
PirateHeadmoh: in System -> Administration -> Shared Folders00:00
riaalTTY=pts is from a local terminal and TTY=tty Is fron an ssh/telnet session?00:00
PirateHeadmoh: see if it tells you you need to install file sharing support00:00
riddareralfPirateHead, Why should I use public ftp? Then it only tries to connect anonymously, so I couldn't enter my usr and pwd00:00
rondonsonJJtech, ah it loaded up , for some reason it just doesnt show me the process of it loading everything , thanks00:00
DanThirstAny one know more about video driver, and monitor setups >_>00:00
JJtechrondonson: ^_^     kk.. np :)00:00
PirateHeadriddareralf: If you don't want to connect publicly, use the FTP (with login) option.00:01
riddareralfPirateHead, I CAN'T connect publicly. But with this virtual drive I can't open a file on the fly and edit00:01
riddareralfPirateHead, But I suppose that's normal since it's still FTP00:01
zstarsSo people, what do you do if you erase your PATH? How can you restore it to default or whatever?00:02
=== michael is now known as smth
PirateHeadriddareralf: Some programs, ones that have built-in support for Gnome VFS, will be able to edit "on the fly" as you say, without having to download, edit, and upload.00:02
soldatsDanThirst, do you have the graphics drivers enabled as well00:02
DanThirsti think how would i find out ?00:02
PirateHeadriddareralf: Other programs don't have that support, but you might be able to find it in a plugin or patch if it's important to your workflow.00:03
riddareralfPirateHead, Ah okay, thanks00:03
soldatsDanThirst, view this page and see if it helps http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2900:03
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!00:03
smthhi it's me00:03
PirateHeadIs there a way in Ubuntu to upgrade to the latest version of Wine without breaking anything?00:04
=== DM|_ is now known as DM|
soldatsPirateHead, what would you break00:05
PirateHeadsoldats: My current Wine installation, the one that came with stock Gutsy.00:06
seekaynon-LTS ubuntu releases get security updates for 18 months, right?00:06
soldatsPirateHead, i really dont think upgrading it will hurt your system in any way00:06
=== pipegeek_ is now known as pipegeek
Grav3Mindhey guys how can i install an icon package?00:07
Grav3Mindi just downloaded an osx one ^_^00:07
PirateHeadsoldats: Alrighty then, here goes nothing. :-)00:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pixmaps - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:07
ShaunBHello from a serious newb00:08
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux00:08
Grav3Mindanyone know how i can install the icon packages?00:08
jayde_drag0nGrav3Mind: hi there again... just untar the files into your .icons folder00:09
ShaunBAnyone here know how to fix apt-get / synaptec ?00:09
CaptainMorganGrav3Mind, maybe google does?00:09
Grav3Mindhey jayde ^_^00:09
CaptainMorganjayde_drag0n, depends on which application he is installing icons for00:09
soldatsShaunB, what is wrong with it00:09
ShaunBSpits out this error whenever I attempt an update or install a package.Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)00:09
jayde_drag0nGrav3Mind: home/yourname/ hidden files .icons    thoe true00:09
soldatsShaunB, are the download mirrors correct00:10
ShaunBThey appear to be00:10
ShaunBI've run apt-get update00:10
Grav3Mindshould there be a index.theme and development and scalable folders?00:10
ShaunBAnd run apt-get autoremove00:10
jayde_drag0nCaptainMorgan: true... tho i just drag and drop when i'm just changing an icons picture00:10
fungz0rso what interesting things can i do with ubuntu00:11
fungz0ri just installed00:11
ShaunBthat shows some packages that can be removed yet it wont uninstall/install anything00:11
soldatsShaunB, when doing apt-get you need to specify the package name as well00:11
jayde_drag0nGrav3Mind:  unless captain knows of another way .. if you want to change the picture of an icon .. like on my desktop.. i just went into properties.. and dragged the picture of what i wanted onto the picture of whats showsn in properties and it changes... i haven't figured out how to make it system wide yet tho00:11
Micheruhi all, i just set up ssh and i can ssh to localhost fine, but when i ssh from wan i get connected to my router, how would i get to my computer (router is computer is if it helps)00:11
soldatsShaunB, like apt-get install pidgin or apt-get autoremove pidgin00:12
ShaunBIf I use synaptec, it gives me the same error in the console window00:12
Evanlecum why did i just get 10 dcc requests to send me Fedora 8 iso ?00:12
gordonjcpEvanlec: spammer, I should think00:12
virtuosostevefedora 8 isn't very good00:12
astro76Micheru, you need to forward port 22 to
gordonjcpEvanlec: some little kiddy undoubtedly found it very funny00:12
soldatsEvanlec, yes it is a spammer you may be redirected if it happens a lot00:12
ShaunBFunny thing is it references Hotplug yet says its not installed when I try to remove00:12
Micheruah, thought it would be something like that thanks00:12
Laney /window level -JOINS -PARTS -QUITS -NICKS00:12
PirateHeadfungz0r: There are lots of cool things you can do.00:12
LaneyErr, oops.00:12
jayde_drag0nCaptainMorgan: do you know how to change the icon picture for where it shows up on the ... um whats the ubuntu equivalent of taskbar? t00:13
ShaunBHere is the c/v of the error00:13
Grav3Mindah see i wanna make it system00:13
ShaunBdpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1685 package `module-init-tools': `Replaces' field, reference to `hotplug': version contains `)'E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)00:13
Evanlecsoldats, okay, redirected?00:13
PirateHeadfungz0r: If you're new to Desktop Linux in general, you definitely want to check out the awesome selection of free apps you can download. (Applications -> Add/Remove...)00:13
fungz0roo kk thanks00:13
soldatsShaunB, hmm ive never seen that error00:13
ShaunBBecause of that, it seems I can't install anything.00:14
Triskaidekaphobiwhat causes this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46195/ when trying to compile in a new module?00:14
CaptainMorganjayde_drag0n, icons tend to fall in: /usr/share/icons/00:14
rondonsonfungz0r, compiz is pretty cool00:14
soldatsEvanlec, if you keep getting dcc requests youll be redirected to #ubuntu-???00:14
CaptainMorganjayde_drag0n, right-click the menu or application and select "Edit Menu"00:14
fungz0rwhats compiz?00:14
ShaunBfungz0r: 3D desktop + effects00:14
fungz0rhow do i get it?00:14
jayde_drag0nGrav3Mind:  from what i see under appearance customize... in icons... the things i untarred into .themes seem to show up in there as well00:14
Evanlecsoldats, right but why me? im connected via port 8001 which i thot prevented this issue00:14
PirateHeadfungz0r: Compiz makes the computer look a lot glitzier. 3D effects and so on.00:14
jcsteelei am having some troubles with the forum, it seems whenever I post a long reply, and then click on "submit" firefox just hangs and does nothing...if I log out and log back in, and then try to reply again with the copied text from my previous post....it still hangs. I can post to any other thread with no problems, and this has occured twice now on 2 different threads...any ideas?00:15
PirateHeadfungz0r: You need a graphics card and driver, first of all.00:15
jane_ShaunB, try  sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a00:15
fungz0rhaha yeah i got that :P00:15
soldatsEvanlec, not sure its just lame kiddies trying to be funny00:15
PirateHeadfungz0r: assuming you have a graphics card, go to the Restricted Drivers manager and enable a graphics driver.00:15
Micheruastro76: i am still getting the router on ssh, i have port forwarded as you said00:15
CaptainMorganjayde_drag0n, once things are changed there, it will typically change what's showing for the taskbar icon00:15
Evanlecsoldats, yea i know00:15
soldatsthey get random people00:15
PirateHeadfungz0r: You could possibly use an Open Source one, but they are notoriously bad and under-powered compared to the restricted ones.00:15
jcsteeleis there any illegal character combinations that I need be aware of or anything?00:15
gilnimWhat's the comment for scanning all devices. I want to know where my hdd are.00:15
diaficSomeone name a web-based torrent client?00:16
ShaunBjane_: error - dpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)00:16
PirateHeadgilnim: lspci00:16
astro76Micheru, also you need to connect to the external public IP, not which is the internal IP, and you probably can't do it from behind your router00:16
jayde_drag0nCaptainMorgan: i think i've done that... i went to edit menu... then went to the properties of each individual item and changed the picture... but while it shows up as the correct icon in the menu... it doesnt when its launched where it sits on the upper right of my screen00:16
fungz0rwhen i go to restricted drivers manager, says that my hardware does not need any drivers00:16
fuma218hello, have an issue connecting to a windows share00:16
gilnimPirateHead: thanks00:16
PirateHeadgilnim: no problem.00:16
fuma218i am able to mount the share with the correct username and password, but i am unable to open anything. I get an Input/output error00:16
CaptainMorganjayde_drag0n, you may need to restart your windowing system00:16
Micheruastro76: why not, i am connecting to my external ip (using a dyndns url)00:16
PirateHeadfungz0r: Assuming that it's telling the truth, the next thing depends on whether you are on Feisty or Gutsy.00:17
ShaunBjane_: first console said dpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)00:17
PirateHead(or Dapper)00:17
Micheruas in why wouldn't i be able to do that?00:17
ShaunBoops...sorry it said dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure00:17
fungz0ron using gutsy00:17
jane_ShaunB sems type    --reconfigure                  2 --00:17
EjChrisalguem me chamo?00:18
jayde_drag0nCaptainMorgan: well i believe a reboot will accomplish the same thing.. and i've done that since making the changes.. and it didn't change... or is that a specific command that a reboot doesn't fix?00:18
jane_ShaunB,  typo00:18
PirateHeadfungz0r: In that case, you can very easily enable Compiz by going to System -> Preferences -> Appearance00:18
astro76Micheru, only if your router supports nat relfection will that work00:18
taconehello, question:00:18
taconectrl+alt+backspace reset the box, not only X00:18
PirateHeadfungz0r: From that point, go to Visual Effects (the last tab), and enable one of the 3D Effects options.00:18
Micheruastro76: apparantly not then i will try from another bot thanks for the help00:18
CaptainMorganjayde_drag0n, hmmm... I've made icon changes many times...00:18
taconecan somebody help me resolve that ?00:19
CaptainMorganjayde_drag0n, *successfully.. so I'm not sure what's wrong with yours00:19
fungz0rwhich effects should i do?00:19
jayde_drag0nCaptainMorgan: i'll take a new screenshot with the menu showing so you can see what i see.. i might not be explaining right00:19
mikebeechamcan anyone explain how I get Sonata to work?  It's all a little confusing for me?00:19
PirateHeadfungz0r: I suggest the Extra effects, for the most wow-effect right out of the box.00:19
ShaunBjane_: Help doesn't show a reconfigure but a configure so I used that instead, and it gave me this output: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1685 package `module-init-tools': `Replaces' field, reference to `hotplug': version contains `)'00:19
PirateHeadfungz0r: However, there is an advanced effects configurator that allows you to customize and totally soup up the effects engine.00:19
fungz0roo kk compiz fusion just showed up00:20
fuma218anyone worked with mounting windows shares with samba?00:20
tamer_how can i see my ram size on ubuntu???00:20
UBUNTUISLOVEDis there an easy way to restart network manager dameon through command line?00:20
gilnimi want to mount my ntfs hdd. normal mount doesn't work00:20
ZaNGaMaNhi there i have a little problem00:20
soldatstacone, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_disable_Ctrl.2BAlt.2BBackspace_from_restarting_X_in_GNOME00:20
jane_ShanB   sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a00:20
ShaunBk lemme try that00:21
gilnimPirateHead: lspci doen't list my hdd's00:21
soldatstamer_, type free in a terminal window00:21
pipoi was wondering how to find out the name of my network wifi card on my laptop running ubuntu (noob here)00:21
PirateHeadtamer_: For RAM info, you can use the System Monitor (System -> Administration -> System Monitor) which will show you your total ram, vram, and ram usage.l00:21
ZaNGaMaNi cannot lissten to music and it does not alow me to fownload codecs i am using ubuntu00:21
soldatsgilnim, type fdisk in a terminal00:21
* CaptainMorgan will be back....00:21
jcsteelegilnim: man mount.ntfs-3g00:21
riotkittiePirateHead: open a terminal and type lspci00:21
PirateHeadgilnim: lspci lists everything that HAL sees, so if it isn't listing your hdds, there is a problem somewhere down deeper.00:21
taconei want it to restart gnome :-)00:21
taconeit restart everything :-)00:21
taconei am reading thx00:21
mikebeechamis there a sonata channel, where I can get some info?00:22
ZaNGaMaNcan enyone help me a litle00:22
riotkittiei suck at tab completion00:22
soldatstacone, it may be a config error so you may need to remap it00:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sonata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:22
ShaunBjane_: still gives me this: dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure00:22
kelsinmikebeecham: what's the issue?00:22
pipoi was wondering how to find out the name of my network wifi card on my laptop running ubuntu (noob here) wow this channel is packed lol00:22
PirateHeadriotkittie: Why should I type lspci?00:22
taconesoldats: where i find the config for that ?00:22
mikebeechamkelsin...I've installed sonata via the repos, and put into preferences what I THINK should be in there, but none of my music is showing?00:22
=== magnet__ is now known as magnet
skelterhey all - having a problem where when i boot with my nvidia drivers enabled, something goes wrong and i have to use "low graphics mode", I think it's having issues detecting my monitor. with the drivers disabled, i don't have to use low graphics mode. can anyone help me troubleshoot this?00:23
riotkittiePirateHead: if it seems totally nonsensical, the best thing to do is disregard, eh :P00:23
soldatstacone, if you read that wiki article it should explain how to do it00:23
kelsinmikebeecham: do you know if mpd is working?00:23
fungz0rwhat else can i do with compiz?00:23
taconei am reading00:23
riotkittiepipo: open a terminal and type lspci ... or lshw -C network00:23
mikebeechamno....I've been using linux for about a week kelsin00:23
taconei guess that's not the problem00:23
ZaNGaMaNCannot install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse'00:23
ZaNGaMaNThis application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse' the conflicting software must be removed first.00:23
ZaNGaMaNSwitch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.00:23
taconebut i am trying00:23
mikebeechamkelsin...I mean I dont know00:23
jayde_drag0nCaptainMorgan: its gunna take a minute.. little laggy00:23
tamer_hi every buddy please i need to know how can i check my computer ram on obuntu????00:23
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:23
tigranHey. I've asked this question a couple times here, so I apologize if I get repetitive. My wireless connection is less than 20mbps. It should be 54mbps. I have an Atheros card and was using the restricted driver for it. Someone here told me to try ndiswrapper and I did. Though, it did no good. If anyone else has any other ideas I would greatly appreciate it.00:23
ZaNGaMaNcan you tell me why/.?00:23
riotkittietamer_: open a terminal and type free -h00:24
riotkittietamer_: open a terminal and type free00:24
piporiotkittie: thanks, i got a huge list of things how do I know which is my wifi card?00:24
kelsinmikebeecham: sonata is a frontend for mpd... I would recommend (unless you KNOW you want mpd) you look into banshee, rhythmbox, or listen as a music player00:24
UBUNTUISLOVEDAre you using only G on the wifi to get 54mb00:24
JJtechtamer_: go to system>>>>administration>>>>system monitor00:24
PirateHeadtamer_: For RAM info, you can use the System Monitor (System -> Administration -> System Monitor) which will show you your total ram, vram, and ram usage.l00:24
tamer_tnx alot my dera00:24
UBUNTUISLOVEDif you use Wifi B mode it will downgrade to what is most stable00:24
mikebeechamkelsin....are there any benefits of mpd / sonata over rhythmbox?00:24
riotkittiepipo: try lspci | grep -i wireless00:24
tamer_ok tnx alot00:25
tigranUBUNTUISOLVED: Is that for me?00:25
ZaNGaMaNPirateHead:  can you help me a little bit i am newbie in linux00:25
UBUNTUISLOVEDgo into your router and check if Wifi b mode is off00:25
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: I can certainly try. Are you having any particular problem?00:25
tigranUBUNTUISOLVED: Let me check. and if I understood correctly, it should be G?00:25
soldatstacone, run this in a terminal instead of using the keys sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:25
Evanlecmikebeecham, lower resource usage, thats about it00:25
UBUNTUISLOVEDYes wifi G mode is the faster of the too00:25
kelsinmikebeecham: mpd is a daemon that runs in the background behind X, to play music... there are benefits and drawbacks. If you JUST need a iTunes like music player the other three are good. MPD just allows you to restart X without killing the music player (rarely useful unless you work in odd ways) or want to control the music playing from another computer00:25
KveldulfIs there a chance I could get help with a problem installing?00:26
mikebeechamEvanlec: thanks00:26
Evanlecmikebeecham, i like rhythmbox, and if you're happy with it, you won't be happy with mpd/sonata00:26
ZaNGaMaNpiratehead i cannot listen or play a movie ,and when i am trying to instal codec it gives me that eroor mesage that i post 2 minutes ago00:26
UBUNTUISLOVEDalso tigran what is your percent on network manager for strength of signal00:26
mikebeechamkelsin: Evanlec...I have used rhythmbox and I do like it...I've just trying all of Linux's lovely stuff before settling down, I guess00:26
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: I looked up and saw your error. How did you install Ubuntu?00:26
tigranUBUNTUISOLVED: It was G and B in my router, so I put G only now. Lets see if it makes a difference00:27
piporiotkittie: i got this 04:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02) so what is the name lol sorry for the dumb question00:27
UBUNTUISLOVEDyea diid you reboot or save it in the router00:27
mikebeechamI used Exaile for a while, but it kept crashing, so Rhythmbox works fine00:27
tigranUBUNTUISOLVED:Saved in the router, its at 41% now, but even if its in the 90's its the same thing00:27
jayde_drag0nCaptainMorgan: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y186/jayde_dragon/Screenshot-2.png   okay in the picture you see the main menu and you see pidgin and ktorrent... and they have pretty icons... now i have both of those running and in the upper right they have different icons there.... but they did sucessfully change when i open the menu and look thru00:27
PirateHeadmikebeecham: Rhythmbox just keeps getting better. I wish they would use a slightly slicker UI, though.00:27
ZaNGaMaNpiratehead i downloaded from th einternet latest veriosn00:27
sembaI've got a problem since updating my Feisty box to Gutsy today - it hangs during boot, spewing out tons of "Lost interrupt" messages about my PATA drives00:27
ZaNGaMaNand after that installed00:27
UBUNTUISLOVEDwere are you reading this info00:28
* JJtech be right back..00:28
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: How are you trying to install the codecs?00:28
=== JJtech is now known as Got
Evanlecmikebeecham, if u find rhythmbox is laacking in some features, u might try banshee as it has more features (tho none i ever needed)00:28
mikebeechamPirateHead: the audio codec seems to be a little crisper than itunes imo00:28
skelteri like amarok as a music player00:28
tigranUBUNTUISLOVED: The signal strenght?00:28
soldatsmikebeecham, also amarok is really nice and has many features00:28
UBUNTUISLOVEDon network manager?00:28
mikebeechamEvanlec: never heard of banshee00:28
riotkittiepipo: Intel 3945ABG -- i'm not personally familiar with that chipset but afaik, intel is easy to get working00:28
skelteramarok looks slick, searches music fast, and works well with my ipod00:28
tigranUBUNTUISLOVED: Yes00:28
mikebeechamsoldats: I tried Amarok...it's too 'bubbly'00:28
Evanlecmikebeecham, its a similar one to itunes/rhytmbox00:28
mikebeechamI dont like all the glossy buttons00:28
soldatsmikebeecham, to each his own then00:29
ZaNGaMaNpiratehead i try to play a song ,and it now working and the program is loking for codecs he found some codec i pres to instal but it not alowing me00:29
UBUNTUISLOVEDwhat is your network card00:29
pipooh ok no it works i just need the name for something else i was just really confused but thanks a lot00:29
PirateHeadEvanlec: banshee is a music player built using Mono and C# by Novell. It's tied to the "Helix" community. It's a pretty nice player in general.00:29
UBUNTUISLOVEDbrand name and model00:29
sembaBooting the same system with a kernel I still have left over from Feisty works, so it's something different between the two kernel versions that is causing the "Lost interrupt" message.  Has anyone else seen this?00:29
ZaNGaMaNCannot install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse'00:29
jane_ShaunB, very sory its          sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a00:29
ZaNGaMaNThis application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse' the conflicting software must be removed first.00:29
ZaNGaMaNSwitch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict.00:29
tigranUBUNTUISLOVED: Its an atheros. And lspci to check the model?00:29
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: I have no clue why that would be. It should just work - it certianly did for me.00:29
ZaNGaMaNthis is my eroor mesage00:29
EvanlecPirateHead, thanks for the technical info ;p00:29
fungz0rdoes anybody have warcraft 3, frozen throne on their ubuntu?00:29
kelsinmikebeecham: if you def try banshee and listen, both are nice as well. If you really like the look of sonata google for "Mpd" and check out it's main site. That will explain alot, good luck00:29
tigranUBUNTUISLOVED: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212/AR521300:30
pipojust wondering how u guys put up with this channel lol, i would go crazy trying to help everyone00:30
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: However, perhaps you can get things working using VLC.00:30
soldatspipo, yea it goes by really fast00:30
mikebeechamgoing to look at banshee...see what thats like00:30
soldatspipo, we do what we can though00:30
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: To try that, go to Applications -> Add and Remove, then search for VLC.00:30
ZaNGaMaNpirate i wil instal kubuntu is more easy00:30
tigranI love this channel, so helpful and people don't flame :)00:30
fungz0ranybody have warcraft 3 installed?00:30
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: That's a bit drastic, but if you're wanting to give Kubuntu a try, go for it!00:30
kelsinfungz0r: I do00:31
ZaNGaMaNpiratehead i belive that i instaled a version for amd 64 procesoors00:31
pipo;) cudos to you guys then lol keep up the good work!00:31
kelsinfungz0r: wine is not the easiest thing, be prepared to read and google a lot00:31
ZaNGaMaNmayby that why it does not work00:31
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: Are you not on an AMD 64 processor?00:31
ZaNGaMaNi am on amd am2 64 bits00:31
soldatsfungz0r, vmware may also work for you00:31
graelinCan anyone point me in the right direction here? System monitor says that there 17.4G total space on my /home dir. The only subdir there is my home directory that says 95 files totaling 4.4GB. Says there is 696Mb free. Any idea where the rest is?00:32
fungz0rwell my friends want to get wc3, and then i want to dl a program so i can play online00:32
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: Ah, that explains some things. Restricted codecs are often broken on 64-bit machines.00:32
jdfoote2Hi - I'm having some problems with OOo - Writer takes up the whole screen, covering my panels, etc. Does anyone know how that setting can be changed?00:32
ZaNGaMaNpirate head what veriosn you recomand for newbies like me?00:32
UBUNTUISLOVEDTigran DO THIS    iwlist wlan0 bitrate00:32
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: Version of Ubuntu?00:32
ZaNGaMaNno linux00:32
graelinHow do I run a check on that partition?00:33
scguy318ZaNGaMaN: you could try enabling Medibuntu if that helps00:33
ZaNGaMaNi liked kubuntu i sow on internet somthing00:33
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: Ubuntu is great for Newbies. Mandriva also comes highly recommended.00:33
Loungei locked a package version down in synaptic but the update manager still wants to update it!!! is this a bug?00:33
ZaNGaMaNwich is the difference betwin kubuntu and ubuntu?00:33
scguy318!medibuntu | ZaNGaMaN00:33
ubotuZaNGaMaN: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:33
hubuntuwhich channel for talk about ububntu as a  trademark*? I'm buying a domian for the LoCo tema so I thought it would be an idea to check it00:33
fungz0rhas anybody tried using a program to play LAN over the internet?00:34
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: Kubuntu uses a desktop environment called KDE, which is geared more for computer power-users and hackers.00:34
sotec_prodCan someone tell me what program or what alternate program I need to convert dvd ifo files to...anything? swf, avi, mpeg, anything? (it's a commercial we shot at work and it needs to go on the website)00:34
scguy318fungz0r: Hamachi, but on Windows, on Ubuntu it seems to be fubared00:34
mikebeechambanshee...looks great...but I've had to import my music from rhythmbox, as I could not specifically choose my shared media drive as a source Evanlec00:34
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: Gnome, which Ubuntu uses, is widely considered more newbie-friendly since it has fewer options and configuration steps to go through.00:34
scguy318sotec_prod: I know more about that stuff on Windows :P I prob would check out Afterdawn and 9doom for stuff like that00:34
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: However, if you love to tweak your computer, KDE gives you plenty of opportunities.00:34
scguy318sotec_prod: immediate thought would be oh VLC transcode? im not too wise on this stuff00:35
mw-homeAm experimenting with editing my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  How do I restart X?00:35
ZaNGaMaNpiratehead so you recomand i get ubuntu for normal 32 bits?00:35
Loungei locked a package version down in synaptic but the update manager still wants to update it!!! is this a bug?00:35
scguy318mw-home: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace00:35
fungz0ris there another program that can be used instead of hamachi?00:35
fungz0rone that works on ubuntu?00:35
loganI need to clear the MBR on a sata drive, how can I do this without a windows xp cd?00:35
slvmchnok i have three partitions, a windows, linux, and storage partition (and linux swap but i don't count that because i don't actually see it)... so my bootloader was on my storage partition, and i used grub to dual boot vista and gutsy.... now i reinstalled XP, formatting the vista partition, but when i boot it skips grub and goes right to XP... how do i re-enable grub?00:35
tigranUBUNTUISOLVED: I think my wifi went out for a sec. Not sure if you said anything.00:35
PirateHeadZaNGaMaN: If you're using a 64 bit processor, then using it to run a 32 bit operating system means you're giving up some of your potential.00:35
sotec_prodi need this by Monday.00:35
Evanlecmikebeecham, well, i'd stick with rhythmbox then, it does everything i need...00:36
riddareralfI did some settings to edit my mouse, now when I try to start x it gets a bit messy. XGL won't load, can I somehow check in xorg.conf where it starts?00:36
mw-homethanks for the advice.  control-alt-backspace logged me out also.00:36
PirateHeadGotta go guys.00:36
ZaNGaMaNPirateHead: but the 64 bits sistem is not working i barely instalet chatzila nothing works00:36
graelinCan anyone point me in the right direction here? System monitor says that there 17.4G total space on my /home dir. The only subdir there is my home directory that says 95 files totaling 4.4GB. Says there is 696Mb free. Any idea where the rest is?00:36
kakooniahey, if im trying another desktop manager, lets say im switching from gnome on gutsy to kde enviorment.. if i remove gnome packages, will they remain in the same settings if im installing them back?00:36
ZaNGaMaNxcaht not alowed00:36
wabiDis there an easy way to mount an ipod as a hard drive, and not a music player00:36
mikebeechamwell I've give it a go first Evanlec00:36
ZaNGaMaNrmc arhives don`t work00:36
soldatsmw-home, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:36
mikebeechamI like a lot of it's features already00:36
wabiDfor some reason samba wont share folders on my ipod00:36
ZaNGaMaNaudiocodec don`t work00:36
EvanlecZaNGaMaN, that is unlikely to be a 64bit issue00:36
cafuegograelin: in dotfiles and hidden directories00:37
EvanlecZaNGaMaN, xchat and almost any other app will work on 64bit Gutsy00:37
jane_graelin, use df and du00:37
sotec_prodwabiD, mojopac for Windows allows you to boot a windows system from your ipod. Don't know about linux though00:37
ZaNGaMaNtel me at instalation00:37
wabiDi just want to be able to share my ipod file to my xbox00:37
tigranUBUNTUISOLVED: I cant send private messages. Can you tell me how to register the nickname?00:37
ZaNGaMaNi use main partiition as ext200:37
ZaNGaMaNor as ext 300:37
EvanlecZaNGaMaN, ext300:37
PriceChild!register | tigran00:37
ubotutigran: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration00:37
sotec_prodDoes anyone know of video conversion software for linux?00:37
ZaNGaMaNi had ext2 now cand this be a problem?00:38
deniz_can sum1 help me with my physical science homework?00:38
sotec_proddvd to swf. I'00:38
sotec_prodI've scoured the web and can't find anything00:38
scguy318sotec_prod: ffmpeg00:38
EvanlecZaNGaMaN, no...and u can convert it to ext300:38
UBUNTUISLOVEDthanks pricechild00:38
scguy318sotec_prod: but not sure how well it does DVD IFOs00:38
sotec_prodthanks scguy318, I'll try that00:38
EvanlecZaNGaMaN, ext3 just offers better stability if ur system crashes00:38
scguy318sotec_prod: i really would strongly suggest peeking at Afterdawn or those video sites00:38
scguy318Evanlec: along with faster mount and fsck :)00:38
ZaNGaMaNso where is the problem..... then.... cose it not alowing me anithing00:38
jb0nd38372!register | jb0nd3837200:38
scguy318sotec_prod: doom9 also perhaps00:38
Evanlecscguy318, yea that too i spose00:39
Evanlecscguy318, but slower performance overall00:39
deniz_is FeCl3 called Iron Triclorine, Iron Tricloride or neither?00:39
mw-homeis there some command-line way to discover what the current resolution is?00:39
=== tigran is now known as TigranG
whaboi know this might be a silly question. but is there any First Person Shooter games for ubuntu? NOT windows based... just FPS games from linux ( multiplayer)..????00:39
slvmchnwhabo: yes00:39
deniz_whabo, ya00:40
Evanlecwhabo, http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?src=rss&id=190700:40
Micheruwhabo: lots00:40
whaboslvmchn what games are they???00:40
slvmchnwhabo: True Combat: Elite, Tremulous, and Savage: Battle for Newerth are among the best in my opinion00:40
TD-LinuxI'm starting an ubuntu cd on an old computer00:40
TD-Linuxhow do I keep it from taking years to start?00:40
deniz_Micheru, ive never actually seen or played them00:40
whaboNICE THX .. thank you alllll00:40
TD-Linuxit's been loading for 15 min00:40
whaboill try them :P00:40
slvmchnTrue: Combat Elite is a mod for Wolfenstein: Enemy territory, but ET is like WW2: quake edition, too fast-paced00:40
TD-LinuxX server is up00:40
deniz_Micheru, r they good like halo or half-life 2?00:40
slvmchnbut the mod is amazing, it's like counterstrike but 10x better00:40
Micherudeniz_: same, my computer doesn't have the power00:40
TD-Linuxsee brown background and cursor00:40
TD-Linuxit's busy loading off cd00:40
slvmchnmuch more balanced and realistcally paced00:41
EvanlecTD-Linux, there probably is no way...liveCD will always take much longer to load up then a hard drive install00:41
TD-LinuxI know00:41
EvanlecTD-Linux, and on an old computer that effect will be magnified00:41
TD-Linuxon other computers it takes ~10 min00:41
ariczget Warsow!00:41
slvmchnok i have three partitions, a windows, linux, and storage partition (and linux swap but i don't count that because i don't actually see it)... so my bootloader was on my storage partition, and i used grub to dual boot vista and gutsy.... now i reinstalled XP, formatting the vista partition, but when i boot it skips grub and goes right to XP... how do i re-enable grub?00:41
TD-Linuxthis one00:41
TD-Linuxis rediculous00:41
scguy318TD-Linux: use alternate CD if LiveCD sucks00:41
TD-Linuxthe purpose of the livecd is to dd the hard disk00:41
deniz_Micheru, well mine is not that weak, but this summer im collecting to buy a quad core with 8800 gt gfx which is rely good :D and im 15 ;)00:42
scguy318TD-Linux: dont use the LiveCD, use safe graphics or a different distro like Linux System Rescue CD00:42
scguy318TD-Linux: or the alternate00:42
Micherudeniz_: hehe i have an onlt pos dell and no job hehe00:42
fungz0ranybody use lancraft or battlelan? or know if it works in buntu?00:42
riddareralfIf I don't have XGL at /usr/bin, then there is something wrong right?00:42
TD-Linuxthe other thing00:42
TD-Linuxis there a way to force ubuntu to use dma when loading off the livecd?00:42
TD-LinuxI have a feeling that might be the problem00:42
scguy318TD-Linux: it should do that automatically I believe, as kernel option dunno00:43
deniz_Micheru, i have no job yet, im hoping to work for a month and buy a comp00:43
scguy318TD-Linux: it might be something...Compiz related, dunno00:43
jayde_drag0nslvmchn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351   that should solve your problem00:43
Micherudeniz_: then how did you get the card?00:43
scguy318TD-Linux: screw that use Linux System Rescue CD00:43
Micherupresent ?00:43
deniz_Micheru, im going to get them this summer00:43
kakooniahow can i switch the current login screen?00:43
scguy318kakoonia: change appearance?00:43
deniz_Micheru, its my goal00:44
Micherudeniz_: i just graduated, applied in a million places and no reply :(00:44
deniz_Micheru, currently i have a p4 3 ghz with ht and 1 gb ram with ati radeon x600 pro00:44
ArthurArchnixkakoonia: >system >administration >login window... I beileve it's the second tab00:44
Grav3Mindguys how do i enable the default theme manager? i dont wanna use emerald00:44
deniz_Micheru, im in grade 1000:44
scguy318Grav3Mind: just remove the emerald --replace thing if you did that00:45
scguy318Grav3Mind: how exactly did you enable Emerald anyway?00:45
kakooniaArthurArchnix : hehe.. i was just there... looked for it 2 times.. and couldnt find it :) now i did!00:45
kakooniaArthurArchnix : thanks.00:45
Micherup4 1.6 ghz 384MB SDRAM 32MB ATI RAGE 128 PRO, as i said just completed hs00:45
ArthurArchnixkakoonia:  np00:45
TD-Linuxlooks like it spent the last 5 minutes loading the desktop picture00:45
deniz_Micheru, is there any chance that u did chemistry or physical science?00:45
jdfoote2Can anyone help with an OpenOffice problem?00:45
Micherudeniz_: none00:46
ArthurArchnixask! | jdfoote200:46
ArthurArchnix!ask | jdfoote200:46
ubotujdfoote2: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:46
jdfoote2OpenOffice is taking up my whole screen, covering the panels, etc.00:46
ArthurArchnixjdfoote2: Sounds like it's in full screen mode.00:47
jdfoote2And the menu is unresponsive00:47
deniz_Micheru, i kinda have to do my homework and i came on the ubuntu channel looking for help lol, i thot i would find some but ill google insted00:47
jdfoote2Do you know where that setting is?00:47
gilnimhowto mount a *.iso00:47
scguy318gilnim: use fuseiso or do mount -o loop isofile /mnt/point00:47
ArthurArchnixjdfoote2: Try hitting Ctrl+Shift+J00:47
danbhfiveanyone know about apache configuration? ie how do I add to it?00:47
Micherudeniz_: haha, hmm maybe we should take this convbo to pm, (i am unfiltered so you can pm, me)00:47
Loungei think this is a synaptic bug - wants to update locked packages00:48
jdfoote2Arthur: No go - that puts it into fullscreen mode00:48
fungz0rwhat are some good keyboard or mouse shortcuts?00:48
ArthurArchnixjdfoote2: You'll have to describe your problem then. I thought you were stuck in full-screen mode, but it sounds like going full screen then undoing has no effect on your problem. So what exactly is the problem?00:49
danbhfivehow do I edit my apache configuration?00:49
ZaNGaMaNhow i unrar an rpm archive i instaled rpm too00:51
tyler_3ssh password storage on either putty or poderosa? anyone wanna take a stab or refer a program?00:51
nirglesomebody kb me00:51
nirglesomebody kb me00:51
nirglesomebody kb me00:51
nirglesomebody kb me00:51
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)00:51
jdfoote2Arthur: That makes the icon menu disappear - when out of full screen mode the icons are there, but the program takes up the whole screen, and doesn't show the top bar, and covers my panel at the bottom00:51
jayde_drag0nhey what is the command to change my name in here?00:52
danbhfive\name maybe00:52
jdfoote2Clicking a menu button (File, edit, etc.) brings up the menu for a moment, then the menu disappears00:52
jdfoote2Arthur: In addition, right-clicking in the program does the same thing - bringing up a menu, which quickly disappears00:52
ArthurArchnixjdfoote2: Oh... I think I understand. When you hit maximize it takes up the whole screen and your panels don't act like the edge of the screen then?00:52
ZaNGaMaNuse /nick ............00:52
jdfoote2I've heard that it's related to Compiz00:53
magnetrontyler_3: i got to go now, but you need to generate a private/public key pair. putty has a tool with good instructions.00:53
=== jayde_drag0n is now known as jayde_drag0n_im_
jdfoote2Arthur - it's maximized from the start, and that's right - the panels don't act like the edge of the screen00:53
tyler_3thats not the answer00:53
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:53
=== jayde_drag0n_im_ is now known as jayde_drag0n_gir
jayde_drag0n_giri guess theres a character limit00:53
Jack_Sparrowmine is 12.. how long do you want it.00:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grrr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:54
=== jayde_drag0n_gir is now known as jaydedrag0n_girl
jaydedrag0n_girlhehe there it is00:54
magnetrontyler_3: password storage is not enabled for SSH sessions, in accordance with the ssh specification. that's why you generate a key pair.00:54
jaydedrag0n_girlhahah ubotu doesn't know frustration... thats nice00:55
southafrikansehello. Does WIndows boot in a Logic partition?00:55
ArthurArchnixOk... well, that's quirky behaviour which I presume lasts even after restarting openoffice and rebooting the computer? I'll take a quick look into this.. in the meanwhile, have you tried enabled hardware acceleration in >tools >options >view ? It may help openoffice "play nicer" with compiz.00:55
K_DallasHi guys! Installed, updated gutsy on toshiba satellite laptop and mplayer plays nicely the movies except that i  do not have sound! any help? Thanks00:55
soldatsdoes ubotu know what love is00:55
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.00:55
jdfoote2Arthur: Is that in OO or Compiz?00:55
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: windows prefers primary partition.. but #windows people will know other options00:55
wordupsonhow do i get specific details about my wifi card? like the model, etc?00:55
=== amidanie1 is now known as amidaniel
soldatsyour mean almost00:55
jaydedrag0n_girlapparantly uboto had a bad relationship00:56
Jack_Sparrowlspci or lsusb00:56
soldatsK_Dallas, do you have the codecs for audio00:56
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: The problem is I am unable to boot Windows in grub menu00:56
magnetron!msgthebot > jaydedrag0n_girl00:56
wordupsonJack_Sparrow, just say "belkin components"00:56
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.00:56
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: Was windows installed first or aftewr Ubuntu00:57
K_Dallassoldats, i thought w32... would install everything00:57
K_Dallassoldats, what should i install then00:57
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: before obviously00:57
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: NOt so obvious..00:57
lightrush!seen file00:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen file - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:57
soldatsK_Dallas, use 'synaptic' package manager and search for all the codecs you want00:57
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcodec - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:57
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:57
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: can I or can I not boot Windows?00:58
ArthurArchnixjdfoote2: Openoffice... though if you're running compiz I think the eventual solution will be found in there. But for an easy try at fixing it you can try and play with those view settings in openoffice, tools, options00:58
Csabaim having issues with my AWN dock, i still cant sort it out, can any1 help00:58
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: I dual bot without a problem... Or was that not obvious00:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:58
magnetronK_Dallas: many users prefer the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, contains most codecs00:58
Csabai cant get trash can and showdesktop on there00:58
K_Dallassoldats, but before that, how could i check to see if the system sound is working? the volume control looks all right nut i have to see if it works, to hear something00:58
jdfoote2Arthur: Thanks for your help00:58
K_Dallasmagnetron, thanks i check that out00:59
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: then can you help me?00:59
jdfoote2I will play around with it, and maybe be back later00:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:59
soldatsK_Dallas, type alsamixer in a terminal and turn all the levels up00:59
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: I would suggest you fdisk -l   to see your partition layout..00:59
magnetron!msgthebot > ZaNGaMaN00:59
soldatsK_Dallas, then try a song if it doesnt work install the codecs via synaptic00:59
K_Dallassoldats, master and mc... they are both up, 100%00:59
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: then /boot/grub/menu.lst  will show you where grub is looking for windows00:59
HanyouHello, I have a Gutsy install that is not pulling down an IP address from DHCP, but has all the drivers installed and I am posting this from a Gutsy laptop at the same time the desktop is running. So it's not a Linux issue. Please help!00:59
soldatsK_Dallas, turn everything up01:00
Tornadowhere can i get help with the beryl01:00
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: there is nothing in the menu.lst that tells about my Windows Partition01:00
soldatsK_Dallas, if it doesnt work you may need the codecs01:00
danbhfive!msgthebot > danbhfive01:00
Jack_SparrowHanyou: if you type an ip address into firefox do you get google or whatever..01:00
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:01
HanyouNo, I can't even execute a ping command.01:01
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: there should be a section on your windows install if one exists01:01
HanyouTo my Local net*01:01
HanyouI.E. I get nothing.01:01
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: post your menu.lst to the pastebin and give up the link in channel01:02
Tornadoanyone who know where i can get help with beryl manager01:02
K_Dallassoldats, i put an audio CD and there is no sound! i shouldnt need a codec for that, should i?01:02
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz01:02
K_Dallassoldats, and all the controls are up01:02
magnetronTornado: in some cases, here. ask your question to the channel01:02
pipoim a gigantic noob, i downloaded a package and I want to install it, it says to use configure and make commands in the terminal, but I have no idea how to do that, i appreciate any help here or in pm, thanks01:02
soldatsK_Dallas, yes you should you need them to play music files01:02
=== CAP2559 is now known as OncrAckz_
K_Dallasit is audio CD, i thought it was all right ! weird01:03
PriceChildpipo, what do you want?01:03
magnetronpipo: which program is it?01:03
Odd-rationaleTornado: Why not use compiz-fusion instead?01:03
Jack_Sparrowpipo: It is always better to get a program through the repos and not try to compile it yourself...01:03
kelsinHanyou: you can try running the dhclient command on the command line (Just "sudo dhclient eth#" where eth# is your network card [ussually eth0]) and see if you get any type of errors01:03
HanyouJack_Sparrow: Right now I'm trying to do static IP if that helps at all01:03
loca|hosti've just installed Ubuntu Gutsy and got a problem with the sound, i get it very very low01:03
Jack_SparrowHanyou: others are better at that..  I hinda have my hands full atm01:04
n215how do i setup default gw for nas0 interface that wasnt created yet?01:04
tuxthepenguin533i love how i can get desktop effects on ubuntu and vista cant do one01:04
pipoi dunno i usually use the package manager and i installed it with that and it said when i click n the app that i dont have permisions to run it01:04
Csabai need some help getting trash can and showdesktop on avant dock01:04
magnetronpipo: see if the program is available in applications > add/remove or System> administration> synaptic01:04
soldatspipo you need to change the permissions for the program then01:04
Jack_Sparrowpipo: what program is it and from what repo...?01:04
ToddEDMhey guys... im trying to print from my printer connected to my Desktop... im on my laptop... can someone gimme a hand for a bit?01:05
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: here it is: http://pastebin.com/d7fa98f5e and fdisk -l gives this: http://pastebin.com/d19d6e2df01:05
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:05
pipowhats a repo lol? i instaled it with synaptic and i found the app in usr/bin and it says i dont have permissions01:05
kelsinpipo what app01:05
ToddEDMJack_Sparrow:  i have the printer installed01:05
user1are ubuntu defaults set up by idiots?01:06
pipodoes it matter what app?01:06
thorToddEDM: do you have samba installed?01:06
PriceChilduser1, ask your real questino and think carefully.01:06
user1there is some horrible noise when I use terminal... wtf01:06
kelsinpipo yes01:06
magnetronpipo: yes01:06
PriceChilduser1, that isn't normal.01:06
MicheruToddEDM: try echo "test123" | lpr and see if anything happens01:06
ToddEDMyes thor01:06
user1PriceChild: when I press backspace for example01:06
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: windows was installed first?  any other windows partitions?01:06
PriceChilduser1, that's the pc speaker01:06
pipolol ok, its called kismet something to see info about my network01:06
ToddEDMecho "test123" | lpr01:06
LjLPriceChild, i think he means the bell.01:06
ToddEDMjust type that in Terminal?01:06
MicheruToddEDM: yes01:06
user1PriceChild: how to stop that01:07
ToddEDMcool i will try01:07
kelsinuser1: if you're using the gnome terminal just right click / edit current profile and uncheck terminal bell01:07
kelsinpipo that program needs root01:07
magnetronpipo: type "sudo kismet" in a terminal01:07
ArthurArchnixDo you know, is there a pdf viewer that let's you make notes on it, like foxit reader?01:07
kelsinpipo: run it as "sudo kismet"01:07
ToddEDMabsolutly nothing happened, it just went to the next line01:07
n215how do i setup default gw for nas0 interface that wasnt created yet?01:07
MicheruToddEDM: how did you install the printer?01:07
ZaNGaMaNThe required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable codecs to play media files. Do you want to search for a codec that supports the selected file?01:07
ZaNGaMaNThe search will also include software which is not officially supported.01:07
kelsinpipo: non-root users aren't allowed to get that type of info from the network card, so in this situation that program shouldn't be able to be run as a normal user01:08
user1why is that stupid noise on by default?01:08
PriceChilduser1, because it informs the user of something01:08
LjLthank you chanserv, sorry chanserv01:08
PriceChilduser1, its a feature.01:08
pipoany ideas?01:08
ToddEDMMicheru:  well i wouldnt say "i" installed it , but it came up in the list of printers to use , in a drop box01:08
virtuosostevei was wondering if somebody could help me on getting halo to work on linux01:08
soldatssometimes ubotu gets mad whe you ask the same question more than once01:08
user1PriceChild: that user it not deaf and is irritated by high pitch sounds?01:08
Impietyi've done literally everything i could find to do to try to get mp3s to play with amarok, but for some reason it won't work01:08
magnetronpipo: yes, run it with "sudo kismet" in a terminal01:08
PriceChilduser1, then turn it off. EOD.01:08
Impietywould anyone know why?01:09
virtuososteveim reading a website on it but i dont understand on how to do it01:09
soldatsbe patient and if anyone knows how to solve your problem they will try to help01:09
Micheruok then it should just work :/ it did for me. did you choose the correct driver? (stupid question i suppose)01:09
LjL!info xournal | ArthurArchnix01:09
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: yes. Windows was installed first. There isn't any other Windows partitions01:09
ubotuarthurarchnix: xournal: GTK+ Application for note taking. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 273 kB, installed size 844 kB01:09
user1how to use sounds?01:09
Hanyoukelsin: When I run that command from terminal I get good results and it binds to, but still no internet access or ability to ping local IP's.01:09
thorToddEDM: did you run CUPS and configure the printer? Cups is reached via a browser...localhost:63101:09
user1dvd player shows video, but silence01:09
kelsinHanyou: run ifconfig and make sure the ip / netmask and other settings look ok01:09
pipooh ok so thats what sudo is about thanks01:10
ToddEDMthor, when i selected the printer, it said it was using CUPS01:10
thorToddEDM: you should be able to find the same printer in cups on both computers...your desktop and laptop ...it should show as a network printer on the laptop and a local printer on the desktop01:10
soldatsuser1, you need the codecs use synaptic and search for all codecs and install them01:10
pipoill be back in a bit01:10
LjL!restricted > user1    (user1, see the private message from Ubotu)01:10
ToddEDMso cups is the driver?01:10
user1 Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1   and     VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller01:10
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: windows was installed first and installed itself on sda6 ?01:10
user1how to have alsa using the creative01:10
PsyDeViLhmm. can anyone suggest me what ubuntu version i should stick with.  i have tried gutsy , feisty , on my desktop and they install by using safe graphics mode.  However when i try to use edgy eft i can not boot into install.  The system crashes and i hear a beep and screen goes black. (if any1 could shed some light on boot options to use with f6).  The reason i am doing this is because my ati AGP card is not supported in fesity and gutsy.  01:10
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:10
thorToddEDM: it is in cups on the laptop that you will set up the network printer01:11
virtuososteveso does anyone know who to install halo on linux through wine?01:11
Hanyoukelsin: Stupid question "What is bcast in Linux's ifconfig?"01:11
ubotuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy01:11
soldatslol i like ubotu01:11
ToddEDMthor:  ok , i havent did that , that might be the prob01:11
magnetron!appdb | virtuososteve01:11
ubotuvirtuososteve: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:11
ArthurArchnixLjL: Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.01:11
kelsinHanyou: broadcast, it should normally be on a netmask01:11
virtuososteveread this: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Halo:_PC_(Linux)01:11
=== khaladan- is now known as khaladan
user1wow first 5 minutes in ubuntu and it already crashed!  awesome job ubuntu team01:12
scguy318or better yet, the AppDb01:12
scguy318user1: what's the problem?01:12
soldatsyour doing it wrong01:12
kelsinuser1: the ubuntu team is in your house crashing your comps?01:12
Hanyoukelsin: Then everything looks fine IP of bcast of and standard netmask.01:12
user1vlc  crashes on each attempt to open dvd01:12
LjLuser1, do you want support, or are you trying to troll? i'm starting to think the latter.01:12
PsyDeViL:P ur lucky to get it installed01:12
ToddEDMthor  just add it from add/remove programs?01:12
LjL!dvd > user1    (user1, see the private message from Ubotu)01:12
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: I had Mandriva installed as well. But I then installed Ubuntu over it. Maybe that's why Windows is sda601:12
DanThirstis there a way to turn ssh on from recovery console, or a way to get network working from recovery mode?01:12
scguy318user1: if you run VLC from the terminal, can you pastebin the error messages at the terminal prompt?01:12
scguy318user1: or perhaps an excerpt of the messages that VLC produces01:12
thorcups...yeah..I guess so. To be honest I don't recall if I added it or if it was there by default01:12
user1libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.01:13
* user1 slaps riaa01:13
LjLthen read the bot factoid01:13
jaydedrag0n_girlPsyDeViL: those are just different versions of ubuntu... gutsy is the lastest install of the product.. edgy is a couple years old if i am correct01:13
thorToddEDM: open your browser on the desktop and for the url type 'localhost:631'01:13
thorsee if it works01:13
danbhfivePsyDeViL: why isnt your card supported in gutsy?01:13
Hanyouuser1: VLC does not have some codecs for protected DVD's sometimes. Try a different DVD player.01:13
DanThirstor even boot from grub loader with out the GUI to boot up because something is screwed up i just need networking and a console01:13
scguy318user1: you need to enable the Medibuntu repo01:13
user1LjL: still, it is not very pro to just crash instead any msg box is it01:13
virtuososteveno vlc works you just have to get the right codecs01:13
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: http://pastebin.com/m4649723a           is where I would start  or try super grub repair cd01:13
scguy318user1: and install libdvdcss2, that cannot be distributed legally in some jurisdictions01:13
DanThirstbut whenever grub loads stuff just stop displaying01:13
scguy318!medibuntu | user101:13
ubotuuser1: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:13
virtuosostevei had the same problem w/ vlc01:13
soldatsuser1, also try gxine01:14
kelsinHanyou: so pings to other local addresses that are local do not work?01:14
ToddEDMok cool  thor01:14
scguy318virtuososteve: libdvdcss2 :)01:14
thorToddEDM: once you have the desktop configured...do the same in the laptop, but configure a network printer01:14
virtuososteveyeah thats what i got and it worked01:14
LjLuser1, that's VLC, it's not developed by the ubuntu developers, it's in universe (community supported packages), and it's done for free, so feel free to ask question, but there's no need to be sarcastic01:14
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:14
user1scguy318: it is fine besides proud US of A and afair Franch?01:14
virtuososteveso could someone please help me w/ halo on linux?01:14
scguy318user1: ?01:14
scguy318!appdb | virtuososteve01:15
ubotuvirtuososteve: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:15
magnetron!appdb > virtuososteve01:15
LjLuser1, not really, the EUCD, which is a copy of the DMCA basically, applies in many countries in Europe.01:15
scguy318virtuososteve: im too lazy to find the page01:15
user1scguy318: wonder is it ok here01:15
virtuosostevei have it01:15
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: I've already tried that. It said: "Error 21: No such operation on device" or something like that01:15
ToddEDMthor:  im on my laptop, and i selected PRINTERS , and the printer from the desktop is there01:15
Jack_Sparrowvirtuososteve: If you mean how to get it working under wine... try #winehq01:15
magnetronLjL: EUCD is a directive and not a law01:15
Hanyoukelsin: It now pings to, but not to my net at the other end of a point to point T1 that has the local IP range of It needs to ping to that to get out to the net.01:15
virtuosostevei have wine01:15
scguy318user1: possibly, ask a lawyer, but I'm sure it'll be fine, I doubt the MAFIAA will be kicking in doors to find copies of libdvdcss201:15
clay3482hello people - can anyone help me with a mount point problem01:15
thorToddEDM: so....do we need to be MORE successful <smile>01:16
jribclay3482: you need to tell us the promlem01:16
magnetronvirtuososteve: did you check appdb?01:16
virtuosostevei just need to know how to do this:  The installer will not run without mfc42.dll, so download the file from [1] and extract the file to your /home/<yourname>/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 directory01:16
LjLmagnetron: as a directive, countries must implement it as a law. some might not have done so yet, and others may have interpreted it more liberally, but the fact remains that it applies in a few of them.01:16
soldats!ask | clay348201:16
ubotuclay3482: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:16
virtuosostevewhat is "appdb?"01:16
user1so UE now also is that stupid america corportations bit^H hostage :( ?01:16
Hanyoukelsin: I have my laptop running the same config and it is not having any problems so I doubt it's just Linux unfriendly hardware.01:16
scguy318virtuososteve: the web page that I and some other peoplez linked you to01:16
jribvirtuososteve: visit the winehq website01:16
user1hmm anyway... lets see if it works01:16
jpastoreI'm trying to burn a bootable cd. k3b seems to lack the ability to do this. and I don't see an option in gnome baker. can someone make a recommendation?01:16
kelsinHanyou: your laptop is also on the 192.168.0 network and can ping the 192.168.1?01:16
ToddEDMthor:  i want to delete all Jobs, it is asking for a password.. i dont think i made a pass for it01:16
kelsinHanyou: check the output of route -n on your laptop and desktop and compare01:16
Jack_Sparrowsouthafrikanse: You might try !diskmounter  and mount your windows partitions and make sure windows files are still there.01:16
ToddEDMthor:  nm01:17
virtuosostevelook i have wine updated and everything i just need to know how to put this certian file in the wine folder01:17
LjLuser1, this is not a politics channel, i'm simply telling you even if you don't live in the US, there may still be laws against using some DVD decryption... you should check from more reliable sources if you're concerned about it.01:17
Hanyoukelsin: Yes, just double checked.01:17
ToddEDMi spoke too soon01:17
scguy318virtuososteve: use Nautilus or whatever you do when you want to copy files01:17
jribvirtuososteve: if you want to know what appdb is, visit winehq01:17
thorToddEDM: log into the desktop. You view the jobs in a terminal with 'lpq' and cancel them with the 'cancel' command01:17
virtuosostevecan you give me the link again please?01:17
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: k3b will do it..  do you have an iso you are working with01:17
scguy318!appdb > virtuososteve (see the PM)01:17
K_Dallas__guys! I installed the restricted-extra and still no sound!01:17
ToddEDMthor i canceled them with cups , in the browser01:17
thorToddEDM: I assume you have sshd running on one or both computers?01:17
danbhfivevirtuososteve, what is the problem that you are having?01:17
ToddEDMthor:  im not sure what sshd is01:18
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: if so.. right click the iso and select write to disk01:18
scguy318ToddEDM: sshd = SSH server01:18
clay3482my problem is I changed the mount point on a external USB HD - I thought I could make it open up to specific directory - anyway now when I try and mount it the system displays moint_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) so apparently i didnt set it right. how do i reset it back to default?01:18
kelsinHanyou: and this is probably a stupid question, but the netmask and broadcast are the same on desktop and laptop?01:18
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, yes. I can't find the option and I found an article stating that it lacked the unfunctionality01:18
ToddEDMhow do i check?01:18
LjLK_Dallas__: does « sudo cat </dev/urandom >/dev/dsp » give you sound? (warning, might be loud)01:18
Hanyoukelsin: My laptop was having similar problems earlier today, but it resolved itself mysteriously.01:18
thorToddEDM: it is the ssh server...you should install it on the desktop, then you can log into the desktop from the laptop without having to go in the other room01:18
Hanyoukelsin: I will check.01:18
ZaNGaMaNfor a newbie wich is better mandriva or kubuntu?01:18
virtuosostevei have to put mfc42.dll in  /home/<yourname>/.wine/drive_c/windows/system3201:18
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: Please link the article..01:19
LjLvirtuososteve: the problem being?01:19
jribZaNGaMaN: try both and use what you like01:19
danbhfiveso, whats the problem?  why dont you just do it?01:19
kelsinZaNGaMaN: either01:19
thorToddEDM: after you install and learn ssh and sshd...look at the -X option for ssh...you can run linux apps on the desktop in a window on the laptop01:19
soldatsclay3482, you most likely need to edit your fstab file01:19
clay3482ZaNgaMan - UBUNTU 7.10 no doubt01:19
magnetronLjL: the implementation differs greatly between countries. as an example, the Swedish implementation allows you to circumvent copy protection if it's necessary for legal access to your media. (watching your dvds with libdvdcss2 etc)01:19
virtuosostevehow to get to it and getting the privileges01:19
Hanyoukelsin: They are the same.01:19
K_Dallas__LjL, it says device is busy01:19
ArthurArchnixLjL: xournal loads the pdf as a background image, making reading difficult. Any other suggestions? An adobe acrobat like product perhaps?01:19
clay3482soldats - where is teh fastab file01:19
virtuosostevebecoming root01:19
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:19
astro76clay3482, you changed it through the properties? when you edit it there, it should not be the full path, but just the directory under /media to use01:19
scguy318virtuososteve: the Wine folder is owned by you...01:19
kelsinHanyou: honestly this goes beyond my understanding then :-( good luck with it01:19
danbhfivevirtuososteve: ok, i can help, but you need to be specific with your questions01:19
jribvirtuososteve: it's in your home, you don't need to be root01:19
scguy318virtuososteve: Ctrl + H in Nautilus to see01:19
LjLmagnetron, i don't think i've said *all* EU countries make it illegal.01:19
ToddEDMthor:  im not getting what your saying... it is a linux box too, my desktop01:19
ArthurArchnixJack_Sparrow: I'd never seen that root thing before. That's hilarious01:19
soldatsclay3482, sudo gedit fstab01:19
user1how to tell alsa to use my creative card (i have 2 cards)01:19
scguy318soldats: gksudo gedit01:20
LjLArthurArchnix, perhaps acrobat itself?01:20
clay3482astro76 - I know that now - thanks01:20
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, I just closed it...let me look...I think it was older version...he was referencing...but google didn't turn up much else. you stated that it will do it...can you point me to where the option was?01:20
thorToddEDM: right...but you can run everything from both computers on the laptop screen (or the desktop screen if you prefer)01:20
Hanyoukelsin: Don't worry I bashed my head with my laptop for 2 hours today for it to mysteriously start working tonight.01:20
soldatsscguy318, huh01:20
LjLvirtuososteve, why would you need root, since the folder is in your own user's home?01:20
astro76clay3482, to fix it you will have to find and delete the entry using gconf-editor01:20
scguy318soldats: when running GUI apps, use gksudo01:20
soldatsscguy318, i know i was trying to help clay348201:20
thorToddEDM: install sshd on the desktop...it will only take a minute01:20
danbhfiveHanyou: have you tried the dig command?01:20
scguy318soldats: not sudo01:20
virtuososteveok i get it01:20
virtuososteveno root01:20
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: what kind of file is it you are starting with?01:20
pikeshouse88you know what you could do for halo with linux, buy a freaking xbox for 50 bucks, there you go, geez people are we serious about this?01:20
virtuosostevehere's my question01:20
ArthurArchnixLjL: Under wine, of course... I mean I can just take notes. I'm not about to drop a few hundo's for the privelege of making a few notes. I'll keep my eyes out though for something...01:20
scguy318pikeshouse88: we dont want to sponsor MS, duh01:21
K_Dallas__LjL, when i installed and the livecd was loaded, there was sound! now that it is fully installed, no sound01:21
scguy318pikeshouse88: though I guess the copy of Halo does that in a way :P01:21
pikeshouse88dont be ridiculous01:21
soldatsscguy318, gedit runs as gui anyways01:21
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, article: http://alternativenayk.wordpress.com/2007/01/19/the-value-of-k3b-cddvd-burning-software/01:21
scguy318pikeshouse88: some of us like our PCs01:21
scguy318soldats: when running a GUI app as root, prefix with gksudo01:21
Hanyoudanbhfive: Didn't know there was one. I'm pretty new to Linux as a whole since the late 90's.01:21
scguy318soldats: not sudo01:21
thorToddEDM: you might also need xinet...not sure if it is installed or not01:21
Jack_Sparrowvirtuososteve: Questions about getting your windows programs to run under wine are better asked in #winehq01:21
XacarithHas any one here ever tried to run something called OpenRPG?01:21
LjLArthurArchnix, uh, no, not under WINE. there is a Linux version of Acrobat Reader, and there used to be an official Ubuntu package too. now there's no official package anymore, but i think it's still in some repository01:21
ToddEDMwhats the command to install sshd01:21
kelsinvirtuososteve: honestly wine is going to take work to make work right. If you don't fully understand copying files around your home directory yet you might want to wait a bit and learn some about linux before trying to get wine working01:21
=== monkey_ is now known as monTree
thorToddEDM: install it from synaptic01:21
pikeshouse88the microsoft gaming division is fine to support01:21
duhokayis it possible to share an ntfs drive from ubuntu?01:21
thorToddEDM: and make sure xinet is installed also01:21
virtuosostevei need to get mfc42 into the wine folder, and ive looked for it but cant find it, i have wine but cant find the file01:21
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, it's a windows xp volume license iso I created from the original...which is in the safe at the office and I've burned a ton of cd's from.01:21
jrib!ssh > toddedm (read the private message from ubotu)01:22
scguy318pikeshouse88: great i guess01:22
ToddEDMk thor01:22
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:22
magnetron!anyone > Xacarith01:22
scguy318virtuososteve: Ctrl+H!01:22
scguy318virtuososteve: just do it01:22
virtuososteveand i know my way around ubuntu, k? i just cant find the file01:22
virtuosostevei did01:22
danbhfivehanyou: lol, I've only been using it for a year, I know random bits, dig tests the dns01:22
thorToddEDM: I'll wait here <smile>01:22
kelsinduhokay: yes, once you get ntfs reading and writing working, you can share it just the same as any other linux fs (nfs, samba etc)01:22
virtuosostevenothing happens01:22
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, I mounted the iso into a folder to test the contents were accessible. I only did a ls but looked fine...01:22
scguy318virtuososteve: in Nautilus?01:22
scguy318virtuososteve: should show hidden files in your home01:22
virtuosostevewats is nautilus?01:22
scguy318virtuososteve: the file manager01:22
jrib!who | virtuososteve01:22
ubotuvirtuososteve: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:22
danbhfivehanyou: dig yahoo.com to see if you get an ip01:22
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: then do as I said earlier... right click the iso and select write to disk01:22
=== K_Dallas__ is now known as K_Dallas
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: You dont need k3b01:22
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, I'm looking to see if gnome baker has an option01:22
LjLvirtuososteve: "I know my way around Ubuntu" - "What is Nautilus?"01:22
southafrikanseJack_Sparrow: I have sda6 mounted. I can access my windows files perfectly01:22
thorToddEDM: it is called xinetd in synaptic01:23
=== MEIA_FASE is now known as xALEXANDRE
virtuososteveLJL: wow your funny01:23
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, I did that and it's not working. to be fair I didn't try to browse the cd after burning01:23
=== petethornbury_ is now known as petethornbury
XacarithI'm getting this error along with one other 'socket.gaierror: (-5, 'No address associated with hostname')01:23
amicrawlerwhat is the command to tell what  ubuntu i'm running01:23
scguy318amicrawler: lsb_release -a01:24
Hanyoudanbhfive: It stops at the other end of my T1 line on my firewall at I don't think it's just my firewall though, because it can't hit any of my server farm on that range either.01:24
K_Dallasamicrawler, uuname01:24
LjLvirtuososteve, so are you. i think you're not listening to what people actually suggest to you, and rather assuming you know better. perhaps you don't, if you don't even know what nautilus is. open Nautilus in your home directory, hit Ctrl+H, and see if a ".wine" folder appears.01:24
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: that option works fine.. best to select a slower burning speed than normal01:24
thorToddEDM: and opensshd01:24
virtuosostevei did it thank you01:24
magnetronLjL: keep an eye on FloodBot<1,2,3>01:24
LjLmagnetron, duh, look at the hostmasks01:24
amicrawlerok thanx01:24
thorToddEDM: nope...openssh-server01:24
virtuososteveLjL: "thanks man your a great help"01:24
Hanyoudanbhfive: the last valid thing it hits is my Cisco Gateway on this range at
amicrawlerruning feisty01:24
ToddEDMok got em both instsalled01:25
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, maybe that's it...trying to mount now...it seems to mount fine01:25
ToddEDMhey thor, should i be doing this on the desktop too ?01:25
K_DallasLjL, any hope that i get my sound back?01:25
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, I'm trying to install into a virtual box...and I'm getting invalid bootable media01:25
thorok...let's see if it is working. On the laptop open a terminal and type 'ssh desktopip'01:25
danbhfivehanyou: interesting, so you can't ping outside of that01:26
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, I'm wondering if there's a problem with the file because I couldn't mount the iso from virtual box01:26
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: ok.. I dont do anything vm,wine etc...  someone may be able to help01:26
ToddEDMtodd@todd-laptop:~$ ssh desktopip01:26
ToddEDMssh: desktopip: Name or service not known01:26
thorToddEDM: it will ask if you want to accept the key...say yes...it will only ask the first time01:26
LjLK_Dallas, i'm not very experienced with sound and ALSA to be honest. besides telling you the obvious - i.e. to make sure everything relevant is enabled and set to a medium volume in the system mixer - i'm not sure what to tell you01:26
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: possibley...  you are trying to burn or copy a mounted iso?01:26
scguy318ToddEDM: well, substitute the IP address for desktopip01:26
HanyouNope I get to and connection stops, just on the desktop though. Not the laptop or the 50 windows boxes sitting in the office.01:26
thorToddEDM:no..you need the ip address of the desktop.... or whatever01:26
ToddEDMhey thor, gimme a sec, i gotta take a piss01:26
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, well interestingly enough i used a cd burned from this image to install into a vm under virtual box before...I just really trashed it...and deleted it ...so I'm starting over01:26
fungz0rhey whats the best linux internet browser?01:27
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: ok.. good luck..01:27
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, nah...it's on my desktop I copied it from my external last time my laptop was on and I just turned it on...it's not mounted anywhere01:27
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:27
Hanyoudanbhfive: Maybe I can restart it into submission like I did with my laptop lol.01:27
jaydedrag0n_girlLjL: just because someone is new and knows their way around their file structure.. does not automatically infer that they know everything about their system.. it does not make them dumb or stupid just new... i know a few commands my way around my file structure.. pretty good with compiz... but do i know what nautilus is? no not really i'm sure i could read up on it... but that doesn't make me stupid just new01:27
scguy318fungz0r: depends on your needs01:27
jpastore!best getting some01:27
n215how do i setup default gw for nas0 interface that wasnt created yet?01:27
n215in startup01:28
danbhfivehanyou: lol, thats a windows skill  :p01:28
fungz0rwell better question, what browsers are you guys using?01:28
LjLjaydedrag0n_girl, it surely doesn't make you stupid. but saying annoyed-sounding things like "i know my way round ubuntu, k?" to people who're trying to help sounds arrogant. not stupid, just arrogant.01:28
LjLfungz0r: all 1152 of us?01:28
fungz0rif all 1152 is actually here :P01:28
LjL!browsers > fungz0r    (fungz0r, see the private message from Ubotu)01:28
Hanyoudanbhfive: I'm a MCP and what works, works lol.01:28
Invert314how do i get my task bar to group simial apps together?01:29
LjLInvert314: "similar"? how do you define it?01:29
=== petethornbury is now known as PeteThornbury
fungz0rquestion, how do i get firefox so that when i click on the address bar it is automatically highlighted?01:29
jaydedrag0n_girlLjL; i'm sorry i was just trying to give the benefit of the doubt... i know i don't always communicate the best01:29
danbhfivehanyou: do you know how to restart the networking from the CLI?  I believe its sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:30
ToddEDMwhew!!!! im back01:30
Hanyoudanbhfive: Do you think it could be b/c I have two network cards that it is confusing the Linux config?01:30
=== CAP2559 is now known as OncrAckz
LjLdanbhfive: that works, although « sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart » is better form01:30
danbhfivefungz0r: ctrl+L01:30
zstarsHow can you display the contents of PATH?01:31
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: The discussion at the end of the article says k3b does burn bootable cd's...01:31
ToddEDMok so i need to find the IP of my desktop.. that would be 192.168.1.*** yes?01:31
thorToddEDM: right01:31
thorToddEDM: I am trusting you got the right numbers...but that's the general idea01:31
Invert314LjL, i mean how do i group all 10 firefox things into one thing?01:31
Invert314in the panel01:32
jimjamIs there any way to see *all* files on a computer that have changed in the last x number of days?01:32
fungz0rwell danbhfive, i know that one, but is there a way so that whenver i just click on it, its already highlighted?01:32
Invert314i need a better word than thing01:32
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, that's annoying I read that it doesn't and stopped there...why contradict yourself...that's just bad writing01:32
thorToddEDM: the prompt should change to reflect that you are now at a prompt on the desktop01:32
=== PeteThornbury is now known as PeteOnline
jribjimjam: you can use 'find'01:32
ToddEDMrefused connectinon01:32
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, or was that in a comment from a user?01:32
n215how do i setup default gw in startup for nas0 interface that wasnt created yet??01:32
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: that was a comment from a user.01:32
thorToddEDM: no problem..you need to start sshd...the magic incantation....01:32
Ongakuhmm well rhythmbox and amarok are acting funny...i can play a song, but when i switch to a different song it freezes01:32
gorilla3dIs there a way todo a commandline package search?01:32
chetnickhi guys does anybody use Anjuta on ubuntu? I`m missing Build menu ... maybe few more things ..?01:33
thorToddEDM: sudo /usr/sbin/xinetd restart01:33
Hanyoudanbhfive: I tried restarting the networking to no effect.01:33
user1how to tell alsa to use my creative card (i have 2 cards)01:33
ToddEDMon desktop ?01:33
thorToddEDM: right01:33
Jack_Sparrowjpastore: I also never said k3b wouldnt, just that there was an easier way to burn bootable iso's01:33
jpastoreJack_Sparrow, ahhh...well let me give it another go maybe I'll try burning directly from my external...maybe the copy was bad01:33
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danbhfivefungz0r: goto about:config and type in urlbar01:33
Ongakui tried reinstalling but to no avail...acting so weird, it´s making me mad >.<01:33
jimjamjrib: Thanks01:34
LjLInvert314, i think that happens automatically when it gets too crowded, at least that's what it does in KDE. don't know how to force it to always make it happen01:34
jpastorebrb going to try and reboot and see if the installer starts...maybe virtual box is f'd01:34
jribjimjam: -mtime is the switch you want probably01:34
Invert314ty LjL01:34
Ongakuanyone know what´s going on? i can play one song, i try to switch to the next and it crashes...01:34
PeteOnlineAnyone know of a website with a really good description of static routing on a standard ipv4 network?  I know this isn't exactly the best place to ask this, but it does involve staticly routing my ubuntu server01:34
jimjamjrib: I was looking at -ctime, but I can't figure out which order my arguments should go in.01:35
HanyouAnyone have any other ideas?01:35
robdiggorilla3d: apt-cache search package-name-or-keyword01:35
jribInvert314: right click on the window list and go to properties/preferences01:35
ToddEDMwhats that second thing you had me install thor01:35
jimjamjrib: i'm trying sudo find -L -ctime 3 /01:35
jribjimjam: you understand how mtime, atime, and ctime differ?01:35
thorToddEDM: xinetd runs a bunch of network services like apache and ssh01:35
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Invert314jrib, i see it01:36
HanyouHow do I disable one of my networking adapters?01:36
thorToddEDM: the x is extended network services01:36
tuxthepenguin533where can i view an arcive of the ubuntu irc room01:36
Pici!logs | tuxthepenguin53301:36
ubotutuxthepenguin533: Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/01:36
jimjamjrib: ctime is changed n*24 hours ago; that's what i'm looking for01:36
jribjimjam: no, google "atime ctime mtime"01:36
Jack_Sparrowtuxthepenguin533: the logs for the channel?01:36
danbhfivehanyou: have you thought about the router?01:36
tuxthepenguin533PICI gave them to me01:37
ToddEDMhow the hell do you remember all this , with the names of these linux programs so phucked01:37
openmindDJI cant seem to remember how to resolve this annoyance.  When I roll my mouse over a music file, it starts playing automatically.  Any ideaS?01:37
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/01:37
CabbageUnder Gutsy, mplayer only shows green when playing videos. Ideas?01:37
thorToddEDM: I lack a life01:37
danbhfivehanyou: im not the most knowledgable about these things, but I have heard that routers can block individual ports01:37
PiciopenmindDJ: Its in the Nautilus preferences.01:37
openmindDJohh yea....01:37
thorToddEDM: and I was lucky enough to find someone to help when I was sitting there where you are <smile>01:37
Ongakuhmm well rhythmbox and amarok are acting funny...i can play a song, but when i switch to a different song it freezes01:37
ToddEDMok i got all that installed on the desktop.. and restarted xinetd01:37
Hanyoudanbhfive: Went through that with the laptop. All that was left when I was done was me to terminal into my Cisco Gateway and rewrite my routing table.01:38
ToddEDMyeah i thank you thor01:38
jimjamjrib; Oh! Thanks!01:38
scguy318ToddEDM: old age and experience :P01:38
thorToddEDM: now try ssh to the desktop from the laptop...01:38
thorremember when it asks to use the pw you have on the desktop...not the laptop01:38
Csabai need some help getting trash can and showdesktop on avant dock01:38
openmindDJThanks Pici, can;t believe I forgot that!01:38
ToddEDMcool i think that worked01:39
thorToddEDM: it gets better...stick with me01:39
PeteOnlineor a good irc channel where I could talk to some networking gurus as my question isn't specific to ubuntu...01:39
kakooniahey, is there a way to go back to a previouse state of ubuntu?01:39
ToddEDMhaha right on01:39
Ongakukakoonia: reinstall old one :P lol01:39
thorToddEDM: if you look around you will see you are now on the desktop...you see the desktop file structure. Every command you enter there will occur on teh desktop...not the laptop01:39
ToddEDMthor , you realize, now i will be looking for you EVERYTIME i have a problem!01:39
Jack_Sparrowkakoonia: dont suppose you made any backups01:39
scguy318kakoonia: like downgrading version? no01:39
Hanyoudanbhfive: I'm pretty swift when it comes to anything PC or Apple related, but this has me tied upside down on a freeway overpass.01:40
jimjamjrib: Any way I can copy all of those files?01:40
thorToddEDM: and most importantly...everything you do is via ssh...and encrypted channel...so it is about as safe as it can get01:40
scguy318kakoonia: you could clean install but that's not typical meaning of downgrade in the usual sense01:40
thorToddEDM: we will make it a little safer later...01:40
thorToddEDM: now...when you are done....type 'exit' and you should return to the laptop prompt01:40
thorToddEDM: take your time01:40
jribjimjam: you can use -exec cp (see examples in find's man page) or pipe to  xargs cp01:40
jimjamjrib: Thanks so much01:41
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ztomicI could swear this is caused by the linux-kernel-rt: "There was an error starting GNOME settings daemon... will try to restart the next time you log in." I have two computers that started doing this after upgrading to the real-time kernel. Anyone know what's going on?01:41
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kakooniaim not meaning downgrade, i tried to fix something with my laptop screen, so i did some bad adjustments.. now.. i got some bad things going on reboot and resolution got bad.. so i was wondering if theres a way to go back to a previouse state of this installation that worked fine...01:41
stodgeJust installed Gutsy - I thought this version was supposed to have complete/easier support for configuring xorg? I'm still stuck at a refresh rate of 50Hz.01:41
ztomicIs anyone using the real-time kernel?01:42
danbhfivestodge: are you using nvidia?01:42
Jack_Sparrowstodge: use dpkg-reconfigure and enter the refresh rates for your monitor01:42
danbhfivethere is a bug in the nvidia drivers concerning refresh rates01:42
thorToddEDM: remember...you can open several terminals so you can compare what you are doing on the desktop to what you have on the laptop (if you are so inclined)01:42
stodgecompiz works a treat though with minimal work, which was nice01:42
stodgejack_sparrow: I thought that was supposed to be a thing of the past?01:42
thorToddEDM: you can even open several ssh sessions to the desktop...although that would be redundant and repetitive01:43
kakooniaim not meaning downgrade, i tried to fix something with my laptop screen, so i did some bad adjustments.. now.. i got some bad things going on reboot and resolution got bad.. so i was wondering if theres a way to go back to a previouse state of this installation that worked fine...??01:43
Galatea2i've got a problem with networking.01:43
ztomicstodge: I have to edit my xorg.conf to get proper refresh rate.01:43
Jack_Sparrowstodge: If it dosent setup your hardware you still need to do it manually01:43
ToddEDMsorry for sounding so newbish, but what am i supposed to do on the desktop?01:43
thorToddEDM: nothing...you do it all from the laptop...that is the point01:43
ToddEDMyeah thats what i meant01:44
Galatea2ubuntu is NOT giving itself an ip address, even though i specifically told it to do so01:44
danbhfivestodge: the nvidia driver scrambles the refresh rate information, so if you are using the driver, the wrong refreshes will get reported01:44
ToddEDMi just wanan print a doc01:44
stodgeah ok01:44
danbhfivestodge: i have the same problem01:44
thorToddEDM: for instance, if you type 'mkdir /home/ToddEDM/temp' it will make the directory on the desktop...not on the laptop...even though you are typing on the laptop01:44
scguy318kakoonia: oh, probably your xorg.conf01:44
stodgeI have the horiz and vert values set in xorg.conf01:44
Galatea2pinging doesn't work since it doesnt have an IP01:44
scguy318kakoonia: you could try doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg to possibly regenerate the default config01:44
Galatea2everything is just lost01:44
ToddEDMi want print/my/damn/document01:44
Galatea2no route to host, etc01:44
Hanyoudanbhfive: Well, regardless I got it to work on one machine today even if it was just luck.01:45
kakoonia 01:45
cyzieToddEDM, setup your printer already01:45
thorToddEDM: by the end of this evening...you can put your desktop in the closet and let it run there <smile>01:45
ztomicdanbhfive: I don't think it has anything to do with vid card.... I could be wrong but I don't think so.01:45
tuxthepenguin533does ubuntu have a registrey01:45
scguy318tuxthepenguin533: not really01:45
ToddEDMcyzie:  yes01:45
Galatea2tuxthepenguin533: no01:45
cyzietuxthepenguin533, no01:45
danbhfivehanyou: yeah, I dont think i can help much more01:45
MarcusklaasGod I love virtualbox01:45
cyzieToddEDM, so setup it then, it's easy01:45
scguy318tuxthepenguin533: GConf is about the closest thing to one, and its hardly a registry01:45
tuxthepenguin533then where do configs go01:45
ToddEDMit is01:45
thorToddEDM: when you are ready...log out of the desktop01:45
Galatea2anyone here good with networks?01:45
Piciscguy318: No. gnome uses a registry-like system called gconf, but its very organized01:45
Picituxthepenguin533: files01:45
scguy318kakoonia: wut01:45
thorToddEDM: and log back in with 'ssh -X ipaddress'01:46
musashii want to extract an osx .dmg to get at a graphics file. can i do this in ubuntu?01:46
kakooniascguy318 is xserver-xorg a part of the command?01:46
ztomicGalatea2: just ask.01:46
scguy318Pici: I meant in the Window sense :)01:46
danbhfivehanyou: it is interesting, your pings are getting stopped at a certain spot01:46
scguy318kakoonia: yes01:46
thorToddEDM: that is an uppercase X01:46
scguy318kakoonia: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:46
tuxthepenguin533whats kde use then like gconf01:46
Hanyoudanbhfive: Don't worry I didn't come in expecting a solution, just a push in the right direction.01:46
lukaszzJest tu ktos z polski ? :>01:46
ztomicSo nobody's using real-time?01:46
Pici!pl | lukaszz01:46
ubotulukaszz: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl01:46
cyziethor, what is his problem ?01:46
kakooniaill try, thanks\01:46
Picituxthepenguin533: I think it just uses files01:46
Galatea2why can't ubuntu just work?01:46
scguy318kakoonia: after doing that try restarting X01:46
Hanyoudanbhfive: As I said, samn thing with the computer I am typing on right now earlier today. Then, poof, magic it works. Wierd......01:46
musashiGalatea2, it does for me01:46
thorcyzie...nothing...we got the printer working and now I am showing him how to control the desktop without having to be in front of it01:47
cyzieGalatea2, why nto ?01:47
ToddEDMcyzie:  i want to print a doc. with my desktop... im on my laptop01:47
Assidis it me,  or does compiz manage to work better with ubuntu/gnome?01:47
PeteOnlinewhy can't windows just work?01:47
tuxthepenguin533where do the files get stored01:47
Galatea2because one moment ago01:47
ToddEDMno no thor, it hasnt printed yet01:47
corruptionoflulztuxthepenguin533: everything is in your home dir01:47
cyziethor, many ways then, ssh and vnc, rdesktop is a few ways01:47
Galatea2i was transferring files from this laptop to the computer running ubuntu01:47
Galatea2through a physical network link01:47
Galatea2the next second, i return, and it refuses to connect01:47
cyzieToddEDM, easy, 1st ssh to your desktop, do the lp command01:47
thorToddEDM: should...you said you found the printer in cups on the laptop...so it should be in the printer menu when you print from a program01:47
PeteOnlineanybody know static routing?01:47
Hanyoudanbhfive: Just wish there was someone in here that knew exactly what my problem was.01:47
AssidPeteOnline: what about it?01:48
PeteOnlineor a good channel to ask that same question in?01:48
danbhfiveztomic: i filed a bug report because I couldn't select a valid refresh rate, even though it was in my xorg.cong, and the guy told me it was a bug in the nvidia driver, it sounded like that guy was having the same problem, but for sure, i still cant select a refresh rate  :)01:48
Galatea2and now using ifconfig -a01:48
AssidPeteOnline: whats your question on it01:48
Galatea2my network does not contain an inet entry01:48
HanyouPeteOnline: This channel is as good as any go.01:48
PeteOnlineAssid: I've been trying to wrap my head around it basically.  To actually understand it01:48
cyzieGalatea2, dhcp ?01:48
thorToddEDM: the ssh stuff is so you can install and config programs without having to sit in front of the computer...sorry...got ahead of the game01:48
ztomicdanbhfive: hmm... interesting.01:48
Galatea2"roaming mode"01:48
PeteOnlineI get ip addressing and subnetting and all01:48
Galatea2and this computer is configured with a static IP01:48
cyzieGalatea2, do a networking restart01:48
AssidPeteOnline: very very simple.. think of the destiantion ip address as a destination on a map01:49
ToddEDMthor:  thats ok... that was good info01:49
Galatea2how do i do that?01:49
Assidthe route itself as different routes to that location01:49
cyzieGalatea2, /etc/init.d/networking restart in root01:49
AutoMatriXjust updated GPSD ... gpsdrive don't work no more01:49
thorToddEDM: if you open the document on your laptop, when you go to print it, you should find the network printer on the drop down menu01:49
ToddEDMok i see the printer when im printing from openoffice01:49
Assidif you hve a multi homed network, then you basically choose which netwrok you want to use to reach that destination01:49
ToddEDMyes i see it thor01:49
thorToddEDM: ok...does it print?01:49
Galatea2okay let's see now01:49
lukaszzi need help01:49
ToddEDMno, it sits in queue01:49
Galatea2nope, still not there01:50
PeteOnlineI understand the idea behind static routing, but the way you enter static routes on most consumer grade routers confuses me01:50
lukaszzhow to get more bright  in ubuntu  ?01:50
HanyouPeteOnline: Go to https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/networking-enable.html#networking-enable-nm01:50
Assidif you wanna go to florida from newyork, then you choose a route for the whole state of florida.. and not just cape canaveral01:50
thorToddEDM: is it in the queue on the laptop or the desktop?01:50
LaneyDoes anyone know why my display still suspends after 10 minutes even though I've turned it off in Screensaver and Power Management? It's quite annoying when watching videos (shouldn't video players disable this anyway?)01:50
ToddEDMhaha it woulda been funny if i said YA IT PRINTS01:50
thorToddEDM: use the 'lpq' command on both machines01:50
billyanybody have some extensive knowledge about windows?01:50
Galatea2in fact, now i can't even select the radio button in the network menu near the clock thing01:50
Ongakurhythmbox keeps on crashing when i manually select a song...anyone know wtf is up with it?01:50
HanyouPeteOnline: That is the Ubuntu Documentation on manual config and such.01:50
AssidPeteOnline: just read up on subnet masks.. that should easily clear it for you01:50
ToddEDMlpq: error - no default destination available.01:50
