my SMB workgroup? It's stuck on mshome and I can't seem to find a guide on how to change it.07:35
kharlossmaxed  ?07:35
Judg3_Dr34DI installed through Synaptic the nvidia-glx-new driver and when I enabled Desktop Effects it automatically uninstalled it and installed nvidia-glx driver07:35
daanfull bandwidth07:35
chadeldridgeI was just running an application in wine that crashed and now every time i start the machine my gnome panel is launching in the center of the screen.... how do i fix that mess?07:35
geniikharloss Still, humour me and do a tracepath Perhaps your traffic is going outside then being rerouted back in07:35
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Judg3_Dr34DMajorPayne: After that I reboooted and I got the error message07:35
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minusslol.. it crashed.. or X crashed..07:35
daanthat could indeed be the problem07:35
gabriel_Flannel: is there some other method for getting full res on the VTs?07:35
supanekoNever mind, got it.07:35
Judg3_Dr34D:P yes :D07:35
supanekoThanks anyway!!07:35
chadeldridgethe wine application crashed  and took x with it07:36
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kharlosskharloss-desktop.local (                  0.186ms pmtu 150007:36
kharloss 1: (                            0.489ms reached07:36
kharlossjust one hop .07:36
geniidaan I suspect misconfigured bind or similar07:36
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NoEvidenZSay I was using PuTTY to SSH to my computer at home, and the network connection dropped out. I didn't get a chance to log off, and I instantly jump on a different computer and reconnect. Is there a way to resume the particular session i was just on, or do I have to forcefully log that session off, and start over?07:36
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daancan you elaborate?07:37
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MajorPayneJudg3_Dr34D: Ok.  Type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf".07:37
daanNo genii07:37
daanSorry for that07:37
geniidaan Forget the bind comment, he's going straight by IP to IP07:37
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daangenii: i thought so :)07:38
geniikharloss: Have you checked your wiring lately?07:38
Flare183How do you make a symbolic link in the terminal?07:38
forestHi, does Ubuntu have Samba filesharing setup by default? This screencast seems to imply it does: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/SAMBA_Filesharing07:38
TerroriStahey everyone, how do i use the lzm2dir command on ubuntu feisty?07:38
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Judg3_Dr34DMajorPayne: will this give me an output tat I should let you know, or is it going to solv the nvidia problem ???07:38
geniieg: how many cascaded switches/hubs and where are the crossover cables etc07:38
daankharloss: how's a ping doing? (packet loss)07:38
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FalstiusFlare183: ln -s /original/file link_name07:38
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geolrHi there! Maybe this is a bit tricky: I have here an ancient Apple Color Laserwriter with a AAUI-to-Ethernet Bridge. I can use it with CUPS on socket://...:9100 but very, very slow. Ideas?07:39
TerroriStahey everyone, how do i use the lzm2dir command on ubuntu feisty?07:39
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chadeldridge I was just running an application in wine that crashed and now every time i start the machine my gnome panel is launching in the center of the screen.... how do i fix that mess?07:39
geolrI too checked with Ethereal: Lot of strange packets (i am no expert though...)07:39
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux07:39
geniigeolr: The AAUI adapter doesn't work to great07:39
MajorPayneJudg3_Dr34D: Under the section for your video card if you change the driver to nv you should be able to get your display back.  That would be a temp fix until you can find out what is causing your error above.07:39
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geniigeolr: I have a similar prob on a router that needs one07:39
geolrgenii: ping is ok so far... You say its a quality issue?07:40
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MajorPayneJudg3_Dr34D: So, I can't fix your problem completly, but this will 1/2 fix it.  Or you can ask again and maybe someone else knows.07:40
Flannelgabriel_: seems you might be able to do it with something called vesafb, video=vesafb[option-stuffs] 07:40
TerroriStaumm , hello?07:40
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finalbetaforest: as far as I know you can share folders, no defauld shares are set up07:40
Flare183falstius:>the terminal says that the "In" command is not found07:40
cmihaiIs anyone else having issues burning cds with Feisty / latest updates?07:40
Flannelgabriel_: what sort of graphics card do you have?07:40
aarcane_is there a ubuntu channel for 64 bit ?07:40
kharlossgenii:  my wires is fine  i have just one  network card  and it`s  external IP configured using  DHCP .07:41
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Flannelaarcane_: this is it07:41
geniigeolr: Well, with the printer vs a router I can't be certain. but the router worked extremely slowly with an rj45 to AUI adapter on it07:41
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cmihaicdrecord -scanbus won't list the DVD burner, k3b finds it as Blockdevice:    /dev/hda07:41
FalstiusFlare183: ln, not In07:41
cmihaiNow if I remember corectly..07:41
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cmihaiIt should be a SCSI emulation device07:41
Flare183oh ok07:41
cmihaiSo I figure the latest kernel update broke that07:41
aarcane_what tradeoffs would I be making if I installed 64bit ubuntu on a machine for gaming ?07:41
geniiAFK a minute or 2, work calls07:41
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Judg3_Dr34DMajorPayne: sorry but i just installed ubuntu for the first time, so let me get this straight, this command that you typed will give an output where i should type nv and then save this file??? and if so how do I save it???07:41
daankharloss: i had a program you can check out let me find it07:42
Flannelaarcane_: if07:42
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Flannelaarcane_: if it still hasn't changed, wine is a hassle on 64bit07:42
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chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D:  are you trying to change your video driver for X ?07:42
aarcane_does it run 32 bit windows games though ?07:42
geolrgenii: I read about using netatalk and a pap:// Protokoll, but this might be off your track. I was not successful in finding much info on how to use it with Dapper...07:42
kharlossdaan:  it`s crazzy   but  i guess it`s real ....   i try a ping  from my host  and  spaceshop.ro .... and ...   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28663/07:42
liberionhey guys im using linux-source-2.6.20 from ubuntu ,im trying to build a slackware kernel with the ubuntu patches ,where can i get the ubuntu patches for the kernel?07:42
kharlossa lot of loss ..07:43
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kharlossi don`t uderstand what`s happening ..07:43
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Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: i got an error message that the x server failed to start07:43
Judg3_Dr34Dafter a reboot07:43
daankharloss: that is bad...07:43
Flannelaarcane_: You're probably better off asking in #winehq on that one07:44
chadeldridge Judg3_Dr34D:  think its a video card issue?07:44
imbecilecan someone explain to me how to convert and avi to dvd format using avidemux? I have been trying for several hours with no luck.... please and thank you in advance07:44
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daankharloss: i can understand why it is slow07:44
What_the_Deuceanyone know why my network manager might be really slow to strt with login and how i could help it?07:44
liberionJudg3_Dr34D, whats your video card and did u just upgrade or recompile your kernel?07:44
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kharlossyou can or you can`t ... ?07:44
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daanimbecile: try devede07:44
Judg3_Dr34Dliberion: I installed through Synaptic the nvidia-glx-new driver and when I enabled Desktop Effects it automatically uninstalled it and installed nvidia-glx driver07:45
imbeciledaan,  ok i will try it07:45
daankharlos: i can07:45
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chadeldridge Judg3_Dr34D: ahh .. so your nvidia stuff is screwing you up ... i can help you with that07:45
liberionimbecile, i use mencoder and dvdauthor and a script07:45
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daankharlos: this sounds bad doesn't it 83 packets transmitted, 17 received, 79% packet loss07:45
liberionimbecile, and nerolinux07:45
kharlossdaan:   i really apreciate if you can help me .07:45
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TerroriStaummm, help?07:45
Judg3_Dr34D<MajorPayne> Judg3_Dr34D: Ok.  Type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"07:45
geniiback. kharloss - your tracepath time of almost half a second on destination IP makes me think the server is occupied07:46
chadeldridge Judg3_Dr34D: probably the easiest thing to do is get the actual Nvidia driver and not use the junky ubuntu version07:46
imbecileliberion,  that sounds a little more difficult.. hehe07:46
kharlosscould be my network card  or what ?07:46
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daankharloss: I will try, but I need genii back :P07:46
kharlosshe`s back :D07:46
TerroriStahey everyone, how do i use the lzm2dir command on ubuntu feisty?07:46
liberionJudg3_Dr34D, ok what is your video card exactly ?07:46
geniigeolr: I don't use atalk much, not much help there07:46
daanah ok07:46
What_the_Deuceanyone at all??07:46
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Judg3_Dr34Dliberion: nVidia Geforce 7600 GT07:46
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daankharlos: you can try wondershaper07:46
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daankharlos: http://www.penguin-soft.com/penguin/man/8/wondershaper.html07:47
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chadeldridge Judg3_Dr34D:  if you need to start X .. you can change to using the nv driver for the time being ... inside that file you will find a section called "Device"  and under that a heading called Driver ... change the driver name to be "nv" , then save it and restart your machine07:47
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, what does your network consist of?07:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:47
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geniikharloss When you do ssh, are you going ssh -l username xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  or ssh -l username mydomainname.xyz ?  If not IP address then maybe reason of slowdown as well07:47
What_the_Deuceliberion: a wireless connection07:47
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kharlossi use IP instead domain name07:47
geolrmy Apple Color Laserwriter is fine so far. I have found all the technical papers and service manuals :-) There it says to be ok to use with Unix... but I wonder if the socket://...:9100 and raw PS approach is ok?07:48
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, yes but how many computer ,wpa or no wpa or what?07:48
Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: how do I save the file after I make the change?07:48
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gostviewhi all07:48
eifzonhow can i get hdd/cpu temp for ubuntu/gnome?07:48
What_the_Deuceliberion: 1 computer, wep07:48
geniigeolr: In my experience any PS raw printing is a bit slow07:48
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What_the_Deuceit happens each time i log in, regarless of if i cam connecting or not07:48
daankharloss: can you try wondershaper?07:48
chadeldridgeif you are using nano ... its ctrl o07:48
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some_dudeI want to install X, what is the mininal package I need to get it run ?07:48
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, so u have what kind  of wireless card?07:48
Judg3_Dr34Dgoinr to try that now07:48
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TerroriStawell, tnx for not helping07:48
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chadeldridge Judg3_Dr34D:  so if you do sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:49
jbroomeTerroriSta: awwwwww07:49
flavioribeirohi all im changing my lab server to ubuntu server 7.04 and wanna know if for 64bits architeture procs its totally stable, including apache mysql etc07:49
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Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: yes?07:49
geniidaan I'm out of immediate ideas other than the server is doing something resource-heavy. .4 something of a second is a BIG lag straight IP to IP07:49
What_the_Deuceliberion: Marvell something or other, it has never caused a problem in the past, only since i got xgl/compiz07:49
=== imbecile throws a fit like terroriSta
chadeldridge Judg3_Dr34D:  yep .. it will be ctrl o to write the file out and then ctrl x to exit the app .. then reboot07:49
geniiespecially on an internal network07:49
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daangenii: that is true07:50
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Judg3_Dr34Dok, see you in a few minutes07:50
chadeldridge Judg3_Dr34D: k07:50
liberionimbecile, dude ive got a script if u wanna take a look at on phpfi.com?07:50
=== highX|Humpy [n=jrsutton@ip72-202-198-131.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
daangenii: you've seen he has major packet loss?07:51
cchanceI have a little problem here while trying to install the alternet CD version of Ubuntu 7.04 server. For some reason while installing (in low memory mode) It stops and loops its self at the detecting Network hardware box, sits for 2-5 seconds and then displays "killeding hardware, please wait" apart from "detecting Hardware, Please wait"   Anyone else have this problem, is there a fix for it?07:51
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kharlossdaan:  here output of wondershaper07:51
LunatikBunnieQuestion : Does vmware player render better than the vmware guest?07:51
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geniidaan no I missed that. If major packet loss then bad wiring is suspect07:51
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some_dudeanyone, I just want X enough to load it.07:51
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daankharloss: you need to give it some numbers07:51
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kharlossnumbers ? i have a decent connection   maybe 128 kb ...07:52
kharlosswhat number i must provide ?07:52
daankharloss: also you probably need to do it on your server and set the bandwidth just below your internet connection07:52
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=== LunatikBunnie throws a refrigerator in the channel.
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, ok what is your wifi card exactly?07:52
daankharloss: is that up or down?07:53
=== cchance is hit by the fridge
TerroriStacan anyone please tell me how to use the lzm2dir command on ubuntu feisty?07:53
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kharlossdaan:  down07:53
=== Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-241-181-19.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
kharlossi understand ..07:53
LunatikBunniewhy cant i do 'ipconfig' in terminal?07:53
kharlosslet`s try ..07:53
daankharloss: try 10007:53
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kharlossLunatikBunnie:   try   sudo ifconfig07:53
daankharlos: what's your up?07:53
EliCHi I've got a strange problem with nautlius. The sidebar is now only a thin grey strip down the side instead of what it usuaully should be07:53
Cyrus25801hey guys! I need to backup my mail in thunderbird and put it on another PC. can anyone help07:53
geniiLunatikBunnie: Because it's ifconfig07:53
highX|HumpyI have an extremely stupid question, is there a GUI you can turn on for Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS07:54
eifzonhow can i get hdd/cpu temp for ubuntu/gnome?07:54
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kharlossdaan:  using  sudo  or not  ?07:54
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jbroomeCyrus25801: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Moving_your_mail_storage_location_(Thunderbird)07:54
liberionTerroriSta,  man lzm2dir --help07:54
What_the_Deuceliberion: Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas]  802.11b/g Wireless07:54
daankharloss: yep with sudo probably07:54
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TerroriStatried, it says not found07:54
LunatikBunniei'm emulating ubuntu through vmware, and i cant seem to access the windows' share.07:54
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Cyrus25801jbroome: thanx man07:54
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, whats your video card ??07:54
What_the_Deuceliberion: ati 200m07:55
=== Roots [n=olsen@adsl-68-93-132-216.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
EliCHi I've got a strange problem with nautlius. The sidebar is now only a thin grey strip down the side instead of what it usuaully should be07:55
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liberionWhat_the_Deuce, ok its a bug with some ati cards they dont support composite very well07:55
cchanceI have a little problem here while trying to install the alternet CD version of Ubuntu 7.04 server. For some reason while installing (in low memory mode) It stops and loops its self at the detecting Network hardware box, sits for 2-5 seconds and then displays "killeding hardware, please wait" apart from "detecting Hardware, Please wait"   Anyone else have this problem, is there a fix for it?07:55
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Boby_i have a probleme with xCHAT ans my sbnc07:56
TerroriStaummm, ok, how do i extract stuff from a lzm file?07:56
geniikharloss ATM my main suspects in your issue are bad wiring or heavy server load. If bad packet loss (as daan says) then bad wiring is most likely07:56
cchanceCould it be a problem with the arc? its I38607:56
kharlosshmm   seems like my problem disappear ..07:56
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daankharloss: really?07:56
kharlossafter a short ping session .07:56
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What_the_Deuceliberion: I have used XGL/compiz with this card with no problems before, the problem isn't with xgl, just the network monitor app takes 2 mins to load up after log in, on any session07:56
geniibad wiring can be also mismatched speed/duplex nic settings, or router/switch with crossover cable where straight thru should go etc07:57
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, and it started this when u added xgl/compiz?07:57
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TerroriStatried: lzm2dir file.lzm /      and does nothing :S07:57
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kharlossif my problem is about traffic shapping  that means i have a verry large amount of data ...07:57
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What_the_Deuceliberion: only the second time07:58
geniikharloss Do you know what sort of maintenance stuff your server does? It can also be the server load is heavy during these times07:58
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kharlosshow can i see what amount of data traced om my net card  ?07:58
daangenii: we're a good team :) i like this irc thing, first time giving support07:58
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geniidaan :)07:58
kharlossgenii:  how can i check this ?07:58
What_the_Deuceliberion:  is there a way to change the order? maybe that would help?07:58
Rene_Jhi, when typing vi ubuntu actually starts vi, not vim. I have no use for vi, is there a way to remove vi without removing vim?07:59
daankharloss: ntop maybe07:59
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geniikharloss If you can login to the server by either console or by ssh, then check crontab07:59
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liberionWhat_the_Deuce, like i said ,using composite with your ati card is creating a bug ,so either remove composite or live with the problem ,remove compiz or what ever and reinstall just to see07:59
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geniikharloss: Do you have gui on server?07:59
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TerroriStatried: lzm2dir file.lzm /      and does nothing :S how am i supposed to extract the files?07:59
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What_the_Deuceliberion: But, when i log in to a non-xgl, non-compiz session, the same thing happens08:00
liberionanyone know where i can get the all the ubuntu patches for linux-source-2.6.2008:00
cchancehow many times do i have to repeat myselg08:00
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, after reboot?08:00
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kharlossno genii    no gui .08:00
What_the_Deuceliberion: aye08:00
TheCreationistCould someone come to #ubuntu-effects and help me out with Compiz Fusion.  It installs and runs perfectly, except that I lose all my window decorations (title bars, etc)...08:00
michaelhalo serAphim08:00
=== raymondjtoth [n=chatzill@c-24-1-138-249.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
geniikharloss Good :)08:00
raymondjtothhow i install these driver08:00
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liberionWhat_the_Deuce, yes but in xorg config the Composite extension is enabled turn it off08:01
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raymondjtothi dont get the command08:01
kharlosshmm  i try right now   nmap spaceshop.ro   from my localhost ..... and my connection is verry slow  again08:01
liberionmichael, hi08:01
raymondjtothwill not run08:01
michaelhow many people u got online today?08:01
daankharloss: you can install tcptrack on the server to track the connections and bandwidth08:01
geniikharloss: Here is a link explaining how crontab works. Don't worry, it is a bit cryptic at first to understand.  http://www.littletechshoppe.com/servers/extensions/cron/crontab_5.html08:01
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raymondjtothany help?08:01
kharlossagain   97% loss ..08:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
daangenii: what do you want to do with the crontab?08:02
cchanceI have a little problem here while trying to install the alternet CD version of Ubuntu 7.04 server. For some reason while installing (in low memory mode) It stops and loops its self at the detecting Network hardware box, sits for 2-5 seconds and then displays "killeding hardware, please wait" apart from "detecting Hardware, Please wait"   Anyone else have this problem, is there a fix for it?08:02
L0cKnubotu :*08:02
forestHas anything changed w.r.t. Windows filesharing and Samba from Dapper to Feisty? Should I upgrade before trying to use this?08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
me-afkforest  ... nope .. they still suck just like before :-D08:02
=== xgl [n=xgarel@ALyon-158-1-20-122.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
raymondjtothcan you help me a sec08:03
geniidaan I want to check what things are sceduled to run at what times. so that heavy server stuff can be scheduled at better times like 3 AM sunday morning for example08:03
TheCreationistforest: Files sharing and Samba support has improved IMMMENSLY since Dapper.  I'd say try firing up the Feisty live CD and see how it works for you.08:03
=== scott_ [n=scott@66-227-218-192.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
