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Ling-Ling | hi there | 12:05 |
soundray | ballew: first, do a 'cat /tmp/gedit.$USER.* >$HOME/gedit-rescue' to save any autosave data that gedit may have created | 12:06 |
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Colro | MasterShrek: Same thing with a brand new profile :/ | 12:06 |
=== Snuxoll [n=stefan@63-227-103-121.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Weng_Lap | Command to see human-readable memory and CPU loads? | 12:06 |
dxdt | Hey everyone | 12:06 |
dxdt | Weng_Lap: top or free -h | 12:06 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: this is the log of your current session using "nv" as driver | 12:06 |
neopsyche | oh | 12:06 |
Weng_Lap | thanks | 12:06 |
MasterShrek | hrmm | 12:06 |
neopsyche | sorry | 12:06 |
MasterShrek | Colro, 64 bit? | 12:06 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: check old log | 12:07 |
dxdt | Weng_Lap: sorry, free -m not h | 12:07 |
Ashfire908 | is the time ping produces round-trip? | 12:07 |
=== andresmujica [n=andresmu@correo.seaq.com.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Colro | MasterShrek: no | 12:07 |
David-A | Weng_Lap: "top", "free" or add cpu-graph applet in the panel. | 12:07 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/d2d3c15e2 | 12:07 |
Flannel | Ashfire908: yes. That's the only reliable way to measure it | 12:07 |
schwarzekrause | Hello, all | 12:07 |
Weng_Lap | Yep. As expected. I need more RAM. | 12:07 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: old log | 12:08 |
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508DAC52.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
schwarzekrause | Can anyone help me with my audiocard ALC268 on a laptop? | 12:08 |
ballew | soundray: i had looked at the tmp files - the tmp file exists, but it has a size of 0... | 12:08 |
MasterShrek | Colro, it took me 20 seconds, but im on livecd right now | 12:08 |
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MasterShrek | are you on livecd and just dont know it? =P | 12:08 |
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ballew | soundray: i had been working on the doc for several hours... it's hard to believe the tmp file could be 0 | 12:08 |
soundray | Ashfire908: yes (source: man ping) | 12:08 |
Ling-Ling | if i try to open gedit over treminal i get "cannot open display:" , whats wrong? sry, im new on ubuntu... | 12:09 |
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Ashfire908 | soundray, flannel already answered my question | 12:09 |
Ling-Ling | for example: gedit --new-document linuxdat.txt | 12:09 |
dxdt | Ling-Ling: over ssh forwarding? You probably forgot the ssh -X flag when you did it? | 12:09 |
MasterShrek | Ling-Ling, are you a different user in the terminal than what you are logged into X as? | 12:09 |
Colro | MasterShrek: I booted into windows and it was 3.2 seconds using the same exact firefox profile -- I really feel like something is cutting down my performance quit a bit in Ubuntu, but I don't have a clue what it is. I do have an ATI card, but I've got the restricted driver enabled. | 12:09 |
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erUSUL | neopsyche: in the logs i can not see the information i'm looking for... | 12:09 |
Ling-Ling | yes, over a ssh | 12:09 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: hmm | 12:09 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: ssh -X username@host | 12:10 |
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Ling-Ling | im already loged in... | 12:10 |
soundray | Ashfire908: just pointing out that you could have used man | 12:10 |
greyfrog | heya all, anyone know a way to mv a directory when it gives the error "Device or Resource busy"? The directory is empty ... | 12:10 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: then X apps should work | 12:10 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: lets try removing the two packages and installing them again | 12:10 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: perhaps if i uninstall the old driver .. instlall the new driver ... config xorg.conf to have nvidia instead of nv with new driver installed then reboot.. what you think?> | 12:10 |
Ling-Ling | what is this x for? | 12:10 |
Ashfire908 | soundray, i wasn't sure if it would be in there, some man files are very short/vague | 12:10 |
neopsyche | x? | 12:10 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: X forwarding, you need to either specify -X to ssh, or configure it in ssh_config | 12:11 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-1.0.9631 | 12:11 |
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Ling-Ling | k, thanx | 12:11 |
Scunizi | is there a way to print out to a file a list of all the programs that are listed in the menu? | 12:11 |
soundray | Ashfire908: so you thought you'd ask first, then look at docs. Ts | 12:11 |
=== SLaPoet_ [n=william@user-38lm58r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crispy-afk | Ive got a problem with sound in ubuntu, any help? Look at my thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3532797#post3532797 | 12:11 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: then do 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new' and try again the nvidia driver | 12:11 |
Ashfire908 | soundray, like ipmasq's man on the rules. doesn't explain the values used in the files | 12:11 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: it says: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-1.0.9631 | 12:11 |
jiam | Scunizi: ls -la | lpr printername | 12:11 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: oops | 12:11 |
inc595 | anyone use looking glass on ubuntu? | 12:11 |
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Scunizi | jiam thanks | 12:12 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: it says>.. E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it | 12:12 |
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byteate1 | hi al | 12:12 |
byteate1 | all | 12:12 |
jiam | Scunizi: oops remove the printername.. | 12:12 |
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IndyGunFreak | !hi | 12:12 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:12 |
tussey | ~ntfs | 12:12 |
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tussey | !ntfs | 12:12 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 12:12 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: oh.. probably synaptic | 12:13 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: are you running synaptic or other package manager? | 12:13 |
soundray | ballew: still looking for info to rescue your file, don't give up yet | 12:13 |
tussey | uh oh ubuntu.com internal server error | 12:13 |
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Scunizi | jiam i did and also substituted lpr with >.. I wanted it in a file.. however, what I ended up creating is a menu editor.. i think. | 12:13 |
Ling-Ling | so, host is entered in the list of knows hosts, but already: cannot open display | 12:13 |
greyfrog | anyone know a way to mv or rm an empty directory when it gives the error "Device or Resource busy"? | 12:13 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: ok i closed synaptic | 12:13 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: it worked | 12:13 |
tussey | !ntfs-3g | 12:13 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 12:13 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: it now wants to install something as well | 12:13 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: what does "echo $DISPLAY" say? | 12:13 |
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ballew | soundray: THANK YOU. i can't give up... been working on it for 4 hours!!! let me give more bg.. i'm using gutsy beta. i can "lose" any window by sending it to the next workspace but they all still show up in the ps list. | 12:14 |
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Ling-Ling | Display: undefined variable | 12:14 |
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soundray | ballew: so when you switch to the next workspace, is it empty? | 12:14 |
=== Shadowfire__ [n=jeff@rrcs-67-79-144-150.se.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ballew | yes. | 12:15 |
Scunizi | jiam actually I created a blank text file..:( | 12:15 |
byteate1 | wats the best windows emulator besides wine??? | 12:15 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: then X forwarding is not enabled, you passed -X to ssh? | 12:15 |
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Ling-Ling | i think so | 12:15 |
jiam | Scunizi: ls -la > filename | 12:15 |
kurisutofuaa | How's the release candidate looking everyone? | 12:15 |
greyfrog | wine is not a windows emulator | 12:15 |
pulseezar | how can i find out how much space is left on my disks? | 12:15 |
MasterShrek | kurisutofuaa, ive heard its good | 12:15 |
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byteate1 | wats the best windows emulator besides wine??? | 12:15 |
yrlnry | pulseezar: "df" | 12:15 |
ballew | soundray: i have 2 workspaces enabled, and anything i send right disappears. | 12:15 |
greyfrog | try looking at qemu | 12:15 |
IndyGunFreak | pulseezar: df | 12:15 |
=== Cpudan80 [n=Cpudan80@about/windows/staff/Cpudan80] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dumptruck | how do I run a shell script? | 12:15 |
larson9999 | kurisutofuaa, seems to be a few hw things that don't work too good. | 12:15 |
Cyynic | hey all, i just upgraded to the Gutsy RC from as a fresh install (kept my /home) and i've noticed that my Gnome menus are really slow. anyone know what's going on? | 12:15 |
pulseezar | df? | 12:15 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: the -X should be before the host | 12:15 |
Ling-Ling | there was the question to enter the host into known host list und i had to log in again... | 12:15 |
yrlnry | Dumptruck: "sh scriptname" | 12:16 |
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greyfrog | byteate1, wine is not a windows emulator... try looking at qemu | 12:16 |
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yrlnry | Dumptruck: Or you set the execute permission on it, and then run it just by typing its name. | 12:16 |
byteate1 | kk | 12:16 |
allorder | byteate1: cedega | 12:16 |
Ling-Ling | no x before host... | 12:16 |
byteate1 | what??? | 12:16 |
larson9999 | Cyynic, do you use the small 'main' menu? | 12:16 |
tussey | hmm well I followed all the steps in the howto and still can't Write to my NTFS | 12:16 |
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byteate1 | i need to run cs3 on ubuntu | 12:16 |
tussey | any ideas? | 12:16 |
Vendeta6 | Can someone help me with a boot problem of a install ubuntu server | 12:16 |
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greyfrog | byteate1, try cedega | 12:16 |
Dr_willis | byteate1, wine or cedega should be able to do that. | 12:16 |
byteate1 | kk | 12:16 |
greyfrog | byteate1, its subscription based | 12:16 |
byteate1 | i hate wine | 12:17 |
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Ling-Ling | sry,im very unknows about ubuntu... | 12:17 |
erUSUL | !anyone | Vendeta6 | 12:17 |
ubotu | Vendeta6: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:17 |
scottDkoDer | I would like to play mp3's while playing enemy territory, but if I use for instance xmms et will fail to load the audio device even though the graphics work fine. Any suggestions? | 12:17 |
=== enemy [n=enemy@p549EB348.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cyynic | larson9999: which menu are you talking about? | 12:17 |
Dr_willis | byteate1, just give up on games then. | 12:17 |
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Cpudan80 | Ok - I've got a minor problem | 12:17 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: what does it want to install? | 12:17 |
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kitche | !aoss | scottDkoDer | 12:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aoss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:17 |
larson9999 | Cyynic, the gnome menu it calls 'Main Menu'. not the default one. | 12:17 |
soundray | ballew: you know the window list applet in the bottom panel... | 12:17 |
MasterShrek | !info aoss | 12:17 |
ubotu | Package aoss does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 12:17 |
kitche | scottDkoDer: look up running et using aoss | 12:17 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: accept the propossed packages | 12:17 |
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MasterShrek | huh | 12:17 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: oh i see .. its asking me if i wish to uninstall | 12:17 |
=== ballew_ [n=ballew@24-159-50-59.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cpudan80 | My keyboard has a volume up/down key | 12:18 |
ballew_ | soundray: I got it! | 12:18 |
scottDkoDer | kitche: Alright, thx | 12:18 |
Ling-Ling | ok: ssh -x user@anubis.informatik.uni-halle.de , right? user have to be my username... | 12:18 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: ok .. it purged | 12:18 |
Vendeta6 | in just installed a ubuntu server to my old compaq and when i boot it just goes starting and the goes black and restarts the system please help | 12:18 |
xnitex | bullox | 12:18 |
soundray | ballew: if you right-click the handle on the left, you can set its... | 12:18 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: now we need to install something? | 12:18 |
Scunizi | jiam actually that listed the files I have.. I'm wanting to create a list of what's off the "application menu | 12:18 |
=== digilink [n=digilink@24-151-165-162.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | ballew_: solved it? | 12:18 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: capital X -X not -x | 12:18 |
Cpudan80 | The keys work fine, but it increase/decreases volume to the wrong channel | 12:18 |
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ballew_ | soundray: it's a bug with the workspaces.. not sure what it is, but i'll at least document it for launchpad | 12:18 |
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Ling-Ling | lets try | 12:18 |
Cpudan80 | Like it lowers the left speaker instead of both of them | 12:18 |
Cyynic | larson9999: i'm not sure, where would i check? (very new to gnome here, i've been running kde for the last few months) | 12:18 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, how far does it boot? | 12:18 |
soundray | ballew_: how did you rescue it? | 12:18 |
eaglejazz | just wondering trying to read keygen....do i use ssh-keygen? | 12:18 |
coastGNU | Loging, Wo wird festgelegt ob in logfiles am Anfang die zeit in unixsekunden oder im human readable format angegeben wird? | 12:18 |
MasterShrek | Cyynic, you shoulda stuck with kde :) | 12:18 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: when you finish purging the packages install 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new' and try again the nvidia driver | 12:19 |
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soundray | coastGNU: ask in #ubuntu-de please | 12:19 |
Seveas | !de | coastGNU | 12:19 |
ubotu | coastGNU: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:19 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek goes right to starting up... ands stops | 12:19 |
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Cyynic | mastershrek: never know unless you try, and i've been wanting to fiddle with compiz, which never worked right for me under kde :) | 12:19 |
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coastGNU | Seveas: ARRG, just noticed that I'm not on ubuntu-de... shame on me | 12:19 |
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=== Caplain [n=shane@adsl-75-45-250-198.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, thats not really helping me, does your bootloader come up, does it say anything about the kernel? | 12:19 |
larson9999 | Cyynic, i'm using the one that when you click on add to panel, shows as Main Menu. | 12:19 |
soundray | ballew_: hello? | 12:19 |
ballew_ | soundray: when i used ctrl+alt left and right, i went to a blank workspace, but when i clicked on the workspace icon in the lower right it came up, but without a toolbar .. i had to alt-f2 to get this window open. | 12:19 |
Ling-Ling | cannot open display... | 12:20 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: i can use synaptic for that right | 12:20 |
neopsyche | ? | 12:20 |
yrlnry | x | 12:20 |
ballew_ | soundray: sorry.. trying to figure out how to explain it! | 12:20 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: yes | 12:20 |
Ling-Ling | gedit --new-document linuxdat.txt , is this right? | 12:20 |
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soundray | ballew_: I see | 12:20 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek yes grub comes up and then i choose to boot into ubuntu server and it says starting up and then restarts the computor | 12:20 |
=== Drevor [i=Drevor99@p54B3EB2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coastGNU | loging, where is set that log file entries will start with a timestamp in Unixtime or in human readable time format? | 12:20 |
Colro | Does anyone have any suggestions for a decent ATI driver that works with a 9600? The one installed by the restricted manager is kind of weak and I know there's some other ones out there that people have tried. | 12:20 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: echo $DISPLAY still doesn't give any output? | 12:20 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: says downloading 1of1 | 12:20 |
yrlnry | I want to remove files from my USB thumbdrive. The unlink fails with error "Read-only filesystem." But the output of "mount" indicates that the FS was mounted with option "rw", so what's going on? | 12:21 |
ballew_ | soundray: clicking the icon took me to everything i had clicked "move to workspace on right"; alt-tab clicking took me to a different workspace. | 12:21 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: whats glx-dev? | 12:21 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, have you tried booting recovery mode? | 12:21 |
=== GhostRider [n=juan@wbs-41-208-209-21.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ling-Ling | answer: $Display | 12:21 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: dunno | 12:21 |
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Cyynic | larson9999: i've never changed that option, but i see which you are talking about. should i choose it or no? | 12:21 |
soundray | ballew_: I was going to suggest you make the gedit window visible in the window list. Then you could have pulled it back to the original workspace with a right-click on the window-list tab. | 12:21 |
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Ling-Ling | this should be right | 12:21 |
eaglejazz | reading a keygen -> do i use ssh-keygen? | 12:21 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek yes i have the same problem ocures i tried reinstalling and it still does it | 12:21 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: says nvidia-glx-new-dev | 12:21 |
=== GhostRider [n=juan@wbs-41-208-209-21.wbs.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
ballew_ | soundray: thanks for your help. i'll try to document it now. | 12:21 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: DISPLAY with all capital letters. Linux (and thus ubuntu) is mostly case sensitive | 12:21 |
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Ling-Ling | i got: $DISPLAY | 12:22 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, i would suggest then using something else for your server, slackware is pretty good nowadays | 12:22 |
MasterShrek | since they finally moved to a 2.6 kernel default lol | 12:22 |
Hacim07 | is there an option in fspot to have the images named after the date? | 12:22 |
Cyynic | larson9999: the delay happens with every drop down menu, in every program, including gnome | 12:22 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: who/what says that | 12:22 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek could u link me im rather noobish to this im just trying to set somthing up for are house to store pictures | 12:22 |
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coastGNU | Seveas: BTW, hi Dennis | 12:23 |
diplo | Vendeta6 : I'd say that could also be framebuffer issue, does it load the kernel image part on the screen and then restart ? | 12:23 |
recon | Sound plays when I launch "play" from the command line, but not if I use totem or firefox. Is there any way to diagnose this? | 12:23 |
larson9999 | Cyynic, well it's takes a LONG time the first time you open it upon bootup. so maybe not. but it's smaller than the default in real estate. you can try it and see if you like it. | 12:23 |
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geirha | Ling-Ling: that's very weird | 12:23 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: oh it was just a listing in synaptic .. exactly the same for the glx drivers except the text 'dev' is added to the name of each.. it is a seperate listing from what i clicked on. | 12:23 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: was just wondering what that was | 12:24 |
Vendeta6 | diplo it goes to the grub os chooser and then goes to the text of starting up and then goes black and restarts system | 12:24 |
diplo | yeah i had that | 12:24 |
tds | will my gutsy beta be auto updated when 7.10 is out? | 12:24 |
diplo | Sure it was to do with the framebuffer | 12:24 |
Pricey | !final | tds | 12:24 |
ubotu | tds: If you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. | 12:24 |
diplo | Trying to remember what i did to get round it | 12:24 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, yea it could be framebuffer i suppose, try hitting the letter 'e' on the line in grub, and 'e' again on the kernel line and remove the word splash from the end of that line | 12:24 |
Pricey | tds, #ubuntu+1 for any further questions/discussion | 12:25 |
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Cyynic | larson9999: ok, maybe i'll try it, though i doubt this machine lacks the system resources... it seemed to be fine when i first installed it, then after a reboot it has decided that every click in the menu bar should be followed by a 1+ second pause... | 12:25 |
tds | ubotu, thanks, you da man! | 12:25 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek i will do that right now and keep u pposted | 12:25 |
Dumptruck | how do I run a makefile? | 12:25 |
Ling-Ling | what i want to do: create a txt document on this server... | 12:25 |
larson9999 | Cyynic, oh, i don't have that issue. | 12:25 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: if you are not a DEVeloper you do not have to care about those packages | 12:25 |
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Cyynic | larson9999: yeah, neither does anyone in the forums it seems :) | 12:25 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: lol thought so :-) ;-) | 12:26 |
geirha | Ling-Ling: well, you could try to use nano instead of gedit | 12:26 |
Dumptruck | in other words I have dowloaded an app - extracted - | 12:26 |
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Dumptruck | then what is the next step | 12:26 |
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larson9999 | Cyynic, but the other main menu really has issues. | 12:26 |
Dumptruck | something to do with the make file no? | 12:26 |
MasterShrek | Dumptruck, type make | 12:26 |
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Cyynic | larson9999: so i should stick with the default huh? | 12:27 |
Dumptruck | uff - that easy | 12:27 |
Dumptruck | sorry I am a retard | 12:27 |
larson9999 | Cyynic, probably | 12:27 |
MasterShrek | derr =P | 12:27 |
Dumptruck | thanks so much for your help | 12:27 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek how do i save it not to keep puting in the splash | 12:27 |
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W8TAH|laptop | hi folks -- whats the name for the ubuntu eye candy channel | 12:27 |
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kitche | !effects | W8TAH|laptop | 12:27 |
ubotu | W8TAH|laptop: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 12:27 |
Scunizi | #ubuntu-effects W8TAH|laptop | 12:27 |
W8TAH|laptop | thanks | 12:27 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, you will have to edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and scroll to the bottom, and remove it from the kernel line(s) | 12:27 |
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keir_ | Hello, since upgrading to Gutsy my wireless (RT61) connection has become very unreliable, what should I do about this? | 12:28 |
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MasterShrek | keir_, do you know what kernel module it is using? | 12:28 |
IndyGunFreak | !gutsy | 12:28 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 12:28 |
nathex | Hey, i'm trying to run "winecfg", and when I select the audio tab, it freezes. I've looked it up and found a few tips such as makeing the .kde folder with "socket-$HOSTNAME", and renaming a file in the wine directory, and I still have it freeze. Are there any other workarounds? | 12:28 |
Pricey | !gutsy | keir_ | 12:28 |
ubotu | keir_: please see above | 12:28 |
Cyynic | larson9999: thanks anyway, i think i'm going to go trash my gnome prefs and restart x, see what happens | 12:28 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek i click e on the kernel line and delete splash and click enter then b and it does the same thing | 12:28 |
MasterShrek | keir_, theres rt61 and rt61pci and ive heard of issues between the two | 12:28 |
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lee98632 | eh my cut and paste is not fergetting | 12:29 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, before you hit b, does the word splash come back? | 12:29 |
Ling-Ling_ | sry, mu ubuntu crashed ;) | 12:29 |
keir_ | ill talk in #ubuntu+1 | 12:29 |
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Scunizi | W8TAH|laptop, nice blog.. .. over.. beep | 12:29 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek if i click enter then click esc to go bac to os picker and hit e and check it it is there | 12:29 |
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DARKGuy | hey people, is it possible to have multiple GDM sessions, and different gnome-session configurations on each one? for example my gnome is configured for eyecandy with compiz and all, but what if I want to make a different session on the same user but with a more lightweight configuration (using gnome too) without compiz and different wallpaper/settings? is it possible? and if so, how? | 12:30 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, dont hit esc, i think u have to hit enter when u are done editing it | 12:30 |
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Ling-Ling_ | it works ;) | 12:31 |
Ling-Ling_ | dont know why... | 12:31 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek i hit enter once i deleted the splash and then go back to os picker and hit e and e again on the kernal to see if it stayed changed | 12:31 |
nathex | There's no-one who knows a work around? | 12:32 |
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Dr_willis | Vendeta6, edits to the grub menu items from the 'e' thing are not permenant. | 12:32 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, dont go all the way back to the first menu, right after u hit enter after u edit the line, hit 'b' | 12:32 |
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W8TAH|laptop | Scunizi: umm thanks | 12:32 |
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MasterShrek | nathex, #winehq | 12:32 |
Scunizi | W8TAH|laptop, saw your call sign and look you up.. most don't know what that is.. :) | 12:33 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: ok so synaptic is almost done | 12:33 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek doing that gives me the same loop as always | 12:33 |
W8TAH|laptop | ahhh - -cool | 12:33 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: whats next after its installed? | 12:33 |
W8TAH|laptop | wondered how you got it | 12:33 |
nathex | MasterShrek: thanks :) | 12:33 |
Scunizi | W8TAH|laptop, kd6wqk.. also a long time photog.. but not my profession. | 12:33 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: ? | 12:34 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, well boot your install cd, and go in and edit that file (/boot/grub/menu.lst) and remove splash, but i dont even know if thats what is doing it | 12:34 |
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erUSUL | neopsyche: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 12:34 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: from command prompt or can i do that while in gui? from terminal? | 12:34 |
MasterShrek | neopsyche, either way | 12:34 |
DARKGuy | hey, is it possible to have two gnome sessions on the same user? say, one for compiz and eyecandy and other for a lightweight environment? | 12:34 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek how do i edit that file this is a sever edition and theres no live cd | 12:35 |
neopsyche | MasterShrek: cool | 12:35 |
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neopsyche | MasterShrek: ;-) | 12:35 |
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MasterShrek | neopsyche, actually, u have to do it in gui | 12:35 |
criminy | /dev/hdc4 301G -2.9G 289G - /media/hdc4 | 12:35 |
criminy | Am I sending my data into the oblivion here? | 12:35 |
=== Chinaski1 [n=Druganti@host141-35-dynamic.45-213-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, does it ever boot to a command line? | 12:35 |
DARKGuy | wow. | 12:35 |
neopsyche | MasterShrek: the synaptic package manager has finnished .. but it has a screen saying 'setting up nvidia-glx-new' | 12:35 |
criminy | I get negative numbers and a negative sign for the percentage | 12:35 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek no it dosent | 12:36 |
MasterShrek | let it sit there neopsyche it might take a little bit | 12:36 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, do you have any other distro that u can just boot to modify that file? | 12:36 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: frpm terminal | 12:36 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, almost anything will work | 12:36 |
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markelhas | hi ppl i've installed one asus pci wireless card (56mb/s) and transfering files over home network is slower that the wireless (11mb/s) that cames with my laptop. What can i do to solve this problem? | 12:37 |
neopsyche | I clicked 'automatically close after the changes have been applied' (box) and it closed.. so i guess that the changes are finnished | 12:37 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek I have a dream linux distro live cd will that work? | 12:37 |
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markelhas | !network | 12:37 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:37 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, it should, as long as it can read whatever fs your ubuntu install is, which it will | 12:37 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: ok.. it seems to have written changes to xorg.conf etc. | 12:38 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 12:38 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek im booting dream linux atm | 12:38 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: do i need to reboot now? | 12:38 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: what the sudo is dream linux? | 12:38 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: Crtl + Alt + Backspace | 12:38 |
Burdon | LINUX SUCKS | 12:39 |
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astro76 | Burdon, need some Ubuntu help or just trolling? | 12:39 |
Viking667 | Burdon: fine. Then don't use it, but don't bitch about it either. | 12:39 |
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=== erUSUL do not feed the troll | ||
markelhas | !network | 12:40 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:40 |
MasterShrek | Burdon, funny, i say the same thing about vista in #windows | 12:40 |
markelhas | hi ppl i've installed one asus pci wireless card (56mb/s) and transfering files over home network is slower that the wireless (11mb/s) that cames with my laptop. What can i do to solve this problem? | 12:40 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek what do u want me to do now? | 12:40 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, mount your hard drive | 12:40 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek ight | 12:40 |
GMWeezel | how can i view the passwords on ubuntu if im root? i cant find the passwords file | 12:40 |
neopsyche | ok im stuck in comand prompt again | 12:40 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, then as root or use sudo to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:41 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: same error? | 12:41 |
astro76 | GMWeezel, you can't view them anyway, you can change them | 12:41 |
neopsyche | MasterShrek: ok im stuck in command prompt again | 12:41 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, then scroll to the bottom, and remove splash from the end of the kernel line or lines that you want to boot | 12:41 |
GMWeezel | astro76: even as root? you cant view them? | 12:41 |
astro76 | GMWeezel, they are encrypted | 12:41 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek ok just a second im just getting into DreamLinux now | 12:41 |
GMWeezel | astro76: ah so it only does checksum comparisons; no plaintext available? | 12:41 |
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erUSUL | neopsyche: writte down the drivers versions it errors about | 12:41 |
MasterShrek | neopsyche, what were u doing? i just kinda jumped in on u again lol | 12:41 |
astro76 | GMWeezel, checksum is not the right term, but yeah no plaintext passwords | 12:42 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: yes.. it seems i have a different kernel nvidia version to my nvidia driver | 12:42 |
neopsyche | the nvidia | 12:42 |
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INTit | hi | 12:42 |
GMWeezel | astro76: alright thanks. hash checksum whatever; i suck at jargon right now | 12:42 |
curb | hi | 12:42 |
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MasterShrek | !hi | 12:42 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:42 |
neopsyche | erUSEL: the nvidia driver and kernal driver versions are different i need to change kernel to upgraded version | 12:42 |
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erUSUL | neopsyche: but what versions??? the error msg must hasve said what versions mismatch | 12:43 |
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curb | does anybody know how to bring a process to the foreground which i bg'ed and exited that shell ? | 12:43 |
neopsyche | erUSAL: is there a way i can paste the log files to pastebin from command prompt | 12:43 |
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curb | i relogged and now i want to bring it to the foreground again, same user... | 12:44 |
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Hellhammer-USSR | Greetings | 12:44 |
kitche | curb: fg | 12:44 |
Ganlain | Hello | 12:44 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: there are just two numbers... 9635 or 9755 or something like that... no need to copy paste | 12:44 |
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astro76 | curb, all jobs end with the shell, unless you keep the shell running in screen | 12:44 |
astro76 | !screen | curb | 12:45 |
ubotu | curb: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen | 12:45 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: ther kernel version issue says something about 7 something or other | 12:45 |
Hellhammer-USSR | when i was installing ubuntu it said that there was problem unmounting the temp files or something | 12:45 |
curb | kitche: i know fg, but ive no clue how to bringt it back with it | 12:45 |
flyingsloths | where are startup error logs stored? | 12:45 |
Vendeta6 | ugghhh MasterShrek dream linux froze it may be a min | 12:45 |
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curb | yeah i know screen :) | 12:45 |
MasterShrek | lol Vendeta6 | 12:45 |
pommer | how do i install games on ubuntu | 12:45 |
curb | but i didnt use it with that progi | 12:45 |
MasterShrek | !games | 12:45 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 12:45 |
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markelhas | hi ppl i've installed one asus pci wireless card (56mb/s) and transfering files over home network is slower that the wireless (11mb/s) that cames with my laptop. What can i do to solve this problem? | 12:45 |
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astro76 | curb, then the bg jobs and all child processes of that shell died when you closed it | 12:45 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShreki said it was a linux distro never said anything about it being good | 12:46 |
curb | no it didnt :)) | 12:46 |
curb | and it shouldnt | 12:46 |
astro76 | curb, it most certainly should | 12:46 |
curb | no becuz i bg'ed it before i exited | 12:46 |
curb | its just mpg321 which is playing a mp3 list | 12:46 |
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AzMoo[w] | How do I upgrade my kernel? Every time I do, apt-get upgrade linux-generic it tells me the packages have been held back | 12:46 |
curb | on my server | 12:46 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: well the only way that this error stills ocurring after the purging and reinstalling is that someone else (envy or you or automatix) instaled "manually" some other version of the nvidia driver | 12:47 |
Ling-Ling_ | back again... i dont really understand how to rename a file... i think i forgot to give the textfile her extention... | 12:47 |
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Flannel | AzMoo[w] : you need to do a dist-upgrade for kernel updates | 12:47 |
curb | and i wondered if its possible to grab that process again in the foreground (i screen does the thing) | 12:47 |
AzMoo[w] | Flannel: Wont that put me up to gutsy? | 12:47 |
curb | i + know | 12:47 |
Flannel | AzMoo[w] : no | 12:47 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: if that's the key i can not help you further... | 12:47 |
Flannel | AzMoo[w] : apt-get upgrade only upgrades the current packages to newest versions, dist-upgrade will pull in new packages (the kernel images themselves are different packages) | 12:47 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek its taking about a hour to boot this linux distro.... its horible | 12:48 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: yes i think i downloaded and installed nvidia perhaps | 12:48 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: if you used envy you can try to use it again ... but is an evil script | 12:48 |
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erUSUL | !envy | neopsyche | 12:48 |
ubotu | neopsyche: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 12:48 |
AzMoo[w] | Flannel: ah, I see. Is it safe to do that without breaking things? | 12:48 |
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Flannel | AzMoo[w] : dist-upgrade is how you can upgrade to newer versions, but you need to change your repositories in order to do that. | 12:48 |
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curb | well, no suggestions 4 my sweet process? ;) | 12:48 |
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Hellhammer-USSR | how would i correct a disk mount error? | 12:48 |
EvaLuaTe | hello | 12:48 |
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neopsyche | erUSUL: i think perhaps i installed the drivers manually | 12:48 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: if you used the run package from nvidia.com unnistall all the packaged drivers and rerun the instaler | 12:48 |
Flannel | AzMoo[w] : yeah, its just a complete upgrade, instead of a mostly-complete upgrade. Compeltely safe | 12:49 |
astro76 | curb, so you exited the shell, and mpg321 kept playing? | 12:49 |
AzMoo[w] | Flannel: gotcha, thanks. | 12:49 |
Flannel | AzMoo[w] : well, as safe as upgrade is, anyway. | 12:49 |
silent | what is the command to list sound devices? | 12:49 |
AzMoo[w] | Flannel: indeed :D | 12:49 |
erUSUL | neopsyche: i mean uninstall nvidia-glx-new | 12:49 |
curb | yeah becuz i kicked it in the background to play on | 12:49 |
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EvaLuaTe | could someone tell me a identd server that can send responds to ident requests depending on the folder the program is running from ? or if oidentd can do this and i am missing something ? | 12:49 |
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MasterShrek | lol Vendeta6 | 12:50 |
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kitche | curb: seems like it kills the process type bg and see what you get for output | 12:50 |
curb | astro76: it was in the foreground => CTRL-Z ... then bg, afterwards exit CTRL-D ... relog ... now i want to use it again ... I just wondered if i can get it in the foreground again | 12:50 |
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kitche | curb if it says there's things in the background just type fg | 12:51 |
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astro76 | curb, I completely understand all that, I'm saying when you ctrl+D and close the shell, the backgrounded process should have died too, type jobs and see if there are running jobs | 12:51 |
astro76 | but I doubt it | 12:51 |
markelhas | i've installed one asus pci wireless card (56mb/s) and transfering files over home network is slower that the wireless (11mb/s) that cames with my laptop. What can i do to solve this problem? | 12:52 |
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curb | kitche: :)) no it doesnt work ... was my first thought anyway | 12:52 |
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ThePub | curb: you need a program called "screen" to keep a process between sheel.s | 12:52 |
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astro76 | curb, because to bg a process is still only relative to that shell | 12:52 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek how do i mount the hard drive and what would it be named? (sorry im a noob) | 12:52 |
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Hellhammer-USSR | does any1 know how i would correct a disk mount error? | 12:52 |
curb | ThePub: omg :) i know screen, thx alot :) | 12:52 |
gnomefreak | hmmmmmmm | 12:52 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b @AMarigot-102-1*!#ubuntu-o*@*] by gnomefreak | ||
kitche | curb: if there is no background process then the bg process that you did is gone | 12:53 |
vbabiy | Hello is there any one that can help me with setting up firestarter as a gateway | 12:53 |
AzMoo[w] | Well it almost worked. I did the dist-upgrade but now my console is all upper-case :\ | 12:53 |
vbabiy | I have it runnig | 12:53 |
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curb | kitche: i know it should :) music is still playing on my hi-fi | 12:53 |
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curb | hm | 12:53 |
Pici | hmmm | 12:53 |
curb | think theres my old shell | 12:53 |
vbabiy | but when i turn on the firewall no one get a ip from my DHCP server | 12:53 |
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kitche | curb: nevermind you don't get it | 12:54 |
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neopsyche | ok | 12:54 |
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neopsyche | MasterShrek: .. | 12:54 |
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markelhas | !asus | 12:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about asus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:55 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b @AMarigot-102-1*!#ubuntu-o*@*] by gnomefreak | ||
neopsyche | erUSUL: the error output on the nvidia driver when i try to start xorg says .. error API mismatch. | 12:55 |
curb | kitche: omg pls ... sure im gettin it ... but i already did 1000 times "ps --forest auux" and theres my process "mpg321 -Z -@ MYLIST" but it hasnt got a parent shell | 12:55 |
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curb | ive absolutely no clue y | 12:55 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek how do i mount the hard drive and what would it be named? (sorry im a noob) | 12:56 |
kitche | curb: because you killed the parent shell | 12:56 |
markelhas | !network speed | 12:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about network speed - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:56 |
Hellhammer-USSR | how do i make so when i mount the disk it doesnt crash at boot | 12:56 |
neopsyche | erUSUL: the NVIDIA kernal module has version 1.0-7184 but this x module has the version 1.0.9755 | 12:56 |
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curb | kitche: yeah, and u said my process had to kill with it, and it didnt ... so what? | 12:56 |
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kitche | curb: you can't bring it to the foreground then you have to kill the process | 12:57 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, type fdisk -l | 12:57 |
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neopsyche | MasterShrek: see messages to erUSUL | 12:57 |
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neopsyche | MasterShrek: can you help with that? | 12:57 |
curb | kitche: ok thats it :) just wanted to know ... i used screen everytime, but i was just wondering if that is possible anyhow ... so thx kitche ! | 12:57 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, that will give u a list of possible partitions, next you type: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt (substitute hda1 with whatever your linux partition is) | 12:58 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek i tpe that and it says command not found | 12:58 |
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MasterShrek | neopsyche, i think u would be best off just downloading the driver from nvidias site and compiling it yourself, what was your gfx card? | 12:58 |
neopsyche | geforce6600 | 12:58 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, type: sudo su and be root | 12:59 |
MasterShrek | neopsyche, yea you should just use nvidia's driver from their site, thats what i do | 12:59 |
neopsyche | thanks people | 12:59 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek i type sudo su it brings me to :/home/morph# | 01:00 |
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Ganlain | Hi, when i instal Ubuntu, my system loads at command line .. how do i get in to boot or run desktop app ? | 01:00 |
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curb | kitche: ppid = 1 ... so it went back to gold old init :) | 01:00 |
Flannel | Ganlain: which CD did you install from? | 01:00 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, type whoami to make sure you are root | 01:01 |
Ganlain | Ubuntu server i386 | 01:01 |
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IndyGunFreak | Ganlain: lol, thats because ubuntu server is CLI, it doesn't have a GUI, you n eed to install one | 01:01 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek yes i am root | 01:01 |
curb | Vendeta6: u already posted the "#" ... sign 4 root ... | 01:01 |
Flannel | Ganlain: That's why. You installed the server version. You can install the ubuntu-desktop package, or just download/install from a Desktop or Alternate CD | 01:01 |
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phoenix_ | Where is Polish Ubuntu support? | 01:02 |
curb | cli 4tw :) | 01:02 |
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Flannel | !pl | phoenix_ | 01:02 |
ubotu | phoenix_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 01:02 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, ok, fdisk -l | 01:02 |
Ganlain | any help files to help me install from version i have ? | 01:02 |
phoenix_ | thanks | 01:02 |
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curb | good night | 01:03 |
Flannel | Ganlain: Just do this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 01:03 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, you should be abel to figure out what partition that file would be on | 01:03 |
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NeoGeo64 | anyone here know when 7.10 is coming out' | 01:03 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, next you will do mount /dev/hda1 /mnt | 01:03 |
Ganlain | ty | 01:03 |
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b0lle | anyone around to help me a bit with my wireless network? | 01:03 |
Flannel | NeoGeo64: the 18th: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 01:03 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, thats assuming you are using hda1, u can mount it and if its not there, just umount it and try the next one | 01:04 |
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Jupp | NeoGeo64, in 4 days | 01:05 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek fdisk-1 gives me like nothing there says some commands for things here DISK is something like /dev/hbd or dev/sda | 01:05 |
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NeoGeo64 | is there anywhere i can get it early | 01:05 |
NeoGeo64 | like a leaked copy | 01:05 |
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MasterShrek | Vendeta6, use a lowercase L not the number 1 | 01:05 |
kevin__ | is there any way to check and see if windows os is still on my pc,, I downloaded ubuntu and cannot find windows? | 01:06 |
Flannel | NeoGeo64: RC has been out for a few days. #ubuntu+1, and check the topic | 01:06 |
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Pricey | !gutsy | NeoGeo64 | 01:06 |
ubotu | NeoGeo64: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 01:06 |
MasterShrek | kevin__, fdisk -l will give you a list of partitions, youll know windows is still there if one of them is ntfs | 01:06 |
Vendeta6 | MasterShrek if i do that i dont get anything it just puts me to the next line | 01:06 |
Ganlain | Flannel, again tyvm for the help! | 01:06 |
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kevin__ | windows is ntfs, if I don't see ntfs then I have lost windows, ok will try | 01:06 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, then it isnt picking up your hard drive, u got some funky hardware huh? | 01:06 |
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b0lle | anyone around to help me a bit with my wireless network? it worked on the livecd but now after installation, 'dmesg' says: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready | 01:07 |
minus | Hi there... Is there any way to get the Super button to open the Applications menu like in Windows? | 01:07 |
aguitel | anyone remember me any download manager | 01:07 |
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Pricey | kevin__, (might also be fat) | 01:07 |
Pricey | aguitel, dta (extension for firefox) | 01:07 |
kevin__ | or fat | 01:07 |
kevin__ | ok | 01:07 |
MasterShrek | minus, yea somehow, i dont remember how though | 01:07 |
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kevin__ | opening terminal now, thanks for the help | 01:07 |
aguitel | Pricey: ia m looking not extention | 01:07 |
minus | MasterShrek, x| | 01:07 |
MasterShrek | minus, i use kde thought too, i dunno if gnome can do it | 01:08 |
MasterShrek | though* | 01:08 |
minus | MasterShrek, ok | 01:08 |
markelhas | how can i make some test to my home network transfer speed? | 01:08 |
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minus | markelhas, I've been wondering about that too... | 01:08 |
kevin__ | this is from my terminal..../dev/sdb1 1 492 125936 e W95 FAT16 (LBA) | 01:09 |
kevin__ | Does this mean windows is still on my pc? | 01:09 |
MasterShrek | markelhas, do you want to test your speed to the internet or the internal speed of your network? | 01:09 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek i clicked fdisk -u and i got some usage menu think | 01:09 |
minus | kevin__, hm..FAT16 :/ That can not be windows | 01:09 |
[mayh3m] g0d | How can I burn an audio cd with serpentine using .mp3's? | 01:09 |
markelhas | MasterShrek, internal speed. | 01:09 |
MasterShrek | kevin__, i dont know, do u have a flash drive plugged in? | 01:09 |
kevin__ | yes | 01:09 |
MasterShrek | markelhas, i dunno, transfer a big file between two computers | 01:09 |
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kevin__ | losing flash drive and going at it again | 01:10 |
minus | [mayh3m] g0d, You start Serpentine and klick "add" ? | 01:10 |
markelhas | MasterShrek, cause i've installed a wireless 56 m/bit and it slower that the internal 11 m/s :( | 01:10 |
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[mayh3m] g0d | Keep getting disconnected | 01:10 |
MasterShrek | well then use the 11mb/s | 01:10 |
[mayh3m] g0d | How can I burn an audio cd with serpentine using .mp3 files? | 01:10 |
MasterShrek | use k3b | 01:10 |
MasterShrek | its much better [mayh3m] g0d | 01:10 |
[mayh3m] g0d | k3b? | 01:10 |
minus | [mayh3m] g0d, <minus> [mayh3m] g0d, You start Serpentine and klick "add" ? | 01:11 |
MasterShrek | yep | 01:11 |
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markelhas | MasterShrek, the propose is to get better speed .... :| | 01:11 |
harry_ | where can I find a list of APT mirrors | 01:11 |
minus | harry_, why do you need more APT mirrors? | 01:11 |
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minus | The ones in sources.list is all fine.. | 01:11 |
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harry_ | minus: I was going to use netselect to see what one was fastest | 01:12 |
minus | ok | 01:12 |
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MasterShrek | well markelhas you cant expect perfect hardware support with everything in linux right away, you gotta remember that very few linux drivers have any input from the actual manufacturer, so just because it says it can do 56mb/s it may not, there may be a power transmission problem or something | 01:12 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek i think i know what i need to know now how do i mount it again? | 01:12 |
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comicinker | hi! i have a small question: I moved my music collection. can I tell it AMAROK somehow? | 01:12 |
harry_ | minus: it's not really important; just seems like an interesting thing to do | 01:12 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, mount /dev/hda1 /mnt | 01:12 |
minus | harry_, I see... But I have no idea though.. | 01:12 |
MasterShrek | comicinker, you shuld be able to in preferences | 01:12 |
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Rich4 | Does ubuntu have an itunes equivilant? or will itunes work through wine? | 01:13 |
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comicinker | MasterShrek: but than I have to rebuild my collection | 01:13 |
MasterShrek | Rich4, it may work through wine, but amarok will sync with ipods i guess | 01:13 |
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MasterShrek | comicinker, probably | 01:13 |
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Vendeta6 | MasterShrek do i put a / after the last mnt | 01:13 |
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hmera | does anyone know how to install a webcam on amsn???? | 01:14 |
comicinker | MaesterShrek: isnt there a nother possibility? | 01:14 |
MasterShrek | Vendeta6, doesnt matter | 01:14 |
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cheatr | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575894 | 01:14 |
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markelhas | MasterShrek, i believe that linux is the way. I hope that some day that every company has support and drivers for linux. Until there i look in forums and irc for help. | 01:14 |
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MasterShrek | i dont know comicinker | 01:14 |
markelhas | MasterShrek, thnks for the help | 01:14 |
MasterShrek | markelhas, are you running feisty? | 01:15 |
chiques | Hello Everyone! | 01:15 |
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NeoGeo64 | i am looking fwd to trying the new ubuntu this week | 01:15 |
markelhas | MasterShrek, nops i've update for 7.10 | 01:15 |
NeoGeo64 | im downloading the rc now | 01:15 |
b0lle | anyone around to help me a bit with my wireless network please? | 01:15 |
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MasterShrek | markelhas, ok just checking, because 7.10 might have had better hardware support | 01:15 |
Vendeta6 | ughh this is hope less MasterShrek i dont know anything of what im doing | 01:15 |
MasterShrek | b0lle, what kinda card is it? | 01:15 |
Random832 | why does nautilus think i have eight floppy drives, and how do i fix it | 01:15 |
Rich4 | MasterShrek: Is there a guide to setting up that type of sychro? | 01:16 |
chiques | I am a long time Mandriva user and recently tried out Ubuntu on my PC system and are having problems. | 01:16 |
chiques | Can anyone help me out? | 01:16 |
markelhas | MasterShrek, and i've managed to put the pci wireless to work, but it's slow transferring files over home network. | 01:16 |
MasterShrek | Rich4, what u mean? | 01:16 |
hmera | mastershrek is there any way that i could install my webcam, i have ubuntu 7.10 ultimate | 01:16 |
comicinker | MaesterShrek: ah, it didn't lost the settings. never underestimate such software | 01:16 |
b0lle | MasterShrek: orinoco gold, worked great when i loaded the livecd, but now after installation it wont work anymore | 01:16 |
W8TAH|laptop | i tried installing compiz-fusion - -its now kinda taken control of my machine -- i need to get back to regular KDE till i have more time to mess with it | 01:16 |
b0lle | MasterShrek dmesg says: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready | 01:17 |
W8TAH|laptop | i activated it with compiz --replace | 01:17 |
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W8TAH|laptop | how do i "un-replace" it | 01:17 |
MasterShrek | b0lle, sorry, i dont know much about orinoco cards | 01:17 |
Jupp | Vendeta6, so can you see a ntfs partition with fdisk -l ? | 01:17 |
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kitche | W8TAH|laptop: kwin --replace & | 01:17 |
b0lle | k, thanks anyway | 01:17 |
W8TAH|laptop | thank you | 01:17 |
Rich4 | MasterShrek: I'm trying to set up my zune to connect through Amarok. The setup cd didn't completely work through wine btw. | 01:17 |
chiques | When I boot the Ubuntoo disk all I get is a brown background with a working mouse pointer...does anyone know what might be causing this? | 01:17 |
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cheatr | Could someone please help me with a gutsy error? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575894) | 01:18 |
MasterShrek | Rich4, i dont know if amarok and zunes are compatible | 01:18 |
W8TAH|laptop | kitche: THANK YOU!!!! | 01:18 |
MasterShrek | !gutsy | 01:18 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 01:18 |
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MasterShrek | ill be back in 5 minutes... | 01:18 |
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silent | I'm wondering how I can change the commands executed for keyboard shortcuts, as the volume control does not function | 01:19 |
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Vendeta6 | no fdisk-l gives me nothing at all Masters | 01:19 |
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chiques | This sure is a busy room! | 01:19 |
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cheatr | MasterShrek: If that was directed at me, I already know that. I've been running gutsy since feisty got released. It also is pretty stable at this point since it is about to be released | 01:19 |
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localgod11 | anyone know anything about mythbuntu | 01:19 |
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LinuxJuggalo | !mythbuntu | localgod11 | 01:20 |
ubotu | localgod11: Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information | 01:20 |
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ubersoldat | so cheatr is it worth the upgrade? | 01:20 |
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m1r | gn all | 01:20 |
ubersoldat | I have plenty 7.04 machines | 01:20 |
cheatr | ubersoldat: It's pretty stable at this point. Plenty of new features. I see no reason not to upgrade. But give the live cd a try first | 01:20 |
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localgod11 | yes that i know i need help getting it running | 01:22 |
localgod11 | i have it installed and have run into a wall | 01:22 |
kitche | localgod11: it's not supported here | 01:22 |
localgod11 | i know i thought maybe | 01:23 |
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cheatr | so does anyone know how to solve my gutsy problem (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575894) | 01:24 |
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MasterShrek | cheatr: gutsy questions in #ubuntu+1 | 01:25 |
cheatr | MasterShrek: Thanks | 01:25 |
hoth676 | Hi all. I've just deleted some important files, and need some help to recover. I've unmounted the partition, rebooted that box using the ubuntu install CD. Started /sbin/debugfs. 'lsdel' shows me some files, but when I try 'debugfs: dump 113...8 fname' I get '113..: file not found by ext2_lookup'. I am confused. Any hints? | 01:25 |
nippleBiter | when will gutsy be officially released? | 01:25 |
Haz | october 18th | 01:26 |
nippleBiter | thanks | 01:26 |
Haz | np. :) | 01:26 |
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PovAddic1 | I tried to download 7.10-rc using jigdo, but I get 88 missing files | 01:27 |
PovAddic1 | I can't find any mirror with them :\ | 01:27 |
MasterShrek | why did u use jigdo? | 01:27 |
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andrew_ | my system is not booting into gnome at all now | 01:27 |
Pricey | !gutsy | PovAddic1 | 01:28 |
ubotu | PovAddic1: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 01:28 |
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=== linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adac | hi! I get the following error when I try to boot: Error 17. Can anyone help me? | 01:28 |
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MasterShrek | adac: pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:29 |
MasterShrek | !paste | 01:29 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:29 |
andrew_ | how do i copy a file | 01:29 |
MasterShrek | cp | 01:29 |
andrew_ | to replace another file | 01:29 |
MasterShrek | cp -f | 01:29 |
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MasterShrek | cp -f <source> <destination> | 01:30 |
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minus | Are there any alarmclocks for gnome? Cause I need to have an alarm that wakes me tomorrow :P | 01:31 |
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Mookie | hey | 01:31 |
MasterShrek | minus xmms has a plugin, but u can set a cron job too | 01:31 |
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Mookie | heres something that strikes as strange | 01:31 |
MasterShrek | !cron | 01:31 |
ubotu | cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 01:31 |
adac | MasterShrek: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40660/ | 01:31 |
Mookie | I just did a clean install of gutsy, my internet tells me im connected, but i dont get any data back | 01:32 |
minus | MasterShrek, well.. I don't use XMMS at the moment.. I wondered if there where some specific apps for that.. | 01:32 |
Mookie | on wireless | 01:32 |
Mookie | wired is good | 01:32 |
MasterShrek | minus: use a cron job, its easy to do | 01:32 |
minus | MasterShrek, Ill google it right away | 01:32 |
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MasterShrek | !cron | minus | 01:32 |
ubotu | minus: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 01:32 |
minus | ow | 01:33 |
minus | Thanks :) | 01:33 |
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fnord124 | Hi all. I have a networking issue where I can connect to netgear routers fine and dandy, but after a few minutes, traffic to the outside world dies. I can login to the router config pages over http but nothing outside. I cannot ping google, for example. However, none of my other machines have this problem. Only my linux laptop. And it's a problem I see when I went to a friend's house. Has anyone seen this kind of behaviour and now how to fix it? | 01:33 |
=== fnord124 is having trouble googling the problem successfully | ||
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MasterShrek | adac: look at your root lines, they got cut off and put below, u need to have that whole line, from "root" to "splash" on one line | 01:34 |
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Berzerker | I'm having a problem with my wireless | 01:34 |
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MasterShrek | fnord124: what kind of card is it? | 01:34 |
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Berzerker | it stops working after I reboot. | 01:34 |
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MasterShrek | Berzerker: what kind of card? | 01:35 |
andre | hey guys: I'm running wine and installing a multi-disc application. I have to switch disk, but wine won't let me eject the first one... Any ideas? | 01:35 |
Berzerker | what's the command to update lspci | 01:35 |
MasterShrek | andre take iso | 01:35 |
Travis | anybody know of a good ftp server for ubuntu server? | 01:35 |
MasterShrek | iso's of each disc | 01:35 |
MasterShrek | proftpd | 01:35 |
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Travis | thanks | 01:35 |
MasterShrek | Berzerker: i dont think it gets updated | 01:35 |
Berzerker | there's a command to update the information, though | 01:36 |
andre | MasterShrek: cool and those can be loaded with wine? | 01:36 |
MasterShrek | andre should be able to, or else you can mount them and just use their files | 01:36 |
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adac | MasterShrek: can i renew this menu.lst file with a knoppix live cd for example? | 01:36 |
andre | k | 01:36 |
Rich4 | What does this mean: "Open a console/terminal and cd to the download directory." ? | 01:36 |
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Rich4 | "cd to the download directory" | 01:37 |
MasterShrek | Berzerker: i doubt it, theres no reason for the list of your pci devices to get updated, since you wouldnt really be adding or removing pci devices while your pc is on | 01:37 |
Berzerker | I got it | 01:37 |
Berzerker | it's update-pciids | 01:37 |
MasterShrek | hmm | 01:37 |
Haz | Rich4: cd is a command in unix which means "change directory" | 01:37 |
Berzerker | but it says download failed, permission denied | 01:37 |
fnord124 | MasterShrek: It's a problem with my broadcom bcm4401-b0 100base-tx (rev 02) and my Intel Pro/wireless 3945ABG network connection (rev 02) (according to lspci) | 01:37 |
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riotkittie | Rich4: it means... Change Directory. if you have a term open... type cd and the directory name | 01:37 |
MasterShrek | Berzerker: sudo | 01:37 |
Berzerker | /usr/share/misc/pci.ids.gz.new | 01:37 |
Berzerker | ah | 01:37 |
Rich4 | ty | 01:37 |
Berzerker | there | 01:37 |
Berzerker | 0b:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5418 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) | 01:38 |
MasterShrek | fnord124: im not sure how to set up an intel wifi card, but they are generally pretty easy | 01:38 |
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MasterShrek | Berzerker: what do you do when u reboot to get it working? | 01:38 |
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fnord124 | MasterShrek: I get some luck when I restart my networking or if I run dhclient or dhclient3 over and over again until it works. but i'd prefer to fix it | 01:39 |
Berzerker | I haven't gotten it working yet | 01:39 |
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andre | MasterShrek: wine has an eject function, just found out, simply type "wine eject" | 01:39 |
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MasterShrek | Berzerker: you can just put those commands in /etc/rc.local and theyll happen each time u boot | 01:39 |
Berzerker | after I reboot. | 01:39 |
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Berzerker | I imagine a reconfigure rebuild would do it | 01:39 |
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Berzerker | but I don't want to have to do that each time I reboot. | 01:39 |
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=== Sivart0 [n=sivart0@uw-70-182-236-104.unitedwireless.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sivart0 | stupid internet | 01:40 |
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MasterShrek | its the internet thats stupid right? | 01:40 |
MasterShrek | =P | 01:40 |
Sivart0 | yes | 01:40 |
Sivart0 | it kicked me xD | 01:40 |
=== Sivart0 is Travis | ||
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MasterShrek | =P | 01:41 |
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riotkittie | ^ is also travis | 01:41 |
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fnord124 | No, I am Travis | 01:42 |
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pvl1 | im having a problem with jackd and alsa | 01:42 |
Sivart0 | couldnt find package proftpd >< | 01:42 |
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MasterShrek | should be in there | 01:42 |
Tixer | If I upgrade to the beta version of 7.10 right now, can I upgrade to the final version on Thursday without any extra effort? | 01:42 |
=== Travis [n=Travis@adsl-68-251-153-20.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
MasterShrek | yea Tixer | 01:42 |
Sivart0 | know of any other ftp servers? | 01:42 |
Winball | Tixer no need, only updates are needed | 01:43 |
MasterShrek | ur serious proftpd isnt in there? | 01:43 |
andre | cheers | 01:43 |
Sivart0 | yes O_o | 01:43 |
Winball | tixer if im not wrong | 01:43 |
Tixer | link to upgrade guide from 7.04? | 01:43 |
Audriil | Hey, does anyone know how to fix nVidia Twinview related problems? | 01:43 |
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Sivart0 | sudo apt-get install proftpd | 01:43 |
Rich4 | Can anyone give me an example of a cd command to switch to a home directory? | 01:43 |
astro76 | !upgrade | Tixer | 01:43 |
ubotu | Tixer: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:43 |
Cpudan80 | Rich4: cd ~ | 01:43 |
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Sivart0 | cd /home/name | 01:43 |
Cpudan80 | Rich4: cd ~user | 01:43 |
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cafuego | 'cd' (your own home dir) | 01:44 |
astro76 | Rich4, cd by itself will switch to your home, as will cd ~ | 01:44 |
Rich4 | what command does the tilde perform? | 01:44 |
Kudak | Rich4: if you type "cd" alone it will bring you to our own home directory automaticly | 01:44 |
pvl1 | can anyone help me with jack and alsa? | 01:44 |
Tixer | what version is 7.10 on right now? | 01:44 |
Audriil | Can anyone help with dual monitors? | 01:44 |
MasterShrek | the tilde ~ is your home directory | 01:44 |
Winball | Tixer update-manager -d | 01:44 |
minus | MasterShrek, Hm.. I cant get it to work :/ | 01:44 |
Tixer | RC? | 01:44 |
MasterShrek | ~/Desktop would be your desktop | 01:44 |
minus | MasterShrek, 44 1 * * * vlc /media/Warez/music/Shpongle\ -\ Tales\ Of\ The\ Inexpressible/07-once_upon_the_sea_of_blissful_awareness-ms.mp3 | 01:44 |
=== eek0r [n=benign@user-54475c94.wfd87a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fnord124 | ok the problem came up again. I cannot access outside sites; and I cannot ping. I think it's something to do with dns since I am clearly still in this channel | 01:44 |
minus | Can you confirm if that is right? | 01:44 |
Tixer | Is 7.10 on RC yet? | 01:44 |
MasterShrek | Tixer: yes | 01:44 |
Winball | yes | 01:44 |
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eulogy_ | It's been RC for a while. | 01:44 |
MasterShrek | i just installed it actually...gotta reboot | 01:44 |
Tixer | ok | 01:44 |
cafuego | Warez, that's just classy. | 01:44 |
Tixer | Upgrade time! | 01:45 |
Rich4 | and what do I do in the case of spaces in the folder names? | 01:45 |
minus | cafuego, ;) | 01:45 |
Audriil | Help with x.org recognizing multiple monitors? | 01:45 |
=== kevin__ [n=kevin@tx-71-51-51-131.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Winball | Had problems with xmms-flac under gutsy. What gievs? | 01:45 |
cafuego | minus: vlc probably won't run from cron,a s $DISPLAY won't be set. | 01:45 |
minus | Im running 7.10. Its awesome | 01:45 |
=== shoot^ [n=shootsha@host-84-9-77-68.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eulogy_ | I agree. | 01:45 |
Audriil | Does someone know how to make twinview recognize the fact that a computer has two monitors? (i.e. so it maximizes to one, rather than both) | 01:45 |
Pricey | !gutsy | minus | 01:45 |
ubotu | minus: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 01:45 |
Winball | minus try installing xmms-flac | 01:45 |
eulogy_ | It's fantastic. | 01:45 |
=== meoblast001 [n=meo@dynamic-acs-24-239-93-241.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meoblast001 | hello | 01:45 |
Berzerker | so...? | 01:45 |
Berzerker | anyone have any suggestions? | 01:45 |
meoblast001 | how do i download an entire SVN folder? | 01:45 |
pvl1 | has anyone had any success with jackd and alsa? | 01:45 |
astro76 | Rich4, as you see in what minus just pasted, you can escape spaces with \, or put the entire path in quotes | 01:45 |
minus | Pricey, well.. it isn't rly unstable.. | 01:45 |
Pricey | minus, I don't care. | 01:46 |
=== cybermark_deaf [i=__cyberm@host51-203-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kudak | when installing ubuntu and creating partitions, whats the diff between Logical and Primary partitions ?? | 01:46 |
kevin__ | If I post the results of fdisk -l, can any one tell me if I still have the windows operating system? | 01:46 |
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defishguy | Rich4 the easiest thing to do is use the TAB key. For instance if I have a (god forbid) "program files" folder in the home directory I would type cd ~/pro and then hit tab to finish the line for me. Remember it is case sensitive. | 01:46 |
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Audriil | Can someone help me fix twinveiw? | 01:46 |
Tixer | does upgrading to 7.10 require rebooting? | 01:46 |
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minus | cafuego, what command should I do instead? | 01:46 |
Pricey | Audriil, start by pasting your xorg.conf | 01:46 |
Pricey | !gutsy | Tixer | 01:46 |
ubotu | Tixer: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 01:46 |
Audriil | k | 01:46 |
Berzerker | Pricey | 01:46 |
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Audriil | Here? | 01:47 |
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=== silent [n=silent@S01060050bac94b86.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
minus | Tixer, Probably.. Cause it updates the kernel | 01:47 |
Berzerker | my wireless breaks when I reboot. | 01:47 |
kevin__ | xorg config | 01:47 |
Rich4 | yes | 01:47 |
cybermark_deaf | ciao a tutti | 01:47 |
Jupp | audriil, are you useng beryl? | 01:47 |
silent | Berzerker, man interfaces | 01:47 |
Pricey | Berzerker, don't reboot then | 01:47 |
Tixer | Awwww. There goes my uptime record. | 01:47 |
minus | Tixer, How high? :P | 01:47 |
Sivart0 | hmmm | 01:47 |
Pricey | Tixer, there is no need to update to gutsy | 01:47 |
Audriil | Jupp: I'm not using beryl or compiz | 01:47 |
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DM| | Whats the command to shut down via terminal? | 01:47 |
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Berzerker | that doesn't really help me. | 01:48 |
Pricey | DM|, sudo halt | 01:48 |
Tixer | why is there no need to update? | 01:48 |
fnord124 | init 6 | 01:48 |
kevin__ | Does it looklike I have windows still................. Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250000000000 bytes | 01:48 |
kevin__ | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30394 cylinders | 01:48 |
kevin__ | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 01:48 |
kevin__ | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 01:48 |
kevin__ | /dev/sda1 * 1 29638 238067203+ 83 Linux | 01:48 |
Winball | DM| shutdown -r now | 01:48 |
kevin__ | /dev/sda2 29639 30394 6072570 5 Extended | 01:48 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl857.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DM| | pricey thanks, | 01:48 |
minus | DM| shutdown? | 01:48 |
kevin__ | /dev/sda5 29639 30394 6072538+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 01:48 |
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Kudak | DM|" shutdown -n | 01:48 |
cafuego | minus: I'd go mpg321 or somesuch | 01:48 |
Kudak | DM|" shutdown -now | 01:48 |
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minus | cafuego, ok | 01:48 |
minus | thx | 01:48 |
Jupp | audriil, I had the same problem, but I can't remember how I fixed it | 01:48 |
Pricey | Kudak, sudo shutdown -h now | 01:48 |
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fnord124 | sudo init 6 | 01:48 |
=== Audriil [n=audriil@d207-6-74-197.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jupp | I think it went away once I started using beryul | 01:48 |
=== Vadi [n=vadi@ott-on8-86.dial.allstream.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tixer | why is there no need to update? | 01:48 |
Audriil | Jupp: What problem, exactly? | 01:48 |
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cybermark_deaf | scusa qualcuno parla italiano | 01:49 |
=== Gehacktes [n=fgdfg@p3EE24833.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gehacktes | huh | 01:49 |
Gehacktes | huhu | 01:49 |
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Jupp | audriil, maximizing a windows and then it would maximize to both monitors | 01:49 |
Pelo | Tixer, what do you mean "no need to update" ? who told you that ? | 01:49 |
Kudak | when installing ubuntu and creating partitions, whats the diff between Logical and Primary partitions ?? | 01:49 |
=== kasper [n=Eights@user-12ld30q.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cybermark_deaf | sono qui la prima volta la stanza ubuntu :-) | 01:49 |
Audriil | Jupp: I can get my second LCD to work; the problem is that windows maximize to both, and my taskbars stretch across both. | 01:49 |
=== warhol [n=warhol@75-128-131-42.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
defishguy | anyone here get the ipod touch working yet? | 01:49 |
Pici | !it | cybermark_deaf | 01:49 |
ubotu | cybermark_deaf: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:49 |
Audriil | Jupp: You definately had the same problem as I | 01:49 |
cybermark_deaf | thx | 01:49 |
cybermark_deaf | ubotu :-) | 01:50 |
=== Chinaski1 [n=Druganti@host47-197-dynamic.181-80-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jupp | audrill, hold on, let me take a look at my xorg.conf to see I anything rings a bell | 01:50 |
Rich4 | what am I doing wrong in this case? | 01:50 |
Rich4 | rich@poor-user:~$ cd ~/my\ received\ files/ | 01:50 |
Rich4 | bash: cd: /home/rich/my received files/: No such file or directory | 01:50 |
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Audriil | Jupp: Ok, thanks. | 01:50 |
Pelo | Kudak, you can only have 4 primary partitions on an hdd , higher then that you have to use logical , don'T ask me why | 01:50 |
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Tixer | Pelo: I'll find the user.... | 01:50 |
=== bobgill [n=bobgill@CPE000802b64568-CM0011e6c40b1f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sivart0 | how do i update the component stuffs? >_> | 01:50 |
cybermark_deaf | ho installato ubuntu :-) | 01:50 |
Tixer | <Pricey> Tixer, there is no need to update to gutsy | 01:50 |
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=== kevin__ [n=kevin@tx-71-51-51-131.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
defishguy | Rich4 check for capital letters in the path | 01:51 |
Pelo | x | 01:51 |
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Rich4 | its case sensitive? | 01:51 |
BillyBeans | question, how do i diable iptables from starting up? | 01:51 |
defishguy | Yes it is. | 01:51 |
Pelo | Sivart0, the update manager will tell you when packages become available, don'T worry about it | 01:51 |
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LinuxJuggalo | Rich4: try cd "my recieved files" | 01:51 |
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cyber_deaf_italy | :-) | 01:51 |
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DM| | Anyone know a good wake on lan guide? | 01:51 |
kevin__ | can some one tell me if I still have windows. if I paste my resullts for fdisk -l? | 01:51 |
PriceChild | Tixer, because feisty is supported for another year | 01:51 |
Winball | Rich4 Or try using the TAB button to complete your line | 01:51 |
kevin__ | Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250000000000 bytes | 01:51 |
kevin__ | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30394 cylinders | 01:51 |
kevin__ | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 01:51 |
kevin__ | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 01:51 |
kevin__ | /dev/sda1 * 1 29638 238067203+ 83 Linux | 01:51 |
kevin__ | /dev/sda2 29639 30394 6072570 5 Extended | 01:51 |
kevin__ | /dev/sda5 29639 30394 6072538+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 01:51 |
Pelo | BillyBeans, iptables only starts if there are rules in it , unless you made some don'T worry about it | 01:51 |
kevin__ | kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ | 01:51 |
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AndrewB | !pastebin | kevin__ | 01:51 |
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ubotu | kevin__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:51 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@tx-71-51-51-131.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] by PriceChild | ||
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Winball | kevin__ ffs | 01:51 |
meoblast001 | does anyone know how to download an entire folder in SVN ???? | 01:52 |
BillyBeans | Pelo, i guess i did, it is starting now how do i diable it? | 01:52 |
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=== ephracis [n=ephracis@h144n1c1o1027.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlosV2 | good night | 01:52 |
pvl1 | Anyone have any success with jackd and alsa | 01:52 |
=== kai [n=kai@75-163-34-62.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kai | boo | 01:52 |
carlosV2 | can i get an printer driver set up with the sistem? | 01:52 |
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Tixer | Does it look like I care how many years Feisty is supported for? | 01:53 |
carlosV2 | in other words, there are a folder with the printer drivers? | 01:53 |
Tixer | I'll take bleeding edge any day. | 01:53 |
cyber_deaf_italy | I have to learn English slowly .. Someone you can speak English .. Why are back room .. | 01:53 |
Mookie | what kind of problems? | 01:53 |
Pelo | BillyBeans, iptables -L will tell you if you have any rules , man iptables to learn how to get rid of them | 01:53 |
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guillermulo | aqui nadie habla espaol | 01:53 |
PriceChild | !es | guillermulo | 01:53 |
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ubotu | guillermulo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:53 |
carlosV2 | guillermulo, no, aqui es ingls | 01:53 |
Mookie | hello? | 01:53 |
Audriil | Mookie: Hi. | 01:53 |
Pelo | carlosV2, menu > system > admin> printers | 01:53 |
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carlosV2 | Pelo, but in this place, i can't get a file with driver | 01:54 |
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Pelo | carlosV2, you mean your model is not listed ? | 01:54 |
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meoblast001 | does anyone know how to download an SVN branch? | 01:55 |
carlosV2 | Pelo, i don't want to install a printer, i want only the driver | 01:55 |
Pelo | carlosV2, hold on | 01:55 |
=== Berzerker [n=Berzerke@c-67-189-201-11.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
carlosV2 | Pelo, my printer isn't in the list, i print with other driver that runs perfectly | 01:55 |
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Pelo | carlosV2, printer drivers in linux are not like in windows these links may help http://localhost:631/ http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting | 01:56 |
PirateHead | Does anybody know of a program that can create charts with logarithmic axes, or know how to get OpenOffice to do it? | 01:56 |
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LinuxJuggalo | !printer | carlosV2 | 01:57 |
ubotu | carlosV2: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 01:57 |
Pelo | PirateHead, I think there are some "special" charts prog, check in add /remove , I've seen some stuff in there that is way over my head | 01:57 |
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Pelo | PirateHead, you can also try asking in #openoffice.org | 01:57 |
carlosV2 | ok, really thanks, i'm going to see it now | 01:57 |
BillyBeans | hey is solaris hard? | 01:57 |
Pelo | BillyBeans, yes, very hard, stick to ubuntu | 01:58 |
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defishguy | Anyone in here get the ipod touch to work? | 01:58 |
Pelo | ;-) | 01:58 |
Pelo | defishguy, work how ? do you mean just connected and able to tranfer files to it ? | 01:58 |
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defishguy | Yes. | 01:58 |
=== MasterShrek [n=MasterSh@71-87-42-252.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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BillyBeans | Pelo, is kde better than kubuntu? | 01:58 |
Pelo | defishguy, amarok can do it and so can gtkpod I beleive | 01:58 |
MasterShrek | BillyBeans, kubuntu used kde | 01:59 |
Pelo | BillyBeans, kde vs gnome is a matter of personnal preferences | 01:59 |
Jupp | audriil, I sent you a pm | 01:59 |
defishguy | That's what I thought too. They both work with the "classic" ipods but they don't appear to work with the touch. | 01:59 |
LinuxJuggalo | !KDE | BillyBeans | 01:59 |
ubotu | BillyBeans: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information. | 01:59 |
BillyBeans | i use kubuntu, | 01:59 |
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MasterShrek | good choice BillyBeans =D | 01:59 |
BillyBeans | ubotu ok | 01:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:59 |
Pelo | defishguy, do a search for your model in www.ubuntuforums.org | 01:59 |
MasterShrek | BillyBeans, ubotu is a bot, u dont have to talk to him :) | 01:59 |
BillyBeans | ok | 02:00 |
Pelo | !botsnack | 02:00 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 02:00 |
defishguy | I did. Nothing new in the forums. Just thought I'd ask here too. | 02:00 |
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Pelo | but we still need to feed it every now and again | 02:00 |
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LinuxJuggalo | hahaha | 02:00 |
defishguy | Thanks for the thoughts though. I appreciate it. | 02:00 |
=== bhagman88 [n=shaanbha@pool-96-231-28-36.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bhagman88 | hi | 02:00 |
Pelo | defishguy, you can try asking on different days at different times, the crowd it here changes a lot | 02:00 |
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bhagman88 | I'm a complete novice when it comes to linux | 02:01 |
MasterShrek | !hungry | 02:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hungry - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 02:01 |
defishguy | I sure will. | 02:01 |
=== defcon [n=ion@71-35-74-11.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | bhagman88, welcome to the mad house | 02:01 |
defishguy | Thank you. | 02:01 |
bhagman88 | I'm ssh'd into a linux server and I was wondering how I can go about viewing files | 02:01 |
Pelo | MasterShrek, donT' play with the bot | 02:01 |
Ashfire908 | bhagman88, nano? | 02:01 |
ArtVandalae | bhagman88: what kind of files? | 02:01 |
=== chalcedony smiles | ||
=== squee [n=squee@ip68-228-228-224.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | we played tennis yesterday, ubotu kicked my butt | 02:01 |
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LinuxJuggalo | bhagman88: ls -la will display all files on your current directory | 02:02 |
Flannel | bhagman88: less is probably easiest | 02:02 |
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chalcedony | i did sudo apt-get install a2ps (print program) but it's not working, does anyone have ideas ? | 02:02 |
pvl1 | has anyone had any success with jackd and alsa? | 02:03 |
BillyBeans | how do i start my ssh server? | 02:03 |
chalcedony | pvl1: my son poked at those, good luck with it it does work | 02:03 |
Flannel | BillyBeans: When you install it, it starts automatically | 02:03 |
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=== Zombine_ [n=alex@cpe-24-209-92-236.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | BillyBeans, sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start | 02:04 |
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BillyBeans | now how to i get rid of iptables? | 02:04 |
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BillyBeans | iptables is blockin my apache web server | 02:04 |
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PriceChild | BillyBeans, please pastebin the output of sudo iptables -L | 02:04 |
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BillyBeans | PriceChild -- how do i turn it off | 02:05 |
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minus | How do I make a crontab that launches my shellscript? | 02:05 |
Audriil | Jupp: Someone on ubuntu-effects may have fixed my problem. Thanks for the help. | 02:05 |
BillyBeans | is it just sudo iptables -F | 02:05 |
jrib | !cron > minus (read the private message from ubotu) | 02:05 |
PriceChild | BillyBeans, please pastebin the output of sudo iptables -L | 02:05 |
Flannel | BillyBeans: Unless you added something manually, its not blocking your apache | 02:05 |
minus | 4 2 * * * alarm didn't work | 02:05 |
jiam | 02:05 | |
Innomen | dont have permission to write to a drive an external drive, how do i change this? | 02:05 |
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noelferreira | wich program should i use to notify me for events marked by me ( a kind of alarm and agenda)? | 02:05 |
jrib | minus: give the full path | 02:06 |
DM| | Ok so whats the command for putting a computer to sleep ? | 02:06 |
Jupp | Audrill, what was the solution? | 02:06 |
minus | jrib, I've read those.. but something doesn't work | 02:06 |
minus | jrib, ok | 02:06 |
Jupp | Audriil, what was the solution? | 02:06 |
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Rich4 | What do I do when a guide tells me to go to "System" > "Administration" > "Software Properties", yet on my system I have "System"> "Administration"> "Software Sources" ? | 02:06 |
jrib | Rich4: go to it | 02:06 |
Flannel | Rich4: theyre the same (different versions of ubuntu call it different things) | 02:06 |
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Innomen | come on now, this cant be a hard answer, i though it would be somewhere in properties but if it is i'm just not seeing it | 02:07 |
Audriil | Jupp: [17:00] <scottDkoDer> Audriil: The thing that fixed it for me was installing compiz fusion as my window manager and defining the screens in ccsm | 02:07 |
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Rich4 | On v4.1 I had this same problem, so I upgraded to v7.04. It still says it | 02:07 |
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jrib | Innomen: what filesystem? | 02:07 |
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minus | jrib, 7 2 * * * /home/sebastian/alarm That should execute my script right? | 02:07 |
Audriil | Jupp: Which follow through, because TwinView only stopped working when I installed a different window manager (QT) | 02:07 |
jrib | minus: yes | 02:07 |
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Rich4 | I cant get it to say software properties | 02:08 |
minus | jrib, but it doesn't :/ | 02:08 |
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minus | jrib, didn't* | 02:08 |
jrib | minus: pastebin the script | 02:08 |
Rich4 | Is it something I can install via package? | 02:08 |
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Flannel | Rich4: You don't need it to say software properties | 02:08 |
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jrib | Rich4: the guide is old, not your system | 02:08 |
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minus | jrib, #!/bin/bash | 02:08 |
minus | vlc /media/Warez/blablabla path to file | 02:08 |
Rich4 | the guide has pictures and directions specific to software properties, not software sources | 02:09 |
minus | thats how it looks.. | 02:09 |
Rich4 | oh | 02:09 |
minus | jrib, the script works if I do "./alarm" | 02:09 |
Innomen | pici: mounted external drive wont let me write to it, what do i do? | 02:09 |
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minus | Innomen, Is it ntfs ? | 02:09 |
jrib | minus: the wiki link I gave you explains what you need to do for gui apps. Let me know if it still does not work | 02:09 |
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Innomen | minus: hmm, not sure, assume it is | 02:10 |
Pici | Innomen: I actually just rebooted, and I am going off to get some food, sorry. | 02:10 |
minus | jrib, ok thx | 02:10 |
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Innomen | pici: np, enjoy chow man :) | 02:10 |
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minus | Innomen, Then you got to do some configuring in fstab with ntfs-3g | 02:10 |
Colro | I'm sitting here with only firefox, pidgin, and xchat open and my cpu is sitting at 100% usage -- my computer seems to run fairly slow with ubuntu as compared to winXP as well...is there anything that could be causing this? it's entirely usable, and desktop effects run on full without even a bit of slowdown, but it's kind of annoying | 02:10 |
Spartan | How do i install Java SE JDK version 6 update 3 on Ubuntu 6.10? | 02:10 |
jrib | Innomen: you need to find out | 02:10 |
GrandadJoe | I need help, i need to disable iptables it is blocking my apache web server, can anyone help? | 02:11 |
Innomen | ahhh, oky, thanx guys, i can probly google it from here, i'll be back if i hit a wall | 02:11 |
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jrib | !iptables > GrandadJoe (read the private message from ubotu) | 02:11 |
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Rich4 | An installation in konsole said this: Enable the universe/multiverse repositories. See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu for more information. | 02:12 |
Rich4 | Please read the installation notes. Press <enter> to continue or 'q' to quit: | 02:12 |
minus | jrib, should I execute my script with that "DISPLAY=:0" thingy or the "vlc /path/to/file...." thingy? | 02:12 |
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Rimes | in interfaces under /etc/network, what does the line auto eth0 for? | 02:13 |
jrib | minus: set DISPLAY in your crontab | 02:13 |
Rich4 | How do I enable universe/multiverse repositories | 02:13 |
jrib | minus: both would work I guess | 02:13 |
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DARKGuy | hey guys, is there a reason why everytime I put a CD/DVD in my drive, a directory with the CD/DVD's label is created instead of being mounted in /media/cdrom (or /media/cdrom0) but instead in /media/MYCDLABEL - is there a way to revert it to the original behaviour? | 02:13 |
minus | jrib, ok.. I'll try it out | 02:13 |
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jrib | Rich4: read the link you just pasted | 02:13 |
Audriil | <Rich4> Go to synaptic package manager and enable them in repos settings | 02:13 |
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Flannel | Rich4: Follow the guide on that page | 02:13 |
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minus | jrib, Thank you :) | 02:14 |
jrib | minus: no problem | 02:14 |
minus | jrib, works flawlessly | 02:14 |
Rich4 | I did. the page the guide directs you to is outdated | 02:14 |
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Audriil | <Rich4> System>Admin>Synaptic then enable in repos settings | 02:14 |
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Flannel | Rich4: No, its not outdated, its still 100% valid, except 'software properties' vs 'software sources' | 02:14 |
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Rimes | in interfaces under /etc/network, what does the line auto eth0 for? | 02:15 |
minus | jrib, you don't happen to know how to make it fade in by starting the mastervolume from 0 to a specific number? | 02:15 |
jrib | Rich4: it's the same thing... a gui app where you mark a checkbox for the repos you want | 02:15 |
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mrbrdo | hey | 02:15 |
minus | Gonna go google some I think | 02:15 |
mrbrdo | if i'm doing partitions manually, which ones do i have to make except / (ext3)? | 02:15 |
jrib | minus: nope, you could try the vlc channel | 02:15 |
mrbrdo | swap sized double my RAM? (i have 2 gigs of ram tho) | 02:16 |
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jrib | mrbrdo: you need one for swap and one for /home is a good idea | 02:16 |
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mrbrdo | jrib is 2 gigs swap ok for me? | 02:16 |
jrib | mrbrdo: yes, should be | 02:17 |
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Lawliet | Do any of you know anything about xubuntu? | 02:17 |
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jrib | Lawliet: best to just ask the channel your next question and see if anyone knows the answer | 02:18 |
Lawliet | I ask because no one there responds to anything I say. | 02:18 |
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Lawliet | jrib: The entire channel is idle. | 02:18 |
DARKGuy | hey guys, is there a reason why everytime I put a CD/DVD in my drive, a directory with the CD/DVD's label is created instead of being mounted in /media/cdrom (or /media/cdrom0) but instead in /media/MYCDLABEL - is there a way to revert it to the original behaviour? | 02:18 |
GrandadJoe | please help if i type sudo iptables -F | 02:18 |
jrib | Lawliet: I meant here | 02:18 |
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GrandadJoe | my internet goes down | 02:18 |
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xoss_ | gud day! | 02:19 |
GrandadJoe | im 65 yrs old i need help | 02:19 |
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xoss_ | guys need a litle help on users management on ubuntu | 02:20 |
Lawliet | OK, my problem is that my computer seems to crash all the time. | 02:20 |
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Lawliet | On top of that, apps seem to freeze all the time and force me to pkill them. | 02:20 |
