
prince_jammysrhineheart_m: echo $UID00:00
SlartTakatski: the ubuntu install should set that up for you automagically00:00
TakatskiOh ok00:00
ejerforget that pen, if your hard drive is 100GB, that is what is going00:00
penejer: cool, it doesn'teven say 10000:00
MsK`pen, if it's a /dev/hd it's a PATA, if it's /dev/sd it's SATA00:00
Pete_BTakatski: the ubuntu installer is supposed to handle that for you, giving you a menu when you boot, offering ubuntu or windows00:00
JoshPChey anyone got compiz-fuzion working under vmware fusion or parallels?00:00
SlartTakatski: ubuntu plays nice with the other os's in the playground.. guess who's the big bully hogging all the toys  ;)00:00
ejerno it says 100030MB = 100GB pen00:00
penejer: then why having a cd in cdrom solved the problem partially?00:00
nouMenonPete_B, how do I figure how which IP/Mask/Etc to use?00:00
AutoMatriXoh, tant que j'y suis, qui peut m'xpliquer comment démarrer kismet SANS devoir entrer le mot de passe root ?00:00
Slart!fr | AutoMatriX00:01
ubotuAutoMatriX: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.00:01
Pete_BnouMenon: ask you system administrator00:01
penejer: actually, mine is hda00:01
gammaso can anyone help me out?00:01
penMsK`: thx, I think mine is hda00:01
rhineheart_mprince_jammys: why mine is 0?00:01
nouMenonPete_B, I essentially am my system administrator, thanks anyways.00:01
prince_jammysrhineheart_m: you are logged in as root00:01
penejer: ??00:01
TakatskiAlso, when i was running Ubuntu off the dvd i made, i had abnormally large window border tops, is that because my graphics card isnt supported well? or is it something else00:01
prince_jammysrhineheart_m: type:::   whoami00:01
Pete_BnouMenon: copy the settings from when it was DHCP00:01
ejerpen what is your question? I have answered it afaik00:01
TakatskiNot to mention my sound was almost.. dampened and i could barely hear anything00:01
nouMenonPete_B: Thanks.00:01
solexious[Q] I want to install pport, but its not in the reposetory, ive downloaded a gz but dont know where to go now...00:01
penejer: ah00:01
penejer: NO00:02
SlartTakatski: you probably have to install a better graphics driver.. are you using nvidia or ati?00:02
AutoMatriXoops sorry folks, tryinbg to translate that, obviously M IN THE WRONG ROOM CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME TO SATRT Kismet, WITHOUT having to enter the root-password ?00:02
danbhfiveCarlFK: the weird thing that I experienced (and sorry for not mentioning this earlier) is that I had to type my password twice.  Once, it was hidden.  the next time, it was echoed00:02
penejer: it's sad00:02
penejer: mine is sad00:02
penI will go backup00:02
pennot a big deal00:02
FloodBot2pen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:02
ejeryes losing a hard drive is sad :(00:02
TakatskiI'm on a laptop and its an onboard00:02
rhineheart_mprince_jammys: But I head of a man saying things like linux user license00:02
Pete_BnouMenon: netmask is likely; IP address is likely 192.168.1.x; gateway is likely; DNS is likely but who knows00:02
AutoMatriXshould not have shouted either, damned I'm in a very tired mood ;)00:02
jonnyroI am trying to compile something that requires ctype.h00:02
ejerrhineheart_m: http://counter.li.org/ ?00:02
LHX2Wow... montser channel00:02
jonnyrohow can i find out what package contains that00:02
SlartAutoMatriX: why not use sudo? no root password needed..00:02
prince_jammysrhineheart_m: can't help you there.  don't know what that is.00:02
BitmessI lose my screen resolution settings when I reboot. How can I fix this?00:03
JangariAre there any calendar-only apps?00:03
Slartjonnyro: sudo apt-get install build-essential00:03
ejerjonnyro: not to be rude, but google gives answer00:03
Slartjonnyro: that should fix it00:03
penejer: thx again anyway for the clarification00:03
sammyFhow can I revert to lic6 v6 when i tried installing libc6 v7 and apt-get wants to remove the whole system if I deinstall v7?00:03
MsK`Jangari, click or double clic on the time at the top right of the screen00:03
WorkingOnWisewhere can I go to learn about the differances between OSS and ALSA, and which is better for what?00:03
ejerWorkingOnWise: alsa is better in general, oss is old and not used much00:04
Jangarii know, MsK`, but i don't want to use evolution just for its calendar section00:04
Pete_BWorkingOnWise: forget OSS00:04
MsK`Jangari, duh ? I don't use evolution either00:04
ejerJangari: lightning on thunderbird is nice if you use gcal00:04
AutoMatriXSlart, sudo kismet ... and password otherwise it won't start00:04
jonnyroSlart: thanks.  I am stunned that i did not already have build-essential installed. I have a bunch of ubuntu systems, and i guess i never got around to it on this one00:04
sammyFWorkingOnWise: right on ejer, except for the "old" .. there is a new OSS version out that supports the newer creative labs soundcards, which are NOT supported by ALSA00:04
SlartAutoMatriX: your password.. your user password.. not a root password.. try it00:04
Jangariyeah, ejer, that's true, i forgot i had that set up00:04
MsK`Jangari, if you want *just* a calendar, and nothing else, just click ON the time, a window popup will appear with a calendar of the month00:04
TakatskiIf im running on a laptop and an onboard video card, what could the problem be?00:04
lmillerI have a non-networked laptop running dapper. It has USB. Is there a (least worst) way to upgrade dapper to gibbon?00:05
TakatskiSoundMAX sound card00:05
sammyFPete_B: it REALLY depends on your soundcard00:05
Slartjonnyro: I can't think of any reason not to have it installed by default.. but I guess there is some kind of reason00:05
Pete_BsammyF: good point00:05
JangariMsK`: what i want is to be able to put in appointments without having to open evolution, i already know what day it is00:05
ejersammyF: have a link on this? interesting...00:05
* bluefoxx is away: lost in my thoughts...or maybe even a movie, the web or music00:05
Takatskiand id hafta figure out what my video card is called00:05
CarlFKdanbhfive: something werided me out.  I typed it 3 or 4 times.  then wondered if my user had sudo privs, so tried sudo vi /etc/sudoers00:05
AutoMatriXSlart,do you realy thik I would bother people at this hour if I did'nt have testedtaht ?00:05
MsK`Jangari, ok so you don't want a calendar but an agenda00:05
sammyFhow can I reinstall libc6 without having half the system removed?00:05
sammyFejer: one sec00:05
Pete_BsammyF: I'm shocked tho that any still don;t work with ALSA00:05
CarlFKdanbhfive: which meant I didn't need it when I treid again00:05
rhineheart_mIs CAcert could be recognized as valid ssl issuer in firefox?00:05
SlartAutoMatriX: you'd be surprised at the questions we get here =).. so.. sudo won't accept your user password.. you are running ubuntu, right?00:05
sin|g_x|any1 use the democracy player ?00:06
WorkingOnWiseok. where can I learn what I need to do to be able to hear multiple sound sources at the same time, like a message notification from Pidgin, music played in a widget in firefox, and game sound in World of Warcraft?00:06
ejerrhineheart_m: if you server is set up right, yes00:06
sammyFPete_B: yep ... so was I when I tried to use my brand new and very good sounding Xfi in Ubuntu00:06
dmoernerWorkingOnWise, use pulseaudio00:06
dmoernerWorkingOnWise, it isn't in gutsy as far as i know00:06
SlartWorkingOnWise: google for "+dmix +ubuntu" there are lots of howto's out there00:06
sin|g_x|having trouble with E: Package libboost-python1.33.1 has no installation candidate00:06
cexshunanyone else have sound randomly "freeze" in gutsy?00:06
AutoMatriXsladen, sudo accepts my password, but I don't want to type it in each time i want to use kismet00:06
sammyFejer: http://www.opensound.com/00:06
NativeAngelsive just installed the server edition of ubunto00:07
Pete_BAutoMatriX: tough00:07
NativeAngelsbut found it hasnt go c installed on it00:07
sammyFejer: check the oss4.0 release. the Xfi support works quite nicely, even though "early alpha"00:07
NativeAngelshow do i dl it00:07
NativeAngelsor install it00:07
AutoMatriXSlart,in fact I'm using a tablet PC, and typing in a pwd is not that handy with a stylus00:07
dmoernerAutoMatriX, edit the sudoers files with "visudo"00:07
WorkingOnWisedmoerner: Slart  thanks00:07
Pete_BNativeAngels: what do you want to install?00:08
sammyFplease, how can I reinstall the standard libc6 from synaptic after having installed a newer libc6 version without having half the system erased?00:08
Laney_FamilyQ. i was speaking with someone earlyer, at the time i had server installed with ubuntu desktop gui installed, it caused issues, so now ive installed the desktop version and plan on installing server over, how do i do this?00:08
Pete_BNativeAngels: be more specific00:08
AutoMatriXdmoerner, that seems to be a hint in the good direction00:08
* sammyF is desperate00:08
ejersammyF: it is interesting... http://4front-tech.com/hannublog/?p=5 guess it is not dead00:08
NativeAngelsthe c u use make to compile stuff00:08
NativeAngelsis it dcc ?00:09
PiciNativeAngels: gcc.00:09
Pete_BNativeAngels: gcc00:09
AutoMatriXthat sudoers-file can that be limited to one program only ?00:09
Pici!compile | NativeAngels00:09
ubotuNativeAngels: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:09
knox_please somebody if knows where i can find skype for ubuntu00:09
ejerAutoMatriX: yes00:09
Pici!skype | knox_00:09
ubotuknox_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto00:09
danbhfive!sudo > CarlFK more info on using sudo and tee is actually here, see the pm from ubotu00:09
kostkonknox_, where else? skype.com00:09
NativeAngelscan i use apt get to  install it00:09
sammyFejer: it's more on the resurected side of things00:09
SlartAutoMatriX: ah.. that's another question altogether... I guess you could pipe the password from a file to your command.. but you'll be putting your password in cleartext in a file which isn't really good00:09
* bluefoxx is back (gone 00:04:35)00:09
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
AutoMatriXejer, thanks, 'm Going to have a closer look at that thing, now,00:10
Pici!away > bluefoxx (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)00:10
Christina18Need help connecting my camera HP M307. I use Ubuntu, when I connect nothing happens. And no new icons anywhere. I have tried both Camera and Disk mode on the menu on the camera. F-Spot says "no camera detected"00:10
cexshunSoundblaster Audigy 2 Plat. Alsa. Ubuntu Gutsy. Sounds works fine for a while, sometimes days. Then, it seems random, any software playing a sound will freeze, XMMS/rhythembox/firefox/etc. But for some reason, mplayer will still play fine. No errors in log files that i've found00:10
TakatskiSlart: my laptop is using a Intel Graphics media accelerator and my sound card is soundMAX i believe00:10
ejerAutoMatriX: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/allow-a-normal-user-to-run-commands-as-root.html00:10
CarlFKdanbhfive: thanks00:10
kgxhey...is it possible to use grep but instead of outputting the entire line, only output the match?00:10
sammyFejer: and installing oss4.0 breaks down a few things, like the skype beta00:10
Pete_BChristina18: no icons are going to appear. If it's supported then it will be available in cameras software such as camorama and Skype. Maybe youre isn;t supported00:11
ejersammyF: can it run more than one sound at same time?00:11
AutoMatriXejer, BINGO, if I don't find it ther, I'll find it nowher, I guess00:11
Fireclownhow do I reinstall the ubuntu bootloader? I had to reinstall xp on my other drive and the install program replaced it with this XP install bootloader thingamajig00:11
kgxnever mind ggot it00:11
SlartTakatski: well.. intel should be supported.. one of the better videocards for ubuntu afaik00:11
sammyFejer: let me try actively, but I think I did a few times already00:11
Pete_BChristina18: sorry, it's not a webcam is it?00:11
furious_gerbilhello all, is there anyway to use multiple displays (crtl+alt+F#) in gutsy?00:11
danbhfive!fixgrub | Fireclown00:11
ubotuFireclown: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:11
iositdFireclown: use supergrub00:11
Christina18Pete_B: no it is not a webcam. It is a real HP digital camera00:11
IndyGunFreakSlart: some of the newer intel chips aren't supported very well yet00:11
sammyFejer, VLC and Amarok running at the same time right now ... so yes00:11
ejersammyF: well, something else may be doing it at that point00:12
Pete_BChristina18: maybe it's not supported. does 'lsusb' at the command line tell you it sees the camera?00:12
NativeAngelsE: Couldn't find package dcc00:12
AutoMatriXso I've got another minor malfun ctioning ...00:12
NativeAngelsthats what im getting00:12
PiciNativeAngels: install build-essential00:12
TakatskiSlart: then what could be the problem? i've seen no way to resize the border00:12
SlartAutoMatriX: I'm not really sure about this.. but couldn't you set the suid-bit on the kismet executable and make root own it.. ?00:12
sammyFejer, you need pulseaudio for everything to work with OSS4.0 though00:12
Pete_BNativeAngels: gcc00:12
ejerChristina18: it looks like a bug, I found it but launchpad is down :(00:12
PiciNativeAngels: Thats contains everything you need to compile things.00:12
SlartIndyGunFreak: oh.. that's to bad..00:12
starpausehas anyone gotten sweep to work under ubuntu?00:13
Christina18Pete_B: can't see it in lsusb. But I am pretty sure Hewlett Packard M307 is supported by Ubuntu..00:13
AutoMatriXxorg doesn't allow me a config of 1400*0150 and 1240*960 .... anyway how to change that ? I'm running NVIDIA-GLS00:13
SlartTakatski: you'll probably have to find a graphics driver.. or tweak the one that you're using..00:13
Laney_Familyno one?00:13
Christina18ejer: what is launchpad? What can I do ?00:13
Pete_BChristina18: if it ain' there in lsusb then it ain't gonna work00:13
sammyFanybody could tell me how to reinstall a lib without apt-get or synamtic telling me it's going to wipe out the whole system?00:13
Slart!res | AutoMatriX00:13
ubotuAutoMatriX: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:13
ejerChristina18: go to applications>accessories>terminal00:13
Christina18ejer: yes00:13
SlartAutoMatriX: make sure you have the correct modelines if xorg doesn't get them from the monitor properly00:14
ejerChristina18: in there type 'sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd' without the quotes00:14
ejerChristina18: and enter your user password00:14
PicisammyF: What library?00:14
ejerthen unplug and replug the camera Christina1800:14
Christina18ejer: FATAL: Module ehci_hc not found.00:14
sammyFPici: libc600:14
ejerChristina18: look carefully ;) you missed a d00:15
PicisammyF: Why is that not installed?00:15
Pete_Bis there any info online about the setup that the Ubuntu LAMP server installation does beyond if I were to just install the packages separately?00:15
Christina18ejer: you are right! and now? camera is still on00:16
blastronHello, I have a rather major problem with my server that I'm hoping to find support for. I'm relatively new to Linux (and servers), so I'm not exactly sure where to begin...00:16
* AutoMatriX thanks you, folks, I'll drop a 6 pack, next time :p00:16
ejerChristina18: ?00:16
iositdblastron: what is your problem? that way others might have ideas on the solution00:16
sammyFPici: I tried installing the latest cinelerra which needs libquicktimehv which is sadly only compiled with libc6 2.7-1. so .. being kind of esperate to have cinelerra back, and assuming I could have BOTH libs, the current and this one, iunstalled, I installed the deb package from heron00:16
