
keithy_well an idea for core dev... dmg installer for Mac OS X 10.400:02
lifelessspiv: ping; can we chat? if you're not deep in the flow; I have a proposal for 'what revisions I need to push detection'00:02
lifelesskeithy_: I'll mail the list for you if you like00:03
lifelesskeithy_: the dmg is done by community members :)00:03
keithy_I'v been waiting for python to finish building for ages, does it take long?00:05
dysingerthat's the stupid problem with macports00:05
dysingerIt compiles EVERYTHING00:05
dysingerit might as well compile an alternate kernel too for pete's sake00:06
dysingerI don't use it.00:06
dysinger./configure && make are easy to use.00:06
keithy_I think I have python on this mc 4 times now00:06
dysingerwhat would it take to get easy_install on your mac ?00:07
dysingerskip macports00:07
dysingerif you have easy_install then it's just one line00:08
dysingerto get the latest bzr00:08
dysingersudo easy_install -U paramiko pycrypto bzr00:08
dysingerOS X comes with Python - you shouldn't have to be compiling Python.00:08
minghuaOS X's python is crippled pretty hard last time (10.3 days) I looked.00:11
jelmerlifeless: is there a dmg yet? I thought there were people still working on it00:11
igcmaybe we should add easy_install instructions to the Download page00:11
jelmerigc: easy_install doesn't provide a patched python-subversion00:18
foomsomeone could make an easy_installable python-subversion, though, probably.00:19
jelmerthat would be nice00:20
keithy_Error: The following dependencies failed to build: py25-paramiko py25-zlib00:20
jelmerthere have been quite a few people here trying to patch and build it00:21
jelmerthat reminds me, I need to get that memory leak fix into hardy...00:23
jelmerbecause of the way the memory pool stuff works in apr, it's also a major performance improvement00:23
keithy_so macports is hosed00:29
keithy_I cant even find a skip option00:29
dysingerYeah I stopped using fink and macports years ago00:29
dysingersame reason I stopped using gentoo00:29
dysingeryou are guaranteed to get pissed one day when the whole build system breaks down when you need it.00:30
keithy_yeah I use knoppix for linux because I detest these installation issues00:30
keithy_has everything preinstalled00:30
dysingerdebian and debian variants - accept no substitutes00:30
keithy_but I cant beleive I have found a mac os x programme that is offering me no options00:30
dysingerhave you tried easy_install (or are you more inclined to the not_easy_install_hair_pulling method) ?00:33
dysingerer better http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#installation-instructions00:34
dysingertry this00:35
dysingercd /tmp ; curl -O http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py ; python ./ez_setup.py00:35
dysingersheesh I am not even a python person :/  Help me out guys.00:36
lifelessjelmer: I thought there was a 10.5 one00:38
dysingerThere is but you don't need it00:38
dysingereasy_install -U does the same thing00:38
dysingerIt just looks prettier00:38
dysingerand has docs00:38
jelmerlifeless: Ah, it just doesn't include the python-subversion stuff then yet00:38
dysinger(It = dmg)00:39
dysingerI am updating the python-subversion instructions again on the wiki in the next 30 min00:39
dysinger(for OS X)00:39
dysingerIt's better than my yesterday edit.00:39
lifelessabentley: ping00:48
dysingerlol I finally got time to install subversion (trunk) 1.5 and now it says svn: Unrecognized URL scheme for 'http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk'00:49
lifelessabentley: I am looking at adding a 'current_search' parameter to get_parent_map; this will allow get_parent_map on the smart server to avoid sending duplicate data back00:49
dysingersvn+ssh works but it's not recognizing the http00:51
keithy_error: Download error for http://www.lag.net/paramiko/download/paramiko-1.7.1.zip: (61, 'Connection refused')00:52
keithy_I give up00:53
lifelesskeithy_: you only need paramiko for sftp00:53
lifelesskeithy_: to just use bzr; if you have *a* python (2.4 or newer) just do this:00:53
lifeless - grab the bzr tarball00:53
lifeless - untar it00:53
lifeless - add that directory to your path00:53
lifeless * DONE *00:53
keithy_it worked!01:08
hsn_what is main feature of bzr-1.1?01:11
dysingerversion control01:11
* dysinger ducks01:11
keithy_erm .. it doesnt install on Mac os  x 10.401:11
lifelessmax os X is awkward01:19
lifelessits really geared for binary installs, but the vast chunk of unix programmes are not supplied as binaries by apple01:20
lifelessspiv: the eagle has landed01:24
spivlifeless: sweet01:24
Taldenhsn - ditto.  It'd be nice to see the web-page announce 1.1 in the news and give some hint as to what is new (even if it's just "here's a faster, more stable bzr").01:25
lifelessthere is a changelog I thought01:27
lifelessTalden: http://bazaar-vcs.org/01:27
lifelessTalden: says "The main changes in this release are: improved diff, merge, annotate and reconfigure commands; more efficient ordering inside pack repositories; better http authentication, and various other bugs fixed. (full changelog)01:28
lifelessTalden: and links to the full changelog.01:28
foomlifeless: but the "News" section doesn't say anything01:35
lifelessfoom: see martins post about website maintenance01:35
* igc lunch01:36
