
Photocopybiovore: Good point, but do you know if KDE would accept it if I edited the icon to be a rectangle? Cause the icons it use now are perfect squares00:00
kyronAh...other kernel works...00:00
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PhotocopyprofoX` I am not that skilled haha00:00
kyronso the kernel upgrade failed and I was left with a dead system...hmm... not good..meh!00:00
Tm_TPhotocopy: icons can be in any shape00:00
biovorePhotocopy: the png loader should handel.. there square because thats what makes sense.. the hard requirement for it..00:00
PhotocopyTm_T I know that, but will the panel scrunch it into a square?00:00
Photocopybiovore: Thanks.. ill try looking for those icon00:01
biovoreThe only other way would to do some coding..00:01
Tm_TPhotocopy: no00:01
Tm_TPhotocopy: if you mean cropping00:02
PhotocopyTm_T I actually meant "squishing" for my lack of a better term00:02
Tm_TPhotocopy: scaling?00:02
Photocopylike it being stretched00:02
Photocopyyeah scaled into a square00:02
katHi folks... still sorting out how repositories work:  if I'm using 6.06 and want to install the latest version of K3B is there an easy way to do with with a GUI?00:02
Photocopywhy are you using 6.06?00:03
biovorewell you get whats in the repos00:03
Photocopythere is newer stable.... >_>00:03
Tm_TPhotocopy: well no, it will be scaled to fit to room it has to use, but no, it wont be reshaped00:03
biovore6.06 is long term support..00:03
profoX`kat: I would just keep the version that's available if you choose to keep 6.0600:03
biovore^ that stable00:03
biovore7.10 is a short term release..00:03
katI'm scared about upgrading :(00:03
hydrogenits good to be scared about upgrading00:03
Photocopyupgrading is a snap... ive done it... once00:04
Tm_Tkat: with gui you said?00:04
biovoreI have computers using 6.06 here..00:04
kati'm guessing it's not kosher to start using feisty repositories while on dapper...00:04
Tm_Tkat: not in easy way unfortunately00:04
Tm_Tkat: and no, you're not supported to jump over versions :(00:05
CPrompt^kat : don't use Feisty repos on dapper.  you'll break something i'm sure ;)00:05
kati've got synaptic and adept... so i guess if i want to test out the new version of k3b, my best best is download source, make and install?00:05
hydrogenit may not even compile00:05
CPrompt^kat : what version of K3B do you have now?00:06
katany other decent burning software out there?00:06
hydrogencdrecord :)00:06
katcurrent version of k3b is 0.12.something00:06
CPrompt^not in my book anyway ;)00:06
Tm_Tkat: arson (very simple)00:06
kati dunno, just uninstalled it00:06
katmight not fix probs though, having permission issues... the auto conifiguring tool in k3b didn't fix it either00:06
vzduchkat: apt-cache show k3b00:07
vzduchshows details about the pkg00:07
katneato thanks... 0.12.1400:07
katlearn a new command every day00:08
starAre there any program like virtualbox and vmware that can run 3d-effects?00:08
biovoreif you linux for another 10 years.. might learn them all..00:08
biovoreIts kinda like pokenmon.. lolz00:08
starAre there any program like virtualbox and vmware that can run 3d-effects?00:08
vzduch!repeat | star00:09
ubotustar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience00:09
kyronvzduch, > :P00:09
kyronvzduch, http://www.blender.org/00:10
kathmmm... arson doesn't do DVD... cuz what i want to do is data... 2nd hard drive is getting smaller very very quickly00:10
patxianybody knows how can I use qt-jambi?00:10
CPrompt^kat : maybe tell us what you are wanting to do and what is going wrong? ;)00:11
kyronhow do I unlock the apt database...the apt_manager crashed earlyer (rebooted since!)00:11
vzduch!aptfix | kyron00:11
ubotukyron: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:11
CPrompt^kat : sounds like you are wanting to backup your second hard drive?  Can you access your second hard drive?  Read and write?00:11
katk3b won't burn dvds, don't know if it does cds anymore... ran out of cds, only have dvds left to try... error message says something about permissions... hold on I'll find details to post00:12
kyronvzduch, thanks ;) ...oh..clender wasn't for you...00:12
kyronblender that is00:12
kyronstar, http://www.blender.org/00:12
Jucatokyron: hm.... I don't think that was what star was looking for00:13
vzduchkyron: blender is not a virtualization software..00:13
kyronhey he wants 3D ...hehehe00:14
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vzduchgood night folks :)00:14
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Monkiiblender rocks00:15
* kyron looks back and is astound at how people waste resources to the point of virtualising an OS that shouldn't be called one.00:15
katproblem here: http://members.shaw.ca/katherinescrupa/extras/dvd.txt00:15
Monkii"Virtualized evil"?00:15
kyronMonkii, yeah...that way you can try to convince me it's not _real_ evil00:16
kyronit's only faked00:16
biovoreThere is also emulated evil..00:16
Monkii@ kyron - We'll get you my pretty... and your little dog, too!00:16
kyrondpkg --configure -a << does this sorta ..... oh forget it..I am happy now, back to a console... man dpkg :P00:16
renatocan someone help me get desktop effects on kubuntu 7.1000:17
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion00:17
kyronMonkii, take the dogs...all of em!...couldn't care less00:17
Monkiito quote WINE "an evil 'application layer'..."00:17
kyronWINE <- a package that describes it's user's request for existence through it's name00:18
MonkiiMy brains hurting just thinking about that one...00:19
kyronMonkii, MWAHAHAHAHHA!00:20
Monkii@renato - I just installed the Nvidia / ATI driver with restricted-manager-kde and then installed compiz and emerald. Run by typing compiz --replace00:20
kyron*sigh*... I don't have one machine working correctly with Kubuntu as of now... thought this was supposed to be easy00:20
kyronMonkii, NVIDIA/ATI driver...uhm...eh...00:21
Monkii... speaking of evil...00:21
katk3b wants to change cd and dvd drive permissions from 660 to 666 (root.cdrom)... and the only other changes are for cdrecord... both want to change from 4754 root.cdrom to  755 root.root.... are those right?00:21
kyronMonkii, we have a theme going here00:22
biovorekat: sounds about right..00:22
kathmmm, gonna give this another try...00:22
Monkii*sigh* Can't wait for a decent open source ATI driver... and KDE 4(.1)00:23
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kyronMonkii, we all dream of that world00:26
katburning... well not really, now it's just counting, but not actually doing any progress... this is new00:26
k5ubuntuhey i need help setting up a good but not the best graphics for kubuntu because i have ati internal graphics and it wont work on compiz its too taggy00:26
k5ubuntuany recomendations?00:27
katasking me for a empty/appendable dvd... it is empty... ok fine, i'll put in a new one..00:27
wilson__is nvidia still better than ati for now ?00:28
k5ubuntu yes00:29
* wilson__ shrugs00:29
k5ubuntuati is really laggy00:29
k5ubuntuplus nvidia is a better graphics card00:29
wilson__i have an nvidia 7300 based card, didnt cost much, does the job00:29
biovoreati drivers havn't been very good..00:29
biovoredon't know about the lastest ones..00:29
k5ubuntusaying that ati comes from amd its crappy even intel beats ati in internal graphics00:29
k5ubunturight here i have a dell latitude 131l from my buisness i have ati graphics it wont even work with compiz00:30
k5ubuntu vista rates my internal ati at 2.9 for score the processor 2.900:31
katdammit... well here's the output of that experiment http://members.shaw.ca/katherinescrupa/extras/k3bdebug1.txt00:31
kati guess i'll fire off an email to the k3b list00:31
k5ubuntui have no clue00:32
k5ubuntuim looking at it thats wierd00:32
wilson__kat: seems to be saying there's no media in the drive or something00:33
begert_Media Change: Please insert the disc labeled 'Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Alpha i386 (20070823)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press [Enter].00:33
begert_anyone else get this when they try to update?00:33
Angelusthis guide is confusing me, can someone tell me  which i need to get , apt-get source or apt-get install linux-source, to compile a kernel like the ubuntu one with restricted modules and everything?00:33
begert_and hows that going for ya?00:34
Jucato!kernel | Angelus00:34
ubotuAngelus: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild.  Also, see !stages00:34
wilson__kat: trying making the iso with k3b , and burning it with wodim instead .  wodim [iso filename] dev=/dev/hdc00:34
Jucatobegert_: perhaps you still have the cdrom repository enabled. in Adept Manager, go to the Adept Menu -> Manage Repositories and disable the cdrom repository00:35
Jucato(should be in the Third party software tab)00:35
k5ubuntuyou know what im going to try, xubuntu its like a crossover between ubuntu and kubuntu00:35
Angelusis there a way to make adept look for sources? like "apt-get source " ?00:36
begert_let me check Jucato00:36
JucatoAngelus: currently? nope00:36
k5ubuntuhey does anybody know good desktop effects that work with ati00:36
k5ubuntulike not as good as compiz00:36
katwilson_: i'm not burning software, don't want iso... got avi's and other junk00:37
purpleposeidonno, "install compiz" does NOT mean "install compiz and metacity"! >:O00:38
katthat's one of the reasons i switched to linux :)00:38
k5ubuntu!find effects00:38
ubotuFound: heroes-sound-effects, r-cran-effects00:38
k5ubuntu!find desktop effects!00:38
ubotuFound: desktop-base, desktop-file-utils, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-kde, gnome-desktop-data (and 45 others)00:38
k5ubuntu!find desktop effects00:39
k5ubuntu!find effects00:39
ubotuFound: heroes-sound-effects, r-cran-effects00:39
wilson__yeah with k3b you can choose 'only create image' and then click on the image tab and save it to whatever file you want like stuff.iso00:39
k5ubuntu!find desktop effect00:39
ubotuFound: desktop-base, desktop-file-utils, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-kde, gnome-desktop-data (and 45 others)00:39
k5ubuntu!patience | k5ubuntu00:40
Angelusok , apt-get source linux-source gave me an empy linux-meta folder with a debian folder and debian config, isntt' this too empty for a kernel source? and got downloaded in 2secs00:40
wilson__then you can use wodim on the command line ... wodim stuff.iso dev=/dev/hdd00:40
kyrondpkg --configure -a gives me an error at the end on 4 packages: acpid acpi-support powermanagement-interface and kubuntu-desktop.... what shall I do now O_o00:40
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begert_thanks Jucato, that did it ;)00:42
katk wilson_ , i'll give that a try00:44
kyronanyone...where should I go from here...re-install the errounous packages?00:44
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:45
katwell it's burning the image now00:48
Monkii@kron - I've found that doing a sudo apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade, then dpkg --configure -a again often fixes things00:49
MonkiiOften it's just that it couldn't install something the first time around00:50
Monkii(kron = kyron ;-)00:50
juanwhich driver do i want bcm43xx/bcm43xx-mac80211 or where should i ask?00:51
kyronMonkii, ah thanks...that's the magic procedure... see.. me being under GEntoo for the past 5 years must have turned my brains to mush :P00:51
snipzhey guys was wondering does the live cd allow accessing of ntfs partitioned drives?00:51
kyronMonkii, actually...these 4 packages are complaining about unresolved dependancies....00:51
MonkiiAh Gentoo... the dark horse in the linux race!00:52
kyronMonkii, mweheheh00:52
kyronmay I paste my errors to you?00:52
wilson__weird, guess it is something to do with k3b then maybe00:53
wilson__you are using rewitables are you kat ?00:53
kyronMonkii, yeah, it's french, I am setting this up for a friend from France00:53
kyronMonkii, anything fammiliar to you00:53
MonkiiHmmm... mon francais c'est terrible...00:54
Monkiiand what happens when you apt-get install those 4 packages?00:55
wilson__when is the next gentoo coming out 2700.0 was april00:55
wilson__1007.0 i mean00:55
wilson__god, 2007.000:56
kyronMonkii, ...uhm...euh...let's TRY! :P00:56
Monkiiok! hang on...00:56
Monkii@kyron - Do you have any manually configured packages?00:57
MonkiiSometimes they can get in the way...00:57
Angelusis it posible to run "make menuconfig" to edit one of the configs in debian/config/arch/ ?00:59
davehow do you format a hard drive in kubuntu?00:59
BluesKajdave, do you want to format a different partition ?01:03
kyronMonkii, LOL...nope, I just started installing Kubnuntu yesterday..01:03
kyronMonkii, it tells me the packages don't exist...which I would doubt...01:03
kyronso "re-sync" the package tree I shall do!01:04
daveblueskaj, d drivee01:04
alyx-trusthey room01:04
BluesKajdave, to what file system , ntfs or ext3 orr... ?01:05
softmastermy kde doesnt start automatiacally01:06
softmasteri have to start it manually everytime i logon01:07
daveblueskaj, can i do it through dolphin?01:07
BluesKajdave, I don't format from kubuntu ...I use gparted  bootable live cd for resizing and formatting partitions01:07
daveblueskaj, i am not that advanced01:07
kyronMonkii, ...no success..my problem starts at acpid not wanting to start...could it be that I rebooted with the broken kernel (older one) ?01:08
dopewhen i boot from the live cd it just says "no emulation" and then says isolinux 3.36 debian-2007-08-30 and then does nothing01:08
dopewhat's up with that01:08
daveblueskaj, you mean i have to burn a cd just to format a drive???01:10
mneptokdave: gparted01:10
BluesKajdave download and burn gparted live cd , it's very straightforward and quite easy to use ...I was a newb once and was able to use it ...the only problem is if you already have kubunti installed ,then installing windows will wipe out the bootloader grub menu and you won't be able to boot into kubuntu ...it's always better to install windows first , then kubuntu01:11
daveis that linux software?01:11
dopewhen i boot from the live cd it just says "no emulation" and then says isolinux 3.36 debian-2007-08-30 and then does nothing01:11
mneptoksudo apt-get install gparted01:11
daveblueskaj, theres no windows involved01:11
BluesKajntfs is windows01:12
daveblueskaj its a kubuntu install computer01:12
davelinux reads ntfs01:13
BluesKajthen why ntfs ?01:13
davesafer format01:13
davethan fat 3201:13
dopewhen i boot from the live cd it just says "no emulation" and then says isolinux 3.36 debian-2007-08-30 and then does nothing01:13
BluesKajok ,so you're just going to store files there ?01:14
softmastermy kde doesnt start automatiacally i have to start it manually everytime i logon01:14
softmasterany solution01:15
BluesKajwell dave, gparted is till a good idea ...it's nice to have around01:15
daveil look into it later,thanks01:16
hagabakai couldn't use the parted on kubuntu feisty live CD to resize an ext3 partition because it had "unsupported features". does anyone know if the one in gutsy fixes the problem?01:17
lophytehey all.. I just installed Gutsy, and for some reason all my menu items look like "_: Entries in K-menu:" and a long string, rather than the actual name of the app.. has this happened to anyone else?01:20
cosenala weird thing is happened01:21
daveguess im not going to get my question answered here. guess ill search elsewhere :(01:21
cosenalall of a sudden my knetowrkmanager says: No active device01:22
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morphinexhey folks, where can I get a working pidgin 2.2.2 package for gutsy?01:23
cosenalit's weird because it have been always working01:23
cosenal(I'm using Kubuntu 7.10)01:23
cosenaland it worked well also with 7.0401:24
Alyx-trustok guys im testing my lag someone help me out01:25
Alyx-trust1.3 seconds01:25
rob_I hate compiz01:25
rob_it's not as user friendly as beryl was01:25
rob_I mean01:25
rob_it's a great program so I don;t really hate it01:25
Alyx-trusthow do you intall beryl?01:25
katHoookay... dvd chick here again... no not using rewritables... i have the iso now, can't find wodim... tried sudo apt-get install wodim as well, that didn't find anything.... where is it located? (thanks for your help btw)01:26
BluesKajAlyx-trust, ping=2secs01:26
rob_beryl is gone from the package manager and I'm too lazy to manually  install01:26
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Alyx-trustthanks BluesKaj01:26
BluesKajAlyx-trust, where are you ?01:27
Alyx-trusti would love to install it on my laptop but last time it installed but didnt display edges01:27
katcan't find wodim in /usr/bin01:27
Alyx-trustBluesKaj USA but im testing out my tor01:27
BluesKaj!beryl | Alyx-trust01:28
ubotuAlyx-trust: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz01:28
Alyx-trusttrying not to be so "here I am" in the irc01:28
Alyx-trustok so try compix fusion01:28
kyronMonkii, when I attempt to install the 4 packages, it tells me they don't exist in the repository...should I simply delete them?...but they all have to do with power management... and this IS a laptop01:28
BluesKaj Alyx-trust ,Ontario Canada here...seems you've got a bit of a lag there01:29
Alyx-trustBluesKaj yeah because of tor I dont want it to ident my IP01:30
Monkiilol, I'm in Ontario, too :)01:30
BluesKajyeah well, tor is usually not that slow01:30
Alyx-trusti know01:30
Monkii@kyron, have you tried enabling all repositories in Adept_Manager?01:31
Alyx-trusthey is it compiz i should be installing what are the packages called?01:31
rickeyanyone here do alot of work in open office?01:31
GS3User007what's the opposite of 'startx'?01:31
kyronyeah...pretty much...but these shouldn't be "out of main stream"01:31
BluesKajGS3User007, what are you trying to do ?01:32
cosenalGS3User007: Ctrl + Alt + Backspace01:32
Alyx-trustthat restarts X01:33
BluesKajdon't think that's what he wanted , cosenal01:34
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:34
Monkii@kron, and I'm assuming you did that apt-get update... because I *do* see those packages in my repos01:34
Monkii(kron = kyron - again!)01:34
cosenalBluesKaj: but he said "thanks", so... :P01:34
kyronMonkii, yeah I did...maybe I should change my repo....maybe canadian repo is frozen :P01:34
cosenalall of a sudden my knetowrkmanager says: No active device01:35
cosenalit's weird because it have been always working01:35
cosenaland it worked well also with 7.0401:35
Monkiicould be... I noticed they seem to cut out more than the main server too.. :(01:35
BluesKajcosenal, he was asking how to get to to the TTY prompt  , a while ago01:35
Angeluscosenal: its still works, it says that because you are not using dhcp but a manual configuration01:36
kyronMonkii, O_o....huh...really?01:36
cosenalAngelus: I didn't change anything!01:36
BluesKajcosenal, behind a router ?01:36
Angeluscosenal: artificial inteligence, its a normal evulation nowadays in computers01:37
cosenalBluesKaj: yes01:37
Angeluscosenal: check if you are using dhcp or not, if not, change to dhcp01:37
Monkiicosenal - Take a look at /etc/network/interfaces... If the interface (eg eth1) is in there, knetworkmanager won't use your device (strange, I know) This got me a couple of times01:37
Angeluscosenal: you can do it by right clicking on th system tray icon and clicking manual configuration01:38
cosenalit changed by itself?01:38
Angeluscould be01:38
Angeluscheck just to make sure01:38
BluesKajreboot the router , but firdst check in system setting /network for eth0 or eth101:38
Angeluscheck if its using dhcp or not, if not change to dhcp, you will have you're device there again01:38
cosenalAngelus: the eth1 interface is configured to Automatic dhcp01:39
cosenalBluesKaj: I'm not able to reboot the router01:39
cosenalBluesKaj: I don't know where it is :)01:39
Angeluscosenal: http://your.default.gateway01:40
Alyx-trustBluesKaj how do you get your ident to not say you ip without tor?01:40
Angelusif you're default gateway is , then, it will give you router settings01:40
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cosenalAngelus: I know, but I don't have passwd :)01:41
kyronMonkii, hmm...it tells me I am missing a dependancy for acpid to work properly: libc6 (>= 2.6-1)01:42
kyronbut... I don't cotrol that...isn't apt_manager supposed to take care of all that^01:42
Angeluscosenal: the router can be rebooted by pulling out its wire (of power) and put it back in01:42
cosenalAngelus: I don't know where it issssss!!!!!!01:43
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Angelusyou don't know where the router is ? WTF?01:43
Angelusgrap the wire of the internet from you're computer , and move with it till you reach the router LOL01:43
cosenalAngelus: wireless01:44
Angelusyou're being imposible now01:44
cosenalbut if I manually start wpa_supplicant01:44
cosenalit works01:44
Angelustry to hack you're brain's evolution path, the way to evolve in a human able to sence wire less connection,  and inject yo'self with a chemical to evolve in 15mins01:45
kyronMonkii, could it be that my repo is ill configured?...should I disable using pre-version updates?01:45
cosenalMonkii: anyway the interface eth1 is in /etc/network/interfaces01:46
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ShinigamiHi all, I'm having a resolution problem.  I set it to 1024x768 in system settings and aply.  However, every time I log in its back to 1680x1050.  It never stays.  Is there away to force it?01:52
BluesKajShinigami, admin mode ?01:54
Tm_Thi kids01:54
Tm_TBluesKaj: sorry I was, ehm, playing with kids01:55
sunny_My system go to Runing local boot script (etc/rc.local) [OK] and hang on, How can I fix it?01:55
ShinigamiBluesKaj: Yes, I did that one as well and it still reverts back.01:55
BluesKajTm_T,  :)01:55
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sunny_anyone there?01:56
BluesKajShinigami, have you configured your monitor driver ?01:56
Tm_Tsunny_: no, nobody here01:56
ShinigamiBluesKaj: No, I never thought about it as I have never had to before.  Just installed Gusty.  Is it hard to do?01:57
sunny_What? who are you? You're not a human?01:58
Tm_Tno, but I am very hu-man like01:58
sunny_All a rebot01:58
BluesKajShinigami, 'k-menu/system settings/monitor&display/hardware-tab/admin mode/graphics card/configure. Find your card in the list and "apply" , same goes for the monitor, if possible.Click "test". If all is well, logout and back in again.01:58
sunny_Just human like!!!01:58
BluesKaj!ask | sunny_01:59
ubotusunny_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:59
JucatoBluesKaj: he already did02:00
BigDaddyEvening all. Got a question about KDM. Is there a way to have it show who is logged on underneath the users name? GDM does this. It would be better than having my wife having 5 sessions going at the same time02:00
ShinigamiBluesKaj: Ok, I'll try that.02:00
sunny_Nobody ask my question02:00
sunny_My system go to Runing local boot script (etc/rc.local) [OK] and hang on, How can I fix it?02:00
npurcifulhow do i get the alternate install (gutsy) to see my crypto lvm for reinstall02:01
g2g591what sunny is saying:his system freezes once it gets to Running local bootscript {OK}02:02
sunny_And now I use startx cann't go in X02:02
sunny_What's worng with it02:03
g2g591sunny:try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:05
jasonagohow can i put the command nvidia-settings on startup?02:06
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g2g591jasonago:why would you want to do that?02:06
sunny_do what?02:06
jasonagothe screen resolutions and refresh rates of my monitor is not always loaded on start up unless I will explicitly type nvidia-settings on konsole...02:06
Diskonnectedhey people; does anybody know where i can get support for mac OS X Intel? i have no clue i figured u guys might know?02:07
jasonagois there any other way?02:07
sunny_My system go to Runing local boot script (etc/rc.local) [OK] and hang on, How can I fix it?02:08
sunny_Is Anyone can help me?02:08
Alyx-Trustok BluesKaj i just had a bad experience with compiz-fusion02:09
snipzhey, does anyone know if tar follows systems links?02:09
Alyx-Trustjust slowed me way the hell down02:10
BluesKajAlyx-Trust, which graphics card do you have ?02:10
Alyx-TrustBluesKaj ati radeon 1100 xpress02:11
BluesKajyeah , ati and compiz don't mix too well02:11
Diskonnecteddoes anybody know where the MAC OS X Support chat?02:11
BluesKajDiskonnected, whynot google your question02:12
Diskonnectedi did02:12
Diskonnectedcant find anything:(02:12
Jucatonot the right place to ask though02:12
Diskonnectedi know that; i just thought yall might know or might be willing to help me?02:13
BigDaddyAnyone at all know how to make KDM show users that are logged in?02:13
Alyx-TrustBluesKaj now my restart buttons are missing strange?02:13
sunny_I known it02:15
Alyx-Trustok enough slow tor02:15
sjovanhi every one. I origanly installed festy, but I got a bit tierd of gnome. I have now isntalled the kde pack and I'm just wondering. How can i remove gnome if i deside to stick with kde?02:21
yuriyanybody have gmail imap working nicely in kmail?02:23
iragmail is just too old and nasty02:23
lophyteI can02:23
Jucatosjovan:  <dasKreech> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE02:23
ShinigamiBluesKaj: Thank you.  That fixed it right up. :) *waves*02:23
lophyteI can't find any information about enabling desktop effects in kubuntu gutsy.. can anyone point me in the right direction?02:24
Jucato!compiz | lophyte02:24
ubotulophyte: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:24
sjovandaskreech:Jucato: yepp yepp02:24
lophytethanks Jucato02:24
Tm_Tmikes3: dont02:24
Tm_TJucato: you and your fresh eyes :(02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effect - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:25
ubotuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors02:25
angasulehmm, to get desktop effects I should install compiz-kde, then?02:25
Jucato!compiz | lophyte02:25
ubotulophyte: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:25
Jucatoer sorry02:26
Jucato!compiz | angasule02:26
ubotuangasule: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion02:26
SudoKingwhat's everybody up to with compiz02:26
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:26
doudouHello, where can i find help for bluetooth audio on Kubuntu gutsy?02:26
sunny_Hi, does anyone can help me02:27
sunny_My system go to Runing local boot script (etc/rc.local) [OK] and hang on, How can I fix it?02:27
=== Scotty_ is now known as Scotty
GrueliusIs there an application to set the startup applications02:29
mikes3compiz-fusion installed,does not work properly,,the only distro i have had probs,,sid,,no problem,Mandriva by default,pclinux,Ubuntu even ,,Ubuntu gets freferential treatment i see02:29
JucatoGruelius: by default, just leave the app running when you logout, it will be restarted when you log back in02:30
Grueliusjucato: i dont want the keeping of sessions or whatever its called02:31
Jucato!autostart | Gruelius02:31
ubotuGruelius: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.02:31
utnubukhey everyone, what program would you reccomend to rip a DVD to my machine?02:31
BluesKajGruelius, alt+F2 ' kdesu konqueror /usr/share/autostart '02:31
Tm_T!dvd | utnubuk02:31
ubotuutnubuk: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:31
ardchoilleutnubuk: k9copy02:31
sunny_why I only can use sudo startx to start X-windows,02:32
biovorehmm..  probably started as root and it made root only files in your home directory..02:33
barbaroshi guys02:33
barbaroshave u ever heard of yakuake ?02:33
ardchoillebarbaros: I use it daily02:34
BluesKaj!info yakuake02:34
ubotuyakuake: a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 167 kB, installed size 1048 kB02:34
barbarosi try to lance it by pressing f12 but it does not run02:34
barbaroswhat can it be the possbile problem ?02:34
barbarosive run it once then its gone02:34
ardchoillebarbaros: it hides above your desktop02:35
barbarosin command run diaglox box i write yakuake it says it has been lanced and i should press f12 but nothing happens when i press it02:35
ardchoillebarbaros: Open a terminal and type this: dcop yakuake DCOPInterface slotToggleState02:35
kyronAnyone else ever had this problem after installing 7.10? : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/15842702:35
ardchoillebarbaros: Once yakuake is open, click on the options to setup the toggle key combo02:35
sunny_how can I fixed it02:35
sunny_I use recover mode and use startx can startx the X-windows02:36
sunny_biovore, how can I fix it?02:37
barbaroshwere is tooggle key _?02:37
biovoresunny_: sudo chown <username> /home/<username> -R02:37
biovoretry that..  username being your username..02:37
sunny_Thank you I try now02:38
iraany one smb cups?02:38
irai can open my shared folders02:38
irabu can not connect to a shared printer02:38
SudoKingwhat about me02:39
SudoKingoh n/m02:40
Greeneryi'm planning to buy new gfx card either from nvidia or ATI but my concern is will the latest gx from either company works well with Kubuntu?02:40
barbarosi cant find a way to pull down this yakuake02:40
ardchoillebarbaros: alt+f2: dcop yakuake DCOPInterface slotToggleState02:40
barbarosdo i have to type all the time this cryptic command line ?02:40
Tm_TGreenery: nvidia should, though latest highend maybe not, but that's unfortunate truth with both of those02:41
ardchoillebarbaros: No, once yakuake is open, you can set a toggle key combo02:41
barbaroshow ?02:41
barbarosi ve tried to do it f12 is set right ?02:41
ardchoillebarbaros: is yakuake open?02:41
barbarosi ve set f12 as alternative02:41
barbarosyep it's open02:41
ardchoillebarbaros: click the options button (whichever it is for your skin) and choose "Configure Global Shortcuts02:42
ardchoillebarbaros: middle button with a down arrow in it?02:42
barbarosopen retrat yakuake shortcut f12 alternate f1202:42
barbarosdo i have to reset those values ?02:43
barbaroswhen i click on f12 i cant see it02:43
ardchoilleclick on the Open/Retract.. then click on the Custom item below, then click the big button02:43
BluesKajGreenery, as an ati user I'm kind of restricted due to the lack of support for ati in linux altho reports say it 's supposed to be better shortly ... nvidia seems to be more widely supported with better drivers etc02:44
barbarosprimary shortcut is F1202:44
barbarosalternate shortcut is F12 again02:44
barbarosmulti-key is not selected02:44
HelvascaHow do I rotate a monitor 90 degrees in the display setting?02:45
ardchoillebarbaros: Use a different one for Alternate, if your f12 key isn't working, you don't have a primary or alternate the way you have it02:45
Greenerycool thanks for the suggestion02:46
ardchoillebarbaros: I use ctrl+space02:46
SudoKingMy F12 Key isn't working; I think there's a cookie crumb behind it02:46
ardchoilleSudoKing: hahaha02:46
barbarosive assigned win+f1202:46
SudoKingI love eating behind the keyboard :)02:46
barbarosso f12 key works but there is something wrong may it be assigned some other action too ?02:46
ardchoillebarbaros: You can also make a launcher for your panel and use thqat command I gave you to toggle yakuake instead of using the key combo02:46
sunny_Hi, biovore02:47
ardchoillebarbaros: That's why I said make a different one for alternate02:47
biovorenot work?02:47
barbarosdoes not kcontrols shortcuts diaglog warn me about that ?02:47
sunny_I try now,but found another problem02:47
kyronwow...I never thought kubuntu could be broken to such an extent... just resuming from pressing the power button on a laptop...get a blank illuminated screen...can't do a thing but reboot O_o02:47
barbaroswhat does launcher mean ?02:47
barbarosdo i have to install it ?02:47
barbarosim a newbie ?02:47
biovorelauncher is like a windows icon to run stuff..02:48
barbarosand also is there a way to remote connection as it's the case with windows xp02:48
sunny_Hi,/usr/share/X11/mics refcount is 2, should be 102:48
sunny_what's refcount?02:49
biovoreI don't even have a /usr/share/X11/mics02:49
sunny_Hi,/usr/share/fonts/X11/mics refcount is 2, should be 102:49
sunny_I'm sorry02:49
biovoreThat has something to do with the fonts setup from /etc/X11/Xorg.conf02:50
sunny_What's problem?02:52
sunny_about Xorg.conf02:52
sunny_How can I do ?02:52
sunny_Hi, biovore are you still in?02:55
biovoreplaying a game..02:55
sunny_In windows?02:57
sunny_what game is?02:57
angasulehey, do you know the compiz config manager has wrong deps?02:58
pfeinis kio_http_cache_cleaner hammering anyone else's disk?02:58
sunny_Hi, anyone known about what is refcount02:58
kyronok...that's it...I'm going 7.0402:59
kyronwell..it's retro from 7.10 ...hell, I installed it 3 times on a given laptop and all the config gets screwy (menus and all) where as, I have this other laptop that upgraded to 7.10 from 7.04...but that one now has 4 problematic packages that crash adept03:01
