
B4S3Mnivek: yes .... no good :S00:00
nivekB4S3M: What happens when you play it?00:00
nivekOr try to play it, I mean.00:00
nivekIn VLC00:00
B4S3Mon VLC ... nothing just the bar indicator goes on the bar like its a 2 mins film or somthng00:01
B4S3Mon any other player .... it displays a crappy msg abt aXXo and how he blablabla00:01
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
nivekWhat's the filetype? aXXo isn't necessarily a filetype, it's a nickname for this guy who rips DVDs and torrents them. If you downloaded one and it's not playing on VLC, it's probably a fake. Every aXXo movie I've seen has been DivX which VLC plays fine for me.00:02
B4S3Mcan 700 MB be a fake ?00:03
nivekB4S3M: Query me the link of where you got it.00:03
nivekAnd yes. For instance, some people download movies and are told to install a certain media player before they can play the movie. The certain media player is pretty much a huge trojan horse.00:04
nivekWhich is why illegal downloads are bad :P00:05
B4S3Mcant query .... cant identify ma self00:05
B4S3M[02:05] [505] Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register!00:05
nivekAh, okay/00:06
B4S3Mwhat do u need to know ?00:06
=== Xoris is now known as LjL-Mobile
brentphi, in the past, i've used nvidia-settings to set up dual-monitors, however, when i run it now, i dont get all of the options, just a minimal list of checkboxes, is there another apt package needed to see all the options?00:08
nivekB4S3M: After examining the file, it is indeed a fake. Members of the site where you got it have confirmed this.00:09
B4S3Mconfirmed wt ?00:10
B4S3Mthe file00:10
Kozerishello, wtf is happening, i just installed kubuntu, started to configure everything, and then checked memory usage, and omg  from my 1gb ram [ and 1 gb swap]  diz fucking gay eats 800 mB ! im just in shock,  checked proceses, a lots  and every eats 50 mb,  why those asshole even runs? i know i configured and closed, so  just shut diz fucking proces up too, its even still work ...00:10
B4S3Mor tth whole site ?00:10
Kozeriswhen i was on gnome live cd it just ate only  200 mb, and i was configured a lot too00:10
nivekB4S3M: Just that file.00:11
Kozerisand i installed diz shit to my windowzsicked friend too, i think he got heart atack at his home, couse he doesnt  run skype ...00:11
stdinKozeris: 1) watch the language! 2) check the *real* memory usage00:12
Kozerisfuck diz all life, fuck that, my mom hiding cigaretes from me and i wanna to smoke now, omg i just will blow her head00:12
stdinKozeris: most will be cached00:12
Kozerisok sorry , what you mean real?00:12
stdinopen ksysguard from KMenu ->system00:13
Kozerisi mean,  Phisical memory usage 800 MB of 1gb, and swap absolutely no usage00:13
Kozerisyes i watching over there00:13
stdinin there only the lowest band is actually used00:13
stdinthe rest is cache and buffers00:13
stdinit'll be released if any app needs it00:13
Kozerisoh so when i will run like css or cod4, then  priorityty will go on this game yeah?00:14
Kozerisokey thanks so much, but what about gnome, there the same actions and usage still 200 mb?  it just not realising, and  giving only free memory to other apps?00:15
Kozerisanyway thanks so much \o/00:15
stdinyeah, different apps report memory usage differently00:15
Kozerisoh key , very nice, thank you so much, Kkozeris!00:16
Aloneanivek: if you were wondering, I got it on and now my laptop no longer is overheating. w00t.00:17
nivekAlonea: Well done. Glad I could help.00:19
Aloneanivek: glad you did. I had been searching for a page with decent pictures for a while. some pages made it seem like the vent looking thing was what you were supposed to glue! not the silver square...00:22
=== Jucato is now known as Jucato_
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
=== brad__ is now known as ki4slw
ki4slw07:34:23 PM: xine: couldn't find demux for >/home/brad/Juno.REAL AXXO TEAM.DVDRIP.ENG.avi< WHAT DOES THISE MEAN00:38
KalElhelp please, when i start gnome-appearance-properties it says: Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "22x22/apps/khelpcenter.png"00:39
Schuenemannhow do I upgrade to KDE 3.5.8?00:40
LjL-MobileSchuenemann: are you on gutsy?00:42
SchuenemannLjL-Mobile, feisty00:42
LjL-MobileSchuenemann: i think it's in backports00:42
LjL-MobileSchuenemann: perhaps you may want to consider upgrading to gutsy, anyway.00:43
SchuenemannI will, but I can't right now00:43
LjL-MobileSchuenemann: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-358.php00:43
SchuenemannLjL-Mobile, what is the package name?00:43
JucatoSchuenemann: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-358.php00:43
Jucatoinstructions are there :)00:43
LjL-MobileJucato: it's possible they're just in backports now though00:44
Jucatowe can always check :)00:44
Jucato!info kdebase feisty-backports00:44
ubotuPackage kdebase does not exist in feisty-backports00:44
=== ki4slw is now known as ki4slw_
k4everhi all00:45
SchuenemannI'm trying00:46
k4evercan someone point me to a good how-to on getting aiglx working right with ati's fglrx 8.43 and kubuntu 7.1000:46
JucatoSchuenemann: basically you just add the repository, and update your system.00:46
SchuenemannJucato, I need that authentication key00:47
ki4slw_<ki4slw> 07:34:23 PM: xine: couldn't find demux for >/home/brad/Juno.REAL AXXO TEAM.DVDRIP.ENG.avi< WHAT DOES THISE MEAN00:47
JucatoSchuenemann: yeah. the linik to that key is there too00:47
Jucato"Jonathan Riddell's key"00:47
Jucatoooops sorry for the highlight Riddell :P00:48
Jucato!register | ki4slw_00:48
ubotuki4slw_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration00:48
Jucato!caps | ki4slw_00:48
ubotuki4slw_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:48
neville /msg nickserv register password ?00:48
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=== ross is now known as scottishmeerkat
SchuenemannJucato, when you click full upgrade, where do you see changes?00:52
Schuenemannbefore applying00:52
Jucatoclick on Review Changes00:52
Schuenemanndoh, so easy00:53
Schuenemannbut there is KDE there00:53
Schuenemannjust some random applications00:53
Schuenemannsome that I don't even have, like kadressbook00:54
ki4slw_is there a good avi player besides kaffiene00:54
SchuenemannJucato, sorry, nevermind00:55
albertoBrand new install via PXE. authentication failed for kerneo packages. Did the keys change?00:55
Schuenemannki4slw_, kaffeine is my favorite, but there's mplayer, vlc...00:55
ki4slw_but kaffine will not play my moves00:56
Schuenemannki4slw_, why not?00:58
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: kaddressbook is part of kontact,just like kmail01:00
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, yeah, but, I don't have any01:00
SchuenemannI use thunderbird01:00
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: you uninstalled kontact?01:01
nosrednaekimso you do nothave the kubuntu-desktop metapackage installed?01:01
Schuenemannhuh... I installed kubuntu01:02
shaffydoes anyone know of a program to convert wav to mp3?01:03
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, you only need that metapackage if you install ubuntu, xubuntu or something else?01:03
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: its also helpful for upgrades.01:03
nosrednaekimshaffy: lame01:03
shaffynosrednaekim: i'm guessing that there is no GUI for, correct?01:03
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, what will it do?01:04
Jucatoshaffy: audacity01:04
Schuenemannshaffy, kaudiocreator has GUI01:04
nosrednaekimshaffy: kaudiokreator might work...01:04
shaffyperfect, thanks guys.01:04
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: what will what do?01:04
shaffymuch appreciated.01:04
Schuenemannnosrednaekim, what is kubuntu-desktop for?01:04
Jucatodoesn't kaudiocreator just rip CD's?01:04
SchuenemannJucato, it has an option for file, though I never used it01:05
nosrednaekimSchuenemann: it installed a bunch of reccomended packages that make up the desktop, and I *believe* that its helpful for upgrades01:05
JucatoSchuenemann: it's a metapackage that makes sure the kubuntu default set of packages are installed, ensuring that the necessary packages are there, which makes sure that what needs to be upgraded is upgraded01:05
SchuenemannI thought it was installed by default01:06
Jucatoalthough it's not 100% necessary when simply doing updates... but dist-upgrades to another version is another storry01:06
JucatoSchuenemann: it is, until you remove a package that's installed by default :)01:06
Jucato(like kaddressbook...)01:06
Schuenemannwell, I'll cancel my upgrade and install it then01:07
Schuenemannis it worth?01:07
Jucatohm... personally, I don't think it's necessary in this case....01:07
ace_suaresIt turns out that grub made all /dev/md3 into /dev/md2 and this is not a kernel bug. It is related to the upgrade tough, and might be filed as a bug in itself. Also, the nvidia driver suddenly seems to be missing.01:08
Schuenemannmeh... I'll remove kaddressbook later then01:08
k4everi'm having issues with compiz-fusion and fglrx/aiglx in kubuntu 7.10.  when i run compiz --replace compiz starts up fine and everything works well, but i can't move my windows01:11
Schuenemann!libxine-extracodecs > ki4slw_01:13
JucatoSchuenemann: that package no longer exists in gutsy though...01:14
Jucatoit's superceded by libxine1-ffmpeg, or better yet, kubuntu-restricted-extras01:15
Jucatok4ever: try asking in #compiz-fusion01:15
k4everdon't know if i should ask for help here, in #compiz-fusion, or #ati channel.   i haven't had problems with an other distro.   i'm using ati's latest driver01:15
k4everjucato:  thanks will try there01:15
phoenixzAfter quite a bit of tweaking, I got dualhead to work on my dell latitude d620 laptop.. problem only is now that a) the laptop screen is 4:3 while the lcd screen itself is 16:9 format, and b) I have no more direct rendering.. so compiz isnt working either..01:17
phoenixzI first used the "intel" video driver without problems, but this driver crashes in dual mode.. So Im using the "i810" driver now01:17
phoenixzbut I dont have direct draw..01:18
phoenixzdoes anybody have a clue on how to fix this one?01:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:21
phoenixzunix_infidel, You available for a minute?01:22
unix_infidelphoenixz: yea...sorry about earlier.01:23
phoenixzunix_infidel, NP..01:23
phoenixzunix_infidel, Im just asking since you said you never had any problems01:23
unix_infideldid acpi tools work for you?01:23
unix_infidelapt-cache search *acpi*01:23
unix_infidelwith the wildcards01:24
phoenixzunix_infidel, right now, after lots of manual xorg.conf tweaking (yeah, got backups)01:24
unix_infidelphoenixz: well did you try connecting the vga device. then doing a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?01:24
phoenixzunix_infidel, one sec01:25
unix_infidelit should create a default xorg.conf for that setup.01:25
phoenixzunix_infidel, right now, after lots of manual xorg.conf tweaking (yeah, got backups) I got 2 monitors to work.. even the fn-F8 works (don't ask me how that worked, it suddenly did)01:25
phoenixzunix_infidel, problem is that Im having a few side effects01:26
phoenixzunix_infidel, 1) I had to use the i810 driver, not the intel... dunno if thats a problem01:26
phoenixzwith that01:26
phoenixzunix_infidel, first, my screen is 4:3 and not 16:9 as the laptop screen is.. I figure thats a resolution thing I can fix quite easily, im not too worried (yet) about it01:26
unix_infidelphoenixz: i810 = intel chipset video driver.01:26
tininHow could I change file associations in firefox, (to open a file with a different program)?01:27
phoenixzunix_infidel, yeah, I know.. "intel" as well.. what are the differences?01:27
unix_infidelphoenixz: nothing really.01:27
phoenixzunix_infidel, for one, the "intel" driver crashes on the config I have right now01:27
phoenixz(I'll paste it in a second)01:27
unix_infideljust a chipset specific driver iirc.01:27
phoenixzunix_infidel, bigger problem is: no more direct rendering..01:27
phoenixzunix_infidel, so no compiz01:28
phoenixzunix_infidel, i810 supports direct rendering?01:28
unix_infidelphoenixz: yea, that's expected, compiz is fairly experimental.01:28
phoenixzunix_infidel, well compiz yeah, but on a lower level its not working either01:28
phoenixzunix_infidel, as in, when I do a glxinfo | grep direct I get this:01:28
unix_infidelphoenixz: it seems after a quick google people are getting 3d rendering with i810.01:29
phoenixzdirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)01:29
phoenixzunix_infidel, so how can I find out why direct rendering is not working in this case?01:30
unix_infidelno idea.01:30
unix_infidelI usually dont mess with anything besides nvidia when it comes to 3d.01:30
phoenixzunix_infidel, I know, but this was not my choice :P01:30
phoenixzanother thing then...01:31
phoenixzunix_infidel, the image on the external monitor is... jiggy... its like there is some sort of disruption in the signal01:31
phoenixzunix_infidel, normally I'd think its a cable thing, but Ive seen it on another similar laptop with debian as well..01:31
phoenixzwhile windows versions are working normally01:31
unix_infidelmodify the xorg.conf to work with that projector.01:32
phoenixzunix_infidel, could this be a driver problem as well?01:32
unix_infidelphoenixz: depends, was it working fine with "intel"01:32
bmk789is there a good way to setup a proxy server i can relay all web traffic through01:32
phoenixzunix_infidel, I haven't connected the projector yet ;) I'll do that once all is working ok01:32
phoenixzunix_infidel, its not working at all with the intel driver, the intel driver crashes on this dual configuration i have01:32
phoenixzunix_infidel, also, I have clone mode.. is there any way to have dual screen?01:33
unix_infidelphoenixz: I realized long ago.  Servers and Desktops with VERY specific hardware are keys to running linux.01:33
mrdigital-laptopwhats the latest STABLE known working video driver for NVidia?01:34
unix_infidelLaptops are fairly finicky and should be used sparingly with nonstandard setsups.01:34
phoenixzunix_infidel, supposedly, linux ought to run pretty well on most hardware by now, not?01:34
unix_infidelphoenixz: for the same reason mac doesnt run well on most hardware.01:35
sourcemakercan I enable deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-backports main universe multiverse restricted without getting in trouble01:35
sourcemaker= Kubuntu backports01:35
phoenixzwell, mac is restricted on purpose.. :)01:36
Jucatosourcemaker: you'll probably run into some trouble once in a while perhaps01:36
sourcemakerJucato: well.... ok01:38
mrdigital-laptopanyone know the answer to my question ll01:38
phoenixzunix_infidel, okay, thanks for the help so far!01:38
phoenixzunix_infidel, If I make any advances, I'll let ya know01:38
unix_infidelphoenixz: please do.01:38
unix_infidelphoenixz: I have a thinkpad with a dock that connects to an external screen.01:39
sourcemakermrdigital-laptop: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run .... from the nvidia page :-)01:39
Jucato!info nvidia-glx-new01:39
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (gutsy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB01:39
unix_infidelI'd like to think there's a way to make xinerama work with the dock + external vga.01:39
unix_infidelBut I gave up because it was poorly documented and not easy to work with.01:39
mrdigital-laptopsourcemaker: clean install of gusty what do i do01:39
mrdigital-laptopfirst time at KDE desktop01:39
sourcemakermrdigital-laptop: ok... use apt01:40
mrdigital-laptopso sudo apt-get  now what01:40
sourcemaker!nvidia |mrdigital-laptop01:41
ubotumrdigital-laptop: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:41
Jucatoif it's your first time, it's best to stick to the Ubuntu-provided drivers01:41
mrdigital-laptopall it says is nvidia-glx-new01:41
mrdigital-laptopi cant i need OpenGL01:41
sourcemakersudo apt-get install  nvidia-glx-new01:42
mrdigital-laptopdidnt work when i had 7.0401:42
Jucatomrdigital-laptop: Ubuntu provides nvidia drivers with 3d acceleration01:42
mrdigital-laptopshould it work in 7.10?01:42
Jucatoit should work in 7.04 and 7.10.. perhaps you just didn't set it up properly?01:42
mrdigital-laptopwhat i did was clean install of 7.0401:42
mrdigital-laptopsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new01:43
mrdigital-laptopisntalled rebooted01:43
mrdigital-laptopXserver cant load01:43
mrdigital-laptopnvidia api mismatch01:43
NickPrestaperhaps I'm mistaken. Wasn't there an "empty trash" button when viewing the trash bin?01:43
Jucatomrdigital-laptop: you need to install linux-restricted-modules-generic too. but in Gutsy, you can just try to go to K Menu -> System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Restricted Manager01:44
mrdigital-laptopok thanks01:44
mrdigital-laptopwhat do i do in gusty step for step01:45
Jucatodid you try using the Restricted Managers already?01:45
mrdigital-laptopno im downloading 7.1001:45
JucatoNickPresta: where?01:45
Jucatomrdigital-laptop: try it when it's installed. it automates installing binary drivers like Nvidia01:46
tzdis there a way to minimize Kontact to tray when clicking the close button in the upper left corner please?01:47
Jucatotzd: not directly, but if one of the sub-apps in Kontact is running its system tray, you can do that01:47
NickPrestaJucato, I'm not sure. I opened up the trash bin in D3lphin and I don't see an "empty trash" action. Perhaps it never existed, I'm not sure.01:47
JucatoNickPresta: never existed. I had to put in a right-click menu to empty the trash last time :)01:48
Jucatoyou can right-click in any empty space in the Trash01:48
NickPrestaJucato, ah okay. Thanks for the sanity check :)01:48
JucatoNickPresta: everyone is sane. only D3lphin isn't :P01:48
tzdJucato: hmm I've got the Korganizers daemon reminder thingie running there already but every time i click on the "X" when i have Kontact up it closes. When i press the minimize button it just minimizes. What am i doing wrong?01:49
Jucatotzd: the korganizer reminder daemon isn't really the best one to use. try kmail's or akregators ;)01:50
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
tzdJucato: Aaaah yeah, now we're talking :) Nice! Thanks a lot as always! :) Where do you livev by the way? You've been on here longer than I have and it's way past bedtime for me ^^01:52
JucatoPhilippines :P01:53
tzdJucato: It's almost like you only see daylight 24/7 there ;P01:53
tzdJucato: so what time is it in the Philippines? 7-8 pm?01:54
JucatoThu Jan  3 09:54:17 PHT 200801:54
tzdeeh...hmm oops... philippines is in the SE Asia... gah, for a second i thought it was next to Hawaii :(01:55
tzdJucato: have a splendid day mate, im off to bed! thanks again01:55
Jucatobye! good night01:56
=== brad__ is now known as ki4slw_
mrdigital-laptopso anyone here use linuxMCE?01:57
Schuenemanndamn... these updates are taking long01:59
hoxtonhopperanyone else tuning in to the Linux Link Tech Show here? Aaron Seigo's talking about KDE4 right now -- http://www.tllts.org/02:01
bmk789dont raid other rooms for linuxMCE help02:14
Schuenemannwhat the.. after the whole download it says there was an error02:15
Schuenemannthe whole update02:15
SchuenemannThere was an error during updates. Possibly there was a problem in the download of some packages or the update would break packages.02:17
Kernelhas anyone used kgpg?. im trying to set it up and it cant make keys..it errors.02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kgpg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:26
unix_infidelKernel: just use the command line gpg program.02:27
unix_infidelif you want help with kgpg post errors.02:27
unix_infidelbut like i said the command line program will give you more verbose errors.02:28
Kernelhmm. im not very familier with gpg02:28
Kernellet me pastebin the error02:29
=== theadministrator is now known as DarkTan
=== DarkTan is now known as DarkTan_
Kerneland im starting kgpg with user roob02:30
DarkTan_ok, i have folowed the gutsy specific directiong on the wireless card. My wifi light it light up on my laptop and the restricted drivers manager says it is in use and the network connection manager says that it is enabled02:30
DarkTan_but i can't connect to my network02:30
DarkTan_no wep or wpa on the router either02:31
TonrenHey dudes, can anyone explain the error I'm getting in k3b when I try to burn a DVD ISO image?  http://rafb.net/p/ZAVGB065.html02:32
TonrenUh... anyone there?02:35
DarkTan_kinda what i'm wondering......02:36
intelikeythere ?02:36
intelikeyclock out of sync  offset 21596 seconds   ;/02:42
DarkTan_how do i make flash not crash everytime it tires to work?02:42
tribaldataHi guys anyone could tell me if there is something better then the wireless assistant ??02:44
intelikey!flash | DarkTan_ i don't know.  maybe look here.02:44
ubotuDarkTan_ i don't know.  maybe look here.: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:44
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.02:44
DarkTan_ok, i have gutsy now, so dapper and edgy backports won;t help me will they?02:45
=== nando is now known as nandolinuxmaniac
nandolinuxmaniachola!, me pueden dar la direccion de los canales en español de ubuntu y kubuntu?02:45
NickPresta!es | nandolinuxmaniac02:46
ubotunandolinuxmaniac: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:46
intelikeyDarkTan_ no02:46
DarkTan_didn't think so, would you be able to assist me with my wifi?02:46
intelikeyDarkTan_ no.  i don't have any experance with wireless.   (i don't believe in it.)02:46
DarkTan_lol, gonna try a suggestion someone gave me then02:47
DarkTan_if i can't fix flash, can i atleast make the kde crash handler shut up?02:48
tribaldataDarkTan_: if you do manage to find that one out pass it along over here :)02:48
DarkTan_i take it linux doesn't has a msconfig type program?02:49
tribaldataHi guys anyone could tell me if there is something better then the wireless assistant ?? Anything one of you would recommend ?02:49
NickPrestaDarkTan_, what are you trying to accomplish?02:50
tribaldataDarkTan_: humm there is the system config type of thing but no msconfig that i know02:50
intelikeyno.   but a lot (most) apps use some sort of runtime configuration file DarkTan_    .blah.rc02:50
DarkTan_i want the kde crash handle to stfu and quit telling flash is broke02:50
Kernelany one have any ideas about this http://pastebin.com/m724ddc4e im trying to use kgpg02:50
NickPrestaDarkTan_, I'm not sure there is a way to silence a crash notification. What triggers the notification?02:51
intelikeyDarkTan_ ummm maybe remove flash ?02:51
* DarkTan_ slaps himsefl02:51
DarkTan_why didn't i think of that?02:51
tribaldataomg lol02:52
DarkTan_odd....according to adept, flash isn't installed.....02:53
NickPrestaDarkTan_, how did you install it?02:53
DarkTan_i could have sworw i used adept to install it02:53
DarkTan_flashplugin-nonfree was the one i though i installed02:54
DarkTan_bah, i figure out that one later02:54
DarkTan_ok, gona reboot and see if the wifi works02:55
sunflower_kissthe file dialog in firefox sucks :-(    is there any way to get firefox to use the native file dialog03:01
unix_infidelsunflower_kiss: you mean the dialog used in windows explorer?03:02
unix_infidelor atleast something similar :-P03:02
JucatoI think he means the KDE file dialog :)03:02
hoxtonhopperdo you not like konqueror, sunflower_kiss?03:02
Jucato(or at least I hope so)03:02
unix_infidelJucato: well most anything is better than the way firefox's filemanagement application works.03:03
hoxtonhopperfor me konqueror is my default web browser, and firefox is the backup in case of compatibility trouble03:03
unix_infideli just default everything to home and mv as necessary.03:03
Jucatos/filemanagement/file dialog/ :)03:03
sunflower_kisshoxtonhopper: no, I tried konqueror, but it doesn't work very well... I couldn't even log into gmail03:04
Jucatohm... firefox isn't a file manager :)03:04
unix_infidelJucato: could be.03:04
sunflower_kissJucato: no, I'm just talking about the dialog to load a file03:05
sunflower_kissJucato: yes, that's right, I want firefox to use the KDE filedialog03:06
chadwickhow do u get lime wire to work?03:06
NickPrestachadwick, I would use Frostwire. It's much better.03:07
sunflower_kissJucato:  you said "s/filemanagement/file dialog/ :)"03:07
chadwickeither way how do i install it?03:07
Jucatosunflower_kiss: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32782803:08
sunflower_kissJucato: what do you mean?03:08
NickPrestachadwick, with frostwire, go to their website (frostwire.com), download the deb file and then click on it in D3lphin. It should prompt you to install03:08
Jucatosunflower_kiss: that was for unix_infidel anyway... it's basically a sed/vim command for "search and replace" in short03:08
Jucato!frostwire | chadwick03:08
ubotuchadwick: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:08
Jucato!limewire | chadwick03:08
ubotuchadwick: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.03:08
sunflower_kissJucato: thank you :-)03:08
Jucatosunflower_kiss: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KGtk+for+Kubuntu+Feisty?content=6731503:09
Jucatoand others: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntegrateFirefoxWithKDE03:09
=== theadministrator is now known as DarkTan_
DarkTan_w00t! wireless works and that irrating admind mode crash went way03:10
b0nncan anyone point me to a how to for changing the splash image that is displayed whilst Kubuntu boots?03:12
tribaldata!splashscreen | b0nn03:12
ubotub0nn: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.03:12
b0nnIve just followed one and ended up changing grubs splash image, which isnt quite what I want03:12
tribaldatadoh for gnome03:13
chadwickdarkyan i think i knlow u03:13
b0nnI followed another site, and when I updated the kernel it said "no splashimage found"03:13