AutoMatriXanybody who uses gpsd ?01:50
cyzieGalatea2, i have never get any porblem on that01:50
Galatea2(the radio button which corresponds with my network)01:51
thorToddEDM: was that on the desktop or the laptop?01:51
Galatea2well maybe you're lucky :(01:51
jaydedrag0n_girlbilly: can i ask why you are asking about windows in the ubuntu channel?01:51
billyjust wondering :p01:51
cyzieGalatea2, not lucky u dumb01:51
thorToddEDM: you can print from the desktop, right?01:51
billycause my windows isnt booting01:51
PriceChild!windows | billy01:51
ubotubilly: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents01:51
cyzieGalatea2, cehck in network setting in /etc/01:51
scott__I am brand new to Ubuntu.  I have been running PCLinuxOS for about 9 months.  I'm having some issues with Grub.  Is this the right place to ask for help?01:51
Galatea2how so?01:51
Assidokay so, does compiz somehow work better on gnome for some stupid reason? or is that just me01:51
PeteOnlineI have read up on subnet masks, how it bitwise masks the ip address to discern the network portion and the host portion, etc01:51
jaydedrag0n_girlbilly: is it not in your grub menu?01:51
Galatea2you see, if i was to connect to it wirelessly though the house's router, it connects to my shared folder almost instantly01:51
cyzieGalatea2, what do YOU mean how ?01:52
billywell its in the menu01:52
billywhen when i boot it01:52
ToddEDMyup... im printing a test doc right now thor01:52
Galatea2well, what do you want me to check, cyzie?01:52
billyit loads the welcome page, then restarts01:52
ToddEDMfrom the Desktop01:52
thorToddEDM: from the desktop, right?01:52
ztomicno help on GNOME Settings Manager?01:52
Galatea2it's just weird how it's not the same for when you use a physical connection01:52
TorahteenAnyone here know how to use rn?01:52
ztomicI need a guru01:52
thorToddEDM: when it is done...try printing the test document from the laptop using cups01:52
jaydedrag0n_girlbilly: when you load into ubuntu and check the file directories.. is everything seemingly in order? or are your folders empty?01:52
cyzieGalatea2, go to /etc/network check the interfaces entry01:53
PeteOnlinewell lemme try this question: I have an ubuntu server behind a router and I want to give it an external static ip through the router01:53
thorToddEDM: and you did add the network printer on the laptop using cups, right?01:53
cyzieGalatea2, dont enable wireless and ethernet at the same time01:53
TorahteenIf I want to start reading usenet posts on a certain server, how would I set up "rn" to do this? I want to connect to news://freenews.netfront.net01:53
billyeverything is still there for my windows files01:53
* ^garfield2^ is away (I am Off Line Now...)01:53
Ongakurhythmbox keeps on crashing when i manually select a song...anyone know wtf is up with it?01:53
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ztomicPeteOnline: DMZ01:53
billybut when i boot into windows, it just restarts at welcome page01:53
ToddEDMthor the printer was there  already, i didnt manually add it ...and the test page i tried... is just sitting in queue01:53
Galatea2well i can't exactly disable wireless01:54
scguy318Ongaku: hmm, sometimes my VLC crashes when I spawn Open File dialog01:54
thorToddEDM: from the laptop?01:54
scguy318Ongaku: coincidence?01:54
HanyouAnyone know how to setup a Dell Laserjet to a gutsy install that is networking. I tried the Samba browser and I couldn't find it. Would manually entering it in do the trick?01:54
Ongakuscguy318: heh01:54
PeteOnlinealready being used for another device, and I can't seem to DMZ 2 hosts01:54
Galatea2because what else can i enable, since i can't select anything apart from wireless01:54
jaydedrag0n_girlbilly: did this just happen when you installed ubuntu... or was this previously working and then stopped suddenly01:54
scguy318Ongaku: try running from terminal and see what error messages u get01:54
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thorToddEDM: the test print you sent from the desktop worked OK, right?01:54
billyit wasnt working before i installed ubuntu01:54
cyzieGalatea2, why cant u disable wireless?01:54
PeteOnlinei'm using a linksys wrt54g with dd-wrt firmware on it01:55
Ongakuscguy318: i ran this gdb thing and i got this Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.01:55
cyzieGalatea2, u can either disable physically or through the OS01:55
netsrotwhat is this "partition has been mounted several times check forced"?01:55
jaydedrag0n_girlbilly: okay windows was already broken before you installed ubuntu i have this correct?01:55
Galatea2okay i'll do that01:55
ztomicPeteOnline: nope. you can't do two. but you may forward from other server or set up individual ports from the router.01:55
Hanyoubilly: Then please refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base or call their customer support.01:55
Galatea2interfaces has01:55
ToddEDMthor, it ws just an emaikl i had up.. it printed fine01:55
Galatea2auto lo01:55
Galatea2iface lo inet loopback01:55
Galatea2is that normal?01:55
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thorToddEDM: ok....first let's clear the queue...on both machines type 'cancel -a' in a terminal01:55
AutoMatriXgot a problem with gpsd ... can anyone help ?01:55
PeteOnlineztomic: you wouldn't happen to know why that is, would you?01:55
thorToddEDM: you can use an ssh shell on the laptop if you like instead of going to the desktop01:56
Ongakuscguy318: segmentation fault....01:56
noobynoobis it possible to install ubuntu to fat3201:56
cyzieGalatea2, after that 2 lines, there are no anymore below ?01:56
ztomicPeteOnline: because DMZ is designed for quick and easy.01:56
Galatea2by the way, what is eth0-avah?01:56
billyJaydedragon yeah it was broken before i installed ubuntu01:56
thornoobynoob: no01:56
Galatea2that's all there is in interface01:56
Ongakuwhat can i do? uninstall reinstall  or what...01:57
jaydedrag0n_girlbilly: than yes you will need to find a windows channel or referr to microsoft support.. research it on google.. call a friend .. or call microsoft01:57
cyziewrong entry Galatea201:57
khinhi, whenever i try to do a sudo command with & it just skips over the password prompt and cancels the command, how do i do this01:57
thorToddEDM: once you have both queues cleared...open cups on the laptop and go to the Printers tab01:57
cyziethat is why your networking fuckup01:57
Galatea2heh yeah01:57
cyzieGalatea2, what did u do ?01:57
Galatea2it's /etc/network/interface, right?01:57
noobynoobwere allowed to swear01:57
cyzieGalatea2, no01:57
Galatea2as i said, i returned and then it wouldn't work01:57
jaydedrag0n_girlno not really01:57
cyzieit's /etc/network/interfaces01:57
billyoh ok01:57
Galatea2well yes that's what i meant01:58
PeteOnlineztomic: so would I be able to do the same / similar thing with static routing?01:58
ToddEDMthor:  its asking for the password on my desktop... it wont take it01:58
Hanyoukhin: Just type sudo, authenicate, and then all your commands should have sudo authority01:58
ubotuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com01:58
danbhfivehanyou: have you tried packet sniffing?  I cant really offer to help you with that, but i01:58
thorToddEDM: give it your password....01:58
Galatea2would it be possible to rebuild it?01:58
ToddEDMpassword for roxanne on localhost..... i type it, and it just keeps asking me01:58
danbhfiveI'm trying it out myself atm01:58
ToddEDMroxanne = my wife01:58
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:58
cyzieGalatea2, u can do that but that is idiotic move, why dont u just get a working interfaces file and modify from there?01:58
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!01:58
thorToddEDM: ok...use the command 'sudo cancel -a' and use your password01:58
Hanyoudanbhfive: Are you refering to AirSnort or a derivative there of?01:59
robdigmsgthebot | noobynoob01:59
thorToddEDM: your wife is a second account on the computer?01:59
ztomicPeteOnline: never tried it, but I bet it would be more difficult than setting the router to forward port ranges or specific ports.01:59
Galatea2where could a location of such file be found?01:59
scott__I have had a working install of PCLinuxOS on what would be in Windows Terms my Primary Master HD.  I wanted to try some other Linux Distros withour giving up PCLOS until I found something I like better.  When I tried to install Fedora 8 onto a new HD located as secondary slave, the Fedora installer screwed up my GRUB and computer wouldn't boot.  Fedora screws up Grub every time I've tried it.  So I wiped Fedora and i01:59
scott__nstalled Ubuntu 7.04.  Ubuntu works fine but I can't boot into my PCLOS system.  I get Error 11 Unrecognized device string.  Can anyone help me fix this please?01:59
noobynoob! msgthebot | noobynoob01:59
ToddEDMthor:  ok that worked01:59
cyzieGalatea2, have u ask google?01:59
danbhfiveHanyou: well, hehe, I don't know,  I'm a total noob at this, but im using wireshark,     It just seemed like a next step for you01:59
Galatea2i'll do it now01:59
ToddEDMthor, yes, but i believe i gave her admin privleges01:59
cyzieGalatea2, u can type my name, so easier to see here01:59
danbhfivewatch the packets from another computer02:00
thorToddEDM: ok...clear the queue on the laptop as well...02:00
ToddEDMhold on02:00
PeteOnlineztomic: unfortunatley, the same port is going to be used on 2 different machines behind the router02:00
thorToddEDM: then open cups in the browser on the laptop02:00
Hanyoudanbhfive: I will try that, though I doubt it will help me much.02:00
ztomicPeteOnline: thats a predicament.02:00
ToddEDMhold on a sec... walmart photo just called , i gotta call my wifey02:00
Galatea2cyzie: if this interfaces file was so bankrupt of information, why was it able to accomdate my wireless card?02:00
cyzieGalatea2, /usr/share/doc/ppp/examples/interfaces02:00
johnnybezakanyone know if these internet problems with gutsy are being fixed - cos mine is stuffed and the ipv6 stuff doesn't help.02:00
PeteOnlineztomic: I have a small block of static ip addresses that I can use, I just can't figure out how to use them through a router02:01
MarcusklaasNice I emulated Vista with virtualbox02:01
cyzieGalatea2, i have no idea how is your setup and what u going to do with it. you youself dont know what u are doing and that is dangerous02:01
scguy318Marcusklaas: no Aero tho :P02:01
thorMarcusklaas: now...can you emulate a more serious disease <smile>02:01
Marcusklaasaero = ??02:01
ztomicPeteOnline: put a switch between the modem and the router. set up the servers on the switch and the other computers on the router.02:01
scguy318Marcusklaas: the fancy Vista 3D02:01
Marcusklaasoh lol :(02:01
ToddEDMthor:  ok cups is open on the laptop02:02
scguy318Marcusklaas: 3D typically doesn't work on VMs, hard to virtualize02:02
ToddEDMtest page , no working02:02
thorToddEDM: ok...on the Printers tab....02:02
scguy318Marcusklaas: VMware is the only thing that has basically beta support02:02
Csabai need some help getting trash can and showdesktop on avant dock, anyone??02:02
HanyouThis is honestly about to make me cry.02:02
Marcusklaasi heard there's a very lean version of ubuntu of vmware integrated .. liek 300 MBs big02:02
thorset printer options02:02
thorToddEDM: make sure they are ok02:02
cyziethor, how do u know if ToddEDM know how to make sure? he is newbie02:03
ToddEDMcontrolled by printout mode....02:03
thorcyzie...they are page length and such...would be specific to his setup02:03
PeteOnlineztomic: I was thinking of doing that, but I also need to use it locally, inside the router02:04
ToddEDMit all looks good thor02:04
ToddEDMerror policy is retry-job02:04
thorToddEDM: on the printers tab also check the line 'Printer State' it should say 'idle, accepting jobs'02:04
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:04
cyziethor, ok, i hope he know02:04
PeteOnlineI have /etc/network/interfaces set up with a virtual interface for the second ip address02:04
Grav3Mindcan anyone recommend a good screen video capture program for ubuntu?02:04
Marcusklaashey scguy318: can i do the glassy window look tho?02:04
ztomicPeteOnline: that's where you're gonna have to set up static routing and I don't know how.02:04
cyzieMarcusklaas, yes02:04
thorcyzie...they aren;t real important right now...would just mess up the format02:04
Marcusklaasah cool02:04
Marcusklaaswhere can i configure that?02:04
thorcyzie...I wanted him to know they are there02:04
PeteOnlinein interfaces?02:04
cyziethor, hehe. yes, show the kiddie02:05
ToddEDMyes also it says published thor02:05
robdigGrav3Mind: applications->accessories->take screen shot02:05
thorToddEDM: good...then it should be working. When you click on Print Test Page does it give an error?02:05
Grav3Mindnot screen shot02:05
PeteOnlineztomic: i have that figured out, my question is more on the router's side, which I realise isn't really this channel's purpose02:05
robdigGrav3Mind: ah...you did say video, my apologies...don't know there02:05
ToddEDMok i see something i idnt notice before, which i shoulda, its in big bold type ....Unable to connect to CIFS host, will retry in 60 seconds...02:06
Grav3Mindlol sorry robdig....02:06
thorToddEDM: really...that means it can't get to the desktop...are you running firewalls?02:06
cyzieGalatea2, good to go now ?02:06
kn4rFit's possible to run keyboard events from bash terminal?02:06
ztomicPeteOnline: yeah, i hear you. I'v never done it. probably set your servers up to receive from IP and the router to static route to an ip. I dunno.02:06
thorToddEDM:...wait...check this....02:06
ToddEDMthor, maybe on my router02:07
thorToddEDM: on the printers tab...click on Modify Printer02:07
Galatea2is it possible02:07
cyzieGalatea2, ?02:07
Galatea2that i just add my own entry02:07
thorToddEDM: no...the router would only be firewalled to the internet02:07
kn4rFGalatea2, how?02:07
cyzieGalatea2, yes02:07
ArthurArchnixI'm looking at an emacs interface for the first time because i want to learn to use 'r' and I'm told ESS (emacs speaks statistics) is the way to go, but I am really displeased with the display. It looks bad, like what gnucash looked like in Feisty. Any ideas on improving font rendering, at the very least?02:07
thorToddEDM:click on Modify Printer, then Click on Continue...02:07
PeteOnlineztomic: yeah, I think we both have the same level of knowledge on this, neither of us know how to do static routing on the router.  blind leading the blind and all02:07
Grav3Mindanyone know of a good VIDEO screen capture program02:07
Galatea2like, i'd just write iface eth0 inet static02:08
mark_whats a good lightweight Mplayer GUI?02:08
Galatea2this shouldnt be happening though02:08
ToddEDMthor ok02:08
Galatea2ubuntu is just meant to work without a hitch02:08
Marcusklaasand it does02:08
cyzieGalatea2, yes, then u need to insert the ip ssubnet mask and gw02:08
thorToddEDM: Make sure the device is right...I think it should be AppSocket/HP Direct02:08
stodgeAny ideas what I'm missing:  undefined reference to `XPending'02:08
kn4rFno1 knows?02:08
vee_Hi. does anyone have a minute to answer some Ub. Ser. 7.10 questions?02:08
ToddEDMthor:  it was windows printer via samba02:08
ToddEDMi changed it02:09
cyzieGalatea2, yes, ubuntu work out of the box unless u go mess it up and that u dont know what u are doin02:09
danbhfive!ask | vee_02:09
ubotuvee_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:09
thorToddEDM: you may have to play with those to see which driver works02:09
nekoi have a problem. when i move icons on desktops , it makes copy instead of just move it02:09
ToddEDMok np02:09
vee_first involves RAID 102:09
vee_I used my BIOS to set up a RAID 102:09
vladcHi, I can't boot Ubuntu 7.10 a 500Mhz G3 iMac because the machine will power off 3 seconds after yaboot. I tried passing "video=ofonly", but that results in an empty black screen.02:09
thorToddEDM: I am running a Canon iP90 on ubuntu and that is what I needed for my laptop02:09
Galatea2well i didn't touch anything at all!02:09
kelsinArthurArchnix: you can install emacs 23 from http://peadrop.com/blog/2007/01/06/pretty-emacs/02:09
vee_I was hoping this would make things easier.02:10
Galatea2this is frustrating. ubuntu isn't meant to destroy the network after i leave for a few minutes02:10
thorToddEDM: once you have it changed (try the AppSocket) click continue and see if the device url is OK02:10
vee_When I went to install 7.10 - it saw two disks instead of 102:10
thorToddEDM: oops...hold on02:10
vee_So I choose the first02:10
=== _RvGaTe is now known as RvGaTe
HanyouHow do you go about disabling a piece of hardware in your system?02:10
ztomicPeteOnline: you may be able to install extra nic's on the servers and connect them to the router but that defeats the purpose of wide area network.02:10
scott__Can anyone help me with my GRUB issue, or point me to a GRUB support channel please?02:10
cyzieGalatea2, no it wont, i been running ubuntu like >100 days, no problem on my networking02:11
ArthurArchnixkelsin: Beauty. Thanks.02:11
PeteOnlineI wasn't really expecting anyone here to know static routing, I was more hoping someone knew a good irc channel I could go bug02:11
IndyGunFreakscott__: whats your issue?02:11
thorToddEDM: no...it should be Windows/Samba...I was looking at the wrong machine...sorry02:11
Galatea2but why am i the unfortunate one?02:11
ztomicextra cost too but nics are cheap02:11
vee_installation said it was finished and now- I have the reboot and selct proper Boot Device...message02:11
cyzieif u are not the one who is change it, then have u look into other possiblity?02:11
thorToddEDM: on the next page you should see the device url02:11
vee_what did I do wrong?02:11
cyzielike software that change it ?02:11
PeteOnlineyeah, i might just do that in the end, but static routing through the router and locking down that specific ip address would be best02:11
brian994DCC SEND "itsabeautifuldaythesunisshiningifeelgoodnobodyisgoingtoletmedown" 0 0 0 0 002:11
nekonobody have an idea ?02:12
danbhfivePeteOnline, don't the linksys routers have good config software, which handles all that?02:12
thormake sure the device url is something like...'smb://192.168.1.xxx/name' where name is the name of the printer02:12
scott__I had PCLOS on my primary HD.  I added another HD and installed ubuntu.  Ubuntu works but i can't boot into my PCLOS.  I get Error 11 unrecognized device string02:12
ToddEDMthor smb://MSHOME/PC-HOME/printer02:12
Galatea2why does eth0 broadcast an ipv6 address, but not an ipv4?02:12
thorToddEDM: nope...your desktop is linux, right?02:12
PeteOnlinedanbhfive: I'm using dd-wrt, custom firmware installed on a linksys02:12
IndyGunFreakscott__: when grub loads, i presume its when you boot your ubuntu drive first, right?02:12
danbhfivei see02:12
ToddEDMusd to be windows02:12
Galatea2and what's the difference between eth0 and eth0:avah02:12
kelsinArthurArchnix: you can install the emacs-snapshot-gtk official package just to get gtk widgets, but that package from that blog also includes nice XFT font support02:13
scott__The working Grub is on the new hard drive02:13
cyzieGalatea2, fix yoru problem first.02:13
thorToddEDM: is the desktop named MSHOME?02:13
plamoQuery: Gparted doesn't let me unmount my /dev/sda1 hard drive because other things are mounted to the same point, how do I get it so I can unmount it?02:13
ToddEDMthor: no02:13
cyzieGalatea2,  u are running away from your own problem02:13
ToddEDMits wrong02:13
Galatea2well i've tried everything including setting my network to DHCP inside interfaces02:13
thorToddEDM: right...you need to change that...smb://ipaddress/name02:13
scott__I boot up and I get a grub menu to choose my OS.  Ubuntu and PCLOS are both on the list02:13
thorToddEDM: ipaddress is the ipaddress of the desktop, and name is the name you put into Samba on the desktop02:13
IndyGunFreakscott__: ok, can you browse the old drive, and look at the grub menu config?  IF so, it will tell you what parameters it was using, and you can just set those perameters inside Ubuntu's grub menu.lst,02:13
Galatea2I am literally lost for ideas02:13
danbhfivevee_ i have no idea, but, I'm gona send you a webpage02:14
danbhfive!raid > vee_02:14
thorToddEDM: sorry about this...I am usually better <smile>02:14
scott__ok.  I'll try that.  Thanks.02:14
ToddEDMhey thhis is great thor thanks02:14
ztomicPeteOnline: try some other channels... these guys are pretty specific in here. If it aint ubuntu, they don't know.02:14
ToddEDMok the mane i put in samba.......02:14
Galatea2this is strange02:14
thorToddEDM: once you have the url set, click continue02:14
Galatea2interfaces is now devoid of the entry i put in, and saved02:14
thorToddEDM:choose the printer and click continue02:15
vee_yes- i went to that site already -- doesnt cover 71.002:15
ToddEDMi dont know thqat name i put in samba02:15
ztomicor just don't care02:15
PeteOnlineztomic: I tried networking, but it was like talking to a room full of statues02:15
Galatea2that definitely isn't normal.02:15
thorToddEDM: you should use the same driver you are using on the desktop02:15
vee_danbhfive: is RAID a bad idea?02:15
Hanyoudanbhfive: Do you know how to disable a piece of hardware on gutsy? I have been looking in support docs and haven't found crap.02:15
scott__When I open menu.1st it opens read only.  Who do I get it to open as a read write?02:15
pabixHello.. in which file should I define my EDITOR variable?02:15
scguy318scott___: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:16
ToddEDMthor:  gimme an example of yours02:16
pabixscott__, sudo ?02:16
nekohow do i set off definitvly the bell ?02:16
nekoit beep on my computer02:16
scott__thanks.  I was opening from GUI02:16
nekoand it is annoying02:16
pabixneko, System>Preferences>Sound ?02:16
thorToddEDM: my printer is a canon pixma ip90...I use the driver for the iP2000 since there isn't one for the ip9002:16
ToddEDMoops i was meaning the Dvice U02:17
nekothanks pabix02:17
Galatea2it seems as if ubuntu doesn't want me to network the two computers together02:17
pabixneko, welcome02:17
thoroh...my device url is smb://192.168.0.xx/iP9002:17
Assidanyone here got avalaunch working?02:17
thorToddEDM: in samba on the server I called the printer iP9002:17
danbhfivevee_ i dunno, it sounds like a pain  :)02:18
Galatea2anyone with another idea?02:18
thorToddEDM: just curious...did you install swat with samba?02:18
danbhfivehanyou: no i don't, im google'ing, have you tried ifdown?02:18
ToddEDMthor:  no02:18
thorToddEDM: do yourself a favour...install swat02:18
vee_danbhfive: so whast the best way to set up Linux so that it mirrors certain info two a second internal HD02:19
nekoyou want to make samba network with them ?02:19
ToddEDMhold on , im trying to figure out my URI02:19
Galatea2i've done that02:19
Galatea2and i've transferred files between the two computers on several occasions02:19
nekohow the two computer get their IP ?02:19
nekooh it have work in the past but no more now ?02:20
Galatea2this computer has an ip set up of
Assidman the live cd should use anti aliasing02:20
nekothe other one ?02:20
Galatea2and the other connects via "roaming mode"02:20
Assidanyone know where i can change this setting?02:20
Assidthe fonts look too crappy02:20
nekocheck with ifconfig it they are in the same network02:20
Galatea2which worked extremely well until an hour ago02:20
Galatea2eth0 is not assigned an ip02:21
Galatea2there's something ghostly called eth0:avah02:21
nekookey 1 have an ip the other have none02:21
Jack_SparrowToddEDM: I used this link...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28209602:21
Galatea2which has an IP, but exists on a different subnet02:21
K_DallasSorry to ask this but where could i find a background/wallpaper which is pretty representative of ubuntu's spirit? (something like the picture on the CD jackets). Need this for a presentation, thank you02:21
Jack_SparrowK_Dallas: gnome-look.org02:22
Galatea2K_Dallas: try google images02:22
K_Dallasthank you both02:22
thorToddEDM: if you can't figure out the printer name....you can find it easy wth swat02:22
danbhfivehanyou: for network devices, it looks like you could just use the gui under System > Administration > Network02:22
K_DallasGalatea2, google images is frustrating, most of the time02:22
nekookey so your main problem is that one of your computer is no more in your network ?02:22
Galatea2i decided to insult ubuntu by placing the leopard-beta "grass" desktop02:22
cvdits there away to to open with wine a .exe after double-click and not right-click open with wine? this what appear when i do a double-click .exe http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/5f8c9bb26f.png02:22
Galatea2yes, that's the problem neko02:22
Galatea2they're not "communicating" with each other02:23
sfearswhy is fileserver trying to send me Fedora 8 so badly?02:23
kelsinK_Dallas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official that can help, not backgrounds, but logos and stuff02:23
nekofirst you really need to have your two computer in the same network02:23
K_Dallasthanks kelsin02:23
nekowhat the problem with the one that get no IP ?02:23
danbhfivevee_: sorry, i have never done raid myself, i personally just backup as i need to, but its really not that secure the way i do it02:23
Galatea2the problem is it's running ubuntu02:24
sfearsproblem indeed02:24
thorToddEDM: the other way to find the printer name is to look in the samba config file...but since I discovered swat I have never looked there...so don't even remember where to find it02:24
danbhfivevee_: in fact, i don't know much about backing up in ubuntu02:24
Assidhow do i change the anti aliasing of the screen?02:24
nekoI know only two way to assign IP02:24
Galatea2Assid: go to system>preference>appearance>fonts02:24
nekoby hand02:24
ToddEDMok i got swat... how do i open it02:24
Galatea2yeah, by hand it doesn't work02:24
nekoor with a dhcp02:24
Galatea2and that doesn't work either02:24
danbhfivevee_: I did move /home to a certain partition, which is kinda a backup proceedure02:24
sfearsin appearance prefs Assid? under fonts02:24
thorToddEDM: you installed swat on the desktop, right?02:24
Jack_Sparrowcvd: Have you looked at thunar file manager...02:25
Galatea2something went bad with /etc/network/interface02:25
nekothe net interface is  wifi  ?02:25
Galatea2and I have no idea how to fix it02:25
nekoon the computer that have the problem02:25
Galatea2no, its with a physical hardware link02:25
thorToddEDM: ok..on the laptop open a browser tab and for an address type 'ipaddress:901' the ipaddress of the desktop02:25
Galatea2they're both connected though car502:25
Jack_Sparrowcvd: Yes, like nautilus, but smaller and lighter02:25
Galatea2wifi works great02:25
vee_danbhfive: if it means avoiding headaches and trying to get thing to work right, I can have just two HDs and some sort of app that backs up when asked - does this sound like the better way to do it?02:25
Galatea2but its slow and the packet loss is substantial because the computer is in the backyard02:26
sfearsyou have a computer in the backyard too?02:26
thorToddEDM: did swat open or do we need to restart xinetd again?02:26
Jack_Sparrowvee_: one line in a cli will backup for you02:26
cvdi like gnome, .exe worked before, but now i dont know what happend i wont open with wine automatically02:26
Galatea2i use it for timemachine and what not02:26
vee_Jack_Sparrow: please enlighten me!02:26
sfearsjust playin...02:26
thorToddEDM: sudo /usr/sbin/xinetd restart02:26
Jack_Sparrowvee_: you can install thunar with synaptic, aptitude or apt-get02:27
danbhfivevee_: well, as a fellow noob to this stuff, yes  :P02:27
Galatea2its actually my old computer which i gave to my rents because apparently ubuntu is easy to use02:27
thorToddEDM: on the desktop02:27
thorToddEDM: then refresh the browser page and see if swat loads (I hope)02:27
danbhfivevee_: i mean, if it aint working, and you can live without it, why bother, this is just MHO02:27
Galatea2but, upon reflection, it's starting to be (un) good02:27
vee_danbhfive: completely new to this stuff and want to make it easy yet efficient02:28
Galatea2okay, i may as well transfer files though the sneakernet02:28
ToddEDM:( nope thor02:28
Galatea2this is ridiculous02:28
Galatea2thanks, bye.02:28
danbhfivevee_: yeah, if you are new, i would say, forget raid for now02:28
thorToddEDM: ok...you will have to take a look at the samba config. Research swat on ubuntu later...it is worth the trouble02:28
vee_danbhfive: i hear ya - just need the machine to serve as a LAMP and file server02:28
thorToddEDM: let me see if I can find the samba config02:29
lashmoovewhats the equivalent command to use in ubuntu to chkdsk.. in windows i would "chkdsk g: /f" to fix a currupt drive.. but, how to do that in ubuntu ?02:29
Jack_Sparrowvee_: raid is not worth the effort...02:29
danbhfivevee_: i think raid is something thats a bit involved to setup, ie, get linux to recognize it on bootup02:29
vee_Jack_Sparrow: whats that line you mentioned or app?02:29
peachoI need help getting Internet Time working right in Ubuntu 7.10. Can anyone help me?02:29
Jack_Sparrowvee_: thunar file manager...  install with synaptic or apt-get or aptitude02:29
vee_danbhfive: yea, at the moment I installed the server addition and now it wont boot at all from the HD02:30
soldatsthunar us a really great file manager02:30
netsrothow do I turn off updatedb autorunning?02:30
thorToddEDM: ok.../etc/samba/smb.conf02:30
robdigpeacho: whats going on?02:30
thorToddEDM: on the desktop...in a terminal type 'less /etc/samba/smb.conf'02:30
user_how to check size of /home/user/  ? i want to do backup of it02:30
|muelli|hm netsrot. good question. I'd look in /etc/cron.d/02:30
thorToddEDM: you familiar with 'less'?02:30
vee_Jack_Sparrow thanx so much02:30
ToddEDMhaha not at all thor02:31
|muelli|user_: try a "du -hs" in your directory02:31
=== |muelli| is now known as Muelli
peachoWhen I open Time and Date Settings and change Configuration from Manual to "Keep Synchronized with Internet Servers" it tells me I must install NTP support.02:31
danbhfivenetstrot: System > Preferences > Sessions02:31
thorToddEDM: it just lets you see the file...not edit it. Page down by hitting the spacebar, and back with the 'b' key02:31
thorToddEDM: look for the definition for the shared printer...the name you need is the name on the left side in square brackets [iP90]02:32
nekouser_ you can also02:32
peachoIf I click Install, it sits there for a little while and then it doesn't seem to fix anything.02:32
nekoright click on nautilus02:32
vee_danbhfive: what did you pick (when installing) when it came to partioning? I think I am going to reinstall after I tell the BIOS to stop the RAID 1 and switch them both to act like IDE02:32
ArthurArchnixkelsin: You know what it was? your second comment there started me looking through synaptic. The thing is I wanted ess, but when I selected that it installed emacs 21 as the dependency. Emacs 22's font rendering is fine, and is also available in the repository. As is the snapshots you mentioned. Now to see if ess is working with 22, and then if I can uninstall 21 without apt also removing ess. Sigh... :)02:32
user_neko,  yes?02:32
robdigpeacho: yes, you need NTP to sync. you can get it by typing in a terminal apt-get install ntp02:32
thorToddEDM: there should be a line in that section with the 'printer name='02:32
nekofor check a size of a folder02:32
kelsinArthurArchnix: yeah it can be slightly odd, but even if you have to remove all then install the snapshot package first, then the ess package you should be ok02:33
Assidhrmm.. stupid network isnt going on wifi02:33
Assidnot in live cd mode atleast02:33
nekothe right click > properties02:33
nekogive you this info also02:33
nekoin nautilus02:33
ArthurArchnixkelsin: Indeed. Well, thanks for the tips and such.02:33
kelsinArthurArchnix: np02:33
danbhfivevee_ well, I have 3 partitions i believe, swap, /home, and /02:34
danbhfivevee_ i use this as a desktop, and a hobby developement server with apache/php02:34
ToddEDMi see [printers] and [print$] thor02:34
user_i got problem with printing on ubuntu, the shared printer is on windows xp sp2, so sometime after print a lot of pages, then i can not do print, it's like the ubuntu not send print job to the XP, even i already restart the CUPS service (/etc/init.d/cupsys restart) the printer still no respond. Why that happen?02:35
thorToddEDM: right and you should also see a section where you defined the printer for sharing02:35
user_should i upgrade my feisty (7.04) to 7.10 to solve this problem ?02:35
user_neko,  thanks02:35
ToddEDMhold on02:35
thorToddEDM it may be you never added the printer?02:35
vee_danbhfive: so new that im not sure what the difference is between the three . I have 2 SATA 500 Gb HDDs02:36
ToddEDM2ok thor, im on the desktop02:36
user_does anyone here ever got same problem like me ? or you guys, have no problem with it02:36
peachorobdig: when I try to install this I get the following error: Package ntp is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:37
peachoThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:37
peachois only available from another source02:37
peachoE: Package ntp has no installation candidate02:37
vee_danbhfive: i imagine home/ is for the OS02:37
thorToddEDM right...and looking at the smb.conf file, right?02:37
LiMaOuser_: what problem are you having?02:37
danbhfivevee_ /home is for the user02:37
vee_danbhfive: not sure what swap is02:37
danbhfivevee_ whats this for?02:37
robdigpeacho: let me double check the name...02:37
danbhfivevee_ how much ram do you have?02:37
user_LiMaO, sometime i can not print document to shared printer on xp :(02:37
vee_danbhfive: Remote and LAN file server and a LAMP test box02:37
thorToddEDM right. And you didn't edit this file at all, right?02:37
user_i just wonder does cups or smbfs have problem about stability connecting to windows xp shared printer02:38
vee_4 gigs02:38
user_is there any issue about this?02:38
ToddEDM2thor:  im logged on as myself on the desktop right now... and i cant even get to lok at smb.conf02:38
danbhfivevee_ ok, forget about swap i think02:39
thorToddEDM you probably need to do an 'sudo less /etc/samba/smb.conf'02:39
vee_danbhfive: 2 ghz core 2 duo02:39
danbhfivevee_ especially if its only you using it02:39
vee_danbhfive: swap is like using HD for RAM?02:39
danbhfiveyou will never need swap02:39
vee_im sure i have to assign some space to it, right?02:39
robdigpeacho: yup, ntp is the package name. you might need to check that your sources are correct...system->administration->software sources and make sure all of the repositories are checked02:40
thorToddEDM did that work?02:40
user_is there any software to restore deleted file on ubuntu ?02:40
ToddEDM2 CUPS printing.  See also the cupsaddsmb(8) manpage in the02:40
ToddEDM2# cupsys-client package.02:40
ToddEDM2;   printing = cups02:40
ToddEDM2;   printcap name = cups02:40
vee_danbhfive: I am going to erase my RAID and begin reinstalling, whe I get to partioning, I am going to ask what I should do - is that ok?02:41
thorToddEDM I don't think that will work...but try using the name cups in the url on the laptop02:41
CabbageUnder Gutsy, mplayer when using xv only shows green when playing videos. X11 is too slow to really use as an alternative. Ideas?02:41
thorToddEDM you remember where that is?02:42
peacho@robdig: Okay, so I'm on the Software Sources page and the only thing I see checked on the Ubuntu Software tabbed is Installable from CD/DVD. I take it I want to check all the "Downloadable from the Internet" boxes?02:42
danbhfivevee_ I think there is an option to have ubuntu figure out the partitioning for you02:42
danbhfivevee_ might as well start there02:42
reallyjoelis it possible to change my screen resolution to something custom thats not listed in the app for screen res.02:42
danbhfivevee_ you can change it later with gparted, and not loose your information02:42
ToddEDMon the cups page on the browser02:42
robdigpeacho: yup02:42
keen101is there a way to "steal" the window manager from kde?02:42
wdayHello I tried searching forums but couldn't find an answer - I installed vim-latexsuite using apt-get, but when I open a .tex file with gvim it doesn't load latexsuite02:43
vee_danbhfive: yes, the first option. going to erase the RAID 1 and resey the HDs to function as IDEs first02:43
Assiddont get why linux always uses only 60 hz for its screens for lcd's02:43
Assidand not 72/75 if the hardware supports it02:43
danbhfivevee_ yeah, in the bios02:43
danbhfiveuser_ you could try e2undel02:44
mEck0I thinking of buying a new soundcard. I've read that some people recommend m-audio and other brands instead of Creative's soundcards, because they says they have better sound quality and so on. I want it to give me very nice and clear sound for music listening, in movies and games. kind of an allround-card. is it a creative card I should buy?02:44
peachoI guess that explains why I couldn't install programs from Add/Remove Programs either!02:44
Assidanyone here using X and have configured it to use 72/75hz for the video instead of 60 for LCD's ?02:44
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:44
robdigpeacho: probably so02:44
LiMaOAssid: i may use 75hz if i want02:44
danbhfiveAssid are you sure your lcd can go that high?02:44
keen101can the window manager be used in gnome? (ie.  different wallpaper for each desktop)02:44
AssidLiMaO: yeah it used to on win02:44
reallyjoelThe Screen Resolution app in system->preferences (in gnome) doesnt list the correct resolutions for my screen (its widescreen), so can i set it in another way?02:45
keen101(from kde)02:45
danbhfiveAssid are you using nvidia?02:45
LiMaOAssid: i mean it works for me under linux02:45
Assiddont remember if it was 72/7502:45
PepperyHi, I'm running Apache 2 on Ubuntu Server 7.10 and I'm having problems trying to get it to execute cgi/perl scripts. I had this problem before and fixed it somehow. Does anyone know how I can fix it?02:45
Assiddanbhfive: nah, ati radeon 9000 mobility02:45
LiMaOAssid: have you properly configured your monitor horizontal and vertical frequency ranges in xorg.conf ?02:45
Assidits a dell d600 latptop02:45
danbhfivereallyjoel are you using an nvidia?02:45
AssidLiMaO: just reinstalling (changing from kubuntu to ubuntu)02:45
reallyjoeldanbhfive, yes, 6800gt02:46
LiMaOAssid: also, if you go to System > Preferences > Screen Resolution, can't you change it there?02:46
AssidLiMaO: live cd shows me only 60hz02:46
LiMaOAssid: mine shows 50hz and 51hz.. if i choose 50, it'll work at 60hz, if i choose 51 it'll work at 75hz02:46
ThePirateRedBearI was wondering just yesterday if there would ever be a day that I will be so smart that I can edit xorg.conf  and know what I'm doing.02:46
thorToddEDM I once told a friend that I liked linux because it allows one to rediscover the joy of getting a printer to print 'hello'02:47
ToddEDM2thor i dont know wtf is wrong with this02:47
keen101LiMaO, try using the alternate install CD.02:47
Assidhrmm no such thing here02:47
danbhfivereallyjoel the nvidia drivers have a bug which scrambles the refresh rate listings, that might be your problem02:47
LiMaOkeen101: uh? i don't need it. i have a working system =P02:47
thorToddEDM2:whats the matter? won't it take cups?02:47
danbhfiveanyone know how to make a suggestion for ubotu?02:47
peachorobdig: It's installing now... :)02:47
keen101oh. well, it gives you more options...02:47
ToddEDMits not doin anything02:48
reallyjoeldanbhfive, well if that bug spills over to screen resolutions, but the refresh rate works fine02:48
robdigpeacho: excellent02:48
danbhfiveno, i think its just refresh rates02:48
reallyjoeldanbhfive, SHOULD 'Screen Resolution' app list widescreen res's?02:48
thorToddEDM here's the thing...you have almost everything right...but you don't have th eprinter shared via samba yet...that is where swat comes in. If you aren't too discouraged I can help you get that...we are close <smile>02:48
Assidreallyjoel: it should honestluy02:48
Assidwidescreen is getting to be a norm now02:49
peachorobdig; It just finished and now works fine. Thanks for your help.02:49
robdigpeacho: no prob, have a great evening02:49
reallyjoelI mean, not should as in usability, but as in how its made currently02:49
thorToddEDM I am looking at this howto....http://linuxtnt.wordpress.com/2007/08/12/starting-swat-on-ubuntu/02:49
blackvdI have a quick question here, when i use nvidia-settings to switch my screen from my laptop to my TV, How do I switch it back without restarting X?02:49
danbhfivereallyjoel are you switching monitors by chance?02:49
ToddEDMi am very discouraged ... lemme have a look02:49
thorToddEDM2: you need to install one more thing according to that....02:49
wdayIf anyone else has this problem, it's a known bug see bug #13720502:50
thorToddEDM2: do 'sudo apt-get install netkit-inetd' on the desktop02:50
reallyjoeldanbhfive, well yeah, but i switched gpu at the same time, from ati to nvidia, required an install of nvidia drivers and a reboot02:50
danbhfivereallyjoel anyway, you can use the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-org02:50
reallyjoelused the proprietary drivers app for that02:50
danbhfivereallyjoel yeah, you need to reconfigure every time you switch monitors02:51
reallyjoeldanbhfive, is it scary?02:51
danbhfivei believe02:51
ubuntudo you spanish02:51
thorToddEDM2: according to the howto that should enable swat02:51
danbhfivereallyjoel not if you know the specs of your monitor, which it sounds like you do02:51
thorToddEDM2: my fault...I thought it was part of xinetd02:51
thorToddEDM2: when we get swat running...it will make samba a snap to configure02:52
danbhfive!spanish | ubuntu02:52
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.02:52
reallyjoeldanbhfive, It says "Package `xserver-org' is not installed..." but that sounds strange..02:52
billy!Swahili | ubuntu02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swahili - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:52
lashmoove Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0 - when usb drive plugged in02:53
danbhfivereallyjoel er, i don't know the package for sure, use tab complete02:53
danbhfivereallyjoel xserver-xorg ?02:53
reallyjoeldanbhfive, hmm?02:54
TigranGHey. I read somewhere about how Network Manager isnt that good, and there was an alternative. I forgot what the name was. IF anyone knows what I'm talking about, can you please tell me the name02:54
thorToddEDM2: just checking in my ubuntu  I don't see netkit-inetd02:55
ToddEDM2ok i did sudo apt-get install swat02:56
djezerhelp, I lost my taskbar02:56
ToddEDM2got it on both laptop and desktop02:56
thorToddEDM2: ok...hang on a sec while I check for a better howto02:56
thorToddEDM2: ok...I was right...it is xinetd...check this url....https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat02:56
blkthndris there any way i can change the status of a hidden directory (windows hidden directory) in ubuntu?02:57
electronsu -02:58
thorToddEDM2: the line about restarting xinetd is outdated though...it is /usr/sbin/xinetd02:58
robdigdjezer: do you still have one of them?02:58
Taa5iHello.  I'm attempting to install using a Xircom rbem56g cardbus ethernet adapter and network autoconfiguration will not assign it an IP.  I know it is a functional card, I've used it before in other distros.  ANy idea why it wouldn't work please?02:58
thorToddEDM2: if you don't know how to use nano as an editor you can use gedit instead02:58
electronquit edit02:58
blkthndrI have a folder that windows reads as hidden, is there any way i can change this using ubuntu?02:59
=== recon is now known as reconnect
user_how to do clean uninstallation after i play enough with wine (apt-get install wine) ? i need to remove the software and all of wine configuration02:59
thorToddEDM2: is that you slipping over the brink?02:59
HanyouHey, does anyone here know anything about Wine? Their IRC is kinda dead.02:59
electrondel syetrbfbf02:59
ToddEDM2ok i think im gonna scrap this little excesize of the mind... i will just email the shit to the desktop... seems quicker02:59
ToddEDM2yes thor02:59
thorToddEDM2: if you get that one file created it should do the trick.02:59
Acidfriedanyone know a decent dc++ client other than linux dc03:00
vee_danbhfive: I am at the point Guided, but which one ; entire disk / entire disk and set up LVM / entire disk and set up encrypted LVM? then theres the first- resize (which is prolly what i dont want) and manual03:00
thorToddEDM2: but if you want to let it go we can do that too.03:00
=== reconnect is now known as recon0
thorToddEDM2: bookmark the howto so you can find it tomorrow03:00
thorToddEDM2: when you access swat you will see what I meant...it makes samba SO easy03:01
blkthndrI have a folder that windows reads as hidden, is there any way i can change this using ubuntu?03:01
danbhfivevee_ dont you want the first?  I don't know, I always have chosen manual  :(03:01
ToddEDM2thor.. i got the file made, how do i save it ?03:01
thorToddEDM2: are you using nano?03:01
danbhfivevee_ if you choose manual, all you need to do is have at least one partition marked as /03:02
thorToddEDM2: just hit control-X and it will prmpt if you want to save. Say yes and it will ask for the filename03:02
thorToddEDM2: no..it already knows the filename <smile>03:02
craigbass1976I've just read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxwidgets2.8/+bug/68792 about amue crashing all the time when updating.  What's the eta on a solution, anyone know?03:02
vee_danbhfive choosing manual03:03
thorToddEDM2: then 'sudo /usr/sbin/xinetd restart'03:03
TigranGWhats an alternative network manager than network-manager?03:03
thorToddEDM2: then open the browser on the desktop and type 'localhost:901' for the url03:03
djezerrobdig yeah, but some themes i installed crashed the window manager gnome and kde03:03
BaumerSo Apparently I don't have the 3D accelerator or something installed correctly on ubuntu... how would I go about installing that for a integrated intel graphics card?03:03
thorToddEDM2: did you get it?03:04
djezeri neede to find a way to open my themes settings from a command03:04
vee_danbhfive: now i see Guided / Help partioneg below that are two SATA drives - one has a submenu03:04
craigbass1976Is there another file sharing app that installs easily in Ubuntu?03:04
vee_danbhfive # 1 primary and #5 logical03:04
djezeranyone know the program name so i can launch the themes manager in ubuntu03:04
ToddEDM2yes thor03:04
thorToddEDM2: on the printers tab....03:05
ToddEDM2no im logged into some samba page03:05
thorToddEDM2: there is a drop down for Choose Printer03:05
ToddEDM2ohh ok03:05
danbhfivevee_ mmk, are they partitioned?03:05
danbhfivevee_ how much do you know about partitioning?03:05
vee_when it comes to linux - 003:05
ToddEDM2you want me back in cups?03:05
danbhfivevee_ how about in windows? ie not linux?03:06
thorToddEDM2: no...we need to define the printer in samba first03:06
vee_windows an d mac - yes03:06
user_i want to backup /home/user  is this correct use this command: tar -czf user_backup.tar.gz /home/user03:06
vee_danbhfive: win and mac yes03:06
thorToddEDM2: in swat you should see eight icons at the top...if not then you didn't log in as an administrator03:06
danbhfivevee_ how would you partition in those cases03:06
danbhfiveuser_ probably not, i dont think that works03:06
thorToddEDM2: there should be Home-globals-shares-printers-etc03:07
ToddEDM2ok i didnt , i see 403:07
user_danbhfive, what is the correct one?03:07
thorToddEDM2: then close the page, open it again, and log in as an adminstrator03:07
blkthndrI have a folder that windows reads as hidden, is there any way i can change this using ubuntu?03:07
danbhfivevee_ i mean, im not sure if I know what you need, you could just format them both to ext3, set one to mount as / and the other to something like /media/other03:08
vee_danbhfive most of the available space would go to data, if I have two or more drives I drop my data from one HD to another03:08
ToddEDM2o i closed it, tried the other login/pass no go03:08
ToddEDM2whats the administrators login/pass????03:08
danbhfiveuser_ why are you backing up /home?03:08
ztomicblkthndr: why are you trying to do that?03:08
Amendtany ubuntu laptops in Canada?03:08
Assidthis final release of ubuntu is messed up03:08
thorToddEDM2: in ubuntu the admin is the first user you define...who was first when you installed on the desktop?03:09
user_danbhfive, i want to backup /home/user , not /home03:09
Assidi dont get anything while the machine starts03:09
blkthndrits for my mp3 player03:09
Assidno loader or anything03:09
vee_danbhfive: system then two partitions (equal in size but way bigger than system) for data03:09
user_danbhfive, i want to re-install my ubuntu03:09
user_danbhfive, upgrade it to 7.1003:09
ztomicblkthndr: this is a foldaer that should not be hidden?03:09
user_danbhfive, because right now i use 7.0403:09
PsyDeViLhmm. can anyone suggest me what ubuntu version i should stick with.  i have tried gutsy , feisty , on my desktop and they install by using safe graphics mode.  However when i try to use edgy eft i can not boot into install.  The system crashes and i hear a beep and screen goes black. (if any1 could shed some light on boot options to use with f6).  The reason i am doing this is because my ati AGP card is not supported in fesity and gutsy.  03:09
blkthndryes it should not be hidden03:09
ToddEDM2thor, i did that... gave me only 4 icons03:09
Assiderr.. did someone screw up on the release?03:09
ztomicblkthndr: is it hidden in windows?03:09
Assidthe loader is just dead03:10
blkthndryes its hidden in windows, i dont have windows to change the status though03:10
danbhfivevee_ well, if you mount one drive as /, basically everything will go there03:10
thorToddEDM2: then open a terminal....type 'passwd root' and give a password for root...I always do that when I first install for just these reasons03:10
vee_danbhfive: I will be placing my Mac and Windows files on the data partitions as well03:10
Taa5iHello.  I'm attempting to install using a Xircom rbem56g cardbus ethernet adapter and network autoconfiguration will not assign it an IP.  I know it is a functional card, I've used it before in other distros.  ANy idea why it wouldn't work please?  I really can't install without getting this working.  :/03:10
thorToddEDM2: then log in with the user id 'root' and the password you just defined03:10
pike_PsyDeViL: well.. if youre going to go with an older version have you considered dapper? its the long term support version03:10
danbhfivevee_ are you dual booting? or try booting?03:10
thorToddEDM2: I have about five hours of notes about things to tell you....we need to continue this at another time <smile> (or via email)03:11
thorToddEDM2: let me know when you are logged into swat as root03:11
pike_PsyDeViL: id suggest you maybe just ebay the ati card though and buy a dirt cheap nvidia :)03:11
blkthndrthe problem is that because it is a windows hidden file, my mp3 player cannot read it.03:12
danbhfiveuser_ do you want to be able to restore the files?03:12
vee_danbhfive: I would like one drive with a good size partition for system and apps, plus a much bigger portion for M and W data backup, while the other drive I want to store just M and W data03:12
thorToddEDM2: you have eight icons now?03:12
thorToddEDM2: the printers icon....03:13
vee_danbhfive: i dont want to ever have a chance of messing up the system (ha)03:13
thorToddEDM2: check the drop down list for Choose Printer and see if one is defined03:13
danbhfivevee_ but are you dual booting?  i didnt think you were, are you talking about when you actually setup the ftp?03:13
thorToddEDM2: is there anything besides 'printers'?03:13
cry0k1n3t1cAnybody know how to configure an ad hoc connection in gutsy?03:13
ztomicblkthndr: that dont make sense. Does your mp3 player work with Linux/Ubuntu?03:14
slvmchni'm having a lot of trouble with this, i had hda/sda1 = windows, hda/sda2 = storage, and hda/sda5 = linux partition... i installed XP over the vista partition, but now grub doesn't load at all03:14
vee_danbhfive: at this point no, in the future i will purchase a separate drive for that03:14
slvmchnbefore i was using grub to dual boot03:14
ToddEDM2no just printers, and mine is listed03:14
blkthndryes it works fine03:14
danbhfiveuser_  sudo rsync -aS /home/<user>/. /<backup location>/.03:14
slvmchnif i change the boot partition i can't get linux to load at all, and i can't get grub to set up right using a live cd03:14
cry0k1n3t1cslvmchn: When you install XP, it overwrites the MBR03:14
vee_danbhfive: i really want this machine to be a server (another ha)03:14
slvmchncry0k1n3t1c: i am aware of this03:14
slvmchncry0k1n3t1c: how do i reset it03:14
thorToddEDM2: what do yo mean yours is listed? Is there a printer there in the list? If so ....highlight it and click Choose Printer03:14
danbhfivevee_ then dont bother with partitioning much, you want to use ALL the space for linux03:15
cry0k1n3t1cslvchn: Did you try to reinstall GRUB from the live CD?03:15
=== matthew_ is now known as person
ToddEDM2ok i did that thor03:15
blkthndri use rockbox firmware on my mp3 player, when i boot the mp3 players original firmware it makes the music folder hidden, rockbox cannot find the hidden music folder03:15
ztomicblkthndr: and copying the folder is unacceptable?03:15
slvmchncry0k1n3t1c: yes but it gave me problems03:15
thorOK...the important ones....03:15
blkthndrI could copy the folder but its a huge folder03:15
thorToddEDM2: path = /var/spool/samba03:15
danbhfivevee_ linux will be holding the files for other OS's, in fact, at this point, it doesnt matter03:15
thorToddEDM2: guest = ok03:15
blkthndrand the problem will create itself again in the future03:15
thorToddEDM2: printable=yes03:15
ztomicblkthndr: I understand but it should be visible.03:15
thorToddEDM2: printer name (write that down!)03:16
danbhfiveo crap03:16
danbhfiveis there an admin?03:16
thorToddEDM2: browseable = yes03:16
cry0k1n3t1cSo, is it even possible to set up an Ad Hoc connection between 2 ubuntu computers?03:16
WorkingOnWiseany ideas y update manager cant fetch any repositories. eveythin comes back with a 404 error. I have a good network connection.03:16
danbhfivelast time, i got banned from IRC for this03:16
thorToddEDM2: available=yes03:16
vee_danbhfive: ok, so should i click on each and partition the entire device03:16
danbhfivei think i may log off03:16
thorToddEDM2: that's it03:16
thorToddEDM2: what is the printer name?03:16
ToddEDM2can i change the printer name?03:16
thorToddEDM2: yup...if you want to03:16
blkthndrits visible to linux and ubuntu and a mac, rockbox does not see it becaues it is a windows hidden file.  when i had windows i could just unhide it, i can't do this using ubuntu because its not hidden to it03:16
slvmchncry0k1n3t1c: i found some forum posts that showed how to set grub back up, by looking for stage1 boot whatever, and then when i do setup hd(0,0) or whatever the command is it starts to work but then says Errorr 2203:16
ToddEDM2psc_1200_series is what it is03:16
thorToddEDM2: make it whatever you like03:17
danbhfivevee_ yeah, just one big partition for now03:17
thorToddEDM2: then click Commit Changes at the top (near the drop down list)03:17
pike_cry0k1n3t1c: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc03:17
vee_danbhfive: creating new partition tables for each right now03:17
danbhfivevee_ you should just get things up and running as close as you can to how you want03:17
ToddEDM2ok done03:17
danbhfivevee_ you can worry about more fancy partitioning later03:17
thorToddEDM2: now you should be able to define that printer in cups on the laptop03:18
vee_danbhfive kewl03:18
thorToddEDM2: you do remember the printer name I hope <smile>03:18
ztomicblkthndr: that's a predicament.03:18
Taa5iWhy doesn't the ubuntu install cd come with ping??  It's really hard to try to diagnose network issues without it and/or traceroute....03:18
Kubalahello word03:18
blkthndrthere are ways around it so i can access my music, but i just want to know if the problem can be fixed03:18
Kubalasleep now03:19
Kubala; ]03:19
ToddEDM2now i add printers , in cups on the laptop03:19
Kubalapeople; ]03:19
thorToddEDM2: yup...you can add that printer in cups on the laptop03:19
thorToddEDM2: smb://ipaddress/name03:19
curfmansanyone know how to put tibia on ubuntu03:20
Taa5iAlso could someone point me towards a pcmcia ethernet card that's known to work with the installer?  I'm using a xircom_cb one which fails.03:20
ztomicblkthndr: maybe you can be more specific. it does sound like a hardware issue that is solvable.03:20
PsyDeViLthanks pike just downloading dapper now03:20
PsyDeViLwill give it a shot03:20
thorToddEDM2: and use the same printer driver you are using in the desktop. If you don't remember it you can access cups on the desktop and look...just don't change it on the desktop as it is working03:20
Assiderr.. wtf is wrong with the default live cd installation of ubuntu?03:20
vee_danbhfive ok both say under there sub menus: pri/log 500.1 GB FREE SPACE, im clcking FINISH partitioning and write changes to disk03:20
Assidi dont see the loading progress bar03:20
Assidjust a blank black while ubuntu loads03:20
PsyDeViLits just that i downloaded edgy livecd and it wont install. - the reason i am going to old version is so i can use my gfx card.03:21
ztomicbut I'm at a loss as to why someone would hide a music folder.03:21
Shadow147hey I need to get into just the command prompt03:21
blkthndrIts not a hardware issue.  I'm just trying to change the hidden status of a folder, the problem is its a windows hidden folder and not a linux hidden folder03:21
thorShadow147: just open a terminal03:21
Taa5ibloody useless channel..03:21
qwerty121Hi all! Which download manager is the best in Ubuntu?03:21
Shadow147thor I need to stop gnome03:21
thorShadow147: or press Alt-Ctrl-F203:22
ztomicblkthndr: there-in lies the problem03:22
ToddEDM2lets hope this works.. wifey is home now03:22
thorShadow147: A-C-F2 thru F603:22
user_why some people suggest me to compress a folder with tar.gz (tar -czvf backup.tar.gz /var/www) insted using gzip /var/www so it return www.gz  ??03:22
thorToddEDM2: keep the faith...everything is set...if it doesn't work it is a missing checkmark or some such...a very minor thing03:22
user_what is the benefit using .tar insted gz ?03:22
ToddEDM2didnt work ... i will try again later03:22
ViperI think .tar is just an archive, no compression.03:23
thorToddEDM2: truly! I can't imagine why. Sorry03:23
Viper.tar.gz is compressed... I think that's how it works.03:23
Chronosphearis missing/broken gnome applets a common issue when dist-upgrading to gutsy?03:23
thorToddEDM2: I am looking at mine as we work on this...it is set up just like mine03:23
eriscoI have a few .vcd's.. I know I looked up in the past of how to make these into iso's... I forget =\ anyone know?03:23
user_Viper,  so why not we just use .gz than .tar.gz  ?03:23
blkthndrso there is no way I can change its hidden status without using windows?03:23
thorToddEDM2: and it works...sort of <smile>03:23
ztomicblkthndr: perhaps linux would be able to read AMIGA floppy disks as well? Nope. aint gonna happen.03:23
thorToddEDM2: spnye@yahoo.com if you want to follow up on this and other stuff03:24
danbhfiveuser_ gz is just compression, for a single file, tar binds several files together03:24
thorToddEDM2: tell wifey you worked REAL hard03:24
eriscoI have a few .vcd's.. I know I looked up in the past of how to make these into iso's... I forget =\ anyone know?03:24
danbhfiveuser_ i think you use them both to create an archive03:24
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ztomicslightly different problem but none-the-less... it aint gonna happen.03:24
danbhfiveuser_ but you should use the command I have you for /home03:24
user_danbhfive, so can not to gzip /var/www   is that what you mean?03:24
user_danbhfive, so i must tar it first03:24
danbhfiveuser_ i think thats the case03:25
user_danbhfive, then compress it, example use gz03:25
qwerty121hi all! which download manager is best for Ubuntu?03:25
user_danbhfive, ok thanks03:25
danbhfiveuser_ tar can gzip it for you, just add a z directive, i believe03:25
Viperqwerty: I use firefox's built-in one, or flashget...03:25
qwerty121Viper: does flashget support resume?03:25
Viperqwerty: yup, as long as the server does.03:26
Chronosphearis missing/broken gnome applets a common issue when dist-upgrading to gutsy?03:26
ztomicblkthndr: try googling it.03:26
Viperuser_: tar -xzf /path/to/directory/to/compress03:26
dudewhy hasnt everyone just switched to *bsd yet?03:26
WorkingOnWiseany ideas y update manager cant fetch any repositories. eveything comes back with a 404 error. I have a good network connection.03:26
user_yes.. thanks03:26
Vipertar -z tells the tar application to use a foreign compression app.03:26
ztomicdude: huh?03:26
danbhfiveChronosphear, i have broken applets for a similar upgrade03:26
user_Viper, x is for extract03:27
qwerty121Viper: thanks03:27
Chronosphearsome work, most don't?03:27
Viperoh... same diff... lol   tar -cz then03:27
user_Viper, i think it should tar czvf03:27
blkthndri've tried googling with no help for a couple days, as well as trying the support forums and irc of rockbox03:27
user_Viper,  yes.. or the simple one is cz03:27
ztomicdude: I can think of 12 reasons right now, and I could probably think of more.03:27
ViperI rarely find myself compressing files, decompressing is much more common for me...03:27
danbhfiveChronosphear did you use the update manager? or did you use the cli?03:27
Chronosphearupdate manager and then the cli because update manager only did half tho job03:28
danbhfiveheh, that sucks03:28
ViperHas anyone experience with an add-on PCI SATA raid card in Ubuntu?>03:28
Chronospheardanbhfive, yeah, i rebooted thinking it was sorted and logged into a bash prompt with no window manager03:28
danbhfivein the past, cli doesn't fully work, i don't think03:29
CGI074yes Viper03:29
ztomic20 reasons not to switch to BSD:03:29
danbhfiveyou have to re-run the upgrade commands several times03:29
=== CGI074 is now known as r3wt1nth3b0x
ztomic1) you like Windows or linux.03:29
Chronospheardanbhfive, i'll give that a go then03:29
Viperrwrandomnessb0x: Any luck, and if so, which make/model?03:29
ztomic2) you play games that were made for Windows.03:29
ztomic3) BSD is hard to install03:30
Chronospheardanbhfive, ah nah, it's convinced there's nothing to do now03:30
r3wt1nth3b0xViper, it was a adaptec i think.03:30
r3wt1nth3b0xWorks great.03:30
danbhfiveChronosphear i can give you some suggestions, to check it03:30
Chronospheardanbhfive, sure03:30
danbhfivesudo apt-get install -f03:30
WorkingOnWiseare the repos down?03:30
Powaqqatsidoes anyone know how to edit the hotkeys for compiz effects?03:30
scguy318ztomic: there's been some progress in porting Wine to FreeBSD me thinks03:30
scguy318ztomic: and really it depends on your OS taste03:31
Viperr3w: And you didn't have any issues with MDADM?03:31
ztomic4) Wine is pain in the arse03:31
danbhfivesudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^03:31
Chronospheardanbhfive, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:31
scguy318ztomic: ditto for Wine on Linux :P03:31
Chronosphearthat is probably it03:31
Viper@ztomic: wine is about the best linux has for playing win32 games/apps :(03:31
Chronosphearwhen i got the bash window and no wm i just installed metacity and gnome03:31
danbhfivecarrot is not a spelling mistake03:31
vee_danbhfive ok both say under there sub menus: pri/log 500.1 GB FREE SPACE, im clcking FINISH partitioning and write changes to disk, now when I go to finish it says no /root found03:32
r3wt1nth3b0xNo Viper...03:32
Powaqqatsidoes anyone know the hotkey for scale?03:32
Chronosphearoh, meta package03:32
ztomic5) You work with Windows at work and don't care about BSD.03:32
danbhfivevee_ did you set one of the partitions to /  ?03:32
r3wt1nth3b0xViper why would you be using MDADM with hardware RAID?03:32
danbhfiveno, its a directive actually, i think03:32
cryptnixbsd is hard to install?03:32
alimoei think opera is great03:32
eriscoI have a data disk that is in VCD format. How can I change this to an ISO format so I can burn it into a CD?03:33
ChronosphearThe following packages have unmet dependencies.  firefox: Conflicts: libnss3 but 2:1.firefox2.0.0.10+1nobinonly-0ubuntu1 is to be installed E: Broken packages03:33
ViperNone of the other sata cards' RAID has been detected by linux...03:33
Chronosphearcan't see it being that tho03:33
ztomic6) You have tried BSD in the past and you don't want to make that mistake again. But you tried OpenBSD just to be sure.03:33
r3wt1nth3b0xViper brb03:33
danbhfivetry sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:33
Chronosphearnothing to do03:34
vee_danbhfive shoudl one be logical and one be primary?03:34
WorkingOnWiseare the gutsy repos down?03:34
vladcUbuntu 7.10 causes my iMac G3 to restart very early in the boot process (3 seconds after yaboot). Passing "video=ofonly" kernel param didn't work, but the latest debian boots with no problem. Any ideas?03:34
danbhfivevee_ nah03:34
danbhfivevee_ thats only if you are breaking up the harddrives into several partitions03:34
eriscoI have a data disk that is in VCD format. How can I change this to an ISO format so I can burn it into a CD?03:34
vee_danbhfive im clearing them again (thanx for baring with me)03:34
alimoeif its was for microsft i wuld have used NERO burner03:35
ztomic7) you heard Unix is different than LInux and you wanted to try a REAL OS but you were not smart enough.03:35
cry0k1n3t1cCan anybody help me, I am trying to use this computer as a hub to connect my other computers to the internet03:35
r00tintheb0xokay Viper, what card are you using?03:35
Vipercan K3B handle VCD's?03:35
Impietyso amarok works as root but doesn't work u sing my normal account03:35
Impietywhat might cause this03:35
danbhfiveChronosphear how about sudo apt-get autoremove03:35
r00tintheb0xpermissions Impiety03:35
vee_danbhfive both say FREE SPACE under them, now what03:35
Impietyall of the libs look good03:35
Viperr00t: I'm not sure off the top of my head, it was a cheapy pseude-raid controller...03:36
danbhfivevee_  wait, did you informat them?03:36
CyntekShould Alsa automatically pickup Realtek onboard sound devices?03:36
Chronosphearyou mean autoclean?03:36
Chronospheardid nothing03:36
vee_danbhfive i clciked manual under the partitioning menu03:36
ztomic8) you heard that windows applications can run on it but when you tried to get help, none was available so you ditched it.03:36
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danbhfiveok, i would use synaptic then, and resolve those broken dependencies03:37
ztomic9) never heard of it.03:37
vee_danbhfive then i hit <enter> with each drive selected03:37
danbhfiveuninstall any package that doesnt have a valid source03:37
r00tintheb0xViper i need the model to find the correct module to load.03:37
ztomic10) it's great but how do I...?03:37
danbhfivevee_ are the drives formatted at this point?03:37
vee_danbhfive it then asked me whether or not to create new empty partition table03:37
Chronosphearhow do i get a list of packages that don't have a valid source?03:38
ztomic11) I work in Windows.03:38
vee_danbhfive i said yes to both03:38
BaumerIf i get the error "Could not initialize graphics system.  Make sure that your video card and driver are compatible with direct draw"  Whwat should I be looking at?03:38
vee_danbhfive dioes that mena they are formatted?03:38
kitcheztomic: do you like spamming?03:38
Viperr00t: One sec, I'll get the model#03:38
danbhfivevee_ i dont know03:38
danbhfivevee_ its graphical isnt it?  if it says "free space" then its not formated03:38
r00tintheb0xok Viper03:38
ztomickitche: proving a point... 12) I like to prove my point.03:39
danbhfiveChronosphear look under Installed (local or obsolete)03:39
danbhfiveget rid of those, unless its something that you personally put there03:39
Chronospheardanbhfive, ah, thanks03:39
cry0k1n3t1cis it even possible to connect two computers in ubuntu via ad hoc?03:39
Viperr00t: Syba SD-SATA-4P    PCI Sata Controller03:39
WorkingOnWiseI do apt-get update and every repo is said to be not available, giving a 404 error, but I can ping the ip address that apt-get is trying to pull from. whats wrong?03:40
ChronosphearWorkingOnWise, 404 is file not found03:40
danbhfivevee_ you lost me at some point03:40
mEck0Hi! when I try to install kdm-kde4, I got this message: "E: kdm-kde4: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1", whats wrong and how do I solve it03:40
ChronosphearWorkingOnWise, try a different repo03:40
medanbhfive, no, I'm still here.03:40
danbhfivevee_ you should format the drive, AND set the mount point03:40
vee_danbhfive if I select a dirve then hit <enter> I see a menu for Create a new Partition, Auto part. the free space, or Show Cylinder/head/Sector Info03:40
vee_danbhfive does that sound familiar?03:40
roolyi'm having a bit of trouble with my sata drive. it decides to shut-off for no reason after i do high amounts of i/o (aka bittorrent) on the drive03:41
danbhfiveis it all freespace right now?03:41
Viperr00t, I don't think you'll have any luck finding out why I didn't have any luck with the card, posts on newegg say it doesn't like Ubuntu...03:41
vee_both drives03:41
danbhfivevee_ ok, yes, click create a new drive button, where ever that is03:41
WorkingOnWiseChronosphear: i get that error for every repo..ann 112 of them03:41
danbhfivevee_ then select ext3, and then look for a place to set the mount point03:41
danbhfivevee_ set the mount point to /03:42
ChronosphearWorkingOnWise, are you set to use a proxy?03:42
ztomic13) I got my point across and now I'de like to list 20 reasons that DOS is better than Windows.03:42
vee_danbhfive ok but first i have to select logical or primary to get to that menu03:42
vee_danbhfive which one?03:42
HalflingRogueI'm getting a CPU overload and big networking problems. Can anybody help?03:42
ztomic14.. 15 16 17 18 19 20... ok03:43
danbhfivelogical is if you are creating more than 4 partitions, and you are only making one03:43
WorkingOnWiseChronosphear: no. the only change I am aware of is last night I manually deleted the apt cache.03:43
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NH|Computer|Geekwow 1000peeps03:43
Donne_Fashionciao a tutti, io ho una scheda video Intel GMA X3100 è ho installato xgl invece di aiglx. Come installo aiglx?03:44
ChronosphearWorkingOnWise, might have helped to mention that before03:44
danbhfive!repos > WorkingOnWise maybe you need to check your repositories03:44
danbhfivevee_ did it work?03:45
Ashfire908what's the difference between the powerpc kernel and the cell kernel03:45
vee_danbhfive  ok I have this set for the first drive.... Use as= Ext3 journaling file sys. Mount point=  /home,  Mount options= defaults, Label= None, reserved Blocks= 5%, Typical usage= standard, bootable flag= off03:45
scguy318!it | Donne_Fashion03:45
ubotuDonne_Fashion: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:45
vee_danbhfive  hows that?03:45
scguy318Ashfire908: the latter lets you use the Cell processors of the PS303:46
Viperwell, I'm glad at least the bot speaks Italian...03:46
danbhfivevee_ the mount point should be just /03:46
r00tintheb0xViper you get that number?03:46
vee_danbhfive  ok03:46
Ashfire908scguy318, nice. too bad i have no ps3 lol03:46
WorkingOnWiseChronosphear: sorry...it just came to mind that it could be related.03:46
Assidokay someone screwed up on this release03:46
ViperThe card was mady by Syba, model SD-SATA-4P03:47
Assidmy progress/loader bar that suppopsed to indicate ubuntu is loading is all messed up03:47
scguy318Assid: try sticking vga=xxx boot option, too tired to clarify03:47
r00tintheb0xok hold Viper03:47
Chronospheardanbhfive, the applets are still broken. any other ideas?03:47
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Assidand if i press CTRL ALT F1 - to get a console login.. i get fonts which look messed up03:47
Assidscguy318: that will fix it ?03:47
* Viper feels sorry for navandres: ....dial.adsl.anteldata...03:48
danbhfivevee_ Chronospear did you successfully run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ ?03:48
danbhfiveChronospear did you successfully run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ ?03:49
Assid scguy318: shouldnt it fix it on its own03:49
Chronosphearno, it keeps getting stock on libnss and firefox03:49
scguy318Assid: it might03:49
scguy318Assid: its a possible solution03:49
scguy318Assid: the xxx are values you have to fill in, google for them im too tired03:49
mihai_I just installed Chimera on kubuntu and don't know how to run it..03:49
mihai_does anyone know the command?03:49
Chronosphearhrmm that's weird03:49
r00tintheb0xViper so this is just a SATA PCI card... not a hardware raid card?03:50
vee_danbhfive  what should I set the second drive to  logical or primary? then i can get to the menu to set the other options03:50
vee_or just leave it as free space03:50
danbhfiveChronospear well, I dont know about the applets, but you still dont yet have a full ubuntu install03:50
r00tintheb0xViper http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=3224769803:50
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danbhfivevee_ do it the same as the first, with a different mount point03:50
Chronospheardanbhfive, when i do apt-get autoremove it says there is nothing to uninstall BUT when i got to install libnss it says:03:50
ChronosphearThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:03:50
Chronosphear  planner ekiga libgsf-gnome-1-114 libpth20 libgoffice-0-common abiword-gnome dia-libs gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly rhythmbox abiword-common03:50
Chronosphear  seahorse gnumeric-common gnome-themes-extras fast-user-switch-applet dia-gnome gnome-backgrounds libgoffice-0-4 libopal-2.2 libdvdread303:50
Chronosphear  libsidplay1 dia-common gnumeric libgpgme11 inkscape libmpeg2-4 liba52-0.7.403:50
ChronosphearUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.03:51
ChronosphearThe following packages will be REMOVED03:51
Chronosphearoops, sorry03:51
ztomic20 reasons DOS is better than Windows:03:51
IamReckI am running CompizConfig on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon... I am using the Cube option for my wokspaces, how do I make more workspaces?03:51
Trevor_0017Where is cyntek03:51
danbhfivevee_ /media/<whatever you want>03:51
CyntekIm here, bitch03:51
Trevor_0017lol, hey03:51
danbhfiveChronospear just do it, and run the install desktop command before you reboot03:51
Trevor_0017now, lets get my audio wokring03:51
Viperr00t: That card had pseudo-raid.... it said it didn't, but you get raid once you boot it up....03:52
SpudsterHas anyone here tried using Openmosix with Gutsy?03:52
Chronospheardanbhfive, do what? manually uninstall?03:52
danbhfiveinstall the libnss?03:52
Chronosphearautoremove does nothing03:52
vee_danbhfive  /can/this/be/like/this03:52
danbhfivedid you remove all the local packages?03:52
Trevor_0017cyntek, can't do pm because not registered03:52
r00tintheb0xviper that card does not have raid, its a SATA card...03:52
Chronosphearoh right ok03:52
r00tintheb0xLINUX is giving you SOFTWARE raid.03:52
vee_danbhfive  or must i start off /home/something/else03:52
grazzdid anybody try the last ati catalyst driver under ubuntu gutsy?03:52
ViperNo, the card is trying to emulate raid!03:53
grazzsorry for my english.03:53
danbhfivevee_ it can, heh, but dont confuse yourself03:53
ViperIt even has a RAID bios installed......03:53
danbhfivevee_ it should be under /media03:53
r00tintheb0xViper on boot, does the card have any kind of menu you can go in?03:53
IamReckI am running CompizConfig on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon... I am using the Cube option for my wokspaces, how do I make more workspaces?03:53
Chronosphearit's uninstalling gnome03:53
Pir8Has anyone been able to get logitech orbit cam working in ubuntu?03:53
ztomicgrazz: I tried the restricted driver on 9550 and it sucked.03:53
vee_danbhfive ok media/myStuff03:53
ViperThe box doesn't say a bit of thing about raid, nor does the site, nor does anything else... but the damn thing had it... :(03:53
Trevor_0017Ok, I've got a question, that I need answered. My audio isn't working. I've tried just about everything, me and cyntek has, someone help, please and thanks.03:53
Assidscguy318: didnt work03:54
r00tintheb0xokay Viper, what kind of array are you trying to create?03:54
IamReckTrevor_0017,  double click on the volume item03:54
vee_danbhfive doesnt give me media in the list so i entered it manually03:54
danbhfivevee_ /home is good for reinstalling linux, but that can come when you are more familiar with this stuff03:54
Trevor_0017kk, it's loading03:54
danbhfivevee_ thats fine03:54
vee_danbhfive kewl03:54
ViperJust looking for redundancy on 2 drives.03:54
vee_danbhfive thanx for the patience03:54
IamReckit shouldn't have to load... but w.e..... make sure non of those items are muted03:54
r00tintheb0xRAID1 then.03:54
NemesisDanyone know of the boot option for ubuntu to have it not check floppy drives? i'm setting up a persistent install of ubuntu on a USB drive and it works fine on this computer but i get a bunch of fd0 i/o errors on a computer without a floppy drive03:55
IamReckand turn the volume all the way up on all of them03:55
r00tintheb0xSo you're building the RAID1 VIA teh BIOS on the card?03:55
Assidthis sucks03:55
grazzztomic, yeah, im having a lot of problems too03:55
reportingsjrHow can I use more resolutions with my monitor? I tried changing the type but that ended up screwing it up. I've tried this monitor with a seperate computer and know I can get much larger resolutions, and the g card supports up to 2048 x 1536. Right now the highest is 1024x768 (ugh). Anyone have any clue what's wrong here?03:55
Assidi cant see the damn screen while it boots.. and it takes longer cause of that03:56
danbhfiveChronosphear, can I pm you?03:56
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ztomicgrazz: I have no problems with xorg driver and I get ogl fine in gutsy.03:56
Chronospheardanbhfive, sure03:56
IamReckTrevor_0017, did it work?03:56
ViperI tried, but Linux wouldn't detect the RAID, it just picked up the two HDD's as seperate devices, so I disabled RAID on the card and it still didn't work.03:56
=== I is now known as our
Assidthe old pre-release betas used to be better03:56
JonathanPMok i need help I have an epson stylus cx4400 printer and my computer sees it but I cant get it to actually print03:56
Trevor_0017my volume controle box isn't even popping up.03:56
grazzztomic, ugly compiz effects too?03:56
r00tintheb0xViper what module is ubuntu loading for the SATA card?03:56
IamReckwhat was the last thing you did on your computer?03:56
Trevor_0017The thing is, I can here computer noises, as in beeps when there is a error, but my music ect. won't work.03:57
CyntekIamReck: he says the Volume thing isn't even coming up.03:57
ztomicgrazz: how need compiz?03:57
grazzZombie, nah, i don't need it, but it's always nice to have everything working03:57
grazzi mean03:57
IamReckI am running CompizConfig on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon... I am using the Cube option for my wokspaces, how do I make more workspaces?03:57
r00tintheb0xViper looks like that card just sucks on linux http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33119003:57
danbhfiveChronospear did you get my message?03:57
Chronospheardanbhfive, nope03:57
Chronospheardanbhfive, silly question but did you identify?03:58
danbhfiveChronospear lol, oh well, weird03:58
Trevor_0017you right click, click prefrences and type i nthe number of workspaces you need I think IamReck03:58
Chronospheardanbhfive, no priv msgs on freenode w/o registered nick03:58
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Trevor_0017That's what I did anyways.03:58
danbhfiveah, i see03:58
ztomicgrazz: ditch compiz for now. ATI sux on linux.03:58
danbhfivewell, im too lazy to do that right now  : )03:58
ViperYeah... that's what I'm seeing too.....03:59
Assidokay seriously03:59
ViperSo note for future ref... don't by SYBA!03:59
JonathanPMTrevor the reason you hear beeps is because of your internal speaker probably, try going to system preferences, sound, and set your sound servers to usb sound device at least if your pc has on board sound and not a sound card thats what worked for me03:59
Assidis there any wayone here who can help me on this03:59
imperfect-Anyone know how I cna completely remove my apache install and start over?03:59
tcpdumpgodyup Viper03:59
imperfect-I can only get 1.3 to work03:59
Assidztomic: i got an ati radeon mobility  - works fine here03:59
grazzztomic, but it's weird, it was working until i reinstalled03:59
imperfect-apache2 is constantly complaining about missing files and stuff03:59
JonathanPMcan anyone tryto help me get my printer working04:00
grazzwith the current restricted driver i get a weird error04:00
JonathanPMim brand new to ubuntu and linux period for that matter04:00
ViperWhat type is your printer jon?04:00
JonathanPMepson stylus cx440004:00
JonathanPMall in one04:00
Vipershould be a piece of cake...04:00
Vipererm... can anyone remember which package that is... lol04:00
JonathanPMI hope so04:00
ztomicgrazz: #ldconfig is the only suggestion i have.04:00
vee_danbhfive its giving a message as I proceed saying that i have not giving any room for swap - i should ignore this right?04:01
grazzok, thanks ztomic04:01
grazzAssid, are you using the last driver from ati?04:01
IamReckTrevor I am trying to get the multi cube thing working.04:01
danbhfivevee_ can you ignore it?  i don't think you need swap, but I could be wrong04:01
WorkingOnWiseChronosphear: I switched from "Main Server" to "Server for United States" in "Software Sources", and it is fine now. Any idea how I might have caused that problem?04:01
IamReckyou need to have a swap partition04:01
mohkohnWhich kernel is going into hardy heron?04:01
danbhfivevee_ heh, in fact, i had a problem where swap wasnt working for me, and i was fine04:01
vee_you can either repartition or move ahead04:01
danbhfivei just couldn't hibernate04:01
Assidgrazz: whatever came with the system04:02
danbhfivei say just move on04:02
JonathanPMi hook the printer up via the usb cable and the computer shows that it has been connected but I cant get it to print04:02
Assidgrazz: old lappy04:02
mEck0since I got an error installing kdm-kde4, is it possible to use gdm to log onto kde4?04:02
danbhfive4 gigs of ram is plenty04:02
vee_danbhfive i would think so04:02
grazzAssid, okok04:02
vee_danbhfive i guess this is for older systems04:02
grazzim having some GART crazy allocation errors04:03
ViperJonathan: I installed libsane-extras through Synaptic Package Manager to get my scanner to work, I have the CX7800.04:03
reportingsjrHow can I use more resolutions with my monitor? I tried changing the type but that ended up screwing it up. I've tried this monitor with a seperate computer and know I can get much larger resolutions, and the g card supports up to 2048 x 1536. Right now the highest is 1024x768 (ugh). Anyone have any clue what's wrong here?04:03
Assidgrazz: still say someone messed up on this04:03
JonathanPMyour video driver is probably wrong04:03
JonathanPMi had the same problem04:04
reportingsjrJonathanPM: Yeah, I think I had an issue with nvidia not putting out a driver for ubuntu.04:04
Viperreportingsjr: Yeah, it's just that you don't have the extra resolutions entered into your xorg.conf file.04:04
ferret_0567_I am having a problem where pressing the up arrow in an xterm or rxvt-unicode terminal does nothing04:04
reportingsjrViper: where is that file located?04:04
JonathanPMmy monitor runs at 1440x900 and I couldnt get any higher than 800x600 and i just kept trying differnet nvidia drivers untill i found one that let me run at 1440x90004:05
Viperferret: If you don't have bash running, you won't.04:05
vee_danbhfive its :::::::Pratitions formatting....creating ext 3 file system for / in partition #1 of SCSI1 (sda)…04:05
newbiehow can I fix totem movie player?. After updating, it does not reproduce any video, and the screen goes black and white. What can I do?04:05
Viperreportingsjr: /etc/X11/xorg.conf I think....04:05
IamReckuse VLC04:05
JonathanPMnvidia makes good gpus but they dont support linux04:05
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:05
IamRecknewbie, you should use vlc.04:05
reportingsjroh yeah04:05
reportingsjrI already restarted that04:05
alejandroHello, i downloaded nexuiz but i have no idea how to install it, help please.04:05
imperfect-anyone know how I can completely remove my apache and get it to restinall correctly?04:06
imperfect-this is pissing me off04:06
newbieIamReck, I unistalled vlc because it freezes as well04:06
* Viper thinks VLC owns all media players!04:06
CyntekOn ubuntu what is the best way to get your sound working with Realtek onboard sound?04:06
JonathanPMoh also I have a question for you guys i have a second sata hdd in my computer but I cant find it on ubuntu04:06
JonathanPMwhy not04:07
reportingsjrViper: I found this SubSection "Display"04:07
reportingsjrModes"1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"04:07
IamReckJonathanPM, your HDD may not be partitioned correctly04:07
reportingsjrbut 1028x1024 isn't shown..04:07
Cyntekaw shux.04:07
danbhfivevee_ that sounds good04:07
JonathanPMcan I use a webroot cd to format the drive and fix it that way?04:07
Cyntekaccidently disconnected before i could see the reply's04:07
ferret_0567_Viper: I do04:07
CyntekOn ubuntu what is the best way to get your sound working with Realtek onboard sound?04:08
IamReckyea. if you have free space on your HDD ubuntu won't see it.04:08
ferret_0567_I tried "xev" and it seems pressing Ctrl returns NoSymbol04:08
ferret_0567_End returns Super_L04:08
JonathanPMonboard sound is ussually a usb sound device04:08
JonathanPMor so i have found04:08
alejandroHello, i downloaded nexuiz but i have no idea how to install it, help please.04:08
ferret_0567_XkbRules, XkbModel, and XkbLayout seem correct04:09
JonathanPMcyntek trythis go system, preferences, sound, and then set all your sound servers to usb audio device04:09
Cyntekbut shouldn't the latest release of ubunut detect it as default and automaticall be configured to start?04:09
JonathanPMsee if that works04:09
Viper@ ferret, then I'm not sure, usually if you don't have bash running (don't have username@host:~$).... you won't have the handy 'up' key or the all-saving 'tab' autocomplete04:09
vee_danbhfive i checked my manual but it doesnt say whether i have UTC or not04:10
CyntekJonathanPM: thanks but's it's only a Q,A04:10
vee_danbhfive im guessing i do - ASUS04:10
JonathanPMa what?\04:10
ferret_0567_Viper: it's probably because I'm using the "evdev" X module for my Keyboard InputDevice section04:10
khermanscan someone tell me why gcc is installed by default, but not libc-dev?04:10
danbhfivevee_ heh, thats just the time, for the life of me, i have never know04:10
khermanswhat is the reasoning behind that?04:10
ferret_0567_and furthermore, you can change your bash prompt through the PS1 environment variable04:11
JonathanPMi dont understand what that meant04:11
vee_me either - for adjuting the OS clock04:11
Wolf23somebody help me please!!?04:11
Viperkhermans: erm... so you can compile your own programs, but don't necessarilly need the overhead provided by -dev libraries....04:11
mihai_i installed opera in Kubuntu using sudo aptitude install opera04:11
Viperwhat wolf, quite a few are listening...04:11
mihai_does anyone know how i run it04:11
BaumerHow do install glx for the intel 945GM chipset?04:12
vee_danbhfive creating the first user account - i take it i can change this at any point04:12
pawanwhat is gobuntu04:12
Assiderr.. someone help me fix this stupid loading effects04:12
khermansViper, what C programs would you compile that dont include standard C libraries?04:12
Assidapparently without it .. its slowing down the actual loading04:12
danbhfivevee_ i dont know actually04:12
Cyntekit was just a question for I to know if there is some solution to fix my friends realtek problem on his ubuntu box without any sound.04:12
danbhfivevee_ probably not04:12
Wolf23helpers can anyone tell me how to open a .wmv file, thanx04:12
Vipernope... that one uses cout::....04:13
IamReckI am running CompizConfig on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon... I am using the Cube option for my wokspaces, how do I make more workspaces?04:13
Viperwolf: try using VLC.04:13
vee_danbhfive well you can create other one I imagine04:13
ferret_0567_pawan: it's Ubuntu but using all open source components, no propriatory drivers or artwork or other stuff included04:13
vee_danbhfive like later on04:13
Viperwolf: That's the only app I've had success with playing WMV's on *nix.04:13
Cyntekvlc is a good tool google it04:13
danbhfivevee_ yeah, but the first one is an important one, its the root user04:13
IamReckwhile creating more then on cube04:13
Wolf23viper, i have vlc but the movie looks like ugly the image04:13
danbhfive!codecs | Wolf2304:13
ubotuWolf23: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:13
Cyntekuse mplayer04:13
ferret_0567_I'm not sure exactly what the difference is04:14
pawanE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)04:14
Wolf23Viper:  wht is nix?04:14
IamReckDoes Ubuntu have a iTunes equivalent?04:14
Vipershort-hand for linux04:14
ViperIamReck: KDE does...04:14
ViperIamReck: lookup amarok04:15
Cyntekamarock rocks04:15
IamReckViper, can i bring it on to 7.10 gutsy gibbon? k thanks04:15
Ashfire_Serveranyone in here getting a stupid /notice and then when you respond you get auto-responce to a stupid site?04:15
AssidIamReck: you mean gnome instead of kde04:15
grazzis anybody familiar to the error "[pcie] Failed to gather memory of size..." using fglrx?04:15
ViperIamReck: Sure, just install amarok through Synaptics and it'll get you everything you need.04:15
Assidthey both are 7.10 gutsy gibbon04:15
vee_danbhfive it says "A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account for non-admin. activities." then it says this info will be used for "origin of emails...,as well as any program which displays or uses the users real name"04:15
Ashfire_Server*with a link to a stupid site04:15
ferret_0567_no, nix is a shorthand for any kind of Unix or Unix-like OS (like Linux)04:15
bullgard4What is the purpose of an 'Ubuntu Hug Day'?04:15
Wolf23Viper:  what is nix friend, let me done with all my .wmv files please?04:16
ferret_0567_Ubuntu hug day?04:16
CyntekPurpose to be hug and be gay at the same time>04:16
IamReckawesome thanks04:16
Viperferret Ok, if you want to be all "early 80's" ^_^04:16
danbhfivevee_ did you try to name it root or something?04:16
Byro1i've just installed a new hard drive on my machine (SATA) but ubuntus not detecting it, i already tried getting the bios to auto detect it, but still doesnt show04:16
vee_danbhfive nah i didnt04:17
mntnpngnanyone here ever tried burning double layer dvd+r ?04:17
underdog44can somebody help me with an stunnel4 problem04:17
danbhfivevee_ oh, its was just notifying you04:17
Byro1any one know why why that would happen?04:17
vee_danbhfive yea04:17
ferret_0567_Viper: my problem was exactly what I suspected, using the evdev versus the kbd module for my keyboard was a bad choice04:17
BaumerAnyone know of a guide to installing glx for intel 945GM chipset?04:17
mntnpngnwill growisofs work with double layer dvd+r ?04:17
vee_danbhfive at the top of the screen it says" Set up users and passwords"04:18
Viperferret: Hmm, did evdev not support the 'up' key?...04:18
ferret_0567_I hear evdev is great for other keyboards and mice with over 9 buttons04:18
* Assid looks around for someone who can help him fix this usplash04:18
alejandroHello, i downloaded nexuiz but i have no idea how to install it, help please.04:18
ferret_0567_Viper: no, it returns wrong keycodes04:18
danbhfivevee_ well, i think you are good to go for the most part04:18
danbhfivevee_ you should have a working install after you finish setting up04:18
Byro1 i've just installed a new hard drive on my machine (SATA) but ubuntus not detecting it, i already tried getting the bios to auto detect it, but still doesnt show04:18
vee_danbhfive ok now its installing the base system04:18
Viperferret: Damnit, My keyboard's being a Dvorak!......04:18
danbhfivevee_ i have to go soon04:18
vee_danbhfive its kewl04:19
vee_danbhfive thanx for all your help04:19
underdog44I'm trying to setup ssl encryption to an nntp server but the local port keeps binding to is that right, I thought it should be
danbhfivevee_ np, good luck04:19
underdog44but when I try to put that in manually via the log syas it failde to bind04:19
vee_danbhfive see you around04:19
underdog44then it barks about the pid being set correctly in the conf file04:20
mohkohnapologies if somebody answered before. i got distracted. What kernel is going into hardy heron?04:20
linux88how can i download .deb packages form apt-get to a file? instead of installing them04:20
Rian-Davidehey can anyone help me with finding an ndiswrapper driver for my broadcom wireless modem?04:21
Byro1can somebody please help?04:21
scguy318Rian-Davide: check your wireless modem manufacturer website perhaps04:21
Rian-DavideI did04:21
Rian-Davidenm let me check04:21
