
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4265 kubuntu/getting-help/C/getting-help.xml: booged abstract outside of articleinfo12:20
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4266 kubuntu/ (18 files in 18 dirs): updated kubuntu translation files12:21
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4267 kubuntu/about-kubuntu/desktop/ (3 files in 2 dirs): fixed icon in about-kubuntu desktop file and regen pot file12:42
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4268 ubuntu/add-applications/C/add-applications.xml: Applied Milo's patch to use more appropriate tags12:44
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4269 ubuntu/accessibility/ (. C/ C/accessibility.xml): Added accessibility topic12:45
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4270 ubuntu/config-desktop/C/config-desktop.xml: Added topics on installing other Ubuntu variant desktops12:47
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4271 ubuntu/files-and-docs/C/ (disks.xml files-and-docs.xml): Remove disks.xml, move content into new hardware.xml, change link in files-and-docs.xml12:49
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4272 ubuntu/hardware/ (. C/ C/hardware.xml): Added new hardware section01:01
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jjessenixternal: ping03:01
jjessenixternal: question on kde-menus-C.ent should Adept Manager Manage Packages have the - in it03:02
jjessenixternal: to look like Adept Manager - Manage Pacakges as the menu reads?03:02
jjessenixternal: because there are several missing the "-"03:03
j1mchi all.  when i "make" the xubuntu docs, where does the index.html file get created?  anyone know the default path?03:08
nixternaljjesse: ya, make it look like KMenu reads03:08
nixternalj1mc: build/xubuntu/$$doc/C/index.html03:08
nixternalwould you like me to create a Makefile for you guys?03:08
jjessenixternal: cool working on it right now :)03:08
nixternaljjesse: I uploaded the latest kubuntu-docs package today, so we are ahead of schedule pretty much03:09
nixternalfrom now until next week, work out some kinks, and release 1 more package before final03:10
j1mcthanks, nixternal03:10
j1mclet me check that out.03:10
nixternalya, you guys need your own Makefile, it seems you are using the Ubuntu one03:10
nixternalthen again, the Makefile is only to build out the html, which you guys don't do iirc...Yelp parses xml on the fly and I believe that new doc viewer you guys are working on does the same03:11
j1mcnixternal: i'm not sure if the new doc viewer will be ready for gutsy03:13
j1mcthe docs seem to build ok.03:13
nixternalif it isn't, then you guys will stick with Yelp then03:13
j1mcno, we would stick with firefox.03:13
nixternaland I have no clue about Yelp, and would like to keep it that way :)03:13
j1mcfirefox displays our docs now03:13
nixternalahh, so you would then need to build out the html then03:13
nixternalwell, I can work on fixing your makefile if you would like me to03:14
j1mcthe make file outputted the about-ubuntu file, but not an about-xubuntu file.03:14
nixternaldo you guys have all of the docs updated in the repo?03:14
j1mcthat would be awesome if you could.03:14
nixternalI haven't seen any Xubuntu patches for a while03:14
nixternaland I would prefer not to receive 1 huge patch03:14
j1mci have two patches to submit.  one is a one-liner03:14
j1mcbut i couldn't get it to validate until tonight.  kevin is here helping out.03:15
nixternalahh, just go ahead and head out into the main directory when you create a patch then, and you can either link me to it, or email it to me03:15
j1mc"head out into the main directory"?03:15
nixternalKevin has no clue what he is doing, he not only uses Foresight, but he also uses Gnome :)03:15
j1mcno, no... another guy who was at chi-ubuntu03:15
j1mche's been using docbook since 99 or something03:16
nixternalahhh, I haven't met him then03:16
j1mche's from weaton03:16
nixternalout by me then03:16
nixternalso you have someone who has been using docbook for a while...so that means I need to watch out for deprecated tags03:17
nixternaland if I see an xreflabel anywhere in there, someone will get hurt :)03:17
j1mcok.  he hasn't really helped me with too much tonight03:18
j1mcjust helped me fix that error03:18
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jjessetaking doc book work back to doc channel :)04:14
nixternalnobody else is talking in devel anyways :)04:14
jjessethere are entities in a section called <!-- open office --> and also entities in a section called <!-- KDE Menu Entries -->04:14
jjesseis this done on purpsoe?04:15
nixternalI think we are pretty good...maybe a couple of fixes here or there..but we should be done ahead of time04:15
nixternal<!-- blah --> isn't an entity..that is a comment04:15
jjessei understand that :)04:15
=== jjesse isn't totally stupid
nixternalyou mean under the comments04:15
nixternalya, if I could read correctly then I would have made you look totally stupid :)  instead I look totally stupid :)04:16
jjessethere is an entity called menuoooimpress and menuooop04:16
jjessefor impress04:16
jjessesame for all of the open office products04:16
nixternalget rid of the bigger one04:16
jjessewill that break docs?04:16
nixternalor the menuooop since that makes no sense04:16
nixternalgrep menu office.xml04:17
nixternalsee what it is using04:17
jjessemenuoop follows the ppater for menuooow for writer, menuoooc for calc, etc04:17
nixternalppater? hahah04:17
jjessepatern :)04:17
nixternalI had to look at that a couple of times04:17
jjessemust be the bailieys and the coffee kicking in04:17
nixternalhaha, nice04:17
nixternalbut none of those are used in the office.xml04:18
jjessemenuooimpress is04:18
nixternalya, but the menuoop and such aren't04:18
jjesseok deleting those04:18
nixternalnone of the menuooo ones are used in any doc04:19
jjesseremoved them04:19
nixternalyou can delete them, and then run the validate-all.sh script in the kubuntu directory04:19
jjessewiill do04:21
jjessedanng tigers are losing to the yankees04:23
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: jjesse * r4273 kubuntu/libs/kde-menus-C.ent: lotzs of changes to make the entites reflect the k menu...04:37
nixternalyou go!04:42
jjesseon to the next doc04:43
nixternalgo go go04:43
CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: jjesse * r4274 kubuntu/add-applications/C/add-applications.xml: minor change -- still reading this doc, but its bed time04:49
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posingaspopularhey all, im trying to find 'desktop guide' documentation for edgy online. can anyone help me find a link?05:32
posingaspopulari checked out the latest docs in SVN tonight, but when i do cd ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/desktopguide.xml, i can't find anything. in fact i cant find anything about the desktop guide after ubuntu-docs/ubuntu for the desktop guide05:38
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robotgeekposingaspopular: for edgy?06:04
posingaspopularyes please robotgeek06:05
robotgeekposingaspopular: https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/edgy/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/06:07
posingaspopularrobotgeek: thanks. how can i check these out in subversion?06:08
robotgeekposingaspopular: it was probably removed for feisty06:08
posingaspopularyea it was, because i couldn't find it for fesity06:08
posingaspopularand i did a checkout today and couldn't find anything06:08
robotgeekposingaspopular: create directory, "svn co https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/edgy/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/"06:08
robotgeekposingaspopular: however, please donot commit to this branch (if you have commit rights)06:09
posingaspopularrobotgeek: im kind of bad at command line. mkdir svn co https:// etc?06:09
posingaspopulari don't have commit rights, either way06:10
robotgeekposingaspopular: no, create a location where you want do download it.06:10
robotgeeksay, mkdir ~/ubuntu-doc06:10
robotgeekcd ubuntu-doc06:10
robotgeeksvn co https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/edgy/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/06:10
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CIA-32Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4275 ubuntu/ (hardware/C/hardware.xml libs/gnome-menus-C.ent): Added power management and input device sections to hardware topic10:46
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