
cheguevara__ooh libgif :P00:01
Nightrosemhb: don´t expect clee to be fast - it might take him some time to add blogs00:01
mhbas always, the human failure00:03
mhbKDE is relying on people too much00:03
Nightrosewell he is doing good work i think...00:03
mhbwell no doubt it00:03
NightroseI asked him on irc and he added me instantly00:04
mhbthe script that does planet ubuntu is also doing good work00:04
Nightrosebut other people had to wait weeks00:04
Nightrosejust warning you so you don´t get your expectations up to high just yet00:04
mhbthe lifeguard left us! ooh my00:05
mhbplavcik = lifeguard in czech00:05
mhbNightrose: which is why I'm saying it's a human failure00:05
mhbNightrose: you see, the script that does it on planet ubuntu treats everyone the same and does it instantly00:06
Nightrosebut kde´s community works differently00:06
mhbclee's time should be spent better00:06
Nightroseand I don´t think different is worse here00:06
mhbI do think it means "inefficient"00:06
Nightrosein general00:06
Nightrosehehe well..00:06
mhbhumans are always less efficient than machines00:07
mhbeverything that could be done by a machine should be done by a machine00:07
mhbthat is why I do not take part in packaging too much :o)00:07
mhbmachines should do it, not people00:07
Nightroseotoh a little control over who gets on the planet is not wrong i think00:07
mhbNightrose: right, everyone that is a member can be there, and everyone who is a member is a checked fellow00:08
mhbat least that's our policy00:08
mhbone approval, and you can do it all.00:08
Nightroseyea and kde does not have that in this way00:08
Jucatomhb: KDE doesn't have a sort of membership process that will make the process of adding our blogs to planetkde similar to planet ubuntu00:08
Nightroseyou can become a member of kde eV00:08
Jucatobah she types faster :)00:08
Nightrosebut that is different00:08
mhboh, that secret club I sometimes have a grudge against :o)00:09
mhbI respect it though00:09
* Nightrose ponders becoming a member next year00:09
* Jucato ponders becoming a member in 2011...00:09
mhbI know they do not, but if they did, it would be easier for them to do stuff00:09
Nightrosedon´t think that would be a good thing for kde00:09
mhbit is very easy for me to create a branch all Kubuntu members can work with00:10
Nightroseit just works differently00:10
Jucatomaybe, maybe not... you can't apply the same community dynamics from one community to another and expect it to work similarly well00:10
mhbbut no outsiders (without sending me mails, of course)00:10
NightroseJucato: ack00:10
mhbI do have a mathematics background, so expect me to do this very often.00:10
Nightroseso do I00:11
Nightrosebut I tend to see the human side of it all00:11
JucatoI have a philosophical background, so expect me to counter often :)00:11
mhbah humans, the inefficient machines00:11
Jucatoah human, the *non*-machines :)00:11
mhbanyway, I think an a place which has the database of "trusted" KDE folks makes sense00:12
mhbsuch people would have commit access, blog availability, techbase account and so on00:12
yuriylmao @ Serega and mammoth sh*t00:12
mhbwithout needing to register 5 times and wait on some other folks who are totally busy with more important stuff00:13
mhbthat's why I like LP00:13
Nightrosemhb: kde encourages people to get commit access very early00:13
Jucatohm.. I have register to LP, to the wiki, to the mailing list, etc in *buntu anyway... it's not so much different00:13
Nightroseso there is no need for "trusted"00:13
mhbJucato: you don't00:13
Jucatoexcept that we have a membership process00:13
Jucatooh yeah... right... forgot :P00:14
mhbat least I think you have the same credentials for wiki and LP, don't you?00:14
mhbmailing lists, that is valid00:14
mhbI'd like some ML integration in LP.00:14
mhbNightrose: right, which is often a bad practice, btw00:15
Nightroseyou think so?00:15
RiddellNightrose: looks good00:15
mhbNightrose: if you follow this policy, you cannot really coordinate the people00:15
Riddellnixternal rather ^^00:15
Jucatosilly tab completion :)00:16
Nightrosemhb: and it still works great i think00:16
nixternalRiddell: only problem is it isn't installing the .manpages00:16
cheguevara__Riddell, all except 1 debdiffs for main are done00:16
nixternalother than that, it builds, installs, updates, and uninstalls00:16
mhbNightrose: we had around 60 people in our translation team, all had "commit access", and we couldn't teach them to translate in the right places (KDE upstream, etc)00:16
cheguevara__emacs22 is confusing me by having both debian/control.in and debian/control00:16
mhbNightrose: because they would do nothing for most of the year, then unexpectedly log in and start translating.00:16
nixternalI got addicted today by writing a plasmoid, now I want to take an idea and write a plasmoid for it00:17
Riddellcheguevara__: just edit both00:17
Nightrosemhb: ok that is unfortunate - where do you think the problem was exactly?00:17
cheguevara__Riddell, kk00:17
Riddellnixternal: I don't know I'm afraid, it's not too important00:17
mhbNightrose: everyone had commit access, but noone bothered to join the actual communication00:18
nixternalRiddell: I think it may have something to do with the updated kde.mk file, but I had it build to output and didn't notice anything odd in it00:18
Nightrosemhb: i see00:18
Jucato"actual communication"?00:18
nixternalI threw in an echo at the beginning and the end, and both echoes showed up00:18
Nightrosemhb: but i don´t think that is really related to getting commit access easy00:18
mhbthey just asked for it and got it00:19
mhbbut then they become uncontrolavle00:19
mhbwe kicked them all out, now all they can do is suggestions00:19
mhband it works the same00:19
Nightrosethat´s why you have revert00:19
nixternalwell, if/when I get kdeplanet, all that is left is @kde.org and e.V., and I will be legit 100% :)00:19
mhbwithout any fears of a random guy walking in and translating half of the app incorrectly.00:19
Nightrosenixternal: hehe let´s both do that next year00:20
Jucatogood lack you too :)00:20
Jucatoer.. I meant luck00:20
nixternalNightrose: that can be our new years resolution :)00:20
Nightrosenixternal: ;-) indeed00:20
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/00:20
Jucatooh wow! 2nd FOSS/Linux birthday coming up yay! :)00:21
nixternalso is Amarok2 going to build from svn for me tonight?00:21
Nightrosenixternal: probably - if not bug harald tomorrow :)00:21
nixternalI see that KDE 4 has pulseaudio support built into it now00:22
nixternalOK...I think it is a bug squashing type of night00:23
* cheguevara__ wonders about consolekit support00:26
effie_jayxnixternal,  ping00:32
nixternalyo yo00:32
=== cheguevara_ is now known as CheGuevara
CheGuevaradamn wifi00:33
effie_jayxnixternal,  my friend santiago-ve  from the ubuntu-ve board is interested in helping out the development team00:33
nixternalsend him this way, I am sure within the next couple of days we can abuse him00:33
nixternalI mean put him to work :p00:33
santiago-veI am hear00:33
effie_jayxnixternal,  he is not shy and he is a real problem solver...00:34
nixternaloh, damn he heard that :)00:34
santiago-ve<.< nixternal, thanks for the nice welcome00:34
nixternalwelcome santiago-ve!00:34
effie_jayxnixternal, he needs the basics of packaging and bug squashing00:34
nixternalwhat type of background do you have?00:34
santiago-ve(that was a warm welcome)00:34
nixternalgroovy effie_jayx, no better place to learn than with Kubuntu00:35
santiago-venixternal, mainly im a php programmer... know some basics of pyton and c00:35
nixternalit is more than likely about to get hectic00:35
nixternalooh php <- mhb :)00:35
santiago-vealso... a Qt enthusiast :D00:35
santiago-veerr.. i was about to ask the same00:35
CheGuevaraah another php programer00:35
* CheGuevara is happy00:35
nixternaleffie_jayx: we have a super top secret, we would have to kill you if we told you, type project which I think has some PHP in it :p00:36
CheGuevaraaww home come i was never offered that :P00:36
effie_jayxnixternal,  ow darn...00:36
effie_jayxnixternal,  well santiago-ve  will come in handy...00:36
effie_jayxhe is a php guru00:36
nixternalhave to talk to the man with the master plan... "m" to the "h" to the "b"00:36
effie_jayxnixternal,  you are wicked man...00:37
nixternaljust have a little patience as the next couple of days are probably going to be a little rocky around here00:37
effie_jayxnixternal,  I myself would join but I am stuck with MOTU basics...00:37
nixternalwe are working out, actually planning on working out, our Hardy master plan...we have the original master plan, but recent events look to have us adding more to the master plan, but nonetheless, it will be a beautiful master plan00:38
effie_jayxthe GNOME FUD is getting to me...00:38
nixternaleffie_jayx: you are on your way..I read your blog :)00:38
santiago-vespeaking of hardy00:38
santiago-velet me burn my iso00:38
nixternalthey need to chill on the Gnome FUD, but at the same time, they brought it on to themselves...everything with Gnome will work itself out and everyone will go back to being super happy again :)00:38
santiago-veSo actually what a PHP guy can help for the moment?00:39
effie_jayxnixternal,  in the mean time I as a user and outsider feel like the boat is rocking hard...00:39
nixternalright now, not much, but soon probably quite a bit of help...like within a week possibly00:39
nixternalright now it is all merging and bug triaging yet00:40
santiago-vehmm... is quanta involved? lol00:40
nixternalwhatever you hack with would be involved I guess00:41
* CheGuevara feels ashamed to use Zend00:42
santiago-veCheGuevara, the ide doesnt makes a programmer.. the programmer makes the ide :p00:42
CheGuevarabut u know00:42
CheGuevaraits closed source and not free and everythign :P00:42
santiago-veeffie_jayx, can tell you how many ides i can integrate00:42
santiago-vewell that's a point...00:43
effie_jayxsantiago-ve,  well you can check out some merges for kde... I can help you00:43
effie_jayxthe bad thing is many devels will be taking off for a couple of weeks00:43
nixternalI will be here00:43
effie_jayxupsss did >I say that out loud00:44
nixternalheh, I have been in school for so long, all I want to do is hack now00:44
effie_jayxsantiago-ve,  there you go00:44
CheGuevarabuts lots of volunteers are on breaks from real work00:44
CheGuevaraso more can get done00:44
effie_jayxCheGuevara,  that's what I mean00:44
santiago-vewell i aint in a break... but since i have some free time at work~00:44
santiago-vei guess i can come help~00:45
santiago-veand in fact join the team00:45
effie_jayxsantiago-ve,  you work and then you apply for it ;)00:45
effie_jayxit's like getting knighted... ;)00:46
santiago-vehehe nothing in this life its free00:46
santiago-veso... hands on00:46
Nightrosehehe that´s the spirit00:48
effie_jayxnixternal,  got any easy merges laying around...00:50
nixternalif there were, they would be in MoM00:50
nixternalcheck soprano if you would like00:50
nixternalit should be a straight forward merge, possibly a sync00:50
effie_jayxnixternal,  its to get santiago-ve  started on some work00:50
effie_jayxsee how he likes it00:51
effie_jayxI am building the runghc again00:51
nixternalsoprano should be pretty straight forward I think...can't remember if there were any debian->ubuntu conflicts or not00:51
* santiago-ve is watching the screen like a kid looking to a candy00:52
santiago-veso soprano~00:52
nixternalya, I don't think I merged it00:53
nixternalno I didn't...there are 2 minor conflicts in the debian/ directory00:53
nixternalcontrol and libsoprano-dev.install00:53
nixternalif that is a little much I can find another one for you00:53
effie_jayxnixternal,  we'll give it a wack and see00:54
effie_jayxthanks bro00:54
nixternalit should be pretty straight forward00:54