Byro1why doesnt ubuntu detect my new hard drive?04:22
ViperByro: because it's not plugged in... ?   lol04:22
codymani am running gutsy x64 off an external usb hd, if I go to /media there is a hd1 (my internal drive ntfs windows drive) in there and if I go in there, it tells the correct free space left on the drive, however, it shows no files in there... I have ntfs-3g installed along with the gui utility to use it and its setup... any ideas?04:22
vee_to access my LAMP server from the web do i need the DNS server installed???04:22
ViperByro: Have you formatted it yet?04:22
scguy318mohkohn: dunno, you may get a better answer in #ubuntu+1, that channel is dedicated to Hardy talk04:23
BaumerSo no one has the 945GM chipset?04:23
vee_i dont think i need domain name server - anyone know?04:23
mohkohnthanks scguy31804:23
Byro1no, u just bought it. but how am i going to format it if ubuntu doesnt even see it?04:23
Byro1i just bought it*04:23
dns53vee_: you need some kind of dns server somewhere, when you setup your dns record it needs to know a server somwhere that can resolve you04:23
webpiratehello all04:24
webpirateI need help with something..04:24
Byro1Viper, yes its pluged in04:24
Byro1my bios detected it04:24
dns53vee_ it could be on the same server as your web server, you could get someone to host it for you, it does not matter04:24
Assidthat bug is a pita04:24
ViperByro: Try Gnome Partition Editor.   That's a very useful utility.04:25
webpirateI formatted my laptop...and before the format Xine with xv would use abour 4 - 7% processor now it uses 35% any ideas?04:25
underdog44hmmm, nobody has any experience with stunnel04:25
usservee_, i do it with dyndns.com04:25
pgByro1: can you hear it spinning and does Windows detect it?04:25
dns53webpirate: you do not need to ask permission to ask a question04:25
Assidwhy cant they fix that04:25
ViperBryo: That'll let you easilly see if linux can see it.04:25
vee_dns53 if I Sign up for Dynamic DNS forwarding with one of those free sites will there still be a need for it- or should i just install it just to be sure04:25
vee_usser thats what i was thinking04:25
alejandroPrinting is too small, what can i do to fix it?04:25
usserwebpirate, do u have restricted graphics drivers installed04:25
=== alejandro is now known as Alejandr0
webpirateyes...drivers are all installes correctly..04:25
webpiratevideo shows up perfect just uses lots of CPU power04:26
Alejandr0 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY hadita04:26
dns53vee_: dynamic dns should be enough, you don't need one yourself as long as there is a server somwhere that knows your ip04:26
Byro1pg: seems to be spinning, but its hard to say (i've already got another 2 in there)04:26
mohkohnWhile I am on the subject what is the kernel in Gutsy. I am 1:45 away from torrenting it now.04:26
usservee_, yea its pretty decent and linux has a client script for it, many broadband routers also have built in client for dyndns04:26
benhd2008hey does anyone know how to get a video edited from kino onto youtube.04:26
vee_dns53 thanx04:26
Alejandr0Printing is too small, what can i do to fix it?04:26
webpirateI was thinking that perhaps libdvdcss is using lots of power...does that happen?04:27
mohkohn+? [I need to learn to use punctuation and to enunciate my words!]04:27
ferret_0567_webpirate: it could happen04:27
webpirateExport the video from Kino in mpeg2 format04:27
usserwebpirate, dvdcss is not supposed to affect your non-dvd playback04:27
benhd2008how do i convert a .dv file to .mpeg04:27
dns53libdvdcss can be written in 6 lines, it does not do a lot of processing04:27
usserbenhd2008, kino is capable of exporting to mpeg204:27
usserbenhd2008, or u can use ffmpeg04:28
webpirateI will try a non encrypted dvd....brb04:28
usserbenhd2008, or mencoder04:28
benhd2008well yeah04:28
benhd2008can that be uploaded to youtube04:28
usserbenhd2008, or dozen of other tools04:28
vee_usser yea, my Netgear has it04:28
pgByro1: try gnome partition manager.  Also try to detect it with Windows.  If Windows detects it but Ubuntu does not, it could be missing the driver.  Read the model number from the hard disk case and search for it on the Web.04:28
bullgard4What is the purpose of an 'Ubuntu Hug Day'?04:28
pgHow can I copy an Ubuntu installation from one disk to a larger one?04:28
usservee_, so its the easiest solution i suppose04:28
Byro1pg: ok thanks04:28
scguy318pg: partimage, dd, etc.04:28
vee_usser yea, why complicate things when you dont have to04:29
usservee_, thats my motto :)04:29
vee_usser  ;)04:29
webpirateanyone have ubuntu on 1.6ghz sempron 64 and nvidia? whats your CPU during DVD playback?04:29
Ashfire_Serverwhen i try to use traceroute all i get it some error about no space for the send buffer04:29
underdog44ok, does anybody know another irc room where they might be able to help me04:29
buggeredfstabanyone here manage to get Mono installed on Gutsy?04:30
Viperwebpirate: For a sempron.. I wouldn't expect very much performance.... it may take nearly the whole processor just to play a DVD.04:30
webpirateNon encrpyted DVD uses Still 35% cpu04:30
webpirateAny xorg tips I can use to lower processor usage?04:31
ogrepis there any emacs-cvs ubuntu repos?04:31
pgscguy318: I used dd from the original disk to a partition on another disk.  The new disk had another version of Ubuntu installed on another partition, and I can't make it boot copied installation.04:31
Alejandr0Printing is too small, what can i do to fix it?04:31
dns53webpirate: do you have the nvidia binary drivers installed, they have some accelerated video rendering extentions04:32
Assiderr.. next thing.. how come gnome/ubuntu doesnt have the backgrounds and stuff (retrieving on the fly) like how kubuntu/kde has?04:32
Byro1pg: gparted keeps crashing and throws "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"04:32
webpirateYes....Restricted drivers are installed...04:32
Viperwebpirate: or perhaps a different CPU... maybe Athlon?...04:32
webpirateI have 1.6 ghz laptop with nvidia 420go04:32
pgByro1: try parted, it's a command line tool.04:32
webpirateI used to get 4 - 7% on this laptop with xine...now after format its 35%04:33
webpiratevideo plays good..just lots of processor usage04:33
ogrepcan I redefine this, ahem, f***ing Fn key to be Mod4?04:33
Rian-Davidehey does anyone know a good website to find broadcom drivers?04:33
Assidwebpirate: you changed anything in between? like kubuntu-> ubuntu or the other way around?04:34
webpirateRian-Davide...try different internet providers...sometimes that have the drivers04:34
webpirateNo same basic setup04:34
Rian-Davidefor linux?04:34
Rian-Davidelike for the ndiswrapper?04:34
pgRian-Davide: is it a wireless driver?04:34
webpiratewould KDE use more Processer than gnome for DVD?04:34
usserwebpirate, did u try to switch around video outputs04:34
jake-the-dummy-owhere is /etc/init.d/iptables? what's the substitute?04:34
usserwebpirate, to like openGL or x1104:35
webpirateyes.....xv gives best results04:35
* ogrep would spank the *engineer* who designs these stupid laptop keyboard.04:35
usserwebpirate, or xv04:35
jake-the-dummy-oany one any idea?04:35
webpirateopenGl uses 100%04:35
Viperwebpirate: the sempron is just a lower-end processor.  1.6GHz would be equilivant to a P4 600MHz in performance....04:35
Agent_bobjake-the-dummy-o google quicktables04:35
spikebsemprons measure up well against p4's.04:35
mEck0I think ipod nano (3rd gen) looks interesting, but wonder how it works in ubuntu? must I use itunes, does the players flashdisk shows up like a usb-dongle?04:35
ogrepWhy do these people think they should relocate keys on a kb randomly?!04:36
webpirateWHAT...are you crazy....600mhz.....04:36
Agent_bobjake-the-dummy-o firestarter guarddog shorewall and friends.04:36
soldatsmEck0, ipod dont need itunes to work04:36
ViperThey measure up well against a celeron...because those are each company's lowbie CPU's.04:36
webpirateSemprons just have less ramon board..04:36
ViperThey were made for budget machines.04:36
mEck0soldats, ok good04:36
Rian-Davideyes its a wireless driver04:36
soldatsmEck0, you can use rythmbox, amarok or other to do ipod stuff04:36
Rian-DavideIm trying to use ndiswrapper04:37
Viperweb: No, run a 1.6GHz sempron against a 1.2GHz Athlon XP, and the sempron will be blown away.04:37
Agent_bobjake-the-dummy-o every thing i've named are helper applications to help you setup iptables04:37
mEck0soldats, aha thats nice :)04:37
soldatsmEck0, good luck04:37
mattgyver83Hi room, how can i configure ubuntu to recognize my pda when trying to hotsync via usb?04:37
webpirateYes...but the guy was saying that a 600mhz intel was faster04:37
Rian-Davideits supposed to be a BCM4311 driver Im looking for I guess04:37
Agent_bobjake-the-dummy-o quicktables is a shell script  :)04:37
pgRian-Davide: it's best to search the web for your specific card model.  Have you checked the UBuntu forums? There is a networking & wireless page that links to a wiki that shows which cards work.04:37
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:38
webpirateI realize thst that the sempron 64 is a lower end CPU but its definnatly faster than intel 600mhz04:38
codymani am running gutsy x64 off an external usb hd, if I go to /media there is a hd1 (my internal drive ntfs windows drive) in there and if I go in there, it tells the correct free space left on the drive, however, it shows no files in there... I have ntfs-3g installed along with the gui utility to use it and its setup... any ideas?04:38
ViperNot after you start multitasking apps on the sempron.... it just chokes and dies!04:38
pgByro1: can Windows recognize the drive?04:39
ViperAnd I know that P4 doesn't go that low, but if a good CPU was running at low-speed power saving mode...04:39
webpirateYou really have to try sempron....it's not bad at all...04:39
ViperI have tried them....04:39
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:39
webpirateI have been using it for 3 years now and it can run anything I throw at it...including Americas Army with full graphics..04:40
Jack_SparrowEnough about processors.. there are plenty of comparisons online04:40
zloogHi, what is the ubuntu way to upgrade the c/c++ compiler?04:40
webpiratewell I was asking about playing a dvd and someone started smashing my 1.6ghz sempron 64 saying that it can't play dvd when my amd 333mhz could play them04:41
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate... enough.. drop it04:41
webpirateare you IRC police? sheesh calm down...04:41
danikarXHey I can get my mic to work, but when I Test it in my sound settings it gives me this error. "Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'"  Is that bad, or doesn't matter?04:41
johnstarhi customizing a ubuntu cd and I cant remember where the config file is for theme/icons anyone know?04:42
ViperJack is right... me and you are verring this channel off topic... ^_^04:42
webpirateI am just trying to get to the bottom of this CPU usage issue04:42
Viperwebpirate: If you want, we can argue in PM.04:42
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate: sure.. azs soon as you drop it or leave for offtopic04:42
=== danikarX is now known as Danikar_X
webpirateI know that this computer can do better because it did as of yesterday04:42
=== jared_ is now known as jadz0r
simplechatzloog: sudo apt-get update?04:43
Assidwebpirate: i dont know if its me.. i was just checking my lappy as well, i think kubuntu used to eat less resources04:43
webpirateso I am hoping that someone else noticed the same thing04:43
Jack_Sparrowkde eats more of my system than gnome04:43
webpirateI might log into gome and see it it uses less to play dvd...04:43
AssidJack_Sparrow odd04:43
webpirateI wil come back and let you know04:44
AssidJack_Sparrow: kde has alot of aplications that just make user experience easy too. like for example the simplest of them all.. when you change the background04:45
Runningflame570How do I add another server with xchat?04:45
Assidkde has a nice interface that lets you get the backgrounds from online04:45
usserAssid, yea i agree that is a nice feature04:46
ViperKDE is much more user-friendly... but he's right, you pay a price for that 'prettiness'04:46
Jack_SparrowAssid: this isnt the place for discussion...on gnome or kde... both have good and bad features04:46
pianoboy3333Can anyone help me get my quick cam working with ubuntu/skype?04:46
Miranda7856Opensource kills gobs!04:46
Jack_Sparrowgnome vs jde04:46
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:46
Miranda7856Ubuntu - это для бедных...04:47
Miranda7856Для негров...04:47
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke04:47
hajikihey im having some problems with the USplash Screen... a while ago i installed some kind of manager for gnome, but i didnt like so I got rid of it. The problem is that the default Splash doesnt start anymore... please help me!!!!04:47
AssidJack_Sparrow the only thing so far i noticed is that ubuntu/gnome interfaces pretty well with compiz04:47
mikeoanyone ever expirement with booting from a flash drive and getting insane battery life on a laptop?04:48
Assidhajiki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/15093004:48
mikeoand disabling the hd and cdrom in bios04:48
Assidmikeo: good or bad lifwe04:48
mikeoinsanely good04:48
mikeolike double04:48
pianoboy3333Jack_Sparrow: yea I've tried all that good stuff I'm wondering if someone here can help me, not point me to the wiki, I can do that myself04:48
Assidmikeo: sweet.. howd you manage that04:49
Ashfire_Serveris anyone else in here getting a notice for a person who responds to anything you say with website?04:49
mikeoi didn't, but i read about it somewhere04:49
ViperThere was one driver I seen that was working on webcams... I can't remember the name of it now thoug...04:49
mikeoand have heard about it from other people04:49
Danikar_XIf my mic is working on sound recorder, but I am still getting error when I test my Mic in the sound settings is that bad?04:49
Ashfire_Server*with a website url?04:49
Jack_Sparrowpianoboy3333: If you did everything in the wiki help and it dosent work have you checked the supported hardware page04:49
AssidJack_Sparrow: i have a constant cpu usage and im not doing anythign :(04:49
usserMiranda7856, are u a retard or what?04:49
pianoboy3333Jack_Sparrow: yea, it seems pretty supported04:49
=== burner__ is now known as burner
jake-the-dummy-ohi guys.my http server machine refuse all connection including ssh,ftp,telnet,http.but you can still ping it. why?any idea?04:51
Ashfire_Serverjake-the-dummy-o: maybe all the services are set not to respond from your ip?04:52
Mr_JonesIn some night, an old nun was happy in a bus stop waiting her bus to go back home after working. And suddenly, a drunkman, very high, sees her and kicks her and she falls, and he keeps beating her with hands and kicks. After some minutes, the drunkman notices that there was no reaction from the old nun, and the drunkman says: - “I thought you were stronger, BATMAN!”.04:52
hajikihey Assid by Usplash Screen do you i mean the thing a the beginning of a session right?04:52
Jack_SparrowMr_Jones: Please dont do that..04:52
=== mclamb is now known as LambeD
MagySimpsomIn some night, an old nun was happy in a bus stop waiting her bus to go back home after working. And suddenly, a drunkman, very high, sees her and kicks her and she falls, and he keeps beating her with hands and kicks. After some minutes, the drunkman notices that there was no reaction from the old nun, and the drunkman says: - “I thought you were stronger, BATMAN!”.04:53
Assidhajiki yes.. i just had it 1 boot ago04:53
zloogIs it safe to try to upgrade my GCC? I think im running into a compiler bug and I want to get the latest  version....04:53
Jack_Sparrow!ops | MagySimpsom04:53
ubotuMagySimpsom: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!04:53
hajikiAssid: how can that page help me?04:54
Assidread it04:54
Assidits got the fix in there04:54
hajikimm ok04:54
usserzloog, compiler bugs dont exist04:55
usserzloog, :) its a human error04:55
usserzloog, well compiler bugs are rare04:55
miyakocompiler bugs do exist04:55
linux_user400354hi ferret_0667 ferret_0667, why do you have so many names?04:56
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:56
soldatsis there a way i can somehow turn off the power management for my monitor, it turns black when idle after about 10 minutes04:57
kelsinsoldats: System -> Prefs -> Power Managemnet04:58
Dev_noobIs there a defragging program for Ubuntu, or is that operation irrelevant?04:59
soldatskelsin, seems i dont have that option04:59
Jack_SparrowDev_noob: not needed.04:59
webpirateI am back all.....Gnome actually is useing more CPU to play DVD05:00
soldatskelsin, oh well im in xubuntu and i dont have that option i guess i will just deal with it05:00
webpirateI also uninstalled KDM and still same results...05:00
soldatsits the only thing i could never get to stop05:00
webpirate35% - 50% CPU to play DVD05:00
webpirateyesterday it was 5 -7%05:00
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate: what video card.. or is it onboard video05:00
webpirateNvidia 420 go laptop05:01
kelsinsoldats: you can still install gnome-power-manager and run it to set some power settings. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34431105:01
kelsinsoldats: the OP in that thread is asking about something different, but still talks about installing gnome power manager in xubuntu05:01
webpirateI think I need to add something to my xorg.conf05:01
webpirateany ideas05:01
webpirateopengl and 3d work fine05:01
soldatskelsin, hmm i never thought of that i feel dumb now thanks i figured it should have come on install05:02
qcodeJust upgrade my laptop to 2GB of RAM...love it05:02
kelsinsoldats: since it's not a xfce app, it makes sense it's not installed by default in xubuntu05:03
BLTHere's something that I find interesting - using the Gutsy live CD I get a higher resolution screen than the one I get after installing to the HD05:03
webpiratedoes xfce use lots of CPu?05:03
webpirateI might try it05:03
soldatskelsin,  ahh i see now, thats wierd05:03
soldatsfor the link05:03
qcodewebpirate: Much less then GNOME for sure05:03
miyakoBLT: yeah, I ran into that, Gutsy seems to be really bad with X05:04
=== reportingsjr is now known as report|sleep
kelsinsoldats: but yeah, it doesn't stop you from installing any gnome app you want, for bits and pieces that xfce doesn't provide05:04
corruptionoflulzwebpirate: i believe xfce is good because it's so easy on the resources.05:04
webpirateI should try it for DVD playback05:04
Jack_SparrowBLT: from cli sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  add your refersh rates for your specific monitor05:04
corruptionoflulzwebpirate: i have problems with any video playback fullscreen when i have compiz running.05:04
Jack_SparrowBLT: Someting about nvidia detection....05:04
pianoboy3333can anyone help me get my logitech quickcam working, I've tried a lot of things but none seem to be working05:04
webpirateI mean 35% is not bad for DVD playback but I know that it can do better05:04
BLTmiyako - so I tried to copy the xorg.conf that the live CD created and save it to the HD - but it didn't work after the reboot05:04
webpiratewill xine run on xfce?05:05
Learning-UbuntuHow do I delete the database vnstat created for ppp0?05:05
Jack_SparrowBLT: you can always use the command I gave to get back basic functionality05:05
miyakodid anyone else end up just disabling the failsafe X?05:05
corruptionoflulzwebpirate: you should be able to just use aptitude(i think) and dl xfce desktop and try it out05:06
webpirateIts installing right now..05:06
BLTmiyako - Jack_Sparrow - I get 800x600 OK - but then you have to scroll for most WWW pages05:06
soldatskelsin, ok cool than i should be set05:06
webpirateJust wondering if xine will run05:06
corruptionoflulzfrom my understanding, everything should run.05:06
corruptionoflulzjust about..05:06
hype_Hi, any one running player 1rc1 can paste his cat /etc/mplayer/input.conf ?05:06
newbiehello, I need help, I am desperate. I cannot play any video on totem or firefox. Both freeze when I try to play any video. I already reinstalled totem and the gstreamer codecs, but still the same. The screen goes grayscale and it stops responding. What can I do? has anybody here experienced this problem before?05:06
webpiratecan wrong refresh rates affect DVD playback CPU usage?05:06
Jack_SparrowBLT: vesa mode will go to 1024x   but you need to set your monitor rate.  most people only mess with the video driver config.05:07
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:07
webpiratenewbie: try automatix to install codecs it always works for me....4 different computer05:07
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate: bad bad idea05:07
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »05:07
BLTJack and ubotu and miyako - thanks for the tips... I will try them05:07
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate: Please do NOT advise people to use that garbage05:08
webpiratewell I have always had good luck....not promising anything05:08
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/05:08
webpirateok....so than any disscussion is pointless here....because nothing it for sure05:08
pianoboy3333can anyone help me get my logitech quickcam working with skype, I've tried a lot of things but none seem to be working05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about attitude\ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:09
webpiratepianoboy>> I would try to help but it might not work for you so I should not say anything05:09
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:09
newbiewebpirate, how can I install automatix?05:10
Jack_Sparrownewbie: bad idea05:10
linux88<linux88> Um... I think I need Guru's help. For some reason the livecd and my installed version (Ubuntu 7.10) cannot list my internal wireless card inside my laptop. lshw or psci will not show anything.Please help05:10
Learning-UbuntuAnyone here who uses vnstat to log their internet usage? I would like to delte the log I created on ppp0 since IM using eth0 now05:10
corruptionoflulzwebpirate: it's pretty well known that many users have serious problems with automatix, and since it's not officially endorsed, and actually recommended that you NOT use it, i can see why it shouldn't be suggested in the #ubuntu channel.05:10
webpirateI have 4 different computer that it works well on all of them05:10
=== indraveni is now known as veni
Jack_Sparrownewbie: We wil not be able to help once you use that script.. it does bad things and you should read the link provided telling what it does to your install05:10
Learning-Ubuntunewbie, Its known to go bad and when it does it really goes bad... As in break things you dont want breaking...05:10
webpirate1 laptop and 3 desktops..05:10
chris__hello all05:12
soldatsi used it many moons ago but it didnt do everything i wanted but anything you need to fix you do without the use of a NOT so good application05:12
Tonehow do i bring up the analog clock page from ubuntu?05:12
webpiratenewbie>> they are right in saying that it might not work for you....but I am just saying that I have had good luck with it....but it does not mean that you will05:12
webpiratedoes Sync to Vblank cause high CPU usage?05:12
brandon_hey can any1 help me? i get no sound on my system what so ever05:12
soldatsbrandon_, do you have the necessary codecs for audio05:13
CyberMadi got problem with installing ubuntu-desktop 7.10 (gutsy), actually i already install this gutsy on many computers, but i got problem with one computer... during installation i got this error: [!!] Load installer components from CD, Failed to load installer component. Loading libdebconfclient0-udeb failed for unknown reasons. Aborting.  and there is option to go back or continue. What problem is this ?05:13
webpirateI guess I got kicked?05:13
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:13
ArthurArchnixSo... with the latest version of emacs-snapshot available in ubuntu repos through synaptec, fonts still suck big time. Oh sure, menu and title fonts look ok, but the actual fonts of the window itself are not anti-aliased... was the snapshot version not built with xft?05:13
CyberMadis this related problem with the CD ? scratch ?05:13
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate: please do not promote that script in here.05:13
CyberMadi see my cd there is not much scratch05:14
dsnydersHi all.  How can I rename  a bunch of numbered files by prefixing the number on some of them with a zero.  eg file_1 -> file_0105:14
webpirateok I won't promote it...sorry..05:14
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate: It causes so many people so many problems..05:14
corruptionoflulzbrandon_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 (comprehensive sound solutions guide)05:14
chris__can any one help me i am having trouble with a program called vent05:15
kelsinArthurArchnix: no it's not05:15
kelsinArthurArchnix: why I pointed you to that blog05:15
adamonline45Does anyone here use a Macbook?  I've gone through countless tutorials on getting my wifi working using ndiswrapper on 7.10, but with no luck...  I'd really appreciate if anyone could just tell me how to make it work 8)05:15
brandon_ive tryed that05:15
soldatscorruptionoflulz, i liek your name but i think you should change it to lulzisacorruptionoflol05:15
kelsinArthurArchnix: emacs does not have xft support until version 23 which is still dev and available on the emacs cvs which is what that guy packaged. Google "Ubuntu Pretty Emacs" to find it again05:15
dsnyderschris__,  What sort of problem are you having?  What is vent supposed to do?05:16
corruptionoflulzsoldats: but then it's boring. since lol is a corruption of lulz05:16
brandon_ive tried a bunch of guides to get my sound working im useing Creative SB augidy LS card05:16
soldatscorruptionoflulz, hah i knew it all along05:16
webpirateit just seems funny to me that Linux.com can promote the script but we can't in here05:16
soldatswebpirate, automatix may work for other distros but it does not work well in ubunty05:17
chris__it is a program for talking to outher people on line im trying to use it fo my games but there is not a linux version yet so im running it through wine but its telling me i have the wrong codex05:17
Jack_Sparrowwebpirate: They dont have to deal with helping people when it trashes their systems05:17
Assidadamonline45: you using a macbook with ubuntu ?05:17
webpirateBrandon>> try to run gnome-volume-control and make sure that everything it listed in there...if not you can add them from that program05:17
brandon_the driver i needed to get was called ca0106 i think or sumthing to that matter05:17
adamonline45Assid: I sure am :)  Are you?05:17
Assidadamonline45: nah.. would like a mac as is tho :P05:18
brandon_Webprivate: i did05:18
adamonline45assid ahh, cool... Yeah they're secksy 8)05:18
Viperawww :( I guess he no like the matrix....05:18
ArthurArchnixkelsin Yeah. Tried that and it made no diff. Never saw any tesitomonials on his site for gutsy, so maybe they're broken? Dunno.05:18
webpirateI think that the program is for ubuntu only05:19
soldatshmm i didnt know that i just know is isnt very good05:19
dsnyderschris__, I see some web pages suggesting teamspeak as an alternative to vent.  Apparently there is a linux version of it.05:19
webpiratebrandon>> are the controls for AC97 and wave in there?05:19
ridge-meisteri'm looking for a website that has a lot of programming exercises05:19
brandon_webprivate: no05:19
webpirateyou might have to add them05:19
soldatsridge-meister, like what kind of program excercises05:20
ArthurArchnixkelsin: I remove --purged my emacs. Added his repo. Added his key. Installed. And wammo, same ugly fonts. No errors, obviously used his package because I got the PPA warnings he mentioned...05:20
qcodeFireFox just crashed on me... shit05:20
brandon_im new to linux as you can probally tell web05:20
webpiratebrandon>> go to Edit then prefferences05:20
chris__prolbem there is everybody is alredy on vent05:20
corruptionoflulzqcode: it probably wont be the first time.05:20
webpiratebrandon>> make sure that PCM and ac97 and wave are selected05:21
corruptionoflulzqcode: firefox is way worse on linux than on windows for me.05:21
ridge-meistersoldats: i'm learning Python, should i spend a lot of time becoming really intimate with all the workings of Python, or would it be better to work on projects?05:21
Jack_Sparrowchris__: ask in #winehq for help with vent under wine05:21
superm1Hi folks.  can someone tell me how to mark a file on a fat32 filesystem hidden?05:21
Assidadamonline45 yeah but outta my budget05:21
brandon_webprivate: those options arent there05:21
superm1so that it shows up as "hidden" on a windows machine05:21
mofoyo....  in need of gutsy x config help here...05:21
adamonline45Assid: Mine too... I'm still paying for it 8)  hehheh... And don't even have OSX on it anymore...05:21
chris__ok how im sorry im still new to linux05:21
ridge-meistersoldats: just not sure how to answer your question05:22
webpiratebrandon>> thats as far as I can take you.....I don't know why they would not be there05:22
kexhello, can anybody help me with rhythmbox? :s05:22
Jack_Sparrowqcode: I have not had firefox crash.. how did you install flash and java...?05:22
webpiratebrandon>> wait05:22
corruptionoflulz!ask | kex05:22
ubotukex: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:22
brandon_webprivate: kk thx for the help tho :)05:22
webpiratebrandon>> go to file...and see if you have more than one device05:22
moforunning on a dell D620 w/ an external monitor..  had been running 7.04 for quite a while with no problems05:22
soldatsridge-meister, python is very powerful and will do you good depending on what you want to do in the long run but if you want to get serious with programming id suggest keep with python until you are very comfortable and switch to c++ or c or c#05:22
mofojust upgraded to 7.1005:22
kelsinArthurArchnix: did you set the font and load in .Xresources like the page says05:22
dsnydersChris__, Is vent short for ventrilo?05:22
Assidadamonline45 then whyd you go for it.. might as well pickup a cheap dell and do what you need05:23
brandon_webprivate: i have th alsa misers and oss05:23
mofoand now I'm totally hosed.   it won't just accept my xorg.conf05:23
chris__yes sorry05:23
corruptionoflulzkex: what is your problem with rythmbox?05:23
kelsinArthurArchnix: or tried starting emacs with "emacs -fn 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono'" or something?05:23
soldatsqcode, use opera instead it is alot better05:23
webpirateTry to select the Alsa one05:23
mofothe stupid autoconfiguration panel keeps "correcting me" and resetting things05:23
slowthyI am having a lot of trouble getting the drivers for my Intel Media Accelerator 950 Graphics card in 7.10.  I am new to linux, and any help would be great05:23
mofototally doesn't like my external monitor05:23
mofoI'm about ready to throw my laptop out the window05:23
brandon_its already set on alsa05:23
webpiratebrandon>> and see if pcm is in there05:23
webpiratebrandon>> try the other one05:23
kexcorruptionoflulz, rythmbox is not sending my tracks to last.fm any longer05:23
kelsinArthurArchnix: also make sure that emacs that is running is version 23, it's on the start screen05:23
DivideZerwhat i need to write java application under ubuntu ?05:23
chris__dsnyders, yes sorry05:23
mofoI guess my question is - should I just downgrade to 7.04 again?  I'm SOOOO wishing I hadn't upgraded05:23
Flannelslowthy: You don't need to get any drivers, they're already there05:24
mofonever been so frustrated with ubuntu as I am right now05:24
soldatskex, i didnt think rythmbox did that you should use amarok instead05:24
ridge-meistersoldats: do you recommend that i stay with Python for the time being, because of its readability?05:24
dsnydersChris__, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Ventrilo_Via_Wine has some instructions that may be helpful05:24
kelsinArthurArchnix: if you do have two emacs installed you can select which one to use with sudo update-alternatives --config emacs05:24
corruptionoflulzkex: sorry, i've never messed around with last.fm much.. but i will take this as a chance to plug exaile as a music player05:24
chris__ok ty05:24
Jack_Sparrowmofo: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:24
kexsoldats, but i am on gnome, would that make stuff a bit weird? :s05:24
brandon_webprivate: stii no sound05:24
webpiratebrandon>> also make sure that Digital Out id not selected unless you are using digital05:24
webpirateid - is05:25
soldatskex, no i use it frequently05:25
qcodeinterfacelift.com has nice wallpapers... cool05:25
slowthyFlannel:  No, there are drivers for 945 and 965, but no 950.05:25
kexsoldats, ok ill swicth to amaroK :)05:25
brandon_webprivate: where is that option?05:25
adamonline45Assid: I was heavy into web developing, and wanted safari in its native environment...  And liked how it integrated so well in my linux network...  And just needed something different, if I was gonna get anyhting...  And then I wanted to get the faster one, and then more ram, and... yeah 8)  It's ok, it paid for itself, but I didn't use that money for it... sigh...05:25
webpiratebrandon>> go to Alsa device...then to options and check for digital out check mark05:25
mofono I have not, I can try that - but why won't it just accept my xorg.conf that worked fine in 7.04?  why does it insist on ignoring it?05:25
corruptionoflulzkex: you can run pretty much every kde app in gnome, although, amarok was a bit buggy for me05:25
webpiratebrandon>> options tab05:25
DivideZerwhat i need to write java application under ubuntu ?05:25
corruptionoflulzkex: and used more resources than i cared for, so now i use exaile.05:25
brandon_i dont have an options tab05:25
Jack_Sparrowmofo: I dont think they are interchangeable05:26
adamonline45DivideZer: I hear you can get eclipse for linux05:26
excoderHello, can anyone tell me how to enter ascii characters in ubuntu? like the ALT+0174 in windows returns the (R) sign. It's not letting me here in ubuntu.05:26
kexcorruptionflulz, ok, ill try amarok or exaile, but does exaile have support for last.fm?05:26
webpiratebrandon>> how about a switches tab05:26
DivideZeradamonline45 , and savve as java run time application the code ?05:26
brandon_ok i got it now05:26
Paddy_EIREAdam_, yes you can adamonline45 its in the repos05:26
soldatsridge-meister, python is very readable and looks very nice so i would suggest staying with it till you have a full grasp on it. then when you start learning other languages the syntax will be very different but if you have a very very good grasp on it you will pick it up quickly. learning to program takes a lot of motivation so if you have what it takes then you will improve rapidly05:27
brandon_had to enable some of the thing in prefs05:27
erat123the bash people told me to ask you guys a question, it has to do w/ repositories, is anyone interested in helping me out?05:27
Paddy_EIREoops I mean adamonline4505:27
moforeally?  but why would they not be?  same hardware, same setup05:27
ridge-meistersoldats i'm not sure what you mean by "very comfortable".  i have a very basic grasp of object oriented principles, database, filewriting05:27
soldats!ask | erat12305:27
webpiratebrandon>>ok....so your sound is working now?05:27
ubotuerat123: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:27
adamonline45DivideZer: I'm not sure, I'm in the developer circle so I heard about it; but I'm just a C++ guy so far...05:27
ridge-meistersoldats: my problem isn't the motivation, but knowing what to work on next.05:27
corruptionoflulzkex: i believe exaile has last.fm support..05:27
DivideZeraa ok05:27
brandon_ok i got it working now05:27
dsnydersexcoder, I think you can do \174 in certain places05:28
erat123ubotu: lol, thanks.  ubuntu allows you to find the best server in the software sources, is there a way to do this same thing in bash on my ubuntu server?05:28
brandon_i had to turn off an options in stiwches05:28
webpiratebrandon>> sweet...what was it05:28
kexcorruptionoflulz soldats, ok thanks ^^05:28
soldatsridge-meister, do you mean what kind of program you write05:28
brandon_thx web05:28
corruptionoflulzerat123:  protip: ubotu is a bot.05:28
webpiratebrandon>> was it digital option?05:28
brandon_i own you a ton man05:28
webpiratebrandon>> cool...glad I would help05:28
erat123corruptionoflulz: yeah, just figured out that one :-)05:28
brandon_my ears hurt tho05:28
adamonline45DivideZer: Paddy_EIRE confirms its available.  It's worth a shot I suppose... What I heard about it, and why I recommend it blindly, is that it works nearly identically across platforms05:28
soldatscorruptionoflulz, protip: ask ubotu about love or hate or maybe loli05:28
brandon_i had headphones in with max voluume05:29
erat123corruptionoflulz: do you have any ideas for my question?05:29
webpiratehe he he05:29
webpiratethat will learn ya05:29
brandon_slayer in full blast is painfull05:29
Paddy_EIREadamonline45, yeah its cross-platform..05:29
corruptionoflulzerat123: i never saw you ask one05:29
excoderdsnyders: it's not working anywhere..05:29
erat123ubuntu allows you to find the best server in the software sources, is there a way to do this same thing in bash on my ubuntu server?05:29
Assidadamonline45: never really thought of os x to be resource hungry05:29
brandon_ok time to install vent05:29
brandon_so i can raid again05:29
ridge-meistersoldats: yes, that's why i am looking for "programming exercises".  something that will force me to become intimate with the language.  otherwise i'm just going to read about it.  and of course we know that doesn't accomplish much05:29
adamonline45Assid: I'm into music production too 8)05:30
soldatsridge-meister, write a calculator with error handling05:30
* corruptionoflulz knows nothing about ubuntu server05:30
soldatsridge-meister, with a gui too05:30
dsnydersexcoder, I just tried it here.  No dice.  Not unexpected, since it came from my dim memories of long ago.  I am googling though.05:30
Jack_Sparrowridge-meister: search for source code and work with it, save you fav routines, merge them and make your own apps.05:30
webpirateyou know what I figured out the other day...just incase anyone does not know this...if you log into ssh with -X option you can run X programs on your computer but the input comes from the remote computer05:31
adamonline45Has anyone used madwifi on a gen-2 macbook?05:31
slowthyI am having a lot of trouble getting the drivers for my Intel Media Accelerator 950 Graphics card in 7.10.  I am new to linux, and any help would be great05:31
^Ocean^Is the webcam Spca5xx Driver Stalk with ubuntu? Or do i have too install a package too get the kernel driver for it ?05:31
soldatsridge-meister, write a script that changes your wallpaper each day05:31
webpiratealmost defeats the point of VNC05:31
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:31
excoderdsnyders: yeah, i tried googling it and I can't seem to find a solid resolution..05:31
Paddy_EIREridge-meister, yeah... I have also been looking for exercises myself but I found this and think its great to read through http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/05:32
soldatswebpirate, old news is old05:32
corruptionoflulzsoldats: ridge-meister and give that script to me, because i hate the gnome wallpaper manager thing05:32
webpirateI know...but I just figured it out so I thought I would share it05:32
ridge-meistersoldats: now, wouldn't writing a script to change my wallpaper each day also require me to have some knowledge of BASH :)05:32
ridge-meistercorruptionoflulz: lol :D05:32
webpiratesomeone might have learned something......new people here everyday05:32
soldatscorruptionoflulz, yea i kinda wanted it as well cause im too lazy to do it05:32
corruptionoflulzsoldats: desktop drapes works alright, but you have to put everything in the gnome wallpaper manager05:33
soldatsridge-meister, yes but it would still be simple05:33
Assidadamonline45: still mate, i always thought it had good system resource management05:33
corruptionoflulzsoldats:  and when you have 1gb of wallpapers, it's crap.05:33
soldatscorruptionoflulz, yea i figured i got lots a dem05:33
ridge-meisterPaddy_EIRE: that's a nice book, but not quite what i'm looking for.....05:33
webpirateI am gonna to try xfce05:33
ridge-meisteralright, guys, thanks for the help, off to tinker..not tinkle :D05:33
Paddy_EIRE ridge-meister go to #ubuntu-offtopic for more in-depth help05:34
JJtechis there any Microsoft windows Compatibilty Program aside from wine?05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compatibility - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:34
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega05:34
brandon_is there a way to access visual effects without system>prefs>appearence?05:34
Paddy_EIREJJtech, what are you looking to run05:34
adamonline45Assid: Quite possible.  It felt a bit slow at times, though, even plugged in... <shrugs>...  I still love it though, hehheh...05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crossoveroffice - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:34
kelsinJJtech: crossover office is a commercial version of wine that focuses on Office and other major products, and Cedega is wine with more direct X support, but past that you're looking at some form of emulation05:34
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: Counter Strile05:34
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: Counter Strike05:34
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: strike05:35
kelsinyou're best off with wine or Cedega, past that you won't be able to get good performance05:35
dsnydersexcoder, $'\xhh' returns the character equivalent of the hex number hh.  eg: echo $'\x65' echoes an e.05:35
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: ok i will try cedega05:35
Jack_Sparrownot free05:35
brandon_is there a way to access visual effects without the apperacne menu05:35
JJtechhow to obtain cedega?05:35
Paddy_EIREJJtech, from the site05:36
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega05:36
Assidadamonline45: om ?05:36
Jack_Sparrowsee the link above05:36
Assiderr pm?05:36
kelsinJJtech: if it's like it used to be it's 5 bucks a month to be a member with a 15 minimum or something like that05:36
kelsinJJtech: don't have to stay a member to keep using it, just to download and then to get support05:36
JJtechkelsin: OUCH.. i thought everything here is FREE..05:36
kelsinubuntu is free05:36
kelsincedega is just software that runs on linux, not part of the ubuntu project05:37
adamonline45Assid: DO you see my replies?  It says I need to register or something.05:37
mofook, I did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, restarted x, and it does the same thing - totally ignores the config.  I always wind up back with the same default settings.  is it the new gutsy autoconfig "helper"?  how the fsck do I turn it off, how do I just make this look at my xorg.conf file05:37
dsnydersJJtech, It's free as in liberty, not necessarily free as in beer05:37
kelsinand wine (which cedega is built off of) does work for most games, just have to look at the appdb on wine's website to see if it runs well without cedega05:37
Paddy_EIREJJtech, no its not free.. but hey its only 15 quid05:37
soldatsmofo, i wonder why it didnt change05:37
Paddy_EIREdsnyders, you know where I can get free BEER!!!05:38
excoderdsnyders: ok it works on some letters. thanks. but i'm not able to echo the (R) symbol. :P05:38
soldatsPaddy_EIRE, if you find out i need some as well05:38
Assidadamonline45 oh ..05:38
Assidadamonline45 nah no replies05:38
adamonline45Assid: Crud... Do you know what I need to do to get to NICKSERV?05:38
corruptionoflulzalltray is a very nifty app.05:38
mofoI have no idea.  it's just killing me, I just absolutely won't retain any of my settings.  I mean - would it be easier just to downgrade back to feisty?   so frustrated05:38
dsnydersPaddy_EIRE, unfortunately, all the beer I've ever run across has a price.  If not today, then the next morning.05:39
Assidadamonline45: /nickserv help register05:39
brandon_Can any1 help me? my appearence menu (system>prefs>appearence) is frozen i i wont to enable extra desktop effects instead of normal any1 know a way of doing this?05:39
Paddy_EIREJJtech, also this guide is meant for edgy but I'm sure it'll work on feisty and Gutsy as well http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304528&highlight=counterstrike05:39
excoderdsnyders: looks like it only converts the first two digits.05:39
corruptionoflulzadamonline45:  /msg nickserv help05:39
soldatsmofo, sorry but what exactly were you wanting to do05:39
dsnydersexcoder, It is looking for a two digit hexadecimal number, which represents one byte which in turn represents one character of standard ASCII05:40
Jack_Sparrowqcode: You said firefox kept crashing, yet you didnt answer my question about how or where you got flash and java05:41
excoderdsnyders: so it can't actually work with the 0174 ?05:41
Cyntekhey you guys. I have a screenshot that my friend sent me and may have found the problem to his problem (no sound) how can we change it....to output to his speakers. http://www.localscoop.us/Screenshot.png05:41
adamonline45Assid: Dang, it doesn't seem to have a login option; it's all admin-looking commands05:41
adamonline45I thought it was /register <password>05:42
mofosoldats: I upgraded a perfectly working 7.04 install on a dell D620 laptop with an external 1280x1024 [primary] monitor.  I want my old xorg config back.  it won't take it, and the stupid "wizard" x config gui new to gutsy won't take the settings.  I fill in everything properly, and it just doesn't work.  I always wind up with VESA/800x60005:42
corruptionoflulzCyntek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544905:42
Assidadamonline45: yeah its mentioned there05:42
adamonline45Hmm... I don't see it; I'm using kopete if it matters, which it shouldn't, but... hmm05:43
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration05:43
corruptionoflulzCyntek: it's pretty possible, that you just have to set the preferred one to default, i had that problem05:43
soldatsmofo, when you ran the reconfigure command try setting the color to 16 bit thats how i fixed it for myself. i had the same problem05:43
Cyntekhow can he do that?05:43
[Ramy]hi, i can't find the pdf printer when i try to print slides to pdf using open office  ?05:43
corruptionoflulzCyntek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544905:43
mofosoldats: ok lemme go try that :)05:43
dsnydersencoder, 0174=hex ae.  Try  echo $'\xae'05:43
Cyntekim reading it now05:44
Assidadamonline45: what do you do for dreamweaver ?05:44
soldatsadamonline45, what did you need??05:44
corruptionoflulzCyntek: it contains instructions on how to set defaults.05:44
Cyntekyou had the same problem as well, right05:44
adamonline45soldats: How do I register my nick?  I AM at irc.freenode.net right?  It says I'm in irc.kde.org... This is my first time in IRC with kopete05:44
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: how come i get this message "  Couldn't find package x-window-system-dev " ???05:45
adamonline45Assid: I don't use dreamweaver, I do it all in notepad05:45
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration05:45
corruptionoflulzCyntek: i had the same default problems yes, but it's possible it's another problem in that thread05:45
soldatsadamonline45, try /msg nickserv register <password>05:45
corruptionoflulz!sound | Cyntek05:45
ubotuCyntek: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:45
crdlbadamonline45: irc.kde.org redirects to freenode, just like irc.ubuntu.com and dozens of others05:45
crdlbthey do this so that they could switch to another network without changing anything05:46
Paddy_EIREJJtech, which part of the guide where you on?05:46
soldatsadamonline45, try /msg nickserv REGISTER <password>05:47
dsnydersHi all.  I have some files ending in numbers.  How do I rename/renumber them with a leading zero (eg file_1 -> file_01)?05:47
adamonline45soldats: It gives me no feedback...05:48
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: do you run wine or dual boot your pc?05:48
soldatsthats strange id suggest you take a visit to freenode.net05:49
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, occasionally run wine05:49
soldatsit has help for that sort of thing05:49
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, although dual-booting is better when it comes to gaming05:49
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: I may ask you to test a program in a week or two...  It will run in wine or windows...05:49
Paddy_EIREsure :)05:49
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: Will let you know when I get it to beta.. It isnt anything special, but should let you fix or tweak ubuntu system files from Windows or Wine.  full gui05:50
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, wow.. very nice :)05:51
lockdBut if it's your program you can compile it in linux as well.. though it takes winelib if you must use windows API05:51
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: Nothing special.. but will have you check it out for me.05:51
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, anytime... :D05:51
lockdJack_Sparrow: is it your own application?05:51
Jack_Sparrowlockd: but it is in VB605:52
lockdJack_Sparrow: oh, so "API" isn't really a question05:52
Jack_Sparrowlockd: I know realbasic has a version that will cross compile, but is not free05:52
JJtechi don't know what happen..but my BOX restarted during WINE download..05:52
tntCrybtw guys how come opera cant load websites , it says 404 not found...05:52
_6StringKng_url correct?05:53
_6StringKng_opera works fine for me05:53
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: PC restarted..05:53
lockdbut if it was for tweaking system files don't know why you didn't just use a Kommander or something05:53
Jack_SparrowJJtech: Odd, was it coming from our repo or from Wine05:53
tntCryit works sometimes and sometimes it doesnt05:53
dsnydersHI all!  My renumbering file problem is solved.  I just found the bulk file rename tool on the Applications->Accessories menu.  Handy tool.05:53
tntCryand why the rating of opera is soo bad in linux :(05:53
JJtechJack_Sparrow: i think from wine05:53
Jack_Sparrowlockd: I wanted to get to them from windows environ... to get back into Ubuntu05:54
Paddy_EIREtntCry, because firfox already comes pre-installed :P05:54
Jack_SparrowJJtech: just get it from our repos...  less hassle05:54
JJtechJack_Sparrow: will you walk me through??05:54
soldatsdsnyders, thats good05:54
tntCryi recommend opera because of the cool side bar05:54
tntCryand speeddial and many other things ..05:54
Jack_SparrowJJtech: go to synaptic... select wine and install05:54
Paddy_EIREJJtech, just let us know where you are at :)05:54
_6StringKng_only reason I like opera is for the speed dial05:55
JJtechJack_Sparrow: ok.. i'll do that sir..05:55
soldatsopera is far superior05:55
_6StringKng_otherwise I use FF05:55
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: ok05:55
corruptionoflulztntCry: speed dial really isn't that great, i just opened up a text editor and made my own link list in html in like 1 minute.05:55
lockdJack_Sparrow: oh, might be interesting how you did that05:55
Jack_Sparrowlockd: see me in about two weeks..05:55
adamonline45is there a way to restart x without a backspace key?05:55
_6StringKng_sudo apt-get install wine after adding the repo's to the sources list05:56
Jack_Sparrowlockd: Current version is not ready for prime time05:56
Dr_willisadamonline45,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:56
kitcheadamonline45: /etc/init.d/gdm will restart gdm which is pretty much the same05:56
Jack_Sparrowadamonline45: see above05:56
tntCrycorruptionoflulz, yes for the linux world and its people i know what you mean its ok! and the brain is ok with it...05:56
lockdJack_Sparrow: do you have the functions?05:56
adamonline45Dr_willis: kitche: What if I'm using KDE?05:56
corruptionoflulztntCry: i don't really follow what you are saying...05:57
JJtechhey, WINE is already GREEN box in synaptic..05:57
Dr_willisadamonline45,  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart05:57
Jack_Sparrowlockd: the functions?  I can get to the files I want and edit/save them if that is what you mean05:57
tntCrycorruptionoflulz, but for the 44% of the rest are people who are like me and dont want such things but want eyecandy simple and happy user...05:57
Jack_SparrowJJtech: go to cli  type wine notepad.exe05:57
tntCrycorruptionoflulz, and 12% are the people who are having trouble with all kinds of systems05:57
lockdJack_Sparrow: I could care less about program now.. I just want to see the algorithm (i.e. what to copy over manually)05:57
JJtechJack_Sparrow: kk05:57
JJtechJack_Sparrow: wait.. hehe, what is " CLI ??05:58
tntCry44% of linux lovers and satisfied life style. the other 44% unsatisfied because of the childhood days they havent did what you did..05:58
tntCryhope you get it now..05:58
Jack_Sparrowterminal.. command line interface05:58
Jack_SparrowDOS prompt05:58
mofosoldats: ok running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and setting the color depth to 16 made it happy with my laptop's display.  but how do I tell it that I have a second monitor?  I tried then using the "screens and displays" wizard, and that just screwed everything up again.  but running dpkg-reconf xserver-conf doesn't let me tell it about a second monitor, does it?05:58
JJtechJack_Sparrow: i see..05:58
corruptionoflulztntCry: i hate to break it to you, but opening a text editor (or a web design program) and making an html file with a list of links is really pretty straight forward.05:59
_6StringKng_you called terminal a dos prompt, lol05:59
soldatsmofo, not sure about that have you searched through the furums05:59
soldatsmofo, im very sorry but im unsure of using 2 monitors05:59
JJtechJack_Sparrow: uhhmm... notepad windows pop-up.. .... ....05:59
mofohave looked, can't find it05:59
Jack_Sparrowlockd: here are a couple lines of a bash script..  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46407/06:00
mofook so if there is no way to get my external monitor with gutsy, I'm going to have to downgrade.  I looked for a tutorial - can someone point me to a definitive guide for downgrading from gutsy to feisty?  I'm losing work hours here and just don't have time to sort thruogh this x nonsense06:00
Jack_SparrowJJtech: what did you expect?06:00
lockdJack_Sparrow: Thanks. Yay, no vb!06:01
kitchemofo: want downgrade instructions just install feisty anew06:01
ankuris there any command that can help me to add/del ip address with terminal?06:01
JJtechJack_Sparrow: as expected.. window of notepad appears.. ^_^06:01
mofocan't install it anew - I have tons of things installed and configured specifically - that would set me back days, getting my dev env set up again06:01
Jack_Sparrowlockd: I thought you would prefer that06:01
ankuris there any command in ubuntu that can help me to add/del ip address with the help of terminal?06:02
mofoI need to be where I was two hours ago - either with a working gutsy w/ external monitor, or my old feisty install06:02
Dr_willisankur,  what do you mean add/delete ip address?06:02
lockdJack_Sparrow: Oh.. that's not what I expected06:02
lockdJack_Sparrow: that backs up some important stuff though06:02
Jack_Sparrowyes it does.. right to your desktop06:03
Dr_willisankur,    'WHAT' do you mean by add/delete. :)06:03
Dr_willisankur,  add them where?06:03
Jack_Sparrowlockd: with specific file names06:03
lockdJack_Sparrow: does the fdisk allow you to reconstruct if you destroy the table by accident?06:03
ankur<Dr_willis> like ifcfg command06:04
lockdJack_Sparrow: i've done that way too many times06:04
Dr_willisankur,  you configure your network cards with the ifconfig command if thats what you are refering to.06:04
Jack_Sparrowlockd: I think it will... since the switch to uuid I have not had nearly the problems06:04
ankur<Dr_willis>in fedora core ifcfg command work.Is there in ubuntu ifcfg command have?06:05
JaszboHi room. I have been working on getting my wireless connection up and running in UbuntuStudio. I have an HP DV6646US laptop and it has a broadcom wireless. I have been on the forums and I have downloaded a bunch of stuff, but it still won't work. I have tried Network Manager, but it doesn't recognize my wireless connection. Any ideas+06:05
Dr_willisankur,  ive neer heard of or used ifcfg. try 'ifconfig'   the redhat guys like to make their own little alias's and dumbed down scripts for the standard commands.06:05
stdin!ops | boss06:05
ubotuboss: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!06:05
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx06:06
tim08Hello all...06:06
Jack_SparrowJaszbo: It would help to know what all you have done to try and get it to work.. as in scripts like automatix or envy (both very bad ideas)06:06
dolphin_noelwhy the manuals from ubuntu are roung? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset  /usr/bin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --user=root it says it don`t exist06:06
=== Psy-Krow is now known as Krow1
ankur<Dr_willis> ifcfg eth0 del
lockddoes anyone know where gnustep apps get installed to?06:07
ankur<Dr_willis>like that06:07
TheShadowZerohey there,  im on fedora 8 (#fedora is not optimal for support) and azureus doesnt start. output: http://rafb.net/p/b10eG664.html06:08
ViperTheShadowZero: Use KTorrent.06:09
corruptionoflulzTheShadowZero: azureus is buggy for me.06:09
corruptionoflulzTheShadowZero: try deleting all the log files06:09
mikeoso i installed all the alsa stuff from source and i still have no sound...06:09
mikeohow do i get sound to work on my laptop?06:09
joycetickis it possible to autologin on ubuntu server 7.10?06:09
TheShadowZerolog files? why would log files break azureus06:09
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:09
corruptionoflulzTheShadowZero: i had the same problem, and deleted log files, it'll start alright until you do an unclean shutdown06:09
* JJtech be right back..06:09
=== JJtech is now known as Got
Dr_willisankur,  start with 'man ifconfig' and go from there.06:10
TheShadowZerocorruptionoflulz, should i just rm -rf everything in the logs folder?06:11
corruptionoflulzTheShadowZero: also, i've been  using deluge for torrents, and it's been alright (i didn't like it much06:11
corruptionoflulzTheShadowZero: ermm, just delete the logs that it looks like it's created06:11
TheShadowZerobtw, nice nick. fox is stupid06:11
HateXHey guys, this might be a little off topic but.... im trying to completly copy a hard drive (with a Vista OS install on it) to an external hard disk using NTFS file system as well06:11
corruptionoflulzHateX: this should be easily done using gparted off the live cd.06:12
TheShadowZerocorruptionoflulz, nope, didnt help06:12
HateXbut im running into a lot of errors saying files are locked, i get the same problems when using an XP OS to copy a vista OS06:12
joycetickis it possible to autologin on ubuntu server 7.10?06:12
Jack_SparrowHateX: there are several clone programs.. look into the dd command or hirenscd or ultimate boot cd06:12
HateXis there a tool that runs well on Ubuntu allowing me to do this06:12
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:12
corruptionoflulzHateX: this should be easily done using gparted (system -> admin partition manager) off the live cd.06:13
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate06:13
greenmanHello all.  I have a question.  But first I have to say that I'm using ubuntu on a macbook pro using livecd.  That's pretty  c ool06:13
mikeoheh heh should have just googled my laptop first06:13
greenmanMy  question is I'm having problem installing ubuntu on a dell desktop.06:13
HateXok thanx i'll try it corruptionoflulz and jack__Sarrow06:13
NematocystTheShadowZero, Azureus went south on me too.  probably just that i'm on 64 bit and java isn't working right... anyway, i went uTorrent through wine.  lots and lots of decent bittorrent options06:13
greenmanIt get's to the part that plays the music and the  monitor doesn't show anything06:13
TheShadowZerothats all well and good but alternative solutions are not really what i want06:14
greenmanIt's like it's not getting a signal06:14
corruptionoflulzTheShadowZero: well, if the log files didn't fix it, i dunno, like i said, i couldn't get azureus to work even close to stable06:14
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: what model of Dell06:14
TheShadowZeroi see06:14
TheShadowZeroworked fine before i upgraded06:14
corruptionoflulzTheShadowZero: although, if you want the most stable one, use rtorrent06:14
ankurs for example suppose my ip is and i want to change it to with the help of command06:14
greenmanJack_Sparrow: Not sure offhand, I know it's not horribly old.  It plays Halflife 2 and  such.06:14
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: at the start install menu.. try F6 then noapic    , also burning slow helps, or use the alternate-text installer06:15
greenmannoapic, what does that do?06:15
lockdKtorrent seems like the most useful torrent app06:15
joycetickankur: setup a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces?06:15
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: I ask as I have a few around, c610 and c640 d60006:15
=== Krow1 is now known as Psy-Krow
greenmanJack_Sparrow: what do you mean by burning slow?06:15
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: when you burn the *.iso.. burn at slowest speed possible06:16
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: The dell should say on the bottom what model it is06:16
greenmanAh.  I've never messed with speeds on the MBP, I might  try that if noapic doesn't work.06:16
mihai_Does anyone know how to update my Synaptic Manager list?06:16
greenmanJack_Sparrow: Yeah, I'm not  there anymore, it's a friends computer.06:16
ankurjoycetick: no i need to change ip address with the help of terminal .Is there an command in ubuntu?06:17
Jack_Sparrowhousekeeping tonight06:17
HateXhey corruptionoflulz , buy using gparted i'd be copying the whole partition right?, In doing this i would need to wipe my usb disk before copying the vista partition over to it right?06:17
prakritiankur : man ifconfig06:17
greenmanJack_Sparrow: I want to say it's an optiplex06:17
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: try those suggestions...  so not a lappy...06:17
corruptionoflulzHateX: you could resize whatever partition you have on your usb disk first.06:17
ankuri read it but not get any option in man ifconfig06:17
corruptionoflulzHateX: then copy that partition into the empty space.06:17
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: I also have a gx240 optiplx.. use F6 and noapic06:17
greenmanJack_Sparrow: Nah, desktop.  :)06:17
Jack_Sparrowmaybe 26006:18
mihai_How can I update the list in Synaptic Manager?06:18
Jack_Sparrow478 socket p406:18
corruptionoflulzmihai_: there is a refresh button06:18
Jaszbo! wifi06:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:18
greenmanJack_Sparrow: I'll try  noapic and I'll also Burn a copy  of the text installer if I have to.06:18
corruptionoflulzmihai_: upper left, "reload"06:18
corruptionoflulzmihai_: or sudo apt-get update06:18
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: At least you know it will work with the onboard video or the nvidia plug in as well06:18
greenmanThe main thing I need is to fix the grub menu, it's trying to load an external hard drive so it gives error 21.06:18
HateXcorruptionoflulz, OK, and once i do that what im planning on doing is upgrading the vista install to a professional version. once that is complete im going to bring back the file from the old vista install to the new. So im going about this right way correct?06:19
mihai_corruptionoflulz: A lot of programs are still not listed after doing that06:19
prakritiankur : you can edit the files in /etc/network by hand and then /etc/init.d/netword restrat06:19
greenmanI figured I could use ubuntu livecd to move data around and then just install ubuntu on the main disk06:19
corruptionoflulzmihai_: then the problem lies not with the updating.06:19
corruptionoflulzHateX: sorry, i don't really follow exactly what you want to do.06:19
greenmanJack_Sparrow: Yeah, well I think the MBP uses ATI.06:19
mihai_corruptionoflulz: Don't I have to set it for the universe or something like that?06:20
ankur<prakriti> oh i need not do it manually06:20
ankur<prakriti> i need to do by command06:20
mihai_corruptionofluz: I remember Kubuntu's Adept Manager having way more programs listed for download06:20
corruptionoflulzmihai_: if those are the programs you wish to access, then yes06:21
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: I thought onboard was intel.. but either way optiplex did work with the option.. You can create a spare partition for data then install to unallocated space.06:21
kristjansIn where does one place the init-script in Ubuntu?06:21
corruptionoflulzmihai_: an easy way to do this is system -> admin -> software sources06:21
joycetickankur: you can edit in command, nano /etc/...06:21
kristjansI am an Arch Linux user assisting an Ubuntu user, therefore I do not know where to let him place the init script.06:21
CoasterMaster!init | kristjans06:22
ubotukristjans: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:22
HateXcorruptionoflulz,  im taking a computer with vista home and im upgrading it to vista pro (so i can join it to our domain) but i don't want to lose all of the documents stuff on it. I want to copy everything on the drive before i do my fresh install. This seems like that sane thing to do right? copying the entire partition and all?06:22
greenmanJack_Sparrow: I'm not sure I do know that I ahve the ati drivers in windows.06:22
kristjansThank you, CoasterMaster.06:22
Jack_Sparrowgreenman: it will e fine06:22
deefzii've installed eclipse, and when i try to compile my .java-files in console, i get error that e.g. Scanner can't be resolved06:22
thanihow to delete history in current shell06:22
deefzii have sun-java6-sdk installed though06:22
deefzibut javac -version gives this:06:22
deefziEclipse Java Compiler v_774_R33x, 3.3.1, Copyright IBM Corp 2000, 2007. All rights reserved.06:22
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:23
Jack_Sparrowdeefzi: how did you install your version06:23
greenmanJack_Sparrow: Yeah, he has two internal disks and one external, he's going to move data from the intern als to the external and then install linux on the main drive in a new partition.06:23
greenmanI'm assuming he06:23
greenmanhas space06:23
greenmanI'll probab06:23
corruptionoflulzHateX: if you have documents and stuff, it'd be easy to just copy those instead, but the safest way is back up the entire partition, yes.06:23
deefziJack_Sparrow, first i had sun-java6-sdk installed and then i installed eclipse06:23
greenmanly have to help him06:23
HateXcorruptionoflulz, i tried connecting the vista hardrive as an additional hardrive to an XP machine and copying all the files over after i took ownership of them but i still was getting many errors like "access dennide"06:23
Jack_Sparrowdeefzi: from our repo or from off the web06:23
corruptionoflulzHateX: for a minute i thought you were talking about trying to integrate the old partition back into the upgraded one06:23
deefziJack_Sparrow, repo06:23
Jack_Sparrowdeefzi: k.. just checking06:24
thani how to delete history in only current shell  ?06:24
HateXoh no corruptionoflulz06:24
qinjuehanganyone know about DRM_CMDBUFFER=-22 error with openGL apps?06:24
deefziJack_Sparrow, i can try "javac -1.6 *.java" which should compile with 1.6.0 but still - scanner isn't resolved06:24
deefzilike wtf06:24
greenmanJack_Sparrow: Thanks for the help, gonna go back into OS X land.  :)06:24
corruptionoflulzHateX: then yes, the livecd partition editor should be fine, just resize and- wait.. i don't know if it can copy partitions or not actually... it should be able to.06:24
* Psy-Krow is away: afk06:24
greenmanI'll try your ideas.06:24
Jack_Sparrownp later06:25
qinjuehangum...anyone know about DRM_CMDBUFFER=-22 error with openGL apps? and how to slove it?06:25
qinjuehangI get it from Blender06:26
mihai_How do I download the security updates for Ubuntu ?06:26
HateXcorruptionoflulz, with regard to XP OS's i was always able to connect the hardrive to another XP machine, take ownership of all the files, then copy all the files to a folder on a different disk. But with vista im running into some rights issues. since this is not my data and im doing if for someone else i do not want to take the chance on not copying something.06:26
tarheelcoxnI've got no sound on a T43 with an intel ICH6 00:1e.2 0401: 8086:266e (rev 03). terminal bell works, 'tail -1 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat' shows '0: Analog Devices AD1981B' ... snd_intel8x0 is loaded ... can anybody help me troubleshoot?06:26
girly2nightgoodmorning ... Crossover or Wine to play wow on linux?06:26
corruptionoflulzHateX: fair enough, i have pretty much no experience with vista yet, so i'd take it the safe way too.06:27
HateXcorruptionoflulz, im running ubuntu gutsy gibbon so i should be able to use the gparted here06:27
kelsingirly2night: wine, crossover doesn't add anything you need, and it costs06:27
qinjuehanggirly:you should check the wine apps database06:27
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.06:27
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:27
girly2nightwell most guides use wine ... so  i just thought to ask ...06:27
deniz_quick question, wat is the connection for my us robotics sporster 33.6k called?06:27
qinjuehangappdb.wine.org I think06:27
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: SLow.. :)06:28
tarheelcoxnI should mention that I'm running gutsy, 2.6.22-14-generic06:28
HateXcorruptionoflulz, yeah i hate vista, lots of problems joining them to domains and group policies get very messed up when trying to control XP boxs and Vista boxes with the same policies06:28
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: Sorry.. I assume it is a hardware modem.06:28
corruptionoflulzHateX: yes, gparted seems like it should take care of all of your needs. (i think i may have read somewhere that it's safer to run gparted from livecd, but i don't really recall on that one at all, and if you are accessing drives that your linux install isn't on, it should be fine.)06:28
deniz_no1 knows??06:28
gladier2hey guys - i keep on having my ubuntu freeze randomly on me - the mouse cursor still moves and its a fresh install06:28
tarheelcoxngladier2: is compiz on?06:29
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS06:29
HateXcool corruptionoflulz , thanx for the help06:29
gladier2tarheelcoxn: it was - since been disabled and still freezing06:29
qinjuehangm...anyone know about DRM_CMDBUFFER=-22 error with openGL apps? and how to solve it?06:29
tarheelcoxngladier2: you've ruled out hardware?06:29
bullgard4What is the purpose of an 'Ubuntu Hug Day'?06:29
tarheelcoxnbullgard4: to reduce the number of open bugs06:30
stdinbullgard4: someone fixes a bug, and you give them a hug :)06:30
tarheelcoxnbullgard4: or untriaged bugs06:30
gladier2tarheelcoxn: not entirely yet - i had windows BSOD on my a number of times but it was never the same "reason"06:30
gladier2ive checked dmesg and /var/log/messages and so far havent seen anything special06:30
ramza3I want to buy a PC game at the store and have it actually work with wine.  I like all kinds of games; what is a game that you bought recently that is fun and works with wine?06:30
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: It should show up as ttyS0, 1 ,2, 3, 4 or 5  so Test in terminal sudo screen /dev/ttyS0, 1 ,2, 3, 4 or 506:31
bullgard4tarheelcoxn, stdin : Thank you for explaining.06:31
gladier2ramza3: WOW :P06:31
girly2nightanyone has used the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft guide to install wow? cause i really just started with linux... dont have too much experience with it.06:31
kelsingladier2: check ~/.xsession-errors as well06:31
ramza3gladier2: Hmm, I have that one, ok besides WOW06:31
tarheelcoxngladier2: I smell bad capacitors, maybe?06:31
Jack_Sparrowramza3: if you want a cool fps... look at sauerbraten.. play online too06:31
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, i remember u, i was called s3a or s2a b4 basically i need to no wat the port is called so i can make it usb so gnome-ppp detects it thru the usb port06:31
gladier2probably ...06:31
girly2nightwill it be easy or managable for me?06:31
hellonullanyone familiar with mounting freebsd filesystems from the ubuntu livecd?06:32
Cyntekmy friend is having trouble accessing the command: alsaconf in ubuntu, he is set as root  he keeps getting this msg: bash: alsaconf: command not found06:32
qinjuehanggirly2nite:I guess not a lot of people here tried the guide...cuz WOW costs money.06:32
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: you are running usb usr modem?06:32
LifeNomadwhats an easy sure-fire way of securing ssh logins, I have already moved the port to an arbitray # vs. 2206:32
gladier2tarheelcoxn: you mean PSU??06:32
LifeNomadpsu? penn state?06:32
tritiumLifeNomad: power supply unit06:33
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, no, i am not, but i want to get an adapter to make it usb bcuz apparently my laptops port for the modem is defective06:33
kelsingirly2night: wow has worked for me with no setup ever since wine 9.28, so it should be pretty easy esp if you have a windows install to copy from06:33
tarheelcoxngladier2: could be that, too06:33
Jack_Sparrowgladier2: If it smells warm... check fans and psu and the thermal grease between cpu and heat sink06:33
kristjansanother question... does ubuntu use ~/.xinitrc file?06:33
ompaul!sudo | Cyntek (and the command is not found)06:33
ubotuCyntek (and the command is not found): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:33
corruptionoflulzLifeNomad: probably either that or portland state06:33
gladier2tarheelcoxn: pastebin of .xsession errors http://pastebin.com/d7e4d82f106:33
kelsinkristjans: if you boot into the console and run "startx" manually it uses .xinitrc06:33
Cyntekso, sudo alsaconf as root?06:33
LifeNomadany thoughts on securing ssh?06:33
TheShadowZerobtw, updating java fixed broken azureus06:33
tritiumLifeNomad: it is06:33
kelsinkristjans: but gdm (the default display manage on default ubuntu) does not06:33
kristjansthank you kelsin, that what i was aiming for.06:34
ompaul!sound | Cyntek06:34
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS06:34
soldatsgdm uses menu.lst06:34
ubotuCyntek: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:34
kristjansthats for SLiM, not GDM :)06:34
tritiumsoldats: no, you're thinking of /boot/grub/menu.lst06:34
kelsinsoldats: grub, the boot manage uses /boot/grub/menu.lst, gdm uses a whole setup of session files06:34
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, well the modem is not with me, i just wanted to no the port's name06:34
NematocystTheShadowZero, good deal.  you don't happen to be on 64-bit, do you?06:35
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, i tried detecting it with gnome-ppp thru each ttys?06:35
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: cant lnow for sure unless you have it plugged in.06:35
TheShadowZeroNematocyst, nope06:35
TheShadowZeroupdated from jdk update 1 to update 306:35
shadeofgreyanybody here know where to get the first release of the ubuntu liveCD for Hardy Heron?06:35
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: if usb   use lsusb   or lspci   etc06:35
girly2nightso kelsin what u suggest is just to copy the wow folder from my windows to linux?06:35
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, its not usb but i want to make it...06:36
kelsingirly2night: into the right place, which is something like ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ or something like that yeah06:36
qinjuehangAnyone knows how to get FlashMX 2004 to work in WINE?06:36
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, u or sum1 else had told me that b406:36
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: better off not trying to use a usb adapter for serial port06:36
kelsingirly2night: wow uses NO registry entries and no fancy anything outside of it's folder06:36
kelsinqinjuehang: check the appdb at winehq, I don't think people have had much luck with any of the flashes06:37
soldatsqinjuehang, hmm i wish i knew how ive wanted that for a while06:37
shadeofgreyalso does anybody here have extensive xperience with running ubuntu on the firt gen macbookpro and utilizing two displays -- specifically setting my macbookpro to make my 24" dell widescreen the standard rather than the secondary?06:37
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, ya but everything seems to point to the fact that my laptops port is defective since it worked on the port of this ~900 mhz old computer06:37
Jack_Sparrowdeniz_: First choice is.... Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS  verify serial port enabled in bios06:38
Jack_Sparrowgoodnight people...06:38
gladier2nite captin06:38
deniz_Jack_Sparrow, well clearly its pointless now but ill come back later since i c u alot06:38
JohnMMwhat's the command to reconfigure xorg?06:38
Jack_Sparrowsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:38
Learning-UbuntuIs there an ACDsee equivalent I can use in Ubuntu ?06:39
DivideZerwhat in linux is like ADOBE FLASH CS3 PRO ?06:40
Jack_SparrowLearning-Ubuntu: I actually.. (gag me) run fastsone  freeware  under wine06:40
gladier2DivideZer: crap ... CS2 works tho06:40
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.06:40
DivideZergladier2 ,ok like cs 2  but with what in linux i can create flash ?06:40
qinjuehangDivider, try Open-office Impress (or something like that)06:40
kelsinDivideZer: there aren't any great 2d animation programs yet. KToon and Synfig are promision though :-(06:41
Learning-UbuntuJack_Sparrow, Thank yuo just wanted to know if something like acdsee picases wa sin repos :)06:41
kelsinDivideZer: there are some programming libraries to create swfs, but nothing like flash06:41
RyanT5001how do i get the mail command to work? i'm trying to send out some emails using scripts, but they just vanish06:41
gladier2DivideZer: i dont do graphics work so i cant help06:41
AmaranthDivideZer: you may be able to use it in WINE06:41
RyanT5001i'm not sure if i'm getting spam filtered or if it's just not sending in the first place06:41
qinjuehangDivide, OpenLaszlo will work too06:42
DivideZeryes i will try wine06:42
gladier2Amaranth: CS3 doesnt work in wine yet, however CS2 does06:42
kelsinRyanT5001: if you have exim installed (which is default I think) check /var/log/exim4/mainlog06:42
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: im back.. WINE seems okay with notepad.. but when i tried other applications, wine window opens up then closes.. howcome?06:42
qinjuehangI had no success running Flash on wine, maybe you will...06:42
Peddyis anyone having a problem in the game Sauerbraten where there are only 3 servers avaliable (yet on XP there are many)??06:42
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.06:42
corruptionoflulzhey, i want to back up my entire home folder to dvd (all my programs and settings and such), should i just copy everything but /media and then i'll be good?06:43
RyanT5001kelsin: i don't have any such log directory; maybe I just need to install exim?06:43
qinjuehangJJtech what applications did you test?06:43
JJtechPaddy_EIRE: Yahoo messenger.,,06:43
RyanT5001kelsin: i'm clueless about this stuff; i've never set up any smtp-related anything before06:43
JJtechqinjuehang: yahoo messenger06:43
kelsinRyanT5001: try "man sendmail" and see if that reveals what stmp program you have installed06:43
JJtechqinjuehang: i will try another06:44
Jack_SparrowJJtech: turn off effects06:44
JJtechJack_Sparrow: ??? effects on what??06:44
Jack_Sparrowcompix desktop effects06:44
Nematocystcompiz and wine aren't always friendly06:44
RyanT5001kelsin: no entry for sendmail.  the only mail-related package i've installed manually (over Gutsy) is mailx to get the "mail" command06:45
corruptionoflulzcanonical really shouldn't have turned compiz on by defaults.06:45
AddyKUm, who was Filesender?06:45
qinjuehangJJtech: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=7401&iTestingId=15981 Yahoo messenger does not work anyway06:45
JJtechJack_Sparrow: ok.. i will try going back to metacity.. is this okey?? then i use wine..06:45
kelsinRyanT5001: you can also check /var/log/mail.log06:45
corruptionoflulzqinjuehang: can't you just use pidgin instead?06:46
kelsinRyanT5001: those will at least tell you if the mail is going off your server (or trying to)06:46
RyanT5001kelsin: i've got /var/log/mail.{err,info,log,warn}, all of which are empty06:46
qinjuehangcorruptionoflulz, I am using pidgin...06:46
RyanT5001kelsin: oh wait, let me double-check, i think i was on the wrong machine06:46
NematocystJJtech, if it turns out to be desktop effects, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53325706:46
cyzieRyanT5001, then enable the log to higher06:47
JJtechNematocyst: ok..thanks..06:47
AmaranthAddyK: that was like 12 hours ago06:48
AddyKAmaranth  Yes, I've seen the logs just now... I just woke up.06:48
HateXhas anyone used the NTFS configuration tool?06:48
AddyK(I saw)06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:49
Peddy!the internet06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about the internet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:49
RyanT5001kelsin, cyzie: sorry, i was retarded; i was accidentally in the wrong ssh session; although mail is equally broken, there is some log in /var/log/exim4/06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about porn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:49
gradinmeh was worth a shot :P06:49
Nergari need help with dhcp3-server, i have it installed and configured but i can't start it06:49
RyanT5001kelsin: ** ryant5000@gmail.com R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported06:50
qinjuehang!FlashMX 200406:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashmx 2004 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:50
cyzieRyanT5001, ok, next time be careful of what u doing, u may think shut down box A then Box B06:50
kelsinRyanT5001: cool one sec06:50
kelsinRyanT5001: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config" and select "mail sent by smarthost; no local mail"06:50
RyanT5001bah, putting a real email in here was probably a bad idea, given spam spidering these logs06:50
JJtechguys, i accidentally delete the bottom panel.. how to restore it??06:51
Nematocystqinjuehang, the appdb for flashmx 2004 isn't encouraging.  see: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2294&iTestingId=436906:51
Dr_willisbgates@microsoft.com ? :)06:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:51
kelsinRyanT5001: and then go through the rest of the config, there is a lto of explanation in the dpkg program and google for the rest cause I don't know what would be perfect for you06:51
Saelynhanyone know an app for optimise size picture ?06:51
JJtechguys, i accidentally delete the bottom panel.. how to restore it??06:51
Saelynhthere is a thing like that in photoshop06:51
dolphin_noelSaelynh gimp06:51
Saelynhbut gimp does not do that06:51
kelsinRyanT5001: but then exim should be setup to deliver to whatever smtp server you need it to, or if you want to fully send email from your computer you should select the first option and configure it from there :) but at that point def should start looking at other tutorials on setting up exim for ubuntu06:52
dolphin_noelSaelynh yes it does06:52
RyanT5001kelsin: ah, ok, thanks06:52
dolphin_noelSaelynh ok wait06:52
Saelynhdolphin_noel: where ?06:52
RyanT5001kelsin: yeah, now that i know exim is the key, i should be able to find tutorials; thanks a ton06:52
kelsinRyanT5001: yep, by default it doesn't send email out :)06:52
JJtechguys, i accidentally delete the bottom panel.. how to restore it??06:52
mohkohnHi just put an ubuntu cd into qemu and my world went grey.06:52
SaelynhI try to set my picture in indexed colors, this kind of thing, but my image is still to heavy06:53
mohkohnI had to do a hard reboot to get out.06:53
mohkohnAny idea why that might have happened.06:53
kelsinJJtech: right click on top panel and select "New Panel"06:53
dolphin_noelSaelynh open the image and the go to (image) and the click in (scale image)06:53
qinjuehangmohkohn: Did you try VirtualBox? Maybe something happened to your xorg06:53
SaelynhI dont want to resize it :o06:54
JJtechJJtech: thanks.. i see it now.. ^_^06:54
mohkohnis virtual box in etch?06:54
JJtechkelsin: thanks06:54
dolphin_noelSaelynh so what you try to do?06:54
kristjansonce again, a question. should "#!/bin/sh" in a script be replaced with "#!/usr/bin/env bash" for ubuntu?06:55
Dr_williskristjans,  ive never heard that suggetion befor06:55
SaelynhI try to have  with a small weght :d06:55
Saelynhan image *06:55
Dr_williskristjans,  the default 'sh' in ubuntu is 'dash' so if you are using Bash features - then you SHOULD be using #!/bin/bash or similer.06:55
kelsinkristjans: fully up to you, sh follows posix standards and doesn't allow for extra bash stuff, using /usr/bin/env bash is more likely to run on more systems in case bash is not in /usr/bin06:55
mohkohnI am burning an ubuntu alternate install cd from a debian etch machine.06:56
Saelynhfrom 100ko I would like to have 50ko or less06:56
dolphin_noelSaelynh ohhh you can resize the image to lower the size and you can allways to when you go to (save ho) you can chose image quality ... and have theere more options06:56
Dr_williswhat if env -> /usr/bin/env is not in /usr/bin  ?  :)06:56
mohkohnbut the last question would be better on #debian so away I go.06:56
dolphin_noelSaelynh (save as)06:57
kristjansbtw, i've never heard it either ;) found it in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomXSession for the first line06:57
mohkohnmd5sum: ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso: Input/output error06:57
Saelynhthe "image quality" is only avalible for jpg exention06:58
mohkohnthat is on the burned cd. sounds like I need to burn again.06:58
kelsinkristjans: if you're only using this script on ubuntu systems then it doesn't matter, if you want it to be "more" portable (depending on definition fo portable) /usr/bin/env might help, it probably doesn't make much difference06:58
kelsinSaelynh: what are you trying to save as?06:59
tritiumSaelynh: that's because it's a lossy format.  You get to choose how much information to throw away.06:59
kristjansokay, it will be for ubuntu based system. thank you for all the replies! :)06:59
dolphin_noelSaelynh you go there more options then that like in png the compression06:59
=== clever[rev] is now known as clever
Nergarnevermind, i got it working07:01
ramza3I am using record my desktop for video capture; this works and outputs different formats (ogg?) I want to be able to add a ogg music file to this video; anybody know how to do this07:02
ramza3I tried the jackd server but that didnt do anythign07:02
munk_im trying to install ubuntu in my computer but it wont see my partitions already made and i REALLY dont want to delete them cuz i need stuff off them....H?ELPPP07:05
Rumpsteak; /me waves!07:06
tritiummunk_: choose the manual partioning option07:06
munk_tritium i did and it doesnt see my partitions..07:06
tritiummunk_: that doesn't make sense, unless you didn't create them right07:07
mihai_What plugin should I use for Firefox in order to have most of the sound formats work?07:08
Jan-RipplHi Ubuntu People07:08
Jan-RipplI living in Czech Republic07:08
_6StringKng_get ubuntu restricted extras through add/remove07:08
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_6StringKng_but you have to change "show" to All available applications07:09
* JJtech be right back..07:09
=== JJtech is now known as Got
Jan-RipplYou can listen my ubuntu radio http://mokriny.cz:8000/listen.ogg07:09
=== max57 is now known as max`
SmegzorHow do I remove entries from the applications menu.  I have removed Wine (temporarily) but it always leaves all of its menus behind.07:09
labinns1Has any body found out yet how to print to PDF from any application in Gutsy that can be read by adobe?07:10
dns53the cups-pdf should be in by default, you can just print07:10
mihai__6StringKng_: What exactly is the name of the package?07:10
kelsinlabinns1: "Print to PDF" is an option for my in any print dialog by default07:10
=== Viper is now known as eVipere
_6StringKng_ubuntu-restricted-extras I think07:11
_6StringKng_I'll check07:11
_6StringKng_Ubuntu restricted extras07:11
labinns1kelsin, dns53,: Yes, It does not produce a document that can be read by Adove07:11
_6StringKng_you did change it to show all available applications correct?07:11
isigibt es nen deutschen ubuntu channel?? wenn ja wie komm ich da hin07:11
kelsinlabinns1: what does the adobe program say? I've never had a problem07:12
mihai__6StringKing_ : Yes07:12
labinns1kelsin, dns53,: it does not recognise the script or some such thing.07:13
kelsinlabinns1: I would double check that you're using fonts that are available on windows. by default it probably doesn't embed fonts (and I don't know how to make it) so make sure you're using Times new Roman or other windows base fonts07:13
_6StringKng_k, search for the package and install it then07:13
kelsinlabinns1: does it give you that error? or does it just not look right?07:13
munk_tritium i created them right i have gentoo on them right now and it works properly but i wanna switch to ubuntu and the installer doesnt see the partitions...the reason i dont want to delete them is cuz i have a windows partition too that i need...07:13
mihai_Ok, I found it07:13
labinns1kelsin, But I don't determine the font for applications like Firefox07:14
tritiummunk_: you're sure you're using the _manual_ installer?07:14
tritiumpartioner, rather?07:14
kelsinlabinns1: like I already asked, does adobe give you an actually error? If so what is it?07:15
munk_tritium u mean whenever it gets to the partitioning of the hard drive to go on manual..right? ive done it before on my laptop and it worked and now it just sees the hdd but no partitions07:15
tritiummunk_: yes, that07:16
labinns1kelsin, I am in Ubuntu at the moment and I don't remember the exact error, but it says something like it is unable to open the file because it does not recognise the script.07:16
munk_tritium and if i click on new parttyition table it uses the space as if the hdd is emp07:17
tritiummunk_: strange07:17
munk_tritium i know but i really hope theres a way to go around it..07:18
tritiummunk_: must be something unique to your setup there07:18
munk_tritium :(( these things always happen to me...honestly everysingle time..07:18
tritiumsorry, munk_07:19
munk_tritium its ok thank you tho...07:19
gRntHi everyone I've got a slightly newbish question :)07:19
gRntI've installed my first ever linux distro today (ubuntu) vut given I didn't have a machine I am running it through VMWare.07:19
gRntAll afternoon all ive been able to manage to do is update my sources.list to my local ISP's, I then decided to try out running an ap to see if it worked07:20
gRntso I went to install xhat07:20
dns53labinns1: ok i have tested the cups-pdf driver, it will output a pdf to your ~/PDF/ directory07:20
gRntwhen I run it I get the error "(xchat:4228): Gtk-warning **: cannot open display:07:21
gRntis that a vmware issue because the app is gui based or did I stuff something up?07:21
dns53it is gui based07:21
astro76gRnt, xchat runs though?07:22
munk_im trying to install ubuntu in my computer but it wont see my partitions already made and i REALLY dont want to delete them cuz i need stuff off them....H?ELPPP07:22
gRntwell I dont know as soon as I type in xchat it throws that error07:22
gRntwhen I typed sudo apt-get install xchat it installed07:22
gRntso I assume it would run but I heard you cant run any gui based apps in vmware..07:22
Jan-RipplI love icecast207:22
althepcmangRnt: setting in vmware07:22
gRntill have a look now thanks07:23
gRntbtw as hard as linux is07:23
gRnti love it already07:23
dns53how are you running it, if you run it in a terminal the DISPLAY veriable that tells the application where the screen is can get messed up, run it through the menu or another terminal07:23
labinns1dns53, The problem is this document cannot be read by adobe. In fact nothing goes to my PDF directory unless I select print to file07:23
kelsinselecting print to file makes it print the postscript that would be sent to the pdf driver to a file, that's going to be strait postscript and not work in adobe07:24
gRntdns53 if by terminal you mean the screen you click on to do everything then yes07:24
kelsinlabinns1: when I selected the CUPS-PDF printer in firefox and hit ok, a file appeared in the PDF directory in my home directory07:24
kelsinlabinns1: and as soon as my gf finishes her wow boss I'll see if it opens on her windows laptop07:24
