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lifeless http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/Net:Netem02:09
poolie_lifeless, http://webkit.org/blog/108/yet-another-one-more-thing-a-new-web-inspector/02:11
mlhthere was a python magling app/library I mentioned on the slug list sometime ago.  I forget the name02:15
mlhmy mangle got magled02:25
TFKylemangling meaning obfuscation or something like symbol mangling?02:26
mlher neither really, network simulation of a sort.  Searching hasn't found anything.  Maybe I'm misremembering02:27
ubotuNew bug: #181927 in bzr "bzr-gtk broken in repo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18192704:41
PengHow does Bundle Buggy approval work?05:32
PengSome merge requests need two "bb:approve"s and some don't.05:33
lifelessall requests need two voters05:35
lifelesssome requests are from voters and thus have an implicit ingle initial approval05:35
PengThat makes sense.05:36
PengOkies. :)05:36
lifelessits also in the developers guide IIRC05:45
ubotuNew bug: #181945 in bzr "bzr pull lp:upstart fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18194507:25
ubotuNew bug: #181942 in launchpad-bazaar "bzr pull --remember fails with lp style url (dup-of: 181945)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18194207:30
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ZyrothIs there a tool that uses bzr locally for versioning but can also commit to an svn repos?10:18
KinnisonYou may be able to get somewhere with bzr-svn10:22
IllXAre there any good bzr videos out there? I just watched one from John Meinel and would enjoy to learn more10:40
IllXsearching for "videos" on bazaar-vcs.org pulls up some sort of badcontent file; doesn't seem like what I'm looking for10:42
* fullermd didn't know there were any videos...10:42
IllXIt's informal but very nice to have10:43
IllXwish I could find more10:43
fullermdThey promised me the videos were all erased, and anyway the statute of limitations had expired.10:44
IllXthe rails guys have spoiled me I guess10:44
fullermdEr.  I MEAN....10:44
Odd_BlokeRails is enough to spoil anything. ;)10:45
fullermdEvery time I look at ruby, I feel spoilt all right...10:46
Odd_Bloke'Tis the season to be trolly, trollollollolloll troll oll oll oll.10:47
fullermdGah.  Who's making a ruckus up on my bridge?!10:48
LeoNerd<Picard> Get off my bridge!10:48
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LeMechi! is anyone here using bzr-svn latest version?12:22
LeMecby reading the announcement I got the impression that it no longer needs the python svn bindings patch12:22
Odd_Blokejelmer is the man to ask. :)12:23
LeMechowever, when I'm trying to run it (Mac OSX Tiger, Python 2.5.1, Bzr 1.1RC1, bzr-svn 0.4.6) I am getting this error: Installed Subversion version does not have updated Python bindings. See the bzr-svn README for details.12:23
LeMecdo you know his timezone?12:23
LeMecat least I know when to ask him :)12:23
fullermdUTC+1 or 2, I think.12:24
LeMec(based on the name he should be EU, but not sure)12:24
Odd_BlokeI don't, I'm afraid.12:24
fullermdBut don't quote me on that.12:24
LeMec#jelmer: can you please comment on my issue with bzr-svn? thanks12:25
AfCJelmer is his own IRC channel? Neat!12:32
Odd_Blokejelmer implements RFC 1459.12:33
Odd_Blokes/jelmer/Chuck Norris/12:33
fullermdOh, he's working on bzr-irc now?12:34
LeMecI've rechecked the documentation... and I have bad news for me12:35
AfCLeMec: did you have an opportunity to try the Subversion access case you are fighting on a different platform, say Linux? (if so, did it work there, making this a porting to Mac issue, or did it not work there either, making this a use of bzr-svn bug)12:35
LeMec"At the moment, the svn plugin only works with12:35
LeMecSubversion 1.5 (trunk)."12:35
LeMecI currently have access only to a Win and a Mac machine12:36
LeMecI have some VMWare Linux images somewhere but not close enough12:37
LeMecmaybe I am the laziest guy, but it looks kind of weird to require an unreleased svn version12:38