forestTheCreationist -- thanks, good tip, will try08:03
TheCreationistCould someone come to #ubuntu-effects and help me out with Compiz Fusion.  It installs and runs perfectly, except that I lose all my window decorations (title bars, etc)...08:03
What_the_Deuceliberion: how do i disable it? Option"Composite""0" would indicate that it is already disabled.... apparently08:03
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, yes! if it is 1 then no08:03
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raymondjtothhi daan08:04
daanhi raymond08:04
=== Glider [n=matze@pD9E70ECE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
daando we know eachother?08:04
raymondjtothdaan can you help me a secv08:04
cchanceguys come on, am i even on the channel at all08:04
liberionraymondjtoth, what the problem raymondjtoth ?08:04
kharlossto check   with  crontab -l ?08:04
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cchanceam i readable to the outside world?08:04
raymondjtothlib trying to install these intel driver08:04
saxincchance: hello?08:04
What_the_Deuceliberion: thats odd. i think i'll try changing it to a 1 to see what happens, because i'm using composite now08:04
raymondjtothwill not run08:04
raymondjtothwhat i do08:04
liberionraymondjtoth, for what?08:04
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raymondjtothintel card08:05
=== yolan__ [n=yolan@adsl-70-240-146-245.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, ok sure08:05
raymondjtothno direct for beyl08:05
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Gliderhi  @ all, could some help me to set up a dual screen system ? always get an error, that no monitor was found08:05
raymondjtothon 7.04 ubuntu08:05
me-afk!beryl raymondjtoth08:05
me-afk!beryl | raymondjtoth08:05
raymondjtothme i dont have direct driver08:05
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uboturaymondjtoth: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects08:05
daanraymond: sorry I'm not that familiar with intel cards08:05
liberionraymondjtoth, those intel drivers u dont need them! theyre only  2d they dont render 3d accel ,but linux kernel module i810 is able to render 3d acceleration08:06
raymondjtothneed to install it08:06
cchancei give up08:06
geniikharloss If you understand how the crontab file works then you can edit it yourself according to when it's convenient dead time to run long things like backups etc08:06
liberionraymondjtoth, theres i little setting up to do!08:06
=== elessor [n=elessor@ALyon-156-1-62-250.w86-216.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kharlossdaan: genii .. i must buy a KVM switch because  it`s crazzy ..08:06
=== rage_ext [n=rafa-ger@85-156-147-99.elisa-mobile.fi] has joined #ubuntu
cchanceI have a little problem here while trying to install the alternet CD version of Ubuntu 7.04 server. For some reason while installing (in low memory mode) It stops and loops its self at the detecting Network hardware box, sits for 2-5 seconds and then displays "killeding hardware, please wait" apart from "detecting Hardware, Please wait"   Anyone else have this problem, is there a fix for it?08:06
raymondjtothlib thay have mesa 3d gl08:06
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@22.Red-81-35-77.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
daankharloss: that would solve the problem :)08:06
kharlossi use some cron scripts  for backup  some files .. some myswql databases .. but ..08:06
daankharloss: you can try nicing them08:07
raymondjtothlib what i do never did set intel driver up08:07
me-afkcchance:  no one is answering because no one knows .. sorry :-(08:07
liberionraymondjtoth, the intel drivers from there website dont render 3d acceleration08:07
raymondjtothfirst time since installed08:07
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kharloss"nicing " ?08:07
raymondjtothlib were i get them08:07
kharlossmy english is poor as you can see ....08:07
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto08:07
daankharloss: man nice08:07
cchancei dont like hearing that ;(08:07
geniikharloss Yes, the nice command allocates only so much resources to executing them08:07
raymondjtothwant 2 d from here 3d from other plce08:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about erase - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blank - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:07
liberionme-afk, what the problem me-afk ?08:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about formate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:07
geniiso when they run they don't burn 99% cpu for example08:07
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:07
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me-afk? i have no problem ?08:08
raymondjtothlib whayt i do08:08
daankharloss: if that doesn't work you can also try ionice08:08
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raymondjtoth!format |daan08:08
ubotudaan: please see above08:08
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daan!format |daan08:08
geniikharloss , daan need to be AFK a while, work calls08:08
CaptainMorgandoes ubuntu support DVD+-RW drives?08:08
raymondjtothlib still hetre just making sure08:09
liberionraymondjtoth, ok edit xorg.conf in Section Driver change driver to i81008:09
me-afkcaptainmorgan:  yes08:09
daaneum no not really08:09
=== Mike_1 [n=chatzill@user-10lfceq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Costelhow to chown a directory?08:09
kharlossok thanks a lot man for great support .08:09
raymondjtothlib were and how i dfo thgis never did this need walk tyhorwe08:09
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liberionraymondjtoth, then there is another step to do!08:09
CaptainMorganme-afk, I can read the DVD, but not much I can do with it... I need to erase its contents.. any suggestions?08:09
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daangenii: i'm here08:09
raymondjtothlib nneed lots of help only had this ine week or 2 weeks08:09
me-afkcaptainmorgan:  get k3b ... should be able to do it through it08:09
daangenii: what did I do with this line: !format |daan08:10
raymondjtothlib what i do08:10
CaptainMorganme-afk, thank you08:10
cchanceam i going to be forced to install dsl?08:10
marcus_but isnt k3b kde program?08:10
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CryoniqAnyone know how to establish file transfer between a SonyEricsson K810i via bluetooth to Ubuntu (Feisty)08:10
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me-afkmarcus_:  yes .. but it works fine in ubuntu08:10
kyle__my monitor looks like it's in 60hz (which is no good for a 17inch monitor), but it says it's in 85hz which it's ment to be08:11
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liberionraymondjtoth, http://phpfi.com/24757108:11
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magnetronCryoniq: you need to install some packages, start up Synaptic08:11
kyle__it's hurting my eyes08:11
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marcus_me-afk: k think they were different desktops so things didnt work in both.08:11
daankharloss: are you still there?08:11
kyle__i just installed this unbuntu thing08:11
liberionraymondjtoth, edit that section of dri in xorg.conf and then save it08:11
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Cyrus25801how do I copy every file and folder in a specific folder to another08:11
me-afkmarcus_:  nope your good to install kde / gnome apps both in ubuntu08:11
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kharlossyes daan08:12
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marcus_me-afk: thanks08:12
raymondjtothlib pm08:12
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kyle__i'll say again08:12
magnetronCryoniq: you need to install the packages named bluez-gnome and gnome-bluetooth08:12
kyle__my monitor looks like it's in 60hz (which is no good for a 17inch monitor), but it says it's in 85hz which it's ment to be, it's hutin my eyes08:12
daankharloss: new to this irc thing thought I was muted or something :P08:12
kyle__how do i fix it?08:12
jbroomeCyrus25801: cp -a source/ destination/08:12
daankharloss: but the problem is not solved yet is it08:12
magnetron!fixres | kyle__08:13
ubotukyle__: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:13
kharlossnot solved  .08:13
Cyrus25801jbroome: thanx again08:13
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liberionraymondjtoth, u there?08:13
raymondjtothlib yes get my im or pm08:13
kyle__thanx, all this is new to me so i might find it hard08:13
chadeldridgekyle__:  first you be patient, and then you either restart X or you edit your xorg.conf file to include the refresh rate you want08:13
liberionraymondjtoth, ok sure?08:13
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kyle__so used to good old winxp lol08:13
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Judg3_Dr34Dliberion: chadeldridge: the Nvidia driver problem is fixed... and I'm back in Ubuntu GDM again. Is there something else I should do now? Also is it safe to enable desktop effects?08:13
daankharloss: did you try the wondershaper thing08:13
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kharlossi do08:14
CaptainMorgank3b doesn't appear to have an option to 'erase' a DVD... only to format it - which it won't let me do because it says it's already been formatted and there is no need to reformat... any suggestions?08:14
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liberionJudg3_Dr34D, kewl man ,what was the problem?08:14
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kharlossi touch my switch  and it`s hot ....08:14
marcus_okay heres question, why does xgl work automajikally on intel but is such headaches on nvidia or ati?08:14
kharlosscould be this a problem  /08:14
chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D:  probably wont work so well with that stock nv driver but you can try ... i would suggest getting the real nvidia driver from their site and installing it08:14
okidokihi errbody - anyone know if you can set compiz to show multiple pcs instead of virtual desktops or would you have to manually start up the VNC sessions etc.08:14
SeveredCrossmarcus_, it's due to the nature of the drivers.08:14
kharlossmaybe 55 degrees   Celsius .08:14
marcus_severedcross: more info please?08:15
SeveredCrossThe Intel drivers are opensource drivers, their quirks are known and can be fixed/worked around, same doesn't follow for ATI or nVidia--they are binary-only.08:15
Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: how should I do that>? go to nvidia.com and follow the instructions?08:15
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liberionJudg3_Dr34D, as good mean i would turn off proprietary driver at autostart also!08:15
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chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D: yeah .. get the drivers from nvida.com and i will talk you through the rest08:15
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marcus_severedcross: thanks08:15
raymondjtothlib did you get my im08:15
chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D:  it will just be a .run file08:15
Judg3_Dr34Dliberion I changed at xorg.conf nvidia to nv as you suggested08:15
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marcus_last question: how to enable multi-user login from other computer on the network?08:16
daankharloss: normally not but it could be defective offcourse08:16
bobsomebodyhow do i get BEEP to play through the speakers?08:16
Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: I downloaded it about 2 ago but i couldn't run it08:16
geniiback kharloss Yes most equipment runs best > 40 C08:16
daankharloss: my modem also get's quite hot08:16
Judg3_Dr34Di'll download it again08:16
genii< 40 C rather :)08:17
=== Tehkain [n=i@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kduboi1bobsomebody: i would use amarok or listen, but i would guess you dont have the right sound modules running...08:17
chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D:  ok .. do this.  Inside X set the file to be executable.  the switch to console 2... login on that console and do a sudo killall gdm ... then run that nvidia .run file as sudo and restart after its done08:17
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TehkainCan anyone recomend a cd burning app that also can print the cds song list?08:17
CaptainMorgananswer! - dvd+rw-format08:17
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geniikharloss Maybe ensure switch is ventilated well underneath/around and even a fan could not hurt08:17
daankharloss: can you try to go directly to the server with a cross over cable?08:17
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daangenii: packet loss through heat? :)08:18
chadeldridgeTehkain:  k3b08:18
MasseRHi. Livecd halts at "loop: loaded (max 8 devices)08:18
geniidaan Yes, that will tell if the switch is the issue08:18
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marcus_i would also like to run embedded session but not sure how this works either?08:18
Tehkainchadeldridge, thanks08:18
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geniidaan I have a 3com switch that cuts out every 20 seconds when it gets over 35 Celcius08:18
bobsomebodykduboi1: what do you mean? the speakers all work, internal and external, but i can figure out what to pass to the -e switch08:18
bobsomebodyunless you can tell me how to produce a tone from command line to the speakers08:19
kharlossyes daan  i can do this , but now i`m using  dhcp instead static IP and i think it isn`t my problem08:19
daangenii: really, never heard of that, thanks for the info08:19
kharlossgenii:  daan   can i talk to you privately ?08:19
Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: I wish I knew the commands to do that :) could you help me a little, I installed Ubuntu for the 1st time in my life 1 week ago and I dn;t know anything <--- noob08:19
geniikharloss daan 's suggestion of crossover cable direct from system to system will tell if the switch is the issue08:19
daankharloss ofcourse you can talk privately08:19
kharlossare you using  skype or  gaim  or something    ?08:19
chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D: sure thing .. right click the file and go to properties ... (just like winblows)08:19
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kharlossto intiate a conference ?08:19
Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: Ok the file is on my desktop08:19
iqonwill a 32 bit system support ext3 partitions over 2TB?08:19
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chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D: under permissions turn the execute flag on08:19
kharlossor use a different channel using freenode /08:19
geniikharloss I have not setup the IM on thios box yet but can if you give me a few minutes08:20
daankharloss: with audio?08:20
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kharlossno audio .08:20
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Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: ok08:20
kharlossjust text .08:20
daankharloss: ok08:20
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daankharloss: i don't have im at the moment irc is the best bet for me08:20
dhuidhey, anyone on skype? count me in08:20
kharlossok then .08:20
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geniikharloss , daan 1 minute08:20
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IceToxdhuid: I am.. how come.. (skype)08:21
chadeldridgeJudg3_Dr34D:  click ok and then do a ctrl alt f2 ... then login as you on that console:  after that go to your desktop in the shell (cd ~\Desktop08:21
m1rlol skypers :)08:21
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IceToxskype is sweet08:21
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dhuidIceTox: wanna skype a bit?08:21
LunatikBunnievmware player is quite jittery and laggy for me, is there any solutions to this?08:21
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IceToxdhuid: add me with this nick08:21
dhuidwhen it will open external links, skypecasts and have vid will be sweeter08:21
geniikharloss , daan  just /join #genii  should be sufficient08:21
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m1rskype is 4 girls =)08:21
dhuidok IceTox08:21
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kharloss /join #genii08:22
Costeli must set permission to a folder froma user with /bin/false shell how shall i do ?08:22
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sebastianis at this server an german channel?08:22
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:23
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neozenhoallo all08:23
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se08:23
neozenhaving some trouble setting up printing to a printer attached to a windows xp box on the local network08:24
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neozenam using gnome-cups-manager08:24
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danieloes  esto exijo una explicacion08:25
neozenits a canon mp500 and while there is a choice for it in the add printer box.... the forward button remains grayed out... even after selecting it08:25
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LunksSomething weird is happening with my usb ports.08:26
ferronicaI am using  Banshee 0.12.1 should i remove Rhythmbox ?08:26
LunksI have usb 2.0, ehci_hcd module is loaded, but everything connected to my usb ports gets loaded by ohci_hcd08:26
LunksAlso, my print's not working at all.08:26
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Lunkskern.log, messages and some other logs on system/admin/system log shows:08:27
Lunksusb 1-3: device not accepting address xx, error -6208:27
Lunksusb 1-3: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address xx08:27
danielosomebody speek in spanish08:27
ferronicaI am using  Banshee 0.12.1 should i remove Rhythmbox ? is there any problem removing it from system?08:27
sdloohello there, does someone has an idea how to configure cisco vpn client after the installation?08:27
Judg3_Dr34Dchadeldridge: I'm too noob to install it on my own... :( could you please repeat the process08:27
liberionhey guys how in ubuntu so u reset X08:27
danieloi need help to traslate mi ubunto to spanish08:27
lynucsferronica: why should you?08:28
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tckliberion, ctrl + alt + backspace08:28
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iqonreset X with ctrl-alt-backspace08:28
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Lunkscan someone help me?08:28
sdlooiqon: this is restart and not reset ;)08:28
rhoderycferronica: it's up to you if you want to remove it, and it won't cause any trouble if you do08:28
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d4rkmonkeyLunks, say your question and if someone can help you they will08:28
Lunksd4rkmonkey: already did. :P08:28
iqonsdloo: ok, /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:28
d4rkmonkeyyeah well I missed it :P08:29
marcus_i would also like to run embedded session but not sure how this works either?08:29
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d4rkmonkey!anyone | Lunks08:29
ubotuLunks: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:29
LunksSomething weird is happening with my usb ports.08:29
[ddA] Sokarmoin08:29
ferronicalynucs: what command should i use to remove it all08:29
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LunksI have usb 2.0, ehci_hcd module is loaded, but everything connected to my usb ports gets loaded by ohci_hcd08:29
lynucsyou can jsut youse synaptics08:29
LunksAlso, my print's not working at all.08:29
sdloohello there, does someone has an idea how to configure cisco vpn client after the installation? pls q me08:29
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Lunkskern.log, messages and some other logs on system/admin/system log shows:08:29
Lunksusb 1-3: device not accepting address xx, error -6208:29
Lunksusb 1-3: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address xx08:29
lynucssdloo: you mean vpnc?08:29
Lunksd4rkmonkey: that's it08:30
sdloonope, the cisco vpn client ...08:30
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d4rkmonkeyLunks, I would help, but i have absolutely no idea what to do lol08:30
LunatikBunnieVMware-player runs slooow, why?08:30
LunatikBunnieI already gave it 1024mb in RAM08:30
Lunksok, d4rkmonkey08:30
Lunkslooks like no one has =p08:30
d4rkmonkeysorry Lunks08:30
lynucssdloo: do you have a gui for it?08:30
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LunksBeen searching for this for a while08:30
sdloolynucs: no, it is commandline based08:31
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ozzloyhttp://xrl.us/2q6x eject isn't actually ejecting.  some help please?08:31
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lynucswhat is the command for starting? vpnc, isnt it?08:31
Lunksperhaps you can help me create a new sentence to google.08:31
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What_the_Deuceliberion: changing composite to "1" messed up my xgl session, which was odd, and, when i logged in, putting nm-applet --sm-disable into consol made it load up instantly, so the error could be in System --> preferences --> sessions08:32
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asathooranyone who has tried to install ubuntu on an usb-pen?08:32
sdloosudo vpnclient connect profile08:32
littlegatorHey guys. Every time my computer goes to sleep, I can't get it out of it and I have to restart. What could be causing this?08:32
ramza3magic desktop icons.  Anybody know how to keep icons in one place with ubuntu?  They move in a different place everytime I reboot08:32
lynucssdloo: sorry used only vpnc before08:32
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liberionWhat_the_Deuce, i told u it was buggy ;)08:33
liberionWhat_the_Deuce, on ati cards08:33
sdloolynucs: vpnc, does it come along with a gui?08:33
dvs01how do i share usb devices over the network with windows<->linux? i want usb devices that are on my linux machine to appear as if theyre actually connected to my windows machine. i can do this windows<->windows with a program called 'usb over network', but dont know of any cross-platform solutions08:33
ramza3ati, ahhahhhhhhhhhhh, runnnnnnn08:33
master_djonn,      =)08:33
LunatikBunnieVMware-player runs slow, why?08:33
lynucsbut i heard there is a gui out for this.. never seen it before08:33
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master_djonn       =)08:33
lynucsmaster privet08:33
dvs01master_djonn: ya panemayu08:33
master_djonn   )08:34
master_djonn )08:34
d4rkmonkey!ru master_djonn08:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ru master_djonn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
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d4rkmonkey!ru | master_djonn08:34
ubotumaster_djonn:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:34
rikstaHi there i have an Intel i195 graphics card...using the i810 xorg driver. The scrolling is extremely slow and min/maximising applications is slow too, i've googled but i can't find any help08:34
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d4rkmonkeybest guess ever.08:34
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d4rkmonkeyriksta, let me see if I can help, I think I can...08:34
rikstad4rkmonkey: that's very kind08:34
d4rkmonkeyriksta, are you on Feisty?08:34
master_djonn ... )08:34
littlegatorHey guys. Every time my computer goes to sleep, I can't get it out of it and I have to restart. What could be causing this?08:34
rikstad4rkmonkey: yep08:35
d4rkmonkey!ru > master_djonn08:35
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host81-153-8-121.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
What_the_Deuceliberion: thinking i need to edit "session" and to change the order of commands, if anyone knows how?08:35
=== LunatikBunnie throws a concrete donkey into the room.
