
dabbilloh its showing that aptitude is useing 100%, but i dont have it open00:00
danand_kdallas - np00:00
asdrubalHI BUNTUS!00:00
dabbillhow do i kill that proccess ?00:00
kdallasQ3: Is there finally an IM tool which supports both voice and video? Thanks00:00
magickdanand_, Thanks. a enabling the send rcv buffer fixed it. I knew the answer wasn't " you can't stream! copy first" heh. All is fixed and streaming HD is no problem :) thank you.00:00
jribdabbill: killing it may leave you with a broken dpkg database... what was it doing last?00:00
unagi_im not getting in map information on gpsdrive anymore anyone know why?00:01
danand_dabbill - ps -A | grep aptitude to get the PID of aptitude - then kill -9 [atitudes pid]00:01
dsmith_does turbotax work with ubuntu?00:01
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dabbilli was installing some thing, and crashed my system, and sence then its been running at 100%00:01
SniperFromHellDoes anyone know what HTTP cache is, and why it keeps starting up every half hour? Also, why do my torrent speeds on kTorrent throttle so much. Does this happen to anyone else with this specific program?00:01
dsmith_turbotax online that is00:02
GreenLadyNikon thanks . dam i must get my eyes check out.00:02
eelrivertop will tell you the pid. It's on the far left00:02
GreenLove the "Purisa" font style00:02
dsmith_LadyNikon: Where you been at?00:02
danand_magick - cool :) - thought that was strange for a gigabit network. I can watch dvd movies on a samba box over wireless network00:02
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unagi_no one knows anything about gpsdrive?00:02
dabbillsweet now both cores are at 0%00:03
dabbillthanks :)00:03
LadyNikonGreen: :)00:03
SniperFromHellDoes anyone know what HTTP cache is, and why it keeps starting up every half hour? Also, why do my torrent speeds on kTorrent throttle so much. Does this happen to anyone else with this specific program?00:04
hou5tonok ... I have continued to research the issue with Ubuntu and webcam support in Skype.  Apparantly there needs to be an additional module compiled, but it is already present in SuSE and PCLinuxOS00:04
IntertricityHey guys.. I installed my nvidia driver that was offered to me on installing 7.10.. do I need to install the driver directly from the nVidia site to get dual monitor?00:04
IntertricityI'm stuck with only one monitor atm00:04
Blueycan someone help me fix my /dev/sda2 error?00:04
hou5tonIf I put Ubuntu back on this laptop, will someone help me compile a module.  :-)00:05
KenSentMeIn a standard ubuntu installation there are folders in my home like Music Documents etc. Those are visible in the Places menu. How can i add folders to that list?00:05
GreenDoes anyone know if there's programs for linux to erase permanently or rewrite over the files on a hard drive ? OR EVEN FILES PRIVATE FILES???00:05
AD7sixHi. I'm getting this error sporadically (last time when trying to run vim "ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6246, errno = 4" I've googled the error message but don't know what it means - and can't find a process with that pid could anyone offer advice on where to look for the problem? This machine has generally started to be slow is it possibly hardware (hard disk?) related?00:05
danand_Bluey - try to be a bit more specific ... whats the exact nature of the problem00:05
SniperFromHellKenSentMe: right click and edit menu.00:05
jribKenSentMe: easy way: anything you bookmark in nautilus will be added there00:05
LjLGreen: shred, wipe00:06
SniperFromHellthat too.00:06
notechyetcan someone tell me a good way to get the network going00:06
SniperFromHellDoes anyone know what HTTP cache is, and why it keeps starting up every half hour? Also, why do my torrent speeds on kTorrent throttle so much. Does this happen to anyone else with this specific program?00:06
KenSentMejrib, ah, cool. Didnt know that, thanks00:06
StarnestommySniperFromHell: do your other torrent programs also experience throttling>00:06
GreenLjL I though you still can recover files...00:07
LjLunagi_: no, i don't know about gpsdrive, i can only suggest checking out roadnav for another (vector-based) navigation program00:07
Blueydanand_ when i try to start up ubuntu the whole screen turns into what looks like a ocmmand prompt, with a bunch of numbers and words. at the end it says i have a /dev/sda2 error and the automatic file system check failed00:07
GreenLjL is shred complete rewritten the files /hd and unable to recover ?00:07
LjLGreen: after using shred or wipe? definitely not without expensive equipment00:07
SniperFromHellStarnestommy: I don't know. I've never had any other ones than kTorrent.00:07
SniperFromHellWhat are some good ones?00:07
LjLGreen, used on ext3, both can be problematic00:07
StarnestommySniperFromHell: I've heard some ISPs throttle bittorrent00:07
LjLGreen: at least ext3 with some flavor of journal00:07
SniperFromHellI know it cant be my connection because i download from other servers at constant speeds00:07
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LadyNikonconfigure: error: Sufficiently new version of libasound not found.  I get this while trying to configure "btsco"00:08
GreenLjl so what u recommend "shred or wipe"?00:08
lz7Bluey: it maybe hardware fault or file system fault, you need to know what type of error you get, and examine your drive with smarmontools for example00:08
SniperFromHellStarnestommy: what program do you recommend?00:08
SniperFromHellalso, how do i send a message to you that notifies someone, like you just did for me.00:08
LjLGreen: probably equivalent00:09
StarnestommySniperFromHell: I don't use bittorrent, so I wouldn't be sure.00:09
danand_Bluey - sorry no idea on that one - redirect your question to the whole channel00:09
emitchlpdis anyone using vpnc and network manager on a normal *wired* network connection?00:09
lz7Bluey: smartmontools00:09
StarnestommySniperFromHell: say their nick in a message?00:09
LjLGreen: wipe is more versatile00:09
SniperFromHelloh ok00:09
SniperFromHellso like00:09
SniperFromHellStarnestommy: sup ?00:09
Blueylz7: how do i begin to do that?00:09
StarnestommySniperFromHell: yes00:09
GreenLjl and where would i get this shred and wipe or both different programs00:09
SniperFromHellCool, thanks.00:09
SniperFromHellDoes anyone know what HTTP cache is, and why it keeps starting up every half hour?00:10
LjL!info shred | green00:10
LjL!info wipe | green00:10
ubotugreen: Package shred does not exist in gutsy00:10
ubotugreen: wipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-3 (gutsy), package size 42 kB, installed size 132 kB00:10
LjLGreen: shred is installed by default00:10
lz7Bluey: you said error, may you be more specific what error, and do you have problems with your drive?00:10
arnduckyHey LadyNikon, if you don't get your sound issues solved this session, try to find Crimsum in here -- he's woot at sound problems (coder)00:10
danand_Ljl - are shred and wipe ok on ext3 filesystems?00:11
Greenljl shred? installed by default? where i don't see it00:11
crusiearnducky: does he have an answer or driver for the xfi card in 32 bit ubuntu ?00:11
LjLdanand_: no00:11
Blueylz7: my drive is fine. and i get 2 errors on start up. a /dev/sda2 error and that the auto file system check failed00:11
LjLdanand_: at least not with some flavors of journalling00:11
LjLGreen: ... try typing "shred" in a shell00:11
SniperFromHellDoes anyone know what HTTP cache is, and why it keeps starting up every half hour?00:11
StarnestommySniperFromHell: do you have squid or apache installed?00:12
arnduckycrusie, i dunno, you can but ask -- but if anyone does...00:12
Greenljl nothing happen just told me to `shred --help and still nothing happen it show <00:12
SniperFromHellStarnestommy: Nope, neither.00:12
lz7Bluey: well, if everything is fine, you can just disable fsck from running, or run it manually, type man fsck for that00:12
SniperFromHellStarnestommy: At least I don't think.00:12
LadyNikonI need "checking for libasound headers version >= 1.0.3... not present.00:12
LjLgreen, danand_: "In the case of ext3 file systems, the above disclaimer applies (and shred is thus of limited effectiveness) only in data=journal mode, which journals file  data in  addition  to  just  metadata.   In  both the data=ordered (default) and data=writeback modes, shred works as usual." from man shred00:12
crusiecrimsun: you there dude ?00:12
SniperFromHellHow do I check? (ive never installed them but maybe some other package did?)00:12
arnduckycrusie, have you checked out launchpad and ubuntuforums?00:13
StarnestommyLadyNikon: I think you need libasound-dev00:13
crusiewell creative haven't put out a 32 bit driver yet00:13
LjLGreen: err yeah, it means you need to provide it with arguments. have you never used command-line programs before? i'll give you some pointers.00:13
LjL!man > green    (green, see the private message from Ubotu)00:13
LjL!cli > green    (green, see the private message from Ubotu)00:13
StarnestommyLadyNikon: er, libasound2-dev00:13
crusiearnducky: meaning I'd be stuck with oss00:13
crusieinstead of alsa00:13
arnduckyor <shudder> SDL00:13
LadyNikonStarnestommy: yay its working00:14
crusiearnducky: and I must say... my few times with oss tells me that I don't really need it ^00:14
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arnduckycrusie, join us in #ubuntu-offtopic please00:14
crusiearnducky: about to reboot I'll go there afterwards00:15
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LjL!away > Veinor|away    (Veinor|away, see the private message from Ubotu)00:16
AD7sixAny hints on what "ICE default IO error handler" means?00:16
Greenljl when I shred the certain files would they be unrecoverable forever?00:16
gsa1Hi guys00:18
amenadoGreen-> lest you have a backup00:18
echosystmguys, quick question00:19
echosystmthe version of fluxbox in the repository is outdated00:19
echosystmis there any way for me to get 1.0 without compiling it myself?00:19
echosystmalso, why arent packages automatically updated in the repository?00:19
lz7echosystm: add more repositories, backports, hardy reps etc00:20
jrib!timebasedreleases > echosystm (read the private message from ubotu)00:20
gsa1I buyed a noteook manufactured here at Argentina, and I've some problems, sound don't works, nor webcam, nor hibernation, were are the first places were to invesigate? (web sites I meand)00:20
jriblz7: adding "hardy reps" is likely to result in a broken system00:20
Greenamenado, ljl so its impossible to recover once i shred the files?00:21
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dstanekwhat is the best tool to analyze http traffic - wireshark seems too confusing00:21
lz7jrib: you may add hardy reps for installing one program and after that disable them00:21
jriblz7: no, that's not safe00:22
amenadoGreen-> improbable to recover it00:22
bofh80hi people, i'm having memory issues with wine, due to this i noticed i have only a 1.4gig swap partition, but i have upgraded to 2gig of memory, would this cause problems? do i even still need a SWAP partition?00:22
danand_Green - what file system are you using00:22
LjLGreen: no. even assuming your filesystem is not journaled, someone with the right equipment can still perform data recovery. there are companies specializing in that.00:22
teo-how can i change eth0 to eth1 ????00:22
amenadoteo-  via udev, but am not that familiar of how to do it yet00:23
MichaelSammelsCan some admin dude please start a private chat with me?00:23
LjLMichaelSammels: admin?00:23
lz7jrib: well i think this is more question of canonical support politics, than technical side of things00:23
MichaelSammelsWell, someone on the team. ((Ubuntu))00:23
teo-amenado, ok.. i try but not working00:23
Infusionanyone know how to get MYSQL WOEKING?00:24
LjLMichaelSammels, if you're looking for the operators of this channel, that's #ubuntu-ops - if you're looking for someone else, it depends00:24
ag0g0girlhey babes00:24
ag0g0girlhow is00:24
Greendanand_ NTFS for my storage00:24
* LjL points ag0g0girl to the channel topic00:24
jriblz7: not really, it depends on the package.  Dependency issues are a big possibility.  That's the reason for the backports repository00:24
MichaelSammelsLjL: Someone who is admin to something in here ((not support)): http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate00:24
danand_MichaelSammels - just post your question here and someone will try to help00:25
MichaelSammelsI want to join the Ubuntu Team.00:25
Infusionite people00:25
LjL!member > MichaelSammels    (MichaelSammels, see the private message from Ubotu)00:25
Greenlgl "file system journaled" ??00:25
Greenljl "file system journaled" ??00:25
Infusioni have 51 servers and 100 websites00:25
LjLGreen, read shred's man page.00:25
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
LjLgreen, as i quoted earlier, "In the case of ext3 file systems, the above disclaimer applies (and shred is thus of limited effectiveness) only in data=journal mode, which journals file  data in  addition  to  just  metadata.   In  both the data=ordered (default) and data=writeback modes, shred works as usual." from man shred00:25
danand_Ljl,Green - if the file system is journalled pretty sure neither shred nor wipe will work00:26
renfrewanyone have any experience with billionton Bluetooth adapters and gutsy?00:27
Infusioncan i be channel op please?00:27
MichaelSammelsLjL: Does it cost to become a member?00:27
LjL!guidelines > Infusion    (Infusion, see the private message from Ubotu)00:27
StarnestommyInfusion: the short answer is no00:27
LjLMichaelSammels: no00:28
Infusionwhy not?00:28
LjLInfusion: read the link00:28
zlajacan some1 help me?00:28
Infusionive got 100 irc chanels00:28
refeferQuestion for you all: I did a LAMP install on 7.10 and decided arbitrarily to install the desktop as well.  Now, 2 gbs of desktop and desktop applications later, I want to remove it.00:28
LjL!ask | zlaja00:28
zlajai wana make xp but i cant :S00:28
ubotuzlaja: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:28
aquoInfusion: you can be channel op00:28
renfrewanyone have any experience with billionton Bluetooth adapters and gutsy?00:28
zlajawhen i start xp and format it than after first reboot it says "error loading operating system"00:29
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LjLzlaja: uhm, and this has to do with ubuntu because?00:29
refeferCan I just apt-get uninstall ubuntu-desktop and it will remove all the associated desktop software as well?00:29
LjLrefefer: no00:29
Starnestommyzlaja: if you need windows support, go to ##windows00:29
LjL!ubuntu-desktop > refefer    (refefer, see the private message from Ubotu)00:29
zlajacuz i dont know to use ubuntu :S00:29
wilHi... I have a problem.... I started my pc with a KVM and I was on a diffrent channel, now Ubuntu keeps booting in 640x480 and I can not change it back... I have tried changing it and doing detect, but nothing is working :(00:29
LjLzlaja: not following you00:30
crusieanyone has had experience with unbuntu not booting post install ?00:30
LjLzlaja, you've asked a Windows question, this is an Ubuntu support channel00:30
crusieI mean - everything installs correctly from what I can see00:30
LjL!install > crusie    (crusie, see the private message from Ubotu)00:31
aquois there any reason to prefer dput over dupload or vice versa?00:31
LjLcrusie: common thing to try is to disable acpi00:31
=== brain is now known as brain2
crusieLjL what\s acpi_00:31
refeferhmm, that's a shame.  I only plan on ssh-ing into the box so I don't need the extra bloat.  Is there a list of packages installed from an apt-get install ubuntu-desktop that I can get and manually uninstall each?00:31
_alf_!ubuntu-desktop > _alf_00:32
LjLcrusie: don't make me attempt to explain that... :) just try booting with the "noacpi" option or the "acpi=off" option. see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions  for how to do that00:32
wilHi... I have a problem.... I started my pc with a KVM and I was on a diffrent channel, now Ubuntu keeps booting in 640x480 and I can not change it back... I have tried changing it and doing detect, but nothing is working :(00:33
lulzturtlecould someone kindly help me connect to my ubuntu server at work?00:33
Greenljl example "shred -v -z -u -f lifehacker.txt" it works but is this way the best way to overwriting the file and add with zero?00:33
vixhi, I need some help with java applets in firefox, im using Gutsy 64bits.00:34
vixhope I can find some help here, been struggling with this in many hours.00:34
lulzturtleI guess I need to figure out my external IP at work and maybe test to see if it has the right ports open?00:34
LjLGreen: the more iterations you make it do, the lower the chances of recovery. assuming your filesystem is not journalled again.00:34
jribvix: why are you not using 32bit if you care about things like java applets?00:34
InspectorCluseauno java applets with 64 bits00:34
Greenljl my hard drive are set only ntfs and ext3. so i can just leave it as default shred?00:34
tehdaveI'm having issues with flash...anythink I try to load is00:34
scrambledeggvix: what have you tried so far ?00:34
crusieLjL it seems my first boot after install stops - it's still detecting usb things tho. tried to dc a couple and setting them ind again all showed on screen in recovery mode... I can type there but it doesn't accept commands00:34
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tehdaveI'm having issues with flash...anything I try to load is choppy...00:35
Greenljl nope all my hard drive are not part or set to "jFs"00:35
LjLGreen: i really cannot say if shred will work properly on NTFS. on ext3, again, it will work if not in data=journal mode00:35
vixjrib, i have 4GB in memory, and also 64 bit CPU, u think i have problems because of the 64 bit OS ?00:35
TBaghi all, I know it's the wrong place to ask this but is there any channel dealing with finance on this server plz ?00:35
crusieLjL it's when the "line" should be starting to run across the screen00:35
LjLcrusie: try those options00:36
tehdaveOf the flash plugins for Ubuntu, which is the most stable/best performance? (x86 version)00:36
vixscrambledegg, many guides, like installing many packages, some linkings to .so librarys. my java is running fine, not just in firefox.00:36
jribvix: sun does not provide a 64bit version of the java plugin so yes.  There are workarounds, but it's a pain compared to using 32bit ubuntu.00:36
LjLtehdave: Flash.00:36
jrib!flash64 > vix (read the private message from ubotu)00:36
wilwhat is the terminal command to change res of the screen?00:36
scrambledeggvix: so other java stuff like azureus work ?00:36
LjL!pm | Darkmystere00:36
ubotuDarkmystere: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.00:36
tehdaveLjL: I meant between the nonfree plugin or the Gnash SWF player, etc.00:37
LjL!xconfig > wil    (wil, see the private message from Ubotu) perhaps this is what you're thinking about00:37
echosystmcan anyone tell me what distros have kde4?00:37
LjLtehdave: err, yeah indeed, the nonfree plugin is "Flash". others are "Gnash" and "SWF Player".00:37
DarkmystereLjL, i just messaged you because i thought it was kinda offtopic..00:37
LjLtehdave: so, my answer is the nonfree plugin anyway00:37
vixscrambledegg, yes azureus works. and also netbeans00:37
vixjrib, okay thank you.. i will try it.00:37
DarkmystereOk should i burn Bactrack to a CD or DVD because it says the file is 701MB and my CD;s only hold 700MB..00:38
LjLDarkmystere: then ask in -offtopic... i haven't the slightest idea to tell the trust. it might fit. i don't know, i burn a CD a year or so00:38
Darkmysterei did they havent answerd..00:38
scrambledeggvix: do you have this symlink in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins: /etc/alternatives/firefox-javaplugin.so00:38
pocketdrummerI have a question for everyone. Is there a "killer app" that Ubuntu or linux has that no other OS has?00:38
tehdaveAlright...let's fix the question: Of the available SWF plugins, which is the most stable/best quality?00:38
LjLtehdave: flash. i.e. flashplugin-nonfree.00:39
echosystmno pocketdrummer. most good linux apps have been ported to windows00:39
crusieLjL what will I gain (or loose) by running the noapi command_00:39
echosystmeg. open office, gimp, etc.00:39
Greenljl is there any other program for linux to overwriting with  pseudorandom data, Peter Gutmann's, etc. OR works best for NTFS ??00:39
Lr5_pocketdrummer: Even if there was, you could probably use it on cygwin anyway00:39
yellowdogciao a tutti00:39
InspectorCluseaupocketdrummer, it's what Ubuntu and Linux DOESN"T have....trojans...viruses....etc00:39
Greenljl like those options00:39
scrambledeggvix: and the name was libjavaplugin.so :)   ?00:39
brain2I've seen 2 linux viruses00:40
scrambledeggvix: maybe its lib64 for you00:40
vixscrambledegg, not now, i had it before but it was buggy.00:40
brain2RST.B and OSF00:40
LjLcrusie: you know what, i never really quite understood that, i'll have to admit. especially, i've never quite understood what (if anything) you will lose with the "noapic" option, which is another that you should try00:40
crusie"another" ?00:40
echosystmpocketdrummer: the reason you use linux is because you are a tinkering geek, you want awesome security, or you are running a server - windows cant really compete here00:40
vixscrambledegg, it was libjavaplugin.so for me yes.00:40
LjLGreen, all programs will work equally well or equally badly as far as NTFS goes. it depends on how the filesystem works, and i haven't really a clue00:40
scrambledeggvix: you're using gcj  ?00:40
crusieLjL wasn't that the one you wanted me to use?00:40
LjLcrusie: no. i suggested "noacpi" and "acpi=off". now i'm suggesting "noapic"00:41
danand__I hate my isp x(00:41
vixscrambledegg, i guess no, i dont know what it is00:41
brain2So I rebooted today and now my ctrl keys don't work.. Am I the only one?  I probably am.. gah00:41
pocketdrummerWell, I guess to answer my own question, maybe Synaptic and the repository system is the killer app for linux? I can't think of another OS that has it.00:41
Lr5_LjL: How about "irqpoll"? No idea what you are talking about, though00:41
echosystmmacosx has something similar pocketdrummer00:41
scrambledeggvix: its a GNU implementation of java, and its very buggy with applets00:41
pocketdrummerreally? What's it called in OS X?00:41
echosystmthe only reason linux has synaptic is because it is a pain in the ass to install anything without it00:42
scrambledeggvix: try issuing:   update-alternatives --config java00:42
jscinozapt-get equiv in osx is ports00:42
echosystmin windows, you can just get an exe and install it00:42
pocketdrummerechosystm: That's true.00:42
rdoursenaudI have a strange problem with gnome-panel. I can't move or reorganize my panels. Right click menu only shows "Help" and "About".  This probem only appears on my amd64 desktop. Searched the web and found nothing relevant. Can someone help?00:42
echosystmin linux, there are millions of dependencies and packages00:42
jscinozthey do sudo port install proggy00:42
aquopocketdrummer: same mechanism is available for windows too00:42
echosystmyoud have to be insane to download them all manually00:42
pocketdrummerthere's a repository system for windows too? Wow, where have I been? lol00:43
Greenljl Can i use eraser the http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/download.php00:43
Greenljl on linux?00:43
aquopocketdrummer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Package_management_system#Windows00:43
vixscrambledegg, okay, now i can choose java version.. which one should i use?00:43
scrambledeggvix: trye choosing sun java00:44
aquopocketdrummer: i never have tested those, but i know windows-admins who use some of them (and also commercial ones)00:44
danand__echosystm - I remember hours of trying to resolve dependancy issues using rpm package manager on Redhat 6 ....00:44
scrambledeggvix: you got the package sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin right ?00:44
jribscrambledegg: the plugin does not exist on 64bit00:44
Jangaridoes anyone know how to install the mp3 libraries for sox?00:44
scrambledeggjrib: really ?00:45
vixscrambledegg, yes i have them installed.00:45
MrPiracyi am trying to set my /home folder back to where it was ... the folder exists (located in /home/tma) but when i type "cd ~/home"  in terminal it says "cannot find /home/tma/home"00:45
LjLLr5_, crusie: i'd say to put them in order from least crippling to most, "noapic", "noacpi", "acpi=off", "irqpoll". noapic just means that the "advanced programmable interrupt controller" that's on newer computers won't be used, shouldn't be a big deal. "noacpi" and "acpi=off" mean that (part of?) ACPI won't be used, i assume that might impact power saving and such things, and i don't know what the difference is between the two. "irqpoll" means that some00:45
LjLrelatively expensive checks are done on interrupts. i don't really know very precisely at all, i just know they're common options used to troubleshoot boot problems00:45
scrambledeggjrib: not so sure about that00:45
scrambledeggvix: ok then just try to update the alternatives and see if that works out00:45
LjLGreen: seems like clearly a windows program to me00:45
robdigMrPiracy: thats probably because ~ = /home/tma00:45
Jangaritry cd ~, MrPiracy00:46
jribscrambledegg: umm, ok?00:46
jribscrambledegg: check packages.ubuntu.com if you wish00:46
scrambledeggjrib: he says he has the packages installed00:46
vixscrambledegg, did u got my PM ?00:46
Greenljl is there any other programs works best or just as good as shred for ntfs>?00:46
MrPiracyJangari: ops, my bad ok00:46
scrambledeggvix: dont think so00:46
jribscrambledegg: then he is not using 64bit00:47
MrPiracyanyone could tell me a command line to empty recycle bin?00:47
nickrudMy desktop would be complete with a 64bit java plugin (not)00:47
vixjrib, what are you talking about ?00:47
spudgunnerIn gnome, how many different places are there to set programs to run on login?  I've removed my compiz-fusion from System->Prefs->Sessions, but I can't seem to make it go away.00:47
LjLGreen, i already answered best i could00:47
scrambledeggjrib: sun-java6-bin is for amd64 i38600:48
jribscrambledegg: *plugin*00:48
spudgunnerMrPiracy:  I usually delete the contents of the various .Trash-* directories at the root of the mount point00:48
scrambledeggjrib: ya okay then but firefox usually works with 32bit bindings00:48
scrambledeggjrib: i mean shared libraries00:49
jribscrambledegg: not by magic though :)00:49
MrPiracyspudgunner: there's an error with my recycle bin, it won't complete emptying00:49
scrambledeggjrib: no by automaticz0r00:49
MrPiracyspudgunner: where's the location of the main trash bin?00:49
scrambledeggjrib: or maybe not :)00:49
scrambledeggjrib: nspluginwrapper is currently broken i think00:49
vixstill it doesnt work really with java in FF.00:50
jribscrambledegg: :) I just wanted to make sure you understood the plugin package is not available on 64 bit so the you have to follow the !flash64 instructions.  I had to go through this00:50
vixwhen i test an applet its a red cross in the upper corner.00:50
spudgunnerMrPiracy:  try "rm -Rf /.Trash-USERNAME/*"00:50
danand__what?? - apparently I just signed off!00:50
crusieLjL I tried doing as you said - still no avail00:50
spudgunnerMrPiracy:  and replace USERNAME with your login name00:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:51
scrambledeggjrib: i really dont get why a plugin isnt crossplatform while the whole JVM is00:51
vixjrib, one question, I need to install 32bit firefox ?00:51
MrPiracyspudgunner:  it says no such file or directory00:51
Scunizispudgunner, MrPiracy you may have to add sudo to the beginning of that line.00:51
spudgunnerMrPiracy:  sorry, its "rm -Rf /home/USERNAME/.Trash/*"00:52
scrambledeggvix: 32bit ff worked flawlessly for me00:52
oreomikeMrPiracy: if you use 7.10 like me, your trash should be in ~/.Trash/00:52
spudgunnerMrPiracy:  oreomike has it right00:52
jribscrambledegg: blackdown java had a 64bit plugin.  The bug on sun's tracker is several years old.  They just don't care00:52
scrambledeggvix: with flash and everything00:52
MrPiracyspudgunner: :-) it worked, thanks00:52
jribvix: yeah, the wiki page walks you through it00:52
spudgunnerMrPiracy:  np00:52
kibbhi are the packages i download with apt-get or synaptic kept on my hdd somewhere? i would like to save myself the download for my other machine00:53
spudgunnerIn gnome, how many different places are there to set programs to run on login?  I've removed my compiz-fusion from System->Prefs->Sessions, but I can't seem to make it go away. Any other suggestions?00:53
vixscrambledegg, okay, i got flash working in 64bit, so I can at least watch some youtubes now :D00:53
witepahey im trying to install ubuntu gutsy on core2duo and i get "ata5.01: exception Emask.....action 0x2 frozen00:53
nickrudkibb: /var/cache/apt/archives00:53
Phildoheyas - having some grub dramas, would someone mind lending a hand in pm, theres a bit of situation explaining to do..00:53
scrambledeggvix: :P00:53
wilHi all, I have just got my screen res back to normal, but now non of the windows have a titlebar :( how do I get it back?00:53
kibbis everything there?00:53
|david|spudgunner: make sure you disable it in appearence or it will keep starting it00:54
spudgunner|david|:  done that too00:54
kibbcool cheers nickrud00:54
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jw144000Can anyone help me to reformat my external hard drive to be able to be used in Windows?00:54
nickrudkibb: if they're on a network together, you might consider a proxy, like aptproxy00:55
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MrPiracyjw144000: what's the problem?00:55
scrambledeggjw144000:  mkfs.vfat /dev/sd*00:55
kibbi was thinking along the lines of a burned cd... its only going to be used once or twice thanks again00:55
jw144000MrPiracy: I installed Gutsy Gibbon on the external hard drive, but now I'm considering a partition for it on my internal hard drive. Because I installed Gutsy on the external hard drive, Windows isn't recognizing it.00:55
oreomikehave to install an app from its source, but need kernel headers, is there a package for that?00:55
BiLL_YatesLet's talk about something else!!! Let's talk about Vista....!00:55
jw144000scrambledegg: Where do I enter that?00:56
mjw-!offtopic | BiLL_Yates00:56
ubotuBiLL_Yates: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:56
nickrudoreomike: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)00:56
silverbladeIm trying to compile a 32bit app on a 64bit install of Ubuntu. I get an 'ld' error: "skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.3/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc"00:56
spudgunner|david|, do you know file-wise *where* setting those settings actually makes compiz start... I mean it has to be in some script somewhere...00:56
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silverbladei assume its finding the 64bit version of that lib. how can i install the 32bit one00:56
MrPiracyjw144000: you want to access your linux partition from windows?00:56
|david|nickrud: you beat me to it!!!!00:56
nickrud|david|: it's a text replace for me , lheaders :)00:57
|david|spudgunner: init.d00:57
scrambledeggjw144000: umm.. in a terminal.. remember to run it as superuser00:57
jw144000MrPiracy: No, I want to be able to access my external hard drive in Windows again. Currently, only Linux will recognize it.00:57
MontegoIs there a way to share more mem with my geforce 5200 vid card other than the 32mb allowed in the bios?00:57
dr-rakujw144000: if you are in windows right now, you can use disk management or fdisk to erase the partitions on the external drive and create other partitions (then format them)00:57
MrPiracyjw144000: is your external hd partitioned? any fat/ntfs partition in it?00:57
|david|jw144000: you have to format it to fat32 or ntfs00:57
scrambledeggjw144000: i wouldnt go for ntfs00:58
nickrudspudgunner: create the file ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/disable , that will stop compiz00:58
oreomikejw144000 or you can get the ext2fs driver for windows00:58
mjw-jw144000 mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/XXX00:58
oreomikeits made by the same people that made putty00:58
jw144000MrPiracy: Currently, I have no fat32 or ntfs partitions on my external hard drive.00:58
mjw-probably have to use sudo too00:58
MrPiracyoreomike: where do i get this driver?00:58
gigaclonim using the CUPS web interface at localhost:631 and when i try to add a printer, it pops a username/password, I enter my username and password and it rejects it00:58
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gigaclononly account00:58
|david|scrambledegg: true enough, some people still like their win-dos though00:58
jw144000I'm in Windows at the moment00:58
xSnOoPyxhey can anyone help me out, i accidently set the permissions of /etc to 440 yes i know im stupid PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, im in the ubuntu livecd because ubuntu wont boot00:59
dr-rakujw144000, then go to disk management00:59
mjw-jw144000 "Disk Management" in "computer management" should be able to see the drive, and you can reformat it from there00:59
MrPiracyjw144000: if you don't have partitions windows can read (f.e.: fat, fat32, ntfs), windows will always tell you there's no partitions in that drive00:59
gtti installed a new hard drive today, and i'm confused by the output of "df -h" ?00:59
oreomikeMrPiracy, google? ;-)   http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd00:59
spudgunnernickrud:  thanks, hopefully that will fix it00:59
dr-rakujw144000, or simply use fdisk00:59
scrambledegg|david|: its just those problems with ntfs and linux00:59
|david|xSnOoPyx: cd /00:59
giantmidgethello. on #fluxbox ive been told that the ubuntu package for fluxbox is broken (is was trying to find out why my iconbar images are all garbled). is there a remedy for that?01:00
jw144000dr-raku: I tried accessing "Disk Management", and I can't for some reason.01:00
dr-rakujw144000, disk management is in the administrative tools (control panel)01:00
xSnOoPyxuh huh01:00
scrambledegg|david|: ubuntu hardy screwed up my windows partition yesterday01:00
xSnOoPyxThen |david| ?01:00
|david|xSnOoPyx: then chmod 777 /etc01:00
vixscrambledegg and jrib: thank you for your help... java works flawlessy in firefox32 now :)01:00
|david|xSnOoPyx: then chmod 777 etc01:00
Phildo|david|: he'd want to mount it first01:00
scrambledeggjw144000: dont go for ext2fs either01:00
dr-rakujw144000, then you could erase the ext partitions from fdisk01:00
Montego Is there a way to share more mem with my geforce 5200 vid card other than the 32mb allowed in the bios?01:00
scrambledeggjw14400: FAT32 is safest..01:00
|david|Phildo: true01:00
xSnOoPyxwait no01:00
astro76xSnOoPyx: 75501:00
nickrudxSnOoPyx: you are in a world of hurt, there's a lot of dirs and files in there with specialized permissions01:00
scrambledeggvix: np01:00
xSnOoPyxno the thing is is that, im in livecd right now01:01
astro76xSnOoPyx: yes like nickrud said, if you recursively changed permissions, you're in trouble01:01
Phildonickrud: i doubt he used -R :>01:01
xSnOoPyxi cant boot into ubuntu01:01
* nickrud can only hope01:01
xSnOoPyxyes i recursively changed htem01:01
xSnOoPyxit worked 77701:01
gttcan someone explain to me why my /home partition has a size of 449gb, used space of 199mb, and free space of 426gb ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55429/01:01
xSnOoPyxbut sudo didnt01:01
xSnOoPyxso gosh darn it01:01
Phildonot cool01:01
xSnOoPyxanyone know what to do in this situation?01:01
Draiconesu doesn't seem to be working for me -- I know my root password, and I can sudo -i, I just can't su01:01
DraiconeAny ideas?01:02
nickrudxSnOoPyx: you will need to reinstall, it would take days to repair that01:02
PhildoDraicone: theyre not the same thing01:02
nickrudxSnOoPyx: of hunting down the right permissions, etc01:02
DraiconePhildo: Err... what does su do?01:02
xSnOoPyxoh gotcha.01:02
xSnOoPyxbut uh01:02
PhildoDraicone: actually changes your user to the real 'root'01:02
mjw-!sudo | Draicone01:02
ubotuDraicone: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.01:02
xSnOoPyxwhat about all my settings and files?01:02
scrambledeggDraicone: su asks for the root password, which ubuntu doesnt have by default01:02
nickrudxSnOoPyx: do you have a separate home partition?01:02
|david|Draicone: it switches your user to another in the terminal01:02
PhildoDraicone: whereas sudo keeps your user, but gives you root permissions.01:02
xSnOoPyxwhat do you mean?01:02
PhildoDraicone: thus 'sudo' root :01:03
xSnOoPyx"/home" if thats what you mean01:03
|david|use su like this- su USERNAME01:03
nickrudxSnOoPyx: then when you reinstall, tell the installer not to format your home partition and all your settings (except for the stuff in etc) will be kept01:03
LadyNikonanyone run though this yet? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75978&highlight=bluetooth+headset01:03
xSnOoPyxand where does it come to that01:03
Draiconescrambledegg: I'm pretty sure I set the root password manually at one point01:03
nickrudxSnOoPyx: during the partitioning phase01:03
xSnOoPyxokay im on step 701:03
|david|that will switch the user to your user as ROOT priviledges, and it'll work01:04
xSnOoPyxstep 401:04
xSnOoPyxi choose manual partitioning?01:04
DraiconePhildo: So what password is sudo -i asking me for?01:04
nickrudxSnOoPyx: yes01:04
scrambledeggDraicone: set it again :)   sudo passwd root01:04
jw144000dr-raku: I'm in Disk Management, but Windows still isn't recognizing the drive; I don't see the drive letter.01:04
PhildoDraicone: your user password.01:04
scrambledeggDraicone: but i dont recommend it01:04
xSnOoPyxand now, how do i specify01:04
nickrudxSnOoPyx: I don't do a lot of installs, so I can't really walk you through the exact commands01:04
PhildoDraicone: as your user has been allowed (in /etc/sudoers) to use sudo root.01:04
nickrudxSnOoPyx: plus, I use the alternate install when I do :)01:05
mjw-jw144000 Windows should still be able to see the disk, even if it's in an unrecognized format.01:05
PhildoDraicone: all that auth is for, is to make sure you are authorised as that user. (and someone hasnt stolen your term etc)01:05
xSnOoPyxpartition is ext3 right ?01:05
jarredyou can do sudo su if you want to become root in terminal without having to keep typing sudo01:05
m0u5eanyone know what the gtk2 dev files are called?01:05
xSnOoPyxthats what type it is ?01:05
jarredprolly like gtk2-devel01:05
jarredor gtk-dev01:05
jarredot somtething01:05
gttjarred: i think "su -" will also work instead.01:05
Dr_willissudo -s or sudo -i  :)01:05
jw144000mjw: I see it now. So where do I go from here?01:05
LjLgtt: uh? no, it won't, as there is no valid root password01:06
Phildojust use sudo -s01:06
bad_cablesanyone use muddleftp >?01:06
mjw-jw144000 try right clicking it or something, should give you a format option.01:06
ubotuUsing !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)01:06
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nickrudsudo -i , be a real root01:06
bad_cablesim having a problem... i get err 503 invalid password01:06
gttlearn soemthing all the time01:06
Phildo;) get a real root, sudo -i01:06
bad_cablesi set the password tons of times with mudpass01:06
DraiconeAh, got it. Thanks Phildo, scrambledegg, |david|01:06
xSnOoPyxnickrud, is that right ?01:06
nickrudxSnOoPyx: yes01:06
m0u5envm i found it01:07
MrKeunerhi, I am having lockups on my thinkpad r52 1849-4wu laptop. It should not be related to video card(ATI Card) driver since I freeze occurs both when on fglrx and on free software driver. It should not be related to wireless driver because it freezes when it is hard connected, too. After freeze I booted with an Ubuntu live CD and tarred the /var/log folder. But inspecting the logs I could not see anything interesting. Can Anybody help me/assist me tr01:07
MrKeuneracking this problem, please?01:07
MrPiracywhat's the path to the file where system folders are located (Desktop, downloads, music, ...)?01:07
nickrudxSnOoPyx: that is, if you mean ext3. Do not do anything to the partition that /home is on, except identify it as /home01:07
mjw-MrPiracy /home/$USERNAME ... aka "~"01:07
rdoursenaudok forget my previous question, it was locked. unlocked it in gconf-editor01:08
jarredis there any way of converting ntfs to ext3 without loosing dat01:08
nickrudjarred: no01:08
MrPiracymjw-: no, I want the configuration file ubuntu uses to get these paths01:08
scrambledegghas anyone tried out the new version of truecrypt ?01:08
scrambledeggwhich has a gui btw01:08
jarredwhats the difference between ext2 vs ext301:08
jarredand fat32 vs ext301:09
honwhat is ubuntube? :D01:09
hentaixpHow can I remove my ubuntu;s user password?01:09
Phildojarred: journaling01:09
jarredwhats journaling01:09
oreomikeyou can't remove a password, but you can have it auto-login as that user01:09
Skunkwaffleanyone know any good video editing software?01:09
xSnOoPyxnickrud, it wont let me continue the installation,01:09
Phildolack of it means lots of errors when you dont shutdown cleanly01:09
hentaixpjarred, I suggest wikipedia01:09
mjw-MrPiracy beats me, not sure if that's configurable with a simple file or not.01:09
nickrudjarred: journalling between 2 and 3, and max file size (2gb limit to vfat) as a minimum diff01:09
nickrudxSnOoPyx: I do not know the live cd at all01:10
vixjarred, fat32 is an old file system that was used in windows OS but also works in many linux systems like ubuntu.01:10
MrPiracywhat's the path to the configuration file ubuntu uses to find system folders like Desktop, downloads, music, ...?01:10
hentaixp nickrud 4GB on fat3201:10
mjw-!files | MrPiracy01:10
ubotuMrPiracy: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview01:10
FloodBot3jaume: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:11
hentaixpwhy not, my windows user doesn't need a password to login?01:11
jarredhowcome when i delete files on my ntfs drive using nautilus they donot free up space01:11
nickrudhentaixp: did I type 2? doh. (me claims aged brain thinking old days, sometimes forgetting when 1.2m was max01:11
jarredand they only actulley delete when i do rm-rf01:11
xSnOoPyxIt just says "No root file system is defined"01:11
MrPiracymjw-: i think it is, i saw it today ... i was having another problem and someone asked me the contents of this file01:11
MrPiracymjw-: but i cant remember where it was01:11
xSnOoPyxanybody else know how to do this01:11
Dr_willishentaixp,  you can set up a user ith no password.. and i imagine that will cause all sorts of other issues. You can set up X to auto login a specific user.01:11
nickrudjarred: look for a .Trash dir on the ntfs partition01:11
nickrudxSnOoPyx: then you haven't set up a root partition, the one that goes on   /   .01:12
hentaixpjarred, suggest you share a ext3 dir with linux and windows instead01:12
nickrudxSnOoPyx: and be sure that it's not the same as /home01:12
mjw-MrPiracy check the link ubotu directed you to...that may be able to help01:12
hentaixpDr_willis, I said a user not root account01:12
bad_cablesanyone familiar with muddleftp?01:12
nickrudI wonder just how safe writing with that ext2 driver in windows is01:12
SniperFromHellAny good instant messaging programs beside Pidgin and kopete?01:12
hentaixpSometimes I do think ubuntu if backwards01:12
jarredis there any way of backing up my home folder and restoring it without having to reinstall ubuntu01:13
bad_cablesmuddleftp... i need help creating a user because this really sucks01:13
Dr_willishentaixp,  you can set up/make/disable the password on a user account.01:13
hentaixpah ok01:13
bad_cablesi wouldnt be in here begging for help if there were any documentation on this one...01:13
nickrudjarred: tar bcf home-backup.tar.bz2 /home  . Make sure you are doing that in a directory that is not in home and has a lot of space. Or, install sbackup01:14
MrPiracymjw-: it doesnt mention this file, i want to change the location of default download folder01:14
benny269hi does anyone know how to get out of an infinite loop in octave?01:15
MrPiracynickrud: what does this command do? packs the hole /home folder into a tar file?01:15
xSnOoPyxhmm, have you seen this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=620016&highlight=reset+permissions that might work01:15
nickrudMrPiracy: yes, and compresses it as a bzip01:15
nickrudMrPiracy: tar stands for tape archive , made just for this purpose ;)01:16
mjw-MrPiracy what you could do is create your directory wherever you want downloads to go and then use ln to create symbolic link for ~/Downloads to point to the location you really want the files to be01:16
benny269hi does anyone know how to get out of an infinite loop in octave?01:16
MrPiracyln --help01:16
Pirate_Hunterback again I finally ionstalled Vidalia in gutsy but when ever I try to make it work with tor it doesnt respond, it seems like tor is working independently from vidalia how can I solve this?01:16
MrPiracymjw-: will this command help?01:16
mjw-mrpiracy i.e.  ln -s ~/Downloads /real/path/to/downloads/folder01:16
ethan961infinate loop as in apple hq?01:17
xSnOoPyxNickrud, can you see my previous link?01:17
honbenny269: I guess if C-c doesn't work, you don't have many options01:17
nickrudxSnOoPyx: probably not01:17
ag0g0girlppc people here?01:18
honyou are worried about losing results?01:18
nickrudag0g0girl: yes, and also #ubuntu-ppc (real small but smart crew there)01:18
benny269hon: whenever i do that it shuts the whole program down, very annoying, i cant work with my program that way, any ideas?01:18
MrPiracymjw-: lol, i typed the wrong path and now it says " file already exists"  when i try again01:18
xSnOoPyxnickrud, do you know how to access my old dirrectories through the terminal01:19
ag0g0girlcool thank nickrud01:19
mjw-MrPiracy well your ~/Downloads directory already exists, you'll have to delete it to make a link of the same name that points elsewhere01:19
nickrudxSnOoPyx: from the live cd? or where?01:19
jarredcan  i integrate programs in a ubuntu cd01:20
Phildohrm - my hdd/installation appears in the install disc, but doesnt show up at all in dmesg on boot.. and dumps me to a shell.. :/ unsure what its missing, the kernel certainly hasnt been replaced..01:20
xSnOoPyxfrom the live cd01:20
rdavilahi firends!01:20
rdavilaI'm trying to configure gutsy to work with 2 graphics cards and two monitors, but I have not succeeded, maybe someone can help me?01:20
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Pirate_Hunterback again I finally installed Vidalia in gutsy but when ever I try to make it work with tor it doesnt respond, it seems like tor is working independently from vidalia how can I solve this?01:20
benny269hon: whenever i do that it shuts the whole program down, very annoying, i cant work with my program that way, any ideas?01:20
kdallasHi guys! Q: if I have a hosts file to block access to certain sites, where could I place it to become effective in gusty? Thanks01:20
mjw-rdavila try getting it to work with one card and one monitor at first01:21
nickrudxSnOoPyx:   sudo mount /dev/<device>  -t auto /mnt   ,  where device is the partiton you want to read. Then cd /mnt and you will see them.01:21
rdavilahere is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4398/01:21
=== kdallas is now known as K_Dallas
honbenny269: while 1 ; end <return> C-c01:21
jarredis there any way of integrating a program into the ubuntu cd01:21
Pirate_Hunterit seems vidalia cant find the tor config file to start with it01:21
honthis does not close octave for me01:21
scrambledeggkdallas: /etc01:21
rdavilahi mjw: but it work fine on windoze01:21
honbenny269: what version do you have?01:21
K_Dallasscrambledegg, thanks01:21
benny269hon: 0.6501:21
rdavilathis is my output of lspci:01:21
rdavila00:09.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] (rev 15)01:21
rdavila01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2)01:21
mjw-rdavila so what happens with this config file? (I didn't realize you were this far along already)01:21
xSnOoPyxnickrud, how do you find out the device name though ?01:22
MrPiracymjw-: thanks, it works :)01:22
nickrudxSnOoPyx:   sudo fdisk -l  in a terminal will list all the partitions on all the devices01:22
honbenny269: what??!! I haven't seen octave before 2.1 (I have 3.0 now)01:22
mjw-MrPiracy no problem01:22
mjw-MrPiracy ln -s is your friend ;)01:22
honbenny269: octave --version gives you 0.65 ??!!01:22
benny269hon: sorry i mean koctave, not sure how to check version of octave01:23
HirvinenA local root exploit in Gentoo. In Ubuntu as well: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20946001:23
rdavilamjw-: I think that ubuntu recognizes the card but not the monitor.01:23
Jangariis it possible to mount an sshfs server automatically on login?01:23
honbenny269: in a terminal : octave --version01:23
rdavilahere is a screenshot of nvidia-settings: http://img209.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nvidiabg8.png01:23
mjw-rdavila when x starts...does only one screen come up? neither?01:23
nickrudxSnOoPyx: I gotta go eat, bbl.01:23
rdavilamjw-, yeah, only one screen come up01:24
benny269hon: 2.1.7301:24
mjw-rdavila nvidia-settings may not recognize the TNT2 card, that's getting kind of old. I'm guessing only the Geforce2MX card only comes up?01:24
honbenny269: can you try this in the terminal: octave <ret> while 1 ; end <ret> C-c01:25
hondoes it close it?01:25
jarredis there any way to integrate programs into an ubuntu cd to install01:25
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me get vidalia working please :( ?01:25
honjarred: you want a customized ubunut CD. there are many ways, I guess.01:25
rdavilamjw-, yeah, only the Geforce2MX come up01:25
jarredis there any programs with a decent gui like nlite01:26
jarredlike a nlite for ubuntu01:26
scrambledeggHirvinen: shit the exploit works01:26
mjw-rdavila i'm not familiar with nvidia cards/x.org servers...is the nvidia server the proprietary NVidia driver?01:26
benny269hon: yeah that breaks the loop01:26
xSnOoPyxAlright I have set permissions completely at 77701:26
benny269hon: in koctave C-c first time beeps, C-c beeps and warns 1 more time will abort, 3rd time it closes koctave01:26
mjw-mjw- because it might not support the TNT2...that's getting kind of old. the "nv" server might work with it.01:26
mjw-er, that last one was directed to you rdavila01:27
xSnOoPyxalright thanks nickrud for all your help see you later01:27
scrambledeggeven with the newest kernel in hardy01:27
aztracker1for future reference http://frugalcoder.us/post/2008/02/Setting-up-mod_mono-(ASPNet-20)-on-Ubuntu-710-(Gutsy-Gibbon).aspx01:27
xSnOoPyxhey does anyone know how people address each other with the big box around it ?01:27
rdavilamjw-: I was not much of this, because it seems to me that if the driver "nvidia" and not "nv"01:27
HirvinenMentioned exploit works also at least on older 2.6.17-12. Not on 2.6.20-16 though.01:27
rdavilamjw-: then i try to change from ''nvidia to 'nv' for this device?01:28
jarredis there any gui programs thajt let you integrate programs into an ubuntu cd01:28
benny269hon: tried running the program in terminal and same thing happens, C-c 3 times necessary to end process but ended octave instance as well01:28
mjw-rdavila yes...change line 93 to Driver "nv"01:28
rdavilamjw-: thanks, i come back ;)01:29
mjw-rdavila ok, let me know01:29
honbenny269: do you use the features provided by koctave? I recommend using a text editor like emacs or vim with octave in terminal (or in emacs). That keeps things a lot leaner and more reliable. That's how most people I know use octave.01:29
gigaclononly account01:29
MrPiracyanyone knows if there's an updated version for intel video cards for gutsy? i've tried both i810 and intel but they're kinda buggy01:29
gigaclonim using the CUPS web interface at localhost:631 and when i try to add a printer, it pops a username/password, I enter my username and password and it rejects it01:29
honbenny269: I also do the same with matlab.01:29
benny269hon: i was using koctave for familiarity with the matlab interface, no other reason. emacs is better?01:30
Dr_willisgigaclon,  what re;ease of ubuntu?  The older releases had a bug where that interface dident work properly.01:30
gigaclonthe LTS01:30
Hirvinen!ops | Sorry, if I infringe on policy, but I think this locals root exploit, https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=209460 , works at least on Hardy 2.6.24-7 and Edgy 2.6.17-12. I think it would be topic-worthy.01:30
ubotuSorry, if I infringe on policy, but I think this locals root exploit, https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=209460 , works at least on Hardy 2.6.24-7 and Edgy 2.6.17-12. I think it would be topic-worthy.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaran01:30
scrambledeggi hope the kernel team is working on a security update01:30
gigaclonDapper Drake01:30
gigaclonthe LTS01:30
PriceChildHirvinen, the ops here aren't developers. I would suggest a bug report.01:31
PriceChild!bug | Hirvinen01:31
ubotuHirvinen: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:31
Dr_willisgigaclon,  yep. thats the problem then i belive. You may want to check the forums/google to find the work around - or dont use the cups web interface.. I think you could set the root password also. BUt thats frowned upon.01:31
honbenny269: I found that I actually don't need the matlab interface either. Matlab was too buggy and slow for certain GUI things.01:31
HirvinenPriceChild: I'll do it, but informing users of something of this severity is very important.01:31
benny269hon: okay what did you find best. i'm open to suggestions. edit in emacs, run in terminal?01:32
gigaclonwell i have to use the Web interface to install this Epson CX840001:32
Karoohy everybody01:32
KarooI have a problem01:32
Karooso, Kad: firewalled01:32
Karooand I do not know how to do01:32
honbenny269: I recommend you seriously try emacs + octave. (don't get pissed off first. emacs takes a bit of time to get used to it. Once that's done you will never consider anything else)01:32
Karoocan anyone help me?01:33
=== CIAGuy is now known as MaybeFBIGuy
Karoothanks in advance01:33
benny269hon: what is emacs?01:33
Starnestommybenny269: a text editor01:33
Starnestommywith a lot of features01:33
=== MaybeFBIGuy is now known as MightBeFBIGuy
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mjw-rdavila any luck?01:33
benny269which version do i want to use?01:33
honbenny269: aptitude install emacs22-gtk emacs22-el01:33
benny269thank you01:34
rdavilamjw-: nop :(01:34
rdavilamjw-: only one screen come up01:34
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:34
honbenny269: also there is this wiki : www.emacswiki.org, this irc channel #emacs, and the whole history of free software rotating around emacs. it is kind of hard to miss!01:34
KiD_ChAoSwhat do you prefer network manager or wicd01:34
mjw-rdavila the TNT2 is a PCI card I'm guessing?01:34
gigaclonthis computer isn't on enough to hack01:34
rdavilamjw-: yes, is a PCI card01:35
rdavilamjw-: the other is a VGA card01:35
benny269hon: thanks a lot, i need general help with a problem im trying to program, quite basic matlab stuff. do you know where i can get help with that? irc channel is dead...01:36
KiD_ChAoSwhat do you prefer network manager or wicd01:36
KiD_ChAoShas anyone used wicd......01:36
unagianyone know how to use google earth with gps?01:36
mjw-rdavila the geforce2mx is an AGP card, you mean?01:36
unagii use wicd01:36
witepaHi, I am trying to install gutsy on a core 2 duo... I downloaded amd64 but when I try to boot from the disk i get "busybox" and nothing happens. It lists exceptions, and I am just lost. Could someone please help?01:36
rdavilamjw-: yeah, the Geforce is a AGP card01:36
MrPiracyhow do i know if ubuntu is using graphic acceleration?01:37
lz7witepa: get your money back01:37
mjw-rdavila make sure the nv driver is installed....sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nv ... it should be though.01:37
quitte_hi. i just read the servercandy wiki page and wanted to ask about the status of te ssl certificates. does ubuntu have some tool for easz central certificate management?01:37
Dr_williswitepa,  you may want to tyr the alternative installer cd.01:37
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witepaDr_willis: Why is this?01:38
mjw-rdavila or you might try the vesa driver...if you can't get that server to work with it, you're unlikely to get it working I think01:38
Dr_williswitepa,  May be somthing odd with your hardware. or a bad cd burn.01:38
Dr_williswitepa,  ive had better luckj with the alt-cd,  on some hardware01:38
unagiKiD_ChAoS: i use wicd01:39
witepaDr_willis: I tried the same thing with an i386 cd.. but it did the same exact thing, does that say anything?01:39
rdavilamjw-: i should change 'nv' by 'vesa'?01:39
mjw-rdavila I have to get going though...hope you have luck with it at some point.01:39
mjw-rdavila yes01:39
mjw-rdavila you could also try a bit depth of 15 or 1601:39
Dr_williswitepa,  weird. I had one machine it wouldebnt boot up a ubuntu cd right, but it did a kubuntu cd. Not sure what the deal was with that.01:39
=== Veinor|away is now known as Veinor
Phildohrm... i dont see how grub lets linux boot from my drive, yet cant see it to mount partitions from...01:39
rdavilamjw-: ok man, very thanks ;)01:39
Dr_williswitepa,  the cd's do work in other machines?01:39
K_DallasQ: When I install fruit and knights (chess engine and frontend) it is supposed to be configured automatically but i am not sure if knights has found fruit engine. Anyway to make it work? thanks01:40
KiD_ChAoSunagi: do you like it better than network manager?01:40
KiD_ChAoSunagi: are you using a broadcom chipset?01:41
witepaDr_willis: I used the same file to install successfully on another machine... but these two disks have been brand new  ones01:41
unagiyes i like it better than network manager, i think its an intel chipset01:41
unaginot sure01:41
icaughtfire818Er, Hi. I'm new on IRC and I need to know how to get to #minn01:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:42
quitteicaughtfire818: /join01:42
witepaDr_willis: you think the alternate install cd will work better?01:42
witepaDr_willis: Is there anything different I do when installing that?01:42
HirvinenBug filed.01:43
Dr_williswitepa,  it might work better.. it could be somthing odd with the hardware. or cd drive.01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about war - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:43
icaughtfire818can anyone tell me how to get to #minn?01:43
robdigicaughtfire818: /join #minn01:44
MightBeFBIGuyicaughtfire818: how did you get here?01:44
MrPiracyhow do i know if ubuntu is using graphic acceleration?01:44
farnleyHi all, I have a inspiron 530s, can someone point me towards the drivers I should be using for 82G33/ G31 express integrated graphics controller. I don't believe I have the correct drivers installed at the moment. (Device Manager says Vendor/ Device are unknown) - thanks.01:44
witepaDr_willis: Alright, I'll download that, but I may be back in a bit01:45
=== Realvz is now known as realz`
MrKeunerWhy would I get this when use i18n? File does not exist: /var/www/project/en, referer: http://localhost/project/?q=en/node/501:47
PriceChildHirvinen, security team is aware of the bug01:48
MrKeunerlooks like http://localhost/project/?q=en/node/5 is rendering fine01:48
HirvinenPriceChild: Good.01:48
scott_is there a way to get a lexmark x5470 printer to work on ubuntu01:48
fragged_mhm when trying to install Diablo 2 Expansion from an ISO file through wine,  it complains that the CD is not in the appropriate CD drive, is there a way to pass an option to wine to say dirX is a CD drive?01:50
fragged_mhm just found one in winecfg01:50
blackmouseis there an open source equivilant to vmware ace?01:52
blackmouseor where would i look to figure out how to net work virtual machines?01:52
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KuwangerI have a small problem.  At shutdown, the splash screen is interrupted by X being killed and some text being displayed.01:53
putnu1hi guys01:53
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putnu1how can i configure vbox to accept rdp request from a host os such as linux? right now its running as a nat and the guest os has a ip of 10.x.x.x and the host a 192.x.x.x01:53
=== Ashfire_Server is now known as ashfire
putnu1is there a conf file or something i need to configure?01:54
mickyhello, can anyone point me to an ISCSI Howto ( setting up the host server ) ?01:55
bluej774I'm having trouble configuring the sudoers file properly.  Can anyone help me with it?01:55
blackmousewhat is vbox?01:55
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:55
Kuwangerputnu1: I thought the free version didn't support rdf.01:56
Kuwangererr, rdp01:56
raygunnope just getting the hang of it myself01:56
unagiit doesnt01:56
JoelitoDoes anyone know a good tutorial to create GUI apps in java? I'm using sun-java6-* + eclipse01:57
hacked``guys, whats the best window manager to use, that will show how cool ubuntu can be, to a first time useris really capable of, to a first time user01:57
hacked``guys, whats the best window manager to use, that will show how cool ubuntu can be, to a first time user01:57
hentaixphacked``, 1 time only01:57
peabody`hacked``: Uh...compiz I guess?  Whatcha looking for exactly?01:57
putnu1oh so vbix does not support rdp?01:57
unagivbox does support rdp01:58
Kuwangerputnu1: Not the free one, AFAIK.01:58
unagibut in the nonfree version01:58
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing01:58
=== ashfire is now known as Ashfire_Server
ubotuWhen we use the term 'non-free', we mean that it is not Open Source. Software that is not open source cannot be fixed or improved by anyone except the software authors -- which is not us :(01:58
putnu1i guess i need to use vmware01:58
putnu1that sucks01:59
hacked``peabody, cool factor, ie. beryl01:59
Kuwangerputnu1: vmware is nonfree too.01:59
hacked``hentaixp, my first post did not make sense, if you re-read it. thanks for your concern01:59
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:59
ubotuStreet mapping and GPS navigation software available for Ubuntu includes !GpsDrive (GTK, raster maps, free), !Roadnav (GTK, free vector maps from Tiger and OSM, free), !GoogleEarth (Qt, proprietary vector maps, proprietary)01:59
jchow do I use a logitec Quickcam IM with ubuntu?02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iscsi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:00
Pelo!webcam | jc02:00
ubotujc: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:00
lulzturtledoes anyone know how I can test to see if a port is accessible through the internet? I'm not familiar with the terminal or it's commands.02:00
Pelolulzturtle, there are portcheckers websites you can use , just google for them02:01
Geggelesgive me a german channel please02:01
KuwangerPersonally, I'd use qemu. :/02:01
=== Onyx_ is now known as Onyx
Pelohello mona what can we do for you today ?02:01
lulzturtlePelo thanks, I'll check02:01
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:01
Pelohello pawan02:01
monaI installed the xchat just now02:02
Pelomona, congradulations02:02
pawanwhats up02:02
MrKeunerhi, I am having lockups on my thinkpad r52 1849-4wu laptop. It should not be related to video card(ATI Card) driver since I freeze occurs both when on fglrx and on free software driver. It should not be related to wireless driver because it freezes when it is hard connected, too. After freeze I booted with an Ubuntu live CD and tarred the /var/log folder. But inspecting the logs I could not see anything interesting. Can Anybody help me/assist me tr02:02
MrKeuneracking this problem, please?02:02
* Pelo burned his hand with oil earlier, his typing is a bit slow and painfull02:02
monait looks a nice place here..hah02:02
Geggelesbye @all many thx02:03
MrKeunerPelo: steal burns better, try that one next :)02:03
* robdig passes some ointment to pelo02:03
PeloMrKeuner, well starts with the basics, anything special you are running when the freezes occur ?02:03
PeloMrKeuner, I think you mean steel02:03
MrKeunerPelo: not really02:03
PeloMrKeuner, then you lost me02:04
unagiMrKeuner: news flash my man, it can still be video whether it is fglrx and free02:04
MrKeunerunagi: is that real, oh!02:04
MrKeunerunagi: how can I check02:04
Cromagi have the sam laptop02:04
Cromagnot 100% sure of the model tho.02:04
MrKeunerPelo: I said not really for any specific type of application02:04
unagiare you running compiz MrKeuner02:05
MrKeunerunagi: no02:05
unagithats too bad....cool lookin stuff02:05
MrKeunerunagi: visual effects is set to none I mean02:05
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:05
Pelounagi, candy rots your teeth,  eye-candy rots your brain, say no to compiz02:05
fezso can anyone confirm or deny that the GUI ubuntu installer (e.g. the default install CD) has a functioning gparted that can be uesd to successfully resize a windows partition during install?02:06
unagifez true story02:06
crusiehey - how do I get sound on pages like video.google.com ? I have working sound in ubuntu - but not in flash players..02:06
Pelofez, gparted runs well during the install process, yes02:06
echosystmwhat is the best command line bit torrent client?02:06
winnerrlz93hey i got a question02:06
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.02:06
unagihey i got an answer winnerrlz9302:06
Peloechosystm, best is relative,  I think rtorrent is well liked02:06
echosystmwell, what are some good ones02:06
cyphaseDoes anyone know of a VirtualBox OSE 1.5.4 deb for Ubuntu Gutsy?02:06
crusieechosystm: try the orginal bit torrent client02:07
rabidweezlewhat was that easy way to set the screen resolution again?02:07
Pelocyphase, check in www.getdeb.net02:07
winnerrlz93some1 pm i need help plz!!!!02:07
cyphasePelo: i have02:07
Aval0nhey what is a micro sd HC card?02:07
rabidweezleit was like dpkg --reconfigure xorg or something along those lines02:07
Aval0nI need a micro sd card for my phone.. but I'm not sure what the HC part is?02:07
Pelorabidweezle, menu > system > prefs > screenresolution , or someting with monitor , I think it got changed in gutsy02:07
unagiAval0n: hc?02:08
rabidweezleI mean to add a new resolution that's not on the list lol02:08
wirrwarraval0n maybe ask wikipedia02:08
winnerrlz93need help02:08
PeloAval0n, those little  stamp size memory flash cards02:08
crusieneed help with getting sound on places like video.google.com - got sound on desktop02:08
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:08
unagiPelo: no thats minisd02:08
crusiewinnerrlz93: with what?02:08
unagiPelo: micro is the size of a pinky nail02:08
Pelocrusie, it's a flash issue,  try getting the latest from the adobe website02:08
* rabidweezle blinks seeing his stupid keyboard beeping at me everytime I type something...02:08
crusiePelo: so the one from the repo's doesn't work ?02:08
winnerrlz93can any1 tell me how to dual boot?02:09
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:09
Pelounagi, I wasn'T so much telling him about the siize of the thing, just giving him a general idea of what sd cards were02:09
rabidweezledualbootin is easy as pie :)02:09
Cromagpie is hard..02:09
bluej774Can someone please help me with sudoers file?  I want to give a user access to synaptic without all of root.02:09
rabidweezleinstalling windows first is the easiest way02:09
crusieyeah... but why bother?02:09
erat123Cromag, cheery pie02:09
Pelocrusie, I thought you were asking on where to get one , I had assumed you had already checked in the repos02:09
Cromagerat123: still hard :(02:09
crusieI did check the repos02:10
wirrwarrdoes somebody know a guide how to config all buttons for a Logitech G5 (thru USB)02:10
erat123Cromag, but so good02:10
* Pelo can never get the crust right 02:10
Cromagoh ye02:10
rabidweezlewhy dual boot? some people need windows for some things still, wine isn't perfect02:10
crusiePelo: but it didn't work... no sound there02:10
rabidweezleand neither is virtual machines02:10
crusierabidweezle: thinkgs like what?02:10
dabbillis there a way to install firefox 32bit on 64bit install ?02:10
=== c is now known as Charitwo
astro76!mouse | wirrwarr02:10
rabidweezlewell, new games for one02:10
Pelocrusie, sorry,  I got confuse for a second,  the flash installer in the repos is broken, get the tar. from the adobe site02:10
KuwangerTime to find Canonical Ltd. :)02:10
rabidweezleor some things that don't work with wine02:10
CromagPelo: hmm sure about that ?02:10
crusiePelo: quite alright mate :D I'll go grap it02:11
Pelodabbill, yes check in hte forum for instructions02:11
rabidweezlewhich there are still plenty of things that don't work with wine :/02:11
dabbillpelo thanks02:11
astro76wirrwarr: ubotu must be dead... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto02:11
CromagPelo: sure it wasnt the tar on the site to ? - And therefore the fix was made ?02:11
PeloCromag, I've got 5 things going at once,  sure about what ?02:11
dr-rakuPelo, i just installed flash today; it works02:11
CromagPelo: adobe issue- sorry :)02:11
ubotuwirrwarr: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:11
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:11
wirrwarrthx astro7602:11
=== Charitwo is now known as charitwo
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »02:11
PeloCromag, might have been fixed recently02:12
CromagPelo: ok, my mistake then :)02:12
=== charitwo is now known as Charitwo
* Pelo stands corrected02:12
rabidweezletrust me, I would prefer to stay in windows all day02:12
rabidweezleI mean linux02:12
PeloCromag, personnaly I haven'T had the issue, my flash was installed back on edgy so I didnT' get to experienc the fun02:12
winnerrlz93how do i fix my bios settings for the dual-boot?02:13
CromagPelo: me neither. - Just saw a whole lot of those questions.02:13
Cromagwinnerrlz93: read the guide ?02:13
rabidweezlewinnerrlz93, what bios settings?02:13
unagiwinnerrlz93: what bios settings02:13
Pelowinnerrlz93, two hdd ?02:13
echosystmAval0n: sdhc is high capacity sd02:13
winnerrlz93to boot ubuntu02:13
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, there's nothing to FIX in bios02:13
unagiwinnerrlz93: nothing in the bios02:13
winnerrlz93then why wont it boot?02:13
echosystmsdhc drives are backward compatible to sd, but sd is not forward compatible to sdhc02:14
=== method is now known as tristil
Pelowinnerrlz93, what makes you think you need to play in the bios to boot ubuntu ?02:14
Cromagyou never told us the real problem..02:14
Pelo!who | Cromag02:14
ubotuCromag: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:14
rabidweezlewinnerrlz93, did you install linux or windows first?02:14
winnerrlz93i had windows02:14
unagiwinnerrlz93: did you turn it on?02:14
winnerrlz93i have windows02:14
unagiso it was on first winnerrlz93?02:14
KuwangerAh..so, all I have to do is wait for Seveaz.02:14
unagiwhats the problem02:14
winnerrlz93ubuntu won't boot02:15
fezplease be less specific02:15
rabidweezledid you just install ubuntu?02:15
unagi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh i know whats wrong!02:15
unagiwait no i dont...02:15
winnerrlz93i can't02:15
fezthen be more specific02:15
Pelowinnerrlz93,  you are trying to instal ubunt ?02:15
winnerrlz93it won't even in install02:15
rabidweezleset your bios boot first to cdrom winnerrlz9302:15
unagiim done02:15
winnerrlz93i tried that02:16
rabidweezledoes it even try to boot the disc?02:16
Pelowinnerrlz93, ok , put the cd in , when you boot the computer hit F8 , to get the boot device selector and pick the cd to boot from02:16
Cromagwinnerrlz93: what happwns..02:16
fezwhat proportion of the Desktop Linux market would you estimate that Ubuntu holds?02:16
Pelofex about 6% we are told02:16
Cromagwinnerrlz93: what happens..02:16
rabidweezlefez, guestimate of at least 5002:16
unagiwinnerrlz93: what does it do02:16
unagi!doesnt work02:16
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:16
dr-rakumarket? :))02:16
winnerrlz93it just boots windows02:16
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fezsomewhere between 6% and 50% eh?02:17
fezall newb linuxes seem to run ubuntu02:17
unagidid you even install ubuntu?02:17
Cromagwinnerrlz93: so it does not see the cdrom - did you burn it as the ISO it is ?02:17
Pelowinnerrlz93,  you'll have to check your computer's manual to figure out how to boot from the cd02:17
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fezwhy isn't it called n00buntu02:17
winnerrlz93yes it's an iso file02:17
unagiwinnerrlz93: what do you mean its an iso file02:17
dr-rakufez, maybe not all ubuntu guys are "newb" - as you think02:17
rabidweezlefirst off, just because it's easy to use doesn't mean it's *made* for newbs02:17
winnerrlz93when i open the cd in my computer it shows it as a iso02:17
Cromagwinnerrlz93: i know, but you will need to burn it as an image.02:17
jcthe logitech quckcam 5000 is suppsed to work out of the box but camora does work its says it can't connect to /dev/video002:18
Pelofez,  ubuntu is the current  superstart distro, it's easy to install and easy to use, it's a good starter distro for new linux users02:18
unagidid you burn the iso winnerrlz93?02:18
winnerrlz93i took the .rar file and burnt it to a c02:18
rabidweezlesecond off, just because you run your own compiled version from the gnu tree and compiled everything yourself doesn't make you "1337"02:18
unagiomg winnerrlz9302:18
Cromagunagi: i think he did, as a data disk and not an iso/image02:18
unagiyou have to burn the image to a cd02:18
Pelowinnerrlz93,   did you copy the .iso file to the cd or did you burn an image ?   .iso is a special format, it's a cd image , to make perfect copies of a cd,  it is not a file you burn to a cd02:19
TheLastDodoYeah, after all gentoo's fine, but since most people use OSes for practical purposes, how many need that much control over their distro?02:19
unagiCromag: i dont think hes ready for this02:19
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, :)) you didn't burned the iso but burned the iso file instead02:19
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Cromagunagi: oh i believe you are SO right.02:19
rabidweezlethe only "1337" people are the developers that do the work of coding for no profit02:19
winnerrlz93oh ok02:19
LeechzillaI can't find my firewire port under hardware information. How do I search for it from Terminal? I want to buy a firewire harddrive but I'm not sure if it'll work with Ubuntu02:19
glass-eyedoes anyone have a workaround for the broken emdebian-tools package?02:19
winnerrlz93how do i burn it as an iso?02:19
crusiehow do I install that flash thingie from adobe's webpage?02:19
Starnestommywinnerrlz93: you need some sort of cd burning program02:19
winnerrlz93does it need to be unzipped?02:20
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, you should "burn image" in your burn application for that iso file02:20
crusiewhen I run the installer it says02:20
Pelowinnerrlz93, what software do you use to burn cds in windows ?02:20
TheLastDodoLeechzilla, it will. I've used something like 15 different firewire devices with my Ubuntu box with no trouble at all.02:20
Cromagcdburningxp.se will do it.02:20
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, not put the iso file on the cd; it's not the same thing02:20
Pelowinnerrlz93,  I dont, knoqw that one,  but check in the menus for a burn image  command02:20
crusieit says I have to get my admin to remove xpti.dat or something02:20
LeechzillaTheLastDodo: How do I find out if the port is Firewire 400 or Firewire 800?02:20
fezwell i'll admit ubuntu's hardware compatibility is quite good02:20
hentaixpLeechzilla, their phsically different02:20
TheLastDodoGood question. One sec.02:20
fezhowever, trying to install it on my 500mhz p3 laptop was not happening02:21
LeechzillaAh, okay02:21
hentaixpcheck wikipedia Leechzilla02:21
fezthe installer was slower than mollasis02:21
l00kpHi folks! Got a question at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55434/02:21
Pelofez,  try with the alternate isntall cd but at 500 mhz you are stretching it a bit02:21
macogwfez: did you try the alternate cd?02:21
winnerrlz93do i have to extract the file?02:21
sme^I have the same problem. I don't know how to burn an image. XP has Nero, but I got Alcohol 120 set it to burn image made the disk and it still wont work. Any ideas ?02:21
crusiePelo: you still here ?02:21
fezyou recon i should do you?02:21
macogwfez: i installed on my 300MHz P202:21
Pelofez, xubuntu might be more along the lines of wat you need,  or  puppylinux even02:22
Pelocrusie,  apparently02:22
crusiesweet :D02:22
Cromagsme^: try with imgburn02:22
Cromagsme^: really simple.02:22
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winnerrlz93can i burn an image with dameon?02:22
sme^thx cromag02:22
crusiePelo: it says I have to delete a file called xpti.dat or something02:22
crusiePelo: I don't know where to find it02:22
Cromagwinnerrlz93: try use imgburn, it is very simple.02:22
Pelocrusie, what are you doing again ?02:22
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, daemon is just a virtual cd emulation/program; NO02:22
winnerrlz93kk brb02:22
winnerrlz93oh ok02:22
crusiePelo: trying to install that flash player for google and youtube02:23
* rabidweezle notes to self that anyone who even thinks the word n00b needs to realize that in RL, no one gives a crap, because that same n00b could have that hottest wife, and be making 10 times the money you are, and doesn't have the time to learn a million things about his computer he just wants it to work02:23
winnerrlz93what about poweriso?02:23
Pelocrusie,  open a terminal and type  locate xpti.dat02:23
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, yes02:23
crusietried that02:23
crusiePelo: it doesn't find anything02:23
CaPsULehow can i make 512Mb swap?02:23
TheLastDodorabidweezle: some people take computers far too seriously. :P02:23
winnerrlz93so if i take the files from the iso cd i mad how do i make into an iso image?02:23
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, search for "burn image/iso" option on your burning app02:23
rabidweezlefor real TheLastDodo02:23
Leechzillahentaixp, my laptop specs state "(4pin) i.LINK® connector (IEEE 1394)", so that's Firewire 400, right?02:24
Pelocrusie, I have it in several temp folders under /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/.....default/02:24
dr-rakuwinnerrlz93, don't drag that iso file onto a new compilation/cd; it doesnt' work like that02:24
l00kprabidweezel: my computer is my wife. She can be anything I want her to be. ^_^02:24
hentaixpyes Leechzilla02:24
rabidweezleit's just a tool, I don't see people going, if you aren't using a sears craftsman screwdriver you are a n00b02:24
Leechzilla800 would have been nice :(02:24
Pelocrusie, and also in /usr/lib/firefox/components/02:24
Cromagwinnerrlz93: you should have read a bit :) - you downloaded an ISO file from somewhere. That is what you have to use.02:24
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reconfez: you ring?02:25
crusiePelo: hmm so I guess my locate doesn't work ^^02:25
l00kp rabidweezle notes to self that anyone who even thinks the word n00b needs to realize that in RL, no one gives a crap, because that same n00b could have that hottest wife, and be making 10 times the money you are, and doesn't have the time to learn a million things about his computer he just wants it to work02:25
villnewhey all, does anyone know of a way to stop NetworkManager from clobbering my /etc/resolv.conf file? Happy to have it do everything else it does02:25
reconfez: ...i'd rATHER YOU NOT.02:25
Pelorabidweezle,  if you are using sears craftsman you are a noob.. stanley ftw02:25
Pelocrusie,  linux is case sensitive02:26
crusiePelo: it's not to be found02:26
rabidweezlehehe, it was just an example, I don't use sears tools02:26
Pelocrusie,  maybe you donT' have any02:26
fezsorry i meant to say reckon02:26
Pelocrusie, you can also try with find02:26
rabidweezleI don't even think my tools have brands02:26
fezlike those country fellas02:26
speeddemon8803Lilo LILO and LiLo are not the same file crusie :)02:26
crusiePelo: still no sound tho02:26
Pelorabidweezle, you are not getting out of it that easily,  you outed yourself02:26
SeekerX6does flash work now?02:27
crusiePelo: I got picture... so it must be install02:27
Pelocrusie, there is a search app in the places menu02:27
speeddemon8803Flash works in Hardy Heron02:27
k1gwbMy computer just randomly shut off. It's done it twice now each time after running for about 12 hours. System log shows this "Feb  9 20:18:19 gwb01 syslogd 1.4.1#21ubuntu3: restart." when it booted back up but nothing unusual prior to it. Any way to figure out what made it shut off?02:27
speeddemon8803or you can find the fix on the forums02:27
SeekerX6does flash work on gusty gibbon?02:27
speeddemon8803for gutsy02:27
PeloSeekerX6, yes02:27
Pelofor most02:27
macogwfez: yeah. the alternate cd is a text-based installer.  my system was very slow, but still a bit faster than windows when i did it.  xubuntu uses xfce which is like gnome but a bit lighter weight, so you might wanna get the altenrate xubuntu cd and install that02:27
dr-rakuSeeker`, in GUTSY, yes it does02:27
rabidweezlepelo, getting out of what?02:27
speeddemon8803it does?02:27
crusiePelo: tried that too... there simply isn't any file called that02:27
macogwspeeddemon8803: there was an update today02:27
SeekerX6oh cool02:28
speeddemon8803really now02:28
speeddemon8803thank you ubuntu gods!!!!02:28
rabidweezleok lol02:28
scratchmeHi all.  I'm trying to run secpanel with scp, but when I put in my password, it closes.  Is there any way to freeze the output just before it closes?02:28
speeddemon8803i wasnt aware of the update thanks :)02:28
Pelocrusie, that's all I ahve on this subject02:28
Pelo!enter | speeddemon880302:28
ubotuspeeddemon8803: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:28
SeekerX6speeddemon:  good thing I came and asked :)02:28
speeddemon8803pelo, im not using enter as a punctuation02:28
unagianyone know how to recover your password for your nick on irc?02:28
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Starnestommyunagi: go to #freenode and ask in there02:29
speeddemon8803im sorry that you feel that way, im also a beginner team member and ALSO know how to use the bot commands :)02:29
rabidweezleanyone remember the line with dpkg to reconfigure a package?02:29
jasonUSAi need help with runing network file on ubuntu with vlc02:29
PeloMrUnagi, if you are already looged in you can just change it02:29
Starnestommyrabidweezle: dpkg-reconfigure package02:29
SeekerX6so if I install ubuntu-restricted-extras through add/remove - then that should get the flash working?02:29
fezvery well02:29
fezi will try the 7.10 alternate install cd02:29
Cromagtough one ;)02:29
MrUnagipelo it says that it was registered i dunno if i did but my passwords dont work02:29
Pelofez,  I recommend you go for xubuntu , it is meant for older machines02:29
CromagPelo: thats the xfce something right ?02:30
jasonUSAwhen i try to play the movie with vlc and starts but no movie is played  and i could play the movie on windows can some one help?02:30
PeloMrUnagi,  I was assuming you got identified automaticaly,  ask in #freenode02:30
mike__does any1 know the file id put ntfs-3g /dev/ect ect in to automaticcally mount a win partion at boot up?02:30
PeloCromag, yes,  I personnaly don'T care for it , but it is lighter02:30
macogwmike__: /etc/fstab02:30
mike__sweet thanks02:31
CromagPelo: ok, maybe i should give it a shot.02:31
PeloCromag, g'night02:31
jasonUSAdoes any one know if thers a ap for ubuntu that will play network shares on my linux lappy?02:32
crusiePelo: well maybe I should just learn to read what it says..02:32
jasonUSAwith out copying the file02:32
PeloCromag, puppy linux is also good for older machine very light02:32
Pelocrusie, ?02:32
fezxubuntu eh? how does it differ02:32
crusiePelo: I had to relog for it to wok :D02:32
scratchmeI figured it out.  I needed TCL on the remote system.  thanks.02:32
WorkingOnWiseis there any way to check if Compisite is on or off for the X server from the command line?02:32
crdlbWorkingOnWise: yup (looking it up, sec)02:33
PelojasonUSA, they all can , just mount the shared folder on your ubuntu machine02:33
peabodyjasonUSA: are you trying to play movies from network shares or some such?02:33
jasonUSAok so i go to the folder its in and right clik on the file and mount?02:33
WorkingOnWisecrdlb: cool...ty, and where did u look...I hate asking these simple questions, but don't know where to look for the answers....02:33
crdlbWorkingOnWise: xdpyinfo -queryExtensions | grep -q Composite02:34
crdlbWorkingOnWise: look at /usr/bin/compiz :)02:34
PelojasonUSA,  can you see the folder from your computer ? yes ? ok,  open the app you want to read the file in and open the file from there02:34
lulzturtlePelo, I've tried some port scanning sites. None of which could find any open ports. Will this keep me from connecting to my game server?02:34
jasonUSAi think i tryed that but ill do it agen02:34
Pelolulzturtle, it shouldn't02:34
jasonUSAyes i can see it on my computer02:34
Tygerdoes anyone know why i can only get 24mb connection on my broadcom wireless?02:34
jasonUSAty guys so much i love ubuntu02:34
SeekerX6Sweeeeeeeet.  Can watch youtube now.02:34
lulzturtlePelo, I'm trying to connect to a dedicated server I made for Team Fortress 2. I wasn't sure if maybe ports were blocked.02:35
speeddemon8803does anybody know why my inte/pro wireless 3945ABG cuts the connection off randomly?02:35
speeddemon8803nobody on windows could figure it out, hp, or intel02:35
speeddemon8803it happens on windows and linux02:35
peabodyTyger: Broadcom cards are pretty finicky.  Are you using the open source driver or the windows driver in ndiswrapper?02:35
Pelolulzturtle, when you connect to a game server you are the one making the connection and the ports are opened accordingly , or some such,  I 'm not the best person to ask02:35
jasonUSAi dont see my network link on the vlc open file screen02:35
lulzturtlePelo, Okey, thanks :)02:35
Tygerpeabody: im using the bcm43xx-fwcutter...i dont think ive installed ndiswrapper02:36
jasonUSAbuy i see in natuols02:36
macogwlulzturtle: ubuntu does not listen on any ports by default, so *inbound* connections are rejected.  outbound is wide open02:36
Pelolulzturtle, try finding a channel for the game itself,  maybe you need to adjust some setting in the game02:36
Drewnl09can someone tell me why I can't get a connection to the internet with airport on my macbook when i use ubuntu live cd?02:36
Tygerpeabody: im only 10ft from my router and i can only get 61% connection...02:36
echosystm`is ftp ok to use on a lan, rather than smb?02:36
echosystm`i kind of can't be bothered setting up samba lol02:37
macogwspeeddemon8803: the file browser and the thing that shows the bg image in gnome02:37
Tygerpeabody: should i try the ndiswrapper?02:37
speeddemon8803tyger, i cant get ANY connection to my own router from my pc.02:37
lulzturtlemacogw, so does that mean if the server I made on ubuntu has been told to use port 27015 for connections it will use it no problem?02:37
macogwlulzturtle: yep02:37
peabodyTyger: I would.  I have a broadcom and it behaves much better using the windows drivers with ndiswrapper02:37
lulzturtlemacogw, Is there a way to test that?02:37
macogwlulzturtle: but if it's behind a router, you need to tell the router to forward that port to the server02:37
speeddemon8803Macogw i am aware of nautiuls, was just asking if i was reading it right.02:37
macogwspeeddemon8803: oh ok sorry02:37
Tygerpeabody: well i have the windows driver (bcmwl5.sys)....just not ndiswrapper...02:38
lulzturtlemacogw, oh okey. I think it's behind my company's PIX router, probably out of luck in that case heh02:38
dabbillhurm i just installed swiftweasle32 but flash games seem to run in slow motion02:38
macogwlulzturtle: from outside you network you could try to telnet in on that port and if it connects, the port's open.  could also go to one of those websites that portscans you02:38
speeddemon8803As i said before I am very much so deep into ubuntu and linux...I definately know ubuntu like the back of my hand. :)02:38
macogwspeeddemon8803: ive never seen your nick before *shrug*02:38
lulzturtlemacogw, cool. I'd just love to get this Team Fortress 2 dedicated server running. I guess it's just not going to be :(02:39
speeddemon8803macogw...im a beginner forum team member..but thats ok, hardly anybody knows me. :)02:39
peabodyTyger: apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.902:39
speeddemon8803I am looked at as being a new user that doesnt know anything about the rules of the room or the forum...which is fine with me honestly.02:39
jasonUSAhow how can i mount this movie file to play on my ubuntu comptuer?02:40
WorkingOnWisecrdlb: will that return nothing if Composite is on?02:40
lulzturtlespeeddemon8803, can you fix the kernel bug that keeps ubunut from running on my Dell Optiplex 320? hehe ;)02:40
ConstyXIVhow do you use xrandr to vertically rotate your screen?02:40
karlohi guys02:40
karloi'm always posting at the absolute beginners thread02:41
speeddemon8803beginner team not kernel development lulzturtle ;)02:41
crdlbWorkingOnWise: it won't print anything either way, but it will return 0 if composite is on, and nonzero if it's off02:41
lulzturtleubunut? lulz02:41
jasonUSAhow how can i mount this movie file to play on my ubuntu comptuer?02:41
ConstyXIVjasonUSA: what sort of movie file?02:41
speeddemon8803thats a little beyond me lulzturtle :)02:41
crdlbWorkingOnWise: so you you just use thatcommand && something_that_requires_composite || run_this_if_no_composite02:41
jasonUSAi just want to play a movie like i did on windows its avi file02:41
speeddemon8803Hello karlo02:41
crdlbWorkingOnWise: or use an if statement02:41
ConstyXIVjasonUSA: it's not mount, just playing02:42
jasonUSAi try that02:42
speeddemon8803grrr my period key is broken!02:42
jasonUSAit opens but nothing is played02:42
jasonUSAim useing vlc02:42
ConstyXIVjasonUSA: install the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package, then try to play it via totem02:43
jasonUSAi wil so02:43
speeddemon8803Note to user who said beginner team:If you are not getting answers from the forum of the beginner team please visit #ubuntuforums-beginners and ask in there. Thanks.02:43
lulzturtlespeeddemon8803, can you help me run a dedicated steam server on ubuntu? I suck with the google and can't find any sites to help with the specifics of it :P02:44
WorkingOnWisecrdlb: then that brings to another problem. I do not want composite on most of the time. Only if I am gonna show off Compiz-Fusion. I cant find how to turn it off in my xorg.conf. I have tried Composite "False" "Disabled" and "0", based on howto's and a person in the ##xorg channel....any ideas? Composite is stubborn. It wants to live!02:44
karloi really need some help02:44
jarredis kde4 realy that good?02:44
karloa few hours ago many are replying to my threads at ubuntu forums02:44
karlonow there are none02:44
crdlbWorkingOnWise: what is composite itself breaking? what video card?02:44
speeddemon8803I cant lulzturtle02:44
dhineshjason> could u do that one02:45
lulzturtlethat's cool speeddemon8803 :)02:46
lulzturtlewell, it's bed time for the turtleman. Night everybody!02:46
speeddemon8803my poor wireless laptop barely has the capability to stay online let alone be a server :)02:46
macogwkarlo: it's saturday night in the western hemisphere.  the americans are out partying and the europeans are asleep02:46
speeddemon8803goodnight turtleman :)02:46
karloah i see... here it's sunday morning02:47
gttcan someone explain to me why my /home partition has a size of 449gb, used space of 199mb, and free space of 426gb ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55429/02:47
karloanyway if the terminal tells something like autoremove02:47
karlodo you think it's a good idea to remove it?02:47
WorkingOnWisecrdlb: video is Nvidia 6100 in a laptop, works perfect. So much eyecandy my eye cavities have cavities :D But, I run 2 windows apps, both 3d, with wine. if I run them with compiz on, they break in strange ways. Wine is such a moving target still that i never know if the problem is wine or my app. Well, if composite is off totally, I cant accidentally run the apps with compiz enabled, and hopefull reduce my headaches02:47
gtti mean, that's a difference of 15gigs which is a rather sizeable chunk?02:47
dhineshjason> r u there02:48
WorkingOnWisecrdlb: oh, the latest Nvidia proprietary drivers too..169.09 iirc02:48
macogw karlo yes it means it was installed because something depended on it, but you removed whatever pulled it in, so now its just taking up space02:48
* Kuwanger wonders why cpu usage spikes when switching windows.02:48
ConstyXIVkarlo: autoremove means that another package depended on it, and that package was removed.  If you're not using it, you're clear02:48
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tim167on my ThinkPad, lately the 'moon' icon (a moon-shaped led below my screen) is always blinking, what does this mean ?02:49
sme^Thanks cromag, D/L imgburn, I now have a bootable cd :)))02:50
karloi'm really having difficult time installing the  xvidcap program02:50
sme^going to instal :)02:50
adubis there something that will let me install something on my symbian based phone i have symbian v3 phone02:50
loahello, i have hibrnate ntfs partiotion, i can't mount it as read/write until i delete hibernation file. How i can delete file from ntfs without mount?02:50
adubis there something for linux that will let me install the .sis programs and what not02:50
crusieinstalling my flash player... but it says /usr/lib/mozilla isn't a valid dir?02:50
jasonUSAim hear now02:51
jasonUSAi went to instal that package02:51
dhineshjasonUSA> can u do that one02:52
jasonUSAwich one02:52
jasonUSAim soory02:52
dhineshVLC play02:52
loa<phaidros> i found very durty solution :D02:52
jasonUSAyou mean play a move on my computer?02:52
jasonUSAwith vlc02:53
jasonUSAi did tjat02:53
jasonUSAit plays perfitly02:53
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jasonUSAits almost done02:54
TrunkzIs it still possible to do a net install for ubuntu? :o02:54
TrunkzDid a quick google search a minute ago, all I'm getting are tftp-methods02:54
dabbillany one know a fix for flash games playing in slow motion02:56
crusiewhat's the command to move a file via the terminal ?02:57
dabbillcrusie mv02:57
winnerrlz93i installed ubuntu but when i try and boot it i get this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz error 17: File not found02:57
crusiesame with a dir ?02:57
oddalothello, is there anyway to set a custom resolution within a resolution using ubuntu, kinda like the way you can in the powerstrip application from windows?02:57
macogwcrusie: when in doubt, just delete all the vowels from a real word02:57
loa<crusie> copy or move?02:57
winnerrlz93i installed ubuntu but when i try and boot it i get this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz error 17: File not found02:57
pawanhow to play happyhardcore radio in audacious02:57
Kizzardhey guys, my new laptop seems to work great with ubuntu, but the boot time is pretty slow and the screen remains black during the entire boot. any idea whats up, and how I could see what is slowing bootup down?02:58
loa<crusie> Did you fix your problem with boot,02:58
jasonUSAdhinesh thanks so much works varry well02:58
Kizzardmy older laptop with less ram and slower cpu booted much faster02:58
loa<Kizzard> yes02:58
ConstyXIVis there a working (mostly stable, HTTPS works) GTK-WebKit browser yet?02:58
dhineshjasonUSA > very glad02:58
Leechzillahttp://www.pcnation.com/web/details.asp?affid=306&item=N25788 <-- Anyone know if this'll work with Ubuntu?02:58
onatshi, i'm planning to replace my AMD64 proc with an intel Core 2 Duo. I was wondering what is the best way to make my existing 64bit ubuntu compatible?02:58
jasonUSAit fixed my problem now i can get rid of my duel boot with windows02:58
loa<Kizzard> you need create alone partition as /boot mount point02:58
winnerrlz93i installed ubuntu but when i try and boot it i get this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz error 17: File not found02:58
jasonUSAi no longer need windows02:59
Kizzardloa, oh?02:59
loa<Kizzard> with ext3 file system02:59
bad_cableswhat a pile of crap: http://xubuntulinux.blogspot.com/2006/07/ubuntu-set-correct-dpi-for-x-server.html02:59
Pete_Ikeyring keeps asking me "enter password for default keyring to unlock" when it tries to connect to wifi. Doesn't have that problem on a wired network, any ideas how to fix it?02:59
winnerrlz93can any1 help me?02:59
Kizzardloa, so the ubuntu partition manager didnt do that for me?02:59
Kizzardloa, also, how does it help, what purpose does it serve02:59
hassani have a problem with grub02:59
hassancan anyone help ?02:59
jasonUSAgood day ppl im gonna go watch a movie now )_)02:59
hypercubehi to all03:00
crusiehmm when I want to install that flash player I get an error saying WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path.03:00
hypercubeim italian linux user03:00
loa<Kizzard> You meant that grub is very slow?03:00
winnerrlz93can any1 help me plz03:00
crusiemy install path is  /usr/lib/mozilla/03:00
hypercubei can install flash player03:00
loa<Kizzard> There about 20 seconds, before grub menu appear?03:00
Kizzardloa, grub seems to be quick03:00
hypercubeu should get the flash player in format tar.gz03:00
Kizzardits fast03:00
Kizzardgrub is over in 10 secs03:01
crusiehypercube: I got it03:01
crusiehypercube: then what?03:01
Kizzardbut then the screen stays black until login and it takes ~3 mins03:01
loa<Kizzard> Hmm... and when is slow down?03:01
jsoftCan anyone suggest a _decent_ imap client. Thunderbird is very buggy, as is kmail.03:01
hypercubeu shoud unzip the file03:01
crusiehypercube: done03:01
hypercubeand then03:01
hypercubesudo ./configure03:01
winnerrlz93can any1 help me03:01
loa<Kizzard> try deinstall usplash and look what is the problem03:01
hypercubesudo make03:01
hypercubesudo make install03:02
Kizzardloa, good idea03:02
crusiesee that's where I went wrong03:02
LjLhypercube: no need to use sudo on configure and make, that can actually be harmful03:02
jsoftsudo for africa. /me likes s -03:02
winnerrlz93will some1 help me plz03:02
hassancan anyone help me with grub03:02
loa<Kizzard> vim /boot/grub/menu.lst03:02
crusieI did sudo sh install_flash03:02
hypercubeusplash get off my nuts too03:02
hassangot a big problem03:02
loacut off splash command from menu.lst entries03:02
winnerrlz93i installed ubuntu but when i try and boot it i get this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz error 17: File not found03:02
winnerrlz93some1 plz help03:02
Kizzardloa, yep03:02
hypercubecut off03:03
hypercubewith the string03:03
hypercubeif the starting of the machine is slow03:03
dev-nullhi all, i need shell (as a Far or Norton Commander) that can work with FTP. do u know&03:03
hypercubeis cause of03:03
inst1hey guys ... i need some help getting a machine to boot the install cd ...03:04
=== inst1 is now known as insta
Kizzardloa, can I disable the spash from there or do I actually need to uninstall it03:04
Starnestommywinnerrlz93: is this with the install CD or an hd install?03:04
hypercubedisable it03:04
loayou can disable it from menu.lst03:04
hypercubeediting menu.list03:04
dev-nullhi all, i need shell (as a Far or Norton Commander) that can work with FTP. do u know&03:04
hypercubein the grub folder03:04
Starnestommydev-null: mc?03:04
jw144000Question: How can I find the grub name for my external hard drive so I can correctly install grub to it? I'm on the Gutsy Gibbon Live CD.03:04
teknoprepnano /boot/grub/menu.lst03:05
loa<jw144000> use grub =) it have his own command line with auto compition03:05
ArielMTdev-null: if you're using ubuntu or kubuntu, then you already have such a shell03:06
winnerrlz93will some1 plz help me03:06
crusiehypercube: no makefile found03:06
ArielMTdev-null: unless i misunderstand what you mean03:06
jw144000teknoprep: I typed the command you gave me, and I don't see anything in the text editor.03:06
TheLastDodoA quick question: does anyone know of Zunes working under Ubuntu? (well, Linux in general, really)03:07
winnerrlz93some1 plz help me03:07
winnerrlz93some1 plz help me03:07
winnerrlz93some1 plz help me03:07
winnerrlz93some1 plz help me03:07
winnerrlz93some1 plz help me03:07
hypercubei can03:07
FloodBot3winnerrlz93: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
dev-nullArielMT, oh i understand. the key world of my question was "mc")03:07
dhinesh<winnerrlz93>r u t03:07
hypercubewot kinda problem do u have?03:07
winnerrlz93i installed ubuntu but when i try and boot it i get this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz error 17: File not found03:08
winnerrlz93that kind03:08
DarkmystereHey i know its not help channel but im going to alot of Ubuntu channels trying to figure why it does this03:08
Darkmystere<Darkmystere> Everytime i try and test my network because thats basicly all i have to do lol it has to reset monitoring mode again well i have to anyways and that ends up with like 5+ diffrent interfaces in rising numbers..03:08
Starnestommywinnerrlz93: I think you may need to reinstall03:08
hypercubereinstall linux03:08
dev-nullwinnerrlz93, i have this problem too)03:08
ArielMTdev-null: ah.  yes, but mc is a console application.  if you want to stay gui, there's also a package called gentoo (not to be confused with the distro gentoo)03:08
winnerrlz93ugghh... do i have to go into my windows system to uninstall?03:08
montecan some one help me find the plugins to watch a dvd and watch vids on the internet03:09
loa<winnerrlz93> you trying to instal kernel?03:09
dhinesh<winnerrlz93> can u show the non gui os03:09
onatsanyone here who has successfully switched from 64-bit to 32-bit? without reinstall?03:09
ArielMTdev-null: oops, i don't know if gentoo does ftp, though.  sorry for the confusion >.<03:09
Trunkzquick question guys, when doing a net install, ubuntu asks for my proxy settings. Does this look right? http://cache.lsbu.ac.uk[:port]/03:09
loacopy question for me03:09
Dr_willis!dvd | monte03:09
ubotumonte: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:09
zcat[1]anyone here familiar with the eee or know an IRC channel for it?03:09
Trunkzor are u not supposed to put the port number with those brackets?03:09
Dr_willis!w32codecs | monte03:09
ubotumonte: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:09
hypercubedvd is a problem with linux03:09
Dr_willishypercube,  i have very few problems with them. :)03:09
dev-nullArielMT, gentoo or gnome commander? what is the best? or this a private choose?03:09
hypercubeATI is a problem too03:09
winnerrlz93any1 got any advice?03:10
Dr_willisThe legality of dvd playback is a problem.03:10
loa<winnerrlz93> copy question for me03:10
winnerrlz93i installed ubuntu but when i try and boot it i get this find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz error 17: File not found03:10
dhineshcan u boot without xwindows03:10
ArielMTdev-null: ...  i really don't know.  it really depends on what you like and what you need.  again, sorry for confusing you.03:10
Kizzardloa, dude, thankyou!03:10
hypercubehave u ever tried damn small linux?03:10
instaso guys, why does my ubuntu server hang halfway while booting the install CD?  it stops right after enabling /dev/sda which is any number of compact flash cards that i've tried03:10
Kizzardloa, it seems it was the splash itself that was causing the slowdown03:11
dev-nullArielMT, nevermind)03:11
Kizzardit booted really quick this time03:11
loaKizzard ok03:11
winnerrlz93any advice?03:11
loa<winnerrlz93> how you install ubuntu?03:11
Kizzardloa, any idea why the splash would cause that>03:11
winnerrlz93the wubi-cdboot03:11
TrunkzHow is Ubuntu's performance on the PS3? :o03:11
loa<Kizzard> may be framebuffer driver03:11
lhoersteTrunkz: it's good03:12
jw144000I'm trying to figure out the grub name for my external hard drive, can anyone help me out?03:12
Trunkzlhoerste: Cool, I'm planning on setting it up as a download box03:12
loa<winnerrlz93> may be /boot is corrupted?03:12
Kizzardloa, would the fact this laptop has an ATI card have anything to do with it?03:12
winnerrlz93how do i fix it?03:12
loa<Kizzard> oh03:12
hypercube05:11:48) Kizzard: loa, any idea why the splash would cause that> <-------------the configuration in upsplash.conf03:12
lhoersteTrunkz: yea man I'm working on it right now w/ a friend. it's all installed and stuff03:12
Starnestommywinnerrlz93: the only thing I can think of is reinstalling ubuntu03:12
hypercubein the dir /etc03:12
lhoersteTrunkz: now we're trying to get the controlers working03:13
dev-nullArielMT, gentoo sucks imho)03:13
Kizzardhypercube, thanks Ill check it out03:13
loa<Kizzard> try to search what framebuffer driver more stable for ati03:13
hypercubeu should insert the resolution of ur screen03:13
dev-nullArielMT, mc mach more cool03:13
Kizzardhypercube, ok03:13
=== frozen_pirate is now known as pocketwatch
lhoersteI'm looking for something that can make the desktop bigger than my screen (cause it's a TV and small) and then I can drag my mouse around the edges to move the viewing window03:13
Trunkzlhoerste: Nice, I'm just gonna go grab me a usb keyboard + mice combo and hook it up to the PS303:13
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
lhoerstei'm not even sure what it's called... if someone could help me out there03:13
lhoerstei could google it then03:13
hypercubesudo gedit /etc/upslash.conf03:14
Trunkzor perhaps just set up VNC on the PS3, and control that via the Mac03:14