Odd_BlokeIt's going to be released fairly soon, I believe.12:39
LeMecI mean... you usually don't like to stay on the cutting edge versions when working with your sourcebasse12:39
fullermdYeah, the release is right around the corner.  Just like it was last year this time.  And the year before...12:39
datoLeMec: sometimes what you want to do is not possible at all with released versions...12:39
LeMecmaybe you are right12:41
LeMecunfortunately I must confess that getting up to speed with Bazaar hasn't worked for me so far12:41
fullermdWell, in this case, he is; the python bindings in 1.4.x are totally b0rked.12:41
LeMecI see12:42
fullermdAnd the 1.5 release has been a month or two out for something like 18 months now   :|12:42
fullermdIt would be enough to drive me batty, if I used svn   ;)12:43
LeMecunfortunately, for me this only means that one of the strongest Bazaar selling points is just out12:43
LeMecI tried to resist so far... but it looks like I should try the remaining alternative (git)12:45
AfCLeMec: You're writing off Bazaar because some other VCS is borked?12:48
LeMecAfc: no, just because I cannot use it for my needs12:49
LeMecI may be sounding harsh here (which is definitely not my intention) but12:49
LeMec- Mercurial: has the easiest distro (for multi platforms), but is lacking the svn support12:49
LeMec- Bazaar: has the svn support, but requires the user to pass through some weird hops12:50
LeMec- Git: has the svn support, but it's support for different platforms is not quite good12:50
LeMecand I definitely wanted to write its instead of "it's" :)12:51
AfC"weird hoops"? Bazaar forces far less  behaviour than any of the other 3rd generation DVCS systems.12:51
Kinnisonmay be weird for bzr-svn12:51
LeMecAfc: that is your opinion and I am not gonna comment it12:52
fullermd"Weird" is certainly my impression of the process.  Either (a) your packaging system ships patched bindings, or (b) you're in for a world of manual pain.12:52
datoLeMec: it was just a misunderstanding, I think12:52
LeMecunfortunately, I am not gonna install XCode 1Gb, compile things by my own and hope it works12:52
LeMecmoreover move to install on my system another "beta" product (svn)12:53
LeMec(well, it looks like I'm pretty tired and my writing reflects it)12:54
LeMecI just hoped I could grab something, install it and start working... that is what I was looking for12:55
AfCLeMec: you're in the Bazaar project's channel saying bzr doesn't work. You could reasonably expect that people here might be interested in finding out what about Bazaar isn't performing correctly with an interest in either helping you use it better or fixing a problem with bzr if one is present.12:59
LeMecI think I've provided all available data12:59
LeMecif I missed anything I would be glad to provide more12:59
fullermdNo, he's in the Bazaar project channel saying that getting bzr-svn working requires a lot of hoop-jumping...12:59
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LeMecfullermd: in the past month I've discussed other aspects of bzr too13:00
AfCWell, that's Subversion's fault for not having cut a release in forever, I should think. Not really something you can blame bzr for.13:00
LeMecthe bzr-svn is just the today theme... and I thought that bzr-svn even if a plugin is an important part of bzr13:01
LeMecI apologize if this isn't the right place to discuss about it13:01
fullermdIt doesn't have to be something bzr can be blamed for, to make it a showstopper   :p13:01
LeMecAfc: I theoretically agree with you13:02
LeMecbut svn allown works for me, and it is the bzr to svn which is not13:02
datoLeMec: it is the right place. I understand your frustation, but there's little more we could do.13:02
fullermdIf interfacing with svn is important, and doing so with bzr is a PITA, it doesn't matter whether it's bzr's or svn's fault.  It's still a "Well, let's try something else" moment.13:02
LeMecmoreover, I am not here to blame, but rather to get help and provide feedback13:02