LunatikBunnieVMware-player runs slow, why?08:35
d4rkmonkeyok, have you installed the newest intel drivers riksta ?08:35
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emseeHello all.  Does anyone have an idea why a disk would pass the integrity check on one machine, and fail it on another?08:35
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rikstad4rkmonkey: i'm using the stock i810 driver, as i dont know where to find the "newest"08:36
lynucsemsee: bad controller? :)08:36
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emseeController?  You mean CD-drive?08:36
d4rkmonkeyok, riksta I heard the i810 drivers are being phased out, and are old08:36
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rikstad4rkmonkey: so what is replacing this?08:36
d4rkmonkeyriksta, not exactly sure...08:37
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rikstad4rkmonkey: i re-installed to feisty, from gentoo....the i810 driver was working really well and smoothly08:37
d4rkmonkeyriksta, riksta, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel  that will install some newer drivers08:37
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`Nickany ideas on how to fix Ubuntu graphics issue where it shows a bunch of random horrizontal lines on the bottom half of the monitor08:37
lynucsbetter said mainboard.. or any bad driver.. or bad cable.. many things might cause this.. maybe wven one i didnt tell ;)08:37
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rikstad4rkmonkey: ok cool i'll try it08:37
d4rkmonkeyriksta, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and just change drivers to intel. It might not be drivers though...08:37
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rikstad4rkmonkey: intel ...as opposed to i810?08:37
rikstaoh sweet, thanks i'll try it08:38
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emseelynucs: Hmm.  But it failed the integrity check on 2 machines, and passed on a third.08:38
redwyrmwhat is a good way to tunnel IP over DNS on Ubuntu?08:38
d4rkmonkeyI forget exactly where the scrolling options are, but there is probably some option to just speed up scrolling08:38
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rikstad4rkmonkey: brb then :) thanks again08:38
lynucsemsee: tried to reburn?08:38
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lynucsor if you have downloaded it, does hash match?08:38
marcus_what is command for menu line in shell?08:38
d4rkmonkeyno problem riksta08:38
rikstad4rkmonkey: do i need the kernel framebuffer device?08:39
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emseeYep.  did an md5 check on the iso before burning again, and it was right so I made a second disk with the same result.08:39
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TheCreationistCould someone come to #ubuntu-effects and help me out with Compiz Fusion.  It installs and runs perfectly, except that I lose all my window decorations (title bars, etc)...08:39
d4rkmonkeyriksta, uh... most of the options I just left as it already was...08:39
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d4rkmonkeyriksta, I'm going to guess no but I'm not 100% sure08:39
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lynucsTheCreationist: TrippleBuffer has helped me ;)08:39
lynucsbut donno what your probleam actually is08:39
LeoDioxideanyone know of a playstation emulator for linux?08:39
dvs01one sec08:40
emseeI even opened up the disk and md5'ed the part that is said was bad, and it checked out fine.08:40
lynucsemsee: sorry, can't help :(08:40
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TheCreationistlynucs: When I start Compiz Fusion, all the 3D effects work, but I have no title bars on any of my windows.08:40
Agiphow can modify the menu.lst so my pc boots directly without givig me the 10 secs options?08:40
dvs01LeoDioxide: epsxe08:40
rikstad4rkmonkey: brb08:40
dvs01LeoDioxide: ill get you a url with more info08:40
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LeoDioxidedvs01: it can't find the gtk libraries, I tried it08:41
lynucsemsee: and the cd-drives where check has failed, are ok? and playing all other cds without problems?08:41
LeoDioxideand yes, I have the gtk libraries08:41
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dvs01LeoDioxide: http://techgage.com/article/game_emulation_in_linux08:41
lynucsTheCreationist: sec08:41
=== LunatikBunnie flings a hand-grenade into the chan.
finalbetaAgip: timeout<< change that value, I think 1 is minimal.08:41
halldor_Can anyone help me, I am having problems with the built in Remote Desktop feature, it just wont ru08:41
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dvs01thats some useful linux emu resources08:41
emseelynucs:  thanks anyway.  I was gonna download a different build, but I'm not even sure that will work.08:41
LeoDioxideepsxe is broken08:42
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dvs01LeoDioxide: as for it not finding the gtk libraries, im not sure.. try googling around to see if anyone has similar issues08:42
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LeoDioxideoh, I need a 32 version of the libraries...08:42
dvs01LeoDioxide: look at it from this perspective though.. epsxe exists and is used by others for whom it works for.. so its definitely fixable08:42
Agipfinalbeta: i;ve heard that's dangerous and there is other way to do it08:42
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dvs01LeoDioxide: that may be the issue08:42
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finalbetaAgip: that's the value that controls it :/ , so heh?08:43
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forestCan anyone recommend a really fast way to download Ubuntu from within Ubuntu, like a program that can download the same file from several mirrors at once and combine them?08:43
LeoDioxidedvs01: yeah, I don't know if crunching outrageously large integers is worth all this hassly08:43
Myrttiforest: bittorrent?08:44
dvs01hehe true08:44
Mike_1hi - anybody have experience with LVM here?08:44
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Agipfinalbeta:someone told me that if I had a problem and wanted to use the recovery mode I wouldn't be able to use it if I did that08:44
hajikihey i installed nero 3 linux and every time it starts up it says "One of your devices is not accessible" and that device is /dev/sg0 (SCSI Generic Device). How can I fix that, can you help me plz???08:44
dvs01forest: and for a good torrent client, try uTorrent in wine (yes, its a windows app, but is among the BEST clients, and fortunately happens to run VERY nice in wine)08:44
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finalbetaAgip: if you mess it up, you boto with the ubuntu CD, mount your HD, and change value back.08:45
lynucsTheCreationist: write into your xorg.conf under section device: Option "TrippleBuffer" "true"08:45
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finalbetayou boot*08:45
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halldor_Can anyone help me, I am having problems with the built in Remote Desktop feature, it just wont run08:45
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lynucsTheCreationist:       Option      "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"08:45
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lynucsTheCreationist: that two line should help08:45
t94xrhalldor_: did you enable it?08:45
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Agipdvs01: ktorrent works nice and fast08:45
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Agipdvs01: even if it's a kde app08:46
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t94xrdvs01: so does gnome-bittorrent08:46
TheCreationistlynucs: But all the 3D effects work fine.08:46
lynucsi know08:46
frost_I have an external 80gb hard drive that I'd like to use in both my XP system and my ubuntu system. How would I format it?08:46
lynucshad the same eroor before08:46
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lynucsjust add these two lines into xorg.conf under devices08:47
LeoDioxidefrost_: fat3208:47
t94xrfrost_: easy with a file system reable by both Operating systems08:47
preaction!ntfs-3g | frost_08:47
t94xrLeoDioxide: wrong08:47
lynucsunder device i mean08:47
LeoDioxidelinux doesn't read fat32?08:47
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t94xrLeoDioxide: FAT32 woldnt be managable as a FAT at 80GB08:47
lynucsLeoDioxide: it should :D08:47
LunatikBunnieubuntu crashed08:47
ubotufrost_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:47
LunatikBunniewhats the hard reset hotkeys?08:47
LeoDioxidet94xr: is there a GB limit on the FAT file system?08:48
t94xrNTFS would be the best bet08:48
preactionLunatikBunnie: hold the power button for a few seconds, that's a hard reboot08:48
frost_but isn't there a chance of data corruption?08:48
lynucsLeoDioxide: yes 4GB08:48
LeoDioxideI just remember the days ntfs wasn't supported08:48
t94xrLeoDioxide: nop, but i've noticed yes there is increased chance of data corruption08:48
preactionfrost_: read the link ubotu gave you08:48
LunatikBunniexp has Ctrl+alt+del08:48
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lynucsLeoDioxide: for one single file i mean.. not the partition08:48
yonahwhow can i check what version of ubuntu i am running08:48
LeoDioxidelynucs: yeah, but what does that have to do with him wanting an 80gb partition?08:49
whatspyevery time I "apt-get install" something, APT keeps telling me that some package is already installed. it's like, the package has been install long ago but APT still "thinks" it is to be installed. how can I fix that ?08:49
preactionLunatikBunnie: you said ubuntu crashed, you didn't say anything else. you could restart GDM with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace08:49
lynucsLunatikBunnie: try alt+ctrl+f208:49
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, The equivalent is either bind system monitor to a key or ctrl+alt+backspace08:49
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lynucslogin and then sudo reboot08:49
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LunatikBunniehow do i have ubuntu start with numlock ON?08:49
LunatikBunnieits always off and its a hassle.08:50
lynucsLunatikBunnie: read the wiki08:50
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bhavikI need help with Beryl on a ATI X30008:50
t94xrLunatikBunnie: not critial08:50
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t94xrbut helpful08:50
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LunatikBunniei wonder if it'll be answered now.08:50
t94xrnumlock off08:50
dinamizadorque tal estais08:50
LunatikBunnieVMware-player runs slow, why?08:50
t94xromg i cant boot ubuntu08:50
TheCreationistlynucs: Hey, that actually worked!  Thanks a lot, bro.08:50
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dinamizadoranybody spanish??08:50
t94xrLunatikBunnie: CPU?08:50
bhavikI need help with Beryl on a ATI X30008:51
LunatikBunnieAMD athlon 64 3000+08:51
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t94xrhmm im not sure then08:51
t94xrbut it should run fine08:51
Glidersomeone  has an idea why "aticonfig --query-monitor" says that i have no monitors ?08:51
lynucsTheCreationist: no prob, happy to make you happy :P08:51
t94xrwhats the os ur virtuallising?08:51
LunatikBunniei'm on XP08:51
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TheCreationistlynucs: You kidding?  Comiz Fusion is fricken amazing.  It even runs flawlessly on my friends system with onboard video :)08:51
t94xrthat would be why08:51
LunatikBunnieComputer Processor..::1-AMD::.. Clock..::1798MHz::.. Cache..::1015/2047MB (49.58%)::.. .UPP.08:51
dinamizadoralguien de espaa??08:51
rikstad4rkmonkey: well, i'm using the intel driver now, but it seems somwhat the same :s08:51
Myrtti!es | dinamizador08:52
ubotudinamizador: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:52
t94xrXP isnt using the 64 bit addressing your CPU has.08:52
bhavikI need help with Beryl on a ATI X30008:52
LeoDioxidehow do I tell if I have hardware acceleration, glxinfo?08:52
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LunatikBunniewell, i dont have a 64-bit XP install.08:52
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t94xrgo get it08:52
rikstaLeoDioxide: glxinfo|grep direct08:52
d4rkmonkeyriksta, I think it might be some options then...08:52
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lynucsTheCreationist: i like compiz08:52
t94xrM$ does 64 licence upgrades for free still i think08:52
LunatikBunnieand firefox hates 64-bit systems.08:52
rikstad4rkmonkey: what options do you have in your xorg.conf?08:52
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d4rkmonkeyriksta, better to be using intel drivers anyways08:52
t94xrohwell u justhave to deal08:52
EvanCarrollcan someone confirm a defualt ubuntu install only has that which is listed as a dependency in ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-desktop ?08:53
LeoDioxidefirefox + 64 bit + flash = no-go08:53
d4rkmonkeyriksta, it might not be xorg...08:53
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rikstad4rkmonkey: yep, i guess08:53
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ramza3does anybody do any free video editing with ubuntu08:53
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d4rkmonkeyriksta, my xorg won't be the same..08:53
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frost_I did what the link said but I still can't write to my NTFS external hard drive08:53
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d4rkmonkeyriksta, I had to edit my xorg a bunch cus my laptop is new and the chipset wasn't really supported well yet08:53
t94xrfrost_: can you write to it via console?08:53
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rikstad4rkmonkey: oh, do you don't have an i915?08:53
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d4rkmonkeyno :( I have a GM96508:53
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digg1hello there!08:54
bhavikI need help with Beryl on a ATI X30008:54
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frost_t94xr, I don't know how to check08:54
digg1how can I add a custom resolution in ubuntu 7???08:54
LunatikBunnieWhich compiz is better?08:54
rikstad4rkmonkey: ahh ok, well thanks anyways for your help08:54
LunatikBunnieThe stable one or the beta one?08:54
brunosbpThere are two kernels in my PC. How do I exclude the one I don't use?08:54
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d4rkmonkeyno problem riksta sorry I couldn't help more08:54
=== Ditiris is sad, Feisty won't install on his newly built machine. Ditiris wonders if he should try booting via the alternate installation CD?
LunatikBunnie(Ditiris): whats wrong?08:55
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bhavikI need help with Beryl on a ATI X30008:55
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LunatikBunnieWhich compiz is better? The beta or the stable one?08:55
d4rkmonkeyLunar_Lamp, beta is probably cooler, stable is better for now08:56
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DitirisLunatikBunnie: I have tried a few things using the Live install CD, but basically the machine either hangs or reboots when trying to boot the CD.08:56
d4rkmonkeyoops wrong name..08:56
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LunatikBunniefresh HD?08:56
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d4rkmonkeyLunatikBunnie, Beta probably cooler, stable more... stable.. like non-crashing I guess?08:56
kazim59Ditiris: When does the machine hang? After the desktop appears?08:56
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digg1does anyone know how can I add a custom screen resolution in ubuntu 7???08:57
LunatikBunnieDitiris : it doesnt load the cd or is it a post-install boot?08:57
magnetron!fixres | digg108:57
ubotudigg1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:57
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kazim59?dm ?08:57
Ditiriskazim59: No, it doesn't make it that far.  The farthest I've been able to get is the splash screen with the status bar, maybe 10 or 15% loaded on the status bar, then it hangs.08:57
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ilikec0wsDitiris, Tried with like noapci noapic noapm options?08:57
DitirisLunatikBunnie: It doesn't load the CD.08:57
LunatikBunniebad cd perhaps?08:57
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Ditirisilikec0ws: No, can you explain more?08:58
perrygovierhello does anyone know if the apt-get servers are up? i'm having issues getting gnome.08:58
LeoDioxidehrm, houston, we have a problem08:58
kazim59Ditiris: showing some message?08:58
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ilikec0wsDitiris, Im not sure of the exact extra boot flags you add to the end of the ubuntu kernel08:58
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dvs01i need to run a windows program called 'usb over network' that uses a client/server model to share usb ports between windows machines, making any arbitrary device on the server look like its connected to a client computer. can i use wine to do this? or should i try something like qemu/vmware?08:58
Ditiriskazim59: No message, either just a hard reboot or hangs at that splash loading screen.08:58
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dvs01if theres a cross-platform solution, that would be even better08:58
digg1thanx, I'll give it a shot08:58
ilikec0wsperrygovier, Theres like alot of mirrors, I doubt they are all down :)08:58
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DitirisLunatikBunnie: Same CD I used to install VM instances on a server, so I don't think that's it, unfortunately.08:59
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kazim59Ditiris: It might hang while detecting some hardware...08:59
LeoDioxide64-bit adoption, so, slow.08:59
nervehi, i do not have BSD-LPR as a print option for xfce4 is there a distribution package that i need to install ?08:59
ilikec0wsDitiris, Wait ill try find the extra flags you could try08:59
Michael147varka, you here?08:59
f41lUR3hi all08:59
codecainehow do you change the label name on a harddrive?09:00
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f41lUR3where can I find french server please?09:00
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preaction!fr | f41lUR309:00
ubotuf41lUR3: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:00
Ditiriskazim59: Are there any likely culprits?  I don't have anything too extravagant; the only thing I think it might hiccup on is my Canon MP800 all-in-none printer/scanner/copier PoS.09:00
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f41lUR3ok thank you09:00
X|Rolandohow can I view all the keys in my keyrin?09:00
terrestrei cant ogin into cups , i dont know the user and password09:00
perrygovierthat's what i thought. I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong, then again I only know how to get my server up and that's about it. But now I can't get apt-get to find ubuntu-desktop09:00
kazim59Ditiris: disconnect printers and external usb hard drives etc... try after that09:01
X|Rolandokeyring manager! :P09:01
Ditiriskazim59: Okay, I will try that when I get home today.09:01
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Michael147Has anybody any idea about how to install a NIC driver on ubuntu?Ive only installed the OS two days ago and cant get on the net because im unsure about how to go about installing the driver.09:01
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bijack1I'm completely new to Linux ubuntu. I've always ran Microsoft operating systems. I was trying to download a more up to date Fire fox browser but I can't even figure out how to open the file after I download it. Can someone help me?09:02
kazim59Ditiris: when it seems like about to hang.. .try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 .. Ctrl+Alt+F8 to see messages.... you'll at least know what it was doing when it hanged09:02
jo3do you know what network card you have?09:02
ilikec0wsDitiris, Also, in the initial menu, try hitting f6 it should tell you in there how to disable acpi etc..Id give that a shot too mate09:02
LunatikBunnieWhat's a compiz-git repository?09:02
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tckMichael147, network card driver? built in network card? what make/model09:02
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Ditiriskazim59: Debug messages, yay!  Was wondering how to do this, thanks a bunch!09:02
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Michael147tck, ill get you a link. Its a built in NIC mounted onto an Asus mobo.09:02
ilikec0wsbijack1, The software updater inside ubuntu should update you to the latest no problem09:02
LunatikBunnieWhat the-09:02
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LunatikBunnieis the ./compile function supposed to display all the text in the scripts?09:03
kazim59Ditiris: those key combinations won't work after it has freezed... u got to press them before it09:03
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jo3Michael147, can you pastebin the output of lspci on that box?09:03
bijack1Thanks for the help.09:03
tckMichael147, and Ubuntu does not detect it by default?09:03
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Ditiriskazim59: I am quick and alert at the keyboard, like a ninja sentry with a thermos of hot chocolate sweetened with cocaine.09:03
kazim59Ditiris: best of luck09:04
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MajorPayneMichael147: Is it wifi?09:04
Michael147Im not sure, ive used MS all my life, linux seems a bit daunting.09:04
Michael147MajorPayne, no.09:04
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jo3copy the output of lspci |grep Ethernet09:04
jo3if you can09:04
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EliCHi I've got a strange problem with nautlius. The sidebar is now only a thin grey strip down the side instead of what it usuaully should be09:05
LunatikBunnieWHOA what the heck?!09:05
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LunatikBunniei tried starting compiz on my Ubuntu(on vmware)09:06
LunatikBunnieand it restarted09:06
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jo3EliC, you can grap the side of the Sidebar panel and drag it to the desired width09:06
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, I didnt even think it possible to run it on VM09:06
jbroomeLunatikBunnie: i doubt the vmware video driver can handle compiz09:06
LunatikBunnienoooo *cries*09:06
Newmarkhlp, I have to write a leadout on a dvd-r09:06
EliCj03 Oh that's so stupid of me. Yup that was all it was!09:06
LunatikBunniei cant run ubuntu on its own because i have a USB DSL modem09:06
jo3EliC, notice what im talking about?09:06
Michael147tck, Intel LAN chipset driver for linux: /home/michael/ies4linux-latest.tar.gz09:07
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, what modem?09:07
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Michael147Aghh lmao09:07
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Michael147tck, http://support.asus.com/download/download.aspx?SLanguage=en-us09:07
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, Model?09:07
LunatikBunnieI dont know09:07
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EliCjo3 thanks. Next problem: I think this could be a bug in Ubuntu but basically my ip address keeps changing every few minutes unless I kill dhclient09:07
LunatikBunnieit just has a phone line into it and a usb plug09:07
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LunatikBunnieand one red LED.09:07
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, Maybe http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/ could be a help09:08
Newmarkburning was over, and all that was left is leadout, power flickered and that was it09:08
Michael147Can i ask any of you linux elders how long it took you to get to grips with the OS properly?09:08
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LunatikBunnieilikec0ws : where do i start?09:08
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Newmarkhlp, I have to write a leadout on a dvd-r09:08
kaikala33hello all a quick question where is the boot log on my ubuntu system?i found /var/boot/log but it is empty09:08
myusrnmhey, i'm running a laptop w/ an external monitor. How can I make it so that monitor is an addition to my desktop?09:08
tckMichael147, intel usually has good support for linux09:08
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, Well first they recommend runnig this http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/files/listmodem_app.zip inside windows to detect your modem09:08
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tckMichael147, well how long have you spent getting used to windows09:09
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tckpeople forget it took them a long time for that too :)09:09
kyjaMichael147, what exactly do you mean?09:09
LunatikBunnieilikec0ws : nothing happened, just the command prompt waiting there.09:09
Michael147tck, Getting used to windows? All of my life, in fact if i had windows id still be learning now, which answers my own queston in a sense.09:09
Guilty_as_Sinanyone know a good way to tap a phone line using a pc?09:09
LunatikBunnieilikec0ws : Number of modems found : 009:09
Guilty_as_Sinit's within the home09:09
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, NIceeeeee :(09:10
LunatikBunniehow's that possible?09:10
LunatikBunniei'm ON the modem ONLINE in IRC NOW09:10
pr4bhhow do i install google gadgets in gnome?09:10
LunatikBunnieListing Network Interfaces09:10
LunatikBunnie1: Type..::Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) (1Mb/s)::.. In..::0.00MB::.. Out..::0.00MB::..09:10
LunatikBunnie2: Type..::VIA Compatable Fast Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport (100Mb/s)::.. In..::5.23MB::.. Out..::71.70MB::..09:10
LunatikBunnie3: Type..::WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface (1Mb/s)::.. In..::113.67MB::.. Out..::38.05MB::..09:10
LunatikBunnie4: Type..::Hamachi Network Interface (100Mb/s)::.. In..::0.17MB::.. Out..::0.18MB::..09:10
LunatikBunnie5: Type..::VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 (100Mb/s)::.. In..::0.15MB::.. Out..::0.15MB::..09:10
LunatikBunnie6: Type..::VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 (100Mb/s)::.. In..::0.15MB::.. Out..::0.15MB::..09:10
LunatikBunnieTotal Interfaces..::6::.. Total In..::119MB::.. Total Out..::110MB::.. .UPP.09:10
tckMichael147, give it a few weeks/months - you'll be hooked on Ubuntu linux ;)09:10
LunatikBunniemy bad09:10
TheCreationistGuilty_as_Sin: It's easily possible.. but highly illegal unless you're part of the Bush Administration ;)09:10
Michael147pr4bh, your from Woloverhampton?09:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:11
Michael147tck, i already hooked;)09:11
pr4bhyeah i am09:11
Guilty_as_Sinno, I wish to tap my own phone line09:11
TheCreationistGuilty_as_Sin: Spying on your wife, eh? :)09:11
tckMichael147, just go into synaptic and download 100's of lovely free games :P09:11
LunatikBunnieany other software that can let me have windows and ubuntu running at the same time?09:11
Michael147pr4bh, im just up the road from you then lol09:11
LunatikBunniebesides the crappy vmware?09:11
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TheCreationistGuilty_as_Sin: Well, you need to have a voice modem installed for it to work.09:11
kyjaMichael147, it is a fool to ever expect to stop learning anyways, anyone that tells you they know everything is full of beans. :) so lets coin this phrase "you will gradualy get use to the os" it will sneak up on you.09:11
pr4bhlol, cool :)09:11
Guilty_as_SinI have that09:11
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Berianthey guys,i need some help...i recently installed ubuntu and deleted everything else on my hardrive(my windows OS) and just ran ubuntu and it worked perfectly fine.but i wanted to play a game so i try to install windows again and realized i didnt have one of the cd's needed so i cancled the set up but when i restarted my computer it kept starting up windows,so i ran ubuntu from a cd in safe graphical mode and delted the partition09:11
Beriantwith the partial windows setup and tried it again,this time nothing loaded it just said boot from cd: and i didnt have anything in the cd drive so it just sat there.so i ran it in safe graph mode again from the cd and went to the places/computer on unbutu and it had my orignal files when i first installed unbuntu but for some reason it wont startup to that when i start my computer.does anyone know how i can fix this or do i have09:11
Michael147tck, i wouldnt be able to play games well on here. 533Mhz CPU, 128RAM.09:12
Beriantto delete it and re install ubuntu again?09:12
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, Well this part is for installing their USB Conexant modem driver in deb http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/dgc/install.php#METHOD%20B im sure people will be able to help you, you cant be the only one ever with this type of USB modem09:12
tcki recommend 'Battle for Wesnoth' - its quite addictive09:12
Beriantwow that was long09:12
TheCreationistGuilty_as_Sin: Then it is simply a matter of plugging your phone line into the modem and selecting your modem as the audio input for any recording application.09:12
Michael147kyja, thanks:)09:12
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ilikec0ws!grub | Beriant09:12
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ubotuBeriant: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:12
TheCreationistGuilty_as_Sin: At least that's how it was in Windows.. I don't see why Linux would be any different.  Although I haven't owned a dialup modem in years.09:12
Guilty_as_SinI figured it was an easy task, just didn't quite know where to start09:12
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kaikala33anybody on where is teh file that logs my boot process in ubuntu?09:12
Beriantubotu,ilikec0ws, thx :D09:13
TheCreationistGuilty_as_Sin: Well, that is the only info I can give you... but I hope it at least points you in the right direction to start your research.09:13
ilikec0wsBeriant, If i read it right you want that first link mate09:13
ilikec0wsBeriant, Bascially you want ubuntu to boot like it did at startup?09:13
Guilty_as_Sinappreciate it09:13
TheCreationistkaikala33: Type "dmesg" in the console.09:13
LunatikBunnieilikec0ws : any programs like vmware that has better graphics rendering?09:13
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TheCreationistGuilty_as_Sin: Sure thing.09:13
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ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, Dunno mate, never used a VM09:13
ilikec0wsBeriant, That should be for you than :)09:14
Beriantilikec0ws,alright sweet thx a lot :D09:14
aantndoes anyone know of a good svn client?09:14
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Michael147tck, so how would i go about installing that particular driver?09:14
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kaikala33so dmesg only gives me info about my last boot?is there a logfile for all boots or do i have to setup it up by fiding dmesg into it?09:15
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AeudianIs there a guide to install ubuntu 7 (32 or 64) with an nvidia 8800 gtx. i can't get past grub boot loader on normal and recovery09:15
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dcoxhello baowise09:16
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ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/09:16
kduboi1Aeudian: i would try to manually install the nvidia drivers from the command line (if there are drivers for the 8800)09:16
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aantnI need a gui for svn09:17
aantndoes anyone know of a svn gui?09:17
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ilikec0wsaantn, http://rapidsvn.tigris.org/09:17
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larosehallo zusammen09:18
laroseich bin ein absoluter anfnger09:18
ilikec0wsaantn, You know its amazing what google can do :P09:18
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aantnilikec0ws: sorry, I'm lazy09:18
Michael147Im assuming ive got to use the sudo make command, but how exactly?09:18
robert__i have apparently installed wifi drivers using ndiswrapper but I still can't get my wireless to work can any1 help?09:18
aantn(and I'm busy playing with compiz-fusion09:18
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Michael147robert_, im having trouble with NICs too.09:18
laroseich mchte ordner anlegen im verzeichnis /usr09:18
laroseaber ich darf nicht09:19
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ilikec0ws!de | larose09:19
ubotularose: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:19
larosewie kann ich meinem benutzernamen die vollen rechte geben???09:19
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Michael147robert_, NIC drivers to be specific.09:19
hub|ankebutsudo mkdir /usr/test09:19
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kyjagoogle fight is fun to play with09:19
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LunatikBunniei hate this09:19
LunatikBunniei cant have ubuntu09:19
kazim59larose: ich hitch which language? wrong room09:19
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hub|ankebutlarose tippe ein :  sudo mkdir /usr/test09:20
LunatikBunnieI'm stuck on Windows my whole life.09:20
=== LunatikBunnie throws a fit.