BluesKajkyron , if possible install synaptic , it has a repair function for broken packages03:02
=== ninhobomba is now known as elpez
elpezanybody knows how to use sd camera cards03:05
sunny_Hi, anyone known about what is refcount03:05
kyronBluesKaj, that a package manager?03:05
kyronBluesKaj, I know that to be a touchpad ;)03:05
BluesKajyes , sismilar to adept but with more options03:06
kyronBluesKaj, ohhhh03:06
BluesKajit's the default package manager used in gnome, but it works well in kde03:07
kyronthat and I still don't seem to be able to get Medibuntu packages (ie: acroread isn't found) to be loaded in my selection (even though it's _there_, checked out and all...)03:07
BluesKaj!source-o-matic | kyron03:07
ubotukyron: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:07
hasan_hi gusy03:09
hasan_here is the problem03:09
hasan_i ve got two accounts in my computer03:09
hasan_i just want to have every settings valid for the other account03:09
hasan_namely two accounts are barbaros and hasan03:09
kyronBluesKaj, Ahhhhhhhhh...there is NO medibuntu for 7.10 as of yet...03:09
kyronI get it03:09
hasan_and i want to have every setting valid for barbaros to be same as for hasan how can i do that *03:10
hasan_including kde settings etc ..03:10
elpez!sd card03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sd card - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:10
BluesKajkyron, i just installed it03:10
BluesKajacroread that is03:11
kyronBluesKaj, in 7.10...but the source-o-matic doesn't show Medibuntu as being available to select....03:12
BluesKajit's available in other repos , kyron03:14
kyronBluesKaj, oh...sorry about that, didn't think it would be duplicated03:15
BluesKajtry the canonical debs03:15
BluesKajsuch as: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner, deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner, deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy main03:17
=== SudoKing is now known as Linux4Ever
=== Linux4Ever is now known as Linux4Ever1
ardchoilleGetting an error: Could not find mime type: application/octet-stream. How do I get rid of it?03:20
=== Linux4Ever1 is now known as SudoAsInSudo
BluesKajweel , sacktime here ,nite all03:21
=== SudoAsInSudo is now known as SudoKing
=== narg_ is now known as narg
kyronblueyed, well...uhm.. well synaptics does give me some sort of better interface...but it doesn't fix the fact that I have 4 packages that just keep failing post-installation...03:26
kyronthose are: acpid acpi-support powermanagement-interface kubuntu-desktop03:26
posingaspopularJucato: you around?03:27
Jucatoalmost out. what can I do for you?03:27
kyrondoeth...that was for BluesKaj...which is no longer03:27
posingaspopulari put that problem im having on the forums, and asked everyone I know, and no one has been able to figure it out03:29
posingaspopularis there somewhere in the Kubuntu community where I can 'escalate support' because I am really stuck on this one.03:29
Angeluscanonical support03:30
Angelusbut its not free03:30
Jucatoposingaspopular: nixternal of course :)03:30
khaije1anyone here with a sony laptop? the 'sony laptop' module doesn't work for me03:30
khaije1posingaspopular: out of curiousity, what is the difficulty?03:31
posingaspopulari asked richard, but he only responds to like 5% of my pings. which is still quite alot ;p03:31
posingaspopularkhaije1: my mem usage is upwards of 50%, causing my computer to run super slow and there is no reason for it. apps are only using a tiny fraction of my allocated mem/cpu space03:31
posingaspopulari can move around my desktop by using the CL and keyboard shortcuts and irssi, but it's still a pain03:32
khaije1posingaspopular: does top tell you03:33
khaije1posingaspopular: what does top tell you?03:34
posingaspopular khaije1: what do you want specifically... 97 tasks.. 2 running cpu is 0.4us03:35
posingaspopularif I run 'htop' it shows my mem usage is WAYY up, but nothing related to the apps. the same thing shows up in kinformationcenter03:36
khaije1posingaspopular: i'm curious but dont' want to bug you if i can't help, is there a forum link you can give me, it's an interesting problem03:37
khaije1the stuff i would ask you've probably already been asked before03:37
posingaspopularyou can bug me if you want, but i'll link you to the post I made in the ubuntu forums03:38
khaije1posingaspopular: so how much and what type of memory do you have03:38
khaije1how old is the machine, does it still happen from a live cd, or an alt OS03:39
khaije1kyron: are you a robotech fan?03:40
kyronkhaije1, heheh, I wasn't inspired by the game but came up with the name before knowing it's robotech origins...03:41
kyronwhich I actually adhered to ;)03:41
posingaspopularmy machine is less than 2 years old, 2.66 ghz, i cant boot from live cd because of my stupid cd drive not liking me, eyc03:41
=== albatroz is now known as kamus
=== kamus is now known as albatroz
posingaspopularping me if you want anything else, im going to be AF-IRC reading03:42
khaije1whats that ?03:43
khaije1posingaspopular: so your whole system is slow? is it just gui apps or is the cmdline sluggish too?03:46
posingaspopulari think it's just the gui. my initial impression was that the whole system was slow, but not that i test the konsole, it seems its just the gui stuff03:48
khaije1posingaspopular: and this started after clicking on a konversation alert?03:48
posingaspopularyea it was just a highlight, and when i clicked it, my computer went down hard\03:49
khaije1is the gui slow in the same way from the time you login to the time you sign out? does it fluctuate at all?03:50
posingaspopularno it's pretty much slow on a steady basis03:51
posingaspopularbut im thinking it HAS to be a memory leak, because now my used physical memory is at 63% and its been steadily climing for the past 24 hours03:52
posingaspopularit was at 49% when I first started poking around the systek03:52
khaije1try installing a different window manager / desktop envirmonment (i'd reccommend fluxbox because it doesn't introduce a lot of dependiencies) and see is that is slow03:53
posingaspopularand my disk cache usage has been steady climing as well03:53
khaije1thats possible, but if it's a leak it should have a concrete source, and from what you've said it should be associate with something originating in the gui layer03:54
khaije1posingaspopular: you can disregard the cache info that doesn't really count toward your memory total03:54
posingaspopularhmm true03:55
posingaspopulari think im going to try booting off a live cd and swapping out the mouse, see if that helps much03:55
kazuma_anyone can help me?03:57
kazuma_i need a amd 64 compiz fusion icon03:58
GS3User007how do i turn up my refresh rate? i know that my monitor is capable of 60, 70, 72, and 85 Hz. The only option is 60. How can I fix this?03:58
biovoreGS3User007: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf03:58
kazuma_i need a compiz fusion icon for 64 bits pls03:59
biovoremake one...03:59
kazuma_i'm newbie04:00
biovoregimp.. inkscape..04:00
GS3User007biovore: i'm supposed to be looking at the "vertrefresh" field under 'monitor', right?04:00
kazuma_is it hard?04:00
kazuma_cuz' belive me i'm new04:00
GS3User007biovore: it says 43-7204:00
kazuma_i want to run compiz just with 1 click04:00
kazuma_but i can't04:01
biovoreI don't bother with compiz..04:01
posingaspopularw00t, i switched the mouse from one USB port to another and now it's all running smoothly04:01
biovoreto unstable..04:01
posingaspopularJucato: mad hack ^^04:01
funcrushmy system takes too much times for loading applicataion even Konsole window, how I can correct this problem?04:01
biovorewhats your system?04:01
funcrushkubuntu 7.0404:01
biovorewhat hardware is your computer?04:02
funcrushI just finish insatlling and updating04:02
GS3User007funcrush: hardware specs04:02
funcrushyou mean spec?04:02
GS3User007funcrush: memory, cpu, etc04:02
funcrushcpu : 2.8 GHz, ram : 1 GMB  graphic card : geforce 550004:02
biovoreyeah that shouldn't be running slow..04:03
funcrushyup but too slow for loading04:03
funcrushthis problem is appeared after updating04:03
biovoreupdating to what? gusty?04:04
biovorejust security updates?04:04
kazuma_how can i join another channel?04:04
funcrushmaybe, sorry i don't know exactly04:04
biovoretry /join channelname04:04
biovoreexample /join #ubuntu04:04
GS3User007how do i turn up my refresh rate? xorg.conf has the correct range specificied, but system settigns -> monitor and display only shows 60Hz04:05
funcrushtry restart your x-server04:05
funcrushpress ctrl+alt+BACKSPACE04:05
biovoreread /var/log/xorg.conf  maybe you have to specifiy mode lines to get that to work..04:05
biovore^ very pain in the but process04:06
biovoreyeah.. after you change xorg.conf you need to restart X for it to take effect.04:06
GS3User007i didn't change it, i just peeked at it04:06
biovoremake the vrefresh just 1 number 75 for instance..04:07
funcrushhm...about 10 seconds are takes for loading Konsole :(04:07
apokayHello @ all :)    Im a new kubuntu user :P04:08
funcrushthe others are not, but loading application is slow only04:08
biovorefuncrush: try top to check CPU/Memory usage (top in a konsole)04:08
funcrushwell, How i can? i'm newbe too04:09
funcrushwell some pakages are broken like ttf-opensymbol and python-uno, is it related?04:10
Lam_how do i center the login details box in the login manager?  i turned off the users list and now it looks weird because the users list is technically not there, but the layout has it displayed as if it was there so there's this huge transparent whitespace to the left of the login details box where the users list was04:12
nixternalquit talking about me Jucato and posingaspopular04:14
numananybody plz help04:21
numanhow to load adept manager as root in butsy gibon?04:21
funcrushadept-manager will ask you for password of root04:22
numanno it didnot ask me for password04:23
numanit pops up a message that i cannot apply changes through this because i have to be root or run sudo programs04:23
funcrushyou can run in konsole, too04:24
funcrushsudo apt-get updagte04:24
funcrush"sudo apt-get upgrade"04:24
funcrushupdate and upgrade04:25
GS3User007_what do i need to do to allow kubuntu to read/write ntfs drives?04:28
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get install ntfs-config04:28
sub[t]rnlor mount them by cli04:29
numanfuncrush! plz help me to load adept manager user interface as root04:30
sub[t]rnlnuman: try kdesu adept_manager04:31
sub[t]rnlfrom konsole04:31
numansub[t]rnl: thanks04:31
numansub[t]rnl: it loaded the adept manager but these error also come up in konsole -->floof channel for details04:34
=== kristen_ is now known as Merritt
sub[t]rnlbetter get to floofing then04:35
Jucatoposingaspopular: whoa? it was all becuse of a mouse? O.o04:37
numansub[t]rnl: how to get to floofing?04:37
gongoputchso, if I wanted to install, and I downloaded a CD and booted and am staring at (initramfs) .... what would I do next?04:38
posingaspopularyea dude, wth. I had all these mad hackers fooled and it was just a stupid usb port. oh well. score one for kubuntu not being brokw04:40
GS3User007_how do i mount an ntfs drive?04:40
ubotuntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:40
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter04:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:43
funcrushI got error message in "sudo apt-get -f install"     http://cfs2.tistory.com/upload_control/download.blog?fhandle=YmxvZzU3NzA1QGZzMi50aXN0b3J5LmNvbTovYXR0YWNoLzAvMDUwMDAwMDAwMDE3LnBuZw==04:44
funcrushHow I can fix it?04:45
numansub[t]rnl: here is the error log-->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42652/04:45
sub[t]rnlnuman: does the adept_manager start?04:47
hagabakahmm, looks like removing java5, tetex and associated packages will make enough room for gusty, sweet :)04:48
sub[t]rnlnuman: I'm not seeing anything in your pastebin thats going to stop adept_manager from running.  so, ignore those errors your seeing in the konsole when running it.  Its just a uid and xorg complaining about an input device04:51
sub[t]rnlor fix em04:51
GS3User007_thoughts: pidgin or kopete?04:52
GS3User007_and why04:53
Jucatowhatever works for you04:53
GS3User007_i'm new to linux, so i'm asking for opinions...04:53
Jucatobest way to find out is to start using what's there (Kopete), and then test the other one (Pidgin). Although Kopete supports webcams and Pidgin doesn't04:54
smorgdid they change the name of libxine-extracodecs?04:55
Jucatosmorg: libxine1-ffmpeg04:55
Jucatoif you want, you can just install kubuntu-restricted-extras04:55
smorgah that includes mpg/wmv/mp3 etc04:56
Jucatoexcept wmv/wmva04:56
Jucatoand dvdcss04:56
MerrittIs there a way to get a list of channels, so you can find out where you want to go on IRC?04:57
smorgcool thx04:57
Dr_willisdarn wife. Wont leave me alone.. Wanting me to find her some photo software that can put a 'picture' in the background (slightly faded), and then a 2nd picture in the foreground  Like the Photo galleries do.d04:57
JucatoMerritt: Window -> Channel List for ______ (be careful, you will lag a bi t)04:57
Dr_willisAnyone seen such a tool? windows/linux/ as idiot proof as possible :)04:58
Merrittjucato: Thank you04:58
Daisuke_Laptoplike...  an inset photo like a photo studio would do?04:58
gundam_rx78nt1It's kind of quiet here.05:04
GS3User007_kinda nice, actually05:04
gundam_rx78nt1I know.05:04
sub[t]rnlits a good sign05:05
* Daisuke_Laptop listens to the crickets05:05
gundam_rx78nt1that linux is getting recognized as the favorite OS of the world?05:05
gundam_rx78nt1yep, that is a good sign, actually.05:06
sub[t]rnlno, that the people using kubuntu arn't having any problems :D05:06
gundam_rx78nt1true, or they are celebrating that the Red Sox won the Series.05:06
sub[t]rnlthe matchup I'm pumped to see happens sunday05:08
gundam_rx78nt1which one?05:08
sub[t]rnlcolts vs. patriots05:08
gundam_rx78nt1Don't say the Broncos... please don't say them.05:08
gundam_rx78nt1Oh yea. go patriots.05:08
gundam_rx78nt1You know, I think that Kubuntu should hold a desktop theme competition like gentoo did on their website.05:09
aaron_is there a client for linux to connect to windows remote desktop?05:09
L_Ron_Hubbardgundam_rx78nt1: you should be glad i'm a forgiving person :)05:09
=== L_Ron_Hubbard is now known as Daisuke_Ido
kudarwow my wireless is slow. im about to FLIP05:10
gundam_rx78nt1It would be nice to see what the imagination of the people that use Kubuntu can come up with.05:10
Daisuke_Idocolts or bust :)05:10
gundam_rx78nt1L_Ron_Hubbard, why is that?05:10
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Daisuke_Idobecause he'll sic his body thetans on you05:10
Daisuke_Idosorry, forgot to switch nicks05:11
Daisuke_Idocolts :D05:11
sub[t]rnlaaron_:you can use rdesktop, or if your just wanting to have windows access your linux shares, use samba05:11
aaron_I want full blown05:11
aaron_so rdesktop05:11
aaron_will I find that in adept05:11
gundam_rx78nt1rdesktop? it's compatible with windows' remote desktop support?05:12
Daisuke_Idomy experience is probably not typical, but i found it easier to install SFU on the windows side and connect to the existing NFS shares from windows...05:12
kudarwill someone hack my box and make my wireless faster. im about to /myself05:13
kudaryou can have root05:13
kudarwhat do i care05:13
sub[t]rnlheh, might be careful who you trust with your box kudar05:14
sub[t]rnlbut.. is that you?05:15
hellhoundfor some reason my kde autostart directory does not seem to work... i have two bash scripts in there and it will not run either one of them.  I have also tried to use links but to no avail05:20
sub[t]rnlchmod +x bashscript05:20
supert0nesanyone know when we will see rc1?05:21
hellhoundsub[t]rnl: they are already set as executable05:21
Jucatohellhound: see? you get the same answer in 2 places :)05:21
gundam_rx78nt1sub[t]rnl, what command to I start rdesktop... I am confused by the man page.05:22
hellhoundJucato: yes but i did already check that05:23
hellhoundJucato: in fact i can go to my autostart directory and double click them and they will start05:23
Jucatohm... strange indeed...05:23
sub[t]rnlgundam_rx78nt1: not sure, never used rdesktop05:24
hellhoundJucato: is there a way to make sure that kde knows to check this directory?05:24
numansub[t]rnl: yes thanks for  your help i was busy installing these updates05:24
Jucatoit's checked automatically05:24
sub[t]rnlgundam_rx78nt1: http://www.venturecake.com/10-minutes-to-run-every-windows-app-seamlessly-on-your-ubuntu-desktop/05:25
Jucatohellhound: in what directory exactly did you put them?05:25
hellhoundJucato: that is what i thought... but i can't think of anything else05:25
hellhoundjucato: ~/.kde/Autostart/05:26
Jucatohm... weird...05:26
* Jucato can't think of any reason why it wouldn't start05:26
numansub[t]rnl: how to make firefox the default browser for every command even in konversation for opening links?05:26
sub[t]rnldon't use konv05:26
hellhoundJucato: is there a log i check?05:26
Jucatonot sure05:27
sub[t]rnlsure its in the configure konversation tab though05:27
Jucatonuman: konversation would use whatever default browser KDE is set to use. in System Settings -> Default Applications05:27
lumpycowwhy does Kubuntu 7.10 give me screwed up menu names like in this screenshot http://dominomf.com/smcfiles/index.php?mode=upload&rec=8952&secret=344472.2960540505:27
numansub[t]rnl: how to open system settings?05:30
sub[t]rnlstart -> system settings05:31
JucatoK Menu -> System Settings05:31
Jucatowe have a start? O.o05:31
sub[t]rnldid you hear that question?05:31
sub[t]rnl:P was trying to make it reeal simple05:31
kudarsub[t]rnl: you want to see my iwconfig?05:32
JucatoI already answered his other question :)05:32
sub[t]rnli answered his question before he even asked it05:32
sub[t]rnlnow that would be cool05:32
numansub[t]rnl: i cant find system settings in k  menu05:33
kudarnuman: are you kidding05:33
sub[t]rnlnuman: run systemsettings in a konsole05:34
numanyes really05:34
kudarnuman: you installed kubuntu?05:34
numankuldar: yes05:34
kudarok why you gotta call me kuldar05:34
numankudar: sorry05:34
sub[t]rnlkuldar: what driver are you using for your card?05:34
* sub[t]rnl titters05:35
kudarsub: what is the easiest way to see...05:36
kudarlspci shows the exact card that i have05:36
sub[t]rnlyeah, show me that05:36
sub[t]rnlyou might want to install ndiswrapper05:36
kudarsub: please no05:37
kudarsub: i heard ndiswrapper turned kubuntu into windows05:37
sub[t]rnlit just used window drivers that weren't available05:38
sub[t]rnlin linux05:38
kudargutzy has the drivers05:38
kudarthats the thing05:38
numansub[t]rnl: this time i also get this error log when launching system settings in konsole-->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42659/05:39
kudarin nvidia-drivers05:39
the-ermIs there a repository for wine-doors?  the .deb on the site isn't quite right ....05:39
sub[t]rnlthe-erm: should be in the repo's already05:39
the-ermI guess I should mention I'm running gusty05:39
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get install wine05:39
the-ermno wine doors.05:39
kudarsub: here is lspci05:39
kudar03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)05:39
the-ermand I did an apt-get install wine-doors :)05:39
Daisuke_Idosay i'm using grep to grab all the lines matching a url pattern in a set of files.  that's not all the data on those lines though.  how would i strip all data from the line except the url?05:40
the-ermIt's a helper application for wine.  Helps you install all the stuff.  Kinda like apt for wine.05:40
Daisuke_Idonever heard of it, no idea :)05:41
the-ermI guess should check in their channel.05:41
the-ermWow that's a full place.05:41
supert0nesso does anyone know when kde4 rc1 is coming out like if it is today?05:42
the-ermNo clue.05:43
supert0nesahh well im  kindof excited considering the betas are not very functional05:44
juliusadpet just asked me to upgrade to gutsy from gutsy, will this create a rip in the space time continum?05:44
Angelusthe-erm: here http://www.wine-doors.org/releases/wine-doors_0.1.1-1_all.deb05:44
Angelusthe-erm: download that and install it :)05:44
Jucatosupert0nes: most probably not. it was just tagged recently, so it will take a few more days/weeks before a release is announced05:45
Jucato1 week or so05:45
supert0nesahh alright05:45
supert0nesthe tarballs were released today05:46
supert0nesand i didnt know what kindof turnaround that gets05:46
Daisuke_Idomornin Jucato05:47
Jucatomoin Daisuke_Ido05:47
Daisuke_Idoyou good with pipe manipulation?05:48
sub[t]rnlwheres NickPresta when we need him05:48
b0nnhi all, I tried to install dri desktop on my gutsy machine, and it failed (x no longer starts), now, all I want to do is revert back to the setting i had before, but cant05:49
b0nnany place to start?05:49
sub[t]rnllook in /etc/X11/ for a possible backup of the xorg.conf that was edited05:50
sub[t]rnlor run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to generate a new one05:50
JucatoDaisuke_Ido: I suck at bash :)05:50
the-ermAngelus: that one doesn't like gusty.05:51
Daisuke_Idoi just need to extract a string with a set beginning and end from a longer string05:51
numansub[t]rnl: did you saw that?05:51
Daisuke_Idoi'm thinking sed?05:51
b0nnI did the latter and still no joy05:58
b0nnhow do I delete all xorg and reinstall it?05:58
hellhoundJucato: ok i just tried to add kcalc to the AUtostart as a test.  I tried a link, bashscript and also even tried to copy the program there and for some reason it did not start.06:00
Jucatohellhound: ok extremely weird...06:01
* Jucato has actually no idea now06:01
hellhoundJucato: i wonder if it is linked to kdesktop?  i have disabled this inorder to use compiz-fusion with differant wallpapers for each side of the cube06:02
Jucatomost probably yes06:02
hellhounddo you know where kdesktop goes?06:02
Jucatohow did you disable it?06:02
hellhoundJucato: i removed it from a directory and put it in my home folder... but i cannot remember what folder it was originally in06:03
Jucatohellhound: /usr/bin ?06:04
Tm_Tzhaowolong: can we get same in english?06:04
hellhoundso it was in some kde folder06:04
hellhoundJucato: no it was in some kde folder06:04
Jucatohellhound: I'm not sure, because I don't know what file you removed06:04
Daisuke_Ido!cn | zhaowolong06:06
ubotuzhaowolong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:06
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GS3User007_how do i make it so a program starts everytime the computer does? like say, firefox?06:12
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.06:12
JucatoGS3User007_: leave it open when you logout, it will restart when you log back in06:12
dangaioanybody from Puerto Rico here?06:19
dangaioI was wondering how many users in PR uses kubuntu?06:20
sunny_Hi, why startx my X-windows need to use sudo startx only?06:27
sunny_anyone can help me06:27
b1n42ywot r u trying to do ?06:28
sunny_Does anybody there, On one reponse me?06:29
b1n42yyes i said what are you trying to do ?06:29
Angeluswhy when i try to install nvidia-settings it remove nvidia-glx-new?06:31
Daisuke_Idobecause nvidia-settings isn't used by nvidia-glx-new06:31
Angelusso i can't have nvidia-settings on kubuntu?06:32
sub[t]rnllooks like it uses nvidia-glx-legacy, and conflicts with nvidia-glx-new, nvidia-glx06:32
Angelusthat sucks :S06:33
b1n42ynvidia-settings = config for nvidia cards ? tv etc ?06:34
Jucatonvidia-glx and -new come with their own version of nvidia-settings06:34
sub[t]rnlwell, there you have it06:34
Jucatothat's why it conflicts with the older version of nvidia-settings that is packaged06:34
supert0neswhy are hd tuner cards not well supported at all?06:35
sub[t]rnl+1 jucato06:35
sunny_yes have try, but on cann't fix06:35
sunny_Hi, why startx my X-windows need to use sudo startx only?06:35
AngelusJucato: i have nvidia-glx-new but i don't have nvidia-settings06:36
JucatoAngelus: have you tried typing in Konsole "nvidia-settings"?06:36
b1n42yy are u using repository drivers..they may not be the most recent ?06:36
Angelushmm yes Jucato i have it in Konsole, but not in the k menu06:36
b1n42ygoto nvidia06:36
JucatoAngelus: no problem then. it just doesn't have a menu entry06:36
sunny_b1n42y, are you talk to me?06:37
b1n42yno probs06:37
sunny_Do you you what is refcount06:37
b1n42yi was trying to get you to tell me what you where trying to do  but06:37
Jucatob1n42y: because the repository drivers are already setup to work on Kubuntu and can be easily installed, updated, or removed.06:37
b1n42yya i would understand that if you wer using ubuntu ..coz u cant shut down x  bug i think but kubuntu is easy06:38
b1n42yjust did it myself06:38
b1n42yam newb aswell06:38
sub[t]rnlcan't shut down huh?06:39
b1n42yinit 3 etc doesnt work06:39
Jucatoinit 3 isn't shutdown though06:39
sub[t]rnli'm fairly sure that if you shutdown -h now06:39
b1n42yso i went kubuntu coz therz an option to start in console and since i just swicthed to linux i dont minde kde envir.06:39
sub[t]rnlubuntu will shutdown06:39
Jucatoand Ubuntu uses a different init system. I'm not sure how it affects the init commands06:39
b1n42ymmm i had problems shutting it and read thru alot of cr*p06:40
b1n42yon how to do it...but i never came here so you're prob right06:41
b1n42yso shutdown -h in terminal or one of the ttys ?06:41
sunny_hey,hey, No one known about "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1 fixing06:42
b1n42ynewb here..i help what i can ;)06:43
Lam_how do i center the login details box in the login manager?  i turned off the users list and now it looks weird because the users list is technically not there, but the layout has it displayed as if it was there so there's this huge transparent whitespace to the left of the login details box where the users list was06:43
dangaioLam_, you need to edit the /usr/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu/kubuntu.xml file06:45
Lam_ah. i'll take a look at that. thanks06:46
Lam_dangaio: /usr/apps doesn't exist. i found it under /usr/share though06:48
dangaioLam_, sorry, I haven't edited that file in so long, I forgot it's under share.06:50
b1n42yanyway to search through chat ?06:55
b1n42yin koepete ?06:56
b1n42yirc ?06:56
Tm_Tb1n42y: Kopete has history plugin06:58
b1n42yty does that allow for irc search06:58
b1n42yanyways ill look into it TY06:59
Lam_how do i change the kdm theme?07:00
Lam_i thought i knew how to but kubuntu has it set up differently or something07:00
sub[t]rnlsudo apt-get install kdmtheme07:00
sub[t]rnlthen look in kcontrol07:00
Lam_ah that would have helped. thanks07:01
Lam_why wasn't it installed by default?07:01
sub[t]rnlguess they didn't feel it important enough to include07:01
b1n42y700 mb cds i assume07:01
Lam_it's only 50kb o_O07:01
b1n42yadds up07:01
sub[t]rnland its only one command line away07:01
Lam_lol alright. that helped, so thanks07:01
b1n42ythats y i said wot i said07:03
JucatoLam_: kdmtheme isn't located in the main repository. it's in universe. we can only include packages from main in the CD07:03
Lam_ah ok. that's a much more valid reason. thanks07:03
ScorpKingwhat log is the messages stored in that's displayed during startup?07:20
sunny_my system hang on at "Running local boot script (/etc/rc.local) [Ok]"07:20
sunny_what can I do?07:21
JucatoScorpKing: boot or dmesg. not sure which of the two07:21
ScorpKingok will check. ty07:21
=== miles is now known as MilesG
MilesGdoes /etc/motd get reset every time the computer restarts?07:23
ScorpKingJucato: none of those. i grepped the /var/log/ dir but none of the boot messages shows up. maybe it's disabled.07:26
Jucatohm.. I think it's disabled if "quiet" is enabled in the grub entry for that kernel07:27
ScorpKinghmm.. funny, coz then messages from recovery mode should be logged and they're not.07:28
Jucatohm... not really sure07:29
b0nnanyone played with pulseaudio? Im trying to workout how to connect to a pulseaudio server and 'listen' to theoutput07:31
baudthiefomg. Portal is running better on my fesity/wine install than on my winXP install!07:37
baudthiefmust... resist... urge to play more07:38
krekoncould I, in any way, to connect a laptop on a desktop that has connection on the internet and the laptop has connection to the internet through this desktop?07:40
kaminixI can't run any windows programs through Wine. Tried Internet Explorer 6 and something else, but it said I didn't have a DOS dir or something.07:41
ackbahrkaminix: Maybe IE is not the best choice to try Wine?07:41
ScorpKingkrekon: yes07:42
kaminixkrekon: Yes, should be possible, think it's called a gateway. Don't know how do do it though. ^^07:42
krekonScorpKing you know how?07:42
kaminixackbahr: I tried some other smaller program too, don't remember which, and I think it said the same thinc.07:42
ackbahrkaminix: Smaller in the sense of "more stand-alone"?07:43
ScorpKingkrekon: you have to set the gateway to the ip of the box with the internet.07:43
kaminixackbahr: Yeah, I think so. Besides, both tho IE and other program were installers. :s07:44
krekonyou mean that I have to change the laptop IP to that of the desktop on the internet?07:44
ackbahrkaminix: Yep, I never had any luck with "installed" programs....07:44
ScorpKingkrekon: no.07:44
kaminixackbahr: But these were installers, meaning it should've atleast shown me the setup window, no?07:45
krekondhcp holds ip adress though07:45
ScorpKingok. one sec..07:45
ackbahrkaminix: Ah well yes, if the *program* doesn't start up, at least its *installer* should!07:45
ScorpKingkrekon: the desktop has internet right?07:46
krekonScorpKing yes07:46
ScorpKingkrekon: do you know how to setup eyh0 manually on the laptop?07:46
krekonScorpKing I have never tried it07:47
krekonScorpKing is it difficult?07:47
ScorpKingon the laptop - kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces and pastebin the file for me.07:48
krekonScorpKing "auto lo" and07:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:50
kaminixackbahr: Was that sarcastic? :p As far as my experience go, installers usually work with wine, with them all being the same and stuff. ^^07:50
krekonScorpKing "iface lo inet loopback"07:50
ScorpKingput the whole file there ^^07:50
ScorpKingon patebin07:50
krekonis this a file?07:51
krekonwith locate i fcould find it07:51
ackbahrkaminix: Not sarcastic at all, I totally agree with you; the installer should at least start up!07:51
ScorpKingkrekon: open /etc/network/interfaces and patebin it07:51
ackbahrWell, anyway gotta go (baby woke up and needs a hug).... So long!07:52
kaminixackbahr: Ah, well that's both comforting and uncomforting... in a way. :p Nice to see I'm not wrong, bad to see Wine's not working properly.07:52
ScorpKing!paste | krekon.07:52
ubotukrekon.: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:52
ScorpKingkrekon: go to that website07:52
krekonScorpKing I paste it there07:55
ScorpKingkrekon: copy and paste the url here so i can see it07:56
Demo1I have mounted three hard disks into a HP Tower server, but Ubuntu cant find them. I have tried to list them with the command "lshw -C disk", but only the CD-ROM is listed. Do anybody have some debugging tips?07:58
ScorpKingkrekon: eth0 is missing. is that the whole file?07:58
ScorpKingwhat does ifconfig show?07:59
krekonScorpKing through kinfocenter in network interfaces i can see eth008:00
ScorpKingis there an option to configure it mannually?08:00
krekonthrough knetwork manager?08:01
ScorpKingkrekon: run knetworkmanager08:01
krekonright klik and configure?08:01
krekonScorpKing what I have to do now?08:03
ScorpKingclick on eth0 and then Configure08:03
krekonok next?08:04
ScorpKingselect Manual and give it an ip in the same range as the one that the desktop box has08:04
krekonfor e.g.08:04
Demo1I've inserted a new hard disk into my server, but Ubuntu cannot find it. What should I do?08:05
ScorpKingwhat is the ip on the desktop box?08:05
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krekoni chang the last number?08:05
krekonok wait08:05
ScorpKingmake netmask
ScorpKingthen click on advanced settings and make the gateway the same as the ip on the desktop box08:06
ScorpKingmake broadcast the same as the ip but the last one must be .25508:08
krekonScorpKing I did it but it says wring gateway08:09
ScorpKingDemo1: don't go away08:09
krekonbut nothing08:09
ScorpKingkrekon: on my box it always does that. not sure why. press OK and open /etc/network/interfaces again. did anything change?08:10
ScorpKingDemo1: ls /dev/ | grep hd or ls /dev/ | grep sd and see what shows up.08:11
krekonScorpKing I have to do something similar to the desktop08:11
ScorpKingkrekon: no.08:12
ScorpKingleave the desktop as it is08:12
krekonabout the broadcast I mean08:12
ScorpKingno. if it's working leave it08:12
krekonthanks anyway08:13
grainwavenickserv HELP08:13
ScorpKingkrekon: what does /etc/network/interfaces have in it now?08:13