datoLeMec: short of having somebody with mac knowledge provide packages somewhere13:02
AfCdato: I don't suppose we should suggest tailor13:02
fullermdWhich has been discussed a time or two recently.13:03
AfCdato: (which is an abomination, but usually works for one time transformations)13:03
fullermdUrg.  For a conversion, tailor would work OK.  For interaction, not so much.13:03
datoAfC: I don't think he wants a one-time transformation13:03
LeMecAfC: I have used tailor in the past13:03
jelmerLeMec: hi13:03
LeMecbut bzr-svn selling point is the continuous integration13:03
LeMecand not the 1-time improt13:03
LeMecjelmer: hi13:03
LeMecdato: that would be optimal; in a discussion with Martin Pool I have suggested this (I think my email finally got to the bzr mailing list)13:07
jelmerLeMec: I'm afraid bzr-svn (and python-subversion) being hard to install on Mac OS X is a known issue,13:11
jelmerthere were some folks working on an installer13:11
jelmerbut I'm not sure what the status of that is13:11
duckxHy all13:11
LeMecare you referring to Sylveszter? (sorry if I've misspelled the name)13:12
duckxare nested tree ok ? I mean a bazaar tree in a bazaar tree ?13:12
jelmerLeMec: yes13:12
duckxIs there any doc on this13:12
LeMecjelmer: I haven't heard back from him in a month :(13:12
* duckx : bzr stays my favorite vcs ;) 13:12
duckxBy the way, I use it to revision control all my conf on my servers ..13:13
jelmerduckx: nested trees are an experimental feature, you'll need the dirstate-with-subtree format13:13
LeMecjelmer: but can you please detail why is it difficult to get it working under Mac?13:14
duckxHa ok13:14
duckxThx jelmer13:14
LeMecI mean afaik git has solved it somehow, and considering bazaar is python I would expect things to be a bit easier13:14
fullermdduckx: Now, you can put one branch inside another and just treat them as two separate branches without any special support.13:14
fullermdLeMec: git doesn't use the python bindings   :)13:14
jelmerLeMec: git doesn't use python13:15
jelmerLeMec: afaik it just invokes the svn binary13:15
duckxOk, I got my /etc bzrified and my /etc/apt/ bzrified too13:15
LeMecjelmer: than why bzr-svn is not doing the same?13:15
duckxin /etc bzr add /etc/apt is ok ?13:15
jelmerLeMec: Because that's more complicated and slower13:16
LeMecjelmer: if you know the bindings are the problem... then avoiding them would be the option13:16
jelmerLeMec: the bindings are mainly a problem on the Mac13:16
jelmerLeMec: Most Linux distributions ship with the patches included13:16
LeMecjelmer: complicated and slower than not working?13:16
jelmerLeMec: I don't have a Mac so I'm not entirely sure what the problem is with providing patched bindings for the Mac13:16
LeMecI see... then the only thing missing is a prepared distro for the Mac13:17
* AfC waves to jelmer (who he rarely sees), dato, and fullermd13:24
AfCnight gents13:24
jelmerg'night AfC13:24
Lo-lan-doHi all13:26
jelmerhi Lo-lan-do13:27
Lo-lan-dojelmer: If I may bother you... would it be possible to store the mappings between svn revs and bzr revs somewhere else than in properties?13:27
mwhi guess i could try again to build on the mac13:28
mwhwon't be for a couple of weeks yet though :/13:28
Lo-lan-doCommit messages are getting more and more unreadable as time passes and I commit to gforge's SVN through bzr : http://lists.gforge.org/pipermail/gforge-commits/2008-January/000798.html13:28
jelmerLo-lan-do, they could be stored in revision properties13:28
jelmerLo-lan-do, but that requires a subversion 1.5 server13:29
jelmerLo-lan-do, I've started some work on that in a separate branch earlier this year13:29
Lo-lan-doHmm.  Maybe it would simply be better to enhance the svnmailer then, so it only shows what has changed in the properties, rather than the old+new versions.13:29
jelmeryeah, that's what we did for Samba13:30
Lo-lan-doDo you know where I could find a patch?  Or if it was trivial enough that I could redo it?13:31