Kizzardah dude you are right03:14
fragged_how do I force a resize of a window? wine keeps resizing Diablo 2 to about 32x2 :P03:14
Kizzardits set to 1280x102403:14
lhoersteTrunkz: we are using synergy03:14
lhoersteTrunkz: check that out03:14
Kizzardcompletely wrong03:14
Kizzardthanks hypercube ^^03:14
Trunkzlhoerste: * googles *03:14
hypercubewhere do u come from?03:14
Trunkzlhoerste: Oh cool :o03:14
loaRU :D03:15
Kizzardah cool03:15
lhoersteTrunkz: my friend is a windows user and just mouses over through that03:15
Kizzardwhere abouts?03:15
teknoprepjw144000, then your menu.lst is gone or you typed it in wrong03:15
hypercubei'm from italy03:15
Kizzardyah, and where is loa in ru03:15
hypercubea shittiful nation03:15
lhoersteI'm looking for something that can make the desktop bigger than my screen (cause it's a TV and small) and then I can drag my mouse around the edges to move the viewing window. If someone could just tell me what this is called, that'd help a lot too.03:15
Trunkzlhoerste: Oh shoot, the mac port isnt very functional.. Great xD03:15
lhoersteTrunkz: just grab it off their site03:15
loa<Kizzard> volgograd)03:15
Kizzardhypercube, lol03:15
TrunkzI'm (currently) setting up Ubuntu over in VMWare, so that I can have something to work on when the PS3 gets here03:16
TrunkzI am essentially buying the PS3 for Ubuntu + Blu Ray playback :)03:16
Kizzardloa, cool03:16
pawanhow to play happyhardcore radio in audacious03:16
jw144000can anyone help me find the grub name for my external hard drive?03:16
NutubuntuI have made a stupid error and formatted /home. Is there any way to "unformat" and get my old /home back?03:16
loa<jw144000> yes03:16
loa<jw144000> whereis located your boot mount point?03:17
jw144000loa: do you mind if I PM you?03:17
Kizzardok guys going to retry with the splash enabled again :)03:17
mahmoud2Nutubuntu: short answer: No03:17
Nutubuntuthanks, mahmoud2 - I figured as much03:18
loa<jw144000> try03:18
Nutubuntumahmoud2: is there a "long" answer that does not amount to "no"? ... :/03:18
lhoersteI'm looking for something that can make the desktop bigger than my screen (cause it's a TV and small) and then I can drag my mouse around the edges to move the viewing window. If someone could just tell me what this is called, that'd help a lot too.03:18
=== KnifeHat_ is now known as KnifeHat
mahmoud2Nutubuntu: If there is not something that you can never return back and it is very important that do not bother ..03:19
dev-nulli make script (!#bin/bash.....) and now wont to make different icon of its file. how  can i do it?03:19
dabbilli just went through the howto on the fourms, but still cant get sound from youtube.com videos03:20
Jangarilhoerste: if you hold super (windows/mac button) and scroll up or down, it should zoom,03:20
Nutubuntumahmoud2: there is a fair amount of work there I wish I could recover ... I have been very annoyed with myself for making such a stupid mistake03:20
lhoersteJangari: thanks03:20
mahmoud2Nutubuntu: Is it ext3?03:20
lhoersteJangari: that doesn't work03:20
Jangarihmm, have you got compiz-fusion?03:21
pocketwatchlhoerste, if you just increase your screen resolution (to larger than actual) it should do what you want automatically03:21
Nutubuntumahmoud2: yes, ext3 now (and ext3 before too, if that makes a difference)03:21
lhoerstepocketwatch: it's not giving a choice besides the default res03:21
Jangaripocketwatch: i suspect that larger screen resolutions won't be an option if the monitor doesn't support them03:22
lhoersteJangari: yea that's true. the TV wont even work then03:22
lhoersteis there a program that can do what i'm asking?03:22
pocketwatchlhoerste, go to system > administration > screens and resolutions to set up resolutions first03:22
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lhoerstei think it's like a "vitrually larger desktop?"03:23
lhoerstepocketwatch: there is only one res in that dropdown03:23
mahmoud2Nutubuntu: My advice is to spend time redoing that work than trying undelete software. AFAIK, ext3 is hard to recover (with the published tools03:23
lhoerstepocketwatch: oh actually this is a diff menu than I thought. Lemme try that03:23
echosystm`guys, if i am running fluxbox, would i be better off using gtk or qt apps?03:23
Nutubuntumahmoud2: thank you again. I was afraid that must be true. :/03:23
echosystm`which one has the smaller libraries03:23
hypercubewho use damn small linux here?03:24
hrntthere is this vmsplice exploit going around. can i just do apt-get upgrade protect my system?03:25
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=== danopia is now known as danopia`lol
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VadiIf the sound in several games suddenly stopped working.. what to check?03:27
badkittyGood evening03:27
badkittyWow channels dead?03:28
badkittythats a first03:28
=== danopia is now known as danopia`cat
deathfacenot really03:28
lhoerstepocketwatch: I can't make the resolution any bigger. only smaller03:29
badkittyAnyone know off hand if mythtv has a windows front-end??03:29
Dr_willisbadkitty,  mythtv can work as a upnp server. so you can use that feature under windows.03:30
Dr_willisthere was a mythtv front end for windows - but it was very out of date03:30
LetsGo67My computer crashes when Ubunthree tries to load Intei GM4 3926X, can someone help please?03:30
craigbass1976I've just booted up to the gutsy livecd, and end up at login screen.  Nothing works.  Bad iso? bad burn?  I can't tell reading the forums03:30
everthi all03:30
badkittyDr_willis: Well what I mean is does there happen to be a graphical front end to interface with it using windows03:31
Pal_hi evert03:31
LetsGo67craigbass1976: specs?03:31
loa<craigbass1976> yeh.. try blank password03:31
craigbass1976Of the box?03:31
Dr_willisbadkitty,  mythtv has a web interface you can use to set/controll things03:31
loaif not working redownload03:31
evertI'm having a little question, is there anyway to get ubuntu server on my freebsd server with only ssh acces ? (with virtualbox or vmware or such)03:31
VadiHow can I restart the sound server?03:31
LetsGo67craigbass1976: yes (the PC)03:31
badkittyDr_willis: Oh.. So Im gonna need to set up apache too then?03:32
LetsGo67craigbass1976: or Mac03:32
loa<evert> try XEN03:32
=== evert is now known as _evert_
Dr_willisbadkitty,  mythtv uses a lot of extra services and stuff. :)03:32
craigbass1976no pass doesnt' matter03:32
LetsGo67Guys, Ubunthree always crashes on 68249, can someone help please?03:32
pocketwatchlhoerste, i'm trying to remember what it's called, i used to use that on my laptop03:32
KeddyWhat's the difference between Beryl and Compiz ? Or are they same thing in general ?03:32
TailsfanHello, I was just curious, but is there anything that's like Dragon NaturallySpeaking for Linux?03:33
Dr_willis!beryl | Keddy03:33
ubotuKeddy: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz03:33
LetsGo67Keddy: Compiz first, then Beryl, then Compiz Fusion.03:33
lhoerstepocketwatch: awesome. at least I know I'm not crazy =)03:33
Keddyi see :)03:33
Keddythanx a lot03:33
loa<LetsGo67> what is ubunthree03:34
lhoerstepocketwatch: mind trying to google for it?03:34
thinman1189hey everyone. i'm having some trouble with my internet. i switched from wireless to wired to flash my firmware. i did'nt actually flash it, that's not the issue. anyway i went to go reconnect to my wireless and i can't for some reason. what's the command to reboot my net? i tried rebooting my computer but it won't work.03:34
LetsGo67Keddy, no problem man.03:34
LetsGo67Loa, I don't know, what is Mewthree?03:34
_evert_loa: that doens't work with ssh afaik03:34
pawanhow to play happyhardcore radio in audacious03:34
DecinogeFloodBot1, give me op03:35
loa<thinman1189> sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart03:35
soldatslhoerste: whats the prob03:35
StarnestommyDecinoge: asking for ops will not make you an op03:35
_Oz_hello all03:35
Decinogelol.. seriously?03:35
_Oz_been playing with compiz all day03:35
Decinogei didn't knew03:35
lhoersteI'm looking for something that can make the desktop bigger than my screen (cause it's a TV and small) and then I can drag my mouse around the edges to move the viewing window. If someone could just tell me what this is called, that'd help a lot too.03:36
speeddemon8803!hi | _Oz_03:36
ubotu_Oz_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:36
lhoerstesoldats: ^^03:36
cabrioleurthinman1189: try "sudo /etc/rc0.d/S15wpa-ifupdown restart" in terminal03:36
_Oz_hi speeddomon03:36
hieppohello anyone experience with ati x1250 video?03:36
cabrioleurthinman1189: but reboot would do the same03:36
_Oz_well, I am finally hitting some practical limits in my quest to ditch XP altogether for ubuntu03:36
hieppospecifically with enabling dual monitor?03:36
_Oz_problem: you can't really run m$ word and excel perfectly, and adobe photoshop cs2 is not production-quality.03:37
macogwlhoerste: i called it "oops" when it happened to me03:37
sierhieppo,  I searched a little, and got mine to work in 20 min.. (nvidia )03:37
Tailsfan!ubotu \speech-to-text03:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about speech-to-text - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:37
deathfacespeach to text haha03:37
hieppoI know about nvidia. I had it working with an nvidia card too. it is quite easy compared to ati drivers03:37
macogw_Oz_: install virtualbox and run windows in a vm then03:37
TailsfanFunny, but I like using it03:37
CARRESSHi, I have an installation question...should I ask here or is there another channel I should be in?03:37
thinman1189loa, it didn't work. cabrioleur, i've tried rebooting my computer, do you mean that rebooting or what loa said?03:37
Tailsfanthis is the right channel03:37
hieppomy current setup has a monitor on dvi and a projector on hdmi03:38
_Oz_macogw: how's the performance penalty?03:38
macogw_Oz_: virtualbox can do that mode parallels does where the programs that are running in Windows are just floating on your desktop instead of inside a box03:38
macogw_Oz_: smaller than with vmware03:38
_Oz_can I really design in adobe photoshop without a huge hit?03:38
_Oz_I like the idea of a parallels-style interface03:38
loa<thinman1189> look at your settings vim /etc/network/interfaces03:38
macogw_Oz_: virtualbox is the fastest virtual machine, based on the benchmarks i saw, if you pre-allocate the hard drive space (setting "dynamic" so it resizes as you use space makes it very slow though)03:38
loa<thinman1189> route -n03:38
shearseriously...they push a firefox update down that breaks flash. right on03:38
cabrioleurthinman1189: both, what I said and what he said, is done during reboot as well.03:38
CARRESSok..here's the question- keep in mind, I've joined the ubuntu forum, and I've googled and read a few documents.03:39
Jordan_U_Oz_, You mean where each windows application has it's own window?03:39
CARRESSIt doesn't seem like anyone is addressing a brand new hd w/o an os installed, and I remember reading once that in order to dual boot, windows had to go on first...03:39
pocketwatchlhoerste, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. look for a line called "Virtual" and change the resolution (back it up first!)03:39
_Oz_I need to play a bit with virtualbox03:39
_Oz_it doesn't look super user-friendly03:39
loa<thinman1189> I think you reconfigure something wrong...03:39
_Oz_then again, I'm an idiot03:39
ArielMT_Oz_: yup.  you'll need to install windows in a virtualbox vm, but once you have that and the virtualbox driver installed in windows, your windows windows and ubuntu windows can be side-by-side :D03:39
badkittyCARRESS: It doesnt have to go on first, it just makes it way easier to setup03:39
loa<_Oz_> i think it is very userfriendly)03:39
thinman1189loa, all i did was turn off my wireless and turn on wired. the settings look the same but it won't work03:40
_Oz_arielmt: I will do it.03:40
CARRESSbad, ok.. so I  should put on windows first, and partition the hd thru windows?03:40
_Oz_I wish we could get M$' apps to be truly and 100% compatible in linux03:40
_Oz_I have no choice but to use them, everyone at my office uses office03:40
Jordan_U_Oz_, I wish we didn't need to :)03:40
badkittyCARRESS: Yes, infact if you can partition the drive before you install windows, thats the easiest03:40
_Oz_converting them will be impossible :)03:40
_Oz_jordan_U: I am with you there.03:41
loa<thinman1189> show me your ifconfig and route -n, and describe what connection you want create03:41
_Oz_I hate M$.03:41
macogw_Oz_: http://blog.gobanquet.com/index.php/virtualbox-15-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/03:41
_Oz_Hate the way they make me jump through hoops.\03:41
CARRESSpartition it using what?  I'm rather green...03:41
_Oz_ah, thanks, macogw.03:41
speeddemon8803!factoid speech-to-text03:41
macogw_Oz_: note that the "the bad" that says there are no packages for the open source edition is now wrong.  it's virtualbox-ose in the repos03:41
cabrioleur_Oz_: OpenOffice filters for excell and word don't work for you?03:41
CARRESSbadkitty partition it using what?  I'm rather green...03:41
_Oz_cabrioleur: the problem is I work on fairly complex spreadsheets which are then passed off to other people in the office03:42
badkittyCARRESS: There are a ton of partitioners you can download for free and make a live boot cd from to do this.. Many of the HDD cd's come with partitioners as well03:42
macogw_Oz_: i dont know what else has changed since the article was written. i dont use that mode.  itd be silly when my virtual machine is debian without X :P03:42
_Oz_openoffice is fine for simple stuff, but if you dig past skin deep it's not really compatible with office 200303:42
ArielMTcan OOo understand office 2k7's format?03:42
lhoerstepocketwatch: there is no "Virtual" line03:42
cabrioleur_Oz_: if you use Office 2003 consider CrossOffice.03:42
badkittyCARRESS: You have a brand new HDD right?03:42
CARRESSbadkitty, yes03:42
cylexWhat port do I need open to recieve email?03:42
_Oz_cabrioleur: I did.  crossoffice doesn't really support it 100%.  the only "gold" status they give is to office 2000, which is too old.03:43
badkittyCARRESS: What brand is it? Did it come with a CD?03:43
speeddemon8803cylex it depends on your isp03:43
cylexspeeddemon8803: my isp allows port 25 to be open, but I thought it was to send th email03:43
badkittyBRB CARRESS03:43
CARRESSbadkitty  it's a toshiba, no cd..  but I do have my toshiba recovery disk (w. xp)that came w/ the laptop initially...03:43
jack-desktophow can i set my firefox font to "Sans" if it doesn't have the font in the font list03:43
shearhmm, anyone heard anything about flash breaking with the firefox update that got sent down a day or two ago?03:43
loaI found cool option in ntfs-3g - remove_hiberfile03:44
thinman1189loa : what should i give you?03:44
speeddemon8803Flash was fixed with the update a few days ago supposedly.03:44
astro76jack-desktop: is bitstream vera sans in the list? because that's what sans links to03:44
shearspeeddemon8803: as in, winds up like it's gonna play, then nothing03:44
loantfs-3g is very friendly ЖВ03:44
speeddemon8803mine has no issues...hmmm03:44
danbhfiveshear: is flash broken for you?03:44
shearspeeddemon8803: it worked for me before, and now not03:44
cylexI have postfix set up, what port does it use to send email and what port does it use to receive email03:45
sheardanbhfive: yes03:45
cylexsomeone please answer :)03:45
loa<thinman1189> ifconfig and route -n, and describe what network connection you must have03:45
jack-desktopastro76, yes! thanks. go astros ;p03:45
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:45
Flashq009how do I get webpages designed with MSfrontpage, using templates, to display images in apache with extension .htm?  I have already put the  index.htm and all files in /www.  Cannot seem to see the template images displayed.  Any help would be appreciated.03:45
danbhfiveshear: here is a command to attempt a reinstall, see if that works sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree03:45
sheardanbhfive: trying...03:45
loa<cylex> netstat -n03:45
cylexloa: thx03:45
thinman1189loa : gimme a min in order to do that i have to save it to my usb drive and put it on this comp03:46
macogwArielMT: yes, OOo 2.3 can open O2k7.  I don't think it can save to it though.  3.0 (due in september) should be able to.03:46
MrPiracyi have just updated ubuntu gutsy gibbon and all my video settings are gone. i was using i810 with a intel 946gz chipset with no problems. any help?03:46
cylexIs it safe to leave port 25 open for others?03:46
loa<thinman1189> ifconfig03:46
ArielMTmacogw: cool.  thanks.03:46
loa<thinman1189> route -n03:46
macogwMrPiracy: it switched you to the new intel drivers, right?03:47
thinman1189loa : yeah but i need to copy all that output from my ubuntu box to this one before i can show you03:47
loa<thinman1189> and describe your network connection, what settings you need.03:47
badkittyCARRESS: No that wont have it I dont think03:47
iblastoff2no one would happen to have a d-link usb dwl-g122 (rev a1) wireless adapter would they? didn't work in dapper..2 years later and im trying gutsty still with no luck in getting it to work03:47
cabrioleurcylex, no.03:47
=== iblastoff2 is now known as iblastoff
thinman1189loa : i need a static ip, my network is a router and a repeater.03:47
cylexcabrioleur: if I close port 25 then how will I send email03:48
cylexI setup saslauthd03:48
badkittyCARRESS: Lets see .. google search live CD partitioner? I think BartPE had one lemme see03:48
loa<thinman1189> try ifconfig eth0 ip03:48
MrPiracymacogw: nope, it switched me to VESA, when i try to set it back to i810 or intel, it doesnt work ... after reboot i am presented to a message saying my screen/graphics could not be detected03:48
loa<thinman1189> where eth0 your interface03:48
cabrioleurif you close incoming you should be fine.03:48
thiemsteris there anyway to get a canon canoscan 8600f scanner working with ubuntu?03:48
speeddemon8803Carress...you can try gparted...it has a live cd :)03:48
K_DallasQ: I installed KDE + a few chess programs etc and now I have lost my wireless connection to the home wlan.  On the same machine wlan works under windows. How do i resolve this problem? Thanks (right now i am on windows)03:48
speeddemon8803its the gnome partition editor03:49
lhoerstepocketwatch: genius!03:49
loa<thinman1189> and if you need gateway... then route add default gw
lhoerstepocketwatch: it worked03:49
danbhfiveCARRESS: the ubuntu livecd has gparted on it, if you can run that03:49
cylexthinman1189: i know a tutorial, that'll give u static ip under ubuntu.. if you just give me a min03:49
loa<thinman1189> where ip is your gateway03:49
cabrioleurcylex: are you running mail server on ubuntu?03:49
CARRESSspeed - I checked out gparted, I just was hesitant to do it if I needed to have windows installed first.03:49
thiemsteris there anyway to get a canoscan 8600f scanner working in ubuntu?03:49
pocketwatchlhoerste, im glad you figured it out, because iwas running out of ideas ><03:49
LinuxMercedesI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu 6 =[03:49
CARRESSbad - windows is on there, I've used it to reinstall after a viral infection before...03:49
cylexcabrioleur : yes03:49
thinman1189cylex it was working perfectly before but then i switched from wireless to wired for a min and now i can't get back03:49
K_Dallas(bte, i also installed php, mysql, apache)03:49
Flashq009does anyone know how to get images with .htm to display in apache?03:49
cabrioleurcylex: in this case you cannot really close it :-)03:50
d3ads0ulanyone around that can help me with burning dvds?03:50
badkittyCARRESS: Wait a sec do you have an actual windows disk or only the reccovery disk03:50
CARRESSdan - I have the cd..just really wanted to check about the windows thing..if I used gparted  is it still harder to put windows on later?03:50
cylexcabriolerus: ok .. so postfix with saslauthd is ok?03:50
thinman1189lao how do i know which eth it is?03:50
lhoerstepocketwatch: yea we were googling while getting ideas from you and happened to find a config which coencided w/ what you said03:50
Dr_willisd3ads0ul,  you mean making data dvd's or VIDEO dvd's ?03:50
CARRESSbadkitty - no just the recovery disk03:50
badkittyCARRESS: Put windows on first03:50
d3ads0ulDr_willis im trying to burn an .iso03:51
echo-y-ycan someone help me figure out why fonts in epiphany (or even firefox) are much uglier than they look in windows? and how i can fix it?03:51
danbhfive!who | CARRESS03:51
ubotuCARRESS: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:51
d3ads0ul:-( unable to WRITE@LBA=0h: Input/output error03:51
d3ads0ul:-( write failed: Input/output error03:51
echo-y-y!tab test03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tab test - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:51
badkittyCARRESS: do you have or can you get access to partition magic? I guess the disk SHOULD be able to resize your windows disk and install ubuntu .. that should work03:51
cylexthinman1189: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10_p3      go to step 703:51
cabrioleurecho-y-y: change the font to whatever you are used to in windows.03:51
sheardanbhfive: it's working now, but it's thrashing the CPU. running at 100% solid and I the video is quite choppy. (using youtube to test)03:51
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:51
cabrioleurecho-y-y: they are better looking thought...03:51
CARRESSbadkitty - not sure HOW to get it, but if I can find it via google, I can get it..03:52
thinman1189lao if i type in ifconfig eth0 then it says SIOCSIFADDR: Permission denied SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied03:52
Jordan_Uwhen I try to use perl style regular expressions with grep (  grep --perl-regexp ) I get the error : "grep: The -P option is not supported" but it's in the man page as an option, is there something that I need to do to add support for this?03:52
loa<shear> you talking about opera?03:52
cylexthinman1189: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10_p3      go to step 703:52
thinman1189cylex it was working perfectly before but then i switched from wireless to wired for a min and now i can't get back. i'll check that link03:52
Starnestommythinman1189: try sudo ifconfig eth0
shearloa: firefox03:52
danbhfiveshear: hmmm, well, I don't know, maybe a reboot will fix that?  I really have no idea about that03:52
echo-y-ycabrioleur: i know i can change ubuntu's appearance to use subpixel smoothing (which i suppose is similar to 'cleartype')... but i can't seem to make changes that effect my web browsers (epiphany and firefox)03:52
badkittyCARRESS: I would just go ahead and install windows ... then ubuntu should do the rest, just pay attention to the settings when it talks about resizing or partitioning03:52
cylexthinman1189 : also check if other comp didn't take it03:52
loa<shear> amd64 ?03:52
cylexthinman1189 : try pinging the ip03:52
sheardanbhfive: will try. thanks03:52
shearloa: yes03:53
CARRESSbadkitty, that's what I'll do. Thanks.03:53
badkittyCARRESS: But windows goes first ... if you want to make things easy on yourself03:53
lhoerstedoes anyone remember that post in the forums about the flash fix?03:53
shearloa: not amd64 ubuntu though03:53
lhoerstethe bot used to tell us how to goet it03:53
Flashq009anyone know how to get images with (.htm)  extensions to display in apache?03:53
cylexIf I close port 25, I wont receive email?03:53
cabrioleurecho-y-y: it's the same setup. Try different font (you can use windows fonts as well).03:53
iblastoffno one would happen to have a d-link usb dwl-g122 (rev a1) wireless adapter would they? didn't work in dapper..2 years later and im trying gutsty still with no luck in getting it to work03:53
cylexFlashq009: you are looking for program to download the website?   lookup wget03:53
loa<shear> hmm, what you mean, you use i686?03:54
punkgydoes anybody know how I can check to see if my serial ports are being detected?03:54
CARRESSThanks all03:54
shearloa: using i386, when i installed, too much stuff didn't work under amd6403:54
thinman1189cylex, how do i ping it?03:54
MrPiracyi have just updated ubuntu gutsy gibbon and all my video settings are gone. i was using i810 with a intel 946gz chipset with no problems. any help?03:54
thinman1189cylex : i'm on a windows laptop atm03:54
cylexthinman1189 : lol.. ping ipaddress03:55
loa<shear> yeh) under amd64 you need nswrapper03:55
saphireKonnichiwa! Genki desu ka?03:55
loaanother buggy solution)03:55
kingzpeople i'm running linux ubuntu 7.10 and how to change this kingz@kingz-secure03:55
lhoersteloa: does that work on PS3 arch as well?03:55
pocketwatchcylex, if you close 25 you won't send mail from your own server on 2503:55
echo-y-ycabrioleur:  when i make changes in system-->appearance-->font, i will see changes in subpixel smoothing in the title bar of the browser.. but it does not subpixel smooth the actual fonts within the browser itself (like any results from a google search)03:55
kingzi wants to chage the hostmask kingz-secure03:55
nano_whose in charge here03:55
shearloa: so with the flash update, i need to run firefox with nswrapper? i never had to before, what changed?03:55
Starnestommykingz: use the hostname command03:55
thinman1189cylx i typed ping and the static ip adress and it timed out03:55
cylexpocketwatch: will I be able to receive emails?03:55
macogwsaphire: #ubuntu-jp ni itte kudasai03:55
MrPiracyhow can i restore my screen settings?03:55
K_DallasQ: I installed KDE + a few chess programs etc and now I have lost my wireless connection to the home wlan.  On the same machine wlan works under windows. How do i resolve this problem? Thanks (right now i am on windows)03:56
ubotu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい03:56
cylexthinman1189 : cool , so its not taken.. use the tutorial to setup under ubuntu03:56
pocketwatchcylex, are you using pop/imap from another server or are you running yoru own mail server?03:56
Jack_Sparrownano_: Just ask your question03:56
kingzStarnestommy: please tell me how to change it03:56
cylexpocketwatch: own mail server03:56
whyameyeshear: I'm just tuning in. If you are running 64 bit linux you need the wraper. otherwise you shouldn't.03:56
loa<shear> i have no problem with flash on my i686 box03:56
macogwspeeddemon8803: i just told him that...basically03:56
saphireLOL I speak english, just wanted to see if anyone spoke JP...03:56
loa<shear> all is out of box03:56
cabrioleurnano_: the great flying spagetti monster.03:56
kingzStarnestommy: please tell me how to change it03:56
echo-y-ynano: i am in charge03:56
macogwsaphire: baka!03:56
pocketwatchcylex, 25 is what sendmail/etc uses to send it. 130 iirc is incoming mail03:56
shearwhyameye: that's what i thought, and I'm not running the 64bit version03:56
kingzStarnestommy: tell me the command pls03:56
loa<shear> flash comes with restricted packets03:56
MrPiracysaphire: lol i understand konishiwa03:57
Starnestommykingz: the 'hostname' command03:57
thinman1189cylex : what i don't get is that this worked until 20mins ago when i quickly switched from wireless to wired.03:57
saphireHow is everyone?03:57
kingzStarnestommy: when i type i read only kingz-secure03:57
punkgydoes anybody know how to get the serial console connection to a cisco switch to work (ie what program to use)03:57
speeddemon8803I just use the bot, its a lot easier to type in a small command than type in a whole line saying "this room's official language is english"03:57
kingzi wants to change kingz-secure to kingz03:57
echo-y-ycabrioleur:  what font do you use in epiphany?03:57
Starnestommykingz: sudo hostname kingz03:57
macogwsaphire: probably wakarimasen, because of you :P03:57
Flashq009cylex>>not to download website, but to host website that I created in MS Frontpage 2003 using templates.  I have put the index.htm file and other files in the www folder, but cannot seem to get images with have (.htm) to display in apache.  Any help would be appreciated.03:57
cylexthinman1189 : so the tutorial don't work?03:57
shearloa: i've got it installed. I've been running this install for 2 years now, but flash just broke with an update.03:57
thinman1189cylex : trying it now03:57
cylexthinman1189 : k03:58
macogwFlashq009: images dont end in .htm03:58
d3ads0ulIf someone could help me with burning dvds, please send me a pm03:58
loa<shear> try to use old deb03:58
montehey does anyone in here have aim that can talk me through to get some plugins for some stuff03:58
cylexFlashq009: you can set it up under mimetypes03:58
saphiremacogw: I only know a little japanese... Im learning...03:58
LinuxMercedesI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu.  It gets 93% into the install and then stops03:58
cabrioleurecho-y-y: I don't use epiphany.03:58
macogwsaphire: me too, why do you think i switched to ingrish?03:58
cylexFlashq009: look through your apache2 directory and search for mimetypes03:58
kingzStarnestommy: i type that and now i can't open terminal or any folder :S03:58
kingzStarnestommy: i type that and now i can't open terminal or any folder :S help me please how to fix that :S03:59
SnowAnyone know of a way I can encrypt text in a text-file?03:59
Flashq009cylex>> looking for mimetypes.  What are mimetypes?03:59
echo-y-ymy text in terminal is much cleaner and easier to read that my text in epiphany... is there any way i can just make epiphany's font look like terminal?03:59
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:59
Starnestommykingz: you'll need to change it back to kingz-secure or you'll need to restart03:59
loa<shear> i update my hardy today... now i sturt page with few flash banners, all is all right)03:59
ArielMTkingz: log out and log back in.  when you changed your hostname, your x session lost its authentication04:00
mahmoud2Snow: GPG (GnuPG)04:00
astro76!gpg | Snow04:00
ubotuSnow: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts04:00
kingzStarnestommy: i can't change it back04:00
kingzStarnestommy: i can't open terminal04:00
SnowThank you04:00
ArielMTa full reboot shouldn't be needed, but that works too.  just log out and log back in04:00
Starnestommykingz: hit ctrl+alt+f2 then type that command in after you log in04:00
montecan some one help me with all the plugins for movies and watch vids off websites04:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:01
thiemstermonte: you need flash and java04:01
Dr_willismonte,  install the w32codec pack from the medibuntu site for starters04:01
LinuxMercedesI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu.  It gets 93% into the install and then stops "Configuring Hardware".  Can anyone help?04:01
badkittyHey jw14400004:01
shearloa: i'm going to try a reboot, but i'm not gonna upgrade to the devel version. I've found that for the past few releases, ubuntu has broken far more tha it fixed04:01
montedr willes do u have aim04:01
jw144000I just installed Gutsy Gibbon on my external hard drive, and even when I change my BIOS settings to have it boot the external hard drive through USB, it won't boot. How can I get it to work?04:01
shearloa: each release breaks more than it fixes04:01
Dr_willismonte,  nope.. and ive told ya what you need to do. :) enable the medibuntu repo. install the w32codec pack04:02
Jack_Sparrowmonte: Checkout the restricted format page for most of what you might need04:02
Dr_willis!w32codecs | monte04:02
ubotumonte: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:02
echo-y-yanyone have any recommendations for a browser that uses very little resources?04:02
saphireOKay so Im a noob at JP, and Im also a noob at Unix/Linux/Ubuntu.... Where do i go to start learning all about Ubuntu?04:02
monteso were do i go to download w32codecs at in add and remove04:03
ubotuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training04:03
kosakdillo, but sucks04:03
Starnestommymonte: use system > administration > synaptic04:03
geekworx__Starnestommy: okay dude i restart my computer and what now ?04:03
kosaktry epiphany or swiftwisel04:03
Dr_willis!medibuntu | monte04:03
ubotumonte: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:03
Starnestommygeekworx__: is it working?04:03
geekworx__Starnestommy: no04:03
cylexFlashq009: if you can't find it.. then you can put this  index.jpg   under DirectoryIndex04:03
kosakcheck those browsers (or opera)04:03
cylexFlashq009: where index.html is located04:04
=== geekworx__ is now known as kingzz
thinman1189cylex brb gotta find the charger for this04:04
=== Jack_Sparrow is now known as RJ_Squirrel
cylexthinman1189: heh ok04:04
monteStarnestommy: do u have aim04:04
Starnestommymonte: I answered you04:04
kingzzStarnestommy: i can open folders now but look kingz@kingz-secure:~$ w04:05
kingzz ( i wants to change that kingz-secure )04:05
kingzzStarnestommy: i can open folders now but look kingz@kingz-secure:~$ w04:05
echosystm`can anyone tell me, how do you mount a usb drive from commandline?04:05
cylexFlashq009: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_mime.html04:05
LinuxMercedesI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu.  It gets 93% into the install and then stops "Configuring Hardware".  Can anyone help?04:05
Flashq009cylex>> index.htm is located in /var/www04:05
badkittyechosystm`: type man mount it will tell you how04:05
kingzzStarnestommy: please help me tommy, i wants to change that @kingz-secure04:06
cylexFlashq009: may be image location in the html files isn't unix compatible04:06
drpckenfor anything that uses pidgin, is there anyway to make the minimized message flash  at the bottom, instead of the tray icon changing?  OR can you suggest a better multiprotocol IM program?04:06
cylexFlashq009: does this work http://server/image.jpg04:06
shearrediculous...looks like it's time to try another distro.04:06
Blue_SassleyHi guys I'm trying to setup VNC over SSH and I have it going but when I try and connect to the VNC server I get the error "unable to connect to display """04:07
LinuxMercedesI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu.  It gets 93% into the install and then stops "Configuring Hardware".  Can anyone help? Using Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Desktop edition.04:07
kingzzlook people04:07
kingzz~# cat /etc/hostname04:07
Flashq009Cylex>> that works04:07
kingzzhow to change my hostname?04:07
Starnestommykingzz: edit that file?04:08
RJ_Squirrelshear: do you want to know how to fix flash04:08
astro76!hostname | kingzz04:08
ubotukingzz: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab04:08
craigbass1976Hey folks... Rather than fart around wiht a gutsy disc.. can anyone tell me what usually will give a "diskette drive 0 seek failure" ?  I've disabeld the floppy, checked RAM...04:08
shearRJ_Squirrel: if you know how, then yeah04:08
cylexFlashq009: images are casesensitive.. and also try http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_mime.html04:08
mynymlwhat package can i find glib-gettext in?04:08
Jordan_Uwhen I try to use perl style regular expressions with grep (  grep --perl-regexp ) I get the error : "grep: The -P option is not supported" but it's in the man page as an option, is there something that I need to do to add support for this?04:08
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »04:08
craigbass1976HD can be read from another linux livecd (DSL)04:08
RJ_Squirrelshear: That is the short answer04:08
sanestoanyone has experience with grub04:08
sanestoi need a little help04:08
shearRJ_Squirrel: did the reinstall, but why not, i'll give it another go04:08
Flashq009cylex>>> i am used MS Frontpage template to create the webpage.04:08
cylexsanesto: I can help you get rid of it .. lol that's all I know04:08
craigbass1976sanesto, I've some.  WHat's the isue04:09
RJ_Squirrelshear: REMOVE the other fully firat04:09
RochJerHiya - I need some assistance on getting the necessary file permission to save file - I'm already an administrator04:09
cylexFlashq009: then you need to install frontpage extensions for apache.. google it04:09
kingzzpeople help me what to write in Terminal to change my hostname please!?04:09
RochJerTrying to edit sources.list04:09
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, are you connecting from linux to linux?04:09
craigbass1976RochJer, sudo vi filename04:09
Starnestommykingzz: read the message ubotu sent.04:09
kingzzStarnestommy: i know only to work in terminal;S04:09
sanestocan you go in pm04:09
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, I've tried both ways linux to linux and winblows to linux04:09
kingzzand i make that04:10
craigbass1976RochJer, or, if you don't like vi, sudo chown yourname:yourname filename04:10
cabroni_where I find a free alternative to create presentations?04:10
kingzzand the hostname its still kingz@kingz-secure04:10
kingzzhow to change that ?04:10
Jack_Sparrowshear: may I pm04:10
Starnestommykingzz: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts04:10
sanestou there04:10
craigbass1976RochJer, then edit with whatever, and then chown back to whoever owned it in the first place04:10
cylexsanesto: yes04:10
Flashq009cylex>>>I did, google it, unfortunately, not able to get extension.  Do you know where I can get it?04:10
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, you started a vncserver session on :1 or :2, right?04:10
tockitjQ: is there ubuntu package for 'http://home.eunet.no/pnordahl/ntpasswd/' i could really use it right now (im recovering lost win partition :-/)04:10
sanestoi'm in pm wi th u04:10
sanestobut your not responding04:10
craigbass1976cabroni_, ooimpress?04:10
cylexchanging hostname:  go under debian:  --> http://www.ducea.com/2006/08/07/how-to-change-the-hostname-of-a-linux-system/04:10
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, correct vncserver:104:10
cylexFlashq009: I can search for u.. brb04:11
RochJerI was trying to get java working better - thats why I had to edit source list04:11
RochJerpogo.com lags up the java performance04:11
craigbass1976cabroni_, yep, there's a powerpoint type of program in there called impress04:11
Flashq009cylex>>>thank you cylex04:11
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, and the client is set up for tunneling and you're connecting vnc to localhost:5900?04:11
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, in the ubuntu doc they said to use 590104:11
shearJack_Sparrow: sure04:11
Jack_SparrowRochJer: Changing sources isnt going to help with java04:12
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, or that04:12
macogwcabroni_: it can open/save powerpoint files too04:12
sanestoi have my internal hard disk and an external one04:12
sanestoi had windows xp on the internal one and installed fedora core04:12
sanestothen i plugged my external and installed on it ubuntu04:12
sanestonow if i boot the grub from the external everything works04:12
sanestobut if i boot grub on the  internal one i get grub error 2104:12
FloodBot3sanesto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:12
RochJerWhat is the best solution to fix the pogo.com with java ?04:12
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, so yeah I am tunneling via 590104:12
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, in system > preferences > remote desktop, enable "allow ... to connect"04:12
drpckenfor anything that uses pidgin, is there anyway to make the minimized message flash  at the bottom when a new message arrives?, instead of the tray icon changing?  OR can you suggest a better multiprotocol IM program?04:12
sanestoi have my internal hard disk and an external one i had windows xp on the internal one and installed fedora core then i plugged my external and installed on it ubuntu now if i boot the grub from the external everything works but if i boot grub on the  internal one i get grub error 2104:13
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, ok, let me check now04:13
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, i had some trouble recently with that myself, but once i enabled that it worked.04:13
sanestohow can i fix it ?04:13
craigbass1976sanesto, And someone correct me if I'm wrong, couldn't you copy menu.lst over to the internal HD and just change a bit of stuff to makeit work from there?04:13
RochJerWhat is the best solution to fix the pogo.com with java ? (just wanted an opinion)04:13
sanestoyea i can do that but i don't know what to change04:14
cabroni_ok, Im opening it now, but it take low my laptop, Are exist a "lite" version of Impress?04:14
fr500sanesto: the grub that works...does it show the 3 OSs?04:14
danbhfivesanesto: I think you have to edit menu.lst04:14
sanestoit shows them all04:14
sanestoxp fedora and ubuntu04:14
cylexsanesto: you want to get rid of grub?04:14
cylexFlashq009: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17033304:14
sanestoi just want a way to boot the 3 os whether i have my external plugged in or not04:14
cylexFlashq009: I hope this works04:14
sanestowhich contains ubuntu installation04:14
craigbass1976I say copy menu.lst... the drive references will all be wrong I think, though the kernels will be right04:14
Flashq009Cylex>> thank you.04:14
thinman1189cylex i'm not sure if it matters but i had to use ndiswrapper to get it to work in the first place04:15
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, ok I just tested it and still got the error... am I suppose to run the vncviewer command in the SSH session?04:15
sanestoi copied menu.lst and still got error 2104:15
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, can you connect from the host machine to itself (as a test)04:15
cylexsanesto: it's not possible unless you run Virtual Machine software04:15
craigbass1976sanesto, my last comment makes me sound like a jerk.. not sure how else to put it. anyway.... did you change the drive references?04:15
sanestothere's no way to have ubuntu on the external and fedora + xp on the internal ?04:16
sanestono, i'm not good with drive references04:16
cylexsanesto: not that I know of04:16
Jack_Sparrowsanesto: Did you install to the external last?04:16
sanestoi did04:16
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, yes I have tested with just vncviewer04:16
sanestolast thing i did was ubuntu on external04:16
craigbass1976(hd0,0)  those parts04:16
cylexthinman1189: got it working?04:16
goodmamiCan I change the Input Method of a program from the command line?04:16
craigbass1976Hey folks... Rather than fart around wiht a gutsy disc.. can anyone tell me what usually will give a "diskette drive 0 seek failure" ?  I've disabled the floppy, checked RAM...04:17
Jack_Sparrowsanesto: If you installed grub to the onboard mbr and not the bootable usb drive the onboard drive will only look for grub on the external04:17
goodmami(eg, in some text areas you can right-click, select Input Method, and choose one... Other types of text areas do not allow this)04:17
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, and the command I'm running is: vncviewer -via <IP address> <computer-name>:<display number>04:17
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thinman1189cylex : no04:17
sanestoso if i reinstall grub on fedora04:17
Jack_Sparrowsanesto: Copy the menu list all you want, without the external it will not work04:17
sanestoi mean04:18
cylexthinman1189: try backing up everything and reinstalling the distro04:18
goodmami(the problem is that in some applications the keyboard goes dead, and I have to select an input method (such as SCIM or default))04:18
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, one sec, checking something04:18
sanestoif i reinstall fedora on internal04:18
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, ok thanks04:18
sanestoi should be able to boot os on internal04:18
Jack_Sparrowsanesto: You would reinstall grub to the mbr of the onboard pointing to fedora.04:18
sanestohow do i reinstall grub ?04:19
thinman1189cylex won't work. i had a lot of trouble and used ndiswrapper to get this to work in the first place. it's not an out of the box card.04:19
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Jack_Sparrowsanesto: Grub in fedora can point to the external drive04:19
cylexthinman1189: ah04:19
sanestoso to reinstall grub04:19
sanestoof fedora04:19
sanestowhat i do04:19
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, i'm not going to be much help with the linux to linux connection since i used putty on a windows box at work to connect at home :(04:20
Jack_SparrowI am in the middle of another project, so I cant give you the time for that.. SInce it is fedora and reinstalling grub they might be able to help as well04:20
Blue_Sassleypocketdrummer, thats fine04:20
acee1234anything involving video playback is flickering badly on my ubuntu restricted driver are installed direct rendering returns yes any ideas?04:20
sanestoso i reinstal fedora?04:20
Jack_Sparrowsanesto: Also please dont PM people without asking04:20
acee1234using ati x1400 gpu04:20
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, thats fine can you help me with what you did for your windows to linux connection04:20
cylexsanesto:   http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Multiboot-with-GRUB-2.html04:21
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, because that is really what I want anyway I just didn't know how much help I was going to get :)04:21
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, i pretty much followed the howto @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH04:21
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, so have I :(04:21
goodmamiin other words, can i do something like im-switch, but have it affect a particular application?04:21
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, are you using putty?04:21
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: In the xorg     Option "Composite" "disable"                     #Added from Wiki.. If you do not set it to Disable: you can get jerky video display04:21
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, not atm, i dont have access to a windows machine at home04:21
_Oz_virtualbox doesn't work with compiz04:22
_Oz_that's uncool.04:22
badkitty_Oz_: Yes it does.. rather well in my case04:22
_Oz_badkitty: oh?04:22
cylexsanesto: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/     (betterversion)04:22
craigbass1976Oh, Hey... Now instead of the diskette error, I just get the word GRUB at the top of the screen04:22
_Oz_I just read http://blog.gobanquet.com/index.php/virtualbox-15-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/04:22
Dr_willisrunnung any sort of 3d/compiz/games under virtualbox will be... lacking. :)04:22
_Oz_it says you have to disable compiz.  you were able to get around it?04:22
cylexWhat is compiz?04:22
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, well when you are at work what is the command you use to start the VNC session?04:22
Dr_willisor you mean running virtualbox on a machine that has compiz  also setup?04:22
badkitty_Oz_: Well how come I keep my vbox on my left desktop and scroll over to it when I need it?04:22
Dr_willis!compiz | cylex04:23
craigbass1976I just watched the good the bad and the ugly tonight...04:23
ubotucylex: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:23
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: VB is a virtual install of XP or whatever.. How could it have effects..inside?04:23
_Oz_all I really want virtualbox to do is run office 2007 and photoshop cs3.  If it can do that, I'm sold.04:23
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: im a bit new where is that file and what do i look for under wiki04:23
cylexDr_willis: thx04:23
Dr_willis_Oz_,  it should be able to do that. or use vmware, or you might want to check out crossover-office.04:23
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, i used tightvncviewer (standalone) and the ip was localhost::5900 or 5901 i forgot since itried them both04:23
badkitty_Oz_: You can run it hold on.. I just installed it.. let me try again just to be sure04:23
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:23
thinman1189cylex : that's weird. the dns servers i have in my ubuntu config is different than what ipconfig /all tells me on my dad's laptop. is it possible they changed?04:23
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, oh ok04:23
_Oz_jacksparrow: it doesn't.  but compiz doesn't play well with it.  as you close windows, etc. the screen is garbled.04:23
badkitty_Oz_: Yeo..04:23
_Oz_at least, that's what I've been told.04:24
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, does that still use the SSH or are you just direct connecting?04:24
_Oz_what's the current vers. of virtualbox?04:24
_Oz_maybe this article is a little out of date.04:24
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cylexthinman1189: this is what you put down for dns servers: nothing..04:24
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, it's using ssh, you set up the connection with putty first04:24
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, ok I think I got it then04:24
acee1234Jack_Sparrow:  and the wiki04:24
cylexthinman1189: if u want to try.. try the default gateway as first dns server, and as second one04:24
pocketwatchBlue_Sassley, alright, best of luck04:24
Dr_willis_Oz_,  you could check the virtualbox web site and see what the latest debs they got are.04:24
Zombinois anybody here familiar with OOo Basic?04:25
tockitjQ: what program can i use to burn cds from command line (live cd) ?04:25
goodmamino ideas?04:25
badkittyDr_willis: I've used it for a few months with no issues.. Thats  Compiz + Twinview + Virtualbox04:25
Starnestommytockitj: dd?04:25
iKapwhat is the command to install all needed codecs for MPLAYER?04:25
_Oz_I use twinview too, badkitty04:25
pocketdrummerZombino: Like the one that comes with Ubuntu? Or is it something else?04:25
sanestothere's a problem i got04:25
sanestowhen i boot ubuntu04:25
cylextockitj: dd I think04:25
sanestoi get this screen :04:25
thinman1189cylex why no dns? i had to have it before to work04:25
tockitjStarnestommy: dd can be used to burn cds ??04:26
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: Section "Extensions"  Option"Composite""Enable "-> "disable"?04:26
sanestoto fix this problem04:26
sanestoeach time i boot windows then boot ubuntu again04:26
Starnestommytockitj: yes04:26
sanestoand it works04:26
cylexthinman119: try it both ways04:26
Zombinopocketdrummer, it's the scripting language for open office.  I unistalled the ubuntu version and installed the regular version of OOo04:26
_Oz_badkitty: did you install a hacked or clean  copy of win xp for virtualbox?04:26
sanestobut next time i reget the screen :04:26
RJ_Squirrelacee1234: yes04:26
badkitty_Oz_: A clean SP1 disc I bought a few years ago04:26
pocketdrummerSanesto: I don't mean to harp on your man, but can you use periods instead of the enter key? It helps keep the clutter down.04:26
sanestoyea sorry04:26
Blue_Sassleypocketwatch, thanks04:26
badkitty_Oz_: But I also rub other things like back track or other OS's for testing and playing around with04:27
acee1234RJ_Squirrel: the restart x?04:27
acee1234RJ_Squirrel: then04:27
montedoes anyone know what i need to watch internet vids off the page ?04:27
RJ_Squirrelacee1234: yes04:27
_Oz_back track?04:27
acee1234RJ_Squirrel: than you04:27
badkitty_Oz_: I did try to install ubuntu server: Now that does not work in vbox afaik04:27
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: np04:27
pocketdrummerZombino: I've used the windows version you download from the website. I'm not sure if it's the same though.04:27
acee1234thank you too jack04:27
sanestoanyone knows how to solve my problem ? :P :D04:27
badkitty_Oz_: Backtrack is a pen testing OS based off of another linux distro04:27
goodmaminobody has problems with x-input method?  i can't input anything in x-based GUIs (and can't change the input method).  any help appreciated04:27
cylexmonte: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree    (its free)04:27
Zombinopocketdrummer, it's cool.  I've got a coding question, and now that I think about it it has nothing to do with Ubuntu so I'm in the wrong place to ask this anyway :P04:28
StarnestommyZombino: #openoffice.org may be a more appropriate place for it04:28
_Oz_I see04:28
_Oz_thanks for the tip, badkitty...  so you think I should just be able to do the standard virtualbox install and I'll be good to go?04:28
ZombinoThank you Starnestommy, didn't know there was such a channel!04:28
sanestoi got a problem with my ubuntu...i dual boot btw. when i boot my ubuntu i get this screen : http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/7717/dsc00090wa4.jpg to fix it i must boot windows then boot ubuntu again and it would work04:28
_Oz_did you follow a specific online tutorial?04:28
pocketdrummersanesto: What version of Ubuntu are you using and what kind of graphic card do you have?04:29
jijutmhi all i managed to screw my gdm configuration.. and now it starts a single server and tells me to correct the error.04:29
jijutmusing 7.1004:29
sanestogeforce 7500 LE04:29
jokie51hai2u all04:29
thinman1189cylex not working04:29
badkitty_Oz_: Yes I do04:29
pocketdrummerI have an nVidia card too, and it freaks out unless I set it to vesa then install the restricted drivers.04:29
jijutmi would appreciate if some one could shed the light..04:30
jijutmi am lost04:30
sanestoso u think the problem is the vga driver ?04:30
_Oz_I'm going to give it a shot, badkitty.04:30
cylexthinman1189: what ip you get when you type ifconfig -a04:30
iKapwhat codecs do i need to install for MPLAYER to play mpgs, divx, wmvs, etc.. just all basic formats?!04:31
jijutmon getting my gdm screen back to norma.04:31
pocketdrummersanesto: When you boot into Ubuntu, press Ctrl+Alt+F1. From there, type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:31
sanestobut the prob is that i can't see anything on the screen to type...04:31
cptnapalmjijutm, what is your gdm screen doing?04:31
cylexthinman1189: when I had internet connection problem, every time I set the static ip, I had to reboot, in order for it to work, ubuntu networking is kinda messed up04:31
_Oz_Although, it's got me thinking: I realize this is old hat to all of you linuxheads who long ago swore off windows, but as a guy who's recently jumped off the ship, I am going through new thought processes.  what I'm wondering is: if I can't get away from the windows apps which chain me to M$, what's the point of ubuntu (other than having fun)?04:31
thinman1189cylex that gives me a lot of output which adress?04:31
badkittyiKap: go to medibuntu.org install the packages it has there (mostly libdvdcss2 and w32codecs and the ffmpeg one04:32
jijutmit shows me a warning only.. with no xservers are configured.. this may be a config error04:32
jijutmi should login and fix it04:32
thinman1189cylex i've rebooted multiple times and no dice04:32
pocketdrummersanesto: I can't either until I press ctrl+alt+F1. It takes you to the terminal. You have to make sure it is a capital X or it won't work. The terminal is case-sensitive.04:32
drpckenok right now i'm using Pidgin for a multi-protocol IM, only problem is when i have a chat window minimized, it doesn't flash when i receive a new message.  i didn't see a setting for this.  is there a way? or can you suggest a BETTER multiprotocol IM?04:32
iKapbadkitty, i rememebr there being a command to do this thorugh the terminal that installed all needed codecs.. etc.04:32
badkittyiKap: You can also do a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:32
cptnapalmjijutm, so just a console?  No X at all?04:32
iKapbadkitty, thats all?04:32
cptnapalmah ok.  X is borked then.04:32
cptnapalmWhich is never fun.04:33
iKapmy X is broken as well, so im about to go restore.04:33
jijutmi dont get you04:33
cptnapalmWhat kind of graphics card do you get?04:33
supershorthow to i extract and install this realvnc program04:33
pocketdrummerWell, I guess he'll be back, he quit before I explained the rest.....04:33
cptnapalmack, have04:33
goodmamiyeah ok thanks anyway04:33
jijutmi did apt-get install xdm04:33
montecylex what are u talking about sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree were do i go to install it at?04:33
badkittyiKap: That with the medibuntu codecs and your multimedia will be basically complete04:33
jijutmand chose that as the default..04:33
jijutmI can login now..04:34
cptnapalmDon't think xdm would screw up X itself...04:34
pocketdrummerHow many people here have an nVidia card and cannot use the default nv drivers that come with Ubuntu?04:34
jijutmbut the familiar themed ubuntu login is no more available04:34
cptnapalmlogin on the console?04:34
Blue_SassleyWhat is a program I can use to download stuff on to a iPod... one that has the Apple OS on it still04:34
jokie51um, you can always use the nv driver for 2d things04:34
cptnapalmah, so xdm is not even starting?04:34
Blue_Sassley!ipod > Blue_Sassley04:34
jokie51i even had the nv driver running an 8800GTX04:34
Starnestommyjijutm: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:34
jokie51yea it was slow04:34
jokie51but until i figured out how to use the restricted devices manager, its all i had04:35
_Oz_can anyone recommend a recent virtualbox tutorial for me?04:35
_Oz_or should I just follow the instructions from virtualbox?04:35
Blue_SassleySorry guys ubutu has the answer04:35
bruenig"figured out"04:35
acee1234jack_sparrow: that killed my gnome display manager04:35
cptnapalmjijutm, do try what Starnestommy mentioned04:35
jijutmok will try that..04:35
cylexmonte: you want to install the flash player right?04:35
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: It should not have..  IT is from the ati page...04:35
badkitty_Oz_: Do you need one? It's not too complicated.. the hardest part is figuring out what additional package needs to be installed after it gives you an error the first time you try to run it04:35
jijutmthanks guys.. will check that and be back soon..04:36
cylexmonte: so that's one way or better way is this link I'll give you04:36
cptnapalmjijutm, best of luck04:36
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide04:36
_Oz_I'm the kind of guy that generally needs one, yes04:36
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: but the video is fixed04:36
thinman1189cylex : not working04:36
acee1234ill see if i can start display manager04:36
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: have to find it...04:36
supershorthow to i extract shit in console04:36
_Oz_One other question: is virtualbox definitively "better" than vmware?04:36
cptnapalmAnybody have a widescreen monitor and get the console NOT running off the screen?04:36
_Oz_as in faster, more stable, etc.04:36
pocketdrummersupershort: what are you extracting?04:37
acee1234"Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'. Without the GNOME settings manager running, some....."04:37
badkitty_Oz_: LOL, well ... It's a matter of opinion, but I found virtualbox much easier to get working with linux04:37
cylexthinman1189: dunno.. keep trying that tutorial.. or something04:37
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: Glad you got video working... gotta go..04:37
thinman1189cylex where in the forums should i try posting?04:37
cylexmonte: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux04:37
montecylex: wats the link04:37
jokie51virtualbox doesnt support AMD-V or Intel VT extensions for virtualization04:37
jokie51Vmware does.04:37
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jokie51That's why I choose VMware over anything else.04:37
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cylexmonte: download the tar.gz  Its a binary .. easy install04:37
_Oz_Thanks, badkitty.04:37
pocketdrummercptnapalm: Mine doesn't run off. That's just default too. You may have to change settings (I dont' know which).04:38
thinman1189cylex ugh i just restarted and it did a forced check, 37 times without apparently.04:38
acee1234thank you jack04:38
_Oz_jokie: I have an AMD 64 chip, does that matter?04:38
supershorthow to i extract04:38
Starnestommysupershort: tar -xzf filename.tar.gz04:38
Starnestommywait, whoops04:38
jokie51oxez: X2 or better?04:38
montethen i extract or wat do i do04:38
cylexsupershort: tar -zxpvf filename.tar.gz04:38
badkitty_Oz_: PM me if you want help with it.. I actually have to finish installing the other package and set it up for first OS.. I'll go over it with you if you want04:38
* Starnestommy needs glasses, I think04:38
cylexmonte: then just run the binary04:39
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: Mine unfortunately does run off.. and the fonts are big and ugly.  I've tried some suggested work arounds, but nothing has helped yet... Which sucks as sometimes I really just want an ocean of text04:39
cylexmonte: do it from the terminal please04:39
bruenigcylex, p is more for creating archives isn't it?04:39
jokie51X2 (65nm variants) and Phenoms have AMD Secure Virtual.04:39
_Oz_thanks, badkitty04:39
acee1234anyone have any ideas why changing th xorg file composite entry from enabled to disable will kill gnome display manager and compiz?04:39
cylexbruenig: no04:39
OnyxHow can I install some new fonts?  I've got the ability to use ttfs, but I've forgotten the process for installing new fonts/refreshing the system's font cache.04:39
montehow do i do that04:39
cylexbruenig: to create it.. tar -cvf filename.tar.gz04:39
cptnapalmCompiz would need the composite entry wouldn't it?04:39
montei am new at this04:39
pocketdrummercptnapalm: What's your monitor's native resolution? Mine is 1680x1050.04:39
bruenigcylex, no but I mean p means to preserve the permission whilst creating an archive I thought04:40
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: mine's the same :(04:40
cylexbruenig: I think its without permission but not sure04:40
pocketdrummercptnapalm: That can't be it then... what about your video card?04:40
cylexmonte: read the documentation on www.ubuntu.com04:40
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: It's an nVidia 8500 GT.  Works wonderfully in X without any problems.04:41
Ashnalso ive found something that annoys me, which is that if im playing music of some sort, and my computer comes under a heavy processing load, the music will skip, is there a way to prevent this?04:41
bruenigAshnal, no04:41
monteokay so i go to the website and do wat04:41
jokie51Ashnal: yes. upgrade your CPU to a dual core/quad core. something capable of multithreading.04:42
cptnapalmAshnal: only if you up the nice level of the other stuff you are doing, I think.04:42
cylexmonte: read the Documentation04:42
Dr_willisHmm. I never have those issues. with my Audigy2zs card.04:42
jokie51dual core CPU's are dirt cheap.04:42
cylexmonte: cant teach you everything over the irc04:42
jokie51Theres no reason not to have at least 2 cores.04:42
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: Run fglrxinfo and make sure it says ati and NOT mesa....04:42
cptnapalmJust got a Quad Core PC (Acer) for $550 a few weeks ago.04:42
Ashnalexcept an older computer with a motherboard that doesnt support a dual core04:42
monteo then the internet link04:42
jokie51Ashnal: Don't even. :P04:42
supershortit wont work04:43
jokie51AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+: $65, MSI K9N AM2+ Board: $89, 1GB (2x512) DDR2-667: $3804:43
pocketdrummercptnapalm: You may want to try the forums. I honestly don't have enough experience with linux to be able to accurately identify the issue.04:43
Ashnalso theres no way to give sound output priority over other things always?04:43
jokie51like I said, cheap.04:43
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: Run fglrxinfo and make sure it says ati and NOT mesa.... sorry if this is a repeat..04:44
supershortben@ben-laptop:~$ tar -zxpvf vnc-4_1_2-x86_linux.tar.gz04:44
supershorttar: vnc-4_1_2-x86_linux.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory04:44
cptnapalmAshnal: actually try running the music player from the command line preceeded by nice 0 or so.   "man nice" for how to use nice04:44
pocketdrummercptnapalm: Maybe the problem lies in xorg.conf? Does anyone else have any knowledge of this?04:44
danbhfiveAshnal: how about nice values?04:44
jw144000poningru: Can I PM you?04:45
monteok thanks04:45
bob__hey pocketdrummer04:46
montei have got it so that should let me watch vids and everything right with just that download correct?04:46
russHello, can someone explain (or make an educated guess) why after installing KDE on my ubuntu (gutsy) system, the "places" menu in gnome doesn't work any more (fails to open a window)?04:46
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: I think it has to do with how the console is set up from the get go.  I remember way back when I compiled my own kernels I always included the framebuffer driver in the kernel.  The default kernels now only build them as a module and don't know when that module loads.04:46
pocketdrummerbob_ hi :D04:46
jokie51russ: much easier to just start from Kubuntu04:46
bob__u need help with nvidia?04:46
jokie51installing KDE on vanilla ubuntu tends to break a LOT of things.04:46
bob__pocket send me PM if u need help with nvidia04:46
badkittyAnyone remember what command to use when accessing mysql for the first time?04:46
acee1234when i disabled composite in the xorg file to get rid of video flickering it killed my compiz any ideas?04:46
Dr_willisHmm.. I install kubuntu-desktop on my Ubuntu machines all the time. No hassles.04:47
russjokie51 great, wish I knew that before doing it04:47
Starnestommyacee1234: compiz needs compisiting04:47
cptnapalmacee1234: wouldn't compiz require compositing?04:47
OnyxHow can I install some new fonts?  I've got the ability to use ttfs, but I've forgotten the process for installing new fonts/refreshing the system's font cache.04:47
jokie51badkitty: mysqladmin -u root password 'new password here'04:47
acee1234cptnapalm:  then is there a diferent way to get rid of my video/screen flickering?04:47
russjokie51 great, any suggestions for how to make it work again? Are the kde and gnome desktops incompatible?04:48
badkittyjokie51: ahh admin....04:48
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: What did fglrxinfo say04:48
acee1234someone said something about apic noapic04:48
cptnapalmacee1234: Not sure... using nVidia?04:48
bob__put them in the /etc/fonts dir04:48
jokie51russ: yes. :) remove KDE.04:48
cptnapalm/etc/fonts is for font config stuff...04:48
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon X140004:49
_Oz_acee: that's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.04:49
jokie51It's a total PITA getting KDE to operate properly with Gnome on the same machine, unless you want to toil and burn for 1500 hours reinstalling applications by the dozen with support for both.04:49
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: good.. you should read that page I linked..it will get you going04:49
russjokie51 really?04:49
acee1234might you resend that link Captain?04:49
cptnapalmacee1234: I seem to remember something about vblank having something to do with that... which sounded just like vsync04:49
pocketdrummeronyx: there's also windows fonts in Add/Remove if you wanted those.04:49
jokie51russ: yes. generally when one is a KDE user he/she doesn't use Gnome, and vice versa. :P04:50
jokie51Kubuntu is much easier to start with04:50
jokie51its the same OS, just built around KDE04:50
Onyxpocketdrummer: Nah, I've got the windows fonts installed; just looking for how to install custom fonts and the like.04:50
_Oz_what's the diff essentially, between KDE and gnome?04:50
jokie51_Oz_: Well, for one, Gnome is for retarded people. :)04:50
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Different desktops and basic app selection04:50
jokie51Or at least that is what Mr. Torvalds says.04:51
Jack_Sparrowjokie51: Please dont do that04:51
pocketdrummerjokie51:  you're hurting my heart man :_(04:51
jokie51Gnome is oversimplified.04:51
cptnapalmOdd thing is when Gnome and KDE started out, they looked almost exactly the same... Now they look rather different since Gnome changed the default to a Windows/Mac hybrid interface04:51
jokie51It's insulting to Linux users.04:51
Starnestommyjokie51: so is trolling04:51
bob__i went 2 an apple store 2day and asked if i could buy the OS and install it on a pentium box and it took like 4-5 ppl asking eachother if it could b done04:51
bob__then the answer came from the back of the store:04:52
ipodtouchdoes ubuntu still suck?04:52
cptnapalmjokie51: Odd seeing as Gnome and all its stuff was developed by Linux users whereas KDE started with a proprietary toolkit04:52
ipodtouchcan i run photoshop on it yet04:52
bob__"the official answer is no, but...."04:52
supershortyes u can04:52
acee1234Jack sparrow wich link was that the gutsy install guide?04:52
=== Veinor is now known as Veinor|ZzZ
Starnestommyipodtouch: with wine, I think04:52
supershortuse wine for photosohp04:52
ipodtouchcan i run games, photoshop and shit04:52
zelrikriandoipodtouch: with Vbox you can04:52
pocketdrummerjokie51: It depends what your target audience is. Gnome and KDE are both user friendly. So, naturally, more people will be inclined to switch from windows if it isn't a pain to learn.04:52
ipodtouchi mean04:52
ipodtouchdoes adobe support ubuntu04:52
ipodtouchi dont have time to waste04:52
FloodBot3ipodtouch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
ipodtouchi use photoshop professionaly04:52
Dr_willisipodtouch,  try reading and doing some research ane less trolling.04:52
cptnapalmipodtouch: You obviously have time to waste.  You are on IRC.04:53
Jack_Sparrowbeat me to it04:53
russjokie51, if I go back into synaptic package manager and remove kde-desktop, is it likely to make everything in my gnome system work again?04:53
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
zelrikriandoipodtouch: a friend of mine does too, he installed Vbox and CS304:53
bob__has anyone fixed the slow boot with gutsy?04:53
zelrikriandoipodtouch: he installed ubuntu this morning04:53
pocketdrummeripodtouch: You can get Gimp, which is kind of the same as photoshop. Adobe Flash works (unless the repository tanks)04:53
jokie51russ: most likely not, but you can try :)04:53
bob__i like gutsy but it took 5 min to boot up04:54
mastxhello! anyone managed to get their wireless working on an ibook g4 with 6.06? i tried both the drivers from linuxwireless & fwcutter... but no luck04:54
badkittyzelrikriando: Hey04:54
ipodtouchif unbuntu is so good04:54
ipodtouchwhy is there 1145 people here04:54
cptnapalmbob__:  what speed is the machine?04:54
ipodtouchasking for help04:54
ipodtouchwhen it's surpose to be easy04:54
Jack_Sparrowipodtouch:  Stop trolling04:54
bob__p4 512MB04:54
russjokie51 all my desktop icons also disappeared, and to top it off, my keyboard doesn't work in kde - so the kde installation managed to break both04:54
Dr_willisipodtouch,  you are proving you  know very little..04:54
Onyxipodtouch: spelling is supposed to be easy too.04:54
zelrikriandoipodtouch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAD0ebyFFYY look at this and go away04:54
cptnapalmipodtouch: There are magazines, websites and best selling books on Windows problems...04:54
acee1234so i should whitelist my gpu to fix compiz if i read that right04:54
* Dr_willis is waiting for service pack 1 for Ubuntu to get released.04:55
SeraphAnyone know how to get a Broadcom to connect to a WEP wireless netwrok?04:55
jokie51russ: I'd say you're up sh*t creek without a paddle. :)04:55
bob__i had to laugh at all the koolaid drinkers in the apple store 2dday!!!04:55
pocketdrummereveryone: he's gone. *phew*04:55
LinuxMercedesDr_willis: lol04:55
Flashq009What is the best opensource software to design websites out of templates?04:55
amenadoSeraph-> can you even get it working without the encryption first?04:55
cptnapalmbob__: hmm... Even my slow laptop boots Solaris faster than that...  And Solaris does not boot quickly04:55
napash7i've installed ubuntu on my external hard drive....i set my BIOS to boot the usb device 1st, but it won't boot, can any 1 help?04:55
bob__php perl04:55
uhohzombiesi'm having trouble installing gutsy x64. i was able to install i386 using the live cd, but with x64 both live and alternative cause my PC to reboot when mapping something or other04:56
Seraphamenado: Yes, It now picks up networks, as opposed to having a blank sheet.04:56
danbhfiveFlashq009: maybe drupal?04:56
russjokie51, I guess that's one of the dangers of community-supported software, somebody from the community told me it was going to work fine04:56
bob__it boots fine with dapper and edgy04:56
SeraphIt just won't connect to anything distant or encrypted.04:56
jokie51napash7: did you install Grub/Lilo to the external hard disk/s MBR?04:56
badkittyFlashq009: I like Joomla04:56
napash7jokie51: Yes04:56
zelrikriandoI am sure ipodtouch is running Vista :D04:56
russjokie51 although he suggested installing kde-core04:56
Starnestommyuhohzombies: try adding noapic to the boot options in the livecd04:56
jokie51russ: well they lied. i tried installing KDE applications and they all pulled in KDE as a dependency and then everything went tits up.04:56
cptnapalmzelrikriando: Of course he is, it 1Z da R0X0rZ04:56
uhohzombiesthanks, will try that right now04:56
scott_is there  anyway to get a lexmark x5470 to work on ubuntu04:56
amenadoSeraph-> can you elaborate on what you meant by picks up? you meant detects it or associates to an access point?04:57
pocketdrummerzelrikriando: I beta tested Vista. I knew ahead of time that I should look for alternatives, lol.04:57
napash7jokie51: do u mind if PM you?04:57
zelrikriandolol pocketdrummer04:57
napash7*if i PM you04:57
russjokie so do you have an idea why my keyboard is unresponsive in kde?04:57
jokie51I don't care if anyone pm's me, to be honest.04:57
amenadoSeraph-> just like your AM radio, you may not be able to pickup stations from alaska, assuming you are not in alaska04:57
jokie51theres no obligation to answer PM's on the internet so why does everyone get so upset? :P04:57
cptnapalmbob__: only thing that might help you narrow down the problem that I can think of would be to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst so as not to do the splash and instead display the console output04:58
Flashq009ok thanks, researching joomla and drupal04:58
Seraphamenado: Whereas previously the wireless networks tab was completely blank, it now shows all WiFi areas around. So yes, I'd say it detects it. Not sure about the access point.04:58
amenadojokie its is called net etiguette04:58
chubs730srupal is nice04:58
pocketdrummerzelrikriando: Nothing worked, it was slow, and coming out of standby was an interesting technicolor adventure. Thank god for Ubuntu. :D04:58
badkittyOk Yah I am having trouble connecting to mysql Keep getting access denied.. mysql -u root doesn't work and neither does trying to change the pw using mysqladmin -root .. any ideas?04:58
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napash7jokie51: i have grub installed but ubuntu still won't boot from the external usb drive04:58
bob__cpt: i dabbled with that and i still had no luck. it had something to do with compiz. I didnt have the same prob with compiz on fedora 704:58
amenadoSeraph-> detecting is a first step towards association to an access point04:59
Seraphamenado: You'll have to elaborate a bit for me, I'm afraid.04:59
monteokay now i have my other problems fixed what plugins do i need to play a dvd on the computer?04:59
jokie51im getting pissed off :P anyone got a pair of those stress reliever balls that you twirl in one hand?04:59
danbhfivebadkitty: have you tried the computer root password?  the password of the first user...?04:59
pocketdrummerI know we're in the Ubuntu Channel, but what would everyone say is better or at least a close second to Ubuntu?05:00
napash7jokie51: is there any way to fix this problem b/c i still can't boot from usb even with the BIOS having the USB device set to boot 1st05:00
jokie51monte: libdvdcss/libdvdnav/libdvdread05:00
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: Here's a funny XP story.  About 2 years ago I got a laptop with XP on it.  Eventually wiped out the windows partition in favor of Ubuntu.  One day, decide that I would like a small XP partition for some games.  I pop in the disc and install XP... which couldn't find a driver for my wireless card or audio... I laughed.05:00
papuccino1Just wanted to say, whoever invented the "negative window" is a freakin' genius.05:00
ChamPropocketdrummer: plain ol' Debian05:00
Onyxdoes wine use its own font server?05:00
papuccino1It's so useful for reading ebooks or any text.05:00
montein the synaptic05:00
badkittydanbhfive: I just figured it out.. it needed a -p for some reaosns05:00
amenadoSeraph-> your radio has to detect the signal 1st before it can select to associate to that transmitter05:00
papuccino1So easy on the eyes.05:00
jokie51Onyx: yes. fontforge05:00
montei put it in the search05:00
papuccino1Try it out if you have compiz05:00
papuccino1superkey + n    (superkey is the windows key)05:01
Seraphamenado: And, if it's on roaming, how do I check if it is able to associate with it?05:01
danbhfivebadkitty: ah yes, -p means to enter a password05:01
Seraphit being the signal. :P05:01
Onyxjokie51: How can I install fonts using fontforge?05:01
cptnapalmbob__: Do you know if it hangs on something in particular?05:01
thinman1189hey everyone. i'm having some trouble with my internet. i switched from wireless to wired to flash my firmware. i didn't actually flash it, that's not the issue. anyway i went to go reconnect to my wireless and i can't for some reason. what's the command to reboot my net? i tried rebooting my computer but it won't work. i have a Belkin F5D7000 using ndis wrapper.05:01
Scunizipapuccino1, ok you've got my curiosity.. how to I make a window "negative"05:01
montejokie51: do i search that in the add/remove programs05:02
jokie51fontforge is the rendering engine for wine05:02
papuccino1Just press superkey + n Scunizi05:02
jokie51thats all05:02
jokie51monte: what?05:02
Infinito_let me ask, now everytime I try to change the desktop visual effects from 'none' to any other level, the frames of all windows change, the closing and minimizing buttons shift to the top left... how can I preserve the compiz stuff but revert that? a print of my screen ->http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/1438/screenshotik8.png05:02
papuccino1You have to activate it in the compiz gnome manager.05:02
pocketdrummercptnapalm: That's pretty funny. It's amazing how fast you can get Ubuntu working on a new system (as long as you don't hit any weird roadblock along the way.)05:02
badkittydanbhfive: How come NONE of a tutorials say that?? arg05:02
Jangaridoes anyone know how to install the mp3/ogg vorbis libraries for sox?05:02
montefor the dvd to play?05:02
zelrikriandopocketdrummer: I showed my video of ubuntu this morning to my friend...this afternoon he had ubuntu installed+ Vbox(+XP)05:02
Scunizipapuccino1, do you have to have all the bells and whistles turned on?05:02
papuccino1Scunizi: System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Settings05:02
amenadoSeraph-> associate meant it has established a handshake and connected whereby the ap gives you and ip address and communicate with the ap05:02
badkittydanbhfive: I suppose it might say that in the manual... but the tutorials SHOULD have that too ... wheres my pacifier?05:02
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: Its something I like to throw at Windows fanatics when they babble about hardware support.05:03
papuccino1Scunizi, no, I only have the ones I like for instance, while holding the windows key and mousewheel up I zoom in dynamically. WHICH IS SUPER USEFUL.05:03
amenadoSeraph->  perhaps a tutorial on what is a wireless connection is in order for you..05:03
danbhfivebadkitty: I only use mysql for drupal, and it was in the directions I followed, maybe you need some ubuntu specific tutorials05:03
jokie51ok theres no freakin way in h*ll i cankeep up with all the questions05:03
Scunizipapuccino1, yes  I use that too.. can I make any window negative?  It's not working in xchat05:03
jokie51if people have something to ask me please pm it to me05:03
jokie51so much to answer, so little time :P05:03
jokie51im only 1 person.05:03
badkittydanbhfive: Thats where I found them.. on UBUNTU sites! anyhow, you like drupal better than Joomla?05:04
papuccino1Maybe you don't have it activated.05:04
pocketdrummerinfinito_: enabling compiz Macifies your windows? Did you install compiz separately or is it the one that comes with Ubuntu?05:04
papuccino1Scunizi, search for it in the Gnome Compiz Manager.05:04
Scunizipapuccino1, never mind I found it.. in ccsm.. nice!05:04
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: Its always sad when someone is new and no one can help because the hardware maker is a jackass about support... I mean here is someone trying something new and through no fault of their own, can't get it running05:04
ninjabob7has anyone played vdrift?05:04
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papuccino1Scunizi, how about it huh? Incredible, so much easier on the eyes. -cries-05:04
Scunizipapuccino1, reminds me of irssi05:04
j1solutionshello all05:05
papuccino1Ok, see ya gotta go05:05
danbhfivebadkitty: yeah, im stuck on drupal too.  I made a custom module for it.  But, I found drupal simpler in its layout.   I remember a contest between a bunch of them, and drupal and joomla tied05:05
ninjabob7is anyone knowledgeable about opengl?05:05
pocketdrummercptnapalm: Actually, I'm in the middle of that exact issue right now. I have a Creative X-Fi that just WON'T work properly.05:05
cptnapalmninjabob7: John Carmack of iD software?  ;)05:05
Scunizininjabob7, ask a definitive question .. get a devinitive answer :)05:05
ninjabob7anyone in here, that is?05:05
badkittydanbhfive: Oh.. I just found more support for joomla, and easier to get it started .. could be different now? Who knows...Joomla is great though.. The just had a new relase too05:06
ninjabob7because I'm not sure if this issue is a bug in the game or something fixable05:06
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: Which is odd.. as Creative are the same people that came up with OpenAL so as NOT to have to deal with multitudes of different audio architecture05:06
_Oz_I can't get VM to start05:06
Scunizibadkitty,  do you know of any online tutorials for changing the theme in joomla? or creating your own?05:06
IceGuest_75hello all05:06
thinman1189i switched from wireless to wired to flash my firmware. i didn't actually flash it, that's not the issue. anyway i went to go reconnect to my wireless and i can't for some reason.  i tried rebooting my computer but it won't work. i have a Belkin F5D7000 using ndis wrapper.05:07
cptnapalmninjabob7: Not sure this would be the best place for something that specific...  I'm still coping with void pointers...05:07
badkittyScunizi: To change the theme, you download new ones and install them into the directory .. To make your own, the best way is to be a CSS and PHP god.. if not, they have some software you can use to give the basic syntax for what is required, then you can fill in the rest using html or some WYSIWYG tool05:08
_Oz_you around, badkitty?05:08
eu4eaIn vlc I don't get any sound when playing avi files, I have install all of the plugins for vlc, but still nothing, can anyone help?05:08
pocketdrummercptnapalm: Up until earlier this month, they didn't even have a working driver (which sorta works with OSS... sorta). It's a little depressing considering the Audigy 2 ZS I got rid of worked perfectly.05:08
cptnapalmthinman1189: what does ifconfig -a give you in the console?05:08
Jack_SparrowThug-life: Please do not post a link without a description of the problem05:08
Infinito_pocketdrummer, it's the one that comes with ubuntu, yes it does.. and well, I installed emerald too although the themes are not working.. The windows changing thing happened when I clicked on "GL Desktop", immediately some conflict wtih compiz came up, compiz was disabled. I enabled it again, but the windows thing remained :(05:08
_Oz_badkitty: getting errors when I try to start a vm05:08
badkitty_Oz_: OK PM me ok?05:08
K_dallasQ: What package should i install for this (checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!), thanks05:08
_Oz_badkitty: I did05:08
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: Damn that does suck...05:08
_Oz_...  you didn't reply05:08
StarnestommyK_dallas: libqt-dev05:09
* jokie51 goes to talk to the wife05:09
K_dallasStarnestommy, let me try that, thanks05:09
uhohzombiesx64 gutsy is still rebooting after "kernal alive, kernal direct mapping tables" despite adding noapic to the boot options05:09
thinman1189cptnapalm: for eth0?05:09
erichHello, I recently installed an SB Audigy 2 ZS soundcard but now the only sound I get is in xmms, which does sound really good and the surround even works, anyone know why it only works in xmms?05:09
pocketdrummerInfinito_: You know, last time I tried to go beyond the default Compiz settings provided in Ubuntu, I bricked the OS. Scary stuff for me.05:09
badkittyBRB folks!!05:10
_Oz_my machine is now massively messed up05:10
bob__my last name is upandowninthewater05:10
_Oz_something vm did made ubuntu very unhappy05:10
IceGuest_75just a quick question 7.10 will not let me connect to the net shows the icon but no light on the router as it is not conecting.also this is my first instalation of ubuntu should i load 7.04 as I read there are very few problems with this version as far as conection issuses05:10
montelibdvdcss libdvdnav libdvdrea were do i go to get them ?05:10
Scunizi_Oz_, which vm manager are you using?05:10
Infinito_pocketdrummer, yeah now I wish I haven't messed around with that :/05:11
Dr_williserich,  try the bmpx [ player. - Its possible xmms is  dupliocating the front speakers to the rear giving surround sound.05:11
craigbass1976Ok, turns out I had a bad cable, and somehow the MBR got hosed.  I've got that all fixed, and can boot again to my feisty install.  However, I can't log in.  Getting the "last sesion only lasted 10 seconds" bit.  CtrlAtlF1 takes me to a terminal where I CAN log in, but the text is so big it's useless.  Tried restarting gdm, to no avail05:11
_Oz_virtualbox, scunizi05:11
amenadoIceGuest_75-> what icon are you referring to?05:11
thiemstermonte: have you tried apt-get?05:11
K_dallasStarnestommy, i dont seem to have that library. I have a few different ones with qt3 and qt4 which are already installed05:11
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/05:11
erichMaybe, but no sound works in any other programs at all05:11
Scunizi_Oz_, sorry I don't know that one.. I'm using vmware server.. pretty easy.05:11
Dr_willisIgot an audigy 2Zs Sound works good for me in all my apps.05:11
erichSurround is not the issue05:11
montewat is apt-get?05:11
_Oz_I'm starting to think vmware is looking pretty good05:11
amenadocraigbass1976-> try ctrl +alt+ -  and see if it recyles through font sizes05:11
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: That is for the next time you make a change that causes issues05:11
thiemstermonte:it's the way to install things in debian-based distros (look it up in wikipedia)05:11
Dr_willismonte,  time to really read some of the ubuntu starter guides. :)05:11
Dr_willis!apt-get | monte05:12
ubotumonte: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:12
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow: O.O Does that actually work?! If so, you are my hero.05:12
Jack_SparrowYEs it works05:12
cptnapalmmonte: search for them in the repositories.  There will be a file which installs with libdvdread (I think) that you run and that will install libdvdcss205:12
Scunizimonte, apt-get is what you use at the command line to install packages.05:12
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow: You are my hero!05:12
craigbass1976amenado, no love there05:12
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: You do lose your icons on the taskbar but everything else is factory fresh05:12
_Oz_ubuntu no longer boots05:12
Jangarican someone tell me how to get libmp3lame?05:12
monteo see i kno wat synaptic is lol....05:12
Scunizi_Oz_, with server you can install any os from cd or iso. with player you're limited to preconfigured vm's05:13
thiemstermonte: (example command "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss")05:13
uhohzombiesany idea why gutsy x64 will not install? i386 works fine as long as i choose safe graphics mode, but x64 reboots upon kernal direct mapping tables05:13
_Oz_wow, that was a spectacular failure.  everyone: recommending you DO NOT install virtualbox05:13
amenadocraigbass1976-> try to remove splash from your grub05:13
OmletteJangari: sudo apttitude install libmp3lame05:13
OmletteI think.05:13
craigbass1976I've also noticed that the date is march 200505:13
cptnapalmmonte: Just look for them in synaptic.  Should be there05:13
Holmes89hey can anyone help me with some server quesions?05:13
amenado_Oz_-> ahem, not everyone, i like virtual box05:13
Holmes89I'm new with command line05:13
craigbass1976yet the motherboard knows the right date... not sure if this is important05:13
montei tryed and there not05:13
Holmes89I just need to update my web page file but I don't know how to05:13
_Oz_amenado: it just hosed my entire ubuntu install05:13
craigbass1976Holmes89, perhaps.  WHat's the issue05:14
_Oz_good lord05:14
Jack_SparrowInfinito_: Did you see the post to pocketdrummer?05:14
_Oz_dunno how, but it did05:14
monteonly one in there close to it is libdv405:14
amenado_Oz_-> what were you doing?05:14
craigbass1976Holmes89, you can vi it05:14
uhohzombiesbetter yet, is there any worthwhile reason to use x64, despite having a 64 bit processor05:14
ScuniziHolmes89, web page file?  you mean index.htm05:14
Jangarigrr, i must not have the right repos set up for the lame encoder05:14
_Oz_amenado: just following the install instructions is all.05:14
StarnestommyHolmes89: actually, vim.  it's a text editor05:14
cptnapalmI don't think libmp3lame is in the repos...05:14
_Oz_now ubuntu literally won't boot.  insane05:14
JangariCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "libmp3lame"05:14
Holmes89yeah I want to copy my assets folder and all of my web pages I've made05:14
pocketdrummerInfinito_: In case you didn't see what Jack_Sparrow said, check this out, it's golden... http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/05:15
Holmes89to the /var/www/ folder05:15
amenado_Oz_-> you were just installing and has it ever completed or you are still stuck on the install?05:15
ScuniziHolmes89, vi can be complicated for the first time user.. you could also use gedit..05:15
cptnapalmStarnestommy: I'm not sure vi is the best bet for someone who can't yet do basic shell stuff...05:15
_Oz_it appeared to install ok05:15
craigbass1976Holmes89, heh... command line text editor.  Pretty much you type vi filename, hit i once you're in, do the edits, and hit Esc, then :wq to write and quit.  If you screw up or get nervous, hit :q! instead to quit without writing05:15
Starnestommycptnapalm: maybe emacs or nano05:15
Holmes89how will I use gedit to do this though?05:15
_Oz_it kept giving me an error msg when starting a vm05:15
_Oz_so I rebooted05:15
_Oz_and that's when all hell broke loose05:15
Infinito_hm I'll look that up thx jack-desktop pocketdrummer05:15
chubs730vim is nicer05:15
craigbass1976Holmes89, is the web server in front of you, or remote?05:15
jack-desktopwhat Infinito_ ?05:15
Holmes89in front05:16
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: THere is your test case but I have had two people here today alone that had this work for them, plus I tried it on my own system first for a test.. Yes it works05:16
cptnapalmStarnestommy: If he's in X, then I'd recommend just using gedit... for the moment, to him...05:16
_Oz_is vmware a little more robust and less prone to this kind of thing?05:16
ScuniziHolmes89, do you have a copy of index.html seperate from where it is on the server?05:16
Infinito_jack-desktop, wrong guy sorry05:16
_Oz_even if it's slower, I think I'd want something more stable even at a performance hit.05:16
Holmes89I don't have an interface05:16
Infinito_thx Jack_Sparrow05:16
Holmes89I have it on a thumb drive05:16
Jordan_Uwhen I try to use perl style regular expressions with grep (  grep --perl-regexp ) I get the error : "grep: The -P option is not supported" but it's in the man page as an option, is there something that I need to do to add support for this?05:16
ScuniziHolmes89, interface?  you want to edit it live?05:16
thiemstercan i dual boot windows 2000 (dell edition) with my already installed Ubuntu 7.10?05:16
craigbass1976Oh, well you can just sudo chown -R holmes:holmes /var/www/ and you'll be able to use gedit and edit the files05:16
chubs730thiemster: yes05:16
Scunizithiemster, yes05:16
_Oz_vboxdrv is apparently screwing up the boot05:17
thiemsterchubs730: how?05:17
Jack_SparrowInfinito_: One line in cli and restart x, come right back and let us know when you are done05:17
IceGuest_75ok should i install 7.04 to take care of my internet connection or try to fix 7.10? anyone05:17
Holmes89I'm sorry I mean I am using just command line, I haven't installed a gui for the server05:17
_Oz_linux won't boot except in low graphics mode05:17
thiemsterchubs730: I tried it once and the windows 2000 installation failed05:17
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow: I've lost count of how many times I've reformatted to fix things. This is probably the best bit of information I've received in a looooong time.05:17
_Oz_arrrrgh why'd I do this why why why05:17
ScuniziHolmes89, then vi or nano.. nano is simpler05:17
craigbass1976Holmes89, then you'd either have to set up a nfs share so you could get at it from another box, or learn vi05:17
chubs730thiemster: you'll have to partition beforehand in linux, using gparted05:17
Jordan_Uthiemster, Be careful though, sometimes the OEM restore CD's reformat the entire drive05:17
thiemsterchubs730: you mean with the gparted livecd?05:17
chubs730thiemster: you'll most likely have to use the livecd yes05:18
amenado_Oz_-> not all can afford an high rez capable graphics card..twas designed to work with older machines05:18
thiemsterchubs730: after i partition, do i just install windows 2000 the normal way?05:18
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: It is not for everything..  mostly things like messing up a theme or other settings in gnome05:18
Holmes89I have ubuntu desktop installed as a separate partition on the computer I'm using as a server is there a way I can mount the drive to change the file?05:18
chubs730thiemster: shrink your linux partition and format it to ntfs, and windows 2000 should recognize it and install05:18
_Oz_amenado: tell that to the guys who built compiz-fusion05:18
uhohzombiesmy gutsy x64 install is rebooting my pc when 'kernel mapping tables', i can't get it to install. any ideas? is x64 even worth using over i386 for home desktop purposes?05:18
thiemsterchubs730: is there anyway to do it without deleting all my linux stuff?05:18
chubs730thiemster: and then you'll have to use the ubuntu livecd to rebuild grub, but that's fairly easy05:18
supershorthow can i cancel all software installations05:18
jokie51everyone can afford a "high rez graphics card"05:19
jokie51heres an example.05:19
Scunizi!mount > Holmes05:19
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow: That's ok, it just gives me another option before throwing in the towel.05:19
amenado_Oz_-> compiz has a minimum, ubuntu install has much much less requirements05:19
craigbass1976Holmes89, yes, nfs share is like windows sharing for linux.05:19
Scunizi!mount > Holmes8905:19
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Chill... look for a backup of your old xorg05:19
Jordan_Upocketdrummer, You almost never *need* to do a full reinstall to fix a problem05:19
chubs730thiemster: yes, gparted will automatically do that for you, it shows you what you've used and you can just drag the space smaller05:19
jokie51NVIDIA Geforce FX5900: $5905:19
chubs730thiemster: unless you've used up almost all your disk space05:19
_Oz_how, jack spar-- er, CAPTAIN jack sparrow?05:19
jokie51capable of driving two 1920x1200 LCD's05:19
Holmes89nfs share? how does that work?05:19
thiemsterchubs730: nope, i haven't used up the space. i still have about 50 gigabytes left05:19
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: Hi, did you have a help page for the bcm943xx cards?05:19
MunchkinguyHow can I stop mplayerplug.in from opening in its own window?05:20
=== [gquit]bombadil is now known as bombadil
thiemsterchubs730: and that's more than enough for windows 2000. it's a pretty small installation05:20
Jordan_U!broadcom | Jack_Sparrow05:20
ubotuJack_Sparrow: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx05:20
thiemsterchubs730: thanks for your advice, i'll try it again one of these days05:20
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: Not the same card05:20
chubs730thiemster: yeah that'll be fine then, just boot into gparted, shrink your ext2 or ext3 or whatever you're using for ubuntu, and then format the blank space as ntfs05:20
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, Sorry, misread05:20
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Are you in gui.. low res?05:20
chubs730thiemster: no problem05:20
craigbass1976Scunizi, hey, I've never tried nano before.  Thanks for the tip05:20
pocketdrummerJordan_U: Well, sometimes something happens where programs stop working. Like deskbar died and wouldn't come back, Ardour would close itself after opening. Things like that. Reinstalling and even completely removing and reinstalling didn't work. Do you guys know how to fix things like that?05:20
ScuniziHolmes89, why did you create a seperate partion for the server install. you could have included that with the normal Ubuntu install or done it in a virtual machine..05:20
Jordan_UJack_Sparrow, I don't now but let me look a second05:20
Scunizicraigbass1976, np.. it's saved me several times.05:21
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: dont bother05:21
Jack_SparrowJordan_U: I mistook you for someone else..05:21
supershortit says this 'setting up vnccommon' and it does nothing but stop me from installing other shit05:21
Holmes89because I'm only testing out the software, getting used to it so when I'm finally able to make a server I'll know what to do05:21
craigbass1976Scunizi, I've just been using vi the whole time.  Nano's neat though.05:21
=== IceGuest_75 is now known as spud213
amenadocraigbass1976-> if you ever get stuck with editing a text file,  ed is always available05:21
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Fire up thunar or nautilus and look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.dateofbackup05:21
Scunizicraigbass1976, I tried vi once but I didn't have a referance handy for how to save and exit.. really frustrating.05:22
chubs730jeez who started the editor debate05:22
supershortI neeeeed hlep05:22
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
prohnaanyone ever tried to install the lingua translate module?05:22
Scunizi!ask | supershort05:22
ubotusupershort: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:22
prohnaso that i can install this xchat-babelfish script?05:22
_Oz_then what, jack?05:22
pocketdrummerYou know, there is one thing that I still have a problem fixing that you guys might know more about. Whenever I edit xorg.conf hit F7, my video goes into Low-Quality mode or Low-res mode or something like that. Do you know what could be wrong?05:22
supershorti asked the question05:22
badkitty_Oz_: Ok Im back05:22
supershortit says this 'setting up vnccommon' and it does nothing but stop me from installing other shit05:22
Holmes89what do I do with nfs ?05:22
_Oz_badkitty: virtualbox VERY BAD05:22
Scunizipocketdrummer, restart x with ctrl+alt+backspace.. might fix it.05:23
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: Copy it over the existing xorg.conf  after saving the current one of course05:23
badkitty_Oz_: How is that?05:23
_Oz_it hosed me05:23
amenado!lanugage | supershort05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lanugage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:23
_Oz_ubuntu wouldn't boot for a time05:23
Jack_Sparrowsupershort: Letrs keep it family friendly.. thanks05:23
badkitty_Oz_: wouldn't boot because of vbox? Thats ridiculous.. what did you do?05:23
supershorthow can i fix the problem tho05:23
pocketdrummerScunizi: I've actually tried rebooting altogether, but it doesn't work. I have to restore xorg.conf from xorg.conf_backup.05:23
chubs730supershort: you may have to manually uninstall vnccommon, unless you really need it05:23
supershorthow i do that05:23
craigbass1976Scunizi, yeah, especially if you were in vi and not vim.  Vi kind of blows05:24
Scunizipocketdrummer, do what are you editing that's making the difference?05:24
erichIs there a way I can reconfigure the installed codecs? I installed a new soundcard and now I only have sound in xmms05:24
chubs730supershort: dpkg should do it05:24
spud213help on 7.10 internet connection05:24
acee1234can someone tell me why my max display resolution is 1400x 1050 should be 1680x 105005:24
papuccino1Hm... there's three choices for the IDLE python enviroment. Which should I choose?05:25
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: Common problem is wrong v/h refresh rates in the xorg05:25
chubs730papuccino1: what do you mean?05:25
pocketdrummerscunizi, the mouse configuration, surprisingly. I have a G7 Mouse and I'm trying to get all the buttons to work. Right now, I'm using btnx (which halfway works).05:25
cptnapalmacee1234: What kind of card is it?05:25
papuccino1There's : 2.4   and  2.5 (both maintaned the Ubuntu community) and then there's 2.5 maintained by Canonical LTD.05:25
papuccino1Sorry didn't explain well. There's three in the Repositories.05:25
_Oz_badkitty: all I did was follow the instructions, then ubuntu wouldn't boot when I rebooted05:25
papuccino1Applications> Add/Remove05:26
acee1234cptnapalm: ati x140005:26
chubs730papuccino1: ahh, IDLE isn't vital, but 2.5 community or canonical should be fine05:26
_Oz_it was that driver package I think05:26
Scunizipocketdrummer, can't help with the specifics but now you know that there is an error in what you're trying to do.05:26
_Oz_I got it booted back up but all of my gfx settings are gone05:26
acee1234Jack_Sparrow: solution?05:26
chubs730papuccino: unless you have python 2.4 of course05:26
cptnapalmacee1234: know the make and model of the monitor?05:26
papuccino1chubs: what do you mean isn't vital? Please explain a bit, I know I can still program in Terminal, is that what you mean?05:26
j_humphreyhow do i install gtk themes?05:26
owen1how to find the video card i have?05:26
Holmes89how will I use nfs or nano to copy over my html code and assets folder?05:26
_Oz_trying to restore from xorg.conf backup now05:26
_Oz_recommend you DO NOT use virtual box05:26
Starnestommyowen1: lspci05:26
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: Find the v/h for your specific monitor and edit the xorg..again..:)05:26
papuccino1j_humphry: download Emerald from synaptic05:26
Scuniziowen1, lspci05:26
spud213can someone please post a link where i can read on how to fix my net connection in 7.10 thanks05:26
acee1234cptnapalm: laptop um..... dell e150505:26
Holmes89I'm confused about what this can do for me05:26
amenado_Oz_-> stop trolling05:26
owen1Scunizi: thanks05:27
badkitty_Oz_: That is very strange...Seriously Ive never had a problem with it.. I'll even make a screen shot of it if you want05:27
_Oz_I am not trolling.05:27
Jack_Sparrowacee1234: Same difference..05:27
chubs730papuccino1: well, IDLE is simply a text editor geared towards python05:27
cptnapalmacee1234: hrrm...05:27
erichI installed a new soundcard and now I only have sound in xmms, any idea what might cause this?05:27
j_humphreypapuccino1, i downloaded a gtk theme, but its in a bunch of folders, how do i get it in a .emeralrd file?05:27
_Oz_hey, how do I edit xorg.conf and save it as root?05:27
papuccino1chubs: So IDLE is simply like Gedit? All it does is provide color syntax for Python?05:27
_Oz_using text editor in the gui?05:27
chubs730papuccino1: it may actually suit you better to use another IDE, because IDLE does a few things for you taht are unconventional05:27
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: You are not trolling, but you are on a bit of a rant.. And I am your buddy telling you this05:27
papuccino1chubs: Recommendations perhaps?05:28
chubs730papuccino1: yes almost, but it also has a terminal to test python code05:28
cptnapalmAnybody remember what that app is that lets you choose your monitor from a bunch of presets?05:28
pocketdrummer_Oz_, I open a terminal, type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:28
chubs730papuccino1: i use geany05:28
_Oz_Yeah, it's just that damn virtualbox...  I had this install set up perfectly...  I was just really annoyed that it messed me up so badly,05:28
SeraphIf you're trying to connect to a WEP manually, how can you select Password/Passphrase, as opposed to Hex or ASCII?05:28
Starnestommycptnapalm: somewhere in System > Administration05:28
acee1234ok nother issue if i try to restart x only my background shows and the comp freezes05:28
_Oz_But I've got it under control. :)05:28
papuccino1j_humphry: Open emerald, and choose import. Browse to the location and hopefully you'll see it there to import.05:28
ScuniziHolmes89, nano is for editing files that you can get to. It won't copy anything.  You can mount the other partition and get to it. I just can't explain exactly how to do that.05:28
montelibdvdcss/libdvdnav/libdvdread were do i find them they are not listed in the synaptic so were else or how do i do it05:28