nixternalthe conflict in control is probably just the Maintainer and XSBC-Original-Maintainer00:54
nixternalunless they updated/added a new lib00:54
nixternalthat looks easy, jpatrick isn't around to claim it right now either :p00:55
=== Katze is now known as Shely
=== Shely is now known as Katze
santiago-venixternal, im looking at the first one... and gonna see the other one...~ see which one ill take00:57
* Nightrose is off to bed - night folks :)00:58
effie_jayxCheGuevara,  good night brother01:00
effie_jayxCheGuevara, ups01:00
nixternalk'nite Nightrose01:00
effie_jayxNightrose,  night01:00
nixternalso no more universe freezes or something? I don't see it on the release schedule01:01
CheGuevaraRiddell, all debdiffs for packages in main posted and compile tested01:05
CheGuevarabrb reboot01:10
=== cheguevara is now known as CheGuevara
effie_jayxnixternal,  there seems to be a change in the lib you modifies in your last merge...01:26
effie_jayxnix could it be that the change made it into debian?01:26
nixternalit is possible that we could sync that package..I can't remember01:26
nixternalcould have been, yes01:26
effie_jayxnixternal,  That's what I thought.. santiago and I are checking it01:27
nixternalya, I think I came to the conclusion that it can probably get a sync request01:28
effie_jayxnixternal,  considering the export she is now putting in debian/rules?01:30
nixternalwhat is the export?01:31
santiago-veexport LDFLAGS+="-Wl,--as-needed" in rules to make dpkg-shlibdeps01:31
CheGuevarammm --as-needed01:32
CheGuevaraoptimisations :P01:32
CheGuevaraevening Hobbsee01:32
effie_jayxHobbsee,  you were late this morning... ;)01:33
* effie_jayx considers the aussie timezone01:33
effie_jayxHobbsee,  Hobbsee is never late... ;)01:34
Hobbseeto -classroom?01:34
Hobbseeheh :)01:34
Jucatomoin Hobbsee01:35
Hobbseeheya Jucato01:37
effie_jayxok nixternal  I used soprano to ilustrate a merge to santiago-ve01:37
effie_jayxwe are asumming you are going to go through with the sync... and we look forward to it... so he can see the process finished...01:38
Jucatohm.. I just realized you can't unmark duplicate bugs...01:39
Jucatooh wait.. hm...01:39
Jucatoyou can... but it's not so evident heh :)01:40
Jucatowow... is this just new in LP? bugs marked as Incomplete now show that it will expire after 59 days of no activity? (I can't recall seeing that warning/notice yesterday)02:13
Hobbseethye keep adding and removing it02:24
cheguevaragood night everyone02:48
nixternalalrighty, knocked out some of my package bugs...now it is time for some foooooooood!03:05
nixternalRiddell: I uploaded a fix for bug #154035 if you want to approve and upload for the website03:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 154035 in eog "click and drag to move image only works with middle mouse button, scrollwheel zoom is disabled by default and its option is hidden away for no good reason (dup-of: 120162)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15403503:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120162 in eog "Unable to click and drag picture with mouse - regression." [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12016203:54
nixternalsorry about that03:54
nixternalRiddell: bug #15403403:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 154034 in kubuntu-website "Software-properties-kde required to upgrade via adept" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15403403:54
vorianwerd nixternal03:58
vorianhow goes?03:58
nixternaltrying to catch up on bugs03:58
voriani see that :)03:58
vorianweek after next i will be able to devote nearly a week to helping out :)03:59
vorianyeee haaa!04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdebugs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:01
nixternaldamn, I can never find the link for kde package bugs04:01
* nixternal wonders who is in a wiki editing mood around this place04:04
vorianwhatcha need done?04:05
nixternal!kubuntu-bugs is Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:07
nixternalneeds some updating04:08
nixternalneed to come up with something fresh04:08
nixternalmaybe I will work on that this weekend04:08
nixternalimbrandon: can you add me as a ubotu editor again please?04:15
ubotukubuntu-bugs is Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:15
nixternalooh, heart burn04:16
imbrandonnixternal: hrm no i cant04:16
nixternalwhat good are you then :p04:16
imbrandoni have no idea how to, i probably still have the power but not the knowhow04:16
nixternalyou have the powah04:16
* nixternal looks for the command04:16
nixternalthat was actually kinda funny04:17
nixternal%addeditor nixternal04:18
imbrandon%addeditor nixternal04:19
nixternallisten to me bot when I talke to you04:19
nixternalthank you sir04:19
imbrandonnixternal: had to do it in a pm04:19
nixternalOK, it is showing up..thanks again04:20
stdinnixternal: you should probably add <reply> in that factoid04:46
stdinie: !no kubuntu-bugs is <reply> Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:46
santiago-venixternal, i've got some warnings04:47
Jucatoooh stdin...04:47
santiago-vewhen using pbuild to "build" a .deb pac~04:47
santiago-veof the soprano lib04:47
santiago-velots of stuff like dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/libsoprano4/usr/lib/soprano/libsoprano_raptorserializer.so shouldn't be linked with libm.so.6 (it uses none of its symbols).04:48
nixternal!no kubuntu-bugs is <reply> Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:53
nixternalit sent it to ubuntu-ops04:53
Jucato!no kubuntu-bugs is <reply> Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:53
ubotuI'll remember that Jucato04:53
nixternalI hate that bot, I wish he would ping out04:53
nixternallook at editors, my name is in there04:53
stdinhave you done @login ?04:54
nixternalwho knows04:54
Jucatodid you identify?04:54
Jucato%login I think04:54
ubotuInvalid arguments for login.04:54
Jucatooh there :)04:54
nixternalyou stupid bot04:54
stdinboth @ and % work04:54
Jucatostdin: OK04:54
nixternalabout damn time04:54
* Jucato just felt like a bot :)04:54
nixternalyou smell like it too :p04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whoami - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:54
nixternalamarok2 didn't build in svn!)*#)@!04:54
stdinubotu: whoami04:55
nixternalhahaha, that is what I thought of when imbrandon did it earlier04:55
Jucatonow try your editing cow powers :D04:55
stdinnixternal: you know all commands get logged :P04:55
nixternal!no kubuntu-bugs is <reply> Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs04:55
ubotuI'll remember that nixternal04:55
nixternalthank you bot, now go take a nap, you deserve it04:55
Jucatonooooo! we can't survive without the boot04:56
nixternalwould be nice to have a personal line to dashbot though04:56
nixternalI am always asking him how things are going in svn04:56
nixternalholy smokes, you even have a php quit message....that is just way to wrong :)04:58
nixternalsantiago-ve: those are just warnings for soprano04:58
nixternalwhen you have a debdiff, send it my way and I will take a look at it04:58
santiago-veerr soprano_1.98.0~rc1-1.diff.gz   <-- that file?05:00
Jucatohm.. yeah... why isn't adept in that list of kubuntu bugs? is that a portent of something? :)05:01
santiago-venixternal, well enlighten me05:02
stdindebdiff old.dsc new.dsc > mydebdiff.debdiff05:02
Jucatopfft.... debs.. :)05:02
santiago-veon my way05:02
JucatoI have completely forgotten any packaging foo I had... and now have to setup everything in the vm I'm using :P05:03
santiago-venixternal, no output...05:11
santiago-vethanks stdin for the tip05:11
nixternalsantiago-ve: debuild soprano_1.99~rc2-0ubuntu2.dsc soprano_1.99~rc2-1ubuntu1.dsc > soprano.debdiff05:22
santiago-veu gonna kill me05:24
santiago-vei was looking at the 9805:24
nixternalahh, just go back one version05:25
santiago-vehmm nixternal problem05:27
nixternaluh oh05:28
nixternalI am enjoying a Padron Series 1926 (#9 Maduro) with a 56 ring gauge, and sipping some wonderfual anejo05:29
nixternallife is grand05:29
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santiago-vemkay nixternal question... i built the deb using:     sudo pbuilder build *.dsc05:32
nixternalhow many .dsc files did you have in the directory you built it in? did you use the grab-merge.sh script from merges.ubuntu.com?05:33
santiago-venixternal, yes i used that script05:33
santiago-vei have like 405:33
nixternalthen don't do *.dsc05:33
nixternal*2ubuntu1.dsc would work05:34
nixternalin the soprano-1.99~rc2 directory, run ->    debuild -S -sa05:35
nixternalthat will build and create the .dsc file, which I figured would have already been created05:35
nixternaloh no, you are right05:36
nixternaljust the 305:36
nixternalyou need to create the dsc file by cd'ing into the directory and building it with debuild -S -sa05:36
santiago-vesoprano-1.99~rc2-1ubuntu1        <-- only dir i have05:36
santiago-veso im going an doing there05:36
* nixternal looks05:37
nixternaloh ya05:37
santiago-venixternal, using pbuilder?05:37
nixternalyou made the necessary changes in that directory correct?05:37
nixternalchanges to the control file and what not05:38
nixternalif so, you need to rename that directory like so05:38
nixternalmv soprano-1.99~rc2-1ubuntu1 soprano-1.99~rc205:39
nixternalcd soprano-1.99~rc205:39
nixternaldebuild -S -sa05:39
nixternalcd ../05:39
nixternalsudo pbuilder build *1ubuntu1.dsc05:39
nixternalif it builds fine, then make a debdiff like so:05:39
santiago-vewhat bout that dch -i ?05:40
nixternaldebdiff soparano_1.99~rc2-0ubuntu2.dsc soprano_1.99~rc2-1ubuntu1.dsc > soprano.debdiff05:40
nixternalyou shouldn't have to do dch -i05:40
nixternaljust dch -e to make sure everything is correct05:40
nixternalthe multidistrotools on merges.ubuntu.com do the fun stuff for you already05:40
santiago-vebtw... no changes where done on the package at all05:41
santiago-vei just want to get to know the whole process05:41
nixternalI still think we can request a sync on it05:41
nixternalgo through and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide05:42
nixternalit has pretty much all of the info you are seeking05:42
santiago-ve:p i've been reading iu just see a step... and try try try uyntil i can05:43
nixternalyes, we can jsut sync that05:44
nixternalwhich is good, it will fix my previous botched upload with a bogus .orig.tar.gz05:44
santiago-vebtw... debuild -S -sa      <-- gives an error (and that's because im using feisty... i guess)05:44
santiago-veoh ye... i saw that on the changelog05:44
Jucatohm... nixternal, Adept has a class that's used in Adept Manager and Updater called "TestApp"... and it seems to be *the* main Adept class :)05:49
nixternalthat would be a little odd I would think05:49
santiago-vespeaking of package managers... there's a package manager written in PHP over gtk... i guess someone.. with lots of.... idk of anything... could write it on php and qt05:50
Jucatolots of repeated code as well... app.h/.cpp is repeated inside manager and updater... :)05:51
Jucatono wonder adept is such a monster :)05:51
* Jucato has now even greater admiration for those who have bravely attempted to improve adept :D05:52
nixternalOK, I requested a sync with the archive-admins on soprano05:53
nixternalso did you learn anything tonight santiago-ve by messing with that package?05:53
santiago-vesure i did nixternal05:53
nixternalgroovy...before you know it, you will be helping me :)05:54
santiago-vegot lots of question >:D05:54
santiago-veill be glad05:54
nixternalwhich isn't far off...I have totally forgotten some simple things it seems05:54
santiago-vewell... you tellme what to do... and ill put effort on that05:54
nixternalthat works for me05:55
* Jucato has to start from scratch on packaging again :P05:55