WengAlright. Running Feisty, rebuilt with a custom kernel and, for the life of me, I can't get the nVidia drivers installed.07:25
gRntalthepcman would you happen to know where said setting is, thats also a good point it wont work without vid drivers will it?07:25
astro76gRnt, are you running a graphical desktop? what did you install?07:26
dns53Weng: same kernel version? you should be able to build the restricted package from source if you made a deb of the kernel07:26
labinns1kelsin:  Nothing goes to my PDF directory unless I use print to file.07:26
kelsinlabinns1: so when you goto print in firefox, select the pdf printer and DON'T check the print to file box, and hit ok that nothing appears in the PDF folder in your homd directory?07:26
Wengdns: Newer kernel.07:26
Wengdns53: Newer kernel07:26
gRntI am running ubuntu Gusty Gibbon in VMWare Workstation 5.5.4 (the ubuntu release is server and 32bit)07:26
labinns1kelsin: That is correct07:26
kelsinlabinns1: just to be totally clear, after you do that and hit ok, then go to "Places" then "Home Folder" then double click on "PDF" you don't have any pdfs there?07:27
JonathanPMHey Hey Hey07:27
WengEnvy bombs out while building the driver, too.07:27
WengAnd I *think* I know why.07:27
JonathanPMevil whit death07:27
dns53weng: ok things get harder, you will need to download the restricted modules source, mess with the dependnecy of those packages so they depend on your new version. possible but a bit harder07:27
astro76gRnt, you of course need to be running X to run gui programs, otherwise there is no display, yes07:27
xzasedhiya all07:28
labinns1kelsin: Only files that were created prior to my upgrade to Gutsy07:28
astro76gRnt, not sure why you used server instead of desktop then, but you can install ubuntu-desktop package if you want07:28
xzasedhow can I see the source of a program?07:28
dns53dns53: perhaps you could try module-assistant or the nvidia shell script07:28
JonathanPMI hate snow07:28
gRntastro76 was just recommened by friends to run server so I did. what do you mean I will need to be running X to run gui programs?07:28
kelsinlabinns1: then yeah, something is messed up with your cups-pdf driver and that's definitely above my leve of understanding. But adobe shouldn't be able to read "print-to-file" output, that makes sense cause it's not a pdf, it's the postscript fed to the cups-pdf driver.07:29
Jan-Ripplfor your xmms: http://mokriny.cz:8000/listen.ogg07:29
munk_why doesnt ubuntu see my partitions? i tried to scan with gparted and it says that all the space is unallocated but i know i have partitions on it?07:29
Wengdns53: Now that I really think about it, the best course is probably going to be to go build the drivers by hand and hack the makefile's "check to make sure this goon actually has an nVidia card" to recognize my one-off video chip's dev id07:29
labinns1kelsin: Thanks for trying07:30
Flannelmunk_: What sort of partitions are they?07:30
JonathanPMI have the same problem I cant get ubuntu to see my secondary hdd07:30
dns53munk_: you must have installed them under lvm the logical volume manager07:30
munk_dns53 i believe so if i remember correctly and is there anyway to go around that?07:30
munk_Flannel, ext3 and ntfs07:30
kelsinlabinns1: when you print a systray icon should have appeared, when you click on it are any jobs sitting there "stuck"?07:31
munk_dns53, but the one that is important is an ntfs...07:31
Weng(Why HP couldn't just give me a GeForce 4 MX 440 that said GeForce 4 MX 440 on it instead of giving me a GeForce4 MX 440 that says GeForce4 Go 440 on it and has a different device ID is absolutely beyond me)07:31
dns53gparted does not recognise a lvm partition, there is a tool for fedora not sure about how to do it under ubuntu07:31
xzasedhey, while you are in the driver stuff. Any recommendations on documentation to build a driver?07:32
* JonathanPM looks outside at the 6 degree weather and the falling snow and shivers07:32
Flannelmunk_: And if you boot to windows you see your partitions?07:32
gRntalthepcman are you able to show me where that vmware option is07:32
xzasedwoops. I mean, about how to build a driver07:32
labinns1kelsin: There status is held. When I try to release them the status temporarily changes to Processing and then reverts to Held but the job disappears after my 4th attempt07:32
munk_Flannel, yes i do...07:33
z9999We have ubuntu 6.06 installed on a notebook, and would like to give 7.04 a try. As we have spent over a year getting most things to work, we would like to keep 6.06 and make a dual boot install using 7.04, but we would like to be able to access the existing home directories when booting to either version. Has anyone done this previously and is able to give some details as to the procedure?07:34
Flannelmunk_: Try another linux liveCD, another version of ubuntu, knoppix, whatever.07:34
kelsinany messages anywhere, or in properties for the jobs to say why they are held? Any errors in ~/.xsession-errors dealing with cups or pdf?07:34
rgnrhello every1!07:34
munk_Flannel but how can i put ubuntu after that?07:34
rgnrubuntu rulezzz!07:35
Flannelz9999: You'll need to make /home/ its own partition (not difficult), and then just share that.  You could run into configuration version issues though (versions for stuff in dapper vs gutsy have different config options/fomratms whatever)07:35
Flannelmunk_: Just trying to see what other things can see those partitions.07:35
astro76z9999, just make new partitions for 7.04 (you can use the same swap partition) and install, during the partitioning section of the install, you can specify the mount points of the other systems partitions (e.g. /media/dapper or whatever)07:35
munk_Flannel ok ill try thanks07:35
OldakQuillOK, very stupid question - where is the best place to install programs to?07:35
ramza3what are you guys using to convert ogg to mp3.  I was thinking about ffmpeg, but cant seem to find a command to do it07:36
astro76z9999, and from your rational for keeping the other system, you definitely do NOT want to share /home to be safe07:36
Nematocystmunk_, does 'fdisk' see them?  (fdisk <device>, then 'p' to display the partition table)07:36
kelsinOldakQuill: you mean programs that you can't install with synaptic/aptitude/apt-get?07:36
MatthewVz9999, if you just wanted to try 7.04 / 7.10, you could just use the live cd :)07:36
Flannelz9999: Or you can have a separate install entirely, and you just mount the old home to access stuff, yeah.  like astro76 said.07:36
OldakQuillkelsin: Yes07:36
OldakQuillAnd just a convenient common place for things like jar07:36
kelsinmost times java apps (and other apps that have everything theyh need in one folder) get placed in /opt07:37
gRntDoes anyone know why I am getting the error (xchat:7933): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: when I try and run xchat (an IRC client). I have already installed the nvidia drivers using sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic. I am using vmware though...07:37
kelsinand normal autotools apps and other unix programs that follow filesystem guidelines are good to put in /usr/local to keep them separate from ubuntu packages07:37
OldakQuillThank you very much07:37
OldakQuillWhere does wget download to?07:37
astro76gRnt, because you are running ubuntu server with no x installed07:37
astro76gRnt, install ubuntu-desktop07:37
FlannelOldakQuill: working directory07:37
kelsinramza3: just as a note, you're not going to get good quality going from ogg -> mp307:37
dns53gRnt logout/login07:37
labinns1kelsin: Trying to have a look at the properties now, but I have not received any error messages07:38
OldakQuillOk, thanks07:38
gRntdns53 I havent had to do that yet how do I log out heh. save restarting the os ofcourse07:38
simplechatOldakQuill, current directory (.)07:38
gRntastro76 what do you mean I have no x installed?07:38
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:38
OldakQuillOk, that was a dumb question, but thanks for answering07:38
NematocystgRnt, or perhaps you have installed X (probably as a dependency for xchat), but you aren't running X07:39
OmletteHey, dumb questions are good too.07:39
newbdudemy comp teacher told us that there are patches 'out there' to boost the recieving strength of usb wifi adapters. i think this is mumbo-gumbo, but is he right, i googled and yahooed but found nothing. can anyone point me to some good reading07:39
h1st0gRnt: Do you have a GUI or is your vmware system just console based?07:39
simplechatOldakQuill, thats what were here for :)07:39
ramza3kelsin, i have an input program that only supports mp307:39
dns53gRnt: the problem is you do not have all the shell environment variables setup, a logout/login or running bash to create a sub shell may work07:39
kelsinlabinns1: I would start poking around at http://localhost:631 and trying to figure out why the pdf driver is "broken"07:39
=== CrewChat-5589526 is now known as D_ReaL_PuNiShEr
h1st0newbdude: maybe firmware upgrades or something.  I've even seen firmware that lets some cards run in AP mode.07:40
labinns1kelsin: Nothing in properties, printer status is ready07:40
astro76dns53, he has installed ubuntu server, there is no x.org07:40
kelsinramza3: I'm not saying you shouldn't be trying to get mp3's as an end result, but if you can encode the mp3s from flacs, or original data that's the better option07:40
h1st0dns53: xchat will only run in X07:40
gRntwow okay to everyone that replied this is my first install so most of this is going over my head from what I understand I need to download and isntall a gui in order to run xchat as I currently only have a console..07:40
h1st0gRnt: yes or you can use a console based irc client such as irssi07:40
kelsingRnt run "sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop" then reboot the vm07:41
h1st0[cd]: hi07:41
gRntsudo apt-get install irssi?07:41
FlannelgRnt: yes07:41
[cd]Could anyone tell me what the pkg/program that is used in Gutsy for wireless (wifi)?07:41
h1st0gRnt: yeap07:41
gRntYAY im learning..07:41
astro76gRnt, do you want a command-line only server, or a desktop system? if the latter, you might want to install regular Ubuntu in the first place, or as I said now you could install the ubuntu-desktop package from the server install07:41
labinns1kelsin: Thanks for that link, I will have a look.07:41
gRntits taken me all arvo to set up my sources.list for my isp07:41
kelsinlabinns1: that's the localhost link to the cups admin panel on your computer07:41
dns53come to think of it, there is a no-gui option for xchat, irssi07:41
gRntlinux is a steep learning curb lol07:41
newbdudeh1st0: my comp teacher told us that there are patches 'out there' to boost the recieving strength of usb wifi adapters. i think this is mumbo-gumbo, but is he right, i googled and yahooed but found nothing. can anyone point me to some good reading07:41
h1st0gRnt: well console is yes.07:41
h1st0newbdude: they would be patched drivers or firmware upgrades.07:42
kelsingRnt: if you were handed a windows install cd, a blank computer and had no prior windows knowledge it would be a pretty steep curve as well07:42
[cd]anyone here is using gutsy?07:42
gRnttrue kelsin...I only went with server because everyone I know with linux said using a gui defeats the purpose of using linux..07:42
h1st0newbdude: search for patched drivers or have a look at the aircrack-ng.org site they have some documentation on altered drviers for packet injection etc...  That may be a good start.07:42
zetheroohow do you install VMware player from source?.... I downloaded the .tar.gz file and extracted it to my Desktop.... what now?07:42
kelsingRnt: I would just install the full ubuntu desktop, esp if you want to learn07:43
h1st0newbdude: I don't know how exactly you'd boost a physical limitation unless the manufacturer is turning it down though.07:43
rgnrso.. who's the main helping hand around?07:43
[cd]Zeth usually ./configure | make | make install07:43
astro76gRnt, hehe, well defeats the purpose of running it as a server... but if it's intended as a desktop...07:43
dns53you can get a long way with screen and irssi07:43
rgnrwhere do i have to install java ?07:43
h1st0gRnt: well thats not necessarily true.07:43
h1st0gRnt: Once you get more experienced you will see what they mean.07:43
[cd]Anyone here is using gutsy?07:43
astro76gRnt, they said that because graphical desktop introduces security risks unnecessary in a server07:43
[cd]or gusty*07:44
h1st0[cd]: yes07:44
[cd]could the one who is using it , tell me what is the program used in it for wifi/wireless as i really need it ;)07:44
gRntokay so irssi works mine07:44
gRntexcept one thing07:44
gRnthow do you exit it07:44
h1st0gRnt: On my laptop I boot to cli and only use X when I need it.  I have a core gui set up.07:44
newbdudeh1st0: thanks, i will look where you suggested, i know it prob not put out by the manuf. cause teach said that he couldnt telll us where to obtain them07:44
munk_Nematocyst, no im on the live cd it doesnt see it...i just tried with feisty too and same thing..07:44
h1st0gRnt: /exit07:44
gRntthats too easy!07:44
dns53install sun-java6-jre or icedtea-java7-jre07:45
gRntI was expect ctrl + weird key combo or something07:45
h1st0gRnt: you can also /help  in there will give you a whole bunch of inof.  Or /help server   etc....07:45
zetheroo[cd]: yeah I know that is the usual way.. but all that is in here is a file called vmware-install.pl07:45
rgnrhelp pls!07:45
h1st0[cd]: what do you mean exactly?  What are you trying to do?07:45
[cd]try ./vmware-install.p1 or somethings07:46
[cd]i cant update to gutsy (bandwidth limited) , so i decided to install wireless stuff into this ubuntu without needing to update it07:46
dns53rgnr like i said, you can install sun's vm sun-java5-jre sun-java6-jre or the open source icedtea-java7-jre07:47
[cd]i tried ubuntu gutsy on my bro laptop which works perfect but i dont know where he put the cd07:47
h1st0[cd]: What wireless stuff are you looking for?07:47
movaxessorry about this: Me and a friend found a illegal dvd, etc pre-teen por web site but since I don't live in USA probably won't help to call the goverment here, any help? (sorry for the off topic but sometimes one have to do what one have to do)07:47
_6StringKng_any suggestions on getting my internal modem in my laptop to work with ubuntu 7.10?07:47
Nematocystmunk_, well then i would try 'fdisk -l' to see that you are looking at the correct device07:47
h1st0movaxes: contact the FBI if for the US07:47
[cd]GUI wireless configure (usually some kind of restreicted driver and program that lets you scan all wireless and you pick the one you like to connected too (without using shell)07:48
astro76movaxes, that's a local law enforcement issue07:48
movaxesI don't live in the USA07:48
movaxesa web site?07:48
kelsinlabinns1: you could also try "sudo aptitude install cups-pdf" again or "sudo dpkg-reconfigure cups-pdf" to see if that helsp07:48
h1st0movaxes: Well then you'd have to contact your local law enforcement07:48
rgnrany1 help please07:48
_6StringKng_whats happening?07:48
h1st0[cd]: ahh I believe thats just the new network-manager applet07:49
dmbhey, can anyone help me figure out why video in totem is blue for me?07:49
zetheroodoes anyone know how to install VMware player from source?07:49
dmbany ogg/avi/mpeg all has a tint of blue07:49
[cd]i guess , could you tell me its  name please? :D (i really really need it)07:49
[cd]Zeth , the one you told us isnt from source07:49
h1st0zetheroo: I dont' really play with vmware I use virtualbox  but anyhoot there is good documentation on installing from source at help.ubuntu.com07:49
h1st0[cd]: network-manager07:50
SlackwiseI have a program that is linking to the wrong set of libraries... anyone know a way to change a single applications linking?07:50
movaxesok I'll try, sorry07:50
[cd]ok , i hope there is .deb or source code for it07:50
rgnrany1 sees me ?07:50
[cd]Zeth use this to install it ./vmware-install.pl07:50
kelsindmb: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+question/7373 that might help07:50
h1st0[cd]: Its already installed in feisty you'd have to upgrade the package to the gutsy version.  I wouldn't really recomend that.07:50
h1st0rgnr: no07:50
dns53Slackwise: you could always try using system links to point to the correct location07:50
[cd]h1st0 the problem i am on 56k (modem) thats why i cant07:51
Slackwisedns53: You mean soft/hard links?07:51
dns53Slackwise: yes, soft links should work07:51
h1st0[cd]: No I'm saying you would have to upgrade that package and a few others to the gutsy version is that what you are trying to accomplish?07:51
munk_Nematocyst, it doesnt show me anything:(07:51
h1st0[cd]: also you can order ubuntu cds for free on their site.  The Ship it program.07:52
[cd]Well no , but i am trying to makes me wireless working with me07:52
Slackwisedns53: I'm fairly sure they wont... when a binary is executed, it checks the dynamic library cache for the location of a symbol for functions it needs...07:52
[cd]i know about that and i also know how long it will takes to arive ;)07:52
h1st0[cd]: So you need an app that will scan for APs and allow connetion easier.  hold up.07:52
[cd]yeah :D07:52
johnnybezakhey guys i've discovered theres a problem with my wireless driver, but i'm not sure what it is. how do i find out about what my wireless hardware/driver is07:52
h1st0[cd]: wifi radar?07:52
[cd]i would test it , thanks for your help07:53
h1st0[cd]: http://wifi-radar.systemimager.org/07:53
dns53Slackwise: worth a try, if the problem is a newer version is installed it will work, if you have an older version than you need it will break07:53
[cd]the link is ever better (thx again) :)07:53
agenthexanyone managed to get Xen working with an Intel C2D?07:53
h1st0[cd]: sudo apt-get install wifi-radar07:53
kelsinjohnnybezak: "lspci" in a term should list a bunch of hardware, should be able to find your wireless card there07:53
h1st0[cd]: it should be int he repos07:53
[cd]no need - emerge wifi-rader xD07:53
Slackwisedns53: I'm fairly certain I will break my entire system by linking to a different version of glibc :P07:54
dmbkelsin: that worked, again, another problem with proprietary only drivers :(07:54
h1st0[cd]: well maybe you should ask the gentoo people.07:54
dmbthanks though07:54
[cd]No , i am trying to install deb/gentoo/fedora  app mangers into one distro07:54
[cd]many people saying its a bad idea ,but i will see :)07:54
h1st0It is a bad idea because they aren't aware of each other07:55
kelsin[cd]: and files will clobber each other constantly, and you will just end up with a ton of incompatible binaries07:55
[cd]i would have to edit few thing , to makes this works with me but till that i am sure everythings would move smooth07:55
kelsin[cd]: not when all three try to install their own version of glibc on top of each other07:55
[cd]no need , i will take care off it (by install it from source)07:56
[cd]so gentoo emerge will comes here , and other pkgs i will get it from other mangers07:56
ankurhow i use proxychains in ubuntu?07:57
ubotuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.07:57
h1st0[cd]: its in the repos I don't know why you'd even bother messing with it.  Or why you'd even bother with allthe differenct package mangers.07:57
evfan42I need help installing with a dual boot07:57
ubotuCreating custom Live CDs is explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization07:57
h1st0[cd]: since you aren't really gaining anything from it.07:57
kelsinthen you break dependecies, so then to install a deb you have to tell dpkg to ignore the fact that it can't find glibc, then you run into two problems 1) you're losing the main beneifit of the whole apt system and 2) the binary debian packages will be built on other glibc versions -> hence broken system07:57
h1st0!botabuse > LoneShadow (Please see the private message from ubotu)07:57
nitrixim looking for a method to setup an easy\light HTTPD on ubuntu.07:58
LoneShadowh1st0: thanks :)07:58
[cd]Eww , i never though about it07:58
ankurany one have idea07:58
evfan42I get a root error when trying to install 7.10 into a different partition07:59
* [cd] is officaly ended his project07:59
h1st0nitrix: there are tones of light httpd out there.07:59
ussermoving files to trash works very slow, and theres bunch of errors in dmesg regarding cifs07:59
WengWell. I found why the nVidia driver wasn't building.07:59
xTheGoat121xThere seems to be something going on with my ACPI that is causing my fan to run alot...07:59
WengI accidentally turned off the System V memory sharing module when I rebuilt the damned kernel.07:59
ankurhow i use proxychains in ubuntu?07:59
WengWhich, apparently, it needs.07:59
ankurany one have idea?07:59
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
z9999Flannel - astro76: OK, you've presented me with some additional questions.08:00
kelsin[cd]: you're better off learning how to package things (ebuilds or debs) for whichever system you like better and just making packages for the few things either ubuntu or gentoo don't have that you want08:00
z9999We would like to keep 6.06 installed as is until we can confirm that a newer version either eliminates previous hardware problems, wireless which now works fine, and audio which we still are having problems with.08:00
z9999We also wish to keep our personal files intact and safe, allowing them to be accessed from either OS boot.08:00
z9999I hadn't thought about differences in config files, but we have some very important files that need to be available for access while testing a new OS version.08:00
z9999Currently we are trying to figure out how to make a new partition without losing any important files. We've never used parted and leery of doing anything without first understanding how it works.08:00
* Weng <3 ancient mainframe memory models in his modern GPU drivers08:00
kelsinz9999: if you do need to resize / make new partitions I recommend downloading the gparted live cd and using that08:00
[cd]well , i will on the leecher side then (the main goal to use all mangers) xD08:01
kelsinz9999: it's a gui, pretty easy to understand and in my experience works really well. Of course backup any important data before you do this08:01
evfan42can someone help me? I cant get 7.10 to install, I get a root error when I try to use the partition I set up for it08:01
h1st0nitrix: there is lighttpd and a sleu of others08:02
h1st0evfan42: how are you creating the partition that you want to use for it?08:03
WGGMkwhats the command to format a HD completely08:03
evfan42gnome partition editor08:03
h1st0z9999: gparted may be the way to go.  or cfdisk something more graphical.08:04
WGGMkevfan42: no GUI command plz08:04
z9999MatthewV: Would the live CD boot allow us to determine if the wireless is installed and works, and the audio also? These are the two pieces of hardware we have had the most problems getting to work.08:04
dns53WGGMk: what do you want to format and what file type?08:04
h1st0evfan42: What is the error you are getting?08:04
evfan42h1st0: No root file system is defined08:05
evfan42thats the error I get08:05
MatthewVz9999, they would tell you if it worked out of the box... ie if it works out of the box then it will do the same once installed, however, if you need a lot of tweaking, you may not be able to try all that from the live cd08:05
WGGMkdns53: I want to format an external 500GB USB External HD... standby for file system type08:05
MatthewVz9999, since this is  a much newer version though , there's a good chance that even what you had trouble with before will now work without issue08:05
z9999kelsin: I believe we have parted and gparted installed from the package manager. Is the live cd you mention something different?08:06
evfan42H1st0 do you mind if I im'ed you08:06
kelsinz9999: yes, it's a bootable live cd that you can download from the gparted website and boot with. Just allows you to play with all partitions on the system08:07
h1st0evfan42: you have to mark the partition as /08:07
aviswill gparted non-destructively resize a ext3 partition ?08:07
h1st0evfan42: no I don't care if you msg me08:07
kelsinavis: yes08:07
gruntLINUXYAY For all those who helped me woot08:07
gruntLINUXim learning!08:07
zetheroois it possible to run a virtual machine from a plugged in USB device?08:07
gruntLINUXanyway just wanted to say thanks im off to try and install apache08:07
WGGMkdns53: sorry i seem to forget the command to list the current filesystem type08:07
kelsinavis: (but obviously backup any important data, stuff can always go wrong) but I've had great experience with it resizing (grow and shrink) ntfs and ext3 partitions08:07
h1st0avis: any time you resize you have to possibility of losing data.08:07
avisthank you08:08
astro76z9999, the livecd we are talking about is the ubuntu install cd08:08
h1st0avis: I've never lost anything but its possible.08:08
WGGMkdns53: id like to keep it the same as my root filing system unless there is beniefts of others for strictly storage that will be accessed frequently and updating frequently08:08
kelsinz9999: the live cd I'm talking about is the gparted cd, I was just pointing it out as a good solution to resize and make new partitions, I'm NOT talking about configuring the new ubuntu install after08:08
h1st0evfan42: Once you create teh partition you also need to select the mount point for it in the installer.  Like /  which would be the root partition.08:08
WGGMkdns53: so my root file system is ext308:09
dns53well the easy way is use gparted. you need to create a partition if you have not. there is usually a tool for each file system08:09
Saelynhthanks dolphin_noel08:10
evfan42h1st0: thanks, for some reason I couldn't get it but it works now08:10
astro76WGGMk, the command is mkfs.ext308:10
h1st0evfan42: Yeah thats all you just need to specify the mount point.  Make sure you also create a partition for /swap as well.08:11
dns53thanks, i could not remember it myself either08:11
evfan42yeah I have a swap from the last one08:11
h1st0evfan42: Just FYI you could let he installer set up the partitions for you.08:11
weyerhi, i'm having trouble to mount an external usb drive as regular user08:11
z9999kelsin + astro76: Currently we have sda1 32 kb to 99 Gb ext3, and sda2 99 Gb to 100 Gb, which I believe is used as sda5 which shows to be a 1.3 Gb swap.08:11
WGGMkastro76: and that will format the existing partitions and make and ext3 partition after format? is this similar to fdisk?08:11
weyermounting as root works fine, but i can't mount from inside gnome08:11
h1st0evfan42: and if you insist on doing it manually I would make a seperate /home partition.  That way if you reinstall or switch distros all your data and settings are saved.08:11
=== zac_ is now known as themoebius
weyerany ideas where to start?08:11
evfan42h1st0:I already had a partition for windows that I didn't wont to lose08:12
h1st0weyer: what are you trying to mount.08:12
kelsinWGGMk: the mkfs commands only deal with the filesystems. I edit the partitions on the disk you need to use fdisk / cfdisk or a gui program like gparted08:12
kelsinWGGMk: *to edit I meant08:12
h1st0evfan42: Yeah if you jgust leave free space the installer does its job and won't touch windows with out telling you.08:12
weyerh1st0: external "enclosure" usb disk, with a maxtor inside08:12
h1st0weyer: should just plug it in.08:12
WGGMkkelsin: so to properly format and lay down a filing system use mkfs,ext3?08:12
evfan42h1st0: alright, thx08:12
Indiadev_TechieHi every body...08:12
astro76WGGMk, Yes it will create the filesystem, therefore formatting it. fdisk creates partitions but you already have a partition08:13
Indiadev_Techiecan i setup ubuntu as a server n windows machines as clients....08:13
kelsinWGGMk: once you have a partition that you want to have formatted ext3, that command will do it08:13
kelsinIndiadev_Techie: a server for what?08:13
WGGMkastro76, dns53, kelsin: thanks for the help guys08:13
h1st0WGGMk: partitions are containers that tell the data where the start and end are.  If that makes more sense08:13
Indiadev_Techiefile sharing & communication....08:13
weyerh1st0: Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume.08:13
bidioule_hi channel08:13
WGGMkh1st0: thanks for the helpful analogy08:13
astro76Indiadev_Techie, you could run a virtual machine08:13
weyerh1st0: that's what i get when i plug it in08:14
astro76!vm | Indiadev_Techie08:14
kelsinIndiadev_Techie: you can have a ubuntu server share files via the windows file sharing mechanisms08:14
ubotuIndiadev_Techie: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:14
astro76Indiadev_Techie, misread your question... ignore me08:14
kelsinIndiadev_Techie: as far as communications, I don't know what you mean by that08:14
Wayn2hey all08:14
h1st0WGGMk: then when you format you are just formating inside of that partition.08:14
Indiadev_Techiei want to setup ubuntu as a surver since windows 2003 server license in very costly.... n it limits u to number of pcs.....08:15
Indiadev_Techiekelsin: i mean ircd for communication...08:15
bidioule_here is my problem : i have recently bought an ASUS Z99N, installed ubuntu, and it appears that during the booting, it sometimes freezes. i have found out that launching a memtest before booting reduces the likelyhood of a freezing, and i'm lost about what to do next to fix it08:15
Indiadev_Techiewe have hp workstaion in our campus/academy08:15
kelsinIRC is OS independent, you can definitely get an ubuntu server to share files via samba and run an irc server08:16
Wayn2i got a question for anyone of you08:16
kelsinbidioule_: I would try disabling acpi, it's a boot parameter, and see if that helps08:16
rgnrwhere do i install java08:17
themoebiushey do you guys know what the deal is with the official ati drivers? do i need to install it from their .run file or is the version in the ubuntu repositories best?08:17
nitrixwhats a simple httpd for ubuntu? lighttpd doesnt work...08:17
kelsinrgnr: to install java you just type "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" there is no "where" unless you're doing something very tricky08:17
bidioule_kelsin : it seems to freeze almost always at the same point, i can see that during a recovery-session boot08:17
Indiadev_Techienitrix : apache...08:17
kelsinbidioule_: what point?08:17
nitrixapache is not simple08:18
kelsinnitrix: people have gotten lighhttpd to work, what was the issue?08:18
Indiadev_Techienitrix: it just luk to be not simple...08:18
bidioule_kelsin : would you know what is the file logging the output of the booting process ? i'll post my problem on a forum, it seems kind of crowded in here...08:18
kelsin/var/log/messages I think... I could be wrong08:18
bidioule_ok i'll check out, thanks for the help08:19
dns53rgnr sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre there is also 5 and icetea08:19
Indiadev_Techieastro76 : i dont wanna run VM instead i wanna setup a server for windows client o that we can share files, communicate thro ircd & browse internet.....08:20
nitrixi downloaded lighthttpd, ./configure then make and im lost...08:21
kelsinIndiadev_Techie: you can definitely do that on ubuntu, depending on exact requirements it will require some learning / google08:21
kelsinnitrix: install it with the ubuntu packages08:21
kelsinsudo apt-get install lighttpd08:21
nitrixdoesnt work08:22
nitrixtried b408:22
ussernitrix, doesnt install?08:22
kelsinnitrix: and when you're at it it would be a good idea to browse ubuntu documentation, you should never be installing from source unless you have a specific reason to be08:22
nitrixpacket lighthttpd is not avail.08:22
Indiadev_Techien one morr question.... does ubuntu v7.10 have ntfs read/write feature ???08:22
kelsinyou probably have to enable the universe and multiverse repos08:22
usserIndiadev_Techie, yes08:22
Indiadev_Techieusser: gr88888888888888888808:23
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:23
Indiadev_Techiei luv ubuntu08:23
astro76nitrix, it would help if you spelled it right, lighttpd, also you could drop the offensive language in here thanks08:23
romulohi, can you tell me if teh tracker tool can index NTFS partitions?08:25
nitrixrofl thats why, what a dumb program name08:25
kcrzedmonhello channel08:26
=== kcrzedmon is now known as FreeFall
KanashimiHello there. Anyone else having PHP trouble after the latest security update for it? -- Specifically PHP not interpreting the files but the files being sent as-is instead. I think it also overwrote portions of my config.08:27
ChobotronI installed MediaWiki1.10, but http://localhost/wiki doesn't do anthing... what else do i need to set up???08:27
GneaKanashimi: that's an apache config problem, not a php problem08:28
astro76nitrix, it's clever :p08:28
ampI have a problem with the program “Gyach” to run in yahoo but now when I click to get sound/voice in the yahoo chat room I get this message saying08:28
amp“Cannot run gyvoice due to the following missing files:08:28
amp      tsd32.dll and  tssoft.acm ...Not in the following directories:08:28
amp      /usr/lib/win32/08:28
amp      /usr/local/lib/win32/ ?? how can I fix this problem ??08:28
amp   08:28
ampI installed ..  gyachi_1.1.0-1_i386_gusty.deb08:28
KanashimiGnea: Well, the thing is that mod_php got updated and after that it stopped working without me having touched the before working Apache configs.08:28
GneaChobotron: did you look at /usr/share/doc/mediawiki/ ?08:28
astro76Chobotron, IIRC mediawiki install defaults to w/08:29
GneaKanashimi: so did you check the apache configs for anything php-related?08:29
Chobotronnot yet brb thanx doods08:29
Gnea!paste | amp08:29
ubotuamp: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:29
Chobotrongnea theres nothin there just changelog..ARG,brb08:30
nitrixhow can i find where a program is?08:30
P5YCH0please somebody help.i have a toshiba nootbook whit ati radeon xpress 200m. and i need something like beryl08:30
Gneanitrix: which08:30
kelsinnitrix: meaning where lighttpd got installed?08:30
Gneayes, which08:30
Gneait's a command08:30
Gneawhich ls08:30
Chobotronastro76   http://localhost/w/ ? nothin there08:30
KanashimiGnea: php5.conf and php5.load are linked in mods-enabled as they should be.08:30
kelsinsince it's a server it probably has a command in /etc/init.d/ that starts and stops it08:30
kelsinyou can see what files got installed with "dpkg -L lighttpd"08:31
P5YCH0somebody can help?08:31
nitrixhow do i get inetd?08:31
GneaKanashimi: please read: look at the config files themselves, search for anything php, see if any of it is commented out...08:31
ari_stress!ask | P5YCH008:31
ubotuP5YCH0: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:31
Chobotronhow exactly does the apache base directory work? it uses /var/www but it also has other paths ?08:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:31
nitrixati and berly is easy theres like a billion tuts on google08:31
astro76!compiz | P5YCH008:31
ubotuP5YCH0: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:31
nitrixati is crap tho08:31
P5YCH0i need somthing like beryl but my graphic card dont suport08:31
nitrixyou dont get then08:32
Gneanitrix: please, leave your opinion at the door.08:32
mathenhow do I know what key is my Super? And can I change it?08:32
ari_stressmathen: key super is the one with windows logo on it08:32
r0bmathen: super = windows key08:32
Gneamathen: <Super> is the windows key between ctrl and alt08:32
Gneaon the left-side08:33
r0bmathen: are you trying to change the key in compiz fusion?08:33
mathenCool! thanks people, I saw a video how one could arrange all windows (internet, folders, terminal, xchat, etc) Almost like Super+E, but just not all "screens" :P08:33
Gneai like the thing that lets you write in fire all over the screen08:33
mathenNo r0b I'm satisfied with having it as my windows key :)08:34
Gneamathen: yeah, the grouping is pretty spiffy :)08:34
pgI want to create a dual boot disk, with a new Gutsy installation and a Feisty installation copied from another disk (but created on the same machine).  I partitioned the disk, installed Gutsy on one partition, dd'ed the Feisty installation onto the other partition, and added stanzas for the Feisty partition to /boot/grub/menu.lst.  But booting does not work.  First it couldn't boot the Feisty installation, now it boots it but without08:34
mathenWhat do you press to arrange all open windows side by side so to say.08:34
mathenNot screens, but windows (xchat, internet, terminal, msn, etc)08:34
pgmathen: which window manager are you using?08:35
Gneai usually use alt-tab or Super-tab08:35
r0bmathen: i think if you click in the top right corner it gives you that look08:35
KanashimiGnea: Well, I just rechecked and Apache config-wise everything looks to be the same way it was working with before.08:35
mathenThere I got the turn off button :)08:35
GneaKanashimi: well something's obviously not right08:36
mathenAround 3:3308:36
mathenIn that video, he does it08:36
mathenIt's a feature I've seen in newest Mac OX Leopard aswell08:36
mathenvideo is at the bottom of the page*08:36
P5YCH0the compiz will work whit my graphic card (ati radeon xpress 200m)08:37
mathenAny idea r0b08:37
KanashimiGnea: You're telling me :) I've even tried adding handlers in specific under the virtualhost, 'php_value engine on' and so on to try and force it to life.08:37
pgmathen, I can't see a side-by-side pic in that web page08:40
nitrixlighttpd gives me a 404 error wtf why?08:40
r0bmathen: shift+alt+up arrow08:40
mathenThanks r0b08:40
r0bmathen: np08:41
pgI want to create a dual boot disk, with a new Gutsy installation and a Feisty installation copied from another disk (but created on the same machine).  I partitioned the disk, installed Gutsy on one partition, dd'ed the Feisty installation onto the other partition, and added stanzas for the Feisty partition to /boot/grub/menu.lst.  But booting does not work.  First it couldn't boot the Feisty installation, now it boots it but without08:42
mathenAre there any better MSN-client then Pidgin? (gaim)08:42
r0bmathen: have you tried kopete or amsn08:42
pgmathen: Better in what way?08:43
mathenLike, more settings and such. To arrange contacts like in Win MSN.08:43
delanoYo, got a question 'bout partioning08:44
delanoAnyone here?08:44
pgdelano: just ask08:44
MatthewVdelano, there are 1089 people here, just asik ;)08:44
delanoSorry, bad habit :)08:44
delanoWhen I run setup and it asks me to resize an existing partition... is it showing the size of the NEW partition, or the size the old partition will be afterwards?08:45
ompauldelano, tell us more about the machine - when you do that what is in your machine already some other operating system that is not gnu/linux?08:47
H264_laptopanybody have a favorite front end local dictionary?08:47
ompaulH264_laptop, in a console I use ispell08:48
pgI want to create a dual boot disk, with a new Gutsy installation and a Feisty installation copied from another disk (but created on the same machine).  I partitioned the disk, installed Gutsy on one partition, dd'ed the Feisty installation onto the other partition, and added stanzas for the Feisty partition to /boot/grub/menu.lst.  But booting does not work.  First it couldn't boot the Feisty installation, now it boots it but without08:48
MatthewVdelano, you mean when you see a screen like this: http://img379.imageshack.us/my.php?image=feistydual06rw5.png08:48
adamadam20074hi all, i just had a quick question08:49
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:49
mathenI probably turned something off in Compiz, now I can't move my windows. Any idea? :P08:49
ompaulpg, you might want to continue that08:49
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion08:49
adamadam20074sorry, does anyone know how to get direct rendering to work? i have an ati radeon 9800 pro and have installed the newest driver with envy but cant get the direct rendering to turn on08:50
=== joseph is now known as rattts
delanoI have a 160gig drive with windows xp already installed08:50
ompaulmathen, your welcome08:50
delanoMatthewV: yes08:50
delanoThat screem08:50
delanoScreen, even08:50
ompauldelano, so then what it is showing you is how the disk will end up if you take its suggestion -- remember to defrag windows before you do it08:51
ratttsI need a very lightweight linux OS for like a 10 year old comp with a 6 Gb HD...its to be used for word processing....anyone know any good OS for this purpose...it must have a word processor08:51
ompaulrattts, how much ram08:51
MatthewVdelano, i think that's the size of the NEW partition, where the percentage is hte percentage of the old partition the new partition will take up.. you could always go 50% and you couldn't be wrong :P08:51
H264_laptopadamadam20074: I was told that the open source drivers for ATI work better with anything lower than the ATI X130008:51
ratttsi think 128 mb08:51
ratttsor 56 mb08:51
delanoompaul: thanks08:51
MatthewVwould abiword on xubuntu be too heavy? /me thinks it would...08:51
delanoompaul: so, say I slide it to 95% (139.5 in my case)08:52
ompaulrattts, ehh maybe 56mb - check out DSL not a great UI but in terms of a box that small it rocks08:52
adamadam20074ok how do i install the open source driver?08:52
ratttswat about an old version of ubuntu?08:52
delanoompaul: the 139g will be the size of my current ntds partition, right?08:52
ratttsDoes tiny Os have a word proccessor??????????08:52
crdlbrattts: if anything, ubuntu is lighter than it used to be :)08:52
H264_laptopadamadam20074: not exactly sure... just a sec08:52
h1st0rattts: ubuntu would be fine for that.08:53
ratttsthe newest version?08:53
ompauldelano, correct, however you should give the ubuntu O/S a chance and give it 15/20Gigs so you can keep installing stuff without pain08:53
h1st0rattts: or puppy linux or damn small linux there are tons of variants08:53
h1st0rattts: of small os's out there.08:53
crdlbh1st0: ubuntu is fine on 56MB of ram? O_o08:53
h1st0crdlb: rattts sure running in console mode08:53
ompaulrattts, check out distrowatch.com cos ubuntu is too heavy08:53
ratttsok thanx08:54
delanoompaul: well, it's a 160g drive, so 139 would still leave behind 19g08:54
h1st0rattts: do you need a gui?  then install ubuntu comand line and install flux or some lighter weight wb08:54
crdlbh1st0: I don't think that's how he would interpret that :)08:54
h1st0rattts: wm08:54
ratttswindows xp ran fine on this comp by the way08:54
ratttsso now wat do u think08:54
h1st0ompaul: no its not if you stay away from ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop packages.08:54
mathenOk, I can't move my windows or make them smaller or bigger ( I reseted the settings in Compiz to standard, so I don't think the error belongs there anymore )08:54
h1st0rattts: how much ram does it have?08:54
ratttsim not sure. it has no os atm08:54
ratttsso i forgot08:55
ratttseither 128 or 5608:55
ratttsi think 128 mb08:55
h1st0rattts:probably 12808:55
h1st0try xubuntu out08:55
ratttsok thanx08:55
ratttsxubuntu is lightweight?08:55
=== our is now known as Sir_Fawnpug
H264_laptopadamadam20074: this looks like a good place to start.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver08:55
ratttsthanx. that will do08:55
Sir_FawnpugNever operate a computer when drinking08:55
ratttscya im off to download xubuntu08:55
h1st0and if thats not light enough you can install a command line systme and install an even lighter weight window manager08:55
ompauldelano, I will say this however the more you give ubuntu the more you can do with it - I share with with windows by giving windows 0% of every hard drive in my house ;-)08:56
delanok I'm off08:56
h1st0rattts: but xubuntu will be fine with those specs08:56
pgI want to create a dual boot disk, with a new Gutsy installation and a Feisty installation copied from another disk (but created on the same machine).  I partitioned the disk, installed Gutsy on one partition, dd'ed the Feisty installation onto the other partition, and added stanzas for the Feisty partition to /boot/grub/menu.lst.  But booting does not work.  First it couldn't boot the Feisty installation, now it boots it but without08:56
delanoompaul: I run a program called ext2fs08:56
delanoompaul: it allows windows to read/write to linux partitions08:56
ompaulpg, you never finished that line first time08:56
ompauldelano, that is horrible08:56
delanoNah, it's really useful08:57
delanoNow xp and ubuntu can play nice :S08:57
pgsorry - what should I finish?08:57
kritzstapfdelano: there a filesystem-drivers for ext2 for windows08:57
ompaulpg you finish at the point: First it couldn't boot the Feisty installation, now it boots it but withou08:57
delanoAnyway, toodles08:57
adamonline'ndiswrapper.ko' could not be found, has anyone dealt with this before when doing 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'?08:58
pgompaul: first it wouldn't boot the Feisty installation, now it boots it without drivers, and now it doesn't boot the Gutsy installation anymore08:58
timsandtomsHeeeey... What do I type to use a tar.bz2?08:58
pgompaul: I think it was reading different menu.lst files these two times.08:59
H264_laptopadamadam20074: how is the process going?08:59
stefanoi've wrote a paper on how to create an encrypted nas with ubuntu, but i'm not a native english speaker. could someone take a look at it and correct the mistakes i made?08:59
pgimpaul: it's booting the Feisty installation but with the Gutsy kernel, so the kernel modules don't get loaded correctly09:00
ompaulpg, sounds more like a broken upgrade than a new install - the description does not match what you are suggesting happened :-( however I will have the bot message you something that may help09:00
FreeFallhi I am a linux n00b.  I had had enough of ms shit and I thought ubuntu would be the most user friendly for me.  I was wondering if there is a codec pack similar to k-lite or nimo for linux09:00
FreeFalltotem is not working09:00
ompaulpg, now I am sure of what I suggested09:00
H264_laptopFreeFall: video or sound codec?09:00
pgimpaul: OK...09:01
H264_laptopFreeFall: there is ffmpeg for the command line...09:01
H264_laptopfor converting anyway09:01
ompaulpg try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -- however I think you should back up any data you have and start again09:01
pgompaul: I can try copying the installation, then installing if that will help09:01
H264_laptopFreeFall: what do you want to do?09:01
FreeFallplay .avi files09:02
FreeFallI torrent alot09:02
pgompaul: I mean I can copy the Feisty installation, then install Gutsy on another partition09:02
usserFreeFall, u can install vlc player09:02
H264_laptopFreeFall: ah... then download the VLC media player... the best there is09:02
FreeFallI know09:02
FreeFallI hates vlc09:02
nikosapi_hello, I'm doing an alternate install on a machine that has no possibility of connecting to the internet, I selected a different language (French) and it said it could download some additional dictionaries, etc. How would I go about finishing the language installation?09:02
FreeFalloh well09:02
FreeFallif I got to I got to09:02
h1st0!codec > FreeFall (Please see the private message from ubotu)09:02
stefanoit is five pages, could somebody please take a look at it? i'd be glad09:02
FreeFallwhat about kaffine?09:02
ompaulpg do this, using a live CD examine your machine and move your home directory to somewhere safe or that you are sure of and then start your processes again09:02
usserFreeFall, or mplayer or xine09:03
H264_laptopFreeFall: hehe... I love it myself ;)09:03
usserFreeFall, kaffeine is pretty cool09:03
usserFreeFall, i loved it09:03
ompaulpg I have to go later and enjoy the learning ;-)09:03
bullgard4When havong Freenode, how can one put to good use OFTC in addition?09:03
usserFreeFall, u'd have to tinker with the codecs a bit to make it work properly09:03
t1n0m3nI have been to several channels in search of a problem resolution, I have yet to find a fix to my issue.  I am running kubuntu 7.10 x64 and I am getting internet slowness (7.2 KBps) across the internet only.  I have an XP machine that D/L files at 600+ KBps on the same lan, and I have another HD with kubuntu 7.10 32 bit that downloads the same as my XP machine.  A weird piece is that samba downloads from my XP machine to my 709:03
t1n0m3nnered, but no one seems to be able to give me further help.  If anyone thinks they can shed light on what is happening, I welcome some direction.09:03
FreeFallis there anything else that I should be doing to my ubuntu that might not of been in   the 7.10 pack?09:03
pgompaul: thanks: just one question: does it matter what is put on teh disk first: the old installation or the new one?09:04
usserFreeFall, what do u mean?09:04
ompaulpg no09:04
FreeFallsorry to rattle off questions09:04
FreeFallI just want so bad to be done with microsoft09:04
H264_laptopFreeFall: DVD::Rip09:04
astro76FreeFall, since you are interested in media... start with ubuntu-restricted-extras, and libdvdcss2 from medibuntu09:04
astro76!medibuntu | FreeFall09:05
ubotuFreeFall: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:05
FreeFallsorry for being such a newbie09:05
FreeFallI found this site09:05
FreeFalland I figured the irc probaably better than trolling around the net all night09:06
FreeFallfiguring out what to get09:06
astro76FreeFall, that will set you up with all the codecs and encrypted dvd support09:06
FreeFallthank you guys so much09:06
H264_laptopFreeFall: that is what this channel is here for :)09:06
astro76FreeFall, and flash, java, and ms fonts ;)09:06
FreeFallalso I am using bitchx is that the best irc for linux it was the only one I know from when I made eggdrops09:06
astro76FreeFall, popular ones are irssi, xchat, and bitchx09:07
gRntIs anyone able to help me out with my dyndns issue I know its not directly ubuntu related but im sure someone here uses it09:07
FreeFallfuck xchat09:07
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:07
r0birssi ftw09:07
FreeFalloh crap09:07
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
H264_laptopastro76: assuming he is using 32bit Ubuntu... in my case I can not (really) use flash on my computers because this laptop is PowerPC and desktop is 64bit..09:08
t1n0m3ngRnt: I just joined, what is your dyndns issue?09:09
timsandtomshey guys, what do I put into terminal to open a .tar.bz2 after i get to the right directory09:09
gRntt1n0m3n other can access the server but any of the servers on my home network only get the option to log into my router. I know you can change your hosts file on windows but that didnt fix it09:09
astro76H264_laptop, good point, FreeFall you might also consider sticking with 32bit ubuntu, even if 64bit is an option for you09:10
gRntfor example if I gave you the URL it'd work for you but not here locally09:10
stefanotimsandtoms, tat -jvf yourarchive.tar.bz209:10
timsandtoms:D awesome, thanks09:10
stefanosorry timsandtoms no09:10
stefanothats xjf09:10
astro76timsandtoms, tar xjvf09:10
stefanoeither way :-)09:10
timsandtomsah, thanks guys :)09:10
ttt-hi, what does ./ do exactly? im trying to add a shortcut to thunderbird to my panel09:11
astro76yeah v is verbose09:11
t1n0m3ngRnt: what is in your hosts file?09:11
FreeFallwhat is amak engine?09:11
gRntwindows or nix?09:11
astro76ttt-, ./ is current directory, ../ is one directory up09:11
ttt-astro76:  but you need it to execute a program? ./thunderbird works.. but thunderbird doesnt09:11
ttt-in the terminal09:11
gRntfor windows its http://dyndns account09:11
gRntso thats obviously the servers static and the dyndns it should link to09:12
gRntactually its09:12
gRntfor windows its http://dyndns account/torrentflux/09:12
astro76ttt-, in the terminal you need to specify the full path to execute a program, unless that program is in your path, and ./ is the shortest way of specifying the full path ;)09:12
stefanoi hate to ask again but could somebody please take a quick look over my paper and check for mistakes?09:12
H264_laptopFreeFall: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ is your friend... you can look up any packages and descriptions there :)09:12
t1n0m3ngRnt: That doesnt look right, it should be whatever you set the account to update, not the actual url to the account09:13
ttt-astro76:  thanks for the help09:13
gRntcome again09:13
gRnt192.168.1.100 is the ip of the server, which is what its updating?09:14
astro76ttt-, for the shortcut.. you will want to specify full path if it's not in $PATH, without using ./09:14
ttt-yeah, it worked like you said09:14
eth01can somebody give me their sources.list?09:18
eth01for 7.1009:19
=== AutumnCat_ is now known as AutumnCat
eth01thx in advance09:19
timsandtomsHey, quick unrelated question(But I can't very well ask it IN efnet)... What do I put in as the server when I set up an IRC profile for Efnet in Pidgin?09:19
bardun Hm, how can i get white text on my panel? I want a black background with white text on top09:20
eth01timsandtoms: irc.domain.com09:20
eth01replace 'domain' with efnet09:20
Abu-Aadamtimsandtoms: easy just find out a server on google09:20
eth01and .com with net =p09:20
timsandtomsah, thanks :P i tried google, got a buncha IRC FAQS.09:21
t1n0m3nholy crap, this x64 bug is driving me nuts09:21
digitaldevoterHi I cant install Nvidia drivers for Geforce 3 Ti 20009:23
H264_laptopeth01: http://pastebin.com/d7cf31c5a - on my PowerPC install...09:23
digitaldevoterafter running the installation it says "Error - Nvidia-installer must be run as root09:25
SiegeXseems pretty self explanitory to me09:25
digitaldevoterhow can I run s.t. as " ROOT"09:25
SiegeXheh assuming what you didnt know09:25
digitaldevoteryes I am new to Linux09:25
H264_laptopdigitaldevoter: that is easy fix... though you need to be doing it from the command line09:26
digitaldevoterkeep it going09:26
H264_laptopdigitaldevoter: sudo ./NVIDIA_Driver_version.run09:26
H264_laptopassuming you are in the same directory09:27
digitaldevoteris ./ the way to the location ?09:27
H264_laptopdigitaldevoter: figure it out?09:27
hangthedjdoes anybody have trouble with VirtualBox not being able to run USB?09:30
adamadam20074ok ive managed to reconfigure the .xorg file with vimm, how do i save and exit the file?09:33
digitaldevoterH264 well now it gives me an other error Unable to find the system ultiity "ld" . Pleasy make shure you have the package "binutils" installed. If you do not then check that "ld" is in your path."09:33
nko i can't upgrade my ubuntustudio from feisty to gutsy09:33
nkoi have a problem with partial upgrade09:34
delanoGuys, major PROBLEM here! I tried installing Ubuntu but now when I boot it says "error: can not load operating system" - how do I restore my windows bootloader?!09:34
usserdelano, do u have windows installed?09:36
usserdelano, right09:36
delanoI tried installing ubuntu but it failed09:36
usserdelano, do u have windows cd?09:37
delanoNow everything is !@#$%ed up09:37
r0bdelano: boot to your windows disk,choose repair, fixmbr09:37
usserdelano, right so pop it in go to repair console and do fixmbr09:37
delanoBut Windows repair is useless?09:37
usserdelano, well turns out it isnt :)09:37
delanoEverytime in the past I tried Windows repair and it does zilch09:37
digitaldevoterhow can you get rid of the boot OS chouser09:38
usserdelano, windows recovery console09:38
delanoIsn't there a way I can fix it from ubuntu liveboot?09:38
doktoreasdelano, i fixed it with mandriva livecd09:38
doktoreasit has got an otpion to auto fix mbr09:38
delanodoes ubuntu have that option somewhere?09:38
usserdelano, ubuntu doesnt have windows boot loader09:38
usserdelano, or u just want any bootloader?09:38
j__ hola como puedo cargar los modulos de una targeta tv por favor09:39
delanoLemme try repair09:39
astro76!es | j__09:39
ubotuj__: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.09:39
ubotukompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from  « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy.  (Dapper still pending)09:39
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!09:48
MilhousePunkRockI am suffering from sound loss after suspend/hibernate with an Audigy SE (module snd_ca0106)... Which modules do I need to put in MODULES= in the /etc/default/acpi-support? Only the very first one or all sound related modules?09:50
H264_laptoptalking about sound loss.... for some reason my iBook does not have sound :(09:51
soldatshey i usually boot into cli when bored and play music and such but can i run multiple apps if i boot in cli instead of X09:51
SuSe1hi  there all09:52
astro76soldats, sure, there's 6 virtual consoles, you have bash job control, and there's screen09:52
MilhousePunkRocksoldats: "$COMMAND &" will get you back to she shell while command is executed IIRC09:52
soldatsastro76, thats what i though using F1 and such correct09:52
soldatsMilhousePunkRock, i know that command in terminal but it only was working while i was in an X session09:53
astro76soldats, yes alt+F1 through F6, and as MilhousePunkRock said you can background a task right away with &, search for bash job control for more info09:53
soldatsastro76, thanks i thought so i was just making sure09:54
soldatsMilhousePunkRock, thanks as well09:54
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen09:54
MilhousePunkRocksoldats: yw09:54
soldatsastro76, i rarely use screen hah09:54
astro76soldats, screen really shines when loggin in remotely09:54
soldatsastro76, yea thats what i hear but i dont do that often09:55
i0htany russian?09:56
soldatsim glad this place is slow rignt now because 4 hours ago i was trying to help someone and text kept flying by and it was hard to concentrate plus my question was answered quickly09:57
astro76!ru | i0ht09:57
ubotui0ht: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:57
imbecilehey guys. what do i use to make a video of my screen like in the compiz-fusion videos?09:57
=== moritz is now known as isnogud
astro76!screencast | imbecile09:57
ubotuimbecile: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.09:57
i0htty then09:57
imbecileastro76:  THANKS09:57
imbecileastro76:  which one do you recommend for starters?09:58
astro76imbecile, haven't tried any, but I've heard good things about Istanbul09:58
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »09:58
soldatsxvidcap i hear is good09:58
imbecilecool deal ill get both09:58
fx|RabBi1hi! i got massive crashing trouble with azureus bittorrent clinet on 64bit gutsy does anone have an idea hot to resolve this?10:00
soldatsits azureus10:01
kakooniahow do i uninstall kiba-dock?10:01
soldatsfx|RabBi1, id suggest using ktorrent10:01
fx|RabBi1soldats: great10:01
imbecileive always had trouble with azureus10:01
fx|RabBi1kakoonia: forget it its instabel like hell take avant window navigator instead10:01
imbecilekakoonia:  sudo apt-get remove kibadock10:02
fx|RabBi1ok any alternatives to azureus?10:02
imbecilefx|RabBi1 ktorrent is good10:02
soldatsfx|RabBi1, ktorrent for gui or rtorrent for cli10:02
MilhousePunkRockwhat about deluge?10:02
fx|RabBi1wonderful, thx!:]10:02
soldatsMilhousePunkRock, i herd it was slow10:02
imbecileim not that into deluge either10:03
MilhousePunkRocksoldats: I never used it... My main system is Kubuntu so KTorrent is an obvious choice10:03
soldatssince oink is down i dont torrent anymore10:03
fx|RabBi1and what about transmission?10:03
bazhangno port forwarding with transmission10:03
ariczrtorrent ftw!10:03
bazhangquite fast imo10:03
soldatsMilhousePunkRock, ahh i just read somewhere the deluge is slow10:04
dinop007hi all is tge10:04
bazhangrtorrent is nice but no gui10:04
fx|RabBi1oh ic10:04
soldatsrtorrent is faster as well10:04
fx|RabBi1well n1 priority: it ought to work10:04
kakooniaimbecile : would it remove it completely, cause i dont want any trace of it10:04
MilhousePunkRockDoesn't rtorrent have a webui though?10:04
fx|RabBi1n2 priority fast pls gg10:04
soldatsMilhousePunkRock, yea so does ktorrent10:04
dinop007hi all is there is a program similar to adobe after effects?10:05
fx|RabBi1uh webui?10:05
MilhousePunkRocksoldats: I know, I use it on my laptop when I am too lazy to walk up to the desktop... It still requires X though10:05
fx|RabBi1does that need apache and php n stuff installed?10:05
soldatsweb user interface10:05
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: php for KTorrent10:05
imbecilekakoonia:  i believe so. you might want to ask someone else more experienced10:05
fx|RabBi1hmm php needs to run on something10:06
fx|RabBi1which would be apache then...10:06
soldatskakoonia, sudo apt-get autoremove kiba-dock10:06
fx|RabBi1so i need a webserver to use a torrent client XD10:06
fx|RabBi1if it needs php?10:06
fx|RabBi1k ill try anyway gg10:07
soldatsjust ude ktorrent10:07
fx|RabBi1yeah i will thx dudz10:07
soldatsyou shouldnt have a problem10:07
kakooniasoldats: ye, i tried it... and from some reason, it says, no kiba-dock package found... :S10:07
soldatsthen try it with "kiba" or "kibadock"10:08
MilhousePunkRockkakoonia: Maybe the package is called differently.. How did you install it?10:08
fx|RabBi1you cant apt-get install/remove that10:08
soldatsor in synaptic and search for installed packages called kiba10:08
fx|RabBi1google: howto instal kiba-dock10:08
dinop007is there is a program similar to adobe after effects??10:08
kakooniaMilhousePunkRock : ye.. thats what im trying to remember, i installed it long ago.10:08
ad80adi1The following packages have unmet dependencies:10:09
ad80adi1  wine: Depends: binfmt-support (>= 1.1.2) but it is not installable10:09
ad80adi1        Depends: libaudio2 but it is not installable10:09
ad80adi1any sugestions?10:09
usserad80adi1, what version u run  x64?10:10
ad80adi1nope 3210:10
usserad80adi1, where u trying to install from official repo or winehq.com one?10:11
fx|RabBi1apt-get install ktorrent10:11
fx|RabBi1load a torrent an bamm it work10:11
fx|RabBi1cant it always be so?10:11
kakooniawould 'make uninstall' will do for uninstalling kiba-dock?10:11
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: For best performance you would want to set up max connections and such plus port forwarding10:11
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: what prot forwarding?10:12
fx|RabBi1aw ok i see10:12
ad80adi1anyone down to help a super nube one on one?10:12
fx|RabBi1well i just set up nothing and i gotr 40k right away from the start10:12
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Assuming you have a router/firewall, open the ports you want to use to the machine you run KTorrent on and set them in KTorrent too10:13
fx|RabBi1yeah just doing so10:13
idiosyncau.archive.ubuntu.com aptget keeps timing out..?10:14
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: err which just fdroped my dl speed down from 40 to 12 k???10:14
ad80adi1usser winhq10:14
Po3aB-TpAkToPcan someone help me to install skype :?10:15
Po3aB-TpAkToPor to intall my nvidia drivers :?10:15
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Does it say "possible firewalled"?10:15
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: where should it say that?10:15
dakochanhi, my download speed from also less than 15KB/sec10:15
Ayabarawhat's a good way/application to test my webcam?10:15
MilhousePunkRock!nvidia | Po3aB-TpAkToP10:16
ubotuPo3aB-TpAkToP: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:16
soldatsi think ktorrent uses port 677110:16
h1st0!webcam > Ayabara (Please see the private message from ubotu)10:16
Po3aB-TpAkToPexcuse me10:16
idiosyncis there anything i can do if apt-get keeps timing out10:16
Po3aB-TpAkToPthanks for the link10:16
fx|RabBi1Po3aB-TpAkToP: nvidia: go to system/administration/restricted Drivers and check the enable chheckbox10:16
Po3aB-TpAkToPbut i have reached10:16
soldatsor use the plugin to do it automatcally10:16
Po3aB-TpAkToPi go in runlevel 110:16
Po3aB-TpAkToPstart drivers10:16
Po3aB-TpAkToPand it says10:16
MilhousePunkRocksoldats: It uses what you tell it to use... Default ports are sometimes blocked by either ISPs and/or trackers... Best choice is something random above 49000something10:16
Po3aB-TpAkToPunabel to dind the kernel source tree...10:17
Po3aB-TpAkToPwhat does it mean :?10:17
dakochanidiosync, do you use synaptics ?10:17
astro76!enter | Po3aB-TpAkToP10:17
ubotuPo3aB-TpAkToP: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:17
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: where should i see that possibly firewalled statement?10:17
Po3aB-TpAkToPokay i will10:17
idiosyncunder system administration ..? noob10:18
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: In the status bar to the left, there is a small yellow triangle with an ! that say possibly firewalled when you mouse over it10:18
idiosyncfirst time with ubuntu10:18
astro76idiosync, you could change from au. to the main server, in System > Administration > Software Sources there is a drop down list, select main server10:18
rik_What would be the maximum partition size needed to install Ubuntu ?10:19
fx|RabBi1that is exactly what it says...10:19
fx|RabBi1which i dont understand cos i forwarded it10:19
Po3aB-TpAkToPI downloaded nvidia driver than i type in terminal sh /home/user/drivername.run and it says that i must turn off the X server - and i did that i went in runlevel 1 and than type again sh /home/user/driver.run and thank it says : ERROR: Unable to find the Kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. Please make sure...10:19
astro76rik_, you mean minimum?10:20
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Did you restart KTorrent in the meantime?10:20
astro76rik_, 4 GB minimum10:20
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: It will probably there for a moment after the restart too, but it will go away and your speeds should be ok10:20
soldatsPo3aB-TpAkToP, http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Finch10:21
gruntLOLHey all whats that command based IRC program?10:21
soldatsPo3aB-TpAkToP, oops i meant http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2910:21
soldatsgruntLOL, irscii10:21
Po3aB-TpAkToPi will take a look at it10:21
gruntLOLnah its not that10:21
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: damned still sying no incoming connects10:21
gruntLOLIve installed it but forgot the name10:21
soldatsPo3aB-TpAkToP, it may help to see if you instaeed correctly10:21
gruntLOLits close to that10:21
imbecilekk guys. im trying to make a romantic compiz-fusion video for my girl and post it on youtube. i need a way to write her name on something in some sort of text editor i need the letters to be big though so its decipherable. any suggestions?10:22
soldatsgruntLOL, sirc10:22
gruntLOLstarts with an I im sure10:22
astro76gruntLOL, type: apropos irc10:22
imbecilewell not romantic just cute10:22
soldatsimbecile, use gedit or such10:22
imbecilesoldats:  thanks10:22
gruntLOLno c10:22
gruntLOLty had it installed but forgot the name of it....still getting used tio not having exes :)10:22
idiosyncastro76: selected main server then close it says couldnt find package build-essential10:22
idiosyncrunning in terminal10:23
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: still saying firealled and i dont get it i am also uploading10:23
soldatsfx|RabBi1, the torrent just may be uploading slow10:23
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: It might take a while... Are you sure you forwarded all ports needed correctly? You might as well try UPnP if your router supports that10:23
fx|RabBi1i did forwar them10:24
fx|RabBi1my rouzter is also ubuntu10:24
fx|RabBi1with firestartetr gui for iotables10:24
fx|RabBi1not so hard to do actually...10:24
fx|RabBi1veeeryx strange10:24
idiosynclol its now remove upgrading repostiorues..?10:25
idiosyncthink i need to do some reading any links for newbies10:25
venihi all10:25
veni could some one please tell me, what is the difference between the updates installed through update manager and manually executing apt-get dist upgrade10:25
soldatsveni, not much as far as i could tell10:26
Symmetriaheh Im switching one of my servers to ubuntu linux because of hardware support10:26
Symmetria10gig network cards ftw <310:26
veniconside, for example, i have ubuntu fiesty and i want to upgrade my system to gutsy10:26
astro76!upgrade | veni10:27
ubotuveni: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:27
venithen i execute the apt-get dist upgrade, by connecting to gutsy10:27
venibut, will this install packages which are newly added in the gutsy CD and not in fiesty ?10:27
kane77what can I use to find out "fitness" of a harddisk? (something other than fsck)10:27
soldatskane77, df10:28
idiosyncastro76: thanks its running now..10:28
astro76veni, as long as you still have ubuntu-desktop package installed, yes you would get new stuff on the cd, basically10:28
soldatsin terminal10:28
veniastro76, could u tell me a bit clearer10:28
kane77soldats, not actually free space.. I mean it failed to mount...10:28
astro76veni, I'm not quite sure what is the question10:29
soldatsoh sorry i misread what exactly happened10:29
astro76veni, the entire system will be upgraded to gutsy10:30
bullgard4When having Freenode, how can one put to good use OFTC in addition?10:30
kane77soldats, it failed to mount and even bios didn't see the harddrive.. so I'm kind of worried about it's health and want to find more about it...10:30
idiosyncwould you know how much it has too download to gutsy Gb..?10:31
astro76veni, and ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage which refers to the base desktop install, so you would also get any new programs which are added to the base install, which is what the livecd is10:31
soldatskane77, is it plugged in correctly10:31
roseni cant install that driver10:31
kane77soldats, well I turned off the computer and pluged it out and back in and now it mounted ok...10:31
rosenplease help me10:31
soldatskane77, so it works now?10:32
kane77soldats, yes10:32
MilhousePunkRockbullgard4: As in adding another server to your IRC client?10:32
soldatskane77, awesome im glad10:32
kane77soldats, me too :)10:32
kane77and that teaches me a point - BACKUP :P10:33
rosenPlease help me install Nvidia drivers i just cant do it and i have a headache from this resolution ... aaa10:33
bullgard4MilhousePunkRock: OFTC is no server. OFTC is a network.10:34
carlesorioldoes anybody know if hardy alfa is available?10:34
astro76carlesoriol, looking at the topic of #ubuntu+1 ... no10:35
soldatsrosen, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2910:35
Ranpha1Can somebody help me with fireholl i want to redirect a port 99 to internal ipadres XX.XX.XX.XX , which commandline do i need to put into firehol.conf?10:35
MilhousePunkRockbullgard4: Well, I have it here, but I use Konversation...10:35
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: IF i am uploading i basically ought to have incoming connections dont i?10:36
carlesoriolastro76: ok. Thanks10:36
DestroyerTZHey guys, I'm trying to run Ubuntu 7.10 from a CD I just burned.  When I pop it into my computer, I get the start screen and I select "Start or Install from Disk".  After the loading screen, I'm greeted with a Username/Password screen...but I don't know or ever gave it a Name or Password.10:36
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Yes, the peers send requests10:36
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Double check your port forwarding, it was a hair-pulling process on my crappy router...10:36
fx|RabBi1then i dont get why that triangle in the left lower corner wont disappear-.-10:36
bullgard4carlesoriol: You can ask this question in #ubuntu+1 and will get a more competent answer there than here.10:37
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock:  i done that 50000 times no chance to do something wrong there...10:37
fx|RabBi1GOSH! ccant it just work????10:37
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: What port do you use? Maybe it's blocked by your ISP if it's a default port (like 6881 or so)10:38
astro76fx|RabBi1, fyi, just because you are uploading doesn't mean ports are forwarded10:38
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: originally 647210:38
fx|RabBi1now on 6881 again10:38
umopDOes anyone know a good torrent client that can shcedule downlaods?10:38
fx|RabBi1astro76: so how can one connect to me if not so?10:38
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Pick someting unassigned above 5000010:38
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astro76fx|RabBi1, you can establish the connection first, e.g. downloading10:39
fx|RabBi1astro76: i see10:39
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: my provider dont shape it works on windows...10:39
Parsihow to remove "hidden" attrib of file in terminal?10:39
astro76Parsi, a file is hidden if the name starts with .10:39
umopParsi, it's just hidden because of the '.' in front10:40
astro76Parsi, what file?10:40
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Do you have static IPs? Make sure the port is forwarded to the correct machine10:40
soldatsParsi, rename without a "."10:40
umopsoldat lawl10:40
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: i got 70K downstream 2k upstream10:40
umopParsi, it's just hidden because of the '.' in front10:40
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: yep static10:40
umopDOes anyone know a good torrent client that can shcedule downlaods?10:40
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P10:40
Parsiit is superhiddein in windows10:40
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Check if it's open here: http://www.canyouseeme.org/10:41
Parsiand i can't make it visible!10:41
gRntLINUXHey all I was wondering if anyone here used the RSS Feed feature in torrentflux10:41
astro76Parsi, I could understand that if I knew what "superhiddein" meant10:41
Parsiit's a type of hidden10:41
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soldatsParsi, use a gui file manager and view hidden files and rename the folder without the "."10:42
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: freaky shit! its NOT!10:43
fx|RabBi1how can that be???10:43
kane77how can I backup my /home onto a dvd?10:43
anterasia_childrany body online?10:43
stefg!backup | kane7710:43
ubotukane77: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:43
umopthanks you sir10:43
anterasia_childrhey people10:43
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: I told you it's tedious... On my router I have a setting for firewall and for NAT, so basically I to forward ports I have to edit both of them accordingly10:44
umopCan someone who uses deluge please tell me why it would ccrash when i added the scheduler addon?10:44
fx|RabBi1ya well i did so10:44
fx|RabBi1i dunno what esle to do10:44
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: If your router has it, start with UPnP and see if that works...10:44
fx|RabBi1port is forwarded10:44
fx|RabBi1log says its blocked10:44
SmegzorWhat is the linux equivalent of the Windows sysinfo program?10:45
stefgumop: BTW using the 'at' command or crontab you can schedule any action on a linux box if you know console commands. so you can use any torrent client that can autostart transfers and start it at a given time via crontab10:45
soldatsumop, use ktorrent instead10:45
SmegzorI want to confirm that I am running Ubuntu 6410:45
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: i dont know if my router has it as i said its a ubunut gutsy router with firestarte as gui to iptables...10:46
stefg!version | Smegzor10:46
ubotuSmegzor: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell10:46
umopstefg, yeah i am using cron atm, but it's kinda annoying, the whole system of adding the torrents etc10:47
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: and i get tons of connects to 27096 what would that be??10:47
umopsoldats, i'll give ktorrent a god..10:47
rosenHow can i install Nvidia Drivers for Ubuntu 5.04 ?? I get an error - Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel10:47
Smegzorthat doesn't tell me if its the 32 or the 64 bit version10:47
soldatsrosen, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2910:47
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: 27096 and thats udp??10:47
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Hmm...10:48
SmegzorIts supposed to be 64 bit but I installed 4 gigs (the mobo is an Intel) and the system is reporting only ~3.5 gigs total.10:48
stefgumop: a lot of clients can scan a defined dir for new torrents on a regular basis and add them to the queue. so you can fill up that dir when you stumble upon an interesting torrent, and just have a cron job to start the client at night (which will then read the accumulated torrents and enqueue them)10:49
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: i forwarded 27096 too and now it works-.-10:49
fx|RabBi1didnt see that one anywhere in options...10:49
umopstefg, that sounds perfect, what I want.10:49
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: That's for DHT I think...10:50
Abu-AadamIs there a way to encrypy my hard drive so data can't be retrieved by copying the disk?10:50
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: whats that?10:50
umopstefg, what client will do that? (one you use?)10:50
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: yes use dm-crypt10:50
SmegzorIs it normal for Intel to not use all 4 gigs even with a 64 bit OS?10:50
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Distributed hash table (?) To get more peers from other peers, not from the tracker10:50
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: i see10:50
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi, will forensic people be able to get data from it10:50
fx|RabBi1phunny though...10:50
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Look into the general settings, is the port you mentioned there?10:51
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: depends on the cypher u use basically its a 2048 bit encryption so the answer is maybe in a hundred years10:51
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: nope deffinitely NOT its 4444 in there10:51
stefgumop: i use azureus. that's a heavy bastard, but i have a dedicated box for torrent/ftp/file transfer, so it doesn't matter. check the feature list of the clients mentioned earlier by ubotu, it's a pretty widespread feature10:52
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: And the UDP tracker port in "Downloads"?10:52
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi, thats good10:52
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: umm sry that one would be 444410:52
umopstefg, ok fair enough, i was avoiding azerus for that reason even though i have a similar setup to you, thanks10:53
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Basically KTorrent needs three ports, all of which have to be forwarded10:53
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: DHT was disabled10:53
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: k, im starting to get it , yust opened dht on 688210:53
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: I'd say, stay away from the default ports, some trackers block them... Those are 688* IIRC10:54
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: anyways my download is floating between 60 and 100K now...10:54
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: OOOHHHHH i see!10:55
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Not too bad, depending on your line speed and the torrent itself, I guess... Yellow triangle still there?10:55
fx|RabBi1aaaw yeah that makews perfectly sense10:55
fx|RabBi1nope traingle gone10:55
fx|RabBi1line speed 192KB up/ 3200KB down10:55
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Mission accomplished...10:55
fx|RabBi1meaning 1536kb up / 25600kb down10:55
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: yeah thx alot dude!10:56
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: In return, you could help me make my sound survive hibernate/suspend ;)10:56
fx|RabBi1yet still speed sucks gg10:56
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: hahaha im afraid i am very weak on that, see i dont manage to get my headset's mic working atm...10:56
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Grab the torrent for the windows version of Open Office, that should max out your speed...10:57
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fx|RabBi1nice idea...10:57
fx|RabBi1ill report back, jiust a  mom10:57
bullgard4What is the function of the loaded module 'video'?  modinfo: "ACPI Video Driver."10:57
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: It's probably the fastest torrent out there... Any *ubuntu torrent should be fast too10:57
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fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: atm going down with some 50k -.-10:59
Travelerhi all. can anyone help a newbie setup his wireless card? been tryin all mirning...10:59
fx|RabBi1veeeery strange...10:59
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: Depends on the torrent a lot11:00
ariczfx|rabbi1.. speedtest.net11:00
fx|RabBi1as you recommended: oo.exe11:00
ariczsee if you get what your isp is supposed to give you :)11:00
stefg!wifi | Traveler11:00
ubotuTraveler: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:00
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: And did you set up max connections and such according to your line? The wiki of azureus has pretty good info on that11:00
fx|RabBi1aricz: tha wont work if its on the other side of the planet;)11:00
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aricztestservers everywhere11:00
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: yes i did!11:00
Traveleri tried everything but cant get this to work. its a wusb54gs 2.111:01
ariczyou get a map with servers near you.. and you just click on the one nearest.. tada11:01
Travelerfollowed ubuntu forum11:01
Travelerit didnt work11:01
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fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: i deffinitely got some 100k limit in there somewhere...11:01
KatariI'm about running out of options here trying to install GG on a brand new rig: installer dies at formatting, tried several ubuntu versions, alternative says "failed to create file system", others freeze. Hard drive is new and clean11:02
ariczget your ass to speedtest.net and check if it's your line or not.. if you're getting 3Mbit then you'll doing something wrong with the torrentclient.. ports.. something.. or the torrent is just slow.. :)11:02
Traveleranyone? i mean i didnt expect goin to ubuntu to be easy but i could do with some help11:02
MilhousePunkRockfx|RabBi1: There probably are speedtest sites in Austria too... ;)11:02
MilhousePunkRockaricz: He is right, it won't give accurate results across the pond11:03
ariczspeedtest.net has servers all over..11:03
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: hahahan1;)11:03
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fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: my provider offers one but i dunno if i should trust it XD11:03
Travelerlol guess is back to windows for me11:03
KatariDoes anyone have ideas on how to get ubuntu to install when formatting dies? Is there a way for me to preformat it (gparted) and install on top of that? Or on the top of another distro?11:03
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: do you think encrypting hard drive would be enough protection from forensics or should I do other security measures11:04
umopOk, Cya11:04
MilhousePunkRockKatari: Yes, you can use partitions that are already there, IIRC, the GPartEd LiveCD is my method of choice11:04
MilhousePunkRockAbu-Aadam: Are you seeking assistance for something possibly illegal?11:04
jxxtTraveler, I cannot really help you but wifi can be a real pia with linux. The forums are a bit slower but usually your best option. Alt keep asking here every few hours as the population changes11:04
Abu-AadamMilhousePunkRock: no I am just doing it for fun, feels like james bond ^_^11:05
Travelerthe forums do work but i followed instructions and cant get it to work11:05
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Traveleri mean if only i could get online11:05
KatariMilhousePunkRock: that's probably what I will have to do, or do you have any other ideas on what could cause the install formatting to freeze/abort?11:05
Travelerim using someone elses pc now11:06
Travelerits catch 2211:06
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: you should lock your screen when you leave the computer;911:06
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: what criminal activity are you into??11:06
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: I had my laptop seized because I sent my ex mother in law an email calling her something11:06
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: that was a while ago11:07
jxxtTraveler, Maybe joining a local lug will help you11:07
stefgTraveler: your device is somewhat tricky to set up on linux. you might consider just buying a more compatible adapter11:07
GatestoneHow can make the desktop session to end Firefox so that it does not complain?11:07
GatestoneI mean every time restarting Firefox says it did not finish properly.11:08
KatariAnd alternatively, is there any way I can get more data about what goes wrong and file a proper bug report? I get absolutely no helpful messages at all from any ubuntu version when it dies during formatting11:08
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: hahahahaha i see11:09
stefgTraveler: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225206&highlight=wusb54gs+2.111:09
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: I didn't see my son for a year because she took him away11:09
MilhousePunkRockKatari: You're on the safe side doing the partitioning before the installation...11:10
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: biaatch11:10
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: so keep on calling ehr11:10
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: why does she do that? did you slap her arround or what?11:10
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:11
brobostigonhi, good morning11:11
fx|RabBi1ou someone takes it veeery seriously here...11:11
Paddy_EIREfx|RabBi1, keep offtopic things in the offtopic channel11:11
fx|RabBi1omfg two sentences and channel police triggers can it be???11:12
Paddy_EIRE!coc | fx|RabBi111:12
ubotufx|RabBi1: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/11:12
fx|RabBi1gosh calm down m8!!!!11:12
stefgfx|RabBi1: in a channel with 1128 users theres some discipline needed to keep up any usefulness. So be a good citizen and and behave grown up, k ?11:13
fx|RabBi1stefg:  i have been continuing the chat in a query for some minutes now so if channel police would stop bothering we would be through with tha by now11:14
chrisssswhen i login to ubuntu i hear the login sound and after that i have no sound at all, and when i try to play anything from any player the player hangs, but when i boot in recovery mode>startx the sound works fine, can anyone help me?11:15
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: I am running this command sudo dd of=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda11:15
Abu-Aadam should the Hard drive LED be flashing?11:15
stefgchrissss: what does 'aplay -l' tell ?11:15
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: i am not familiar with that command what precisely are you trying to do?11:16
chrissssi havent tried aplay -l , but aplay "sound.wav" also hangs(i run windows now)11:16
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: it fills hard drive with random data11:16
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: it was supposed to be if for the first of11:16
fx|RabBi1dont that answer you question already?11:16
stefgAbu-Aadam: you are nuking your disk ATM, so yes, the LED flashes b/c your disk gets overwritten with random numbers11:17
fx|RabBi1nuking XD11:17
Abu-AadamYes I thought so, I was wondering why not working but resolved11:17
fx|RabBi1MilhousePunkRock: that hint of yours concerning ports was wonderful now i am at 140K straight11:18
mikebeechamdoes anyone know anything about virtualbox? I have tried posting in the vbox channel, but no-one is responding11:20
brobostigonmikebeecham: sorry i dont know anything about vbox, i have a mac and cant run vbox.11:21
mikebeechambrobostigon: thanks for responding though :(11:21
firebirdymikebeecham: you have trouble running it?11:21
mikebeechamfirebirdy: I'm having problems installing it11:22
rap1dmikebeecham: whats the problem?11:22
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: have you nuked you os already?11:22
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox11:22
mikebeechamfirebirdy: I installed it from synaptics, and when I start my VM it gives me a kernal erro rap1d11:22
brobostigonmikebeecham, can it be installed using apt-get install??11:22
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: it may take a while11:23
firebirdybrobostigon: yes it can11:23
firebirdymikebeecham: does it say something about permissions?11:23
Paddy_EIREAbu-Aadam, if its in the repos it can be apt'd11:23
Abu-AadamPaddy_EIRE: what's this11:24
mikebeechamfirebirdy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46423/11:24
mikebeechamrap1d: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46423/11:24
firebirdymikebeecham: it's a well-known error :) just run this: 'sudo gpasswd -a my_username vboxusers' where my_username is your username11:25
Paddy_EIREAbu-Aadam, if you can see the application in synaptic then you can apt-get it :)11:25
firebirdymikebeecham: you'll have to login again after that11:25
mikebeechamfirebirdy: log into nix?11:26
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: sda0 isnt that the hdd where you got your linux installed? if so you are killing your operating system!11:26
firebirdymikebeecham: after you used that command, log out and log in again in ubuntu11:26
stefgmikebeecham: run 'sudo adduser <your username>  vboxusers' log out, log in again and try again11:26
firebirdyhe left :)11:27
firebirdyit was all nicely in the wiki anyway...11:27
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: when I run the command on that drive i did the incorrect command, I redid the correct one so it's alright11:27
fx|RabBi1oh i see :]11:27
LaneyIs there a list of confirmed working hardware (on amd64) anywhere? Specifically printers...11:28
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:28
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: I don't mind nuking my os though theres nothing mission critical here11:28
joycetickwhat would the debian version of /sbin/chckconfig --add <service> be?11:28
astro76joycetick, update-rc.d11:28
LaneyThanks, stefg11:28
stefg!upstart, joycetick , kkep in mind ubuntu uses11:29
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: ok, but its work to set it up again:)11:29
stefg!upstart | joycetick , kkep in mind ubuntu uses11:29
ubotujoycetick , kkep in mind ubuntu uses: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:29
fx|RabBi1Abu-Aadam: query?11:30
Abu-Aadamfx|RabBi1: well it's not gentoo atleast ^_^11:30
joycetickastro76: whats the syntax for it, update-rc.d add <service> or something?11:30
fx|RabBi1stefg: that virtualbox puel version does that have a date of exiry?11:30
mikebeechamfirebirdy: I'm getting a new error message now: The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..11:30
fx|RabBi1expiry even11:30
astro76joycetick, you should just check man update-rc.d, there's a bunch of examples in there too11:31
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stefgfx|RabBi1: i don't use vbox, but an OSS app never expires11:31
firebirdymikebeecham: did you run the command in a terminal and log in again? that error should've been solved...11:31
joycetickastro76: ok il check that out, thanks11:31
mikebeechamwhat command  firebirdy?11:32
fx|RabBi1stefg: thats the point there is an open source version but that one doesnt support usb11:32
fx|RabBi1and a personlause /ecvluation version11:32
mikebeechamI restarted Ubuntu, thats all11:32
fx|RabBi1so im planning to use it peronally...11:32
firebirdymikebeecham: you missed a message then :) -- it's a well-known error :) just run this: 'sudo gpasswd -a my_username vboxusers' where my_username is your username11:32
whabohi can any1 recomend a good free to use firewall??? PLZ11:33
stefgfx|RabBi1: i'm pretty much dependant on vmware (usb, networking, server console), so i don't know much about vbox in particular11:33
astro76!firestarter | whabo11:33
ubotuwhabo: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:33
fx|RabBi1whabo: firestarter11:33
chuxxsssI all I had a crash while using the update manager to update to 7.10 now it will not update at all...11:33
encryptzanyone have any luck getting dapper installed on a sparc? at the live cd boot prompt, i hit enter to install, it load the kernel then ramdisk, then "Illegal Instruction"11:33
fx|RabBi1stefg: thanx though11:34
melzHi I am trying to install pidgin from getdeb.net, and I get an error "Dependency is not satisfiable: libpangol.0-0"  but I already have it installed, any ideas how to fix?11:34
encryptzthen i'm left at an "ok" prompt. not sure what's going on11:34
astro76encryptz, IIRC only ubuntu server is available for sparc, and that is not a livecd11:34