dsmith_b0nn: I just figured all that out, but I never botherd to right things down :(03:14
tribaldatab0nn: if you go to Kdeicon --> System Setting03:14
chadwicku live in fl rite?03:14
DarkTan_my ip tells ya that much03:14
b0nnoh hmm03:14
chadwicku work in advanced chrysler?03:15
b0nnI want the one that covers the screen messages out put by the kernel as it boots03:15
dsmith_i totally hacked mine to load up a standard KDE login prompt and used the standard kde gutsy background the whole way through the booting process.03:15
dsmith_oh so you dont want verbose?03:15
dsmith_these is a way to change that03:16
dsmith_one min03:16
dsmith_ /boot/grub/menu.lst03:17
dsmith_have to make some changes to that file03:17
navetzcan someone help me fix this : alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device03:17
dsmith_backit up before you go messing with it03:17
navetzthats the error i get when i type alsamixer into a terminal.03:17
b0nndsmith_: that changes grubs splash, behind the menu03:18
billybobobohow up-to-date are the KDE4 packages in the repos?03:18
b0nnI want to cover the next lot of messages03:18
limacanyone uses kubuntu hardy?03:19
niveklimac: Yes, but you might see #ubuntu+1 for support with it.03:20
nivekThis channel is primarily for support for stable releases03:20
b0nnoh grr03:20
limacnivek; just wanted to no how u liked it? 0.003:21
b0nnthanks dsmith_ :)03:21
Jucato#ubuntu+1 is for Hardy support/questoins03:21
limacJucato: hey, u use hardy, if yes, how do u like it???03:21
Jucatoit's alpha? how else should I like it?03:21
limacjust curious o.o03:22
Jucatotoo early in the process to have any opinion of it03:22
limacdoes it have the hardware autodetection capability?03:22
Jucatowhich hardware?03:22
limaclike souncard and stuff03:22
Jucatobut you'll have to ask in #ubuntu+1 anyway...03:22
limacsure thing03:23
dwidmannHmm, I'm having quite the weird issue as of *looks at watch* ummmm, now. All of my kcmshell modules appear to be, umm, lost.  Bleh.03:23
dsmith_b0nn: there is another file I had to edit, but the name escapes me at the monent. Perhaps I should create a book entitled Ubuntu - Total Hacks and More03:24
b0nnI got a black screen by adding splash to the kernel line in my grub menu03:27
b0nnso now I have to figure what file it is looking for03:28
dsmith_do some searching online thats how I did it03:28
dsmith_took two days03:28
dsmith_but its what I wanted?03:28
dsmith_ignore the question mark03:28
b0nnIm putting a bsod on the screen as it boots03:28
b0nnsould be fun for a day or two03:29
dsmith_never thought about doing that but thats hilarious03:29
dwidmannDoes anybody have any idea why all of my kcmshell modules would have disappeared off the face of the earth?  .... Seems they still exist ...... but kcmshell, kcontrol, and some programs can't seem to find them ... very annoying it is.03:34
mrdigitalcan someone jhelp me recreate my grub menu its fubared03:38
ardchoilledwidmann: Is this in kde4? kcontrol is gone in kde4.03:38
dwidmannardchoille: no ..... kde3.03:44
mrdigitali reinstalled 7.10 and my grub is messed up cant access windows03:58
intelikey!grub | mrdigital04:03
ubotumrdigital: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:03
dan__Hey Friends, can anyone help me to enable my wireless card?  It is being recognized, but will not enable.  It is being automatically disabled.  Thanks for any help.04:06
jarosser06what kind of card is it04:11
Ahmuckwhen typing in a ime in linux, i am only seeing the top part of the letters.  the bottom part of the chars are being cut off.  is there a way to increase spacing between lines so that all the chars can be seen?04:17
Max-PHi, I Have lost all the default settings of KDE (I'm on Feisty) how can I retore them?04:20
=== awen_ is now known as a
=== a is now known as awen_
batis610i'm creating a file in the current folder with fopen()...i want to create it in a sub-folder ./files and open it after... how?04:24
batis610$FileHandle = fopen('file.txt', 'w') or die("can't open file");04:25
batis610sorry... wrong room  :-D04:27
ardchoillebatis610: I was thinking that was a little advanced for this channel :)04:27
billyboboboMax-P: copy the foles out of a new user's directory and give the permissions/ownership to you?04:29
Max-Pbillybobobo: They fixed my problem in #kubuntu-fr -> Deleted ~/.kde now all is fine04:29
* Jucato wonders if #kubuntu channels should start putting "Don't delete ~/.kde" in the topic too, like the #kde channel04:36
Dr_willisi delete .kde all the time.  :)04:37
Dr_willisof course i dont have anything imporntant in there04:37
Dr_willisIt would be nice to have some sort of tool that can clean out the various .kde configs/settings and other cruft that seems to accumulate over time04:38
suboptI just installed Kubuntu/Gutsy, thinking that its default version of Python was 2.5, only to find out that it's actually 2.4. (The Ubuntu package listing said it was 2.5.) Is there a way to replace 2.4 with 2.5, and have everything work right?04:38
Dr_willisand allow easy backup/restores/transfers to other machines04:38
Dr_willis!info python04:39
ubotupython: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.1-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB04:39
Dr_willispython --version04:39
Dr_willisPython 2.5.104:39
Dr_willisI got 2.5 here.,04:39
suboptDr_willis: mine (Kubuntu v7.10) installed with Python 2.4.3. What the???04:40
Dr_williswhens the last time you did a apt-get update, and apt-get upgrade?04:41
Dr_willisis this a clean install? or a upgrade?04:41
Dr_willisIve never messed with python manually.04:41
suboptDr_willis: Haven't done one yet. Is that all it takes?04:41
Dr_willisOne way to find out. :)04:42
suboptThis is a clean install.04:42
Dr_willistheres proberly 200mb of updates. :)04:42
suboptDr_willis:  Thanks, i guess i'll try that. Do you know if letting Adept update everything it can takes me to the latest/greatest?04:43
sunny_[    6.516000] PM: Resume from disk failed.04:44
sunny_[   16.815516] PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6:20000@e0000000 for 0000:01:00.004:44
sunny_anyone can help me?04:44
awen_sunny_: did you hibernate your machine?04:44
awen_sunny_: then that's why there is nothing to resume04:45
awen_but must admit that the "PM: Resume from disk failed." can be a little confusing :)04:46
sunny_I don't known, I start to grub it show me the massage04:46
b0nnwhat does the + sign mean here04:46
CrazyMYKLis there a workaround for the libgif/libungif conflict so i can install kde4?04:46
b0nn +        1    /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so04:46
awen_sunny_: it should do that... it's trying to resume; but as you havent04:47
awen_sunny_: ... hibernated there is nothing to resume04:47
sunny_sunny@tkchrain:~$ dmesg | grep ailed04:47
sunny_[   16.815516] PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6:20000@e0000000 for 0000:01:00.004:47
sunny_[    6.516000] PM: Resume from disk failed.04:47
sunny_I known that04:48
awen_sunny_: the pci mem-thing... do you have any pci devices that actually doesn't work?04:48
sunny_But I never hibernated my machine04:49
sunny_I use laptop04:49
awen_sunny_: trust me, that message should be there04:49
Dr_willisits looking for a hibernation file.. it found none.. since you never hibernated,04:50
sunny_and how should I do?04:50
* Dr_willis missed the actual problem.04:50
* awen_ did too04:51
sunny_where I can find the hibernation file04:52
awen_sunny_: if you hibernate the machine, one will be created, and your machine will resume04:52
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
awen_if you just shut it down, disregard that message; it should just be there04:53
Dr_willisactually dosent tye system use the swap partition to hibernate to? I always disable hibernation.  so i dont use it.04:53
awen_Dr_willis: it does04:54
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:54
* awen_ found out when moving ubuntu to another harddisk... remember to update the UUID of the swap-partition before hibernating :)04:55
intelikeyDr_willis by default it does.   it can be adjusted to use other   /etc/mkinitramfs/something/something04:55
sunny_I remember I have one hard disk partition can not mount automation04:55
Dr_willisi never under stood hot it can do that.. If i got 3gb of ram used.. and say 614 mb of swap used.. and i only have 1 GB of swap partition...04:55
sunny_Is that problem?04:55
Dr_willisHow does it fit it all there. :)04:55
CrazyMYKLawen_: what if the installed RAM is larger than the swap partition?04:55
awen_CrazyMYKL: then it needs to unload a lot from the RAM before hibernating04:56
CrazyMYKLdoes it just mkswap a file on / ?04:56
intelikeyDr_willis it can't  you have to have sufficient swap to fit the ram into  for hybernate to disk to work.   as i understand it.04:56
Dr_willisThats what i was wondering.04:56
Dr_willisso now we want a swap parittion of 3x ram :) just so we can hibernate!04:57
CrazyMYKLit seems as if that'd be the elegant solution04:57
Dr_willisbut still if you are doing somthing big and use swap.. ... You could still get wehre you cant hibernate04:57
sunny_Are you talk to me Dr_wills?04:57
awen_yeah... the classic "unable to hibernate" error04:58
awen_sunny_: i think we went a bit away from your question04:58
sunny_my swap partition is 2X ram04:59
awen_sunny_: then you should be pretty safe04:59
sunny_my ran is 2GB04:59
awen_1 GB of ram and 768 MB of swap and the hibernation worked for me in 80 % of the cases... the last 20 % was when usning large java apps05:00
intelikeyDr_willis ummm hybernate  "should" turn swap off just before it writes all the ram to the swap location,   i haven't plaied with it tho.05:03
OldeI can't get through to my ntfs partition through dolphin. it says hal refuses uid 1000. what do I do in order to get through?05:05
Dr_willisOlde,  the common fix is to make a proper fstab entry for the partitions and  mount them  - bypasing the automounting stuff of hal.05:07
Oldeeh, ok. still new at this05:07
Oldewhat do I do05:07
Dr_willisexample fstab entry for my machine --> /dev/hda5 /media/winstorage ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 005:07
Dr_willisEdit the /etc/fstab - make a entry for yoyr hard drive. There is a script ive seen that can auto mate this but nevr used it05:08
mrdigitali added a grub boot entry05:08
mrdigitalnow i cant even get into kubuntu it hands05:08
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:11
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.05:11
CrazyMYKLmrdigital, can you get me the exact error?05:11
batis610how can i know permissions of a file05:16
krawekls -al "the_file"05:17
AmyRoseHas there been a recent update to the Synaptics touchpad driver?05:18
AmyRoseSuddenly, I can't scroll horizontally05:19
AmyRoseafter an update05:19
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:25
preciosonrasileiro na area?05:32
preciosoops... brasileiro05:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:35
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:35
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=== krawek is now known as BobbySponge
batis610how to fix the 'unable to save to bookmarks in /home/.........' under gutsy.... it makes me crazy!!05:47
MGrundeDid you open dolphin as root?05:48
batis610simple user i think05:49
MGrundeOpen a terminal and type sudo rm /home/...05:49
MGrundeWhere /home/... is the file name in the error.05:49
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:49
Jucatobatis610: no don't!05:49
batis610it will rmove the file...05:50
JucatoMGrunde: please be very very careful i giving out commands like that...05:50
MGrundeI've had the same error many times.05:50
Jucatowell it's not the command that's the problem, but the lack of a specific target :)05:51
MGrundeAnd it occured by opening dolphin as root, running "sudo dolphin"05:51
Jucatosudo chown username:username <file in question>05:51
Jucatoit's a known issue... with sudo or kdesudo (in Gutsy)05:51
MGrundeYeah.  I suppose you're right.  That's probably an easier way of doing it.05:51
Jucatooh, and try not to use sudo when running GUI apps :)05:52
ubotuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:52
Jucatobatis610: go to the file that's being mentioned  in the error message (I presume it's ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin/bookmarks or something) then sudo chown username:username bookmarks.xml05:53
MGrundeThe fine in question is something like -  /home/USER/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml05:53
JucatoI believe so05:53
MGrundeWell, that did the trick.05:54
batis610it works....05:54
batis610i tried fixing it before by googling... and it was fixed for a while... hope that this now will fiw it definitively05:55
intelikeysudo chown `whoami` $HOME/.kde -R05:56
MGrundeIt will, but like Jucato said, it will reoccure if you run "sudo dolphin" again05:56
MGrundeSo if you need to use dolphin with root priviliages, run "kdesudo dolphin"05:57
intelikeykdesudo ?05:57
MGrundekedsudo replaced kdesu in Gutsy and beyond.05:58
intelikeyMGrunde do you have a command   kdesudo  ?05:58
intelikeyoh   ok.      well i don't.05:58
Jucatointelikey: notice he said gutsy :)05:58
Jucatoit really doesn't matter much. if kdesudo is installed, kdesu is symlinked to kdesudo05:58
Jucatoif not, plain kdesu is used05:59
intelikeyJucato yes i saw.05:59
MGrundeI don't think that the Monitor & Display module for System Settings has ever worked for me.  It always says it can not be loaded.  Is there an easy way to fix that?06:05
se7ensomebody help me with brother 115c printer i installed the right driver but now i get /usr/bin/lpr -P 'MFC210C' '-#1' '/usr/share/apps/kdeprint/testprint.ps' : execution failed with message:06:10
MGrundeWhat's the model name of the printer?06:11
se7enbrother dcp 115c06:12
se7enbrother site tells me to use the mfc210c driver and lpr printing system06:13
basyhi whitch preces strarts screensaver?06:14
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
MGrundeWhat's the message it gives you?06:16
MGrundeBasy:  Could you please repeat your question?  I'm not sure I understood you.06:16
basyafter I install KMatrix3D after (1 minute) time shows only black screen06:16
basyI cannot start any screen saver, only black screen will display06:17
MGrundeHave you tried screen savers that do not rely on OpenGL?06:18
se7en   /usr/bin/lpr -P 'MFC210C' '-#1' '/usr/share/apps/kdeprint/testprint.ps' : execution failed with message:06:18
basyI can start prewiew, no problem, but after time pnly black screen06:18
MGrundeRight, but it's saying it failed with some message, doesn't it print what the message is?06:18
basyno messages, ony black screen like screen saver06:19
MGrundeSorry Basy, that was meant for se7en.06:19
MGrundeBasy: What do you get when you run "glxinfo | grep OpenGL"06:19
se7en        /usr/bin/lpr: The printer or class was not found.06:19
makers_markhey people,i have a question about kde.can anyone humor me?06:20
MGrundeGo right ahead.06:20
basy<MGrunde> : it displays my driver06:20
basy<MGrunde> : I can see preview of all screensaver06:21
makers_marki tried installing kubuntu on my pc and the install failed the first 4 times.it finally installed after but kept on freezing constantly.06:21
makers_markso i switched to ubuntu and gnome works perfectly fine.then i tried installing kde thinking maybe the install disc was bad but it kept on freezing even then.06:22
makers_markany clues as to why?06:22
MGrundemakers_mark: Yeah, my first guess was that there was a problem with the install CD.06:22
makers_markso no clue why my pc doesn't take kde well?06:23
basymakers_mark: try with minimal CD06:23
MGrundeWell, if the CD was bad, then there could be any number of errors that would affect KDE.06:23
makers_markwell i installed kde in kubuntu via "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"06:24
MGrundebasy: Can you run glxgears?06:24
makers_markkde in ubuntu*06:24
makers_markso even if the cd was faulty,downloading and installing kde in ubuntu should have been fine.06:24
basy<MGrunde>: yes no problem06:24
MGrundese7en: I found someone having similiar problems with the same printer on these forums: http://forums.linux-foundation.org/read.php?24,3943,3943  perhaps you could try to repeat what they did.06:25
MGrundemakers_mark:  You installed Ubuntu from a different CD, and it works perfectly, but when you installed KDE, it didn't function properly?06:26
MGrundeBasy: Have you tried removing KMatrix3D?06:27
Crell42Hi all.  I'm setting up a new router, and in the process need to cycle the internet connection on my desktop (Kubuntu 7.10).  When I try to "/etc/init.d/networking restart", however, I get an error "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0".  Why is that, and how can I just cycle the connection without rebooting?06:27
makers_markMGrunde i blamed the kubuntu cd,but then installing kde in ubuntu ended up doing the same thing.06:27
MGrundemakers_mark:  How did you install KDE?06:27
MGrundeCrell:  You just want a new DHCP lease?06:28
makers_markMGrunde "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"06:28
se7enMGrunde: i am a step further i installed lpr and now my error is lpr: cannot open /var/spool/lpd/MFC210C/.seq: No such file or directory06:28
makers_markMGrunde i followed a small tutorial to do it,want to see it?06:28
MGrundeBasy: As it seems that that package caused your problem, I'd try uninstalling it and seeing if that helps.06:28
Crell42MGrunde: Yes.06:29
MGrundemakers_mark: No, that was the right command, I thought perhaps you just tried installing kdelibs, or something like that.06:29
MGrundeCrell: sudo dhclient eth006:29
Crell42And neither ifdown/ifup nor /etc/networking is doing it.06:29
makers_markMGrunde so kde is just not blending with my hardware?06:29
MGrundemakers_mark:  That really doesn't make much sense though.  I've run KDE on a very wide assortment of hardware, from upper end, to servers, just for fun, and I've had no major problems.06:31
MGrundeWhat exactly freezes in KDE?  The whole environment or certain programs?06:32
makers_markMGrunde it doesn't make much sense to me either and i'm a linux nubcake.i mean i've modded xp with so many skins and it never failed.at least not because of the modding.06:32
MGrundeCrell: Did that work for you?06:32
makers_markMGrunde you want to hear the kicker though?06:33
MGrundeOf course.06:33
basy<MGrunde>: Any other way how to strat KMatrix3D after 5 minutes? I like only this one...06:33
makers_markwith kubuntu running i decided to change the logon splashscreen from the default one to the one with the handprint,after which i restarted.then it wouldn't boot.i reinstalled grub but the whole linux partition was screwed up.06:34
MGrundeBasy: Is it just KMatrix3D that is giving you the problems, or is it all screensavers?06:34
basy<MGrunde> all06:34
=== Crell43 is now known as Crell
MGrundeCrell: Welcome back06:35
CrellIt would be nice if my computer TOLD me it was going offline. :)06:35
CrellI am also having the same issue now with a laptop with WiFi, same situation.  The first time it connects, it works fine.  After that, it fails to do so.06:36
MGrundeBasy:  I'm going to try to install KMatrix3D.  Give me a few minutes.06:36
basy<MGrunde>: thank you06:37
lupisakhello! Happy new year fellow kubuntu users!06:38
yao_ziyuani found the cause of my bug yesterday06:38
MGrundemakers_mark: Wow.  That reminds me a lot of my first experience with Linux.  As you learn, you'll find that repairs are usually pretty easy.  I don't run into as many system threatning breakdowns anymore.06:39
MGrundeHappy New Year lupisak06:39
yao_ziyuanif you install kubuntu 7.10 with your location set to Shanghai06:39
yao_ziyuanand update all upgradeable packages after install,06:39
lupisakI have this annoying issue every time I install something with apt-get from command line, I was hoping someone here have seen this before.06:40
MGrundeCrell:  If you're using KDE, I'd try out KWifiManager.  It's always worked for me.06:40
yao_ziyuanthen you run into serious errors06:40
lupisakI get numerous occurences of this error message:06:40
MGrundeYao_Ziyuan: Have you filed a bug report at Launchpad?06:40
MGrundelupisak: What's the message?06:40
lupisakX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166    Major opcode:  144   Minor opcode:  3   Resource id:  0x0 Failed to open device06:40
=== BobbySponge is now known as krwk
lupisakAh, by the way this is Edgy.06:41
MGrundelupisak: You recieve that when running "apt-get install [PACKAGE]"??06:41
lupisakyes, just after each program is installed.06:41
=== Crell43 is now known as Crell
* Crell kicks his new router.06:42
lupisakbut before it's restarted (in case of daemons)06:42
MGrundeyao_ziyuan: It'd be really helpful if you did.06:42
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/06:42
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: not very convenient06:42
MGrundeCrell: What make and model of router?06:42
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: i suggest to put a robot in this channel,06:43
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: with which i can input fields for a bug report interactively06:43
CrellNetGear WTG62406:43
kolbasaобщий саламалейкум =) русские пацаны есть?06:43
lupisakI don't want to paste the entire log here, will probably be kicked. Will put it online instead. hang on.06:43
MGrundeyao_ziyuan:  If you believe it is a bug, then that is where you would file the report.  If you would like help, you can tell me the errors you recieve.06:43
CrellGot it free from a friend as a hand-me-down to replace an IPCop box that doesn't do wireless and sounds like a jet engine. :-)06:43
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:43
makers_markMGrunde thanks for your help.06:44
CrellUnfortunately it seems to be missing a few features.06:44
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: i'm talking about a new interface to file a bug... by talking to a bot in this channel, interactively06:44
kolbasaёбана рот! русские есть? =)06:44
MGrundemakers_mark: No problem.  If you're interested in attempting a possible but slightly dangerous solution, I'd suggest installing Hardy.06:46
makers_markMGrunde i only use linux now to mess around and get used to it.i think i'll learn about it and then do more exciting stuff with it.thanks though.06:47
MGrundeyao_ziyuan:  That would be a very nice feature to havem but incredibly difficult to implement.06:47
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: not so difficult06:48
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: the bot would be just like a command line utility that lets you input every field of your bug report06:48
makers_markMGrunde thanks,it won't let me PM because i don't have an account.06:48
yao_ziyuanactually this can be useful to all open source projects06:49
MGrunde!register | makers_mark06:49
ubotumakers_mark: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration06:49
makers_marki'll do that a bit later.06:49
makers_markbut thanks.06:49
makers_markpeople on here don't chat as much as in ubuntu06:50
MGrundeyao_ziyuan: I agree it would be.  However, I am in no position to do such a thing.  If you would be willing to start such a project, I'm sure you would attract many followers.06:50
MGrundemakers_mark: It's not usually this quiet.  There's usually a bit more life.06:50
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: i want to talk to developers of a bug filing system like bugzilla06:50
lupisakhere's a log of (some of) the results from my last apt-get upgrade (same result when installing individual packages though): http://www.develo.ltd.uk/06:51
makers_marki see.06:51
lupisaksorry.... here's a log of (some of) the results from my last apt-get upgrade (same result when installing individual packages though): http://www.develo.ltd.uk/kubuntu-BadDevice.txt06:51
MGrunde!pb | lupisak06:51
ubotulupisak: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:51
MGrundelupisak: That is odd, but I don't believe it's very harmful.  What terminal program are you using06:53
lupisakMGrunde: konsole06:53
basy<MGrunde>: did u try KMatrix?06:53
lupisakMGrunde: I've been searching high and low and I just can't seem to find what is causing it. It did not appear when kubuntu was first installed.06:54
MGrundeyao_ziyuan: Then I would suggest visiting joining their mailing list : http://tinyurl.com/39rs9h06:55
MGrundebasy: I've got it intsalled, but haven't had a chance to run it yet.  I'll do that now.06:55
yao_ziyuanthank you i will drop them a message06:55
basy<MGrunde> thank you06:56
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: what are other major bug filing systems?06:56
MGrundeyao_ziyuan: Launchpad is the major big filing system for Ubuntu06:57
the-ermIs there away to hook up 2 mice, and switch the buttons on 1?  I know it's possible to have 1 mice, it's the mirrored button usage that would be the "is it possible" portion of the question06:57
yao_ziyuanMGrunde: never heard of :)06:57
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/06:57
the-ermMy kids are left handed.06:57
level1what does this mean? Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  commercial/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)06:57
unix_infidelthe-erm: might be with one of the multi pointer modified x11 systems.06:58
level1I got it while running apt-get update06:58
the-ermok unix_infidel thanks.06:58
level1the-erm: that will be integrated into the next major version of X, which means it will show up in a year or so06:59
level1the-erm: although, it might be possible to do it without multi-pointer X, so keep poking around06:59
the-ermI will.06:59
unix_infidelmulti pointer X is a damn near necessity now.06:59
level1unix_infidel: why?06:59
level1unix_infidel: I mean, its cool, but is in important?06:59