Jucatonixternal: is there a metapackage for almost all the packaging tools you need? a sort of ubuntu-packaging metapackage for devscripts, pbuilder, etc, etc?05:55
nixternalnot that I can think of05:56
nixternalwould be good honestly, actually maybe ubuntu-dev-tools05:56
nixternal!info ubuntu-dev-tools05:56
ubotuubuntu-dev-tools: useful tools for Ubuntu developers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 200 kB05:56
Jucatohm... :)05:56
nixternalbah, k3b in svn repos is broke it seems05:57
nixternalextragear though, what do you expect :)05:57
JucatoDepends: python, python-central (>= 0.5.8), binutils, devscripts, sudo, python-launchpad-bugs (>= 0.2.14), reportbug05:58
nixternalya, not much05:59
Jucatooh well :)05:59
nixternalthis kde4 build better work or I am going to snap06:00
nixternalI will toss my cigar at the monitor06:00
Jucatohm.. make sure it doesn't bounce back at you :)06:00
Jucatohm.. you smoke? O.o06:00
nixternalooh, I see some Oxygen hinting to KDM406:00
nixternalI smoke a cigar every now and then06:00
Jucatoooh new factoid for me :)06:01
nixternalbut like Bill Clinton, I do not inhale :)06:01
nixternaland I only smoke expensive cigars...nothing like a really nice cigar and a great tequilla06:03
Jucatoheheh :)06:03
JucatoI don't smoke (anymore?)... and never tried expensive ones :)06:04
santiago-vewell im out06:16
santiago-venixternal, thx for letting me halp06:16
nixternalOMG JUCATO!#@#!#!#!@06:19
nixternalread the last post on my blog06:19
nixternalfor the kde4 in kubuntu thread06:20
nixternalholy shnikeys they brought up the "KDE should match Ubuntu's release schedule"06:20
Jucatothe kubuntu 8.04 feature kde4 thread?06:20
nixternalare you out of your mind...if anything, Ubuntu should change their release schedules for KDE, as KDE was there way before Ubuntu06:20
Jucatolol :)06:20
nixternalthat pisses me off, and now I see why those at akademy were defensive06:20
nixternalKubuntu would need a ton of leverage power to even think of such a feat, heck even Ubuntu would06:21
Jucato"First of all, Ubuntu needs to solidify its public image as much as possible." <--- huh? what? O.o06:22
Jucato"I understand why Kubuntu wants to delay their LTS release." <--- oh so now it's our decision?06:24
Jucatobah! still keeping mum on this... you don't want me ranting again :)06:24
nixternaloh ya I do..I need your help before I implode!06:25
nixternalpeople like you, they hate me06:25
Jucatopeople are tired of me :)06:25
nixternalLTS is nothing more than sticking a Type-R sticker on your Honda, it isn't going anywhere faster or smoother, and look at it this way, w/o the sticker, people think of you as a sleeper, and when they least expect it06:26
Jucatobut you know what... I haven't heard any of the other distros complain about KDE not having a tight fixed  schedule...06:26
nixternalno, only Ubuntu because they can't get their way with KDE06:26
nixternalhe said have you seen how much Gnome has progressed06:26
nixternalummm...no I haven't, sorry06:26
nixternalit looks and acts the same it did last year, and the year before, and the year before when I used it06:27
Jucatohm... I better consult my dictionary for the meaning of the word :)06:27
nixternalsame with KDE06:27
nixternallike Ubuntu is God or something..that is absurd06:27
Jucatohm.. maybe he meant "how much GNOME has progressed with marketing its ass"?06:27
nixternalhaha, true06:28
JucatoGNOME is undeniably better at people-relations imho... while KDE trumps on the technical superiority06:28
nixternalI like what one of the devs at akademy said "he wants to meet his goals so gnome can catch up"06:28
Jucatoof course... Ubuntu makes it look like GNOME does well on both :)06:28
nixternalya, but if Ubuntu was so big for Gnome, why is Gnome picking Foresight as their distro of choice at the SCORE show or whatever it is in California which is soon06:29
JucatoI was just about to bring that up btw06:29
JucatoGNOME chose Foresight for it's developer thingy thing....06:29
nixternalactually, there will be 2 huge gnome booths, 1 ran by Foresight and the other by Fedora06:29
Jucato(btw, I wished KDE had something like that too... the closest would probably be Binner's daily builds)06:30
nixternalnotice my "friendly with Foresight people." comment in there :)06:30
nixternalya, Binner rocks, but openSUSe has a little more help than we do06:30
* Jucato nods06:30
JucatoI think their build service helps a lot in that too06:30
nixternalbut I seriously think once KDE 4 rolls, we can attract the new people because .debs rule the world!06:30
Jucatoyay to the best package management system/format next to source code!06:31
* Jucato runs away06:31
nixternalhowdy Lure06:31
* Jucato Lures nixternal06:31
nixternaloh man, I think there is a meeting in like 4.5 hours06:31
nixternalI was gonna go to bed early, it is my dad's birthday06:32
nixternalI should go next door and wake him up...if he is sleeping06:32
nixternal00:32, he is still awake06:32
Lurehello nixternal and other fellows06:32
Lureso we have a meeting in couple of hours...06:32
Jucatogonna be a heated one :)06:33
Jucatonixternal *needs* to be there06:33
nixternalholy pipe smokers, he even posted a blog post of that06:33
Jucatocoz he's probably the only one who has had a positive glimpse of the future :)06:33
nixternalJucato: check the planet06:33
Jucatoyeah sow it06:34
Jucatoer.. saw*06:34
nixternalI need more tequilla06:34
Jucatothis is going to be sweet!!!06:34
JucatoPlanet Wars v2.0 under GPLv2 :D06:34
Jucatohm... I need mt.dew06:35
nixternalumm, http://gnomedesktop.org/node/3274  <-- take a look at the author there, look familiar? :)06:51
Jucatowee :)06:52
* Jucato didn't know he wrote there too :)06:52
* Jucato is off to do more work....06:55
Jucatonixternal: you really need to be there at the meeting :)06:55
Jucatoand if you're not there... you really need to be there :P06:56
nixternalJucato: http://blog.nixternal.com/2007.12.22/re-regular-release-schedule-benefits/07:11
Jucatoooooh that's why you were silent :)07:12
nixternaloh ya07:12
* Jucato can see smoke coming out from nixternal's ears :)07:12
nixternalyou think07:13
JucatoI know :)07:13
nixternalsomeone just asked me what Linux distro to try out, and being a smart ass I said "Vixta"07:16
nixternalhaha, when he asked why, I said I was being a punk and told you that because it looks like vista07:16
nixternalhe isn't happy07:16
Jucatoah the things tequilla can do to a person :)07:17
nixternalI only had 207:17
nixternalin like 1 hour07:17
Jucatoand that's 1 more than 1 :)07:17
nixternalI prupose that Gnome follow KDE's releases!07:18
nixternalsee, the distros have it backwards if they think they can manipulate the DEs07:18
nixternalw/o the DEs, the distro's ain't dookey07:18
JucatoUbuntu shouldn't pride itself with its predictable release schedule.. after all, it only patterned that after GNOME :)07:19
nixternaldon't get me wrong, I totally respect Ubuntu and everything it has done for Linux, but it isn't God, and it sure isn't King Kong07:20
Jucatodefinitely :)07:21
JucatoUbuntu isn't God... Kubuntu is :D07:21
* Jucato runs away again07:21
nixternalhahaha, nice07:21
Jucatooh poor GNOME... even FSF/GNU, from which it took  its name, has sort of "disowned" it :)07:22
nixternalsort of?07:22
nixternalthe man who cussed KDE praised KDE07:22
Jucatolike "it's only a GNU by name, but not by principle"07:22
Jucatoheh yeah :)07:22
nixternalhahah, the cowboy project07:23
nixternalthat is great07:23
nixternalRMS doesn't use a GUI, and when he does, he uses Emacs07:23
nixternalyou know, it took me years to understand that, and honestly, I still don't understand it, I just act like I do :)07:23
Jucato(neither do I...)07:24
nixternalhahahahah, that guy I told to get Vixta is cussing me out, telling me I ruined his vacation07:24
nixternalI will have to take him for coffee in the morning07:24
nixternal01:25:07 [      hurt] gonna beat u with my xp cd nixternal when i meet u07:25
nixternalhahahahahaha, pwnd07:25
Jucatooh I so want to send !visternal to him :)07:25
nixternal01:25:26 [      hurt] and scratch u with my gateway system win me recover cd07:29
Jucatonixternal: is it normal that the adept .tar.gz package from apt-get source adept contains a .bzr directory?07:33
nixternalit shouldn't07:33
Jucatooh ok. it does :)07:34
nixternallintian should have picked that up07:34
Jucatobeing Adept, I'm not surprised something went wrong :P07:34
* Jucato pets Adept :)07:34
nixternalsomeone just did a cp -r and not an export07:35
Jucatohm... I'm seriously annoyed that I have completely forgotten packaging basics in 2-3 months time :/07:35
nixternalI did it in 2-3 weeks time, so don't feel bad07:36
nixternalJucato: but that is good though for you07:36
nixternalthere has been a lot of changes that I am trying to learn while unlearning the old07:36
Jucatooh changes?07:36
Jucatohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide is still the guide to read?07:37
nixternalya, with the debian control files, interdiffs, and I can't even think of the rest07:37
nixternalI am still lost on an interdiff, only because I haven't read up on it07:37
Jucatoew... :/07:37
nixternalya, you can go through it, but I would probably scour all of the w.k.o/MOTU pages first07:37
JucatoI guess that's the tradeoff for such an excellent package format... complexity...07:37
nixternalI guesss07:38
nixternalyou should go into #kde and tell troy that kde needs to follow ubuntu's release schedule, see what he says :)07:38
nixternalhe cracks up me up07:38
nixternalman, TheGZeus left a great, actually unbelievable awesome response on Tristan's blog07:50
nixternalhe actually said it way better than I could ever imagined myself saying it07:50
* Jucato checks07:50
nixternalI say we hire that guy for Kubuntu Marketing07:51
nixternalI mean damn, I really really like it07:51
Jucatohehe :)07:52
nixternalhe totally took my frustration, and said it so simply in less than 2 paragraphs07:54
* Jucato is worried why he feels less frustrated about all these really...07:54
nixternalbecause you don't care anymore...you use XP07:55
Jucatoa few days/weeks ago... I would have probably written 3 posts already :)07:55
Jucatoloooong posts07:55
nixternalhey, have you updated your kde4 build on your headless setup at all?07:55
Jucatooh my laptop's gone :)07:55
nixternalI did a headless setup on ubuntu 64, and my god it is aweful07:55
Jucatoit's w/ my mom, sitting in her office... on a saturday... with no one in the office :)07:56
nixternaloh that sucks07:56
Jucatoyeah. I need to get an alternative mobile device really soon :)07:56
Jucatoit's a battle between N810/N800 and Eee PC... with the Eeeek PC being the last resort, and only if the 8 or 16GB model comes out really soon07:57
nixternalI have to say, the eeePC totally rocks07:57
nixternalthere are a couple of guys in the LUG with them, and they are really impressive07:57
nixternalnot a fan of the stock Xandros config on them, but ubuntu or xubuntu on them looks nice07:57
nixternalactually the guy I told to get Vixta, he has one07:57
Jucatoyeah so I've heard. of course I'm planning to install something other than Xandros there...07:57
Jucatoalthough I seem to fancy the Xandros Easy Mode UI...07:58
nixternalya, but it is no fun07:58
nixternalI got that cell phone feeling from it07:58
Jucatobut I'm only going to dare replace it if there's a sort of restore CD...07:58
Jucatobut right now I'm really obsessed with a Nokia IT... even an N800 with OS2008 would do :)07:59
Jucatoand http://qt4.garage.maemo.org/ has only made me even more determined to get one :)07:59
nixternalwe use Qt4 at Motorola on our cell phones, well some of the new ones coming out...but I don't think I was supposed to say that08:00
JucatoI might settle for the Motorala A1200 (Ming) if worse comes to worst...08:01
Jucatohm.. but then again I haven't seen one again lately...08:01
Jucato(it uses Qtopia)08:01
JucatoI have recently become obsessed w/ Qt on mobile devices/gadgets :D08:02