ilikec0wsLunatikBunnie, Get a new modem :P09:20
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larosedanke hat geklappt09:20
laroseund wie bekomme ich volle rechte???09:20
Michael147LunatikBunnie, ill send you a copy.09:20
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larosekann ich das nicht im dateimanager machen?09:20
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LunatikBunnieMichael147 : a copy of what?09:20
laroseauch dateien kopieren darf ich nicht09:20
LunatikBunnie(Michael147): I have 3cds.09:21
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hub|ankebutein moment09:21
Michael147Why dont you install it?09:21
LunatikBunnie(Michael147): i cant surf the net with ubuntu because USB DSL modems are not supported.09:21
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Michael147I feel for you.09:21
hub|ankebuttippe ein : sudo nautilus09:21
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, USB DSL modems are bad for your health. Sell it on ebay.09:21
Michael147Im having trouble with my NIC drivers installation.09:21
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pr4bhhow to run .sh scripts/files?:(09:22
hub|ankebutffnet ein browser mit Root Rechten09:22
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): i'm poor.09:22
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robert__can't get bcmwl5 drivers to work with ndiswrapper09:22
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:22
Michael147browser ein offnet mit root rechten09:22
Kroozrhub|ankebut, im not sure if anyone speaks German here09:22
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hendehey everyone09:22
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hub|ankebutlarose speack german.09:23
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jimqodeLunatikBunnie, Don't worry, one day one of your friends will want to get a wireless DSL modem and give the old one to you.09:23
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LunatikBunnie(jimqode): good luck with that ._.09:23
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hendei was here yesterday trying to get my wifi and network card to work. i was walked through a couple things and it did not work. i am very trusting can someone set up a remote connection and help me fix it09:23
Michael147tck, are you here?09:23
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): everyone i know is a stingy bastard.09:24
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LunatikBunnieEven WINE hates me @_@09:24
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hendei can pickup my connection with it hardlined but not any other way09:24
pr4bhQuestion: How do i run swapboost.sh lying on my desktop? :s09:24
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DaltonSLunatikBunnie, I have two spare routers. One is a wireless one too :*(09:24
Beriantilikec0ws,whats the default password on the livecd,its asking me to login as root when i type in the commands09:24
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LunatikBunniewhenever i try to run Warcraft 3 : the frozen throne, it just crashes the damn comp.09:24
JabberwockHello :)09:24
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hendebut it still doesnt work with firefox09:24
Beriantilikec0ws,and i tried sudo but it didnt do anything09:24
JabberwockAny clues when 1.4.7 might be in the apt tree?09:24
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, Well I don't know if there a psychological help channel around here and I think you're pulling my leg.09:25
pr4bhQuestion: How do i run swapboost.sh lying on my desktop? :s09:25
ilikec0wsBeriant, I cant remember how to find it, you could try just typing 'gpasswd' see if thats how you cange it09:25
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robert__can anyone help me with broadcom airforce1 wifi drivers09:25
Beriantilikec0ws,kk 2secs let me go try it :D09:25
hendehello ?09:25
jimqodepr4bh, open a terminal, go to your desktop and type ./swapboost.sh09:25
hendeme to what robert said09:25
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blithenI have one quick question09:26
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tckMichael147, yeah sorry was filing a bug09:26
blithenWhat is the difference between all the different ubuntus?09:26
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brutalchristdon't speak inglish09:26
JabberwockDifferent software versions.09:26
hero!patience | hende09:26
ubotuhende: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:26
ilikec0wsblithen, If you mean like x/k/ubuntu, its the desktop enviroment, if releases then software versions yes09:26
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=== Jabberwock hopes gpg 1.4.7 gets into ubuntu soon
brutalchristplease help me!09:27
ilikec0ws!es | brutalchrist09:27
ubotubrutalchrist: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:27
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blithenThat's it? So which has the most advanced software versions?09:27
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hendewell at least someone can say hold on a sex09:27
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pr4bhjimqode: it says command no found?09:27
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jimqodepr4bh, chmod a+x swapboost.sh09:28
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filthpigthere seems to be something blocking my wlan009:28
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Michael147tck. so how am i going to go about installing this driver?09:28
pr4bhok thanks :)09:28
tckMichael147, what intel card was it again, go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and type09:28
jimqodepr4bh, then try "./swapboost.sh" again09:28
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tcklspci | grep Ethernet09:28
hendetck are you good with wifi help09:28
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pr4bhit works :)09:29
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pr4bhthank you09:29
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LunatikBunniesomeone just kill me,now.09:29
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:29
hendei tried that09:29
LunatikBunnieSomeone help me identify my modem O_O09:29
jimqodehende, Please tell the channel the details of your problem then wait.09:29
hendeim a newb and i spent all day trying to understand those09:29
tckhende, just ask, someone will know09:30
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Michael147tck, it did nothing. Just went down a line.09:30
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kermitanyone in here running Ubuntu Feisty on a Dell D620?09:30
varkaMichael147: you asked for me?09:30
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Michael147Oh yeah i was just saying hi.09:31
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, boot to ubuntu, type lspci. paste the output to a pastebin.09:31
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hendei have a compaq v2000 with a broadcom air force bcm4318. i cannot pick up my wifi. i can hardline it but firefox still does not work. someone tried to help me yesterday and totally removed the wireless option from network manager09:31
filthpigWill an old pppoe setting block other network signals if the pppoe is not in use anymore?09:31
Michael147I still havent sorted the NIC out.09:31
filthpigsure seems like it09:31
varkaMichael147: hi09:31
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Jabberwockhende: man iwconfig09:31
hendeits on a seperate comp. im on a desktop which makes it harder09:31
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JabberwockMan this channel is way too busy09:31
varkaMichael147: the forum thread didnt help?09:31
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JabberwockWhere is the ubuntu security channel?09:31
tckMichael147, you have to find out which intel onboard card it is09:31
bijacksCan someone please tell me how to set up the Evolution E-Mail program? I'm on cable and I thought I had everything set up right but I think its the server configuration that's wrong.09:31
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filthpigJabberwock: the funny thing is that most of the q's are wifi related :p09:32
Michael147tck, how am i going to do that?The command you gave me did nothing.09:32
tckMichael147, go to System > Preferences > Hardware Information09:32
Jabberwockfilthpig: feisty's gpg is vulnerable :(09:32
Michael147Yeah i have.09:32
tckanything in there09:32
jribJabberwock: vulnerable to what?09:32
kermitor any laptop :-)09:32
hendeim brand new i would appreciate it guys...   i really like the look and speed of linux and would like to use it so can someone please help me09:33
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tckMichael147, hey you use windows right? what does windows report, did you get a manual with the mobo ?09:33
JabberwockKinda defeats the purpose of gpg09:33
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tckMichael147, http://www.intel.com/design/network/products/ethernet/linecard_ec.htm which one09:33
jimqodehende, read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19017709:33
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jribJabberwock: gpg got a security update on May 7, you sure it doesn't cover that?09:33
Michael147tck, 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet controller.09:34
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calcanyone happen to have a grandcentral invite?09:34
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filthpigwel security isn't that much of a problem to me, my real problem is actually getting online from my stationary pc after buying a new wifi modem09:34
Michael147tck, both boxes are on linux now.09:34
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Michael147tck, it was 2nd hand.09:34
Jabberwockjrib: I'm at the latest version which is 1.4.609:34
Jabberwock(which is vulnerable)09:34
Jabberwock1.4.7 has the fix09:35
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JabberwockThe latest version in the apt tree that is09:35
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tckMichael147, can you open the case and read the details, if linux can't read it from the logs, not good09:35
jribJabberwock: security updates are applied and version numbers are not incremented since only the security patches are applied09:35
tckMichael147, try this, cat /var/log/dmesg see if theres any details09:35
JabberwockThat makes it confusing09:35
JabberwockGood to know though :)09:35
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JabberwockThank you.09:35
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Michael147tck, ive written what linux thinks the make/model is.09:36
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filthpighende: does you wifi card have support in linux?09:36
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jribJabberwock: aptitude changelog gnupg     but I don't know enough about the exploit to say that it is definitely related (timing suggests it though)09:36
tckMichael147, tell me again09:36
ksaweryhey guys09:36
kazim59is the name of Jabber changed to XMPP?09:36
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heroJabberwock: there is a #security channel. dunno if there is one specifically for ubuntu though09:37
Jabberwockjrib: That's pretty vague :(09:37
Michael147tck, ermm okay:) 8254OEM Gigabit Ethernet controller.09:37
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JabberwockSeems like it could possibly have to do with that vuln.. or not09:37
jribJabberwock: I agree, they usually have bug numbers attached09:37
kermitanyone have any tips on how to speed up the touch pad? I already set the acceleration and sensitivity to max in System->Preferences->Mouse09:37
kermitit just moves so slow09:37
ksaweryduring the installation of ubuntu on my girlfriends computer I get an error that says it can't execute grub install (hd0)09:37
ksaweryand he stops installing09:38
varkaMichael147: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?ProductID=983&DwnldID=9180&lang=eng  the readme tells you how to install09:38
schopraGreetings all - was wondering if someone could help me with a problme I'm having playing mp4 files on my VLC media player09:38
jimqodehende, say it09:38
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Michael147tck, byt the way when i cracked her open i saw that the NIC was built into the mobo and i couldnt see a make/model engraved onto it.09:38
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Michael147varka, am i not supposed to be downloading from Asus?09:38
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hendeoh i am on step 2 and when i type that in the terminal it couldnt find package09:38
schopraI've tried playing two .mp4 files and on both of them VLC throws up a blurred output09:38
pr4bhhow do i format my flash disk to ext3 format? :s09:38
Michael147varka, the manafacturer of the mobo.09:38
Jabberwockjrib: Do you know what forum or list I could subscribe to so I can inquire about things like this?09:38
schopraThe audio seems fine09:38
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cpare_anyone here using simple IRCD09:39
jribpr4bh: use gparted09:39
tckNo asus prob. put in an intel onboard nic because its cheaper09:39
asdokasdofjHey allo09:39
pr4bhok cheers09:39
asdokasdofjHey all... I recompiled my kernel using the ubuntu forums method and made two deb packages. now when I reboot and select the new kernel I get depmod errors indicating that it can't find libc.so.6.... any ideas?09:39
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Michael147tck, so where am i downloading from Asus?09:39
varkaMichael147: the NIC is an intel one, the drivers on the asus page are simply copied from intel09:39
schopraAnd I can't seem to find discussions about this problem09:39
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Michael147varka, oh okay then.09:39
hendeany idea jim09:39
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schopraI'm finding this quite puzzling as I'm not getting any error messages from VLC09:39
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neonleonis it possible via command-line to instantiate another copy of an already-running process? (like two web browsers, one for xwin server 1 and one for xwin server 2)09:39
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Jabberwockjrib: Given the low urgency I'd say it's probably not that vulnerability09:40
asdokasdofjAnyone have experience recompiling kernels?09:40
Michael147varka, tck, so what should i google now to search for the right driver? 8254OEM Gigabit Ethernet controller?09:40
jribJabberwock: not really, I know there is an ubuntu-security-announce on lists.ubuntu.com, but it just announces security issues.  Your best bet is probably the bug tracker at bugs.ubuntu.com.  Or try emailing the person who made the changelog entry directly?09:40
varkaMichael147: i gave you the right driver09:40
varkaMichael147: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?ProductID=983&DwnldID=9180&lang=eng  the readme tells you how to install09:40
Jabberwockthanks :)09:41
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schopraIf anyone has any clues on how I could tweak VLC to play mp4 properly I'd be very grateful09:41
Michael147varka,  thanks alot.09:41
tckMichael147, yes, search intel , search http://packages.ubuntu.com/ search google search ubuntuforums.org etc..09:41
kaikiPardon me, room. I can't uninstall samba using apt-get, it spits out Segmentation faults, starting just before the reading database, could anyone please help?09:41
schopraI've got two movies just waiting to be viewed :)09:41
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jimqodekaiki, could you please paste the output to pastebin09:41
tckgood luck Michael14709:41
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CppIsWeirdis there another easy to use GUI wireless utility? nm-applet is diving me crazy.09:41
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LunatikBunnie(jimqode): http://pastebin.com/94270509:42
nico_what was the beryl channel again, ubuntu-effects?09:42
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Michael147tck, thanks alot, im going to need it lol09:42
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jimqodeLunatikBunnie, this is the output of lspci. please do a lsusb.09:42
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nico_is the beryl channel on ubuntu-effects?09:43
heronico_: YES09:43
gatenis there anyway to reset the Keyboard Shortcut settings to their install defaults?09:43
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): only 2 things are out.09:43
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heroor you can go to #beryl09:43
nico_but there's no one in there09:43
nico_oh ok09:43
nico_that's where everybody is :D09:43
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mundungusis there another command for viewing usb ports?09:44
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varkaMichael147: before trying to compile the driver do the following: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:44
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, please paste the output to pastebin09:44
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varkaMichael147: it installs the basics for compiling09:44
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LunatikBunnie(jimqode): http://pastebin.com/94270809:44
gatenmundungus: lsusb09:44
Knowledgehas anyone actually seen ubuntu installed on a PS3? cause I don't think it's possible. I've been trying for a day and a half now09:44
JabberwockPeople have been putting Linux on game systems for ages09:45
ben_irc:// #asp09:45
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, is your modem connected to your computer and turned on?09:45
Michael147varka, thanks alot i really appreciate the help09:45
nico_wich games are known to run well on linux09:45
JabberwockUbuntu isn't special in that sense.09:45
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schopraAre there MP4 codecs that VLC might be missing?09:45
asdokasdofjHey all... I recompiled my kernel using the ubuntu forums method and made two deb packages. now when I reboot and select the new kernel I get depmod errors indicating that it can't find libc.so.6.... any ideas?09:45
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LunatikBunnie(jimqode): yes09:45
mirkixwhich part of ubuntu is responsible for the automaic kernel modul loading? for example, when i plug in my rs232 to usb converter, the modul is loaded automatic ?09:45
jimqodeKnowledge, Some guy here yesterday was talking about it.09:46
nantes_geekwhere can i found anything like an inittab in my xubuntu ?09:46
pr4bhFailed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Invalid argument09:46
pr4bhThe device '/dev/sdb1' doesn't have a valid NTFS.09:46
gatenmirkix: i think that's hal09:46
thesourceis there a addon for kvirc that i can use to show sysinfo09:46
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varkaKnowledge: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-7-04-on-PS3-52699.shtml09:46
pr4bhwhy do i get this when i try to mount my  flash disk?09:46
Knowledgeman, i keep getting kernel panics...lockups...etc09:46
pr4bhits ext309:46
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/8159/screenshotye3.jpg09:46
KnowledgeI've tried everything09:46
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mirkixgaten: thanks09:46
gatennico_: WoW runs good09:46
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`Nickon the liveCD, what would i add to the 'Other Options' to make the resolution 1024x768@60 ?09:46
nico_hm im more into Guildwars :D09:46
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asdokasdofjCan anyone help me with my kernel issues? lol09:46
perrygovieranyone else having apt-get issues?09:47
thesourcei know this is off tipice but is there a addon for kvirc that i can use to show sysinfo09:47
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JabberwockKnowledge: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10204409:47
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JabberwockNo idea if that's what you're seeing09:47
Knowledgethat's after it actually installing...09:47
^Takut^i need help with problem printing using my custom paper size any suggest ?09:47
KnowledgeI can't even get the live boot to go well...and when it does...it locks up during install09:47
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jimqodeLunatikBunnie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/AccessRunner09:47
NemesisDhi all, using firefox on feisty and for some reason, every other time i start firefox, the back/refresh/stop buttons dont work, the address sticks and all my favorites are gone, but its back to normal the next time i start it09:48
LunatikBunniei think you're the 8th person to link me there.09:48
perrygovierI have a fresh install of 7.04 server and i get a "couldn't find package" error for ubuntu-desktop. any advice?09:48
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Jabberwockthat's kinda clever.09:48
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Zma1hi all09:48
Zma1i installed ubuntu 7.0409:48
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): i couldnt extract the firmware.09:48
nico_Zmal, good job :D09:48
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Jabberwocknico_: lol09:48
filthpigdoes anyone have any idea as to -why- I get connected to the wlan but -not- to the internet from my desktop pc?09:48
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, did you find the file?09:48
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Zma1thanks nico_09:49
nico_Jabberwock, no really, every one installing linux rules09:49
thesourcei know this is off topic  but is there a addon for kvirc that i can use to show sysinfo09:49
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LunatikBunnie(jimqode): yesh, its on my modem cd.09:49
Jabberwockfilthpig: So you have an IP?09:49
`Nickon the liveCD, what would i add to the 'Other Options' to make the resolution 1024x768@60 ? - current command line is :casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash --09:49
filthpigJabberwock: yu09:49
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JabberwockAnd does `route` show you having a default gateway?09:49
rick_ratliff_orgI have a new HP Laptop and I currently can pick 6.06 without lan support or 7.04 without cd/dvd support. Where is a good place to start?09:49
JabberwockCan you ping your router?09:49
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, what does the cxacrufw-extract command say?09:49
filthpigJabberwock: yep09:49
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Zma1mundungus: hello!!09:49
Jabberwockfilthpig: Then restart your modem09:49
perrygovierAnyone an apt-get guru?09:49
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): it doesnt extract properly =/09:49
ilikec0ws`Nick, You want the option that is initially selected as VGA, you can change res in there :)09:49
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JabberwockThe problem is either between the router and the modem, or the modem and the ISP09:50
filthpigJabberwock: but it works on my laptop09:50
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, what does doesn't extract properly mean?09:50
ilikec0ws`Nick, In the boot menu thing09:50
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`Nickilikec0ws: i need a HIGHER resolution09:50
Jabberwockfilthpig: Perhaps firewall settings on the router?09:50
filthpigthe desktop doesn't even work through cable09:50
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MajorPaynenico_: I installed Linux like 10000 times.  Do I rule more?09:50
nantes_geekwhere can i found anything like an inittab in my xubuntu ?09:50
mundungusZmal:heheehe! u upgraded to 7.04 or was fresh install09:50
JabberwockWhat ethernet card?09:50
`Nickilikec0ws: it only lets me choose VGA or 640x480x16, i need a higher resolution09:50
filthpigJabberwock: no.. I get online from wxp, laptop(pclinuxos), but not ubuntu09:50
JabberwockWell it wouldn't matter. They can't both be bad09:50
schopraIs there anyway I could just update VLC?09:50
chadeldridgeIf i format my external usb drive ext3 will my windows box still be able to read / write to it ... or no ?09:50
ilikec0ws`Nick, Ohhh okay09:51
Zma1but now I cannot change my video resolution to 1280x800: I modified xorg.conf but nothing; restarting x server the resolution passed to 800x600. How can I do? :)09:51
WokWendellHI - was wondering if someone could help with networking -- Windows computers can't see my ubuntu machine and when I try to brose workgoup it says folder contents can't be displayed (couldn't display all contents)09:51
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): just a sec, i'll try get the output for you.09:51
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schopraI'm puzzled by the fact that no one seems to have reported this particular MP4/VLC problem anywhere09:51
