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igc | morning all | 12:52 |
Odd_Bloke | Ack, I know I should be in bed when igc shows up. :p | 12:54 |
igc | Odd_Bloke: :-) | 12:55 |
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lifeless | real 2m0.424s | 01:06 |
lifeless | user 1m47.271s | 01:06 |
lifeless | sys 0m5.912s | 01:06 |
lifeless | creeping down | 01:06 |
Odd_Bloke | \o/ | 01:11 |
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nvictor | hello all | 01:19 |
nvictor | I want to setup bazaar and use it with a friend on a small website project, how do I start? | 01:20 |
Odd_Bloke | nvictor: 'bzr init', 'bzr add', 'bzr commit -m "Initial import."' will get you to a Bazaar branch which you can then start using. | 01:20 |
Odd_Bloke | nvictor: You then need to decide on what sort of development process you want to use, as Bazaar is able to model several effectively. | 01:21 |
nvictor | Odd_Bloke: I'm new to all this | 01:21 |
nvictor | Odd_Bloke: just need simple version control for our project | 01:21 |
nvictor | with messages mailed to each of us | 01:22 |
nvictor | when changes are made | 01:22 |
nvictor | with information and all... | 01:22 |
Odd_Bloke | nvictor: I'm not at all familiar with using Bazaar in such a distributed manner. | 01:24 |
Odd_Bloke | If you hang around, someone better able to help you should pop their head up... | 01:25 |
nvictor | Odd_Bloke: tell me how you use it then | 01:25 |
lifeless | the bzr email plugin will send emails | 01:25 |
nvictor | lifeless: does it require linux? | 01:26 |
Odd_Bloke | nvictor: Well, just about everything I use Bazaar for is Free software so there's no problem using Launchpad to serve my branches. I assume that this is a private website project. | 01:27 |
nvictor | yes | 01:28 |
nvictor | so I guess that means I can't use launchpad | 01:28 |
Odd_Bloke | No, there's no provision for keeping a branch private. | 01:28 |
Odd_Bloke | Except possibly for internal Launchpad devlopment, but that obviously doesn't apply. :p | 01:29 |
Odd_Bloke | nvictor: I'd look at the email plugin. :) | 01:29 |
nvictor | I see | 01:29 |
nvictor | yes | 01:29 |
nvictor | but I'm under windows | 01:29 |
nvictor | we are both | 01:29 |
nvictor | but the web server is under a linux machine | 01:29 |
nvictor | so I think it would be better to set bazaar there | 01:30 |
nvictor | right? | 01:30 |
Odd_Bloke | nvictor: Ah, if you have a server then life becomes easier. :) You will still need Bazaar installed locally though. | 01:31 |
Radtoo | If you want a "centralized" sort of repository, ye the server would be the natural place for it. | 01:31 |
Radtoo | (or more than one such repositories) | 01:32 |
nvictor | ok | 01:32 |
Odd_Bloke | nvictor: You're probably better reading through http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows than us trying to explain all its content to you. | 01:32 |
nvictor | ok | 01:32 |
nvictor | thanks guys | 01:32 |
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nvictor | see you guys | 01:34 |
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spiv | Good morning. | 02:01 |
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igc | morning spiv | 02:08 |
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lifeless | real 1m47.917s | 02:28 |
lifeless | user 1m36.566s | 02:28 |
lifeless | sys 0m5.336s | 02:28 |
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lifeless | igc: ^ | 03:04 |
igc | cool. Bit drop from even 2 hours back .Well done! | 03:04 |
igc | s/Bit/Big/ | 03:04 |
igc | awesome! | 03:05 |
igc | lifeless: I'll review your patch later today btw | 03:06 |
lifeless | thats bzr.dev + packs + using PlainText rather than annotated texts | 03:06 |
lifeless | so a ways to go to get this end user readyt | 03:06 |
igc | true. But the point is we now *know* what's required to reach that time - that's a big step regardless | 03:07 |
lifeless | oh,I'm not done yet ;) | 03:08 |
igc | I know that. :-) | 03:09 |
igc | I'm looking forward to this week - should be a good one | 03:09 |
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lifeless | igc: how much time does your work shave off a packs branch ? | 03:15 |
igc | I'd need to remeasure | 03:16 |
lifeless | only takes a couple of minutes :) | 03:20 |
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lifeless | oh, what is 'saving data locally' around ?, I've been meaning to look that up ;) | 03:23 |
lifeless | its about 7 seconds long | 03:24 |