Pete_Bblastron: don't ask to ask, just ask00:16
Christina18ejer: I typed that command, no output and replugged the camera. But nothing seems to have happened..00:17
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
blastronAlright, right now my problem is that none of its services are actually accessible from outside.00:17
sammyFPici: it broke up with an error about dependancies not being fulfillled, but now if I try to reinstall 2.6-1 sit asks me to remove 136 other packages :/00:17
ejerhmm does anyone know if Christina18 needs to be in plugdev  group for cam to work?00:17
blastronFor example, Apache is running, but all connections time out.00:17
Pete_Bejer: yeah00:17
sammyFPici: most of which are basic libs00:17
nickrudejer: should be00:17
Pete_Bblastron: outside?00:18
iositdblastron: can you access them locally?00:18
blastronRemote, sorry00:18
PicisammyF: You may be out of luck here.00:18
PicisammyF: libc6 is *the* core package00:18
solexious[Q] I want to install pport, but its not in the reposetory, ive downloaded a gz but dont know where to go now...00:18
blastronyeah, I can access them locally00:18
ejerok, Christina18 in the terminal window try typing 'sudo gpasswd -a yourusername plugdev' with no quotes and replace yourusername with well... your user name :)00:18
Laney_Familycan anyone tell me how to install ubuntu server withing ubuntu desktop?00:18
iositdPete_B: iptables blocking it?00:18
RezagratsI just got a Webcam (Philips spc325nc) and i did lsusb and i tried Cheese to see if i got anything, cheese said that it could not locate the device, can someone help me on this ?00:18
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega00:19
Laney_Familyspecificly the LAMP features00:19
Pete_Bsolexious: you'll have to compile it. is there no pre-compiled .deb package available00:19
sammyFPici, there is no obvious way to just reinstall the old version against which all of my system was installed without breaking everything apart?00:19
nickrudLaney_Family: just install whatever server you want, it'll slide right into the desktop no problem00:19
Pete_Biositd: what service needs to be accessed?00:19
Laney_FamilyNick, HOW?00:19
dmoernersammyF, there are easy ways to downgrade00:19
nickrud!lamp | Laney_Family00:19
ubotuLaney_Family: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:19
solexiousPete_B: How do i do that?00:19
blastroniositd: Yeah, I can access them locally, I've tried turning off the firewall to no avail..00:19
Pete_Bsolexious: check back with the web site to see if they offer a .deb to download00:20
sammyFdmoerner: downgrading is okay at this point. I think I'll just wait for Heron before using cinelerra again00:20
releodAnyone know why my monitor is not using the full screen in ubuntu 7.10?00:20
iositdblastron: turning off the firewall?00:20
sammyFdmoerner: as long as the rest of the system is still working00:20
solexiousPete_B: Thank you00:20
furious_gerbilcan anyone tell me if the multiple display function (crtl+alt+F#) has been removed from Ubuntu gutsy?00:20
CarlFKhow do I find out what package provides magick/api.h00:20
nickrudLaney_Family: that page tells you what packages to install to have a lamp server00:20
Slartfurious_gerbil: it hasn't00:20
releodI was using DVI before, but now I am using VGA00:20
blastroniositd: I have firestarter installed, I've turned that off.00:20
furious_gerbilI can get it to change, but there's no prompt00:20
sammyFnickrud: wild guess, but it's probably libmagick-dev00:20
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:21
rhineheart_mejer: is there a tutorial on how to set-up CACert to work with ubuntu gutsy?00:21
ejerrhineheart_m: it should be setup already00:21
Slartfurious_gerbil: prompt? what kind of prompt did you expect?00:21
nickrudsammyF: wrong nick, I think00:21
iositdblastron: sorry but i gtg .... can someone take over?00:21
sammyFnickrud: oops .. sorry. indeed00:21
furious_gerbilcommand line prompt, all I get is a flashing curser00:21
Slartfurious_gerbil: ah.. ok.. you mean *that* prompt.. tried pressing enter a few times?00:21
furious_gerbilI will try that :)00:21
ejerrhineheart_m: i may be wrong, am looking00:21
rhineheart_mejer: I have an account already in CACert..but the problem is how could I integrate it to ubuntu?00:21
sammyFCarlFK: wild guess but it's probably libmagick-dev00:21
releodHow do I find out what Video Card my ubuntu system has?00:22
furious_gerbilnope, didn't work00:22
sammyFdmoerner: so ... what are the easy ways to downgrade?00:22
blastroniositd: Thanks for your help!00:22
Pete_Brhineheart_m: checkout tinyca00:22
gold44http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/    <--- i am trying to look for a package, gimp., but i don't see it in there00:22
Slartblastron: firestarter isn't a firewall.. it's an application to setup the firewall which is called iptables, afaik00:22
Slartblastron: this means.. even if you shut down firestarter, the firewall is still active00:23
Slartfurious_gerbil: is it the same on all the ttys?00:23
blastronSlart: Ahh, how would I go about configuring iptables?00:23
Pete_Breleod: you can atleast use, at the command-line, lspci or lspci -v00:23
dmoernersammyF, just use dpkg -i --force-downgrade $package00:23
ejerrhineheart_m: http://blog.thedebianuser.org/?p=28600:23
furious_gerbilSlart: yes00:23
dmoernersammyF, just download the old .deb00:23
haxitprince_jammys: Are you busy?00:23
Slartblastron: that's a lifetime of knowledge right there =).. but I can tell you how to reset it =)00:23
ejerrhineheart_m: and http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/BrowserClients00:23
prince_jammyshaxit: what's up?00:23
sammyFdmoerner: thanks :) you'r saving my life (well .. kind of :)00:24
Slartfurious_gerbil: odd...00:24
haxitimma query you00:24
azazel /QUOTE PASS 1782800:24
danbhfivegold44: what package?00:24
azazelQUOTE PASS 1782800:24
blastronslart: Ah right, sorry, forgot to check Google first! If you could tell me how to reset it, though, that would be fantastic.00:24
Slartazazel: ?00:24
Piciazazel: Thats not how you identify.00:24
haxitprince_jammys: dam, i cant query you, o well00:24
furious_gerbilSlart: I am wondering if there is a setting in Ubuntu that limits tty's?00:24
WhoaItsPhilcan anyone give me a hand with compiz? when i go to system-> appearances, and go to visual effects and try to change it from None to Normal or Extra, it says "The Composite extension is not available" and i have to click the X to get it to go out of that...pressing OK doesn't do anything00:24
dmoernersammyF, manpages are your friend00:24
Slartblastron: first.. let's see what is there.. open a terminal, run "sudo iptables -L"00:24
haxitprince_jammys: good to see you again :) i have a question about my ssh, how can i set my own welcome message00:24
nickrudgold44: it'll be hiding under http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/ ; but why not just install it with apt-get or synaptic?00:24
prince_jammyshaxit: that's something i have no experience with00:25
Slartfurious_gerbil: there might be but I doubt it's set by default.. I have 7 ttys.. f1-f700:25
furious_gerbilWhoaItsPhil: do you have Xgl installed?00:25
haxitprince_jammys: ok :)00:25
prince_jammyshaxit: sorry00:25
haxitprince_jammys: so whats up?00:25
haxitprince_jammys: np :)00:25
Slartblastron: you should get some text and 3 lines with policy something, right?00:25
gold44danbhfive: gimp00:25
prince_jammyshaxit: not much00:25
haxitprince_jammys: so are you american? canadian?00:26
georgesimpsonhi there, I know that some graphics cards ( mine is SIS 760) is not really compatible with linux, would the Intel GMA X3100 be easy to use?00:26
rhineheart_mejer: okay..but it will still give a warning right? is there an organization that issues certificate for free but recognized by browsers like IE/Mozilla?00:26
haxitprince_jammys: european?00:26
gold44nickrud: just want to see how things are organized. gimp is already installed on my machine00:26
WhoaItsPhilyes i have the right drivers installed for my ATI card and i have whitelisted them as it says in the ubuntu tutorial00:26
prince_jammyshaxit: originally from argentina, live in new york00:26
blastronslart: ...I'm using the default command-line on the server because I can't get SSH, how do I scroll up?00:26
ejerrhineheart_m: it should not warn after00:26
haxitprince_jammys: im originally from iran, live in canada00:26
CarlFKsammyF: searching for that gave me graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat - but I also found libmagick9-dev - any idea which i want?00:26
haxitprince_jammys: ottawa to be exact00:26
luboszhi, how do i change the login sound (drums)00:26
VSpikeejer: thanks for that mplayer fix earlier, it worked perfectly... someone arrived at that moment so didn't have a chance to say thanks00:26
Slartblastron: scroll up.. not sure you can do that.. you get that much text from that command?00:26
nickrudgold44: everything is in the pool, the thing you were looking at is a pointer to particular packages in the pool00:26
iceswordgood morning ,everyone00:26
AntiUSAanybody know any really good Linux games?00:26
ejernp VSpike00:26
haxitHello, Can anyone direct me on how to change my ssh servers login message, i am using open ssh00:27
rhineheart_mejer: but I'm concern with the visitors of my site.. they will be warned for sure.. right?00:27
furious_gerbilWhoaItsPhil: I didn't ask about the drivers, I was wondering if you had Xgl installed?00:27
blastronslart: Yeah... I'm going to write it to a file and look in there.00:27
AntiUSAspecifically, what are good linux multiplayer games00:27
prince_jammyslubosz: i think in preferences->sound and there's a submenu in there00:27
ozzloyamarok says the sound device is busy.  how do i find out what's using the sound device?00:27
WhoaItsPhilumm i'm not sure then? how do i check/00:27
prince_jammyshaxit: cool00:27
ejerrhineheart_m: there is no free ssl cert that is installed on everyone's browser00:27
Slartblastron: ok, try this then.. "sudo iptables -F" that should reset the rules.. then try that first command again00:27
gold44danbhfive: nickrud  , i want to be able to just download that package.deb and save it to flash drive and install it on a offline machine00:27
CarlFKsammyF: nm, this made the choice for me: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/all/graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat/filelist00:27
ejerthat i know of rhineheart_m ;)00:27
haxitprince_jammys: kk, ttyl, ill see if anyone can help me with my prblem00:27
luboszprince_jammys: thats just for the sound after the login, i want the drum sound before you type anything00:27
danbhfivegold44: try here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz00:27
sammyFCarlFK: cool :) would have thought the second00:27
nickrudgold44: look into aptoncd and apt-zip , they help with that00:28
furious_gerbilWhoaItsPhil: go into synaptic and search for Xgl, if it's not installed, install it ;)00:28
georgesimpsonhi there, I know that some graphics cards ( mine is SIS 760) is not really compatible with linux, would the Intel GMA X3100 be easy to use?00:28
rhineheart_mejer: okay.. so what's then the prupose of CACert if the browsers won't accept its digital certificate?00:28
ejerrhineheart_m: they will, you need to install it first, it is all on their wiki00:28
blastronslart: Now I get a bunch of lines of Chain whatever with no references00:28
starpausecan anyone tell me how to install fonts on a xubunu machine?00:28
AntiUSAwhat are good multiplayer games for linux?00:28
ejerrhineheart_m: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAcert00:28
Slartblastron: and some lines that say Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) ... or it says REJECT?00:28
gold44danbhfive: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/a/abiword/abiword_2.4.6-2ubuntu2_i386.deb  package not found00:28
furious_gerbilWhoaItsPhil: a warning though, since I installed xgl none of my opengl games work...00:29
ozzloywhy is evince using the sound device?00:29
reikalusikkaany german speakers here?:D00:29
blastronslart: it says DROP for input, forward, and output.00:29
nickrudgold44: the gimp package by itself isn't enough, there's at least gimp-data you'll need as well, and gimp-gnomevfs is useful.00:29
danbhfivegold44: what?00:29
luboszreikalusikka: yes00:29
haxitcan anyone assist me with setting a custom welcome message for my openssh server?00:29
prettyrickyDoes anyone know what codecs I need to play movies with VLC?00:29
Christin18ejer: still there ?00:29
prince_jammyslubosz: system->administration->login window and a submenu in there00:29
nickrudgold44: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/abiword/00:29
ejerChristina18: yep00:29
Slartblastron: that means that all traffic is dropped... we want to change that.. "sudo iptables --policy INPUT ACCEPT"00:29
furious_gerbilprettyricky: what formats?00:30
WhoaItsPhilhmmm well i installed it but still no change...do i need to restart?00:30
Slartblastron: "sudo iptables --policy FORWARD ACCEPT"00:30
furious_gerbilWhoaItsPhil: restart x00:30
Slartblastron: "sudo iptables --policy OUTPUT ACCEPT"00:30
bluefox83prettyricky, you need the same codecs as all other players, libdvdread300:30
luboszprince_jammys: thx00:30
Slartblastron: run all those three00:30
reinerI need help. where are the C header files to compile?00:30
reinerubuntu gutsy00:30
WorkingOnWiseMy laptop is a fairly high end model, but I don't think it really has 2 sound cards installed...so why does gnome volume control show both an HDA Nvidia and a Realtek ALC883?00:30
blastronslart: Done.00:30
Starnestommyreiner: I think /usr/include/00:30
SlartWorkingOnWise: one might be for alsa, one for oss00:30
danbhfivereiner: maybe you need to install build-essential?00:31
Slartblastron: that should be it.. it should be wide open now00:31
rhineheart_mejer: ubuntu by default includes CACert already. Right?00:31
ejerrhineheart_m: no i was wrong  - the blog has instructions how to install it00:31
blastronslart: Hm, I'm still unable to contact it on telnet, ssh, or http.00:31
gold44nickrud: i was reading http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  , so i just cut and paste url  to obtain http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/a/abiword/abiword_2.4.6-2ubuntu2_i386.deb00:31
solexious[q] Trying to config a program, i get: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables00:32
prettyrickyok, do i just apt-get install libdvdread300:32
gold44nickrud: apt-zip is the solution then00:32
Starnestommysolexious: sudo apt-get install build-essential00:32
Slartblastron: ok.. were you able to do that before you installed firestarter?00:32
prettyrickyformats are mp400:32
nickrudgold44: yes, it works really well with a thumbdrive00:32
WhoaItsPhilhmm ok still no change...it says the same thing when i try to change the visual effects00:32
Christin18can anyone please help me to connect my camera to my comp? F-spot sais "No camera detected" after I have connected and turned the cam on!00:32
blastronslart: Yes, this problem only occurred very recently.00:32
WorkingOnWiseSlart: the Nvidia is ALSA, and the Realtek is OSS, but if the sound subsystem were the only diff, wouldnt it be the same device, or at least same make? afaik, Nvidia and Realtex dont share any components...00:32
NativeAngelshey Starnestommy00:33
ejerChristin18: i gave you a command to try00:33
cicero_b_anyone know how to shut down xwindows (go into server mode)00:33
Slartblastron: hmm.. can you pastebin the output from "sudo iptables -L"00:33