pr4bhmy flash disk is not being automounted guys :s09:51
perrygovierWokWndell: try samba09:51
pr4bhwhat to do?09:51
JabberwockZma1: Try modifying your resolution through the Administration menu09:51
filthpigI've tried two wlan cards, linksys wusb54gc and dlink dwl-ab52009:51
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, by the way please use this pastebin, the one you are using is awfully slow09:51
nantes_geekPlease :  where can i found anything like an inittab in my xubuntu ?09:51
jimqode!paste | LunatikBunnie09:51
ubotuLunatikBunnie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:51
Jabberwockfilthpig: Have you rebooted the cable modem?09:51
JabberwockOr dsl, or whatever09:52
varkaMichael147: getting further?09:52
Zma1Jabberwock: the correct resolution isn't there.09:52
JabberwockZma1: sounds like the driver doesn't support it09:52
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JabberwockWhat card?09:52
Zma1Jabberwock: fglrx09:52
JabberwockAre you using the restricted drivers?09:52
Zma1Jabberwock: x70009:52
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filthpigJabberwock: no, but if I reboot to wxp (the same computer) it works like a charm09:52
perrygoviercould anyone help me get desktop on this server install. i'm getting an error that the package couldn't be found09:52
JabberwockHm. No idea :( Works for me09:52
jo3perrygovier, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:53
Jabberwockfilthpig: Does iwconfig show an ath0 interface?09:53
chadeldridgeIf i format my external usb drive ext3 will my windows box still be able to read / write to it ... or no ?09:53
Zma1Jabberwock: I modified a line in xorg.conf such like this:   1280x800    800x600    640x48009:53
`Nickilikec0ws: i'm trying the vga=791 fix, vga=711 didn't work09:53
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jo3perrygovier, you might want to do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade frist09:53
asdokasdofjif I forgot to build sata support for my new kernel would that cause it to not be able to find modules at boot time? ;-)09:53
perrygovierjo3: "E: couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop"09:53
Kroozrfilthpig, did ndiswrapper do anything for you?09:53
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filthpigJabberwock: yes09:53
JabberwockAnd ifconfig ath0 shows the IP?09:54
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JabberwockSorry if I'm repeating09:54
JabberwockZma1: try removing 800x600 altogether?09:54
EADG__chadeldridge: not natively, but there is a win program to read ext3, however, I've forgetten it's name.09:54
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Michael147varka, im just attempting the install now.09:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about init.d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
perrygovierjo3: will try the upgrade09:54
filthpigKroozr: I remembered I had a d-link card laying around here, so I'm using that.. It's got restricted linux drivers too09:54
chadeldridgeEADG__:  basically im sick of NTFS locking the drive where i cant mount it in linux ... would fat32 have the same issue?09:54
Zma1ok, Jabberwock09:54
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): I dont have this > cp /media/cdrom1/driver/Wan/CnxEtU.sys ~/09:54
kaikiSorry jimqode09:54
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EADG__chadeldridge: fat32 works ok.09:55
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topshottaanyone know how to manually install gecko?09:55
Kroozrfilthpig, even though they are restricted. . . most of the time they will work well. . . i have yet to have an issue with my graphics card09:55
lekuhow do I import all the shit in MS Outlook to evolution?09:55
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perrygovierjo3: same error09:55
chadeldridgeis there anyway to convert down to fat32 from ntfs other than formating ?09:55
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WokWendell!language | leku09:55
ubotuleku: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:55
JabberwockOnly fat32->ntfs09:55
nate__ /server irc.ac-web.org:6667 -j #AC-Web09:55
EADG__chadeldridge: I don't think so, have you tried GParted?09:55
filthpigKroozr: yes, but the problem is the same with both cards, I can connect to the wlan but not internet09:55
chadeldridgetrying it now09:56
daanchadeldridge: no09:56
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jo3perrygovier, have you edited your sourceslists?09:56
chadeldridgethanks guys09:56
daan<chadeldridge> you can move the files if you have more free space than used space09:56
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, That file does not have to at that particular place. You have to find the file called CnxEtU.sys from your driver cd or windows drives downloaded from net.09:56
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jimqodekaiki, about what?09:56
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perrygovierjo3: no09:56
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Kroozrfilthpig, you dont have mac address filtering or anything like that turned on do you?09:56
hendewhat does not a shell built in mean09:56
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dvs01i'm in /etc/pam.d/ ..and i just typed "cat su".. and then i realized.. my cat's name is catsu09:57
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petervktopshotta: you mean the html rendering engine for firefox?09:57
WokWendellHI all - my linux system can see the workgroups but can't browse anything - any suggestions?09:57
lxgghey i have a huge problem09:57
darnell_why does svideo only run on boot up and in server mode, but not with the GUI?09:57
varkaMichael147: remeber to use "sudo" befor a command where root rights are required09:57
filthpigKroozr: not that I know of09:57
perrygovierjo3: i do get an error that some index files failed to download when i run the update. i'm guessing the error lies in there but i have no idea why it's happening.09:57
filthpigKroozr: router or ubuntu-level?09:57
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Kroozrfilthpig, router09:57
filthpigdon't think so09:58
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Iwizzardhttp://www.listen-project.org/ticket/677 <- can anyone help me with this problem?09:58
lxggits to do with the BIOS - having an old pc and I get in the Hardware Monitor -6.19 V in the -5V Voltage ...anyone any idea ??09:58
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Kroozrfilthpig, do you have firestarter installed? i know you can lock all incoming and outgoing internet requests with it (a gui to the ip tables)09:58
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:58
hendesomebody refered me to a thread but what its telling me to do is not working would somebody mind helping??? the thread is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 its about wifi with broadcom 431809:59
Kroozrfilthpig, can you connect when its wired?09:59
filthpigI -had- firestarter, but I removed it yesterday09:59
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filthpigKroozr: nope09:59
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Iwizzardhmm the link was wrong09:59
Kroozrfilthpig, if you can't connect when its wired either then its not a wireless driver/card issue09:59
petervkhende: what is your problem?09:59
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28697/09:59
Iwizzardno my fault09:59
filthpigbut when I try to ping either the router or the laptop, it gives "sendmsg: The operation09:59
filthpigOperation not permitted10:00
schopraAnyway folks, if someone could help me with this mp4/vlc problem I'd appreciate it10:00
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JabberwockI'm in the weeds. Take care all10:00
lxggits to do with the BIOS - having an old pc and I get in the Hardware Monitor -6.19 V in the -5V Voltage ...anyone any idea ??10:00
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schopraI just wish it was a common problem - I'd have found some help on it by now10:00
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filthpigso I was wondering if maybe my old pppoe-setting for the old modem could have anything to do with it?10:00
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Kroozrfilthpig, in terminal do "sudo ping <routerip>"10:00
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Kroozrminus quotes10:00
filthpiggives the same10:00
hendesomebody refered me to a thread but what its telling me to do is not working would somebody mind helping??? the thread is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 its about wifi with broadcom 431810:00
topshottaPetervk: yes that is what i mean10:01
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petervkhende: describe your problem better. What part of that how-to are you having problems with?10:01
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hendego to that thread and look at step 2 i cant get ndiswrapper10:01
petervktopshotta: you cannot install gecko on its own10:01
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jo3perrygovier, did you get my pm?10:01
MajorPayneKroozr: Why do you need sudo to use ping?10:01
AlexC_Hey guys,10:01
Lunksi'm looking for a movie player with good subtitle management10:01
KroozrMajorPayne, he was getting the "operation not permitted" so i thought maybe it was an access thing10:02
Lunkslike advance frames, etc10:02
petervktopshotta: its part of firefox/camino/seamonkey/thunderbird.10:02
jo3perrygovier, try to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and do an update/upgrade again10:02
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, You did not install the needed package then. Please read through this document and make sure you understand it10:02
filthpigMajorPayne: it was a suggestion because doing it without sudo gave operation is not permitted10:02
AlexC_I'm getting an "No keyboard detected, press F1 to continue" type errors when _adding_ a user, I get the following message! adduser: The user `alex' does not exist. ><10:02
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topshottapetervk: i downloaded the cab file. just need to know how to make wine run it10:02
petervkhende: ok, I'll take a look10:02
EADG__Lunks: Mplayer10:02
Lunksbsplayer-like funcionality10:02
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): which document?10:02
MajorPayneKroozr: Ohh, ok.  Sorry.10:02
filthpigKroozr: I even tried sudo -s and pinging from root10:02
petervktopshotta: cab? from where?10:02
LunksEADG__: can it advance subtitles frames?10:02
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/AccessRunner10:02
perrygovierjo3: already tried that. i think i'm just gonna go back to 6.0610:02
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petervkhende: what version of ubuntu are you running?10:03
asdokasdofjanyone have a few minutes for a kernel recompile question?10:03
niuqi have installed Touchpad manager, to disable tapping from my touchpad, but the thing is if i make changes to it, when i restart my computer the settings i putted, are gone, any help plz10:03
EADG__Lunks: Yep, I remeber seeing that in the man pages.10:03
topshottapetervk: wine gecko cab from winehq.org10:03
BraxtAfter I installed Beryl, my box stopped showing the video om .wmv files .. any suggestions10:03
Lunkshmm ok!10:03
Kroozrfilthpig, get in to your router and make sure it's being assigned an IP from your ISP. That could be the issue of why you can connect to the LAN and not the internet10:03
LunatikBunnie(jimqode): there's nothing about getting a package file in there?10:03
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LunksThanks a lot, EADG__!10:03
MajorPayne!ask | asdokasdofj10:03
ubotuasdokasdofj: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:03
EADG__Lunks: Gimme a sec.10:03
filthpigKroozr: no, because the laptop I'm on right now is connected to the same router wirelessly10:03
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Kroozrfilthpig, hmm. .10:04
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Tchakadoes anybody know what we can do with a CSV file?10:04
jimqodeLunatikBunnie, Please read the document. I can help you if you have specific questions but I don't have the time to guide you step by step. The thing i'm going to say are written on that document anyway.10:04
asdokasdofjubotu - Hey all... I recompiled my kernel using the ubuntu forums method and made two deb packages. now when I reboot and select the new kernel I get depmod errors indicating that it can't find libc.so.6.... any ideas?10:04
EADG__LunatikBunnie: x or z           adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 second10:04
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asdokasdofjthat's my question ;-) it's been driving me madddd10:04
petervktopshotta: I don't really understand. Why are you trying to install this?10:04
lxggits to do with the BIOS - having an old pc and I get in the Hardware Monitor -6.19 V in the -5V Voltage ...anyone any idea ??10:04
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matasonI have ubuntu 7.04 installed, I'm getting a larger capacity hdd tomorrow, can I clone my current hdd onto my new one? If so how?10:04
EADG__LunatikBunnie: ignore that.10:04
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LunatikBunnie(EADG__): What?10:05
asdokasdofjubotu - even doing a dist-upgrade to feisty doesn't work properly .. with the kernel that comes with feisty10:05
topshottapetervk:i need it to run ie610:05
pr4bhi love linux!! esp ubuntu! the kind of freedom it gives, i swear ill never ever go back to windows again!10:05
filthpigKroozr: hmm indeed10:05
EADG__LunatikBunnie: Was ment for Lunks, but he disapeared rather quickly.10:05
pr4bhsorry off topic but had to get it off my chest :)10:05
AlexC_asdokasdofj: uBOTu is a Bot =)10:05
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asdokasdofj:-/ sigh10:05
niuqhow can i save the configurations of my touchpad manager?, because the configurations are gone when i restart my computer10:05
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asdokasdofjI need some real help.. this is driving me insane.10:05
topshottapetervk:are you familiar with wine?10:05
petervktopshotta: ahh.10:05
Kroozrfilthpig, and you have an IP assigned to you that is similiar to the first 3 sets of numbers of the router?10:05
filthpigpr4bh: try walking without underwear, it gives the same feeling of freedom ^^10:05
petervktopshotta: not really at all10:05
lordlucan/s irc.abjacts.net10:05
gordonjcppr4bh: what is this Windows thing that people keep going on about anyway?10:05
filthpigKroozr: yep10:06
petervktopshotta: sorry10:06
Niklas_Eis it possible to run wpa if you run ndiswrapper (to my A8V-E delux wifi card marvell 88w8310 I think) ?10:06
topshottapetervk:me either10:06
filthpigeverything is a-ok10:06
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pr4bhgordonjcp: soon ill be saying that too :D10:06
filthpigexcept the internet :s10:06
WokWendellCan anyone help me with networking - i can see windows workgroups but can't browse folder in them...10:06
AlexC_I'm getting an "No keyboard detected, press F1 to continue" type errors when _adding_ a user, I get the following message! adduser: The user `alex' does not exist. ><10:06
pr4bhfilthpd: hehe, atm linux is enough ;)10:06
Kroozrfilthpig, in terminal type sudo pccardctl ident10:06
Kroozrsee if you get any info10:06
powergoalWokWendell: I think you need to get support for samba?10:06
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powergoalWokWendell: someone else should corroborate that though..10:06
niuqany help would be welcome10:07
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petervktopshotta: I haven't tried this, but it may be worth checking out: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page10:07
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petervktopshotta: sorry but that's about all I got.10:07
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dvs01what should i do if i want to start up my own open source project? im trying to basically get all the info i need that encompasses it, which would include software engineering theory, project management, revision control, etc. i want to go beyond just editing a source file and using it10:08
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vox754Niklas_E, is that a motherboard with integrated wireless?10:08
petervkhende: you still here?10:08
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Niklas_Evox754: yes10:08
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filthpigKroozr: gives nada10:08
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topshottapetervk:cool thanks though10:08
jarnaudanyone here from canonical Montreal ?10:09
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Niklas_Ehaven't found anydriver so I had to do a ndiswrapper10:09
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nedflandersWhat's the command to display directories and their sizes ???10:09
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AlexC_nedflanders: ls -a10:09
powergoalnedflanders: ls -a10:09
Niklas_Ebut can't get wpa to run10:09
Kroozrfilthpig, in terminal type this: gksudo gedit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts10:09
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vox754Niklas_E, I think some guy had problems with that model. Check out the ndiswrapper forums.10:09
aldarsiorwhat is ?10:09
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aldarsior(I'm trying to check my math)10:09
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AlexC_Guys, why am I getting this random error: adduser: The user `alex' does not exist. with this command: sudo adduser alex tangocms10:09
blahWhen i attach this external drive i get the message:  mount_point cannot contain the following characters:  newline, G_DIR_Separator (usually /) ... any clue how to fix this?10:10
Niklas_Evox754: Ok, thanks :)10:10
powergoalNiklas_E: what is your card that you hunting drivers for?10:10
matasonHow do I clone my Ubuntu install?10:10
filthpigKroozr: the card I'm talking about is pci, for the record.. still pcmcia?10:10
LunatikBunniehow do i extract Tar.bz2 packages?10:10
nedflandersls -a doesn't work, it just shows hidden10:10
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AlexC_nedflanders: ls --help10:10
powergoalnedflanders: ls -la then?10:10
enviouzanybody know of a software to convert xvid's into dvd format?10:10
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flakeI'm going to be away for a week with a windoze laptop - I would like to be able to browse my home kubuntu machine remotely using the windoze laptop, what do I need to set up for that?10:10
Niklas_Epowergoal: I think it is called 88W8310 (it's a marvell wifi on my motherboard)10:11
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lostbuthappyLunatikBunnie, use xarchiver or a similiar packer program10:11
petervkhende: the ndiswrapper package name changed. you need "ndiswrapper-common"10:11
LunksLooks like MPlayer can't load subtitles for me. :(10:11
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LunksWeird thing it worked10:11
Necrodrakoim using ubuntu 7.04 and im having some trouble with defgault sound card10:11
filthpigKroozr: ok, the directory is opened10:11
LunksI get "gnome_screensaver_control()" whenever adding a subtitle10:11
blahnm .. figured it out10:11
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petervkhende: so "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common"10:11
niuqi cant run Deluge application, any help please10:11
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petervkhende: and if your running feisty or later you already have network-manager10:12
Necrodrakocan any one help me with ym soundcard settings10:12
oskudehi, sorry got OT but should BIOS come up (on screen) without CPU, RAM and co ? (only got gfx card installed)10:12
niuqhelp with deluge, i cant open it10:13
petervkniuq: I had problems with deluge too. Ktorrent works great.10:13
ZmaXI tried to change resolution in xorg.conf setting up only the "1280x800" but it set automatically 1024x768 rewriting xorg.conf.... why?10:13
niuqpetervk: ok thx10:13
ZmaXI cannot change resolution upper than 1024x76810:13
petervkniug: sudo apt-get install ktorrent10:14
pr4bhwhere is the sources.list files located?10:14
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petervkniqu: closest thing to utorrent for linux10:14
AlexC_pr4bh: /etc/apt10:14
pr4bhcheers :)10:14
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powergoalNiklas_E: (Marvell 88w8335 "Libertas"      PC-CARD    Ndiswrapper)   All I can find is also that the chipset is supported by the ndiswrapper.  But I think you can still get it to work with wpa_supplicant, if you desired.10:14
BigToe7000Could I be able to set up Ubuntu and VNC easily without using a mouse? I have a server with just a keyboard and I want to set it up from this PC remotely.10:14
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Beriantilikec0ws,ok i got the password sorted out,but im following the steps on that webpage and none are working10:14
LunksI need a player that can handle .srt subtitles as well as delay frames from it10:14
leo_rockwhello everyone, i wonder if someone could help me w/ an error i get when trying to load my kubuntu live cd10:15
enviouz you can run utorrent under wine though10:15
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powergoalLunks: mplayer10:15
EADG__BigToe7000: You want to look at ssh and/or sshfs then10:15
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LunksI get "gnome_screensaver_control()" whenever adding a subtitle10:15
powergoalLunks: I dont know about the particular subtitle format, but I know it does work with subs and you can control their placement in increments of .1 seconds10:15
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asdokasdofjHey all... I recompiled my kernel using the ubuntu forums method and made two deb packages. now when I reboot and select the new kernel I get depmod errors indicating that it can't find libc.so.6.... any ideas?10:15
Lunksmovie stops10:15
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Niklas_Epowergoal: ok, Thanks10:15
Beriantilikec0ws,i tried the one that does not install it from the livecd and the one using the live cd..the livecd way says it works but when i restart it dosnt load up10:15
powergoalNiklas_E: you're welcome :)10:16
Lunksif I press play, it says it can't load subtitle I gave.10:16
Necrodrakoi have my soundblaster card set as default, and my audion insists on playing through my integrarated intel sound card, Any help?10:16
mahdihi, could anybody plz guide me with smth plz? Whats the diff between eclipse and eclipse-gcj (other than the jvm used, of course)? Like, the advantages of either of them10:16
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Beriantilikec0ws,and without the livecd....well i did the steps and the last line in the command says sudo ./grub well...that does nothing10:16
powergoalLunks: does it provide any other info?  You might take the specific error and google search it, see if naything comes up...10:16
BigToe7000ok EADG__ thanks :D10:16
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Beriantilikec0ws,and i tried just "grub' and it took me to the setup menu for grub,but i dont know what to do from there.10:16
AeudianAnyone have any experiance on install ubuntu 7, (32 or 64bit) on an nvidia 8800 gtx?  I can't seem to be able to get a screen once installed cause of the drivers that come with ubuntu, i am unable to get a shell or gui to be able to install the correct updated drivers10:16
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Lunkspowergoal: already tried, nothing specific found10:16
mahdiwhat "native eclipse" means after all? That it will run without a jvm?10:16
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petervkenviouz: yes, but you can run ktorrent as well and it's pretty good10:17
leo_rockwdoes anybody how to solve a bcm43xx_microcodes.fw error when loading the live cd?10:17
powergoalLunks: perhaps try xine?  I think it works with subs, but I really don't run subs unless they are hardcoded to the AVI10:17
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LunksI'll try it10:17
powergoalLunks: good luck10:17
LunksIf it works, hope it has frame delay10:17
oliverphow do I load a module into the kernel?10:17
Beriantaeudian,i think mine did the same thing,i just ran it in safe graphical mode,then hit the install icon on the desktop and then restarted it without the cd and it worked fine10:17
powergoalLunks: you're welcome10:17
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, did you check if the right device is selected in the mixer?10:18
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AeudianBeriant: i am able to get the install to happen if i choose safe graphics and choose a reso of 1280x1024 but once install occurs i get a black screen after grub and i cant seem to spawn a shell or gui10:18
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy: what mixer?10:18