papuccino1j_humphry: If the file is comatible...05:28
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg   or gksudo thunar05:28
papuccino1chubs: Is that how you spell it "geany"05:28
cptnapalm_Oz_: open a command line and sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:28
badkitty_Oz_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure /etc/X11/xorg.conf ???05:29
craigbass1976Has anyone else run into the "session only lasted 10 seconds" message?  I've been reading around and haven't found theright answer yet05:29
chubs730papuccino1: and simply running python  "codething" in the terminal will get you the interactive thing just like idle05:29
amenadoSeraph-> you have already proven you can associate and connect using plaing text ie without wep/wpa/leal encryption?05:29
badkitty_Oz_: Or you just want to edit it?05:29
spud213thanks all for all your help very useful05:29
cptnapalmStarnestommy: Ah, found it.  Thanks05:29
craigbass1976Oh man, it's 12:30.  Forget I asked--- I'll look into it tomorrow05:29
Seraphamenado: Yes.05:29
chubs730papuccino1: yeah, just look in the repos (add/remove programs) at IDE's05:29
_Oz_how can I rename the backup file to the current file05:29
_Oz_using the terminal?05:29
badkittysudo cp name of old file name of new file05:29
pocketdrummerWhat's the difference between sudo and gksudo?05:29
chubs730papuccino1: synaptic will have more too05:29
Starnestommypocketdrummer: gksudo is graphical05:30
Jack_Sparrow!gksudo Very Important05:30
chubs730pocketdrummer: sudo is commandline, gksudo is graphical05:30
cptnapalmacee1234: Ok, try this (No guarantees though)  Open System>Administration>Screen and Graphics05:30
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:30
badkitty_Oz_: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:30
amenadoSeraph-> next is to find out if your wifi driver supports such encryption, read up from the vendors web site about its capabilities05:30
acee1234cptnapalm:  ok05:30
papuccino1chubs: Yeah I know you can run Python in terminal, but having to write "python test.py" everytime I want to test a module is troubling....05:30
owen1i want to connect pc to tv. do i need to do anything other than connecting the cables?05:30
cptnapalmacee1234: Ok, Now click on Model05:30
badkittypocketdrummer: AFAIK gk is used for graphical operations sudo is for command line05:30
Scunizimonte, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats05:30
chubs730papuccino1: well just stick with IDLE then, I use it sometimes myself, i was just saying it's not necessary05:30
_Oz_I am rebooting now, badkitty and jack05:31
Jordan_Upapuccino1, What are you trying to do ?05:31
_Oz_hopefully this works05:31
chubs730papuccino1: either 2.5 will work05:31
_Oz_sorry again about the rant05:31
Ashfire908i had installed ubuntu 7.10 on this old computer that had the clock set to the future. (havn't used it in years) i ran ntpdate-debian, and now all the files are in the future and sudo doesn't work.05:31
Jack_Sparrowcya tomorrow05:31
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow, This is new to me and concerning. So, I type !gksudo if I'm working with graphical (non-terminal) applications?05:31
_Oz_how did it manage to screw me up so bad? I followed the directions precisely05:31
_Oz_first time I've come across that in ubuntu05:31
papuccino1chubs: I'll try Geany though. Sounds interesting with the code autocompleting. :P It's aimed towards Python though right?05:31
densonegetting an install error with Ubuntu/ Intel 64 Bit. Right at the very end it say "cannot install Grub on HD0"05:31
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: Yes, extremely important05:31
acee1234cptnapalm:  ok05:31
uhohzombiesmy gutsy x64 install is rebooting my pc when 'kernel mapping tables', i can't get it to install. any ideas? is x64 even worth using over i386 for home desktop purposes?05:31
montescunizi: thank u05:31
chubs730papuccino1: not aimed towards it, just supports it among others05:31
Scunizimonte, np05:31
papuccino1Jordan: Oh nothing much, just learning along, first time this week using Python.05:31
badkitty_Oz_: I dunno .. maybe it was something else?? Im gonna finish my set up again Ill let u know how it goes05:31
papuccino1chubs: Ok, cool.05:31
Nuke_something's accessing the hard drive... over and over and over repeatedly. what's a good way to figure out what it is05:31
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow, So, just to be sure, you need the ! before gksudo, correct?05:31
Jordan_Uuhohzombies, To that last question, probably not05:32
cptnapalmacee1234: I'm going to go see if I can find out what kind of screen your model has.  BRB05:32
Nuke_and no, 'top' doesn't sort by IO usage05:32
_Oz_every time I boot GRUB bootloader defaults to "memtest" instead of my standard ubuntu05:32
acee1234cptnapalm: alright05:32
montescunizi: if i have anymore trouble i will pm u k05:32
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: no...05:32
Jordan_Upapuccino1, Do you know about #! ?05:32
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: go to terminal and type gksudo nautilus05:32
Scunizimonte.. just post here with my nick.. if i'm around I'll answer :)05:32
densoneI am installing to a 2.2TB HD0 , that should be ok right?05:32
suitengusaigaI have a question about the administrator "screens and graphics" option.  I was using it and it was working fine, but now it says "starting" and then closes...05:32
uhohzombiesthanks, jordan_u05:32
papuccino1Jordan: Yeah I read about it. I think it's to make the module a executable of sorts correct?05:32
chubs730densone: jesus christ partition that05:32
Scunizidensone, sure can I use some of the space too?05:32
owen1i want to connect pc to tv. do i need to do anything other than connecting the cables?05:33
winnerrlz93hey any1 familiar with UNetbootin05:33
papuccino1Jordan: You have to put it in the first row, right?05:33
Dr_williswhere do you even find a single 2.2 TB hd...05:33
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: I need to go, I am almost never here on weekends.. all week is enough, but if you need me. find me here weekdays05:33
winnerrlz93hey any1 familiar with UNetbootin05:33
_Oz_darn!! didn't work05:33
Jordan_U_Oz_, Make sure that memtest isn't the first option ( from the top of the file ) in your /boot/grub/menu.lst05:33
densoneits 6x75GB Drives running raid 1005:33
Scuniziowen1, make sure the resolution is set correctly after hooking it up.05:33
_Oz_it's not, jordan05:33
winnerrlz93hey any1 familiar with UNetbootin05:33
ubudwhat software can covert dvd video into Video CD05:33
Scunizidennda, yowser!05:33
densoneUsing it for some basic storage, but this grub setup is fucking me over05:33
Jack_Sparrowwinnerrlz93: Please do not repeat05:33
owen1Scunizi: how do i know the correct resolution?05:33
chubs730densone: are you sure your math is right?05:33
densonenever seen it before.05:33
pocketdrummerJack_Sparrow, sorry to keep you. Thank you for all your help!05:34
densoneThis system is actuall Opteron05:34
winnerrlz93well if some1 would answer me05:34
Jordan_U_Oz_, It could also be that it is not set to use the first line by default, can you pastebin your sources.lst?05:34
Jack_Sparrowpocketdrummer: Zzzz Goodnight05:34
Scuniziowen1, check in the tv's manuel.. it should tell u.05:34
Jack_Sparrow_Oz_: See you monday05:34
_Oz_gnite jack05:34
winnerrlz93does any1 know anything about UNetbootin05:34
_Oz_thanks for the help again05:34
owen1Scunizi: thanks05:34
densoneI beleive the Ext3 Limit is 4T? Am I right?05:34
winnerrlz93can some one help me with UNetbootin05:35
papuccino1chubs: OMG CHUBS!!! I can execute the program without using the Terminal! -high five!-05:35
machriderhow do i see what options are available when installing a particular package?05:35
amenado!repeat | winnerrlz9305:35
j_humphreyhow do I install this theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dark+Ice?content=6988605:35
ubotuwinnerrlz93: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:35
papuccino1chubs: Thanks for recommending Geany.05:35
Scuniziowen1, np.. once you get it hooked up try playing openarena.. could be lots of fun!05:35
chubs730papuccino1: haha, no problem, enjoy your python05:35
owen1Scunizi: what is openarena?05:35
Scuniziowen1, it's an online FPS game05:36
lirithow can swap the escape and caps key for every keyboard layout? without running the xmodmap every time i switch the layout using the keyboard indicator?05:36
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cptnapalmacee1234: Do you know if you are using the ATI restricted drivers or not?05:36
Jordan_Upapuccino1, If you put "#!/usr/bin/env perl" or simply "#!/usr/bin/perl" at the beginning of a text file and set the permissions to executable with chmod then the shell will pass that file to python if you to to "execute" the file, if you put "#!/usr/bin/env perl" it will try to run it with perl05:36
ubudwhat software in ubuntu can convert dvd video into video CD05:37
papuccino1Jordan: Thank you for the tip. :D05:37
ubdhello i have ubuntu 7.10 64 installed on my laptop and it is overheating even when idle and after being extremely hot it shots down05:37
Scuniziubud, devede.. it's in synaptic05:37
winnerrlz93can some one help me with UNetbootin05:38
amenadoubd-> really? thats amazing, your about to melt your mobo?05:38
chubs730nooobody knows that that is winner05:38
Scuniziwinnerrlz93, what is UNetbootin?05:38
owen1Scunizi: i need svideo cables, right?05:38
papuccino1ubud: Maybe it's you fan. Laptops have problems with those.05:38
winnerrlz93i have it i'm just stuck with something05:39
_Oz_I am going to start this ubuntu install over again from scratch05:39
Scuniziowen1, depends on your video card and tv input.. my tv has a vga input and hdmi which is basically the same as dvi.  adaptor needed.05:39
_Oz_something's majorly wrong05:39
LinuxMercedesubd: Take apart your laptop, get some canned air, and clean the dust out05:39
_Oz_luckily I was just fooling around with that install05:39
_Oz_for compiz effects05:39
rainwalker_Oz_: fresh installs FTW05:39
owen1Scunizi: i have nvidia.05:39
Jordan_U_Oz_, Can you pastebin your sources.lst?05:39
ubdlaptop is brand new05:39
Scuniziowen1,  on the computer.. but what kind of input jacks do you have on the tv?05:39
ubdheating problem about cpu frequency handlers but i coulnd understand how to solve the problem05:40
_Oz_jordan, thanks for the offer to help, but that wasn't my main problem05:40
owen1Scunizi: it looks like 2 small rounded holes.05:40
Jordan_U_Oz_, Specifically, is the first non-commented line "default         0"05:40
neetoI asked this in #apache to no avail, so I'm gonna try my luck here: on apache, how do you get your server to list hidden files over HTTP?05:40
owen1Scunizi: i think it's svideo?05:40
rainwalker_Oz_: For The Win05:40
densoneis there a good guide on manually partitioning ?05:40
_Oz_ah. :)05:41
ubdtherer utilities like cpudyn etc but synaptic doesnt let me o install them to keep another program05:41
owen1Scunizi: maybe it's 3 holes.05:41
cptnapalmacee1234: Still there?05:41
badkitty_Oz_: Hmm Yeha I am booting Backtrack2 right now from my virtualbox05:41
montescunizi: that website u gave me worked but it got half way and broke it say i ahve to broken packages how do i fix it05:41
LinuxMercedesubd: ok, well, that's weird.  Not sure what's wrong.  (although I can personally attest to cleaning the air ducts when your laptop overheats =])05:41
prohnacpan apparently needs root05:41
Scuniziowen1, is it a standard tv or lcd tv?  svideo is a round jack with multiple holes in it.  probaby 3-5 holes.. do yo have svideo out on the video card.?05:41
prohnahow do i do that from terminal?05:41
_Oz_badkitty: I think it must have been compiz not playing nicely with vm05:41
_Oz_I guess05:41
Starnestommyprohna: sudo cpan05:41
pocketdrummerDoes anyone have any Experience with Networking?05:41
Jordan_U!anyone | pocketdrummer05:42
_Oz_because it came back with lots of video problems05:42
ubotupocketdrummer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:42
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: what sort?05:42
_Oz_I can't get my nvidia drivers back05:42
Scunizimonte, i think there is an option in synaptic to check for broken packages and fix them..05:42
badkitty_Oz_: But I have the same compiz that you do.. what type of card do you have?05:42
_Oz_nvidia geforce 760005:42
monteo does anyone no were that is in the synaptic05:42
badkitty_Oz_: Mines a 7800 .. basically same card05:42
rainwalkerprohna: to use admin (root) privileges in the terminal, do "sudo" and then the command05:42
Scunizipocketdrummer, what's the question?05:42
montefor broken packages05:42
thiemsteris there any way to start an X display from the command line?05:42
Jordan_U_Oz_, I assume you are trying to run compiz / use the nvidia drivers in the host OS and not the guest?05:42
_Oz_there are lots of setting in compiz though05:42
badkittymonte: what are you looking for?05:42
_Oz_I had mine running pretty hot05:43
montebroken packes05:43
owen1Scunizi: it's standard tv. and no, i don't have svideo according to your description.05:43
pocketdrummerWell, I'm trying to network a windows XP computer with my Ubuntu computer here. The XP computer has the Printer, and I want to be able to access it over the network.05:43
_Oz_running the desktop cube, transparency, all kinds of stuff05:43
badkittythiemster: try startx05:43
gandhiiwhere are the icon files stored?          I'd like to change the icon for a link and am not sure where to look for other system icons.05:43
Scuniziowen1, don't bother. it won't hook to it and actually display anything.05:43
thiemsterbadkitty: thx05:43
_Oz_pocketdrummer: very easy05:43
chubs730pocketdrummer: samba is your savior05:43
_Oz_just go to "printing" in system -> administration05:43
Jordan_Uthiemster, Yes, startx, xinit or "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start" depending on what exactly you want to start along with X05:44
Scunizipocketdrummer, what you're interested in is samba.. I'll see if ubutu can help05:44
owen1Scunizi: i didn't understand your last message...05:44
_Oz_you don't even need samba to print to an xp machine from ubuntu, though05:44
Scunizi!samba | pocketdrummer05:44
ubotupocketdrummer: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:44
thiemsterJordan_U: thank u05:44
Jordan_Uthiemster, np05:44
owen1Scunizi: what kind of cable do i need?05:44
montebadkitty: were do i go to fix broken packages or does anyone kno05:44
pocketdrummerThanks, I'll give it a look. :D05:44
badkittymonte: I think you can do it from the command line.. but I dont know off hand Jordan_U?05:45
Jordan_Umonte, Broken in what way? Are you trying to file a bug or fix a problem on your own computer only?05:45
cptnapalmmonte: I think its sudo apt-get -f install05:45
Scuniziowen1, if your computer has a standard monitor output and your tv doesn't have svideo or hdmi or a vga input you won't be able to hook up to it. It simply won't convert the signals correctly IF you could find a cable.05:45
cptnapalmmonte: but I might be wrong05:45
Jordan_Ubadkitty, Do what?05:45
thiemsterDo ti-calculators (especially ti-84+ SE) work with ubuntu?05:45
cptnapalmmonte: but I don't think it would hurt anything at any rate.05:46
badkittyJordan_U: Hey what are the differences in stating x that you gave earlier05:46
chubs730monte: if your package manager is totally hose go for sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install05:46
=== macogw_ is now known as macogw
montehis is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'.05:46
_Oz_compiz is the only logical explanation, badkitty.  I'm seeing lots of people have been using virtualbox without too much problem but I've seen in several places now (forums, tutorials, etc) everyone says don't use compiz with virtualbox.05:46
machrideri'm trying to install ircd-hybrid with SSL support.  can anyone help me?05:46
montethats wat it says in the add remoe thing when i try to get in it05:46
machriderout of the box, it doesn't appear to support SSL05:46
chubs730monte: try my previous advice05:47
chubs730monte: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install05:47
chubs730in a terminal05:47
cptnapalmmonte: Try sudo apt-get -f install05:47
badkitty_Oz_: Hmm I dont buy it... Maybe I am just extremely lucky but all I had to do was sudp apt-get install virtualbox.. then add myself to the vbox user group and wahlah05:47
cptnapalmmonte: or ignore me and do what chubs730 says :)05:47
_Oz_badkitty: what other reason could there be?  I mean it totally trashed my install05:48
montelol its working05:48
_Oz_I am reinstalling from scratch right now on the computer that went down05:48
Jordan_Ubadkitty, xinit starts just X and xterm, no window manager now desktop environment ( you can't even move / resize the xterm window ), startx starts a gnome ( or whatever default DM ) session ( basically the same as xinit then running "gnome-session" ) "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start" starts the GDM login screen that you get when you boot normally05:48
badkitty_Oz_: And I have a ton of other stuff running too like compiz, avant window navigato, screenlets..05:48
chubs730monte: np05:48
_Oz_and it has been advised repeatedly that you should not use compiz and virtualbox...05:48
_Oz_well, you might have a "lucky" combination of compiz features running while vb is running05:48
MunchkinguyHow can I stop mplayerplug.in from opening in its own window?05:48
_Oz_(what's navigato, btw?)05:49
cptnapalmmonte: awesomeness :)  I remember the first time I trashed my apt... I was a sad person... and stupid... I tried to hand edit the apt stuff05:49
gandhiiwhere are the icon files stored?          I'd like to change the icon for a link and am not sure where to look for other system icons.05:49
badkittyJordan_U: Wow thanks.. I guess I should learn that one with gdm start05:49
chubs730ctnapalm: hand editing, slackware, the good old days05:49
montelol thats funny05:49
badkittyJordan_U: Than Again, I am still reliant of the GUI but I do alot of work in terminal windows05:49
Jordan_Ubadkitty, np05:50
machridermy question in general is: do ubuntu packages *have* options?05:50
rainwalkergandhii: check in your .themes folder in your home directory, in each theme's folder, or look in /usr/share/pixmaps05:50
cptnapalmchubs730: hand editing, clueless luser.... ;)05:50
machriderand how do you see what the options are?05:50
BloodyScumi know this is a stupid question, sence iv been useing ubuntu for years... but i just removed my trash can from my bar and i cant figure out how to put it back..05:50
badkitty_Oz_: Well I have desktop cube, cube reflection, all the task switchers, .. most the fun eyecandy stuff is enabled (except the ones that cause conflicts with lesser cool ones)05:51
dez-------______--------HEIL HITLER!-------__-----__---05:51
BloodyScumok, almost a year i guess05:51
cptnapalmchubs730: I really did try to go and hand edit that stuff... I still can't believe what a moronic idea that was heh05:51
FloodBot3dez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:51
chubs730bloodyscum: right blick, add to panel05:51
rainwalkerBloodyScum: right-click on the panel, click "add to panel" and re-add it05:51
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!05:51
Scunizimachrider, sometimes synaptic will recommend optional packages. but to answer you.. generally no.. options for a program are changed after install in the .conf file for that program.05:51
Jordan_Umachrider, Yes, not nearly as extensive as those of Gentoo if that is what you are wondering, and not for all packages, but you can change them with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package>"05:51
badkittyBloodyScum: Did youtry right clicking and adding to panel05:51
chubs730cptnapalm: eh oh well, it's not really that moronic as long as you've got a manual with you05:51
MasterShreknvm, forgot about the floodbots05:51
badkittychubs730: You too quick05:51
dezmastershrek you need to chill05:51
* cptnapalm thinks dez is a Bill gates fan...05:51
acee1234cptnapalm:  any luck?05:51
machriderJordan_U: i'm coming from gentoo, so yes, that's what i was thinking.  i want to enable SSL for ircd-hybrid, but it doesn't look possible05:51
MasterShrekdez, you need to not flood05:51
machriderJordan_U: i might just have to build it by hand.05:52
cptnapalmchubs730: Manual?  Manual?  What is this "manual" you speak of?  heh05:52
BloodyScumok, thanks.. lol, i cant believe i didnt think of that....05:52
cptnapalmacee1234: Ah, was wondering where you went.  Ok, got that thing open?05:52
acee1234cptnapalm:  it is using restricted drivers and direct render returns yes05:52
_Oz_badkitty: it's ok, I don't mind reinstalling it all too much05:52
acee1234cptnapalm:  yes05:52
_Oz_it's THIS computer that I'm currently on that I've set up for productivity05:52
devnullhmm, i did a brief google search, but is anyone familiar with a linux irc program that implements a single window multiple pane mdi type interface similar to (dare i say it) mirc?05:52
badkitty_Oz_: Ok, maybe you can try qemu or vmware05:52
cptnapalmacee1234: so 3d is good to go just resolution silliness?05:52
_Oz_that computer has an XP/ubuntu dual boot and I don't really need ubuntu on it05:52
LinuxMercedesdevnull: try xchat05:53
badkitty_Oz_: Although i cant believe yours got messed up.. You were running gutsy?05:53
_Oz_badkitty: I'll probably try virtualbox again just without the compiz05:53
_Oz_yes, gutsy05:53
Jordan_Umachrider, It's not, that is a compile time option ( though you can grab and rebuild the source package with apt-get source , not as convenient as Gentoo but not too hard and better integrated than installing from a source tar file )05:53
Scunizidevnull, irssi, xchat, bitchx05:53
chubs730cptnapalm: hah yeah i remember when i first started on linux and after failing miserably at things decided it was time to "rtfm"05:53
acee1234cptnapalm: yes05:53
badkitty_Oz_: Did you reconfigure xorg and everything05:53
devnulli am using gnome-xchat, is it capable of anything other than the default tabbed interface?05:53
machriderJordan_U: ok, i'll do that.  thanks.05:53
MasterShrekdevnull, use regular xchat, not gnome-xchat05:53
Jordan_Umachrider, np05:53
cptnapalmchubs730: Favorite sig of all time:  WWJD?  JWRTFM!05:53
_Oz_I just copied the backup xorg over the current xorg05:53
devnulli am wanting to be able to view all my channels at the same time05:53
devnullok i will try that05:53
_Oz_and it was still bollocks05:53
chubs730cptnapalm: haha, i've never seen that05:54
Scunizidevnull, would you like to see multiple connections at once.. ?  irssi from the command line does it well.05:54
j_humphreyhow do i use emerald to install themes?05:54
devnulldont really care about multiple connections, just multiple windows05:54
devnullerr channels05:54
cptnapalmacee1234: ok, what we're going to try is to select generic from the list on the right05:54
MasterShrekdevnull, right click on the channel tab or w/e and hit "Detach Tab"05:54
Scunizidevnull, that's actually what I ment..05:54
chubs730devnull: i'm using gnome-xchat with multiple channels right now05:54
acee1234cptnapalm: dont see generic option05:54
chubs730devnull: unless you mean different channels in different tabs05:55
cptnapalmacee1234: Ok, click where it says model05:55
chubs730devnull: they're on the left side05:55
acee1234cptnapalm:  ok05:55
cptnapalmacee1234: scroll up to the top on the left pane05:55
Scunizidevnull, for irssi.. it can be loaded sudo apt-get irssi then check out http://linuxreviews.org/software/irc/irssi/05:55
devnulldifferent channels in different windows so to speak. able to see all individual channel conversations at the same time05:55
MasterShrekdevnull, do what i told you, you can detach the tabs from xchat05:55
devnulland being the lazyass that i am, i am more interested in a graphical solution than a console one :)05:56
chubs730devnull: ahh, i see, no idea if it can do that, ignore me05:56
cptnapalmacee1234: top selection should be generic in bold05:56
acee1234cptnapalm: only generic listed is on the left screen but yes05:56
MasterShrekdevnull, i dont know if gnome-xchat can, from what ive heard its kinda dumbed down, but regular xchat can05:56
badkitty_Oz_: Are you sure it copied it over? You didn't try to reconfigure05:56
cptnapalmacee1234: ok, click that.05:56
acee1234cptnapalm: ok05:56
devnullit looks like gnome-xchat cant, i will install the regular xchat05:56
ScuniziMasterShrek, after detaching how do you reattach?05:56
cptnapalmacee1234: now in the right window should start off with LCD panels05:57
MasterShrekScunizi, no idea, i never do it heh05:57
acee1234cptnapalm:  yes05:57
_Oz_badkitty: yeah, I tried to reconfigure.  everything in ubuntu was majorly messed up.  I couldn't load any drivers...  video refused to get out of low res...  nothing worked.05:57
cptnapalmscroll down until you see LCD Panel 1680x105005:57
_Oz_it was like an atom bomb going off in there, or something.05:57
MasterShrekScunizi, xchat > attach window05:57
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
_Oz_it's ok, I'm over it.05:57
badkitty_Oz_: wow thats nuts man... when was the last reboot?05:57
_Oz_hmm...  15 mins ago maybe05:58
devnullnext irc q, know of anything that can do blowfish encryption? :P05:58
ScuniziMasterShrek, ah I knew there was an easy answer!05:58
_Oz_I knew I was playing with fire with compiz, that's why I set it up on a computer that was nonessential05:58
_Oz_no big deal05:58
badkitty_Oz_: Strange, well anyhow I guess just don't run it while compiz is running..05:58
cptnapalmacee1234: scroll down until you see LCD Panel 1680x105005:58
Scunizidevnull, http://www.usinglinux.org/irc/irssi-fish.html05:58
badkitty_Oz_: Haha .. I only had problems with it in edgy when I had to install the nvidia drivers manually05:59
_Oz_badkitty: really appreciate all of your help, that's one of the things that make ubuntu great, the ubuntu community05:59
badkitty_Oz_: For sure.. I learn so much just from gleaming what people say in this room05:59
pocketdrummerIs there a way to force your mouse's sample rate to stay at 500?06:00
_Oz_I need to start learning some command line basics06:00
_Oz_I'm really good at copying at pasting into the terminal window06:00
Scunizidevnull, once you learn about irssi then learn about screen.. can be really powerful stuff.06:00
_Oz_but I need to learn what the hell it all means06:00
MasterShrek!bash | _Oz_06:00
ubotu_Oz_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:00
cptnapalmpocketdrummer: no clue... but I'm curious why that would be something you need to do06:00
badkitty_Oz_: Don't worry it will come with time trust me06:00
devnulloh i am quite familiar with screen and console apps :)06:00
chubs730oz: cd, ls, mkdir, renmov are all you need06:00
_Oz_my biggest discomfort at this point comes from simply not understanding, exactly, the file structure06:01
_Oz_I don't understand where things go when they're installed06:01
_Oz_in windows, it's simple06:01
devnulli finally broke down and swapped my ati card for an nvidia card, so i am ready to make an attempt at using linux full time on the desktop06:01
_Oz_they go in c:/program files and some dlls get dumped into /windows06:01
devnullonly game i really play is wow06:01
cptnapalmchubs730: Don't forget the learning by extreme pain example:  rm -R /  heh06:01
Scunizi_Oz_, sort of simple in windows..06:01
_Oz_in linux, I have no friggin' idea06:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fsh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:01
_Oz_and I don't really get the "package" concept either -- is it like a zip?06:01
acee1235cptnapalm: froze had to restart but works06:01
crdlb_Oz_: dpkg -L PACKAGE_NAME :)06:01
chubs730cptnapalm: hah yeah, don't fall into that trap oz06:01
badkitty_Oz_: Me neither haha ..yah package is similar to zip06:02
cptnapalm_Oz_: package is more like an installer06:02
skwashdhi all06:02
MasterShrek_Oz_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard06:02
_Oz_cptnapalm: yeah, I know what rm does :)06:02
chubs730oz: /usr/bin is where programs hang out when they're installed, as well as /usr/local/bin06:02
_Oz_thank you, mastershrek06:02
Scunizi_Oz_, kinda like an .exe.. with variations..06:02
pocketdrummercptnapalm: Well, G7 mouse changes it from 500 to 150 all by itself in both windows and linux (somehow). So, the cursor hops all over the screen. I'm negotiating with Logitech about them sending me a _Different_ mouse, but they're making it hard.06:02
acee1235cptnapalm:  thank you06:02
badkitty_Oz_: Yah its an installable archive basically.. a tarball is most similiar to a zip i would think06:02
skwashdi have a ASUS M3A mother board with 2G RAM, Athlon 4800+, 320G HDD, mythbuntu installed06:02
cptnapalm_Oz_: no one can every be *nix guru without having wiped out their OS with rm at least once :)06:02
devnulloh yeah, twinview = roxors :P06:02
skwashdeverytime i reboot it, the MAC address changes06:03
monteum someone gave me a website link about unbuntu restricted extras06:03
cptnapalmacee1235: so alls well in 1680x1050?06:03
_Oz_badkitty: like a self-executing zip (.exe) that's compressed into a single file?06:03
badkittymonte: probably me06:03
MasterShrekskwashd, sounds like a bios setting maybe, is it totally random which mac address?06:03
crdlb_Oz_: it's not self-executing06:03
montecan u give me that link again06:03
acee1235cptnapalm:  yes06:03
chubs730oz, cptnapalm: or installing debian twice because "it didn't work", because you were too lazy to check the website and find out what startx was06:03
pocketdrummerskwashd: That's really odd, I didn't think MAC addresses ever changed.06:03
acee1235cptnapalm: everything is tiny on my 15" screen06:04
cptnapalmacee1235: Awesome :)06:04
skwashdMasterShrek: that's what i thought ... checked it ... the only LAN options are "use boot rom" (disabled) and "smart mac" (auto - oither option disabled the nic)06:04
Scunizimonte, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:04
_Oz_startx? what's that?06:04
_Oz_and how could it have helped me?06:04
skwashdpocketdrummer: you can hack it .. but normally it shouldn't change06:04
montescunizi: thanks06:04
cptnapalmchubs730: Man I remember starting with Red Hat 4.something and trying to get X working.... had the case open on its side with a flashlight trying to read chipset numbers heh06:05
MasterShrekskwashd, very weird, never heard of such a thing06:05
chubs730oz: i wouldn't worry about it, but if you ever use something like slackware or debian, it boots to a command line by default06:05
badkitty_Oz_: Well a package is really what the name implies and you tell the computer what to do with it: sudo (super user do) apt-get (aptitude is the package manager) install (this is what to do with this package) virtualbox06:05
ubuntuloverGuys, what means "start application in terminal"??? How can i emulate this way in script?06:05
cptnapalmacee1235: on 15" I'm thinking 1440x900 might be a better bet06:05
chubs730oz: startx starts the x server, the graphical side06:05
_Oz_ctnapalm: yep, that's what scared me away from linux for a long time, but with ubuntu, users like me are being brought into the fold06:05
skwashdMasterShrek: ubuntu is loading the wrong driver for it too ... from what i have been able to dig up06:05
crdlbbadkitty: don't you mean "apt-get is the package manager"? :)06:05
skwashdit should be using the atl1 driver ... not forcedeth (nvidia)06:05
_Oz_so to install, it's always apt-get install filename06:06
rainwalkerubuntulover: start the application from a terminal, applications > accessories > terminal06:06
badkittycrdlb: Did i miss the get?06:06
_Oz_I wondered why "install xyz" never worked06:06
MasterShrekskwashd, try blacklisting forcedeth  maybe?06:06
MasterShrek!blacklist | skwashd06:06
crdlbbadkitty: you said apt-get, then aptitude in the explanation :)06:06
ubotuskwashd: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »06:06
Dr_willisibnstall is a different command. :)06:06
acee1235cptnapalm: i like things small i still have issues with restart x freezing my computer showing only the background06:06
crdlb_Oz_: not exactly, apt-get installs from repositories, dpkg is the raw package manager06:06
badkittycrdlb: aptitude is the package manager.. apt-get is how you reference it i guess.. you can also use aptitude in a terminal06:06
skwashdMasterShrek: about to try that :)06:06
crdlbwhich is capable of installing a .deb files06:06
_Oz_... oh06:06
_Oz_how does apt-get know where to find the repository06:07
crdlbbadkitty: they're separate apps, similar, but not identical06:07
Dr_willisubuntu Elven Magic!06:07
devnullhmm, whats the best alternative to konfabulator / yahoo widgets nowadays, still gkrellm or is there something better?06:07
ubuntuloverrainwalker: Now, i mean, i whant to bind start "python" in .xbindkeysrc, but i can't, cuz python should be started in terminal. So, how can i write it in script?06:07
chubs730oz: text configuration files on your computer06:07
cptnapalm_Oz_: Canonical and the Knoppix guys particularly really have made a world of difference in that regard.  One thing I do sort of miss is the kind of bonding that went on with the machine from knowing it so well... Hell, I still remember what I called that machine I build over a decade ago.... Tankgirl :)06:07
crdlb_Oz_: /etc/apt/sources.list plus a cache it makes when you sudo apt-get update06:07
badkittycrdlb: Oh .. IC06:07
sp219Is there any way to kill "gdmgreeter" (and everything involving a GUI/X For that matter, including gdm/X itself) so it doesn't restart again automatically?06:07
cptnapalmacee1235: Ok, that might be an ATI driver problem06:07
rainwalkerubuntulover: hmm...I'm not sure, but I'm not the best with scripts06:07
_Oz_and how is it retrieving them?  ftp?06:07
_Oz_I see, crdlb.06:07
crdlb_Oz_: or http, depends on the mirror06:07
ubuntuloverrainwalker: It's even not about scripts. Try to start "python" in "Alt+F2" - same thing.06:08
acee1235cptnapalm: so i basically need to rip my gpu out and find a way to put a nvidia gpu in my laptop06:08
badkittycrdlb: but you can still type sudo aptitude install xxx cant you? So is apt-get a shortcut or a seperate command alltogether?06:08
rainwalkerubuntulover: you mean, nothing happens?06:08
sp219Is there any way to kill "gdmgreeter" (and everything involving a GUI/X For that matter, including gdm/X itself) so it doesn't restart again automatically?06:08
MasterShreksp219, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:09
_Oz_those text files which are updated when apt-get updates are kinda like nameservers in a way then, eh?06:09
crdlbbadkitty: it's a separate command; aptitude was intended as a more powerful replacement for apt-get, but apt-get has implemented some of those features recently.06:09
ubuntuloverrainwalker:  yep. Maybe, something happends! (:  But there is no python interpreter on the screen.06:09
cptnapalmacee1235:  If that is even possible :(  ATI can be awkward... Some machines they run like absolute champs.  Others, like a couple of desktops I tried Ubuntu on, they crash the kernel after trying to switch to console or, god forbid! log out06:09
rainwalkerwhat does control + alt + F4 do? last time I tried it I think it killed my X completely...so I'm afraid to try again06:09
crdlbbadkitty: compare apt-get --help and aptitude --help06:09
sp219MasterShrek: perfect, thanks!06:10
acee1235cptnapalm: yep mine does the latter06:10
devnulli never could get stuff working right with my ati card06:10
rainwalkerubuntulover: I think you have to run a python script with python, I don't think there's an actual python GUI that's supposed to come up06:10
devnullso i got an nvidia one lol06:10
Dr_willisrainwalker,  that goes to console #4 - use alt-ctrl-F7 to get back to X06:10
cptnapalmrainwalker: that should just switch you to virtual terminal 406:10
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:10
ubuntuloverrainwalker:  You should just press  Ctrl+Alt+F7! (:06:10
rainwalkerDr_willis: wow that would have been nice to know at the time...06:10
badkittycrdlb: Yah I'll look into the differences one of these days06:10
cptnapalmacee1235: welcome to the misery of being an ATI user :(06:10
Dr_willisrainwalker,  it pays to read up on Linux fundamentals. :)06:10
rainwalkerguess o06:10
crdlbrainwalker: are you using compiz?06:10
rainwalkercrdlb: yes06:10
Dr_willisthats been a linux feature for.... ever.. :) i think.. heh06:10
acee1235cptnapalm: tis a temporary state i assure you06:10
ubuntuloverSo, can someone helps me?06:11
rainwalkerI was messing with key bindings for compiz stuff and set that as one...haha scared the crap out of me06:11
crdlbrainwalker: some drivers have broken vt-switching while using compiz, so when you switch to a terminal, you can't switch back to X :/06:11
ubuntuloverDevelopers, developers, developers!!!06:11
acee1235cptnapalm: im thinking a nice termite experiment is in order06:11
montescunizi: i installed the restricted extras and wat do i do after that06:11
cptnapalmacee1235: as it was with me... I bought my new desktop, and the first thing I did upon arriving home was to burn an Ubuntu disk, rip out the ATI card,slap in an nvidia, wipe out windows and install Linux06:11
skwashdMasterShrek: i love it when the vendor's website spec doesn't match what is in the box06:11
rainwalkercrdlb: well I didn't know control alt F7 would bring me back, I just thought I'd broken something06:12
badkitty_Oz_: To my knowledge, your sources hold files that reference the packages that are within their control, so when you update your sources, you are in essence downloading a compiled list of the packages that are on each source, therefore when you invoke a command such as apt-get install, it can reference the package name with the source and proceed to download and install, etc06:12
rainwalkerthe open ATI driver works fine for me...06:12
crdlbrainwalker: just something to keep in mind if it doesn't work :)06:12
ubuntulover" rainwalker: the open ATI driver works fine for me..."  With 3D???06:12
acee1235ii wonder if insurance would cover that...06:12
cptnapalmOh, to everyone who likes using the command line:  Buy a Sun Keyboard.  The Control key is where the Caps lock key normally is.  Makes life much better.06:12
sigmais the original WINE program the best available, or would anyone recommend something else?06:13
_Oz_it's a very clever, robust, and efficient system, badkitty.06:13
rainwalkerubuntulover: yes, as far as I can tell06:13
mrchicagohello all06:13
razordeaddevnull: the latest Linux widget stuff I've heard about is gDesklets & screenlets06:13
badkittyOh No! I found one of those Rotten Jelly Bellies in my bag! I've been poisoned!06:13
MasterShreksigma, wine is about the best06:13
_Oz_sigma: yeah, WINE is still the best.06:13
crdlbrainwalker: ooh, you should be fine then, the radeon driver has perfect vt-switching afaik :)06:13
fignew_cptnapalm: wrong... it makes life hell06:13
mrchicagohow is it going06:13
chubs730cptnapalm: that sounds quite awesome06:13
cptnapalmfignew_: How?!?!?06:13
Dr_willisTheres guides on swiching the caps lock and ctrl keys. :)06:13
chubs730cptnapalm: though you could always just trade keys and remap06:13
badkitty_Oz_: Indeed; not to mention convenient as all heck06:13
sigmaone more thing... I have no control over my bluetooth module in linux, only in windows. My bluetooth mouse works, but linux believes there is no adapter present. any ideas?06:13
ubuntuloverGuys, what tine is on your clocks??? (:06:14
ubuntuloverIt's very interesting.06:14
cptnapalmchubs730: and miss the opportunity to have even more crap?  Perish the thought!06:14
MisterMomyou should see my home made keyboard06:14
_Oz_it's so superior to M$' nonsense,.06:14
_Oz_I have to say, I am simply blown away by ubuntu.06:14
fignew_cptnapalm: I do wanna get a Sun Keyboard from work just so I can give "props" :D06:14
_Oz_Here, for free, is a program which knocks microsoft and their billions on their ass.06:14
rainwalkermy clock keeps turning an hour back...06:14
MisterMomi rearanged the keys myself06:14
cptnapalmfignew_: I got one off eBay for like $506:14
_Oz_it's powerful!  it's a better OS.  not some cheap little "cute" OS which is what I was expecting.  I am just so impressed by the whole experience.06:14
chubs730cptnapalm: yeah i can't say i don't want one, i'm guilty of of having bought a flexible keyboard off of ebay06:14
fignew_did it have PS2?06:14
badkitty_Oz_: It's not just ubuntu, but the whole open source deal.. other linux distros offer the same type of package management systems06:15
cptnapalmfignew_: USB06:15
_Oz_badkitty: yeah. ubuntu, to me, is the gateway which made the world of linux possible and then attractive to me.06:15
rainwalker_Oz_: welcome to ubuntu06:15
fignew_ahh... newer style, we have a bunch of those at work too :/06:15
_Oz_I had friends who were linuxheads back in the day.06:15
chubs730badkitty: having used most, I think ubuntu's works the best06:15
theAtomIm runnung Ubuntu from my D: drive. But Windows from C:. But C: has dissapeared!  How I make it appear?06:15
_Oz_I watched 'em try to install redhat from the command line and said, "Yep...  not for me."06:15
chubs730though that may be an rpm vs deb thing really06:15
sigmatheAtom: huh?06:16
rainwalkertheAtom: you mean a live cd?06:16
_Oz_Not that there was anything wrong with that, of course.  I just knew it was not a good fit for me at that time.06:16
theAtomsigma, plz listen this time06:16
badkitty_Oz_: Me too.. I guess if I started with say fedora I may like it better but I have tried others and I too like ubuntu the best so far06:16
_Oz_Now, with ubuntu, idiots like me can join your formerly exclusive "brainy only" parties.06:16
mrchicagouse alien for rpms06:16
theAtommy MS Windows boots from C:.  but it seems C: is gone and wont boot Windows.  What Can I do?06:16
badkittyEww jalapeno jelly belly wth06:16
symlinkubotu nvidia06:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:16
nickrud_alien is evil06:16
cptnapalm_Oz_: I'm one of those people who had a 386 and HATED windows 3 :)  I liked my DOS that did what I told it to.06:16
theAtomhow do I activate or mount C:?06:16
acee1235is there an equalizer for the alsa mixer?06:16
CVD-PRits so dificult to play propietary things in fedora06:16
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz06:16
_Oz_cptnapalm: heh! I hated 3.1 when it came out, too.06:17
cptnapalmtheAtom: you want to mount it in linux06:17
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:17
_Oz_but I quickly got used to it.06:17
nickrud_sigma: when you say D: has disappeared, do you mean you can't boot it? or you can't see it's contents from buntu?06:17
_Oz_I was the master of DOS, back in the day.06:17
chubs730cptnapalm: the only thing i could do in DOS was run doom, since i was 6 years old, but i loved it06:17
theAtomcptnapalm, but I dont even see it anymore.  do I mount it?06:17
badkittycptnapalm: I hated windows 3.1 too but everything was so much easier.. Although alot of my oldshool softwares beat the crap out of ms stuff.06:17
_Oz_ahhhh doom06:17
sigmanickrud_: not me man06:17
badkittyFunny story I ran in to the guy who made the BBS software iniquity a few weeks ago...06:17
_Oz_when I first played it, it was like a loud gong going off in my head06:17
nickrud_sigma: doh06:17
_Oz_I couldn't believe it06:17
_Oz_I called my friend eric who came over immediately06:18
nickrud_sigma: but it looks like someone else has it anyway06:18
sigmatheAtom: try in command line:  mount /dev/sda1 /windows06:18
CVD-PRlike ubuntu-restricted-extras06:18
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents06:18
theAtommy C: has dissapeared. It no longer boots windows and I cannot see it in Ubuntu. WHat can I do plz?06:18
_Oz_he thought I was going to show him a game like "castle wolfenstein" for the old Apple ][ which we both enjoyed06:18
acee1235DOS: zork, ultima, duke nukem06:18
cptnapalmtheAtom: I'm trying to figure out if you want to mount it in Linux.06:18
Dr_willishmm thats not it.06:18
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter06:18
_Oz_instead, here was a true full-blown 3D game!  We were thrilled06:18
skwashdMasterShrek: found the answer ... http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=79306 ... dodgy MAC06:18
_Oz_Zork!  I loved zork.  Loooooved Zork.06:18
rainwalkerwhy is it that when I synced my comp's clock with the servers it lists in texas (where I am), it set it an hour earlier than it should be?06:18
theAtomsigma, fuse: failed to access mountpoint /windows: No such file or directory06:18
theAtomFUSE mount point creation failed06:18
theAtomUnmounting /dev/sda1 (VistaOS)06:18
fantum13I'm having DHCP issues with my AR5007EG on ndiswrapper (Gutsy amd64 with a 64 bit windows driver). I know the driver and card are functional, because if I can chain reboot enough for, than it'll work, but otherwise, I'm fscked. Does anyone have experience with this?06:19
chubs730oregon trail!06:19
_Oz_oh, that reminds me -- restricted extras -- what's the thing I do to get essentially what automatix would give me, but without the headaches?06:19
badkittyOregon trail ftw!06:19
GradeFPoultryI loved oregon trail06:19
sigmatheAtom: heh, then run mkdir /windows and try again06:19
Dr_willistheAtom,  like the message said.. /windows does not exist. :)06:19
rainwalker_Oz_: applications > add/remove06:19
badkitty_Oz_: PM me06:19
_Oz_chubs: oh, now you're gonna make me fall out of my chair.  I KICKED MY ENTIRE CLASS' BUTT in oregon trail!06:19
theAtomDr_willis, what can I DO?06:19
_Oz_How about Lemonade Stand?06:19
sigmatheAtom: just make sure you sudo it06:19
j_humphreyhow do i get the expose type look?06:19
Dr_willistheAtom,  make the directory....06:19
skwashdtime to hack udev06:19
GradeFPoultryWhat would you guys say is the best Linux distro for old, slow PC's?06:19
sigmaj_humphrey: you need compiz enabled06:19
j_humphreysigma, i have it enabled06:20
rainwalkerj_humphrey: you have to enable the expose plugin06:20
nickrud_j_humphrey: in ccsm, enable exp and use super-e to view it06:20
_Oz_gradeFPoultry: Kubuntu06:20
badkittyI was more into BBS's but DOOM ][ was my bag .. oregon trail was dope but I wasn't that good.. but LORD I was a master at06:20
chubs730oz: oregon trail made me wish that every computer game ended in dysentery06:20
nickrud_j_humphrey: expo that is06:20
sigmaj_humphrey: install compiz extras, and you can set it up in there, look for the Scale plugin06:20
ac1dfr33z3hi room06:20
_Oz_how old, and how slow, poultry?06:20
_Oz_chubs: heheheheheh06:20
CVD-PRits not the distro is the desktop-manager GradeFPoultry06:20
ac1dfr33z3i have a question????06:20
rainwalkerj_humphrey: install the package "compizconfig-settings-manager"06:20
Dr_willisGradeFPoultry,  for very low end machines.. Puppy Linux or DSL. :) ubutu can run on rather low end box's however.06:20
Dr_willisGradeFPoultry,  how Low end is low end. :)06:20
GradeFPoultry_Oz_: Can't say for sure, 256MB ram...about ten years old.06:20
ac1dfr33z3can anyone tell me how to get java????????06:20
_Oz_yeah, kubuntu, then.06:21
cptnapalmGradeFPoultry: Damn Small Linux?06:21
_Oz_is it a 486?06:21
Dr_willisac1dfr33z3,  install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package - is one way06:21
badkitty!jave ac1dfr33z306:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jave ac1dfr33z3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:21
CVD-PRadd/remove java ac1dfr33z306:21
LinuxMercedesHey, I've got Ubuntu 7.10 on a 256 MB machine!06:21
GradeFPoultry_Oz_: I think so.06:21
badkitty!java | ac1dfr33z306:21
ubotuac1dfr33z3: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)06:21
chubs730gradefpoultry: 256mb ram is so not old! kinda. xubuntu will fly06:21
rainwalkerac1dfr33z3: install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package06:21
_Oz_linuxmercedes: does it run OK?06:21
badkittyrestricted extras does have it doesn't it06:21
_Oz_I'm running ubuntu on an old p4 (512mb) which is about 5 years old and it runs perfectly fine.06:22
GradeFPoultryI don't regularly use that computer, I just want to boot a Linux OS from disk while I'm there so I'm not so miserable.06:22
LinuxMercedes_Oz_: yup, runs fine so far =]06:22
GradeFPoultryOkay, I'll look at the ones everyone mentioned.06:22
cptnapalmWow, I forgot how "Where the hell did the last two hours of my life go" when I'm on IRC, which I haven't really used since I hung out on #quake on EFnet06:22
badkittyGradeFPoultry: It will run faster if you install it though06:22
chubs730gradefpoultry: oh then go for slax or dsl i'd say06:22
mrchicagoare there still problems importing .doc files into openoffice06:22
LinuxMercedes_Oz_: what's funny is that I had trouble with 6.0606:22
GradeFPoultrybadkitty: Oh, good point >_>06:22
nickrud_ Badger apt-cache depends ubuntu-restricted-extras , my 64bit has the jre , I'd assume the 32bit has the plugin06:22
_Oz_poultry: I think your best combo of fun and speed would come from kubuntu06:22
chubs730gradefpoultry: don't bother using the ubuntus purely as livecd's06:23
rainwalkermrchicago: occasionally formatting doesn't work right, but for the most part it's fine06:23
Dr_willismrchicago,  depends on the complexity of the .doc file i hear.06:23
nickrud_tab completion is killing me tonight06:23
badkittynickrud_: Too many similar names?06:23
nickrud_badkitty: lack of attention06:23
badkittynickrud_: I see06:23
CVD-PRwhy someine one to use a 64bit os? 32is still the dominant06:23
mrchicagoi remember when i first used it few years ago it had issues with tabs and spaces06:23
_Oz_hey, I have sort of an oddball question06:23
nickrud_badkitty: i've been doing this too long to let too many names get in my way ;)06:23
mrchicagobetween paragraphs06:24
GradeFPoultryI use 64 bit.06:24
badkittyCVD-PR: They want to learn to debug????06:24
cptnapalmCVD-PR: because we can :)06:24
_Oz_is there a way to get "universal bookmarks" in firefox in ALL computers you might use?  some sort of plugin?06:24
_Oz_I have so many computers and I don't have the same bookmarks in all of them.06:24
Dr_willis_Oz_,  i use the google browser sync extension for that.06:24
CVD-PRbut then "there any 64 version" etc...06:24
nickrud__Oz_: del.icio.us for me06:24
_Oz_Dr_willis: what's that?06:24
mrchicagoi know that when you install firefox itll ask you ti import ie bookmarks06:24
lewix<lewix> hi06:24
lewix<lewix> <lewix> I just installed linux mint but I add to install it with linux safe graphical mode, because the mode by default didnt work06:24
lewix<lewix> <lewix> now that it's installed the GUI won't work06:24
lewix<lewix> <lewix> when I boot up06:24
cptnapalmbadkitty: Hell I compile my hello, world programs with maximum optimization and in 64 bit heh06:24
GradeFPoultryHaving 64 bit gave me a shitload of problems...06:24
badkittyI should give 64-bit Another go though.. Its been since before edgy even06:24
_Oz_I've always wondered what the hell del.icio.us was06:24
GradeFPoultryWhen trying to first installed Linux06:24
Dr_willis_Oz_,  a extension that does just what you asked. :)06:24
chubs730cvd-pr: 64 bit versions are a bit faster for 64 bit processors, and allows you to use more RAM06:25
badkittycptnapalm: haha06:25
nickrud_lewix: we don't do support for linux mint here ...06:25
_Oz_I'm googling for it now, Dr_willis.  If it is in fact what I seek...  I will be appreciative.06:25
lewixnickrud_: it's based on ubuntu and they dont have a channel06:25
mouseboyxHello, my ubuntu server edition is set to dhcp, yet it does not connect to the network any ideas?06:25
Dr_willis_Oz_,  theres other alternatives to it also.06:25
cptnapalmbadkitty: Always use overkill.   Always.06:25
witepaHi, I just installed gutsy and I need help installing drivers for my wireless card.. I am using Madwifi... but when i try to do ifconfig ath0 down and wifi0 down I get the message "ERROR while getting interface flags, no such device"06:25
chubs730lewix: try startx from the terminal06:25
j_humphreycan i do a expose cube thingy?06:25
chubs730lewix: if that's what it boots you to06:25
fantum13CVD-PR: Our computers will still function after 2038.06:26
_Oz_Dr_willis: that is precisely what I wanted!06:26
CVD-PRbut not all things are in 64bit, i have a AMD64 but never gonna use a 64bit,06:26
_Oz_and it's from google, which is always good.06:26
lewixchubs730: it wont work06:26
chubs730lewix: hmm, any error message?06:26
Dr_willislewix,  reconfigure your X server, install proper drivers for your video card.. is the basic things to check first.06:26
mouseboyxHello?, can someone help with a dhcp server problem?06:26
fantum13CVD-PR: Then your computer is a ticking bomb. Enjoy watching the time_t's wrap around.06:26
j_humphreyhow do i get this enabled: http://www.beryl-project.org/images/cube_full.jpg06:26
lewixDr_willis: how? im on windows right now...what should I check06:26
chubs730cvd-pr: there are very few programs not in 64 bit, and if they aren't you can always compile them yourself06:26
mrchicagoi dont have too many issues with my video card06:27
CVD-PRcompile :-(06:27
chubs730cvd-pr: the only real annoyance is java (grr!)06:27
nickrud_j_humphrey: what video card are you using?  lspci | grep -i vga will tell you06:27
rainwalkerj_humphrey: install the package "compizconfig-settings-manager" and enable the desktop cube06:27
j_humphreyits an ati x140006:27
Dr_willislewix,  check the !nvidia and !fixres bot factoies urls.06:27
chubs730cvd-pr: you'll rarely have to compile, 32 bit versions run fine with 32 bit libraries06:27
cptnapalmCVD-PR: Compiling most stuff is really pretty easy.  If the stuff is sane at all just have to use 3 commands and it will be installed06:27
j_humphreyi have desktop cube, but it doesn't look like that picture06:27
CVD-PRits so difficult to code from 32 to 64?06:27
Dr_willislewix,  there is a Mint support irc channel on some other chennel. Check the Mint web site.06:27
acee1235ij_humphrey:  i feel your pain x1400....06:27
d3ads0ulcan someone around please help me with burning dvds06:27
rainwalkerj_humphrey: oh, well what do you want it to look like?06:28
CVD-PRi already compiled  some stuff06:28
j_humphreyhttp://www.beryl-project.org/images/cube_full.jpg rainwalker06:28
d3ads0ulor tell me where i can go for help, ive googled and found nothing06:28
nickrud_j_humphrey:   system->admin->restricted manager , install the ati driver and reboot.  run    fglrxinfo  in the terminal, make sure it says you're using the ati 8.37.6 driver.  Install xserver-xgl compizconfig-settings-manager , and log out and back in06:28
Dr_willisd3ads0ul,  you mean creating VIDEO dvds or making DATA dvd's ?06:28
rainwalkerj_humphrey: I saw that, but what is it about that picture that you want?06:28
fantum13CVD-PR: x86_64 is fully backward compatible. You can run most ia32 binaries on it.06:28
badkittyIf I compile a new kernel other than the generic one, will it make a difference?06:28
d3ads0ulburning a video .iso06:28
pocketdrummerI've tried to get the cube working too, even with it enabled, it doesn't make a cube.06:28
mouseboyxHello?, can someone help with a dhcp server problem?06:28
GradeFPoultryd3ads0ul: What's the problem?06:28
pocketdrummermaybe, I'm using the wrong key combination?06:28
rainwalkerpocketdrummer: what do you mean?06:28
cptnapalmj_humphrey: problem is quite possibly the card.... using the ATI drivers may result in crashing your machine.  Just so you know what may happen.06:28
GradeFPoultryd3ads0ul: Actually, ignore me, I don't even know what I'm doing on Ubuntu yet >_<06:29
d3ads0ulwont burn, says input-output error06:29
mooseman447i have a raid 0 setup and i just upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 and now i get /dev/md0 does not exist dropping to a shell06:29
pocketdrummerrainwalker, it just flips. no cube :-/06:29
GradeFPoultryd3ads0ul: I'll try to find something on google.06:29
nickrud_cptnapalm: not really, been using the ati for a while now and helping quite a few chipset versions06:29
rainwalkerpocketdrummer: what key combo are you useing?06:29
Dr_willispocketdrummer,  you n eed to have 4 virtual desktops enabled for the full cube effect.06:29
Ashnalso i installed dosbox from the repository and have no clue where its configuration files are....06:29
j_humphreyI want the actual cube, it looks like the picture is a cube in expose, but when i activate the cube, it just flips the screen, rainwalker06:29
_Oz_j_humphrey: I have the answer to your problem06:29
d3ads0ulive been all over google, see a lot of people with problems, but not the same as mine06:29
Dr_willisAshnal,  read the dosbox docs/manpages. it can read them from different places.06:29
LinuxMercedesj_humphrey: how many desktops do you have?06:29
rainwalkerj_humphrey: what key combo are you using?06:30
_Oz_because I just solved it myself today :)06:30
acee1235j_humphrey:  you have x1400 correct and does your video playback flicker?06:30
Dr_willisAshnal,  i make a seperate config in each dos prograsm directory for my dosbox needs.06:30
j_humphrey_Oz_ how?06:30
chubs730d3ads0ul: if it's just an .iso, burn it with k3b or any other burning program06:30
badkittyj_humphrey: Its because you only have it set for 2 desktops (2 sides) you need 4 (cube)06:30
GradeFPoultryd3ads0ul: Check out this thread: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdrkit/+bug/1542406:30
nickrud_pocketdrummer, j_humphrey ccsm , the rotate cube option, increase the zoom. Then, hold down the middle mouse button and move the mouse06:30
j_humphreyacee1235, i just installed the OS today, and installed all the new drivers06:30
_Oz_j_humphrey: go into compiz config06:30
d3ads0ulthis is the error i get Executing 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/scd1 obs=32k seek=0'06:30
d3ads0ul/dev/scd1: "Current Write Speed" is 1.0x1352KBps.06:30
d3ads0ul:-( unable to WRITE@LBA=0h: Input/output error06:30
d3ads0ul:-( write failed: Input/output error06:30
cptnapalmnickrud_: Just bought a new machine.  Had an ATI.  Crashed the same way another card did.  Swapping out to nvidia helped.  They are pretty hit or miss and some have had problems with the X140006:30
_Oz_choose "general options"06:30
j_humphreybadkitty, i have 4 desktops06:30
d3ads0ulbut it doesnt toast my dvd-rs06:31
j_humphrey_oz_ im there06:31
rainwalker!paste | d3ads0ul06:31
ubotud3ads0ul: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:31
badkittyj_humphrey: Your sure? You have to check within ccsm (compiz settings manager)06:31
_Oz_look under "desktops" or "video" or something like that where you can set the number of horizontal and vertical desktops06:31
pocketdrummerrainwalker, ctrl+alt+ Left/right key. Is that right?06:31
nickrud_cptnapalm: hm, I've helped a couple set that up. The only issue I heard was bad video playback, they had to use the x11 output plugin06:31
_Oz_set horiz to 4, vertical to 206:31
badkittyj_humphrey: The default setting within compiz is 2 even though w/o compiz on you have 406:31
acee1235j_humphrey:  if you get it to work and the video not to glitch i would be interested how you did it06:31
rainwalkerpocketdrummer: for the cube, you need control + alt + click06:31
acee1235j_humphrey: i cant get mine working06:31
devnulldamn, it seems gdesklets has been abandoned06:31
mooseman447does anybody know why i get a /dev/md0 does not exist error after upgrading to 7.1006:31
ubdhow can i check if ubunutu makes cpu sclaing right_06:32
rainwalkerdevnull: screenlets > gdesklets06:32
CVD-PRany know why when i try do go in text mode nothing happen?06:32
j_humphreyacee1235, ah, i think it will glicth06:32
cptnapalmnickrud_: I, and acee1235 here, had hard crashes when doing anything that switched video mode at all: switch to console or... gasp... trying to logout06:32
devnullyeah? i will look into that06:32
j_humphreyglitch*, it was doing it earlier06:32
_Oz_you can also spin the cube by pressing down on your mousewheel while hovering over anywhere on the background, and flicking it around06:32
Ashnalhow would i get dosbox to read a config file i stash somewhere?06:32
rainwalkerdevnull: install them from gnome-look06:32
pocketdrummerIs cube enabled in extra visual effects?06:32
Dr_willisAshnal,  it has command line options.06:32
_Oz_j_humphrey: did it work?06:32
nickrud_acee1235: you talking about video playback? set the video output to x11 instead of xv06:32
acee1235i did06:32
acee1235no luck06:33
nickrud_acee1235: the x1400?06:33
_Oz_I'd give you better directions but I'm reinstalling the computer I had compiz running on06:33
acee1235had to disable compoziting in the xorg06:33
rainwalkerdevnull: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=7334606:33
cptnapalmacee1235: Flickering playback?  Damn, sound EXACTLY like what I had going on b/f i replaced the ATI card...06:33
devnullrainwalker: thanks06:33
CVD-PRWhen i try to do a suspend it wake automatically, this is a commond problem in ubuntu or is something worng with my configs?06:33
_Oz_j_humphrey: I'll bet I can predict your next question if you got that working06:33
nickrud_acee1235: you can't use composite extension with the fglrx in ubuntu ...06:34
acee1235cptnapalm:  im going around the world this summer so my laptop might set...stolen06:34
acee1235 nickrud_:  seems like it06:34
cptnapalmacee1235: You should go to AMD and find the chip designer and beat them to death with it06:34
skwashdgot it working ... hacked my persistent network rules06:35
chubs730!insurancefraud | acee123506:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about insurancefraud - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:35
nickrud_acee1235: did you try using the xserver-xgl ? compiz works fine with that installed on most cards I've seen06:35
badkittyHow would I find out what kernel is best for my processor? Its an amd athlon(64) 3000+06:35
acee1235nickrud_: were is that06:35
nickrud_badkitty: the generic one , unless you decide to custom compile06:35
AshnalDr_willis: ummm where is the default dosbox.conf file?06:35
cptnapalmnickrud_: I tried using xserver-xgl and all it did was hose everything until I completely uninstalled it...06:35
nickrud_acee1235:    sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl , log out and back in06:36
badkittynickrud_: Is there a benefit to compile the kernel?06:36
Dr_willisAshnal,  i would guess in /etc somewhere.06:36
nickrud_cptnapalm: use a minimal xorg.conf.  I'd recommend  dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg in fact.06:36
acee1235nickrud_: i can get compiz to work i just cant get compiz and video seems mutually exclusive dependent on the composite boolean06:36
cptnapalmnickrud_: I just swapped out the ati for nvidia... heh06:36
nickrud_acee1235: do not use the composite boolean. No composite section at all in the xorg.conf06:37
badkittycptnapalm: Wow you get a hi five!06:37
AshnalDr_willis: i already looked in there, i cant find it06:37
badkittycptnapalm: Down with ATI . NVidia FTW!06:37
nickrud_acee1235: try this:   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg && sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl , log out and back in06:37
_Oz_yeah, it's gotta be nvidia.06:37
Dr_willisAshnal,  then make one?06:38
cptnapalmAshnal: ok do this find /etc -type f -name "dosbox.conf" -print06:38
_Oz_their cards always work great and they're always compatible with everything.  dunno how anyone would willingly get sucked into an ATI.06:38
nickrud_badkitty: built into my laptop, gotta make it work06:38
Dr_williscould be an example one in the dosbox docs dir.06:38
fantum13I'm having DHCP issues with my AR5007EG on ndiswrapper (Gutsy amd64 with a 64 bit windows driver). I know the driver and card are functional, because if I can chain reboot enough for, than it'll work, but otherwise, I'm fscked. Does anyone have experience with this?06:38
cptnapalmAshnal: I think that should find it if it is in the /etc directory06:38
cptnapalmbadkitty: Swapping video cards cured all manner of headaches... and AMD STILL has not fixed their damn drivers06:39
razordeadhow come the screenlets.org web site hasn't been updated since 0.0.1006:39
badkittynickrud_: So its better NOT to compile a new kernel unless I had to (especially for support reasons)06:39
Ashnalcptnapalm: i get zilc06:39
pocketdrummerrainwalker: Is cube enabled in the extra setting?06:39
_Oz_dr_willis: one downside of this browser sync by google is that there's really no way to use your bookmarks at a public computer.  got a solution for that one?06:39
nickrud_badkitty: absolutely. I haven't compiled one in a few years06:39
badkittycptnapalm: I've disliked ati since I knew they existed.. it all went downhill from my first experience with an all-in-wonder06:40
Dr_willis_Oz_,  Check the various web sites that can keep your bookmarks i guess.  I dont use public coputers06:40
cptnapalmAshnal: Ok, I'm thinking that there isn't one there then heh06:40
razordead_Oz_: I think del.icio.us would be better for that06:40
cptnapalmAshnal: did you install from Synaptic or apt or some such?06:40
j_humphreyok, so it didnt work06:40
_Oz_what happened06:40
j_humphreyhooray for crappy ati06:40
Ashnalcptnapalm: i installed using the add/remove feature06:40
nickrud__Oz_: del.icio.us has a really useful firefox plugin as well06:41
badkittyI like the seemingly new plugin for firefox the speed-dial (surely a copy of operas speed dial)06:41
_Oz_oh, you're using ATI?  that does make it a bit more difficult06:41
cptnapalmbadkitty: One thing which puzzles me is how the hell they have some chips that work great, but others that are totally borked06:41
_Oz_nickrud: thanks for the tip06:41
_Oz_I'll check that out06:41
j_humphrey_oz_ yeah, it does make it more difficult06:41
cptnapalmAshnal: ok good... give me a minute and I'll see if i remember how to do something06:41
Dr_willisupdatedb and locate  - are handy tools. :)06:41
Jangariho would I install an app onto a server on which i don't have superuser permissions? I hear it's possible to put an app in my own ~/bin directory and run it from there06:41
LinuxMercedescptnapalm: yeah.  I have an ATI here that works fine06:41
badkittycptnapalm: Yah odd.. Do you know if ATI has the same kind of driver architecture that nvidia does IE. One driver for all cards (except GO?)06:42
_Oz_j_humphrey: are you still seeing only a two sided panel when you rotate the 'cube'?06:42
Dr_willisJangari,  you could compile the app as a user. and install it to your home dir.06:42
j_humphreylinuxmercedes, are you on a mobility radien?06:42
demortesI have a completely unrelated question to help me with my ubuntu server. I need to register a domain name, but every time I use godaddy, it doesn't release it to be registered again. Anyone got any decent registration services that allows complete control over nameservers?06:42
cptnapalmLinuxMercedes: Had a laptop with an ATI was great.  Have had 2 desktops with ATI which were aweful...  :-/06:43
j_humphreyas long as i dont have virtual desktops, i think im fine06:43
acee1234compiz is up testing video06:43
ubd how can i check if ubuntus cpu frequency handling06:43
LinuxMercedesj_humphrey: I have a radeon of some sort in the desktop (I forget which one); Laptop is Trident Video Accelerator =[06:43
pocketdrummerDoes anyone know if cube is enabled on Extra mode? I tried ctrl+alt+left click and it does nothing.06:43
Jangarihow do i compile it, lame, as a user, Dr_willis?06:43
Jangarior sox, even06:43
Dr_willisdownload the source.. and assiming the compiler stuff is installed.. unpack it.. and start compiling.06:43
badkittydemortes: What do you mean released again? You should be able to control nameservers of your domain through godaddy06:43
Jangaripocketdrummer: you have to get advanced desktop settings06:44
demortesRight, but I want to have it released back to the domain pool if and when it expires06:44
shroothyany one know how to open my own channel06:44
demortesI don't think great domains should be reserved for pointless ads06:44
badkittypocketdrummer: If you look under the controls it should tell you what keys are binded to it06:44
Jangaricompiling doesn't require superuser privileges?06:44
devnullhmm, out of beer...06:44
acee1234ok video doesnt flicker but it has reduced fps and is lagged behind the sound06:44
devnullcompiling doesnt, but systemwide installation does06:44
j_humphreywhen i switch between desktops (wheel up/down on desktop) it doesnt "flip" it looks like a cube, but i dont actually see a cube06:45
pocketdrummerJangari, Badkitty: Thanks06:45
cptnapalmAshnal: I *think* that dpkg -S dosbox.conf should work06:45
devnullin fact it is recommended that programs not be compiled as root by most06:45
nickrud_j_humphrey: hold down the middle mouse button and move the mouse around.06:45
badkittyj_humphrey: did you check to see how many desktops (horizontal setting in ccsm) you have?06:45
j_humphreythat works nickrud06:45
Ashnalcptnapalm: whatll that do? tell me where dosbox.conf is?06:45
_Oz_is it a cube now, j-hump?06:46
cptnapalmdo not compile as root if at all possible.... If you do, you will get cooties and girls will not want to talk to you.06:46
Jangarimm, the problem is that its a university owned server running redhat, and they won't allow us to install systemwide software that isn't supported by redhat, and they don't yet support the mp3 libraries for so06:46
demortesYou're running ubuntu, unless you make a lot of money, I doubt your in any state to talk to girls anyway06:46
j_humphreyis there a way to zoom out?06:46
badkittyj_humphrey: The normal ctrl-alt keys probably are not binded or something06:46
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
j_humphreydemortes, im running ubuntu, and im engaged :)06:46
chubs730demortes: no way, ubuntu sounds so exotic06:46
cptnapalmAshnal: I don't have dosbox.  That will tell dpkg to search for the packages that have dosbox.conf  so should tell you where it installed it06:46
_Oz_j-hump: I knew you'd ask that06:46
chubs730exotic ~ erotic06:47
_Oz_look under rotating cube in the compiz-config06:47
_Oz_one of the options is "scale"06:47
demorteschubs730 I can see that, but not like to women :P06:47
_Oz_zoom it to about 3.006:47
_Oz_it'll start looking more like a cube06:47
Ashnalcptnapalm: so will this dpkg tell me where any app is installed?06:47
cptnapalmAshnal: it will tell you where a particular file is, if you installed it the normal way06:47
chubs730demortes: "maynards-girl has quit ()"  yeah guess not :/06:48
demortesso anyone have a preferred place for domain registration?06:48
nickrudAshnal: dpkg -L <packagename> shows where all the files get installed06:48
Jangarirotating the cube with like 16 desktops is fun06:48
cptnapalmnickrud: Damnit i forgot about the -L06:48
Jangariit turns into a massive wheel, like a big block of parmesan06:48
badkittydemortes: I've just used godaddy. Also if you go to brinkster.com (if you need hosting) they give you a domain name or two for free with the hosting06:48
Dr_willis Ashnal    /usr/share/doc/dosbox/dosbox.conf.example.gz06:49
chubs730demortes: godaddy has been fine for me also06:49
Ashnalnickrud:thank you that will be soooo helpful as i never seem to be able to find program files since they seem to be scattered everywhere06:49
demortesI'm not liking Godaddy, because of them, I can't use the same domain name06:49
demortesThey fail to release the domain to a functional state06:49
witepaHi, I am trying to install madwifi to enable my wireless card, but I am encountering some difficulties. First off, can anyone help me to why my wireless device is coming up as eth1 instead of ath0 or wifi0?06:49
cptnapalmDr_willis: what were they thinking slapping it into /usr/share/doc....06:49
badkittydemortes: WHO06:49
Jangarii went with 1and1, i didn't know any others and 1and1 were suggested to me, 6 bucks a year wasn't too bad i though06:49
j_humphreywow, compiz is so much better than aero06:49
MandosI am having trouble with suspend/hibernate on Feisty.  It used to work, but now it is not.06:49
demortesbadkitty: godaddy.06:49
demortesI just need domain, not hosting.06:50
badkittydemortes: I never had problems with them..06:50
Dr_williscptnapalm,  its an example config file. :)  where else should it be.06:50
Dr_williscpTanis,  dosbox can generate a conf file I belive from some command also..06:50
Dr_willisoops wrong nick :)06:50
jj_humphrey aer?06:50
badkitty_Oz_: Geah06:50
_Oz_how do I get twinview working again?06:50
_Oz_there's a quick and easy way to get x-server06:50
Mandosunfortunately, I have not been able to find any reason for why it does not work.06:50
badkitty_Oz_: Let me get the link06:50
_Oz_but I forgot it06:50
nickruddemortes: why not just transfer the domain?06:50
demortesI no longer own it06:51
cptnapalmDr_willis: I've always hated example configs... I mean, ship the damn thing with something that at least barely works and put it in the right place...  Where the hell is my pitchfork?!?!06:51
badkitty_Oz_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177358406:51
MandosAnd my ubuntuforums posts have not received any response.06:51
MandosWhich is not unusual.06:51
cptnapalmMandos: well frequently when noone knows, they don't answer :-/06:51
Dr_williscptnapalm, i found it. :)   of course i also read the docs. :)06:52
_Oz_that's it06:52
Ashnalcptnapalm: im with you, and i currently have no idea where to put this config file so that dosbox will load it at startup06:52
badkittyI think twinview is a lame name.. especially because my two monitors barely look alike06:52
_Oz_thank you, badkitty.  I love that method -- so much easier.06:52
nickrudMandos: try looking in /var/log/syslog , around the time you suspend. You might find a clue there06:52
witepaHey again, I am trying to install madwifi to enable my wireless card, but I am encountering some difficulties. First off, can anyone help me to why my wireless device is coming up as eth1 instead of ath0 or wifi0?06:52
jcan someone help me . i'm trying to remove my old ubuntu partitions. I have it in the same hard drive that im running another partation with ubuntu06:52
MandosI've tried.06:52
sp219j: gparted?06:52
badkitty_Oz_: It's one of those things you just need to get it working already you know?06:52
Dr_willisAshnal,  dosbox man pages says in the current directory06:52
MandosLooking in /var/log/syslog.  It doesn't say much.  I am using uswsusp.  It fails on "suspending consoles".06:52
=== sp219 is now known as a
cptnapalmAshnal: See, it is all about finding something, and editing it... it should not be about finding something, figure out where to put it and then figure out how the hell to get it to work at all06:53
MandosAnd then doesn't turn off the computer.06:53
sigmawitepa: that depends on your hardware and how it is connected, mine is eth1 as well06:53
MandosThat's for s2disk/s2both.06:53
=== a is now known as s
badkitty_Oz_: Although I thought there was a graphical way to do that now ...06:53
AshnalDr_willis: the directory that the dosbox executable is in?06:53
jsp219 so its /dev/sda1 ext3 but then it has linux-swap as /dev/sda2 and then ext /dev/sda3 for the one im running now06:53
=== Fyd4_ is now known as Fyda
Dr_willisAshnal,  the directory you RUN the program from06:53
nickrudMandos:   ubuntu-users mail list, it has some smart people there. attach the relevant part of the syslog06:53
=== s is now known as sp219
witepasigma: when i try to do iwlist eth1 scan, i get eth1 no scan results06:53
witepasigma: after installing madwifi06:53
Dr_willisAshnal,  this lets you put a config file in each dos games dir. that gets used.06:53
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:53
Jangariooh, another netsplit06:54
MandosOK, I"ll try that.06:54
sigmahah, netsplit06:54
Dr_williscptnapalm,  the fact its mentioned in the man page  is  hiding it eh. :)06:54
AshnalDr_willis: is it possible to have a global config file that loads when dosbox does?06:54
sp219Netsplit ftw06:54
sp21901:54… These users have been split from #ubuntu: danopia`cat, b4ggi0, marko-_-_, Rabiddog, jughead, edward_, mjwolf, dirk__, xerophyt1, mrMister, kikr, maddler, sKy\, scr, Oktanouc, ParsiTux_, kilrae, SuperLag, Kwitschibo, jwisher, J4t, Slap_Stick, saxin, Rprp, Cirex, Virtuall, pherring, LumBuntu, popey, jlong, Keith_, snaregirl, opkg2s, Faust-C, netdefilr, morodock, insta, Johnny_5_elsewhe, eyyYo, Aloha, riotkittie, krim, emitchlpd, pram06:54
badkittywhy does that happen anyway?06:54
jcan someone help me . i'm trying to remove my old ubuntu partitions. I have it in the same hard drive that im running another partation with ubuntu06:54
Dr_willisAshnal,  proberly. Id  have to double check the man pages06:54
Jangarimeh, that ain't many06:54
ji want to delete the sda1 first one /dev/sda1 ext3 but then it has linux-swap as /dev/sda2 and then ext /dev/sda3 for the one im running now06:54
MandosStill, it failed for no reason.  Lots of people have problems with nvidia and ATI, but I don't have those.06:54
cptnapalmDr_willis: Everything should go where it is supposed to go...06:54
Jangaricould have been 200 more06:54
sp219badkitty: one of the servers lost it's connection06:55
Jangarij: that seems reasonable, what's the problem?06:55
jwould that be a problem for linux swap ..messing up the06:55
Dr_williscptnapalm,  it dosent need one  :) so there for its going in the example dir.06:55
witepasigma: when i try to do iwlist eth1 scan, i get eth1 no scan results06:55
Jangarishouldn't be a problem for the swap,06:55
jJangari want to delete the sda1 first one /dev/sda1 ext3 but then it has linux-swap as /dev/sda2 and then ext /dev/sda3 for the one im running now06:55
j_humphreyok, i did something and i have little fires on my window, what is that?06:55
Mandosubuntu-users is enormous-traffic.06:55
Jangarii heard you the first two times, j06:56
_Oz_what does "gksudo" mean anyway?  Obviously I know what sudo does.06:56
dragonare there any good games that i can install on ubuntu?06:56
_Oz_why the "gk"?06:56
Jangarino dragon, none06:56
Jangarinever ever06:56
badkittydragon: Umm enemy-territory06:56
j_humphreywhat does clone output do?06:56
Jangarifun is not permitted06:56
Dr_willis!info rocksndiamonds06:56
uboturocksndiamonds (source: rocksndiamonds): Arcade style game. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 3.2.3-3 (gutsy), package size 384 kB, installed size 1256 kB06:56
_Oz_d  o  r  k  f  a  c  e06:56
cptnapalmDr_willis: but it has to be in the directory from which you happen to be to run the program?  that's sad... Hell even a totally incompetent n00Bz C learner can find out how to load from a default location...06:56
Dr_willisthats a must get game.06:56
Starnestommy_Oz_: it's a gtk frontend to sudo06:56
dorkfaceHi all, I have a .tff file with a font that I really want to use.  I tried searching google, but is it possible to convert .tff to .pcf, so konsole can understand it?06:56
_Oz_why does it need a gtk front end?06:56
cptnapalmDr_willis: Ok maybe not one totally incompetent... I mean I don't know how to do it and I'm completely clueless heh06:57
jjangari so i can delete sda1 ext3 the old ubuntu partation .. but its mount point /media/sda1 would i run into problems if i remove it?06:57
neil_d_Oz_: it help when runing gui tools like gedit06:57
Starnestommy_Oz_: note that a lot of graphical administrative programs use it06:57
dragonso is there a website that has a list of good games? or do i just look up on google " linux games"?06:57
jjangari nvm what i said.06:57
dragonalso i cant seem to get sound to work06:57
MandosOK thanks.06:57
MandosI filed a launchpad bug.06:58
_Oz_thanks, starnes and neil.06:58
Ashnaldragon:theres always emulators which are fun06:58
MandosWe'll see if it gets any responses.06:58
badkittydragon: There was a list somewhere google best linux games...06:58
Dr_williscptnapalm,  I WANT it to run from the current dir. that way when i cd to 'doom' and do 'dosbox' it auto runs that config file. which i set up to run doom., if i am in the warlords dir - i set it up to auto run warlords06:58
chubs730oops sorry wrong channel06:58
Jangariyou should probably solicit advice from someone who knows what they're talking about, j, but i would assume that the numbering of the partition wouldn't change if you format an entire partition06:58
badkittydragon: You can also look into sourceforge06:58
jjangari is it ok if 1st partition is linux-swap and 2nd is ubutnut06:58
badkittydragon: But i think sudoku is fun!!06:58
cptnapalmDr_willis: Oh wait... its not a system config then?  Its a per app thing?06:58
dragonso either google good linux games or use sourceforge?06:58
Jangarii don't think it matters where they are, I have first partition swap, second data, third xp pro, fourth ext306:58
AshnalDr_willis: i launch dosbox itself, and then the game inside it06:59
jJangari thank you06:59
badkittydragon: Try both! Use those firefox tabs!!06:59
Dr_williscptnapalm, it looks for a user made config, and in the current dir..06:59
evil_techJ: it doesnt matter where ubuntu is installed as long as grub can point to it06:59
Dr_willisAshnal,  you can set up a config to autorun the game if you wanted.06:59
MandosI'm going to google "bad linux games."06:59
dragonok i'll try those thanks :)06:59
badkittyMandos: Great idea!06:59
Jangarialso, reformatting one partition, your first, won't renumber those after it, they're fixed spaces on the disk06:59
evil_techMandos: you need Blobwars :)06:59
dragonas far as emulaters go do you mean wine? cause i cant get it to work and i have tried lots of times06:59
Jangariwhen you format it for another use, dataspace, say, it'll become the first partition07:00
cptnapalmgood linux game was xsoldier or something like that fun and hard07:00
Jangariwine bites07:00
MandosIt doesn't give me much.  Just a bunch of bug reports.07:00
MandosMaybe if I google "terrible linux games" it will be more fruitful.07:00
badkittydragon: There are many games that run natively on linux.. give those a try... if you like FPS try enemy territory07:00
Jangariwhy do you want bad games, Mandos?07:00
nickrudwine is evil, it perpetuates non-free software07:00
AshnalDr_willis: i might want to explain what im trying to do i guess haha cause its not something typical, im actually trying to compile a dos game so i can play it...cause all i have is the source code....and i need to set something in the autoexec.bat to get it to compile, which i thought i could do through a config file07:00
badkittydragon: I think another popular one is called fortress???07:01
Cpudan80nickrud: Perhaps, but if you can run the stuff you need to run without windows --- is that so bad?07:01
Jangarinot so much non-free, nickrud, but closed-access,07:01
Dr_willisAshnal,  compile a dos game under linux? Good Luck with that..07:01
sigma.... just did a search for blob.... found: "Metal Blob Solid" ... wtf...07:01
cptnapalmDr_willis: it would seem to me a better way to do that would be to have it as essentially a script which you would toss in a personal bin so just call up whatever game you want to run by its name07:01
dragonwhat did you mean by emulater? you mean like zsnes? thats a cool emulater wounder if they have a linux ver of it07:01
AshnalDr_willis, no compile a dos game inside of dosbox07:01
achandrashekarhello I have a question about an ltsp setup which uses nfs mounted home drive. Im confused about setup and also the use of ldap for authentication. Does anyone have experience with this?07:01
nickrudJangari: same thing.07:01
Cpudan80nickrud: I'd rather have an app running in wine than a VM with Windows XP + app07:01
Dr_williscptnapalm,  unless you need seperate configs for each game..07:01
Jangariokay, so you don't mean monetarily free07:01
MandosJangari: Just because it amuses me.07:02
Mr__does this room have some sort of webchat  block on it?07:02
Dr_willisAshnal,  that dosbox config file has autorun commands at the end of it. I guess ya could toss them in there.07:02
nickrudCpudan80: it's a political thing, so off topic ;)07:02
badkittyCpudan80: if possible yah.. xp in vm is the pits07:02
Cpudan80nickrud: heh, alrighty07:02
Jangariliektoolbox for linguists, free, but only availsble for pc or intel mac via crossover, and linux via wine07:02
Dr_willisAshnal,  you got a compiler for dos appready eh?07:02
JangariMandos: how about xmame?07:02
AshnalDr_willis: im trying to set the dos compiler up07:02
cptnapalmDr_willis: nope.  See if was essentially a script, then you would change what options needed to be changed then name the script after the game.  Calling the script would then call dosbox to run the dos game in the specially needed way.07:02
j_humphreywhere do you get widgets for the widget layer?07:03
MandosInstalling it.07:03
Dr_williscptnapalm,  this is linxu do whatever you want. You could alwyas set up whatever alias;s ytou want. :P07:03
AshnalDr_willis:and the environment variables need to be set in auutoexec.bat07:03
MandosIt looks big.07:03
StarnestommyMr__: looks like it07:03
Jangariyou'll need to find the roms as well, Mandos07:03
Mr__Starnestommy: y?07:03
Dr_willisAshnal,  the dosbox config file has a auto run thing at the end that can do that.07:03
StarnestommyMr__: abuse07:03
Jangarithey can be a bit of a b|tch07:03
[MGR]MikkelHi ...07:03
cptnapalmDr_willis: Of course I've now been talking out of my butt for half an hour about a program that I have never used so... Ignore me at your leisure :)07:04
AshnalDr_willis:yea thats what ive been trying to get at, however i dont know where to put the damn thing07:04
[MGR]MikkelI has Download the Script to my IRC Server! .. and i can not running it! its say : Fail: Cannot chdir(/home/server/lib): Permission denied, check DPATH <- I know dont no why? Please Help me!07:04
Dr_williscptnapalm,   im about to. :) i 'cd warlords2' and run run dosbox. and it runs the game for me. I could make a 2 line script that just cd's and runs. if i wanted.07:04
Mr__Starnestommy: can any sites get approval?07:04
AshnalDr_willis:so that when i run dosbox by itself it loads the config, allowing me to run the compiler afterwards inside07:04
Dr_willisAshnal,  put the dosbov config in the dir with the dos game filea.. cd to the dos dir.. and run dosbox.07:05
StarnestommyMr__: you could probably ask the ops for an exception07:05
Dr_willisAshnal,  you are making it WAY too hard.07:05
Mr__Starnestommy: who are they?07:05
tichcan someone direct me to a page that lists portable mp3/movie players (like ipods) that work well with ubuntu?07:05
AshnalDr_willis: i cant just 'run' the game >_>07:05
StarnestommyMr__: /join #ubuntu-ops ?07:05
Dr_willisAshnal,  you run dosbox. that gives you a shell.07:05
cptnapalmDr_willis: I remember writing scripts like that... but no one ever said you had to be in the particular directory to run the stuff so I'd be stupidly looking into dependency problems for a week...07:05
Dr_willisyou could then just make a script that sets up the commands if you wanted.07:06
[MGR]MikkelHello all ... I need help i has Problem to Why Can i not Start the ircu up??? Fail: Cannot chdir(/home/server/lib): Permission denied, check DPATH07:06
Jangaritich, they'll all work, it's just a matter fo finding out how07:06
star1Hi there, my install of Beryl seems to be broken -- when I try to use it, I don't get any title-bars or borders on my windows.  I read somewhere that to fix it, I need to recompile the fglrx kernel module, but it keeps failing saying it can't find a directory that I know exists.  Can anyone help me out?07:06
cptnapalmAshnal: you have to compile DOS source code?07:06
jJangari now there a error when i restarted07:06
Jangarimy ipod video 5.5, for instance, works better with ubuntu than it ever did on windows with itunes or anapod explorer07:06
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: does /home/server/lib exist?07:06
Ashnalcptnapalm: YES07:06
badkittystar1: Are you using beryl or compiz-fusion?07:06
Jangariwhat error, j, 17?07:06
jjangari it went to fsck07:06
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: Yes! i can see : the 1 File!07:07
Jangarithat isn't an error,07:07
jso /var/log/fsck07:07
tichJangari: but some might work better/easier than others... and some support open codecs.07:07
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: is it a file or a directory?07:07
[MGR]Mikkela file!07:07
Ashnalcptnapalm: i need to compile DOS source into a DOS executable to be run in DOSbox07:07
Dr_williscptnapalm,  the man page for dosbox tells where it look for the config. :)   current dir, then a users .dosboxrc  or other ways.07:07
[MGR]Mikkelexample.conf <-07:07
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: it must be a directory07:07
guildman12omg is this abunch of fellow ubuntuers?!?!?!!07:07
durlhello.  I'm having problems getting my usplash screen to work.  It shows up as black (out of sync).  I'm using Gutsy.07:07
Jangaritrue, tich, i have the problem now of having a computer that can't encode to mp3 and a player that doesn't read ogg vorbis07:07
cptnapalmAshnal: what the hell... I don't think I ever thought that would be something anyone would ever need to do... Compile DOS source so can run a DOS emulator to run on Linux07:07
_Oz_badkitty, do you remember how to get all the top taskbar stuff moved from the left monitor to the right one in twinview?07:07
guildman12omg is this abunch of fellow ubuntuers?!?!?!!07:07
guildman12omg is this abunch of fellow ubuntuers?!?!?!!07:07
guildman12omg is this abunch of fellow ubuntuers?!?!?!!07:07
Jangariunless i reinstall rockbox07:07
jjangari it isn;t an error?07:08
Dr_willisAshnal,  so Put the code and compiler in a directory named "DosWork" cd to DosWork , run dosbox. IF thers a dosbox.conf in that dir. it will auto run that.07:08
star1badkitty: I think I'm using Beryl, I installed it a while ago. If you think I should just get rid of Beryl and try to switch to Fusion, I'd appreciate any pointers, since I remember Beryl being a pain to get working to begin with07:08
Ashnalcptnapalm:well if i had a dos machine all would be dandy now wouldnt it?07:08
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: I dont no ... Its a File from ircu i has downloadet :)07:08
Jangarifile system check isn't necerrarily an error07:08
cptnapalmguildman12: Nope... we are a whole different foreign Ubuntuers  ;)07:08
jjangari fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=18ba4b11-4d98-485b-8461-675b5a08b271 fsck died with exit status 807:08
Jangaridid it boot after checking the file system?07:08
cptnapalmAshnal: If you had a compiler... maybe...07:08
jjangari how i resolve this or fix07:08
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: I think you probably installed it wrong07:08
Jangarioh, that's an error07:08
Ashnalcptnapalm: i have the compiler07:08
HewusHi. My RAM and page file (2GB and 1GB respectively) are both very full at the moment according to system monitor, but listing the processes doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. Anyone know a tool that will give me details of what is in RAM? Possibly some command line tool?07:08
jJangari nope it tell me to ctrl d then its boot07:08
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: How can i Install it? i will not install on Root :S07:08
tichhas someone come across a wiki or forum that lists portable players that work well with ubuntu?07:08
Jangariin grub, have a look at the boot line by pressing e twice (i think it's twice)07:09
badkittystar1: Yes I would.. I would recommend upgrading to gutsy and installing compiz-fusion.. works way better than beryl07:09
cptnapalmHewus  top07:09
jJangari grub?07:09
Jangarihang on, j07:09
star1badkitty: I have gutsy, I just have beryl left-over07:09
jJangari ok07:09
Jangarithat's the file system that you just reformatted, right?07:09
badkittystar1: Oh you did a dist-upgrade?07:09
acee1234why does running google earth crash x-server?07:09
star1badkitty: Yes07:09
witepa  I am having trouble getting madwifi to work with a Linksys Broadcom BCM4306 with Gutsy... can I get someone to help me please?07:09
cptnapalmAshnal: so have to run a DOS compiler under an emulator on linux to compile DOS code on Linux so can run a DOS emulator to run a game on Linux07:09
FloodBot1guildman12: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:09
badkittystar1: Any chance you 'd want to reinstall?07:10
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: i are In the Here you can see : mikkel@server-desktop:~/snircd.$ <-07:10
Hewuscptnapalm: ty, worked perfectly. looks like it's compiz.real o_O07:10
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: I don't remember how ircu works, but I have worked with a few other ircds07:10
cptnapalmHewus: Color me unsurprised heh07:10
crdlbHewus: nvidia?07:10
badkittystar1: It is so much easier now its a dream I had to reinstall yesterday, had everything up and customized in under 2 hours07:10
cptnapalmHewus: top can be sorted in different ways.  Compiz can be... odd sometimes... heh07:10
Hewuscrdlb: yes. 7600GT nvidia07:10
crdlbHewus: how much video ram?07:11
star1badkitty: I've been thinking about it, but having nightmares of getting it all set up (my first install was back with 6.04, I think).  Glad to hear it's better07:11
Jangarij: do what it asks for, press ctrl + D or whatever it is, i have a feeling that all that's happenes is your menu.lst thinks your old installation is still there, which it isn't, causing a fsch error07:11
Hewuscptnapalm: yes I can see it bouncing around, not the top CPU process but it's definitely the memory hog07:11
crdlbHewus: the reason I ask is that the nvidia driver (only nvidia-glx-new) has a horrendous memory leak when using compiz (it causes compiz to appear to be leaking)07:11
Hewuscrdlb: 256MB07:11
Jangariso when you boot, you just have to change the enu.lst to get rid of the line that pertains to the non-existent operating system07:11
jJangari is there  any way i can get ride ?07:12
badkittystar1: Yeah basically there is a restricted drivers manager in the GUI- the drivers are in the repos, all you gotta do is download the manager and enable the effects are your rockin07:12
star1badkitty: Nice to hear07:12
jJangari how? i'm new to this..07:12
Hewuscrdlb: I've been running Guild Wars through Wine for >24h now so I'm not complaining too much, just was interested what was taking up the RAM since apparently it wasn't Wine itself07:12
Jangariwhat is it asking of you now, j?07:12
badkittystar1: Hardest part now is waiting for the liveCD to load ..07:12
cptnapalmand a good night to all07:12
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: I can Running bircd <- its works! I has litte problem! i has Download The Script from One Site .. I can not running it? it say : Need mask :S07:13
badkittycptnapalm: Where you off too07:13
Hewuscrdlb: I just checked, yep I have nvidia-glx-new07:13
cptnapalmbadkitty: lalaland?07:13
star1badkitty: I'll probably try and plan this out a little bit first, since I've always had to use the alternate CD in the past.  I have an ATI Mobile Radeon that doesn't play well with the LiveCD07:13
badkittycptnapalm: Ah you don't wanna go there, hang out with the boys for a while07:13
cptnapalmbadkitty: or if I've read too much Lovecraft lately, the Dreamlands07:13
bluefoxxok, so i got a network hub today, and i have this second computer i want to get going on the net, runs 7.10 and i want to make it able to log into an account on this computer instead of one on itself, but it doesnt even connect to the net, any suggestions? i could disable the onboard and use an adaptor instead maybe, i have a few /97 to /00 3com cards laying around...any suggestions?07:14
reweranyone interested in purchasing an unlimited whm master reseller?07:14
badkittystar1: OIC .. I haven't tried the new install with ati yet.. although I hear the support for ati is getting way better07:14
jJangari how? how do i change menu.lst? "he line that pertains to the non-existent operating system"07:14
nickrud!ot | rewer07:14
uboturewer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:14
Jangariwhat is it asking you to do right now?07:14
acee1234nickrud_:  you here?07:14
badkittycptnapalm: Ok well ttyl mang07:14
nickrudacee1234: yep07:14
cptnapalmbadkitty: night :)07:14
jJangari nothing right now07:15
Jangarihas it booted up?07:15
jJangari ya07:15
_Oz_badkitty, do you remember how to get all the top taskbar stuff moved from the left monitor to the right one in twinview?07:15
bluefoxxif it helps the hub is a 4 port one for 16.99CDN at best buy07:15
Jangariif so, open a terminal, type "sudo pico /boot/grub/menu.lst"07:15
badkitty_Oz_: Drag it over there07:15
acee1234nickrud_:  that got compiz working and i can restart x now without freezing but google earth now crashes x and video playback has major fps loss and lag07:15
crdlbHewus: with 256MB of vram, it shouldn't be too bad, but it makes compiz unusable on weaker nvidia cards07:16
star1badkitty: Yeah, I hope so.  It's no big deal anymore, I've done it a few times so I have the hang of it.  I usually just end up manually grabbing the fglrx drivers from the repos' via http beforehand (since I'm at a Uni where I have to log in to use the net), and then I'm good to go07:16
jJangari ok. what am i'm looking for?07:16
sp219Does anyone know of a way to log out another user, so I can use the 'deluser' function?07:16
Jangariscroll down until you get to a bunch of lines that don't begin with #07:16
badkittystar1: Cool. Yah it will be so much better once you upgrade07:16
mooseman447what does update-initramfs do?07:16
nickrudacee1234: the screwed up part about using xserver-xgl is it screws up other apps use of direct rendering, that's the issue with google earth I'd bet but if crdlb is around still, he understands this stuff way better than I do07:17
Hewuscrdlb: yes it's usable, even now. It will be due to the fact I've been running a heavy 3D app in Wine for an extended period of time. I'll restart when I can be bothered, since it's not causing me any direct problems.07:17
jJangari # end default options # rite?07:17
Jangarithey shoudl say stuff like "title           Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic"07:17
star1badkitty: Can't wait!  I'm going to go start planning a little bit and getting organized -- thanks for the help!  With any luck I'll be up and running by later tonight.07:17
Jangariyeah, after that 'end default options' bit07:17
jJangari roger . I am looking rite now07:17
Jangaripastebin the rest07:17
badkittystar1: Great goodluck!07:17
Jangari!pastebin | j07:17
ubotuj: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:17
acee1234crdlb: you around tonight?07:18
star1badkitty: Thanks, cya!07:18
mooseman447whats the difference between 2.6.22-14-386 and 2.6.22-14-generic07:18
sp219Does anyone know of a way to log out another user, so I can use the 'deluser' function?07:18
crdlbacee1234: Xgl does cause issues with running oepngl apps and video playback, there isn't too much you can do about it :/07:18
Jangarifvcked if i know07:18
crdlbmooseman447: -386 is for really old computers (actual i386s); -generic is for everything else07:19
acee1234crdlb: ok if i give up my compiz aspirations what can i do to get things back in order?07:19
zgmf-x20ahey all.  im on ubuntu 7.10.  i have a question about movie files.  how do i STOP them from having the preview of them as an icon.  the feature takes up to much cpu/time.07:19
nickrudacee1234: the only way I've gotten useful video in compiz is to use the x11 output module in vlc07:19
crdlbacee1234: uninstall xserver-xgl or touch ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable07:20
jJangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55444/07:20
mooseman447crdlb i just had an issue upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 and followed this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/128313 so i should boot into -generic?07:20
sp219Does anyone know of a way to log out another user, so I can use the 'deluser' function?07:21
Dr_willissp219,  kill all the users processes07:21
jJangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55444/07:21
crdlbmooseman447: yes, you should use -generic07:21
Jangarij did you accidentally paste it twice? or does your menu.lst contain the same lines twice?07:22
acee1234"sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl"07:22
acee1234restarting x07:22
mooseman447crdlb how do i make -generic the default because grub seems to boot -386 unless i stop it07:22
jJangari wopps07:22
jJangari sorry07:22
crdlbmooseman447: uninstalling the -386 image is one way07:23
mooseman447crdlb i just tried booting to -generic and it said i was in low graphics mode07:23
jJangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55445/07:23
Jangariis that it, j? there were no other operating systems listed?07:23
crdlbmooseman447: make sure you have the 'linux-generic' package installed so that you have the right linux-restricted-modules installed for that kernel07:24
zgmf-x20ahey all.  im on ubuntu 7.10.  i have a question about movie files.  how do i STOP them from having the preview of them as an icon.  the feature takes up to much cpu/time.07:24
Jangarioh, that's what i'm looking for07:24
_Oz_yep you were right badkitty07:24
_Oz_just needed to drag it07:24
nickrudzgmf-x20a: in the file browser, edit->prefs preview tab07:25
badkitty_Oz_: whats that?07:25
badkitty_Oz_: Oh hehe07:25
jJangari thats what i have only ubuntu07:25
jJangari thats what i have only ubuntu07:26
acee1234crdlb: ok other than not being able to restart x without hard boot things work07:26
Jangarino, i actually was after that last one,07:26
jJangari thats what i have removed my 1st partiton from07:26
zgmf-x20anickrud: AHHHHH thats where it is!  thank you!!  ^_^07:26
Jangarithat's the partition that you just reformatted07:26
Jangariright, it's also the one throwing up the error message:  fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=18ba4b11-4d98-485b-8461-675b5a08b271 fsck died with exit status 807:26
Jangarisame uuid07:27
iDivineSay I unzipped something, How would I install it?07:27
jJangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55446/07:27
jJangari so what should i do?07:27
macogwiDivine: depends whats inside07:27
RoyI would like to change my screen resolution from 50Hz to 60 Hz but I couldn't find any option. How should I go about it?07:27
nickrudJangari: that error gets thrown up from /etc/fstab07:28
iDivineI downloaded something random, Like a MUD client thingy? IDK, Just wondering, how do I install it.07:28
mooseman447crdlb i know this is weird but why does it seem the ubuntu boot splash is lower res then usual?07:28
ac1dfr33z3can someone tell me why when i try to update it says index is broken?07:28
macogwiDivine: but what kind of file was in the zip when you unzipped it07:28
crdlbmooseman447: no idea, something is apparently different in the grub line for the -generic kernel07:29
iDivinemacogw, Yes07:29
Jangarinickrud: s/he has an old installation in the menu.lst for a partition that has since been reformatted, that's why the fsch error is coming up07:29
macogwiDivine: that was a question07:29
Jangarii suppose07:29
RoyI would like to change my screen resolution from 50Hz to 60 Hz but I couldn't find any option. How should I go about it?07:29
jJangari ya07:29
mooseman447crdlb i looked but i didnt see anything but i did the update-initramfs from the 7.10 live cd though07:29
iDivineIt was zipped.07:29
nickrudJangari: that's for the boot, the fsck at boot is run against /etc/fstab listed partitions iirc07:29
iDivineThen I unzipped it, and now it's in a folder.07:29
acee1234im gonna go off to the land of the ethereal for a bit good night and thank you07:30
Jangariwhat does iirc stand for?07:30
macogwiDivine: and what's in it?07:30
ac1dfr33z3 can someone tell me why when i try to update it says index is broken?07:30
nickrudJangari: if i recall correctly07:30
crdlbRoy: nvidia?07:30
Roycrdlb: Yes, Nvidia07:30
paranoid_ndroidhello, I'd like to automate some things in ubuntu. is it possible to send text to specified fields on several webpages?07:30
macogwiDivine: a .run? .sh? .deb?07:30
bluntedHey there my sound card isn't working under ubuntu 7.10.  It's a Visi Qsound. Thunderbird 128. (x wave)  I can't find helpful google results.07:30
iDivinedoc folder, plugins07:30
iDivineNo run, no sh, no deb07:30
Jangariwell to be neat, j should probably remove those lines from both the menu.lst and the fstab, right?07:30
crdlbRoy: don't worry about it, the nvidia driver lies about the refreshrate07:30
MrSiebelCan someone tell me how to cd in windows commnad to C:/program files07:30
iDivineCan't I do it in a terminal?07:30
macogwMrSiebel: you use cd...07:31
macogwiDivine: yes07:31
nickrudac1dfr33z3: put the complete output from   sudo apt-get update  in a terminal to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:31
Roycrdlb: Thanks :)07:31
crdlbRoy: if you want it to report your actual refresh rate, disable dynamic twinview, and you can see your actual refresh rate in nvidia-settings now07:31
MrSiebelI know but cd won't take "C:/Program Files" to be valid07:31
iDivineWhat's the command, thingy ;D!07:31
macogwiDivine: are there a bunch of files in the directory or just one?07:31
iDivineFiles, in the folder.07:31
bluntedCan anyone help find why my sound card works in windows and not ubuntu?07:31
macogwMrSiebel: windows is stupid. it uses backslashes.07:31
jJangari i'm listening. which those lines?07:31
j_humphreyMy top bar with the minimize/maximize/close is gone, how did i do that?07:31
macogwiDivine: is one named "configure"?07:31
Jangariit's really only an aesthetic issue though, it's throwing up an error only because it can't see an operating system that isn't there anymore, and for good reason07:31
Jangaribefore you do anything j, i want to get support from one of the more knowledgeable people here,07:32
macogwiDivine: is there one that's *just* "configure"?07:32
iDivineWAIT, there is a INSTALLsh07:32
MrSiebelI know it is macogw, I'm trying to install vmware and I cant change the dir to c:/Program Files07:32
macogwiDivine: or maybe one called "autogen"?07:32
nickrudJangari: have him show you his /etc/fstab07:32
macogwiDivine: oh ok use that07:32
macogwiDivine: sudo ./INSTALL.sh07:32