jelmerwe use a custom script, not svnmailer13:37
Lo-lan-doBlah, current svnmailer already does the right thing.13:40
Lo-lan-do"current" as in "currently released", not "currently installed on gforge.org" :-(13:41
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KinnisonCan bzr serve cope with multiple repos?14:12
KinnisonI.E. can I do bzr serve --directory=/path/to/store14:12
Kinnisonwhere there is /path/to/store/repo1/branch1 /path/to/store/repo1/branch2 /path/to/store/repo2/branch1 etc.14:12
fullermdAFAIK, 'server' doesn't serve repos, it serves a FS tree.14:12
fullermdSo anything underneath --directory is fair game.14:13
Kinnisoninteresting, ta14:13
Lo-lan-dojelmer: Another quick question: is it possible to easily get the svn revision number when I'm in a bzr-svn branch?14:21
jelmerLo-lan-do: not really14:22
spivKinnison: fullermd is right.  Each smart request includes a relpath.  In your example "bzr branch bzr://localhost/repo1/branch1" would work fine.14:23
Lo-lan-doOkay, I'll live without.14:23
jelmerLo-lan-do: There is an open bug about showing the svn revno in "bzr log", but that requires bzr changes14:23
jelmerLo-lan-do: you can always parse the revid :-)14:24
Lo-lan-doTrue.  I'll write a wrapper around that.14:25
Lo-lan-doThanks for the idea.14:25
Lo-lan-dobzr log --short --show-ids -r -1 | grep revision-id: | head -1 | awk -F: '{print $5'}14:27
Lo-lan-doThere :-)14:27
Kinnisonspiv: can the smart server pay attention to the hostname used to access it, or is that not part of the protocol?14:28
fullermdI wish --show-ids were more granular...14:29
Kinnisonspiv: also, how trivial is it to access control it? I'm guessing bzr+http[s] is easier to access control, but I'm not sure about read vs write14:29
datoKinnison: there is something in contrib/ about access control14:30
* Kinnison looks14:31
spivKinnison: the hostname isn't part of the protocol14:32
Kinnisondato: which contrib/ ?14:32
datobzr.dev's at least14:32
spivKinnison: contrib in bzr.dev, and probably 1.1rc114:32
datoI wonder why that isn't installed in the debian package14:32
* Kinnison bzr pulls14:32
rjekHi.  So I'm thinking about migrating from svn to bzr.  What's the best option for migrating my data (including history) to bzr, while at the same time rearranging the data?14:34
LeoNerdTailor ?14:38
jelmerrjek: what do you mean by rearranging the data?14:39
rjekI had considered it, I just wanted to make sure it was a sensible choice.14:39
rjekjelmer: Well, the way projects and such are organised in the current svn repository is not ideal.14:39
Kinnisonspiv: would it be reasonable to assume that the smart protocol over http uses GET for read-only and POST for writing?14:41
fullermdI don't think so.  I'm pretty sure it POST's everything.14:41
fullermdI think the lowest overhead suggestion I've seen was to use different configs for http and https, and allow writing and require auth on the latter.14:42
Kinnisonrjek: would that be acceptable?14:43
rjekIt sounds like a hack.14:44
fullermdYeah, that's a side effect of it being a hack   :)14:44
* rjek grins.14:44
rjekIt'd be nice if it used GET: that'd give you the advantage that you could take advantage of web caches.14:44
rjek(If-Modified-Since etc)14:45
fullermdDoesn't work too well with the sort of things smart requests do.14:45
rjekDoes it not ask for the whole contents of a file occationally?  Of course, the output of CGIs could be cachable, so the parameters of the smart request could still be done in a GET and still be usefully cached.14:46
fullermdA lot of them would be really hard to get that information for.  And then there's the limits on GET request size...14:47
rjekThere's a limit on the size of a request URI?14:48
fullermdOh, yes.14:48
fullermdYou probably don't see it much in practice, since IE's limit on URL length is lower than the RFC's or Apache's, but it's there.14:49
fullermd(not that I'm bitter about that, or that it's ever cost me a half days work or anything, mind you)14:49