chazcoAnyone know how i can get the buttons on my Hauppage remote control (Nova-T USB stick) to work? Atm only the numbers, volume, arrows and power buttons work...11:35
encryptzastro76: yes. you're right. that's what i'm installing.11:35
encryptzi'm booting from cd11:35
mikebeechamnice one11:35
firebirdymikebeecham: glad that worked11:35
astro76encryptz, ok just making sure ;)11:35
encryptzastro76: any ideas why i'm seeing "Illegal Instruction"?11:35
astro76encryptz, no idea about linux on sparc, sorry11:36
stefgchazco: if lirc can't read other keys then it might be a firmware issue (so this means you're out of luck)11:36
encryptzahh. so you just wanted to correct me about the live cd lexicon then. :)11:36
mikebeechamfirebirdy: all this so that I can run Photoshop CS3 :(11:37
astro76encryptz, I wanted to ensure you didn't have the x86 livecd, actually11:37
encryptzanyone else install dapper on a sparc box before?11:37
axzGuys whats best solution to get 32bit firefox on my 64bit system11:38
stefgencryptz: i don't know about sparc, but an illegal instruction error looks pretty final ...:-(11:38
encryptzstefg: you would think. however, with the kernel and the ramdisk loading, then failing, that tells me that it's probably init11:38
firebirdymelz: are you running ubuntu 7.04 or higher? if so, you can install it using synaptic. I know, it's not the most up-to-date version...11:39
encryptztrying to think of the boot process here11:39
todoMhi which dc client is best tu use?? is anyone with segment downloading?? plz11:39
stefgencryptz: some bad module in initrd ?11:39
chazcostefg - showkeys shows codes when i press the buttons... but i have no idea where to go from there.... everything i've tried with lirc seems to fail (i've read it has issues in Gusty)11:40
melzfirebirdy, ubuntu 7.10, yeah I just uninstalled the one from synaptic to install a newer version11:40
encryptzstefg: not sure11:41
stefgchazco: ah, ok, you already get the keys? good,  so you just need to assign them to some action...11:41
encryptzhard to tell without a decent terminal...11:41
ubotuHave a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.11:41
encryptzi'd like to see what's in dmesg11:41
chazcoHow? Tried to use the gnome keyboard shortcuts (and via gconf) with no look :(11:41
stefg!keytouch | chazco11:42
ubotuchazco: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts11:42
chazcoTried that as well i think... will have another look11:43
chazcoWhen i push a button on the remote it generates 2-5 codes...11:43
=== hrnt_ is now known as hrnt
LastLemminganyone use freenx?11:44
rap1danyone just left11:45
LastLemmingthere is no freenx repository fors gusty?11:45
LastLemmingI can find it11:45
LastLemmingthere is only for fesity11:45
brobostigonlastlemming: havve you looked at packages.ubuntu.com??11:45
pcdogthere is a thread on ubuntuforums.org11:45
pcdogwhere  a guy has linked deb packages11:45
pcdogfor x86 and x6411:46
LastLemmingdeb http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ dapper-seveas all11:46
LastLemmingthere is for feisty too11:46
LastLemmingbut no gusty11:46
estefaen español11:47
brobostigonLastLemming: packages.ubuntu.com.11:47
astro76!es | estefa11:47
ubotuestefa: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.11:47
LastLemmingbrobostigon, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ is only ubuntu ones?11:48
tchmnkyzhey all, looking for some way to increase the number of file descriptors i set fs.file-max but it dont seem to help... i dont know why either... dovecot is still telling me that there is too many open files. anyone got a suggestion?11:48
LastLemmingfor old ones they need other repossitory for freenx11:48
LastLemmingall how to for freenx is for feisty repository11:49
LastLemmingall howto I found from google11:49
narayanhow to upload videos on ipod11:50
narayani tried up with gtkpod-aac11:50
narayanbut it is not uploading what to do11:50
volkI have a problem - when I try to run gtick, it complains that it cannot access /dev/dsp (device or resource busy). I'm thinking that maybe this is due to the fact that it is trying to access the device directly and not through alsa. Does any one know how to make it work?11:51
jimcooncat_I need some python help but /join #python doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?11:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:52
narayanplz anyone help to finish my task11:52
=== Gunirus is now known as hopsakee
=== hopsakee is now known as Gunirus
gRntLINUXHey all if I have a file on this ubuntu server how do I then move the file from there onto a windows machine via the internet11:54
gRntLINUXor similarly how can I search to it on windows and move it accordingly11:54
volkgRntLINUX, start ssh server on your ubuntu box and then use winscp to copy the file11:54
HowtoI am using ubuntu 7.1 pls suggest me one audio and video player11:54
encryptzhardware issue. i guess it doesn't like my firewire card11:55
brobostigonhowto: vlc11:55
narayanhow to upload videos on ipod please suggest some ideas11:55
Howtobrobo: pls tell me how to install vlc11:55
gRntLINUXvolk I am currently logged in via putty so I have ssh enabled, to use winscp do I just go sudo apt-get install winscp and go from there?11:55
brobostigonsudo apt-get install vlc11:55
Howtothank u bro11:55
tchmnkyzplease someone11:55
volkgRntLINUX, no you download winscp on your windows machine and then connect to your server and copy over the file to your windows machine. I guess that is what you are trying to do11:56
narayanhow to play videos on ipod11:56
Howtobro; E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:56
HowtoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:56
Howto error is showing like above11:56
gRntLINUXvolk: yes that would be the easiest thankyou, I'll see how that goes for me11:56
brobostigonsudo apt-get install vlc11:57
brobostigonit will ask for your password11:57
astro76Howto, close synaptic or add/remove or update manager11:57
Howtos, i am given11:57
gRntLINUXvolk: that just appears to be an FTP?11:57
chuxxsssHow do I fix a update manager when it crashes when asked to update to gutsy11:57
Jefohey, how can i get amarok to play mp3s?11:57
Howtookay thank u bro11:58
Jefoit works in all other apps11:58
volkgRntLINUX, yes it's like ftp.. except secure :)11:58
volkgRntLINUX, scp transfers files over ssh protocol11:58
narayanhow to play videos on ipod please11:59
LLedJefo maybe reinstall the mp3 codecs? had the same problem once11:59
gRntLINUXSince I installed torrentflux on this machine the torrents I have seem to be going slow I hope its just the torrent and not the software11:59
LLedshould have already worked though11:59
Howtobro:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:12:01
Howto  vlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 0.8.6.release.c-0ubuntu5) but it is not going to be installed12:01
Howto       Depends: libsdl-image1.2 (>= 1.2.5) but it is not installable12:01
Howto       Depends: ttf-dejavu but it is not installable12:01
HowtoE: Broken packages12:01
JefoLLed: how can i reinstall them?12:01
adnarimDoes someone know if it's possible to start a single app which shall ignore the choosen gtk-theme?12:03
thanihey any one know that how to delete command history only in current shell  ?12:04
gRntLINUXThanks volk that seems to be working fine.12:05
user1if I have 2 sound cards, how to tell alsa to use one of them as defaut12:05
volkgRntLINUX, you're wellcome12:06
_Dbug_Hi. I have a question about GRUB: Is it possible to configure it so by default it will run the last selected option ? If i'm doing some Linux stuff I want to restart on Linux, but if I'm rebooting Windows after installing a driver or something, i'd like to reboot by default on Windows. Is this possible ?12:06
IndyGunFreak_Dbug_: i don't think so..., is it that difficult to select one of the menu options?12:06
gRntLINUXActually while I'm here (god I hate being new to all of this) Whats the best method of getting RSS feeds for ubuntu torrentflux12:07
IndyGunFreak!rss | gRntLINUX12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:07
_Dbug_IndyGunFreak, just that it means you have to stay on the computer during all the shut-down, bios init, drive detection, boot detection process. Sounds suboptimal no ?12:07
IndyGunFreaki thought that was a bot signal, guess not.12:07
IndyGunFreak_Dbug_: huh?... if yu're installing drivers, updating, etc, and it causes you to restart, aren't you going to at least let the system boot up to make sure its working?12:08
Kr0ntabthani, history -c12:08
_Dbug_IndyGunFreak, of course I do test, but during the 2 minutes break I assume I can go fetch something in the fridge, do a phone call, go to the toilets, read the news paper, instead of having to stay in front of the computer being attentive not missing the few seconds for selecting the option.12:09
IndyGunFreak_Dbug_: well, if you only have a few seconds, perhaps you could change your menu.lst to give you more time or something, i really don't know.12:10
IndyGunFreaki've got mine set for 30sec and it works fine.12:10
IndyGunFreak_Dbug_: is that the issue, having to hit esc in like 3sec to get the grub menu, or you go right back to windows?12:11
gRntLINUXvolk:  I used the move function in winscp to move a file from the linux server to windows. It copied it but couldnt delete it and it threw an error, are files copy protected by default?12:11
gautehgRntLINUX: it is probably opened by some program12:12
gautehgRntLINUX: try killing/closing all programs that could use the file, including explorer some times and restart12:12
_Dbug_IndyGunFreak, no, the issue is just that it always starts Linux by default. Even my Atari MegaSTE using XBoot remembers the last used configuration by default, instead of booting on the first one. I'm just surprised that it was not available. I guess I can still patch GRUB at some point to get that to work :)12:12
gautehgRntLINUX: if not then the file might be damaged and you might need to run chkdsk or something12:12
Micheruhello all, i just installed ubuntu, but grub isn't picking up my windows install, i used the live cd, used manual to wipe out a 20 gb partition and make a 15.5 gig root partition and a 500mb swap. the windows install is still intact. how would i get windows (media center) in the boot list?12:13
IndyGunFreakMicheru: explain your partition set up12:13
SmegzorWhen I boot into failsafe mode, I see lots of messages during bootup followed by the login screen, but if I boot normally, I get no video signal immediately after grub right until the login screen appears.  Why is this and how do I make it show me the boot up messages?  I just had my first 30 mount forced check and my screen was blank for 30 minutes! :|12:14
Micheruok on 1 hard drive i have a ~50 windows partition and a 15.5 linux and a 500mb swap, is there anything else you need?12:14
IndyGunFreakwell, sorta, but try this.., hold on.12:15
Micheruthe device is hdc, dunno the partition numbers12:15
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok, is it windows XP?12:16
Micherumedia center12:16
Patchakhi I would like to install a full web server onmy ubuntu install,  any application that does it all for me or I need to install each pieces separate;y??12:16
IndyGunFreakMicheru: XP media center, or Vista?12:16
IdleOne!lamp | Patchak12:17
ubotuPatchak: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:17
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok, open a terminal12:17
IndyGunFreakMicheru: now type this..   sudo /boot/grub/menu.lst12:17
IndyGunFreakthen enter your password12:17
Micherucommand not found gksudo gedit?12:18
IndyGunFreakMicheru: sorry, that command is wrong.... sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:18
BallenaHow do I share files between a Mac and a Linux system in a local network?12:18
IndyGunFreakgot a little overszealous there.12:18
Micheruno problem12:18
IndyGunFreakis your grub menu.lst open?12:18
Micheruok i am in12:18
IndyGunFreakscroll to the bottom12:18
SmegzorSo is there a way to get a verbose bootup instead of the current blank screen of DOOM bootup?12:19
IndyGunFreakMicheru: go to this link, and add those 5 lines to the bottom.   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46427/12:19
symtabanyone that knows how to exclude some packages when running apt-get upgrade, but i want to exclude from a configuration file not every time i run apt-get upgrade12:19
IndyGunFreakMicheru: not including the numbers of course.12:19
user1I installed ubuntu 7.04  how to upgrade to 7.1012:19
MicheruIndyGunFreak: ok doing12:19
Abu-AadamI am running this  sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda12:19
Abu-Aadam is it going to nuke my OS?12:19
TuplanollaSmegzor: the key word is "usplash". google for "how to remove usplash ubuntu"12:20
Abu-Aadambecause things aren't working12:20
user1Abu-Aadam: are you crazy?12:20
digitoriBallena: on your task bar you will see a little computer icon on the left click it and then click remote places12:20
IdleOne!upgrade | user112:20
ubotuuser1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:20
PatchakIdleOne, I tries to install LAMP like in the instructions on the ubuntu help page, and the debian package instaler actually erased more than 400 packages, I had t reformat...12:20
MicheruIndyGunFreak: done12:20
Abu-Aadamuser1: that answers my question thankyou12:20
IndyGunFreakMicheru: save the file, restart, and select XP from your grub list, and see if it works12:20
Micheruok i will see you soon either way12:21
Ballenadigitori: in Ubuntu you mean?12:21
Abu-Aadamuser1: should I reinstall it now?12:21
user1Abu-Aadam: no need to nuke before reinstdall usually12:21
Abu-Aadamuser1: I'v already been running it for 40 minutes. Will it be done yet? And will all my files be messed up?12:22
user1Abu-Aadam: it is very slow12:22
user1Abu-Aadam: /dev/zero is faster12:22
digitoriBallena: Sorry I should have asked if you use ubuntu or kubuntu12:22
Abu-Aadamuser1: I'm trying to fill it with random data12:23
SmegzorI'm not sure usplash is going to cure my total loss of video signal between grub and login.12:23
Micheruno luck12:23
user1Abu-Aadam: what for12:23
Abu-Aadamuser1: to make it impossible to determine how much data i'm actually trying to hide12:24
Micheruinvalid or inexecutable  something12:24
IndyGunFreakMicheru: was it not in the list or it didn't boot windows?12:24
Ballenadigitori: ok. But where do i find that "computer icon" Do you mean I should ope Nautuilius?12:24
NallemanHi, i Would like to set up a secondary screen, eg. use my TV with ubuntu. It works great on Windows but I don't seem to be able to enable "secondary screen" in ubuntu. Help someone?12:24
Micherudidn't boot12:24
digitoriBellena you are using Ubuntu yes?12:24
user1Abu-Aadam:  you have child pron there do you12:24
user1Abu-Aadam:   shred  -n 1  /dev/something  will be fater then dd urandom12:24
digitoriBallena: no hang I will reboot into Ubuntu, help you from there ok?12:24
Ballenadigitori: ok :)12:24
IndyGunFreakMicheru: any errors?12:25
friendlysysdoes dovecot use Maildir ?12:25
digitoriballena 1 minute.12:25
friendlysysby default?12:25
Micheru"invalid or inexecutable  "12:25
Micheruwas in it12:25
Smegzoryay!  I installed the startup manager (or I think I did).  It has a tick box to show text during bootup :D12:25
IndyGunFreakMicheru: strange, it sounds like we have a similar setup, adding those 5 lines to grub made XP boot fine for me.12:25
Micheruis it possible that the partitiion was made unbootable by thr partition editor??12:26
Abu-Aadamuser1: what I was initially asking is if  sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda12:26
Abu-Aadam will destroy my files or not?12:26
IndyGunFreakMicheru: pretty unlikely12:26
Ballenadigitori: on Ubuntu now?12:27
IndyGunFreak!pastebin | Micheru go here and paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst12:27
ubotuMicheru go here and paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:27
digitoriyeah one sec12:27
MicheruIndyGunFreak: will do12:27
franz__[installation]  im trying to install (k)ubuntu in my friend's machine, and it's hanging in the 'Configuring Network" part12:27
franz__& i don't even know how to debug it12:27
user1Abu-Aadam: yes it will destroy all files etc on /dev/sda, that is on first SATA driver connected12:27
Abu-Aadamuser1: ok12:28
digitoriBallena: on your taskbar you see Places?12:28
Ballenadigitori: yes12:28
digitoriBallena: click this then click network12:28
user1why ubuntu distro names are so ghay?12:28
Ballenadigitori:  i may answer after a while. typing this on the mac but my PC is in the same room12:29
IdleOne!ohmy | user112:29
ubotuuser1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:29
Ballenadigitori:  ok12:29
digitoriBallena ok12:29
MicheruIndyGunFreak: did you see it?12:29
Ballenadigitori: there is a "Windows Network" icon in there12:29
IndyGunFreakMicheru: looking now.12:29
digitoriok click it12:29
Abu-Aadamuser1: will most of my programs stay in memory before It finishes12:30
digitoriBallena: Click it12:30
Ballenadigitori:  ok12:30
digitoriBallena: do you also have a windows machine on your network?12:30
user1Abu-Aadam: this is your only drive?12:30
user1Abu-Aadam: then you should use a livecd probably, otherwise system will stop working before finishing cleaning12:31
Micheruthe partition for the windows install appears to be hdc512:31
Ballenadigitori: there I found a icon called "mshome" and it contained a icon with the same name as my Ubuntu syste,. Yes there a re several Windows computer in this network too.12:31
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok...12:31
IndyGunFreakMicheru: hdc, is how linux sees the drive,12:31
Abu-Aadamuser1: alright do I encrypt it from the live cd also>12:31
digitoriBallen: ah one sec12:31
IndyGunFreakMicheru: Grub sees drives as hd0, hd1, hd2, etc..12:31
Ballenadigitori:  maybe I have to do somthing on my MAC to get Ubuntu to work with it?12:31
Micheruwhat about the partitions?12:32
user1Abu-Aadam: you have to have proper livecd, that supports used encryption mechanisms, usually it is easier to just encrypt 1 parition - for work documents etc12:32
digitoriBallena: This should help you http://pcworld.about.com/magazine/2312p180id122932.htm12:32
IndyGunFreakMicheru: partitions same way, in your grub list, where it says (hd0,0).. the second number is the partition.. you can try changing it to 512:32
Abu-Aadamuser1: does the ubuntu cd support that12:32
Ballenadigitori: ok thans :)12:32
Micheruok will do12:32
IndyGunFreakMicheru: not sure how effective that will be though12:32
Nallemanplease, can someone help me set up dualscreen? I dont have a clue.12:32
IndyGunFreak!twinview | Nalleman12:33
ubotuNalleman: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead12:33
gRntLINUXDoes anyone know how to set up file permissions in torrentflux. I need to set chmod 777 to a folder but I have been told any files added after the chmod dont take the same permissions.12:33
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok.12:33
IndyGunFreakNalleman: what tye of video card?12:33
digitoriBallena: your welcome12:33
NallemanIndyGunFreak, intel 945"something"12:34
IndyGunFreakNalleman: good luck.12:34
NallemanIndyGunFreak, ok?12:34
IndyGunFreakNalleman: i don't believe there's intel drivers for dual screen.. is this a dualhead card,12:34
IndyGunFreakor two video cards, 1 onboard, one card, etc?12:35
gRntLINUXDoes anyone know how to set up file permissions in torrentflux. I need to set chmod 777 to a folder but I have been told any files added after the chmod dont take the same permissions.12:35
NallemanIndyGunFreak, i guess its one card. its in my laptop. it works great in Windows12:35
MicheruIndyGunFreak: invalis device requested12:35
IndyGunFreakNalleman: because there's windows drivers12:35
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok.12:35
IndyGunFreakNalleman: if there wasn't a windows driver, it wouldn't work in Windows either12:36
NallemanIndyGunFreak, ok, but to be honest. You dont have a clue if it works in ubuntu.12:36
Jack_SparrowgRntLINUX: setting 777 I thought that was a no no12:36
IndyGunFreakNalleman: well, i've got dual screens setup on my PC, and I've had intel graphics before,12:36
IndyGunFreakNalleman: and i know there's no drivers for it.12:36
IndyGunFreakthey run on the default vga drivers.12:37
Jack_SparrowMorning IndyGunFreak12:37
NallemanOk. Better hold on to windows then...12:37
siouxhi can you try if linuxtv.org is up?  here seema died12:37
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: morning it is.12:37
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: here anyhow.. :)12:37
gRntLINUXJack_Sparrow: Mate told me that gave me read and write access to it12:37
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Sun is not up yet12:37
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: here neither.12:38
Jack_SparrowWest coast here..12:38
bullgard4What is the function of the loaded module 'video'?  modinfo: "ACPI Video Driver."12:38
Jack_SparrowSorry for the offtopic people.12:38
Micherui really need this fixed, do you have any more ideas?12:38
IndyGunFreakMicheru: i've not forgot you, still trying to figure this out.12:38
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: any good with grub?12:38
Jack_SparrowSometimes...  whats up12:38
IndyGunFreakMicheru: when you partitioned, did you put linux on the front side of the drive, or the backside?12:39
mikebeechamSomeone with virtualbox experience....how come my resolution will only go as far as 1024 x 768?12:39
MicheruIndyGunFreak: front, thats where the blank partition was12:39
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: he installed Gutsy, didn't pick up his XP install, i added a pretty garden variety entry to grub, and its still not booting.12:39
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ah.. thats prolly gonna be the issue.12:39
Jack_Sparrowmikebeecham: that is the limit of vesa video driver.. start there.. no virt box experience here..12:39
Micheruthe swap is between the linux and windows partition12:40
IndyGunFreakMicheru: no.. windows pisses and moans when its not first, IIRC.12:40
siouxwho of you can check if linuxtv.oeg web site is up? here from it is unreacble12:40
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: who...   start with fdisk -l  to see where it is12:40
IndyGunFreaknow see, fdisk -l does nothing for me.12:41
IndyGunFreakah, you need sudo.12:41
IndyGunFreakMicheru: try this, sudo fdisk -l   (note, thats a lowercase L)12:41
MicheruIndyGunFreak: is there any way to move the windows partition, cause i don't have the install disks (it was a friends computer i have it while he is outta town and he accidentially packed the install disks)12:41
sioux who of you can check if linuxtv.org web site is up? here from it is unreacble12:41
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: did he post it yet?   sudo fdisk -l > ~/Desktop/Partition.Layout.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T).txt  will get it to his desktop12:41
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i just told him to.12:42
Micherui will pastebin the output12:42
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok.12:42
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I like this command line for maiking copy to the desktop with the date in the filename12:42
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: never saw that one before, but its a good idea.12:42
digitorianyone know why this is in my network folder: dnssd-local-SFTP File Transfer on pc-00249._sftp-ssh._tcp.local12:43
Jack_Sparrowmight as well do   cp /boot/grub/menu.lst ~/Desktop/menu.lst.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)   at the same time12:43
MicheruIndyGunFreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46430/12:43
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow:   here's his menu.lst   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46428/12:43
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: ugh, he is mixing ide and sata drives too12:44
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: lol12:44
IndyGunFreakMicheru: and hdc, you're sure thats the drive that has the Windows OS on it, right?..12:45
Jack_Sparrowfea, fat 32 on sda is probably storage as I see it12:45
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: yeah, i think so, but i just wanted to make sure.12:45
MicheruIndyGunFreak: the only other drive is an external drive12:45
digitorianyone know why this is seen in my ubuntu network folder:   dnssd-local-SFTP File Transfer on pc-00249._sftp-ssh._tcp.local12:45
IndyGunFreakMicheru: oh ok, thats why its sda12:45
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i set his grub to look at hd0,5  seems to me it shoud work.12:46
Jack_Sparrowline    rootnoverify(hd2,4)12:46
Jack_Sparrowremember they start at 012:46
Jack_Sparrow0 = 112:47
Jack_Sparrowor first12:47
IndyGunFreakright, but its the only drive int he system, the sda is external.12:47
Jack_SparrowSorry, still not entirely awakre12:47
IndyGunFreakMicheru: did you see what Jack_Sparrowjust said?12:47
Micheruyeah i will give it a go12:47
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok...12:48
Jack_SparrowHe cal also make a bunch of window entry combinations in that file and keep trying them12:48
IndyGunFreaktry hd2,4..12:48
MicheruIndyGunFreak: done12:48
jacksalve a tutti12:48
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok, give it a whirl.12:48
Micherurebooting again hehe12:48
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: yeah, but i was thinking for sure it had to be hd0(first drive)12:48
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: HIs drive is not setup correctly to begin with... it should be hda12:48
IdleOneif 0=1 ( first ) then 0+0=1 ( first & second )12:48
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ya, i know...12:48
IndyGunFreakwas just trying to get windows booted.12:49
kondrixHow do i check if i have GTK 2.2.x installed ?12:49
digitorianyone know why this is seen in my ubuntu network folder:   dnssd-local-SFTP File Transfer on pc-00249._sftp-ssh._tcp.local12:49
kondrixGKT+ 2.2.x12:49
IndyGunFreaki see what you;'re saying12:50
digitorikondrix: open synaptic package manager and search...dont know a quicker way12:50
befGoodnight Ubuntu12:50
kondrixdigitori: if i happen to find it and it will be in older version, can i update some how?12:50
IndyGunFreakmust not have worked12:50
MicheruIndyGunFreak: nope12:51
tapasi once reverted my fstab to ordinary devcice names..12:51
Micheruinvalid device12:51
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46432/12:51
tapasnow i'd like to go back to using UUIDs bcause it is a superiour scheme i guess12:51
Micheruor whatever the wording is12:51
tapasbeing able to move HDs around etc..12:51
Jack_Sparrowtapas: easy enough12:51
WinballYou cant run a 32bit app on a x64_version of ubuntu unless you create a chroot? Hopefully this will work on later releases12:51
digitorikondrix: if its older and installed try using update manager see if you get an update for it. if not you could search for a newer deb package on the net12:51
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: lol,12:51
tapasis all that's required replacing the device strings with the UUID vol_id reports?12:51
Jack_Sparrowpretty much12:52
sandro__ciao prova12:52
kondrixdigitori: thanks. By saying "try using update manager" you mean the update manager inside synaptic?12:52
IndyGunFreakMicheru: i guess you could do what jack suggested, and remember which one works, then delete the others.12:52
tapasJack_Sparrow: do i have to take special care of grub?12:52
Jack_SparrowDont trust me too much until I have my first cup of coffee12:52
MicheruIndyGunFreak: what did jack suggest? i missed it12:52
tapaswhich atm works find atm although my boot hd moved from hda to hdb ;)12:52
Jack_Sparrowtapas: you shouldnt no12:53
tapasand i still have to use (hd0,0) as root12:53
IndyGunFreakMicheru: go tot he very bottom.12:53
fibbsHi folks12:53
tapasJack_Sparrow: ok12:53
fibbsa question: how to configure the boot process that /etc/init.d/cryptdisks will be started?12:53
MicheruIndyGunFreak: ok i will stick er in12:53
tapashmm, the fstab manpage doesn't mention uuid's12:53
tapasi wonder what's the right format12:53
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: did you see the edit I made on that to test the XP drive12:53
fibbsis there some config where to activate it? Or how can i add it to the runlevel?12:53
IndyGunFreakMicheru: see how he added all those entries, just keep rebooting, till you get one that works, remember which one it is, then remove the ones tha tdon't work.12:53
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: yeah.12:53
digitorikondrix: System > Administration > Update Manager12:54
kartookQuestion : i need to customize my ubuntu desktop to like MAC12:54
kartookhai jack12:54
Micheruok here we go again12:54
kondrixdigitori; oh, i have everything up to date there, still think my GTK+, whatever that is, is older version12:54
Jack_Sparrowtapas: sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda7                use your drive letter12:54
chester_martinsHi! anybody knows a tutorial that explain how define restrictions to a user in my pc?? sorry my bad english, i'm portuguese12:54
IdleOne!themes | kartook12:54
ubotukartook: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:54
kondrixdigitori: older then i need, older then 2.2.x12:54
WinballAnybody know of reviews of gutsy on ps3?12:55
Jack_Sparrowkartook: look at gnome-look.org12:55
digitorikondrix: why do you need 2.212:55
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:55
tapasnow i just have to remember that the comand is called vol_id next time i migrate my root fs from one hd to another ;)12:56
_wretchedbeer belly!!!12:56
kartookQuestion : I am not able to view youtube videos in my Ubuntu12:56
kartooki am windows user12:56
kartooknow i using ubuntu i love this12:57
IndyGunFreakkartook: what versionof Ubuntu are you using?12:57
IdleOne!flash | kartook12:57
ubotukartook: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:57
tapascan grub's device map handle UUID's too?12:57
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: i bet he's using 64bit.12:57
Jack_Sparrowtapas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46433/ is example fstab12:57
IdleOneIndyGunFreak: if he is then !flash64 I believe12:57
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: i know,12:58
Jack_Sparrowtapas: I dont know, but I dont think so12:58
tapasJack_Sparrow: ok, UUID=... simple enough12:58
IndyGunFreaki was just saying, i bet thats his issue.12:58
IdleOneyeah probably12:58
IndyGunFreakkartook: are you using 32bit Ubuntu, or 64bit?12:58
tapasand cryptdisk?12:58
digitorikondrix: GTK+ is for creating graphical user interfaces12:58
Jack_Sparrow!restricted | kartook12:58
ubotukartook: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:58
Micheruthey all got an error12:58
IndyGunFreakwell that blows.12:58
sioux! linuxtv12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxtv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:59
IndyGunFreakMicheru: and you said you dont have an XP disk, correct?12:59
OIMhello to everyone12:59
kartookthanks dude12:59
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:59
kartookgood respounce from all12:59
michaellamotheHi everyone.12:59
yakumohello pls help. i have to hd one is ide and the other is sata, install my windows vista in sata and i instal ubuntu in my ide, how do i set up grub to boot on my my vista12:59
Micheru1. invalid or unsupported executable format 2,3,5 invalid device requested 4 selected disk does not exist12:59
kartookwhat a great mans and minds12:59
kartookhats off12:59
MicheruIndyGunFreak: xp media center yes12:59
IndyGunFreakMicheru: so you have an xp media center CD?12:59
OIMı have question12:59
digitorikondrix: if you are running ubuntu 7.10 you should already have the gtk2 engines12:59
OIMubuntu-tr is offline13:00
Micheruno, my friend packed it by mistake when he left this computer with me13:00
OIMwho must ı tell it to13:00
IdleOne!ask | OIM13:00
ubotuOIM: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:00
* IndyGunFreak stares at IdleOne13:00
* IdleOne points at IndyGunFreak 13:01
tapasJack_Sparrow: ah i can always use /dev/disk/by-uuid instead of the nromal device name13:01
tapasso i guess this fixes everythinjg:)13:01
IndyGunFreakMicheru: part of the problem, is your partitions are a mess.13:01
kondrixdigitori : i am instaling emifreq-applet and it requires GTK+ 2.2.x13:01
kane77OIM, ask in #ubuntu-irc13:01
Jack_SparrowI hate to see people mixing ide and sata.. it seems to slow my machines way down13:02
Micheruwell the ubuntu partition editor didn't leave me much choice13:02
digitorikondrix: what version ubuntu are you using13:02
IndyGunFreakMicheru: i know.... its a Windows issue, not Ubuntu.13:02
OIMno not ırc13:02
kondrixdigitori: gutsy, so its 7.10 i guess13:02
Jack_SparrowOIM: Seems to work for me here13:02
OIMubuntu-tr.com is offline13:02
IndyGunFreakMicheru: hold on, i'll show you my df -l output13:02
CZi_where to get help on a pvr 1300 and mythtv?13:02
digitorikondrix: if you install emifreq_applet via synaptic it will take care of the dependancy for you13:03
Jack_SparrowCZi_: mythtv has their own room13:03
kondrixdigitori: i didnt know i can do it via synaptics13:03
IndyGunFreakMicheru: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46434/13:03
CZi_Jack_Sparrow, thx13:03
digitorikondrix: open synaptic and search for emifreq13:04
Micherulooks much better than mine :/13:04
Jack_Sparrownp.. note it make take awhile to get answers, be patient13:04
jackavrei un problemino13:04
digitorikondrix: its there...and just tick box and click apply13:04
jackchi mi potrebbe aiutare?13:04
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:04
kondrixdigitori: crap, its in the synaptics to be found, but it was not in the "add/remove app"13:04
Micheruso basically all i can do is get him to mail me the xpmc cd and reinstall?13:04
digitorikondrix: thats why i always use synaptic13:04
IndyGunFreakMicheru: well, you could do that, but that would suck.13:04
MicheruIndyGunFreak: majorly13:05
IndyGunFreakMicheru: hang on a sec....13:05
digitorikondrix: its not in add remove as its not part of the main install repos13:05
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: if he were to use a Gparted live Disk, and format all those partitions(except the main windows partition), could he then use Gparted to organize that drive properly?13:05
digitorikondrix: er i think13:05
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: my fdiak -l        http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46435/13:05
IdleOneMicheru: what you should do is reinstall ubuntu and have it format the entire disk removing windows and enjoy the freedom13:05
digitorikondrix: dont blow your CPU13:06
kondrixdigitori; kinda strange there are 2 groups of programs to be installed, one in "start" menu and the other in syaptic. Kinda confusing13:06
MicheruIdleOne: not possible13:06
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: do you think that would work?13:06
Micherui have way to many things i do i nwindows i can't in linux13:06
kondrixdigitori i want to keep it slow, working on laptop, and dont like the noise13:07
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I would fdisk /mbr   fixmbr to get back to basic windows... then boot live and delete/clean up partitions.. add spare ext3 for his /home13:07
Micherui gotta go to bed :/ i will come back in the morning13:07
digitorikondrix: why confusing? just use synaptic it wont do any harm with apps installed by add remove...they all show up in synaptic anyhow13:07
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ok, so we're on the same page.13:07
IndyGunFreakMicheru: lol, we were just figuring it out.13:07
Jack_SparrowMicheru: You will learn other ways in here13:07
kondrixdigitori thanks for help, i installed . Gtg, will check later if it worked. Do you use any instant messenger ?13:07
loca|hostwhere's the Ubuntu bugreporting site ?13:07
LaneyIs there any voodoo to getting rhythmbox notifications working? The checkbox is ticked...13:07
digitorikondrix: usually kopete for msn13:08
Jack_SparrowMicheru: just leave unallocated space for ubuntu and let the installer set it up for you.. better to not do it manually13:08
Micheruok i can stay a little longer13:08
kondrixdigitori give me your number or whatever, so i dont loose touch with you13:08
digitorikondrix: your welcome.....maybe not best but for messenger but my choice13:08
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: fdisk /mbr  that has to be ran from the terminal, correct?\13:08
TimeTravellerI am trying to compile gtk and having some problems... can anyone have a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46436/13:08
IndyGunFreakMicheru: well, this will take a while.13:08
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: actually windows boot floppy13:08
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: thats what i thought13:09
IdleOneMicheru: funny you shouyld say that because I have way to many things I do in linux that I cant do in windows.13:09
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: or xp cd13:09
IndyGunFreakMicheru: do you have a windows boot floppy by chance?13:09
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: no xp cd.13:09
digitorikondrix: Im gonna be in here a lot anyhow13:09
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I have an image of one if needed.. you can create it with linux to fix xp13:09
kondrixdigitori: all right, double thanks to you then13:09
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: an image of a boot floppy?13:09
digitorikondrix: your welcome13:10
IndyGunFreakMicheru: there you go.13:10
IndyGunFreakyou'd have to put it on a blank cd or something, but it should work.13:10
Jack_Sparrowbootdisk.com has some too13:10
digitoriRight maybe my turn anyomne help me out her...not my expertise  anyone know why this is seen in my ubuntu network folder:   dnssd-local-SFTP File Transfer on pc-00249._sftp-ssh._tcp.local13:10
Micherui have never used a windows boot floppy, or any boot floppy for that mater13:10
IndyGunFreakMicheru: all you ahve tod o is when you get the DOS prompt, run fixboot and fixmbr13:11
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: it will boot to DOS prompt and type that one line...  see restoring windows...13:11
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:11
IndyGunFreakthat will clear the master boot record, and boot you straight to windows.13:11
Micheruthats it?13:11
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: right, i've done it before.13:11
Micheruthen what? will grub be working corectly or is there more?13:11
Jack_SparrowMicheru: makes it not even see that ubunt was there13:11
IndyGunFreakMicheru: no, there will be no grub.13:11
IndyGunFreakit will boot like linux wasn't ever installed.13:11
digitoriOk guys will try again later, see ya, have a nice day!!13:12
Micheruso basically i reinstall linux?13:12
Jack_SparrowMicheru: that flushed ubuntu/grub from boot sector13:12
IndyGunFreakMicheru: yes, but before you reinstall, you need to make some sense of those partitions.13:12
Jack_Sparrowand pull the sata out during the install13:12
Micherui have no idea how to move a partition13:12
=== bjorn_ is now known as Bjorn__
Micherui only know the kill it all and start new approach13:13
Micheruprobably why this failed13:13
IndyGunFreakMicheru: you won't have to move it.. becuawe you're going delete all those partitions that arent in use.13:13
gRntLINUXIs there a way to set a chmod lvl in a folder so any future files that go into it adopt the same chmod?13:13
IndyGunFreakformat them as ntfs, it will see your drive as one big drive.13:13
IndyGunFreakMicheru: what do you not understand?13:14
Jack_SparrowMicheru: what was the link to your partition table again?13:14
Micheruwhy wouldn't  have several ntfs partitions?13:14
Micheruill check my logs, if i turned them on13:14
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: that kinda confused me too13:14
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: :)13:14
Micherunope hmm13:14
Micherui forget13:14
Micheruwhat was the command again?13:14
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: my point is, get it down to 1 partition, NTFS.13:14
IndyGunFreakMicheru: sudo fdisk -l13:15
gordonjcpwhy bother repartitioning drives anyway?13:15
gordonjcpdisks are cheap13:15
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: well, he doens't have an XP disk.13:15
gordonjcp50 quid for a 320G SATA13:15
IndyGunFreakbut yes, hard drives are cheap.13:15
gordonjcpseriously, my time is worth more13:15
ubuntu__anybody there?13:16
Micherugordonjcp: answer i have no job13:16
gordonjcpif it takes half an hour to organise repartitioning a disk, it would be cheaper to just go and buy another13:16
Micherui only just graduated13:16
Micherui have exactly 4 aud13:16
gordonjcpMicheru: find another disk13:16
IndyGunFreakMicheru: lol.13:16
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I found his info..13:16
Micherui don't have another disk13:16
gordonjcpMicheru: what day do the bins get picked up?13:16
ubuntu__who can tell me how to use msn in ubuntu?13:17
gordonjcpgo out and look for PCs left on the kerb for the bin men to pickup13:17
* gordonjcp has got a couple of PIIIs that way13:17
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ok, any suggestions?13:17
brobostigonubuntu_: pidgin13:17
Jack_SparrowBooting his windows on external sata and trying to have linux on internal ide (as hdc no less) will be problematic13:17
gordonjcpMicheru: you only need a few gig of disk to install Ubuntu13:17
Micherugordonjcp: we don't do that here13:17
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete13:17
Micheruthey get dropped off at a recycling center or at the dump bin guys won't pick anything but a bin up13:18
MarcusklaasHey can I add a new session option to my login screen so that I can can start my system with a different xorg.conf file?13:19
IndyGunFreakMicheru: i think he's suggesting you go, what we in the US call, dumpster diving.13:19
Micheruok so what exactly do i need to do? and where can i get the image?13:19
Jack_SparrowMicheru: I would first fix the internal ide to show up as hda the first drive on the primary controller not primary drive on the secondary controller13:19
IndyGunFreakMicheru: http://www.bootdisk.com13:19
IndyGunFreakMicheru: download and burn an XP bootdisk13:19
Micheruno burner...13:20
Jack_SparrowMicheru: Then install XP on primary C drive/partition.  leaving at least 10 gigs for ubuntu at the end of the drive13:20
IndyGunFreakMicheru: ok, no burner.13:20
kbrooksMicheru, i wish i could help you in the situation you are in right now.13:20
Jack_SparrowMicheru: floppy drive?13:20
MarcusklaasCan I add a different session to the login screen that uses a different xorg.conf file?13:20
* N3bunel saluta13:20
kbrooksMarcusklaas, yes13:20
loca|hostLaunchpad is down ? it doesnt accept new bug reporting13:20
Jack_SparrowMicheru: Let me see if I can find the floppy you need13:21
loca|hostor maybe there's no more bugs in Ubuntu :D13:21
=== Gunirus is now known as Gunirsu
Marcusklaaskbrooks: Could you please tell me how?13:21
=== Gunirsu is now known as Gunirus
kbrooksMarcusklaas, i'll look around, give me a second please.13:21
Marcusklaaskbrooks: Cool thanks13:21
loca|hostanyway, here's the bug: http://www.pastethat.com/?rKefS13:22
Jack_SparrowMicheru: I found the image for the floppy, just looking for the instructions to dd it into a windows boot floppy13:22
IndyGunFreakis it an image?13:23
=== bullgard1 is now known as bullgard2
emanuelezi screwed up my laptop resolution after setting it up for dual screen. i tried to get the 1280x800 back but i cannot find a solution yet. any hint?13:23
Micheruok so what exactly would i do with the boot floppy, knowing that the xp partition cannot be removed, and i cannot reinstall windows13:23
emanuelezsetting my monitor as 1280x800 tft widescreen does not help13:23
Jack_SparrowMicheru: dd if=floppy.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=16k                 is the command...   see me in #Voyager to give me your email addy..13:24
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: do you want a copy as well13:24
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: be handy to have.13:24
=== bullgard2 is now known as bullgard3
kartookneed help13:27
kartooki need to play DVD in my ubuntu13:27
mattycozehey guys - i've got a problem, my aptitude program doesn't have a very big library to search to install stuff13:27
kartooki am very new provide me a link step by step13:27
mattycozei just installed ubuntu 7.10 btw13:28
kbrooksMarcusklaas, i found it - i think. but i'll cross check to be sure, give me a minute again :-)13:28
Marcusklaask :)13:28
IdleOne!dvd | kartook13:28
ubotukartook: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:28
IdleOne!repos | mattycoze13:28
ubotumattycoze: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource13:28
emanuelezkartook, look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html#video-dvd13:29
mattycozeIdleOne thx for the reference13:30
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Please dont give out my email addy.. thanks13:30
mattycozewhat are the consequences of turning on or off muiltiverse/universe ?13:31
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: man, i was just signing up for a bunch of porn..lol13:31
=== bullgard3 is now known as bullgard6
Marcusklaasjust gives you a lot more available software13:31
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: np13:31
Marcusklaasi'd turn them on13:31
Jack_Sparrowmattycoze: they are safe to turn on13:31
IdleOnemattycoze: turning on will give you access to thousands of apps that your are probably going to want to install. leaving them off gives you nothing13:31
kbrooksMarcusklaas, alllll right. i was on the wrong page - a old page - so now the right thing is to look in /usr/share/xsessions and copy the example13:31
IdleOnemattycoze: btw everybody enables them. they are safe to use13:32
Marcusklaasbut those sessios will be on the same user, right?13:32
=== bullgard6 is now known as bullgard7
mattycozeIdleOne, lol kk, i remember doing something like this last time i installed Ubuntu13:32
mattycozebut i didn't remember why13:32
IdleOnemattycoze: yup :)13:32
mattycozeand was just cautious :p13:32
kbrooksMarcusklaas, they're global13:32
MarcusklaasOkay cool13:33
IdleOnemattycoze: better safe then sorry. when in doubt ask first13:33
Marcusklaaslet me try for a sec kbrooks13:33
kbrooksMarcusklaas, wait ...13:33
kbrooksMarcusklaas, ok, i was misdirected, you said different X config, well this won't help :-)13:33
=== bullgard7 is now known as bullgard8
IdleOne!nickspam | bullgard813:34
ubotubullgard8: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines13:34
MarcusklaasKbrooks: can't i login with different x config?!13:34
kbrooksMarcusklaas, yes, but this is in the gdm configuration file, not in sessions. i'll go back and read it, give me a minute13:35
Marcusklaasokay :)13:35
naturessshelp sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop why can no inistall ?13:36
chazcoHi... anyone know how to emulate the "Enter" button from a shell script (to be ran from keytouch)?13:37
KenSentMeI lost the Xubuntu upper and lower panel and menu. I only see the desktop, no other panels. Any idea on how to retrieve them?13:37
n215how do i add little script in startup ?13:38
n215to run after detecting usb modem13:38
dn4Does anyone here have some software that calculates trajectories and allows one model the earth13:40
dn4rocket science software13:40
valleymanhey, is anyone in aus having trouble connecting to the au.archive sources?13:40
valleymanwhere is everyone?13:42
=== valleyman is now known as omgoose
naturessshelp sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop why can no inistall ?13:43
IndyGunFreakdid you use aptitude to install it, or apt-get?13:43
Jack_Sparrownaturesss: that makes no sense, repeating it dosent help13:43
dn4naturesss, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:43
naturesssinistall ?13:43
=== Faed is now known as Fade
omgoosecan someone possibly send me their sources.list file, mine seems to be f***ed13:44
Jack_Sparrowdo you want to install or remove13:44
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic13:44
IndyGunFreakomgoose: why is it screwed up13:44
omgooseindygunfreak: automatix13:44
dn4naturesss, did you want a desktop or not?13:44
IndyGunFreakomgoose: lol, way to go.13:44
Jack_Sparrowomgoose: the problem goes deeper, that will not fix it13:44
IndyGunFreakomgoose: probably better off reinstalling13:45
naturesssdefault ubuntu ... no kubuntu how ? dn413:45
Jack_Sparrowomgoose: I agree with indy.. surprise13:45
Jack_Sparrownaturesss: we probably have a hannel in your native language.. but he gave you the right command to install the kubuntu-desktop13:45
Jack_Sparrowsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:46
Jack_Sparrownaturesss: then when you login you will see sessions... pick kde session13:46
Marcusklaaskbrooks: any luck?13:46
naturesssJack_Sparrow, yes see kde-desktop13:47
omgoosehrm, its not automatix that is the problem13:47
omgooseis anyone else here from australia?13:47
naturesssJack_Sparrow,  how reapir ubuntu ?13:48
Jack_Sparrowomgoose: I thought you were using Austrailias only internet connection13:48
ArelisDoes anybody know how i could get Adobe Flash CS3 to work on my Ubuntu PC and how i could get my Bamboo Fun tablet to work (which is unsupported in the old kernel Gutsy uses, but is supported in 2.22 or so)? I'd like to replace windows completely (which doesn't mean remove windows, but make ubuntu ready for doing that, as in everything "Just Works"(tm). But i need Adobe Flash, and some other windows programs. One problem is that Adobe Flash CS13:48
omgoose99% [Connecting to au.archive.ubuntu.com (]<<<< it hangs on that13:48
Jack_Sparrownaturesss: You would need to clearly tell us what does not work...13:48
omgooseErr http://au.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy Release.gpg13:49
omgoose  Could not connect to au.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out13:49
omgoose?? help13:49
the-killerhello all how we can run a VCD video .13:49
brobostigonomgoose: it does that  when it cannot connect to the reps.13:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:49
Jefohowcan i install a languagepack for amarok?13:49
mattycozehey does anyone know why the 64bit version of Ubuntu 7.10 won't install properly on this Intel Centrino Duo laptop?13:50
[SpigiBoy]i know litle englis...13:50
[SpigiBoy]how to register my nick?13:50
ere4siI'm getting lockups in different apps - rhythmbox, vlc and user switcher - what log do I read to find out why?13:50
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration13:50
[SpigiBoy]thx :D13:50
naturesssJack_Sparrow,  now  remove kubuntu  my love ubuntu-desktop how ?13:51
[SpigiBoy]adn my chanel?13:51
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
Tim__Hi, I can't login to gnome, the X server keeps on restarting, it doesn't seem to be a graphics driver issue however13:51
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Jack_Sparrownaturesss: I cant understand your english...  sorry.13:51
=== [SpigiBoy] is now known as netAdmin
Marcusklaaskbrooks: any luck?13:51
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration13:51
Jack_Sparrow[SpigiBoy]: what is your language/country13:51
naturesssJack_Sparrow,  ok :)13:52
=== euriber is now known as antisystem32
javier_alguien sabe como entrar en irc hispano13:52
omgooseappears the australian servers down or summin13:52
MarcusklaasHow can I add login sessions?13:52
Jack_SparrowTim__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   reduce the screen res13:52
bazhang!es | javier_13:52
ubotujavier_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.13:52
omgoosecause i just used a New Zealand sources list it it works fine13:52
brobostigoni did say that omgoose.13:52
naturesssJack_Sparrow,  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde13:53
naturesssJack_Sparrow,  sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop no work ? why13:53
MarcusklaasHow can I add new X login sessions?13:53
=== reconnect is now known as recon
netAdminnickser and chanser is avaible?13:53
JJtechhow can i install without using Live CD??13:53
omgoosebrobostigon: but me not being able to connect doesnt mean they are down, could have been a problem on my end, ANY other australian users in here?13:53
jramseytrying to get adobe reader installed/associated with firefox; when i load the rpm, firefox whines there isn't an associated application and i don't see how i can just load the rpm and install it by hand; any ideas?13:53
netAdminor how to register my nick and my chanel13:53
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, but it worked fine until recently, and I don't want to use a lower resolution13:54
the-killeri have problemes when i want to runa VCD i have this error (the playback of this movie need a VCD protocol ....)13:54
MarcusklaasHow can I add new X login sessions?13:54
atlef!install | JJtech13:54
ubotuJJtech: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:54
netAdminplz help me #netportal13:54
Jack_SparrowTim__: back it down and see if that is the problem.. you dont need to stick to the lower res, just find out of that is the prob13:54
netAdminjoin #netportal and help me13:55
Jack_SparrownetAdmin: please stop13:55
jramseytrying to get adobe reader installed/associated with firefox; when i load the rpm, firefox whines there isn't an associated application and i don't see how i can just load the rpm and install it by hand; any ideas?13:55
atlef!ask | netAdmin13:55
ubotunetAdmin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:55
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)13:55
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, wo when I lower the resolution and I can log in where should I look for the problem?13:55
ompaul!register > netAdmin  (see the message from ubotu)13:55
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration13:56
ompaul!botabuse | netAdmin13:56
ubotunetAdmin: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.13:56
Jack_SparrowTim__: post your xorg to the pastebin so someone can look at it13:56
jramseyi'll ask it differently; what's the easiest way to get adobe reader installed/associated with firefox?13:56
Jack_Sparrowmorning ompaul13:56
* JJtech be right back..13:56
=== JJtech is now known as Got
ompaulJack_Sparrow, afternoon13:56
omgoosehow do i find out what version of gtk i have?13:56
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, I pretty sure it's not a configuration issue of the X server, it worked fine for months and i didn't change anything, it's a gnome problem or something13:57
Jack_SparrowTim__: People always say they didnt change or do anything, but the truth is something had to change...13:57
ttt-whats a nice cd writer prog i can get for ubuntu?13:57
Jack_Sparrowttt-: k3b13:58
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto13:58
atlefttt-: gnomebaker13:58
the-killeri have problemes when i want to runa VCD i have this error (the playback of this movie need a VCD protocol ....)13:58
the-killeri have problemes when i want to runa VCD i have this error (the playback of this movie need a VCD protocol ....) help pliz13:58
labinns1Testing pastebin  E [01/Dec/2007:11:38:02 +0000] [Job 180] Canceling job since it could not be sent after 5 tries. E [01/Dec/2007:11:38:26 +0000] PID 16471 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf) stopped with status 252!13:58
ttt-gnomebaker or k3b?13:58
Jack_Sparrowthe-killer: please dont repeat.. and agin.. see the restricted formats link13:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:59
atlefttt-: your choice13:59
Jack_Sparrowttt-: K3B seems to be the standard13:59
berentwhich is the best java jsp server on ubuntu ( is tomcat available on ubuntu?)13:59
omgoosehow do i tell what version of gtk i have?13:59
Jack_Sparrowttt-: but feel free to try both.. the price is right..13:59
ttt-ok thanks14:00
jramseyapparently medibuntu has acrobat, but following the instructions here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-adobe-pdf-reader-with-plug-in-for-mozilla-firefox-in-feisty-fawn.html gives me an error14:00
rommewhere can i download freetype packages with full bci support enabled?14:00
Davo_Dinkumis there a pdf viewer that has the hand grab cursor??14:00
Jack_Sparrowjramsey: trying to use feisty repos on gutsy14:00
siccnessHey Davo_Dinkum :)14:00
Davo_Dinkumyo siicy14:00
jramseyJack_Sparrow, where is gutsy?14:00
Jack_Sparrowjramsey: are you running gutsy or feisty..14:00
ankuris there any good text based web browser  in ubuntu?14:01
siccnessWhat you up to mate?14:01
jramseyJack_Sparrow, cmd again to tell which version?14:01
berentankur: lynx14:01
siccnessankur: elinks14:01
Davo_Dinkumtrying to look at a scanned in PDF about learning russian14:01
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, here is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/d3955f9a214:01
siccnesstrying to install freeradius14:01
omgoosehow do i find out what version of gtk i have????????14:01
Davo_Dinkumwifi app?14:01
siccnesstryna setup 802.1X yeah14:01
corruptionoflulzankur: lynx14:02
CarpeDiemthere is a official support channel?=O14:02
ankurok thanks14:02
CarpeDiemvery good :D14:02
omgoosehow do i find out what version of gtk i have????????14:02
Loungei've got a compiling question14:02
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: i'm limited to how much I get done by whatever the hell apt-get update is doing14:02
=== netAdmin is now known as spigi
siccnessSeems to be sitting there shifting it's thumbs back and forth14:02
Davo_Dinkumoh are you doing WPA2 enterprise level encryption ?14:02
Davo_Dinkumi wanna do that14:03
=== spigi is now known as netadmin
Davo_Dinkummy router supports it14:03
siccnessi built the wireless access point with a netgear wpn31114:03
Jack_SparrowTim__: you have it locked down to one res, what resa are you getting14:03
Loungei've compiled sensor-applet with nvidia, got it to work, but synapitc wants to replace it with the one from the repos14:03
siccnessthat all works, just need to setup EAP-TLS now14:03
labinns1I have a problem printing to PDF. a portion of my log file is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46444/. Can anyone help?14:04
Loungeand since locking it down in synaptc doess't seemm to work14:04
siccnessomgoose: by losing the caps would be a good start14:04
Davo_Dinkumrangemax? as in wireless n?14:04
Loungehow do i change the version number in the source to a newer version?14:04
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: I got absolutely no idea what the hell that crack is. It's 802.11g14:05
Davo_Dinkumoh no it's not14:05
Davo_Dinkumlol crack14:05
Davo_Dinkumfair enough14:05
siccnessI noticed that "RangeMax" thing on the box14:05
omgoosesiccness: scroll up, i havn't used caps and no one answers >_<14:05
siccnessjust seemed like rubbish to me14:05
Davo_Dinkumcould be14:05
siccnessomgoose: perhaps no one knows the answer14:05
sammyFis there any way to tell ubuntu that the proprietary nvidia drivers are installed without ubuntu actually reinstalling them (using the beta ones, as the official ones crash randomly)14:05
Davo_Dinkumwhy not get an a/b/g card?14:05
CarpeDiemomgoose, use google14:05
Jack_SparrowLounge: If you are trying to do what I think you are tring to do.. you cant14:05
CarpeDiemyou'll find it14:05
jramseyJack_Sparrow,  sudo apt-get install acroread mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins14:05
jramsey did the trick ty14:05
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: It is an a/b/g card14:05
Davo_Dinkumoh right. cool14:05
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, that's the native resolution of my display (1280x1024) and it used to work with that, it also works in windows14:05
Davo_Dinkumi thought netgear cards had no support in ubuntu14:06
Loungei got the source to sensors-applet i just wann know if changing it to a newer version number will make the autoupdate goaway14:06
Wookstadoes anyone know of a good tutorial on how to setup ubuntu server as a svn server?14:06
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: no idea what thats about. I'm using Debian Etch for the router/access point14:06
siccnessusing madwifi14:07
Jack_SparrowTim__: add another lower res so you can at least get back in..  say 1024x768  and your monitor refresh rates look a bit odd, did you double check those14:07
siccness(set it in mastermode) and voila.14:07
Loungelocking down the version number in synaptic fails14:07
olskolirchow can I sort my home directory by file type please?14:07
Davo_Dinkumoh ok14:07
Davo_Dinkumi need to learn a lot more about wireless before i set anything up14:07
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: Nah, I didn't know anything wireless when I set mine up.14:07
Davo_Dinkumi dunno much about enterprise wpa2 encryption though14:08
sammyFis there any way to tell ubuntu that the proprietary nvidia drivers are installed without ubuntu actually reinstalling them (using the beta ones, as the official ones crash randomly)14:08
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: Neither do I :)14:08
siccnessThat's why you just do it14:08
siccnessLearn :)14:08
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, refresh rate is right,  also don't see how changeing the resolution could solve the problem, but I'll reboot and try it out and the come here again to report14:08
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: you learn more by doing something then reading about it14:09
Jack_Sparrowsiccness: better to read first then try it14:09
Davo_Dinkumso why do people tell you to read the manual? :p14:09
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: cuz people are idiots14:09
Davo_Dinkumi think that's just another way of saying piss off.14:09
Jack_Sparrowwe dont use the term rtfm in here.. simply not acceptable...14:10
desertcQUESTION: My existing [7.10] installation is not booting.  It gets to GRUB 1.5 and says, Loading... (with the countdown timer stopping at either 2 or 1).  Sometimes it does boot correctly, but mostly not.  FSCK returns no errors.14:10
neil_dis edubuntu a liveCD ?14:10
ubotuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org14:11
Davo_Dinkumhmm we should have a bot in #gnewsense14:11
siccnessapt is trying to hit a repo that appears to be down, is it possible to skip it14:11
Davo_Dinkum# it out i guess14:11
siccnessbah the effort14:12
Jack_Sparrowsiccness: you can remove it from sources list.. rem it out # actually, but which one is a prob14:12
Jack_Sparrowsiccness: you are tying up the only line they have.. use nz14:13
Loungei have created a sensors-applet_1.7.12+dfsg.deb with nividia support for the i386, can i upload it somewhere?14:13
Davo_Dinkumdoes dapper have any problems installing on SATA drives?14:14
Jack_SparrowDavo_Dinkum: sata used to be some issues. have not seen any lately.. other than when setup as raid14:14
_ImAliVeDavo_Dinkum what soory what is a SATA drive ??14:14
Jack_Sparrowserial ata14:15
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, changing the resolution didn't solve the prpblem14:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:15
* siccness kicks krb14:16
Jack_SparrowTim__: what was the last update, where did you get the video drivers you are using, inside ubuntu or from the web14:16
ntoxinEver since I installed the latest update I seem to be having trouble accessing my NTFS hard drives, anyone know why?14:16
_ImAliVelooh what i foun14:16
Davo_DinkumJack_Sparrow: i meant dapper in particular14:16
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, the nvidia drivers from the ubuntu repos, but the nv and vesa driver don't work either14:17
siccnessntoxin: more information..?14:17
Jack_SparrowDavo_Dinkum: that kind of info is helpful up front14:17
Davo_Dinkum01:14 < Davo_Dinkum> does dapper have any problems installing on SATA drives?14:17
Davo_DinkumAnd I gave it to you14:17
_ImAliVehow do i install de ubuntu14:17
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, I mean i get a cursor and the background has the color I set, but then gnome doesn't start and X restarts after 15 seconds or so14:18
Jack_SparrowTim__: have you used root or sudo lately?14:18
ntoxinsiccness: They do'nt appear on my desktop like they used to I can't acces them through Places and i even tried Konqueror/media with no luck it's like they are'nt there!!!14:18
Jack_SparrowDavo_Dinkum: I did have a couple probs with dapper and sata14:18
siccnessntoxin: are they mounted?14:19
Jack_SparrowDavo_Dinkum: that would be #ubuntu-3   ?14:19
_ImAliVei'm sorry to persist but how do i install the ubuntu14:19
Jack_SparrowDavo_Dinkum: Not sure people are even in there these days14:19
Jack_Sparrow_ImAliVe: put in the disk and turn on your pc is how you start14:20
Davo_Dinkumoh ok14:20
robdig_ImAliVe: if you've downloaded the cd image, burn it to disk, and boot off of it. when you first boot, suggest that you run the cd check, then run the live cd. you can play with ubuntu without touching your hard drive. when you're ready, double click the installation icon on the desktop14:20
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:20
ntoxinthey used to be there automatically so i never bothered with that, how do you check?14:20
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, yes to change xorg.con just now, apart from that no14:20
siccness_ImAliVe: Download the appropriate ubuntu .iso file, burn it using a burner and place the media into an optical drive that can read the written disc14:20
_ImAliVethank you guys :))14:20
siccnessthen double click an icon that says "Install"14:20
siccnessor something o'rather.14:20
Davo_Dinkumthen put on a chicken suit and run around a lot.14:21
Tim__has anybody here downgraded from guts to feisty? are there any problems I may run into?14:21
Jack_SparrowTim__: I cant keep guessing at what was changed or installed...  something happened..  how much free space is on the drive?14:21
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, about 5 gb14:22
Jack_SparrowTim__: May I assume you never even tried automatix or envy scripts.. both very bad ideas..14:22
ntoxinsiccness: How do I check if my drives are mounted??14:23
siccnessusing the 'mount' command.14:23
Davo_Dinkum mount your horse14:23
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, no I just used the ubuntu generated xorg.conf and replaced nv with nvidia, that xorg.conf was set up before restricted-drivers-manager even existed14:24
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: I came up with a cool naming scheme for my network, BBQ related. "frothies", "eyefillet", "kebabs", "snags" :)14:24
neil_dif I wanted to setup an edubuntu like ltsp on ubuntu what packages would I install ? ltsp-server, ltsp-server-standalone or something else ?14:24
Davo_Dinkumerr ok14:24
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: I'm bored, I need to talk about something :)14:25
Davo_Dinkummaybe you could go to bed14:25
siccnessgotta get EAP happenin14:25
Jack_Sparrowsiccness: then feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic14:25
Davo_Dinkumsif EAP14:25
Davo_Dinkumleave it14:25
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, don#t you think it's a gnome problem, I remember there was some .ICEAuthoirty file or something that could lead to trouble14:25
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: I am scared RADIUS is a little over the top though14:25
siccnessJack_Sparrow: shall do, sorry.14:25
Davo_Dinkumapart from being cool, are hostnames/whatever naming schemes actually useful?14:25
siccnessDavo_Dinkum: yeah14:26
siccnessHelps determine what devices actually belong.14:26
Davo_Dinkumyou can never be OTT with security14:26
Jack_SparrowTim__: too many possibilities and downgrading wont work,, restore from your backup to do that14:26
kbrooksDave123, "OTT"?14:26
siccnessOver the top14:26
Davo_Dinkumover the top14:26
kbrooksDave123, oh, over the top14:26
Jack_Sparrowover the top14:26
ompaul!xen | Arelis14:26
ubotuArelis: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen14:26
kbrooksDave123, yes, i got it ;-)14:26
siccnesskbrooks: your tab-completion skills need help.14:27
kbrookssiccness, i'll fix it14:27
kbrookssiccness, works now14:28
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, well quite frankly, guts is the worst ubuntu version to date, I already spent hours fixing problems and now I can't even get to my desktop anymore, also I don't have a backup of my complete / with feisty14:28
Tim__Jack_Sparrow, what if I just wipe out / and install feisty14:29
Jack_SparrowTim__: then you will have clean feisty14:29
neil_dTim__, it works fine for me14:29
Jack_SparrowTim__: I felt that way about edgy.. never did use it14:29
ntoxinsiccness: when i try to mount it through the mount command it says it can't find it in /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab but when I do cat /etc/fstab/ there it they are!14:29
Tim__neil_d, that's great for you, but it doesn't help me at all14:30
Jack_Sparrowntoxin: are you trying to mount ntfs drive?14:30
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:30
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:30
punzadascreen is the best thing ever made. that is all. :)14:31
ntoxinJack_Sparrow: yes indeed i amthey have disapeared since the lateset ubuntu update!14:31
siccnesspunzada: im pretty sure mpd tops it.14:31
tz80122punzada: screen ftw14:31
Jack_Sparrowntoxin: You can pastebin your fstab.. someone will help.. I was about to leave.. got to get some work done14:31
Jack_Sparrowpeople... please play nice and be respectful14:32
ntoxink thanks Jack Sparrow14:32
kbrooksJack_Sparrow, "play nice"?/14:32
Jack_Sparrowkbrooks: You know what I mean....  especially you14:33
Tim__ok I decided to downgrade to gutsy, even if I got my desktop to work again I'm also experiencing another ebug that causes my system to freeze randomly, maybe that will also be fixed with feisty14:33
punzadascreen is amazing, and screen in an ssh with remote x wants to make me whisper sweet nothings into the developers ears ;x14:33
kbrooksJack_Sparrow, how dont i "play nice"?14:33
Jack_Sparrowkbrooks: You are fine...14:33
Jack_Sparrowlater people14:33
kbrookspunzada, the way that all the individual programs are integrated.. they just fall in together14:34
OIMı am having trouble with printer14:34
kbrookspunzada, is that what you mean?14:34
punzadaso much usability14:34
OIMis there any one wanna help me14:35
punzadaand being able to use process intensive software on remote systems visually and securely on a per-application basis .... yum lol14:35
nT4_helo guys14:35
kbrookspunzada, "securely on a per-application basis"?14:35
punzadawell, like i said above, being ssh'd into a machine and through x fowarding load up apps as necessary and then as many as you could even want14:36
punzadais very nice :)14:36
* punzada is just overly enjoying his new setup for his home machines lol14:36
OIMubuntu sending progress to printer, it get warming that is all14:37
OIMno out put14:37
BullButchI need help!14:38
kbrooksBullButch, go on, ask.14:38
WinballBullButch We know14:38
ntoxinsiccnesss: you still here??14:38
siccnessYeah mate14:38
kbrooksBullButch, that might be an inappropriate nickname to some in here14:38
BullButchkbrooks: I have a ATI RADEON X1600. I want to use "dual-head", how is that possible?14:39
BullButchkbrooks why is it inappropriate?14:39
ntoxinsiccness my ntfs drive do not seem to be mounted and i do not know how to mount them, could you please help me!14:40
bonsaiMonkeyhi does any one know a good working multiple torrent client?14:40
siccnessYou need to find out what partition you want to mount14:40
kbrooksBullButch, i said "might be". and it might be inappropriate because of a bad word14:40
siccnessuse: sudo fdisk -l14:41
ntoxinsiccness: sda1 and sdb114:41
siccnesssudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/mountmehere14:41
siccnesssudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/mountmehere214:41
BullButchkbrooks hmm, okej.14:41
siccnessalthough dont actually mount itthere ;P14:41
siccnessput em in your home directory14:41
=== BullButch is now known as Butch
siccnessor under /mnt/14:42
siccnessi dunno what ubuntu's default area is14:42
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BjorneAnyone? I have ATI Radeon x1600. I want to be able to watch movies on my LCD-Tv. But i can't get the system to work with 2 screens..14:43
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:43
ntoxinit sent me a readout of a logfile talking about an unclean shutdown!14:44
rambo3it's uncleeeeeeeeeeean14:44
rambo3i thought i was in offtopic14:45
ant-you are rambo314:45
hotchipHey guys, I'm having some problems installing fuppes. It fails during make with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46448/ error. Someone helped me some time ago by making a .deb file for me. But I did a fresh install of Gutsy today and now it fails again.14:45
rambo3!info fuppes14:46
ubotuPackage fuppes does not exist in gutsy14:46
ntoxinsiccness i IM'ed you the readout!14:46
BjorneCan anyone help me with my Radeon-card?14:46
hotchipubotu: Uh, yeah I know.14:46
siccnessntoxin: sorry?14:46
=== osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude
LiMaOhey everyone! good afternoon =)14:47
ntoxinyou didnt recieve it?14:47
siccnessntoxin: im not registered i dont think14:47
siccnessyes i am14:47
siccnessdidnt receive it14:47
siccnesspastebin it14:47
siccnessntoxin: you may need to simply run a chkdisk14:48
siccnessor whatever its called14:48
ntoxinsiccness well anyway it says something about an unclean shutdown and that the NTFS disks are marked to be in use!14:48
hotchipntoxin: Startup Windows, and shut down again. ^^14:49
ntoxinok thanks guys i'll tri that14:49
hotchipnow, anyone fancies helping me?14:50
Python1320Hmm. Whats wrong with my linux? Sometimes when I kill X/gdm the whole screen "freezes" (keys and other stuff works but you see random stuff in the screen (sometimes the stuff changes sometimes it doesnt) - I can still start X but i lose DRI and closing x does the "freeze" again. How can i solve this without a reboot? (currently freezed | gutsy | dri works if "freeze" hasn't appeared) glxinfo with libgl debug shows stuff like th14:50
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ant-hotchip, you might as well just ask your question14:51
hotchipHey guys, I'm having some problems installing fuppes. It fails during make with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46448/ error. Someone helped me some time ago by making a .deb file for me. But I did a fresh install of Gutsy today and now it fails again.14:51
ubuntu__who use hp 6515b ?14:52
Python1320i also get stuff like this when starting X -> ISPATCH ERROR! glSecondaryColor3dv -> 585 != 56414:52
ubuntu__ who use hp 6515b14:52
bAcArDeEHi, I've been trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 for a while now. I have tried 3 different versions, 64bit, 32 bit, and 32 bit alternate(text installer).14:53
bAcArDeEMy problem is, that when I select start or install ubuntu, it loads, gets to the orange colored screen, plays the login sound and then my computer abruptly shuts off. So I tried installing it with the text installer, worked fine and then when I went to login to ubuntu, computer just shuts off.14:53
bAcArDeEI should probably note that this is not only an ubuntu issue, I had the same exact problem when trying to install vista from a boot cd. It would get to the graphical loading bar, and then shut off. I DID actually get it part way installed, then it restarted to finish the installation, but of course it would just shut off when I tried getting past the loading screen. For some reason I can install windows XP perfectly fine. I just ref14:53
bAcArDeEthanks in advance for any help14:53
bAcArDeESpecs: everything is about 2 months old14:53
bAcArDeEProcessor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~3.0GHz14:53
bAcArDeEMemory: 2046MB RAM14:53
bAcArDeEDirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)14:53
bAcArDeECard name: Radeon X1950 Pro 512.0 MB 256mb interface14:53
bAcArDeEHard Drive: WDC WD2500KS-00MJB0 250 GB14:53
bAcArDeEBy the way temps are fine, so its not a heating issue, cpu is at a constant 35-40 celsius14:54
bAcArDeEany ideas14:54
=== mark_ is now known as mark[oz]
hotchiphmm, I had the same problem when installing both windows and ubuntu on a computer that I recieved from a friend.14:55
hotchipI gave up. :(14:55
orochi_Hello :> I do a lot of work with blender, and in 7.10 i have the compiz desktop effects enabled...but when I click render in the blender ui, fullscreen or not, compiz causes the rendered window to appear -behind- the blender window :< Is there any way I could fix this, or (easily) report it as a bug somewhere?14:55
grodydisable compiz when running blender?14:57
erUSUL!bugs | orochi_14:57
ubotuorochi_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots14:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wayttd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:57
bachstudies is anyone finding that firefox is causing random resets of the computer? I'm experiencing it a lot...nothing wrong with my processor temp or anything. Just buggy???14:57
ant-hotchip, did you download the latest sources?14:58
hotchipAnd I followed the guide how to build it on their wiki.14:58
ant-and did you do this exactly? http://fuppes.ulrich-voelkel.de/documentation/installation/linux/14:59
hotchipor wait.15:00
siccnessi think i screwed up my dhcp range15:00
hotchipant-: sorry, I followed this: http://fuppes.ulrich-voelkel.de/wiki/index.php/Compiling_on_Linux15:00
bAcArDeEI've been trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 for a while now. I have tried 3 different versions, 64bit, 32 bit, and 32 bit alternate(text installer).15:00
bAcArDeEMy problem is, that when I select start or install ubuntu, it loads, gets to the orange colored screen, plays the login sound and then my computer abruptly shuts off. So I tried installing it with the text installer, worked fine and then when I went to login to ubuntu, computer just shuts off.15:00
bAcArDeEI should probably note that this is not only an ubuntu issue, I had the same exact problem when trying to install vista from a boot cd. It would get to the graphical loading bar, and then shut off. I DID actually get it part way installed, then it restarted to finish the installation, but of course it would just shut off when I tried getting past the loading screen. For some reason I can install windows XP perfectly fine. I just ref15:00
siccnessbAcArDeE: hardware issue by the sounds of things mate15:01
bAcArDeEbut what part, everything works fine in xp15:01
bAcArDeEis there a way to find out what is causing it15:01
siccnessYou can do some tests to help narrow it down15:01
bAcArDeEall my parts are less than 2 months old15:01
bAcArDeEcustom built pc15:01
siccnessI'd start with memory15:01
Xdange1hey guys all of a sudden i notice that when i plug in my laptop charger my cpu usage is high15:02
Xdange1someting like 90%15:02
Xdange1and when i unplug it, its back to normal15:02
bAcArDeEthe only reason I can think of for a comp shutting off like that would be overheating15:02
bAcArDeEbut thats not possible the temps are fine15:02
Xdange1what could cause that?15:02
siccnesscomputers randomly shutting down can be caused by just about anything15:03
siccnessPSU, RAM, VGA, Motherboard15:03
siccnesspick your device15:03
siccnessand trouble-shoot.15:03
ant-hotchip, the svn is beta, get the latest stable release15:03
imc_Hi, just installed from CD and window element and message fonts are all ABSOLUTELY HUGE, can anyone help?15:04
rommehow do i mark a package as "fixed" so the update manager ignores it?15:04
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hotchipant-: I just tried downloading it through the net, the 549 release. And doing ./configure with the settings for gnome integration and video transcoding. It still errors out in make. :(15:05
ant-hotchip, are the errors the same?15:07
srSantiagoany br?15:08
hotchiproughly, but not really.15:09
hotchipthere's an update for ffmpeg, should I get it?15:12
bullgard4On one Ubuntu 7.10 computer ls lists the output in one column, on another it lists it in several columns. What is the reason for that?15:13
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jribbullgard4: length of list15:14
ant-hotchip, its good to update whenever possible15:14
bewstDo any plugins actually exist for the Zeroconf Service Discovery Applet?15:14
bullgard4jrib: Can you elaborate.15:15
hotchipok ok :D15:15
rommehow do i stop the update manager to notify me about updates to pinned packages?15:15
rommes/to notify/from notifying/15:15
jribbullgard4: if there are a lot of files it will be in a single column15:15
bullgard4jrib: Ah! I will check that.15:15
jribromme: does apt-get respect your pin?15:16
=== fsckr is now known as notfskcr
=== notfskcr is now known as notfsckr
rommejrib: yes, but the update manager icon still keeps reminding me15:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keyrings - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:17
berentwhat is a keyring?15:17
=== notfsckr is now known as fsckr
stdinberent: a list of trusted keys15:19
jribromme: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude upgrade' differs from update manager?15:19
berentstdin: what does that mean and where is it used15:19
stdinjrib: if you mean upgrading to another ubuntu version, then yes15:20
BlackDiamondswhat application is running here ? -> http://wubi.sourceforge.net/images/ubuntu-listen.jpg15:20
stdinberent: it's a list of GPG keys that are used to sign the list of packages from Ubuntu, for apt15:20
rommejrib: thanks, it does not15:20
ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts15:20
jribromme: so the pin isn't working then?15:21
n2diy_BlackDiamonds: are you in coal country?15:21
BlackDiamondsI run Kubuntu on most of my machines15:21
berentstdin: if i create a newone what does that mean.15:21
jribBlackDiamonds: /me takes a wild guess at "Listen" :)15:21
rommejrib: yeah, it offers me to upgrate that package15:21
bullgard4jrib: Thank you very much for explaining.15:21
jribromme: pastebin how you setup your pin if you want15:21
BlackDiamondsRhythmbox ?15:22
jribBlackDiamonds: no, "Listen"15:22
rommejrib: nothing to pastebin: i've pinned it using synaptic. i'll try some other way now15:22
jribromme: oh15:22
stdinberent: a personal ketring is a list of keys that you have stored locally, so you can verify that signed files are from who they claim to be from15:22
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:22
jrib!pinning > romme (read the private message from ubotu)15:22
J-_!info seamonkey15:23
ubotuPackage seamonkey does not exist in gutsy15:23
J-_hmm, why isn't seamonkey in the repos?15:23
riotkittiemozilla-seamonkey perhaps?15:23
berentstdin: how will it verify somebody else's signed files?15:23
riotkittiebut i could be wrong.15:23
riotkittie!find seamonkey15:23
mosnoJ-_: try iceape15:23
ubotuPackage/file seamonkey does not exist in gutsy15:24
corruptionoflulzwould an easy way to backup all my programs and settings be just to copy my home folder? (minus /media)15:24
BlackDiamonds!find icemonkey15:24
J-_thanks riotkittie, mosno15:24
jribcorruptionoflulz: settings yes, programs no15:24
ubotuPackage/file icemonkey does not exist in gutsy15:24
mosno!find iceape15:24
ubotuFound: iceape-locale-pl, iceape, iceape-browser, iceape-chatzilla, iceape-dbg (and 4 others)15:24
jrib!cloning | corruptionoflulz15:24
ubotucorruptionoflulz: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:24
stdinberent: you get their public key from a keyserver (like keyserver.ubuntu.com) and then use gpg to see if the file has a correct signature15:24
corruptionoflulzjrib: Now that i have everything all clean and customized on this reinstall, i basically just want to copy it to a dvd so i can mess around and if i make a mess of things, just go back to that15:25
berentstdin: so you mean whoever creates a keyring will get an ancryption at some server which is retrieved at the time of verification of respective sources,15:25
jribcorruptionoflulz: yep backup /home and doing what ubotu said will work15:26
kane77is there some man viewer program? (nicer than the terminal man)15:26
corruptionoflulzjrib: thanks ^^   i think i mostly understand ubotu's instructions.15:27
stdinberent: a keyring is just a list of public keys which you can use to check a files origin. they create the keypair (public and private) on their system an upload the public key to a server so you can check that a file has a good signature from them15:27
void^kane77: there's xman ;)15:27
jribkane77: gman for example15:27
kane77jrib, void^ thanx15:29
berentstdin: does that mean someone can check for my public keyring value and verify it on all files i upload and download.15:29
Nilbusamd64 linux runs on Intel Duo, right?15:29
berentNilbus: yes15:30
Nilbusthank you15:30
stdinberent: close, if you create a key an upload the public key to s keyserver, someone else can download that key to check that a file you have signed is really from you. it's also used in emails to make sure the email is really from the sender it says15:31
CrashOverridelol this channel has the most users of nay channel on the server15:31
axzWhy cant i use Helix player on ubuntu?15:31
CrashOverride* any15:31
jribaxz: you should say what happens when you try to use it so that you can get help.  But why not just use mplayer with w32codecs?15:31
derklesanyone else find it annoying when a drive is automounted the icon sits on top of existing icons on the desktop?15:32
axzjrib, because Helix is much easier to use and much better overview15:32
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axzjrib, can it be installed on ubuntu?15:32
berentstdin: how do you sign a document with a keyring?15:32
berentstdin: i never sign anything when using email15:33
jrib!restricted > axz (read the private message from ubotu)15:33
derklesCan I autoarrange desktop icons to the right instead of left?15:34
axzuhmm the page tells me how to use codecs15:34
stdinberent: this is a good guide on how to do that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto15:34
axzall i wants to use is helix player it worked fine on Opensuse15:35
corruptionoflulzjrib: sorry, i'm still a little lost on how to backup the packages.15:35
ubotuIt is spelt "FEIsty" :)15:35
riotkittiederkles: as far as i can see, no15:35
seanhodgesaxz: yes, its in universe repo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/graphics/helix-player15:35
axzseanhodges, thanks mate i have it in my add/remove list15:36
axzbut cant select it to be installed15:36
axzany idea whats going one?15:36
MepT_Bbluпидары ёбаные хуля вы бляди хуесосы суки тут дрочите мудаки долбаёбы15:37
jribaxz: the page also links to Helix Player instructions, but now I see it is outdated anyway15:37
jrib!ru | MepT_Bblu15:37
ubotuMepT_Bblu: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke15:37
seanhodgesaxz - not sure why you cant select it, do you get a message popup?15:37
axznope nothing15:37
kane77can I use something like that in tar options --exclude=abc|def to exclude abc and def?15:37
jribaxz: what happens when you do 'sudo aptitude install helix-player'15:37
axzjust cant slect the helix to be installed15:38
axzlet me try dind try that one15:38
jribcorruptionoflulz: you run the command and get a file15:38
berentstdin: thanks15:38
axzCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "helix-player"15:38
NilbusI'm not quite sure how to download the ubuntu livecd.  There's a checkbox that reads, "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer."  But I don't understand what this means.15:38
Nilbuscould anyone clarify?15:38
seanhodgesaxz, also bear in mind that Helix is not available for amd6415:38
seanhodgesthe project wont compile for that architecture15:39
jribNilbus: the Desktop cd is both the install and live.  The alternate is *not* live, only text-based install15:39
seanhodgesi know this because i have amd64 ;)15:39
axzwell it was on Opensuse seanhodges15:39
Nilbusjrib, ah, thanks15:39
axzwhats yopu suggest me to use on ubuntu mate?15:39
mosnoAlternate CD rocks (it lets me do LVM)!15:39
seanhodgesOpenSuSE wraps the 32bit libs in a certain way to make Helix work - Ubuntu doesn't do this yet15:40
axzseanhodges, you should be the best person to ask you how to make firefox 32 work on 64bit15:40
mosnoseanhodges: aww you still use a lowercase u15:41
corruptionoflulzjrib: i type that into the terminal and nothing happens?15:41
jribcorruptionoflulz: paste here what you typed15:41
corruptionoflulzdpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages15:41
jribcorruptionoflulz: now you have ~/my-packages15:42
seanhodgesmosno, haha it was SuSE back when I used it ;) I still call Snickers bars "Marathon" as well15:42
corruptionoflulzjrib: and i'd copy that elsewhere how?15:42
H264_laptopMarathon was a fun game15:42
mosnoseanhodges: oldschool15:43
jribcorruptionoflulz: right click, copy?15:43
mosnoseanhodges: but was it S.u.S.E or SuSE? ;)15:43
jribcorruptionoflulz: ~ means HOME15:43
corruptionoflulzjrib: (it was sitting in front of my face the whole time)15:43
seanhodgesaxz, i haven't tried to wrap 32bit Firefox in Ubuntu before, tho i've seen the instructions before will try and dig them out15:43
SoundChaserHi guys - trying to upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy, and am getting an error message about not being able to retrieve the "...feisty-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz", it appears the file on the server isn't compressed, but the update manager thinks it should be....15:44
axzi m searhing for those instructions for a long time15:44
ankuris there any antivirous software for ubuntu?15:44
SoundChaser(And I am surprised, I would think .gz would be a gzipped file..."15:44
seanhodgesankur, ClamAV15:44
H264_laptopSoundChaser: I got an error like that before... the fix was to comment off everything in sources.list then uncomment them15:45
H264_laptopand check for updates15:45
jrib!flash32 | seanhodges, axz15:45
jrib!flash64 | seanhodges, axz15:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:45
ubotuseanhodges, axz: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava15:45
SoundChaserokay, I take it that sources.list is somehwere under /etc?15:45
jribSoundChaser: /etc/apt15:46
Nobl1the X11VNC package is different than gutsy remote desktop, right?15:46
seanhodgesnice one jrib, i was looking for that page15:46
H264_laptopSoundChaser: yeah... sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:46
SoundChaserAnd comment out *everything*?15:47
Learning-UbuntuIs there a mini mode in Amarok?15:47
axzthanks jrib i try that.. sorry guys i just come from opensuse to ubuntu kinda weird stepp :P15:48
H264_laptopSoundChaser: yes, the comment is #15:48
H264_laptopthen check for updates15:48
corruptionoflulzjrib: now if i just copy my home drive that's every setting and every program right? (already copied my-packages)15:48
jribaxz: 64bit isn't really worth the hassle imo15:48
H264_laptopthen undo the comments you did and check again15:48
jribcorruptionoflulz: yes and you have to remember the command you need to /use/ the my-packages file15:49
ankuris there any software in ubuntu which can give me total list of software those are installed in my pc?15:49
CrashOverrideya he better quit his client15:49
corruptionoflulzjrib: yeah, i pasted ubotu's instructions into a text file in that folder.. thanks!15:49
jribankur: aptitude search '~i'15:49
seanhodgesaxz, personally i dont have a problem with 64bit - but it is still a bit rough around the edges in places. If you find it holding you back it's best to switch to 32bit for now15:50
alzamabarHI guys15:50
SoundChaserokay - it's going - going to let it run -- thanks guys...15:50
SoundChaser(and gals...)15:50
alzamabarand gals15:50
H264_laptopSoundChaser: so that fixed it?15:50
H264_laptopah, nm15:51
H264_laptopI guess it did... lol15:51
seanhodgesaxz, also, bookmark this while you still working your way around Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux. It has tips like the environment variables set for Ubuntu, etc15:51
axzthanks alot15:51
alzamabarThis evening I'll get a new PC. I bought it to install Ubuntu. May I ask few questions here?15:51
linxehis there anywhere to download a dump of the ubuntu wiki?15:52
H264_laptopankur: also the program Synaptic will let you do that easily15:52
axzjrib, i getting this error on 3th stepp15:52
sethkalzamabar, sure.  Can't promise whether you'll get the correct answers, though   :)15:52
axzCould not save the file /etc/pango32/pangorc.15:52
alzamabarThanx :)15:52
alzamabarMy new PC will have a P4 dual core. Is that supported by Ubuntu?15:52
alzamabarAlso, it'll have 2 GB RAM15:53
sethkalzamabar, yes15:53
travishey guys15:53
auzzyhey all15:53
alzamabarand a 256 MB graphic card15:53
jribaxz: you used 'gksudo gedit /etc/pango32/pangorc' ?15:53
JEFFmasterFLEXlinxeh:  there is a firefox extension that lets you save an entire webpage as a PDF15:53