jelmerthe improved Inventory.repr() is nice, but it causes very large backtraces in some cases01:47
jelmerI just got a single-line 700k error from bzr01:48
lifelessjelmer: grats02:37
jelmerlifeless: hi02:38
jelmerlifeless, grats?02:38
lifelesson 700K bt02:38
jelmerlifeless: ah, congrats?02:39
lifelessjelmer: yes02:39
jelmeryou had me wondering there for a moment why that word wasn't in my 500-page en<->nl dictionary ;-)02:41
lifelessWoW slang02:45
jelmerwell, with so many Australian bzr developers, I'm glad the main language isn't strine :-P02:47
bob2does bzr not have an en_AU translation yet?02:47
jelmerThere is no localization yet02:49
jelmerand both english and american spelling appear to be used02:50
jelmerbob2: so what's different in en_AU from en_UK?02:50
jmljelmer: very few things.02:51
jelmerI can't seem to find any difference in the .mo files02:55
ntnhanit seems that plugin email works only on client side, when I commit any code to server but email is not sent on server02:56
ntnhananybody has idea?02:56
* jelmer suddenly realizes he's up at 4 AM searching for differences between Australian and British language files for evolution and decides to get some sleep02:56
jelmerntnhan: It doesn't send email from the server side02:56
ntnhanjelmer: yes, that's what I don't want :(02:57
beunontnhan, is the server running the bzr smart server?02:58
ntnhanbeuno: no, it's just bzr installed02:59
beunontnhan, I'm not sure how you can make the server send off emails if it's not actually running bzr when you commit03:00
beuno(smart server would solve it in that case, as you can hook into it)03:02
ntnhanbueno: how do we configure bzr running on server each time client commits?03:02
beunontnhan, using the smart server  :D03:02
ntnhanbueno: haha, thx, I didn't know it :), will give a try now03:02
beunontnhan, then you can just hook into bzr, maybe even the current plugin will send off emails. jelmer?03:03
jelmerI don't think the smart server can send emails when a revision is pushed to it03:04
jelmerbut it's been a while since I've looked at it03:04
jelmerit being bzr-email03:04
jelmerlifeless is the bzr-email maintainer so he's probably in a better position to comment03:04
beunontnhan, maybe take a peek at http://bazaar-vcs.org/SmartServer/RemoteObjectHacking03:05
beunoand of course, lifeless would be *the* man  :D03:05
ntnhanbeuno: ok, i'll try it03:05
lifelessntnhan: hi03:06
ntnhanlifeless: hi03:06
lifelessntnhan: the bzr-email plugin fires on Branch.post_commit which is not currently invoked in the server process; as discussed above you will have to bzr using bzr:// (or bzr+ssh etc) for it to work /in principal/03:06
lifelessbut we have to make it work in fact too:)03:06
lifelessthere is a cron based solution folk have created which sends an email when a new commit is detected on the branch and works with any transport (rysnc, bzr, sftp, etc)03:07
beunothere has to be someway to do it, Launchpad does it  :p03:07
lifelessbeuno: launchpad uses the cron based solution03:07
lifelessbeuno: not the exact same code but that logic path03:08
beunoseems fairly trivial, just scan through the dir, save the last revid sent by email, and fire off03:08
beuno(of course, almost anything seems trivial in irc  :P)03:09
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lifelessbeuno: well code exists; kthxbye :)03:09
ntnhanbeuno: yes, but everybody wants to save time, need a ready cake03:09
beunontnhan, that's how plugins get started  :D03:10
beuno(or specs pushed into the trunk)03:10
beunofile a bug03:10
beunorequesting it03:10
beunothe "let's get the aount of open bugs" fever in the upcoming sprint should take care of the rest!03:11
dysingerjelmer sorry to bother you again.  So I have subversion 1.5 trunk all compiled into /usr/local with neon and all is good.  I can do all the subversion functions with it - it works.  Then I try to use bzr 1.1 w/ bzr-svn stable and get bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "https://.... for every single svn url I try.03:23
dysingerThis worked fine in subversion 1.4.603:23
Odd_Blokedysinger: Try 'svn+https://...'.03:24
* Odd_Bloke can't remember if that works or not.03:24
dysingeryeah not working either03:24
dysingeralready tried that03:24
Odd_BlokeWell, jelmer will probably save the day.03:25
Odd_BlokeHe normally does. :p03:25
dysingerI am trying to get closer and closer to his setup03:25
dysingersvn+https blows up with a stack trace03:25
jelmerdysinger: Do you have libneon built with SSL support?03:25
dysingerregular https:// is acting like it's looking at as a bzr branch03:26
lifelessdysinger: its jelmer's 4am :- I think you'll get little now :)03:26
lifelesshave you looked in ~/.bzr.log ?03:26
dysingerHe's up!03:26
dysingerah ok two good suggestions.03:26
lifelessI wager its not loading the plugin03:26
dysinger1st svn ls https:// works and yes svn --version shows https03:26
dysingerlet me look at the log03:27
jelmerdysinger: the svn executable from the location you just installed to and with the same DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH set?03:27
dysingerone sec maybe my bad03:27
dysingerI managed to install it in /usr/local/bin but svn --version reports 1.4.4 (version that comes with mac).  ???03:29
dysingerThis is kicking my ass.03:29
dysingerI am setting DYLD and PYTHONPATH too03:30