nixternalya, my internship just ended with motorola, and that was pretty fun08:02
nixternalI am obsessed with qt on everything08:02
nixternalwe have a couple of java projects at the uni I would like to convert over to qt08:03
JucatoI wished my brick of a smartphone could use it :(08:03
nixternalthat way there, when students step up to maintan it, they will be forced to go opensource08:03
nixternalone thing my instructor and I thought of, was by releasing the source code with a Linux CD :)08:04
Jucatohehe :)08:04
nixternalthey just won't have access to the DRM08:04
nixternalThank you08:06
nixternalw00t...I have a thank you on my blog post..and not someone telling me to go to hell for once08:07
Jucatoer. hahah!08:08
Jucatoalthough he could have probably meant "thank you for fanning the flames" too :)08:09
nixternalya, but I will take the thank you for the post instead...it makes me feel better :p08:09
nixternalOK, I am gonna go crash for a bit...I will try and wake up in 2.5 hours08:16
Jucatoplease do :)08:16
Jucatoyou're sane views are much needed :)08:16
Jucatogood night! sleep well :)08:16
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mhbgood morning09:22
Jucatogood afternoon (I think)09:24
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mhbLure: as far as I am concerned, I wanted this discussion to be ended swiftly, possibly at today's meeting09:59
mhb(responding to your email at kubuntu-devel)09:59
Luremhb: only possible if decision makers will be there09:59
Luremhb: whoever they are09:59
mhbthey're not really very talkative, whoever they are10:00
Jucato"whoever they are"... sounds so mysterious :)10:01
mhbright, it's mjg59, mdz, sabdfl & keybuk10:03
Luremhb: I did not see that TB really did the decision - they normally communicate their decisions10:03
Luremhb: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/techboard10:04
mhbLure: what we *can* do at this meeting is to decide on actions that we take whatever their response will be.10:04
Luremhb: "In any event, full transcripts of the Board meeting will be published immediately after the meeting."10:04
mhbmy prediction is that they will not withdraw this decision10:05
Luremhb: I am not asking for that - I am asking for open discussion with decision makers10:05
mhbif they do, we can stick to what we're doing right now, gettin ready for an LTS.10:05
Luremhb: like Mark did with dapper delay for example10:05
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 22 Dec 11:00: Kubuntu Developers | 02 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu meeting | 09 Jan 20:00: Edubuntu meeting | 10 Jan 14:00: Desktop Team Development | 16 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu meeting | 17 Jan 12:00: Edubuntu meeting10:06
Luremhb: no-LTS decision is also opportunity for any other commercial entity to take over that and become Kubuntu-backers (like Canonical is for Ubuntu)10:06
mhb** kubuntu developer's meeting in 50 minutes10:07
* Lure has to grab some food unless I want to starve on the meeting10:08
mhbLure: do we have such an entity?10:20
mhbLure: also, discussing this may put some of our foundations in jeopardy10:26
mhbif a company took interest in Kubuntu, Canonical might decide to support its flagship only (no CDs, no Riddell, etc.)10:27
mhbyou know how companies are - profit is all they're interested in.10:28
mhbfrankly, it is my personal opinion only, but there may have been similar motives behind the Kubuntu LTS cancelling.10:29
Jucato30 minutes...10:29
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jpatrickmhb: just thinking about that is bad10:40
Jucatohm... I might suddenly drop off, depending on what time my sister arrives and what time we have dinner :/10:49
jpatrickmoin Hobbsee10:50
Jucatooh krap why did I just /j #Hobbsee?10:51
mhb** Kubuntu developer's meeting in ten minutes10:52
mhbhi Hobbsee10:52
mhbI suddenly realized - it's Christmas time!10:54
mhband you know what that means...10:55
Jucatohm... what?10:55
Hobbseebatshit insane customers from hell.10:56
* Hobbsee stabs10:56
Jucatohm... what's that red liquid thingy flowing out of my chest?10:57
mhbwell long time ago, on December 24th, a child was born10:57
* Jucato remembers a song :)10:57
mhbit was prophecised he'll bring love and piece to all free software and unite all distributions in piece10:57
tomamhb: on the 24th ?10:58
mhbI'm still asleep today.10:58
* Jucato wakes up nixternal10:58
tomasomeone is messing with history10:58
mhbtoma: yup10:58
mhbtoma: not really, that's totally true10:58
jpatrickok, 12 o'clock10:59
mhb** meeting right now!11:00
yuriyoooh meeting time and i'm still up11:04
mhbthe suspense is too much for me, I can't look11:14
yuriyoh wow nixternal is up too11:14
jpatrickyuriy: I found the kdmtheme-doing-nothing bug - upstream forgot an emit signal11:15
yuriyjpatrick: oh, nice11:15
jpatricknow packaging and will have it up soon11:15
nixternalya, I can't believe I woke up11:16
* nixternal brews some coffee11:16
* Lure_ dropped off11:28
Lure_damn Konverstion - does not want to join11:28
jpatrickuse irssi!11:29
iRoneveryone could join meeting? or only members? :)11:29
Lure_iRon: everyone!11:31
Lure_iRon: your input is as valuable as any other11:32
Lure_apachelogger: hi, meeting in #ubuntu-meeting11:32
jpatrickapachelogger: guten tag! :D11:32
* apachelogger is late due to broken kde4 :P11:33
Hobbsee don't say that ;)11:34
apacheloggerHobbsee: well, I br0ke it ;-)11:36
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* Hobbsee pokes sebas12:11
nixternalok, there is #ubuntu-derivativeteam12:13
nixternalRiddell: what I find interesting, is you got that email I guess after I quit that team for "inactivity"12:15
Hobbsee!no kubuntu-bugs is <reply> Major Kubuntu desktop bugs can be found at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs12:19
ubotuI'll remember that Hobbsee12:19
Hobbseenixternal: i win.12:19
apacheloggerbug #9553112:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95531 in kubuntu-default-settings "Change Kmenu icon Kubuntu one" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9553112:24
apacheloggerI'm so against this, I can't even tell :P12:24
_StefanS_is hardy stable enough for a laptop yet ?12:25
Riddelldidn't I close that?12:25
Riddellapachelogger: I closed another one the same, just close it if you want12:26
Riddell_StefanS_: it broke my pcmcia12:26
_StefanS_Riddell: ok, besides that?12:27
_StefanS_Riddell: hal, acpi and so on - does it work?12:27
_StefanS_Riddell: dont mind the suspend/hibernate, I dont use it12:27
Riddell_StefanS_: hal does, I don't use the others12:27
Jucatooh sorry guys... what did I miss? :(12:27
_StefanS_Riddell: Ok, then I might upgrade..12:27
_StefanS_Riddell: to follow the development closer, and maybe even start to contribute some stuff again :D12:28
nixternalsee ya'll later12:28
_StefanS_bye nix12:28
Jucatobye nixternal :)12:28
_StefanS_I never thought I should say it, but I actually find the kickoff menu in kde4 usable..12:29
_StefanS_I guess you cant beat proper research after all ;)12:29
_StefanS_Riddell: is kde4 in hardy still maintained in the ppa.launchpad, or what?12:30
Jucatoit's actually usable. I just wished it were resizeable and customizeable..12:30
_StefanS_Jucato: yep, I found myself using it without thinking that much.. the resizing bits is probably around the corner12:31
_StefanS_Jucato: do you know how often kde4 is updated against kde4 svn?12:31
_StefanS_kde4 in hardy i mean12:32
JucatoI dunno. if it's stdin's ppa, better ask him12:32
Riddellnixternal: did you upload kdelibs?12:32
_StefanS_Jucato: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu12:32
Jucatoah. no not sure. sorry12:32
_StefanS_uhm k12:32
_StefanS_gotta go12:33
_StefanS_see you all.12:33
iRonRiddell: ntfs partitions mounting works in Hardy without any patch if you remove "Mount as user" in disk Properties dialog.12:33
Riddelldisk Properties dialog?12:34
iRongo to media:/, right click on disk.. select Properties12:34
jpatrickRiddell: new kmplayer! (if you can sneak it in): http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/kmplayer/12:34
iRonRiddell: and then "Mounting" tab12:35
RiddelliRon: sorry can't test just now, girlfriend on the laptop12:35
RiddelliRon: but isn't there a way so you don't have to do that?12:35
Riddelljpatrick: sure, I can just upload12:35
iRonRiddell: setting up this property just removes uid=XXX parameter from HAL Mount parameters.12:36
iRonRiddell: so I could remove this parameter if user tries to mount ntfs partation.12:36
jpatrickRiddell: so, how do I mount a channel-takeover? Last time I asked freenode staff they told me to talk to the guy (but he's only on every three months)12:36
JucatoRiddell: could you take a look at bug 119243? I'm guessing it's actually more on debconf's side than on adept's12:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119243 in adept "adept manager & license agreement issue (dup-of: 108185)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11924312:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 108185 in adept "Adept crashes if Java license agreement is not accepted" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10818512:36
Hobbseejpatrick: what do you awnt to take voer?12:36
jpatricklunch time /away12:37
jpatrickHobbsee: #kubuntu-es12:37
Hobbseejpatrick: why?12:37
jpatrickHobbsee: the guy with the access permissions is hardly around12:37
* Hobbsee wonders why every once in a while, he bugs her for access to #kubuntu then...12:37
Hobbsee[23:37] [Notice] -ChanServ-      Contact: TiMiDo, last seen: 1 week 4 days (7h 40m 56s) ago12:37
Riddelljpatrick: I can ask the freenode staff to give you ops12:39
Hobbseehe's alreayd got ops12:40
Riddellwell more ops12:41
Riddelljpatrick: uploaded, thanks12:41
JucatoHobbsee: could you please mark bug 177819 as a wishlist? pretty please? :)12:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177819 in debconf "java license agreement not self-evident enough" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17781912:54
Jucatoer wrong one12:54
JucatoBug #13275812:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132758 in adept "Add screenshots to adept/synaptic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13275812:54
HobbseeJucato: i could just hit it with the "wontfix" stick12:55
Jucatohehe it's up to you :)12:55
JucatoI just triage. I can't change Importance :P12:56
Riddellcould someone e-mail me?12:58
HobbseeRiddell: where at?12:59
Riddelljr@jriddell. org12:59
HobbseeRiddell: sent13:00
Riddellooh ooh, it works13:00
RiddellI can finally drop mutt13:01
jpatrickRiddell: well, the thing is access to the access command, so I can add more ops13:01
jpatrickis there another transition in process? kdmtheme ftbts when it pbuilt fine here.13:03
\shoh...I didn't know that this LTS discussion was so hot...13:03
Hobbseejpatrick: yeah, working on it13:03
RiddellHobbsee: what are you doing?13:04
HobbseeRiddell: making esound installable again13:04
HobbseeRiddell: ie, working around a soyuz bug13:05
Hobbseecome on queuebuilder...13:05
iRonRiddell: I could change call of `dbus-message' with direct call of `mount' command for disks which exists in /etc/fstab, but was not automaticaly mounted at startup.13:07
RiddelliRon: why is that needed?13:08
iRonRiddell: disks which are described in /etc/fstab without "auto" parameter couldn't be mounted with HAL.13:10
iRonRiddell: they could be mounted only with `mount' command.13:10
RiddelliRon: ok, that makes sense13:11
RiddelliRon: but that's separate from the ntfs issue right?13:11
iRonRiddell: yes, it is another issue13:12
nosrednaekimhey, I missed the meeting...are there notes or logs anywhere?13:13
iRonRiddell: but I think it is related to User Disk Mounting bug..13:14
Riddellimbrandon: how did you get on with kdebindings?13:15