riddareralfHello. I've just recompiled my kernel so now I have When I'm trying to install linux-restricted-modules (for my ATI card) it won't load since it want version and not
sethkalzamabar, 2 gig ram is more than enough (unless you intend to dual boot vista on the same box)15:53
travisanyone here struggle with a ATI Radion Mobility with Compiz?15:53
axzyes jrib15:53
corruptionoflulztravis: YES15:53
jribaxz: close it, does '/etc/pango32' exist?15:54
corruptionoflulztravis: i can't even get my radeon mobility to work with restricted drivers on my laptop15:54
sethkalzamabar, so far, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing you need to worry about15:54
travisany idea for a solution? I've reinstalled 7.10 15+ times15:54
travisand tried like 20 different solluitions15:54
traviswhat kind of laptop?15:54
axzlet me check15:54
alzamabarsethk, I just want to run it as a server machine (for instance I want to put my DB there) but I also want to try my email server there15:54
travisI have a Dell Inspiron E150515:54
linxehJEFFmasterFLEX: that's not what I want. I'd like to make a mirror of the entire wiki for use on a network without internet access15:54
sethkalzamabar, I run those on linux, not a problem15:54
corruptionoflulztravis: have you tried ati's linux drivers they released not too long ago?15:55
axzjrib, nope15:55
axzno pango3215:55
auzzyI have an issue with sound on ubuntu, anyone able to help?15:55
travisno luck15:55
sethkalzamabar, you should do a server install, if you aren't going to use the box as a workstation15:55
thinhwhat ext should i format my external hd ext2 or ext3?15:55
H264_laptoptravis: Yes. the only solution I have had was the recent ATI drivers for my X160015:55
linxehJEFFmasterFLEX: a db copy would be less of a hit on bandwidth and CPU than doing a page by page crawl of the site15:55
travisit worked for you?15:55
H264_laptopthe 8.42.3 drivers15:55
sethkalzamabar, there's no real difference in the o/s, but it prevents you from giving up disk space for things you'll never use15:55
sethkalzamabar, and installs quicker.15:55
alzamabarsethk, I've got a wireless router which receives ADSL, but I'm thinking of attaching my new PC to it through Ethernet cable.15:55
sethkalzamabar, if you should change your mind later, you can always add the workstation packages.15:56
sethkalzamabar, if they are next to each other, I use wires.15:56
travisH264: ok ill give those a shot15:56
sethkalzamabar, simpler to set up, more reliable15:56
thinhanyone know what the difference between ext2 or ext3?15:56
alzamabarsethk, will I have to configure the network or it will pick it up automatically?15:56
corruptionoflulztravis: it hasn't worked for me15:56
travislet me double check to see if thats what i tried earlier15:56
sethkalzamabar, it will auto configure by default using DHCP15:56
H264_laptoptravis: yes, but only the latest build of the 8.42.3 driver, it is called something else version 7.1115:56
sethkalzamabar, you can of course change any of the default settings, but if you are happy with the auto config it will just work.15:57
H264_laptoptravis: I could get a link for you if you want15:57
alzamabarsethk, so as long as I attach the Ethernet cable to the wireless router, it will configure itself?15:57
travis7.11 is the correct one?15:57
travisor the 8.42.3 driver15:57
sethkalzamabar, yes.  I'm assuming the router is set up to supply the configuration.  They typically are so set up.15:57
H264_laptoptravis: yeah, the 7.11 is a slightly newer build of the 8.42.315:57
travisis that the one?15:57
jribaxz: k, refresh the page15:57
travisi have both downloaded then15:57
auzzyany ideas for some sound issues?15:57
H264_laptoptravis: err, let me check15:58
alzamabarsethk, yes, the router assigns IP addresses to local clients. How to I see the hw address of my machine?15:58
corruptionoflulztravis: honestly, i just gave up and decided to wait for hardy15:58
axzlool nice job :p15:58
sethkalzamabar, ifconfig -a15:58
sethkalzamabar, the -a will give more info, including the hardware address15:58
alzamabarsethk, ok, thanks15:58
axzbtw update firefox version15:58
corruptionoflulztravis: my laptop just doesn't get along with any drivers, even the latest windows drivers from ATI15:58
axzits .11 atm15:58
jribaxz: it's a wiki if you want :)15:58
traviswhat kind of laptop is it?15:59
alzamabarsethk, because I want my DHCP server to assign always the same IP to each box, and that must be configured with the hw address15:59
travisall im having problems with are my ATI driveres and my wireless, if it wasn't for those i would be golden15:59
corruptionoflulztravis: sager 3790, radeon mobility 970015:59
sethkalzamabar, yes, that's true, and you can easily find the address.15:59
sethkalzamabar, you can also simply assign a static IP to each box.  Whichever you find easier.16:00
auzzycan someone help me with some sound problems16:00
alzamabarsethk, what about internet? Will it work straight away?16:00
sethkalzamabar, yes.  The auto configuration will set up the gateway and DNS parameters, which is all you need to be able to get to the net.16:00
robdigauzzy: maybe, what's your problem16:00
corruptionoflulztravis: please remember to mention someone's name when talking to them, because this is a busy channel and it's hard to keep track of.16:00
travisTo avoid all the clutter can we meet in #UbuntuATI ?16:00
sethkalzamabar, assuming again that the router is configured to do that.  If a windows box talks to the router and can then see the 'net, so will the linux box.16:00
corruptionoflulztravis: you can do autocompletes on the name by pressing tab after typing a few letters16:01
alzamabarsethk, thanx. Also, a question I had was: is Ubuntu just another version of Linux (i.e. all Linux commands will work on Ubuntu as well), or are the commands different? (E.g. ls, cd /home/usr/local, etc)16:01
auzzyrobdig: I cant get any sound at all with ubuntu... but it works fine in suse16:01
sethkalzamabar, those commands are a function of the shell that you are running.  So they are exactly the same on all the linux flavors16:01
corruptionoflulz!sound | auzzy16:02
ubotuauzzy: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:02
alzamabarsethk, yeah my Windows box (the one I'm currently using) can access the internet through the router16:02
sethkalzamabar, I run zsh, by the way, instead of bash.  You mmay want to try it.16:02
mrmuehleI can't login anymore, a box asked me to connect to a XDMCP. Can I get rid of this?16:02
sethkalzamabar, I even run zsh on my windows boxes, when my clients insist on using windows.16:02
auzzynice one, i'll check those16:02
sethkalzamabar, so I have all the same commands there as well16:02
corruptionoflulzauzzy: this is also a good thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544916:02
CrashOverrideI can access my windows files from ubuntu so is there a way to access my ubuntu files from windows16:02
HansMKprobably the Nth person to stroll in asking, but does anyone know of any resources for resolving Gutsy Gibbon system freezes (presumably associated with Nvidia cards, Compiz-Fusion, Flash, etc.)?16:03
auzzycheers guys, i'll take a look at those16:03
alzamabarsethk, I'm actually am a newbie in the Linux world. So far I have always kept far from Linux because  I couldn't find the wireless drivers that I needed. But since now I can connect both wireless and through Ethernet cable, I want to get started with it16:03
alzamabarsethk, are you a developer?16:03
sethkalzamabar, yes16:04
alzamabarsethk, me too :) Nice to meet you16:04
sethkalzamabar, you'll find linux has major advantages for development, when compared to windows.16:04
alzamabarsethk. the main reason because I bought this PC for Ubuntu is that I want to use it for my MSc project.16:04
sethkalzamabar, sounds like a reasonable thing to use it for.  :)16:05
alzamabarI'm going to write an email server in Java16:05
sethkalzamabar, why Java?16:05
kbrooksi need to list alll non-free software on my system16:05
gamagwhat is the file system for cdrom: mount -t ??? /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom16:05
corruptionoflulzjrib: 80mb sound about right for a full backup?16:05
Paddy_EIREkbrooks, use virtual-rms16:05
frienderver irc.supernut.de 700016:05
sethkalzamabar, we will momentarily get yelled at for using time on the support channel, so move either to #ubuntu-offtopic or pm me16:05
playyageirha_, iso966016:05
Paddy_EIREkbrooks, vrms rather16:05
alzamabarsethk, because I'm an expert with it, and I love the language, it's clean OO16:05
alzamabarHow do I pm you?16:06
CrashOverridefirefox is loading pages really slow for some reason16:06
Paddy_EIREalzamabar, errr... since when is java clean :/16:06
=== n2diy_ is now known as n2diy
sethkalzamabar, depends on the IRC program you use.  I created a temporary channel, so do   /join #temporary116:07
travisquick question: is there an easy way to log into a super user without having ti switch users?16:07
ankurwhy firwfox is very slow in ubuntu?16:08
ravigehlotI created a new user on ubuntu for my wife but whenever we try to log in with her newly created account the GUI interface hangs with a black screen and goes nowhere from that point on. Also, I cant access the terminal to reset the X session neither can I use the keystroke combination to restart the GUI interface.16:08
corruptionoflulzankur: i've heard many people complain that firefox is slower in linux than window for them, myself included.16:08
=== CrashOverride is now known as zerokool500
corruptionoflulzankur: i suggest trying the firefox 3 beta, and also giving opera a shot.16:09
mrmuehle@CrashOverride: if your files are on a fat32 or NTFS partition, W2K and higher can read this16:09
corruptionoflulzi believe the name for firefox 3 in synaptics is gran paradiso16:11
ankur<corruptionoflulz> from where i wll get firefox 3 beta?16:12
malakarfolks, how do i have different entries in grub to boot into different run level16:12
malakari am on gutsy16:12
ankur<corruptionoflulz>by synaptic search?16:12
kbrooksvrms says for 7 pkgs "(...) (dei) (...)" what does dei mean? i removed those 7 packages16:12
esoxhello, possible d'avoir de l'aide pour configurer amule ?16:14
n2diy! fr | esox16:15
ubotuesox: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:15
tinker@malakar: Just add the run-level number at the end of the kernel line:16:16
malakar@tinker i tried that, i want to go to runlevel 3, but it is still showing gdm and all16:18
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu 7.10 create the directory /initrd?16:18
tinker@malakar, that's because in /etc/rc3.d the link to gdm begins with 'S'16:20
malakar@tinker, i want to boot into text mode as i don't have a monitor attached16:21
malakar@tinker what is the best way to disable X1116:21
tz80122malakar: on debian based systems, there is no difference between runlevels 2-5 by default. none of that runlevels have a special meaning, so it's up to you to remove the S-symlink for gdm from /etc/rc3.d16:22
kane77is gzip faster than bzip2?16:22
tinker@malakar remove the link /etc/rcX.d/S30gdm where X is the runlevel you wish to ruin16:22
malakar@tikner let me try16:23
smookerhi all16:24
smookercan i ask questions about ubuntu ?16:25
corruptionoflulzsmooker, that's what this channel is for16:25
smookerxD ok16:25
corruptionoflulz!ask | smooker16:25
ubotusmooker: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)16:25
smookeri have installed ubuntu16:25
smookeron my other PC but i dont know how to config my internet access [LAN DHCP Auto]16:26
hotchipant-: If you're still here. Updating ffmpeg solved it all. Now it works fine.16:26
jribcorruptionoflulz: really matters on your HOME16:27
smookeranyone ?16:27
corruptionoflulzjrib: no media was in it, so i think that was about right16:27
corruptionoflulzsmooker: sorry, not really sure what you need..16:27
smookeri need to configure my internet16:27
tinkersmooker, in /etc/network/interfaces write something like "iface eth0 inet dhcp"16:28
jribcorruptionoflulz: the my-packages just records what you have installed (package names and their status), so it's a few kb at most16:28
smookerk ill try right now16:28
corruptionoflulzjrib: yeah, i noticed.16:28
tinkerthen dhclient16:28
ravigehlotI created a new user on ubuntu for my wife but whenever we try to log in with her newly created account the GUI interface hangs with a black screen and goes nowhere from that point on. Also, I cant access the terminal to reset the X session neither can I use the keystroke combination to restart the GUI interface.16:29
dutchie86ravigehlot which version of Ubuntu you using16:29
ravigehlotI am using the latest stable one16:29
dutchie86if you create another user such as test or user123 do you get the same problem?16:30
BiohazardDoes anyone knows how I can change the default positions for new windows? large windows overlap ~5 pixels to the right virtual desktop and the title bar of the window is completly hidden by the GNOME panel. That sucks.16:30
ravigehlotdutchie86: didnt test those users16:31
ravigehlotdutchie86: why would those make a difference16:31
ankurclamav antivirous software does not work in my ubuntu16:31
ankuris the another antivirous software for ubuntu?16:31
dutchie86stranger things have happended that for some reason one user name your OS just doesnt like, also elminiates any special characters or anything like that could maybe cause issues16:32
VeinorI can't get the latest version of xnee to work properly16:32
Veinorat least, gnee doesn't.16:33
ravigehlotdutchie86: That would be weird that it wouldnt like a certain name over another16:33
ravigehlotdutchie86: no especial character being used16:33
smookeroh, after i installed the nvidia drivers auto i got now error Failed to start X Server :(16:33
Veinorwhenever I try, it gives me an error like: "gnee: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0xpointer"16:33
dutchie86ravigehlot: it could be the user id16:33
ravigehlotdutchie86: what about it? userIds are Unique16:34
ravigehlotdutchie86: as far as I know those user Ids start at a 1000 and auto-increments as more users are added16:34
dutchie86ravigehlot: yes but if you previously created a user account and deleted a user and some file is left on the system from the old user i have seen that an old user ID is used and the system has a bit of a freeze, not common though16:35
smookerx server failed to start "no screens found" and i cant boot the system :S16:35
dutchie86ravigehlot: you installed any extra software or drivers?16:35
caytchenhello, when i'm in the login prompt, screen resolution and v/hsync etc. are just right - but when logging in, he seems to switch xorg configs - just where do i find that one? :)16:35
ravigehlotdutchie86: ok. Let me create a new user16:36
=== Nyle_ is now known as Nyle
LivestongI am having problems with my Radeon X155016:36
erUSUL!fixres | caytchen16:36
ubotucaytchen: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:36
thinhhow do i format my external hd with ext3 so i can use it on every machine?16:36
Veinorcan anyone recommend a good program for recording keyboard macros?16:37
CrashOverrideis gentoo and gutsy the same thing16:37
LivestongMy Radeon X1550 is running in low graphic mode, and i also need duo monitor support16:37
corruptionoflulzCrashOverride: no.16:38
CrashOverridewhy in linux when you want to download a program theres a list of 20 different versions and in windows theres just one .exe installer.16:38
corruptionoflulzCrashOverride: gentoo is an entirely different linux distribution16:38
CrashOverridehow do i know wich one i have -.-16:38
thinhi cant do anything with the hd when i format it ext3?16:38
corruptionoflulzCrashOverride: easiest way is to use synaptics package manager16:38
thinhdo i have to take ownership or anything?16:38
dutchie86CrashOverride: Gentoo is a distribution gutsy is a version of Ubuntu16:39
corruptionoflulzCrashOverride: gutsy is the release of the latest version of ubuntu16:39
corruptionoflulzCrashOverride: go to system -> admin -> synaptics package manager16:39
corruptionoflulzCrashOverride: and search for the app you are looking for there16:39
LivestongCan anyone help with a Radeon X155016:39
sethkCrashOverride, the package manager can tell you which version is installed16:39
VeinorCrashOverride: it's like... a linux distribution is a particular model of cars, and gutsy is the 09 ford explorer or whatever. Gentoo is some other kind of Ford car.16:39
CrashOverrideand windows is a normal car that works without messing around with it for a week, then16:40
corruptionoflulzexcept that i'd rather not think of linux as fords, let's pick a different make16:40
graulichI can't get my new creative webcam working. I'm on gutsy. what do I do?16:40
VeinorCrashOverride: works, but not necessarily as well. :P16:40
Jack_Sparrow!webcam | graulich16:41
ubotugraulich: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:41
Livestongthey dont seem to be doing driver suppot today16:41
corruptionoflulzCrashOverride: plus, it's not like you didn't have to go through learning linux too16:41
corruptionoflulzi mean windows**16:41
Jack_Sparrowgraulich: or get a webcam that is supported from our supported hardware list16:41
smookerim stil having error with the XServer after i restarted.. no displays found"16:42
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport16:42
CrashOverrideusing bash to do stuff if fun16:42
graulichI just spent twenty euro on this cam ><16:42
Jack_Sparrowgraulich: But it seems you didnt look to see if it worked with your OS before you bought it.16:42
tz80122graulich: you should have checked if the webcams runs before buying it16:42
VeinorCrashOverride: you can run an entire linux session without using the mouse, and you can run an entire windows session without using the keyboard. (paraphrased from unknown)16:43
DECUSgeekLook at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see the X startup log and why it's bombing16:43
Jack_Sparrowgraulich: No different that buying a product that says for Mac....16:43
CrashOverridelol true16:43
Walking_In_the_rdoes anyone here knows how can i split a very large picture into A4 paper sheets?16:43
Walking_In_the_rdoes anyone here knows how can i split a very large picture into A4 paper sheets??16:43
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:43
graulichI looked around earlier and the first result I got was the wiki page about webcams which starts with "some webcams autodetect" so I mistakenly assumed if I get a mainstream brandname it'l just work16:44
VeinorSo... can anyone help me with my question re: keyboard macro programs (specifically xnee/gnee/cnee/pnee)?16:44
LivestongGuys, Radeon X1550 Is running in low graphics, give me a reason to not go back to XP please!!!16:44
Jack_Sparrow!res | Livestong16:44
ubotuLivestong: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:44
Walking_In_the_r!repeat > Jack_Sparrow16:44
dutchie86Livestrong: Because Ubuntu is much more powerful16:45
Jack_SparrowWalking_In_the_r: get a clue16:45
tz80122graulich: no. creative, just like any other manufacturer use all kind of chipsets in their webcams. and they keep changing those chipsets very fast.16:45
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:45
corruptionoflulzLivestong: i suggest doing a few searches around the forums too, it's possible that someone had the same problem and documented their fix16:45
dutchie86Livestrong: Do you have the latest drivers?16:45
graulichgreat. I'll have to see what the return policy is over there.16:45
LivestongNo X server known for your video hardware16:46
CrashOverrideI wish I wasn't the only one in my school that knows anything about computers -.-16:46
Jack_SparrowLivestong: be sure to set your monitor config, not just your video card16:46
tz80122graulich: before returning it, google for the usb-id you get from lsusb16:47
Nematocysti guess it's possible to do an entire xchat session using just bots16:47
graulichtz80122, did already before16:47
tz80122graulich: alright16:47
CrashOverrideI should get a green monochrome monitor16:47
Jack_SparrowLivestong: You can set it to vesa mode with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:47
tz80122graulich: i guess then you are out of luck with this one16:47
graulichtz80122, looks like it. =\16:48
tinkersmooker, still there?16:48
smookeri dont have permissions to access the x server log16:48
=== reportingsjr is now known as mitch_1_2
tz80122graulich: just a suggestion. before buying a new one, try to download the windows driver for that new model and look at the usb-id in the driver's .inf file.16:49
tinkerlook for errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:49
tz80122graulich: so you get an idea of the chipset in there16:49
jingo811testing 12316:49
graulichI'm just gonna stick to the lists of supported webcams16:49
tz80122graulich: note that there are revisions16:50
smookeri try to look but it says i dont have permissions and the the x server is terminated..16:50
tz80122graulich: even if the product name is the same, a newer revision can have a totally different chipset16:50
dutchie86smooker do you get anything if u use dmesg16:51
tz80122graulich: that's why i suggest taking a look at the usb-id in the recent windows driver16:51
tz80122graulich: some manufacturers print the revision number on the package. for example d-link does that for their wlan products.16:52
travisanyone here familliar with running Compiz on an ATI Radeon Mobility?16:53
Legendarioi have a problem with my sound card. can anyone help me?16:53
dutchie86Legendario: what problem are you having?16:53
ghostknifeWhen I ran apt-get install [x], and it failed fetching some packages it tells me to try "apt-get update" or run with "--fix-missing", what should I do if I want to do nothing but continue with the installation of those packages that failed?16:53
smookerwhat is dmesg ?16:53
kbrookshow do i put a package on hold?16:53
Jack_Sparrowghostknife: have you changed any repos16:54
tinkeris a command16:54
Legendario i was having problems with my onboard sound card, so i changed to a pci one16:54
ghostknifesmooker: it's the messages that show (printed by the kernel16:54
ghostknifesmooker: it's the messages that show (printed by the kernel) when the system boots16:54
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: no16:54
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: it just failed (the download).16:54
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: just as in a minute ago16:54
LivestongThere seems to be no working driver for the Radon x155016:54
Jack_Sparrowghostknife: the au repos were down earlier.. please post your xorg to the pastebin.  see channel topic for link16:55
ghostknifesmooker: dmesg also lists any messages after boot that the kernel printed. like modules that loaded, or device changes/updates, etc...16:55
meezfoghihello all16:55
Legendariodutchie86, i want ubuntu to recognize it16:55
Jack_SparrowLivestong: It should still run in Vesa mode16:55
kael_hi all16:55
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: I was installing alien and some other software. I just want to continue the installation16:55
dutchie86Legendario: Do you know the make and model of the card?16:55
meezfoghimy usb drive not detect on vmware server16:55
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: in fact, it was from the cdrom16:56
Jack_Sparrowghostknife: Need to find the problem before you can just continue16:56
axodHi which package do I need to get sun java sdk? can't find it :(16:56
kael_i'l looking for an utility to manage my hdd, this is a toshiba hdd that seems to have a schock detection, i would like to get this detection to work16:56
meezfoghiwhat i need to do16:56
Livestong SAPPHIRE 100173L Radeon X1550 512MB 128-bit GDDR2 PCI Express x1616:56
dutchie86meezfoghi does it work in ubuntu?16:56
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre16:56
bulmer!java |axod16:56
ubotuaxod: please see above16:56
axodah yes I remember now thanks16:56
Legendariodutchie86, it is a generic 64 bits board with a creative chip16:56
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: there is no problem, the cdrom just got unplugged. it's got a sloppy broken cable16:57
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: I just want to instruct it to continue16:57
meezfoghidutchie86, yes it work on ubuntu but not vmware16:57
Livestongits 1 128 bit board16:57
Jack_Sparrowghostknife: did you do what the error told you to do?16:57
Livestongits a 128 bit board16:57
dutchie86Legendario, did it get picked up when you booted it from the livecd for the install?16:57
LivestongAs a restricted driver, but the driver is not working corectly16:58
meezfoghianybody please16:58
chaosrlwould anyone know how to get controls for the vlc-mozilla plugin? i only have a black screen that shows (no video) in white until the video fires up, and then it just plays all the way through with no way of pausing or stopping it.16:58
Legendariothe problem is that i was using an on-board version when i installed it. i changed my sound card16:58
meezfoghiwhat i need to do16:58
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: it told me to run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing, but want to know if I can continue, without having to download the new repo files16:58
LivestongIts enables but no in use16:58
chaosrlwait. i can pause it by hitting space, but that's all16:58
dutchie86meezofghi it sounds mode like a vmware problem, i suggest have a look on google and on the vmware support site16:59
Legendariodutchie86, i disabled the onboard card and installed the pci one16:59
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: never mind, just running the install command again works fine16:59
meezfoghidutchie86, ok.. thank16:59
ghostknifeJack_Sparrow: it ignores the already installed packages without failing with a "fatal error".17:00
dutchie86Legendario after the install?17:00
LivestongATI accelrated graphics driver, (Enabled), (Not in Use)17:00
Legendariodutchie86, it didn't work17:00
dutchie86Legendario, did you swap the card after you had ubuntu installed?17:01
Livestonghow do i tell it to use the driver?17:01
Legendariodutchie86, yes17:01
dutchie86Legendario, so you are trying to get that card to work?17:01
ghostknifeI just used "alien" to convert a RPM to DEB, how do I install it now?17:01
Legendariodutchie86, yes17:01
gamehow do i get rid of spywheir and root kits ??????????????????????????????/17:02
KenSentMeI can read data-cd's from my xubuntu install, but when i insert an audio cd, I get errors that it can't read the track count and cant mount the drive. This is the output of dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46470/ . Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?17:02
KenSentMegame, do you have spyware in Ubuntu?17:03
Legendariodutchie86, yes. that's it17:03
dutchie86Legendario, excuse the silly questions, 2am here in Australia :), did you go through the proccess of installing it17:03
gamekensentme i think i do17:03
bazhanggame: on your windows machine?17:03
KenSentMegame, what makes you think that?17:04
bazhanggame: no spyware in Ubuntu.17:04
Legendariodutchie86, installing what? the new card? sure thing! (don't worry cause i am in brazil)17:04
kael_anyone knows some utility to manage hard drive schock detection on ubuntu?17:04
tomd123bazhang: isn't spyware possible on ubuntu?17:04
gamewell i herd of root kits and then my firewall and router cept on crashing17:05
bazhangtomd123: technically perhaps17:05
Veinortomd123: technically possible, but it doesn't exist.17:05
* tomd123 off to make spyware for ubuntu and make millions :P17:05
dutchie86Legendario: did you assign to it be your primary mixer if not here is a guide to follow http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-67146.html that might help17:05
Veinorgame: I really can't imagine that the two are related. I think the firewall and router issues are unrelated to your computer17:05
bazhang!ot | tomd12317:05
ubotutomd123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:05
gameand there is spyware  for linux  there are ROOT KITS AND KERNAL KITS17:06
graulichif a windows driver for a webcam is an exe file and I want to get to the inf file to check the usb id for it, how do I get it?17:06
bazhanggame: do you have an actual problem?17:06
Veinorsuch as, game?17:06
kael_looking for a solution to reset an hard disk drive smart settings and advanced power management...17:07
tomd123bazhang: sorry about that, I was being very peurile17:07
gameYES I would like to know how to get rid if root kits17:07
dutchie86graulich: run the exe and hunt for the inf file, puts it somewhere in the system root folder, not too sure where sorry17:07
Legendariodutchie86, i didn't do a thing. i was expecting ubuntu to recognize it like on a live-cd session17:07
bulmerwhose got ldap server used as authentication server? what you need to change on Linux to use ldap for authentication instead of /etc/passwd?17:07
Veinorgame: how do you know you have one?17:07
astro76!caps | game17:08
ubotugame: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:08
=== Javid^ is now known as Javid
JavidI have a laptop with an s-video out, how do I enable this as another monitor?17:09
kane77is there any media player that can play multi-part rar archives?17:09
dutchie86game: Chkrootkit or Rkhunter are 2 packages you can install and run to see if you have any root kits17:09
gameVEINOR  it is being very slow and there is rely no way to rely knowing if your system is compromised17:09
rrittenhouseI need a basic DNS server (no specifically defined zones) i just need it to look up all of its IP's (this is a temp setup)17:09
kael_game : i do not understand what you mean, i'm looking for solution to reset the smart advanced instructions, for exemple the advanced power management that is a value between 0 and 254... that can be set by hdparm17:09
astro76kane77, you need to extract the rar, and play the enclosed file17:09
astro76!rar | kane7717:10
ubotukane77: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:10
bazhanggame: if you want to know about spyware, please visit ##windows17:10
Veinorgame: yeah, but slow systems are not necessarily compromised. And there's no way of knowing that there isn't a teapot somewhere in orbit around jupiter, but that doesn't mean there is one.17:10
CarlFKis there a command line player for .flv Macromedia Flash files ?17:10
jpWat zat17:10
Legendariodutchie86, forgive me if i am wrong, but the link you sent me is for old card and this is a brand new one...17:10
kane77astro76, argh.. sure.. but for windows there is rar player.. that plays files directly from rar file... and that's neat as i have most movies on dvd's in rar archives..17:11
bazhangCarlFK: not sure about cli, but vlc will do gui17:11
dutchie86Legendario: yes but the proccess is the same17:11
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Velcro_MMI am running Breezy Badger, which is Ubuntu 5 I think. I can't seem to update it using Synaptic (doesn't find the servers or something). Can I update with an installation CD for a more recent Ubuntu?17:11
soberon Hi... excuse me but: It is possible to install xubuntu and change xfce for icewm?... How?... Exists a a guide or how-to?17:11
bazhangkane77: ark does the same for ubuntu17:11
JavidVelcro_MM, yeah, get the new version :p17:11
astro76kane77, ahh, don't think there is one, many programs transparently support .gz compression, but not rar which is a proprietary protocol, really only used in windows world17:11
Nematocystkane77, why would you store movies in archives?17:11
jpubuntu Rock !17:11
tomd123soberon: I think you just install icewm from synaptic package manager and choose icewm session at login17:11
Legendariodutchie86, ok. i will take a look at it... thanks..17:12
kane77Nematocyst, i like to keep the release packaging...17:12
hilltophhi, how to install Java RE?17:12
soberonSo easy? Thanks!!!17:12
KenSentMe!java | hilltop17:12
ubotuhilltop: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre17:12
dutchie86no problems Legendario17:12
bazhangkane77: you can do so without hassle17:12
JavidI have a laptop with an s-video out, how do I enable this as another monitor in Feisty?17:12
CarlFKkane77: you need to tell the people raring it to stop17:13
CarlFKJavid: post to the forum17:13
Javidkane77, the people who release movies in 874 little rar-bits are faggots, just unrar it and watch it17:13
Velcro_MMJavid, I won't have to reinstall from scratch and lose my settings etc.?17:13
dutchie86Javid: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-9106.html17:14
bazhangJavid: there should be a setting in monitor/display that will allow this17:14
Velcro_MMlike my Internet settings?17:14
dutchie86not sure if that will help Javid, but good place to start17:14
astro76!ohmy | Javid17:14
ubotuJavid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:14
JavidVelcro_MM, try update-manager -d17:14
Javid!icaresomuch | astro7617:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icaresomuch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:14
Velcro_MMon the new install CD?17:14
astro76!botabuse | Javid17:14
ubotuJavid: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:14
kane77Javid, it's not that useless.. if download fails you don't have to start downloading the whole 700MB movie again, instead you only download the archive..17:14
bazhangcmon Javid17:15
Javidkane77, have you heard of torrents17:15
Javid!lol | IndyGunFreak17:15
ubotuIndyGunFreak: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.17:15
dutchie86i think we should keep on topic Javid and Kane7717:15
kane77Javid, sure...17:15
bazhangJavid: cut it out17:15
kane77dutchie86, sorry...17:15
dn4how do I only get files from this using wget17:15
dn4 wget http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/daily_mpg/1996_01/17:15
IndyGunFreakJavid: worry about yourself, i'll worry about me, if you have a prob w/ me, call an op17:16
dutchie86no worries kane77 :)17:16
dn4I only want files for  wget http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/daily_mpg/1996*17:16
dutchie86dn4 try man wget17:16
CarlFKdn4 something like wget -r ...17:16
dutchie86that will let you know what switched to use dn417:16
Velcro_MMthx Javid17:17
bullgard1I added to the Ubuntu 7.10 Grub kernel line the boot parameter "vga=791" and rebootet. Now (http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19063/) all consoles are black. What went wrong?17:17
Ongakurhythmbox, totem, any of those...i can play one song, but once it wants to switch to another song it freezes...anyone else having this problem?17:17
CarlFKdn4:  there is no wild card stuff though.  you may want to create a text file of URLs or filenames, and figure out how to feed that to wget17:17
IndyGunFreakbullgard1: why did you add that line17:17
astro76bullgard1, not sure, but after gutsy upgrade here I had to remove the "vga=791" to get my consoles back, so it's not just you17:18
astro76bullgard1, haven't had a chance to troubleshoot it yet17:18
dutchie86no i havent Ongaku, does it freeze with all songs when it goes to the next one or just ones of a certian file type?17:18
astro76IndyGunFreak, for a decent text console resolutionm ;)17:18
Ongakudutchie86: i only have .mp3 files17:18
IndyGunFreakoh ok17:18
Velcro_MMmy laptop is 400 MHz Dell Latitude, running Ubuntu 5 Breezy Badger. Will installing a late Ubuntu slow it down a lot?17:18
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: i'd go w/ xubuntu 7.1017:18
dutchie86Velcro_MM if your worried about speed try xubuntu17:18
Velcro_MMhmmm, maybe I will.17:18
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Ongakudutchie86: it´s odd, i can´t switch manually, it won´t switch on it´s own...it´s so odd17:19
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: how much RAM?17:19
bullgard1astro76: Interesting! Thank you for your comment.17:19
Velcro_MMI forget, it may be 128.17:19
bazhangVelcro_MM: there is also fluxbuntu17:19
dutchie86Ongaku when the software crashes does it ask u to file a bug report?17:19
Velcro_MMI will check... hang on.17:19
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: hm, you may need to go Flux..17:19
Ongakudutchie86: no17:19
IndyGunFreakthats gonna be bare minimum for xfce17:19
Ongakudutchie86: it just freezes and won´t do anything....i have to force quit it17:19
dn4ok big is all the data in http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/daily_mpg/1996_01/17:19
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dutchie86Ongaku run it from terminal and see what errors you get17:20
Ongakudutchie86: tried uninstalling and re-installing17:20
Ongakudutchie86: how would i do that? i´m kinda new17:20
olivierhi :17:20
ojhow do i change what appears inside my cube? default is gears... is there a way to have something else?17:20
bazhangusuario: do you have a question?17:20
dutchie86Ongaku, thats ok, which program you trying to run? usually just type in the program name and hit enter17:20
Ongakudutchie86: rhythmbox...i tried to use amarok and it does the same thing17:21
dutchie86you can open terminal by going to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal17:21
Ongakudutchie86: ok it´s running in terminal...what should i do? try to switch a song?17:21
dutchie86Ongaku: yep17:21
Ongakudutchie86: ok it´s playing the song fine17:22
Ongakudutchie86: it´s just when it wants to switch to another it freezes up17:22
dutchie86Ongaku, well let it play the song and switch and see what happens17:22
kael_someone could tell if hdparm sets definitive parmaters or if i should launch hdparm at everyboot to set hdd parameters?17:23
Ongakudutchie86: ok it switched song, it doesn´t change and freezes...it doesn´t say anything in the terminal17:23
bunghey all, what do i have to install to get the http_proxy command17:23
dutchie86Ongaku in the terminal press Ctrl and C together to end it17:23
bungor is it a config variable somewhere17:23
astro76kael_, there is an hdparm daemon and configuration file17:23
Ongakudutchie86: i did that...it doesn´t say anything17:23
dutchie86bung you can set the proxy under the administrative settings17:24
bungdutchie86: thanks17:24
kael_thank you astro76, maybe i could ask you something?17:24
dutchie86no worries bung17:24
astro76kael_, /etc/hdparm.conf ...sure I'll try to answer ;)17:24
dutchie86Ongaku, thats a strange one, i would suggest post in the forums17:24
Ongakudutchie86: could it be possibly something with .mp3 files?17:24
gameall: how do i install a    tar.gz file that i just downloaded ???????????????????/17:24
dutchie86Ongaku, do they play fine on another pc?17:24
bazhanggame: what file?17:24
Ongakudutchie86: yeah on a windows one lol17:25
dutchie86game you cant install a tar.gz17:25
gamethe root kit hunters17:25
Ongakugame: you have to compile those no?17:25
dutchie86lol, then it probably isn't the files Ongaku17:25
bazhanggame: you install that from the repos17:25
kael_astro76 : i've just set a value for the advanced power management but dont know if i need tos et it at every boot... ever tried?17:25
Ongakudutchie86: yeah i figured it wasn´t the files...lol it´s something to do with gstreamer possibly...odd17:25
kael_astro76 : command is hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda17:25
Ongakudutchie86: I´ve seen a few posts on launchpad of weirdo bugs happening in gusty with gstreamer programs17:26
dutchie86yeah possibly, too tired to think fully Ongaku, :), is the a verbose switch for rythmbox?17:26
gamebazhang: so i just unpack it then what do i do17:26
smookeranyone know how to exit from X Server ?17:26
CrashOverrideany good N64 emulators for ubuntu?17:26
Ongakudutchie86: verbose?17:26
bazhanggame: throw it out--this is not like windows--you don't install stuff you download from sites like that17:26
dutchie86game i would suggest using synaptic to install the apps17:26
dutchie86Ongaku, yeah something like -v usually17:26
dutchie86that will hopefully provide more output17:27
jrgphow do I set up 5.1 surround sound? my motherboard has the jacks and they work fine under windows xp without and configuration. with ubuntu, I can only here the front two speakers17:27
Ongakudutchie86: how i do that? type in terminal rhythmbox -v?17:27
gamei serched for add remove programs and there are no root kit hunters17:28
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CrashOverrideany good N64 emulators for ubuntu? -.-17:28
dutchie86Ongaku, try that or type man rythmbox or rhythmbox -?17:28
GRockettry rkhunter17:28
astro76kael_, you would add that in /etc/hdparm.conf and then enable the hdparm daemon (e.g. in system > admin > services)17:28
dutchie86jgrp: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=97117:28
Velcro_MMIndyGunFreak, I have 256 megs RAm on that Dell Latitude at 400 MHz.17:28
jrgpanyone know how to setup surround sound>17:28
dutchie86jrgp google is ur friend :)17:28
=== Xjs-Itisme is now known as Xjs
n2diy_game: try tripwire17:28
GRocketgame--search for RKHunter, rootkit hunter17:28
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: ok, that should be enough.... you may end up using the alternate install CD, but i think it should be ok w/ the Live CD17:28
kael_astro76, ok, and is there an hdparm command to reset the smart and power management default value on a hard drive?17:29
bazhanggame: open a terminal and type the following: sudo apt-get install rkhunter chkrootkit17:29
Velcro_MMIndy, enough for Xubuntu?17:29
dutchie86Ongaku any luck?17:29
Ongakudutchie86: no verbose17:29
mineraleI have installed gutsy on a computer that has the sky2 marvell driver for ethernet, and it's causing kernel panics, can I use ndiswrapper for a wired connection?17:29
bluesignanyone know netboot image for ubuntu on ps3?17:29
CrashOverrideare there any nitnendo 64 emulators for ubuntu or not >:(17:29
CrashOverridebecuase I can't get project 64 to run in wine17:29
Ongakucrashoverride: google it17:29
dutchie86CrashOverride have u used google for a good look?17:29
CrashOverrideyes all I found was this one that freezes if I load anything17:30
bazhangCrashOverride: not sure, check ubuntuforums.org gaming section17:30
astro76kael_, not sure17:30
Ongakudutchie86: should i debug it?17:30
dutchie86Ongaku yeah that is prob the path from here17:30
Velcro_MMI am into responsive slim operating systems, but I also like to get some stuff out-of-the-box like Firefox and a mediaplayer that actually plays some media17:30
bazhangbluesign: yes17:30
kael_astro76,  if i reboot without to launch hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda on boot,the value should be the default manufacturer one?17:30
dutchie86i would also suggest posting in the forum Ongaku, maybe someone else has had the issue and resolved it17:30
malakarhi, i am specifying the run level in grub, still ubuntu is going to runlevel 2, (grub has 3 as the runlevel)17:30
astro76minerale, I believe so yes17:31
bazhangVelcro_MM: you'll need to up the ram for firefox then17:31
Ongakudutchie86: yeah i should...hmm the debug says this [rb_threads_init] rb-util.c:460: GMutex isn't recursive17:31
genesisin ubuntu 7.04 is the reading of a bios bug found normal?17:31
bluesignbazhang: i am googling for an hour, can you point me to a clue?17:31
dutchie86Ongaku which debug command did you use?17:31
astro76kael_, not sure, there should be an option to list the current settings17:31
genesisI dont get it on any other startups, xp...mandriva etc17:31
Velcro_MMbazhang, Firefox used to be known as a responsive browser. What is faster than it now?17:31
Ongakudutchie86: rhythmbox -d17:31
game                 K  I NEED TO LOG OFF AND GET SOME POWER  ILL BE BACK :17:32
bazhangbluesign: for the minimal install or the net install or what17:32
dutchie86aah cool, thanks Ongaku17:32
kael_ok i'll try with ubcd and will see after reboot the current settings17:32
dutchie86bye game17:32
bazhangVelcro_MM: with 128meg of ram?17:32
bluesignbazhang: net install for ps317:32
kael_astro76 thanks ;o)17:32
Velcro_MMbazhang, nah, 25617:32
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: yes, you should be able to run Xubuntu fine, like i said, you may need to use the alternate install CD, and as for playing media files, etc, provided you have the proper codecs, you should have no prob.17:32
Ongakudutchie86: i did a gdb no idea what that is but alot of ppl on forum posts use that command17:32
dutchie86that show up anything Ongaku17:33
ArelisGuys, what personalized homepage (igoogle, live.com, netvibes, pageflakes, symbaloo, that kind of stuff) do you use?17:33
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: have you ever used Xfce Desktop, or Linux?17:33
Velcro_MMIndyGunfreak, bazhang, okay thanks17:33
Ongakudutchie86: i did it last night and it said JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm/]17:33
Velcro_MMI have messed around for 15 minutes w. Xfce17:33
bazhangbluesign: http://www.louiscandell.com/ps3/17:33
dutchie86from my 3/4th as sleep brain Ongaku that is gnome debuger so probably wont help you too much17:33
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: lol, well you'll probably needa bit more than that.17:33
Ongakudutchie86: lol17:34
bazhangArelis: google17:34
Ongakudutchie86: know how you feel i was up til 3am figuring this crap out...at first it said sh: jackd: not found17:34
astro76gdb = GNU debugger ;)17:34
dutchie86lol, Ongaku, i am 20 minutes of 3am on the moment :)17:34
bluesignbazhang: thanks a lot, checking17:34
Velcro_MMIndyGunFreak, I have had Ubuntu with whatever it is, KDE, on this laptop for a year or so, but I don't use it except now and then and while traveling for browsing (via Firefox)17:34
bazhangbluesign: no worries17:35
Ongakudutchie86: hehe time differences :P its 11.34am here...lol17:35
JoeThomasHi, I've asked here multiple times, and get the answer to edit /etc/motd to change motd. But it gets replaced every reboot..17:35
Ongakudutchie86: what is jackd?17:35
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: ok, s you likely have a basic understanding.... but KDE will bog that old machine down.17:35
Dr_willisJoeThomas,  its gerneated by a service dynamically on the fly every boot up.17:35
jacobwhat is gnome?17:35
bazhanganonamoose: do you have a question?17:35
dutchie86i would strongly suggest having a crack at the forums and launchpad, seems like you will need some help from someone who is 1. more awake than me and b. knows a bit more about the audio drivers etc than me17:35
Velcro_MMIndyGunFreak, it's been just a bit sluggish, but acceptable17:35
JoeThomasDr_willis: so is there any way to add my own to the motd?17:35
dutchie86Ongaku honestly i have no idea17:36
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.17:36
JoeThomasDr_willis: Or not even show that services and just my own?17:36
Ongakudutchie86: haha yeah...i put a bug up on launchpad..maybe ill try the forums17:36
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: yes, but if youu intend to upgrade, Feisty or Gutsy will cripple it.17:36
Ongakudutchie86: thanks for your help though, out i go to fix it lol17:36
Dr_willisJoeThomas,  of course there is. :) But i dont rember the service name or config files off hand. i messed with it ages ago.17:36
dutchie86Ongaku, when you do put in the forums just make sure you put in the bug number :)17:36
Ongakudutchie86: okies :) thanks alot17:36
dutchie86good luck with it Ongaku, no worries17:36
JoeThomasDr_willis: Alright, well thanks for your help. I figured it was something replacing it every startup, but wasn't sure.17:36
mjancaitisHey everybody17:37
dutchie86cya everyone, dutchie is off to get much needed zzzzz17:37
anonym_i want to install urbanterror17:37
IndyGunFreakurban terror?17:37
Dr_willis!find urban17:37
Dr_willisthats in the repos now isent it?17:37
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anonym_i have 2 files .i38617:37
ubotuFile urban found in fortunes-pl17:37
mjancaitisLast two days, when I get up, my network is disconnected, which is fine, I can deal with that, but when I go to reconnect, my keyboard becomes completely nonresponsive, while the mouse still works... any ideas?17:38
Velcro_MMFluxbuntu is even lighte weight and more responsive than Xubuntu, eh?17:39
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: if it is, i can't find it.17:39
Decepticonsomebody needs to update http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/faq "The current stable release is 7.04, sometimes referred to by its development name of Feisty Fawn."17:39
rolf_Hallo vom Hegau17:39
sanguisdexhi there I am running ubuntu and just installed phpmyadmin using the package manager.  does any one know where I go to access that?17:39
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: yes, but not as user friendly if you ask me.17:39
kelsinVelcro_MM: to learn more about the main differences you should check out the fluxbox and xfce main websites.17:40
bazhangVelcro_MM: that little ram will be better with something light as flux17:40
Pelosanguisdex, did you check in the admin menu ?17:40
Velcro_MMIndyGunFreak, well user-friendliness is important to me, so maybe I'll go with Xubuntu17:40
IndyGunFreakVelcro_MM: thats obvioiusly open to opinion, i like Flux, but i don't find it as user friendly as xfce/gnome17:40
sanguisdexI did now17:41
* Pelo wonders how his totaly computer noob aunt is doing with xubuntu 17:41
Pelosanguisdex,  and ?17:41
sanguisdexphpMyadmin is an in brower operated program17:41
* IndyGunFreak thinks Pelo's aunt is a genius!17:41
Velcro_MMokay, I will check out the websites for Fluxbuntu and Xubuntu17:41
sanguisdexso its not there17:41
kelsinVelcro_MM: fluxbox is just a windows manager and doesn't provide many of the features that KDE/Gnome/XFCE provide, I would describe as minimalist, and therefore probably less user-friendly17:41
gamebazhang: thank you !!!!!!!!17:41
bazhanggame: no worries17:41
gameGRocket: thank you !!!!!!!!!!17:42
bazhanggame: to run it just open the terminal and type the name for example rkhunter17:42
ViP3Rive been a windows user my whole life and now im thinking of going 2 linux, would the switch b hard?17:42
gameyou guys where such a big help17:42
PeloIndyGunFreak, not sure , it was her first comp ( given to her by a cousin) with an english win2k on it,  she wanted a french os, so I installed xubu,  she was a bit low on the mem , it wasn't great, and I didn'T hear back from here,  I hope it all went well after taht17:42
LadyNikonViP3R: what kind of programs do you like to run?17:42
IndyGunFreakViP3R: yes17:42
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  i may be thinking of some alternative repos. :) Warzone is now in the repos  at least.17:43
kelsinVelcro_MM: and if those websites don't explain enough, check out the main sites for Fluxbox and Xfce the programs the *buntu distros are based on17:43
LadyNikonViP3R: it really depends on what you use.. and how much you use them17:43
bazhangViP3R: not if you aren't afraid of some reading :}17:43
Pelosanguisdex, maybe you need to start it from command line or from within the browser17:43
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: probably, i couldn't find it in any of mine17:43
ViP3Ri usally run music programs and firefox17:43
sanguisdexPelo:  yeah that is what I was asking17:43
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  of course last i tried it. i just downloaded it. untared it to a dir in the users home dir.. and ran it from there17:43
IndyGunFreakViP3R: you shoudln't have to many probs..17:43
sanguisdexas to where it was installed17:43
* Pelo wants a myst like game for linux that he can get from free17:43
ArctHi, I just accidentally deleted some mp3s - they're not appearing in my deleted items folder - how can I recover them!?17:43
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  then i died and died and died and died some more.. so gave up on it. :)17:43
LadyNikonViP3R: yeah you are good17:43
sanguisdexits not in the local host dir17:43
kelsinArct: deleted them with rm in the shell?17:44
ViP3Ris there any way to keep all my current media files when i switch to linux?17:44
Pelosanguisdex, executables can usualy be found in  /bin /sbin /usr/bin or /usr/sbin17:44
Dr_willisViP3R,  depends on what you mean exatly.17:44
bazhangViP3R: when dual booting?17:44
IndyGunFreakViP3R: back them up to a Cd/DVD/external drive, put them on a partition that you do't touch when you install Linux.17:44
LadyNikonViP3R: back them up onto something else?17:44
Arctkelsin - er, had them highlighted, I must have knocked 'delete' on my keyboard =(17:44
mineraleI'm trying to get networking on a ubuntu machine, the ipw2200 wireless driver gives me  errors: ipw2200: Failed to send TX)POWER: command timed out17:45
bazhangminerale: on gutsy or feisty17:45
Dr_willisdelete key - in the file manager. normally moves them to the trashcan. SHIFT-Delete i think delete them idmeiatly.17:45
Pelominerale, try looking up the error msg in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org or you can also try in #networking17:45
kelsinThen they should be in the trash (which is the .Trash folder in your home directory as well). If you permantly deleted them liek Dr_willis says you're outta luck without a lot of low level filesystem work that's above my head at least17:46
mariocesar_boHi, I need this file ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub to use bazaar on launchpad, but i don't have this file? how do I get it?17:46
kelsinmariocesar_bo: "cd .ssh; ssh-keygen"17:46
Pelomariocesar_bo,  are you aware that  .ssh is a hidden folder ?17:46
mariocesar_boPelo: of course17:46
kelsinmariocesar_bo: will create id_rsa and id_rsa.pub if you truly need id_dsa you need to read about the options to ssh-keygen17:46
Pelomariocesar_bo,  just checking17:46
kelsinmariocesar_bo: by default it uses rsa17:47
tiss_me_herehowdy all17:47
mariocesar_boPelo: kelsin: thanks, :D17:47
* Pelo thinks he identified a texan17:47
Pelo!hi | bazhang tiss_me_here17:48
ubotubazhang tiss_me_here: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:48
tiss_me_here<<<not texan :)17:48
kelsinmariocesar_bo: (also, make sure you find the option for dsa if you need it and not just name the rsa file dsa, that won't quite work if launchpad truly needs a dsa key)17:48
bazhangI was saying hi to tiss haha17:48
mariocesar_bokelsin: thanks, I am getting an error of Invalid Key17:48
kelsinmariocesar_bo: with the ssh-keygen command?17:49
mariocesar_bokelsin: I would read the man, to figure it out17:49
mariocesar_bokelsin: no, with the launchpad registration17:49
kelsinmake sure you have a dsa key if you need that, and make sure you're uploading the .pub file, not the one without the extension17:49
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/17:50
kelsinpast that I don't know launchpad so good luck :)17:50
Dr_willisactually dosetn gnome put deleted things in .local/Trash or somthing like that? or is that kde?17:50
bazhangthought it was .trash17:51
Jack_Sparrowcap T17:51
PeloDr_willis, in gnome it's in ~/.Trash , unless you are running root17:51
jacobthere's a new update for gnome17:51
Dr_willisPelo,  i some how lost 15gb of hd spacve the other day. :) had stuff in .Trash and .local/share/Trash Wonderd why the 2 dirs where not linked.. actually wondered why there was 2 dirs...17:51
Jack_Sparrowone root one user17:52
Dr_willisshouldent the root's trash be in /root/.Trash?17:52
PeloDr_willis, .local/share/Trash might have been created by a specific app, I had some strange stuff happen with wine like that17:52
Dr_willisHmm wonder if i got cruft in there...17:52
Dr_willisSo.. in summery  KDE and GNOME both should be using .Trash  then?17:53
kelsindepends, if you are in a whole root's gnome session yes, but if you just ran a command with sudo "command" it might still have $HOME set to your users home and then use that users .Trash folder17:53
lockdthere is a ~/.local/share/Trash17:53
=== basti__ is now known as BassT
Dr_willislockd,  yea - and in that dir. thers some extra trash info .. not sure where its comming from.17:53
Csabahow do i launch trashbin or showdesktop from Avant Dock i deleted my bottom panel and made shortcuts on top panel but i can get them on dock17:54
PeloDr_willis, I just checked,  that ~/.local/share/Trash is where utorrent on wine deletes to on my comp,  I changed the /Trash part to a symlink to ~/.Trash on mine to take care of the problem17:54
Dr_willisPelo,  ok. It may been wine/Picassa doing the dirty work then. :)17:54
PeloDr_willis, I don'T think ~/.Trash is  interface dependent,  it's a linux default as far as I know17:55
Dr_willisPelo,  yea thats what i did onmy other machines.. Linked all the trash's together. We need a Trash RFC Standard!17:55
lockdeverything of mine is in ~/.local/share/Trash17:55
Jack_Sparrowcheck also /root/.Trash17:55
Dr_willisI know that  Freedesktop.org site has a bit of info on how things should handle trash.17:55
Dr_willisIm constantly gettting memory sticks/usb thumb drives with extra .Trash taking up space.17:56
riotkittiearrgh. hate that.17:56
lockdwhat there needs to be is a trash command, and you can configure for all programs17:56
PeloDr_willis, that I normal I beleive ,  each "device" get's it's own trash17:56
* Pelo needs to check his grammar before hitting henter17:57
lockdand if device is like 5gb or less, you can set to trash it to hdd or something17:57
* Pelo wonders what is going on , he can'T be drunk , it's barely 1 pm 17:57
tiss_me_heregrins with pelo17:57
gamen2diy: i installed them but i cant find then17:58
riotkittiei spiked your coffee while you werent looking17:58
bazhanggame: run them from the terminal17:58
gamebazhang: can you tell me how to ? and do i need to do it like that all the time?17:59
bazhangneed sudo for rkhunter?17:59
SoporHum.. 'Night18:00
Soporwrong window18:00
Sopor( :18:00
Pelobazhang, yes18:00
bazhanggame: no need to run them all the time18:00
bazhanggame: sudo rkhunter18:00
bazhangPelo: thanks!18:00
PeloI beleive that rkhunter is installed and in cron by default in gutsy now18:00
gamebazhang: ok now it gave me a list18:01
bullgard1I added to the Ubuntu 7.10 Grub kernel line the boot parameter "vga=791" and rebootet. Now (http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19067/) all consoles are black. Ubuntu resolved (in line 47) a "colour dummy device 80x25" and (line #201) a "device ptyrd". What went wrong?18:01
bazhangPelo: not default here-though I'm using Kubuntu18:01
riotkittiebullgard1: do you have an ati?18:01
bazhanggame: there may be a warning, but that is normal18:01
bullgard1riotkittie: yes.18:01
Pelobazhang,  I'm fairly certain I didn't crontab it and it runs everyday at around 8 am on my comp18:02
LivestongI have two Monitor 118:02
LivestongI need a Mon 218:02
bazhangPelo: thanks for that!18:02
LivestongAny ideas?18:02
sam__Hi iam trying to get Firestarter and DHCPd to work at the same time.18:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cinerella - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:03
riotkittiebullgard1: i do not have an answer but have heard of similar problems amongst ati users, especially those with older cards18:03
bazhangsam__: you can't connect to the internet?18:03
jacobwhat is win32?18:03
Jack_Sparrowsam__: You understand that firestarter is an iptable manager and not a firewall right18:03
ompauljacob, nothing to ask here about ask in ##windows18:04
jrgpSurroundsound in gutsy seems like it is impossible to work. I've got the .asoundrc file with the same fix that worked in feisty for surround, but in gutsy I get some error that it doesn't understand the pcm module surround51. anyone know of a solution? google didn't help for me.18:04
LivestongI have a screen problem18:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32codecs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:04
LivestongI have 2 Screen 1's18:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:04
sam__Yes.  I am using a machine to be a firewall, one nic connected to cable modem and one for internal network18:04
wsv123457cant seem to get totem to play DVD18:04
sam__I can run firewall and have it work between the two networks.18:04
Csabahow do i launch trashbin or showdesktop from Avant Dock i deleted my bottom panel and made shortcuts on top panel but i can get them on dock18:04
Pelolater folks , gotta go18:05
bazhangwsv123457: see link above18:05
sam__However if I enable DHCPd to run on my local network, then firestarter fails to start, no error message given18:05
Csabado i need to learn about gnome launching or what?18:05
bazhangbye pelo18:05
ompaul!enter | wsv12345718:05
ubotuwsv123457: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:05
Do0oDzhello .. I'm on gutsy gibbon .. and having problems with amsn .. a couple of days while installing wine in the output I got that there are some packages that aren't used anymore so I autormoved them .. since then amsn doesnt give me sound alerts whenever a person gets online .....18:05
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:05
ompaul!restricted | wsv12345718:05
ubotuwsv123457: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:05
XBehaveis there a way to soften a link?18:05
bazhangXBehave: not sure what you mean18:06
SmikyCiao a tutti !18:06
XBehavei made a link without the -s tag and want to cahnge it to a soft link18:06
bazhang!it | Smiky18:06
ubotuSmiky: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:06
Jack_Sparrowsam__: firestarter is NOT like Zone alarm where it runs every time you boot...18:06
DECUSgeekXBehave: unlink18:07
sam__Can someone tell me where the error log for firestarter is stored?18:07
Dr_willisXBehave,  just delete it and remake it. IF theres any other hard links to the file that is.. :)18:07
DM|Which one is closer to MS words formatting, Abiword or OOO?18:07
Jack_Sparrowsam__: Good luck with that..  later people18:07
Dr_willisDM|,  i woudl say OOO - abiword is rather simple.18:07
bazhangbye Jack_Sparrow18:08
XBehavei thought deleting a hard link deleted the data?18:08
underdog5004I need a remote desktop server that uses rdp...any suggestions?18:08
DM|Dr_Willis ok, cus they both open up with different formatting18:08
XBehavethx DECUSgeek didnt realise it was that simple18:08
Dr_willisXBehave,  a hard linkis another name for a file. Its identical to the origiaal file/name. If you have 2 hard links to the same data. they ARe the same file :)18:08
exarkunDo python-tz and python-matplotlib conflict horribly in Dapper, or is it just me?18:09
Dr_willisXBehave,  unlinking all the names to a file - delets the file. (or so my kernel book taught me ages ago)18:09
John_Rw00t, hairy hardon is out. think i'll wait for the 8.04 version though. might stick the alpha in a vm or something18:09
ptakmen hi guys! ubuntu freezes right after X's loaded, why may it be so?18:09
bazhangJohn_R: do you have a question?18:09
quigzanyone know if there is a way to program18:09
DM|John_R i hope you didnt do that on purpose18:09
LivestongATI Raidon, Drivers are working, but i now have Two Screen1's and only the left screen on VGA works, my DVI one is not working18:10
quigzanyone know if there is a way to program FPGA board in ubuntu i cant find adpet suite for linux18:10
Do0oDz hello .. I'm on gutsy gibbon .. and having problems with amsn .. a couple of days while installing wine in the output I got that there are some packages that aren't used anymore so I autormoved them .. since then amsn doesnt give me sound alerts whenever a person gets online ....18:10
LivestongThe card is a RADION X155018:10
sam__Can someone tell me where the firestarter error log is stored?18:11
LivestongAlso Using Ubuntu 7.1018:11
Dr_willissam__,  look in /var/log18:11
sam__dr_willis, does firestarter have its own separte log file?18:11
DM|sam__ only for events18:12
Dr_willissam__,  no idea..  I dont use it.  since its a front end to the iptables. you may need to check the kernel logs and other iptables logs18:12
sam__dr_willis, thanks.18:13
quigzanyone know if there is a way to program FPGA board in ubuntu i cant find adept suite for linux18:13
macro182hi, do you know an app to split an iso file into 2 .zip or .rar? ;)18:14
DM|quigz there might be a KDE app , IDK, check with the guys in #kubuntu18:14
quigzkk thanks18:15
eeeandrewhi anyone able to help get my sound card working? I posted full details here18:15
eeeandrewsorry that was meant to be a link...18:16
caravelhi again - how to use alacarte revert function without to mess all the menus ??18:17
robdigeeeandrew: maybe, what's your problem18:17
eeeandrewok heres the link with all the information for my problem any help would be appreciated18:17
caraveland how to cancel the revert menu, once it has messed it up ?18:17
caravelin other words, is there a way to rebuild the menus from scratch, restoring deleted elements ?18:18
mineralewhen I boot into gutsy the font is huge -- the font is 200 pixels wide18:19
mineralethe minimize, mazimise and close buttons are 200 pixels wide too18:19
Dr_willisminerale,  is the font huge..or is just the res real low?18:19
Csabahow do i launch trashbin or showdesktop from Avant Dock i deleted my bottom panel and made shortcuts on top panel but i can get them on dock do i have to add them in launcher if so do i need to learn the command for this?18:19
wi1hi. i wanna set up a user account for my girlfriend. i want her to have all the usual user privileges like my account has. how do i do that?18:19
robdigeeeandrew: that's the same chip i have. are you using alsa driver? quick check is to double click on volume control, file, and see what is selected...18:19
mineraledr_willis: the rest seems normal, just the font (when typing username) and the menu bar18:19
eeeandrewrobdig:I have no driver I@m not sure how to install them18:20
robdigeeeandrew: it should have installed itself...18:20
stuartuh, i clicked properties on a desktop file, and accidentally cancelled. now my desktop hung. how do i reset the desktop?18:20
skelrobdig: do an lsmod and see what its name is18:20
stefanoif i have a raid0 with two drives on an onboard controller and i hoop up a third drive, does this drive get recognized normally?18:20
skelrobdig: then he can try doing a modprobe on it18:20
eeeandrewrobdig there is a volume control option but its doesn't work...no sound even at full volume and I get rare bursts of static and whistling18:21
stuartis there anyway to reset the desktop without having to kill already running processes?18:21
hotchipHey guys, is there anyone who can help me setup fuppes? It errors out on me during make. :(18:22
robdigskel: thx18:22
eeeandrewrobdig/skel: whats a modprobe?18:23
John_Rstuart: you can switch users and then switch back18:23
skelrobdig: I think it'll be like snd_intel or something similar18:23
stuartJohn_R, thanks!18:23
skeleeeandrew: modprobe allows you to load kernel modules (drivers) for hardware support18:23
robdigeeeandrew: as skel suggested, it looks like my system is using modules snd and snd_page_alloc18:24
skeleeeandrew: though most of the time ubuntu properly detects your hardware and loads them for you, sometimes not the case18:24
eeeandrewok I@m still not great with the terminal or anything could you talk me thru it?18:24
adamonline45Good morning!  I'm trying to get ndiswrapper working.  My driver installed ok, but when I got to modprobe ndiswrapper, I get the error "Fatal: Could not open '/lib/mdoules/2.6.22-14-generic/misc/ndiswrapper.ko".  Does anyone know how to fix this?  I've searched tirelessly but nothing's worked so far... :(18:24
d03boyI have dapper. Can I upgrade to heron easily?18:24
=== ^garfield2^ is now known as KatieKitty
Dr_willisd03boy,  you may want to wait a few months for  Heron to actually get relesed. :018:25
skeleeeandrew: well we have to figure out what module needs to be loaded or if its already loaded first18:25
ompauld03boy, no - you must go one step at a time, and it is good idea to upgrade one release at a time18:25
skeleeeandrew: at the terminal type: lsmod | grep snd18:25
skeleeeandrew: then use pastebin to paste your results18:25
mineralewhen I boot into gutsy the font is huge -- the font is 200 pixels wide18:25
mineralethe login username font that is18:25
d03boyguess i'll just reinstall then18:25
skeleeeandrew: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18:26
=== KatieKitty is now known as ^garfield2^
adamonline45do I need to use the alternate install cd to use ndiswrapper?18:26
lorisBsr à tous Qel est le programme pour telecharger des musiques ?18:26
bjamesI'm running Ubuntu 7.10 and find it really hard to actually grab window edges to resize windows - is there a way to increase the window bored grab region?18:27
ompaul!fr | loris18:27
ubotuloris: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.18:27
lorisompaul : ok merci j'ai pas fait attention ..18:27
cavemanedI am new to ubuntu I have tried it a few times. this time I trashed my MS machine, so no turning back18:28
tmbahi, I'm writing a shell script, but I would like to pipe the output through the system logger to /var/log/messages. How would I go about to do that?18:28
bjamescavemaned: brave guy18:28
hotchipanyone who can do me a favor and install fuppes, do a deb package and send it to me?18:28
bazhangwelcome cavemaned18:28
skelbjames: you can hit alt-f8 if the window has focus18:28
skelbjames: and resize that way18:28
tmbaI tried 'command | logger' but it did not work18:28
Dimension128bjames: if you hold alt and MiddleMouse drag anywhere in the window, you will resize it.18:28
adamonline45bjames: I'm using kubuntu, same problem...18:28
tomd123cavemanned: good for you18:28
bjamescavemaned: I run linux on the laptop and server, but I keep a windows machine handy18:28
cavemanedI was hoping to find some help setting up samba18:28
heevencavemaned: nice :)18:28
adamonline45skel: You may want to try echo hello >> file.txt18:29
eeeandrewskel/robdig: pasted into the paste thing...did that help?18:29
bjamescheers for the tips18:29
skeleeeandrew: paste the link to the paste :)18:29
skelbjames: no worries :)18:29
robdigeeeandrew: you need to paste the link for us18:29
eeeandrew*feels like an idiot* here you go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46482/18:30
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skeleeeandrew: ok it looks like it loaded the driver.. try this, type: alsamixer18:30
quigzanyone know if there is a way to program FPGA board in ubuntu i cant find adept suite for linux18:31
skeleeeandrew: then check if anything is muted18:31
skeleeeandrew: you may have to scroll back and forth18:31
robdigeeeandrew: that looks just like mine except that you've got one additional module, snd_hda_codec, but that shouldn't cause a problem...18:32
adamonline45Is anyone here using a macbook?  I need some assistance from my brethren 8)18:32
eeeandrewskel: how do u tell if its muted?18:32
skeleeeandrew: it'll say mm18:33
skeleeeandrew: it might be easier to right-click on the sound control18:33
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:33
skeleeeandrew: and "open volume control"18:33
bazhangadamonline45: ubuntu-tutorials.com has some nice stuff on that18:33
eeeandrewskel:did it with the volume control and unmuted everythin18:34
Jaszbo! broadcom18:34
fizzl1quick question: in the terminal, what's the best way to remove all files in a directory while leaving the folder itself intact?18:34
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx18:34
robdigeeeandrew:  can you go to system->preferences->sound18:34
Gwildorim trying to play a wmv (ubuntu 7.10), totem gstreamer complained of missing codec for audio/video(unkown), totem-xine complains of "Windows Screen Video" not being handled...... any idea?18:34
adamonline45bazhang: Thank you.  I've been there, they're pretty good, but this ndiswrapper stuff is killin' me... :O  They dont' tackle what I need, specifically18:35
skeleeeandrew: ok if that doesn't change anything, then go to "file -> change device ->" and see if theres another option not selected?18:35
skeleeeandrew: you could be looking at OSS options when you're actually using ALSO18:35
skeleeeandrew: *ALSA18:35
corruptionoflulz!codecs | Gwildor18:35
ubotuGwildor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:35
skeleeeandrew: or vice-versa18:35
bazhangadamonline45: for the wireless? what is the card?18:35
zperteedoes anyone know how to get verizon usb720 to work with ubuntu?18:35
eeeandrewskel: the volumes working now....but the left speaker is making a high ptiched squeak instead of the sound18:35
adamonline45bazhang: It's an Atheros.  I get the driver loaded, but I get an error when i try to modprobe ndiswrapper18:36
eeeandrewskel: now its stopped working again18:36
skeleeeandrew: you may need to mute somethings and not others.. or balance levels18:37
skeleeeandrew: do you have a mic enabled?18:37
bazhangadamonline45: which atheros? not in madwifi?18:37
fizzl1in the terminal, what's the best way to remove all files in a directory while leaving the folder itself intact?18:38
NKD-hi all18:38
quigzwhat does the red text mean?18:38
whtajust did a fresh install and my sound is pretty faint compared to my last install. I remember having to fix this before but i don't remember what I did. all volume is maxed out. where can i fix this?18:38
eeeandrewskel:microphone is on18:39
adamonline45bazhang: It's an AR5418, 802.11a/b/g/n PCIE rev 1.  Madwifi recognized it, but I was unable to connect to my access point...18:39
bazhangadamonline45: via gui or cli?18:40
adamonline45is there a gui?18:40
robdigfizzl1: cd into the directory, then use rm18:40
NKD-Anyone familiar with iptables? I found a basic "cut n paste" to getting basic filtering going buti want to make sure i understand what its doing, so i actually learn somethin18:40
adamonline45bazhang: I'musing CLI.  Is there a GUI? :O18:41
fizzl1robdig: well, i'm wanting to put this into a script and not have to cd really... would it just be "rm /path/to/dir/*" ?18:41
bazhangadamonline45: does it recognize your access point?18:41
tomd123fizzl1: yes18:42
adamonline45bazhang: I can see it in the scan, if that's what you mean...18:42
robdigfizzl1: yes18:42
tomd123fizzl1: cd into a directory and type 'rm *'18:42
bazhangadamonline45: what command do you give it to connect via cli?18:42
tomd123that will remove everything in that directory w/o deleting the actual directory18:42
Nobl1can I run two vnc servers?18:42
fizzl1robdig & tomd123 thanks!18:42
Nobl1or have it listen on two ports?18:43
eeeandrewskel: I muted the mic and tried again. The sound is now completely gone. I unmuted the mic again and still no sound.18:43
skeleeeandrew: check your rca jack?18:43
adamonline45bazhang: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo <-- I was following this.  iwconfig ath0 ap XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX18:43
Dr_willisNobl1,  you could run 'vncserver' several dozen or hundred times if you had the machine to take the load. :)18:44
legacyhat# Appears as XENO18:44
playya_is it possible to iterate over everything i got from apt_pkg.GetCache() ?18:44
bazhangadamonline45: so to connect you give the command sudo dhclient ath0?18:44
eeeandrewskel: they are internal speakers18:44
adamonline45bazhang: Yes, and it doesn't resolve...18:45
bazhangadamonline45: no dhcpoffers?18:45
adamonline45bazhang: Nope.18:45
bazhangadamonline45: is this an encrypted network?18:45
eeeandrewskel:I think the technical is "completely dead"18:45
skeleeeandrew: is this an older system?18:46
legacyhathey I need help , I was installing several programs using apt-get and my laptop battery died and now my apt seems to be corrupted.18:46
malakarmac mini + ubuntu + without monitor has anybody tried, it just refuses to boot18:46
JaszboHi room. How do I add a wireless access point manually via terminal?18:46
bazhangadamonline45: what about via network-manager the gui?18:46
eeeandrewnope Toshiba Equim L40-10X just out this summer. its a laptop and the sound function fine from my Vista partition altho I'm trying to avoid using that18:46
adamonline45bazhang: I don't think it's encrypted, but it's got a password... Not the password that asks for either 13 or 20 digits; or whatever it is; just a regular password.  I belive that's WEP, and that's what I was trying to do...18:46
malakarthere is a bug, but the kernel option mentioned is only for radeon chipset https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/5151918:47
skeleeeandrew: so between the time sound started working and stopped did you change anything?18:47
skeleeeandrew: or it just died?18:47
bazhangadamonline45: this your home network--can you try without encryption first?18:47
eeeandrewskel:I started a song, it whistled so I stopped the song and then when I tried to play the song again it had died18:47
adamonline45bazhang: I could see it in the network manager, but every time I clicked on 'administrator mode' and entered my password in order to be able to configure it, it would just revert to normal user18:47
spiffmananyone know what the differences between vncviewer, vnc4viewer, xvnc4viewer, etc, are?18:48
skeleeeandrew: what did you use to play the song?18:48
adamonline45bazhang: I suppose I could give it a shot!  I'm using Kubuntu though; I hear there's a bug with using the default network manager with madwifi.18:48
MrPink_/join #eclipse18:48
MrPink_/join #eclipse18:48
MrPink_argh ^^18:49
legacyhatanyone have any suggestions?18:49
Dr_williswhat if i dont want to MrPink_  :)18:49
eeeandrewmovie player first, then tried rythmnbox music player and when it didn't work I tried movie player again and no sound there either18:49
bazhangadamonline45: I use kubuntu as well--though not a macbook, I've got a powerbook that connects well18:49
Python1320nah..ill check18:49
skeleeeandrew: is it still open?18:49
AntiochHow can I use echo with sudo?18:49
tomd123sudo echo? lol18:49
Antiochit doesnt work, lol?18:49
eeeandrewclosed them after the sound stopped working18:49
MrPink_Dr_willis: Python1320: sry I didn't mean to, I was holding down shift while pressing enter ^^18:49
legacyhat:( must be a tough issue uh oh18:49
malakarmac mini and ubuntu help needed18:50
Python1320MrPink_, lol ok :D18:50
skeleeeandrew: hmm I wonder if something is locking the sound device18:50
Antiochsudo echo 3 > power_level, permission denied18:50
bazhangmalakar: a server or a desktop18:50
tomd123antioch, if you have to have root permissions for echo, you better reinstall linux18:50
ssdhi all how can I automatically reconfigure the video settings like at the install of the os ?18:50
adamonline45bazhang: Oh cool.  Alright.  Well, I got rid of all but the tar for madwifi.  Do you think I should give it another go?  Will you be here for a while? <:D  Oh, I'm using gutsy gibbon... What do you use?18:50
tomd123antioch, type 'cd' enter18:50
tomd123then try it18:51
malakar@bazhang i installed ubuntu on the mac mini, intend to use it as a server, but the problem is it doesn't boot without a  monitor18:51
Antiochtomd123, No. I'm trying to set the power level for my wireless device manually. To change things in the /sys/bus/ directory you need root permissions18:51
tomd123antioch, your probably trying to create a file in a folder you don't have permissions in18:51
skelAmaranth: is the file immutable?18:51
* legacyhat waves18:51
Jaszbossd: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:51
legacyhatany out there can help?18:51
dustinneed help getting my laptop to work a wireless network18:51
ssdjaszbo: yeah but I never had to do that when I installed ubuntu18:51
bazhangadamonline45: I've got to go out for a while :{ I would like to help, but work calls--defiinitely stick with it though18:52
Metal03Hi there, how can we know if the new wine that got released yesterday is available for Ubuntu?18:52
ssdjaszbo: i don't know the answers to all those questions18:52
bazhangmalakar: why not install the ubuntu server?18:52
tomd123antioch, type "sudo nano power_level_file" and change the value18:52
skeleeeandrew: go to system -> preferences -> sound18:52
Jaszbossd: what are you trying to do?18:52
malakar@bazhang there is a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/51519, but the kernel option mentioned is only for radeon chipset, mine has a intel chipset18:52
spiffmanhow do i vnc into a computer and actually see the desktop, not just gray with a terminal?18:52
Antiochtomd123, ok, thanks18:52
eeeandrewskel:ok did that18:52
Dr_willisMetaBot,  theres a unsupoported 'latest wine' repo you can use.  I think i found out about it at the !easysource site18:53
jimjamOoh, I'm having trouble configuring X server on an Intel GMA x3100. Has anyone seen this configured properly?18:53
Dr_willis!easysource | MetaBot18:53
ubotuMetaBot: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic18:53
skeleeeandrew: in the sounds tab, is "enable software sound mixing" checked?18:53
dustinneed help getting my laptop to work a wireless network18:53
legacyhatSetting up briquolo (0.5.6-1ubuntu1) ...rndpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-installation script: Exec format errorrndpkg: error processing briquolo (--configure):rn subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2rnErrors were encountered while processing:rndpkg (subprocess): unable to execute post-installation script: Exec18:53
virtuosostevehow do i fix the splash when the cpu starts, it doesn't come up18:53
ssdjaszbo: well after reinstalling a new video card, I only have a command prompt18:53
adamonline45bazhang: Alright, I'll give it a shot.  I'll see if any of my neighbor's unsecured networks work 8)  I don't know how to get into my router to change it around... I think I need a windows client...  Have fun at work, thanks for the help 8)  It's impossible to get help for the tired ol' topic of wifi 8)18:53
dustinneed help getting my laptop to work a wireless network18:53
Jaszbossd:What kind of video card?18:53
stodgeAre there any binaries for codeblocks for Gutsy?18:53
ssdjaszbo: can't it do some sort of autodetect to configure the xorg ?18:53
malakar@bazhang the problem i am facing is it gonna work with ubuntu-server?18:53
dustinneed help getting my laptop to work a wireless network18:54
bazhanggot to step out for a while see yall soon18:54
adamonline45bazhang: Take it easy!18:54
Xdange1which channel is for gaming??18:54
ssdjaszbo: nvidia somthing,.18:54
dustincan anyone help18:54
tomd123dustin, what are you trying to do18:54
Munk333_if I wanted to directly access my webcam for dev reasons what would I use? I tried using cutecom at /dev/video0 but it fails to open18:55
Xdange1which ubuntu IRC channel is for gaming??18:55
skeleeeandrew: can you paste the contents of "ps -auxww" into pastebin and give me the link?18:55
tomd123dustin, connect to a wireless network?18:55
Jaszbossd:OK. do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and choose the vesa driver.18:55
skeleeeandrew: err output not contents18:55
=== _vector_afk is now known as _vector_
Xdange1which ubuntu IRC channel is for gaming??18:56
TigranGIs there anyway to restore everything back to original without re-installing?18:56
dustintrying to18:56
skelXdange1: try #cedega18:56
dustincant get it to work18:56
adamonline45Does anyone know if I can/should use amd64 version of gutsy for an intel core 2 duo?  The tut I'm reading says I can, but it just seems... Odd!18:56
Xdange1skel: Thanks18:56
tomd123is the wireless button on your laptop turned on?18:56
skelXdange1: np18:57
bernier<adamonline45> yes you can18:57
malakarubuntu + mac mini help needed18:57
doxidhi.. anyone have a good rar package manager?18:57
skelXdange1: if you mean like, gaming in general, there won't be much on this network, might want to try irc.enterthegame.com18:57
bernier<adamonline45> running it and it works perfect18:57
dustindoesnt have one i cansee18:57
Munk333_adamonline45: yea, me 218:57
adamonline45bernier: Thank you.  Does that processor run 64-bit? :O I mean, I know it runs the software, but does it utilize it?18:58
eeeandrewskel: heres the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46486/18:58
adamonline45Munk333_: TY for the added confidence 8)18:58
bernier<adamonline45> yes it does all new intel processor can run in 64 bit18:58
dustintomd123: can you help18:58
doxidi'm using 7-zip atm but it seams to fail from time to time unpacking rar files... so i'm asking if anyone know a good rar-application for linux/ubuntu  (console or not i don't care) :P18:58
[BlackOrc]somebody knows why my external hard drive is always shown at the beginning when i started but disappears than?18:59
bernierdoxid: sudo apt-get install rar18:59
tomd123dustin, ok, click the network icon on your task bar, should be top right18:59
bernierdoxid: with this you can extract rar win the default ubuntu unpacker18:59
psycho-jhello everyone18:59
tomd123dustin, it should look like two computers18:59
adamonline45bernier: Pardon if this is getting ot, but how does it do it?  Does it do some sort of logical halving of the processor to get twice the bits, does it run faster, is there an advantage?18:59
dustinim familar with ubuntu19:00
dustini just cant get to work19:00
Undead_Zeusis there a packet sniffer for ubuntu? i am also curious about a partition manager19:00
bernier<adamonline45> I can't tell you exactly, you can read on it but it's certainly not slower than 32 bit19:00
SmesharikЗдесь по русски говарят19:00
tomd123dustin, do you have madwifi installed for your wireless card then19:00
dustinno what is it19:01
fx|RabBi1can i integrate an existing windows installation inton virtualbox?19:01
adamonline45bernier: Alright, nice!  I'm going for it then 8)  Thank you.  Oh, one more thing... I can still use all the same software as before, right?  I don't need special 64-bit versions?19:01
spiffmanhow do i use vnc to see a remote desktop, including gnome (instead of a gray screen with a terminal)?19:01
tomd123dustin, wifi support for linux :P19:01
poeloqdoes the amount of installed software influence system performance?19:02
tomd123dustin, wait19:02
dustini thank you19:02
hotchipHey can anyone help me get Fuppes running?19:02
eeeandrewundead_Zeus: click applications>add or remove and do a search theres loads of packet sniffers19:02
dustinim not leaving19:02
tomd123dustin, go to system19:02
skeleeeandrew: looking now19:02
tomd123administration, restricted drivers19:02
dustini know how to get19:02
dgjones!ru | Smesharik19:03
ubotuSmesharik: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke19:03
Undead_Zeusthanks eeeandrew19:03
[BlackOrc]somebody knows why my external hard drive is always shown at the beginning when i started but disappears than?19:03
tomd123dustin, do you have restricted drivers on, if not, enable19:03
dustinwhy restricked drivers19:03
eeeandrewskel:take as long as you need I appreciate all the help19:03
spiffmanhow do i vnc into a computer and actually see the desktop, not just gray with a terminal?19:03
psycho-jis there anywhere i can get a complete video codec pack???19:03
=== j_ack_ is now known as j_ack
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:04
skeleeeandrew: no problem, I've been there :-P19:04
Jaszbo! madwifi19:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:04
danissHI all. I've an Atheros Wireles card.. the drivers  is active in restricted drivers dialog, but i can see it at networkmanager or anything.. pleas help :)19:04
skeleeeandrew: try: kill -1 5416    and if that doesn't work try logging out and back in19:04
tomd123dustin, dunno, i would look your card up and see if there are any issues for it then19:05
=== michael_ is now known as shun7
adamonline45daniss: I'm having the same problem right now19:05
danissadamonline45, :)19:05
adamonline45daniss: I'm getting errors trying to modprobe ndiswrapper.  Are you using ndiswrapper or madwifi?19:06
bernier<adamonline45> sorry for the late answer, yes you can use all the same software, except for certain things19:06
eeeandrewskel:doesn't seem to work it says:19:06
eeeandrewbash: kill: 5416: invalid signal specification19:06
adamonline45bernier: No problem, thanks!19:06
SmesharikВы по русски говарите???19:06
bernier<adamonline45> like java for firefox, you need to install the 32 bit of firefox to be able to install java for it. but that's about only it19:06
robdig!ru ! Smesharik19:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ru ! smesharik - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:07
skeleeeandrew: hmm ok try logging out and back in real quick19:07
berniert<adamonline45> the 32 bit *version*19:07
robdig!ru | Smesharik19:07
danissadamonline45, i'm trying tu use madwifi, but i need WEP so, i think i've to use ndwis too19:07
ubotuSmesharik: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke19:07
eeeandrewback shortly then19:07
IrishDavedoes anyone know why or how to get vga=834 in the grub bootline? i'm trying to get framebuffer resolution of 1400x105019:07
adamonline45bernier: I'll remember that, thanks, I'm not too happy using Konqueror 8)19:07
dustinthank you all19:07
riaalwhere can I change a users umask?19:08
robdigIrishDave: think you just add it to the end of the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst19:08
shun7does any body have the ATI Radeon X700 mobility on a notebook, the fglxrc drivers dont do direct rendering, and the ati drivers are even worse19:08
Jack_SparrowIrishDave: doubt you will get above 1024x76819:09
[-Newbie-]How to compile linux kernel with patch?19:09
SmesharikА как?19:09
adamonline45daniss: this might be helpful... http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/03/18/how-to-configure-wireless-on-a-macbook-using-ndiswrapper/ I'm using a macbook, but you can get the general idea.   Crud I shouldn't have responded, I need to go afk for a bit... But anyway, ndiswrapper seems so simple compared to madwifi, but I can't get either working! gl!19:09
Jack_SparrowIrishDave: HAve you looked over your xorg.conf19:09
shun7riaal, /etc/login.defs19:09
smookerhi again i forgot how im going to add my lan card dhcp to ubuntu ?19:10
smookercoz i dont see any...19:10
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:10
shayanhello, does anyone know a free movie to be shown in public to introduce Linux and ubuntu19:10
spiffmanhow do i remote login to a computer and see the desktop?19:11
skelshayan: elephant dream19:11
adrenergichello i need help regarding how-to connect to internet via dialup modem19:11
danissadamonline45, thanks :) but, if i've the restricted driver enabled, i need the ndiswreapper or madwifi too?19:11
skelshayan: http://www.elephantsdream.org/19:11
adrenergici think my ubuntu 7.04 doesn't detect my modem :(19:12
Jack_Sparrowshayan: check out youtube some good stuff on there19:12
riaalanyone know how to set a 077 as default umask on a new user?19:12
Jack_Sparrowadrenergic: Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS         if it is a true hardware modem19:13
shayanJack_Sparrow:  youtube does not have movies with good resolutions19:13
Tom123what's the procedure to find the exact kernel version where a certain bug started to appear?  Is there a repository of kernel images for all the different kernel versions somewhere?  I don't want to compile like 10 different kernels.19:13
whtahow can i get emerald working properly in gutsy?19:13
danissadrenergic, i was using wvdial a few time ago for dialup19:13
eeeandrewskel: thats me back the sound cards on again but the whistling sound during the login screen19:13
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion19:13
Shearerwhich are the differences between desktop and alternate?19:13
jshriveranyone here use the wis-go7007 driver?19:13
Jack_SparrowShearer: desktop is gui install alt is text19:14
adrenergicdoes it need any driver installation?19:14
jshriverwondering if it's a v4l2 based driver or if it can only be used by gorecord19:14
SmesharikА вы можите все по РУССКИ ПИСАТЬ.19:14
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke19:14
ShearerOnly the installer Jack_Sparrow ?19:14
jshriverThe device works great, and the gorecord program is awesome.. but I can't watch it in realtime... if it was a v4l2 driver I could use mplayer and mencoder to better tune recording19:14
Jack_SparrowShearer: pretty much..19:15
skeleeeandrew: thats really weird.. I've had issues when the mic is on and it gets feedback, but thats it19:15
Jack_SparrowShearer: The alt seems to work for more people19:15
Jack_SparrowShearer: The gui is good...  just some people have res problems19:15
eeeandrewskel:I've never heard it happen either and I'm a sound engineer!19:16
Shearerthanks Jack_Sparrow19:16
smookeranyone know how to add my lancard to ubuntu ? its dhcp .. but it doesnt show me my lan..19:16
skeleeeandrew: I'm trying to think of what else you could possibly try.. I would maybe mute one thing at a time to see if it stops19:16
skeleeeandrew: besides the main sound19:16
skeleeeandrew: is it surround sound card?19:16
=== tbaa is now known as Stingy1
Stingy1hi leute19:17
southafrikansehello. I have no sound. In alsa mixer everything is unmuted but I still can't hear anything19:17
Stingy1sagt mal gibt es ne möglichkeit pgp komplett über die komandozeile zu bedienen?19:17
eeeandrewI don't know...it says HD audio19:17
Stingy1arr english chan sry19:17
=== csc`` is now known as csc`
eeeandrewsouthfrikanse:I@m having some sound anomalies as well do you know what card your using?19:18
southafrikanseeeeandrew, it says High Definition Audio19:18
smultronhow is VLC legal to use, but installing the "ugly" codecs isn't? does VLC do something special?19:18
Jack_Sparrowsmultron: Legal depends on where in the world you live19:19