rhineheart_mIs there a way that putty will only allow connection remotely with a verification file/script/whatever before it allow you to log-in?00:33
Slart!paste | blastron00:33
ubotublastron: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:33
reineragain me: /usr/include is not correct00:33
sammyFdmoerner: thanks a lot. It seems like it worked :)00:33
gold44nickrud: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/abiword/ is for all versions of ubuntu? 7.08, 7.10?00:33
reinerI need to know where are the correct C header files for the running kernel00:33
dmoernersammyF, excellent00:34
ejerrhineheart_m: that is done on server side00:34
Christin18ejer: think I missed it, had some net issues, can you repeat it ?00:34
Slartcicero_b_: ctrl+alt+f1, log in .. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:34
ejerrhineheart_m: you disable password logins00:34
blastronslart: One moment, I'll see what I can do about that.00:34
cicero_b_Slart: thanks -- i'll try it00:34
nickrudgold44: yup. That's why you want to use apt tools, it figures out all at stuff for you00:34
ejerok, Christina18 in the terminal window try typing 'sudo gpasswd -a yourusername plugdev' with no quotes and replace yourusername with well... your user name :)00:34
sammyFdmoerner: of course, I'll only know for sure next time I reboot ... and I'm postponing that ;)00:34
rhineheart_mejer: how would it be accomplished?00:34
iceswordgold44, that sort of thing you can only connect to it with apt-get00:34
prince_jammysejer :)00:35
Slartcicero_b_: if you reboot, x will still start.. but until then, it's shut down00:35
WhoaItsPhili've done everything in th eofficial ubuntu guide and made sure that Xgl is installed but still cannot get Compiz to work...when i try to change the visual effects from none to normal or extra is says "The Composite extension is not available"00:35
Christin18ejer: oh, I didn't miss that. I have typed that command00:35
gold44nickrud:  icesword thx00:35
ejerChristin18: unplug cam, reboot, login, then replug cam00:35
nickrudWhoaItsPhil: try typing   compiz   in a terminal, you'll get better error messages maybe00:35
ejerrhineheart_m: you comment out the usepasswordauth in sshd_config00:36
reinercan someone help? need to know where the C header files are00:36
Christin18ejer: ok, brb00:36
reinerduring installation I have been aske00:36
ejeror set it to no actually i think00:36
Slartreiner: c header files for what? I've got some here for my tetris game.. you want those? =)00:36
blastronSlart: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56804/00:36
prettyrickyis there a codec pack? I have been using bittorrent movies and they dont play with VLC?00:36
ejerrhineheart_m: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/53000:36
rhineheart_mejer: after which how would I access the server then with putty?00:36
reinerkernel source C header files00:36
nickrudreiner: did you install build-essential , that gets you the basic c headers00:36
Slartreiner: hmm.. hang on.. you've got them installed?00:36
sammyFdmoerner: scrap that. just installed something randomly from synaptic and had no errors, so it really worked00:36
nickrudreiner: in that case,   sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)00:36
iceswordprettyricky, you mean you can watch it while download ,not sure00:37
* sammyF does the "happy ubuntu user dance"00:37
WhoaItsPhilnickrud, it's quite long, can i copy/paste it to you in a pm?00:37
speeddemon8803haha sammy, glad your happy :)00:37
cicero_b_Slart: this is odd -- when i it ^+alt+f1, it seems i lost the keyboard00:37
reinerslart: did not install build-esseential00:37
nickrudWhoaItsPhil: better is putting it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , if I don't recognize the error someone else might00:37
prettyrickyNo watch it after it has downloaded.00:37
nouMenonI'm trying to delete deluge using the command [sudo apt-get remove deluge] even though I can start the program with the name "deluge" it keeps telling me the package is not found when I go to delete it. I tried "Deluge" as well. Any suggestions?00:37
iceswordcicero_b_, what ?lost what?00:37
two_bitsis there anyway i can check which boot parameters that I used for the current session?00:37
Starnestommytwo_bits: I think cat /proc/cmdline00:38
cicero_b_my keyboard types gibberish00:38
cicero_b_or nothing at all00:38
sammyFtwo_bits: do you mean the grub params?00:38
sammyFtwo_bits: /boot/grub/menu.lst00:38
two_bitsthanks, that did it00:38
Slartreiner: mine are in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-1400:38
WhoaItsPhili notice it still says Xgl is not present...i coulda swore i just installed it00:39
ps3noobHi.How do i disable online repositories from command line and install packages only from cd?00:39
Slartcicero_b_: huh? you've got some fancy wireless keyboard?00:39
cicero_b_no -- old school dell (like 10 years old)00:39
nickrudWhoaItsPhil: what video card are you using?00:39
speeddemon8803!repositories > speeddemon880300:39
WhoaItsPhilATI radeon 9800 pro00:39
cicero_b_hooked into kvm with four boxes on it00:39
der|kunstlerhow can I disable compositing from X ?00:39
two_bitsi have another question: i've heard using irqfixup can cause serious performance problems... is this true?00:39
Slartblastron: hmm.. that looks ok.. wonder what else could be wrong00:39
ejercicero_b_: try manually setting your keyboard layout00:40
nickrudWhoaItsPhil: did you install the restricted ati driver, system->admin->restricted manager ?00:40
prettyrickyis there a codec pack? I have been using downloading bittorrent movies and they dont play with VLC?00:40
mIKEjONEScan someone tell me why ubuntu's xchat packages don't have channel and private messaging enabled?00:40
Slartcicero_b_: shouldn't be a problem then... nothing works? caps-lock light?00:40
mIKEjONESmy channel/private message tabs don't change color to red when I get messages00:40
=== reconnect is now known as recon
blastronslart: If it helps clarify the problem, also very recently I've been getting system crashes every two or three days.00:40
nickrudWhoaItsPhil: then what I'd do is uninstall xserver-xgl , log out and back in, and then run  fglrxinfo , make sure I was using the ati 8.37.6 driver (the one that comes with ubuntu)00:40
SlartmIKEjONES: private messaging disabled? are you really really sure?00:41
Christina18ejer: Hi, now I have rebooted the com and replugged the camera. But seems nothing has happened00:41
der|kunstlerhow can I disable Compositing from X in 7.10 ?00:41
prince_jammys!medibuntu | prettyricky: i think you want this00:41
ubotuprettyricky: i think you want this: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:41
ejeri am stuck then Christina1800:41
WhoaItsPhilk brb00:41
mIKEjONESSlart, even then, if I'm not looking at a channel and someone says something in that channel X-chat should change the color of that tab to red00:41
Christina18ejer: ok, thnx anyway :(00:41
blastronslart: I usually don't keep a keyboard or monitor attached to the computer, so I'm not sure if it was an actual kernel panic, but it has necessitated hard resets each time.00:41
ejeri would do it in hard drive mode, that should always work00:41
SlartmIKEjONES: might be some setting... I don't use xchat myself.. still using xchat-gnome00:42
Odd-rationalewhat is the kernel line for grub for booting ubuntu on sda3?00:42
prettyrickyprince_jammys----> thank you!00:42
AutoMatriXejer, thank you so much, problem is solved00:42
ejerChristina18: you could try booting from the ubuntu livecd and see if it works... then you would know it is a problem with your config somewhere... but it is hard to troubleshoot00:42
prince_jammysejer: could this help tje camera problem? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-bugs/2006-May/014837.html00:42
weederim having a problem compiling a piece of software for ubuntu00:42
Slartblastron: can you ping the machine?00:42
ejerprince_jammys: yes, but launchpad is down so I can't see resolution00:42
Christina18ejer: I have tried on two different computers00:42
weederwhen i ./configure it goes well for a while and the i get configure: error: Package requirements (sqlite3 >= 3.2)00:43
Christina18ejer: both using same OS00:43
weederive got sqlite 3.4 installed00:43
ejerprince_jammys: modprobing ehci_hcd is in the bug report, had her do that00:43
blastronslart: Nope.00:43
prince_jammysejer: ah00:43
ejerChristina18: and you have def tried hard drive mode?00:43
soulburnergot everything working on my system now00:43
soulburnervery happy about this00:43
Slartblastron: can you ping from the machine?00:43
ejerChristina18: ie: unplug cam, set it to hard drive mode, then replug00:43
blastronslart: Yes, I can.00:44
Slartblastron: is the network setup properly? ifconfig shows some kind of ip etc00:44
blastronOoh, and I killed the ping exactly 10 seconds in.00:44
ps3noobis there a replacement for the ll command?00:44
Slartps3noob: ls -l I think (lower case L)00:44
adambAnyone know of a decent cmd line tool to load a remote http site and record load time?00:44
nickrudps3noob: ls -l00:44
blastronslart: I have a static IP set up, and it's showing up00:44
ejeradamb: curl ?00:45
prince_jammysi was gonna say "or" lol00:45
ps3noobThanks. How do i disable online repositories from command line and install packages only from cd?00:45
prince_jammysll || ls -l00:45
weederso im trying to compile fuppes and i do ./ configure a load of times and am asked to install different packages which is fine but im now on configure: error: Package requirements (sqlite3 >= 3.2) yet i have swlite 3.4 installed anyone can help me?00:45
killownhey I have downloadl new desklets and I want install it on gdesklets anyone can help me?00:45
ejerps3noob: comment out the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list00:46
nickrudweeder: try installing libsqlite3-dev00:46
Christina18ejer: have tried both camera and disc mode00:46
blastronslart: Although there are 80000 errors in RX packets since I rebooted the system a half-hour ago.00:46
jeffMASTERflexweeder: you usually need the dev packages00:46
solexious[q]On ./config i get this at the end "The popt library used for parsing command line options" how do i check i have this?00:46
ejerChristina18: disk mode should work, but you have to do it in the order i said00:46
CarlFKis there a command line utill that will switch a laptops display to the external vga port?00:46
Slartblastron: got little kids running around pouring porridge into your network outlets? =)00:47
weederthanks jessmaster it worked00:47
* nickrud thinks Slart has an evil mind00:47
blastronslart: Got my college's IT staff, that might be close enough :P00:47
egcis there an easy way to add all the SomaFM stations to rhythmbox?00:47
speeddemon8803blastron, i WAS my colleges IT staff....was the only one..and i was a STUDENT!00:47
speeddemon8803heh, explain that one :P00:48
blastronslart: and I just checked the cables, they're all fine.00:48
nickrudspeeddemon8803: a cut rate school <ducks>00:48
speeddemon8803nickrud, no kiddin :/00:48
Slartblastron: hehe.. one more command to try.. "sudo iptables -X" should delete those extra chains00:48
Slartblastron: after that.. well.. I'm out of ideas00:48
AntiUSAhow do I permenanty change that software a file type gets opened with?00:48
SlartAntiUSA: right-click.. properties.. "open with"00:49
prince_jammys!defaultapp | AntiUSA00:49
ubotuAntiUSA: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"00:49
PlightI'm trying to send e-mail with evolution using 'sendmail' and I get this error "Error while performing operation.00:49
PlightCould not execute /usr/sbin/sendmail: mail not sent."00:49
blastronslart: Well, it's still not working. Thanks anyway for your help, I'll keep plugging away on it.00:49
weederok so it compiled but i get   audio transcoding disabled00:49
weeder  video transcoding (experimental)00:49
weeder  ffmpeg     : disabled00:49
AndrewBPlight: try it as root or using sudo00:49
weederi need transcoding00:49
Slartblastron: so.. no network traffic in.. no traffic out.. I'm starting to think you have other problems than the firewall00:50
CarlFKweeder: you mean transcode ?00:50
WhiteNerdHow well are Ubuntu Wi-fi drivers?00:50
dmoernerWhiteNerd, for what00:50
Plighti was using the graphical interface i don't know how to use evolution in CLI00:50
blastronslart: Oh, I can get network traffic out, I loaded up a couple of pages via lynx as soon as I got it to reboot.00:50
speeddemon8803whitenerd, as good as the people who make them :)00:50
jeffMASTERflexPlight: also, make sure you have sendmail installed. it's not installed by default00:50
=== nanhai_ is now known as nanhai
CVD-PRme fui00:50
weedersay if it was encoded in mov and the player only worked with divx or somthing, it would encode it as it streams to the player00:50
Plightwhat's the package name?00:50
AndrewBsendmail iirc00:51
WhiteNerddmoerner: For wireless network connections. Like laptops and all00:51
jeffMASTERflexPlight: sudo apt-get install sendmail00:51
dmoernerWhiteNerd, it all depends on the chip you have00:51
CarlFKWhiteNerd:  thats kinda vauge.  it is like asking "how are cars"00:51
weederaha i think its after i get to ./configure --enable-video-transcoding00:51
CarlFKor something.00:51
AntiUSAslart, that is temporary isn't it?00:51
CarlFKweeder: what are you trying to build?00:51
WhiteNerdCarlFK: Sorry I'm looking for a general/overall thought, since at the moment the laptop is't with me00:51
SlartAntiUSA: isn't there some kind of "always open with this app"-checkbox00:52
norml_advocatewhat is the best program to make a partition for media???00:52
weederfuppes DLNA server00:52
AntiUSAoh, maybe I missed that00:52
norml_advocatewhat is the best program to make a partition for media???00:52
AntiUSAlemme look00:52
CarlFKWhiteNerd: "they are fine"00:52
AndrewBnorml_advocate: gparted00:52
haxitnorml_advocate: gparted00:52
=== haxit is now known as HaXiT
solexious[Q]   On ./config i get this at the end "The popt library used for parsing command line options" how do i check i have this?00:52
norml_advocatehow do you use gparted?00:52
norml_advocatehow do you open it?00:52
prince_jammys!gparted | norml_advocate: get the live cd00:52
ubotunorml_advocate: get the live cd: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/00:52
HaXiTnorml_advocate: http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/00:52
CarlFKWhiteNerd: pertty much, the ones that exist, work.00:52
HaXiTubotu: sry :(00:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sry :( - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:52
AntiUSAno there's not00:53
AntiUSAno such check box00:53
TheZealotDoes anyone know where to get linux or ubuntu decals that I can put on my car?00:53
HaXiTi love bots00:53
WhiteNerdOh, thanks. The way you say that there isn't many drivers.00:53
AndrewBTheZealot: cafepress maybe?00:53
speeddemon8803!shipit TheZealot: They come with the shipit-cd's that you order from the website :)00:53
Slartblastron: ok.. just to make sure.. try these too.. "sudo iptables -L -t mangle" and "sudo iptables -L -t nat", they should all be empty with ACCEPT as policy00:53
TheZealotcafepress doesn't seem to have ones on clear decal material, it's all white sticker material00:54
zozobrais powernowd installed by default with the ubuntu-desktop package?00:54
CarlFKWhiteNerd: I have about 20 wifi nics.  only 2 don't work00:54
WhiteNerdThanks for all the help00:54
blastronslart: Yep, they're all showing ACCEPT.00:54
monkeyBoxHi all. I have a Dell Inspiron 1520,  and it seems like when my laptop is plugged in, the laptop fan seems to fluctuate alot between high and low speed.  ie, one second it's high, next second it's low, then high, etc...   Any idea what might be causing this?00:54