macogwiDivine: or whatever...it's case sensitive, put ./ at the front of it07:33
Jangarij, open another teminal, type gedit "/etc/fstab" copy the whole thing and pastbin it07:33
mooseman447crdlb i think i install the 386 image with a live cd so apt-get didnt remove it but is it alright if i just remove the lines for it from my menu.lst manually?07:33
nickrudohhh, random software installed willy nilly, I love it :)07:33
ynefblunted: run this command: "lspci | grep audio" and then google your specific sound card model to see if anyone else has any problems with it (or rather -- solutions to those problems)07:33
Dr_willisMrSiebel,  with space sin the file name you need to quote the  thing.07:33
Dr_willisMrSiebel,  cd "program files"07:33
_Oz_what's the alternative to automatix, again?07:33
Jangarigedit, simply because i don't want you to accidentally put in line breaks, which can be disasterous07:33
ynefblunted: ...in a terminal, that is07:33
Jangariand pico tends to do that07:33
_Oz_something that lets me download the restricted stuff?07:33
Dr_willis_Oz_,  use medibuntu repos07:33
Dr_willis!medibuntu | _Oz_07:34
ubotu_Oz_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:34
macogw_Oz_: ubuntu-restricted-extras is in Applications -> Add/Remove07:34
crdlbmooseman447: yes, but be sure to read the comments at the top of the file to see how to do it properly07:34
Jangarihmm, bugger07:34
Dr_willisthe ubuntu-restricted-extras installs some standard stuff you proberly want.  Not from the mediabuntu repos however. :)07:34
Jangarioh well, his/her system isn't in danger or anthing07:34
mkbernardis it possible to have a script that runs for all users in a certaint GID?07:34
Jangarijust untidy07:34
nickrudJangari: you're right about that07:34
iDivineit's not .sh it's -sh for some reason.07:34
iDivineAnd it said' command not found'.07:35
Jangariand s/he may have issues with grub/fstab later when reformatting that partition to be something useful07:35
macogwiDivine: are you in the same directory as the installer file?07:35
Jangarioh, he back07:35
bluntedynef: THe results are: 02:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: VLSI Technology Inc QSound ThunderBird PCI Audio (rev 19) .  Thats more than 10 words. Could you please recommend a google search term?07:35
nickrudyes. uuid's complicate things to make things simpler ;)07:35
iDivineNo, how Would I do that?07:35
jjangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55448/07:35
mkbernardis there a script that runs anytime someone logs in07:36
ynefblunted: "QSound ThunderBird" ubuntu07:36
_Oz_should have remembered that07:36
_Oz_memory is going07:36
sputnickI don't have /etc/inittab on gutsy. are you ?07:36
bluntedynef: Thanks07:36
Jangarij, close the terminal with the menu.lst, just to be safe, don't edit it at all07:36
nickrudsputnick: replaced by /etc/event.d07:36
iDivineMacogw, No, how Would I do that?07:36
sputnickthanks nickrud07:36
jjangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55448/ ok07:36
JangMunhomkbernard:just copy one in /usr/bin, and add the script in /etc/profile07:36
macogwiDivine: cd to wherever it is07:37
Jangariyep, there's that sda1 line,07:37
macogwiDivine: if you type "ls" you can get a listing of what's where you are07:37
dialupanyone alive in here that can help me out?07:37
iDivineMacogw, K.07:37
dialupsuppose so =p07:37
mkbernardjangmunho: /etc/profile runs at every login correct?07:37
nemilardialup: there's /always/ people here07:37
nickruddialup: the channels a little low tonight actually07:38
bazhangdialup: define 'alive'07:38
dialupi just downloaded ubuntu 7.10 twice, checked md5, passed, checked cd integrity, passed...but every time i start / install, soon as it starts initiallizing the GUI it goes to some text screen07:38
ynefblunted: ...and googling like that, it seems like a hard-to-solve problem :-(07:38
JangMunhomkbernard: yes...07:38
dialupbut doesnt do anything more07:38
Dr_willisit is 3am in the USA :)07:38
bluntedynef: that's what I saw too07:38
nickrudDr_willis: you don't live in the usa, you live on the east coast07:38
iDivinemacogw, I seem to see desktop, But the cd /desktop doesn't seem not to work?07:38
macogwdialup: did you try safe graphics mode07:38
dialupnot yet07:39
mkbernardjangmunho: thanks a bunch!07:39
macogwiDivine: case sensitive07:39
nemilariDivine: cd ~/Desktop07:39
Dr_willisactually im In Indiana07:39
ynefblunted: can you try something for me? just write "alsamixer" in a terminal -- what happens?07:39
JangMunhomkbernard: wait07:39
phenomGuys off hand, does any one know if you say, run a chan limit bot; and a netsplit occurs; and the bots drops limit in lieu of netsplit.. Will the server force the people to rejoin or will it bump heads with the chan limit?07:39
phenomAny one know off hand?07:39
nickrudone of those counties that doesn't change the time?07:39
macogwiDivine: oh yeah and your home drive is in /home/you/ so putting /desktop would be way different than /home/you/Desktop/07:39
Dr_willisnickrud,  we have some Counties in this state that change,, and some that dont.. and some that change the other way....07:40
dialupill try doing the safe mode option07:40
Dr_willisnickrud,  you dont want to know  the details of that.. heh. :)07:40
nickrudDr_willis: yeah, I could never keep them straight07:40
iDivineSo, what would be the whole code?07:40
macogwDr_willis: dont some of the counties just change time zones?07:40
Dr_willissome change time 'zones' so they dont change times...07:40
Dr_willisthei never touch their clocks.07:40
mkbernardjangmunho: whats up?07:40
nickrudDr_willis: I've learned to ask people in indiana to tell me, not the time to call but +hours to call :)07:40
bluntedynef: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device07:41
JangMunhoJust try if that works for X. I know it works for shell. (It should works..)07:41
ynefblunted: figured as much :-(07:41
jjangari so any clue what should i remove or edit?07:41
thechitowncubswhat are some fun things to do with a home network?07:42
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:42
nickrud!ru | Alexander07:42
ubotuAlexander: please see above07:42
mkbernardjangmunho: does it only launch when you open a term/con or does it run at login regardless?07:42
ash_what would be the best fs for storing 700mb~ files07:42
Dr_willisthechitowncubs,  use xming on a windows box.. so you can see apps runnin gon your linux box under windows. :)07:42
bazhangthechitowncubs: media server but offtopic here07:42
loa<ash_> tmpfs XD07:43
nickrudloa: you are evil ;007:43
ash_haha i don't think i have enough ram07:43
nickrudash_: any would do, I think I read somewhere that xfs is good for large files, you might want to check tat07:44
ash_i was thinking XFS07:44
ash_ohh sweet07:44
loaxfs good for many small files07:44
ash_what defines small lol07:45
loafor example file sharing hostings07:45
loapicture hosting07:45
bullgard4What is the function of kacpid? It seems not to be documented in the kernel documentation.07:45
ash_ahh, i just wanna store some cd images and what not and access the fast.07:45
mkbernardi had ext3 for a small group of drives with about 5.5t with full journaling07:45
macogwiDivine: by the way, you can type the first couple letters of file or directory names and hit tab, and itll fill in the rest, so you can avoid tedious copying07:45
ash_nothing on the drive will be under 600mb07:45
iDivineCool, thanks.07:46
jjangari are you there07:46
evil_techanyone using Synergy?07:47
nickrudj he seems to have left for the moment. I see from your pastebin that you still have sda1 listed there from before your reformatting. Did you set up a file system on sda1 yet?07:47
JangMunhomkbernard: what command do you wanna run when login?07:47
starkedbadkitty: Hey, we just talked about reinstalling Ubuntu a few minutes ago.  Apparently, the LiveCD now works great with my computer -- it's got a GUI and the internet's working fine.  Only thing is, I was wondering if you could help me figure out which disk Ubuntu thinks is hd0, and which it thinks is hd1.  Weird, I know, but it's important.  Any help?07:48
mkbernardjangmuno: a pl, but only for certain gid07:48
nemilarstarked: are they different in size?07:48
starkednemilar: Yes07:48
starkednemilar: I just don't know where exactly to list them07:49
jnickrud ok . /dev/sda1 is remove it suppose to be old partition off ubuntu , 2nd is /dev/sda2 with linux-swap then /dev/sda3 which i'm runnning right now07:49
iDivineEw, Thug-Life ;P07:49
nemilarstarked: if they're mounted, run 'df -h' in a terminal and it will tell you the sizes07:49
JangMunhomkbernard: certain gid? so you should try to place the command in a .bashrc file rather /etc/profile, because that works for everyone, not certain gid...07:50
nemilarstarked: if not, fdisk -l07:50
jnickrud i want to resolve this quickly b/c it pass my bed time .07:50
macogwstarked: whichever its calling sda should be hd007:50
ynefstarked: sure, try this: open a terminal (it's in applications, accessories or something like that) and type "cd /media" then "mkdir test" then "sudo mount /dev/sda0 test" then "ls test" to see what wound up there -- when you've established what the contents is, write "sudo umount test"07:50
nickrudj to get rid of the error about fsck, you would comment out (put a # at the beginning of line 807:50
Jangarisorry j, had a little business to attend to07:50
macogwstarked: and if they're not mounted, fdisk -l will also tell you07:50
macogwstarked: it wont tell you in sensible numbers, but bigger number of cylinders = bigger disk07:51
mkbernardjangmunho: i can have the script check to make sure its the correct gid (id -u) but i just need to know whether /etc/profile runs only when a term/con is opened or at actual login07:51
Jangariand looks like nickrud has it sorted07:51
jnickrud, Jangari line 807:51
starkednemilar, macogw, ynef: Thanks for all of that, I just wanted to be sure that sda was always hd0.  Last time something weird happened and GRUB got installed on my external hard drive07:51
nemilarmkbernard: only on login shells07:51
starkednemilar, macogw, ynef: So thank you, that's all I needed -- bye!07:51
jnickrud, Jangari line 8 ???/07:51
nemilarmkbernard: /etc/bash.bashrc for interactive (non-login) shells07:51
Jangariyep, line 8 in the fstab, the one that starts UUID=18ba4b1107:52
ynefstarked: ah, ok -- are you running some sort of RAID? that might fuck it up too07:52
mkbernardmeliar: what do you mean login/non-login shells?07:52
nickrudj   in a terminal, type:   gksudo gedit /etc/fstab , and put a # at the beginning of the line that has UUID=18ba4b11-4d98-485b-8461-675b5a08b271 /media/sda1  in it. (line 8 of the pastebin)07:52
jnickrud, Jangari not the menu.lst07:52
Jangariput a # so that it reads: #UUID=18ba4b11-4d98-485b-8461-675b5a08b271 /media/sda1     ext3    defaults        0       207:52
starkedynef: No, it was probably something I did that did it, not Ubuntu's fault. I had kind of a weird install07:52
nickrudj no, that's another issue07:52
nemilarmkbernard: opening a new terminal doesn't necessarily count as a login07:52
Jangariwe'll get to the menu.lst soon07:52
ynefstarked: ok then :-) well, best of luck on this attempt :-)07:52
starkedynef: Thanks :)07:53
mooseman447dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg only changes /etc/X11/xorg.conf right?07:53
nickrudmooseman447: yes07:53
JangMunhomkbernard: Just have a try, use a command (like mkdir) to see if you have the new folder when you login. (Sorry that i've not tried that before.)07:53
mkbernardnamilar: exactly. all i want is a script to run one time, each time any user logs in07:53
Jangariin fact you needn't necessarily bother about the menu.lst, but for elegance, best to remove superfluous lines07:53
mkbernardnemilar: i already have the script, i just need to set it to run, and i need to know which file should point to it07:54
nemilarmkbernard: /etc/profile only runs on logins07:54
nickrudj as Jangari says, it's a nicety to fix up grub.  When you're done with editing /etc/fstab , run   sudo update-grub , that will fix it up nicely07:54
mkbernardnemilar: does that per chance also catch ssh logs?07:54
nemilarmkbernard: but if a user does 'sudo -i' it will simulate a login shell, as well (and run /etc/profile)07:54
jnickrud, Jangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55449/07:54
nemilarmkbernard: sshing is logging in, yeah07:54
Jangarithat's what you want, j07:55
mkbernardnemilar: is it so sudo will exec my script also?07:55
Davo_DinkumHow would I install ubuntu on a laptop with no CD drive? I have a protege M200 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ToshibaPortegeM20007:55
nickrudj perfect07:55
Jangarinickrud: will update-grub fix menu.lst based on fstab?07:55
nickrud!install | Davo_Dinkum there's several ways here07:55
ubotuDavo_Dinkum there's several ways here: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:55
nemilarmkbernard: sudo will normally not do a login shell, but 'sudo -i' will simulate a login and run /etc/profile07:55
jnickrud, Jangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55450/07:55
nickrudJangari: based on what's on the actual partitions07:55
mkbernardnamilar: in turn execing my script, yea?07:55
nemilarmkbernard: correct07:56
nickrudj looks good07:56
macogwstarked: the weird thing was probably that you had the external set to boot first and so it was considered hd0 by the bios even though its sdb by virtue of being external07:56
jnickrud, Jangari swwweeet07:56
mkbernardnemilar: is it possible to check for the owner of the shell process to make sure its not forked from sudo?07:56
Jangaribetter paste for us the main lines of the menu.lst, to be sure07:56
nemilarmkbernard: from inside the process, you can do 'whoami'07:56
Jangarioh nickrud, right, that's good to know07:56
jnickrud, Jangari So if i restart it would run normally07:56
Jangaritry it, j, can't do any harm07:57
nickrudj Jangari is right, it won't hurt to pastebin the /boot/grub/menu.lst first07:57
starkedInteresting -- the installer just failed.  All right, well maybe I can get some general help, then.  I'm running from a LiveCD, because I want to reinstall Ubuntu (6.04, I messed it up with Beryl and old ATI drivers).  Anyways, I have a laptop with Vista installed on the internal, 120GB hard drive, and I'm wanting to install Ubuntu on my 500GB external USB hard drive.  Specifically, I currently have it so that the first 430GB or so are a "data" p07:57
nemilarmkbernard: I don't really understand the question.. you want to make sure that a shell doesn't start as root because of your changes in /etc/profile?  that's not something you really have to worry about (unless you're doing something insane)07:57
Jangaribut yes, pastebin us the grub first07:57
mkbernardnemilar: no no, you just mentioned the sudo -i thing, and i was thinking about a workaround07:58
mkbernardnemilar: in truth its not really that big of a deal07:58
Jangariholy sh|t, someone without any background knowledge of this room, pastebin, ubuntu, etc., would have serious trouble parsing that last sentence07:58
nemilarmkbernard: ahh I see07:58
mkbernardnemilar: its just a login script, a basic one at that07:58
sigmaHow do I set up Emerald as my main window manager?07:58
sigmaits installed, I just need to switch to it07:58
starkedBasically what I want to do is delete the old root in the manual partitioner to make it "free space," and then install my new root in the same spot, but with a wiped filesystem.  Any idea?07:59
nemilarmkbernard: sounds like /etc/profile is what you want07:59
jnickrud, Jangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55451/ ^_^07:59
mkbernardnemilar: perfect07:59
Jangarihmm, it's still there07:59
nickrudj it didn't remove those stanzas because they are below the END AUTOMAGIC line08:00
mkbernardnemilar: i can use id -u from the script to check the GID correct?08:00
macogwJangari: hehe isnt that how most geek jargon works?08:00
Jangarii suppose so08:00
jnickrud, Jangari ....08:00
mkbernardnemilar: eventually the script /should/ only run for a particular set of GID08:00
macogwsigma: for use with gnome or on its own?08:01
Jangarimacogw: i remember reading a lengthy blog post about someone attempting to parse the term "won't fixing"08:01
sigmasigma: with gnome08:01
nickrudj  gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , and remove those lines08:01
macogwsigma: oops i read that as enlightenment08:01
sigmamacogw: with gnome08:01
sigmayeah, you confused me now08:01
nemilarmkbernard: well, if you run 'id -u' from inside /etc/profile, it's going to come back with 0, because it's run as root08:01
Jangarij, did you actually reformat that partition?08:01
jnickrud, Jangari which lines?08:01
sigmaanyways, any idea?08:01
mooseman447does anybody know why my ubuntu 7.10 boot splash seems very slow res08:01
macogwsigma: umm anyway, emerald is the window decorator. the window manager would be compiz or beryl08:01
jnickrud, jangari ok . /dev/sda1 recently removed it suppose to be old partition off ubuntu , 2nd is /dev/sda2 with linux-swap then /dev/sda3 which i'm runnning right now08:01
nickrudj all the lines below ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST08:02
macogwsigma: are you using it with compiz or beryl, then?08:02
nemilarmkbernard: ahh actually nevermind that, my bad08:02
sigmamacogw: yes, window decorator, sorry08:02
starkedWhen I try to set it up as described above, it says: File system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it. Cluster size is 2k (1k expected); number of clusters is 28034 (55960 expected); size of FATs is 110 sectors (219 expected).08:02
mkbernardnemilar: execed by user?08:02
nemilarmkbernard: it will give the gid of the user, not root, just ignore I said that08:02
sigmaand yes, with compiz08:02
jnickrud, jangari including "### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST"?08:02
nickrudj no, keep that one08:02
mkbernardnemilar: yay! then im in good shape08:02
macogwsigma: does compiz keep reverting to gtk window decorator?08:02
Jangarij, this is what you should be left with: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55452/08:02
mkbernardnemilar: you have been a world of help, thank you so much08:02
macogwsigma: do you have the compizconfig settings manager (ccsm) installed?08:02
nemilarmkbernard: :) no problem08:03
mkbernardnemilar: see ya around08:03
macogwsigma: of course as i reach for the panel to open it up i realize i dont have compiz on this computer...08:03
sigmamacogw: I have the ccsm installed, I installed Emerald, I just dunno how to activate it08:03
starkedWhen I get past the partition screen and move on to the actual install, I get "The ext3 file system creation in partition #5 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed."08:03
sigmaaand that sucks :P08:03
AshnalDr_willis: hah! I got it to start compiling in dosbox08:03
starkedAny help?08:03
macogwsigma: in the window management settings,  think there should be an option for it08:03
nickrudsigma: alt-f2  emerald --replace08:04
macogwsigma: otherwise in "general" a part about what to auto-run when compiz loads?  put in "emerald --replace"08:04
jnickrud, jangari do i need do a special key to save or exit?08:04
Jangarioh, you're in gedit, right?08:04
nickrudj no, just use the file->save08:04
nickrudj or ctl-s , that saves also08:04
sigmajust to have it at hand, just in case... how do I revert?08:04
macogwsigma: gtk-window-decorator --replace08:05
Jangarii don't think gedit will let you save a file system file08:05
jnickrud, jangari but i doing this in termenial?08:05
sigmamacogw: thanks08:05
Jangarioh, you are?08:05
macogwsigma: this just means i play with compiz settings too often, you know08:05
Jangariif you're using pico, press ctrl+x, it'll prompt you to save changes, press 'y'(es)08:06
jnickrud, jangari how do i fix this in txt08:06
Devousthello all.08:06
nickrudj you should have run the command I gave you in the terminal,   gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst . That opens in a gui text editor (gedit by name) , then you edit and save with file->save08:06
DevoustIm on a windows box right now08:06
starkedAnybody have any ideas about the above?  I've basically got no idea what to do here.08:06
macogwsigma: for 2 weeks ive been using fluxbox, not compiz, because im on an old lappy08:06
DevoustIm trying to install Ubuntu08:06
JangMunho starked: It seems that we donnot actually understand the question (too long) ^_^08:06
Devoustand Im having an issue08:06
jnickrud, jangari DONE08:06
macogwDevoust: explain the issue, please08:06
sigmamacogw: fluxbox is nice for when you really need to concentrate.... its perfect for those long all-nighters doing 10 page essays08:06
starkedJangMunho: Basically, it won't let me get rid of my old ext3 root filesystem and replace it with a new one08:06
Jangaripast it again08:06
jnickrud, jangari should i restart my computer to double check08:07
DevoustI want to do a dual boot with windows aswell..and when I load off the cd I run the installer08:07
DevoustI dont know what to do when it loads the partitioner08:07
moadhello mates , anyone succeeded in using www.chinswing.com with linux ?08:07
nickrudj pastebin both menu.lst and /etc/fstab , just for certaintly08:07
JangMunhostarked: so what software did you use for partition operation?08:07
russkmg still there?08:07
jnickrud, jangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55453/08:08
macogwDevoust: dont use the manual partitioner.  there should be an option to use the unused space on the drive for ubuntu instead of doing manual partitioning08:08
starkedJangMunho: I'm using the partition manager built into the installer for the Ubuntu 7.10 install CD08:08
Devoustyeah theres one that says Guided08:08
macogwDevoust: if you *want* to use it, i can explain it, but if you just want a basic dual boot, you dont need it08:08
jnickrud, jangari http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55454/08:08
Devoustbut on that aspect aswell I have windows in that space as I have no other partitions08:08
Devoustwill is create one for itself08:08
Devoustor will it overwrite what I already have on that drive?08:08
nickrudj good to boot08:08
macogwDevoust: itd shrink the windows partition and use the empty space to put an ubuntu partition08:09
JangMunhostarked: donnot use the partition manager in the installation wizard, just try system->management->gparted08:09
GrandpajoeMorning all, anyone here good with mounting drives and fstab?  I'm having a hell of a time mounting an sd card on my laptop.08:09
jnickrud, jangari alright i restart and let u guys now if it runs normal08:09
jnickrud, jangari thanks08:09
* nickrud goes to hide08:09
russThe most bizarre thing. I have both kde and gnome. when I logged into this channel while using kde it showed only 40 users, no I'm back in gnome and there are 1099 users08:10
mkbernardnemilar: one more question, is it possible to remotely log a user our? should i just do a pkill -15 -u /uer/08:10
Grandpajoethats because gnome is more popular08:10
starkedJangMunho: So if I get rid of my two partitions, it should automatically add a new option in the installer to let me use the free space, right?08:10
nemilarmkbernard: you can just kill their login08:10
mkbernardnemilar: log a user* out08:10
mkbernardnemilar: whats the easiest way to kill their login? pkill -u /user/ ?08:11
russGrandpajoe you mean the IRC channel actually detects whether I'm using kde or gnome??08:11
Starnestommyruss: it can't08:11
nemilarmkbernard: yeah I suppose that works, it'll kill all their processes though, I think08:11
nickrudruss: most of us have our clients set to hide from kde apps08:11
Jangariwith those grub options, he probably has to wait a full ten second before it boots,08:11
russnickrud why, don't you like kde apps?08:12
Jangariwith only one OS, i'd enable hiddenmenu08:12
binskipy2uanyone using ubuntu ultimate?08:12
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
mkbernardnemilar: is their a safer way?08:12
JangMunhostarked: not option, but you should have a window in which you can make new partition very easy (like pqmagic)08:12
nickrudruss: it was a joke, can't be done :)08:12
Jangarij, any issues?08:12
starkedJangMunho: Ok, thanks08:12
russnickrud so far I think I like gnome better. kde is too much like windows08:13
tolyEasy Partitioning: GParted: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/08:13
JangMunhostarked: Just try gparted, you will like it...08:13
jJangari it run perfectly ._.08:13
jJangari thank you ^_^08:13
Grandpajoefdisk is so nice for partitioning08:13
Jangarino worries,08:13
starkedJangMunho: I've used it before, I'm just afraid I'm going to kill my hard-drive, :P08:13
_Oz_yeah, I'd have to say gnome is a tad better than kde08:13
jJangari j *hugs* Jangari08:13
nickrudruss: for me, I used gnome to learn compiling and how linux is put together, I've just stuck with it through inertia08:14
_Oz_plus, since it is the most common desktop, everything works in it08:14
jJangari alright thanks now i can finally get some sleep . night08:14
JangMunhostarked: So you mean gparted failed to make a new partition?08:14
Jangariand i can get some dinner08:14
_Oz_question, speaking of file systems: if you were going to download some desktop wallpapers and wanted to store them permanently, where would you create the directory to put them?08:14
* Jangari saunters out for food08:14
redmonkeyhi. this is weird: /dev/sda8 on /media/sdb8 type ext3 (rw). why is my sdA8 mounted as sdB8? any ideas?08:14
russbut nickrud, seriously, how on earth could the irc channel show a different user set depending on which desktop you're using?08:14
GrandpajoeAnyone here running gnome on an eee?08:15
nickrudruss: are you sure the kde app didn't drop you into kubuntu?08:15
Jangari_Oz_: i don't know if they're kept in directory, but you just drag drop them to the change wallpaper window08:15
starkedJangMunho: I tried right-clicking the ext3 partition in gparted and hitting "delete" to free up the space, but it failed and said to unmount any partitions with logical numbers greater than 5 (or something similar to that).  So I opened up "Computer" and unmounted the "disk" partition the LiveCD added, and then gparted crashed when I tried to refresh the devices.  I started back up again, and now all of sdb is shown as unallocated disk space :(08:15
Jangarii keep mine in /data/Pictures/Backgrounds08:15
russnickrud well yeah, I guess - when I boot my machine now it says "kubuntu" on the splash screen08:16
nickrud_Oz_: and i keep mine in .backgrounds08:16
nickrud!usplash | russ08:16
uboturuss: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork08:16
=== paranoid_ndroid is now known as japr
Jangarinickrud: is that for a splash during boot?08:17
JangMunhostarked: Oh, that's terrible, it seems that the partition table was destroyed...08:17
nickrudJangari: yes08:17
starkedJangMunho: I figured I'd end up doing something like this, :/  Any chance of me fixing it?08:17
Jangariso much to learn08:17
russnickrud but when I connect to the IRC channel and the channel name is #ubuntu how could that care? just curious, seems bizarre to me08:17
DarkmystereWhy is it that i have to Set monitoring mode everytime i try and use a feature of the aircrack-ng suite that requires monitoring mode?08:18
instahey guys ... i've got gutsy, mplayer, and libdvdcss2 ... a dvd i'm trying to play can't be decrypted (reported from dvdread).  any ideas?08:18
nickrudruss: that would be bizarre. No clue, maybe you hit a server that was netsplit at tht time08:18
_Oz_why the .backgrounds instead of backgrounds?08:18
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:18
instaDavo_Dinkum: yeah i have libdvdcss208:18
JangMunhostarked: just don't make any new partition, and use some software to rebuild the partition table, otherwise all the data will be lost.08:18
Jangari_Oz_: folders with . before them are hidden08:18
nickrud_Oz_: /home/me/.backgrounds08:18
instai just found one that it can't decrypt for whatever reason08:19
mkbernardis it possible to make sshd listen on multiple ports, or do i have to have multiple sshd running?08:19
Jangariif you open a terminal and type ls -al, it'll show all the folders and files, including the hidden ones08:19
nickrud_Oz_: I hide it so it doesn't show up when I do ls ~08:19
instamkbernard: why would you want to do that?08:19
Davo_Dinkuminsta: try vlc08:19
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs08:19
instaDavo_Dinkum: it couldn't do it either08:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:19
mkbernardinsta: because i want to have a special port for sshd to listen on that will be forwarded by my router08:20
DarkmystereDo any Belkin based cards work with Ubuntu i have a Belkin b/g Plus usb deviced hanging around and ubuntu doesnt seem to respond when i put it in >.>08:20
JangMunhostarked: Try testdisk, it should work for you...08:20
mkbernardinsta: so only that particular server will respond to a ssh req on that port08:20
instamkbernard: it just sounds like you're doing something backwards, i guess :/08:21
mkbernardinsta: why? what would you do?08:21
JangMunhostarked: Everytime before you have a partition operation, make sure you've used dd command to backup the partition table...08:21
instayou want ssh listening on port 22 and port (hypothetically) 8191 from your router?08:22
_evert_Hi all08:22
starkedJangMunho: That's going on a stickynote on the wall next to me from now on, :P08:22
_evert_I'm having a little problem, i've just downloaded ubuntu server 7.10, but it keeps giving me a cd-error at the beginning of the installation08:22
_evert_running the 'cd check' is giving me the same error08:22
insta_evert_: burn it slower08:23
mkbernardinsta: well, 8191 would be forwarded to my server by my router, and the only thing on my server listening on that port would be ssh08:23
_evert_I've checked the downloaded iso and burned it twice (at a lower speed)08:23
Starnestommy_evert_: sounds like a bad burn or a corrupt iso08:23
instamkbernard: you can make almost all routers forward external port 8191 to internal port 2208:23
mkbernardinsta: it makes that server visible from outside the network08:23
Jangariburn it with a different drive?08:23
_evert_i have only one drive08:23
dragoncan someone tell me if this is the right command to install americas army08:23
dragonsudo sh ./armyops<version>-linux.run08:23
_evert_i'm using it on my desktop to burn and then in my server to install ubuntu server there08:23
Slartdragon: could be..08:24
mkbernardinsta: i realize that, but i have multiple servers with sshd running, i want it to forward external requests to a specific server08:24
_evert_is there any easy way to install it over my network ?08:24
dragonim fallowing the guide http://linux.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=linux&cdn=compute&tm=15&f=00&su=p284.8.150.ip_&tt=2&bt=1&bts=1&zu=https%3A//help.ubuntu.com/community/AmericasArmy08:24
instamkbernard:  port forwarding has to point to a specific IP inside the firewall08:24
Jangarican someone tell me how to automatically mount a server via sshfs on startup, or login?08:24
instai still think it would work ...08:24
Slartdragon: I don't know if the filename is correct.. but the rest looks reasonable08:25
dragonexept it keeps saying bash: version: No such file or directory08:25
GrandpajoeAnyone know how to manually mount an SDHC card?08:25
Starnestommydragon: replace <version> with the program's version?08:25
instadragon: that's awesome08:25
dragontried that came up with the same bash error08:25
Slartdragon: run this, ls | grep -i armyops08:25
Starnestommydragon: remove the < and the >08:25
Slartdragon: and take care to use capital letters correctly etc08:26
Jangariare you in the right directory, dragon?08:26
starkedJangMunho: Well, on the plus side it looks like testdisk found my partitions08:26
menllyosi got a problem, i installed OSS 4 to use my xfi, but now im getting 2 errors on startup; one with the deskbar applet and one with the music applet, giving me both error messages looking like this: "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet"." is there a fix ?08:26
dragonim not shure lol havent been useing linux very long08:26
mkbernardinsta: i realize that to, but there may or may not be multiple redundant routers internally08:26
starkedJangMunho: I don't suppose you could tell me that exact dd command so I don't screw this up again?08:26
jsoftMy firefox flash stuff has gone to ass.08:26
Slartdragon: oh.. and yes.. replace <version> with whatever version you downloaded.. ie say you downloaded version 2.74, then you'd run "sudo sh ./armyops2.74-linux.run"08:26
jsoftIts all jittery when playing youtube videos.08:26
mkbernardinsta: in any case, is it or is it not possible to make ssh listen on multiple ports08:27
instamkbernard: is that really the case with your situation?08:27
Decinogeself propaganda08:27
Grandpajoejsoft: what version of flash are you using?08:27
jsoftmkbernard: yeah you can do that08:27
Decinogei am cute as hell08:27
jsoftGrandpajoe: I dunno.08:27
instamkbernard: i don't know that much, and i'm sorry for wasting your time in that case ... it just seemed like there was a better way08:27
jsoftOh. It appears to be gnash.08:27
Liet_KynesIs anyone available to help troubleshoot   a networking problem08:27
instaoh, does anyone know why ubuntu server would hang midway through booting?  it dies right on initializing my IDE controller ... which has previously worked08:27
darrenwhere can i go for help with GOS? I kinda don't even know how I ended up here.08:27
Grandpajoejsoft: Go to the adobe flash site, and install their version following their instructions, its been working great for me08:27
jsoftWhich is some buggy version of adbobe flash08:27
mkbernardinsta: its not a waste, im learning about ubuntu, so i think up problems, and your questions help me to reinforce my learning08:28
Slartjsoft: well.. it an unfinished implementation of flash.. not by adobe.. but open source08:28
JangMunhostarked: dd if=/dev/sda of=~/backup bs=512 count=108:28
jsoftyeah. uninstalling it now08:28
mkbernardinsta: in all honesty, i could just forward requests using external/internal port switching as you said, i just wanted to know IF it is possible08:28
instamkbernard: i think that unless you were doing some really wild and radical changes between them, you should use something like iptables or your router's config to forward 8191 to port 22, regardless of where it happens08:28
instait just seems lie there's less maintenance in that case08:29
starkedJangMunho: Thanks.  Like I said, stickynote :)08:29
insta:|, ping?08:29
dragonthe files name is armyops250-linux.run08:29
mkbernardinsta: agreed. but look at it from an academic standpoint as far as ssh customization08:29
jsoftmkbernard: the answer is a 'yeah buy why would you'08:29
Liet_KynesIs anyone available to help troubleshoot   a networking problem?08:30
mkbernardjsoft: curious as to how, thats all08:30
instaroomie killed network08:30
Starnestommydragon: then do sudo sh armyops250-linux.run08:30
jsoftan academic standpoint? :/08:30
GrandpajoeLiet_Kynes: what kind of networking problem?08:30
JangMunhostarked: You're welcome. To recovery the partition table, just use dd if=/path/to/backup of=/dev/sda bs=512 skip=446 count=108:30
chubs730!anyone | liet_kynes08:30
ubotuliet_kynes: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:30
mkbernardjsoft: learning for the sake of learning, without really having a particular pupose or use for it currently08:30
darrenHello every one, perhaps I am in the correct place, may I ask what you might think a simple question?08:30
dragonsh: armyops250-linux.run: No such file or directory is what i got08:30
Starnestommydragon: cd to the directory it's in then do that command08:31
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:31
Grandpajoedarren: shoot08:31
jsoftmkbernard: yeah thats the most ineffective way of 'learning' stuff.08:31
redmonkeyhi. this is weird: /dev/sda8 on /media/sdb8 type ext3 (rw). why are my sdA partitions mounted as sdB ?08:31
allchemichi there, i have problem (probably) with ext3 fs. i need to make iso from dvd, and there is problem when iso file reach 2GiB. Brasero just stop creating file, what should i looking for? mayby some changes in fstab can help? any ideas?08:31
darrenSO im trying to install vm tools inside GOS08:31
Liet_Kynesmy desktop pc doesn't want to connect via network cable to my router anymore08:31
dragonso i would do cd/home/dragon/desktop?08:31
mkbernardjsoft: for you maybe, but it gives me something to do08:31
Starnestommydragon: /home/dragon/Desktop08:31
darrenBut I can not install a .pl file or script08:31
jsoftmkbernard: ahh huh.08:31
Slartdragon: since you're new to linux... let's break it down.. sudo is used to run the next command as root (administrator user in linux), you have to be root to install stuff.. sh is a command interpreter and the armyops250-linux.run is like  a windows .bat or .cmd-file that installs the game..08:32
darrenI need a package of some kind I think08:32
Starnestommydarren: perl?08:32
mkbernardjsoft: you dont just think up problems then work to fix them?08:32
darrenthat sounds correct08:32
starkedJangMunho: Thanks.  I never even realized you could backup the partition table -- I've never really used dd (only read a little about it), but it makes sense now that you mentioned it.  Nifty tool, that.08:32
jsoftmkbernard: no.08:32
jsoftmkbernard: if problems get in my way, _then_ I work on them.08:32
GrandpajoeLiet_Kynes: When that happens to my users at work I usually have them power down their pc, unplug the network cable, plug it back in (to the back of the pc).  Then Restart the modem and the computer08:32
mkbernardjsoft: i often end up learning more in the process of going through the motions than just sitting there. for example, i learn the structure of the sshd conf08:32
darrenI searched in the package manager for pearl and allot of stuff came back08:32
jsoftmkbernard: wow08:33
darrenSo I am confused08:33
dragonso it would be like: sudo cd/home/desktop then that other command?08:33
darrenand so I got IRC and came here .. to ask question of people that know allot more then me about this sort of stuff08:33
jsoftugh. sudo.08:33
Grandpajoemkbernard: I've been having the same experiece with fstab and fdisk.  I had no idea what they did before tonight, now I know too much.08:33
Starnestommydragon: no, just cd ~/Desktop, then sudo sh armyops250-linux.run08:33
Slartdragon: nope.. you don't have to be root to use cd08:33
mkbernardjsoft: im not the sort to say "it works because it does", i want to know why/how it works08:34
Slartdragon: just cd ~/Desktop   remember.. capital D.. linux is case sensitive08:34
mkbernardjsoft: a curious person by nature you might say08:34
jsoftmkbernard: Ahh huh.08:34
Starnestommydarren: try sudo apt-get install perl08:34
JangMunhostarked: Yes, it's very useful. you know... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/a.iso bs=1M can make an iso image ^_^08:35
mkbernardgrandpajoe: see, you had a problem, and you had to go through the motions of fixing it, and now you have truly learned something08:35
darrensweet I will try that right now08:35
Grandpajoemkbernard: Yep, but guess what, Problem still ain't fixed, but hey I learned something08:35
dragonok now this is odd i went to my desktop (where the file is atm) and did that sudo sh armyops250-linux.run08:35
mkbernardgrandpajoe: although your problem was probably more critical in nature, whereas my "problem" is largely academic and curiousity driven08:35
darrenapt-get pearl08:35
dragonand got sh: armyops250-linux.run: No such file or directory08:35
azat_hi everyone. I would like to install drivers for my cell phone to use gprs connection08:36
Starnestommydarren: perl, not pearl08:36
starkedJangMunho: Now that's just plain cool.  I could see a lot of problems happening if you messed up the if and of, though >.<08:36
azat_how I can get drivers for my cell phone (korean sky 8100)?08:36
darrenI not only typed on the wrong screen but I spelled it wrong..08:36
jsoftmkbernard: what are you actually planning to do with linux? Mince around learning it, or will you be doing something constructive?08:36
darrenyears of microsoft windows08:36
Grandpajoemkbernard: Nah its not critical just annoying.  I have this 16 gb sd card for my eee pc (4 gb, no room!) and the dang thing will just never mount08:36
mkbernardgrandpajoe: it turns out that the first solution is rarely the best/correct one. but like you said, you learned. and now you know empirically from trial and error that what you did did NOT solve your problem08:36
JangMunhostarked: yes, of=/dev/sda can be dangerous08:37
dragondarren: ha ha same here08:37
darrensays perl is up to date..08:37
Grandpajoelol, thats a good way of looking at it08:37
mkbernarddarren: perl 5.8.8 or 5.10?08:37
jsofti typed a command last night, and it turned out it was _not_ the right command, and I learned from it08:37
* jsoft yawns08:37
azat_so is there any solution?08:38
darrenjust says "newest"08:38
GrandpajoeJangMunho: I personally love dd if=/dev/zero /dev/sdx   FULL OF ZEROS NOW!08:38
jsoftwhats this perl problem?08:38
jsoft(besides perl it's self ;)08:38
mkbernardjsoft: well i am better adjusted to solaris, but in short i basically like to understand some of the intricacies of the system so i can use it more effectively08:38
jsoftmkbernard: solaris eh. What do you do on solairs? If you use solaris, why are you re-learning how a sshd.conf works?08:39
mkbernarddarren: try perl -v08:39
AHemlocksLiewhat's the command to reconfigure xserver?08:39
JangMunhoGrandpajoe: Yes, I'm loving it...08:39
darrenerror when I try installing says "bash: vmware-install.pl: command not found08:39
GrandpajoeCan someone take a look at http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?pid=135401#p135401 and see if I did something obvious08:39
StarnestommyAHemlocksLie: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:40
AHemlocksLieStarnestommy: thanks08:40
Starnestommydarren: try perl ./vmware-install.pl08:40
mkbernardjsoft: to be honest, i have never really had to change sshd.conf for anything like this08:40
* jsoft has 30 more passwords to crack :(08:40
jsofttaking ages08:40
darrenfrom any directory?08:41
mkbernardjsoft: so i couldnt do this on solaris. regardless, i am curious08:41
Starnestommydarren: the directory where that file is08:41
jsoftmkbernard: you sound like a hyped up geek or something08:41
azat_in suse it is supported08:41
darrenohh your sexy!!! that worked08:41
darrenthanks mate08:42
jsofttrying to be more interested than you really are08:42
Grandpajoesays the man in a linux chat room on a saturday08:42
dragonha ha i finaly got it to start installing08:42
jsoftWhy not find something genuinely interesting, ie, make something, be creative08:42
loaCan you help to choose mail software08:42
Viincentciao a tutti08:42
jsoftGrandpajoe: its sunday.08:42
loaI try qmail + vpopmail08:42
mkbernardjsoft: i do that during business hours, on my time i like to poke around08:42
darrennow I just have to configure that install, cool thanks so much!!!08:43
loawhat another solution i can try08:43
jsoftloa: are you migrating or setting up new?08:43
starkedJangMunho: Thank heavens, I think it's finally working.  The install finally got through with now errors and has a status of "creating filesystem on..."08:43
jsoftloa: how many domains/users?08:43
mkbernardjsoft: like i said, its in my nature to be curious08:43
loa<jsoft> not very big mail server08:43
jsoftmkbernard: marvelous. You have already mentioned that about 3 or 4 times now.08:44
jsoftloa: single domain?08:44
mkbernardjosft: and you have tried attacking even more, so i reitterate08:44
dragoni put the sudo command like b4 only i removed a - that was between the verson number and the word linux08:44
JangMunhostarked: That's good...:)08:44
jsoftmkbernard: yah whatever. go be curious.08:44
loa<jsoft> no, few domains08:44
jsoftloa: few, or one08:45
tolyhey, have anybody tried to run Outlook, configured through HTTP proxy (OWA), using crossover or wine? OWA just does not seem to work with crossover..08:45
mkbernardjsoft: do you know how to make it listen on multiple ports?08:45
jsoftloa: whats it for, describe whos going to use it...08:45
dragonso it went:  sudo sh armyops250linux.run08:45
starkedJangMunho: It says "Copying files..." so I think I'm in the clear.  Thanks for all your help with this, and for the nifty new dd tricks!  I'm going to go enjoy the LiveCD now, since it's never worked for me before :)  Have a good night!08:45
jsoftmkbernard: i would make it listen on a single port, and any werid additional ports that it needs to listen on, I would do a rdr to.08:45
loa<jsoft> On same server already installed few web projects, wich scripts can send mail08:46
Grandpajoemkbernard: Does this look right? fdisk: /dev/sdb1               1       15740    16117744    b  W95 FAT32      fstab: /dev/sdb1    /media/sd    vfat    rw,user,auto    0    008:46
macogwJangMunho: dd tricks?08:46
niskelIs there a way to install Ubuntu on a machine that has no optical drive?08:46
GrandpajoeUse USB08:46
niskelGrandpajoe: is there a way to put the livecd on a usb key?08:46
macogwGrandpajoe: is it a usb disk that's always connected or a flash drive that you take in and out?08:46
Grandpajoeniskel: yes, let me look up the link08:46
loa<jsoft> and few remote users with different domains08:47
JangMunhostarked: You're welcome..  I'm Chinese. So it's day rather than night...:) Good night!08:47
Grandpajoemacogw: its just a usb you take out08:47
jsoftloa: can you at least use jsoft instead of <jsoft>08:47
macogwGrandpajoe: noauto08:47
macogwGrandpajoe: if you do auto itll try to find the disk on boot08:47
loait's xchat, excuse me08:47
simion314can you tell me in what file the repositories are stored? i tried to upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 and it faield08:47
mkbernardgrandpajoe: like a pendrive or a thumb drive?08:47
darrenAny one know how to search for a file or directory in GOS ?08:47
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to configure the drivers for my ATI RADEON 9550 graphics card, but it's not working. When I try to run "sudo aticonfig --initial", it gives me the following error: http://www.pastebin.org/18891 It also takes it upon itself to delete my xorg.conf. Anyone have any ideas what's wrong?08:47
[MGR]MikkelHi all08:48
macogwdarren: sudo updatedb && locate <file>08:48
[MGR]MikkelHow can i changes the File Name?? from lol.conf to example.conf?08:48
jsoftloa: Well you could get away with just sendmail/postfix and standard system users.08:48
jsoftloa: no need to go fancy if you have few useres.08:48
dragonjoy -_- i acticdently exit out of the terminal and now the: sudo sh armyops250linux.run command dont want to work08:48
loajsoft I want to try: Exim+Courier-IMAP and MySQL08:48
Grandpajoemkbernard its just a usb pendrive08:48
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: mv old.file new.file08:48
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: mv lol.conf example.conf08:48
jsoftloa: well sure, do that if you want... but dont waste your time if you dont need to.08:48
[MGR]Mikkelstarked thx08:48
niskelGrandpajoe: thanks for the link08:48
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy Thx08:48
[MGR]Mikkeland macogw thx :)08:48
mkbernardgrandpajoe: whats your end goal?08:49
jsoftloa: and bear in mind it will require you to migrate existing users to the sql setup.08:49
jsoftmkbernard: hes just curious08:49
Grandpajoeniskel: no problem.  By the way, ignore the part about the live cd if you already have an ubuntu machine08:49
Grandpajoemkbernard: to connect an SD card to my laptop08:49
loajsoft thank you08:49
macogwsimion314: dont think anyone answered you yet, so /etc/apt/sources.list08:49
darrenok how about copy and paste?08:49
niskelGrandpajoe: will do08:49
Grandpajoemkbernard: doesn't really matter how it mounts, just so long as I can write to it and read from it08:49
darrengot it08:50
mkbernardgrandpajoe: it wont mount at all?08:50
macogwdarren: copy is cp08:50
macogwdarren: mv is move08:50
iDivineUmm, Yes, I recently had KDE4 and KDE, I was wondering, How do I take it off my system?..08:50
Grandpajoemkbernard: nope, and i had to go through hell to get the laptop to even recognize it08:50
mkbernardgrandpajoe: does it mount on another machine?08:51
[MGR]MikkelFail: Cannot chdir(/home/mikkel/lib): Permission denied, check DPATH <- Where can i find the Pastebin to I can copy From example.conf?08:51
Grandpajoemkbernard: But I have that taken care of now.  fdisk sees it now, and I formatted it.  What do you say I should put in the place of auto?  noauto?08:51
jsoftGnash is filth. Dont use it with firefox :/08:51
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: chdir?08:51
iDivineUmm, Yes, I recently had KDE4 and KDE, I was wondering, How do I take it off my system?..08:51
[MGR]Mikkelmacogw: its ircu :908:51
simion314macogw: thx, i do not kn ow why i never could upgrade from synaptic and alwaus i had to install the new versions08:51
Grandpajoemkbernard: You'll laugh, but I only have one other sd slot in my house, and its on a camera.  And yes, it works beautifully there08:52
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: try chmod 777 ~/lib08:52
macogwsimion314: sudo sed -i 's/gutsy/hardy/' /etc/apt/sources.list08:52
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: Done now i has Try chmod whats now?08:52
macogwsimion314: thatll change it all if you dont wanna go through manually doing each one08:52
_evert_pff wtf, i've wasted 5 dvd's and 3 downloads on ubuntu server 7.10 and it keeps giving me the 'incorrect cd' error08:52
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: try to start ircu again08:52
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: error:(08:53
macogw_evert_: ubuntu server is a cd, not a dvd08:53
Grandpajoe_evert_: ouch08:53
mkquisthey peeps...  best music manager anyone?  I've been using rhythmbox, but I'm not so sure?  Any takers?08:53
[MGR]MikkelCheck on CPATH (ircd.conf) failed: No such file or directory08:53
iDivineUmm, Yes, I recently had KDE4 and KDE, I was wondering, How do I take it off my system?..08:53
[MGR]MikkelPlease create this file and/or rerun `configure' using --with-Cpath and recompile to correct this.08:53
_evert_macogw: since when i can't burn that cd image on a dvd ?08:53
_evert_i've done that multiple times for other distro's and live cd's without any problem08:53
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: copy the config file to ~/lib/ircu.conf08:53
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: er, ~/lib/ircd.conf08:53
macogw_evert_: well youre complaining youve used up 5 dvds....i was thinking "dang and dvds are a lot more expensive than cds"08:53
_evert_i'm having only dvd's here, so i had no choice08:54
darrenok its telling me I need to have a C compiler on my machine08:54
dragonsigh the terminal is now giveing me the: sh: armyops250linux.run: No such file or directory even though the file is on my desktop08:54
darrenIm running GOS08:54
SupaFlyHey there ive got windxp on one IDE HD and kubuntu on another IDE HD, is there someway to listen to the music on the ntfs HD containing windows(and my mp3s)08:54
Starnestommydarren: install build-essential08:54
_evert_i've got a hurry to get ubuntu server working on that box, otherwise i'd have installed gentoo or such08:54
Grandpajoe_evert_: Got a 2gb usb drive?08:54
brizbenmkquist a lot of people like amarok but I still use rhythmbox08:54
_evert_Grandpajoe: i'm having a 4gb usb stick, but it's meant to put ubuntu on08:55
_evert_i don't know wheter that's a problem or not ?08:55
inst1argh, how do you change your path in the command line?08:55
mkquistSupaFly: you should just be able to tell your music manager to look there...  And it should play, as long as your machine is mounting the drive...08:55
Starnestommyinst1: cd08:55
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com08:55
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: Check on CPATH (ircd.conf) failed: Permission denied <-08:55
darrenapt-get infront of the install?08:55
SupaFlyno because i get this: hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 100008:55
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: chmod a+r ~/lib/ircd.conf08:55
macogwdarren: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:56
u007-1hi, is there a way to set mouse scrolling rate?08:56
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: Done i try and start it now?08:56
Grandpajoe_evert_: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu  Follow the instructions where it says "Install from a Live Ubuntu image on a USB stick"  This has worked for me on several machines, and no more burning cds at all08:56
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: yes08:56
[MGR]MikkelIts works?08:56
darrenI think im in a root shell08:56
inst1Starnestommy: heh, thanks, i meant PATH ... i found it, just forgot the caps  :)08:56
darrencant find a user shell in GOS08:56
_evert_Grandpajoe: i'm going to see if i can do that :)08:56
iDivineUmm, Yes, I recently had KDE4 and KDE, I was wondering, How do I take it off my system?..08:56
macogwif you want to use gparted on the live cd it wants you to be root to do it.  what password should be given to sudo/gksu on the live cd?08:56
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: How can i see it Running?08:56
darrenso doing everything from root08:56
iDivineI have ubuntu now.08:56
Grandpajoe_evert_: I have done it with 3 different flavors of Ubuntu, no servers though, but I can't imagine why it wouldn't work08:56
aLeSDr u using 2.6.26-7 ?08:57
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: connect your client to or localhost08:57
[MGR]Mikkelits working :)08:57
SupaFlyso i take its got to do something with fstab, however the Winxp HD being ntfs, will this mount ok and will it not hurt windows?08:57
[MGR]MikkelNow i Need ONE script!08:57
mkbernardgrandpajoe: repaste your fstab08:57
inst1hey, you guys have any suggestions on how i can get dvdcss2 to read this dvd?08:58
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: How can i stop the IRC Server?08:58
iDivineUmm, Yes, I recently had KDE4 and KDE, I was wondering, How do I take it off my system?.. I'm on Ubuntu now.08:58
Grandpajoemkbernard: /dev/sdb1    /media/sd    vfat    rw,user,auto    0    008:58
darrenwow this stuff is a little bit scary and I am very new at this, asking now what the directory of my C header is?08:58
macogw!medibuntu > inst108:58
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: kill `pidof ircu`08:58
mkquistinst1: you installed the codecs to read copy protected dvds?08:58
macogwdarren: what? build-essential shouldve installed all you need08:58
darrenc Header that matches my kernal08:58
dragonsigh ok so the install command seems to no longer work08:58
darrenIt seemed to work as well08:58
inst1mkquist: i have libdvdcss2 and mplayer08:58
mkquistinst1: and it wont read it?08:59
_evert_Grandpajoe: do you know wheter it's possible to do that from a windows xp install ?08:59
mkbernardhave you tried /dev/sdb1 /media/sd auto rw,user,noauto 0 008:59
inst1mplayer's output is all garbled and the sound is as well08:59
macogwStarnestommy: whats teh password on teh live cd?08:59
inst1vlc won't read it08:59
Starnestommymacogw: there isn08:59
inst1dvdread can't crack it08:59
[MGR]MikkelDone :D08:59
inst1totem can't read it on gstreamer or xine08:59
mkquistinst1: try vlc player?08:59
Grandpajoe_evert_ I don't think it is, do you have any old working livecd?08:59
inst1see above ^08:59
inst1it's a brand new dvd, so it's a software problem08:59
Starnestommymacogw: er, there isn't a password for root, but the user ubuntu has either password or ubuntu as its password08:59
darrenseems to think its in /usr/src/linux/include08:59
iDivineUmm, Yes, I recently had KDE4 and KDE, I was wondering, How do I take it off my system?.. I'm on Ubuntu now.09:00
_evert_Grandpajoe: the problem is that i'm not at home, so i'm not having my linux box and my set of live cd's ;(09:00
mkquistinst1: i believe vlc will read w/menus09:00
inst1mkquist: yeah it reads the menu ... but when i click play it says "Nothing to do!"09:00
inst1any dvdread-based player (vlc included) cant' crack the dvd09:00
mkquistinst1: vlc player?09:00
mkbernardgrandpajoe: have you?09:00
inst1mkquist: yeah using vlc09:00
Grandpajoe_evert_: dang.   Tell you what, I saw a method of doing this from XP Somewhere, let me poke around09:00
mkquisthmm, got me then... sorry09:01
_evert_Grandpajoe: it would be great if you could find that wiki/howto back again for me :o09:01
Grandpajoeoh sec09:01
Dr_willisYou could tell vlc from the command line what track toplay I think. or try haveing it open the .vob on the disk09:01
mkbernardgrandpajoe: i posted a possible fix for the fstab entry, did you see?09:01
iDivineUgh, No one is seeming to help me, AT ALL, this is the first time..09:01
FranzJesusiDivine: try sudo apt-get remove kdedesktop09:01
macogwStarnestommy: yeah thats what i needed09:01
Grandpajoemkbernard: I totally missed that, let me try that now.09:01
mkquistDr_willis: is that for inst1?09:01
inst1libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_04_1.VOB (0x000c8094)!!09:01
inst1that's what i get though09:01
mkbernardgrandpajoe:  /dev/sdb1 /media/sd auto rw,user,noauto 0 009:01
darrenHow would I search for my "c headers"09:01
Dr_willismkquist,  i dident see who was asking what.. I just recall doing tha tbefor.09:02
=== inst1 is now known as insta
Dr_willisinst1 thats an interesting error09:02
darrenperhaps the installer just thinks they are in the wrong place09:02
iDivineFranzJesus, E: Couldn't find package kdedesktop09:02
instathe menu can play, the trailers can play (of course), just the main track can't09:02
FranzJesusiDivine: Sorry, it should be sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop09:02
StarnestommyiDivine: kde-desktop?09:02
Dr_willisI wonder if theres a updated css thing.09:02
mkquistinsta: read Dr_willis post 2 back09:03
macogwiDivine: which one do you want to get rid of?  you just uncheck "kde" and "kde4" from synaptic and hit apply, as far as i know, but #kubuntu's a better place to ask as they actually know about kde09:03
mkquistinsta: You could tell vlc from the command line what track toplay I think. or try haveing it open the .vob on the disk09:03
iDivineMacogw, Ok09:03
instamkquist / Dr_willis ... how can vlc play my specific track if it can't decrypt it? :(09:03
iDivineFranzJesus, Is not installed.09:03
mkquistinsta: that was his post09:03
iDivineStarnestommy, Couldn't find pakage09:03
macogwFranzJesus: removing kubuntu-desktop only gets rid of the metapackage.  the stuff stays09:04
Dr_willisinsta,  i wonder if thats not a bad track just to confuse players.. try another track?09:04
mkquistinsta: well if u cant decrypt then maybe remove and reinstall the codec?09:04
Grandpajoemkbernard: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock09:04
[MGR]Mikkelglobals.h:66: error: array type has incomplete element type09:04
[MGR]Mikkelglobals.h:200: warning: conflicting types for built-in function âlogâ09:04
[MGR]Mikkelmake: *** [newq.o] Error 1 <- Why?09:04
mkquistinsta: ive had at least one dvd that linux couldnt do, but i was able to in windows... so not always perfect im afraid09:04
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: what are you trying to compile?09:04
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: looks like the code's crap09:05
darrenOk so I went to the directory that the VM installer was looking for my C headers in09:05
[MGR]MikkelStarnestommy: http://www.ircd-q.net/_files/Q/q_4.20.tgz <- its here!09:05
FranzJesusmacogw: didn't know that09:05
darrenI cant open the folder09:05
mkbernardgrandpajoe: try chaning the first auto back to vfat09:05
[MGR]Mikkelmacogw: How?09:05
darrennothing in it and the window is just blank, this is the /usr/src/ dir09:05
macogwFranzJesus: it might remove a few others, but i remember trying to get rid of gnome using apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop and trying to get rid of kde that way and having to go through and uninstall every libk* and kde* that showed up in dpkg -l as installed that i could find09:06
Starnestommy[MGR]Mikkel: crap as in it won't work09:06
FranzJesuscould't you use apt-get autoremove after ?09:06
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: well those are errors that say "this code is wrong"09:06
mkquistmacogw: uninstall using apt-get, then apt-get autoremove maybe...  just a thought09:06
Grandpajoemkbernard: k09:06
instait was region encoding09:06
badkittycan anyone recommend a good disk recovery tool that can read ntfs?09:06
shastryhi folks09:06
[MGR]Mikkelmacogw : Can i not running it ?09:06
shastryhow do i get libmad0 ?09:06
=== masACC is now known as maswan
mkquistFranzJesus: same thought a little slower for me... =p09:07
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: if the programmers wrote junk code, it's not going to compile09:07
darrenlots of good stuff out there09:07
_evert_Grandpajoe: according to this guide it should be possible with windows since syslinux is available for windows too09:07
Dr_willisbadkitty,  there are some ntfs tools - not installed by default. that can read/recover ntfs.09:07
mkquistbadkitty: try knoppix?09:07
Starnestommyshastry: sudo apt-get install libmad0 libmad0-dev09:07
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: its also possible that they wrote code that's bad in a way that it only works on *really old* compilers09:07
shastryStarnestommy: not found09:07
instaso, yeah, that was irritating09:07
Dr_willisbadkitty,  i also recall a 'system rescue live cd' that included a lot of ntfs system recovery tools09:07
[MGR]Mikkelmacogw: I can sudo nano -w Q and changes to my IRC server :909:08
mkquistbadkitty: or knoppix std, it has a whole bunch of recovery/forensic tools that are for getting things09:08
redmonkeyso, auf den 2. versuch hat es geklappt09:08
darrenbadkitty: tell me how the drive crashed or what the problem is and I can help yeh09:08
mkquistbadkitty: drive failed?09:08
Grandpajoemkbernard: by the way when I run sudo mount /dev/sdb1  it asks to name the filetype09:08
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: well whoever compiled it for your server has voodoo magic :P09:08
shastrysources.list and apt-get command...09:08
macogw!de | redmonkey09:09
uboturedmonkey: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:09
[MGR]Mikkelmacogw: How compiled :D09:09
mkbernardgrandpajoe: do you have an fstab entry for /dev/sda1?09:09
shastryoh! wait09:09
Grandpajoemkbernard its under a UUID though09:09
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: what?09:09
darrenSo any one know where I can find my C headers?09:09
macogwdarren: is build-essential installed?09:10
instadarren /usr/include/ ?09:10
[MGR]MikkelHow compiled?09:10
mkbernardgrandpajoe: ok lets see what your current entry is09:10
Survivormanright above your C neckers09:10
darrenyes sir09:10
macogw[MGR]Mikkel: er...thats not a sentence09:10
elfgohhi, I tried installing and then xfce... now back to gnome.. and find that my compiz fusion desktop no longer has wondow decorations. Running "gtk-window-decorator --replace" does not solve the problem09:10
macogwdarren: ma'am09:10
elfgohany ideas?09:10
darrenits looking in usr/src/linux/include09:10
dragoncan someone tell me if any of this sounds right (so i dont fall into another novice trap lol): http://www.debianadmin.com/applications-installation-in-one-click-using-easyubuntu.html09:10
jsoftelfgoh: scrap compiz fusion, waste of time :p09:10
Starnestommydarren: try /usr/include09:10
simion314hi, i can load the ubuntu web site, i can enter any other sites but not the ubuntu or ubuntu forums09:10
jsoftand memory. and cpu.09:10
Grandpajoe_evert_: Look at http://www.pendrivelinux.com/category/new-usb-linux-tutorials/09:10
_evert_Grandpajoe: i'm having already a little problem, my windows isn't able to partition a usb stick lol09:10
Dr_willisdragon,  DONT use easyubuntu :) theres no need for it these days.09:11
_evert_Grandpajoe: ok thanks for that guide09:11
macogwdragon: DONT use automatix eitehr09:11
elfgohjsoft: tks for ur input.. but I am having it on some of the time to convert my friends to Linux09:11
Grandpajoemkbernard: Check this out: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?pid=135401#p13540109:11
dragonlol well how can i make ubuntu easyer to use since im a linux novice?09:11
pocketwatchhello, i have problems loading gnome. this happens after i login the gdm, im stuck at the camelcolor screen for what seems ages. from what i found online it has something to do with /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default, any ideas?09:11
Grandpajoemkbernard: the only change from that to now is changing the auto to noauto09:11
simion314hi, i can load the ubuntu web site, i can enter any other sites but not the ubuntu or ubuntu forums, is this working for you?09:12
badkittydarren mkquist09:12
macogwsimion314: host ubuntu.com09:12
Grandpajoemkbernard: strange question, can vfat handle a 16gb drive, isn't its registers limited to 4gb?09:12
Grandpajoemkbernard: or am I nuts09:12
Starnestommysimion314: ubuntuforums.org is working for me09:13
badkittyIt is not my drive, I was helping someone resize their win partition and it crashed their win install09:13
tichhas anyone tried the samsung yepp yp-p2?  i am thinking of getting it but i want to know if there are any problems.09:13
jsoftelfgoh: you are trying to convert friends over with flashy effects?09:13
jsoftlinux is not mac dude09:13
dragonheh maybe its just im so use to point and click interface insted of this terminal thing09:13
FranzJesusdragon: if you find any program you wan't on the internet, then try searching it in synaptic and install from there09:14
Grandpajoe_evert_: by the way, if your not at home, are you in a hotel?09:14
kibbfilesize is limited to 4gb on fat32 i think mounted as vfat09:14
mkquistbadkitty: sry09:14
macogwsimion314: does that show ubuntu.com's ip address as
Grandpajoemac is a linux though!09:14
mkquistdarren: drive failed?09:14
simion314for me is not working, no message just tring to load, i can't enter kubuntu either, debian is working09:14
L3ttuc3Grandpajoe bsd.09:14
darren no bad kitty was the one with NTFs problems09:14
StarnestommyGrandpajoe: it's based on freebsd and xnu, not linux09:14
darrenI was offering advise but I dont know where he went09:14
mkquistdarren: ok nm then =p09:14
macogwGrandpajoe: mac is a model of apple computer. osx, the os on the mac, is a bsd, not a linux, but it's still a unix09:14
GrandpajoeI knew I should have said a unix09:15
dragonunfortintly i cant find armyops in synaptic package manager09:15
pocketwatchactually darwin is the unix os, osx is the gui09:15
macogwsimion314: does your /etc/resolv.conf match on your ubuntu and on your debian?09:15
Grandpajoethey really should add that to the games section09:15
JustVHow i can change codepage of my ubuntu? I'm using ubuntu 7.10 server edition..09:16
macogwpocketwatch: darwin's the kernel, osx is the os, and aqua's the gui09:16
pocketwatchmacogw, okay >.> :P09:16
Grandpajoemacogw: and leopard is a cat09:16
macogwJustV: code page?09:16
JustVor charset09:16
JustVfrom ??? to utf809:17
darrenok its saying my /usr/include are for c libraries not for running kernel, says I "probably dont have kernel source package installed then asks me if im sure I want to continue09:17
macogwJustV: it should be unicode by default, i thought...09:17
darrenshould I continue09:17
L3ttuc3is there a way to change the locale after installation? ie the way ubuntu displays date/time, currency symbols, whatever?09:17
JustVmacogw: but i change it?09:17
macogwdarren: you shouldnt need the full kernel sources. just the headers should be enough09:17
JustVmacogw: *but i can change it?09:17
_evert_Grandpajoe: i've copied all the files to the usb stick, let's hope it will boot09:18
mkbernardgrandpajoe: have you tried mounting it without the UUID09:18
simion314<macogw: no , i can't ping ubuntu.com, i do not have ubuntu in my resolve.conf09:18
Grandpajoe_evert_: Good luck!09:18
FranzJesusdragon: Use this how https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AmericasArmy09:18
Grandpajoe_evert_: and remember to make it bootable09:18
dragonmeh i cant seem to install any games on here linux or otherwise (and the games that are allready in synaptic are blegh)09:18
macogwJustV: unicde = utf-8, utf-16, utf-32, etc and switches between them based on how many bits are needed to represent the character based on how high its value s09:18
darrenok says " does not match my running kernel"09:18
Grandpajoemkbernard: the sda?09:18
Grandpajoemkbernard: that drive is working just fine09:19
macogwsimion314: it doesnt need to be in your resolv.conf09:19
darrenthen asks me again where my c header can be found09:19
_evert_Grandpajoe: what tool are you using to make it bootable ? :)09:19
Grandpajoemkbernard: Its sdb that is acting up09:19
macogwsimion314: resolv.conf lists the domain name servers you're using09:19
simion314macogw: yes i know09:19
dragonFranzjesus: um i was useing that to do it and it didnt seem to work right09:19
Grandpajoe_evert_: syslinux I think09:19
macogwsimion314: it shoulds like your ubuntu and your debian one disagree09:19
Grandpajoe_evert_: Windows can do it too though09:19
FranzJesusdragon: What failed, how far did you come ?09:19
macogwsimion314: you can try going to the ip address i gave and if that works, put the ip address into your /etc/hosts09:19
Grandpajoe_evert_: thats an option when you format it....  if you can format it09:20
kjdxI installed Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and installed fluxbox wmake but I am not part of that version xorg should install?09:20
kjdxSorry my English but with google translate translate education09:20
dragoni got it to unpack and it seemed like it installed but then it got stuck on the install part (the install bar would go from 0 to 99 over and over again)09:20
macogwkjdx: what is your language?09:20
mwaznyI have a problem. I've been trying to get wine working and when I uninstalled it I saw it wasn't deleting it's configuration files so I deleted them manualy (from /home/.wine). Now for some reason even when I mark it for complete removal and remove it and reinstall it, it still won't create that directory and errors out when I try to do anything09:20
macogwkjdk #ubuntu-it09:21
simion314macogw: i tried to go to that  adress but is the same, i will restart09:21
kjdxUbuntu.it are also, but I am still no one has answered why I tried here09:21
macogwkjdx: oh ok09:21
kjdxI need this help09:21
macogwkjdx: ubuntu 6.06 comes with xorg09:21
Anandhelp needed. Just finished installing ubuntu on my presario v3224. everything fine but no sounr output. Alsa and oss are updated. what to do next...09:22
macogwkjdx: do you want to know which version?09:22
FranzJesusdragon: cant help you then09:22
FranzJesusdragon: sorry09:22
kjdxIf I do not write startx starts graphics09:23
bert_hi, can someone help me to configure compiz fusion's widget layer ?09:23
kjdxcommand not found09:23
mkbernardgandpajoe: try sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/sd and tell me what error (if any) you get09:23
Grandpajoewrong fs type, bad otion.....09:23
Anandhello.. someone help me to get my alsa to make some noise...09:24
macogwkjdx: dpkg -l xserver-xorg09:24
_evert_Grandpajoe: how did you make the usb stick bootable ? I've copied all the files, but i still need to make it bootable somehow09:24
Grandpajoemkbernard: wrong fs type, bad otion.....09:24
jsoftwhy do people get facinated with compiz and all that rubbish09:24
macogwkjdx: there is a column for version09:24
mkbernardgrandpajoe: thats wierd considering you mounted it from the command line09:24
mwaznycan anyone help? I tried to reinstall wine and after removing it deleted the .wine folder and now it won't make that folder again even when I reinstall09:24
kjdxNo corresponding package09:24
mkbernardgrandpajoe: did you actually try it or is that just what its been giving you?09:24
incorrectdoes anyone know of a game server probe for linux?09:25
FranzJesusdragon: try to install program from http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=70109:25
Grandpajoemkbernard: I tried that a minute ago and got that error09:25
n9xphAnand is your sound card hardware supported09:25
kjdxI installed Ubuntu 6.06 serves LAMP09:25
Grandpajoemkbernard: yep, just did it again, same error09:25
macogwkjdx: dpkg -l xserver-xorg-core09:25
Grandpajoe_evert_: looking it up09:25
macogwkjdx: oooooooo09:25
kjdxNo corresponding package09:26
Ananddear all, i need some help in getting sound on my lappy. ubuntu on compaq.....09:26
macogwkjdx: you do not have X installed yet, then?09:26
mkbernardgrandpajoe: what happens if you remove it from the fstab then try it (backup fstab first)09:26
SupaFlyHey can someone please shed some light on this prob of mine: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4303782&postcount=1 thanks in advance09:26
SupaFlyi got ntfs-3g installed btw09:26
macogwAnand: be more specific.  telling what kind of sound card you have could result in someone saying "oh i have that and i did x"09:26
kjdxI do not know what should install09:26
Grandpajoemkbernard: same thing09:27
macogwkjdx: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg09:27
Grandpajoe_evert_: last time I did it I just ran sudo syslinux /dev/sdX109:27
Grandpajoe_evert_: lemme look on how to do it in windows09:27
vallhalla81SupaFly if you have the option to go to the boot munu before load it is simple to do it that way09:28
kjdxOk hours are installing09:28
macogwkjdx: no problem09:28
kjdxFinished with the installation startx to do lancira graphics right?09:28
SupaFlyyeah but id like to access the winxp HD for the mp3's say via amarok while im using Kubuntu on its own HD09:28
macogwkjdx: yes, that should work09:29
SupaFlyjust so i can access files on the win HD through Kubuntu09:29
vallhalla81SupaFly ie on my pc i can press f11 while it is loading and select what to bot from09:29
Grandpajoe_evert_: Maybe this will help? http://h18000.www1.hp.com/support/files/serveroptions/us/download/23839.html09:29
macogwkjdx: that is how i set up this laptop. i installed the server version, and then i installed xserver-xorg and fluxbox. i start it up with startx09:29
kjdxThanks for the support09:29
vallhalla81ah i see to use both at the same time you meen09:29
SupaFlyyeah i dont have a problem with that so much now, i got that bit sorted, but its accessing the files from the win HD from the Kubuntu HD09:29
macogwkjdx: i am trying to write so that the google translator can work well09:29
SupaFlywell, i use Kubuntu %80 of the time, but would be nice to acccess and listen to music while im on Kubuntu09:30
Anandmacogw: System compaq presario v3423 au, sound is nvidia HDA, chip: conexant cx20549. alsa and oss installed with syanaptics manager. everything seems to be ok.---means no error messaged came so far. tried to play some mp3 with mplayer, and then with vlc player. it plays the file .. but no sound output.09:30
vallhalla81then maybe a virtual machine is the awnser you are looking for09:30
SupaFlyno no way09:30
SupaFlylast time i tried vmware i fried everything09:30
vallhalla81ek ok then09:30
SupaFlyi dont want that solution, im more than happy having the OS on there own HD09:31
darrenOHH man, I crashed linux...09:31
ParsiTuxOur ISP's web proxy server is down now, is there a solution to browsing web?09:31
macogwAnand: and in alsamixer there's nothing suspiciously muted?09:31
darrenperhaps I should just stop using computers09:31
SupaFlythat suits me fine, but id like to be able to access the win HD/files while im on kubuntu09:31
vallhalla81there are other virtual programs have you lookked in to thoes?09:31
macogwAnand: check that your media keys on the computer for muting havent muted it either.  sometimes itll be muted by the media keys but the alsamixer doesnt show that09:31
Grandpajoedarren: true, you can now install linux on your toaster09:31
SupaFlyno, i dont want virtualisation09:31
Grandpajoedarren: no need for a computer09:31
kjdxThe installation is finished, but if I say I write startx command not found09:31
Anandmacogw: nothing muted...09:31
SupaFlyid rather have the OS' on there own HD09:31
darrenok so you do you mind if I continue to bother you with n00b q's09:32
zimonSupaFly, you've got to mount your windows partition. put it in /etc/fstab so that it's mounted during the boot process. see man mount, man fstab09:32
KajaAnyone having luck settings 2fingertap to "right mouse button" and 3fingertap to "middle mouse button" on MacBook?09:32
SupaFlyyup, but problem with fstab i cant find the /dev/sda1(win xp HD) mount point to put into fstab09:32
KajaAny other synaptic touchpad could work the same way.. dunno.09:32
vallhalla81you can accses the files but i dont think you will be able to run any of the other os programs from a sepera os09:32
mkbernardgrandpajoe: are you sure thats the right dev mount point?09:32
Anandmacogw: media keys are fine.. if i press the mute key, osd appears with mute symbol. that means it is fine09:33
SupaFlyyeah i dont want to run programs from windows on kubuntu though, just ACCESS them09:33
darrennew distro to linux "umbarsed"09:33
kjdxIf someone responds to my questions please write my step so nick translation thanks09:33
darrenok ok09:33
SupaFlyill post the output of sudo fdisk -l && cat /etc/fstab09:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:33
Grandpajoemkbernard: well, I think I am, I could know for sure by running fdisk -l right?09:33
macogwkjdx: what kind of video or graphics card do you have?  nvidia? ati? intel?09:33
Grandpajoemkbernard: oh hey, I should probably add that the /media/sd was just a folder I created, should I change that to something else you think?09:34
SupaFlyhere: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55458/09:34
* Timon_Crazy пожелал всем доброго утра.09:34
Grandpajoe_evert_: any luck?09:34
SupaFlybut what would be the mount point for sda1 in fstab?09:34
mkbernardgrandpajoe: typically that really shoudlnt matter09:34
jm_how do you unzip/uncompress a .cpgz file?09:34
vallhalla81is win on the 30 or the 41 gig?09:35
SupaFlythe 30g09:35
spdfjm_: its a gzip'd cpio archive09:35
SupaFlywinxp = /dev/sda1   *           1        3737    30017421    7  HPFS/NTFS09:35
macogwkjdx: ls /etc/X11/  is there a file named xorg.conf ?09:35
vallhalla81mount should just be sda09:35
vallhalla81or /dev/sda09:36
Grandpajoemkbernard: so fdisk -l says /dev/sdb1     1    15740     16117744    b  w95 fat3209:36
zimonSupaFly, you can mount in anywhere. eg, create a folder /media/windows and mount it there09:36
Grandpajoemkbernard: w95 fat32 is vfat right?09:36
kjdxno such file or directory09:36
SupaFlyah ok ill give that a go,09:36
jm_spdf: how do i open it?09:36
Anandmacogw: any idea how to troubleshoot this09:37
kjdxfluxbox windowmaker X xorg.conf xresources Xwrapper.config09:37
macogwkjdx: are you sure it finished installing? was there an error?09:37
Dr_willis!info unp09:37
ubotuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12 (gutsy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB09:37
simion314when i ping www.ubuntu .com the ip appears  there ( and 1-2 minutes i get 2 responses from arctowski.canonical.com (
macogwkjdx: xorg.conf is there09:37
macogwkjdx: vi xorg.conf09:37
macogwkjdx: move down and look for the word Nvidia09:38
spdfjm_: gunzip it, then I believe 'cpio -id < filename'09:38
mkbernardgrandpajoe: yea. try using a nix file system, like ext309:38
mkbernardgrandpajoe: do the results change?09:38
darrenany one know what "none of the pre built vmhgfs modules for vmware tools is suitable for your running kernel mean?09:38
macogwAnand: no09:38
zimonAnand, it's probably the still not fixed snd-hda-intel driver that comes with gutsy (you're using gutsy, right?)09:38
Anandzimon: yea09:38
macogwzimon: snd-hda-intel works on my laptop...09:38
darrenasking me if the program should try and make them?09:39
Anandmacogw: model?09:39
Grandpajoemkbernard: To do that I would go through fdisk, and set it as an extended partition, then change it to ext09:39
macogwAnand: there is an alsa dev that is usually here, but he lives near me, so i know it's 4:30 AM.  you can try #alsa09:39
simion314i can't conect to ubuntu when i ping www.ubuntu .com the ip appears  there ( and after 1-2 minutes i get 2 responses from arctowski.canonical.com (
zimonAnand, right. didn't work for me either. seems like they missed some codecs when building the module09:39
mkbernardgrandpajoe: you cant reformat the whole drive?09:39
Anandzimon: might be. lemme try from scratch.09:40
mkbernardgrandpajoe: whats wierd is it should matter if you use auto what the fs is09:40
kjdxThe file is empty09:40
Grandpajoemkbernard: Thats what I was talking about09:40
mkbernardgrandpajoe, shouldnt*09:40
darrenso i guess I need the kernel source package for GOS ?09:40
macogwkjdx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:41
Grandpajoemkbernard: screw it, I just installed gparted and I'm going to format the card with that09:41
macogwkjdx: that will ask you questions and should fill it in for you.09:41
KuroachiaQuick question, not sure if anyone knows but is there a channel for QCad help?09:41
Grandpajoemkbernard: ok this is really freaking weird.  I open up gparted and it looks at the disk, and its formatted to unknown09:42
Grandpajoemkbernard: ext2 or 3 you think?09:42
vallhalla81Kuroachia dosnt sem to be on free node may be on a dis network09:43
SupaFlycan someone confirm that this edited fstab looks ok? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55459/09:43
Kuroachiavallhalla81: Thanks. I'll keep looking. :)09:43
mkbernardgrandpajoe: 309:43
mkbernardgrandpajoe: or would you prefer a non journaled fs?09:44
SupaFlythe bottom line is the edit09:44
coincoin169hello all09:44
SupaFlyi just want to make sure so that i dont ruin the boot up or get a problem etc09:44
Grandpajoemkbernard: I'll be god damned, I tried fat32, took it out, put it in and it works!09:45
SupaFlyor stuff up my winxp OS on that HD too lol09:45
mkbernardgrandpajoe: i have a theory09:45
Grandpajoemkbernard: Damn me and my stubborness of OH the fdisk is so great let me use my new toy!09:45
kjdxI did configuration but when ends do if startx command always tells me not found09:45
vallhalla81SupaFly looks ok09:45
coincoin169have any of you installed ubuntu on a eee pc ?09:45
Grandpajoemkbernard: this is freaking great, thanks so much man, I have spent hours on this09:45
mkbernardgrandpajoe: its likely that you didnt set some options when you fdisked it, so the partition table got hosed09:46
mkbernardgrandpajoe: hey, no problem, we both learned something :D09:46
SupaFlycool, so according to the new fstab i should be able to access the files on that HD from the HD/Kubuntu OS?09:46
vallhalla81you should09:47
macogwcoincoin169: i know someone that did eeexubuntu on his09:47
bolesloHi all! I need help. I have Ubuntu 7.04, update it and at restart only command prompt is visible, no GUI09:47
macogwkjdx: are there errors at the end of /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?09:47
macogwboleslo: (asking the obvious first) did you do a server install?09:47
mkbernardgrandpajoe: you might want to do a fsck just for fun, make sure that its clean09:48
Grandpajoemkbernard: sure, lemme see09:48
boleslomacogw: No, I didn't, I think I didn't. What kind of installation is server install?09:48
Grandpajoemkbernard: no errors at all09:48
fester-182pls  help ... XAMMP  :(09:49
coincoin169i am trying to install a command-line system on mine09:49
SupaFlyvallhallla81 should i be using the UUID for the fstab? or would the /dev/sda1 be sufficient?09:49
mkbernardgrandpajoe: beautiful, your in09:49
SupaFlythe winxp/HD UUID being 808876B68876AA7409:49
boleslomacogw: Feisty worked fine for a long time. I updated wine (I think) and then it says it can't find apt-get command09:50
fester-182niekto kto mi rozumie tu je ? :D09:50
macogwboleslo: server installs dont have a GUI.  its fairly common for people to do server installs and then think that means it's broken09:50
Grandpajoemkbernard: now to get in more trouble and install windows xp on that drive :)09:50
vallhalla81SupaFly /dev/sda should be opk09:50
macogwboleslo: O_o sounds like your hard drive is going bad and things are corrupting09:50
Dr_willisboleslo,  lets ask this -- X used to work? then after a update/upgrade it stoppe?09:50
Grandpajoemkbernard: LOL I'll probably be looking for you later because you know no good deed goes unpunished09:51
macogwboleslo: if apt-get is gone....chunks are either missing or corrupted09:51
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:51
mkbernardgrandpajoe: haha, while you do that im going to see if i cant find the ubuntu drivers for my OLD all in wonder09:51
mkbernardgrandpajoe: ill probly be here09:51
boleslomacogw: what should I do?09:51
macogwboleslo: backup09:51
fester-182rozumie mi tu dakto ? :D09:52
macogwboleslo: the only time ive ever heard of apt going missing was when the person's drive was dying and corrupting the system files out of existence09:52
Grandpajoemkbernard: well That'll be for another day, I've been up playing around with computers and my daughter for about 24 hours.  The keyboard is starting to look like a pillow.09:52
simion314i can't conect to ubuntu when i ping www.ubuntu .com the ip appears  there ( and after 1-2 minutes i get 2 responses from arctowski.canonical.com (, after 10 minutes other 2 responses, i have no ideea, (except to try to reinstall)09:52
macogw!cz > fester-18209:52
mkbernardgrandpajoe: i hate that feeling09:52
GrandpajoeWell thanks again all, Have a wonderful night.   Goodnight!09:53
kandinskidoes anybody know how well the skype for feisty (7.04) works for gutsy (7.10)?09:53
boleslomacogw: I also have vista installation on same drive, can i check the linux partition from vista?09:53
vallhalla81kandinsk it works just fine09:53
kandinskivallhalla81: thanks09:54
vallhalla81no problem09:54
boleslomacogw: i copied home folder from linux to vista, how can I check linux partition for errors in ubuntu command prompt ?09:55
binskipy2uanyone using Ubuntu Ultimate?09:55
SurvivormanWhat is ubuntu ultimate?09:55
darrenok every one.. I must go to bed09:55
PriceChild!ultimate | binskipy2u09:55
ubotubinskipy2u: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate09:55
darrenthanks for all the help..09:56
darrenwill get it working later09:56
binskipy2ui'm not asking for support09:56
macogwboleslo: you can boot from the live cd and then install smartmontools while the live cd is running.  then do "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" to check your drive's smart response09:56
binskipy2ui'm asking for opinions?09:56
PriceChild!offtopic | binskipy2u09:56
ubotubinskipy2u: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:56
binskipy2uand user experiences if anyone here uses it09:56
coincoin169boleslo : fsck should do it for you09:56
macogwboleslo: smart is monitoring stuff built into the drive.  if there are reallocated sectors (the number in the far right column is what to look at) that's bad.  it means the disk is going09:56
kjdxOK refer install as ubuntu server as a server and no lamp09:56
macogwboleslo: there's also that column that says "pre-fail" just before you disk dies... i have a drive where my libraries are corrupting because of that09:57
boleslomacogw: ok, I will try. Live cd should be the one I insalled feisty from it?09:58
macogwboleslo: yes09:58
boleslomacogw: how long will you be on irc?09:59
zimonbinskipy2u, my opinion after a first look: bloated. e.g.: why would i want LAMP on a desktop?10:00
SupaFlyhmm im nervous, i have a bad feeling that when i reboot my system will fail again lol10:00
macogwboleslo: probably gonna go soon as its 5am10:01
corporealwhere can i get the .config for the xen kernel?10:01
boleslomacgow: ok, in slovenia is 11 am right now... thank you for your help ;)10:01
zimoncorporeal, is it installed?10:01
corporealthe kernel? yes10:02
zimoncorporeal, then it's /boot/config....something10:02
vontuxhi, how do I get root access to the file manager in ubuntu?10:02
hendHi I am using a myHella (a python interface for hellanzb). If I got to the directory and click on the python script it will open up without any problems. However when I try put it in my menu or make a link to my desktop it will open when I click on it, but not show the interface. The actual processes that it uses do open tho. Anyone got an idea how I can fix this?10:02
corporealalso, what package do i install to get ncurses-dev?10:03
SurvivormanI think I use sudo nautilus10:03
corporealbecause libncurses-dev and libncurses5-dev wont work10:03
SupaFlyso i just have to get this right, even though the HD containing the winxp OS is ntfs, if i mount that auto with fstab when i choose to run Kubuntu(on its own HD) Kubuntu will be able to read the ntfs HD containing windows?10:03
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
hendSupaFly: yes10:04
macogwboleslo: ni za kaj10:04
SupaFlyok cool, i thought i may need something like ntfs-3g or something10:04
nem1clock disappear from gnome panel (Feisty), maybe it is because of the new updates - ideas?10:04
macogwboleslo: (wikipedia :) )10:04
hendnem1: right click on the the bar, and use "add to panel"10:04
SupaFlyand its not dangerous at all to specify the HD(winxpOS) by its UUID in the fstab file?10:04
hendnem1: clock should be there10:04
SupaFlyinstead of say /dev/sda1 ?10:05
macogwbye all10:05
boleslomacogw: internet/wikipedia rocks :) tnx again10:05
nem1"fails to load the applet" :(10:05
zimoncorporeal, installing ncurses-dev should pull in everything you need10:05
corporealE: Package ncurses-dev has no installation candidate10:05
nem1any other ideas (hend?)10:06
zimoncorporeal, it's not a real package, but a virtual. it's provided by libncurses5-dev ... so that should be alright10:06
hendnem1: no sorry : / no expert10:06
yu78haflany know how to get mouse gestures like on mac10:07
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »10:07
corporealzimon: it wont install though10:07
corporealE: Package libncurses5-dev has no installation candidate10:07
SupaFlyhow do i unmount sorry?10:08
alexkreuzman i am impressed with ubuntu10:08
alexkreuzawn + compiz10:08
zimoncorporeal, what? i think you've messed up something. are you using apt-get? aptitude?10:08
SupaFlyyeah unmount a device10:08
corporealzimon: apt-get10:08
SupaFlyoooooooh i get ya lol10:08
zimoncorporeal, maybe run apt-get update first10:08
Assiderr.. anyone remember that app that lets you set custom keys to your multimedia keyboards?10:09
corporealzimon: already did.10:09
corporealzimon: checked my sources.list too10:09
corporealzimon: nothing wrong10:09
Patmonstahello, sorry to butt in - not really sure what the polite thing to do is in here.  Just wanted some help with my IGP Pro graphics card on my laptop - i installed openchrome, and its working fine now, except when i start WINE everything crashes - this doesnt happen with the vesa driver10:10
GreenBytewhat is the chmod number of normal directories?10:11
GreenBytethe permission number10:11
DjViperPatmonsta: hi and welcome, feel free to ask any question(s) you'd like about ubuntu :)10:11
DjViperGreenByte: normal?10:11
PPF68what is ubuntu?10:11
=== Comunity is now known as co_edan
Dr_willis!ubuntu | PPF6810:11
ubotuPPF68: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:11
GreenByteDjViper: the common directories :)10:11
GreenByteI think it's 77710:11
DjVipercommon... directories?10:12
alexkreuzPatmonsta, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=485646&page=810:12
zimoncorporeal, that's strange. really. it's in the main-pool10:12
DjViperit's not 777... that gives full access to all users/groups10:12
PatmonstaDjViper : thanks.  When i start my computer, and choose ubuntu in grub, i get a "Could not assign mem resource". its at the PCI address of my graphics card...10:12
PatmonstaI'm worried that might be a bad thing?10:12
GreenByteDjViper: it's for website10:12
Patmonstaalthough it seems to do nothing10:12
DjViperPatmonsta: hmm, check bios?10:13
zimoncorporeal, you're on gutsy, right?10:14
GreenByteMy root user can't login at the normal screen10:15
GreenBytehow to enable that?10:15
PatmonstaDjViper - i tried, but im running on an amilopro laptop that seems to treat me like a 4 year old lol. I cant access any settings about my graphics card - other than setting the frame buffer to 8, 32, or 64 mb10:15
AD7sixHi, with one of my machines running ubuntu I get the following error sporadically "ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6246, errno = 4" the last time when trying to run vim. I didn't see a prcoess with that pid listed and I've googled the error message but don't know what it means. Anyone got an idea what it means and next steps to debug/fix?10:15
DjViperGreenByte: you don't want to enable that :)10:15
zimoncorporeal, what does aptitude search ncurses show you?10:15
GreenByteDjViper: why not?10:15
Dr_willisThe root user is blocked from logging into X diredtly. cant even login to the consoel directly10:15
DjViperPatmonsta: hm okay, I can't help you with that, sorry10:15
Dr_willisits a security thing.10:15
alexkreuzwhat application do most people use for mounting images (daemon tools)10:15
Dr_willisuse 'sudo' as needed.10:15
DjViperGreenByte: it's a security thing, like the Dr said10:15
Dr_willis!iso | alexkreuz10:16
ubotualexkreuz: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:16
PatmonstaDjViper - okay, thanks lol. i've been searching for days, sure i'll crack it in the end :)10:16
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  you dont need any fancy applications...10:16
DjViperGreenByte: root isnt like 'Administrator' on windows10:16
GreenByteDjViper: well.. the login screen says so10:16
alexkreuzah cool thx10:16
GreenByteAdministrator is not allowed to log on here10:16
corporealaptitude will install it fine apt-get wont weird10:16
GreenBytesomething like that10:16
alexkreuzim getting impressed more and more with the simplicity of linux10:16
alexkreuzthank good for vista10:16
PatmonstaGreenByte: You were asking about chmod numbers earlier, this site will be helpful : http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/LinuxGuide/linux-chmod.html10:16
alexkreuzthe dread of switching to vista made me take a good long look at linux10:17
DjViperalexkreuz: heh10:17
GreenBytePatmonsta: thanks10:17
DjViperalexkreuz: people on vista usually upgrade to xp or move over to linux... it's a fact ;P10:17
dialuphrm, im having some issues getting 7.10 installed, was in here erlier, during init of the gui it goes to a text version that hangs...was suggested to try the alt version, so i did, and it hangs at "configuring apt - scanning the mirror"10:18
GreenByteHow to chmod a whole directory10:18
alexkreuzDjViper, yea, among my friends, thats the case10:18
GreenByteDjViper: I already run 100 % ubuntu for 2 years10:18
alexkreuzthe only issue we're all facing is gaming, but ive been trying cedega and am pretty impressed so far10:18
PatmonstaGreenByte: you can also login as root on ubuntu using this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31053 its not advised though, heed the warnings in that article10:18
alexkreuzmy other friend is going dual boot, xp + linux, xp for gaming, linux for everything else10:18
vallhalla81how can i find clam after i have installed it?10:18
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SupaFlylocate clam10:19
SupaFlyi guess10:19
amin1i have a problem AFTER installing the ubuntu....when i select the os... it just go to a like a command promt(dos-mode)10:20
Dr_willisi dident clam had a gui interface.10:20
momalHas anyone had any sound problems with alsa since updates of few days back? seem to be getting "snd_pcm_open() failed:-19:No such device" using 7.10 only just recently like since today.10:20
Dr_willistheres some front ends to it10:20
SupaFlyamin1 type in startx10:20
ParsiTuxamin1: salam!10:20
Dr_willis!find clam10:20
ubotuFound: clamassassin, clamav-data, clamav-getfiles, clamcour, clamfs (and 17 others)10:20
SupaFlyjust type startx10:20
amin1i will try now10:20
dialupamin1, is it while installing?10:20
dialupor after?10:20
Patmonstacheers for your help, im off.10:20
vallhalla81ye i got it now thank you10:20
dialuperr nm after...10:20
dialupim having problem befor installing with it doing that10:21
dialuptried the alt vers, and it hangs at configuring apt - scanning the mirror10:21
amin1i will try it now10:21
dialupive been fucking with it a lil over 24 hours now10:21
PriceChild!ohmy | dialup10:21
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:21
ubotudialup: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:21
SupaFlywhat version you got dialup?10:21
SupaFlytrue, try type this into terminal: sudo apt-get update10:21
dialupi cant get that far10:22
SupaFlyare you on Ubuntu or Kubuntu?10:22
SupaFlyhow far can you get?10:22
SupaFlycan you log in?10:22
zimoncorporeal, yeah, weird. maybe your package list in /var/lib/apt/lists is corrupted. i don't know if you can just clean it and do apt-get update ..10:22
dialupduring install10:22
BasCan anyone help me, i have ubuntu 6.10 stored on my external hard drive, instead of having to download the 700mb file for 7.10 is it possible to update 6.10 to 7.10 while in linux?10:22
dialupGUI version just after it initiallizes the mouse display it goes to a dos like screen and hangs10:22
SupaFlyok, so this is when you click on that 'install' icon from the desktop?10:23
Dr_willisBas,  that will update proberly 600+mb of files :)10:23
dialupduring the alt version (text based) just as it starts to configure apt it hangs at 40%10:23
BasBut i can do it in linux right?10:23
dialupsupafly, with the gui version i dont even get that far =p10:23
dialupbut during alt version yes10:23
SupaFlyah ok lol10:23
SupaFlyyou got dial up or broadband?10:23
BasDr_willis , i can still do it in linux right? :D10:23
dialupi got a 7.10 cd that lets me get into gui, but it was a pre-release from a few months back10:23
SupaFlyditch it dude10:24
dialupand it hangs there at configuring apt too10:24
SupaFlyget the stable release10:24
alexkreuzcan i mount any cd image type with mount or MUST i convert them to iso format first?10:24
Dr_willisBas,  proberly - but i find it better to do clean installs then upgrades10:24
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:24
Basok , i may aswell download it from scratch :P10:24
dialupi like the irony in the nick tho ;)10:24
SupaFlyif you got a pre release from a few months back its probably not stable10:24
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  you cant do just any image type.. the non .iso ones have extra data thats wont work10:24
SupaFlyget the lastest stable10:24
dialupsupafly, i downloaded 2 versions tonight from ubuntu's site10:25
dialupthe final releases10:25
dialupalt and gui10:25
dialupno go10:25
alexkreuzDr_willis, so its safer to convert to .iso10:25
SupaFlyso you got the server edition and desktop versions?10:25
dialupno go on gui, wont even initialize after displaying mouse cursor, it goes to text..and as ive stated hangs on configuring apt =/10:25
dialupno, desktop only10:25
SupaFlywhat gphx card you got?10:25
dialupati radeon hd2600 xt10:25
ParsiTuxHello! Our ISP's web proxy server is down now, is there a solution to browsing web in Ubuntu?10:26
SmegzorI've just installed a 2nd hard disk which mounts as sda1.  It is formatted ext3.  What would the fstab line look like to auto mount it at boot time?10:26
SupaFly*ati ffs10:26
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  safer? You cant mount a .nrg or .cue/bin... so.... :)10:26
dialupi even tried it with my onboard video =/10:26
SupaFlyyeah ati you have probs with soz10:26
SupaFlyah ok, so its not gphx card related10:26
SupaFlyand your system is up to running ubuntu? its got the grunt et10:26
* hend looks at his purring ati card10:27
dialupintel dual core 1.6ghz 64bit... 1gb ram, 250gb hd....10:27
ParsiTuxubotu: web proxy10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about web proxy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:27
SupaFlyyeah that should do it lol10:27
ParsiTuxubotu: tunnel10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tunnel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:27
ParsiTuxubotu: proxy10:27
ubotuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks10:27
SupaFlysorry man i dont think i can help you10:27
dialupyea, considering its running at 2.66ghz overclocked (and yes i tried downstepping it back to 1.6ghz default just to make sure it wasnt instabilities)..10:27
dialupdid a mem test...everything, im at a loss10:28
dialupreally wanna get off windows xp 64bit =/10:28
SupaFlyyou tried both the 64bit and 32 bit ver of ubuntu?10:28
mateuszI have problem with microphone10:28
SupaFlygive them both ago incase10:28
dialupif i gotta use 32bit, id rather not try it10:28
mateuszany help ?10:29
SupaFlywell, give Kubuntu ago instead10:29
SupaFlysee what happens10:29
teo-can someone recomend me a good php builder for ubuntu???10:29
Dr_willisdialup,  what are you gaining from 64bit?10:29
archangelpetropush FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :./10:30
iDivineSo, I've did a big mistake to try to remove KDE, SUCCESS! But, When trying to reboot, I got, 'Kernel panic, SomethingSomething /init. Try pass init.' Then I looked on Ubuntu forums, and they told me to press 'E' at the grub menu, to edit that line, and then to edit it, now the question is, Do I have to do that every time?10:30
ParsiTuxteo-: do u mean an editor?10:30
mateuszgconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Nie można otworzyć zasobu do zapisu.10:30
mateuszany help?10:30
alexkreuzwhen i mount the ISO, it doesn't show up as a CD the same way as when i enter a real cd10:30
dialupif you got it, why not use it? always my philosophy.10:31
alexkreuzit mounts to a folder and i can access it, but it doesnt emulate a real cd10:31
mateuszMicrophone doesnt work10:31
jpatrick!pl | mateusz10:31
ubotumateusz: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:31
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  it alwyqa has for me..10:31
PriceChildalexkreuz, a real cd is mounted as a folder...10:31
mateuszjpatrick: they sleep10:31
mateuszjpatrick: I have a problem with alsa10:31
Dr_willis dont expect game copy priotection to work if thats your problem...10:31
mateuszjpatrick: it doesnt detect mircophone10:31
alexkreuzi understand that, but what additional step needs to be taken to get it to show up in the filesystem as a real cd?10:31
jpatrick!sound > mateusz10:31
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  a real cd is just seen as a read only directory as far as i know. What kind of iso are you monting?10:32
Guillaum3Greets gents. Networking issue. Fresh install of ubuntu. I can ping ip10:32
warlock_handlerhi guys10:32
Guillaum3's but i cant use the hostnames of the pc's10:32
Guillaum3they dont resolve.10:32
SurvivormanI think he means like an autorun type cd10:32
iDivineSo, I've did a big mistake to try to remove KDE, SUCCESS! But, When trying to reboot, I got, 'Kernel panic, SomethingSomething /init. Try pass init.' Then I looked on Ubuntu forums, and they told me to press 'E' at the grub menu, to edit that line, and then to edit it, now the question is, Do I have to do that every time?10:32
Survivormanlike an install disk10:32
Guillaum3though via smb i can see them.10:32
alexkreuzits a game image in .mdf format10:32
alexkreuzit mounts properly10:32
warlock_handleri have installed ubuntun 5.10 on my old laptop.. since it couldnt handle 7.1010:32
alexkreuzi mounted it into /home/user/mnt/cd/game10:33
warlock_handlerand i am having problem to connect to my home wifi10:33
warlock_handlerany suggestions10:33
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  and you try to run the game with wine - and the copy priotection fails?10:33
warlock_handleri tried even setting static ips.. instead of the DHCP10:33
Dr_willisYou dident convert the mdf to .iso eh?10:33
Guillaum3isn't there a wep key on it10:33
PriceChildiDivine, you can make the change permenant by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst or you could fix the real problem.10:33
Guillaum3warlock_handler:  check that the security of the router matches the setup on your pc10:33
amin1when i type startx .. it says : xauth:creating new aurthority file /home/thepro/.severauth.4583      x:cannot stat /etc/xii/x (no such file or directory), aborting     xinit:sever error10:33
iDivinePriceChild, How would I fix the real problem?10:34
PriceChildalexkreuz, you can't emulate what's needed for copy protection in linux.... it requires core windows stuff.10:34
Guillaum3sudo startx ?10:34
PriceChildiDivine, no idea, i don't know what the real problem is,10:34
alexkreuzDr_willis, yes10:34
PriceChildGuillaum3, don't run x as root10:34
warlock_handlerGuillaum3: as of now my router is open.. no restrictions10:34
alexkreuzwell here is my issue, i have a GTA_SA cd which needs copy protection.10:34
amin1what as root?10:34
Guillaum3I RUN ALL AS R00T!10:34
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  wine and copy protection are often proboems.. Find a No cd crack for the game.10:34
amin1how do i type so all run as root?10:34
alexkreuzto bypass the copy protection i need to use an anti-copy 8 MB image10:34
Guillaum3root is bad for your health.10:34
alexkreuzrather than the REAL cd10:34
PriceChildGuillaum3, do you understand why that can be a bad idea?10:34
iDivinePriceChild, Then, Will menu.lst, remain ok? Or..Wil lthe problem still pre-exist but not bother me at all?10:34
jpatrickGuillaum3: have fun10:35
PriceChild!root | amin110:35
ubotuamin1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:35
PriceChildamin1, that's not a god idea10:35