dysingerPATH has /usr/local first03:30
dysingerok I have more work to do03:31
dysingermy neon didn't install right.03:31
* dysinger goes back to the salt mines03:31
lifelessspiv: how do you get remote server backtraces ?03:33
j1mchello, i've read a little bit about the differences between bundles and regular patches, but i'm not sure i fully understand.  can anyone explain the advantages of a bundle vs. pushing up a regular patch (or set of patches) as a revision?03:47
lifelessbundles and pushing revisions are roughly equivalent03:48
lifelessthink of it as a transport change03:48
j1mctransport change?03:48
lifelesshowever 'regular patches' means GNU patch output, which does not include: commit messages, mode changes, renames, deletes-as-deletes03:49
beunoj1mc, basically, bundles have bzr metadata about the commit(s), and a regular patch just has the diff for the changes to the code03:49
lifelessspiv: ping03:50
minghualifeless: deletes-as-deletes?03:50
j1mcbeuno: thanks.  (and thanks to you, too, lifeless).  what kind of bzr metadata might be included in the bundle?03:50
lifelessminghua: 'foo is deleted' is different to 'foo has a patch that removes <entire list of old lines>'03:51
j1mcah, ok.03:52
lifelessminghua: its particularly different in terms of the conflicts you can give the user; and also how do you represent 'trunc() this file' if a delete is shown as deleting all the contents ;)).03:53
minghualifeless: Ah, I see.  Thanks.03:56
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spivlifeless: http://rafb.net/p/JoRYz534.html04:05
lifelessspiv: bb:approve04:06
Verterokpoolie, lifeless: I have a dmg for OS X 10.4 ready for a ride :)04:06
poolieVerterok, yay04:06
spivlifeless: ta04:06
poolieVerterok, can you upload it to launchpad?04:06
pooliebtw i spoke to them about the size limit04:06
Verterokit's ppc only04:06
lifelessVerterok: sweet04:06
poolieis 60MB ok?04:06
lifelesskeithy_: ^04:06
Verterokpoolie: 6MB04:07
Verterokthere might be something wrong 6MB vs 60MB04:08
Verterokthis dmg only contains bzr+pycrypto+paramiko04:09
Verterokaha, all the plugins missing :P04:10
VerterokI'm going to add Rebase and bzrtools to it, but I don't have QT installed in OS X so no Qbzr :(04:11
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Verterokpoolie: I misunderstood the question about the size (is too late here :P)04:26
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lifelessVerterok: l)04:40
VerterokI have a dmg with bzr(pycrypto+paramiko) + bzrtools + bzr-rebase :)04:46
lifelesscare to add bzr-email04:46
Verteroklifeless: trunk?04:48
Verteroktrunk has not been published yet04:51
lifelessdunno what you mean by not published yet04:52
Verterokis what launchpad say :)04:52
lifelessurl ?04:53
lifelessnot ~lifeless04:53
Verterokok, sorry04:53
lifelessthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr-email/trunk <-04:54
lifelessthumper: I didn't get any notification about that merge request04:55
lifelessthumper: so I didn't know it exists04:55
Verterokpoolie: I'm going to upload it to: https://launchpad.net/bzr/1.1/1.1 it's ok?05:03
poolieyes, thanks05:04
lifelessspiv: down to 100 seconds in get_parents_map calls05:09
lifelessspiv: thats down from 23705:22
spivlifeless: very nice05:23
spivlifeless: that's for branching bzr.dev from London?05:23
lifeless115 seconds on my current test05:26
lifelessI'm done for the day;05:26
lifelessI'll commit and push05:26
lifelessif you re interested05:27
lifelessrev 3198 pushing now05:27
lifeless15 seconds from startup to starting the stream in my 'last 100' test05:29
lifelessthats another 100% saving over my report earlier in the week05:29
lifelessyour patch when it lands will help debug05:30
lifelessit seems to be falling into a 'one at a time' pathological mode05:30
lifelessit should be walking minimum-depth-at-a-time, and it may be that there are places where the search collapses; but I don't expect that.05:31
poolielifeless, have a tolerable trip :)05:31
lifelessso this needs some good analysis and reporting to figure out what is going wrong; the hg recursive approach may be something to reintroduce05:31
lifelessI don't anticipategetting any hacking on this branch done next week05:31
lifelessbut I'm quite happy with where it is getting to :)05:32
lifelessthats poolie05:33
lifelesspoolie: oh you might like to mail me anything you want (other than the baz package stuff) for discussion with the distro.05:34
thumperlifeless: yeah, damn eh05:37
thumperlifeless: a bug report would be good :-)05:37
Manfreis it possible to modify the commit message for a revision?05:46
poolieManfre, uncommit then commit again05:46
Manfreis there anyway to modify a revision that is not the head?05:47
abentleylifeless: The idea sounds fine.  I've never considered anything below Graph to be a stable interface.  It's Graphs that repos are required to provide.06:10
abentleyWhatever way is most efficient for them.06:10
ubotuNew bug: #183948 in bzr "can't PUSH over an sshfs fuse file share" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18394806:40
* spiv goes for a swim06:41
thumperabentley: man, when do you sleep?06:51
* Verterok leaves, only two hours for sleep. seeya!07:20
AnMasterhow long as 1.1 been out?07:39
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AfCAnMaster: a few days08:02
sabdflpoolie: ping08:10