level1and why can't I install kmplayer source package!  grrr07:00
unix_infidellevel1: because without it developing software that expands upon a defunct user interface is impossible.07:00
level1E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_commercial_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)07:00
=== ubuntu_ is now known as dhq
unix_infideli mean if i had a choice i'd rather have a tablet and an HD LCD than a mouse and an HD LCD>07:00
unix_infidelor both.07:01
level1unix_infidel: call me old fasioned, but I don't think that we need to change the old mouse-and-keyboard paradigm... its very effiecient07:01
MGrundebasy: I ran it for a minute or two without problem.  How long did you say you were able to run it for?07:01
unix_infidellevel1: dunno.  It allows a bunch of developers from various user requirements backgrounsd to develop linux based solutions.07:01
level1unix_infidel: I think what need to happen is we need to have an universal document viewer... like konqueror, but more so07:01
unix_infidellevel1: they got that going in KDE407:02
ogrehow do i make certain apps run when i startup? something similar to "sessions" in gnome07:03
MGrundelupisak: Just for fun, install yakuake, then run it.07:03
ogresorry i just started using kde like 20 minutes ago07:03
* Crell <3 yakuake. 07:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yakuake - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:04
lupisakyakuake, ok... what wil that do?07:04
MGrundeIt's the best terminal program ever.07:04
MGrundeIt hides until you need it.07:04
lupisakcool, will try it.07:04
basy<MGrunde>: whatever I set in "DesktopSettings->Screensaver" i can see in /.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc OK, after my time nothing happend07:04
dhqmy konqueror is not working i cant browse any sites where as ping and irc everything is working fine07:04
Crelllupisak: You know how in any Quake3-based game, you have a console that drops down from the top of the screen?  It's like that, only cooler. :-)07:05
MGrundedhq: Does firefox, or another alternate browser work?07:05
lupisakCrell: ok. I'm not a game player but it sounds promising.07:05
basy<MGrunde>: is there any proces lunching screensaver? "ps aux | grep screen"07:06
dhqwell i am on the live cd07:06
level1lupisak: if you are a serious commandliner you won't be able to live without it once you get used to it07:06
lupisaklevel1: good thing it's GLP then :)07:06
CrellGold Light Projector?07:07
lupisaksorry, GPL07:07
basy<MGrunde>: do you have xscreensaver running?07:07
lupisakgot my fingers mixed...07:07
level1wait, there are programs that aren't gpl?07:07
CrellSure there are.  Apache is under the Apache2 license. :-)07:07
lupisaklevel1: yeah I think so, but in the other world.07:07
MGrundebasy: Not right now.  Or at least ps doesn't think so.07:07
level1Crell: eh, that's basically GPL07:07
lupisakCrell: hehe, yeah, that's true :)07:08
Crelleh, no it's not.07:08
Lazarushey, whats the difference between a tar.gz and a tar.gz2 package?07:08
level1Crell: whats the difference?  are they incompatable licences?07:08
CrellApache2 license is "Do whatever you want, but don't bring a patent suit or the license is revoked."07:08
level1Lazarus: I'm guessing that gz2 is slightly better compression07:08
CrellGPL is "do whatever you want, but you must share-alike under the same license."07:08
yao_ziyuanlet me ask it again:07:09
level1Lazarus: but you should use bz2 if you want good compression07:09
Jay-Oh-Encan somebody help me get my mic working07:09
yao_ziyuanhow to set screen resolution for the bootup screen?07:09
CrellGPLv3 now includes an Apache2-compatible patent clause, but GPLv2 does not.07:09
Lazaruslevel1, I often see gz and gz2 files for download in tandem07:09
Lazarusim just wondering what the real difference is07:09
CrellLazarus: I think you mean gz and bz2.07:09
CrellI've never heard of gz2.07:09
LazarusCrell, I could be mistaken07:10
basy<MGrunde>  I belive the file: ~/.xscreensaver is my problem07:10
level1Lazarus: bz2 is better compression (smaller files) but gz is kept for legacy reasons07:10
Crellbz2 is just another compression algorithm, which at least on textual data is far better than gz.07:10
LazarusCrell, I see07:10
CrellThe technical details between the two I couldn't begin to discuss.07:10
level1Crell: I demand that you explain all the details07:11
Lazarusive always wondered what the difference is, and why you can download one or the other and choose07:11
level1Crell: and tie it into the british rule of china in the 1900s somehow07:11
lupisakCrell: thanks for the clarification of the licenses.07:11
MGrundebasy: I don't seem to have that file.07:11
dan724Hi, I am having an issue connecting to a wireless network. I am using a D-Link AP that serves out DHCP addresses. I am using a linksys PCMCIA wireless card that uses bcm43xx linux drivers. The card appears to work fine and appears in iwconfig and ifconfig. I can also see the wireless network and use iwconfig to associate with the ap. What does not work is getting a dhcp address. I use dhclient and it sends out several DHCPOFFERS but ne07:11
Crelllevel1: Well gzip was developed by the Chinese in the late 1800s.  The British improved upon it and created bz2 by adding Earl Gray tea to it, but the Chinese were so incensed that it triggered the Boxer Rebellion.07:12
ogrehow do i set my apps to autostart? something like "sessions" in gnome07:12
level1Crell: you know your history07:12
MGrundedan724: Are you on the notebook now using a wired connection?07:12
Crelllevel1: My parents are history teachers. :-)07:12
lupisakCrell: :) :)07:13
* Crell goes back to cursing out his network.07:13
dan724MGrunde: no, I am on another computer using a wired connection. The notebook doesnt have a wired connection.07:13
LazarusCrell, heh, very nice summary07:13
MGrundeogre: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Autostart_Programs#KDE07:14
lupisakHey, yakuake is pretty cool, but I'm getting blinded! it's too white! I need black background in order to do 16 hours a day in front of the computer :)07:14
level1lupisak: you can change it by right clicking on the body of the, um, white07:14
MGrundelupisak: I'm sure you can set that somewhere or another. Maybe it's in the man07:14
MGrundelevel1: Wow.  I never knew that.  Haha.07:15
MGrundeThat sure is convienent07:15
lupisakhaha, right click, settings, schema, "white on black"07:15
level1MGrunde: because yakuake is a konsolepart embedded in the window (in a very weird way) its not part of the yakuake menu07:15
* Crell prefers green on black.07:16
level1MGrunde: an unfortunate hack07:16
lupisakI just couldn't see it because I was blinded...07:16
MGrundedan724: Okay.  So you connect it iwconfig, right? Do you have a signal strength?07:16
level1hey, could we disable the pcspkr module by default in future version of ubuntu?07:16
lupisakCrell: green on black brings back memories of my good old hercules...07:17
dhqis it possible to for me to install linux on my flash drive without affecting the current o/s07:17
CrellIt's actually much better for the eyes. :-)07:17
dan724MGrunde: yes, it associates with the ap just fine, I have a good signal strength (in the 70-80 range).07:17
CrellOK, this is annoying.07:17
CrellI have two computers on the same AP/Router, both with addresses.  But they can't ping each other.07:18
level1Crell: twighlight zone!07:18
CrellI knew it was a bad idea to switch routers at 11 pm in the middle of the week.07:18
level1little did that computer know, it had entered.... the twighlight zone07:19
MGrundedan724: And sudo dhclient wlan0 doesn't work?07:19
MGrundeAssuming it is wlan007:19
MGrundeCrell: Try static addesses?07:20
CrellEr, why?07:20
dan724MGrunde: correct, dhclient simply sends out DHCPOFFERS for a while and then quits when it doesnt get an address. I've made sure that no other dhclients are running before running dhclient as well.07:20
MGrundedhq: Look into Puppy Linux or Feather Linux for installing a Linux disto on a thumb drive.07:21
MGrundeCrell:  My method of fixing things is trying every possible idea until one works.07:21
MGrundeMaybe the old router isn't very friendly with DHCP for some reason.07:21
Crellheh.  Well, I'd have to manually configure the gateway and.... Oh bloody hell.07:22
* Crell decides he's too tired to be working on the network.07:22
MGrundedan724: And you've never had problem with dpch on your router before?07:22
MGrundeCrell: Just buy a Buffalo router with DD_WRT installed on it.07:23
CrellIt would help if I plugged the other computer into the new router in addition to this computer.  Maybe then they could ping each other.07:23
dan724MGrunde: nope, ive had many a lan party using this very same ap with 5-10 people all having no problem. They all use windows machines though... I unfortunately dont have a windows laptop to try this with.07:24
CrellI will probably cycle again in a moment... :-)07:24
MGrundeGood luck.07:24
makers_markhey MGrunde,speaking of routers.i want to get a new router to replace my linksys wrt54gs v5.i was thinking about the airport extreme but figured i could get a better router for the same money.so i was looking at the linksys wrt600n,what do you think about it?07:24
makers_markbtw i want an n-compliant router.07:25
level1how do I download one package from the ubuntu website?  I want to download this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/source/kmplayer but theres no link07:25
makers_marklevel1 try "sudo apt-get install kmplayer"07:26
MGrundemakers_mark: I'm in the same situation.  I would like an n router, but at the same time I would really like a router that works with DD_WRT or Tomato firmware.07:26
lupisakmakers_mark: what on earth is an n-compliant router?07:26
level1makers_mark: I just want to .deb... I don't want to have to add the hardy repos, update, download the file, remove the repos, and then update again. Furthermore, it might bring in some hardy dependencies and hose my system07:27
lupisakmakers_mark: MGrunde: yep, being able to install DD_WRT is the most important for me07:27
level1makers_mark: I just want the file!07:27
makers_marklevel1 then i can't help you (i'm a nub :(  ) ask these guys.07:27
NickPrestalevel1, are you on Hardy?07:28
* Crell42 returns...07:28
lupisak802.11n being faster than b and g?07:28
level1NickPresta: no, but its a source file07:28
makers_markMGrunde lupisak> i don't really care what firmware as long as it doesn't bottleneck as much as my current router does.07:28
level1NickPresta: so I can compile it against gutsy07:28
MGrundeFaster and with a longer range.07:28
NickPrestalevel1, I don't suggest mixing packages from one ubuntu version to the other. Why do you need hardy version of kmplayer?07:28
Crell42lupisak: n > g > b, but n is also still pre-release.07:28
makers_marklupisak yeah,it's faster than b & g07:28
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100
level1NickPresta: I need kmplayer with knpplayer support, but the gutsy version won't compile with it07:29
dan724levell: choose the file that works with your system: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kmplayer/07:29
lupisakCrell42: Aha, I c. that's why07:29
MGrundemakers_mark: Do you have any gigabit complient wired computers?07:29
makers_markMGrunde i have a macbook pro who's wireless card supports 802.11n07:30
level1dan724: for the love of god, thank you07:30
dan724levell: np, it took me forever to find it the first time07:30
MGrundemakers_mark: Wow.  Those things are fancy.  You probably don't need gigabit ethernet then.07:31
Crell42lupisak: That's why what?07:31
lupisakCrell42: that's why I have not heard about it yet :)07:32
Crell42Ah.  Well there is 802.11n hardware out there, based on a candidate spec.07:32
Crell42I'm avoiding it for now.07:32
makers_markMGrunde no,but lately i've been having trouble with the router not working wirelessly and so i'm thinking that if i get a router,i should get one that's good.07:32
makers_marknot just one to replace this one for another couple of months.07:33
lupisakhehe, I'll keep my WRT54GL until it's *actually* released then :)07:33
makers_marklupisak stop bragging!07:33
lupisakmakers_mark: bragging? that's an ancient router! :)07:34
level1what happens if IEEE makes a major change to the wireless n spec?07:34
level1are all those devices just useless?07:34
Crell42They may be able to take a firmware upgrade, maybe not.  Depends on the change.07:35
Crell42That's why I'm avoiding it. :-)07:35
lupisaklevel1: hehe, I guess they can still use b and g :)07:35
makers_marklupisak hence the sarcasm in my joke being intensified :P07:35
NickPrestalevel1, I suggest you make sure you have the sources line in your sources.list. Then, `sudo apt-get build-dep kmplayer` to make sure you have all the dependencies. Download the source file (http://kmplayer.kde.org/download.php) and then ./configure with what ever options you need/prefer. make and make install. Install it to /opt/bin so you can remove it if you need to or you can have both the repo version an07:35
NickPrestad the cutting edge version.07:35
dan724*sigh* I really wish this wireless junk would work...07:35
MGrundemakers_mark: Well I have a Netgear draft N router that I'm pretty unhappy with, so I'd suggest staying away from it.07:36
level1ugh... why didn't ubuntu just compile kmplayer with npp support?07:37
lupisakdan724: cabled networks are a lot more stable :) on my laptop the keyboard will stop working after a random time if the wireless is enabled, hence I disabled it for now...07:37
makers_markMGrunde i'm going to get it in a couple of months anyway,so it's not exactly "a rush".07:38
dan724lupisak: lol, that is a very interesting problem to troubleshoot... I know what you mean about wireless networks being unstable07:40
=== ubuntu_ is now known as dhq_
lupisakdan724: exactly. this is why I decided that it is not worth my time, as my computer is on my desk 99% of the time anyway.07:40
dan724MGrunde: in an effort to confuse you further, while I am not getting an ip on my wireless, I am revieving packets, (ifconfig reports almost 1200 RX packets now) and tcpdump reports some activity.07:41
lupisakdan724: and you can imagine how difficult it was to trace the problem to the wireless in the first place!07:41
MGrundedan724: Throw the laptop and the router out of the nearest window.  That should fix your problem.07:42
apparleHi everyone07:42
MGrundeI apparle07:43
MGrundeHi apparle07:43
dan724MGrunde: I'm on it, it made a pretty loud noise as im 2 stories up :D07:43
MGrundedan724: That's good.  That means your laptop connect to the router.07:45
MGrundeOkay.  I think I'm signing off for the night.  Good night everyone.07:46
dan724night MGrunde, thanks07:46
level1does anybody know how to compile kmplayer with knpplayer support?07:47
apparlelevel1: why do you want kmplayer07:49
level1apparle: its standing between me and flash07:49
level1apparle: http://mikearthur.co.uk/?p=17107:50
apparlelevel1: You have x64?07:51
level1um... no07:51
level1thats not the problem07:52
level1the version that comes with gutsy doesn't have the npp support that I need07:52
level1I'd have to get the hardy version07:52
level1but even then I'd have to recompile it07:53
makuseruwhat will open a .xls file?07:53
apparlelevel1: What is npp support07:55
level1apparle: something that gives me flash apparently07:56
level1makuseru: .xls is ms excel format07:56
level1makuseru: maybe openoffice, koffice, gnumeric, etc07:56
level1although, only excel will open it correctly07:56
apparlemakuseru: Google it07:57
apparleI will be back in 2 minutes07:58
Crell42Ha ha!08:02
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
blackflaghow can I do a header per site in openoffice?08:15
se7enblackflag: there should be a openoffice # ask there08:22
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org08:22
ActionParsniphey all08:40
* ActionParsnip waves08:40
NickPrestahi, ActionParsnip08:41
ansonhow to use wine08:42
NickPresta!wine | anson08:42
ubotuanson: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.08:42
ActionParsnipanson, do some legwork first then ask specific questions and we will help as best we can08:42
ansonhow to use wine to play qq200708:43
NickPrestaanson, japanese or chinese?08:44
ansonthe qq of windows08:44
ansonof course chinese08:44
NickPresta!chinese | anson08:44
ubotuanson: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:44
Jucatodon't presume everyone knows what qq is, or that everyone knows chinese :)08:44
jussi01OK, I have an issue - Im running an ati x1250, with fglrx, but the system is a slug - I can see the redraw easily. Has anyone come across this, and if so a fix?08:45
Jucatoanson: please ask in #winehq about Wine and qq2007 (whatever that is...)08:45
ansonwhat is winehq08:46
Jucatoit's the channel for Wine support08:46
ansonthe winse support for THis channel is in English?08:47
Jucatoanson: yes. English in here and in #winehq08:48
nixternalguess who!08:48
Jucatolol I should have known :)08:48
NickPrestahey nixternal08:48
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!08:48
nixternalwasabi all08:48
ActionParsnipjussi01, run glxinfo. do you have direct enabling enabled?08:48
nixternalto many people know my trick08:48
jussi01ActionParsnip: yes08:49
Jucatojussi01: "glxinfo | grep render" says "Yes"?08:49
ActionParsnipjussi01, just googling ;)08:49
jussi01Jucato: correct08:49
* Jucato has no idea... goes to stroke his penguin instead..08:50
jussi01Jucato: !!!08:50
nixternalheh, sleep time08:50
Jucatolol! late sleeper08:50
Jucatok'nite nixternal! :D08:50
jussi01nite nixternal08:50
nixternalhackin' KHelp, lost track of time08:50
ActionParsnipjussi01, is it the whole screen or just the dragged window?08:52
jussi01ActionParsnip: the whole screen08:52
dan724Hi, I am having an issue connecting to a wireless network. I am using a D-Link AP that serves out DHCP addresses. I am using a linksys PCMCIA wireless card that uses bcm43xx linux drivers. The card appears to work fine and appears in iwconfig and ifconfig. I can also see the wireless network and use iwconfig to associate with the ap. What does not work is getting a dhcp address. I use dhclient and it sends out several DHCPOFFERS but ne08:52
ActionParsnipjussi01, what refresh rate do you have specified?08:53
jussi01ActionParsnip: ie, when irc new line comes up, I can watch it as the screen draws it08:53
ansonthis channel is for ubunbu or kubuntu?08:53
jussi01ActionParsnip: 60hz08:53
jussi01anson: Kubuntu08:53
ActionParsnipjussi01, are you running compiz etc?08:54
jussi01ActionParsnip: no08:54
ansonthen what is the channel for ubuntu in English?08:54
jussi01anson: #ubuntu08:54
jussi01ActionParsnip: this is my production system at work. I run the basics.08:55
ActionParsnipjussi01, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3558080 may help08:55
jussi01ActionParsnip: thats a good point, it may be the processor08:57
ActionParsnipjussi01, whats it running at08:57
ansonwhy nobody is in #kubuntu-cn08:58
ActionParsnipjussi01, less /proc/cpuinfo08:58
tuxickmaybe "kubuntu" means something rude in chinese ;p08:58
tuxicknothing, bad joke08:59
jussi01anson: ubuntu and kubuntu chinese support are combined in #ubuntu-cn08:59
jussi01ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50580/09:00
ActionParsnipjussi01, turions kick ass09:01
jussi01ActionParsnip: cool, but my machine is running like a pentium 1...09:02
ActionParsnipjussi01, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218999 might help09:03
jussi01ActionParsnip: ahh, im going to go try adding noapic nolapic to the boot options09:04
ActionParsnipjussi01, are you running x86 or AMD64 kubuntu?09:05
ActionParsnipjussi01, have you installed SMP kubuntu for your dual core-ness?09:06
Borutahello! if i enable root account i will be able to modify anything like system files?09:10
Borutai have disk mounting problems because of windows games crashes09:10
ActionParsnipBoruta, yes if you su to the account. I can strongly advise against it and run stuff via kdesu and sudo09:10
ardchoilleBoruta: You can do that with sudo without having to enable the root account09:11
awag22anyone here use netbeans for java?09:11
Borutawhy its bad idea enable root?09:11
ActionParsnipawag22, not me09:11
jussi01ActionParsnip: that fixed it ( the nopaic nolapic) woohoo09:11
ardchoille!sudo | Boruta Please read the info here09:11
ubotuBoruta Please read the info here: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:11
jussi01!root | Boruta09:11
ubotuBoruta: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:11
Borutahehehe ok ok thx :D09:12
ActionParsnipBoruta, any app you run as root will have root access. If the app is compromised the attacker has full access. If you sudo the admin stuff and execute apps as user the atacker only gains user priveledges09:12
ActionParsnipBoruta, its basically a security issue and the main reason why idiot windows users get viri / spyware installed when they run web browsers as admin09:13
Borutathx i was guessing its like that now i am sure09:14
ActionParsnipBoruta, if you need admin power at command line (apt-get, cp etc) use su, kdesu should be used for apps like kate etc09:14
ActionParsnipBoruta, only the one shot app will have power but no others09:15
Borutain fstab i have ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       109:15
Borutaif i delete errors it will be ok?09:15
danf_1979Hi, I'm have just dist-upgraded to hardy and now my desktop is full of icons, one for every directory in /. They are not .desktop files, Desktop contains has no files, but I just "see" the icons when I look at my desktop. Any clues?09:16
awag22i've never quit understood why doing a kdesu is needed, does it do something special with kde?09:16
awag22quit = quite09:16
ardchoilledanf_1979: Hardy support in #ubuntu+109:16
NickPresta!kdesu | awag2209:16
ubotuawag22: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:16
ActionParsnipBoruta, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-515326.html may help09:17
Borutaok thx09:17
ActionParsnipBoruta, np09:18
ActionParsnipawag22, you can technically use kdesu for everything and forget sudo09:18
tuxickany cool printing gui thingie for kubuntu?09:19
tuxickor simply cups?09:19
tuxickah i see09:19
ActionParsniptuxick, cups works for me :D09:20
tuxickActionParsnip: same here, just wondering09:20
ActionParsniptuxick, let me google a sec09:21
tuxickjust wondered if there was some nice kde interface09:23
tuxickhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu tells me to follow "System->Administration"09:23
tuxickbut that's not there09:23
ActionParsniptuxick, ubuntu uses Gnome, Kubuntu uses KDE09:24
ActionParsniptuxick, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4345809:25
awag22that article about kdesu claims kate cannot be run with a normal sudo, but i've done sudo kate to edit config files before, and havn't had problems09:25
ActionParsniptuxick, you won't see System -> Administration as those are Gnome menus09:25
ardchoilleawag22: Which article?09:26
ActionParsnipawag22, it can damage permissions on files and profiles. kdesu for gui apps (like kate) sudo for cp, mv, rm etc09:26
awag22yeah after i read that i understand why it can be bad09:26
awag22but it was talking like kate can't be run at all with a normal sudo09:27
awag22ardchoille: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo09:27
Jucatoawag22: it's not that I *cannot* be done, but that it *shouldn't* be done09:27
awag22guess i'll be more careful from now on :)09:28
ardchoilleawag22: You can check to see if there are any root owned files in your $HOME with: find $HOME -user root09:33
ActionParsnipjussi01, any good?09:35
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:40
ActionParsnipkraut, howdy09:49
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
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=== cletus is now known as Lichte
LichteI just installe flash nonfree and firefox can't find it10:06
Lichtebut when I click on the firefox thing to install flash, it says it's already installed10:06
ardchoille!flashissue | Lichte10:06
ubotuLichte: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.10:06
Lichtethanks ubotu10:07
ardchoille!thanks | Lichte10:07
ubotuLichte: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:07
BorutaLichte: on the window there is a link to manual flash install10:08
* ActionParsnip thinks ardchoille is a puppet master10:08
Borutait worked for me10:08
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:08
Lichtecrap, I have to join the forums to dl the file10:09
ActionParsnipLichte, its good to anyway :)10:10
=== Qt-collective is now known as Q-collective
jabbalabba Does anyone know how to shut the function off that basket is started with Kontact?10:13
JucatoSettings -> Configure Kontact -> Select Components -> Uncheck Basket?10:14
jabbalabbaunfortunately basket is not listed in there :-(10:16
Jucatooh.. hm.. I think they sort of made it that way to work around kontact crashing... can't recall the issue10:16
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ActionParsnipnaughty asus (of topic) http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2007/11/26/asus-eeepc-breaks-gpl10:22
Q-collective"But it has created a religious problem for Linux purists who insist that everything must be done by the book."10:24
ActionParsnipi thinks its interestng10:25
ubuntui am on my live cd how do i get my grub back10:32
tzdI've got 2 issues with Kmail: 1st is that it won't show Swedish characters (åäö) in my received mails (from gmail) and 2nd is that my defined filter filter won't work (based on FROM field, should then move message to appropriate folder). Can anyone help me with this please?10:33
sergeyhello, people!!10:33
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se7enubuntu you got linux installed? ... to edit your grup go to /boot/grub/menu.lst and edit the list10:36