skargesany one can help me ! i have install cedega all thing work fine except i can use openGL10:18
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powergoalAeudian: are your graphics drivers properly installed?  It could cause the xserver to crash otherwise10:19
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skargesi have install nvidia drivers with envy10:19
lostbuthappydoesnt matter... type "alsamixer" in the shell10:19
Beriantaeudian,ahh im not sure then,i dont know to much about it just know that the first time i tried to install i got a messed up screen,so re tried in safe graph mode and installed it and then it worked fine.10:19
enviouzhttp://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html  <----  anybody know about this yet10:19
iZendamn, i have the same questions about video card drivers10:19
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skargesbut when i have nvidia in xorg.conf the X server crash10:19
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Beriantcan anyone help me with overwriting the windows boot10:19
Aeudianpowergoal: the graphic drivers that come with ubuntu do not support 8800 cards, and im unsure how to install them after the os install sicnei cant see screen10:19
lostbuthappyor use the kde/gnome/xfce mixer10:19
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smultronhas anyone here set up a DNS server on Ubuntu?10:20
ZmaXWhy it rewrite my xorg.conf file if I change it ?10:20
skargesi have gf FX 590010:20
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: it shows intel card as selected10:20
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powergoalAeudian: try setting the resolution lower at first, get your graphics drivers installed and then edit your xorg.conf file afterwards...10:20
iZenwhats the terminal code for displaying your hardware?10:20
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: how do i change the card in there10:20
m11i have pluged usb hdd 8gb in pc but it says is unalocated, what can i do to fix it ?10:20
lostbuthappyare you using gnome?10:20
enviouziZen:  you mean lspci ?10:20
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: yes10:20
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skargesi'm in gnome too10:21
Aeudianpowergoal: how can i edit the settings after install , can i set the xserver settings/install drivers to the hard disk from the live cd?10:21
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HumpyI'm having problems with apt-get10:21
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IndyGunFreakHumpy: so whats the problem?10:21
iZenthis is my card: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY10:21
Beriantcan anyone help me with overwriting the windows boot10:21
m11gparted just gives option to set new disklabel10:21
powergoalAeudian: well, I'm not entirely sure where it is in the ubuntu install, but on gentoo and debian, it is somewhere near /etc/X11/xorg.conf  sometimes its a different file at the conf level, but if you look there, you should see something similar.10:21
iZenis the workaround supported?10:22
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, okay, then type gnome-volume-manager or simply select it from the menu or so10:22
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virus_thin client10:22
virus_thin client10:22
virus_thin client10:22
Aeudianpowergoal: i can get the the OS installed only if i choose safe graphics and reso of 1280x1024 but after the install when i reboot i cant get anythnig after grub, a shell or gui10:22
virus_help me!!110:22
powergoalBeriant: what do you want to do?10:22
Humpysudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop results in E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop10:22
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:22
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, click on file->change device (or something like that) and select your sound card10:22
m11!thin client10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thin client - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
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powergoalAeudian: right, can you select a lower resolution at the time of installation?10:22
powergoalAeudian: or do you even get a terminal?10:22
virus_!thin client10:22
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: already selected10:22
lostbuthappythats odd...10:22
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:23
skargesany one have an idea why the nvidia drivers can't run opengl with FX 5900(NV35)10:23
Beriantpowergoal,well i installed ubuntu then tried to intsall windows,and ive decided i dont want windows anymore.and the GRUB wont load when i start up my computer,so i went to the help page on the ubuntu community site and followed all the steps using the livecd and not using the livecd and none of them seemed to work10:23
Aeudianpowergoal: i cant even get a terminal, and it never asks during install which reso to set unless the alt cd does?10:23
IndyGunFreakHumpy: what version of ubuntu do youu have installed?10:23
virus_one question the ubuntu 7.04 (not server version) include the LTSP ?10:23
virus_one question the ubuntu 7.04 (not server version) include the LTSP ?10:23
terrestresomeone using monodevelop?10:23
LunatikBunnieScrew this!10:23
LunatikBunnieScrew ubuntu!10:23
powergoalAeudian: after you install and you get your black screen try pressing <ctrl> + <alt> + <backspace>  to kill the xserver.  (it might try to restart, but after three kills, it should just stop) and that might give you acess to the terminal.10:23
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Beriantpowergoal,when i use the livecd...the output in the terminal says the install was complete and not messed up,but when i restart my computer grub dosnt load10:23
m11virus_ > !edubuntu10:23
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, i had the same problem but i cant remember how i solved it anymore... give me a minute...10:23
powergoalBeriant: were you using grub or lilo?10:23
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lxggits to do with the BIOS - having an old pc and I get in the Hardware Monitor -6.19 V in the -5V Voltage ...anyone any idea ??10:23
Necrodrakolostbuthappy:you have all the time it takes10:23
Aeudianpowergoal: i didnt try backspace ill give that a shot, ive only try ctrl+alt+f2-610:23
virus_m11:  and the "server verison" include this?10:23
Beriantpowergoal,and when i try it without the livecd,it takes me to the grub setup menu and im not sure what to do from there10:24
HumpyIndyGunFreak: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS10:24
m11yes virus_10:24
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Beriantthats what i used to do it10:24
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IndyGunFreakHumpy: well, good luck, why didn't you just install the current version?10:24
powergoalBeriant: when you install windows, it overwrites the MBR ( i think... ) so what you have to do is rerun the grub installer.  In order to do this, I have always used the gentoo install disk, because the gentoo docs have really good documentation on chrootin ginto your environment and then how to install the grub loader.10:24
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:24
virus_m11:  but.. edubuntu or ubuntu server to make a thin server in a small bussines??10:24
powergoalAeudian: if you have tried those and it doesnt work, then you cant get to a TTY terminal...10:25
HumpyIndyGunFreak: I dunno... lol is the 7.04 better?10:25
powergoalAeudian: I think something else might be going wrong...10:25
Beriantpowergoal,where can i get gentoo install disk10:25
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powergoalBeriant: let me find you a link..10:25
IndyGunFreakHumpy: well, its current.10:25
Beriantpowegoal,kk thx10:25
skargeswho can help me, ubuntu 7.04 X86_64 and nvidia drivers don't work with my GF FX 590010:25
CarinArrBeriant: you can do this with the ubuntu live cd too10:25
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m11edubuntu has ltsp as i know virus_10:25
virus_ok, thanx10:25
powergoalBeriant: its somewhere on the gentoo.org site...10:25
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virus_someone speak spanish here?10:25
HumpyIndyGunFreak: so I am gonna install it then... but the cmd I am using should work?10:25
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m11but for setting on thinclient ... that a diferent story virus_10:25
Aeudianpowergoal: well maybe its possibly my nvidia 680i mb, i hear that also has issues,....ya! congrats to myself to having a high end machine lol10:26
Beriantcarinarr,so i can just boot from the livecd and there will be an option to reinstall grub?10:26
m11  virus_ #ubuntu-es10:26
CarinArrBeriant: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435110:26
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virus_ok ok ok tnahx10:26
powergoalBeriant: http://bouncer.gentoo.org/fetch/gentoo-2007.0-minimal/x86/10:26
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CarinArrBeriant: that tells you how10:26
skargeswho have already install ubuntu 64 with nvidia drivers ?10:26
IndyGunFreakHumpy: what command are you using?10:26
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powergoalAeudian: haha...  Im sorry that its givin you trouble...10:26
ZmaXWhy it rewrite my xorg.conf file if I change it ?10:26
CarinArrskarges: i have done before, what's the problem10:26
HumpyIndyGunFreak: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:26
m11unallocated /dev/sda , need help in formating please10:27
Aeudianpowergoal: ya when you google 8800 ubuntu and 680i ubuntu all you see is problems10:27
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IndyGunFreakHumpy: why are you trying to install ubuntu desktop? if you're using Gnome, the packages are already installed.10:27
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, hm, please write "cat /proc/asound/cards" in the shell... i bet the intel card is mentioned first...10:27
IndyGunFreakHumpy: in the feisty repos, that command should work.10:27
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Beriantpowergoal,carinarr,thx for your help im going to go try it out now10:27
skargesi don't know i have install it with synaptic and envy and all time it crash the server, i need to replace nvidia by nv for relaunch gdm10:27
powergoalAeudian: thats too bad...  if all else fails, you could run it in VGA mode, but you will get disappointing graphics.10:27
powergoalBeriant: goodluck :)10:27
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
NemesisDis there a way to reinstall firefox without losing any bookmarks/extensions/settings? nobody seems to be able to figure out why every other time i start FF it forgets my bookmarks, addresses stick and the back/refresh/stop buttons break10:27
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: yes it is10:27
Beriantpowergoal,thx :D10:27
iZenim trying to install WoW on Ubuntu through Wine but i am having trouble installing the ATI drivers10:28
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy: do you know how to fix this then10:28
CarinArrskarges: can you !pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log after it crashes?10:28
HumpyIndyGunFreak: Well my goal is to use a GUI version10:28
ZmaXpowergoal: can u help me?10:28
powergoalZmaX: whats up?10:28
powergoalZmaX: i can try10:28
m11iZen , try envy10:28
IndyGunFreakHumpy: so you're using CLI only?10:28
terrestresomeone using monodevelop?10:28
HumpyIndyGunFreak: I dunno...10:28
ZmaXpowergoal: I cannot change my resolution upper than 102410:28
CarinArrskarges: it's possible /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old will still contain crash information if ou've only restarted the xserver once after the crash10:28
IndyGunFreakyou don't know/10:28
IndyGunFreakforget it... stick with windows10:29
m11google envy10:29
powergoalZmaX: ok, and your monitor supports a higher resolution?10:29
kaikiPardon me Room, can someone help with a samba package that won't uninstall? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28694/10:29
skargesi try to do it but i'm not on ubuntu computer for the moment10:29
Aeudianpowergoal: ya its quite depressing, i run multiple ubuntu boxs and servers at work, and i wanted to really mess around with high end video card with gui effects, just been trouble since beginning esp. when i destroyed my nvidia raid 0 partition with ubuntu =P10:29
HumpyIndyGunFreak: I think I am not going to stick with windows, I am determined to learn this stuff10:29
ZmaXpowergoal: in Windows, yes.10:29
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, yes i do... the default device has to be first, simply swap them and swap their numbers. in front of the sound card name is a number. your default soundcard must have a "0"10:29
HumpyIndyGunFreak: Linux is more reliable and powerful, even though I dunno what I am doing10:29
skargesi check this and i connect tomorrow10:29
HumpyIndyGunFreak: but thanks for the help10:30
powergoalAeudian: ooh... thats too bad.  I just tool around with the 'nix machines at home, and to be honest I dont run ubuntu at all haha.  all gentoo for the time being, but im here to learn :D10:30
CarinArrAeudian: what sort of probems you having with the nvidia card?10:30
skargessorry and thanks10:30
=== pr4b2 [n=loo@82-47-37-135.cable.ubr03.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, i bet theres an easier solution but afaik this works... you may have to restart the alsa-server or simply reboot10:30
skargesby all10:30
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: where do i change this at? in xorg?10:30
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Aeudianpowergoal: i tried deb and fedora in past but fell in love with ubuntu esp, for bind9 and postfix/spam filters for mail10:30
powergoalZmaX: ok, possible points of failure (that I can think of) are with the xorg.conf file, the drivers that you have installed, and sometimes the kernel options that are set can interfere10:30
powergoalAeudian: whats bind9?10:30
niuqi installed google earth now i am trying to uninstall it, but i really cant, any help?10:30
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lostbuthappynah, better use gedit, but with root privileges... simply type "sudo gedit", enter the password and open the file10:31
m11need little help in formating /dev/sda that is unallocated in gparted , please help10:31
CarinArrbind's for dns isn't it?10:31
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Aeudianpowergoal: dns server10:31
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dboyCan anyone lead me in the right direction on mounting an external hard drive?  Shows up when doing fdisk -l yet not listed under fstab, very lost while trying to search through google10:31
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Aeudianpowergoal: its a very popular dns server for hosting records we use it for our clients at work to host there a,mx,cname records10:32
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dboyDo I need to add it to etc/fstab for the external hard drive to mount?10:32
niuqhow can i remove google earth?10:32
cBaudboy: is it ntfs/vfat/unformatted?10:32
cBaugenerally, it just mounts10:32
CarinArrdboy: yeah you do, if you want it to mount automagically10:32
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powergoalZmaX: so, first: paste the sections of your xorg.conf file that are labeled ``screen''. and what vid card do you have?10:32
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dboyI would be happy to just have it format10:32
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: you mean sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:32
ZmaXpowergoal: the driver are the restricted fglrx (I have an x700), I tried changing xorg.conf replacing all the resolution in 1280x800. But restarting x, it rewrite xorg.conf with the old options and started with 1024x768 resolution.10:33
powergoalZmaX: paste2.org/new-paste10:33
dboyI could use it yesterday and today it is not showing up10:33
lostbuthappyno, thats the wrong file...10:33
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, the file is "/proc/asound/cards"10:33
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powergoalZmaX: try killing X first, and making the edits in the TTY terminal10:33
xerophyte if i have raid5 with 5 disk, and if the 2 disk gone bad... can i able to restore the data ?10:33
dboyThe external drive has 2 partitions on it one is fat32 and other is NTFS10:33
powergoalZmaX: I dont know, but xserver might revert to the saved conf file if it crashes10:33
vltHello. I'm running 7.04 on an IBM Thinkpad with Intel 82801DB audio controller. After a "warm" reboot (and after waking up from hibernate) I can't play audio. I always need to completely shut down and switch on again. Didn't know before that there's a difference between restart and shutdown. Any idea how to solve this?10:33
powergoalZmaX: or save something in cache?10:33
IndyGunFreaklostbuthappy: is that a text file?10:33
m11problem with partition table : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28706/10:34
niuqhow can i remove google earth's app?10:34
=== amishjim [n=amish@ip70-162-92-37.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aeudianpowergoal: i never tried gentoo which flavor of linux is it near, deb, red hat?10:34
lostbuthappyalmost every config file is plain text10:34
IndyGunFreaklostbuthappy: ok, then sudo gedit /path/to/filename10:34
cBaudboy: I am really not experienced that area... my externals generally work, my only prob was with a phone, and I said screw it10:34
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ZmaXpowergoal: I don't know at all. Now I paste my xorg.conf10:34
CarinArrvlt: have you tried googling for your exact thinkpad model and linux? sometimes there's funniness to laptops that are well known with guides on how to solve them10:34
dboyI try to mount it via termial but it says it is not found in etc/fstab or etc/mtab10:34
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m11ah damn, seems i need windows partition magic to solve this :/10:35
powergoalAeudian: well, I havnt ever used redhat, but it was pretty similar to deb.  the largest difference (in terms of time on the user end) is that you compile all packages locally10:35
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: when i open it it is blank10:35
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dboyJust a little frustrating when the thing works one second and not the next10:35
dboyoh well10:35
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Aeudianpowergoal: so no apt-get or yum?10:35
CarinArrdboy: you can add it to /etc/fstab manually10:35
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powergoalAeudian: the other thing that I really like about it is the almost endless collection of userdocs.10:35
dboyI can still save files to my internal drive and just hop on my windows partition10:35
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IndyGunFreakNecrodrako: that means either 1, its just a blank text file, or it doesn't exist.10:35
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vltCarinArr: Aah, thank you, I'll try this first.10:35
dboydo you have any resources on how to do that10:35
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CarinArrdboy: one sec..10:35
powergoalAeudian: well, not those specific scripts.  Gentoo uses ``emerge''10:35
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, i had the same problem with gedit... argh... do you have "mousepad"?10:35
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niuqthere is any way i can remove google earth's application?10:35
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iZendo i need to be logged in as root to install envy? here is what i get when i run the pkg.10:36
iZenachiles@achiles-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg -i envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb10:36
iZendpkg: status database area is locked by another process10:36
raymondjtoth Load    "bitmap"10:36
raymondjtoth        Load    "ddc"10:36
Aeudianpowergoal: any live cd's of gentoo?10:36
raymondjtoth        Load    "dri"10:36
powergoalniuq: did you do a manual install, or through the package manager?10:36
raymondjtoth        Load    "extmod"10:36
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raymondjtoth        Load    "freetype"10:36
raymondjtoth        Load    "glx"10:36
raymondjtoth        Load    "int10"10:36
raymondjtoth        Load    "vbe"10:36
Necrodrakolostbuthappy i dont think so10:36
Beriantpowergoal,carinArr,i got it.its working just like it was before,thx for your help guys :D10:36
niuqpowergoal: manual install10:36
Aeudianpowergoal: nm i see one =P10:36
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CarinArr!pastebin | raymondjtoth10:36
uboturaymondjtoth: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:36
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powergoalAeudian: yes, but I think  i tonly works for the TTY terminal.  no graphical live cd10:36
dboyniuq is it not listed under add/remove under applications?10:36
niuqdboy: it is not10:37
powergoalBeriant: great!10:37
ZmaXpowergoal: http://paste2.org/p/437310:37
lostbuthappyNecrodrako: damn...10:37
=== Dominat0r_ [n=dominat0@53569EAA.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ZmaXpowergoal: is the monitor configuration, maybe?10:37
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, can you send me your card file? i'll edit it and send it back10:37
dboysudo apt-get remove google-earth10:37
dboytried that?10:37
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iZen$ sudo dpkg -i envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb10:38
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iZendpkg: status database area is locked by another process10:38
iZenWhat am i doing wrong?10:38
IndyGunFreakiZen: do you have synaptic open?..close it.10:38
varkaMichael147: going off now, any questions left?10:38
herosomething else is using the apt db10:38
lostbuthappyor you install mousepad... by typing "sudo apt-get install mousepad"10:38
iZenomg... lol <idiot10:38
Aeudiandpkg --remove google-earth ?10:38
IndyGunFreakiZen: happens to all of us10:38
Beriantdoes anyone know how to get the dungeon runners game working on linux,i used wine..to install it and stuff,but apparently you have to launch it through an updater that requires .netframework 2.0 and i dont think that works on linux,is there anyway around that?10:38
powergoalZmaX: well, one thing first:  its generally a good idea to have multiple resolutions listed, so it can fallback to something else if need be.  second, the screen section looks ok.  it could be something going awry with your video card, though.  I had to get the proprietary nvidia drivers for my gf fx5500.  You might look into that as an issue.10:38
CarinArrdboy: i'm sure there's wiki entries for this .. just having slight lag problems with my browser;)10:39
IndyGunFreaklostbuthappy: install mousepad is fine, but its completely uneccessary for what you want to do, if Gedit won't edit the file, then mousepad wont10:39
iZensudo dpkg -i envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb10:39
niuqAeudian it doesnt, works cause doesnt found google earth... or something like that, it says it is not installed10:39
dboythats fine lol10:39
iZendidnt mean to send that10:39
Necrodrakolostbuthappy:did u get the file?, what is mousepad?10:39
lostbuthappyit does, i tested that out... gedit doesnt, mousepad does... strange, i know10:39
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ZmaXpowergoal: I am using the fglrx restricted driver for my ATI radeon x70010:39
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, no...10:40
powergoalZmaX: I know this doesn't directly apply to the issue you are having, (as the docs are written for gentoo distro) but they might provide some insight into the issues.  http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/nvidia-guide.xml10:40
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Aeudiandpkg --remove googleearth "with no spaces or dash"10:40
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powergoalZmaX: does your kernel have all the proper settings for the card?  or are you using a vanilla kernel?10:40
iZensudo dpkg -i envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb10:40
iZendpkg: error processing envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb (--install):10:40
iZen cannot access archive: No such file or directory10:40
iZenErrors were encountered while processing:10:40
iZen envy_0.8.1-0ubuntu6_all.deb10:40
iZenStill no dice?10:40
Beriantdoes anyone know how to get the dungeon runners game working on linux,i used wine..to install it and stuff,but apparently you have to launch it through an updater that requires .netframework 2.0 and i dont think that works on linux,is there anyway around that?10:40