smultronJack_Sparrow: so is VLC illegal in the USA, too?19:19
VadiHow can I tell what type of ram do I have, and the max limit of how much can I have it?19:19
hypa7iasmultron: the "ugly" codecs are ugly because they violate various patents19:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:20
southafrikanseeeeandrew, when I was with Ubuntu 7.04 I used this command: echo options snd-hda-intel model=lg | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobed/alsa-base but in Ubuntu 7.10 apparently this does't work19:20
eeeandrewsouthafrikanse: go into terminal and run "sudo lspci" and looks for the entry that says audio...that'll tell you what card...not sure if am the best person to help since I haven't managed to fix mine yet19:21
VadiHow can I tell what type of ram do I have, and the max limit of how much can I have it?19:21
Jack_SparrowVadi: when you boot up it should show how much and after that what type19:22
hypa7iaVadi: figure out what motherboard you have and look that up on the intertubes19:22
southafrikanseeeeandrew, "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)"19:22
hypa7iaor that :)19:22
VadiJack_Sparrow: Hm it doesn't. And this is a laptop too.19:22
VadiThinkPad T4019:22
Jack_SparrowVadi: cmos or bios should show something19:22
eeeandrewsouthafrikanse:unlucky its the same card as mine and we've just spent the last hour trying everything we can think of19:22
hypa7iaVadi: google for thinkpad t40 specifications19:22
robdigVadi: less /proc/meminfo may help19:23
VadiJack_Sparrow: No I just get an IBM logo and grub. Ok19:23
southafrikanseeeeandrew, :/19:23
Jack_SparrowVadi: livecd has a memtest.. not sure if it tells you total ram or not19:23
mellowjoy420how can i rip my cds to mp3 (using lame) in 7.10?19:23
southafrikanseeeeandrew, but if the command I typed in Feisty worked why doens't it work in Gibbon?19:23
eeeandrewno idea...am pretty new at this19:24
n215is there any gui openvpn client for ubuntu ?19:24
Jack_Sparroweeeandrew: soundjuicer?19:24
|_James_Bond_|HI PPL19:24
eeeandrewjack_sparrow:what about it?19:24
Jack_Sparroweeeandrew: That is what I use on audio cd's19:25
Rautamiekka_Who the f is using my nick ?19:25
=== gordonjc1 is now known as gordonjcp
wsv123457tried installing codecs per link still doing something wrong19:25
Jack_SparrowRautamiekka_: if it is registered you can kill them off19:25
Rautamiekka_Hm, it appears that I'm logged in tho I'm not19:25
Jack_SparrowRautamiekka_: look at ghost...19:25
eeeandrewjack_sparrow: thanks but my files are already on here from my vista partition19:26
RazzoRzHey folks,19:26
robdign215: haven't tried them but looks like there is grml-vpn and openvpn19:26
wsv123457totem still not working any ideas19:26
robdign215: those are in the repos19:27
RazzoRzI am running 7.10 with innoteck vbox,   Can someone tell me how to get my mic working in Innotek Vbox?19:27
IrishDaverobdig, you still there? i tried that and it complains that it isn't an acceptable mode19:27
IrishDavedoes anyone know why or how to get vga=834 in the grub bootline? i'm trying to get framebuffer resolution of 1400x105019:27
n215robdig,  thank you19:27
robdigIrishDave: still here, but don't know how to help further...19:27
darkarcon2015i am working on setting up an ldap server19:28
Jack_SparrowIrishDave: Do yo have that res working in your gui desktop session?19:28
darkarcon2015and have run into this error: ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)19:28
RazzoRzI am running 7.10 with innoteck vbox,   Can someone tell me how to get my mic working in Innotek Vbox?19:28
Jack_SparrowRazzoRz: repeating every 10 lines wont get you an answer any faster19:29
IrishDaveJack_Sparrow, I use 1680x1050 within x using the nvidia driver, but i'm trying to get 1400x1050 working from framebuffer so that if i press ctrl+F3 etc it gives me a decent resolution19:29
darkarcon2015for the record, ldap is started and i see it is listening on port 389 using netstat (i also dont have iptables installed)19:29
RazzoRzYou jack... ( Thanks man ) wow ... no are you here to give me Advice or to help me with my issue?19:29
RazzoRzIts ok if you don't know...19:30
Jack_SparrowRazzoRz: I am here to help people with problems... and help moderate the channel19:30
eeeandrewskel/afrikanse: tried muting and individual options and changing the panning to shut off the whistling speaker. no luck. I think this ones got us beat:(19:30
RazzoRzNice .. great.. right on even... ok So i have a Problem?.. are you goin to help me ? or can you19:30
Jack_SparrowRazzoRz: With vbox problems.. no...  they have their own help19:31
sladjancan someone help me with ubuntu 7,1019:31
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:31
RazzoRzOk.. chance of you Pointing me in the rright Direction?19:31
RazzoRzis there a channel ?19:31
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kane77sladjan, not unless you ask a question...19:31
brandon_hey im trying to run world of warcraft, but i have compiz running with xgl and it wont let me use DRI, is there a way to use compiz without xgl or s script to temp. disable/enable xgl19:32
IrishDaveRazzoRz, have a check on google and then the forums19:32
skeleeeandrew: I'm sorry, if I had any more ideas I'd pass em on, I'm just stumped19:32
mellowjoy420well, how do i select mp3 as my output format in sound juicer?19:32
RazzoRzWOW.. done that for weeks19:32
Jack_SparrowIrishDave:   I doubt you will get above 1024 that way19:32
sladjanim having problem with sound and video19:32
RazzoRzthanks anyways !!!19:32
kane77brandon_, doesn't something like that work: metacity --replace; your_command19:32
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* ^garfield2^ is away (I am Off Line Now...)19:32
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eeeandrewskel: no worries I appreciate all the help19:33
IrishDaveJack_Sparrow, see I know it should be possible because with Sabayon and OpenSUSE when I run those I have the ability to run a 1400x1050 framebuffer so I know theoretically it's possible, i just wanted to know how to do it in ubuntu19:33
brandon_kane77: srry ima linux nub atm what?19:33
krimWhich keys should I press to get a window where I can type which program I want to start? My mouse is charging it's batteries :)19:33
karimis it possible to run a X application from inside a chroot  ?19:33
Jack_SparrowIrishDave: No idea...  never seen it higher than 1024...19:33
jimjamIs anyone running on an Intel GMA x3100 graphics chipset?19:33
kane77brandon_, you can run the game like this "metacity --replace; your_app"19:34
IrishDaveok, thanks Jack_Sparrow I'll keep checking google19:34
thorkrim: you can just open a terminal19:34
sladjani have music but not sound19:34
Ashfire908brandon_, #ubuntu-effects (now #compiz-fusion) is dedicated to compiz. you might be able to get better help there.19:34
brandon_kane77, would i add that to the run of a run command?19:35
* Ashfire908 typs too slowly19:35
krimthor: But there should be an equivalent to "Run..." in Windows.19:35
kane77krim, alt+f219:35
krimkane77: Thanks19:35
Nobl1i'm trying to use X11VNC... it always locks right up... anyone have any ideas?19:35
kane77brandon_, you can run the metacity --replace first and then run whatever program you want...19:36
brandon_kane:77 ok lemme try that19:36
thorNobl1: are you trying to run the vncserver or client?19:37
sladjanhelp please19:37
ArelisHey does anybody know how i could set a website as background?19:37
eeeandrewskel: I've had an idea...is it possible to get other drivers instead of the autoloaded ones and try them?19:37
robdigsladjan: what is your question19:38
malakarmac mini without monitor has anybody tried?19:38
brobostigonhi, is there a prog i can use to monitor and record from a webcam, like a security camera does.??19:38
sladjanrodbig i can play sound but i dint hear music19:38
thorbrobostigon: check the program 'webcam' I have it running on 7.1019:39
sladjanand video is not reproducing19:39
kane77sladjan, do you have codecs installed?19:39
brandon_kane77, i added that command to the end of my WoW desktop icon but i still get unable to start up 3d acceleration because of xgl19:39
kane77brandon_, you should run that first...19:39
malakarmy mac mini is refusing to boot ubuntu without the monitor attached19:39
brandon_kane77, im lost :)19:40
sladjanalso i have problems with setting the appereance19:40
kane77brandon_, does the game run if you disable compiz?19:40
skeleeeandrew: yeah you can remove current drivers with rmmod19:40
skeleeeandrew: remove / unload19:40
smookerhi, how do i move to folder from the terminal ?19:40
brobostigonthor: is that prog listed in packages.ubuntu.com, i never heard of it??19:40
brandon_kane77, i forgot how to disable compiz19:40
kane77smooker, cd folder19:41
skeleeeandrew: and load the ones you want (provided they're built and included in your modules dir)19:41
thorbrobostigon: just a sec..;.let me check19:41
kane77smooker, or cd /path/to/folder19:41
smookerah i forgot :)19:41
smookerlike in cmd :P19:41
tuxthepenguin533is ext2 better than ext319:41
skeleeeandrew: brb19:41
robdig!audio | sladjan have you tried this?19:41
ubotusladjan have you tried this?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:41
kane77tuxthepenguin533, why?19:41
thorbrobostigon: it looks like i compiled it myself...it is webcam-server-0.50...should be able to find it on google19:41
Shadow147brandon_ what type of card19:41
tuxthepenguin533i find ext2 faster19:42
brandon_shadow147, ati radeon x160019:42
thorbrobostigon: must have compiled easily...there are no libs or such on my ubuntu machine19:42
Shadow147brandon_ how new is it?19:42
CondouloWhat is a good PCI-E card that works good in Linux? Because I am looking into upgrading my machine.19:42
Pada`tuxthepenguin533 : ext3 is journalised, it's the main difference with ext219:42
kane77tuxthepenguin533, the only difference between ext2 and ext3 is journal, which I like better...19:42
brandon_shadow147, about 10months old19:42
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport19:42
brobostigonthannks thor.19:42
Pada`it means you won't have the equivalent of "scandisk" after a savage shutdown or reboot19:43
troopperi_Does nvidia gf 7600gs working fine with ubuntu?19:43
sladjanpls anyone can help me19:43
xdcdx_I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 via the official upgrader and now all I get when I boot is a blinking cursor, what can I do?19:43
Shadow147brandon_ ok then you should have no problems with 3D and OpenGL19:43
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thorsladjan: we won't know til you tell us the problem19:43
brandon_shadow147, its xgl that messin me up19:43
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Shadow147brandon_ ah then it might be for me19:44
sladjanim having problems with voice and video19:44
tuxthepenguin533dosent journaling take a performance hit19:44
brandon_how do i disable xgl?19:44
thorsladjan: the only voice and video I have had working successfully in linux is the latest skype...and I haven't really had a chance to test it yet19:44
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sladjani mean i cant hear sound in video clips neither to see the video clip19:45
brandon_i need to disbale xgl/compiz any1 know how?19:45
tuxthepenguin533dosent journaling take a performance hit19:45
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Haesufinhow do I fix 'timestamp too far into the future:'  ?19:45
thorHaesufin: try 'touch <filename>'19:46
krimbrandon_: system -> preferences -> appearance -> desktop effects -> none (something like that I think)19:46
jacobi need an somebody who knows how to install libraries19:46
skeleeeandrew: back19:46
jacobi'm having problems19:46
brandon_krim: my appearence menu freezes19:46
sladjanleave it19:47
Duc_FoldHi everyone.19:47
jacobi'm trying to install the "gnome-python-desktop-2.17.1" library19:47
sladjanDesktop effects could not be enabled\ how to fix this19:47
skelsladjan: ATI card?19:48
brandon_anyway to turn off xgl/compiz without useing the appearence menu?19:48
Haesufinthor: i think it only happens when i sudo19:48
skelsladjan: apt-get aixgl I think19:48
jacobi'm trying to install gnome-python-desktop19:48
jacobcan somebody help?19:48
kane77brandon_, metacity --replace19:48
sladjanill give a try19:48
brandon_kane77: i still dont understand where to use that19:49
skeljacob: whats the issue?19:49
kane77brandon_, type it into terminal and press enter...19:49
brandon_kane77: kk19:49
brandon_kane77: sweet thx :)19:50
kane77brandon_, np ;)19:50
brandon_kane77: what do i use to put it back up?19:50
HaesufinI tried ntpdate but says permission denied19:50
kane77brandon_, if it is compiz then compiz --replace19:50
aclarkif i have xchat-gnome installed do i need to install xchat too?19:50
brandon_ok cool19:50
sladjanInvalid operation aixgl19:50
sladjandoesnt work\19:51
_6StringKng_uh, my video ont his site dl.tv has been laggy on this pc but not laptop, would there be a reason for that, vid drivers maybe, considering this one had an nvidia card and the laptop i sati?19:51
_6StringKng_on this*19:51
thorHaesufin: what is the file?19:51
kitchesladjan: aiglx is installed by default since it's part of X unless your on dapper of course19:51
kane77aclark, xchat and xchat-gnome are not the same programs.. so the answer is no.19:51
sladjanso what should i do19:51
krimlynx vs links, what do you think?19:51
brandon_kane77, xgl is still up tho >>19:51
aclarkok i didnt know if xchat-gnome was an addon or seperate19:51
skelsladjan: hang on19:52
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thorHaesufin ntpdate needs to be run as root19:52
Haesufinthor: no file, i just cant sudo, says timestamp too far into future: Dec 2 14:24:57 200719:52
skelsladjan: is this gibbon? 7.1019:52
skelsladjan: ok, one moment, had the same error on my laptop19:52
thorHaesufin: Check the timestamp on the sudoers file...it might be wrong19:52
kane77Haesufin, what system date do you have?19:53
thorHaesufin I think it is /etc/sudoers19:53
sladjani use toshiba satelite laptop19:53
_6StringKng_video lag19:53
_6StringKng_someone help?19:53
Haesufinkane777: dont know, i'm in command lie19:53
brandon_how do i trun xgl offafter compiz is off?19:53
thorkane77: the error indicates the timestamp on whatever file is Dec2...today is Dec119:53
thorHaesufin you can view the date from the command line with the command 'date'19:54
arpegiusi've heard that wireless is a bit more broken in gutsy than in feisty. true?19:54
Haesufinnot here in australia its dec 219:54
Haesufinbut 05:2419:54
teslacoilI've got a question actually about xwindows in general19:54
aclarkarpegius i found it easier to set up in gutsy, however i still needed wired to get it working19:54
thorHaesufin really....I have got to become more international <smile>19:54
robdigHaesufin: man page indicates that sudo -k will invalidate your timestamp and prompt for password with next use...maybe that willhelp you?19:54
Jack_SparrowHaesufin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17350519:54
arpegiusaclark: okay. thanks.19:54
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brandon_any1 lknow how to turn xgl off?19:54
aclarkalthough i do have a pesty broadcom19:55
brandon_so i can use DRI?19:55
skelsladjan: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl19:55
skelsladjan: then restart x19:55
darkarcon2015when setting up ldap, i get this error: ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (-1).  i have ldap started and see it is listening on port 389 thanks to netstat (i am using ubuntu 7.10 and used apt-get to install ldap), any help?19:55
teslacoilI'm trying to add language support, with the simple-looking program fbxkb19:55
Haesufinrobdig: i get same thing19:55
brandon_is there a command to turn xgl off?19:56
lfswoah busy room!19:56
Jack_Sparrowlfs: Quiet compared to most days19:56
teslacoiland setxkbmap19:56
teslacoilbut I'm not having any luck19:56
robdigHaesufin: the link Jack_Sparrow posted shows some other things that might work19:56
tomd123lfs, you running linux from scratch?19:56
HaesufinCan i set the time manually?19:56
teslacoilused synaptic to install the language things that looked relevant19:56
TigranGAnyone know a lot about wireless connections/driver that can help me via private chat19:57
sladjanProcessing triggers for libc6 ...19:57
sladjanldconfig deferred processing now taking place19:57
brandon_is there a way to turn xgl off so i can run WoW19:57
sladjanwhat now19:57
lfshave built LFS , but right now i'm running ubuntu19:57
tomd123lfs, same story here19:57
skelsladjan: restart19:57
chazcohi... i have an IR remote control... it generates codes in showkeys when i use it... Some buttons work already (e.g. volume), and some i have working through keytouch. However, i'm trying to figure out how to make the "OK" button act as an "enter/return" key (it shows in showkey, but cant be used in keytouch)... Any ideas?19:57
NKD-iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to    then i put echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward19:57
sladjanok thx19:57
skelsladjan: np19:58
whtahey. i have to crank my speaker volume way up just to have sound at a listenable level. wasn't like this before i reinstalled.. all volumes are at max. how can i fix this?19:58
NKD-Is that correct for getting a basic SNAT going?19:58
NKD-it doesnt seem to be working19:58
brandon_how do i disable xgl?19:58
mattgyver83whta, have you checked your alsamixer settings?19:58
lfs@whta  why dont you use a preamp19:58
brandon_there has to be a way of disbaleing xgl19:58
tuxthepenguin533is 256mb ram enough my for ubuntu19:59
lfswhta, maybe PCM is low19:59
tuxthepenguin533for ubuntu19:59
tomd123brandon_: "touch $HOME/.config/xserver-xgl/disable"19:59
HoxzerHow can I setup default interface. I have two intefaces in my computer setup and a bridge between them. How can I tell programs to use br0 instead of eth0 or etho 119:59
square[]how do you change the alsa buffer size? i keep on getting skips in my music.19:59
lfstuxthepenguin533,  why not!19:59
tomd123brandon_: then logout and login19:59
Jack_Sparrowtuxthepenguin533: yes, but watch out for sharing too much of it with your video card..if it is onboard19:59
eeeandrewskel: after looking around a bit I found this page....do you think this guide will help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:59
whtalfs: I just turned up PCM and that helped a little bit, but it's still softer than it was before. what else might i need to adjust?19:59
tuxthepenguin533then why wont the live cd work20:00
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:00
kane77tuxthepenguin533, it's on the edge... but I've run ubuntu on 128 (and 16Mb of it was shared with graphics) and it worked ok... (I used xfce)20:00
thorHoxzer: I'm curious..where do you plug in the bridge on your computer?20:00
brandon_tomd123, it says no such file or directory was found20:00
kane77tuxthepenguin533, you can install it only with alternate cd...20:00
SmesharikСуки вы все. Пока20:00
beerfa1what owns ~/.config ?20:00
kane77tuxthepenguin533, livecd needs 384MB RAM20:00
astro76!ru | Smesharik20:00
ubotuSmesharik: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke20:00
NKD-Have this system acting as a gateway for two others. Tried a simple SNAT like this: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to    then i put echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward   . It doesn't appear to be working. What am I doing wrong?20:01
tomd123beerfa1: everything in your home directory is yours20:01
skeleeeandrew: you could try but thats over a year old, the kernel you've got with 7.10 is past the revision that it wants you to patch it to20:01
beerfa1what app requires ~/.config  then?20:01
lfswhta, you ca try using an equalizer with a amplifier .. any good music player would provide that20:01
Hoxzerthor: I have two interfaces in my mobo by default so I put my laptop's connection through my PC. That way if there is wireless connection available I can have wired connection for both laptop and desktop20:01
TigranGAnyone know a lot about wireless connections/driver that can help me via private chat20:01
eeeandrewskel: oh well thanks for saving me doing all that20:02
tomd123brandon_: try making directorys and then type the command in20:02
whtalfs: i don't think i should have to, though, since on my previous installation i had volume working just fine20:02
mattgyver83Has anyone here setup a palm to sync via usb with jpilot?20:02
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:02
riaalanyone know if i can change the default group for a users created files?20:02
lfsTigranG, what adapter do u have?20:02
kane77TigranG, depends on the chipset...20:02
whtain alsamixer both master and pcm are at 10020:02
TigranGlfs: Atheros AR521220:02
brandon_any1 have an idea to disbale xgl?20:03
skeleeeandrew: I had some problems with my onboard soundcard and messed around with it a bit at first, but I happened to have an old pci soundblaster card so I just plugged that in and disabled onboard and it works like a champ20:03
thorHoxzer: then on the laptop you will still use the ethx of the laptop...the desktop computer doesn't do any work ... it is just an ethernet bridge right?20:03
lfswhta, hmm... maybe you should check if you are using the right driver.. what kind of card do you have?20:03
Haesufin Got it fixed with sudo-v, cheers for your help20:03
imbecilehey guys. just curious what kind of video compression istanbul uses. when i go to save it has no file extension and i want to know what to give it to upload to youtube20:03
TigranGkane77: Atheros AR521220:03
sladjani still recive the same message Desktop effects could not be enabled20:03
skelbrandon_: just disable desktop effects?20:03
whtalfs: audigy 2 zs. it detects the card properly and everything so i'm assuming it's using the correct driver. i never had to install anything separate before.20:03
kitcheimbecile: well youtube I think is .avi but doesn't matter since it uses a flash overlay anyways20:03
brandon_skel, tryied it20:03
lfsTigranG, is it detected ? .. i think the Atheros chipset is supported well in ubuntu20:03
TigranGlfs: It is detetced. But I get slow bitrates.20:04
imbecilekitche:  so i make the file a .avi?20:04
tomd123brandon_: the way i told you is the way you disable xgl!!20:04
skelsladjan: hmm that fixed the issue on my HP laptop, sorry I'm not sure what to try from there20:04
TigranGlfs: Like down to 2mbps.20:04
brandon_tomd123, i dont have an xserver-xgl folder tho20:04
TigranGlfs: The card is capable of 54mbps and I get that amount unders WindowsXP.20:04
lfswhta, run sudo lsmod , u'll see a list of loaded modules which can give you an indication of the driver used .. also check dmesg20:04
NKD-Have this system acting as a gateway for two others. Tried a simple SNAT like this: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to    then i put echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward   . It doesn't appear to be working. What am I doing wrong?20:04
tomd123brandon, create one20:04
sladjani can see now the video clip20:05
kitcheimbecile: maybe look at YouTube's upload policy I don't bother with it much20:05
sladjanbut the appereance dont work20:05
lfsTigranG, .. hmm20:05
sladjanXgl server setup changed20:05
sladjanThe Xgl server will now be started automatically next time you login.  It is no longer necessary to use any special X session to start Xgl, and such sessions will likely fail to work properly.  Please select a regular session from your session manager next time you log in.  To disable Xgl autostart for this user, create a file named ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable20:05
beerfa1what framework/platform/whatever owns ~/.config? It's filled with prefs for apps like banshee, compiz, deluge, glade, gtk2. Is this a gnome dir?20:05
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:05
hiredgoonis there a ubuntu-studio channel?20:05
kitchehiredgoon: yes20:06
imbecilekitche:  well what i need to know is what format of video does istanbul save as?20:06
ipxHow do I formulate an input in /etc/sudoers that makes my user have sudoers right to firestarter?20:06
thorbeerfa1: .config contains a lot of config options for various desktop items...I believe it is part of the FreeDesktop stuff20:06
kitcheimbecile: probably .avi find out by saving a file20:06
RadiantFirelol, if you use your swap it always seems like the system gets slower20:06
brandon_tomd123, what is the disbale part a folder or text file?20:06
imbecilekitche:  i tried saving & it had no file extension20:06
kitcheimbecile: then it's probably .avi just give it an extenstion then20:06
tomd123brandon, its just an empty file called disable20:07
beerfa1thor: I wonder why it isn't stored in .gnome220:07
TigranGlfs: Do you think I should try ndiswrapper?20:07
imbecilekitche:  thanks20:07
thorbeerfa1: my .config contains folders for gnome's menus, xfce's menus, the text editor config. It is not stored in .gnome2 because not everyone runs gnome...20:07
slimjimflimis it possible to set up a 'virtual router' in order to give applications the illusion of having a static ip?20:07
RadiantFireipx: I'm not quite sure about the syntax, but be sure to use the visudo program, which will check for syntax errors that could leave sudo unusable20:07
lfsTigranG, AFAIK, ndiswrappers perform lesser than native drivers , but you can give it a try!20:07
kane77NKD-, and what are you trying to achieve?20:07
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ipxRadiantFire: thanks!20:08
astro76slimjimflim, what are you trying to do?20:08
kane77NKD-, eh.. I misread.. sorry20:08
NKD-its ok20:08
beerfa1thor: oh, I'm not really familiar with freedesktop. I guess that's a platform independent thing.20:08
lfsTigranG,  Looks more like a settings problem though ,... if you are getting better speeds using the same access point under windoze XP20:08
TigranGlfs: Like what?20:09
NKD-i swear i used that same syntax years ago last time i had a linux box working as a gateway20:09
riaalcan someone type my name please? (configuring colors)20:09
NKD-though maybe i used masquerade instead of snat20:09
dav1hello there20:09
thorbeerfa1: right....it is a relatively recent project20:09
dav1i dont understand why ubuntu is so great?20:09
lfsTigranG, Cant say , can you post the output of iwconfig?20:09
beerfa1dav1: then you haven't been using it ;-)20:10
thorbeerfa1: don't feed the trolls <smile>20:10
astro76riaal, that would be best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic ... but here you go :p20:10
dav1beerfa1 i have been using it and i think its great, but i dont just understand why :)20:10
lfsbeerfa1,  hehehe20:10
riaalastro76: cheers20:10
TigranGlfs: http://rafb.net/p/K2ZWnt69.html20:10
slimjimflimastro76, well, i'm setting up postfix and for some of the settings i need to put in the ip address, but i lost the power cord to my router.  i was thinking, i could run something to get the address and translate it into something static20:10
osiris___Hi all does anyone know how to fix the big font size in the GDM text box with a fresh install of gutsy? also it's installed on a laptop, when the sounds muted it still plays sound?20:10
kane77NKD-, isn't it supposed to be --to-source?20:10
astro76slimjimflim, what is assigning your IP now?20:11
slimjimflimastro76, it's the static ip i get from my isp whenever my modem gets rebooted20:11
slimjimflimwhich isn't very often20:12
slimjimflimbut it still happens20:12
lfsTigranG,  do you get a good signal from the accespoint?20:12
max`is there any chance to view XPS files with ubuntu?20:13
thorslimjimflim: the IP from your isp is the one you need...you will need to use the same one once you get your router fixed unless you intend to just use postfix internally20:13
slimjimflimi guess i could write a script to update those files whenever a new ethernet connection is made20:13
TigranGlfs: 30-40%, but its at the same place when I'm running Windows. I get 54 so I dont think its because of that20:13
NKD-hm maybe kane.. i dunno.20:13
NKD-lemme try20:13
thorslimjimflim if you want to use postfix externally look at www.no-ip.com to solve that problem20:13
dav1hey guys, everytime i start ubuntu, i have to type  "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper " in order to start my WLAN, can anyone tell me how i do that automatically without typing at every start?20:13
slimjimflimthanks thor20:13
benhd2008can anyone tell me why when i try to play something full screen its all distorted20:13
TigranGbehnd2008: running beryl or compiz?20:14
slimjimflimthor is that free?20:14
erUSULdav1: put ndiswraper on /etc/modules20:14
lfsTigranG,  hmm .. just wondering , if you are primarily using the access point fron browsing , then it should not really affect you unless your internet pipe is bigger than 2mbps20:14
Jack_SparrowTigranG: What network card..  you might have one with marginal support/drivers  It may have great windows drivers but not give out enough info for open source to properly drive it20:14
beerfa1benhd2008: widescreen display?20:14
osiris___Hi all does anyone know how to fix the big font size in the GDM text box with a fresh install of gutsy? also it's installed on a laptop, when the sounds muted it still plays sound?20:14
Ax-Axhow can i check how much diskspace i have left?20:15
brobostigondav1: add ndiswrapper into /etc/modules20:15
sladjananyone can help me to fix the problem with visual effects'20:15
erUSULAx-Ax: df -h20:15
dav1okay i try20:15
benhd2008there is like lines all down the screen20:15
NKD-didnt seem to help20:15
astro76Ax-Ax, df -h, or apps > accessories > disk usage analyzer20:15
erUSULAx-Ax: or System>Admin>System Monitor20:15
brobostigondav1: you will then need to reboot.20:15
slimjimflimthor actually, i already have a domain with custom dns from dyndns20:15
thorAx-Ax: do you have baobab installed?20:15
beerfa1benhd2008: windows game?20:15
TigranGJack_Sparrow: its an Atheros  AR521220:15
erUSUL!wifi | TigranG20:16
ubotuTigranG: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:16
Jack_SparrowTigranG: Did you look it up in the supported hardware section20:16
Ax-Axthor: no20:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about logfile - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jorunal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:16
TigranGJack_Sparrow: I know this card has lots of problems.20:16
thorslimjimflim: I looked high and low for a script that would just email me when the ip address changes, no luck. I finally went with a dynamic dns and used that20:16
sladjananyone can help me to fix the problem with visual effects' pls20:16
iLLeqaL>>>>>TURKEY  TURKEY  TURKEY  TURKEY  TURKEY````````````20:16
ubotuDesktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu20:16
DM|anyone know a good cpu governor for the GTK panel20:16
thorAx-Ax: baobab will show you a dir tree and how much space is used. 'df' from teh command line will just show you free space totals for the different mounts20:17
slimjimflimthor, so can i just put in my domain name where it asks for ips? or mail.mydomain?20:17
tamgokde 4.0 rc1 rocks.20:17
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lfsTigranG, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38972 this may help20:17
TigranGerUSUL: I was already there :)20:17
iLLeqaL>>>>>TURKEY  TURKEY  TURKEY  TURKEY  TURKEY````````````20:17
jacobhow do i install mediaprofiles dev?20:17
Ax-Axthor: i just want mount space :)20:17
mineralei have ubun tu on a` laptop ald an  external display, how can i set the extewrnal `display as default?20:17
erUSUL!caps | iLLeqaL20:17
ubotuiLLeqaL: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:17
gamagI have just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my new acer 4520 laptop. no sound is coming on music or video. I installed the drivers that totem player recommended. but still not working20:17
thorslimjimflim I believe so...but I have never used postfix or even run my own mailserver (pending project)20:18
gamagvideo pictures are coming, but no sound from it20:18
rommehow do i unmount a partition if it continues to insist that it's busy?20:18
thorAx-Ax: just run 'df' in a terminal20:18
slimjimflimok, thanks20:18
sethkgamag, sound is overrated anyway20:18
tomd123gamag: they're called videos20:18
Ax-Axthor: already done that :)20:18
Ax-Ax46 GB free20:18
sladjananyone can help me to fix the problem with visual effects' PLS20:18
gamagtomd123: what do you mean?20:18
lfsgamag,  is your soundcard detected?20:18
kane77sethk, lol20:18
gamaglfs: how do I find that out?20:18
tomd123gamag: video pictures are just videos20:19
thorAx-Ax: all in /  ????20:19
jacobhow do i install mediaprofiles dev anyone?20:19
gamagtomd123: the video has sound also in that.20:19
gamagtomd123: it is a movie20:19
Ax-Axthor: yes?20:19
thorAx-Ax: next time give yourself 20G for / and the rest for /home20:19
lfsgamag, many ways , you can use gnome-control-center i guess , will show you the card details and the driver used20:19
benhd2008i think it has to do with my resolution because i tried changing it and it messed my screen adn i had to restart20:20
TigranGlfs: I'm already using madwifi with ath_hal module20:20
thorAx-Ax:  it will help in case of a crash20:20
sethkAx-Ax, you are much better off with just one partition.  The problem disappears entirely20:20
UnknownHey can somebody chat with me on how to install ubuntu again, i will discuss the problem i have once we get in chat20:21
gamaglfs: all sections are showing autodetect20:21
benhd2008anyone know why i cant run things in full screen it distorts my screen20:21
Ashfire908if someone connected to a ssh server and ran screen irssi, and the person had a bad connection and the connection was reset, would screen shutdown.20:21
thorsethx:  I lost my suse install last week to a bad update...I reinstalled / without formatting and only lost two or three minor config files....20:21
UnknownHey can somebody chat with me on how to install ubuntu again, i will discuss the problem i have once we get in chat20:21
gamaglike Sound Playback: autodetect lfs20:21
=== csc`` is now known as csc`
gamaglfs: sound capture: ALsA20:21
sethk Ashfire908 no20:21
gamaglfs: default mixer tracks: HDA Nvidia20:21
erUSUL!repeat | Unknown20:22
ubotuUnknown: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:22
Ashfire908sethk, if the ssh server gets a connection reset by peer error, does it logout the user?20:22
=== TD---Linux is now known as TD-Linux
gamaglfs: and when I press the "Test" buttons nothing happens.20:22
gamagno sound20:22
=== [Gunirus] is now known as Gunirus
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Ax-Axthor: it's my fathers setup, next time i'll make a /home partition :(20:23
UnknownRight when i push enter on the cd to go into ubuntu live cd to install it gives me internal memory error or something like that and doesnt boot into live cd just makes my pc speaker go crazy20:23
lfsgamag, what sound card do you have again?20:23
sethkAshfire908, well, the connection is gone, so it's somewhat academic.  It depends on whether screen was started with nohup20:23
sladjanwhy r my windows moving now to slow20:24
kane77thor, isn't 20GB for / a bit too much?20:24
gamaglfs: realtek20:24
tomd123sladjan: either you don't have drivers for your card or your system can't handle high settings20:24
sladjanso how shold i fix the problem20:25
thorkane77: I have 15G now, but am using better than half. Course...I install more than the average bear20:25
tomd123sladjan, go to system, administration, restricted drivers20:25
tomd123check the checkbox in the enable column and press ok20:25
UnknownRight when i push enter on the cd to go into ubuntu live cd to install it gives me internal memory error or something like that and doesnt boot into live cd just makes my pc speaker go crazy any one got any ideas20:26
sladjani have there one in use and one not in use20:26
erUSULUnknown: have you ested your memeory with memetest (aviable on the livecd iirc)20:26
brandon__how do i upgrade to newer versions of ubuntu20:26
astro76!upgrade | brandon__20:27
ubotubrandon__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:27
Unknownwell where is the mem test it doesnt even boot into the live cd20:27
Unknownmy pc has good specs20:27
vectorhai 2 u k4k20:27
VadiHow can I reset my X settings completely?20:27
Anionew to linux...if I format a computer and install Ubuntu, but also want to use XP as a dual installation...will that work? I heard you should always install Windows first (because their boot manager sucks), but this was a few years ago20:27
AnioI can't install Windows first, it'll be in a few months20:28
VadiAnio: that's still the case.20:28
lfsgamag, have you tried running alsamixer?20:28
Unknownoh and if this helps i had linux installed before, and i got a new case so i put my pc in that new case and kept one of the cd drives i had in my old case out and i installed a new gfx card20:28
VadiAnio: well, you could try and get around then if it's such a long wait..20:28
aladinsanoi just installed Firestarter and then my Torrentclient20:28
erUSULUnknown: it is in the first menu you see when you can choose to boot ; boot into safe graphics; test memory; etc20:28
sethkUnknown, if windows is already there, the install will automatically set up dual boot for you, so it's a bit easier.20:28
tomd123anio, basically windows will overwrite the MBR without your consent so basically you would have to install grub again to see the linux partition20:28
lfsgamag,  and checking if anything is muted?20:28
gamaglfs: it runs, i increase decrease sound but nothing happens20:28
thorVadi: I think it is 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'20:28
gamaglfs: nothing is muted20:28
sethkUnknown, sorry, wrong nick20:29
Aniotom: how hard would it be to install grub again?20:29
Vadithor: that one asks me questions20:29
sethkAnio, not hard20:29
Vadithor: do you know for the one that doesn't, and picks itself?20:29
Anioallright...I'll give that a try20:29
sethkAnio, even easier, back up the MBR before the windows install, then restore it20:29
thorVadi: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh'20:29
tomd123anio, i agree with sethk20:29
=== richie_ is now known as RichW
tomd123but then you would have to add the windows partition manually into the grub config file20:30
lfsgamag, do an lsmod and see what modules are loaded , may give you a clue20:30
Anioone more question...this is a rather old PC, a P3 1GHz with 256mb of RAM. Is this enough to run the latest Ubuntu comfortably, or should I try to get a previous release?20:30
Vadithor: thanks man20:30
tomd123anio, its fine20:30
geonerdspeaking of dual-booting, how much space should one allocate for the ubuntu partition20:30
nnoeonnHiya guys ^20:30
Anioallright then, thanks20:31
tomd123anio, just don't enable xgl or visual effects :P20:31
nnoeonnI need help :S it seems like my grapich is a bit slow20:31
beerfa1geonerd: depends totally on how much you need. ~4GB at a minimum I'd say20:31
lfsAnio,  it can confortably run ubuntu , try using a smaller window manager like icewm or blackbox rather than gnome20:31
RichWI have ubuntu 7.10 amd64 with nvidia 8600. when I start up my pc, the spash screen does not show up and my screen turns off until its finished booting up.20:31
gamaggamag: snd_mixer_oss, snd_hda_intel, snd_hda_codec, snd_pcm_oss, snd_pcm, snd_seq_dummy, .. snd_seq20:31
aladinsanoi just installed Firestarter and then my Torrentclient stoped getting a connection, as far as i can see it must only be to choose "Allow Service" under "Policy" in firestarter and to add the torrent clients port, but that does NOT do the trick, anybody know why?20:31
aladinsanoIm connected directy to the net via my Dsl modem.20:31
RichWThis is annoying, any ideas?20:31
tomd123geonerd, you can easily have 10 gigs for an ubuntu partition if your just a casual user, if a programmer/ has lots of "stuff" then anything bigger than 15 gigs would do20:31
Aniothanks for all the info guys20:32
gamaglfs: snd_mixer_oss, snd_hda_intel, snd_hda_codec, snd_pcm_oss, snd_pcm, snd_seq_dummy, .. snd_seq20:32
warlock_handlerhi guys20:32
nnoeonnRichW: Got the same problem, press alt+f1 and you'll see what it's doing, not pretty to look at, but it works ^^20:32
geonerdthanks guys...i'll probably go with the 15 :)20:33
RichWnnoeonn: thanks but if you find real soloution, i would be intested20:33
thinhhow do i format an external hd to work with all systems? i can format but i cant add or delete file on it20:33
lfsgood night fellas .. its 2:00 AM already!20:33
nnoeonnRichW: I'll look around a bit ;)20:33
geonerdalso, are there any graphics programs comparable to illustrator that i will be able to use in ubuntu? sorry, i'm a noob :P20:33
brobostigonhere its only 8:33pm20:33
beerfa1geonerd: check out inkscape20:33
RichWanyone else here got amd64 ubuntu and a nvidia 8 series card running nvidia binary drivers?20:34
tomd123geonerd: gimp, blender, what kind of graphics are we talking about20:34
tomd123geonerd: 3d or 2d20:34
thorthinh: you need to mount it with the right options to get it writeable20:34
tomd123or 1d :P20:34
beerfa1tomd123: illustrator is a vector art program20:34
geonerdjust 2d vector graphics...i use it primarily for mapping and schematics20:34
tomd123geonerd:inkscape will do20:35
RichWinkscape is awsome20:35
tomd123beerfa1: sry i didn't see his last post that he used illustrator20:35
thinhwhat format should i use ext3 or ext2 and the right permission you are talking about is read write in fstab or mtab?20:35
nnoeonnRichW: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=410102, Seems like that's our solution ;)20:35
RichWyou have to be skillful to get very good at inkscape but people have made amazing things with it20:36
kane77geonerd, inkscape20:36
tomd123thinh: ext320:36
RichWnnoeonn: Thanks il look20:36
nnoeonnRichW: :)20:36
thorthinh: are you trying to read and write it only in linux or in windows also?20:36
RichWnnoeonn: just a note.. any solutions that say to add vga=xxx to grub do not work :)20:36
beerfa1geonerd: also read http://www.bittbox.com/feed/ for illustrator => inkscape tips20:36
tomd123RichW: I agree, you have to get used to inkscape but it shouldn't take really long20:36
RichWive tried em20:36
nnoeonnSo, any1 interested in helping me? :3 Can't get my Ati drivers to work properly, lags like hell :(20:36
thorthinh: then I would use ext320:37
VadiHow can I check to make sure that X is using the xorg.conf file and not some other?20:37
nnoeonnRichW: You sure? xD Because that's what the link says xD20:37
thorthinh: I am not sure where the mount options are derived for a removeable drive20:37
thinhwhat the right options and where should i put it in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab?20:37
geonerdbeerfa1 - will do...thanks everyone for your opinions on this...can't wait to get started with linux!20:37
=== agt is now known as Wandering
=== Wandering is now known as AgtFr
Parsithe latest version of linux kernel is, does ubuntu updates to the latest automatically?20:38
thorthinh: if it was a fixed drive you would put them in fstab...but for a removeable I don;t know....but I know it isn't in fstab20:38
ubotuantivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus20:38
beerfa1Parsi: updates are generally only for security or stability fixes, but not newer versions20:38
thinhi c20:38
ubotuThe short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=2120:39
AgtFrHello, anyone knows which Debian package includes utility "alsaconf" ? Running Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS on x8620:39
thinhthere is a mtab that looks very similiar to fstab20:39
Parsihow can i update the kernel? is it neccesary?20:39
thinhwhere is the entry for the removable external drivers located at? /etc/mtab?20:39
RichWnnoeonn: I could try but im doubtful of any decent results.20:39
thorthinh: the options are stored somewhere for all the possible plugin devices...and retrieved by hald and used to mount when the device is plugged in20:39
thorthinh: I am not sure20:40
VadiHow can I check to make sure that X is using the xorg.conf file and not some other?20:40
nnoeonnRichW: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3839225 ; walkere, Read his post, i don't know if it works, but you could always try ;)20:40
beerfa1Vadi: try asking another question20:40
VadiI reset my X configuration, but I suspect that X isn't using my new xorg.conf file.20:41
skelVadi: try fuser xorg.conf20:41
skelVadi: though I doubt it keeps the file locked, probably just reads on startup20:41
nnoeonnAnd some1 please help me, my Ati drivers doesn't seem to work properly, got a x300 card, and i've tried most of the basic stuff, but it's still slow20:41
AgtFrskel: I fear this won't work, xorg.conf is only read at startup20:41
Vadiskel: i did that, gave me a blank prompt. What now?20:42
thorthinh: been checking google...several have asked the question...but I find no answer20:42
AgtFrVadi: introduce a syntax error in xorg.conf then attempt to restart X ;)20:42
Vadiargfr: but it doesn't complain anymore now though :(20:43
thinhi ran into this problem before, i got it to work on my other external drive dont remember what i did20:43
thinhmy other drive20:43
Vadiargft: it silently gets it to work. But, I'll give it a try anyho20:43
Jaszbo! netbc56420:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netbc564 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:43
thinhi got external for my laptop, trying to set it up20:43
beerfa1Vadi: gutsy? are you running xorg with "BulletproofX'/20:44
AgtFrI have found something odd: lspci returns "VGA compatible unclassified device: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 04)". It used to be recognized as as sound card. Note: running Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS20:44
g-ehey, im trying to play .3gp files on ubuntu. anyone ever did this?20:44
Vadibeerfa1: Yeah, 7.1020:44
g-e(its the video-file from a nokia phone).20:44
beerfa1that's why20:44
OrakioI'm trying to get the TNT2 to work with ubuntu, it works with X11 in that it works with the nvidia driver selected. I installed legacy. I have enabled it with the n-g-c e command but when trying to run something like critical mass it reports cannot find glx visual, anyone know why? anything special that needs to be done for glx to work?20:45
Scunizig-e, check out http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/stream-3gp-files-for-mobile-devices-308452/ it might help20:45
beerfa1Orakio: TNT2 is super old and glx won't be supported20:46
=== Gunirus is now known as [Gunirus]
beerfa1at least not completely. directx 9.0c doesn't support TNT2 for example20:47
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT20:47
naturesssnow unistall kubuntu  and  default Ubuntu ...?20:47
elliotjhughi - anyone in here managed to get SimCity 3000 demo from Loki running under ubuntu? Throwing loads of errors - and the forum posts are all out of date20:47
Orakiotnt2 maybe old but I fail to see how it lacks the hardware to play something like critical mass or scorched3d20:48
JaszboHi room. I have an HP dv6646us laptop, and I can't get the wireless up and running on Ubuntu Studio to save my life. I have been on the forums, I have been on the wiki and I have download umpteen different things, including Driverloader and ndiswrapper. Can anyone help?20:48
beerfa1Orakio: does it run those on windows? TNT2 doesn't support pixel shading used by modern games20:48
OrakioIf I switch to debian will it have better support for things like tnt2?20:48
beerfa1Orakio: no. Ubuntu is debian+20:49
Orakiothose two games aren#'t exactly modern20:49
crdlbOrakio: most likely, you just need to disable composite20:49
juano__Jaszbo: at instalation it prompted for a driver in the restricted drivers ?20:49
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beerfa1oops, probably going to offend people with that last comment ;-)20:49
FunkyBoyHi. Can any body help me.... Why i can't type my password in the konsole?20:49
Orakiohow do I do that?20:49
Jaszbono, not that I recall20:49
elliotjhugbeerfa1: nah - you're in #ubuntu - not #debian20:49
beerfa1try "metacity --replace" if you're running gnome20:50
IndyGunFreakFunkyBoy: you probably are typing it.... it doesn;t put *';s or anything as you enter it.. just enter the password and hit enter, see what happens20:50
JaszboUbuntu Studio "Gutsy" doesn't recognize my card20:50
IndyGunFreakFunkyBoy: you aren't the first one to think they weren't typing it when nothing appeared next to password20:50
crdlbOrakio: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46495/20:50
juano__Jaszbo: try going to System Administration then restricted drivers manager20:50
beerfa1crdlb: unlikely he has composite running with no glx20:51
Orakioah ha20:51
juano__Jaszbo: check to see if your card is listed there20:51
JaszboIt doesn't show anything for my wireless card there.20:51
crdlbbeerfa1: on nvidia-glx-legacy, enabling composite disables GLX20:51
juano__Jaszbo: ahh ok20:51
g-eScunizi: thet link points to installing vlc.20:51
crdlbbeerfa1: and on ubuntu, composite is enabled unless you explicitely disable it20:51
g-emaybe i will try it.20:51
JaszboIt doesn't show anything for my woreless card there20:51
richoi wanna mount some drives via fstab. but i dont recognize " UUID=955c661c-a9da-4005-b0c6-ad48b0110243 / "  So how should i write  if i wanna have hdd mounted to /home/john/blabla20:51
beerfa1crdlb: if defer to you then20:51
juano__Jaszbo: try typing lscpi20:51
TD-Linuxricho, see the two halves?20:52
RichWCan I use 32bit windows drivers with 64bit gutsy ndiswrapper?20:52
TD-Linuxthe first half identifies the drive20:52
kane77how do I set up samba?20:52
TD-Linuxthe / is where it is mounted20:52
TD-Linuxso that drive is mounted to /20:52
kitcheRichW: nope20:52
juano__kane77: sharing ubuntu with windows ?20:52
JaszboOK juano, now what?20:52
TD-Linuxso, you would somehow identifiy the drive, then do /home/john/blabla where the / was20:52
ozzloyis there a way to switch keyboard layout across the entire desktop instead of per-app?20:52
kane77juano__, yes20:52
juano__Jaszbo: what output does it show ?20:52
TD-Linuxusing UUID or other20:52
RichWkitche: Thanks! Il give it some 64bit windows drivers then20:52
richoTD-Linux:  so i can still write oldstyle?20:53
RichWkitche: you speak from experience?20:53
juano__kane77: System ----> Administration ----> shared folders , there it will prompt for samba installation, installed samba already ?20:53
apocalypt1how do i end a process in ubuntu?20:53
juano__Jaszbo: plz use pastebin20:53
kitcheRichW: it will complain about the drivers not being x86_6420:53
maybeway36i use Alt+F2 then xkill20:53
vanbergeanyone using 8.04 alpha?20:53
Jaszbojuano_:03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)20:53
maybeway36how buggy is it :P20:54
kane77juano__, yes.. I can see my workgroup, my computer, but not the folders I marked for sharing...20:54
elliotjhugapocalypt1: System -> Administration -> System Monitor20:54
kane77juano__, (in windows)20:54
beerfa1apocalypt1: run gnome-system-monitor20:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm4xx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:54
richoTD-Linux: so i can still write in fstab like: /dev/hdg1 /home/ftp ext3 defaults 1 220:54
plamoHey all, quick question regarding partitioning.20:54
maybeway36plamo: what is it?20:55
juano__Jaszbo: you need that driver bcm4xx20:55
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx20:55
Ashfire908what is mono exactly?20:55
Ashfire908*what is mono20:55
juano__thanks kane7720:55
elliotjhug!hi | ilreds20:55
ubotuilreds: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:55
vanbergecan anyone tell me what special things i have to do to use WPA2 vs. WEP ??  i hate wep20:55
plamoWhen I try to unmount my hard drive in order to make a partition, gparted says that I can't unmount it because other devices are set to that mount point. Or something to that effect.20:55
beerfa1Ashfire908: mono is open-source .net20:55
kane77Ashfire908, implementation of .net (c#)20:55
maybeway36Are you running from a live CD?20:55
juano__kane77: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf20:55
plamoI'm not running liveCD, I have Ubuntu 7.1 installed, and I'm looking to make a windows partition.20:56
maybeway36You need to use a Live CD like Ubuntu CD or Knoppix20:56
richo/dev/hdg1 /home/ftp ext3 defaults 1 2  can i write like that in ubuntu 7.1 even though other object using "UUID=955c661c-a9da-4005-b0c6-ad48b011024"20:56
g-eplamo: when you type "mount" what is the output?20:56
maybeway36Otherwise it can't resize your pat\rtitions20:56
RichWkitche: Ahhh! quote from log.. "Kernel is 64bit but windows driver is not 64bit"20:56
sladjancan anyone help me to install properly driver for ati toshiba laptop20:56
plamoOkay, I'll try that20:56
juano__kane77: in that file enter your windows workgroup in the line workgroup, you must have enabled wins support = yes20:56
ilredsinserting headphone jack i hear sound from headphone and internal speakers of my laptop, i use utsy, which setting must i change?20:57
g-eplamo: you cannot "unmount your harddrive". drives are not mounted. partitions are.20:57
juano__kane77: also add a user to smb, using:  smbpasswd *sambauser*20:57
plamoG-e: ah, Isee.20:57
vanbergehas anyone ever used ubuntu to connect to a WPA 2 wireless network20:57
playerzenHey guys, having a problem here - I can't connect to a server once I'm VPN'd in - but if I ssh to one of our other servers on that network, I can bounce my ssh connection to the server in question.  Why would that be.  Would it be something that needs configuring in openvpn or some obscure networking issue ?20:57
kane77juano__, what is wins?20:57
aguitelsladen: use envy20:57
juano__kane77: that user must be part of local passwd, it will be used to enter the linux shares from windows20:57
juano__kane77: that will enable wins server in your box20:58
plamog-e; can I do it from the live CD, as maybeway suggests?20:58
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sladjanplease people need help20:58
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juano__kane77: Windows Internet Naming Service20:58
beerfa1vanberge: if your access point is using WPA network manager will (usually) detect that20:58
gamaghi. my networking is working fine. but I want to know which drivers are responsible for its working and what package .deb files contain them. how can I know?20:58
g-eplamo: depends on what you want to do.20:58
vanbergebeerfa1, and if it is not?  :-/20:59
bullgard4There is no GUI available for aspell?20:59
beerfa1then your card/driver may not support it...lots of variables20:59
plamog-e: Simply make a partition, and make ubuntu's part of the computer smaller.20:59
elliotjhuggamag: Presumably you'd lookup your card on google to find out which drivers are used for it, then you'd search synaptic for it20:59
juano__kane77: WINS is a service run on Windows NT  servers to provide Windows clients a way to find other Windows computers20:59
g-eplamo: type "fdisk /dev/hda" and then press "p". then show me the output.20:59
vanbergebeerfa1, i know my card does, because i was using wpa2 when i was using 7.1021:00
g-eplamo: or do the same with parted.21:00
kane77juano__, thanx.. i'll try to set it...21:00
vanbergei installed 8.04 this morning and only have wep21:00
crdlbvanberge: #ubuntu+121:00
juano__kane77: yea, just put  wins support = yes   in smb.conf21:00
marinacan someone help me21:00
beerfa1vanberge: ask in ubuntu+1 then21:00
TBotNik_uWhere is the LAMP install HOWTO for U Desktop?21:00
g-eplamo: just type "parted" and then press "p"21:00
varsendaggerhey i need to write out some math formulas what is the best way to do this?21:00
varsendaggerie easiest21:01
juano__marina: ask21:01
aguitelvarsendagger: pencil21:01
crdlbvarsendagger: openoffice.org has a simple formula editor21:01
TBotNik_uhey & howdy21:01
crdlbusing latex is better if you want to put the effort into learning it21:01
varsendaggercrdlb: thanks21:01
plamog-e: Error: unable to open /dev/scd0 -unrecognised disk label21:01
marinai cant turn on visual effects21:02
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:02
g-eplamo: when you type parted?21:02
crdlbmarina: video card?21:02
slimjimflimdoes anyone know where the $myhostname variable is stored? ie. that contains the value of the '<username>-desktop' part of the bash prompt21:02
plamowhen I type parted followed by p21:02
marinaits ati21:02
IndyGunFreakthats probably why, need to install ati drivers21:02
richohow do i restart fstab?  isnt it something like sudo fstab -a ?21:03
elliotjhugslimjimflim: I'd imagine its in your bashrc21:03
juano__marina: installed restricted drivers?21:03
marinahow to do that21:03
crdlbslimjimflim: the "hostname" command21:03
IndyGunFreak!ati | marina21:03
ubotumarina: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:03
kitchericho: umm no mount -a21:03
plamog-e: when I type parted followed by p21:03
richokitche: thx21:03
kitchericho: don't forget the sudo :)21:03
marinaok thanks guys21:03
g-eplamo: and thats the only line it shows?21:03
heavenquakehow do I make intel HDA (realtek) sound work?21:03
=== PriitM_ is now known as PriitM
g-eplamo: because thats about your CD. it should also say something about your HDs...21:04
juano__slimjimflim: man hostname21:04
crdlbmarina: what ATI card?21:04
elliotjhugheavenquake: Worked by default on mine, is this a fresh install?21:04
kane77juano__, now it shows up in windows.. but my username/password doesn't work...21:04
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | heavenquake its not that hard after you do it 1x21:04
ubotuheavenquake its not that hard after you do it 1x: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:04
marinai dont know21:04
slimjimflimi am juano__, ty21:04
heavenquakeelliotjhug: quite fresh.21:04
marinahow can i c that21:04
crdlbmarina: run "lspci|grep VGA"21:04
crdlbin a terminal21:04
juano__kane77: form you linux box, smbpasswd21:04
elliotjhugheavenquake: Listen to ubotu then - it knows best21:04
juano__kane77: smbpasswd username21:05
juano__kane77: that username needs to be a local linux user21:05
IndyGunFreakheavenquake: you'll need to compilea  new alsa driver, install it, then tell it which configuration to use, its all in those instructions21:05
juano__kane77: it needs to be in local passwd file21:05
heavenquakeIndyGunFreak: I'll have a look, thank you21:05
IndyGunFreakheavenquake: np...21:05
marina ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]21:05
IndyGunFreakheavenquake: if you need help, letm e know, i'll try to help, but those instructions are pretty clear21:05
juano__kane77: after giving user and pass , try entering from your windows box21:05
juano__kane77: with that user and pass21:05
aladinsanoIs there a way of opening up TCP and UDP ports independeantly in Firestarter?21:06
plamog-e: just that I'm not superuser, watch out for permission, unable to open /dev/scd0 read write21:06
crdlbmarina: did you enable the restricted driver?21:06
marinawhere shoul i do that21:06
g-eplamo: try "sudo parted"21:06
crdlbmarina: system>administration>restricted drivers manager21:07
kane77juano__, wow.. it works.. thanx a lot!21:07
juano__kane77: great your welcome21:07
marinai have 2 drivers here21:07
plamog-e; whats pastebin again? I'll throw it in there.21:07
IndyGunFreak!pastebin | plamo21:08
ubotuplamo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:08
juano__kane77: there is a good guide at the samba homepage for a more detailed config, etc.21:08
jacobi want to install gnomeapplet module, how do i do that?21:08
heavenquakeIndyGunFreak: It fails when I try to "make" the alsa-driver21:08
jacobgnomeapplet python module that is21:08
juano__kane77: www.samba.org/21:08
lacostejI am trying to debug suspend/resume issues. I have a Lenovo 3000 N100, and if I enable suspend, and close my lid, the machine goes into suspend mode, but then nothing happens if I reopen. Is there any way to debug the issue ?21:08
IndyGunFreakheavenquake: then you're doing something wrong... type this w/o quotes... /join #indygunfreak21:08
plamog-e: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46497/21:08
juano__kane77: the best is to keep it simple though, not to much inside smb.conf21:08
marinawhich one should i enable21:09
marinathe one in use or not in use21:09
marinacrdlb pls21:10
g-eplamo: ok, and you want to shrink that partition number 1, right?21:10
richokitche i didnt. it worked ;) thx alot. ciao21:10
plamog-e Correct21:10
crdlbmarina: the ATI proprietary driver21:11
marinaand now21:11
crdlbmarina: was it enabled?21:11
g-eplamo: have you already tried to do it with parted?21:11
FloidIs anyone able to mount floppies in 7.10, or is the kernel driver just completely broken?21:11
marinayes but it wasnt in use21:11
crdlbmarina: is it now?21:12
plamoYeah, it said that I couldn't unmount the first one, because of other devices, g-e.21:12
marinaits still not in use21:12
crdlbthen you need to fix that21:12
g-eplamo: then use a live-cd.21:12
marinaatheros is in use21:12
othermanhi, there is an italian channel?21:12
LjL!it | otherman21:12
ubotuotherman: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:12
plamog-e: Just throw it in there, boot from it and done?21:12
othermanthanks ubotu21:13
macogwafter doing today's updates, firefox-3.0 no longer works.  it says "Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9a8 and 1.9a8."21:13
txoofI'd like to install gnome (and X and all that comes with it), but I don't want to run the whole X login frontend.  I just need gnome for some vnc stuff that will be running off this box.  Is it possible to either avoid installing the login stuff (if so, what's it called?), and if not, can it be disabled?21:13
g-eplamo: yes. throw in the cd, ubuntu comes up, start a shell, type "parted" and then resize the partition.21:13
macogwtxoof: it's called gdm21:13
marinaill restart my pc21:13
macogwplamo: or use the partitioner in system > admin > gnome partitioner on the live cd21:14
txoofmacogw: I bet a billion things are dependent on it, eh?21:14
macogwtxoof: no idea21:14
g-emacogw: is the partitioner cooler then parted?21:14
CoasterMastertxoof, you can probably do a command-line only install (use the alternate CD) and just install gnome separately21:15
eNons3nsecan someone please help me.  i'm getting an input/output error when i try to copy files from my external mp3 player.21:15
xyber411hi...  I'm having some trouble with the fglrx 7.11 driver.  Everything works in it, but it seems to be using the cpu instead of the gpu for everything.  any ideas?21:15
plamookay, thanks g-e, macogw.21:15
txoofmacogw: is the X-login stuff a different init level?21:15
macogwg-e: gparted seems a lot easier than the one that's in the updater.  i dont know which one runs if you type "parted"21:15
juano__eNons3nse: what sort of error ?21:15
Floidtxoof: If you have the disk space, just install and disable gdm launching with update-rc.d.21:15
krypto84svcomo puedo ver el modelo de mi disco duro en consola?21:15
CoasterMaster!es | krypto84sv21:15
ubotukrypto84sv: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.21:15
macogwtxoof: um..its the same as when you do startx, except gdm manages how many gnome sessions are running and lets you login graphically21:15
eNons3nsejuano__: here is an example of what it says.  cp: reading `Dubwise & Otherwise 2/Gregory Isaacs - Slave Master.mp3': Input/output error21:15
ampexxyber411: what would lead you to the conclusion that it is "using the CPU for everthing" ?21:16
txoofCoasterMaster: Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do.  I would like gnome and all the X deps, just not gdm.  I think I can probably weed that out though.21:16
juano__eNons3nse: is the device properly mounted ?21:16
g-emacogw: "gparted"? when i type "gparted", its not found.21:16
CoasterMastertxoof, yeah, I'm not sure exactly what packages you're going to need unfortunately21:16
juano__eNons3nse: when you plugged in the mp3 player, it should appear on the desktop21:16
beerfa1g-e: it's not installed by default21:16
gordonjcpeNons3nse: have a look in dmesg21:16
CoasterMasterbut that install won't install any GNOME or GUI stuff21:16
macogwg-e: i dont know the command for it.  it's in the menu on the live cd21:16
eNons3nsejuano__: should be.  it auto mounts when i plug it in.  i can browse the file system & see everything that's there.  nothing looks out of the ordinary.21:16
eNons3nsegordonjcp: dmesg?21:17
macogwafter doing today's updates, firefox-3.0 no longer works.  it says "Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9a8 and 1.9a8."21:17
g-emacogw: ah, ok. so its not in the installed version at all, as i understand it.21:17
gordonjcpeNons3nse: also maybe try removing any other USB storage devices21:17
juano__eNons3nse: i see... , do a cat /etc/mtab and see if it appears there21:17
macogwg-e: no but you can get it from the repos21:17
g-emacogw: i had good luck with parted so far.21:17
gordonjcpeNons3nse: yes, dmesg, it's a list of kernel system messages21:17
macogwg-e: is parted gui or command line?21:17
gordonjcpeNons3nse: looks very scary, often tells you when things have gone phut or are about to21:17
macogwg-e: partman is horrible.  i dont know why they put that in the installer now.  yuck21:18
eNons3nsegordonjcp: as in the HD in my mp3 player?21:18
gordonjcpeNons3nse: ah, is it actually a hard disk?21:18
Floidtxoof:  Looks like you could also just uninstall the gdm package.21:18
g-emacogw: parted is commandline. just type "parted" and youll see. very useful.21:18
othermanabout fglrx... with the new driver it's pratically impossible to see any video (slow, slow and slow!). there is a way to fix the problem? i've the "beautifull" ati x20021:18
eNons3nsegordonjcp: yes21:18
xyber411when I open my system monitor while using glxgears, the cpu is at ~100% always21:18
eNons3nsegordonjcp: archos 40421:18
ampexotherman: what version were you using previously, was it any better?21:19
juano__eNons3nse: what filesystem ?21:19
ampexxyber411: what GPU?21:19
gordonjcpeNons3nse: is it behaving itself otherwise?21:19
JaszboHi room. I finally got my laptop to recognize my wireless card, but it still isn't bringing up any content. Any help?21:19
txoofFloid: yea, I'm going to have to check the deps on things.21:19
ampexxyber411: does glxinfo show ATI opengl?21:19
Floidotherman: Is direct rendering working?21:19
xyber411all ati21:19
Odd-rationaleIs there a key stroke to restart compiz? Or can a create one>21:19
ampexxyber411: what specific ATI GPU are you using?21:19
otherman8.40 worked perfect... from 8.42 i've the problem21:19
Floidtxoof: Chances are the meta-pkgs suck it in, but nothing should barf if you yank it out after installing.21:19
* gordonjcp -> off out21:20
beerfa1Odd-rationale: ctrl-all-bkspc21:20
rommeis it safe to follow instructions at http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions to shrink a partition on ubuntu gutsy?21:20
juano__Jaszbo: is the card on roaming mode ? if so in the desktop nm-applet click on it and it should show nearby networks21:20
FloidAlthough you might have to call gnome-session in your .xinitrc etc.21:20
ampexI know that on my 9800 pro, the opensource ati driver performs better than fglrx21:20
ampexfor compiz and general gnome use21:20
Odd-rationalebeerfa1: That restarts X. Can I just restart compiz?21:20
txoofFloid: as long as the init level is set right for booting...  As I recall xlogin is a different inti level than the standard multiuser login.21:20
Ballenaif a CLI or TUI app is started with the system. How do I open it without open a new session of the program?21:21
beerfa1compiz --replace *may* do it. don't know21:21
eNons3nsejuano__: i don't know what file system is on there.  it runs on linux though.21:21
TBotNik_ujuano__: Thanks for LAMP link.  Noticed empty httpd.conf file on my desktop version, but server version is fine.  Just need localhost on Desktop for PHP dev.  I went to #apache for some help on virtual host, but got none.  Have server config with localhost and 3 intranet/nameserver hosts needed.  Put up my code at:  http://www.apagelounge.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=9401#940121:21
FloidI'm from BSD-land, your runlevels are mysterious and silly to me. ;)21:21
Odd-rationale'Cause every now and then compiz crashes and I was looking for the quickest way to start it back up again, preferably a key stroke.21:21
eNons3nsegordonjcp: everything seems to be working otherwise.  it still plays and i was just using it on my friends mac last night.21:21
xyber411I am using the radeon 960021:21
hookdumphow can I enter to console mode with the ubuntu live cd? X doesnt work in my old pc :S21:22
juano__eNons3nse: sudo fdisk -l  should output all disks connected to the motherboard, there your device's filesystem should appear21:22
juano__eNons3nse: and there partitions of course21:22
BallenaFloodBot1:  what is a runlevel?21:22
Odd-rationalebeerfa1: ^21:22
FloidFor video, Xv has been broken in fglrx, so make sure you're using plain X11, or if plain X11 is taxing the cpu and direct rendering works, try GL.21:22
Jaszbo! nm21:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:22
beerfa1Odd-rationale: it's possible to create a script and bind a keystroke to it.21:22
LjLBallena: something you shouldn't mess with21:22
Jaszbo! nm-applet21:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nm-applet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:22
macogwxyber411: the open source one seems to work better on most radeon 9xxx than the binary does21:23
FloidHowever, if glxgears takes 100% CPU then fglrx probably isn't quite installed right.21:23
=== T1m is now known as T1m0thy
Odd-rationalebeerfa1: OK. Thanks for the tip!21:23
ampexfglrx seems to mostly suck :(21:23
Jaszbo! network-manager-applet21:23
thinhhow do your format a drive in ubuntu?21:23
othermanotherwise.. now the real problem is an other... I deleted many file... 2GB maeby.. but i've only 200MB of free space. why?21:23
LjLthinh: man mkfs21:23
beerfa1thinh: boot with a live cd and run the partition manager21:24
* genii sips a coffee21:24
eNons3nsejuano__: it's FAT3221:24
thinhi have gparted install21:24
xyber411switching to gl now21:24
juano__eNons3nse: filesystem should be mounted as vfat then21:24
xyber411I'll see if that works21:24
heartsbloodIf I have a question about mencoder, where should I ask it for the best response?21:24
TBotNik_ujuano__: Also need some quick help with sound.  Can't get any from this box with U Desktop.21:24
beerfa1thinh: if you can unmount the partition then that will work.21:24
juano__!alsa | TBotNik21:24
ubotuTBotNik: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:24
eNons3nsejuano__: it's /dev/sdb121:25
thinhi try mount ext hd but i only get read only21:25
juano__eNons3nse: yep, does it show up while connected in /etc/mtab ?21:25
thinhhow do i make it so i get full permission to the ext hd anyone?21:25
Floidampex: Seems like the AMD-ATI merger inspired them to refactor it, probably in a team undergoing a lot of turnover, so it should slowly stop regressing someday.  Or not.21:25
beerfa1thinh: the partition must NOT be mounted to format21:25
juano__eNons3nse: does this happen only in ubuntu, have you tried connecting it to windows box or other OS ?21:26
thinhi know what but when i format it i still can write anything to it21:26
eNons3nsejuano__: yea.  it says vfat in there.  /dev/sdb1 /media/AV404 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree 0 021:26
eNons3nse/dev/sdb1 /media/AV404_ vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree 0 021:26
othermansorry for repetition... I deleted many file... 2GB maeby.. but i've only 200MB of free space. why?21:26
gordonjcpeNons3nse: seems a bit odd21:26
Floidotherman: Were they sparse files?21:26
LjLotherman: possibly because they were mostly zero-filled files, like incomplete parts of torrents for instance21:26
eNons3nsei haven't tried plugging it into a different OS since yesterday21:26
gordonjcpeNons3nse: I'd see if dmesg is full of funny errors, possibly to do with USB21:27
beerfa1thinh: what partition type are you formatting with? ext3?21:27
macogwFloid: i thought it was because dell told them "make a working linux driver, or we drop you" so they scrapped the whole thing because it sucked and started over trying to make a good one, and thye current version is basically an alpha of what will someday, hopefully, be better than what we had21:27
eNons3nsegordonjcp: where do i find that?21:27
gordonjcpeNons3nse: definitely try it without any other usb-storage defices on the same bus21:27
beerfa1is the partition mounted after you formatted?21:27
gordonjcpeNons3nse: type "dmesg" in a terminal21:27
juano__eNons3nse: mmm seems fine with the rw option, that should let you write fine , is this USB ? try another USB if it is21:27
TBotNik_ujuano__: Volume control is disabled and get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." error when trying to open it.21:27
juano__eNons3nse: also do what gordonjcp suggests21:27
eNons3nsegordonjcp: heh.  i'm trying to copy files from my usb mp3 player to my usb external HD.  that's the only other thing plugged in other than my mouse.21:28
Floidmacogw: Could be but I doubt it.  If anything it seems like they got distracted when AMD people came in and actually started auditing what they could release to get the open-source drivers up to par.21:28
Floid...Which would be why the open-source driver is rapidly improving on fglrx now, too. ;)21:29
eNons3nsegordonjcp: yeah.  there's some crazy stuff in that log.  let me put it on pastebin.21:29
thinhi was able to delete some files in the folder when i change the file ownership but i need to make the whole drive accessable by everyone21:29
othermanthe files was on desktop.. 2 divx and other21:29
gordonjcpeNons3nse: maybe just the last few lines, eh21:29
FloidUm, anyway, anyone have comments on my question re: is 2.6.22-14's floppy support utterly broken?21:29
juano__TBotNik what sound card ?21:29
=== Flav_u_ is now known as Flav_u
Floidotherman:  When in doubt, see if anything changes after a 'sync.'21:30
gordonjcpFloid: that's a pretty vague question21:30
eNons3nsegordonjcp: http://pastebin.com/d3ba119d21:30
gordonjcpFloid: What exactly are you trying to do?21:30
Floidgordon: Mount a floppy, obviously.  Can you do this successfully? :)21:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:31
Wolf23somebody help me please?21:31
TBotNik_ujuano__: Have loaded all the ALSA and sound mix progs by hand but still does not work.  It think it has something to do with the MB.  My buddy found he had to install a Creative PCI card, then run ALSA and then and only then did the onboard sound chip get activated.  Think there is a basic sound system file missing in the ALSA and kernel files that the Creative driver set has that kicks it all off, but I'm just speculating.21:31
gordonjcpeNons3nse: lol, that pastebin url looks vaguely rude, I bet the more vocal ops will whine about it21:31
marinastill problem21:31
gordonjcp!ask | Wolf2321:31
ubotuWolf23: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:31
FloidNote all the noise about floppy I/O errors causing failed boots on systems without floppies drowning out any data on whether anyone's floppy does actually work.21:31
ganton516Can someone out there answer what is probably a really dumb question about RAID with Gutsy21:31
beerfa1thinh: you must add the partition to /etc/fstab. http://www.bradtrupp.com/id/unbuntu-add-hard-drive.html21:31
othermanafter sync i've 140MB of free space O_o21:32
Wolf23gordonjcp:  thanx, but i have a file .wmv and cannot open21:32
juano__TBotNik_u: have you tried this MB with other OS's ?21:32
marinaplease help me to have visual effects21:33
othermanFloid: after "sync" i've 140MB of free space (before 180MB)21:33
Jack_SparroweNons3nse: bad sector on the usb drive?21:33
Wolf23gordonjcp:  i try vlc,kmplayer, real and kaffeine, and cannot open it21:33
Jaszbojuano_: Are you still in here?21:33
TBotNik_ujuano__: Same Problem on Gentoo, but Win 2K is fine.21:33
Jack_Sparrow!restricted | Wolf2321:33
ubotuWolf23: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:33
FloidI get the same Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0 errors that the floppy-less people gripe about, but also timeout errors, failed reads, and general complete malfunction.21:33
segagmanso i got this box tru bootn21:33
=== gne_ is now known as ahietta-
TBotNik_uMB is ECS 755-A21:34
juano__TBotNik_u: yea probably alsa is missing a config file or somethin21:34
Wolf23Jack_Sparrow:  i am newbie on this friend, can u help me please21:34
juano__Jaszbo: yes21:34
gordonjcpFloid: what are you talking about, specifically?21:34
juano__TBotNik_u: try google ? ill search some and let u know if anything shows up21:34
JaszboI just wanted to thank you for all of your help, juano_. It is working like a champ.21:34
Jack_SparrowWolf23: Please start by reading the link and adding the restricted drivers they suggest21:34
TBotNik_ujuano__: Wish I knew which file, cause I go find it.21:34
segagmanberyl skydome wont show on a mx400021:34
juano__Jaszbo: ahh... good to hear, your welcome!21:34
Floidsudo head /dev/fd0 |hd  ->  head: error reading `/dev/fd0': Input/output error21:34
marinawill anyone help me or to take out this os21:34
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz21:35
gordonjcpeNons3nse: try removing any other USB devices - bare minimum, mouse and keyboard if they're USB and that's about it, and rebooting21:35
FloidThat's probably the best example of absolutely nothing working.  There's a good floppy in there. ;)21:35
segagmansudo go make me a sanwich21:35
TBotNik_ujuano__: What do you know bout Apache?21:35
juano__Jaszbo: cya21:35
gordonjcpeNons3nse: and then plug in your mp3 player21:35
eNons3nsegordonjcp: i'm trying it in a different usb port and it's going very very slow and giving I/O errors while copying.21:35
gordonjcpFloid: how do you know there's a good floppy in there?21:35
gordonjcpeNons3nse: hmmm21:35
plamonew problem, g-e. My laptop isn't recognising the live CD21:35
gordonjcpeNons3nse: did this change after any updates, or has it ever worked at all?21:35
juano__TBotNik_u: not much :( , though i didnt understand well, you want to enable an apache server ?21:35
FloidConfirmed with systems that have working drivers, e.g. DragonFly BSD, Ubuntu 6.10 LTS?21:35
gordonjcpFloid: hm, I'm using floppies with Gutsy, and it works just fine21:36
gordonjcpFloid: perhaps you should file a bug21:36
Shadow147hey I remembered something my graphics card came with my computer and it's not intergrated it's taking a pci slot21:36
gordonjcpFloid: what controller are you using?21:36
FloidWhat's your hardware, and is it SMP?  I tacked on to an old bug, but I might need to open one, yes.21:36
comicinkerI cannot open glade files from anjuta. if I do so, I receive: Aborted (core dumped) I also cannot start the help21:36
eNons3nsegordonjcp: It's always been kinda flaky with linux to some degree.  but it did just start doing this today.21:36
gordonjcpFloid: it's not SMP, but that would be a pretty odd regression.  It's a VIA chipset.21:36
Shadow147I am still trying to get ZGLX and OpeGl working21:36
Wolf23Jack_Sparrow:  i already have this driver --> ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.21:36
marinanoone wants to help me21:36
FloidAMD/ATI SB600, "[    3.844000] FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077"21:37
whtai've been fiddling around with automatix and suddenly it wants me to install a bunch of backport updates.. should i?21:37
juano__marina: ask21:37
brobostigonubuntu 6.10 is not LTS. 8.04 will be LTS.21:37
juano__marina: about the ATI card ?21:37
LjL!automatix | whta21:37
ubotuwhta: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:37
segagmani got plenty of cpu cylcles and bandwith is there a good cause i can lend it to?21:37
marinavisual effects and sound is not working\21:37
TBotNik_ujuano__: No have Virtual Host problem at: http://www.apagelounge.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=9401#940121:37
beerfa1Wolf23: if you have the codec already, it could be a bad wmv. Some have adware codecs embedded.21:37
gordonjcpeNons3nse: might want to google for the error message "hostbyte=DID_ERROR" etc in dmesg21:37
eNons3nsegordonjcp: it's still copying but it's taking much longer than it should.  when i click "retry" on those I/O errors it works21:37
whtai'll take that as a "don't." should i disable backports, then?21:37
Jack_SparrowFloid:    dd if=/dev/fd0 of=floppy.img                 will try to read a floppy and write an image file of it.. not that  you wanted to do that, just tossing a suggestion.21:37
Floidgordon: It certainly is an odd regression, especially since earlier kernels had more than a snowball's chance of working.21:37
Shadow147marina sound is a sound card problem21:37
TUis there anyway to mae an ubuntu cd start SSH automatically so i can install it remotely?21:37
juano__!alsa | marina21:38
ubotumarina: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:38
FloidJack: If it dies on an I/O error before reading anything from the floppy device, that doesn't help much.21:38
Jack_SparrowWolf23: What about w32codecs and gstreamer etc?21:38
gordonjcpFloid: I honestly can't think of any problems I've had with floppy drives under Linux, except for the time the drive went on fire21:38
sethkTU, not without creating a customized cd21:38
Wolf23beerfa1:  oh ic'21:38
gordonjcpFloid: and to be fair, that wasn't a software problem21:38
ozzloyis there a way to switch keyboard layout across the entire desktop instead of per-app?21:38
juano__TBotNik_u: not able to open that link21:38
TBotNik_ujuano__: Was going to use pastebin, but they were all down.  Think they all were in maint by same admin team.21:38
sethkgordonjcp, you aren't supposed to put gasoline in the floppy drive.  :)21:38
gordonjcpsethk: yes, yes, I know that *now*21:38
segagmangoogle aoutomatix it is deb so ur good21:38
Wolf23Jack_Sparrow:  i think i have them installed21:38
Jack_Sparrow!automatix | segagman:21:39
ubotusegagman:: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:39
TBotNik_ujuano__: I'll cut & paste from Win, have it there.21:39
Shadow147how can I get GLX and OpenGL working on a graphics card that came with my PC but it's not Intergrated?21:39
plamoAnyone know why my live CD isn't running? I had my hard drive set as 'do not boot', and my laptop simply said there was no OS installed, instead of booting from the CD.21:39
Jack_Sparrowsegagman: Please do NOT suggest that to users in this channel21:39
FloidI smoked one on the phone to QLogic tech support a dozen years ago when it was plugged in upside-down. ;)  But this one's fine in hardware, I can boot from it.21:39
comicinkerhelp: I cannot open glade files from anjuta. if I do so, I receive: Aborted (core dumped) I also cannot start the help21:39
juano__TBotNik_u: ok, use pastebin21:39
gordonjcpFloid: I regularly use 3.5", 5.25" and 8" floppies, although the 8" floppy isn't on a "normal" controller ;-)21:39
othermanthere is in ubuntu something to get free space on hd? (sorry for my english)21:39
Ballenaif a CLI or TUI app is started with the system. How do I open it without open a new session of the program?21:39
* gordonjcp -> off out21:39
Shadow147plamo your iso could be corrupt21:39
FloidCatweasel? :>21:39
beerfa1plamo: either you burned the cd wrong or your bios is ancient?21:40
plamoShadow147: It worked last time I used it.21:40
comicinkerotherman: what free space?21:40
Shadow147or your cd is bad21:40
TBotNikjuano__: OK it is: http://www.apachelounge.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=9401#9401 straight from the browser.21:40
gordonjcpBallena: screen, maybe?21:40
Shadow147plamo your cd could be bad?21:40
marinatrack is playing but i dont hear any sound21:40
juano__plamo: in BIOS did you set the boot priority to 1st CDROM ?=21:40
Wolf23beerfa1:  how can i get codes for kaffeine?21:40
plamoSHadow: OK21:40
segagmanit is good for the end user21:40
FloidAnyhow, this is horrible to the extent that I support an attorney and the courts here only offer their digital transcripts on floppy.21:40
plamoJuano: yep21:40
plamoI'll try a different disk, then, be right back21:40
Ballenagordonjcp: ok, so screen is for open already staed apps?21:40
beerfa1codes? kaffeine? don't know21:40
segagmanthe n00b non elite21:40
gordonjcpBallena: well, depends what you're trying to do21:40
Jack_Sparrowsegagman: There is NO reason for anyone to use Automatix..21:40
Floid...So if everyone else thinks it works, I'll suck this off on a different machine and file a bug on Monday. :P21:41
segagmanisnt that what ubuntu is for?21:41
sethkBallena, no, you have to start the app from a screen session21:41
gordonjcpBallena: I have to leave now, so I can't directly answer your question, but perhaps if you explain a bit more about the problem someone else can help21:41
Ballenagordonjcp: ok, rTorrents starts with m system so I want to open it21:41
Ballenathnaks for help, goin to try screen21:41
Wolf23Jack_Sparrow:   how can i get codes for kaffeine?21:41
TBotNik_ujuano__: If it still bombs try https:// instead.21:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:42
NewUserrhi i have problems to install my printer again ( it worked before) .I cant open printer database :( can anybody help me please21:42
ganton516can someone answer a really dumb question about DMRAID ?21:42
whtaok so i just installed automatix, used it to get some fonts and codecs, and then saw it's bad and uninstalled it. now the font in my terminal is something different. how do i revert my terminal font?21:42
TBotNik_ujuano__: I've got upgrade to 7.10 going on this box so bandwith is smashed.21:42
othermancomicinker.. i've deleted file for 2GB but the space on hd is only 140MB21:42
sethkotherman, from the command line, or from the GUI?21:43
beerfa1otherman: empty trashcan?21:43
Jack_Sparrowotherman: look in .Trash  or /root/.Trash if deleted as root21:43
segagmani have set up a bartpe dvd to install tiny xp and cracked programes and i keep preacheing ubuntu yet linux folks are stand offish how em i sopose to explain that?21:43
TD-Linuxwhta, default font in ubuntu is DejaVu Sans21:43
TBotNik_ujuano__: Upgrade still has 2.5 hours21:43
NewUserrhi i have problems to install my printer again ( it worked before) .I cant open printer database :( can anybody help me please21:43
otherman.trash is empty... i deleted from gui21:43
marinais it possible to get in my pc and to solve my problem guys\21:44
sethksegagman, don't need to explain it, just find people who are less standoffish21:44
segagman<has loged off21:44
Jack_Sparrowsegagman: We dont do CRACKED programs in this channel... open source has nothing to do with pirated software21:44
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
comicinkerotherman: which file-manager? nautilus? thunar?21:44
whtaTD-Linux: ok, so how would i go about reverting the terminal? everything else is as it should be21:44
Jack_Sparrowthunar is my fav..21:45
juano__TBotNik_u: as far as i know , loopback  shouldn't be referred to as the local pc hostname (read it isn't recommended) , but as localhost21:45
NewUserrhi i have problems to install my printer again ( it worked before) .I cant open printer database :( can anybody help me please21:45
othermanehm.. i dont know.. i use gnome...21:45
marinais it possible to get in my pc and to solve my problem guys21:45
comicinkerthen thunar21:45
whtaactually in Appearance > Fonts, I see monospace as the font now, but it's not the same as what it was. what's the default TERMINAL font?21:45
sethkNewUserr, make sure you are running with admin permissions21:45
TBotNikjuano__: Explain, cus I don't understand21:46
beerfa1whta: your terminal profile may be using a font other than the desktop default21:46
NewUserrsethk i do but it crashes when i try to add my printer dont know why21:46
erUSULwhta: deja vu mono?21:46
comicinkerotherman: can you type df -h in a command line?21:46
NilbusUbuntu doesn't come with support for ipw2200? :/21:46
erUSUL!wifi | Nilbus21:47
NilbusI'm following this howto: 00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 03)21:47
ubotuNilbus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:47
Nilbus00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 03)21:47
Nilbus00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 03)21:47
Nilbus00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller #1 (rev 03)21:47
NewUserrsethk:but it worked before ( had to format und reinstall ubuntu)21:47
erUSUL!paste | Nilbus21:47
ubotuNilbus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:47
othermanyes cominciker21:47
TBotNikjuano__: docroot for localhost is "E:/Local Files"21:47
Nilbussorry.. paste buffer wrong21:47
rencore_why is it when i take my usb mouse out and then i put it back in it doesnt work21:47
iceman_ubotu : thanks for the link21:47
sethkNewUserr, there are so many possibilities, it's hard to know where to start.  Is that the only thing that's broken?21:47
juano__TBotNik_u: that in the hosts file, shouldn't be referred to davisoft-aec.com ,  but to localhost,  should be:     localhost21:47
FloidOh, hnuh, data point:  Floppy does work under 7.10 with my Thinkpad, which Linux thinks has a NatSemi PC87306 for FDC 0.  So it is 'just' the SB600 and who knows what other hardware.21:48
whtahuhh, did automatix change the default "Monospace" font on me?21:48
NewUserrsethk:gnome-cups-add doesnt answer i get as error message21:48
juano__TBotNik_u: if you have a static public IP number, then that one should be referred to davisoft-aec.com21:48
marinathis is no fair no one wants to help a lady21:48
comicinkerotherman: a hint: type the first letters of a nickname, then press the <tab> key for autocomplete21:48
sethkNewUserr, why did you need to reinstall?21:48
juano__TBotNik_u: or private ip if it is for internal LAN use only21:48
Jack_Sparrowwhta: It did a lot worse than just change a font...21:48
marinawhere r u gentelmans\21:48
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:48
TBotNikjuano__: It works fine.  With latest entries I show in code can access second with localhost:9021:49
whtajack_sparrow: well what did it do!? and how do i fix it?21:49
comicinkerotherman: so, the space still missing in the output of df -h?21:49
beerfa1marina: the easier you make it to you help the more likely it is you'll be helped21:49
othermanthanks comicinker21:49
Jack_Sparrow!automatix | whta21:49
ubotuwhta: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:49
TBotNikjuano__: it's intranet21:49
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:49
NewUserrsethk:i changed things and so not everything was working right so i had to reinstall again21:49
nick__why does my installation require i insert my cd when i install build essential?21:49
othermanbut for my problem? :)21:49
comicinkerotherman: so, the space still missing in the output of df -h?21:49
Jack_Sparrownick__: remove the cd from your sources list21:49
sainzeohey everyone, upon opening evolution with a groupwise account, it crashes with a segmentation fault - any ideas?21:49
juano__TBotNik_u: and localhost:80 is what is failing or no ?21:50
marinathx philosoph21:50
othermanyes... 140MB free21:50
erUSULnick__: becouse you cd is still on the sources list. Go to System>Admin>Software Sources and disable de CDrom21:50
graymasterwhats your favorite gnome theme21:50
TBotNikjuano__: Will add host with public IP later21:50
ganton516Should a BIOS raid array be used with DMRAID, or should it be turned off ?21:50
juano__TBotNik_u:  ok21:50
whtaok, so i see now that automatix is terrible. and i have promptly removed it. but this font thing is really bugging me.21:50
NewUserrsomeone knows what i should do when i get this error message:gnome-cups-add doesnt answer21:51
huppii need to write cds and dvds, which program is the common sense choice of the day ?21:51
NKD-Hi all. Earlier I was having problems with my NAT, but I fixed it. However, now I cant get anything to run on startup. I've tried putting stuff in /etc/rc.local and in a custom script I chmod +x'd in /etc/init.d21:51
Jack_Sparrowwhta: removing it does NOT fix the problem...  See the article21:51
NKD-Nothing that web tutorials indicate seems to work, as far as getting a command to execute on startup21:51
TBotNikjuano__: localhost:80 or localhost are same and working.  Last 2 defs won't work.  Tried dif listen ports but good at know what is open.21:51
erUSULhuppi: GnomeBaker or Brasero. K3b if you are on kubuntu21:51
juano__huppi: gnomebaker21:51
comicinkerotherman: df -h displays the used hard disc space of mounted volumes. I just want to get sure your gui displays the correct value21:51
atlefhuppi: gnomebaker or k3b21:51
huppithank you thanks you tahnsk21:51
ozzloyhow do i toggle keyboard layout for the entire desktop at once?21:51
erUSULhuppi: also Places>DVD cd Creator works quite well21:52
karimwould there be a way to totally rebuild an Ubuntu mirrot for a specific target and optimisations or is it impossible at all ?21:52
othermanyes is the same from the gui and from df -h21:52
NilbusI'm following the wifi guide, and it says to copy firmware to /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware, but /usr/{lib,lib64}/hotplug doesn't exist on this gusty livecd21:52