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voicuhi, i have some problems with X, i was using a matrox g450 card with the mga driver. i switched to a g550 which doesn't work with mga10:36
ardchoille!nickspam | sea4ever10:36
ubotusea4ever: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines10:36
jussi01!grub | ubuntu10:36
ubotuubuntu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:36
domentariondo somebody now where i can download themes for konversation ?10:36
ActionParsniptzd, do you have the language installed (for typing etc)10:37
voicudid anyone else have problems with mga and a matrox g550?10:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:38
tzdActionParsnip: you mean if I am able to write something in Swedish?10:38
ActionParsniptzd, indeed10:38
ActionParsnipdomentarion, http://www.kde-look.org/?xcontentmode=42 has a small few10:39
tzdActionParsnip: yes, it works when i type with Swedish letters. Emailed myself as well and the characters works10:40
voicuwhen is kde4 coming out?10:40
tzdActionParsnip: the one where it doesnt work is a HTML message10:41
ActionParsnipvoicu, about 2 weeks10:41
tuxickgah, now adept is silently failing10:42
tuxicksomething rather broken in kdesu?10:42
tuxickprompts for admin pass and then nothing10:42
ActionParsniptzd, does the email rally history text show as ok?10:43
voicuopen it in a terminal?10:43
jussi01!kde4 | voicu10:44
ubotuvoicu: kde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php10:44
tzdActionParsnip: hmm, how do i check the email history rally text please?10:44
ActionParsniptuxick, does apt / dpkg work ok to install (and apt to update)10:44
ActionParsniptzd, its the text below (or above) when you hit reply10:45
ActionParsniptzd, all the jabber you have had before10:45
tuxickActionParsnip: found a clue, it tried to auth against pam_ldap, which fails since it's local user10:45
tuxickit just doesn't handle this 'exception' at all10:45
tuxickfailing silently is utterly lame10:46
ActionParsniptzd, if you can email yourself the characters then its fine. maybe the sender has a misconfigured client and is garbling the text10:46
tuxicknot sure which part is the culprit though10:46
tzdActionParsnip: ok. When i tried the reply thing it had a setup of 50/50... the upper part of the email didn't work. got those boxes "[]" instead. The lower part of the email worked though.10:47
ActionParsniptzd, what client is your email buddy using?10:48
ActionParsniptzd, i cant really suggest anything as some of it works and if you email yourself then its ok10:50
tzdActionParsnip: The one i mentioned I'm not sure about since it's a job hunting service. The other emails which shows the same symptoms are from gmail, hotmail. I imported these from thunderbird yesterday and i noticed it back then but i thought it might have been due to the import.10:50
ActionParsniptzd, possibly. try tbird again10:51
tzdActionParsnip: i just did, it works there :/10:52
ActionParsniptzd, tbird is the answer then10:52
jussi01!hi | Roy_M10:53
ubotuRoy_M: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:53
Roy_MI have a weird problem with kubuntu whereby whichever window the mouse is currently over becomes the active window10:53
tzdActionParsnip: i guess it is but I really wanted to use the Kmail, especially now since I've set up almost everything. It can't be any encodings or anything?10:54
Roy_MI think it cropped up when I was tring to get compiz working but I have since removed compiz and rebooted but the problem still remains10:54
jussi01Roy_M: system settings - window behaviour - policy10:54
ActionParsnipRoy_M, System->Preferences->Windows, Select windows when the mouse moves over them10:55
Roy_Mjussi01, ActionParsnip: Thanks guys, fixed :)10:55
jussi01Roy_M: :)10:55
ActionParsnipjussi01, how isyour cpu speed?10:56
jussi01ActionParsnip: excellent :D10:56
ActionParsnipjussi01, was it the power thingy?10:57
jussi01ActionParsnip: it was the noapic nolapic added to the boot options10:59
ActionParsnipjussi01, awesome!!!10:59
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ActionParsnipmitgath, do you log onto your system as root?11:02
Roy_MOne more question, does anyone know why translucent windows would not work on my machine. I mainly just want console sessions to be translucent. I am in System settings - window behaviour and have clicked " Use translucency/shadows"11:04
ardchoilleRoy_M: In konsole?11:05
Roy_Mardchoille: yep11:05
ardchoilleRoy_M: In konsole > Settings > Schema > transparent*11:05
kubu hi all.. i have a question.. is ther any app that allows me to show captured data in a web browser.  or let me put it another way.. can i on my router watch what my clien(s) are surfing with a web ineterface,? i know tcpdump can capture data from a interface.. but i would like to get it in a browser.. so its like i can see what they are doing.11:07
kubusry for my bad english11:07
kubudo you understand my question?11:08
Roy_Mardchoille: is there any way to do this so that I can seetext documents behind it rather than just the background? Also is there any way to make it happen for every session automatically?11:08
ActionParsnipkubu, you would need to run a pc as your router and audit from there. Depends on what your router can do. Some remember the last few websites viewed11:09
ActionParsnipkubu, you'll have to rtfm on your router11:09
ardchoilleRoy_M: Not sure about the "true transparency" (ie seeing windows behind konsole) but you can choose a schema and then Settings > Save as default  to have it set for future sessions11:09
Roy_Mardchoille: thanks :)11:09
kubuardchoille.? the clients go trough the router with masquerading. "iptables"11:11
ardchoillekubu: Was that meant for ActionParsnip ?11:12
kubuops.. yes11:12
ActionParsnipkubu, i think there is a logging option someplace11:12
kubuActionParsnip im talking about realtime streaming. if you know what i mean.11:13
ardchoillekubu: Many routers have a utility like "web activity log" or some such11:13
ActionParsnipkubu, id read your routers manual11:14
kubuActionParsnip my router is a linux box11:14
ActionParsnipkubu, cool. if you are using iptables there is logging on that11:15
ActionParsnipkubu, have you googled?11:15
kubui get nothing.. and i have no idea what keywords to use.11:16
kubui did google all last night11:16
kububut if you say iptables can do it.. i need to check it out11:17
ActionParsnipkubu, https://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=50350411:17
kubuok let me read that.. thabk you11:18
ActionParsnipnp kubu11:18
mahasamootI'm trying to get firefox to use kde dialogs, some one gave me a link to a howto... but I lost it.... now I've been googling but I can't find it again.11:27
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mahasamootJucato: you gave me a link to a howto, for getting KDE dialogs in firefox, but I've lost it, and I can't find it w/ google... (I was using my wife account at the time.. )  could you give it to me again plz :-)11:37
yao_ziyua1this is the problem:11:48
yao_ziyua1when doing a Full Upgrade in Kubuntu 7.10,11:48
yao_ziyua1all upgradeable packages are downloaded successfully,11:48
yao_ziyua1but when it comes to installing "qt3-mt",11:49
yao_ziyua1Adept-Manager says "an error occurred"11:49
yao_ziyua1and system ruined11:49
yao_ziyua1now i reverted to a previous good snapshot in vmware11:49
jussi01yao_ziyua1: did you udate before the upgrade? have you turned any non ubuntu repositories off?11:50
yao_ziyua1i did Fetch Updates11:50
yao_ziyua1my Third-Party Software list is:11:51
yao_ziyua1http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus lazarus-stable universe11:52
yao_ziyua1http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus lazarus-testing universe11:52
jussi01yao_ziyua1: remove any third party repos.11:52
yao_ziyua1cdrom: [Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1)]/ gutsy ...11:52
yao_ziyua1only these 3 are checked11:52
yao_ziyua1i don't think the failure to install an updated qt3-mt is due to these 3rd party sources11:53
jussi01yao_ziyua1: what are thos freepascal ones?11:53
yao_ziyua1these are the sources to install Lazarus11:53
yao_ziyua1i also tried without them11:54
yao_ziyua1so they're definitely not the cause11:54
BorutaRecord 5 has no FILE magic: Input/output error11:55
BorutaFailed to mount '/dev/hdd1': Input/output error11:55
BorutaNTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a11:55
BorutaSoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows11:55
Borutathen reboot into Windows TWICE. The usage of the /f parameter is very11:55
Borutaimportant! If you have SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first you must activate11:55
Borutait and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.11:55
Boruta/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation11:55
Borutafor the details.11:55
Borutahelp! i have no windows11:55
jussi01!paste | Boruta11:55
ubotuBoruta: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:55
yao_ziyua1i even tried two different download servers11:56
yao_ziyua1one is cn.ubuntu.org11:56
yao_ziyua1the other is mirror.pacific.net.au11:56
Borutaok sorry11:56
jussi01Boruta: you are trying to mount an ntfs drive?11:56
ubotukde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php11:56
jussi01!botabuse > awag2211:57
Borutantfs drive11:58
jussi01Boruta: did you follow the instructions there?11:58
Borutaa game crashed and drive is out11:58
Borutai cant go to windows and checkdisk and stuff i havent windows11:59
jussi01Boruta: ie. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows TWICE11:59
anayaThis is a new proyect11:59
anayaenter please11:59
anayahelpme please11:59
jussi01anaya: please dont spam or you will be removed12:00
anayao no is spam12:00
anayais a my proyect in GNU/Linux12:00
anayaam sorry,, and tanks12:00
jussi01anaya: posting it into a support channel over and over is spam. Please dont12:00
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jussi01!guidelines > anaya12:01
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Borutaand if i format this drive as linux partition i will be able install windows programs under wine?12:02
jussi01Boruta: yes12:02
Borutaok thx12:02
anayatanks and sorry12:04
anayahttp://djraptor.myftp.org enter please12:04
awag22<anaya> o no is spam <--- haha12:09
awag22that makes me laugh12:09
awag22hi siddharth12:09
jussi01siddharth: Can we help you?12:09
siddharthplz tell me how can i register my nicname12:10
sub[t]rnl!register | siddharth12:10
ubotusiddharth: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration12:10
awag22jussi01: sorry about the misuse of the bot a second ago12:11
jussi01awag22: you understood what I sent it to you for?12:11
awag22for the kde4 thing I did right?12:12
awag22like 5 minutes ago12:12
jussi01awag22: yeah, you should do those in private with the bot ;)12:12
jussi01but all is well :)12:12
awag22k :)12:12
ActionParsniphey all12:18
sub[t]rnlyo ActionParsnip12:19
ActionParsnipwork is boring :( ive done nothing for 4 hours :(12:20
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sub[t]rnlhehe, yeah I catch up on sleep at work.  Put that company time to use12:20
awag22where do you work?12:20
ActionParsnipyeah ive brought my ccna stuff over12:20
ActionParsnipbig hr company in the states. I server watch while the onsite guys sleep12:21
awag22ah, yeah i was wondering if you were in europe somewhere or something, so early and you said you've been doing nothing for 4 hours12:23
ActionParsnipyeah i do 7am to 3pm which is 2am to 10am EST (servers are in Miami and Atlanta)12:23
awag22what does server watching consist of exactly?12:24
ActionParsnipwe have a program called altiris that emails me when servers die so i get them up and see why. usually its a network glitch12:25
ActionParsnipthen theres the odd thing i manually check like citrix resources12:25
ActionParsnipbut otherwise its a lot of sitting12:26
ActionParsnipand why i come on here12:26
yao_ziyua1i would strongly suggest that this linux distro include a system restore feature12:26
ActionParsnipno ones shouted offtopic yet12:26
yao_ziyua1like vmware's snapshot creation and restoration12:26
awag22yeah :)12:27
yao_ziyua1saving the current memory+disk state12:27
yao_ziyua1and restoring at a later time12:27
agalafrak vmware12:27
yao_ziyua1this is definitely helpful for newbies who always make deadly mistakes12:27
tuxicksuppose i don't want to fiddle around with groups to give users access to sound, what's the 'normal' (k)ubuntu way?12:28
ActionParsnipyao_ziyua1, true indeed12:28
ActionParsnipyao_ziyua1, just remember to research first and backup config files before you modify them12:28
carwash^tuxick: if you add users in a "kubuntu"-way they should already be in the audio group12:28
awag22does normal ubuntu have a system restore feature?12:28
yao_ziyua1not just config files12:28
tuxickcarwash^: well, in this case they're ldap users12:29
tuxickwhich makes it a bit of a hassle12:29
carwash^aah, then i don'tknow. I usually do the "addgroup group user", or is it the other way around?12:29
tuxickwhatever works :)12:29
yao_ziyua1config files, all system files,12:29
ActionParsniptuxick, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/12:29
tuxicki was just wondering if chmod was too crude12:30
ActionParsnipyao_ziyua1, only what you manually change. xorg.conf is a classic example12:30
yao_ziyua1especially when some system files are updated while others encounter problems updating12:30
tuxickActionParsnip: i know how linux basics work :)12:30
ActionParsniptuxick, user changes are universal as far as i know12:31
yao_ziyua1ActionParsnip: i never manually change a config file unless there is explicit instructions :)12:31
carwash^typically to do a system snapshot, back up you ~/ and /etc and your packagelist and you have everything you need12:31
tuxickwell these users auth against ldap12:31
tuxickand i don't want to mess that bit up12:31
tuxicki'll simply chmod12:31
ActionParsnipyao_ziyua1, when you do stil backup so you can copy it back if its not right12:31
yao_ziyua1carwash^: could also be about bin/, usr/bin12:32
ActionParsniptuxick, easiest way12:32
carwash^tuxick: sounds like noe the best way to do it, not that i could really help you finding a better solution :/12:32
giuseppehi, I'm able to access using LAN network from linux to windows, but not viceversa, ehy?12:32
ActionParsnip!samba giuseppe12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about samba giuseppe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:32
ActionParsnip!smb | giuseppe12:32
ubotugiuseppe: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:32
carwash^yao_ziyua1: you should never manually change files there, thus installing the same packages as before should fix it12:32
yao_ziyua1e.g. the user is recompiling kernel binaries and an error occurs halfway12:32
carwash^the reason for backing up your home is that all your personal settings are stored there12:33
carwash^(and of course your files)12:33
giuseppeActionParsnip: sorry, but system setting tell me samba not installed...12:33
ActionParsnipgiuseppe, konqueror has a groovy folder sharing thingy12:33
giuseppeActionParsnip: it can be that without samba server installed I'm able to see windows PC and not viceversa?12:34
tuxickof course12:34
awag22giuseppe: sudo apt-get install samba12:34
awag22wait, isn't samba automatically installed with the default kubuntu install?12:35
giuseppeawag22: not installed12:35
ActionParsnipgiuseppe, if you load konqueror and right click on a folder to share, it will install whatever you need automatically12:36
giuseppeawag22: my question is this: if samba server is not installed it can be that I'm abe to access to a windows pc from my linux pc?12:37
tuxickof course12:37
awag22apparently yes12:37
tuxick'server', should be clear enough12:37
tuxickaka "not client"12:37
nevilleHow come the fonts for certain programs (ie XMMS, Amsn) are all squashed up and distorted?12:38
nevilleLike, what can cause that problem, and how would I fix it?12:38
giuseppetuxick: well, So samba server is ony necessary to access from wondows to linux?12:39
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=== simohammed_ is now known as simohammed
tuxickfor example12:39
awag22giuseppe: yes, you need to run the server on your linux machine, so windows thinks that it is another windows machine, more or less12:39
ActionParsnipgiuseppe, try konqueror it does it for you like windows shares12:39
tuxickneville: prolly gtk apps or worse :)12:39
giuseppeActionParsnip: ok, I'm installing samba and try from windows to linux12:40
jussi01!samba | giuseppe12:40
ubotugiuseppe: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:40
Cem_UNALhi folk12:40
ActionParsnipgiuseppe, no, run konqueror, right click folder to share and go from there12:41
nevilleOr worse?12:42
tuxickrright, as i expected, chmod on /dev/audio doesn't work12:42
tuxickudev or whatever 'fixes' it again12:42
* tuxick bets on udev anyway12:42
Cem_UNALcan somebody send me default kubuntu kicker backgraund ?12:44
ardchoilleCem_UNAL: /usr/share/apps/kicker/wallpapers/kubuntu-panel.png  ?12:45
Cem_UNALardchoille yes can u send it my gmail : ogrenci.debian@gmail.com please?12:46
ardchoilleCem_UNAL: Will this work? : http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/7341/kubuntupaneluc5.png12:47
Cem_UNALardchoille tx && bye12:48
giuseppetuxick: we, now windows see my kubuntu pc... but it requires a password...12:59
giuseppetuxick: do u know why?12:59
tuxickgiuseppe: because that's your samba config :)13:00
tuxickdunno how that's set up on kubuntu13:00
tuxicki'm not so much of a gui person myself13:01
tuxicki guess you could try whatever admin user you have there13:01
giuseppetuxick: well, I see... so I will search on samba set up13:01
agaladevi cambiare il security level giusè ;)13:01
jussi01!en | agala13:02
ubotuagala: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:02
jussi01agala: was that italian?13:03
agaladon't be hangry for that13:03
jussi01!it | agala13:03
ubotuagala: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:03
agalafracking arcaic language it13:04
giuseppeagala: thanks...13:04
jussi01agala: can we help you?13:04
agalaI don't go in italòian room cause I already had a period with IRC, i was almost slave ;)13:04
agalano more work13:04
agalabtw is there anyone here very skilled on v4l plz?13:05
agalai WENT in room #v4l13:06
romunovi'm looking for a shell acount for irc... any tips?13:16
bulle_bonjour à tous !13:36
agalaspeak fr is allowed?13:43
=== Darth-afk is now known as DarthWar
Dr_willis!find userful14:01
ubotuFile userful found in desktop-multiplier14:01
Dr_willis!info desktop-multiplier14:03
ubotudesktop-multiplier: Userful's Virtualized X-Server (Trial Version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.0-13-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 31804 kB, installed size 80892 kB (Only available for i386)14:03
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
noaXessif i open an appligation, eg. the adept manager the text size is bigger then my default kde systemwide text size.. any ida to handle this?14:16
tuxick"simply chmod" audio devices in kubuntu = forget it14:18
tuxickonly /dev/audio is mentioned in udev config14:18
tuxickthe rest is automagic i can't trace back14:18
JeffATLdoes the kubuntu desktop livecd have a full set of SCSI and RAID drivers?14:21
Dr_willisHmm i imagine it does.14:21
Dr_willisof ourse theres may be some that are not in the default  kernels.14:22
Dr_willisnoaXess,  if an app is being ran as root. then it will be using the root users theme/font/whatever settings.. but ive never seen adept do that.14:22
JeffATLDr_willis: i'm needing to have someone remote put a server "up on blocks" for me so i can back up its entire FS, and the gentoo livecd (which is what i usually use) is having problems booting (have tried all kinds of boot params)14:23
ActionParsniphey all14:24
Dr_willisJeffATL,  interesting.   theres a url/list of official hardware supported i think. But im not sure how accurate it is. or how detailed it is.14:25
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:25
JeffATLDr_willis: i'm not worried if the kubuntu livecd doesn't automatically bring up SCSI/RAID as long as i can modprobe the right modules and bring the raid volumes up14:25
jussi01!raid | JeffATL14:26
ubotuJeffATL: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:26
Dr_willisyou know what modules you need? i can see if they are on my system.14:26
Dr_willisSign of a True Linux Addict - haveing needed module names memorized for each machine they own.. :)14:26
romunovhow can i set up ssh access to my own machine, so i can operate it from a distance?14:29
ardchoille!ssh | romunov14:31
uboturomunov: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/14:31
=== bernard is now known as f0x
carwash^romunov: apt-get install openssh-server14:31
jussi01romunov: sudo apt-get install ssh14:31
=== f0x is now known as f0x10
ActionParsnipor just run sshd14:31
jussi01romunov: that command will get all the ssh stuff you need14:32
ActionParsnipn install necessary to my knowledge14:32
ardchoille!nickspam > f0x1014:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:32
ansonwhat is the channel for xine?14:32
jussi01!channels | anson14:33
ubotuanson: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:33
Dr_willis!find ssh14:33
ubotuFound: openssh-client, openssh-server, ssh, ssh-askpass-gnome, aolserver4-nssha1 (and 28 others)14:33
ActionParsnipromunov, http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/openssh-server14:33
jussi01ActionParsnip: edgy?14:33
ActionParsnipjussi01, its what gogle gave me14:34
Ze_Manyone using kde-3.5.8?14:34
jussi01!anyone | Ze_M14:35
ubotuZe_M: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:35
ardchoilleZe_M: Gutsy users. What do you need help with?14:35
Ze_Mcan anyone check in kcontrol in tab System Administration-> Login Manager when entering to root mode, if after entering password kcontrol hangs14:36
nevilleYou know, that happens to me on my Pentium 3 on occasions, but resetting X sorts it out14:37
Ze_Mardchoille: can you check it?14:37
ansonwhat is the channel for xine?14:37
Dr_willisive seen others in here with issues with the various kde control center tools not going into admin mode correctly14:38
neville#xine ?14:38
Dr_willisyou could run 'kdesu kcontrol' i guess as a work around14:38
jussi01anson: did you look at the link the bot gave you earlier?14:38
ardchoilleZe_M: Sure, hold on..14:39
eagles051387is the flash plugin still broken14:39
gsnsrUbuntu recognised my wireless, but I can't turn it on, it's working normally in windows, can u help me?14:39
ardchoilleZe_M: Nope, works fine here.14:39
jussi01!flash > eagles05138714:39
Ze_Mardchoille: after entering the password doesnt hang?14:40
jussi01eagles051387: /topic ;)14:40
ardchoilleZe_M: Nope. Try launching kcontrol from a terminal and see if there's anyting output: kdesu kcontrol14:40
ardchoilleZe_M: Hmm, not sure if that's going to help since you will be in kdesu mode to begin with.14:41
ardchoilleZe_M: Try launching kcontrol as your user (ie no kdesu) and see.14:42
romunovActionParsnip: that's what i installed14:47
eagles051387thanks jussi0114:47
romunovActionParsnip: i'm fiddling around with /etc/hosts.allow/deny14:47
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/14:47
eagles051387does gnash integrate rather nicely with firefox14:47
carwash^gnash has a tendency to crash with 100% cpu usage14:48
carwash^not recommended (yet)14:48
ardchoilleromunov: /etc/hosts.allow is a file, not a directory. Did you create /etc/hosts.allow/deny ?14:48
romunovardchoille: i never said it's a directory14:52
romunovardchoille: i'm editing the files..14:52
ardchoilleromunov: Oh, sorry, /etc/hosts.allow/deny looks like a dir path14:52
romunovardchoille: np ^_^14:53
dhqi am on the live cd connected via modem i can log on irc etc but none of my web pages are opening14:54
romunovhum, for some reason, i can't access through my ip... only through localhost. i've enabled port forwarding... weird14:54
dhqsome thing wrong with my dns i guess how do i get it14:54
dhqhelp me oout fdoving14:56
romunovhum, i still can't login via my ip - only @localhost15:09
romunovi've forwarded the port on my router15:10
tekstacymorning all15:12
tekstacyCan I use k3b to back up my xp install dvds?15:13
carwash^tekstacy: how do you want to back it up? like a restore image?15:13
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carwash^or just back up your userfiles?15:14
tekstacyjust make a duplicate install dvd15:14
ubuntuI have formatted a reiserfs partition to an ext3 partition. Is there anyway to recover some info? I mean, I would like if possible, to recover some stuff I had in reiserfs15:15
ubuntuis it possible_15:15
tuxickubuntu: my guess would be "don't waste too much time trying"15:17
tuxickbut i'm not sure how much reiser trashes15:17
noaXessDr_willis: back now..15:17
noaXesshave you anyidea about my font size changing if i run eg. the adept manager?15:18
Dr_willisnoaXess,  not really unless you are runningit withkdesu.15:20
Dr_willisnoaXess,  if an app is ran as root, it will use the root users font settings (and other settings) normally15:21
noaXessDr_willis: i run the adept manager us normal user.. but need to input my password to run it..15:22
Dr_willisI cant stand adept. so  i never use it. :)15:22
Dr_willisIt may be switching to root as soon as it runs.15:22
noaXessDr_willis: ok.. i will check it later..15:23
Dr_willistry running kcontrol as root. setting some font/other settings.. and see if adept changes  with it.. (you will need to close/restrt adept)15:23
tekstacyany idea how I could back up my xp install dvd? k3b doesn't seem to be able to read it.15:27
basyI want to start my Matrix3D screen saver (It is allready installed and I can see and preview it with: KDesktop settings -> Screensaver), problem is that xscreensaver start diffrent one... I want kscreensaver to start it, no xscreensaver, any ideas, plz?15:29