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: IT WORKS, mouseppad displays it10:41
powergoalBeriant: I have looked to see if its compatible with cedega?10:41
niuqAudian: did not work10:41
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Beriantpowergoal,na i havent tried cedega yet10:41
ZmaXpowergoal: I just installed ubuntu 7.04 without modifying the default kernel settings10:41
CarinArrdboy: http://www.netshiftmedia.com/netshift/archives/2006/09/15/mounting-external-usb-drive-linux.php10:41
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IndyGunFreakiZen: are you in the directory where that deb file is located10:41
tezemCan somebody please tell me how to add a directory to the library path? $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not used as it seems and editing /etc/ld.so.conf doesn't solve my problem too.10:41
magnetronBeriant: check if that windows app has an entry in appdb.winehq.org10:41
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Aeudianniuq: did you install it via deb or apt-get? or complie it yourself?10:41
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, great... i still dont know why... usually gedit is the better choice, but this time10:41
powergoalZmaX: ok.  you might need to do something with it, under drivers.  but Im not sure really.  read somme of that guide i posted here, and see if it helps.10:41
niuqAeudian: manual install10:41
=== Slart [n=markus@c83-254-146-47.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
CarinArriZen: are ou sure you're in the same directory as the file you're trying to unpack?10:41
Beriantmagnetron,i did and it dosnt have one10:41
diseasertezem: man ldconfig10:42
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iZennope im not... i used the get function...10:42
powergoalniuq: your best bet might be to go through the steps of reinstalling it, and then just remove the files that it moves around.  Sometimes its hard to trace where they go10:42
IndyGunFreakiZen: try double clicking the deb file, and see if that opens the graphical dpkg, and lets you install it.10:42
=== CarinArr realises IndyGunFreak was there well before me;)
twosouls82how do I find out who is a staffer on freenode?10:42
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iZenii need to find it first10:42
mdszepherWhen I first log in, I need to unplug my USB wireless receiver and plug it in to get Ubuntu to recognise it and connect to the internet.  Any ways to have it connect without unplugging it?10:42
IndyGunFreakCarinArr: lol10:42
=== Perun_ [i=perun@i577A9A94.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
diseaseranyone know how to get an app run as root to connect to the X server of a normal user?10:42
tezemdiseaser: I already ran ldconfig after editing the config10:42
Beriantpowergoal,if it dosnt work with wine is it still possible for it to work with cedega?10:42
Aeudianniuq: ah then the dkpg and apt-get will not remove google earth then because they only remove apt-get and .deb files10:42
powergoalBeriant: if you look on the wiki for cedega, it will tell you how well it works ,if at all.  and from there some pointers on getting it running :)10:42
IndyGunFreakiZen: whata re you trying to install again?10:42
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magnetronBeriant: if you add an entry in appdb, it will draw attention to your game and it will make the Wine project support your game earlier,10:43
diseasertezem: hmm10:43
magnetron*sooner, even, Beriant10:43
niuqAeudian: not sure if it works in that way....10:43
Beriantmagnetron,alright ill add an entry10:43
Aeudianniuq: honostly im not sure how to uninstall the manual install of google earth. i would check your complied install folder for a possible unisntall/remove agrument that you can add to the installer10:43
newhi all ... i have a problem with beryl ... everithin works but the title bar doesnt appeare .. who can help me to solve this problem? tnx10:43
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Beriantpowergoal,alright ill check that out10:43
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, the file should have four lines if you have 2 sound cards... cut the last two lines and paste them at the beginning, then give your desired sound card the number 0 and the other one number 1... thats the way i did it10:43
CarinArrdiseaser: try gksudo on gnome or kdesu on kde10:43
diseaserCarinArr: will do thanks10:44
niuqpowergoal: you mean trace the package while i am installing it?10:44
maximusdocsalve at utti10:44
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Slartany tips on some application to manage firewall rules.. I don't need to do very fancy things.. just open some ports and do some NAT'ing10:44
twosouls82how do I get a cloack?10:44
ZmaXpowergoal: ok, thanks a lot.10:44
powergoalniuq: right, maybe run it like ``$# make install >> install.log''  so you can find the files later10:44
niuqAeudian: complied install folder?, what do you mean10:44
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powergoalZmaX: you're welcome.  good luck!10:44
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jopalhi to wall10:45
niuqpowergoal: ok thx, i'll give it a shot?10:45
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niuqpowergoal: ok thx, i'll give it a shot***10:46
powergoalniuq: good lukc with it10:46
niuqpowergoal: thank you10:46
Necrodrakolostbuthappy:ill brb going to restart10:46
moofoois there a way to show the origin of all installed packages to find out which packages are from third party repositories?10:46
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iZenanyone have a good link for Envy.deb file?10:46
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CarinArriZen: i thought you said you already downloaded it10:46
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niuqpowergoal: btw google earth doesnt has to come with an uninstaller package?10:47
IndyGunFreakiZen: i got a wild and crazy idea, ope a terminal, and type, "sudo apt-get install envy", no quotes.10:47
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niuqpowergoal: like netbeans ...10:47
jo3nixiZen, http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html also has it10:47
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powergoalniuq: I really dont know.  I run a machine with no xserver to conserver battery life ;)10:47
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy: it keeps restoring the file to how it was before10:47
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wapityyyHey, I am kind of new to linux and i wondereded what is the command to change permissions on a certain folder10:47
niuqpowergoal: hehe, pure console?10:47
jopalmoofoo i fink that debian packages have that type of information10:47
powergoalniuq: yep :D10:47
GiZiMI got a funky problem with Emerald Theme Manager. I installed it and i can see themes that come with it but when i click on any of the themes it never changes. it never reskins the gui... any idea? and i run Beryl not to happy with Compiz right now10:47
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, lol10:47
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jo3nixwapityyy, chmod10:48
wapityyyjo3nix, thx10:48
niuqpowergoal: where is the fun ^^?10:48
IndyGunFreak!beryl | GiZiM10:48
ubotuGiZiM: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects10:48
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, oookay... did you SAVE it?10:48
hawkerGiZiM, you need to activate your restricted drivers.10:48
=== RockerMONO [n=Nick@ip72-205-16-175.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
iZenno dice on sudo apt-get install envy10:48
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: ....YES10:48
jo3nixiZen, http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html10:48
=== RockerMONO is now known as `Nick
IndyGunFreakiZen: open synaptic10:48
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, i also assume that you edited the file as root...10:48
GiZiMhawker one sec let me give that a spin10:48
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: sudo mousepad /proc/asound/cards10:49
niuqAeudian: btw google earth doesnt has to come with an uninstaller package?, that's what you mean ?10:49
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iZengot a good link though10:49
iZenone sec10:49
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, yeah yeah... hm... give me another minute10:49
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danfghow do i install jdk 1.5 on ubuntu? the latest java in synaptic is 1.4.2!10:49
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preaction!java | danfg10:50
iZensudo apt-get install file:///home/achiles/Desktop/envy_0.9.5-0ubuntu5_all.deb10:50
IndyGunFreakiZen: open synaptic, click Settings, Repositories, and make sure all the boxes on under "Downloadable" are checked, then hit OK and reload10:50
=== pi3 [n=sebas@OL206-163.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
GiZiMhawker Yeah they are enabled10:50
jo3nixjust wget the .deb then do dpkg -i to install10:50
ubotudanfg: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre10:50
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, ooooh i'm so sorry what i told you was partly shit10:50
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danfgah, i need better repositories then, ok10:51
GiZiMGood thing it wasnt all shit10:51
=== genii sips a coffee
hawkerGiZiM, try 'control - alt - backspace'10:51
jo3nixiZen, http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/envy_0.9.5-0ubuntu5_all.deb10:51
Necrodrakolostbuthappy:thats always nice to hear10:51
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IndyGunFreakiZen: onc eyou do that, sudo apt-get install envy, should work.10:51
mdszepherWhen I first log in, I need to unplug my USB wireless receiver and plug it in to get Ubuntu to recognize it and connect to the Internet.  Any ways to have it connect without unplugging it?10:51
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: where to now10:52
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, i think its much easier...10:52
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, type "asoundconf list"10:53
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geniidaan I'm baaaaaaack :) But only for maybe 10 minutes.kharloss problem bugging me LOL10:53
wackawackai just installed ubuntu and I'm used to text being copied to my clipboard when i select, does anyone know how to enable this? i'm running ubuntu 6.06 w/ gnome btw10:53
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daanhi genii10:53
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daani think he logged out :)10:54
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy: the one i dont want is on top10:54
jo3nixwackawacka, ctrl+c ctrl+z is fast when you get used to it.. LOL10:54
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wackawackayeah yeah... it feels too Windowsy though ;)10:54
geniidaan Yeah I don't see him listed now. Well, did what was possible anyhow10:55
daangenii Indeed10:55
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, okay... type "asoundconf set-default-card CARDNAME" and for CARDNAME you use the name that you got before (the one below of course)10:55
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, and if youre lucky, thats it10:55
daangenii Got my dad on Ubuntu about a week ago, so far so good10:55
iZeni got it installed10:56
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iZenty now i got to figure out how to get the ati driver installed10:56
daangenii Funny part is he wanted it himself10:56
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: yay..it woprked10:56
jo3nixiZen, envy script does that for you10:56
geniidaan For most ppl they like it fine. It's when they start to want to run stuff under wine or some weird wifi chipset things get messy10:56
hawkeriZen, getting the drivers installed is the easy part.10:56
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, checked it out already?10:56
daangenii Wifi works and he doesn't use wine yet for anything except Picasa10:57
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: plays out my desired soundcard10:57
daangenii Only one problem with using rsync10:57
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geniidaan I'm trying to convert all my friends but of course they like their old games and so on and are lery10:57
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, phew... this took ages... finally, i can go to bed :D10:57
geniileery, even10:57
bruenigyou can get picasa native10:57
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iZenwell im uninstalling them and im going to reinstall cause something is not working right when I run the command to check the drivers10:58
geniibruenig cool10:58
daanbruenig How native?10:58
bruenigdaan, google put it out along with google desktop and such10:58
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: 1 more thing10:58
bruenigdaan, iirc that is10:58
daanbruenig Same version?10:58
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, hm?10:58
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bruenigdaan, http://picasa.google.com/linux/10:58
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy: i have a volume dial on ym keyboard, it controlls master volume....for the inactive card still10:58
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iZenk installing10:59
hawkerNecrodrako, same here.10:59
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AnlarNecrodrako: it obeys the setting of the taskbar volume applet10:59
daanUses these open source projects: WINE and Mozilla.10:59
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geniidaan OK gone again, have fun10:59
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daangenii see yoi10:59
AnlarNecrodrako: if not, then you have to change the alsa default by editing /etc/asound.conf - which sucks10:59
TheVaultWhat happened to 915resolution?10:59
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, this may change when you restart your computer, but to be honest i'm only guessing...11:00
TheVaultIts not there no more when I search synaptics11:00
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bruenigdaan, what., are you saying that thing requires wine?11:00
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: ill brb then11:00
some_dudewhich file controls gttys ?11:00
daanbruenig yep11:00
jo3nixwhat does?11:00
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daanit still uses wine11:01
IndyGunFreakTheVault: are you sure you have all the requires repositories enabled?11:01
wert613picasa is nice11:01
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bruenigdaan, that could just mean that it used source from it11:02
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bruenigdaan, not that it runs on it11:02
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mundungushi guyz, since the audio driver i i guess is /dev/dsp wats the equivalent for video driver?11:02
bruenigbut I will see, I am downloading it11:02
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: Well lemme see, I just now re-installed Ubuntu11:02
iZenany other ways to install WoW besides wine and that charged account gaming software11:02
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jo3nixiZen, nope11:03
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magnetroniZen: not really, but running it in Wine works really good nowadays.11:03
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daanbruenig: maybe bit i'm pretty sure it's still emulated11:03
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iZencool ty for the info magnetron11:03
IndyGunFreakTheVault: the package is called 915resolution.. don't know if thats different from previous versions or not.11:03
bruenigdaan, oh it looks like it ships a google version of wine with it11:04
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danfgi have sun-java5-bin, sun-java5-jdk, etc. installed, but when i ask "java -version", it tells me it's "1.4.2", i don't get it11:04
raymondjtothwho was helping me11:04
daanbruenig yep11:04
liberionraymondjtoth, ok how it??11:04
some_dudeiZen : I have my own server :P11:04
Necrodrakolostbuthappy:i restarted....now its controlling my itty bitty pc speaker11:04
liberionraymondjtoth, how is it now???11:04
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: yeah I had searched that and found nothing11:04
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some_dudegoogle version of wine ?11:04
IndyGunFreakTheVault: wierd..,11:04
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TheVaultWTF this is crazy11:05
jo3nixsome_dude, they are talking about picasas for linux, if its emulated or not11:05
daansome_dude google submitted patches to wine so I think it's about the same11:05
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, your SPEAKER? lol... well, thats beyond my knowledge, i'm sorry11:05
iZennice i got some friends who started their own wow server to11:05
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TheVaultIndyGunFreak: sudo apt-get install update and it says couldn't find package update11:05
bruenigdaan, works very well but wine it is11:05
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some_dudegoogle linux next ?11:05
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IndyGunFreakTheVault: try sudo apt-get update11:05
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: the litthe cpeaker attached to the inside of your computer11:05
jo3nixits just sudp apt-get update11:05
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IndyGunFreakthen sudo apt-get install 915resolution11:05
daansome_dude Ubuntu is fine for me11:06
iZenwhats that command... something like gfrfxinfo or something?11:06
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, yes, i know what a speaker is ;)11:06
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TheVaultheh woops11:06
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux11:06
iZendamn, video card is still saying OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org11:06
iZenOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect11:06
iZenOpenGL version string: 1.4 (1.5 Mesa 6.5.2)11:06
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, i meant that i cant help you anymore because i havent bothered with keyboards yet11:06
TheVaultIndyGunFreak: now its working11:07
daanAh I've got a question is there any way to make rsync ignore upper and lower case? (without patching it)11:07
dougalbhas anybody got beryl working on Intel 915M card?11:07
brueniggoogle has a modified version of ubuntu already11:07
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bruenigthey use it internally11:07
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iZenits suppose to say ATI Radeon11:07
M`Haelhi, I put some otf fonts in /usr/share/fonts but OpenOffice doesn't seem to want to recognize them... Scribus sees them fine, but not OOo11:07
BigToe7000in the ubuntu alternate install CD, after I type in the hostname of the PC, the display goes blank blue (with the grey bar at the bottom). Should this happen?11:07
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: ok, but lol, now it have no idea what its controlling11:07
daanbruenig I thought it was their own linux not based on ubuntu11:07
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, i used a program called "hotkeys" for my logitech keyboard and after configuring i had no problems with the volume11:07
RavenousXdougalb, i did11:07
iZendid you guys install WoW of the discs through wine or did you make iso's?11:08
BigToe7000oh wait never mind, the partitioner is starting after a minute or 2 D:11:08
bruenigdaan, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goobuntu11:08
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lostbuthappythe question is, which program controlls your "multimedia keys"?11:08
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: installing11:08
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dougalbravenousX i am on hp compaq nc612011:08
bruenigdaan, http://www.flickr.com/photos/7747894@N05/530284454/11:08
dougalbtrying to get it working on fresh 7.04 install11:08
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daanbruenig allegedly uses internally and allegedly plans :)11:09
Beriantanyone know any good mmorpgs working for linux?11:09
bruenigdaan, Shuttleworth said it and there is a picture11:09
bruenigdaan, unless shuttleworth is lying11:09
RavenousXi had no problems with it11:09
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: how do i launch it after install, i dont see it listed anywhere11:09
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lostbuthappyi'm not using gnome anymore, but maybe there are some nice option dialogs in the menu that help you out... but you should however ask someone else whos a bit fitter in linux... go to the ubuntu forums for example, guess thats the best place for such questions11:09
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dougalbweird... did u follow any particular guide?11:09
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dougalbXGL or AIGLX?11:10
RavenousXnot at all, it just...worked. lol11:10
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dougalboh well that is very simple11:11
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: whats the terminal command to launch hotkeys?11:11
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, this is a bit more difficult than starting minesweeper... you start the server with "hotkeys -l"11:11
Necrodrakolostbuthappy: yep...mines not listed11:13
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iZenhas anyone made any sort of pkg for WoW?11:13
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy:how do i uninstall it?11:13
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, thats bad... another program is LinEAK. But i am still not sure if this actually solves your problem...11:13
OmegaConsoleNeed to know how to stop joins and parts messages in channel #ubuntu in irssi.11:13
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, apt-get remove hotkeys11:14
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy: cant find package LinEAK11:15
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, the exact name of the package is "liblineak-0.9-0"11:16
wert613maybe not all your repos are activated?11:17
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Necrodrakolostbuthappy: and how do i use this one11:18
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lauriexxxgood evening to all you ubuntu's, does anybody have any knowledge about installing a voip phone on a feisty?11:18
lostbuthappyNecrodrako, theres also a program called "klineakconfig" that makes configureing easier...11:18
lostbuthappylineakd -l lists the supported keyboards11:18
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lostbuthappyNecrodrako, but because i dont know much about the program, please go to http://lineak.sourceforge.net/ and check out the documentation...11:19
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DigitalNinjaHas anyone here installed cacti on Ubuntu?11:20
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Jordan_UWhy is it that for me logging in from gdm takes ~30 seconds until I see my desktop, but using startx it is only ~3 ?11:20
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iZenhas anyone else used wine to install WoW on their system?11:21
hyljeiZen: yes11:21
SlartiZen: lots of people..11:21
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iZendid you copy the files of the disc then install or did you just use the discs with wine11:21
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SlartiZen: check the application database (appdb.wine.org or something)... then ask in the channel #winehq , that's where the wine-people are..11:22
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danfgwhy does "java " tell me "1.4.2"11:22
SlartiZen: sorry.. the application database is at appdb.winehq.org11:22
John`if you were to format your usb drive as fat32, you can use it as swaps, but can you do that with ntfs?11:22
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Jordan_U!away > `Nick11:22
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danfgwhy does "java -version" tells me "1.4.2", when i have sun-java5-* installed?11:22
`NickJordan_U: what?11:22
Erich85Hello friends.  I am using Avant Windows Navigator, and it is visually stunning, but not all open applications show up in the task list... how do I get this to happen?11:22
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Jordan_U`Nick, See the private message from ubotu11:23
John`with mkswaps command11:23
John`can you do that with ntfs on ubuntu11:23
Jordan_UJohn`, I don't see any reason why you couldn't11:23
John`i thought it doesn't work for ntfs11:23
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daandanfg you probably have both installed11:24
Jordan_UJohn`, As long as you make a swap file it should work like any other file system, though I have never tried it myself11:24