rjekI thought it was something astronomically large (comparitively) like 16kB or something.14:49
fullermdI think it's more like 2k.14:50
fullermdAnd sending around lists of revision id's can eat that up fairly quick.14:50
rjekYou need to encode it more efficently than using ASCII digits. :)14:50
fullermdIt's a URL; you encode LESS efficiently than ASCII digits after you escape all the necessary characters   :p14:51
rjekI was assuming a revision id was a decimal number, and thus encoding it as a decimal number in ASCII wouldn't be as efficent as, say, encoding it in base 36 or something.14:52
fullermdNo, they're opaque text strings.14:53
Kinnisonrjek: those are revno rather than revid14:55
datorjek: about your rearranging, it *sounds* as if you have several different projects in your svn repository, and want to rearrange *them*?14:55
rjekdato: Both.14:55
datorjek: normally you'll create a different bzr branch for each project14:56
datorjek: and since they are normal directories, you can later arrange them (at the filesystem level) as you please14:56
datodoes that answer your question, or I misudnerstood you?14:56
rjekI'm not entirely sure yet. :)14:57
rjekI think it answers my question.14:57
* Kinnison struggles with the wsgi stuff14:59
datorjek: as for the conversion, if you can install bzr-svn easily (which it mostly is if you're on linux afaik), then I think that'd be the easiest way, converting one project at a time. if not, tailor... do you have branches of your projects?15:01
rjekVery very few.15:01
rjek(perhaps one or two.)15:01
datook, afaik it works well as well, with bzr-svn.15:03
coryI've been having trouble.  My commits typically never make it paste "Saving data locally - Stage 2/5", which is taking an incredible amount of time.15:05
rjekOK, I'll look into that too.15:05
coryOk, things have magically resolved themselves.  Maybe I'm just impatient.  Never mind, then. :P15:11
KinnisonGah, this is hard15:19
KinnisonI have a bunch of repos in /path/to/trees15:19
KinnisonI set that as the base of the smart fcgi15:19
Kinnisonand then set /trees/ as the prefix15:20
Kinnisonbut then a request tries to read /path/to/trees/trees/repo/branch/.bzr/branch-format15:20
Kinnisonwhich is just confusing as hell15:20
KinnisonAnyone here dones the whole bzr as an fcgi thing?15:21
LeoNerdSounds like the sort of thing I'd do.. but I haven't15:22
spivKinnison: there are some patches from me in http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/15:23
LeoNerdLargely on account of not being able to find a webserver that will do FastCGI that doesn't suck piggie15:23
spivKinnison: that fix bugs in the patch handling in this area15:23
Kinnisonpatch handling?15:23
spivpath handling.15:23
spivMy fingers are too ready to type "patch" it seems :)15:23
Kinnisonwhich should I be looking for?15:24
spivUnfortunately, I really need to sleep now15:24
spivI hope that's of some help15:24
Lo-lan-doSleep usually helps15:24
spivLo-lan-do: :)15:25
Odd_BlokeWhen in doubt, sleep.15:26
Kinnisonspiv: so is this a client or a server issue?15:26
orospakrWhat is Bundle Buddy?15:43
KinnisonOkay, so I got it talking a bit15:43
Kinnisononly it can't think about branches in shared repos15:44
* Kinnison sighs15:44
KinnisonI appreciate that bzr+http is a hack, but this is pitiful :-(15:44
datoorospakr: an application to track pending merges in a project15:44
orospakrer, s/buddy/buggy/15:45
PengHow is bzr+http a hack?15:54
KinnisonPeng: it's a vaguely stateful protocol (bzr smart protocol) being run over a stateless protocol (http)16:01
Kinnisonanyway, time to drive to mother-in-law's16:01
RainCTThere is no "bzr cp" feature (like "bzr mv" but instead of moving the file, duplicating it, so having two different files with the same history), or?16:18
ubotuNew bug: #182040 in bzr "reconfigure form lightweight checkout to checkout don't pull tags from master branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18204016:20
hendrixskiHey, I just saw on Mark Shuttleworth's blog that there's a bzr-eclipse plugin on the way.   Has anybody tried it, does it work well yet?16:21