sorenAnMaster: "Bazaar 1.1 was released on the 15th of January, 2008."  <---- Very first sentence on http://bazaar-vcs.org/08:17
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datojelmer: because I see python packages b-depending on python-all-dev *everywhere*, and it's not needed at all09:17
datojelmer: omg, I don't know if you saw my question yesterday about making the svn cp from bzr-svn itself, but I tried it and it works...09:28
datojelmer: so my bug has much less priority now, thanks to bzr-svn rocking ;)09:28
ntollhi, how does bzr merge handle a move or delete on one branch and an edit on the other (since they were branched)?10:34
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ntollaha... just found the docs... looks like this case is handled10:42
asacis there an easy way (short hand) to export a series of commits as one-patch-per-commit?10:45
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stefanvhey all, is there a way to remove binary files including their history from a bzr archive?11:09
stefanvI found that tracking jsmath-fonts is a big pain in the ass, with all its 20 000 odd files11:10
stefanvmaybe I can check out before their inclusion, and apply all the patches that happened after their inclusion11:11
lifelessasak_: diff -r x..+1 in a loop perhaps ?11:11
stefanvhrm, bugger, those files were there since revision 111:12
* dato hands lifeless diff -c ;)11:20
stefanvdid an experiment now, and seems like you can remove all traces of a binary file from a branch by doing 'bzr remove'.  Why is that even possible?  Shouldn't you be able to revert to any point in history?11:32
datostefanv: no, remove does not remove all traces11:33
stefanvdato: hrm, interesting: because I had 88Mb's worth of binary files, and now the repo in total is only 18Mb11:34
AfC... _is_ there a way to purge all evidence of something from a branch history & repo?11:37
AfCI mean, in purist terms you'd never need to, but there are pragmatic reasons (material committed illegally, security sensitive or privacy sensitive information at risk of being divulged, etc)11:38
stefanvAfC: well, I just made sure: when I remove those binary files, and do 'bzr uncommit', they don't come back11:38
stefanvso it definately permanently erases them11:38
AfCAssumint the11:39
AfCrevision hasn't leaked anywhere... but the revision itself it's still in the repository. I think you could fetch it if you knew it's revid11:39
stefanvyes, if you knew which binary files to bring back (i.e. you still have the filename information)11:40
stefanvAFAIK in an SVN repository, the binary data itself is also stored11:40
stefanvhence my original question :)11:40
luksno, you can't remove anything from the repository permanently without rewriting it completely11:41
stefanvAfC: I would very much like to know the answer to your question above, as well.  sometimes, copyrighted code is checked into open source repos, which causes problems.11:42
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luksI guess the size difference is because you count the working tree size11:42
stefanvluks: you cannot bring back those binary files, they are gone.11:42
luksyou can11:42
luksbzr remove doesn't actually remove them from the history11:42
stefanvwell, since my repo is now only 3.3Mb large, I'd like to know where it stores those 88Mb worth of files :)11:42
stefanvluks: no, sure, they *filename* info is still there... but the actual bytes are gone11:43
stefanvso, 88Mb in 3.3Mb, eh?11:43
luksif you just did bzr remove and bzr commit, all the bytes are still there11:43
luksthe only thing I could imagine is that you haven't committed 'bzr add' of those files11:44
datosounds like it11:44
stefanvthey *were* tracked:11:44
stefanv=== removed file 'sanum/static/javascript/jsMath/fonts/cmbx10/plain/85/char73.png'11:45
stefanvlet me just recheck the original repo11:45
luksbzr cat -r REVISION_IN_WHICH_THE_FILE_WAS_ADDED sanum/static/javascript/jsMath/fonts/cmbx10/plain/85/char73.png11:45
stefanvok, so it's head-in-the-sand time then?11:46
stefanvhrm, but wait11:47
stefanvif I do bzr log sanum/static/.... I should see something11:47
stefanvyeap, I don't think those files were tracked.  why don't they show up in bzr status then?11:48
stefanvok, erase my previous 4 sentences11:49
stefanvthe files *was* tracked from revision 111:49
stefanvthe bzr cat -r 1 command shows its contents11:49
stefanvwhich explains why bzr status doesn't explain it11:50
stefanvluks: are you sure the bzr behaviour you  describe above is correct?11:50
luksyou can never ever permanently remove anything from the repository11:52
luksit would break integrity of the repository11:52
stefanvsomething very strange going on.  I can confirm the behaviour you describe with a new repo, but not with my other one.11:52
luksthe only way to remove them would be to "rewrite" the repository without those file11:52
stefanvluks: ok, figured out what was going on11:55
stefanvluks: the binary files are indeed tracked11:55
stefanvluks: but they are *much* smaller when they aren't physically written to disk11:56
luks'physically written to disk' means in the working tree?11:56
stefanvluks: about 20000 odd files, each taking up a minimum space determined by the file-system configuration11:56
stefanvluks: yes, so if they are all stored in one big file, they are much much smaller11:56