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
basyafter unistall xscreensaver, nothing happend after my setted time (1minute), kscreensaver don't start any screensaver15:32
adonmy kubuntu was crash :(15:32
adonbut now it repaired?15:33
adonanybody here>?15:34
rothchildhello adon do you have a question?15:34
adonyup :)15:34
romunovgo ahead, ask it15:35
romunovwe can't tell what you're thinking15:35
adonbut i can't speak fluently :(15:35
adonbut i can't speak english fluently :(15:35
rothchildwhere are you from adon?15:36
adoni 'm from indonesia15:36
adondid you hear about indonesia?15:36
romunovanything in particular?15:37
adonBali Maybe?15:37
romunovi have heard of bali15:37
romunovwhat is your question?15:37
adonoh i forgot it..15:38
adoni will be back soon..15:38
adonthx for any apreciate :)15:38
noaXessis there any global setting in kde to remember the last window size for each window?15:51
phoenixzI have been experimenting yesterday with my xorg.conf, and after returning the original backup in place, I cant get the screen resolution correct anymore.. should be 1280x800 but its at 1280x1024.. Im using the original xorg.conf file though! How can I fix this?15:53
ardchoillenoaXess: Usually, it's each individual app that takes care of those settings15:53
noaXessardchoille: you mean no .. i need to set eg. the windows position for each window..15:54
clintcMy kontact email layout settings are stuck... I can't get the message preview pane to appear next to the message list.. it always shows below... anyone know a fix?15:54
ubotuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:55
=== tzd is now known as tzd_
ardchoillenoaXess: Usually, you launch an app, set the window to suite you and when you exit the app, the app saves the window width/height along with any other required settings.15:56
MGalaxyPLZ suggest me a good Audio/Video Converter15:56
pagMGalaxy, soundkonverter is great for audio15:57
MGalaxypag: what about Video?15:57
ardchoilleclintc: Have you set this in the Appearance > Layout tab of the kmail configuration dialog?15:57
pagMGalaxy, mencoder does the job (but afaik it's not easy-to-use)15:57
eagles051387what streaming media options r there15:58
clintcardchoille: yes, it ignores the setting "show message preview pane next to message list"15:58
clintcand shows it below15:58
ardchoilleclintc: Ok, dumb question but I need to ask, did you click "Apply" and tryied restarting kmail/kontact?15:59
=== tzd_ is now known as tzd
clintcardchoille: clicking apply makes the windows redraw but does not fix it.. restarting does not fix it16:00
ardchoilleclintc: Ok, I asked because that setting works fine here, so it's not a bug with kmail16:01
clintcardchoille: do not show.. then apply - works, show below message list then apply -works, show next to message pane then apply - stays below16:02
phoenixzDoes anybody know why my monitor resolution suddenly is different??16:02
phoenixzI have been experimenting yesterday with my xorg.conf, and after returning the original backup in place, I cant get the screen resolution correct anymore.. should be 1280x800 but its at 1280x1024.. Im using the original xorg.conf file though! How can I fix this?16:02
ardchoilleclintc: Have you tried running kmail on its own (ie not in kontact) and seeing if that setting works?16:02
clintcardchoille: will try....16:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dbmix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:03
eagles051387!tablet pc16:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet pc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:04
ardchoille!msgthebot | eagles05138716:04
ubotueagles051387: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:04
JuJuBeeAnybody know if there is a way to create a shortcut key combination for a special character so I don't have to keep going to that menu to insert the char?16:05
ardchoilleclintc: fyi, that setting works here in kontact as well as kmail stand alone.16:05
eagles051387sry ard. im considering the option of duel booting with my tablet pc16:06
eagles051387does kubuntu support tablet pcs16:06
nosrednaekimeagles051387: sure16:06
clintcardchoille: behavior here is the same, message pane goes below :( -16:06
eagles051387do i have to do any fiddling with tablet stuff like touch screen and what not16:06
ardchoilleeagles051387: Are you on Gutsy?16:07
nosrednaekimyou may.16:07
eagles051387ardchoille: on my desktop16:07
clintcardchoille: yep16:07
eagles051387ardchoille: i just got my laptop i need to rebackup all my data to dvds16:07
Sfan00Minor problem16:09
Sfan00that seems to have developed into a H/W one16:09
Sfan00How can Kubuntu nuke a bios?16:09
Sfan00Becuase on trying to install Kubuntu on a machine, I got a kernel Panic error..16:09
clintcardchoille: and the sad thing is this just started today when I played with the show message structure settings16:09
Sfan00Subsuqeunet to that the machine concerned refuses to boot at all16:09
clintcon a 22' widescreen monitor!16:10
Sfan00I can't even get a video signal out of it16:10
Sfan00Any ideas?16:10
nosrednaekimSfan00: it really can't....16:10
Sfan00Or do you know of a hardware hackers channel?16:10
faissalhi there16:10
nosrednaekimSfan00: does the liveCD work?16:10
Sfan00It didn't16:10
Sfan00And I can't burn CD's16:10
clintcardchoille: one other thing... checking show message size does not work either16:10
Sfan00I am suspecting Hardware failure16:11
Sfan00because a kernel panic is serious16:11
nosrednaekimSfan00: did you try restting the CMOS?16:11
=== icewaterman is now known as hotwaterman
Sfan00I tried loading failsafe settings16:11
Sfan00and the machine still refused to behave16:11
Sfan00and as I said16:11
nevilleThe jumper on the motherboard?16:11
nosrednaekimSfan00: wait... you can boot an OS?16:11
Sfan00it NOW won't boot at all16:11
Sfan00I can't get ANYTHING16:12
Sfan00Not even video16:12
nosrednaekimyeah....clear the CMOS.16:12
Sfan00All the machine does is Beep at me16:12
nosrednaekimits a jumper on your MB.16:12
faissali just installed kubuntu 7.10. i got an external usb drive with an ntfs partition that i want to access. when i plug the drive in the usb port, dolphin pops up, a window is displayed but instead of seeing data, i dont see anything but a message saying: cannot obtain lock on /media/.hal-tab.  can someone please help me ?16:13
Sfan00I'd prefer not do that unless essential16:13
Sfan00Anyone here famialr with Gigabyte MB's?16:13
nosrednaekimfaissal: run "sudo rm /media/.hal-tab"16:13
nevilleI have two Pentium 3 ones :)16:13
Dr_willisThe way its beeping can be giving you an error message16:13
ardchoilleclintc: Not sure if it will help, but here are my settings which seem to work: http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/4746/kmailzv3.png16:14
Sfan00I get 2 beeps16:14
nosrednaekimSfan00: its not going to mess anything up.16:14
faissalok nosrednaekim16:14
Sfan00but can't find anything to say what those 2 beeps mean16:14
Sfan00What do 2 beeps mean? RAM failure?16:14
faissalnosrednaekim: i get an input output error16:14
nevilleIf you can't find the jumper, just remove the battery and cut the power to the machine for about 5 minutes, and if the beeps remain, chase them down16:14
Sfan00Beacause I've replaced the video card16:14
Sfan00wiht a known unit16:15
Sfan00the RAM is untouched16:15
nosrednaekimfaissal: unplug your usb drive16:15
nosrednaekimand run it again16:15
faissalok nosrednaekim16:15
Sfan00Suggestions as I would prefer NOT to nuke the CMOS unless I have to16:15
faissalnosrednaekim:  i get the same error16:15
=== hotwaterman is now known as icewaterman
nosrednaekimfaissal: hmm, thats weird, never seen that error before16:16
=== nicolas_ is now known as JaimeLesArbres
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal-tab - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:16
faissalhmmm ok nosrednaekim..... pretty wierd i find too16:16
=== JaimeLesArbres is now known as JAimeLesArbres
nosrednaekimfaissal: try rebooting and trying again.... i'll look around google16:17
clintcardchoille: thank you for the help... some combination of setting fiddling has brought it back to the side... not exactly sure... but it seems some setting may not be compatible with having the preview pane to the side16:17
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tzdSfan00: have you replaced anything recently?16:17
clintcthanks again for the help16:17
faissalok thx nosrednaekim brb in 2 minutes16:17
Sfan00tzd: No16:17
Sfan00Only the video card16:17
Sfan00And the beep code doesn't sound like a Video card error16:17
tzdSfan00: ok and when you replaced the gfx card did it beep 2 times immediately?16:18
ardchoilleclintc: yw16:18
Sfan00after some delay in starting up16:18
tzdSfan00: have you tried with your old gfx card after that?16:19
Sfan00It was beeping two time prior to replacment of the card16:19
Sfan00I have tried with - Old card , new card and no card ...16:19
tzdSfan00: oh, so it actually beeped twice before you even replaced the gfx card?16:19
Sfan00It still BEEPS at me16:19
Sfan00tzd : yes16:19
Sfan00It beeped twice16:19
Sfan00I then thought - Maybe it's a Video card issue16:19
Sfan00So I replaced the video card16:20
serenitydo i need swap memory on a system with 2gb RAM?16:20
tzdSfan00: ok. Have you tried with resetting bios to default?16:20
Sfan00If I could get a video screen to do that... I would16:20
faissalyop im back16:20
bazhangserenity: many will suggest yes16:20
NickPrestaserenity, probably not, but it's best to have _some_ just in case. 2GB won't stop your system from ever needing swap.16:20
faissalnosrednaekim: here i am16:20
nosrednaekimfaissal: working now?16:20
tzdSfan00: oh so you cant even get there... hmm..16:20
faissalnosrednaekim:  nope16:20
Sfan00tzd; RAM Failure?16:20
nosrednaekimfaissal: very odd, I can't find anything on google either.16:21
serenityNickPresta: how much will be a good value? 500mb?16:21
tzdSfan00: def. sounds like it...16:21
faissalbut i do not get the input output error now nosrednaekim16:21
nosrednaekimso you erased that file?16:21
faissalit just says there is no such file or directory16:21
tzdSfan00: if i can remember correctly i think 2 beep used to be RAM on XX computers at least16:21
faissali guess so16:21
=== bp is now known as bp__
faissalcan you please help me mount my usb drive ?16:22
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nosrednaekimfaissal: ah ok.... so when you open up that drive in dolphin, what does it say?16:22
NickPresta512 is probably sufficient. It depends on what you're doing really. I can easily dip into my swap (I have 2GB of RAM) when working with The GIMP or working with audio.16:22
tzdSfan00: the best way to find out is to remove different components until it works again16:22
faissali dont see the drive in /media16:22
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter16:22
serenityok tanks16:22
tzdSfan00: and the ram is most likely the best place to start... don't think you'll need to replace gfx since that didn't help you before16:22
faissalnosrednaekim: do you think its better to edit fstab directly or is it better to use System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem ???16:23
=== control is now known as Lagarto
Sfan00tzd : OK16:23
Lagartocomo me paso de sala16:24
nosrednaekimfaissal: easier to use the GUI16:24
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:24
tzdSfan00: good luck finding the evil beeper ;)16:24
faissalnosrednaekim: fine ok i will give it a try16:24
faissalnosrednaekim: brb16:24
Sfan00If it's the main board thats gone it's expensive :(16:24
Sfan00If it's the ram - less so16:24
kim_adept is crased can i get the fix code16:24
Lagarto# mardelplata16:24
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:25
Lagartocomo hago?ç16:25
* Dr_willis is wired.. second cup of coffee today and its not even noon....:)16:25
tzdSfan00: yeah, everyone wants to avoid MB... that's just ul if that's the case.... should be your last resort as well though.16:25
faissalthe mount point /media/sdg1 is already occupied nosrednaekim when i plug my usb drive in16:25
nosrednaekimfaissal: thats good.... go there in dolphin.16:25
Sfan00BTW Any reason why a Kernel Panic would occur when trying to run a machine at 133Mhz - The Kernel panic said something about sync issues16:26
TimSI just installed a new hard drive, Sata port 3 I think, I how can I find out what it is under /dev/?16:26
tzdCan anyone help with setting up an easy Kmail filter please? I would like mail from X to be sorted into folder X on arrival.16:26
Sfan00Thinks have I inadvertently tried to drive 100 Ram at 133 and fried them?16:26
Dr_willisTimS,  dmesg, or 'sudo fdisk -l'16:26
TimSI need to know its name befefore I can fdisk it16:26
Dr_willisfdisk -l  scans/shows all seen disks16:26
faissalnosrednaekim: there i am16:26
nosrednaekimfaissal: working?16:26
Sfan00The RAM itself says 256MB 266Mhz Cl2.5 which was what was set in BIOS16:27
faissalnosrednaekim: THANKS A LOT16:27
faissalnosrednaekim: IT WORX16:27
nosrednaekimI didn't do a thing...16:27
nosrednaekimsometimes hal just gets screwed up.16:28
Sfan00Shall I assume RAM's busted and throw out the ram DIMM's?16:28
Sfan00and Buy new RAM?16:28
nosrednaekimSfan00: don'ttrow them out til you know for sure...16:28
nosrednaekimsee if you can borrow some ram from someone else16:28
Sfan00becaue I don't want to wreck 'new' ram if the main board's busted16:28
nosrednaekimthen stick the "bad ram" in some else's computer and see if it works16:29
Sfan00I was trying to get the vidoe back to run Memtest following the sync error16:29
faissalnosrednaekim: lol im back. once i unmounted the drive i can mount it again .....16:30
nosrednaekimfaissal: .hal-tab error again?16:31
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
faissal'umount /media/sdg1' -> 'mount /media/sdg1' =16:31
faissalfuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission non accordée16:31
faissalFUSE mount point creation failed16:31
Dr_willisi always have to use sudo umount to unmount my fuse things...16:31
faissalwtf is this fuse thing16:32
Dr_willisalso the user Must be in the fuse group16:32
Dr_willisFilesystems in User Space.16:32
nosrednaekimfuse = file system in userspace16:32
faissalok il add myself16:32
Dr_willisIts a amazing  tool. You can do all sorts of neat things withit.16:32
faissalhold on16:32
Dr_willisMy face is the fusesmb tool16:32
Sfan00That settles it16:32
Dr_willis!info fusesmb16:32
Sfan00Main Boards failed16:32
Dr_willisMy Fave :)16:32
ubotufusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 140 kB16:32
Sfan00Just had a capictor start smoking on me :(16:32
tzd:/ how old was the comp?16:33
Dr_willisSfan00,  You let out the blue smoke! thats what pc's run on!16:33
faissalok im in the group fuse16:33
Sfan00I don't know why it was smoking though16:33
Sfan00But the board is dead16:33
Dr_willisfaissal,  adding to groups dosent take affect untill the user logouts/backin.. OR you can cheat and do a 'ssh localhost' :) may be some other ways16:33
tzdSfan00: computers age?16:34
faissalDr_willis:  ok thx, ill logout/login ... brb16:34
tzdah alright16:34
Sfan00M/B is 200216:34
Sfan00PSU is recent16:34
Sfan00But it WAS working this morning16:34
Dr_willisthats how PC's die.16:34
nosrednaekim2002 is a bit old...16:35
tzdis there an easy way to "backup" all linux programs, settings and well everything and then transfer to another "blank" computer? E.g. if i buy a new computer will it be possible to move everything from my old to the new one and boot it up?16:36
Sfan00Anyone know who the European Agenst for Gigabyte are?16:37
phoenixzHi there, I am "fighting" with my xorg.conf to get a correct configuration for my laptop so that I can use both the internal and external monitor..16:38
Sfan00Persunat to WEEE I'd like to dispose the board properyl16:38
phoenixzI have both monitors working now but the resolution on the first monitor is not good16:38
Dr_willistzd,  you are refering to the users home dirs? or system settings? or both... :)16:38
tzdDr_willis: both :)16:38
phoenixzwell, I dont even know on what resolution its running! :) How can I see what resolution its running with?16:38
ardchoilletzd: Identical hardware?16:38
faissalhey i am back Dr_willis & nosrednaekim : well now i get the error :option allow_other only allowed if 'user_allow_other' is set in /etc/fuse.conf16:39
tzdardchoille: as Sfan00s hw setup?16:39
Dr_willisbacking up the package list and reinstalling them is one task. thats not too hard to do.. backingup home - is not too hard either. :)16:39
Dr_willisThen most all system settings are in /etc/16:39
nosrednaekimfaissal: sorry, I have no clue about fuse and NTFS16:39
faissalok nosrednaekim thx anyways16:39
Sfan00The capictor that was smoking was on the top corner of the board...16:39
tzdardchoille: ops never mind, got that one wrong... well no not identical hw16:39
Dr_willisfaissal,  you could edit /etc/fuse.conf and enable the user_allow_other setting I guess..16:40
Dr_willisfaissal,  not sure what you are doing exactly however. :)16:40
Sfan00What's annoying is that I had got the machine running happily at 1.8 and with an Nivida 5200 128 already to install Kubuntu and thing went pear shaped :(16:40
faissalok, im already editing it i remove the # before the line user_allow16:40
Dr_willisIm guess ing user_allow_othes, lets Other users access a different users fuse mounts as their own.16:40
faissalDr_willis:  i get another error now lol :16:40
faissalfusermount: option blkdev is privileged16:40
faissalFUSE mount point creation failed16:40
faissalUnmounting /dev/sdb1 ()16:40
Dr_willisive never had to twiddlw eith that befor.16:40
Sfan00Anyone know of a reasonably cheap Main/Board and chip combo?16:40
tzdDr_willis: great, that's just what i was hoping for! Thanks! Now i just need to save up some money so i can actually buy a new computer and then transfer my settings ;)16:41
Dr_willistzd,  may be easier to just clone the whole hd. :)16:41
Dr_willisfaissal,  lets step back see what you are trying to do. :) we may have missed a step.16:41
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:42
tzdDr_willis: hehe yeah if it's possible to clone partitions and not all physical hdd... don't want windows to be a part of my future baby ;P16:42
faissalfine Doc !!16:42
faissali was also felling like what a mess just to get a usb drive mounted16:42
ardchoilletzd: If you're going to clone the partitions, I'd recommend you get a copy of http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page as that will make imaging fast and easy. I use it to make backup images in case I need to restore in an emergency16:43
kim__guys i have problems connecting to a wlan wich sidd is invisible16:44
tzdardchoille: ah looks nice, it's free as well?16:44
ardchoilletzd: Yes, and it has PartImage, which you can use as a fast partition imaging app16:44
kim__how can i hack a wep easy?16:45
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:45
ardchoillekim__: This isn't the place for such questions.16:45
tzdardchoille: aaaaah that's just awesome! Just what I was looking for! Thanks a lot :)16:45
Dr_willisand its not 'easy' :)16:45
kim__those programs are opensource?16:45
ardchoilletzd: yw16:45
Dr_williskim_,  there are guides on the web. hit google..  they show ya the often long and detailed methods used. which most networks are immune to these days anyway16:46
tzdhmm doesn't anyone use Kmail filters by the way? Been trying all day in different channels to get some help with a basic filter without any luck :)16:46
Dr_willisand no ive never done it..ive just read the guides to see how its done and how to secure the networks :)16:46
kim__anyway its find the netwerk with the wep but that invisible sidd i can not connect to it16:47
Sfan00YEP Found the fault16:49
Sfan00ONE Tiny 3 pin chip16:49
Sfan00has  a mniscule crack in it16:49
kim__if i chose connecting with another wlan network its fails by 28 procent16:49
Sfan00But that's killed the board16:49
faissalhow can i add write access to /media/sdb1 to myself please ?16:49
sigma_123so when kde4 is released how wil it be available for gutsy users?16:50
NickPrestasigma_123, perhaps via backports16:50
MGalaxyPLZ suggest me a software for converting picture formats16:50
sigma_123sudo chown it in konsole16:50
NickPrestaMGalaxy, I like `convert`, part of the imagemagick suite. `sudo apt-get install imagemagick`16:51
trappistfaissal: add yourself to the plugdev group16:51
nosrednaekimsigma_123: backports16:51
faissaltrappist: ok thx16:51
sigma_123i hope they do a livecd. i dnt wana mess with my current install16:51
MGalaxyNickPresta: has it a GUI?16:51
NickPrestasigma_123, there is a current KDE4 liveCD, IIRC16:51
NickPrestaMGalaxy, no, it's a command line utility16:51
kim__please can someone tell me why it fails when i am trying to connect to the hidden sidd in kubuntu ?16:51
faissaltrappist:  i was already in it16:51
ardchoillesigma_123: See the channel topic16:52
NickPrestaMGalaxy, I don't know of any GUI application offhand. Sorry16:52
MGalaxyNickPresta: I need something with GUI16:52
trappistfaissal: then you have write access to the device - just maybe not to the mounted directory16:52
MGalaxyNickPresta: ok, thx16:52
sigma_123yeah i know that but its rc2. wil they update it when the final version is released?16:52
faissaltrappist yes thats it16:52
faissaltrappist: i want access to the mounted directory16:52
trappistfaissal: do ls -l /media and see who owns the directory.  if I insert a usb stick while I'm logged in, I own it16:53
Dr_willisnormally the person mounting the device has permission on it.16:54
sigma_123yeah i wud think that 216:55
trappisthuh.  the timestamp on the directory is 1969-12-31 18:0016:55
faissali own /media/sdb1 trappist16:55
MGalaxyPLZ suggest me a software for converting picture formats + GUI16:55
trappistfaissal: then you should definitely be able to write to it16:55
sigma_123if u own it u shud b able 2open it16:56
sigma_123and write 2it16:56
NickPrestaMGalaxy, you can use The GIMP, although it isn't meant solely for converting image formats.16:56
trappistMGalaxy: there are lots of gui ones (try the gimp) but if you're not afraid of a little console work, you can convert a zillion images at once with a simple command16:56
faissaltrappist thats right i can write in it when the usb stick isnt inserted16:57
sigma_123MGalaxy: what do u wana convert to?16:57
MGalaxysigma_123: anything to anything :D16:57
faissaltrappist it is just that i cannot mount  the drive i get an error saying fusermount: option blkdev is privileged16:57
MGalaxyNickPresta: trappist: thx16:57
sigma_123wel id say gimp. it does a good job16:57
sigma_123pity its a slow gtk app :(16:58
trappistfaissal: why didn't you say that in the first place16:58
Timmy|awayPlease help. I cannot start my system, it goes through the kubuntu startup, but I get the flashing cursor. During the last boot, I used System Manager to change the resolution of the boot, which worked fine, I also dropped to the command line to try to do a fdisk, but diddn't go through with it. I did this to a secondary hard drive, so this shouldn't effect it. Everything was fine, so I...16:58
Timmy|away...shutdown -h then started again and now I get the flashing cursor. Please help.16:58
sigma_123i had to go back 2konq because firefox was hopeless16:59
nosrednaekimTimmy|away: can you do ctrl+alt+f2 and get a command line?16:59
faissaltrappist : sorry but it is right now that i get this message it didnt appear 1st16:59
trappistfaissal: what kind of filesystem is on that device16:59
Timmy|awaynosrednaekim: Let me try16:59
faissaltrappist ntfs16:59
BluesKajsigma_123, how many konqs do you have16:59
Timmy|awaynosrednaekim: No16:59
trappistfaissal: that's what I thought - there's a lot of google hits on that error message, all for ntfs17:00
nosrednaekimfaissal: just wondering... does it have to be NTFS? FAT makes this a heck fo a lot easier17:00
nosrednaekimTimmy|away: can you boot into fail safe mode(from grub)17:00
faissalnosrednaekim: yes because i got files larger than 4 gb :dvd isos17:00
Timmy|awayLet me try.17:00
trappistfaissal: http://www.ntfs-3g.org/support.html#useroption317:00
nosrednaekimfaissal: ah..ok.17:00
faissalok trappist:17:00
trappistfaissal: so make it ext3 :)17:00
nosrednaekimit probably needs to be read by windows.17:01
faissalyes but i need access to it to backup 1st trappist ;)17:01
Timmy|awaynosrednaekim: When I went back to restart it, it had just started x.17:01
nosrednaekimTimmy|away: so eveything is good?17:01
faissalno i am trying to get rid of windows today lol...17:01
nosrednaekimfaissal: oh.... then do format it ext3..17:01
nosrednaekim(if it doesn't have anything on it.)17:01
Timmy|awayAt first sight, yes. Ill take a look and see if its all solid. Is there a boot log nosrednaekim?17:01
faissalbefore i format it, i need access to the files to back them up17:01
nosrednaekimTimmy|away: "dmesg" or /var/log/messages17:02
nosrednaekimfaissal: ah :)17:02
Timmy|awaynosrednaekim: I have installed a new sata hard drive, it has no partition table, so I need to partition it, what is the easiest way to do it.17:02
faissalmaybe gparted17:02
nosrednaekimTimmy|away: qtparted17:03
Timmy|awaynosrednaekim: I'm switching back to my PC, nick TimS17:03
Timmy|awayThanks alot17:03
nosrednaekimfaissal: I thought you said that your drive was working after you had rebooted?17:03
faissalnosrednaekim: it worked but i tried to unmount and remount but it didnt work17:04
faissalnosrednaekim: it doesnt want to be mounted again17:04
TimSnosrednaekim: Is there any relevance to the order devices are listed in "sudo fdisk -l" last time my sata hard drive was second, now its first.17:04
nosrednaekimfaissal: ah....17:04
nosrednaekimTimS: I don't think so.17:05
pfeinI'm using a white-on-dark color theme... if I go an https:// site in konq, the address bar background turns tan & is unreadable... anyone?17:05