hendGuillaum3: sounds like a DNS issue, did you try adding your ISP's DNS server in the network options?10:35
alexkreuzi am trying to mount this 8 MB image as a real cd10:35
jpatrick!noroot > Guillaum310:35
* Guillaum3 shies away10:35
PriceChildiDivine, i think you should fix the real problem10:35
Dr_willisalexanderwz,   you can find no cd  fix's for tehj game. No need to use the mdf/daemon tools under windows :)10:35
alexkreuzDr_willis, this is all according to the cedega game database, according to them you can do it this way10:35
neetoI asked in #apache, but no one helped me: can someone get me a link/pastebin to a vanilla /apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file?10:35
iDivinePriceChild, I'm look through forums, but none seem to help, do you have ANY IDEA, on what happened?10:35
EpicenterHello! I am using EDE instead of Gnome, KDE or XFCE. What is the name of the application I need to run to configure my Wireless card, select APs, set my IP/DNS etc?10:35
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  they 'legally' cant suggest you look for a no-cd crack.10:35
EpicenterNormally it's in a little menu in the desktop manager, but I don't have that now10:35
alexkreuzDr_willis, check the link, they do suggest just that10:36
PriceChildiDivine, no... because you haven't given any information about it.10:36
Guillaum3c`mon gents, my work ppl solved this on the kubuntu machine.  I dont get hostnames on this machine of the network computers.10:36
Guillaum3i can ping ip's fine. and via smb i can see the names10:36
iDivinePriceChild, What information would you need?10:36
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  i have played the game befor.. I isntalled it.. i used a no-cd crack.. i dident need any .iso at all after installing the game.  Good Luck.,10:36
amin1i dont undersatn the rootsudo?10:36
alexkreuzunfortunately im only able to find the isos, oh well ill keep looking thx10:37
Dr_willisthe wine/cedega guys cant suggest you go to some 'less-then-legal' site to get hacked binaries.10:37
PriceChild!piracy | alexkreuz10:37
ubotualexkreuz: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:37
AD7sixneeto: link 2 for me http://www.google.es/search?q=apache+000-default10:37
amin1when i type startx .. it says : xauth:creating new aurthority file /home/thepro/.severauth.4583      x:cannot stat /etc/xii/x (no such file or directory), aborting     xinit:sever error10:37
alexkreuzPriceChild, i appreciate that but I dont believe this is piracy, I own GTA.10:37
PriceChildalexkreuz, you obviously don't. Go away and ask somewhere else please :)10:38
alexkreuzshould I scan you a copy of my cd?10:38
Dr_willisWhy would you be looking for isos then?10:38
sunseeker888hi guys, I am a newbie. I am trying to play a dvd, totem says there ain't no plugin to [lay thi dvd. I do not how to downlad they plugin and which one10:38
Guillaum3write your name on it10:38
Guillaum3so we know.10:38
PriceChildalexkreuz, please take it elsewhere10:38
PriceChild!dvd | sunseeker88810:38
ubotusunseeker888: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:38
alexkreuzDr_willis, I am not looking for the ISO of the game. I need a no-cd iso to make it work.10:38
alexkreuzBecause according to cedega's own game database, its required to make it work with cedega.10:38
=== prophY is now known as prophy^A-Way
Dr_willisalexanderwz,  You just need a no-cd-cracked-execuatable. but thats the end for me. Im goint go sleep.10:39
amin1when i type startx .. it says : xauth:creating new aurthority file /home/thepro/.severauth.4583      x:cannot stat /etc/xii/x (no such file or directory), aborting     xinit:sever error       why?10:39
PriceChildalexkreuz, you started by saying that your "iso" files weren't mounted the same as a cd was. Piracy is not welcome here.10:39
Guillaum3Hostnames not beeing picked up via LAN. Fresh install. DCHP Enabled.10:39
PriceChildGuillaum3, you have a dns translating hostnames?10:39
Dr_willisconverting a mdf to iso.  causes the special copy protection parts to be lost in translation also.10:40
teo_can someone recomend me a good php builder for ubuntu ???10:40
Guillaum3what you mean10:40
AD7sixteo_: what is a "builder"10:40
Guillaum3like is that something setup on a specific machine10:40
Guillaum3or should i set it up on mine10:40
Guillaum3i know we have one server that does all. mail/printing/gateway10:41
teo_AD7six, somewhere where can i write the scripts and test..10:41
popeyteo_: you can do that on your desktop/laptop10:41
AD7sixteo_: so you mean editor? IDE? how to install?10:41
amin1everyone ( that can  help me )  : when i type startx .. it says : xauth:creating new aurthority file /home/thepro/.severauth.4583      x:cannot stat /etc/xii/x (no such file or directory), aborting     xinit:sever error       why?10:41
popeyteo_: just install php10:41
teo_AD7six, yes editor..10:41
teo_AD7six, and i want to test the scripts.. i need to have apache right?10:42
mateuszALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave10:42
popeyteo_: bluefish is a nice editor10:42
mateuszhow to fix this?10:42
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amin1when i type startx .. it says : xauth:creating new aurthority file /home/thepro/.severauth.4583      x:cannot stat /etc/xii/x (no such file or directory), aborting     xinit:sever error       why?10:43
amin1can anybody help me pls...10:43
teo_AD7six, bluefish is good right?10:44
iDivineSo, I've did a big mistake to try to remove KDE, SUCCESS! But, When trying to reboot, I got, 'Kernel panic, SomethingSomething /init. Try pass init.' Then I looked on Ubuntu forums, and they told me to press 'E' at the grub menu, to edit that line, and then to edit it, now the question is, Do I have to do that every time? + I've looked on forums, none seem to help, and I'm pretty new to ubuntu.10:44
jpatrick!repeat > iDivine10:44
guidovrafter ubuntu server installation, what's the best way to make /var/www writable for the main user account so i can put my website there?10:44
menllyosi got a problem, i installed OSS 4 to use my xfi, but now im getting 2 errors on startup; one with the deskbar applet and one with the music applet, giving me both error messages looking like this: "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet"." is there a fix ?10:44
AD7sixteo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP never used bluefish but each to their own, and my opinion is but one of many. (I use vim for the record)10:45
warlock_handlerGuillaum3: no help10:45
online_having a small problem with svn10:45
amin1when i type startx .. it says : xauth:creating new aurthority file /home/thepro/.severauth.4583      x:cannot stat /etc/xii/x (no such file or directory), aborting     xinit:sever error       why?10:46
online_it is looking for a file that does not exist10:46
ParsiTuxAD7six: what about Quanta?10:46
amin1looking a file dosent exists10:46
popeyamin1: try posting your question at http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu if nobody here can help rather than repeating the question over and over10:46
iDivinejpatrick, I don't feel ignored, or did I repeat my question quickly, it's that one person couldn't help me and for someone else can..10:46
teo_AD7six, i can't install apache2.. i type sudo apt-get install apache2 and when i type localhost in the browser it can't open10:46
online_is there any way to sort SVN out10:47
simion314hi, i still can't connect to ubuntu.com, restart my internet connection, boot in windows,  the ip appears when i ping but the answer is not comming10:47
AD7sixParsiTux: 'dunno' I don't use (or want) and IDE10:47
AD7sixonline_: what's the error message10:48
online_cant open 'dir/file' : operation not permitted10:48
AD7sixteo_: sounds like "didn't correctly" rather than can't10:48
AD7sixonline_: where local or in the repo10:48
simion314hi, i still can't connect to ubuntu.com, restart my internet connection, boot in windows,  the ip appears when i ping but the answer is not comming, i can't read forums  to try to find such problems, i can see other web pages, this is strange10:49
online_AD7six: not sure that I understand your question10:49
EpicenterHello! What is a good application I can install to manage my wireless card/wired network adapter, and select APs, set my IP, DNS, turn on/off DHCP, etc? Thank you! (p.s. it would be best if it had a GUI..)10:49
AD7sixonline_: I don't understand your explanation so at least we are even :)10:49
DeeppactHello can someone helpe me fix my sound issues?10:49
SupaFlysimon314 i think its the ubuntu server man, its quite slow for me right now and i cant edit posts either10:49
online_AD7six: local10:49
online_got you now10:49
online_AD7six: not looking to upset you just looking for some help10:50
warlock_handleri have installed ubuntun 5.10 on my old laptop.. since it couldnt handle 7.1010:50
warlock_handlerand i am having problem to connect to my home wifi10:50
AD7sixonline_: svn up probably more appropriate to ask in an svn-specific channel. I'm not upset, tired maybe..10:50
warlock_handleri tried even setting static ips.. instead of the DHCP10:50
iDivineSo, I've did a big mistake to try to remove KDE, SUCCESS! But, When trying to reboot, I got, 'Kernel panic, SomethingSomething /init. Try pass init.' Then I looked on Ubuntu forums, and they told me to press 'E' at the grub menu, to edit that line, and then to edit it, now the question is, Do I have to do that every time? + I've looked on forums, none seem to help, and I'm pretty new to ubuntu.10:50
lordleemoEpicenter: try wicd  http://wicd.sourceforge.net/10:50
teo_AD7six, if i don't have internet.. can i install apache?10:51
warlock_handlerno prob with router too10:51
AD7sixteo_: y10:51
DeeppactMy sound works not every time i startup ubuntu but i dont know how to fix it10:51
gabbarinhoi am having trouble getting wireless to work on two computers10:52
ThorSteinone question10:52
ThorSteinfirst, sorry if my english is no good10:52
amin1somebody help me...10:52
amin1when i type startx .. it says : xauth:creating new aurthority file /home/thepro/.severauth.4583      x:cannot stat /etc/xii/x (no such file or directory), aborting     xinit:sever error       why?10:52
SupaFlytry reinstall amin110:52
ThorSteini have to install alsa-driver 0-16 from official site10:52
Dr_willisamin1,  try making a new user and see if startx works for them.10:52
SupaFlydo you have a live CD amin?10:53
Dr_willisYou could correct the typos in your error posting also. :)10:53
Epicenterlordleemo: this looks nice. thanks!10:53
amin1i dont hav the live cd10:53
amin1i install it from my harddrive10:53
ThorSteinbut to install this package i need to unistall the older version10:53
SupaFlyah ok10:53
lordleemoEpicenter: i use it all the time good bit of kit .10:53
Epicenterlordleemo: Guess it's not in any repositories?10:53
amin1how do i reinstall10:54
SupaFlycan you burn an iso amin1?10:54
ThorSteinand to unistall th older version i have uninstall so many packages10:54
amin1i dont hav a cd burner10:54
lordleemoEpicenter: on the download page add the repo10:54
SupaFlyok, sounds like your dl is corrupt or something i guess10:54
ThorSteinhow can do it whthout uninnstall all packages in my computer?10:54
AD7sixany opinions as to whether "ICE default IO error handler doing an exit() ... " means a) hd failure immenent b) software/config problem c) other?10:54
amin1supafly: how do i reinstall10:55
Epicentermy god Synaptic is a slow program10:55
SupaFlyi think you may have to do a bit of searching with google amin110:55
SupaFlylook around for how-to install Ubuntu via dl10:55
SupaFlyor something like that10:55
wilcan anyone recommend any good fla/flash editing programs for ubuntu?10:56
amin1via dl?10:56
SupaFlyby way of download10:56
online_AD7six: not having any success at SVN chan10:56
online_there is no one there10:56
gabbarinhodoes laptop mode have to be enabled in gutsy or is that done automatically now? the installation seemed to recognize that my computer was a laptop10:57
AD7sixonline_: my tactic whenever I get an svn problem is 1) copy the local copy 2) delete all .svn folders 3) svn co a new copy 4) copy de-svn-ed version over new co.10:57
solidnailhello anyone der and want to cat?10:58
hendmore into echo, sorry10:59
Epicentersolidnail: words fail me.10:59
solidnailEpicenter padon me?10:59
Dr_willisgabbarinho,  theres extra laptop features and tools that are not installed by default10:59
EpicenterThat was incoherent :)10:59
online_Right AD7six: nice strategy10:59
SurvivormanHow do you install those additional features?11:00
solidnailEpicenter can we murder something11:00
* hend grabs his box of squirrels11:00
gabbarinhothanks, dr11:02
gabbarinhowhat are those features? i've never been sure what exactly is different in laptop mode11:03
* rasputin_ just wanted to say hi, and bye bye.11:03
SupaFlyerm wtf, i just updated my Kubuntu 7.10 and it says "new distro available" wanting me to upgrade to 7.10, but im running 7.10 wth??11:03
solidnailall the pakis please stand up please stand up11:04
* solidnail jonybravo iraq war is going on and you are doing this11:05
Survivormangabba, at least one feature is for battery usage11:05
Dr_willisgabbarinho,  powersaving tweaks mainly from what ive seen.11:05
Dr_willisthere was a big stink a few months back about hard drives getting set to too strong a powersaving mode under ubuntu also.11:06
gabbarinhoi noticed that my display dims automatically after about 15 seconds of inactivity11:06
solidnailall the pakis please stand up please stand up11:06
Dr_willisOther then that - i really havent noticed much differance. :011:06
gabbarinhoi guess there are still kinks to be worked out11:06
gabbarinhobut as someone who stayed away from linux for ten years after one bad experience i have to say things are much, much easier now :)11:07
SurvivormanI just read it can cause "odd behaviors"11:07
qdzhenghello everyone.11:07
jpatrick!ops | solidnail - ot, rude11:07
ubotusolidnail - ot, rude: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!11:07
Dr_willisgabbarinho,  what if you had a bad experience with windows... You would have to go back to  the C64 then. :)11:07
gabbarinhoi guess the difference there is that i know how to use windows, so if a problem arises, i usually know what to do with it :)11:07
mich54hey guys , i need to install the lzo library , so can anyone tell me the rest of the command : apt-get install ......           ????11:07
Dr_willis!find lzo11:08
ubotuFound: liblzo2-2, liblzo2-dev, libcompress-lzo-perl, liblzo-dev, liblzo1 (and 1 others)11:08
wilare there any good flash editing programs for ubuntu?11:08
Dr_willismich54,  one of those Im guessing. :)11:08
gabbarinhoi hung onto an aging powerbook for two years just for the expose feature. so being able to run something like compiz on all my computers is a life changer for me :)11:08
mich54Dr_willis : thx :)11:08
qdzhengI have a problem: I compiler a module for my usb to serial adapter,but when I run insmod, I got an error:  -1 Unknown symbol in module11:09
qdzhenganyone can give me an idea?11:09
Dr_willisi dont find expose that needed under linux/kde/gnome. plus the compiz features that are similer.. dont work too good with my dual monitor setup. :)11:10
qdzheng I have a problem: I compile a module for my usb to serial adapter,but when I run insmod, I got an error:  -1 Unknown symbol in module11:10
qdzhenganyone can help me?11:10
gabbarinhowell the multiple desktops alone make handling multiple windows much easier11:11
Dr_willisits just easier to manage all the open windows with gnome, then it seems to be with OS-X11:11
gabbarinhoyes. it works differently, but just as well or better :)11:11
gabbarinhoi'm surprised how well it works with my laptop video11:11
Dr_willisnight all..11:12
dondongi've  got a problem,how to change awn icons?11:12
qdzheng I have a problem: I compile a module for my usb to serial adapter,but when I run insmod, I got an error:  -1 Unknown symbol in module, can anyone help me?11:14
dondonganyone can help me change awn icons?i dont like the file browser icon and neither the terminal icon11:14
SurvivormanRight click on an icon and select change icon11:15
SurvivormanSometimes you need to restart awn to see changes.11:15
SurvivormanAlso, if you have the taskmanager enabled, usually the default icon is used when multiple windows are open11:16
SurvivormanIn which case you could change the default program icon11:16
dondongSurvivorman: it doesnt work,i tried right click,but no option11:16
SurvivormanIt just worked for me... what does happen?11:17
orgedusI've just installed Ubuntu and I'm trying to get my Artec T14 digitv device work11:17
dondongSurvivorman: i can only change trash icon by right click11:18
magnetronorgedus: does ubuntu have a driver for it?11:18
orgedusand Kaffeine found the channels but I can only hear voice, no picture11:18
SurvivormanThat's very odd... have you run awn prior? Are you running an older version?11:19
dondongSurvivorman: no other version, this one is the first time i install11:19
orgedusand when I start Kaffeine it says "Can't bind info socket"11:19
Survivormantry closing awn and restarting. it can be buggy, so you might want to give it a go and try again.11:20
qdzheng I have a problem: I compile a module for my usb to serial adapter,but when I run insmod, I got an error:  -1 Unknown symbol in module, can anyone help me?11:20
SurvivormanI've had mixed results with awn in the past, though at the moment it works well for me.11:20
dondongSurvivorman: by the way,when i right click the menu icon,it opens the menu as left click did11:20
tichi am thinking of buying a samsung media player but i want to make sure it works okay with ubuntu; i don't know much about how to tell.  here is the specs page:  http://www.samsung.com/my/products/audio/mp3player/yp_p2ab.asp?page=Specifications11:21
tichlet me know what you think11:21
orgedusmagnetron: KMPlayer can't find my device, although I've installed that11:21
dondongSurvivorman: should i shut down x?11:21
SurvivormanWell that is odd... you could give it a try.11:21
dondongSurvivorman: thanks anyway11:22
dondongyeah,is there a awn channel?11:23
orgeduscan somebody help me with my Artec T1411:23
=== lordmetroid_ is now known as LordMetroid
Guillaum3just so every1 knows. if your lan hostnames dont resolve but you can ping ip's. you can try  "...and the "wins" parameter needs to be added to the "hosts:" line in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file".11:26
Survivormanyes, #awn at irc.gnome.org11:26
Guillaum3ALTERNATIVELY: sudo apt-get install winbind11:26
Guillaum3instant win.11:26
theopacmanOk chaps new to Xchat Gnome, how would I get to irc.fumbbl.com/66711:26
Guillaum3i can see hostnames and access the win pc's unts unts unts.11:26
theopacman6667 not 66711:26
cyroulhi everyone11:31
theopacmananybody help me navigate to irc.fumbbl.com/666711:33
DoYouKnowhi cyroul11:33
=== prophy^A-Way is now known as prophY
_mugim running ubuntu 7.10 and i just installed vmware server 1.04. my problem ist the parport-printer. vmware says that parport0 cant be accessed, because another program ist using it. i stopped cups, but that didnt help. any suggestions?11:44
orgeduscan somebody help me with my Artec T1411:45
cyroulis there a way to reinstall all packages11:46
cyroulwithout synaptic11:47
odysseasyeah reinstall ubuntu11:47
cyroullol no way11:47
danand_cyroul - you could run dpkg -l to get a list of all installed packages - then reinstall with apt-get via a script - just an idea!11:48
odysseasI dont see any difference from reinstalling all packages11:48
cyroulgood idea11:48
danand_ie PKGLIST=`dpkg -l` ... for p in $PKGLIST; do; apt-get --reinstall -s install $p; done11:51
cyrouldanand: nice  one thks11:52
Yodudehey i have aerious probelm, i was altering some application persmissions in /usr/bin and when i restarted sound stopped working ! and firefox is giving me this message "component returned failure code:0*80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nslstringbundle.formatstringfromname] !!!! can i fix this ?11:52
danand_cyroul - you'll need to sort out the package name from the output of dpkg -l though - using "cut" would be easiest i think11:52
cyroulwith awk11:52
cvasilakhi any good front-end for xmame under gnome?11:52
cyroulyodude: reinstall firefox :)11:53
Yodudecyroul: and what about sound not working ?11:54
danand_cyroul - PKGLIST=`dpkg -l | cut --delimiter=" " --fields=3`11:56
danand_cyroul - check that though - no implied warranties etc :)11:57
Yodudeplease can someone help me get the sound working ?11:58
coincoin161Yodude maybe i can help you11:59
jpatrick!sound | Yodude11:59
coincoin161what is your problem11:59
ubotuYodude: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:59
cyrouldanand:  dpkg -l | awk -F" " '{print $2}'  works fine12:01
Yodudecoincoin161: sound is totlay screwed, when i click on the volume control icon i get this message : No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.12:01
ArelisCan i ask a question? maybe the reason why everything has been so "unstable" (as I describe it), is because of a wrong ISO image. For example a wrong processor architecture. I have a AMD Sempron 2800+ processor. I don't know the functionality of the hardware in this PC. Can anybody help me select the right iso image?12:01
daekdroomArelis, i368, if your Sempron supports AMD64, x64 works too12:03
AxeZi386 would be just fine12:03
danand_cyroul - cool :) - just watch the first entries in that list - think we've got a few lines that aren't packages - thats the same with cut or awk methods12:04
dondonghi,still the problem,i cant change my awn icon,any1 help me12:05
thyultimatecan someone tell me how to get delgue to download straight into NTFS partition, when i was using linux mint it did it, but it ubuntu its not doing it12:06
xanderhowdo i install quake3??12:07
OwnLinuxinstall quak412:08
xanderqukae 4 or earlier versions on ubuntu12:08
OwnLinux*.run file?12:08
ArelisAxeZ: Well, the one i have is i38612:10
thyultimateany ideas?12:10
GaryGibsoI don't like it12:10
xandercan u give me the link to download quake412:10
GaryGibsoYes, that sounds like a good idea12:10
Seveasthyultimate, make sure the ntfs partition is mounted rw and that you can write to it12:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whois - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:11
thyultimateSeveas: how do i make sure of that?12:11
Seveas!ntfs | thyultimate12:11
ubotuthyultimate: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE12:11
danand_!who > danand_12:11
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:11
Seveas!msgthebot | danand_12:12
ubotudanand_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:12
xandermy soundcard on lenovo y410 isnt working12:12
xandercan anyone help me12:12
xandersound isnt getting enabled12:12
cyrouldanand: was a very good idea I got it12:12
cyrouldanan: thanks mate12:12
thyultimatesince i have removed windows completely and running only ubuntu, is there any way for me to convert the ntfs to ext3??? i have around 80gb data on it and doesnt sound fun to back all that up on dvds12:13
shishirm1hi help me configure nvidia drivers on dell xps laptop12:13
ubuntuhowdy, hardy experts here ? I just upgraded to that and now the machien wont boot. The problem is that root = md0 and that's for somereason is not activated12:13
danand_cyroul - you got that to work?12:13
Seveas!pm | GaryGibso12:13
ubotuGaryGibso: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.12:13
daekdroomubuntu, go to #ubuntu+112:13
Seveasthyultimate, there isn't, sorry12:13
daekdroomThis channel doesn't give support for Hardy12:13
H4ntaHi. I cannot manually mount cifs as user (I can as root), even though I have given user permission to user: sudo chmod u+s `which mount.cifs`. fstab is not really an option as the share is sometimes not there.12:13
ubuntudaekdroom: which channel does then ?12:13
daekdroomas i told you, #ubuntu+112:14
Seveasubuntu, #ubuntu+112:14
danand_cyroul - nice one - just hope you end up with a stable system at the end of that ;)12:14
thyultimateSeveas: oh, then ill just have to live with it12:14
bahrHi is it possible to syncronize evolution calendar with a Windows Mobile Smartphone?12:14
=== ubuntu is now known as _Pete_
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:16
bahrI just switched to Ubuntu some days ago, and I used to use Outlook, and I actually like this Evolutioni app, but it's really important for me to be able syncronize my tasks and calendars12:16
EpicenterHello! What is a good application I can install to manage my wireless card/wired network adapter, and select APs, set my IP, DNS, turn on/off DHCP, etc? Thank you! (p.s. it would be best if it had a GUI..) I tried WICD but it doesn't seem to play nice with non-Gnome/KDE/XFCE desktop managers.12:16
cyrouldanand: hope so too, should be fine, it justs reinstall the packages and don t change anything12:16
RoboCop i need a server with root access. but i dont have much data transfer and connectivity speed requirments. can any one recomend a good lowest cost dedi.. and with root acces. vps dds ..?12:17
[BT]JaChi there, i have an eggdrop somewhere on my machine but i dont know where it is12:17
[BT]JaChow can i find it12:17
cyroullocate eggdrop12:18
online_have a problem with SVN12:18
online_missing a file12:19
danand_cyroul - just need to watch that config files don't get overwritten in the reinstall - maybe a good idea to make a backup of important files you've manually edited first. Agree though - much better than a reinstall12:19
online_is it possible to download the whole repo?12:19
worphhi, anybody have thinkpad t20? i have problem with acpi/apm computer dont restart,hibernate etc.12:19
danand_cyroul - *reinstall=complete fresh install i mean12:19
thyultimateSeveas: i think its already mounting, i mean i can read and write to it, its just that the torrent clients arent able to do that12:20
cyrouldanand: aptitude reinstall should do the job properly12:20
danand_online_ - think you can use a script like mkdebmirror (or something like that) - this creates a mirror of the repositories on the local system. You'll need _plenty_ of disk space though.12:22
online_danand_: the reason why I am asking is because I have this problem12:23
online_svn: In directory 'trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/libraries/moko-gtk-engine'12:23
online_ svn: Can't open 'trunk/src/target/OM-2007.2/libraries/moko-gtk-engine/.svn/tmp/COPYING.tmp.tmp': Operation not permitted12:23
online_I have the whole dir on my disk but it is missing the file12:23
online_for some strange reason it is not there12:23
online_therefore I can not carry on and my build script does not work12:23
AD7sixonline_: that error is referring to the repository not your local copy12:24
online_right, I though that it was referring to my local disk12:24
online_yes I have checked the repo, and have found that I can not navigate beyond  /.svn, meaning that I can not see that folder12:25
online_made this conclusion, AD7six, what can I do ?12:25
jimcooncatI'm confused about updated dell bios. I see this beta firmware-tools from dell, but it doesn't look ready for prime time. And ubuntuforums have some very confusing directions. Any pointers?12:25
Seveasonline_, contact the person who maintainse that repo and ask them to fix it12:26
ArelisHi all. I'm trying to recover my bootloader that Ubuntu installed, but i have two harddrives on my computer. How do i know which harddrive the MBR is on?12:26
danand_cyroul - agreed - aptitude tends to be a bit "kinder" than plain apt-get12:26
OwnLinuxdell notbook supports ubuntu well12:26
SeveasArelis, it's on the first one12:26
hetaumahi! Anyone knows with what tool I can "copy" let's say pages 100-150 from a 500pges pdf to a new pdf?12:26
jimcooncathetauma: pdftk is your friend12:27
hetaumajimcooncat, ty12:27
online_AD7six: how do you know that it is on the server rather than local?12:27
ArelisSeveas: It's more complicated than that: Before i had two HD's, the Ubuntu one was the first one. That had the bootloader on it. My dad added the Windows disk to my PC, and made it the master drive. So now i'm confused.12:27
corporeali need some help with xe12:27
magnetronis there a tool for extracting all the text from a PDF?12:27
jimcooncathetauma: it's a command line tool. you would "burst" those pages you want into separate pdfs, then "cat" them back into your new pdf12:28
cyrouldanand: sure it is, very good with broken packages12:28
corporealwhat patches are applied to linux-source-2.6.22 to get the XEN stuff in there?12:28
mohbanawhat programs are good for managing cvs i.e. like deleting projects?12:28
fuzzy&nick fuzzy8412:28
Seveasmohbana, welcome to the 21st century, use a real revision control system12:28
sunseeker888Hi guys I have downloaded all the plug-ins for totems, and it is still saying pug in needed when I wan tot watch a dvd12:28
=== fuzzy is now known as fuzzy84
jimcooncatOwnLinux: you have any tips for bios updating, please?12:29
Seveas!dvd | sunseeker88812:29
ubotusunseeker888: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:29
ArelisSeveas: so what do i do?12:29
esci am trying to adjust the volume using the hotkeys on my laptop12:29
cyroulmagnetron: pdf2doc12:29
mohbanaSeveas, i can't my uni has cvs only12:29
OwnLinuxjimcooncat:  Sorry12:29
AD7sixonline_: they type of error message. the permissions are probably not correct for the repo folder.12:29
SeveasArelis, check in the bios which one you boot from12:29
magnetroncyroul: ty12:29
escit shows an on screen display, but the volume isn't actually being changed12:29
Seveasmohbana, sucks then :)12:29
ArelisSeveas: the first one.12:29
fuzzy84hi.. how could i use ubuntu to backup my xp running BSOD in safe mode =p12:29
mohbanawell are there any cvs tools?12:30
SeveasArelis, so my first answer applies :)12:30
ArelisSeveas: is it safe to overwrite that bootloader?12:30
fuzzy84i need to mount them up and back up documents and so on on my main hdd12:30
danand_sunseeker888 - do you have ffmpeg installed - try sudo apt-get -s install ffmpeg - think that could possibly help12:30
online_AD7six: so it is not necessarily that the file is not there but could be that it is simply not accessible12:30
SeveasArelis, as safe as it is when installing ubuntu12:30
alanbshepard70I know there is a way to report bugs in ubuntu but is there a way to request hardware support for future releases? I own a dell and couldn't for the life of me get a pci video card to work. I always thought it was a conflict with just that card but after some searching I found that it has to do with the fact I own a dell and that it's a common issue for users. The fix was pretty straight forward once I knew what the issue was and it w12:31
mohbanawhat programs are good for managing cvs i.e. like deleting projects?12:31
ArelisSeveas: but the bootloader is on the first disk, which is the one dad forbids me to change.12:31
Seveasalanbshepard70, if it doesn't work out of the box that is a bug and should be filed as such12:31
ArelisSeveas: will switching boot order work?12:31
SeveasArelis, it could12:32
Seveasdepending on how confused grub gets :)12:32
ArelisSeveas: I'll try. I'll be back if it goes wrong :)12:32
escamzingly they did work before i got fglrx to work with 3d acceleration12:32
TimothyPHi, anybody here working with netatalk on ubuntu 7.10 ? I did a default apt-get install , the service is running, I see the client connecting int he log file, but the client (max os) says it can't connect to the server12:32
eshaasedoes anyone know if its possible to make xterm not scroll down to the bottom when something is printed to standard out?12:32
alanbshepard70Seveas: Ok, I wasn't sure what it was considered to be. I'll file a bug report. Thanks.12:32
[BT]JaCwhat are hld's12:33
danand_eshaase - I had that problem - very annoying when your using bitchx in a terminal. I use eterm though - Eterm --home-on-output=off12:34
sunseeker888 sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh, I am getting this "sudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found". I have synaptic manager to install12:34
theunixgeekYAY Ubuntu's alive again!12:35
Seveas!dvd | sunseeker88812:35
ubotusunseeker888: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:35
zeethHi everybody, I am new to ubuntu, I recently installed ubuntu 7.10(gutsy gibbon). It works great for me. But I am facing terribly slow net connection on it.12:35
mohbanacan anyone please help i need  cvs tool that allows me to delete projects and stuff12:35
Seveas!repeat | mohbana12:35
ubotumohbana: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:35
zeethcan anybody help me out how to resolve it12:35
jorisslobI can't get my HP K80 printer to work under Ubuntu, I search in the forums and found that other people were helped by using the hp-toolbox, but that doesn't seem to help me. Is there a step by step guide for printers and figuring out what is wrong?12:36
=== tyczek is now known as Tyczek
danand_eshaase - just checked for xterm - you need to use the -si argument - this stops xterm scrolling to the bottom of the screen on output12:39
RoboCop i need a server with root access. but i dont have much data transfer and connectivity speed requirments. can any one recomend a good lowest cost dedi.. and with root acces. vps dds ..?12:39
tschortschohallo zusammen12:40
gilsterhello. after an update yesterday my madiwifi atheros drivers seem to have vanished?12:40
jimcooncatRoboCop: I have a recommendation, but it's probably not cool to advertise here. Should I pm you?12:40
RoboCopjimcooncat ok. pm me12:41
eshaasedanand_: just tried this out, it holds the position in the window but text still scrolls through, i want to hold a partricular sectin of text12:41
sn0RoboCop depending on where you are, there are a few places really, i don't use them but bytemark in the uk have nice xen hosting, the guy who runs debian-administration.org works for them, maybe worth a look12:41
abhishekhi, i deleted the default user i made at ubuntu installation and creatd a new user, now which all groups should i add the "new" user to ?12:42
RoboCopsn0 - i need minminu cost. with no restrictions. ircd webhosting. i can do anything12:42
sn0RoboCop fyi http://www.bytemark.co.uk/12:43
RoboCopjimcooncat  good! whats shared uml?12:43
sn0personally i rent servers in another country co-located where bandwidth is cheaper (NL/DE) :)12:43
jimcooncatwell, since others are doing it: linode.com12:43
danand_eshaase - hmm... i have that problem too with eterm. Try man xterm to see if there are any more options that could help you out ... you'll just have to slog through that man - its rather a big one :)12:43
RoboCopsn0 thanks!12:44
sn0your welcome :)12:44
RoboCopjimcooncat  i dont want restrictions. i may run ircd. webhosting. etc12:44
eshaasedanand_: yeah, that why i'm asking, alot of the options i don't even understand =)12:44
RoboCopsn0 any more?12:44
jimcooncatRoboCop: User-mode linux, it's another type of virtualization similar, but not quite, to xen12:44
chazcoAnyone know if it is possible to make Kaffeine use the correct EPG channel numbers when watching Freeview (DVB) in the UK? (without manually setting them)12:45
lordleemojorisslob: http://hplip.sourceforge.net/   that should help you12:45
danand_abhishek - my user is part of the following (default) groups adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin netdev powerdev12:45
jimcooncatRoboCop: There are quite a few others out there. But there are some ripoffs, too. And a lot won't host IRC.12:46
Tyczekhi, how can i remove whole default kernel? including grub entries?12:46
sn0RoboCop not really, i use hetzner for dedicated co-lo, more money though :)12:46
danand_eshaase - :) stick with it - getting your hands dirty is the best way - just ask someone here if you get stuck12:46
EpicenterThis is a bigger question and I can't seem to find a solution. As noted in this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion/+bug/136853 ... if the system is idle or you close the lid too long, the screen goes blank and there is no way to get it back except to reset the machine. It hasn't crashed, it's just a blank display. Does anyone have an idea for fixing it? Thank you!12:47
RoboCopsn0 hetzener.com?12:47
_bluei just installed ubuntu from a minimal iso (9meg-ish) and when i try ro update apt-get at the command line it cant resolve any addresses12:47
sn0hetzner.de RoboCop12:47
david_J_blue: Your /etc/resolv.conf?12:48
RoboCopsn0 ok12:48
_bluedavid_J: il check it now, forgive me im a bit slow, havent used linux in ages12:48
sn0RoboCop im not sure i would take irc recommendations for hosting :) you don't know if we are affiliated i guess, so choose wisely12:49
thyultimatehey i have emerald theme manager opened and i have imported themes, now how do u apply them?? after selecting them there doesnt seem to be an option to use them12:49
david_J_blue: If it doesn't have a nameserver in there.... Put one in..12:49
RoboCopsn0 ok. thanks!12:50
RoboCopjimcooncat thanks12:50
_bluedavid_J: name server    (thats the right address for my router)12:50
david_J_blue: Check your ethernet card and then the router12:51
_bluedavid_J: should i add my isp's dns server?12:51
jimcooncatRoboCop: sure. you can chat with other users at #linode on OFTC12:51
_blueis it okay to add more than one nameserver?12:51
david_J_blue: You shouldn't need to if the router is set up correctly...12:52
arnathif you let the ubuntu installer use the "default" setup for partitioner, does it put /home on a seperate partition?12:52
_blueit works fine for windows machines so  i assume its okay12:52
david_J_blue: But yeah you can add more than one..12:52
=== cew_mature is now known as co_asik
cyroul_blue: check resolv.conf12:54
fuzzy84how do i make a mount writable_12:54
cyroulif you ve got your dns server12:54
cyroulset tup12:54
jribfuzzy84: what filesystem+12:54
jorisslobI just tried generic printer with PCL3 as well, but that didn't work either. It looks like I have to give up printing with my HP K80 under Ubuntu12:54
_bluehow do i save and exit in nano?12:54
jrib_blue: ctrl-o ctrl-x12:54
jrib!ntfs > fuzzy84 (read the private message from ubotu)12:55
danand__blue - see if the command dig google.com turns up anything12:55
_bluedammit i forgot to sudo :(12:55
david_J_blue: Says on the bottom.12:55
danand__blue ctrl-o = save ctrl-x = exit12:55
_bluety very much it works wheni add the ISP's dns server12:56
jorissloblordleemo: I tried hplip. hp-toolbox is part of that suite. It does install my printer (it recognizes it correctly). But then fails to print anything, including the test page.12:56
=== Bassetts is now known as Bassetts_
fuzzy84jrib: its on a live cd, not a real install, the main pri here is that i need to backup all documents from a crashing windows...12:57
jribfuzzy84: you can still use ntfs-config on the live cd.  What exactly do you want to do?12:57
jribfuzzy84: just do 'gksudo nautilus' then12:57
fuzzy84im not sure if the drive got mounted as writable..12:59
lordleemojorisslob: thats weird worked well for me m8 hang on ill check around for you12:59
cyroulcheck your fstab12:59
jribfuzzy84: you'll know after you try12:59
fuzzy84i can delete files on the removable hdd, but it says i still have 12.6 gb left13:00
jorissloblordleemo: If it helps, hp-info tells me device is busy13:00
jribfuzzy84: check .Trash13:01
zhneed help:i need a good firewall software13:01
jorissloblordleemo: But the printer itself says nothing special on its display13:01
jrib!firewall | zh13:01
ubotuzh: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:01
SmashCatHello, I want to build ffmpeg-php on my system, but it fails as the ffmpeg headers are missing (ffmpeg is installed) A search shows there is no dev package for ffmpeg for ubuntu. Anyone know if there's another repo i can use?13:01
H4ntaHi. I cannot manually do  cifs mount as user (I can as root), even though I have given user permission to user: sudo chmod u+s `which mount.cifs`. fstab is not really an option as the share is sometimes not there. i forced it using chmod 755 but mount.cifs stilll returns an error. Only sudo works and it's really confusing13:01
cyroulzh: fwbuilder very good13:01
cyroulfwbuilder will help you a lot with a nice GUI13:01
jaggywhere can i learn about file rights ? ( write, read, non at all, .. )13:02
cyroulwith google13:02
jrib!permissions > jaggy (read the private message from ubotu)13:03
EpicenterThis is a bigger question and I can't seem to find a solution. As noted in this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion/+bug/136853 ... if the system is idle or you close the lid too long, the screen goes blank and there is no way to get it back except to reset the machine. It hasn't crashed, it's just a blank display. Does anyone have an idea for fixing it? Thank you!13:03
jribcyroul: please don't do that13:03
Epicenterjrib: THANK you13:03
fuzzy84nice, now it works =)13:03
cyrouljaggy: http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilesp.html   very good tuto13:05
=== tyl3r is now known as tyler
bahrhow do I get this 3d cube effect, after i have installed these effect packages?13:09
jorissloblordleemo: I saw that people also sugested removing the synaptic version of hplip 2.7.7 and going for the 2.8.2 on the website13:09
jorissloblordleemo: I am going to try that now13:09
acomacoHey dudes/girls.. Anyone know how to config ctrlproxy? :)13:09
SmashCatWhy does Ubuntu only make the binary version of ffmpeg available, and not source? Doesn't seem to be in the spirit of open source.13:09
lordleemojorisslob: ok m8 try dl the version from there site13:10
jribSmashCat: 'apt-get source ffmpeg'13:10
lordleemojorisslob:  ill keep looking further for u ok13:10
jorissloblordleemo: I'll let you know if this fixes my problem13:10
DoYouKnowAnyone know of any projects that are similar to hotwire in that they seek to develop an object-oriented shell?13:11
DoYouKnowI found hotwire on google13:11
DoYouKnowwas wondering if there is anything else I should look at13:11
SmashCatjrib: thanks13:11
lordleemojorisslob: ok m8 i used the one from there site not synaptic and works like a charm here13:11
jribSmashCat: that's how you get the source of every package13:11
danand_bahr - sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager should give you an entry in System -> Prefefences -> Advanced Desktop Effect Settings where you can configure the behaviour of compiz13:11
zubatHi I have been trying to get tv out working on ubuntu with my nvidia fx5500 card but I have seen nothing on the tv, I have editied xorg.conf to run 2 X-Screens13:12
SmashCatjrib: Ok, i need it as Ubuntu don't have a dev package for ffmpeg, so it's not possible to build other things against it.13:12
jorissloblordleemo: Hopefully it's just a version thing then...13:12
void^SmashCat: could be libavcodec-dev13:12
SmashCatSo  libavcodec-dev == ffmpeg-dev ?13:13
jribSmashCat: what are you trying to compile?13:13
SmashCatjrib: ffmpeg-php13:13
cyroul_bahr: check this tuto, very good, it worked for me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57201913:14
jribSmashCat: look at the deps from the hardy package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/source/ffmpeg-php13:14
bahrcyroul: thank you.13:15
asdrubalSup mah bros!13:15
void^linking against ffmpeg usually means linking against libavcodec. ffmpeg is a project consisting of several parts, the ffmpeg package itself contains little more than a frontend afaik.13:15
SmashCatjrib: So hardy is another repository I need to add?13:16
jribSmashCat: no, that will break your system.  I'm just telling you that that page lists the name of the dependencies you need13:16
cyroulbahr: this tuto is more appropriate for the cube http://www.thelinuxnewbie.com/2007/10/21/running-desktop-visual-effects-on-gutsy-gibbon-ubuntu-710/13:17
SmashCatjrib: Ok, thanks. I'm thinking it might be faster to just build php + ffmpeg etc from source...13:17
jribSmashCat: k13:18
cerberusgot a problem with aptitude, when I run an install it tells me about 200 hundred packages are marked as no longer used and wants to remove them only problem is some of these packages are critical packages, how do I stop it doing that?13:19
SchwarzeKrauseI wanted to switch to Ubuntu, but for that I need some packages. Namely, kernel 2.6.23 and alsa 1.0.15 Is there a way to get not the current kernel 2.6.24, but the
jribcerberus: one way is to explicitly tell it to install those packages.  There may be a better way13:20
danand_bahr - http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/10/25/compiz-fusion-keyboard-shortcuts/13:20
Xsss4hell_I'm trying to compile gst-pulse-0.9.7 http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/gst-pulse/ but I get an error. configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables13:20
cyroulthe 3D effects on Gutsy are fantastic:-D13:20
Xsss4hell_Can somebody Help?13:20
Yodudehey my sound ios still not working on this account, on the other ubuntu user accounts it is working though, what should i do ?13:20
cerberusjrib, yeah that might work, I googled around extensively (never ask for help till Ive looked) but I cant find a concise answer to it though it pops up on the forums alot13:20
jrib!compile > Xsss4hell_ (read the private message from ubotu)13:20
BoglizkMy window shadows sometimes still exists after the windows are closed, the only fix is to disable 'Window decoration' and re-enable.13:21
void^SchwarzeKrause: the current ubuntu release uses kernel 2.6.22 and alsa 1.0.1413:21
danand_Yodude - type groups in a terminal - check your user is part of the audio group13:21
Yodudedanand: k i'll check13:22
SchwarzeKrausevoid^: I meant I wanted to install the 7.10, but use some packages from 8.0413:23
Xsss4hell_I cannot install build-essential. There is a dependancy problem13:23
Yodudedanand: there's no "audio" group13:23
Xsss4hell_can somebody help with that. it seems that's the problem..13:23
david08hello. i used to use gdesklets, then i stopped using linux. now i am back, and was wondering was program was the best nowadays for eye candy13:23
david08any ideas?13:23
cyroulXsss4ell: use aptitude install build-essential13:24
jribXsss4hell_: pastebin the error you get13:24
Xsss4hell_I have kernel 2.6.24 and Ubuntu 7.1013:24
void^SchwarzeKrause: 2.6.23 is neither in 7.10 nor in 8.0413:24
jribXsss4hell_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list too13:24
Yodudecan someone help me fix the sound output on this account ?13:25
danand_Yodude - try cat /etc/group | grep audio to check if there is an audio group13:25
Wibble-Is it possible to remove window decorations from one specific window? With a hotkey would be ideal!13:25
danand_Yodude - patience - i'm a slow typist13:25
Yodudedanand: np lol i'll check and post back13:26
david08what about gdesklets, is there anything better or should i install that?13:26
danand_Yodude - k :)13:26
Xsss4hell_jrib it says: build-essential: depends on: »libc6-dev« but it's not getting installed or libc-dev depends on »g++« but it's not getting installed13:26
jribXsss4hell_: k, pastebin that and your sources.list13:27
jrib!paste > Xsss4hell_ (read the private message from ubotu)13:27
thyultimatehow can i use my webcam on ubuntu???13:27
jrib!webcam > thyultimate (read the private message from ubotu)13:27
cyroulXssss4hell have you tried to install this libraries first ?13:27
Yodudedanand: oh yes yes i see it! after i typed "cat /etc/group" i got a line like this one "audio:x:29:mum,hamada", so how do i add myself to the group ?13:28
danand_Yodude - sudo adduser _your_user_name_ audio13:28
Xsss4hell_cyroul no. just after jrib told me to13:28
david08i installed kopete, is there a way to install the functionalities that msn plus adds to the original msn?13:28
popeydavid08: what features?13:28
Xsss4hell_jrib sources.list http://pastebin.ca/89859313:29
david08popey: like the colors in the name and ecc13:29
danand_Yodude - after you should be able to "cat /etc/group | grep audio" and see a line like "audio:x:29:mum,hamada,_your_user_name_"13:29
jribXsss4hell_: how did you get the 2.6.24 kernel?13:30
Yodudedandand: yes i do see it13:30
david08popey: now i see [c=16]....i should see the name colored in that colour instead of the cod13:30
danand_Yodude - and play sound hopefully :)13:30
Yodudedandand: i'll log out and back in and check13:30
Yodudebi';ll brb13:30
danand_Yodude - k13:30
Xsss4hell_jrib I used this script to update my kernel to 2.6.24 it worked. http://axebase.net/blog/?p=17813:30
thyultimateok ty13:31
Xsss4hell_jrib then I installed pulseaudio etc.. and followed this tutorial until I needed to compile something: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup13:31
Xsss4hell_now I just noticed that I have a dependancy problem..13:31
jorissloblordleemo: No, the new version didn't help13:31
cyroulanyone has tried TOR, it slows internet"down, is there anything to do13:32
lordleemojorisslob: is it networked or local13:32
Boglizkcyroul: Duh.. its a proxy13:32
Yodudedandand: it worked !!!!! thnx a lot man you save my system from a reinstall ! hehe but i'm curious why didn't the "audioi" group appear in the GUI user administration tool ?13:32
jorissloblordleemo: It's local, using USB13:32
popeyXsss4hell_ jrib isn't that procedure dangerous? you wont get any security updates for those kernels..13:32
jribXsss4hell_, popey: agreed13:32
cyroulboglizk, more or less I use privoxy for the proxy13:33
Yodudedandand_: thnx a lot13:33
danand_Yodude - :) nice one - at least your working - but that does seem strange13:33
lordleemojorisslob: apparently some peeps have had the same problem  can you try doing this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/117825/comments/2913:33
Xsss4hell_yes^but I'll install ubuntu hardy heron on april ;) I'll have enough experience with kernels and dependancy problem until then  :D13:33
Yodudedandand_: yes i know, and  i'm curious why didn't the "audioi" group appear in the GUI user administration tool ?13:33
popeyXsss4hell_: there is a kernel vulnerability right now though.. you'd leave yourself vulnerable for 2 months13:34
Yodudedandand: i was tempering with the /usr/bin permissions maybe i slipped an did something wrong13:34
Xsss4hell_I have 2.6.24-713:35
danand_Yodude - wierd - the audio group doesn't appear in my GUI tool either13:35
Yodudedandand_: and a lot of other groups too13:35
danand_Yodude - perhaps a reason to stick with CLI for some things :)13:35
Xsss4hell_And I still can update to the next kernel when I want to, right?13:35
Yodudedandand_: yeah totally13:36
jribYodude, danand_: properties -> user privileges -> use audio/sound13:36
Yodudedandand: good ol' UNIX terminals never die13:36
Xsss4hell_jrib what's your expert opinion about my dependancy problem?13:36
jribXsss4hell_: what files do you have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?13:37
Yodudejrib: oh yeah you're right13:37
danand_jrib - Ahh! Got it - still prefer CLI though13:37
Yodudejrib: but they have been put into the groups section, a lot more intuitive i think13:37
Yodudeanyway i'm rocking on with music now hehe13:37
danand_Yodude - :)13:37
jorissloblordleemo: Ok, I will try with a complete restart and cupsys restart13:37
Yodudedandand_: again thnx a bunch, i knew a fix was available and that i didn't need to reinstall lol -- then it wouldn't be linux would it ?13:38
Xsss4hell_jrib /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list13:38
lordleemojorisslob: ok m8 apparently its worked well for a few others do it as stated there m813:38
jribXsss4hell_: run 'sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy build-essential g++ libc6-dev' and pastebin the output13:39
danand_Yodude - not really - theres always an alternative to reinstall. glad i could help.13:39
danand_bye all13:39
cwe_lgijomblo_kamu mau gak jadi pacar aku13:40
Xsss4hell_jrib http://pastebin.ca/89860213:40
EpicenterWhat version of Ubuntu has XOrg 1.2? This bug indicates the only way to fix an extremely serious problem is to downgrade... (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion/+bug/136853)13:40
EpicenterWhat version of Ubuntu has XOrg 1.2? This bug indicates the only way to fix an extremely serious problem is to downgrade... (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion/+bug/13685313:40
Xsss4hell_the output is german, I can translate it if you want to. just ask13:41
jrib!id | cwe_lgijomblo_13:41
ubotucwe_lgijomblo_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:41
Xsss4hell_But I think you see, that something seems to be damaged..13:41
Xsss4hell_my head, or ubuntu :D13:41
SmashCatIs there a way to find which build options were used with a particular package?13:41
jribSmashCat: apt-get source PACKAGE and read debial/rules13:41
cwe_lgijomblo_aku di batujajar13:42
SmashCatjrib: Thanks.13:42
jribcwe_lgijomblo_: /join #ubuntu-id13:42
cwe_lgijomblo_kamu siapa13:42
cyroulanyone has a ACPI Error at the boot ? can't find anything to fix it13:42
cyroulACPI Error (dsopcode-0548): Field [I9MN] at 544 exceeds Buffer [IORT] size 464 (bits) [20070126]13:43
cyroulACPI Error (psparse-0551): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0.LPC0.PMIO._CRS] (Node df812810), AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT13:43
cyroulACPI Error (uteval-0236): Method execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0.LPC0.PMIO._CRS] (Node df812810), AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT13:43
cyroulpnp: PnPACPI: METHOD_NAME__CRS failure for PNP0c0213:43
cwe_lgijomblo_kamu mau gaK JADI PACAR AKU13:43
FloodBot1cyroul: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:43
denynama gw deny13:43
Lythiumòèïà çäðàñòå13:43
denygw mauuuuuuuuu13:43
jribXsss4hell_: try installing g++ and libc6-dev directly.  You'll probably get new errors that may be helpful.  Usually this is because some dependency down the road was intalled outside of the repositories13:44
Xsss4hell_jrib do you know what it is?13:44
Xsss4hell_k, I'll report back13:44
=== lynucs_ is now known as lynucs
jorissloblordleemo: I'm one step closer, this is the first time that hp-info actually returned anything useful13:46
white_eagleah yes13:46
davidwhi dudes - any suggestions on what to do about burning an .iso that's 6.7 gigs to a DVD?13:46
Xsss4hell_jrib: here it is: g++ and then libc6-dev -> http://pastebin.ca/89860913:47
lordleemojorisslob: did you follow exact m813:47
mohbanahey guys is there some sort of support for 5.1+ sound cards, the sound is bad comapred to windows13:47
momalsnd_pcm_open() failed <-- can anyone help me for some reason suddenly I can't get any sound in kubuntu 7.1013:47
davidwgoogling reveals people using dvdshrink with wine13:47
jribXsss4hell_: can you run it as 'LANGUAGE=en_US sudo apt-get install g++' ?13:48
SmashCatForgot how slow my server is when it has to build from source ;-)13:48
jorisslobI will give it one more go... uninstall printer, unplug printer, reboot, restart cupsys, replug printer, install printer, try13:48
Jangariwhat sort of dvd is it, davidw?13:48
davidwthe one I'd like to burn the iso to13:49
Xsss4hell_jrib jep no problem m8 -> http://pastebin.ca/89861313:49
Jangariokay, what sort of media? data, video?13:49
davidwvideo.. it's a dvd dvd13:49
jribXsss4hell_: Look at what it says about your libc6 version, that's the problem13:49
mohbanahey guys is there some sort of support for 5.1+ sound cards, the sound is bad comapred to windows13:50
Jangarimm, compressing it is a good option13:50
Xsss4hell_jrib it says: libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.6.1-1ubuntu10) but 2.7-5ubuntu2 is to be installed13:50
jribXsss4hell_: run 'apt-cache policy libc6'13:50
davidwJangari, yeah, since it's 6.7 gigs on disk and the dvd is only 4.7 :-)13:50
Jangarii don't know what apps run on ubuntu to compress dvd video files, but if you re-author it to remove the menus, other languages and all the sh|t you don't need, you wouldn't have to compress it too much13:51
Jangariotherwise, is your burner dual layer?13:51
Xsss4hell_jrib: so the problem is that I don't use the hardy sources?13:51
databridgej  #ubuntu-de-offtopic13:51
ajitamhi how can I check upload dowload trafic in terminal13:51
databridgej  ubuntu-de-offtopic13:52
jribXsss4hell_: no, it wants the gutsy libc6 but I am guessing you have hardy's installed13:52
davidwJangari, don't think so13:52
Xsss4hell_jrib No, I have just updated my kernel with this script http://axebase.net/blog/?p=178. LANGUAGE=en_US apt-cache policy libc6 Resulsts in-> http://pastebin.ca/index.php13:53
Xsss4hell_I still run Gutsy13:53
jribXsss4hell_: that's a blank pastebin13:53
Xsss4hell_jrib sorry : http://pastebin.ca/89861813:54
Jangaridavidw: dvd95 - DVD9 to DVD5 converter13:54
Jangaridvd+rw-tools - DVD+-RW/R tools13:55
jribXsss4hell_: you have 2.7-5ubuntu2 installed, the hardy version.  You got it when you ran that script most likely.  If you read the script, it adds hardy repositories to your sources.list, upgrades some packages, and then removes it from your sources.list13:55
Jangarivideotrans - DVD authoring utilities13:55
gilsteris there anyway to get DVD-RAM support for UDF drag drop interface13:55
davidwJangari, dvd95 looks like a good one - thanks13:56
misieqi have scsi adapter which is (i believe, since dmesg shows (almost) no error) up and running connected with a nokia d-box1 dvb stb. in system log i can see device being identified as "Communications    DVB2000  Nokia rulez      2.14 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2" so i assume communications is working and device /dev/sg2 is created. however i do not know how can i actually see some input from nokia. any suggestions?13:56
Jangaricheck them out in synaptic first13:56
davidwlunch time13:56
MrPinkI try to run a Java code in the terminal and what I get back is "FNF" any idea what that means?13:56
* zoom is away: Occupé13:56
Xsss4hell_jrib but: lsb_release -a tells me I'm using gutsy13:56
jribXsss4hell_: yes, and you have a bunch of hardy packages installed13:57
gilsteranyone here use DVD-RAM discs in ubuntu? how do i get proper write support to them as UDF discs?13:57
Xsss4hell_oh damn..me fool13:57
abdullaguys how to have a frame around icons in my desktop , frames that is like a box which are colored and gives it a better eye candy for my icons13:57
Xsss4hell_the only solution is to upgrade to hardy?13:57
incorrectXsss4hell_, what is your problem?13:58
jorissloblordleemo: Nope, no effect, still having the same problem.13:58
ajitamhow can I check upload dowload trafic in terminal13:58
jribXsss4hell_: if you want a stable system, you should probably reinstall gutsy.  You could try to finish the upgrade to hardy too if you want, but then you will be running a development version13:58
wald0why ubuntu uses FIREFOX instead of iceweasel ?13:58
Jangariwtf is iceweasel?13:58
incorrectajitam, tcpdump13:58
abdullafirefox is greater wald0 :)13:58
jorisslobiceweasel is firefox without the logo... :) Because that is copyrighted13:59
assasukasseabdulla: who said that :D13:59
Seveaswald0, because ubuntu isn't as anal as debian about logos13:59
wald0Jangari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IceWeasel13:59
abdullaassasukasse, its greater then opera aswell :)13:59
Xsss4hell_incorrect I can't compile gst-pulse becaue I have not build-essential, because I have kernel 2.6.24 and guty plus hardy a bunch of hardy packages, now I don't have a hardy repo in sources.list. So back to the beginning: I can't compile :(13:59
wald0Seveas: is not an anal problem, is a LEGAL problem13:59
wald0so, ubuntu is making illegal things ?13:59
abdullafirefox has addons which support greater expansion for the firefox which induces it for a greater result forexample ( Noscript addons and ADBLOCK plug , etc.... )14:00
Jangarino, they're careful not to encroach on others' copyrights14:00
ajitamincorrect: a get tcpdump: no suitable device found14:00
misieqanyone? how to stream video from scsi adapter?14:00
rohanwhat would be the correct package to file this bug against -- https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/19067714:01
abdullaguys any1 know how to make frames for icons to make it look eye candy i want to have frames around the icons in mydesktop14:01
incorrectajitam, you want to see traffic, use tcpdump, dunno what get tcpdump is all about14:01
lordleemojorisslob: try totally removing hp m8 followed by a reinstall14:01
Xsss4hell_jrib, incorrect: My aim was to update to Kernel 2.6.24 (latest stable) and have all gutsy updates, Plus Skype(without microphone bug due to pulseaudio) and Pulseaudio as default. gst-pulse should fix that..14:01
Xsss4hell_it was a road to hell...14:01
incorrectXsss4hell_, well you can get the kernels source yourself14:01
incorrectmake-kpkg blah14:01
Wibble-Is it possible to re-map keys when a window has focus? I would like Alt-Tab to be sent to my VNC window when the VNC has focus; but to be handled normally when the VNC window does not have focus (focus changed using the mouse ofc)14:02
PriceChildXsss4hell_, don't expect us to be able to give you support if you're using custom kernels.14:02
Xsss4hell_incorrect: but the problem is, I used this script: http://axebase.net/blog/?p=17814:02
assasukasseSeveas: do u think it is fair what you have done?14:02
Xsss4hell_PriceChild: It's hardy's own kernel14:02
Seveasassasukasse, yes, trolls are not welcome here14:02
knifeprtywhats up14:02
PriceChildXsss4hell_, hardy isn't released. We don't support it here.14:02
PriceChild!hardy | Xsss4hell_14:03
ubotuXsss4hell_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd-ram - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:03
knifeprtyi just installed windown vista hah14:03
assasukasseSeveas: personally i think that is a bit of nazist behaviour..but that's just me. I will inform the ircop about your behaviour and part the channel as long as you are op here.14:03
putozaowhy if a listening to amarkok and i what to view something in youtube i can't listening no youtube14:03
jorissloblordleemo: How do you deinstall things you installed yourself from source?14:03
Xsss4hell_PriceChild, incorrect, jrib I'm absoulutely satisfied with your support: You're really a very friendly staff14:03
PriceChildassasukasse, ircops don't bother themselves with channel issues.14:03
abdullathis is the example of what i mean http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=69347&file1=69347-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=LinPhone+Icons14:04
jorissloblordleemo: Oh... make uninstall seems to work :)14:04
PriceChildXsss4hell_, read the bot... I am correct.14:04
incorrectstaff? i am not employed14:04
abdullai want to have frames around the icons but i know that this are icons but i want to have a frame which ubuntu can produce but i dont know how14:04
chazcoDoes anyone have a script to enable Virtualbox USB support? I can do it manually but want to add it to my recover disc14:04
Xsss4hell_:D but you've a real ubuntu heart!14:04
PriceChildchazco, I think a howto on the forums was approved recently to get that done on boot. In the "howtos tricks and tips" forum14:04
Xsss4hell_thx anyway, altough there is no hope for my system14:05
gilsterso no one here uses DVD-RAM discs eh/?14:05
* knifeprty slaps speedcore around a bit with a large trout14:05
Xsss4hell_as you told..14:05
david08hello. how do i activate the gnome splash screen?14:05
speedcorewhere is the boot record stored? when doing a standard ubuntu install?14:05
knifeprtyquad core rules14:05
online_can any one tell me why I am not able to create a symbolic link?14:05
PriceChildspeedcore, /var/log i guess14:05
Seveasknifeprty, this is a support channel, stop with the offtopic chat please14:05
chazcoPriceChild - will have a look, but its probably the manual method (its quite tricky to script it)14:05
abdullaguys i want to have a frame around my icons any ideas???? this is an example of what i mean but its not what i want http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=69347&file1=69347-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=LinPhone+Icons14:06
speedcorePricechild: and that's the record the bios finds at boot?14:06
jribXsss4hell_: reinstalling gutsy is the best thing to do in my opinion.  And don't run magic scripts without reading what they do.  Feel free ask someone here about things like that before you do14:06
PriceChildspeedcore, the bios?14:06
knifeprtyvista rules ball of puñets % and of pure corage ia me voy %14:06
Xsss4hell_jrib thank you!14:06
speedcoreI mean..  how does the computer know that there is a bootable os on the harddrive choosen in bios?14:07
Xsss4hell_I'll ask next time, before shredding my systems core ;)14:07
mohbanahi, i have auzen x-plosion i cant seem to get surround sound please help, the sound card detected is CMI8738-MC814:07
white_eaglewow what kind of phone do you need to install Ubuntu Mobile?14:07
mohbanabut there is no front,center,rear etc in the volume mixer14:07
momalHow can I downgrade an update... ? For some reason I have lost all sound and by the looks of it xine/alsa/oss wont see any of my sound (onboard card nvidia ac97). It was only recent like in last 2-3 days14:07
Wibble-speedcore: the MBR  (master boot record) is stored in a specific place on a phsyical harddisk.  The MBR tells the bios where to look on which real partition to find the proper boot loader such as GRUB.  Ubuntu will, by default, replace the MBR with its own pointing at GRUB14:07
PriceChildchazco, can't find what I remembered.. but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2082674 ?14:07
chazcoPriceChild - I had to do quite a lot to enable it on mine (but not that hack...), what i'm looking for is how to automate it14:08
chazcoIn one of the boot scripts you uncomment some stuff, then you have to edit one of the udev rules to give permissions out better14:09
speedcoreWibble.. the thing is I need to restore a system..14:09
chazcoBut doing those require sed magic (i guess), which is quite tricky14:09
Wibble-speedcore: Look at grub and restoring the MBR14:09
antoHeya, can somone here help me get Jackd working14:10
antoi keep getting somthing about kernel resolution to slow14:10
speedcoreWibble: is it ok just do an install of ubuntu on the new disk..  and then boot from live cd.. mount that disk.. and the old disk.. erase all on the new disk.. with the information from the old disk.14:10
speedcoreWibble: I guess. if I just copy everything from the old disk.. to the new disk.. that there will be no correct MBR14:11
Wibble-speedcore: What exactly is the problem and how would you *ideally* get it solved14:11
Wibble-the MBR is not in a partition, therefore copying files will not copy it.14:11
cyrouli m looking for help regarding PnP ACPI error during the boot, can' t find anything off the internet, just bug reports Any idea14:11
cerberuscomplete hack, look at the packages that aptitude wants to remove, copy them into a text file, write a shell script that then runs aptitude, let it remove the packages then manually install them14:12
speedcoreMy harddrive is broken... I got a backup.. which I can mount..  I also got a new drive... but I figure I just can't copy everything.. because I need to get a MBR on the new disk too14:12
cerberushas to be an easier way..14:12
thyultimatei have a microsoft web cam , its not in the supported list....now what??14:12
Wibble-cerberus: easier way to *do* what?14:13
thyultimateits got my micro phone too14:13
cerberusWibble, aptitude decided that a load of packages where unrequired (marked as auto installed but no longer dependencies for anything) and wanted to remove them, some of them where critical packages14:13
cyroulthyultimate: have u plugged it yet ?*14:13
Wibble-speedcore: Ok - yes, you can just install on the new HD then copy all the files over on to that.  the MBR will be set up on the new disk and the grub files from the old disk will be copied over14:13
cerberusWibble, basically I had to let it remove them, then write a shell script to manually install them all back again14:14
thyultimatecyroul: yes14:14
Wibble-oh ok14:14
Wibble-cerberus: I guess deleting the current package state didn't solve it?14:14
speedcorewibble: THe backup is not all the partitions of the drive... just all files that resided in /14:14
cyroulthyultimate: do a lsusb what have you got14:14
thyultimatecyroul: errr...enter lsusb in terminal??14:15
cerberusWibble, a) couldnt figure out how to do that b) Im not sure Id want to lose all the state, ideally I just want it to unmarkauto the stuff its decided I dont need14:15
Seveascerberus, you can do that in synaptic14:15
Wibble-speedcore: that is fine - the files GRUB needs are in /boot.  If you just copy over them on a newly installed system and it should be fine14:15
thyultimateBus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000014:15
thyultimateBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000014:15
thyultimateBus 001 Device 002: ID 045e:00f5 Microsoft Corp.14:15
thyultimateBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000014:15
LjL!paste > thyultimate    (thyultimate, see the private message from Ubotu)14:15
cyroulit is detected14:15
cerberusthe one thing I miss about slackware is the lack of package dependency resolution, I liked that you had to manually handle dependencies heh14:16
speedcoreWibble: so the mbr just gets there??  I dom't understand?14:16
thyultimateso how do i use it?14:16
Wibble-speedcore: install on the new harddisk - that will set the MBR.  Then copy the files over.14:16
thyultimateLjL sorry14:16
speedcorewibble: that14:16
speedcore's what I thought!!14:16
cyroulwhat do you wanna use it for ? msn skype ???14:16
speedcoreWibble: Thanx14:16
cyroulstart skype14:17
Wibble-speedcore: Sorry for confusing you then.14:17
LjLthyultimate, typing 045e:00f5 into google seems to give that the camera works but with problems, and the microphone doesn't work14:17
cyroulthyultimate: try to run the webcam14:17
Whisperi get an error message that i have to little space free on /boot/ when im trying to upgrade14:18
Whisperwhat to do=14:18
speedcoreWibble: I just needed some feedback.. and you did got it.. so..  now back to restoring..  bloody HD braking..  as when broken in..  10days.. =(14:18
jicklesmy home and end keys are not behaving properly in screen, what could this be?14:18
_metaxy_fwBorderline inappropriate question: Is there a significant channel (on Freenode or elsewhere) for hardware questions (troubleshooting etc.)?14:18
LjLthyultimate: http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=662117 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams and according to http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html the driver (module used) is gspcav114:18
incorrectis there an ubuntu based nas project?14:18
Pir8Anyone recommend a good DVD Photo/Video authoring program for linux? (preferrably free/open source one)14:18
Wibble-Whisper: Remove some un-used kernels from /boot/ ?14:18
thyultimateselect webcam: no devices found14:19
gilsterdo any of you fine people remember the old DVD-RAM discs that were popular a few years ago.? I am trying to get UDF support on the go with these discs. some advice would be good.!!14:19
thyultimateeven the microphone isnt working14:19
WhisperWibble- how do i know wich one i use?14:19
thyultimateon skype*14:19
LjLthyultimate: does "lsmod | grep gpsca" list anything?14:19
Wibble-Whisper: You are currently using the kernel described by typing "uname -a" in a terminal window14:19
jicklessorry, xchat just crashed, does anyone know why some of keys might be behaving oddly in screen?14:19
LjLthyultimate: does "lsmod | grep gspca" list anything? (sorry gspca not gpsca)14:19
thyultimateLjL ty, ill repert back after trying those steps back14:20
CoyotÒóò èç ðóññêèõ åñòü êòî ?14:20
LjL!english | Coyot14:21
Seveas!ru | Coyot14:21
ubotuCoyot: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:21
ubotuCoyot: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:21
Coyotmy niht english (14:21
incorrectwhich package contains screen?14:21
Seveasincorrect, screen14:22
Seveas!info screen14:22
ubotuscreen (source: screen): a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0.4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 574 kB, installed size 984 kB14:22
Paddy_EIREhey guys.. would anyone here have Rainbow 6 Vegas on the 360?... I was wondering if it was normal for your men to move by themselves ingame even when I have previously told them to hold14:22
incorrectthere it is :)14:22
LjLCoyot: /join #ubuntu-ru14:22
Coyotsenky )14:22
DeeppactHello i got a question I installed Apache, php, Mysql but i cant write in the /var/www/ map in my file browser Any ideas someone?14:23
erawfish!tell Deeppact about permissions14:24
ubotuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview14:24
Deeppactthanks I will look at it14:25
Korvusanyone helping with installation in here?14:25
chazcoDoes dpkg resolve & install dependencys automatically?14:26
Whisperis there any way to rezise /boot ?14:27
misieqhow to stream video from scsi adapter?14:27
erawfishKorvus: only if you ask sensible questions14:27
PriceChildchano, need apt for that14:27
Seveaschazco, no, that's apt-get's job14:27
erawfishchazco: no14:27
erawfishmisieq: does not compute14:27
chazcoAh... how do i solve it if I have a .deb thats not in the repos then?14:27
Korvusi'm trying to install and hanging at Running Local Boot Scripts14:27
Korvusi'm a novice btw14:27
xstasianyone knows if there's a graphic tool to manage volumes?14:27
erawfishWhisper: it's a partition like any other so yes. gparted14:27
xstasilike this device has to be mounted here14:27
chazcoI take it apt-get install somedeb.deb wont work?14:28
erawfishxstasi: you mean LVM?14:28
Whispererawfish take space from a used parttion without loosing shit?14:28
Seveaschazco, correct. Try with gdebi14:28
erawfishchazco: no14:28
enzoi have an .avi, and i'd like to cut something at the beginning, how can i do that ? kino wants a .dv file14:28
xstasierawfish: no14:28
erawfishWhisper: yes14:28
chazcoIts going to be from a script, gdebi is GUI isnt it?14:28
erawfishxstasi: then what "volumes"?14:28
SeveasWhisper, watch your language.14:28
xstasii mean like /dev/sdaX has to be mounted on /media/something14:28
misieqerawfish: means no video capture for me?14:28
xstasiwithout having to edit it manually14:29
cerberusgeneral question, is there an easy way to get aptitude to do a dependency check on all installed packages?14:29
erawfishxstasi: no. /dev/sdaX is a partition not a volume14:29
CoyotIf opera instal on Linux àíà wakes work, sori  if chyo has wrong written, all I traveling on foot through translator ")14:29
xstasierawfish: ok, s/volumes/partitions/14:29
magnetronhow well does the nvidia 8xxx cards play with ubuntu?14:29
cyroulvery well14:29
xstasiis there a graphic tool to do such operations?14:29
erawfishchazco: aptitude and apt is always in a consistent state for all installed packages. as soon as it isn't you canot intstall anymore with aptitude anymore14:29
erawfishand aptitude will tell you. loudly14:29
kbrooksum, on 7.04 - I want pidgin, not gaim, but pidgin isn't in feisty-backports14:30
peacehello.. how to copy a file or folder from ubuntu to windowsxp via virtualbox. :)14:30
erawfishkbrooks: more input -> more output14:30
kbrooksso what to do?14:30
peppersI was on gutsy, trying to get my wacom bamboo to work, I copied the module over, and rebooted, now on boot, it hangs in the loading screen. and secure mode says that /usr/bin/sh was not found :S14:30
kbrookserawfish, ?14:30
erawfishpeace: samba14:30
peppersi'm on my gentoo right now, can you please help me figure it out?14:30
Korvusi'm trying to install and its hanging at Running Local Boot Scripts14:31
magnetronkbrooks: a simple dist upgrade will solve that.14:31
cerberuspeace, the shared folders dont work with VirtualBox OSE (Open Source Edition), you need to use a network filesystem which can be read from both the host OS (ubuntu) and the virtualised OS (XP)14:31
cerberusthere is a guide I found on google..one second14:31
xstasipeace: virtualbox has its own system of folder sharing, browse the options around14:31
kbrooksmagnetron,  ok14:31
peaceokay ill try14:31
xstasiso, i try asking again...14:31
Korvussome community14:31
xstasiis there a graphic tool for managing devices / mount points like fstab?14:31
erawfishpeace: what module exactly?14:32
erawfishpeppers: ^^14:32
cerberuspeace, hmm, Im out of date, look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62784714:32
erawfishpeppers: copying radnom stuff from gentoo is not exactly supported14:33
peppersI didn't do that14:33
peppersI configured and compiled it on ubuntu14:33
erawfishpeppers: then why copying from anywhere?14:33
peppersI copied it to /lib/modules/kernelversion/kernel/drivers/input/tablet and on reboott it hanged14:33
erawfishpeppers: why did you copy it there manually?14:34
xstasipeppers: you shouldn't mess with LKMs without knowing what you're doing..14:34
erawfishand where is the source from?14:34
pepperserawfish:  I compiled it on it's own (just the wacom driver not the whole kernel) and then copied it to the correct directory14:34
peppersdepmod -e didn't give out any error either14:34
erawfishwhere is the source from?14:34
pepperslinuxwacom prject14:34
JustVHello.. How i can fully delete programm?14:34
kbrooksis feisty-backports relatively stable?14:34
erawfishthen ask linuxwacom about their stuff. their manure, their problem14:35
erawfishJustV: purge14:35
cerberuspeace, I just checked, it does work :)14:35
JustVsudo apt-get remove phpsysinfo --purge ??14:35
peppers<.< that's not my problem exactly. it's just, lods of things from my hdd just disapeared. the hole content of my home filder is gone and so is bin/sh.14:35
unicumis there a way to cycle tabs in firefox via keyboard??14:36
cerberus>peace, when you chose a shared folder in virtualbox for XP it appears in XP (the guest OS) under the shared folders14:36
peaceim trying to understand 2. point in that link you gaved :)14:36
Cromagunicum: ctrl tab14:36
JustVoh.. sudo apt-get purge14:36
peppersis there anyway, I can retrieve all that?14:36
cerberus>peace, i.e. in the explorer bar type \\VBOXSVR\<name_of_shared_folder>14:36
unicumcool, thx14:36
Jack_Sparrowpeppers: Are you running wine?14:36
peppersno Jack_Sparrow, well wasn't when it happened14:36
JustVerawfish: i have used purge and.. > user@coolparty:/etc/phpsysinfo$ ls -la14:37
peppersI have it installed but haven't used it in a few days, and I use only ocasionaly14:37
erawfishpeppers: boot froma  live cd and look on the harddisk (possibly mount it). if it's there fine, if not bad luck14:37
erawfish!info phpsysinfo14:37
ubotuphpsysinfo (source: phpsysinfo): PHP based host information. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 223 kB, installed size 1808 kB14:37
Jack_Sparrowpeppers: No, but you have wine installed and have used it, and you had Z mapped under wine and you did not have a user with only wine access that you used under wine.. would be my guess14:38
peppersthat's what I just did with gentoo erawfish(yes, gentoo and ubuntu are on the same pc). i mounted the ubuntu partition with gentoo and nothing's there :S14:38
erawfishJustV: dpkg -l phpsysinfo14:38
peppersyes Jack_Sparrow that's correct14:38
ompaulyv5civ, ?14:38
Jack_Sparrowpeppers: I am not saying that is where the problem is.. but it is a security problem that most people do not understand14:39
JustVerawfish: rc  phpsysinfo                             2.5.2-0ubuntu2                         PHP based host information14:39
MrPiracyI lost all my graphic configuration after applying updates on gutsy. I was using driver i810 with no problems. Could anyone help me?14:39
erawfishJustV: you did not purge. QED14:39
erawfishMrPiracy: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:39
JustVerawfish: user@coolparty:/etc/phpsysinfo$ sudo apt-get purge phpsysinfo14:39
JustVReading package lists... Done14:39
erawfishJustV: you ARE in /etc/phpsysinfo. how can it be deleted when you still use it?14:40
kbrookserawfish, it can be deleted14:40
JustVerawfish: user@coolparty:~$ sudo apt-get purge phpsysinfo14:40
JustVReading package lists... Done14:40
ompaulJustV, please don't paste multiple lines - max two but ehh that won't work cd ~ and then to the sudo apt-get remove --purge phpsysinfo14:40
peppersstupid question, is there a remote chance that copying /usr/bin/sh from the live cd over to the ubuntu on the hdd will solve the problem?14:40
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   select vesa mode 102414:40
JustVdpkg: rc  phpsysinfo                             2.5.2-0ubuntu2                         PHP based host information14:40
erawfishkbrooks: but it won't14:40
MrPiracyerawfish: did that, didn't work. It will make me keep using VESA and if i try to set it back to i810 or even intel driver, everthing goes back to VESA14:41
JustVompaul: thks14:41
kbrookserawfish, because the dir is not empty, obviously14:41
Jack_Sparrowpeppers: At this point it cant hurt...14:41
JustVompaul: doesnt deleted..14:41
peppersty Jack_Sparrow14:41
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: so i can't use i810 anymore?14:41
ompaulJustV, are you running any applications that are using it at the moment14:41
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: sure you can...14:41
JustVompaul: no, i just installed it..14:42
JustVompaul: and i want fully remove it14:42
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: please poost your xorg to the pastebin for people to review for you14:42
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: how? it won't keep it. Everything goes back to VESA after reboot14:42
Jack_Sparrowpepperjack: Please see winehq for safety tips14:42
Pir8Anyone recommend a good DVD Photo/Video authoring program for ubuntu?14:42
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: how do i post it to the past bin?14:42
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: I need to see things like your vh refresh rates and anything else in there.14:43
acidburnhello there14:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:43
JustVompaul: installed and removed with --purge.. success. thank you14:43
Jack_Sparrowompaul: MOrning buddy14:43
vallhalla81how can i find out my ip while in the conlole?14:44
ompaulJack_Sparrow, good afternoon from the other TZ the one that is beside UTC ;-)14:44
acidburngot many questions about xubuntu pm me please ty14:44
ompaulacidburn, you want to be in #xubuntu14:44
cyroulvallhalla: ifconfig14:44
Jack_Sparrowacidburn: please ask in channel so others may read along and learn14:45
vallhalla81cyroul: thank you14:45
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: should I put the xorg.0.log too?14:45
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: not yet thanks14:45
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.14:46
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55475/14:46
peaceafter that comman with shared documents... i get that the shared documents cannot be reached error 1231 :) after using start/run/cmd14:46
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: When you did dpkg did you enter the video ram yourself?14:48
brobostigongood afternoon14:49
Redhammer_the_Olhi daft question: I cannot seem to get rid of old soundcards, where is the config file (must be in home) where these are described, they make my gnome mixer totally convoluted14:50
peacehow to copy file from ubuntu to windowsxp via virtualbox. virtualbox-devices/select folder..... in windowsxp start/run/cmd net use x: \\vbox.... - error 1231.14:51
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: I am dealing with it for 2 days now. This is the xorg.conf I was using before, I got it from a backup.14:51
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: for some reason the log file says it's using xorg.conf.failsafe instead, but even if i replace it with the same contents of xorg.conf it will give me the same VESA drivers14:53
theunixgeekI followed http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/ to remove KDE  apps from the GNOME menus and vice versa; how do I undo it.14:53
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: Since you already have a backup would you mind trying something for me... pull line 33 for me....14:53
cyroulpeace: don't virtualbox, but you can use smb to transfer your files14:54
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow:  line 33 of what?14:54
cornel1I've got a printer problem...   I can't print from evince, there's no printer listed, even though I've a default set up.  More details:  I'm using Feisty, I've connected to a printer on a winXP machine and test printed.  The printer is my one and only, and it's the default (according to system / administration / printing)... But I can't print to it from evince. When I hit file/print print, there's no printers listed.  In firefox there14:54
rasjoin #ubuntu-fr14:55
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: remove line 33 of that xorg.conf and retry it...14:55
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: ok, i'll do that and will come back here14:55
=== epifanio_ is now known as epifanio
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: thanks14:55
peaceproblem solved..thanks good luck14:56
peppersI booted the live cd, /bin/sh is there14:56
peppersI ran e2fsck and it says everything's allright14:56
peppersany help?14:56
peppersJack_Sparrow: still there?14:58
porchohi there. I'm having problems changing Deskbar Applet from <Alt>F3 to something else. I've managed to change it using gconf-editor, but now I can't assign <Alt>F3 to nothing else. can somebody help me?14:58
cyroulpeppers: can you boot in safe mode, coz if you can, transfer your files on usb and copy them over14:58
Jack_Sparrowpeppers: Yes, I can help, my first suggestion.. please stop hitting the enter key as often..:)14:58
khellli need a software that plays 3gp files14:58
=== kandinski is now known as kandinski_
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: did that ... still have the same problem14:58
tapasi want to encrypt my root fs14:59
tapasi have a new disk and would like to encrypt all partitions on it..14:59
PriceChildtapas, the alternate cd will do it for you easily14:59
PriceChild!alternate | tapas14:59
ubotutapas: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode installation CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD.  It can also be used as an upgrade CD. - See also !minimal14:59
brobostigonkhelll: have you tried to play it with vlc??14:59
peppersok, sorry. cyroul, I can't. when booting, it says that /bin/sh couldn't be found when running rc-something :S and sugests running e2fsck because somethign is corupted14:59
tapasi have a system already up and running.. i would like to copy my current root fs to the new partition.14:59
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: funny cos before the login page i see this "low graphics mode" popup and rite after i login into gnome it says the X config is different from GNOME and it asks me which one i want to use15:00
peppersI booted the live cd, mounted the ubuntu partition and checked. both /bin/sh and /bin/dash are there and work. and I ran e2fsck and it gave no error15:00
PriceChildtapas, I would suggest copying your home folder and "/msg ubotu clone" instead.15:00
PriceChildtapas, its a lot less hassle.15:00
ArelisDoes anybody know how i can install Ubuntu on a pendrive and then boot using the livecd and the pendrive, like in this video?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URPLClzWehY15:00
tapasPriceChild: probably..15:00
PriceChildtapas, and "should" be the same result...15:01
Wibble-peppers silly question, but when you booted the live CD, you did check the /bin on your HD not from the CD? ;)15:01
tapasPriceChild: i would like to understand though how one overcomes the difficulty of having the initrd lie on an encrypted fs15:01
PriceChildtapas, you're leaving my comfort zone.15:01
peppersyes Wibble. I did. I mounted /dev/hda2 in /media/disk and checked the contents of that15:01
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: Still runs back to failsafe..  run dpkg.. again.. but select only the intel driver, and use tab and accept all other defaults...  I will be looking up something else on your monitor while you do that.15:01
tapasi know how to create encrypted partitions with luks and have done so successfullly in the past..15:01
brobostigonarelis: there are loads of howtos out there about this, look on help.ubuntu.ciom first15:01
tapasPriceChild: ok.. if i find no other way i might resort to downloading and burning the alternate installer image15:02
=== readyx is now known as ready
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: ok, would u give me the command line again pls?15:02
mrchicagohaving problems installing ubuntu cant run local scripts forum says its the radeon HD 2600xt15:03
peppersso, anyone know what could be happening?15:04
MrPiracywhat's the command line to reconfigure xorg.conf please?15:04
meezfoghihi all15:05
brobostigonsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, i think15:05
meezfoghii have  problem about conky15:05
MrPiracybrobostigon: thanx15:05
meezfoghican anyone help me15:05
brobostigonmeezfoghi: of course, fire away with the question??15:06
meezfoghibrobostigun: Conky: can't load font 'arial'15:06
meezfoghibrobostigun: i already install that font15:07
Jack_Sparrowsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:07
Jack_SparrowSorry was reading the manual on your monitor15:08
brobostigonmeezfoghi: i am not sure what you mean, load font arial where??15:08
boltHow can I set the variable FOO to be "foo'bar!" without the first and last quote? having trouble escaping it15:08
jribbolt: FOO=foo\'bar15:08
brobostigonFoo = foo'bar!15:09
meezfoghibrobostigun: from conky15:09
boltbrobostigon: that leaves me with the > prompt15:09
boltjrib: and that sets the variable to foo\'bar, including the \ and without the exclamation mark :/15:10
Wibble-Can you set an env var to include another env var? I want PATH to include $wibble - but I want to change $wibble when I like and have $PATH kept in sync15:10
cyroul i m looking for a dolution regarding PnP ACPI error during the boot, can' t find anything off the internet, just bug reports15:10
Wibble-bolt: FOO=foo\'bar! works for me.15:11
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: The refresh on your monitor is off, only by 1 each way.. but I have seen simpler things cause problems  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Philips+monitor+190C+manual+pdf&btnG=Search is your manual   55 - 75  not 56 - 76  cant hurt to change that as well15:11
Wibble-bolt: what shell are you using?15:11
boltWibble-: bash15:11
Wibble-me too.  And as I said, it WFM.15:11
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: grrrrr.... i had tried it before, it failed on the same place: attempting to detect my monitor15:11
finalbetalol, I'm downloading with kftpgrabber and playing music. the music skips because kftpgrabber uses to much cpu. Task scheduling really needs some attention.15:11
meezfoghii have  problem about conky15:11
meezfoghibrobostigun: Conky: can't load font 'arial'15:12
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: Dont let it sdetect the monitor settings15:12
boltWibble-: are you sure you are using the right ' character?15:12
boltWibble-: it's the single quote one15:12
peppersok, I copied the old wacom.ko back to place15:12
Wibble-single quote, not back tick? yes.15:12
peppersgonna reboot and try it out.15:12
brobostigonmeezfoghi: no idea, sorry.15:12
boltWibble-: which leaves bash waiting for the other part15:12
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: The refresh on your monitor is off, only by 1 each way.. but I have seen simpler things cause problems  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Philips+monitor+190C+manual+pdf&btnG=Search is your manual   55 - 75  not 56 - 76  cant hurt to change that as well15:12
Wibble-but it works with backquote too :)15:12
Wibble-bolt: No - you escape the ' with \.  Then it doesn't wait for any more.15:12
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: so should i just change it in my xorg.conf and reboot?15:13
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: ok, i'll be back15:15
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: And leave out the video ram line as well15:15
dan_lHey,  got a quick command line question:  I'm trying to do cp [directory] "/usr/apps/whatever/"15:15
dan_land it seems to spit out the destination15:15
dan_lhow is that line supposed to be formed?15:15
Wibble-dan_l: cp -r /usr/apps/sourcedirectory /usr/apps/whatever/ ?15:16
brobostigoncp "source" "destinantion"15:16
Jack_Sparrowdan_l: Not trying to be flip.. but you know you can always do man cp   or man any cli command for help15:16
dan_lJack_Sparrow:  Sorry.  I was thinking that the problem is the way I'm referencing the destination15:17
dan_lsudo cp simple $/usr/share/apps/yakauake/15:17
dan_lI tried that without the $ too.  I'm just trying to figure out what the problem with the dest is.15:18
incorrecti am trying to reconnect to my 'screen' however it says can not open /dev/pts/015:18
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: same thing man, as if gutsy doesn't get its settings from this file15:18
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: nothing that i change in this file seems to change anything after i reboot15:19
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: If it cant use the settings you put in there, it will trash it and use failsafe.15:19
nephtesHi all...  How do I modify kernel commandline options so that they don't get overwritten by update-grub on the next kernel install?15:19
boltgah. this is ridiculous. I finally got my variable set right, but wpa_passphrase still complains. I have a key with 63 characters in it, and it contains both ' and ! which need to be escaped. When I do so, wpa_passphrase includes the escape characters in its count, telling me the key is too long. it isn't! if I replace the special characters with normal ones, it runs just fine. arg!15:19
boltI think this wireless network is linux-secure or something15:20
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: well, that's what the log file says ... it is using xorg.conf.failsafe, but i dont know why15:20
Jack_Sparrowdan_l: what are you referencing with the word simple15:20
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: i have been using it for a while, but if i apply the updates, it starts to happen15:20
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: i have the whole partition backed up, and i rolled back to it like 5 times already15:21
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: What sources do you have in your sources.list15:22
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: Would you mind posting that.15:22
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: no problem, hold on15:22
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: aw, what's the path to it?15:23
carndtwhy isn't documentroot specified in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and why is it ignored when it is set15:23
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: etc/apt  you caught me reading again15:24
amenadocarndt-> could it possibly be in one of the other include'ed config files?15:24
muesliis there a hardy specific irc channel/15:24
nephtesAhh found it15:24
carndtnope its missing in action everywhere!15:24
Jack_Sparrowmuesli: yes  ubuntu+115:25
mueslifor 2.6.24 specific kernel questions15:25
muesliJack_Sparrow: thnx15:25
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55476/15:26
patogenI can't seem to find how I can use irssi+xmonad, xmonad uses the alt-key for "everything" and I can't seem to get irssi to work nice with this15:27
patogenany idea? I don't find anything nice on google, I know that I saw something before however15:27
ri47614patogen: you can use esc instead of alt in irssi15:28
incorrecti am trying to start a service using screen, however it keeps trying to bind to an existing pts15:28
ri47614patogen: like esc 2 to switch to window 215:28
astro76patogen: yeah ESC *then* window key15:29
astro76*window number/letter15:29
ompaulincorrect, http://www.amitu.com/blog/2004/12/screen-howto.html might be what you want15:29
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: remark out the last 4 lines with # ... then refresh the sources and do your updates and see if that changes anything15:29
patogenri47614 and astro76: Thank you. I would like to be able to use the window key instead, but esc is good for now :)15:30
incorrectthank you ompaul15:30
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: ok15:30
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: i'll be back15:30
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: I will be here15:30
demreathis it possible to allow user to change their passwords (via passwd command) without a need of writing the old one?15:30
amenadocarndt-> dyah look here /etc/apache2/sites-available/default15:30
MrPinkhey somehow I changed the key binding for my "Del" button to open up System Monitor... so now it doesn't delete a file, or the following character, but instead opens the System Monitor... any idea how I can change that back via console... cuz I cant find it anywhere else :-/15:31
peppershello, just to say I solved the problem15:31
peppersmy 50-xserver-xorg udev file was faulty :S15:32
ompaulincorrect, enjoy15:32
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: update manager is showing the same updates available (this last time i didnt apply them all). there's firefox left, 15mb download15:32
peppersback to ubuntu, it's working fine. thanks for the help15:32
amenadoMrPink  control-H for vim is delete chars15:32
zerokhi :-) anybody here running apache2 with mod_deflate?15:33
ArelisHi all. I've been blindly using Ubuntu, not knowing if my hardware supports it or not. Can you guys help me with issues i'm having with hardware and tell me if my computer is fully compatible with Ubuntu? I've made a whole document to ask a proper question. It's in pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4411/ <-- Don't let it's lenghtyness scare you away, please.15:33
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: So you did updates except firefox and you are still using intel driver?15:33
MrPinkamenado: The problem is that everywhere my delete button opens up System Monitor... and I wont the standard key binding for delete :(15:33
amenadoMrPink-> one of these days i'll get around learning that too, xmodmap and remapping keys..15:34
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: ok, if i restore this partition, everything works great, but it leaves me tons in updates. First I tried to apply them all and it took me to where i am now. Then i restored the partition and tried just parts of it and it brought me here again.15:35
amenadoArelis if you were already using ubuntu, I take it that it already worked for you?15:35
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: this last time i tried to leave firefox and libboost out of it, but no go15:35
Arelisamenado, Yes but it breaks down alot.15:35
Arelisamenado, it doesn't work as good as Windows does15:35
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: i did that now because i have also tried to apply ONLY firefox and libboost before and the same thing happened15:35
amenadoArelis-> what do you mean it break down a lot? like what breaks down?15:35
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: I am running out of ideas.. but try to figure out which of those updates is causing the problem, then see if it is realtred to something you installed manually15:36
amenadoArelis-> "good as" is relative, have you gotten any virus on you ubuntu lately?15:36
Arelisamenado, Well i haven't had it happening for sometime now, because i have just reinstalled Ubuntu. But things like kernel issues, libraries missing, apt-get segfaulting all the time.15:36
Arelisamenado, virus? not that i know of.15:36
amenadoArelis right, so "good as" is relative15:37
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: that's the thing .... i tried to ... but it seems to be the update itself. If i apply ONLY firefox and libboost, i come to this. If i apply the rest and leave firefox and libboost out of it, i come to this too.15:37
mindtwitchHi everybody15:37
Arelisamenado, windows in general has been more stable, faster, less likely to break down.15:37
amenadoArelis-> what exactly have you been doing with kernel and libraries that is missing?15:37
Magus_XArelis: but windows is a timebomb15:38
linus__^i've just installed ubuntu 7.10, but when i type `su -' it ask me a root password! does exist a default root password?15:38
Magus_Xmay explode when you don't even expect15:38
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: What all have you installed manually, and hopefully, you did not use envy or automatix to get your intel working15:38
brobostigonArelis: unix is the most stable system i have ever seen, more stable than any i have ever tried.15:38
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:38
Magus_Xlinus__^: use your user password15:38
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: i dont even know what envy or automatix are15:38
amenadoArelis-> you already seemed to have made up your mind, mind is set, you have to give the new stuff a chance15:38
mindtwitchAnybody point me in the right direction. Installing server and when initiates partioner I just get a blank screen. Tried a couple times but no luck. Could it be bad partition or bad drive?15:38
Magus_Xah yeah, and do not use su, use sudo15:38
Jack_Sparrowlinus__^: USe sudo or gksudo15:39
Arelisamenado, Well i had that happening two times: at the first time, i was screwing around with windowmanagers and desktop environments. Then suddenly programs wouldn't start anymore, so i went to a console and saw an error message i posted to #ubuntu-bugs. But the second time it was a fresh install of ubuntu with no customizations like that. And it happened again.15:39
amenadolinus__^-> nope,15:39
Magus_Xand you can use sudo -r su15:39
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: and again, the critical point is the update thing ... from these servers u saw on pastebin15:39
Arelisbrobostigon, Yes, so that's why i'm wondering.. why isn't it here?15:39
Magus_Xto get su15:39
linus__^so with ubuntu i CAN'T log as superuser?15:39
notsoquick!sudo | linus__^15:39
mohbanawhy do i keep having to reinstall the nvidia drivers each time i upgrade?15:39
ubotulinus__^: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.15:39
brobostigonArelis: linux is architecturely the same as unix, and unix is here,15:39
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: THe only time we seem to have problems with updates is when a person has installed something manually from outside the repos and it creates a conflict15:40
notsoquickmohbana cos that is the way of nvidia not talking to the developers of sudo15:40
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: first time, i applied them all. in the end it said all updates were applied successfully, but after reboot i come to the same low graphics mode15:40
notsoquickmohbana cos that is the way of nvidia not talking to the developers of the kernel15:40
Magus_Xsudo -r su does get su working right?15:40
Magus_Xif you need su, try it15:40
JoelitoAnyone if Anjuta can create JAVA applications? Seems that by default uses C, C++ and gtk+15:40
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: I really dont have any answers at this point.15:40
Arelisbrobostigon, did you read the list of my hardware?15:40
notsoquick!supportroot| magus_x15:40
ubotumagus_x: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)15:40
erawfishJoelito: can't15:40
Joelitoerawfish: ok, thanks.15:41
brobostigonarelis: sorry. no, i must have missed it15:41
erawfishJoelito: eclipse15:41
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: i installed manually: wine, tried to install java machine (from original site), kiba-dock (which never worked) and awn15:41
Arelisbrobostigon, <Arelis> "I've been blindly using Ubuntu, not knowing if my hardware supports it or not. Can you guys help me with issues i'm having with hardware and tell me if my computer is fully compatible with Ubuntu? I've made a whole document to ask a proper question. It's in pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4411/ <-- Don't let it's lenghtyness scare you away, please."15:41
amenadoArelis-> it is enlightening isnt it to mess around with windows manager, do you do the same to windows and get back a full system?  we may be able to assist you in resolving some problem..any specific ones?  one a time off course..15:41
brobostigon!hcl | arelis15:42
ubotuarelis: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:42
erawfishArelis: what's the problem?15:42
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: ok, but then again ... why doesn't it just let me choose i810 again? If i go to screens and settings and choose i810, i will close it and reopen it and see VESA there. It doesn't save what i choose15:42
erawfishedit xorg.conf, write i810 there and run startx15:43
erawfishall whnen X is closed of course15:43
erawfishthen it will error. you paste the Xorg log and we might be englightened15:43
Jack_SparrowArelis: FYI. when you play with window decorations and get totally lost...  try this next time..  http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/15:44
Areliserawfish, Ubuntu has been unstable, (i caused most of the damage). But Ubuntu is more stable than Windows, and i didn't break Windows.. so i'm thinking it is in the hardware15:44
MrPiracyerawfish: it is there already, but X doesnt seem to get the settings from this file15:44
MrPiracyerawfish: want me to post the log file?15:44
notsoquickerawfish perhaps sudo dpkg_reconfigure xserver-xorg would be of use to that user more so15:44
erawfishArelis: unstable is a useless error description. try harder15:44