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Lawliet | Just now, amarok stopped working and I had to restart my computer because it wouldn't start up no matter what I did. | 02:21 |
carlosV2 | really thanks | 02:21 |
Lawliet | Now my computer is restarted, and the toolbars on my desktop aren't even there anymore. | 02:21 |
maek | I have a thinkpad and it has 3 buttons for the trackpoint, is it possible to make it so when I hold down the middle button the trackpoint acts as a mouse wheel/scroll wheel? | 02:21 |
carlosV2 | now, i'm going to sleep | 02:21 |
carlosV2 | bye! | 02:21 |
carlosV2 | :) | 02:21 |
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xoss_ | how can i limit a user to only accessing the browser and office suite and not edit anything on the desktop.. | 02:21 |
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c0rrupt0r | Is there a way to Recover a Password in Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty? | 02:22 |
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minus | Good night fellow linuxians XD | 02:22 |
minus | Time for some sleep | 02:22 |
maek | c0rrupt0r: you cant recover linux/unix passwords in general | 02:22 |
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maek | c0rrupt0r: if you have the shadow file you can run it against a password cracker like jack the ripper or something. | 02:22 |
kitche | c0rrupt0r: what password? | 02:22 |
c0rrupt0r | or a way to change it so i can get root access again? | 02:22 |
maek | c0rrupt0r: can you still use sudo? | 02:23 |
c0rrupt0r | no | 02:23 |
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kitche | c0rrupt0r: if it's root you need to boot to a livecd and chroot in then change the password that way | 02:23 |
Lawliet | Does anybody know why that sort of thing might be happening to me? | 02:23 |
Lawliet | It happens seemingly all the time. | 02:23 |
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maek | c0rrupt0r: you can boot from the rescue disk, mount local /etc and then delete the second :' seperated col in /etc/shadow | 02:23 |
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kitche | c0rrupt0r: don't even touch /etc/shadow by hand | 02:23 |
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akee | i have a quick dns question - for some reason dns won't resolve ip's on my webserver but it used to. i am trying to set my network up after a move / new isp. i'm assuming the issue has something to do with this but i can't figure it out since my laptop connected to the same network has no problem with dns | 02:24 |
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c0rrupt0r | ok i read up on it on the web and nothing i found worked. thank you kitche and maek | 02:24 |
maek | sorry for the bad advice, Thats just the way Ive always done it. | 02:25 |
GrandadJoe | please i need help, how do i disable iptables, it screwing up my Apache | 02:25 |
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Lawliet | Does anybody know why my computer might be crashing all the time? | 02:25 |
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GrandadJoe | does anyone in hear know anything abouyt iptaBLES? | 02:25 |
Lawliet | It only happens when I idle. | 02:25 |
maek | GrandadJoe: /etc/init.d/iptables stop ? | 02:25 |
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Lawliet | Also, it slows down my applications a lot. | 02:25 |
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Lawliet | I have to restart and kill applications all the time, and right now my desktop is messed up, all of my toolbars are gone. | 02:26 |
GrandadJoe | maek , that does work | 02:26 |
GrandadJoe | command not found | 02:26 |
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maek | GrandadJoe: maybe its a kernel mod? lsmod |grep iptable , you might be able to rmmod if you see something that looks right. I havent used iptables | 02:27 |
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heatman | Hello, i just formated my pc and installed Ubuntu 7.04 desktop. Now I have followed everything I could find about installing my nvidia card but nothing seems to be working. I had the same prob last time howerver I was able to configure it in Ubuntu's previous version. Could someone help me to fix that problem plz? | 02:28 |
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DARKGuy | hey guys, is there a reason why everytime I put a CD/DVD in my drive, a directory with the CD/DVD's label is created instead of being mounted in /media/cdrom (or /media/cdrom0) but instead in /media/MYCDLABEL - is there a way to revert it to the original behaviour? | 02:28 |
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pike_ | heatman: what model card? | 02:28 |
GrandadJoe | maek, can u send me the config file u have for iptables | 02:28 |
heatman | pike_: its a Gforce 4000MX, PCI if im not mistaken | 02:29 |
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DARKGuy | hey guys, is there a reason why everytime I put a CD/DVD in my drive, a directory with the CD/DVD's label is created instead of being mounted in /media/cdrom (or /media/cdrom0) but instead in /media/MYCDLABEL - is there a way to revert it to the original behaviour? | 02:30 |
Rich4 | I need help installing my printer HP Deskjet D4200 | 02:30 |
Rimes | does linux have a program that is equivalent to ghost for windows | 02:30 |
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jrib | GrandadJoe: did you ever get to pastebin your iptables rules? There are no rules by default, so any rules you have now are a consequence of some software installation or other action of yours | 02:30 |
pike_ | heatman: and sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-xconfig; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart doesnt work? | 02:31 |
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heatman | Rimes: there is a command to back up like if u were using a ghosting app in Windows | 02:31 |
maek | Rimes: dd? | 02:31 |
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kitche | Rimes: there is many partimage is more like ghost which uses tar and such | 02:31 |
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Rimes | ya i've seen those kitche... i've gotta see them in action though | 02:32 |
Rimes | thanks | 02:32 |
gustavo | does anybody here has a SD Card reader on the notebook and had problems about loading this data? | 02:32 |
dimas_ | i am having problem streaming tv from the net on vlc with mozilla-plugin-vlc,....when is an external window to display the streaming it close firefox as a crash | 02:32 |
heatman | pike_: nah... when i do that it change my .conf file which device is "nvidia" and crashes my Xserver. Hence i need to modify it to "nv" so I can get access to X but at the same time it does not enable 3D accelaration | 02:32 |
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gustavo | does anybody here has a SD Card reader on the notebook and had problems about loading this data? please, pvt-me or post here the sollution | 02:33 |
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riotkittie | oops :> | 02:33 |
Audriil | Can someone help? My windows maximize to both monitors... | 02:33 |
umer | hello everyone, i just switched over from windows to ubuntu gutsy today, and i gotta say, i am impressed, much better experience compared to previous versions | 02:33 |
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umer | and this time i think i am going to stick around | 02:33 |
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Rimes | yay umer! | 02:34 |
BillyBeans | whats a good file manager to run in kubuntu, not nautilus? | 02:34 |
umer | if i can get this one little problem fixed | 02:34 |
umer | i have an hp laptop | 02:34 |
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xp_prg2 | I cant make double quotes work on my evo n1000v laptop :( | 02:34 |
umer | and i cant seem to get sound to work | 02:34 |
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kitche | umer: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | 02:34 |
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Rimes | wait a min... gutsy? | 02:34 |
citronbleu-v | hello, i'm french and i would to learn the english | 02:34 |
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tsukasa | anyone know if there is a linux program to listen to itunes shares or any other cool network programs to snarf shared stuff | 02:34 |
mehevi | umer, for one, try posting your question all on one line, two, what sound card do you have? | 02:34 |
riotkittie | !gutsy | Rimes | 02:34 |
ubotu | Rimes: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 02:34 |
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Rimes | you're about to be two versions behind there umer | 02:35 |
DARKGuy | hey guys, is there a reason why everytime I put a CD/DVD in my drive, a directory with the CD/DVD's label is created instead of being mounted in /media/cdrom (or /media/cdrom0) but instead in /media/MYCDLABEL - is there a way to revert it to the original behaviour? | 02:35 |
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BillyBeans | can kubuntu join a windows domain? | 02:35 |
kitche | DARKGuy: that is the original behavior | 02:35 |
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mehevi | BillyBeans yes it can, package name is samba | 02:35 |
Ashfire908 | BillyBeans, all ubuntus can | 02:36 |
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BillyBeans | usweet | 02:36 |
BillyBeans | sweet | 02:36 |
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DARKGuy | kitche, nope, it never has been in my edgy/feisty installs, it always mounts the drive in /media/cdrom and it's fixed like that :/ | 02:36 |
BillyBeans | where is the gui located for me to attach this ubuntu box to a domain? | 02:36 |
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kitche | DARKGuy: for me it does it in feisty but since your probably on gutsy #ubuntu+1 | 02:37 |
DARKGuy | kitche, besides, that behaviour confuses wine because /media/cdrom never gets mounted | 02:37 |
citronbleu-v | samba and for a print on windows ? | 02:37 |
DARKGuy | kitche, I'm not in gutsy | 02:37 |
DARKGuy | kitche, else I would be in #ubuntu+1 :P | 02:37 |
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michael__ | I wondering if anyone could help me edit a read only file in ubuntu | 02:37 |
shane_ | ls | 02:37 |
kitche | DARKGuy: sounds like it if you used feisty in past tense | 02:37 |
shane_ | oops | 02:37 |
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riotkittie | michael__: what file are you attempting to edit? | 02:37 |
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michael__ | menu.list | 02:38 |
kitche | DARKGuy: but anyways you need to dig into hal's config files to do what you want | 02:38 |
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DARKGuy | kitche, more than twice, since edgy in fact :P, both in my desktop, laptop and work pc. | 02:38 |
riotkittie | michael__: alt + f2 and then gksu gedit /path/to/file or sudo nano /path/to/file in a term | 02:38 |
michael__ | for some reason there are double entries | 02:38 |
Audriil | How does one upgrade to gutsy from fiesty? (through the terminal) | 02:38 |
DARKGuy | kitche, okay, /etc/hal.d or something? | 02:38 |
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riotkittie | michael__: before you do that, back it up! :P sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.old | 02:38 |
Tixer | I'm having a problem with Update-Manager, in that it wants to update Wine, but can't. How can I tell it to ignore Wine? | 02:39 |
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shane_ | My hosting company has just installed Ubuntu Server for me, and when I try to install lighttpd (same happens with Apache btw) on it, it just won't accept requests from the outside world. nmap localhost -p 80 says that port 80 is closed. How do I open it does anybody know? | 02:39 |
kitche | DARKGuy: no clue don't use hal | 02:39 |
Zambezi | Yeah. Kernelpanic in Dapper. :-/ | 02:39 |
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BillyBeans | where is the gui located for me to attach this ubuntu box to a domain? | 02:39 |
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umer | i just installed gutsy today, switching over from windows, and its the best version of ubuntu thus far, i am impressed and will stick around, if i can get this problem fixed. ive got a ho dv2213ca laptop, i think the sound card is a conexant, but i cant get sound to work | 02:39 |
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DARKGuy | kitche, mmmmm that could be - what do you use for automounting your cd/dvds then? | 02:39 |
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heatman | pike_: u have any other ideas? | 02:39 |
kitche | shane_: start the daemon and open the port | 02:39 |
Mookie | can someone help me troubleshoot my wireless? It worked fine in feisty, i upgraded to gutsy and it tells me im connected to the network but im recieving no data | 02:39 |
kitche | DARKGuy: I don't use anything to automount | 02:39 |
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Zambezi | If Dapper kernelpanics, which version should I use then? | 02:40 |
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Mixx | umer was that prelude necessary? no one cares if you go back to windows | 02:40 |
DARKGuy | d'oh. | 02:40 |
shane_ | The daemon is running, but I don't know how to open the port? | 02:40 |
dug_ | Audriil: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:40 |
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xp_prg2 | guys my laptop keyboard is not working right with the double quotes, can anyone help me to fix this? | 02:40 |
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riotkittie | umer: do me a favor. open a terminal and type the following lspci | grep audio | 02:40 |
DARKGuy | kitche, well that's a good clue at least, time to go searching for hal config files, thanks :) | 02:40 |
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PuZzLe | Help Ubuntu no update , error in the linux-generic | 02:40 |
umer | i did that riotkittie | 02:41 |
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dug_ | Audriil: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:41 |
riotkittie | umer: and it reported conexant ? | 02:41 |
umer | it didnt report anything | 02:41 |
michael__ | ok | 02:41 |
umer | it just came back to a blank line | 02:41 |
michael__ | I did it but I did't back it up | 02:41 |
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pike_ | heatman: sorry i usually install manually. do a google search for like nvidia ubuntu latest | 02:41 |
Audriil | <dug_> Thanks | 02:42 |
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dug_ | Mookie: what card are you using? what driver? | 02:42 |
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shane_ | kitche: The daemon is running, but I don't know how to open the port? | 02:42 |
Mookie | ? | 02:42 |
Mookie | anybody | 02:42 |
dug_ | Mookie: what card are you using? what driver? | 02:42 |
umer | riotkittie: it didn't report anything, it just went to a new blank line | 02:42 |
kitche | shane_: iptable -L and see if iptables is blocking the port | 02:42 |
Mookie | k | 02:42 |
Mookie | uh | 02:42 |
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heatman | pike_: so u compile the driver from the packages located at nvidia's website? | 02:42 |
PuZzLe | dug_, error in linux-image and linux-restricted-modules* | 02:42 |
Mookie | i believe its an athos | 02:43 |
PuZzLe | Help | 02:43 |
Mookie | how do i find out what driver im using | 02:43 |
riotkittie | umer: ok. lspci -vv then. does multimedia controller show up? | 02:43 |
Mookie | ? | 02:43 |
modoc | How can I expand an xfs drive to take up /dev/hda3 (current drive) and /dev/hda1 (open drive) ? | 02:43 |
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dug_ | Mookie: what computer model are you using? | 02:43 |
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Mookie | toshiba p25 s509 | 02:43 |
BillyBeans | where is the gui located for me to attach this ubuntu box to a domain? | 02:43 |
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kitche | !info swat | BillyBeans | 02:44 |
ubotu | billybeans: swat: Samba Web Administration Tool. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 800 kB, installed size 2180 kB | 02:44 |
riotkittie | doh. | 02:44 |
shane_ | kitche: Aha, you were right. I've fixed it now. Thanks. | 02:44 |
alberto | hey guys someone know how to solve a surround sound problem with Intel ICH5? | 02:44 |
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riotkittie | i cant believe i just closed that tab. dur dur dur. | 02:44 |
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umer | riotkittie, not that i can see | 02:44 |
holycow | . | 02:44 |
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Seeker` | alberto: Got any more information about the problem - what exactly is wrong? | 02:45 |
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riotkittie | umer: then my suggestion to you would be to hit the forums and post a message in the laptop section :| | 02:45 |
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umer | okay, thanks | 02:46 |
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PuZzLe | help!!! error in ubuntu msg error : problem in linux-image, linux-generic and linux-generic-modules | 02:46 |
dug_ | Mookie: I'm not sure what card yours uses, but do you by chance know if you are using the madwifi driver? | 02:46 |
Mookie | i honestly dont know | 02:46 |
alberto | Seeker, when i get ubuntu installed i can hear sounds trough my rear speakers on a 4.1 configuration, but after the first "software upgrade" it stops working, now i can't have any sound on my rear speakers and i've tried what they say on the forum and nothing seems to work. | 02:46 |
Mookie | im a n00b | 02:46 |
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Mookie | how can i find out | 02:47 |
Mookie | ? | 02:47 |
Mookie | I know that 6.1 worked fine with no issues 2 hours ago | 02:47 |
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Seeker` | alberto: You checked out the volume settings? (sorry if it sounds silly, but its best to double check everything :)) | 02:47 |
Mookie | right now i can connect it says but nothing gets transmitted | 02:47 |
riotkittie | Mookie: what dont you know? driveR? open a term, type lshw -C network | grep driver | 02:47 |
riotkittie | Mookie: i can't swear that that will work tho | 02:47 |
Sivart0 | im having problems installing proftpd >< | 02:47 |
dug_ | Mookie: you can also run lcpci to see what drivers you are using | 02:48 |
heatman | is there such a thing as a "run" tool in gnome like there is in KDE? I wanna add that to my application menu | 02:48 |
dug_ | lspci i mean | 02:48 |
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jrib | heatman: alt-f2 brings it up | 02:48 |
Viking667 | heatman: there is, I believe. It's possibly an applet. | 02:48 |
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Mookie | lshw -C network | grep driver | 02:49 |
Mookie | configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=8139too driverversion=0.9.28 duplex=full ip= latency=32 link=yes maxlatency=64 mingnt=32 module=8139too multicast=yes port=MII speed=100MB/s | 02:49 |
Mookie | configuration: broadcast=yes driver=ath_pci driverversion= ( latency=168 maxlatency=28 mingnt=10 module=ath_pci multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11g | 02:49 |
heatman | jrib: nice I was unaware of that command. TY! | 02:49 |
vbabiy | hey is there any one that use guidedog | 02:49 |
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Seeker` | heatman: You can add the "run application" applet to the panel | 02:49 |
Mookie | using lcpci in a terminal didnt do anything for me | 02:49 |
alberto | Seeker: yeap, see when i first installed ubuntu i have an option in the volume settings that let me choose whether i want a 2 speakers, 4.1 or 5.1 configuration but now i don't have it anymore. | 02:49 |
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alberto | Seeker: *had | 02:49 |
heatman | Seeker: ty | 02:50 |
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Seeker` | alberto: Is it just the rear sound you are missing? | 02:51 |
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eclectic | what is wrong with my computer if it boots up, and works for a period of time, and then my monitor goes black and says "shutting off in 5 seconds"... and i cant get it to wake back up without turning it off and turning it back on | 02:51 |
alberto | Seeker: yeap, front speakers are fine. | 02:51 |
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dug_ | Mookie: I can't find the answer, sorry, but here are some threads that might be related to your issue (one suggests using ndiswrapper & the windows driver instead of ath_pci for example): http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&q=ath_pci+ubuntu+gutsy&btnG=Google+Search | 02:51 |
Seeker` | in the volume control, do you have sliders for "surround"? | 02:51 |
heatman | is there a diff between firefox and Swiftfox? | 02:51 |
Seeker` | alberto: ^^ | 02:51 |
eclectic | heatman- swiftfox is supposed to be faster | 02:52 |
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Mookie | thanks | 02:52 |
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alberto | Seeker`: yeap and i have it at 100% | 02:53 |
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Seeker` | hmm | 02:53 |
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Rich4 | How do I find the ppd file for a printer for linux? | 02:53 |
Seeker` | alberto: not sure then, sorry | 02:53 |
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Sivart0 | can anybody tell me why apt-get isnt working? | 02:53 |
sdre1 | I have an averatec 3200 that I can't connect to the internet with (via wifi), it has the RaLink RT2500 wireless card in it. I've searched the forums (and google) and this appears to be a difficult wireless card to get working. All the solutions I've found don't provide very thorough instructions, so I'm at a loss on how to get wireless working on my laptop. Can anyone help me out? | 02:54 |
=== riotkittie hugs sdre1 | ||
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alberto | Seeker`: don't worry thanks anyway, hey is there a way to "reinstall" the sound drivers or something like that (sorry if its a dumb question) | 02:54 |
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eclectic | i thought it would be cool to install vista on my laptop, and i was wrong | 02:54 |
dug_ | Rich4: this site has some, but if you are using an hp printer, try hp-lip: http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting | 02:54 |
dug_ | hplip i mean | 02:54 |
riotkittie | sdre1: i have a RT2500 based adapter, though mine is USB. Ralinks are better supported under Gutsy to some extent, if you are willing to upgrade on the 18th but i found my card to be touch and go, so we will talk about alternatives | 02:55 |
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dug_ | Sivart0: what error are you getting? remember to use "sudo" and be connected to the internet when you use it | 02:55 |
Seeker` | alberto: I guess you could remove and reinstall the packages, but I dont know if that would do you any good - it may be harmful for the system (ie. I wouldn't recommend it) | 02:55 |
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Sivart0 | i used sudo and i think im connected to the internet | 02:55 |
gentoon | How can I install pidgin? | 02:56 |
Sivart0 | it's ubuntu server | 02:56 |
alberto | Seeker`: ok, thanks anyway | 02:56 |
kitche | !pidgin | gentoon | 02:56 |
ubotu | gentoon: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 | 02:56 |
sdre1 | riotkittie: the 18th is when 7.10 comes out? | 02:56 |
reed | how can i add eth0 | 02:56 |
gentoon | can someone help me install pidgin? | 02:56 |
alberto | hey guys someone know how to solve a surround sound problem with Intel ICH5 (i don't have any sound on rear speakers)? | 02:56 |
riotkittie | sdre1: you can try compiling the serial monkey drivers @ rt2x00.serialmonkey.com [?.net] but I think this demands a kernel recompile. Network Manager does not like ralink, so alternatively, you can compile RuTilt which is an alternate manager which does work well with ralink. orrrr. you can go the ndiswrapper route | 02:56 |
riotkittie | sdre1: yes | 02:57 |
dug_ | sdre1: did you try the acerhk module? | 02:57 |
riotkittie | sdre1: a word of warning tho > my ralink worked out of the box on gutsy but performed miserably, and i ended up using ndiswrapper and the windows drivers, for the sake of sanity. | 02:57 |
Zambezi | Kernelpanic in Dapper. Is another version more stable? | 02:57 |
Sivart0 | how can i test to see if im connected? | 02:57 |
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dug_ | gentoon: are you using ubuntu feisty? if you really want pidgin, i would just upgrade to gutsy, where pidgin is installed by default | 02:58 |
riotkittie | Zambezi: kernel panics dont mean a version is unstable... where are you kernel panicking? | 02:58 |
sdre1 | riotkittie: which option will get me wpa encryption? and preferably easy roaming abilities? | 02:58 |
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Zambezi | riotkittie: It happened during sudo lshw|grep hd | 02:58 |
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pvl1 | can some1 help me with xserver | 03:00 |
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Seeker` | pvl1: what problem are you having? | 03:00 |
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RedLXXXIV | Hey all | 03:00 |
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pvl1 | seeker: well actually i think its xserver bc its xorg. but its gotta do with sound | 03:00 |
Seeker` | pvl1: what problem are you having? | 03:01 |
Name141 | I was thinking about making a switch to ubuntu from XP, however I remember that I made my external HD NTFS , will Ubuntu (or any linux) be able to read/write from it/to it ? | 03:01 |
riotkittie | sdre1: native drivers + network manager. i'm not sure if you can do anything but command line config with ndiswrapper :| | 03:01 |
SuperQ | Name141: yes | 03:01 |
joshjosh | Name141, Yes. | 03:01 |
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Name141 | Automatically ? | 03:01 |
riotkittie | i'm sure there's gotta be a front end for it but i've had no need to check into it as i'm on a desktop :o | 03:01 |
pvl1 | seeker creox wont work bc it cant load devices | 03:01 |
gentoon | dug_, is that the only way? | 03:01 |
Sivart0 | Name141: depends on the distro | 03:01 |
pvl1 | seeker: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40668/ | 03:01 |
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riotkittie | brb | 03:02 |
Sivart0 | i remember having to setup and install stuff to be able to write to ntfs | 03:02 |
Sivart0 | but that was ubuntu 6 | 03:02 |
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SuperQ | Sivart0: latest ubuntu should have ntfs 3g | 03:02 |
RedLXXXIV | Name 141 - Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) will read NTFS partitions | 03:02 |
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iStiKs | gentoon: http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=1462 | 03:02 |
iamthesalamala | dit | 03:02 |
Name141 | RedLXXXIV: what about write ? | 03:02 |
paralep | i'm waiting for the next release | 03:02 |
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astro76 | Name141, starting with 7.10, ntfs will be read/write by default, but you can add it to early versions | 03:03 |
MasterShrek | !ntfs-3g | 03:03 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 03:03 |
dug_ | gentoon: here's another way if you want to keep feisty (gutsy is due out next week tho): http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-pidgin-200-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-plugin-pack.html | 03:03 |
paralep | i have another machine i want to use for ubuntu | 03:03 |
modoc | How can I find the UUID of a partition for fstab? | 03:03 |
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RedLXXXIV | Name141: I'll get the name of the prog you will need to install to write as well. one sec | 03:03 |
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astro76 | !uuid | modoc | 03:03 |
ubotu | modoc: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: sudo blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 03:03 |
modoc | astro76, thank! | 03:03 |
sdre1 | riotkittie: if I want to install the beta of 7.10 right now, it won't have too much of a problem upgrading on the 18th when the final version is out, will it? | 03:03 |
tussey | I only have 3.7mb left on my HD how do I see the size of all my files in a list view? | 03:04 |
SuperQ | Name141: ntfs-3g - read-write NTFS driver for FUSE | 03:04 |
Flannel | sdre1: nope. And the RC is out too, not just beta anymore | 03:04 |
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Name141 | SuperQ: I don't know what any of that means. | 03:04 |
killux | does anyone have the dell all in one A940 printer working? | 03:04 |
RedLXXXIV | Name141: I used Automatix2 to install the Automatix Mounter | 03:04 |
sdre1 | Flannel: ok, I think I'll just try that | 03:04 |
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Seeker` | pvl1: What problem do you have with the app? does it start? does it just not play sound? | 03:04 |
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LjL | tussey: you could try du | sort -n from a shell, but i suggest you also try Baobab, although it isn't a "list view" | 03:04 |
astro76 | !automatix | RedLXXXIV | 03:04 |
ubotu | RedLXXXIV: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 03:04 |
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Sivart0 | grrrr v_v | 03:05 |
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SuperQ | Name141: use the directions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 03:05 |
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Simon-Phoenix | Flames Effect not working ;/ | 03:05 |
SuperQ | Name141: should be all you need to mount NTFS read/write | 03:05 |
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SuperQ | Name141: with 7.04 and newer | 03:05 |
tussey | !hfs | 03:05 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 03:05 |
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tussey | !fuse | 03:05 |
ubotu | FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems | 03:05 |
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gentoon | dug_, how hard is the gusty upgrade? | 03:06 |
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riotkitt1e | wow, i'm a dolt. if you use ndiswrapper, network manager is fine. | 03:06 |
=== paralep should run ubuntu on my macbook | ||
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dug_ | gentoon: it's very easy if you have a fast internet connection, but will take probably an hour or maybe longer | 03:06 |
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RedLXXXIV | astro76: what does the ! before the name do??? | 03:06 |
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paralep | linux was the most amazing thing when I frist tried it out | 03:06 |
gentoon | dug_, have a link ill do it | 03:06 |
astro76 | RedLXXXIV, it tells ubotu to give information, read what ubotu said right after ;) | 03:06 |
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SuperQ | paralep: :) | 03:06 |
RedLXXXIV | astro76: ahhhh, thanks! | 03:06 |
Name141 | OK, second thing is , I have a Microsoft NIC, that didn't work on the last LIVE disk I tried (not sure of the version). I was told to eidt the "tulip" driver for it , however seeing as I don't know much about linux , I do not know if it is worth trying or not. | 03:07 |
doncasteel8587 | Hello everyone, I just cloned my HD with Norton Ghost, when I try to boot the new HD, I get a screen full of the word "GRUB" like an infinite loop. Any ideas what's wrong? | 03:07 |
Name141 | edit* | 03:07 |
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paralep | but i want to take a look at the 2.6 kernel internals | 03:07 |
SuperQ | paralep: when I first started using linux, I really didn't have enough ram (4MB) | 03:07 |
eclectic | haha wow, 4mb ram? | 03:07 |
Illiterate_beef | 4mb ftw | 03:07 |
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SuperQ | eclectic: 386 33mhz DX! | 03:07 |
Viking667 | wow. | 03:07 |
Viking667 | sounds like what I had... | 03:08 |
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eclectic | SuperQ- heck YES | 03:08 |
Sivart0 | 33Mhz O_O | 03:08 |
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ozzloy | my sound stopped working. can someone please help me get it woring again? | 03:08 |
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eclectic | ozzloy- twist the volume to the right | 03:08 |
Illiterate_beef | lol | 03:08 |
ozzloy | eclectic: heh, thanks | 03:08 |
SuperQ | Slackware 3.0! | 03:08 |
SuperQ | I think | 03:08 |
riotkittie | D: | 03:08 |
pvl1 | seeker: it doesnt run. itll load, but wont do what it should | 03:09 |
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gentoon | dug_, ? | 03:09 |
alberto | hey guys someone know how to solve a surround sound problem with Intel ICH5 (i don't have any sound on rear speakers)? | 03:09 |
Seeker` | pvl1: what isn't it doing that it should? | 03:09 |
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gentoon | ubotu! | 03:09 |
paralep | i'll get my other machine back and run that with ubuntu | 03:09 |
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doncasteel8587 | Hello everyone, I just cloned my HD with Norton Ghost, when I try to boot the new HD, I get a screen full of the word "GRUB" like an infinite loop. Any ideas what's wrong? | 03:10 |
gentoon | !ubotu gusty | 03:10 |
Sivart0 | haha! | 03:10 |
ubotu | It is spelt !guTSy :) | 03:10 |
paralep | or maybe dual my macbook hd | 03:10 |
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pvl1 | seeker: it is supposed to modify sound, its a guiter effects app. takes in sound, modifies it, and sends out ot the speakers. it uses JACK | 03:10 |
gentoon | ubotu !gusty | 03:10 |
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gentoon | :(\ | 03:10 |
riotkittie | cheeky bot | 03:10 |
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gentoon | How can I upgrade to gusty? | 03:10 |
riotkittie | !gutsy | gentoon | 03:10 |
ubotu | gentoon: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 03:10 |
tech0007 | !gutsy | 03:10 |
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Sivart0 | im an idiot >< | 03:11 |
paralep | join #ubuntu-mac | 03:11 |
Illiterate_beef | *boredom* | 03:11 |
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RedLXXXIV | Anyone have an idea on how I can get my ENE CB-712/4 card reader working? | 03:11 |
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gentoon | doesnt show me howto upgrade? | 03:11 |
dug_ | gentoon: sorry, was on another channel. I think you run 'sudo update-manager -c -d' or something like that | 03:11 |
ozzloy | my sound normally works fine. how do i find out what process is using the sound device? | 03:11 |
gentoon | Can anyonew help me upgrade to gusty? | 03:11 |
Sivart0 | i think all i had to do was "sudo apt-get update" XD | 03:11 |
gentoon | something like that dug_ | 03:12 |
gentoon | ? | 03:12 |
tech0007 | gentoon....#ubuntu+1 | 03:12 |
ozzloy | is it a good idea to just kill that process? | 03:12 |
riotkittie | -> #ubuntu+1 <- | 03:12 |
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doncasteel8587 | Hello everyone, I just cloned my HD with Norton Ghost, when I try to boot the new HD, I get a screen full of the word "GRUB" like an infinite loop. Any ideas what's wrong? | 03:13 |
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Seeker` | pvl1: I understand that, but i need to know what part of the application isn't working to help you. | 03:13 |
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pvl1 | seeker: it cant open devices. thats all it is | 03:13 |
pvl1 | seeker: or atleast is trying to open the wrong devices | 03:14 |
Seeker` | pvl1: which devices is it trying to use? | 03:14 |
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pvl1 | Seeker: alsa drivers | 03:14 |
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Sivart0 | proftpd installed and getting errors O_o | 03:14 |
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Seeker` | pvl1: do you have other sound programs installed? do they work? what devices do they use? | 03:15 |
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SgtOompa | Hi I'm a complete linux novice and I've been instructed to document a linux server onto a wiki | 03:15 |
pvl1 | seeker: well my other apps used ALSA instead of JACk which is a sound library | 03:15 |
jeduan | hi, i am trying to instal plone, but when i log into localhost:8081/manage it asks for username and pass, problem is it never stopped to ask questions, which is the default user/pass? | 03:15 |
SgtOompa | I was wondering I can go about doing this? | 03:15 |
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pvl1 | seeker: however i dont know exactly what theyre usin | 03:15 |
GuHHH | how can i make my system boot by network? | 03:16 |
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luciano_uisk | hi | 03:16 |
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luciano_uisk | is there a way to execute a command when i log into my machine? | 03:16 |
Flannel | luciano_uisk: login to gnome? | 03:16 |
eck | luciano_uisk: add it to your .bash_profile or .bashrc | 03:16 |
astro76 | !startup | luciano_uisk | 03:17 |
ubotu | luciano_uisk: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 03:17 |
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riotkittie | is there a way to change the size of desktop icons? [all of them, at one time] | 03:17 |
doncasteel8587 | Hello everyone, I just cloned my HD with Norton Ghost, when I try to boot the new HD, I get a screen full of the word "GRUB" like an infinite loop. Any ideas what's wrong? | 03:17 |
luciano_uisk | no, i am using gnome, but i wanted into BASH, ... | 03:17 |
xp_prg2 | what is the package that has Gtk+2.6? | 03:17 |
luciano_uisk | just like in slackware, .. | 03:17 |
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luciano_uisk | how can i put it into bashrc? | 03:18 |
Ashfire908 | are blocks a set unit of measurement? | 03:18 |
luciano_uisk | just add a line called "fortune"? | 03:18 |
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eck | luciano_uisk: correct | 03:18 |
astro76 | Ashfire908, block size can vary | 03:18 |
MasterShrek | luciano_uisk, nano ~/.bashrc | 03:18 |
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rrittenhouse | I have a brand new copy of "Foundations of Qt Development by Apress" I won it at Ohio Linuxfest. Problem is.. I dont use KDE - does anybody else here happen to have a GTK+ book they would be willing to trade? | 03:18 |
riotkittie | luciano_uisk: yea. or create .bash_login if it doesnt exist, and add it there | 03:18 |
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eck | riotkittie: look at gconf-editor, there's probably a gconf setting for it | 03:18 |
luciano_uisk | thanks for all | 03:18 |
Ashfire908 | astro76, is there set sizes or could it be anything (i'm not formating a hd) | 03:18 |
riotkittie | eck: i've been digging through it :| | 03:19 |
Mookie | how can i find out why my sound isnt working? | 03:19 |
SgtOompa | any advice people? | 03:19 |
astro76 | Ashfire908, some typical values go from 512 bytes to 4kbytes, it's determined by file system | 03:19 |
luciano_uisk | well, it worked | 03:19 |
luciano_uisk | thanks for all | 03:19 |
riotkittie | i'm sure its there, hiding like a tiiiiiny criminal. :| and doing it extremely wel.l | 03:19 |
pianoboy3333 | hey where can I get the flash standalone player for linux? | 03:19 |
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riotkittie | doncasteel8587: simmer down :P | 03:19 |
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doncasteel8587 | That's what happens when I try to boot :P | 03:20 |
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SgtOompa | Does anyone have any advice of where I can start documenting a server? | 03:20 |
astro76 | SgtOompa, hmm? | 03:21 |
Colro | I'm trying to run VirtualBox and nothing will boot up -- I keep getting the error " VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Re-setup the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root. " -- when I try to execute that, though, it says that the command isn't found. | 03:21 |
riotkittie | doncasteel8587: better than LiLo's never ending 9s. but anyway. let me see what i can find | 03:21 |
SgtOompa | o thanks :-) | 03:21 |
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SgtOompa | well I need to document a server | 03:21 |
eck | SgtOompa: what do you mean? | 03:21 |
SgtOompa | and I've ssh'd into it | 03:21 |
tatters | If I create a desktop shortcut to a application that requires root access what user name do I use to run as different user? | 03:21 |
doncasteel8587 | I double checked Menu.lst and it seems ok, I don't know what to try next, (except re-cloning) | 03:21 |
SgtOompa | well I've been instructed | 03:21 |
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SgtOompa | for my inpendant research project | 03:21 |
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SgtOompa | to just document my research room | 03:21 |
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SgtOompa | thing is | 03:21 |
Flannel | tatters: gksu -u username command | 03:22 |
SgtOompa | my entire research room at my school is full of linux pc's | 03:22 |
Flannel | tatters: Oh, sorry. Just gksu command | 03:22 |
SgtOompa | and I've never used linux | 03:22 |
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SgtOompa | so I'm ssh'd into one of the servers, I jsut have no idea how to start | 03:22 |
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Flannel | !cli | SgtOompa | 03:22 |
ubotu | SgtOompa: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 03:22 |
SgtOompa | I'd appreciate any advice :-) | 03:22 |
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tatters | Flannel: using kde so would that be kdesu -u ./script | 03:23 |
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Colro | I'm trying to run VirtualBox and nothing will boot up -- I keep getting the error " VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Re-setup the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root. " -- when I try to execute that, though, it says that the command isn't found. Does anyone know what I can do to fix it? | 03:23 |
guli-guli | hi | 03:23 |
Flannel | tatters: no -u if youre doing it as root, but yeah, kdesu | 03:23 |
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Flannel | tatters: And you probably ought to give it an absolute path | 03:23 |
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SgtOompa | thanks ubotu! | 03:23 |
astro76 | SgtOompa, http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html | 03:23 |
SgtOompa | I'll see how this works for me :-) | 03:23 |
SgtOompa | oo | 03:23 |
SgtOompa | thanks astro | 03:23 |
tussey | I only have 3.7mb left on my HD how do I see the size of all my files in a list view? I need to find out what I can delete | 03:24 |
astro76 | SgtOompa, and there's lots of other guides on tldp.org too | 03:24 |
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guli-guli | i was moving photos from one folder to another, then I get an error... and the photos had disapeared. I looked in the Trash... but they are not there. Can I recover them? | 03:24 |
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guli-guli | plz!!! | 03:24 |
tsukasa | anyone know of a program to add widgets to your desktop such as network monitor | 03:24 |
astro76 | guli-guli, what was the error? | 03:25 |
SgtOompa | oo | 03:25 |
SgtOompa | thanks a lot guys! | 03:25 |
RedLXXXIV | Guys! I'm having an issue!!!! Ack! | 03:25 |
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Flannel | guli-guli: Theyre not in either folder? What error? | 03:25 |
astro76 | SgtOompa, do you know what distribution (flavor) of linux the computers are running? | 03:25 |
guli-guli | the first folder disapeared and the second one is empty... | 03:25 |
RedLXXXIV | When I play a video in GXine, I get video but no sound, and when I use MPlayer, I get no video but I get sound! | 03:25 |
tsukasa | RedLXXXIV, so play the same file at the same time with both | 03:26 |
Flannel | guli-guli: You were dragging/dropping? or CLI? or what? | 03:26 |
tsukasa | =P | 03:26 |
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RedLXXXIV | lol tsukasa! I have been | 03:26 |
guli-guli | The error said I was trying to overwrite some photo with the same name... so I said to omit | 03:26 |
guli-guli | Flannel I was using nautilus, copy paste | 03:26 |
tsukasa | RedLXXXIV, either use vlc or fix your codecs | 03:26 |
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tsukasa | RedLXXXIV, ubuntu-restricted-extras or something. | 03:26 |
Rich4 | how do i get wolfenstein ET to work properly on linux? it asks that I have voodoo drivers or something.. | 03:26 |
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RedLXXXIV | !vlc | Redlxxxiv | 03:26 |
RedLXXXIV | hm. | 03:27 |
RedLXXXIV | tsukasa: Will try, tks | 03:27 |
tussey | can anyone help me? I'm trying to get folders to display their size in list view, not number of files | 03:27 |
Flannel | Rich4: you should check the forums (ubuntuforums.org) theres a bunch of threads on W:ET there | 03:27 |
Rich4 | ty | 03:27 |
Sivart0 | anybody here know how to set up muddleftpd? | 03:27 |
guli-guli | astro76 any clue? | 03:27 |
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realshiva | hi guys, i got problems booting my ubuntu, after installing it onto hdd grob tells me that on hdf1 is no partition. editing the grub line to hdd2 wont help | 03:28 |
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pike_ | tussey: you could do a du -ach /directory but thatll likely be a big list you can also ls -lS to sort by size in a directory | 03:28 |
astro76 | tussey, I don't think nautilus has that option... that would cause a lot of disk activity when browsing | 03:28 |
Mop | Could someone help me with connecting to the internet by any chance? | 03:29 |
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tussey | hmm | 03:29 |
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tussey | well I haven't downloaded anything but my hard drive space vanished | 03:29 |
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tussey | I'll try du | 03:29 |
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pike_ | tussey: maybe a 'sudo find / -name * -size +5000k' | 03:30 |
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astro76 | tussey, try applications > accessories > disk usage analyzer | 03:30 |
Absenth | how do I set cpufreq to start at boot? | 03:30 |
realshiva | do someone know a trick how i find the right partition? | 03:30 |
tussey | oh wow, ty astro76 | 03:30 |
riotkittie | disk usage analyzer is all kinds of fun. | 03:31 |
pike_ | tussey: er.. * in quotes like '*' | 03:31 |
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Mop | Could someone help me with connecting to the internet? | 03:31 |
guli-guli | Flannel there's nothing i could do... I guess isn' t it ? | 03:31 |
riotkittie | realshiva: do you have a live cd? are you using a live cd at the moment? | 03:31 |
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astro76 | Mop, you might want to state your specific problem/question | 03:32 |
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realshiva | riotkittie no i dont got a live cd, i use my winxp workstation | 03:32 |
Flannel | guli-guli: Well, if your files are actually gone, it's definately a bug. I'm not too familiar with the GUI though, so I can't help a whole lot unfortunately | 03:32 |
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tussey | ty I found the culprit! thanks #ubuntu | 03:32 |
Mop | astro: Well I entered all the stuff in Admin Networking (DNS server, IP, etc), and FireFox still said it couldnt connect. | 03:32 |
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guli-guli | Flannel, thnx | 03:33 |
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Ashfire908 | anyone know what "kerberos" is? | 03:34 |
guli-guli | Flannel, through console what could I look for? | 03:34 |
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rust | !kerberos | 03:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kerberos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:34 |
Mop | Could someone help me with connecting to the internet? I entered all the stuff in Admin Networking (DNS server, IP, etc), and FireFox still said it couldnt connect. | 03:34 |
pike_ | !info kerberos | 03:35 |
ubotu | Package kerberos does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:35 |
rust | Ashfire908: its something to do with authentication | 03:35 |
Xiro | is there anyone here who has gotten Ubuntu 7.10 working with the Sony Vaio SZ6* series laptops? I am having a couple problems that are keeping me from adopting ubuntu as my OS | 03:35 |
k | hello | 03:35 |
jdong | Ashfire908: kerberos is an authentication protocol | 03:35 |
realshiva | Ashfire908 kerberos is a kind of networking authentification protokoll | 03:35 |
rust | Ashfire908: usually only used on an MS network if im not mistaken (and I could be) | 03:35 |
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jdong | Ashfire908: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_%28protocol%29 | 03:36 |
jdong | rust: you are mistaken | 03:36 |
realshiva | :-) | 03:36 |
riotkittie | realshiva: can you burn a cd? http://freshmeat.net/projects/supergrub/ < super grub boot disk may be helful | 03:36 |
jdong | rust: MIT runs all our authentication via Kerberos, and there's less than 5% Microsoft population on public terminals | 03:36 |
rust | jdong: maybe I should go and check out that wiki page as well then :) | 03:36 |
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realshiva | riotkittie i will try | 03:36 |
mannytu | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_(protocol) | 03:36 |
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Omnius | G'day, I have 2 NICS in my computer, one being for the internet and the other being my LAN server, what IP should i use for the LAN server?(server doesn't need net access) | 03:37 |
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jdong | Omnius: something in a private reserved range | 03:37 |
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eck | Omnius: i would just pick a 10.x subnet and use that | 03:37 |
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realshiva | Omnius something in 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x or 192.168.x.x | 03:37 |
jdong | Omnius: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4#Private_networks | 03:37 |
Hegemon | What's the gutsy channel again? | 03:37 |
jdong | Hegemon: #ubuntu+1 | 03:38 |
Omnius | cheers | 03:38 |
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Xiro | would anyone be willing to assist me with a guide/tutorial to get suspend/hibernate working with gutsy on my sony vaio SZ650 laptop? this is keeping me from wanting to run ubuntu | 03:39 |
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realshiva | while im trying to boot, do someone know a programm what i can use to "mount" .iso files into my filesystem ? | 03:39 |
Hacim07 | hi guys, I have a quick/n00b question:how do I make gnome stop treating a cd as audio and mount automatically when I insert it. | 03:39 |
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astro76 | !iso | realshiva | 03:39 |
ubotu | realshiva: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 03:39 |
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umer | what bittorrent does everyone here prefer? | 03:40 |
realshiva | astro76 :-) thx | 03:40 |
rainwalker | Hacim07: Have you looked in System -> Preferences -> Removable drives and media | 03:40 |
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jdong | realshiva: if you want it to mount at boot, put an entry in /etc/fstab | 03:40 |
realshiva | jdong i know thanks :-) | 03:40 |
rust | umer: ktorrent when im in linux | 03:40 |
jdong | umer: Ktorrent | 03:40 |
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bullgard4 | Xiro: That what you want is a major task. I do not want to guide you through. You need first to acquire knowledge. Otherwise it may become tedious. | 03:40 |
Borat | Hey guys, does anyone know the fastest quickest linux live cd so i can boot up on a computer @ school??? | 03:40 |
rainwalker | Hardly ever use torrents, but when I do I just use FrostWire or the included BitTorrent thing | 03:40 |
chuy_max | hi, I'm using dapper drake and installed apache2, mysql-server, php5, phpmyadmin, but I can't open php scripts, I already installed libapache2-mod-php5, do I need anything else? | 03:40 |
jdong | umer: it's my little pet client (klient?) around here :) | 03:40 |
umer | how about something for ubuntu,, cause ktorrent is for kubuntu, no? | 03:41 |
jdong | Borat: probably Puppy? | 03:41 |
jdong | umer: not necessarily, it runs fine under GNOME | 03:41 |
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Borat | jdong, not DSL? | 03:41 |
dtrask | Borat, Puppy or Slax | 03:41 |
Hacim07 | rainwalker: yes I did but didn't see anything that would seem to do the trick. | 03:41 |
umer | hmm, i might give that a go then | 03:41 |
jdong | umer: to be honest even including KDE "baggage" it's lighter than the competition | 03:41 |
umer | thanks guys | 03:41 |
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jdong | Borat: DSL is fine too, along with all that dtrask listed | 03:41 |
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realshiva | cool | 03:41 |
umer | yea, im used to utorrent on windows | 03:41 |
jdong | Borat: all Knoppix based LiveCD's boot fairly fast, you don't want a *Buntu one though | 03:42 |
rainwalker | Hacim07: Sorry, that's the only thing I know of | 03:42 |
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realshiva | okay, it looks like it boots :-) so do someone know to configure grub working ? :-) | 03:42 |
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rainwalker | oh crap | 03:42 |
Borat | jdong, will these be compatible with most of the ethernet cards on the old dells at school? take a wild guess lol, ' | 03:42 |
rainwalker | my desktop isn't responding | 03:42 |
realshiva | sry for my bad english but im a german student :-) | 03:42 |
jdong | Borat: without a doubt | 03:42 |
jordan_U | rainwalker, Don't pull the plug too soon :) | 03:43 |
jdong | Borat: my school was an all-dell shop and they use very common/high-quality NIC's in my experience | 03:43 |
rainwalker | okay, I can't right-click, and I can't click to highlight | 03:43 |
jdong | Borat: especially the old ones. You'll likely see 3C509's | 03:43 |
chuy_max | hi, I'm using dapper drake and installed apache2, mysql-server, php5, phpmyadmin, but I can't open php scripts, I already installed libapache2-mod-php5, do I need anything else? (I already restarted apache2 server) | 03:43 |
jordan_U | rainwalker, What can you do, if anything? | 03:43 |
jrib | Hacim07: "Play audio CD discs when inserted" didn't do the trick? | 03:43 |
jdong | Borat: I can't recall a version 2 Linux kernel that didn't support it :) | 03:43 |
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holycow | chuy_max: that is a better question for #apache unfortunatley | 03:43 |
rainwalker | jordan_U: Um, I can do everything except stuff that requires clicking on the desktop...weird | 03:43 |
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rainwalker | hang on, I'm going to restart X | 03:44 |
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realshiva | linking the php5_mod into modules_enabled | 03:44 |
Krysus | chuy_max: unless it is your desktop install, why not use Ubuntu server | 03:44 |
Hacim07 | jrib:nope I uncheck it and it still didn't mount it. | 03:44 |
Krysus | thats what I use and it works great out of the box | 03:44 |
jrib | Hacim07: isn't that what you asked? | 03:44 |
kdomn | HI all, does anybody know if it is possible to install ubuntu on the same NTFS partiton as vista, a dual boot on the same partition? | 03:44 |
holycow | kdomn: no | 03:45 |
umer | whats everyones irc client of choice? im running off of gnome xchat | 03:45 |
Krysus | same | 03:45 |
umer | i dont like it particularly | 03:45 |
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kdomn | not even a little? | 03:45 |
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rainwalker | okay, that didn't work | 03:45 |
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mehevi | umer I use bitchx. | 03:45 |
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jdong | kolobok: it's *possible* but not at all supported or automated | 03:45 |
rust | umer: pidgin | 03:45 |
jdong | err kdomn rather | 03:45 |
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jordan_U | kdomn, Yes, with wubi | 03:46 |
jdong | kdomn: I have successfully booted Ubuntu off ntfs-3g before, but it is not for the faint of heart | 03:46 |
jordan_U | !wubi | kdomn | 03:46 |
ubotu | kdomn: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 03:46 |
rainwalker | jordan_U: I'm stuck, any ideas? | 03:46 |
rust | umer: but names aren't clickable like mirc :( | 03:46 |
umer | darn | 03:46 |
jordan_U | rainwalker, What happened when you restarted X ? | 03:46 |
Hacim07 | jrib:no I want it to mount the cd,instead of it just treats it as an audia cd(its actually and old pc game).it seams to me it used to ask me what I wanted do with it when I inserted it. | 03:46 |
DM | Can you install virtualbox in 6.10? | 03:46 |
kdomn | so for a sore someone completly new it wouldnt be recomended? | 03:46 |
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holycow | kdomn: just forget the idea of installing linux on a proprietary fs | 03:46 |
holycow | kdomn: do your self a favour and repartition and save your self the headache | 03:47 |
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sauvin | What is a "backported module"? | 03:47 |
rainwalker | jordan_U: It logged me out and all that, like it's supposed to. Then when I logged back in, something weird happened: My wallpaper loaded before the splash screen even appeared | 03:47 |
holycow | kdomn: better yet, if you value your vista install get either an external hd or a removable hd and install it clean | 03:47 |
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jordan_U | DM, There are .debs on virtualbox's website, not sure if there is one for 6.10 but there is definitely one for 7.04 | 03:47 |
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holycow | kdomn: that will probably save you a lot of time and sanity | 03:47 |
kdomn | im reinstalling vista anyway i was just hoping to no have to have 2 partitions | 03:47 |
jrib | Hacim07: as far as I know, it still has to mount the cd to do anything with it. Are you saying it gets mounted nowhere when you insert it? Does the output of 'mount' confirm? | 03:48 |
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kdomn | not* | 03:48 |
guli-guli | bye | 03:48 |
holycow | kdomn: there is no reason to care about partitions outside of some sort of strange aesthetic reason | 03:48 |
mehevi | I am having some frustration with GDM. I need to start a onscreen keyboard, and it will start, however, I have to start it with a mouse (with a top bottom left right gesture) This is not a problem, what is a problem is the fact that when using my stylus, the cursor keeps trying to jump over to the bottom right corner of the screen, giving me a 'flashing' cursor that is impossible to drag over the window boundaries. On the other hand th | 03:48 |
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mehevi | the gesture is recognized | 03:48 |
jdong | kdomn: wubi won't save you from having two partitions (just one partition will be a large file on top of NTFS), and ntfs-3g root is just an insane experiment; please just partition :) | 03:48 |
jordan_U | kdomn, Wubi looks pretty easy, and is made for complete begginers, it's not Final yet though | 03:48 |
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rainwalker | jordan_U: and it's not a Beryl/Compiz Fusion/Metacity issue, because the same thing happens no matter what I'm using | 03:48 |
holycow | kdomn: a good solid linux install infact employs multiple partitioning anyway, try it out its usefull | 03:48 |
jdong | jordan_U: doesn't wubi just do a loopback over NTFS? | 03:48 |
kdomn | ok, well thank you for the info guys | 03:49 |
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jordan_U | jdong, Isn't that what kdomn wants? | 03:49 |
kdomn | ohh, one more thing, about how big a partition would ubuntu want> | 03:49 |
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holycow | kdomn, at least a couple of gigs | 03:50 |
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jdong | jordan_U: no, he wants both Vista and Ubuntu to grow dynamically in one partition | 03:50 |
jordan_U | kdomn, ~ 5 GIG recommended, much less is needed though | 03:50 |
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jdong | jordan_U: I take it what he dislikes about partitioning is being forced to set a static boundary of free space | 03:50 |
kdomn | ok, so im good with say 20 for ubuntu to live on | 03:50 |
holycow | sure | 03:50 |
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genii | kdomn: I'd recommend minimum of about 3 Gb, any more than 4 is better. Also swap partition of ram size or more is good | 03:51 |
Zombine | Anyone know what the option in grub is that puts up that annoying splash screen with the progress bar and whatnot? | 03:51 |
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kdomn | you got it jdong | 03:51 |
jordan_U | jdong, Ahh, I don't know if the image that wubi puts on the NTFS partition can be grown | 03:51 |
jdong | kdomn: Ubuntu's base system, I cannot imagine growing beyond 5GB. I'd say 5GB plus how much data you want to store | 03:51 |
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rainwalker | Zombine: isn't that usplash? | 03:51 |
kdomn | ok, good to know, thanks everyone | 03:51 |
holycow | it's easy to install more than 5 gigs | 03:51 |
jdong | kdomn: Ubuntu has no problems reading and writing to NTFS, so you can store all your space-consuming media/documents there | 03:51 |
holycow | just install games | 03:51 |
locke | i try to give at least 10gb to ubuntu | 03:51 |
jordan_U | Zombine, "splash" | 03:51 |
holycow | 20 gigs would be hard to max, i don't think the entire repo actually takes up that much space but thats compressed | 03:52 |
jdong | holycow: well, I was strictly speaking the Ubuntu OS.... | 03:52 |
realshiva | k, the next problem, do someone know a tool that recovers my datas from a formated ext3 partition? | 03:52 |
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genii | Actually the entire repo is over 30Gb | 03:52 |
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genii | About 35 actually | 03:52 |
jdong | holycow: I've installed almost every "useful" package in the repos on one of my machines ,and it's about 8GB | 03:52 |
kdomn | ok, thanks everybody, i gotta go but i appreciate the help | 03:52 |
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holycow | games alone are 10 gigs last time i checked | 03:52 |
mehevi | useful is questionable.... | 03:52 |
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Zombine | Like in the "root=UU" whatever thing/ | 03:52 |
realshiva | do someone know a tool that recovers my datas from a formated ext3 partition? | 03:53 |
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vbabiy | Hello | 03:53 |
jordan_U | realshiva, What do you mean by "formated ext3 partition" did you format over it, or do you just have an ext3 partition which is somehow corrupted? | 03:53 |
holycow | realshiva: with ext3, once its gone its gone dude | 03:53 |
jdong | realshiva: umm, what happened to it? you reformatted it by accidnet? | 03:53 |
vbabiy | Can some one look at this ssh out put and tell what is causing this delay. http://pastebin.com/mc2de8b5 | 03:53 |
realshiva | i formated it over | 03:53 |
jdong | holycow: not entirely true; he could use a binary search-and-restore thing like PhotoRec | 03:53 |
jordan_U | realshiva, It's gone | 03:53 |
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realshiva | damn :-( | 03:53 |
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jdong | realshiva: your last hope is PhotoRec; it scans the disk for file headers it recognizes | 03:53 |
jordan_U | realshiva, No way any FS can survive a format :( | 03:53 |
nalioth | ibrahim25: you're welcome | 03:54 |
jdong | realshiva: don't expect it to work any miracles at restoring structure; just maybe getting an important file or two off | 03:54 |
mehevi | the fs doest survive but the files do... unless you did a lo level formal | 03:54 |
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ibrahim25 | Hi everybody | 03:54 |
holycow | jordan_U: actually most formats are non destructive | 03:54 |
realshiva | jdong i want one importent file back | 03:54 |
realshiva | :-) | 03:54 |
mehevi | realshiva are you using the partition now? | 03:54 |
holycow | jordan_U: most formats just destroy the partition table not actually write out bit for bit a file system | 03:54 |
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realshiva | no its only formated by the ins | 03:55 |
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realshiva | taller and now its clean | 03:55 |
jordan_U | realshiva, What type of file? if it's text you may be able to grep for it | 03:55 |
holycow | jordan_U: dd would destroy it but with ext3 it's harder to recover than say something like ntfs | 03:55 |
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jdong | realshiva: realshiva what kind of file? | 03:55 |
realshiva | outlook.psd :-) | 03:55 |
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Borat | jdong, im going to go for slax killbill edition, | 03:55 |
jdong | realshiva: see if http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec recognizes that file | 03:55 |
realshiva | sry outlook.pst | 03:55 |
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jdong | realshiva: ".pst Outlook" | 03:56 |
scoot | noob question here if you guys dont mind... | 03:56 |
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jdong | realshiva: it's on the supported file formats list; give PhotoRec a shot! | 03:56 |
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scoot | whats a good ide/app for php devlopment in linux | 03:56 |
scoot | ? | 03:56 |
mehevi | realshiva if you are using the partition you want to recover stop it now and unplug it so you arent running off of it | 03:56 |
superNoob71 | is there a way to seach for a channel on here? | 03:56 |
jdong | (given that .pst's are usually huge and likely fragmented, IMO it's probably a lost cause) | 03:56 |
holycow | ScottLij: quanta+ | 03:56 |
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Ashfire908 | would "command > file | another command" pipe and save to a file? | 03:56 |
localgod11 | what means: requested entity already in use? | 03:56 |
Davy_Jones | !pastebin > Davy_Jones | 03:56 |
rust | scoot: eclipse was the last one I used but it was bloated | 03:56 |
jdong | Ashfire908: no | 03:56 |
jdong | Ashfire908: command > file would return nothing left over to "pipe" | 03:57 |
jdong | Ashfire908: you want tee. | 03:57 |
scoot | thanks rust.. i could give it a shot | 03:57 |
rainwalker | jordan_U: I created a new user to see if the same thing happened, and it doesn't, so I know it's my fault | 03:57 |
jdong | Ashfire908: "command | tee file | another command" | 03:57 |
Borat | dtrask, i went for slax kill bill | 03:57 |
Ashfire908 | jdong, thanks | 03:57 |
scoot | dreamweaver is nice for windows, it manages my stylesheets for me and will auto-ftp to my site to test | 03:57 |
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scoot | will eclipse do stuff like that? | 03:57 |
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holycow | scoot: you can't use eclipse for php dev | 03:58 |
holycow | the modules for it are immature | 03:58 |
scoot | oh okay | 03:58 |
ToddEDM | hey guys, i have downloaded an DVD .iso .... what program would be best to burn it to disc | 03:58 |
holycow | try it and see for your self if you like it | 03:58 |
mehevi | you're immature.. *pout* | 03:58 |
scoot | i figured there would at least be a plugin for syntax highlighting | 03:58 |
scoot | okay | 03:58 |
scoot | tx guys | 03:58 |
holycow | ToddEDM: right click and select burn to disc | 03:58 |
scoot | ill prob stick with notepad++ :P | 03:58 |
rust | :) | 03:58 |
holycow | scoot: why? | 03:58 |
holycow | i told you to try quanta+ | 03:59 |
ToddEDM | wow ok holycow | 03:59 |
holycow | its one of the most powerfull php dev environments | 03:59 |
scoot | oh you called me scottljii | 03:59 |
ToddEDM | thanks dood | 03:59 |
|Lord_Zoo| | hello | 03:59 |
scoot | i didnt know u were talking to me | 03:59 |
scoot | hah | 03:59 |
scoot | okay ill check that out | 03:59 |
scoot | thanks! | 03:59 |
jdong | scoot: some people like bluefish too, though IMO it's not as good as quanta+ in the dreamweaver-ish way | 03:59 |
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mehevi | I am having some frustration with GDM. I need to start a onscreen keyboard, and it will start, however, I have to start it with a mouse (with a top bottom left right gesture) This is not a problem, what is a problem is the fact that when using my stylus, the cursor keeps trying to jump over to the bottom right corner of the screen, giving me a 'flashing' cursor that is impossible to drag over the window boundaries. On the other hand th | 03:59 |
scoot | excellent | 03:59 |
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mehevi | the gesture is recognized | 04:00 |
ibrahim25 | hi I want to know if ubuntu run in a intel D975xbx2 motherboard any help?? | 04:00 |
scoot | thank you jdong | 04:00 |
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jdong | sure thing, scoot | 04:00 |
Evanlec | okay lets say i wanted to use a file thats on another linux (ext3) partition, would i be able to mount that file (bind?) it to my home dir so permissions would work correctly? or would i have to copy the file over and chmod or chroot or something with it.... | 04:00 |
jordan_U | rainwalker, What do you have in your session startup? | 04:00 |
holycow | mehevi: your touchscreen is misconfigured | 04:00 |
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holycow | mehevi: you will need to google how to properly configure and calibrate your touchscreen for either your tablet or umpc | 04:00 |
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ToddEDM | OMG, holycow ... thanks man thats the best... i love learning stuff about Ubuntu like that | 04:01 |
holycow | mehevi: basically x is interpreting your stylus touch as something else | 04:01 |
mehevi | holycow it is only misconfigured in GDM, however, once I run the onscreen keyboard, the cursor tracking is smooth and perfect. | 04:01 |
ToddEDM | EEEEEasy | 04:01 |
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mehevi | I just spent the last hour getting everything working with the touchscreen :p linux wacom project to the rescue | 04:02 |
holycow | mehevi: ahhh ... you have a onscreen kb setup for gdm? mehevi i'm not going to be any help i've never done that | 04:02 |
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jdong | ToddEDM: isn't it rewarding when something is that easy and built-in? :) | 04:02 |
jordan_U | localgod11, Where are you getting that error? | 04:02 |
holycow | localgod11: you will find the answer faster if you google it, no one here seems to know appearently | 04:02 |
ToddEDM | jdong: yeah totally | 04:02 |
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jdong | jordan_U: sounds like an avivo driver error | 04:02 |
localgod11 | x windows fails to load | 04:02 |
mehevi | localgod11 is x already running? try ctrl+alt+f7 to check | 04:03 |
jdong | localgod11: ask over at phoronix.com's forums -- they seem to have the best ATI related support expertise | 04:03 |
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bullgard4 | What are the most often used frontends for a SQL database? | 04:03 |
localgod11 | its not ati its nvidia | 04:03 |
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realshiva | bullgard4 mssql or mysql ? | 04:03 |
realshiva | phpmyadmin | 04:03 |
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jdong | localgod11: did you try to set up dual-display, by any chance? | 04:04 |
kitche | bullgard4: depends on the database mysql or pgsql or a QT program if you know how to program | 04:04 |
bullgard4 | realshiva: mysql | 04:04 |
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rainwalker | jordan_U: At session startup, I have AWN, beagle search tool, beryl manager, network manager, power manager, restriced drivers manager, update notifier, and volume manager | 04:04 |
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jdong | bullgard4: phpmyadmin seems to be a favorite | 04:05 |
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realshiva | bullgard4 if there is running a webserver i would prefer phpmyadmin. | 04:05 |
rainwalker | I haven't changed my startup programs before/after this started happening | 04:05 |
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bullgard4 | jdong, realshiva: I will enquire about phpmyadmin. Thank you for hinting me. | 04:06 |
rainwalker | Augghh, are the forums loading for anyone? | 04:06 |
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ibrahim25 | hi | 04:06 |
masterloki | hey everytime I after I login to ubuntu I get this message how can I fix this our $HOME/.dmrc file has incorrect | 04:06 |
masterloki | permissions and is being ignored. | 04:06 |
masterloki | This prevents the default session | 04:06 |
masterloki | and language from being saved. | 04:06 |
masterloki | File sould be owned by user and have | 04:06 |
masterloki | 644 permissions. | 04:06 |
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masterloki | dose anyone have a idea | 04:06 |
pike_ | masterloki: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~ | 04:06 |
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pike_ | masterloki: or instead of ~ /home/yourusername | 04:07 |
localgod11 | jdong: yep | 04:07 |
holycow | if that doesn't work recreate your account and login to that instead | 04:07 |
xp_prg2 | what is the package for libtheora? | 04:07 |
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holycow | xp_prg2: apt-cache search libtheora | 04:07 |
jdong | localgod11: it is most likely because you specified the same Monitor or other device keyword in both screen declarations | 04:07 |
genii | masterloki: Also sudo chmod 644 .dmrc | 04:07 |
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pike_ | xp_prg2: libtheora0 i think | 04:08 |
localgod11 | ok how do i fix that | 04:08 |
Byron | any reason my window title bars would disapear when running beryl? | 04:08 |
Anaxite | Hi. Would this be the right place to ask a question regarding a slightly convoluted ubuntu problem? | 04:08 |
realshiva | Byan a feature ? :-) | 04:08 |
IdleOne | xp_prg2: libtheora0 | 04:08 |
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Byron | is it just a setting? | 04:08 |
rainwalker | Bryon: ooh, that happens to a lot of people, there's lots of reasons it could happen | 04:08 |
Byron | i cant find a way to turn it off... | 04:09 |
Byron | aw | 04:09 |
IdleOne | xp_prg2: apt-cache search libtheora will give you 4 packages take a look atwhat you need | 04:09 |
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rainwalker | of course, I'm saying that because I've seen a lot of threads about it, so I don't know how to fix it | 04:09 |
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Byron | ok thanks | 04:09 |
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rainwalker | Bryon: try #ubuntu-effects | 04:09 |
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RkyRaccoon55 | burning audio cd's stopped working for some reason | 04:09 |
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maddog39 | does anyone know whats going on with launchpad | 04:10 |
realshiva | do someone got old ls120 disk ? witch he would spend me ? | 04:10 |
maddog39 | its bloody slow | 04:10 |
Colro | does virtualbox have to be run as root? | 04:10 |
ibrahim25 | can I instal ubuntu if I have a intel D975xbx2 mainboard?? | 04:10 |
maddog39 | ibrahim25, yes | 04:10 |
unlivingdead | Does anyone know the solution to the Dell Inspiron 8200 Samsung UXGA (1600x1200) Display Corruption problem? | 04:10 |
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bullgard4 | realshiva: Synaptic says that "phpMyAdmin is intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the WWW." But my problem is not WWW-related. Can you tell me what frontend people are using mostly for handling a non-WWW related MySQL database? | 04:10 |
unlivingdead | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/33075 theres the launchpad url for the bug, but it seems to be down. the other solutions are old and outdated. | 04:11 |
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rainwalker | maddog39: the forums are being slow too... | 04:11 |
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Colro | does virtualbox have to be run as root? | 04:11 |
pike_ | Colro: if you run it the first time with sudo it may not sure | 04:11 |
realshiva | bullgard4 some years ago, there was a programm called mysql-dump | 04:11 |
ibrahim25 | thanks and the multi core works in core2 quad processor ??? | 04:11 |
jdong | ibrahim25: yes | 04:11 |
unlivingdead | ibrahim25: yes. | 04:11 |
realshiva | bullgard4 also try navicat | 04:12 |
localgod11 | jdong: ideas how to fix it? | 04:12 |
ibrahim25 | exelent thank you!!!:) | 04:12 |
jdong | ibrahim25: Ubuntu even includes the CPU groups optimization patch, which provides best performance on multiple core, shared-cache CPU's | 04:12 |
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Byron | arg forums taking forever to load | 04:12 |
jdong | Byron: I am investigating | 04:13 |
unlivingdead | Does anyone know the solution to the Dell Inspiron 8200 Samsung UXGA (1600x1200) Display Corruption problem? Here is the launchpad link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/33075 All of the solutions on the page are non-working. | 04:13 |
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ibrahim25 | great thanks I am about to buy that hardward and want to be sure that it works wiht Ubuntu Thanks again | 04:13 |
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unlivingdead | ibrahim25: no problem. | 04:13 |
holycow | ibrahim25: i would also google it to make sure | 04:13 |
jrib | Colro: no, just make sure your user is in the "vboxusers" group | 04:14 |
holycow | because it worked for one person, that doesn't always replicate out | 04:14 |
jdong | Byron: seems to be a problem across all canonical domains | 04:14 |
unlivingdead | jdong: ddos? | 04:14 |
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rainwalker | so I'm not the only one who's having trouble with the forums? | 04:14 |
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unlivingdead | rainwalker: no. | 04:14 |
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rainwalker | arg... | 04:15 |
ibrahim25 | I google it but I just found a forum that someone is having problem with the SATA hardrive any ideas??? | 04:15 |
bullgard4 | realshiva: Synaptic does not offer neither mysql-dump nor navicat. What is the reason for that? | 04:15 |
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Anaxite | I'm stuck at the loading screen with a blank progress bar and the Caps and Scroll Lock keys blinking after messing with disk UUID's... can someone help me out? | 04:15 |
Colro | what's the command to list devices? | 04:15 |
jdong | unlivingdead: not necessarily; last time it was just hardware failure | 04:15 |
scguy318 | Anaxite: can you remove the quiet splash boot parameters? I believe you press e, then remove those two entries at the GRUB menu? | 04:15 |
rainwalker | Colro: lspci | 04:16 |
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realshiva | bullgard4 sry, that all are windows programms ^^ | 04:16 |
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unlivingdead | jdong: k | 04:16 |
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Anaxite | scguy318: Ok, I'll do that. | 04:16 |
bullgard4 | realshiva: Ah, yes, I see. | 04:16 |
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ibrahim25 | Does SATA hard drives work with ubuntu??? | 04:17 |
h|barbobot | yes. | 04:17 |
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scguy318 | ibrahim25: they probably should, try it | 04:17 |
Anaxite | ibrahim25: they did with the computer next to me, anyhow. And my computer downstairs | 04:18 |
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jordan_U | ibrahim25, of course | 04:18 |
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unlivingdead | Does anyone know the solution to the Dell Inspiron 8200 Samsung UXGA (1600x1200) Display Corruption problem? Here is the launchpad link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/33075 All of the solutions on the page are non-working. | 04:18 |
ibrahim25 | ok thanks I will try it I just to make sure before buying it | 04:18 |
DM | When i start virtualbox i get "you are not a member of vboxusers" | 04:19 |
scguy318 | DM: you have to add your account to the vboxusers group | 04:19 |
holycow | DM: try #virtualbox | 04:19 |
unlivingdead | DM: you should probably add your user to the vbox users group.. | 04:19 |
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DM | unlivingdead how would i do that | 04:19 |
holycow | ... try that channel as well i mean | 04:19 |
jordan_U | unlivingdead, Have you tested the latest Gutsy Release Candidate? | 04:19 |
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unlivingdead | jordan_U: yes, thats what im running. | 04:19 |
rainwalker | Jordan_U: I have | 04:19 |
unlivingdead | DM: you can go to system > administration > users and i beleive you can add it | 04:20 |
DM | unlivingdead nm got it | 04:20 |
Anaxite | scguy318: I'll get back to you about the errors when the computer gets past the BIOS screen... | 04:20 |
scguy318 | DM: sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers <youruser> | 04:20 |
unlivingdead | DM: im no proficient ubuntu user though. | 04:20 |
scguy318 | Anaxite: ok | 04:20 |
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chuy_max | is it safe to grab a linux image from dapper drake repository, and install it to my feisty fawn ubuntu? | 04:21 |
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jdong | chuy_max: most likely not | 04:21 |
unlivingdead | jordan_U: the display corruption problem only manifests when using the nvidia-glx-xxxx driver, and i would love to use display effects/play games | 04:21 |
chuy_max | I need that old linux kernel (a module doesn't work in the latest kernel from feisty) | 04:21 |
scguy318 | chuy_max: probably not | 04:21 |
realshiva | i want to let cups execute a shell command befor its start printing, do someone know how to do that ? | 04:21 |
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xp_prg2 | I need the development files for libtheora or my cinelerra won compile right, what package contains that? | 04:21 |
jordan_U | chuy_max, No | 04:21 |
gentoon | So I upgraded to Gusty (I think) and I still have no pidgin? | 04:22 |
unlivingdead | jordan_U: partially because its reporting a different EDID than what the lcd is capable of displaying, if i could figure out how to work Phoenix EDID editor, i could probably fix my problem. | 04:22 |
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pike_ | xp_prg2: libtheora-dev 'apt-cache search theora' to see | 04:22 |
tech0007 | xp_prg2...apt-cache search libtheora | 04:22 |
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jordan_U | chuy_max, To clarify it probably isn't "dangerous" but it probably won't work correctly either | 04:22 |
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scguy318 | unlivingdead: why not just stick a modeline in xorg.conf or something I guess? | 04:22 |
xp_prg2 | thanks! | 04:23 |
gentoon | Anyone? | 04:23 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: what sort of "messing with disk UUIDs"? | 04:23 |
scguy318 | gentoon: if you dont see it, install the pidgin package | 04:23 |
scguy318 | gentoon: it should be there | 04:23 |
orionr | i just install ubuntu server edition and for some reason its not letting me run anything sudo it says that i am not in the sudoers file | 04:23 |
jordan_U | gentoon, How did you upgrade? | 04:23 |
Evanlec | question: how do i disable gdm ? | 04:23 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: how would i go about doing that? | 04:23 |
jordan_U | !boot | Evanlec | 04:23 |
ubotu | Evanlec: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 04:23 |
chuy_max | jordan_U what if I do that apt-get source thing to get that old linux kernel from dapper repository, and then I build it in feisty, or can you give me some suggestion? | 04:23 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: stop it? sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 04:23 |
Evanlec | jordan_U, thx | 04:23 |
pike_ | orionr: are you the oringal user created during install? | 04:23 |
Evanlec | scguy318, i dont want it to start when i bootup | 04:24 |
orionr | pike_: yes | 04:24 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: you would edit xorg.conf, and in I think the Monitor section you would add a line that looks like this | 04:24 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: Modeline "1280x1024" 135.00 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync | 04:24 |
Anaxite | tonyyarusso: I was moving partitions around and in the process, the partition with the / mount point changed UUID. So I went and changed it in /etc/fstab and then, when Ubuntu wouldn't start up, I changed it in grub's menu.lst. And that's when it went really wrong. | 04:24 |
jordan_U | chuy_max, That is more likely to work, you would also have to compile any kernel modules. Why do you want / need a Dapper kernel? | 04:24 |
pike_ | orionr: odd.. you can boot into recover and add yourself to admin group | 04:24 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: its worth a shot | 04:24 |
tech0007 | gentoon 'apt-cache search pidgin' | 04:24 |
genii | gentoon: I am on gutsy with no outside repos and pidgen certainly appears as an installation candidate | 04:24 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: right, so how do i get one that is my lcd's? | 04:24 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: i dunno about your monitor but | 04:24 |
tonyyarusso | !grub | Anaxite | 04:25 |
ubotu | Anaxite: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:25 |
rainwalker | Augh, the foums need to load...like, NOW | 04:25 |
holycow | Anaxite: there are 4 places wher eyou haveto check settings: | 04:25 |
orionr | pike_: do you know what the command to do that is after i boot into recovery? | 04:25 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: Try the "Recovering after Windows" instructions and see what happens. | 04:25 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: you could use the XFree86 modeline generator, google for it, and I believe in Xorg.0.log it reads out the EDID information | 04:25 |
Anaxite | tonyyarusso: well, now the computer isn't getting past the BIOS startup screen, even | 04:25 |
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tech0007 | how do i know if i have any open ports on my ubuntu box? | 04:25 |
scguy318 | tech0007: you dont | 04:25 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: can it boot a CD-ROM? | 04:25 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: ive tried that, but i dont know where to get the information it asks for | 04:25 |
chuy_max | jordan_U, I have a touch screen monitor with old modules (an elo touch screen monitor, model 1939L), but they are the latest in elo website (maybe because 6.06 is LTS) | 04:25 |
scguy318 | tech0007: a default install shouldn't have one | 04:25 |
realshiva | tech0007 nmap -sS | 04:25 |
scguy318 | realshiva: not really | 04:25 |
tonyyarusso | tech0007: you could use a tool called nmap to see | 04:25 |
Anaxite | tonyyarusso: no, doesn't start booting any device. | 04:25 |
gentoon | genii, well it says its not there mayb e I blew my gusty upgrade how can I check? | 04:25 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: ooof. | 04:26 |
chuy_max | jordan_U so monitor's module doesn't load in latest kernel from feisty | 04:26 |
holycow | 1. fstab 2. /boot/grub/menu.lst ... paths 3. /boot/grub/menu.lst ... kopt setting has to point to the right place 4. /boot/grub/device.map | 04:26 |
scguy318 | realshiva: doing that will show 631 as open, but since its on the lo interface, not really accessible from the outside ;0 | 04:26 |
pike_ | orionr: usermod -a -G admin yourusername i think or just nano /etc/group and add your name to the and of admin line | 04:26 |
Anaxite | I think I really just did something really really stupid. | 04:26 |
scguy318 | ;) | 04:26 |
tech0007 | realshiva/tonyyrarusso..will try that | 04:26 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: can you enter BIOS setup/ | 04:26 |
holycow | that post about grub is really not terribly usefull for telling the system how to boot from a new partition space | 04:26 |
Anaxite | tonyyarusso: Nope. Not even. | 04:26 |
pike_ | orionr: im not on ubuntu atm i cant remember if its adm or admin group | 04:26 |
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gentoon | !gusty | 04:26 |
ubotu | It is spelt !guTSy :) | 04:26 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: probably you would look up your LCD monitor specs | 04:26 |
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gentoon | !Gutsy | 04:26 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 04:26 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: .... I doubt it's your fault then, frankly. Has the case been opened for any reason? | 04:26 |
chuy_max | so, any suggestion jordan_U ? | 04:27 |
genii | gentoon: lsb_release -a | 04:27 |
vasuvi | Is there any way to find out what interrupts are being used by which device? | 04:27 |
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jordan_U | chuy_max, Then you want to grab the binary kernel image ( recompiling won't work unless they provide the source for the module ) and then use apt-get source --compile for all the rest of your modules | 04:27 |
pike_ | orionr: you might also temporarily enable root account with a 'passwd root' until you have sudo sorted out. you can 'passwd -l root' to deactivate it | 04:27 |
tech0007 | tonyyarusso...so nmap is not installed by default? | 04:27 |
realshiva | scguy318 :-) step by step i will be brainy | 04:27 |
genii | gentoon: That will tell you if you are on 7.10 or 7.04 etc | 04:27 |
realshiva | tech0007 thats correct | 04:27 |
gentoon | Feisty :( | 04:27 |
tonyyarusso | tech0007: don't think so | 04:27 |
scguy318 | tech0007: nope | 04:27 |
gentoon | what did I do wrong? | 04:27 |
Anaxite | tonyyarusso: Nope... this only happened after the panic, for some reason. I had to give it a hard power reset. I'll see if I can really power it down... and I'll read the grub documentation in the meantime. | 04:27 |
scguy318 | gentoon: then no Pidgin there ;) | 04:27 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: where might i find specs on my lcd? google yeilds nothing. | 04:27 |
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orionr | pike_ will it let me do that with a non sudo account? | 04:27 |
scguy318 | gentoon: you may use a third-party repo like I am or upgrade | 04:28 |
gentoon | scguy318, I did what it said what happened? | 04:28 |
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scguy318 | gentoon: did what? | 04:28 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: wut monitor | 04:28 |
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unlivingdead | scguy318: i have a samsung sec3255 uxga lcd, its internal fyil; in my laptop. | 04:28 |
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unlivingdead | fyi* | 04:28 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: If you really can't get at the BIOS setup screen (which should be possible with no hard drive or other device even attached), it's lower level than grub and the operating system, so that particular bit confuses me. | 04:28 |
genii | gentoon: there is a deb file at getdeb website of pidgen for feisty. this is what i used prior to upgrading | 04:28 |
gentoon | What the !Gutsy site said too? | 04:28 |
Evanlec | is hdparm okay to enable in boot-up manager ? | 04:28 |
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scguy318 | gentoon: and what did you do? | 04:29 |
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gentoon | genii, do I have to uninstall Gaim to load it? | 04:29 |
ilovey | excuse me how to use mldonkey | 04:29 |
jordan_U | chuy_max, Where is the page that has the module? | 04:29 |
pike_ | orionr: in recovery it should. | 04:29 |
jdong | Evanlec: depends on what you've done with hdparm.conf! | 04:29 |
IndyGunFreak | genii gentoon : the version of pidgin on getdeb.net has a fairly serious security flaw relating to MSN. | 04:29 |
holycow | genii: it might be easier to wait for gutsy, its out soon | 04:29 |
genii | gentoon: It's a good idea | 04:29 |
scguy318 | gentoon: you dont appear to be using Gutsy, so trying to install Pidgin using Feisty repos is pointless :P | 04:29 |
Evanlec | jdong, oh, well i want to optimize performance like it says ;p | 04:29 |
gentoon | scguy318, it had me type one line, it downloaded all this stuff installed it the n retarted | 04:29 |
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gentoon | restarted | 04:29 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: i have a samsung sec3255 uxga lcd, its internal fyi; in my laptop. | 04:29 |
genii | gentoon: What IndyGunFreak and holycow say might be advisable | 04:30 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: hmm, cant find info on it :( | 04:30 |
chuy_max | jordan_U -> http://www.elotouch.com/Support/Downloads/dnld.asp (they don't provide the source) | 04:30 |
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jordan_U | gentoon, What did you do to upgrade to Gutsy? Exactly ( It should have been just one command ) | 04:30 |
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IndyGunFreak | genii: compile the version on pidgin.im to be truthful.. its in bold print right on their homepage.. http://www.pidgin.im | 04:30 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: told you, its fixable under windows using modified drivers, but i dont know how to modify my linux drivers | 04:30 |
jdong | Evanlec: in general, the default IDE/SATA parameters are already optimal with modern distributions | 04:30 |
gentoon | jordan_U, I would need to see the site to show ya what command I typed | 04:30 |
Evanlec | jdong, i c... | 04:30 |
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jdong | Evanlec: usually messing with hdparm/sdparm won't yield any benefits, and a slightly wrong flag can easily trash a drive too | 04:31 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: mm, dunno about your issue :( | 04:31 |
gentoon | !Gutsy | 04:31 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 04:31 |
jdong | Evanlec: unless you are experiencing horrifically/unusually slow disk performance, I would not touch hdparm | 04:31 |
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unlivingdead | scguy318: yeah, and nobody on the forum could help either :( | 04:31 |
rainwalker | forums are back up! | 04:31 |
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bullgard4 | How to call the program phpMyAdmin? "detlef@MD97600:~$ phpmyadmin; bash: phpmyadmin: command not found" | 04:31 |
IndyGunFreak | pidgin is not hard to compile. | 04:31 |
pike_ | Evanlec: course first thing i normally do after install is play with hdparm | 04:31 |
Evanlec | jdong, okay, what would u suggest to optimize boot performance then? | 04:31 |
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unlivingdead | scguy318: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/33075 thats the bug, but i dont know an up-to-date solution | 04:31 |
Evanlec | pike_, lol | 04:31 |
holycow | Evanlec: what? | 04:31 |
genii | IndyGunFreak: Bookmarked, thanks. I'm actually not very worried about MSN issues since I mostly use ICQ and Jabber anyhow | 04:31 |
rolandd | bullgard4 phpmyadmin is called from the webbrowser | 04:31 |
scguy318 | IndyGunFreak: at the cost of not being able to manage it with APT :P | 04:32 |
jdong | Evanlec: how long does it currently take to boot up? | 04:32 |
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IndyGunFreak | scguy318: now this is true.. | 04:32 |
Anaxite | Whee, the computer's getting past the BIOS. | 04:32 |
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Evanlec | jdong, not that long but....i want it faster! ;p | 04:32 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: none of the solutions provided on the page work. | 04:32 |
lewis1711 | Hello all. so I downloaded ubuntu and xubuntu, and that was all working fine. then I downloaded kubuntu, and ever since switching to that all my desktop envrionments have been stuck on 640x480 screen resolutions, where as before I could easily change the screen resolution. my video card driver is still enabled. anyone have any idea what's hapenning? | 04:32 |
IndyGunFreak | scguy318: but once youc ompile one version, compiling the update takes all of about 5min | 04:32 |
emmajane | I need to compile a kernel module (but not hte kernel itself), what packages do I need for that? | 04:32 |
chuy_max | jordan_U, I want to use feisty because I want to use Qt version 4.2, but my touch screen doesn't work in feisty, so I use dapper, but my Qt code doesn't compile =( (dapper has Qt 4.1), maybe I can use feisty repositories in dapper to download Qt 4.2, and then put back dapper repositories? | 04:32 |
tech0007 | realshiva....nmap output '631/tcp open ipp | 04:32 |
tech0007 | 902/tcp open iss-realsecure-sensor | 04:32 |
jdong | Evanlec: I'm a bootup freak around here; give me a rough estimate in seconds | 04:32 |
thinman1189 | I don't mean to bother anyone but the ubuntu site and forums won't load for me. is it just me or is anyone else having this issue? | 04:32 |
tech0007 | realshiva...is this ok? is my box secure? | 04:32 |
scguy318 | tech0007: its not open to the outside world probably tho ;) | 04:32 |
Twilight-Zone | anyone here have any experience with Remastering Ubuntu with Reconstructor | 04:32 |
Anaxite | thinman1189: not just you | 04:32 |
scguy318 | tech0007: those ports usually listen on lo so | 04:32 |
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gentoon | Someone in here gave me a link to page on how to update from fiesty... and I did what it said and restarted but I am still on feisty? | 04:33 |
IndyGunFreak | thinman1189: i think they just came back up, but they were down a while. | 04:33 |
unlivingdead | lewis1711: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg it should reconfigure your xorg.conf | 04:33 |
scguy318 | thinman1189: everyone has the prob | 04:33 |
rolandd | Is there a Ubuntu flavour that can be run from USB stick? | 04:33 |
IndyGunFreak | !upgrade | gentoon | 04:33 |
holycow | Evanlec: you are going to haveto wait for static ram to be invented for it to get faster | 04:33 |
ubotu | gentoon: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:33 |