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=== igc food | ||
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igc | lifeless: bug in your commit stuff in the pack branch: http://rafb.net/p/Y0R9wG44.html | 06:57 |
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igc | lifeless: fyi, merging my changes into the pack branch is currently a slight loss performance wise on initial commit of a moz tree. I had expected most of the gain to disappear but not all of them so I'll dig a little and check that I did the merge correctly | 07:34 |
lifeless | igc: already fixed | 07:37 |
lifeless | thanks for checking the perf results | 07:37 |
igc | lifeless: can you push the fix please | 07:37 |
abentley | lifeless: I think we are likely to encounter bugs due to badly-split lines in the future if we apply your change. | 07:46 |
abentley | I certainly encountered problems when implementing bundle 4. | 07:46 |
abentley | In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the check you found dates to that. | 07:46 |
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lifeless | abentley: it dates way back, 0.11ish timeframe I think, or before | 09:06 |
lifeless | abentley: its a huge performance hit to do all the time, but I could make it an optional check that can be turned on/off if you want to be able to do it | 09:07 |
lifeless | while that still costs, it doesn't cost as much | 09:07 |
abentley | I'm really torn. Because I know people will use it wrong, because I used it wrong. | 09:08 |
abentley | I don't know how people would know to turn it on. | 09:08 |
abentley | And maybe we can't afford to guard against it. | 09:09 |
abentley | But I don't think it is widely known that ''.splitlines is bad. | 09:10 |
lifeless | I agonised on it too | 09:11 |
lifeless | here are some thoughts | 09:11 |
lifeless | have it a disablable check, that our code disables | 09:11 |
lifeless | or have the test suite turn it on automatically for all knit objects during test execution | 09:12 |
lifeless | or allow people enough rope to shoot themselves, and trust that people using the knit api directly will do enough testing to realise they can't get data back out | 09:12 |
lifeless | woot | 09:13 |
abentley | Turning it on during testing sounds reasonable. | 09:13 |
lifeless | pack push is really getting quite slick | 09:13 |
lifeless | 2 minutes to push a few commits to people.ubuntu.com via sftp | 09:13 |
lifeless | including two ssh connection opens to connect | 09:14 |
abentley | But I can easily imagine cases where people don't test knit code thoroughly with LF data. | 09:14 |
lifeless | whats the real exposure though | 09:14 |
abentley | s/LF/CR | 09:14 |
lifeless | foreign branches | 09:14 |
lifeless | core code is less of a concern IMO we have solid reviews | 09:14 |
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lifeless | anyhow, I'm open to mitigating the risk, but its a 5-10 second win to not check every line | 09:15 |
abentley | I'm not sure whether Bundle 4 was reviewed. I tend to think not. | 09:15 |
abentley | I've had consistent problems getting things reviewed, so sometimes they get merged without review. | 09:16 |
lifeless | well, thats not your fault | 09:16 |
lifeless | but I do take the point | 09:16 |
lifeless | also more philosophically its really a symptom of api design that we conceptually have to do this check | 09:17 |
abentley | Yeah. | 09:17 |
lifeless | but | 09:17 |
abentley | MPDiff only takes strings as input. Not sure if that's better API, but at least it's safer. | 09:18 |
lifeless | taking other things also has different tradeoffs | 09:18 |
lifeless | taking a callback to get the lines is equally breakable | 09:18 |
lifeless | take a string means we have to do the split ourselves, with another mem copy of every string | 09:19 |
lifeless | taking a call to open a file object will be tricksy for things like mpdiff, you'll end up writing a thunk which is still fallable | 09:19 |
lifeless | back later | 09:20 |
lifeless | ciao | 09:20 |
abentley | l8r. | 09:20 |
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Drago84 | hola | 09:41 |
Drago84 | bzr co bazaar.launchpad.net/~awn-core/awn/trunk avant-window-navigator | 09:41 |
Drago84 | bzr: ERROR: unknown command 'co' | 09:41 |
Drago84 | help me please? | 09:41 |
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Drago84 | bzr co bazaar.launchpad.net/~awn-core/awn/trunk avant-window-navigator | 09:46 |