Demo1ScorpKin: "ls /dev/ | grep hd" did not return anything, but "ls /dev/ | grep sd" returned "ptysd" and "ttysd"08:13
krekonScorpKing the same08:14
ScorpKingkrekon: ok. gimme a sec and i'll pastebin the settings for you.08:15
krekonScorpKing no08:15
krekonI had to change the default gateway from routes too08:15
ScorpKingo ok.08:15
Demo1ScorpKing: I have four hard disk. The first is "/dev/cciss/codo", but I cannot find the three others.08:16
krekonpastebin it comings08:16
ScorpKingDemo1: ls /dev/ | grep sc maybe?08:18
Demo1ScorpKing: "ptysc", "scd0" and "ttysc" is returned08:19
ScorpKingDemo1: run sudo lshw | less and look for "logical name: /dev/?" under disk08:20
ScorpKingkrekon: that ip does not seem right. run ifconfig eth0 on the desktop box08:22
fernando__how can i konqueror with ssh???08:23
fernando__anyone here :-)08:24
sub[t]rnlhow d08:24
ScorpKingno :P08:24
Demo1ScorpKing: cannot find disk, but disc under the *-cdrom tab.08:24
Jucatofernando__: just use fish:/ or sftp:/ in Konqueror08:24
fernando__thanks.. :-08:24
fernando__Jucato.. thanks :-)08:25
ScorpKingkrekon: eth0 is down. how do you connect to the internet on that box?08:26
krekonthrough usb08:27
ScorpKingit will have ppp0 then. ugh08:27
ScorpKingone sec..08:27
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
fernando__Jucato, where I can find instruction to install nvidia drivers for the last kubuntu 7.10??08:30
Jucato!nvidia | fernando__08:30
ubotufernando__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:30
ScorpKingkrekon: make /etc/network/interfaces on the laptop like this - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42669/08:30
fernando__Jucato, before I continues with the ndivia drivers... I want to install the 3D desktop of kubuntu.. I did it some time ago, but probably everythings have change... can you give me some tips???08:32
ScorpKingkrekon: and on the desktop - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42670/08:32
Jucatofernando__: sorry, don't know anything about compiz08:33
fernando__jucato: ok..thanks anyway08:33
ScorpKingDemo1: look in /var/log/messages and see if there is anything about the disks. check in kinfocenter as well.08:34
fernando__Is Beryl the best 3D desktop for kubuntu??08:34
krekonScorpKing ok done08:35
krekonwhat is next?08:35
ScorpKingdo you have a hub/router or are you going to connect the two machines directly?08:36
ScorpKingyou have a crossover cable?08:36
krekonit is not the same ethernet cable?08:37
ScorpKingthe wires are connected differently08:37
krekonwhat do you mean?08:37
Demo1ScorpKing: There is a message that is listed many times: "Additional sense: Medium not present" \ "end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0" \ "sr 0:0:0:0: Device not ready: <6>: Current: sense key: Not Ready"08:38
ScorpKingon the one side the orange and green pairs are swapped for crossover08:38
fernando__any software like winamp for linux?? which one search for some internet radios to play???08:39
Jucatofernando__: have you tried Amarok?08:40
ScorpKingkrekon: anyway, plug the cable in and run sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth008:40
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ScorpKingfernando__: xmms08:40
krekonScorpKing on laptop08:40
ScorpKingDemo1: ls /dev/ | grep sr - anything?08:41
tapasin feisty removable usb drives that were attached to the computer upon logging into kde were automatically mounted08:41
tapassince the update to gutsy this doesn't happen no more08:42
tapashow can i fix this?08:42
fernando__ScropKing: but xmms doesn't have the feature for search internet radios... right??08:43
krekonScorpKing:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42671/08:43
krekonfor desktop08:44
Demo1ScorpKing: returns "sr0"08:44
tapasthere's a disk and file system dialog in the system settings -> advanced08:44
tapasbut it seems to be for fstab only08:44
tapasusing direct names in media:/ e.g. media:/42G\ Media08:45
tapasdoesn't work either08:45
tapaswell, off to work.. laters08:45
sebastian^good morning folks08:46
ScorpKingkrekon: ifconfig eth0 on the desktop. is it up?08:46
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz08:47
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion08:48
ScorpKingDemo1: does the disks show in the BIOS? i'm out of ideas for now. ask in ##linux and #ubuntu as well.08:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:50
ScorpKingkrekon: any news?08:53
krekonScorpKing:  wait a min08:53
ScorpKinghehe. ok08:53
krekonScorpKing I just installed knetmanager on desktop08:54
krekonScorpKing and it says that net interface eth0 is active08:55
ScorpKingon both?08:55
ScorpKingping google.com08:55
krekonfrom laptop nothing08:56
ScorpKingping the desktop ( from the laptop08:57
jbbarnesHi. I'm told runlevels are different on Debin-based systems. How can I tell what runlevel I'm at?08:57
krekon"network is unreachable"08:57
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion08:57
jbbarnesThanks. In SuSE and RH systems, you can edit initab to set your default runlevel. How can you do that in Kubuntu?08:58
ScorpKingkrekon: is the wires on that cable the same on both sides?08:58
krekonScorpKing yes it is08:59
jbbarnesI know that the whole initab thing is different on systems using upstart, but am not sure how to change the default level.09:01
ScorpKingi think that's the problem. what are the order of the colors when the flat side of the connector face you? w/o o g/w b b/w g br/w br ??09:02
Demo1ScorpKing: I'm in the BIOS. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, but the HP Smart Array Controller E200i shows in the BIOS09:03
smorgi'm having trouble compiling the vidalia gui controler for the Tor network client...09:06
smorganyone try this under kubuntu?09:06
ScorpKingDemo1: i've never worked with a setup like that so i'm not sure what's it supposed to show.09:07
smorgconfigure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables09:07
ScorpKingDemo1: maybe it's picked up as a raid disk. try sudo cfdisk /dev/sr0 or any of the others that it might be.09:08
ScorpKingsmorg: you have no compiler installed09:09
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:09
ScorpKing!find build-essential09:09
ubotuFound: build-essential09:09
ScorpKingsmorg: install build-essential09:10
fernando__I have compiz running but I can found how to define shortcuts.. anyone know if is that possible??09:10
kazuma_hi all how do i use compiz fusion on kde?09:10
smorgah thx, I thought kubuntu came with gcc preinstalled... and it already did lots of logging.09:10
kazuma_i have gutsy gibbon runing09:10
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion09:11
kazuma_that man is for gutsy right?09:14
Demo1ScorpKing: it returns fatal error09:18
ScorpKingDemo1: did you try any of the other ones it might be?09:18
Demo1ScorpKing: Yes, all the same. I did "cfdisk /dev/ccisss/c0d0" and I see the partitions Primary and Logical which are c0d0p1 and c0d0p5 respectivily.09:21
ScorpKingDemo1: are c0d0 the size it's supposed to be?09:22
ubunturoswhat resoultion does kdm depend on when starting the system?09:23
=== LastMall is now known as JimCroce
Jucatoubunturos: afaik the highest resolution in the default depth in xorg.conf09:25
Demo1ScorpKing: Yes, for the first disk. But the problem is that I cannot find the other disks09:25
ScorpKingthat's odd..09:26
ubunturosJucato: umm, when I say resolution, I'm referring to numbers 800 x 600, 1024 ...09:26
Jucatoubunturos: yes I know. why?09:26
ubunturosJucato: default depth would refer to 24 dpi ?09:26
=== ubuntu is now known as the-tomic
Jucato <Jucato> ubunturos: afaik the highest resolution in the default depth in xorg.conf09:27
JucatoI didn't say just the default depth did I?09:27
ScorpKingDemo1: can you pastebin the output of lshw?09:27
ubunturosJucato: I probably still don't get it. Could you make it simpler?09:27
the-tomichelp please - where do i setup network workgroup to see other win xp computers/printers on my network09:27
flaccid!samba | the-tomic09:28
ubotuthe-tomic: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:28
Jucatoubunturos: look at your xorg.conf. each Depth has a set of resolutions (Modes)09:28
ubunturosJucato: ok, I'll do that09:28
lcxwhy can not i?09:29
smorgsweet got tor+vidalia+privoxy all goin :-)09:29
lcxthe resulti as follows:09:29
lcxlcx@lcx-desktop:~$ samba09:29
lcxbash: samba:找不到命令09:29
flaccidresult of what?09:32
flaccidsamba is not a command09:32
foxhound31compiz fusion does it still have a bad effect on wine?09:33
foxhound31and if so how do i turn it off?09:33
ubunturos!hi | darklos09:35
ubotudarklos: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:35
Demo1ScorpKing: sorry, what do you mean by pastebin?09:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:36
darkloswaw itś realy cool Kubuntu09:36
ubunturosdarklos: :)09:36
darklosjust change from linspire to kubuntu09:37
babarneed help pour mettre en reseau un pc sous linux sur un reseau avec que des windaubes09:39
darkloshow i use adept updater?09:39
Demo1ScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42672/09:39
=== schiste_ is now known as schiste
ubuntuis that polish channel???/09:44
Tm_T!pl | ubuntu09:45
ubotuubuntu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:45
ubuntu!pl | ubuntu09:45
Tm_Tubuntu: /j #ubuntu-pl09:45
=== ubuntu is now known as zse
ScorpKingDemo1: it looks like there is something on google. one sec..09:49
ScorpKingDemo1: search for - HP Smart Array Controller E200i ubuntu - on google. i'm a bit busy atm.09:52
dangaioOk, I just upgraded a computer to 7.10, when I rebooted it, all I get is a black screen and not even pressing CTRL+ALT+F2 gives me a virtual term with a log in prompt.  Can someone help me?10:02
kazuma_help with compiz fusion10:04
Jucato!compiz | kazuma_10:05
ubotukazuma_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion10:05
WaltzingAlongkazuma_: also check the compiz fusion wiki10:21
WaltzingAlongkazuma_: ... it answers the important question 'where is the cube!'10:24
WaltzingAlongdangaio: still there? still seeking help?10:33
greencookieHey guys. How do I make nautilus default file manager in kubuntu?10:34
WaltzingAlongwish to replace dolphin with konqueror? follow the instructions at http://sathyasays.com/?p=23 but the opposite (as the article is how to replace konqueror with dolphin) | greencookie you can follow these instructions but use nautilus in place of references to dolphin (as default) or konqueror (as default)10:34
ubotudolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.10:35
JucatoWaltzingAlong: convenient factoid just for you :)10:35
Jucatoso that I don't have to trigger you...10:35
greencookieok WaltzingAlong thnx.10:36
WaltzingAlongJucato: sure that works for directories but what of the other items like media:/ and system:/ ? those too ?10:36
greencookieI think I'll leave it as it is:)10:36
greencookieI've never used KDE before.10:36
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: welcome to KDE!10:36
greencookieSo don't wanna "accidentally" mess things up.10:37
JucatoWaltzingAlong: that should work fine too. inode/system_directory is dependent on inode/directory afaik10:37
kaminixHow do I make KGet ask me where to save each file when using "Download with KGet" via the Konq menu?10:37
greencookieWell, I actually got forced into accepting KDE! Everyone kept saying GNOME is for beginners:) hehe.10:37
Jucatokaminix: that should be the default behavior. it will ask you where to download it.10:37
Jucatokaminix: but have you enabled KGet-Konqueror integration?10:38
kaminixYeah, I suppose so. KGet is default dload managet.10:38
kaminixI'm downloading via Krusader though, but it's in the Konq menu.10:38
Jucatoah... kget integration only works with konqueror. not sure if it does with krusader10:39
kaminixJucato: But it's on the Konqueror menu. Now that I downloaded multiple files it asked me though.. :s10:42
Tolsty_KotHello! Who knows in wich file I can change a standard path to the directory /media? Now I have all mounted under /home/Oleksandr/media. I want to change this path for buttons "System Menu", wich occupated near K-menu buttons, left-down on the detskop. (I want to press button "Media" in System menu, and go to /home/Oleksandr/media).10:45
greencookieQuick question: How do I enable 3d mode on my KDE? Do I have to download some kind of software?10:47
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: compiz?10:47
Tm_Tgreencookie: 3d mode?10:47
WaltzingAlongKubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ | greencookie10:47
Tm_TWaltzingAlong: trying to replace ubotu?10:47
greencookieTm_T, When I try to play the chess game in 3d mode it says install python open gl or something and gtk10:47
WaltzingAlongTm_T: no10:48
Tm_Tgreencookie: well uhm, what chess game?10:48
greencookie'3D Chess Game' but there's nothing three dimensional about it:)10:48
Tm_Tgreencookie: and be more precise10:48
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: you may mean direct rendering. which video card/chipset do you have? ati? nvidia? sis? intel?10:48
WaltzingAlong!ati | greencookie10:49
greencookieSorry TM_T kinda new here10:49
ubotugreencookie: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:49
Tm_Tgreencookie: no problemo10:49
greencookieI downloaded the ATI driver from website and enabled them. Now I still dont have 3D:(10:49
numani am having problem with ekiga phone with no sound input and output10:49
WaltzingAlongnuman: run through the config wizard. does sound work elsewhere?10:49
greencookieCan someone help me enable 3d?10:50
Tolsty_KotWho knows in wich file I can change a standard path to the directory /media? Now I have all mounted under /home/Oleksandr/media. I want to change this path for buttons "System Menu", wich is near K-menu buttons, left-down on the detskop. (I want to press button "Media" in System menu, and go to /home/Oleksandr/media).10:51
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log files10:51
WaltzingAlong!pastebin | greencookie10:51
ubotugreencookie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:51
WaltzingAlongTolsty_Kot: using dolphin or konqueror?10:51
Tolsty_KotSorry, I think, my English is bad// :(10:53
greencookieWaltzingAlong, Xorg.conf - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1501/10:53
WaltzingAlongTolsty_Kot: you could right mouse click on the media system item in konqueror, select properties, then URL,changing it to the path you wish. not sure how to get media:/ register as /home/Oleksandr/media though10:54
greencookieWaltzingAlong, xorg.0.log - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1502/10:54
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: the driver in use is 'vesa'; it needs to be 'ati' for the open source driver for ati cards or 'fglrx' for the proprietary driver for ati cards10:55
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: you followed the restricted manager to install the fglrx driver?10:56
userahhey! Can somebody tell me, where`s - /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall(slackware) in kubuntu? thanks10:56
greencookieI do know how to access the restricted manager window.10:56
flacciduserah, what firewall is it?10:56
greencookieWaltzingAlong, when I try to enable the ATI accelerated card and reboot, my screen is blank:(10:56
userahflaccid: generated10:57
flacciduserah, there is a firewall called generated?10:58
flaccidum you want iptables?10:58
userahno I mean the firewall is generated from the web - flaccid10:58
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: ok so make a copy of the log then to send when you set it back to vesa or check the log for the error, remember it for when you return here. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh        can reconfigure X for you  (ctrl+alt+f1 to access a tty)    when reconfiguring, 'vesa' should always work, but give 'ati' a try too (restricted manager will enable 'fglrx')10:58
Tolsty_KotWaltzingAlong: thanks, I will try, but may I have root-mode of konqueror?10:58
greencookieWaltzingAlong, I understood everything except making copy of my log. Which log are you talking about?10:59
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: the log you sent to me of X /var/log/Xorg.0.log    so something like             cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/Xorg.0.log11:00
greencookieWaltzingAlong, How do I make my 'ati' my driver. Its currently 'vesa'. I tried 'flgrx' before didnt work. The way I did it was sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:03
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: same command just pick ati in the list instead of fglrx11:03
greencookieShoot Ctrl+alt+f1 doesnt work for me. :(11:04
greencookieWhats the command for running terminal?:)11:04
WaltzingAlongyeah usually that ctrl+alt+ f1 through f611:05
dangaiogreencookie, try ctrl+alt+f211:05
dangaioIf not reboot in recovery mode.11:05
greencookieI tried ctrl+alt+f1,2,3,4,5,6,7 doesnt work:)11:06
bjwebbim using xine-plugin for firefox11:06
bjwebb1) is there anyway i can change the settings (to get it to work nice with compiz)11:07
bjwebb2) can i control the playback?11:07
flacciduserah, are you using iptables?11:07
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:07
WaltzingAlong!info guidedog11:08
ubotuguidedog: NAT/masquerading/port-forwarding configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 124 kB, installed size 444 kB11:08
WaltzingAlong!info guarddog11:08
ubotuguarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1436 kB11:08
userahflaccid: nope11:09
flaccidnope what11:10
bjwebbcan anyone help me?11:10
WaltzingAlongbjwebb: those who know your answer and are here usually answer; btw i use mplayer with firefox11:11
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:11
userahflaccid: I`m note using iptables11:11
flaccid!ask | bjwebb11:11
ubotubjwebb: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:11
WaltzingAlong!info mozilla-mplayer11:11
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.40-5ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 505 kB, installed size 1760 kB11:11
flaccidi missed your Q. perhaps try #firefox11:11
flacciduserah, what are you using11:12
bjwebbflaccid: yeah it was about configuring the xine-player11:12
flaccidbjwebb, my bad. sorry mate i wish i could advise. try #ubuntu-effects for the compiz issue11:12
userahflaccid There`s that firewall generator http://www.slackware.com/~alien/efg/index.php11:12
bjwebbflaccid: i know what the issue is, its actually the driver11:12
bjwebbbut i got kopete to play nicely by changing a video setting11:13
userahflaccid: nothg for now, just install it11:13
bjwebbi jsut wondered if there was settings somewhere for the plugin11:13
flaccidbjwebb, i would contact the authors. problem xine is pretty slow and unactive and lacks doco so good luck11:13
flacciduserah, it is iptables...11:13
flaccidsays it in the header11:13
flaccidi will check the file for you11:14
bjwebbWaltzingAlong: do you know if you could change the settings of an mplayer plugin?11:15
antoCan somone explain what "err:dsound:DSOUND_MixOne underrun on sound buffer 0xd9dce10" means?11:15
WaltzingAlongbjwebb: right mouse click on it in the browser11:15
greencookiehey WaltzingAlong, neither 'ati' nor 'flgrx' worked:(11:17
flaccidbjwebb, did you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo ?11:17
bjwebbi don't want itables!11:17
flaccidbjwebb, thats what you are using so yes you want it11:17
flaccidbjwebb, the site you linked was titled "Easy Firewall Generator for IPTables"11:18
bjwebbno, but that link wasn't for me was it11:18
flaccidyes it was11:18
bjwebbflaccid: aren't you meant to be talking to useah?11:18
bjwebbuserah rather11:18
flaccidit advises the location of the firewall rules which is what you want11:18
bjwebbno its is not!11:19
flaccidah shit11:19
flaccidmy bad11:19
flaccidforgive me i can't read this terminal very well11:19
bjwebbkonversation ftw11:19
WaltzingAlonggreencookie: alt+f2        kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf                  find the part about BusID then put a # in front of it to comment it out.                  like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1503/11:19
flaccidwell whoever wants the default rules file for iptables: /etc/iptables.rules11:19
flaccidplease see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo  for howto on firewall for ubuntu11:20
flaccidbjwebb, you want xine stuff right?11:20
bjwebbyeah xine-plugin11:20
flaccidbjwebb, whats the undesired behaviour?11:20
bjwebbwell the video is mucked up with compiz, but thats true of all video players11:20
bjwebbi have to change a setting to get it to do the video in a simpler way11:21
flaccidah you can only take it up with xine people unfortunately. i've tried this in the past and its difficult.11:21
flaccidunless you believe its the UI and not the codec..11:21
flaccidhard to say i guess11:21
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:21
bjwebbi can fix it in kaffeine11:21
flaccidraise a bug on it and see the response11:21
bjwebbthe problems actualy the vid. driver11:22
bjwebbthis is just a way round11:22
flaccidif you think its the vid driver, take it up with them...11:22
userahflaccid: thank you!11:22
flaccidnot much else you can do but report it11:22
bjwebbflaccid: nah my gfx card driver11:22
flaccidunless you are a dev11:22
bjwebbbut if i switch video driver iit works11:22
bjwebbfrom auto to xshm in kaffeine11:23
bjwebbi want to know how i change the same setting for the plugin11:23
flaccidhard to pinpoint the problem. i would just raise a bug under ubuntu to begin with11:23
bjwebbits the gfx card driver im sure, can't to compiz and vid at same time11:23
bjwebbbut the xshm videodriver in kaffeine works11:23
bjwebbso i  want to use that driver in xine plugin11:24
bjwebb↑↑↑↑ wtf11:24
flaccidum thats a dif driver so um yeah tis a dif dirver11:24
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:24
flaccidi mean codec11:24
hellhoundis there anything special with using sudo visudo?  for some reason my new line does not seem to work.  I added "use ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/g15daemon" and i am still required to use my password when i run "sudo /usr/sbin/g15daemon"11:33
icewatermani want an icon on my desktop to do exactly as the Suspend button in Log Out menu does. what command is executed by that button?11:37
WaltzingAlongicewaterman: suspend?11:37
icewatermanWaltzingAlong: it does not launch suspend11:38
icewatermani know that because even root cannot execute that one with success.11:38
icewatermanone thing it definately does is /usr/bin/kdesktop_lock --forcelock11:38
icewatermanand as far as i can tell next thing to be executed is "/bin/sh ./linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux"11:39
icewatermanhowever what script is behind this?11:39
icewatermanuhm and also "/bin/bash /etc/acpi/sleep.sh force" gets executed11:40
icewatermanhowever it seems that /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux executes the /etc/acpi/sleep.sh11:42
WaltzingAlongicewaterman: maybe ask in #kubuntu-devel ? or #kde11:42
jussi01!dual head11:42
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama11:42
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead11:42
=== tuxwulf_ is now known as tuxwulf
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apport - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:43
kaminixAnyone now a good English - English dictionary for KDE? I know I can find loads of them by randomly searching with apt, but any recommentadions?11:44
pbnenglish-english ? did you have a few beers ? heh11:44
pbnyou want to translate English to English ?11:45
kaminixpbn: Such as Oxford advanced learners thinge or an encyclopedia like thingie.11:45
icewatermankaminix: pbn well there are uni-language dictionaries, more like an encyclopedia11:45
pbnoh yes, now I get it11:45
pbnyeah I know Oxford's, I've got it11:46
icewatermankaminix: due to the size i suspect you do not want to download but rather look the stuff up online (en.wikipedia.org)11:46
kaminixSwedish-English would be nice too, but somehow I doubt I'll find one :p11:46
kaminixicewaterman: Nah, looking it up offline is nice too. Besides, Wikipedia goes pretty much into detail.11:47
crazy_busI installed compiz-fusion and then uninstalled it.  However I've now lost alt+tab  How do I get it back?11:47
icewatermankaminix: didnt kbabel translate such stuff?11:47
kaminixicewaterman: What is Kbabel?11:47
icewatermankaminix: kbabel is some translator program11:48
WaltzingAlong!info kdict11:49
ubotukdict: dictionary client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 297 kB, installed size 876 kB11:49
icewatermanWaltzingAlong: right, kdict is better11:49
kaminixicewaterman: Says "PO-file editing suite for KDE" in apt for babel.11:49
kaminixThanks WaltzingAlong, I'll look :)11:49
fulat2khi folks, i've got a dlink dwl-g122 rev c1 usb wifi stick.  kubuntu detects it out of the box with the rt73 module.  but i can't seem to connect to any APs.  any ideas?11:49
KredHi. There's an app (KpoGre) which I'd want but it's not in the repos nor I can't find any packages of it. There are SuSE packages of it, should I try to use those or build from source?11:51
flaccid!alien | Kred11:53
ubotuKred: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)11:53
flaccidsuse uses rpm iirc11:53
KredYes. I asked because of alien but.. :I11:53
WaltzingAlongKred: build from source11:54
flaccidi would try alien then source myself11:54
KredThanks for the answers :)11:55
oleKred: i would build from source and use checkinstall to build a package11:55
flaccidif compile/install is no problem as in its provided then do that11:56
flaccidsee how you go on the deps etc.11:56
crazy_busso no one knows how to re-enable alt+tab switching?11:57
flaccidcrazy_bus, try #kde11:57
flaccidcheck your shortcuts etc. in kcontrol11:57
flaccidits all in there11:57
jussi01Hmmm, can you use displayconfig-gtk on kubuntu?11:58
jussi01!info displayconfig-gtk11:58
ubotudisplayconfig-gtk: Simple tool to change xserver settings. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.7 (gutsy), package size 48 kB, installed size 604 kB11:58
flaccidyes you can jussi0111:58
jussi01thanks flaccid :)11:58
flaccidmost gtk apps will work11:58
crazy_busthanks flaccid11:59
jussi01yeah, was just checking that it wasnt playing with gnome only settings11:59
flaccidit should be abstracted totally. gnome is a de not a tk11:59
jussi01oh, yeah, what was the command to refresh kicker?12:00
flaccidkillall kicker && kicker12:00
flaccidkillall kicker; kicker12:00
jussi01hmmm, thought there was some dcop thing12:00
flaccidif not12:00
flaccidah ok, probably sorry there probably is12:00
timridcop kicker kicker restart12:06
jarimy laptop is melting.. it's really warm but it didnt get this warm while using windows12:07
flaccidtry ##windows12:07
timrijussi01: dcop kicker kicker restart12:10
jussi01timri: thanks. all sorted with that now. its this dual head setup thats the issue12:10
timrithe session manager doesnt like the network-manager it seems. all saved konqueror windows fail because the network has not come up yet. Anyone know a way around ? a ifup hook or something?12:14
dave200202hello mates12:15
WaltzingAlonghello dates12:15
flaccidi gtg12:15
jariis there anything you can do to cool down the PC?12:15
WaltzingAlongjari: use the power saving settings? switch to powersave or dynamic modes12:15
timrijari: use top to see if a process is eating up all your cpu (strigi does that sometimes)12:16
WaltzingAlongi have not seen strigi since sudo aptitude purge strigi...12:16
timriWaltzingAlong: been there and done that too... hehe poor jos12:17
jarithanks, strigi is not running12:17
jariWaltzingAlong: where can I find the power saving settings?12:17
WaltzingAlongjari: guidance-power-manager12:18
jariWaltzingAlong: sorry I dont know where is guidance? Im looking from system settings12:19
=== cash_ is now known as cash__
WaltzingAlongjari: alt+f2   then guidance-power-manager        or            it may already be running next to the clock as 'power manager'12:19
timrijari: alt-f2, or use a konsole12:20
KredHey I'm seeing ksysguard eating my CPU..12:20
timriKred: that's fairly normal, use top, it is a quite a bit lighter12:21
KredOh ok :)12:21
jariWaltzingAlong: it could not be started because an instance was already running12:21
KredBtw, I don't see trackerd installed. Is it only for Ubuntu?12:22
kollaIs this KDE or something else? I only have it on my gutsy box:  http://amiga.nvg.org/moro/volum.png12:22
WaltzingAlongjari: ok then there is likely the icon for it already in the systray next to the clock12:22
Jucatokolla: it's a known bug with KMilo12:22
kollawhen I press XF86AudioRaiseVolume/XF86AudioLowerVolume that's the one that shows up12:22
WaltzingAlongKred: for ubuntu/gnome12:22
timriWaltzingAlong: you didnt forget to remove the strigi cache did you? aptitude purge doesnt remove it12:22
jariWaltzingAlong: ah yes thank you12:23
kollaJucato: aha.. it just swaps between 0% and 11%, is that normal? :)12:23
KredWaltzingAlong: good :) I don't want such thing in my laptop :)12:23
Jucatokolla: it's not normal. it's a bug. and it has been reported already12:23
WaltzingAlongrm -r ~/.strigi ? and the like, sure did12:23
kollaJucato: ok12:23
Jucatostrigi and dolphin are getting too much bad publicity because of this :(12:23
Jucato(the *real* dolphin)12:23
timriJucato: On my system dolphin went the way of the dodo.12:24
Jucatotimri: it flew? :D12:24
timriJucato: It sank like a stone12:24
Jucatopoor dodos... they can neither fly, nor swim it seems :D12:25
kollaJucato: so "normal" would be to get the usual big volume gauge? :)12:25
Jucatokolla: no. the normal would be that it can go beyond 11% :D12:26
timrianyone know of a way to get the session manager to wait restoring until after the network has come up?12:26
Jucatokolla: it's normal that it looks like that. it's a new theme for kmilo12:26
timriJucato: This one goes to eleven!12:26
kollaJucato: ah, ok12:28
kollaJucato: but..uhm.. is it also normal that it doesnt actually make any difference to the sound level?12:29
Jucatothat I don't know :)12:29
kollanormal.. as in, part of this bug :)12:29
hydrogensomeone broke the topic!12:32
hydrogenthe last not-a-link12:33
hydrogenis missing a ubuntu12:33
Jucatoit's a link here12:33
hydrogennot a working one12:33
Jucatoworking here12:33
hydrogenits supposed to be /HelpingKubuntu12:34
WaltzingAlonghydrogen:  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu ?12:34
hydrogennot /HelpingK12:34
Lynourehydrogen: nothing    sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop  would not fix, if you are serious12:34
hydrogenThe channel topic is "Official Kubuntu support channel | Download Gutsy http://kubuntu.org/download.php | Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0beta3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php | Wanna help?12:34
Jucatohydrogen: working fine here. are you sure it's not just your window that cuts it off?12:34
WaltzingAlongso your client cuts it off12:34
Jucatohydrogen: what IRC client?12:34
hydrogenodd for konversation to do that..12:34
Lynourehydrogen: oh, you meant your topic is missing ubuntu :)12:34
Jucatousing konvi here, but still fine12:34
WaltzingAlongkonversation here too12:35
Jucatohydrogen: can you check Window -> Channel Settings for #kubuntu?12:35
hydrogentry cycling the channel12:35
Jucatostill works perfectly12:35
hydrogenonly goes to /HelpingK there12:35
Jucatocan you check Window -> Channel Settings for #kubuntu?12:36
hydrogenwhat i just said12:36
Jucatoreally weird12:36
xeviousi see all of it12:37
xeviousgood morning everyone12:37
Jucatohydrogen: what version of Konvi?12:37
Jucatohm.. same version, no problem here :/12:37
hydrogenand its not that its too long..12:37
hydrogenecho topic | wc -c is 44112:37
hydrogenTOPICLEN is 45012:37
Jucatopoor hydrogen_...12:38
jussi01hydrogen: does it not just have a drag down on the topic bit?12:38
hydrogen_works now?12:39
hydrogen_thats crazy!12:39
=== hydrogen_ is now known as Hydrogen
Hydrogenjussi01: no, the topic was truncated everywhere12:39
Hydrogennot just at the top12:39
HydrogenI need to breakfast12:39
Hydrogenand then meet12:39
Hydrogenback later!12:39
jussi01Im gonna kill ati..12:39
jussi01stupid freaking drivers12:39
ubuntuHi there12:39
xeviousgood plan, jussi0112:39
timrijussi01: while you're at it, kill via for me as well >(12:40
* xevious watches jussi01 go on a killing spree12:40
willohi guys12:40
jussi01anyone seen this error when running xrandr: Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".12:40
Jucatojussi01: libxrandr2 installed?12:41
willoAnyone having hassles with nVidia drivers on Gutsy?12:42
WaltzingAlongwillo: none12:42
xeviouswillo: what problems are you having?12:42
jussi01Jucato: yes...12:42
timriwillo: yeah, got the blank screen of death on a GeForce 615012:42