luks88MB vs. 3MB still seems too big difference11:57
dato20000 files at 4k blog size would be 78mb11:57
stefanvwell, the files are tiny, and an inode needs a min of 4 or 8K right?11:58
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dato20000 ~150 byte files make 3mb11:58
lukshm, makes sense11:58
datoso, it's possible11:58
stefanvmy apologies for not believing that bzr could compress 90Mb into 3Mb :)11:59
stefanvnow, I also know better than to try and rsync that repo12:00
rjekWhen I try to bzr push, I get an error about how the branches have diverged.  bzr merge then pulls these new changes.  There are no conflicts (the changes don't effect the same files).  What do I do after I've done that merge to allow me to push?12:19
luksevery merge needs a commit12:20
rjekAh, so I commit the differences from somebody else's branch to my one?12:20
* rjek sees. Ta.12:20
rjekAs a convention, what do people tend to use as their commit messages for such merges?12:20
luksI usually use "Merge <URL>" or "Merge <branch name>"12:21
luksbut some people prefer more descriptive messages12:21
rjekThat seems fine.12:21
* Ng would be very happy if a post-merge commit that hadn't changed anything other than the merge would do that automagically, I never have anything to add to the logs from the merged branch :)12:22
luksNg: auto-merge is not always right12:23
lukseven if there are no textual conflicts, you can't be sure the merge is right12:23
Ngluks: indeed. I only use bzr in very small and simple ways, so I appreciate that me wanting it to be easier isn't suitable for all ;)12:23
asaclifeless: thanks ... didn't know about the +1 notation ;)12:34
asacguessing a patch-filename from comment would be nice to have automated though12:34
datoasac: I don't think that notation exists. you want diff -c12:37
asacdato: ok ... -c is even better :)12:42
asacbtw, the foreach (ezbzr) branch isn't hosted at the place named on BzrPlugins page anymore. maybe remove it or contact the author.12:43
asacnaybe the bazaar-cvs.org page should start to auto-mirror branches of plugins where license permits it?12:45
abentleythumper: Evidently, I slept just then.13:00
thumperand I'm just about to13:00
abentley(Geez, Thumper, when do you sleep?)13:16
fullermdSleep?  I heard of that once, I think...13:17
* fullermd checks google.13:17
radixI find merge commits the perfect place for NEWS-style descriptions. At the least, I use those commits alone to generate the release announcement.13:18
radixI also put ticket numbers in the commits for merges.13:18
radixand describe the change in high-level13:19
luksthat works fine if you have a mainline and only merge feature branches13:19
luksbut it's not that useful when you randomly sync with a few developers13:20
radixyeah. why would I do that random thing when I could do an organized thing? :)13:20
luksdunno, the "decentralized" thing :)13:20
radixmy development is perfectly distributed.13:21
* radix goes to get breakfast13:21
luksthat doesn't mean decentralized13:21
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abentleyjelmer: I don't plan to ever work on trac-bzr again.13:36
jelmerabentley: oh, ok13:36
stefanvabentley: I didn't follow the rest of the thread -- is trac-bzr maintained at all?13:38
abentleystefanv: I have the impression that other people have been working on it.13:38
stefanvabentley: that's good news -- many projects simply won't switch if there isn't a supported trac backend available13:40
AfCOh my. `meld` is amazing.13:42
AfCI wonder if we can find a way to feed it from bzr-gtk13:42
* luks never really got any of those gui merge programs13:43
stefanvI'm guilty of still merging with emacs13:44
jelmerAfC: We've been discussing that, but the main problem at the moment is that there's no sane API that allows you to use it yet13:45
AfCjelmer: fair enough13:47
jelmerOf course, we could just fix meld but nobody has done that yet...13:47
AfCjelmer: (I just had a conflict and so for the heck of it tried13:47
AfC`meld DemoWindowRunner.java.OTHER DemoWindowRunner.java.THIS`13:48
AfCand it was glorious)13:48
jelmeryeah, it works and looks quite well13:48
AfCluks: I haven't tried it as a merging program, but to show the diff it was really slick13:48
luksAfC: I don't think you need to even specify filenames, it can figure out bzr conflicts itself13:49
radixspeaking of meld, I'd love to use it with bzr but bzr diff doesn't have a --diff-cmd parameter13:50
radix(just for the diff viewing, of course. the merging would obviously require more work)13:51
AfCWhoa. So for merging / conflict resolution you just click on the arrows...13:52
luksradix: not sure if it works with meld, but there is `bzr diff --using`13:52
brilliantnutif meld takes file1 file2 as arguments then --using will work.13:53
radixthat must only be in bzr.dev or something...13:53
luks1.1 I think13:53
radixah, cool13:53
* radix clicks the little explodey down-arrow13:54
radixlooks like it's not packaged yet, or something. guess I'll have to wait a couple day s:)13:58
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luksradix: it's in ppa14:00
elmomissing postfix14:03
elmobzr: ERROR: unknown kind 'missing'14:03
elmo^-- halp?14:03
lamontelmo: bzr version maybe?14:05
elmoit's 1.014:05
miklhow do I fix conflicts? The docs talk about conflict markers, whatever that is...14:34