Drago84 | bzr: ERROR: unknown command 'co' | 09:46 |
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lifeless | Drago84: 'checkout' | 09:52 |
lifeless | Drago84: or 'branch' | 09:52 |
lifeless | also your url is invalid - you need a protocol on it | 09:52 |
lifeless | 'bzr help' will tell you the commands available | 09:52 |
poolie | Drago84, you need either http:// or bzr+ssh:// or sftp:// before the hostname | 09:53 |
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ubotu | New bug: #138600 in bzr "`bzr mkdir` create new dir before it checks is branch/checkout exists" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138600 | 12:55 |
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matkor | Will bzr 0.14 work with 0.90 repos ? I can not see anything more fresh in mandriva I have to work with ? | 01:14 |
AfC | matkor: just install from source. 0.14 is ancient. | 01:15 |
AfC | matkor: (or manually bump your package, or whatever) | 01:15 |
matkor | AfC: thanks | 01:17 |
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Odd_Bloke | Using WorkingTree.merge_from_branch doesn't seem to merge tags. What internals should I use to replace a call to merge that should be transferring tags (in the blackbox testing)? | 03:19 |
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ignas | how do i change the email that is shown in commit info ? now it is "committer: Ignas Mikalajunas <ignas@my-machine-name>" | 06:24 |
ignas | i'd like it to point to my actual email | 06:24 |
radix | ignas: bzr whoami "Christopher Armstrong <radix@twistedmatrix.com>" | 06:25 |
ignas | radix: thanks | 06:25 |
ignas | is it a global setting or a local one? | 06:25 |
radix | ignas: global, if I understand your meaning | 06:25 |
radix | it's not per-branch | 06:26 |
radix | oh | 06:26 |
radix | but apparently you *can* set it per-branch | 06:26 |
radix | bzr whoami --branch "foo bar etc" | 06:26 |
ignas | i see | 06:26 |
ignas | thanks | 06:26 |
radix | those wacky bzr developers, always adding nifty features ;-) | 06:26 |
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markvandenborre | I want to recursively remove a directory from a checkout | 08:08 |
markvandenborre | but bzr rm --force dir_to_be_deleted | 08:08 |
markvandenborre | complains about a non-empty dir | 08:09 |
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ubotu | New bug: #138716 in bzr "RFE: Smart Server logging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138716 | 08:20 |
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Enquest | while doing a commit my internet connection was lost... | 08:28 |
Enquest | now I want to do the commit again.... however I get something about locked | 08:29 |
Enquest | can I remove the file repository/lock ? | 08:29 |
luks | `bzr break-lock` is probably a better solution | 08:29 |
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corporate_cookie | is there an issue with paramiko in python2.5 ? | 08:51 |
Peng | Works for me? | 09:00 |
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corporate_cookie | alas .. i do not seem to be able to import it ...but I an see the bugger in site-packages | 09:01 |
corporate_cookie | but im glad to know it works Peng | 09:02 |
corporate_cookie | thanks | 09:02 |
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seanhodges | does anyone here use bzr-svn over HTTPS? | 09:22 |
jelmer | seanhodges: yeah | 09:33 |
jelmer | seanhodges: 0.4.1 had some issues with http repositories unfortunately, all other releases should be fine | 09:34 |
seanhodges | hey jelmer, i'm having trouble getting it to work. I'm getting the 401 authorisation error (getting the error now to paste it here) | 09:34 |
seanhodges | i'll check my version whilst i'm at it | 09:35 |
jelmer | are you using it against a google hosted project by any chance? | 09:35 |
jelmer | or does the repository really require authentication? | 09:35 |
seanhodges | no. its hosted by the company i work for | 09:35 |
seanhodges | over Apache SSL | 09:36 |
jelmer | if it requires authentication, you have to access it using svn itself somehow | 09:36 |
jelmer | e.g. 'svn ls <url>' should ask you for that password and store it in the cache | 09:36 |
jelmer | which can then be used by bzr-svn | 09:36 |
seanhodges | i understand. so if i check out using svn i should be able to use bzr-svn after that - giving it a go | 09:37 |
seanhodges | well it didnt fix my immediate problem, but at least i know svn has stored the password permanently now | 09:41 |