willoWeird: Since I upgraded I experience intermittend lockups12:42
willoNot even mouse cursor moves12:43
timriwillo: propriatary drivers or nv?12:44
willoI've moved to nv12:44
willoand so far so good12:44
WaltzingAlongblack screen of death, haha12:44
timriwillo: curious12:44
WaltzingAlongfrom repo or nvidia.com?12:45
timriWaltzingAlong: BLANK screen of death12:45
willofrom repo12:45
WaltzingAlong;) ok blank screen of death, hehe12:45
timriTeaches me to use an old IBM G50 monitor on a semi-modern machine12:45
willoAlso, I tried to install via Envy12:45
timriehh, NOT to use of course12:45
willobut now I get "Unable to install build-essentail"12:45
WaltzingAlong!envy | willo12:46
ubotuwillo: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!12:46
timriubotu: LOL12:46
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.12:46
jussi01!bot | timri12:46
willoHey, I'm desperate12:47
ubotutimri: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:47
WaltzingAlongwillo: as you may know, use of the envy script is not recommended12:47
willoWaltzingAlong: Yea, I know...12:47
willoAny idea why build-essentials won't install?12:47
WaltzingAlongwillo: sudo aptitude install build-essentials          we will find out12:47
eindbaasHi, after installing kubuntu 7.10 my laptop's fan is always on, I can turn if off doing echo -n 3 > /proc/acpi/fan/FAN/state, but this doesnt seem like the proper fix :)12:48
eindbaasany ideas?12:48
=== mouhamed is now known as blix
WaltzingAlongeindbaas: check the guidance-power-manager settings (may already be running, check the systray)12:49
willoThe following packages are BROKEN:12:50
WaltzingAlongwhat envy broke packages?!?! no12:50
willo  libc6-dev12:50
WaltzingAlong!pastebin | willo12:50
ubotuwillo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:50
eindbaasWaltzingAlong: is that that little icon with the charging battery?12:50
WaltzingAlongeindbaas: yes12:50
willoNo, wasn't envy12:50
WaltzingAlongwillo: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f install12:50
willoenvy won't event get to install12:50
eindbaasWaltzingAlong: there's not much in there about the fan12:50
blixsalu les gars12:51
jussi01eindbaas: is it a latitude d400?12:51
eindbaasno, nec versa p52012:51
WaltzingAlongeindbaas: perhaps nothing at all. i was thinking of the powersave/performance/dynamic settings12:51
winneIs there an easy way to enable visual effects in kubuntu?12:52
willoDowngrade the following packages:12:52
willolibc6 [2.6.1-1ubuntu10 (now) -> 2.6.1-1ubuntu9 (gutsy)]12:52
willolibc6-i386 [2.6.1-1ubuntu10 (now) -> 2.6.1-1ubuntu9 (gutsy)]12:52
eindbaascpu freq scaling policy is set to dynamic12:52
jussi01eindbaas: you could try adding acpi=off to the grub start command12:52
WaltzingAlongwillo: seems reasonable12:52
winnew/ gnome I just had to enable "Visual effects"12:52
WaltzingAlongKubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ | winne12:52
blixje veux voir depuis mon réseau a partir de windows voir le partage de linux12:52
willoWaltzingAlong: why?12:52
jussi01!fr | blix12:52
ubotublix: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:52
winnethx, WaltzingAlong12:52
willoWaltzingAlong: isn't it just going to upgradethem next run?12:52
eindbaasjussi01: hm, isnt it better to keep acpi enabled?12:53
eindbaasi can already turn of the fan doing echo -n 3 > /proc/acpi/fan/FAN/state, but i'm thinking it might overheat or something :D12:53
WaltzingAlongwillo: if it could do so without error, perhaps but if there are unmet dependencies, no12:53
willoWaltzingAlong: Ok, lemme try that12:53
WaltzingAlongwillo: then afterward give it another sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade12:54
jussi01eindbaas: the latitude d400 has that issue, and thats the work around. see bug 12777212:54
winnewill try it12:54
willoWaltzingAlong: Thanks-do you think that perhaps that upgrade went funny?12:56
eindbaasjussi01: i'm trying it, thanks12:56
jussi01eindbaas: cool.12:56
WaltzingAlongwillo: could have been a mix of repos or packages but adept or apt-get and the like should not have forced installing/upgrading to a broken state12:57
WaltzingAlongwillo: so something forced it12:57
WaltzingAlongwillo: and now that envy can work, skip it ;)12:57
willoWaltzingAlong: Ok, perhaps thats why the nVidia drivers freaked?12:57
WaltzingAlongwillo: could be12:58
WaltzingAlong!nvidia | willo, install from the repo or with this guide for the latest nvidia12:58
ubotuwillo, install from the repo or with this guide for the latest nvidia: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:58
willoWaltzingAlong: Seems happy now: I'll follow the instructions you sent-Thanx13:01
eindbaasjussi01: it does disable the fan, but won't i lose all the other acpi functionality this way?13:02
jussi01eindbaas: not sure. sorry.13:03
eindbaashm i think so, because there's no icon saying my battery is charging13:03
tinelHi, i'm new in kubuntu 7.10 and have a problem while loading an external usb hard drive. Message shown is: hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000 . Can anyone help me?13:08
WaltzingAlongtinel: certainly. http://jaiku.com/channel/linux/presence/14843835 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530968           also you can configure these devices in kmenu/system settings/advanced/disks and filesystems13:09
sparrwwhen i try compiz --replace it complains that it cant find metacity.  help?13:10
WaltzingAlongKubuntu Gutsy is not shipping with compiz-fusion installed (or enabled). It can still be installed though. Follow the instructions for gutsy at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion . for more, ask in #compiz-fusion & see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/ | sparrw  check the compiz channel and wiki13:11
tinelthanks i'll try now..13:11
sparrwWaltzingAlong: thanks for the form letter.  itchy ctrl+v fingers?13:12
WaltzingAlongyes i type the same answer only so many times before creating an alias for it13:12
sparrwsince im already trying to run compiz, its a safe bet ive already followed the instructions13:13
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atlfalcons866is kde4 stable enough to use13:16
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) | Due April 2008 | For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:18
angasuleafter I installed gutsy (from the live CD) and I booted into it, I did an update and after the update I got prompted to update version, isn't that messed up? I chose not to, at that time13:20
Jucatoknown bug13:21
angasulehow did that get through QA? I have installed gutsy 3 times, and two times that happend (the third one the system didn't boot, kernel panic)13:22
atlfalcons866how do i turn off the bouncing icon13:22
Jucatothe fewer people who help test upgrades and report bugs, the less chances of catching and fixing bugs13:22
Jucatoatlfalcons866: press Alt+F2, type in "kcontrol", go to Appearance & Themes -> Launch Feedback13:23
atlfalcons866jucato: thanks13:23
tinelnow everything is working on my ext usb hd!! thanks!!!13:24
angasuleJucato: I think in this hemisphere it's easy to help for the first release in each year, our LUG has about 100 people in the email list, most on kubuntu, we might be of use eventually13:25
Jucatoangasule: that would be great!13:25
WaltzingAlongsparr_w so perhaps you have followed them already. your answer is likely a faq in the compiz fusion channel or or on the wiki but is not a kubuntu specific issue13:31
WaltzingAlongtinel: great, glad it is working13:32
pbnHello, I have some kind of a problem13:35
landerhello evryone13:35
landertell it13:35
pbnI installed kdmtheme with aptitude13:35
WaltzingAlongatlfalcons866: use to play with sure but not for production/need it working systems13:35
pbnnow I do have the ability to "disable KDM themes" in kcontrol13:35
pbnbut even if I disable the KDM themes and reboot, it's still using a KDM theme !13:35
landerhye Waltzing13:35
landerWaltzingalong: hey13:36
WaltzingAlonglander: greetings13:36
fevelhey guys...is there a one stop command for removing kubuntu-desktop from my ubuntu system?13:36
fevelI have the cd and would like two clean systems13:36
WaltzingAlongfevel: sure sudo aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop13:36
=== lander is now known as lg188
WaltzingAlongfevel: of course that is most helpful if you installed through aptitude. check http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome13:37
fevelI used sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:37
lg188Waltzingalong: i cant get firefox :(13:37
feveland I used sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop13:38
fevelbut it left all the kde packages13:38
WaltzingAlongfevel: ok so then you removed that package. but of course it left those13:38
lg188Waltzingalong: i have a sot of package but dont know to çnstal13:38
WaltzingAlongfevel: you may have some success with sudo apt-get autoremove13:38
WaltzingAlonglg188: which is that13:38
fevelnothing :/13:38
WaltzingAlong!info gtkorphan | fevel13:39
ubotufevel: gtkorphan: A graphical tool to find and remove orphaned libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-2 (gutsy), package size 28 kB, installed size 328 kB13:39
lg188Waltzingalong: ? which ?  need Firefox13:39
WaltzingAlongfevel: otherwise you can check the link i sent, there are instructions for removing the kde pieces13:39
WaltzingAlonglg188: with dapper? aptitude search firefox             find it?13:39
fevelthanks a lot guys13:39
lg188Waltzingalong: large list of laungetypes and some tools13:41
WaltzingAlong!info mozilla-firefox (dapper)13:41
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 50 kB, installed size 104 kB13:41
WaltzingAlong!info firefox (dapper)13:42
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7791 kB, installed size 23060 kB13:42
WaltzingAlonglg188: sudo aptitude install firefox            ?13:42
* lg188 thursty13:43
* lg188 likes linux based an linux OS of being open source not lik win13:44
WaltzingAlonglg188: gnu/linux based operating systems are wonderful13:44
sharkpI've a problem with audio13:44
WaltzingAlong!hi | sharkp13:45
ubotusharkp: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:45
sharkpit doesn't work13:45
sharkpbut on windows card and speakers work13:45
lg188ty waltzing ^^ for firfox instaling help13:45
sharkpso, which could be the problem?13:45
WaltzingAlongsharkp: lspci    which card? check kmix that the sliders are up and enabled13:45
WaltzingAlonglg188: welcome13:45
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion13:46
timrisharkp: also make sure you are part of the audio group13:46
sharkptimri, until yesterday the audio has always worked13:47
WaltzingAlongsharkp: so what changed yesterday?13:47
lg188!info kde13:47
W8TAHhi folks -- whats the general feeling amoungst the Kubuntu community on 7.10 (Gusty) for production use?13:47
ubotukde: the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:47 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB13:47
sharkpthis is the question13:47
sharkpmy audio card is:13:47
WaltzingAlongW8TAH: LTS13:47
sharkp00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)13:47
W8TAHWaltzingAlong: its a LTS edition?13:48
sharkpkmix is normal13:48
sharkpNow I'll control groups13:48
WaltzingAlongW8TAH: no last one was 6.06 dapper and next one is 8.04 hardy13:48
timriWaltzingAlong: 6.06.113:49
W8TAHok -- i guess im being slow this morning - what are you suggestin gthen?13:49
lg188? how to instal java runtime ?13:49
timriW8TAH: to stay with Dapper ftm13:49
WaltzingAlonglg188: the plugin for the web browser?13:49
W8TAHtimri: ok - - why?13:49
sharkpI'm in audio group13:49
timriW8TAH: it is more stable, has well known bugs13:50
lg188Waltzingalong: yep13:50
W8TAHim getting quite a divergence of views :)13:50
timriW8TAH: for instance: Gutsy+Unichrome --> Wine does not work13:50
sharkpWaltzingAlong, any suggestion?13:50
W8TAHtimri: that wont be an issue -- i dont use unichrome or wine13:51
WaltzingAlong!info sun-java5-plugin (dapper) | lg18813:51
ubotulg188: sun-java5-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-13-0ubuntu0.6.06 (dapper), package size 1 kB, installed size 96 kB13:51
WaltzingAlonglg188: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin13:51
timriW8TAH: the point is: as Gutsy has just been released, new bugs are bound to crop up NOW13:51
timriW8TAH: you dont want that in a production env.13:51
W8TAHthats very true13:52
WaltzingAlongW8TAH: unless you are on feisty then perhaps jumping to gutsy is not so bad13:52
W8TAHim on fiesty13:52
W8TAHfor servers im staying with the LTS -- this is for a personal machine and my dual boot laptop13:52
Angelusmy friend has this problem, he has a dell laptop, when he boots in ubuntu it dvd works fine, when he boots in kubuntu, and presses something from the menu, nothing works, he really wishes to install kubuntu on his laptop, any help dudes?13:52
timriW8TAH: If it aint broke...13:52
lg188Waltzingalong: ty^^13:52
W8TAHthats the problem - the personal box is broke -- havin a number of issues that will require a reformat one way or the other13:53
W8TAHjust trying to decide which way to jump13:53
WaltzingAlongAngelus: he can install from the ubuntu dvd and then install kubuntu via the package kubuntu-desktop and could remove ubuntu-desktop13:53
sharkpwho can help me?13:53
WaltzingAlongW8TAH: then gutsy13:53
timriW8TAH: In that case (personal box) I would at least try gutsy livecd13:53
WaltzingAlongsharkp: you can13:53
WaltzingAlongsharkp: aplay -l13:53
W8TAHawesome guys -- thanks a ton - -thats the piece i was lookin for13:54
sharkpWaltzingAlong, **** Lista di PLAYBACK dispositivi hardware ****13:54
sharkpscheda 0: SI7012 [SiS SI7012], dispositivo 0: Intel ICH [SiS SI7012]13:54
sharkp  Sottoperiferiche: 0/113:54
sharkp  Sottoperiferica #0: subdevice #013:54
lg188Waltzingalong: for shockwave ? sudo apt-get search shockwave ?13:54
AngelusWaltzingAlong: but, installing from the livedvd makes a better installation, like programs will detect better you're kubuntu os, for example cedega, frostwire, progs like that13:54
WaltzingAlonglg188: not sure it is that easy for shockwave and dapper13:55
* genii sips a coffee13:55
WaltzingAlongAngelus: something to try, not so dirty as it seems13:55
bjwebbshockwave as in the movie player?13:56
sharkpWaltzingAlong, so?13:56
lg188Waltzingalong: kk is it dowloading manual13:56
WaltzingAlonglg188: if backports is enabled, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree13:57
lg188Waltzingalong: ty^^13:58
lg188il lik the suport of kubuntu users its more helping people14:00
sharkpoh, I can't solve my problem14:00
lg188and i ca'nt help it :(14:01
lg188i hope i can help later14:01
WaltzingAlong!audio | sharkp, we walk through, scientific approach, one thing, not then, ok perhaps this, not that, ok14:02
ubotusharkp, we walk through, scientific approach, one thing, not then, ok perhaps this, not that, ok: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:02
=== sebastien_ is now known as Fonkyy
lg188 Shockwave Player ?14:03
lg188Waltzingalong: Shockwave Player dide'nt a instaled it just 5 minets ago ?14:04
lg188Waltzingalong: nope it was flashplayer14:04
WaltzingAlonglg188: you mentioned manually installing shockwave player14:04
sharkpWaltzingAlong, audio system is enabled14:05
lg188Waltzingalong: it is'nt for me :We are unable to locate a Web player that matches your platform14:05
lg188that was a game :(14:06
lg188and i like to play it on a windows but i cant do it on kubuntu14:06
lg188beacaus teh abdobe dont lknowtaht just so good OS exists14:08
timrilg188: shockwave is not available for linux14:08
geniiflash+linux=doable shockwave+linux=not14:08
WaltzingAlonglg188: i do not see gnu/linux in the list of systems for which adobe supplies a shockwave browser plugin http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/alternates/14:08
lg188Waltzingalong: i knwo i looked also  why do they not make it ? is it to dificult for making it even in linux ??14:10
WaltzingAlonglg188: apparently just a perceived lack of interest and subsequent lack of development by adobe. lg188 be sure to message adobe that you would like to see it14:10
timrilg188: ask adobe14:10
lg188timn: i wont it wont meahter14:11
geniiSign the Shockwave for Linux petition then if you feel strongly enough about it. http://www.petitiononline.com/linuxswp/petition.html14:11
lg188ty^^ for suporting me =)14:11
timrilg188: of course it matters, if enough people ask them...14:12
eagles0513875does anyone know if there r any bugs with the w64codecs14:12
lg188timn: kk let it go i need a large thing and i dont know muth peopel that use even linux or kubunbtu14:13
lg188exual nobody14:13
lg188an that is the reason that i hate windows14:14
eagles0513875lg188: why do u hate windows14:15
pbnhello, how can I disable the "hibernate" function in the "shutdown" menu on 7.10 ?14:15
timrieagles0513875: Just curious, what extra codecs do you need that you cant compile into mplayer (for instance)?14:16
eagles0513875timri: i have all my audio in wma losless14:16
eagles0513875and for some reason in soundkonverter there is no wma decoder and i have the w64codecs installed14:16
timrieagles05:ah, ok14:17
lg188tha there ar to many windows user thar there are olmost 1 kubuntu suer in 90streets14:18
timrilg188: And that makes us extra special :)14:18
lg188im my country14:18
pbnalso, how can I disable the "switch user" feature whent he screen is locked ? There's stuff on the web which says you have to change things in  ./.kde/share/config/kdeglobals ... but these changes are erased by KDE itself...14:19
eagles0513875does anyone know of any w64codec bugs14:19
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:20
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots14:20
lg188how to colour the text ?14:21
* lg188 looking for speakers14:24
kaminixColour what text?14:24
d347hm4ncan i install all requiered gnome packages with an sudo apt-get install gnome, or do i need other packages?14:24
lg188oh let it i know it already it a config14:26
Jucatod347hm4n: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/gnome14:26
d347hm4nthanks jucato14:26
* Jucato thumbs up14:26
eagles0513875this suxs14:27
eagles0513875any ideas as to why i dont have a wma decoder i have ever codec pkg imaginable installed14:28
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: ffmpeg ? vlc ? mplayer ?14:28
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: i have them all and in soundkonverter no wma decoder just an encoder14:28
eagles0513875i need the decoder so i can get rid of the wma format and convert to flac14:28
lg188i dont know14:29
d347hm4nJucato: Do i have to do the default window manager step of im using emerald?14:29
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: so could you use something else to get to wav, mplayer or the like14:29
Jucatod347hm4n: don't know14:29
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: i cant get out of wma to any format14:29
d347hm4nJucato: np, thanks anyway14:29
eagles0513875cuz i dont have a decoder14:29
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: vlc file.wma plays nothing?14:29
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: or mplayer ?14:29
d347hm4nare there any other window managers i can use, just to try things out?14:30
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: myy bad i need the encoder14:30
lg188how to decode a mp3 to teh kubuntu version of it ?14:30
eagles0513875i have the decoder14:30
eagles0513875lg188: soundkonvert14:30
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: you want the flac encoder? !info flac14:30
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: i have all teh codecs for flac already14:30
eagles0513875i am having issues getting wma14:30
eagles0513875out of wma14:30
eagles0513875i need the encoder14:30
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eagles0513875i  have the w64codecs installed14:30
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: right you wish to use the program soundkonverter but i am asking you if you can play a .wma file with mplayer or vlc14:31
eagles0513875let me check14:31
eagles0513875in mplaeyer it complains about the codec14:32
eagles0513875and in vlc it plays but no audio14:32
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: are they drm wma files?14:33
eagles0513875they shouldnt be unless they became drm after converting to wma14:33
eagles0513875which woudl really piss me off14:33
lg188for wmato kubuntu d"fault also soundkonvert ?14:33
d347hm4nJucato: i will change it to gdm, then if kde stops working i will change the default14:34
Jucatod347hm4n: you don't need to. KDM can start GNOME sessions, and GDM can start KDE sessions14:34
d347hm4nJucato: ok, so no harm done i guess14:35
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: what do i do14:35
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: apparently only up to wma 9.0 (not 9.1 which is used by wmp 10) can be decoded with those codecs14:36
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: or perhaps you start a vmware windows machine to convert them14:37
lg188wat is the sound of kubuntu .ogg ?14:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:38
oleeagles0513875 what did you convert them with? i remember a friend of mine converted all of his mp3s to wma using a windows shareware application, and they were all drm-crippled afterwards...14:38
WaltzingAlonglg188: yes one of the recommended free format (containers)14:38
geniiole: I've seen this hideous behaviour before as well14:38
lg188Waltzingalong: ty^^14:39
lg188Waltzingalong: wtf if starting dounfkonverter its a hole list of things ? staying with te defaults ?14:40
eagles0513875lg188: what format r u going for14:40
lg188Waltzingalong: or ski^?14:40
b1n42y? Does any1 know y theres fancy desktop switching mechanism on ubuntu but not kubuntu and does it have anything to do with compiz ?14:40
lg188Waltzingalong: or skip14:40
lg188Waltzingalong: i go for mp314:41
eagles0513875ole: i used somethign called jet audio which is a windows app14:41
lg188Waltzingalong: i dont get it that things14:41
eagles0513875ole: i have it on here installed using wine but it bitches bout the files being drm which i never drmed them to begin with14:41
eagles0513875lg188: whats wrong14:42
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* lg188 getiing sick of teh sun schying o the screen14:42
martijn_nerdi just upgraded feisty to gutsy14:42
eagles0513875!ask |martijn_nerd14:42
ubotumartijn_nerd: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:42
martijn_nerdand now my x is so slow14:43
martijn_nerdhave  an  ati x300 card14:43
martijn_nerdtried both ati and fglrx drivers, but nothing seems to help :(14:43
eagles0513875martijn_nerd: clean install or upgrade14:43
martijn_nerdanyone an idea?14:43
martijn_nerdtried to disable aiglx as well14:43
eagles0513875in shell14:43
eagles0513875run sudo apt-get update14:44
b1n42y Does any1 know y theres fancy desktop switching mechanism on ubuntu but not kubuntu and does it have anything to do with compiz ????14:44
eagles0513875and if there r any updates install them14:44
lg188eagles0513875: i dont get it whit that list of things in starting 1time soundkonverter14:44
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion14:44
Dr_Willisb1n42y compiz is NOT included in kubuntu by default14:44
eagles0513875lg188: just choose the format u want to go into and then add the files u wanna convert and it does the rest14:44
SurgeWhere's the best place to ask software RAID questions?14:44
b1n42ythnx guys14:44
martijn_nerdno upadates eagle14:45
martijn_nerdthat all went right14:45
eagles0513875lg188: no prob14:45
eagles0513875martijn_nerd: do u have a backup of ur xorg.conf14:45
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eagles0513875restore the original14:45
eagles0513875martijn_nerd: cuz in gutsy14:45
mike_____hello all14:45
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martijn_nerdbut isnt' that all different now with xrandr etc14:45
eagles0513875martijn_nerd: not sure14:46
mike_____i have a question....  how do i install firefox on kubuntu,,, i tried with add/remove programs but it's locked14:46
kaminixmike_____: sudo aptitude install firefox should work.14:46
eagles0513875martijn_nerd: i had no issues cuz im on a laptop with a radeon xpress 200m all i did was login and a restricted drivers box popped up and i enabled it and my wifi rebpoted and the open gl works fine14:46
b1n42y1 more question, is there any reasons y i should not install compiz apart from sys resources, i read some apps dont work or display properly ....14:46
Dr_Willisb1n42y compiz can be a real pain. But if you want the fancy uber eye candy its what does it.14:47
Dr_WillisYou can easially run kde with or without compiz14:47
b1n42yapps wise u mean14:47
mike_____"no candidate versions were found for firefox"14:47
b1n42yuninstalling not a problem if i find its a pain ?14:47
lg188sudo apt-get search firefox14:48
[Surge]mike_____, Did you update your repositories?14:48
Hydrogenapt-cache search14:48
Hydrogennot apt-get search14:48
lg188mike_____ udo apt-get search firfox14:48
WaltzingAlongaptitude search firefox14:48
mike_____i don't think so14:48
WaltzingAlongmike_____: which kubuntu? check that they are not commented out14:48
kaminix[Surge]: Firefox should be in from the begining, no?14:48
HydrogenWaltzingAlong: apt-wrong14:48
WaltzingAlongHydrogen: what?14:48
Hydrogenits apt-cache search14:48
Hydrogennot apt-get search14:49
traeneHi, I am looking for a developer chanel for linux.14:49
Hydrogenor aptitude search14:49
[Surge]kaminix, I'm not sure but I remember that error. :)14:49
WaltzingAlongHydrogen: i have not suggested to use apt-get search and yes aptitude search firefox searches14:49
[Surge]mike_____, You'll need to do a "sudo apt-get update" first.14:49
Hydrogenno you didn't14:49
WaltzingAlong!info firefox14:49
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 8967 kB, installed size 26024 kB14:49
Hydrogenlg188 did twice, and you suggested aptitude right after14:49
Hydrogenand my eyes combined the two14:49
lg188Hydrogen ?14:50
WaltzingAlongwhich is part of the reason i prefer aptitude to apt-get   aptitude install or aptitude search rather than apt-get install and apt-cache search14:50
Hydrogenlg188: apt-get search doesn't work14:50
WaltzingAlonglg188: the command is apt-cache search14:50
willoWaltzingAlong: Howzit, just had another system freeze14:51
WaltzingAlongwillo: welcome back14:51
WaltzingAlongwillo: still no video?14:51
lg188WaltzingAlong just wont to help user =)14:51
WaltzingAlonglg188: :D14:51
willoWaltzingAlong: No the video's fine14:51
willoWaltzingAlong: It was running a screen saver, when *blammo*14:52
=== peter_ is now known as senorpedro
willoWaltzingAlong: Not even Num Lock worked14:52
WaltzingAlongwillo: are you using compiz or xserver-xgl or the like14:52
timriwillo: a 3d screensaver perchance?14:52
willoWaltzingAlong: Nope14:52
willotimri: No, but a GL one perhaps14:52
willolooked like a fractal14:53
traeneHELP! Need developer infos about file locking. s.o. knows a chanel therefore?14:53
lg188WaltzingAlong i like them becaus they dont usez windows :)14:53
timriwillo: try to work a while with the vesa driver, if it still locks up it might be a hardware problem14:53
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: what am i supposed to do14:53
mike_____well it worked... thanks a lot14:53
Hydrogentraene: man flock14:53
willotimri: It looked as if nv worked, perhaps I should go back to that for a while14:54
willotimri: it's just so sloooow on the 3D stuff14:54
traeneHydrogen: No manual entry for flock found14:54
HydrogenI have the man page14:54
timriwillo: yeah. About the locking up. I know that the asus a8n vm csm tends to lock up14:54
traeneHydrogen: anyway, I read it does not work on network drives14:55
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timriwillo: the northbridge gets waaaay to hot14:55
lg188WaltzingAlong my soundkonverter syas on 0%14:55
willotimri: I don't think it's a hardware problem: Feisty worked like a charm14:55
timritraene: and oplocks?14:55
timriwillo: perhaps you didnt push the card that much with Feisty, just guessing14:56
traenetimri: apropos oplocks -> nothing approp...14:56
willotimri: What would be pushing the card now?14:56
willotimri: The only thing that's changed is the OS14:56
lg188my siter here Wlan do'snt work14:57
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WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: rerip the albums into flac?14:57
timriwillo: what nvidia card do you have, btw14:57
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timrilg188: what chipset/wpa?14:57
=== webvictim is now known as webvictim^
willotimri: Nvidia Gforce 7 Series14:58
willoDon't recall the exact model number14:58
=== webvictim^ is now known as webvictim
* lg188 brb timri14:59
timrieagles0513875: could you post a sample from one of the wma files. To see if I can play it here (that is fair use, I hope)?14:59
willotimri: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE]15:00
timriwillo: thanks15:00
lg188timri dont know she use a xp15:01
lg188sow i dont get it realy15:01
willoOk, let me restart my xserver15:01
lg188WaltzingAlong knwo somthing of xp networking ?15:01
timrilg188: In that case... this is the wrong channel15:01
eagles0513875timri: how do i post it15:02
timriwillo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56642215:02
timriwillo: workaround is: use 100.14.915:03
lg188kk witch channel  for a xp pc with networking problems15:03
timriwillo: ehh, make that 100.14.0915:03
eagles0513875timri: how do i post a sample15:03
willotimri: sweet15:03
timrieagles0513875: I dont know *blush*15:03
eagles0513875timri: :(15:04
timriwillo: you did get the link? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56642215:04
willotimri: Yes, I did thanks15:05
lg188WaltzingAlong hey know a channel for xp networking problems ?15:05
willotimri: Scanning it now15:05
traeneThere seems to be no channel for this question :-(15:05
timrieagles0513875: http://pastebin.ca/15:05
timriEagle_101: ehh, make that http://pastebin.ca/upload.php15:05
Eagle_101oh ok15:06
timrieagle05: http://pastebin.ca/upload.php15:06
timrisomething went wrong here15:06
flaccidhmm flaws in topic15:08
flaccidah well15:08
teiAnyone know how I can create multiple ssh host keys for a single computer?15:09
eagles0513875timri: just paste bin the song15:09
flaccidwhy would you want to15:09
teierr, that is to say, multiple known_hosts entries for a single computer15:09
timrieagles0513875: you have a link15:09
teibecause I have multiple computers on my network, all of which I get to using the same IP15:09
flaccidi thought there was just one but maybe im wrong15:09
teibut different ports15:09
flaccidthat should be a dif fingerprint anyway it dosn't just go off the ip15:10
teiit keeps telling me there is a potential man in the middle attack going on, but I've checked the keys, and they are correct15:10
flaccidoh ok15:10
lg188eagles0513875 wher to find a chanel for networking in winxp ?15:10
flaccidin that case its a difference in keys likely. remove the key from known_hosts15:11
tei(I ended up having to bounce from the first computer key it loaded, from the others... but that prohibits an sftp connection, which is the main thing I'm trying to do15:11
flaccidlg188, ##windows15:11
teiwell, the key for one port is correct15:11
flaccidworst case, delete known_hosts15:11
teibut it looks like it's trying to load that same key for a different port, even though that is gonna be a completely different computer15:11
flaccidhow did you verify it is correct tei?15:11
lg188flaccid ty^^15:11
traenetei: better use fixed adresses in your dhcp system...?15:12
flaccidwouldn't make a dif15:12
teiI bounced from the computer that I could get on to the one I am trying to access, then catted /etc/ssh/*.pub, and matched it up15:12
timrieagles0513875: ok, this is not working15:12
teiI do you fixed addresses lan side on remote system15:13
flaccidyou do realise it goes on the known_hosts from the system you are bouncing from...15:13
teiyeah, so, computer a, b, c.... computer a is where I'm at15:13
teib is the one it says is being man in the middled15:14
flaccidif computer a has the host and its going to b and its wrong then yeah...15:14
teic I already have the correct ssh cert for15:14
teiI ssh to c15:14
teithen from c, ssh to b15:14
flaccidquick solution is to delete the entry15:14
flaccida cert is not a key15:14
teisorry, I meant key, too much multitasking15:14
flaccidif it were correct, this wouldn't occurr..15:15
eagles0513875lg188: i dunno dude15:15
teisame problem, now I can't get into computer c though15:15
eagles0513875timri: couldnt u convert one of ur songs using jetaudio to wma losless and try soundkonverter15:15
teiit thinks that all computers at a given dns entry will have the same ssh key15:16