John`i already did it11:24
`Nickany ideas why a Dell Inspiron would throw errors about setting up the filesystem during install?11:24
ali4728Help , I'm running a dual boot (Ubuntu 7.04 + XP) now I want to add I tird OS -tri boot (ubuntustudio) is there anything that I should be concerned ab. Is it same as installing dual boot? thanks11:24
danfgdaan: what's the name of the other java? i want to kill him!!11:24
danfgthe packages i mean11:24
John`what i am wondering is once you make a swap file and activate it with swapon, you can't use your usb drive anymore to store file11:24
John`because i only use a portion of it11:25
daandanfs i'm searching11:25
danfgdaan: thanks, i'll look for it and ANNIHILATE11:25
Jordan_Uali4728, You could also just add the Ubuntustudio repository to your main install, it is the same thing11:25
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John`can i somehow use the remaining portion?11:25
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daandanfs j2re1.411:26
daandanfs j2sdk1.411:26
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ali4728Jordan_U: does it give me a separate OS environment or does it just installs the software?11:27
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PS__hi, does anyone know why, even though I have this line in my /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file "blacklist usb_storage" the usb_storage module still loads when i insert my usb device?11:27
daandanfg Woops wrong packages11:27
Jordan_Uali4728, Just installs the sotware / theme11:27
danfgdaan: omg too late i just ZAPPED them!11:27
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endoanyone in here play Urban Terror?11:28
Erich85Hello friends.  I am using Avant Windows Navigator, and it is visually stunning, but not all open applications show up in the task list... how do I get this to happen?11:28
daandanfg Hmm maybe they were right after all if they even existed11:28
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ali4728I c, thanks Jordan_U11:28
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Jordan_Uali4728, np11:28
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p1lshey where i can find cookies from firefox?11:29
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littlegatorHey guys, I just tried updating to feisty fawn and it failed to upgrade, sand said my system may be unusable. Since I'm using it now, does that mean that nothing is wrong?11:30
littlegatorand said*11:30
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PriceChildlittlegator, you rebooted and it was fine?11:30
PriceChildlittlegator, or have you not rebooted?11:30
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littlegatorprice: I haven't rebooted...11:30
jo3nixp1ls, open firefox>edit>preferences>privacy>show cookies11:30
PriceChild(don't reboot yet if you haven't)11:30
PriceChildok cool11:30
daandanfg what dows java -version say now?11:30
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littlegatorprice: is there anything I can do to make sure it works?11:31
PriceChildlittlegator, sudo apt-get update, install ubuntu-desktop, upgrade, dist-upgrade11:31
PS__p1ls, or alternatively they're in .mozilla/firefox somewhere11:31
littlegatorI wish I could paste into terminal =.=11:31
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PriceChildlittlegator, you'll probably get an error somewhere along there which we'll have to fix :)11:31
danfgdaan: i was joking i haven't found the offending packages yet, i'm hunting them down as we type11:31
daandanfg you bastard ;)11:31
PriceChildlittlegator, (remember a sudo apt-get before each one of those11:31
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daandanfg you can try to find them with synaptic11:32
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zax1heya, i have a panasonic tough book with a pentium mmx(WOW!) and 64 mb of ram, i would like a floavour of ubuntu that will be able to run on this platform with a graphical interface, any sugestons?11:32
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osmosisanyone know how to get a wusb54gc working?11:32
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daandanfg do you have the most recent one installed?11:32
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Jordan_Ulittlegator, Can you give us the exact error update-manager gave?11:32
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OmegaConsoleNeed to know how to stop joins and parts messages in channel #ubuntu in irssi. Need help!11:32
PS__hi, why does usb_storage module still load even though I have this line in my /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file "blacklist usb_storage"?  thanks11:32
littlegatorjordan: unfortunately, I forgot to write it down...11:32
Erich85I am using Avant Windows Navigator, and it is visually stunning, but not all open applications show up in the task list... how do I get this to happen?11:32
stefgzax1: your only option will be fluxbuntu11:33
danfgdaan: i'm trying "j2", "j2re", "java", "sun-", no luck. i guess it's the latest synaptic, ubuntu 7.0411:33
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Jordan_Udanfg, What are you trying to install?11:33
nich0sI just recently installed the most recent version of Ubuntu from Windows and my resolution is pathetic. Would someone be able to help me out with establishing a less "senior" look/11:33
littlegatorpricechild: for the second one, I would type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" ?11:33
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Jordan_Unich0s, What GPU?11:33
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nich0sJordan_U: Where would I find that information?11:34
stefg!fixres | nich0s11:34
ubotunich0s: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:34
daandanfg try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts11:34
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danfgJordan_U: i'm trying to uninstall some pesky old java so my latest sun-jdk5* packages work. "java -version" tells me "1.4.2"11:34
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Jordan_Unich0s, System -> Preferenes -> Hardware information11:34
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zax1stefg: thanks, looking at fluxbuntu.org i am not sure i get it... is it in production ? is it actually ready for the green linux user(like my self?)11:35
danfgdaan: should i install java6? i just want 1.5.0 to be happy (i'm guessing 5 = 1.5.0)11:35
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sjoerd_i keep on getting this message after changing my home dir: " the wine environment directory 'media/Data/sjoerd/.cxoffice/win98' does not belong to you. Please check the value of $HOME and/or use 'su-'." anyone has an idea?11:35
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daandanfg then just replace 6 with 511:35
sx66how do you put back the freespace into an ntfs partition?11:35
Jordan_Unich0s, All you probably need to know is the brand ( ATI, Nvidia, intel )11:35
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danfgdaan: yes sir11:36
littlegatorpricechild: "Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or moved out of Incoming."11:36
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daandanfg let me know if that works11:36
nich0sJordan_U:  I will just have to message you in a moment, I'm going to attack this with the HowTo really fast. :P)11:36
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stefgzax1: well, fluxbox is really basic, and a lot of the fancier configuration tools won't run on it. it's certainly not ideal, but still the only option you have11:36
RicketHi, I am trying to get Compiz Fusion to work but none of my windows have borders. Does anyone know why? Please help... If there is a better channel to ask this question in please let me know.11:37
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sjoerd_i keep on getting this message after changing my home dir: " the wine environment directory 'media/Data/sjoerd/.cxoffice/win98' does not belong to you. Please check the value of $HOME and/or use 'su-'." anyone has an idea?11:37
sx66how do you put back the freespace into an ntfs partition?11:37
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PriceChildlittlegator, could yuo paste everything, it should tell what packages11:37
jo3nixRicket using compiz manager reload the window manager11:38
Ricketsjoerd_: perhaps you should check the value of $HOME like it says...11:38
littlegatorpricechild: I can't copy in the terminal..11:38
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sjoerd_Ricket, yes but when i type echo $DOME the output is correct??11:38
alex-weejDoes anyone know of any good USB DVB-T tuners that work nicely with Ubuntu?11:38
Jordan_U!hardware | alex-weej11:39
ubotualex-weej: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:39
PriceChildlittlegator, is this no gui?11:39
jo3nixRicket, i have to reload each time i use compiz twice inorder to get borders, weird.. but it does it everytime11:39
littlegatorpricechild: I'm running the OS with a gui, if that's what you're asking11:39
Necrodrakocan anyone help with my keyboard sound controll11:39
Ricketjo3nix: ok, i'll try it... but that's not really a permanent solution...11:39
Necrodrakoi have a dial it works bit its controlling the volume of the pc speaker11:39
PriceChildlittlegator, why can't you copy? :s11:39
jo3nixRicket, I agree but i dont use it much... so it dosnt bother me much11:39
Jordan_UNecrodrako, Look in System -> Preferences -> Sound11:39
stefg!keytouch | Necrodrako11:40
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ubotuNecrodrako: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net11:40
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littlegatorpricechild: I don't know, when I push ctrl+c it just goes down a line as if I hit enter11:40
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PriceChildlittlegator, right click and copy11:40
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PriceChildlittlegator, there is also... just hilight and then middle click where you want to paste11:40
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littlegatorpricechild: >_> it wasn't in right click either, but it WAS in the edit menu11:40
PriceChild!pastebin | littlegator11:40
ubotulittlegator: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:40
pi3how do I disable the annoying amarok popups of the current song?11:40
Ricketjo3nix, well i guess i will keep searching the interweb, nobody else is helping me on here... but i'll restart compiz a few times for now and if the borders appear, it will be much easier to use my computer :)11:40
PriceChildlittlegator, try hilight and middle click ;)11:40
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Ricketjo3nix: thanks11:40
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Shadow6363hmm, could anyone tell me how to reset all alsamixer settings to their defaults?  i was playing around with them and now my audio is really screwed up11:41
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Necrodrakostefg: its bound for volume but it controlls the volume of the pc speaker11:41
littlegatorpricechild: middle click pasted >_>11:41
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Necrodrakojordan_U thats just sound settings, not keyboard11:41
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gemidjywhen the scrolling (with thinkpad trackpoint) hits the top or the botton of a webpage, the site goes one page back, as if the Back button is pressed ..11:41
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Jordan_UNecrodrako, And sound settings is where you configure what channels are managed by the keyboard, look at the preference panel at the bottom11:42
littlegatorpricechild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28718/11:42
LeoDioxideI am victorious!11:42
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fujinyou managed to do something.11:42
LeoDioxidethank you very much11:43
iZenanyone have wow installed on their machine?11:43
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littlegatorpricechild: or do you want the entire thing from when I entered the command to when it was done?11:43
fujinI hope not11:43
fujinwhat a waste of space11:43
nich0sok... how can I get to a prompt from the boot?11:43
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Jordan_U!anyone | iZen11:43
ubotuiZen: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:43
PriceChildlittlegator, I'm just thinking... because I have both of those packages installed and it "should" be fine...11:43
Necrodrakojordan_U: oooo, i thought that just listed all the options on that card, thank you very much11:43
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Jordan_UNecrodrako, np11:44
PriceChildlittlegator, i've got to brb for 5 mins... sorry.11:44
Jag1Problem with Wifi Driver:  I am using ndiswrapper with a realtek8185 windows driver.  Everytime I restart my PC, I have to delete the driver in the ndiswrapper directory, then reinstall with ndiswrapper.  Anyone know what is going on?11:44
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iZeni just want to know if you guys copied the files from the discs into the same directory and overwrote or if you made seperate folders for each disc within the directory?11:44
littlegatorprice: that's okay11:44
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:44
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littlegatorwatermelunz and kfc r yum rajkosto11:45
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LeoDioxideman down11:45
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irvkenanyone now how to show the last few (10?) files edited on asystem11:45
Jag1Anyone know anything about Wifi drivers?11:46
fujinI CERTAINLY DO11:46
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:46
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Jag1I already asked my question...11:46
irvkenand me11:46
fujinirvken: ^511:46
fujinJag1: do you know anything about Wifi drivers?11:47
osmosishow do I "blacklist" a module ?11:47
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Jordan_U!blacklist | osmosis11:47
ubotuosmosis: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 11:47
robhave some patience, it is quiet at the moment11:47
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Jag1yes, I had asked if there is a reason my wifi driver is not working after I reboot using ndiswrapper?11:48
littlegatorSo does anyone else have any idea why "openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb:" and "openoffice.org-l10n-en-za:" would conflict with "2.2.0-1ubuntu3"?11:48
qubix-how do gnome themes work?? what is the difference between gtk 1 and gtk2, or can i install either of these types?11:48
fujingtk2 are better11:48
vox754I hate when people ask their questions, and a few lines later ask if someone saw it. That is most annoying. More than repeating.11:48
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fujingtk1 are only for gkt1 apps11:48
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Jordan_U!hi | technel11:49
ubotutechnel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:49
LeoDioxideyeah, well, turns out we don't have all the answers...11:49
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PriceChildlittlegator, right I'm back :)11:49
pi3is it possible to avoid the forced hard disk check at boot?11:49
littlegatorprice: okay11:49
PriceChildlittlegator, that's really wierd... as they should both be installed fine11:49
iZenwhen installing WoW do I need to split each disc into its own directory when copying files into its main directory or do i agree to overwriting the files11:49
littlegatorprice: I don't even use openoffice, so is there any way I can just uninstall those?11:50
ggl_7how many ppl are in this channel?11:50
PriceChildlittlegator, you haven't got 3rd party openoffice repos or anything?11:50
Jimmeyggl_7, 112111:50
littlegatorprice: I've never even opened it11:50
PriceChildlittlegator, well you need those for ubuntu-desktop which is needed to complete the upgrade11:50
Jordan_Upi3, Yes, I believe the way to do it is to run: "sudo touch /fastboot" before rebooting11:50
`Nickhow do you use the liveCD to boot to ash?11:50
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`Nicki did it once but forget how11:50
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Jordan_U!appdb | iZen11:51
ubotuiZen: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org11:51
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evoxyhow do i search for a package name?11:52
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Jimmeyevoxy, apt-cache search packagename11:52
PriceChildlittlegator, I say remove openoffice... do the upgrades of everything else, then reinstall them with ubuntu-desktop11:52
jbroomeapt-cache search foo11:52
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kitche`Nick: umm ubuntu doesn't use ash unless you mean dash11:52
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knightzI finaly got ubuntu to work with dell b130 (everything)11:52
`Nickkitche: idk, it said ash11:52
littlegatorprice: Okay, but it's been a few months since I used ubuntu.. How do I uninstall openoffice? >_>11:52
Lunkscan someone help me setting mldonkey to start with ubuntu? easy way didn't work11:52
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diminthedamhow do i create a hardware profile for a thinkpad docking station on feisty?11:53
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LunksI tried almost every tutorial I could find on google, but couldn't make any work.11:53
knightzeverything work wireless sound ethernet11:53
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jo3nixgratz knightz!!11:54
=== jtchief01 [n=jtchief0@adsl-18-21-170.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
knightzubuntu on dell rocks11:54
TrojanRabbitlittlegator: Should be able to uninstall from Applications > System Tools > Add/Remove11:54
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knightzI feel like uninstallng windows11:54
littlegatortrojan: thanks >_> it's been a while lol11:54
`Nickkitche: whatever the command line is11:54
endoI don't use windows at all anymore man11:54
endofuck it11:54
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`Nickknightz: do it- DO IT! lol11:55
knightzwindows is shit11:55
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:55
wert613ive never owned windows =D11:55
=== MalconRox [n=robinson@201-67-62-178.cbace700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2knightz: Don't do this on a spur-of-the-moment thing.11:55
jo3nixi dont game on pc anymore so linux is it for me11:55
endoyeah man, but the new windows media player is awesome11:55
henrihhello, i have an ubuntu related question: i seem to be unable to extract audio cds into mp3 format using Sound Juicer. i need mp3 format because i have a portable music player that supports only it. do i need to install some sort of gstreamer plug-in for this?11:55
PriceChild!ohmy | knightz endo11:55
ubotuknightz endo: please see above11:55
endothat's the only thing I miss11:55
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endosorry, i'll watch my mouth :D11:55
=== TechSalvager [n=Justin@202-151-69-31.dsl.teleguam.net] has joined #ubuntu
con-manknightz: I deleted windows from my box 6 months ago and have been linux only since.  and it's been great11:55
henrihhelp would be appreciated, thanks11:55
Stormx2endo: Thats laughable. There are more than 100 media players on ubuntu, and all of them are better than WMP.11:55
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TechSalvagerI don't see prompt for version 7 install, where can I set the boot options at?11:56
legalsizedHi room. I'm installing Ubutu 6.10. I can ping out and get a response but all other internet connections won't work. Any suggestions?11:56
knightzI used freebsd red hat and ubuntu puts the fun back linux11:56
Stormx2!mp3 | henrih11:56
ubotuhenrih: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:56
Lunkscould someone help me running mldonkey on startup? "run at startup" checkbox didn't work.11:56
`Nickendo: windows media player is nothing but an activex control running in internet explorer, you do know that - dont you?11:56
Stormx2henrih: I wouldn't use sound juicer for it, tho. You might want to consider grip with LAME.11:56
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Necrodrakowhats the keyboard shortcut to open terminal?11:57
PriceChildlittlegator, just uninstall the language packs that are conflicting first...11:57
littlegatortrojan: I can't remove openoffice in add/remove because things depend on it. Do I have to use synaptic?11:57
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PriceChildlittlegator, see if that works11:57
henrihi usually use OGG but only because of my portable music player11:57
littlegatorpricechild: okay11:57
=== ChrisNor [n=christia@217-113-151.511210.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
henrihi need to support mp311:57
PriceChildlittlegator, so sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb openoffice.org-l10n-en-za11:57
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littlegatorprice: thanks11:57
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Lunkscould someone help me running mldonkey on startup? "run at startup" checkbox didn't work.11:57
diminthedamhow can i create another hardware profile for a docking station (ubuntu 7.04)?11:58
PriceChild*crosses fingers*11:58
h1st0oh massive problems here11:58
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ChrisNorI can't partition my harddrive11:58
Stormx2henrih: Check the page.11:58
mimilusquelqu'un a une edgy installe11:58
knightzi read hundreds of manual and well with a litle brains and common sense ubuntu is the easiest version of linux to install11:58
Stormx2!fr | mimilus11:58
ubotumimilus: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:58
h1st0Trying to get a belkin f5d700 version 4000 working in ubuntu fiesty with no net access.11:58
henrihStormx2: i will thanks11:58
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h1st0I have to boot in windows to get net access and need to know what files I need.11:58
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Lunks!pt | Lunks11:58
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h1st0Is ndiswrapper installed by default?11:58
danfgdaan: you there? i found it, it's gij-4.1. the thing is, if i try to remove it, it will tear down half my ubuntu in dependencies. should i remove it?11:58
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legalsizedHi room. I'm installing Ubutu 6.10. I can ping out and get a response but all other internet connections won't work. Any suggestions?11:59
nich0sJordan_U: Whenever I try to boot now, it keeps telling me that it was unable to initialized xserver.11:59
knoppixhey everyone. I bought a new hp desktop with integrated 802.11 support and installed kubuntu on it, iwconfig lists wlan0 and wmaster0 as two interfaces that support scanning. iwlist scan shows the correct essid. But i am not able to get an ip. Rebootng into vista gets me an ip, so i am completely lost. can anyone help me out11:59
Stormx2legalsized: Check your router's IP. Can you access that?11:59
=== knightz_ [n=knightz@prox47-94.trinidad.net] has joined #ubuntu
legalsizedI can get out using Windows on those IP addresses.11:59
danfgdaan: i installed sun-java6* btw, the java that runs is from the gij-4.1 package11:59
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=== jonnydev135 [n=jh@adsl-71-145-129-21.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
legalsizeddoes that answer your question?11:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resolv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
knightz_it's easy to update as well where was ubuntu 5years ago?12:00
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jo3nixlegalsized, are you in ubuntu, or are you on the live cd?12:00
kitchebah does'nt have a resolv tag12:00
mimilusStormx2 sorry for the mistake12:00
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legalsizedusing windows right now.12:00
hacostaso i have this machine whose cdrom doesn't work, and the only distro i could get to boot from a netwrok card was ubuntu 6.06, i did apt-get dist-upgrade, then changed my sources.list from dapper to edgy, and im getting this when i run aptitude dist-upgrade:12:00
legalsizeddifferent box12:00
=== Ricket [n=ricky@adsl-218-57-220.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2legalsized: Okay. First up, are you on wireless?12:00
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Stormx2Thats irrelevent.12:01
hacostaLeave the following dependencies unresolved:12:01
=== Smygis [n=smygis@e611.cust.vannas.net] has joined #ubuntu
jo3nixlive cd or installed?12:01
hacostalibtasn1-3 recommends libtasn1-3-bin12:01
Stormx2legalsized: You have an ethernet cable going into your network card, yeah?12:01

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