speeddemon8803!shipit > TheZealot ....they come with the live cd's you order from there :)00:54
norml_advocatewhen I type "gparted" it says only the root may run it.  how do I get into root00:54
CarlFKWhiteNerd:  and most of them are hand me down crap00:54
Slartblastron: bah00:55
speeddemon8803sudo gparted00:55
Slart!sudo | norml_advocate00:55
ubotunorml_advocate: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.00:55
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: sudo, but get the live cd00:55
blastronslart: I think I'm going to try and back everything up one more time, then reinstall. I needed to change the partition sizes on my RAID array anyway :P00:55
WhiteNerdWell thanks, for your help anyways :)00:55
Slartblastron: hehe.. nice to be able to give you a reason to do that =)00:55
speeddemon8803If you try doing anything to your hard drive without the live cd, you risk serverely screwing up your hard drive...my warning to you.00:55
weederis it always so busy here :p00:55
blastronslart: Thanks again for all your help!00:56
Slartweeder: almost always00:56
persian_xhp laptop pavilion booting on LIVE CD but screen stays black right before going to ubuntu desktop... PLEASE HELP!00:56
nn64hi im making http://linuxmain.net I'm wondering if anyone is intrested in using it and helping make it grow. Please check it out. Thanks all;00:56
Slartblastron: you're welcome00:56
norml_advocateit wont let me partition anything!00:56
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: g e t t h e l i v e c d00:56
Plightsweet, it worked, thank you very much, i would have just used google but the server i was sending to was having dns issues and not showing up so i had to add the server to hosts and send it through my computer00:56
xxBasYxxhi, where can i found list of profesional sound cards supported by ubuntu?00:56
weederthis is annoying me00:56
speeddemon8803!livecd | normal_advocate00:56
ubotunormal_advocate: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.00:56
norml_advocateprince_jammys  i am about to reinstall ubuntu and am just trying to save my music.00:57
norml_advocatewhat is a live cd?00:57
persian_xhp laptop pavilion booting on LIVE CD but screen stays black right before going to ubuntu desktop... PLEASE HELP!00:57
weederwhy wont it just compile with transcoding00:57
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: a cd that you boot into so you can mess with partitions without them being mounted00:57
speeddemon8803norml_advocate please see ubotu's information :)00:57
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: be careful00:57
norml_advocatePrince_jammys i just want to make a 40 gig partition and save my media00:58
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: ok, get the live cd00:58
TheZealotI want a car decal that says 'Linux Ownz Ur Face!'00:58
LukeLCchick magnet00:59
AntiUSAgot it, thanks ubotu00:59
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: it's not quick, usually00:59
WhiteNerdLOL nice bumper sticker00:59
reikalusikkawhat do you think of dell's offer, a dell laptop+ubuntu 450euros00:59
CarlFKdanbhfive: check this: man sudo Note that this runs the commands in a sub-shell to make the cd and file  redirection work.   $ sudo sh -c "cd /home ; du -s * | sort -rn > USAGE"00:59
Kalamansihello how to download all the updates of ubuntu 7.10 desktop? thanks00:59
persian_xhp laptop pavilion booting on LIVE CD but screen stays black right before going to ubuntu desktop... PLEASE HELP!00:59
speeddemon8803!update-manager > kalamansi01:00
dmoernerKalamansi, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -d01:00
=== ka2zzzz0 is now known as ka2zzzz
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2zzzz0
dmoernerKalamansi, the downloaded .debs will be in /var/cache/apt/archives01:00
=== ka2zzzz0 is now known as ka2zzzz
tdawgedoggwhat's the best usenet client for ubuntu?01:01
persian_xcan someone help me install ubuntu ? I'm  new to Linux and sicked & tired of Vista!!01:01
tdawgedoggalso torrent client? azerous?01:01
tdawgedoggi should not say best but most popualr01:01
RowanakiI like Azureus, but some folks use Transmission01:01
icesword!install >persian_x01:01
speeddemon8803!install > persian_x01:01
norml_advocateprince_jammys is this the easiest way to make a partition?01:02
prince_jammysi was doing it also01:02
Kalamansidmoerner : I have some updates of ubuntu desktop 7.10 in the cd. I tried to copy all the debs in the cd. but It cannot paste it in the /var/cache/apt/archives =/ tried it many times. still when you ctrl+V it won't work even manually copy it....01:02
nodarjoin #ubuntu-fr01:02
tdawgedoggoh snap transmission is for osx to i like that prog01:02
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: yes, but you cant just casually and quickly do this. if you're in a hurry, i recommend you wait01:02
tdawgedogghow about usenet?01:02
RowanakiAlso, any idea why when I change the xorg.conf file that even after rebooting the settings don't seem to have done anything...?01:02
norml_advocateim in a hurry to get it done, but i have the time01:02
faileastdawgedogg: there's a transmission build for ubutu too i think01:03
norml_advocatewhy cant i just run it from my computer?  besides the fact that its not working.01:03
RowanakiHi geek :P01:03
AntiUSAwhen is the next ubuntu release?01:03
reikalusikkaRowanaki: have you made the changes as root? and there's no"#" in start of the command?01:03
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: go to the above link, download and burn the live cd and read a bit about it to learn how it's done01:03
Rowanakireikalusikka: Yup. All changes were done as root, saved, logged out of user, rebooted01:03
norml_advocatei am downloading the cd. but i already have it on my computer01:03
norml_advocatewhy cant i just run it on my computer?01:03
RowanakiI want to use the synaptic touchpad driver, but I don't think it's letting me01:03
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
RowanakiThe default xorg.conf file from Hardy (and Gutsy) is veeeeeery bare bones01:04
reikalusikkaRowanaki: well, I'm just a noob, can't help you :(01:04
CVD-PRGTK+ 2.0 development files in synaptic?01:04
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: because you cant repartition the drive that is currently mounted01:04
norml_advocatebut i can with the live cd?01:04
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: yes01:04
norml_advocateprince_jammys interesting01:04
RowanakiThe live CD has GParted.. which is a nice repartitioning tool01:04
tdawgedoggsorry for keep asking this i need a ubuntu usenet client01:04
norml_advocateprince_jammys you smart me like you ug01:04
prince_jammysnorml_advocate: ?01:05
CVD-PRGTK+ 2.0 development files in synaptic?01:05
josspykernorml_advocate: try pan01:05
spanglesontoasthas anyone used jhalfs ?01:05
weederroot@shine:~/fuppes/ffmpeg# ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-gpl --enable-pp \01:05
weeder> --enable-pthreads --enable-liba52 --enable-libdc1394 \01:05
weeder> --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libgsm \01:05
weeder> --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libogg --enable-libtheora \01:05
weeder> --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid \01:05
weeder> --disable-debug01:05
FloodBot2weeder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:05
thechrisanyway to get a microphone to work?01:06
RowanakiTrying to get ndiswrapper to behave is another story....01:06
norml_advocatejosspyker what is pan?01:06
weederthe above error01:06
thechrisweeder: pastebin01:06
kidemhey i went to install ubuntu on ym new system and it would get to splash screen and make beeping noises and then rebooted any ideas?01:07
josspykernorml_advocate: a reader for usenet01:07
norml_advocatejosspyker i dont know what a reader or usenet is01:07
solexious[Q]   On ./config i get this at the end "The popt library used for parsing command line options" how do i check i have this?01:07
itertdawgedogg: hellanzb is good...01:07
tdawgedoggiter: ok thanks a lot ill give it a try01:07
ps3noobhow do i lock /var/lib/dpkg?01:07
itertdawgedogg: if all you want is to leech nzbs01:08
Slarttdawgedogg: I think this was meant for you, <josspyker> norml_advocate: try pan01:08
tdawgedogghow about a par repairer?01:08
thechrisso, anyone know how to record sound01:08
thechrisor how to get a microphone working/01:08
dmanps3noob: use sudo01:08
iceswordps3noob, maybe sudo do that01:08
Grim76tdawgedogg, You might also look at nzbperl01:08
itertdawgedogg: hellanzb does it all up to unrar if you want01:08
dman!sudo | ps3noob01:08
ubotups3noob: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.01:08
Grim76CLI nzb downloader01:08
thechrisin Audacity, OSS = nothing, ALSA = "check device or sample rate"01:08
itertdawgedogg: leech, repair, unrar01:08
kidemAmy ideas???01:08
icesword!install > kidem01:09
ahorriblemesshello everyone01:10
thechrisso, alsa experts around?01:10
ahorriblemessDoes anyone use Anjunta?01:10
two_bitsthechris: what's the problem?01:10
thechristwo_bits: I can't record using a mic01:11
two_bitsthechris: what version are you using01:11
tdawgedoggdoes anyone know of any other essential applications of ubuntu...i just installed a bit ago and im on fast internet for another hour01:11
Grim76tdawgedogg, depends on what you are intending to do.01:11
thechristwo_bits: not sure what version you are looking for.  audacity 1.3.401:12
tdawgedoggim a nerd...throw some stuff at me01:12
two_bitsthechris: i mean the version of alsa01:12
two_bitsthechris: the one that comes with gutsy gibbon is 1.0.1401:12
prince_jammystdawgedogg: kivio01:12
thechristwo_bits: 1.0.1401:12
reikalusikkatdawgedogg: xmms for music, irssi for irc, rtorrent for torrents01:12
Dodecagon-MHi all, just a quick notice: There's free cake and cookies in ##scifi . That's all.01:12
reikalusikkavlc for videos01:12
prince_jammysthose aint nerdy enough01:13
two_bitsthechris: okay, I am going to recommend that you upgrade to 1.0.16 and see if the problems go away.01:13
ahorriblemessI'm using Anjuntu, I wrote a program in C++ by following directions from "C++ For Dummies," I don't know how to execute it and run it now, there's no option and I've been searching for a while. Could it be a plugin?01:13
acee1237how do i force 10mb full duplex on wired network?01:13
thechristwo_bits: hmm, it may just be audacity.  i can't playback sound from audacity01:13
IndyGunFreakthechris: what problem are you having?01:13
ScuniziOpenOffice.org channel is dead and non responsive .. Anyone here well versed in Oo spreadsheet and "Goal Seek"?01:13
thechrisany other sound recorders?01:13
tdawgedoggdoesnt everyone use amarok for music?01:13
thechrisIndyGunFreak: cannot record or playback sound01:14
sdsheeksevening all01:14
ahorriblemesstdawgedogg: I do, I love Amarok01:14
prince_jammyskpeople do01:14
IndyGunFreaktdawgedogg: probably very few people ehre use amarok, as its a KDE program01:14
IndyGunFreakthechris: no sound on anything?..01:14
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: arvauspeli.cpp -Wall -g -o arvauspeli01:14
IndyGunFreakdo you get a startup tone when ubujntus tarts?01:14
tdawgedoggwhat kde?01:14
prince_jammysi'm a kperson01:14
reikalusikkaand then ./yourprogram01:14
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: what is that? Should I replace "arvauspeli.cpp" with my program name?01:14
IndyGunFreaki think KDE ksucks01:14
prince_jammysits what i use on my komputer01:15
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: yeah, that's my own program :D01:15
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: awesome thanks, what does that do exactly if you don't my me asking?01:15
reikalusikkait compiles it01:15
thechrisIndyGunFreak: i have sound, just not in audacity01:15
reikalusikkathen just ./yourprogram01:15
IndyGunFreakthechris: what are you trying to play in audacity?.. mp3, or what01:15
thechrisbut i'm trying to test out a microphone, so i need something that can record01:15
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: so I copy exactly what you wrote, then do ./myprogram ?01:15
RowanakiSo how do I get Xorg to actually use the changes I made in its configuration file after saving as root and rebooting?01:15
thechrisIndyGunFreak: "sine wave", generated from audacity, and really, i want to record01:16
reikalusikkayeah and replace arvauspeli.cpp with yourprogram.cpp and arvauspeli with yourprogram01:16
RowanakiI mean, I want to turn off the tap on click of my tuochpad...01:16
IndyGunFreakthechris: now i'm not sure on mic.... some chipsets have very spotty record support01:16
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: got it, thanks!01:16
reikalusikkabe sure to be in the folder of your .cpp01:16
acee1237where is the file to configure your network devices duplexing transfer speed etc?01:16
RowanakiI use qsynaptics and stuff and it says an option I set doesn't exist.. even though it does01:16
tdawgedoggsorry im a n00b whats kde?01:18
prince_jammystdawgedogg: another desktop manager, like gnome01:18
prince_jammys!kde | tdawgedogg01:18
ubotutdawgedogg: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.01:18
tdawgedoggso if im using gutsy im using kde which sucks?01:19
jeffMASTERflexi think different DE's are a tough thing to grasp at first for the noobs. they usually can't believe that you can switch and use an entirely different interface01:19
prince_jammystdawgedogg: no. you are probably using gnome. and whether kde sucks or not is a matter of opinion01:19
rhineheart_mhow to remove user in ubuntu gutsy?01:19
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: gutsy comes in gnome and ide flavors. ubuntu and kubuntu, respectively01:19
reikalusikkaIf I chande to KDE, will some programs stop to function?01:19
tdawgedoggjeffmasterflex: I understand the concept but this is my first dayt with linux lol01:19
prince_jammysreikalusikka: no01:20
Grim76tdawgedogg, KDE, Gnome, XFCE Windows manangers are a preference....find which one works for you.01:20
prince_jammystdawgedogg: reikalusikka: you dont even have to change. you can have both01:20
sdsheeksI really have to commend the ubuntu folks.01:20
reikalusikkaso I heard KDE is more powerfull and just simply better than gnome, are there any things I should be aware of before changing?01:20
reikalusikkaprince_jammys: oh ok01:20
reikalusikkahow can I choose between them?01:20
sdsheeksI've been using Linux in some for since 96 and I can say it has come a very long way.01:20
tdawgedogghow do i switch between different desktop environments01:20
prince_jammysreikalusikka: you choose your session when you log in01:21
sdsheeksI have now fully replaced my OS with Ubuntu and couldn't be happier.01:21
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: I just did that, it said "bash: conversation.cpp: command not found"01:21
pfnholy nick-list batman!01:21
=== AskHL_ is now known as AskHL
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: conversation.cpp is the program01:21
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: I think you have to download some library01:21
pfnCheck here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer.01:21
pfn^^ wtf does this mean?  it's ambiguous01:21
tdawgedoggwhen i log in....so if i click the logg off i will have options for different environements or do i have to download htem01:21
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: man... ok haha.01:21
pfndoes the desktop cd that I need to check for not include the live cd?01:21