teiit's only letting me have one at a time15:16
eagles0513875can anyone help me wihta wine related issue cuz that channel is dead15:16
bazhangany idea of the full kubuntu install size? less than 2.5 GB? More? Forgot how to check. Thanks!15:16
lg188anybody knwos some linux games ?15:16
timrieagles0513875: since jetaudio is windows only,15:16
flaccideagles0513875, why are they on the same settings then15:17
bazhanglg188: frozen bubble, tux racer, warzone 2100, um world of warcraft will work, though not Linux..15:17
timrieagles0513875: and I cannot run wine on this laptop (unichrome locks it up)... the answer is no15:17
lg188anybody knows some Kubuntu games ?15:17
spykedtomatohey all15:17
=== blix is now known as wea
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php15:17
weales gars j'ai un probleme15:17
lg188bazhang ty^^15:17
lg188flaccid also ty^^15:18
bazhanglg188: no problem--looking for anything in particular?15:18
teiflaccid, any ideas?15:18
eagles0513875flaccid: ?15:18
timridf -h gives me 2.1GB used15:18
weaj'arrive à trouver le chat de ubuntu en français15:18
lg188bazhang nop15:18
eagles0513875flaccid: what u mean15:18
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:18
bazhangtimri: is that the install size? Thanks!15:18
flaccidyou have interfaces sharing same ip, eagles0513875 ?15:18
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl15:19
eagles0513875flaccid: ? what u mean u can see my wifi15:19
spykedtomatoI'm having a problem with my keyboard (?) - when typing the response time sux - sometimes  up to three seconds to show the letters I typed. And sometimes the keys stick (I've tried three different keyboards, same story - other than that, my system runs FINE - help! :)15:19
timribazhang: yeah, install+ all the crap I added later :)15:19
eagles0513875whats coming up wiht the same ip flaccid15:19
flaccideach network interface should have its own ip and mac address for fingerprinting15:19
bazhangtimri: haha..cheers!15:19
flacciddhcp can assign the same ip potentially...15:19
eagles0513875flaccid: im getting dhcp from my isp15:20
flaccidthat could be the problem then if you are doing it on multiple devices15:20
eagles0513875flaccid: im only on a laptop15:20
teican anyone help me set up multiple ssh keys for a single dns entry?15:20
flaccidwhat is the prob exactly eagles051387515:20
bazhangspykedtomato: have you tried adjusting the kb in peripherals?15:21
eagles0513875flaccid: i have all my audio in wma lossless format in soundkonverter i dont have a wma encoder and i would like to use soundkonverter to convert all my audio to flac15:21
eagles0513875flaccid: for some reasoon when i try it it doesnt decode then reencode and i end up with a 0b file15:21
flaccidfux me man15:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:21
eagles0513875flaccid: i have the w64codecs already15:22
spykedtomatobazhang: nope - is that in the system settings?15:22
eagles0513875ffmpeg lame flac all of them15:22
flaccidim not sure if all of those components are actively supported15:22
francesco_Hi guys, I want amarok with shn file support. Is this combination possible ? I have Kubuntu 7.10 installed15:22
flaccidare you on 64bit processor, eagles051387515:22
Hydrogenyou can play shn files15:22
Hydrogenthey just don't get added to the collection15:22
bazhangspykedtomato: in the kmenu, under peripheral is a listing for keyboard, you should be able to adjust it there, be sure to hit apply..15:22
Hydrogenbecause they have no metadata15:22
francesco_with amarok ?15:22
Hydrogenbecause they are stupid15:22
eagles0513875flaccid: ya an athlon 64 3200+ 2ghz15:22
HydrogenYou need to use the files browser15:23
spykedtomatobazhang: ummm - I can't find peripheral in the kmenu...?15:23
flaccidto be honest, i'm not sure eagles0513875. problem could be 64bit issue. its worked fine similar for me in the past on 32bit15:23
eagles0513875flaccid: i didnt have this problem in feisty 64bit15:23
francesco_If i try to open a shn files with dolphin, I have no action15:24
flaccidis this gutsy15:24
flaccidgutsy is shit...15:24
eagles0513875flaccid: ya it is gutsy15:24
PriceChild!ohmy | flaccid15:24
ubotuflaccid: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.15:24
flaccidubuntu release pretty edgy crap15:24
* flaccid looks at his own language for no reason15:24
WaltzingAlongeagles0513875: perhaps set up a 32bit chroot for it15:24
lg188how to instal 'warzone 2100' ?15:24
eagles0513875flaccid: not really for me im glad they fixed the wifi and open gl issues i used to have15:24
eagles0513875WaltzingAlong: ?15:25
francesco_Sorry Hydrogen, can you please repeat ?15:26
Hydrogenyou can play shn files in amarok15:26
Hydrogenusing the files tab15:26
Hydrogenthe files are not added to the collection tab15:26
Hydrogenbecause shn is a stupid format15:26
bazhangspykedtomato: sorry about that, it should be in a sub-menu of Kmenu, along with language, mouse,etc--I just replaced the kmenu with kbfx, so can't look at the moment--just look in some of those sub-menus...:}15:26
lg188how to instal 'warzone 2100' ?:'sudo aptitude search warzone 2100' ?15:26
Dr_Willis!find warzone15:26
ubotuFound: warzone2100, warzone2100-data15:26
Dr_Willislg188 no space in the name15:26
bazhanglg188: yes15:27
Dr_WillisIts nice they included that game in the repos. :)15:27
bazhangsure is!15:27
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install warzone210015:27
francesco_OK I added an shn to amarok but I can haer only noise15:27
bazhangwow 392...this room is about to break!15:28
Hydrogennot likely to break15:28
Dr_Willisthis is a slow day then15:28
Hydrogen392 isn't that many15:28
Dr_WillisIve seen 10x that many on #ubuntu15:28
Hydrogen10x is a bit of an exageration15:28
Dr_WillisI think there was over 3000 when it got released15:28
Dr_Willisjust the join/names listing took a while :)15:28
lg188Dr_Willis bazhang ty^^15:29
Dr_Willis3000+ really messes with nickcompletion also. :)15:29
bazhanglg188: no problem--enjoy! :}15:29
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bazhangI bet hahaha15:29
lg188wat isnatling first data ? or just the oher15:30
Dr_Willisi doubt if the order matters much. :)15:31
bazhanglg188: sudo apt-get install warzone2100 warzone2100-data  followed by your password should  do it.15:31
Dr_Willisid hope that just installing one would suggest/depend on the other.15:31
* xevious installs warzone 210015:32
lg188bazhang cnat find the pachage15:32
Dr_WillisThen your repos are not all enabled.15:32
Dr_Willis!info warzone210015:32
ubotuwarzone2100: 3D real time strategy game. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0~0.svn1436-1 (gutsy), package size 678 kB, installed size 1752 kB15:32
Dr_WillisIts in universe Hmm...15:32
lg188!info gutsy15:33
ubotuPackage gutsy does not exist in gutsy15:33
bazhanglg188: you may want to close the terminal and open adept, then click repositories on the dropdown menu, followed by enabling the ones that are not yet enabled (canonical?)15:33
WaltzingAlong!gutsy | lg18815:33
ubotulg188: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents15:33
lg188where finding shell scripting docu ?15:36
bazhanglg188: once you have enabled all the repositories, be sure to hit reload, then search for warzone2100.15:36
Dr_Willislg188 theres 100's of bash tutorials and guides out  the 'advanced bash scripting guide' is a must read15:36
Dr_Willis!info abs-guide15:36
ubotuabs-guide: The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (gutsy), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB15:36
lg188Dr_Willis ty ^^15:37
lg188bazhang wat to do ?15:37
bazhanghave you enabled the repos?15:37
lg188repos in adept ? how ?15:38
rickeygood morning everyone15:38
bazhangis adept open now?15:38
lg188morning ?15:38
lg188whztis you clock time ?15:38
bazhanglg188: is adept open now?15:38
rickey1038 am15:38
Hydrogen!info frostwire15:39
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in gutsy15:39
lg188yes bazhang15:39
Hydrogen!find frostwire15:39
ubotuPackage/file frostwire does not exist in gutsy15:39
Hydrogenwake up15:39
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire15:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about frostfire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:39
Dr_Willisits not in the repos -  as far as i know15:39
lg188bazhang yep15:39
lg188bazhang its open15:39
bazhanglg188: under the heading adept, you should see 'manage repositories'. see it?15:40
=== devi is now known as Vannia
=== Vannia is now known as Vanniarajan
bazhanglg188: adept, edit, view, settings, help at the top?15:41
lg188wiat bazhang15:41
lg188bazhang first wat is repos ?15:42
rickeyis a person has audio files on there desktop in a file to it,s self and wishes to go into openoffice and organizes a list of hyperlinks pointing to scrept files tto pen ,audio files that is, is it possable?15:42
lg188bazhang i got a NL version and mayby translate it15:42
bazhanglg188: do you see the title bar, slightly below it are those five categories?15:42
Jucatocategories = menus15:42
bazhanglg188: first one on the left, second in list.15:43
bazhangoops sorry, menus15:43
lg188bazhang kk got it15:43
rickeyif anyone know,s ,can they please annwser my question15:43
bazhangclick on the one marked 'manage repositories' lg18815:44
lg188bazhang wat now15:44
timririckey: Could you not try it out? (I would say yes, but dont know about the scripting part)15:44
z1pp3rIs it somehow possible to run .net applications in linux?15:44
lg188bazhang i ame in it15:44
rickeyok i have tryed it out15:44
timriz1pp3r: Yes, with mono15:44
rickey but the proublem is that i cant open then to play with a hyperlink15:45
WaltzingAlong!mono | z1pp3r15:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mono - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:45
z1pp3rtimri, i've heard about mono, can't say it's been all good news though15:45
timririckey: ah, ok15:45
WaltzingAlong!info mono | z1pp3r15:45
ubotuz1pp3r: mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.4-6ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB15:45
WaltzingAlongz1pp3r: mono works really well processing .net apps15:45
bazhanglg188: are all of the four main ones enabled (check mark next to each)?15:45
z1pp3rWaltzingAlong, yeah? Thanks, i'll go check it out15:45
timriz1pp3r: so the answer is: yes... maybe (WinForms is afaik not yet complete)15:45
z1pp3rbetter than nothing15:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about net - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:46
Jucatobah :P15:46
lg188wait please15:46
timririckey: what if you save it as html page?15:46
rickeyhaaavent try that15:46
rickeyjust saved a doc15:46
WaltzingAlongz1pp3r: yes winforms is the tricky part15:46
rickeysavved as doc15:47
timriWaltzingAlong: as are the 3.0 improvements15:47
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lg188bazhang ? i dont get it pleas wait a minute15:47
rickeythink that mit work?15:47
bazhanglg188: no hurry.15:47
rickeyi am just here picking brains15:48
bazhanglg188: after you have enabled those repositories, close that second window, and then in the main adept window, hit the button to the far left, labeled 'fetch updates'.15:48
WaltzingAlongtimri: right mono implements the ecma/iso standards of .net15:49
timriWaltzingAlong: It implements a whole lot more, iirc15:49
rickeyhry  timri ,where can i go to learn more about what i am trying to do ,if this dont work?15:50
lg188bazhang owkey it din noxw to enable them15:51
timririckey: Sorry, I have no idea. By the way: why did you set it up like that in the first place?15:52
lg188bazhang :i got it15:52
lg188bazhang :now ?15:53
rickeyit was alan watt  audio,s i just put them on mu dest pot in  a file  didnt realizes the that wouldnt sort of right by date ,so now there all messed up15:53
rickeyon my desktop15:54
lg188bazhang: hello ?15:54
rickeyso i want to build some page to put them in order15:54
nosrednaekimrickey: sorry, I didn't her your problem....15:55
lg188kk rickey15:55
lg188i hope you get good help15:55
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timririckey: Ah, I understand. By the way, I just found out, you can rightclick on the link in OOWriter, than choose open hyperlink15:55
lg188bazhang not working yet15:56
lg188WaltzingAlong can you help me befor ...i got to go eat15:57
rickeyyes put the hyperlink wont open the audio file and play it , it will open the file though15:57
WaltzingAlonglg188: with?15:57
lg188WaltzingAlong warzone 210015:57
WaltzingAlong!info warzone2100 (dapper)15:57
lg188WaltzingAlong instaling15:57
ubotuPackage warzone2100 does not exist in dapper15:57
timririckey: Well it works here (and thanks to you I am listening to PodSafeChristmasSong.mp3 .... brrr)15:58
lg188!warzone 210015:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about warzone 2100 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about warzone2100 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about warzone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:58
rickeywell life ant easy sometime15:58
rickey sorry15:58
WaltzingAlonglg188: you can /msg ubotu !info warzone210015:58
timririckey: In OOWriter I used the Insert menu, then hyperlink. Then the Document category, and then the path of your audio file in the path editbox... Easy :)15:59
lg188WaltzingAlong ty ^^ for tip15:59
lg188i think a have to go16:01
lg188helpme please16:01
lg188warzone 2100 install16:01
bazhanglg188: have you reloaded the updates yet?16:01
eagles0513875lg188: sudo apt-get install warzone210016:01
eagles0513875it works for me fine i just tried it16:01
idiotici need something similar to k3b since k3b doesnt work16:01
lg188bazhang yes16:02
timriidiotic: What doesnt work16:02
Dr_Willisabout anything similer to k3b will be a front end to the command line tools.. its best to figure out whats not working16:02
bazhangand all the repositories are enabled? lg18816:02
idioticwhen i open k3b16:02
idioticit says malformed url16:02
lg188bazhang yes16:02
Dr_Willistry k3b from the terminal16:03
bazhangusing dapper? edgy/gutsy?16:03
lg188it says : e: cant find teh package16:03
lg188bazhang dapper16:03
timriidiotic: make sure (using kmenu editor) it reads k3b -caption "%c" %i %m16:03
Dr_Williswarzone2100 is NOT in the dapper repositories - i belive16:03
bazhangis warzone in dapper repos?16:03
Dr_Willis!find warzone dapper16:03
* lg188 brbr16:03
ubotuPackage/file warzone does not exist in dapper16:04
Dr_Willisthey added a lot of new games in Gutsy16:04
Dr_Williswarzone, and RocksAndDiamonds16:04
Dr_Willislots of others also16:04
bazhangyes. :} reason enough (to upgrade..cough cough)16:04
eagles0513875one thing im happy about opengl performance for my video card has really improved here in gutsy16:05
* lg188 celybrating grandmothers birthday16:05
idiotickio (KSycoca): WARNING: Found version 93, expecting version 94 or higher.16:05
idiotickio (KSycoca): WARNING: Outdated database found16:05
idioticif i run it in console16:05
eagles0513875Dr_Willis: i cant find rocks and diamonds game u mentioned16:06
lg188it wodent work i ca'nt  be here for ... 2uu16:07
lg188i stay online until lmy pc goes on sntandbeuy16:07
WaltzingAlonglg188: you need to find warzone2100 another way since it is not available in the ubuntu repositories for dapper16:07
bazhanglg188: sorry couldn't help get that game, though there are some other fun ones certainly.16:07
timriidiotic: tried kbuildsycoca ?16:07
lg188bazhang WaltzingAlong ty ^^~you can stay talking to me for 2H16:08
idioticwhat is that16:08
lg188send mss in private16:09
lg188or in pastebin in mail in private16:09
lg188you can shoose16:09
timriidiotic: it build (or rebuilds) your cache.16:09
timriidiotic: And since yours seems to be broken...16:10
idiotictimri thank you very much16:10
idioticits fixed16:10
lg188avp players on kubuntu may always contact me =) bey now16:12
lg188Alien vs. Perdator 2 reqiuem16:12
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kyronGrah!...medibuntu unavailable :/16:13
kyronoh...wait...gpg key...forgot that16:14
bazhangdoes wesnoth do online?16:16
bazhangerr battle for wesnoth.16:17
bazhangthanks Tm_T!16:20
ronin_Morning everyone16:21
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic16:21
ronin_Can anyone tell me about the version of the ATI FGLRX graphics driver on the repos versus the one  on the ATI homepage?16:22
ronin_It looks like the ATI-native one is an 8.xx and the one on the repos is a 7.xx16:22
Xrafafree xDDD16:23
Dr_Willisa new ati driver just  came out last week i think16:23
ronin_I think the latest one I saw from ATI direct was on the 26th... I'm a little wary of installing it, though it looks like it has a GUI?16:24
Dr_WillisThe old drivers had some sort of gui tool also i think. But i dont use ati anymore16:25
Dr_Willis!find fglrx16:25
b1n42yso much to learn about LINUX....but it still rocks!16:25
ubotuFound: fglrx-control, xorg-driver-fglrx, xorg-driver-fglrx-dev, fglrx-kernel-source16:25
ronin_Ahhh. If I'm right, this new version supports Compiz-fusion and 3d  OpenGL performance, yes?16:25
Dr_Willis!info fglrx-control16:25
ubotufglrx-control: Control panel for the ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 8.37.6+ (gutsy), package size 77 kB, installed size 348 kB16:25
ronin_!info xorg-driver-fglrx16:26
ubotuxorg-driver-fglrx: Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 7.1.0-8.37.6+ (gutsy), package size 8357 kB, installed size 22472 kB16:26
Dr_Willisronin_ i hear it does.16:26
Dr_Williswithout the need for the xgl stuff16:26
ronin_I'm guessing that the 7.1.0 = Ubuntu version, 8.37.6 = Driver version and 2.6.... = Kernal, yes?16:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:28
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=== paolo is now known as ping_luce
WaltzingAlongfglrx ati howto wiki http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide16:31
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ronin_Thank you. I'm a little nervous about doing it manually16:32
WaltzingAlongronin_: make a backup of your current working xorg.conf (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)16:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:33
WaltzingAlong!info ktorrent16:33
ubotuktorrent: BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.1-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 2698 kB, installed size 9932 kB16:33
b1n42ycan anyone tell me how to access web history in konqueror.. ive tried the channel ive tried google... i hope its not a work in progress ?16:35
guillermohi i keep geetting an error from winrar16:37
martijn81b1n42y: hit F916:38
guillermothe utility unrar free is not in your path16:38
guillermowhat to do?16:38
kyronWhat would be a good DVD player under kubuntu, ie: one that shows the menu and works by clicking on the options in that menu (something your grandma could use)16:38
kyronand Mplayer ain't it...believe me16:39
Dr_Willisusing winrar with wine?16:39
martijn81kyron: kaffeine works nicely here16:39
WaltzingAlongb1n42y: it is there16:39
guillermono no winrer16:39
geniib1n42y, Maybe look here: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?showtopic=1171716:40
guillermomy mistake16:40
=== deviance is now known as TimS
b1n42yyeah i found it F9 then theres an icon on the left thanks16:40
guillermoark gives me an error, the utility is not in yourpath, anyideas?16:41
Dr_WillisFor ark to use rar stuff.. the rar utilities must be instralled16:42
guillermoDr willis how do i do that?16:43
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)16:43
Dr_Williswith the package manager tool. search for 'rar' and install teh rar tools16:43
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:43
WaltzingAlong!info kubuntu-restricted-extras16:43
ubotukubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB16:43
Dr_WillisNot sure if rar is in the ubuntu-restricted-extras  package or not16:43
b1n42ymartijn81: WaltzingAlong genii    thanks .... annoying when i cant do the simple things i used to....learning curve is POW.... but I'm not going back to winblows16:44
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=== armin_ is now known as EdravenX
armini have a nob queston16:47
jpatrickarmin: those are our speciality16:48
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!16:49
dougbdoes anyone know why i would be able to get online with firefox, but not konquer?16:50
armin_the sound is a bit crapy on my laptop... not always just when i play games like soldier of fortune or whatewer like that16:50
jpatrickdougb: do you have a proxy?16:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:51
travisXevious you there?16:51
travisanyone using the ATI HD Radeon 2600XT graphics card?16:52
travis<xevious> hey, im a real life friend of Subtrnl and he said that you are using basically the same system as me and i was wondering if you might be able to help me16:53
kyronmartijn81, thanks16:54
geniiI saw also a fix for some games which use OpenAL (I'm not sure if Soldier of Fortune is one), which is: echo "(define devices '(oss))" > ~`/.openalrc16:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:01
=== ubuntu is now known as AzO
proprietarysucksI'm having some serious trouble here. Everyone on my subnet can do this command: mount -t nfs /mnt  however when I try it I get the error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so17:02
o3yxanybody now to uninstall edubuntu..17:02
proprietarysucksthis started when I updated from 704 to 710 on kubuntu17:02
proprietarysucksdmesg doesn't say anything about it..17:02
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.17:03
Kr4t05Okay, Amarok doesn't like my DAP, for some reason. I have an iAudio F2, which supports Ogg Vorbis. However, Amarok won't beleive me when I tell it so, and still refuses to sync Ogg tracks to it.17:03
proprietarysucksit worked beofre upgrading17:03
HydrogenKr4t05: yea, lots of people have had that problem recently.. we got a bug report about it but no one has figured out why its doing it yet17:04
WaltzingAlongso fix it17:05
Hydrogenwho was that to?17:05
Kr4t05Would it have something to do with the fact that, in the format list in my player's preference's dialog, ogg is preceded by an ampersand (&)17:05
proprietarysucksoh, there it goes.. aparently updating to 710 removes nfs common17:05
proprietarysucksthanks that was easy17:05
HydrogenKr4t05: yes17:05
Hydrogenit would17:05
Hydrogenwe arn't sure why its getting there though, so it hasn't yet been fixed17:05
Kr4t05I guess I'll just have to go with the MP3 feed of LAS.17:06
Tm_TKr4t05: no there not17:12
* genii sips a coffee and looks for his Nicorettes17:13
ksivajigenii hi boss17:16
* genii hands ksivaji a large coffee17:16
ksivajigenii now its time to sleep17:17
ksivajiyou wnat me to have coffee ?17:17
Vanniarajanksivaji is this that person17:17
ksivajiVanniarajan ya17:18
ksivajigenii  Vanniarajan is my friend classmate17:18
ksivajiVanniarajan sup3kiddo is working for openmoko17:18
kyronI just installed kaffeine and I am getting : "no plugin found to handle resource (dvd:///dev/scd0)17:18
ksivajikyron what type of file you are trying to play17:19
kyrona DVD17:20
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs17:20
kyronksivaji, it's installed...17:20
kyrondo I have to reboot (heheheh)17:20
ksivajikyron  i dont think you need to reboot17:20
* genii hands Vanniarajan a coffee also17:20
kyronksivaji, I was kidding17:20
pagkyron, do you have libxine-extracodes and/or w32codecs installed?17:21
ksivajikyron search in google with these same pattern "no plugin found to handle resource (dvd:///dev/scd0)"17:21
ksivajipag hi17:21
paglibxine-extracodecs that is, sorry.17:21
pagksivaji, hey :)17:21
Vanniarajangenni thank u17:21
geniiSorry for lag... Xchat doesn't highlight channel name like Konversation did when someone is mentioning/talking to you,  takes a bit of getting used to17:22
ksivajigenii same for me also17:22
=== drag0 is now known as drag0_
ksivajibut i have konversation17:22
paggenii, umm... iirc it did that a few versions ago?17:22
Vanniarajangenni ya it takes. i'm new to this community17:22
=== drag0_ is now known as dlagus
kyronpag, no I don't (libxine...), and it doesn't show up in synbaptic17:22
pag!repos | kyron17:23
ubotukyron: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu17:23
ksivajiVanniarajan for you also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu17:23
geniipag: I looked briefly in Settings etc but it was not obvious where/how to set that. I can live without it for now :)17:23
pagkyron, you'll need multiverse for extracodecs and "Seveas" or medibuntu for w32codecs17:23
kyronpag, I have the repos that gave me w32, acroread and all...17:23
kyronso it would be in another one?17:23
pagkyron, multiverse.17:24
ksivajiVanniarajan enable unive and multive17:24
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu17:24
kyronpag, ah...better edit the file direcly then17:24
Vanniarajanksivaji i'll ask abt codecs in detail some other day17:24
pag!info libxine-extracodecs17:24
ubotuPackage libxine-extracodecs does not exist in gutsy17:24
ksivajiVanniarajan ok17:24
kyronpag, hahahahahah17:25
* pag is confused - ubotu disagrees with my apt17:25
ksivajipag genii knetworkmanager is not working in gutsy do you know anything about thsi17:25
ksivajithis *17:25
pagkyron, try libxine1-ffmpeg instead :)17:26
kyronpag heheh17:26
* pag doesn't like package renames :(17:26
geniiksivaji, I've heard it has problems showing wifi connections. I have no firsthand knowledge, my adapters are all wired type.17:26
ksivajino mine is wired connection17:27
michele__tutto bene17:27
michele__qualcuno chatta con me17:27
geniipag, Someone perhaps BluesKaj was saying only revcently about the ffmpeg changes17:27
kyronéme thinks he should have installed kubuntu, take notes, and replicate the packages with Gentoo...heheheh17:27
michele__parlate italiano17:27
pag!it | michele__17:27
ubotumichele__: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:27
geniiksivaji, does command:  ifconfig      show a device besides lo device? eg: eth0 eth1 wlan0   or such17:28
=== michel is now known as jdsffds
=== jdsffds is now known as jdsffdsfr
ksivajigenii http://pastebin.com/f25d546e017:29
geniiksivaji, OK, reading17:30
Vanniarajanksivaji: opera doesn't support flashplayer?17:31
=== ubuntu is now known as Elwina
ksivajiVanniarajan no i will support17:31
ksivajiVanniarajan google "how to install flashplayer for  opera  in ubuntu "17:32
Vanniarajanksivaji: that's of no use. now installing firefox for such sites17:32
ksivajiVanniarajan even in firefox you need flash plugin17:32
Vanniarajanksivaji: i downloaded flashplayer. in installation, it said: "opera not supported"17:33
ksivajiVanniarajan wait17:33
ksivajigenii but knetworkmanager icon show i am disconnected and dhcp is not working17:34
geniiksivaji, I am looking into the problem.17:34
ksivajigenii ok ok17:34
geniiksivaji Since ity's not one i have on my system, i need googling etc to see what might be the cause in your case :)17:35
ksivajigenii many users same problem what i have17:36
abcdHello, when i launched amule for a first time  today, a window "Connect to remote amule" appeared. What should I type into "Connect to" box? / Sorry for my english17:37
ksivajiVanniarajan http://my.opera.com/lounge/forums/topic.dml?id=18921017:37
Vanniarajanksivaji: saw it17:39
w8tah|classI notice in some of the kubuntu docs / site that the KDE 4 packages are out in beta -- how stable are they and are they worth the risk for production use?17:39
ksivajiVanniarajan is it working now17:39
ksivajijust go through that page17:39
geniiksivaji, try: sudo dhclient eth0           then attempt to run knetworkmanager by: alt-f2 then put knetworkmanager     there and see if it operates17:39
* genii sips a coffee and ponders if kdesu knetworkmanager17:40
Vanniarajanksivaji: i'll see it later. but hope it will work17:40
ksivajigenii http://pastebin.com/f7c40613c17:41
geniiw8tah|class, I would not recommend for production use17:41
w8tah|classOk - thanks17:41
ksivajiw8tah|class try ubuntu-dev17:42
ksivajiw8tah|class try #ubuntu-dev17:42
Vanniarajanksivaji: need a help17:42
geniiksivaji, did knetworkmanager run after that?17:42
w8tah|classksivaji ok -- thanks17:43
ksivajigenii ya i starts as soon as i can see desktop but always shows disconnected17:44
ksivajinow too17:44
lovrecan some1 help me set up an C IDE and compiler in kubuntu? or can you direct me to a channel where i can get help with this17:44
geniiNo immediate ideas then17:44
ksivajii am disconnected it says" No active device"17:44
ksivajilovre sudo apt-get install g++17:44
WaltzingAlong!info kdevelop | lovre17:45
ubotulovre: kdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 8840 kB, installed size 26992 kB17:45
Minnozzanybody knows why 'pand --connect 00:19:63:FA:62:63 --ethernet bnep0' doesn't create a network interface for my bluetooth dongle?17:45
* ksivaji kate is best 17:45
geniilovre, Kdevelop is a not-bad IDE. underneath the compiling is normally done by the gcc and so on installed by package build-essential17:45
lovreksivaji: but it doesnt debug...17:45
geniiMy mouse is acting up. AFK a minute or so17:46
lovregenii: could i use Eclipse or something like that?17:46
genii!info eclipse17:46
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 125 kB, installed size 412 kB17:46
ksivaji Eclipse suck more RAM17:46
jpatricklovre: it does do debug17:46
geniilovre, As you can see it's Java-centric17:46
kyronI doubt the reported sizes ;P17:47
lovregenii: what is java centric? kdevelop?17:47
geniilovre: no, Eclipse17:47
lovregenii: i see. So in kdevelop i can develop C, C++ and Python applications? That is what i need17:47
Tm_Tgenii: yes17:48
* genii hands Tm_T a coffee17:48
lovregenii: does it have its own compilers or do i install them separatelly?17:48
Tm_Tlovre: gcc is your friend17:48
Tm_Tand friends17:48
lovreTm_T: gcc is a compiler for C and C++?17:49
geniilovre, As i stated earlier, the compiler installed by package build-essential (normally gcc)17:49
Tm_Tlovre: there's full family of GNU compilers17:49
geniiYou can specifically install g++17:49
lovreso i install gcc and Kdevelop and im all ready to write code?17:50
WaltzingAlonglovre: gcc and a text editor you are ready17:50
WaltzingAlonglovre: were you expecting visual studio?17:50
lovrenot really17:51
Dr_willisfor developing kde apps thers some kde -dev pakcages you will proberly want also.17:51
lovreWaltzingAlong: And how do i use gcc to compile my code?17:51
WaltzingAlongman gcc17:51
WaltzingAlonglovre: may be worth learning about some of the autobuild tools17:51
geniilovre, Basically yes, Kdevelop and gcc (which is in build-essential along with some other useful build tools)17:51
WaltzingAlongcould be as simple as gcc source.c17:52
lovreWaltzingAlong: i never used linux to develop anything, i just installed it for the first time a few weeks ago. So excuse my noobness... when i compile my C++ code, what is the output i get? Binary executable (no extension?), could you explain a bit. And also, can i develop applications for windows? I know i can with Python17:54
Dr_willislinux dosent need extensions17:55
WaltzingAlonglovre: then you could have a simple c++ file say hello.cpp, g++ hello.cpp   and the output would default to a.out with the exec bit set. so to run that ./a.out but of course you can rename it to anything you like17:55
Dr_willisPython is a good tool for cross platform tools. Java is also.17:55
poison--how sweet, virtualbox comes with it17:55
poison--hi Dr_Willis17:55
ubunturoslovre: http://www.crasseux.com/books/ctutorial/ - one link to get started17:56
Dr_willisabout work time for me.17:56
ubunturoslovre: http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/gcc/gcc_toc.html - second17:56
ubunturoslovre: http://www.faqs.org/docs/learnc/index.html - three17:56
ubunturoslovre: choose your guide17:56
ubunturoslovre: I had written a complete newbie guide to using GCC, but unfortunately, that server is down, so you don't have a quickguide now :(17:57
geniiKdevelop also has extensive documentation off of the main KDE website17:57
geniihttp://techbase.kde.org/Development           "Programming Tutorials" etc18:00
ubunturosgenii: that's specific to KDE18:02
geniiubunturos, A good starting point.18:02
jpatrickubunturos: they'll all get there in the end (hopefully)18:03
ubunturosjpatrick: :)18:03
ubunturoslovre: start with C++ and python :) (you'll have a book in Help -> Scrollkeeper) for python :)18:03
geniiThe "development tools" part has much on kdevelop which applies to whatever you are programming with it18:04
Vanniarajanksivaji: r u there?18:04
* jpatrick still can't decide between Python and Ruby18:04
ksivajiVanniarajan ya18:04
Vanniarajanksivaji: every day ur work is this?18:05
sven_Hi there, I just installed aircrack, and I need to patch my bcm43xx driver.. Im doing that right now with helpl from a website (http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2045.0) but it requires a modules recompile, and then a sudo make modules_install..18:05