jpatricknosrednaekim: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/12/22/%23ubuntu-meeting.html13:15
HobbseeRiddell: do you know who can give a mass giveback?13:17
RiddellHobbsee: infinity?13:19
HobbseeRiddell: they'll need access to the sql13:20
Hobbseeactually, lamont probably has contacts, if he shows up13:20
HobbseeRiddell: he might be able to do it13:20
tomaRiddell: drop mutt for what?13:34
Riddelltoma: hmm?13:34
HobbseeRiddell: what replaced mutt?13:35
toma[14:00:59] <Riddell> ooh ooh, it works13:35
toma[14:01:03] <Riddell> I can finally drop mutt13:35
Riddelltoma: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/316413:35
* toma tries to parse Many a year ago13:36
Riddellseveral years ago13:36
tomai should try that on my handheld13:38
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nosrednaekimhey, anyone notice the new attention kubuntu is getting from phoronix? they didn't used to do screenshots of kubuntu13:51
_StefanS_stdin: you there?13:52
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_StefanS_stdin: any chance the kde4 packages could be built without debug, and leave those as separate packages (not sure if its already like that?)13:53
mhbman the open source advocate got me heated up13:54
mhband it seems nixternal as well13:54
nosrednaekimmhb: who?13:54
mhbnosrednaekim: see planet.ubuntu.com13:54
nosrednaekimRiddell: hey, I'm willing to be artwork contact person. Do I need to be a member?13:54
nosrednaekimmhb: k13:55
Riddellnosrednaekim: not especially13:55
jpatrickHobbsee: kdmtheme ftbts again (same issue)13:55
Riddellnosrednaekim: just contact Luis13:55
nosrednaekimRiddell: I'll do it then :D.... I don't suppose I have much input into what artwork does go in though, right?13:55
Hobbseejpatrick: yeah.  publisher isn't fast enough13:56
Hobbseejpatrick: thought i was a bit fast13:56
_StefanS_jpatrick: what about kdmtheme? I saw some emails a few days back...13:56
_StefanS_jpatrick: still bugging out?13:56
jpatrickHobbsee: it's not a problem, just got flooded by emails13:56
jpatrick_StefanS_: new upstream release13:56
jpatrick_StefanS_: it fixes the inability to save settings according to changelog13:57
Hobbseejpatrick: oh, sorry :S13:58
Hobbseejpatrick: forgot about those13:58
jpatrickHobbsee: it's not a problem13:58
_StefanS_jpatrick: what about proper debian/ubuntu support for /etc/kdm.d config ?13:59
_StefanS_jpatrick: does that part work?13:59
jpatrick_StefanS_: not sure.13:59
_StefanS_I made a patch a while back,.. maybe it can be used again13:59
_StefanS_although someone reported bugs :D13:59
Riddellnosrednaekim: as much as anyone else13:59
_StefanS_Riddell: knetworkmanager works on your hardy laptop, right?14:00
_StefanS_Riddell:( wireless and so on.. )14:00
nosrednaekimRiddell: ok, so how do I get in contact with Luis? (or at least his last name so I can fin him on launchpad)14:01
jpatrick_StefanS_: I fix upstream fixed it ("QString kdmrc = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("config", "kdm/kdmrc");"14:02
Riddell_StefanS_: I've not tested14:02
Riddellnosrednaekim: Luis de Bethencourt <bethencourt@gmail. com>14:02
_StefanS_jpatrick: well thats not the one.. I'm talking about the kdm.d directory.. not kdmrc :)14:03
_StefanS_jpatrick: the stuff in kdm.d gets sourced upon kdm start14:04
jpatrick_StefanS_: well, I can't find a mention of kdm.d in the source14:04
_StefanS_jpatrick: thought so.. we should probably give the ubuntu/debian modifications to upstream.. donno if they would accept it though14:05
\shnixternal, are you involved in foresight linux somehow?14:05
_StefanS_jpatrick: is it for hardy?14:05
jpatrick_StefanS_: yep14:06
_StefanS_Hm i better move onto hardy then..14:06
_StefanS_sure hopes wireless works :D14:06
jpatrick_StefanS_: if we have kde4 in hardy, we can remove kdmtheme (seeing a it's just a backport) :)14:08
_StefanS_jpatrick: yep true..14:08
_StefanS_jpatrick: does kde4 have a new login manager yet?14:09
jpatrick_StefanS_: kdm4?14:09
_StefanS_I guess?14:09
jpatrickI've heard it's installable14:09
_StefanS_havent heard anything about it..14:09
_StefanS_oh ok14:09
_StefanS_I cant believe how cool that videodvd:/ kio slave is ..14:10
_StefanS_Just works.14:10
* nosrednaekim will have to try that14:10
_StefanS_highly recommendable.. and seems to work even better than k3b itself :D14:11
_StefanS_its classic stuff man ..14:11
nosrednaekimoh<_< well, I use kde4 now XD14:11
_StefanS_I still find it a bit slow..14:12
_StefanS_which is understandable14:12
mhbooh, threatening is fun14:12
mhb"From my point of view, this is a serious situation. In the worst case, it might cause many Kubuntu developers to “jump ship” and look for another distribution they can help with, one that wants to promote KDE and not lower the number of corporate installations by bad marketing for it."14:13
_StefanS_not many corporate kubuntu's around anyways..14:14
Jucatowho dat comes from?14:14
nosrednaekimmhb: whose thinking of jumping ship? most of the dev LIKE the idea.14:15
Jucatoour biggest (direct) mass deployment is probably the french gov't... maybe there are others?14:15
mhbJucato: either a very wise person or a crazed KDE fanatic. Depends on your point of view.14:15
Jucatomhb: a KDE fan (not necessarily a fanatic) is always a wise person in my book :)14:16
mhbnosrednaekim: I am, for one.14:16
Jucatobut I was actually more interested where you got it from? planet ubuntu or ML or somewhere in the moon :)14:16
* _StefanS_ is upgrading to hardy now.14:16
mhbnixternal's blog post, my response to it.14:17
nosrednaekimmhb: you are thinking of jumping ship?or you like the idea..14:17
mhbnosrednaekim: well the bad thing is that there's no ship to jump to14:17
_StefanS_I was about to write that14:18
Jucatomy problem with the whole no LTS issue isn't really the no LTS part...14:18
mhbnosrednaekim: there's not distro that prefers KDE and has a non-paid version only.14:18
nosrednaekimmhb: sidux14:18
_StefanS_nosrednaekim: what is that? a distro?14:18
Jucatobased on Debian Sid14:18
mhbhmm, they value freedom too much.14:19
mhbwhich kind of means it Does Not Just Work14:19
mhbmy stance is "pressure the maker into releasing the SW as free software, but still maintain the illusion of everything just working"14:20
mhbbecause the fact that it works matters14:20
nosrednaekimlike Dell I suppose14:20
_StefanS_875packages available... damn thats quite an update :D14:25
Jucatohehe yeah :)14:25
JucatoI'm at 50% downloading all of them :)14:25
Jucatooh wait, how come I have only 500+...14:25
_StefanS_oh my14:25
jpatrickgo us14:26
Jucatoah I think the kde from ppa might have affected that...14:26
_StefanS_ah nice.. I will be done in 7minutes.14:27
Jucatooh mine is in 1 hour :)14:27
_StefanS_at 16% now.14:27
Jucatopfft... you and your crazy bandwidth...14:27
_StefanS_yes, and I'm only getting 1.4mb/sec14:28
_StefanS_should be 2mb.14:28
Jucatonow it's 2 hours... jinx...14:28
_StefanS_hey I can snailmail the cd's to you? might be faster.14:29
Jucatoyeah rub it in :D14:29
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JucatoI'm sharing a (barely) 512kbps connection w/ my sister right now...14:29
_StefanS_I think my remote to my tv uses 512kbps.14:30
_StefanS_oh I just cant stop..14:30
_StefanS_Jucato: http://www.krittersinthemailbox.com/animals/turtles/aspsx133t.jpg14:31
Jucatoadding insult to injury helps :)14:32
_StefanS_yes.. I'm just laughing my ass of here.14:32
_StefanS_sure hope the update goes well14:32
JucatoI sure hope it DOESN'T!14:33
_StefanS_Jucato: you know... Its done now.14:33
Jucato I'm gone14:33
_StefanS_sleep well.14:34
Jucatono. I'm just leaving the channel to avoid seeing you boast :P14:34
Jucatoactually just "walking away" :D14:34
nosrednaekimactually, he's just minimizing the window14:34
_StefanS_nosrednaekim: you can see him? :)14:36
nosrednaekim_StefanS_: nah... but I Jucato well enough that I know he is permanantly glued to his computer... which is why he wants an eeepc so badly14:36
nosrednaekim*I know14:36
JucatoEee PC14:37
Jucatoactually now I'm more for the N810 (or N800)14:37
* Jucato wants touchscreenies!14:37
nosrednaekimsee what I told you?14:37
_StefanS_yes the screen is not that amazing on the Eee Pc14:37
Jucatothe only things I have going for the Eee PC over the Nokia tablets are that it's cheaper (at least the 4GB one) and locally available...14:39
nosrednaekimand it has a decent keyboard, and it runs KDE14:39
JucatoKDE 3.4 ftw! :)14:39
_StefanS_one amazing thing is that nokia for the first time made something where you can tinker with the source..14:40
Jucatoand uses Firefox and Thunderbird and Pidgin and IceWM! :)14:40
_StefanS_normally they just make phones that are full of bugs.14:40
* nosrednaekim closes the window on Jucato..14:40
* Jucato is looking forward to Qt/KDE development on the Nokia devices :)14:40
_StefanS_Jucato: what cpu?14:40
Jucatooh and did I say that the Eee PC uses KDE 3.4? :D14:41
Jucato_StefanS_: Nokia N810/N800? ARM14:41
Jucatoyou can actually already run KDE on the older N770 and N80014:41
_StefanS_sure hope you can compile off the x86 hardware for it then..14:41
Jucatoat least some people have14:41
Jucatoand there's a project to make Qt work on the N810's OS (OS2008)14:42
nosrednaekimsince we seems to be of LTS... can we do another rebellion? mp3 support please? just install the fluendo package, and use the xine plugin instead... we HAVE legal codecs... ;)14:46
_StefanS_wow that upgrade went pretty smooth.14:46
mhbnosrednaekim: is that open-source?14:47
mhbor free software?14:48
nosrednaekimmhb: fluendo is, yes.14:48
nosrednaekimmhb: at least its legally liscenced14:49
Jucatobut fluendo uses gstreamer, and KDE mostly uses xine14:49
_StefanS_but gstreamer is supposed to be superior to xine, right ?14:49
Jucato(not from what I heard.. but...)14:49
nosrednaekim_StefanS_: and GNOME is supposed to be superior to KDE14:49
Jucatothat's kinda irrelevant if the app is tied to xine anyway :)14:49
_StefanS_nosrednaekim: nah from what I know gstreamer is not tied to gnome directly..14:49
JucatoI think he was making an analogy :)14:50
_StefanS_well I think i saw a comparison somewhere14:50
Jucatosomething like "gstreamer is supposed to be superior to xine just as gnome is supposed to be superior to kde"14:50
nosrednaekimYup.... :D14:51
Jucatoaaanyway.. :)14:51
_StefanS_Jucato: got it already14:51
Jucatoyeah, just liked to state the obvious while waiting for updates to download :)14:51
Jucatohumor me :P14:51
_StefanS_seems like the upgrade tossed out the entire kde14:52
mhb_StefanS_: no, it's not14:52
mhbwell it's not now14:52
_StefanS_mhb: ok, I must have misunderstood something then14:52
Jucatomhb: btw, you are still assigned to the bug for adept's crash/error handler. so you might have received an updated I made to the bug14:52
mhbJucato: I have, I'll read it14:53
Jucatoand probalby reassign it to manchicken :P14:53
nosrednaekimhaven't seen manchicken around..15:00
* mhb neither15:00
_StefanS_ah there's a kdm-kde4 package15:01
JucatoI saw him yesterday.... just the nick15:01
Jucato[Notice] -SeenServ- I last saw manchicken (n=manchick@adsl-76-195-223-78.dsl.chmpil.sbcglobal.net) 15h 32m 22s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection15:02
_StefanS_Riddell: I thought you uploaded the debdiff to hardy for k3b ??15:04
Jucatohm.. I suddenly wonder about something... are openSUSE and Fedora going to use KDE 4 by default in their next release (which is also around our release quarter)? Or are they going to offer two sets of KDE's too?15:05
Jucatohm... probably to which question? :)15:06
_StefanS_kde3+4 in those distros15:06
Jucatooh I meant a release/CD with KDE 3 only and another release/CD with KDE4 and KDE3 mixed?15:07
Jucatooh well...15:07
nosrednaekimJucato: even now Suse has mixed kde3/415:08
_StefanS_read up on their wikis15:08
nosrednaekimI think15:08
Jucatothat's not what I meant though.... anyway :)15:08