rjekManually, usually.14:34
miklensuring that .BASE, .THIS and .OTHER files are identical wont allow me to resolve it14:34
miklnor will deleting them do the trick14:34
datomikl: edit the conflicting file to make sure it's resolved, and then `bzr resolve FILE`14:35
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bacmikl: using a tool like kdiff3 or meld makes it pretty easy15:02
baci use the extmerge plugin which you may want to have a look at15:03
miklbac: ok, thank you :)15:03
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rjekSo, what are people's suggestions for web-based bzr branch/repository browsers that don't require a big fat framework?15:44
beunorjek, I've been working on a php-based solution15:59
beunobut it's not releaseable15:59
TFKylebeuno: implemented a lot of bzr in php?16:00
rjekEugh.  I'm not sure I'd want to run a php-based one.16:02
rjekEspecially given that we've banned PHP from our co-lo boxes.16:02
beunoTFKyle, yeap, quite a lot16:02
rjekSomething that could do what bzr vis does would be extra lovely.16:03
rjekAdditionally, are their C bindings to bzr so I can use it as a library from C and other languages?16:08
corporate_cookieim calling BZR from cron on a RHEL4 system with a parallel install of python2.3 and 2.4. Cron reports this error: /bin/sh: bzr: command not found. However bzr works otherwise16:09
corporate_cookieany ideas ? : )16:09
rjekWhat does "which bzr" say?16:10
rjekIt may not be in the PATH of the environment that runs the cronjob.16:10
corporate_cookierjek: it says /usr/bin/bzr16:10
rjekTry changing your cronjob to use /usr/bin/bzr rather than just bzr.  If that doesn't work, it may not be able to find any Python.16:11
corporate_cookiethe job runs as root ...whos path is -bash: /usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin16:11
abadger1999Does anyone know the plan regarding bzr versions and stability?  (ie: will there be a 1.0.x branch?  Will 1.x have API backwards compatibility? Business as usual?  Other?)16:11
rjekThe environment that your cron runs in need not be the same as the one you get if you log in as root.16:12
corporate_cookiehow do I determine what environment cron runs in16:12
corporate_cookie(my linux foo is weak)16:13
rjekcorporate_cookie: Write a cronjob that just runs "env" - it'll email you with the environment :)16:13
corporate_cookiegood thinking! :" )16:14
rjekI know nothing of Red Hat.  I've not used it in years.  I know less about Python, so if this doesn't reveal the answer obviously, I'm out of ideas :)16:15
jamabadger1999: generally business as usuall. We've already released 1.1, and 1.2 is on the way16:18
abadger1999jam: Thanks.  I guess I'll be updating for Fedora but holding at 1.0 for Red Hat/CentOS then.16:19
jamrjek: as for C bindings, you can embed the python interpreter in your C program16:20
jamrjek: then you would be working in terms of PyObjects, etc16:20
rjekjam: Eugh.  I'd rather avoid having to speak Python.  And embedding Python into Lua in order to query stuff nicely sounds like a hack :)16:21
datoabadger1999: I think cron resets PATH to something unuseable, you'll want to give PATH a value16:21
jamunderstandable, I don't think our data objects are terribly hard, but it would seem silly to reimplement everything16:21
rjekFor example. subversion has a nice library you can link to directly from C.16:22
jamrjek: sure, but it was *written* in C16:22
rjekjam: Well, you can bind C functions to Python.  Is it not simple to bind Python functions to C?16:22
rjekLua makes this pretty trivial.16:22
rjekI have no idea what Python's C interface is like, of course.16:23
jamIt's interface is pretty decent16:23
jamof course, it is up to you whether you would rather embed python16:23
jamor spawn a process and parse text16:24
jambzrlib is a rather rich api16:24
rjekI'd rather use a C API, as that's then trivially used from pretty much everything.16:24
jamand 'bzr' is more focused on clients than scripters16:24
rjekBe it C, C++, Lua, or Perl.  Or whatever you fancy.16:24
jamexcept then you are stuck with the C data model, etc.16:24
jamand string processing and memory management is horribly painful at the C level16:25
rjekFor a slight inconvience you gain a lot of flexibility, though.16:25
jamanyway, /me => away for a while16:25
* rjek shrugs, libsvn's API's pretty elegant.16:25
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beunohmmm, I just upgrade a 3GB branch to packs, and now, the repository is twice it's size. repository/obsolete_packs/ seems to be the same size as repository/packs/.  Is this an expected behaviour?  (bzr 1.0)17:53
jambeuno: you can nuke obsolete_packs/*, bzr will clean it up eventually, we only keep it around to avoid race conditions with when the OS writes out new files versus deleting old ones17:54
beunojam, great, thanks. Shouldn't there be a command that you cleans it for you?17:55
jamAt the moment, it will be done at the next "autopack"17:57
jamwhich will be approximately 10 commits from now17:57
jamI've posted to the list about having "bzr pack" do it automatically17:57
jamwe could add a new command, but it seems better suited to just add it into bzr pack17:58
beunoyes, bzr pack seems like the most intuitive (in fact, I ran it before to see if it would solve it)17:58