kim__Knetworkmanager can not connect to my hidden sidd17:06
ardchoillekim__: What are you trying to do?17:08
faissalchmod 4755 $(which ntfs-3g) -> can someone please explain me what do (which ntfs-3g) stands for ??17:08
Sfan00Right people17:08
Sfan00Which version of Main baord do i need to get for Kubunut17:08
phoenixzI have a Dell latitude d620 laptop with external monitor, I just configured X for 2 monitors but once I switch to the external monitor of my laptop using fn+F8, I cant switch back.. is there anything known about that?17:08
=== theadministrator is now known as DarkTan_
ardchoillefaissal: "$(which ntfs-3g) is a variable telling the system the path to ntfs-3g. It's the same as if you open a terminal and type: which ntfs-3g17:09
phoenixzWhenever I press fn+F8 again, the external screen flickers for a second, but nothing else happens, the output stays on the external screen while it should be shown on the builtin LCD screen...17:09
kim__ I am trying to set up the wlan for my girl but her step father haves a hidden sidd he did gave me the name but it will not connect17:09
DarkTan_i've notice that kubuntu has a lost of the fonts that windows has. is ut possible to use fonts for windows on linux?17:10
ardchoillekim__: You're trying to hack into it?17:10
faissalardchoille: thx a lot17:10
nosrednaekimDarkTan_: yes, it is17:10
faissalYeeaha, it works17:10
kim__cno i am not trying to hack it17:11
TimSnosrednaekim: Is it odd that a brand new hard drive, 250gig, only has 232.39 left after i created a partition table?17:11
DarkTan_do i install them the same way as on windows?17:11
TimS<img src=http://sixpop.com/images/file/87943062.png>17:11
TimSadd to personal notes, but you can't till you login.17:11
nosrednaekimTimS: no. thats normal.17:11
ardchoillefaissal: yw17:11
TimSOkay ^_^17:11
nosrednaekimTimS: I have a 120GB hd, only 111 of which is available17:11
phoenixzTimS, thats pretty normal i guess, hard drive manufacturers dont multiply by 1024 as they should but by 100017:12
TimSOkay, I have clicked creat in qtparted, as this is my new /home partition, should this be a primary partition? Also, ext3 is the normal, and what does label mean, is this just a name?17:12
nosrednaekimTimS: yes, the first 3 partitions are primary17:12
nosrednaekimTimS: yes, label is just a name17:13
TimSOkay, so Home would be fine17:13
TimSSo, next I right click, format17:13
TimSOr do I click Commit first?17:13
TimSOkay :P17:14
nosrednaekimdon'tthink it matters, if it does, it'll give you an error17:14
TimSCommit I think.17:14
TimSLooks okay ^_^17:15
kim__Can someone please tell me how to connect to a hidden sidd in knetwork manager17:21
sonic__how long should it take to resize an ntfs partition on a fairly modern system? kubuntu partition manager just hangs. its been 25 min17:21
ardchoillekim__: Please take that to another channel. Given your original question (how can i hack a wep easy?) and your recent questions, your intentions do not appear to comply with our guidelines.17:22
kim__sonic do you have 7.10? by my girl it went fast but she got a small disk17:22
kim__ardchoille i dont wanna hack but it also seems not that i can connect easy to a hidden sidd with knetwork manager17:23
sonic__kim__: yes.  ive got 12000 MBs used on a Windows partition and want to resize it from 90 GB to 20 GB. I also defragged it beforehand.17:24
sonic__this is a gutsy install17:24
ardchoillekim__: Do you have the necessary credentials to log in?17:24
kim__i have the sidd name there no wep code or anything17:24
TimSHello again. I am about to copy my /home to a new hard drive to use as a home drive, but when it was created, it created a Lost+Found directory, do I need this directory and will it show up in my home directory from now on?17:25
kim__and now i am using tempory the kabel but i need to set the wlan before her stepfather takes the kabel17:26
sourcemakerTimS: this directory should be in root "/"...17:26
shaffycan someone please recommend another mp3 player other than amarok; i am absolutely fet up with it.  it constantly crashes/hangs.17:26
sub[t]rnlTimS➜ GNU/Linux puts files in Lost + Found that it has restored after a system crash or a partition hasn't been umounted correctly.17:27
sourcemakershaffy: juk is working fine for me17:27
ardchoillekim__: Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:27
SanneTimS: as far as I know, this directory is created on every ext3 partition17:27
shaffysourcemaker: thanks for your input.  does it have relatively decent options?17:27
TimSThis is a new hard drive, I just partitioned it and formated it, I inted to copy my /home dir to it and mount it over the top. Will it cause a problem and can I remove it.17:27
TimSIt is a ext3 partition.17:27
sourcemakershaffy: it's easy to use... and does not have many options17:28
TimSIs it possible to hide it from anyone that isn't root then?17:28
shaffythanks sourcemaker.  i appreciate the input.17:28
TimSalso, sub[t]rnl its a 250gig hard drive and has 218gig avalibe, is that right?17:29
sonic__well where can I get kubuntu 7.04? I never had problems resizing with that.17:30
LeAstralehmm.. google kubuntu 7.04 download17:30
sub[t]rnlTimS➜ ext3 reserves space on the drive afiak17:31
sourcemakersonic__: why not using gusty?17:31
TimSThats not very nice of it. :P17:31
LeAstralesourcemaker: Gutsy is more or less unstable compared too feisty17:32
sonic__sourcemaker: cause resizing ntfs just hangs. Ive tried it twice and its even on a defragged partition with 10Gb of free space Im leaving on it17:32
sourcemakersonic__: ok... nice to know17:32
Dr_willisi find gutsy stable here.. i did do a clean install :)17:32
Dr_willisand i dont use compiz.17:33
ardchoilleLeAstrale: That is not true. I found Gutsy (clean install) to be very stable.17:33
sonic__sourcemaker: dont get me wrong, I HATED Qtparted. but at least resizing works.17:33
sub[t]rnlTimS➜ hehe, you should be able to adjust the amount of reserved space with tune2fs, but make sure you read up on it and know what your doing17:33
* sub[t]rnl agrees with ardchoille17:34
sonic__Dr_willis: been using gutsy since alpha.  no problems.  but the install disk wont resize my ntfs.  so Im going to use 7.04 just to resize then finish off with gutsy17:34
LeAstraleardchoille: i installed it on my Latitude D630 and i've never seen any Ubuntu system so unstable.. Hardy Alpha 2 was much more stable17:34
SanneTimS: the size also depends on how it is counted, as 1MB = 1000 Bytes or 1024 Bytes17:34
Dr_willisI alwyas use the various gparted live cds  for my resizing needs17:34
Dr_willisive seen some windows disk layouts that just really confuse some of the parted tools.17:35
sonic__Dr_willis: ok Ill search for that. hopefully itll be a smaller download ;)17:35
TimSAlso, I need to copy my home directory across now, but usualy I would drop to the command line, so that nothing is in use, but when I startx after wards, I get now shutdown options, and i have to go back to the command line and shutdown from there, should I startkde or is there a better command just to get it back to normal.17:35
TimSSanne: 234gig if I use H :P17:35
TimSsub[t]rnl: Ah thanks, I may look it up if I need some more space in the future :P17:36
Dr_willisGparted Live cd,  I think is its full name.17:36
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer17:36
SanneTimS: aha, see? :)17:37
sonic__Dr_willis: yeah I found it.  thanks again. thats what I needed17:37
TimSI wonder what the manafacturers use. Probably 1000 whereas linux is proper and uses 104 :P17:37
Dr_willismarketing likes to use 1000 so the #'s look bigger. :)17:38
Dr_willisI got a 300gb hd.. it came with 'free' 20gb extra!17:38
Dr_williswellif they had used the 1024 # - instead of 1000...17:38
Dr_willisMost likely they stopped makigmn the 300s nd still had 300 box;s about :) so they Put them in there and stuck a 'free'  sticker on the box17:39
TimShehe :P17:39
TimSRight, I'm gonna try and copy all my data across.17:39
TimSIll irssi if I get stuck :P17:40
mace_hello. i tried to install wicd_1.3.1-all.deb to get wpa support for my wireless card. by installing with dpkg i get an error that wicd collides with network-manager. should i remove network-manager?17:41
SanneTimS: I recently learned that actually 1000 Bytes  = 1 MB and is pronounced megabyte, while 1024 Bytes = 1 MiB (mibibyte). Nobody seems to use it correctly, though (me neither).17:41
TimSIm stuck.17:42
Dr_willisI think the techky nerds got sick of the MB term being abused.. so they made a new one. :)17:42
ardchoille!wireless | mace_17:42
ubotumace_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:42
TimSI got to the kde login screen. Clicked console log in, and it went black, I got to a screen with a black flashing cursor, and waited, it started X and KDE again.17:42
TimSWhats wrong?17:42
sub[t]rnlmace_➜ wpa is supported in knetworkmanager17:43
sub[t]rnlmace_➜ but yeah, you'll have to remove one to use the other17:43
TimSIll try for a restart.17:44
mace_sub[t]rnl: hmm i do only see wep options17:45
sub[t]rnlmace_➜ right click on the icon, then go to connect to other wireless network and enter the essid, and select the encryption method17:45
sigma_i just use kwifimanager, its so much simpler for some reason17:46
sub[t]rnlknetworkmanager still has some rough edges, thats for sure17:47
mace_would it be better for me to get wicd :)?17:47
sigma_yeah true, i find it perfect for wired lan but wireless still leaves alot to be desired17:47
sigma_mace_: try kwifimanager in the repos17:48
sub[t]rnlwell, not even for wired lan, it still flubs up when you set manual ip's in /etc/network/interfaces17:48
sub[t]rnlbut its getting better!17:48
* sub[t]rnl hums17:48
snarkstergood morning, I started up my laptop this morning and it very kindly told me that it could not start kstartupconfig.  Has anyone else had this issue?17:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kstartupconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:49
sigma_sub[t]rnl: i set a manual ip but in kcontrol and it still worked. i hate dhcp assignment, its almost impossible to use with nfs or my apache server the way i like it17:50
mace_sigma_:  ok ill try17:50
sub[t]rnlsnarkster➜ hrm, could be a problem with ownership of your /home/usr direcotry17:50
snarksterhmm I dont htink i have a /home/usr17:51
sub[t]rnlno /home/"user"17:51
Dr_willis /home/USERNAME :)17:51
sub[t]rnllike, /home/snarkster17:51
sigma_can someone go to and tell me what they see?17:52
sub[t]rnlusername! there we go17:52
snarksteruh oh17:52
snarksterno home directory17:52
sub[t]rnlheh, theres the problem17:52
snarksterthank you17:52
mace_sigma_:  is this just a program to search for wlans?17:54
sigma_mace_: i use it for connecting to my home network. unlike knetworkmanager, it connects automatically as soon as i activate the wireless17:55
mace_ok thanks17:55
sigma_mace_: u need to set it up17:56
mace_problem is, that i got this wlan at my work. cant test it now :s17:59
sigma_mace_: lol o well theres always 2moro18:00
mace_hehe :)18:02
mrdigitalanyone intall the CX88 module?18:04
mahasamootI'm trying to get Firefox to use KDE dialogs for opening and saving files.  I found references to kgtk... but I'd see a Howto the is just for kubuntu.... but I lost the link.  It was given to me by a person on this list... I've tried in vein to google for it.18:04
mahasamootJucato: are you here?18:05
BluesKajwhynot just use konqueror ?18:05
sigma_yes i have moved back to konq after a fling with firefox (cheating is not good) :(18:07
BluesKajmy konq is very reliable , but it's still slower than FF , can't figure out why ...IPv6 is disabled18:08
mrdigitaldoes kbuntu have CX88 modules loaded?18:08
sigma_BluesKaj: huh? slower than firefox. thats not possible18:10
BluesKajmrdigital, i beleive the gutsy does ...had no probs with my tv tuner being recognized as i did in previous releases18:10
BluesKajwell sigma_ , i have both and i can testify that FF is faster18:11
sigma_BluesKaj: are you talking about the program or the browsing speed?18:11
mrdigitalBluesKaj: what tuener?18:11
sigma_firefox uses more bandwidth than konq when loading pages, but thats just me18:11
tzdhelp with Kmail filters anyone please?18:13
BluesKajmrdigital, ATI TV Wonder Pro18:14
mrdigitalBluesKaj: when do do a lspci does it show up?18:14
mahasamootBluesKaj: you're joking right?  I can't even check gmail w/ konqueror.  Konqueror doesn't even have a history, and when I tried to save a book mark... it was gone when I looked for it.....    this is why I'm here asking for a link, because I was stupid enough to use konqueror for 5 min. to look at this one webpage which konqueror has now sent to /dev/null18:14
mrdigitalmahasamoot: Opera18:15
mahasamootmrdigital: what about it?18:15
mrdigitaltry it out18:15
mahasamootmrdigital: maybe it's different now, but last I saw it had ads in it... and didn't impress me at all18:16
mahasamootlet's hear the sales pitch18:17
mrdigitali dont use it18:17
BluesKajmahasamoot, konq has a history9just click on "show navigation panel under 'View" , gmail can be rendered ok, there is a fix for that18:17
mrdigitalBluesKaj: does ur tuner show up in lspci?18:18
freexxok kubuntu froze up and now it wont boot, it gives invalid operating system18:19
BluesKajmrdigital, yes :Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio                                                                                 Decoder (rev 05)18:20
sigma_hey gmail does work in konq, maybe not in full mode but still works none the less:)18:21
Dr_willisive heard that the updates to flash some how broke with konq. But i never use konq. :)18:21
Dr_willis I got too many firefox addons i use.18:21
BluesKajsigma_, there's an html fix to render most of the page (a little differently than FF I admit) but it does work ok.18:22
freexxyou check out swiftweasel?18:22
mrdigitalBluesKaj: pm?18:22
BluesKajmrdigital, i prefer not to PM ...ppl here can help as well incase they've encountered a sismilar condition :)18:23
ubuntuIm trying to install ubuntu with debootstrap. Im installing grub right now, but it freezes in here18:23
ubuntuSearching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub18:23
ubuntunothing more happens18:23
ubuntuany clue?18:23
mrdigitalthe chat is moving too fast18:23
Dr_willisIt is?18:23
mrdigitalim getting a fton of parts and joins18:24
Dr_willisthats why you disable/hide parts and joins. :)18:24
sigma_mrdigital: u wana see fast chat, go to #ubuntu :)18:24
mrdigitalhow in mirc/18:24
Dr_willisI dont use mirc.. read the mirc docs i guess.18:24
BluesKajmrdigital, pastebin your xorg.conf file ..I may be able to help if i see it18:24
sigma_thats why u use konversation!18:24
mrdigitalwhy do u want my xorg.conf?18:24
freexxi love konversation18:24
mrdigitalthat has nothign to do with it18:25
freexxbut i love mirc scripting more18:25
mrdigitalmy TVtuner isnt being seen by lspci18:25
Dr_williscalling mirc stuff 'scripting' is akin to calling.. err.. i cant think of a good enough analogy. :)18:25
BluesKajwhat tvtuner is it mrdigital ?18:25
mrdigitalAvermedia M15018:25
freexxit is scripting18:25
mrdigitalnow on the ubuntu forusm18:25
mrdigitaltheres a guy who's lspci detected it18:25
faissalfusermount: user has no write access to mountpoint /media/ddext . How can i solve that problem please18:26
ScorpKingfaissal: sudo chown user:user -R /media/ddext/18:26
BluesKajwhat tv app are you trying to use , mrdigital ?18:27
Dr_willisThat may also depend on the filesystem thats mounted.18:27
faissalScorpKing: i replace user by my username i guess ?18:28
faissalScorpKing: thx18:28
mrdigitali cant even get it to detect it because lspci doesnt even know the card exists18:29
ScorpKingfaissal: if that does not work see in /etc/fstab if it gets mounted as onother user or something18:30
BluesKajmrdigital, that means you don't have a driver installed for the card18:30
ScorpKingmrdigital: does sudo lshw | less show it?18:31
mrdigitalim rebooting brb18:32
mahasamootDr_willis: you said you use firefox.... what did you do about the file dialogs?18:34
mrdigitalhm may help if the card was pushing in all the way18:35
mrdigitalfrom years of moving it popped out a little in the back18:35
mrdigitalyes! i got it18:36
mrdigitalthe lspci sees the tuner18:36
mrdigitali need to tell it what it is18:37
mrdigitalMutlimedia Controller Conextant CX23880 comes up in lspci18:37
mrdigitalhey! lets try it i think it saw it18:37
Sannemahasamoot: I'm using not exactly KDE style file picker, but the firefox own (I believe). It's a setting in about:config, look here: http://konquefox.free.fr/#trick_filepicker18:39
mahasamootSanne: thank you, I'll have a look18:40
Sannemahasamoot: the downside is it hasn't got bookmarks18:40
Dr_willismahasamoot,  i dont do anything about them.18:41
mrdigitalSanne: can also add bookmarks18:41
mrdigitalmake a folder on the desktop with linux to fave sites18:41
mrdigitallinux yeah lol linx18:41
mrdigital... links18:42
mrdigitali got my tv tuner workig18:42
mrdigitalall i had to to was open the case and push down harder18:42
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
mrdigitalthe end popped out of the slot18:42
Sannemrdigital: I don't mean web site bookmarks, but file system bookmarks, as you can in the kde file poicker.18:42
mrdigitalBluesKaj: want help with your tv tuner?18:45
=== ubuntu is now known as tmpnick
=== sergey is now known as cronium
makers_markcan someone please tell me what the command to install system updates is?18:46
makers_markis it "sudo apt-get install update" ?18:47
croniumDieds with scythe18:47
mrdigitalsudo apt-get update18:47
jussi01sudo apt-get update18:47
basculesudo apt-get upgrade after that18:47
nooneyHow does Konqueror compare to Firefox?18:48
makers_markty :)18:48
Sannenooney: Konqueror is a great file manager compared to Firefox ;)18:48
croniumFirefox - only web brouser...18:48
basculenooney: well there are less apges that are coded to take it into account so more breakage in rendering, apart from that it's a nice browser18:49
sub[t]rnlKonqueror was designed to work well with kde, faster start times because of its preloading, and you can do some really neat stuff with it18:49
=== ludovic_ is now known as ludovic__
sub[t]rnlfirefox is a cross platform browser, and leaves a larger memory footprint.18:50
nooneyIs the footprint significantly larger?18:50
sub[t]rnlnot too bad18:50
sub[t]rnlbut larger, yeah18:50
basculekonqueror is the app which got me back to kde after xfce, it has no equal as a file manager on any platform, that and amarok make kde the true choice of desktop enviroments ;)18:50
* sub[t]rnl agrees18:50
sub[t]rnltake a look at swiftweasel.18:51
sub[t]rnlits a firefox build specificialy for linux18:51
jussi01!es | vit__18:51
ubotuvit__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:51
sub[t]rnlall the w32 code has been cleansed and it has builds for specific archs/processors18:51
nooneyCheers for the advice I'll mess around with Konquerror  and see which I prefer18:51
phoenixzIm using a dell d620 latitude laptop with I945 chipset. I just got the external monitor working as well with the i810 driver for X, but direct rendering is not working.. How can I find WHY its not working? or does anybody know how to fix this??18:51
nooneysub[t]rnl I'll try it out18:51
sub[t]rnlphoenixz➜ you might need to use the "intel" driver.18:52
nooneyIn the mean time how do I install flash into Konqueror?18:52
Dr_willisThe latest flash updates i hear.. dont play nicely with Konqueror.18:52
basculeyoutube is a no-no18:52
Dr_willisYou could try i guess.. theres a .deb package you can download/install that will isntall the latest flash18:52
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:53
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.18:53
nooneyGuess I'll wait18:53
Dr_willisThat 2nd url has links to the package. Not sure how good of a fix that is.. but it has to be better then manually installing the flash from  the tar.gzs18:53
nooneyI don't like playing around with betas and tempoarary fixes18:54
nooneyI'll try swiftweasel for now18:54
* Dr_willis thinks that beta describes flash very well.. 18:54
basculeDr_willis: all you have to do is cp the.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/18:54
Dr_willisbascule,  seems like theres a lot of discussion going on about the flash stuff..  so i imagine theres other issues.18:55
ScorpKingyoutube works in konqueror here btw.18:55
Dr_willisBut the thread got so long i stopped reading it. :)18:55
basculeflash is nasty on the whole, just stuff to ad-block, but useful too :)18:55
mrdigitalanyone get the beeps thru the speakers? doooo do-do-doooooo18:56
ScorpKingmrdigital: i assume thats in the bios right?18:56
Dr_willisYep - i tend to use the various flash blockers also.18:57
mrdigitalno the Sound card in liinux18:57
mrdigitalevery distro i isntaleld has had it18:57
Dr_willistheres allkinds of beeps. :)18:57
Dr_willisand bleeps.. what are you refering to exactly?18:57
Frekumaybe a key on his keyboard is stuck  en comp is beeping while starting up18:58
Aloneahey, what is that command to reinstall the xserver? getting blank screen on startup18:59
jussi01Alonea: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:59
Arwenwhenever I play a video using xv, large rectangular blocks appear all over it, any idea what the deal is?18:59
Aloneajussi01: thankie. hopefully it will fix it18:59
sub[t]rnlArwen➜ are you using compiz fusion?19:00
nooneyIs there anything similiar to "Task Manager" on Kubuntu?19:01
sub[t]rnlnooney➜ top19:01
rothchildnooney or try ctrl / esc19:01
sub[t]rnlnooney➜ htop is nice one to have as well19:01
jussi01nooney: system - ksysguard19:01
sub[t]rnlksysguard gives some bogus info19:02
nooneyk cheers19:02
nooneyis there a hotkey for the konsole?19:02
wernerin kde?19:03
wernerpress alt+f2, then enter xterm, maybe?19:04
werneror create your own hotkeys .... should be possible in kde19:04
nooneyxterm dosent work19:04
=== WarMage_Y is now known as ][WarMag3][
werneryou should install it ... ?19:04
sub[t]rnlkonsole is the default in kde19:04
nooneycheers sub[t]rnl19:05
jussi01nooney: kmenu - system settings - keyboard and mouse - keyboard shortcuts19:05
nooneycheers jussi0119:05
rothchildnooney if you hit f8 in konqueror you can have a terminal in your file browser19:05
sub[t]rnli never knew that19:06
sub[t]rnl+1 rothchild19:06
rothchildit's great cos all the stuff that's better with a gui like extracting files, coppying and pasting etc you can do in the window and for all the trixy stuff the prompt just follows you around19:09
jussi01same for dolphin, but f419:09
sub[t]rnlyup yup.19:10
sub[t]rnlthe konq one's nice cause its attached on there, thats gonna be handy for when I need a quick cut and paste of some page in konqueror to cli, and don't have to alt+tab to my shell19:11
weswh-ok, so my only real contstant problem in kubuntu has been not being able to mount a drive that my user can access19:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:11
weswh-i can mount it fine - via sudo, but then it's owned by root etc.19:12
werner"/etc/fstab/ " ?19:12
jussi01!es | kanoppero19:12
ubotukanoppero: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:12
weswh-so i end up doing chmod and chown...or, eventually just doing cp commands from the root shell19:12
wernerchange "/etc/fstab" !19:12
weswh-well - yeah...i mean a have a permanent mount that eventually i was able to get going that way. i guess what i am looking for is more of a one off way to do this (this is an external drive of a friends that i just need to put some data on)19:12
weswh-so there's no way to say "mount this, avail to all users" done. unmount it..done19:13
kanopperoen donde busco los canales19:13
wernertry "/etc/fstab" and you will be happy19:13
weswh-heh, ok :)19:13
wernerversuchs mal, vielleicht klappts19:13
Arwensub[t]rnl, no19:14
wernerversuch: noauto,user19:14
ScorpKingweswh-: man fstab or man mount19:14
wernerbesser :-)19:14
sub[t]rnlbye! arwen!19:14
Aloneaok, I am trying to reformat and the screen went blank during installation, but the computer is still on19:15
basculeweswh-: is it ntfs or fat32?19:15
wernerwhat "reformat?"19:15
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pablohi evry body19:15
ScorpKinghey pablo19:15
weswh-it's ext3.19:15
pablosi man19:16
pablocan you help me ?19:16
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:16
weswh-werner: do i just want to add a new line for it in fstab, just like my internal ext3 partition is done? even though this is a firewire drive, will be in and out of the system and all19:16
pabloi have linux19:16
pablobut i cant see the vidios on you tube19:17
bascule!flash | pablo19:17
ubotupablo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:17
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.19:17
wernerdevice mountpoint filesys options 0 019:17
Aloneaok nevermind. I figured it out.19:17
basculewerner: is the mount point for the drive, the dir, chmod 777?19:18
werner"/dev/sdc4  /mnt/zip  auto user,noauto   0   0"19:18
pablook i am in19:18
basculeactually meant weswh-19:18
wernerbascule: should be no problem on (k)ubuntu19:18
pablook i will try19:18
wernerand read the man-page (# man fstab)19:19
BluesKajmrdigital, was called away for 30mins  ...glad to see you have your tuner working. mine is working fine thx :)19:19
jimmy51hello, new to linux and looking for help on a Grub Error 21 after installing Kubuntu 7.1019:20
jimmy51am I in the right place?19:20
wernerjimmy: have you looked for error 21 (was it is )19:21
weswh-ok, i added that. does that cause it to automount when the system is rebooted - or is that something different?19:21
wernerjimmy : in the grub manual19:21
pablobut i have a lot of option19:21
weswh-if i just mount it manually now...should it take those settings, in other words. now that i've saved fstab19:21
basculeError 21 means "Can not find disk".19:21