Evanlec | jdong, well i just installed gutsy (i know wrong channel) 64-bit, mm i wanna say it takes about 2-3 mins? | 04:33 |
lewis1711 | thanks unlivingdead, I'll give it a try | 04:33 |
Evanlec | jdong, actually probly less | 04:33 |
rainwalker | isn't that networkmanager applet supposed to display connetion strenghth? | 04:33 |
thinman1189 | anaxite , indygunfreak , scguy318 : ok, thanks. got really worried for a minute, lol. | 04:33 |
jdong | Evanlec: that's unusually long.... | 04:33 |
jdong | (that's what she said) | 04:33 |
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Evanlec | jdong, it probly only takes about 1minute | 04:33 |
IndyGunFreak | thinman1189: lol | 04:33 |
holycow | Evanlec: windows takes longer to boot up, they just trick the user into thinking its done by throwing up the desktop and continuin the boot process for minutes afterwards in the background | 04:33 |
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unlivingdead | scguy318: found an up to date solution as of yet? | 04:33 |
genii | emmajane: package kernel-package | 04:33 |
holycow | you pretty much have the fastest booting os on a pc | 04:33 |
Colro | how do i add my user to the vboxusers group? | 04:34 |
emmajane | thanks :) | 04:34 |
jdong | Evanlec: have you fooled around with Readahead at all? | 04:34 |
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scguy318 | Colro: sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers usernamehere | 04:34 |
Evanlec | jdong, no actually, thats installed by default with gutsy correct? | 04:34 |
unlivingdead | holycow: are you sure? my menuet boots up in 2 seconds. then again, its built in asm. | 04:34 |
darkcrab | anyone know why firefox would every so often crash on me? | 04:34 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: unfortunately no :( | 04:34 |
jdong | Evanlec: yes but it can be tuned and exploited :) Let me pull up two of my HOWTO's | 04:34 |
holycow | unlivingdead: congratulations you discovered flash | 04:34 |
genii | emmajane: You may also want linux-headers for specif kernel you have | 04:34 |
jdong | Evanlec: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=254263 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=565651 | 04:34 |
unlivingdead | holycow: its sexy. | 04:34 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: as you said, its probably an EDID issue, the man page on xorg.conf describes the Modeline parameter | 04:34 |
jdong | Evanlec: should be able to shave a significant amount of boot time with those two | 04:35 |
Evanlec | jdong, cool thx | 04:35 |
gentoon | IndyGunFreak, thanks but no info for Gutsy there | 04:35 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: thanks, is there any way i can make my xorg.conf ignore the edid? none of the solutions on the page work | 04:35 |
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thinman1189 | I'm trying to help my mom's friend switch to ubuntu on her vaio laptop. does anyone know if there are any articles that are vaio specific? | 04:35 |
IndyGunFreak | gentoon: should be the same basic concept though | 04:35 |
darkcrab | anybody | 04:35 |
jordan_U | chuy_max, Are you sure you want to have to do this with every new ubuntu release? Just realize that it will get harder and harder to keep up to date and use a dapper kernel, and you don't know if elo will ever release new drivers | 04:35 |
emmajane | genii: hmm. I'm still getting the error message Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/source' | 04:35 |
KriZe | any howtos around to explain what to do when Gutsy simply stops detecting wifi? | 04:35 |
Evanlec | jdong, my friend is comin over tonight and he's a windows user, i want to impress him with some things, mainly boot up speed and compiz... | 04:35 |
emmajane | make: *** [compatible/kversion] Error 1 | 04:35 |
scguy318 | !pastebin | 04:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:35 |
lewis1711 | unlivingdead, I gave that a try and was told that my config.dat file was looked by another process. this is the only session I have running. any ideas? | 04:35 |
tech0007 | scguy318...why is it that when i do ifconfig, eth0 is 192.168.x.x...but when i use whatismyip.com, it says 121.x.x.x...w/c one is it? i dont have router/hub. | 04:35 |
gentoon | IndyGunFreak, no thats not how I did it there was a page that showed the exact command to type | 04:36 |
scguy318 | tech0007: 192.168.x.x is your private, 121.x.x.x is public, you're probably connected on a network with masquerading? | 04:36 |
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lewis1711 | on the plus side, with 640x480 I am able to sit far away from the computer;) | 04:36 |
unlivingdead | lewis1711: try killing gdm first, then try | 04:36 |
scguy318 | thinman1189: not really, but | 04:36 |
jordan_U | gentoon, Was it something like: gksu "update-manager -d" | 04:36 |
jordan_U | ? | 04:36 |
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scguy318 | thinman1189: the LiveCD is there to see if you have any specific hardware issues that we can address | 04:36 |
jdong | Evanlec: my Macbook boots to a full desktop in a hair over 25s using those two HOWTO's :) | 04:37 |
unlivingdead | what version of xorg does 7.10 use? | 04:37 |
lewis1711 | just in system monitor unliving dead? | 04:37 |
scguy318 | jordan_U: i dont think you need gksu, at least according to the Gutsy release notes | 04:37 |
tech0007 | scguy318...so should i run nmap -sS 121.x.x.x? | 04:37 |
Evanlec | jdong, smokin! | 04:37 |
gentoon | jordan_U, Yep that was it | 04:37 |
jdong | Evanlec: freshly installed Gutsy | 04:37 |
demon_spork | how do I gzip my Ubuntu install and then restore it to a different partition? | 04:37 |
demon_spork | later | 04:37 |
scguy318 | tech0007: no | 04:37 |
chuy_max | jordan_U, well, I would like to know how to make drivers to create my own, but I don't know how to yet, so I have no choice at this point but use that closed source module :( | 04:37 |
scguy318 | tech0007: you're fine, you have no open services | 04:37 |
Evanlec | jdong, u think the profile tip is a good one? | 04:37 |
scguy318 | tech0007: if you want to test open ports from outside, use ShieldsUp! | 04:37 |
jdong | Evanlec: on a fresh install i would've bother | 04:37 |
thinman1189 | scguy318: well i'm mainly just worried about the video driver and the network driver. i'm looking at the intel page and the last tested for that chipset is hoary. | 04:37 |
unlivingdead | what version of xorg does 7.10 use? | 04:37 |
jdong | Evanlec: the first tip is most benefitial if you've modified your system, or upgraded your kernel, since the initial install | 04:37 |
jdong | Evanlec: by modified your system, I mean add more things to the bootup sequence | 04:38 |
jordan_U | scguy318, good to know, I was just trying to see if he had used update-manager, not suggesting how it should be done | 04:38 |
scguy318 | thinman1189: your video and driver should be veeery good, Intel | 04:38 |
Evanlec | jdong, i did prett much just fresh install... | 04:38 |
jdong | Evanlec: the second tip, however, works WONDERS on a stock system | 04:38 |
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lewis1711 | unlivingdead, I have no idea where gdm is or how to kill it. or what it is come to think of it;) | 04:38 |
Evanlec | jdong, was actually in the process of removing things from boot-up manager | 04:38 |
scguy318 | unlivingdead: think 7.3? | 04:38 |
jdong | Evanlec: after I input my password to GDM, I get a full ready GNOME desktop in under 5 seconds | 04:38 |
tech0007 | scguy318...ok, will try that...im planning to share my internet connection w/ an xp box. thru crossover cable, i found a useful article, i jst want to be sure that i'm ready | 04:38 |
jordan_U | gentoon, And did you see screens showing Gutsy release notes, downloading packages and whatnot? | 04:38 |
unlivingdead | lewis1711: hit control+alt+f1 and login, then type sudo killall gdm and then do the dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then restart gdm by typing sudo gdm | 04:39 |
gentoon | jordan_U, I did then it was done and told me to restart and I did | 04:39 |
jdong | unlivingdead: ahem, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop :) | 04:39 |
emmajane | genii: already had the linux-headers package installed. | 04:39 |
gentoon | Then I am back on feisty | 04:39 |
unlivingdead | jdong: well, my solution was the only one i know of :D | 04:39 |
jdong | unlivingdead: and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 04:39 |
lewis1711 | right, thanks unlivingdead, will do. | 04:39 |
scguy318 | unlinvingdead: dont really have to kill gdm when u reconfigure | 04:39 |
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scguy318 | unlinvingdead: just Ctrl-Alt-Backspace after configuring | 04:39 |
jdong | unlivingdead: that's fine; just informing you the right way to do it in the future | 04:39 |
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unlivingdead | jdong: have my children | 04:39 |
Anaxite | tonyyarusso: I finally got it to boot in verbose mode | 04:39 |
jordan_U | gentoon, What is the output of "lsb_release -a" ? | 04:39 |
jdong | unlivingdead: rofl, we'll see about that ;-) | 04:39 |
tonyyarusso | Anaxite: yay | 04:39 |
gentoon | it says Feisty | 04:40 |
gentoon | jordan_U, it says feisty | 04:40 |
unlivingdead | jdong: no you wont, not unless you can fix my display corruption problem :D | 04:40 |
dimeotane | any recommended packages for legacy machines? | 04:40 |
thinman1189 | scguy318: well it looks like the wireless card is perfect but i'm still worried about the video card. last tested under hoary and no 3d support then. do you know anywhere else i could look for info on the intel drivers other than the wiki? | 04:40 |
genii | !info X gutsy | 04:40 |
ubotu | Package x does not exist in gutsy | 04:40 |
=== emmajane opts to wait 7.10 to see if the kernel is 2.6.22 (which would solve all her problems) | ||
genii | !info xorg gutsy | 04:40 |
ubotu | xorg: X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 04:40 |
unlivingdead | 7.2 | 04:40 |
jdong | unlivingdead: if you have nvidia and dual core, I'm running away right now.... | 04:40 |
unlivingdead | ah. | 04:40 |
holycow | thinman1189: wait for gutsy to be released if you can, then download the live cd. that should be a nice quick test | 04:40 |
jordan_U | gentoon, Try running update-manager again ( let me get you the right command, the one I daid before might not have been ) | 04:40 |
scguy318 | thinman1189: test it yourself with LiveCD, then edit wiki :) | 04:40 |
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unlivingdead | jdong: well, thats on my windows gaming desktop :D but no, its on my inspiron 8200 with the samsung uxga | 04:41 |
Anaxite | /init: /init: 148: Syntax error: 0xe38244c4-039f-4197-b40d-557cf27ac4ab | 04:41 |
Anaxite | [timestamp] Kernel panic - not syncing! Attempted to kill init! | 04:41 |
gentoon | jordan_U, okay | 04:41 |
holycow | thinman1189: oh you are ABOUT to buy the part? maybe not a usefull suggestion then | 04:41 |
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unlivingdead | jdong: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/33075 | 04:41 |
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scguy318 | Anaxite: looks like what it looks like, a type in your fstab I presume? | 04:41 |
dom | anyone here have bugzilla installed? | 04:41 |
scguy318 | Anaxite: typo | 04:41 |
unlivingdead | jdong: the solutions provided do not work, im looking for a new one for gutsy | 04:41 |
Anaxite | If that's it, I'm gonna cry... ok, yeah. I'll try fixing it :P | 04:41 |
scguy318 | dom: not me, and I'm not sure if Bugzilla is something to be installed | 04:42 |
dom | scguy: why not? | 04:42 |
jordan_U | gentoon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades run "update-manager -d" ( gksu is not needed ) | 04:42 |
Byron | whats the command to show the gnome desktop? | 04:42 |
scguy318 | dom: well, I usually work with Bugzilla via HTTP frontend, but I'm guessing you want to make your own? :P | 04:42 |
thinman1189 | scguy318 , holycow: i plan on switching her to 7.10 when it comes out but i want to make sure it will be ok before i do. her windows crashed and i can barely get in and she doesn't have the disks so i was going to switch her and her family to ubuntu. i'm just making sure it will work before i totally toast the drive. and i don't know how to test with the livecd. | 04:42 |
gentoon | jordan_U, ya that is what I did :( | 04:42 |
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tech0007 | scguy318....out of curiousity i ran nmap on my public ip. it showed a lot of open ports like ssh, zebrasrv, ripd, ospfd, bgpd...that's not from my box? i'm googling up shieldsup. | 04:42 |
scguy318 | thinman1189: just boot it up | 04:42 |
jdong | unlivingdead: hmm, I'm not sure, too hardware specific for me to have a clue :) | 04:42 |
dimeotane | whats better openbox or icewm? | 04:42 |
scguy318 | thinman1189: its called a LiveCD because a Ubuntu desktop session will run off the LiveCD | 04:43 |
jdong | tech0007: do you have a router or something? | 04:43 |
unlivingdead | jdong: :( no children for you | 04:43 |
Absenth | how do I go about changing the value in /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings from 0 to 1 | 04:43 |
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holycow | dimeotane: the one that you like best? | 04:43 |
jordan_U | Byron, Literally the desktop, or to start a gnome session ? | 04:43 |
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jdong | Absenth: in /etc/rc.local before "exit 0", add "echo 1 > /sys/devices......savings" | 04:43 |
smultron | CSS opacity doesn't work with the IEs4Linux project... even with the special { filter: alpha(opacity=X); } thing. any ideas? | 04:43 |
Absenth | jdong: thank you. | 04:43 |
tech0007 | jdong....nope | 04:43 |
thinman1189 | scguy318 yeah i know but i don't really know much about hardware and drivers, though i really need to learn. | 04:43 |
dom | scguy: yeah, i'm running a webserver, svn, and bugzilla from my desktop machine | 04:43 |
mapez | i have ntfs-config installed.. and it has worked before.. but I rebooted and I no longer can mount my ntfs drive. | 04:43 |
unlivingdead | Byron: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 04:43 |
scguy318 | smultron: known issue | 04:43 |
jdong | Absenth: and then reboot or run sudo /etc/rc.local | 04:43 |
scguy318 | mapez: check your fstab | 04:43 |
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smultron | scguy318: darn :( | 04:43 |
scguy318 | dom: ah | 04:44 |
mapez | scguy318 how do I do that? | 04:44 |
jdong | tech0007: did you install all of those services? | 04:44 |
dom | scguy: it works, mostly - but it's not sending emails | 04:44 |
Byron | just like show the desktop top like the launcher on the bottom panel does | 04:44 |
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scguy318 | dom: mm, I dunno about that :( | 04:44 |
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tech0007 | jdong...i dont think so..unless it was installed by default? | 04:44 |
dom | anyone else? bugzilla, not sending emails, using exim4 ?? | 04:44 |
Absenth | jdong: that can't be correct can it? | 04:44 |
unlivingdead | anyone know where i can find a configuration reference for setting up my xorg.conf? | 04:44 |
jdong | tech0007: no, by default there should be zero open ports | 04:44 |
jdong | Absenth: pardon? | 04:44 |
Ashfire908 | is there a way to have scrollback in screen | 04:44 |
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Absenth | jdong: nevermind I got it :) | 04:45 |
jdong | tech0007: where did you run the nmap from, by the way? you can get a VERY different picture if you nmap yourself from yourself. | 04:45 |
Absenth | jdong: I misunderstood what you told me to do the first time I read it. | 04:45 |
jdong | Absenth: haha, ok :). On a power-saving crusade? | 04:45 |
Absenth | jdong: heat, but yes. | 04:45 |
Byron | unlivingdead, do i really need sudo just to show the desktop? | 04:45 |
scguy318 | jdong: from his own machine | 04:45 |
jdong | Absenth: aye, always fun :) | 04:46 |
Absenth | jdong: 1.8ghz dual core notebook keyboard gets warm. | 04:46 |
jdong | scguy318: he might be seeing loopback noise then. | 04:46 |
unlivingdead | Byron: dunno, try it without, if it fails then yes. | 04:46 |
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scguy318 | unlivingdead: man xorg.conf | 04:46 |
unlivingdead | scguy318: sexy. | 04:46 |
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fritzs | How do I mount a NFS share using the GUI? | 04:46 |
tech0007 | jdong...when i do nmap -sS i get ipp and iss-realsecure-sensor...but when i do nmap -sS 121.x.x.x, i got all these services like ssh etc | 04:46 |
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tech0007 | jdong...i dont understand | 04:46 |
scguy318 | tech0007: dont nmap yourself | 04:46 |
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fritzs | Sorry, How do I mount a NFS share using the GUI (in 7.10)? | 04:46 |
jdong | tech0007: it's normal to be seeing IPP and a few other services on loopback | 04:46 |
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scguy318 | tech0007: use a service like ShieldsUp! or do it from a remote machine on the Internet | 04:46 |
jdong | tech0007: you should have a 3rd party nmap you | 04:46 |
jdong | scguy318: I don't recommend shieldsup | 04:47 |
jdong | tech0007: http://nmap-online.com/ | 04:47 |
thinman1189 | scguy318 yeah i know but i don't really know much about hardware and drivers, though i really need to learn. | 04:47 |
scguy318 | jdong: thanks, Steve Gibson is a nutjob anyway | 04:47 |
jdong | scguy318: shieldsup for me has been prone to inaccurate scan results -- false-close false-open ports, and so on | 04:47 |
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Byron | unlivingdead, it doesnt work with or with out sudo, (im trying to make a launcher to that will show the desktop, not start the window manager) | 04:47 |
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jdong | scguy318: at some time, the guy tried a *NetBIOS Administrator passwordless login* by visiting the shieldsup homepage, which IMO is simply uncalled for | 04:48 |
unlivingdead | Byron: an applet for the bars? it should already be there | 04:48 |
unlivingdead | Byron: there for selection i mean. | 04:48 |
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Random832 | why does my computer have eight floppy drives, according to nautilus? | 04:48 |
scguy318 | jdong: indeed | 04:48 |
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Byron | unlivingdead, yes but i want to add it to awn so i need to make a custom one | 04:49 |
Ashfire908 | Random832, you sure it's not a card reader or something? | 04:49 |
unlivingdead | Byron: sexy. i dont know, but awn is a nice launcher. | 04:49 |
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Anaxite | tonyyarusso: Can I just remove the UUID's from /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab and replace them with their previous /dev equivalents? | 04:49 |
Byron | hmmm | 04:49 |
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Byron | awn is very sexy ;) | 04:50 |
scguy318 | Anaxite: sure | 04:50 |
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Anaxite | scguy318: thanks... with any luck, that'll fix it, since there was no typo.. | 04:50 |
dvs01 | w00t | 04:50 |
dvs01 | 4 more days | 04:50 |
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rainwalker | jordan_U: I made a bit of progress! | 04:51 |
MilitantPotato | Hey what do I need to watch a DVD movie? | 04:51 |
Random832 | Ashfire908: yes, i'm sure. | 04:51 |
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rainwalker | MilitantPotato: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=413624 | 04:51 |
Random832 | [and even if it was, i would want to get rid of it] | 04:51 |
tech0007 | jdong... i tried fullscan on nma-online..i got ssh, telnet, h323, waht's all that? | 04:51 |
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jdong | tech0007: telnet is the most concerning in the list | 04:52 |
Ashfire908 | does screen have the ability to have scrollback? | 04:52 |
scguy318 | tech0007: i imagine its your gateway? | 04:52 |
cashier1103 | hi all | 04:52 |
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jdong | tech0007: ssh is a fairly safe service to be running, but Telnet is not. h323 might be some teleconferencing/video-chat app | 04:52 |
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tech0007 | jdong...so when they telnet to that 121.x.x.x ip, are they connecting to my box or my isp's? | 04:53 |
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tech0007 | scguy318...my gateway? so that's my isp right? | 04:54 |
scguy318 | tech0007: i would imagine your ISP's | 04:54 |
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heavenx | i hate linux | 04:54 |
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dom | lol | 04:54 |
jdong | tech0007: I don't know. | 04:54 |
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scguy318 | jdong: i just probed his IP, its a bunch of filtered entires, not open | 04:55 |
=== jdong takes a gander at tech0007's telnet port | ||
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jdong | scguy318: you're right; | 04:55 |
Ashfire908 | does screen support scrollback? | 04:55 |
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xp_prg2 | bcwindowbase.h:73:38: error: X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h: No such file or directory | 04:55 |
xp_prg2 | anyone know the ubuntu package to get this file? | 04:55 |
gentoon | scguy318, do ya use pidgin? | 04:55 |
jdong | tech0007: your public IP (the one that IRC returns via /whois) neither accepts SSH nor telnet | 04:55 |
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levarnu | Yup, by default, ctrl-a, then [ | 04:56 |
scguy318 | gentoon: yes | 04:56 |
gentoon | scguy318, does it support myspaceim? | 04:56 |
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Anaxite | Whee, it works! | 04:56 |
Anaxite | Thanks, guys | 04:56 |
jdong | xp_prg2: x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev: usr/include/X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h | 04:56 |
tech0007 | scguy318/jdong...so...they're not open? my box is secured? | 04:56 |
Ashfire908 | !screen > Ashfire908 | 04:56 |
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scguy318 | tech0007: yes | 04:56 |
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jdong | xp_prg2: TIP: Install and use apt-file if you regularly compile stuff; it's very handy for locating files in packages | 04:57 |
scguy318 | gentoon: yep, I believe so | 04:57 |
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scguy318 | gentoon: lemme look at protocol list, im pretty sure it does | 04:57 |
jdong | tech0007: it would appear like you've got nothing open | 04:57 |
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scguy318 | gentoon: yes it does | 04:57 |
tech0007 | jdong/scguy318...woohoo. :) | 04:57 |
gentoon | scguy318, have ya tried it? | 04:57 |
scguy318 | gentoon: no, I don't use MySpace | 04:58 |
gentoon | scguy318, What about webcam in MSN? | 04:58 |
scguy318 | gentoon: Pidgin doesn't do webcam or voice, so I would use aMSN | 04:58 |
scguy318 | gentoon: for webcam functionality | 04:58 |
Absenth | jdong: already a huge improvement.... set up cpufrequtils, enabled laptopmode, and turned on the power aware smp scheduler | 04:58 |
xp_prg2 | and this? X11/extensions/Xvlib.h: No such file or directory ? | 04:58 |
gentoon | amsn huh | 04:58 |
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jdong | Absenth: very nice :) | 04:58 |
unlivingdead | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/33075 theres the launchpad url for the bug, but it seems to be down. the other solutions are old and outdated. | 04:58 |
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rainwalker | I just renamed my .gconf file to .gconf-old, and if I want to replace my new .gconf with the old one, what would the command be? | 04:58 |
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jdong | xp_prg2: install apt-file, then do "sudo apt-file update"; then do "apt-file search X11/extensions/Xvlib.h" | 04:58 |
scguy318 | gentoon: what about aMSN? | 04:58 |
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jdong | xp_prg2: alternatively: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ look at bottom, Search the contents of packages | 04:59 |
gentoon | scguy318, Ill have to check it out | 04:59 |
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scguy318 | gentoon: kk | 04:59 |
xp_prg2 | I don have apt-file | 04:59 |
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rainwalker | would the command be "sudo mv /home/username/.gconf-old /home/username/.gconf"? | 04:59 |
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unlivingdead | Does anyone know the solution to the Dell Inspiron 8200 Samsung UXGA (1600x1200) Display Corruption problem? Here is the launchpad link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/33075 All of the solutions on the page are non-working. | 05:00 |
Mookie | how can i tell what sound card i have? | 05:00 |
gentoon | dmesg | 05:00 |
xp_prg2 | X11/extensions/Xvlib.h searched for this on the package page and nothing came up :( | 05:00 |
jotil | rainwalker: yea | 05:00 |
tech0007 | mookie...lspci | grep multimedia | 05:00 |
Mookie | forget iut | 05:00 |
Mookie | i found out | 05:00 |
Mookie | thanks tech | 05:00 |
rainwalker | jotil: thank you, I was freaking out for a second | 05:01 |
Mookie | i need to find out why my system beeb works in gutsy but not my audio | 05:01 |
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fritzs | How do I mount a NFS share using the GUI (in 7.10)? | 05:01 |
silent | DON'T TASE ME BRO! | 05:02 |
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silent | oops, random | 05:02 |
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scguy318 | silent: #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 05:02 |
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scguy318 | rainwalker: yes | 05:02 |
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scguy318 | Mookie: tried speaker-test and/or cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp? | 05:03 |
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jdong | scguy318: lol, that's awful! :D | 05:03 |
rainwalker | ok, so if I know my problem is with my .gconf file, what should I do? | 05:03 |
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dwxreaper | ubuntu does not have a supported snort package, and the unsupported packages were old. so i compiled from source | 05:03 |
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meoblast001 | hello | 05:03 |
dwxreaper | initially i compiled without support for mysql, so mysql is not working. it says run configure script with --with-mysql | 05:04 |
scguy318 | jdong: the latter is just crappier noise than the former :P | 05:04 |
dwxreaper | i did that, and now it says can't find mysql.h file | 05:04 |
scguy318 | jdong: the former I should put on when I sleep | 05:04 |
meoblast001 | im trying to convert a video to a video with a lower resolution | 05:04 |
meoblast001 | how can i do this | 05:04 |
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scguy318 | meoblast001: ffmpeg, and I think DeVeDe is a frontend for that util? | 05:04 |
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tech0007 | meblast001...or transcode | 05:04 |
jdong | scguy318: haha, you are a beast :) | 05:05 |
meoblast001 | scguy318: ffmpeg yells at me | 05:05 |
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scguy318 | dwxreaper: you probably need a MySQL dev package | 05:05 |
meoblast001 | i tried tlc but it doesnt change resolution | 05:05 |
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cal_ | hi | 05:05 |
cal_ | do anybody know conky | 05:06 |
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scguy318 | cal_: what about? | 05:06 |
cal_ | conky the script which show the system information an the screen | 05:06 |
meoblast001 | scguy318: do you know how to change resolution in VLC | 05:06 |
Absenth | is there a way to make the screen on my laptop actually power down as part of the screensaver? | 05:06 |
scguy318 | meoblast001: i think when you transcode you can specify the destination's height and width | 05:06 |
Absenth | I noticed last night it went to a blank screen, but the backlight was still running after hours of non-use | 05:07 |
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rainwalker | Absenth, I've noticed that too, but I don't know how to change it | 05:07 |
Ashfire908 | Absenth, you need to have it turn off the screen | 05:07 |
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scguy318 | cal_: well, yeah, but what do you want to know about it? | 05:07 |
meoblast001 | scguy318: the command line doesnt work.. it just launches VLC and says something about not being able to open something | 05:07 |
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cafuego | Absenth: power applet, settings, turn off display | 05:07 |
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scguy318 | meoblast001: details would help, and I just use the transcoding wizard in VLC | 05:07 |
tech0007 | meoblast001...what format is it? | 05:08 |
meoblast001 | scguy318: that doesnt have resolution in the wizard tech0007: mpeg | 05:08 |
rainwalker | cafuego: what power applet are you talking about? | 05:08 |
meoblast001 | and it renders with no sound | 05:08 |
Absenth | cafuego: "put the screen to sleep" you mean? | 05:08 |
cafuego | Absenth: that one | 05:08 |
geminixo | problem....I have a geforce 4 ti 4200 and a 19 inch LCD monitor, and I still cannot, for the life of me, get 1280X1080 resolution....help? | 05:08 |
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Absenth | cafuego: that's already set. it does NOT power off the LCD | 05:08 |
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cafuego | Absenth: On both profiles? battery as well as ac? | 05:09 |
Absenth | cafuego: yes | 05:09 |
Samuli^ | geminixo, dont you mean 1280*1024? | 05:09 |
gentoon | install me bartending software support room now | 05:09 |
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geminixo | yes I certainly do! | 05:09 |
Absenth | jdong: 20min after turning on power savings features. the keyboard is a good 15f cooler :) | 05:09 |
John117 | Hey guys. I have NO experience with Linux and I"m trying to use Ubuntu. It's kicking my ass. I don't understand how to get XGL installed and turn on the desktop effects so I can run Beryl. Are there any plain easy to understand tutorials? | 05:09 |
geminixo | silly me :P | 05:09 |
cafuego | meoblast001: ffmpeg -s WIDTHxHEIGHT will rescale | 05:09 |
jdong | Absenth: amazing what a bit of tweaking can do, huh? :) | 05:10 |
scguy318 | !xgl | John117 | 05:10 |
ubotu | John117: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:10 |
Samuli^ | geminixo, hehe, try have that in the modes in xorg.conf :) | 05:10 |
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Absenth | jdong: I've done this all on ArchLinux and PC-BSD before. Ubuntu has quite a different configuration method than the other two, but yes. | 05:10 |
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meoblast001 | cafuego: when i load my video into my MP3... it also plays real fast | 05:10 |
jdong | John117: Xgl is also going to be extremely simple in Gutsy, so it might be easier just to wait a few days :) | 05:10 |
rolandd | I am member of the group www-data, how come I cannot edit files with permission 644? | 05:10 |
Absenth | jdong: on PC-BSD it scales my dual core 1.8ghz down to ~ 150mhz most times :) | 05:10 |
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scguy318 | rolandd: do those files belong to you or your group? | 05:10 |
Flannel | rolandd: because 644 is only 4 (read) for the group | 05:10 |
scguy318 | rolandd: and if its 644, then wouldn't your group be ro? | 05:11 |
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jdong | Absenth: that's not "scaling" down though -- that's T-state throttling | 05:11 |
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jdong | Absenth: which you can still do via /proc/acpi | 05:11 |
rolandd | they belong to www-data:www-data | 05:11 |
KriZe | gutsy tester here: sound works fine thru headphones, but not through built in laptop speakers | 05:11 |
cafuego | meoblast001: Did you change the frame and/or bit and/or sample rate? | 05:11 |
Absenth | jdong: ahhh. | 05:11 |
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meoblast001 | cafuego; the original file does | 05:11 |
meoblast001 | before editing | 05:11 |
jdong | Absenth: the CPU is still running at 1.8GHz, or the lowest CPUFreq state (probably 1GHZ on Core * duo) | 05:11 |
Absenth | jdong: either way. 800mhz is slow enough, and I honestly think the SMP aware scheduler is making a bigger difference. | 05:11 |
=== MarcusAurelius [n=MarcusAu@adsl-75-30-149-105.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdong | Absenth: just the ACPI firmware tells your system to hold every X nanoseconds and stop executing | 05:12 |
scguy318 | rolandd: since the permissions are 644, then your group only has read-only permission I believe | 05:12 |
Absenth | amd turion, but yeah. | 05:12 |
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rolandd | those are file uploaded via the webbrowser | 05:12 |
John117 | What can i do to be more proficient with this? I feel lost. I don't understand any of the greek commands. I was GREAT with Dos back in the day. I understand command lines and stuff. but none of this makes any sense. | 05:12 |
jdong | Absenth: it's solely good for throttling heat while the system is under load, not really for efficiency or anything | 05:12 |
rolandd | so I have to change the permissions every time I upload something :-S | 05:12 |
Absenth | jdong: yeah, i figured. | 05:12 |
Flannel | !cli | John117 | 05:12 |
ubotu | John117: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 05:12 |
Absenth | jdong: in reality though, more idle time = less heat, longer battery, goodness | 05:12 |
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Flannel | rolandd: you can probably set default perms | 05:12 |
John117 | Compiz? XGL? What are these? how do I instal them.. man. i'm so lost. LOL | 05:13 |
rolandd | Flannel: How do I do that? | 05:13 |
=== rolandd not such a linux guru :-D | ||
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scguy318 | John117: you may be better off waiting for Gutsy in a few days :) | 05:13 |
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jdong | Absenth: actually T-states don't really affect idle time, or battery life. it only affects heat while under load | 05:13 |
scguy318 | John117: that stuff is setup out of box I believe | 05:13 |
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Absenth | jdong: seems to be affecting heat while NOT under load. | 05:14 |
jdong | Absenth: it actually reduces battery life because the CPU stays in a highest C-state a longer period of time | 05:14 |
Flannel | rolandd: You'll have to check the config options for whatever you're using serverside to upload via the web browser. Its not a linux thing, but a script thing. | 05:14 |
nzero | hey does anyone know anything about fglrx | 05:14 |
John117 | scguy318 will everything be automated? I want to run Beryl but i have an ati X200 card on this laptop and i'm told it is not truely 3d and won't work with it? is that true? | 05:14 |
jdong | Absenth: then your system must be doing something while "idle" that's actually loading it | 05:14 |
jdong | Absenth: running Gutsy? | 05:14 |
dwxreaper | i'm looking for mysql.h to compile mysql support with snort, snort is not in a supported ubuntu package, weird! | 05:14 |
Absenth | jdong: yes. | 05:14 |
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dwxreaper | i believe the file mysql.h is in some mysql development package, how do i find out | 05:14 |
cal_ | i will configure the settings but now i will that the title like CPU or anything else which is over the informations is in the middle of the conky | 05:14 |
Absenth | jdong: I guess my idea of idle isn't the same as the CPUs :) | 05:14 |
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jdong | Absenth: hmm, you should be in tip-top shape then; you can play with T-states via /proc/acpi/processor if you want, but I don't think it's a good idea | 05:14 |
John117 | Is gutsy going to be the full release of 7.04? | 05:14 |
GutsyRC | !grub | 05:14 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:14 |
Flannel | dwxreaper: Do you already have it installed? or youre looking for the package to install? | 05:15 |
Flannel | John117: Gutsy is 7.10 | 05:15 |
Absenth | jdong: xwindows, with 2 xterms with ssh is hardly "idle" | 05:15 |
cal_ | window | 05:15 |
scguy318 | John117: yes, the installer detects whether your hardware can do Compiz, and if it doesn't, disabled | 05:15 |
dwxreaper | flannel: mysql is installed, but i still do not have the mysql.h file | 05:15 |
cal_ | ${color orange}Controllstation ${hr 1}$color | 05:15 |
dwxreaper | there are a few databases working, but snort needs mysql.h | 05:15 |
cafuego | dwxreaper: Of course. That's in libmysqlclient15-dev | 05:15 |
jdong | Absenth: ah, indeed it isn't | 05:15 |
Absenth | jdong: nah, the cpufrequtils, and enabling laptop mode should be good enough. | 05:15 |
cal_ | now the Title "Controllstation is on the left from conky window and then till the end of the window there is the line | 05:15 |
nzero | hey does anyone know anything about fglrx | 05:15 |
Flannel | dwxreaper: You can either use apt-file, or just go to packages.ubuntu.com and search (second set of search boxes) | 05:15 |
jdong | Absenth: hr_round_jiffies should help in gutsy+1 hopefully | 05:15 |
John117 | "The composite extension is not available" does that mean it won't work? | 05:15 |
jrib | !info snort-mysql | dwxreaper | 05:15 |
ubotu | dwxreaper: snort-mysql: Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [MySQL] . In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.3-9 (feisty), package size 348 kB, installed size 856 kB | 05:15 |
GutsyRC | ubotu is awesome. | 05:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is awesome. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 05:15 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-98-207-10-248.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cal_ | ${color orange}$alignc Controllstation ${hr 1}$color | 05:15 |
cal_ | but then the word will beginn in the middle of the window and the line starts after the word. but i will have the line before and after the word | 05:15 |
jdong | Absenth: that's the effect of T-states that we need to exploit | 05:15 |
dwxreaper | let me try that | 05:15 |
cafuego | dwxreaper: Snort only needs mysqh if you compile it. if you install the precompiled snort you don't need the -dev package at all. | 05:16 |
rolandd | Flannel: spot on. I set the configuration to make it 664. Thanks :) | 05:16 |
jdong | Absenth: holding all activity for short, full-load bursts | 05:16 |
Flannel | dwxreaper: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=mysql.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=feisty&arch=i386 So, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/libdevel/libmysqlclient15-dev | 05:16 |
jrib | dwxreaper: looks like it is packaged | 05:16 |
cal_ | can someone help me with this problem | 05:16 |
jdong | Absenth: rather than waking up randomly and evenly over time | 05:16 |
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localgod11 | i cant get picture on the tv i am using an Nvidia gefore mx400 | 05:16 |
cafuego | !info snort-mysql | 05:16 |
nzero | ubotu:ping | 05:16 |
ubotu | snort-mysql: Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [MySQL] . In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.3-9 (feisty), package size 348 kB, installed size 856 kB | 05:16 |
ubotu | pong | 05:16 |
Absenth | jdong: honestly though, i don't think Windows is doing any better at efficiency. OSX might be. but I'm not well versed there. | 05:16 |
=== Dialntone [n=edward@c-71-202-129-47.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dwxreaper | cafuego: there is no precompiled updated version | 05:16 |
nzero | ubotu:ping | 05:16 |
Dialntone | i need some help on getting a probe going, | 05:16 |
GutsyRC | !error 15 | 05:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about error 15 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 05:16 |
Absenth | jdong: I just know my 800mhz 12" iBook would go on average 6 hours on a charge with "normal" use. | 05:16 |
cafuego | And the updated on specifically has features you need? | 05:16 |
John117 | I saw videos of Beryl on Ubuntu on youtube the other day. I thought "i have to have that" but is it possibly without a degree in linux? :) | 05:16 |
Dialntone | i need to fix my sound card its not being detected... | 05:17 |
localgod11 | john117: yes | 05:17 |
scguy318 | John117: yes, wait for Gutsy :) | 05:17 |
nzero | hey does anyone know anything about fglrx | 05:17 |
Flannel | John117: very much so. You can also ask in #ubuntu-effects | 05:17 |
fatejudger | I installed Gimmie as my application launcher and the "Shut Down" selection no longer points to the Ubuntu logout dialog, but instead points to some generic Gnome one. Is there any fix for this? | 05:17 |
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jdong | Absenth: I've spent most of my day optimizing my core2duo macbook's power efficiency under Ubuntu | 05:17 |
localgod11 | john117: what he said | 05:17 |
Atlantiz | Gutsy is 4 days away! | 05:17 |
cafuego | nzero: Enough to have an nvidia card ;-) | 05:17 |
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jdong | Absenth: currently doing OS X benchmarking, and so far I don't see a very significant difference in power management | 05:17 |
John117 | okay.. i guess i'll wait. Can i do an upgrade or do i have to format and reinstall? | 05:17 |
nzero | nvidia sux | 05:17 |
cal_ | better then ati | 05:17 |
Flannel | John117: You can upgrade, like all ubuntu versions | 05:17 |
=== sn0n [n=rob@c-24-4-87-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Absenth | jdong: i think the PPC arch. is enough different than X86 to make it apples & oranges. | 05:18 |
cafuego | Oh, fine. | 05:18 |
=== aronou2 [n=aaron@d64-180-16-20.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cal_ | with nvidia u can play doom3 and counterstrike source | 05:18 |
jdong | Absenth: after some powertop tweaking, Ubuntu seems to have a 12 minute life disadvantage on the first discharge run, which could simply be noise | 05:18 |
Dialntone | anyone know how to fix a sound issue on ubuntu? | 05:18 |
=== robertfisk [n=stiansin@155.84-48-93.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nzero | i do that anyway | 05:18 |
jdong | Absenth: but I think you're right in that PPC is vastly different | 05:18 |
dwxreaper | yeah that snort-mysql is old and vulnerable to remote-exploit should probably take that off.. | 05:18 |
sn0n | anyone else having problems with sound and wine? | 05:18 |
Absenth | jdong: now that apples are on x86(64) they likely don't work the same any longer. | 05:18 |
tech0007 | Dialntone....'lspci | grep 'Multimedia' | 05:18 |
cal_ | i will configure the settings but now i will that the title like CPU or anything else which is over the informations is in the middle of the conky | 05:18 |
nzero | nvidia just take more of your money | 05:18 |
jdong | Absenth: not to mention Apple keeps tight cloak on its PMU, so there's probably power-saving options we don't know about | 05:18 |
=== Deddi [n=bryanj02@207-144-4-148.cstel.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
geminixo | what do I need to change in my xorg file to have 1280X1024 resolution? | 05:18 |
cafuego | nzero: it was a joke, just let it go. | 05:18 |
=== randall [n=randall@ip70-171-110-249.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scguy318 | geminixo: probably you would add the horiz/vert sync ranges for your monitor | 05:19 |
jdong | Absenth: with modern Core * Duo chips, the secret is to prolong idle and chedule all wakeups together, as much as possible | 05:19 |
Absenth | jdong: I might test the life of the battery in this notebook in Gusty vs XP-64bit tomorrow. | 05:19 |
=== izz [n=izz@c-76-103-179-80.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdong | Absenth: note that Ubuntu 32-bit is superior in power consumption / heat currently! | 05:19 |
Flannel | dwxreaper: There have been a few security updates: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/s/snort/snort_2.3.3-9/changelog | 05:19 |
Dialntone | tech0007, nothing happens | 05:19 |
jdong | Absenth: Ubuntu 64-bit does not have a tickless kernel | 05:19 |
Absenth | jdong: tickless hasn't been ported to AMD64 yet has it | 05:19 |
izz | hello all | 05:19 |
izz | i have a question when someone gets a chance | 05:19 |
Absenth | jdong: I don't think that's just ubuntu. | 05:19 |
Dialntone | are you sure u wrote down ur cmd right?? | 05:19 |
Flannel | !ask | izz | 05:19 |
ubotu | izz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:19 |
Absenth | jdong: I think that's across the board atm. | 05:19 |
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jdong | Absenth: right, it is across the board | 05:20 |
aronou2 | How do you change the permissions on sysctl.conf? | 05:20 |
=== pipegeek [n=ptr@Harkness-52.resnet.brown.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Absenth | jdong: any idea of the CFS made it into Gusty? or do we have to wait for Gusty+1 | 05:20 |
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jdong | Absenth: rather, a few daring distros *cough Redhat rawhide* are doing it | 05:20 |
dwxreaper | flannel: anything 2.3 is vulnerable and very very old, security software that will get you owned, should take it off | 05:20 |
jdong | Absenth: CFS is not in Gutsy | 05:20 |
tech0007 | Dialntone...yup..jst do lspci, look for a line with Multimedia | 05:20 |
izz | haha my mistake. ok i got realplayer working, but it's all choppy and stuff. any fixes for this? | 05:20 |
Absenth | jdong: that "might" make a difference as well. | 05:20 |
jdong | Absenth: I mean, it only released like a week before RC; no way it's gonna be a Gutsy feature :) | 05:20 |
rainwalker | izz: why realplayer? | 05:20 |
Absenth | jdong: it's not supposed to be a power mgt thing.... but it could help. | 05:20 |
Dialntone | tech0007, im on a laptop, that command is it looking for a pci device ? | 05:20 |
izz | what do you mean rainwalker | 05:21 |
Absenth | jdong: nod nod. I've been running ArchLinux on the other system here. they are pretty close to the bleeding edge, but don't have CFS yet either. | 05:21 |
Absenth | jdong: at least not as of friday. | 05:21 |
cal_ | how can i register me to irc | 05:21 |
Flannel | dwxreaper: Its been patched from newer versions. patches from 2.4.5 and such. | 05:21 |
rainwalker | izz: why use realplayer? There are (in my opinion) better media players | 05:21 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is NOT supported, beta testers can join #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by LjL at Mon Oct 8 01:12:45 2007 | ||
=== #ubuntu [freenode-info] if you need to send private messages, please register: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg | ||
(skaller/#ubuntu) for feisty.. | 07:21 | |
(Evanlec/#ubuntu) scguy318, i install lm-sensors, did the modprobe... | 07:21 | |
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(theAtom/#ubuntu) how I remove openoffice? | 07:21 | |
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=== Gimped [n=Gimped@pm3p23.cwdom.dm] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(Evanlec/#ubuntu) scguy318, and the applet, but the applet shows up strange, -55c, -2, 42c | 07:22 | |
(skaller/#ubuntu) remove with synaptic? | 07:22 | |
=== fatcatmatt [n=mattg@ip68-104-158-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(mattg/#ubuntu) sry about "fatcatmatt" joins and parts | 07:22 | |
tsp | 07:22 | |
goddamn_mac_man | Evanlec: it's not uncommon to get funny ghost readings like that | 07:22 |
Evanlec | FATAL: Error inserting coretemp (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/hwmon/coretemp.ko): No such device | 07:22 |
=== charles__ [n=charles@adsl-157-20-38.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evanlec | is what i got with modprobe coretemp | 07:22 |
MasterShrek | skaller, yes, or just wait if u are going to update to gutsy, it seems to work fine | 07:23 |
charles__ | how do i install the 'flex' package? | 07:23 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, i think u want to probe the module called thermal | 07:23 |
MasterShrek | charles__, sudo apt-get install flex | 07:23 |
skaller | MasterShrek; so far the upgrade works but a fresh install doesn't internet properly | 07:23 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: did you do sudo sensors-detect? | 07:23 |
skaller | I have two boxes | 07:23 |
Evanlec | scguy318, yea...hit yes to everything | 07:23 |
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theAtom | E: openoffice.org-gnome: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured <-- any fix? | 07:23 |
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L0GAN | if i tell wibu to use 6GB for ubuntu, the max filesize would be crossed | 07:24 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: what modules did it add to /etc/modules? modprobe those | 07:24 |
L0GAN | ? | 07:24 |
GuHHH | hey, is there any way to find a line in a file, and add a # to the beggining of the line, by command? | 07:24 |
Evanlec | scguy318, right, my output for the first one | 07:24 |
Evanlec | el@ubuntu64:~$ modprobe pca9540 | 07:24 |
Evanlec | FATAL: Module pca9540 not found. | 07:24 |
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=== Fallenou [n=Fallen@sionneau.maisel.int-evry.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scguy318 | Evanlec: shouldn't it be sudo modprobe ...? | 07:24 |
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drlearn | hi | 07:24 |
goddamn_mac_man | L0GAN: The only way to get around the FAT32 file size limit would be to split the WUbI virtual disk into multiple files. I believe VMWare already does that. A Better solution by far would be to ditch FAT32 and use NTFS | 07:24 |
Evanlec | err yea, but that least to same thing | 07:24 |
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charles__ | <MasterShrek>thanks, tried that, think i spelled something wrong, working now | 07:24 |
Evanlec | el@ubuntu64:~$ sudo modprobe pca9540 | 07:24 |
Evanlec | FATAL: Module pca9540 not found. | 07:24 |
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scguy318 | Evanlec: the other modules? | 07:25 |
alexandre | hello | 07:25 |
theAtom | whats "sudo apt-get -f install" do? | 07:25 |
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L0GAN | goddamn_mac_man : well im still using fat32 instead of ntfs | 07:25 |
MasterShrek | theAtom, it forces the install i believe | 07:25 |
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MasterShrek | theAtom, apt-get --help will give you a list of flags u can use with apt-get | 07:26 |
L0GAN | : goddamn_mac_man not sure why though, I forgot lol | 07:26 |
theAtom | master_of_master, installed 7.10 and openoffice says dependency problems - leaving unconfigured! cant update or remove | 07:26 |
drlearn | can somebody help me? | 07:26 |
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@68-112-183-151.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theAtom | MasterShrek, I installed 7.10 and openoffice says dependency problems - leaving unconfigured! cant update or remove | 07:26 |
theAtom | any fix? | 07:26 |
Evanlec | scguy318, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40679/ | 07:26 |
goddamn_mac_man | L0GAN: You'll have to look into whether or not WUbI can split the virtual disk file into multiple chunks | 07:26 |
linux_stu | will a new version of xubuntu be released on thursday also? | 07:26 |
MasterShrek | theAtom, open up synaptic and try to find out what the dependency issues are | 07:26 |
mattg | im waiting for the real thing to come out with 7.10 | 07:27 |
Evanlec | scguy318, thats the result of what it added to /etc/modules ...i thot i was sposed to modprobe the two at the end of the file ya? | 07:27 |
MasterShrek | linux_stu, yeap | 07:27 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: yeah | 07:27 |
linux_stu | thanks master_of_master | 07:27 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, LOL! dont troll dude | 07:27 |
linux_stu | **thanks MasterShrek | 07:27 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: pca9540 doesn't appear to exist I believe | 07:27 |
Evanlec | so what do i do?" | 07:27 |
dfgas | !kde4 | 07:27 |
ubotu | KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php | 07:27 |
MasterShrek | theAtom, im trolling? | 07:28 |
skaller | hmm .. network unreachable | 07:28 |
theAtom | E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 07:28 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: modprobe it87, and that's probably it | 07:28 |
theAtom | dont install 7.10! its buggy as hell | 07:28 |
L0GAN | forum says "Even testing1 should work with win 98 as well, but you need to make sure that the virtual drives are 4GB or less. At the moment we cannot detect fat file systems and restrict the size automatically." | 07:28 |
mattg | im thinking about installing Mac OS X on my HP Laptop | 07:28 |
mattg | :) | 07:28 |
L0GAN | but not in faq etc | 07:28 |
skaller | no gateway shown in ifconfig | 07:28 |
MasterShrek | theAtom, you have a dpkg process running somewhare i think, and im running 7.10 and it works great | 07:28 |
scguy318 | theAtom: package manager open? | 07:28 |
Evanlec | scguy318, okay i did that, no errors...but i'll paste output of 'sensors' cmd | 07:28 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: thats probably all you can do :) | 07:29 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, did 7.10 give you openoffice dependcy errors? | 07:29 |
skaller | no inet6 address | 07:29 |
MasterShrek | theAtom, nope | 07:29 |
EADG_ | Does DDRescue have a gui, or is it cli only? Just wondering... | 07:29 |
L0GAN | as the wibu is added to ubuntu live cd... | 07:29 |
Evanlec | scguy318, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40680/ | 07:29 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, wonder why I got it | 07:29 |
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theAtom | how can I totALLy remove openoffice? | 07:29 |
chucky | How do I install KDE and remove Gnome? | 07:30 |
MasterShrek | theAtom, i suppose it had to do with what u installed with, and where things were upgraded when u did a dist-upgrade | 07:30 |
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scguy318 | Evanlec: that's probably the best you can do | 07:30 |
Evanlec | scguy318, i dont think any of those are accurate, even the 43c one, sounds low for my core based on what bios says | 07:30 |
=== Aridhol [n=aridhol@S010600195b4af30a.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | theAtom, yes, open synaptic and right click on all the openoffice packages and completely remove | 07:30 |
goddamn_mac_man | chucky: install kubuntu :P | 07:30 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: you might want to change sensor scales I suppose, though I forgot how | 07:30 |
Evanlec | scguy318, really? so i cant make it work? | 07:30 |
Evanlec | thats annoying | 07:30 |
MasterShrek | chucky, you can have them both | 07:30 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: ? | 07:30 |
chucky | but isnt that kinda dangerous? | 07:30 |
MasterShrek | chucky, if you want kde, just sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:30 |
MasterShrek | not at all chucky | 07:30 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: your sensors seem to be detected, but you probably want to change the sensor scales | 07:31 |
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chucky | ooh ok thank you | 07:31 |
=== randall [n=randall@ip70-171-110-249.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | chucky, when you get to your login screen, just choose a differnt session | 07:31 |
chucky | so no way to remove gnome eh | 07:31 |
Evanlec | scguy318, only the last reading actually changes (the rest are not actually reading cuz they dont change i believe) | 07:31 |
MasterShrek | yea you can, but it might get ugly lol | 07:31 |
Evanlec | scguy318, but 43c is too low for my core... | 07:31 |
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MasterShrek | Evanlec, start compiling! itll go up! :) | 07:32 |
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xplot | hola chikos | 07:32 |
xplot | :D | 07:32 |
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=== IIS_Student [n=joseph@c-67-182-211-211.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | !es | 07:32 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:32 |
scguy318 | xplot: hola, como esta? | 07:32 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, but even at bios its usually idling at 55C | 07:32 |
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MasterShrek | =P | 07:32 |
scguy318 | !es | xplot | 07:32 |
ubotu | xplot: please see above | 07:32 |
scguy318 | beat me | 07:32 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, according to the bios, but i imagine thats correct... | 07:32 |
chiques | Hello! | 07:32 |
xplot | ohhh sorry | 07:32 |
chiques | Can someone help me? | 07:32 |
xplot | jejeje | 07:32 |
xplot | bye bye | 07:32 |
chiques | I have a question | 07:32 |
MasterShrek | Evanlec, well i figured there was something wrong, that seemed kinda low | 07:32 |
MasterShrek | !ask | 07:33 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:33 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: probably adjust stuff in /etc/sensors.conf | 07:33 |
goddamn_mac_man | Evanlec: The CPU typically gets pegged at 100% while in the BIOS so you have to take that into account as well | 07:33 |
chiques | I keep getting this brown screen and just a mouse pointer, why is this happening? | 07:33 |
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-25-23.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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AutumnCat | scguy318: Core 0: +25C (high = +85C) <-- what does the "(high = +85C) " mean ? | 07:33 |
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goddamn_mac_man | AutumnCat: That's the alarm threshold | 07:34 |
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Evanlec | goddamn_mac_man, no kidding? didnt know that | 07:34 |
chiques | I get the brown screen and a mouse pointer when I boot from a live cd | 07:34 |
MasterShrek | chiques, try creating another user and logging in with them and see if the same thing happens, its probably a gnome config that got screwed up | 07:34 |
scguy318 | AutumnCat: thats the sensor limits I believe | 07:34 |
charles__ | how do you install x developement? | 07:34 |
chiques | MasterShrek: I get it when I boot from the Live CD | 07:34 |
MasterShrek | chiques, oh thats all you get on the liveCD? | 07:34 |
scguy318 | AutumnCat: oh, what goddamn_mac_man said | 07:34 |
chiques | MasterShrek: Yes | 07:34 |
MasterShrek | hmm, did u try in safe graphics mode? | 07:34 |
scguy318 | charles___: apt-cache search libx11, then sudo apt-get install .... | 07:35 |
dfgas | anyone using kde4? | 07:35 |
theAtom | /usr/share/fonts/X11/encodings: failed to write cache <-- when openoffice tries to update! any fix? | 07:35 |
MasterShrek | chiques, are you using feisty (7.04)? | 07:35 |
chiques | MasterShrek: yes, i tried safe graphics mode and I get the same result | 07:35 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, what about this coretemp module? how do i get output of that? | 07:35 |
chiques | I'm using the latest release on the site...let me double check | 07:35 |
AutumnCat | scguy318: I set the alarm temperature = 75 in bios .. | 07:35 |
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charles__ | xlib6g-dev, suggested, couldn't find it, try x11 | 07:35 |
MasterShrek | not too sure Evanlec ive never really messed around with sensors much | 07:35 |
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=== Jacek_Kendysz [i=Jacek_Ke@unaffiliated/JacekKendysz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chiques | Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) | 07:36 |
Evanlec | MasterShrek, oh darn, okay, really wanted to see what difference is beteween toothpaste and arctic silver ;p | 07:36 |
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scguy318 | AutumnCat: i believe its the alarm settings in /etc/sensors.conf | 07:36 |
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chiques | MasterShrek: I'm using Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) | 07:37 |
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MasterShrek | chiques, newer hardware? | 07:37 |
=== Snuxoll [n=stefan@63-227-103-121.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
charles__ | is there a way to copy things here? | 07:38 |
MasterShrek | !paste | charles__ | 07:38 |
ubotu | charles__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:38 |
chiques | MasterShrek: It's "brand new" motherboard | 07:38 |
chiques | Asus | 07:38 |
Snuxoll | Hmmm......Ubuntu could use a nice intro movie...... | 07:38 |
scguy318 | Snuxoll: theres some vids in the example folder on the LiveCD | 07:39 |
charles__ | just copying something someone else write, don't have the option when i right click | 07:39 |
silent | ONE COMPUTER... ONE OPERATING SYSTEM... THIS FALL... gutsy, now in repos | 07:39 |
Snuxoll | scguy318: None of those are good "Welcome to Ubuntu" vids, I was thinking something like Tiger's intro video... | 07:39 |
MasterShrek | chiques, i would wait until gutsy is released on thursday | 07:39 |
GuHHH | does it works: sed 's/$(grep /etc/apt/sources.list -i cdrom)/#$(grep /etc/apt/sources.list -i cdrom)' ? | 07:40 |
goddamn_mac_man | Snuxoll: I *hate* that vid | 07:40 |
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=== ShangWu [n=ShangWu@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snuxoll | goddamn_mac_man: Why? | 07:40 |
chiques | MasterShrek: Is there an older version which might be more stable which you recommend me trying? | 07:40 |
goddamn_mac_man | Snuxoll: It's unbelievably annoying and you can't skip it | 07:40 |
Snuxoll | goddamn_mac_man: You can skip it, just press ESC last I checked | 07:41 |
=== user_ [n=user@66-168-109-194.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snuxoll | Besides, you only see it once | 07:41 |
chucky | when 7.10 comes out theres an easy way to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 | 07:41 |
goddamn_mac_man | Snuxoll: First thing I tried, didn't work >.< | 07:41 |
Snuxoll | goddamn_mac_man: Still, it gets most users excited, I think you should be able to press ESC and skip it, but it's a good idea | 07:42 |
goddamn_mac_man | The stupid thing is that the one in Panther wasn't as annoying | 07:42 |
=== richpav [n=richpav@usrA014.rosenet.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snuxoll | goddamn_mac_man: Have you seen the leopard into video? | 07:42 |
riotkittie | uh. | 07:43 |
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Snuxoll | Also, anyone know if there is something like Bryce5 for linux? | 07:43 |
Evanlec | whats the cmd line to launch gui apps in new process (not from command-line) so i can still have my cli back while the gui app runs | 07:43 |
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scguy318 | Evanlec: &? | 07:43 |
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scguy318 | Evanlec: gui-app-cmd &? | 07:43 |
goddamn_mac_man | Snuxoll: Nope, I don't have anything capable of running Leopard that I'd want to screw up by running a pre-release | 07:43 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: or what do you mean? | 07:43 |
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Evanlec | scguy318, yep, thanks | 07:43 |
scguy318 | Evanlec: cool | 07:43 |
Evanlec | scguy318, tats what i meant, sorry i couldnt explain it any better | 07:44 |
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Evanlec | scguy318, god, sensors.conf is a pretty damn long file, im kinda lost here | 07:45 |
dwxreaper | i installed ubuntu, i am running it as a server, it offers lots of services | 07:45 |
vIkSiT | hey all | 07:45 |
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dwxreaper | if i do apt-get upgrade, it will update all my software at once, and shouldn't cause any problems? | 07:45 |
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vIkSiT | how would i instal ubuntu in expert mode? | 07:45 |
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silent | dwxreaper, best to do an apt-get update first | 07:45 |
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silent | then upgrade ;) | 07:45 |
theAtom | !pastebin | 07:45 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:45 |
vIkSiT | i'm installing 6.02 - and apparently, the kernel's called "casper" | 07:45 |
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vIkSiT | but casper expert or "live expert" don't seem to work | 07:46 |
silent | vIkSiT, why are you installing 6.02? | 07:46 |
dwxreaper | silent: ok, what does that do, updates me on what might need an update first | 07:46 |
Flannel | vIkSiT: casper is the liveCD image. To install in expert mode, you'll need the alternate CD | 07:46 |
vIkSiT | silent, because i don't have 7 :) | 07:46 |
silent | dwxreaper, it updates your package cache | 07:46 |
vIkSiT | oh i see! | 07:46 |
silent | so yes | 07:46 |
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dwxreaper | ah ok. only one thing wrong with this server now | 07:47 |
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riotkittie | yea, alternate CD all the way. tho even that didnt seem expert mode-y. maybe i missed somethin.g | 07:47 |
theAtom | everytime I try to install something on 7.10. i get this error message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40681/ | 07:47 |
theAtom | can someone have a look pls? | 07:47 |
dwxreaper | when i do reboot, or shutdown -r now, when it comes back files might be missing | 07:47 |
TuxOtaku | hey, what's the default URL i should be getting a key from for apt-key in feisty? | 07:47 |
Flannel | theAtom: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, thanks | 07:47 |
silent | vIkSiT, 7.10 is very nice... I wouldn't lie. I've used ubuntu since hoary | 07:47 |
dwxreaper | until i reboot again, and sometimes i will have to reboot multiple times | 07:47 |
chiques | What is the most stable version of ubuntu out there right now? | 07:47 |
theAtom | ok | 07:47 |
dwxreaper | it is only one 80 gig disk, one partition, ext3 | 07:47 |
Flannel | riotkittie: theres an expert installer available on it, not by default though | 07:47 |
silent | chiques, gutsy in 4 days | 07:47 |
chiques | OK | 07:47 |
silent | currently feisty | 07:47 |
vIkSiT | silent, oh i know. i'm downloading feisty - but i'm running into this bug - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=384319&page=2&highlight=compaq+smart+array | 07:47 |
bullgard4 | I want to make my first steps with phpMyAdmin and MySQL. I installed the NortWindMySQL database. How can I make it to display a table of it in form view, for example the table 'Customers'? | 07:48 |
silent | bugs are what makes linux fun! | 07:48 |
chiques | silent: Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty)? | 07:48 |
riotkittie | Flannel: ahh. does it allow for crazy things like some measure of package selection? :D | 07:48 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is NOT supported, beta testers can join #ubuntu+1 | ||
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(silent/#ubuntu) every thirty-odd mounts | 07:52 | |
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(dwxreaper/#ubuntu) silent: what do you mean , on root? | 07:52 | |
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(silent/#ubuntu) dwxreaper, on whatever partition you have / | 07:52 | |
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(dwxreaper/#ubuntu) silent: ok it is every 30 times? | 07:53 | |
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(silent/#ubuntu) dwxreaper, something like that | 07:53 | |
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dwxreaper | because it was happening really often, now i don't see it. i would go to use anything it would be gone til a reboot or two | 07:53 |
dwxreaper | lol | 07:53 |
dwxreaper | it may have ran fsck and fixed the issue | 07:53 |
theAtom | silent, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40682/ | 07:53 |
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silent | dwxreaper, probably | 07:53 |
babyman1737 | I'm running 7.1 64-bit, and I'm trying to install 32-bit firefox/flash/java. I downloaded a script from the forums and saved it to my desktop. How do I run that script? | 07:53 |
silent | its good at it | 07:53 |
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silent | babyman1737, I went down that road... for a couple hours... then I downloaded 32 | 07:54 |
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babyman1737 | I have 8GB RAM, I need 64-bit | 07:54 |
montrevux | aye | 07:54 |
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riotkittie | babyman1737: open a terminal, and sh path/to/script or CD to Desktop and ./scriptnamehere | 07:54 |
babyman1737 | 3GB doesn't cut it for me in 32-bit | 07:54 |
riotkittie | assuming it is executable. | 07:54 |
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mosby | hola | 07:55 |
theAtom | silent, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40682/ <-- what u think? | 07:55 |
babyman1737 | riotkittie, it is a tar.gz | 07:55 |
babyman1737 | on my desktop | 07:55 |
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silent | theAtom, I would recommend a "sudo apt-get --reinstall install xorg" but I'm not sure you would recover x11 | 07:55 |
jack|ass | Has anyone heard of a problem with NVidia drivers and Xorg (in both feisty and gutsy it seems) where X crashes with signal 11 when you try to start an openGL using application? I've three nvidia machines, two of them have this behavior. | 07:55 |
silent | theAtom, you can try the fonts though first | 07:55 |
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riotkittie | oh in that case... term > tar zxvf /path/to/archive and then the above | 07:56 |
montrevux | how do you destroy x11? | 07:56 |
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Dr_willis | destroy? | 07:56 |
riotkittie | destroy? permanently? temporarily ? | 07:56 |
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jotilmove | lol | 07:56 |
Ryuho | what do i do if ubuntu is just slow in general | 07:56 |
Dr_willis | Exterminate! | 07:56 |
tech0007 | jack|ass...what nvidia card do u have? | 07:56 |
BUDD}{A | can someone tell me were i can get a gmail notifier that will check two accounts at once | 07:57 |
montrevux | Terminate | 07:57 |
theAtom | how I totally remove OO? | 07:57 |
babyman1737 | riotkitte, I'm not trying to sound too noobish, but what do I enter in the terminal to run the tar.gz file? | 07:57 |
riotkittie | Ryuho: what kind of system specs do you have going on? has ubuntu always been slow? | 07:57 |
theAtom | be silent | 07:57 |
jack|ass | montrevux: I try to get up close to it, become its friend, learn its secrets, and then I use this information to rip out its heart and send it into a pit of despair. | 07:57 |
Dr_willis | babyman1737, you dont run a tar.gz | 07:57 |
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Dr_willis | !source | 07:57 |
ubotu | You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 07:57 |
tech0007 | theAtom apt-get autoremove --purge OO | 07:57 |
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Dr_willis | !info unp | 07:57 |
ubotu | unp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB | 07:57 |
joebob777as7_ | anyone know of a good calendar creation software? | 07:57 |
silent | babyman1737, you need to extract it... man tar | 07:57 |
jack|ass | tech0007: working ones is a 7950GT. The ones that fail are 8800GTX and a 7700/7600 dual-head machine. | 07:57 |
rredd4 | how can i set a unallocated partition to ext3. | 07:57 |
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theAtom | tech0007, E: Couldn't find package OO | 07:58 |
bullgard4 | theAtom: Use the program Synaptic. | 07:58 |
babyman1737 | silent, thank you | 07:58 |
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jack|ass | rredd4: create a partition in it and then use mkext3.fs | 07:58 |
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riotkittie | babyman1737: you're not running it, you're extracting it. type tar xvzf Desktop/whatever-the-file is named (you can type De and tab, then the first letter or two of the tar.gz's name, and hit tab again to complete it) | 07:58 |
Ryuho | riotkittie : i have motion tablet, 1.1GH CPU Intel Pentium M, 1GB RAM | 07:58 |
silent | babyman1737, good luck with flash on 64 | 07:58 |
Ryuho | and no it used to be faster | 07:58 |
silent | Ryuho, that's not bad, what do you mean by slow? | 07:59 |
=== Seraph34 [n=jordan@mfirman.st.bradley.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theAtom | jow I install Opera? | 07:59 |
Seraph34 | Is there a reason my printer would be perpetually stopped? | 07:59 |
babyman1737 | silent, hopefully this script will get it. It's installs 32-bit firefox and all the plugins | 07:59 |
silent | theAtom, opera.com | 07:59 |
goddamn_mac_man | theAtom: download the .deb and double-click it | 07:59 |
silent | .org? | 07:59 |
Seraph34 | It wont print and just says "Paused" at the top of the print queue menu | 07:59 |
tech0007 | theAtom ...dont take it literally change OO to openoffice.org | 07:59 |
montrevux | theAtom, sudo apt-get install opera probaby | 07:59 |
Ryuho | I barely use it, but now if I access simple stuff like "Network" under ..Administration (maybe?) it takes at least good 20-30 to even open the window | 07:59 |
silent | babyman1737, I hoped it would too | 07:59 |
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silent | babyman1737, maybe it will for you | 07:59 |
jack|ass | Seraph34: mine did that but it was for the retarded reason that it wasn't turned on. :) | 07:59 |
Ryuho | but oddly, firefox and xchat, normal applications are running normally | 07:59 |
dfgas | why does this command open a xterm in my current z session instead of the newly created one | 07:59 |
dfgas | Xephyr :1 & export DISPLAY=:0 xterm | 08:00 |
Seraph34 | This ones definately on and plugged in and has worked recently | 08:00 |
riotkittie | waaait. which script is this? | 08:00 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: I don't think it's in the repos, it's proprietary. If you download the .deb from opera.com it's easy enough to install and upgrade | 08:00 |
silent | i run Opera... lovez it | 08:00 |
=== com64 [n=com64@125-236-160-20.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent | repo flash supports it too | 08:00 |
tech0007 | theAtom so that's 'apt-get autoremove --purge openoffice.org' | 08:00 |
silent | so I can browse youtube like the cool kids | 08:00 |
Ryuho | oh ya, also. I am using a tablet, is there any way to set it so that it shows the onscreen keyboard @ login screen.? | 08:00 |
montrevux | goddamn_mac_man, that would be correct. I didn't realize it. No wonder I don't use it, eh? | 08:00 |
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theAtom | wont allow me to tremove openoffice :( | 08:01 |
babyman1737 | silent, so would Opera in 7.1 64-bit work nice with flash and java? | 08:01 |
joebob777as7_ | anyone know of a good calendar creation software? | 08:01 |
montrevux | Everyone, Opera or Firefox? | 08:01 |
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riotkittie | firefox. <3 | 08:01 |
tech0007 | theAtom...error msg? | 08:01 |
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babyman1737 | Firefox | 08:01 |
Ryuho | Firefox | 08:01 |
goddamn_mac_man | Opera by far. Every time I use ff I'm reminded of why I love Opera so much | 08:01 |
theAtom | tech0007, i show u | 08:02 |
tech0007 | montrevux firefox! | 08:02 |
silent | montrevux, I've used both a lot.. I prefer opera | 08:02 |
theAtom | !pastebin | 08:02 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:02 |
Ryuho | goddamn_mac_man any reason why i should switch from ff to opra? | 08:02 |
silent | Opera seems faster and more feaure-rich.. more intuitive interface | 08:02 |
goddamn_mac_man | Opera is what Firefox wants to be when it grows up, lol | 08:02 |
theAtom | tech0007, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40684/ | 08:02 |
rredd4 | jack|ass do that in terminal? | 08:02 |
montrevux | Why? | 08:02 |
riotkittie | opera was awesome way back when but. <shrug> | 08:02 |
silent | its really quite a program if you spend some time configuring it to your liking | 08:02 |
peacepipejv | trying to install songbird, its a .tar.gz. Help? | 08:02 |
silent | goddamn_mac_man, well put | 08:02 |
montrevux | goddamn_mac_man, I'm asking the same question. | 08:02 |
theAtom | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40684/ <--- Ubuntu refuses to remove openoffice! any ideas why? | 08:02 |
babyman1737 | peacepipejv, save it to your desktop, right click on it, and then "extract here" | 08:03 |
chiques | Can anyone tell me what the most compatible ubuntu version I can run which I can load Linux Media Center on is? | 08:03 |
riotkittie | opera was really cool when they had ads, to. paying $30 to remove them <3 ah, those were the days. | 08:03 |
Dr_willis | peacepipejv, uncompress it. | 08:03 |
Dr_willis | peacepipejv, the cd to the dir it makes and run it ./songbird | 08:03 |
riotkittie | Linux Media Center? | 08:03 |
=== holyteach [n=mitchell@adsl-71-145-129-190.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent | theAtom, my best guess would be misconfiguration of your fonts, since that's what aptitude couldnt access | 08:03 |
montrevux | Linux Media Center...interesting. | 08:03 |
tech0007 | theATOM....what are these '16 not fully installed or removed" on line 8? | 08:03 |
Ryuho | oh man that would be awesome | 08:03 |
Ryuho | linux media center | 08:03 |
goddamn_mac_man | riotkittie: I'd have paid for it back then except I didn't want to have to keep paying for major version upgrades so I just put up with the ads. After a while, you forgot they were even there | 08:03 |
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silent | Ryuho, there is such a thing | 08:04 |
Ryuho | Does it work? | 08:04 |
com64 | hey all im a beginner having trouble - every time I boot I get a kernal panic unless I add 'noapic' to the boot line - could anybody give me a hint as to where I can go for help with this kind of problem? | 08:04 |
montrevux | Ryuho, I blieve its called Mythtv. | 08:04 |
silent | Ryuho, can't remember the name... exclusive linux distro with media compatibility | 08:04 |
Ryuho | ah I see | 08:04 |
BUDD}{A | a | 08:04 |
silent | something box | 08:04 |
riotkittie | goddamn_mac_man: in those days i was stuck @ a res of 800x600. it was nearly impossible to forget them :P | 08:04 |
silent | hmm | 08:04 |
jack|ass | rredd4: yeah | 08:04 |
Ryuho | not sling box is it? | 08:04 |
theAtom | tech0007> theATOM....what are these '16 not fully installed or removed" on line 8? <-- you tell me! something to do with OO I think! | 08:04 |
=== Ollie [n=ollie@how-rtr-udr-gi0-1.ebuyer.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goddamn_mac_man | silent: GeeXboX | 08:04 |
jack|ass | rredd4: there may be a gui for it, but i've never tried. :) | 08:04 |
goddamn_mac_man | riotkittie: so was I, heh | 08:04 |
BUDD}{A | a | 08:04 |
theAtom | tech0007, it happened at new install and updates available screen | 08:04 |
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BUDD}{A | a | 08:05 |
silent | goddamn_mac_man, thats the one | 08:05 |
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goddamn_mac_man | I use GeeXboX for media centre stuff. Works quite well except for a couple of minor quibbles (no real playlist support and wifi is hopeless. The latter is a Linux failing sop not really their fault) | 08:05 |
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babyman1737 | anyone running VirtualBox on their linux distro? | 08:05 |
BUDD}{A | z | 08:05 |
tech0007 | theATOM...run synaptic from System->Administration..synaptic will tell u what command to check this | 08:05 |
silent | I'm running linux on my linux distro! | 08:06 |
rredd4 | jack|ass I am booted off of a live cd says command not found | 08:06 |
riotkittie | silent: wow. :o | 08:06 |
babyman1737 | silent....no, VirtualBox | 08:06 |
com64 | hey all im a beginner having trouble - every time I boot I get a kernal panic unless I add 'noapic' to the boot line - could anybody give me a hint as to where I can go for help with this kind of problem? | 08:06 |
montrevux | Who all is excited for Gutsy!!! | 08:06 |
silent | riotkittie, I had to scoop out all the windows first | 08:06 |
babyman1737 | montrevux, I'm running Gutsy right now | 08:06 |
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Dr_willis | I got geexbox set up on a little partition on my laptop = fast bootng media player. :) | 08:06 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: I am, then again, I'm already running it | 08:06 |
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riotkittie | com64: the best thing you can do is edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add it there. i'm not sure there's an actual fix for it beyond that | 08:07 |
silent | Dr_willis, I always end up doing other stuff while watching movies... so I just decked out my ubuntu with media plugins :p | 08:07 |
Snuxoll | I can't wait for 8.04, Ubuntu will really be rocking then | 08:07 |
babyman1737 | 8.04?! | 08:07 |
silent | dude I hear 9.04 is gonna be amazing | 08:07 |
tech0007 | theAtom...or u can do 'sudo apt-get check' | 08:07 |
riotkittie | com64: ok, not "best" because i dont know if there are other options. | 08:07 |
montrevux | babyman1737, Snuxoll, Betas? I want to get it now, should i wait for the Final release? | 08:07 |
silent | 10 even better | 08:07 |
babyman1737 | montrevux, no | 08:07 |
riotkittie | 8.04 = the next Long Term Support release, replacement for 6.06 | 08:07 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: It's already in RC, not much is gonna change except bug fixes | 08:08 |
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goddamn_mac_man | silent: UbuntuX!!1 | 08:08 |
riotkittie | montrevux: go for it. | 08:08 |
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theAtom | tech0007, sudo apt-get check <-- didnt do anything | 08:08 |
montrevux | How can I get it? | 08:08 |
Snuxoll | Ubuntu X.4 :) | 08:08 |
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montrevux | I'm running Feisty now. | 08:08 |
babyman1737 | montrevux, having Compiz Fusion built in is nice | 08:08 |
riotkittie | i've been using it since tribe 5, and i've still got a pulse. | 08:08 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: I'd suggest doing a clean install | 08:08 |
com64 | riotkittie: have done that - but the lack of support for this 'apic' thing is causing endless problems with the running of linux in general... | 08:08 |
tbf | there should be a tool listing you manually installed packages not used for a long time | 08:08 |
silent | goddamn_mac_man, Ubuntu lim x->0 (1/x) | 08:08 |
montrevux | Yeah, I've got beryl set up in Feisty. | 08:08 |
montrevux | mmhmm | 08:08 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-450501c51ccf4406608e447e6ac92eb5a171da37 | 08:08 |
montrevux | Anyone got a link? | 08:08 |
=== BUDD}{A [n=BUDDHA@CPE0040f41870e0-CM0012c91d8538.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
montrevux | thatd be it | 08:08 |
montrevux | thanks | 08:09 |
babyman1737 | montrevux, fusion in 7.1 is so much easier and nicer | 08:09 |
Snuxoll | http://i22.tinypic.com/25tkqhu.png I thnk this should be the default theme in 8.04 :) | 08:09 |
silent | babyman1737, I'm lovin it | 08:09 |
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tbf | Snuxoll: what? dist upgrade feisty->gutsy doesn't work!? | 08:09 |
goddamn_mac_man | Speaking of compiz, how do you turn that gay transparency on the inactive title bars off? I mean, really turn it off? Best I've managed is barely translucent | 08:09 |
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Snuxoll | tbf: Easier to do a clean install, less chance of breaking stuff | 08:09 |
montrevux | So...Clean install or upgrade from Feisty? | 08:09 |
babyman1737 | silent, I have to get a video card that supports PCI-e 8x | 08:09 |
tech0007 | theAtom....in Synaptic, u can check for broken dependencies or unconfigured apps | 08:10 |
riotkittie | com64: have you tried posting @ ubuntuforums.org ? or is it .com [i am too young and fabulous to be this senile] . somebody there may have an idea. | 08:10 |
=== tnnc [n=tnnc@71-87-195-127.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snuxoll | montrevux: Clean install prefered, but a upgrade probably won't kill you | 08:10 |
silent | babyman1737, you don't have too, you want to | 08:10 |
babyman1737 | montrevux, clean install! | 08:10 |
goddamn_mac_man | I did the upgrade here. Was quite surprised that it didn't break | 08:10 |
Snuxoll | To do a upgrade to the RC sudo update-manager -d | 08:10 |
riotkittie | montrevux: i'm a fan of clean installs. but as Snuxoll said, probably wont kill you | 08:10 |
silent | Snuxoll, "probably" | 08:10 |
tech0007 | brb | 08:10 |
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riotkittie | if it does, i hope you've written Snuxoll and myself into your will. <hides> | 08:10 |
Snuxoll | silent: Grammar nazi, HO | 08:10 |
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babyman1737 | silent, true- but my current video card is horrible, it doesn't support desktop on a cube or anything | 08:10 |
montrevux | Where's the iso for download at? | 08:10 |
Snuxoll | lol riotkittie | 08:10 |
montrevux | for a clean. | 08:10 |
=== Irreducibilis [n=opera@ACC0AA3A.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tbf | nah.... clean instal is boring | 08:10 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: Hold on, I'll give you a torrent for it | 08:11 |
silent | babyman1737, make sure you go with nvidia | 08:11 |
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=== ted_ [n=ted@pool-71-106-50-33.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent | babyman1737, nvidia be rockin the linux support | 08:11 |
tnnc | can someone tell me what to look at when i boot up 7.04 and get the the login i login and it then crashes and reloads the login and i can then login without crash any ideas why this is happening | 08:11 |
theAtom | how I add a new user? | 08:11 |
goddamn_mac_man | babyman1737: no great loss there | 08:11 |
silent | adduser | 08:11 |
riotkittie | ati is going to be better soon enough, silent | 08:11 |
Ademan_ | anyone know of a grep that accepts perl compatible regex? pcregrep doesn't appear to accept data on stdin so that's out of the question | 08:11 |
tbf | all those geeky questions in the installer, reinstalling your apps.... nah.... | 08:11 |
theAtom | silent, LOL that was quick | 08:11 |
riotkittie | <knocks on wood> | 08:11 |
Snuxoll | theAtom: System -> Administration -> users and groops | 08:11 |
theAtom | Snuxoll, cheers | 08:11 |
silent | theAtom, I'm fast like that | 08:11 |
silent | years of internetting | 08:11 |
babyman1737 | goddamn_mac_man, how is there no great loss? I love compiz! | 08:11 |
=== Cykus [n=cykus@tkp30-3.rybnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent | compiz is great | 08:12 |
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montrevux | Any way I can save my VMware workstations? | 08:12 |
Snuxoll | http://i22.tinypic.com/25tkqhu.png What do you guys think about this theme? | 08:12 |
=== anathematic [n=anathema@203-217-21-54.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goddamn_mac_man | babyman1737: the desktop cube it pointless bling | 08:12 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: Backup the .vmx and .vmdk files | 08:12 |
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=== GirlRiver [n=annie@c211-30-214-40.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tbf | Snuxoll: OMG! Ponys! (that theme looks quite pink) | 08:12 |
silent | goddamn_mac_man, to you... but the beauty of linux is that we all have a choice | 08:12 |
riotkittie | ponies? >_> | 08:12 |
Snuxoll | Get gutsy! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/rc/ (torrent prefered) | 08:12 |
montrevux | Snuxoll, That's all you need to do? | 08:12 |
=== BigToe7000 [n=bigtoe70@cpc3-hatf3-0-0-cust792.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theAtom | silent, LOL | 08:12 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: Yup | 08:12 |
theAtom | silent, pizza? | 08:12 |
babyman1737 | goddamn_mac_man, ok, have fun with your terminal | 08:12 |
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Snuxoll | What, my theme doesn't look pink' | 08:13 |
silent | theAtom, yes, linux is a lot like pizza | 08:13 |
ubuntu | hi | 08:13 |
Snuxoll | It's earth tones | 08:13 |
Dr_willis | i backup the whole /var/lib/vmware(somting) dir I belive is the location | 08:13 |
theAtom | silent, :) | 08:13 |
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tbf | Snuxoll: never got bittorrent to work | 08:13 |
theAtom | ciao for now :) | 08:13 |
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Ryuho | Does anyone know how to enable onscreen keyboard during login? | 08:13 |
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riotkittie | Snuxoll: i like it. visually appealing & easy on the eyes. | 08:13 |
tnnc | can someone tell me what to look at when i boot up 7.04 and get the the login i login and it then crashes and reloads the login and i can then login without crash any ideas why this is happening | 08:13 |
silent | Ryuho, you have to plug a keyboard in | 08:13 |
Ryuho | I found posts talking before Fiesty was released | 08:13 |
com64 | riotkittie: thankyou - will try there | 08:13 |
riotkittie | and it doesnt look like every other theme | 08:13 |
tbf | Snuxoll: on my screen the dialog faces have quite some pink touch | 08:13 |
Snuxoll | riotkittie: Yea, I find human too bland | 08:13 |
mistone_ | Ryuho, add it to your sessions | 08:13 |
riotkittie | com64: good luck | 08:13 |
montrevux | 4.2 GBs...... | 08:13 |
goddamn_mac_man | silent: where's my choice to have the inactive title bars look normal? :P | 08:14 |
montrevux | ......... | 08:14 |
silent | ryuho, look into init.d... though I'm not sure | 08:14 |
Snuxoll | tbf: Your monitor has some crappy color settings then | 08:14 |
Ryuho | silent k thx | 08:14 |
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silent | goddamn_mac_man, that unholy idea died with windows | 08:14 |
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Ryuho | mistone_ is that done by editing a file? | 08:14 |
silent | ;P | 08:14 |
mistone_ | nope | 08:14 |
mistone_ | its all gui | 08:14 |
Snuxoll | Anyone think I should push the desktop theme to set that theme as default in 8.04? | 08:14 |
=== Gimped2 [n=Gimped2@pm3p23.cwdom.dm] has joined #ubuntu | ||
montrevux | How'd it go from under a GB to 4 GBs in a single release? | 08:14 |
babyman1737 | goddamn_mac_man, screw GUI, command prompt for life! | 08:14 |
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Snuxoll | montrevux: It didn't | 08:14 |
mistone_ | go to system->prefrences->sessions | 08:14 |
silent | Snuxoll, it doesnt look professional enough | 08:15 |
goddamn_mac_man | silent: so what you;re saying is we have choice... but we don't? :P | 08:15 |
mistone_ | and there is a list of startup programs | 08:15 |
mistone_ | and you can add your own | 08:15 |
riotkittie | the two themes i use a lot lately are either black or dark grey | 08:15 |
silent | Snuxoll, companies like softer blends, not sharp vivid bright colours | 08:15 |
Snuxoll | silent: How does it not look professional? | 08:15 |
Ryuho | but it's before logging in, | 08:15 |
tbf | Snuxoll: whatever. but guess my screen isn't the only one, where your theme looks pinkish | 08:15 |
mistone_ | oh my bad lol | 08:15 |
Ryuho | lol | 08:15 |
Ryuho | ok that's what i thought | 08:15 |
Snuxoll | silent: My colors aren't that sharp | 08:15 |
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silent | Snuxoll, not ripping it, its a great theme, but i dont think it will be default | 08:15 |
silent | could be included as a preset though | 08:15 |
Snuxoll | My colors are quite calm honestly.... | 08:15 |
silent | definitely | 08:15 |
Ryuho | silent gksudo gedit /etc/gdm/Init/Default is this the right direction for putting in code like "exec onboard &" | 08:16 |
Snuxoll | OK then, I'll try and get it included then :) | 08:16 |
riotkittie | Snuxoll: please do :D | 08:16 |
tbf | Snuxoll: the orange is too intensive, and your color for dialog face risks to look pinkish on some monitors | 08:16 |
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=== puppyuser2007040 [n=root@host-69-144-0-171.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
silent | Ryuho, sorry, not sure about that, I've done very limited stuff with init scripts | 08:16 |
tbf | ...blame the RGB color modell | 08:16 |
silent | Ryuho, read up on runlevels and learn where to put the script | 08:16 |
tnnc | can someone tell me what to look at when i boot up 7.04 and get the the login i login and it then crashes and reloads the login and i can then login without crash any ideas why this is happening | 08:16 |
Snuxoll | tbf: I blame bad color profiles | 08:17 |
Ryuho | kay | 08:17 |
=== puppyuser2007040 is now known as nooblar | ||
BUDD}{A | anyone here useing a good gmail notifier with ubuntu that will check monitor two accounts at the same time | 08:17 |
montrevux | Who in here is using erc? | 08:17 |
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tbf | Snuxoll: RGB is very bad at exactly reproducing brown shades | 08:17 |
goddamn_mac_man | BUDD}{A: gmail supports POP access, any notifier that supports POP will worj with it | 08:17 |
Snuxoll | At least those colors are toned down from my previous theme: http://www.box.net/shared/mrjm5rjtl2 | 08:17 |
silent | BUDD}{A, thunderbird is nice | 08:17 |
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tbf | Snuxoll: if a theme needs professional color calibration to look ok, it clearly doesn't fit as default theme. | 08:18 |
riotkittie | that theme would seriously be a godsend, if it were included. | 08:18 |
montrevux | I should upload my theme. :) | 08:18 |
tbf | gah... why i am getting into arguing that easily? | 08:18 |
silent | Snuxoll, honestly, change the orange to something softer and it's golden | 08:18 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: Does the Firefox Gmail Manager extension support multi-account notification? I know it supports multiple accounts; not sure if one is notified for just one account/active acct though. | 08:18 |
Snuxoll | tbf: It shouldn't need pro calibration, I'm using a old CRT monitor | 08:18 |
silent | Snuxoll, maybe darken a little | 08:18 |
Snuxoll | silent: OK, hold on | 08:18 |
=== Flegma [n=Michalek@p178.fei.wifi.vutbr.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BUDD}{A | i use thunderbird and love it but i am looking for something that will go in the taskbar and will pop up when mail is recived | 08:19 |
tbf | Snuxoll: and i am using a LCD | 08:19 |
Snuxoll | The orange was a remnant from my previous theme that I forgot to change | 08:19 |
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=== bwayne [n=bwayne@c-68-59-63-159.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BUDD}{A | i hade one and it was for only one account | 08:19 |
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Ryuho | is 40 seconds for entering user password to finishing starting up the OS slow for 1.1GH CPU/1GB RAM computer | 08:19 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: how about: http://gmail-notify.sourceforge.net/ | 08:19 |
zoidberg_ | guys i need some help getting my 3rd generation 40 gig ipod to work with feisty | 08:19 |
tbf | Snuxoll: most LCDs i found really fuck up with brown shades | 08:19 |
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d2dchat | my friend can't ge tthe livecd to boot .. it complains with : cant access tty; job contorl turned off | 08:19 |
d2dchat | anyone know what's wrong? | 08:19 |
zoidberg_ | it is a 3rd generation ipod so it syncs up vai a usb cable but charges up via a firewire cable | 08:19 |
=== Wind_guy [n=ninibibi@bb219-74-38-46.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ArmedKing | BUDD}{A: or mail-notification it is in the repository | 08:20 |
zoidberg_ | i already downloaded amarok | 08:20 |
BUDD}{A | yea had that one but only worked for one email account | 08:20 |
zoidberg_ | can anyone tell me what i should do now? | 08:20 |
silent | Snuxoll, I'm surprised you still use the default layout... I have a single panel on the left | 08:20 |
riotkittie | ugh. i wish i could remember a specific site for fluxbox styles. :| i am too lazy to boot my laptop up and find it :P | 08:20 |
tbf | zoidberg_: throw it away and get more open hardware | 08:20 |
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zoidberg_ | plz can someone help me? | 08:20 |
Ryuho | oh ya, what happened with that ipod being locked out from linux system | 08:20 |
Ryuho | thing | 08:20 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: how about this one: http://www.debianadmin.com/gmail-notifier-for-ubuntu.html | 08:20 |
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tbf | zoidberg_: yes, go to your electronic shop and give that crap back | 08:21 |
=== CodeImp_ [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snuxoll | silent: I'm quite happy with the default layout | 08:21 |
zoidberg_ | can anyone help me? | 08:21 |
BUDD}{A | is that the one in the repository that is the one i used | 08:21 |
peacepipejv | extracted songbird tar.gz to desktop. Try some commands. Doesnt exist. How do I do this right | 08:21 |
peacepipejv | quiet all of a sudden | 08:21 |
mistone_ | I went through a bunch of gtk themes and ended using the defualt, its pretty damn good | 08:21 |
tbf | zoidberg_: hardware not designed for linux is one thing. but ipods are explictly designed not to work with linux - so why try to use them with linux? | 08:21 |
bullgard4 | I am making my first steps with phpMyAdmin and MySQL. I installed the NortWindMySQL database. How can I make it to display a table of it in form view, for example the table 'Customers'? | 08:21 |
riotkittie | zoidberg_: have you tried the forums? | 08:21 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: it is different than the first URL i gave; have you tried both of them? | 08:21 |
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri | ||
dA_ShArP | Hi all, I got some data to b trasfered from my Ubuntu machine to a Windows machine. Both are connected via LAN can somebody help me Transferring Data | 08:21 |
Ryuho | is it normal to have ubuntu freez all the time? | 08:21 |
zoidberg_ | riotkittie, i dont know where to start | 08:22 |
riotkittie | Ryuho: no, not unless your hardware is really, really bad. :P | 08:22 |
Ryuho | I mean, is fiesty not stable as some other distribution? | 08:22 |
silent | Snuxoll, http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/9053/screenshotax2.png | 08:22 |
BUDD}{A | checking now | 08:22 |
goddamn_mac_man | Ryuho: it is a development release right now don't forget | 08:22 |
Ryuho | I freez every time I try to access network settings | 08:22 |
Ryuho | right after i type in my root password | 08:22 |
mistone_ | bullgard4: um and that has to do with ubuntu how? | 08:22 |