ksivajiVanniarajan in this means18:05
sven_is this not going to overwrite the kernel modules that already exist?18:05
ubunturosjpatrick: watch Youtube Commercials ;)18:05
sven_as in, is this not going to cause problems like a dead machine?18:05
jpatrickubunturos: eh?18:05
ksivajiVanniarajan ya i will be available in this channel18:05
ubunturosjpatrick: just kidding. There's a lot of videos floating on YouTube supporting Ruby over PHP, Python etc.18:06
Vanniarajanksivaji: ok catch u later, leaving!18:06
jpatrickubunturos: my problems is that there are things in each language that I like but the other doesn't have it18:06
ubunturosVanniarajan: bye :) ;)18:06
ubunturosjpatrick: umm18:07
jpatrickand I want to stick with one of them18:07
alesanhi how do I configure the external monitor I attached to my laptop? now it merely clones the primary display18:07
alesanI heard in 7.10 there was a tool to configure everything "on the fly"18:07
lovreubunturos: thank you. I allready programming in Python, but on Windows. And i used to programm in C++ and C, also in windows. So i hope ill get familiar with programming under linux fairly quick18:08
timgelvinsomething weird happened when I turned on my computer... all the fonts sizes changed to something so small I could barely read the text18:09
jpatricklovre: it's not that difficult, you just need to learn what goes on under-the-hood18:09
timgelvinis there something I can do to change all the fonts back to the original size18:10
timgelvinI'm using 7.1018:10
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Kr4t05Now conky hates me. :'(18:15
ubunturoslovre: yes, if you weren't too specific on tools that you used in Windows18:16
lovreubunturos: i get an warning msgbox when starting kdevelop, just a sec, ill paste a link in a sec18:17
ubunturoslovre: I haven't tried KDevelop and I'm not much used to IDEs on Kubuntu18:17
ubunturoslovre: you might have to direct your question to #kubuntu-devel18:17
lovreubunturos: ok, thanx18:18
* ubunturos has to leave and reboot his machine18:18
Kr4t05Everytime I click on the desktop, conky disappears.18:18
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ksivajiis there anyway find recently deleted file18:19
ksivajii just deleted a file when i was trying to clear  download list in opera18:20
kreibwhats up with my kubuntu 710 install , cpu is at constnantly working at 98 % !?18:23
eudemusI assume that the trash bin is too obvious a place to look, ksivaji! Other than that - no idea. Perhaps try strigi desktop search?18:23
eudemusMy question: how do I set the screen resolution for KDE desktop. It appears to be correct (or at least acceptable)  in BIOS, grub, and x server, but as soon as I am logged in, my widescreen disappears. Everything in System Settings > Monitor & Display seems right, but the actual resolution I'm getting isn't. Any ideas, anyone?18:25
icewatermani have a permission problem with my scanner. root has access to it but the user does not. there is a udev rule that should put the scanner into group "scanner" and my user is part of that group but still cannot access the scanner18:26
ksivajieudemus its not there in trash18:27
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:28
eudemusSorry, then, ksivaji - afsos hai I've no better idea (did you try desktop search?)18:29
DaSkreechkreib: What's making it do that?18:30
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kreibthats what I want to know!18:34
kreibthe gkrellm monitor says cpu is at 98% constantly18:34
DaSkreechkreib: press Ctrl+Esc or run top and tell me what process is doing that18:35
eviljamesI'm using the 7.04 install cd as a live cd, is there any way to force konqueror to invoke the "get flash player" wizard?18:37
FOADDoes anyone know where konsole keeps its settings?  Every time I log in again it goes back to the defaults, even though I have saved the settings.18:37
kreibXorg eats the most with a maximum  55 %, then kicker18:37
kreibso its somwthing wrong with the process Xorg ?18:38
lovrei have problems with more than a few applications. When i restart the application or computer, on the application startup, instead of loading its icon in the tray, the application loads its icon in a very small window in the upper left corner of my screen. I cant get it to tray in any way. It happens with konversation as i speak:........ any help with this?18:38
SanneFOAD: I'm finding for konsole: ~/.kde/share/config/konsolerc and ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole/ (which is empty here)18:41
FOADSanne: ok.. lame question, but which permissions should konsolerc have?18:41
SanneFOAD: looking...18:41
lovrewhat is the difference between running kdevelop from all these options in kmenu (there is kdevelop for c, for ruby etc, but when i opet, its allways the same)18:41
SanneFOAD: ls -l konsolerc gives me: -rw------- 1 sanne sanne 870 2007-08-12 22:34 konsolerc18:42
FOADthat's not it then..18:43
phnomAnyone else here that gets graphical artifacts when using the latest fglrx-driver?18:44
SanneFOAD: how do you save your configuration? I just did a "Settings->Save as Default" after customizing, and it works.18:44
DaSkreechkreib: No Xorg normally takes up like 20-40% of my CPU18:44
DaSkreechKicker isn't supposed to do that18:44
FOADSanne: That's what I did.18:44
DaSkreechlovre: All systray applications ?18:44
FOADThe troubles started after I moved /home to its own partition.18:45
kreibXorg is at 52, kicker is at 25 %18:45
DaSkreechkreib: now you added anything to kicker?18:45
DaSkreechIt's not supposed to take that much. that would likely be the problem18:46
kreibhow will I know?18:46
DaSkreechDid you add anything to it?18:46
DaSkreechApplets? new systray ?18:46
lovreDaSkreech: not all, well, all but not at the same time. Sometimes its Penguin, somethimes its Clipper, sometimes Konversation, sometimes Ktorrent..... yout get my point18:46
SanneFOAD: weird. What I did was basically set another font and turn off menubar and tabbar, and those customizations stuck. What did you change? I can try also and see if it works here (I'm on Dapper btw, not Gutsy)18:46
DaSkreechlovre: but you do have a systray though ?18:47
lovreDaSkreech: yes, and there are applications sitting in it18:47
kreibNo, dont think I have added anything18:47
FOADJust changed the scheme to black on white, but as I said it worked fine until I did the /home migration18:47
DaSkreechlovre: Well that kills my main theory :)18:47
lovreDaSkreech: :D18:47
DaSkreechkreib: try killing kicker and restarting it18:48
DaSkreechsee if it grabs the same amount of CPU time18:48
SanneFOAD: oh, yes, I also have that scheme set (forgot). If the problem is the /home migration, other programs should also have problems with their configs. Can you test that?18:48
eudemusAnybody got any suggestions about my screen resolution problems. Normally getting xorg.conf right solves things, but the problem here is that it's right prior to login and then the resolution used *after* login is incorrect.18:49
ScorpKing"Device 'dock.0' does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed18:49
ScorpKingdoes someone know how to fix that? ^^18:49
lovrei can see all the documentation in kdevelop by contents, but i cant open most of them. Do i need to install something or is it just another bug?18:49
FOADSanne: yes well I also have problems with kicker.18:49
kreibyes, grabs the same after restart + plus bottom panel didnt restore properly18:50
FOADI set the number of desktops to 1, but it keeps going back to 2 after logging in again18:50
geniiFOAD, when you migrated the /home did you make sure to preserve permissions?18:50
FOADI just re-logged in, and again konsole is white on black, although /home/dok/.kde/share/config/konsolerc has BlackonWhite18:51
kreibprocess kwin and kdesktop and gkrellm grabs about 20 % each, somethings not right...18:51
FOADgenii: I probably screwed up in that18:51
poison--<ScorpKing, sup18:51
poison--genii :D18:52
FOADI followed http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome LITERALLY18:52
ScorpKinghiya poison--! not much. ;)18:52
poison--havin issues with virtualbox and USB atm18:52
FOADBut after rebooting some of my dirs, like the .whatever ones, were empty18:52
FOADso I did a regular cp after that... :/18:52
poison--think i got it tho18:52
* genii hands poison a coffee18:52
ksivajigenii for me18:52
* ScorpKing kicks genii..18:53
* genii hands everyone a coffee!18:53
* ksivaji sets a ban on ScorpKing 18:53
ScorpKingty genii. :-D18:53
geniiFOAD, Anyhow, you would want to do something like: cp -pR /dirname         /destination           to recursively copy with permissions intact18:54
FOADBut the permissions of every dir and down to konsolerc are rw(x) for user?18:55
* DaSkreech hands genii a McDonalds cup of coffee18:55
The_Machinehow do i know where perl is installed?18:55
geniiFOAD since your curent username seems to be dok then you might want to:   sudo chown dok:dok /home/dok18:55
KalElThe_Machine: which perl18:55
The_MachineKalEl, it isn't specific..  it just asks me where perl is installed :)18:56
lovrei cant get kdevelop to build a hello world application, i get this error: "font-family:Monospace"><img src=warning ><18:56
ScorpKinggenii: -R as well :P18:56
KalElThe_Machine: no no i meant type "which perl" in konsole :)18:56
lovresorry, this error: C compiler cannot create executables18:56
FOADgenii: I did that, but that's how the perms already were18:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about build-essensial - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:57
FOADI.e. nothing changed.18:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:57
geniiFOAD, with -R will be recursive also (I omitted by mistake)18:57
stdininstall "build-essential" :)18:57
ScorpKingty stdin :D18:58
ScorpKinglovre: <stdin> install "build-essential" :)18:58
lovreScorpKing: it is allready installed18:58
KalElafter i switched to kubuntu i've never seen the prompt for upgrading packages... i'm now beginning to wonder if the system is working correctly18:58
FOADI'll try that.18:58
_buzKalEl: try starting adept_notifier18:59
geniiFOAD, what you can do to rebuild the .kde dir etc etc is to logoff to kdm, then go to terminal by ctrl-alt-f1 and sudo rm -R /home/dok/.kde     then back to kdm with alt-f7 and login where it should rebuild and recreate whatever was in there18:59
KalEl_buz: nothing seems to happen19:00
_buzi would rename rather than remove .kde19:00
stdin!build-essential is <alias> compiling19:00
FOADLet's try.19:00
geniiFOAD, as _buz suggests you can do instead sudo mv /home/dok/.kde /home/dok/.oldkde                      or similar19:01
ScorpKinglovre: i think you need gcc or g++ or something like that. still looking..19:01
stdinbuild-essential installs both19:02
raindogKonqueror won't load any webpages unless I disable the cache.  What is up with that?19:02
ScorpKingraindog: using some kind of dailup?19:02
raindogScorpKing: Yes, dialup.  :(19:03
FOADgenii: you nailed it, excellent.  Thank you.19:03
ScorpKingraindog: you need an active network connection like eth0 for dns to work in konq and some other kde apps like Akregator.19:04
raindogScorpKing: Really?  Is this a new thing?  My previous installation worked fine without disabling the cache.19:05
ScorpKingraindog: setup eth0:1 in /etc/network/interfaces and it should be ok19:05
FOADAnother question... in Feisty, upon going into X, my external drives would be present.  This is no longer so in my (fresh) Gutsy install.  I have to do something like plug in a drive to have them all show up at once.  Can I change this?19:05
lovreScorpKing: i installed gcc19:05
raindogScorpKing: Thanks for the help.19:05
KalElcan i see a graphical dependency chart for my installed packages?19:06
ScorpKingraindog: there is /etc/ppp/* where all the files are kept for dailup. seems like konq doesn't use that. i'm still trying to figure out what is going on.19:06
raindogScorpKing: Thanks.  You've been quite helpful.19:07
geniiFOAD, glad to help19:07
ScorpKingraindog: adding replacedefaultroute to /etc/ppp/options seems to help as well.19:07
ScorpKingraindog: you're welcome19:07
geniiFOAD, the uuid for the drives has likely changed during the installations19:08
ScorpKinglovre: is it working now?19:08
idioticwhat i need to install tcl via apt-get? the name of the file i mean19:11
lovreScorpKing: no. Im giving up for today, im too tired, worked whole day------ goto sleep19:11
geniiFOAD, what you can do is output the curent uuid's as the system now sees them (when all drives are plugged in etc) by: sudo blkid       then compare the output to what is in the /etc/fstab and make changes accordingly if neccesary. Also may be the uuid in there are correct but that the option auto may now be noauto instead19:11
lovreScorpKing: thank you for your trouble19:11
ScorpKinglovre: np. come back tomorrow. ;)19:11
lovreScorpKing: :D19:11
aztyxcan someone tell me how i install steam on a kubuntu wine desctop19:11
idioticE: Package tcl has no installation candidate19:11
aztyxi know how but where do i install19:12
geniiSorry for lag, getting yanked away every 30 secs or so for work here19:12
* FOAD looks.19:12
FOADThey're not in fstab at all but I don't recall them being in there before either.19:12
DaSkreechaztyx: Try in #winehq19:12
FOADStill your idea seems logical, I'll try it.19:13
DaSkreechHi DShepherd19:13
FOADThanks once again genii. :)19:13
DShepherdhey DaSkreech19:13
ScorpKingidiotic: sudo aptitude search tcl19:13
KalElWhen I try to choose best server in "Manage Repositories" in adept, the dialog box just closes and nothing happens19:13
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DaSkreechgenii: 30 secs of work. sweet :)19:13
idioticScorpKing thanx i never new of aptitude19:13
geniiFOAD, it is preferable to have disks mounted by uuid and not by devname eg: /dev/sdX or so because when you have multiple drives, the first plugged in becomes for instance /dev/sda1 but the uuid will remain constant19:13
ScorpKingidiotic: it's usefull. :)19:14
geniiDaSkreech, Well mainly it is shuttling them up in the elevator LOL19:14
idioticScorpKing its exactly what i wanted :)19:14
ScorpKinglol @ genii.19:14
ScorpKingidiotic: np19:15
aztyxcan someone tell me where i do install steam with wine? the automaticly directory is c:\Program Files\Steam but that can be right with kubuntu or?19:15
FOADAn UUID belongs to a drive, not a partition, right?19:15
geniiFOAD, so if in /etc/fstab there is an entry like /dev/sda1 /mountpoint fstype     etc etc    the /dev part becomes replaced by: UUID="uuidstuffhere"19:15
geniiFOAD, uuid can be entire drive or a subpartition also19:15
ScorpKingaztyx: look it /home/you/.wine/19:15
SudoKingexcept don't type "uuidstuffhere"19:15
geniiSudoKing, LOL19:16
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SudoKingi wonder what that would do anyway....19:16
geniiFOAD, where i put uuidstuff   of course you want to replace with real UUID for that device as shown by sudo blkid19:16
FOADOkay, because fstab has an UUID for /, but /home is only identified by /dev/sda319:16
ScorpKinghi SudoKing19:16
aztyxplz can someone help me? sry if i sound like a n00b but its my first time linux19:17
SudoKinghi Scorpy Snorpy19:17
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geniiFOAD At any rate, you get the idea19:17
FOADYes, thank you again for your great help. :)19:18
DrakeJustice_aztyx: what is your problem?19:18
aztyxcan someone tell me where i do install steam with wine? the automaticly directory is c:\Program Files\Steam but that can be right with kubuntu or?19:18
* ScorpKing wonders if he should b#@%slap SudoKing today..19:18
aztyxim gonn install steam with wine19:18
* SudoKing thinks Scorpy is too nice to do that...19:18
aztyxbut i dont know where to install it. the directory19:18
DrakeJustice_aztyx: sry, im not a gamer but the wine directory is ~/.wine/drive_c/....19:19
* genii sips a coffee and waits for the third triplet SudoScorp to arrive19:19
* ScorpKing give SudoKing a cookie instead..19:19
* SudoKing laughs at Genii19:19
DrakeJustice_aztyx: copying from windows install?19:19
aztyxno im installing now19:19
geniiSudoKing, ;)19:19
aztyxwith a installer19:19
DrakeJustice_aztyx: oh...19:19
aztyxif i copy from a windows install would it work? in case i got friend on lan19:20
aztyxim on a lan;D19:20
DrakeJustice_aztyx: just wondering, because if it was copied from windows, then you C:\ == ~/.wine/drive_c19:20
DrakeJustice_aztyx: google 'steam ubuntu howto'19:20
aztyxim new on linux but it feels like im not a newb om it19:21
aztyxon it*19:21
aztyxlearning fast19:21
SudoKingwell, that's because linux > windows19:21
DaSkreechaztyx: Welcome to Kubuntu19:22
aztyxThank toy19:22
aztyxThank You19:22
aztyxWere on lan and everybody whine cuse they want to play19:23
aztyxbut i love kubuntu anyawy19:23
DaSkreechaztyx: play what?19:25
DrakeJustice_aztyx: when you get used to tux you'll love it...19:25
* genii sips a coffee and waits for head-to-head lan version of TuxRacer19:25
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aztyxhehe ok19:27
aztyxim playing cs19:27
KalElWhen I try to choose best server in "Manage Repositories" in adept, the dialog box just closes and nothing happens19:27
=== oslo is now known as oslo_pasl
aztyxdaskreech: you?19:27
aztyxim on a guide now and they say to download gecko19:27
DaSkreechaztyx: Don't they have a LInux CS server ?19:28
geniiKalEl, make sure you are in Administrator mode19:28
DrakeJustice_aztyx: gecko is a program that you never see, that helps CS run19:28
DaSkreechgenii: You too?19:28
DrakeJustice_aztyx: it helps most windows programs actually... good to have it on your wine drive19:28
KalElwho is tux?19:28
ubotutux is the Linux Mascot - http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/19:29
DrakeJustice_aztyx: check out 'google ies4linux' for internet explorer on your wine drive, that fixes alot of wine issues19:29
geniiDaSkreech, I'm not playing CounterStrike LOL19:29
aztyxbut. now on the installer i cant change from the c: directory19:30
DaSkreechgenii: No there are no networked driving games on Linux19:30
carwash^Hi I'm trying to edit my acpi-scripts specially volupbtn and voldownbtn to raise and lower the volume with greater resolution. Unforunately i dan't understand how the (very simple) scripts actually control the volume. Does anybody know?19:30
DaSkreechMuch less any good ones19:30
DrakeJustice_aztyx: where are you trying to install it?19:30
aztyxso i cant install iwhout windows?19:30
DrakeJustice_aztyx: ???19:30
z1pp3rDaSkreech, maybe kart rider runs with wine? Havent tried19:30
DrakeJustice_aztyx: C:\ == ~/.wine/drive_c/19:31
DrakeJustice_aztyx: thus C:\Program Files == ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files19:31
geniiDaSkreech, I'm looking in my last LinuxFormat magazine where they have an interesting looking game called Thunder and Lightning ...i have not installed it yet however19:31
timohi. I have abit of an annoying problem. I want to run flightgear in full screen mode but it seems compiz fusion is making the full screen a little transparent which means I can see all the other windows underneat19:31
timohow do I fix this?19:31
DaSkreechz1pp3r: That's still techncally not Linux :) and probably not FOSS19:31
DrakeJustice_aztyx: so if the installer asked to install on the C:\ that's where it should be installed19:31
geniithe url given for it is http://tnlgame.net19:31
z1pp3rDaSkreech, definately not FOSS... sorry, didnt see that being important19:32
aztyxin the c:\program files i cant see any .wine19:32
aztyxjust common files and internet explorer19:32
DrakeJustice_aztyx: are you on a kubuntu sys now?19:32
aztyxi installed on c now19:32
DrakeJustice_aztyx: looking at the files through a windows program or linux program?19:32
DaSkreechz1pp3r: It's nice :)19:32
aztyxsteam is for windows. so im installing from wine19:33
z1pp3rDaSkreech, it sure is, although with the new patch i get disconnected after every race =/19:33
semistud2354Can anyone help me...i just need to know now to comple mupen 64 for kubuntu19:33
DrakeJustice_aztyx: gotcha... does Steam usually install to C:\Program Files\Steam?19:33
semistud2354im not exactly sure what to do19:33
semistud2354im using gutsy19:34
DaSkreechz1pp3r: otherwise I'd just throw in Need for speed19:34
aztyxyes drake19:34
DaSkreechgenii: plane simulator ?19:34
geniiDaSkreech, yup19:34
DaSkreechtimo: Turn off Compiz? :)19:34
semistud2354does anyone know how to compile mupen64 from source code19:35
DrakeJustice_aztyx: type 'Drak' then press tab... it brings up the name of the person you might be trying to speak to...19:35
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aztyxDrakeJustice_:  hi19:35
DrakeJustice_aztyx: just make sure your 'windows drive' has the Steam folder where it is usually installed and it should run fine...19:35
aztyxis it red?19:35
DrakeJustice_aztyx: yup19:35
DrakeJustice_aztyx: lol19:35
aztyxi dont got windows anymore19:35
DrakeJustice_aztyx: good job!19:36
DaSkreechgenii: Honestly never heard of it. It's a racing agame? And a plane simulator ?19:36
aztyxDrakeJustice_: what?19:36
DrakeJustice_aztyx: linux has a sharper learning curve than windows though... so prepare for a lot of learning to switch19:36
DaSkreechDrakeJustice_: Not that much higher19:36
aztyxDrakeJustice_: ooh ok19:36
geniiDaSkreech, not so much a racing game as a plane dogfighting game, you can play head-to-head19:36
geniifully open source too19:37
DrakeJustice_aztyx: the IRC Channels will help a lot          admin: not yelling19:37
DaSkreechgenii: Yeah I'm trying to find something to feed the NFS guys at LAN parties :)19:37
ardchoilleDrakeJustice_: My 8 year old niece uses Linux on a daily basis, and hasn't really asked me much about it. If she can learn it..  :)19:37
DaSkreechgenii: Now that I think about it that's a nice space actually19:37
aztyxwhat do you mean with not yelling?19:37
geniiDaSkreech, :)19:37
DrakeJustice_ardchoille: lol, linux is pie for children19:37
ScorpKingDaSkreech: ever tried flightgear?19:38
aztyxDrakeJustice_: what do you mean with no yelling?19:38
DrakeJustice_ardchoille: its like another language to some...19:38
ardchoilleDrakeJustice_: Maybe because they don't have to "unlearn" anything?19:38
DaSkreechScorpKing: Yeah. I like Santa and all but i wish it had more helicopters19:38
DrakeJustice_aztyx: capital letters usually mean that you are yelling...19:38
TimSKDE4 is not coming as deafult in 8.04?19:38
DrakeJustice_aztyx: sometimes people get angry if you yell19:38
aztyxDrakeJustice_: aha so i shouldnt caps?19:38
DrakeJustice_ardchoille: indeed... capitalism to the max19:38
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:38
DrakeJustice_aztyx: not unless you need to19:39
ScorpKingTimS: no. 8.04 will be LTS and KDE4 will not be stable by then19:39
aztyxDrakeJustice_: so back to steaminstall. how should i do if i dont got any windows?19:39
DrakeJustice_i wish 4.5 would be good by 8.04...19:39
DaSkreechScorpKing: It will be stable19:39
TimSYeah, I am watching the Kubuntu akademy talk19:40
DrakeJustice_aztyx: do you have aim?19:40
ScorpKingDaSkreech: stable enough for LTS?19:40
aztyxDrakeJustice_: no, but i got msn .19:40
DaSkreechTimS: By default does not mean it won't be available19:40
TimSYeah the packages will be there19:40
DaSkreechScorpKing: It might be. however it's too new for them to bet on it19:40
DrakeJustice_aztyx: i don't have msn... do you know how to join an IRC Channel?19:40
aztyxDrakeJustice_: yes i do19:41
ardchoilleaztyx: you can use opete to connect to msn19:41
DrakeJustice_aztyx: join slinux19:41
DrakeJustice_ardchoille: i don't have an msn account19:42
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GuHHHdoes someone uses bacula and could help me with a simple question?19:44
ScorpKingDaSkreech: oh i see. :D19:45
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cyboreal_When an external HD with a LUKS encrypted partition is plugged into Ubuntu 7.10 (GNOME), it is automatically recognized and the user is prompted for the password. Kubuntu does not do this with my drive. How do I make it work like it does on GNOME?19:45
DaSkreechI would say yes for both GuHHH. however I'm not the person19:46
DaSkreechGutsy ships with LUKS ?19:46
_buzcyboreal_: there's a link to some hack that does this on the luks site19:46
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GuHHHDaSkreech: whos?19:47
_buzcyboreal_: other than that, pmount device is your friend ;-)19:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about luks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:47
cyboreal__buz, thanks!19:47
DaSkreech!ask | GuHHH19:48
ubotuGuHHH: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:48
GuHHHDaSkreech: but its a kind off-topic :)19:49
DaSkreechGuHHH: Well where would it be ontopic ?19:49
GuHHHin a channel that no one is responding19:50
SudoKingnot if its relevant to what you're talking about19:52
SudoKingif i was talking about kde,19:52
SudoKingand no response :(19:52
DaSkreechGuHHH: Well toss out the question then19:53
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows19:54
carwash^Hi I'm trying to edit my acpi-scripts specially volupbtn and voldownbtn to raise and lower the volume with greater resolution. Unforunately i dan't understand how the (very simple) scripts actually control the volume. Does anybody know?19:55
ibertWhere can I edit the labelig of music-files when ripping with konquerors copy and paste?19:57
carwash^ibert: you should rip with kaudiocreator19:57
GuHHHDaSkreech: i try 'run' in the bconsole, then 'restorefiles', but it gives me error.19:57
carwash^it'll automatically get cddbinfo for your cds19:57
GuHHHDaSkreech: http://pastebin.org/651619:57
nalioth!tell me about upgrade19:58
ibertcarwash^: konqi also does it. but I want to change the artist-title name....19:58
ibertcarwash^: I think I just got it that second :-)19:58
carwash^aah, i just do that in amarok19:58
carwash^btw, i have really slow ripping speeds on my sata cdrom. Is there any way to speed things up?20:00
nosrednaekim!DMA | carwash^20:01
ubotucarwash^: dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA20:01
DaSkreechcarwash^:Konqueror shoudl get cddbinfo as well i think20:02
carwash^but hwo do i set dma on a sata drive. hdparm won't work20:02
nosrednaekimoh... hmm IDK... maybe its enabled by default since they are newer?20:02
carwash^and, the drive is fast enough to give me around 6megabytes/s whencopying from a burned dvd20:03
DaSkreechgenii: new relase tooday :)20:03
compilerwriterI have a 2Wire router and a printer connected to an XP machine that I need to print to can anyone help me get this done?20:05
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ibertcompilerwriter: smb:///NameOfXPMachine20:06
geniicarwash^, You might find some useful stuff about the acpi/volup/voldown stuff at these places (one is Panasonic-centric but shows the /proc path the brightness values are stored in etc) http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-497052.html and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/1642420:07
geniiDaSkreech, New release of Konq?20:08
DaSkreechgenii: TnL20:08
compilerwriterThanks ibert20:08
geniiDaSkreech, Ah Ok :) I'll have to check it out when i get home20:08
genii(this box would choke horrendously on anything)20:09
carwash^genii: thanks, i'll look in to it20:09
geniicarwash^, np20:10
ThylioHow do i watch divx videos in firefox?20:10
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vaidasumm... what do I do to make ark be able to use rar files?20:10
ReMiiRuruIn tcsh, can I somehow check if argument is a number?20:10
DrakeJustice_Thylio: embed mplayer20:11
Daryllguys: is it possible to delete all panels from KDE?20:11
Daryllor there have to be 1 all the time ?20:11
Thyliovaidas: install winrar for linux, www.rarlab.com ore somthing20:11
DrakeJustice_Daryll: make it autohide but super long delay on popping back up20:11
ThylioDrakeJustice_ :   embed?  I have installed mplayer. it dont work anyways20:12
Ragolhi, I have problem with upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10.20:12
Daryllother question, how do i let the last panel look like a dock ?20:12
DrakeJustice_Thylio: mplayer doesn't work?20:12
nosrednaekimDaryll: or you can just hide it with a super small button20:12
Ragolwhen I run adept_manager, it finds the new version, downloads packages and then quits20:12
Ragolit doesn't say anything20:12
DrakeJustice_Thylio: you need the plugins package... google it20:12
RagolI even tried to run it from console to get more error messages, but nothing20:12
ThylioDrakeJustice_ :  okay20:12
Ragolany ideas what else could I try?20:12
Black_Monkeyhi, I'm having an odd problem - every time I try to load amarok, it doesn't load, and kopete freezes - though it unfreezes if I kill amarokapp. Any ideas?20:12
Ragolit isn't probably wise to just run aptitude upgrade?20:13
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: how about starting it when kopete isn't started?20:13
Black_Monkeynosrednaekim: still doesn't run20:14
Black_Monkeyoh, and katapult freezes too20:14
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: whats it say if you run amarok from konsole?20:14
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ThylioDrakeJustice_ :  cant find anyting20:14
Black_Monkeynosrednaekim: doesn't say anything20:15
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: hmm.... i've had that happen before.20:15
geniiRagol, generally when doing a dist-upgrade I've found most success by commandline apt-get method.eg:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:15
Ragolgenii: yep, but for some upgrade it was not a suggested method20:16
Daryllguys: how can i make a panel look like mac osx-dock ?20:16
Ragolbecause apt-get couldn't handle something in that upgrade20:16
compilerwriteribert Ive not done something correctly20:16
Black_Monkeynosrednaekim: does anything except restarting solve it?20:16
nosrednaekimDaryll: get kooldock20:16
ubotuntfs is To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions .  For NTFS write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse20:16
Ragoland I wouldn't want to try if it works now, because this is my primary computer ;)20:16
Daryllnosrednaekim:  ok i search for it thx20:16
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: do an apt-get purge amarok and then reinstall it20:17
DrakeJustice_Thylio: join slinux20:17
Black_Monkeynosrednaekim: nope, still does the same thing20:19
Daryllwhat to do with a bzip2 file ?20:20
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: hummm check your kopete settings, do you have the media plugin enabled?20:20
travisXevious are you around?20:20
DrakeJustice_Daryll: cd /path/to/bzip; tar -jxf ./file.tar.bz220:20
Black_Monkeyyeah, but it crashed when kopete wasn't running...20:21
travisanyone using ati?20:21
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: but was katapult running?20:21
nosrednaekimtravis: here20:21
Black_Monkeyhm, actually, katapult catalogues amarok files20:21
DrakeJustice_travis: unfortunately20:21
Daryllit is opened by Ark, but how to 'install'  it ?20:22
hExDjhow do I know if there are drivers available for my computer in Ubuntu?20:22
DrakeJustice_Daryll: howto install bzip2? lol... try KConfigure, KSource, or other programs for that first20:22
travisnosrednaekim: how you build the driver package for it?20:22
carwash^hExDj: just run the live cd. ifit works you're fine20:22
DrakeJustice_Daryll: if you need more than those apps come back and we'll command line it20:22
Black_Monkeyhm, ok, I killed katapult, disabled the kopete media plugin... kopete's stopped freezing, but amarok's still not running - must be another program...20:23
DaryllDrakeJustice_: ok thx :)20:23
Ragoloh well, I'm just plain upgrading it, we'll see how it will go20:23
carwash^Black_Monkey: try killingartsd, might be a soundserver problem20:23
nosrednaekimtravis: I didn't, but are you tlking about the 8.42driver?20:23
travisdrakejustice: ya20:23
travisdrakejustice: i have the HD Radeon 2600XT im trying to get working20:24
Black_Monkeycarwash^: nope, still not running20:24
DrakeJustice_travis: you tried the program Envy? google it20:24
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: 8.42 is not worth trying20:24
travisdrakejustice: just google Envy?20:24
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!20:25
carwash^why would one want to use envy instead of apt-get nvidia-new?20:25
DrakeJustice_travis: yeah 'Envy ubuntu' or something of that nature20:25
nosrednaekimdo not use envy...20:25
nosrednaekimDrakeJustice_: 8.42 is working great here!20:25
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: Envy is good now, it doesn't hack up restricted anymore...20:25
travisnosrednaekim: what ati car you got?20:26
travisnosrednaekim: what ati card even lol you got?20:26