jimmy51yeah, i googled it and found advice to edit grub.conf or fstab, but I can't even get the partitions to mount in the live CD19:21
wernerweswh: what device do you have added? does the mount-point?19:21
jimmy51bascule/werner: yes, i found the description... and have a vague understanding.  i think it's similar to boot.ini for windows19:22
wernerjimmy: what did you try?19:22
basculejimmy51: was the first reboot after installing onto just resized partitions?19:22
jimmy51werner:  i opened the disk and filesystems under system settings, and tried to get the partitions to mount through that19:22
jimmy51bascule: yes, i tried to resize the remaining space19:23
weswh-not sure what you mean by does the mount-point? yes, i have it pointed to the intended mount location19:23
* bascule fears the worst for the partition integrity19:23
wernerjimmy: try it manually in the grub-shell first19:23
wernerdevice is like "/dev/sdc4" (or what ever) and mount mount is the dir19:24
jimmy51bascule/werner:  situation - 250GB Raid1 array, 32GB partition with WXP.  Installed Kubuntu, told it to resize current partition to 32, use the rest of the space using guided install.  when finished, next boot gave error 2119:24
jimmy51werner:  grub shell?  is there a key combo to get that?19:24
basculejimmy51: RAID1 done by some on board controller like nVidia of promise?19:24
jimmy51bascule:  Adaptec 1210SA Sata controller19:25
wernerjimmy: no. boot from a grubfloppy and add grub options manually and try to boot from there!!19:25
jimmy51werner/bascule:  I started a thread here - http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3090075.msg108533#msg108533 if you want to look at my "fdisk -l" output19:26
basculejimmy51: i reckon that you have borked the RAID witht hat install, linux has seen two seperate drives, adaptec presents them to windows as one ... nasty19:26
wernerjimmy: first, define boot disk (# boot (hd0,0) or what ever) and so on ....19:26
jimmy51ooh, that makes sense19:26
wernerjimmy: try to find a grub manual first19:26
jimmy51fdisk shows two disks... sda and sdb19:26
jimmy51werner:  i'll look up the grub disk and try to make one19:27
wernerbascul: good idea19:27
basculejimmy51: in the BIOS setup thingy see if it feels that the raid is still healthy, it probably won't19:27
weswh-werner: yeah, the fstab entry is correct and the supporting directory is there. but what do i need to do now? just mount the drive manually - or reboot and it will automount...or trigger an fstab refresh somehow?19:27
wernerjimmy: there are many manuals how to create bootfloppies for grub19:27
jimmy51bascule:  i entered the raid bios, and it still says Optimal.... but linux appears to see 2 drives19:27
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:27
wernerweswh: now, with your normal user account, try to mount one more time, ok? (is it a USB-device?)19:28
weswh-it's firewire. ah...from the user account. ok19:28
weswh-i typed19:29
wernerweswh: just try to stick the device in via firewire ... mhhh19:29
jimmy51werner/bascule:  am i looking at some long complex process to get kubuntu to acknowledge my RAID1?19:29
weswh-"mount /dev/sdb1" and it said "only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/firewire"19:29
basculejimmy51: possibly, there is an old HOWTO based on red-hat but my knowledge of the process is weak19:30
wernerweswh: try it under kde without typing, just plug in ... ?19:30
jimmy51bascule:  i'm looking at that now.... RaidConfigurationHowTo and it looks like it would take quite a bit19:30
wernerjimmy: mhh... i have no experience with raid ...19:30
basculejimmy51: you need to get the driver running/working for the on-board adaptec, but I still fear the worst19:30
wernerjimmy/bascul: mybe the exists some manuals for raid and grub?19:31
jimmy51bascule/werner:  I'm pretty sure my data is toast, but that's ok.  i wouldn't install on my real machine unless i knew what I was doing :)19:31
wernerjimmy: :/ damn19:31
jimmy51it's not onboard, it's a PCI card... but it's still a low end one19:31
weswh-werner: didn't seem to mount my unplugging/replugging the interface19:31
basculejimmy51: well it is possible, but you need to do some fancy-panrs config to get it seeing the RAID volume from the card19:32
weswh-maybe if i just do a sudo mount now it will work19:32
wernerweswh: mh. open a root-shell and mount it via root access; then type mount. what is the output?19:32
jimmy51werner/bascule:  check this out -  I have an Adaptec 1210SA SATA RAID card. Why doesn't Linux support my hardware RAID?19:33
jimmy51A. It's not hardware RAID. It is software RAID, provided by the BIOS on the card.19:33
wernerwesh: what does  "ls -l /mountpint" say?19:33
basculejimmy51: only tutes I know of are for LILO, but #grub people may know, I will search about to see what I can find, but I would accept data loss now as the superblock is probably broken beyond repair19:33
jimmy51bascule:  data loss is fine with me19:33
weswh-drwx------ 2 root root19:33
wernerjimmy: good question... make a new kernel with supporting modules for your raidcard .. ???19:33
jimmy51bascule:  (well, in this case anyway!)  i'm just trying to learn how to do it right19:34
wernerwesh: ah. "chmod 0755 /mountpoint"19:34
basculejimmy51: yeah there is a huge difference between true hardware RAID and most PCI cards19:34
jimmy51werner:  whoa... make a new kernel?  that sounds crazy19:34
weswh-just a lost+found folder there - which was created when it was partitioned i guess...but, i don't have permissions to that19:34
wernerjimmy: oha. what about modules?19:34
weswh-it's lokced19:34
wernerweshw: as root, change permission to execute and read/write with chmod19:35
jimmy51werner:  jimmy <-- doesn't know what modules are19:35
wernerjimmy: oh. bascule?19:35
wernerweshw: ls -l now?19:35
weswh-just seems like i'm missing something here. i mean, this is the situation i'm always in...why can't i just mount with a flag for my user or something. i've tried before reading and messing with UID etc. but bleh. hang on, doing it now.19:35
basculejimmy51: modules are kernel parts that can be added and removed on the fly, basically drivers19:36
weswh-yeah...i got it now, drwxrwxrwx...19:37
weswh-(chmod -R, btw)19:37
weswh-chmod by itself didn't get it19:37
werner"wesh: should look like :   drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2007-10-21 12:47 sda1"19:37
wernerjimmy/bascule: you should look for the driver in the kernel-config ...19:37
jimmy51bascule:  ahh.  how would i add the support to the install CD?  i plan on having my raid intact already, with an XP partition19:37
weswh-yeah. it doesn't show me the dev location in the printout...but yeah it looks like it's all there19:37
wernerwesh: tried to remount it now? have you umount it before?!?!19:38
wernerls -la19:38
weswh-so that permission change should be persistent for the next time i mount it?19:39
basculeI have this setup and it works flawlessly with a pair of 160GB19:39
basculeSATA drives.19:39
basculejimmy51: ^19:39
wernerwesh: sure, the permission of your mount-point is fixed19:39
basculefrom some google hit on a thread19:39
wernerweswh: try to mount it again?19:40
blueyedIs there a command to simulate clicking on a file from the command line? ("open")19:40
weswh-and maybe with those permissions it will mount from my normal user19:40
jimmy51bascule:  you mean there's a google thread that will tell me how to do it?19:40
weswh-werner:  i'll try in a second - got a file copy in progress19:40
nooneyEverytime I use Ark it tells me the extraction operation failed...19:40
wernerweswh: ah, ok. it should work now, i hope so :)19:41
nooneybut it the files still seem to extract19:41
basculejimmy51: no, just someone claiming theirs works, so hope remains :)19:41
weswh-werner:  thanks very much..i'll let you know19:42
jimmy51bascule:  what's the link?  i could look it over...19:43
wernernooney: what kind of archive?19:43
kyeIs there a GUI easy to use AVI to DVD transcoder?19:44
wernerwesh: yes, please19:44
BluesKajblueyed, are you here to test ppl's response to cli questions , cuz you being an active pdpc supporter makes me think the question is some kind of test. :)19:44
jussi01!devede | kye19:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about devede - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:44
jussi01!info devede | kye19:44
ubotukye: devede: program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.13-0.0 (gutsy), package size 741 kB, installed size 1700 kB19:44
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blueyedBluesKaj: you guessed it.. ;) so, what's the answer?19:45
basculejimmy51: there is no info ata ll just says it works, I am still trying to establish wether linux will ever go onto a premade mirror/stripe from the cardsd BIOS, it is lookin less likely19:45
basculejimmy51: http://forums.suselinuxsupport.de/index.php?showtopic=1709419:45
BluesKajnot sure, typing the app name in the konsole, is the only one i know19:46
wernerblueeyed: perl-program? *gg*19:46
blueyedIIRC windows has e.g. "start" and MacOS has "open". There must be something similar for Linux/KDE19:46
wernerblueeyed: or c, or c++ ? whatever19:46
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kyejussi01:  i've tried that and it seem'd to take over 1 hour and 30mins to convert avi to dvd i stopped it cause it was taking so long. Windows takes me 20mins for a 4.3GB dvd19:46
blueyedwerner: no, I want to open a file, e.g. "foo.txt", with the associated app.19:46
blueyed..just like clicking on it would do.19:47
wernerblueeyed: where? in kde?19:47
CrazyMYKLanyone have any info on when the libgif/libungif conflict blocking kde4 on hardy will be resolved?19:47
blueyedwerner: yes, from konsole.19:47
wernerblueeyed: I thould you like to "simulat" the open process ... and read the returncodes19:47
jimmy51bascule:  doh.  i was hoping i just had to hold down the P key during install and it would all work :)19:47
nooneywerner: tar.gz19:48
wernernooney: open konsole. type " tar -xvfz FILE". maybe it works...19:49
noaXess!find visor19:49
ubotuFound: xen-hypervisor-3.119:49
esaymFresh install of kubuntu 6.06 and the "su" command does not work in the terminal.  Says "su: Authentication failure" after I type in the password.  Any tips?19:49
basculejimmy51: would be nice, but I can find no positive hits on linux acknowledging a pre-made array from the card ...19:49
werneresaym: i created a user "root" with the kde user add appliction and added a superuser-password.19:50
CrazyMYKLesaym, is your user in the "wheel" group?19:50
esaymlet me check19:50
jimmy51bascule:  yeah, that's what it's looking like.  most sources I see say it's not a real raid, so the OS has to realize it is from the getgo19:50
emilsedgh!compiz > blix19:51
esaymgroup "wheel" is not a group in the kubuntu 6.06 or my debian install (su works in the debian install)19:52
esaymmaybe try adduser root?19:52
jimmy51can anyone recommend a true PCI hardware SATA raid controller?19:52
werneresaym: root should exist... i think ... try to add password ... or so ... (or use debian)19:53
esaymyea root exist19:54
wernertry to add a password with the kde systemsetting tool (or somehing?)19:54
esaymforgot what the change password command is.  on sec19:54
esaymyea so "passwd root"19:55
crackhead_25anyone know where all the messages are stored in kopete? .kde/kopete or something?19:55
esaymlet me try19:55
jim88hi all ... having trouble installing odf-converter here ... anyone tell me why the last 2 steps of copying files don't work on the examples and is there an easy way to install it19:55
wernermh. if it doesnd work try it via GUI ...19:55
esaymthanks guys19:56
wernerno problem :)19:56
esaymthank you werner CrazyMYKL19:56
basculecrackhead_25: ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/19:56
wernerweshw: i'm going to leave. did it work?19:56
basculecrackhead_25: at a guess I don't use it19:57
weswh-doing it right now19:57
crackhead_25bascule: what do you use19:57
crackhead_25is there something multiprotocol that is better?19:57
basculecontact list19:57
basculecrackhead_25: matter of taste really, I yse IRC ;)19:57
crackhead_25bascule: do you know why sometimes using alt+tab when on firefox and switching to other things crashes firefox?19:58
weswh-well, yes and no19:58
weswh-it didn't mount without sudo...but, when i mounted with sudo19:58
weswh-it's all good19:58
wernerhave you tried it with nrmal user?19:58
basculecrackhead_25: never seen that, flash related + some video driver most likely19:58
kyewhats the command in alien to convert do a  .rpm file to a .deb file? also including all the .rpm files within to be converter to?19:58
weswh-werner: yeah, that's what didn't work. it said my be root19:58
TheGateKeepercrackhead_25: sadly version 2 of firefox is not terrible stable19:59
crackhead_25bascule: do you know why sometimes if i let the screen turn to a screensaver and try to lock automatically when i come back to it there is no mouse cursor?19:59
Aloneaok, I thought it might of been the wrong video driver or something, but I just reinstalled and I am getting a blank screen after the grub stuff19:59
kyeWarning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package mjpegtools: postinst postrm19:59
kyeWarning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts.19:59
basculecrackhead_25: some video driver probably, what you using, ati?19:59
crackhead_25(it responds to the mouse movement, but you the mouse cursor is invisible..)19:59
crackhead_25i dont know exactly... how do  i find out?19:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about module - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:59
wernerweswh: mh. strange.20:00
blueyedwerner, BluesKaj: you can open urls/files with "kfmclient exec <file/url>".20:00
basculecrackhead_25: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:00
Aloneaok, so I pressed enter a couple times and the screen blinked and the login showed up. whats with that?20:00
weswh-werner: yeah no biggie...i need to read up on all of it20:00
weswh-figure out UID and stuff.20:00
weswh-but this helped..thanks a lot20:00
crackhead_25bascule: kbd, mouse, and wacom..20:00
basculewhat is last?20:01
noaXessis /etc/modules the only file to start modules at boottime?20:01
basculeI get Driver          "nvidia"20:01
basculenoaXess: easiest one20:01
BluesKajblueyed, my question ...errr , why would yo want to unless you like running from the TTY prompt?20:01
jimmy51werner/bascule:  thanks for the advice... you've saved me a lot of time20:02
basculeyou are welcome jimmy5120:02
wernerblueeyed: thats all? (you wanted to know, I mean :) ?20:02
wernerjimmy: mh, sorry, bascule was the crack :-)20:02
blueyedBluesKaj: e.g. for an action in Klipper, or if you're at the file on the Konsole already.20:02
blueyedwerner: yes. btw you may want to use tab-completion for nicks.. ;)20:02
wernerblueeyed: thnaks, ok20:03
wernerblueyed: *lol* thank you! :-)20:03
* bascule wanders to the shops for milk and stuff20:04
* BluesKaj thinks he's lost ...what's klipper ?20:04
wernerblueyed: i'm just an old stupid linuxer since kernel 2.0.020:04
basculeBluesKaj: it keeps copy/paste in a place for n amount of copy/paste20:05
blueyedBluesKaj: Klipper is a must have: it stores your clipboard history. and allows calling actions for specific content (that's what I'm trying to setup for "LP: \d+" now)20:05
wernerblueeyed: and tipping is more faster (but wronger) thand tabbing and scrolling (or so .. ;-) never mind, plz20:05
jim88hi all ... having trouble installing odf-converter here ... anyone tell me why the last 2 steps of copying files don't work on the examples and is there an easy way to install it20:06
blueyednp, werner. But it gets not highlighted for me. Not that I would ignore you.. ;)20:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:06
wernerblueyed: your world :-)20:06
BluesKajok blueyed, bascule , thx ...i shudda known that i use copy n paste all the time , but i don't consult the klipboard klipper very often ...my old memory is kinda short :)20:07
basculeBluesKaj: i turn klipper off, it burns ram, just a personal choice20:08
wernerblueyed: but its kind o fun here20:08
Kernelanyone here use encryption on 7.10?.20:08
BluesKajbut copy npaste still works , bascule ?20:08
Kernelie whats the best way to encrypt a laptops drive?20:08
Kernelthere are several howto's on the community docs....but not sure which to go with20:09
blueyedwerner: looks like it, yes.. :)20:09
wernerblueyed: ;)20:09
blueyedKernel: AFAIK the alternative installer for 7.10 supports it out of the box, together with LVM if you want.20:09
basculeBluesKaj: yeah, it still works, just no long history20:10
BluesKajyup, i see it does work20:10
wernerbye folks!20:10
* bascule is really gone now20:10
* werner t20:10
Kernelblueyed: hmm ok. i wonder what it uses for encryption...ive read that one of the methods used(either cyrptoloop of dk-crypt i think) is vulnerable to attack20:10
blueyedKernel: easycrypt IIRC. Does that make sense? You should find out by googling for it.20:11
Kernelblueyed: ok. ill google that thanks :-)20:11
blueyedKernel: please report back :)20:12
Kernelblueyed: will do. on my desktop i use app called truecrypt and its awsome. but for this laptop i wanna try to encrypt the whole disk.....see how much of a performance loss i get.20:13
sigma_123hi enry20:15
CrazyMYKLanyone have any info on when the libgif/libungif conflict blocking kde4 on hardy will be resolved?20:19
sigma_123did u report a bug?20:21
lingardcan someone do a hash please20:22
lingardthis darn keyboard doesn't have one20:23
CrazyMYKLthe bug has been reported20:23
sigma_123if its a problem 2u use gutsy. hardy now is just 4testing20:23
CrazyMYKLlingard, #20:23
lingardmany thanks20:23
CrazyMYKLi am aware, i want to test KDE4 and need hardy's 2.6.24 kernel for my wireless20:23
basculelingard: try shift+3, else to the left of the return key20:24
lingardtried them20:24
lingardits a crappy little keyboard20:24
lingardwith an american set up20:24
sigma_123i see. wel cant u upgrade the gutsy kernel?20:24
xtasWould you prefer XMMS or XMMS220:24
jim88has anyone installed odf-convert for docx yet in Kubuntu?20:25
alice_hi guys. using kontact i would like to see events of chosen categories (instead of all) on the main page20:25
alice_can i somehow filter the events?20:25
basculelingard: python -c 'print chr(35)'  :)20:25
lingardpardon me?20:26
basculelingard: run it in a shell20:26
alice_join #kontact20:26
basculekenny@Kript:~$ python -c 'print chr(35)'20:26
lingardthen what bascule?20:28
basculelingard: nothing, it just gives you a # for futire use ;)20:29
lingardlol, cheers20:29
lingardhas anyone set up wifi using a belkin card?20:29
basculeit's more abput the chip on the card than the card20:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about belkin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:30
lingardits a broadcom i think20:30
basculehmm, can be awkward, lspci will tell you20:30
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx20:30
lingardi've got 3 ethernet cables stuck together t the mo20:31
basculelingard: is it an asus eee pc?20:31
lingarda what?20:32
basculeguess not, just you said small keyboard :)20:32
lingardno, i'm being lazy20:32
lingardi just moved my pc for the family to use ant they have a tiny keyboard with theres20:33
lingardis there an app that does a wifi scan?20:34
lingardsomething a bit more windowsy20:34
lingardi'm pretty sure the caard's installed as it shows up in network settings20:35
basculeon a working wifi, network manager, or more powerful is the airo* stuff, airodump-ng20:35
basculelingard: say iwconfig in a shell20:35
lingardit comes up no wireless extensions20:36
basculeyou should get some output, then right-click the network manager icon in the dock, shows the networks20:36
basculelingard: no wifi working then20:36
lingardno wifi working or no network connected?20:37
basculewlan0     IEEE 802.11b+  ESSID: <-- like that on iwconfig is a working card20:37
lingardit comes up with:  IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"MTL"20:38
lingardand loads of stuff under it20:38
lingardjust settings by the look of it20:38
basculelingard: then it has tried to connect to the MTL network20:38
basculebut the card is working :)20:38
lingardso it could be the wek or default gateway?20:38
basculelingard: to the left of the clock there is an icon for the manager, right click them and look for a entry for the wi-fis in range20:39
lingardit shows no networks in trusted or untrusted20:41
lingardthe network tab with the signal indicator is grayed20:42
basculelingard: not sure what you mean, hang on screenshot coming20:44
lingardon the network settings i set it to auomatically get the ip from dhcp and its sellected ne in the range i've set up on the router20:46
lingardso it must have connected.....20:46
basculelingard: well yeah20:47
lingard2ok, i've missed the last 3 minutes20:50
lingard2wifi wasn't connected20:50
basculelingard: but it is now?20:51
lingard2plugged it back in20:51
lingard2but its produced the next valid ip in network setting20:52
basculelingard: well re the screenshot, when I right click I see this http://img101.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=93712_snapshot1_122_797lo.jpg and I click mine, it asks the password, and away I go20:52
lingard2i only get the wired list on mine20:53
lingard2but there's about 4 wireless networks in range20:53
basculethere is a chance that networkmanager doesn't like that card20:54
basculenot the end of the world, we can set it to come on at boot20:56
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berniPolska biało-czerwoni!21:02
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:03
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nbogdanoffdid ubuntu-base get renamed in 7.10 ?21:09
nosrednaekimI think its ubuntu-core21:11
nbogdanoffwhat about ubuntu-686 ?21:11
nbogdanoffubuntu-core doesnt sem to exists21:11
danf_1979I'm installing kde4 from ubuntu server. Right now I have kwin-kde4 running, but just that. Windows doesn't have any decorations, and I dont have any kicker, or menus21:15
danf_1979What else should I install? searching for kde4 packages has not been very helpful at all...21:16
danf_1979I have only kwin running, and "the one" konsole, and thats all in my desktop. No icons, no K menu, no nothing21:17
danf_1979but, well, kde4 is, at least, running21:18
carwash^danf_1979: theres a tutorial on kubuntu.org, or at least a list of packages21:18
basculekicker is dead, no more kicker, called something else now21:18
danf_1979bascule, how?21:18
CrazyMYKLokay, i've written a workaround for the libgif thing on amd6421:19
danf_1979Uhm, I have libplasma1 installed, but the other packages with *plasma* in them doesn't seem to help at all21:19
danf_1979is the plasma binary in some other package?21:20
CrazyMYKLand to do the same for i386 would be trivial21:20
basculedanf_1979: alt+f2 -> plasma  ??21:21
danf_1979bascule, no alt+f2 yet, that doesn't work21:21
danf_1979I have only kwin runninh21:21
basculedanf_1979: try adding a different user,~/.kde is probably the main issue here21:22
animimotusHello! Someone can help me for a sed in bash ?21:22
danf_1979Nope, I did that, it seems that I'm missing some packages21:22
danf_1979Well, I'll close xchat to open firefox :(21:23
danf_1979I'll come back later21:23
basculectrl+z bg it21:23
animimotusecho '<h1 class="interColor1">kikoo lol</h1>' | sed -ne 's/euh.... somethings to take kikoo lol in the string'21:24
basculeanimimotus: http://rute.2038bug.com/node11.html.gz#SECTION00116000000000000000021:27
animimotusbascule: thx, I'll try ;)21:29
juanwhats the best way to copy all my settings to a new install21:34
SchuenemannI need help. I upgraded to KDE 3.5.8 (feisty), but, at the end, an error occurred. Now, I can't open systemsettings. I get an exception21:34
juanSchuenemann: did you eve tell kde to not do a system check on boot?21:35
Schuenemannjuan, sorry, I don't understand21:36
Aloneaok, which java do you install? the one that isn't bad and should be banned21:36
juanits a checkbox in some  settings cant rember now if you didnt tick it it doesnt matter21:37
Schuenemannjuan, I didn't check it, but I don't know how it was21:38
SchuenemannAlonea, talking to me?21:38
AloneaSchuenemann: nope.21:39
juani use configure and have no idea with kde errors, maybe somebody might recognise the error, what do you get?21:39
Schuenemannjuan, I got this message after the downloaded ended and the installation began: There was an error during updates. Possibly there was a problem in the download of some packages or the update would break packages.21:41
Schuenemannnow, I get that KDE exception whenever I try to run systemsettings. It probably broke other programs21:41
=== nuu is now known as nu[year]
=== nu[year] is now known as nuu
jussi01!nickspam > nuu21:45
jussi01!arn nuu Please /msg ubotu nickspam21:46
SchuenemannJucato, hey, remember yesterday's update?21:46
basculeSchuenemann: are these 3.5.8 packages unofficial?21:48
bascule!info kdebase21:48
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 55 kB, installed size 100 kB21:48
Schuenemannbascule, nope, I downloaded the key from kde's website21:48
basculeah, non-ubuntu specific then, not from official repos?21:49
bascule!info kdebase feisty21:49
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20.7 (feisty), package size 51 kB, installed size 96 kB21:49
basculethere we are21:49
JucatoSchuenemann: did you download them from kubuntu's website?21:50
* Jucato yawns...21:50
SchuenemannJucato, yeah, from that site you gave me21:50
Jucatoyep, then it's "official" as far as Kubuntu is concerned21:51
Schuenemannhere: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-358.php21:51
basculeJucato: it isn't21:51
basculeteh official is 3.5.621:51
Schuenemannhow come it isn't official?21:51