ArelisJack_Sparrow, I didn't mean that kind of window manager. I meant switching to bare-bones environments like WMII, DWM and fluxbox15:44
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: I can only suggest one more thing to try.. rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity   then restart x15:44
amenadoArelis  lets do it this way okay? have your fresh install, and modify only one feature at a time. let us know where it fails, then we can assist15:45
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: what will it do?15:45
erawfishMrPiracy: reset all gnome settings15:45
erawfishsomething that won't help but sounds good15:45
Jack_SparrowMrPiracy: look at the site I linked above for Arelis15:46
MrPiracyJack_Sparrow: ok, will be rite back15:46
MrPiracyerawfish: lol15:46
notsoquickmrpiracy you could start your machine with a livecd and then mount your hard drive - after that copy the working X profile from the live cd to the hard drive and reboot15:46
amenadonotsoquick-> very good idea and suggestion15:47
Jack_Sparrowerawfish: I was thinking that since he manually installed awm and some things that it couldnt hurt to try since he has full partition backup15:47
Jack_Sparrownotsoquick: HE has a good xorg.. he only has a problem after applying updates.15:47
MrPiracynotsoquick: how do i copy the working X profile?15:47
amenadonotsoquick-> if the liveCD iso can be mounted, it can be copied from it directly, i believe it is the filesquashfs.squash file15:47
incorrectstill can't figure out why i can't create a new screen :(15:48
Kibbleshaving problems setting up ATI card15:48
MistressMelindaserver irc.bondage.com15:48
amenadoMrPiracy-> hang a few..let me see if i can grab it from livecd iso..15:49
MrPiracyok, let me ask a question .... does the X login page use a different config file than gnome?15:49
erawfishMrPiracy: it can15:49
erawfish!ati | Kibbles15:50
ubotuKibbles: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:50
erawfishKibbles: what card is it?15:50
MrPiracythe whole problem is that after updates and reboot, i get this "low graphics mode" popup before the login15:50
Kibbleserawfish: x240015:50
notsoquickmrpiracy sorry it appears your issue is slightly different, I suggest sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and pick your driver from there15:50
MrPiracyand whatever i change in that has no effect15:50
erawfishfglrx it is then. pr vesa15:50
theunixgeekHow do I get the default Ubuntu window theme back after having installed emerald? :(15:51
MrPiracyok, will do that again ... last time it froze on monitor detection, i'll bypass it this time15:51
notsoquickmrpiracy do this sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop this stops X now in the console do the full trick but you should have a valid xorg.conf file which works in your /etc/X11 directory form a previous install15:52
Kibbleserawfish: thanks, that looks like a good candidate ;)15:52
amenadonotsoquick and MrPiracy shoot, i just mounted filesystem.squash  (the liveCD environment) and found no  etc/X11/xorg.conf  which i believe is created when initrd of livecd  starts15:52
amenadoi thought the filesystem.squashfs have the xorg.conf15:53
notsoquickamenado you boot from the livecd and that creates a reasonable xorg.conf on the live system which can then be used15:53
amenadonotsoquick right, at first i thought it had a default xorg.conf laying around, aparently its created live15:54
rudolphhello I have a problem. I just installed Ubuntu desktop 7.10 on a Dell Inspiron 510m laptop. and when i try to login with my account it says you are not allwed to access system configuration, What to do?15:54
emma I am about to do a fresh install of gutsy... Is there anything I should be aware of before I start?15:54
emmaI am currently running Feisty15:54
MrPiracyi just did the reconfigure thing ... will reboot, brb15:54
pharumtry sudo15:54
rudolphand i cant even enter X15:54
rudolphbut with the "ubuntu" account i can login15:55
rudolphand i cant even su from there15:55
Jack_Sparrowemma: If possible, create a seperate /home partition15:55
emma Ok I have heard that from a few people so I will try to do that.15:56
emmaHow big should it be?15:56
Jack_Sparrowrudolph: sudo of gksudo15:56
emmaGive root 10 G and home partition the rest?15:56
uuumanHi. Anyone know how to install wine I can only install Thanks15:56
emmawill it be fairly clear how much is available when Im going through the install process?15:56
Jack_Sparrowemma: If you have a lot of space give root an extra 1015:56
emmaRight now I dual boot windows and feisty fawn.  If I put in the install CD will it be able to recognize I'm trying to do a fresh install over the current ubuntu but still let me dual boot?15:57
ACe_maCwhere is the trading channel here, anyone15:57
Jack_Sparrowemma: yes, the manual partitioning is quite clear15:57
emma20 G for root?15:57
emmaI have a 200 G hard drive, but I just bought a 500 G external drive.15:57
Jack_Sparrowemma: do this.. fdisk -l  L is the last letter15:57
uuumanHi. Anyone know how to install wine I can only install Thanks15:58
Jack_Sparrowuuuman: Ask in #winehq15:58
emmaOkay it just gave me some information. I'm not sure which of the information you would like to know though.15:58
erawfishemma: all of it15:58
ACe_maCany cashiers here?15:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:58
Jack_Sparrowemma: WOuld you mind posting it to the pastebin15:58
amenadoemma once you get to the partitioning portion, only mark the new paritions for formatting and do not mark the older ubuntu and windows partitions,15:58
emmaNo I don't mind.15:59
emmaamenado - I don't understand.15:59
MrPiracygrrrr nothing seems to work15:59
MrPiracyeverything brings me back to this15:59
emmaI thought we wanted to mark the older ubuntu partitions.15:59
ahorriblemesshello everyone, good morning.. or something15:59
uuumanthanks sparrow will do15:59
Jack_Sparrowamenado:  If she wants a new ubuntu she would need to remove the old ubuntu partiton15:59
amenadoemma it means when you are manually partitioning, you pick and choose which partition to touch and format, so I suggest leaving those old partitions alone16:00
rudolphJack_Sparrow : gksudo and then?16:00
Jack_Sparrowahorriblemess: Good Day works...16:00
emmaMy aim is to leave windows alone, to continue to dual boot, but to get rid of the old ubuntu and replace it with a fresh ubuntu.16:00
rudolphi still cant su after it16:00
rudolphneed reboot?16:00
magnetronif i bought a nvidia GeForce 8500GT, how well would it work in ubuntu gutsy?16:00
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> nope, i have done it where i leave the old ubuntu partitions alone,16:00
ahorriblemessCan anyone help me with removing a program? I have Wolfenstein, but I would like to remove it, I assume whatever code I learn can be applied to any program right?16:00
Jack_Sparrowamenado: I can have several linux installs, but that is not what she asked16:01
Magus_XIT IS GODLY16:01
amenadoemma oh, you want to get rid of the old ubuntu, the yeah, reformat the old ubuntu partition16:01
ahorriblemessi cant get the security fix16:01
Jack_SparrowMagus_X: Please lost the caps16:01
ahorriblemessand i have to return my computer for a new one16:01
emmaOkay. I do want that. I want to replace the old ubuntu with the new ubuntu.16:01
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> yep i missed what she said about removing the old one..i usually save the old one just incase type of thing..heh16:01
m6784can anyone help me compiling a kernel with standard ubuntu settings?16:01
Jack_Sparrowamenado: And in this case we want to add a seperate /home...16:02
ahorriblemessnice flood, did anyone else get that or am I just lagging?16:02
emmaThe pastbin link is not working yet.16:02
Jack_Sparrowemma: Do you want to upgrade instead, and keep most of your settings and all that16:02
danand_no - got that too16:02
eagle-101ahorriblemess, its another server joining in16:02
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> that too, i usually have a separate /home, but if I already have that in the older ubuntu (ie a separate /home) I just re-use it16:02
eagle-101ahorriblemess, we all got it :P16:03
danand_ahorriblemess - that happened on #debian too16:03
ahorriblemessok well anyway, can anyone tell me how to uninstall programs?16:03
emmaJack_Sparrow - I really want to do a fresh install. I've already copied my current home folder to the external hard drive, and I'm hoping to copy it back to the new home folder.16:03
ACe_maCcan anyone assign me to a trading channel thanks16:03
=== danopia`school is now known as danopia
incorrecti've logged in using my admin user, sudo -i' su - anotheruser,   when i try to run screen as anotheruser it tries to use the pts that my admin users is using16:03
emmaI want to do a fresh install, create a home partition, and fix some things I might have broken.16:03
vinshi do you know how convert png files into one avi video ?16:03
Jack_Sparrowamenado: and if she had a seperate home rihgt now, she would be golden for installing the newer ubuntu right16:03
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> yep16:03
shiwarayaHello. when I activate my second monitor, desktop get streched bigger than screen. how can i resolve that?16:03
ahorriblemesscan I just delete the folder or do I need to use a code?16:03
emmaThe ubuntu paste bin... what is the link? The link above doesn't work.16:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:04
Jack_Sparrowamenado: I need to go.. could you take a look when she gets her fdisk -l posted...16:04
rudolphwhats going on is not UBUNTU 7.10 compatible with DELL Laptops!?16:04
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> sure, ill cover16:04
Jack_Sparrow http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org16:04
eth01rudolph, nothing last time i checked16:04
danand_ahorriblemess - there are several ways to remove packages on ubuntu - either with gui tools like synaptics or with command line tools like apt-get.16:05
Jack_Sparrowamenado: thanks  emma   take care...16:05
amenadorudolph-> i thought you said earlier you were able to install successfully?16:05
rudolphyea but i cant login16:05
rudolphsays you are not allowed to blabla16:05
emmaOh thanks very much amenado and Jack_Sparrow16:05
rudolphi cannot even set root paswd16:05
amenadorudolph-> you logged in as the regular user?16:05
rudolphcannot su16:05
amenadorudolh you sure you have the correct password?16:05
amenadomaybe caps locks are on?16:06
rudolphno no16:06
jribrudolph: do you know about sudo?16:06
rudolphi can login16:06
Jack_Sparrowrudolph: You have multiple user accounts?16:06
ompaul!sudo | rudolph16:06
uboturudolph: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.16:06
rudolphbut after logon screen it says privileges are not enough16:06
emmaamenado - Here is what it says -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55479/16:06
amenadoemma let me take a peek16:06
rudolphso i cant start gnome or whatever it is16:06
rudolphlet me see what it says exactly one mom16:07
scorpion77люди я русский16:07
xxxque hay buen dia16:07
xxxnecesito ayuda16:07
PriceChild!ru | scorpion7716:07
jrib!es | xxx16:07
ubotuscorpion77: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:07
ubotuxxx: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:07
Jack_Sparrowemma: What about your windows drive info16:07
amenadoemma when you did a  fdisk -l  only that drive shows? what happened to your sda sdb sdc sdd sde ?16:07
scorpion77здесь есть русскоязычные16:07
Jack_Sparrowemma: your current ubuntu install drive info16:07
emmaI dunno.16:07
emmawhen I did fdisk that's what showed up.16:07
amenadoemma  fdisk -l16:08
Jack_Sparrowsudo fdisk -l16:08
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.16:08
nadermanhey everyone, I got a new pc and tried to install ubuntu, it has a fakeraid (in raid1 mode) and I set that up from the livecd (using dmraid and fdisk) then started the installation until it quite because grub wasn't installable, then installed grub from chroot, then I tried booting up in recovery mode and got some errors about apic, so I added noapic to grub config, and ran update-grub again, however now I only get the grub console when boot16:08
nadermaning up, anyone got an idea why?16:08
xxxsome one here speak spanish?16:08
Jack_Sparrowemma: SIlly me.. sorry16:08
jribxxx: /join #ubuntu-es16:08
emmaThere more has shown up.16:08
rudolphthe computer clock appears to be wrong16:08
rudolphit says16:08
rudolphthe session might encounter issues16:08
nadermanalso when I try to boot from live cd again and install dmrad, it no longer shows my partitions which it did before16:09
amenadoemma re pastebin it16:09
rudolphi just had to ignore16:09
amenadonaderman-> can you try having a separate /boot partition when installing? it may help in completing an install16:10
emmacorrection ^16:10
nadermanamenado: I can do that sure16:10
nadermanbut why would that help?16:10
amenadonaderman i read somewhere that the loaders before have difficulty booting off of a raid..but proly its corrected now16:11
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot16:11
emmaOh I get what that is saying, it's describing the two hard drives I have. First the internal one, and the partitions, and then it mentions the external one.16:11
emmaYou see the internal one is 200 GB and the external one is 500 GB16:11
nadermanamenado: actually I cannot do that anymore because dmraid -ay doesn't do anything anymore, so /dev/mapper/isw_something doesn't exist anymore, whithout which I cannot create any partitions16:12
amenadoemma that sda3, is your old ubuntu, yeah go ahead and repartition it, and add /home also16:12
nadermanamenado: well it worked first time, but I somehow messed something up now16:12
nadermanI guess I did some mistake on the second grub-update, but I have no idea what16:13
amenadonaderman-> well it looks like a re-install is in order16:13
amenadonaderman wait..16:13
nadermanamenado: well I'd do, if dmraid would find my hdds?16:13
amenadonaderman you can not boot at all?16:13
Jack_Sparrowamenado: what about sda3 being her new root and a new partition on the 500 gig for /home of whatever size she wants and the rest of the 500 for windows or ntfs?16:13
nadermanamenado: yes16:13
nadermanall I get right now is the grub console when booting16:13
triton-- how can i upgrade to alsa 1.16?16:13
emmahow are you able to tell that sda3 is the old ubuntu?  Why does sda2 have an * after it?  And what are those 4,5 about?16:13
amenadonaderman yikes..what kind of prompt are you getting now?16:13
erawfishnaderman: grub cannot boot from raid partitions16:13
nadermanerawfish: huh it worked first time?16:14
erawfishEnemy: * is the boot flag16:14
Magus_Xcan't? :<16:14
naderman(also this is a fakeraid, not a real one)16:14
emmashould I format everything except the windows partitions?16:14
erawfishemma: it is irrelevant16:14
nadermanand there's a lot of howtos online which explain how to do it, and it works for those people16:14
xander__hey how can i configure sound on my laptop16:14
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> that sounds wonderful, all emma has to create on the internal is the /  and swap partitions, the /home can be anywhere else like the 2nd drive16:14
nadermanso grub can do this, I've seen it boot fine16:14
howdoudoIs there a way to open the terminal via a keyboard command?16:14
erawfishnaderman: plase show me one16:14
Ro1I have accidentally deleted some files from /usr when I was trying to delete a stubborn application from Wine. Is there a way to retrieve them back?16:14
nadermanerawfish: one sec16:14
astro76howdoudo: set one in system > prefs > keyboard shortcuts16:14
erawfishRo1: what filesystem?16:15
nadermanerawfish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:15
Jack_Sparrowamenado: she doesnt even need to mess with partitions on sda.. just let the installer reformat the existing16:15
Ro1erawfish: ext316:15
emmaI think the part I'm worried about is doing something wrong and wiping out windows also.16:15
emmaI need to dual boot for now.16:15
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> yep, just reformat the existing16:15
nadermanerawfish: as I said all of that worked fine, I just forgot to set noapic, so the kernel boooted and then after a bit froze for that reason, and after changing the grub config and rebooting I only get the grub console now instead of my menu16:15
emmawill the installer be smart enough to just replace the old ubuntu but leave windows alone?16:16
xander__my laptop is lenovo y41016:16
danand_Ro1 - no way to recover files from journalled filesystem16:16
amenadoemma-> the partitioneer will tell you the old ubuntu partition exist, and ask you what you want to do with it16:16
howdoudoastro76 that allows me to edit the ones that are already established but not to add a new one.16:16
emmaWell let's hope this works.16:17
Jack_Sparrowemma: yes, just select sda3 and mount as /  create new partiton on the 500 of whatever size you want and mount as /home .. oh, and I really am gone.. the wife is giving me that look ... take care all..16:17
emmaI guess the worst case senario is that I wipe out and destroy everything.16:17
Ro1danand_: Do I have to reinstall Ubuntu again?16:17
nadermanerawfish: and another one here: http://wiki.eyermonkey.com/My_Ubuntu_%287.10%29_Installation16:17
amenadonaderman-> would it work if you add  noapic on grub during boot? ie modify the boot parameters?16:17
astro76howdoudo: there's an entry for "Run a terminal" which has no shortcut by default16:17
danand_Ro1 - if you know what packages the accidental delete ruined you can just use apt-get to reinstall them16:17
erawfishnaderman: so what did you set root as in grub?16:17
emma(well i can't put a home partition on the 500 GB drive since it's an external USB drive and probably too slow)16:17
Ro1I see.16:18
nadermanerawfish: (hd0,1)16:18
danand_Ro1 - do you know what packages/files you deleted16:18
naderman(hd0,0) is my windows, (hd0,2) is swap, no other partitions16:18
erawfishnaderman: hd0,1 is not a raid partition, is it?16:18
amenadoemma you can use your external as /home16:18
nadermanerawfish: no it's not16:18
nadermanit's not a software raid16:18
emmabut my external is a usb drive..16:18
xander__can anyone help me configuring sound on my laptop16:18
nadermanthat's why grub can understand it16:19
emmawont it be too slow?16:19
emmato read and write?16:19
erawfishnaderman: what is device (hd0) ?16:19
nadermanerr actually16:19
erawfishnaderman: that'S the problem if you want to boot from raid16:19
nadermanhd0 is /dev/mapper/isw_cryptic_Volume016:19
amenadoemma i doubt it, proly only at the beginning..systems files are not written to it16:19
nadermanwhich however is /dev/sda and /dev/sdb via dmraid16:19
emmaI was thinking of making a home partition on the internal and then using the external to store media and documents.16:19
astro76emma: that's probably the best idea16:20
vi390is there a solution to time limit a login (for Limiting Kids Session time Per Day) ?16:20
amenadoemma you can do that too..i myself use external drive for downloads16:20
howdoudoastro76 I guess I am blind this morning. Thank!!!16:20
nadermanerawfish: what I did was exactly as in the howto: device (hd0) /dev/mapper/<RAID_SET_NAME>    # hd0 represents the first hard drive in my computer, the "raid disk", none partition16:20
astro76emma: also that way you don't lose your /home if the external is unplugged16:20
Jack_Sparrowemma: you will end up deleting sda3,4 and 5 , recreating an extended in order to get a seperate home on the internal drive16:20
astro76howdoudo: you're welcome16:20
nadermanand then root (hd0,1)16:21
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> the wife, the wife...hehe16:21
emmaYeah I'm worried for Jack_Sparrow  :|16:21
Jack_Sparrowamenado: You see the issue.. right.. and yes.. time for breakfast16:21
Jack_Sparrowemma: all that sounds scarier than it realy is16:22
amenadowe will take care of emma16:22
emmaWhat is involved in the 'reacreating an extended.. '16:22
Jack_Sparrowgreat thanks16:22
gpgpok guess this works then16:22
emmayes thanks Jack_Sparrow  ! Enjoy breakfast!16:22
nadermanerawfish: you following me?16:22
gpgphello channel users16:22
RoboCopi need a server with root access. but i dont have much data transfer and connectivity speed requirments and no restrictions. can any one recomend a good lowest cost dedi.. and with root acces. vps dds ..?16:22
nadermanmy problem right now is probably only, that somehow dmraid -r does not list any partitions16:22
emmaOkay I guess I'll try to do it now!16:23
ikoniaRoboCop: this is ubuntu support - not hosting company advice16:23
nadermaneven though it correctly detects my hd as raid, and /dev/sda2 contains the right data16:23
amenadoemma once you get to the partitioner, it show what you have and basically delete the old partitions to create the bigger spaces to become new, then edit the new to create those subpartitions16:23
seanwlo all.16:23
seanwOn gutsy gibbon I am playnig /wmv files in totem16:23
seanwBUt all of a sudden the movies won't stretch the full size of the window anymore.16:23
seanwWhy would they not do this?16:23
astro76RoboCop: try #linux16:23
seanwTHey are small films but I don't mind the distortion16:23
emmaOkay yes. Edit the new to create the subpartitions. And the subpartition I want to make is the /home folder.16:23
nadermanerawfish: it does list /dev/sda and /dev/sdb now, but it doesn't create the /dev/mapper files :/16:24
gpgpperhaps you hava a locked aspect ratio seanw16:24
amenadoemma 3 new, /   /home and swap16:24
emmaI have to make those three...16:24
papuccino1Question: I've taken a look at these stencils for Kivio, but they're pay-for. What gives? I thought it was all free for Linux?! Can someone point me to some 100% free alternatives?  Here is the link: http://www.thekompany.com/products/kivio/stencils.php316:24
emmado I give them names?16:24
amenadoemma if you decide to put /home in the internal, otherwise only two16:24
emmaOr is it just sda1, sda2, and sda3 ?16:24
emmaAnd I should give 10+ GB to root,   how much to swap? And everything else to home..16:25
xexeuFirefox do not access some links. Can someone help me?16:25
Xsss4hellWhy does Syncropated not find my MP3 Player? I have a Meizu M6 miniPlayer16:25
papuccino1xexeu what links?16:25
amenadoemma partitioner ask you which partitions you create and mount point to associate (/ and swap), and then reformat,16:25
papuccino1Where can I find free stencils for Kivio?!16:25
Xsss4hellit says: no masstorage device found..16:25
seanwgpgp, I am on auto aspect ratio :(16:25
vi390how can I time Limit a Login Session ?16:25
Xsss4hellbut I Ubuntu recognizes it16:25
gpgpso are they only the true res of the file then ?16:26
amenadoemma swap is usually 2x the ram, /  partition is 10 gigs is more than enuff16:26
emmaOkay let's hope that the partitioner gives good instructions..16:26
emmaOkay, I guess my ram is 1 GB so 2 GB for swap.16:26
emmaOkay I'm going to try it and see what happens. :)16:26
emmasee you all hopefully....16:26
amenadopapuccino1-> not all are free in linux16:27
xexeupapuccinol, http://www.t37.com.br/ATHWS.DLL on t37 online must show a ship image, but dont show16:27
seanwgpgp, yeah, it is just showing me what the file actually is. Earlier on today it was stretching - I don't know what I changed :)16:27
lz7amenado: i have 2 gb of ram and ubuntu installer shoose 1.2 gb for swap partition. who know better, you or ubuntu installer?16:27
papuccino1amenado: so there's no free stencils? I find that hard to believe.16:27
cirubuntuhallo everybody!...I lost my wireless after last update...is there a way to  reinstall it from my LIVE CD??16:27
amenadolz7-> trust your instincts :)16:27
ikoniacirubuntu: no. What wirless card do you have16:28
gpgpthis is in totem ?16:28
amenadopapuccino1-> i honestly dont know what a stencil is, a drawing?16:28
cirubuntuPRO&Wireless 3945 ABG...16:28
ikoniacirubuntu: intel ?16:28
papuccino1amenado: Stencils are like pieces of diagrams for a flow chart. Kivio is a flow-chart designer. Have a look at this website and you'll see: http://www.thekompany.com/products/kivio/stencils.php316:28
astro76lz7: the installer, the 2x rule is nonsense16:29
ikoniacirubuntu: define not working. is the card still seen, or is it just not connecting16:29
nadermanerawfish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+bug/180688/comments/2 oh dear that sounds like my problem :(16:29
nadermanit only works once16:29
papuccino1lz7; I agree, use the installer recomendation.16:29
cirubuntuafter installing ...Ubuntu automatically install my wireless card...but I lost it now..16:29
ikoniacirubuntu: define lost, is the card not visable any more, or will it just not connect16:30
Xsss4hellWhy doesn't Syncropated find my MP3 Player? I have a Meizu M6 miniPlayer MTP Mode is on currently. ????16:30
amenadothose rule of thumb using 2x the ram is old stuff, when people use to know how to read dumps, which now many do not..hehe16:30
cirubuntuWhen I open the connections it ca just see the cabled connection...no wireless16:30
seanwgpgp, yup.16:31
ikoniacirubuntu: ok - so the card is not visable. first thing to do is check the kill switch on the laptop16:31
ikoniacirubuntu: also look at the output of dmesg16:31
xexeuFirexof do not show image of a ship. Can someone help me?16:31
DoYouKnowwhat's the best way to install supercollider in gutsy?16:31
ikoniaxexeu: image of a ship ?16:31
ikoniaDoYouKnow: cupser collider ?16:32
cirubuntuikonia..kill switch??16:32
amenadopapuccino1-> they are selling theirs not free, I guess you just have to look around for similar and compatible with your drawing package16:32
DoYouKnowikonia, audio processing16:32
ikoniacirubuntu: hardware switch that enables/disables our wirless card16:32
amenadopeople forget about the  o f f / o n switches..hehe16:32
ikoniaDoYouKnow: what do you mean by install it ?16:32
likwidtekWhat's up, I was VNC'd into ubuntu and VNC crashed my gnome session.  I have ssh access to the machine, so how do I log the machine back into a gnome session from SSH?16:32
ikoniaamenado: the last 3 people that asked about it with me had turned it off16:33
astro76likwidtek: try: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart16:33
DoYouKnowikonia, well, I want to install the i386 package on my amd6416:33
astro76likwidtek: oh sorry that won't log you in16:33
amenadoikonia-> i would not doubt it...the buggers are well hidden16:33
DoYouKnowusing the 32-bit libraries, etc16:33
ikoniaDoYouKnow: thats a significat task16:33
DoYouKnowbut I don't even see it in the 64-bit repos16:33
cirubuntuikonia...I allready cheched it...infact now I am logged using live cd16:33
ikoniaDoYouKnow: you'll need pretty much a full 32bit environment on your 64 bit system16:33
ikoniacirubuntu: do an "lsmod" on the live cd, and then on your install and compare the two16:34
=== chris-_ is now known as chris1
amenadolikwidtek-> you are ssh'd in? did you use -C -Y or -X option when ssh'ing in?16:34
nadermanhmm can I somehow make the livecd operate in ram and from disk entirely?16:34
erawfish /lastlog naderman16:34
ikonianaderman: thats what it is doing16:34
ikonianaderman: the live operates in ram16:34
Xsss4hellIs the MTP-MSC Mode not working in Linux??16:34
nadermanikonia: not exactly16:34
amenadolikwidtek-> then if you did,  once you are logged in,   gnome-session &16:34
nadermanikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+bug/180688/comments/216:34
ikonianaderman: what about that ?16:35
Xsss4hellbecause I can't use my mp3 player in rhytmbox and syncropated16:35
cirubuntuand than?...come back to you?16:35
likwidtekamenado no, what are -C  _Y -X for?16:35
nadermanwell the livecd does take free space on the hdd to use it as swap16:35
ikoniacirubuntu sounds good16:35
ikonianaderman: yes, it will need swap as it's running in ram16:35
[M]orpheushow do I burn Blind write files? that *.b00, *.b6i16:35
ccanyone benchmarked the new hardy boot time?16:35
nadermanikonia: yeah and now read that comment16:36
cirubuntuok.. cu in a while?16:36
amenadolikwidtek-> if you man ssh  those options should be explained, i dont remember exact verbage...X for Xwindows16:36
ikoniacc whats the point it will be hardware specific16:36
RoboCopasdrubal yes?16:36
erawfishnaderman: dmraid stores info about mappers somewhere. while I dunno where it is stored on some disk sector16:36
erawfisherase it and you can start fresh16:36
ikonianaderman: dmraid is a bad technology on linux16:36
ccikonia: sure, but it should be comparable to gutsy - or am I totally wrong here16:36
erawfishikonia: dmraid is a bad tech, period16:36
ikonianaderman: software raid worrks16:37
nadermanerawfish: hmm ok, so I need to find it?16:37
nadermanikonia: well I want this fakeraid16:37
ikoniacc: wrong16:37
nadermanand it works too, I just have to get it right first time16:37
likwidtekamenado oh I see what you mean like SSH tunneling16:37
ikonianaderman: rhen don't expect ubuntu to support it16:37
amenadolikwidtek-> yes sir..16:37
nadermanikonia: huh? ubuntu supports it?16:37
ikonianaderman: no16:37
cirubuntuIKONIA ...how can I send that looong file to you_16:37
nadermanoh it's in universe yes16:37
[M]orpheushow do I burn Blind write files? that *.b00, *.b6i16:37
likwidtekamenado I just want to start the gnome session local to that machine so I can vnc into it like normal I don't wanna forward X11 to this computer.16:37
ccikonia: well, ok16:37
ikoniacirubuntu: pstebin16:37
nadermanikonia: still software raid has problems too16:38
ikonianaderman: no its dost16:38
cirubuntuikonia ...how to use it?16:38
ikonia!paste | cirubuntu16:38
ubotucirubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:38
xexeuikonia, at www.t37.com.br t37 online vessels schedule do not show the camara image16:38
nadermanikonia: dual boot?16:38
likwidtekI just wanna ssh in have the local session kick off like normal.  I think to whatever it's called localhost:1 or whatever16:38
ikoniaxexeu: activeX plugin ?16:38
ikonianaderman: yup16:38
nadermanikonia: well software raid doesn't quite cover that16:38
speedcorehi is there anyway to see what version of the live cd one has booted.. I got 2 livecds .. one is amd64 the other is the standard16:39
andrisphello, i have a problem with Rhythmbox. All my music resides in /media/sda2/Music, but I have a link to it /home/andrisp/Music. In rhythmbox i selected it to scan only the later dir, but now it seems that it scaned both paths and i have all songs twice. What to do ?16:39
ikonianaderman: cover what ?16:39
amenadolikwidtek-> i dont know how that is done lest you are in front of it,  the pam login modules detects if you are logging in remotely or locally, and starts the display manager accordingly16:39
xexeuikonia, how to install this plugin?16:39
asdrubalTra la la lala16:39
ikoniaxexeu: active X doesn't work16:39
asdrubal#1 solution to rhythmbox = don't use it16:39
ikoniaasdrubal: please don't make random noise16:39
xexeuI thiin so16:39
nadermanikonia: well i have two disks, and want them to be mirrored, and run windows and linux on them16:39
andrispasdrubal, stupid solution16:39
user01does anyone know how to add other languages to spellcheck in openoffice?16:40
ikonianaderman: so use windows OS raid and linux softrware raid16:40
nadermanwindows OS raid?16:40
Under_Cgood afternoon from Santiago, Chile...16:40
ikonianaderman: windows has raid functionality in it16:40
Under_Cis there any help channel in spanish?16:40
amenado!es | Under_C16:40
ikoniaUnder_C: ubuntu-es16:40
ubotuUnder_C: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:40
nadermanikonia: which is supported by linux ntfs drivers? that's news to me.16:41
Under_Cthanks a lot!16:41
laylfi installed ubuntu and then vista. i lost the bootloader, so i ran sudo grub via a ubuntu live cd. i used: root (hd0,0) and setup (hd0). now i lost vista. how do i add them to the bootloader menu? (vista?).16:41
ikonianaderman: no, that won't be supported as it's dependant on the windows OS being running16:41
xexeuikonia, I dont know what happen. Just clicking on the link and it must show an image from a camara. But It doestnt happen16:41
likwidtekthanks for your help16:41
nadermanikonia: exactly, so instead I just want to use two mirrored disks, which both OSes can work with16:41
nadermanand that is possible with dmraid16:41
ikonianaderman: your using technology which has technical issues, so your pretty much on your own.16:42
Under_Cmmm... first time here, what is the command to add another channel?16:42
wolfman2323hi.. how could i install beryl?  is that the one that makes the cube effectS? thanks...16:42
picard_pwns_kirkwolfman2323: are you on Feisty?16:42
nadermanikonia: what technical issue?16:42
ikoniawolfman2323: beryl is dead, compiz-fusion is the replacment its already part of gutsy16:42
wolfman2323picard.  gutsy16:42
amenadolaylf-> do you know which partition your vista is on? add an entry into your menu.lst for it16:42
nadermanthe software seems to work pretty much fine to me?16:42
ikonianaderman: fake raid is a weak technology16:42
picard_pwns_kirkwolfman2323: you have compiz fusion then16:42
wolfman2323ikonia.. how could i make the cube..16:43
nadermanmany things are weak ...16:43
ikonianaderman: well, your a minority16:43
wolfman2323picard... how to make the cube..16:43
ikoniawolfman2323: join #compiz-fusion16:43
nadermanand I'm not asking anyone else to use this, I'm just trying to figure out how to boot16:43
picard_pwns_kirkwolfman2323: right click on the desktop, choose "change background" and click the effects tab16:43
yotuxIs the world not ready for 64bit oses yet seems there are allot of fall back going 64bit16:43
ikonianaderman: there are no initfs modules for it16:43
amenadoyotux am not, never had a 64bit cpu yet.. :)16:44
ikonianaderman: plus grub trys to install the virtual disk by default rather than the physical boot sector of either disk16:44
fiXXXerMetI am running a game in full screen mode in my second workspace.  How can I change to the first workspace without exiting the game?  I can do this with fluxbox with a hotkey.16:44
yotuxI installed 64bit ubuntu and it seems that most of the stuff I use is in 32bit16:44
nadermanikonia: not sure I understand what you're telling me?16:44
amenadoyotux same in windows, not many 64bit stuff out there yet..32 bits is fully usable still16:45
keonihas anyone else experienced their sound just stop working with 7.1016:45
wilI need to edit some fla templates... I looked in add remove but saw no flash editing programs, does anyone know of any?16:45
ArelisHi all. just now, something happened that made me unable to login, unable to start a shell, unable to open a terminal window (it opens, but it hangs and gives me an empty prompt..). I know one thing: i executed this command: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - <-- Canceled it, and then.. boom. System unresponsive. <-- if THAT is a dangerous action.. So really, is there something wrong with my har16:45
ikonianaderman: 1.) I'm not aware (doesn't mean doesn't exist) of any initfs modules to make fake raid volumes visable to grub (for menu.lst for example) 2.) grub will try to intall the boot loader onto the virtual disk of a+b rather than the physical disk of a or b16:45
Arelisdware? or is Ubuntu SUPPOSED to behave this way? (Everything you do, boom, crash.)16:45
kasrafiXXXerMet: try ctrl+alt+directions16:46
ikoniaArelis: sounds like hardware issues16:46
yotuxArelis:  the only place that I have ever seen crashes where in alpha release16:46
fiXXXerMetkasra: That doesn't work (it does now, but not when the game is running)16:46
nadermanikonia: I already booted from a fakeraid volume a few minutes ago16:46
nadermanso it works16:47
Arelisyotux, ikonia: Really? so it wasn't my fault?16:47
ikonianaderman: ooh really, thats interesting how did you get grub to use the fake raid partition for /boot/menu.lst16:47
asdrubalikonia, it's true. Better to use any other app..Amarok is a bloated beast too. I reccomend against it as well16:47
ikoniaArelis: most probably as thats a generic crash16:47
asdrubalWhen is 8.04 ubuntu scheduled for release?16:47
yotuxArelis: are you running an alpha release?  8.10 i think16:47
ikoniaasdrubal: what ?16:47
nadermanikonia: see the fakeraid howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:47
ikoniaasdrubal: 04 0816:47
vallhalla81fiXXXerMet what game are you running16:47
ikoniaasdrubal: it's in the name16:47
ikonianaderman: I've read through that before16:47
Arelisyotux, ikonia: Because in that case: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4411/ <-- A whole document containing ALL the info you need on my PC.16:48
nadermanikonia: well it has the edits in there?16:48
amenadonaderman did adding  noapic on grub during fix or not at all?16:48
ikonianaderman: I'll re-read16:48
Arelisyotux, ikonia: Please, help me via the e-mail address because you guys may leave IRC.16:48
ikoniaamenado: why noapic for fake read16:48
ikoniaArelis: help you do what ?16:48
nadermanikonia: unrelated16:48
ikoniaArelis: I'm not mailing you16:48
zolberghi all16:48
nadermanI just need that too16:48
asdrubalikonia, , oh doh16:48
ikonianaderman: thank you16:48
amenadoikonia->  he was saying that was a missing piece, and i suggested if adding it during boot fixed it16:49
yotuxArelis:  Compiz is still alpha I think16:49
Arelisikonia, Help me find out the cause of those crashes. Many times people've been telling me it was my fault. And many times it was. But sometimes i experience crashes like these.16:49
Arelisyotux, not running compiz.16:49
ikoniaamenado: so you just picked a random kernel parameter16:49
nadermanamenado: well when I tried to add noapic I used /dev/sda because dmraid didn't add the mappings16:49
nadermanturns out that was a stupid idea, as now it doesn't work at all anymore16:49
[M]orpheushow do I burn Blind write files? that *.b00, *.b6i16:49
amenadoikonia->  that was his telling me, noapic  he forgot to add16:49
nadermanand I'm not really familiar with grub16:49
nadermanso I haven't figured out yet how to boot with noapic from that console16:50
zolbergcan anyone help me with iconv?)16:50
yotuxArelis:  I do not have any visual effects running on my pc and things seem to work better for me.16:50
amenadonaderman-> my question is more of taking notes..curiousity..16:50
nadermanikonia: btw. you find the relevant bit for grub under "Set Up the Bootloader for RAID"16:50
kasra[M]orpheus: google burn b.0016:50
yotuxArelis: That could solve some the gnome and compiz issue you stated in your paste bin16:51
nadermanif you haven't found it16:51
Arelisyotux, Compiz is disabled.16:51
Xsss4hellIt seems as if I need to edit the UDEV-style hotplug map for libmtp in /etc/udev/libmtp.rules16:51
ikonianaderman: just read-reading ht elot16:51
roddersganyone here running 6.06-2 server with samba ?16:51
Arelisyotux, and it has long been16:51
shiwarayaHello. When i activate double monitor, my desktop get streched to an area bigger thean the screen. How can i solve this please?16:51
Xsss4hellThis would help everybody owning a Meizu Player!16:51
astro76Arelis: using Gutsy?16:51
Arelisastro76, yes.16:51
astro76Arelis: proprietary 3d drivers?16:52
amenadoshiwaraya-> out of curiosity too, how do you even activate dual monitor? which app you have to enable or run?16:52
wousseris ubuntu.com down?16:52
Arelisastro76, yes. fglrx16:53
shiwarayaamenado: out of the box, ubuntu 7.10 can manage two monitors in SYSTEM/ADMINISTRATION/Screen and graphics16:53
stefano_highly depends on your graphics card whether it'll work or not though16:54
nadermanamenado: ok, noapic from console fixed that problem at least, but now it can't find the root filesystem anymore as I messed that up by using /dev/sda for the grub update16:54
astro76Arelis: I would run without that for awhile and see if you still crash16:54
stefano_if i run the latest update (flashplugin-nonfree) my flashplayer doesnt work anymore and i have to do a manual install16:54
Arelisastro76, without fglrx?16:54
shiwarayaThe problem activating the second screen is that my desktop gets bigger than the screen so i have to scroll. Anyone can solve this issue?16:54
astro76Arelis: yes16:54
shiwarayaHow can i fit my desktop size to my screen size?16:55
Arelisastro76, i doubt it, as when i DIDN'T have fglrx, i had even MORE random crashes.16:55
speedcoreI got 2 diffrent Live CDs one is AMD 64 and the other in the standard... The thing is I have no text on them so I can't tell which one is which one? is there anyway to check..  I'm on Livecd right now16:55
amenadonaderman its good to know that info...16:57
picard_pwns_kirkspeedcore: guess16:57
amenadoshiwaraya  your video card has to have dual output too I assume?16:57
eschey, anyone have experiance with the fglrx radeon xgl and compiz combo16:57
nadermanamenado: the noapic wasn't related to the fakeraid though, I just needed that for my core 2 quad16:57
amenadonaderman ahh, those info you provide is good for my notes..i dont know what noapic is used for really16:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:58
Flare183How can i calculate the number of sectors, heads, and cylinders when I only have the size of the harddrive16:58
shiwarayaamenado: yes i have a nvidia gforce4 with dual output, one digital and one analog16:58
PeecoWould installing ubuntu next to windows result in the error "Windows XP cannot find any hard disks" when trying to do a fresh XP install? Thanks16:59
bullgard4[Nautilus] English help wanted. Right-click on a filename opens a shortcut menu. What is the exact English name of the sixth item in it? Is it 'Make a Link' or how?16:59
shiwarayaAnd dual monitor is working but with that bigger desktop that i have to scroll16:59
Xsss4hellno help16:59
speedcoreis this the 64bit kernel?  Linux ubuntu 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux16:59
RB2I'm having a memory lapse. What's the command to view the current open network connections?16:59
amenadoshiwaraya thats good info to know, i had a ati 9250, but my mobo dont support agp 8x so, am just taking notes on what people do16:59
erawfishPeeco: no. what is your harddisk controller?17:00
astro76speedcore: no, 32bit17:00
amenadoRB2  lsof -i17:00
erawfishRB2: netstat -anp17:00
=== seanw is now known as yoda
speedcoreastro: what told you that?17:00
astro76speedcore: i68617:00
speedcoreastro76: ok and the 64bit is?17:00
astro76speedcore: can't remember either x86_64 or amd6417:00
posr hi i got problem :( this happens today when i install slackware 12 when i install nvidia drivers he can't see my video card then i set up windows xp and when i install drivers i don't see desktop but without drivers i see help17:00
shiwarayaamenado: actually my cheap gforce works owesome. Runs 3d and compiz and i can play flight simulator with a pentium 2.417:01
erawfishposr: this is #ubuntu. you are in the wrong channel17:01
Peecoerawfish: erm, where can i locate this?17:01
silverbladeI've got a wide-screen and everything looks squished in X. How can I sort this out?17:01
silverblade(squished as in, vertically - everything looks fat/wide)17:01
erawfishPeeco: in ubuntu: lspci17:01
amenadoshiwaraya-> you have my envy :(  my mobo does not even allow me to boot once i plugged this video card in..so i must remove it17:02
erawfishPeeco: but we don't support windows here17:02
posrerawfish i don't know where to ask?17:02
erawfishposr: NOT here17:02
Lettuc3does linux have the need for defragmenting, if so, is there a utility for it?17:02
astro76posr: #slackware or ##windows would be a good start17:02
erawfishLettuc3: it doesn't17:02
silverbladeLettuc3: dont think so and dont think so17:02
Peecoerawfish: indeed17:02
freak_lickcan some1 help me with enabling my SD card reader on my toshiba Tecra A8??17:02
erawfishsilverblade: 2nd answer is wrong btw17:02
Lettuc3erawfish silverblade i've noticed fsck mention fragmented files, doesn't this impact on performance?17:03
posrastro76 thanks17:03
silverbladeerawfish: damn.17:03
erawfishLettuc3: no17:03
freak_lickIt worked in PCLOS out of box17:03
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:03
silverbladeLettuc3: not as much as it used to with FAT.17:03
Lettuc3erawfish silverblade er ok. thanks :)17:03
[M]orpheushow do I burn Blind write files? that *.b00, *.b6i (already tryed google)17:03
x-punkhow do I convert video files to h264?17:03
freak_lickcan some1 help me with enabling my SD card reader on my toshiba Tecra A8?? It worked with PCLinuxOS 2007 out of box.. so I bet it can work with ubuntu.. I have Gutsy..17:04
bastid_raZorx-punk; mencoder .. possibly17:04
amenado[M]orpheus-> umm you can have an entire directory converted to an iso and then burn the iso image after?17:05
x-punkbastid_raZor: ok17:05
jw144000My hard drive has crashed and I want to restore some files and back them up before I do a full re-installation of both Windows XP and Ubuntu, can anyone help?17:05
erawfishjw144000: boot from a livecd and access your hdd17:05
[M]orpheusamenado, how is that? U mean extract the file?17:05
freak_lickjw enter live linux cd and back up files17:05
amenado[M]orpheus-> so you put all your .b00 .b6i in one directory and make that whole dir an iso17:05
posrWhere lives bill geit i need help?17:05
jw144000erawfish: I'm in the livecd now, and when I try to access my HD, it says it's unable to mount17:05
amenado[M]orpheus-> extracting will be, mounting the iso file and then extract the files you need17:06
[M]orpheusamenado, will not work, i need to open that file like an iso...17:06
erawfishjw144000: which hdd partition? ntfs or ext3?17:06
[M]orpheushow do I mount that file?17:06
freak_lickchange /etc/fstab file17:06
lukaszwhenever i follow these instructions I get a logout freeze http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_Catalyst_8.1_Driver_Manually17:06
bullgard4[Nautilus] English help wanted. Right-click on a filename opens a shortcut menu. What is the exact English name of the sixth item in it? Is it 'Make a Link' or how?17:06
jw144000It won't boot Windows XP17:06
nadermanikonia: any ideas on what I could do?17:06
posrkillall nautilus17:06
erawfishjw144000: use a windows live cd. #ubuntu is the wrong channel for you. good bye17:06
amenado[M]orpheus->  mount -o loop -t iso9660 /where/the/iso  /mountpoint17:06
Paki_m_bored_in_Hi all in alsa sound control wat is iec958 under switches?17:06
freak_lickcan some1 help me with enabling my SD card reader on my toshiba Tecra A8?? It worked with PCLinuxOS 2007 out of box.. so I bet it can work with ubuntu.. I have Gutsy..17:06
erawfishnaderman: dd the whole disk from /dev/zero17:06
[M]orpheusamenado, I mean that .b00 files17:06
lukaszI get a logout freeze even on Ctrl-Alt Backspace17:07
nadermanerawfish: heh I hoped I could avoid that17:07
erawfish!repeat | freak_lick17:07
ubotufreak_lick: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:07
bastid_raZorjw144000; more than likely a restore from the windows cd will save the day.. i'm guessing you've tried dual booting?17:07
nadermanerawfish: think I should be able to skip the windows partition though?17:07
amenado[M]orpheus-> i dont know what that .b00 file is, is it a file system that linux recognize?17:07
nadermanI mean it worked before when that one already existed17:07
erawfishnaderman: no clue, you cn try17:07
jw144000bastid_razOr: well, I was trying to make a partition to my hard drive and it messed up17:07
[M]orpheusamenado, hummm is a game iso... but something called blindwriter is need to open... just in win =\17:07
unicumany pidgin user here who can tell me what i need to do to be able to use another smiley theme??17:08
erawfishnaderman: I told you, it writes something to some plce which you want to be erased. wherever that is17:08
lukaszHelp pls17:08
nadermanI'm trying to locate just that one place17:08
amenado[M]orpheus-> the way i would do it, is again mount the iso, to then have those individual files and let the application point to it to handle it ?17:08
bastid_raZorjw144000; the xp cd can fix alot of mistakes that windows makes. windows puts system files at the end of a partition and when you change the partition it erases those needed files.17:08
erawfish[M]orpheus: if you haven't noticed already: this is not ##windows and this is no OS that supports blindwrite. ask the maker of that manure software to support their stuff. NOT ubuntu17:09
bastid_raZorjw144000; in most cases the restore/repair option in the windows cd will put those files back on the partition and fix your issue17:09
cirubuntuHelp!! I lost my wireless card!!...and I got the result from a lsmod...17:09
wilI need to edit some fla templates... I looked in add remove but saw no flash editing programs, does anyone know of any?17:09
DracheI have a quick question regarding an ubuntu server installation. It appears as though the machine is restarting at random times, but I'm not too sure what the problem could be. There doesn't seem to be any errors in the syslog related to the reboot, but it's hard to tell. Does anyone have any ideas? :)17:09
jga23where are the ubuntu default icons stored?17:09
Paki_m_bored_in_Hi all in alsa sound control wat is iec958 under switches?17:09
[M]orpheuserawfish, wow man, dont need to be rude... i'm trying to sue that file on linux... its like an iso, i found a converter but doesnt work... if u dont want to help... shut up17:09
[M]orpheusamenado, there is two files with 2.0gb... its like an iso... but doesnt mount =\17:10
RB2I'm seeing a lot of strange connections outgoing from my machine... any way to track them back to a specific process?17:10
leblinuxHello, in what Package is  "autopoint" located ?17:10
yasererawfish, [M]orpheus , i think the same as Morpheus17:10
[M]orpheusall of this is a iso: flatout2.b00  flatout2.b01  flatout2.b6i  flatout2.b6t17:10
erawfishRB2: I told you17:10
Jack_Sparrowjga23: Which icon are you trying to replace, different ones are in different places17:10
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:10
amenado[M]orpheus-> as i have said, linux will mount file system it recognize, unrecognized one, it just fails17:11
erawfish[M]orpheus: you currently violate the LAW. so please go elsewhere17:11
jga23Jack_Sparrow: I just want to use of the icons for my applications (from the human theme)17:11
cirubuntuHelp!! I lost my wireless card!!...and I got the result from a lsmod...17:11
erawfishcirubuntu: what chipset?17:11
[M]orpheuserawfish, hummm, ok ok... just asking help to mount an iso... that is a backup from the DVD I BROGTH17:11
erawfishleblinux: packages.ubuntu.org17:11
russerawfish how is he violating the law by using something he owns on a machine he owns17:12
erawfish[M]orpheus: doesn't matter. copying copyprotected CDs/DVDs is against the law. the law might suck but it is still the law. please ask elsewhere17:12
Jack_Sparrowjga23: /usr/share/icons/human17:12
[M]orpheuserawfish, backuping it isnt!17:12
jga23Jack_Sparrow: thanks17:12
patogenWhat is the software which I can use to add a blank line to every 4th lin?17:12
leblinuxerawfish, is this url correct?17:13
amenadoJack_Sparrow-> emma is not back yet...so i assume she is still installing..hehe17:13
leblinuxits not opening here.17:13
cirubuntuerawfish intell17:13
erawfish[M]orpheus: you circumvent a copyprotection which is illegal under the DMCA and EUCD. so you are mistaken. you have no right to backup17:13
erawfishcirubuntu: which one? there are at least 417:13
shiwarayamy desktop got stretched bigger than my screen size-resolution. Desktop effects are disabled. How do i solve that?17:13
yasererawfish, [M]orpheus , thats not the law in every country17:13
ubotupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:13
[M]orpheuserawfish, ok ok man, didnt want to talk about that, just want to mount a f.. iso.. so think the iso is a video album that u recorded17:14
astro76it is in this channel however17:14
amenadoshiwaraya-> curious is that effect on both, the analog view and the digital view?17:14
cirubuntuerawfish:  Prowireless 3945 ABG17:14
erawfish[M]orpheus: please don't lie. you make it worse17:14
[M]orpheuserawfish, hahaah17:14
erawfish!wireless | cirubuntu17:14
ubotucirubuntu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:14
shiwarayaamenado: yes both monitors have a double size desktop17:14
yasererawfish, [M]orpheus , some people never understand17:14
leblinuxcan I build a debian package from a source that has a debian direcotry?17:14
brobostigonin england you are allowed to backup a dvd or cd, but only for backup, nothing else,and keep it as backup and never use it,17:14
astro76!packaging | leblinux17:14
ubotuleblinux: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:14
bardyr[M]orpheus, sudo mount /iso/file.iso /where/to/mount -o loop17:15
amenadoshiwaraya-> okay noted..17:15
[M]orpheusbardyr, thanks man, but is another kind of iso... .b00 files17:15
picard_pwns_kirkdoes anyone know what kind of bot the FloodBots are?17:15
amenadobrobostigon-> really? back up and no ability to use it? hehe17:15
erawfish[M]orpheus: if it's a CD you bought you have the original and can make copyie with software other than blindwrite. HTH. HAND17:15
shiwarayaamenado: actually im using the digital output as an analog using a converter coz i havent got a digital monitor17:15
bardyr[M]orpheus, .r00 ?17:15
erawfishamenado: no one ever said the law has to make sense17:15
benpicco_Hi, i have no sound in UnrealTurnament 2004 - there are no error messages and aoss doesn' help, too17:15
cirubuntuubotu: a guy asked to post the result of lsmod in installed version and in LIVE CD version...17:15
Jack_Sparrowpicard_pwns_kirk: Home grown...17:15
cirubuntuubotu: I have it now...17:16
amenadoerawfish-> touche`  (spelling?)17:16
[M]orpheuserawfish, in the time I made the iso I was on work, win machines... now the DVD is with a friend in other state =\17:16
astro76cirubuntu: ubotu is a bot, go ahead and restate your question and give us a link to your pastebin17:16
astro76!paste | cirubuntu17:16
ubotucirubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:16
erawfish[M]orpheus: which means you have NO RIGHT to have and use that CD. you are illegal unedr berne convention EVERYWHERE:17:16
Jack_Sparrow[M]orpheus: Then you have no rights to it17:16
erawfishdrop that piracy talk please17:16
shiwarayaplz, nobody have a clue of how to solve my problem?17:17
asdrubalRock on mah bros17:17
erawfishshiwaraya: pastebin your xorg.conf17:17
brobostigonasdrubal: rock on17:17
lz7laws are designed by rich to make more money17:18
lukaszBy the way I am using Ati Radeon Intergrated Mobility 20017:18
shiwarayaerawfish: pastebin?17:18
lukaszTe drivers are fglrx17:18
Jack_Sparrowlz7:    See offtopic17:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:18
nadermanerawfish: I tried dmraid's erase feature, but I think that was even worse than /dev/zero all over the hdd ^_^17:18
=== yoda is now known as seanw
kazim51ctually my ubuntu installation gets stuck after 82% completion showing "Configuring Apt (Scanning mirror...)" ....can u tell wats the problem ?17:18
[M]orpheuserawfish, why? I leaned the dvd17:18
nadermannow it tells me there are no RAID disks17:18
Jack_Sparrowkazim51: remover your network connect next time and it wont try to update...17:19
[M]orpheusthat I bought erawfish17:19
cirubuntuubotu:  make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic  ...what do You mean?17:19
astro76kazim51: non-working internet connection? is it wired or wireless? if wired pull the ethernet cable17:19
Harmman pidgin is the worst IRC client ever17:19
nadermanyup that actually deleted my raid config17:19
nadermanwhatever, I'll just start fresh17:19
Jack_SparrowHarm: Agreed, but there are lots and lots of others17:19
astro76Harm: heh it's not an irc client is the problem ;)17:20
lz7[M]orpheus: just dowload a real iso from torrents man LOL17:20
astro76just hacked in poorly17:20
shiwarayaohh i have many xorg.conf files in etc/x11 wichone is the right one?17:20
Jack_Sparrowlz7: Please stop..17:20
brobostigonharm: i use many differnet protocolls for IM, so i prefer to have only one prog open than 4-517:21
maybeway36shiwaraya: the one thats just "xorg.conf"17:21
amenadokazim51-> I now remove the pc I install from the network, faster install completion, and once done, then i connect the network stuff and do updates..17:21
astro76Harm: try xchat for irc17:21
cirubuntu astro76:  make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic  ...what do You mean?17:21
shiwarayamaybeway: erawfish: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55481/17:22
astro76!paste | cirubuntu17:22
ubotucirubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:22
bullgard4[Nautilus] English help wanted. Right-click on a filename opens a shortcut menu. What is the exact English name of the sixth item in it? Is it 'Make a Link' or how?17:22
kazim51Jack_Sparrow, amenado, astro76, I'll try this. Thanks for help.17:22
astro76cirubuntu: use that web site to paste what you were asked to get17:22
zLoSteRhow can i adjust subtitles delay in TOTEM ?17:23
zLoSteRis anyone knows ?17:23
lordleemo_bullgard4: copy17:23
astro76bullgard4: "Make Link"17:23
cirubuntuastro76: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55482/17:23
DRebellionzLoSteR, totem is a waste of time. you can do all sorts of advanced stuff like that with mplayer.17:23
lukaszHelp pls17:24
astro76cirubuntu: you should restate your question to the channel17:24
ussermplayer is a piece of junk u can do all that and more with xine17:24
bullgard4astro76: Thank you very much for your help.17:24
brobostigoneven better is vlc17:24
cirubuntuastro76: My wireless card doesn-t work anymore after an update...but it works just from LIVE CD..i am using now.17:25
amenadoanything more better? hehe17:25
bastid_raZorvlc has poor subtitle support.. my opinion is mplayer17:25
drew_chicagohow can I resize a partition that has unallocated space BEFORE the partion?17:25
maybeway36resize, then move?17:25
astro76drew_chicago: you have to move then resize17:25
brobostigondrew_chicago: try gparted17:26
maybeway36sounds right17:26
cirubuntuastro76: I posted the result of the command lsmod for both the LIVE CD and INSTALLED VERSION17:26
astro76cirubuntu: good, hopefully someone can help ;)17:26
=== mewshi__ is now known as Mewshi
witepaHi, I have an interesting problem... I have a WUSB54GC USB wireless card... and I have the driver installed, but for some odd reason I only have access to google.com... but no other sites. What is the problem?17:26
shiwarayaany help with my xorg.xconf --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55481/17:26
cirubuntuastro76: what do u mean?17:26
sandy_I don't speak english17:27
amenadowitepa   can you  paste your  route -n  and iwconfig results.. use pastebin please17:27
cirubuntuastro76: could you help me?...what shall i wait?17:27
astro76cirubuntu: the way the channel works is you ask a question, and wait for someone to answer17:27
lukaszIm gonna try something17:27
unicumdoes pidgin 2.2.1 (ubuntu 7.10 gutsy) actually support other smiley themes?17:27
drew_chicagotried gparted, wasn't too clear how to do it. what do I move? the full partion or the unallocated space?17:27
astro76cirubuntu: I would if I had an idea17:27
sandy_what ?17:28
maybeway36you want to resize to fill it up?17:28
cirubuntuastro76: do i have to stay connected or come back later?17:28
maybeway36drew_chicago: resize the partition17:28
astro76cirubuntu: stick around, reask every 10 minutes or so if no one answers17:28
kritzstapffor me vlc scales subtitles in the wrong direction, so when i do fullscreen the subs get huge, is this a known bug?17:28
nadermanerawfish: think it might be an idea to leave some space between the windows partition and the linux partitions?17:28
drew_chicagomy / partition is full I need to make it bigger. I have unallocated space before the partion but gparted won't let me resize, move nothing17:29
astro76cirubuntu: also try searching ubuntuforums.org while you wait17:29
cirubuntuastro76: how can i see if somebody found a solution?17:29
astro76cirubuntu: they will respond directly to you as I am doing17:29
Jack_Sparrowdrew_chicago: You cant resize a mounted partition.. you will need touse live17:29
bastid_raZorkritzstapf; it isn't a bug. vlc just has poor subtitle support. i suggest mplayer as an alternate player that has excellent subtitle support17:29
nadermanerawfish: maybe the live cd will use that space then, and leave my dmraid alone17:29
astro76cirubuntu: your irc client should hilight when someone uses your nickname17:30
ArelisCan anybody help me? I can't login to my system anymore via the system consoles (TTYs), and a terminal refuses to work too. There's many bash processes, and my CPU is running at 100%. Here is a screenshot: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/3664/schermafdruknk5.png17:30
erawfishdrew_chicago: are you booting from the / that is too small?17:30
drew_chicagoJack_Sparrow, I did try a live CD, Ubuntu live, gparted live CD, same result17:30
cirubuntuastro76:...I would just to reinstall the wireless card using my LIVE cd....17:30
kritzstapfbastid_raZor: of course it is a bug, does anyone expect a player to scale subtitles wrong?17:30
Jack_Sparrowdrew_chicago: you can also burn /var/cache/apt/archives to a cd or dvd then delete the contents to make room for now17:30
cirubuntuastro76: is it possible?17:30
drew_chicagoerawfish, yes it boots and it works but its 99% full17:30
bastid_raZorkritzstapf; okay, i don't think #ubuntu is the place to ask about vlc bug issues though :)17:30
astro76cirubuntu: no that's not what you want to do, that is for certain ;)17:31
hyper__chis ubuntufourms down?17:31
erawfishdrew_chicago: boot from a livecd nad DON't have the / mounted17:31
artspacerestricted-manager segfaults for me - what is the old fashioned way of enabling nvidia driver please?17:31
erawfishartspace: apt-cache search nvidia|grep nvidia17:31
cirubuntuastro76: did you recive my link and command result?17:32
witepaamenado: K, almost uploaded17:32
drew_chicagoJack_Sparrow, backup of apt/archives is a good idea, thanks. I'll try the live CD again, but I don't think the drive was mounted17:32
Jack_Sparrowdrew_chicago: See also aptoncd17:32
amenadowitepa okay17:33
hacked``how can I make c++ look for files first in usr/local before looking in usr/17:33
witepaamenado: route -n http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55484/ iwconfig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55485/17:33
drew_chicagowell I'm off to see if that works, hopefully I won't be back. thanks17:34
jacekowskiis chance for netinstall of ubuntu on sony vaio through wifi?17:34
amenadowitepa where is the result of  route -n  ?17:34
=== lordleemo_ is now known as lordleemo
amenadojacekowski-> i have not heard of such to work, pxe via wifi...17:35
amenadojacekowski-> but ethernet yes..17:35
antaninghi all, i've a problem with ubuntu 7.10 audio on an acer 5920g, when i use headphone, the on-board sound is not disactivated17:35
hacked``today I tried to compile something in ubuntu, but the openssl installed lacks IDEA, I wanted to enable IDEA in openssl and compiled it and installed it to usr/local, I don't want to overwrite what was installed by the system in usr17:35
hacked``i know I can change the include statement to point to usr/local but is there a way to change the behavior, like in short my question is how can I make c++ look for files first in usr/local before looking in usr17:35
antaningmay someone help me?17:35
wildoes anyone know of a good program that allows me to edit flash files and a program that allows me to mount iso files as cd rom drives?17:36
witepaamenado: the route -n is right here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55484/17:36
DRebellionwil, 2) mount -o loop file.iso /path/to/mountpoint17:36
wilDRebellion: thanks again for help!17:37
shiwarayawhat is the comand to reconfigure xorg?17:37
amenadowitepa those both looked good, can you ping your ?17:37
jacekowskiwil: iso images - mount -o loop /path/to.iso /place/to/mount17:38
MasterShrekshiwaraya, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:38
acee1234can anyone tell me how to keep my computer from freezing when i try to restart x or even log out using ati x1400 with restricted drivers17:38
shiwarayaMasterShrek: tx17:38
witepaamenado: no, 100% packet loss17:39
amenadohacked``-> the order of directory read is how they are on the PATH right? so maybe adjust the order in the PATH whichever path the library requires17:40
amenadowitepa ping your localhost and the ip address assigned to it?17:40
antaningi've a problem with audio on ubuntu 7.10, using headphone the system doesn't switch off on board audio, may u help me?17:40
menllyosanyone has got a website or something describing how users and groups work in linux?17:41
ubotuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo17:41
DRebellionmenllyos, just ask here ;)17:41
lz7antaning: try updating sound system or 8.0417:41
DRebellionlz7, please do not recommend people to use hardy.17:41
menllyosi dont necesarily want to add users... i just want to know how the user/group system works :)17:42
witepaamenado: that works17:42
warriorforgodmenllyos: wikipedia17:42
warriorforgodmenllyos: just type in linux users or linux groups17:42
antaninglzt i'd like to keep my os17:42
amenadowitepa-> are these addresses assigned to you static?  maybe you can paste your  /etc/network/interfaces file too?17:42
kurtismy school has instructions for accessing a personal network drive on windows XP, is there a synonymous way to do that in Ubuntu17:42
sarthor Hi, I want to block any of image of size "http://ads1.msn.com/ads/1/0000000001_000000000000000163044.jpg", I am using "deny_info" in squid. but the images on the website changing day by day, how can i tell to squid to block the image of this site and put my own banner there???? Help please17:43
DRebellionkurtis, what sort of "personal network drive" is it?17:43
amenadokurtis-> you have a usb drive? thats your personal drive :)17:43
kurtisDrebellion, Im not quite sure, all it says is that i would need to go into my network places and use the add network place wizard. then once in there type a web address like this https://homedir.csbsju.edu/homedir/username17:44
ThistleWebhi all, I'm looking for some help in switching back on my window borders in gutsy. I tried to get a better video driver and failed, now after returning everything to the way it was my window borders are missing17:44
DRebellionkurtis, do you have a link to the instructions?17:44
kurtisDRebeliion, http://www.csbsju.edu/itservices/knowledgebase/data/windows/homedirectory.htm17:44
sulleANnyone know a program that i can make some comandore music with?.17:44
amenadokurtis if you were using  kde, the file browser supports   fish:///remotesite/   to view your remote home securely17:45
kurtisamenado, alas i'm in Gnome17:45
shiwarayado i have to activate Kernel Framebuffer device interface in my xserver-xorg?17:45
shiwarayadefault is NO17:46
witepaamenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55487/17:46
amenadokurtis anyhow it just your home/public_html  directory that is exposed. basically your personal web page17:46
DRebellionkurtis, places -> connect to server. then choose (https) WebDav17:47
amenadowitepa can you try to use non roaming see if it makes a difference  set this in network manager17:47
kurtisDRebellion, do i type in the address in the server box?17:48
DRebellionkurtis, probably17:48
kurtisDrebellion, because i tried that and it didn't work17:48
DRebellionkurtis, did you also specify a user name?17:49
kurtisDRebellion, yes, hold on let me try it one more time17:49
hyper__ch local root-exploit for linux 2.6.17 to and --> http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/2/10/817:49
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:50
mcquaidhas anyone used a program that uses clutter with a nvidia card?17:50
kurtisDRebellion, "no host "https" could be found."17:50
mcquaidI'm trying out some programs for media front ends like entertainer and gloss for myth and so far, all of them give me the error:17:50
witepaamenado: It made no difference...17:50
mcquaidfailed to bind GLXGetProcAddress or GLXGetProcAddressARB17:50
DRebellionkurtis, try without putting "https://" in front of the sever17:50
sulleANnyone knows about a program that i can make some commandore music with?17:50
mcquaidi read it might be a nvidia issue but can't find much.  maybe something I have to enable in xorg?17:50
ZaphodBeeblebroxGreetings. I've followed this tutorial to make a bootable write-enabled Ubuntu on my pendrive: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent (The log of everything I've done is at: http://pastebin.ca/898850) and my pendrive's syslinux.cfg is at: http://pastebin.ca/898851  When I try to boot via pendrive I only get a "Boot error" message. Can someone please enlighten me?17:51
amenadowitepa  try this  sudo "ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan0"17:51
yasminanyone know how to set up verizon dsl on 7.10?17:51
DrRighteousHoping someone can help me. I've got my first Ubuntu Desktop (v7.10) running... In the terminal window, keys like - or + come out as different characters. But in programs like Text Editor they work... Can't figure it out.17:51
sn0wis it possible to not have icons automatically appear on my desktop when I mount something?17:51
Forghakrwehgacdgactually, I could use that knowledge as well, XD17:51
adorablepuppyall my windows17:52
sourcemakerdamm... I can use vpn in linux.. what's wrong... I try to connect with a windows vpn server but it does not work The connection is established.. but the route does not work... I can ping the server I require twice... then the route is wrong... no ping17:52
amenadoZaphodBeeblebrox-> does your bios even support booting off of a usb drive?17:52
zodmanerGuys, what IRC client are you using?17:52
ZaphodBeeblebroxamenado: Yes, it does17:52
kurtisdrebellion, hold on one second17:52
ZaphodBeeblebroxzodmaner: Pidgin here17:52
DRebellionZaphodBeeblebrox, ewww! dump that and go for xchat or irssi17:53
acee1234can anyone tell me how to keep my computer from freezing when i try to restart x or even log out using ati x1400 with restricted drivers17:53
witepaamenado: hmm, that is not doing anything17:53
kurtisdrebellion, IT WORKED17:53
kurtisDREBELLION, Thanks a bunch17:53
DRebellionkurtis, :)17:53
amenadowitepa if you  type  iwconfig wlan0  do you still have same ip address?17:53
kurtisdrebellion, thanks a bunch man17:54
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
aladdinsaneWould Ubuntu automatically add it self to my Grub if i installed it? Im running Xubuntu at the moment17:54
ThistleWebcan anyone help with a window border problem in gutsy?17:54
howdoudoIs there a channel for Openoffice that is active?17:54
eagle-101amenado, I don't see why you would have a changed IP addy...17:54
DRebellionaladdinsane, why would you want to dual boot ubuntu and xubuntu? surely you could just install ubuntu-desktop17:54
* Timon_Crazy приветствует всех17:54
warriorforgodaladdinsane: An easier way would be to install ubuntu-desktop17:54
=== AxeZ is now known as AxeZ-aWay
* AxeZ-aWay is Away, Reason: ( AxeZ ) | Since: ( Sunday, February 10, 2008. 12:24:46 ) Xlack v2.117:54
ZaphodBeeblebroxI've followed this tutorial to make a bootable write-enabled Ubuntu on my pendrive: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent (The log of everything I've done is at: http://pastebin.ca/898850) and my pendrive's syslinux.cfg is at: http://pastebin.ca/898851  When I try to boot via pendrive I only get a "Boot error" message. Can someone please enlighten me?17:55
=== nlindblad_ is now known as nlindblad
thiemsterwhenever i press the delete key, ubuntu freezes. i have to unfreeze it by pressing escape17:55
aladdinsanewarriorforgod: ok, so if i install that i could just switch between them without reboot you mean?17:55
amenadoeagle-101-> as a dhcp client if it expired or a new request has been made17:55
DRebellionhowdoudo, #openoffice.org17:56
=== AxeZ-aWay is now known as AxeZ
warriorforgodaladdinsane: yeah, you could just select which environtment you want on bootup.17:56
thiemsterwhenever i press the delete key, ubuntu freezes. i have to unfreeze it by pressing escape17:56
warriorforgodaladdinsane: When you are logging in.17:56
artspaceis there any way to fix a segfault? I have a brand new install and restricted-manager will not open :(17:56
sergiu23anyone knows javascript? i have a question :)17:56
DRebellionartspace, try reinstalling it17:56
witepaamenado: well, hold on a sec, my terminal crashed...17:57
warriorforgodartspace: how fast did you burn the install disk at?17:57
zt7724ZaphodBeeblebrox: you should run syslinux with sudo17:57
ZaphodBeeblebroxzt7724: Oh my... is that it? Can I just redo this single step now?17:58
clearzenwhen I login to my ubuntu server I am always presented with the same default login message. How do I change/delete it?17:58
ZaphodBeeblebroxOr I must redo the whole thing?17:58
amenadoZaphodBeeblebrox-> also it seems you have left out a step? the part where you have to put a manifest?17:58
warriorforgodclearzen: change /etc/motd17:58
zt7724ZaphodBeeblebrox: only this step17:58
thiemsteris there any way to use itunes in ubuntu?17:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:58
artspacewarriorforgod, dunno i did it on a mac and it did not ask17:58
aladdinsanewarriorforgod: ok that sounds good, im gonna try it out, i guess the mase goes for kubuntu then17:58
ZaphodBeeblebroxamenado: Sorry, what do you mean?17:58
zodmanerHm... is the forum down?17:58
artspaceI have installed several systems from this disk before17:58
warriorforgodartspace: try burning again and see if you can find an option to burn at 4x or lower17:59
warriorforgodThen verifty disk integrity from install cd bootscreen menu17:59
amenadoZaphodBeeblebrox-> the whole iso archive has to have a manifest to know the contents..remastering a livecd or bootable usb, I believe you have to have that for the loader to know where things are and if its complete17:59
warriorforgodaladdinsane: sure dost.  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:59
acee1234if no one is able to address my issue with x not restarting who might i ask17:59
warriorforgodacee1234: You can try asking in xorg18:00
ZaphodBeeblebroxamenado: Oh, I've just used the CD I've got from Canonical.... I thought it was enough18:00
amenadoacee1234-> can you log on to a console? then try startx  and see if you get any kind of X window18:00
yasminanyone know how to set up verizon dsl on 7.10?18:00
cvegastupid question - does alternate ubuntu install cd have an utility to resize an ntfs partition?18:01
amenadoZaphodBeeblebrox-> i dont think so, read up on it again and look for key word of manifest18:01
cvegaor is it only livecd18:01
shiwarayaMy desktop got stretched (Bigger) than my screen resolution so it automaticly scrolls, how do i get my desktop the same size than my screen? my xorg.conf --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55494/18:01
warriorforgodcvega download and burn gparted18:01
DRebellioncvega, i would recommend gparted18:01
ZaphodBeeblebroxamenado: I've searched for "manifest". Didn't found any occurrence...18:01
cvegathe gparted livecd?18:01
cvegaand then use alternate?18:01
warriorforgodcvega: yes18:01
cvegalivecd takes forever for some reason.18:01
cvegaeven with 2gb ram18:01
amenadoyasmin-> normally you only plug it in and play, open the browser to point to your dslmodem/router web page which typically are
RoboCopConfiguration failed. The following error occured:18:02
RoboCopCould not detect sqlite3! Please specify the path to the directory containing sqlite3.h via the command line option --sqlite3-includes="/path/to/file"18:02
amenadoZaphodBeeblebrox-> maybe you have to google for it manifest and remastering livecd18:02
ZaphodBeeblebroxlet me try zt7724 suggestion first. If it still doesn't work I'll try with the iso all over again. Thanks for now, zt7724 and amenado18:02
acee1234amenado: trying18:02
DRebellionaww crap18:02
cvegahow reliable is gparted18:02
DRebellioncvega, its fine18:02
cvegai have backups, but still would hate to loose my windows data.18:02
cvegai want to squeeze ubuntu onto my laptop in dualboot with exsiting windows installation18:03
adorablepuppyall my windows start with the title bar just outside the display. Using desktop effects, any way I can fix this without disabling?18:03
cvegais gparted what i need?18:03
amenadocvega if I were you, i would verify your backup first before doing anything else :)18:03
warriorforgodcvega: hwo big is the hard drive?18:03
cvegawith 40gb free...18:03
clearzencvega: the only time I ran into a error with gparted is with a partition over 1TB18:03
amenadocvega-> lots of people find out, that their back up was no good to begin with. so verify first18:03
jaare you polish??18:04
cvegabackup is fine.. just did it.18:04
warriorforgodcvega: You should be able to fit ubuntu in 20 gb to play with18:04
amenadothen use gparted18:04
acee1234amenado: x starts when the computer starts but if i log out or ctrl+alt+backspace my background is the only thing showing and the comp freezes18:04
warriorforgodcvega: yeah, to play with.  YOu can always make the partition bigger later with gparted18:04
amenadocvega doing a backup and verification are two different steps..just giving you a heads up18:04
cvegaubuntu wont have a problem with /boot being over 1024 ?18:04
cvegaover the 1024th block that is18:04
amenadocvega i have /boot in different drives..so i assume nope18:05
RoboCopConfiguration failed. The following error occured:18:05
RoboCopCould not detect sqlite3! Please specify the path to the directory containing sqlite3.h via the command line option --sqlite3-includes="/path/to/file"18:05
* cvega proceeds to mutilate his laptop18:05
didkodddwhats up lamers18:05
amenadoacee1234-> freezes as you can not type anything else?18:06
hacked``guys, does ubuntu only support WEP?  im installing it on my laptop, and it asked me what my primary network card is, so i say my wireless card, then it asks me for my essid, so i enter it, then it asks me for my WEP key, but i use WPA-PSK TKIP, not WEP, and it wont allow me to enter that anywhere, whats going on here18:06
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
DRebellionRoboCop, have you installed libsqlite3-0 ??18:06
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:06
acee1234amenado: there is no place to type everything disappears except my background and the comp freezes18:06
witepaamenado: alright, rebooted. iwconfig wlan 0 says that it does not exist18:06
amenadohacked``-> maybe the driver only supports wep?18:06
erawfishhacked``: wpasuppicant for wpa18:07
RoboCopDRebellion dont know.18:07
DRebellionRoboCop, well, install it then...18:07
amenadoacee1234-> i dont know man, your stuff is voodoo'ed ehehhe..18:07
shiwarayacan someone help me unstretching my desktop?18:07
clearzenhacked``: it will depend on your wireless card if it supports that type of encryption18:07
RoboCopDRebellion  i see it . its installed18:07
amenadowitepa so reload your wifi driver18:07
acee1234amenado: ill get the local exorcist18:08
DRebellionRoboCop, install libsqlite3-dev18:08
hacked``so you're saying i have to add WPA support after i install it ?18:08
hacked``whats the point then18:08
acee1234perhaps Constantine18:08
clearzenhacked``: No, some linux wireless drivers support it. Some dont18:08
witepaamenado: how18:08
warriorforgodhacked``: linux is not windows.  You have to want to make things work sometimes.18:09
amenadoacee1234-> at least you have verified your X works...18:09
asgharneed your help im not able to install my realtek sound driver on ubuntu, my laptop is asus w7j18:09
clearzenhacked``: I don't think you should have to add patches to the drivers though. That would be unusual18:09
amenadowitepa-> whats the chip on your wifi card?18:09
hacked``how will linux change the desktop world, if it wont even enable my wireless card to work on install ?18:09
hacked``see what im getting at here18:09
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:09
AquahallicAfternoon folks18:09
warriorforgodhacked``: Point is ability to freely use and customeize your pc, not have some other company tell you what you can and cannot do with it.18:09
emmaWell I just did a complete new install of Ubuntu.18:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:09
emmaI wiped out my windows partition.18:09
asghari have followed the following link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:09
hacked``now i have to go to another pc, download some wpa supplicant, put it on a usb stick, then bring it back18:09
acee1234amenado: ive heard its some issue caused by the ati restricted driver but being restricted it cant be "fixed"18:09
clearzenhacked``: if you want a prebuilt model don't get legoes18:09
astro76hacked``: what asked you? you should be using the network manager in the tray, I don't think the network control panel supports wpa18:10
amenadohacked``-> umm on the 7.10 liveCd the wpa stuff is there...18:10
longshot77how can I install perl modules using cpan18:10
hacked``amenado, i am using 7.1018:10
witepaamenado: well, it is a WUSB54GC, but I am not sure to what chip it is. Maybe broadcom?18:10
emmaThe choices it gave for making your own partition didn't make sense to me so I just formated the whole hard drive.18:10
amenadoacee1234-> possibly so, i dont have those nice 3-D video cards so i have not really come across such issues yet18:10
lukaszCtrl-Alt Backspace doesn't freeze no more :)18:10
wiljoin #wine18:11
amenadowitepa ahh the infamous broadcom 43xx...maybe they have a solution for it now..18:11
lukaszJust quit logout frezzes18:11
lukaszDamn lil bug18:11
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:11
LiKuiD_SiLeNcEhello everyone.18:11
acee1234amenado: ill continue to snoop around18:11
lukaszI need to find out where the default Compiz  compiz-manager is18:11
oscartu estas aki18:11
amenadoemma why?  it just displays all the partitions it see and then you pick and choose which one you want to format or resize or erase..18:11
DRebellion!es | oscar18:11
emmaSo now I have gutsy and it's on my whole computer. No windows.18:11
ubotuoscar: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:11
sn0wis it possible to not have icons automatically appear on my desktop when I mount something?18:11
witepaamenado: I actually got broadcom 43xx to work on another computer last night!18:11
hacked``astro76, the point is that WPA is not "new technology", its been around for years, and furthermore, if it only supports WEP, a known insecure encryption method, doesnt that say a lot to how unsafe linux really is? see what im saying here? if anything it should only support WPA or higher18:11
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
DRebellionsn0w, don't mount it in /media18:12
witepaamenado: there is actually a non ndiswrapper solution18:12
emmaamenado - It wasn't clear which ones I should change, and when I tried to make my own, I made two, but the third it says was 'unusable'18:12
sn0wDRebellion, thats it?18:12
RoboCopDRebellion . done. what now18:12
DevoustHello all.18:12
astro76hacked``: I'm not in for points or arguments... I have bcm4306 and it does wpa with network manager out of the box, just trying to help18:12
amenadowitepa i heard there are solutions around, i just have not read it yet myself18:12
witepaamenado: but, I am just really confused wtih this situation18:12
clearzenhacked``: wep encryption has nothing to do with the stability or security of linux18:12
shiwarayaa program like FL Studio for ubuntu?18:12
DevoustI got ubuntu finally installed and running.18:12
DRebellionRoboCop, now try again18:12
DevoustBut I cannot find my internet as Im on wifi only18:12
emmabut now, with gutsy, everything is so small.18:12
amenadoemma well at least you are full pledge ubuntu now...hehe18:12
lukaszI got the freeze prob out of the way :)18:12
clearzenhacked``: talk to the wireless card vendors18:12
DRebellionsn0w, what? you want it to be harder?18:13
emmaIs there any way to make the graphics (text etc) larger?18:13
lukaszOnly for Ctrl-Alt Backspace18:13
amenadoemma am a man, we dont like to hear those..hahaha18:13
emmaI think the resolution might be too tiny.18:13
sn0wDRebellion, it usually is18:13
DRebellion!enter | emma18:13
ubotuemma: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:13
shiwarayaim getting pissed of how many problems ubuntu gives me with graphics. Any other more stable distro i could try?18:13
RoboCopDRebellion . all over again. cant  i just locate sqlite3.h ?18:13
emmalol amenado18:13
astro76emma: did your resolution change?18:13
lukaszI got ati shiwaraya18:13
DRebellionRoboCop,  sudo updatedb && locate sqlite3.h18:14
hacked``clearzen, of course WEP has something to do with the security of linux, if my neighbor cracks my wep key, and logs onto my network, linux would be the contributing factor to this breach, as it did not prevent me from enabling WEP, it encouraged me if anything because thats the only option it gave me18:14
emmaYes it seems like my resolution changed. Everything is small. Is there a way to put it back to the size things used to be?18:14
arnduckyhacked``, please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic -- IT security enthusiasts abound there18:14
amenadowitepa  yeah its a hustle to get that usb wifi dongle working plus it is using broadcom chips...yikes18:14
hacked``arnducky, ok18:14
clearzenhacked``: then tunnel your network traffic over gpg18:14
lukaszWhen are  the forums gonna be back up again?18:14
DRebellionemma, system -> administration -> screens and graphics18:14
hacked``clearzen, ok18:14
emmamy screen resolution seems to be on 1280x102418:14
clearzenhacked``: or ssh18:14
FloodBot2oscar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
shiwarayalukasz: i have a nvidia gforce4 suposed to be full compatible18:14
oscaralguine abla español18:15
DRebellion!es | oscar18:15
amenadoemma you can get to System->preferences or maybe administration and look around under those menus18:15
ubotuoscar: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:15
astro76!es | oscar18:15
clearzenhacked``: poit is some cards do support it so only support vendors that allow opensource devs access to the material they need then18:15
tigranHey. When I connect to a server (Windows share), under Places, and then click on it, it takes me to my Home folder instead.Is this a bug?18:15
lukaszIf it asks you to delete something after installing ati people don't delete it18:15
DRebelliontigran, sounds like it18:16
DRebelliontigran, did you specify the right options?18:16
tigranDRebellion: What if it worked a day ago?18:16
HetaUmaany ideas how can I add the 3d plugin for compiz-fusion ?18:16
DRebellion!eyecandy | HetaUma18:17
ubotuHetaUma: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:17
dadeHey so I am dating this ecuadorian girl and we have been on five dates and she flirts with me, but still no kisses after 5 DATES? what should I do? also she is not religious, and only conversates with me via text messages and does not answer when I call..What should I do18:17
emmaOkay this is a little better18:17
DRebellionHetaUma, :/ that's not what i had in mind...18:17
tigranDRebellion: I just clicked Browse Network and that takes me to my Home folder as well. Weird.18:17
* lukasz Wonders when the forums will be up and running18:17
DRebelliondade, you should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic18:17
CarlF1trying to record from mic to file.  before I get to that, trying to use mplayer /dev/dsp - but even without that, my headphones play what the mic pics up, so i can't tell if mplayer is actually reading from /dsp.  anyone know how I disconnect the mic in from the headphone out?18:17
zombie_monkeyI have a question. What handles substitution of glyphs with those fomr otehr fonts when the default one doesn't have the glyph?18:18
RoboCopDRebellion . i have located it. but in the app setup. it says .bash: --sqlite3-includes=/usr/include/sqlite3.h: No such file or directory18:18
AquahallicFolks.... I used to listen to a specific radio station from Windows Media Player... now that I'm on ubuntu and I go to that page with firefox I see it load up a little Play button and status bar but it seems the stream is not starting up..... is there some plugin I need that will let me listen to my old windows media player formated streams??18:18
shiwarayabotting ubuntu takes forever because of trying to check a removed hard disk. I allready comented those disks on fstab and still doing the same. how can i solve it?18:18
arnducky!offtopic | dade18:18
ubotudade: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:18
emmaThe resolution was on 1280x1024 but its much easier to look at when it is on 1152x864  .     Why do you suppose that is?18:18
oscaralguien me puede aydar18:18
DRebellionAquahallic, i would recommend mozilla-mplayer18:18
HetaUmaDRebellion, do u know if it is included in the repos or should I install it manually ?18:18
s0u][ighthello i can't shrink my c:\ can anyone help me? got vista running18:18
thiemsterwhen i start openoffice, it starts in fullscreen. how do i get it out of fullscreen?18:19
lukaszyey almost complete18:19
RoboCopDRebellion  why18:19
thiemsters0u][ight: use gparted18:19
AquahallicDRebellion: is that a stand-alone player or a plugin to fire off something else like rhythmbox or something???18:19
thiemsters0u][ight: get the live cd18:19
tigranthiemster: Close it when its not mazimized. It should remember the last size.18:19
zombie_monkeythiemster: isn't it a better diea to do it with vista's built in partition editor?18:19
HetaUmathiemster, ctrl+shift+J18:20
s0u][ighti got the live cd but didn't understand how it worked18:20
s0u][ightit is ntfs18:20
thiemsterzombie_monkey: it works really well for me18:20
nemilarThis is freenode right?18:20
lukaszvery simple s0u][ight18:20
DRebellionAquahallic, that will play in the browser18:20
tigranDRebellion: Oh. I'm pretty sure this started after I installed Hamachi. Could that be a cause?18:20
RoboCopDRebellion  you there18:20
DRebellionRoboCop, yeh, one second18:20
thiemsterHetaUma: i'll try it18:20
shiwarayaare my questions to difficult? should i just reinstall ubuntu?18:20
RoboCopDRebellion  k18:20
jerkfacewhen will the forums be back online?18:21
darknaturei don't believe ubuntu is reading my intel 945 mobile graphic right. Its acting like its not sending the amount of FPS it should. I set my graphic card to share maxDVT of my memory please help18:21
thiemsterHetaUma: nope, doesn't work18:21
zombie_monkeySo does anyone know what handles substitution of glyphs with those from other fonts when the default one doesn't have the glyph?18:21
Aquahallicwill rhythmbox handle windows media player format??18:21
thiemsterHetaUma: it is starting with the right toolbars in openoffice, but it just covers the entire screen18:21
DRebelliontigran, did you install from source?18:21
lukaszI hope soon jerkface18:21
DRebellion!codecs | Aquahallic18:21
ubotuAquahallic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:21
tigranDRebellion: I didn't have to build anything, just do a make install.18:21
DRebelliontigran, bad idea18:22
tigranDRebellion: Ah.18:22
tigranDRebellion: Build from source. Ok.18:22
DRebellionRoboCop, try,  dpkg -L libsqlite3-dev18:22
AquahallicFANTASTIC... Thanx DRebellion....;)18:22
thiemsternemilar: yes, it's freenode18:22
thiemsternemilar: irc.freenode.net18:22
sarthor Hi, I want to block any of image of size "http://ads1.msn.com/ads/1/0000000001_000000000000000163044.jpg", I am using "deny_info" in squid. but the images on the website changing day by day, how can i tell to squid to block the image of this site and put my own banner there???? Help please, i am not much expert in linux18:22
lukaszWhat would that be in Eastern18:22
lukasz20:30 UTC ?18:22
oscaralguien tiene una cuenta de rapidshare por aiii18:22
lukaszand in 12hr format18:22
nemilarthiemster: yeah I just checked that out... I always connect through ubuntu.net so... thanks :)18:22
lukaszhelp pls18:23
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
lukaszTime in Eastern pls 20:30 UTC 12hr format18:23
RoboCopDRebellion  i have the same path by that command too. its /usr/include/sqlite3.h18:23
shiwarayagnome or kde?18:23
DRebellionRoboCop, what are you trying to build anyway?18:23
astro76oscar: /join #ubuntu-es18:23
RoboCopDRebellion inspircd18:23
oscurohey, since the forums are currently down, do I need any particular repo for kde4?18:23
benny99I formatted an ext2 disk to ext3 by accident :/ -- but I guess the data is still there (the folder is shown) and if my guess is right, ext3 is just ext2 with journaling -- any chances to be able to read that folder?18:23
darknatureHow do i set the video RAM on ubuntu. Apparently my intel 945M graphic card is not sending how the right amount of FPS as it was with windows18:24
RoboCopDRebellion why it keeps on saying bash: --sqlite3-includes=usr/include/sqlite3.h: No such file or directory18:24
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)18:24
DRebellionRoboCop, why don't you install an ircd from the repos?18:24
amenadobenny99-> try and see if you can..18:24
white_eagleubotu thanks18:24
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:24
am^2ui am having some problem with my surround sound, can anyone help me ?18:24
tigranDRebellion: Do you know where I can get the source? I cant find it.18:24
RoboCopDRebellion it dont have a repo18:25
mcquaidhas anyone tried a program (like entertainer-project, gloss flutter) that sues clutter? for opengl drawing18:25
DRebellionRoboCop, is there any particular reason why you need inspircd18:25
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
darknatureHow do i set the video RAM on ubuntu. Apparently my intel 945M graphic card is not sending how the right amount of FPS as it was with windows18:26
RoboCopDRebellion fits my requirements . others dont18:26
s0u][ightdoes the gparted live cd support usb mouse?18:26
RoboCopDRebellion why it keeps on saying bash: --sqlite3-includes=usr/include/sqlite3.h: No such file or directory18:26
DRebellionRoboCop, you forgot the leading slash. it should be --sqlite3-includes=/usr/include/sqlite318:26
cirubuntuastro76:  hi man any news_18:27
DRebellionRoboCop, you forgot the leading slash. it should be --sqlite3-includes=/usr/include/sqlite3.h18:27
shiwarayas0u][ight: my mouse worked for me in gparted18:27
benny99amenado: eh, thanks :-[ ?18:27
cirubuntuastro76:  I-m close to format!18:27
wilI am trying the android tools from google. It says I need to add the tools folder to my path. do I just add ¨export PATH=${PATH}:~/Desktop/android/tools¨ to my bash.rc because I am getting errors :S18:27
benny99amenado: I will :)18:28
tigranDRebellion: I dont think there is a source :S18:28
RoboCopDRebellion what?18:28
DRebelliontigran, what are you trying to do anyway?18:28
=== Veinor|ZzZ is now known as Veinor
tigranDRebellion: Build hamachi from source.18:29
DRebelliontigran, no, in the grand scheme of things...18:29
cvegai have a little question regarding ubuntu's support for mobile nvidia cards.18:29
am^2ucan anyone help me with surround sound (5.1)18:29
Longfellowhey, does anyone know of a tool to mask a pdf as a jpg for ubuntu?18:29
darknatureHow do i set the video RAM on ubuntu. Apparently my intel 945M graphic card is not sending how the right amount of FPS as it was with windows18:29
RoboCopDRebellion what?18:29
DRebellionRoboCop, what?18:30
tigranDRebellion: its for a vpn18:30
RoboCopDRebellion  slash18:30
erawfishdarknature: dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg18:30
cveganvidia doesnt support mobile graphics cards, instead, it tells you to go to your laptop producent for graphics drivers.18:30
DRebelliontigran, there isn't any source. just an installer.18:30
cvegaare there any os drivers for nvidia?18:30
tigranDRebellion: Yea. You said that was a bad idea...18:30
erawfishcvega: this doesn't apply for linux18:30
DRebelliontigran, and it still is ;)18:30
tigranDRebellion: Why? :P18:31
erawfishcvega: you use the normal nvidia drivers18:31
cvegain other words, nv6800 go should be supported?18:31
erawfishcvega: yes18:31
Ashnalanybody here know if its possible to force an SDL game into a window instead of fullscreen?18:31
regis31which firewall is very very simple tu use with 7.10?18:31
cvegaid hate to be stuck in a vesa resolution with a widescreen18:31
erawfishnvidia | cvega18:31
erawfish!nvidia | cvega18:31
ubotucvega: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:31
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
=== kenalex_ is now known as kenalex
cvegaah. briliant.18:31
erawfishregis31: no firewall at all. unneeded18:31
regis31thank you18:32
cvegakudos to those who answer noobish questions. :)18:32
DRebelliontigran, because installing things from third-parties will mess up your system.18:32
StephysLeftHandsomeone has to answer them18:32
clearzenregis31: iptables is the "firewall" that is preconfigured with ubuntu18:32
darknaturestupid question 512MB would be 51200 kb?18:32
erawfishdarknature: no18:32
cvegai have more exp with debian, but only as a server box somewhere in the closet, now i want something on my laptop18:32
tigranDRebellion: What can I use for a VPN then for a linux to windows pc?18:32
DRebellion!vpn | tigran18:33
ubotutigran: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD18:33
erawfishtigran: openvpn for example18:33
darknatureso converting from MB to kb what would it be?18:33
cvega1024mb = 1048576 kb18:33
zt7724darknature: 512MB would be 524288kb18:33
Ashnal1024KB = 1 MB18:33
tigranerawfish: support mac too?18:33
erawfishtigran: iirc yes18:33
[MGR]MikkelHi .. I has Litte Problem.. I has FTP server... I can not UPLOAD! How can i get Access??? This error is here :18:33
erawfishtigran: openvpn.net18:33
Stoffersince the forums are currenlty down for maintenance, can someone here help me get my maxtor external hard drive to work?  When I try accessing it KDE gives me the following error:  hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 100018:33
DRebelliontigran, actually , that link isn't what you need18:33
[MGR]MikkelTransfer queue completed18:33
[MGR]Mikkel1 File failed to transfer18:33
clearzengoogle will do calculations like that for you actually18:33
lz7wrong, 1 megabyte = 1000 kilobytes according to SI18:33
StofferI don't think it's an ntfs problem, since I have an ntfs partion already working18:34
shiwarayaubuntu forums closed?18:34
cvegaseems like it18:34
[MGR]MikkelHow can i get Access to FTP Server on Server edition Ubuntu????18:34
erawfish[MGR]Mikkel: the server behind NAT? and your client too?18:34
tigranDRebellion: k, erawfish ill check that out18:34
astro76lz7: that's great, but in computers it usually means 102418:34
astro76lz7: hard drive manufacturers like the 1000 definition18:34
Ashnallz7: and thats why 18 GB are missing from my 400 GB HDD18:34
[MGR]Mikkelerawfish: I running proftpd! and my client is FlashFXP18:34
DRebellionshiwaraya, several people have reported it as down18:34
erawfish[MGR]Mikkel: that's not what I asked18:34
pdxkidkernel update blew out my grub config (menu list).  I've got a bookmark on how to fix it but the forums are down.  What is the command to update grub to see my 2nd OS on my 2nd HDD? I thought there was an update command...18:35
wilI think I have got path working.... if I am in a completly diffent folder such as / and I type the name of a program in a diffrent folder... and it launches, does that mean path is working?18:35
[MGR]MikkelI has download PRoftpd! i know dont no How i get Access to Upload the FTP Server ...18:35
Ashnalso anyone here know how to force a fullscreen app into a window?18:35
erawfish!grub | pdxkid18:35
ubotupdxkid: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:35
=== tyczek is now known as Tyczek
fijamsorry, are we affected by http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9924 ?18:35
nadermanerawfish: haha, I think I know what my mistake earlier was, I ran update grub but forgot to manually change (hd0,0) to (hd0,1) afterwards18:36
cvegawhere can i find a list of reasonably fresh apt sources?18:36
astro76!dk | [MGR]Mikkel18:36
ubotu[MGR]Mikkel: For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.18:36
DRebellionfijam, :/ any news of a fix?18:36
Stofferis KDE's adept installer the same as the Synaptic Package Manager?18:36
fijamDRebellion, it appears to be included in git2018:36
pdxkidthanks erawfish18:36
astro76Stoffer: yes it serves the same function18:36
[MGR]Mikkelastro76 where u from?18:36
fijamDRebellion,  I just wonder how much time will it take to get it rolled out in ubuntu18:37
arnduckythe trackpad in my Gutsy laptop simply has stopped working can anyone help?18:37
erawfishcvega: your ubuntu comes with a sources.list already. there is nothing else you need18:37
bofh80hi people, would anyone like to help me turn off my SWAP so i can test a memory problem i'm having with wine, i have 2gig of memory, ubuntu 7.10. cheers :) forums are down :(18:37
clearzenStoffer: it's a little different but the same idea18:37
erawfishbofh80: man swapoff18:37
StofferDoes KDE usually use up more RAM than Gnome?18:37
pdxkidFYI: update-grub was what I was looking for...18:37
bofh80erawfish, cool. :)18:37
erawfishStoffer: no18:38
astro76[MGR]Mikkel: someone asked a specific question to help which you didn't seem to comprehend, I thought perhaps help in your native language would help18:38
clearzenStoffer: Don't know. Don't use it18:38
guardiani installed ubuntu 7.10 , now what do i need to have compiz themes18:38
witepaHow do I figure out what type of chipset my wireless card has?18:38
cvegaanyone running eve online on ubuntu succesfully?; ]18:38
erawfishguardian: what videocard?18:38
DRebellionguardian, you want the cube and eyecandy effects?18:38
guardiannvidia 6600gt18:38
Harmguardian: i would suggest using the wiki18:38
erawfishwitepa: lspci usually18:38
guardiani want themes18:38
erawfish!nvidia | guardian18:38
ubotuguardian: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:38
clearzenwitepa lspci18:38
guardiani have emerald themes manager18:38
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:38
DRebellion!themes | guardian18:38
ubotuguardian: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:38
guardianbut it doesn't seem to fetch any theme18:38
Ashnalso anyone know how to force a fullscreen app into a window?18:38
erawfish!repeat | Ashnal18:39
ubotuAshnal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:39
clearzenwitepa: more than likely it will tell you there. If not, what brand/model is it?18:39
ubuntuhello can somebody say me what must i do with this error http://rafb.net/p/XHh1Ry98.html18:39
witepaclearzen: I have a usb wireless card... does that make it any different?18:39
clearzenwitepa: use lsusb then18:39
zt7724witepa: then lsusb18:39
bofh80erawfish, so it's safe to just type swapoff -a . and the system won't crash or nothing :D18:39
erawfishwitepa: lsusb. and yes it does18:39
witepaclearzen: it is a wusb54gc18:39
guardianyeah well i know the urls for artwork, still i lost track with compiz merging with beryl etc - now i just don't know what to use for themes18:39
ubuntuthis error comes when i will start my ubuntu gutsyt system18:39
guardianshould i use metacity themes ?18:39
zt7724witepa: wusb54gc is not the chipset18:39
eth01joshin, who the hell are you.18:39
bofh80here goes....lol18:39
astro76ubuntu: you don't appear to be running ubuntu18:40
camden_does anyone have any idea how to get started in getting ubuntu into a local public school system18:40
witepazt7724: i know, that is the model18:40
=== ubuntu is now known as frosch
camden_the system has a reputation for being quite inept18:40
Harmcamden_: live cds?18:40
camden_i mean... getting them to use it instead of windows, to save money18:40
hanasakiwhy would dig hanaden.com and dig hanaden.com ns give different name servers and diff authority sections?18:40
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:41
Harmcamden_: you dont save money by switching to linux18:41
camden_i don't know where to start18:41
erawfishubuntulog: what nvidia card exactly and what does dpkg -l |grep nvidia say?18:41
camden_i think they may be spending lots of $$$ buying unnecessary hardware and software18:41
clearzenwitepa: it looks like you will need either the rt2500 or ndiswrapper for that card18:41
nadermanerawfish: now the problem's something else, when I boot (which appears to work) I get the same old APIC errors I had before :(18:41
camden_harm: please explain: dont save money18:41
Harmcamden_: windows OEM costs next to nothing.. and service contracts etc etc.. just installing linux on a bunch of computers wont just give you a 200$ check back18:41
witepachearzen: alright, thanks. I will try the 250018:42
bofh80erawfish, ok, is that switch permanent? i think i need to reboot, as system monitor reports 0 swap space, but things are still using Virtual Memory18:42
nadermanthough it's difficult to see them, as the system reboots after them18:42
camden_harm: i think they may be buying extra hardware to support vista18:42
erawfishbofh80: what is the output of "free". and no it'S not permanent18:42
erawfishbofh80: when there is no swap there is no virtual memory...18:42
lukaszIt doesn't freeze no more :)18:42
lukaszThe quit logout18:43
erawfishcamden_: what software do they use? unlikely the software they use exists for linux18:43
cvegarecommended GUI  ?18:43
BallenaShould I use ascii or binary mode when transfering a .htaccess-file with FTP?18:43
cvegagnome is... smaller?18:43
PiciBallena: ascii18:43
DRebellionBallena, doesn't matter18:43
Harmcamden_: look either your school buys barebone PCs without contacts.. total cast (fictional)1000 or with windows and service contracts etc (finctional) 2000... you saved 1000 but you need to pay for someone to install linux and when something goes wrong (and it probally will) you need a good sys admin which costs loads18:43
BallenaPici: ok18:43