nosrednaekimtravis: Xpress1100 .... crappy mobile integrated20:26
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: 8.42 is good for power cards but for regular ppl 8.42, and AIGLX is not good from an XGL setup...20:26
GS3User007_i used the script specified by !ntfs, but it says my disks are mounted for read-only access. is it possible to allow read AND write access?20:26
nosrednaekimwell... maybe not for you... but i'm likin' it20:26
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: i wish i had a better card... :(20:27
nosrednaekimGS3User007_: yeah, so into system settings->advanced-> disks and partitions20:27
DrakeJustice_my primary is an 200m... :(((((20:27
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nosrednaekimDrakeJustice_: thats pretty much my card right there..20:27
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: huh?20:28
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DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: AIGLX did not go down with this box... at all...20:28
nosrednaekimDrakeJustice_: a Xpress1100 is a 200m with support for turion X2's20:28
nosrednaekimDrakeJustice_: yeah... I know another guy who has that card and it didn't work for him either20:28
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: hmm... how did you pray tell?20:29
DrakeJustice_oh... crap20:29
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: nm... :(20:29
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Black_Monkeyany idea how I can find out which apps might be using amarok? :/20:29
DrakeJustice_Black_Monkey: i so wish i remembered that command...20:30
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:30
alibobaevichHi all. Is it possible to switch file manager from Dolphin back to Konqueror?20:30
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: probably a dbus command20:30
nosrednaekimalibobaevich: yeah,but I forget how to do it20:30
nosrednaekim(and wish I remembered)20:30
ubotudolphin is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror → Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.20:31
SertralineDoes anyone happen to know how to reflash a BIOS? I'm having serious problems with both my hardware and my software, and I believe it has to do with the fact the BIOS update utility crashed mid-update :S20:31
alibobaevichnosrednaekim, Thank you!20:31
DrakeJustice_nosrednaekim: lsof | grep amarok... all libs and bins attached to it in runtime...20:32
nosrednaekimBlack_Monkey: ^^20:33
Black_Monkeyah, thanks20:33
Black_Monkeythat's a lot of results O_o20:33
Black_MonkeyI'd meant which other programs use amarok as katapult does for indexing amarok files, and kopete does for the now playing script :/20:34
DrakeJustice_wtf is an amarok file, audio/* (mime) maybe? grok?20:36
DrakeJustice_idk, grok amarok src...20:37
olavxxxhas anyone tried the linuxmce?20:38
DrakeJustice_olavxxx: just another linux...20:38
nosrednaekimolavxxx: nope... but I hear its really nice20:39
olavxxxI saw a vid of it, comparing it to windowsMCE20:39
DrakeJustice_Black_Monkey: kdcop + browsing... lol20:39
olavxxxdownloading the disc atm.. but I get crappy 112kb/s :S20:39
b1n42yahh installed newest version of xchat no more join leave msgs20:39
pumpkinnhey uys i restarted my kubuntu and not started in text mode, and afther sudo start x i get a error message20:39
DrakeJustice_olavxxx: it is... except they don't have an underlying foundation... they are a linux+hack, kinda like tivo... lol20:39
olavxxxI must say the kubuntu was way better than ydl on ps3 :P20:39
Black_MonkeyDrakeJustice_: sorry, what's that? :S20:40
DrakeJustice_olavxxx: lol... indeed... everything is still good on a ps320:40
olavxxxI hope someone cracks the hypervisor20:40
olavxxxthen it would be a cool workstation too20:40
DrakeJustice_Black_Monkey: weren't you looking for what used amarok? kdcop lets you browse all of the open programs dcop 'registries'20:41
Black_Monkeyoh ok, thanks20:41
olavxxxhow can I check used resources in the kubuntu? 7.0420:41
DrakeJustice_olavxxx: ksysguard > resources tab20:41
olavxxxah, thx20:42
DrakeJustice_olavxxx: ksysguard > system load wutev20:42
olavxxxI think the install could have been a bit better fornoobs :p20:42
olavxxxI made a 2gb swap partiotion, is that good?20:42
olavxxxit said atleast 150mb or something20:42
olavxxxso I made the swap in the beginning of the drive, 2gb20:42
b1n42ydepends on your memory i *think*20:43
olavxxxthe hw is kindof crappy.. 2.54ghz p4, 533fsb, 2 x 512 pc320020:43
b1n42ybut that could be XP talking20:43
DrakeJustice_olavxxx: 2gb is mostly wasteful... unless you use 'blender' or game or something heavy...20:43
olavxxxXP as in experience, or as in Windows xp?20:43
olavxxxI'll just try the mediacenter..20:44
olavxxxI have another pc for gaming20:44
b1n42yi hope you arent going to install winblows20:44
olavxxxthis one only has gf fx5200 fanless20:44
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olavxxxthe other one uses xp :P20:44
olavxxxatleast its not vista?20:44
Les_Caesarshow do I change the key shortcut for lowering my volume?20:45
b1n42yyes as far as games it is probably advisable to have winblows somewhere20:45
nzkHey, my laptop supports 1920x1200, but Kubuntu will only use 1024x768, which is hideous. How do I get it to use 1920x1200?20:45
nosrednaekimLes_Caesars: kmix->global shortcuts20:45
nosrednaekimnzk: what graphics card?20:45
nzknosrednaekim: ATI Mobility Radeon 9800 Pro20:46
nzkI got fglrx.20:46
nosrednaekimnzk: oh... ok20:46
DrakeJustice_fancy fglrxer's20:46
TheGateKeepernzk: modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:46
nzkThat's how I broke it, TheGateKeeper20:46
olavxxxb1n42y:: yes.. I only game the different valve games (most of them) and some battlefield2, etc. so I guess I "have" to have a windows boot...20:46
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nosrednaekimnzk: umm, run a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"20:46
nzknosrednaekim: ...20:46
nzkThat led to around 12 or 13 reformats for me.20:47
nzkThat's the devil command. I might as well rm -rf /20:47
TheGateKeepernzk: make a backup of it first20:47
nosrednaekimuhhh really? that always rescues me :)20:47
nzkI did that the last 11 or 12 times.20:47
nosrednaekimnzk: ok.... did you try the screens and graphics tool in the control center?20:48
TheGateKeepernzk: let get this straight, you messed up xorg.conf so you reinstalled?20:48
Les_Caesarsnosrednaekim: The configuration is still the same as before, even though I remapped it. Do I need to restart X before changes take effect, or is there a less session-closing way of doing that?20:48
nosrednaekimLes_Caesars: what did you remap it to?20:48
olavxxxI love the GUI in the kubuntu20:49
olavxxxalso everything works :)20:49
Les_Caesarslower volume works just fine. But raisevolume doesn't change the volume. Key's recognized just fine though20:49
nzkTheGateKeeper: Yes, I got tired after asking on IRC for weeks and making dozens of topics on every Linux help board imaginable.20:49
nzkSo it takes less time to reformat.20:49
JohnFluxIs there a hardware compatibility list thing for ubuntu?20:49
JohnFluxso I can check if hardware will work before I buy it20:49
olavxxxlinuxcompatible.com or something20:49
FiretechWhy is kbluetoothd (the binary at least)gone in gutsy? :S20:49
olavxxxI seem to recall reading earlier today20:49
JohnFluxIn particular I want to know if the sound card:    Realtek ALC883  will work :)20:49
osiumhow do i enable desktop effects on kubuntu gutsy? am using dell inspiron 142020:49
JohnFluxolavxxx: thanks20:50
olavxxxmaybe it was org20:50
TheGateKeepernzk: all you have to do if copy your backup & start again lol20:50
JohnFluxolavxxx: good memory :)20:50
nosrednaekimLes_Caesars: then yes, you need to retsart X20:50
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport20:50
olavxxxJohnFlux: lol, yeah.. since I didnt even visit the page :P20:50
Les_Caesarsnosrednaekim: darn, ok then. Thanks20:50
Black_Monkeyosium: you need to install compiz, they're not installed by default on kubuntu20:51
JohnFluxolavxxx: it didn't find it though :-D20:51
pumpkinnhey the logout buton don't works20:51
nzkTheGateKeeper: That didn't work when I did it.20:51
olavxxxI was actually installing the xp2k5 mce.. (since I have a legal key and all), but when I got impatient and removed the bluetooth dongle during install, it would not respond when I plugged it in later, during the install process... SO I thought: **** it, I'll try another linux distro.20:51
olavxxxJohnFlux: http://www.linuxcompatible.org/20:52
nosrednaekimJohnFlux: I have that chip, and it works fine here.20:52
Black_Monkeyosium: if you look on the ubuntuforums, there's a bunch of guides to installing compiz20:52
JohnFluxnosrednaekim: thanks20:52
b1n42yosium, plus ive been told that the pager and compiz dont work to well so id go with gnome like i have20:52
JohnFluxolavxxx: sorry I meant I went there, searched for my hardware, and didn't find it20:53
TheGateKeepernzk: sheesh cause it works, I even copied one from another distro cos the one I had was such a mess20:53
osiumok thanx20:53
olavxxxJohnFlux: ah, ok..20:53
olavxxxJohnFlux: this means you can post there, when you figure out that it works.20:54
hamadoooanyone can help with upgrading20:54
Les_Caesarnosrednaekim: well, it made more problems for me :(20:54
Les_Caesarnosrednaekim: it works just as it did before, only now I don't get a popup showing the volume. Raise volume still aint working.20:54
Les_CaesarOh, and my drives don't mount on login. But that's a different problem.20:55
KalElhow do i remove stuffs that got installed as dependencies of a metapackage?20:55
nosrednaekimLes_Caesar: like.....20:55
hamadoooi got an error while im trying to update my ubuntu20:56
nosrednaekimhamadooo: what is the error20:57
hamadooofailed to fetch ........20:57
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:57
hamadooo..... = site20:57
b1n42ysounds like network issues to me retry?20:57
hamadoooyes i think that to20:57
hamadooohow to solve this20:57
DrakeJustice_hamadooo: google the filename then download it from somewhere else20:58
nosrednaekimhamadooo: restart the upgrade?20:58
b1n42yjust re run whatever u where trying to d/l thats what ive done in the past20:58
Les_Caesarnosrednaekim: ok. I reassigned the shortcuts. Now lower volume is supposed to raise volume, and vise versa.20:58
hamadoooi did restart 4 times20:58
Les_CaesarThe key is recognized, but does not activate any global shortcuts20:58
hamadooook i will google now20:58
KalElwhen you apt-get install unrar (the non-free one), it is used by the k archive manager as well20:58
b1n42yahh then try drakejustice comment20:58
nosrednaekimLes_Caesar: did you restart X?I don't mean log out...I mean press ctrl+alt+bckspace upon logging out.20:58
b1n42yall good maye20:59
Les_Caesarnosrednaekim: yes. Exactly that. Control alt backspace20:59
b1n42yDrakeJustice_, just saying he should try your suggestion if he has retried d/l21:00
eagles0513875any1 know much about one cuz in the wine channel its dead21:00
eudemusOK, trying one last time ...21:00
eudemusMy screen resolution is correct in x server, but wrong when I log onto KDM. How can I correct this? I have a widescreen TFT 1280 x 800.21:00
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.21:01
nosrednaekimeudemus: ah..... that problem ussually arises when you have used a smaller resolution/moitor21:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:01
ubotuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233121:01
nosrednaekimLes_Caesar: for the heck of it.... do a reboot21:01
Les_Caesarnosrednaekim: ok.21:02
eudemusnosrednaekim: what causes it? how do I correct it?21:02
nosrednaekimeudemus: I know the answer to neither of those qustions, does this happen every reboot?21:03
DrakeJustice_eudemus: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm ??21:05
DrakeJustice_i dunno21:05
ScorpKingeudemus: maybe it's the VGA=? setting in /boot/grub/menu.lst that's causing it. does usplash display ok?21:05
eudemusDrakeJustice: yes, could be. But presumably that's a wizard that basically populates a file somewhere, like dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? No?21:06
ScorpKingeudemus: nah, it's not grub. i remember fixing it on my girlfriends computer. the problem is in xorg.conf21:07
Les_Caesarnosrednaekim: all of my global shortcuts are fouled up. Now "Run Command" doesn't work21:07
eudemusScorpKing: there was a problem with both of those, but I resolved it with some help from ubuntuforums (shouldn't that be "fora"?). Now the remaining problem is after kde login.21:07
nosrednaekimLes_Caesar: ouch...21:08
Les_Caesarnosrednaekim: ok. I got "Run command" to work21:08
ScorpKingeudemus: so during boot it's ok? just after logging in has a problem right?21:08
eudemusScorpKing: nope. For sure it's taken ages to be able to get the xorg.conf right, but the Gutsy tricks in System Settings > Display & Monitor sorted it - very clever, in fact! Sorted it in a way that dpkg-reconfigure never could!21:08
eudemusScorpKing: exactly. It's fine right up until I log in.21:08
ScorpKingeudemus: i know that it's possible to set different resolutions for each user so maybe there is a local xorg.conf file somewhere.21:10
Ahmucki've broke aptitude adept.  how do i fix?21:11
KalElhow can i enable ubuntu like window effects in kubuntu?21:11
eudemusScorpKing: do you think that the issue is with x then? I'll do a search.21:11
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:11
ScorpKingeudemus: i think so. searching...21:11
scheater5This may not be the place for this question, but I got no help at #damnsmalllinux - does anyone know why a computer that supports usb-fdd booting wouldn't boot a working DamnSmallLinux pendrive?21:11
AhmuckE: I wasn't able to locate a file for the libdvdread3 package. This might mean y                                                                ou need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)21:12
Les_Caesaris there a way I can make KDE mount my hard drives without editing fstab?21:12
intExDKWhen I try to install Java Runtime Environment from Adept Manager, it says "There was an error committing changes..." Anybody who can help?21:12
KalElscheater5, you could also try #linuxhelp21:12
AhmuckintExDK: yes, i've broke my apt with the same package21:12
ScorpKingscheater5: or ##linux21:12
scheater5KalEl: in what server?21:13
KalElscheater5, why here itself21:13
nosrednaekimLes_Caesar: system settings-> advanced-> disk and partitions21:13
skoleHi all! I have a problem getting my spell check to work in open office writer after I updated my kubuntu. How to fix that?21:13
KalElscheater5, by here i mean irc.freenode.org21:13
ScorpKingeudemus: i see /home/me/.kde/share/config/displayconfigrc21:14
KalElhow can i enable desktop effects in kubuntu?21:14
ScorpKing!compiz | KalEl21:14
ubotuKalEl: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion21:14
skoleHi all! I have a problem getting my spell check to work in open office writer after I updated my kubuntu. How to fix that?21:16
eudemusScorpKing: that's not it. There's also systemsettingsrc, which isn't it either. Both contain a screen resolution, but since boht are correct on my system, it can't be them.21:17
KalEloh it doesn't ship with kubuntu21:17
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php21:17
ScorpKingeudemus: ok. still looking..21:18
=== kristen is now known as Merritt
DaSkreechJohnFlux: ping21:19
eudemusScorpKing: I found something called xorg.conf_look in /home/user/ but I think it might have been something I put there for my own reference when I was fiddlign around. Name seems a bit suspicious.21:19
MerrittOkay, can someone tell me how to set my nick? It keeps defaulting to my computer user name, it's annoying.21:19
ScorpKingeudemus: yeah, that's not it.21:19
JohnFluxDaSkreech: yo21:19
JohnFluxMerritt: Settings->Identities21:20
soonI need help with my network - can anyone suggest a good channel?21:20
MerrittJohnFlux: Thank you!21:20
b0nnso Ive just upgraded from dapper->edgy, and my laptop will now not boot21:21
KalElhow can i set https:// links to open in firefox instead of konqueror?21:21
b0nnit hangs at setting up console font and keymap21:21
soonKalEl try right clicking a link, choose the app to open it with and flag 'Use this app as standard'21:22
b0nner sorry edgy->feisty21:22
KalElahh i see thanks21:22
soonnp - try it out21:22
KalEli found this: http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS8745257437.html - "I personally just encourage people to switch to KDE." - Linus Torvalds (Linux founder)21:23
KalElthis is nice :)21:23
MerrittYeah, that's nice. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, you know? Good KDE, good. *pets*21:24
ScorpKingeudemus: i don't see anything. :( could i have a look at your xorg.conf?21:24
MerrittThe ONE thing I like about GNOME: The ability to make icons on your desktop different sizes at will. I wish I could do that with KDE.21:25
ScorpKinghmm.. that is nice.21:25
eudemusScorpKing: how do I send it to you? I'm using Konversation .....21:25
ScorpKing!paste | eudemus21:25
ubotueudemus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:26
ScorpKingthere ^21:26
b1n42ydamn i cant thank militant potato..... thanks militant wherever you are in cyberspace21:26
emilsedghMerritt: you could do that with KDE421:26
soonAny suggestions: IRC channel where I can get networking woes help21:26
b1n42ysoon, 1 sec21:26
ScorpKingsoon: right here.21:26
Merrittemilsedgh: I was hoping they'd add that in v4, but it won't be out for a while yet. Really looking forward to it though, KDE4 looks real nice :)21:26
b1n42ylol was going to look for appropraite channel ;p21:27
ScorpKingsoon: explain your problem. we all use networks here.21:27
MerrittOne would hope.21:27
eudemusScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42738/21:28
soonI play DoD on my XP and every now and then (30-90 minutes or so) I loose the connection for 15-20 seconds (also loose my score :-) ... also my downspeed should be 8 Mb, it is actually 5 Mb21:28
soonMy ISP says line is okay21:28
MerrittWell, my dad FINALLY does. He got highspeed last week... after waiting for 7 years. ^_^ lmao21:28
emilsedghMerritt: yes it does21:28
soonI have a Linksys router (setup is okay as far as I can see)21:28
b1n42ythis will be good happens to me ..but im pretty sure mine is line21:28
soonwireless and wires all mixed up  -  but all of it dhcp21:28
soonWhat I need really, is to get some info on what happens when I loose connection21:29
soonsomekinda app, that will log or monitor or what have you21:29
b1n42yi have the same problem soon21:29
Merrittsoon: Personally (the girl with a really bad router) I find wireless often chokes the speed, even for the hard lines. :)21:29
b1n42ysoon, try isolating if possible21:30
soonThis seems to be unrelated to the other activity (if any) on my lan21:30
b1n42ysoon, i have tried just hard lines and i get same problem but maybe in soons case it is wireless21:30
soon(it happens post-midnight when the wife is a sleep :-)21:30
ScorpKingsoon: the wired and wireless network might have different gateways and dns which will help you loos your connection. lol21:30
kudarsoon: pics of wife?21:31
ardchoilleMy system isn't popping up a window with optins when I put in a dvd movie. How do I get that functionality?21:31
* ScorpKing can't spell..21:31
b1n42yall gid21:31
soonhmm .. I can check the router setup again - re. the wired/wireless thing ....21:31
b1n42yScorpKing, how to check this21:32
cristianHow install a theme in KDE 3.5.8 from http://www.kde-look.org??21:32
b1n42y!kde themes21:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde themes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:33
b1n42y!kde theme21:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde theme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:33
ScorpKingb1n42y: not sure. check on the dhcp servers or just disable one of the connections. setting the lease time for clients might help as well.21:33
b1n42yokai thanks21:33
ardchoillenvm, fixed it. The KDED Media Manager service wasn't running21:34
ScorpKingeudemus: that file is not standard. :P did you change it manually for some reason?21:34
ardchoillecristian: That depends on the style/theme you downloaded. Is it a widget theme? Window deco theme? ksplash theme? KDM theme?21:35
ScorpKinghehe. i need to get my usplash theme working.21:35
b1n42ynow i gotta get some counter strike source action21:35
cristianardchoille: Theme/Style21:36
ScorpKingb1n42y: search in google for linux games21:36
eudemusScorpKing: no. I think it will have been changed by the kde utility. The only other thing I've changed it with has been dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Or at least I think so. If I have changed it manually ever (I don't think I have), that will have only been to change the resolution numbers. but I'm pretty sure I've not done that since my clean install of Gutsy.21:36
cristianardchoille: I wanna this theme http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=153&forumpage=1421:37
b1n42yya ive got css working b4 without sound...that is when i switched from ubuntu > kubutnu > ubuntu so i gotta insatll everything again21:37
ScorpKingeudemus: oh ok. what happens if you pres <ctrl>+<alt>+<keypad+> ? it should cycle you trough the modes. is there a useable one?21:38
b1n42ybefore i leave... i just managed to enable 2nd screen with seperate X... and i have seen a perfomance drop on my original screen ..is this normal ??21:39
b1n42ycant spell either ;p21:39
=== flick is now known as KalEl
ScorpKinglol. no idea. i still want to set that up.21:40
b1n42yScorpKing, u talkn to me ?21:40
soonwould some try to ping www.arcor.de and 2 or 3 other .de servers (e.g bmw.de and vw.de) and tell me whether arcor is much slower ...21:40
* Minataku meows at ScorpKing21:40
b1n42yi can help you ^^ Scorp21:40
ScorpKingheya Minataku21:40
MinatakuI've been thinking for a while about two X11 with 1 display21:40
olavxxxCan I run an application as root via the run command dialog?21:41
soon(well vw.de doesnt exist), but ford.de perhaps then21:41
MinatakuI'm sure it's incredibly easy to do21:41
olavxxx-su application ?21:41
ScorpKingb1n42y: it's getting late here. maybe next time. thanks.21:41
b1n42y2 X with 1 display ?21:41
ScorpKingsoon: ping google.com21:41
b1n42yScorpKing, no worries21:41
eudemusScorpKing: nothing happens when I do that. I have tried that before and was a bit mystified why it didn't do anything.21:41
MinatakuYes, two separate instances of X11 running on one local machine with one screen21:41
olavxxxah, I found it21:41
ScorpKingX x2 nice..21:41
MinatakuOr rather21:41
ScorpKingeudemus: then xorg.conf is wrong21:42
MinatakuX11, two displays on one machine, one local one remote21:42
b1n42yMinataku, sorry havent had a need to do that21:42
soonScropKing : Yeah - the thing is, I normally play DoD on an arcor server and actually Im getting pings of 50-70 msec with arcor.de, but on 10-20 with bmw.de .... perhaps the server is to blame - not me21:42
eudemusSK: what should it be like? which bits made you say it was dodgy?21:42
soonScorpKing that is :-)21:42
MinatakuLike have tty7 display the local X server, and tty8 display a remote one, like from one of my Sun machines21:42
ScorpKingMinataku, b1n42y: i have TV output but 1024x768 is a bit big for it.21:43
MinatakuYeah, you'll fairly quickly overrun NTSC resolution21:43
MinatakuOr PAL21:43
MinatakuWherever you are21:43
ScorpKingsoon: that could be it.21:43
cristianardchoille: I wanna install this theme http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=153&forumpage=14  .....and I dont know21:44
soonjep (still doesnt explain my 5Mb versus 8Mb down speed of course)21:44
MinatakuPAL- Pretty Awful; Low refresh rate (actually it's Phase Altered Line, but a joke is a joke XD )21:44
b1n42ysoon, i still think its your line21:44
=== Gunirus is now known as [Gunirus]
soonPerhaps I should just try different servers for a while ...21:44
ScorpKingeudemus: heh. let me see if i can find something. i also think you should have 70Hz in there and not just the lower ones.21:44
soonsee if it looses connection there too ....21:44
MinatakuIt may be the routing, b1n42y/soon21:44
soonWhat to look for though21:45
olavxxxis there a good remote desktop application for kubuntu?21:45
eudemusScorpKing: that would be great.21:45
MinatakuRun a traceroute21:45
MinatakuTo both servers21:45
soontried that21:45
MinatakuSee how many stops and where a bottleneck is21:45
soon8-9 lines each21:45
MinatakuLook at the times, too21:45
soonok hang on21:45
WesleyHi i got a new wide tft screen and i was wordering why cant i stretch my video,s?21:45
MinatakuIf that's not it, one server may have longer pings in the game if it's loaded down more than the other one21:45
b1n42yMinataku, ya but he was talkn about losing connection completely ..from the internet I believe21:46
soontrace route for arcor : http://pastebin.com/m123d054421:46
=== [Gunirus] is now known as Gunirus
=== Gunirus is now known as [Gunirus]
b0nnHi, Ive just tried to upgrade from edgy -> feisty and when i reboot it hangs at setting up console font and keymap' any ideas on what I should do?21:47
skoleHi all! I have a problem getting my spell check to work in open office writer after I updated my kubuntu. How to fix that?21:47
MinatakuWell, that can happen21:47
MinatakuEspecially with wireless21:47
MinatakuFor something that so many people use so often, wireless is garbage21:47
soonhmm www.arcor.de is nothing to do with the DoD server21:48
ScorpKingeudemus: this is what mine looks like - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42744/21:48
MinatakuWhen I get my own place, no wireless. Period.21:48
soonMinataku ... its on a wired PC though21:48
MinatakuLike I said, it's not limited to wireless21:48
b1n42ysoon, is this a random thing or all the time21:48
MinatakuI've had inexplicable network drops21:48
sooneverytime I play - but with varying intervals21:49
MinatakuIt's quite possible that the game is doing something stupid and the network is dropping as a result21:49
b1n42ysoon, and how frequent21:49
soonevery half hour to every second hour or so21:49
=== Daskreech2 is now known as DaSkreech
b1n42yso its random21:49
soonseems to be21:49
ScorpKingeudemus: backup xorg.conf and get the correct settings for HorizSync and VertRefresh. also look at the way Section "Screen" is configured.21:50
b1n42ysoon, sounds exactly like my problem21:50
Angelusi compiled and install a linux kernel by "apt-get source linux-2.6.22" and using debian/rules to compile ( like the developers do ). it compiled and installed corrrectly without trouble , but adept is telling me to update from 2.6.22 to 2.6.22,  its the same version as the kubuntu official kernel, somebody knows how to fix this?21:50
soonthis is the correct trace route to the DoD server : http://pastebin.com/m6ec7bb0d21:50
* DarthWar is away: Gone away for now.21:50
=== DarthWar is now known as Darth-afk
MinatakuI know that if I did a UDP scan with nmap, when it was done, nmap would segfault, and the network would reset21:51
soonI recon I should probably go and try some different servers in germany (Im in Denmark) and see if I can reproduce21:52
b1n42ysoon, agreed... i still think its line21:52
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke21:52
DaSkreech !lvm21:52
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO21:52
eudemusScorpKing: are you suggesting that I paste in something on the pattern of yours, and see what difference that makes?21:52
soonI'll be back later -...21:52
Vermuxhow to I increase the volume?21:53
frojndI wanna to compile ndiswapper: wget http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-1.47.tar.gz  this one. And when I try to make: sudo make uninstall, I get message: NOTE: Not all installed files are removed, as different distributions install ndiswrapper files at different places. Run uninstall as many times as necessary untill no "removing" message appear below. I done this command "sudo make uninstall" fro over 10021:53
frojnd times, but I still get this message. any ideas how can I install this????21:53
b1n42yVermux, have u tried the obvious ?21:53
b1n42yclicking on speaker icon21:54
olavxxxb1n42y: turning it off and on again?21:54
ScorpKingeudemus: you will have to set your drivers and display settings for your card tho. i'll be here for about an hour more. let me see if i can come up with a working one for you..21:54
b1n42yolavxxx, lol21:54
olavxxxlalalala, why cant I read the frikkin manual :P I could have just mounted this images instead of burning it, lol21:54
olavxxxb1n42y: have you seen "the it crowd" ?21:54
olavxxxit's not very much about computers, but..21:55
b1n42yolavxxx, film ya rings a bell no i havnt21:55
b1n42yVermux, and?21:56
olavxxxit's a british comedy serie21:56
b1n42yany good21:56
Daisuke_Laptopb1n42y: your nick is inappropriate.  everyone knows there's no 2 or 4 in binary! :D21:56
olavxxxb1n42y: it's up and down.. some episodes are not so good21:56
=== ubuntu_ is now known as dwidmann
eudemusScorpKing: cheers. that's hugely helpful. Screen res is supposed to be 1280x800, and according to the man for the monitor its supported timing on VESA at 1280x800 is Dot Clock 83.50MHz, Vertical 59.81Hz, Horiz 49.702Khz Sync Polarity or composite sync: -/+ and Operating Mode: A. Not sure what those last bits are.21:57
olavxxxwtf.. why does it say my cdrom is empty, when I just burned the iso on it?21:57
Vermuxb1n42y: ok, thanks21:58
ScorpKingeudemus: thanks, that helps.21:58
dwidmannAnybody around know much about initrd? (by chance ...)21:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initrd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:58
DrakeJustice_dwidmann: whacha need?21:58
olavxxxI had to eject it, lol21:59
b1n42yolavxxx, lol21:59
b1n42ylinuxs messes with you ina good way IMO21:59
olavxxxdoes fujitsu siemens make drivers for linux?21:59
olavxxxthe scaleo c has a display :P21:59
DaSkreechJohnFlux: Sorry Powercut. Can Sysguard connect to multiple computers?21:59
DrakeJustice_dwidmann: feep? do you need something?22:00
olavxxxNow I just have to find out where I install that install.sh... but dont tell me yet22:00
DaSkreechMerritt: You can set icon sizes in KDE422:00
olavxxxI want to try and fain22:00
olavxxxor, I dont want to fail.. but you get the idea22:00
MerrittDaSkreech: Damn that was a while ago. And yeah, but KDE4 isn't out yet. :(22:00
b1n42yolavxxx, experience it yourslef more of an achievement22:00
olavxxxb1n42y: word and powerpoint22:01
olavxxxMerritt: its out in a beta or something22:01
kudaranyone know how to use wpa with tkip?22:01
olavxxxI think its packed with ubuntu(?)22:01
olavxxxor some other distro22:01
linuxapeDaSkreetch: yes it can22:01
dwidmannDrakeJustice_: well, I've had to remake the initrd, in accordance to instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto5, but it doesn't seem to have the script included in the initrd :\22:01
kudaris there another program besides networkmanager that we can use WPA with TKIP??22:02
Merrittolavxxx: I need this computer for work, so I can't run Beta KDE4 :)22:02
DrakeJustice_dwidmann: uncompress the initrd file and add the script22:02
azieglerso, neuer kubuntu user wirft mal n hallo inne RUnde :-)22:02
kudaris there another program besides networkmanager that we can use WPA with TKIP??22:03
WaltzingAlongaziegler: gruesse22:03
DrakeJustice_dwidmann: cat initrd.gz | gzip -d | cpio -i22:03
dwidmannDrakeJustice_: what should I use for the recompression though?22:03
kudaryou guys can answer me anytime22:03
kudari'll just keep asking22:03
azieglerjemand hier der mich auf deutsch mit meinem soundkarten problem supporten kann?22:03
DrakeJustice_dwidmann: find | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > ./initrd.gz; sudo chmod 0644 ./initrd.gz22:03
WaltzingAlong!info wlassistant | kudar22:03
ubotukudar: wlassistant: User friendly KDE frontend for wireless network connection. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.7-2 (gutsy), package size 162 kB, installed size 688 kB22:03
kudarWaltzingAlong: thanks22:04
WaltzingAlongaziegler: auf deutsch gibt es #kubuntu-de22:04
azieglerthnx :-)22:04
dwidmannDrakeJustice_: okay, I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes22:04
DrakeJustice_dwidmann: help?22:04
DrakeJustice_dwidmann: ok22:04
WaltzingAlong!de | aziegler, bitte22:04
ubotuaziegler, bitte: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de22:04
ScorpKingeudemus: bookmark this - http://sh.nu/nvidia/gtf.php22:04
WaltzingAlong!info wifi-rada | kudar22:04
ubotukudar: Package wifi-rada does not exist in gutsy22:04
WaltzingAlong!info kwifimanager | kudar22:04
ubotukudar: kwifimanager: wireless lan manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 236 kB, installed size 804 kB22:04
WaltzingAlong!info wifi-radar | kudar22:04