tbf | zoidberg_: grep for hash58.zip. --- still not getting that you bought such crap hardware | 08:23 |
Snuxoll | silent: coo | 08:23 |
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riotkittie | zoidberg_: in that case, post a message of your own. | 08:23 |
BUDD}{A | the second one looks like what i want | 08:23 |
silent | anyway, I'm out guys | 08:23 |
silent | night | 08:23 |
=== Scunizi [n=Scunizi@ip72-197-240-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | nite silent | 08:23 |
Ryuho | anyone know a good distribution for old computers | 08:24 |
dA_ShArP | riotkittie: I got some data to b trasfered from my Ubuntu machine to a Windows machine. Both are connected via LAN can you help me Transferring Data | 08:24 |
bwayne | Rydekull, damn small linux | 08:24 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: cool. :) | 08:24 |
Snuxoll | Ryuho: Xubuntu | 08:24 |
bullgard4 | mistone_: The question I put is Ubuntu. Do you disagree? | 08:24 |
riotkittie | Ryuho: old computer being your tablet? | 08:24 |
Ryuho | riotkittie yes | 08:24 |
bwayne | Ryuho, damn small linux | 08:24 |
BUDD}{A | will it work with two accounts | 08:24 |
Snuxoll | Alright, I changed the selection color | 08:24 |
=== jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-165-172-240.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snuxoll | http://i22.tinypic.com/5p4bgi.png | 08:24 |
BUDD}{A | don't see anything there about two accounts | 08:24 |
riotkittie | dA_ShArP: not really, sorry. the only thing i can tell you is to look into samba, which i have not messed with heavily myself | 08:24 |
riotkittie | !samba dA_ShArP | 08:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about samba da_sharp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:24 |
riotkittie | !samba | dA_ShArP | 08:24 |
peacepipejv | extracted songbird to desktop but still having trouble installing from terminal\ | 08:25 |
ubotu | dA_ShArP: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:25 |
zoidberg_ | tbf, what do u mean grep for hash58.zip? by the way i got this ipod for free and i'm dual booting the ipod with the native apple firmware and rockox linux...so give me some credit will ya | 08:25 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: not sure; I have not used it before. :( Just did some googling to see if I could help you out. I use Firefox's Gmail Manager for my gmail accounts and I've got Thunderbird configured to grab mail from all of them [so Thunderbird can notify for all accounts too then] | 08:25 |
Snuxoll | Now that I think of it, my theme reminds me of the classic Human theme... | 08:25 |
whatevuh | dA_ShArP - yes you can, get putty for windows w/pscp and transfer to any machine running ssh | 08:25 |
dA_ShArP | riotkittie: thanks | 08:26 |
BUDD}{A | yea only when you open it i want one that will check in the background thunderbird will only check if you start it not in the background | 08:26 |
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Coremonk22 | anyone here? | 08:26 |
Coremonk22 | that could give me some advice :] | 08:26 |
riotkittie | Ryuho: ubuntu should be fine. i'm running it on a laptop with far lesser stats. maybe it's something with your config. but you may want to try xubuntu [which uses the lighterweight xfce desktop environment] or install something like fluxbox | 08:26 |
dA_ShArP | !putty | 08:26 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 08:26 |
=== GhostRider [n=juan@dsl-242-207-180.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ademan_ | why in the heck isn't the -P option available for grep in ubuntu when it is in centos and open suse and probably the rest of the lot?! | 08:26 |
Coremonk22 | I'm getting this error =[ "can't access tty; job control turned off" any advice? | 08:27 |
=== rdx [n=rdx@78-60-21-27.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: I just keep Thunderbird running all day, minimized [or on mac, hidden] | 08:27 |
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Ryuho | riotkittie i keep on hearing my tablet is good enough, but .... i look over and it's still frozen | 08:27 |
riotkittie | Ademan_: because ubuntu isnt centos or opensuse or the rest of the lot :x | 08:27 |
Ryuho | it's a clean install so i don't know what else to do | 08:27 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: the popup notifiers still come up when it is minimized. | 08:27 |
BUDD}{A | woulden't it use alot of power | 08:27 |
goddamn_mac_man | BUDD}{A: http://tinyurl.com/yqcfyq | 08:27 |
Ademan_ | lol, but riotkittie, why would they disable it?! why?! | 08:28 |
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Coremonk22 | is there like | 08:28 |
Coremonk22 | some line i need to be in | 08:28 |
BUDD}{A | i got pop working thanks | 08:28 |
Coremonk22 | or somethin :] | 08:28 |
tbf | Ademan_: what does this option do? | 08:28 |
riotkittie | Ryuho: a clean install? and its still sluggish!? try installing the xubuntu-desktop package [or just xfce4 - you can find either in the repos] and see if that improves things. if it does, and you want to do away with GNOME, you can just remove it without having to do a reinstall | 08:28 |
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Ademan_ | tbf: enable perl regex syntax, considering perl compatible regex is the single most popular form of regex out there, this is just unacceptable | 08:29 |
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riotkittie | you can also install fluxbox. you'll be able to load them from the login screen Options > Sessions, or Sessions | 08:29 |
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tsukasa | whats the difference between a link and a hardlink? | 08:29 |
Snuxoll | http://i22.tinypic.com/25tkqhu.png -> http://i22.tinypic.com/5p4bgi.png like the change? | 08:30 |
tbf | zoidberg_: that hash58.zip contains the decryption routine. so i guess some discussion that mentions this zip also tells you how to use it | 08:30 |
dwxreaper | ademan: use perl | 08:30 |
riotkittie | fluxbox is pretty minimal and takes a bit of getting used to, but it's lightning quick and i tend to use that on my desktop. There's also the Fluxbuntu distro, which is a third party project | 08:30 |
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riotkittie | err on my laptop. i do have it installed on my desktop, also, though :> | 08:30 |
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tsukasa | whats the difference between a link and a hardlink? | 08:31 |
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Ryuho | is 57 deg celcius hot? | 08:31 |
jotil | Ademan_: try grep -e | 08:31 |
goddamn_mac_man | Ryuho: depends :P | 08:31 |
Snuxoll | Ryuho: yes | 08:31 |
Ryuho | maybe it's freezing because of the temp | 08:31 |
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hellion0[laptop] | i need some help getting my soundcard (cs4237b) working under Feisty. | 08:31 |
dwxreaper | adman: or -G (nonperl regex) | 08:32 |
jotil | or use perl | 08:32 |
hellion0[laptop] | Ryuho: over 120 deg fahrenheit, so yeah, fairly hot. | 08:32 |
vjl323 | BUDD}{A: coolnessness...that seems to be the best, if you don't mind T-bird being running all the time | 08:32 |
tbf | tsukasa: technically a (symbolic) link just is a file saying "don't look at me, that this file" | 08:32 |
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Snuxoll | kahrytan needs to stop calling me dumb... | 08:32 |
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Ryuho | well maybe ill just not turn that computer on then lol | 08:32 |
tbf | tsukasa: whereas a hardlink is yet another directory entry pointing on the same file | 08:32 |
riotkittie | oooooooh. is your fan not coming on? >| | 08:32 |
nickrud | Snuxoll: put him on /ignore | 08:32 |
Coremonk22 | can i get some help? | 08:33 |
Coremonk22 | :] | 08:33 |
Snuxoll | nickrud: It's a joke, his exit text says "you are dumb" | 08:33 |
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tsukasa | tbf, so in practice when should or shouldnt you use one over the other | 08:33 |
nickrud | Snuxoll: heh. Some joke | 08:33 |
Snuxoll | Am I the only one that bothered to translate that binary? | 08:33 |
Scunizi | !ask | Coremonk22 | 08:33 |
ubotu | Coremonk22: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:33 |
Coremonk22 | ahhh ty | 08:33 |
Coremonk22 | <3 | 08:33 |
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Ryuho | actually xp runs fine on that tablet, so it can't be the only reason | 08:33 |
tbf | tbf: when deleting the file a symlink points to, the symbolic link becomes invalid | 08:33 |
Coremonk22 | !ask I'm getting the error "can't access tty; job control turned off" help would be appreciated =] | 08:33 |
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Snuxoll | Oops, he changed it to: can you read this | 08:34 |
tbf | tsukasa: when deleting the file a symlink points to, the symbolic link becomes invalid | 08:34 |
tbf | tsukasa: which doesn't happen with hardlinks | 08:34 |
BUDD}{A | how much power does tbird use do you know off hand | 08:34 |
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tbf | tsukasa: but! hardlinks do not work over file system boundaries and they are harder to spot (for the user) | 08:34 |
Snuxoll | BUDD}{A: tbird or tbred? | 08:34 |
riotkittie | Ryuho: it /could/ be. linux can be really wonky when it comes to fans - if yours isnt turning on or turning on often enough.. then yea, you can have performance issues like the lag and freezes. | 08:34 |
BUDD}{A | thunderbird | 08:34 |
goddamn_mac_man | Snuxoll: Mozilla Thunderbird ;) | 08:34 |
bullgard4 | I am making my first steps with phpMyAdmin and MySQL. I installed the NortWindMySQL database. How can I make it to display a table of it in form view, for example the table 'Customers'? | 08:34 |
tsukasa | tbf, can hardlinks be used from one partition to another? | 08:34 |
tsukasa | or is that a file system boundy | 08:35 |
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vjl323 | BUDD}{A: i don't know off-hand. :( | 08:35 |
tbf | tsukasa: so unless you have a good reason to use a hardlink, i'd go for symlinks | 08:35 |
Coremonk22 | !ask Help? :] | 08:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask help? :] - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:35 |
goddamn_mac_man | bullgard4: let me check | 08:35 |
Ryuho | riotkittie i thought most fans were usually hardware controlled | 08:35 |
Snuxoll | BUDD}{A: No clue then, all I know is my t-bred a's vcore is like.....2v | 08:35 |
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BUDD}{A | np thanks guys | 08:35 |
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tbf | tsukasa: no, they cann't be used from one partition to another (that's what i've meant with filesystem boundaries) | 08:35 |
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Ryuho | ......nevermind i just realized i control the fan on this laptop | 08:35 |
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jotil | Snuxoll: was it binary to ascii you did? | 08:35 |
Snuxoll | tsukasa: Like .hack? | 08:35 |
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tsukasa | ah okay | 08:36 |
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Snuxoll | jotil: yes | 08:36 |
tsukasa | Snuxoll, yes | 08:36 |
babyman1737 | silent, you still there? | 08:36 |
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Snuxoll | tsukasa: So do I :) | 08:36 |
jotil | Snuxoll: then this page says it is not even binary: http://www.theskull.com/javascript/ascii-binary.html | 08:36 |
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babyman1737 | I have the java jre1.6.0_03 downloaded to my desktop, does anyone know how I'd go about installing the package? | 08:36 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: a known error, a sec & I'll give you a link | 08:36 |
Snuxoll | 01000011011000010110111000100000011110010110111101110101001000000111001001100101011000010110010000100000011101000110100001101 isn't binary? | 08:36 |
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BUDD}{A | 11mbs and 2% cpu if you leve thunderbird running minimized | 08:37 |
goddamn_mac_man | bullgard4: select the database with teh drop down menu, select the table you want to view and then the "Browse" tab | 08:37 |
nickrud | Snuxoll: no, it's a representation of binary ;) | 08:37 |
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Snuxoll | nickrud: True, lol | 08:38 |
jotil | lol | 08:38 |
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Snuxoll | easy way to translate binary is with a hex editor :) | 08:38 |
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bullgard4 | goddamn_mac_man: I cannot find a 'Browse' tab. | 08:39 |
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jotil | you can do binary to hex without an editor, my problem is don't have the hex codes for the ascii characters memorized | 08:39 |
goddamn_mac_man | bullgard4: what version of phpmyadmin are you using? | 08:39 |
seamus7 | Are there likely to be many changes to Gutsy RC1 and the final release coming in a couple days? | 08:40 |
Snuxoll | seamus7: Only bug fixes | 08:40 |
GuHHH | can anybody help? when i try to compile a file it says: "configure: error: libdnet not found" but i have libdnet-dev installed | 08:40 |
riotkittie | seamus7: no. | 08:40 |
Snuxoll | Gutsy had a feature freeze a while ago | 08:40 |
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bullgard4 | goddamn_mac_man: I believe it is version 5.0. How can I determine this? Using Synaptic? | 08:40 |
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seamus7 | that's whay i thought ... i installed it two days ago and have had great success with it | 08:40 |
goddamn_mac_man | bullgard4: it shgould say on the login page | 08:41 |
Snuxoll | seamus7: It's ready, most show stopping bugs have been squashed | 08:41 |
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bullgard4 | goddamn_mac_man: Synaptic says: "4:" | 08:41 |
riotkittie | ugh | 08:42 |
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Snuxoll | Anyone know of a good open source 3D modeling program that ISN'T blender? | 08:42 |
[chr0n0s] | hehehe... nice | 08:42 |
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nickrud | Coremonk22: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=517004 | 08:43 |
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nickrud | seamus7: 97mb downloading now | 08:43 |
[chr0n0s] | 97mb :O | 08:43 |
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goddamn_mac_man | bullgard4: when you log in to phpmyadmin, there's a drop down list of all the databases on the left. Select the database you want to browse from there and a list of tables should appear right below it. Click the one you want to edit and at the top of the right hand pane you'll see a row of tabs, the first of which is labelled "Browse" click that. | 08:44 |
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seamus7 | nickrud: ahhh good luck .. enjoy :) | 08:44 |
Snuxoll | Seriously, I might end up having to boot XP and get Bryce6 if I can't find a good OSS replacement that doesn't suck | 08:44 |
seamus7 | nickrud: i'm on a dell laptop e1505 | 08:44 |
nickrud | seamus7: no, that's just the latest, I'm one of those blockheads that's been running gutsy since july | 08:44 |
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seamus7 | nickrud: ahhh i see ... was it very buggy back then ? | 08:45 |
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jotil | Snuxoll: Maya runs on Linux afaik | 08:45 |
Snuxoll | Isn't Maya commercial software? | 08:45 |
jotil | there is a free version i think | 08:45 |
nickrud | seamus7: nothing not fixable, or fixed quickly if really bad. I'm a debian unstable refugee, and sometimes I get squirrly if the software works too well | 08:46 |
Snuxoll | May not be open source, but anything is better than blender.. | 08:46 |
Evanlec | lol, blender not so great eh? | 08:46 |
Snuxoll | OK, can I export videos with Maya? | 08:46 |
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Snuxoll | Evanlec: NO, the UI is AWFUL | 08:46 |
BUDD}{A | what is the command to open the repository list | 08:46 |
bullgard4 | goddamn_mac_man: When I move the cursor to the 'Browse' tab, it will change its form when over 'Browse' containing an 'x' symbol. Clicking on 'Browse' does not have any effect. | 08:47 |
Ryuho | ya definatly something wrong.. tracerout is frozen | 08:47 |
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Ryuho | or the gui for it is | 08:47 |
nickrud | BUDD}{A: system->admin->software sources | 08:47 |
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seamus7 | nickrud: what's major changes are coming in the next releases? do you know the plans? | 08:47 |
The_Joe_ | Can anyone help me set wireless up? I'm using a Belkin G+MIMO USB adapter, rt73 | 08:47 |
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riotkittie | i was going to install unstable the other day. >| | 08:47 |
jotil | Snuxoll: the blender gallery looked okay | 08:47 |
nickrud | seamus7: nothing more than what I read on the wiki.ubuntu.com and launchpad.net | 08:47 |
tsukasa | whats the best rss reader? | 08:47 |
The_Joe_ | I've tried ndiswrapper and it hasn't helped | 08:47 |
BUDD}{A | thanks | 08:47 |
goddamn_mac_man | tsukasa: I use the one in Opera myself | 08:47 |
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nickrud | riotkittie: it's a hoot, gotta configure *everything* | 08:47 |
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seamus7 | tsukasa: i just use google reader | 08:48 |
goddamn_mac_man | bullgard4: I don't know what to say, it works for me | 08:48 |
tsukasa | goddamn_mac_man, eh looking for something more stand alone | 08:48 |
tsukasa | not web based | 08:48 |
Snuxoll | tsukasa: Liferea | 08:48 |
riotkittie | nickrud: gee, i'm sorry to be missing out :P | 08:48 |
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Evanlec | Snuxoll, will this guide gimme the free version? 6.5? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66859 | 08:48 |
montrevux | lol | 08:48 |
montrevux | Soooooo. | 08:48 |
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montrevux | I like lost my xchat | 08:48 |
riotkittie | The_Joe_: where did you get the driver from? | 08:48 |
Snuxoll | BRILLIANT! | 08:48 |
montrevux | I coudn't find it. | 08:48 |
goddamn_mac_man | tsukasa: it's not web based, it's in the browser. I use Opera as my web browser so having the RSS reader built-in means one less standalone app to run | 08:48 |
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jotil | lol montrevux | 08:48 |
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nickrud | riotkittie: haven't run unstable since I first put warty on a machine. It sat there for about a year, I'd boot it up and update occasionally, but eventually erased it | 08:48 |
Snuxoll | Evanlec: That's for HOARY, a little out of date.... | 08:49 |
tech0007 | hwo do i know if i'm using swap? | 08:49 |
Coremonk22 | great, so my fix is to stick a floppy in to get rid of the error....its going ot be SO hard to find a floppy disk | 08:49 |
Coremonk22 | lmfao | 08:49 |
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montrevux | I have so many windows up that I couldn't find it. | 08:49 |
goddamn_mac_man | tsukasa: top | 08:49 |
tsukasa | goddamn_mac_man, haha i use firefox though. show me a vimperator plugin for opera and i might switch | 08:49 |
Evanlec | Snuxoll, agreed... | 08:49 |
Snuxoll | OK, maybe blender has changed since I last used it, I might have to try it again... | 08:49 |
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nickrud | Coremonk22: read thru, there are other fixes, but that's the funniest fix I ever read, agreed :) | 08:49 |
montrevux | Back to Opera disscussion? | 08:49 |
goddamn_mac_man | tsukasa: ugh. | 08:49 |
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seamus7 | tsukasa: I then connect save the rss categories in google reader into my delicious bookmarks account which I can then access via the delicious toolbar in firefox as live rss feeds ... if that makes sense. | 08:50 |
Snuxoll | Also, Synaptic need to be rewritten... | 08:50 |
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yellow | irc.hanirc.org | 08:50 |
riotkittie | i've got stable installed but i cant really bring myself to use it :| | 08:50 |
The_Joe_ | riotkittie: The CD it came with ^^ | 08:50 |
Coremonk22 | i did a few of the other fixes i found, adding some params to the boot line | 08:50 |
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montrevux | What does Opera do that makes it a better browser than firefox? | 08:50 |
Coremonk22 | still nothin =[ ill keep tryin tho thx for the link haha, off to search for a floppy =P | 08:50 |
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goodtimes | opera works on mobile phones | 08:50 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: try all_generic_ide | 08:50 |
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montrevux | and Snuxoll, I'm already 30% closer to gettting Gutsy. :) | 08:50 |
riotkittie | The_Joe_: were there 9x/ME drivers, and 2K/xp drivers? and if so, did you try both sets? | 08:51 |
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Snuxoll | montrevux: :) | 08:51 |
The_Joe_ | riotkittie: Nope, just 2k/XP | 08:51 |
Snuxoll | I'm gonna start selling Ubuntu PC's :) | 08:51 |
Coremonk22 | nickrud: as a boot param? | 08:51 |
Coremonk22 | at the end? | 08:51 |
tsukasa | goddamn_mac_man, vimperator is quite a nice plugin | 08:51 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: yes, I've heard that one recommended | 08:51 |
Coremonk22 | Snuxoll: could you get in trouble for doing that? | 08:51 |
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Coremonk22 | under the GNU? | 08:52 |
Snuxoll | Coremonk22: No | 08:52 |
Coremonk22 | hmph | 08:52 |
Coremonk22 | thats a good idea | 08:52 |
Coremonk22 | =] | 08:52 |
Snuxoll | Nothing wrong with selling the hardware | 08:52 |
seamus7 | Anyone use Yakuake in Gnome? | 08:52 |
Coremonk22 | u could make it into a linux awareness group | 08:52 |
goddamn_mac_man | tsukasa: I like my browser without fucked up keybinding tyvm :) | 08:52 |
Coremonk22 | give out free junk boxes with linux on em | 08:52 |
SkinnyPuppy34 | Snuxoll: whos buyin? | 08:52 |
tsukasa | seamus7, i use yeahconsole myself | 08:52 |
Snuxoll | I have 2 models specced already | 08:52 |
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Coremonk22 | got a website? | 08:52 |
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nickrud | Snuxoll: try aptitude as a interactive app, synaptic tries to do that in a gui | 08:52 |
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Snuxoll | One is a $600 Mini machine, the other is a $700 uber-tower | 08:52 |
seamus7 | tsukasa: i don't know that one ... what's it like? | 08:52 |
Snuxoll | Coremonk22: Not yet | 08:53 |
goodtimes | y would anyone buy linux boxes from you? | 08:53 |
Coremonk22 | mini machines = ew. (no offense) lol | 08:53 |
Evanlec | Snuxoll, is there any free alternative to blender? | 08:53 |
tsukasa | seamus7, well, for one thing, if you spam show/hide it wont crash | 08:53 |
Snuxoll | Evanlec: I wish | 08:53 |
BUDD}{A | found the solution to my problem leave thunderbird running and use a app called alltray to tray it | 08:53 |
riotkittie | The_Joe_: For what it's worth, ralinks do seem to be better supported under 7.10, which will be released on the 18th if your are willing to update. i do not have a rt73, so i can't tell you if they're working well or not. alternatively, you can try compiling the rt73 or rt2x00 drivers from rt2x00.serialmonkey.com [.net?] . my adapter worked better when i recompiled the legacy module for my adapter, but ymmv. compiling rt2x00 will requi | 08:53 |
Coremonk22 | you know what you should do snuxoll, host ur web server etc from one of the machines u sell =] | 08:53 |
Coremonk22 | its like, free advertising | 08:53 |
Coremonk22 | =D | 08:53 |
BUDD}{A | thanks guy for all the help | 08:53 |
seamus7 | tsukasa: ahhhh that's always good | 08:53 |
tsukasa | seamus7, bit of a pain to config but it works nicely for me | 08:53 |
Snuxoll | Coremonk22: I have a website that just needs to be set up, I need an initial custome too | 08:53 |
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The_Joe_ | riotkittie: Ahhh serialmonkey, I only found a CVS on there | 08:53 |
Coremonk22 | btw nickrud, i stuck a floppy in and its just hummin away 8-) seems to be working lol still at the loading screen. ill let u know here in a sec | 08:54 |
dA_ShAr3 | Hi all, I just got connected to my ubuntu machine from another windows using putty's ssh. I got logged in as a user. and i got the terminal. Buti dont understand how do i get the data from that ubunut box to windows one | 08:54 |
jotil | Snuxoll: someone posted that he/she could install Maya 8.0 on Feisty using that guide | 08:54 |
The_Joe_ | riotkittie: I'm sure I can wait till Thursday | 08:54 |
Snuxoll | Seriously, if anyone here wants to buy an Uber $700 Ubuntu tower I can have it ready in 3 weeks | 08:54 |
bullgard4 | goddamn_mac_man: If I pressed on 'CheckAll' and then click on 'Browse' icon below the table, I obtain "MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0047 sec)". Does this mean that my NorthwindMySQL database does not have any entries at all? | 08:54 |
scguy318 | Coremonk22: LiveCD? | 08:54 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: you're lucky you still have a floppy drive | 08:54 |
montrevux | Snuxoll, I've got 3 harddrives right now...1 SATA and 2 IDE. I have a Windows XP install on my SATA 120. and my ubuntu is on my Master IDE. The Slave is running extended with music. Both the IDEs are 80 GB and the SATA is 120. Whie I'm doing a clean install..I'm thinking about putting my ubuntu onto the SATA and reinstalling windows on the smaller drive. Think its worth it? | 08:54 |
SkinnyPuppy34 | Snuxoll: roflmao | 08:54 |
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Coremonk22 | hahahah its an old dell | 08:54 |
Coremonk22 | optiplex gx260 | 08:54 |
Coremonk22 | wow | 08:54 |
cafuego | That's terrible lead time, are you sourcing from Dll or something? | 08:54 |
Coremonk22 | it worked nickrud hahahaha | 08:54 |
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Coremonk22 | i cant believe that | 08:54 |
Coremonk22 | hahaha | 08:54 |
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dA_ShAr3 | scguy318: just got connected to my ubuntu machine from another windows using putty's ssh. I got logged in as a user. and i got the terminal. Buti dont understand how do i get the data from that ubunut box to windows one please help | 08:55 |
Coremonk22 | No pun intended here, it was an old windows 95 boot disk hahahahahah | 08:55 |
nickrud | That fix belongs in a hall of fame somewhere | 08:55 |
montrevux | Snuxoll, because I plan on using Ubuntu as my sole OS, really. | 08:55 |
Coremonk22 | Whats your guys' outlook on MCE? | 08:55 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: Then go for it | 08:55 |
goodtimes | it will die a fiery death | 08:55 |
Scunizi | montrevux, leave win where it is just resize the partition and make about 15 gigs for ubuntu. use the master ide for /home.. now you have space.! | 08:55 |
goodtimes | mythtv ftw | 08:55 |
Coremonk22 | lol | 08:55 |
Snuxoll | Mythtv sucks, I hate to say it | 08:55 |
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nickrud | scguy318: all_generic_ide is the right grub line addition, right? | 08:56 |
Snuxoll | Slow, bloated, doesn't work right, require MySQL | 08:56 |
montrevux | Partitioning sounds scary. :( | 08:56 |
scguy318 | nickrud: yes | 08:56 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: Not really | 08:56 |
scguy318 | nickrud: for the dreaded tty | 08:56 |
dA_ShAr3 | scguy318: you understand my prob? | 08:56 |
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scguy318 | dA_ShAr3: i think you would use scp or something of the nature | 08:56 |
nickrud | scguy318: yes, I swear I found a walk through using that once on google, but can't seem to find it again. | 08:56 |
Coremonk22 | can you really do all mce is cracked up to be? like the security system etc | 08:56 |
goddamn_mac_man | Windows Media Centre is (without hacking) limited to MS codecs afaik. Even QuickTime + Front Row on the Mac can be extended with additional codecs... | 08:57 |
scguy318 | nickrud: the Launchpad bug for it has a nice long blah that has that | 08:57 |
dA_ShAr3 | scguy318: i dont know whats scp | 08:57 |
dA_ShAr3 | !scp | 08:57 |
ubotu | SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/ | 08:57 |
nickrud | scguy318: thanks | 08:57 |
montrevux | Willl the Ubuntu Disk be able to re-partition my windows drive? | 08:57 |
riotkittie | ho hum. disk space issues suck D: | 08:57 |
scguy318 | nickrud: I believe Gutsy has that issue resolved | 08:57 |
Coremonk22 | montrevux: yes | 08:57 |
scguy318 | nickrud: I had a machine that did that, booted it with Gutsy beta LiveCD no prob | 08:57 |
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Coremonk22 | goddamn_mac_man: I was talkin about linux mce | 08:57 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: are you booting the gutsy live CD? | 08:57 |
Coremonk22 | yea | 08:57 |
Coremonk22 | why | 08:57 |
goddamn_mac_man | I have WinSCP installed on one of my Win boxes but I find myself dropping to the command prompt and using pscp most of the time, heh | 08:58 |
montrevux | Snuxoll, how would I make the 80 GB drive my /home? | 08:58 |
seamus7 | Is it true that gksudo ought to be used when calling up a graphical app as root rather than sudo? So for instance gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ?? | 08:58 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: slap a partition on it and tell fstab to mount it as /home | 08:58 |
riotkittie | seamus7: yes! | 08:58 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: was wondering if it was only a feisty problem. Oh well, I'll add a macro for that one, I think I'm gonna need it | 08:58 |
Coremonk22 | haha | 08:58 |
Coremonk22 | <3 | 08:58 |
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scguy318 | seamus7: yes | 08:58 |
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Ryuho | http://www.ca-us.xfce.org/archive/xfce-4.4.1/installers/ | 08:58 |
Coremonk22 | it seems to be a common problem | 08:58 |
Ryuho | is this the thing to get | 08:58 |
Coremonk22 | i googled it and got like | 08:58 |
Coremonk22 | 15 good results | 08:59 |
montrevux | goddamn_mac_man, like etx2 or 3 and give it a mount point /home? Would that do it? | 08:59 |
Ryuho | if i want to install xubuntu if i already have ubuntu installed | 08:59 |
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Snuxoll | I'm makin' a website for my biz right now :) | 08:59 |
seamus7 | I try to do that but sometimes I notice there's a long delay sometimes for instance when I do gksudo nautilus | 08:59 |
tsukasa | seamus7, combine quake console hud with console based music player | 08:59 |
tsukasa | ;) | 08:59 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: yeah | 08:59 |
nickrud | yeah. Coremonk22 if you ever hand out cd's, make sure it's the alternate install cd | 08:59 |
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Coremonk22 | whys that | 08:59 |
ianmcorvidae | Ryuho: sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop | 08:59 |
riotkittie | Ryuho: xfce is in the repos. you can download it via apt, or synaptic. if you have space, you may want to go for xubuntu-desktop instead | 08:59 |
nickrud | they don't have that problem | 08:59 |
Coremonk22 | ahhh | 08:59 |
seamus7 | tsukasa: I don't get the allure of that combination ... :) | 08:59 |
nickrud | or don't seem to | 08:59 |
Coremonk22 | u cant download those can u./ | 08:59 |
Coremonk22 | they have to be ordered | 08:59 |
Ryuho | thanks ianmcorvidae and riotkittie | 08:59 |
montrevux | goddamn_mac_man, fstab...Wheres the config file for it? | 09:00 |
nickrud | no, you can choose the alternate install as a download | 09:00 |
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Coremonk22 | ahhh | 09:00 |
tsukasa | seamus7, desktop space ++; | 09:00 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: /etc/fstab | 09:00 |
Coremonk22 | thx for the heads up =D | 09:00 |
tsukasa | seamus7, plus you can run multiple consoles binded to different keys | 09:00 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: I think there's a man page for fstab too | 09:00 |
Ryuho | i wish i knew unix :( | 09:01 |
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Coremonk22 | nickrud: make sure to tell people | 09:01 |
riotkittie | i feel really goofy just handing people discs. i wish i could borrow space at the library and maybe get somebody smrter than myself to come in. have people bring their laptops. have a "hi, this is linux, let us help you get your feet wet" kind of thing. | 09:01 |
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Coremonk22 | that after they get into the live boot | 09:01 |
Coremonk22 | to remove the floppy | 09:01 |
Coremonk22 | when it was installing checking partitions | 09:01 |
Coremonk22 | it was hanging and reading the floppy | 09:01 |
seamus7 | tsukasa: i see ... alas I rarely get that heavily into multi tasking ... one of the reasons I disabled the compiz cube :) | 09:01 |
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Coremonk22 | i jus removed it and it zoomed right past it | 09:01 |
nickrud | riotkittie: contact your local linux user group, they do that kind of thing regularly | 09:01 |
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riotkittie | nickrud: my local linux user group is like a zillion miles away :P ok, not that far but i dont drive so they may as well be | 09:02 |
Coremonk22 | invest in a bicycle :] | 09:02 |
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nickrud | call them, set up an installfest at your library ;) | 09:02 |
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Coremonk22 | nickrud: u get what i said bout the floppy? | 09:02 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: yep | 09:02 |
Coremonk22 | kk | 09:02 |
riotkittie | Coremonk22: i'm not peddling 30 miles both ways to get to a LUG :P | 09:02 |
buzzinfly | could anyone help with a pppoa problem i have? | 09:03 |
Coremonk22 | riotkittie: in this day and age, u NEVER know | 09:03 |
riotkittie | and plus, i've heard horror stories from females who have stumbled into LUGs and lived to tell the tale :o | 09:03 |
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seamus7 | Any of you use sessions to open up apps upon startup outside of the usual? if so what do you open? | 09:03 |
=== nickrud lives in la, and ... rflol | ||
nickrud | won't ride a half mile on a bike | 09:03 |
Coremonk22 | hahahahahahahah | 09:03 |
montrevux | Soooo....fstab looks very confusing. :( | 09:03 |
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Coremonk22 | if i have to ride a half mile on a bike, and for some reason cant drive | 09:04 |
Coremonk22 | i have to convince myself, it aint worth it | 09:04 |
riotkittie | montrevux: it's not, it's not. what are you confused about? | 09:04 |
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Snuxoll | montrevux: fstab is not confusing | 09:04 |
dA_ShAr3 | !scp | 09:04 |
ubotu | SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/ | 09:04 |
borgista | 1/2 mile on a bike is nothing. | 09:04 |
montrevux | UUID=f4ef1100-97a5-421e-a889-e573ddb991fd none swap sw 0 0 | 09:04 |
montrevux | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 09:04 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html | 09:04 |
montrevux | The whole UUID thing... | 09:05 |
Merlintosh | hello gys (anyone can Help) with refering me to a shaping solution? | 09:05 |
Coremonk22 | nickrud &co.: im gonna go finish settin up my box, ya'll have a good night and preciate all ur help! | 09:05 |
riotkittie | half a mile on a bike is everything when you smoke a pack a day. i'd get like three feet, fall off in the road, and pray somebody ran me over to end the agony :P | 09:05 |
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nickrud | Coremonk22: you also | 09:05 |
cafuego | riotkittie: weak | 09:05 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: you don't need the UUID afaik | 09:05 |
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Snuxoll | montrevux: Ignore UUIDS, just use /deb/hd?? | 09:05 |
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cafuego | riotkittie: I used to smoke a pack a day *AND* cycle a good 24km a day as well | 09:05 |
borgista | riotkittie: Smoking & riding: might as well shoot yourself in the foot. | 09:05 |
nickrud | riotkittie: its plain fear for me. I used to commute in seattle, at least there they honked | 09:05 |
Scunizi | montrevux, to find the uuid of your drives use blkid in a terminal | 09:06 |
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sauvin | Or scout around in /dev/drives | 09:06 |
sauvin | (iirc) | 09:06 |
riotkittie | nickrud: haha. | 09:06 |
Ryuho | dude apt-get is awesome | 09:06 |
Merlintosh | anyone around here worked on shaping solutions | 09:06 |
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sauvin | I was wrong - /dev/disk | 09:07 |
riotkittie | borgista: actually its not that bad :P i used to ride at least 5mi a day once upon a time. | 09:07 |
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riotkittie | Ryuho: indeed it is. although it has made me terribly lazy. :| | 09:07 |
joiko | joiko | 09:07 |
joiko | kyp | 09:07 |
borgista | riotkittie: Well, it's not recommendable. | 09:07 |
joiko | kyrp huora | 09:07 |
joiko | huora | 09:07 |
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joiko | uh | 09:07 |
joiko | ra | 09:07 |
joiko | at | 09:07 |
joiko | agf | 09:07 |
joiko | afh | 09:07 |
joiko | adh | 09:07 |
Scunizi | Merlintosh, I shape solutions sequentially several sessions a day. | 09:07 |
Ryuho | would be a horrible place for something to go wrong | 09:07 |
joiko | fhf | 09:07 |
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joiko | hf | 09:07 |
nickrud | !ops | 09:07 |
joiko | h | 09:07 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 09:07 |
joiko | h | 09:07 |
joiko | h | 09:07 |
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joiko | h | 09:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by rob | ||
Ryuho | lol | 09:08 |
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rob | :) | 09:08 |
Scunizi | Merlintosh, probably not the solutions you're thinking of though.. :) | 09:08 |
nickrud | ultimate !enter there | 09:08 |
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buzzinfly | anyone know why my pon command sometimes fails to execute in /etc/rc.local? | 09:08 |
Coremonk22 | nickrud: my mistake, its 3am here im tired lol i told u i was installing gutsy | 09:08 |
Ryuho | awe man.. i've always wanted to try wine... how does it run on slow computers | 09:08 |
Coremonk22 | im installing fiesty haha | 09:08 |
Coremonk22 | sorry bout that | 09:08 |
nickrud | Coremonk22: yes, and ok! | 09:09 |
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Ryuho | lol | 09:09 |
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Lr5 | Java/flash sound doesn't seem to work in firefox in 7.10, not even with FIREFOX_DSP="aoss" | 09:09 |
Lr5 | Anyone knows if there's some way to solve it? | 09:09 |
jotil | Lr5: 32bit? | 09:09 |
Lr5 | jotil: yah | 09:10 |
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nickrud | buzzinfly: you could probably see what's wrong in /var/log/syslog | 09:10 |
jotil | aww man | 09:11 |
montrevux | Snuxoll, 50% | 09:11 |
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jotil | bad news i guess :( | 09:11 |
buzzinfly | yes, I can see that it complains about "No such device", however if a log in and execute the same command it will work. | 09:11 |
jotil | bad news i guess :( | 09:11 |
babyman1737 | Lr5, I got flash to work, but not java | 09:11 |
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Lr5 | babyman1737: did it work in earlier versions? | 09:12 |
montrevux | Is there a way to have one of your windows drives mounted on boot? like permanently? | 09:12 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: :) | 09:13 |
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Snuxoll | I'm setting up an osCommerce shop for my PC's :) | 09:13 |
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buzzinfly | sometimes rc.local will execute as expected and sometimes it won't. it's a USB ADSL modem, so maybe the usb device is not being initialised in time for rc.local to execute. | 09:13 |
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nickrud | buzzinfly: some of the scripts in /etc/init.d/ get run in parallel, so it's likely that one that's necessary for ppp hasn't completed sometimes | 09:14 |
Ryuho | i hate my dorm connection | 09:14 |
Ryuho | stupid packet shaper | 09:14 |
nickrud | buzzinfly: or as you said :) | 09:15 |
buzzinfly | is there a way to guarantee the usb device is ready? | 09:15 |
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peacepipejv | One more time, disconnected. Songbird, extracted to desktop. Not found in terminal. What now | 09:15 |
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nickrud | buzzinfly: you can add a sleep command to the rc.local, delay the pon | 09:15 |
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buzzinfly | messy hack | 09:16 |
nickrud | buzzinfly: a hack, but I'm not real strong on checking the status of udev | 09:16 |
X-tremAt_Raven | Hi! I tried to set up my soft modem and now I got my sound card not working. Is there any method to set sound card more or less automatically? | 09:16 |
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nickrud | buzzinfly: or do a loop, waiting for whatever dev you're using to appear | 09:17 |
=== soulchild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-007-044.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soulchild | how do i activate the kdm theme ??? | 09:17 |
Snuxoll | http://nuxoll.us.eu.org Future home of NxPC | 09:17 |
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soulchild | how do i activate the kdm theme ??? | 09:17 |
dA_ShAr3 | !man | 09:17 |
ubotu | The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 09:17 |
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dA_ShAr3 | ubotu ;) | 09:17 |
Ryuho | lol | 09:17 |
=== nickrud doesn't think the us is a subdomain of the eu, yet :) | ||
Snuxoll | soulchild: Why are you asking about kdn in #ubuntu? Take it to #ukubuntu | 09:18 |
Frogzoo | buzzinfly: in /etc/network/interfaces add a line 'pre-up /sbin/ifup eth0' of whatever | 09:18 |
Snuxoll | nickrud: It's a free domain | 09:18 |
Ryuho | i wonder who actually uses kubuntu | 09:18 |
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nickrud | Snuxoll: lol | 09:18 |
peacepipejv | Installing songbird, extracted to desktop. Not found in terminal. What now | 09:18 |
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Ryuho | what what | 09:18 |
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nickrud | peacepipejv: cd ~/Desktop | 09:18 |
Ryuho | oh lol i just got it Snuxoll | 09:18 |
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Snuxoll | Ryuho: ? | 09:19 |
Snuxoll | You just got what? | 09:19 |
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buzzinfly | Frogzoo: thanks for that, i guess eth0 needs replacing with ppp0? | 09:19 |
Ryuho | free domain | 09:19 |
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Snuxoll | Ryuho: oh, lol | 09:19 |
montrevux | Snuxoll, would this be a good entry in fstab for my sataharddrive if i wanted it permantly mounted in my users folder? | 09:20 |
montrevux | Snuxoll, /dev/sda1/home/montrevux/satadiskntfsdefaults00 | 09:20 |
goddamn_mac_man | looks alright to me | 09:20 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: Why are you using ntfs for your /home ? | 09:20 |
Snuxoll | Oh, nm | 09:20 |
Ryuho | i wanna make a domain ... like .zz | 09:20 |
Snuxoll | Yeah, that would work | 09:20 |
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montrevux | Its my windows harddrive. | 09:20 |
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newbie2655342 | hello | 09:21 |
Ryuho | hi | 09:21 |
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X-tremAt_Raven | Anyone knows how to bring snd_hda_intel back? | 09:21 |
newbie2655342 | how do i install the drivers for a radeon xpress1200 in gutsy | 09:21 |
Ryuho | i wonder why it's downloading thunderbird | 09:21 |
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freaker | hello, i have a question if i need to reinstall the 7.10 final release on my 7.10 beta (in two days)? | 09:21 |
jotil | X-tremAt_Raven: where did it go? | 09:21 |
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goddamn_mac_man | newbie2655342: with the restricted drivers thingy I'd imagine | 09:22 |
Frogzoo | buzzinfly: no, somewhere you see a line 'iface dsl-provider inet dhcp' (this is your ppp interface) - add the eth0 within there, or whichever interface is your dsl | 09:22 |
Flannel | freaker: no | 09:22 |
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freaker | tnx a lot | 09:22 |
newbie2655342 | that didn't work | 09:22 |
newbie2655342 | all i got was vesa | 09:22 |
Frogzoo | buzzinfly: assuming you're using pppoe? | 09:22 |
goddamn_mac_man | newbie2655342: that's ATi in Linux for you, lol | 09:22 |
freaker | i'll just get the needed updates ? | 09:22 |
Flannel | freaker: right | 09:22 |
newbie2655342 | yeah, i know | 09:22 |
Snuxoll | Wow, Oscommerce sucks... | 09:23 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: I tried to set up winmodem and it, as I understood, disabled snd_hda_intel. And my sound card isn't working. | 09:23 |
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kwartje | reinstalling is only ever needed when you're /home is a complete mess, or the upgrade fails | 09:23 |
freaker | and can i erase from all my system all the folders connected to previouse versions of the kernel ? | 09:23 |
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kwartje | why would you wanna do that freaker? | 09:23 |
Flannel | freaker: don't erase the folders. Remove the packages | 09:23 |
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montrevux | mount: mount point /home/montrevux/satadisk does not exist | 09:23 |
Snuxoll | montrevux: you need to run mkdir /home/montrevux/satadisk first | 09:24 |
goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: mkdir -p /home/montrevux/satadisk | 09:24 |
montrevux | wow. :D | 09:24 |
Frogzoo | freaker: dpkg --purge linux-image-### (just don't remove all kernels or you'll be stuck) | 09:24 |
filip__ | My webcam doesn't work (pb easynote MX51) | 09:24 |
montrevux | I'm a n00b at this on so many levels. | 09:24 |
jotil | X-tremAt_Raven: where did you disable it from? how exactly? | 09:24 |
Frogzoo | !docs | montrevux | 09:24 |
ubotu | montrevux: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 09:24 |
freaker | what does purge do ? | 09:25 |
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kwartje | clear config files | 09:25 |
Frogzoo | freaker: man dpkg | 09:25 |
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freaker | i meant if it leases only that one or erases one spesific ? | 09:25 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: I just installed a package hsfmodem_7.68.00.01full_k2.6.20_16_generic_ubuntu_i386.deb | 09:26 |
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filip__ | Is somebody over here does have any experience with the build in webcam in a pb easynote MX 51 | 09:26 |
montrevux | So no I can't open the drive unless I'm root. hmm back to the fstab file | 09:27 |
kwartje | you can use synaptic as well to remove all the old kernels | 09:27 |
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goddamn_mac_man | montrevux: you want users in the options section of your fstab line | 09:27 |
kwartje | freaker: just leave the newest kernel | 09:27 |
Ryuho | http://www.dnaco.net/~vogelke/pictures/Complete-Guide-To-Cows2.txt i don't get it | 09:27 |
freaker | lol | 09:27 |
freaker | i read it... | 09:27 |
tech0007 | in lm-sensors, how do i know if my cpu temp is temp1 or temp2? | 09:27 |
goddamn_mac_man | tech0007: you double check with your BIOS | 09:28 |
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X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: I am runnig Feisty Fawn with this hardware: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Dell_Inspiron_640m#Soundcard | 09:28 |
freaker | but how do i show all the kernells installed ? | 09:28 |
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Flannel | freaker: they're all "linux-image-*" packages | 09:28 |
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Flannel | freaker: so, scroll down to the linux-images | 09:28 |
jotil | X-tremAt_Raven: did you try: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 09:28 |
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jotil | X-tremAt_Raven: press ctrl+c to quit | 09:29 |
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X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: Permission denied (even with sudo) | 09:29 |
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jotil | if and when you start freaking out because of the sound | 09:29 |
peacepipejv | nic: thx for the help | 09:29 |
freaker | tnx a lot guys | 09:29 |
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jotil | even with sudo? | 09:30 |
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gryfie__ | hi | 09:30 |
gunashekar | :: | 09:30 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: Tried under root: it does nothing. What I supposed to see? | 09:30 |
gunashekar | O:-) | 09:31 |
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gryfie__ | can anyone tell me the most important advantage about ubuntu compared to debian ? | 09:31 |
gryfie__ | (or the most important advantageS ;) ) | 09:31 |
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jotil | see nothing | 09:32 |
jotil | hear weird noise | 09:32 |
montrevux | Do I have to log in and out for fstab premission changes to take effect? | 09:32 |
Flannel | gryfie__: regular releases, lots of support avenues, the "it just works" idea (sane default configs) | 09:32 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: hear no noise. | 09:32 |
Snuxoll | I seriously need to find a good, free PHP host... | 09:32 |
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saelynh | Snuxoll: is your futur is "free" ? | 09:33 |
Geoffrey2 | Ubuntu rolls out a major update twice a year....Debian, from what i understand, rolls out a major update whenever they get around to it | 09:33 |
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Snuxoll | saelynh: ? | 09:33 |
joey_ | hi | 09:34 |
jotil | X-tremAt_Raven: install alsa? alsa-base alsa-utils and alsa-tools? also gnome-alsamixer | 09:34 |
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saelynh | Snuxoll: what your site will host :) ? | 09:34 |
filip__ | hello, sorry to disturb but does anyone knows how to get a build in webcam in an easynote MX51 working? | 09:34 |
Snuxoll | saelynh: Store | 09:34 |
saelynh | ah :/ | 09:34 |
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novato_br | filip__, plz | 09:35 |
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Snuxoll | I really need to just get the money and make a VPS... | 09:35 |
novato_br | i need some information about your webcam | 09:35 |
saelynh | there was http://www.tuxfamily.org/en/main | 09:35 |
Snuxoll | *get a VPS | 09:36 |
saelynh | but only if your site is related with free software | 09:36 |
filip__ | ok, it's a "i don't know" that is build in in a packard bell easynote MX51 | 09:36 |
SkinnyPuppy34 | What is in non GPL emerald themes? | 09:36 |
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X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: Installed all of these. Do I need to restart to view if it worked? | 09:36 |
novato_br | filip__, would you paste the dmesg log on www.pastebin.ca ? | 09:36 |
Snuxoll | saelynh: I'm going to be selling Ubuntu PC's | 09:36 |
filip__ | K | 09:37 |
jotil | you need not. restart alsa. | 09:37 |
saelynh | Snuxoll: try | 09:37 |
Snuxoll | saelynh: ??? | 09:37 |
montrevux | Do I have to log in and out for fstab premission changes to take effect? | 09:37 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: How? | 09:37 |
scguy318 | montrevux: fstab mount settings? no | 09:37 |
scguy318 | montrevux: just do sudo mount -a | 09:38 |
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saelynh | it has a relation with free software, so if you want to be hosted on tuxfamily, try :D I don't promise anything but try cost nothing | 09:38 |
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X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart - nothing happened | 09:40 |
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randomwalker | hi, i found this in my apache logs, does it look like my machine has been rooted? :( | 09:40 |
randomwalker | [Sun Oct 14 05:48:50 2007] [error] [client] Invalid method in request \\x8a\\x89\\xab\\xe7\\x8e\\xfbEx=\\x81\\xabHkh\\"\\x94\\x7f\\x9b\\x05\\xc9M\\xd7\\xaf\\x0e\\x84\\xee\\x19b@\\xa7\\xc2\\x98\\x1e\\xbf\\xe5\\xaccK& | 09:40 |
randomwalker | [Sun Oct 14 07:35:09 2007] [notice] SIGUSR1 received. Doing graceful restart | 09:41 |
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Scunizi | randomwalker, you might ask that in #ubuntu-server | 09:42 |
jotil | X-tremAt_Raven: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 09:42 |
cafuego | randomwalker: No, looks like someone tried to abuse it but failed, and the server was restarted by logrotate. | 09:42 |
randomwalker | cafuego, thanks! | 09:43 |
jotil | X-tremAt_Raven: but before you do that, run gnome-alsamixer | 09:43 |
jotil | and see if all sound is unmuted | 09:43 |
jotil | and then try playing something | 09:44 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: Thanx a lot!!! | 09:44 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: alsamixer failed | 09:44 |
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jotil | gnome-alsamixer | 09:44 |
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X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: I mean gnome-alsamixer failed | 09:44 |
jotil | erm | 09:45 |
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jotil | did you install it? | 09:45 |
jotil | i guess you did | 09:45 |
jotil | ok reboot and see | 09:45 |
jotil | if that doesn't work | 09:46 |
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jotil | check the guide | 09:46 |
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riotkittie | is there a way to make the login screen stop asking if you want to make a session default when you switch? :| | 09:46 |
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X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: Already checking the guide. Thanx. | 09:47 |
X-tremAt_Raven | jotil: OK, I'll try to restart and if it fails use the guide. | 09:48 |
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Snuxoll | 'night all | 09:48 |
riotkittie | nite Snuxoll | 09:48 |
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crossbones | OMG OMG OMG | 09:48 |
crossbones | hi | 09:48 |
crossbones | Im usin the linuxtard | 09:48 |
riotkittie | uh. | 09:49 |
riotkittie | do trolls never sleep? :| | 09:49 |
cafuego | Nope | 09:49 |
crossbones | never | 09:49 |
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cafuego | they move a timezone every hour | 09:49 |
nanonyme | riotkittie, i think they're like Neo. they troll even when asleep | 09:49 |
WaltzingAlong | crossbones: linuxtard 1.2 or 2.3? | 09:49 |
crossbones | 2.3 | 09:49 |
riotkittie | nanonyme: heh | 09:49 |
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WaltzingAlong | crossbones: 64bit or 32bit? | 09:50 |
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crossbones | 64 bit | 09:50 |
WaltzingAlong | crossbones: any support question about it? | 09:50 |
crossbones | I need to make wireless work | 09:50 |
crossbones | it doesnt | 09:50 |
cafuego | Well, we can't help you, this is #ubuntu, not #linuxtard. | 09:50 |
crossbones | how do I make the wireless networkingz connect to the internetwork | 09:51 |
crossbones | ubuntu 7.10 beta | 09:51 |
cafuego | The beta is supported in #ubuntu+1 | 09:51 |
dgjones | !beta | crossbones | 09:51 |
ubotu | crossbones: Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) Release Candidate information and release notes can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - The RC is development software and as such unstable, support *ONLY* in #ubuntu+1 | 09:51 |
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riotkittie | i miss the good days when trolls had the decency to at least be slightly amusing | 09:52 |
karmelek | join #ubuntu+1 | 09:52 |
=== cafuego spent that time being stoned or drunk, so missed it | ||
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riotkittie | cafuego: perhaps it was my being in one of those conditions that caused them to be slightly amusing, now that i think of it | 09:53 |
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riotkittie | wow. nobody has problems at 4am. :P | 09:53 |
crossbones | fuckin druggie | 09:53 |
Scarey | riotkittie: how exactly did trolls became a part of a Ubuntu chat? | 09:53 |
Frogzoo | riotkittie: if trolls exist, so does santa claus | 09:54 |
cafuego | !ohmy | crossbones | 09:54 |
ubotu | crossbones: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:54 |
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crossbones | MY fAMILY BEATS ME | 09:54 |
riotkittie | Scarey: one joined the channel. | 09:54 |
Scarey | riotkittie: ahh.. missed that part. | 09:54 |
cafuego | With good reason, I'd say. | 09:54 |
Frogzoo | crossbones: -> #ubuntu+1 for 7.10 beta | 09:55 |
goodtimes | where can I adjust the default programs that are used for different file extentions? | 09:55 |
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crossbones | when does it go non beta? | 09:55 |
Frogzoo | !gutsy | 09:55 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 09:55 |
dgjones | 18th october | 09:55 |
goddamn_mac_man | crossbones: 18th apparently | 09:55 |
nooblar | !mdadm | 09:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mdadm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 09:55 |
=== nooblar silently sips cola | ||
riotkittie | goodtimes: i do it in nautilus | 09:56 |
cafuego | goodtimes: Right click a file, Properties > Opn With... | 09:56 |
reisi | hellou, has anyone noticed that it has become impossible to use subversion over https:// urls? | 09:56 |
goddamn_mac_man | crossbones: but, like all Linux distros, it'll always be in a perpetual beta stat :P | 09:56 |
riotkittie | right click on files > properties ... | 09:56 |
goddamn_mac_man | state* | 09:56 |
=== cafuego adds nooblar to the cola array | ||
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goodtimes | thx riotkittie | 09:57 |
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riotkittie | yw, goodtimes | 09:57 |
cafuego | pfff | 09:58 |
riotkittie | fffp | 09:58 |
crossbones | U BONE 2 | 09:58 |
nanonyme | goddamn_mac_man, not really. ubuntu stable changes so slowly it makes people cry :) i often tend to stay altogether at testing branches | 09:58 |
crossbones | get it?? | 09:58 |
crossbones | U | 09:58 |
crossbones | BoNE | 09:58 |
crossbones | two | 09:58 |
cafuego | crossbones: Would you mind going outside and trolling a tree or something? | 09:59 |
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nanonyme | although i think i'll stop that at hardy and will just backport packages i need | 09:59 |
Cyber_Stalker | could some one help me? i get "The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. | 09:59 |
Cyber_Stalker | You can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu." at startup aswell as "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." | 09:59 |
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=== AndyM_ [n=amorris@cmarfw01.marlow.spinvox.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crossbones | only if I can butter your bread cafuego | 10:00 |
=== eazyass [n=josh@pool-71-101-119-86.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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antler | is there a channel for mint_linux? | 10:00 |
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scguy318 | antler: #mint I think | 10:00 |
scguy318 | no | 10:00 |
riotkittie | Cyber_Stalker: open a terminal, type lspci and look for audio or multimedia controller. is one found? | 10:01 |
antler | hm, 3 users on #mint | 10:01 |
scguy318 | antler: i'm not sure actually | 10:01 |
antler | heheh | 10:01 |
Cyber_Stalker | riotkittie, i get alot of stuff back | 10:01 |
antler | man, mint is purdee. | 10:01 |
=== paralep needs to reinstall osx | ||
riotkittie | Cyber_Stalker: then lspci | grep audio | 10:01 |
paralep | i guess i'll dual with ubuntu though | 10:01 |
Cyber_Stalker | 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 10:01 |
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Cyber_Stalker | riotkittie, lspci | grep audio | 10:03 |
Cyber_Stalker | oops | 10:03 |
Cyber_Stalker | riotkittie, 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 10:03 |
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=== CorpseFeeder [n=dalek@ppp121-45-229-55.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Odo [n=odo@host110-53-static.104-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WaltzingAlong | antler: /list | 10:04 |
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tech0007 | when my system locks up, shld i jst turn do a hard shutdown then reboot? s there an easier way to do it in ubuntu? | 10:04 |
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=== soundray [n=rolf@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | Cyber_Stalker: do you have onboard sound + an actual sound card? | 10:05 |
antler | WaltzingAlong: yeah. i'm in xchat ; network menu / channels. same thing, i guess. | 10:05 |
Cyber_Stalker | yes riotkittie | 10:05 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@90-229-133-48-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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goddamn_mac_man | tech0007: there is a way to get a kernel panic'd system to shut down gracefully (Magic SysRq) but probably easier to just push the reset button :P | 10:05 |
riotkittie | Cyber_Stalker: reboot. go into BIOS and disable your onboard sound. | 10:06 |
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Cyber_Stalker | umm ok | 10:06 |
soundray | I think he meant "thank you, riotkittie". | 10:06 |
WaltzingAlong | tech0007: if it locked up then it locked up. perhaps though just X has frozen or an app has which makes X stick. you could switch to a tty such as with ctrl+alt+f1, then admin from there, perhaps closing the app that had run away | 10:06 |
=== whyking [n=whyking@HSI-KBW-085-216-069-166.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | alt + sys req with the following keys R S E U B (alt+sysreq+ R, alt+sysreq+S and so on) | 10:07 |
=== Toast` [n=toast@host81-149-176-143.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | soundray: hee. | 10:07 |
tech0007 | riotkittie...what does that do? | 10:07 |
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=== _GoRDoN_ [n=heikki@a88-112-169-13.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Toast` | that's a secret | 10:07 |
goddamn_mac_man | riotkittie: it causes the system to go through the shutdown motions | 10:08 |
goddamn_mac_man | tech0007 I meant, sorry | 10:08 |
=== goddamn_mac_man needs sleep | ||
allam | i wnt to use yahoo messenger in ubuntu7.4,why??? | 10:08 |
goddamn_mac_man | allam: pidgin | 10:08 |
allam | how? | 10:08 |
WaltzingAlong | allam: messenger.yahoo.com for yahoo's messenger | 10:08 |
tech0007 | goddamn_mac_man....so it do alt+sysrq+R+S+E+U in that order? | 10:09 |
goddamn_mac_man | wait, it might still be gaim in feisty... | 10:09 |
WaltzingAlong | allam: otherwise there are plenty of programs that allow access to the yahoo im network. pidgin (gaim), kopete, and so on | 10:09 |
=== gutsyNL [n=ubuntu@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hypergraphe [n=ben@ACaen-151-1-69-47.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gutsyNL | hello there | 10:10 |
=== Cyber_Stalker [n=heheh@dsl-243-43-141.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Cyber_Stalker | did riotkittie just leave? | 10:10 |
soundray | gutsyNL: Hi. Didn't you want to join #ubuntu+1 ? | 10:10 |
soundray | Cyber_Stalker: yes | 10:10 |
gutsyNL | i am running the newest gutsy, do you all notice the absense of the startup sound? | 10:10 |
Cyber_Stalker | wtf | 10:10 |
gutsyNL | ah yes | 10:10 |
soundray | !gutsy | gutsyNL | 10:10 |
ubotu | gutsyNL: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 10:10 |
Cyber_Stalker | he is busy helping me and then tells me to restart so that he can quit... | 10:10 |
goddamn_mac_man | gutsyNL: nope, mine is still "Battlecruiser operational!" :P | 10:11 |
gutsyNL | sorry other channel.. | 10:11 |
gutsyNL | :P | 10:11 |
soundray | Cyber_Stalker: you're making a gender assumption there | 10:11 |
tech0007 | !ohmy | Cyber_Stalker | 10:11 |
ubotu | Cyber_Stalker: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:11 |
Cyber_Stalker | soundray, what was his quit reason if you dont mind? | 10:11 |
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peacepipejv | Still having trouble w/Songbird | 10:12 |
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soundray | Cyber_Stalker: I don't live in her mind, but I'll hazard a guess: you suddenly quit without any acknowledgement of her help, so she didn't feel appreciated. | 10:12 |
peacepipejv | cant ./configure | 10:12 |
nooblar | sh configure | 10:12 |
Cyber_Stalker | lol ok wat eva | 10:12 |
goddamn_mac_man | peacepipejv: probably missing the toolchain | 10:12 |
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peacepipejv | im able to execute a file inside Songbird folder however | 10:13 |
=== dexem [n=dani@224.Red-88-23-204.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peacepipejv | Songbird opens | 10:13 |
tech0007 | goddamn_mac_man....so it do alt+sysrq+R+S+E+U in that order? | 10:13 |
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goddamn_mac_man | peacepipejv: sure it even has a configure script? look at any README or INSTALL files in the source dir | 10:13 |
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peacepipejv | am I right to say that doesnt mean its installed | 10:13 |
goddamn_mac_man | tech0007: something like that | 10:13 |
tech0007 | goddamn_mac_man...thnx | 10:14 |
goddamn_mac_man | tech0007: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key | 10:14 |
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peacepipejv | dont see a configure script. just some .js | 10:15 |
soundray | peacepipejv: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/songbird# | 10:15 |
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nooblar | gee wow! this magic sysrq deal is great information. | 10:16 |
goddamn_mac_man | the kernel has to be compiled to use it though afaik | 10:16 |
=== soundray wishes people would remember there is a www full of information out there | ||
=== nooblar notes that google occasionally thinks 2+2=6 | ||
=== gutsyNL [n=ubuntu@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
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goddamn_mac_man | nooblar: http://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=the+answer+to+life,+the+universe+and+everything&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 <- it gets the important ones right though :P | 10:17 |
WaltzingAlong | nooblar: sometimes 2+2 does = 6 | 10:17 |
tech0007 | Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring | 10:17 |
WaltzingAlong | nooblar: especially when referring to vectors | 10:17 |
nooblar | WaltzingAlong: what i said | 10:17 |
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=== CorpseFeede1 [n=dalek@ppp121-45-229-55.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== Daminka [n=daminka@ABayonne-256-1-21-75.w90-30.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CorpseFeede1 | hello | 10:18 |
=== Daminka [n=daminka@ABayonne-256-1-21-75.w90-30.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
CorpseFeede1 | am I connected now? | 10:19 |
Frogzoo | CorpseFeede1: it seems likely | 10:19 |
soundray | CorpseFeede1: I can read you, but it's somewhat faint | 10:19 |
=== papsk [n=mahendra@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CorpseFeede1 | Oh crap.. now I've got a ghost :( | 10:19 |
soundray | CorpseFeede1: strike yourkeys harder | 10:19 |
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tech0007 | CorpseFeede1...loud n clear:-D | 10:19 |
papsk | hi all | 10:19 |
papsk | 'm new here | 10:20 |
soundray | !howdy | papsk | 10:20 |
ubotu | papsk: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 10:20 |
papsk | thanks....was up? | 10:20 |
soundray | !ubuntu | papsk | 10:20 |
ubotu | papsk: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 10:20 |
papsk | where from | 10:20 |
papsk | I'm using it | 10:20 |
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soundray | papsk: this is not a chitchat channel. Join #ubuntu-offtopic for that | 10:21 |
papsk | Yes...I have a problem with printing | 10:21 |
=== CorpseFeede1 is now known as CorpseFeeder | ||
soundray | !elaborate | papsk | 10:21 |
ubotu | papsk: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 10:21 |
=== soundray likes the fact that you can have ubotu converse for you :) | ||
papsk | i have down loaded RPM files on desk top | 10:22 |
pommer | hi...does beryl work with ubuntu? | 10:22 |
dgjones | !rpm | papsk | 10:22 |
ubotu | papsk: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 10:22 |
pommer | just checked out images on utube... darn nice | 10:22 |
soundray | !beryl | pommer | 10:22 |
ubotu | pommer: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:22 |
papsk | My printer is Canon Pixm 1880 | 10:22 |
goddamn_mac_man | papsk: you want .debs for Ubuntu ;) | 10:22 |
nooblar | !alien | 10:22 |
Nitecat | pommer: Yes it does | 10:22 |
pommer | yeah. it looks awesome | 10:22 |
CorpseFeeder | Yay! my ghost is dead... now who thinks they can help me to install video drivers for Radeon R250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] ? | 10:22 |
=== Flexyjerkov [n=flexyjer@sense-sea-MegaSub-1-209.oz.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pommer | but how do i install it? | 10:22 |
=== Pitel_laptop [n=pitel@p285.fei.wifi.vutbr.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | pommer: help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:22 |
goddamn_mac_man | CorpseFeeder: try the restricted drivers doodad | 10:22 |
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Nitecat | pommer: are you using Feisty Fawn? | 10:23 |
soundray | papsk: which version of ubuntu do you have? | 10:23 |
tech0007 | !doodad | :-D | 10:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about doodad - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:23 |
papsk | Ya..I received a mail from John and Tried to folow the same, but, RPM are not getting converted to deb | 10:23 |
darkchr0n0s | CorpseFeeder : get drivers from ati.amd.com | 10:23 |
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papsk | version 7.1 | 10:23 |
pommer | yes im useing feisty fawn | 10:23 |
goddamn_mac_man | darkchr0n0s: 7.04+ handle that for you now, it's neat | 10:23 |
Nitecat | papsk: what are you trying to install? | 10:23 |
=== Pensacola [n=pensacol@dyn168-ele.nbw.tue.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CorpseFeeder | goddamn_mac_man: it's not as simple as that. this card isn't supported by the restricted drivers doodad.. I need to install drivers form the ati site, but last time I attempted I f#$@ed it up and couldn't start gdm and had to re-install form scratch :( | 10:24 |
soundray | Nitecat: papsk needs drivers for a Canon PIXMA ip1880 | 10:24 |
peacepipejv | soundray.: seems to be working. Why this way? | 10:24 |
papsk | John asked me to install allien first, that was successfully installed, second step | 10:24 |
papsk | I stucked up | 10:24 |
pommer | beryl will work on fiesty fawn right? | 10:24 |
Nitecat | pommer: apt-get install beryl emerald-themes | 10:24 |
soundray | peacepipejv: you'd have to ask the developers. | 10:24 |
pommer | im new to linux | 10:25 |
pommer | do i type that into the terminal? | 10:25 |
CorpseFeeder | darkchr0n0s: last time I tried i messed it all up and couldn't start gdm... | 10:25 |
pommer | ive had linux a day | 10:25 |
=== PhantomRanger [n=rusty385@adsl-71-137-230-189.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== obsolete [n=obsolete@dsl-181-218.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | pommer: familiarize yourself with ubuntu & how to install software first. Ubotu will send you a few private messages | 10:25 |
soundray | !faq > pommer | 10:25 |
soundray | !software > pommer | 10:25 |
peacepipejv | soundray: right. probably missing scripts | 10:25 |
soundray | !cli > pommer | 10:25 |
goddamn_mac_man | CorpseFeeder: You shouldn't really need the proprietary drivers on those older cards, the r2x0 chips are supported by the open source drivers I believe | 10:26 |
peacepipejv | I jus like things to make sense | 10:26 |
Flexyjerkov | Trying to update my geforce 4 drivers on ubuntu as i am stuck in 1024x768 when i want to use 1680x1050 but when i try install drivers i get a error bout x server. any help? | 10:26 |
pommer | is linux difficult to get into? | 10:26 |
papsk | so what to do? | 10:26 |
=== domster [n=dominic@125-236-130-136.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Bogaurd [i=rootkit@122-49-168-206.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tech0007 | pommer....its patience you need | 10:26 |
goddamn_mac_man | Flexyjerkov: you have to futz with the modelines for those I believe | 10:26 |
soundray | papsk: is your printer connected via USB? | 10:26 |
=== robert__ [n=robert@ce70.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nitecat | pommer: just takes time and study. it repays everything you put into it manyfold | 10:26 |
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papsk | yes sir | 10:26 |
pommer | thanks | 10:26 |
pommer | can you build on linux? | 10:26 |
Nitecat | ftp://download.canon.jp/pub/driver/bj/linux/ | 10:27 |
=== Greyhound- [i=greyhoun@lgh.ro-metro-core.fe-1-3.fibergames.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | pommer: please read the FAQ | 10:27 |
CorpseFeeder | goddamn_mac_man: it's not supported properly - some stuff simply doesn't work like no text in that tux penguin racer thingy game and the TV out doesn't work etc... | 10:27 |
pommer | k...thanks | 10:27 |
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=== darkchr0n0s_ is now known as [chr0n0s] | ||
CorpseFeeder | I have to go for 5 minutes then I will be back to discuss making this video card work properly.... | 10:28 |
soundray | papsk: I would expect ubuntu to recognize and install it automatically. Can you just ensure that your printer is on and do a plug cycle (pull the USB plug & insert it back) | 10:28 |
Nitecat | pommer: The short answer is yes. | 10:28 |
=== JoHa [n=jouni@adsl-196-224-DynIP.ssp.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tech0007 | papsk.....'lsusb' you should see ur printer | 10:28 |
papsk | Ubuntu recognises the printer | 10:29 |
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=== PhantomRanger [n=rusty385@adsl-71-137-230-189.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Flexyjerkov | goddamn_mac i'm new to linux | 10:29 |
Flexyjerkov | not sure how to install drivers | 10:29 |
=== mindframe [n=mindfram@ip72-207-244-33.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
papsk | but it doesn't have drivers for ip1880 drivers | 10:30 |
=== robert__ [n=robert@ce70.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
soundray | papsk: did you get a message to that effect? | 10:30 |
=== obsolete_ [n=obsolete@dsl-181-218.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nitecat | "- for Canon PIXMA IP1200 can be used driver Canon PIXMA IP2200 and for Canon PIXMA IP1880 can be used driver Canon PIXMA IP1800 series." | 10:30 |
papsk | nop | 10:30 |
papsk | oooooh | 10:30 |
=== vistakiller [n=spiros@ppp12-166.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== obsolete [n=obsolete@dsl-181-218.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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soundray | Nitecat: that would solve it, if gutsy provided the 1800 series drivers... but it doesn't seem to. (papsk) | 10:31 |
papsk | ok. i'll try, are you here till the time? | 10:31 |
Nitecat | papsk: You're on your own, tho. I just googled that for you. I | 10:32 |
=== dormeur [n=dormeur@LNeuilly-152-22-72-136.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== hume [n=magnus@h75n2c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Odo [n=odo@host110-53-static.104-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | papsk: with a bit of patience, you will find help here at any time. | 10:32 |
Nitecat | I must go. | 10:32 |
Flexyjerkov | so how do i get ubuntu to work in 1680 x 1050 | 10:32 |
Nitecat | unfortunately | 10:32 |
Flexyjerkov | as with my wide screen 1024 look silly | 10:32 |
Nitecat | goodnight everyone, sorry to pop in and out | 10:33 |
soundray | !fixres > Flexyjerkov, please read the private message from ubotu | 10:33 |
papsk | Thanks, I'm in process to install the printer right away and take a test page | 10:33 |
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] | ||
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=== pvh [n=ubuntu@d66-183-174-17.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvh | So... anyone here ever formatted their ext partition to fat32 by mistake? | 10:34 |
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Flexyjerkov | 2well ill have to take alook at it when i'm home tonight lol | 10:35 |
soundray | pvh: fortunately not. Why, is that what happened to you? | 10:35 |
Flexyjerkov | in work now but hey... | 10:35 |
tech0007 | pvh...is that your root partition? | 10:35 |
pvh | soundray: yep. | 10:35 |
pvh | tech0007: yep. | 10:35 |
=== Flegma [n=Michalek@p178.fei.wifi.vutbr.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
papsk | hey, i didnot find ip1200 drivers in the default list of drivers in the list, the list starts from i2000 | 10:35 |
=== pvh would like to have some quiet, forceful words with the makers of his laptop's "system restore" disk. | ||
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
papsk | or i1800 drivers | 10:35 |
pvh | soundray: at the moment, i am completely and utterly screwed. | 10:36 |
tech0007 | pvh...is that a dell | 10:36 |
pvh | tech0007: acer. | 10:36 |
soundray | pvh: oh, that was my next question, how did you format... | 10:36 |
=== AlanBShepard70 [n=AlanBShe@unaffiliated/alanbshepard70] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvh | tech0007: i installed xp, which went to F: because ubuntu already had the first partition | 10:36 |
=== kevsthabest [n=kevsthab@mctnnbsa29w-156034011221.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvh | tech0007: but mo drivers worked, so i put in my system restore disk to see if they were there. | 10:36 |
papsk | hellow | 10:36 |
tech0007 | pvh....if u want to dual boot..u install xp first then ubuntu | 10:36 |
papsk | is there any body can answer my question? | 10:37 |
soundray | pvh: unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do, except employ forensic experts for thousands of <insert your favorite currency unit> | 10:37 |
kevsthabest | hey.. anyone know if the newest kernel includes CFS scheduler or do i still need to patch? | 10:37 |
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pvh | soundray: actually, that's not true | 10:37 |
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pvh | soundray: there are a number of excellent resources available | 10:37 |
pvh | soundray: unfortunately i'm not sure which to pick | 10:37 |
soundray | pvh: oh, so you just came here to chat about it. | 10:37 |
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soundray | papsk: I said you need to have some patience. | 10:38 |
jotil | lol | 10:38 |
pvh | soundray: sort of -- i have a deadline at 8:30am | 10:38 |
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jotil | pvh: deadline to restore the ext3? | 10:38 |
pvh | soundray: so i'm trying to find someone who has been through this and can help me get through without getting me fired | 10:38 |
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pvh | jotil: don't need to restore it, just to rescue a few extremely vital files. | 10:38 |
pvh | jotil: deadline is 0615 PST | 10:39 |
chimaera | occasionally, shutdown hangs and doesn't power off my powerbook. after the splash i get some lines relating to networkmanager.. | 10:39 |
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pvh | jotil: well, actually, a couple extra hours would be nice so that i can actually finish the work | 10:39 |
tech0007 | papsk...hope this helps https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/14909 | 10:39 |
soundray | pvh: surely, if they're vital, the ones on the ext3 weren't the only copies?! | 10:39 |
pvh | soundray: not helpful. | 10:39 |
helge | testing the "desktop effects", I get same results as with beryl, the qube doesnt change desktops, like its changing virtual non-existen desktops :p | 10:40 |
pvh | soundray: :) | 10:40 |
jotil | apparently, if i understand what you did - you actually formatted the drive with important files and changed the filesystem while you were at it? | 10:40 |
helge | I take it should actually switch between desktops.. | 10:40 |
tech0007 | helge...videocard? | 10:40 |
soundray | pvh: no, I know, you've set the stakes to high | 10:40 |
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pvh | jotil: yes, which is actually a blessing in disguise here. | 10:40 |
soundray | pvh: maybe that's the first thing to do: get your deadline extended | 10:41 |
pvh | soundray: not an option. | 10:41 |
papsk | that's what i'm trying to tell you people that I'm stuck at conversion step, it says that didn't find rpm file | 10:41 |
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pvh | jotil: i'm trying to find one of the other superblocks | 10:41 |
helge | tech0007, using intel chipset videocard.. the qube spins and all, just not between the desktops I have defined.. | 10:41 |
soundray | papsk: did you download to the desktop? | 10:41 |
papsk | yes sir | 10:41 |
jotil | pvh: but from the limited understanding i have, fat32 has a way of pointing files and ext3 has a different way (inodes etc) | 10:41 |
pvh | jotil: either that or i've read that using mke2fs can possibly save the day | 10:41 |
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soundray | papsk: enter 'cd ~/Desktop' and try again | 10:42 |
pvh | jotil: right, but there were no files put onto this new format and my reading indicates that fat32 just starts at the beginning of the drive and works outwards | 10:42 |
pvh | jotil: so i've probably lost a few of the first files written to the drive | 10:42 |
winchesterPAT | my keyboard is breaking windows PATENT its has a windows key | 10:42 |
pvh | jotil: and the superblock | 10:42 |
pvh | jotil: but my home directory should theoretically be intact | 10:42 |
pvh | jotil: i just need to figure out how to get to it. | 10:42 |
soundray | winchesterPAT: you can't patent a logo on a keyboard | 10:42 |
jotil | hmmmm | 10:43 |
winchesterPAT | soundray: you cant ? | 10:43 |
jotil | pvh: a very messy situation i must say! | 10:43 |
pvh | jotil: yeah. would you happen to know the default blocksize ubuntu uses for the fs? | 10:43 |
soundray | winchesterPAT: no. The best you can do for a logo is register it as part of a trademark. | 10:43 |
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pvh | jotil: i'm still optimistic, caffeinated, and making (slow) progress. | 10:44 |
winchesterPAT | but its not just the logo | 10:44 |
winchesterPAT | its the key | 10:44 |
pvh | jotil: i'd give myself about 20% success odds right now | 10:44 |
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pvh | jotil: basically, at some point soon my backup will be finished and then i'll have to try to Do Something | 10:44 |
winchesterPAT | i bet the keyboard maker is in deep shit now | 10:45 |
pvh | jotil: at which point i'll probably corrupt the filesystem and have to restore, losing another two hours | 10:45 |
tech0007 | papsk...u failed to convert w/c package? did u check if the download isn't corrupt | 10:45 |
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papsk | it gives "Unknown type of package, /home/mahendra/Desktop" error | 10:45 |
winchesterPAT | isnt there a keytboard with a linux key ? | 10:45 |
pvh | jotil: so i want to make sure that when i Do Something it has the best chance of success possible | 10:45 |
martin_ | anyone? How do I make kde programs close instead of going into tray when I press "close" button? | 10:45 |
jotil | ok | 10:45 |
CorpseFeeder | ok.. I have a Radeon R250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] video card in this Toshiba Tecra notebook computer. I'm pretty sure the driver here http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/previous/linux-r-8-28-8.html is the one I need. Can anyone help me with getting that driver installed without killing my system? | 10:45 |
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jotil | pvh: usually blocksize is variable, right | 10:45 |
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[chr0n0s] | winchesterPAT : nope.. but you can stick a penguin logo on windows key !! | 10:46 |
papsk | no, i have downloaded from Canon site | 10:46 |
martin_ | CorpseFeeder, Have you tried "envy" | 10:46 |
pvh | jotil: i thought it was fixed on a per-filesystem basis. | 10:46 |
soundray | papsk: you didn't do what I asked you to do. | 10:46 |
CorpseFeeder | martin_: who is Envy? | 10:46 |
dgjones | !envy | 10:46 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 10:46 |
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martin_ | CorpseFeeder, google ati envy | 10:46 |
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goddamn_mac_man | CorpseFeeder: Neither of those will work, you need and xorg 7 driver | 10:46 |
soundray | martin_: please don't recommend envy | 10:46 |
papsk | ye i did, and it's showing :Unknown type of package, /home/mahendra/Desktop." error | 10:46 |
martin_ | shut up | 10:47 |
jotil | pvh: not necessarily | 10:47 |
martin_ | soundray, I recommend what is best for people | 10:47 |
[chr0n0s] | CorpseFeeder : type restricted-manager on a console | 10:47 |
soundray | !ops | martin_ recommending deprecated software & being rude about it | 10:47 |
ubotu | martin_ recommending deprecated software & being rude about it: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 10:47 |
dgjones | martin_, envy isn't supported within the Ubuntu channel | 10:47 |
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peacepipejv | winchester: just draw with permaink | 10:47 |
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daveinthesky | !envy | 10:47 |
martin_ | anyone? How do I make kde programs close instead of going into tray when I press "close" button? | 10:47 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 10:47 |
martin_ | !envy | 10:47 |
rob | hmm | 10:47 |
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winchesterPAT | any one has the UT3 login/ password | 10:47 |
winchesterPAT | any one has the UT3 login/ password ? | 10:47 |
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fritzs | How do I mount a NFS share in 7.10 using the GUI? | 10:47 |
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Amaranth | martin_: I don't care if you use envy but we do not support it here so we ask that you do not recommend it to people. | 10:48 |
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tech0007 | fritz....#ubuntu+1 | 10:48 |
livingdaylight | hello | 10:48 |
jotil | pvh: googled and found that ext3 can support block sizes upto 8KB. | 10:48 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@80-235-47-4-dsl.mus.estpak.ee] by Mez | ||
livingdaylight | i am using Breezy Badger... i heard that there is a new version? | 10:49 |
soundray | martin_: also, have a look at the code of conduct and see if you think that telling people to "shut up" fits with it. | 10:49 |
soundray | !coc | martin_ | 10:49 |
ubotu | martin_: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 10:49 |
jotil | pvh: 1KB, 2KB, 4KB and 8KB | 10:49 |
martin_ | jj | 10:49 |
pvh | jotil: yeah, i'm still trying to figure out what the default used by ubuntu is... | 10:49 |
Amaranth | livingdaylight: Wow, breezy is _really_ old | 10:49 |
martin_ | Amaranth, who "we"? Is this an official channel of Canonical Inc and Shuttleworth?? | 10:49 |
Mez | livingdaylight, there have been a couple of releases since | 10:49 |
Amaranth | martin_: This is the official Ubuntu IRC channel. | 10:49 |
tech0007 | livingdaylight...u sure ur in the daylight? | 10:49 |
livingdaylight | really? | 10:49 |
[chr0n0s] | CorpseFeeder : any luck ? | 10:49 |
CorpseFeeder | [chr0n0s] : why am I typing restrited-manager in the console? | 10:49 |
Amaranth | livingdaylight: Yeah, that's about 2 years old | 10:49 |
[chr0n0s] | CorpseFeeder : to install ati drivers... | 10:50 |
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Amaranth | livingdaylight: It doesn't even get security updates anymore | 10:50 |
martin_ | Amaranth, Do you officially work for Shuttleworth with a job contract? | 10:50 |
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livingdaylight | where have i been? | 10:50 |
Amaranth | martin_: No. | 10:50 |
[chr0n0s] | CorpseFeeder : sorry it's sudo restricted-manager | 10:50 |
CorpseFeeder | [chr0n0s] : b... b... b... but.. the restricted manager drivers don't support this card??? | 10:50 |
allam | how i can install libssl0.9.6 packege | 10:50 |
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rob | martin_, please take it to pm | 10:50 |
Mez | martin_, your questions are irrelevant to the channel, please address Amaranth via /msg | 10:50 |
Amaranth | livingdaylight: It'd probably take about 24 hours to upgrade since you have to go from version to version, I suggest you download the Ubuntu 7.10 Release Candidate and do a clean install with it. | 10:51 |
[chr0n0s] | CorpseFeeder : well, there are 2 options.. either get drivers from ati.amd.com or use sudo restricted-manager | 10:51 |
nooblar | what are the guidelines for whether software is supported or unsupported? | 10:51 |
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pvh | jotil: are you using a partition created automatically by the installer? | 10:51 |
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martin_ | Amaranth .. So when you dont work for Ubuntu and you're here to give advice about Ubuntu ,, why can you dictate what others can advise about Ubuntu ?? | 10:51 |
Amaranth | nooblar: If it's included in Ubuntu we'll help you with it here | 10:51 |
allam | how i can install libssl0.9.6 package | 10:51 |
jotil | yeah | 10:51 |
nooblar | by implication if it's not included do not mention it? | 10:52 |
WaltzingAlong | !code | 10:52 |
ubotu | Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida | 10:52 |
papsk | secondary, will i get the guidence from you? | 10:52 |
[chr0n0s] | allam try sudo aptitude install libssl | 10:52 |
pvh | could you try a "dumpe2fs /dev/sda1"/ | 10:52 |
pvh | ? | 10:52 |
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Amaranth | martin_: If you want to continue this discussion join #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:52 |
CorpseFeeder | [chr0n0s] : my card is the Radeon R250 which isn't supported... and goddamn_mac_man tells me I can't use the ati's drivers without xorg7??? | 10:52 |
Amaranth | nooblar: Pretty much | 10:52 |
nooblar | i c | 10:52 |
nooblar | /leave | 10:52 |
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CorpseFeeder | There must be some way to make this card work properly? | 10:52 |
winchesterPAT | any one has the UT3 login/ password ? | 10:53 |
[chr0n0s] | CorpseFeeder : what all have you tried till now ? | 10:53 |
goddamn_mac_man | CorpseFeeder: Ubuntu has xorg 7.something (afaik), the drivers you linked were for xorg 6.8 and xfree 4.3. Neither of which will work with xorg7.whatever (it changes from release to release because the devs are morons) | 10:53 |
rob | winchesterPAT, no, but take a look at the games website | 10:53 |
tech0007 | allam...newer versions are availabel for libssl0, why 0.9.6? | 10:53 |
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pommer | how do i password protect folders? | 10:53 |
winchesterPAT | what games website ? | 10:53 |
rob | winchesterPAT, UT3 | 10:53 |
=== pvh is thinking fast | ||
Amaranth | winchesterPAT: login/password? Wouldn't you get that from a game box? | 10:53 |
winchesterPAT | UT3 is still in beta | 10:54 |
allam | tech0007:how i can installed it | 10:54 |
Amaranth | pommer: You can change the permissions on the folder so only you and root can access it | 10:54 |
rob | winchesterPAT, well, ask whoever gave it to you for the login details | 10:54 |
Amaranth | winchesterPAT: Go to where you got it then, I guess | 10:54 |
winchesterPAT | you need to have a gamespy acount | 10:54 |
winchesterPAT | i dont have | 10:55 |
rob | winchesterPAT, you seem to be answering your own question, and this is for Ubuntu support, not UT3 ;) | 10:55 |
pommer | but say if i had to leave the computer as it is for the next 9 hours with a over nosey brother in the house how could i hide my wifes folder? | 10:55 |
CorpseFeeder | goddamn_mac_man: oh.. ok, [chr0n0s] : previously I tried to install the drivers from ati for xorg 6.8 and xfree 4.3 (as pointed out by goddamn_mac_man, but that screwed up my computer.... | 10:55 |
tech0007 | use synaptic, change ur settings to force older versions | 10:55 |
winchesterPAT | cant remember password | 10:55 |
winchesterPAT | login | 10:55 |
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jotil | pvh: 4KB blocks | 10:55 |
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pvh | jotil: okay, that helps! thanks! | 10:55 |
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Amaranth | pommer: rename it to have a period (.) at the start of the name | 10:55 |
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pvh | i'm thinking i might be able to find a backup superblock that will work here | 10:55 |
winchesterPAT | gamespy ducks | 10:56 |
Amaranth | pommer: Then it'll only show up if you tell the file browser to show hidden files | 10:56 |
winchesterPAT | sucks | 10:56 |
Amaranth | pommer: Then just rename it back later | 10:56 |
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pommer | oh cool. and how do i set browser to view hidden files later? | 10:56 |
WaltzingAlong | pommer: do not give admin rights to the other user, lock the session, change mod so others cannot read it | 10:56 |
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Amaranth | pommer: In the View menu or Ctrl-H | 10:56 |
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rzimek78 | how to download source code of a program by apt-get or aptitude? | 10:57 |
Amaranth | rzimek78: apt-get source <package> | 10:57 |
Zweisteine | rzimek78, apt-get source | 10:57 |
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soundray | pommer: remove the hard disk drive and take it with you | 10:57 |
pommer | thankins you kindly | 10:57 |
WaltzingAlong | rzimek78: apt-get source <package> | 10:57 |
pommer | yeah theres a idea too | 10:57 |
pvh | jotil: woah! | 10:57 |
goddamn_mac_man | What version of xorg is fesity on right now? | 10:57 |
pvh | jotil: breakthrough! | 10:57 |
jotil | pvh: helps? | 10:57 |
Amaranth | goddamn_mac_man: 7.1 | 10:57 |
goddamn_mac_man | woot | 10:57 |
Amaranth | !info xserver-xorg feisty | 10:58 |
ubotu | xserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-0ubuntu11 (feisty), package size 440 kB, installed size 1320 kB | 10:58 |
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Amaranth | oh, 7.2 | 10:58 |
rzimek78 | ok | 10:58 |
pommer | bro alrady walked in on us like 5 times.. even with padlocks...doorlock and a warddrobe in front of the door | 10:58 |
martin_ | Where in ubuntuforums.org do I place suggestion "Make "close" button to close programs instead of going into tray by default" | 10:58 |
goddamn_mac_man | damn | 10:58 |
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pommer | dont really need my bro knowing the ins and out of my wife | 10:58 |
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Amaranth | pommer: Ok, that discussion is a little offtopic :P | 10:58 |
winchesterPAT | why did the apparmour guys got fiered from SUSE ? | 10:58 |
goddamn_mac_man | http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon-prer200.html <- Was going to suggest that driver but no 7.2 support | 10:58 |
soundray | pommer: there is more than one way to read that statement... | 10:58 |
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pvh | jotil: yeah! i just got the dumpe2fs to work! | 10:58 |
soundray | pommer: for the longer term, look at filesystem encryption | 10:58 |
pommer | its to the point | 10:59 |
pvh | jotil: i think i'm getting close to being able to mount this puppy | 10:59 |
winchesterPAT | dump2fs ? | 10:59 |
winchesterPAT | dumpe2fs ? | 10:59 |
pommer | wifes just 23 and bro is a 40 year old virgin | 10:59 |
winchesterPAT | like whats that used for ? | 10:59 |
Amaranth | goddamn_mac_man: All ATI cards either have an open source driver that works nicely or are supported with the current version of fglrx on the version of Xorg Ubuntu uses | 10:59 |
pvh | winchesterPAT: diagnosing screwed up partitions | 10:59 |
pvh | jotil: this calls for more coffee. | 10:59 |
rob | martin_, if you are talking about Ubuntu, probably launchpad.net | 10:59 |
=== pommer gets back on topic | ||
CorpseFeeder | goddamn_mac_man: that is the same driver I was looking at before | 10:59 |
Amaranth | goddamn_mac_man: Also, can you change your nick please? | 10:59 |
soundray | pommer: let's stick to the topic | 10:59 |
pommer | ahhh. so linux eh | 10:59 |
soundray | :) | 11:00 |
jotil | winchesterPAT: dump2efs gives information about your efs partition | 11:00 |
pommer | looooooooooooonux | 11:00 |
goddamn_mac_man | Amaranth: The open source driver didn't work for CorpseFeeder | 11:00 |
pommer | good ole linux | 11:00 |
Flexyjerkov | would u all say lunix is better than windows | 11:00 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: Why happens when you use the 'ati' driver? | 11:00 |
soundray | pommer: stop | 11:00 |
pommer | so where is everyone from? | 11:00 |
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pommer | anybody from the uk? | 11:00 |
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Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: That card should definitely be supported | 11:00 |
Amaranth | !offtopic | pommer | 11:00 |
Flexyjerkov | ye im in uk | 11:00 |
ubotu | pommer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:00 |
WaltzingAlong | yes | 11:00 |
Flexyjerkov | im at work lol | 11:00 |
tech0007 | im at home :-D | 11:01 |
Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: Windows certain has its advantages but we wouldn't be here if we didn't think Linux was better. :) | 11:01 |
pommer | im on topic. im asking if there is anybody from england. due to possible continental linux issues | 11:01 |
CorpseFeeder | Amaranth: nothing I can't get the ati driver to install. The card is not properly supported. | 11:01 |