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: let me check :D01:22
pfnor does the default download not include the livecd?01:22
crediblepfn: the desktop cd is the livecd01:22
prince_jammysreikalusikka: tdawgedogg:  if you get both, your menus will have many applications, and you'll probably want to edit them.  then you'll have a separate menu for gnome and one for kde.  other than that, everything should work normally01:22
crediblethe "alternate" cd is a traditional installer01:22
pfnthat message needs to be clearer, thanks01:22
jeffMASTERflexpfn: the regular install disk is the livecd. the alternate disc has a text based installer only.01:22
pfnso it's the "desktop cd" and the "alternate desktop cd" the "alternate desktop cd" does not have the live cd?01:22
pfnok, thanks01:23
tdawgedoggyou know how in OSX how when ur in a program all the file edit view and shit goes to the top bar01:23
jeffMASTERflexpfn: correct01:23
pfnI just need a VM I can shell into to test a few things01:23
tdawgedoggis there any way i can get that with ubuntu01:23
* pfn needs a livecd01:23
sdsheekspfn: for install?01:23
jeffMASTERflexpfn: then download the regular desktop disc01:23
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: type 'sudo apt-get install g++'01:23
pfnjeffMASTERflex, yeah, doing that... the checkbox was a little ambiguous, making sure I got the right thing01:23
lakcajtdawgedogg, I really don't think so01:23
reikalusikkait should install the right libraries01:23
tdawgedoggalso the top and bottom bars just look kinda plain...01:24
pfnsdsheeks, no, for booting a VM and testing some pam stuff01:24
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: ok, thanks a lot for finding that out. I was looking on the anjuta site and I read something about g++ but there was a list... I got a little confused I guess. Thank you though01:24
tdawgedoggbesides compiz fusion what graphical tools can u use to snaz up ubuntu01:24
sdsheekspfn: just download the regular desktop install iso then.  It is bootable and goes into the gui.01:24
tdawgedoggcan I install something similar to the leopard dock01:24
pfnsdsheeks, yeah, already doing that, just wanted to make sure I was getting the right disk, the message, as I've stated, is ambiguous01:24
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: or you can go to synaptic packet manager and install from there01:24
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: if you want to customize check out www.gnome-look.org01:24
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: I already have it01:24
tdawgedoggwoot thanks01:25
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: well then go to synaptic package manager01:25
sdsheekspfn: Understand.  Yes I would think you have the right CD.  In the GUI it should have some installed apps such as firefox.01:25
hwildecan I use wine to simulate ie for those stinking webforms that wont work in firefox ?01:25
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: and search for 'g++'01:25
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: also, appearance settings you can find in System/Preferences/Appearance01:25
TheZealotAnyone know a good battery power monitor package?01:25
pfnsdsheeks, thanks, all I really need is an xterm  :)01:25
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: wait, is the command simply "$program.cpp -Wall -g -o program name" ?01:25
sdsheekspfn: grab the server edition then01:25
reikalusikkaahorriblemess: yeah01:26
* pfn downloads it as well, just in case01:26
sdsheekspfn: lighter weight and keeps you in the terminal01:26
sdsheekspfn: or you could download an already created vmware image01:26
ahorriblemessreikalusikka: ok i wanted to make sure I had it right. I'm going to be afk for a bit, thanks for the help so far I appreciate it01:26
reikalusikkaif nothing seems to happen it compiled it01:26
pfnsdsheeks, I'm sure a livecd will be smaller than an existing vm image01:26
tdawgedogganyone know how i can install a leopard dock01:26
pfnthanks for the help01:26
tdawgedoggsorry i have crazy questions 2nite01:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vant - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:26
sdsheekspfn: server edition of a vmware image is 188mb01:27
pfnsdsheeks, link?  :)01:27
hwildetdawgedogg, just google it you'll find it01:27
sdsheekspfn: hold01:27
josspykerhwilde: yep01:27
tdawgedoggi saw it but the instructions were hard01:27
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: avant window navigator01:27
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: what do you mean? you can install in synaptic01:27
tdawgedoggi want a dock that can be downloaded in the package download manager so i dont have to compile it or something01:27
hwilde!synaptic | tdawgedogg01:27
ubotutdawgedogg: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:27
mikebotIs it possible to have as my screensaver just an animated gif?01:27
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: i suggest you take a look around and get used to using ubuntu before trying to make any radical changes.01:28
prince_jammysthat is a very good suggestion01:28
Lifeisfunnynewb here ... I have some mount point issues for a couple usb disks.  I thought I could designate their mount point but I get a warning box when I use the gpanel applet to mount and it doesn't mount so I look under Details and it says:   mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)01:28
sdsheekspfn: I can say that this link has a good working copy.  I have several vmware images with it running.01:28
hwildejeffMASTERflex, some ppl just want it to look cool...01:28
sdsheekspfn: http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/#ubuntu7.1001:28
tdawgedoggthere is no avant in the package download manager01:28
prince_jammysespecially when you download stuff from outside the repos01:28
pfnsdsheeks, handy, thanks01:28
sdsheekspfn: my pleasure01:28
jimlay_I hate to ask this but does anyone have a glx on a newer nvidia card working with amd64 in gutsy?01:29
jeffMASTERflexhwilde: that's the problem... they get frustrated, don't take the time to learn, then go back to windows cuz windows blinds is AWESOME!!1101:29
pfnI don't think we can use bittorrent at work... bummer01:29
* pfn tries the slow web dl01:29
faileaspfn: wget tends impressive speeds ;p01:29
hwildejeffMASTERflex, some ppl all they want to do is customize the gui.  if ubuntu wants to win the mainstream they have to make it easy to just click and say wow01:29
tdawgedoggi have an amd 64 and a nvidia 7600 gt and gutsy and its working fine01:30
pfnfaileas, that depends on a number of factors01:30
IndyGunFreaktdawgedogg: you can download hte .deb files for avant from getdeb.net01:30
josspykerhwilde: ubuntu is eay01:30
pfnfaileas, e.g. with a host that only has a 512kbps link, you aren't going to get impressive speeds01:30
pfnespecially with a large geographical gap01:30
faileaspfn: getting 250 kbps at the moment, on a fedora ISO (for vmware) on a shared 1 mbos cable link01:30
tdawgedoggcompiz fusion is epic okay....hay anyone know that fire minimize effect for compiz....i dont see it on my plugins01:30
hwildejosspyker, yeah that's why there are so many ppl in here asking for help01:30
pfnfaileas, I downloaded the ubuntu cd @ 1200KB/s01:31
abshifflI have a huge library of a variety of file type music.  If anyone has some time to talk about a good approach to cleaning it all up I'd appreciate it01:31
sdsheekspfn: torrent was around 1500kbps for me.01:31
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: install the compiz plugins01:31
josspykerhwilde: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/running-internet-explorer-in-ubuntu-linux.html01:31
nitroanyone experienced problems with gutsy on Gateway AMD 64 ?01:31
faileaspfn: o001:31
pfnsdsheeks, precisely, torrent is way faster01:31
hwildejosspyker, oooo01:31
hw00djohnhey, can someone help me in setting up my HP VGA webcam?01:31
jeffMASTERflex!synaptic | tdawgedogg01:31
ubotutdawgedogg: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:31
sdsheeksnitro: i use gutsy amd 64 on an HP..no issues01:31
tdawgedoggjeffMasterflex:i think i have some installed01:31
prettyrickywhat are you guys using for such great download speeds>>01:31
pfnactually, this .co.uk site is reasonably fast, getting 1200KB/s even though on opposite side of the world01:31
jeffMASTERflextdawgedogg: there are more01:31
Jewsus_Can someone help me determine why my computer goes so slow sometimes? Is there a way to figure out what exactly is making it slow at a specific time?01:31
=== abshiffl is now known as Sublimation
geekahedronhow can i change my options so my cd drive mounts with "unhide"01:31
pfnprettyricky, I'm pretty sure a t3 or or oc3 or whatever at work01:31
sdsheeksprettyricky: cable modem, but i pay for the fastest tier of speeds01:31
faileas1200 kbps = insane ;p01:32
riddleboxis I want something to start at boot, where would I put it?01:32
tdawgedoggjeffmasterflex: where do i get more plugins?01:32
pfnfaileas, KB/s, not kbps  :p01:32
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:32
iter1200K is what I get @ home01:32
pfnI get 600KB/s at home...01:32
iter10MiB @ work :):)01:32
faileasi'm averaging 250 k/s ;p01:32
prettyrickyoh thought you guys did something else to speed it up! I get a whopping 50kb's01:32
sdsheeksprettyricky: ouchy01:32
LjL!english | DZEJMS00701:32
ubotuDZEJMS007: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:32
pfnprettyricky, either get your bandwidth from work, or a fat line at home01:32
prettyrickyyeah>>> : (01:32
faileasor school01:32
* pfn gets 6mbps dsl at home...01:32
mbrushanyone know of an online database of xorg.conf files and associated monitors and vid cards?01:32
sdsheeksprettyricky: my cable provider sells tiers for their internet services.01:33
pfnschool tends to be slower than companies now, it seems01:33
faileasuniversities have fat pipe ;p01:33
prettyrickyfat line huh..01:33
reikalusikkadoes compiz require CPU or GPU or perhaps both?01:33
reikalusikkadoes a integrated GPU x3100 run all compiz candy?01:34
* thechris is an idiot01:34
jeffMASTERflexreikalusikka: it uses GL for rendering, so it needs a video card with supported 3d GL drivers01:34
jmdcmbrush: I don't think such a database exists; do you need help configuring X?01:34
crediblereikalusikka: it's blacklisted because video playback is broken, but everything else works if you unblacklist it01:34
LjL!pm | DZEJMS00701:34
ubotuDZEJMS007: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:34
thechrishad to hack up a cable to get the mic plugged in.  ended up plugging in the earphone01:34
faileasreikalusikka: not sure about all, but it'll work, i got it partially running on a 95x card ;p01:34
LjLDZEJMS007: start by turning your caps lock off please01:34
mbrushjmdc: i do ... I've tried everything google has to offer01:34
mbrushI can't get 1680x1050 no matter what i try01:34
* sdsheeks hides01:35
mbrushit keeps stretching past the edges of the screen01:35
SublimationDoes anyone know of a good approach to cleaning up tags for a music libary, organizing the folders, and converting to ogg?01:35
reikalusikkathanks for the answers, I'm going to buy a laptop with x3100 and just wondering if I can run all the candy <301:35
jmdcmbrush: well, you're in the right place to ask for help :-)01:35
sdsheeksI feel so depressed.  I have my system setup perfectly and no open issues...oh what to do!!!01:35
StrangeCharmhey, on a fujitsu p7230, i'm having some problems with hibernation - when i tell it to hibernate, the screen goes black, then to a blinking cursor, then off, then on, then to the locked screen. is there some way i should be fixing this?01:35
prince_jammysbreak something01:35
mbrushjmdc: unfortunately i think it may be hardware specific01:35
sdsheeksprince_jammys: i suppose I could test my backup solution :)01:35
reikalusikkacredible: what do you mena by blacklisted?01:36
mbrushand possibly a bug in the xserver-xorg package that ubuntu uses01:36
jmdcmbrush: that's a somewhat exotic resolution; you're certain your display supports it?01:36
prince_jammyssdsheeks: or get automatix :)01:36
mbrushit's the recommended one01:36
sdsheeksreikalusikka: is the video card integrated?01:36
mbrush22" lcd01:36
hw00djohni need help setting up my HP VGA Webcam.  I've tried it with EKIGA, but EKIGA apparently doesnt recognize it.  I've also checked google and the forums with no luck..anyone here know other places to look?01:36
mbrushit's the norm for that size i believe01:36
crediblereikalusikka: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist01:36
reikalusikkayes,  Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X310001:36
reikalusikkathanks for the link01:36
crediblereikalusikka: the X3100 is the intel 965 (last one on the table)01:37
mbrushjmdc: I am not sure if the vid card supports it, but it's the monitors native res01:37
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:37
sdsheeksreikalusikka: i was looking at one of those a few weeks ago before i picked up this new laptop, but i didn't want integrated graphics.01:37
jmdcmbrush - okay. What video card are you using?01:37
reikalusikkasdsheeks: ok, cuz I don't really need GPU01:37
reikalusikkaso this means what?01:37
sdsheeksreikalusikka: i game every now and then01:37
mbrushjmdc: ATI AIW 8500DV01:37
prince_jammyssdsheeks: you can amuse yourself with espeak .. espeak hello01:38
reikalusikkasdsheeks: so what does this mean that x3100 is blakclisted?01:38
sdsheeksreikalusikka: i never said that..must have been someone else.01:39
itermbrush: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-581343.html01:39
tdawgedoggI try to download avant window navigator and i get an error that says "dependency is not satisfiable: libawn0"01:39
sdsheeksprince_jammys: gonna play around with spideroak01:39
reikalusikkasdsheeks: oh ok, but what does it matter if it's blacklisted. I can't run compiz fusion? what does it matter when I can ignore it? makes no sense :D01:39
prince_jammyssdsheeks: don't know that one01:39
animewarseverytime i want to go online, i need to go into network settings, delete my network password, and retype it in in order to connect.  any way around this?01:40
sdsheeksreikalusikka: dunno let me scroll up and see who b brought that up.01:40
mbrushjmdc: pretty sure I've been through that one, but I'll give it another read01:40
crediblerandompolygamy: you have to manually allow it because Xvideo won't work while in compiz01:40
crediblereikalusikka: ^^01:40
prince_jammysrandom polygamy, what a concept01:40
reikalusikkacredible: ?01:40
samuelHow to uninstall gcj under ubuntu ?01:40
reikalusikkawhat does it mean in practice if my video card i blacklisted? I can't run compiz fusion properly? any other things?01:41
jmdcmbrush: would you put your xorg.conf file in the pastebin please?01:42
sdsheeksreikalusikka: it was creddible01:42
mbrushjmdc: it's so hacked apart at this point, it's not worth posting, also it's on another computer with nothing but X01:42
reikalusikkasdsheeks: ok01:42
Lifeisfunnymy newbieness got me into trouble with some mounting issues.01:42
sdsheeksreikalusikka: credible (sp)01:42
AntiUSAwhat effect does encryption have on computer speeds?01:42
mbrushjmdc: I've not really tinkered with modelines so I'll have a stab at it, it's working on my other computer no prob01:43
reikalusikkasdsheeks:  what does it mean in practice if my video card i blacklisted? I01:43
reikalusikka                      can't run compiz fusion properly? any other things?01:43
iterlol AntiUSA from tx.comcast.net01:43