jelmer | it's still complaining about the 401 ? | 09:41 |
seanhodges | yeah: Unable to handle http code 401: Authorization Required | 09:41 |
seanhodges | using this command: bzr co https://svn/svn/nina/trunk | 09:42 |
jelmer | that should work if it stored in the password in svn correctly | 09:42 |
jelmer | you can try prefixing the url with svn+ so it will bypass the check for the repository type | 09:43 |
jelmer | (bzr co svn+https://svn/svn/nina/trunk) | 09:43 |
seanhodges | i'll admit now i'm using a pretty old version of bzr-svn... 0.3.2. the reason for this is the bzr-svn website matched that version to my version of bazaar (0.15.0) | 09:43 |
seanhodges | that gives me this error: "bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "svn+https://svn/svn/nina/trunk"" | 09:44 |
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jelmer | I'd really recommend upgrading, 0.3.2 is really really old | 09:46 |
Enquest | I'm doing a commit but bzr always stays stalled at "Uploading data to master branch - Stage 3/5" | 09:46 |
Enquest | why would that be... | 09:46 |
jelmer | Enquest: it may just be slow, especially in older versions | 09:46 |
Enquest | is the latest version | 09:47 |
Enquest | how slow would that be... 10 minutes? | 09:47 |
Enquest | its only a webproject... | 09:47 |
seanhodges | jelmer, i did something stupid: took my svn dir out of ~/bazaar/plugins to try the latest build, but didnt put it back. | 09:48 |
seanhodges | i've just recified that and tried the svn+https:// approach again and it looks like it's working | 09:48 |
seanhodges | i think saving the password did the trick. thanks a lot for your help. - i'm gonna go shout at myself and make a tea | 09:49 |
jelmer | Enquest: bzr+ssh is faster than sftp | 09:50 |
jelmer | seanhodges: cool | 09:50 |
jelmer | Enquest: what size is the project in ters of number of files / number of revisions? | 09:50 |
Enquest | jelmer, with bin some 30 M | 09:52 |
Enquest | its a first commit | 09:52 |
jelmer | hmm, wouldn't know why it's so slow then, sorry | 09:52 |
seanhodges | Enquest have you checked it's not a firewall issue? does it download quickly just downloading the directory using the sftp program? | 09:57 |
Enquest | it simple stalles each time... I'm restarting the whole process | 09:58 |
Enquest | It is the first time I use bazaar. I used SVN before | 09:58 |
luks | don't, it just looks it stalled, it's actually doing something | 09:59 |
seanhodges | same here, afraid i was mostly guessing | 09:59 |
luks | restarting will not help it :) | 09:59 |
seanhodges | thats true, my https download paused for nearly a minute before it started fetching | 10:00 |
luks | initial push/pull is always slow, over bzr+ssh it's a bit faster, but not much in the current version of bzr | 10:01 |
seanhodges | luks is the delay related to building the bzr repository? just interested | 10:03 |
luks | no, it needs to check and upload many files | 10:03 |
luks | which causes many roundtrips | 10:03 |
seanhodges | ok, cool | 10:03 |
luks | so most of the time you spend waiting for connection, not actually uploading | 10:03 |
luks | at least that's my understanding of the 'official excuse' :) | 10:04 |
fullermd | I blame it on gnomes, personally. | 10:05 |
seanhodges | haha makes sense. I'm just waiting for my checkout to complete - does each push back to the svn server have a similar pause? or are the roundtrip checks related to the init? | 10:06 |
seanhodges | fullermd, i think thats one excuse i havent seen on bash.org | 10:07 |
fullermd | Well, it's sensible. That's why you haven't seen it there :p | 10:08 |
seanhodges | lol | 10:10 |
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loswillios | hi guys | 10:53 |
loswillios | I can't install the latest bzr on my debian system | 10:54 |
loswillios | error in control file: `Files' value not specified at /usr/sbin/install-docs line 701, </usr/share/doc-base/bzr> line 10. | 10:54 |
loswillios | ugh, the sources.lst entry has changed. there's -2 out already | 10:55 |
fullermd | I'm pretty sure that's a known thing in the packages... | 10:56 |
fullermd | Something about being built on a version that didn't need the Files, though other versions do? | 10:57 |
loswillios | yeah, 0.90-2 fixed it. | 10:57 |
loswillios | I didn't update my sources.lst | 10:57 |
dato | fullermd: yeah, something like that | 11:00 |
loswillios | thanks guys | 11:00 |
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