allam | how i can Install libssl0.9.6 or later ,please | 11:01 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: No no, the driver from ati.com is 'fglrx', the 'ati' driver is the open source one | 11:01 |
goddamn_mac_man | CorpseFeeder: he means the built-in xorg ati driver I believe, not the proprioetary one | 11:01 |
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Tm_T | pommer: ask your question then, people outside of uk might know it too | 11:01 |
winchesterPAT | Amaranth: i thought you was here because linux was cheaper n | 11:01 |
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arcticblue | I am running Gutsy amd64 and trying to install MythTV. When typing "apt-get install mythtv-backend", I get this error: mythtv-backend: Depends: mythtv-common (= 0.20.2-0ubuntu10) but 0.20.2-0ubuntu9 is to be installed | 11:02 |
arcticblue | I am using the "Main" repository | 11:02 |
pommer | i have a question. how i get my logitech webcam to work on here with skype. i try make calls and it has no option for video call | 11:02 |
arcticblue | Any ideas? | 11:02 |
WaltzingAlong | !gutsy | arcticblue | 11:02 |
ubotu | arcticblue: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 11:02 |
tech0007 | arcticblue #ubuntu+1 | 11:02 |
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allam | how i can Install libssl0.9.6 or later ,please please | 11:02 |
ikonia | arcticblue the package is not ready | 11:02 |
Tm_T | pommer: that has nothing to do with being uk or not =) | 11:02 |
winchesterPAT | pommer: get lost asshole | 11:02 |
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Amaranth | !ohmy | winchesterPAT | 11:03 |
ubotu | winchesterPAT: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:03 |
rob | winchesterPAT, oi, watch the language, we are G rated here :) | 11:03 |
ikonia | winchesterPAT: DROP that language | 11:03 |
Tm_T | rob: just do what you have to do ;) | 11:03 |
CorpseFeeder | Amaranth: sorry, yeah... the opensource ATI driver fails to support it properly and the fglrx driver doesn't support this card at all... and the correct proprietary drivers for this card form ATI don't support xorg7.2 | 11:03 |
pommer | well... the other question i have is uk related.. was going to ask someone to come configure it for me since im a workaholic and getting less hours free by the day | 11:03 |
winchesterPAT | whats G rated means ? | 11:03 |
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WaltzingAlong | pommer: try ekiga or kopete. skype for linux does not support video | 11:03 |
goddamn_mac_man | CorpseFeeder: yeah, ATi killed support for those old R250 cards in both the Windows and Linux drivers a while back | 11:04 |
rob | winchesterPAT, we often have young ones in here, so please don't swear etc | 11:04 |
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pommer | oh crikey. is kopete multiformat? | 11:04 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: What do you mean 'fails to support it properly'? | 11:04 |
andy58 | 'lo all | 11:04 |
goddamn_mac_man | CorpseFeeder: nVidia did something similar but the ubuntu proprietary driver doohickey sorts it out | 11:04 |
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CorpseFeeder | So what you people are telling me is that there is no way in hell of getting this video card to work correctly and I am stuck with the limited functionality of the non-working open-source drivers....? | 11:04 |
Tm_T | pommer: Kopete supports video with MSN and Yahoo atleast | 11:04 |
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Amaranth | pommer: Yes, kopete works with AIM, MSN, YIM, etc | 11:04 |
WaltzingAlong | pommer: through sip you should be able to make video calls so the other side need not use kopete | 11:04 |
pommer | nice :D | 11:04 |
allam | i want to install yahoo and when i tried toinstall it ,it need this package libssl0.9.6 ,how i can install it | 11:04 |
WaltzingAlong | !info kopete | 11:04 |
ubotu | kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 7108 kB, installed size 19632 kB | 11:04 |
winchesterPAT | so why is it when i swear online thyey say im 10 years old ? | 11:04 |
Amaranth | pommer: Yes, kopete works with AIM, MSN, YIM, etc | 11:05 |
Amaranth | err | 11:05 |
andy58 | although I sometimes like the mounted drives appearing on the desktop.. I don't think I want all the FTP servers appearing there.. Is there way to remove them without losing the connection from the folder list ? | 11:05 |
crdlb | CorpseFeeder, what exactly is limited about the open source driver? | 11:05 |
pommer | brilliant. | 11:05 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: What do you mean 'fails to support it properly'? | 11:05 |
winchesterPAT | ERR | 11:05 |
goddamn_mac_man | Amaranth: The ABI changes from release to release | 11:05 |
pommer | no way to video call through gaim into msn then? | 11:05 |
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Tm_T | pommer: not that I know | 11:05 |
CorpseFeeder | Amaranth: not properly meaning certain things like no video-out from the TV-out port, graphics don't render properly in some programs, etc.. etc... | 11:06 |
Amaranth | goddamn_mac_man: Yes, this happens when you take something that has been stagnant for a decade and update it to current technologies | 11:06 |
allam | i want to install yahoo and when i tried toinstall it ,it need this package libssl0.9.6 ,how i can install it | 11:06 |
pommer | ive been taking snapshots every 2 minutes and sending them to compensate for lack of seeying me full motion like. been a pain in the derrier | 11:06 |
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Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: Ah, in that case Ubuntu 7.10 may help you a lot | 11:06 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: I seem to remember something about TV-out support | 11:06 |
Amaranth | allam: Just use gaim/pidgin or kopete, no need to install yahoo messenger | 11:07 |
CorpseFeeder | Amaranth: one example is the text in that penguin racer game (Whatever it's called)... none of the text renders in that... | 11:07 |
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pommer | ive got to be honest in my opinion here. when people fully embrace linux to the extent windows is. i truley beleive theres gunna be a subscription based element to it. cuz i dont beleive people do something for nothing. | 11:07 |
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pommer | like building the foundation to a future.. investment in the upcoming | 11:08 |
Amaranth | allam: You cannot get that package | 11:08 |
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Amaranth | pommer: If that was true we wouldn't be this far | 11:08 |
Amaranth | pommer: People have been doing this stuff for free for 20 years now | 11:08 |
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Amaranth | pommer: But this is offtopic again | 11:08 |
winchesterPAT | im investing in vista | 11:09 |
MeRodent | Amaranth, yeah but it's all part of an insidious plot. :) | 11:09 |
pommer | vista is pish | 11:09 |
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goddamn_mac_man | allam: Any particular reason why you want the Yahoo messenger? Gaim is installed with the system and will connect to Yahoo just fine | 11:09 |
allam | Amaranth:why man | 11:09 |
Amaranth | allam: Because it hasn't existed for at least 2 years | 11:09 |
allam | ok | 11:09 |
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pommer | nobody puts this much time skill and effort into something they dont genuinely want reward from. | 11:10 |
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pommer | there a ubuntu dance? | 11:10 |
Amaranth | pommer: Seriously, join #ubuntu-offtopic or stop this | 11:10 |
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allam | goddamn_mac_man:how i can log in to yahoo messenger with gaim | 11:10 |
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goddamn_mac_man | you could create a libssl0.9.6 symlink to whatever the current libssl library is but that's a dirty hack. Just use gaim/pidgin already. | 11:10 |
IdleOne | pommer: he reward is that everuday more and more people are using ubuntu for free | 11:11 |
Flexyjerkov | do windows dos commands work in terminal? | 11:11 |
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goddamn_mac_man | Flexyjerkov: like what? | 11:11 |
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soundray | !cli > Flexyjerkov, please read the pm | 11:11 |
Amaranth | goddamn_mac_man: If that was possible it would be done automatically. The ABI changed so things need to be recompiled. | 11:11 |
tech0007 | allam...pick yahoo in the protocol dropdown | 11:11 |
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Flexyjerkov | like copy | 11:11 |
Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: The only thing from DOS I can think of that works is 'cd' | 11:11 |
dgjones | Flexyjerkov, no | 11:11 |
pommer | who funds this? thats all im wondering. even some mirc basic zip coders need money to fund them. basic games too. its like candy to a baby | 11:11 |
goddamn_mac_man | Amaranth: No it wouldn't. Linux devs are lazy | 11:12 |
Flexyjerkov | lol k | 11:12 |
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pommer | jus stuff quivering on the mind. ok ill stop | 11:12 |
Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: That's 'cp' | 11:12 |
MeRodent | Flexyjerkov, there are different commands. ie cp is equvalent to copy | 11:12 |
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Flexyjerkov | right, so its simpler lol | 11:12 |
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MeRodent | Flexyjerkov, no. it's different. | 11:12 |
Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: Well, less keystrokes anyway | 11:12 |
Flexyjerkov | so delete is prob del | 11:12 |
IdleOne | pommer: Ubuntu is funded by Canonical wich is funded/ was funded by Mark Shuttleworth | 11:12 |
Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: rm | 11:12 |
Flexyjerkov | or summet lol | 11:12 |
MeRodent | Flexyjerkov, actually rm | 11:13 |
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pommer | amaranth. can you come configure my ubuntu please | 11:13 |
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Flexyjerkov | rm is same as windows | 11:13 |
martin_ | pommer .. Answer to "who funds this" .. either their parents or Mark Shuttleworth for ubuntu | 11:13 |
Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: Some DOS commands come from Unix :) | 11:13 |
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Flexyjerkov | :P | 11:13 |
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CorpseFeeder | Is there like a "live" version of gutsy yet? | 11:13 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: Yeah | 11:13 |
Flexyjerkov | i find linux irc rooms very different to the normal gamer channels, everyone is refered to by name lol | 11:14 |
monkeywraith | i was having a problem with audacity and the audacity wiki told me to use the following command, which broke it further ... i am not overly worried about audacity, i just wondered what dsp files are originally there and how to set them back up: $ rm /dev/dsp;ln -s /dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp #also try /dev/dsp1,2,etc. | 11:14 |
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Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc#head-eaf26ea8b3c8adb8145f9a66aa8aeb131ecb06c9 | 11:14 |
horsnelm | hey anyone had problems with sound and the snd_intel8x0 module, I'm getting nothing out of my speakers in gutsy | 11:14 |
IdleOne | Flexyjerkov: in a channel this big and with this much scrol you need to be reffered to by nick or you would miss have of it | 11:14 |
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MeRodent | Flexyjerkov, that's because there are about 1000 people here. and it gets confusing to understand where you're at otherwise. | 11:14 |
tech0007 | horsnelm....#ubuntu+1 | 11:14 |
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soundray | !intelhda > horsnelm, please read the private message from ubotu | 11:15 |
ikonia | monkeywraith that won't work as ubuntu uses udev to create device nodes dynamically | 11:15 |
Psi-Jack | Anyone know of a decent alarm clock program? | 11:15 |
Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: It's quite easy to lose messages in the noise when a page of text only covers a minute or so | 11:15 |
=== IdleOne needs to spell a little more properly and use all the words that are going through his mind | ||
ikonia | Psi-Jack: ther is kalarm in kde, but I've been searching for something other than cron in gmoe for a while | 11:15 |
tsurc | does anyone know how I can start an installation of ubuntu with ssh support (So I can stick the cd/dvd in the drive then go back to my office to finish the install)? | 11:15 |
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monkeywraith | ikonia, so by the same token, i do not have to worry about what i did screwing anything up? | 11:16 |
Psi-Jack | Right now, all I got is a basic kalarm to call an alarm script that fires up rhythmbox, sets volumes every 15 seconds to pan it up, etc.. | 11:16 |
soundray | Psi-Jack, ikonia: I'm completely happy with 'at' | 11:16 |
Amaranth | monkeywraith: Was the problem '/dev/dsp is busy'? If so you need to close all other sound playing apps and possibly even run 'killall esd' | 11:16 |
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Psi-Jack | soundray: At's okay, but there's no snooze. :p | 11:16 |
Flexyjerkov | does neone think linux will one day be a big OS? | 11:16 |
Flexyjerkov | as ubuntu is making its mark slowly | 11:16 |
rapid | lol | 11:16 |
soundray | Psi-Jack: you can script snooze | 11:17 |
Psi-Jack | Flexyjerkov: It is, already. | 11:17 |
soundray | Psi-Jack: don't take the bait please | 11:17 |
Psi-Jack | soundray: I guess it's something I'll have to progress on. | 11:17 |
Flexyjerkov | i mean for standard home users | 11:17 |
monkeywraith | audacity was just saying 'error opening audio device. check output device settings and project sample rate.' ... when i check the settings, there is not output device in the list to select | 11:17 |
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Amaranth | Flexyjerkov: Slow and steady wins the race. :) | 11:17 |
IdleOne | Flexyjerkov: /join #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to discuss how big Linux is | 11:18 |
Athreya | jotil: Hey | 11:18 |
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Psi-Jack | Heh, anyway. ;) | 11:18 |
Psi-Jack | I guess what I got for now, will work. | 11:18 |
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theAtom | I found a solutuon silent | 11:19 |
Psi-Jack | I'll likely make some kind of GUI to call instead, once I figure out how, enough. *chuckles* | 11:19 |
jotil | Athreya: hey dude.. you had that permission issue yesterday right? | 11:19 |
Athreya | yep | 11:19 |
Athreya | i wanted to thank ya | 11:19 |
Athreya | i reinstalled | 11:19 |
Athreya | :P | 11:19 |
theAtom | found fix for openoffice errors | 11:19 |
chimaera | occasionally, shutdown hangs and doesn't power off my powerbook. after the splash i get some lines relating to networkmanager.. | 11:19 |
Athreya | and now, i cant mount my ntfs partitions...plus i still got permission issues | 11:19 |
Athreya | lol | 11:19 |
Athreya | am installing ntfs 3 | 11:20 |
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Psi-Jack | soundray, ikonia: Thanks. Now I'm off to sleep. hehe | 11:20 |
theAtom | turned CLOCK FORWARD 1 day and apt-get upgrade! FIXED :) | 11:20 |
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jotil | Athreya: installing ntfs-3g worked for me | 11:20 |
WaltzingAlong | !ntfs-3g | 11:20 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 11:20 |
tech0007 | theAtom....thats great! | 11:21 |
Athreya | am trying...will keep you posted. | 11:21 |
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Athreya | i was trying to setup the ssh thing with usser...got disconnected. by the time i got back...both of you were gone | 11:21 |
tech0007 | theAtom...will remember that in case it happens to me (knock on wood) | 11:21 |
theAtom | tech0007, remember me and my problem? | 11:22 |
theAtom | tech0007, So I simply changed the date in ubuntu (using right mouse click on the clock) by forwarding it one day. Then I was able to finalize the installation using "sudo apt-get upgrade". After that I reset local time to my actual time again. | 11:22 |
theAtom | tech0007, what would cause that to happen in first place anyway? | 11:22 |
Psi-Jack | Heh, I've been using WinAmp with WinAlarm, for so long, I'm not used to having anything less, right now. *chuckles* | 11:22 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: Are you downloading the Ubuntu 7.10 RC Desktop disc? | 11:22 |
theAtom | tech0007, who would have ever thought about turning clock forward ONE DAY to fix it | 11:22 |
jotil | Athreya: i had to sleep.. usser probably ran away | 11:22 |
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Athreya | lol | 11:22 |
theAtom | tech0007, im sure it will happen to others. simple fix, clock forward one day | 11:22 |
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theAtom | tech0007, any ideas why that works? | 11:22 |
CorpseFeeder | Amaranth: yeah I may do that' | 11:22 |
Athreya | anyways...thanks for helping me out yesterday mate | 11:23 |
Athreya | appreciate it | 11:23 |
tech0007 | theAtom ... no clue | 11:23 |
CorpseFeeder | Amaranth: I was just reading... | 11:23 |
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jotil | Athreya: but it's a good idea to have shhd installed. so you can remotely access your system. | 11:23 |
Athreya | k | 11:23 |
Athreya | will do | 11:23 |
Tm_T | !fi > tuna-fish | 11:23 |
Amaranth | CorpseFeeder: Ah, well the ati driver included with it is supposed to support tv-out so hopefully it'll help you. | 11:23 |
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theAtom | tech0007, weird, but works now! so now openoffice doesnt give errors at updating | 11:23 |
theAtom | tech0007, :) | 11:23 |
tuna-fish | Tm_T: ??? | 11:23 |
Tm_T | tuna-fish: see msg from ubotu | 11:24 |
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theAtom | tech0007, remember it in case someone else asks you about it | 11:24 |
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tech0007 | theAtom...okie | 11:24 |
theAtom | tech0007, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-532154.html | 11:24 |
tuna-fish | k | 11:24 |
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theAtom | tech0007, says: I think the main problem is that Feisty believes the computer's internal clock works using UTC. | 11:25 |
Amaranth | theAtom: I think it asks you that during the install | 11:25 |
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theAtom | Amaranth, asks what? | 11:25 |
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Amaranth | theAtom: If the system clock is set to UTC | 11:25 |
theAtom | Amaranth, i didnt ask me | 11:26 |
Amaranth | theAtom: Ah | 11:26 |
ikonia | Amaranth: it does, it even shows you a map where you can select the time region your in | 11:26 |
theAtom | Amaranth, what is UTC anyway? | 11:26 |
Amaranth | theAtom: Well, your system clock _should_ be set to UTC :) | 11:26 |
mattfletcher | does anyone know if it is possible to use a mysql database to provide login authentication for a network of machiens? | 11:26 |
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tech0007 | Amaranth: theAtom didnt notice that either | 11:26 |
theAtom | ikonia, not in all installations | 11:26 |
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ikonia | theAtom: which installation method doesn't ? | 11:26 |
theAtom | i didnt use livecd installaion | 11:26 |
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theAtom | i used the text version | 11:26 |
ikonia | theAtom: the alternate asks you in a curses windows | 11:27 |
Amaranth | theAtom: Also known as GMT, Greenwich Mean Time. It's the reference point for all other timezones. American Central Time is GMT-6, for example. | 11:27 |
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theAtom | ikonia, didnt ask me as far I recall | 11:27 |
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ikonia | theAtom: I think you must have missed it | 11:27 |
theAtom | Amaranth, how do I change that now? | 11:27 |
theAtom | ikonia, maybe | 11:27 |
ikonia | tzselect | 11:27 |
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ikonia | /etc/localtime | 11:27 |
Amaranth | theAtom: In BIOS | 11:27 |
theAtom | what should It be for me? I live in Sydney AU | 11:27 |
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Amaranth | Mon Oct 15 09:26:24 UTC 2007 | 11:27 |
theAtom | Amaranth, im not changing bios! | 11:27 |
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Athreya | jotil: breaking my head about installing xmblackberry & barry now... | 11:28 |
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Athreya | using google as much as i can...let's see how that turns out | 11:28 |
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soundray | theAtom: if your BIOS time runs on local, change the line in /etc/default/rcS to read UTC=no | 11:28 |
Meroigo | If I have installed a ubuntu server on a slow computer (like 500 Mhz Intel, 128 MB RAM) and its hard drive haven't got much space, and I want to have a GUI for it, is xubuntu-desktop the best alternative? Doesn't there exsist a ubuntu GUI without all openoffice stuff, games etc etc that I don't need on a server? | 11:28 |
=== BlindSide [n=halfdemo@125-236-140-82.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tech0007 | theAtom..where u in AU? | 11:28 |
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theAtom | tech0007, Sydney | 11:28 |
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yassine_ | irc: gus.multitel.be/#novaom | 11:29 |
tech0007 | theAtom..http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html | 11:29 |
theAtom | im confused! whats UTC exactly? | 11:29 |
soundray | theAtom: coordinated universal time | 11:29 |
WaltzingAlong | Meroigo: xfce (xubuntu) is perhaps the best "full desktop" but otherwise you could just toss fluxbox or such on there | 11:29 |
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theAtom | soundray, how does that affect ubuntu? | 11:29 |
soundray | theAtom: roughly equivalent to GMT (Greenwich mean time) | 11:29 |
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Meroigo | WaltzingAlong> is it easy? Can it be done through apt-get? ^^ | 11:30 |
soundray | theAtom: on bootup, Ubuntu reads the BIOS time and sets the clock accordingly, either correcting or not correcting for your timezone | 11:30 |
WaltzingAlong | Meroigo: sudo aptitude install fluxbox or sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop done | 11:30 |
jotil | Athreya: no clue about those | 11:30 |
soundray | theAtom: if UTC is yes, and you | 11:30 |
theAtom | soundray, what? | 11:30 |
soundray | theAtom: sorry | 11:31 |
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Meroigo | is fluxbox xubuntu but without all the desktop applications? | 11:31 |
=== theAtom is very confused :P | ||
WaltzingAlong | !info fluxbox | Meroigo | 11:31 |
ubotu | meroigo: fluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB | 11:31 |
WaltzingAlong | Meroigo: | 11:31 |
WaltzingAlong | no | 11:31 |
soundray | theAtom: if UTC is yes, and your time zone is Sydney, it'll add the appropriate number of hours to the BIOS time and display it as the system time. | 11:31 |
soundray | theAtom: what do you get when you type 'date'? | 11:32 |
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theAtom | Mon Oct 15 19:32:20 EST 2007 | 11:32 |
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theAtom | soundray, Mon Oct 15 19:32:20 EST 2007 | 11:32 |
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mattfletcher | does anyone know if it is possible to use a mysql database to provide login authentication for a network of machines? i.e: can NIS/similar use mysql as its data source? | 11:33 |
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tux97 | hi | 11:33 |
theAtom | how can I add PGP to ubuntu? | 11:33 |
tech0007 | theAtom.....at the specified time, local time in Sydney was 10 hours ahead of UTC | 11:33 |
ikonia | mattfletcher thats a debatable question, the short answer is no, the long answer is based around custom pam modules | 11:33 |
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theAtom | tech0007, well that explains why changing date to ONE DAY in future fixed my updrading | 11:34 |
jatt | !gpg | 11:34 |
ubotu | gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | 11:34 |
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theAtom | tech0007, I changed date back to today! will this be ok now? | 11:34 |
soundray | theAtom: you should run 'sudo tzconfig' and set the timezone right. Then you should reboot, enter BIOS setup and set the system time to UTC (Sydney minus 10 hours). | 11:34 |
theAtom | soundray, why? | 11:34 |
theAtom | soundray, what will happen if I dont? | 11:34 |
tux97 | is everyone going to upgrade ubuntu in a few days? | 11:35 |
goddamn_mac_man | I've never set any of my PC clocks to GMT. Never seen the point. | 11:35 |
soundray | theAtom: you will get more of the kind of problems you already had a taste of. | 11:35 |
theAtom | soundray, sudo: tzconfig: command not found | 11:35 |
soundray | theAtom: sudo tzselect if you're on gutsy | 11:35 |
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=== Nedski [n=ned@ppp121-44-221-123.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nedski | Hey all, whats the terminal command to find the ip of the machine? | 11:36 |
tux97 | ifconfig | 11:36 |
Athreya | jotil: sorry for bugging you again...could you help me with the rw command you gave me yesterday please? | 11:36 |
goddamn_mac_man | Nedski: ifconfig | 11:36 |
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Nedski | sweet thanks | 11:36 |
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Athreya | for the ext3 partitions | 11:36 |
theAtom | ok I ran sudo tzselect | 11:36 |
Nedski | thought it was ipconfig | 11:36 |
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soundray | theAtom: if you want your BIOS to run on Sydney time, still make the settings I recommended, but change UTC to no in /etc/default/rcS | 11:36 |
theAtom | soundray, I then told it Sydney. AU | 11:36 |
goddamn_mac_man | Nedski: That's Windows ;) | 11:36 |
tech0007 | Nedski....thats for windoze | 11:36 |
tux97 | nedski ipconfig is windows | 11:37 |
theAtom | soundray, whats next step? | 11:37 |
soundray | theAtom: good. Now edit rcS and change UTC to no | 11:37 |
jotil | Athreya: what do you want to do again? | 11:37 |
WaltzingAlong | InterFace config | 11:37 |
pvh | Nedski: it stands for "interface config" | 11:37 |
theAtom | Therefore TZ='Australia/Sydney' will be used. | 11:37 |
theAtom | Local time is now: Mon Oct 15 19:36:08 EST 2007. | 11:37 |
theAtom | Universal Time is now: Mon Oct 15 09:36:08 UTC 2007. | 11:37 |
Athreya | permissions... | 11:37 |
Athreya | same problem mate... | 11:37 |
Nedski | thanks everyone | 11:37 |
pvh | Nedski: and i always type the wrong one first no matter which OS i'm using | 11:37 |
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jotil | what permissions? read/write/execute for everyone? | 11:37 |
Nedski | is everyone excited about Gutsy? | 11:37 |
Athreya | r/w/e for me first...i;m the only user | 11:37 |
Nedski | Im installing ubuntu on my bosses machine! | 11:38 |
tux97 | i dont know if i am | 11:38 |
pvh | Nedski: i'm not. i'm running it, and it's causing me all kinds of problems. | 11:38 |
soundray | Nedski: discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 11:38 |
jotil | ok | 11:38 |
Nedski | soundray.. about gutsy? | 11:38 |
theAtom | soundray, it already says: UTC=no | 11:38 |
pvh | Nedski: though i admit freely my current problem is not gutsy's fault | 11:38 |
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tech0007 | Nedski...not me...im willing to wait til its released | 11:38 |
soundray | Nedski: this is the support channel for *released* versions of ubuntu | 11:38 |
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WaltzingAlong | !gutsy | 11:38 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 11:38 |
theAtom | soundray, it already says: UTC=no. Is that by default? | 11:38 |
Nedski | okies well thanks people | 11:39 |
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tux97 | so tech0007 so your going to upgrade in a few days? | 11:39 |
soundray | theAtom: no. Normally it's set to yes | 11:39 |
tech0007 | tux97....yup | 11:39 |
theAtom | soundray, well I just loaded etc/default/rcS, and it says: UTC=no | 11:39 |
soundray | theAtom: but that's fine. I would still reboot and check the time that's set in the BIOS setup. | 11:39 |
tux97 | so do we have to do a complete install of it or can we do a upgrade? | 11:39 |
theAtom | soundray, did running sudo tzselect change it? | 11:39 |
jotil | Athreya: you are the file/directory owner? | 11:39 |
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soundray | theAtom: no. | 11:39 |
goddamn_mac_man | tux97: you can upgrade | 11:39 |
tech0007 | tux97...il try the upgrade 1st...clean install if it doesnt work out | 11:40 |
theAtom | soundray, load my BIOS and check it for what? | 11:40 |
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Athreya | erm...i reinstalled....created/formatted new partitions... | 11:40 |
Athreya | shouldnt i be the owner by default? | 11:40 |
theAtom | soundray, check the time is my local sydney time? | 11:40 |
Cyber_Stalker | can some one help me, i get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found" on startup | 11:40 |
soundray | theAtom: don't worry about it, though. Now that UTC is set to no, you want to check that your BIOS time is set to Sydney time. | 11:40 |
theAtom | soundray, in BIOS? | 11:40 |
jotil | Athreya: man chmod | 11:40 |
soundray | theAtom: yes | 11:40 |
theAtom | soundray, ok ill look | 11:40 |
tux97 | ok just making sure i dont want to have to redue this laptop agian lol | 11:40 |
theAtom | bbl | 11:40 |
soundray | theAtom: hold on | 11:40 |
Athreya | aahh yes...sudo chmod /nowamlost | 11:40 |
theAtom | soundray, ty for your help/ | 11:40 |
theAtom | soundray, yes? | 11:40 |
jotil | Athreya: read that first, i'll help you with the exact command | 11:41 |
jotil | ;) | 11:41 |
Athreya | Yay | 11:41 |
Athreya | thanks man | 11:41 |
soundray | theAtom: just to emphasize -- this is the setting that, although you seem to prefer it, is somewhat non-standard. | 11:41 |
soundray | theAtom: this means that you may run into trouble when there are switches to/from daylight saving time. | 11:41 |
theAtom | soundray, of course I prefer my local time, why not? | 11:41 |
soundray | theAtom: ^^ | 11:41 |
theAtom | soundray, why should I change my clock to USA time? | 11:42 |
theAtom | soundray, then I ewill never know the local time :P | 11:42 |
goddamn_mac_man | theAtom: UTC is based on GMT which is English, not American ;) | 11:42 |
goddamn_mac_man | theAtom: the os can fix the local time if it knows the hardware time is UTC | 11:42 |
soundray | theAtom: UTC is a world-wide reference. It's not USA time (UTC happens to be London, UK time, non-DST) | 11:42 |
theAtom | goddamn_mac_man, i think your nick is inappropriate | 11:42 |
gordonjcp | 10:42 < goddamn_mac_man> theAtom: UTC is based on GMT which is English | 11:42 |
gordonjcp | s/English/British | 11:43 |
soundray | theAtom: your system will always show the local time now that you've made those settings. | 11:43 |
theAtom | soundray, sorry, i dont understand | 11:43 |
theAtom | soundray, ok! so what shall I do now? | 11:43 |
goddamn_mac_man | gordonjcp: scot? | 11:43 |
tech0007 | goddamn_mac_man...how many people asked u to changed ur nick today? :) | 11:43 |
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soundray | theAtom: just go with the settings we've made now. Check the BIOS time and make sure it's set to Sydney. | 11:43 |
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theAtom | soundray, and after that? | 11:44 |
theAtom | soundray, nothing? | 11:44 |
kidalabama | hello i have got problem | 11:44 |
WaltzingAlong | !ask | kidalabama | 11:44 |
ubotu | kidalabama: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:44 |
soundray | theAtom: if you do run into trouble at some point, you can always chance UTC to yes and your BIOS time to UTC. | 11:44 |
theAtom | <kidalabama> hello i have got problem <-- we can tell by your nick ;) | 11:44 |
theAtom | soundray, LOL! dont confuse me | 11:44 |
kidalabama | my mailbox is coming crontab mail | 11:44 |
soundray | theAtom: if you stopped talking to others and listened to me, it would be easier. | 11:45 |
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kidalabama | subject line Cron <root@alp2-laptop> cd /usr/share/dtc/admin && nice -n+20 /usr/share/dtc/admin/rrdtool.sh >> /var/log/dtc.log | 11:45 |
theAtom | soundray, if run into trouble at some point, i will do what I did today, turn clock 1 day forward, apt-get upgrade. then change clocl back :) | 11:45 |
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theAtom | kalleskaviar, hur mor du? | 11:45 |
kidalabama | text line cd: 1: can't cd to /usr/share/dtc/admin | 11:45 |
soundray | theAtom: okay, seems I've wasted my time on you. | 11:45 |
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theAtom | soundray, not at all! u gave me a good command which I did | 11:45 |
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kidalabama | i am removed dtc package . | 11:45 |
kalleskaviar | heh, fine atom thanks. How are you ? | 11:45 |
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theAtom | kalleskaviar, bra ;) | 11:46 |
theAtom | soundray, thanks for all your patience and help | 11:46 |
theAtom | soundray, im confident its all fixed now | 11:46 |
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kidalabama | ubotu: i am controlled crontab but i cant find | 11:47 |
theAtom | soundray, u ok? :) | 11:47 |
kidalabama | cd: 1: can't cd to /usr/share/dtc/admin | 11:47 |
kidalabama | 0 * * * * /etc/webmin/bandwidth/rotate.pl | 11:47 |
kidalabama | 1 3 * * * /etc/webmin/cron/tempdelete.pl | 11:47 |
ikonia | kidalabama: ubotu is a bot | 11:47 |
soundray | theAtom: yeah yeah | 11:47 |
tech0007 | :) | 11:47 |
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kidalabama | ikonia: thank you | 11:48 |
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lewis1711 | hello all. ever since installing the KDE desktop I have not been able to change my screen resolution and it's been stuck in 640x480. my video driver is still enabled but now none of my desktop environments let me change resolution. I tried the reconfigure xserver in command line and no luck. any idea what's up? | 11:49 |
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theAtom | soundray, dont worry, u didnt waste time. im just a little confused thats all | 11:49 |
theAtom | soundray, dont worry, u didnt waste time. im just a little confused thats all | 11:49 |
=== theAtom [n=ATOM@d58-106-13-203.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theAtom | soundray, dont worry, u didnt waste time. im just a little confused thats all | 11:50 |
WaltzingAlong | !fixres | lewis1711 | 11:50 |
jotil | pvh: any luck? | 11:50 |
ubotu | lewis1711: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:50 |
soundray | lewis1711: when you reconfigure xserver-xorg, make sure you make the right settings about the monitor | 11:50 |
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lewis1711 | right settings about the monitor? maybe I didn't reconfigure it at all.:S I just typed the reconfigure thing in the command line and restarted. er. hmm. | 11:51 |
lewis1711 | ok | 11:51 |
soundray | lewis1711: ideally, you'd find out the horizontal sync and vertical refresh frequencies from the docs, and feed those to the wizard under "Advanced" monitor settings | 11:51 |
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theAtom | soundray, can I keep this version of 7.10 even after the 18th? Or I need to download the final version and install it? | 11:51 |
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pvh | jotil: i can dumpe2fs it but not mount it | 11:52 |
soundray | theAtom: you can use update-manager to bring it up to date with a few downloads. | 11:52 |
lewis1711 | ah. soundray do you have any idea why my monitor would work perfectly before though? I will try that. | 11:52 |
soundray | theAtom: it'll even alert you. | 11:52 |
theAtom | ok | 11:52 |
pvh | jotil: but when i try to mount it, it says it needs to be e2fscked at least | 11:52 |
soundray | lewis1711: you had gnome before? | 11:52 |
theAtom | soundray, :) | 11:52 |
theAtom | bye | 11:52 |
pvh | jotil: so i'm going to wait for the backup to finish and then try and see what happens | 11:52 |
theAtom | thanks again for your help | 11:52 |
soundray | theAtom: good luck | 11:52 |
pvh | jotil: which should be any moment now | 11:52 |
theAtom | bye soundray and tech0007 :) very helpful today the both of u. cheers | 11:52 |
theAtom | soundray, thanks :) | 11:53 |
jotil | pvh: doing a dd? | 11:53 |
theAtom | bye | 11:53 |
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tech0007 | :) | 11:53 |
lewis1711 | soundray, was using both gnome and xfce4 with no probs | 11:53 |
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=== WaltzingAlong generally switches among kde (kubuntu), xfce (xubuntu), and fluxbox | ||
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soundray | lewis1711: you may have inadvertently rewritten your /etc/X11/xorg.conf as you installed packages | 11:53 |
lewis1711 | ahh | 11:54 |
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soundray | lewis1711: the command 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' opens a wizard that lets you configure X. Most options you will just accept the default, but pay attention when you come to the monitor section. | 11:55 |
soundray | lewis1711: like I said, ideally you'd have the specs for your display. | 11:55 |
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kidalabama | hell | 11:56 |
kidalabama | hello | 11:56 |
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t3318_ | hi | 11:56 |
kidalabama | my crontab sendin mails | 11:56 |
kidalabama | Cron <root@alp2-laptop> cd /usr/share/dtc/admin && nice -n+20 /usr/share/dtc/admin/rrdtool.sh >> /var/log/dtc.log | 11:56 |
kidalabama | cd: 1: can't cd to /usr/share/dtc/admin | 11:56 |
t3318_ | anyone know how to customize GCompris interface? I can't find any glade file | 11:56 |
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lewis1711 | I have the xconfigure-xserver thing open. what next?:/ | 11:57 |
kidalabama | Cron <root@alp2-laptop> cd /usr/share/dtc/admin && nice -n+20 /usr/share/dtc/admin/rrdtool.sh >> /var/log/dtc.log | 11:57 |
kidalabama | cd: 1: can't cd to /usr/share/dtc/admi | 11:57 |
soundray | lewis1711: have you got your monitor specs? | 11:57 |
soundray | !repeat | kidalabama | 11:57 |
ubotu | kidalabama: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 11:57 |
t3318_ | anyone know how to customize GCompris interface? I can't find any glade file | 11:57 |
lewis1711 | alas no. I am a poor student and this monitor is some ancient secondhand CRT pos;) | 11:57 |
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furiozo | i am lamer | 11:58 |
soundray | lewis1711: what resolution do you want to use? | 11:58 |
lewis1711 | 1024x768 | 11:58 |
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soundray | lewis1711: do you have the model name and number there? | 11:58 |
smekerce | VLERA | 11:59 |
soundray | smekerce: don't do this please. Do you have a question relating to ubuntu? | 11:59 |
smekerce | KASAMI | 11:59 |
lewis1711 | ViewSonic E70. looks about 10 years old;) | 11:59 |
smekerce | ADASDWDSDAW | 11:59 |
soundray | lewis1711: give me a second | 11:59 |
smekerce | ADWSDAWDAWADSASA | 11:59 |
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smekerce | HG | 11:59 |
smekerce | HF | 11:59 |
smekerce | HGHF | 11:59 |
smekerce | HG | 11:59 |
smekerce | FH | 11:59 |
smekerce | FHG | 11:59 |
soundray | Amaranth: still here? | 11:59 |
smekerce | FHG | 11:59 |
smekerce | FGH | 11:59 |
c | haqim | 11:59 |
smekerce | FHG | 11:59 |
soundray | !ops | smekerce spamming | 11:59 |
smekerce | F | 11:59 |
ubotu | smekerce spamming: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 11:59 |
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smekerce | HF | 11:59 |
c | blok | 11:59 |
soundray | Thanks Mez, he's quit | 12:00 |
c | une jom djal i bukur det ci | 12:00 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b c!*@*] by rob | ||
lewis1711 | all this spamming is wrecking havoc on my 640x480 display:D:D | 12:00 |
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tarelerulz | my wireless card works under windows and It don't work under ubuntu ,but it did work and I use ndiswrapper and windows drivers for it. Now my wireless card don't work and I can connect o my wireless router . I was thinking about use static ip subnet mast and default gateway for ubuntu . I am wondering is that a good idea or anyone thing I would take more ? | 12:01 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b c!*@*] by rob | ||
soundray | lewis1711: go through the wizard and accept all the defaults. When you get to the monitor settings, select the "Advanced" mode. For horizsync, enter "30-70". For vertrefresh, enter "50-160" (not the quotes, just the numbers) | 12:03 |
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip70-177-204-60.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gordonjcp | oh, speaking of resolutions, is there a way to set the screen refresh rate from the command line? | 12:03 |
lewis1711 | soundray, okay here's the thing. xconfigure doesn't come up with wizard for me. it asks me to select what company graphics card I have, tells me to enter a name, and then it stops. | 12:04 |
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pvh | jotil: yeah, i think my dd is almost done | 12:04 |
soundray | gordonjcp: not really. Based on your xorg settings, it will select the highest refresh that's compatible at startup. | 12:04 |
pvh | jotil: yep, just another minute or so left | 12:05 |
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soundray | lewis1711: in that case, see if you can manage to put your /etc/X11/xorg.conf on the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 12:05 |
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comicinker | hi! | 12:06 |
=== MiJiT [n=mijit@125-238-26-20.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jotil | pvh: i am curious. should it work, i will know what to do in such situations. | 12:06 |
gordonjcp | soundray: actually, it doesn't seem to pay any attention to my xorg.conf settings at all | 12:06 |
thelonecabbage | Is there a way to have xinemera detect when an external monitor is plugged into a laptop and only extend the screen then? | 12:06 |
comicinker | I have a little problem with tracker: it cannot find anything, but it is all already indexed. can somebody help me? | 12:06 |
pvh | jotil: yeah. i'll keep you in the loop. are you a regular in this channel? | 12:06 |
tarelerulz | The ip and subnet mast and the default , I am getting it from the wireless connection under windows so I know they work ,but I don't know if the Linux program works like that if it can't auto find those settings. What I am asking really is I can get the ip and subnet mask and default for my wireless connect ,but I get them automatically from the router if I imputed those in ubuntu as static setting would that work or be likey to work | 12:07 |
soundray | gordonjcp: what's your graphics card and driver? | 12:07 |
jotil | pvh: i will hopefully become. | 12:07 |
comicinker | can somebody help me with my tracker problem? | 12:07 |
soundray | lewis1711: what does the screen look like -- does it go back to the command prompt? | 12:07 |
pvh | jotil: well, hopefully you'll have the opportunity to pass the knowledge on then | 12:08 |
soundray | comicinker: ask in #ubuntu+1 please | 12:08 |
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gordonjcp | soundray: some flavour of geforce 4, nvidia binary driver | 12:08 |
gordonjcp | soundray: it's mostly ok, but when I exit RTCW:ET it leaves the screen set to 1680x1050/50Hz | 12:08 |
jotil | pvh: irc help channels are such good places to learn | 12:08 |
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gordonjcp | and I'd like it to leave it on 1680x1050/55Hz | 12:08 |
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soundray | gordonjcp: give /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.txt.gz a good read | 12:08 |
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pvh | jotil: depends | 12:08 |
jotil | lol | 12:09 |
lewis1711 | soundray, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40691/ | 12:09 |
gordonjcp | soundray: did that, didn't see anything massively helpful | 12:09 |
pvh | jotil: you've got to ask questions people know the answers to but aren't sick of answering | 12:09 |
gordonjcp | soundray: I figured the easiest way would be to work out what the screen res selector does, and stick that at the end of the wrapper that runs et | 12:09 |
gordonjcp | ;-) | 12:09 |
jotil | pvh: agreed | 12:09 |
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=== RZIM [n=aqwert@dpc6935212176.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperLag | gordonjcp: try commenting out the entries for nvidia in /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video | 12:10 |
smmagic | Anyone remember how to register? | 12:10 |
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=== theAtom [n=ATOM@d58-106-13-203.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | lewis1711: that's not what I needed. Do a 'gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and copy and paste the entire file. | 12:10 |
SuperLag | gordonjcp: and reboot | 12:10 |
theAtom | Is it possible to install Opera on Gutsy? | 12:10 |
RZIM | where would i get Event.pm ? for Irc | 12:10 |
soundray | lewis1711: to that site of course | 12:10 |
jotil | theAtom: googled it? | 12:10 |
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smmagic | Why does it keep telling me to wait 120 secs before register | 12:10 |
theAtom | jotil, Opera website doesnt have a version for Gutsy. only for Feisty | 12:11 |
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pvh | theAtom: this is really an #ubuntu+1 conversation, but it probably works fine | 12:11 |
tech0007 | theAtom...ask pipz from #ubuntu+1..maybe they know somethin | 12:11 |
SuperLag | theAtom: jotil: Opera works for me | 12:11 |
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jotil | smmagic: because you registered another nick just a bit ago? | 12:11 |
lewis1711 | ha, oh right, sorry soundray, must be close to that time of the night;) | 12:11 |
lewis1711 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/40693/ | 12:11 |
Z1mmY | anyone know | 12:11 |
smmagic | Nope | 12:11 |
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smmagic | What do I type again | 12:11 |
theAtom | tech0007, ok :) | 12:11 |
smmagic | I probably messed up | 12:12 |
jotil | SuperLag: the feisty one? | 12:12 |
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theAtom | SuperLag, what ubuntu u use? | 12:12 |
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ePax | Is it possible to watch web-tv with miro? Or some other program? | 12:12 |
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=== jotil wonders if SuperLag had built it from source | ||
SuperLag | jotil: yep | 12:12 |
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SuperLag | theAtom: Feisty originally, but I upgraded to Gutsy | 12:13 |
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soundray | lewis1711: what do you get from 'ls -rt /etc/X11/xorg.conf?* | tail -n 1'? | 12:13 |
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smmagic | There we are | 12:14 |
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lewis1711 | soundray, terminal just comes back with ls -rt /etc/X11/xorg.conf?* | tail -n 1 | 12:14 |
lewis1711 | whoops | 12:14 |
lewis1711 | I mean | 12:14 |
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lewis1711 | it comes up with nothing | 12:15 |
SuperLag | jotil: I didn't build it from source. I used the .deb file for Feisty, and did dpkg -i thatdotdebfile.deb (don't remember it's exact name) | 12:15 |
lewis1711 | nothing happens | 12:15 |
soundray | lewis1711: just returns the prompt? | 12:15 |
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lewis1711 | yes | 12:16 |
=== Rincevent [n=mauron@AToulouse-156-1-166-73.w90-38.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lewis1711 | returns the prompt sounds better than nothing happens. *writes that one down*;) | 12:16 |
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SuperLag | soundray: out of curiosity, why have him return tail on issuing an ls command? | 12:16 |
jotil | SuperLag: thank you for the information | 12:16 |
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SuperLag | jotil: certainly | 12:16 |
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soundray | lewis1711: "nothing happens" could mean it's waiting for input | 12:17 |
SuperLag | soundray: aren't you wanting him to get the output of a file's contents, rather than a directory listing? | 12:17 |
lewis1711 | ah | 12:17 |
soundray | SuperLag: I wanted the most recent xorg.conf backup, if any | 12:17 |
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SuperLag | soundray: ahh... okay. Makes more sense. :) | 12:17 |
joelito | anyone knows what today's gutsy updates were for? | 12:18 |
=== PriitM [n=priit@ip96.cab18.mus.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lewis1711 | soundray can I just replace 640x480 in my config file with what I want? | 12:18 |
soundray | lewis1711: I think your xorg.conf is the result of running nvidiaconfig or a similar utility. Can you recall doing that? | 12:18 |
=== M-ERiMiEs [n=m-erimie@line-8112.dyn.kponet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lewis1711 | no. I installed the nvidea driver, that's it. and I did nothing in kde except let synaptic install it and try and change my screen resolution | 12:19 |
SuperLag | soundray: I had issues with Nvidia, as well. Commenting out the entries for nvidia in /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video did the trick. However, this assumes you already have a viable xorg.conf from some means. | 12:19 |
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SuperLag | lewis1711: how did you install the nvidia driver? | 12:20 |
soundray | SuperLag: do you happen to know the true name of the nvidia utility that creates the config file? | 12:20 |
SuperLag | I believe it is nvidia-xconfig | 12:21 |
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=== dag_ [n=dag@ti411310a080-2073.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lewis1711 | superlag, through restricted driver manager | 12:21 |
ikonia | SuperLag: I didn't think that actually created a config file, just in memory | 12:21 |
soundray | lewis1711: please try running that, ie. gksudo nvidia-xconfig | 12:21 |
SuperLag | ikonia: It does create a file, and backs up your current file | 12:22 |
dag_ | I removed Adobe program first then Wine, now I'm stuck with folder under "Programs" on the bar. Under "Programs" I find "Wine > Adobe > Blabla > Blabla.exe" How I remove it? | 12:22 |
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jotil | nvidia-xconfig it is | 12:22 |
dag_ | Completly. | 12:22 |
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jotil | heh | 12:22 |
soundray | Thanks jotil | 12:22 |
jetscreamer | update-menus | 12:22 |
dag_ | jetscreamer: how i do this? i have ubuntu 7.10 | 12:22 |
erUSUL | dag_: right click on the menu and choose edit | 12:23 |
erUSUL | !gutsy | dag_ | 12:23 |
ubotu | dag_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 12:23 |
lewis1711 | soundray, I've done that, it seems to have all gone through, ( backed up file, new x configuration file written etc) | 12:23 |
[per0las] | is there some oher software that not the amsn or mercury that suport webcam?! | 12:23 |
dag_ | erUSUL: found it. thanks. | 12:23 |
SuperLag | lewis1711: humor me. | 12:23 |
=== Cryoniq [n=ankan@me-104-110-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | lewis1711: did you get to make any resolution settings? | 12:23 |
SuperLag | lewis1711: comment out the entries for nvidia in /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-video | 12:24 |
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soundray | SuperLag: I don't think that fixes any problem that lewis1711 has | 12:24 |
lewis1711 | I'm not sure what comment out means, sorry SuperLag | 12:24 |
lewis1711 | oh | 12:25 |
soundray | lewis1711: let's worry about this later. | 12:25 |
lewis1711 | soundray, I got to make no resolution settings | 12:25 |
soundray | lewis1711: did you get to make any resolution settings in the config utility? | 12:25 |
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lewis1711 | wait...the config utility? | 12:25 |
dag_ | How can I remove "Examples" folder in the home folder? | 12:25 |
pvh | jotil: wish me luck. later. | 12:25 |
lewis1711 | as in, the text config file? | 12:26 |
soundray | lewis1711: no, as in gksudo nvidia-xconfig | 12:26 |
jotil | pvh: best of luck dude. later. | 12:26 |
SuperLag | soundray: http://pastie.caboo.se/107275 | 12:26 |
lewis1711 | no, it just gave me | 12:26 |
=== Camaxtli [n=Anton@x077078.lr-s.tudelft.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lewis1711 | Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". | 12:26 |
lewis1711 | Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup' | 12:26 |
lewis1711 | New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 12:26 |
lewis1711 | and that was that | 12:26 |
lewis1711 | whoops sorry | 12:26 |
SuperLag | soundray: that was the *only* way I've been able to get Nvidia to work on Gutsy, in spite of all other efforts | 12:26 |
=== Honkboy [n=stefan@dslb-084-056-073-225.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Odd-rationale | dag_: right-click and select ""Move to trash." | 12:27 |
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lewis1711 | Superlag, Nvidia was working absolutely fine before I installed KDE. but I'm in feisty. | 12:27 |
soundray | SuperLag: nvidia works for lewis1711 though. Just not at the right resolution | 12:27 |
jotil | SuperLag: after the upgrade the nvidia broke? | 12:27 |
SuperLag | jotil: yep, for me | 12:28 |
lewis1711 | yeah, I can only get one resolution. before i nstalled kde I could use whatever reso I wanted | 12:28 |
dag_ | Odd-rationale: that dont work! | 12:28 |
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Odd-rationale | dag_:Are you using the Live CD? | 12:28 |
dag_ | no | 12:28 |
SuperLag | dag_: ALT-F2, run alacarte, and in that menu right-click on the entry you want to get rid of, and select Delete | 12:28 |
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=== JediMaster [n=JediMast@host-84-9-122-146.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | lewis1711: could you pastebin the output of 'ls /etc/X11' please | 12:29 |
a-atwood_ | lewis1711: just for future reference, make an RCS dir there instead of a backup and do 'ci -l' on the file. version control: it's a beautiful thing. 8) | 12:29 |
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dag_ | SuperLag: It's not there. It's in my Home folder, the folder "Examples" that always follows Ubuntu, want that to be gone. | 12:30 |
JediMaster | Hi guys, is it possible to use rsync via ssh to copy files and retain the original uid/gid when there is no password set on the root user, as this normally requires root privs? | 12:30 |
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ikonia | JediMaster you will return the uid/gid with te preserve permissions option, however that is worthless if the uid/gid mapping to user is not the same on the target machine | 12:30 |
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SuperLag | dag_: where does that show up at, that you're wanting to get rid of it? | 12:30 |
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SuperLag | dag_: only in your home folder? | 12:31 |
dag_ | SuperLag: homefolder/username folder | 12:31 |
dag_ | yes | 12:31 |
g0dd3ss | hai friendz ihave feisty with gnome, if i install kde from synaptic will i get to choose between the two | 12:31 |
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dag_ | SuperLag: /usr/share/example-content | 12:31 |
SuperLag | dag_: rm -rf ~/Examples | 12:31 |
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JediMaster | ikonia: that's not a problem, I have transferred them across to a backup machine with uid/gid intact, but it's getting them back on to the ubuntu machine that is the issue | 12:31 |
WaltzingAlong | g0dd3ss: yes | 12:31 |
soundray | g0dd3ss: yes, at the gdm login you can choose a session. | 12:31 |
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ikonia | JediMaster man rsync and look at the preserve option | 12:31 |
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g0dd3ss | oh okey thanks alot WaltzingAlong and soundray | 12:32 |
SuperLag | dag_: but take care that you're referring to the correct path, when you're using rm -rf. | 12:32 |
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dag_ | SuperLag: thanks | 12:32 |
JediMaster | ikonia: it works already, I know the syntax, the issue is that I need to be able to copy it to the ubuntu server as root, and afaik you can't tell it to sudo | 12:32 |
lewis1711 | soundray, it's telling me I'm spamming the paste bin. I've had no luck. think I'd better call it a night. thankyou for your help never the less | 12:32 |
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ikonia | JediMaster ahhh, I missed that part. Sudo isn't the issue its the issue that a.) ubuntu has no root password and b.) root logins on ssh is disabled. You'll have to set a root password on ubuntu and enable root login via ssh | 12:33 |
SuperLag | lewis1711: You can try pastie.caboo.se, as well. | 12:33 |
soundray | lewis1711: just before you give up: in that listing, was there anything that looked like a backup of xorg.conf > | 12:33 |
soundray | ? | 12:33 |
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JediMaster | ikonia: thought as much, was hoping that there was another way =) | 12:33 |
fa-bios | ciao | 12:33 |
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ikonia | JediMaster sorry | 12:33 |
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lewis1711 | soundray, yes there was | 12:34 |
JediMaster | ikonia: np, just writing up some backup/restore documentation | 12:34 |
Omnius | how do i get firestarter to stop blocking me logging into my ssh server LAN? | 12:34 |
lewis1711 | xorg.conf.backup | 12:34 |
ikonia | lewis1711: allow port 22 for ssh | 12:34 |
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c | ? | 12:34 |
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soundray | lewis1711: one thing you could try is to backup your current one, then copy one that looks good to be /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:34 |
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lewis1711 | ikonia I am a noob btw;) | 12:34 |
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ikonia | lewis1711 ? so ? | 12:35 |
askvictor | Would it be inappropriate to ask for nvidia (non-free) support here? | 12:35 |
ikonia | lewis1711: your using firestarter -so you must have set it up. Open port 22 | 12:35 |
lewis1711 | so I have no idea what that means. honestly. I vaguely know what a port is. I have no idea how to change it | 12:35 |
Odd-rationale | I've been reading about Lubi from the website and I'm trying to understand exactly what is does. Does it mean that if my current installation gets messed up I can boot from the Lubi and reinstall Ubuntu without the CD? | 12:35 |
soundray | ikonia: you are talking to the wrong guy | 12:35 |
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, no. | 12:35 |
lewis1711 | hahaha;) | 12:35 |
ikonia | lewis1711 then why are you running firestarter ? | 12:35 |
lewis1711 | cold but honest. | 12:35 |
ikonia | soundray am I ? | 12:35 |
lewis1711 | firestarter? | 12:35 |
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, er, let me rethink. | 12:35 |
lewis1711 | lol | 12:35 |
ikonia | soundray: my tterminal is lagging | 12:35 |
ikonia | lewis1711: apologies if your not the guy asking about firestarer. | 12:36 |
Omnius | nah thats me | 12:36 |
soundray | lewis1711: ikonia is addressing you, but means Omnius | 12:36 |
lewis1711 | ah | 12:36 |
ikonia | lewis1711 apologies | 12:36 |
ikonia | soundray thank you, my terminal looks like lewis1711 was asking | 12:36 |
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lewis1711 | soundray where would i find a xkrkgconfig file that looks good? | 12:36 |
lewis1711 | no worries | 12:36 |
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, well, if your installation is messed up in an non-hard drive related way (no hd crash), then of course you can do that | 12:36 |
dag_ | in digiKam as I enable the Color Managment and I go to "Workspace, Input, Soft Proof,"... What do I put there, and how? Can't seem to make it work :( *cry* | 12:36 |
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Odd-rationale | kbrooks: OK | 12:36 |
Omnius | ikona: is firestarter needed? | 12:37 |
ikonia | Omnius open port 22 for ssh then. Apologies for the confusion | 12:37 |
soundray | lewis1711: try this: 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.borked ; sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 12:37 |
lewis1711 | ModeLine "640x480@60" 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 can I not just edit that to include other resolutions | 12:37 |
soundray | lewis1711: any errors? | 12:37 |
dag_ | It says I need ICC Profiles! | 12:37 |
ikonia | Omnius: depends where your machine is and what its doing. | 12:37 |
lewis1711 | ok soundray, one more for the road:D | 12:37 |
soundray | lewis1711: no, it doesn't work that way | 12:37 |
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, but if you just changed your hd partitioning, no you cant | 12:37 |
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fa-bios | ciao ragazzi! scusate qualcuno usa AMULE di adunanza??? | 12:38 |
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ikonia | !it >fa-bios | 12:38 |
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jetscreamer | !it | 12:38 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:38 |
lewis1711 | soundray, no errors, gave me the prompt again | 12:38 |
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Odd-rationale | kbrooks: So you mean if I can still boot into Ubuntu and everything but for some reason just wanted to reinstall Ubuntu, I can use Lubi to reinstall Ubuntu without the CD. Is that correct? | 12:39 |
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soundray | lewis1711: it has worked then. Do a Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to force-restart X and see if you have your old resolution back. | 12:39 |
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=== Missy [i=ligmon@c211-30-87-122.carlnfd4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, well, you have to punch in a few commands to do that (read: no easy way to reinstall without the CD) | 12:40 |
lewis1711 | thankssound ray, will try. brb | 12:40 |
Missy | Hey Geeks | 12:40 |
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Odd-rationale | OK, I understand. Thanks! | 12:40 |
Omnius | ikona: i've made policies to allow ssh but firestarter just wont let me connect to my server on my LAN (server has no net access) | 12:40 |
Missy | talk to me.i am gettin bored | 12:40 |
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, the commands arent too hard to find if you google enough. | 12:40 |
soundray | Missy: go to #ubuntu-offtopic then | 12:40 |
Missy | how? | 12:41 |
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soundray | Missy: enter /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:41 |
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lewis1711 | soundray, no luck. thanks for your help anyway. I'll post it on the forums or something. cheers | 12:41 |
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Missy | thx hun | 12:41 |
Odd-rationale | kbrooks: Might look into that. | 12:41 |
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soundray | lewis1711: too bad, sorry. | 12:41 |
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Missy | says illegal channel name | 12:42 |
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soundray | Missy: misspelt it? | 12:42 |
jetscreamer | just right click on it and hit join | 12:43 |
Missy | nah i jus copied | 12:43 |
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Missy | am in Opera browser | 12:43 |
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, but basdically you are really installing ubuntu-server from the internet and then installing ubuntu-desktop. from the hard drive, this involves some "complexity", but this is what the alternate install CD hides, so don't worry too much | 12:43 |
soundray | Missy: try typing it in | 12:43 |
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CECA | buki | 12:43 |
=== CECA is now known as buki | ||
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Missy | k | 12:44 |
Missy | why cant u jus talk to me for while | 12:44 |
buki | albania | 12:44 |
buki | sasd | 12:44 |
buki | dada | 12:44 |
kbrooks | Odd-rationale, er, by ubuntu-server I meant to say basic CLI install | 12:44 |
buki | dassdasdasd | 12:44 |
buki | daasddddd | 12:44 |
dgjones | !offtopic | Missy | 12:44 |
ubotu | Missy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:44 |
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soundray | buki: don't do this please. Do you have a question? | 12:44 |
dgjones | buki, please stop | 12:44 |
buki | fack | 12:44 |
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Missy | lol | 12:44 |
buki | fack you | 12:44 |
buki | 12:44 | |
buki | 12:44 | |
buki | 12:44 | |
buki | 12:44 | |
dgjones | !ops | buki spamming channel | 12:44 |
buki | 12:44 | |
ubotu | buki spamming channel: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici | 12:44 |
buki | 12:44 | |
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buki | 12:44 | |
buki | 12:44 | |
buki | 12:44 | |
Odd-rationale | kbrooks: OK | 12:45 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@harvey.buks-island.org] by Mez | ||
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Divlji | hi there | 12:45 |
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Missy | thx i got | 12:45 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b #ubuntu!*@*] by Amaranth | ||
Amaranth | bleh | 12:45 |
Missy | actually i typed join/unbuntu | 12:45 |
Missy | lol | 12:45 |
Missy | blonde moment there | 12:45 |
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Nedski | Hello all, whats the command for listing all the java versions installed on the machine? | 12:49 |
Nedski | because i just installed 1.5 | 12:49 |
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Nedski | and 1.42 is selected as the working one | 12:49 |
penguincentral | Nedski: if you give me a moment, i'll find it for you | 12:49 |
raddy | Is the forth coming version of ubuntu support delta updates? | 12:50 |
Nedski | thanks penguin | 12:50 |
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volantares | greetings ubuntians | 12:50 |
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penguincentral | Nedski: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 12:50 |
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Nedski | thanks penguin | 12:51 |
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penguincentral | Nedski: that's ok :) | 12:52 |
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EADG_ | offh | 12:59 |
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dgravot | Bonjour, o diable puis-je modifier ma variable d'environnement PATH pour lui rajouter un chemin ? | 01:00 |
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jodi2 | hello guys | 01:00 |
dgjones | !fr | dgravot | 01:00 |
ubotu | dgravot: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 01:00 |
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dgravot | oops, en effet, je me suis tromp de channel, sorry ! | 01:01 |
WaltzingAlong | i had 512MB ram in my system but recently changed the total ram to 1024MB. is there any setting i need to change to make good use of the additional ram? | 01:02 |
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smmagic | As long as it is reconised | 01:02 |
jodi2 | anybody know a good way to back up my server, ive tweaked it and its working perfectly i'd like to do an image or mirror backup | 01:02 |
smmagic | Should be working itself | 01:02 |
dgjones | !backup > jodi2 | 01:02 |
jodi2 | !backup | 01:03 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 01:03 |
jodi2 | !cloning | 01:03 |
ubotu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade - See also !automate | 01:03 |
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WaltzingAlong | !sbackup | 01:04 |
ubotu | sbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe | 01:04 |
cherva | tell me a program that supports dvd menus and play from folder options ? | 01:04 |
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WaltzingAlong | !info vlc | cherva | 01:06 |
ubotu | cherva: vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3192 kB | 01:06 |
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LSD-25 | damn. is there ANY timeout for unused nicknames to expire? | 01:11 |
LSD-25 | grr | 01:11 |
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smmagic | I never knew that | 01:11 |
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WaltzingAlong | LSD-25 unregistered nicks? | 01:11 |
Festplatte | i could use any cryptic nickname to make sure it isn't been taken already | 01:11 |
Festplatte | the last 5 i chose were taken already | 01:12 |
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Festplatte | meh | 01:12 |
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Abanta | HA! | 01:12 |
gregshallard | what chmod number should /home/user have? | 01:12 |
WaltzingAlong | think different(ly)? | 01:12 |
Abanta | gregshallard: 700 imo | 01:12 |
smmagic | Anyone know why the keyboard always stop responding on java? | 01:13 |
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smmagic | Getting annoying | 01:13 |
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astro76 | gregshallard, 755 is default but you can change to 700 to make your home private | 01:13 |
arun | is there anything i can do about the ugly right click menu for flash files? | 01:13 |
gregshallard | thanks Abanta and astro76 :) | 01:13 |
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smmagic | Is there anyway to stop the keyboard from freezing | 01:14 |
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Abanta | gregshallard: you could also define to not want to have systemwide readable home directories so you could use 700 to make sure only you get into it | 01:14 |
Abanta | gregshallard uhm | 01:14 |
Abanta | there is a system wide setting | 01:15 |
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Abanta | for new accounts to be created | 01:15 |
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Abanta | well | 01:15 |
Abanta | dunno | 01:15 |
Abanta | hehe | 01:15 |
Abanta | meh | 01:15 |
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Abanta | at least now my atheros wlan adapter works flawlessly with ubuntu 7.10 | 01:15 |
Abanta | \o/ | 01:15 |
Abanta | not sure if i can use it already if i did not login yet, like use it on the console | 01:16 |
Abanta | hm | 01:16 |
Abanta | this NetworkManager thing still is a bit weird to me | 01:16 |
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Abanta | brb getting coffee | 01:16 |
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WaltzingAlong | mocha | 01:16 |
Abanta | MOCHA | 01:16 |
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loca|host | hello all | 01:17 |
loca|host | anyone know a way to install atheros wifi cards ? | 01:17 |
WaltzingAlong | !wifi | 01:17 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:17 |
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Abanta | loca|host: did you try if it just works with 7.10? | 01:17 |
arun | If I have a separate /home partition, how do i install gutsy so as to not overwrite the partition? | 01:18 |
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Abanta | arun: don't mount it while choosing manual partition | 01:18 |
loca|host | 7.10 is beta, not ? | 01:18 |
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erUSUL | loca|host: RC now | 01:18 |
Abanta | loca|host: it's in release candidate state and it works for me | 01:18 |
arun | Abanta: That's it? | 01:18 |
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Abanta | arun: think so... | 01:18 |
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Abanta | arun: just define a root partition and some swap | 01:19 |
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loca|host | ok am going to upgrade so | 01:19 |
WaltzingAlong | arun: select to have it mounted as /home but do not Format it | 01:19 |
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Abanta | loca|host: well | 01:19 |
=== [chr0n0s] [n=darkchr0@ns.cmi.ac.in] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Abanta | loca|host: if you like to use your already existing home partition just mount it as home not formatting it in the installer partitioner | 01:19 |
[chr0n0s] | hello all | 01:19 |
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loca|host | Abanta, can you reming me its codename so i can update my sources.list ? | 01:19 |
Abanta | loca|host: codename? wha? :)))) | 01:19 |
loca|host | hahahhaa | 01:19 |
iNoob | what command you use to check any hidden files on home | 01:20 |
arun | WaltzingAlong: alright. is it better to upgrade from feisty or to do a fresh install of gutsy? | 01:20 |
loca|host | knew it :D | 01:20 |
iNoob | Ls~ /home? | 01:20 |
opexoc | Why the same script of cron is in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc1.d and /etc/rc0.d? | 01:20 |
Abanta | loca|host: i'm A-BAN-T4 of Borg, resistance is futile! BEEP! | 01:20 |
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erUSUL | !upgrade | loca|host | 01:20 |
ubotu | loca|host: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:20 |
protocol1 | arun, fresh is always better | 01:20 |
Abanta | loca|host: oh now i know what you mean, you wanna upgrade to 7.10? | 01:20 |
arun | protocol1: If I install it fresh, what about all the application settings in my /home ? | 01:21 |
loca|host | Abanta, yes | 01:21 |
smmagic | When gutsy coming out? | 01:21 |
loca|host | from feisty | 01:21 |
atlfalcons866 | #ubuntu+1 | 01:21 |
[chr0n0s] | protocol1 : but you will save some hassle of configuring if you upgrade | 01:21 |
erUSUL | loca|host: just changing sources.list and doing dist-upgrade is not the safest way of doing things | 01:21 |
[chr0n0s] | smmagic : 18th OCT | 01:21 |
arun | protocol1: i assume all the apps will also be upgraded, right? | 01:21 |
atlfalcons866 | smmagic: october 18 | 01:21 |
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protocol1 | yes | 01:21 |
WaltzingAlong | arun: do not format the /home partition. then all of the settings and files remain there | 01:21 |
smmagic | Why upgrade right now then? | 01:21 |
protocol1 | upgrade so you don't loose your stuff :) | 01:21 |
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smmagic | 3 days isn't long | 01:21 |
[chr0n0s] | smmagic : the RC is out | 01:21 |
andril | hello all | 01:21 |
Abanta | loca|host: uhh. should be possible with just editing sources.list to your needs and then doing something like "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade" | 01:21 |
andril | the RC i great =) | 01:21 |
Abanta | meh | 01:21 |
Abanta | yeah | 01:21 |
[chr0n0s] | i am gonna fresh install, coz my present install is screwed up | 01:22 |
loca|host | Abanta, sed -i 's/feisty/gutsy/g' sources.list;apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:22 |
loca|host | that should do it | 01:22 |
andril | just waiting for 3 more days | 01:22 |
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arun | WaltzingAlong: Yeah, I know the settings remain there. What I'm unclear about is, if the programs are going to be upgraded, what happens to all the old settings? Are they still applicable? Are they overwritten? | 01:22 |
Pici | !rc | 01:22 |
atlfalcons866 | is a 433Mhz celeron fast enough to run ubuntu | 01:22 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) Release Candidate information and release notes can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - The RC is development software and as such unstable, support *ONLY* in #ubuntu+1 | 01:22 |
loca|host | but erUSUL says its not safe | 01:22 |
Abanta | loca|host: hehehe | 01:22 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: depends on what you try to do with it | 01:22 |
[chr0n0s] | atlfalcons866 : i believe it is | 01:22 |
atlfalcons866 | just web broswing and music and email | 01:23 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: be sure to start with failsafe graphics mode and later use some minimalistic window manager | 01:23 |
PriceChild | !Offtopic | 01:23 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:23 |
WaltzingAlong | arun: most settings are stored per user so they all remain intact (they are stored at /home/user/.program) | 01:23 |
PriceChild | [chr0n0s] , I hope you're not actively suggesting someone should use gutsy right now? | 01:23 |
atlfalcons866 | may be xubuntu will run better on it | 01:23 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: will do. it will not be a performant experience tho. but again, be sure to choose a MINIMALST window manager | 01:23 |
[chr0n0s] | PriceChild : nope | 01:23 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: fluxbox for example | 01:23 |
atlfalcons866 | what about xfce | 01:23 |
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Abanta | atlfalcons866: you can just choose your window manager after install. no need to go xubuntu.... | 01:23 |
[chr0n0s] | PriceChild : i am waiting for 3 days | 01:23 |
WaltzingAlong | arun: if you "install fresh" then you keep your home partition as is (do not format it) but format / partition, where you would install ubuntu (xubuntu, kubuntu,...) | 01:23 |
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atlfalcons866 | it has 384mb ram | 01:24 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: it's dope. i love xfce. i believe there are some more lightweight wm's out tho... | 01:24 |
Abanta | enuff | 01:24 |
[chr0n0s] | WaltzingAlong : i think that is not possible | 01:24 |
jkp_ | can someone tell me why this might leak? | 01:24 |
jkp_ | http://rafb.net/p/PR06OW97.html | 01:24 |
arun | WaltzingAlong: Say my settings for program x are in my /home directory. Once I install gutsy, it will be a new version of the same program. So what happens to the settings for the older version? I assume they won't apply to the new version? Do they get upgraded too? | 01:24 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: should do the job very good | 01:24 |
atlfalcons866 | ok | 01:24 |
jkp_ | deleaker on windows is telling me that the ifstream is leaking | 01:24 |
andril | upgrade = not so well - fresh install = > than vista =) | 01:24 |
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jkp_ | it makes not sense if iostreams use RIAA | 01:24 |
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atlfalcons866 | what window manager does puppy linux use | 01:24 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: its not the fastest thing but it should work :) | 01:24 |
jkp_ | oops! | 01:24 |
WaltzingAlong | arun: most should work | 01:24 |
atlfalcons866 | i know | 01:24 |
jkp_ | wrong channel | 01:24 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: not sure. fluxbox or so? | 01:24 |
atlfalcons866 | ok | 01:24 |
WaltzingAlong | arun: even if you upgrade, same thing | 01:24 |
arun | alright | 01:25 |
Abanta | atlfalcons866: fluxbox is very pretty and fucking fast. | 01:25 |
atlfalcons866 | thanks | 01:25 |
arun | thanks | 01:25 |
WaltzingAlong | !ohmy | Abanta | 01:25 |
ubotu | Abanta: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:25 |
arun | is the video player crash issue fixed with compiz in gutsy? | 01:25 |
Abanta | arun: you can use mplayer with -vo x11 i think | 01:25 |
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Abanta | arun: that worked for me hehe | 01:26 |
Abanta | damn. fucking xchat. gotta switch to irssi. | 01:26 |
Abanta | brb | 01:26 |
Abanta | :)= | 01:26 |
Abanta | :) | 01:26 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | Abanta | 01:26 |
ubotu | Abanta: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:26 |
Abanta | meh :) | 01:27 |
arun | Abanta: But XV doesnt work? x11 video looks like crap | 01:27 |
Abanta | arun: why should it look like crap? | 01:27 |
Abanta | arun: it looks dope. i just needed another option that let me resize the window | 01:27 |
Abanta | heh | 01:27 |
arun | Abanta: XV renders videos much better and uses less memory | 01:27 |
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Abanta | arun: ah. didnt know that. | 01:27 |
Abanta | arun: maybe you find a way to use xv too | 01:27 |
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Abanta | hmm | 01:27 |
PriceChild | Abanta, could we please refrain from the drug references and now you've got my attention, other questionable words. :) | 01:27 |
arun | Abanta: are you using gutsy? | 01:27 |
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Abanta | arun: since a few hours. yeah. | 01:28 |
Abanta | PriceChild: wha? :) | 01:28 |
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Abanta | PriceChild: drug references? :) | 01:28 |
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arun | Abanta: and does xv video work for you with compiz enabled? | 01:29 |
Abanta | PriceChild: i was just talking about getting some coffee some lines ago. sorry. if i really talked about drugs again i'm really sorry. :) | 01:29 |
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Abanta | arun: it was either xv or x11 and it worked. yeah. gotta figure that out since i just reinstalled things here using gutsy. | 01:29 |
AJ-- | ei guys.. how can i update to gnone 2.20 | 01:29 |
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PriceChild | !offtopic | Abanta | 01:29 |
ubotu | Abanta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:29 |
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Abanta | arun: will keep you updated as i configure it... | 01:30 |
opexoc | Can you tell me why script for cron in /etc/init.d is linked in /etc/rc0.d, /etc/rc1.d nd /etc/rc2.d? | 01:30 |
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Abanta | PriceChild: ? | 01:30 |
PriceChild | Abanta, please keep him updated in #ubuntu+1 :) | 01:30 |
=== RunOnDos [n=RunOnDos@adsl-67-119-195-183.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Abanta | PriceChild: meh :) | 01:30 |
wyxmer | :) | 01:30 |
Abanta | *loughs* | 01:30 |
Abanta | haha | 01:30 |
RunOnDos | does anyone noe how to check hidden files on home, the command that is | 01:30 |
PriceChild | RunOnDos, ls -a ~ | 01:31 |
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RunOnDos | ttytyty | 01:31 |
RunOnDos | on home | 01:31 |
PriceChild | RunOnDos, the ~ means home | 01:31 |
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csc` | ~ is hom | 01:31 |
RunOnDos | TYTYTYT | 01:31 |
csc` | home* | 01:31 |
AJ-- | guys.. how can i update my GNONE to 2.20 | 01:31 |
PriceChild | AJ--, why do you want to do that? | 01:31 |
PriceChild | !highno | AJ-- | 01:31 |
AJ-- | just want to try the latest styles | 01:32 |
WaltzingAlong | AJ--: when you view the about /version, squint so you see whatever version as 2.20 | 01:32 |
ubotu | AJ--: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos. | 01:32 |
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WaltzingAlong | there really should be some formalized system for taking the 'power' users into 'small time' devs | 01:33 |
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kondor101 | wondering if anyone has tried 7.10 out with an MSI mobo that has built in gfx yet, I know they have trouble with the 3D in the past | 01:33 |
WaltzingAlong | !gutsy | kondor101 | 01:34 |
ubotu | kondor101: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 01:34 |
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kondor101 | about as much use as chocolate fire guard lol, was only wondering | 01:35 |
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PriceChild | kondor101, go to #ubuntu+1 and wonder there as it suggests :) | 01:35 |
arunkale | kondor101: i have one of those | 01:35 |
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arunkale | it has a built in nvidia geforce graphics card | 01:35 |
kondor101 | ah, now i see it. :) | 01:35 |
kondor101 | ty guys | 01:35 |
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lunz | how do i disable my compiz-fusion? | 01:36 |
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PriceChild | lunz, system > preferences > desktop effects | 01:37 |
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atlfalcons866 | will i still get updates if i compile a kernel | 01:38 |
lunz | i dont have desktop effects :(( | 01:38 |
PriceChild | lunz, if it isn't there then go to #ubuntu+1 you gutsy user :) | 01:38 |
PriceChild | atlfalcons866, why are you compiling a kernel? | 01:38 |
atlfalcons866 | speed boost | 01:38 |
PriceChild | !highno | atlfalcons866 | 01:38 |
ubotu | atlfalcons866: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos. | 01:38 |
lunz | xserver is too slow now,i need close compiz | 01:38 |
PriceChild | atlfalcons866, whatever you get will most probably be a placebo effect. | 01:38 |
soundray | atlfalcons866: it's negligible | 01:38 |
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atlfalcons866 | ok | 01:38 |
PriceChild | atlfalcons866, you WILL do more damage than its worth. | 01:39 |
lunz | i am using feisty fawn | 01:39 |
atlfalcons866 | ok | 01:39 |
Pici | A negligible increase not worth the time. | 01:39 |
atlfalcons866 | thnks bye | 01:39 |
PriceChild | lunz, metacity --replace | 01:39 |
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erUSUL | PriceChild: that factoid ( highno ) is priceless ;) | 01:39 |
lunz | pricechild:thank you very2 much | 01:40 |
WaltzingAlong | atlfalcons866: of course you may find the process rewarding in itself, not necessary as a normal user though | 01:40 |
PriceChild | erUSUL, not quire priceless... as a price made it :P | 01:40 |
lunz | gee i am back again... | 01:40 |
soundray | Prizeworthy then | 01:40 |
erUSUL | PriceChild: XD | 01:40 |
sudhansh1 | PriceChild:to use chmod should i change d directory? | 01:41 |
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PriceChild | sudhansh1, no need | 01:41 |
PriceChild | sudhansh1, you can chmod /path/to/wherever | 01:41 |
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RedWolf_ | Hi... I've got a very strange problem. I was running a program in wine one day and the proggy crashed. Since that time my menubar(top/side) has been absolutely enormous and my bottom task bar has stayed normal. Here is a screenshot http://www.jonkratzer.com/problem.png | 01:41 |
Abanta | so what's a good way of auto starting an app when i log in from gdm to kde? | 01:42 |
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Abanta | any auto start possibility in kde would be fine with me but i don't find one. | 01:42 |
chasmarang | Can some help me - sound recorder doesn't record in feisty | 01:42 |
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Missy | It was Good | 01:43 |
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chasmarang | ChanServ: Can you help me - sound recorder doesn't record in feisty | 01:44 |
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g0dd3ss | haii, how to stop kde opening all the things I had open when I last shut down? | 01:45 |
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lloeki | Abanta, you will want to look for the Autostart folder under ~/.kde | 01:45 |
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arcil_ | is there a similiar music player like amarok but without gnome or kde libs? | 01:46 |
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WaltzingAlong | g0dd3ss: referred to as a session | 01:46 |
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Abanta | lloeki: orly | 01:46 |
Abanta | lloeki: ;) | 01:46 |
nonickforme | how can i find out what version of ubuntu a box has running? | 01:46 |
Abanta | lloeki: thank you :) | 01:46 |
soundray | nonickforme: cat /etc/lsb-release | 01:47 |
nonickforme | soundray, thanks. | 01:47 |
WaltzingAlong | g0dd3ss: check kcontrol then search for session or session manager | 01:47 |
lloeki | arcil_, exaile | 01:47 |
g0dd3ss | yer i found it thnx WaltzingAlong | 01:47 |
RedWolf_ | lol jeez I wish mine were that simple :( | 01:47 |
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Abanta | lloeki: can i just create a symlink there? | 01:47 |
arcil_ | lloeki: thank you | 01:48 |
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lloeki | Abanta, sure | 01:48 |
cal_ | hi | 01:48 |
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Abanta | lloeki: cool ty | 01:48 |
lloeki | Abanta, or drop a .desktop file, or a +x file | 01:48 |
cal_ | how can i stop a session with terminal? | 01:48 |
kbrooks | question. | 01:48 |
soundray | RedWolf_: have you tried right-clicking and reconfiguring that panel? | 01:48 |
soundray | cal_: what kind of session? | 01:48 |
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kbrooks | um, firefox takes 10 seconds to start with no settings. | 01:48 |
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kbrooks | and 5 seconds to start with settings | 01:49 |
cal_ | soundray: conky | 01:49 |
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kbrooks | what can i do about the latter case? | 01:49 |
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soundray | cal_: what's that? | 01:49 |
RedWolf_ | soundray, yes I have | 01:49 |
kbrooks | also, is there a way to make xchat power efficient? | 01:49 |
=== chris99 [n=chrissch@i59F5C4A5.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | cal_: you want to kill your system monitor? | 01:50 |
chris99 | hello | 01:51 |
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g0dd3ss | killall conky? | 01:51 |
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cal_ | it s a tool to display system informationns on the desktop | 01:51 |
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soundray | cal_: listen to g0dd3ss | 01:51 |
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cal_ | i will test it | 01:51 |
g0dd3ss | that what i do anyway | 01:51 |
soundray | RedWolf_: is this gnome? | 01:51 |
WaltzingAlong | cal_: htop ? | 01:51 |
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RedWolf_ | soundray, yes it is. | 01:52 |
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chris99 | know a person here, a good tutorial for building a server with ubuntu server edition? sorry for my english, it isnt really good :-)) | 01:52 |
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cal_ | whats htop?? | 01:53 |
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RedWolf_ | running dual head displays, and even though each monitor is a seperate X sessio they both have the same troubles lol | 01:53 |
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tarvid | any idea when on the 18th, the cd images will be available? Trying to plan a party and a very late in the day release would be problematic. | 01:53 |
philomath | #alug | 01:54 |
WaltzingAlong | !info htop p| cal_ | 01:54 |
ubotu | cal_: htop: interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-1 (feisty), package size 43 kB, installed size 172 kB | 01:54 |
soundray | RedWolf_: you could log into a failsafe session and remove all of your gnome panel files | 01:54 |
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tarvid | chris99, the server install cd offers a number of choices and for the most part server installation is point and cllick. The devil is in the details | 01:54 |
cal_ | !info htop p| cal_ | 01:55 |
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cal_ | what will you say to me with this command? | 01:55 |
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lloeki | tarvid, why don't you get the RC|beta ISOs, then update? | 01:55 |
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Pici | cal_: look up at what ubotu said. | 01:55 |
anss1 | How do I sync and manage my Nokia N70 calendar etc on Ubuntu, over Bluetooth | 01:56 |
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RedWolf_ | soundray, can yo ube mor specific? | 01:56 |
tarvid | lloeki, I need cds to hand out. The RTcs won't cut it. | 01:56 |
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rpj8 | Hey guys. Would changing my default file manager from nautilus to another cause my Desktop Environment to break? | 01:56 |
cal_ | ah okay i see it | 01:56 |
lloeki | tarvid, you could always download them just in case the isos are late | 01:56 |
cal_ | thanks | 01:56 |
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lloeki | tarvid, and I guess the timing will depend of your timezone too | 01:57 |
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soundray | RedWolf_: if you don't mind configuring gnome from scratch, choose a failsafe session at gdm and do a 'rm .gnome* .gconf*'. Then log out and into the normal session again. | 01:57 |
tarvid | lloeki, the wiki suggests that they will be available for evening parties, I think I'll just take a chance. Need time to install on two laptops and test the cds, the drive 1000 miles to catch a 7:00 PM meeting | 01:57 |
RedWolf_ | oh boy. that'll be a pain.. | 01:58 |
RedWolf_ | *sighs* thanks | 01:58 |
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soundray | RedWolf_: if you feel you've invested too much in your config already, only 'rm -r .gconf/apps/panel .gnome2/panel2.d' and any other panel-related files you can find. | 01:59 |
lloeki | tarvid, well then you could always try installing from the RCs if they're late, and download and hand over the final release later on | 01:59 |
soundray | RedWolf_: hint: find ~ -iname \*panel\* | 01:59 |
dgjones | tarvid, does the wiki say which timezone its talking about though, if its US evening timezone, that'd be late pretty late for a european event | 01:59 |
RedWolf_ | and what exactly will that do when I remove them | 01:59 |
soundray | RedWolf_: it'll use default settings next time you log in | 01:59 |
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tarvid | dgjones, good thought, they must be planning on European parties which should give me 5-7 hours advantage. | 02:00 |
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tarvid | RedWolf_, have you tried creating a new user? make two and copy over config files until one breaks | 02:01 |
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dgjones | tarvid, from memory, i think Feisty was available from late afternoon/early evening uk time (that info may help you), although the servers were slow due to the number of people connecting | 02:02 |
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daddy1987 | hi | 02:02 |
daddy1987 | i intalled | 02:02 |
daddy1987 | g++ | 02:02 |
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RedWolf_ | no I havent tarvid | 02:02 |
soundray | !enter | daddy1987 | 02:02 |
ubotu | daddy1987: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:02 |
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rpj8 | Hey guys. Would changing my default file manager from nautilus to another cause my Desktop Environment to break? | 02:03 |
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daddy1987 | i installed g++.but it says command not found | 02:03 |
daddy1987 | wat to do?? | 02:03 |
demon_spork | how do I gzip my Ubuntu install and then restore it to a different partition? | 02:03 |
soundray | daddy1987: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:03 |
rpj8 | daddy1987: You most likely want build-essentials | 02:03 |
stefg | rpj8: in gnome nautilus draws your desktop, manages desktop icons and automounting removable media .... so it would say, yes | 02:04 |
rpj8 | stefg: I thought as much. Thanks very much | 02:04 |
anss1 | How do I debug my USB problems? | 02:04 |
daddy1987 | ya it works thanx | 02:04 |
tatters | how do I turn of wireless card so can install legacy driver I get error test@test-dektop:/proc$ sudo modprobe -r rt2x00pci FATAL: Module rt2x00pci is in use | 02:04 |
soundray | demon_spork: why gzip, rather than copying the contents directly? | 02:04 |
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stefg | anss1: by first looking at dmesg and the systemlog for suspicious kernel meaages | 02:05 |
daddy1987 | how to install gtk?? | 02:05 |
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stefg | *messages | 02:05 |
lloeki | demon_spork, you may want to boot from the livecd and use rsync -a | 02:05 |
rpj8 | stefg: So is there anyway that I'd be able to mix and match my windows decorator/manager with gnome? | 02:05 |
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arinomi | I doubt it, rpj8 | 02:05 |
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soundray | daddy1987: install libgtk1.2-dev | 02:06 |
daddy1987 | how?? | 02:06 |
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soundray | daddy1987: sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev (or libgtk2.0-dev) | 02:06 |
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stefg | rpj8: there is, but you need a good understanding of the components of your desktop and how they interact. What do you want to do? | 02:06 |
daddy1987 | i will try | 02:06 |
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rpj8 | stefg: Just a curious intermediate Ubuntu user. I wouldn't mind eventually setting up fluxbox rather than metacity within the GDE | 02:07 |
demon_spork | soundray, because I have operations I wish to perform that will format the whole hard drive | 02:07 |
demon_spork | lloeki, please elaborate | 02:07 |
rpj8 | stefg: I know linux is highly customizable and I'd like to eventually be able to use it to its full potential | 02:07 |
stefg | rpj8: rather look at openbox. it has provisisons to run as a metacity replacement, you'll get a gnome/openbox session choice in gdm | 02:08 |
soundray | demon_spork: partimage is a good program to use for imaging partitions. | 02:08 |
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daddy1987 | after unpacking gtk how to start it?????? | 02:08 |
WaltzingAlong | rpj8: then you will want to get away from the microcomputer | 02:09 |
lloeki | demon_spork, rsync is a tool that syncs files to a destination. its -a flag preserves almost everything from symlinks to special files (like device files) and so on. you may use it from your live system, but you should not copy /proc, /dev and /sys as is. that's why I recommend booting from the livecd | 02:09 |
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rpj8 | stefg: ah, good infomation. would I jsut have to install from synaptic for that? | 02:09 |
soundray | demon_spork: if you do want to save just contents, try sbackup | 02:09 |
stefg | rpj8: yup | 02:09 |
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rpj8 | WaltzingAlong: I'm sorry? | 02:09 |
soundray | daddy1987: you don't really know what gtk is, do you? | 02:09 |