sdsheeksreikalusikka: dunno01:43
crediblereikalusikka: it means that video will not work while in compiz01:43
jmdcmbrush: I think it is worth posting, especially if it's hacked apart. That might be your problem ;-(01:43
sdsheeksreikalusikka: sorry :)01:43
crediblereikalusikka: and you'll have to manually "unblacklist" compiz to make it run at all01:43
reikalusikkacredible: can you tell me, what is compiz :D01:44
LifeisfunnyI thought I could designate my usbdisks to a mount point so they would always be labeled disk or disk-1 and went through the properties heading in the context menu  but I now get a warning box when I use the gpanel applet to mount and it doesn't mount so I look under Details and it says:   mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /)01:44
mbrushjmdc: then I gotta install firefox or something to pastebin it01:44
prince_jammys!compiz | reikalusikka01:44
ubotureikalusikka: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:44
reikalusikkathanks you01:44
prince_jammysok thats not as useful as i thought01:44
reikalusikkaso in other word ubuntu wont work properly with integrated GPU?01:44
prince_jammysreikalusikka: its the thing that makes your windows wobble and your desktop spin around01:44
sdsheeksreikalusikka: no it will work just not the "cool" eye candy stuff01:45
reikalusikkaprince_jammys: hehe thanks01:45
prince_jammysreikalusikka: you can youtube and see what it looks like01:45
AntiUSAanyone? will encrypting my drive slow down my machine?01:45
reikalusikkaprince_jammys: I know how it looks, that's why I want to use it :D I was just wondering if it affects other things too01:45
reikalusikkawhat does it mean in practice to ignore the blacklist?01:45
mbrushAntiUSA: yes ... how much?  no idea01:45
prince_jammysreikalusikka: no, just the visuals01:45
sdsheekspfn: hows the image?01:45
reikalusikkaprince_jammys: what does it mean in practice to ignore the blacklist?01:46
pfnsdsheeks, didn't get a chance to run it, I was running the livecd  :)01:46
iterAntiUSA: short answer yes but depends a lot on the hardware01:46
AntiUSAi see01:46
sdsheekspfn: cool my latest use of that image was to setup an amanda backup server.01:46
pfnman, ubuntu sure is pretty... makes me want to setup a linux desktop machine  :)01:46
prince_jammysreikalusikka: this i don't know.  i probably means you'll get a headache trying to get it to work01:46
AntiUSAso 4096 encrfyption would probably make my lappie wine01:47
sdsheekspfn: sure is01:47
reikalusikkax3100 is still pretty "powerfull" for an integrated01:47
pfnwhy doesn't ubuntu use pam_stack/system-auth like redhat?01:47
mbrushi could do without the brown01:47
iterAntiUSA: I suggest using truecrypt to create a container and keep your pr0n in there01:47
reikalusikkawell, I'll go to #compiz-fusion01:47
sdsheekspfn: crossover completes it for me...I need those programs01:47
pfnit'd be so much nicer than how ubuntu has it, imo01:47
reikalusikkathanks for answers01:47
sdsheeksiter: lol01:47
AntiUSAporn is the last of my worries01:47
* pfn goes back to trying to figure out why cyrus-imapd isn't talking to saslauthd01:47
prince_jammysyour swiss account info01:47
iterAntiUSA: with a nick like that I could have guessed as much01:48
sdsheeksiter: lol good point never picked up on that01:48
mbrushAntiUSA: do you want to encrypt the whole drive?01:48
prince_jammyswith all that porn you keep in the safe01:48
bkrhey, anyone know how to access usb external drive from a livecd boot?01:48
AntiUSAi was considering it01:48
mbrushdo you need to?01:48
jmdcmbrush - is installing firefox a problem?01:48
iterAntiUSA: why encrypt all your system files? no need really and all it will do is be a PITA down the road01:48
pfnbkr plug it in and find it under /media or /mnt ?01:48
AntiUSAwell I was just concerned that if I just encrypt documents then won't there be traces of temp files/01:49
* pfn hates truecrypt 501:49
sdsheeksAntiUSA: what kind of documents?01:49
bkrpfn: thanks... i didn't see it under mnt boot i'll check media01:49
mbrushjmdc: no not really, I was just not wanting to install the extra 30MB01:49
thechrisok, new issue01:49
AntiUSAI'm not a terrorist if that's what you're getting at01:49
reikalusikkaprince_jammys: what about beryl, any idea?:D and how does it differ from compiz fusion01:49
sdsheeksAntiUSA: nope just got me curious is all01:50
AntiUSAI'm with the Houston Revolution Club01:50
thechrisThe microphone will play over the speakers, but i can't get any recording software to see it01:50
crediblereikalusikka: compiz fusion replaced beryl01:50
sdsheeksHouston, TX?01:50
eshaasedoes ubuntu come installed by default with vpn software setup?01:50
prince_jammysreikalusikka: beryl is history01:50
thechrisso the mic works, but is invisible01:50
jmdcmbush - if you want to be super minimalist, there is always lynx ;-)01:50
reikalusikkaprince_jammys:ok thanks01:50
LifeisfunnyI guess no one knows, I'll look in google01:50
sdsheeksAntiUSA: I travel there every other week via continental express01:50
rhineheart_mis there a way to access the files share in the network (windows machines) from ubuntu server?01:50
WeedGrinchI really need help: My goal is to make it so my site is hosted locally.  I have to point to my server, now what?01:50
sdsheeksAntiUSA: hang around the Galeria area01:50
prince_jammysreikalusikka: beryl has merged with compiz to become compiz fusion01:50
amenadombrush-> w3m is installed, try that01:50
AntiUSAI have, haha01:51
sdsheeksprince_jammys: and it is pretty cool01:51
reikalusikkaprince_jammys: oh ok :) thanks01:51
prince_jammysreikalusikka: this was done mostly to confuse everyone01:51
iterprince_jammys: lol01:51
jmdcLifeisfunny - how did you set the mount point?01:51
hw00djohnhey, I'm trying to get my HP VGA webcam to work but am having trouble.  I read about a package called 'easycam' and i'm trying to install that, but it's not working either (asking for a cd)  i'd really like to get my webcam working again.01:51
bkrokay so nothing shows under media or mnt when I plug in the usb external drive... any suggestions on mounting it?01:51
AntiUSAto give you a general idea of what the HRC is into, you can check out www.revcom.us01:51
AntiUSAthat's the website of the paper we distro01:51
sdsheekshw00djohn: this on a laptop?01:51
ExershioIs there any program I can use to overclock my Radeon 9550?01:51
ExershioI know what speeds it's capable of01:52
hw00djohnyes, but the webcam is not internal.  It's one that i have to plug in thru usb01:52
AntiUSAanyway, is there a problem with temp files?01:52
rhineheart_mHello! Is there a way to access the files share in the network (windows machines) from ubuntu server?01:52
amenadobkr  on a terminal if you type mount, is it listed?01:52
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: yea install samba01:52
faileasbkr: check if it shows up in /dev if it does you can mount it manually with mount01:52
AntiUSAif I keep documents encrypted won't there be unencrypted temp files?01:52
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: then mount //ipaddress/sharename /mointpoint01:52
fredsuagood evening01:52
mbrushjmdc: xterm doesn't do copy?01:53
sdsheeksAntiUSA: it's possible yes01:53
hw00djohnsdsheeks yes, this is on a laptop, however the cam is not built in, i bought it seperately and it plugs in thru USB.  I tried to set it up with ekiga, but ekiga didn't recognize it.  i've been scouring the forums and google with no luck01:53
fredsuadoes someone here knows how to make a DVD player play DVDs?01:53
AntiUSA thats' why last night i was asking for wiping tools for linux but no one knew of any01:53
sdsheekshw00djohn: i'm looking around now.  I have never tried mine.01:53
emmaHi. I have a home partition and I only have one user (myself) on my system. My home directory is called emma.  I wish to do a fresh install.  Could someone tell me how to go about doing that so I can retain my old home directory after the fresh install?01:53
toddHello, Is ther a driver out there for philips WebCam works great in MS junk but slowin moving to linux01:53
rhineheart_msdsheeks: how would I access it?01:53
prince_jammysfredsua: do you have libdvdcss2?01:53
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: did you apt-get install samba?01:53
jmdcmbrush - try selecting text, then middle clicking01:53
fredsuayes I do01:54
optxhi can somebody tell me how i get ubuntu running under the vista bootloader ? i dont get it right :(01:54
mbrushjmdc: ah01:54
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: and a share exists on the windows machine?01:54
fredsuaprince_jammys: I do and it still does not work01:54
rhineheart_msdsheeks: yeah01:54
Jordan_UAntiUSA, Only if you open them in apps that use temp file in an area of the file system which is not encrypted01:54
Jordan_UAntiUSA, You can even make an encrypted /tmp, though that may slow certain things down :)01:54
jmdcmbrush - well, it works for me01:54
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: then do sudo mount //ipaddress/sharename /mountpoint01:54
josspykeremma: is home on a different partition?01:54
prince_jammysfredsua: frustrating.  what player do you use? and have you tried different DVDs?01:54
emmaYes my home directory is on its own partition.01:55
rhineheart_mmount //ipaddress/sharename /mountpoint?? can't understat01:55
ExershioIs there any program I can use to overclock my Radeon 9550? I know what speeds it's capable of01:55
sfrailerhi all, can i get some help diagnosing this ubuntu issue? i run dhclient on my ubuntu box, nbtstat -R (to clear WINS cache) on my windows box, and cannot ping my ubuntu box (by name) from windows01:55
mbrushjmdc: it launches the now installed fifefox to this page: http://www.libhunspell-1.1-0/01:55
mbrushmiddle click ads?01:55
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: ok you know the IP address of the windows machine?01:55
emmaI had originally thought I could sign up again with the same user name and it would all just work but there seems to be some technicalities. Like the installer is going to move the old directory and call it emma.00001 or something.01:55
AntiUSAopenoffice does make temp files, right?01:55
bkramenado: it finally came up under media, but I'm trying to transfer files from the hdd to the external so I can wipe the system...it won't boot currently01:55
rhineheart_msdsheeks: yeah I know01:55
r00723r0Hi, I rebooted my computer and now there are no audio devices. Any help?01:55
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: okay then go to a terminal window01:55
bkrdon't know the best way to view the files with a filemanager01:56
bkrso I can see them easily instead of with an ls01:56
bkrrecommend a good file manager?01:56
jmdcAntiUSA - I would imagine they would be in your home directory01:56
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: type sudo mount //ipaddress of the windows machine/sharename /mountpoint01:56
=== kevin_ is now known as kevin_121
fredsuaprince_jammys: I have a Plextor PX-712A DVD-RW.  I've tried playing backup movies and they play fine but when I try playing a movie from blockbuster or others that I have it can't read it.01:56
AntiUSAthanks all01:56
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: for example sudo mount // /mnt/myshare01:56
amenadobkr command line is good , use it01:56
rhineheart_msdsheeks: how about in the sharename and mount point?01:56
eshaasedoes ubuntu come installed by default with vpn software setup?01:56
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: for the sharename you would use whatever you set the sharename as in windows01:57
kevin_121so. in appearance preferences -> visual effects, the custom radio button will not stay selected... anyone know why this could be?01:57
Raiders32how do you prevent a new file browser opening up each time you insert a CD?  I'm using Gutsy01:57
josspykeremma: make a backup first,do a fresh install and assign home the partion and don't format it01:57
=== ze__ is now known as Zeddie
Shugglecan anyone here help me with grub?01:57
bkramenado: only when tranferring all files or a few files... I'm trying to tranfer large numbers of files but not the whole drive01:57
jmdceshaase - no01:57
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: for the mountpoint it is up to you where you mount it to, but the mountpoint has to exist already so create it if you need to01:57
jordan_!anyone | Shuggle01:57
ubotuShuggle: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:57
mbrushjmdc: wierdest thing ever, I just middle clicked xterm and it started installing something automatically in the background downloading stuff from ubuntu01:57
jordan_mbrush, Middle click is paste01:57
fredsuaprince_jammys: I'm speculating reinstalling Ubuntu01:57
rhineheart_msdsheeks: Is samba secured?01:58
prince_jammysfredsua: i don't know the solution, sorry.  i actually just got a dvd drive on this computer and havent gotten around to dealing with that01:58
mbrushjordan: I don't know what the hell happened ... there shouldn't have been anything in the clipboard01:58
jordan_mbrush, And anything you paste into a terminal is interpreted ( including carridge returns )01:58
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: don't think so01:58
prince_jammysfredsua: i really doubt you need to reinstall01:58
jmdcmbrush - middle click pastes whatever was last selected. whatever was last selected was a install command with a newline01:58
amenadobkr  use regexp and selected directories01:58
emmajosspyker,  how about doing this:  mv /home/emma /home/oldemma01:58
rhineheart_msdsheeks: so you couldn't recommend it, right?01:58
fredsuaprince_jammys: Thanks for trying.01:59
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: for what I use it for sure I would recommend it, but your use may be different than mine.01:59
ShuggleI installed Sabayon linux to my harddrive and told it not to install grub. Now when I try to test boot sabayon from the grub command line (before editing menu.list) grub tells me that the partition does not exist01:59
jordan_mbrush, It's also 'copy' when you have text selected, have you middle clicked any text recently?01:59
emmajosspyker,  then doing the reinstall, not formating the home partition, and then doing mv /home/oldemma /home/emma01:59
jackfusionhi all01:59
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: what are your concerns with it being secure or nonsecure?01:59
rhineheart_msdsheeks: you're using it for what01:59
hw00djohnsdsheeks: any luck with the webcam issue?01:59
jackfusionHow is every one doing tonight?01:59
fredsuaIs there an expert on linux Ubuntu in the house?  I'm having trouble playing DVD's01:59
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: to copy files back and forth from one of my windows machines01:59
fus10nxHas anyone here properly configured an HDMI motherboard or graphics card to work FULLY in Ubuntu? I can currently get video working but no audio. In windows its not a problem. I am just debating weather or not to get a new motherboard so I want to see if anyone has gotten it to work properly and if so what motherboard or card? Thanks.01:59
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: non sensitive stuff just documents and music02:00
sdsheekshw00djohn: nothing yet02:00
Indiadev_Techiefredsua: ???02:00
jmdceshaase - you probably want to install one of the vpn plugins for network manager. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN02:00
rhineheart_msdsheeks: can the internet access the shared folders over the network?02:00
jordan_!offtopic | jackfusion02:00
ubotujackfusion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:00