camden_erawfish: i think they teach students how to use word, excel, etc18:43
bofh80erawfish, free says SWAP 0 0 0 0 sorta thing, but on the Virtual Memory column of system monitor, when i close and open say notepad.exe it still seems to allocate itself 2.6gig of VM :(18:43
Harmcamden_: its just not that simple as you might think18:43
StofferI currently have my monitor refersh rate set at 60Hz.  what difference would setting it to 75 make?18:44
cvegaif LCD, none...18:44
HarmStoffer: burning eyes :P18:44
erawfishcamden_: so you don't have a clue but want them to buy what YOU think is best? just stop. you do a lot more harm than good18:44
clearzenHarm: hiring a mediocore admin will cost you $$ other ways than hourly income18:44
witepaclearzen: hmm, which one should i download? http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Downloads18:44
cvegaif crt, the hair on top of your head wont raise that much18:44
am^2uhow do i check for installed soundcards ?18:44
bofh80erawfish, how do i make it permanent i will reboot it with no swap i guess. ?18:44
camden_harm: well some schools have done it and claimed they saved lots18:44
erawfishbofh80: I want your free output. not your wrong interpretation of cluelessness18:44
bofh80ok i pastebin it18:44
erawfishbofh80: remove it from fstab18:44
camden_erawfish: so you think windows is "best"?18:44
erawfishcamden_: you think you are ignorant what they need and have no clue18:45
Harmcamden_: yah they are short sighted.. though iam sure a total linux solution could save you 20%? not sure.. call distro's which offer service contracts18:45
clearzenwitepa: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Funiverse%2Fr%2Frt2500%2Frt2500_1.1.0%2Bcvs20051217-1_i386.deb&md5sum=0d1bd9881c01935940fb142baa88fdef&arch=i386&type=main18:45
mefisto__camden_: contact those other schools and find out how they made the desision18:45
erawfish*I think...18:45
cvegahow do i get damn joins/parts off my screen (irssi)18:45
AcaroJRSo so payaso18:45
Longfellowanyone here use outguess?18:45
DRebellioncvega, maybe ask in #irssi ?18:45
witepaclearzen: it says that that is PCI though, the card I have runs through usb18:45
AcaroJRHijo de puta18:45
Pici!quietirssi | cvega18:45
ubotucvega: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS18:45
bofh80erawfish, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55502/    <free output. i shall comment out my fstab line for the swap then too :)18:46
FloodBot2AcaroJR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:46
ikonia!ops | AcaroJR18:46
erawfishcvega: /help ignore18:46
ubotuAcaroJR: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!18:46
PiciPriceChild: klined18:46
nadermanhuh, google doesn't cache ubuntu forums? :(18:47
cvegaubotu: thank u.18:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank u. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:47
Longfellowanyone know a good Steganography program?18:47
ffmcvega: its a bot, it's not intellegent.18:47
cvegaah lol. /me hides in shame18:47
bofh80erawfish, that output does not match my system monitor18:47
clearzenwitepa: that was a gui tool for the rt2500 cards btw18:47
erawfishbofh80: what software is this "monitor"?18:48
Siph0nhey... if someone has access to my computer, and i have ubuntu save some of my website passwords, is there anyway the person can get access to my login and passwords?18:48
guardianso, is it still with emerald that i enable themes for compiz ???18:48
NirevusAnybody here good with the kernel, I'm wondering how safe it is to disable SLUB debugging?18:48
bofh80erawfish, the gnome system monitor18:48
erawfishfree displays data from the kernel. and the kernel knows how much virtual memory you have18:48
HarmSiph0n: not really unless they login into your account18:48
erawfishin fact it's the only place which knows anything18:48
bofh80erawfish, according to that output i have no memory free of my 2gig?!18:48
zombie_monkeySo does anyone know what handles substitution of glyphs with those from other fonts when the default one doesn't have the glyph?18:48
erawfishbofh80: free memory is wasted memory18:48
witepaclearzen: do I have a rt2500 capable card though? It says that it is for PCI cards, I have a USB one18:49
laureni installed kde4 on ubuntu, but kde is running really slowly... anyone have any ideas?18:49
ubotuKDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:49
jpatrick!kde4 > lauren18:49
Harmlauren: stick with kde 3.5?18:49
clearzenwitepa: yeah, it's the same chipset.18:49
Siph0nHarm, login to my computer account? or the web page account?18:49
erawfishlauren: kde4 is NOT for enduers18:49
cvegadefragging before using gparted good idea?18:49
clearzenwitepa: it's actually one of 2 chipsets with that model so you may have to use ndiswrapper18:49
HarmSiph0n: well if someone logged into your linux account they would load all the settings and saved passwords that are inside of it18:49
erawfishcvega: nrfs: yes18:49
clearzenwitepa: but I always try other options before that18:50
witepaclearzen: Yeah, same18:50
laurenso kde4 will not run on ubuntu? i thought you could switch desktop managers18:50
protcronti want to register my nickname so that i can login to java channels18:50
Seveas!register > protcront18:50
Harmlauren: yes you can18:50
SJrXWhen purchasing a notebook, is Linux Compatibility an issues any more?18:50
MasterShreklauren, it will run on ubuntu, but its not quite ready for the mainstream imho18:50
laurenwell, i know this much, since i'm using it now18:50
am^2uwhat do i do when i get this error : aplay: device_list:207: no soundcards found...18:51
SJrXyeah KDE4 was just a little early18:51
cirubuntuhow reinstall wireless card__18:51
whiterdoes gedit from 7.10 have syntax highlighting?18:51
nickrudwhiter: yes it does18:51
Cpudan80whiter: Yep18:51
MasterShrekSJrX, mostly not, usually you want to buy one with an nvidia gfx card, and sometimes wireless is a small issue, but usually with a little tweaking and general know-how you can get it working18:51
Cpudan80Damn nickrud beat me again18:51
whiterwould i have to turn it on or is it on by default because i cant find any options for it18:51
nickrudSJrX: here I hear about newer wireless and built in webcams18:51
bofh80erawfish, another FREE output, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55503/    . i have only xchat and a terminal running, surely it should report more free memory than that?!?!?!18:51
NirevusAnybody here good with the kernel, I'm wondering how safe it is to disable SLUB debugging?18:51
Cpudan80whiter: It's on by default, it detects the file extension18:52
protcronti m registered but why i cannot login to java channel18:52
SJrXprobably no built in webcams, but wireless is something to look out for18:52
RoxanneEDMhello everybody, i was wondering if someone could help me getting the sound to work on my PC18:52
erawfishbofh80: if you ever have a lot of free memory, your linux is broken18:52
whiteroh alright, thank you very much18:52
cirubuntuhow reinstall wireless card__??18:52
cvegawhere do I find a hardware compatibility list for ubuntu?18:52
erawfishbofh80: again: free memory is WASTED memory18:52
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:52
erawfish!wireless | cirubuntu18:52
ubotucirubuntu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:52
askandI need help with incscape, it comes black boxes instead of text in SVG:s18:52
nickrudprotcront: you should probably ask about that on #freenode18:52
cvegajeez. you're like a machine :)18:52
housetierI am trying to dist-upgrad to gutsy with "update-manager -c". it ran for a while, but I got lots of errors about libxml2 and gzopen64. now I can't run update-manager. apt-get -f install also is not successful. the error-messages is http://paste.husk.org/1087418:53
RoxanneEDMis anyone willing to help me with my sound issues?18:53
witepaclearzen: I actually have amd64, not i386...18:53
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:53
laurenok so, let me rephrase my question.... if i had been running gnome and then installed on the same machine kde4, and kde4 is running slowly, is there something i have to do with xserver or something so it will only run one at a time? i'm not sure whats going on, but i'm pretty sure it shouldnt be running this slowly18:53
bofh80erawfish, ok. guess i'll man free :)  - i'm going to comment out my swap and reboot. i don't need to do anything else? (ie the system aint gonna die on reboot if i do that)18:53
Longfellowdoes anyone know how to mask a pdf into a jpg?18:53
erawfishwitepa: do you have 32bit or 64bit ubuntu18:53
clearzenwitepa: are you running the 64bit version of ubuntu?18:53
kostkonRoxanneEDM, what is your problem with sound?18:54
fijamNirevus, you could go for it, I guess18:54
erawfishbofh80: if your ubuntu ever runs out of memory it simply kills random processes18:54
bofh80erawfish, cool.18:54
erawfishwith 2GB this happens pracically never18:54
nickrudlauren: when you log back into gnome, does it run normally?18:54
RoxanneEDMkostkon: im not sure whats wrong, my sound USED to work , now it is not(not sure exactly when it stopped working)18:54
cvegacan I run ubuntu with no swap? I have 2gb ram aswell.18:54
laurennickrud, yea18:54
witepaclearzen and erawfish: the 64bit version18:54
bofh80erawfish, thanks very much for your time, a great help :)18:54
clearzentry this then http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=amd64&file=pool%2Funiverse%2Fr%2Frt2500%2Frt2500_1.1.0%2Bcvs20051217-1_amd64.deb&md5sum=164b86156d3897c6afe13294753d9bdc&arch=amd64&type=main18:54
erawfishcvega: you can but usually it doesn't matter. disabling swap has no benefit except saving a few MB on disk which you probably have plenty18:55
erawfishcvega: and you cannot hibernate anymor18:55
cvegaactually its a laptop, hd is not that big ;)18:55
kostkonRoxanneEDM, ok. First of all, have you checked the sound volumes?18:55
nickrudlauren: then most likely it's something with kde4. gnome doesn't run when you log into kde4  (ps -A in a a terminal tells you what's running) and I hear kde4 is not yet ready for prime time18:55
RoxanneEDMkostkon:  yeah i did, nothing worked18:55
witepaclearzen: thanks18:55
erawfishcvega: then disabling swap is bad: no more supsend to ram or suspend to disk18:55
RoxanneEDMkostkon: i have EVERYTHING unmuted and turned up18:56
cvegamm... ok. i was told here 20gb should be plenty to play with ubuntu18:56
erawfishcvega: it is18:56
Harmcvega: it is18:56
Nirevusfijam, I only wasn't sure as it said it will "disable SLUB sysfs support". wasn't sure how important this was18:56
kostkonRoxanneEDM, do you get any error message, for example in Totem, or just you don't hear anything while something is playing18:56
cvegaok. cool.18:56
Stofferhal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000  <--- that's what I get when I try mounting my maxtor external hard drive.  I already installed ntfs-config and set it to allow writing to external ntfs drives.  Do I need to restart my machine to get that working?18:56
nickrudcvega: it is , but swap is assumed to be available to the kernel, works best with18:56
RoxanneEDMkost, no it just plays regularly, but no sound, really to me it seems like something is muted, but im sure its not18:57
nadermanerawfish: wow it boots now, got a console, thanks a lot, reinstalling did the job ;-)18:57
fijamNirevus, and how do you exactly intend to disable the debugging?18:57
Harmcvega: look just try the liveCD.. enjoy ubuntu? clear some space + defrag your harddisk and install ubuntu18:57
cvegai did, and livecd ran horribly for some unknown reason18:57
Harmcvega: slow?18:57
cvegai have alternate iso burned18:57
cvegaand will use that for install18:58
nickrudcvega: define horribly :)18:58
cvegaas in running windows 2000 on a 1995 computer horribly18:58
protcronthow to register the nickname ?18:58
laureni do have some gnome processes running....18:58
laurenlauren@lauren-desktop:~$ ps -A | grep "gnome"18:58
lauren17928 ?        00:00:00 gnome-keyring-d18:58
lauren22143 ?        00:00:00 gnome-terminal18:58
lauren22151 ?        00:00:00 gnome-pty-helpe18:58
FloodBot2lauren: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
Pici!register | protcront18:58
jgmcmasterwhen i try to install wine from "add remove applications" i get an error saying "the application conflicts with another installed application to install wine you must remove conflicting software first" what does that mean and how do i resolve that?18:58
ubotuprotcront: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration18:58
=== tobias_ is now known as tobias
kostkonRoxanneEDM, ok. to have a more thorough control over your volume levels, then open a terminal and give: "alsamixer". The app will give you more volume levels to play. Just put most of them up. An important volume level for example is "PCM".18:58
nickrud!register | protcront (and if it doesn't work to get you into ##java , ask for help on #freenode. The irc ops help there)18:59
RoxanneEDMkostkon:  i will try it18:59
ubotuprotcront (and if it doesn't work to get you into ##java , ask for help on #freenode. The irc ops help there): By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration18:59
cvegai will proceed to gparted in a second to make some space, and install ubuntu using alternate cd. should work.18:59
Nirevusfijam, I'm recompiling the kernel currently18:59
cormofiedhello how should i register with a password18:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:00
DRebellion!register > cormofied (read the pm from ubotu)19:00
Pici!register | cormofied19:00
cvegamsg nickserv identify password19:00
ubotucormofied: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration19:00
nickrudjgmcmaster:   type   sudo apt-get install wine   in a terminal, and put the full output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org19:00
cvegafail. register instead of identify19:00
monkeyBoxHow do I show what files were installed by a package (from cli?)19:01
fijamNirveus, I *think* there's a switch to disable slub debugging on a slub-debugging-enabled kernel, but I am not certain. You could try that first.19:01
witepaclearzen: I keep getting dependencies though... it is quite difficult to do without apt get19:02
PicimonkeyBox: dpkg -L packagename19:02
nickrudmonkeyBox:   dpkg -L <packagename>19:02
clearzenwitepa: try sudo aptitude install rt250019:02
BallenaHow do I list files locally in FTP? lls don't work19:03
RoxanneEDMkostkon: thank you ... i sure like that alsamixer, and in there i figured out my problem, Ubuntu was using my onboard audio, i was plugged into my PCI soundcard,instead of screwing with it , i just plugged into onboard19:04
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
Cpudan80Ballena: ldir maybe?19:04
witepaclearzen: I am not connected to the internet on that computer though19:04
nickrudRoxanneEDM: you can disable the onboard in bios, usually works19:05
jgmcmasterwhat should i do after posting full syntax at  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org\19:05
BallenaCpudan80: nope, that dones not work19:05
kostkonRoxanneEDM, oh, ok! everything OK now?!19:05
marx2kHm I was chugging happily along and then my screen got scrambled and I couldnt get into a TTY... the machine was still working. I hit ctrl-alt-del and tried ot get back into Ubuntu but now it says it cannot initiate my NVIDIA device. This is bad.19:05
witepaclearzen: i'm going to try hard  wire it with a really long cord19:05
mjw-jgmcmaster copy and paste the link to it to the channel19:05
fijamNirevus, try booting with "slub_debug=-" but I think this might have been added in some more recent kernels19:05
cvegamarx2k: any burning smell in the room?19:05
nickrudjgmcmaster: paste the link here so I can see it :)19:05
clearzenwitepa: oh, well. Lets just download the source for the module and then we can build it19:05
marx2kcvega: thinking I burned out my vidcard? Its an onboard19:05
mikebotIn Synaptic, what's the difference between removal and complete removal?19:05
RoxanneEDMkostkon: yeaheverything is good19:06
cvegamarx2k: usually weird things like that mean overheating of some sort...19:06
nickrudmikebot: complete removal removes config files in /etc , remove doesn't19:06
marx2kcvega: strangely enough I am able to boot into Ubuntu from an install CD...19:06
cvegain graphics mode?19:06
mikebotnickrud: So would you recommend complete removal?19:06
uKKeManhi, anybody can tell me a ubuntu programm CAD like? i need a programm designing a room.. in the first place i want it for making a seating plan19:07
mikebotnickrud: For applications I know I'm not going to use again.19:07
cvegahm, but without nvidia drivers i presume19:07
marx2kcvega: Im pretty sure it's vesa19:07
nickrudmikebot: yes19:07
marx2klet me ceck19:07
mikebotnickrud: OK, thanks.19:07
nickrud!gustysources | jgmcmaster19:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gustysources - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:07
iocasteuKKeman: Blender 3d? It might be a little overkill for what you need though19:07
marx2kyes, vesa19:07
nickrudarg, jgmcmaster you need to update your sources, a sec19:07
=== roentge1 is now known as roentgen
cvegaanother question : does it pay to partition /home /var /usr separately on a home-use laptop machine?19:08
nickrud!gutsysources | jgmcmaster19:08
ubotujgmcmaster: gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).19:08
uKKeManbut for university i need a CAD tool to so maybe its a good point to start. at first a easy exercise, and at the end some harder ones19:08
marx2kcvega: well it certainly pays to partition /home seperately19:08
witepaclearzen: alright, where can we get the source?19:09
mynymli can't seem to get the position working for gnome-terminal --geometry. i have --geometry "155x21+0+30"; AxB works fine, but +C+D isnt recognized. any tips?19:09
nickrudjgmcmaster: after you do that, try installing wine again19:09
clearzencvega: I like /home on a seperate disk in case the drive with the system fails or has to be restored19:09
jgmcmasterokay thank you19:09
Xman can anyone tell ,e how can i retrieve the videos lying in the cache19:09
clearzenwitepa: wget http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz19:10
BoglizkXman: Checked /temp/ ?19:10
cvegawell, off to gparted. be back soon.19:10
XmanBoglizk: in windows19:10
BoglizkXman: This is #ubuntu ? :p19:10
Pici!windows | Xman19:10
ubotuXman: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents19:10
nickrudmynyml: try  --geometry=155x21+0+30 (no quotes)19:11
mynymlnickrud: same thing19:11
XmanPici: no one is responding there, that is why i asked it here19:11
marx2karghhhh why has my X server died19:11
omegaweoponHow do I disable the automatic http cache cleaner?   It keeps erasing my flash game saves19:12
MasterShrekXman, this is ubuntu support not windows19:12
nickrudmynyml: that works perfectly here,  gnome-terminal --geometry=155x21+0+3019:12
=== Pip_Denord is now known as Pip
mynymlnickrud: i have compiz-fusion/emerald enabled, maybe that has something to do with it..19:12
witepaclearzen: alright, I got the source19:12
nickrudmynyml: compiz here as well . did +0+100 as well to make sure it was registering19:13
marx2khah.... copying the xorg.conf from my Ubuntu install CD to my install actually worked... but still I am stuck with VESA drivers now19:13
mynymlnickrud: oh .... wait up19:13
Stofferhow can I get a list of devices that are connected but not mounted?19:13
marx2kStoffer: good question19:13
mynyml+0+1000 actually works19:13
clearzenwitepa: now tar -xzf rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz19:13
mynymlnickrud: ^^19:13
MasterShrekStoffer, sudo fdisk -l    will give you all partition, mounted or not19:14
nickrudmynyml: saw that. Maybe your res is so darned good it didn't look like it moved :)19:14
witepaclearzen: yup, did that19:14
mynymlnickrud: thanks for the tip, helped19:14
Stofferbasically I'm trying to manually mount my usb hard drive, but i need to know which /dev it is19:14
MasterShrekStoffer, mount    will give you mounted ones, so u can figure it out from there19:14
clearzenthe cd ./rt2500-cvs-*/Module19:14
=== {Nathan} is now known as Nathan__
iocasteStoffer: mines sdb1, if that helps19:14
nickrudStoffer:   sudo fdisk -  will list all partitions (including external if plugged in and identified)19:14
clearzenwitepa: then make19:14
nickrudStoffer: argh,  sudo fdisk -l  that is19:15
mynymlnickrud: haha .. i wish. only 1280x800 .....19:15
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
=== Nathan__ is now known as Nate__
witepaclearzen: alright, now what19:15
clearzenwitepa: sudo insmod rt2500.ko19:16
Nirevusfijam, also when compiling the kernel, I'm not sure which processor to pick. Although I'm using an Athlon64, I use 32 bit Ubuntu. Should I stick with just Athlon, or should it be set to Athlon 64?19:16
clearzenwitepa: then the interface should be listed under iwconfig19:16
Mr_Hey... I'm having some trouble installing 7.10 with file system encryption. Are there known problems with that?19:17
Mr_The system seems to freeze. Or atleast the screen gets garbled and stays that way for a long time.19:17
posrShould my computer start if my video card is broken?19:17
witepaclearzen: yup, it is listed under rausb0, and it recognizes the essid. It still says RT73 tough19:17
Magus_Xyes and now19:17
stratorjust wondering if someone can help... my internet is always super slow on linex, i've tried different browsers but that still doesn't work.. so any ideas?19:17
clearzenwitepa: that's ok19:17
Magus_XIf it is just a bit damaged19:17
DonkyCan any one help me install the VMware toolkit on GOS19:17
Magus_Xfor games it will not work fine19:17
Magus_Xbut for windows should work19:18
witepaclearzen: alright, now what?19:18
DonkyI seem to be hopelessly stuck19:18
HarmDonky: this isnt GOS support19:18
clearzenwitepa: try iwlist rausb0 --scan19:18
posrMagus_X computer is working but when i install drivers he don't display desktop. should i go no garanty service?19:18
Donkywell its all Umbuntu and I get the same errors in Umbuntu19:18
lukaszEvrything is fine now :)19:18
NirevusCan anyone help with a kernel compiling question? I'm not sure which processor type to pick. Although I'm using an Athlon64, I use 32 bit Ubuntu. Should I stick with just Athlon, or should it be set to Athlon 64?19:18
fijamNirevus, if I were you I'd stick with the distribution-provided generic kernel. Building your own 1. breaks some kernel modules (vide: truecrypt, restricted modules) 2. makes you responsible for security kernel updates (vide: today's local root exploit)19:18
lukaszI got Compiz Aiglx Ati19:19
Donkydo you know where I can find GOS support?19:19
chubs730_just ask in here19:19
DRebellionstrator, perhaps it is an IPv6 DNS issue. try,  dig AAAA www.google.com and see if it times out.19:19
HarmDonky: perhaps #gos.. otherwise google?19:19
=== kevin_ is now known as kevin_121
chubs730_donky just ask your question and maybe someone will know19:19
nickrudDonky: http://www.faqly.com/faq/view/id/3419:20
fijamNirevus, but if you really really want to, you can find guides aplenty on how to build a kernel for your machine19:20
lukaszThank you for your help on forums :)19:20
nickrudchubs730_: this isn't gos support ;P19:20
witepaclearzen: I put in iwlish rausb0 scan, and it said "Interface doesn't support scanning."19:20
chubs730_nickrud: it's based on ubuntu, so the issues are probably ver similar19:20
witepaclearzen: iwlist**19:20
lukasztyp in /join #gos19:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:20
Nirevusfijam, I've built several kernels before, though most were fairly generic; this is my first step into a more customised one so I'm testing it out on my development box; I'm just not sure which setting would be best19:20
lukaszI forgot the command heh19:21
lukaszWell I see you guys soon19:21
nickrudchubs730_: with enlightenment, but anyway derivatives don't get support here, too much variability19:21
DonkyThe installer is looking for "running kernel source" C headers19:21
stratorit does get there eventually just takes really long to load a simple page (1 minute)19:21
clearzenwitepa: well it doesn't support passive mode but that's ok19:21
fijamNirevus, sorry, I am not into 64bit stuff, your best bet would be to search the web19:21
clearzenwitepa: try to ping google19:21
Flare183!who | strator19:22
ubotustrator: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:22
clearzenwitepa: ping -c5 google.com19:22
nickrudDonky:   sudo apt-get install install linux-headers-$(uname -r)19:22
Mr_Does anyone have experience with disk encryption in the 7.10 installer?19:22
=== whiter_ is now known as whiter
nickrudDonky: erm, only one install word on that line19:22
camden_anybody built moonlight?19:22
stratorDRebellion : it does get there eventually just takes really long to load a simple page (1 minute)19:23
Guest56502somebody help me with ubuntu install pls :)19:23
DRebellionstrator, well, run: dig AAAA www.google.com  and see if it times out.19:23
Flare183!anybody | Guest5650219:23
ubotuGuest56502: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:23
Guest56502its kinda long19:24
self_uphello, I've got lots of trash, but can't empty trash, with error 'too many open files' what gives?19:24
clearzenwitepa: you may want to add a line to /etc/modules that says rt250019:24
Guest56502I cannot run the live disk19:24
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!19:24
chubs730_guest56502: type it all on one line then19:24
Guest56502it makes some kind ot error when come to Xorg19:24
Mr_The system seems to freeze when I choose encryption in the 7.10 istallet. Or atleast the screen gets garbled and stays that way for a long time. What is wrong?19:24
Guest56502i have 3870 ati19:24
nickrudself_up:   cd ~/.Trash , rm -r *19:24
Guest56502and ubuntu dont want to run19:25
witepaclearzen: Wow, It is workign now!19:25
Guest56502the live disk19:25
Guest56502so i ann'c install it19:25
Flare183!enter > Guest5650219:25
clearzenwitepa: tada!!19:25
stratorDRebellion, can i pvt you quick?19:25
Stofferinstead of attempting to fix the ntfs-3g mounting issue w/ my external hard drive, would it be easier to just reformat it as Fat32?  There wouldn't be any drawbacks right?19:25
chubs730_!enter | guest5650219:25
ubotuguest56502: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:25
hypercubei have a problem19:25
hypercubewith GPRS EASY CONNECT19:25
witepaclearzen: Thank you very much!19:26
Donkyseemed to work at first but then "E: couldn't find package Linux-headers-2.6.22.-14-generic19:26
hypercubeit restart the Xserver19:26
teo_how can i install php with gd library ???19:26
clearzenwitepa: np19:26
Guest56502can someone give me the terminal commands for installing ubuntu without useing ghraphics?19:26
Kibbleshow can I permanently shut off CUPS?19:26
Flare183Kibbles: you can't19:27
Flare183oops sorry about the enter19:27
clearzenwitepa: that should work with WPA as well btw19:27
KibblesFlare183: you serious?19:27
bert_hi, a quick one, can I use the arrow images that come with ubuntu or do I have to link to some kind of license ?19:27
KibblesFlare183: can't I disable it from loading with linux?19:27
Flare183Kibbles: Dude i don't joke that much at all19:27
oscarkiubo papa19:27
craigbass1976I'm still working on a problem I had last night.  Trying to fix my ubuntu box that tells me when I log in that my session only lasted 10 seconds, and shoves me back into the login screen19:27
oscaral muñeco no me lo saca cualkiera19:27
Harmbert_: not sure.. but i think its all free?19:28
witepaclearzen: k, thanks19:28
craigbass1976I can't ssh in for some reason19:28
clearzensudo /etc/init.d/cupsys stop19:28
Nirevusfijam, I did have a look around, the Ubuntu forums are done, and I couldn't find anything really relevant.19:28
KibblesFlare183: isn't that something of a security hole?19:28
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:28
bert_Harm: I think it is but I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking it19:28
nickrudGuest56502: you wil probably need to install with the alternate cd  ( releases.ubuntu.com/7.10) and then do the following for your ati, it's not supported by the ubuntu included driver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-117effcb5f0fbe8e10f40881bff1dbf7824a77b019:28
Flare183Kibbles: no just not possible19:28
teo_can someone tell me how can i install php with gd library ???19:28
* Timon_Crazy желает всем крепких снов19:28
Flare183Kibbles: you can stop it but not permanent;ly19:28
ubotu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes19:28
clearzenKibbles: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys stop19:28
nickrud!ru | Timon_Crazy19:28
ubotuTimon_Crazy: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:28
bert_teo, just install the packages php and php-gd from synaptic19:28
Cpudan80Flare183: That's russian I think19:28
Harmteo_: read PHP howto.. or go to #php19:29
clearzenKibbles: you can also remove it from the startup items19:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ri - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:29
Guest56502it is russian19:29
Cpudan80!ops | oscar19:29
ubotuoscar: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!19:29
bert_teo_, just install the packages php and php-gd from synaptic19:29
FloodBot2oscar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
Timon_Crazynickrud: 10nx19:29
Flare183yeah get out19:29
Guest56502about my problem19:29
Cpudan80Floodbot - help!19:29
Charitwooh thanks tomaw19:29
Flare183thanks finally19:29
Cpudan80Wonder why the floodbot didnt kill that19:29
nickrudwow, the ops are getting slow ;)19:29
=== eth01 is now known as psychoid1
fijamNirevus, I am not certain if you can build a 64bit kernel using 32bit toolchain... really, that's not my field :)19:29
Flare183yeah that's kinda whack19:29
* Cpudan80 takes cookies from floodbot19:30
nickrudFlare183: I think we're just spoiled19:30
Flare183nickrud: haha yeah kinda i should have kicked him myself19:30
pinocchiosera a tutti19:30
=== psychoid1 is now known as eth01
pherringhow fast do things have to be to trigger floodbot?19:31
clearzenKibbles: you can also remove it from the startup items19:31
KibblesFlare183:  clearzen:  `sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys` stop disables it momentarily - but how can I tell the kernel to load that command at startup, effictively killing CUPS?19:31
clearzenKibbles: you can also remove it from the startup items19:31
Cpudan80pherring: That information is classified :-)19:31
Kibblesclearzen: how?19:31
clearzensudo update-rc.d -f  remove19:31
HetaUma! fusion icon19:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fusion icon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:31
clearzensudo update-rc.d -f  remove <startup script>19:31
HetaUma! compiz fusion icon19:31
pherringCpudan80, understandable19:32
ForsakenSouldon`t know if this is the right place to ask but i can`t think of any other place ... i`ve just isntalled opengeu on my system and i want to share some files so that other pc-s from my net can access them ...19:32
ForsakenSoulcan anyone help me19:32
bert_does anyone know anything about artwork licensing in ubuntu ?19:32
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing19:33
Flare183sorry about that19:33
JFactorI am trying to install the build-essential package however it says it cannot resolve depositories19:33
JFactoror repositories rather19:33
camden_i can't install vmware19:33
HetaUmahow can I install compiz fusion icon ?19:34
Kibblescamden_: join the club19:34
camden_it says i386 is not supported19:34
FlannelForsakenSoul: #geubuntu is the place to ask19:34
camden_any option?19:34
bert_camden_ which version of vmware and do you talk about server, player or what kind of program ?19:34
Kibblescamden_: virtualbox19:34
ForsakenSoulFlannel Gebuntu is curently uninhabited and #opengeu no one answers19:34
camden_bert_: player19:34
Kibblescamden_: but beware, it's a bit buggy19:34
ForsakenSoulthis was my last option19:34
ForsakenSoulthanks anyway19:34
camden_it shows up in add/remove19:34
camden_vmware shows up in add/remove19:34
camden_but it says "can't install on i386"19:35
FlannelForsakenSoul: what sort of sharing of files are you looking to do? HTTP? ftp?19:35
bert_do you really need it camden_ because there are better and more OS-type programs ?19:35
Kibblescamden_: did you try on 64bit?19:35
camden_bert_: i'm trying to do: http://oopsilon.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware19:35
* Kibbles doesn't know what he's talking about19:35
camden_i have a dual boot19:35
camden_and i want to be able to run the win partition from inside ubuntu19:35
camden_that page explains how to do it19:36
bert_camden_ is that possible ?19:36
camden_see the link19:36
camden_bert_: did you get the link i posted?19:36
Kibblesbert_: yeah, and it's pretty easy too19:36
incorrectis there a meta package to get 32bit emulation for amd64 platform?19:36
vhozardanyone who can help me with changing resolution with caputure on XAWTV ??19:36
Kibblescamden_: try virtualbox19:36
ForsakenSoulFlannel i need them to run on a windows19:36
ForsakenSoulon lan19:36
clearzencamden_: what you want is virtualzation. I don't think you could run you current install but You could virtualize a new install inside linux19:36
camden_kibbles: is there a howto for virtualbox?19:37
FlannelForsakenSoul: you need what to run on windows?19:37
Kibblescamden_: no need for one really19:37
camden_clearzen: see http://oopsilon.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware19:37
FlannelForsakenSoul: oh, you need to access them from windows?19:37
camden_it seems to say it's possible19:37
Flannel!samba | ForsakenSoul19:37
Kibblescamden_: pretty self-evident19:37
ubotuForsakenSoul: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:37
martilloneed help installing flash player on opera in ubuntu, any ideas19:37
clearzencamden_: I have VMware. But I couldn't help you with that unfortunatly19:37
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:37
FlannelForsakenSoul: unless the opengeu people have tweaked backedn stuff heavily, that'll work for you.19:37
camden_kibbles: no, i mean a howto for what i'm trying to do... ie run the existing partition from inside ubuntu19:37
vhozardanyone who can help me with changing resolution with caputure on XAWTV ??19:37
JFactorCan anyone send me a replacement sources.list for gutsy19:37
JFactorI think I messed mine up19:37
FlannelJFactor: You can do it from within software sources now, I believe.19:38
Cpudan80JFactor: Sure, where is the file though?19:38
millllmannnnif i have installed a second hard drive do i want to create a primary or extended partition?19:38
JFactorCpudan80:What do you mean19:38
amossorry can i ask some question?19:38
lufisMy BIOS doesn't support booting from usb, but is it possible to boot from usb through grub?19:38
camden_so it's possible to use virtualbox to run an existing win partion, without copying it to a vm file?19:38
Flare183!ask | amos19:38
ubotuamos: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:38
Cpudan80JFactor: I can pastebin the file --- but where is it?19:39
Magus_Xlufis: probably19:39
lufisMagus_X: ;)19:39
astro76JFactor: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55507/19:39
Kibblescamden_: that I haven't tried19:39
Magus_Xi think19:39
Kibblesme is off19:39
* Kibbles is off19:39
astro76locate source.list ;)19:39
amosok, someone knows which is the latest ati driver version19:39
Magus_Xor etc\apt\sources.list19:39
lufisMagus_X: no, /boot/grub/menu.lst19:39
vhozardanyone who can help me with changing resolution with caputure on XAWTV ??19:39
Magus_Xah, the boot19:39
camden_kibbles: ok., then is there a way to copy my partition to something that virtualbox can use? I don't have any windows cd19:39
MasterShrekoh, well yea for grub its that19:39
Magus_Xi thought he was talking about the sources.list19:39
Torturedhas anyone here installed diablo 2 under wine?19:39
MasterShrekTortured, ive been thinking about a game to install udner wine today19:40
amosi have been searching but only found 8.4019:40
MasterShrekTortured, i think d2 might be it, i think ive done it before19:40
MasterShrekin fact im almost positive i have19:40
=== edu9fgr is now known as Ashfire908
amosand i have heard of 8.4219:40
amosbut i am unable to find it19:40
Torturedwhen it asked for me to change disks ubuntu wont unmount the install disk because wine is running setup.exe ;/19:40
Cpudan80JFactor: http://www.pastebin.ca/89896719:40
MasterShrekTortured, i would use a no-cd patch for it though www.gamecopyworld.com19:40
Cpudan80JFactor: It's at /etc/apt/sources.list19:41
Cpudan80JFactor: THat one has the mediabuntu stuff in it19:41
FlannelTortured: What you need to do is copy the files from the various disks to your harddrive first.  Which game is this specifically?19:41
jesus_909Please, i have grub installed on hdc and the / in hdc1 but i have an error 17: cannot mount partition...¿can you help me please?19:41
MasterShrekFlannel, diablo 219:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 32bit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:41
MasterShrekarnducky, whats the problem?19:41
Cpudan80arnducky: WHat do you want to know about 32 bit?19:41
TorturedFlannel, and how do i mount after doing copying to hd?19:42
camden_in other words... i have an existing xp partition... how to i run it with virtualization... i don't care what software (i.e. vmware, virtualbox, etc)  i just don't want to have to dual-boot all the time19:42
Tobawhat's the command to make normal users only able to see their own processes with ps?19:42
astro76Toba: ps ux19:43
millllmannnnwhat is the difference between a primary partition and an extended partition?19:43
LiMaOcamden_ ➡ virtualbox doesn't run an existing installation. you have to install the system from within the virtualbox application (on a virtual machine you create)19:43
TobaI mean make them *not able* to see19:43
Tobaso if they do ps aux they will only see their own stuff19:43
Tobaiirc it's an ioctl thing19:43
avisare the ubuntu forums down ?19:43
Tobaor something like that19:43
MasterShrekavis, i think so19:43
camden_lima0: so i can't do it without the xp cd?19:43
FlannelTortured: well, I cant find a diablo II walkthrough on the wiki, and the forums are down for the time being (if youre still having problems in an hour, check there), but here's WoW, which is also a multi-disk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft19:43
TorturedAval0n, yes19:43
Torturedavis rather19:43
=== braden_ is now known as meoblast001
arnduckyHey guys: what is the name of the meta-package that will install 32-bit libs and allow me to compile 32-bit programs on AMD64 ?19:43
FlannelTortured: If thta doesn't help, try asking in #winehq, they'll know for sure.19:43
camden_i think i heard about converting the xp partition to a vm file19:44
avismillllmannnn, i know that for linux you dont need any primary partitions and i believe there is a limit on primary partitions on a hard drive19:44
TorturedFlannel, thank you19:44
RoboCopDRebellion - Could not detect openssl! Please specify the path to the directory containing openssl/ssl.h via the command line option --openssl-includes="/path/to/file"19:44
RoboCopCould not detect openssl! Please specify the path to the directory containing openssl/ssl.h via the command line option --openssl-includes="/path/to/file"19:44
Lettuc3avis 4 primary partitions as far as i remember.19:44
astro76millllmannnn: it's historical, you can only have 4 primaries, so extended was created which is a primary which serves as a container for more partitions (logical)19:44
thechrisflash amd64 script on forums did nothing19:44
=== Lettuc3 is now known as L3ttuc3
sunseeker888hi guys, i have a problem. I have just connected a USB wireless microsoft  mouse/keyboard, ubuntu did not see it. i even re booted19:45
thechrisis there anyway to get flash other then that?19:45
lololhi to the room19:45
LiMaOcamden_ ➡ you can use an xp iso to install the system from within virtualbox19:45
L3ttuc3astro76 if i remember correctly, the maximum number of partitions is 4 primary, the last one being a container for 4 extended partitions?19:45
MasterShrekthechris, sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper    then download flash from adobe's site, adn extract the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins    then as your user: nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so19:45
LiMaOcamden_ ➡ that is, if you have an iso of the cd19:46
Flare183but MasterShrek you can't flash is broken19:46
camden_limao: all i have is the xp on my partition19:46
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »19:46
Siph0nI have a vertical scroll bar on the right side of my synaptics touchpad, but i am trying to turn it off.... i put Option"VertEdgeScroll""0" , in the synaptics part of my xorg.conf.... but its still on any ideas?19:46
astro76L3ttuc3: any one (and only one) of the primaries can be an extended, which can hold a large amount of logicals19:46
MasterShrekFlare183, the ubuntu package is broken, not the flash from adobe's site19:46
meoblast001hello..... im trying to help my sister with a wireless card problem.... she can get very impatient with computers and blames me for every thing that goes wrong with Ubuntu..... i need to know how to get a D-Link WUA-2340 wireless adapter to work with her system, keeping in mind that until she gets it working, we have no way of getting internet to her system.... anyone know how to help?19:46
razordeadI thought the ubuntu package was fixed19:46
LiMaOcamden_ ➡ you cannot use a 'virtual machine' to run it.19:46
Flare183MasterShrek: just figured that out19:47
epifaniohi, i've some problems at login,19:47
MasterShrekrazordead, it appears it is19:47
epifanioi'm on 7.10-ppc,  it works but to login it needs a lot of time (5 minutes..) ...19:47
L3ttuc3astro76 hmm must have been a limitation of the OS i was using at the time, that restricted me to 4 extended. oh well.19:47
camden_lima0: did you look at http://oopsilon.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware19:47
epifaniowhen i installed it , to boot it take max 1/2 munutes ....19:47
epifanioobviously i think that the problems was that installed something that give me these slow boot :-(  how can i check what is the cause ?19:47
TurtleBootsHi all19:47
LiMaOcamden_ ➡ nope i did not. and i do not have experience with vmware. if it's possible to run a windows partition then you shoud just follow the guide or how-to19:47
camden_lima0: add/remove won't let me install vmware19:48
L3ttuc3epifanio try dmesg in a console? it could be also trying to resolve ip addresses/networks via dhcp...19:48
TurtleBootsany one here got any ideas how to fix a system when the GRUB is screwed - getting "Error 2" error ??19:48
CursedLordI have a problem my new graphic card Saphire ati radeon  hd 2600 pro it doest work with ubuntu 7.10 has anyone solved this problem19:48
brobostigoncamden_: look in synaptis insted19:48
L3ttuc3epifanio at any rate, you probably want to have a look at the logs anyway /var/log .19:48
brobostigoncamden_: use synaptic19:49
camden_brobostigon: i searched synaptic19:49
Quinn_StormQuick question, if anyone here might know, in Reconstructor, if I put a custom xorg.conf in place, will it get copied to the final install, or does it get overwritten?19:49
LiMaOcamden_ ➡ check out vmware website. by the way, that guide seems directed towards the 'not-so-new-to-linux' people19:49
sunseeker888help please Ubuntu does not see my new usb wireless microsoft mouse/keyboard19:50
TurtleBootsny one here got any ideas how to fix a system when the GRUB is screwed - getting "Error 2" error ??19:50
martilloask how to install flash on opera instead of mozilla/firefox19:50
LiMaOTurtleBoots ➡ get into the system using the livecd... then chroot your system and fix it19:51
CursedLordHelp please Ati radeon 2600 pro doest work with ubuntu how can i solve this problem after the installation i see a black screen19:51
epifanioL3ttuc3: in var log, what specific log i need to chek ?19:51
meoblast001how do you install a printer?19:52
MasterShrek!cups | meoblast00119:52
=== [1]craigbass1976 is now known as craigbass1976
ubotumeoblast001: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows19:52
eifzon_Anyone in here that can help me to install ubuntu on a pen-stick?19:52
craigbass1976ok, I can ssh in now and sudo.  How do I make it so that I can log into the GUI without those "last session lasted less than ten seconds" messages?19:52
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
L3ttuc3epifanio syslog, kern.log probably. i should have said, those are a little more accessible via system -> administration -> system log. apologies.19:53
meoblast001MasterShrek: no.... how do you get to the add printer screen, the one i found in settings > administation was not the same as the one they had in the old GNOME19:53
levanderAre the GLX screensavers supposed to max out a CPU if you have the nv binary driver installed?  I thought I remember that if you had nv installed the screensavers didn't take up so much CPU.19:53
TurtleBootsLiMaO: what you mean chroot?19:53
LiMaOTurtleBoots ➡ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot19:54
MasterShrekmeoblast001, well thats probably because you arent using "old" gnome, sue the one thats there or the web-based cups administration (you need to have a root password set for that so its not recommended)19:54
TurtleBootsLiMaO - thanks19:54
Torturedis there a cp command that will include directories?19:55
MasterShrekcp -r19:55
LiMaOTurtleBoots ➡ check out the 3rd link of the 'references' section aswell. it'll help you get everything running19:55
fiXXXerMetI am playing a game (Anarchy Online) in fullscreen mode in my first workspace.  How can I change to the second workspace, leaving AO running in the first?  I can do this with a hotkey with Fluxbox.19:55
meoblast001MasterShrek: how do i add a network printer using that that is directly attached to the router19:55
levanderCan someone who's got the nv driver installed run the colorfire screensaver and tell me how much CPU is takes up?19:55
epifanio_these is dmesg : http://rafb.net/p/AJtcMj82.html19:55
fiXXXerMetlevander: I have the nvidia, not nv, driver.  close enough?19:55
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levanderYou don't have to run it full screen, if you just run it in the little screensaver dialog, that'll be enough to tell me.19:55
epifanio_now i'm looking in the log files19:55
TurtleBootsLiMaO - ta19:55
=== Nikolai is now known as nocolai
Magus_Xnvidia does not 3d acceleration afaik19:56
craigbass1976I ran /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate and the clock is still telling me it's 2005.  Would that cause issues?19:56
Magus_Xnv does19:56
cvegawell gparted did its job.19:56
levanderfiXXXerMet: No, the nvidia driver doesn't have hardware graphics acceleration.19:56
MasterShrekmeoblast001, i think using the web-based cups admin tool would be your best bet, but like i said you need to set a root password to use it, and point your browser at: http://localhost:63119:56
Magus_Xsomething like that19:56
JKUbuntuhow do you play mp3 files in ubuntu19:56
fiXXXerMetSo I should be using nv instead of nvidia?19:56
Cpudan80!mp3 | JKUbuntu19:56
ubotuJKUbuntu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:56
levandercraigbass1976: It could.  Run "sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart" to set the time via the ntp protocol.19:56
Torturedanyone that has installed a multi disk game in ubuntu - do you need to copy the discs to one directory or seperate directories for each disk?19:57
levanderfiXXXerMet: It'll make your 3D graphics faster if you're using any 3D graphics.19:57
fiXXXerMetI have a nvidia GeForce 6600 GT and I'm using the nvidia driver.  I need to use nv to get hardware acceleration?19:57
mokonaI've got an interesting problem.  Every so often, I'll loose the ability to type in the file browser, like, I cant type out a directory path or use the search bar19:57
fiXXXerMetlevander: Ah, OK19:57
CursedLordcan anyone help me for the ati radeon hd 2600 it doest work with ubuntu19:57
sunseeker888help please Ubuntu does not see my new usb wireless microsoft mouse/keyboard19:57
levanderfiXXXerMet: Yes.  But, the only thing nv really helps me with is the screensaver.  I do think I remember when I turned it on, it made 2D graphcis, like application windows, a little snappier.19:58
Cpudan80sunseeker888: It should... worked for me19:58
Aquahallicis flashplayer package still broken??19:58
astro76Aquahallic: no19:58
levanderfiXXXerMet: YOu know how to turn it on?19:58
fiXXXerMetlevander: Just change the line in xorg.conf?19:58
Aquahallichmm... k... thx19:58
levandersunseeker888: Does it work under Windows.19:58
Cpudan80sunseeker888: Are you sure the thing is working properly on its own? IE. Does it work in windows ?19:58
RoboCopi need ssl.h     which package might be having it?19:58
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box19:59
Cpudan80sunseeker888: You might need to enable USB Keyboard support in your BIOS19:59
CursedLordHow can i install radeon hd 2600 pro on ubuntu19:59
levanderfiXXXerMet: I'd go into System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager and turn it on in there.19:59
meoblast001MasterShrek: its asking what kind of printer it is and idk.... its a brother multi-functioning center.... what should i put19:59
astro76!ati | CursedLord19:59
ubotuCursedLord: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:59
levanderfiXXXerMet: But, that one line in xorg.conf may be all it changes, I don't remember.19:59
Stofferhow would I format my external usb hard drive as Fat32?19:59
CursedLordyes ati19:59
sunseeker888yes it work inb wwindows19:59
Cpudan80sunseeker888: What happens under ubuntu ?19:59
sunseeker888Levander thanks it works on windows19:59
astro76CursedLord: that was a command to tell ubotu to give you information, check out the link19:59
brobostigonStoffer: use gparted20:00
levandersunseeker888: I vaguely remember that there are some issues with wireless keyboard/mouse in Ubuntu.  I don't think they just use the standard USB keyboard/mouse drivers even in Windows.  You'd have to google to verify that though, I'm not positive.20:00
blizzowWhat are the generic steps for compiling a third party driver in ubuntu?  I was under the assumption that one just downloads the linux-headers package and build-essential packages and compiles as needed, but apparently this is completely wrong.20:00
Cpudan80Does the live CD have gparted in it?20:00
fiXXXerMetCpudan80: yes20:00
Cpudan80Does it work?20:00
levanderfiXXXerMet: Have you got it running?20:00
gabrielguys i need some help how do i find out my ip, gateway and subnet mask, ifconfig only shows my ip20:00
Cpudan80fiXXXerMet: ok - great - thanks20:01
Stofferbrobostigon, would I need to mount the volume first?20:01
sunseeker888levander: cheers, ubuntu forum is down, maintenance20:01
blizzowgabriel: man root20:01
fiXXXerMetlevander: The restricted driver is already checked.  it shouldn't be?20:01
blizzowgabriel: sorry, I meant man route20:01
brobostigonStoffer: i dont think it matters, not sure though20:01
CursedLordwhich link i havent seen any link20:01
Stofferbrobostigon, ok, because I currently can't mount it due to it's ntfs-3g file system, which is why I'm changing it to fat3220:02
blizzowroute will give your gateway and netmasks for network interfaces.20:02
Flannelgabriel: Are you connected over wifi?  ifconfig should show you all.  try iwconfig20:02
meoblast001how do i connect to a network printer that is directly connected to our router.... what type of printer would it be? Windows Printer, AppSocket, IPP, LPD/LPR, or Other?20:02
levanderfiXXXerMet: Run 'glxinfo | grep rendering' to see if you're using hardware acceleration.20:02
ATGWhen someone has a minute... whenever I'm drawing something in GIMP for more than a minute, my entire OS freezes. I can still use the mouse, but that's it. I think it's GL related, but I'm not sure.. anybody have any ideas?20:02
mateuszI have problem with sound control.. aumix -v +5 or aumix -v -5 does nothing! while with -w option it works..20:02
ahorriblemessforums are down for now =(20:02
levanderfiXXXerMet: That it's checked may mean you're already using the nv driver.20:02
Aquahallicastro76: I got it... I had the adobe and gnash installed.. must have been somekind of conflict....:)   Thank You!20:02
mateuszany idea why global volume is missing on my ubuntu?20:02
levanderATG: What video card, ATI or nvidia?20:02
mateuszI have only PCM20:02
fiXXXerMetlevander: direct rendering: Yes.  Curious because xorg.conf shows "driver" "nvidia" and not "nv"20:02
gabrielflannel no im connected through cable, i need those settings ... i don't exactly know how to find them20:02
ATGLevander: ATi, it's an old Radeon 9200 SE. Worked fine before20:02
ahorriblemesscan someone tell me how to check my ports, or see if any have been opened?20:02
ahorriblemessi dont think my message sent20:02
levandermateusz: It's missing where?20:03
Flannelgabriel: Are you not connected yet?20:03
Cpudan80ahorriblemess: netstat20:03
usserahorriblemess: netstat -atp20:03
fiXXXerMetahorriblemess:  You can run nmap against yourself, or use 'netstat -tap'20:03
mateuszlevander: well when I try to use my phisical volume buttons on my lenovo t6120:03
Flannelgabriel: dhcp should take care of that20:03
ahorriblemessso is it tap or atp20:03
mateuszlevander: they work without compiz20:03
fiXXXerMetahorriblemess: doesn't matter20:03
mateuszlevander: when I run compiz they dont20:03
clearzenahorriblemess: sudo nmap -sS
levanderATG: Linux has never been that agreeable with ATI cards.  It probably does have to do with GL like you say.  You could upgrade cards to an nvidia one, or keep playing with GL config to see if you can fix it.20:03
ahorriblemessok thanks20:03
Stofferbrobostigon, fyi, it seems to be working fine20:04
levanderATG: Or, just turn off hardware acceleration and use the open source ATI driver?20:04
gabrielflannel i'm connected on my desktop pc, dhcp ... but my laptop doesn't want to connect with dhcp so i thought i could manually set them ..but i forgot them, i had them on a piece of paper somewhere20:04
Stofferbrobostigon, thanks20:04
mokonaanyone have any idea why I'd suddenly lose the ability to type in the location box in file browser?  while still being able to type elsewhere20:04
mateuszlevander: I dont have gobal volume in mixer appler20:04
mateuszlevander: only pcm20:04
clearzensudo nmap -sS
brobostigonStoffer: youre welcome20:04
Flannelgabriel: Ah, you can set them.  You can check on your desktop, they should be the same.  If you control the router, you can chcek on the router too.20:04
ATGlevander: It's always worked before, I'm assuming the problem is related to the fact that I just upgraded motherboards. Redid everything, it all worked fine except the video. So, I'll try with hardware accel off. Thanks!20:04
gabrielflannel i dont know where to find them on my desktop that's why i'm asking ... ifconfig only displays my ip20:04
levandermateusz: I have no idea, sorry.  I'd look for info from the ALSA project (sound drivers Ubuntu uses).  Maybe there's an #alsa channel on freenode?20:05
DRebellionclearzen, actually, the -sS flag isn't needed as this is the default. also, it would be best to run with root privaleges (sudo) to get the best detection. :P20:05
dmarsamy ati works fine. it being an x1950Pro. You tried using the binary from the ati website ATG?20:05
levanderfiXXXerMet: Where are you with the nv driver?20:05
clearzenahorriblemess: sudo nmap -sS -p 21-9000 would be a little faster20:05
ATGdmarsa: i'm actually doing that now, thanks20:05
Flannelgabriel: ah, this is on the desktop.  Um, try one of the GUI things.  It may tell you.  Or, we can just assume you've got a normal setup.  Whats the IP of your desktop machine?20:05
meoblast001ubuntu is starting to irritate me the last few weeks.... soon im gonna stop defending it over windows20:06
levandermeoblast001: Is that a threat?20:06
astro76gabriel: ifconfig should give mask also, route -v will give mask and gateway20:06
MasterShreksounds like it...20:06
JFactorHello, I am attempting to install a .tar package, I am in the extracted directory and I type ./configure however nothing happens20:07
ahorriblemessok, so I checked netstat, I don't knowwhat I"m looking at, how would I know if a port is open?20:07
meoblast001levander: no its the truth20:07
Flannel!patience | meoblast00120:07
MasterShrekuser error20:07
ubotumeoblast001: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:07
gabrielthanks i got it, flannel, astro76 thanks20:07
HumanOdysseyI'm on Windows, but I just came here to LOL.20:07
lz7he is the one who knows the truth20:07
levanderFlannel: He wasn't being rude, I was just playing with him.20:07
Flannel!patience | meoblast00120:07
Flanneler.  gah20:07
meoblast001levander: if computers just dont stop working.... im gonna stop.... i reinstalled the whole dang os and i still have a dang bug on my login screen20:07
meoblast001levander: i gave up on that20:08
levandermeoblast001: Cool.20:08
sn00zeris there a way to find out why amarok is taking 92% of my cpu whenever the track changes?20:08
Stofferis Fat32 a really slow file system?  Because it takes around 6 sec to delete a text file from my Fat32 external usb hdd20:08
syngindub001looking for help on mounting please?20:08
Flannelmeoblast001: You've been here for a little over 20 minutes, don't despair just yet.20:08
levandermeoblast001: I'd tell you what kind of printer it is, but I don't know.20:08
meoblast001does canonical offer tech support and how much20:08
MasterShreksynacktion, what are you trying to mount?20:08
levandermeoblast001: Try #cups for that question?20:08
MasterShrekmeoblast001, yes they do, ubuntu.com should give you information, but you are better off here getting free support imho20:08
levandermeoblast001: canonical.com/support - no idea how much20:08
b3bytalking bout support?20:09
epifanio_L3ttuc3: where can i look : http://rafb.net/p/JFiXHS95.html20:09
MasterShreksyngindub001, what are you trying to mount?20:09
meoblast001i dont have intentions on angering anyone but 90% of the time i leave without an answer20:09
Torturedif you have to copy a multi disk game to hd to install under wine, do you have to have a no cd patch? boy its a bummer the forums are down20:09
syngindub001i have an external drive that mounts when i boot to /dev/sb1 and i access through /media/disk. however sometimes i need to umount and repair. how can i easily remount to previous location20:09
MasterShrekmeoblast001, you have yet to ask a question since ive been here, there arent always people aroudn who know exactly what you are trying to do20:09
b3bybeg your pardon20:10
levandermeoblast001: Me too.  I kind of figure this channel is really for noobs.  Ubuntu has a lot of people trying Linux for the first time since it's so easy.  You're not trying just the basic stuff.20:10
MasterShrekmeoblast001, have you ever consulted the forums? (they are down atm) but they are very useful20:10
brobostigonmeoblast001: you can only get an answer, if somone knows an answer, if no one answers, no one knows20:10
* olie oops20:10
L3ttuc3epifanio you're already there, it's a file, syslog or kern.log20:10
b3bydoes anyone have an idea on how to get a dwl-120+ working on ubuntu?20:10
meoblast001MasterShrek: i did and they told me to go away because its "down"20:10
MasterShreksyngindub001, first off you need a place to mount it, /media/sdb1 is usually a good sopt: sudo mkdir /media/sdb120:10
L3ttuc3epifanio however, you can also access those via system -> administration -> system log. that would probably be easier considering.20:11
epifanioyes i find it, reading and paste20:11
Flannelmeoblast001: Not everyone is awake all the time, you've just gotta be patient, repeat your question every 20 minutes or so.  Eventually, someone who's on will be able to help.  While waiting, check the forums and google (I know, forums are down at the moment).20:11
meoblast001brobostigon: we'll someone here has to have a network printer, the Gnome they used in feisty had a very easy interface, then they changed it20:11
MasterShrekmeoblast001, i dont use gnome, but try #cups or #gnome if you cant get help here20:11
meoblast001Flannel: i googled until the results stopped having the word ubuntu in it20:11
martilloanyone familiar with installing flash player on opera in ubuntu?20:12
b3byam i writing on the right place?20:12
MasterShreksyngindub001, then: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb120:12
Starnestommyb3by: looks like it20:12
Cpudan80b3by: to do what?20:12
b3bytrying to find some help baout a wireless usb card20:12
syngindub001MasterShrek, the device on /dev/sdb1 mounts on boot to /media/disk. when unmounting the disk folder is removed so i can't remount to this location as i'd like20:12
pharumhelp help help i need help :P20:12
Cpudan80!wireless | b3by20:12
ubotub3by: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:12
Flannelmeoblast001: I'm not saying you didnt, or havent, just giving suggestions on how to fill the time.  The others are right too, you might try asking the cups people proper.20:12
Cpudan80pharum: With...?20:13
pharumi have strange problem with my mouse :/20:13
b3byi red documentation20:13
pharumi have 9 button mouse but i can use only 3 buttons20:13
meoblast001Flannel: no one in cups is even toalking20:13
lintelhi, I'd like to install Ubuntu on my Acer TM 2480. Anybody out here who can tell me if it goes well? (WLAN, sleep)20:13
Cpudan80holy crap20:13
MasterShreksynacktion, thats because its being auto-mounted, you can just create a directory, like i said before to mount it where you want it.20:13
b3bybut i still can't find my answer20:13
Cpudan80A 9 button mouse?20:13
astro76meoblast001: it's probably going to be AppSocket/HP JetDirect20:13
b3byndiswrapper doesn't work20:13
Cpudan80pharum: picture!20:13
pharumsolotech tm-8020:13
meoblast001astro76: thanx20:13
syngindub001ok, but will the shares be affected then?20:14
mateuszHow to disable stupid indexing thing ?20:14
mateuszcan I remove it /20:14
MasterShreklintel, put the cd in your drive and boot of it and find out, sleep probably wont work all that well, never really does in linux20:14
meoblast001astro76: by hostname, does it mean ip address?20:14
astro76meoblast001: but if it's newish it's possible it's IPP, the manual should help20:14
MasterShrekmeoblast001, either way, ip address is probably better imo20:14
zozobraHow do you mount a dual layer ISO so that you can view both sessions?20:14
astro76meoblast001: it should take an IP also20:14
=== awalton__dos is now known as awalton__
astro76meoblast001: what's the exact model of router?20:15
Flannel!mouse | pharum20:15
ubotupharum: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto20:15
epifanio_L3ttuc3: kern.log http://rafb.net/p/RxsE3n57.html  sys.log http://rafb.net/p/Vg3gtk28.html20:15
lintelMasterShrek: should it work already from live-CD?20:15
pharumalso my roll instead rolling site down and up its backing site's :/20:15
pharumthx i'll ry it right away20:16
MasterShreklintel, the wifi might, its hard to say though, if you can pastebin the output of lspci -vv    i can give you some kind of an idea on how it will work20:16
* MasterShrek will brb20:16
b3byno idea?20:16
syngindub001MasterShrek, can i override the auto-mount so i can specify where it gets mounted ?20:16
mrgogetemhas any one put yahoo messgr on ubuntu and how do it work20:17
clearzensyngindub001: yes, it is set in the /etc/fstab file20:17
Torturedsyngindub001, you can set where it mounts in fstab20:17
astro76mrgogetem: I just use Pidgin20:17
Starnestommymrgogetem: I think pidgin works with yahoo20:17
cornishmanpidgin works better20:18
syngindub001ok i'll try that20:18
L3ttuc3epifanio what jumps out at me are the error messages around line 248 in the first paste about rpcbind... however, im not entirely sure how to fix it.20:18
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
mrgogetemya but i cant get my cam to work20:18
cornishmanYou wouldn't in yahoo messenger either20:18
mrgogetemwhys that20:18
cornishmanThe official yahoo messeneger for linux doesn't have webcam support20:19
mateuszHOW TO TURN OFF indexing thing20:19
cornishmanThere was another messenger client that did have that, I'll rememeber what it was called in a minute20:19
astro76mateusz: system > prefs > sessions, uncheck Tracker20:19
jribmateusz: system -> preferences -> indexing  no need for the caps20:19
b3bywhat if ndiswrapper tells me driver installation could be wrong?20:20
Magus_Xcornishman: aMSN? Gaim? Mercuty?20:20
meoblast001what do i do if i cant find a printer on the gnome printer list and the ubuntu forums are down so all the results on google wont work20:20
mrgogetemya i ben looking at a cupl but i dont think none has it20:20
mateuszjrib: How to kill it?20:20
zozobramateusz: System> Preferences> Indexing Preferences> Uncheck "Enable Indexing"20:20
WebuIs there any other light GUI's like XFCE?20:20
Starnestommymateusz: kill `pidof trackerd` ?20:20
jribmateusz: it's a gui, you check and uncheck things20:20
zozobraWebu: Flux20:20
astro76meoblast001: I asked what is the exact model of router?20:20
TorturedWebu, fluxbox20:21
StarnestommyWebu: afterstep, enlightenment, fvwm20:21
WebuOkey thanks for all the answers :)20:21
cornishmanmrgogetem: you might have some luck with gyach http://gyach.bc2va.org/20:21
meoblast001astro: Linksys Wireless-G WRT54G v5...... but the printer isnt on the list of gnome printers..... its a brother mfc 5440-cn20:21
zozobraDoes anyone know how to mount an iso that's meant to be dual layer so that you can see the data for both sessions?20:22
LDS_TrooperGreetings! I was gifted with an iPAQ today and I was wondering where I can get info on getting it to work with Ubuntu.20:22
astro76meoblast001: I know, that's why I want to look up the documentation ;)20:22
Siph0nthe right side of my touchpad scrolls vertically, and i want to turn it off... in xorg.conf i put Option"VertEdgeScroll""0" , in the synaptics section... it didnt work though, anyone have ne ideas?20:22
clearzenzozobra: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /mount/point doesn't work?20:22
WebuHmm, I'20:22
levanderLDS_Trooper: I'm trying to figure out the same thing for a RAZR V3xx and haven't had much luck.  I'd start at UbuntuForums.org - but, it's down right now.20:22
LDS_Trooperlevander, thanks!20:23
CelesI need help20:23
XredXhey does ubuntu come with an Identd server?20:23
Stoffercan someone help me with the trivial issue of getting translucency and shadows working in KDE?20:23
levanderXredX: Yes.  I don't know how to use it though.20:23
astro76meoblast001: oh when you said directly to the router I thought it had a print server, you have a network printer... what kind of printer?20:23
zozobraclearzen: that works but I only see the data meant for one side of the disc. Ex: It's a 7.5GB ISO and when mounted, the contents are 400mb.20:23
LDS_Trooperlevander, I know there is the palmOS stuff on the system menu.. but this is not PalmOS20:23
StarnestommyXredX: not by default, but hidentd, oidentd, and a few others are in the repositiroes20:23
david08hello, how do i put the recycle bin on the desktop?20:23
XredXxlnt thanks ^_^20:23
astro76meoblast001: it's probably going to be IPP20:23
Celescan someone help me with my sound issue? my friend said that my sound was stolen.. by some program and that I have to restart alsa yet I dont know what that means??20:24
levanderLDS_Trooper: I don't know much about it.20:24
meoblast001astro76: Brother MFC-5440 CN (and im angry that they no longer make refil kits on cartridges lol)20:24
LDS_Trooperlevander, seems we are in the same boat20:24
levanderLDS_Trooper: And, it kind of sux that that's all they've got on the menus.  PalmOS is dead.20:24
Cpudan80Hey ehh20:24
howdoudoI know this is off topic but anyone here use AdvancedMess?20:24
astro76meoblast001: well if you get another get an HP if you want good linux support, always check first too ;)20:24
Cpudan80I need the debugging package for rhythmbox, anyone know what it is called20:24
danand_Celes - sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart20:24
mateuszhow to file a bug??20:24
Cpudan80!info rhythmbox-dbg20:24
jribhowdoudo: ask about offtopic stuff in #ubuntu-offtopci20:24
ubotuPackage rhythmbox-dbg does not exist in gutsy20:24
jribhowdoudo: ask about offtopic stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic20:24
meoblast001astro76: what about lexmark?20:25
mateusz!report bug20:25
jrib!bugs | mateusz20:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about report bug - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:25
ubotumateusz: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:25
meoblast001astro: they have refill kits20:25
clearzenzozobra: sudo mount /dev/cdrom0 /media/cdrom0 -t iso9660 -o unhide /path/to/iso /mount/point20:25
meoblast001astro76: but then again, if you can saw the tops off the cartridges and then tape them back up, you can refill it in my opinion20:25
martilloanyone familiar with installing flash player on opera in ubuntu?20:25
mrnotproperhi, i've a little problem with the scalling of my cpu ... since,i don't know how much time, cpufreq-utils didn't recognize my cpu... I tried different config of intel's option in my bios and the default config and anything change. I've a Core 2 Duo and a kernel in realtime..20:25
clearzenzozobra:sudo mount /dev/cdrom0 /media/cdrom0 -t iso9660 -o unhide20:25
david08hello, how do i put the recycle bin on the desktop?20:26
levanderhowdoudo: There's a #windows channel too you could try.20:26
astro76meoblast001: HP actively develops and supports the linux printing support20:26
jrib!icons > david08 (read the private message from ubotu)20:26
clearzenzozobra: grrr that's wrong one sec20:26
CelesI got this bash: sudo/etc/init.d/alsa-utils: No such file or directory20:27
JKUbuntuwhat are some good ubuntu apps that are'nt listed in add or remove programs?20:27
MattJCeles: Put a space after sudo20:27
brobostigonJKUbuntu: have a look on packages.ubuntu.com20:27
levanderdavid08: Try making a link to ~/.Trash in your ~/Desktop directory.20:27
meoblast001astro76: but they probably have unrefillable cartridges20:27
Celessudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart?20:28
MattJCeles: Yep20:28
tontonmelkorsalut all20:28
levanderdavid08: I just tried it, it works: "ln -s .Trash Desktop/Trash"20:28
Stofferi'm currenty running KDE 3.5.8 as that's what was included in the kubuntu-desktop package.  What would be the best way to upgrade to KDE 4?20:28
brobostigon!kde4 | stoffer20:29
ubotustoffer: KDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:29
zozobraclearzen: or, if I could just clone or copy the contents of an iso to a specified disk, this wouldn't even be necessary20:29
Celesit says its setting up alsa20:29
sarthorHi, I want to block any of image of size "http://ads1.msn.com/ads/1/0000000001_000000000000000163044.jpg", I am using "deny_info" in squid. but the images on the website changing day by day, how can i tell to squid to block the image of this site and put my own banner there???? Help please, i am not much expert in linux20:29
meoblast001astro76: IPP cant find my host name20:29
JKUbuntuApple ][ Emulator does this let you run OS X?20:29
Celesdoes that mean its restarted now?20:29
thiemsterwhenever I press delete, ubuntu freezes. Why?20:29
MattJCeles: Yes, I believe so20:29
astro76meoblast001: yeah it's not IPP, it's older protocols20:29
zt7724JKUbuntu: apple II is a 8 bit machine from 1979 :)20:29
JKUbuntuwhat does it do?20:30
meoblast001astro76: i found a page that brother operates with linux cup driversr20:30
cvegawoot. ubuntu on.20:30
astro76meoblast001: AppSocket with port 9100 should work, but also possibly LPD/LPR Host, click that and see if the Probe button brings up anything20:30
Stofferbrobostigon, thanks again20:30
WebuWhat do you think would Ubuntu boot fast from an USB stick? Do you have any other suggestions to make a fast-to-boot system? I don't need anything special, just fast booting times.20:30
JKUbuntuyeah you can boot ubuntu from usb.20:30
Celesyep now i know the issue.. banshee is taking over my sound :(20:30
tontonmelkori'm looking for someone he can help me to activate my graph acceleration20:30
DJ_DanniHi i need hellp20:30
thiemsterwhenever I press delete, ubuntu freezes. Why?20:30
Celeseverytime I try to play something on banshee it freezes20:30
jrib!ask | DJ_Danni20:30
ubotuDJ_Danni: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:30
=== c is now known as charitwo
tontonmelkorthat's an intel chipset20:31
chotchkihey guys, does anyone know if vserver virtualizaion is built in the ubuntu server kernel by default?20:31
tontonmelkori'm looking for someone he can help me to activate my graph acceleration20:31
chotchkiin at least gutsy?20:31
JKUbuntuI dont get it what does this do? Apple ][ Emulator20:31
usr_robanyone? mount.nfs: failed, reason given by server: Permission denied20:31
XredXStarnestommy: thanks! it worked20:31
=== charitwo is now known as Charitwo
meoblast001astro76: just downloaded the driver off the brother site20:31
thiemsterwhenever I press delete, ubuntu freezes. Why?20:31
DJ_DanniI am in trobule with my Webserver if you test http://www.spacestream.net she ask you to Download somthang but what can i do?20:32
meoblast001astro: but do you know a way to refill cartridges that dont have refill kits made specifically for them20:32
rainwalkeraren't the forums supposed to be back up?20:32
cvegacan someone pls post the ref link to installing graphics cards?20:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:32
StarnestommyDJ_Danni: it looks like it isn't parsing the phtml files20:32
thiemsterthe forums are still down20:32
epifanio_L3ttuc3: yes it is the key !20:32
MattJthiemster: Odd problem20:32
rainwalker@time utc20:33
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: February 10 2008, 20:33:11 - Next meeting: Education Team in 2 days20:33
DJ_DanniStarnestommy how can i fix it?20:33
thiemsterMattj: i think it has something to do with compiz20:33
MattJthiemster: Ah20:33
chotchki@search vserver20:33
thiemsterMattj: but I don't know what to do. When i press escape, it's not frozen anymore20:33
astro76meoblast001: dunno I've never done it20:33
meoblast001astro76: whats a cups wrapper driver?20:33
epifanio_searching on google the line : rpcbind: server localhost not responding, timed out20:33
MattJthiemster: Sounds like Compiz is set to do something when you press that key20:33
StarnestommyDJ_Danni: I don't remember how, exactly.  #apache might be able to help20:33
MattJthiemster: Just a second, let me test something20:34
DJ_Danniok thangs20:34
thiemsterMattJ: ok20:34
epifanio_i have that it is related to the nfs mount system20:34
epifanio_when i boot after the splash screen20:34
epifanio_i see the boot log ...20:34
L3ttuc3all my usb devices just stopped working. is there a way to force them to be polled again? unplugging and plugging them back in again does not work either.20:34
epifanio_and it stay a lot of time (3-4 minutes)20:35
epifanio_on the nfs mount step20:35
thiemsterL3ttuc3: have you tried unmounting them?20:35
thiemsterL3ttuc3: and then remounting them with the mount command20:35
L3ttuc3thiemster that includes a keyboard and a mouse, and a cd drive.20:35
MattJthiemster: Do you have the Compiz configuration editor installed?20:35
GeezleHey folks, I'm on a brand new install of 7.10 and it won't mount my CDROM for some reason.  I get the error "mount: special device /dev/hdb does not exist" but I just finished using the drive to install.20:35
thiemsterMattJ: how do i check?20:35
rainwalkerwasn't VMware added to the repos?20:35
espereguanyone knows how I can prevent lm-sensors to beep when my cpu fan stops spinning???????20:36
MattJ!ccsm | thiemster20:36
ubotuthiemster: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:36
L3ttuc3thiemster not gonna work for keyboard and mouse.20:36
Starnestommyrainwalker: I think it might eb in the miltiverse section20:36
L3ttuc3thiemster lsusb hangs.20:36
MattJthiemster: (I'm also assuming you are using Gutsy?)20:36
thiemsterL3ttuc3: I thought u meant just flash drives20:36
thiemsterMattJ: yea, i'm using gutsy20:36
rainwalkerStarnestommy: I have all the repos enabled, but it's not listed in synaptic20:36
Starnestommyrainwalker: actually, I just checked and it isn't. whoops20:36
thiemsterMattJ: what do you mean by !ccsm20:36
L3ttuc3thiemster nopes, unfortunately. any ideas?20:36
MattJthiemster: See what ubotu said to you20:36
JC_Denton_How can I get mono 1.2.6 to work ?20:37
thiemsterL3ttuc3: the only thing i can think of is rebooting20:37
thiemsterL3ttuc3: maybe reboot into a livecd20:37
thiemsterL3ttuc3: or into safe mode, but idk20:37
meoblast001im gonna bank on buying a new printer20:37
meoblast001that i cant afford20:37
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:37
epifanio_can i sole something using : /etc/init.d/portmap  XXXstart-stop-reloadXXX ?20:37
meoblast001and i have 2 assignments do on thursday20:37
meoblast001im screwed20:37
deniz_i have dial-up conection, is it easy to share dial-up connection to my laptop thru a wired router?20:38
thiemster!ccsm | thiemster20:38
L3ttuc3thiemster i think rebooting is going to solve it. kernel log says this: Feb 11 00:31:27 laptop kernel: [18130.920000] usb 6-1: USB disconnect, address 220:38
L3ttuc3thiemster i was hoping to avoid having to reboot.20:38
simoneHi someone can help me with ffmpeg?20:38
thiemsterMattJ: I'm going to go through every compiz feature i have on and check20:38
MattJthiemster: Open Terminal, and: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager20:38
thiemsterMattJ: It's already installed20:39
CelesI think im gonna cry20:39
MattJthiemster: Great, so you should be able to find it easily20:39
MattJCeles: ?20:39
Celesnothings working I have no sound20:39
* Celes cries20:39
Cpudan80Nothing is working?20:39
Cpudan80In what?20:39
CelesI tried restarting my alsa and that did nothing20:40
CelesI cant play any sound on my ubuntu20:40
Cpudan80What kind of sound card do you have?20:40
L3ttuc3thiemster and i would like to know if there's a way to find out why this happened, and to prevent it from happening again in the future. laptop did not enter any low-powered state. it's hooked onto the mains.20:40
CelesI dont even know how to figure that out ;"(20:40
StarnestommyCeles: try lspco20:40
StarnestommyCeles: er, lspci20:40
Cpudan80Celes: System - preferences - Hardware info20:40
danand_celes - have you had sound working before?20:41
simoneNo one can gimme some answer about ffmpeg?20:41
Cpudan80Starnestommy: The GUI version has a better display :-/20:41
Celeswhich would be the sound one?20:41
GeezleI can't mount my CD-ROM on a brand new install - anybody have any ideas?20:41
StarnestommyCeles: either one will list it somewhere20:41
L3ttuc3my usb keyboard/mouse just got disconnected with this error, anyone know how to bring them back without rebooting? Feb 11 00:31:27 laptop kernel: [18130.920000] usb 6-1: USB disconnect, address 220:41
Starnestommysimone: what about it?20:41
CelesI dont even know names of sound cards how will I find it20:41
danand_!paste | celes20:42
ubotuceles: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:42
Cpudan80Celes: Run the lspci thing on a command line, and paste the entire output to pastebin20:42
danand_celes - pastebin the output of lspci20:42
fedex1993hi future pilet20:42
fedex1993spelled wrong yay20:42
FuturePilothello fedex199320:43
mateuszIs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/118723 fixed ? cause I also have this bug in gnome when I run compiz20:43
mateuszVolume control works with metacity when I change to compiz the OSD pop up correctly, but the speakers' volume is unaffected.20:43
aricz__Hi, what's a good usenet client/reader in console?20:44
Cpudan80mateusz: Are you sure your volume control is controlling the correct mixer?20:44
StarnestommyCeles: look at line 15 there20:44
danand_celes - have you had sound working before?20:44
Cpudan80Celes: that's a very common sound card, it should work fine20:44
Celesyes I watched a movie earlier20:44
Celesand the sound worked fine20:45
Celesthen when i started up music and banshee it froze20:45
Celesand nothing works now to produce a sound20:45
mateuszCpudan80: yes with metacity it works, when I run compiz it doesnt20:45
Cpudan80Celes: Can you see the volume icon on the screen somewhere?20:45
thiemsterL3ttuc3: sorry, i can't exactly help you there. try looking through any error messages20:45
Celesyes I can20:45
Cpudan80mateusz: oh ehh..... dunno about that20:45
Celesnothing is muted20:45
thiemsterL3ttuc3: or ask the ubuntu mailing list20:45
mateuszCpudan80: well slider works.. I am thinking about volume buttons on keyboard20:45
Celesshould I give you a screen shot of my sound settings? maybe theres an issue there?20:45
exneohey how do I scan for music outside of my root partion in armorak20:46
Cpudan80Celes: double click the icon20:46
danand_Celes - have you tried running alsa-mixer-gui?20:46
mateuszCpudan80: this is some kind of ubuntu bug..20:46
exneoanybody use armorak and keep their files in a seprate partion20:46
Cpudan80Celes: Hit Edit --> Preferences, check all the boxes20:46
Cpudan80Celes: crank up the PCM20:46
CelesI hit all the boxes in the preferences?20:47
Cpudan80Celes: that way you can play with all of them yeah20:47
exneotheir isn't an edit tab in armorak20:47
blaze416anybody have any suggestions to connect to connect a scanner?  its a 3 in 1.  i already have the printer working just would liek to beable to scan20:47
Cpudan80Celes: Also -- click File --> Change device --- make sure Intel Alsa <more stuff> is selected20:48
Cpudan80Don't play with the OSS one20:48
danand_Celes - alsamixer in a terminal also works20:48
Celeshold on20:48
Celesill give you a screen shot20:48
Celesthis is getting too complicated20:48
Cpudan80Celes: make the window big enough to see all the sliders20:49
ahavecould someone explain to me what is wmaster0 under ifconfig?20:49
martilloanyone familiar with installing flash player on opera in ubuntu?20:50
esrefi had the  same problem with java20:51
exneok just gotta try media tab solved u guys rule20:51
yolucamplayer failed to open any video files named "video name.avi"  all video files named "videoname.avi" works great any idea ?20:51
Anonymous_How do I go to a different IRC than ubuntu?20:52
Holmes89hey I have a quick question about ubuntu server if someone can help20:52
Celesim loading the pics20:52
Celessoo hold on20:52
Webuyoluca, have you tried video_name.avi or actually "video name.avi"?20:52
yolucai think it has something to do witha " %U to be changed to %F " but not sure where20:52
Holmes89I have some web pages I want to host on my server on windows, how do I get it to my /var/www/ folder without a gui?20:53
yolucaWebu well video_name.avi works but video name.avi doesnt20:53
Goosemoosehow do i pass a value into a .sh script I made into a variable within the script?20:53
Webuyoluca, not with 'video name.avi20:53
danand_yoluca - video\ name.avi should work20:53
StarnestommyGoosemoose: VAR1=$1, VAR2=$2?20:54
yolucaWebu i use mplayer gui and i just double click the files ....20:54
GoosemooseStarnestommy so when i call it can i just say myscript.sh myinfo20:54
StarnestommyGoosemoose: yes20:55
Goosemoosethen within say var1=$1 and that would read in myinfo?20:55
DJ_DanniI am in trobule with my Webserver if you test http://www.spacestream.net she ask you to Download somthang but what can i do?20:55
yolucaWebu someone told me to change something rewarding %U to %F but i cannot remember where .. and worked20:55
sagredoHOLLA!!! How can I use mplayer or any other video player to output the video stream to S-Video --> TV?20:55
GoosemooseStarnestommy, thanks20:55
starkedHi, I was wondering if anyone here could help me get compiz working with my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400.  I've already installed the fglrx drivers and whitelisted them, but I can't seem to get compiz to work.  Anytime I try to enable it it changes my theme for a moment and then says "Desktop effects could not be enabled."  Any ideas?20:55
Celesokay heres one20:56
Webuyoluca, sorry about that line.20:56
yolucaWebu np ... so any idea ?20:56
esrefubuntu screen saver problem20:57
esrefpower management20:57
deniz_is it easy to share a dial-up connection in ubuntu thru a wired router??20:57
Cpudan80Celes: first problem - you are not attached to a mixer20:57
adac2which program allows me to delete data on a dvd20:57
Cpudan80Celes: oh no nevermind, I just can't read20:57
Celesim not attached to a mixer?20:57
danand_Celes - unmute "center"20:58
Cpudan80Celes: anyway, crank up the IEC95820:58
deniz_cuz wireless gives me hell20:58
eifzon_adac2, first you need a dvd+rw and then you can use k3b20:58
Webuyoluca, I see, unfortuately I don't have any idea what could it be :/ Hopefully someone else could help you. There might be a support channel for MPlayer as well.20:58
soundrayHi, I'm trying to run an OpenGL program on a remote machine via ssh X11 forwarding, but I get "libGL error: open DRM failed (Operation not permitted)". Remote Non-GL programs work fine, local GL programs work fine, too. Can you help?20:58
yolucaWebu yeah . ok thanks20:58
Cpudan80Celes: generally better to leave PCM about 75% or so20:59
adac2eifzon_: it is a dvd+rw...but k3b cannot delete the content on it20:59
Cpudan80in my experience anyway20:59
eifzon_adac2, you have the permissions right?20:59
adac2eifzon_: uh...do I have to be root maybe?20:59
Holmes89does anyone understand ubuntu server, I just have one quick question dealing with transferring files21:00
adac2eifzon_: i do..just a mom21:00
DJ_DanniI am in trobule with my Webserver if you test http://www.spacestream.net she ask you to Download somthang but what can i do?21:00
Celesanything wrong here ? http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/Celeserz/sound2.png21:00
danand_soundray - check you have X11Forwarding set to yes in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file21:00
soundraydanand_: I do -- xlogo displays fine.21:00
JC_Denton_My apt-get is broken - keeps saying f-spot and others reporting errors21:01
Cpudan80Celes: no21:01
yaroDoes anyone know an alternate place I can get the sun-java6-plugin package? I can't seem to sudo apt-get install it or find it in Synaptic.21:01
adac2eifzon_: no...the start button is not enabled21:01
DJ_DanniI am in trobule with my Webserver if you test http://www.spacestream.net she ask you to Download somthang but what can i do?21:01
eitreachHas anyone got any info on the kernel exploit mentioned on Slashdot this evening? -> http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/02/10/201125721:01
eifzon_adac2, ask in #keb21:01
eifzon_adac2, ask in #k3b*21:01
adac2 eifzon_:k thx21:01
eifzon_hmm, it was empty there :P21:02
eifzon_try ##linux then21:02
spaleyAEHi all - I just installed the latest ubuntu and created the initial user (spaley) but it does not seem to be able to run sudo... any ideas?21:02
Celeswell whats wrong with my sound21:02
Celeswhy wont it work?21:02
yarospaleyES: What error are you getting?21:02
demreathHi! I need a help: I've set up headless server with VNC access for users (XFCE) and I found out that everyone can power off or reset the machine via logout button in XFCE! How can I disable it?21:02
dmarsaHolmes89, what are you trying to do?21:02
spaleyAEspaley is not in the sudoers file21:02
spaleyAEbut spaley is the only account I created (and done during install)21:03
tnnccan someone tell me what channel on here is for php help21:03
WebuHolmes89, what are you trying to transfer :)?21:03
Sonjaprint test page works! but printing anything from other programs does not work. the print jobs just queue up somewhere. help21:03
GeezleSomebody please, I need help.  I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 but now it won't let me mount my CD-ROM which I really need21:03
danand_soundray - try running ssh with the -v option for more verbose logging - that may turn up some error messages you can look into21:03
Stofferwhy would the Synaptic package manager be able to easily find kde4-core while Adept would not?21:03
adac2eifzon_: yeah both empty21:03
yaroDoes anyone know an alternate place I can get the sun-java6-plugin package? I can't seem to sudo apt-get install it or find it in Synaptic.21:03
brobostigonyaro: have a look at medibuntu, it miht be there21:04
GeezleI get the error "mount: special device /dev/hdb does not exist"21:04
danand_Geezle - type groups in a terminal to check if you are part of the cdrom group21:04
spaleyAEyaro: not sure you saw my response in all the chatter, but the error I get is "spaley is not in the sudoers file". Of course, since spaley is the only account I can use (it's the only one I created at install) I don't understand why 'spaley' isn't in the sudoers file. Shouldn't that be automatic?21:04
CelesI give up :(21:05
Celeswith my sound21:05
GeezleYep, the cdrom shows up there21:05
=== chuck_ is now known as ozymo
Daviey /goto +9999999999999999999999921:05
soundraydanand_: thanks -- I'll try21:05
Celesmy friend on a comic channel is trying to help me21:05
yarospaleyAE: Yes, it should.21:05
Ritter_Rostguten tag allerseits21:06
spaleyAEyaro: right, so any ideas on what to do about it? I could reinstall from scratch but that seems drastic, and with no guarantee that I'd have a different outcome.21:06
spaleyAEIs it possible I did something wrong during install? Doesn't seem like I had a lot of options to screw up.21:06
simoneHi someone cat tell me how to encode audio in Mp321:06
danand_Geezle - are you sure hdb is your cdrom drive?21:06
yarospaleyAE: How long have you been in this current install? Do you have a lot of data?21:06
spaleyAEyaro: installed it this afternoon for the first time21:06
spaleyAEno data21:06
spaleyAEstarting over is an option21:07
Geezledanand_ as far as I know it is...that's what it's set to in /etc/fstab but give me a minute and I'll double check21:07
spaleyAEI just don't understand what I could have done wrong during install though.21:07
yarospaleyAE: That's what I would do. I'm not sure if sudoers is a group. Anyone know if it is?21:07
danand_Geezle - try eject /dev/hdb and see if your cdrom tray pops out!21:07
spaleyAE'spaley' is in the 'adm' group which I assume is admin, yes?21:07
Geezledanand_: no dice, it says it's unable to open or find the device21:08
StarnestommyspaleyAE: it should be admin, not adm21:08
danand_spaley - adm is a different group to admin21:08
spaleyAEdanand_: ah, ok21:08
TurtleBootshi all21:09
dmarsaGeezle, why not just use /dev/cdrom? it should be linked to your device either way21:09
spaleyAE'spaley' is in adm, dialout, cdrom, floppy, audio, dip, video, plugdev, scanner and lpadmin21:09
dmarsaor did you try that Geezle ?21:09
TurtleBootshow do you find the physical address of the boot device in Ubuntu?21:09
TurtleBootswant to reinstall GRUB21:09
Geezledmarsa: when I try to eject /dev/cdrom I get the same error21:09
soundraydanand_: ssh -v does not give any details relating to the DRM error21:09
spaleyAEStarnestommy: Can you think of any reason why 'spaley', which was created as part of the installer process, should not have automatically been added to the 'admin' group?21:10
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:10
branstromfuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied21:10
Holmes89dmarsa I'm trying to copy over an assets folder and some html documents21:10
branstromWhy is that?21:10
GeezleIs there a simple way to check where my cdrom is?21:10
Holmes89from anywhere if someone can help21:10
branstromI'm trying to use afpfs-ng21:10
soundraybranstrom: you need to 'sudo adduser $USER fuse' (add yourself to the fuse group)21:11
branstromsoundray: hm, kay21:11
Holmes89I have ubuntu desktop and windows on the same computer as ubuntu server21:11
demreathbranstrom: and then logout and login again21:11
soundray!fuse > branstrom, see also the help pages (private message)21:11
lz7Geezle: where have you seen your cdrom last time?21:11
branstromThanks, guys.21:11
Holmes89I also have network computers so I just need to transfer the files somehow to the server21:11
lz7Geezle: nevermind21:12
martilloanyone familiar with installing flash player on opera in ubuntu?21:12
thiemstermartillo: is it on the adobe flash download page?21:12
spaleyAEok, last time for now to everyone... why would it be that I would create a user 'spaley' during install and it would not be given admin privilege?21:12
dmarsawell Holmes89, the command you want to use is 'cp' used as 'cp /source/directory/file /destination/directory/file' . however i don't know where you want to copy to. so you might have to clear that up21:13
StarnestommyspaleyAE: sounds like a bug21:13
danand_spaleyAE - agree with Starnestommy21:13
Holmes89right but how to I get it off of a thumb drive21:13
martillothiemster: i downloaded it from the opera page, and it installed, but only for firefox21:13
StarnestommyspaleyAE: I think you can go into recovery mode, log in as root, and do 'adduser spaley admin'21:13
Holmes89it can't find it so how do I mount it?21:13
yaroPut myself in Medibuntu, installed in Synaptic and.... Firefox still doesn't see it.21:13
demreathmartillo: you just need to make a symlink or copy to /usr/lib/opera/plugins21:13
spaleyAEStarnestommy: ok, I'll try that. I'm using 7.10 server, btw.21:14
spaleyAEStarnestommy: thanks21:14
Holmes89oh I just need to copy it to the /var/www/ folder21:14
danand_spaleyAE - no - just sudo adduser spaley admin21:14
spaleyAEStarnestommy: what's the easiest way into recovery mode?21:14
spaleyAEdanand_: I can't use sudo21:14
martillodemreath: thanks, but keep in mind im still a newbie21:14
StarnestommyspaleyAE: reboot?21:14
dmarsayou need to copy from a thumb drive to the /var/www folder?21:14
spaleyAEdanand_: that's exactly the problem I'm having21:14
Holmes89I know where I need to put it, the command to copy it, I just don't know how to get the server to find where to copy it from21:14
spaleyAEStarnestommy: great, th21:14
flakehow can I unzip a listing and redirect to a file21:14
danand_spaleyAE - oh crap - of course :)21:15
dmarsaholmes are you familiar with the mount command at all?21:15
flakeunzip -l test.zip > test               isn't right21:15
demreathmartillo: sudo cp /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugins/21:15
soundrayNot making any headway here... "open DRM failed" when I run glxgears remotely via ssh. (local glxgears works)21:15
yaroWhy isn't Firefox recognizing Java? Is it becaue I'm using an AMD64 system?21:15
dax_rocEvening all21:15
DJ_DanniDo somone know whats wrong?21:15
branstromsoundray: still I cannot mount if I don't sudo - it seems the mounting in particular is failing... Before it complained about permission but not now, it just says "mounting failed"21:16
danand_soundray - can you remotely open other X apps21:16
dax_rocAny one know of a good (multi-core aware) * to dvd tool , transcoding software ?21:16
martillodemreath: in the command window?21:16
soundrayyaro: yes. You can install the 32bit java plugin into 64bit firefox with nspluginwrapper21:16
ikoniadax_roc: mencoder21:16
Eimhinive got a toshiba satellite pro and when i try and change the volume it stops playing sound altogether untill i reboot21:16
demreathmartillo: in terminal21:16
dax_rocikonia: is it multi-core aware ?21:16
soundraydanand_: yes, non GLX programs are fine21:16
yarosoundray: I was afraid of that. But I had to do that with Flash...21:16
Eimhindoes anyone know what could be wrong21:16
martillodemreath: THANK YOU21:17
soundraybranstrom: you need to log out and in again to activate the group change21:17
branstromsoundray: The target directory that I'm trying to mount in is now a+rwx and owned by me, and it still doesn't work.21:17
chaosrlis anyone familiar with designworks?21:17
mich54_hey guys , i need help in installin Backtrack 3 on my hard drive , i know this is the ubuntu channel but i couldn't find any solution in any other channel , anyway , when it loads it freezes after an error :"kernel panic - not syncing : vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) " so any ideas ?21:17
branstromsoundray: did that :/21:17
spaleyAEStarnestommy: when I went into recovery mode, I"m in as root, but I tried 'adduser spaley admin' and got 'The group 'admin' does not exist.'21:17
JC_Denton_My apt-get is broken - keeps saying f-spot and others reporting errors: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1),  apt-get install -f21:17
JC_Denton_doesn't fix it21:17
dmarsaHolmes89, ok... well to make it easier, create a directory using 'sudo mkdir /directory/name/' . then use the mount command to mount the thumb drive in the directory you just created. i.e 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /directory/created'. the /dev/sd? depends on what your thumb drive is21:17
branstromthe permissions error is gone, but it won't mount...21:17
danand_soundray - hmmm....21:17
branstromso weird21:17
FlannelspaleyAE: Try sudo usermod -G admin -a spaley21:18
StarnestommyspaleyAE: try editing /etc/sudoers with visudo in recoverymode21:18
Eimhinalso every time i play sound i get this really high pitched noise in the background21:18
soundraybranstrom: did you read the help as linked in the ubotu factoid?21:18
j_humphreyhow do i get flash working in gutsy?21:18
ubotuThe Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »21:18
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demreathI need a help: where can I set permissions for rebooting system etc. from XFCE menu? Now any unpriviliged user can do it!21:18
danand_spaleyAE - does cat /etc/group | grep admin show anything?21:19
Jack_Sparrowdemreath: Would that be a better question for the xubutu channel ?21:19
spaleyAEdanand_: it shows lpadmin:x:117:spaley21:19
spaleyAEI did just add 'spaley' to sudoers21:19
spaleyAEso maybe that'll fix me up21:19
branstromsoundray: yeah, not sure what to look for though21:20
SuperQAnyone looked into the vmsplice() exploit yet?21:20
spaleyAEbut I'm wondering now if anything else is 'broken'21:20
Holmes89okay what do you mean the /dev/sdb depends on the thumb drive?21:20
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danand_spaleyAE - lpadmin is line printer admin - it appears you don't have an admin group :O21:20
spaleyAEdanand_: agreed, but shouldn't that have happened during install?21:20
FlannelspaleyAE: If this was a botched install (groups are made at the end), its likely that there are other issues.  You might try reinstalling21:20
soundraybranstrom: what's the command that fails?21:20
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spaleyAEFlannel: I think you're probably correct21:20
danand_spaleyAE - no, definately not21:20
dmarsawell the thumb drive will be of the /dev/sd range. if you have no SATA or SCSI drives it should be sda, otherwise it could span through sda sdb sdc etc etc.21:21
spaleyAEok, I'm going to reinstall... annoying but not the end of the world... thanks for the help everyone21:21
danand_spaleyAE - agree with reinstall21:21
StarnestommyspaleyAE: I think someone came in here before with a similar issue. Editing /etc/sudoers worked.21:21
danand_spaleyAE - luck21:21
branstromsoundray: afp_client mount -u fredrik -p - Benton.local:Share /lan/share21:21
spaleyAEStarnestommy: yeah, I did that, but now I"m worried what else is broken21:21
spaleyAEprobably best to at least try a clean reinstall first21:22
rulfxHello there21:22
spaleyAEI mean, it doesn't take THAT long ;)21:22
Holmes89it says I get the wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb (or sda) missing codepage or other error21:22
branstrom /lan/share exists and is a+rwx and owned by my user21:22
spaleyAEany known issues with 7.10 server regarding the problems I am seeing?21:22
FlannelspaleyAE: Did you check the CD for defects?21:23
soundraybranstrom: and the same thing works when you do it with sudo?21:23
yaroOkay, this is starting to *really* get me mad.21:23
branstromsoundray: correct21:23
dmarsaHolmes89, try leave the 'vfat' out of the mount command i gave...21:23
spaleyAEFlannel: yes, that's the first thing I did before installing. It checked out 100% fine.21:23
mich54_hey guys ! how can i solve the error "kernel panic - not syncing : vfs : unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) " ???21:23
astralsinwhat's the replacement for alsaconf in gutsy?21:23
lynucsguys, how can i start programs depending on my session-choice in gdm? via .desktop file??21:23
branstromthe thing is, when I sudo, the dir becomes    ?---------  ? ?          ?                ? share21:23
branstromsoundray: and I can only access it through root21:23
Tyczeki've got problem with kernel 2.6.24, i can't suspend or hibernate... anyone had it ?21:24
soundraybranstrom: I'm not sure what to suggest. Maybe there is a way with a fstab entry, using the "users" and "uid" options21:24
Flannelyaro: Did you get ia32-sun-java6-bin?21:24
branstromsoundray: drwx---r-x  7 root    root     194 2008-02-10 22:59 share    if I do sudo ls -la21:24
Flare183i'm back21:24
yolucawonder if firefox loads pages slows on every machine not just mine ;)21:25
ubotushhhh you'll only encourage more comments and we have seen enough of them already. ;-)21:25
branstromsoundray: hm, kay21:25
yaroFlannel: What repository?21:25
Flannelyaro: multiverse21:25
Flare183the multiverse21:25
branstromsoundray: thanks for trying to help :)21:26
StaticSignalHi again, #ubuntu. I'm having a networking issue- I'm trying to connect to my wireless network with a static IP so I can ICS, but I can't get an internet connection using the same settings that I've always used for all my windows boxes! Would someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong, and fix it?21:26
hacked``guys, i have a Dell Latitude D800 laptop with a geforce 4200 Go in it. I have 7.10 install running on it and would like to enable desktop effects... whenever i try to do it from appearances it says 'desktop effects cannot be enabled' the ubuntu help says this is because the graphics card does not support desktop effects, but i have heard d800's running desktop effects21:26
patogenI can't seem to find how I can have a program running on all workspaces in xmonad21:26
patogenanyknow know how to achieve this?21:26
ikoniahacked``: if ubuntu says it's not supported....thats a pretty good clue21:26
Flare183hacked``: weird me too never tried it because i don't own it21:26
yaroFlannel: When this installs, where will it install the plugin so I can point ndspluginwrapper to it?21:27
dmarsamy bad Holmes89, use /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb121:27
Holmes89okay I left out vfat and I get sudo mount -t /dev/[ 2663.703713] dc: assuming drive cache: write through21:27
hacked``ikonia, maybe ubuntu isnt using the right driver ??21:28
danand_hacked`` - that should run deskyop effects - do you have the nvidia driver installed?21:28
ikoniahacked``: I think it is21:28
hacked``danand_, i would imagine so21:28
fyksenHello! I wondered if someone knew how to make windows xp run in ubuntu? In Wmvare? Crossover? paralelle? What is best, and what supports directx?21:28
Flannelyaro: er, I guess not.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins21:28
hacked``how to dumble check though21:28
Holmes89something else happend, hold on a second21:28
ikoniahacked``: join #nvidia and ask about driver compatability version21:28
danand_hacked`` - in a terminal type lsmod | grep nvidia21:29
yaroAh, tht points me to the path I need. Not to manuallt install it in the wrapper. Joy.21:29
rulfxfyksen: use VMware21:29
fyksenHello! I wondered if someone knew how to make windows xp run in ubuntu? In Wmvare? Crossover? paralelle? What is best, and what supports directx?21:30
fyksenwmvare supports directx and sound?21:30
ikoniafyksen: you can only run the OS in a virtualised environment like vmware21:30
fyksenI know that ikonia : )21:30
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to configure the drivers for my ATI RADEON 9550 graphics card, but it's not working. When I try to run "sudo aticonfig --initial", it gives me the following error: http://www.pastebin.org/18891 It also takes it upon itself to delete my xorg.conf. Anyone have any ideas what's wrong?21:30
ikoniafyksen: so why say things like "cross-over" which won't run the OS only applications, if you already knew it21:31
yaroArgh. What's the command for that wrapper again? It's so hard to remember.21:31
hacked``paging danand_21:31
danand_hacked`` - paging??21:32
fyksenAhh, i didnt know that crossover only runed application. But I have tried parallels today.. Then I wil try wmvare.. Ty, for the help :) SRY for the bad English!21:32
serqiuhello, what is more stable, gutsy or feisty?21:32
serqiucan anyone answer21:32
Flannelserqiu: feisty, because its older.21:32
ikoniaserqiu: gutsy is later, and more current21:33
soundrayserqiu: they are both stable21:33
Flannelserqiu: but that doesnt mean gutsy isnt stable.21:33
Holmes89well I get this long thing about usage, naming, etc21:33
hacked``paging danand_21:33
ikoniahacked``: he responded21:33
Holmes89is something not mounting?21:33
danand_hacked`` - what is paging??21:33
hacked``i got disconnected though, so couldnt read reply21:33
hacked``danand_, what was your reply to my question, did not read it21:33
dmarsaHolmes89, do an 'ls -l /dev/sd* and let me know how many devices in terms of sda sdb etc there are21:34
danand_hacked`` - try typing lsmod | grep nvidia in a terminal and see what it turns up21:34
greenteaWhich one is better vmware vs virtualbox????21:34
ikoniagreentea: it's personal opinion - try them21:35
Holmes89okay I have sda, sda1, sda2, sda5, sdb, sdb1, sdb2, sdc, sdc1, sdd, sde, sdf, sdg21:35