ubotuNew bug: #184097 in bzr "[1.0.0] Should not die on error if cannot open .bzr.log" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18409718:00
_flxis there any way when commiting with the command line to add endline in the commit message so separate two elements18:37
brilliantnut_flx: is there a problem with opening the editor for entering your commit message?18:38
_flxbrilliantnut, no the I would like to do it with the "-m" option18:38
BasicOSXIs there a way to get a remote bzr repository without all of the history? I just want a working copy of the bzr tree, to us, and save the disk space by not having the history18:43
james_wBasicOSX: I'm afraid you can't do that currently.18:47
LarstiQlightweight checkout?18:48
LeoNerdbzr co --lightweight URL18:50
brilliantnut_flx: if you're on linux, then most shells will let you add a \ at the end of your line to escape the new line18:51
LarstiQBasicOSX: for just a copy of the working tree, that works. But for any other bzr functionality it will have to hit the network.18:51
_flxbrilliantnut, thx you18:52
mtaylorstatik: I sent in the patch we were talking about18:53
jelmerwhat's the proper way to get the per-file ancestry these days?19:05
ekimus_hi, is check_signatures and create_signatures some magic thing? I just can't figure out how to specify the key, or do I have to explicitely set gpg_signing_command in the corresponding locations.conf section?19:06
ekimus_hmm or ist the signature stuff just used for email submissions?19:08
Qhestionanyone know where i can get paramiko (for sftp)? looks like the homepage is down :/19:10
Qhestionahh wait... nevermind19:10
Qhestionits on launchpad :)19:10
james_wIt's obviously been to long, I can't believe I got that wrong.19:12
james_wHi LarstiQ, how are you?19:12
LarstiQjames_w: improving, thank you. How about you?19:13
james_wI'm well thanks.19:13
james_wDo you think you'll go to the sprint?19:13
LarstiQjames_w: not decided yet19:13
james_wLarstiQ: it would be great if you were there so we have a chance to meet.19:15
LarstiQjames_w: you're going?19:16
james_wLarstiQ: hopefully, but probably only for the last couple of days.19:17
james_wjelmer: will you be going?19:18
LarstiQjames_w: cool, that's certainly something I have to keep in mind then.19:18
jelmerjames_w: Yep, I'll be there19:20
cr3is bzr quicker or slower with some protocols? for example, is sftp known to be slow?19:26
mtaylorcr3: yes19:28
mtaylorcr3: sftp is _way_ slower than bzr+ssh19:28
mtaylorcr3: of course, there are some situations in which you still want to use sftp19:28
mtaylorcr3: such as when the server you are dealing with doesn't have bzr installed or has an old version installed19:29
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deepjoyif I want to use bzr as a server for the central repos with authentication with a relatively slow connection between the repos and the developers what format should I be using? i.e. bzr+ssh bzr+http sftp etc.20:12
beunodeepjoy, bzr+ssh or bzr+sftp is fine20:13
deepjoyalso is are the repository format considerations I should be aware of20:14
deepjoyI'm converting my repos from CVS using cvsps plugin20:14
deepjoyis the default repos storage format that bzr 1.1 converts to the latest?20:15
deepjoyor is there some other repos format that is not the default but may be different (not necesarily better) in it's performance20:15
beunodeepjoy, yeap, packs, which is the format to use20:15
deepjoyso I gather bzr+http is still in it's nacency and using apache for ldap auth using mod_ldap is not stable yet?20:17
deepjoyso pack is the default on 1.1?20:17
beunodeepjoy, bzr+ssh is the fastest method, bzr+http isn't ready for pushing yet AFAIK20:20
beunoand yes, packs has been the default format since <0.9220:20
beunoit has a lot of performance work done on it20:20
beunoso using 1.1 and bzr+ssh seems like the way to go20:21
fullermdNo, it's existed since 0.92.  Didn't get switched to default 'till 1.0, I think.20:21
beunoah, could be true20:21
beuno1.0 and on for sure20:21
beunonp  :D20:25
deepjoyI was trying to get bzr+http working some time back on 1.0 and spiv pointed out how to get it working for push20:25
deepjoyit does do push20:26
deepjoythe perf  is not too good yet20:26
deepjoyI believe there is a verb addition task in launch pad for that20:27
beunoah, I haven't tried that out in a while20:27
beunogood to know though20:27
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pfharlockI have a rather dumb question, if you delete a branch from a shared repository using the os filesystem commands, is there a way to get that branch back out of the repository?21:17
james_wpfharlock: yes.21:18
james_wpfharlock: the easiest way is to install the 'heads' plugin.21:18
pfharlockahhh, ok, so there isn't a built in way to do it.21:19
datoI think I'd be amused by the output of `heads` in my repositories, where I do zillions of `uncommits`21:19
james_wthen run that (with an option that I forget, something like --dead), and find the one that you want, and then you should be able to 'bzr branch -rrevid:whatever another_branch new'21:19
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fullermdHm.  Today's bzr.dev seems to not like talking to 1.0 over bzr+ssh...21:59
fullermdr3191 works; 3192 fails.21:59
datofullermd: there's a msg from lifeless on list about that22:00
datofullermd: subject.*api break22:01