Jucatonvm :)15:08
_StefanS_Riddell: wireless works in hardy... atleast for my intel 4965n15:13
_StefanS_hey someone fixed the backlight keys :D15:14
_StefanS_gotta run15:14
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* nosrednaekim can't wait to do support for hardy..... uhhg ;)15:23
Jucatosplit -b 2000M Jucato15:24
Jucato(yeah, I'm only 4GB total... :P)15:24
* mhb can't wait to find a nice girl under a mistletoe15:24
Hobbseeheh :)15:25
* Jucato puts a mistletoe about Hobbsee... there ya go :)15:25
Hobbseea little far away, methinks15:26
Jucatohe didn't say "nearby" :)15:26
mhbI said "find", though :o)15:26
tomahe did say 'nice' ;-)15:26
mhbwell toma surely deservers coal15:27
mhbthere's a bad side to planet syndication15:27
mhbif you get syndicated, everyone'll rad it15:28
mhbread it15:28
mhbbut if you don't, nobody will15:28
Jucatosolution: syndicate only a particular feed :)15:28
* toma expects a long pointy stick somewhere15:28
mhbJucato: that's what I do15:28
* Hobbsee is not nice15:28
* Hobbsee impales all stupid customers with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ™15:28
mhbunfortunately, when I write something that should not belong to the planet, noone'll read it :o)15:28
Jucatowell, the LongPointyStick is testament to that :)15:28
Jucatomhb: that's my problem too :)15:29
\shwhat doesn't bleong to the planet? damn...no, not this topic again ,-)15:29
* Hobbsee only writes ubuntu planet related stuff15:29
Hobbsee\sh: hahahaha :)15:29
Hobbsee\sh: nice call15:29
Jucatobwahah :)15:29
mhbmy gloomy mood of doom15:30
tomawho maintains kubuntu planet btw?15:30
mhbthere's no such thing, AFAIK.15:30
tomatime to put a long pointy stick in that direction15:30
\shtoma, planet.kubuntu.de is just me, I'll remove it on 31st15:30
\shtoma, because I can't pointy stick anyone from kubuntu.de15:31
tomaallright, i enjoyed reading it15:31
tomabetter than planet ubuntu15:31
\shtoma, if there is a way of a dns record to point to my ip address..there is a little chance to let it not die ;)15:32
mhbwasn't there a conflict between kubuntu.de and kubuntu-de.org ?15:32
Hobbsee\sh: tried jpatrick?15:32
Hobbseeawit, that's -es15:32
mhbor something15:32
Hobbseemhb: ubuntu and kubuntu de, iirc15:32
\shbetween kubuntu.de and kubuntu-de.orgh15:33
\shkubuntu-de.org is the official point of contact for kubuntu germany15:33
\shkubuntu.de is AMUs page15:33
\shand amus domain15:34
mhbI just thought you could bind them when you have access to planet.kubuntu.de15:34
tomadoes it matter that it does not matter for me on which domain the kubuntu planet is ?15:35
\shmhb, well, when someone is pointing planet.kubuntu-whatever to this ip ... there is a little work to apache2 conf for publishing it...but right now, the state of kubuntu.de is to vague...and I will remove the planet from this domain....15:35
mhbtoma: I just hate conflicts, that's all15:36
\shit's important to me...there are some things which are not clear to me regarding amu15:36
mhbconflicts ruin everything15:36
* \sh would like to see something like planet.kubuntu.org as official representation15:38
\shwell, and I need to use a standalone feedreader with the possibility to filter some feeds from planet...I'm really bored to read crap of mr. rhodes...15:40
\shok I'm writing some crap too...but at least I don't put it into "Important Words with no clue"15:40
imbrandonRiddell: pong, great to read your using alpine, i thought i was alone :) anyhow yea kdebindings-kde4 is comming along nicely, i got tired and fell asleep lastnight before i got done but i can finish it up today15:41
mhbryanakca and nixternal should have gotten a mail from me15:43
santiago-veGuys, is there a kde4 CD, with hardy's architecture?.... i mean... kde4 on hardy :p15:50
mhbsantiago-ve: we want that ASAP, but the CD build system is somehow blocked15:51
mhbRiddell's words15:51
ryanakcamhb: got it16:00
ryanakcamhb: ok, I'll get back to work on it :)16:01
mhbryanakca: I was counting on you16:09
* ryanakca wonders how he'll modify the theme so that it works in IE16:09
nosrednaekimmust you?16:10
ryanakcasee, it's perfect in FF, Konqueror, etc... just not that blasted IE or that really obscuure gnome browser... herm16:10
nosrednaekimcan';t you put one of those annoying things saying "This page viewed best with Firefox or Konqueror" and have the rest grabled ?:D16:11
* ryanakca guesses there's some drupal module out there that could probably just serve text to IE users... no images, fancy colors, etc....16:12
jpatricksomeone going to approve the new member soon?16:13
ryanakcaor wait, he got his membership methought...16:14
jpatrickthe ones from today's meeting16:14
ryanakcaoh, wow. oops...16:14
* ryanakca has been falling behind in *buntu stuff :)16:14
jpatrickryanakca: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/12/22/%23ubuntu-meeting.html :)16:15
mhbjpatrick: someone is pretty limited word here16:17
mhbI cannot do it, for instance :o)16:17
* mhb likes the Feather wallpaper more and more16:37
mhbit's really good, the pattern is not as chaotic as the other oxygen wallpapers, and it's not too bright ... dark blue goes well with the desktop16:38
* santiago-ve is building soprano again16:43
mhbplease please please please let's consider it16:44
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nixternalRiddell: I just created the debdiff to link you to, do you want me to upload kdelibs?17:01
santiago-venixternal, got time?17:02
* Jucato waves to nixternal and jjesse17:03
nixternalin a bit I will...still wiping my eyes from waking up17:04
jjessewell afternoon now ;)17:04
jjessehello Jucato17:04
nixternalmhb: I love the passwords you come up with17:04
jjesseanyone know in kde4 how to set it so knetworkmanager always starts up?17:04
Jucatoheh :)17:04
jjessenixternal: did you wake up extra early for the mtg and then go back to bed?17:08
Jucatohe did :)17:09
jjesseJucato: thanks for the patch, will upload it hopefully today17:12
jjessehrmm need to figure out how to get konverstation and kde4 to do the on-screen notifications17:12
Jucatosorry that´s all I could do for now...17:12
jjesseso i don't have to keep switching windows17:12
Jucatoor Settings -> COnfigure Notifications?17:13
jjesseyeah osd17:13
jjesseit is set for on and doesn't work17:14
Jucato#konversation perhaps? :)17:14
Jucatooooh just upgraded to hardy! now adept updater no longer has the Welcome screen? nice!17:17
nixternalya, it gets right down to business now17:18
nixternalwhich is nice, but it still hops around with the resizing widgets17:18
Jucatogoood good17:19
* Jucato thinks he can mark another bug/wish as Fix Released17:19
* Jucato adds Tonio to the brave people who wade through Adept´s code17:20
jjesseseriously one of these days i just need to finish documentation for that sucker17:21
* jjesse is installing hardy in a vm right now17:21
Jucatoit´s in a vm too :)17:22
jjessei brought one of work's laptops home for the holidays so i could do lots of work with vms17:22
Jucatonixternal: troy seems to have misunderstood17:22
jjesseif i installed kde4 from the kubuntu packages, will i run into lots of problems when i try to build from source?17:23
Jucatoshouldn´t. it all depends on where you install and your env vars17:23
Jucatonixternal: er.. s/troy/wade/17:26
jjessedo i have to install qt and all that from source as well?17:26
Jucatomost probably you only have to start w/ kdelibs, unless something that´s in kdesupport is not provided by our packages17:27
Jucato(wrong version, etc)17:27
jjesseok i'll start with kdelibs then :)17:28
JucatoI´m pretty sure that in hardy, the stuff in kdesupport is mostly covered by our packages17:28
Jucatoand probably already installed if you installed our kde4 packages17:29
jjesseeven if i'm running gutsy do you think i don't have to do kdesupport?17:30
jjesseand will i run into problems running kde4 as my primary user ?17:30
JucatoI think you need kdesupport in gutsy because of an older version of soprano... maybe nixternal can confirm17:32
nixternalJucato: it is backported17:33
Jucatogutsy-backports then?17:33
nixternalalso there are the updated libsopranos for gutsy I believe17:33
Jucatolast I checked it was .98 and kde4 required .99 iirc... can´t recall :P17:33
jjessewhat am i supposed to do w/ that link?17:34
* jjesse is stupid sometimes17:34
Jucatohm... nixternal did you notice that updater seems to still try to load packages, build dependency trees, etc. before fetching updates?17:36
nixternalnope, told you before I minimize it as soon as it opens17:36
Jucatohaha :)17:36
Jucatobut you still have to confirm to apply the changes :)17:37
nixternalya, I will maximize it after a minute or 2 :)17:39
Jucatosmart workflow. I like :)17:39
Jucatooh this is going to be a very very long day...17:40
jjessenixternal: was that link directed to me?17:43
jjessehrmm error in system settings on hardy -- need libpyhon2.5.so17:52
Jucatojjesse: where particularly?17:54
jjessedispaly settings17:54
jjesseclick on monitor and display, gettin error "The module Monitor & Display could not be loaded"17:55
Jucatoworksforme :/17:55
jjesse"Library files for "libpython2.5.so" not found in paths17:55
Jucatosounds similar to a bug in gutsy before :)17:55
jjesseyeah it does17:55
Jucatoit´s working for me though...17:56
jjesseintersting i download thed "current" daily-live, did an install and then applied updates17:57
Jucatoah I upgraded from gutsy17:57
jjessedid nixternal do a upgrade as well?18:06
Jucatoway back pre-alpha1 I think18:07
jjesseah, just curious as to what i need to do to solve this "bug"18:10
Jucatois it just me or are we not using the name for a group of herons for our hardy releases?18:10
jjessewe are not18:10
Jucatothat´s new :)18:11
=== uga|away is now known as uga
Jucatohm... sudo apt-get build-dep adept returns E: Build-dependencies for adept could not be satisfied (hardy)18:22
Riddellnixternal: yeah, go ahead and upload18:37
nixternalOK, I am running another test build really quick and want to see something with the man pages and then I will upload18:37
Jucatonixternal: are you able to download adept´s build-dep?18:39
Jucatowell nvm.. I´ll just check later...18:40
\shnixternal, tell me, are you involved in foresight linux development or something?18:50
nixternalinteresting, KDE 4 complains that xine-lib 1.1.8 was found on the system, however it has problems playing short sounds and should consider upgrading to 1.1.9 or above18:50
nixternalthere is no 1.1.918:50
nixternal\sh: a bit yes18:50
Riddellit's in beta I believe18:50
nixternalheh, I can't find it...I was going to create a beta package to test on my desktop18:51
Riddellhmm, maybe it's in svn18:51
nixternalmercurial it seems18:52
nixternalahh, so debian hosts it18:52
\shnixternal, wanted to take a look...what basement does foresight has? (not the package manager ;))18:52
nixternalw00t...debian has 1.1.9 hg check out in experimental...that was easy18:53
nixternalthey are very small, their basement is currently a closet, but group of people though...a few of them are locals, so that is how I have come to know it18:53
nixternalthey got sick of me making fun of them so they bombarded me with KDE questions18:54
nixternalthey only have 2 active KDE developers for foresight, and both are from PC Linux OS18:54
\shnixternal, and distro wise? was it more fedora or suse or debian based?18:54
nixternalRiddell: we have libxine2 in our repos :)18:55
iRonFailed with Hardy Alpha 2 installation on my laptop :-(18:55
nixternalok, maybe we don't18:55
nixternalyet at least18:55
Riddellnixternal: does that help?18:55
nixternalI will grab the .dsc and build it to test it18:55
iRonKeyboard not working during install...18:56
iRonIt looks like it locks after Synaptics Touchpad module loaded18:56
\shnixternal, so I see you need some help with packaging kde goodies for foresight? ;)19:05
nixternalnot as much as Kubuntu does :)19:06