PengRainCT: That is correct. No copying.16:23
PengRainCT: Because of how bzr's really great renaming is done, copying is not supported.16:23
PengRainCT: There's at least thought about doing it differently so copying can be supported.16:24
RainCTPeng: Thanks for the information :).16:27
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:29
soul9!info server17:29
ubotuPackage server does not exist in gutsy17:29
soul9i would like to set up a bzr server17:29
soul9i know it's distributed, but it'd still be nice17:30
soul9i haven't been able to find anything about the setup17:30
luksif you have a sftp server and a http server, you already also have a bzr server17:33
soul9so there is no guide about this?17:38
soul9i do think i have sftp (i do have ssh)17:38
soul9but then what?17:38
luksthen you just use it17:38
datoyou `bzr push` to a location in the server where the http server will serve it17:39
soul9so if i do have sftp enabled17:39
soul9i should be able to use an ftp client17:39
datoeg. bzr push --create-prefix sftp://host/var/www/bzr/project/trunk17:39
soul9to connecT?17:39
datoor. bzr push --create-prefix sftp://host/~/public_html/project/trunk17:39
soul9so with this way, i should use a shared useraccount if I want to work in team?17:41
datosoul9: or make /var/www/bzr/project group-writeable, and create a group17:42
soul9ok, so sftp works17:45
soul9that way though, i need to create users17:45
soul9with shell accounts..17:45
LarstiQsoul9: or use an sftp server that doesn't require system users17:47
soul9that would definitely be nice17:47
Pengbzr+ssh is speedier than sftp.17:47
PengThat requires SSH logins for everyone though.17:48
PengAnd it requires bzr be installed on the server.17:48
soul9i think i'll just do sftp+http17:48
soul9if i can find an sftp server that doesn't need system logins17:48
datowith bzr+ssh, you can set the login shell of those people to a wrapper that just calls bzr serve with the appropriate arguments, I think17:49
soul9yeah, like hg17:50
soul9i don't like that though17:50
soul9i can't find such an sftp server though17:50
datomaybe LarstiQ knows of one17:50
soul9LarstiQ: would you be so kind, if you know an sftp of the likes, to hint me with at least the name of it? :-P17:52
LarstiQsoul9: iirc spiv wrote one, let me look17:54
LarstiQsoul9: can't seem to find it atm. Another option is chrooting your sftp server.17:58
* LarstiQ goes to bed18:00
datoLarstiQ: are you in EU?18:02
LarstiQdato: yes18:02
datook, enjoy your sleep :)18:02
LarstiQdato: fever :/18:03
datoaw. i wish you a prompt recovery!18:03
LarstiQdato: thank you, and now I really detach :)18:04
CardinalFangHi.  I have a repo that seems to have been "repo-init"'d with "--no-trees".  How can I change that default?18:06
datorm foo/.bzr/repository/no-working-trees, I guess18:07
datoI can't recall that we have an UI to change it18:07
CardinalFangAh.  I figured there was a cooler way.  Thanks.18:07
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Solarionhow do I make a branch have a new parent?19:35
Lo-lan-dobzr pull --remember?19:35
Solarionaaah, danke.19:36
jdahlinIs pushing from a bzr-svn repository known to be slow?19:45
jelmerjdahlin: What do you mean exactly? Pushing from Bazaar into Svn?19:45
jdahlinjelmer, Oh. Yes, exactly that19:45
jelmerIs this the first you're accessing the Subversion repository?19:46
jdahlinI have a subversion repository with 6000 revisions which I branched off, but it seems to take a while to push the changes19:46
jelmerjdahlin: What version of bzr-svn?19:46
jdahlinjelmer, it's the first time I'm committing yes19:46
jdahlinno, sorry. 0.4.519:46
jelmerNewer versions (0.4.6 in particular) do more efficient caching19:47
jelmerin any case it will be a lot faster the next time you push19:47
jdahlinOkay, sounds good.19:47
jdahlinIs bzr push the normal way of merging back to the svn repository?19:47
jdahlinand bzr diff -r ancestor:svn://.. to get a diff?19:49