Indiadev_Techiefredsua: did u update ur dvd codecs in ubuntu ???02:00
mbrushjordan_ : I must've it's the only explanaition ...02:00
kevin_121fus10nx: i have not heard of anyone doing audio yet over hdmi. i think there may be legal setbacks involved, but im not entirely sure02:00
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: not if you don't allow it through a router or windows firewall02:00
josspykeremma: use grsync for a backup to be sure,install ubuntu and assing your home part.without formatting02:00
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: but my theory is if someone wants it bad enough they will get it02:01
jackfusionwhat raid software dose ubuntu server use?02:01
fredsuaIndiadev_Techie:  Yes, I've updated all the codes.  the drive plays some of my backup movies fine, but dies not play movies from regular DVDs02:01
rhineheart_msdsheeks: if that someone could have access to the router's firewall right/02:01
codyduncananyone have any idea why writing to my external just became extremely slow?  why near everything is now going really slow?  why startup just takes forever?  (just the first one will do for now)02:01
prettyrickyMy player plays the movies but sometimes I get the blue screen of death>>>>>02:02
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: sure02:02
fredsuaIndiadev_Techie: are you an expert in linux?02:02
rhineheart_msdsheeks: how would the users access their home folders from windows machine?02:02
Indiadev_Techiefredsua: no im not...but trying to figure out ur problem....02:02
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: samba you can setup the linux home folders and map them in windows02:03
solexious[QQ] I need to make pport have super user privlages at startup, how do I do that?02:03
sdsheeksoh crap02:03
rhineheart_msdsheeks: map them in windows? like using my networkplaces?02:03
jmdccodyduncan: maybe some process is zombified and running wild. try running top02:03
sdsheeksForgot about the lunar eclipse!!02:03
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: yea02:03
jordan_fredsua, You probably need libdvdcss202:03
sdsheekseast coast people remember anytime now a full lunar eclipse02:03
=== oshiii-_- is now known as oshiii-_^
fredsuaIndiadev_Techie: Is very frustrating.  I've tried different DVD media such as VLC and gxine with the same results.02:04
soulburneris there somewhere i can change my keyboard configuration?02:04
jordan_!dvd | fredsua02:04
ubotufredsua: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:04
mbrushfredusa: ubuntu-restricted-extras?  did you download the one dvd thing from that?02:04
sdsheekslol look at the moon02:04
rhineheart_msdsheeks: so they could access their folders from the networkplaces... and if they will click on it.. samba would ask for their usernames and passwords. correct?02:04
TheZealotAnyone know how to change the time from 24 hour time to 12?02:04
sdsheeksrhineheart_m: you can set that up yes02:04
fredsuaIndiadev_Techie: I've downloaded the entire medibuntu library and nothing02:04
asmoore82fredsua: do you have libdvdcss??02:04
jordan_mbrush, That alone won't do it02:05
gzbtoo cloudy here to see the moon02:05
mbrushjordan_: isn't that the lib to play drm'd dvds?02:05
mbrushthe one in that package?02:05
fredsuaYes, I've been to those websites and downloaded all the software.02:05
prince_jammyshe has libdvdcss, can play dvds he's made himself, can't play store-bought or rental dvds02:05
fredsua and nothing.02:05
r00723r0Hi, I rebooted my computer and now there are no audio devices. Any help?02:05
sdsheeksgzb: :( perfect here02:05
sdsheeksgzb: it's about 1/4 gone02:06
jordan_mbrush, Yes, it's not included in ubuntu-restricted-extras ( or anywhere in the official repos ) because it's illegal in some countries ( ie the U.S.)02:06
gzbis it red yet?02:06
sdsheeksgzb: no black02:06
fredsuaI've downloaded the entire medibuntu library02:06
jackfusiondose any one know any thing about ubuntu server?02:06
fredsuaand all the libdvdcss avaialble02:06
gzbwanted to see it, hope it clears here soon02:06
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:07
jordan_prince_jammys, The fact that he can play unencrypted backups only supports the idea that he needs libdvdcss02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dialboot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:07
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:07
chimericalbrioso in my keyboard shortcuts settings, under sound shortcuts, i have things like "0x99". what does that correspond with?02:07
chimericalbrioon the keyboard02:07
fredsuashould I reinstall Ubuntu, could this be a really bas software problem?02:08
prince_jammysjordan_: yes, but he seems to have it02:08
codyduncanjmdc: I'm not sure what you mean, running top02:08
prince_jammysfredsua: sudo apt-get install libdvdread302:08
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:09
asmoore82fredsua: make sure you have libdvdcss2; run this: `dpkg-query -s libdvdcss2`02:09
hdevalenceis there a way I can tell apt-get to download packages only and not lock the thing? So I cna download the 2500000 packages I need but be able to iunstall a couple packages here or there while it's d/ling02:09
OmletteWhat if you broke Grub after installing Ubuntu?02:09
jackfusionWhen I try to be polite how come a get a warning that I am off topic?02:09
macogwjackfusion: what about it?02:09
fredsuaprince_jammys: got it again02:09
JohnRobertanyone know why there's no truecrypt ubuntu package? Is it not considered safe to use or something?02:10
Indiadev_Techiefredsua: ohhh....thts gr8...02:10
macogwjackfusion: if youre wondering why no X or why no GUI, it's because it's a server and there's no point wasting resources for a GUI on a server02:10
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents02:10
Indiadev_Techiefredsua: but still u cant play ur dvds...02:10
macogwjackfusion: (that question falls under the category of FAQ)02:10
jordan_fredsua, It's most likely a software problem, try running "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh"02:10
CVD-PRany has problems with checkinstall?02:10
=== astro76_ is now known as astro76
itisii had 2 NAS drives mounted and working fine....but after I installed KDE to just check it out....now my shares are gone...any one know why that would happen? (i am back in gnome now)02:10
jackfusionjackfusion: How is every one doing tonight? jordan_: !offtopic | jackfusion02:11
prince_jammysfredsua: cd /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/02:11
fredsuastill can't play, trying jordan solution now02:11
macogwjackfusion: because this channel isnt for chatter, it's for tech support02:11
macogwjackfusion: what's the problem with the server system?02:11
jordan_fredsua, That may have actually been the wrong path, I am using 8.04 currently02:11
itisiand i can still browse the NAS shares from a web browser02:11
macogwjackfusion: chatter happens in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntuforums usually02:11
hw00djohnspeaking of tech support...i'm still looking for some help02:12
mbrushitisi: /etc/fstab?02:12
yodaHey can someone help me get my 8800GTS drivers working02:12
codyduncanjmdc: I am looking at the system manager, and nothing seems out of the ordinary, but it should be said that I have less than a huge ability to recognize such things02:12
prince_jammysfredsua: actually just::::    sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh02:12
macogwhw00djohn: ask your question02:12
jackfusionI don't have a problem with the server I just want to know what raid software the server uses?02:12
itisimbrush: i will check it to see if anything changed, but they still show in my mount folder02:13
macogwjackfusion: oh hmm... you can setup LVM during install if you want02:13
fredsuaprince_jammys: did it02:13
yodaHas anyone isntalled a 8800GTS in ubuntu?02:13
mandjeif i want to use a Win wifi driver with ndiswrapper for ubuntu AMD64 from what Win version should the driver be? Vista 64 or just plain XP ?02:13
mbrushitisi: the directories may remain02:13
hw00djohnI have an HP VGA webcam that I've been trying to get working since yesterday.  I tried setting it up with EKIGA.  I checked the forums and google with no luck.  Is there a package that can install the drivers for my HP VGA webcam?02:13
prince_jammysfredsua: any luck?02:13
mbrushbut not mounted02:13
macogwjackfusion: 6.06 had EVMS, but it's not compatible with the current kernels, so it's been removed02:13
prince_jammysfredsua: probably not02:13
chimericalbrioanyone know where i can find a table of what the entries like "0x99" in "keyboard shortcuts" correspond to on the keyboard?02:14
fredsuaprince_jammys: nope, nothing02:14
jmdccodyduncan: sorry, was afk. top is command line tool that does something like what the system monitor would do. Just stay in there and do View->All Processes and look for something using high percentages of the cpu.02:14
jackfusionI know about LVM but what creating raid zero what software is used?02:14
CarlFKhow can i see the name of the deb (so the version) that will be installed when I apt-get install foo?02:14
prince_jammysfredsua: the dvd shows up on your desktop and is mounted, right?02:14
zcat[1]Q: I removed all of the packages related to 'mono' and it was about 400M freed.. the only things that looked remotely useful from that was some photo manager and some other program I can't recall, and there doesn't seem to be the slightest impact on my system. Is mono actually used for anything important at all?02:15
PriceChildCarlFK, apt-cache info foo02:15
CarlFKPriceChild: thanks02:15
EADGCarlFK: try apt-cache show foo. I think thats what yer looking for.02:15
jackfusionso being polite in this chat is not accepted?02:15
fredsuaprince_jammys: yes it shows on the dekstop and is mounted02:16
jordan_fredsua, What is the output of "dpkg -s libdvdcss2 | grep Status" ( should be only one line )02:16
codyduncanjmcd: there was nothing like that.  I don't know what the problem is.  I just installed (reinstalled) Gutsy yesterday, and already it is kicking me02:16
CarlFKEADG: yeah, thanks02:16
asmoore82fredsua, What is the output of "dpkg -s libdvdcss2 | grep Status" ( should be only one line ) ++02:16
itisimbrush: they are still mounted in fstab...also, even before i mounted them they showed in my network, now they dont even show up there as folders02:16
CarlFKPriceChild: apt-cache info transcode = E: Invalid operation info02:16
PriceChildCarlFK, gah, show then02:16
mbrushzcat: i believe mono is basically a .NET framework port for linux02:16
jordan_jackfusion, Being polite in this channel means helping to keep it uncluttered02:16
fredsuajordan_: I'm not sure how to get that.  Do I copy and paste that command in the termina?02:17
macogwjackfusion: with how quickly this channel moves and how full it is, idle chatter just gets in the way.  the signal to noise ratio is bad enough with the joins & parts.02:17
albert_kamHi ubuntu people, i've just installed ubuntu to give it a try. Could anyone tell me why at boot before getting into login screen, there's nothing but a monitor warning "scanlines out of range" ? And when shutting down, this shows up too. Where should i take a look / configure ?02:17
jordan_fredsua, Yes02:17
PriceChildCarlFK, apt-cache show transcode, or apt-cache madison transcode02:17
jmdccodyduncan - hmm. Has the system been slow ever since  you installed?02:17
KCYNICE_hi,I remove my old dvd rom and installed a new Blu-ray dvd rom. The system could not find the new device.What should i do?02:17
jackfusionoh sorry02:17
Chris_xgot some probs with setting up my bind9 (1st time). Everything ran smooth locally but now I got problems with the rndc.key. the server is running as dns slave and I used rndc-confgen -a to create a new key but still errors in the log....02:17
codyduncanjmcd: no, it was fast for a bit, now it's dragging, immensely02:17
Chris_xnamed seems to run though02:17
fredsuajordan_: install ok02:17
itisimbrush: actually, none of the shared folders show in my network places anymore02:17
jackfusiondose any one know what software raid ubuntu server uses when creating raid zero?02:18
macogwjackfusion: md is what's used for raid02:18
jackfusionthank you02:18
=== cakedonkey is now known as fredmv
Chris_xsyslog says:02:18
Chris_xnone:0: open: /etc/bind/rndc.key: permission denied02:18
Chris_xFeb 21 15:07:27 tui named[3728]: couldn't add command channel permission denied02:18
zcat[1]mbrush: I've decided I want to part of .NET on my machine.. and so far that doesn't seem to be a problem. Why is it installed by default? it's actually pretty huge and doesn't seem too important.02:18
codyduncanjmcd:  I mean, it was working fine, other than the fact that it was taking a long time to start up (but I think that is related to wireless card problems)02:19
macogwjack-desktop:  it's /quit02:19
fredmvHey all.   Is anyone well-versed in SDL issues?02:19
mandjeif i want to use a Win wifi driver with ndiswrapper for ubuntu AMD64 from what Win version should the driver be? Vista 64 or just plain XP ?02:19
jmdccodyduncan - did you change anything before it started being slow?02:19
chimericalbrioanyone know where i can find a table of what the entries like "0x99" in "keyboard shortcuts" correspond to on the keyboard?02:19
jordan_fredsua, Have you ever set the region for your dvd drive? ( I am not sure if this should be needed with libdvdcss but it's something worth checking )02:19
mbrushzcat: it's open source i think, and it brings over C# language from windows which is IMO one of the best languages ever (for me)02:19
fredsuajordan_: No I haven't.  Not sure how.02:19
reasonschimerica, open a termina and type xev02:19
chimericalbrioreasons: thanks02:19
mbrushzcat: if you don't have any mono apps, it ok to uninstall02:19
solexious[QQ] I need to make pport have super user privlages at startup, how do I do that?02:20
jordan_fredsua, Do DVD's play properly in Windows?02:20
* badboy ciao a tutti02:20
fredmvI'm getting the dreaded "Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device" when I try running SDL-based games.  I've already installed the latest 1.2 libs for Debian and ran a "xhost + localhost".   Still not working.02:20
fredsuajordan_: yes they did before I switched.  :-)02:20
codyduncanjmcd:  well, as I had just installed, I changed a lot of things, basically, I installed amarok, wine, mplayer, got rid of rhytmbox, got ktorrent, enabled the restricted drivers, then disabled them, as they were doing nothing for me02:20
zcat[1]mbrush: ahh.. ok. cool. I'm feeling very ant-MS this week. I decided I'd like to avoide a technology that MS still seems to have so much control over.02:20
jordan_fredsua, Then the region has already been set02:21
_Oz_HALLLOOOOOOO Ubuntu friends!02:21
fredsuajordan_ I was using DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter before with no problems02:21
DrunkenPihey sorry to bother you but is there a active C++ channel?02:21
* _Oz_ screams into #ubuntu like a cannonball shot from a distant ship in the bay.02:21
PiciDrunkenPi: ##C++ ?02:21
ryakuThis is likely a stupid issue, but is there anyone here who can help me with video issues?02:21
mbrushzcat: i hear ya .. it's a killer language though02:21
reasonsryaku, that depends on the video issue02:21
=== ryaku is now known as ryakufox
jordan_fredsua, That is different, could you use a ( legal ) DVD playing software?02:22
DrunkenPithanks Pici02:22
zcat[1]mbrush: never used it. I kinda picked up python a few years back and that was quite easy, but I haven't used it since.02:22
pawanamule unable to load servers quits02:22