fullermdNo, that's bzr.dev <-> older bzr.dev, not bzr.dev <-> 1.022:01
datoindeed, misread22:01
fullermdForgot about that mail, though.22:02
* fullermd wanders off to post a followup.22:02
dysingerSo I am going to keep playing with OS X bzr-svn but I have to comment that it's a PITA and not ready for the masses23:01
dysingerGit-svn is orders of magnitude faster and smaller on disk.23:01
dysingerBut that is not a criticism - it's just is what it is :)23:02
foomthe actual program git-svn is smaller on disk?23:03
dysingerMy repository on Git is 181MB - with bzr-svn it's twice that.23:03
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jelmerdysinger: Are you using packs?23:04
dysinger--rich-root-packs y23:04
dysingerLet me get the actual numbers23:04
fullermdThat's probably more git/bzr than git-svn/bzr-svn.23:04
dysingerYou guys totally win in the UI23:05
dysingerI like it better23:05
foommaybe bzr should just be a UI for git. :p23:05
dysingerthat would not work.23:06
jelmerdysinger: Afaik the last comparisons actually showed that bzr's on disk format was in the same order of size as gits23:06
TFKylefoom: that would kind of suck, you'd loose decent support for windows23:06
dysingerhmm let me check myself.23:06
fullermdI doubt that.  Maybe an un-repack'd git...23:06
dysingerYeah I just packed and pruned and GC git23:07
dysingerbut it's the entire trunk and 2 branches thats' 181MB23:07
jelmerdysinger: Did you garbage collect for bzr ?23:07
dysingerenlighten me23:07
fullermdIn some quick testing I happened to do the other month, bzr in packs won by a little bit (5% or so) against a straight git import, but repacked git was half the size or something.23:08
jelmer"bzr pack" should do the packing I think23:08
jelmerbut I'm not sure if that's all you can do to make storage more efficient23:08
jelmerfullermd: Did you try repacking the bzr packs?23:08
jelmerlifeless: ^23:08
lifelessjelmer: no we haven't23:09
lifelessfullermd: yes thats known; its even in my email from tuesday or so about what we need to do for large projects23:09
lifelessfullermd: '50% storage reduction' - we have multiple answers that give better compression; just have to choose one and implement23:10
lifelessfullermd: and I know john is hoping to get onto that in th enext week or so23:10
fullermdOh, I know.  I wasn't _surprised_ by it.23:10
jelmerlifeless: thanks23:10
jelmerdysinger: out of curiosity - what's the speed difference between bzr-svn and git-svn like?23:11
dysingerWell i can compare both packed and make some commits and updates with "time"23:12
dysingerboth repos with trunk and 2 branches :  git packed is 187M vs bzr packed is 347M23:14
fullermdReally, my biggest current grump that's semi-storage-related is the inability to log multiple files at once (of which 'recursive log' is just a special case).  Smaller is good, but I'm not really hurting on size anywhere important.23:14
elmohey, can I whine about my bzr commit breakage again?23:14
dysingerso 150MB is nothing to sneeze at23:15
elmobzr: ERROR: unknown kind 'missing'23:15
elmowith 1.0; I couldn't find any bugs about it; before I go trying to boil it down to a reprdoucable test case, does anyone have any ideas?23:15
lifelesselmo: file bugs always23:16
lifelesselmo: knowing it happened is a useful data point; reproducability is great but not as important as knowing it exists (and always include the .bzr.log snippet for the error)23:16
lifelessdysinger: we'll be fixing that by 1.4 I think.23:17
elmolifeless: sure, but I'm leary about how much info I can include in the commit msg23:17
elmobrain hard23:17
elmos/commit msg/bug/23:18
lifelesselmo: nothing in the .bzr.log will have content, so unless you are naming files with your passwords :))23:18
lifelesselmo: anyhow, sed FTW23:18
dysingerSo Jelmer my latest attempt to use a clean build of Subversion 1.5 trunk has failed too.  Everything works, I can use svn and all the transports (http/s, svn, ssh) but on bzr-svn I cannot use https without it blowing up.  I can use http etc no problem.23:30
dysingerI get this -> Assertion failed: (g->gc.gc_refs != _PyGC_REFS_UNTRACKED), function instancemethod_dealloc, file Objects/classobject.c, line 2285.23:32
dysingerAbort trap23:32
dysingerbut only on https svn repos23:32
dysingersvn ls, co, info etc all work with 1.5 and ssl23:33
lifelessfullermd: you know the drill; bug or list discussion kthzbye23:33
fullermdEh?  For what?23:34
lifelessfullermd: log N files23:45
ubotuNew bug: #184196 in bzr "BzrError: unknown kind 'missing'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18419623:46
fullermdOh.  I'm pretty sure there's already at least one bug on that.  And besides, everybody knows it, and I thought handling that better was one of the points of the in-progress inventory work anyway.23:46
lifelessfullermd: it can be supported to day; speed is orthogonal to functionality23:47
fullermdbug 97715 at least23:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 97715 in bzr "bzr log DIR should show changes under dir" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9771523:50
elmois anyone working on bzr support for reviewboard?23:54
lifelesselmo: yes23:56
lifelesselmo: statik's friends23:56
elmogit's interface is apparently only 150 lines or so is all23:57
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