Lo-lan-do(Phew -- I've been doing that for the last six months :-)19:49
jelmerjdahlin: I usually use "bzr diff -rbranch:.." but I think ancestor should work as well19:50
jdahlinI really hope it will be faster the next time, it's already been running for 20 minutes.20:01
jelmeryou may want to upgrade to 0.4.620:02
jdahlinoh, it just finished20:03
jdahlinand it worked as it should!20:03
jdahlinlet me try to commit a second time20:03
jdahlinIndeed, it seems to take quite a bit20:04
jdahlin*of time20:05
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jelmeron the samba svn repository (>25k commits) it usually takes less than 10 seconds20:08
jdahlinLet me retry with
jdahlinjelmer, it's doesn't seem to be caching svn connections very well, it's connecting to the remote host every second or so20:12
jdahlinYes, my connection to the svn server is quite restrained20:13
jdahlinreal    5m46.833s20:19
jdahlinjelmer, so, no speed improvements using 0.4.620:19
=== mw|food is now known as mw
jdahlinsecond time with 0.4.6 brought it down to 2m19, getting much better20:31
LeMecjdaklin: was it a large commit?21:11
LeMec5m sounds like a lot of time; or was is due to a weak connection?21:12
jdahlinLeMec, no, it was a tiny commit21:13
jdahlinLeMec, due to a weak connection yes21:13
jelmerjdahlin: can you try running again with -Dtranport and see what sort of operations its doing?21:21
jelmerit should be writing to ~/.bzr.log21:21
jelmerjdahlin: 5 minutes is way more than it should be21:22
jelmerafter the initial cache, push to a svn repository is often faster than push to a native bzr repository for me21:22
jdahlinjelmer, sure, but I'm down to 2:1921:25
jelmerjdahlin: that's still much more than it should be, unless your connection is really really slow21:29
jdahlinjelmer, here is the output of the relevant .bzr.log parts; http://rafb.net/p/V28F8H24.html21:31
jelmerjdahlin: thanks!21:31
jdahlinif I install python-curl I will get a certificate error21:32
jelmeryou can use svn+https:// rather than https:// to work around that21:33
jelmerhmm, .bzr.log looks ok21:33
jdahlinoh, let me try that21:33
jdahlinit went pretty quickly the last time21:33
jdahlinbut I forgot to time it21:34
jelmerit's not the amount of network traffic that will be problematic21:34
jdahlinI think it's the number of roundtrips.21:34
jelmerthat's less than 50 I think, looking at this log file21:35
jdahlinjelmer, check this out, a snippet from strace: http://rafb.net/p/8wwViQ44.html21:36
jdahlinthere's lots of socket/connect calls which shouldn't be there.21:36
jelmerdoes using svn+https:// rather than https:// help?21:38
jdahlinnot significantly21:38
jelmerthe log says there should only be 4 TCP connections opened21:41
jelmerall the other stuff is done by the svn library21:41
jdahlinokay, so how can the svn library be told not open up so many connections?21:42
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)21:45
jelmerjdahlin: I don't think there is a way to do that atm :-/21:45
jelmerjdahlin: How many connect()'s are there in total in those 2 minutes?21:46
jdahlinjelmer, let me check.21:46
jdahlinjelmer, 78 calls21:50
jdahlinand that's just for changing one file21:50
jdahlinactually, some are dns lookups. It's only 73 to the remote host21:51
Lo-lan-doHow can I "bzr diff" a current branch to a previous version of another one?21:55
jelmerjdahlin: 73 is still excessive. I wonder what's causing them; I'll see if I can reproduce it here.21:55
Lo-lan-doAh: Sorry, diffing arbitrary revisions across branches is not implemented yet.21:58
* Lo-lan-do makes a new copy of the remote branch21:59
jdahlinjelmer, Yes. I am trying to figure out myself which call might be causing it21:59
PengHey, one of my bzr bundles tops another popular Google search term:  'legal land description" Indiana  winamac22:17
ubotuNew bug: #182140 in bzr "bzr-svn interferes with bzr operation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18214022:25
* Peng wanders off.22:32

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