NeochickHai guys. Im trying to lose my windows dependancy but Ubuntu us making is hard for me. I upgraded to Gusty last night via the update manager and that went fine. I installed a couple of things mentioned on ubuntuguide and that went fine. it restartedfine and everything. Now, this morning i went to load, got to grub, went to my normal ubuntu, it started loading, then went to a terminal sorta thing.21:35
hacked``danand_, nvidia, i2c_gart, agppart21:35
Neochickasked for my name password, and after 15 or so seconds the screen just goes blank and nothing will brink it back21:36
ikoniaNeochick: "sorta thing"21:36
dmarsaHolmes89, try 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /directory/created'21:36
mayare ca doit etre bon je suis sur le bon chat ?21:36
=== VR^ is now known as ^n3bu|0us`
Neochick(save the reset button)21:36
danand_hacked`` - ok that means your using the nvidia driver21:36
DeliciousCakehey guys21:36
ikoniaNeochick: boot into safe mode and do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and stop reading ubuntuguide21:36
screenname92834hello all21:37
Holmes89okay it seemed to work, now what?21:37
brobostigon!fr | maya21:37
ubotumaya: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.21:37
greenteaikonia can u give a link to download for virturalbox21:37
screenname92834I  HAVE A PROBLEM ha ha didn't you guess that?21:37
x-punkis it possible to install mac software in linux using an emulator?21:37
hacked``danand_, point is, why cant i run desktop effects21:37
Neochickok ill try that21:37
dmarsaok. now cd to the directory... i.e 'cd /directory/created'21:37
ikoniagreentea: no21:37
Neochickand ill stop reading ubuntuguide21:37
screenname92834my problem is that I can't connect to ubuntu.com21:37
ikoniagreentea: it's in the package manager21:37
Holmes89did that21:37
dmarsanow 'ls -l'21:37
Holmes89now what?21:37
azdrubalsup holmes21:37
screenname92834but I seem to be able to connect to other websites21:37
dmarsaand see if the files are there21:37
screenname92834and what's more, on my fedora box, I can see ubuntu.com just fine!!!21:38
Holmes89it is, hey thanks a lot, do I then use the cp command21:38
Holmes89okay thanks a bunch21:38
dmarsacp /source /destination21:38
Holmes89that really helped21:38
danand_hacked`` - sorry - all out of ideas on that one21:38
ATG_If somebody has a minute, I have an X related problem (i think). I switched to the fglrx driver; didn't work. No problem, I went back to ati, reconfigured xorg, and restarted. It all works fine, except compiz/emerald don't seem to be enabled21:38
DeliciousCakestupid Q: If I download the ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso I'm going to assume I can perform a Live CD boot with it right? cause I remembers years ago when I got the breezy badger CDs ordered there were two different ones, an install and a Live CD. thanks in advance :)21:39
hacked``when i go to system - administration - restricted drivers manager21:39
ATG_so, I have all my advanced desktop effects settings enabled, but I don't have window decorations, cube, etc.21:39
hacked``its enabled, and in use21:39
MasterShrekDeliciousCake, the install and livecd are the same now21:39
soundrayx-punk: most OS X programs won't work. Have a look at pearpc, though21:39
yaroNope, Firefox still can't see it. I'm going by about:plugins here21:39
DeliciousCakeI see, thanks mastershrek21:39
ubotumol is MacOnLinux. For a complete howto, visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacOnLinuxHowto21:39
x-punksoundray: ok21:39
screenname92834I'm still on dapper. If I upgrade to the latest one,will I lose all my files etc?21:40
ATG_everything seems to be enabled according to the software/menus, but I can't see any decorations. Has this happenned to anyone else before?21:40
brobostigon!mol | x-punk21:40
ubotux-punk: please see above21:40
rulfxthere are alternate-cds now21:40
Holmes89this may sound stupid but how do you un cd haha21:40
TurtleBootscd ..21:40
TurtleBootsHolmes89: cd ..21:41
soundrayx-punk: there's also Basilisk II, but the best it can run is System 7 I think...21:41
dmarsaor just cd back to the directory you want21:41
x-punkbrobostigon, ubotu: thanks21:41
Holmes89haha thanks sorry21:41
MasterShrekscreenname92834, no u wont lose anything, but i would suggest waiting until hardy is released to upgrade, since dapper is lts and so is hardy21:41
danand_hacked`` - i'm not sure why you can't use desktop effects - can you run glxgears ok?21:41
screenname92834what's lts?21:41
j_humphreywhen is hardy coming out?21:41
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.21:41
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
MasterShrekj_humphrey, scheduled for april21:41
soldatsj_humphrey: april 200821:42
screenname92834just explain to me why I won't lose anything?21:42
tmatixi installed 7.10 on a thinkpad, and it worked fine... after installing the latest updates, though, it hangs after login with a blank wallpaper screen21:42
j_humphreygood thing i have /home in a seperate partition, that'll make it easier21:42
dmarsaHolmes89, remember to unmount the drive before removing it hey... 'umount /directory/where/mounted/' and it won't let you do that if you are in the directory21:42
tmatixtop shows 100% cpu from nautilus21:42
desijatthello guys21:43
usr_rob__i need to know where to put the "-p" flag in fstab when mounting a nfs export21:43
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.21:43
screenname92834hmmm well anyway... is anyone else having a problem connecting to ubuntu.com 'cos I am!21:43
Torturedso running compiz my mouse scroll wheel changes desktops - unless i have a program fullscreen. is there a way to make it work regardless?21:44
desijatti am having a little trouble with /dev/cdrom21:44
Holmes89okay now I get this message cp: omitting directory 'test/ncd'21:44
Holmes89test is teh directory and ncd is the file I want to copy21:45
TorturedHolmes89, cp -r to include directories on a copy21:45
MasterShrekscreenname92834, ubuntu.com works fine here21:45
Flare183yeah same here too21:45
slugoneokay i have a fresh install of ubuntu...what packages do i need to install to make files.....because as of yet i can make any and get an error21:45
tmatixafter installing the latest updates, though, it hangs after login with a blank wallpaper screen21:45
dmarsaHolmes89, are you in the test directory already?21:45
loaHow i can kill process, if kill -9 didn't kill him?21:46
Torturedslugone, build-essential21:46
screenname92834oh great! I can't reach ubuntu.com and I want to get some packages ...21:46
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StaticSignalHey, guys. I can only connect to my wireless AP if I have 'roaming mode' enabled. Using manual settings that have worked on Windows, now don't. Help?21:46
slugoneill pst if still no luck21:46
screenname92834It should work fine here too, I can see it with my fedora box21:46
MasterShrekloa, killall         ?21:46
noghhi everybody, someone knows how configurate the compiz fusion in an asus eee pc?21:46
bolthow can I check if a website, for instance google.com is reachable though port 80 in a back script? need to use http to test it, since i can't ping from this network21:47
mjw-nogh check out wiki.eeeuser.com21:48
coincoin161hello everybody21:48
coincoin161from an eee pc21:48
silver2check this out: http://opinae.com/goobuntu/21:49
ghalebhello all, I'm trying to install Gutsy, but the installer can't see NTFS and FAT32 partitions. only the whole HD21:49
ghalebwhat should I do21:49
loa<MasterShrek> nop i make kill -9 pid21:49
tifine_testhello when i type ls its shows list of all the files , but its show files in one single line, is there anyway that i can display the files into two lines21:50
loa<MasterShrek> but process in ps aux21:50
avisi installed moblock-nfq as well as mobloquer today and can only connect to irc cannot access everyday normal webpages.  i set WHITE_IP_IN="" to allow access to my router.  dont know how to free up pages though21:50
loa<MasterShrek> (21:50
cbx33anyone know if the exploit currently on slashdot is relevant to a standard ubuntu install?21:50
Slartbolt: can't you do a wget and check the resulting file size or something?21:50
cvegai have problems mounting an usb drive21:50
mjw-nogh http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu:eeexubuntu:compiz_on_eeexubunto21:50
Slartcbx33: it probably is21:50
boltSlart: hm.. that might just do, actually21:50
dmarsacbx33, you mean the firefox exploit?21:50
cbx33the other one21:50
cbx33ther root exploit21:51
Starnestommydmarsa: the kernel one21:51
ghalebplease. people. can u help me!21:51
dmarsai see it21:51
cvega:log file indicates unclean shutdown (0,0)21:51
Slartcbx33: Linux kernel version 2.6.17 to are affected... ubuntu uses 2.6.22?21:51
Slartcbx33: I expect a reboot soon =)21:52
cbx33I saw someone say that standard ubuntu didn't have the affected component21:52
cvegaOperation is not supported : mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action.21:52
Slartcbx33: look here Linux kernel version 2.6.17 to
Slartcbx33: oh. sorry https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/19058721:52
simoneHELP I get and compile lame but I don't have an mp3 encoder21:53
Slartcbx33: from the comments.. confirmed on gutsy and hardy.. didn't read further21:53
Neochickim back! recovery mode is doing the same thing.21:53
Flannelsimone: Why did you compile LAME?21:53
simonesomeone can gimme a solution21:53
Slartcvega: /part to exit the channel.. /quit to exit the client21:53
Neochickit did some checks, then asked me to press ctrl +d to continue, and i managed to grab this from it21:54
NeochickMounting local filesystems...21:54
greenteawhat are the difference between http://www.virtualbox.org and the application for innotek virtual box ? are they the same21:54
_hakon_help, i need to install some drivers for my wireless card in ubuntu 6.06. i have no idea of what the cards  name is, i just want to access wireless21:54
SlartNeochick: pastebin if you're planning to paste lots of stuff..21:54
ADHDYoshiHow can I extend my root partition? I have a bunch of free space before it but ext3 can't be extended backwards I heard... so is there a way to make a new partition, then copy the contents of the root partition to it?21:54
Neochickfailed to access '/dev/sda1':no such file or directory, failed to access '/dev/sdc1':no such file or directory, [FAIL]21:55
Starnestommygreentea: they're pretty much the same except for some features.  I forget which ones, though21:55
yolucadoes anyone know why i cannot install perl5 ? i get >> Package perl5 has no installation candidate21:55
hefe_biahi! When I use xchat-gnome with the default settings - will channel entering / quitting be done quietly? (Don't want to annoy people...)21:55
FlannelADHDYoshi: How big is your root? (and how full?) and how big is the freespace?21:55
Slartyoluca: isn't there a newer version of perl? or you have to have v5 ?21:55
Starnestommyyoluca: install perl instead of perl521:55
Slart!info perl21:55
ADHDYoshi5gb, and 500mb left21:55
ADHDYoshii'm going to check the free space right now21:55
FlannelADHDYoshi: and freespace?21:55
ubotuperl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is important. Version 5.8.8-7ubuntu3.1 (gutsy), package size 3307 kB, installed size 11444 kB21:55
loa<ADHDYoshi> yes21:56
chazcoAnybody know how to use sed to find a given line and remove a comment (#) symbol from the next 4 lines (but not the line itself)?21:56
yolucaStarnestommy, Slart   ohh ... my bad sorry21:56
ADHDYoshi24 gigs21:56
loa<ADHDYoshi> dd for example21:56
ADHDYoshiI just want a 10 gig root partition since I'm installing lots of software21:56
Slartyoluca: no need to be sorry.. no lives lost.. monetary losses at a minimum.. =)21:56
FlannelADHDYoshi: What you do is (via liveCD), create a partition in that 24GB, move everything from / to it (via the cpio method) and then delete the 5GB and expand the 24 to 2921:56
q_a_z_steveok, before I pull my hair out, I had gutsy installing, walked off, and it is back to the regular screen. I know it didn't reboot. DID IT INSTALL???21:56
FlannelADHDYoshi: Or, 10GB, whatever.21:57
simoneplease help me.. It's a patents problem?21:57
ADHDYoshiSo I can just move it? There isn't any extra stuff involved in transferring? XD21:57
ahavehello room, i am having trouble finding my USB wifi chipset. lspci does not bring up a network controller21:57
Starnestommyq_a_z_steve: the best way to test it is to reboot21:57
Starnestommyahave: tey lsusb21:57
soundraysimone: why did you compile lame?21:57
loa<ADHDYoshi> hmm... what fs type21:57
q_a_z_steveStarnestommy: shouldn't it indicate a reboot is necessary in the top right corner???21:58
ahaveStarnestommy, ah. yes that is correct thanks21:58
marylouHey, does anybody know an easy way to see the CPU temperature (for a Core 2 Duo)?21:58
soundraymarylou: try acpi -V21:58
Starnestommyq_a_z_steve: I don't remember; I installed with the kubuntu cd21:58
cbx33Slart, are you compiling a fix?21:59
loa<ADHDYoshi> i think now21:59
* Neochick wishes ubuntu would love her21:59
loa<ADHDYoshi> backup your files for example onto another harddrive21:59
[adw]ive installed the lamp pack, but how do i control if it should run on startup or manually?21:59
marylousoundray: "No support for device type: thermal"21:59
StYXhi! i've an issue installing server 7.10 on a proliant dl320 g5 w/ embedded sata raid. i've setup a raid 1 but ubuntu still sees 2 physikal hdds and no raid drive. anyone installed on a proliant sata raid?22:00
Slartcbx33: nah.. I don't hand out shell accounts.. I'll just make a backup of my domain-server things just in case someone does bad things to it22:00
marylousoundray: Do I need to run that command with sudo?22:00
depStYX: what's the raid device model?22:00
soundraymarylou: no22:00
cbx33Slart, heheh22:00
ADHDYoshiI don't have any other hard drives at the moment :/22:01
Flannelmarylou: cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature22:01
Slartcbx33: it still needs some kind of local access.. either through a shell, webserver bug or similar.. they can't just remote own a computer22:01
soundraymarylou: it seems that your chipset is not supported for reading out temperatures22:01
soundraymarylou: you can try mbmon, but you may have to get by without temperature readouts22:01
soundrayFlannel: if acpi -V doesn't work, this won't either, will it?22:02
marylousoundray: Thanks a lot. It's a fairly new mobo, so I'm betting that acpi is merely disabled.22:02
StYXdep: not too sure about the exact type as it only says "hp embedded smart array sata raid ich7". seems to be an adaptec controller telling by the copyright msg22:02
cbx33Slart true22:02
cbx33but still pretty scary22:02
soundray!info mbmon | marylou22:02
ubotumarylou: mbmon (source: xmbmon): Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (text client). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.05-5 (gutsy), package size 68 kB, installed size 208 kB (Only available for i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 knetbsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)22:02
marylousoundray: I'm going to see if acpi is disabled in the BIOs. Thanks for your help! Take care22:03
screenname92834hee heehello22:03
soundraymarylou: if it's a new board, you may have to wait for the release of hardy22:03
screenname92834guess what?22:03
VanDykeshould check for smart reporting22:03
screenname92834I fixed my problem22:03
screenname92834I remembered that in a moment of paranoia I installed firestarter22:03
[adw]so, trying to make apache2 and mysql start manually, instead of automatic on boot, anyone know?22:03
ahavecould someone explain to me why I am unable to gain an IP from my AP? (no security)22:03
baalanyone installed e-uae ? is there a Synaptic install ?22:03
screenname92834It's a firewall. So I switched it off (i've no idea what it does anyway) and tada!22:03
Slartcbx33: indeed... sooo many bad php-scripts out there....22:03
screenname92834I can connect to ubuntu again22:04
Darkmystere_Does anyone know why when i turn my card back to mode managed it turns to ath1 instead of ath0?22:04
soundrayahave: perhaps your AP doesn't have a DHCP server running?22:04
depStYX: I'm trying to look up more information on the raid controller at the moment, it might be a bit22:04
screenname92834ubuntu.com is now giving me  my packages22:04
ahavesoundray, my laptop is using it now22:04
ahavesoundray, and i can obtain a list of dhcp clients22:04
screenname92834mind, there's one thing I'd like to ask  about22:04
Darkmystere_Also i cant seem to get it to connect to my Secured 2Wire Router..22:04
ahavesoundray, and what is odd is that i can see my ubuntu box on there twice. one for ethernet one for wireless perhaps?22:05
screenname92834when using synaptics I got this warning message saying "software can not be authenticated".22:05
screenname92834Like what does that mean?22:05
FolkeYDoes anyone have any experience of installing hamachi on ubuntu? I could use some help since i really can't get it to work... (Pretty new on linux ;) )22:05
ADHDYoshiCan't dd just copy a partition exactly with the same size?22:05
Slartscreenname92834: you're using some external repos without having the key for them22:05
screenname92834Where is it getting this software from anyway? and what kind of authentication does it expect?22:05
depStYX: do an 'lsmod | grep adpahci' and tell me if you have the adpahci driver loaded22:05
StYXdep: thanks. and helpful link would be fine. browsed the forum already but couldn't find anything helpful, only someone with the same prob22:05
StYXdep: will so, one sec22:05
screenname92834Do I need to install a key?22:05
Slartscreenname92834: yes.. there is usually a line with wget ....  that you run to add the key to your system22:06
soundrayahave: some wireless chipsets are finicky. Have you tried your Ubuntu setup with another AP?22:06
* Neochick loves her ubuntu again22:06
Darkmystere_ADHDYoshi, If you use dd be sure to backup any information on that partion thats where it got its name "dd=Data Destroyer"22:06
ahavesoundray, no i have not22:06
Slartscreenname92834: have you added any repos lately?22:06
Darkmystere_!dd > ADHDYoshi22:06
Goosemoosei just accidented deleted a folder, how can i undo it?22:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:06
Goosemoosei used rm -rfd22:06
soundrayahave: what's your wireless chipset?22:07
ahavesoundray, could this be a driver issue? i have  realtek 8187 chipset22:07
Goosemoosei accidently deleted a folder rm -rfd folder22:07
Neochickonce i moved the screen thing around so i could see it wanted me to type thingsi could to the xserver-xorg thing ^^22:07
Goosemoosehow can i undo?22:07
* Neochick has learned something today22:07
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=== kbroks is now known as kbrooks
screenname92834slart: I don't know22:07
usr_robi can mount NFS export in terminal, but not by the fstab, anyone?22:07
luca_i try to run and configure Dnsmasq on my machine now ... and i dont know what nameserver i need to enter i n/etc/resolv.conf its the primary dns from my isp ?22:07
StYXdep: not loaded22:08
pinguhey guys this isn't really ubuntu related but it is computer related. how can you put a password on just a normal folder or do you have to use a different type of folder or something22:08
Slartscreenname92834: what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list ? pastebin it?22:08
yolucaany idea ?22:08
screenname92834slart: So  let me get this right: every repo will sign its output, and if you have its key, you can verify the source of your package?22:08
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
StYXdep: i'm checking this from export mode - execute a shell. is that correct?22:09
soundray!gpg | pingu22:09
ubotupingu: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts22:09
Slartpingu: I don't think you can do that on regular vanilla ubuntu... there are probably something you can install to enable it though22:09
screenname92834I'll get etc/apt/sources out.22:09
Slartscreenname92834: that's how I understand it22:09
DILpingu, try PGP22:09
sixstormwhat's the latest on the Intel X3100 chipset?  any users here?22:09
secleinteerhttp://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/02/10/2011257 <-- are you guys serious?!!!!!22:09
DILsorry soundray22:09
secleinteerhow did a root exploit make it into a final release?!!!22:10
simpsIs there a way to login to gnome desktop via SSH?22:10
screenname92834slart so the risk is that someone can impersonate a repo by cutting wires on the 'net somewhere? right?22:10
Starnestommysecleinteer: it was just recently discovered, I think22:10
Slartscreenname92834: well.. I don't know if there is a risk.. but someone thought about it anyway.. =)22:10
secleinteerStarnestommy: it's been on /. for 47 mins now, should've been fixed already....22:10
Slartscreenname92834: but that's the scenario that it's supposed to prevent I guess22:11
screenname92834slart: indeed.22:11
depStYX: The problem is that the driver you need is called 'adpahci', and as far as I can tell it is not open source. HP seems to have released it for RHEL, but I haven't found source anywhere yet, still looking but you might be out of luck for that raid device22:11
Starnestommysecleinteer: it takes a while for new things to get packaged up.22:11
screenname92834slart: but how can I verify that I have the right key when I get it?22:11
secleinteerStarnestommy: this seems a bit urgent...22:11
baalany one installed e-uae amiga emulator on ubuntu ?22:11
dmarsasecleinteer, are you running a network?22:11
Starnestommysecleinteer: it'll still take a while22:11
Slartscreenname92834: well... we could always compare keys.. then they'd have to fool us both22:12
secleinteerdmarsa: no, but i have people that have ssh axx to my box...22:12
simpsIs there a way to login to gnome desktop via SSH?22:12
StYXdep: telling from the forum installation seems to work with some v6 release of ubunto. but seems they used a different raid controller then22:12
secleinteerand why is firefox being updated to when there is a directory scaling exploit in it?22:12
Slartscreenname92834: but basically, if someone's setup a false repo then you'd get the the false repos's key too..22:12
screenname92834slart: but it seems to me that the key only verifies that you are connected to the same repo as last time.22:12
Slartscreenname92834: correct22:12
dmarsablock ssh port. problem solved :P22:12
secleinteerscreenname92834: that's what IRL gpg keysigning parties are for22:12
screenname92834now I need to look at etc/something22:12
screenname92834secleinteer: you've lost me I'm  afraid22:13
Slartscreenname92834: take a look at this page.. they describe how to add the key first.. then the repo  http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb22:13
elwo0dhi all22:13
Slartscreenname92834: that's basically how it looks on all repos I've used22:13
hdevalence-What does Buffer I/O error on device sda3, logical block 19929674 mean?22:13
dimedodoes anyone know how to start gnome-terminal windows with custom window title? (--name= doesn't seem to work)22:13
secleinteerscreenname92834: IRL GPG keysigning parties are used to ensure the prevention of impersonation22:13
screenname92834ok I'll look it up. Back in a mo.22:13
elwo0dwhen i put my hd in standby with hdparm it quickly wake up in a second..it's a known issue?22:14
loahow i can see process tree?22:14
soundrayhdevalence-: bad news. Is it a hard disk?22:14
Ashfiresometimes after using my computer for awhile, my sound card will act up and aplay/speaker-test/etc will fail to play sound, with a decive busy error. (other programs appear not to be effected). restarting fixes the problem, but is there a way to fix it with the computer staying on?22:14
Clintegerhow large is a normal server installation?22:14
hdevalence-soundray: yeah22:14
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Slartsecleinteer: but as a regular user I can't verify that the key I get from the repo webpage is the correct one..22:14
secleinteerscreenname92834: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_signing_party22:14
soundrayhdevalence-: rescue your data and distrust that disk.22:14
screenname92834whilst I'm here tho I will just say that I am so so so totally impressed with my laptop (which only cost 320 quid) and ubuntu22:14
screenname92834and all the free software you can get for it.22:15
secleinteerSlart: that's why you have to meet the person IRL and get their pgp key...22:15
Siph0nhey... did anyone hear about this? http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/02/10/201125722:15
simpsIs there a way to login to gnome desktop via SSH?22:15
Siph0nor anyone know what vmsplice is?22:15
Cpudan80simps: X tunneling?22:15
simpsCpudan80, i dunno what that means ;x22:15
amenadoscreenname92834-> maybe you can donate to the needy what you have saved? :)22:15
SlartSiph0n: yes.. heard about it.. it's bad I guess22:15
secleinteerSiph0n: yeah, i'm hecka pissed about it right now22:15
Cpudan80simps: ssh -X server machine22:15
hdevalence-soundray: it's a hardware problem?22:15
screenname92834and it's all free!! anything you want, download it, and it's free (and doesn't work).22:15
Cpudan80simps: ex. ssh -X
screenname92834amenado: I sponsor an elephant in kenya. Howzat?22:16
soundrayhdevalence-: yes, until proven otherwise.22:16
greenteaI need help on virtual box i recieve a error22:16
elwo0dis a bug? upgrading to hdparm hardy version will help?22:16
depStYX: still looking through HP's notes, as a side note I dislike HP22:16
amenadosimps and then gnome-session &  to get the desktop remoted to yours22:16
Cpudan80simps: That will allow you to load up applications with GUIs22:16
BIOSboiler_so if i plug in a usb device and then unplug it, where would the log for this be?22:16
soundrayhdevalence-: when you've saved your data, you can experiment with S.M.A.R.T. testing etc.22:16
screenname92834anyway, I'm off to get some tea.22:16
SlartBIOSboiler_: check dmesg.. or /var/log/syslog22:16
Cpudan80simps: You may want to consider VNC over SSH22:17
StYXdep: found some notes about that driver as well. looks like closed source and available for suse and redhat only22:17
greenteaI need help on virtual box i recieve a error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/55531/22:17
hdevalence-soundray: dmesg gives me a bunch of stuff about sda Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbye=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK22:17
hdevalence-and I'm hearing funny noises22:17
amenadoBIOSboiler-> dmesg gets log to /var/log/messages22:17
soundrayhdevalence-: better bin that disk.22:18
StYXdep: i'd do software raid but i already tried to install just on a single disk for a test. creating the root fs always freezes at 33%. so looks like using ahci only without radi is also not working realiable22:18
BIOSboilerwhat does dmesg stand for?22:18
secleinteerBIOSboiler: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmesg22:18
simpsCpudan80, i'm trying to do that :P except i can't do it if it's not logged in. also, how would i use a different port because i didn't set ssh to the default port22:18
Cpudan80simps: you didnt set SSH to the default port?22:19
secleinteerBIOSboiler: it prints the kernel ring buffer22:19
Cpudan80simps: ssh -p 1234 -X server22:19
amenadosimps and you may want to add -C option to compress22:19
Cpudan80simps: You need to follow a specific set of instructions to get VNC to work without being logged in... those are at... ehhh hang on22:19
Cpudan80simps: http://www.movingtofreedom.org/2007/02/16/howto-remote-desktop-with-vnc-in-ubuntu-edgy-gnu-linux/22:20
pinesetting ssh to other port than 22 is good pretection against automated login attacks22:20
Cpudan80simps: works in gutsy22:20
secleinteerya it is22:20
Ashfire908sometimes after using my computer for awhile, my sound card will act up and aplay/speaker-test/etc will fail to play sound, with a decive busy error. (other programs appear not to be effected). restarting fixes the problem, but is there a way to fix it with the computer staying on?22:20
Cpudan80simps: except gdm is no under etc/gdm/ (instead of /etc/X11/gdm22:20
depStYX: hmmm did you set the controller to act as JBOD before you tried to install?22:20
yolucasudo echo server1.example.com > /etc/hostname   >>> bash: /etc/hostname: Permission denied22:20
yolucawhy ?22:20
pinguhow do i run a check on my external hard drive i think its failing/dieing22:21
StYXdep: does jbod means "no raid"? :) if it's "raid disabled" then yes22:21
simpsCpudan80, i shall read that article now22:21
soundrayyoluca: because sudo doesn't act on the redirection. try echo server1.example.com | sudo tee /etc/hostname22:21
secleinteerStYX: jbod==just a bunch of disks22:22
elwo0dsomeone knows why i can't put my hd on standby mode?22:22
secleinteerno raid22:22
depStYX: sorry, jbod = just a bunch of disks, yeah, raid disabled =) hmmm22:22
pinguhow do i run a check on my external hard drive i think its failing/dieing22:22
Cpudan80simps: at the end, ssh to the server first (with -X) then do the vncviewer localhost thing22:22
VanDykesome usb enclosures allow for smart reporting, pingu22:23
Slartpingu: fsck22:23
pinefsck -t ext3 /dev/sda122:23
amenadothe concept of LVM, one creates the raid before putting LVM on top right?22:24
soundraypingu: look at smartmontools as well22:24
Clustyhey guys22:24
Clustyis there some fix for this bug: ?http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=46495322:24
BackdraftYo peeps I am having issues running firefox from xterm when typing "firefox" its in /usr/local/bin/firefox22:24
amenadoor raid has to use LVM ?22:24
Clustyits quite bad22:25
yolucasoundray thanks22:25
BackdraftWhat do I needa do to get it working so I can type "firefox" and it will work?22:25
Large_oEvening guys22:25
furytho1Hello. I have problem with Java, I can't get applications as firefox or opera to use latest version. How I do that22:25
ADHDYoshiOh yeah, in the Update Manager22:26
thiemsterubuntu forums passed 500,000 members a minute ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:26
Backdraftfurytho1 they using the plugin?22:26
ikoniathiemster: how is that relevant here - please keep on topic22:26
mateuszDoes Ubuntu have ThinkFinger packages?22:26
ADHDYoshiIt says that I need to upgrade the newest version of compiz-core to the newest version22:26
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ADHDYoshiand when I do, it's still there >_>22:26
depStYX: yeah, the driver for that embedded raid device is closed source and I can't find any open source projects working on it. This is likely because the driver just implements most of the raid in software and you wont get much performance gain from a driver that uses the device22:26
pinguwhat does this mean There are differences between boot sector and its backup.22:26
pinguDifferences: (offset:original/backup)22:26
Chri2I think this is the right place to ask, i've just tried installing ubuntu, and when i try to boot from Hard disk, i get an error message "GRUB Error 18" 1. Is it possible to fix? 2. If not, how do i remove GRUB?22:26
StevethepirateAnyone know how to make a pc with ssh accept connections, using ssh, that tunnel through a proxy?22:26
amenadoBackdraft-> what happens when you do type that full path on the xterm?22:26
bin_di installed ubuntu and then vista. i lost the bootloader, so i ran sudo grub via a ubuntu live cd. i used: root (hd0,0) and setup (hd0). now i lost vista. how do i add them to the bootloader menu? (vista?).22:26
furytho1Backdraft I did download latest version from Sun website, and followed instrctions, now applications just do not see it...22:26
StYXdep: i've used win on this server before. disk i/o is a pain anyway on that box :)22:27
BackdraftAnemado it works22:27
Slartpingu: I think ext2, extx3 keeps a backup of the boot sector somewhere else on the drive.. they should be the same.. if they are not.. something has changed one of them.. it's usually bad22:27
StYXdep: i'll try to get it to work with a linux software raid then22:27
BackdraftFurttho1 you needa install the plugin into firefox/opera then it will start working22:27
pinguSlart, it a NTFS disk22:27
StevethepirateAnyone know how to make a pc with ssh accept connections, using ssh, that tunnel through a proxy?22:27
amenadoBackdraft-> so what was the issue?22:27
furytho1how I do that ?22:27
Slartpingu: perhaps ntfs does the same22:27
BackdraftI wanna be lazy and type firefox22:27
depStYX: sounds good, best of luck22:27
ikoniaStevethepirate: ssh listens on the same port - it doesn't care what incoming connections come from22:27
thiemsterikonia: sorry, i just thought it was a really big deal22:27
BackdraftLike I can do on openbsd and freebsd22:28
ikoniathiemster: not really22:28
pinguSlart, should I copy the original to the back up or the other way around?22:28
MicheruHello all. I want to make a startup script, But I have never done it before. The command i want to run is "x11vnc -display :0 -rfbport 5907 -repeat -forever -nobell -xrandr -shared -cursor most  -alwaysshared -bg". How would i do this?22:28
Flannelmateusz: check thinkwiki for all details22:28
StYXdep: many thanks for your help22:28
amenadoBackdraft-> ahh you put that first in the $PATH22:28
Stevethepirateikonia: Well, i basically need to make ssh act as a proxy.22:28
pineChri2, grub is the boot loader, u need it to boot, dont remove it22:28
bin_di installed ubuntu and then vista. i lost the bootloader, so i ran sudo grub via a ubuntu live cd. i used: root (hd0,0) and setup (hd0). now i lost vista. how do i add them to the bootloader menu? (vista?).22:28
Slartpingu: I have no idea.. which one do you think is broken? =)22:28
ikoniaStevethepirate: ok - thats different,  you need to do ssh tunneling22:28
soundrayMicheru: add it to /etc/rc.local22:28
bin_dhow can i find the name of the partition i installed vista?22:28
dmarsabin_d you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:28
visualdeceptionfurytho1: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=53648&stc=1&d=119803346622:28
Stevethepirateikonia: Exactly.22:28
Backdraftexport PATH???22:28
Slartpingu: look here .. some info about this http://bootmaster.filerecovery.biz/appnote3.html22:28
bin_ddmarsa, how can i find the name of the partition?22:28
pinguSlart, i have no idea I don't untherstand it very well22:28
ikoniaStevethepirate: there is a guide on help.ubuntu.com22:28
bin_di am already editing menu.lst .22:29
anon2871can anyone here tell me how to change the default media player ? I've gone through the preferred applications but for whatever reasoning it isn't detecting I'm running amarok22:29
NineTailsout of interest22:29
GLORYis this the ubuntu help channel?22:29
Micherusoundray: how? i don't know the syntax, or is it just a text file with the command in it?22:29
ikoniaGLORY: sure22:29
BackdraftGLORY thats what I hear22:29
pineChri2, when i have installation problems I usally try another inst cd, burn another one, form diff mirror22:29
amenadoBackdraft-> yeah..have that path to firefox as the 1st in order of search22:29
Stevethepirateikonia: Unfortunately. I am capped. I can't access the internet. Without this tunnel :(22:29
GLORYheh, i'm new to all this and i just need help w/ stuff22:29
Seven_Six_Twowhat is the correct directory to place a ".o" input module?22:29
Backdraftamenado cool22:29
pineChri2, And let it install grub for you22:29
screenname92834I'm back22:29
Slartpingu: can't say I do either.. but a boot sector isn't that hard to replace.. even if it's broken22:29
ikoniaStevethepirate: how are you accessing this channel then22:29
soundrayMicheru: have a look at that file. It should be obvious what to do. You may have to add a & at the end of your command22:29
screenname92834let's all celebrate22:29
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to install my graphics card's drivers through the command line, but I can't remember how to anymore. Does anyone remember the command(s) to run the .run file?22:29
bin_dhow can i find the name of the partition i installed vista?22:29
screenname92834I see what a keysigning party is anyway.22:29
dmarsabin_d you don't need it... according to mine anyway. just title vista, root (hd0,0), savedefault, makeactive, chainloader +122:29
depGLORY: just describe your problem in detail and we'll help you22:30
StevethepirateI have access to a local server, which has access to the internet on all non port 80 ports.22:30
screenname92834you don't really need 'parties' however.22:30
Micherusoundray: ah its a file not a path, thanks22:30
visualdeceptionAHemlocksLie: ./file.run22:30
bin_ddmarsa, hd0,0 is linux22:30
bin_dor not?22:30
dmarsai see that22:30
dmarsait is22:30
AHemlocksLievisualdeception: thanks22:30
ikoniaStevethepirate: your tunnel will still need access to a box that has connection to the internet on port 80 so tha tyou forward say port 123 on your box to 80 on the other22:30
visualdeceptionAHemlocksLie: but you need to right click on it and select properties to make sure you can run it22:30
dmarsamy partitioning is different22:30
screenname92834the principle is that presence A will verify that B's key is b, so if you are SURE you have A's key, and trust him,22:30
dmarsais your hdd sata?22:30
bin_di think22:31
screenname92834then you have B's key b as well22:31
GLORYwell i had it where i had somewhat of desktop effects, and now once i try the med the desktop effects cannont be enabled22:31
screenname92834so I expect you can get a bunch of keys off B as well etc.22:31
pineubuntu users ! If ya want a great dc++ client  !!!!!22:31
dover19is there a way to "move" the display to the left, right, up or down?22:31
GLORYi believe it's from after all the updates it told me to download...22:31
ikoniapine: we don't22:31
dmarsait's irrelevant actually22:31
pinesearch for linuxdcpp22:31
Stevethepirateikonia: I can, in links on this box, set the proxy of it to like,, which is a free and anonymous proxy.22:31
soundrayMicheru: have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/x11vnc ?22:31
pinein synaptic22:31
screenname92834anyway, here is a basic question for you22:31
ikoniaStevethepirate: use that proxy with firefox22:31
screenname92834don't all shout at once.22:31
ikoniapine we know about that client thanks22:32
Micherusoundray: no why?22:32
Stevethepirateikonia: It won't let me.22:32
ikoniaStevethepirate: what won't22:32
pinewell so u speak for everyone, no u dont22:32
soundrayMicheru: if you had, you might not have had to ask that question.22:32
dmarsabin_d, what i meant is you installed on one hdd right? and you created a swap partition and just a root (/) partition?22:32
screenname92834Does ubuntu put a whole load of system files in /etc in a way that you can see, whereas  windows hides such system files22:32
ikoniapine: no one has asked for a client - so just spouting stuff randomly in the channel is of no help22:32
StevethepirateThe firewall checks to see what IP is connecting to it, this server I am on can use external proxies, I cannot.22:32
furytho1so who can help me with that Java problem ?22:32
depGLORY: What version of Ubuntu are you running? Also, does the error give any more information?22:33
amenadofurytho1-> what is the issue?22:33
bin_ddmarsa, i created 2 partitions. 1 for linux 1 for vista22:33
screenname92834To put that another way, if you alter files in /etc are you going to f*** your ubuntu system?22:33
nickrudscreenname92834: yes, very much so. You can see all the files, and locations thereof, with dpkg -L packagename22:33
pinejesus, go tell your mom or something22:33
bin_di installed ubuntu and then vista22:33
visualdeceptionfurytho1: http://linux.dudenhofer.net/wordpress/?p=622:33
ikoniaStevethepirate: then I suggest you contact yous ISP, I'm not going to help you bypass our isp22:33
guci22join #ubuntu22:33
GLORYhow's come when i put on XGL i can't login?22:33
nickrudscreenname92834: always recoverable22:33
ikoniapine: just respect the channels rules22:33
Ashfire908is there a program that can resume sftp downloads? (besides gFTP, that downloads really slow.)22:33
Micherusoundray: i simply didn't think of it, and i was already on freenode.22:33
guci22i need help with virtualbox addins22:33
Stevethepirateikonia: Its not an ISP, its my university network.22:33
furytho1I can't get java to work on either opera or firefox, i get error that I need later version than I currently have22:33
guci22can anybody help22:33
dmarsayes bin_d but did you let ubuntu automatically partition for you?22:33
ikoniaStevethepirate: ok, I'm not going to help you bypass your uni network22:33
dmarsaduring the install22:33
sebrockis it possible to use 'dump' or 'tar' to backup a mounted filesystem, also run the command from this filesystem?22:33
nickrud!asj guci2222:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asj guci22 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:33
amenadofurytho1-> what is the exact error?22:33
bin_ddmarsa, no, i created a /root partition22:33
nickrud!ask | guci2222:33
ubotuguci22: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:33
StevethepirateI would normally use 2 tinyproxies, but I cannot at the moment22:33
RoboCopwhere can i find pcre.h . what package has it?22:34
davied101is there any working software like iTunes in linux?22:34
Seven_Six_TwoI'm trying to install a tablet driver for X under 7.04 and the instructions say to put the newly compiled module in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/ or whatever the correct path is for your distro. is there a different correct path for ubuntu?22:34
Stevethepirateikonia: Its not like that. This PC i _can_ use on upper campus.22:34
dmarsabin_d, you also created a swap partition, correct?22:34
nickrud!find pcre.h | RoboCop22:34
ikoniaStevethepirate: so use it22:34
Slartdavied101: amarok has some of the features itunes has22:34
StevethepirateIts just I don't want to walk up there.22:34
bin_ddmarsa, i think, yes22:34
GLORYwhen i download server-xgl from sypnatic package manager, how's come i can't login?22:34
visualdeceptionRoboCop: in terminal type whereis pcre.h22:34
uboturobocop: File pcre.h found in caudium, kannel-dev, libpcre3-dev, libsfs0c2-dev, php5-dev (and 2 others)22:34
StevethepirateIts like.. 2 km's away.22:34
ikoniaStevethepirate: I'm not helping you bypass the uni22:34
screenname92834is the /etc directory anything like the registry in windows?22:34
Stevethepirateikonia: Fine.22:34
dmarsawell bin_d, my best guess is hd0,222:34
Slartscreenname92834: kind of.22:34
pinesome moderators think they are gods or something22:35
Slartscreenname92834: it's a folder where almost all applications keep their settings.. including system stuff22:35
soundrayscreenname92834: not at all. It's a directory containing mostly plain text configuration files.22:35
nickrudscreenname92834: no, it's easily readable and alterable22:35
GLORYdep how do i check22:35
dover19has anyone ever had any "screen resolution" issues22:35
screenname92834why don't they hide this directory /etc so it doesn't confuse people like me?22:35
dmarsaif you do have a sata drive you can 'ls -l /dev/sd*' and see what partitions are there.22:35
Slartpine: do you have a question about ubuntu?22:35
GLORYdep it's one of the new one's that i know of..22:35
nickrudscreenname92834: you can22:35
dmarsaotherwise 'ls -l /dev/hd*' for an ide drive22:35
ikoniaSlart: no - he just randomly spouts stuff.22:35
Slartscreenname92834: hide it? why.. what did you do? delete it? =)22:35
amenadoscreenname92834-> just get yourself not to be confused22:35
=== wallfire is now known as ahave
pineno im here to help people, so stop acting like you are someone22:35
screenname92834I mean, I'd be inclined to delete /etc because it's beyond me.22:35
furytho1amenado I did put taht error to private message.22:35
anon2871can anyone tell me how I can make amarok my default app for downloads through firefox ?22:35
nickrud't write there by accident, and it's visible so you can see what is configured. A feature :)22:36
depGLORY: go to the System menu, then click on "About Ubuntu" for the version22:36
soundraypine: I can't see you helping anyone -- just spouting offtopic stuff.22:36
amenadofurytho1-> no private messages...use the pastebin22:36
GLORYThank you for your interest in Ubuntu 7.1022:36
GLORY                - the Gutsy Gibbon - released in October 2007. dep22:36
GLORYi have gnome on here also.. is that a problem? idk22:36
* nickrud has always though ikonia and soundray were someones ;)22:36
screenname92834so how do you hide it?22:36
ikonianickrud: your wrong ;)22:36
pinewell i need to defend my self against bashing mods, .22:37
amenadoscreenname92834-> are you serious? want to experiment?22:37
Slartpine: huh? was that directed to me?22:37
hdevalence-screenname92834: just do all your stuff in /home/username22:37
nickrudscreenname92834: you don't need to look there22:37
CarlFKI need something like a graphic EQ or graphic level indicator so I can visually tell the difference between noise and silence (or mostly silent- sound card has a faint hum and a bit of crackle22:37
soundraynickrud: actually, I'm anyone.22:37
depGLORY: gnome is the desktop environment, it provides the menus and visual desktop you see. Ok, so you tried to install xserver-xgl and things stopped working, right?22:37
naliothif it's not ubuntu support talk, it doesn't belong here.  #ubuntu-offtopic exists for non-support discussions22:37
greenteaHow do i get compiz fusion and update verison gt ????22:37
Slartscreenname92834: as a regular user you can't delete /etc.. afaik22:37
ikoniapine it's a busy channel, just try to keep it to answer questiongs, not spounting random stuff22:37
GLORYcorrect dep22:37
nickrudscreenname92834: anymore than you need to look at what's in /Program Files22:37
guci22I am using virtualbox and I am trying to install the virtualbox addons. when I run the ".run" file it says I don't have admin privileges. When I installed ubuntu I put my current user/pass as the admin account. How do I install the addons?22:37
Micheruikonia: he's gone22:38
screenname92834just experimenting really. I do think they could've called /etc something sensible like /system22:38
ikoniaMicheru: missed that22:38
ikoniaMicheru: thank you22:38
Slartscreenname92834: no amount of hiding stuff will keep people from trashing their computer when they use sudo.. that's kind of the point =)22:38
* guci22 is mad22:38
ahavecould someone help me with compiling and inserting drivers with ubuntu? http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing#Debian.2FUbuntu22:38
Micheruikonia: no problem22:38
* amenado hands guci22 and ice cream cone..here lick em ..hehe22:38
yolucahow do i run the nvidia setup from terminal ?22:39
LiENUShooray for ubuntu lts22:39
ikoniayoluca: you don't22:39
sebrockif I tar backup my whoel filesystem, does it matter if its mounted or not?22:39
ikoniayoluca: use the nvidia-glx package22:39
LiENUSno vmsplice to exploit :D22:39
dover19does ubuntu have issues with lcd monitors, or maybe certain brands?22:39
Seveas!offtopic | LiENUS22:39
j_How do i get compiz fusion and update verison gt ????22:39
ubotuLiENUS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:39
guci22could someone help me with virtualbox addons (i am running ubuntu in windows vista)22:39
Slartscreenname92834: I think those folder names are really old.. from before regular people used computers... google for linux folder hierarchy or sometihng similar.. lots of nice info on that22:39
furytho1I did already follow link which leads to http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp22:39
Seveas!compiz | j_22:39
ubotuj_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:39
csc`is it possible to override the 'System Partition needs to be formatted' in the installer?22:39
yolucai need to ikonia ... x failed to start ... im in ternimal ONLY22:39
soundraydover19: no22:39
hdevalence-screenname92834: if you want, you can look up something called the Filesystem Heirarchy Standard; it has the reasons behind what goes in /etc, what goes in /var, what goes in /usr ,etc etc22:39
Seveasfurytho1, apt-get install sun-java6-plugin22:39
screenname92834slart: good idea.22:39
LiENUSSeveas, ubuntu lts is offtopic?22:39
ikoniayoluca: you don't need to22:39
nickrudguci22: it would be   sudo /path/to/runfile22:39
ikoniayoluca: what card do you have22:39
Slartdover19: not that I know of.. ubuntu can be tricky to setup properly when using X.. if that's what you mean22:40
SeveasLiENUS, vmsplice attacks are.22:40
j_seveas is it this kind http://youtube.com/watch?v=g2U0V0RvCLM22:40
screenname92834hdevalence-: I'll put it on my list of things to do.22:40
depGLORY: ok, possibly insulting question, but I need to know: did you restart your machine yet?22:40
yolucaikonia, nvidia 790022:40
kane77why isn't icecat/iceweasel in repositories?22:40
LiENUSSeveas, security is offtopic?22:40
LiENUSwow thats scary22:40
GLORYmultiple times dep22:40
dover19soundray: any idea why my display would be too much to the right? basically, on the left side of my monitor theres a vertical black line thats about....1o pixels wide i guess22:40
guci22nickrud: what if it is on a cd22:40
ikoniayoluca: isn't that covered by the nvidia-glx-new package22:40
GLORYusually after every time i install something.. dep22:40
tass1412i think i got an ugly problem... compiz is loaded, but no animations take place (i know it's loaded because i set some other hotkeys in compiz than in metacity, and these work)22:40
dover19so my display starts too far to the right22:40
yolucaikonia, i need to reconfigure x...something like dpkg nvidia-reconfig22:40
depGLORY: k thanks. But the login screen comes up, and you can't login?22:40
ikoniayoluca: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:40
Slartdover19: can't you adjust that on the monitor itself? auto button?22:40
nickrudguci22: same thing, the cdrom has a path. Most likely /media/cdrom/runfile22:40
SeveasLiENUS, this is a support channel. Discussing root exploits isn't support22:40
GLORYyes.. i try to log in and it wont let me..22:40
dover19doesnt seam to do anything22:41
amenadodover19-> then adjust your lcd,22:41
yolucaikonia, it is ... i have that installed already ... i need to REconfigure it22:41
GLORYi ahve to go into the other version and uninstall it dep..22:41
ikoniayoluca: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:41
GLORYthen i get back into here...22:41
depGLORY: what does it say specifically? Bad password?22:41
GLORYno... it doesn't say anything.. just goes back to the login screen22:41
AHemlocksLieSomething's way off. The left like 3 inches on my monitor aren't being used. It's not off center, it's just pretending that part doesn't exist, so my widescreen resolution is crammed into what I'm guessing is a normal resolution area22:41
depGLORY: ok, thanks, gimme a second to look into something22:41
AHemlocksLieanyone know what might cause that?22:41
yolucaikonia, inst there a command for nvidia-glx ?22:41
LiENUSSeveas, sounds like a narrow definition of support i didnt ask how to run a root exploit22:41
ikoniayoluca: I've just told you 2 times22:42
guci22how do I run terminal?22:42
furytho1so what I need to do get that java plugin to work ?22:42
ikoniaLiENUS: why are you arguing22:42
yolucaikonia, ok22:42
ikoniaLiENUS: just get on with support22:42
Slart!res | AHemlocksLie, look here22:42
ubotuAHemlocksLie, look here: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:42
LiENUSSeveas, please follow your own rules22:42
yolucaikonia, there is one in debian ...thats why i asked for it22:42
ikoniayoluca: installthe nvidia-glx-new package and then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" selecting the nvidia driver22:42
guci22how do I run terminal?22:42
AHemlocksLieSlart: It's not just that my resolution's messed up. That'd just make things look funny. It's pretending part of my monitor doesn't exist22:42
nortyI have a question, im trying to share files between unbuntu 7.10 and windows xp, I can see both computers but when i try to copy files from the xp box to the ubuntu box it asks for a password, i put in the password i use to login to th windows xp computer but that doesn't work.. any ideas?22:42
AHemlocksLiethere's a 3 inch black space on the left22:43
nickrudguci22: apps->accesories->terminal22:43
Seveasguci22, applications -> accessories -> terminal22:43
SlartAHemlocksLie: I just figured the modeline might be off or something..22:43
Cromagnorty: maybe samba is the place for you to look22:43
AHemlocksLieslart: I'll try it, I guess, but I'm not so sure it'll help22:43
CarbonfluxLocal root exploit in kernel 2.6.17 - 2.6.24 (vmsplice)22:43
Carbonfluxthis looks kind of bad ^22:43
soundraydover19: go through 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and try different settings in the monitor section. Ideally, find out the hsync and vrefresh rates of your LCD and set those directly (Advanced option)22:44
SlartAHemlocksLie: what brand is the monitor? model?22:44
depGLORY: ok, please open a terminal (command line) and enter this command: 'cat /var/log/messages | grep Fatal' and tell me if there is any output22:44
yolucaikonia, yeah got it .... in debian there was no need to run dpkg and select the nvidia driver ... there was a nvidia command which did everything for you ... thanks22:44
LiENUSSeveas, once again please follow your rules, this is a support chatroom22:44
ubotuKDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:44
screenname92834right here we are then: /etc/apt/source.list contains five items22:44
AHemlocksLieslart: Uh... it's a ViewSonic 19" widescreen, I think22:44
GLORYnone dep22:45
Slartscreenname92834: ok.. you can skip the regular ubuntu servers.. are there anything else? wine? screenlets?22:45
AHemlocksLieslart: Not so sure on the size anymore, but I Dunno the model. I got it working just fine on 7.04, so I dunno what the problem is22:45
GLORYdep, put it in just like this? cat /var/log/messages | grep Fatal22:45
screenname92834yes here we are: apt.tt-solutions.com/ubuntu/ dapper main22:45
GLORYya.. doesn't hav any output22:45
yolucaikonia, right .. there is something wrong ... soon the coonfig of xserver-xorg starts the system freeze ... i restarted and now same again ... any idea what can it be ?22:45
csc`is it possible to override the 'System Partition needs to be formatted' in the installer?22:45
SlartAHemlocksLie: sounds regular enough... uubuntu autodetect it?22:45
visualdensityHi, I've recently installed munin and the uninstalled it via apt-get, but my shutdown and boot sequence shows that Ubuntu is still trying to start the process (but fail, naturally). How do I remove munin from the boot-up process? I'm on Ubuntu 7.10. Thank you.22:45
screenname92834I've no idea what that is22:45
depGLORY: yes, that looks through all of the file messages and looks for anything that has the word 'Fatal' in it22:46
ikoniayoluca: no idea, things freezing is most commonly bad ram. you may want to reboot to make sure the nvidia module is loaded22:46
nickrudvisualdeception: sudo apt-get remove --purge munin22:46
Slartscreenname92834: dapper? what version of ubuntu are you running?22:46
sebrockplease anyone? any danger to backup a mounted filesystem?22:46
ubotuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.22:46
screenname92834dapper actually22:46
ikoniasebrock: no22:46
AHemlocksLieslart: I think I chose autodetect when I configured xorg or whatever it's called, yeah22:46
guci22Thank you very much nickrud22:46
ikoniasebrock: don't backup /dev /proc22:46
yolucaikonia, yeah ok i see what i can do , thanks22:46
nickrudvisualdeception: the standard remove leaves the config files in /etc , adding the --purge removes them22:46
Slartscreenname92834: hmm.. let me check that one.. brb22:46
sebrockikonia: how does it differ from partimage. That supposedly is not very safe on a mounted system?22:47
screenname92834I was going to upgrade to feisty but it said on the website 'do not try to upgrade from dapper to22:47
ikoniasebrock: tar is just an archive, - no idea what partimage is, I assume it's a partition image22:47
screenname92834feisty because it will screw your system!22:47
screenname92834so I didn't22:47
j_if i running ubuntu 7.10 do i need to install X Server? xgl or aiglx in order to run Composite Manager?22:47
screenname92834I'll get hardy when it's released in April22:47
nickrudscreenname92834: correct, you would have to upgrade to edgy, then feisty22:47
Slartscreenname92834: hmm.. some python styff.. wxtools.. recognize it?22:47
sebrockikonia: yes22:47
Seveas!info partimage | ikonia22:48
ubotuikonia: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-17 (gutsy), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB22:48
screenname92834possibly I have used some wx stuff22:48
j_so i have to choose either xgl or aiglx?22:48
sebrockikonia: how about dump then? which do you recommend?22:48
ikoniaj_: ubuntu is running the desktop - so it's running the x server and compiz already22:48
rinaldi_hi all, im trying to connect to my shring desktop through the network but my IP changes sometimes when I reboot. Is there a way to set a fixed ip for the computer?22:48
ikoniasebrock: ta22:48
sebrockalright thanks22:48
nickrudj_: depends on what your video card is22:48
ikoniasebrock: depeands what you use to dump22:48
sebrock'dump' command22:48
screenname92834wxwidgets: very important22:48
svuhow would I explain that stupid hal that my hdd has 2 hidden partitions which i don't want to see?22:48
usr_robmount -a works, but fstab do not mount my nfs export22:48
ikoniasebrock: ahhh using "dump" I'd rather not have a file system mounted for that22:49
ikoniasebrock: but notes don't say it's dangerous22:49
patogenWhat type of mobile phones are supported by linux? I would like to be able to change in the phone book and so on from the computer22:49
sebrockok, ikonia I think I'll just use tar then22:49
patogenand write sms from the computer and send it by the phone22:49
Seveaspatogen, nokia has good linux support22:49
RoboCop!find m_sqlv2.h22:49
j_ikonia, nickrud mines video card is nvidia gx 7400 . So its already running xserver (which one , xgl or aiglx) and already have compiz (how about compiz fusion updated one? )22:49
ubotuPackage/file m_sqlv2.h does not exist in gutsy22:50
visualdensitynickrud: when you say 'visualdeception' did you mean me?22:50
dex84With kernel, I now only have 1 cpu available on a dual core machine. Anyone else having the same issue?22:50
RoboCop!find m_sqlv2.h | RoboCop22:50
Slartscreenname92834: I think you can remove that line.. unless you still use it22:50
ikoniadex84: uname -a please.22:50
nickrudvisualdeception: yes I did. I guess still only read 6 chars, my forth training ;)22:50
Slartscreenname92834: or. .wait.. hang on22:50
screenname92834ok I'll comment it out.22:50
ikoniaRoboCop: you've just done that command 5 seconds ago22:50
patogenSeveas: Nice. I'll check out if I can buy a phone that is good for me :) Thank you22:50
Seveas!msgthebot > RoboCop22:50
dex84Linux linux-798r #1 SMP 2008/02/01 19:36:55 UTC x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:50
ikoniadex84: is that an ubuntu kernel22:51
j_ikonia, nickrud do i need to update or reinstall anything to make it run compiz fusion?22:51
nickrudj_: you should already have compiz available, system->prefs->appearance effects tab.22:51
Carbonfluxdex84, did you look in the kernel log to see if its really finding both of them ?22:51
ikoniaj_: the restiected drivers from the restricted drivers manager is about it22:51
AHemlocksLieokay, so something I've noticed about the big, empty spot. The computer doesn't realize it's there. A screenshot shows a nice, full screen. It doesn't acknowledge the left 3" of my monitor as existing at all.22:51
nickrudj_: assuming you did the system->admin->restricted manager   install nvidia restricted driver step that is22:51
RoboCopikonia Seveas - make[1]: *** No rule to make target `m_sqlv2.h', needed by `m_mysql.so'.  Stop.22:52
Slartscreenname92834: try running this "wget -q http://apt.tt-solutions.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"22:52
visualdensitythanks! it's too late for me to use apt-get remove --purge, but I manually remove the munin/ folder in etc/22:52
ikoniaRoboCop: what are you trying to build22:52
Seveas!compiling | RoboCop22:52
ubotuRoboCop: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:52
j_ikonia, nickrud  yea did it works but i wanted to customize the settings ... for effects.22:52
nickrudRoboCop: the best way to find stuff is packages.ubuntu.com , searching there22:52
Slartscreenname92834: I think that might make it work.22:52
dmarsadex84, cat /proc/cpuinfo22:52
ikoniadex84: so why are you asking in here22:52
GLORYdep man.. sorry i gotta go22:53
ikoniadex84: this is ubuntu support - not open suse support22:53
nickrudj_: ah, install  compizconfig-settings-manager , you'll have a new preference, advanced desktop22:53
j_ikonia, nickrud  does it have compiz = fusion together?22:53
nickrudj_: ye22:53
dex84Ikonia: I'm aware of that22:53
j_nickrud ^_^22:53
rinaldi_anyone know how i can make my pc have a fixed ip on my network? it's just that my other pc's are trying to connect to shared files but it won't work because the pc's IP has changed after rebooting22:53
ikoniadex84: so why are you asking  ?22:53
Carbonfluxdex84, I would look in /var/log/kern.log and see if the kernel is even finding both processors because it looks like you are running SMP22:53
ikoniaCarbonflux: we do not support open suse in here22:53
Carbonfluxah sorry!22:53
Slartrinaldi_: use the network manager.. or specify the ip in .. /etc/networks I think22:53
MrPiracyi just installed gutsy, would anyone tell me a good tutorial to install awn?22:53
Carbonfluxheh, making a lot of mistakes today22:53
* Carbonflux hides22:53
dex84ikonia: don't respond then22:53
RoboCopnickrud ikonia Seveas - iam compiling inspircd. it has no package in ubuntu. so using tarbal. i need  that .h file  .  make[1]: *** No rule to make target `m_sqlv2.h', needed by `m_mysql.so'.  Stop.22:53
ikoniadex84: no - respect the channel rules22:53
* nickrud grabs Carbonflux shoulder and drags him back into the light22:54
=== Liquid2 is now known as liquid
SeveasRoboCop, if it's not in Ubuntu we don't support it :)22:54
SlartRoboCop: did you run ./configure ?22:54
nickrudRoboCop: try searching for it on packages.ubuntu.com , works well22:54
rinaldi_slart: thanks22:54
StarnestommyRoboCop: I think you should try #inspircd on chatspike22:54
RoboCopSlart yes22:54
Seveas!info inspircd22:54
nickrudRoboCop: 'it' being the file you want22:54
ubotuPackage inspircd does not exist in gutsy22:54
kane77what can I use to repeatedly output content of text file? watch doesn't work because it contains color and stuff...22:54
j_nickrud is there command to install compizconfig-settings-manager22:54
j_nickrud sudo install compizconfig-settings-manager?22:54
Seveasj_, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager22:55
clearzenkane77: cat < file.txt22:55
SlartRoboCop: nevermind me then =).. that error just pops up if you forget or it ./configure fails for some reason.. missing files etc22:55
RoboCopnickrud theres not package22:55
nickrudj_: you can do sudo apt-get install , or search (ctl-f) for it in synaptic22:55
clearzenkane77: is that what you mean?22:55
ikoniaSlart: just headers missing22:55
nickrudRoboCop: agreed. But, you can look for the that header file's package there22:55
kane77clearzen, but that only output once...22:55
hydoskeehi, I'm trying to run eagle CAD, and all the black text is rendering as see through, which would be cool if it wasn't unreadable - any ideas?  I installed with a simple apt-get install eagle22:55
dmarsakane77,  tail -f  ?22:55
kjozHey guys, is there a need for a virus scanner in linux ? Like Clam AnttVirus just incase ?22:56
furytho1did someone give advice howto get that Java plugin to work ?22:56
jribkjoz: no22:56
kane77dmarsa, you're genius! that's it!22:56
clearzenkane77: You would just have to make a conditional loop that didn't terminate using that command22:56
jrib!virus | kjoz22:56
ubotukjoz: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:56
ikoniakjoz: personally - I don't think so22:56
dmarsaanytime kane7722:56
Slartkjoz: a virus scanner can be handy for checking mail or files on a  file server.. but generally a linux desktop doesn't really need it22:57
kane77dmarsa, and that "scrolls" if the file changes, right?22:57
Seveasfurytho1, apt-get install sun-java6-plugin22:57
csc`kjoz: yes, clamav RUNS on linux but i dont think it detects linux specific viruses, just viruses in general. Mainly used for servers w/email servers and such22:57
scratchmeHi all.  I was looking for some leads on decent free control panels compatible with ubuntu lamp server.  Any suggestions are appreciated.22:57
clearzenkane77: ie use a while loop22:57
dmarsayeah kane7722:57
nickrudkjoz: the antivirus stuff in linux is intended to screen stuff for microsoft users22:57
Seveasscratchme, apt-get install ebox (as of hardy)22:57
ikoniascratchme: join ##linux22:57
kjozkk thanks guys22:57
kane77clearzen, thanx.. dmarsa helped.. tail -f was what I was looking for...22:57
nickrudSeveas: don't tempt people ;)22:57
Seveasnickrud, :D22:58
Slarthydoskee: I'm installing eagle cad.. will at least test it to see if it's the same here22:58
howdoudoI have compiled and installed a program. Now a new version has come out. How do I remove the last version or dont I need to?22:58
=== josiah is now known as JosiahW
ikoniahowdoudo: thats your issue - as you've not used a package manager22:58
Seveashowdoudo, that's why ubuntu uses packages, makes upgrading easy22:58
RoboCopnickrud Slart i think i dont have headers. same msg got for ssl.h . i install the dev package and it went away. now i just need m_splv2.h . apt-file search is not giving it22:58
ikoniahowdoudo: your dependency tracking and clean up is now down to you22:58
Slarthowdoudo: depends on what program it is.. some apps have to be removed before the new one is installed22:58
hydoskeeSlart - thanks!22:58
scratchmeSeveas: Thanks for the lead.  It looks more along the lines of a full server control panel as opposed to a web hosting control panel, which is more the angle I was looking for.22:58
exsequorHow can I reinstall windows without destroying grub?22:58
scratchmeSeveas: Am I mistaken?22:59
ikoniaexsequor: you don't22:59
nickrudhowdoudo: if you didn't remove the dir you ran make in,  make uninstall may work22:59
Flannelexsequor: you dont.  reinstall windows, then reinstall grub.  see !grub (first link)22:59
nickrudexsequor: you will loose grub, but it's easy to fix, see pm22:59
jribexsequor: just reinstall windows and then reinstall grub22:59
nickrud!grub > exsequor22:59
Seveasscratchme, you're not -- maybe cpanel is what you need but it insists on having its own config handling22:59
howdoudoThank you Slart22:59
Slarthydoskee: ouch.. hard to read22:59
furytho1here is what I got from terminal22:59
StarnestommyRoboCop: I think you need libmysql++-dev22:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:59
Stoffergeneral question:  I installed the new version of pidgin from source.  What happens if I delete or move the directory that had the source files?\22:59
scratchmeSeveas: Right.  I was hoping on leads for a decent free one.  cpanel is pay last I checked.22:59
jribfurytho1: then you have the java plugin.  Did you restart firefox?22:59
hydoskeeSlart - see?  any idea what's causing that?23:00
ikoniaStoffer: nothing, I'd be more worried that I'd broke ubuntu's dependency tracking23:00
nickrudfurytho1: that's good23:00
StarnestommyStoffer: it should still work if you remove the sources23:00
Slarthydoskee: have you tried disabling compiz?23:00
zylcheAnyone care to debug this xorg.conf? - http://pastebin.com/m711bc6223:00
RoboCopStarnestommy how can you be sure it has that .h file?23:00
hydoskeeSlart - no, that's depressing23:00
zylcheTrying to get direct rendering working23:00
ZaphodBeeblebroxHi everyone. Is it possible to install the flash-player update already or FF will lose it again?23:00
Slarthydoskee: hehe.. indeed.. but wait.. I read something some time ago about apps in compiz having transparency problems.. there was a work around.. something you entered on the command line when running the program.. let me search for a minute23:01
furytho1Yeah, so then website is not propably reconize my java :C23:01
FY1anyone know of a good mms player...not mplayer because for some reason I can't pause and resume23:01
TSCDanQuick question: Does the server edition come with Gnome?23:01
furytho1FY1 try totem23:01
jribfurytho1: what does this return: apt-cache policy gcjwebplugin23:01
lordmorgothguys is there a way to get alsa 1.0.16 as a package ? or i have to compile to install it ?23:02
kostkonFY1, VLC?23:02
nickrudfurytho1: google   java test , it'll take you to the sun test site23:02
SeveasTSCDan, you can easily install gnome on it but it's not installed by default23:02
scratchmeSeveas: Maybe webmin/virtualmin is what I want.  I'll take a look at that.  Do you care for me to let you know what I decide, or are you content to just be left alone?  ;)23:02
Seveasscratchme, webmin should be avoided like the plague23:02
Seveasit's a security risk23:02
scratchmeSeveas: Okay, any others then?23:02
furytho1  Installed: 2:0.92-4ubuntu223:02
furytho1  Candidate: 2:0.92-4ubuntu223:02
furytho1  Version table:23:02
furytho1 *** 2:0.92-4ubuntu2 023:02
furytho1        500 http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages23:02
FloodBot2furytho1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:02
FloodBot3furytho1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:02
ikoniascratchme: is this so you can host web sites for people ?23:03
Seveasscratchme, none that I know of. I use the command line23:03
ScuniziTSCDan, as Seveas said no gnome.. infact nothing but a terminal prompt..:)23:03
scratchmeikonia: yes.23:03
jribfurytho1: do: sudo aptitude purge gcjwebplugin23:03
scratchmeikonia: Basically I'd like them to manage their own resources.23:03
TSCDanScunizi, Seveas, Thanks.23:03
ArtiZý'm turkish boy23:03
jrib!tr | ArtiZ23:03
ubotuArtiZ: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.23:03
ikoniascratchme: with respect - you shouldn't be hosting websites for other people if you can't run the servers correclty23:03
nickrudArtiZ: welcome23:03
ikoniascratchme: control pannel applications are a waste of time23:03
ArtiZhow are you channel23:03
scratchmeikonia: It's low volume, nothing critical.23:03
cbx33where are the official docs for kernel compiling in ubuntu?23:03
SeveasArtiZ, this is not a chat channel23:03
scratchmeikonia: I just don't want to be bothered for every small change.23:03
Seveas!kernelcompile | cbx3323:04
ubotucbx33: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages23:04
nickrud!kernel-package | cbx3323:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel-package - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:04
sixstormwhat's the latest on the Intel X3100 driveers?  anybody using the chipset and is it fixed yet?23:04
screenname92834bye folks thatnks for your help23:04
lordmorgothguys is there a way to get alsa 1.0.16 as a package ? or i have to compile to install it ?23:04
scratchmeikonia: I don't plan to build a web-hosting empire on it if that's what you are thinking.23:04
ikoniascratchme: you can't change individual settings for 1 domain - apache is system wide23:04
nickrudlordmorgoth: compile23:04
Seveasikonia, that's so not true :)23:04
ikoniascratchme: only things like serveralias is configured on a per domain basis23:04
sme^I installed v7.10 as desktop from a cd, chose the top option to instal. How do I now get a command line or find a file manager ?23:04
furytho1done, what now ?23:04
ikoniaSeveas: at a basic level it is23:04
scratchmeikonia: Well, apache supports includes last I checked, so it would be possible to have sites setup separately in their own files.23:04
nickrudfurytho1: try your page again,23:05
Seveasikonia, not at all, apache is very, very flexible23:05
jribfurytho1: restart your browser23:05
cbx33thanks Seveas23:05
Seveasikonia, you should see my apache vhost setup :)23:05
RoboCop!find mysql.h23:05
floatingredwagonhello ubuntu!  I'm starting to plan a personal ubuntu box, and while i'm sure it exists, I can't find a "recommended hardware" list...  can anyone help?23:05
ikoniaSeveas: I agree with that, I'm not saying it isn't but your not going to load say mod_userdir for one domain23:05
Scuniziscratchme, also server management is much different from website management... ie. you don't want to maintain a clients site content.. just the servers they are running on.. right?  much easier.23:05
ubotuFile mysql.h found in liblua5.1-sql-mysql-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, libqt4-dev, pike7.6-mysql, postfix-dev (and 1 others)23:05
ikoniascratchme: and yes, your correct it does support includes23:05
furytho1now it is working23:05
furytho1thank you23:05
Seveasikonia, but you *can* enable it per domain23:05
sixstormwhat's the latest on the Intel X3100 driveers?  anybody using the chipset and is it fixed yet?23:05
Xbehave by default aptitude installed recomened packages. is there a way of striping my install down to kubuntu + a list of programs?23:05
ikoniaSeveas: not without cycling apache23:05
ikoniaSeveas: which no user should be able to do23:06
scratchmeScunizi: Basically, I want to let users create subdomains, domains, backup their folders, link to a mysqladmin, that sort of thing.23:06
ikoniaSeveas: that change won't be picked up until apache is restarted23:06
abrocadabrohow do I update my  /etc/ld.so.conf? is there a script to do this?23:06
ikoniaSeveas: I believe at least23:06
Seveasikonia, nonsense argument, all config changes need that23:06
ikoniaabrocadabro: edit it and run ldconfig23:06
nickrudabrocadabro:   sudo ldconfig23:06
furytho1Honestly, I would not mind if someone would nuke down the MS HQ and I would definetly not judge him from anything, rather thanking of makin great service for free information technology scene :D23:06
Seveas!ot | furytho123:06
ubotufurytho1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:06
ikoniaSeveas: exactly, thats why I'm saying no-user should be able to do that23:06
abrocadabroah, I see, thanks23:06
Seveasikonia, indeed. That doesn't change anything I said :)23:07
Scuniziscratchme, that's what I would do.. I just logged on so I missed a lot of the other stuff you guys were talking about.23:07
ikoniaSeveas: I agree %100 that apache is flexible and you can change it, but giving users the power to bounce apache isn't appealing23:07
zylcheXorg.conf - Direct Rendering - Widescreen - ATI - http://pastebin.com/m711bc6223:07
Seveasikonia, those two things are unrelated to each other23:07
=== averno is now known as txan
ArGo|PlasmoWhat is the best way to partition a drive for Windoze, once I have already had Ubuntu fully installed?23:07
ikoniaSeveas: perhaps my wording was a tad off23:07
nickrud!ot | Seveas ikonia (I love it :)23:07
ubotuSeveas ikonia (I love it :): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:07
ikoniaSeveas: hence the "system wide"23:07
Seveasikonia, and with excessive usage of .htaccess files you can avoid reloads. Not that one would want that :)23:07
ikoniaSeveas: that is beyond my ability with apache23:08
Seveasnickrud, ack23:08
scratchmeScunizi: I missed your suggestion.  I'm basically looking to let people do some shared hosting.  Nothing critical.  I'm not especially worried about security risks if it's possible to restrict logins to the web control panel areas via login or something.23:08
scratchmeScunizi: I'm planning to schedule regular backups, so, recovery should be fairly no-brainer.23:08
ikoniascratchme: how about how ubuntu handles it with "site-enabled" and just give each uset their own config file to change ?23:08
floatingredwagonI'm looking for a recommended hardware list for ubuntu -- can anyone feed me a link to such information?23:09
ikoniascratchme: keep the config files in each users home dir ?23:09
scratchmeikonia: If I have to supply "config files" then I've already failed, and might as well just do it for them.23:09
sixstormwhat's the latest on the Intel X3100 driveers?  anybody using the chipset and is it fixed yet?23:09
Scuniziscratchme, no suggestion because I just logged in and missed what you were asking. Web Control panel should handle it for people. Setting up apache for multiple sites and using control panels is something I'm not familure with .. try #ubuntu-server for more specifics. :)23:09
Seveas!repeat | sixstorm23:09
ubotusixstorm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:09
jrib!hardware > floatingredwagon (read the private message from ubotu)23:09
jribfloatingredwagon: that's probably the closest thing to it23:09
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floatingredwagonjrib - exactly what i was looking for -- thank you!23:10
ikoniascratchme: I'll bow to Seveas on that then, as thats how I'd to it as I don't beleve in the cpannel style stuff23:10
RoboCop!find mysql.h23:10
ubotuFile mysql.h found in liblua5.1-sql-mysql-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, libqt4-dev, pike7.6-mysql, postfix-dev (and 1 others)23:10
ikoniaSeveas: thank you !23:10
j_How come i get log off every time ?23:10
lynucsguys, how can i autostart programs depending on my session choice in dgm?23:10
lynucstrying all the day already23:11
RoboCop!find mysql.h23:11
nickrudj_: what do you mean, logged off every time?23:11
ikoniaoh dear23:11
ubotuFile mysql.h found in liblua5.1-sql-mysql-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, libqt4-dev, pike7.6-mysql, postfix-dev (and 1 others)23:11
scratchmeikonia: Like I said it's low volume, and it's basically to prevent having to do every one-off type config.  For example, a user wants to setup drupal/wordpress, I'm hoping that stuff to be guided by the install.  I don't know how much is available free, but I'm just looking.23:11
nickrudRoboCop: do   /msg ubotu find mysql.h , you can do it in privata23:11
ikoniascratchme: thats more mysql setup than apache23:11
j_nickrud when i set my compiz settings sometimes it log off automatic23:12
ph8hey guys, can anyone tell me how to turn flow control on? I have a suspicion it's going to stop my (almost supported) network card from crashing regularly (usually when i put in huge amounts of traffic!)23:12
j_nickrud without warning23:12
nickrudj_: compiz can be tricky. for bugs with it, #compiz-fusion usually has good answers23:12
screenname92834no I'm bak23:12
screenname92834folks, if  I do apt-key list I get three entries23:13
MasterShrekanyone got any idea why ntp wouldnt be working? keep getting: "no server suitable for synchronization found"23:13
screenname92834apt-key: ubuntu archive, ubuntu cd and Vadim Zeitlin23:14
zylcheGuys. I need help getting my xorg.conf working so I get direct rendering. Any help at all?23:14
ubotuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)23:14
Scunizizylche, you'll need to state ati or Nvidia or intel and model # for more assistance from those in the know.23:15
leftyfBXdoes the gutsy live cd install let you create encrypted partitions?23:15
j_How come i get log off every time ?23:15
ScunizileftyfBX, don't think so.. but I think the alternate does.  the alternate also has better lvm management.23:15
zylcheIntel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller | full xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m711bc6223:15
nonehi all23:16
=== none is now known as emil31
emil31good evening23:16
Scunizizylche, looks ok from here.. but I'm no expert.  did you run the reconfigure command listed at the first part of xorg?23:17
exsequorthanks you guys are awesome23:17
screenname92834slart: well having removed that repo from my list23:17
nickrudzylche: put a copy of /var/log/Xorg.0.log on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , no promises though23:17
screenname92834(leaving me with ubuntu.com universe only)23:17
emil31i was wondering if i could get help with installing my webcam23:17
screenname92834I discover that the program I was downloading STILL can't be authenticated23:17
Slartscreenname92834: oh.. what program is it you're downloading?23:18
screenname92834My conclusion is that ubuntu.com doesn't sign all its packages.23:18
kane77why isn't icecat/iceweasel in repositories?23:18
joankican anyone tell me the cmd prompts to access my disk drive?23:18
joankiaccess the files, that is23:18
nickrudscreenname92834: do you have any other repo's enabled?23:18
Scunizijoanki, from terminal?23:18
Slartscreenname92834: hmm.. all packages are signed..23:18
Flannelkane77: iceweasel is a virtal package23:18
screenname92834no only the four ubuntu.com repos.23:18
emil31ubuntu detects my webcam in the usb port but I only need correct driver23:19
kane77Flannel, so what package do I install?23:19
Scunizijoanki, cd /media/<insert drive designator here> then ls to list the directories and contents.23:19
Flannelkane77: firefox will work23:19
nickrudscreenname92834: do sudo apt-get update , then try again. if it still is unathenticated, run  apt-cache policy audacity23:19
screenname92834ok I'll try23:20
nickrudscreenname92834: the policy will show you where it's trying to get it from23:20
screenname92834and apt-get will update what?23:20
Flannelscreenname92834: apt-cache policy audacity will23:21
OJW104Does anyone know hwo good the driver support for a dell laptop would be/.23:21
nickrudscreenname92834: it will update your list of packages. ubuntu doesn't sign packages individually, but rather the repo the come from. The authentication has a limited lifetime23:21
ScuniziOJW104, pretty good normally depending on the machine.. I've read no issues with vostro 140023:22
screenname92834audacity: installed. archive.ubuntu.com dapper /universe Packages23:23
OJW104I have a Vostro 1500, I remember I could never get my Dell desktop to configure properly and I didn't want it to be an issue with my laptop23:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:23
ahorriblemesshey all. I've been using Ubuntu for a few days now, it's great. But, I was thinking about dual booting...23:23
Jack_Sparrowno more easysoure23:23
nickrud!dualboot | ahorriblemess23:23
ubotuahorriblemess: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:23
ahorriblemessThe only reason I'd really like to dual boot is to use lightscribe occasionally, and maybe use soulseek... But, I don't want Vista to take up too much space... just a bit23:24
SlartJack_Sparrow: what happened?23:24
* nickrud kicks a man that will be nameless23:24
ArtiZTurkish Chat Server  /Server irc.zurna.net  Join...23:24
Jack_Sparrowahorriblemess: Ubuntu will set it all up for you .. if you install windows first23:24
ArtiZTurkish Chat Server  /Server irc.zurna.net  Join...23:24
ArtiZTurkish Chat Server  /Server irc.zurna.net  Join...23:24
steltIf i try to connect to my Bluetooth-discovered phone, i get an error that doesn't have the found name, but some weird code as a name23:24
ArtiZTurkish Chat Server  /Server irc.zurna.net  Join...23:24
ArtiZTurkish Chat Server  /Server irc.zurna.net  Join...23:24
ArtiZTurkish Chat Server  /Server irc.zurna.net  Join...23:24
ArtiZTurkish Chat Server  /Server irc.zurna.net  Join...23:24
Flannel!ops | ArtiZ23:24
ubotuArtiZ: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow!23:24
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screenname92834nickrud: ubuntu doesn't sign packages? how can it 'sign the server they come from'? I dont' get it23:24
Jack_SparrowSlart: THere wer some problems and seveas took it down23:24
ahorriblemessyeah I installed ubuntu using the text installer, i dont completely understand exactly how much space gets used23:24
SlartJack_Sparrow: ok..23:24
russHello, does anybody know of a way to record streaming audio from the internet? A can do it in windows, but on linux so far I have only been able to record from the internal mic on my laptop23:25
nickrudscreenname92834: it signs the Release file on the server iirc23:25
screenname92834nickrud: ??????23:25
steltruss, vlc/videolan23:25
Slartruss: I think you may be able to do it using dmix and some alsa black magic23:25
* flyback- hums along as he converts a old P133 laptop to nt4ws for use as a serial terminal, vnc terminal etc (yes linux does not work right with the video)23:25
Slartruss: if you have a soundcard that supports it you might be able to record from "what you hear" or soemthing like that23:26
ryanpghi all... how can I tell what files a program is accessing?23:26
nickrudscreenname92834: the Release file lists the files in the repo, along with their md5sum. That file is what is signed, and is downloaded and checked when you do an update23:26
ahorriblemessthanks for answering so quickly.... but really what i want to know is how little of a percentage can I use. I see I'm supposed to specify the size of the partition.. is it possible to have like 95% ubuntu, 5% vista?23:26
friedtofuwhich is better? Core 2 Duo T7500 (2.2 Ghz 800 Mhz 4MBL2) vs Core 2 Duo T8300 (2.4 Ghz 800 Mhz 3MBL2)?23:26
russSlart I would think so but don't know how to make it happen23:27
ryanpgfor example, if I start a program, can I ascertain which if any, files in a given directory are being read by that program?23:27
Scuniziahorriblemess, sure as long as you have a huge drive and the %23:27
ahorriblemessi don't23:27
ahorriblemessi dont think23:27
Slartryanpg: I looked for something that did that a while ago.. didn't find anything.. le me know if you do23:27
Scuniziahorriblemess, 5% for vista is enough for the op sys and pgrms.23:27
ahorriblemessit is? awesome23:27
Scuniziahorriblemess, how much is 5% on your system.23:27
ahorriblemessi dont know23:28
celiousahorriblemess: Vista takes around 6GB of space.. depending on the version23:28
ryanpgSlart, will do23:28
nomicwhat is the best way to compare speeds of PCs running ubuntu anyone?23:28
Scuniziahorriblemess, that's the million dollar question.. how big is your drive.23:28
ahorriblemessok cool that's the kind of info i was looking for Celious. I just didn't ask haha23:28
screenname92834so if anyone wanted to impersonate a repo, it couldn't impersonate the Release file, and if it was going to impersonate packages, it would, at least, have to maintain the checksum. Which I imagine is possible although tricky23:28
Slartruss: I'm afraid it will take longer to explain than I will manage to stay awake.. I'm off to bed before I fall asleep on the keyboard23:28
Intel4004Don't run Vista it's a virus23:28
ahavei need help with rtl818x drivers23:28
screenname92834yeah I need to go to bed as well23:28
aLeSDhow can I know if my bluetooth work ?23:28
nickrudscreenname92834: that's the idea, and the signing of individual packages is on a deep back burner I think23:29
ahorriblemessi'm not right now at all, i was just thinking about reinstalling for a couple of things23:29
ahavespecifically rtl8187 chipset drivers23:29
ahorriblemessi'm 100% ubuntu right now23:29
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834: If your concern is safety.. it has been well thought out23:29
screenname92834So if ubuntu doesn't sign packages, then why is it complaining about authentication?23:29
Slartnomic: search in synaptic for "benchmark".. there are a few23:29
nomicright thanks slart23:29
screenname92834why is synaptics complaining about authentication?23:29
Scuniziahorriblemess, but you'll need more than 6 gigs to install programs (read.. games etc.). With a 160 drive I would make 20 gigs Vista and the rest ubuntu. make a seperate partiiton for your /home. It will make things easier in the future.23:29
russryanpg you can look at the file attributes - I think the OS keeps track of when they were last accessed - so you could run the program and then look at those attributes after23:29
PriceChildscreenname92834, ubuntu does use gpg to authenticate packages23:29
nickrudscreenname92834: because your list is out of date. Or, you have a repo in your sources.list that isn't signed or you don't have the key for23:29
ahorriblemessso three partitions? One ubuntu, one vista, and one /home?23:30
mrmagoo24mwhat can i do about my  mp3's being unsupported i installed mp3 support for amarok23:30
screenname92834nickrud: what you say makes some sense23:30
Slart!mp3 | mrmagoo24m23:30
ubotumrmagoo24m: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:30
nickrudPriceChild: it isn't the actual packages that are individually signed though, iirc23:30
Scuniziahorriblemess, root or "/" in ubuntu you could make around 10 to 15 gigs.. swap should be double your RAM amount and the rest for /home23:30
Jack_Sparrowahorriblemess: plus swap23:30
PriceChildnickrud, nope, a list of md5sums iirc23:30
ryanpgruss, hrm... yeah that sounds doable - though I thought there was a command23:30
screenname92834aaaaaaaahh now I'm losing it23:30
nickrudscreenname92834: PriceChild just said the same thing I said earlier ;)23:31
Slartmrmagoo24m: those links should take care of it.. if you've already done what they suggest I can't really offer anything better23:31
screenname92834don't do that to me23:31
NW2190What's a good program for writing in LaTeX in Ubuntu?23:31
ahorriblemessI might not even do it, I hate windows and Vista makes me want to vomit sometimes, but I have lightscribe and I'd like to use it23:31
PriceChildNW2190, any text editor at all23:31
nickrudscreenname92834: so, run   sudo apt-get get update &&  sudo apt-get install audacity . If it says it isn't signed, put the full output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org23:32
SlartNW2190: lyx is nice, imho23:32
mateuszNW2190: tex-maker which is for KDE23:32
Scuniziahorriblemess, lightscribe should be available in linux by now..23:32
mateuszNW2190: but I use it under gnome23:32
ubotutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX23:32
[g2]any pointers to web resource on hotplug device names on Gutsy ?23:32
mrmagoo24mon ubuntu v6 it didnt have this issue23:32
PriceChildNW2190, i love gedit for most text stuff, plus it does hilighting23:32
nickrud!info lyx | NW219023:32
ubotunw2190: lyx (source: lyx): Document Processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 3272 kB, installed size 8368 kB23:32
GigamoHi. Is there any way I can define mouse sensitivity in X? (not in gnome)23:32
Scuniziahorriblemess, here's one referance http://www.linux.com/feature/11870523:32
NW2190PriceChild: Does it do LaTeX??23:32
jribNW2190: I like vim with latexsuite if you like vim23:32
mateuszNW2190: I suggest texmaker23:32
Gigamo!info medit23:33
ubotumedit (source: medit): A useful programming and around-programming text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (gutsy), package size 924 kB, installed size 3152 kB23:33
ScuniziI know latex is cool. but I've never used it.  What makes it so cool?23:33
NW2190Ok, I'll try those out thanks for the suggestions.23:33
ahorriblemessScunizi: thanks23:33
mateuszNW2190: its editor with syntax highlight and has some menu items that help a lot with writing.. for example table wizard etc.23:33
nickrudScunizi: cuz everyone says it's cool ;)23:33
SlartNW2190: the version of ghostscript that ubuntu supplies has a bug that messes up eps-files in latex.. or possibly just in lyx23:33
mateuszNW2190: use texlive23:33
ph8hey guys, can anyone tell me how to turn flow control on? I have a suspicion it's going to stop my (almost supported) network card from crashing regularly (usually when i put in huge amounts of traffic!)23:34
Scunizinickrud, tried once.. didn't grasp the concept23:34
SlartNW2190: it's easy to fix if you really want to.. just thought I'd give you a small warning23:34
nickrudScunizi: it's simply a document markup language, old but powerful.23:34
ahorriblemessok, so in time there will probably be some pretty awesome lightscribe software23:34
russNW2190 I haven't LaTeXed in a long time but there is a program called Winefish LaTeX editor that seems to be very specific - has menu options for all the major LaTeX formatting commands23:34
Scunizinickrud, thanks..23:34
ahorriblemessso I can stick with being sans-Windows23:34
SlartScunizi: it's beautiful.. the typesetting is way better than say office or openoffice23:34
nickrudScunizi: especially good for scientific books, which it was originally written for I think23:34
j_How do i title my windows23:35
Scuniziahorriblemess, yea!23:35
russNW2190 but the best editor for every purpose under the sun is emacs23:35
SlartScunizi: and it's horrible to learn..so we can be elitist bastards when someone asks what we're using ;)23:35
ScuniziSlart, but a whole new concept to get use to .. isn't it? formatting and such.. the how to's, what for's?23:35
* nickrud thinks Slap_Sti1k has hit it on the head23:35
ScuniziSlart, :)23:36
nickrudum, Slart did thatis23:36
SlartScunizi: indeed.. it will take some learning...23:36
ahorriblemessok I'm leaving, thank you for the help anyone who helped. Thanks for the link scunizi23:36
Slartnickrud: I always keep taller people around me.. for the shielding =)23:36
screenname92834nickrud: I think we're ok. I reinstalled audacity from synaptics and it didn't complain this time, so I think you are right in that23:37
screenname92834my Release file was out of date23:37
Gigamoso, anyone? can I change mouse sensitivity in X itself, DE-independantly? I was thinking it should be possible in xorg.conf, but no idea how.23:38
screenname92834the only thing that concerns me is that I remember it installing 4 dependencies as well but I think I'm going to assume that they are fine as well and go to bed. I mean, who hacks ubuntu?23:38
screenname92834who hacks ubuntu? are there any ubuntu viruses?23:38
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:39
nickrudGigamo: http://ftp.x.org/pub/X11R7.0/doc/html/mouse.4.html has all the config options you can think of23:39
Gigamonickrud: thank you23:39
Slartwell.. I'm off to bed.. good night everyone23:39
Dr_willisthere was some kernel exploit i heard of last week..23:39
screenname92834slart I have to drive home as well!23:39
PriceChildDr_willis, security team are aware23:39
dolphin_noelhow is possible ... the config.inc.php from phpmyadmin only be read if have full acess ?! when i install it in to public_html23:40
nickrudDr_willis: there's a fix in the git repo already i read23:41
sllinesshi where do I get the picasa? using 7.10 32bit23:41
dolphin_noeli allready try it to put it from chown root to only root apache can read it but nathing :x23:41
Dr_willisnickrud,  since im the only user - :) i aint been too worried about it.23:41
Dr_willisIsent picasa in the mediubuntu repos?23:41
Dr_willisalong with googleearth and some other apps?23:42
nickrudDr_willis: likewise, and I promised myself I wouldn't try it on the servers I have access to :)23:42
MacAnthonyCan any one help with an xdmcp client issue?23:42
Gigamonickrud: hmm, can't seem to find it on there23:42
sllinessDr_willis, I installed the repos and searched and don't see it23:43
mrmagoo24mwould someone advise this EasyUbuntu23:43
nickrudGigamo: either/both of Resolution and SampleRate23:43
mrmagoo24mwould someone advise this EasyUbuntu????23:43
Dr_willisslliness,  ya could go to the picassa web site and see if they got debs. Ive done it that way befor.23:44
MacAnthonyI have my xdmcp server setup and working but can't figure out how to get the client setup23:44
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu23:44
Dr_willismrmagoo24m,  avoide it like the Plague.23:44
Gigamonickrud: ohh, resolution, should that be in DPI?23:44
Dr_willismrmagoo24m,  its best to learn the proper way to install things.23:44
Gigamonickrud: like 40023:44
mrmagoo24mreally alright23:44
nickrudGigamo: I think so. My memory on this is pretty rusty I last used that several years ago23:44
mrmagoo24mlol i was wondering23:44
bruenigeasyubuntu is unnecessary23:45
screenname92834friend of mine said the reason for why linux is virus-free is that few people use it so no-one bothers to attack it.23:45
orangeyj #mailman23:45
Breakagenickrud: any idea how to set "xset m 0 0" system wide, i.e. in GDM, Openbox, Xfce etc.. without enabling it as startup commands in each DE/WM?23:45
nickrudscreenname92834: not totally false23:45
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834: Not even close to an informed opinion23:45
screenname92834jack-Sparrow: care to say more?23:45
tcpdumpgodWhats cracking. I have a GeForce FX 5200/AGP/SSE2 and a DELL 2007WFP LCD monitor. It is sluggish is heck and glxinfo |grep rend shows direct rendering enabled. I do have the monitor connected with a HD-15 cable and not the DVI both card and monitor are capable of however, i would think that I could comfortably watch full screen video.23:45
tcpdumpgodAny comments?23:46
compsmanhi guys i am having trouple getting nvidia drivers working23:46
compsman You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.23:46
Gigamonickrud: guess I'll find out whether it works or not :-)23:46
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834: Let me see f I can find the article that explains it better23:46
Gigamonickrud: thanks23:46
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:46
nickrudscreenname92834: it's vulnerable to social engineering attacks, but there are so few users compared to windows that linux is a waste of effort23:46
screenname92834that article claims that it's because you can't write to a decent binary unless you are root. That assumes the operating system is flawless. I reckon a good virus can beat the OS's protection on root's files.23:46
screenname92834whats a social engineering attack23:47
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834: http://librenix.com/?inode=21  is another good one.23:47
nickrudBreakage: not really. I'd start by looking in /etc/X11/Xsession.d23:47
tcpdumpgodcompsman, open up a terminal and type the following:  "glxinfo |grep rend" as your normal user.23:47
Dr_willis decent binary ?23:47
Breakagenickrud: thanks for the tip :)23:47
tcpdumpgodSee if direct rendering is enabled compsman23:47
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834: I suggest that if you wish to discuss it you jump over to #ubuntu-offtopic.. this is the support room23:47
nickrudscreenname92834: where they trick you into running a compromised binary23:48
compsmantcpdumpgod: it not evening loading driver sir23:48
tcpdumpgodcompsman, what does dmesg as root show.23:48
tcpdumpgodHave you checked /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog as root compsman ?23:48
* stelt feels very dirty about it, but will probably order Vista tomorrow. With so much not working on Ubuntu only the chance of some things working on Vista and get some productivity ... :-(23:48
tcpdumpgodYUCK stelt23:49
nickrudscreenname92834: like a .run file you download off the web and don't really know it's provenance23:49
tcpdumpgodstelt, this is a family channel... please watch your language.23:49
compsmantcpdumpgod: there huge logs23:49
tcpdumpgodi know compsman, grep for it.23:49
a1fahey guys, i have dell latitude ls. i am trying to run xorg, but it max resolution defaults at 800x60023:49
tcpdumpgodtry this...23:49
a1fathe problem is. lcd monitors edid is wrong and its telling xorg max screen is 800x60023:49
a1fawhich is not true23:49
mrmagoo24myou need drivers?? i think a1fa23:49
mrmagoo24mthat was my case23:50
a1fai got drivers23:50
a1faits neomagic23:50
* stelt needs some local 'geek' friends23:50
a1fai'll be your friend for $2000 a month23:50
compsmanwat am i looking for tcpdumpgod23:50
Jack_Sparrowstelt: Please stop with the running commentary23:50
MasterShrekstelt, what sorts of issues are you having?23:50
tcpdumpgodCompleja, try "grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log"23:50
MasterShrekstelt, irc makes everyone a local23:50
MasterShrekgeek friend23:51
=== speeddemon8805 is now known as speeddemon8804
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:51
schnooworkhello i have a vista/ubuntu split partition and for some reason one of my vista data drives arent showing up in ubuntu anymore although it ALWAYS used to. anyone got any idea what i could try.23:51
tcpdumpgodEE in that log is indicative of errors, thats what you're looking for.23:51
tcpdumpgodbrb compsman23:51
=== fuffalo is now known as fuffal0
screenname92834ok folks, it's been great talking to you. Good nite!23:51
vbabiy_laptopHey Guys what should I do to help this issue http://vbabiy.mine.nu:8080/images/Error.png23:52
mrmagoo24mi installed avi codecs ... and still i dont get video23:52
mrmagoo24mis there a fix for this23:52
vbabiy_laptopOr where can is submit this bug23:52
Jack_Sparrowvbabiy_laptop: Please post a description of the issue , not just a link23:52
vbabiy_laptopmrmagoo24m: what player you using23:52
schnooworkGParted seemed to give me an error saying "Unable to read the contents of this filesystem!" although ive always before been able to access this.23:53
vbabiy_laptopJack_Sparrow: Its a error I get when i login to gnome23:53
mrmagoo24mand kaffiene23:53
compsmanare you back yet tcpdumpgod23:53
vbabiy_laptopmrmagoo24m: mplayer23:53
mrmagoo24mand some other23:53
vbabiy_laptopJack_Sparrow: that was screen shot23:53
tcpdumpgodyeah, im cooking too compsman23:53
MasterShrekmrmagoo24m, have you added the medibuntu repositories?23:53
vbabiy_laptopmrmagoo24m: Where did you install mplayer from?23:53
tcpdumpgodWhat'd you find.23:53
compsmantcpdumpgod: so wat am i looking for in dmsg23:54
tcpdumpgodI told you what to type, you need to scroll back up and read.23:54
mrmagoo24mfrom synaptics23:54
mrmagoo24mi think23:54
tcpdumpgodCompleja, try "grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log"23:54
Jack_Sparrowvbabiy_laptop: were you playing with themes and gnome settings23:54
tcpdumpgodEE in that log is indicative of errors, thats what you're looking for.23:54
tcpdumpgodi meant compsman try "grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log"23:54
vbabiy_laptopJack_Sparrow: no just happens on most restarts23:54
vbabiy_laptopon all three of my machines23:55
steltMasterShrek,  I can't get the top priority little program (for my studies) working. Bluetooth can only detect other devices, nothing further. Wifi only works sometimes. Some of the programs i've installed don't show in the menu. I can't use the wifi on my uni campus. my battery is rather lousy (probably because of Ubuntu who keeps saying things about it which make no sense). My screen keeps dimming, while i have set all power saving off. etc. etc23:55
compsman (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.23:55
compsman(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER23:55
Jack_Sparrowvbabiy_laptop: rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity                  from command line   (recovery mode if needed)  will reset gnome settings..  What all have you installed from outside the repos23:55
speeddemon8803anybody have any idea why my intel 3945 abg wireless card would just suddenly drop connection until i restart my pc?23:56
MasterShrekstelt, sounds mostly like hardware incompatibility, is it a newer laptop?23:56
vbabiy_laptopJack_Sparrow: But I don't want to loose all my setting23:56
steltMasterShrek, brand spanking new23:56
speeddemon8803i cant connect to any network after it drops until i completely cold boot23:56
compsmantcpdumpgod: i dont get any eerors in 0.log23:56
spideymanIm looking for help converting my avi files to psp format in gutsy anything would be appreciated23:56
a1fadoes anybody know how to tell xorg to ignore EDID info?23:56
MasterShrekstelt, you cant expect linux to work on brand new hardware, its just simply not possible23:57
jgiorgihey whats the best peer to peer/file sharing program for ubuntu???23:57
vbabiy_laptopJack_Sparrow: is there any other option23:57
tcpdumpgodcompsman, you're typing "grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log" correct?23:57
dmarsastelt what make and model?23:57
tcpdumpgod!p2p | jga2323:57
ubotujga23: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information23:57
MasterShrekjgiorgi, not the place for this sort of chatter23:57
pocketwatchspideyman, look into k9copy23:57
compsmantcpdumpgod:  yea  (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.23:57
compsman(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER23:57
DDragonjust wondering how i put the command 'modprobe ndiswrapper' into the bootup list so it loads when i start up if possable any ideas?23:57
tcpdumpgodcompsman, that's the only thing you're getting eh.23:57
Jack_Sparrowvbabiy_laptop:I can understand that...  but unless you can tell us what all you did and installed and changed, there is not enough info to make a decent suggestion23:57
spideymanpocketwatch thanx23:58
compsmantcpdumpgod:  yea23:58
jgiorgimastershrek: im sorry, i just thought the ubuntu chat room would be a good place to ask about ubuntu compatible programs23:58
Jack_Sparrowvbabiy_laptop: You can always make a partition backup.. then try it23:58
speeddemon8803If ubotu has a command for what is being talked about, i dont see why people claim on its off topic23:58
tcpdumpgodcompsman, are you sudoed into root when you try that command?23:58
tcpdumpgodtry this.23:58
vbabiy_laptopJack_Sparrow: but it doesn't happen every time23:58
compsmantcpdumpgod:  i used have ubuntu and now i have it back and nvidia drivers wasnt being this way23:58
schnooworkhas anyone run into that before ?23:58
vbabiy_laptopOnly maybe every 10 restarts23:58
tcpdumpgodok so you're an experienced user.23:59
MasterShrekjgiorgi, but filesharing is generally not the sort of thing we discuss here since it is generally relate to privacy..but...23:59
tcpdumpgodokay, good.;23:59
MasterShrek!p2p | jgiorgi23:59
ubotujgiorgi: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information23:59
steltdmarsa, this one http://www.pointec.nl/ahtec/0712/1719U_815_1199.jpg with a faster drive and more and faster RAM23:59
vbabiy_laptopIs there a tool that I can run to verify the configuration of gnome.23:59
Jack_Sparrowvbabiy_laptop:I can understand that...  but unless you can tell us what all you did and installed and changed, there is not enough info to make a decent suggestion23:59
tcpdumpgodcompsman, check all your logs for errors using grep to weed out the irrelevant information.23:59

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