ubotukudar: wifi-radar: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 38 kB, installed size 232 kB22:04
kudarWALTS: which one do you recommend?22:04
DaSkreechMerritt: Patience young un. 7 weeks22:05
WaltzingAlongkudar: i am using knetworkmanager (had been using manual prior to gutsy) and i am not using wpa with tkip22:05
dick-richardsonI've compiled and installed alsa 1.0.15...can someone help me figure out why I still have no sound?22:05
DaSkreechlinuxape: KSysguard? How?22:05
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. Beta 3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta3.php22:06
alaskanWhat's up...22:06
orphemalhellou somebody speak spanish ??!!22:06
eudemusScorpKing: bookmarked that - not quite sure what to put in the boxes,nor what the output is supposed to do for me ... but perhaps you will explain ..... Cheers for all this.22:06
alaskan!es | orphemal22:07
ubotuorphemal: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.22:07
orphemaltnx xD22:07
alaskanHave the problems with upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy been worked out, or is it still safer to just do a clean install?22:07
DaSkreechalaskan: Which problems are you talking about ?22:07
alaskanDaSkreech: Not sure, exactly. I'd heard of a lot of people having issues in here, e.g., the system hanging in the middle of the upgrade.22:08
linuxapeDaSkreetch: make sure ksysguardd is running on each machine and then just attach to each server from ksysguard22:08
linuxapenot at my machine so i can't be more specific22:09
DaSkreechalaskan: Oh that's cause the servers were being hammered22:09
DaSkreechlinuxape: thanks mate22:09
alaskanDaSkreech: Oh ok. So things should be straight now?22:09
DaSkreechalaskan: Sure if that's what you were worried about >_<22:10
resoDo you know which program I can use for streaming?22:10
DaSkreechlinuxape: And the lazy get lazier :)22:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:10
alaskanDaSkreech: Cool, thanks.22:10
alaskan!info icecast22:10
ubotuPackage icecast does not exist in gutsy22:10
DaSkreech!find icecast22:10
ubotuFound: icecast-server, icecast222:10
DaSkreech!info icecast-server22:11
ubotuicecast-server: MPEG Layer III Streaming Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.3.12-15 (gutsy), package size 182 kB, installed size 728 kB22:11
olavxxxle crappie22:11
linuxapeDaSkreetch: I don't see that as a problem22:11
MinatakuOh, snap22:12
MinatakuI thought Homestar's costume looked familiar22:12
MinatakuTalk about partially unlocking a long-buried memory22:12
Solifugusis there a tool to compare what files are the same/missing across two different folders?22:13
resothere is an front-end program for shoutcast or its the only best?22:13
DaSkreech!info diff22:13
ubotudiff: File comparison utilities. In component main, is required. Version 2.8.1-12ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 110 kB, installed size 744 kB22:13
DaSkreechSolifugus: ^^^22:13
DaSkreechreso: Oh You want to stream shoutcast?22:13
DaSkreechreso: or you want to make your own streaming server ?22:13
DaSkreechreso: Amarok does that22:14
resostream shoutcast22:14
DaSkreechor Mplayer22:14
DaSkreech actually who doesn't do it?22:14
alaskanDaSkreech: I've got a fair number of packages that are locally installed. Would you recommend purging those before I start the version upgrade, or should it be safe to just leave them?22:14
SolifugusDaSkreech: but that's for one file to another.. i am looking for a directory to another22:14
DaSkreechreso: Amarok -> playlists -> umm straming I think -> Shoutcast -> genre -> Server22:14
DaSkreechalaskan: what packages ?22:15
lg188hey wow ? ho wget ?22:15
resothank you.22:15
SolifugusDaSkreech: I mean, what file are in one dir and not the other, for example22:15
lg188sudo aptitude search worldofwarcraft ?22:15
DaSkreechSolifugus: ah umm yeah there is a tool that does that22:15
DaSkreech don't recall what it's called22:15
olavxxxhas anyone here installed linuxmce on top of the kubuntu 7.04? Im  stuck after downloading disc 2.. lol22:15
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php22:15
DaSkreechSolifugus: You could just alias a ls of the folders and iff the two files :)22:15
SolifugusDaSkreech: maybe Krusader?22:15
SolifugusDaSkreech: good idea!22:16
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DaSkreechlg188: Go to a store and buy it22:16
DaSkreecholavxxx: linuxMCE has a Kubuntu disc22:16
ScorpKingeudemus: type sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup22:16
olavxxxDaSkreech: yes..but I first installed of a livecd.. which works.. then I downloaded the iso for the disc 2.. and it contains 2 .sh files..22:17
alaskanDaSkreech: The KDE 3.5.7 packages from this repo - 'deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-357 feisty main' - along with a bunch of other miscellaneous ones from Medibuntu, Seveas, GetDeb, a few checkinstall ones, etc...22:17
RLoggiais anyone using an ATI graphics card?22:17
frojndRLoggia, me me me22:17
ScorpKingeudemus: that site is to get the modeline for the display. x=1280 y=800 and refresh=83.50 (Hz)22:17
ScorpKingeudemus: try this one - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42745/22:18
RLoggiafrojnd: when i enable the driver it gives me a screen error?22:18
DaSkreechalaskan: The files for KDE 3.5.7 will be updated to 3.5.8 Seveas and the rest will be disabled till gutsy upgrade is complete22:18
olavxxxDaSkreech: Yes.. I was able to burn this on a cd, but if I try to run the .sh files through the shell, I get permission denied22:18
DaSkreecholavxxx: who owns the files ?22:18
olavxxxDaSkreech: the cdrom? lol22:18
alaskanDaSkreech: So the upgrade process will automagically take care of all that?22:18
frojndRLoggia, I haven't installed driver yet :(22:19
lg188DaSkreech ? you can get the clint onlien for free22:19
ScorpKinglg188: did you manage to install that game? ark or something.22:19
DaSkreechlg188: For Worldofwarcraft?22:19
olavxxxDaSkreech: How do I run a .sh as a different user, through the shell then? sh filename.sh -u root ?22:19
RLoggiais anyone using ATI with installed driver lol?22:19
Makdaam_hello, which config file contains the repositories?22:19
alaskanMakdaam_: /etc/apt/sources.list22:19
DaSkreecholavxxx: try sudo22:19
alaskanMakdaam_: Proceed with caution. :-)22:19
lg188ScorpKing i mamaged but i twond22:19
DaSkreechsudo filename.sh22:19
alaskanDaSkreech: You mean "sudo ./filename.sh", right?22:20
eudemusScorpKing: that's great. Btw, is there a way to check that the bus id is correct?22:20
DaSkreechMakdaam_: backups are good!22:20
DaSkreechalaskan: yeah22:20
DaSkreechOk can I install LVM on a live cd?22:20
ScorpKingeudemus: lshw | less might show it.22:20
DaSkreech I have to reboot to use LVM right ?22:20
Makdaam_DaSkreech: backups shmackups :P I'll just reinstall Ubuntu once more22:20
darkmananyone knows when wine 0.9.48 package would be in the repositorys?22:21
alaskanheh... DaSkreech: sorry to keep asking, just want to make sure as I'm upgrading my friend's laptop. I should be alright just leaving all those packages in place, right?22:21
RLoggiaXevious: you there?22:21
DaSkreechMakdaam_: 20 minutes reinstall vs 2 second cp22:21
DaSkreechMakdaam_: ok ;-)22:21
ScorpKingeudemus: not sure if this will help as well - http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x-config.html22:21
DaSkreechdarkman: use Wine's repos22:21
DaSkreechdarkman: they have a repo for Ubuntu on the wine site22:21
darkmani already use wine repos22:21
olavxxxDaSkreech: sudo: install.sh: command not found22:21
DaSkreechdarkman: then they will have it22:21
darkmanstill no 48er....22:21
Makdaam_oh you mean backing up the file?22:21
alaskanolavxxx: sudo ./install.sh22:22
darkmanfor now only 0.9.47 on winehq repo22:22
alaskanolavxxx: Whenever the file you're trying to run isn't in your path, the "./" is required.22:22
olavxxxDaSkreech: ok.. now I only get permission denied22:22
DaSkreechfor sudo ?22:22
darkmanand im to lazy to compile it my self *G*22:22
DaSkreechdarkman: And too impatient to wait?22:22
olavxxxI guess it's for the .sh file22:22
olavxxx"udo: unable to execute ./install.sh: Permission denied"22:22
darkmanyes of course ^^22:22
DaSkreecholavxxx: udo ?22:23
darkmanchmod install.sh22:23
olavxxxDaSkreech: it said sudo :P22:23
DaSkreechOk :)22:23
alaskandarkman: It's on a CD22:23
alaskanRight, olavxxx?22:23
darkmanjust came in here xD22:23
ScorpKingdarkman: winehq compile packages for ubuntu when a new version is available. check on their website.22:23
olavxxxDaSkreech: There is one thing.. " First, you have to install mce-installer, "22:23
DaSkreecholavxxx: There is no README or INSTALL file ?22:23
olavxxxwhere is the MCE installer?22:23
DaSkreecholavxxx: I'd assume on the cd :)22:24
olavxxxDaSkreech: http://wiki.linuxmce.com/index.php/Installation_Guide#Kubuntu_Preinstalled22:24
alaskanWell, I'm off. Peace, y'all.22:24
ScorpKingc ya!22:24
darkmanOfficial WineHQ builds for Linux Red Hat, Mandriva, SUSE, Slackware and FreeBSD, hosted by SourceForge.net. Updated with each release.22:24
darkmanOctober 26, 2007: Wine 0.9.48 Released22:24
olavxxxThe CD contains two .sh files, one cache.list and two folders only :S22:24
darkmanand still no package in repos *g*22:25
eudemusScorpKing: bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0. Your file has Busid"PCI:1:0:0". Are these the same? Do the leading zeros and punctuation make any difference?22:25
DaSkreecholavxxx: As I recall the Kubuntu MCE Cd assumes it's a blank machine and installs22:25
ScorpKingeudemus: that looks right. i didn't change it so it should work. did you make abackup?22:25
DaSkreecholavxxx: you are on feisty ?22:26
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olavxxxDaSkreech: so.. I should download the "full install" instead of just cd2?22:26
olavxxxDaSkreech: I have just installed a clean kubuntu 7.04 as the page said22:26
DaSkreecholavxxx: You are on feisty?22:26
olavxxxI dont know what feisty is :P22:26
olavxxxah, ok22:27
dwidmannI forget who I was talking to, but I've got the problem resolved now :)22:27
olavxxxDaSkreech: is there some way I could invite you to remote control?22:27
dwidmannMy laptop is now a fully encrypted setup, yay.22:27
DaSkreecholavxxx: You did the steps on installing from command prompt ?22:27
olavxxxI tried..22:27
olavxxxthe first steps worked22:27
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ScorpKingdwidmann: how did you do that?22:27
olavxxxbut then I got permission errors22:28
DaSkreechYou can see the mce-installer.deb ?22:28
olavxxxDaSkreech: this one fialed sudo dpkg -i mnt/mce-installer_2.0.1-1_i386.deb22:28
olavxxxand afterwards I was unable to unmount or rm thedir22:28
darkmandoes anyone know why wine+world of warcraft+ati 8.42.3 doesn't work? i have to disable all pixel shaders....and got only 10 fps outside of buildings *g*22:28
dwidmannScorpKing: several ways to accomplish it, I used a howto to do it manually called EncryptedFilesystemHowto5, which is on the ubuntu community docs, if you google for that, it should be the #1 hit.22:29
olavxxxDaSkreech: on the disc? there is no .deb there22:29
ScorpKingdwidmann: oh. just asking. i'm using loopback system and mounting with the passwd from a usb stick during boot.22:29
DaSkreecholavxxx: Ohh you burnt it to a CD ?22:30
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olavxxxDaSkreech: I tried both22:30
ubuntu_does anyone know how to get full acceleration on the ATI Radeon X80022:30
olavxxxDaSkreech: I can try mounting it again with a consone I run as root22:30
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darkmandunnu what you mean @ubuntu_22:31
john_it_ismy damn graphics card lags in some games22:31
john_it_isi thought this is like some support thing22:31
DaSkreecholavxxx: ok Where do you have it downloaded to?22:31
dwidmannScorpKing: hmm, I thought that the loopback method was deprecated in favour of dm_crypt22:31
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darkmani got an x160022:31
darkmanit also laggs xD22:31
darkmanstuttering and so on....22:31
john_it_isi got an x800 and it would be nice to get all acceleration of it22:31
ScorpKingdwidmann: no idea but it works for me. ;)22:32
darkmanbut think i've managed to reduce them22:32
olavxxxDaSkreech: the desktop22:32
john_it_isbtw stock dell optiplex GX62022:32
darkmandid you tried the restricted modules @ john?22:32
olavxxxDaSkreech: When I try the dpkg -i mnt/ , it does not autocomplete on the mce*22:32
dick-richardsonI'm running kubuntu gutsy and have downloaded the source code for alsa 1.0.15. I've compiled, made, and installed it but still have no sound. My soundcard is a bgears b-enspirer. I believe I'm missing a modules step of some sort somewhere and alsaconf doesn't appear to exist...22:32
DaSkreechDShepherd: pong22:32
dick-richardsonlsmod | grep snd-cmi8788 does show the module22:33
Don_jr333Can anyone tell me the package name for the kde desktop environment. I installed server only, all in text and I can't search properly22:33
eudemusScorpKing: done and updated to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I guess I should now restart the x server .... I am sure there was a keyboard shortcut for that?22:33
john_it_isi love the kde desktop :)22:33
john_it_isthats wut im using22:33
Don_jr333I don't have X or anything right now, it's strictly a console install22:33
john_it_isgood question why does kubuntu lag after awhile22:33
darkmanif you couldn't get acceleration working, try envy22:33
Don_jr333I want kde on it, I thought I knew the package name, but I was wrong22:33
ScorpKingeudemus: control+alt+backspace. if it does not work log in an tty1 and restore the old xorg.conf.22:34
DaSkreecholavxxx: You made a dir called mnt on the desktop ?22:34
olavxxxDaSkreech: the manual says I should do "sudo dpkg -i mnt/mce-installer_2.0.1-1_i386.deb" , but if I try the autocomplete on the mnt/ dir, I get only the same as is on the disc2 which I downloaded and burned to a disc.. eg. two .sh files, one cache.list and two folders22:34
darkmanmy kubuntu x64 doesn't lagg22:34
Don_jr333so I need the entire kde desktop environment installed22:34
olavxxxDaSkreech: yep22:34
ScorpKingeudemus: one sec..22:34
DaSkreecholavxxx: oh so you have it mounted ?22:34
Don_jr333or a way to graphically search the repository22:34
john_it_isdoes anyone know if theres a defragmenter for kubuntu22:34
NickPrestaDon_jr333, I believe you want the `kubuntu-desktop` package. That should make your system look and behave like you installed it from the LiveCD22:34
olavxxxDaSkreech: yeah, I guess its mounted.. Only thing is that it seems the .deb is not in there22:34
ScorpKingeudemus: if kdm does not start log in on tty1 and run sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart22:34
DaSkreech!defrag | john_it_is22:34
Don_jr333thanks nickpresta I'll give that a shot22:34
ubotujohn_it_is: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.22:34
darkmanjohn....ext 2 and 3 file systems don't need a defragmenter....its not windows xD22:35
DaSkreecholavxxx: Ah hold on22:35
john_it_isthen how come it lags after awhile22:35
john_it_isi been using ubuntu for almost 2 years now22:35
darkmanbad machine :-P22:35
john_it_isand the only problem i have is with the lag22:35
dwidmannI've heard arguments against that, but I for the most part agree from my experience (speaking of filesystem fragmentation)22:35
DaSkreecholavxxx: this is CD2?22:35
DaSkreechjohn_it_is: Swap most likely22:36
john_it_isi dont have a swap installed :)22:36
ScorpKingjohn_it_is: do you have a swap partition?22:36
darkmani've set a whole HD as swap *lol* but don't need swap at all....2 GB RAM are enough for the moment22:36
ScorpKingjohn_it_is: that is the problem22:36
darkmanlol john22:37
olavxxxDaSkreech: yes22:37
DaSkreechjohn_it_is: what's your load?22:37
DaSkreecholavxxx: try mount CD1 instead22:37
NickPrestaDon_jr333, also, if you want a "graphical" way to browse the repos, install aptitude (if it isn't installed already). That provides a curses based interface to package management22:37
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john_it_ismy load22:38
olavxxxDaSkreech: I havent downloaded cd1 :p22:38
resoDaSkreech: my web server support only shoutcast...I can really connect on this server with amarok to play my playlist?22:38
john_it_is384Mb being used right now22:38
* ScorpKing giggles..22:38
john_it_isi have 4Gb in the system22:38
DaSkreecholavxxx: I think that's the one you need22:38
kartika78 Salve O ¤ « #kubuntu » ¤ -={®} |[ R3L04D3D.ScRiPt ]| {®}=-22:39
olavxxxDaSkreech: ah, yes.. I see it now, lol..22:39
john_it_isuhm "bash: !defrag: event not found"22:39
DaSkreechreso: Yeah22:39
darkman_maybe i got no wine update from winehq repos because im on x64 *g*22:39
kartika78hi all!22:39
olavxxxDaSkreech: it says sudo on cd1, lol22:39
DaSkreecholavxxx: Yes it does22:39
john_it_isanyone know a command in kubuntu for a defragmenter22:39
resoDask: ok22:39
darkman_there is no defragmenter22:40
ScorpKing!defrag | john_it_is22:40
ubotujohn_it_is: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units.22:40
olavxxxDaSkreech: I misread somewhere else on the site that cd1 was for installing OS and cd2 for installing the linux MCE.. And I read you had two options, either A) download cd1 and cd2 and install it, or b) install livecd and then afterwards install cd222:40
kartika78anyone can help me with my wifi?it worked ok, today i updated the linux headers and now it doesnt work22:40
eudemusScorpKing: it's not gone well. Am on v v low resolution now .... ????22:40
olavxxxDaSkreech: but this means I have to download cd2 and test more :-)22:40
darkman_maybe you forgot to update the restricted modules?22:40
olavxxxDaSkreech: cd1 :P22:41
ScorpKingeudemus: press control+alt+keypad+22:41
olavxxxoh nice, I get 1.2mb/s22:41
olavxxxcd2 I got at lousy 100kb/s22:41
olavxxxDaSkreech: thanks for your great help, lol22:42
ScorpKingolavxxx: 100kb/s is fast. :P22:42
olavxxxScorpKing: woot??22:42
olavxxxits too bad I live so far away from the dsl junction point22:42
olavxxxmy line is "20 mbit"22:42
olavxxxbut I think it syncs at maybe 1622:42
darkman_me got only 250 KB's lol22:42
eudemusScorpKing: makes no difference ... !22:42
olavxxxif I'm lucky22:42
DaSkreechso anyone  know about LVM ?22:43
olavxxxI dont know whatthat is, lol22:43
ScorpKingeudemus: ugh. copy the old one back again.22:43
olavxxxhas anyone tried running os off a 300x CF-card ?22:43
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO22:43
DaSkreechIf I install LVM on the live CD do I have to reboot to make use of it ?22:44
DaSkreechhydrogen: Yes thanks :) but do I have to reboot to use it?22:44
olavxxxDaSkreech: wont you loose your changes when you reboot?22:44
DaSkreecholavxxx: Yes I will that's why I'm asking if I should even bother trying to do this22:44
kartika78can anyone give me a hand with my wifi?22:44
* DaSkreech applauds kartika7822:44
olavxxxkartika78: I also had problems with the wifi.. it stopped at 28% or so while authenticating22:45
ScorpKingkartika78: what card do you have?22:45
olavxxxbut that was before it started installing from the livecd, so I dont know if the drivers have been updated22:45
ScorpKingolavxxx: install wifi-radar22:45
kartika78until yesterday it worked22:45
kartika78i have it installed22:45
olavxxxScorpKing: I'll se if I find it22:45
ScorpKingkartika78: same here. run lsmod | grep bcm22:46
kartika78the real problem happened when i upgraded the linux headers22:46
ScorpKingkartika78: i think the module does not load.22:46
olavxxx*installing wifi radar*22:46
olavxxxcrap I hate my gamingpc, its noisy like hell22:47
ScorpKingolavxxx: it is because of encryption on the wifi network but wifi-radar seems to work well with it.22:47
eudemusScorpKing: weirdest thing is that another session I have open (logged in as another user) displays fine ... shouldn't that be impossible if the x server has been restarted and is at a lower res?22:47
olavxxxScorpKing: ok..22:48
olavxxxScorpKing: I wont try messing with it, before I'm done downloading the cd1 of the linuxmce22:48
ScorpKingeudemus: that's what i said about different resolutions for different users.22:48
olavxxxwlan is slow anyways :S22:48
kartika78when i tipe lsmod | grep bcm22:48
kartika78i get nothing22:49
olavxxxah, I cant wait.. I have disc1 in 1 minute 15 seconds:)22:49
ScorpKingkartika78: thought so. open /etc/modules as root22:49
olavxxxdoes the printscreen button work in kubuntu too?22:50
olavxxxif so,whats the equalivent of alt + printscreen (current window)22:50
kartika78bcm43xx is commented22:50
eudemusScorpKing: you were indeed right! But where the heck is the relevant setting?!!22:50
kartika78but i have installed ndiswrapper22:50
ScorpKingkartika78: uncomment it22:50
olavxxxhey, that printscreen rocks!!22:51
kartika78so this should be the motive22:51
kartika78i must say another thing22:51
kartika78if i boot with the old linux header, it works fine22:51
olavxxxDaSkreech: Figures, it works now that I have the correct image, lol!22:52
ScorpKingeudemus: i have no idea. if you find it please let me know. it should be in the home dir of the user i think coz the users without sudo can set it. also look in kcontrol if you can set another resolution.22:52
DaSkreecholavxxx: whodathunk????22:52
kartika78the update i made is 2.6.20-15-generic --> 2.6.20-16-generic22:52
olavxxxhow can I force-delete a folder?22:52
olavxxxeven if its in use?22:52
DrakeJustice_olavxxx: rf -rf folder_name/22:53
DaSkreecholavxxx: When you press printscrenn it gives you a set of options to play with22:53
ScorpKingkartika78: you cal load the module with sudo modprobe <modulename>22:53
DaSkreech olavxxx: I think you will ike it22:53
kartika78but i am not sure that module is right because i used ndiswrapper22:54
olavxxxDaSkreech: ohyeh.. now the installer is running :)22:54
olavxxxmy eyes burn, but it was worth it22:54
ScorpKingkartika78: i don't have ndiswrapper here and it works. you might have to configure ndiswrapper again.22:54
olavxxxI guess it needs a reboot after installing this driver :)22:55
ScorpKingolavxxx: what are you doing? all i see is cd1, cd2 :P22:55
kartika78but if i write : ndiswrapper -l it returns : bcmwl5 driver installed device present .....22:56
Lam_how do i disable the descriptions for the menu items in k-menu?22:56
ScorpKingLam_: try kmenuedit, maybe it's there.22:57
Lam_ScorpKing: ok i'll give that a try. thanks22:57
ScorpKingkartika78: the new kernel does not load the drivers.22:57
Lam_ScorpKing: nope not there. :/22:58
kartika78and how can i make it load?22:58
ScorpKingLam_: press kmenu<TAB> . it's here22:59
GuHHHhow can i search a text in every file in my system?22:59
ScorpKingkartika78: uncomment the module in /etc/modules or reinstall the driver in ndiswrapper22:59
olavxxxmy poor kubuntu :( luckilly it repaired itself22:59
kartika78the strange thing is: if i run wifi radar it alternates between connected and disconnected.23:00
ScorpKingwhen eudemus comes back please tell him i'll be back tomorrow. he has weird problems with X.23:01
ScorpKingkartika78: then i don't know.23:01
olavxxxwoot, I have to read more manual now :P23:02
ScorpKingnite guys! have fun.23:02
angasulehmm, kubuntu is 'restoring' the X screen settings when I boot, I want nvidia-settings' settings to remain23:03
eudemusScorpKing: not sure what possessed me (well, it was someone else's advice on this channel actually) to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm, but when I did everything was badly screwed! am only just back. But none the wiser about what the xorg settings should be nor how to adjust them for individual users.23:06
Minatakuxorg settings are static for one machine23:07
kartika78is it possible that updating the kernel wifi messes up!? I think this is one motive why linux fails to diffuse23:07
MinatakuYou should set them once, and leave them23:07
MinatakuUnless you change hardware, drivers or options23:07
MinatakuIndividual users only change their own settings within the DE23:07
MinatakuAnd they should do this themselves, just set up their user and leave them to themselves23:08
KalElnot all the OpenGL screensavers are working for me... only a few are and all the rest seem dummies!23:08
eudemusMinataku: then how could it be that when I changed the xorg settings, and restarted x, the session logged in as a different user was unaffected by the changes?23:08
MinatakuThat would be the per-user settings23:09
MinatakuWhich should be changed by the user23:09
eudemusMinataku: where are they?23:09
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MinatakuThese are likely the settings altered from the Control Center or whatever it is KDE calls it23:09
GuHHHcan anyone help me with ldap?  http://pastebin.org/654423:09
olavxxxlalala.. I cant wait :)23:10
MinatakuThe X server's resolution can be changed by unprivliged users23:10
e0rlanhi all23:10
MinatakuIt IS their X session, after all23:10
MinatakuNote, this is the RUNNING resolution23:10
MinatakuNot the default X11 resolution23:10
MinatakuWhich is what you see in KDM23:10
darknetun saludo desde Cuba a todos23:11
eudemusSo, where do you change the running resolution? And how might it be possible for the running resolution to turn out different from the default X11 resolution immediately on login?23:12
darknetHi for everyone23:12
MinatakuI don't know, I don't use KDE23:12
MinatakuAs for how, that user has likely informed KDE that they wish for a different screen resolution23:12
olavxxxle crappie! unable to cache the disc.. I guess I have to copy the IMG file from the winDOS pc23:13
MinatakuSimilar to how any Windows user can change the screen resolution of a public machine unless access to the dialog is restricted (Note, though, that Windows does it really sloppily and stupidly)23:13
darknetI need help for kopete in Kubuntu 7.1023:13
darknetI behind proxy23:14
KalElnow that i have switched to kubuntu and have decided to nevery switch back after trying it for a while?, how can i get rid of gnome (in the interest of space)?23:14
hellhoundcan anyone help me with a "Gtk-Critical **: gtk_widget_get_parent_window: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed" error I am getting with a firefox theme?  I would rather not uninstall it as I like it  and I would like to fix the error23:14
eudemusMinataku: what are you doing here? ;-)23:14
sp1nterwhat program can i use to convert avis to mp4 ???23:14
MinatakuGiving the more advanced assistance23:15
MinatakuHelping liberate people from a GUI23:15
KalElhellhound, i thought gtk was for gnome23:15
MinatakuLots of apps use GTK23:16
MinatakuIt's a GUI toolkit23:16
darknetsome one speak spanish here??23:16
MinatakuIt's typically really ugly and makes crappy looking programs, and if you don't code it absolutely perfectly, it makes crappy RUNNING programs, too23:16
olavxxxooh yeh.. now it works.. strange how it was unable to install with the cd as source23:16
olavxxxwith 3 iso files, it worked instantly23:16
darknetsome one speak spanish here??23:16
MinatakuFirefox (and XChat) are two of the few GTK apps that run properly23:16
MinatakuThough stupidly written themes can clearly break everything with one piece of bad code23:17
Minatakudarknet: Don't ask things repeatedly23:17
hellhoundKalEl: is it?  i did not know that.  I looked at my installs and I saw that I have gtk-qt-engine but none of the other gtk packages... do you know which one I might need?23:17
Minataku!es | darknet23:17
ubotudarknet: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:17
olavxxxthe font/text looks much better on the plasma in kubuntu than it does in windoze23:18
olavxxxbut I think maybe windows uses some font smoothing23:19
sp1nterIs there a program I can use to convert avi's to mp4 ?23:20
darknetun saludo a todos23:21
darknetalguien puede decirme como usar Kopete a travez de un proxy?23:21
Minataku!es | darknet23:21
ubotudarknet: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:21
[ifr0g]sp1nter, ffmpeg i suppose.23:21
MinatakuWhat, you ask twice then ignore the answer? :P23:21
MinatakuSo impatient to get that answer, then he ignores it when he finally gets one :P23:22
keithapt-get wont start cos i put a bad url in what the name of the file I have to edit again?23:22
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pierwhat is the name of the kubintu channel in french23:23
kartika78is there any who have had my same problem of wifi after update?23:23
sp1nterme or dark?23:23
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olavxxxok.. I think Ill let the pc do the work now and I'll head off to bed23:24
pierwhat is the name of the kubintu channel in french23:24
pierkubuntu sorry23:25
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:25
KalElhellhound, sorry but i think you have to uninstall the firefox theme23:25
[ifr0g]kartika78, #bcm-users will be happy to help you !23:25
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.23:27
KalEli prefer gnutella23:28
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire23:28
[ifr0g]Awesome !23:28
hellhoundKalEl: yeah that is what i am reading in google as well... i would just like to fix it and base my own changed theme off it.... i was hoping that someone knew of a site to troubleshoot theme erorrs :) oh well... thank you23:28
DrakeJustice_frostwire + amule + emule rock... lol... classic pirate IRC's are nice too23:29
KalElhellhound, you might want to try firefox (in their own irc server)23:29
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.23:30
hellhoundKalEl: great idea... i have been waiting on the mozilla channel for hours... i will look up firefox's server... Thank you again.23:32
nikk_is there any chance you can tell me how to install flash player on a AMD Turion 64 X2 processor23:32
nikk_i tried and nothng seem to work.  thiking of selling the system and just stick to i386 systems23:33
justinfateanyone know of a deb for a cksfv wrapper?23:35
tekteencan someone help me with my preseed file? It does not answer the questions but I do not get an error that it can't find the preseed. The file is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42757/23:35
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ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE23:39
kyrondolphin will confuse my user...how do I set Konqueror back as the default File/folder browser? In file associations?23:39
puttersonMy graphics is running in software emulation instead of hardware mode and I have a Intel® 852GM chipset23:41
puttersonand I have had ubuntu on this notebook with hardware opengl23:41
puttersonso how would I fix it?23:41
DrakeJustice_tekteen: what do you need with a preseed file?23:42
tekteenI am creating an auto cd23:42
tekteenI need to install ubuntu on many machines23:43
tekteenIt needs to be "idiot proof" so anyone can use it23:43
DrakeJustice_tekteen: ahh... h/o23:44
tekteencan u help23:44
DrakeJustice_tekteen: installcd or livecd?23:45
tekteenThe file is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/42757/23:45
DrakeJustice_tekteen: one sec23:45
tekteenDrakeJustice_: I copied it from a online tutorial. I took only the parts I wanted.23:47
DrakeJustice_tekteen: you may need the entireity of that tutorial... is it in the correct spot remaster/preseed/kubuntu.seed?23:48
DrakeJustice__3v1n0_: the trevino?23:48
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purpleposeidonxkill: unable to grab cursor23:49
DrakeJustice_tekteen: i dunno man, it looks good to me, maybe append your seed to the default kubuntu.seed23:49
m1shaDoes anyone know anything about update-grub?23:49
DrakeJustice_m1sha: u ding up ur bootloader?23:50
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.23:50
duydosalgun español?23:50
duydosok tanks23:50
m1shaDrakeJustice_: XD. Not completely, I'm just stuck using old kernels23:50
DrakeJustice_m1sha: why not edit /boot/grub/menu.lst?23:50
DrakeJustice_nano works ok for me23:51
DrakeJustice_Trevinho: what brings you to #kubuntu today?23:51
Trevinhowell, DrakeJustice_ I'm always here....23:51
m1shaDrakeJustice_: why not hand compile the new kernel?23:51
Trevinhoor better, konversation has it on its preferred channels...23:51
DrakeJustice_Trevinho: oh, im new here... im just amazed to see your name... your a legend man...23:52
m1shaI can, but it would be nice to get update-grub working, especially since it's an integral part of ubuntu23:52
Trevinholol, you joke :)23:52
m1shaTrevinho: ever googled yourself?23:52
DrakeJustice_yea Tevinho is a seiously googled name23:53
crazy6will kubuntu do any sort of data migration from an old install, as in automatically save the /home dirs and duplicat the users?23:55
crazy6or will I need to do that manually?23:55
[ifr0g]u have to do it manually23:56
crazy6blasted hell23:56
crazy6I better find a big memory stick or an external drive23:56
Dragnslcrcrazy6- upgrading, or doing a clean install?23:58
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