rpj8 | stefg: Sweet deal. maybe I'll give that a go. | 02:09 |
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lunz | hi,how to edit my meta-release file? | 02:10 |
demon_spork | soundray, I would like an exact duplicate of the file structure, I want the system to run when I reintroduce it to the harddrive | 02:10 |
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WaltzingAlong | rpj8: linux can do more than just run a desktop computer | 02:10 |
daddy1987 | actually i wanna install a software which requires GTK | 02:10 |
daddy1987 | datz y i want it | 02:10 |
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soundray | daddy1987: what software? | 02:10 |
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rpj8 | WaltzingAlong: Oh ohm, this I know. I was mostly concerned with the eye-candy appeal as of now :) | 02:10 |
rpj8 | WaltzingAlong: After all, I'm only a college student. | 02:10 |
WaltzingAlong | :D of course | 02:10 |
daddy1987 | Oxford dictionary | 02:10 |
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sjkwizar1 | hi | 02:11 |
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WaltzingAlong | lo | 02:11 |
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sjkwizard | hi | 02:11 |
rpj8 | WaltzingAlong: but I do understand: linux is highly customizable and very powerful. | 02:11 |
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lloeki | demon_spork, so your duplication will be as simple as 'rsync -av /source /destination' | 02:11 |
WaltzingAlong | maybe you have heard that but how can you understand it without having customized it or used its power? | 02:11 |
demon_spork | lloeki, not if that destination is a DVD | 02:12 |
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soundray | demon_spork: I think you'll be best served by partimage | 02:12 |
rpj8 | WaltzingAlong: Good point. But how would I have had the opportunity =/. | 02:12 |
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tatters | sudo modprobe -r rt2x00pci FATAL: Module rt2x00pci is in use" how do I remove module when in use? | 02:12 |
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lloeki | demon_spork, good point | 02:13 |
stefg | rpj8: but you have as well to understand that certain componenents only make sense in a given framework. so if you rip out nautilus, metacity and gnome-panel (all of which are just componenents) what's left of gnome? | 02:13 |
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soundray | demon_spork: note, you will have to update /etc/fstab and install grub | 02:13 |
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WaltzingAlong | rpj8: so from here you start | 02:13 |
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lloeki | demon_spork, but lookout for dvd fs filesize limit (should be 2GiB) | 02:14 |
demon_spork | thx for the help, I have to go now, I will be back tonight to try some of these methods | 02:14 |
rpj8 | stefg: I see. I'm not totally aware of just how complex gde is. I was mainly concerned with trying new things, and better becoming in control of my computer... | 02:14 |
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rpj8 | stefg: Only concerned with breaking it, mostly =p. a fresh install would be horrendous | 02:14 |
rpj8 | WaltzingAlong: Heh, I'm working on that =p | 02:14 |
soundray | daddy1987: there should be an INSTALL file that tells you how to install your software | 02:14 |
lloeki | rpj8, then just create a user for testing, so as not to break your regular account | 02:15 |
stefg | rpj8: so a good way to learn more would be to examine dependencies... what does what? BTW. backups aren't a bad idea before you start tinkering :-) | 02:15 |
rpj8 | lloeki: Oh good point. Would setting up a different user make it so that different user would have a totally different environment? | 02:16 |
stefg | !backup | rpj8 | 02:16 |
soundray | rpj8: I think you need a separate installation, or even machine, for testing things if you're that worried. Also consider setting up a good backup strategy | 02:16 |
ubotu | rpj8: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 02:16 |
lloeki | rpj8, that's the point :) | 02:16 |
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rpj8 | phew, thanks everyone haha | 02:16 |
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Seiver`Damross | what was the command to get the IP again -_- | 02:17 |
Pici | Seiver`Damross: ifconfig | 02:17 |
lloeki | rpj8, all non system settings being stored per user in dotted dirs, as long as you don't mess with system files, you're safe :) | 02:17 |
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lloeki | rpj8, with this one user can easily run kde and the other one gnome | 02:17 |
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rpj8 | lloeki: I see. so as long as I don't mess with /etc, /var... as long as I stick with messing with stuff in ~ I should be alright? | 02:18 |
lloeki | yup | 02:18 |
mollitz | hey, the ubuntu live cd crashed my raid 0, with win xp installation. someone knows something about this fault ? | 02:18 |
rpj8 | lloeki: Very helpful tip.Looks like I'll break open another user account | 02:18 |
stefg | rpj8: get a virtualizer and do a install in vbox/vmware .... it's easy to go back / duplicate the install, so you can tinker, break things, have fun and never endager your actual install | 02:18 |
mollitz | i ment fault | 02:18 |
rpj8 | stefg: I'll definitely look into that, too. | 02:19 |
lloeki | rpj8, you can even set up some session handling via .xininitrc or /etc/X11/Sessions, so that one can select the DM started on login | 02:19 |
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rpj8 | lloeki: .xininitrc? | 02:20 |
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mollitz | in hardware boot controller it showed me a new configuration, and the old raid 0. the new coonfiguration used 1 HDD ( ive got 2 ) and cause of the the old one (raid 0 ) showed errors | 02:21 |
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daddy1987 | hi!nothing displayed on widget after i installed gtk | 02:21 |
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daddy1987 | while installing software | 02:21 |
mollitz | i deleted the new configuration and now the old raid 0 is "working" | 02:21 |
mollitz | it shows functionally but my win xp doesnt boot | 02:21 |
damianl | hi, how do i change which soundcard flash outputs through, i have 2 soundcards | 02:21 |
mollitz | s.o. can help me? | 02:21 |
lloeki | rpj8, .xinitrc is the file called on when you run startx from a VT, or it can be started by gdm/kdm/xdm | 02:21 |
soundray | daddy1987: there should be an INSTALL file that tells you how to install your software | 02:22 |
lloeki | it's a user file | 02:22 |
rpj8 | lloeki: I see. slocate shows that's in etc/X11/xinit right? | 02:22 |
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lloeki | and a shell script. this way you can just kill metacity and start fluxbox | 02:22 |
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lloeki | rpj8, that's the default one, when~/.xinitrc is not present | 02:22 |
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arunkale | anyone using virtualbox on gutsy? | 02:23 |
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rpj8 | lloeki: If I were to touch .xinitrc and leave it blank, would that cause gdm to just go "wtf" and not load up my desktop manager? | 02:23 |
lloeki | rpj8, totally. gdm would execute nothing but oblivin, and then return back to gdm | 02:24 |
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rpj8 | lloeki: Alright. I won't touch that then until I read up some docs about it lol | 02:24 |
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damianl | hi, how do i change which soundcard flash outputs through, i have 2 soundcards | 02:24 |
damianl | hi, how do i change which soundcard flash outputs through, i have 2 soundcards | 02:24 |
daddy1987 | Gtk-WARNING **: invalid cast from (NULL) pointer to `GtkEntry' | 02:25 |
daddy1987 | Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkentry.c: line 534 (gtk_entry_get_text): assertion `entry != NULL' failed. | 02:25 |
daddy1987 | Gtk-WARNING **: invalid cast from (NULL) pointer to `GtkEntry' | 02:25 |
daddy1987 | Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkentry.c: line 534 (gtk_entry_get_text): assertion `entry != NULL' failed | 02:25 |
Pici | !paste | daddy1987 | 02:25 |
ubotu | daddy1987: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:25 |
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daddy1987 | dese are d errors | 02:26 |
daddy1987 | wat to do | 02:26 |
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lloeki | rpj8, good attitude :) , you will mainly want to understand the 'exec' keyword inside this file. | 02:26 |
lloeki | rpj8, now I'll wish you good luck in your tweaking ventures ;) | 02:27 |
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stefg | !backup | rpj8 | 02:27 |
ubotu | rpj8: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 02:27 |
anss1 | ls list a "total n" in the beginning. What is that? | 02:27 |
rpj8 | lloeki: Thanks very much :) Your information will be very helpful | 02:27 |
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HaZiLLa | hmm, could someone help me please, ive just installed ubuntu but on boot it comes up with 'error loading operating system' | 02:28 |
HaZiLLa | im a noob with linux im afraid :< | 02:28 |
=== tk2k [i=timekeep@cm153.kappa73.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rpj8 | stefg: Heh thanks stefg. I'm reading up on that now... By the way, I though in Edgy/Feisty there was a backup program that came installed with installation? | 02:28 |
daddy1987 | how to login as root in ubuntu????????????? | 02:28 |
WaltzingAlong | !root | daddy1987 | 02:28 |
ubotu | daddy1987: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 02:28 |
WaltzingAlong | !sudo | daddy1987 | 02:28 |
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ubotu | daddy1987: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 02:28 |
haribo | hello?!?! | 02:29 |
HaZiLLa | ; | 02:29 |
HaZiLLa | ;o | 02:29 |
=== cypherdelic [n=cypherde@p5B27DB35.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haribo | ist hier keiner?!?! | 02:29 |
stefg | rpj8: not sure, never do Desktop/Default installs. But my preferred method is running partimage from a Live CD/ rescue system and just image the whole partition | 02:29 |
daddy1987 | den who is system admin?????????? | 02:29 |
Pici | !de | haribo | 02:29 |
ubotu | haribo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:29 |
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Pici | daddy1987: Please read those links first. | 02:29 |
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haribo | okay. i have understand | 02:30 |
WaltzingAlong | haribo: tschuess | 02:30 |
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insane_alien | i got a problem updating. i get an error tellin me to run dpkg --configure -a as root (just says dpkg interupted) so i run that with sudo and it brings up a problem with the 2.6.23 kernel package i compiled(and completely removed soon after) a while ago. anyone know how i can remove it from dpkg's manifest? | 02:30 |
stefg | insane_alien: 2.6.23 ? where's that from ? | 02:30 |
mahaboob | what is error | 02:30 |
rpj8 | stefg: I see. The largest amount of continuous removeable media I have on hand is 2 gigs. | 02:31 |
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insane_alien | 2.6.23 the new kernel | 02:31 |
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daddy1987 | wat is make file?????????/ | 02:31 |
damianl | hi, how do i change which soundcard flash outputs through, i have 2 soundcards | 02:31 |
damianl | hi, how do i change which soundcard flash outputs through, i have 2 soundcards | 02:31 |
stefg | insane_alien: that's not in ubuntu, so you probably broke your system by installing some unsupported third-party stuff | 02:31 |
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rpj8 | daddy1987: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ give this a read dude | 02:32 |
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insane_alien | yeah, but i removed the package completely using aptitude | 02:32 |
insane_alien | it shouldn't have broke anything | 02:32 |
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stefg | but it did | 02:32 |
insane_alien | yes | 02:32 |
insane_alien | it appears it has | 02:32 |
lloeki | damianl, you may want to take a look at the asoundrc file for advanced configuration of multiple soundcards | 02:33 |
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insane_alien | it looks as if dpkg still thinks it is there | 02:33 |
stefg | backup and reinstall is the only clean way to straighten that, imho, insane_alien | 02:33 |
daddy1987 | sorry to say:ubuntu sucks | 02:33 |
insane_alien | i could do that | 02:33 |
insane_alien | or i could tinker till i fix it | 02:33 |
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stefg | !clone | insane_alien | 02:33 |
ubotu | insane_alien: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade - See also !automate | 02:33 |
rpj8 | daddy1987: Eh. You're just too lazy to look things up my friend. | 02:33 |
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Pici | daddy1987: I'm sorry you feel that way. None of your questions have contained any context and that is why you are not getting answers. | 02:34 |
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Pici | !patience | daddy1987 | 02:34 |
ubotu | daddy1987: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 02:34 |
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daddy1987 | k i will look now | 02:34 |
daddy1987 | ubuntu shud be made easy like windows | 02:35 |
HaZiLLa | ;/ | 02:35 |
daddy1987 | all u shud work into dis | 02:35 |
tk2k | ubuntu is easy, you just aren't used to it | 02:35 |
HaZiLLa | well it wouldnt be linux then would it | 02:35 |
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LjL | daddy1987: "you"? why don't *you* help? the goal *is* to make it easy. | 02:35 |
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LjL | daddy1987: but if everybody says that "YOU should make it easy", and doesn't do anything, nothing will ever happen | 02:36 |
WaltzingAlong | hardly anyone in here messes with linux | 02:36 |
daddy1987 | i have other things to do also | 02:36 |
insane_alien | windows is extremely difficult to get used to | 02:36 |
tk2k | so you think we don't? | 02:36 |
LjL | daddy1987: so do we all, i guess | 02:36 |
insane_alien | cept 98 that was the only one that worked flawlessly for me | 02:37 |
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rpj8 | daddy1987: You can leave now :) | 02:37 |
tk2k | almost 10 years ago =O | 02:37 |
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Pici | !offtopic | 02:37 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:37 |
daddy1987 | faq u rpj8 | 02:37 |
arun | is there any way to change the default styles for textboxes, submit buttons and the like? | 02:37 |
ingo_ | Linux is not that difficult to understand, is it? | 02:37 |
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ingo_ | its more specialized in many ways, you have more possibilities to tweak/costumize stuff | 02:38 |
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LjL | ingo_, he's "left", and you're offtopic | 02:39 |
ingo_ | okay :) | 02:39 |
IanLiu | Will Gutsy support more nVidia cards? | 02:39 |
LjL | IanLiu: i don't think so | 02:39 |
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IanLiu | :( | 02:39 |
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its_me_gb | arun, in firefox? | 02:39 |
LjL | IanLiu: what's your unsupported card? | 02:40 |
=== soundray shakes head. That guy's probably going to run around now claiming that ubuntu "sux" and we're not helpful | ||
IanLiu | I've got a 8600 | 02:40 |
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IanLiu | GeForce 8600 | 02:40 |
its_me_gb | arun, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=369596&highlight=firefox+widgets | 02:40 |
arun | its_me_gb: In any browser | 02:40 |
lloeki | IanLiu, gutsy has the 100.14.19 nvidia drivers (the latest), so I guess yes, if you're using the stock feisty | 02:40 |
arun | thanks | 02:40 |
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its_me_gb | arun, oh, sorry, i only remembered that firefox widgets thread. sorry | 02:41 |
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HaZiLLa | what filesystem should i format my file storage drive with | 02:41 |
IanLiu | I am currently upgrading to Gutsy | 02:41 |
=== Omnius [n=Omnius@203-206-222-56.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nucco | HaZiLLa: vfat | 02:41 |
HaZiLLa | ok | 02:41 |
IanLiu | I couldn't manage to install in feisty.. | 02:41 |
nucco | HaZiLLa: if you want it accessible from *most* operating systems. | 02:41 |
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Omnius | how do I fing out my nVidia Device PCI ID? | 02:42 |
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erUSUL | Omnius: lspci | 02:42 |
nucco | Omnius: lspci | 02:42 |
lloeki | Omnius, lspvi -n | 02:42 |
Omnius | cheers | 02:42 |
erUSUL | Omnius: 01:00.0 VGA compatible etc | 02:42 |
=== M_WS [n=x@121.Red-81-34-47.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ingo_ | HaZiLLa, normally ext3 would be a good choice, if it is for only-linux use | 02:42 |
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soundray | nucco: you should at least specify fat32. In any case, that question needed more information. | 02:43 |
IanLiu | Does gutsy installs nvidia drivers automatically after upgrading from feisty? | 02:43 |
Toast` | Hi | 02:43 |
^punisher | sup? | 02:43 |
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HaZiLLa | well, i might want to grap files from windows | 02:43 |
soundray | HaZiLLa: how are you going to use that filesystem? | 02:43 |
Pici | : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion. | 02:43 |
LjL | IanLiu: have you tried nvidia-glx-new as a driver? that card is listed as supported on the nvidia site | 02:43 |
dgjones | IanLiu, gutsy support is in #ubuntu+1, if you've got questions about that, you'd be better asking in there | 02:43 |
M_WS | I've just downloaded and burned Ubuntu 7.04 on CDROM but It doesn't boot up with it, my boot sequence is ok. What did I do wrong here? | 02:43 |
Toast` | I'll find out | 02:43 |
^punisher | no | 02:44 |
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saxi1 | ingo_: why only linux use? | 02:44 |
lloeki | IanLiu, not if they were not installed I thinnk | 02:44 |
ingo_ | saxin, linux/unix | 02:44 |
HaZiLLa | soundray: i want to use ubuntu for a media server | 02:44 |
lloeki | IanLiu, but you should take a peek at system=>admin=>restricted driver manager | 02:44 |
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IanLiu | hmm | 02:44 |
soundray | HaZiLLa: you should probably use ext3, especially if you expect to store large files (>2GB) | 02:44 |
nucco | soundray: vfat == fat32 | 02:44 |
lloeki | it'll prompt you for them | 02:44 |
soundray | nucco: wrong | 02:44 |
IanLiu | really? I thought it wasnt at the list.. | 02:44 |
IanLiu | I will try it | 02:44 |
nucco | soundray: explain please | 02:45 |
soundray | nucco: no, you made the mistake, you go and do the research. | 02:45 |
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nucco | soundray: I'm not in school. thanks. | 02:45 |
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soundray | HaZiLLa: if you need to mount it in Windows, you can do that with ext2fsd | 02:45 |
soundray | nucco: I don't care, as long as you don't spread misinformation | 02:45 |
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M_WS | I've just downloaded and burned Ubuntu 7.04 on CDROM but It doesn't boot up with it, my boot sequence is ok. What did I do wrong here (I do get it started in windows) ? | 02:46 |
=== tbf [n=mathias@ip-80-226-0-1.vodafone-net.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arun | its_me_gb: can you do it across browsers? That method seems to be only for firefox | 02:46 |
nucco | soundray: all you had to do was say a word hinting the right thing. I was going to research anyway, to verify your claim. | 02:46 |
soundray | M_WS: how far does it get? | 02:46 |
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soundray | nucco: okay, I was being a bit harsh. Peace? | 02:47 |
=== BleedingMoon [n=tal@IGLD-80-230-176-80.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_WS | soundray, it doesn't recognise it as a bootable CD and goes straight to windows | 02:47 |
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nucco | soundray: no offence. | 02:47 |
lloeki | M_WS, try to hit escape or some function keys at the POST so as to pop up a boot device selection | 02:47 |
ingo_ | M_WS, are you sure that you have burned it as a bootable cd? | 02:47 |
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tk2k | you didn't burn it right? | 02:47 |
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tbf | how do i fix translations? pidgin still says "Verbunden" instead of "Verbinden" in the reconnect dialog? it says that crap since feisty. | 02:47 |
M_WS | ingo_ Ive just unpacked the iso and burned it on cd. is that correct? | 02:47 |
ingo_ | M_WS, dont unpack the iso-image, but burn the whole image! | 02:47 |
xrls | hello..i get this message trying to untar the files---@xrls:/usr/src$ sudo tar --bzip2 -xvf linux-2.6.22.tar.bz2 | 02:47 |
=== slammer [i=slammer@c-76-122-192-234.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lloeki | tbf, submit a bug report at the pidgin bugzilla | 02:48 |
Keitherz | hello | 02:48 |
saxi1 | mwest: did you burn it as an image? | 02:48 |
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soundray | !burniso > M_WS, please read the private message from ubotu | 02:48 |
Keitherz | can i ask something | 02:48 |
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arun | !ask | 02:48 |
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ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:48 |
soundray | Keitherz: you already have | 02:48 |
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Keitherz | what is the standard minimum requirements | 02:48 |
=== IanLiu [n=ian@201-95-161-161.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
M_WS | ingo, I also tried burning the entier ISO on a CD (regular method under windows) do I have to do it another way to burn it "as image" ? | 02:48 |
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arun | is there any way to change the default styles for textboxes, submit buttons and the like? | 02:48 |
=== IanLiu [n=ian@201-95-161-161.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
soundray | M_WS: read the private message please | 02:49 |
=== AfterDea1h [n=icxcnika@freenode/contributor/afterdeath] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Keitherz | what is the lowest RAM requirments | 02:49 |
stefg | !themes | arun | 02:49 |
ubotu | arun: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 02:49 |
its_me_gb | arun, i think only firefox and firfox derivitives | 02:49 |
erUSUL | tbf: rosetta https://launchpad.net/rosetta | 02:49 |
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M_WS | ah, thanks very much! | 02:49 |
soundray | Keitherz: for ubuntu, you should have 192, better 256 MB of RAM | 02:49 |
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lloeki | Keitherz, 256 for Ubuntu I think | 02:49 |
arun | its_me_gb: so it should work with flock as well? | 02:49 |
TheGateKeeper | !bugs | 02:49 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 02:49 |
Keitherz | how bout for gusty | 02:49 |
lloeki | Keitherz, less for server and xubuntu | 02:49 |
soundray | Keitherz: same | 02:50 |
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its_me_gb | arun, maybe? im not sure to be honest | 02:50 |
stefg | Keitherz: dpends on waht you're going to use. a Desktop CD requires around 320 MB to run reasonavly | 02:50 |
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lloeki | Keitherz, but with 256 I suggest you to install with the alternate cd, else it's a paint | 02:50 |
=== IanLiu [n=ian@201-95-161-161.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xrls | hello..i get this message trying to untar the files---@xrls:/usr/src$ sudo tar --bzip2 -xvf linux-2.6.22.tar.b.. i use gusty | 02:51 |
ingo_ | Keitherz, as you can choose the graphical user-interface (xfce/gnome/etc.), there should be a solution also for low ram pcs | 02:51 |
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stefg | But i would prefer xubuntu over ubuntu on a 256 MB box .. Gutsy's on the 'road to bloat', so without serious trimming the ubuntu experience in 256 MB will be poor | 02:51 |
Keitherz | where | 02:51 |
xrls | i cant untar the file | 02:51 |
erUSUL | xrls: what's the error msg? | 02:52 |
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MPuppet | Gusty Gibbon just 3 days to go! | 02:52 |
foxiness | how to do a refresh for ur desktop? | 02:52 |
Keitherz | uhm how about virtual memory can they work | 02:52 |
IanLiu | Here I am again. I am trying to follow the Ubuntu's HowTo install nVidia doing: System -> Adm.. -> Restricted Devices M(...). But Ubuntu replies my drivers doesn't need restricted drivers.. | 02:52 |
xrls | erusul...cant open file | 02:52 |
=== foobar [n=foobar@213-64-152-212-no75.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tbf | lloeki: pidgin's .po file is correct. the error must be somewhere in ubuntu's language pack system | 02:52 |
stefg | MPuppet: yup, that's really sad | 02:52 |
erUSUL | xrls: tar xvjf file.tar.bz2 is enough ( j is for bzip) | 02:53 |
lloeki | tbf, oh, then launchpad | 02:53 |
xrls | thanks | 02:53 |
lloeki | IanLiu, then apt-get install nvidia-glx-new | 02:53 |
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ingo_ | Keitherz, you should create a swap partition | 02:53 |
soundray | Keitherz: that requirement is for hardware RAM. You can't make up for it with virtual memory. | 02:53 |
lloeki | also, you should go in #ubuntu+1 if it's gutsy related | 02:53 |
IanLiu | Hmm, after that, its all done? | 02:54 |
soundray | Keitherz: how much do you have? | 02:54 |
Keitherz | 256 | 02:54 |
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Keitherz | darn if my other 256 ram didn't got broken | 02:54 |
lloeki | IanLiu, maybe take a peek at your xorg.conf for putting "nvidia" in place of "nv" | 02:54 |
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ingo_ | he could use xfce, which does not eat that much memory | 02:54 |
soundray | Keitherz: try gutsy xubuntu when it's released. | 02:55 |
ingo_ | as wm | 02:55 |
stefg | Keitherz: i'd recoomend a xubuntu alternate install for that... and stick with 7.04. Gutsy isn't ready, has serious issues still | 02:55 |
foobar24y | anyone here knows how to or knows of any document that descripes how to change font on the menu | 02:55 |
soundray | Keitherz: check how much it costs to replace your broken RAM. It's come down in price quite a bit. | 02:55 |
Keitherz | do xubuntu have the dev tools | 02:55 |
=== Meroigo [n=Meroigo@vxj-177-200-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Keitherz: yes | 02:55 |
stefg | !xubuntu | Keitherz | 02:55 |
ubotu | Keitherz: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 02:55 |
Keitherz | uhm im on SDRAM | 02:55 |
Keitherz | so its still the same price as 1gig DDR2 here | 02:56 |
lloeki | Keitherz, *ubuntus all have the same repos, so you just have to install them | 02:56 |
Keitherz | 256 SDRAM same price with 1gig DDR2 | 02:56 |
soundray | Keitherz: where are you located? | 02:56 |
foobar24y | anyone here knows how to or knows of any document that descripes how to change font on the gnome panel?? | 02:56 |
LjL | Keitherz: just how broken is the RAM? | 02:56 |
Keitherz | philippines | 02:56 |
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Keitherz | the ram | 02:57 |
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Keitherz | well it wont work | 02:57 |
Keitherz | waha | 02:57 |
=== aterra [n=aterra@lawn-128-61-17-47.lawn.gatech.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Keitherz | i have 3 old rams | 02:57 |
foobar24y | how can i change font on the gnome panel? | 02:57 |
aterra | Hey, on my computer I have to identical USB harddrives(same usb dev prod id's), but on each reboot it is random which one of them apears as sdb and which one that apears as sdc, which makes it a real pain to create a consistent fstab file. Any ideas for a solution? | 02:57 |
LjL | Keitherz: i was just asking because there used to be a kernel patch to let you use broken RAM, as long as only a few bits of it were broken | 02:57 |
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IanLiu | I should change Section "Device" (...) Driver "nv" to "nvidia" ? | 02:57 |
nucco | foobar24y: use the font preferences | 02:57 |
Keitherz | 256 sdram 256 sdram and 32 sdram | 02:57 |
erUSUL | aterra: thats why uuid where created for ;) | 02:58 |
stefg | !udevrules | aterra: | 02:58 |
moquist | I've got a user with a projector hooked up to an external display on his laptop, and everything works great except that DVDs that get played are visible only on his laptop. Any suggestions? | 02:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about udevrules - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 02:58 |
erUSUL | !uuid | aterra | 02:58 |
ubotu | aterra: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: sudo blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 02:58 |
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erUSUL | aterra: were* | 02:58 |
foobar24y | Keitherz: dont work, it changes everything, but not on the panel | 02:58 |
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aterra | erUSUL -> thanks | 02:58 |
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stefg | !udev rules | aterra, erUSUL 's suggestion will prolly work, here's another: | 02:59 |
ubotu | aterra, erUSUL 's suggestion will prolly work, here's another:: Ever wanted to make your USB-stick /dev/usbstick? Go to http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html to learn more about this feature. | 02:59 |
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aterra | stefg -> thanks I'll take a look at it | 02:59 |
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linenoise | moquist: hit that crt/lcd button... it's 'function-f8' on my lappy | 03:00 |
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Keitherz | what is better KDE or GNOME | 03:00 |
stefg | ohnoes ! | 03:01 |
moquist | linenoise: that doesn't send the DVD signal; just everything else. | 03:01 |
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erUSUL | !better | Keitherz | 03:01 |
ubotu | Keitherz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 03:01 |
dgjones | !best | Keitherz it depends what you want and which suits you | 03:01 |
ubotu | Keitherz it depends what you want and which suits you: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 03:01 |
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soundray | Keitherz: for your low-memory situation, Xfce will be better than KDE or gnome | 03:01 |
moquist | linenoise: I haven't messed with it enough to get the image ONLY displaying on the external display; I suspect/hope that may work. But surely there's a way to display all the video internally AND externally... | 03:01 |
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Keitherz | hmmm | 03:02 |
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sk4ter | Someone knows the system xmail server? | 03:02 |
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sk4ter | How to stop sending email in the list of xmail? | 03:02 |
Keitherz | wow cool compiz-fuzion can that work on xubuntu | 03:02 |
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mcp | I know a filename, and want to know the deb-package, that installed that file. How do i find out? | 03:02 |
LjL | Keitherz: ahum... if we were talking about a low-end system... | 03:03 |
LjL | mcp: dpkg -S filename | 03:03 |
stefg | Keitherz: you're going to use your RAM for more pruductive things tahn eye-candy, aren't you ? | 03:03 |
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soundray | moquist: if you play the disk with mplayer, and try the various -vo options, you may find a way to play on the external display. | 03:03 |
Keitherz | lolz... ill just continue deving | 03:03 |
Keitherz | *sigh* | 03:03 |
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soundray | moquist: see a list of options with mplayer -vo help | 03:04 |
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liorlala | how do i configure File system of the hardisk and then how i make the mount to be automate | 03:04 |
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mcp | LjL, thank you, that worked | 03:04 |
LjL | !mount > liorlala (liorlala, see the private message from Ubotu) | 03:04 |
lloeki | Keitherz, xfce has some simple and nice eyecandy with its bundled compositor anyway ;) | 03:04 |
erUSUL | liorlala: use gparted to set up the hard disk (format and create partitions) | 03:04 |
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tk2k | you configure your file system during when you are reformatting | 03:04 |
Keitherz | ok now dual booting.. how to dual boot (search search search) aha... imgoing to reformat | 03:05 |
erUSUL | liorlala: then edit fstab (man fstab) to mount the partitions automatically | 03:05 |
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HaZiLLa | argh this is driving me crazy, installed ubuntu, i get 'error loading operating system' on boot | 03:05 |
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foobar24y | does anyone here know how to change font on the meny in ubuntu, doesent work with the reguar way... | 03:05 |
lloeki | liorlala, man mkfs, and man fstab | 03:05 |
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sk4ter | a | 03:05 |
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IanLiu | I installed nvidia-glx-new and executed 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' and than 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable', but it accuses my xorg.conf has 'nv' instead of 'nvidia', which is not correct. What should I do? | 03:05 |
soundray | HaZiLLa: something went wrong with your grub install. To fix this use the instructions "RecoveringUbuntu..." in the ubotu factoid: | 03:06 |
soundray | !grub | HaZiLLa | 03:06 |
juuso | how can i get dbus plugin activate? | 03:06 |
ubotu | HaZiLLa: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:06 |
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HaZiLLa | ok | 03:06 |
moquist | soundray: thx for the suggestion, but that's not going to work for these users. The hardware option (as linenoise mentioned) needs to do the right thing, so I'm looking for a software configuration I can perform that will make that work correctly. I suppose it's possible an mplayer configuration change could do it, but I'm doubtful. :( | 03:06 |
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misha | anyone know anything about grub? | 03:06 |
soundray | !anyone | misha | 03:07 |
ubotu | misha: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:07 |
dgjones | !grub > misha | 03:07 |
tk2k | what do you want to find out about grub? | 03:07 |
misha | I want to know why it cant "find the real path of /dev/hda" | 03:08 |
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soundray | !elaborate | misha | 03:08 |
ubotu | misha: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 03:08 |
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SlimG | I've copied /var/lib/mysql/* from debian etch to ubuntu gutsy, I manage to start the new Ubuntu MySQL server, but I get an error related to "debian-sys-maint@localhost" : http://pastebin.com/d1de6e8fe | 03:09 |
SlimG | Anyone got a clue on what/where to change this ^ ? | 03:09 |
damianl | hey whats this one mean? why cant it...? "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 03:10 |
damianl | " | 03:10 |
Pici | damianl: install build-essential | 03:10 |
damianl | i have | 03:10 |
misha | I'm getting errors when I try to update grub (or as in my case when I try to dist-upgrade to a new kernel) | 03:10 |
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sk4ter | HELP-ME How to stop sending email in the list of xmail? | 03:10 |
misha | grub-probe: error: Cannot get the real path of `/dev/hda' | 03:10 |
soundray | SlimG: it's better to backup your databases with mysqldump | 03:10 |
lloeki | SlimG, look /etc/mysql/debian.cnf | 03:10 |
Keitherz | does anyone here uses xubunut | 03:10 |
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damianl | and i have no problems with most other compiles | 03:10 |
lloeki | SlimG, there's a password in there | 03:10 |
Keitherz | xubuntu | 03:10 |
damianl | its the svn versiopn of amsn could it be an error in there config file? | 03:11 |
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soundray | misha: maybe you upgraded to a kernel that uses /dev/sda for your hard disk now. | 03:11 |
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SlimG | lloeki: thanks, sounds plausible, I'll have a look | 03:11 |
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damianl | benjamin? | 03:12 |
soundray | Keitherz: not so many of us here, but check #xubuntu | 03:12 |
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ubuntu | ciao | 03:12 |
SlimG | soundray: The old debian system is no longer bootable, and so I can't do a proper mysqldump | 03:12 |
ConfusedVistaUse | what command do i use to change channels ? | 03:12 |
moquist | SlimG: boot a LiveCD, mount the old /, chroot into it, and mysqldump from there. | 03:12 |
lloeki | SlimG, if you can, get the password value in the file above from that debian system | 03:13 |
ubuntu | qualche italiano puo aiutarmi? | 03:13 |
jrib | ConfusedVistaUse: /join #channel_name | 03:13 |
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jrib | !it | ubuntu | 03:13 |
ubotu | ubuntu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 03:13 |
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ubuntu | sorry | 03:13 |
lloeki | SlimG, but you may encounter permission issues at the file level in /Var/lib/mysql | 03:13 |
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hacker | slt a tous | 03:14 |
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misha | soundray: the issue is that grub can't access hda at all, and I need to be able to boot from there | 03:14 |
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Innomen | how would i dismount an external dvdrom when i right click on it and hit eject it spits out the cd but remains mounted lol | 03:14 |
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hacker | nouvo sous ubuntu, besoin d'aide | 03:14 |
SlimG | lloeki: I've already solved the permission issue with chown mysql:mysql | 03:14 |
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tk2k | misha, how is grub unable to boot? you just set the root to (hd0,5) if you are booting grub from your hard disk | 03:15 |
damianl | hey whats this one mean? why cant it...? "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 03:15 |
damianl | hey whats this one mean? why cant it...? "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 03:15 |
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lloeki | hacker, va sur #ubuntu-fr | 03:15 |
tk2k | and it'll point to the hard drive's 5th partition | 03:15 |
jrib | damianl: what are you compiling? | 03:15 |
SlimG | lloeki: the stuff within the old /etc/mysql/debian.cnf, should I merge it into my new Ubuntu /etc/mysql/my.cnf ? | 03:15 |
soundray | misha: what does /boot/grub/device.map look like? Perhaps you need to change /dev/hda to /dev/sda in there. | 03:16 |
damianl | jrib: svn version of amsn | 03:16 |
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jrib | !compiling > damianl (read the private message from ubotu) | 03:16 |
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jrib | damianl: you need the build-essential package | 03:16 |
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erUSUL | sk4ter: you should ask in a more specific support channel (either Xmail or mail servers in general)... | 03:16 |
lloeki | SlimG, no, in the /etc/mysql/debian.cnf there's two identical passwords, put them in the same /etc/mysql/debian.cnf at the correct place in you ubuntu system | 03:16 |
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cyclonut | howdy folk | 03:17 |
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tech0007 | i'm trying to write to a cdrw formatted w/ udftools (packet writing). i can only do it as root (sudo) but not as a regular user. i did sudo chown 777 /your/mount/point/. any ideas? | 03:17 |
cyclonut | does anyone know how to get the shell effect seen here: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=44357&d=1190694890 ? | 03:17 |
bhavi | Is this in anyway wrong with any loco team? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianPromoters | 03:18 |
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bhavi | Are my ideologies wrong? I am just trying to bring all the ubenteros into a team and encouraging more and more members to become ubenteros by this... I am trying to model my loco team on par with ubuntu and no support.. They are firing me... Ubuntu Sucks.. | 03:18 |
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misha | soundray: | 03:18 |
misha | (fd0) /dev/fd0 | 03:18 |
misha | (hd0) /dev/hda | 03:18 |
misha | (hd1) /dev/sda | 03:18 |
whyuselinux | sup people i was installing ubuntu in text mode and i got to the grub point (went past partioning stage) and i decided to quit installation because i cant use photoshop and nero on it so i think i will try to install wubi but i am now thinking whats the point of even installing linux wubi.. can someone give me a reason why i shouldnt use windows?.. kinda lost faith in ubuntu coz i couldnt install it quickly and easily as i thought it would of.. | 03:18 |
bhavi | No encouragement Kicked me out of irc.. For telling this.. | 03:19 |
damianl | jrib: i have the build essential package, i know how to compile properly, could it be a problem with configure | 03:19 |
Innomen | thats not right | 03:19 |
misha | whyuselinux: eh you can use nero fine in linux | 03:19 |
Innomen | people should be allowed to say what they please | 03:19 |
bhavi | anyone listening? | 03:19 |
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whyuselinux | misha: someon on the ubuntu forum said i couldnt | 03:19 |
jrib | cyclonut: one way would be devilspie... | 03:19 |
whyuselinux | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3536522#post3536522 | 03:19 |
Innomen | bhavi: i am | 03:19 |
misha | whyuselinux: they were wrong | 03:19 |
cyclonut | jrib: Ill look into it. Thanks! | 03:19 |
whyuselinux | they were wrong about phoo | 03:20 |
whyuselinux | they were wrong about photoshop and dreamweaver aswel ? | 03:20 |
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nanonyme | naw, photoshop is only usable with wine or similar | 03:20 |
jrib | damianl: what is the result of 'apt-cache policy binutils'? | 03:20 |
nanonyme | i don't think dreamweaver works at all | 03:20 |
pnano | I upgrade ubuntu from 6.06 to 7.04 | 03:20 |
pnano | after upgrade, I got error message: | 03:20 |
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pnano | here is : http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:21 |
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misha | whyuselinux: well you can use photoshop CS and dreamweaver 04 in wine afaik. | 03:21 |
soundray | tech0007: have a look at /usr/share/doc/udftools/README.Debian.gz (point 6)) | 03:21 |
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whyuselinux | nanonyme: whats the point of me installing linux wine tho ? just for the 3d interface ? | 03:21 |
cyclonut | jrib: I guess I was hoping for some desktop integration more than just a window change :-\ devilspie looks really neat though, intalling it now :) | 03:21 |
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johannsens | Is it possible at all to use the ATI 690G with Compiz? | 03:21 |
whyuselinux | misha: dreamweaver 04? not dreamweaver cs? | 03:21 |
pnano | can someone here kindly point me out how can I fix it! | 03:21 |
bhavi | tell me my ideologies were right? | 03:21 |
johannsens | I cant get it to work | 03:21 |
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jrib | bhavi: #ubuntu-locoteams is more appropriate | 03:21 |
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Keitherz | if gusty is out of beta and release officially do you still need to upgrade it | 03:21 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, no, wine implements windows API so you can run windows programs on it | 03:22 |
pnano | a problem is with apache2 , it can not restart | 03:22 |
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pnano | another is python 2.4 and Version 2.5 conflicts | 03:22 |
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pnano | see this error: http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:22 |
tech0007 | soundray....will try that thanks | 03:22 |
jrib | Keitherz: what is "it"? | 03:22 |
Kopfgeldjaeger | hi | 03:22 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=183 http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=17 | 03:23 |
SlimG | lloeki: Works like a charm, Thanks alot :) I really apprechiate it. This could have turned out so bad if I were to do it another way | 03:23 |
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whyuselinux | ok | 03:23 |
whyuselinux | nanonyme | 03:23 |
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whyuselinux | so i can use dreamweaver cs3 | 03:23 |
Keitherz | my ubuntu if i have gusty gibbon beta installed do i have to upgrade when its released | 03:23 |
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erUSUL | !offtopic | bhavi | 03:24 |
ubotu | bhavi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:24 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, it hasn't really anything to do with 3d as itself | 03:24 |
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whyuselinux | what do you mean | 03:24 |
misha | whyuselinux: I think you'd be better of using the linux equivalents of these programs. Are you SURE you need the latest adobe ones? | 03:24 |
whyuselinux | well i have the latest adobe programs | 03:24 |
=== Keith__ [n=keithm@gate-isdn.admin.theplanet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whyuselinux | ive just formatted my comp | 03:25 |
pnano | upgrade question! | 03:25 |
whyuselinux | i have 80gb free c drive | 03:25 |
jrib | Keitherz: yes, you get periodic upgrades... you should do a regular dist-upgrade like you have been doing up to now. Then do the regular upgrades from update-manager when you get them | 03:25 |
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pnano | who know it: http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:25 |
nanonyme | imo it might not be a good idea to switch to Linux if you have a lot of programs that require Windows | 03:25 |
whyuselinux | i have just installed xp sp2 and i am a bit confused how i should go about all of this | 03:25 |
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whyuselinux | what are the advantages of using wine over windows? | 03:26 |
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whyuselinux | the 3d interface looks cool | 03:26 |
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MartinW | Wine is on Linux | 03:26 |
jrib | whyuselinux: you do not have to reboot | 03:26 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, none whatsoever | 03:26 |
whyuselinux | so i should just stay with windows? | 03:26 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, wine is for running windows programs on linux | 03:26 |
whyuselinux | cool | 03:26 |
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whyuselinux | but why would i run them on linux | 03:27 |
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jerrygj | hello | 03:27 |
rzimek78 | how to restart ddclient ? | 03:27 |
whyuselinux | the 3d interface looks cool but i dunno if its worth the hassel | 03:27 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, your call. you don't need to switch to Linux unless you see a good reason to do so | 03:27 |
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Jeruvy | you 'would' run them due to your higher than windows intelligence | 03:27 |
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nanonyme | whyuselinux, as i said, i personally wouldn't change if i had a lot of programs that need Windows | 03:28 |
whyuselinux | ok | 03:28 |
Keitherz | the alternate cd have ubuntu installer with tools or without linux with tools | 03:28 |
hastesaver | Can I install Ubuntu on a FAT32 partition? | 03:28 |
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jrib | hastesaver: no | 03:28 |
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misha | hastesaver: sorta | 03:28 |
quittt | I use WINE with all windows applications that I need | 03:29 |
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quittt | and they work perfectly | 03:29 |
hastesaver | oh... is there a filesystem I can install Ubuntu on, that works with OS X? | 03:29 |
nanonyme | misha, very *very* bad idea anyway | 03:29 |
misha | hastesaver: check out wubi | 03:29 |
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hastesaver | I don't want Windows :-) | 03:29 |
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whyuselinux | quittt: why dont you just use windows? | 03:29 |
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nanonyme | even if you manage to install linux on fat32, it will probably get fragmented and i haven't seen defragmenting tools for linux | 03:29 |
Innomen | Video codec 'Real Video 3.0' is not handled. | 03:29 |
tech0007 | soundray....i edited /etc/fstab so users can mount/umount udf, do i have to restart? | 03:29 |
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misha | hastesaver: I'm just saying that the method they use is the one that you would. | 03:30 |
hastesaver | It's just that OS X's ext2/ext3 support is rather... shaky, and I don't konw if Linux has any HFS/HFS+ support | 03:30 |
nanonyme | so you need to format often | 03:30 |
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quittt | whyuselinux, a bunch of other applications that I need and I use are ported to Linux | 03:30 |
quittt | and the usability and stability are much higher than any Windows | 03:30 |
whyuselinux | ok | 03:30 |
whyuselinux | usability as in the 3d interface ? | 03:30 |
whyuselinux | llol | 03:30 |
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=== Biohazard [i=mahdi@blfd-4db50943.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pnano | 1180 members, nobody could give a help? | 03:31 |
whyuselinux | the 3d interface looks cool i want to experience this | 03:31 |
pnano | http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:31 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, the 3d interface is imo bunk. i don't have it installed | 03:31 |
jrib | hastesaver: "osx mount ext3" in google has some results that seemed to work | 03:31 |
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whyuselinux | ya most people i know dont use the 3d interface | 03:31 |
pnano | how can I get rid of the error: | 03:31 |
whyuselinux | but i am a newbie | 03:31 |
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pnano | with apt-get | 03:31 |
whyuselinux | and this is the only attractive thing to me i think | 03:31 |
jrib | pnano: try to keep what you say on a single line, or else the channel becomes too busy | 03:32 |
nanonyme | whyuselinux, it's about the same as if you'd get vista. no real benefit, slows your computer down | 03:32 |
hastesaver | jrib: yes, OS X's ext3 support is read-only, and ext2 works, I think. (Not by default, but someone has written a driver) | 03:32 |
pnano | jrib, ok | 03:32 |
pnano | I re type | 03:32 |
jrib | hastesaver: you can mount ext3 as ext2 though | 03:32 |
anss1 | Seems like ls list "total n" as the size of the directory. What unit is that? Disk blocks or kilobytes? How do I check the block size of a disk? | 03:32 |
misha | whyuselinux: perhaps you should try running it for a while and see what you think. That's what the LiveCCD is for | 03:32 |
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twoshadetod | is there any way/program to gather a list of emails, and produce a "grouping" of them? my boss wants me to "find a way" that he can send 1 email to like 20 Home owner associations but he is remote, is there a way to generate a form that he can open and just put his email and body? | 03:32 |
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nanonyme | whyuselinux, requirements are lower but it's essentially just eye-candy on the price of speed | 03:32 |
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twoshadetod | and by gather i mean ill be typign them in manually :) | 03:32 |
pnano | I upgrade ubuntu from 6.06 to 7.04, after upgrade, error message occur: http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:32 |
whyuselinux | misha: liveCCD over Wine ? | 03:33 |
hastesaver | jrib: ok... and ext2 is actually not that bad either, right? I mean... I could make an actual ext2 partition and install Ubuntu on it? I'd like to keep my data in a place I can write to from both places :) | 03:33 |
O_Testador | #cpimag | 03:33 |
whyuselinux | nanonyme: i saw the youtube video vista vs ubuntu and the eye candy is what attracted me | 03:33 |
misha | whyuselinux: no no, it means that you can boot from the ubuntu install CD without actually installing it and use the system normally | 03:33 |
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cyclonut | twoshadetod: sure - look into php email solutions | 03:33 |
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nanonyme | whyuselinux, that's the worst possible reason to choose an OS to be honest | 03:33 |
whyuselinux | i want to reap the benefits of linux but i dont know how to go about this | 03:34 |
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laomao | how to set up tv-out? | 03:34 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: then just create a table for mailing lists, have it send to all people in a group | 03:34 |
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jrib | hastesaver: you could, you don't get the journal. There is nothing wrong with using ext3 and then mounting it as ext2 when you are in OSX | 03:34 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: would be happy to code it for you for a meager fee :) | 03:34 |
pnano | I dont how to solve this verion conflicts: 1. is apache2 cannot restart 2. Python 2.4 and 2.5 installed side by side, conflict with each other, should I delete <pythondir>/site-packages??? | 03:34 |
anss1 | How is it possible that no-one ever defragments there disks on Linux? If I fill my hadrd disk with a million files and then remove a random half of them, my disk just has to be fragmented, right? | 03:34 |
whyuselinux | misha: can i use windows apps on LiveCCD? | 03:34 |
pnano | I upgrade ubuntu from 6.06 to 7.04, after upgrade, error message occur: http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:34 |
=== alan_ [n=alan@c-76-105-9-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psyphen | whyuselinux: reap the benefits? what benefits? | 03:34 |
nanonyme | anss1, ext2/ext3 are just better ;) | 03:34 |
laomao | to | 03:34 |
laomao | to: | 03:35 |
anss1 | As far as I know there are no supported defrag tools for Ubuntu? | 03:35 |
whyuselinux | lol what benefits i dunno.. 3d interface ;x | 03:35 |
nanonyme | anss1, you don't need to defragment | 03:35 |
psyphen | o.O | 03:35 |
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tech0007 | anybody knows what i need to do after i edited my /etc/fstab for it to take effect? | 03:35 |
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pnano | I upgrade ubuntu from 6.06 to 7.04, after upgrade, error message occur: http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:35 |
pnano | I dont how to solve this verion conflicts: 1. is apache2 cannot restart 2. Python 2.4 and 2.5 installed side by side, conflict with each other, should I delete <pythondir>/site-packages??? | 03:35 |
nanonyme | anss1, the disks get checked for consistency like about every 30 mounts or 60 days or whatever | 03:35 |
psyphen | whyuselinux: and that's it? that's the only reason you want to use linux? is because of the 3d interface? you're a strange one | 03:35 |
nanonyme | automatically | 03:35 |
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hastesaver | jrib: Yes, but from what I've tried, I can use ext3 only if I mount it as ext2, and then it is mounted read-only. That's a limitation of the ext* driver written for OS X, I think. | 03:35 |
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anss1 | nononyme, tell me how my disk can not be fragmented, if i fill it with small files and then remove half of them randomly! | 03:35 |
nanonyme | anss1, i don't know ext2/3 well enough to answer, read the specs | 03:36 |
pnano | omg, this channel is like a flood | 03:36 |
hastesaver | jrib: thanks for your help... Sooner or later I'm going to repartition my macbook hard drive and dual-boot OS X and Ubuntu :) | 03:36 |
jrib | whyuselinux: I would recommend a dual boot so you can check out linux but fall back to windows if you need it | 03:36 |
whyuselinux | psyphen: no i want to learn how to use it for MySQL databases ect.. | 03:36 |
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MartinW | Why does an unofficial repository break upgrades? | 03:36 |
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hastesaver | anss1: ext2/ext3 filesystems are just designed better. FAT partitions get fragmented more easily | 03:36 |
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pnano | jrib, can you give me some suggestion? | 03:36 |
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pnano | I dont how to solve this verion conflicts: 1. is apache2 cannot restart 2. Python 2.4 and 2.5 installed side by side, conflict with each other, should I delete <pythondir>/site-packages??? | 03:36 |
anss1 | No nanonyme, I am quite positive that ext2 or 3 will not defragment automatically. | 03:36 |
psyphen | whyuselinux: i would recommend installing it on a virtual machine rather than dual-booting if you really want to try it | 03:36 |
pnano | I upgrade ubuntu from 6.06 to 7.04, after upgrade, error message occur: http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:36 |
nanonyme | anss1, unless you want to read dozens of pages of technical data, you just have to trust that unix filesystems are better than their windows equivalents | 03:36 |
Kaja | What's the big deal about disk fragmentation anyway.. I don't even care about it anymore =/ | 03:36 |
jrib | hastesaver: I see | 03:36 |
nanonyme | kaja, you don't have to with unix filesystems :) | 03:37 |
alex_ | Hey can somebody tell me the name of the ubuntu-installed IRC client? | 03:37 |
Kaja | nanonyme, yeah, that's my point. | 03:37 |
MartinW | Gaim | 03:37 |
whyuselinux | psyphen: virtual machine... how do i do this ? | 03:37 |
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jrib | alex_: pidgin | 03:37 |
pnano | alex_ gaim and xchat-2 | 03:37 |
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psyphen | whyuselinux: i'll show you. care for a private message? | 03:37 |
whyuselinux | yes please | 03:37 |
pnano | jrib, can you | 03:37 |
jrib | alex_: sorry, yeah gaim | 03:37 |
jrib | pnano: be patient | 03:38 |
twoshadetod | cyclonut, you think I can find a php mod (i have a webserver to host it on) that i can preconfigure with all the emails and he can visit and just put his info in there? | 03:38 |
alex_ | gaim! i didn't notice thats what i was using last time | 03:38 |
MartinW | But I prefer chatzilla since it has a nicer interface. Its a small firefox plugin. | 03:38 |
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alex_ | okay, so since you guys are being helpful...does anybody know what steps i'd have to take to install mandriva on another partition i have, and still be able to boot into ubuntu? because from what i understand, Mandriva's bootloader writes over Ubuntu's and you can't load back into ubuntu | 03:38 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: maybe | 03:38 |
jrib | pnano: how did you upgrade? | 03:38 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: you could also set up a listserv on your server | 03:39 |
pnano | error past here: http://pastebin.com/d42e5e580 | 03:39 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: so that when he sends an email to a certain listserv, it goes out to the whole group | 03:39 |
twoshadetod | cyclonut, thing is It can't be linked to my server like thats my hobby and this is for work | 03:39 |
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psyphen | whyuselinux: are you perhaps an unregistered member of freenode? if so it would explain why you can't see my private message to you | 03:40 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: the "from" addresses are configurable, so it would look like it was coming from him, just the extended headers would tell a different story | 03:40 |
pnano | jrib, I upgrade as ubuntu.com show | 03:40 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: reply-to wold work the same as current | 03:40 |
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Pici | pnano: From 6.06 to 6.10 to 7.04? | 03:40 |
pnano | from 6.06 to 7.04 | 03:40 |
pnano | 6.10 | 03:40 |
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pnano | 6.10 to 7.04 | 03:41 |
twoshadetod | cyclonut, thanks alot man, I was thinking I might have to go to his office (far) to manually copy and paste emails into a email for him lol | 03:41 |
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cyclonut | twoshadetod: np, again I am a coder for hire ;) | 03:42 |
RickyH1980 | Hello everyone I had a quick question, I was reading on ubuntu.com that this is a help channel. | 03:42 |
whyuselinux | psyphen: i am unregistered | 03:42 |
cyclonut | twoshadetod: g/l with the liststerv | 03:42 |
whyuselinux | i dont know what freenode is | 03:42 |
=== MasterShrek [n=dp@71-87-42-252.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | pnano: does 'sudo invoke-rc.d restart apache2' work? | 03:42 |
whyuselinux | i saw your first private message | 03:42 |
psyphen | whyuselinux: did you get the website? | 03:42 |
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RickyH1980 | Does 7.10 have a gui interface to join Ubuntu to a Server 2003 Domain? | 03:42 |
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psyphen | whyuselinux: you're using irc.freenode.net (an irc network) | 03:42 |
alex_ | Anybody know if i have to take any extra steps before i install Mandriva 2008 so as to not screw up the bootloader in ubuntu 7.04 (for a dual boot) | 03:42 |
twoshadetod | ping | 03:43 |
pnano | I dunno trying | 03:43 |
jrib | RickyH1980: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 03:43 |
pnano | jrib, I dunno trying | 03:43 |
tech0007 | anybody knows what i need to do after i edited my /etc/fstab for it to take effect? | 03:43 |
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RickyH1980 | ah okay thanks | 03:43 |
skarface | tech0007: sudo mount -a | 03:43 |
jrib | tech0007: remount what you changed | 03:43 |
whyuselinux | ya i am on irc.freenode.net | 03:43 |
lunz | when i run compiz-fusion xserver is tooo slow...what is the problem?how to fix it? | 03:43 |
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=== genii sips a coffee | ||
whyuselinux | psyphen: ya i am on irc.freenode.net | 03:43 |
alex_ | lunz compiz-fusion lags on my computer...try using Beryl hehe | 03:43 |
whyuselinux | psyphen: yes i saw your link | 03:43 |
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psyphen | whyuselinux: cool | 03:44 |
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whyuselinux | psyphen: dont you see my private messages? | 03:44 |
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Pici | !register | whyuselinux | 03:44 |
ubotu | whyuselinux: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 03:44 |
psyphen | whyuselinux: no | 03:44 |
lunz | alex:that is not a solution..thanks anyway.. | 03:44 |
erUSUL | lunz: maybe you do not have 3d hw acceleration enabled? | 03:44 |
mozilla-web | hi how can i see the sites i visited on my webbrowser | 03:44 |
mozilla-web | sites that i visited 2-3 month ago | 03:44 |
erUSUL | mozilla-web: Crlt + H | 03:44 |
=== quittt_ removing old kernel images... | ||
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lunz | erUSUL:how to check my 3d acceleration enable or not? | 03:45 |
psyphen | whyuselinux: but i'm going anyway. have fun with ubuntu. bye | 03:45 |
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SmegHead | grr i cant find a nick that aint been regged | 03:45 |
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whyuselinux | k c ya | 03:45 |
Slasherx2 | there | 03:45 |
alex_ | mozilla-web: hey if you're (un)lucky enough and you use igoogle or any google services that you sign into permanently, google might have saved ALL your history so you can sign in and check tha tout | 03:45 |
mozilla-web | i see sites from yesterday and today how about findin what i surfed some months ago is that possible | 03:45 |
Slasherx2 | !brother | 03:45 |
dgjones | whyuselinux, you need to be registered before people can see your private messages | 03:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about brother - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:45 |
Slasherx2 | !brother printer | 03:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about brother printer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 03:45 |
tech0007 | SmegHead :-D | 03:45 |
daws | when I lock my screen on gutsy and go home for the night and come back the next day, why is my system sooooo slow to get going again? | 03:45 |
linux4me | i'm running ubuntu fiesty, how do I install ultramonkey? i've tried sudo apt-get install ultramonkey. ultramonkey has a debian package but it is for sarge | 03:45 |
Slasherx2 | hmm | 03:45 |
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jrib | Slasherx2: /msg ubotu printing | 03:46 |
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Slasherx2 | thx | 03:46 |
jrib | daws: gutsy help in #ubuntu+1 | 03:46 |
mozilla-web | yes i know google but i directlty type the url in the adress | 03:46 |
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daws | jrib, thanks | 03:46 |
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mozilla-web | anyone who knows if it works to find what i surfed some months ago | 03:46 |
nanonyme | jrib, still for three days :) | 03:46 |
erUSUL | daws: it is the "updatedb" sindrome... when updatedb runs at night it makes apps and many other things go to swap when you come in the morning those things need to be readed frpm swap (hd's are slow) | 03:47 |
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BixBox | t | 03:47 |
tech0007 | mozilla-web....if u cleared ur browsing history...its gone | 03:47 |
alex_ | mozilla-web: oh because i was accidentally using their browser history that stored every single site i visited for the past year (yea, i deleted all that) | 03:47 |
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mozilla-web | i never cleared browsin history | 03:47 |
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mozilla-web | how can i find browsin history | 03:48 |
pnano | jrib, 'sudo invoke-rc.d restart apache2 nvoke-rc.d : unknown initscript | 03:48 |
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tk2k | control+h? | 03:48 |
its_me_gb | has anyone had any success connecting to an apple airport express wireless router from ubuntu? | 03:48 |
alex_ | mozilla-web: if you're only seeing history from recent days then you might have your browser set to automatically delete files/history every few days... | 03:48 |
erUSUL | mozilla-web: Crlt + H | 03:48 |
jrib | pnano: switcd "restart" and "apache2" | 03:48 |
pnano | jrib,fail | 03:49 |
robert_ | hooray- Can't locate object method "good_version" via package "Autom4te::C4che" at /usr/bin/autom4te line 984. | 03:49 |
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jrib | pnano: is that the full output? | 03:49 |
mozilla-web | ctrl + h shows only 6 days older | 03:49 |
pnano | jrib, action "restart" failed. | 03:49 |
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jrib | pnano: can you stop it? | 03:49 |
alex_ | mozilla-web: then you probably have it set to auto-delete your history after a week | 03:49 |
pnano | jrib: its 2 lines output | 03:49 |
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pnano | * forcing....... | 03:50 |
mozilla-web | well i never setup anthing | 03:50 |
jrib | pnano: join me in #ubuntu-classroom | 03:50 |
pnano | ....ion "restart" failed. | 03:50 |
alex_ | mozilla-web: maybe somebody else did heh | 03:50 |
tech0007 | are there a linux versions of optical drive firmwares? i think mine is dying? | 03:50 |
daws | erUSUL, oh, I see | 03:50 |
pnano | ok | 03:50 |
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mozilla-web | nope maybe its automatically | 03:50 |
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daws | erUSUL, any way to counteract that? | 03:51 |
tech0007 | mozilla-web...if ur using firefox, default of 9 days history, aftr that it clears them out | 03:51 |
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alex_ | mozilla-web: okay, do this: launch firefox, click on Edit===>Preferences, then click on the Privacy Tab at the top, and you'll see an option that says "Remember Visited Pages for the last X days" | 03:51 |
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erUSUL | daws: dunno... | 03:51 |
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robert_ | can I force the reinstall of m4? | 03:52 |
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alex_ | change the X number (as tech0007 said, it's normally 9 days) to whatever you want | 03:52 |
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Slasherx2 | urgh, could anyone please help me setup this gimpy printer please? it's a Brother DCP-115C and its annoying me lol. I had it working in 7.04 with several hours of tweaking but when i upgraded to 7.10 beta it broke :/ | 03:52 |
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alex_ | Anybody know how to dual boot Mandriva 2008 with Ubuntu 7.04? Ubuntu installed first on a separate partition.... | 03:53 |
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tech0007 | Slasherx2...maybe people in #ubuntu+1 can help | 03:53 |
erUSUL | robert_: sudo apt-get --reinstall | 03:53 |
dgjones | Slasherx2, 7.10 support is in +ubuntu+1 for the next few days | 03:53 |
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Slasherx2 | ahh | 03:53 |
Slasherx2 | thanks | 03:53 |
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alex_ | and when's the final release of 7.10 due?? | 03:53 |
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Pici | alex_: 18th. | 03:53 |
tech0007 | alex_ 18 | 03:53 |
alex_ | sweeeeet | 03:54 |
erUSUL | alex_: add a grub entry for ubuntu to mandriva's menu.lst (or viceversa) | 03:54 |
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Slasherx2 | 3 days | 03:54 |
alex_ | erUSUL: how would i do that? or should i just google it? heh | 03:54 |
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tk2k | guty will have everything feisty will have right? | 03:54 |
tech0007 | who tried Gutsy then went back to Feisty? | 03:55 |
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robert_ | aclocal hates me | 03:55 |
robert_ | Can't locate object method "good_version" via package "Autom4te::C4che" at /usr/bin/autom4te line 984. | 03:55 |
daws | erUSUL, ok, thanks anyway | 03:55 |
alex_ | tech0007: i had gutsy installed for a couple hours, but it was beta and nothing was working properly haha, i was lazy to figure it out | 03:55 |
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tech0007 | alex_ i would have done the same.. | 03:55 |
tech0007 | :-D | 03:56 |
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alex_ | tech0007: hahahaha ;) were not hardcore enough...yet.... | 03:56 |
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lunz | how to start Compiz Fusion with --loose-binding option? | 03:57 |
alex_ | i just stopped using windows only a month ago tops...still learning my way with linux...wondering if Mandriva's a good step for a dual boot (and remove windows entirely from my computer) hah | 03:57 |
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dirocca | slt | 03:58 |
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alex_ | anybody in here know why both Kiba Dock and AWN (especially awn) lag the hell out of my computer when i run them? | 03:59 |
amr | hello, i am wondering how to open isilo files on ubuntu | 03:59 |
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alex_ | arm: try using a program like wine? | 03:59 |
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jhaig | amr: The Windows isilo tool works in Wine. | 03:59 |
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amr | is there no linux app that covers that | 04:00 |
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apecat | hey.. hwo do i set up a static ip in ubuntu, in a way that all network managers respect | 04:00 |
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alex_ | amr: try visiting this post, i think it might solve your issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=270133 | 04:01 |
jhaig | amr: There is a console based tool for dealing with isilo files, but I never got round to working out how it works. Very little documentation, I seem to remember. | 04:01 |
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Hatl | hi! i want to copy my ubuntu installation (usb hdd) to my notebook. is that possible? | 04:01 |
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MasterShrek | Hatl, use dd | 04:01 |
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dgjones | amr, there's something called "isilox" which i think must be the command jhaig mentioned | 04:02 |
MasterShrek | dd if=<usb device> of=<notebook hdd> | 04:02 |
jhaig | amr: http://www.isilox.com/download/index.htm <- iSiloX for Windows works well in Wine. iSiloXC is the Linux (console) version. | 04:02 |
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liberum | Does anyone know how to make a truecrypt volume writible? The -u parameter doesn't do it for me... | 04:02 |
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amr | i just want a gnome app plz | 04:02 |
Hatl | i copied the installation with "cp -a" to the other hdd (sda6) but if i want to start ubuntu it tries to mount the old partition (sda1) | 04:02 |
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Hatl | i have updated fstab and menu.lst with my new partitions but if i run update-grub it rewrites menu.lst to the old partition settings | 04:04 |
meuserj | I'm having issues with network manager under gutsy... my nic works fine when using dhclient to bring it up, but network manager doesn't see it as being up, then any programs that rely on network manager to see the status of the connection don't work | 04:04 |
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jhaig | amr: I'm not sure there is one, I'm afraid. Evolution will allow you to get the isilo files onto your PDA, but not for creating or reading them, I think. | 04:04 |
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tech0007 | meuserj....#ubuntu+1 | 04:04 |
MasterShrek | Hatl, have another look through both files and make sure they are set correctly, remember grub will see hda1 as hd0,0 | 04:05 |
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jhaig | amr: Maybe someone has worked iSiloXC into evolution, but I haven't heard of it. Would be interested to know, though. | 04:05 |
jbfink | nickserv identify criminy99 | 04:05 |
jbfink | cra | 04:05 |
jbfink | crap | 04:05 |
RvGaTe^work | quick ! | 04:05 |
jbfink | fuck fuck | 04:05 |
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jbfink | sorry | 04:05 |
Hatl | my grub conf is correct and my fstab is correct but if i boot ubuntu it wants to mount the old partition sdb1 | 04:06 |
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MasterShrek | !ohmy | 04:06 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:06 |
Hatl | i also updated the ramdisk | 04:06 |
alex_ | eee | 04:06 |
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alex_ | hey genii, you know how to dual boot mandriva with ubuntu? | 04:06 |
MasterShrek | Hatl, well if it wants to still boot sdb1 then something is wrong in one of those files | 04:06 |
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MasterShrek | Hatl, can you pastebin your menu.lst? | 04:07 |
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genii | alex_: I haven't used Mandriva (lately), so not sure what bootloader system it may use. But if you have grub, it should be able to handle pretty much any different OS | 04:07 |
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Hatl | sorry, no network connection on my notebook | 04:08 |
Hatl | it only boots the ramdisk | 04:08 |
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mozilla-web | in which directory is xchat | 04:08 |
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Kudak | when i do 'fdisk -l' i get a * mark next to a certain partition, does it tell where grub is installed ? | 04:08 |
tech0007 | mozilla-web.... 'which xchat' | 04:08 |
korps | genii: (i changed my nick just now)...yea but from what im understanding it overwrite's ubuntu's grub and then you can't boot back in (They haven't fixed it for Mandriva 2008 either haha) | 04:08 |
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MasterShrek | mozilla-web, its not just in one directory, but if u are looking for your user's config files, they are in /home/user/.xchat2 | 04:09 |
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Hatl | where do i find the config file for update-grub? | 04:09 |
korps | hmm maybe i'll just stick to ubuntu for the time being hah | 04:09 |
Lr5 | Anyone knows how to fix sound in firefox/java/flash? | 04:09 |
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jbfink | okay, sorry about the swearing folks. | 04:09 |
mozilla-web | how can i find it from the terminal i can not find it | 04:09 |
dgjones | anagra, sometime last year, i had 2 versions of ubuntu, Mandriva 2007, slackware & windows all installed on the same machine, grub was able to cope with all of them, it was just a case of whichever was the last installed used that grub and automatically picked up the other versions | 04:09 |
jbfink | ha ha irc nobo | 04:09 |
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jbfink | er, noob. | 04:09 |
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Lr5 | aoss-thing doesn't work anymore, after upgrading to 7.10 | 04:10 |
MasterShrek | mozilla-web, cd .xchat2 | 04:10 |
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genii | korps: Yes i see something about it here http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=66905 | 04:10 |
tech0007 | mozilla-web...did u get anything when u typed in 'which xchat' | 04:10 |
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cappiz | is it possible to read ufs fs in ubuntu/linux? | 04:10 |
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mozilla-web | which xchat | 04:10 |
mozilla-web | /usr/bin/xchat | 04:10 |
KennethP | mozilla-web: try the command locate xchat in a terminal window | 04:10 |
MasterShrek | !ufs | 04:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ufs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:10 |
genii | cappiz: Yes, you can read BSD filesystem from ubuntu | 04:11 |
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korps | dgjones: oooh okay. i guess i'll go for it, see if it works haha. if not i'm sure it's fixable anyways. ps. is my nickname still coming up as anagra for you? | 04:11 |
tech0007 | mozilla-web....type 'xchat' it should open up | 04:11 |
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cappiz | genii, something special i need, or can i just mount it? :) | 04:11 |
Hatl | it mounts the correct partition but read-only | 04:11 |
adante | howdy, is there an up-to-date guide for installing a root onto a software raid0? | 04:11 |
Hatl | the entry in /etc/mtab shows the wrong partition | 04:11 |
genii | cappiz: I don't recall needing a special package, but i'll check | 04:12 |
erUSUL | cappiz: yes a driver exist for ufs filesystems dunno how well it works though | 04:12 |
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adante | i've seen some around in the wiki but they are either no raid0 or a bit out of date | 04:12 |
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dgjones | korps, not now, its changed, i had looked for alex_ first & followed the changes :) | 04:12 |
erUSUL | !dmraid | 04:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dmraid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:12 |
cappiz | i only need to read from it :) | 04:12 |
tech0007 | !ufs | 04:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ufs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:12 |
WaltzingAlong | !info dmraid | 04:12 |
WaltzingAlong | !raid | 04:12 |
ubotu | dmraid: Device-Mapper Software RAID support tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0.rc13-2ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 180 kB, installed size 612 kB | 04:12 |
korps | dgjones: haha awesome...thanks for the help eh | 04:12 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 04:12 |
korps | alright i'm out of here. take it easy all | 04:12 |
liberum | How can i decide which users who can access my proftpd? | 04:12 |
dgjones | korps, no probs, good luck | 04:12 |
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WaltzingAlong | get 'er easy, take 'er twice | 04:12 |
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gorlak | hey, i have a question, i am in the middle of configuring a program that needs to use the php bin file, where in ubuntu is it located? | 04:13 |
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WaltzingAlong | /usr/bin/php ? /usr/bin/php5 or php4 | 04:14 |
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WaltzingAlong | unless you want the cli interface to it | 04:14 |
WaxyFresh | when ubuntu starts after i enter user/pass into GDM i get: Can't access ACPI events in /var/run/acpid.socket! Make sure the ACPI subsystem is working and the acpid daemon is running. will this effect how my computer is running? | 04:14 |
gorlak | it needs to be cli, the program will be passing commands to it | 04:14 |
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WaltzingAlong | be sure to have installed it php4-cli for example, then should be in the same place | 04:15 |
gorlak | it doesnt seem to have it there, what program would i need then to get the cli php, | 04:15 |
gorlak | ah ok | 04:15 |
gorlak | i wasnt sure what i would need to install in order for the php to be placed there. | 04:15 |
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gorlak | and the search for php in the repositories yielded so many that i couldnt figure out which one i needed :) | 04:16 |
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gorlak | thanks | 04:17 |
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WaltzingAlong | welcome | 04:17 |
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genii | cappiz: I can't seem to find some applicable package. since i had during install a ufs disk it may have installed the correct module then etc. (sorry for lag, work called me away) | 04:18 |
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postgre | jrib: | 04:18 |
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postgre | jrib: which channel | 04:18 |
postgre | #ubuntu -class | 04:18 |
erUSUL | genii: find /lib/modules -name '*ufs*' -print | 04:18 |
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cappiz | genii; ok :) ill try | 04:19 |
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genii | erUSUL: Ah yes, or possibly modprobe -l |grep ufs | 04:19 |
jrib | postgre: #ubuntu-classroom | 04:19 |
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mozilla-web | how can i see my mozilla cache history | 04:21 |
jrib | mozilla-web: about:cache | 04:21 |
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MasterShrek | mozilla-web, probably somewhere in /home/user/.mozilla | 04:21 |
genii | cappiz: I do remember having problems mounting BSB raid volumes created with vinum | 04:21 |
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genii | *BSD | 04:21 |
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WaxyFresh | when ubuntu starts after i enter user/pass into GDM i get: Can't access ACPI events in /var/run/acpid.socket! Make sure the ACPI subsystem is working and the acpid daemon is running. will this effect how my computer is running? | 04:22 |
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WaltzingAlong | WaxyFresh: not necessarily | 04:24 |
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WaxyFresh | would running i386 ubuntu on a amd64 machine be slower then running x86 on a x86 machine? | 04:24 |
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Andeh | Hello | 04:25 |
Klavier | how can i understand my eth0 device active or passive.. there is not anything about it s active | 04:25 |
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Klavier | i want to know if it s a cable problem | 04:25 |
WaxyFresh | Klavier: ifconfig or iwconfig should tell you | 04:25 |
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Andeh | Just got a nice 22 inch monitor, 1680x1050 Pixels, and my Nv 8600GT only supports 1600x1024 so the entire image is crap. Help? Also, the monitor stretches the thing accross the screen, and doesnt let you resize vertically. | 04:26 |
Klavier | i tried ifconfig | 04:26 |
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Jeruvy | Klavier: active will show in ifconfig, passive will not. Check var/log/messages during startup. | 04:26 |
kon | where can the desktop 7.04 PXE installer image be found? | 04:26 |
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Klavier | okay it s working | 04:27 |
Warbisshop | Is their a GUI tool to manage LDAP and its current users ? | 04:27 |
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Klavier | it asked me for update it wont be authenticated so i choosed to update option | 04:27 |
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Klavier | what s going on | 04:27 |
Jeruvy | kon: did you try apt-get install pxe? | 04:28 |
Klavier | it s updating 121 package | 04:28 |
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WaltzingAlong | Klavier: but the verifications failed? | 04:29 |
genii | kon: a minute, i'll find you a nice tutorial | 04:29 |
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alex_ | anybody know why kopete is taking so long to send messages? | 04:31 |
genii | kon: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install | 04:31 |
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John117 | Hey there! I'm using XGL on my laptop. Desktop effects were working great. I just installed Beryl Emerald and even though I"m getting no errors, it doesn't seem to be working. | 04:31 |
kon | thanks genii, so this image contains both server and desktop? | 04:31 |
skyn3t | hi | 04:32 |
nanonyme | !beryl | 04:32 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:32 |
Klavier | WaltzingAlong it shows 3 options not auhtentcated or to update | 04:32 |
Klavier | or to install | 04:32 |
Klavier | i checked update box | 04:32 |
nanonyme | john117, read, join, get stuff solved :) | 04:32 |
skyn3t | anyone here uses vodafone mobile connect card ? | 04:32 |
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John117 | ubotu, I"ve been to #ubuntu-effects. Nobody monitors that channel. | 04:32 |
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WaltzingAlong | tough cookies as it goes | 04:32 |
genii | kon: The method they use in that tutorial uses netboot image to boot to, then you have an install CD loop-mounted which it continues from. the install CD could be any you like | 04:32 |
John117 | nanonyme I've don alot of reading, thats how i got this far. :) | 04:33 |
nanonyme | !beryl | john117 | 04:33 |
ubotu | john117: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:33 |
nanonyme | read that, i meant | 04:33 |
John117 | !beryl | 04:33 |
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ari_stress | !openldap | 04:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about openldap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:33 |
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WaltzingAlong | !info openldap | 04:33 |
ubotu | Package openldap does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 04:33 |
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ari_stress | !ldap | 04:33 |
ubotu | LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer | 04:33 |
John117 | !beryl | 04:33 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:33 |
skyn3t | !phyton | 04:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about phyton - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 04:34 |
kon | ah i understand genii, thanks. i'll check it out and see if i can install directly from the net | 04:34 |
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John117 | LOL... I don't want a non-helpful bot response. :) Nobody in #ubuntu-effects is even talking. | 04:34 |
nanonyme | john117, did you also understand that? :) | 04:34 |
nanonyme | john117, it's off-topic here | 04:34 |
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ari_stress | thanks WaltzingAlong | 04:34 |
ari_stress | :D | 04:34 |
John117 | nanonyme okay :) I guess i'll flood #ubuntu-effects until someone answers :) | 04:35 |
WaltzingAlong | and for that matter John117 there may be lots of people in #chat but still perhaps not the place to ask | 04:35 |
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skyn3t | anyone here uses vodafone mobile connect card ? | 04:36 |
WaltzingAlong | no nor did i when you asked 4 minutes ago | 04:36 |
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artagnon | where can I get the ubuntu gusty livecd? | 04:37 |
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alex_ | artagnon: i don't think it's out til the 18th | 04:38 |
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WaltzingAlong | artagnon: releases.ubuntu.com | 04:38 |
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artagnon | what about gusty unstable livecd? | 04:39 |
atlfalcons866 | how do i enable extented attributes | 04:39 |
artagnon | I'm looking at releases.ubuntu.com | 04:39 |
tushyd | help! I checked "enable accessibility options" for my login screen and now I can't get the gnome login screen! It just hangs with the spinning cursor! | 04:39 |
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tech0007 | artagnon....use Desktop CD | 04:39 |
xrls | how do i translate this site?? http://whitepenguin.wordpress.com/2007/09/20/compilare-il-kernel-su-ubuntu-feisty-704/ | 04:39 |
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heaven | hy guyz i got a question, do you have Unreal tournament 2004? and if you can tell me if it works on x64 ubuntu 7.04 | 04:40 |
Rullis | how can i join channel as "#rhmlLAN" ? | 04:40 |
artagnon | okay, got http://releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ubuntu-7.10-rc-desktop-i386.iso | 04:41 |
artagnon | it's probably what I want | 04:41 |
artagnon | thanks all | 04:41 |
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Pici | heaven: Epic Games has an installer for UT2004 for linux. | 04:41 |
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heaven | pici: ok, ok i know that but i got an athlon 64 and also ubuntu is x64 architecture would it work then? | 04:42 |
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Pici | heaven: I dont know, you'd have to check the requirements on epic/UT's website. | 04:43 |
alina | hi | 04:43 |
heaven | ok thanx | 04:43 |
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Desos | does anyone know how to fix the mic problems with feisty and dells | 04:44 |
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xrls | how do i translate this site?? or does it find in English version .. http://whitepenguin.wordpress.com/2007/09/20/compilare-il-kernel-su-ubuntu-feisty-704/ | 04:44 |
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WaltzingAlong | xrls: translate.google.com | 04:46 |
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xrls | thanks | 04:46 |
TushTux | help! In the "login screen" options, I checked "enable accessibility options" for the gnome login screen... but now it shows the spinning cursor and won't load the login screen! | 04:46 |
dgjones | xrls, or maybe Babelfish | 04:46 |
xrls | cool thanks | 04:46 |
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TushTux | anyone? | 04:47 |
WaxyFresh | why would installing x86 ubuntu on a amd64 macine be a bad idea? | 04:47 |
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erUSUL | !kernel | xrls | 04:48 |
ubotu | xrls: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild. Also, see !stages | 04:48 |
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WaltzingAlong | WaxyFresh: who was claiming it was? | 04:48 |
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xrls | okay,thanks again | 04:48 |
erUSUL | WaxyFresh: it is not a bad idea... it is in some ways a good idea (less problems with flash w32codecs etc) | 04:48 |
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rryan | hi, so in my syslog I see "SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)" , yet the drives on the bus are brought up in UDMA133 mode, when I know they are SATA 3gbps drives and their jumpers are set appropriately. What can I do to set them in 300MBps mode? (i'm using sata_nv drivers on an nForce motherboard) | 04:49 |
WaxyFresh | WaltzingAlong: noone i was only wondering | 04:49 |
ibob63 | #apache | 04:49 |
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WaxyFresh | WaltzingAlong: but would x86 run slower then normal on a amd64? | 04:49 |
WaltzingAlong | WaxyFresh: if so not any you would notice | 04:50 |
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TushTux | help! In the "login screen" options, I checked "enable accessibility options" for the gnome login screen... but now it shows the spinning cursor and won't load the login screen... can I change gnome login options via CL? | 04:50 |
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dylix | when i boot up ubuntu i get a black screen until xorg starts, ive tried changing the bootline to say vga=xxx but still no worky :( | 04:52 |
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kolby | so, does anyone know where to find a good book on Ubuntu? | 04:52 |
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Sephiroth | I have Ubuntu 7.04 installed, and recently reinstalled Windows XP, which means I lost grub. The CD I have, however, is for 6.04. Would I be able to use that CD to recover grub? | 04:53 |
tk2k | yeah | 04:53 |
tk2k | should be | 04:53 |
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rryan | dylix : have you tried adding 'nosplash' to the boot line and removing quiet ? are you able to see text on boot up, or nothing at all? | 04:54 |
dylix | nothign at all | 04:54 |
dylix | i will try that tho | 04:54 |
ups | to kolby: you don't learn ubuntu from "books" | 04:54 |
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kolby | Sephiroth: are you going to a dual-boot system? | 04:54 |
erUSUL | Sephiroth: if you use the chroot method everything should be safe... | 04:54 |
Pici | kolby: There is the 'Official Ubuntu Book' that I've seen in many major book stores. | 04:54 |
ups | dylix: may be your splash package is wrogn | 04:54 |
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Sephiroth | It was a dual-boot system. | 04:54 |
erUSUL | !grub | Sephiroth | 04:54 |
ubotu | Sephiroth: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:54 |
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kon | what's the "linux-generic" kernel like? | 04:55 |
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kolby | ups: well, lol. My first introduction to Ubuntu was from a book in the library | 04:55 |
dylix | i think it has something to do w/ 64bit install, the 32bit one worked ok | 04:55 |
whileimhere | Hi. I was wondering are there any add ons to openoffice so that I can do network diagrams/ | 04:55 |
WaltzingAlong | kon: soft and slightly furry | 04:55 |
bobbob1016 | What partitions should I backup before going to gutsy? I want to try to as much of a fresh install as possible. I have /home and / on separate partitions. I read I need "/etc" too, would I just copy it to a separate drive, then back over? | 04:55 |
Pici | !generic | kon | 04:55 |
ubotu | kon: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 04:55 |
kolby | ups: that's how I got the CD and booted it up on my PC | 04:55 |
ups | kolby: use it everyday and you will learn it fast | 04:55 |
kon | thanks Pici | 04:55 |
Pici | Yepyep | 04:56 |
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ups | suggestion: before upgrade to gusty, backup your entire linux system :) | 04:56 |
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rryan | whileimhere : i'm not sure about open office, but if you install 'Dia', a diagram tool, it has plenty of different packages for tons of things from circuits, to UML, to Network diagrams | 04:56 |
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Vlet | Is there a way to change the ctrl-shift-arrow selection behavior? | 04:57 |
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whileimhere | ooh ok | 04:57 |
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bobbob1016 | ups: I know I should do the whole thing, I just wanted to get as little as possible, so I can have as much of a clean install as possible | 04:57 |
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FAMILIAR_GIRL | hi all | 04:57 |
kolby | ups: actually, I know my way around it pretty well. I've been using it as my sole OS for a year. I think what I'm looking for is that Ubuntu-hacks guide. | 04:57 |
danhs | I'm having a problem using setgid | 04:57 |
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danhs | not sure why it's not working properly | 04:57 |
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erUSUL | !hi | FAMILIAR_GIRL | 04:57 |
ubotu | FAMILIAR_GIRL: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:57 |
danhs | but i do chmod g+s <directory name> and then I create a new directory in <directory name> but it just uses my primary group....not the parent group | 04:58 |
danhs | what am I doing wrong? | 04:58 |
ups | I always keep a bzipped tarball of my system, just incase | 04:58 |
fevel | excuse me guys are ati graphic cards somewhat obsolete in Linux | 04:58 |
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fevel | I get very bad fps on 3d | 04:59 |
tech0007 | ubuntu desktop edn boots at which runlevel? | 04:59 |
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fevel | am I getting something wrong? | 04:59 |
Sephiroth | Okay, will try that. Thanks. | 04:59 |
kolby | fevel: What driver do you have installed for it? | 04:59 |
tech0007 | fevel....its jst that nvidia is more supported than ati | 04:59 |
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kahrytan | fevel, ATI sucks on Linux. | 05:00 |
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ups | right, I have ati cards too, I am not happy | 05:00 |
dylix | ok, when i remove the splash quiet, i see the bootup text.. | 05:00 |
kolby | isn't ATI making drivers for Linux now? | 05:00 |