juano__TBotNik_u: by last 2 you mean ServerAlias davisoft-aec.com *.davisoft-aec.com  &&  DocumentRoot "E:/Local Files/HTML Files/New Home/Site"  ?21:52
rencore_why doesnt ubuntu see my usb mouse21:52
NewUserrsomeone knows what i should do when i get this error message:gnome-cups-add doesnt answer21:52
beerfa1ozzloy: System > Keyboard > layouts21:52
marinathanks for nothing21:52
beerfa1system > prefs > keyboard21:52
dana_badspeaking of burning cds, as i was trying to burn an iso my computer decided that i didnt have a cd burner anymore21:52
marinaill take out this ubuntu21:52
dana_badit was in the options for burners to use then it was gone21:53
marinathought ill get some help here21:53
TBotNikjuano__: No U-local.com and Manuals.com21:53
NewUserrsomeone knows what i should do when i get this error message:gnome-cups-add doesnt answer , i cant add my printer21:53
comicinkerotherman: search for the file with the gnome-search-tool. make sure you search for hidden files, too21:53
rencore_gnome-cups-add was removed i think21:53
juano__marina: plz ask your question21:53
rencore_i could be wrong21:53
sethkdana_bad, if it is still missing after a reboot, it is probably a hardware problem21:53
erUSULmarina: what is the problem?21:53
NematocystDo I need to build a custom kernel for huge page support (CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE), and assuming so, will I run into trouble with my nvidia restricted drivers if I do so?21:53
juano__TBotNik_u:  ahhhh lol....21:53
juano__TBotNik_u:  gotcha21:53
marinai said several times i have problems with ati\21:53
marinaand with sound21:54
IndyGunFreakjuano__: i'd say his attitude is a problem..lol,21:54
erUSULNematocyst: with a new kernel you need to build the driver yourself too21:54
sethkNematocyst, yes, and you'll need to download the drivers from the nvidia site.  The install will use the new kernel information.21:54
whtajack_sparrow: i don't see any hint of what to do NOW. the comments recommend uninstalling whatever it installed.. though I don't know what font packages it added21:54
ozzloybeerfa1: when i toggle, it switches per app, i want entire desktop21:54
erUSUL!ati | marina21:54
ubotumarina: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:54
NilbuserUSUL, is that wifi post up to date?  there's no /usr/lib/hotplug on this livecd21:54
juano__IndyGunFreak: lol21:54
IndyGunFreakerUSUL: he's been told that, i think he wants spoonfed21:54
beerfa1ozzloy: by "entire desktop" do you for other users?21:54
marinacan someone get into my pc21:54
juano__marina: well then, first of all you have to go to System ----> Administration ----> Restricted drivers21:54
marinalike remote assisrance21:54
erUSULNilbus: may be out of date dunno21:55
juano__marina: in there you should enable the restricted driver for your ati card21:55
sethkmarina, depends on whether your ISP allows incoming connections.21:55
juano__marina: thats a first step21:55
othermancomicinker: i dont found anythink21:55
marinai did that21:55
ozzloybeerfa1: i mean for me, not other users21:55
erUSULmarina: for graphics drivers use System>Admin>Restricted Manager21:55
IndyGunFreakjuano__: i think he tried that, which initiated the "thanks for nothing" comment.21:55
NewUserrrencore: what should i do then i tried to install that again with apt-get but doesnt work21:55
juano__TBotNik_u: what is the hostname set too ?21:55
erUSUL!sound > marina21:55
beerfa1ozzloy: prefs > keyboard is for the entire desktop, not a single app21:55
marinatrack plays but no sound21:55
ozzloybeerfa1: i want a keyboard shortcut for toggling21:56
IndyGunFreaki thought this was a video driver issue marina21:56
comicinkerotherman: just to make it sure: you deleted a file with a size of 2GB, but the space is not freed?21:56
Viper550wrong tab21:56
marinaand sound21:56
juano__TBotNik_u: plus, those entries are wrong if im not wrong i think the entry your need is :     name1    name2     name321:56
ozzloybeerfa1: i switch between dvorak and qwertty21:56
beerfa1ozzloy: do you mean languages? add the language applet thingy to your panel21:56
graymasteris there a way to upgrade to ubuntustudio, i'm using ubuntu 7.1021:56
graymasterusing a code or something21:56
beerfa1ozzloy: can't help with that. Maybe write a script and bind a key to it21:57
juano__TBotNik_u: all in the same line if you know what i mean, and im not sure if they need comas in between them, you can try both21:57
othermancomicinker: yes21:57
TBotNikjuano__: Docroot list ==> Localhost="E:/Local Files" OK, localhost:90="E:/Local Files/HTML Files/New Home/Site" OK, U-local.com="E:/Zips & Downloads/Linux/Ubuntu" Bad, manuals.com="E:/Manuals" bad21:57
blahblahxis there a way to delete every file in every subfolder except ones with a certain title?21:57
ozzloybeerfa1: how do i bind a key to a script?21:57
Nilbuswhere does wireless/hotplug firmware go on Gusty?21:57
whtaok. my last question is how to have ubuntu associate the default font handler "monspace" with "dejavu sans monspace"21:57
juano__TBotNik_u: read my last message ^^21:57
NewUserrsomeone knows what i should do when i get this error message:gnome-cups-add doesnt answer , i cant add my printer21:57
beerfa1ozzloy: not sure. Google for it perhaps21:57
marinaand what to do now21:57
juano__TBotNik_u: my last 2 messages i mean ^^21:57
comicinkerotherman: on what filesystem was that file? ntfs? fat? ext2? do you know the origin path of that file?21:57
TBotNikjuano__: You talking about the comment on editing the Window host file?21:57
marinaim in restricted drivers21:57
IndyGunFreakmarina: wel, i'd work on one problem at a time.21:57
ozzloybeerfa1: way ahead of you21:58
juano__TBotNik_u: yes21:58
=== Neocore is now known as kapabyte
IndyGunFreakmarina: whats your sound device?21:58
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: that is a rather odd error.. have you used outsdie repos or any of those horrible scripts21:58
marinai dont know21:58
othermanext3... it was on my desktop21:58
TBotNikLet me look on Win machine but still must work on U-box and that file doesn't exist there.21:58
ozzloybeerfa1: thanks for the help21:58
IndyGunFreakwell, if i didn't have to leave in a minute, i might stick around for this, but marina i would start by opening a terminal and lspci and identifying your sound device21:58
NewUserroutside repos yes but no scripts21:59
}I{aI-I4erhi people21:59
juano__TBotNik_u: in Ubuntu you have /etc/hosts21:59
beerfa1ozzloy: sorry, haven't needed to do that21:59
NewUserrJack_Sparrow::outside repos yes but no scripts21:59
Shadow147I found the problem with compiling kegs21:59
poeloqdoes anybody know of a way to limit the upload speed in general?21:59
}I{aI-I4erwho can me say how to delete printer's driver)21:59
Jack_SparrowNewUserr: I would start by cleaning up you repo list..21:59
x0k``Would anyone be able to tell me which particular command will get me into runlevel 321:59
othermancomicinker: ext3.. it was on my ubuntu desktop21:59
x0k``Init 3 appears to not work21:59
Shadow147it was the file XShm.h22:00
juano__marina: ok now what drivers are listed in restricted ?=22:00
}I{aI-I4erwho can me say how to delete printer's driver)22:00
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic22:00
comicinkerwhat was the origin path of the file?22:00
comicinkerwhat was the origin path of the file, otherman?22:00
marinaati and atheros22:00
juano__marina: ok, is the ati enabled ?22:00
juano__marina: enabled and in use ?22:01
marinaits  enabled and not in use22:01
Nilbusdoes the wireless stuff work on x86_64?22:01
juano__marina: is that the only entry for the video card ?22:02
graymasterhi cappicard22:02
juano__marina: or is there another driver for that video card ?22:02
marinai dont know22:02
marinai use laptop22:02
graymastercappicard: hows it going22:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about news - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:02
geck1I have a few issues I'm working on, hopefully someone can help me...I just installed ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy). I'm new to linux/ubuntu, and I can't figure out how to get my sound to work22:03
juano__marina: ok, after enabling if you restart X it should be in use22:03
cappicardpretty good. had to buy a new router. my wrt54g konked out on me22:03
juano__marina: did you try restarting X ?22:03
Flare183geck:> are you using kde or gnome?22:03
marinahow should i do that22:03
graymastercappicard: i have bad memories with routers before22:03
geck1umm i just installed 7.10, I'm not sure22:03
geck1how can I tell Flare?22:03
NewUserrgeckl:which soundcard u have?22:04
juano__marina: ctrl + alt + supr22:04
othermancomicinker: origin path? sorry i dont undertand22:04
comicinkerdid you checked the folder /root/.Trash and /home/yourname/.Trash?22:04
rytywhat's the real difference between server and desktop version?22:04
geck1i believe its an old soundblaster live value22:04
marinau mean to restart the pc\22:04
Flare183geck1:>find the little speaker in the upper right hand corner and double-click it22:04
juano__marina: no i mean restart the Xserver22:04
othermanyes comicinker22:04
geck1got the volume control up22:04
NewUserrgeckl:also check the alsamixer if anything is put on mute22:05
graymasterhi onechard22:05
Flare183geck1:>try the sound now22:05
marinathe log off window apeared22:05
juano__ryty: well the services that come with the server edition, probably more services like dhcp server, dns server, web server, etc22:05
rytybecause, I'm building a server, but I need X for vmware tools22:06
geck1still not hearing anything22:06
juano__marina: a black screen should of appeared and then logon screen again , did this happen ?22:06
heartsblooddoes anybody know what the pcm codem lib is called?22:06
marinaam i doing smth wrong22:06
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:06
juano__marina: or just restart the pc, maybe its easier22:06
graymaster!thank you22:06
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:06
graymaster!i know22:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i know - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:06
marinano it didnt happened22:06
graymaster!your stupid bot22:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about your stupid bot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:07
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:07
juano__marina: ok, just restart your pc, go to the red button top right in desktop click it and then press reset22:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abusethebot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:07
NewUserrgeckl:u have 2 soundcards i nean an onboard soundcard too?22:07
comicinkerotherman: if the space is not freed, the file must still be somewhere. try following: in a terminal change to type22:07
comicinkercd /22:07
comicinkerfind -name *partOfTheFileName* (including stars)22:07
othermancomicinker: yes22:07
Shadow147I got Kegs to compile22:07
geck1yes i think there is NewUserr22:07
Flare183!botabuse | graymaster22:07
ubotugraymaster: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:07
geck1but I have the SB Live selected I believe22:07
NewUserrgeckl:u have 2 soundcards ?22:07
Shadow147I just had a missing package I nedded22:08
geck1there is onboard and there is the soundcard22:08
comicinkerotherman: I'm sorry, that sentence was mixed up. did you understand anyway?22:08
naxahi. i have a problem.22:08
naxaI refreshed the system normal ubdate. everything s*cks.22:08
naxausb pendrive wont mount i dont know why22:08
naxai need it in 30 minutes22:08
eNons3nse_gordonjcp: so i just copied some different stuff that i put on there a couple weeks ago and it's working fine.  could it just be the stuff i put on the mp3 player last night was written to a bad spot on the HD?22:08
naxaso i'm very upset with ubuntu right now22:09
tim__anyone know how to deal with a "case" problem : "DSCN0105.JPG not renamed: dscn0105.jpg already exists"?22:09
naxaalso my screen f*cked up22:09
Shadow147naxa I it sohuld auto mount22:09
Flare183naxa:> open up a termnial and type in pmount /dev/sda122:09
naxanvidia driver stopped recognizing itself22:09
HateXHmmm. In gnome when i set a staic IP address on my wired network interface it doesn't seems to work. It says i have that ip address but yet i can't be pinged and don't have access to the web22:09
HateXi have even restarted networking to no avail22:09
naxaShadow147, Flare183: it's just NOT automount. sda1 is my scsi hard drive. there is no sdb or sdc or whatever.22:09
Flare183HateX:> try sudo dhclient22:09
othermancomicinke: trash is empty22:09
abcentnaxa: what was you fiddling with before all this happened?22:10
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter22:10
othermancomicinker: trash is empty22:10
HateXFlare183, thanx22:10
Flare183HateX:> np22:10
=== [Gunirus] is now known as Gunirus
comicinkerotherman: type following in a terminal:22:10
comicinkercd /22:10
abcentnaxa: set it back to default22:11
comicinkerfind -name *partOfFileName*22:11
tim__naxa if you need it in 30 min then use the live cd and fix it after22:11
naxaabcent: i did nothing special. I booted up, firefox, pidgin, and i clicked the "update" on 82 updates available text. everything went smoothly. then i turned off. i restarted and everything dead.22:11
Jack_Sparrownaxa: update or upgrade did this...  have you ever changed your sources list?  used scripts, gone outside our repos to install things etc22:11
naxaJack_Sparrow: simple update, i was running 7.10 already.22:11
comicinkerotherman: that will take a while. dont't forget the stars. and if you don't find It, I have no ideas anymore22:11
HateXFlare183, my dhcp works... it's when i specify a static ip, the interface never changed to the ip i specify22:11
GuHHHi've a doubt about linux running on vmware... how do i configure the services IP's on the vmware linux? Will VMWARE translate the real interface address to the vmware's IP address?22:11
abcentnaxa: oh my .... being a newbee my self, i should also take caution22:12
seanwHey all.22:12
seanwUltra newb question22:12
Flare183HateX:> ok then try ifconfig22:12
seanwI can't get MP3s to play - I thought when you try the system would try and find a codec...22:12
seanwIt isn't doing.22:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:12
seanwIt is just freezing.22:12
Jack_Sparrownaxa: What about the rest of my question?22:12
naxaabcent: i was very pleased with ubuntu but now i'm totally gone mad. I even f*cked up my girlfriends mind too, poor she.22:12
Flare183!mp3 | seanw22:12
seanwFlare183, ty will investigate22:12
SirChrismy dear ubuntu users, can you help me??22:12
ubotuseanw: please see above22:12
othermancomicinker: thanks :)22:12
Shadow147seanw get VCL player22:12
comicinkerotherman: well, I have one more Idea: you can search for big files with gnome-search-tool22:13
SirChrisi am searching for a song for 5 hours on IRC now and noone talks ind the channels22:13
UnknownHow do I control microphone options?22:13
Shadow147seanw get VLC player22:13
ArthurArchnixseanw ignore shawdow14722:13
PriceChild!offtopic | SirChris22:13
abcentnaxa: before Ubuntu, what was you either using or had installed?22:13
tim__VLC is good22:13
seanwThis is the problem with free software; )22:13
ubotuSirChris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:13
naxaJack_Sparrow: by default i didn't do anything. Fist i noticed nvidia driver doesn't work. i have Geforce2 MX 400. i used the old xorg.conf since this stupid idontknowwhattocallit owerwrite my default xorg.conf. but after that the driver was still only half usable.22:13
HateXFlare183, are you saying that after a specify my ip statically in the network gui app then i should run ifconfig to update the changes22:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rename - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:13
SirChrisis there anyone who can help me and listen to that song and tell me the title plllzz: http://90chris.90.funpic.de/searching2.mp322:14
UnknownHow do I set microphone settings?22:14
ArthurArchnixseanw: VLC is a media player that does many things, plays videos, rips dvds, plays music, you name it. It is not necessary to install in order to play mp3.22:14
Jack_Sparrow!offtopic | SirChris22:14
Flare183HateX:> yeah you can try22:14
SirChrisfor example with alsamiver22:14
ubotuSirChris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:14
naxaabcent: i recently used slackware. it s*cks couse no apt-get is avaliable, but it's stable and funny to learn. ubuntu is better in my opinion but this things drive me crazy22:14
crimsunUnknown: use the mixer applet in the upper right corner of the top panel.22:14
SirChrisalsamixer -V capture22:14
marinaagain nothing22:14
TBotNikjuano__: Tried the thing in the hosts file and it set all the domains to the "E:/Local Files" directory.  Need something else22:15
HateXFlare183, what does ifconfig do exactly?22:15
Shadow147ArthurArchnix plus I can't Stand Totem22:15
SirChristry that for the microphone22:15
ArthurArchnixShadow147:  That's fine. But your advice is not necessary to get mp3's playing.22:15
Flare183HateX:>see the man page22:15
naxaabcent: the problem is that some of the auto mechanisms s*ck maybe22:15
Flare183open a terminal and type in man ifconfig22:15
naxalive-cd was a good idea anyway22:15
abcentnaxa: so totaly reformatted HDD, or upgraded?22:15
HateXFlare183, thanx22:15
Unknowncrimsun: Is there any way to have the microphone work outside  a program, like in windows?22:15
seanwOkay thanks guys./22:15
Flare183just keep trying22:15
HateXHas this channle been taken over>22:15
tim__VLC is the best media player for linux AND windows at the moment22:16
crimsunUnknown: certainly.  That's the default behaviour.22:16
naxaabcent: it was a fresh hdd in the past when i installed but it's already full of stuff at the time. 6 gb is still free anyway22:16
PriceChild!best | tim__22:16
brobostigonvlc is very usefull22:16
ubotutim__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.22:16
Nematocysttim__, could be the JPG you are trying to rename is on a fat32 filesystem22:16
marinahow can i totaly remove atheros HAL22:16
Unknowncrimsun: Sir, it isn't doing for me.22:16
HateXwhere are all the ops? and there are much more bots in here than usual22:16
Ayakoca c mignio mdr22:16
PriceChildHateX, /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list22:16
Shadow147tim_ I use windows media player on my windows installation22:16
brobostigonone bot= ubotu22:17
Ayakooops dsl22:17
crimsunUnknown: is the 'Capture' element unmuted and maxed?22:17
tim__Nematocyst: yes it is, how do i rename it?22:17
abcentnaxa: I'm curious only because I know things you've discribed can happen if install over an exsisting O/S22:17
marinahow can i totaly remove atheros HAL22:17
Unknowncrimsun: Is this within a program? If so, where do I find it?22:17
Nematocysttim__, fat32 doesn't distinguish case.  you'll have to move it to a real (read linux) filesystem, or live with it.  you _may_ succeed by renaming something temporary then back22:18
naxaabcent: actually i don't know what happened...22:18
crimsunUnknown: use the mixer (volume control) applet in the upper right corner of the top panel, aka the speaker icon.22:18
marinahow can i totaly remove atheros HAL22:18
HateXwell by 'bots' i mean irc zombies22:18
Flare183!rules | HateX22:18
ubotuHateX: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:18
tim__Nematocyst: thanks :)22:19
marinaguys where r u again22:19
Shadow147Unknown what is your sound system a Analog or Digital22:19
Nematocysttim__, np.  i forgot about your question until I saw you do !rename... sorry22:19
sethkIn fact, even the 'bots are volunteers  :)22:19
abcentnaxa: open a terminal type in: sudo synaptic22:19
naxaabcent: ok in full details. I was running 7.10, it worked. i made the update, restarted. i plug in an old hdd and copied some data. i recofnized that i had to set nvidia driver in low graphics mode after restarted which was very strange. i copied the data. i turned off and pull the extra hdd out. i restarted. it was low graphics mode again. i realized that something went wrong. i tryied my old xorg.conf. it worked but the screen was very unusual22:19
sethkmarina, I'm not sure what you are trying to do22:19
Unknowncrimsun: Thank you. That was it. It was muted. Again, thank you, Sir. ;)22:20
sethkmarina, why would you need to remove it?22:20
naxaabcent: after that...22:20
dimhello, looking for a "beta" sources.list, anyone can send me?22:20
tim__Shadow147: do you also have to install a million codecs to play anything off the net?22:20
UnknownShadow147: Not sure.22:20
crimsunUnknown: np.22:20
kane77sethk, I'm not sure ubotu wants to hang around here voluntarily ;)22:20
marinacuz its in use again22:20
abcentnaxa: go through what you need installed22:20
naxaabcent: i tried to configure x but the display was on the left, not in the center, a little22:20
sethkmarina, you can delete the kernel module, that will stop it from loading22:20
juano__TBotNik sorry i was away for 5 minutes, you said you tried it and it didnt work ?22:20
Shadow147tim_ VLC codecs are usually compiled in one package22:20
marinahow to do that22:20
Shadow147if I remember correctly22:21
eNons3nse_juano__: so i just copied some different stuff that i put on there a couple weeks ago and it's working fine.  could it just be the stuff i put on the mp3 player last night was written to a bad spot on the HD?22:21
abcentnaxa: I did that on my son's pc ..... it unlocked so many items, which i couldn't do before22:21
huppiHI which tool is suited for repartitioning my hard drive without killing the data ?22:21
naxaabcent: i reinstalled nvidia-glx drivers, tried new, normal, legacy... none of them was recognized by the nvidia settings. 2 was accepted but there was no options. one wasn't recognized at all.22:21
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. RC 1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php22:21
sethkmarina, it's in /lib/modules/......./          where ....... depends on your kernel version.  Paste the output of      uname -a        and I can tell you the exact directory name22:21
Flare183!mount | huppi22:21
ubotuhuppi: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter22:21
naxaabcent: i don't really understand what are you telling me22:21
brandon_i need some help, i have world of warcraft installed with cross over pro, it runs great until i try to log onto a character it will either freeze my comp completly or give me the famous error 132 any suggestions?22:21
abcentnaxa: did you try terminal: nvidia settings22:21
juano__eNons3nse_: ehh ... weird huh, probably corrupt data, happened to my cell phone once, you know what it is ? i think i know22:22
Flare183!brandon try it without the crossover office22:22
brandon_like with wine?22:22
juano__eNons3nse_: when you connect it to linux box, a new dir appears called .Trash-something22:22
geck1Still no luck on the sound card Flare18322:22
Flare183brandon try it without the crossover office22:22
naxaabcent: yes, it says that's it's not an nvidia driver. i tryed build from source with envy. it gave an error and halted when building...22:22
juano__eNons3nse_: if you delete files from linux in your HDD it goes to .Trash, it doesnt REMOVE from external hdd22:22
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:22
geck1I have the SBLive card selected in both the volume control and the sound preferences22:22
marinaLinux sladjan-laptop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux22:22
brandon_what do you mean flare?22:22
abcentnaxa: after installing ubuntu on my sons pc .... he couldn't install crap, it was like he was locked out ..... so i performed sudo synaptic22:22
Flare183!alsa | geck122:22
ubotugeck1: please see above22:22
naxaabcent: in xorg.conf it IS the nvidia driver actually22:22
Flare183brandon:> just try wine22:23
geck1wilco, thanks Flare18322:23
TBotNikjuano__: I tried changing it up and all work now, but 3 & 4 are mirroring 1, not showing their own directories.22:23
naxaabcent: i don't have problems with installing22:23
Flare183!wine | brandon22:23
ubotubrandon: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:23
Klejsomeone here have premium account on rapidshare ???? pvt22:23
Klejsomeone here have premium account on rapidshare ???? pvt22:23
brandon_i have it runs but with black terrain patches and low fps22:23
Flare183geck1:> ok22:23
eNons3nse_juano__: often when i unmount my mp3 player it asks me if i want to empty it's trash.22:23
juano__eNons3nse_: sometimes that makes things a little messed up when accessing again, so be sure to remove that dir completely, its actually a safe dir just in case you want to recover lost files, i dont know depends on what you want more, safety or flexibility...22:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lostandfound - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:24
abcentnaxa: ok for your internet, i put my IP back to roaming after tinkering with static addresses22:24
Shadow147tim_ sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc22:24
juano__TBotNik heh, well were getting somewhere at least... lets see what needs to be fixed22:24
syngin001looking to implement a script while the system boots, where do i put this script?22:24
tim__yep :)22:24
kelsinsyngin001: /etc/rc.local, you can call it from that file22:25
juano__TBotNik all mirror to E:/Local Files/ ?22:25
eNons3nse_also, is there a way to turn off rhythmboxes auto detection of mp3 players?  whenever it tries to load my player the program hangs and i have to force quit.22:25
sethksynacktion, /etc/rc.local is the usual place22:25
Shadow147tim_ make sure u have the universe repo accessable22:25
syngin001ok thanks22:25
eNons3nse_so whenever i have my mp3 player attatched i can't have rhythmbox open22:25
juano__eNons3nse_: yes, System ----> Preferences ----> Removable drive and media22:25
TBotNikjuano__: but having to use the : on localhost cause the domain names don't work at all.22:25
abcentnaxa: I don't think i'm the best person to fix ur problem in 20 minutes ....22:25
naxaabcent: actually there is only two problems right now what i know about, 1 nvidia 2 pendrive... my internet is working.22:25
tim__gtg have fun yall22:26
juano__eNons3nse_: multimedia --> then check portable media players action command on plug in22:26
naxaabcent: doesnt matter thank youfor your help22:26
tim__!bye bye bot22:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bye bye bot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:26
juano__eNons3nse_: leave that blank if you want nothing to happen22:26
ArthurArchnixbrandon_: With your crossover office comes 6 months of level 3 support. Although Gutsy doesn't fall under this coverage, feisty does, an email toward their support staff may yield some help.22:26
Flare183!botabuse | tim__22:26
ubotutim__: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.22:26
abcentnaxa: ok pendrive should auto22:26
naranha_can anybody suggest a good rss reader for ubuntu?22:26
naxai try and restart withj a live cd.22:26
* emgent heya22:26
naxaabcent: it doesn't work actually. it should. it doesnt.22:26
sethkmarina, probably /lib/modules/linux-2.6.22-14-generic/ ...22:26
juano__TBotNik now the domain names dont work ?22:27
naxaabcent: i will use a live cd and see what can i do couse i need to work22:27
NewUserr!gnome-cups-add bot22:27
juano__TBotNik only localhost: ?22:27
sethkmarina, under there, look for a file with the same name as the loaded module, with .ko at the end22:27
abcentnaxa: good idea22:27
eNons3nse_juano__: i already have all that stuff turned off.  it doesn't open rhythmbox when i plug it in like it used to, but if rhythmbox is already open when i mount my player it still tries to index it and fails.  i just want rhythmbox to ignore my mp3 player.22:27
othermancomicinker: i found it!! is in /Recycled... but i can't delete...22:27
syngin001is there a place also to place a script when system is shutting down?22:27
juano__eNons3nse_: check in rhythmbox preferences22:28
UnknownCan any one help me with this error when i click install ubuntu to boot into the live cd - Failed to allocate memory resource?22:28
sethksyngin001, there is, but I don't recall the name off the top of my head.  Look in   man shutdown    I think it will tell you22:28
comicinkerotherman: great! I didn't know files can end up there...22:28
juano__eNons3nse_: or just uninstall rhythmbox... its not that good anyway, try audacious or listen, those are good players22:28
graymasterhello, my system time does not work, and i what ever i do it will not change, any help??22:28
sethkotherman, try deleting with sudo22:28
comicinkerotherman: to delete it, use the terminal with sudo rm filename22:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:28
kelsineNons3nse_: make sure to check the plugins section of rhythmbox too22:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about date - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:29
syngin001ok, will take a look22:29
UnknownCan any one help me with this error when i click install ubuntu to boot into the live cd - Failed to allocate memory resource, any one know ?22:29
juano__TBotNik eehh... if thats the case try adding localhost to the names line...   name1   name2   name3    localhost22:29
Flare183!fixinstall | Unknown22:30
ubotuUnknown: For a few common problems when installing, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall also make sure you have read !install22:30
=== ben_ is now known as Hypergraphe
Led-HedIs it possible to boot from a network (Similar to PXE) from a File or Image stored on a NTFS Partition?22:30
marinathis is hurd22:30
marinacan someone hack in my pc22:30
syngin001if it's open...yes22:30
eNons3nse_i will if you ask nicely22:30
owainnoob questions round 2:22:31
comicinkerotherman: everything fine?22:31
owain1. where do I add a service to run on startup?22:31
marinahow can i remove ubuntu22:31
HateXi just downloaded a login manager with extension tar.gz how do i install it?22:31
UnknownI did not find my answer on the guide cant somebody just walk me through the dang thing?22:31
zimonmarina, overwrite it?22:31
juano__HateX: login window theme you mean22:32
PriceChildHateX, login manager? what are you trying to do?22:32
zimonor delete the partitions .. or whatever you want to do with your harddrive afterwards22:32
owain2. if put "sudo" before a prog in a launcher, will it load that password window like from the system menu?22:32
marinaubuntu is hurd 4 me22:32
HateXyeah login window theme22:32
PriceChild!gksudo | owain22:32
graymasterright now it is 10:31 PM on my computer, yet where i live it is only 2:31, i just tried to use Time & date under Sytem > Admin > Time & date, i set it to my time zone, then it doesn't change after i accpet22:32
ubotuowain: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:32
crdlbowain: gksu22:32
naliothowain: no, use gksudo22:32
juano__HateX: System ---> Preferences ---> Login window manager22:33
marinai cant do anything22:33
juano__HateX: go to Local22:33
marinano voice no video no effects22:33
juano__HateX: then Add22:33
HateXjuano__, ok22:33
juano__HateX: then select the .tar.gz from there22:33
owaintotally loving ubuntu btw, finally beginning to close my linux blindspot22:33
UnknownFailed to allocate memory resource, any one know what to do with this error?22:33
othermanthe command to delete a directory?22:34
owaincopy becomes cp, md becomes mkdir22:34
owainEverything's upside down ;p22:34
Flare183owain:> try rm22:34
owainrm -r is recursive22:34
owainbut be careful :P22:34
rconan__can anyone explain why the boot CD hangs during startup nearish where it says about the squashfs22:35
UnknownFailed to allocate memory resource, any one know what to do with this error? any one?22:35
southafrikansehello. I have no sound. In alsamixer everything is unmuted22:35
HateXjuano__, it said not a tar.gz or tar archive but it is, the filename is GDM-Dreaming-Alien.tar.gz22:35
rytyUnknown: what does vmstat say?22:35
graymasteri fixed my clock, if anyone was wondering22:35
* owain reasks his startup service question... 22:35
Unknownwhats vmstat?22:35
owainI realise it's probably very obvious22:35
rytya command22:35
graymasterthanks for the help everyone22:35
=== rconan__ is now known as rconan
owainbut dammit, what's the autoexec.bat ;p22:35
magnetronrconan__: no. but if you provide some more info, we might help you solve the problem.22:35
juano__HateX: ..mmm, weird, where you download that from ?=22:36
rytyUnknown: run the command as root, paste it at pastebin.ca22:36
othermanfree space! great22:36
rytyor http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org22:36
HateXart.gnome.com jeeze sorry22:36
sethkUnknown, virtual memory statistics,  vmstat22:36
manduskihey guys i'm having difficulty understanding the interface of "prepare partitions" on the new ubuntu install cd. I have four partitions...sda1 ext2 size 106mb, sda2 ntfs 63gb, sda3, swap 4mb, sda4 ext3 55mb....I just want to keep the windows (ntfs) partitions and have another one for the main installation and the other one for swap. But i can't seem to be able to combine sda1 with sda4 and scale swap partition down from 4gb to just22:36
manduski 1gb without telling me the rest is unusable22:36
juano__HateX: using the gnome-art manager ?22:36
* Pelo wonders if HateX qualifies as a spammer 22:36
HateXyes juano__22:37
naxai came back. live cd won't work due to corrupt nvidia driver...22:37
vltHello. I have installed ubuntu 6.06 LTS with its default kernel 2.6.15-k7 on an AMD64/X2 machine. Now I try to boot with another mainboard but the same type of CPU. It bgins to boot, recognizes the CPU correctly but then panics with "IO-APIC + TIMER doesn't work". Using another boot hd with 7.10 installed works fine. Any idea how to get it working?22:37
tomd123i am looking for a program that would ssh into a computer, download a file from the internet and then copy it onto my computer22:37
juano__HateX: did you try installing it from there ? i believe there are 2 options, 1) only download  2) install22:37
gordonjcpeNons3nse_: no idea, it's possible I suppose22:37
othermanautocad 2007 works on windowsXP in virtualbox?22:37
sethkmanduski, if you leave empty space between two partitions, then you get that "unusable" message.  Sometimes you get it because you use a part of a cylinder, and partitioning is done in full cylinders22:37
rconanmagnetron: i'm trying to boot the xubuntu livecd but it hangs22:37
sethkmanduski, usually it's an insignificant amount of space22:37
Unknownryty im not in ubuntu it wont even go on live cd22:37
ubotuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.22:38
naxai recently remembered that two other errors also added, computer freezes. yes. on linux. it simply freezing sometimes. mouse stops. no hardware error, it worked before the update.22:38
HateXwell for login managers, the install button is grayed-out so i downloaded instead22:38
Unknowni query'd you22:38
magnetronmanduski: you would have to put something else on the newly unallocated space to make use of it. try scaling up another partition22:38
vlttomd123: ssh, wget, scp22:38
naxai have a livecd, it wont work. it boots and then blank screen is coming22:38
Pelomanduski,  first you would have to unmount the partitions you need to resize, second : you can'T merge as far as I know you would have to delete one partiton and extend the next to use up the size,  these partitions would have to be contiguous with the deleted partition "after" the one you want to expand22:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alternativecd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:38
sethkmanduski, you specify it as a number of sectors, but the granularity is really cylinders, leading to the confusion.22:38
magnetron!msgthebot > Flare18322:39
NematocystUnknown, here's a link to my best guess to your problem.  this soln is for feisty, but it may still help: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/653722:39
manduskithnx guys22:39
rencore_how did he write in the terminal like that22:39
Flare183I messed22:39
Flare183sorry about the enter22:39
HateXjuano__, in the whole login manager category the install button is grayed out22:39
Unknownryty check my query22:39
juano__HateX: mm interesting...22:40
rytydidn't see  it22:40
=== clamscasino is now known as stvsrs
HateXjuano__,  was i supposed to run the program as root22:40
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration22:40
juano__HateX: that could be a possibility.. but it should of prompted for the password22:40
Unknownhow do i register22:40
rytyUnknown: /msg nickserv register22:41
juano__HateX: im checkin to see if its grayed out here22:41
=== Unknown is now known as UnknownProjects
=== ubuntu is now known as Kubuntuu
=== Kubuntuu is now known as ubuntuu
HateXjuano__, no it didn't but i have sudoed for another reason within the last 15 minutes so art manager might have thought i was good to go22:41
owainIf I run a programme as startup with Gnome does it run as root?22:41
=== Pelo is now known as P
owain(this is a service for my raid card)22:42
PriceChildowain, no22:42
=== syngin001 is now known as syngin
owainmy dreadful raid card22:42
juano__HateX: try gksudo gnome-art-manager or something like that22:42
kelsinowain: no, nothing  after you sign in with gdm is run as root22:42
HateXjuano__, ok22:42
owainso persumably I have to add it to some super duper boot script then22:42
=== P is now known as Pelo
kelsinowain: /etc/rc.local is a good place22:42
Pelolater folks22:43
juano__HateX: also check if you have synaptic open or something that could eventually be using dpkg and close it22:43
owainkelsin thanks22:43
owainthe problem with a newbie coming to linux is it all seems very chaotic22:43
HateXjuano__, ok22:43
juano__HateX: greyed out here too...22:43
flakeis there a mac-like or unique window manager which is easy to set up and use..  I've used gnome and kde so far, want to try others22:43
naxaok so... everything went wrong... too bad. i hate this. why why why.22:43
synginit takes a while22:43
naxaplease help me i have some questions.22:43
syngindon't give up22:43
brobostigonflake: xfce, enlightenment22:44
naxawhich is the best choice of video card for linux? 0-50 USD.22:44
HateXjuano__, yup22:44
naxa(for ubuntu, especially)22:44
SmikyCiao a tutti !22:44
juano__HateX: gksudo gnome-art   ... that could fix it22:44
brobostigon!wm | flake22:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:45
K4kcan someone please help me figure out why whenever I run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database" it won't let me do it? it tells me that I have the wrong username and password but I have verified (pretty sure) the login and mysql is running22:45
brobostigon!windowmanager | flake22:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windowmanager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:45
naxacan someone tell me which is a good choice of video card for ubuntu? i have 50 USD for this but it's no problem when it's cheaper or second hand.22:45
K4knaxa: Do you know what interface it needs to be?22:46
HateXjuano__, one sec22:46
=== syngin is now known as syngin01
owainbtw, is there any meaningful difference between sudo su -22:46
brobostigonpci / agp22:46
owainand sudo -i22:46
juano__HateX: k22:46
wsv123457how do I upgrade from 7.04 to 7.1022:46
seanhodgesflake, try Avant in Gnome: http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=Main_Page22:46
seanhodgesits similar to the dock in OSX22:46
kelsinflake: what parts of the mac windows manager did you want to emulate?22:47
HateXjuano__, hmmm still grayed out22:47
juano__!upgrade | wsv12345722:47
ubotuwsv123457: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:47
naxaK4k: i guess not becouse i don't understand what are you asking. I want an AGP card for an amd 2600+ xp computer... it should be 2,6 ghz. I want 3D and nice window effects. my monitor sucks but i will buy a new one in the future.22:47
bp|Evening. Quick question: how do I disable hibernation on my Toshiba laptop? It doesn't seem to work and the only way out after that is a hard shutdown.22:47
HateXjuano__, it prompted me for a password and everything22:47
naxaK4k: 2,6 ghz is the cpu of course :)22:47
juano__HateX: yea... same here22:47
K4kbrobostigon: I need to know which because I have a good suggestion but it's only PCI I think22:47
brobostigonflake: xfce is like cde22:47
HateXjuano__,  but still nothing22:47
brobostigonxfce has a mac like dock22:47
juano__HateX: gnome alien somethin ?22:48
juano__HateX: what was it called ?22:48
K4knaxa: If it's AGP, I think there are AGP Nvidia 6xxx series cards available22:48
K4kthose will be perfect22:48
flakea different way to navigate I guess22:48
HateXjuano__, GDM-Dreaming-Alien.tar.gz22:48
brobostigonflake try enlightenment and xfce.22:48
flakeand organize the apps22:48
K4kflake try fluxbox or xfce22:48
marinapeople plz help me22:49
brobostigonthey are very different to gnome and kde22:49
K4kxfce is more similar then others, but it's still different22:49
K4kmarina: what's the issue22:49
brobostigonxfce is similer to cde22:49
kelsinflake: if you want to spend the time and fully custimize the way you work I would recommend FVWM as well, but you said before you wanted easy to use, so I wouldn't suggest it if editing the config file and setting it up counts as non-easy for you22:49
naxaK4k: will they be ok? I bought a geforce2 mx 400 second hand couse i thought it's nvidia. but it sucks. are the 6000 series ok?22:49
urkudHi! May be, it's wrong place for this quesion (it isn't ubuntu-specific). What is the good software/site for social networking?22:50
urkudI want to be able to sinchronize my address book with data from this site.22:50
seanhodgesbrobostigon, flake, +1 on enlightenment, prob what you're looking for22:50
southafrikanseDoes pastebin have a screenshot place where I can show my desktop to you guys?22:50
marinaproblems with visual effects and sound on my laptop22:50
naxaK4k: i mean the card is wonderful it's just the linux driver s-cks22:50
kelsinnaxa: geforce2 is nvidia, just much older22:50
naxakelsin: yes  i know. but i thought it's ok...22:50
kelsinnaxa: were you running the "nv" open source driver or the nvidia propirtary driver?22:50
kelsinnaxa: *I can't spell22:50
naxakelsin: so newer geforce are the best cohice?22:50
K4kNaxa: they are only a few years old, they should be just fine. Make sure you install the nvidia binary driver as well. I also recommend Nvidia over ATI for driver reasons, nvidia drivers are far better under linux22:50
naxakelsin: nvidia, couse nv simply wont work, it's freezing completely, i have to restart by unplugging the machine22:51
NKD-Hi all. Earlier I was having problems with my NAT, but I fixed it. However, now I cant get anything to run on startup. I've tried putting stuff in /etc/rc.local and in a custom script I chmod +x'd in /etc/init.d22:51
marinaso what should i do22:51
seanhodgesurkud, depends on where all your friends are ;) maybe Facebook?22:51
naxaK4K: so a geforce > 4 is ok?22:51
EugeneBCan I ask help with toshiba laptop? I know it's a slippery place but I'm trying to get suspend to work22:51
kelsinwell if you're already running the nvidia driver you're still going to be running that driver with any newer nvidia card. So if you think the driver sucks I would working on solving that problem, the card won't matter22:51
bp|Any hint on how to disable/fix hibernation on my laptop?22:51
juano__HateX: i just tried downloading that one and it didn't work also same error as you22:51
urkudFackebook doesn't allow me to export my contacts.22:52
juano__HateX: that is weird22:52
K4knaxa: I would recommend a geforce > then 5 actually if you plan on doing things like XGL22:52
K4kmarina: please restate your issue22:52
naxaK4K ok i see22:52
seanhodgespb|, cant you just not select "Hibernate" when shuttong down?22:52
naxaK4k: so i should buy a 6xxx22:52
urkudI want to sync all the data (phone numbers, e-mail, e.t.c.) between my computer and social network.22:52
K4knaxa: let me make sure they are in your price range, but I'm pretty sure that's what you want22:52
HateXjuano__, yeah i downloaded another one and get added it successfully but the preview is the same default ubuntu22:52
blixanyone here in UK22:53
urkudI'm ready to write needed scripts if social network will not deny it.22:53
seanhodgesurkud, one sec, theres something i found today that might help22:53
naxaK4k: i thought i have max. 50 or max max 60 usd for it, no more.22:53
blixI'm looking for a bit kit to host a Ubuntu/Unix server22:53
naxaK4k: but it could be also second hand no problem22:53
K4kNaxa: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413023322:53
blixanyone recommend any retailiers22:53
HateXjuano__, im going to try it and logout, brb22:53
bp|Well, yeah, the "this crashes me" "then don't do this" option always works <.<22:53
K4knaxa: Evga has an excellent life time warranty as well22:53
kazolWhat is the DVD decryption package called? libcssdvd?22:53
naxaK4K: thanks, i'm actually a hungarian so i will use a local store :)22:53
marinai cant have visual effects when i go there and check normal or extra i recieve this Desktop effects could not be enabled22:54
seanhodgesurkud, http://www.conduit-project.org/wiki - havent tried it but it sounds good if it works22:54
PriceChildkazol, libdvdcss222:54
juano__HateX: ok good luck22:54
K4knaxa: look for anything between a 5500 and 6600 as they should be in your price range and have good openGL support22:54
naxaK4k: thank you. so i was right about nvidia, i just picked the wrong way buy trying to buy a very cheap, old card.22:55
naxaK4k: i will try what you say, thank you for your help22:55
marinai cant have visual effects when i go there and check normal or extra i recieve this Desktop effects could not be enabled22:55
K4kmarina: make sure that your xorg.conf has composite set to "1" and not "0" also, make sure you have xserver-xgl installed22:55
urkudseanhodges: it seems that it is an application that can run on my computer and syn data with several external storages.22:55
crdlbK4k: other way around22:56
crdlbK4k: you don't need composite to use Xgl22:56
juano__HateX: worked ?22:56
naxaK4k: could you tell me a good tft monitor and dvd writer as well? i thought about pioneer dvdwriter... i dont know anything about tft22:56
K4kcrdlb: when I installed xgl, I then got the composit not enabled error, I thought you had to have it set to 122:56
HateXjuano__, yeah, thatone worked22:56
crdlbK4k: no, you just need to log out so that Xgl is actually used22:56
naxak4k: actually it's easier if you tell me what not to by in monitors22:56
HateXjuano__, the dreaming alien file must be damaged or something on the web host side22:56
kelsinnaxa: I've had great luck with an LG external dvd writer, works on every system I've ever plugged it into22:56
lockdhmm does paint.net run in Linux?22:57
juano__HateX: yea i think that is the problem22:57
crdlbK4k: you only need composite enabled in Xorg to use AIGLX or nvidia's thing22:57
ubuntuuHow do i save file after editing it with vim ?22:57
HateXjuano__, thank you for your help22:57
juano__HateX: anytime22:57
urkudubuntuu: :w<Enter>22:57
naxakelsin: it sound great... i thought buying an external usb rack and an ordinary dvd writer, it's not ok?22:57
kelsinubuntuu: hit esc to make sure your in command mode, then :w or :wq to quit after22:57
K4kcrdlb, then howcome with my ati card, using xgl and compiz it said that I needed to enable composite in xorg?22:57
urkudYes, I've forgotten about Esc22:57
seanhodgesurkud, yes. i've only used Facebook before. I really think it depends what your needs are22:57
ubuntuuok ill try22:57
crdlbK4k: because you weren't using Xgl yet22:57
EugeneBCan I ask help with toshiba laptop? I know it's a slippery place but I'm trying to get suspend to work22:58
kelsinnaxa: up to you and your budget and you're uses, I wanted an external one to bring to school and to use on multiple boxes22:58
flushon ubuntu 7.1022:58
K4knaxa: I'm not sure what a tft monitor is exactly, but as for your dvd drive, I usually just get whatever is least expensive, they are all pretty equal22:58
_6StringKng_any way to remove the HDD icon on my desktop?  I still want it in Place > hdb1 but not on the desktop22:58
flushi type "su" and it returns setgid: Operation not permitted22:58
greenmanHi.  I have a quick question.  Does the server install cd have the text installer?22:58
flushwhats the problem ?22:58
K4kcrdlb: but I restarted xserver22:58
crdlbK4k: you're mistaken22:58
lockdi only recall seeing tft on CRTs22:58
naxaK4k: tft is the new type monitor, which is plate22:58
kelsin_6StringKng_: you can turn that off in the gnome system registry, I think the key is under apps/nautilus/desktop22:58
crdlbK4k: either you're not actually using Xgl, or you have the order wrong22:58
lockdoh, must have been another acronym22:58
urkudseanhodges: it seems that facebook deny connecting with automatic script (for sync facebook data with my own addressbook, for example)22:58
K4kcrdlb, could be, I was just saying what I had to do to get mine to work, if there is another way, then I am not aware of it22:59
K4knaxa: are you referring to LCD monitors?22:59
greenmandfwlinuxguy: okay, I'll download that in case I need it.  Is there a torrent, sometimes that's faster22:59
marinahow can i check all those issues22:59
mEck0Hi! I'm using Gnome in Ubuntu 7.10 and wonder if there is possile to change the default file manager from Nautilus to another, e.g. Thunar? Nautilus is so non-responsive22:59
seanhodgesbp|, this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-440225.html22:59
crdlbK4k: on the fglrx shipped in gutsy, your advice would actually make things *worse* :)22:59
_6StringKng_my laptop screen is TFT22:59
K4kcrdlb: then maybe that is why it's been crashing a little bit22:59
crdlbcomposite + GLX wasn't supported until 8.40ish22:59
dfwlinuxguygreenman..yes torrent ..http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/23:00
urkudseanhodges: flickr allow XML-RPC connects but I can't fill my e-mail, phone number e.t.c.23:00
K4kmarina: open up synaptic package manager and look for "xgl"23:00
naxaK4K: yes, actually... sorry i always confused about the difference between tft and lcd23:00
K4kand install the xgl xserver23:00
K4knaxa: do you know what size you want?23:00
K4kmarina: also, ignore my comment about the composite in xorg.conf because apparently it's not correct, just try rebooting first to see if it works, if it does, then your good, otherwise come back23:01
_6StringKng_kelsin: how do I access the gnome system registry btw?23:01
seanhodgesurkud, this is the big problem when integrating web2.0, so many different protocols and standards23:01
naxak4K: 17"-21" but i have very limited money so 17" i guess23:01
EugeneBCan I ask help with toshiba laptop? I know it's a slippery place but I'm trying to get suspend to work23:01
kelsin_6StringKng_: in a term you can type "gconf-editor" I don't know where in the menus it is in ubuntu atm :-(23:01
naxaK4k: i'm just curious if there is a bad choice or not23:01
TimeTravellerdoes anyone know if GTK is included in ubuntu ... synaptic says it is but my theme engine says it is not when i am trying to compile it ..23:01
K4knaxa: I know that they have 20" widescreen LCD's for around $200USD23:02
greenmanOkay, what would be better, Alternate install or server install.  My friend wants to try linux, but I couldn't get the desktop install to work.23:02
_6StringKng_kelsin: thanks :)23:02
lockdTimeTraveller: gtk is, not the dev packages23:02
K4kthat's because I'm actually in the market for one of those myself23:02
greenmanThe video wouldn't display.23:02
crdlbTimeTraveller: almost all of the default ubuntu apps are written in GTK :)23:02
urkudseanhodges: I'll continue googling...23:02
kelsinTimeTraveller: you might not have the Gtk-dev libraries, did you search for this theme engine in synaptic to make sure it's not packaged already?23:02
naxaK4k: ok thank you... actually for a time i wont buy only new year, i go now thank you for the help23:02
_6StringKng_yay its gone23:02
* brobostigon is watching back to the future23:03
K4knaxa: my pleasure, I actually have to head out as well23:03
=== K4k is now known as k4k-away
TimeTravellerthanks ...i will try that =)23:03
_6StringKng_now I take it any volumes I mount wont be there as well, such as optical drives and usb drives?23:03
EugeneBCan I ask help with suspend on laptop?23:03
kelsin_6StringKng_: ahhh ubuntu turns off the "System Tools" menu, makes sense :)23:03
n00bboa noite23:03
_6StringKng_just confirming23:03
crdlb!away > k4k-away23:04
urkudEugeneB: I hope that you can ask anything...23:04
kelsin_6StringKng_: I think that's the "volumes" visisble options23:04
greenmanOkay, what would be better, Alternate install or server install.  My friend wants to try linux, but I couldn't get the desktop install to work.23:04
kelsin_6StringKng_: also in nautilus / desktop23:04
greenmanThe video wouldn't display.23:04
dfwlinuxguy!ask | EugeneB23:04
ubotuEugeneB: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:04
kelsingreenman: alternate23:04
ubuntuui didnt get it i cant save the file with vim23:04
fredrikHi How do I get sound to my ipod video files?23:04
marpstaris anyone here experienced with setting up dual-monitors in ubuntu with nvidia cards?23:04
greenmankelsin: okay.  Thanks23:04
kelsingreenman: it has the text mode installer that will setup the desktop system, and you can debug from there23:04
kelsingreenman: just as easy as the live cd installer, just in text mode instead of graphical23:05
greenmancool, thanks23:05
seanhodgesubuntuu, is it read-only? (read the status at the bottom)23:05
ubuntuuno its xorg.conf file23:05
n00bi m facing a problem of instalation of amsn, can u help me ?23:05
greenmankelsin: yeah, I had to do that on a friends pc that didn't have enough memory23:05
aguitelhow i know the amount of memory ram?23:05
EugeneBOk - after waking up WIFI is dead. kerm.log says: Dec  1 13:55:41 ubuntu-laptop kernel: [  343.260000] PCMCIA: socket dfb3b040: *** DANGER *** unable to remove socket power23:05
ubuntuuim as root with sudo vim23:05
ubuntuuon the other PC..23:05
kelsinubuntuu: hit esc like three times, then hit ":" then hit "w" then enter23:05
EugeneBreloading all modules don't work23:06
kelsin(the ":" needs a shift, etc to actually type ":" and not ";")23:06
gabriel__aguitel: free23:06
seanhodgesif you can write then <esc>:w<enter> should save it, check the status at the bottom. Then use :q<enter> to close23:06
marinak4k still not working23:06
dfwlinuxguyEugeneB.../etc/init.d/udev restart ???23:06
kelsinaguitel: the command "top" will also give you memory information and info on processes23:06
aguitelgabriel__: kelsin ,thanks23:07
EugeneBhmm... interesting idea - have to try23:07
sladenaguitel: why do I need to use /away ... I already have a script do that based on screen disconnect...23:07
seanhodgesubuntuu, :q<enter> will stop you quitting if it's not saved, otherwise you can be sure it did the job23:07
adrenergichello peeps23:07
adrenergici need help23:07
urkudubuntuu: run vimtutor, please.23:07
ubuntuubut i didnt get how i save it ?23:07
adrenergici am on windows now... but i've installed ubuntu from DVD23:07
fredrikHi How do I get sound to my ipod video/mp4 files? I have the stricted codec pack but it do not seem to help23:07
Omniusanyone know much about bridge-utils?? and how to add a gateway address to the br0?23:08
urkudubuntuu: you could save it with :w23:08
adrenergici burnt a DVD iso23:08
_6StringKng_try gtkpod23:08
neztiti guys how i enable Video for Linux23:08
kelsinubuntuu: omg... we just told you about 5 time. hit esc a bunch then hit ":" and "w" then enter and that saves23:08
gabriel__aguitel: install htop , htop show memory ram , Processor , swap23:08
adrenergicand the Ubuntu is installed... i've Dialup modem23:08
ubuntuu:  that means shift +; ?23:08
adrenergicbut it doesn't work at all23:08
kelsinubuntuu: yes23:08
EugeneBBefore I'll try it another problem - after hitting "suspend" pc wakes-up by itself in couple seconds23:08
ubuntuuok brb23:08
seanhodgesubuntuu, yes23:08
adrenergichow do i get it into work23:08
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neztiti guys how i enable Video for Linux on ubuntu23:09
marinavideo and audio problems on my laptop23:09
adrenergic:( it's Acorp 56k internal Data/Fax/Voice Modem23:09
Viper550 /r/ blackup p smila's ice rink23:09
=== gabriel__ is now known as gabriel_
kelsinubuntuu: do yourself and favor and download and print this: http://tnerual.eriogerg.free.fr/vim.html (That is if you want to use vim, otherwise install nano and use that)23:09
adrenergicwith Coexant -RH56D-PCI chipset23:09
adrenergicConexant sorry23:09
marinai c but dont hear and frames are not good23:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:09
Mp5hey, how to install nvidia driver ;\?23:09
neztiti guys how i enable Video for Linux23:10
JetriiHas anyone here successfully installed Ubuntu on the Playstation 3? I am trying to but I am not getting any video output from the PS3 after rebooting under "Other OS."23:10
kelsinMp5: does the restricted driver manager not install it for you? or does that not work?23:10
jacobi'm having problems booting up exaile, can anybody help?23:10
dfwlinuxguymkultrax rm ~/.exaile23:10
kelsinMp5: if you have an nvidia card it should apear in the systray and ask you if you want to install the nvidia card, you can also get to it in the admin menu23:11
crimsunjacob: invoke it from a Terminal, and pastebin the errors you get.23:11
dfwlinuxguymkultrax rm -rf ~/.exaile23:11
seanhodgesthat ubotu is sure full of himself. the know-it-all23:11
jacobcrimsun: ok23:11
EugeneBAnyone knows why PC can wakes from suspend by itself?23:11
mohdHi, I am using Ubuntu 7.10. How can I use Compiz with the default metacity themes?23:11
Mp5i test to install and when i restart and change resoliution and the rezoliution not standart ;\23:12
neztiti guys how i enable Video for Linux23:12
gmonneratMp5: system , administration , gerenciador of drivers restricted23:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:12
adrenergici need help :(... in GUI... Networking Panel i see no modem device detected or working or something... and i have it... why doesn't it get connected23:12
jacobcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/m3b8c0e7323:12
southafrikansehttp://imagens.webtuga.com/viewer.php?id=994091Screenshot.png why does this happen?23:12
mohdAt the moment whenever I turn on the desktop effects, my window borders turn all red23:12
mEck0is it possible to disable the "fade effect" when you minimize and maximize windows in gnome?23:12
seanhodgesmohd, this isn't normal, is this a clean install?23:12
_6StringKng_System>Prefrences>Appearance>Visual Effects>None23:13
wabiDhas anyone tried compiling xbmc and using it for ubuntu?23:13
clueless86hey, i'm tryin to compile cdemu-daemon, it says it can't find the package dbus-123:13
crimsunjacob: pastebin `apt-cache policy python-gobject exaile`23:13
crimsunjacob: you're certainly not using native Ubuntu packages...23:13
magnetron!anyone | wabiD23:13
ubotuwabiD: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:13
seanhodgesmohd, whats your graphics card manufacturer/model?23:13
adrenergicHELLO ppl..... i need to connect through a dialup modem.... and i don't no it's address i mean is it /dev/modem or /dev/tty0 or dev/tty123:13
adrenergichow do i find it23:14
jacobcrimsun: i'll just delete the remaining folders and make  a fresh new install23:14
adrenergicand how'll i connect it23:14
mohdSeanhodges, I have an nvidia GF 6100, and I have the restricted drivers running23:14
Sturmaudacity keeps closing now that I am using 7.1023:14
jacobcrimsun: let me just do what you told23:14
dfwlinuxguyadrenergic output of dmesg23:14
wabiDhow can i remove anyone from that sentence23:14
sethkadrenergic, /dev/modem is a symbolic link23:14
Sturmcan anyone help?23:14
kelsinSturm: have you run it from a terminal to see if it outputs any error messages when it crashes?23:14
wabiDcomplied xbmc for ubuntu...23:14
adrenergicbut sethk it doesn't work23:14
wabiDi think that makes a lot less sense23:15
gmonneratMp5: you are trying to use dual screen?23:15
sethkadrenergic, in general, /dev/TTY# is a modem and  /dev/tty# is a serial port, although both refer to the same physical device23:15
EugeneBPC wakes-up by itself after going to sleep in 1-2 seconds. Any ideas?23:15
sethkadrenergic, ok, do this and show us the result:     ls -l /dev/modem23:15
sethkadrenergic, that will tell you which device it is linked to23:15
dfwlinuxguyyeah, suspend sucks in Linux23:15
mohdshould I uninstall/re-install compiz?23:15
jacobcrimsun: i installed alien trying to install a newer version of gnome, could that be the cause of the problem23:15
lontradfwlinuxguy: works fine here and it has for a while23:15
EugeneBso - no hope?23:15
crimsunjacob: ...yes.23:15
kelsinSturm: well does it? If so you should pastebin the errors to show people23:15
kelsin!pastebin > Sturm23:16
abcde_I am unable to get Tracker to search my drive.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a bit, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?23:16
brobostigonsuspend on my ibook g3 wont even work in mac os x, never mind linux23:16
jacobcrimsun: then wouldn't it affect other programs?23:16
dfwlinuxguylontra...it really depends on how good a driver was written...most hardware manufacturers don't like releasing their specs23:16
jacobcrimsun: i want to undo what i did and remove alien23:16
Sturmit says segmentation fault (core dumped)23:16
Sturmwhere should I post that again?23:17
sethkEugeneB, if you are using APM, try ACPI, or v.v.23:17
lontradfwlinuxguy: well its improved vastly over the years and it works for a lot of folks23:17
EugeneBI'm using ACPI23:17
adrenergichow will i connect with my dialup modem in GUI.... if it's username is 'abc' it's pass being 'xyz' it's phone # being '123' ... can anyone tell me the command23:17
crimsunjacob: by using alien for gnome, you possibly utterly skewed python-gobject, which is a dependency of exaile.  Not very smooth.23:17
clueless86how can i install dbus-1? apt-get install won't do it23:17
EugeneBwith APM - nothing works - no sound, no PCMCIA23:17
sethkadrenergic, also, as someone suggested (sorry I don't remember who), the output of dmesg has important information.23:17
jacobcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/m1cc22a6623:17
dfwlinuxguylontra...well that doesn't really help the people that still are having issues23:18
crimsunclueless86: libdbus-1-3 or libdbus-1-1?23:18
sethkadrenergic, paste the output of ls -l /dev/modem and the output of dmesg to the pastebin23:18
Mp5gmonnerat have a dual screen,but i want in màin screen will take resoliution 1024x768 and when put in the "Screen and Graphics" and .. can't ;\23:18
sethkEugeneB, that's bizarre.23:18
lontradfwlinuxguy: well neither did your comment ;)23:18
sethkEugeneB, it should be a clue, but I don't know how to interpret it.23:18
dfwlinuxguylontra..just telling the truth23:18
vltHello. I just booted my ubuntu 6.06 with a new mainbord (using noapic option). Now my NIC is not recognized (no appearence of "eth" in dmesg). Any idea?23:18
whtawhen I had beryl, if i moved my cursor to the top right corner, it laid out all the open windows on the screen for me to pick from. how can i get that in CF?23:18
kelsinSturm: http://www.audacityteam.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1400 you can try that suggestion23:18
zetheroowhen I save something to my Desktop I can never see it23:18
EugeneBI also see BAT1 00000080 ... messages in ACPI log every 10-15 seconds (battery charging)23:19
kelsinSturm: but if it really is a segfault you probably want to check with the audacity people, going to be tough to debug that from this channel23:19
crimsunjacob: my recommendation is to reinstall Ubuntu if you've really used alien to install gnome.23:19
dfwlinuxguylontra..not really slamming anyone except the people who manufacture the hardware and won't release drivers23:19
crimsunjacob: and please don't use external repositories for (newer) packages like exaile.23:19
clueless86crimsun: i think i need libdbus-1-123:19
zetherooanyone have an idea why this is?23:19
Sturmwould using a different version help?23:19
crimsunjacob: we have a procedure for requesting that newer versions from the current development version be backported to the currently supported stable releases.23:19
urkudzetheroo: Is it present in ~/Desktop?23:20
LapperI'm using a MacBook with a Core 2 Duo processor. I downloaded the "64bit AMD and Intel" iso. Should I have downloaded a different one?23:20
crimsunclueless86: think or /know/ ?23:20
zetheroourkud: no ... not even there23:20
diemosSo, I'm trying to install ubuntu, I boot the livecd, see the bootsplash, but then my graphics are not displayed properly once X tries to start up23:20
kelsinSturm: different version of audacity then what is packaged for ubuntu? Probably not, did you try clearing out the config folder (or backing it up) like that forum post said?23:20
Omniuszetheroo: it happened to me, it was saving it in another desktop23:20
kelsindiemos: I would download the alternate cd and do the test mode install23:20
Sturmjust read that now.will try it23:20
zetherooOmnius: how does that happen?23:21
kelsindiemos: then if you stil lhave issues at least you have a installed system to debug / figure out23:21
sethkadrenergic, I'm not ignoring you.  It's been so many years since I used a modem, and I don't remember the commands.23:21
diemoskelsin: which cd?23:21
sethkdfwlinuxguy, as you said, they won't even release specs so other people can create a driver23:21
=== k4k-away is now known as k4k
k4ksorry crdlb23:21
kelsindiemos: the alternate cd, on the ubuntu download page it's a check box at the bottom to download the alternate desktop cd23:22
zetherooOmnius: do you know how to fix it?23:22
sethkdfwlinuxguy, there's often a reason for that.  M$ makes exclusivity agreements with manufacturers.  That's not always the reason, but it often is.23:22
dfwlinuxguydoesn't gnome-network-manager allow you to connect with a modem?23:22
diemosI'll check it out.23:22
Extraverthey does anyone know the command to dump a process?23:22
adrenergicactually sethk.... i'm on windows now... and when i switch to ubuntu i won't be able to talk to you like this cuz i won't be connected23:22
k4kdfwlinuxguy, I believe it does as long as your user has the ability to use a modem23:22
gmonneratMp5: if you configure dual screen in screen and cards , the default configuration doesn't function23:22
adrenergicso i tried alot of times23:22
=== FunnyLookinHat is now known as FunnyHat
kelsindiemos: but that will let you install without graphical errors and then it might just work, or you can debug from there23:22
Omniuszetheroo: its saving it to /root/Desktop23:22
clueless86crimsun: i'm running gutsy gibbon, so libdbus-1-3 is already installed, but pkg-config complains that dbus-1 is missing23:23
=== FunnyHat is now known as FunnyLookinHat
adrenergicbut nothing came worth of it... so that's why :) it's ok sethk23:23
zetherooOmnius: how do I fix this?23:23
dfwlinuxguylontra..I agree...and if you are fortunate enough to have purchased a laptop that works, then you must be thrilled and pissed off if you didn't23:23
diemoswell, i get two errors gergarding uvcd or something of the sort23:23
diemosduring boot23:23
Mp5gmonnerat,then how to fix this? ;\23:23
kelsinclueless86: is the libdbus-1-dev package installed?23:23
diemostrying to install on my laptop ><23:23
sethkadrenergic, you can capture the info to a file, write it onto a memory stick or something else external, then boot windows and show it to us.23:23
kelsinclueless86: also make sure what you're trying to isntall isn't packaged already23:23
diemosVaios are useless :(23:23
adrenergicokey sethk one second question23:23
gmonneratMp5: you are using nvidia?23:24
sethkadrenergic, ok.23:24
dfwlinuxguyk4k..using gnome-network-manager to create a ppp connection has to be tons easier than trying to explain how to set it up using textfiles23:24
zetherooOmnius: there is no folder /root/Desktop   ???23:24
Omniuszetheroo: i assume you are saving files from your browser, when saving  just navigate to /home/yourusername/Desktop and save there23:24
clueless86kelsin: thanks, that was it!23:24
k4kdfwlinuxguy, I agree, but I don't know how to do it with gnome-network-manager because I have never used a ppp connection23:24
Viper550dj? think you could play that "Snow (Hey Oh)" song?23:24
k4kI'm only assuming that the option would be there in gnome-network-manager if you are a user who can use them23:25
Mp5gmonnerat, nvidia geforce 423:25
adrenergicsethk.... i burnt the DVD iso to DVD... and installed ubuntu from it.... but how'll i install all the rest of packages from it cuz when i try to install something it... it tries to get access to internet23:25
sethkdfwlinuxguy, absolutely.  setting up a ppp connection manually is a true PITA23:25
zetherooOmnius: nothing doing23:25
Omniusyeah there is23:25
iNSTINCTi need help with ubuntu anyone got a sec23:25
zetherooOmnius: its still not there23:25
sethkadrenergic, in principle you can download the package files in windows, and create your own repository.  You'll be doing a _lot_ of downloading, however.23:25
gmonneratMp5: good, installs nvidia-settings23:25
dfwlinuxguysethk...yes I remember the days of pon and poff and ifconfig ppp0 up and editing the config files by hand23:25
piksii accidentally removed the update notifications icon from the task bar and i cannot seem to find where to get it back even though the update-notifications daemon is starting on login - any obvious solution ?23:26
k4kdfwlinuxguy, actually, I just went over to my server and looked, it does allow you to setup a modem connection23:26
Omniuszetheroo: goto your file system23:26
dfwlinuxguythat's what I thought23:26
kelsinadrenergic: System -> Admin -> Software sources and make sure only the cd is checked then refresh and you should be goof23:26
iNSTINCTwho knows alot about ubuntu display?23:26
k4kiNSTINCT, what do you need to know?23:26
kelsiniNSTINCT: better just to ask the question you have and see if people answer23:26
=== JJ|Laptop is now known as joeyjones
iNSTINCTim having problems when i use amsn and when i log in23:27
adrenergictks friends... you're all very good people23:27
iNSTINCTtext is unbelieveably small23:27
abcde_!ask iNSTINCT23:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask instinct - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:27
adrenergicbye all LINUX rules23:27
abcde_is that the syntax?23:27
mike3iNSTINCT: So change the font size. :)23:27
zetherooOmnius: ok... I tried another website and it worked..... but it seems that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't23:27
sethkadrenergic, actually, I'm a rat, but I hide it well23:27
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:27
gmonneratMp5: next in the terminal, types nvidia-settings , go in "X server Display Configuration"23:27
Sturmwhere is libmp3lame.so on my computer?23:27
adrenergiclol sethk23:27
mike3Sturm: Probably in your libraries23:27
dfwlinuxguysethk...i've seen you here b4 right?23:28
urkudSturm: use locate.23:28
=== eazyass is now known as analysisnewb
iNSTINCTi did it doesent effect it, already tried23:28
mike3Sturm: do a find / -name filename23:28
kelsinSturm: "locate libmp3lame" might help23:28
Sturmin the terminal right?23:28
Omniuszetheroo: i always save my files to one location and then move them if needed23:28
kelsinSturm: yes23:28
abcde_Sturm, type "locate libmp3lame" in the terminal23:28
wallspI would like to use ubuntu,23:28
mike3iNSTINCT: possibly gdm is causing font issues.23:28
urkudSturm: `locate filename` (yes)23:28
wallspbut I'am straignt. is ubuntu ok for me then?23:28
k4kwhen I try to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database, it says that my password/username are incorrect for the database, how can I find out what it is so that I can finish setting up mythtv?23:28
zetherooOmnius: yeah me too... this is the first time this has ever happened23:28
Mp5gmonnerat and next steps?; \23:28
Sturmthanks urkud:D23:29
kelsink4k: what database are you using?23:29
wallspstraight even23:29
Omniushow do I give a bridge interface a gateway address?23:29
mike3iNSTINCT: Gnome's login manager. I know that KDM's login manager can effect font issues with X. I don't know if this problem relates at all to your problem though.23:29
k4kkelsin, mysql23:29
mike3Omnius: google my friend.23:29
Omniusi have mike323:29
iNSTINCThow do i access ADM?23:29
kelsink4k: if you're running it on the same computer try to login with mysql by typing "mysql -h localhost -u <user> -p" it will prompt you for a password and you can test23:29
ContrarianI have a machine that I can connect w/ Samba but when I ping the name resolution fails? Any suggestions on how to resolve IP?23:29
Omniusand read howtos for 2 hours23:29
gmonneratMp5: connects the other monitor, presses in Detect Display23:29
kelsink4k: if you havn't setup the username and password you'll have to look at the mysql docs on how to do that , I don't know offhand23:29
Omniusmy eyes are bleeding23:29
kelsink4k: I'm 95% sure that by default the mysql root user has no password, but I'm not sure about that, have to find out23:30
Omniusgot it to work alright but cant assign a gateway address and there is nothing in the hotows23:30
sethkOmnius, route add default gw ###.###.###.###23:31
sethkOmnius, ###.... being the ip address, of course23:31
vltHello. Seems as if my 6.06's kernel 2.6.15 doesn't support my NIC. Even when I `modprobe forcedeth` it just prints out a status line "... nForce nic driver ... v 0.54". Still no device available ... Any idea what to do?23:31
k4kI have tried, root with no pass, root with multiple different passwords I have put on this machine, my account with all possible passwords I use, and my mythtv user account with all passwords I have used23:31
iNSTINCT«mike3» KDM what is it?23:31
Omniussethk: cheers, i'll give it a try23:31
brobostigonk desktop manager + kdm23:32
kelsink4k: and you just installed the mysql package?23:32
gmonneratMp5: now configure the monitors and restart the X23:32
netdefilrI recently have been hving problems shutting down ubuntu. It seems everything shuts down but it goes tro a black screen with a cursor blinking but doesnt turn off the laptop. Any ideas?23:32
k4kkelsin: I installed mythbuntu and mythtv + all dependancies23:32
k4kwhich includes mysql and others I believe23:32
kelsink4k: what message does the mysql program spit out when you try with root and just hit enter at the password prompt?23:32
sethkI like to hit the laptop with a hammer.  If it can't come up, then you don't care if it won't shut down.  :)23:33
netdefilrstarts up fine23:33
kelsink4k: try "mythtv" and "password" as the password (on the command line)23:33
sethknetdefilr, I know, I was attempting to be funny23:33
sethknetdefilr, have you checked the log files?23:33
Tim__hi, I just did a fresh ubuntu install because of some issues I had and now my wireless network isn't working, it asks for a wep passphrase but is use wpa, the live cd works fine, but not when I install ubuntu23:33
k4kkelsin: access denied for root@localhost23:33
Mp5gmonnerat hm okay,but is this driver - nvidia-glx , what i will be must have ?;\23:34
kelsink4k: it doesn't say "With password blank" or anything?23:34
k4kI also checked the /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt which has the mythtv database info in it, but it's not working there either23:34
SqueeHow do I go about checking if my computer recognizes that I have a scanner connected, in ubuntu Fiesty?23:34
Sturmaudacity still closes23:34
whtawhen I had beryl, if i moved my cursor to the top right corner, it laid out all the open windows on the screen for me to pick from. how can i get that in CF?23:34
k4kkelsin:(Using Password: NO)23:34
CodenutWhen I installed SSH, I ended up with SSH 2. Putty does not support this. What client is the one most liked by the group?23:34
Tim__any tips?23:34
Dr_williswhta,  thats one of the plugins.. install the ccsm tool and check out all the plugins. I forget what one did that.23:35
kelsink4k: k4k damn :-( Probably need to google around for the default mythuntu mysql password, cause clearly it's not setting up mysql like the ubuntu default :-(23:35
pianistgood evening23:35
jusugood evening....23:35
gmonneratMp5: your nvidia are installed and in use?23:35
operator011Codenut: SSH2 is SSH1's replacement.There were some weaknesses in SHA1 that led the move SSH223:35
whtaDr_willis: i just went through every plugin and somehow i have missed it.23:35
kelsinputty supports ssh223:35
abcde_I am unable to get Tracker to search my drive.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a bit, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?23:35
jerbearanyone in here familiar with python's easy_install and use album art files in their music collection?23:35
kelsinCodenut: putty works with ssh2 fine23:35
operator011Version 0.6.0 of Putty supports SSH2 by default.23:35
ZaqioAnyone know how to get Crative Live Vista IM web cam to work?23:35
pianistim having problem with video files and sounds, i use toshiba satelite and ati video card23:35
Dr_williswhta,  it may of been under expo, or somthing like that. It never worked well for me with 2 monitors. so i dont mess with it much23:35
operator011If you're going to use keys, the RSA key length must be > 256, otherwise use DSA23:36
CodenutI will check, thanks guys. You are always a lot of help.23:36
kelsinCodenut: at least the current version on their download page does :)23:36
operator011Codenut: Check the SSH protocol page on Wikipedia for more info.23:36
pianisthow can i fix my problem23:36
whtaDr_willis: expo only does workspaces.. i guess i'll just have to keep searching23:37
Tim__does anybody know where networkmanager stores preferences?23:37
kelsinpianist: so far you've said you're having a problem with video and sound, can you be more specific about what you want to do and what's happening/ or whate errors your getting?23:37
Kienuri got a problem with suspend: after a restart, i get a black screen only, but with a mouse on it. after ctrl/alt/back and relog i get no wallpaper nor icons on the desktop, but the panels are there23:37
Mp5gmonnerat i test to install and in use,what i know.but the problem is the resoliution,why its hasn't been should ;\23:37
brandon_i'm trying to get the fglrx driver to work, but it doesn't for some reason23:38
gmonneratMp5: go in system > Administration > drivers restricted and check if the driver is in use23:38
brandon_i keep getting the bulletproof x startup screen, although fglrx is loaded23:38
Omniussethk: your a bloody genius, thyanks heaps23:38
CodenutI just logged into my 7.04 machine just fine. tnx23:38
abcde_brandon_, What is your video card?  fglrx is only needed for x1***23:38
operator011Codenut - using SSH2?23:38
abcde_brandon_, and greater23:38
btardI am trying to install the newest drivers for my graphics card. I've been using the ones from the ATI site, but I do not believe they are the correct ones (non-ubuntu). where would I find the correct ones?23:38
Omniusi've been trying for months to do that23:38
brandon_abcde_: 2600xt23:38
CodenutUsed Putty, don't know why I even had an issue ;-)23:38
gmonneratMp5: yes understand23:39
pianistok when i play a video file the picture is in frames like robot when its full screen but when its small its ok23:39
CodenutDoes anyone here use synergy to use two monitors with Ubuntu?23:39
operator011Codenut: Were you trying to use a keylength smaller than 256-bit?  There's a known problem with RSA keys less than 256 bits.23:39
abcde_brandon_, Yeah, you need it, I didn't want you to go to the trouble if you didn't need it.23:39
tic^Codenut, why use putty? SSH is built in..23:39
btardI am trying to install the newest drivers for my graphics card. I've been using the ones from the ATI site, but I do not believe they are the correct ones (non-ubuntu). where would I find the correct ones?23:39
CodenutI can be hacked?23:39
abcde_btard, What is your video card?  fglrx is only needed for x1***23:39
btardI have a 920023:40
juano__Tim__  /etc/resolv.conf for names   /etc/networks  also23:40
ton1Synaptic Package Manager Preferences dialog is hanging the application23:40
Mp5gmonnerat i will be check now ;\23:40
btardabcde_: I have a 920023:40
operator011Codenut: It's not really worth worrying about on a personal machine.23:40
kelsinCodenut: I use synergy, but just ask your question if you have a question about synergy23:40
Tim__juano__, do you have an idea why wireless works on the livecd but not when I install ubuntu?23:40
brandon_abcde_: rdm says it is enabled, but it hink i may have a problem getting it to control my monitor23:40
abcde_btard, Two things, one don't repeat that fast, people are unlikely to help if you ask that fast.  I wouldn't have, if I saw the second time you asked before I pressed enter.23:40
T1m0thySoup, /b/tard?23:40
punkgydoes anybody know of a tool that will let me make an iso file out of a dvd that is in my dvd drive?23:40
yaaardoes totem+gstreamer really not work with dvd's properly? e.g. with menus and such?23:41
btardSorry. My fault.23:41
CodenutOk I am assuming then that synergy works fine with ubuntu, thanks. I really want a streaming screen for chat.23:41
abcde_brandon_, I don't know how to install it, I was just making sure you wouldn't go to the trouble if you didn't have to.  I can't help there23:41
juano__Tim__ did you install the driver at the restricted drivers manager ?23:41
mike3Omnius: I'm sure you just set the default gateway under route. Then the bridge will use the gateway.23:41
btardt1m0thy: lolwut?23:41
juano__Tim__ check System ---> administration ----> restricted drivers23:41
abcde_Codenut, Are the two monitors on Ubuntu, or one Ubuntu and the other on another OS?23:41
juano__Tim__ see if your card is listed there23:41
ZaqioAnyone know how to get Crative Live Vista IM web cam to work?23:42
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CodenutI am trying to plan the system from the advise of the consensus of people. Kind of trying to learn hard lessons over and over.23:42
abcde_btard, With a 9200 you don't need fglrx.23:42
sparkymisthow is everyone?23:42
Kienuri got a problem with suspend: after a restart, i get a black screen only, but with a mouse on it. after ctrl/alt/back and relog i get no wallpaper nor icons on the desktop, but the panels are there - using nvidia and feisty23:42
Tim__juano__, no the driver is installed by default, I can see the network in the network-manager list, when I click on it running the livecd it asks for my wpa key I enter it and it works, when I click on it on my installed Ubuntu it asks for a wep passphrase which is obviously wrong and it doesn't work23:42
ton1Synaptic Package Manager hangs when I try to make changes using the Preferences dialog window. is there any way to make these changes without using the GUI?23:43
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btardabcde_, So it needs no additional drivers?23:43
Codenutnot learn lessons, sorry23:43
kelsinton1: what change did you want?23:43
gmonneratMp5: my friend have this same problem with gforce, but i don't know if he resolved23:43
juano__Tim__ it doesnt show wpa option when you click on your network showing on nm-applet  ?23:43
ton1kelsin: I'm trying to make changes in the Network to remove a Proxy setting23:43
CodenutCan I use the same computer with two monitors??? If so, what do I do?23:43
Tim__juano__, no, just wep and leap23:44
CodenutOS would be Ubuntu23:44
ton1kelsin: When I click apply, the application hangs23:44
mibbitHi how do I diagnose iptables firewall issue, it all looks fine to me but connection is refused. How do I know why it was refused?23:44
jacobcrimsun: can i boot to rescue cd and replace my system?23:44
crimsunjacob: yes.23:44
kelsinCodenut: if you have two monitor outs and a grpahics card that supports both yes. Synergy doesn't let you display things on the second monitor, just use the keyboard and mouse from one computer to control the other as well23:44
rapidCodenut: plug them in. configure twinview or xinerama23:44
jacobcrimsun: without having to lose data23:44
pianisthow can i take out atheros hardvare acces layer23:44
crimsunjacob: no.23:44
juano__Tim__ mmm.... check synaptic and search for wpasupplicant23:45
juano__Tim__ it should be installed , otherwise install it23:45
jacobcrimsun: explain the "yes"23:45
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Mp5gmonnerat oh,now i can't to boot ubuntu ;) download movie and i will goin to sleep ;) and tommorow will test your steps ;) ask your friend if yes -> how .. ;\23:45
Tim__juano__, it's a base Ubuntu install so its installed by default23:45
geck1Thanks everyone who helped earlier, I finally got my sound working =) I had to disable onboard sound from my bios.  next question, I want to change the theme of ubuntu, and i'm looking on gnome-look.org.  how do I know which ones I can use (gtk, compiz, beryl, gnome, kde) its all greek to me =P23:45
brandon_is there anybody here who does know about fglrx?23:45
Mp5and goodnight now all :)23:45
juano__Tim__ weird wpa doesnt show up as an option in the connect window prompt23:46
jacobcrimsun: in other words, how can i do to restore my system in rescue mode23:46
crimsunjacob: it's obviated by my latter answer.23:46
CodenutThanks for your time gang, it seems my system is not working right now.23:46
juano__Tim__ there is an automatic option i think23:46
juano__Tim__ is there ?23:46
juano__Tim__ also check to see in network settings if your card is in roaming mode23:47
Tim__juano__, no, network-manager automatically chooses what it thinks is the right one23:47
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Tom47inga i see you made it ok23:47
juano__Tim__ it should be on roaming mode, you shoudn't need to set anything manually23:47
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Tim__juano__, yes it is in roaming mode, otherwise the networks wouldn't even show up23:47
juano__Tim__ yep23:47
gmonneratMp5: yes, ok.23:48
geck1does anyone know how i can tell what themes I can use (compiz, beryl, gtk, metacity)....I'm looking on gnome-look.org, and theres a lot of different ones, but I assume I can only use one type?23:48
Tim__juano__, it has to be seomthing in my /home folder because that's the only point where the livecd and my installed version differ23:48
geck1I have ubuntu 7.1023:48
Mp5gmonnerat thanks and gnight ;)23:48
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kane77what is the nicest jabber client? (I want to make my sister switch to jabber ;))23:48
MattJkane77: I like Gajim best23:48
kelsindeprecatd: if you don't have the 3d visual effects on then metacity, if you do then the compiz ones. GTK themes theme the buttons and widget on your desktop, not the windows23:48
kelsinkane77: I like pidgin for everything23:49
Dr_willisgeck1,  compiz has its own themes, its the same as beryl, it can also  set up and use the gtk themes..23:49
Tom47!install > inga23:49
MattJkane77: But it's always a matter of preference :)23:49
geck1ok, I'm not exactly sure what all that means, i'll look them up and learn a bit =P23:49
tekteenanyone know how to make a remastered alt. install cd get some packages from a local apt-cacher server?23:49
brobostigononly prob with pidgin, no video, no voip.23:49
ArthurArchnixThe default python program that comes with ubuntu is just run in the terminal, is there some other program that would be better suited? like a text editor with a python plugin23:49
ZaqioI have a big problem on pc, I just installed Linux on my other pc and it can't find the hard drive to boot linux23:50
kelsingeck1: compiz / beryl / metacity are all windows managers, so those themes theme your windows borders depending on which one you're using. GTK is the buttons and other widgets (scroll bars, checkboxes and stuff)23:50
jribArthurArchnix: better suited for what?23:50
juano__Tim__ have you checked the wireless docs ?23:50
MattJkane77: Gajim is Jabber-only, but it supports more of Jabber than Pidgin does23:50
kane77MattJ, what more of jabber?23:50
kelsinArthurArchnix: gedit can edit python files with syntax highlighting, and both vi and emacs (the good text editors) have suport for python and have X versions23:50
MattJkane77: More of Jabber's functionality23:51
Tim__juano__, where are those?23:51
juano__!wpa | Tim__23:51
ubotuTim__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:51
MattJkane77: Browsing services, and registering, not sure exactly what else23:51
kane77MattJ, hmm.. didn't know that.. but I guess I'm okay with pidgin.. and well sister prefers looks over anything else :)23:52
Dr_willisArthurArchnix,  better suited for what?23:52
Tim__the real question still remains, why does it work perfectly on the livecd and not on a real install? where is the difference23:52
ArthurArchnixjrib: Saving files, navigating, cutting and pasting.23:52
boltwhat's the easiest way of putting the bootable cd on a usb drive? i want to install to a computer that has no cd-rom or floppy or pxe-compatible network card23:52
jribArthurArchnix: use your favorite text editor23:53
MattJkane77: See http://gajim.org/ for screenshots :)23:53
Dr_willisbolt,  check the Install factoid site. it has info on doing that.23:53
Dr_willis!install bolt23:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about install bolt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:53
Dr_willis!install | bolt23:53
ubotubolt: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:53
ArthurArchnixA text editor like gedit is easier for me to do those things the terminal. I've found the python plugin in for gedit (thanks kelsin).23:53
lufisWould compiling the latest xorg break my gutsy system?23:53
jribArthurArchnix: you don't need any plugin though23:54
kelsinlufis: why do you want to do this?23:54
lufiskelsin: because the repo's version is messing up23:54
juano__Tim__ try this sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome23:54
ampi have a problem getting voice in yahoo ( Gyachi-E ) ...It says it needs theses files  tsd32.dll and  tssoft.acm23:54
sethkamp, those are windows files23:54
kelsinlufis: how so? If you don't have lots of experience compiling / install software on a linux system, then trying to do it with xorg is probably not a safe bet, esp if you don't know the full reason why you want to do it23:55
sethkamp, they should have a linux version.  At least I hope they do.23:55
lufiskelsin: i know what i'm doing, i'm just wondering if it would mess anything up23:55
juano__Tim__ then this sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart23:55
Tim__juano__,  well I'm currently in windows... but I know that this command wouldn't do anything except to tell me that it's already installed23:55
kazolWhat are some good games for Linux (besides America's Army)?23:55
juano__Tim__ well try reinstalling it then23:55
juano__Tim__ thats the idea23:55
ampI have a problem with the program “Gyach” to run in yahoo but now when I click to get sound/voice in the yahoo chat room I get this message saying23:55
amp“Cannot run gyvoice due to the following missing files: tsd32.dll and  tssoft.acm23:55
kelsinkazol: unreal 2004 and soon tournament 323:55
Q_ContinuumWireless bug/issue: No way to force Ubuntu to rescan for available wireless networks via the GUI - I notice this issue 1) when I power-cycle the wireless router and 2) when I return from hibernate in a different location, without the network I was connected to when I first entered hibernation.23:55
sethkkelsin, lufis is quite correct.  I've been a programmer for 35 years, and I've built just about every package from scratch, and xorg took me three days.23:56
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lufissethk: so it's basically openoffice? :p23:56
Tim__ok I'll reboot and try that23:56
tekteenanyone know how to make a remastered alt. install cd get some (or all) packages from a local apt-cacher server?23:56
juano__Tim__ ok23:56
kelsinsethk: :) no where did I say you shouldn't do it, or that it will 100% break your system, but if you don't have a good reason for bypassing the packaging system, and don't know what you're doing then clearly you should not be compiling xorg from scratch, that's the only point I was trying to make23:56
sethklufis, comparable23:57
sam_can somebody tell me why I'm getting this error:23:57
sethkkelsin, no argument here23:57
lufissethk: i am pretty sure it's not my monitor, because when going to a tty things are fine. The bottom of the screen flickers and there are other abnormalities23:57
sethklufis, if there is a frame buffer enabled, disable it.23:58
lufissethk: well i've been on the same hardware for a while... i'm using a custom kernel but it's just now starting to act up and i've been using that kernel for a while23:58
lufissethk: so i dunno what's up23:58
sethklufis, it used to work without this problem, and you've not reconfigured?23:58
Ominoushow do you flush dns in ubuntu?23:59
lufissethk: nope23:59
kelsinOminous: unless you're running a dns server (bind etc) there is no dns caching by default23:59
sethklufis, if it's not the monitor, then it's the graphics board23:59
kelsinOminous: what issue are you experiencing?23:59
lufissethk: graphics is onboard23:59

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