jjesseRiddell: i just downloaded the current daily live for kubuntu and installed an now when i go into system sesttings -> display it complains about libpython.so.5 missing19:08
jjesseany help?19:08
Riddelljjesse: I've not looked into that19:08
Riddelltry installing libpython2.5-dev19:08
jjesseok will do19:09
Jucatonixternal: are you able to sudo apt-get build-dep adept?19:09
jjessecouldn't find package libpython2.5-dev19:10
Jucatoor anyone on hardy for that matter :)19:10
nixternalJucato: yes19:11
Jucatohm.. strange... :(19:11
jjesseah that did sorry i'm pretty retarted today19:14
nosrednaekimI think we need a press release to the kde-planet... Wade kinda confused some people I think.19:14
jjessewith his kubuntu being lts with 4.0?19:14
jjessejust read his post19:14
\shwell, the press release should be different from the press release available on the ML19:15
\shthe decision: because we want kde4 for kubuntu 8.04 doesn't make sense for the outside people19:16
jjessesorry about that19:16
jjesseit doesn't make sense for some inside people either19:16
\shjjesse, I'm not caring about insider...but knowing how management decisions are working, a different explanation is needed19:17
\shI just read the news on heise.de (german IT new portal)19:17
\shit's so...weired19:18
nixternalinteresting, the manpages just built fine, and I didn't do anything19:21
\sh"The decision to not have a LTS release for Kubuntu, and therefore diverting from our GNOME Daughter Ubuntu, was made, because our developers are concentrating on KDE4. Because we don't have enough manpower for providing 5 years support for kde 3.5.x , the developer community of Kubuntu decided to divert from Ubuntu and not releasing an LTS"...19:21
nixternaldesktop only gets 319:22
\shnixternal, right :)19:22
Jucatowhere did that come from?19:22
\shJucato, that was just me19:22
Jucatoah ok :)19:22
santiago-vec ya guys19:22
nixternals/Daughter/counterpart or porject, something other than daughter19:22
nixternallater santiago-ve19:23
Jucatoit´s kinda not true that it was the Kubuntu community who decided it :)19:23
nixternalya, it was a Canonical decision19:23
\shJucato, developer community...not the user community19:23
nixternalI must have deleted everything from ~/kde/src/KDE19:23
\shactually canonical is right...19:24
Jucato\sh: either way, we/they didn´t :)19:24
JucatoCanonical/TB did :)19:24
Jucatowhat we decided was to go along for the ride :D19:24
nixternalwell, it wasn't our decision, so there is no use crying over spilt milk19:24
nixternalwe can either a) give up, tuck our tails between our legs, and move on, or we can b) step up and not only show that we are worthy, but also show why we are the best19:25
nixternalif you don't like (b), then I suggest you look elsewhere, as I am afraid any other attitude will be nothing more than poisonous to our cause and our goals19:25
nosrednaekimand be a huge help to the KDE upstream...19:25
nixternalI am sure Riddell's goal, as well as our goal, should still be to create the greatest KDE distro available, and now we pretty much have a clean slate in order to work from19:26
nixternaltrue, there are some negatives, but at the same time there are just as many positives19:26
* \sh thinks Canonical/sabdfl/Canonical Management is correct in not letting Kubuntu grow past Ubuntu...1. there is no commitment even Mark was telling so in Wiesbaden, LinuxTag 2006..., 2. there are not enough paid resource for providing support for KUbuntu/KDE Desktop..and 3. Riddell is at his limits and 4. GNOME has a market share in other parts != Europe19:27
nixternaland if you think negative constantly, then you are poisonous as well...the great thing about the Linux community is the amount of choices one has19:27
nixternalso with that said, you either have the choice to a) stay, help out, and keep Kubuntu rocking, or b) go elsewhere as the choices are plenty19:28
\shnixternal, there is no negative feeling...it's business :)19:28
nixternalbad business, but business nonetheless19:28
nosrednaekimno.... open source is not business.19:28
nosrednaekimbecause for the most part we aren't getting paid.19:29
nixternalthe one bad thing though that this decision does, is it kills my marketing plans I have been working on for my master thesis and business plan incorporating Kubuntu19:29
nosrednaekimwe have no incentive to stay other than the fact that we enjoy it19:29
nixternalbut I will act like nothing has changed when doing my final studies :)19:29
nixternaljust don't tell my professors19:29
jjessetoo late already did19:29
nixternaloh man19:29
nixternalthat means I have to start over19:30
jjessehrm when you install ubuntu from the live cd there is a reboot button... why not for kubuntu?19:30
nosrednaekimwhats the use of a reboot button on a liveCD?19:31
ugajjesse: ubuntu crashes and gets unstable now and then, so you need rebooting. Kubuntu never does so ;)19:31
jjessesorry that thought wasn't complete... when i finish installing19:31
\shnosrednaekim, open source is business...a very special one...you can win, if the volunteers are loving you as a company, or you lose, if the volunteers are going to someone else who they love...19:31
ugajjesse: you'll get a reboot button on the final install19:31
jjesseuga: not in kubuntu there is only "exit install"19:32
ugajjesse: then you'll have options19:33
ugaoh, exit install???19:33
ugathat's the live CD still, before finishing the install!19:33
ugajjesse: you're running off the live CD still19:33
ugayou'll get a reboot option on the final INSTALL19:33
jjessei think that is what it is called in kubuntu, after you finish the install for ubuntu there is a reboot option that i can click on to reboot hte system19:33
jjessebut don't for kubuntu19:33
ugasao just select it, and see what it does =)19:34
nixternalit just exits ubiquity19:35
jjessecorrect it should reboot19:35
nixternalI will take a look at it and possibly create a patch providing the option to reboot and see what JR says19:36
jjessehrm still having problems with the dispaly module in system settings19:38
\shnixternal, lol19:39
\shthe virtual world is so weired ;)19:39
\shnow I'm twittering with nixternal ... /me wants to go back to web0.1 were html was html and not photoshop cut outs19:41
nixternalI use Gimp cutouts, not photoshop19:42
nixternalI don't know how to use photoshop :)19:42
nixternalone good thing too about KDE 4, we can get rid of freedesktop.org patches for menu, desktop, man, and then some finally :)19:43
nosrednaekimand we can finally include krita!19:44
nixternalhow is krita in kde4? I thought I had issues building it recently19:45
nixternalmaybe I am mistaken19:45
\shwell, all other people need to wait for a working kde4 with the version number 4.3.x ,-)19:45
nosrednaekimnixternal: works fine...19:45
nixternal4.1 will be an improvement, so 4.3 is a little overexagerated19:45
nosrednaekimlittle slow though19:45
\shbut hopefully kde4 will bring a working imap mail client .... which is not crashing all the time when you have a lot of mails in your imap folder19:46
Tm_T\sh: shame, I already have one19:46
nixternal\sh: don't count on it any time soon...last I heard kdepim is pretty much just a direct copy currently...but I haven't been following their roadmap19:46
nixternalI am considering to Alpine since Riddell's blog post, man I loved pine and hated mutt19:47
* nosrednaekim likes kmail.19:47
* Tm_T is happy Kmail user19:47
Tm_Teven with tons of mails19:47
* nosrednaekim uses pop though19:47
nixternalI do too, but I like the ability of throwing Alpine on my server in screen mode so I can check email from anywhere, with any machine19:48
Tm_TI do use pop and imap19:48
nixternaland it is one less process hog running in the background :)19:48
\shTm_T, subscribe to ubuntu-bugs and try to delete 53k mails ;)19:48
nixternal\sh: hahaha, no doubt19:48
nixternaltry to delete 1000 emails19:48
nixternalall the lines go through, and a couple of minutes later, if it didn't crash, your emails are gone19:49
Tm_T\sh: hmmmm, I do delete few hundred mails sometimes thru imap19:49
\shwell...evolution is not better...so I stay with claws or thunderbird19:49
nixternalhonestly, I think evolution is worse, but I used to love evolution back when the Ximian desktop came out, and Evolution was brand new19:49
nixternalthere was nothing like it at that time19:49
\shhmmm...nice some bottles of water, which were standing on my balcony just explode19:50
nixternalthe Ximian days were really the last days that I enjoyed using Gnome, but seeing as I have been using KDE since its initial release, it is hard for me to realy get into another DE19:50
\shnixternal, hehe...redcarpet was promising..but gnome itself was far away from the quality of kde these days...:(19:55
txwikingerthose days are now?19:55
nixternalI never really used Windows by the time 1996 rolled around...jsut 3.1 really in the military...so seeing KDE compared to 3.1, I was hooked from the get go19:56
nixternalI guess that is an advantage at why I view KDE so highly19:56
\shtxwikinger, I'm now using both DEs depending on my mood..right now I have this very nice mac4lin theme for gnome and I love it, because I can fool all mac users ;)19:57
* nosrednaekim did that to kde19:58
nosrednaekimI fooled people into thinking it was vista too.. that really did look nice too..19:58
txwikingerwhy would I want to make my desktop look like a mac?19:58
\shbecause people told me "fck...why do you run mac os X on a normal pc"...and I was laughing out loud...because those guys were censored20:00
txwikingerit would be better they would use *ubuntu instead of using foul language ;)20:02
\shthose people shouldn't use a computer at all...20:03
txwikingerwell.. I think a lot of people at my workplace should not use computers... however unfortunately management disagrees with that20:04
nixternalso, I had a choice today, I could either purchase an OLPC and give one to a child somewhere in the world, or I could donate the funds to provide food for millions of children around the world, and the price difference was only $50 more, so I went with feeding the kids food, that way there they will be able to survive another day, and who knows, maybe someone got them a laptop to use too :)20:05
Riddellmillions from just your donation?20:05
txwikingernixternal: if they would not throw away all this food in UK supermarkets, but distribute it fairly from the beginning , there would not be any starvation20:06
\shhmm...I think if gene roddenberry was the president of the world, we wouldn't have any problems at all....money won't be needed...information for everyone, food replicators for millions of human beings...20:08
txwikingerAnd millions of contributors for *ubuntu :D20:08
\shbut this is all a dream...even marx failed with this...he just forgot the human being, being selfish ..20:09
mhb\sh: well I'm sure you wouldn't fool a Mac user20:10
txwikingerwell marx did not give an substitution for selfishness20:10
\shmhb, I did already...20:10
mhb\sh: I can tell the system by looking at the fonts20:10
mhbnot at the font "type", but how they are rendered20:10
\shmhb, most people won't recognize the difference...they just want to see the scale plugin and the drop shadows...20:11
\shmhb, but yes, a pro can see the difference20:11
mhbsoo, are we planning something?20:13
mhbyou know, for ...20:13
nixternalnot millions from just my donation, if that was so, I think Kubuntu would be financially backed :)20:14
nixternaltxwikinger: there is a group here in Chicago that does just that20:14
* \sh is repairing some old desktop pcs...and hopefully they are finding their way to the african continent20:15
txwikingernixternal: Getting rid of waste of food thrown away by supermarkets?20:15
nixternalas long as they make it to kids who won't send me spam saying they have 50,000,000 dollars and need my bank account info..I am tire of sending them my private bank account info :p20:15