jmaldonhi, looking 4 some help me please. fairly new to linux so can anyone recommend a md5/sha1/sha2 etc calculator for linux WITH gui please? does one exist? something similar to quicksfv, hksfv or fsum frontend in windows21:52
jmaldonmany thanks21:52
Jucatobascule: it's an official update21:52
Jucatofor Kubuntu, from Kubuntu developers21:52
SchuenemannJucato, how do I fix it? Is there a rollback?21:52
Jucatowhat's the error?21:52
Schuenemannafter the downloaded ended and before installation finished: There was an error during updates. Possibly there was a problem in the download of some packages or the update would break packages.21:53
JucatoSchuenemann: could you try doing it from the command line? that will give you more specific error messages21:54
Schuenemannit did update, though. I have KDE 3.5.8 now. The problem is that it broked systemsettings (and possibly other packages)21:54
=== ubuntu is now known as luidzi
Jucatosudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:54
SchuenemannJucato, dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem21:55
Jucatosudo dpkg --configure -a21:55
SchuenemannI'm running it21:55
sebrezilanyone have problems getting flash to work? I have flashplugin-nonfree as well as kubuntu-restricted-extras installed but still no flash21:56
jussi01!flash | sebrezil21:56
ubotusebrezil: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:56
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix.21:56
sebrezilok so its reccommended to wait. any estimate on how long?21:57
SchuenemannJucato, it says the file /etc/kde3/kdm/backgroundrc was modified. Do I keep my version or what?21:58
sebrezilthat bug is from 3 weeks ago?21:59
JucatoSchuenemann: that depends on you. did you modify your KDM (login manager) settings? do you want to keep it?21:59
SchuenemannJucato, I did, but it doesn't matter. I'll overwrite it21:59
SchuenemannJucato, finished. Do I have to restart to test?22:01
Jucatohm... what else did it upgrade when you ran dpkg --configure -a?22:01
Jucatoperhaps restart KDE only22:02
Schuenemannakregator, knapshot... stuff like that22:02
Jucatoyeah, kde stuff only... just need to logout and login again22:02
SchuenemannI'll test. brb22:02
SchuenemannJucato, still can't start it22:04
SchuenemannKCrash: Application 'systemsettings' crashing...22:05
basculeSchuenemann: try kcontrol22:06
Schuenemannbascule, looks fine22:06
JucatoSchuenemann: can you start systemsettings from Konsole, to see what error messages come out?22:06
SchuenemannJucato, that was already from konsole22:06
basculeSchuenemann: strace systemsettins22:07
Schuenemannonly that generic exception window. Signal 11 bla bla bla22:07
JucatoSchuenemann: hm... weird...22:07
bascule11 is seg fault, bad memory map22:07
Schuenemannbascule, thousands of line22:07
basculeSchuenemann: yeah it's the last 50 I want, in a pastebin22:08
Schuenemannthis is the trace from the exception window: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50646/22:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:08
Schuenemannthat is not cool22:08
Schuenemannhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50647/ from strace22:09
basculeSchuenemann: need more, las 15022:10
skoleHi! Working to change a file in Virtualbox. To make usb to work. I use Gutsy. Some one?22:10
Schuenemannbascule, I lost them... I have close(1023) to close(37)22:10
Schuenemannhow do I retrieve the first ones22:11
basculeSchuenemann: rerun it ...22:11
TimSCould someone help me edit my fstab please? I have a hard drive /dev/sda1 that I would like to mount as /home, its ext322:11
Schuenemannbascule, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50648/ see if this helps22:12
skoleI need help to change a file. How can i make the changes described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/15158522:13
bascule/etc/ld.so.nohwcap <-- suspicious22:14
Schuenemannbascule, what does it mean?22:14
basculeSchuenemann: sudo touch /etc/ld.so.nohwcap22:15
Schuenemannbascule, no output22:15
basculenow run systemsettings22:16
Schuenemannbascule, same crash22:16
basculeSchuenemann: sudo ldconfig22:17
basculethen run again22:17
Schuenemannthe same. no output from the first, bw22:18
basculeSchuenemann: and systemsettings still crashes?22:18
skoleHow to save changes with Kate?22:20
Schuenemannbascule, any more ideas?22:21
Jucatoskole: File -> Save or Ctrl+S?22:21
Voyage_ any one kind enough to guide me how to use my tv tuner. (alpha tv card) ?22:21
SchuenemannJucato, is it possible to rollback all that mess?22:24
Jucatothat I'm not sure...22:24
skoleJucato: It states that I don't have write permission...?22:24
Jucatoskole: what are you trying to save?22:24
skoleJucato mountdevsubfs.sh file. To make Virtual box to recognise USB port22:25
Voyage_ any one kind enough to guide me how to use my tv tuner. (alpha tv card) ?22:26
SchuenemannJucato, well, I'm lost. You have any ideas?22:26
Jucatoskole: and where is the file located? you might need root/super user privileges to modify that file22:26
ubotuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out22:26
JucatoSchuenemann: sorry :(22:26
basculeSchuenemann: if you remove thee added repos then do an update and dist-upgrade it will roll back, I would do it from a console, no X running for extra safety22:26
skoleYes I do, but where do I state that?22:26
Schuenemannbascule, you think I should do that?22:27
basculeI would22:27
basculehang on actually22:27
skoleJucato: This link says what I want to do: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/15158522:27
Jucatoskole: you have to start kate by Alt+F2, "kdesu kate"...22:28
basculeSchuenemann: apt-get remove kde-systemsettings && apt-get install kde-systemsettings22:28
Schuenemannbascule, you're kicking the hut's leg22:29
* bascule still wants the full trace from strace22:29
Schuenemannis it logged somethere? I can't see through konsole's window22:30
basculestrace -o trace.txt systemsettings22:30
basculewill dump to trace.txt22:30
Schuenemannbah, my adept is b0rked22:30
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:30
freexxok,if my boot disk is at device node /dev/sde1 , should the default grub root device be labeled groot=(hd0,0)  in grub??22:31
freexxyea sde122:32
JucatoI think...22:32
* Jucato has never seen sde1 yet :)22:32
Aloneaok, I am trying to use ktorrent, but I still have a yellow triangle, port checker says port is not open, and LL says I am not connectable.22:33
freexxwhy not hd5?22:33
skoleJucato: Txs 1000 times!!!!22:33
basculefreexx: cause 0,1,2,3,4 is 5 values :)22:33
BluesKajhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ is not up and running ...what gives ?22:34
freexxa=0 b=1 etc?22:34
basculeAlonea: try the upnp plugin in plugins22:34
basculeAlonea: and see what firewall is running if any22:34
Schuenemannbascule, the output is big, almost 400 KB22:34
Jucatofreexx: yes. and grub's hdX,X format starts with 0 instead of 122:34
sub[t]rnlBluesKaj➜ looks good from here22:34
basculeSchuenemann: use megaupload.com, bzip2 it if you like22:34
BluesKajAlonea, if you have arouter you will proolly need to open the TCP ports listed in ktorrent22:35
Schuenemannyeah, I think pastebin won't hold it22:35
AloneaBluesKaj: I did open them.22:35
AloneaBluesKaj: when my windows was working utorrent could do it fine.22:36
jvcsouzaHi everyone...22:36
jvcsouzaanyone can help me, with a wifi card?22:36
basculeAlonea: but this is qa secure OS :)22:36
Schuenemannbascule, there it is: http://www.4shared.com/file/33800907/937bb34a/trace.html22:36
BluesKajAlonea, you can run utorrent under wine as well, but i don't see the point of that , altho there those who swear by it.22:36
Aloneabascule: qa secure?22:37
jvcsouzaAlonea, try Ktorrent22:37
AloneaBluesKaj: gah....I have never gotten wine to work22:37
jvcsouzait's the best Linux torrent client around.22:37
Aloneajvcsouza: I am using ktorrent.22:37
MGalaxyI ahve problem with KlamAV AutoScan, + I was not able to install "dazuko", any solution? Kernel: 2.6.22-1422:37
Aloneajvcsouza: thats what I am trying to get help on.22:37
jvcsouzaany problem?22:37
jvcsouzaHere works fine.22:37
limachey, i wanna view a different lang. in kubuntu  (firefox) but it's only showing a bunch of wierd letters, the site is "anandabazar.com"22:37
Voyage_ i wanted a v good dl manager that has resume support and mirror finding options too. (auto) any suggestions ?22:37
GreeneryAlonea: upnp plugin from ktorrent didnt work?22:37
Aloneajvcsouza: its not seeing that the ports are open.22:37
BluesKajAlonea, the ports used on utorrent are different than ktorrent ...and being linux it takes abit more hands on22:38
AloneaGreenery: that thing has NEVER worked on my computer. and the ports are indeed open.22:38
jvcsouzaload upnp plugin.22:38
jvcsouzaupnp plugin in ktorrent can detect ports and make some portfowarding.22:38
AloneaBluesKaj: I know that. had linux for quite a while. been dual booting. also, using port 59749.22:39
jvcsouzaU can see it in settings.. plugins22:39
basculeAlonea: typo22:39
Aloneajvcsouza: I tried it. doesn't appear to do anything.22:39
basculeSchuenemann: how do I download it? all the links seem circular to me ...22:39
juanwhats the best way to copy all my settings to a clean install22:39
jvcsouzaThere is a button to re-scan the ports, did u try this?22:39
juani know i need my home but what about otherstuff22:39
Schuenemannbascule, after a few seconds, a download links appears above the comment form22:40
Schuenemanna table appears and the link is there, actually22:40
Voyage_ i wanted a v good dl manager that has resume support and mirror finding options too. (auto) any suggestions ?22:40
Aloneajvcsouza: yes. I click on either of the connections and say to forward and nothing happens. I have forwarded my ports manually for years. dunno whats going on22:41
adm-b01Hi, I have kubuntu installed on a separate box I would like to be able to set it up so that I can connect to the machine though my xp machine.22:41
jvcsouzahmmmm strange.... maybe u're behind a too restrictive firewall... or ur router dosent support upnp...22:42
Arwenwtf, how do I make fglrx use the right resolution?22:42
Arwenno matter what I tell it, it always sets 1280x1024522:42
jvcsouzaor upnp support on it is disabled.22:42
jvcsouzatry to enable upnp support in ur router.22:42
Arwenhelp please?22:42
Aloneajvcsouza: it is enabled.22:42
jvcsouzaSay Alonea, u can do downlaods using ktorrent?22:43
BluesKajAlonea, there is no 59749 port required in my version of ktorrent , the ports required on the version I use are 6881 and 808022:43
Aloneajvcsouza: I can download and upload, but I am not "connectable"22:43
jvcsouzahuh, what is this connectable?22:44
AloneaBluesKaj: there shouldn't be any port required and generally you dont want to use 6881..22:44
AloneaBluesKaj: the port is for other people to connect to you. you should be able to use whatever you want.22:44
BluesKajyes but ktorrent uses those ports for a reason ...they work ! :)22:45
AloneaBluesKaj: but those ports are usually blocked by the isp now22:45
Schuenemannbascule, perhaps I should send you? like e-mail22:45
BluesKajyou want help or do you just want to argue ?22:45
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AloneaBluesKaj: I dont want to use those ports for security reasons. I think I will try utorrent under wine.22:46
jvcsouzahmmm sorry I don't have a clue...22:46
BluesKajthis person askes for help but doesn't try the suggestions ...what can we do ?22:46
jvcsouzaYes. Try Azurerus if u have Java installed, its a bit heavy...22:46
jvcsouzabut also have a lot of features.22:46
jvcsouzaand it's cross plataform.22:47
MGalaxy I have problem with KlamAV AutoScan, + I was not able to install "dazuko", any solution? Kernel: 2.6.22-1422:47
jvcsouzaalso a good torrent solution.22:47
gauravvijayis there a bash command to append a const string to each line of a file?22:47
gauravvijaylike $bsh_cmd "My String" < file22:47
jvcsouzait ktorrent doesn't work for u, azurerus dosent work, then utorrent will not work either, even in real Windows.22:47
jvcsouzaSeriosly, if u want real secure sistem u cant use torrent, no matter what OS ur running.22:48
gauravvijayor some piping hack that can do it?22:48
freexxtorrent = bad22:48
jvcsouzaTorrent is nice if u know how to use.22:48
freexxthe whole idea of torrent is bad22:49
jvcsouzaI dont see this way.22:49
freexxif noone seeded22:49
freexxyou woul dhave no torrent22:49
freexxto seed, you are uploading to anonymous computers22:49
freexxa government compuiter could come download from a seed22:49
freexxand then bam you are busted22:49
Aloneafreexx: torrenting isn't illegal worldwide.22:50
basculeSchuenemann: no I have it, try deleteing /var/tmp/*22:50
freexxso the only way to be safe is to not seed22:50
Schuenemannbusted for using torrent? that is stupid22:50
freexxand if noone seeds then noone can download files22:50
jvcsouzaYes, that's about true. But, The problem is not THE tecnology its people.22:50
freexxtorrenting isnt illegal anywhere22:50
SchuenemannAlonea, is it illegal SOMEWHERE?22:50
freexxbypassing copyright is illegal22:50
jvcsouzaThey cannot prohibit u from sharing data.22:50
jvcsouzaYes right, but if I'm uploading a opensource software that I made22:51
freexxtorretn technology is used to jam networks22:51
basculeyeah, redistributing copyright material without permission is a crime in most countries22:51
jvcsouzawhat's the problem?22:51
AloneaSchuenemann: I guess its not in America, though they try to say it is.22:51
AloneaSchuenemann: its more of which law you look at...22:51
jvcsouzaYes right, but if I'm uploading a opensource software that I made22:51
jvcsouzawhat's the problem?22:51
Schuenemannwhich countries of america?22:51
freexxwellits godo for open source but..22:52
basculejvcsouza: then you have nothing to fear22:52
freexxpeople like comcast fuck up torrent traffic22:52
AloneaSchuenemann: er. USA.22:52
Schuenemannbascule, it gave me a bigger output this time, but the same exception22:52
jvcsouzaI use to get Linux systens.22:52
adm-b01can anyway help with enabling remote access22:52
basculeSchuenemann: delete /var/tmp/* again and restart X22:52
freexxyou mean to ssh into your machine?22:52
jvcsouzadon't use for getting coprighted material.22:52
helloyohey guys, i've downloaded the live CD twice from different locations and their md5 sums are equal to each other, but not equal to what they should be?22:53
freexxsudo apt-get install ssh , then type ifconfig and get your ip address, or google "whats my ip" then in a terminal type ssh yourusername@your.ip.address22:53
BluesKajsub[t]rnl,  http://www.linuxtv.org/ ..looks good from where? , cuz it won't load here , Canada22:53
Schuenemannbascule, look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50651/22:53
freexxyou may have to go into your router and foward port 2222:54
adm-b01will that allow me to connect to the box before logging into the machine ?22:54
bascule22:52 < bascule> Schuenemann: delete /var/tmp/* again and restart X22:54
basculehelloyo: how did you calculate them?22:55
Aloneaok, why does adept say that everything fails even though it actually install it successfully?22:57
Schuenemannbascule, I restarted,l but got the same error22:57
BluesKajanyone able to load this site , http://www.linuxtv.org/  ?22:58
helloyobascule: through k3b, then through md5sum22:58
JucatoBluesKaj: yes22:58
basculehelloyo: pretty conclusive :)22:58
BluesKajnot here Jucato22:58
Flare183Where could i find this file: qt.h22:58
helloyobascule: seems strange that the two sources gave the same incorrect md5sum, i think i'll risk it and run it anyway22:59
JucatoFlare183: Qt development headers and files22:59
basculeSchuenemann: well you could submit a launchpad bug to the devels and attach that trace, it is beyond me for now22:59
basculehelloyo: I would22:59
Flare183Jucato: and which package is that?22:59
JucatoFlare183: if it's for Qt 3, that would be in the package libqt-mt-dev22:59
Jucato!info libqt-mt-dev22:59
ubotuPackage libqt-mt-dev does not exist in gutsy22:59
Jucato!info libqt3-mt-dev22:59
ubotulibqt3-mt-dev: Qt development files (Threaded). In component main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.8really3.3.7-0ubuntu11.1 (gutsy), package size 47 kB, installed size 168 kB22:59
Flare183Jucato: thank you22:59
Schuenemannbascule, can you repeat how to rollback?22:59
JucatoFlare183: libqt3-mt-dev22:59
Jucato(if it's for Qt 4, libqt4-dev I think)23:00
Arwensomeone please help, fglrx refuses to run at the right resolution23:01
Arwenmy eyes are starting to fry23:01
BluesKajArwen, running the default restricted driver ?23:02
basculeSchuenemann: remove the apt sources you added for the 3.5.8 packages and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade23:02
ArwenBluesKaj, no, v7.1223:03
Arwenand that's besides the point23:03
Schuenemannbascule, thanks23:03
bascule!resolution | Arwen23:03
ubotuArwen: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:03
Schuenemannbascule, but, for example, it installed mplayer 1.3. Won't it remove mplayer entirely, not downgrade to 1.2?23:03
Arwenno, don't give me links to non-functioning tutorials, give me an answer23:03
basculei believe it will downgrade, but I may be wrong ... it's not something I have done, I am hoping for a != logic rather than a > gets left ...23:04
SchuenemannI'll never upgrade KDE again23:05
Aloneayay! utorrent in wine works perfectly. w00t23:05
master3000anyone knows german  kubuntu chat23:05
basculeArwen: well, well, talk me through the steps from the tutorial ypu have triead and paste /etc/X11/xorg.conf for me in pastebin23:05
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de23:05
Arwenbascule, I haven't tried any because none are relevant23:06
basculeArwen: oh, and you know this?23:06
Arwenmy modeline is set to "1440x900", but the resolution is locked to 1280x102423:06
Arwenyes, I DO know this23:06
basculemodeline, oldhat23:06
=== master3000 is now known as sda
ArwenI am using fglrx 7.12 (note that fglrx is not in there anywhere)23:06
BluesKajArwen, if you're running the ATI fglrx latest proprietaery driver recommended for your card , then it prolly will work only partly , some of the so called updated drivers son't always do the roght res with some graphics card/monitor combinations23:06
BluesKajright resolutions23:07
Arwenso, should I give up on fglrx or downgrade?23:07
Schuenemannbascule, question: I added the repository to KDE 3.5.8. Should I've removed the repo to 3.5.7? (I didn't)23:07
BluesKajArwen, I don't call it a downgrade if the think works better than the new one :)23:07
basculeSchuenemann: well if 3.5.7 worked, all will be well, incidentally are you on kubuntu?23:08
BluesKajbut that's what I had to do23:08
ArwenBluesKaj, do you think I should go back to pre-AIGLX patches?23:08
Schuenemannbascule, yes, but let me clarify: Maybe having both versions while upgrading caused this mess?23:08
ArwenBluesKaj, or just roll back a version23:08
BluesKajwhich card Arwen ?23:08
basculeSchuenemann: depends on apt logic23:09
Schuenemannbascule, yeah, of course hehe. I thought you knew about it, nevermind :)23:09
BluesKajArwen, I have the X200G and the 8.37 default restricted driver works quite well, altho google earth is a bit clunky23:10
Arwenok, will roll back then23:10
Arwenthanks for the *thoughtful* advice23:10
BluesKajArwen, NP23:11
basculealmost a flame fest23:11
Schuenemannbascule, I'll install kubuntu-desktop. I'm desperate, anyway :-)23:13
basculeSchuenemann: that was something I was wondering23:13
basculeand kdebase and kdeaddons23:13
SchuenemannI have to install gutsy...23:14
basculeSchuenemann: well that is a tried and tested upgrade path23:14
Schuenemannlater heh. I'm still with feisty23:14
ArwenBluesKaj, it worked, thanks. You're a godsend.23:15
basculeglad it was resolved :)23:15
nbogdanoffdoes anyone know what happend to ubuntu-base and linux-686 in Gutsy 7.10 ?23:15
BluesKajArwen, cool  :)23:16
Arwenhmm, fglrx still has that weird diagonal tearing issue23:16
Arwenah well, you win some you lose some23:17
basculenbogdanoff: 686 was decided to be surpless to requirements23:17
Schuenemannin my opinion, smirnoff ice is the best invention since the wheel23:17
nbogdanoffbascule: ok. thanks. im trying to setup raid as this link mentions": http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/SATA_RAID_Howto but am unable to install the base system cos those packages dont exis anymore23:18
nbogdanoffany suggestiosn23:18
BluesKajyeah Arwen , I have a  jerky slow google earth , supposed to be fixed on new Hardy release ...but I won't hold my breath23:18
adm-b01hi I am trying to install ssh using sudo apt-get install ssh23:19
Dragnslcrnbogdanoff- you'd probably want either -i386 or -generic23:19
basculenbogdanoff: got dmraid in?23:19
Dragnslcradm-b01- client or server?23:20
Arwenyeah BluesKaj , overall, gutsy fails to impress me23:20
adm-b01client but it is asking me for the disc which i have not got now23:20
Arwenthey never fixed that issue with the ttys either23:20
BluesKaj<-- insists on using the 64 bit Gutsy since I'm on an AMD64 bit CPU ...dunno if i'm being stubborn/stupid but ... shrug :P23:20
DragnslcrBluesKaj- yes23:20
BluesKajArwen, agreed23:20
nbogdanoffbascule: yeah i get all the way down to the apt-cdrom add and it wont recognize the cd point23:20
Dragnslcradm-b01- you probably still have the CD in your sources list23:21
adm-b01sources list ?23:21
Dragnslcradm-b01- in Adept, go to Adept -> Manage Repositories23:22
Dragnslcradm-b01- then check the Third Party tab23:22
adm-b01will have a look thanks23:23
basculenbogdanoff: sorry, dunno. But I was chatting earlier with some guy who had adaptes PCI RAID, told him it wouldn't work, there is a start at least :)23:23
BluesKajBBIAB , gotta check something23:23
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adm-b01I have done this but I do not know what to do next23:27
Voyage_can any one help me with a aplha tv tuner  Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)23:30
roselynroselyn de venezuela23:32
roselynquien por alla23:32
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:32
freexxif i installed something with a .deb installer, in this case swiftweasel, how can i uninstall it?23:33
claydohit will also show in Adept as well23:33
ogreanyone running kde4?23:34
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KrazyGHey all.23:39
sourcemakerogre: No23:39
sourcemakerogre: I will wait... until KDE4 is stable23:39
KrazyGI was wondering if anyone can give me a hand getting a tv card of mine to work ?23:39
Schuenemannogre, no, I just upgraded to 3.5.8 and it messed everything here23:40
fdovingogre: yes, i use it.23:40
sourcemakerfdoving: does it work?23:40
fdovingsourcemaker: yep, i've been using it as my primary environment for weeks.23:40
sourcemakerfdoving: from the kubuntu hardy package ? or compiled yourself?23:41
fdovingsourcemaker: self-compiled from svn.23:41
basculefdoving: how did the qt3 -> qt4 bit go?23:42
basculethat's the bit I am scared of23:42
fdovingbascule: pretty nice, they already co-exist on any kubuntu system, so that's not a problem at all.23:42
basculefdoving: well I never knew that, thanks23:42
fdovingbascule: when it comes to kde3 -> kde4, i made KDE4 use ~/.kde4 so i copied over wallets and bookmarks and made new settings for most things.23:43
Voyage_what is kubuntus default download manager?23:43
fdovingVoyage_: i guess it is using the kio-thing, you can however get kget.23:43
basculeVoyage_: there kind of isb't one, kget may do you, I like wget of the cli with -c for continues, just me I guess23:44
Voyage_fdoving i see that kget is not working with firefox..why?23:44
basculeVoyage_: firefox doesn't know it, about:config in ffox may sort that ...23:44
fdovingVoyage_: because firefox doesn't support it i guess.23:45
Voyage_so what should i do23:45
fdovingi don't use firefox much, no ide what it can do.23:45
* bascule plays with about:config23:45
sourcemakerVoyage_: There is a plugin available... but i have not tested yet23:46
Voyage_sourcemaker fdoving bascule never mind. i did it by drag and drop.23:46
Voyage_where can i find the plugin btw,?23:46
basculeVoyage_: cool, looks like ffox can't do it as it stabds23:47
basculestands, sorry :)23:47
sourcemakerVoyage_: let my try23:48
sourcemakerVoyage_: it is working... there is plugin called flashgot on addons.mozilla.org23:52
Schuenemannbascule, I did what you told me (remove repo, update & dist-upgrade) and nothing was installed/removed =/23:52
sourcemakerVoyage_: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/22023:52
sourcemakerVoyage_: You can configure this plugin to use kget23:52
=== Arwen is now known as anon32
Voyage_ i wanted a dl manager with max options resume support and mirror auto findings. does any one suggests a best options?23:53
Voyage_sourcemaker thx23:53
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basculeSchuenemann: oh well must just look for < current, darn23:54
nandolinuxmaniachola!, podrían darme las direcciones en español?????????23:54
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:55
ubuntuhelloevry body23:55
basculeSchuenemann: guess you gotta go up to gutsy23:55
Schuenemannbascule, I guess I'll install gutsy. My problem is that I don't have room to backup some stuff23:55
ubuntuwhat stuff???23:56
* bascule throws Schuenemann 100GB for help23:56
bascule:) wish I could23:56
Schuenemannubuntu, films23:56
Schuenemannfor example23:57
SchuenemannI'll install windoze too... this time, I'll reduce its partition23:57
basculeVoyage_: seriously wget can do all that, just needs practice23:57
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ogrewhere do i install icons to?23:58
Schuenemannbascule, does gutsy already comes with kde 3.5.8?23:58
GreenerySchuenemann: yes it does23:59
basculeSchuenemann: yes23:59
bascule!info kdebase23:59
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 55 kB, installed size 100 kB23:59

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