dylix | so something is wrong w/ my splash package? | 05:00 |
tech0007 | ubuntu desktop edn boots at which runlevel? anyone? | 05:00 |
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danhs | Oh...it looks like I had to make that change using sudo.... | 05:00 |
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ups | ATI supports some cards | 05:00 |
danhs | alright.... | 05:00 |
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fevel | kolby, How can I check? I installed it through envy, I know about the issues and will uninstall it in 5 days | 05:00 |
danhs | well that's okay I guess | 05:00 |
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noxygen | can i ask a non ubuntu specific quetion in here ? | 05:01 |
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noxygen | it is *nix specific | 05:01 |
trackballuser | can anyone tell me how to disable the gnome login screen in command line? | 05:01 |
Vlet | kolby: yeah, but as far as I've heard, it will only support very new cards, and ain't out yet | 05:01 |
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kolby | fevel: I'm not certain. I have nVidia-glx as my driver | 05:01 |
tech0007 | noxygen.....shoot | 05:01 |
kahrytan | trackballuser, called gdm login | 05:01 |
erUSUL | trackballuser: do you want to boot into console? | 05:02 |
kolby | noxygen: go for it | 05:02 |
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trackballuser | my login screen hangs | 05:02 |
sev95 | algun espaol para que me explique unas cosas?? privado please!! | 05:02 |
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erUSUL | trackballuser: only once or allways? | 05:02 |
fevel | kahrytan, unable to play good games like nexuiz correct? | 05:02 |
erUSUL | !es | sev95 | 05:02 |
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ubotu | sev95: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:02 |
Pici | !es | stefg | 05:02 |
ubotu | stefg: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:02 |
Pici | oops. | 05:02 |
trackballuser | always, I checked "enable accessibility options" once and from then on it hangs consistently | 05:02 |
sev95 | muchisimas gracias | 05:02 |
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stefg | Ay! | 05:02 |
Vlet | trackballuser: you just want a terminal? You need to remove the symlinks to gdm from your /etc/rc5.d/ dir | 05:02 |
kahrytan | fevel, I use FX 5200 on my compu. It gets me 70fps-90fps | 05:03 |
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IdleOne | stefg: english please :P | 05:03 |
daedric | Gentleman... i need your help. In the past i've heard a song... and my girlfriend used a small part of it in a school project. Now i need it again, but i don't know who's the author... or the album. | 05:03 |
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Pici | daedric: #ubuntu-offtopic please. | 05:03 |
daedric | If i provide you with the music start... can you try and identify it ? | 05:03 |
daedric | Pici Will do :D | 05:03 |
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stefg | !offtopic | daedric | 05:03 |
ubotu | daedric: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:03 |
fevel | kahrytan, I understand, I get good fps on my nvidia card too, although the restricted drivers for that board wouldnt let me start x | 05:03 |
trackballuser | ok, thanks Vlet | 05:03 |
Vlet | daedric: why are you asking that here? | 05:03 |
kolby | daedric: what kind of song is it? | 05:03 |
kahrytan | fevel, worked good for me on feisty | 05:03 |
daedric | in the offtopic | 05:03 |
Toma- | daedric offtopic! | 05:04 |
tech0007 | Vlet....is it runlevel 5 when i boot regularly to gdm login? | 05:04 |
Pici | Toma-: Vlet , he knows. arg. | 05:04 |
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Vlet | trackballuser: also from the /etc/rc4.d/ and any other /etc/rcX.d/ dir's | 05:04 |
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Toma- | sorry Pici, lagging like crazy | 05:04 |
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fevel | strange, since I also installed it on feisty, couldnt have done something wrong since I just checked the check box =) maybe a problem with the card | 05:04 |
Pici | Toma-: Okay, :) | 05:04 |
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Vlet | tech0007: yeah... I'm no 'expert', but as far as I remember, it's 5 | 05:04 |
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tech0007 | Vlet..that's fine..ubuntu skipped /etc/inittab so i dont know | 05:06 |
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kolby | I think Ubuntu's wireless sucked in Feisty. I hope they support Broadcomm cards on acer laptops better in Gibbon. Honestly, I installed Ubuntu for two of my friends on their laptops and spent hours making their wireless work. | 05:07 |
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trackballuser | Vlet, can you walk me through it, my IRC client crashed so I forgot what you said | 05:07 |
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fevel | kolby, I had issues too, although ndiswrapper did the trick | 05:07 |
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WaltzingAlong | kolby: try the ways that work, cuts time making it work dramatically | 05:07 |
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|Lord_Zoo| | ndiswrapper works fine now | 05:08 |
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Vlet | trackballuser: No, but I can tell you again... there are directories /etc/rc0.d/ through /etc/rc6.d/ ... if you remove the symlinks to gdm from those directories, the login manager (gdm) will not be started | 05:08 |
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nomad111 | hey all | 05:09 |
nomad111 | i am currently using gutsy rc1 | 05:09 |
Pici | nomad111: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion. | 05:09 |
jordan_U | !boot | trackballuser | 05:09 |
ubotu | trackballuser: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 05:09 |
trackballuser | Vlet: Ok, so I don't have to edit any files, I just have to remove them? (sorry, I'm a newbie) | 05:09 |
nomad111 | k' | 05:09 |
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kolby | fevel: yeah, ndiswrapper was the what I ended up using. But I had to edit /etc/network/interfaces to make it connect to the router. | 05:09 |
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Vlet | trackballuser: then maybe you shouldn't be messing with this kinda stuff :) | 05:10 |
IpMooBeta | i need some help in installing studio | 05:10 |
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Cpudan80 | Hello all | 05:10 |
kolby | fevel: the network manager application just couldn't do it... | 05:10 |
trackballuser | Vlet: well, I think messing things up is a good way to learn :) | 05:10 |
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WaltzingAlong | studio? | 05:10 |
Cpudan80 | I would just like to say thanks | 05:10 |
kolby | Cpudan80: ello | 05:10 |
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Cpudan80 | I moved to Ubuntu from SUSE yesterday | 05:10 |
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Cpudan80 | Ubuntu is 10000x better | 05:11 |
IpMooBeta | yup | 05:11 |
kolby | Cpudan80: lol. Really? why's that? | 05:11 |
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Cpudan80 | Everything just works | 05:11 |
nanonyme | not for me :) | 05:11 |
Vlet | trackballuser: runlevels are different stages the system goes through during startup... 0 through 5 (6 = shutting down). Whent he system moves to the next stage, it runs the programs in those directories | 05:11 |
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Desos | microphones dont | 05:11 |
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Cpudan80 | I don't care about microphones | 05:11 |
nanonyme | but that's mostly linux's fault, not ubuntu's | 05:11 |
Zombine | I get an error when trying to compile the source for this app I downloaded: "Class Timeouthandler has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor" | 05:11 |
Cpudan80 | My keyboard from MS works | 05:11 |
HaZiLLa | how can i format my drives from booting with livecd | 05:11 |
Cpudan80 | that was a big surprise | 05:11 |
Zombine | Anyone know what this means or how to fix it? | 05:11 |
kolby | Cpudan80: interesting. Yeah, I thought about trying openSuse... but I'm really comfortable with Ubuntu. | 05:12 |
jordan_U | HaZiLLa, gparted | 05:12 |
Cpudan80 | Like the fancy keys at the top | 05:12 |
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Vlet | trackballuser: so, in /etc/rc4.d/ and rc5.d are links to programs to run. You want to remove (for example) 'S13gdm' from /etc/rc5.d/ | 05:12 |
IpMooBeta | suse 10 was ok for a bitt | 05:12 |
Cpudan80 | kolby: It's a good distro - but for whatever reason, it wouldn't put grub on the primary master HDD (SATA) | 05:12 |
kolby | Cpudan80: I'll be getting a fancy wireless keyboard soon. lol | 05:12 |
jordan_U | Zombine, What are you trying to compile? | 05:12 |
Zombine | jordan_U A slit app for Fluxbox. | 05:12 |
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kolby | Cpudan80: nicely put. I still might give it a go-round then. | 05:13 |
ups | hazilla: bootup with your livecd, mount you disk then format it | 05:13 |
Cpudan80 | kolby: No matter how hard I tried - it wouldn't put grub on sda1 | 05:13 |
WaltzingAlong | !info gmailfs | 05:13 |
ubotu | gmailfs: Use your GMail account as a filesystem. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2-2 (feisty), package size 24 kB, installed size 156 kB | 05:13 |
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HaZiLLa | k | 05:13 |
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Zombine | jordan_U ./configure says it's missing a file called process.h as well. I figure this is in some library I don't have, but the readme didn't mention any dependencies | 05:13 |
trackballuser | Vlet: ok, so I am in /etc/rc0.d adn I see "k01gdm" in there, should I remove that? | 05:13 |
kolby | Cpudan80: you know, I just wish I could find an extremely barebones version of Ubuntu. Something like Damn Small. | 05:13 |
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WaltzingAlong | !info ubuntu-minimal | kolby | 05:14 |
ubotu | kolby: ubuntu-minimal: Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Version 1.43 (feisty), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB | 05:14 |
Cpudan80 | kolby: Ubuntu server doesn't work for you? | 05:14 |
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Vlet | trackballuser: I believe so, but you should keep track of what you do incase you need to restore it | 05:14 |
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Vlet | trackballuser: mind you, my advise comes with no warranty ;) | 05:14 |
kolby | Cpudan80: lol. I'm a gui lover. I probably should've went for the fluxbox instead of gnome when I went that way. | 05:14 |
Cpudan80 | ahhh yeah | 05:15 |
Cpudan80 | Gnome is nice | 05:15 |
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Cpudan80 | that was another problem -- most of those suse guys used KDE | 05:15 |
trackballuser | Vlet: Ok, thanks | 05:15 |
kolby | ubuntu-minimal... wow. that's tiny. | 05:15 |
Cpudan80 | I cant stand kde... | 05:15 |
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amadeux | If I dist-upgrade from feisty to gutsy when it is released, will I have problems because I installed some backported compiz fusion packages on my feisty, or problems with any other software that I might have installed myself, that gutsy tries to install/upgrade? | 05:15 |
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Zombine | jordan_U: I figured it would be a long shot to expect someone to know about one specific header file, or one specific program, but I just thought I should ask. | 05:16 |
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WaltzingAlong | amadeux: use the update tool | 05:16 |
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jordan_U | Zombine, process.h sounds generic but try apt-file | 05:16 |
fulio | Hello,world. When ever i try to do a update it says "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:16 |
fulio | E: _cache->open() failed, please report." | 05:16 |
amadeux | WaltzingAlong: what update tool? | 05:16 |
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kolby | is there an ubuntu-minimal distro around? | 05:16 |
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Zombine | jordan_U: do I just do "apt-file process.h?" | 05:17 |
jordan_U | fulio, Have you tried running "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ? | 05:17 |
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jordan_U | Zombine, Yes | 05:17 |
fulio | jordan_U, yes i have and it doesnt work | 05:17 |
Zombine | jordan_U Okay. Trying now. | 05:17 |
jordan_U | !minimal | kolby | 05:17 |
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ubotu | kolby: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 05:17 |
kolby | I see.... | 05:18 |
jordan_U | fulio, Can you pastebin the error it gives? | 05:18 |
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yannf | hello | 05:19 |
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yannf | what's the on the latest ubuntu about apache2 + ssl ? | 05:19 |
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yannf | what's the situation on the latest ubuntu about apache2 + ssl ? | 05:20 |
Cpudan80 | apache2 works... | 05:20 |
Cpudan80 | dont know about ssl | 05:20 |
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yannf | for apache 1.3, there are apache+mod_ssl, and apache-ssl | 05:20 |
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kolby | so... could you run a computer on ubuntu-minimal without installing anything extra? | 05:20 |
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yannf | but i don't find either for apache2 | 05:20 |
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kolby | like... booting into a command-line type thing? | 05:21 |
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yannf | is apache2 compiled with ssl? | 05:21 |
tuxcrafter | hello everybody, i am using a debian based system and i found this daemons that were started from this location /etc/dbus-1/event.d/. I normally remove daemons with this command sudo update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove, however this has no effect on the dbus event system. So how do I correctly remove daemons started by dbus? | 05:21 |
Cpudan80 | no idea | 05:21 |
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tuxcrafter | i am using ubuntu of course | 05:22 |
Zombine | jordan_U: How do I get it to search repositries instead of my hd? | 05:22 |
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yannf | in the man page, there is an option startssl | 05:23 |
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yannf | but "apache2ctl startssl" -> The startssl option is no longer supported. | 05:24 |
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amadeux | Would it be problematic to delete all directories except /home, and then install Feisty from scratch on that partition? | 05:24 |
jordan_U | Zombine, apt-file update | 05:24 |
Gek_ | random question... why is it that ubuntu seems to be so munc more popular than suse or fedora right now? | 05:24 |
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Zombine | jordan_U Okay, thanks. | 05:24 |
MoeD | installation ease? (Or the perception of such) | 05:24 |
jordan_U | Zombine, It's apt-file search BTW, not just apt-file <file>, sry | 05:24 |
miked | amadeux: no | 05:25 |
erUSUL | amadeux: afaics /home would be deleted | 05:25 |
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erUSUL | amadeux: move home to it's own partition | 05:25 |
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kolby | There's this really funny video I found of a Slackware user arguing with an Ubuntu user over the distros: http://video.google.com/url?docid=6134058441699225182&esrc=sr2&ev=v&len=608&q=slackware&srcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVSCNpzD37l4&vidurl=%2Fvideoplay%3Fdocid%3D6134058441699225182%26q%3Dslackware%26total%3D114%26start%3D0%26num%3D10%26so%3D0%26type%3Dsearch%26plindex%3D1&usg=AL29H23_Av83RsWDlaLzj7HRin3fIi | 05:25 |
kolby | rhQA | 05:25 |
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Gek_ | MoeD, maybe.... although all the top distros are all fairly easy these days | 05:25 |
Kilroo | Gek_: Because a lot of people think it's easeier to install, it has this active support community, and it's been at the top of Distrowatch. | 05:25 |
kolby | ....wow... that sucked. | 05:25 |
miked | amadeux: get rid of all directories you dont want and keep home, resize the filesystem and repartition just for the home directory | 05:25 |
kolby | link: http://video.google.com/url?docid=6134058441699225182&esrc=sr2&ev=v&len=608&q=slackware&srcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVSCNpzD37l4&vidurl=%2Fvideoplay%3Fdocid%3D6134058441699225182%26q%3Dslackware%26total%3D114%26start%3D0%26num%3D10%26so%3D0%26type%3Dsearch%26plindex%3D1&usg=AL29H23_Av83RsWDlaLzj7HRin3fIirhQA | 05:25 |
nanonyme | huoh... | 05:26 |
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nanonyme | as in, sigh | 05:26 |
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kolby | it chopped part of my link off when I hit enter | 05:26 |
miked | amadueux then when you resinsttall setup new partitions for system directories | 05:26 |
Gek_ | does distrowatch show the # of users using it or approxomations? | 05:26 |
MoeD | kolby, tinyurl? =) | 05:26 |
nanonyme | kolby, why on earth didn't you just give a straight link? | 05:26 |
Zombine | jordan_U It isn't finding it in any repos I have... | 05:26 |
nanonyme | why did you have to give all the referer stuff? | 05:26 |
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thesaint4444 | hi guys, I am presently using Konsole for my shell terminal, can anybody recommend anything better? thanks... | 05:26 |
Zombine | jordan_U Wait... | 05:26 |
miked | amadeux: id seriously look into use LVM | 05:26 |
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kolby | nanonyme: I tried to give the straight link... I copied the link location from google video | 05:27 |
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miked | amadeux: rearranging paritions without using LVM is a pain | 05:27 |
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nanonyme | kolby, it's not a video from google? | 05:27 |
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kolby | it's on youtube | 05:27 |
Sephirot1 | Apparently CGI:IRC is banned from here, well.. I'm in the process of recovering grub, but the problem is, Ubuntu can't mount the filesystem. O_o | 05:27 |
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nanonyme | kolby, it seems to be a video from youtube | 05:27 |
amadeux | miked: ok, but can I set LVM up on an existing partition? | 05:27 |
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nanonyme | kolby, not from videos.google.com | 05:27 |
Sephirot1 | Grub is recovered, but I can't boot into Ubuntu. | 05:27 |
miked | amadeux: not that i know of | 05:28 |
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Gek_ | how are are they listed on distrowatch.com? | 05:28 |
kolby | I used google video to find it and it gave me a youtube link | 05:28 |
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amadeux | miked: Also, I didn't want so much to fiddle with the partitions as such, just to delete everything but /home so I can install a clean system without backing up | 05:28 |
miked | amadeux: your probably going to have to do some shufflling with whatever available disk space you have | 05:28 |
Zombine | jordan_U Shows no output... Verbose mode shows a list of my repos followed by some wierd regular expression thing | 05:29 |
kolby | nanonyme: well, the video is funny. | 05:29 |
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miked | amadeux: totally depends on if that /home directory is on a single partition, if it is, and you remove all your system directories on that partition, there wont be a way to put those system directoreis back in when you reinstall without wiping out your home dir | 05:29 |
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adante | hi, i am running the alternate cd, my ide drives are appearing as dev/sdX drives, is this normal/expected? | 05:29 |
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adante | they showed up as /dev/hdX on the live | 05:29 |
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Gek_ | hmmm | 05:29 |
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mc44 | adante: yes most drives are sdX now | 05:30 |
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trackballuser | Vlet: I did what you said and when I boot it goes into command line, but what I need is to be able to start GDM without the login screen | 05:31 |
trackballuser | Vlet: sorry if I wasn't clear before | 05:31 |
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frustzz | need help on sharing folder | 05:32 |
kolby | yeah... I want a 3D usplash. | 05:32 |
kolby | xbox's boot ups look cool. | 05:33 |
trackballuser | does anyone know how to disable GDM login so it will go straight to the desktop environment? | 05:33 |
frustzz | i need to share folder on lan network | 05:33 |
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stroyan | trackballuser: Edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and change AutomaticLoginEnable to true and set AutomaticLogin to a user name. | 05:34 |
daws | anyone know of a good gnome extension for svn? | 05:34 |
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daws | i.e. right click->commit | 05:35 |
daws | similar to tortoisesvn | 05:35 |
kolby | I was looking at the usplash code and it's pretty clean and simple. ...I think someone more experienced should incorporate 3D. | 05:35 |
amadeux | miked: I don't understand what you mean | 05:35 |
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wishie | is there any reason (other than 'because it is') that dash is the default shell, and not bash ? | 05:35 |
kolby | ...usplash has animation anyway. Adding 3D would rock. | 05:35 |
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mc44 | wishie: it's faster | 05:35 |
daum_ | what package is svnlog in? | 05:35 |
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neverblue2 | anyone use Xen, with what kind of OS, and how does it run compared to say, VMware ? | 05:36 |
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wishie | mc44: by milliseconds ? | 05:36 |
daws | neverblue2, I use VirtualBox and it works really well | 05:36 |
kolby | 3D usplash > 2D usplash in looks. | 05:36 |
neverblue2 | daws, just a aptitude install away ? | 05:36 |
daws | neverblue2, with windows on ubuntu | 05:37 |
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burg | hello. how much space on hdd do i need for a typical ubuntu install? 6.06 ubuntu | 05:37 |
Rawplayer | anyone in here who already did UCP? | 05:37 |
mc44 | wishie: possibly more, why is it a problem? | 05:37 |
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kolby | ...usplash... + 3D | 05:37 |
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Zombine | is there some place where I can download a header called process.h? | 05:38 |
kolby | /... starts writing code... | 05:38 |
wishie | mc44: well, just as an author of a script, it breaks a few of my scripts (sure, i know, bad coding on my part, and im fixing that as we speak) | 05:38 |
crdlb | wishie, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian_Almquist_shell | 05:38 |
neverblue2 | !virtualbox | 05:38 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 05:38 |
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daws | neverblue2, actually I remember having to download the installer and I used alien | 05:38 |
crdlb | wishie, just change your shebang line | 05:38 |
wishie | crdlb: ive done that. | 05:38 |
mozilla-web | where is mozilla in which directory how can i find mozilla history cache | 05:38 |
erUSUL | Zombine: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' | 05:38 |
daws | neverblue2, do a search though | 05:38 |
crdlb | if you need bash, you should always make that clear | 05:38 |
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wishie | crdlb: i do make it clear, when telling people how to run it | 05:38 |
wishie | i just wondered why its dash, not bash in ubuntu, basically. | 05:39 |
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mozilla-web | where is mozilla in which directory how can i find mozilla history cache | 05:39 |
crdlb | that wikipedia article explains all its advantages | 05:39 |
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wishie | looking now | 05:39 |
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Sx66gns | open home and hit crtl+h to unhide , you can find h=it there | 05:40 |
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IanLiu | What is the command to restart PC? | 05:40 |
trackballuserr | can anyone help with disabling the gdm login screen so that startup goes directly to desktop? | 05:40 |
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Klavier | i have asus a6000 leptop, i edit kismet.conf but i dont know which driver should i use for source= tag? | 05:40 |
Klavier | how can i learn this | 05:40 |
trackballuserr | Ianliu: sudo reboot now | 05:40 |
stroyan | trackballuser: Edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and change AutomaticLoginEnable to true and set AutomaticLogin to a user name. | 05:41 |
mc44 | trackballuserr: System->Admin->Login Window then Security | 05:41 |
Zombine | erUSUL So, $ should be replaced with the name of the header I'm looking for? | 05:41 |
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IanLiu | thanks | 05:41 |
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neverblue2 | thanks daws | 05:41 |
trackballuserr | stroyan: thanks | 05:41 |
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Klavier | how can i learn which driver is used for wifi card | 05:42 |
kolby | 3D usplash... | 05:42 |
mozilla-web | when i am in gui it says i can not read files i am the root in my box why iis this happen | 05:42 |
Klavier | so i need it for kismet.conf file | 05:42 |
kolby | kolby = 3D usplash zombie | 05:42 |
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daws | neverblue2, sure | 05:42 |
mc44 | kolby: not going to happen... | 05:42 |
trackballuserr | mc44: thanks, but I need to do it in command line, it hangs at the login screen | 05:42 |
kolby | mc44: ...it might | 05:42 |
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kolby | mc44: thus the short rant | 05:42 |
mc44 | kolby: no it won't, because it would cause lots of compatibility issues | 05:42 |
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kolby | mc44: that's why it should remain optional and drop back down to 2D on error | 05:43 |
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kolby | mc44: but if a freaking xbox can do it, why not my PC | 05:44 |
mc44 | kolby: because your xbox has exactly the same hardware as every other xbox | 05:44 |
crdlb | kolby, because all xboxes have the same video card | 05:44 |
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kolby | so it's a driver issue | 05:44 |
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crdlb | no | 05:44 |
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mc44 | there were enough problems getting the current usplash to work on most hardware | 05:45 |
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kolby | we'll solve it. ... I don't have enough experience to code the 3D usplash myself ... but I should try. I need to start somewhere. | 05:45 |
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frustzz | how to change ownership of root folders to users? | 05:45 |
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kolby | mc44: I'm not saying we should throw 3D into usplash as default. But I want to make an optional version for people without little driver issues... supposing the drivers are preloaded before usplash boots up. ..._sigh_ I think the drivers are loaded before then, right? | 05:47 |
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adante | hi, i am using the alternate cd to setup my drive - do i need to set the bootable area as the efi boot partition? or shoudl i just use it as ext2 filesystem and mark as bootable? | 05:47 |
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oxconvergexo | help me | 05:47 |
PriceChild | oxconvergexo, ask your question | 05:48 |
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oxconvergexo | I think about to install ubuntu | 05:48 |
oxconvergexo | but I cant decide | 05:48 |
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oxconvergexo | WHY ? | 05:48 |
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erUSUL | Zombine: the command is to be executed as is | 05:48 |
oxconvergexo | cause I want to use windows also | 05:48 |
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PriceChild | oxconvergexo, then dual boot | 05:49 |
oxconvergexo | and I am an idiot about computers | 05:49 |
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kolby | When I turn on my computer, I want a quick fast bios and a silent grub. Then a 3D loading screen. | 05:49 |
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oxconvergexo | I installed ubuntu before | 05:50 |
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tuxcrafter | i am using ubuntu and i found this daemons that were started from this location /etc/dbus-1/event.d/. I normally remove daemons with this command sudo update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove, however this has no effect on the dbus event system. So how do I correctly remove daemons started by dbus? | 05:50 |
Zombine | erUSUL Ah. Says Linux-headers is up-to-date | 05:50 |
kolby | hmmmm... | 05:50 |
oxconvergexo | and my usb modem didnt work ! | 05:50 |
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burg | how do i setup an internet connection with username and password? | 05:51 |
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oxconvergexo | last year I came here | 05:51 |
kolby | oxconvergexo: have you read the community docs on it? | 05:51 |
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oxconvergexo | no I didnt | 05:51 |
toxix | Hello, if I want to install 7.10, and I have only 6.06, I need first upgrade it to 7.04 and then 7.10, or I can upgrade straight from 6.06 to 7.10? | 05:51 |
oxconvergexo | I am too lazy | 05:51 |
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kolby | lol... here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot | 05:51 |
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Zombine | erUSUL I found the source code for a file called process.h online. Aside from the risk of malicious code, could I just put this in my include directory as-is? | 05:52 |
oxconvergexo | ok I am reading | 05:52 |
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oxconvergexo | wait here. | 05:52 |
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toxix | Hello, if I want to install 7.10, and I have only 6.06, I need first upgrade it to 7.04 and then 7.10, or I can upgrade straight from 6.06 to 7.10? | 05:53 |
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oxconvergexo | ok thank you I am going to install now | 05:53 |
frojnd | hello there. How can I export my odt document into pdf ? | 05:53 |
oxconvergexo | bye | 05:53 |
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kolby | oxconvergexo: let me know if it worked. | 05:54 |
kolby | oxconvergexo: if all else fails, try Wubi | 05:54 |
|Lord_Zoo| | [frojnd] OOo has native export to pdf | 05:54 |
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kolby | oxconvergexo: have you heard of Wubi? | 05:54 |
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frojnd | |Lord_Zoo|, Oh, I see, I'm sorry I've bother... thanx | 05:55 |
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erUSUL | Zombine: well a *.h without the corresponding c code or lib is mostly useless (you neeed the implementation too) | 05:55 |
kuch3n | hey there | 05:55 |
|Lord_Zoo| | [frojnd] don't worry | 05:55 |
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erUSUL | Zombine: what is supposed to offer the *.h file? | 05:55 |
kuch3n | how can i display the write rate while copying a file? | 05:56 |
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kuch3n | with nautilus | 05:56 |
|Lord_Zoo| | plata | 05:56 |
Zombine | erUSUL No chance that the program I'm trying to compile has the implementation? | 05:56 |
kuch3n | Lord Zoo, is this a anwser to my question?? | 05:56 |
Zombine | erUSUL I found it at koders.com | 05:56 |
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debed | hi | 05:57 |
|Lord_Zoo| | [kuch3n] haha, no, sorry, wrong window | 05:57 |
debed | can anyone tyell me the usage of apt-cacher | 05:57 |
kuch3n | yes | 05:57 |
kuch3n | the man pages it can :D | 05:57 |
Zombine | erUSUL Also Digital Mars, GNU Common C++, and there's a wikipedia article about it | 05:57 |
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|Lord_Zoo| | but sometimes money is the answer to all the questions :) | 05:57 |
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kuch3n | hahah :D | 05:58 |
kuch3n | 50$ and i can tell you :D | 05:58 |
subhan-servelots | ;) | 05:58 |
|Lord_Zoo| | hahaha | 05:58 |
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erUSUL | Zombine: what are you trying to compile? | 05:58 |
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TuxOtaku | !beryl | 05:59 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:59 |
kuch3n | i <3 compiz fusion :D | 05:59 |
erUSUL | Zombine: did you instaled build-essential | 05:59 |
erUSUL | ? | 05:59 |
kolby | alright. Would anyone else like to debate with me about making a 3D usplash? | 05:59 |
Zombine | erUSUL It's a dock app for *box (yes I have fluxbox installed) that measures my battery capacity. bbacpi | 05:59 |
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Zombine | erUSUL Yes indeed I have | 05:59 |
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kolby | my chat with mc44 helped | 05:59 |
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mc44 | kolby: this is a support channel, please keep on topic ;) | 06:00 |
Greyhound- | I want to install ubuntu on vmware workstation 5.5 but I want to set the disk space to only 2 GB... is that ok ? | 06:00 |
radge | I used the alternate instal Cd of Ubuntu 7.10 rc1. I know it isnt a final version but the partitioner didnt want to mount the NTFS file system of my Windows partition. I have noticed this on all beta versions of gutsy. Why is this happening ? Have they stopped support of NTFS? | 06:00 |
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Pici | radge: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion. | 06:00 |
radge | ok will do | 06:00 |
kolby | mc44: right, I was just wondering if there was a different line for development talk. Any suggestions? | 06:01 |
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kuch3n | you need to enable ntfs write support by yourself :P | 06:01 |
kuch3n | @radge | 06:01 |
anyone can play http://www.radio3net.ro/artisti.php?cx=details&id=27#p_player782 thx | 06:01 | |
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mc44 | kolby: you can make feature requests on launchpad.net | 06:01 |
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kasansweat | hmm, is there a way to a have a simple, password protected text file? I want to store passwds and bank accounts and such, but I can't seem to find a simple text file type solution? Don't need anything as complicated as truecrypt, etc. | 06:02 |
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kolby | mc44: yeah, that came to mind too. I'm actually there right now. | 06:02 |
kasansweat | obviously, I would require pgp or similar encryption | 06:02 |
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TuxOtaku | !compiz | 06:02 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:02 |
kasansweat | (ha, the 'i require' sounded totally obnoxious--my bad) | 06:03 |
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kolby | mc44: thanks for the help, though. It confirms that my idea isn't a complete waste of time. I'll let the usplash developers tell me that. lol | 06:03 |
Zombine | erUSUL So.... think it might? And since it's all just abstract functions, there's a good chance it can't actually do anything bad to my comp unless something implements it to do so, right? | 06:03 |
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nathex | Hey, my cpu graph is showing constant use (and states 100%". It's got a light blue graph that doesn't really spike that much, and a dark blue graph that is constantly spiked. Is this normal? | 06:03 |
erUSUL | Zombine: i guess so but can not tell for sure | 06:04 |
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toxix | can I upgrade straight from 6.06 to 7.10? I dont need first upgrade to 7.04? | 06:04 |
jepes | nathex: same for when im running virtualbox, half of the graph is filled hile the upper half only have spikes. | 06:04 |
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Zombine | erUSUL I see. Well if it doesn't work, then I haven't really lost anything except time, which I have an abundance of, so I'll try downloading it. | 06:05 |
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HoboBen | Hi, I have a Pentium Dual Core (not core duo?) is that best described as Pentium M or Core Solo/Duo when installing Swiftfox? | 06:05 |
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Zombine | HoboBen Pent M | 06:05 |
HoboBen | Zombine, thanks - thought so! :-) | 06:05 |
Zombine | HoboBen Especially if you're on a laptop. | 06:06 |
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nathex | jepes: well, i'm just a little concerned. I'm obsessive about performance. | 06:06 |
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HoboBen | Zombine, yup - brand new from Dell today :-) | 06:06 |
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nathex | it's just weird, nothing is showing up at 100% | 06:07 |
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nathex | or even near it | 06:07 |
Zombine | HoboBen I feel so sorry for you :D My brother has sent his back sooo many times.... But good luck and enjoy your lap-sized computing experience :D | 06:07 |
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jepes | nathex: but it only happens when i run virtualbox and not when i'm idle. | 06:07 |
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nathex | jepes: this happens when i'm idle | 06:08 |
nathex | I don't have VirtualBox either :-/ | 06:08 |
HoboBen | Zombine - really? :-( It seems good so far... | 06:08 |
MrPink_ | does someone know if and how it is possible to create a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D to show Desktop like in windows | 06:08 |
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Zombine | HoboBen Maybe the Linux-having will be a plus... my brother's got Vista Basic | 06:08 |
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Greyhound- | I want to install ubuntu on vmware workstation 5.5 but I want to set the disk space to only 2 GB... is that ok ? | 06:09 |
jepes | nathex: maybe something is eating up your cpu's resources. (not sure but its always a suspect when there is too much cpu activity when there isnt suppose to be) | 06:09 |
MrPink_ | I mean Windows + D | 06:09 |
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subhan-servelots | ctrl+alt+d | 06:09 |
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Sephiroth | I managed to restore grub. :D Thanks for the help. | 06:09 |
MrPink_ | is ctrl + alt + D show Desktop? | 06:09 |
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nathex | jepes: probably, hmm... I should probablly stop some services & drivers that I don't use | 06:09 |
HoboBen | Zombine - heh, no Vista for me! :-) Ubuntu pre-installed, specially configured to work with their hardware even better. | 06:09 |
subhan-servelots | yah | 06:09 |
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helpful | 06:09 | |
Zombine | HoboBen Oh yeah they're doing that now, aren't they? Well good luck then :D | 06:10 |
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hansmex | is there someone who can help me? I screwed up my PC installing Ubuntu | 06:10 |
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genii | MrPink_: Yes, ctrl-ald-D is equiv of windows' ctrl-D | 06:10 |
MrPink_ | aha... so is there a way to change ctrl + alt + d to windows + D ? | 06:10 |
genii | *ctrl-alt-D (bleh, typos!) | 06:11 |
nathex | btw, what's the proper way to disable services?I know you can gointo init.d and chmod-x them, but is there a "proper" way to go about it? | 06:11 |
subhan-servelots | yah, | 06:11 |
HoboBen | Thanks Zombine! Swiftfox is working great too. Have a nice day, I'm off! | 06:11 |
nathex | Sort of like motprobe.d does | 06:11 |
npnufn | are there any known bugs in kubuntu 7.10 or in it's kernel. my system(Celeron 1GHz/256MB) is dead slow. I can see only high disk activity and nothing else. Sorry for asking about beta, | 06:11 |
npnufn | How can I make my system smooth running? Will it persist in the release also? | 06:11 |
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t3318 | hi | 06:12 |
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genii | MrPink_: See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=245509 | 06:12 |
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MrPink_ | thx | 06:12 |
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t3318 | anyone know how to customize GCompris UI? I ca'nt find any glade fild | 06:12 |
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MrPink_ | thx I'll check it out one sec | 06:12 |
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t3318 | anyone know how to customize GCompris UI? I ca'nt find any glade file | 06:13 |
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basti_ | in #ubuntu-de | 06:13 |
jepes | nathex: how about System | Administrator | Services ? | 06:13 |
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philip | Hello all....have a big headache.....have allot of questions.... | 06:14 |
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nathex | jepes: doesn't show all of them, but i'll manage :) | 06:14 |
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jepes | nathex: i'm sure you will. :p | 06:15 |
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philip | U hope some one can help....I started learning how to script, doing good so far. one big questions the book says that I have to write: "#!/bin/sh" in the beginning of each script, the thing is that when I write it the script stops working (especially with simple math calculations). when I omit it all the scripts work just fine....what's the deal with that?? | 06:18 |
burg | help?... | 06:18 |
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nathex | hmm, how would I go about disabling stuff like "EISA, and isapnp" ? | 06:18 |
nathex | withought recompiling the kernel that is | 06:19 |
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Ling-Ling | hi there, is there a way to edit the boot menu under ubuntu with a gui? no extra cd, or what ever... | 06:19 |
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adante | hi, anybody use lvm here? my logical volumes are defined as 3 segmented each with a single stripe, is this basically linear mapping? | 06:20 |
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npnufn | I am getting HDIO_SET_DMA failed when I tried run hdparm: Operation not permitted, this may be the cause to my system's bad performance. How can I enable it. | 06:22 |
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logreeval | Hi, im looking for software to capture video of your desktop...anyone know any like that? | 06:23 |
mikebot | Does ubuntu come pre-installed witha partitioning tool? | 06:23 |
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logreeval | mikebot: yes | 06:23 |
mikebot | logreeval: How do I use it? | 06:23 |
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reber | hi all. I upgraded to gutsy and xorg.conf doesn't work anymore in dual screen (ATI 7500). Any ideas ? | 06:24 |
Pici | reber: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion. | 06:24 |
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logreeval | mikebot do you have ubuntu installed? | 06:24 |
mikebot | gutsy is out? | 06:25 |
mikebot | logreeval: Yes. | 06:25 |
reber | Pici, ok | 06:25 |
abhi | how can I add microsoft explorer mouse in ubuntu 7.04? | 06:25 |
reber | mikebot, update-manager -d -c (but you are running unstable ok !) | 06:25 |
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logreeval | mikebot - gparted | 06:26 |
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logreeval | actually, you might need to install gparted | 06:27 |
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mikebot | reber: Wait, what? | 06:27 |
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mikebot | Oh OK. | 06:27 |
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iNoob | helpzor guys | 06:27 |
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mikebot | logreeval: That's the terminal command? | 06:27 |
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Pici | iNoob: askzor your question | 06:28 |
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logreeval | mikebot , yes , try synaptic for gparted | 06:28 |
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iNoob | does anyone noe whats the difference between ls and ls -l commands? | 06:28 |
mikebot | logreeval: Wait, I'm confused. | 06:28 |
mikebot | -gparted | 06:28 |
mikebot | Usage: command-not-found [options] <command-name> | 06:28 |
itch_ | hello guys. what has to be the value of umask in a fstab line, so the partition is with read /write access for any user ? | 06:28 |
logreeval | install it through synaptic | 06:29 |
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grimboy | iNoob, ls -l gives you information about each file. | 06:29 |
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mikebot | oh ok | 06:29 |
iNoob | thank you | 06:29 |
Moduliz0r__ | hi guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask... but I couldn't think of anywhere else... Would a port map of 8000-8010,3389,135-139,445 work? | 06:29 |
grimboy | You should be able to see the difference unless you already have ls aliased to ls -l | 06:29 |
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livingdaylight | Hola Compadres! | 06:29 |
iNoob | i just started | 06:29 |
BlkGhost | anyone seen an error in VMware with ubuntu where all of the sudden the virtural machines run at very strange speeds and when you get into windows its running at like super speed and the time is runnign crazy fast ??? | 06:29 |
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geefinator | BlkGhost: No, but that sounds trippy | 06:30 |
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BlkGhost | yeah its insame | 06:30 |
livingdaylight | it is not ubuntu but my Amarok broke in Ubuntu... when i remove and reinstall the same settings and problem come back... how can i really really remove so that when i reinstall i really really get a fresh install... i cannot find any hidden files | 06:30 |
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lalalande_ | hi to the room | 06:30 |
mikebot | When I upgrade to Gutsy, will I have to reinstall anything? | 06:30 |
outlaw686 | hey guys how do I edit permissions like mounting and un-mounting a drive without giving a user admin privlages? | 06:31 |
geefinator | livingdaylight: try sudo apt-get remove amarak --purge | 06:31 |
grimboy | Hmm, shouldn't ubuntu have FePy packages for ironpython? | 06:31 |
BlkGhost | I'm watching go so fast the time is like for every second it = 2 mins | 06:31 |
grimboy | The version at the moment is really irritating. | 06:31 |
ricercia | livingdaylight did u clear out stuff in ur home directory? | 06:31 |
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Moduliz0r__ | does anyone know much about port mapping? | 06:31 |
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logreeval | mikebot I dont think so, but some programs may not work with gutsy depending... | 06:31 |
StFS | hi... I'm trying to boot up my ubuntu live cd (7.10 RC) but I keep getting a message from the screen that it can't display the video mode... is there any way to adjust that somehow when starting the live cd? (I've tried the "safe graphics mode" but that just doesn't boot up at all) | 06:31 |
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grimboy | It doesn't understand line editing and it changes the terminal colour. | 06:31 |
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livingdaylight | ricercia, i can't find any hidden files related to amarok in my home | 06:31 |
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BlkGhost | even the windows startup screen with the blue line loading | 06:31 |
BlkGhost | its like a frekin blur | 06:31 |
ricercia | yh they r in .kde | 06:32 |
ricercia | then goto share | 06:32 |
lalalande_ | a general question what is the main diffrence between ubuntu & kubuntu? | 06:32 |
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ricercia | apps | 06:32 |
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ricercia | and amarok will be there | 06:32 |
Moduliz0r__ | Kubuntu is more KDE-based? | 06:32 |
geefinator | lalalande: desktop environments | 06:32 |
lalalande_ | but can i use all the apps in both? | 06:32 |
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geefinator | lalalande: Ubuntu uses gnome, Kubuntu uses KDE and Xubuntu uses XFCE | 06:32 |
outlaw686 | lalande: its a different desktop enviroment and the apps are differtn but you can use the apps in both in most cases | 06:33 |
rpj8 | Hey, how do I go about assigning a password with the "adduser" command? | 06:33 |
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geefinator | lalalande: you can, but then you end up having all those librarys taking up space. But if you don't mind that, go for it. | 06:33 |
stuart | any one have any experience mounting an NTFS Raid 0 partition? | 06:33 |
erUSUL | rpj8: sudo passwd <user> | 06:33 |
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lalalande_ | i mean for what kind of users is ubuntu and for what kubuntu? | 06:33 |
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rpj8 | erUSUL: Couldn't I do it when I create the user with "adduser"? | 06:34 |
geefinator | lalalande: Its just personal preference to be honest. | 06:34 |
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geefinator | lalalande: Some love gnome, some love kde and others like XFCE, just up to you and what programs you like. | 06:34 |
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Moduliz0r__ | Gnome = :D | 06:34 |
adante | hi, has anybody followed the LVMOnRaid guide in the wiki? it refers to a "Configure RAID" option i cannot seem to find | 06:35 |
lalalande_ | in your opinion which is more efficient | 06:35 |
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BlkGhost | geefinator I got a error message from vmware saying that this machine is running at 61mhz .. but it going at insane speed like under 10seconds to boot a xp pro vm machine.. | 06:35 |
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mikebot | How do I use gparted? | 06:35 |
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erUSUL | rpj8: you can with useradd but not with adduser afaics | 06:35 |
BlkGhost | I have a decent machine but its not that fast | 06:35 |
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geefinator | lalalande: If you have a decent rig I would use gnome, but like I said I can't really say what is the best. It's like asking what the best car is, everyone has an opinion. | 06:35 |
rpj8 | erUSUL: My bad... how do I assign a password with 'useradd' | 06:36 |
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geefinator | BlkGhost: sorry bro, I have no experience with VMware :/ | 06:36 |
rpj8 | erUSUL: I read somewehre it nmeeds to be encrypted. | 06:36 |
BlkGhost | k | 06:36 |
erUSUL | rpj8: yes read the man page it is the -p switch | 06:36 |
mikebot | Does anyone here know how to use gparted? | 06:37 |
geefinator | mikebot: Are you trying to resize the partition? | 06:37 |
lalalande_ | can i install both in the same machine? | 06:37 |
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jepes | mikebot: it is similar to partition magic | 06:37 |
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iNoob | one last question am im out? does anyone know how to check if theres a hidden file @ home directory? | 06:38 |
fevel | is it possible to install ubuntu-studio through the repositories? | 06:38 |
mikebot | geefinator: Yes. | 06:38 |
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iNoob | ive used this command ls -a~ | 06:38 |
ricercia | iNoob: yes | 06:38 |
geefinator | iNoob: ls -la will display hidden files. | 06:38 |
mikebot | jepes: Is it command line? | 06:38 |
jepes | gui | 06:38 |
mikebot | jepes: Ah | 06:38 |
iNoob | tytytyt | 06:38 |
geefinator | mikebot: It isn't command line, but if you are trying to resize the root partition you will have to do so from the livecd | 06:38 |
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erUSUL | rpj8: here you can read how to get the encryted pass http://mia.ece.uic.edu/~papers/linux/msg00038.html | 06:38 |
RAdam1 | Trying to set up a folder to be seen by windows computers on this domain. Followed the ubuntu SettingUpSamba instructions, but I cannot see any of the domain's shares, nor can any domain computers see mine. Can anyone lend a hand? | 06:39 |
mikebot | geefinator: What I did was make a seperate partition, but I just want to delete that it recomine it with this one/ | 06:39 |
jepes | mikebot: and backup your data before you do so, | 06:39 |
iNoob | u guys rok | 06:39 |
iNoob | ;p im out | 06:39 |
geefinator | mikebot: Oh, you should be able to do that without unmounting anything, but to be totally honest I am not sure. | 06:39 |
mikebot | geeksteph: Well, I never even mounted the new partition./ | 06:39 |
geefinator | mikebot: And yes, backup yer data before you do anything :) | 06:40 |
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mikebot | Hrm, so basically I have extended and linux-swap. | 06:40 |
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mikebot | And then an ext3 where I keep my data and unallocated, and I want to add that unallocated to the data ext3 | 06:41 |
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macafe | Hi, I have 40GB in my music folder.. But the most of the files are in *.wmv and *.ogg, I would like convert all this using shell script... Anyone know some application for do this in command line ? | 06:41 |
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mikebot | But it is locked..does that mean I have to use the boot cd? | 06:42 |
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jepes | mikebot: if it is locked just right click it then select unmount. if it is the root file system gparted will not allow it to be unmounted (or the system will not allow gparted to unmount it) , just the same. | 06:43 |
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cubesis | I tried installing my nvidia drivers but they don't work can anyone tell me what i type to revert to the backup | 06:43 |
andresmujica | anyone knows how can i view at least a docx document in ubuntu??? | 06:43 |
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mikebot | The partition could not be unmounted from the following mountpoints: | 06:43 |
mikebot | / | 06:43 |
paule118 | paule118.desktop | 06:43 |
RAdam1 | Trying to set up a folder to be seen by windows computers on this domain. Followed the ubuntu SettingUpSamba instructions, but I cannot see any of the domain's shares, nor can any domain computers see mine. Can anyone lend a hand? | 06:43 |
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cubesis | I can't get x to work how do i go to the backup | 06:44 |
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genii | mikebot: If you u(n)mount the root or / partition you will be in pretty serious trouble | 06:44 |
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jepes | mikebot: yes, you probably need the live cd. but i STRONGLY suggest backup your data before resizing it or doing anything that changes the layout of your disk. | 06:45 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is NOT supported, beta testers can join #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by LjL at Mon Oct 8 01:12:45 2007 | ||
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(datadevil/#ubuntu) guilinfd: in gnome.. | 08:44 | |
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(silvernode/#ubuntu) ader10:E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:45 | |
(silvernode/#ubuntu) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:45 | |
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lip_as | for talking | 08:45 |
guilinfd | I know it is in gnome, but for what? what is the purpose of the software? | 08:45 |
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toed | something's broken overnight on my feisty laptop, whenever I try to start any program from the menu it just says "starting __..." for a while and then it disappears | 08:45 |
ader10 | silvernode: Do you have a package manager running already? | 08:45 |
datadevil | guilinfd: sorry, thought you meant my alt-tab question | 08:45 |
ader10 | such as synaptic | 08:46 |
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silvernode | ader10:lol yeah oops | 08:46 |
Ubersoldat | toed: try using the console to see if any errors show | 08:46 |
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toed | I can't start the terminal | 08:46 |
IdleOne | how can i set FF to open my gmail account when I click on a email link? | 08:46 |
silvernode | ader10: could not find package teamspeak | 08:46 |
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=== ^LadyVaMpIrKa^ [n=venera@77-85-118-167.btc-net.bg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FastPutty | someone could help me when i tried to get the list in the ftp, it said 550 Secure Listing Required, i am using ftp-ssl | 08:47 |
^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | ppl I am trying to put cirilic on ubuntu but i cant | 08:47 |
^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | what should I do | 08:47 |
^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | cirillyc* | 08:47 |
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^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | it's a phonetic | 08:48 |
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^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | any assistance ? | 08:48 |
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ader10 | silvernode: you might have to enable universe/multierse repositories | 08:48 |
toed | Ubersoldat: if I ctrl+alt+f1, set $display and start gnome-terminal it works | 08:48 |
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silvernode | ader10:i used synaptic and it found teamspeak and it's downloading | 08:48 |
=== kaot [n=foo@68-118-243-237.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
datadevil | my alt-tab is broken, anyone know how to fix it? (7.10something) | 08:48 |
datadevil | i googled, but its kinda hard to find | 08:48 |
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mrtubby | Quick question about the applications menu in gnome: Is is possible to configure which programs appear on it by hand? | 08:48 |
Aw0L | no one here use PDA's? | 08:48 |
ader10 | silvernode: When it finished you should be able to start ts w/ "aoss teamspeak" | 08:48 |
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Pici | !locale | ^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | 08:49 |
ubotu | ^LadyVaMpIrKa^: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 08:49 |
^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | O'pleas give some help | 08:49 |
=== TimS [n=tim@cpc3-sout6-0-0-cust551.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^LadyVaMpIrKa^ | ok,thanks xxxx | 08:49 |
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=== Fern [n=chatzill@86-41-152-38.b-ras1.chf.cork.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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TimS | !wireless | Fern | 08:49 |
ubotu | Fern: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:49 |
guilinfd | mrtubby of course you can | 08:49 |
silvernode | ader10:ok i will let you know | 08:49 |
Fern | O_O | 08:49 |
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Fern | How did you know what I was going to ask? | 08:50 |
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TimS | Because, I am god | 08:50 |
Fern | XD | 08:50 |
Fern | Thanks Tim and ubotu | 08:50 |
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IdleOne | mrtubby: System> Preferrences > Main Menu | 08:51 |
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=== MickMcMack [n=tubs@87-194-246-175.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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guilinfd | anybody in finland? | 08:52 |
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Pici | guilinfd: most of the people in #ubuntu-fi I think | 08:52 |
Fern | Can you just tell me if this wireless card is supported: Netopia 3D reach Wireless PC card | 08:52 |
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mrtubby | thank you IdleOne | 08:52 |
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tussey | what's the best way to get skype for linux? | 08:52 |
mrtubby | And now i feel retarded | 08:52 |
guilinfd | ok, but maybe they speak finnish there | 08:52 |
TimS | tussey: From their website | 08:52 |
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guilinfd | I can't understand | 08:53 |
tussey | the link is broken | 08:53 |
IdleOne | mrtubby: dont . not everything is obvious. especially the obvious | 08:53 |
MickMcMack | Hey, I'm having some problems with Ubuntu 7,10 amd64. If I try to use the `nvidia' drivers [installed from the restricted driver thingie] , I get no video signal. If I use `nv', I just get garbage on the screen. The only way I can get X to run is with `vesa'. | 08:53 |
silvernode | ader10:it worked thanks alot | 08:53 |
TimS | !skype | tussey | 08:53 |
ubotu | tussey: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 08:53 |
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Fern | !netopia | 08:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about netopia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:53 |
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MickMcMack | But then obviously I have to use a crap resolution, etc. | 08:53 |
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tussey | I can't help but think AT&T purposely sabotages their webpage | 08:53 |
rgl | hi | 08:53 |
ader10 | On AIGLX w/ compiz and a quake 3 based game (opengl), the entire system gets about 10 fps but the game claims to be running at 90. How do I fix it? | 08:53 |
MickMcMack | Anyone have any ideas? | 08:53 |
rgl | I'm using ubuntu fiesty (7.04) and scanimage outputs: `/usr/share/sane/gt68xx/PS1Dfw.usb): No such file or directory`. Is there a package I can get the .usb file from? or do I have to manually install it from sane-project.org? | 08:53 |
datadevil | grmbl | 08:53 |
tussey | it take me to an AT&T 404 | 08:53 |
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Flow | hey guys, i got a problem with the installation .... if my PC boots up the CD and i choose "Start/Install Ubuntu" a logo screens up and a banner runs through the window - after 30 secs it turns into black and i got something like a console - what to do to get it to install ? qry me plz | 08:54 |
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tussey | type in skype.com | 08:55 |
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tussey | takes you to AT&T portal | 08:55 |
Flow | come on guys im lost :/ | 08:55 |
Desert_Eagle | lost? with what? | 08:56 |
Flow | installation of ubuntu | 08:56 |
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Fern | So are Netopia wireless cards supported by Ubuntu? | 08:56 |
Desert_Eagle | you mean you have a little trouble on ubuntu intallation; | 08:56 |
Desert_Eagle | ? | 08:56 |
=== cube [n=cube@74-46-200-211.dr01.wyng.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FastPutty | someone could help me when i tried to get the list in the ftp, it said 550 Secure Listing Required, i am using ftp-ssl | 08:56 |
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ubunt1 | hello guys I have a problem with mi ubuntu CD I can't boot it on my laptop can you please help mi | 08:56 |
Flare183 | How do you alternate colors on OpenOffice.org Calc? | 08:56 |
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Flow | go into bios | 08:57 |
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Flare183 | ubunt1:> try the alternative cd | 08:57 |
Flow | and change bootup - CD first partition 2nd | 08:57 |
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Flare183 | !alternative | 08:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alternative - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 08:57 |
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Flare183 | !slow | 08:57 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates. | 08:57 |
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Flare183 | something like that | 08:58 |
ubunt1 | ok | 08:58 |
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CancunRoot | hola | 08:58 |
ernz | ....why would I be banned from #PHP....? | 08:58 |
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ernz | lmao | 08:58 |
Flow | thx 4 help :/ | 08:58 |
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|daver| | does the live cd include XFS tools? | 08:58 |
ubunt1 | guys can someone help me? | 08:58 |
ernz | Anyone care to answer a PHP question? | 08:58 |
ader10 | On AIGLX w/ compiz and a quake 3 based game (opengl), the entire system gets about 10 fps but the game claims to be running at 90 | 08:58 |
guilinfd | is there some software cd for linux? | 08:59 |
ader10 | How do I fix it? | 08:59 |
guilinfd | or dvd | 08:59 |
Pici | ernz: I believe you need to be resgistered to join #php | 08:59 |
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cube | the repositories drivers don't work for my nvidia geforce card i have the cd with linux drivers does that mean my option is to build a kernel with them in there or is there something easier | 08:59 |
nicoooo | !list | 08:59 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 08:59 |
ernz | Pici: No, I am actually banned. I don't have a CLUE why I am even banned. I was in there once, and everything went swimmingly. | 08:59 |
CancunRoot | hi friends | 09:00 |
Flare183 | ernz:> you might have done something wrong or againest the rules | 09:00 |
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ernz | Flare183: Asking a PHP question? | 09:00 |
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bqmassey | in Amarok, my NTFS partition doesn't show up right away like it does in the file browser... what would it be under? | 09:01 |
Flare183 | ernz:> maybe or your not asking the right group, someone might have created #php for another use | 09:01 |
ader10 | On AIGLX w/ compiz and a quake 3 based game (opengl), the entire system gets about 10 fps but the game claims to be running at 90. How do I fix it? | 09:01 |
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Flare183 | !effects | 09:01 |
ubotu | For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 09:01 |
Flare183 | !effects | ader10 | 09:01 |
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ubotu | ader10: please see above | 09:01 |
Pici | ernz: the channel name is ##php btw, not #php | 09:01 |
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Stormx2` | bqmassey: Wherever you mounted it. Perhaps under /media? | 09:01 |
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ader10 | Ty flare | 09:02 |
Flare183 | ader10:> welcome | 09:02 |
ernz | Ahhhh. Well, my question is: Assuming I have the line: echo "<li type=circle><b>Diameter:</b> <i>".$diameter."</i>"; --> How can I get quotation marks to appear around the 'circle' attribute? | 09:02 |
macafe | Hi, using "Intel Core 2 Duo" with distro 64bits I can have some errors in applications ? | 09:02 |
guilinfd | anyone give some recommendation? | 09:02 |
Pici | ernz: this is offtopic, if you're banned from there, it doesnt makeit okay to ask here. | 09:02 |
src | Intel core 2 is 64 bit!? | 09:02 |
TuxOtaku | is gutsy stable enough that I won't have any problems upgrading from feisty through update-manager? or should I just wait until it's officially released?? | 09:02 |
guilinfd | I mean the software cd/dvd in linux | 09:02 |
bqmassey | Stormx2`: all i have there are cdrom's ... it was mounting automatically | 09:02 |
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bqmassey | wait.. maybe not | 09:02 |
MickMcMack | Hey, I'm having some problems with Ubuntu 7,10 amd64. If I try to use the `nvidia' drivers [installed from the restricted driver thingie] , I get no video signal. If I use `nv', I just get garbage on the screen. The only way I can get X to run is with `vesa'. But then obviously I have to use a crappy resolution. Any ideas? | 09:03 |
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Pici | MickMcMack: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support/discussion. | 09:03 |
FastPutty | someone could help me when i tried to get the list in the ftp, it said 550 Secure Listing Required, i am using ftp-ssl | 09:03 |
MickMcMack | Thanks. :3 | 09:03 |
macafe | ernz, You can do echo "teste \" bla bla bla " | 09:03 |
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cube | my mainboard came with drivers how do i install them, do i have to compile a new kernel or is there some easy way | 09:03 |
ernz | Pici: I have asked loads of Off Topics in here. More often than not, it takes less than a minute and people here are really helpful. | 09:03 |
Stormx2` | guilinfd: Could you be a little more specific on "software cds"? the ubuntu CD comes packaged with a lot of software, with more available from internet repositories | 09:03 |
ernz | Macafe! A break character! Of course, cheers for that. Would have taken me all night. | 09:03 |
Pici | ernz: you can try in #ubuntu-offtopic. | 09:03 |
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ernz | Pici: See, that wasn't so painful, was it ;) | 09:04 |
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Flare183 | How do you alternate colors on OpenOffice.org Calc? | 09:04 |
ernz | Cheers Macafe: Laters. | 09:04 |
macafe | ernz, ? | 09:04 |
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Pici | Flare183: Have you tried asking in #openoffice.org, since you arent getting much of a reply here? | 09:04 |
Flare183 | he was thanking you | 09:04 |
hayashi1 | te | 09:04 |
Flare183 | ok thanks Pici | 09:04 |
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guilinfd | Stormx2`: ok man, I mean some software package, you know I don't want to setup them from the internet | 09:04 |
macafe | I don't speak English so welll... | 09:04 |
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bqmassey | Stormx2`: got it. thanks. | 09:04 |
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bqmassey | Stormx2`: i wonder.. is there a way to have that mounted on startup? it required my password | 09:05 |
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ernz | macafe: Thank you for your help. | 09:05 |
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cube | im on a asus l1n-64 and the ubuntu supplied drivers won't work, if i have the cd with them does that mean i have to compile my own kernel? | 09:05 |
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Stormx2` | bqmassey: Mounting your ntfs partition? sure | 09:05 |
Stormx2` | !ntfs-3g | bqmassey | 09:06 |
ubotu | bqmassey: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 09:06 |
guilinfd | cube, how to compile it? I also want to know? | 09:06 |
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cube | i don't know if thats what i have to do | 09:06 |
cube | or is there some other way to use the drivers | 09:06 |
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Curley_Sue | hi all, I need to use a framegrabber which driver I have for kernel 2.2 only. how can i install the driver in gutsy? | 09:06 |
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aguitel | every times when k3b starts it freeze my system anyone know about it? | 09:07 |
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toed | is there a way to return all the desktop/menu/panel settings to the default? | 09:08 |
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toed | nothing works in my normal user but if I make a new one it all works fine | 09:08 |
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grovers | is it possible to change the VNC/remote desktop password from a shell? ie. where is the config file for remote desktop? | 09:09 |
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guilinfd | if I need to do some fragment reduce work in linux | 09:09 |
aguitel | every times when k3b starts it freeze my system anyone know about it? | 09:09 |
Pici | grovers: vncpasswd is the executable iirc. | 09:09 |
grovers | bam, thanks Pici | 09:10 |
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Curley_Sue | toed: what does not work..? | 09:10 |
Stormx2` | aguitel: Perhaps make a log? | 09:10 |
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Stormx2` | aguitel: E.g. k3b > ~/k3b.log | 09:11 |
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toed | Curley_Sue: any program I try to start, it just says "starting __" and then disappears and nothing happens | 09:11 |
aguitel | Stormx2`: how? | 09:11 |
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Curley_Sue | ! tell me about driver | 09:11 |
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aguitel | Stormx2`: ok | 09:11 |
guilinfd | why I can't run the smplayer now | 09:11 |
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RodGo | hi all i need some help | 09:11 |
guilinfd | it worked once well well | 09:11 |
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aguitel | Stormx2`: no logs | 09:12 |
RodGo | how can i list all files in a directory and execute a command for each one of them? | 09:12 |
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tux97 | hi | 09:12 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Gutsy is NOT supported, beta testers can join #ubuntu+1 | ||
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(SuperBlimp/#ubuntu) it does not work when i do 'sudo apt-get install freenet' | 09:16 | |
(tux97/#ubuntu) same here super blimp on my laptop | 09:16 | |
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(Curley_Sue/#ubuntu) RodGo: (have you tried:) for k in $(ls /path); do yourcommand $k; done | 09:16 | |
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k2 | at the risk of being given one of those alt-f4 commands anyone here wanting to teach a newbie so low level code writing? | 09:17 |
guilinfd | what is for freenet? | 09:17 |
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RodGo | thanks all | 09:18 |
mc44 | k2: this isn't the right channel | 09:18 |
Tortured | whats the easiest way of installing freenx on fiesty? | 09:18 |
SuperBlimp | guilinfd its a totaly anonymous p2p software system | 09:18 |
RodGo | this worked for me | 09:18 |
RodGo | find script -type f | grep -v '.svn'|xargs -i svn propset svn:executable "*" {} | 09:18 |
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RodGo | ill also try Curley_Sue 's solution (y) | 09:18 |
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ferronica | how to recover ubuntu 7.04 gnome | 09:18 |
mc44 | k2: try ##C | 09:18 |
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guilinfd | SuperBlimp I can find some materia from it and download it, or it is just a download tool | 09:19 |
k2 | any suggestions as to were i can go to get started writing for my ubuntu | 09:19 |
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ferronica | ubuntu gets unstable | 09:19 |
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k2 | just writing in general | 09:19 |
crossfire | Hello im an IT Manger and im seeking some advice on linux networking | 09:19 |
k2 | like what? | 09:19 |
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Stormx2` | crossfire: Fire away | 09:20 |
kaw22 | Trying to make Cron run a php script but cannot make it work. I've added this: 1 * * * * php /var/www/on01.php to crontab. Anyone have any ideas? | 09:20 |
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Curley_Sue | toed: what desktop-manager are you using? the default gnome? | 09:21 |
Tortured | whats the keyboard command to switch desktops with beryl? | 09:21 |
toed | Curley_Sue: yeah | 09:21 |
MasterShrek | ctrl+alt+left/right usually Tortured | 09:21 |
Tortured | thanks | 09:21 |
=== MiVo [n=MiVo@5354B2EB.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toed | really haven't changed anything except for addign a few applets to the panel | 09:21 |
console_jockey | I'm building a server with an Adaptec hardware RAID controller. I've configured it for RAID 5 and installed ubuntu edgy. When I test the RAID by powering down a single drive while the OS is operational, the OS halts and I have to reboot the system. Question: if I'm using hardware RAID level 5 with hot-swap, if the RAID is working correctly, shouldn't the OS remain running while the bad drive is replaced and rebuilt on | 09:21 |
console_jockey | the fly? | 09:21 |
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kazim59 | kaw22: if you've localhost setup... try wget localhost/on01.php | 09:21 |
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MiVo | Hello, someone using Internet DJ Console here ? | 09:21 |
crossfire | I need to know how to bridge ubuntu fiesty with two ethernet cards | 09:21 |
MiVo | I don't get streaming to work | 09:21 |
MasterShrek | console_jockey, i think so | 09:22 |
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The_Joe_ | Hi I was following this tutorial here to get my sound done: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto But when I use sudo make on alsa-driver I get some weird error, gonna pastebin it | 09:22 |
cube | my motherboards drivers end in .c and .h what do i do with them | 09:22 |
Vlet | kaw22: Are you using 'crontab -e' to edit it, or are you editing the crontab files manually? | 09:22 |
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console_jockey | MasterShrek: that's what I thought. But without fail if the raid fails, so does the OS. Might that be an issue with the controller then, do you suppose? | 09:22 |
crossfire | basically so i can put the internet(fed by lan cable) into my server then back out through another ethernet port on the server | 09:22 |
MasterShrek | cube, what do you need motherboard drivers for? | 09:22 |
kaw22 | Vlet: yes I'm using crontab -e | 09:22 |
cube | for my chipset | 09:22 |
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cube | when i go into system everything is unkown | 09:23 |
MasterShrek | console_jockey, im not really sure, ive never used a raid before | 09:23 |
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Vlet | kaw22: did you check root's mail to see if there were errors running the script? | 09:23 |
kaw22 | Vlet: After a change it says: "crontab: installing new crontab" so I assume its running fine | 09:23 |
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aleksi_ | after upgrade from feisty to gutsy, gnome crashes on atempt to log in, any of you have ideas what to do? | 09:23 |
ferronica | how to run recover on ubuntu 7.04 ? | 09:23 |
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hayashi1 | test crontab -T | 09:23 |
console_jockey | MasterShrek: ok, thanks. You've at least confirmed that my thoughts aren't at least completely alien... heh | 09:23 |
kaw22 | Vlet: No, how do I go about doing that? | 09:23 |
MasterShrek | aleksi_, remove .gnome and .gnome2 from your home directory, youll lose all your gnome settings, but it should load then | 09:23 |
diplo | console_jockey : If it's a Adaptec card, why not install Adaptec software and you can access the card via a web interface | 09:24 |
arnath | hi, i moved ubuntu 6.06 from one vmware server to another, but for some reason, internet will _not_ work, and yes, i changed the MAC address in the config | 09:24 |
diplo | List any errors you have | 09:24 |
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Vlet | kaw22: sudo mail | 09:24 |
cube | u know mastershrek? | 09:24 |
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kaw22 | Vlet: It says command not found | 09:24 |
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MasterShrek | cube, not really, are you using 7.04? | 09:24 |
cube | the repositories for my chipset and graphics card don't work | 09:24 |
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cube | yeah | 09:24 |
MasterShrek | try 7.10 | 09:24 |
kaw22 | Vlet: Don't have any mailprograms installed it seems | 09:24 |
console_jockey | diplo: excellent suggestion, but a new one to me. I guess I will have to double check the adaptec site to see if that's even something I can do with this controller. | 09:25 |
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@unaffiliated/seeker/x-838755] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cube | i can't upgrade so i gotta make the iso :( | 09:25 |
Vlet | kaw22: ooh yeah, mine does the same... hmm | 09:25 |
diplo | yeah, all controllers i've had have a tar file for it | 09:25 |
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MasterShrek | cube, ur from mn? i can give u mine lol | 09:25 |
cube | yeah | 09:25 |
diplo | Then again most of the cards i fit are 300-400+ so may be a good reason, but pretty sure it covers a wide range | 09:25 |
cube | where u at | 09:25 |
MasterShrek | st cloud | 09:25 |
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cube | im in wyoming | 09:26 |
cube | north of forestlake | 09:26 |
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MasterShrek | yea i noticed, not really worth the drive for an rc cd lol | 09:26 |
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kaw22 | Vlet: Just installing mailx, will see if I recieve mails after that. Should get one every minute right? :) | 09:26 |
cube | worth a postage stamp? | 09:26 |
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Vlet | kaw22: yeah, if there are errors | 09:26 |
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bododo | hi folks :) | 09:26 |
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arnath | anyone here have any experience with vmware? | 09:26 |
MasterShrek | cube, i spose, but it would take a couple days im sure, do u have a friend or access to another comp that u can just download the image and burn it? | 09:27 |
Enkidu_Ak | Good afternoon. | 09:27 |
bododo | I have a very weak wifi signal on my ibook, what can i do? | 09:27 |
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riotkittie | you can probably burn the disc at your library. | 09:27 |
ader10 | Nobody in #ubuntu-effects will help me. Again, hoping someone here will help, my question is: On AIGLX w/ compiz and a quake 3 based game (opengl), the entire system gets about 10 fps but the game claims to be running at 90. How do I fix it? | 09:27 |
=== tinin [n=tinin@151.Red-83-61-178.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hayashi1 | you have airport router ? | 09:27 |
cube | nah i don't at the moment but i can figure it out | 09:27 |
Curley_Sue | toed: you said that opening a new user allows you normal work? | 09:27 |
cube | ader whats your graphics card | 09:27 |
bododo | hayashi1: no, a dlink one | 09:27 |
toed | Curley_Sue: yeah everything works fine for the normal user, but not my regular one | 09:27 |
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bododo | but an airport extreme wifi card | 09:28 |
ader10 | cube: nvidia geForce 7600 | 09:28 |
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node357 | I have a 7600.. | 09:28 |
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cube | and the drivers are working fine> | 09:28 |
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cube | i have a 8600 ddr3 and i can't get my drivers working :( | 09:28 |
bododo | hayashi1: do you run on an ibook? | 09:28 |
IpMooBeta | i try to install ubuntustudio.. but the graphics are too big to read at 1st install | 09:28 |
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node357 | :( | 09:28 |
Flare183 | ader10:> try it without compiz | 09:28 |
cube | gts | 09:28 |
ader10 | cube: I assume all of the drivers are working properly | 09:28 |
cube | do you get the nvidia boot screen | 09:28 |
ader10 | Flare183: Without compiz I get 300 fps stable | 09:28 |
cube | when you boot does it flash nvidia | 09:28 |
kaw22 | Vlet: I'm not getting any | 09:28 |
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ader10 | Flare183: With compiz I get 90 stable | 09:29 |
node357 | mine does cube | 09:29 |
cube | im talking to ader :) | 09:29 |
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node357 | okay sorry | 09:29 |
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ader10 | cube: Yes, nvidia bios and I have the proprietary nvidia drivers for linux (installed through Envy) | 09:29 |
Flare183 | ader10:> then just go without compiz with that game | 09:29 |
Flare183 | i guess | 09:29 |
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kbrooks | ader10, we dont support envy | 09:29 |
Vlet | kaw22: well, then you should determine if your php script is actually running... try putting a shell_exec('touch /var/test'); at the beginning of the script | 09:29 |
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hayashi1 | check the gnome-netstatus | 09:29 |
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MasterShrek | !envy | 09:29 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 09:29 |
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ader10 | kbrooks: I'm not asking for help on Envy. Envy works fine. | 09:30 |
cube | where do i download fiesty | 09:30 |
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dwxreaper | i compiled snort because the packaged version is old. how do i make it a daemon, like the packaged version | 09:30 |
cube | the ubuntu site says in 3 days | 09:30 |
dwxreaper | so i can go /etc/init.d/snort restart | 09:30 |
toed | Curley_Sue: hrm, I wiped ~/.gnome2 and ~/.gconf but it didn't fix the problem | 09:30 |
arang2 | !automatix | 09:30 |
bododo | anyone's using an ibook, here? :( | 09:30 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software. When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 09:30 |
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ader10 | kbrooks: I'm only asking for help on how to get compiz and my game running at the same time. Envy has nothing to do with that. | 09:30 |
hayashi1 | i have 92% :) | 09:30 |
cube | !fiesty | 09:30 |
ubotu | It is spelt "FEIsty" :) | 09:30 |
kaw22 | Vlet: If I run "php /var/www/on01.php" it works fine, isn't this enough to determine that? | 09:30 |
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node357 | compiz will play hell with your FPS... | 09:30 |
cube | !feisty | 09:30 |
Flare183 | !upgrade | 09:30 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 09:30 |
rajappan | is there any way to increase download speed of apt ;) | 09:30 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 09:30 |
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ader10 | kbrooks: If you insist that I don't use Envy, I can compile the drivers myself or use ubuntu's | 09:30 |
ader10 | kbrooks: Any ideas? | 09:31 |
bododo | am I the only one? :'( | 09:31 |
MasterShrek | rajappan, make sure your repose are close to you | 09:31 |
v3ctor | rajappan: try different mirror | 09:31 |
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kbrooks | ader10, i dont want to insist when it works | 09:31 |
The_Joe_ | Does anything look wrong with this to anyone? http://pastebin.ca/737834 | 09:31 |
The_Joe_ | Gah sorry about that Wireless went made | 09:31 |
hayashi1 | you have ppc or intel chip ? | 09:31 |
The_Joe_ | Am I here? | 09:31 |
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node357 | you're here Joe | 09:31 |
bododo | hayashi1: ppc | 09:31 |
diplo | #html | 09:31 |
bododo | hayashi1: ibook G4 | 09:31 |
ader10 | kbrooks: Good :) No ideas? :( | 09:31 |
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bododo | hayashi1: you ppc too? | 09:32 |
rajappan | MasterShrek ::i can download deb files faster using download accelerators so can i make apt use them | 09:32 |
aleksi_ | my x crashes saying "refcount is 2 should be 1" | 09:32 |
dwxreaper | i compiled snort because the packaged version is old. how do i make it a daemon, like the packaged version | 09:32 |
dwxreaper | so i can go /etc/init.d/snort restart | 09:32 |
crossfire | Anyone able to help me 1-1 personally about networking? | 09:32 |
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ader10 | "compiz plays hell with your fps" - Windows Vista can take Enemy Territory and play it fine with aero (I've seen it first-hand at my friend's). Why can't linux? | 09:32 |
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ader10 | node357: ^see above^ | 09:33 |
Flare183 | crossfire:> I can to some extented point | 09:33 |
node357 | yeah ader10 but Vista disables Aero when you play full screen games | 09:33 |
Gek_ | I'm trying to "Add/Remove Applications" for the first time. When I click on something like the GVim Text Editor, I get a popup that says "The list of applications is not availabe" <--yes spelled just like that. | 09:33 |
hayashi1 | im using bcm43xxx drivers | 09:33 |
Gek_ | It wants me to reload | 09:33 |
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Curley_Sue | toed: I would compare files of the same sort (.something) between the two users... | 09:33 |
node357 | if you havent noticed it switches to "Windows Vista Basic" | 09:33 |
ader10 | node357: I don't play fullscreen and they don't either | 09:33 |
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Flare183 | crossfire:> join #shstech if you really want to | 09:33 |
chris__ | im using the intel xorg driver and now when i try to play movies using XV theyre over exposed. changing to X11 playback fixes it. I'm sure XV used to work though, any ideas? | 09:33 |
Gek_ | when I do... it acts like its doing something but never does | 09:33 |
The_Joe_ | Hi, I'm trying to install drivers using a tutorial I found on help.ubuntu, does anything look wrong in this ouput from sudo make? http://pastebin.ca/737834 | 09:33 |
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Gek_ | ideas? | 09:33 |
bododo | hayashi1: i do too with the apple airport2 firmeware | 09:33 |
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node357 | I really don't know... perhaps in a few months they'll address the problem | 09:34 |
ader10 | node357: the game is more than 3 years old, it should run fine | 09:34 |
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bododo | but it only works when i'm really close near to the router | 09:34 |
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crossfire | thanks flare183 | 09:34 |
node357 | all I know is have to disable compiz to get a decent framerate | 09:34 |
node357 | which is easy in Feisty anyway | 09:34 |
ader10 | node357: well at least it might happen that somebody will "address the problem" - that's better than most open source :) thanks. | 09:34 |
Curley_Sue | toed: I have a very ugly solution (that is, if you can't figure a nicer one) - open a new user which has the same sudo permissions as your original and copy all important files form your home to the new one... | 09:34 |
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node357 | lol no problem | 09:34 |
node357 | it's definitely not perfect.. | 09:34 |
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ader10 | I agree | 09:34 |
Curley_Sue | need help: I need to use a framegrabber which driver I have for kernel 2.2 only. how can i install the driver in gutsy? | 09:35 |
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The_Joe_ | I get The Composite extension is not available when I click Desktop Effects | 09:35 |
node357 | :( | 09:35 |
PreZGN | How much data is the dist update to GG? | 09:35 |
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genii | PreZGN: Somewhere about half a gig | 09:35 |
ader10 | A different problem: While I listen to music with MPD and play Enemy Territory at the same time, I want the music to be quiet and the game to be at a normal volume level, however, when I change the volume of MPD it changes the volume of Enemy Territory at the same time. How can I fix it? | 09:35 |
Gek_ | What irc client are most people in ubuntu using? | 09:36 |
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chris__ | ader10: change the mixer control in mpd.conf | 09:36 |
ader10 | I'm using pidgin because it supports xfire as well as some other protocols | 09:36 |
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Curley_Sue | toed: try cancelling the desktop special effects... | 09:36 |
ader10 | chris__: What do I change? | 09:36 |
bododo | bye | 09:36 |
chris__ | open up mpd.conf | 09:36 |
The_Joe_ | Can anyone help me with this? I swear somethings wrong with this output: http://pastebin.ca/737834 | 09:36 |
FastPutty | someone could help me when i tried to get the list in the ftp, it said 550 Secure Listing Required, i am using ftp-ssl | 09:36 |
node357 | Gek_, GAIM is the only one provided by default... I use xchat or irssi | 09:36 |
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toed | Curley_Sue: they're off, I just copied the .gconf and .gnome2 from the new user to the old one but that hasn't fixed things either | 09:37 |
PreZGN | then I'll do it when I get home ;) | 09:37 |
ader10 | chris__: it's in vim at the moment | 09:37 |
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andy58 | hey all | 09:37 |
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Tortured | how do i enable/install the nvidia module from the command line? | 09:37 |
The_Joe_ | I guess not -.- | 09:37 |
andy58 | is there a better alternative for MSN Messenger than Gaim? | 09:37 |
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nabax | hi all | 09:37 |
chris__ | ader10: hang on, i'm just looking at the example one, cant remember what u need 2 change lol | 09:37 |
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ader10 | andy58: Yes, it's called Pidgin | 09:38 |
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ader10 | chris__: thanks | 09:38 |
ader10 | andy58: Gaim is out of date, it is now called Pidgin. | 09:38 |
nabax | andy55 it depends on what you're looking for | 09:38 |
nabax | 58* | 09:38 |
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v3ctor | pidgin = gaim post lawsuite settlement | 09:38 |
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node357 | andy58, try amsn | 09:38 |
chris__ | ader10: find mixer_control | 09:39 |
andy58 | gaim doesnt do a good enough job of alerting when people come online | 09:39 |
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The_Joe_ | Anyone? http://pastebin.ca/737834 | 09:39 |
nabax | or centericq ;) | 09:39 |
Flare183 | andy58:> try Kopete | 09:39 |
The_Joe_ | I'm trying to use sudo make on Alsa drivers | 09:39 |
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chris__ | +1 for kopete | 09:39 |
andy58 | AMSN has far too much GUI wastage | 09:39 |
andy58 | imo | 09:39 |
ader10 | chris__: ok, uncomment it in ALSA? | 09:39 |
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chris__ | yes | 09:40 |
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Flare183 | Tortured:> modprobe it | 09:40 |
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nabax | "<andy58> AMSN has far too much GUI wastage" forget about kopete then | 09:40 |
Pirate_Hunter | does anyone think i cna run psxe emu on m$ xp running on virtualbox with 196ram and 32mb video ram | 09:40 |
andy58 | nabax, lol.. | 09:40 |
nabax | if you want no gui wastage... try centericq | 09:40 |
nabax | hehe | 09:40 |
chris__ | ader10: try it with "mixer_control "PCM"" | 09:40 |
Tortured | Flare183, i dont understand | 09:41 |
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Tm_T | nabax: how Kubuntu wastes gui? | 09:41 |
andy58 | i dont want barely any gui | 09:41 |
Flare183 | sudo modprobe nvida | 09:41 |
nabax | i have it in running in screen in my work server | 09:41 |
Tortured | x wont even load right now because its looking for the nvidia module | 09:41 |
Flare183 | I guess | 09:41 |
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nabax | centericq has no gui at all x'D | 09:41 |
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Tm_T | nabax: whops, Kopete | 09:41 |
Flare183 | not very sure through; i have a ati graphics card | 09:41 |
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nabax | yeah lol | 09:42 |
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nabax | np Tm_T | 09:42 |
Tm_T | nabax: in there, theres irssi and Kopete with contactlist and chat open http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/current.png | 09:42 |
ader10 | chris__: sorry, disconnected accidentally | 09:42 |
andy58 | kubuntu =/= ubuntu? | 09:42 |
ader10 | andy58: Kubuntu is not ubuntu. | 09:42 |
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andy58 | oh | 09:42 |
nabax | yeah... i think i'm too console addicted tho | 09:42 |
Flare183 | no way ubuntu = gnome kubuntu = kde | 09:43 |
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Gek_ | any way to fix Add/Remove Applications in Gutsy? | 09:43 |
ader10 | chris__: I uncomment the mixer_control "PCM" line under ALSA? | 09:43 |
sacredheart | /wn osx | 09:43 |
Tm_T | ader10: andy58: not real differences, Kubuntu is Ubuntu with different set of apps and settings, consider them as different defaults | 09:43 |
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andy58 | ahh ok thanks | 09:43 |
andy58 | I'm going to install Pidgen | 09:43 |
ader10 | Tm_T: Yes. | 09:43 |
chris__ | ader10: yes, that should work | 09:43 |
Flare183 | !gutsy | Gek_ | 09:43 |
ader10 | andy58: "pidgin" | 09:43 |
ubotu | Gek_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 09:43 |
Flare183 | sorry | 09:44 |
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Flare183 | wrong one | 09:44 |
andy58 | I'd love to get involved with making apps ... what language are they coded in? | 09:44 |
Flare183 | try #ubuntu+1 | 09:44 |
ader10 | andy58: I'm not a dev, but I'm guessing mostly C and C++ | 09:44 |
andy58 | eeerrr "Windows, Fedora Core, and CentOS / RHEL." - which version fo Ubuntu? | 09:44 |
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tonyyarusso | andy58: whatever you want. | 09:44 |
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Flare183 | talking to you Gek_ | 09:44 |
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Demortes | Hey everyone. Quick hardware question, pre ubuntu... | 09:44 |
The_Joe_ | Anyone at all see any problems with this? http://pastebin.ca/737834 I'm trying to sudo make Alsa Drivers | 09:45 |
toed | Curley_Sue: I really don't get it, I wiped the *entire* home of the old user, still nada | 09:45 |
andy58 | well clearly not windows, right? Unless I was using WINE or the like | 09:45 |
tonyyarusso | andy58: The kernel is in C, Ubuntu's pet language is python, but you'll find things of all kinds. | 09:45 |
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ader10 | chris__: I hope I'm right that I should uncomment the mixer control line under ALSA | 09:45 |
andy58 | I'd love to make an MSN type app that looked like Mac's MSN program | 09:45 |