nixternaltxwikinger: yes20:16
\shnixternal, lol20:16
nixternalsupermarkets have a shelf life shorter than the actual food product's shelf life, so it is all good food20:16
\shI make sure, that those PCs can only run Linux :)20:16
txwikingernixternal: Here in UK there is a organisation of dumpster diver who don't buy any food anymore20:17
nixternalbut the stingy ass supermarkets would rather throw it away than give it away...so this group started their little thing to go around to supermarkets and purchase at lower than wholesale the food they would throw out20:17
nixternalstingy? stengy20:17
nixternalI still don't think I spelled that right20:17
nixternalstin-jeee :p20:17
nosrednaekimit was right the first I think20:17
nosrednaekim*first time20:17
txwikingerwell.. I know at least one chain here who give the stuff away for free on the last day of it being on date20:18
mhbso I repeat:20:18
mhbare we planning anything?20:18
txwikingerbut only tocharities20:18
nixternalahh, it is stingy20:18
nosrednaekimmhb: world domination?20:18
jpatricktoday's meeting's minutes: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~jpatrick/minutes/ (anyone's interested)20:18
mhbnosrednaekim: well I meant something less dramatic and more short term20:18
mhbyou know, it has something to do with the birthday of Jesus20:19
txwikingercool jpatrick20:19
nixternaljpatrick: that is nice20:19
jpatrickno problem, just trying out LaTeX20:19
tomajpatrick: looks great and accurate as well20:20
nixternalI still don't get the "Artwork Team" as it isn't an Artwork Team20:20
txwikingermbh: the only thing BBC had to say today about it was that you can drive 1200 cars for a whole year for the co2 all the turkey cooking produces20:20
\shmhb, not everyone has something todo with this day...but I need to prepare the tree tomorrow morning...before my wife is coming back20:20
nixternalI guess I will find out more next year20:20
jpatrickthanks everyone :)20:20
mhbhmm, does at least one person know what I'm hinting at?20:21
nixternalTOMA!!! didn't see you in here lurking :)20:21
nixternaltoma: someone wants a stellar IMAP client in KDE 4 :) cough*mailody*cough20:21
\shputting "silent night" on the kubuntu.org page as midi file, embedded?20:21
tomanixternal: Hiya! I'm devide my time between #mandriva, #debian-qt-kde and #kubuntu-devel (at least i try)20:22
nixternalyou rock!20:22
\shmandriva is still living? I thought they were closing the doors after they shutdown the german community site20:22
tomanixternal: everything is so slow today20:22
toma\sh: i'm not getting mandriva completely, there is just one user channel and one development-sort-of channel20:23
nixternalya it is...it is my dad's b-day, so we are going out tonight, and then I just found out, there are going to be a million screaming kids over....so I am trying to come up with excuses right now :)20:23
nixternalsomething better20:23
nixternalI am going to suddenly feel ill after dinner possibly :)20:24
nosrednaekimnixternal: school?20:24
txwikingerAn important exam tomorrowmorning20:24
nixternalfinished the semester on wednesday20:24
txwikingerYou going to give food to the homeless20:24
nixternalthat is tuesday I think20:24
nixternalhehe, looks like I am going to be busy on tuesday20:25
nixternalyes, it is tuesday20:25
nixternalI will help serve food from 10am to 4pm, and then go to my brothers for the rest of the evening20:25
nixternalor maybe it is 12 to 4..can't remember20:26
\shnixternal, I know what you can do to serve people...just upload wine 0.9.51 for me ;)20:26
\shnixternal, http://www.sourcecode.de/~shermann/wine/0.9.51/ you'll find latest source packages :) thx :)20:28
nosrednaekimnixternal: wait... you are doing artwork representative?20:29
nixternalnosrednaekim: it isn't artwork, it is the Ubuntu Derivative team20:35
fox-vejpatrick: ping20:36
nosrednaekimnixternal: uh oh.... Riddell told me it was still open and I volunteered for it..20:36
nosrednaekimnixternal: and already sent the guy an email20:36
nixternalnosrednaekim: so did I, but if you want it, it is all yours :)20:36
nixternalI quit that team recently because there was no activity20:37
nosrednaekimyeah, i'll do it.20:37
nixternalk, thanks20:37
* txwikinger misses all the bowl20:40
* txwikinger misses all the bowls20:40
* \sh needs some nicotine20:41
txwikingernicotine is overvalued20:41
* mhb needs some snuggling20:43
* txwikinger wonders why Rodeo riders have hockey goalie helmets now20:45
* \sh sends txwikinger some of this http://wittenburg-web.de/v/combots/p1040533.jpg.html20:45
txwikingerIs that ganja in the back?20:46
\shtxwikinger, lol..no20:47
txwikingerthere was a case of homegrown stuff in magistrate court on Friday20:47
\shtxwikinger, only liquid drugs were used yesterday :)20:48
cheguevarahaha looks like it :P20:48
\shend of business for us at operations...closing down of DC Zafas :)20:48
* nosrednaekim is innocent and takes that to mean cough syrup...20:48
txwikingernosrednaekim: It is medicine against congestions20:49
\shhmm...admins with a drinking problem ... http://wittenburg-web.de/v/combots/p1040531.jpg.html20:51
\shdamn..that's me...:(20:52
txwikingerRecognition is the first step of tackling the problem ;)20:54
nixternalRiddell: kdelibs5 uploaded20:57
mhbhmm, I need a silly advice21:16
nixternalhey, I am great at giving silly advice21:16
mhbhow can you build a KDE4/Qt4 widget which has columns, but is not a treeview or a tableview?21:16
mhbit behaves much like a QTreeView, but without the tree hierarchy21:17
nixternalhrmm...QListWidget? Can you add columns to it?21:18
nixternalyes you can21:18
nixternalI used one for a project that would have an icon in one column, and text in another I think21:18
nixternalsame as what you see in the config dialogs...if that is the idea you are after21:19
mhbhmm, for some reason, designer won't allow me to reset the column value21:19
mhbI set like "3", it re-sets to "0"21:20
nixternaltrying to remember21:20
mhbstill no luck21:23
nixternallet me fire up qtdes21:23
nixternalmhb: what about columnview?21:27
mhbRiddell: GNOME (or Ubuntu, I dunno) has this pop-up when you change the language that asks you whether you want to create appropriate localised XDG user dirs21:27
mhbRiddell: are we catching up on that, too?21:27
nixternalhrmm, I don't even see how to add columns to that21:27
mhbthat's the "View" model, not the Widget...21:28
mhbI must admit I cannot work with that yet21:28
nixternalI know I have done it in the past...I wonder if I just added the <columns> and <rows> in the .ui file manually...I cannot remember21:29
mhbhrm, I'd expect Trolltech to have an easy way of doing it21:31
nixternalya, qt designer is the greatest documented app, at least that I have found...I found little documents here and there21:31
mhb"For multiple columns you want to use QTableWidget or QTreeWidget"21:33
mhbTreeWidget is OK, if you remove the indentation21:36
\shSource: kde4libs21:50
\shBinary: kdelibs5-dev kde4libs-bin kdelibs5-doc kde4libs-dbg kdelibs5 kdelibs5-data21:50
\shit is something strange...or is it just me?21:50
nixternal\sh: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/49360/  <- you OK with those warnings?21:50
\shkdelibs5* but kde4libs-{bin,dev}...21:50
nixternalkdelibs5* follows soname21:51
\shnixternal, yeah...but kde4libs-bin is a bit strange for me...but it's just me21:51
nixternalthose are the actual library files, the rest are the little behind the scenes stuff located in share/ etc/ bin/21:51
nixternaloh man, there are a million screaming kids here21:52
nixternalI am a garage away and I can still hear them21:52
* nixternal locks the door21:52
\shnixternal, remind me to enable pbuilder logfiles :)21:53
\shnixternal, reuploading .dsc and .diff.gz with dh_desktop enabled21:55
\shnixternal, uploaded to the very same location I gave you earlier :)21:57
\shnixternal, the complain about standards version I ignore silently21:58
nixternalkwwii: if you get this message - let me know if you are in town22:09
\shwhy are all people refering to netfilter as "firewall"?22:16
nixternalheh, for Fedora always making fun of Ubuntu and non-freeness, at least we don't put GIF files on our websites :p22:24
tomahasnt the gif patent expired?22:25
\shit has...afaik22:25
* toma puts gif's in mailody's handbook22:26
mhbI must admit I'm liking Oxygen theme more and more22:28
Jucatonixternal is the greatest documented documenter :)22:28
Jucatolate reaction :)22:28
Jucatonvm me.. I´m fluctuating between phases of sanity and insanity22:28
nixternalgif's have expired? /me updates the KDE Style Guide and Templates22:28
Jucatopatent for gifs? yeah I think last year or early this year...22:29
nixternalthe greatest documented documenter would be Normal Walsh more than likely22:29
* Jucato adds the ¨for Kubuntu¨ qualifier then :)22:29
mhbthree years ago, according to wikipedia22:29
jpatrickPNG > *22:29
Jucatohm.. strange.. I´m sure it wasn´t that long ago22:30
Jucatojpatrick: I was told by a graphics artist/programmer that PNG isn´t always the best for all types of images...22:30
Jucatoiirc photorealistic images make large PNGs...22:31
Jucatoor something along that line...22:31
nixternalhahahahhaa, that is great22:32
nixternals/Normal/Norman up there a few lines up :)22:32
Jucatolol I didn´t even notice :)22:32
\shnixternal, if this is the original cygnus code...they are serious ;-)22:33
\shoh yay...it's cygnus ;)22:36
nixternalwould be nice if we could tell some packages to not try and  build on hppa and such22:37
nixternalseems like a waste of resources for a package to start building, only knowing that is will crash out22:37
nixternalhrmm, my xine-lib 1.1.9 doesn't work...kdebase isn't recognizing it22:38
JucatoI thought you were quoting from the link :)22:38
mhbhow to download most of kdebase KDE4 packages with one metapackage?22:38
Jucatooooh 2 big/heavy (no kidding) boxes from the US arrived... wonder what goodies await inside...22:38
mhbhmm, kdebase-kde4 perhaps22:40
* Jucato unfortunately has no idea...22:40
jjessethat's where those dead bodies got shipped to22:41
Jucatoooooh nice!! I´ve never tried doing autopsies :)22:41
Nightrosenixternal: *g* I am missing something in you last blogpost22:42
JucatoI immediately know what that is :)22:42
JucatoNightrose: it´s implied in the 4th item though :)22:43
Nightrosehehe yea maybe22:43
jjessehrm what am i missing?22:43
Jucatojjesse: a conversation that took place half a day ago :)22:43
mhbstart giving free money like he promised?22:43
Jucatokonspiracies from konniving kontributors and koders :)22:44
Jucatooh he promised you that too?22:44
jpatrickjjesse: we're in the same boat22:47
\shNightrose, I thought you are on vacation ? :)22:49
mhbtoo bad they're going to keep the Oxygen widget style just for KDE4.22:49
mhbbecause our apps would look out of place in the KDE4 desktop.22:50
mhbI mean KDE3 apps that are not ported yet.22:50
Nightrose\sh: i am - logged in with my laptop at my mothers house22:50
Nightrose\sh: heya btw ;-)22:50
\shNightrose, oh internet roaming :)22:50
Nightrose;-) yea22:50
\shok...last cigarette for today...and then going to bed...tomorrow /me needs to put some glasspheres on the tree...22:51
Nightrosehehe sounds like fun22:51
Nightrosemy mom did that already22:51
Nightroseeverything is done here - that is the benefit of only visiting twice a year *g*22:52
\shso..time to go to bed :)22:53
\shnixternal, thx for taking care about wine :)22:53
nixternalno problem...still test building it22:54
\shnixternal, yeah takes some time22:54
\shso good night folks :) may the source be with you ... ,-)22:55
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
nixternal\sh_away: uploaded22:56
jpatrickg'night everyone22:57
jjessegrrr anytime i do anything processor intensive my computer f reezes22:57

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