Demortes | A friend of mine is putting together a computer, and his computer will beep as if POSTting, however his Bios displays the processor type, and most times the letters "Mem" as in memory. I've changed the memory configuration, I reset the CMOS.... | 09:45 |
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chris__ | ader10: yes | 09:45 |
andy58 | which brings me to another question.. | 09:46 |
ader10 | andy58: aMSN | 09:46 |
Curley_Sue | toed: which user are you using for that (removing the files)? | 09:46 |
andy58 | is MAC linux based? | 09:46 |
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toed | root | 09:46 |
Phlogi | I can't get cryptsetup-luks to work with a partition on my external hd, i always get an error, you can find all the information here: http://pastebin.ca/737851 thanks for any help! | 09:46 |
Demortes | Also, the power button just blinks | 09:46 |
ader10 | andy58: MAC is unix based. Linux is unix based. | 09:46 |
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toed | well, the old one sudoed to root | 09:46 |
Flare183 | but way different systems | 09:46 |
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andy58 | woo you can skin amsn! | 09:46 |
The_Joe_ | I guess not then.. | 09:46 |
mneptok | "Mac" ;) | 09:46 |
mneptok | it's no an acronym | 09:46 |
mneptok | *not | 09:46 |
ader10 | hmm, how do I restart the mpd service? (not familiar with this) | 09:47 |
andy58 | so could you see mac as a linux dist. that you have to pay for? | 09:47 |
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chris__ | ader10: sudo killall mpd && mpd | 09:47 |
andy58 | or are they totally different? | 09:47 |
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mneptok | andy58: no | 09:47 |
philip | The mac OS is UNIX based? | 09:47 |
lamego | ader10, sudo /etc/init.d/mdp restart | 09:47 |
=== Flare183 says Beryl is mac impossible and windows impossible | ||
tonyyarusso | andy58: No. Mac OS X has a kernel based on BSD/Mach, which is a Unix version. Linux is modelled after Unix, but does not share code with it. So, at the lowest level they have design similarities, but are not the same. The Mac OS X user interface is of course proprietary. | 09:47 |
lamego | ops mpd | 09:47 |
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ader10 | lamego: ty vm | 09:47 |
Flare183 | !offtopic | philip | 09:47 |
ubotu | philip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:47 |
tonyyarusso | philip: ^^, yeah. Though with a fair bit of customization I'd imagine. | 09:47 |
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andy58 | sorry for the off topic >.< | 09:48 |
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Flare183 | np | 09:48 |
nabax | goddamn there's like 12 conversations at the same time x'D | 09:48 |
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ader10 | erm, how do I disable compiz via console? metacity --replace? | 09:48 |
Flare183 | !language | nabx | 09:48 |
ubotu | nabx: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:48 |
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nabax | err... sorry i meant goshdamn ;) | 09:48 |
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karlstad | why wont sound play from flashplayer when I'm listening to music in rhythmbox at the same time? | 09:48 |
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Curley_Sue | toed: make sure u have removed the files from the users home and not from root's... I think your user should be logged off to effetively remove the files since gnome is probably recreating the files based on current settings (which are bad...) | 09:49 |
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toed | I'm sure | 09:49 |
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Flare183 | karlstad:> rhythbox has complete control over alsa when playing music | 09:49 |
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Ling-Ling | hi there, i have a proble with a wlan-driver... | 09:50 |
The_Joe_ | Please O.O | 09:50 |
karlstad | Flare183: gash.. no way of changing that either? | 09:50 |
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The_Joe_ | Trying to sudo make alsa Driver and I get this output: http://pastebin.ca/737834 I think something's wrong | 09:50 |
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nabax | The_Joe_ i checked your link but i have no idea what could it be | 09:50 |
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nabax | but yeah, something's wrong x'D | 09:50 |
Flare183 | karlstad:> no not unless you edit the source and then build it your self | 09:50 |
Gat0rvean | can anyone tell me what "mixer_applet2" is? | 09:50 |
The_Joe_ | nabax: Well I see error, error, error and make does... nothing | 09:50 |
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chris__ | i read somewhere that feisty+ automatically enables aiglx on intel chips, is tha true becasue my xorg looks box standard to me | 09:51 |
Flare183 | chris_:> yeah your right | 09:51 |
nabax | The_Joe_ when i get a compilation error with a program i didn't do myself... i forget about it | 09:51 |
The_Joe_ | Is there some kind of apt-get or .deb for Alsa driver? | 09:51 |
Ling-Ling | well can somebody give me some help to get my wlan to work? | 09:51 |
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Flare183 | Ling-Ling:> ask away | 09:51 |
Flare183 | !ask | 09:51 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:51 |
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Ling-Ling | ? | 09:51 |
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nabax | apt-get install alsa-base | 09:52 |
nabax | The_Joe_ | 09:52 |
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chris__ | Flare183: http://pastebin.com/m515ff407 | 09:52 |
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nvoorberg | w00t it even works in windows | 09:52 |
Gat0rvean | The_Joe_ sudo apt_get install alsa-base | 09:52 |
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The_Joe_ | Ah right | 09:52 |
The_Joe_ | Thanks | 09:52 |
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Ling-Ling | ok, i have a Belkin g Plus Mimo wlan usb stick, but i cannot connect to any network... i see the networks, but he dont connects to them.... | 09:53 |
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dary | Enter text here... | 09:53 |
Flare183 | chris_:> ouch alot of output | 09:53 |
dary | hola | 09:53 |
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The_Joe_ | Ling-Ling: Y'know, I have the same stick and had the same problem | 09:53 |
The_Joe_ | And now it works fine | 09:53 |
nvoorberg | here Dary? | 09:53 |
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Ling-Ling | and did you solve the prob? | 09:53 |
Flare183 | it's your processor it can't find out which one you have | 09:54 |
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The_Joe_ | Ling-Ling: Some how, try searching Belkin Router on Ubuntu Forums and follow the first HOWTO link | 09:54 |
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dary | hola | 09:54 |
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Ling-Ling | is it the same with belkin routers? | 09:54 |
Flare183 | chris_:> have the same type of machine | 09:54 |
chris__ | Flare183: My processor? | 09:54 |
The_Joe_ | Ling-Ling: Well it was for me | 09:54 |
philc | is it possible to run php-fcgi from the command line as its own stand alone server? I'm doing some app development and I don't want to set it up with apache just yet | 09:54 |
Flare183 | chris_:> maybe | 09:54 |
Flare183 | chris_:> what are you trying to build? | 09:55 |
The_Joe_ | Ling-Ling: Seeing as we're both using the same hardware, it's worth a try | 09:55 |
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Ling-Ling | so i'm going to search... you have the same "FAT" usb stick? | 09:55 |
chris__ | Flare183: i'm not, im just trying to get video working with XV lol | 09:55 |
alpin1 | could anyone please help with Tunderbird sound options? | 09:56 |
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The_Joe_ | Ling-Ling: I'm assuming so | 09:56 |
Flare183 | chris_:> XV? | 09:56 |
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Ling-Ling | well... i'll tell the status later ;) | 09:56 |
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chris__ | Flare183: ye, video files playing back overexposed in XV, in X11 theyre fine | 09:56 |
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andy58 | TLS is down or something.. can't install Amsn :( | 09:56 |
The_Joe_ | This is weird: Apparently, alsa-base is already installed O.o | 09:56 |
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Flare183 | chris_:> what is XV? | 09:57 |
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=== Flare183 says I confused | ||
MTecknology | how can I erase my Keyring Manager info? | 09:57 |
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chris__ | Flare183: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_video_extension | 09:58 |
The_Joe_ | andy58: I wouldn't use Amsn if I were you... | 09:58 |
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travis_ | ive found gaim is probably the best client to use for msn | 09:58 |
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=== The_Joe_ agrees with travis_ | ||
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Flare183 | chris_:> XVideo is so old has been upgraded to XOrg | 09:59 |
MTecknology | I keep getting Access Denied to the Keyring Manager. I would like to be able to just delete what's in there and start from scratch. | 09:59 |
Flare183 | no wait a minute | 09:59 |
travis_ | i dont suppose that anyone has found a way of getting psp x2 to work on ubuntu at all? Tried gimp, but cant get used to it, will tinker around with it again though. | 09:59 |
The_Joe_ | I'm off for a bit | 09:59 |
travis_ | bye joe :) | 09:59 |
The_Joe_ | I'll be bothering you all for sound help later ;) | 10:00 |
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The_Joe_ | Tada | 10:00 |
Flare183 | I have no i dea | 10:00 |
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MasterShrek | travis_, psp x2? | 10:00 |
lip_ | travis_ gaim it's old name now is pidgin | 10:00 |
travis_ | Paintshop pro 12 | 10:00 |
J03 | I have an mp3 player that plugs into usb, can i use it to install ubuntu? | 10:00 |
travis_ | ah yes, sorry lip =) so used to callin it gaim | 10:00 |
chris__ | J03: yes | 10:00 |
MasterShrek | oh, thought u mean playstation portable and i was wondering what that had to do with gimp lol | 10:00 |
J03 | chris__, can you tell me how please, thanks | 10:00 |
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travis_ | lol ahh that explains that one :) sorry, should have explained that better | 10:00 |
apuleius | sorry im very new here. is there a channel with german language? | 10:00 |
chris__ | J03: if it shows up as a drive in windows, then it should automatically mount (load) up | 10:01 |
jayt | !de | apuleius | 10:01 |
ubotu | apuleius: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 10:01 |
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daddy1987 | hi guyz how u all | 10:01 |
apuleius | thanks | 10:01 |
chris__ | J03: what player is it? | 10:01 |
travis_ | hi daddy, fine thanks | 10:01 |
travis_ | how are you | 10:01 |
J03 | its a phillips | 10:01 |
chris__ | which one? it might use MTP | 10:01 |
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Drk_Guy | !ipv6 | 10:02 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 10:02 |
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kazim59 | I want to do kernel module development,... I want to custom compile a kernel ... can I compile the latest in ubuntu and do development on it?? Or will it break? Other solutions? | 10:02 |
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silent | eyyy | 10:04 |
yipe | do Java and flash work on the AMD64 version of ubuntu? | 10:04 |
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silent | yipe, sorta | 10:04 |
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andy58 | the_joe, what would you use? | 10:04 |
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liris | hello | 10:04 |
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J03 | andy58, im trying to find that out now, its a phillips but the model number isnt on it | 10:05 |
yipe | anything special you need to know silent? | 10:05 |
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silent | yipe, you need compatibility crap.. I'm in class right now cant help sorry | 10:05 |
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daddy1987 | hi | 10:05 |
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J03 | hi daddy | 10:06 |
J03 | I belive its a phillips sa12x | 10:06 |
chris__ | JO3, on windows can u sync it using windows media player? | 10:06 |
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J03 | what do you mean by sync? | 10:07 |
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J03 | as in, when i put it in, can i make WMP open it on start up? | 10:07 |
xWin2 | hello | 10:07 |
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travis_ | j03 could you not use something like berlark adviser. that will give you the serial number (i think) or faronics system profiler. Im not sure whether these work with linux tho | 10:07 |
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xWin2 | i need configure beryl with ubuntu 7.10 and ATI Radeon Mobility M& LY | 10:08 |
chris__ | JO3, well theres 2 main 'ways' mp3 players connect to PCs: MTP and Mass Storage | 10:08 |
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andy58 | which of these pidgin things should i get for my ubuntu? Fedora Core, and CentOS / RHEL | 10:08 |
daddy1987 | y u all wasting ur time here.go out & chill | 10:08 |
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chris__ | andy58: the one in synaptic | 10:08 |
andy58 | !ban daddy1987 :P | 10:09 |
Moez | Hello, how can i share a folder with an other Ubuntu box ? I try "System - Administration - Shared folders" but, when i open the Network folder in the other machine, i only found Windows Network. An idea ? | 10:09 |
daddy1987 | who is andy | 10:09 |
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andy58 | chris__, it isnt in my Synaptic :( | 10:09 |
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goldbond | can anyone recommend a good debian or ubuntu vps host? | 10:10 |
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daddy1987 | today i developed a very interesting kernel code | 10:10 |
J03 | hmm, so is their an easy way to tell if its mtp or mass stoarage? | 10:10 |
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daddy1987 | very good for kernel | 10:10 |
ronaldx | hola | 10:10 |
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lip_ | Moezv use lighthttp | 10:11 |
=== Ballena [n=Tybalt@h129n2fls311o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
james296 | does anyone here know if its possible to play Entropia Universe on Ubuntu using Wine? | 10:11 |
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daddy1987 | any hot girl wanna go private | 10:11 |
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bruenig | hmm | 10:11 |
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yipe | !uhoh | 10:12 |
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yipe | what happened to ubotu? | 10:12 |
bruenig | !gtfo | yipe | 10:12 |
james296 | good question... | 10:12 |
lip_ | daddy1987 ) | 10:12 |
=== Crankymonky [n=dean@c-69-138-172-103.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daddy1987 | hi | 10:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uhoh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:12 |
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yipe | hey Crankymonky! | 10:13 |
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daddy1987 | any hot girl wanna get kinky | 10:13 |
Crankymonky | hey yipe, whatsup | 10:13 |
dgjones_ | !ops | daddy1987 | 10:13 |
J03 | ok, the mp3 player is http://www.consumer.philips.com/consumer/en/us/consumer/cc/_productid_SA1210_37_US_CONSUMER/Flash-audio-player+SA1210-37 | 10:13 |
blix_ | hi folks | 10:13 |
hayashi1 | hi blix | 10:13 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
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blix_ | I want to know, I'm running Windows Vista, how can I run a Ubuntu in a VM? | 10:13 |
yipe | wow, I haven't seen tonyyarusso in ages | 10:13 |
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=== tonyyarusso waves | ||
blix_ | I've downloaded several .iso's | 10:14 |
lip_ | daddy gone | 10:14 |
=== yipe waves back | ||
=== chapium [n=mjc@74-140-119-238.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blix_ | what next/ | 10:14 |
andy58 | I just downloaded emesene install file.. but it's a .tar.gz file - how do i install this? | 10:14 |
Tritonio | can someone please explain how can I temporarily disable the input buffer in the console? I want the keystrokes to be directly sent to the programs without having to press enter. | 10:14 |
Jeriath | anyone knwo why my monitor display wont go above x at 56 Hrz | 10:14 |
hayashi1 | better run vista in ubuntu | 10:14 |
blix_ | lol | 10:14 |
Jeriath | err | 10:14 |
hayashi1 | virtual box is nice | 10:14 |
blix_ | well actually | 10:14 |
Jeriath | 1600x1200 | 10:14 |
osmosis | anyone here use vpnc-network-manager? it doesnt seem to support he nodns option. | 10:14 |
chapium | why is there not a shutdown or restart option when you "quit" ubuntu? | 10:14 |
blix_ | I'd rather multi-boot | 10:14 |
andy58 | I just downloaded emesene install file.. but it's a .tar.gz file - how do i install this? | 10:14 |
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travis_ | blix_ that is a better idea | 10:14 |
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Jeriath | lets try again....anyone knwo why my monitor wont go above 1024x768 @ 85 Hrz | 10:15 |
roberto | hi | 10:15 |
osmosis | or DNSUpdate no rather | 10:15 |
J03 | so any ideas on wether that mp3 player MS ir MTP? | 10:15 |
hayashi1 | i like xen more | 10:15 |
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Jeriath | should be able to support 1600X1200 @85 easily with the monitor and the card | 10:15 |
travis_ | Jeriath, im having the same thing, cant get above 1024x788 | 10:15 |
Tritonio | chapium, of course there is. how do you quit ubuntu? | 10:15 |
travis_ | *768 | 10:15 |
Jeriath | ear | 10:15 |
doobi | andy58: http://www.emesene.org/trac/wiki/Installation | 10:15 |
Jeriath | running at 56Hrz | 10:15 |
travis_ | could be something to do with driver support? | 10:15 |
Jeriath | ? | 10:15 |
Jeriath | i dunno | 10:15 |
travis_ | pass hold on will look | 10:15 |
Jupp | andy58, extract the contents of .tar.gz file and then run ./configure make and then install | 10:15 |
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yipe | andy58 open the folder it's in in a terminal and run the command "sudo dpkg -i [filename] " putting the name of the .tar.gz file in place of where I typed [file name] | 10:16 |
travis_ | 50 | 10:16 |
travis_ | h | 10:16 |
travis_ | z | 10:16 |
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chapium | Tritonio: all i see is switch user, lock, logoff, standby, and hibernate | 10:16 |
andy58 | thanks :) | 10:16 |
yipe | that's very irritating travis_ and doesn't make anyone want to help you :) | 10:16 |
travis_ | cant get anything over that. its most odd. i can get much larger resolutions elsewhere | 10:16 |
ubotu | yipe: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:16 |
Esteth | i'm trying to use the fbi console image viewer, but it's complaining that there's no such thing as /dev/fb0 :S | 10:16 |
yipe | ? lol | 10:16 |
Tritonio | chapium, O_o that's really strange... | 10:17 |
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lip_ | Jeriath man xorg.conf and search Modeline | 10:17 |
travis_ | lol yipe =) its not really much of an issue. was just commenting on jeriath. and yes i thought that warninng was odd | 10:17 |
Jeriath | yea....i have windows running on another partition on the same machine and tis at 1600 but will go up to 2054 | 10:17 |
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travis_ | thats a good plan lip | 10:17 |
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lip_ | aha | 10:18 |
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Tritonio | can someone please explain how can I temporarily disable the input buffer in the console? I want the keystrokes to be directly sent to the programs without having to press enter. | 10:19 |
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Pirate_Hunter | how do I check messages once | 10:20 |
Pirate_Hunter | oops | 10:20 |
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travis_ | im off folks, have a good day | 10:20 |
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J03 | ok, i think this mp3 player is mass storage, because many other phillips are | 10:20 |
Pirate_Hunter | ubuntu keeps giving me some weird message on boot before the orange loading bar, it pops up very fast that is quite hard to read but its something about my upgraded bios... would the message be saved somewhere? | 10:21 |
redico | Hi HO Jo, where to find "Restricted Drivers Manager" in KDE ? thxxxx | 10:21 |
J03 | so how do i install ubuntu iso using my mass storage mp3 player? | 10:21 |
J03 | i just want to use it in place of the install cd | 10:22 |
dgjones_ | !install | J03 | 10:22 |
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J03 | wgat i mean is, do i drag the iso onto the usb drive, or unzipp it into the usb drive? | 10:22 |
Jeriath | ok, stupid question foir a n00b...how do i exit the gnome server adn keep a command line up | 10:22 |
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seuaniu | Jeriath, ctrl-alt-F1 will get you to a terminal | 10:23 |
Jeriath | thanks | 10:23 |
seuaniu | X (gnome) lives on F7 or F9 to get back | 10:23 |
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redico | nint-d$ stop gdm ===> stops gnome | 10:24 |
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act1v8 | After updating Ubuntu R GutsyGibbon and doing a restart CompizFusion stopped working. The XOrg conf file doesn't load AIGLX, DRI and other needed modules... what should I do? | 10:24 |
seuaniu | that doesn't quit gnome though, just gets you to a virtual terminal while gnome runs in the background | 10:24 |
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Petskull | es? | 10:24 |
dgjones | J03, looks like the ubotu isn't working, this link might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation | 10:25 |
gerro | which driver would I use for intel 82810 cgc? | 10:25 |
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yokomo | I thought gutsy was supposed to come with compiz... I dl'd the release and I don't see it installed | 10:25 |
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Petskull | how to write to ntfs drives? | 10:25 |
Petskull | damnit! nevermind me... | 10:25 |
bruenig | !topic | yokomo | 10:25 |
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seuaniu | gutsy has compiz | 10:25 |
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Xman | can anybody tell me how to overcome the problem of my monitor | 10:26 |
bruenig | Xman, hit it really hard | 10:26 |
act1v8 | Xman: can you explain | 10:26 |
Xman | yes i can | 10:26 |
lip_ | Petskull you need to install ntfs-3g? | 10:26 |
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errece | Hi | 10:26 |
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Invert314 | yo | 10:26 |
Xman | actually its not showing any thing but my CPU is working | 10:27 |
=== Petskull googles that, too... | ||
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redico | KDE : where to find => Restricted Drivers Manager ? | 10:27 |
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sdre1 | how do I disable ipv6? | 10:27 |
Petskull | ... thanks, lip_ | 10:27 |
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act1v8 | Xman: there is no backlight ? | 10:27 |
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Xman | i have checked all connections and they r perfect | 10:27 |
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errece | My ISP assign to me 3 DNS addresses, how can I set less timeout between them ? | 10:28 |
lip_ | welcome | 10:28 |
act1v8 | Xman: can you hit Ctrl + Alt + F2 and see if you can see anything | 10:28 |
Thor | im looking for a program that can record my screen. anyone know of something? | 10:28 |
Petskull | Xman: did the monitor go on screensaver before it went wonky? | 10:28 |
Xman | and i havchecked it woth one other monitor too even that is not working | 10:28 |
Petskull | ... and then it's good on reeboot? | 10:28 |
Petskull | because I have a similar problem? | 10:28 |
Xman | Petskull no | 10:28 |
Petskull | oh... dunno, then | 10:28 |
Jeriath | hmm...apparentally i need to completely exit the x-server | 10:28 |
Jeriath | but i still need the command line | 10:28 |
act1v8 | how can I reconfigure X, to use the default values used on installation? | 10:28 |
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bruenig | act1v8, put your backup configuration back of course | 10:29 |
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Berzerker | I'm having a problem with my nvidia drivers | 10:29 |
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Berzerker | I get an error, Screens found, but no usable configurations | 10:29 |
Thor | anyone know of a screen recordinf app? | 10:30 |
Berzerker | failed to load nvidia kernel module, and glx module | 10:30 |
act1v8 | bruenig: but I didn't edit the conf file! something else did | 10:30 |
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MasterShrek | Berzerker, how did you install the driver? | 10:30 |
Berzerker | with the run package | 10:30 |
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lip_ | sdre1 sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/aliases | 10:30 |
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MasterShrek | Berzerker, from nvidia's site? | 10:30 |
Berzerker | yes | 10:30 |
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lip_ | and change the line: alias net-pf-10 ipv6 | 10:30 |
Jeriath | anyone? how do i shutdown x? | 10:30 |
MasterShrek | try running it again | 10:30 |
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lip_ | to: alias net-pf-10 off ipv6 | 10:30 |
gerro | !direct rendering | 10:30 |
Jeriath | from command line preferably | 10:30 |
Berzerker | run it again? | 10:31 |
Berzerker | what is the command to stop the x server. | 10:31 |
bruenig | act1v8, what did? an unsupported third party script? | 10:31 |
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redico | stop kdm or stop gdm | 10:32 |
redico | must be performed in ../init-d/$ sudo stop kdm | 10:32 |
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act1v8 | bruenig: I have no Idea... just updated my system and restarted | 10:32 |
Thor | anyone know of a screen recordinf app? | 10:32 |
Jeriath | um | 10:32 |
bruenig | act1v8, might want to pay attention to what is going on so that you can tell us what happened | 10:32 |
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act1v8 | Thor: gtkrecorddesktop | 10:32 |
Jeriath | unknown job gdm | 10:32 |
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act1v8 | or sthn. | 10:32 |
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wid13 | Thor like um Wink ? | 10:33 |
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Thor | actlv8 thx | 10:33 |
MasterShrek | Berzerker, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 10:33 |
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act1v8 | bruenig: I installed Gusty RC and did an update... then restarted and Compiz stopped working... it's saying that there is no Xgl enabled | 10:33 |
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Esteth | My other Ctrl-Alt-F* console displays have gone black (as in, monitor goes into power-save) after using zgv (console image viewer) and restarting X. How would i bring them back? | 10:33 |
bruenig | act1v8, gutsy is in beta and isn't supported, here try /topic | 10:33 |
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Jeriath | thanks MasterShrek | 10:34 |
act1v8 | #ubuntu+1 | 10:34 |
act1v8 | oops | 10:34 |
MasterShrek | Jeriath, for what? | 10:34 |
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Jeriath | helping me stop gnome | 10:34 |
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Jeriath | :D | 10:34 |
MasterShrek | =) | 10:35 |
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renatofilho | hey guys, after update my ubuntu gutsy to kernel my wireless didn't work, in dmesg I got a problem with ipw2100-1.3.fw | 10:35 |
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Ling-Ling | i'm nearly ready with my usb-stick, but i have a problem editing the rtmp_main.c | 10:36 |
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renatofilho | I didn't find this file in any place | 10:36 |
magnetron | does virtualbox give the VM access to the physical printer port? | 10:36 |
gerro | how would I start a complete reprobing of hardware on my machine? | 10:36 |
magnetron | gerro: what problem are you trying to solve? | 10:36 |
gerro | I got a new ethernet card and stick of memory | 10:36 |
gerro | how do i get the system to detect them | 10:36 |
MasterShrek | gerro, it should pick those things up on a reboot | 10:36 |
node357 | looks like it's working just fine lol | 10:36 |
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riotkittie | act1v8: what gfx card do you have? | 10:36 |
gerro | well it doesn't... | 10:37 |
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magnetron | gerro: just connect them with the computer turned off, and reboot | 10:37 |
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gerro | eth0 doesn't come up and it says only 64mb memory | 10:37 |
blue42 | the stick of memory should be automatic | 10:37 |
node357 | :( | 10:37 |
blue42 | the network card... iffy | 10:37 |
gerro | I did... what you think I'd plug them in while its on lol | 10:37 |
act1v8 | riotkittie: it's using the OSS driver and it worked... ATI Mobility Radeon X700 | 10:37 |
magnetron | does virtualbox or any other virtualizer give the VM access to the physical printer port? | 10:37 |
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Thor | where can i get gtkrecorddesktop | 10:38 |
riotkittie | act1v8: and this was the first update since the install of the RC? | 10:38 |
bruenig | act1v8, wrong channel | 10:38 |
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act1v8 | riotkittie: yes :) | 10:38 |
gerro | MasterShrek: would the ethernet interface be working in recovery mode? | 10:38 |
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LjL | magnetron, vmware does, i bet the others can too, except perhaps the open source version of virtualbox might not, since it has some limitations with regard to connections | 10:38 |
act1v8 | bruenig: I joined #ubuntu+1 but I get asked here :) | 10:38 |
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MasterShrek | gerro, maybe, but its doubtful, you may need to just manually load the module, add it to /etc/modules | 10:39 |
bruenig | act1v8, don't flood the stable channel with unstable questions | 10:39 |
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ismael | hello | 10:39 |
redico | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 10:39 |
redico | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 10:39 |
Jupp | magnetron, is your printer usb? | 10:39 |
act1v8 | bruenig: did I ask something since you told me to!? | 10:39 |
riotkittie | oops. i thought i was in +1 | 10:40 |
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act1v8 | not to* | 10:40 |
LjL | redico: why not just sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart? | 10:40 |
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ismael | i need help with ntfs-3g | 10:40 |
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magnetron | Jupp: it's not for a printer | 10:40 |
gerro | MasterShrek: when I do ifup and ifdown it states IRQ handler type mismatch for IRQ 0 and pretends like the network is down | 10:40 |
MasterShrek | ismael, what about it? | 10:40 |
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magnetron | LjL: ty | 10:41 |
MasterShrek | gerro, ifconfig -a show u anything? | 10:41 |
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ismael | i've lost 5 GB!! | 10:41 |
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gerro | MasterShrek: yes that does list eth0 but it has no address | 10:41 |
Bl0w_M0nk | wherer? | 10:41 |
Jupp | magnetron, I got it, I re-read your question :) | 10:41 |
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MasterShrek | gerro, sudo dhclient3 eth0 | 10:42 |
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ismael | i've delete 5 GB from windows partition (sorry for my english) | 10:42 |
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gerro | MasterShrek: does the same thing it also lists siocsifflags device or resource busy and current handler timer as well as send_packet: network is down | 10:43 |
MasterShrek | ismael, and what would you like me to do about it? if u deleted it, thats too bad | 10:43 |
redico | where to find "Restricted Drivers Manager".... | 10:43 |
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whyking_ | there is a debian package I want to use.. what do I have to do to install it? any comon pitfalls? | 10:43 |
MasterShrek | system > admin | 10:43 |
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dug_ | !nvidia | 10:43 |
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ismael | i want delete this data | 10:43 |
MasterShrek | sudo dpkg -i package.deb | 10:43 |
wid13 | brb reboot | 10:43 |
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ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:43 |
Eedge | grr, can't seem to find a driver from my wifi card that actually works with Ndiswrapper -- keeping getting "invalid driver!" | 10:43 |
dug_ | how can you restore your display settings to what they were after you use nvidia-settings? It messed up my display, but restoring my backup copy of xorg.conf didn't fix it | 10:43 |
Esteth | what is the name for the F1-6 terminals? | 10:43 |
MasterShrek | gerro, i dont know for sure | 10:44 |
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Jupp | ismael, are you trying to get your data back? | 10:44 |
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ismael | the problem is when i look the free space | 10:44 |
bruenig | dug_, just restore xorg.conf | 10:44 |
ismael | nonono | 10:44 |
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MasterShrek | Esteth, i gues you could call them consoles | 10:44 |
RobotBanana | A bit off topic: Anyone happen to know how much CPU power and bandwidth a Ventrilo Linux server sucks up? | 10:44 |
ismael | i mean | 10:44 |
Terriff | ubuntu/linux newb question: I dowloaded and installed the Ubuntu Server ISO and expected to have access to Apache, MySQL, and PHP by default. This doesn't seem to be the case. I thought a LAMP server meant that these apps would be installed and enabled by default. Am I mistaken? | 10:44 |
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gerro | MasterShrek: I guess its some cpu crap regarding the integrated video card :/ | 10:44 |
dug_ | how can you restore your display settings to what they were after you use nvidia-settings? It messed up my display, but restoring my backup copy of xorg.conf didn't fix it | 10:44 |
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ismael | i've lost 5GB in the partition | 10:44 |
bruenig | !repeat | dug | 10:44 |
ubotu | dug: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:44 |
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wid13 | much better | 10:45 |
Matir | does anyone know if the open-source ati driver supports T&L? | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | dwxreaper: you did it in nvidia-settings best revert nvidia-settings | 10:45 |
Esteth | MasterShrek: Ah, i was hoping for something specific, so i could google a problem specific to them. Thanks anyways, looks like i'll put up with it | 10:45 |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | dug_: that was for you | 10:45 |
bruenig | all nvidia-settings does is edit xorg.conf so if you have a legitimate backup, that is all you need to do | 10:45 |
MasterShrek | Esteth, whats the problem? | 10:45 |
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gnomefreak | sorry tab completion sucks | 10:45 |
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ismael | before to delete 5GB my free space was 2,4 GB, after delete it my free space is 2,4 GB!! | 10:46 |
dug_ | bruenig: you didn't read my question, i said i already did that. i don't want any help from you, thanks | 10:46 |
gnomefreak | bruenig: it doesnt hold its own settings? | 10:46 |
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=== gnomefreak could have swore it does | ||
bruenig | gnomefreak, not from what I have seen, it is closed source, so can't be sure, but I have reverted before | 10:46 |
Esteth | MasterShrek: After starting a console based image viewer, then closing it or restarting X, those terminals become blank (monitor goes into power-save mode) | 10:46 |
dug_ | google bruenig's name and you'll see why | 10:46 |
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gnomefreak | dug_: find the nvidia-settings conf see if it made changes outside or xorg.conf | 10:46 |
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Ling-Ling | i down know, how i shall edit this file, down know what to change... description iss here: http://users.informatik.uni-halle.de/~abdxv/ | 10:46 |
MasterShrek | Esteth, why would you want to use a console based image viewer? | 10:46 |
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ismael | MasterShrek: ? | 10:47 |
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gnomefreak | damn he left already | 10:47 |
Jupp | ismael, I sent you a private message (hablas espaol?) | 10:47 |
Esteth | MasterShrek: In case i ever end up without X for whatever reason | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | eh wth | 10:47 |
ismael | si claro | 10:47 |
gerro | MasterShrek: because ascii art is sexy with the framebufferage :P | 10:47 |
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Rich4 | W:ET sound went out for me. Any quick fix for it? | 10:48 |
Myboy | somebody could help me with some troubles | 10:48 |
Myboy | ?? | 10:48 |
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Jupp | ismael, look at your left and you will see my name (mira a tu izquierda y busca mi nombre) | 10:48 |
jforman | i am curious if anyone could tell me if a matrox video card is supported on a ubuntu sparc install? | 10:48 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *!*@ *!*@] by ompaul | ||
gerro | jforman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto check the bottom | 10:48 |
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ismael | do you read me Jupp? | 10:49 |
jforman | gerro: thanks | 10:49 |
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Rich4 | W:ET sound went out. Anybody got a quick fix? | 10:49 |
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tico | hello | 10:49 |
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tico | hello everybody!! | 10:49 |
Ling-Ling | hi | 10:49 |
MasterShrek | Jupp, ismael both of your nicks need to be regged in order to pm eachother | 10:49 |
Myboy | How compile programs in ubuntu .. I try to install this Xchat but cannot have sucess , then i use apt-get | 10:49 |
Jupp | lol | 10:49 |
Myboy | can somebody help / | 10:50 |
MasterShrek | Myboy, sudo apt-get install xchat | 10:50 |
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Myboy | ? | 10:50 |
Myboy | yeah .. i've already done it | 10:50 |
ismael | and how i can regged my nick? | 10:50 |
pommer | how i play my dvds on ubuntu? | 10:50 |
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Myboy | i need to know how to compile them | 10:50 |
tico | who knows if use background as wallpaper can turn slowly my computer? | 10:50 |
YokoZa1 | I just found that the page at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory is about a year out of date | 10:50 |
MasterShrek | ismael, /msg nickserv register <password> <email> | 10:50 |
riotkittie | MasterShrek: you need the build-essential pkg to compile but xchat's in the repos | 10:50 |
Myboy | like ./configure | 10:50 |
Myboy | make | 10:50 |
Myboy | make install | 10:50 |
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riotkittie | errrrr Myboy not MasterShrek | 10:50 |
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MasterShrek | =P | 10:50 |
Pirate_Hunter | pommer: you'll need to install restrticted drivers | 10:50 |
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Rich4 | "/msg nickserv register pass" | 10:51 |
=== riotkittie is sucking at hitting Tab enough , lately | ||
riotkittie | i lose at nick completion D: | 10:51 |
Rich4 | thats how you reg nicks on irc | 10:51 |
node357 | I did all this stuff to get DVDs and things working.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=413626 | 10:51 |
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pommer | how? | 10:51 |
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ismael | puff | 10:51 |
The_Joe_ | I''mmmm baaaack | 10:51 |
Myboy | apt-get install build-essential ?? | 10:51 |
node357 | :) | 10:51 |
Myboy | like this ?? | 10:51 |
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MasterShrek | Myboy, yes, use sudo | 10:51 |
Rich4 | Anyone can help fix W:ET sound problem? | 10:51 |
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ismael | Jupp2: would you main join to ubuntu-es? | 10:52 |
The_Joe_ | Right, time to (try) and get sound working | 10:52 |
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Myboy | but .. using auto-apt ? | 10:52 |
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Ling-Ling | can anybode spend maybe 2 minutes for my problem? | 10:52 |
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Myboy | i tried to use sudo auto-apt run ./configure | 10:52 |
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Moniker42 | !ask | Ling-Ling | 10:52 |
ubotu | Ling-Ling: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:52 |
Myboy | but i receive errors | 10:52 |
tico | is it possible that my wallpaper turn slowly my ubuntu system?*** | 10:52 |
Ling-Ling | nice | 10:52 |
MidnighToker | system power failiure, now reads "Starting Up... CRC Error -System Halted" | 10:52 |
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Jupp2 | ismael, done | 10:52 |
ismael | ok | 10:52 |
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Ling-Ling | i have to edit a file, but dont know what to erase and what not... find description i the order: http://users.informatik.uni-halle.de/~abdxv/ | 10:53 |
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Myboy | checking for GLIB - version >= 2.0.3... no | 10:53 |
Myboy | *** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why... | 10:53 |
Myboy | *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the | 10:53 |
Myboy | *** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed. | 10:53 |
Myboy | configure: error: "Cannot find glib" | 10:53 |
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wid13 | ouch | 10:53 |
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The_Joe_ | Anyone know anything about Alsa drivers? | 10:53 |
crdlb | Myboy, sudo apt-get build-dep xchat | 10:54 |
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Myboy | yeah .. | 10:54 |
LiMaO | what's a good PIM software (besides evolution) that looks nice, has schedules, calendar, tasks, contacts and such stuff? (email is not priority) | 10:54 |
crdlb | that will install everything needed to compile xchat from source | 10:54 |
node357 | I like kdepim | 10:54 |
crdlb | Myboy, it won't install xchat | 10:54 |
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node357 | I'm not sure how to install kdepim on Ubuntu though :| | 10:54 |
Myboy | but i need to know how to install compile it .. | 10:54 |
pommer | cmon... somebody help me play my new dvd on ubuntu please.. rendering my dvd drive obsolete here | 10:54 |
Myboy | add to my knowledge | 10:54 |
Myboy | =D | 10:55 |
crdlb | Myboy, do sudo apt-get build-dep xchat | 10:55 |
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crdlb | then it will compile | 10:55 |
node357 | pommer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=413626 | 10:55 |
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LiMaO | node357: i'll check it out.. thank you for the suggestion =) | 10:55 |
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crdlb | that will install the "build dependencies" | 10:55 |
node357 | you're welcome! | 10:55 |
Myboy | YEAH .. | 10:55 |
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The_Joe_ | Apparently alsa-base is installed but I still get no sound | 10:55 |
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Myboy | but if there's no package in the repositories .. | 10:56 |
Myboy | like a new one | 10:56 |
node357 | Myboy maybe there's xchat-gnome | 10:56 |
wid13 | dang channel list wont come up says you guys overloaded it | 10:56 |
Myboy | and i want to install it | 10:56 |
node357 | :( | 10:56 |
Myboy | from sources | 10:56 |
Myboy | how can i do it ? | 10:56 |
Myboy | tar -zxvf | 10:56 |
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Myboy | ./configure | 10:56 |
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Myboy | make | 10:56 |
Myboy | make install | 10:56 |
crdlb | !enter | 10:56 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:56 |
MasterShrek | Myboy, sudo apt-get install build-essential that will give you the compilers that you need, then you can use those otehr commands | 10:56 |
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node357 | you need other things for xchat I think, like gtk2 devel | 10:57 |
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crdlb | ...which is what sudo apt-get build-dep is for | 10:57 |
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node357 | oh neat | 10:57 |
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crdlb | Myboy, you can just build-dep a similar package to get most of the dependencies if it's not in the repos | 10:58 |
The_Joe_ | Oooooh Doc Martin is hilarious | 10:58 |
crdlb | then manually install any packages that you're missing | 10:58 |
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Myboy | Mann .. I do not got the point , I need to know how compile programs .. no only about the xchat , i've used xchat to test it , and got no sucess . Then i use apt-get install xchat and it works .. | 10:58 |
Eedge | wow, apparently SafeCom does provide linux "drivers" for my Wireless card, in the form of a linux.rar file with an driverloader installer :S | 10:58 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@ubuntu-@c-98-202-28-57.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] by gnomefreak | ||
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Myboy | using .configure , make e make install .. | 10:59 |
MasterShrek | Myboy, if you would pay attention to what people are telling you, you would understand | 10:59 |
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The_Joe_ | Anyone how to make alsa drivers... work? | 10:59 |
The_Joe_ | I'm on RealTek HD | 10:59 |
node357 | sorry Joe, they always just kinda worked for me | 10:59 |
node357 | and I have a realtek ac97 chip | 10:59 |
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MasterShrek | The_Joe_, do you have any idea what module they would use? | 10:59 |
The_Joe_ | Weird, I have no sound whatsoever | 10:59 |
node357 | :( | 10:59 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Search me | 10:59 |
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Myboy | MasterShrek, The problem is not about xchat . I need to know how compile and install program from sources . | 11:00 |
The_Joe_ | brb Hang on | 11:00 |
node357 | Myboy, someone just told you to apt-get install build-essential | 11:00 |
The_Joe_ | Need to move -.- | 11:00 |
gnomefreak | !compile | Myboy | 11:00 |
ubotu | Myboy: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 11:00 |
node357 | those are the compilers | 11:00 |
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Myboy | from tar.gz , tar.bz2 | 11:00 |
MasterShrek | Myboy, you already know, ./configure make make install | 11:00 |
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comicinker | does anybody know how I do acitvaty scim for anki? anki is a qt application, that could be the problem. | 11:00 |
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Myboy | I know how to use apt quite good . But I never got sucess compiling software | 11:02 |
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juan_ | is it very rare to not mount /boot on startup? | 11:02 |
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exile | que nota | 11:02 |
MasterShrek | Myboy, you just need to make sure you have the dependencies for whatever you are compiling, generally you need the -dev packages for each dependency | 11:02 |
crdlb | Myboy, but you use apt-get to get the build dependencies | 11:02 |
comicinker | does anyone know how I activate scim for qt applications? | 11:02 |
exile | is any body here that speak spanish | 11:02 |
=== Dialntone [n=edward@adsl-76-220-206-88.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | juan_, do you have a /boot partition? | 11:02 |
MasterShrek | !es | 11:03 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:03 |
The_Joe_ | I'm back | 11:03 |
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exile | ok | 11:03 |
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ianm_ | quick question: I'm on feisty. if I download a gutsy CD now, can I a) try it as a live CD to see how the hardware support is, b) upgrade my system from the CD, and c) download only the changes between now and the official release (and not another 700+ MBs)? | 11:03 |
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gerro | anyone know where I can get a big list of video cards and what drivers to use? | 11:03 |
The_Joe_ | Anyone got a clue about my alsa problem? | 11:03 |
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Myboy | i tried to test using xchat .. and then got this error | 11:03 |
gerro | I got this funky intel one and need something to run it, it doesn't work right with vesa | 11:03 |
The_Joe_ | ianm_: As far as I'm aware you can't update from CD | 11:03 |
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MasterShrek | yes you can | 11:03 |
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Myboy | checking for GLIB - version >= 2.0.3... no | 11:04 |
Myboy | *** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why... | 11:04 |
Myboy | *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the | 11:04 |
Myboy | *** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed. | 11:04 |
Myboy | configure: error: "Cannot find glib" | 11:04 |
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The_Joe_ | Well I'm wrong | 11:04 |
crdlb | ianm_, you need the alternate cd to upgrade | 11:04 |
Berzerker | do I run the nvidia installer under root@ or do I just sudo it? | 11:04 |
=== year0369 [n=mike@p57A6637F.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] | ||
crdlb | so you can't use the livecd to do that | 11:04 |
The_Joe_ | I need King Kong | 11:04 |
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juan_ | MasterShrek: yes but i dont mount it on boot so in case of something wierd happening my grub and kernels are safe | 11:04 |
gerro | Myboy: use pastebin and apt-get | 11:04 |
MasterShrek | Berzerker, either way | 11:04 |
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Myboy | what's pastebin ? | 11:04 |
Pici | !paste | Myboy | 11:04 |
crdlb | Myboy, sudo apt-get build-dep xchat | 11:04 |
ubotu | Myboy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:04 |
Dialntone | i need help trying to extract my rar file :( | 11:04 |
MasterShrek | juan_, well how would you not mount it on boot? you need your kernels to boot | 11:04 |
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Dialntone | its not letting me do it | 11:04 |
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MasterShrek | Dialntone, sudo apt-get install unrar | 11:05 |
The_Joe_ | As soon as I get Alsa working I can watch it on here | 11:05 |
Myboy | hummm .. excuse .. | 11:05 |
gerro | MasterShrek: you use /etc/fstab to handle mounting on boot | 11:05 |
quittt | hello | 11:05 |
Myboy | but cannot install any program from sources | 11:05 |
The_Joe_ | Anyone at all know how to make Alsa "work" | 11:05 |
juan_ | MasterShrek: not once the kernel loads its just there everything else is on your root | 11:05 |
quittt | I'm with a serious problems with caracters in Terminal? | 11:05 |
gerro | MasterShrek: and grub mounts the kernel | 11:05 |
Dialntone | that wasn't nice MasterShrek | 11:05 |
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Dialntone | hehe hope it works | 11:05 |
MasterShrek | Dialntone, it will | 11:05 |
quittt | my Ubuntu is in Portuguese and there are some caracters like , vo, s, Msicas, etc. which need the accent | 11:06 |
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quittt | but instead of the accent, I've got some bizarre things like M|sicas, vaeo,s., etc | 11:06 |
Dialntone | Master Shrek what if i was some sort of masive distributor of illegal piracy and you helped me some way distribute to thousands of people nation wide by extracting one program "? | 11:06 |
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MasterShrek | more power to you Dialntone | 11:07 |
ubuntuMan | Can anyone tell me how to reinstall grub? | 11:07 |
node357 | let's not get too philosophical now lol | 11:07 |
ianm_ | ooh illegal piracy, that's double bad | 11:07 |
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juan_ | legal piracy is cool tho yar | 11:07 |
alessandro_ | welcome | 11:07 |
gnomefreak | Dialntone: please change topic | 11:07 |
alessandro_ | hi | 11:07 |
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ianm_ | crdlb: ok, so I would need to download the live CD to test things out, and then do a normal upgrade via update-manager ? | 11:07 |
node357 | ubuntuMan, find out which is your boot drive... if it's hda use grub-install hda | 11:07 |
alessandro_ | can some one help me | 11:07 |
Dialntone | :( it doesn't work , says enter the password for the archive file | 11:07 |
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MasterShrek | !ask | alessandro_ | 11:07 |
HourPastMidnight | Any ideas what would cause sendmail (via sh -c /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i) to hang for 40-90 seconds every time it's used? | 11:07 |
ubotu | alessandro_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:07 |
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ephracis | I just installed libpanelappletmm-dev via apt and there are supposed to come with some examples. But where? :S | 11:08 |
The_Joe_ | This is strange | 11:08 |
MasterShrek | Dialntone, enter your password | 11:08 |
The_Joe_ | Alsa-base is installed | 11:08 |
alessandro_ | can someone hack msn password | 11:08 |
The_Joe_ | And I have no sound | 11:08 |
The_Joe_ | At all | 11:08 |
node357 | sendmail? sounds like DNS resolution problems | 11:08 |
Dialntone | it always prompts me for a password MasterShrek --- i use my root passwd still doesn't work | 11:08 |
ubuntuMan | node357 I tried find /boot/grub/stage1 and it returned with nothing | 11:08 |
ephracis | Is there some standard place where examples are installed? locate gives me nothing. | 11:08 |
node357 | :( | 11:08 |
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MasterShrek | The_Joe_, try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base i dont know if it will work but its worth a shot | 11:08 |
juan_ | does anybody else not mount /boot on startup? im asking so i know if its worth it to suggest fixes to ubuntu for such situations or i should just get it to work for me? | 11:08 |
ianm_ | The_Joe_: check volumes? muted? | 11:08 |
MasterShrek | Dialntone, with any rar file? | 11:08 |
Dialntone | yah | 11:09 |
The_Joe_ | ianm_: I was just about to caps lock that.. | 11:09 |
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The_Joe_ | I AM NOT MUTED | 11:09 |
The_Joe_ | :P | 11:09 |
alessandro_ | does someone hack msn password? | 11:09 |
ompaul | !offtopic | alessandro_, | 11:09 |
ubotu | alessandro_,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:09 |
Dialntone | there' sets of .r01 files things like that, but im always getting prompt's | 11:09 |
ianm_ | The_Joe_: speakers turned on? ;P | 11:09 |
gnomefreak | ompaul: dont do that | 11:09 |
alessandro_ | whats? | 11:09 |
MasterShrek | alessandro_, not the place for that kind of talk | 11:09 |
gnomefreak | ompaul: we will have to remove alessandro_ there for that as well | 11:09 |
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ompaul | ahh | 11:09 |
Pici | Dialntone: the restricted unrar package supports multi-volume archives. | 11:09 |
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ubuntuMan | node357 how do I find out my boot drive? | 11:10 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: dpkg seemed to do nothing | 11:10 |
alessandro_ | i dont understad? | 11:10 |
gnomefreak | alessandro_: find somewhere else to talk about hacking passwords | 11:10 |
The_Joe_ | ianm_: I'm sure my sound is fine except the lack of drivers and crap | 11:10 |
riotkittie | hacking passwords is naughty. :| | 11:10 |
ompaul | alessandro_, it is not a subject for #ubuntu channels | 11:10 |
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ianm_ | what technology does Gutsy use for "Encrypted hard disks" feature? | 11:10 |
Ling-Ling | i hate this shit... now... | 11:10 |
alessandro_ | sorry riotkittie can yuo help me | 11:10 |
gnomefreak | ianm_: jion #ubuntu+1 | 11:10 |
gnomefreak | join even | 11:10 |
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ianm_ | gnomefreak: k thanks | 11:11 |
gnomefreak | Ling-Ling: please watch your language | 11:11 |
The_Joe_ | Still no sound | 11:11 |
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Dialntone | MasterShrek, unrar -e linux-xp-desktop-2006-SR2-english.part36.rar | 11:11 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, pastebin the output of lspci -vv | 11:11 |
The_Joe_ | Ok hold on | 11:11 |
Dialntone | thats' not a valid command line :( -- is there something im missing im going to try and do it in root | 11:11 |
The_Joe_ | King kong is getting to a good bit :D | 11:12 |
MasterShrek | Dialntone, dont do part36, do part 1 | 11:12 |
The_Joe_ | 1933 Colourised ^^ | 11:12 |
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Eedge | wheres the linux source build directory in ubuntu>? | 11:12 |
Dialntone | still doesn't work | 11:12 |
ismael | thanks a lot Jupp2 | 11:13 |
MasterShrek | Eedge, you need to install the source package, and it should be in /usr/src | 11:13 |
ompaul | Eedge, cd /usr/src and have a poke in there - if you have downloaded it | 11:13 |
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Eedge | cheers :) | 11:13 |
Dialntone | the usage on this is crazy | 11:13 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: http://pastebin.ca/737928 | 11:13 |
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MasterShrek | Dialntone, right click the file in your gui and try to extract it | 11:13 |
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Berzerker | re-running the run package didn't work | 11:14 |
Berzerker | still get, unable to load nvidia kernel module | 11:14 |
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Dialntone | MasterShrek, prompts for password | 11:14 |
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Dialntone | i know its not password protected its a linux distro | 11:14 |
The_Joe_ | Gah, stroked the off switch on King Kong >.< | 11:15 |
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Ling-Ling | yeah,sorry | 11:15 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, did u say u thought it was a realtek card? i dont think it is | 11:15 |
roberto | hi | 11:15 |
quittt | hello? | 11:15 |
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inc595 | anyone know how to fix this error when trying to use compiz-fusion A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org" | 11:15 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: I'm pretty sure it is, Acer Aspire 3050 laptop will all original hardware | 11:15 |
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roberto | can someone help me i traaying to make my own ir channel and i got no idea how to so it | 11:15 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, # | 11:16 |
MasterShrek | 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01) | 11:16 |
The_Joe_ | I'm scared to open it up ^^ | 11:16 |
gerro | Are there any earlier intel drivers besides i810? or any for that matter? | 11:16 |
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The_Joe_ | How weird | 11:16 |
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The_Joe_ | Well is there some sort of solutionie thingie? | 11:16 |
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The_Joe_ | Perhaps it's my current driver | 11:16 |
tussey | how do you find the number of files in a folder? ls -1 | count | 11:16 |
tussey | or something | 11:16 |
diplo | tussey : ls -l | wc -l | 11:17 |
tussey | ty | 11:17 |
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The_Joe_ | YES!!! Stop frame animation Kong!! | 11:17 |
dwxreaper | i get this error on ubuntu, trying to compile snort software called barnyard | 11:17 |
dwxreaper | checking for mysql_real_connect in -lmysqlclient... no | 11:17 |
dwxreaper | ********************************************** | 11:17 |
dwxreaper | ERROR: unable to find mysqlclient library | 11:17 |
dwxreaper | checked in the following places | 11:17 |
dwxreaper | ********************************************** | 11:17 |
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ikonia | why why why | 11:17 |
Pici | !ot | The_Joe_ | 11:17 |
ubotu | The_Joe_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:18 |
The_Joe_ | Sorry ^^ | 11:18 |
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The_Joe_ | I'll keep it to a minimum | 11:18 |
eMbolaRo | anyone uses chatzilla? | 11:18 |
AccessX | hellloooo | 11:18 |
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diplo | dwxreaper : Missing mysql client files | 11:18 |
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sahl | !find | 11:18 |
Pici | The_Joe_: you can blabber on in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want. | 11:18 |
ompaul | dwxreaper, please use a pastebin for more than two lines | 11:18 |
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diplo | libmysql.so i think ? | 11:18 |
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Berzerker | re-running the run package didn't work | 11:18 |
The_Joe_ | Nono I'm here for support really, just a random outburst | 11:18 |
Berzerker | still get the same error. | 11:18 |
Pici | The_Joe_: okay :) | 11:19 |
pthomas | Hi, just wondering, if I have root disabled, what should my account be in which group? Being as I would be the only one accessing this maching. | 11:19 |
diplo | look for libmysql in synaptic | 11:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:19 |
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Dialntone | :( | 11:19 |
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Pici | Dialntone: Which unrar package did you install? | 11:19 |
Dialntone | unrar | 11:19 |
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bluekb | Can someone give me a pointer/link to some documentation on setting up remote X sessions? I want my computer to allow other machines to start up X on it. | 11:19 |
Dialntone | and some other one i think | 11:19 |
node357 | pthomas, I think you're in all the groups you need to be in to operate the machine | 11:20 |
theAtom | how can I stop a user accessing my external hard drive? | 11:20 |
Dialntone | i think rar | 11:20 |
MasterShrek | Dialntone, did u try a different rar file? from somewhere else? | 11:20 |
node357 | just use sudo for anything that requires root privelegs | 11:20 |
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The_Joe_ | Right so should I be looking for ATI Sound drivers and seeing if that helps? | 11:20 |
pthomas | node357: Alright, I wasn't sure if that was correct or not. | 11:20 |
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node357 | yeah it should work fine | 11:20 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, i think so, ati hda | 11:20 |
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Dialntone | yah | 11:21 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Okie doke, shouldn't be too hard | 11:21 |
node357 | when in doubt, buy a sound blaster live | 11:21 |
node357 | lol | 11:21 |
pthomas | node357: alright thanks. | 11:21 |
node357 | welcome! | 11:21 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, I fixed the depencedy probkems from OO | 11:21 |
Pici | Dialntone: Make sure that you have unrar installed, not unrar-free. | 11:21 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, remember me yeterday? | 11:21 |
bluekb | theAtom, figure out whichever utility is mounting it and tell it to mount it with different permissions? That's a rather abstract answer, but I don't know the specifics. | 11:21 |
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Pici | Dialntone: The free has to do with whether its open source or not, not cost. | 11:21 |
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theAtom | bluekb, your not helping | 11:21 |
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bluekb | theAtom, ok. | 11:22 |
Winball | Someone tried Bbuntu with X38 ? | 11:22 |
Winball | Ubuntu | 11:22 |
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theAtom | whats Bbuntu? | 11:22 |
Dialntone | pici, MasterShrek its' cool i think i know the problem | 11:22 |
eMbolaRo | anyone uses chatzilla? | 11:22 |
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Dialntone | thanks for helping me out :D | 11:22 |
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muzycales | hi there | 11:22 |
Pici | !anyone | eMbolaRo | 11:22 |
ubotu | eMbolaRo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:22 |
Berzerker | Pici, do you think you can help me? | 11:22 |
Dialntone | wasn't a complete rar archieve hehe im an idiot | 11:22 |
theAtom | !chatzilla | 11:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chatzilla - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:23 |
Dialntone | missing 7 8 package files | 11:23 |
MasterShrek | theAtom, yea, what was the problem? | 11:23 |
Pici | Berzerker: I've not very good with graphics cards issues. Sorry | 11:23 |
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theAtom | MasterShrek, yiyu WONT believe the solution | 11:23 |
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theAtom | MasterShrek, All I did was put my clock date forward 1 day and then did apt-get upgrade, and voila! | 11:23 |
MasterShrek | ... | 11:24 |
MasterShrek | why on earth would you do something like that? | 11:24 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, then I changed date back | 11:24 |
node357 | sounds crazy | 11:24 |
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theAtom | MasterShrek, becayse it didnt work unless I put date forward 1 day | 11:24 |
node357 | messing with the time | 11:24 |
Dialntone | !par2 | 11:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about par2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:24 |
theAtom | node357, are you even listening? LOL | 11:24 |
node357 | I think I am | 11:25 |
node357 | lol | 11:25 |
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Dialntone | !info quickpar | 11:25 |
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ubotu | Package quickpar does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 11:25 |
Dialntone | !quickpar | 11:25 |
Dialntone | !quickpar2 | 11:25 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quickpar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:25 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quickpar2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:25 |
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The_Joe_ | Y'know, I can find no ATI sound drivers at all | 11:25 |
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theAtom | MasterShrek, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-532154.html | 11:26 |
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dirtyhand | im trying to setup a new ubuntu web server. There are like 4 different people that need root access, should I jsut set a common pw for the root user, or create a new user for all | 11:26 |
theAtom | node357, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-532154.html <-- Read this and LEARN :) | 11:26 |
Pici | !info pypar2 | Dialntone | 11:26 |
ubotu | dialntone: pypar2: graphical frontend for the par2 utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1-1 (feisty), package size 42 kB, installed size 336 kB | 11:26 |
Berzerker | does gutsy run stable? | 11:26 |
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Dialntone | thanks :) | 11:26 |
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AccessX | .. trying to get newest 7.04 installed on my P5B board with a jmircon RAID, it sees two drives (live cd) instead of one.. | 11:27 |
blahblahx | hi i installed a barebones ubuntu (no gui) and then installed gnome core. how do i make it so it boots into gnome (not gdm) | 11:27 |
theAtom | node357, did u read that webpage? :) | 11:27 |
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Dialntone | britney spears - gimme more (danger) (danger).. dang... lol | 11:27 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, did u read that webpage? | 11:27 |
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Vlet | Berzerker: Yes, but it hasn't been released for a reason ... it's not stable enough. | 11:27 |
MasterShrek | yea i took a look at it theAtom | 11:27 |
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The_Joe_ | Nope no drivers for what I supposedly need | 11:27 |
blahblahx | anyone? | 11:28 |
Berzerker | ok | 11:28 |
Winball | Berzerker No, not really | 11:28 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, interesting eh? | 11:28 |
MasterShrek | quite | 11:28 |
=== till [n=till@p4FD66E13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blahblahx | hi i installed a barebones ubuntu (no gui) and then installed gnome core. how do i make it so it boots into gnome (not gdm)? | 11:28 |
Berzerker | then can someone help me with my graphics issue? | 11:28 |
blahblahx | ? | 11:28 |
Vlet | blahblahx: startx? | 11:28 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, are you on feisty or gutsy? | 11:28 |
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theAtom | MasterShrek, worked on 7.10 too | 11:28 |
MasterShrek | cool | 11:28 |
Vlet | blahblahx: be patient | 11:28 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Feisty | 11:28 |
blahblahx | right but i want to have it do that on boot | 11:28 |
redico | pls pls help :) where to find "Restricted Drivers Manager" ??? in KDE ? | 11:28 |
The_Joe_ | Not a person for Release Candidates | 11:28 |
blahblahx | without user intervention | 11:28 |
redico | how to start "Restricted Drivers Manager" via bash? | 11:28 |
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MasterShrek | blahblahx, put this in your /etc/rc.local su - <user> -c startx | 11:28 |
Vlet | blahblahx: no gdm, and no user intervention? nope | 11:29 |
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Pici | blahblahx: I believe theres a setting in gnome's system>administration>login for autologin. | 11:29 |
Vlet | blahblahx: If ther's no gdm, then you'll need to log in via a terminal | 11:29 |
The_Joe_ | Especially OS's | 11:29 |
=== AngryElf [n=jsharpe@ip24-255-126-187.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryElf | how can I check the integrity of a hard drive (not the filesystem)? | 11:29 |
redico | "Restricted Drivers Manager" WHERE ? | 11:29 |
gerro | MasterShrek: I hate this intel video card, its taking up 64mb memory. I only got 128 or 126 mb of ram :/ | 11:29 |
blahblahx | no i have gdm but i want o oenable autologin | 11:29 |
=== siegie [n=siegie@d54C3C908.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theAtom | MasterShrek, do you UNDERATAND now why I put clock forward 1 day? :) | 11:29 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, well i can bet that when gutsy comes out youll have alot less hardware issues | 11:29 |
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Vlet | blahblahx: ahh yeah, then what Pici said | 11:30 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, but I oput it back to normal after the update | 11:30 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Let's hope so | 11:30 |
=== d4rkmonkey [n=Jared@CPE000bcd15b4ae-CM00195efba7ac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: But it's not out yet ;) | 11:30 |
blahblahx | cool | 11:30 |
MasterShrek | thats so weird theAtom | 11:30 |
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Pici | blahblahx: I'm not sure thats the correct tname, but its in there somewhere. | 11:30 |
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MasterShrek | The_Joe_, thursday :) | 11:30 |
AccessX | Gutsy suppose to work better with JMicron? | 11:30 |
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The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Yes I know, I even have a countdown on my own website | 11:30 |
redico | ;((( "Restricted Drivers Manager" ??? i dont find this menu | 11:30 |
MasterShrek | heh | 11:30 |
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gerro | MasterShrek: that makes pretty good sense incase the ubuntu repositories get all jacked up and he has auto update on | 11:31 |
redico | should be under system => administration ... but KDE ??? | 11:31 |
theAtom | MasterShrek, well as u can see, the webpage revelas others have same issue. | 11:31 |
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gerro | MasterShrek: oh hey I found out something interesting about the ethernet. It says on lshw *-network DISABLED :( | 11:32 |
monkeyspasm | HI. Anyone know how to switch the apostrophe deadkey off in firefox? I can type apostrophes, I just get accented letters instead! | 11:32 |
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theAtom | node357, did u read that webpage? | 11:32 |
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gerro | monkeyspasm: sounds like a keyboard issue with xorg | 11:32 |
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MasterShrek | gerro, is the driver blacklisted maybe? | 11:33 |
MasterShrek | !blacklist | 11:33 |
ubotu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 11:33 |
monkeyspasm | gerro: What xorg? | 11:33 |
MasterShrek | !xorg | 11:33 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:33 |
The_Joe_ | Well I guess that means all there is to do is get Desktop Effects working - Or at least check if it works | 11:33 |
gerro | MasterShrek: I hope not.. don't know | 11:33 |
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_Lucretia_ | are there gcc/gnat 4.2.x packages for feisty anywhere? ta | 11:33 |
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The_Joe_ | Would it be best to have !xorg tell you to use ctrl+alt+backspace instead? | 11:34 |
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MongooseWA | how can you capture an image with a webcam in ubuntu? | 11:34 |
gerro | MasterShrek: full story is I had these 2 old computers so I swapped around the parts so I could use the high cpu one. Everything was working on other one fine so no clue why it wouldn't now | 11:34 |
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jtd | can someone help me troubleshoot an xorg problem? my desktop is bigger than my screen resolution and when I try to get it to change my resolution using the System -> Preferences menu item, it pretends it changed the resolution but nothing actually happens. my xorg.conf is pastebinned here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/948/ | 11:34 |
tantris | Hi! I just updated the latest packages for gutsy (e.g. gnome 2.20) and now nautilus segfaults in an endless loop, anything I could do? | 11:34 |
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monkeyspasm | oh, Xorg=X. I see. Other apps are fine since I chaned my keymap- it just firefox. | 11:34 |
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unagi | i installed ntfs-3g but i still cant write to my ntfs volume | 11:35 |
MasterShrek | unagi, did you mount it with ntfs-3g as the driver instead of just ntfs | 11:35 |
Spudgun89 | Hey guys, this may be a pretty n00b question, but it's help after all ^^ - I've got Beryl/Emerald theme manager all going the way I want to, but I'm not sure how you customise the look of the top/bottom panels of Ubuntu; e.g. the part with 'Applications Places System' etc.. How would I go about customising that? | 11:35 |
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Spudgun89 | (as in it's physical apperance, I'd like to have the Aero style theme there as thats what my windows are using) | 11:35 |
unagi | erm.....in the past i just installed ntfs-3g and it would mount the drive for me | 11:36 |
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jtd | Spudgun89: I'm actually not sure that's customizable. have you seen it customized before? | 11:36 |
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MasterShrek | unagi, is the mount entry in /etc/fstab? | 11:36 |
AngryElf | when I create an mdadm array where does the configuration get saved? | 11:36 |
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AngryElf | mdadm --create /dev/md0 etc etc... | 11:36 |
jtd | Spudgun89: in Ubuntu, that is | 11:36 |
Spudgun89 | Yeah, I'm pretty sure I found it either on Wiki or somewhere.. 2 secs | 11:36 |
Spudgun89 | Yeah | 11:36 |
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monkeyspasm | IS there a help channel like this one for firefox? | 11:36 |
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MasterShrek | jtd, its gnome, doesnt matter what distro its in, gnome is gnome | 11:37 |
The_Joe_ | Hey is Radeon Xpress 1100 good enough for Desktop Effects/Beryl? | 11:37 |
Spudgun89 | Ahh here we go; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:GnomeVista.png | 11:37 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, i think so, but ati and linux dont get along very well | 11:37 |
muzycales | hi there I have a question, how can I install the full function of my Logitech MX500 (I need to asign to some bottons some keys like alt and shift) I was looking to logitech.com but they don't have any driver for linux. | 11:37 |
MasterShrek | well they do, but it takes a bit to get set up correctly | 11:37 |
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MongooseWA | how can you capture an image with a webcam in ubuntu? | 11:37 |
eren_ | _eReN_ | 11:38 |
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redico | Ubuntu 7.04 ships with a utility to automate configuration of fglrx. Open it at "System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager". | 11:38 |
redico | ==========> i dont find this in KDE... pls help me | 11:38 |
MasterShrek | MongooseWA, take a screenshot and crop it | 11:38 |
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_Lucretia_ | are there gcc/gnat 4.2.x packages for feisty anywhere? ta | 11:38 |
The_Joe_ | Really? I always heard good things | 11:38 |
MasterShrek | redico, kubuntu came up with a little tray icon for me about restriced drivers | 11:38 |
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MongooseWA | not an image of the screen, an image using a webcam | 11:38 |
monkeyspasm | anyone know of a help channel like this one for firefox? | 11:38 |
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tantris | any idea how t debug my nautilus start problem? | 11:38 |
redico | MasterShrek: do you have a clue what is the name of it ??? | 11:39 |
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The_Joe_ | lol Shrek is really overworked in here | 11:39 |
MasterShrek | no redico, but ill take a look right quick.... | 11:39 |
MasterShrek | all the time heh | 11:39 |
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redico | try #mozilla | 11:39 |
MasterShrek | ah redico, restricted-manager-kde | 11:39 |
redico | thx alot master | 11:40 |
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E-mu | Is there any Live CD that supports the New Gateway Q6600 Quad Core system? it has an Intel MB and G33 chipset. I am using my own PCIe graphics card. NV 7300GT. It never completes the boot process what can I do? I already tweaked the BIos and changed it from Raid to AHCI. Tried IDE to. | 11:40 |
Spudgun89 | Anyone have any ideas? [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:GnomeVista.png ] << I want to make my desktop look like that, I have installed/configured Beryl etc but I'm unable to customise the top and bottom panes. | 11:40 |
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The_Joe_ | Gotta say: GnomeVista is sick | 11:40 |
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The_Joe_ | Really, really wrong | 11:40 |
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MasterShrek | E-mu, tried gutsy rc? | 11:40 |
The_Joe_ | Just... no | 11:40 |
The_Joe_ | Ugh | 11:40 |
Frotz661 | anyone here regularly use MIDI? | 11:40 |
MasterShrek | gnome is wrong... | 11:40 |
The_Joe_ | GNOME is good | 11:40 |
E-mu | gutsy rc? link? | 11:41 |
The_Joe_ | KDE is ok | 11:41 |
MasterShrek | !gutsy | 11:41 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 18th, 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information | 11:41 |
Stevethepirate | okay, i pwnt my x-server [well, change gfx cards] whats teh command to reconfigure xorg.conf? | 11:41 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, the gnome devs are nazis according to Linus | 11:41 |
E-mu | !gutsy | 11:41 |
vvd | elol | 11:41 |
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The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Is Linus your god? | 11:41 |
mneptok | GNOME Vista? that's like building the Sistine Chapel and then letting Kentucky Fried Chicken paint it. | 11:41 |
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adac2 | how do i check if a linux installation is 32 or 64 bit? | 11:41 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, more so than bill | 11:41 |
vvd | nazis lol :P | 11:41 |
The_Joe_ | I've heard about Linus's GNOME complaints | 11:41 |
Spudgun89 | Haha, well okay then, not Vista style, anything other than the default Ubuntu look :P | 11:41 |
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Frotz661 | I'm trying to track down some MIDI problems. Does anyone here use MIDI interfaces? | 11:41 |
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diplo | Spudgun89 : http://www.gnome-look.org | 11:42 |
MasterShrek | adac2, uname -m | 11:42 |
mneptok | Spudgun89: http://art.gnome.org | 11:42 |
The_Joe_ | I can only really say it's his opinion and he's taken it too far | 11:42 |
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Spudgun89 | Thanks :) | 11:42 |
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Stevethepirate | okay, i pwnt my x-server [well, change gfx cards] whats teh command to reconfigure xorg.conf? | 11:42 |
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E-mu | can I download it and now or I have to wait? Beta one avail? SO other people are having the same problem to or is there something else I can do to tweak it? options acpi=off does not work. As a matter of fact acpi=off only displays 1 of the 4 Quads | 11:43 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, gnome has too many flaws, well at least it used to when i was using it, i guess linus gave them a bunch of patches for it because it was quite buggy | 11:43 |
mneptok | Stevethepirate: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:43 |
Stevethepirate | mneptok: <3 thanks | 11:43 |
Spudgun89 | For example on the on the Gnome look website, what section would I be looking in? | 11:43 |
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The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Try it today, I remember it in Dapper, I even switched to KDE | 11:43 |
MasterShrek | E-mu, try an alternate install cd too, with a quad core system it may be what u need to do | 11:43 |
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mneptok | MasterShrek: AFAIK Linus is not a GNOME committer | 11:43 |
=== mneptok goes to look that up | ||
AccessX | .. 7.04 Jmicron raid + RAID 0 setup = livecd only see individual drives instead of one | 11:43 |
preaction | MasterShrek, it wasnt buggy, it didn't have features that linus wanted | 11:43 |
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adac2 | MasterShrek: uname -m gives i686...suppose this is 32 bit then | 11:43 |
diplo | GTK2 theme stlyle area | 11:43 |
The_Joe_ | Preaction: Yeah Linus is rather touchy about it | 11:44 |
E-mu | alternate install CD option from 7.04? | 11:44 |
digbert | mneptok: He committed some patches a while ago after he was told to put up or shut up. | 11:44 |
MasterShrek | adac2, yes | 11:44 |
Jarvid | what can redhat do that ubuntu can't? | 11:44 |
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Frotz661 | MOTU midi interfaces haven't worked since Edgy Eft. Anyone know anything about this? | 11:44 |
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adac2 | MasterShrek: thx | 11:44 |
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preaction | Jarvid, release a seperate "Enterprise" version that costs money? | 11:44 |
MasterShrek | E-mu, that or u could wait until thursday and install gutsy when it comes out | 11:44 |
Ax-Ax | preaction, ;D | 11:45 |
ooFeMoe9re | hallloooow | 11:45 |
mneptok | digbert: he must have had someone else commit. | 11:45 |
digbert | preaction: They also have better kickstart support as they invented it. | 11:45 |
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E-mu | MasterShrek, thanks | 11:46 |
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MidnighToker | computer died and i'm having to do a gentoo recovery. used all the default options for install, and i have no idea what my root partition is | 11:46 |
Stevethepirate | how do i make compiz -not- start on startup? | 11:46 |
E-mu | anyone else having problems with Quad Core Q6600 and Motherboard G33 chipsets with LiveCD? | 11:46 |
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ooFeMoe9re | [HELP] compiz makes the gnome-panel not starting up properly can someone help me | 11:47 |
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Stevethepirate | !compiz | 11:47 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:47 |
E-mu | even DSL 4.0 rc1 will not boot through nor PClinuxOS2007 nor Knoppix or Fedora 8 test 3 | 11:47 |
E-mu | none of them | 11:47 |
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monkeyspasm | 11:48 | |
monkeyspasm | ha! fixed it! | 11:48 |
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monkeyspasm | thxbai | 11:48 |
dany21 | hello | 11:48 |
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AccessX | I should use the Alternate install CD for a RAID parition? | 11:48 |
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The_Joe_ | So is there a way to fix my sound problem BEFORE Gutsy? | 11:49 |
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MasterShrek | The_Joe_, its hard to say, it may just not be supported in the kernel that feisty has, you could try compiling a new kernel | 11:49 |
The_Joe_ | MasterShrek: Sounds hard | 11:50 |
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The_Joe_ | Don't think I'll try, especially so late | 11:50 |
mneptok | The_Joe_: good call | 11:50 |
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Stevethepirate | !fluxbox | 11:50 |
ubotu | fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox | 11:50 |
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The_Joe_ | mneptok: Weell considering I can't compile anything else anyway lol | 11:51 |
MasterShrek | The_Joe_, its actually alot easier than most people think, especially in ubuntu, i was surprised at how easy it is to compile a kernel | 11:51 |
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The_Joe_ | Nah I'm not gonna try just yet | 11:51 |
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MasterShrek | =) | 11:51 |
The_Joe_ | Officially this is my first time using Ubuntu | 11:51 |
node357 | how many packages does Ubuntu have? | 11:51 |
MasterShrek | 153 | 11:51 |
The_Joe_ | node357: A lot | 11:51 |
MasterShrek | =P | 11:51 |
node357 | lol | 11:51 |
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node357 | I mean including the repositories | 11:51 |
The_Joe_ | Shrek did you go through and COUNT them? xD | 11:52 |
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MasterShrek | one by one | 11:52 |
The_Joe_ | Eyestrain? | 11:52 |
node357 | lol | 11:52 |
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MasterShrek | node357, it depends on which repos you have enabled, and if u added extras, also if you built your own packages | 11:52 |
dany21 | i have a problem. when i rum ubuntu dapper 6.03 from the live cd i get a black screen after the live os is completley loaded and my pc stops responding. i have an AMD sempron 2600+ at 1,6 GHZ, a asus k8v-x se motherboard, a asus 9250 Graphics card with ati radeon 9200 chipset, memoru: corsair 256 mb DDR 400? how can i fix this? is my system compatible with this version of ubuntu? | 11:52 |
The_Joe_ | I read it's over 1000 default peices of software isn't it? | 11:52 |
Stevethepirate | okay, installing fluxbox as we speak, [sudo apt-get install flux-box] | 11:52 |
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Stevethepirate | how to make it like, be used? | 11:52 |
The_Joe_ | Anyway I'm gonna get some shut-eye, nearly 11pm here | 11:53 |
MasterShrek | dany21, get a newer version of ubuntu, dapper is kinda old | 11:53 |
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The_Joe_ | Good night folks | 11:53 |
node357 | okay MasterShrek, thank you | 11:53 |
dany21 | ok | 11:53 |
MasterShrek | later The_Joe_ | 11:53 |
node357 | a lot anyway hehe | 11:53 |
notgod | hello. I am trying to install ubuntu server onto a maching with a nvidia quadro video card. install went fine, but when the machine boots, it's got a garbled screen. This is the server edition, so it should be in text mode. | 11:53 |
MasterShrek | Stevethe1irate, when you get to your login screen, click sessions and choose fluxbox | 11:53 |
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dwxreaper | notgod: type reload | 11:54 |
Jimb_ | D | 11:54 |
dwxreaper | i mean reset | 11:54 |
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notgod | dwxreaper: no, it's not even getting to the login prompt. | 11:54 |
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MasterShrek | notgod, does the work "splash" appear on the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst ? if it does, remove it | 11:54 |
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Stevethepirate | Okay, trying to like, login to PC,.... with either Fluxbox or Gnome selected, it like loads for a few secs, then hangs, and restarts gdm.... please help.. need to like do work urgently. | 11:55 |
MidnighToker | How do i set up a big storage partition spanning 2 physical drives? | 11:55 |
notgod | MasterShrek: let me check. | 11:55 |
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Ishakabibble_ | !glx | 11:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 11:55 |
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=== scresawn [n=steve@ip94-195.jmu.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
Burlynn | my macbook and the madwifi drivers do not get along. i totally lose connection at a whim | 11:55 |
MasterShrek | Stevethe1irate, what kind of gfx card? | 11:55 |
santander | hi, i earlier installed ubuntu 7.04 desktop and i needed to ad a module for extra nic via 'sudo modprobe 3c59x', after that the nic showed in ifconfig. now i've installed ubuntu 7.04 server and i did again 'sudo modprobe 3c59x' , and it shows in lsmod, but my nix doesnt show in ifconfig, what should i try? | 11:55 |
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RyanH | Is anyone here maintaining a CDBS package and using TLA? I seems to have found a hiccup in CDBS for which I am not sure how to get around. | 11:56 |
notgod | MasterShrek: yes, it does. removed it. How do I save my change? | 11:56 |
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Stevethepirate | Intel onboard now.. had a 7600gtx.. but causing heat problems [hence the rapid removale of it :(] .. so reconfigured xorf.conf for new card.... | 11:56 |
MasterShrek | santander, does it show up twice in lsmod? try: lsmod | grep 3c59x | 11:56 |
=== TheRepacker [n=rick@d226-43-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | notgod, youll need to use sudo to edit the file | 11:56 |
Ishakabibble_ | !xgl | 11:56 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:56 |
Stevethepirate | meh? | 11:56 |
Stevethepirate | MasterShrek: was that at me? | 11:57 |
notgod | MasterShrek: same problem after removing splash | 11:57 |
MasterShrek | not sure Stevethe1irate sounds like you need to get your gfx card installed correctly, you could try changing the driver to vesa in xorg.conf | 11:57 |
=== P_Kable [n=P_Kable@ip68-228-32-205.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | no it wasnt before Stevethe1irate | 11:57 |
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santander | MasterShrek : it shows up as itself, and also after mii, so i guess mii uses it? that is at least the same as in the previous install | 11:57 |
MasterShrek | Stevethepirate*** damn tab completion | 11:57 |
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Stevethepirate | driver is 'intel' | 11:58 |
P_Kable | what is the command to know everything about a hard drive ? specially the real size ? | 11:58 |
Stevethepirate | in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:58 |
P_Kable | please | 11:58 |
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Stevethepirate | sudo fdisk -l P_Kable | 11:58 |
MasterShrek | Stevethepirate, make it vesa | 11:58 |
Stevethepirate | kk | 11:58 |
coucou123456 | /leave | 11:58 |
santander | MasterShrek i piped the output of lsmod to a file to compare in case of probs | 11:58 |
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Stevethepirate | trying sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart now.. | 11:59 |
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MasterShrek | santander, is it the same kernel in both installs? | 11:59 |
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notgod | MasterShrek: even going into recovery mode has the same problem. heh | 11:59 |
P_Kable | Stevethepirate=> sudo fdisk -l /mountpoint ?? | 11:59 |
=== Aaron` [n=~@bb-87-81-166-3.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MasterShrek | i would make sure that in the new install the kernel is at least as new as the old one | 11:59 |
Aaron` | helllo | 11:59 |
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MasterShrek | notgod, does it boot at all, or right away it screws up? | 12:00 |
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MasterShrek | P_Kable, no, just type: sudo fdisk -l | 12:00 |
santander | MasterShrek : the previous was ubuntu 7.04 desktop, and the current is ubuntu 7.04 server, so i think it is the same kernell | 12:00 |
Stevethepirate | MasterShrek: okay.. it goes black for a few seconds | 12:00 |
ppl_can_b_kool | Aaron`: hi :) | 12:00 |
cbox | hi guys | 12:00 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stevethepirate | then looks like its changing resolution, then fails | 12:00 |
MasterShrek | santander, interesting, do you have the kernel-modules package installed? | 12:00 |
Aaron` | CAN Sum1 help my ubuntu | 12:00 |
notgod | MasterShrek: right after "Starting Up..." and it boots, but no default ssh installed, so I can tell it's up because I can ping it and hit the LAMP server. | 12:00 |
=== draconius [n=draconiu@incognito.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aaron` | can someone help me install my ubuntu cd | 12:01 |
cbox | im wondering if there is someone here who knows how to decipher a BootChart png? | 12:01 |
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Stevethepirate | MasterShrek: like, with 'intel' it loaded, then craashed when logging in, now it doens't load X :( | 12:01 |
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MasterShrek | Stevethe1irate, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:01 |
Stevethepirate | with vesa? | 12:01 |
Aaron` | my brother told me to install ubuntu because it's better or something, but i like windows. i heard linox was crap compared to it | 12:01 |
MasterShrek | Stevethepirate, either way, if it doesnt work with one try the other | 12:01 |
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Aaron` | its meant to be hard work and why do you have a gnomes on your desktop | 12:01 |
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santander | MasterShrek : i dont know, i tried to apt-get 'kernel-modules' but it replies couldn't find package kernel-modules :/ | 12:02 |
Aaron` | PLEASE HELP | 12:02 |
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Winball | Aaron` stay with windows please | 12:02 |
MasterShrek | lol | 12:02 |
Ishakabibble_ | hi guys and gals, I'm having a problem with the update manager. It keeps telling me to upgrade Compiz, but the weird thing is that every time I install the upgrade, the update manager still keeps on telling me to upgrade Compiz even though I have just done an upgrade. Does anyone know what the matter could be? | 12:02 |
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musashi | MasterShrek, i got wireless working, but my sound works sometimes sometimes it doesnt | 12:02 |
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joshjosh | Aaron`, apt-get update first | 12:02 |
Stevethepirate | !shouting | Aaron` | 12:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about shouting - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:02 |
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Stevethepirate | !caps | Aaron` | 12:03 |
Aaron` | shut up | 12:03 |
ubotu | Aaron`: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 12:03 |
Aaron` | i don't care, you can read uppercase just as well. | 12:03 |
=== arinomi [n=arinomi@109.84-234-161.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | !ohmy | Aaron` | 12:03 |
ubotu | Aaron`: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:03 |
Aaron` | i just need help with my ubuntuz | 12:03 |
=== MidnighToker grins at Stevethepirate... never simple ;) | ||
MasterShrek | Aaron`, if you want help then be nice to people | 12:03 |
santander | lol unagi | 12:03 |
E-mu | MasterShrek here is the message I get. tty turned off; cannot access job control | 12:03 |
Stevethepirate | Aaron` sounds like a drunk 13 year old.. | 12:03 |
cbox | i have a bootchart picture and i'm trying to figure out where my system is bogging down on startup. anyone help? | 12:03 |
preaction | !attitude | Aaron` | 12:03 |
ubotu | Aaron`: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 12:03 |
E-mu | is there a way to fix that? | 12:03 |
Ishakabibble_ | Does anyone know what my problem is? | 12:03 |
Aaron` | i'm trying but why should i install ubuntu when windows is also good | 12:03 |
MasterShrek | Stevethepirate, agreed | 12:03 |
unagi | its true =/ | 12:03 |
Aaron` | i want to learn other operational systems | 12:03 |
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