ryakufoxreasons: Well, I've just installed Ubuntu not a few hours ago. I've managed to work around the usual ATI deal and get ATI drivers for my x1600P working, with XGL and everything. But, it keeps giving me both an XFree86-DRI missing error, and refuses to do direct rendering.02:22
pawanis there ares for ubuntu02:23
fredsuajordan_: that was before in windows.  I'm now using VLM, Totem and gxine and none works02:23
jordan_ryakufox, That is a result of the fact that you are using XGL02:23
zcat[1]jordan_: Dell was shipping Linux preinstalled with something which I assume was blessed by the DVDCCA or whoever02:23
ryakufoxWell, is there any workaround? All I wanted was to be able to get desktop effects, and still be able to play my games.02:23
reasonsryakufox, I believe you have to use alglx02:24
fredsuajordan_: how do I reinstall Ubuntu without deleting everything?02:24
Hiliku1hey guys, i have two hard drives, one's ide the other one is sata, which one would you recommend installing my os on??02:24
ryakufoxreasons: Any way you can run me through that?02:25
Hiliku1the second drive is used to store data02:25
jordan_fredsua, You can put your /home on a separate partition:02:25
mbrushryakufox: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, there should be a DRI section with a mode line02:25
zcat[1]Hiliku1: sata, it's generally much faster02:25
jordan_!home | fredsua02:25
ubotufredsua: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome02:25
Hiliku1zcat[1]: i know, but i do want the faster to be for the OS or for all my data (big files and all that)02:25
zcat[1]Hiliku1: you want the faster one for the OS..02:25
Hiliku1zcat[1]: excellent!02:25
ablyssjordan_, from my experience putting home on a separate partition can get messy if you dont delete the hidden config files02:26
Hiliku1zcat[1]: thanks02:26
jeffMASTERflexHiliku1: i think you want a more responsive OS02:26
fredsuajordan_: thank you02:26
reasonsryakufox, never had an ATI card but I believe this might be of use to you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14506802:26
fredsuaubotu: thank you!02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:26
zcat[1]rofl... !thankyou :)02:26
speeddemon8803hehe, ubotu is just a bot, it doesnt really talk, just give information :)02:26
Polygon89I just reinstalled ubuntu gutsy, and now the audio portion of flash does not work. I get audio in other applications fine, but flash does not seem to work. I tried to install some libflashsupport package and that doesnt work either. Please help.02:26
Pici!thanks | fredsua02:27
ubotufredsua: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:27
Hiliku1ubotu: girls ?02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about girls ? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:27
jordan_ablyss, It shouldn't, how did you do it? ( you should not just use cp with no arguments )02:27
jmdccodyduncan - I'm stumped. Why did you reinstall?02:27
prince_jammysubotu: anything02:27
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.02:27
speeddemon8803!girls > Hilikul02:27
=== jordan_ is now known as Jordan_U
reasonspolygon89, 64 or 32 bit02:27
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:27
Polygon89reasons, 32 bit.02:27
speeddemon8803zcat beat me to it ;)02:27
_Oz_HALLLOOOOOOO Ubuntu friends!02:28
speeddemon8803We do like the occasional messing around, but do remember that this is a support chat room..not for general discussion..unless its of course discussion about technical aspects of ubuntu ;)02:28
_Oz_sorry for the repeat02:28
fredmvAnyone here familiar with a potential cause for "Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device"02:28
speeddemon8803!hi | _oz_02:28
ubotu_oz_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:28
_Oz_thanks, speeddemon880302:28
fredmvEven with the latest 1.2deb libs this simply doesn't work.02:29
ablyssJordan_U, fresh install but using existing /home partition which retained old config settings from previous install.   some settings are depreciated which might adversely effect new protocols02:29
_Oz_fredmv: what's that?02:29
fus10nxkevin_121: thanks. I know it works in windows, the audio over HDMI02:30
itisidoes anyone know why..after being able to see all my network drives...now i can no longer see any network folders? I know they are still connected (can browse them in firefox), but they arent visible from folders02:30
Jordan_Uablyss, He is presumably going to install the same version of Ubuntu02:30
fredmvBasically, I'm trying to get an SDL-based game working (sauerbraten) and it keeps failing with "Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device"02:30
AnonConHello everyone02:30
mbrushitisi: are they listed with 'mount' command?02:30
speeddemon8803!hi | anonCon02:30
ubotuanonCon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:31
fredmvI already a) installed the latest libs, and b) ran an xhost + localhost to no avail.02:31
zcat[1]btw never 'rm -rf .*' -- you might think it removes all the . directories.. but it includes . and ..02:31
Polygon89I just reinstalled ubuntu gutsy, and now the audio portion of flash does not work. I get audio in other applications fine, but flash does not seem to work. I tried to install some libflashsupport package and that doesnt work either. Please help.02:31
AnonConthank you both02:31
ablyssJordan_U, indeed it's probably harmless just annoying if you do a upgrade :-)02:31
speeddemon8803!flash | Polygon8902:31
ubotuPolygon89: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:31
Polygon89speed, please read my question before referring me to a page that has nothing to do with what i asked.02:31
AnonConI have a question, I installed ubuntu last night, and had no problems, but when I boot it up today, the display is all weird..any ideas?02:31
_Oz_!patience | Polygon8902:32
ubotuPolygon89: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:32
fredmvAnonCon: define "all weird"02:32
faileasAnonCon: 'all wierd' how?02:32
itisimbrush: i get this message...7826: Connection to NAS failed02:32
itisiSMB connection failed02:32
itisi7827: Connection to NAS failed02:32
itisiSMB connection failed02:32
speeddemon8803!pastebin | itisi02:32
ubotuitisi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:32
_Oz_!enter itisi02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter itisi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:32
Polygon89_Oz_, again, im telling him nicely to read my question before sending me to a page that has nothing to do with my problem.02:32
_Oz_!enter | itisi02:32
ubotuitisi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:32
rhineheart_mgot this error:    MySQL Strict Mode is not support02:32
Polygon89_Oz_, i have flash installed. The wikipage on this problem does not work.02:32
AnonConsorry..by all weird i mean 800X600 display, versus the 1024X76802:32
AnonConso, reduced screen resolution02:33
box_what do i need to install so SSL support will work ?02:33
fredmvAnonCon:  it might be as simple as going into System->Screen Res02:33
rhineheart_mhow would I enable its support? thanks../02:33
AnonConI did go there02:33
_Oz_Polygon89: that does not excuse your rudeness to a volunteer generous enough to offer his or her advice, whether or not you thought it was "stupid" as you called it.02:33
AnonConand no go02:33
mbrushitisi: i have no idea about NAS ... is it just a hard drive shared on the net using samba or nfs?02:34
Laney_Familyanyone here fam. with freenx?02:34
fredmvit doesn't have anything other than 800x600 available?02:34
m1chaeli'd like to try ubuntu on my laptop.. it's got windows xp on it.. but i dont want to dual boot... is it possible i can run ubuntu with a flash drive and a bootable cdrom? has anyone ever done such a thing? or can anyone recommend anything better?02:34
AnonConalthough I can change my resolution to 600X480 though..lol02:34
Polygon89_Oz_, please find the word stupid in this sentance: speed, please read my question before referring me to a page that has nothing to do with what i asked.02:34
EADGThe moon is slipping into shadow right now :) Go have a look if it's dark out where you are.02:34
_Oz_Polygon89: oh, shall we peruse the logs, then?02:34
speeddemon8803!stop | Polygon8902:34
itisiNAS is just the name of the storage device....it just 2 HDD's shared on my network02:34
ubotuPolygon89: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.02:34
Laney_FamilyMichael, you could use the live cd02:34
AnonConbrb...checking eclipse02:34
Polygon89i never said stupid02:34
Laney_FamilyNAS = Network Attached Storage02:34
Polygon89i want flash to work02:34
AnonCondang overcast02:34
codyduncanjmdc: sorry, was moving something.  I reinstalled because I was using the 64bit version as I use an AMD64, but I was hoping I would have less problems with the 32bit02:34
AnonConso..any ideas?02:35
itisiit uses samba02:35
Polygon89someone help me fix the sound, not help me install flash.02:35
Polygon89which is what that page refers to.02:35
AnonConas to why it would work, then now work?02:35
Laney_Familyopen filer is a good way to do it, so is samba02:35
ryakufoxDoes anyone here know anything about ATI cards, and direct rendering?02:35
box_What needs to be installed on a system so SSL support works for things like ircd etc... ?02:35
ablyssPolygon89, few questions for you: are you using the latest firefox? does the audio stop not play at all or just skip, and does it happen on any flash media or just a certain site?02:35
jmdcm1chael - yes, you can boot to the install cd, and you save your files to a flash drive02:35
Dr_willisDZEJMS007,  check the ubuntu.org web site yet?02:35
Dr_willis!ubuntu | DZEJMS00702:35
ubotuDZEJMS007: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:35
mbrushitisi: did you check the smb.conf (i think that's the name) ...02:35
jmdcm1chael - it does have to load everything off the disk, so it is slower02:35
itisii didnt check that, no..i wouldnt know what to look for02:36
scaz0rcan someone help me out02:36
Polygon89ablyss, im using firefox 3 beta 3, i get no sound at all, and before i reinstalled ubuntu it worked perfectly. and i get no sound with any flash movie/whatever02:36
rhineheart_mHello! I  got this error: MySQL Strict Mode is not support. How to enable its support?02:36
jmdccody - I don't have other ideas.02:36
m1chaeljmdc, but i wouldnt be able to.. install programs, configure the system, etc?02:36
jeffMASTERflexPolygon89: the only thing that can cause any real problems with flash is a botched install. try to reinstall it02:36
Polygon89jeffMASTERflex, already tried with the offical version from ubuntu, and then tried the one from adobe itself, nogo.02:36
speeddemon8803!caps | dzejms00702:36
ubotudzejms007: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:36
jmdcm1chael - you can do all of that, but it won't be persistant across reboots02:36
m1chaeli see02:36
mbrushitisi: did you use the Shared Folder thing?  that should do just the same02:36
AnonConor maybe if someone could point me in the right direction.02:36
ablyssPolygon89, can you test the stable firefox first than see02:37
DZEJMS007caps on02:37
m1chaelim scared to dual boot, what should i do?02:37
DZEJMS007now off02:37
codyduncanjmdc:  thanks anyways02:37
jeffMASTERflexPolygon89: firefox 3 beta 3 uses different plug in folders. look in the firefox 3 plug in folder and link to your flash plugin02:37
Laney_Familydual boot is easy02:37
Dr_willism1chael,  use ubuntuin a vmware/virtualbox session is one way. I dual boot all the time wth no hassles...02:37
jmdcm1chael - back up your files02:37
itisimbrush: its only attached to my router...and I can't see any shares that aren't physically on my computer now02:37
Laney_Familyjust have open hd space and then add it to the laoder for xp, or use grub02:37
codyduncananyone have any ideas why writing to my external all of a sudden is like using a trained sloth to transcribe binary (it's slow)02:37
Polygon89ablyss, it does not work in firefox either02:37
mbrushsounds like a samba issue02:38
itisik...i'll keep digging then02:38
CarlFK apt-cache show transcode shows 2, one from Marillat/deb-media, one from u-multiverse. I want the Marillat one.  how does it decide which to install?02:38
reikalusikkais 1440x900 too big resolution for a 15.4" screen?02:38
Polygon89jeffMASTERflex, it says its installing it to /home/mark/.mozilla, where both firefox 3 and firefox 2 have plugin folders for02:38
DZEJMS007want to install ubuntu instead win now im intereested about office or somethin simmilar02:39
rhineheart_mHello! I  got this error: MySQL Strict Mode is not support. How to enable its support?02:39
Polygon89jeffMASTERflex, also the fact that the video portion works, but not sound means that the plugin is installed and working...except for the sound.02:39
faileasDZEJMS007: there's Openoffice and Koffice02:39
CarlFKDZEJMS007: it comes with it02:39
hw00djohnif i've been banned from a channel, how do i get unbanned?02:39
Dr_willisDZEJMS007,  test out Openoffice - see if it does what you need. Its frree for linux and windows.02:39
brueniguse abiword02:39
ablyssPolygon89, i see.  I don't really know what to tell you.  Possibly corrupted libs.. did the install go through w/ out any hitches?02:39
bruenigit isn't as absurd as open office02:39
Dr_willisi use abiword a lot also. :02:39
jeffMASTERflexPolygon89: doesn't really work well from there. try /usr/lib/firefox/plugins02:40
prettyrickyis open office compatible to microsoft office?02:40
speeddemon8803!offtopic | hw00djohn02:40
ubotuhw00djohn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:40
Trey_for the most part02:40
jeffMASTERflexprettyricky: mostly. not completely02:40
DZEJMS007is it compatable i mean doc could be reed02:40
karllenzhey 1st time succesefully install ubuntu what is a good aim and irc client for ubuntu02:40
prince_jammysDZEJMS007: yes02:40
DZEJMS007in ubuntu02:40
Polygon89ablyss, i googled the problem and it says it had something to do with flash not liking pulseaudipo..which i guess ubuntu uses now. I tried installing a package called libflashsupport but that didnt do anything02:40
prince_jammysDZEJMS007: yes02:40
Dr_willisDZEJMS007,  yes. go get it and try it out first if you want. Its free.02:40
bruenigkarllenz: pidgin/finch for aim and irssi for irc02:40
jeffMASTERflexpidgin for aim and irc if you like02:40
DZEJMS007im downloading it now02:41
faileaspigin does everything, i tend to favour konversation for IRC tho02:41
DZEJMS007tomorrow will instasll02:41
karllenzkool thanx02:41
jeffMASTERflexPolygon89: are you using hardy?02:41
Polygon89and jeffMASTERflex i cannot specify what folder to install the flash plugin to, it only wants to do it to my profile directory.02:41
Polygon89jeffMASTERflex, no, gutsy.02:41
jeffMASTERflexgutsy does not use pulse audio02:41
ablyssPolygon89, perhaps you can install the flash via synaptic and not manually?  Or have you tried both of those ideas  yet02:41
_Oz_we should ALL be on gutsy now.02:41
faileas_Oz_: not necessarily02:41
_Oz_Is hardy out now?02:42
Polygon89gutsy isnt a lts release.02:42
Polygon89oz, no.02:42
_Oz_I see.02:42
jeffMASTERflexPolygon89: you can install the flash plugin manually. all you have to do is download it from adobe and place the flashplayer.so file into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins02:42
Polygon89jeffMASTERflex, ive seen libpulseaudio updates come into from update manager...02:42
bruenigI hope ubuntu moves to rolling release soon so that it becomes usable02:42
speeddemon8803I still use Dapper, _Oz_ , for my server ;)02:42
* faileas notes some people would prefer to remain on 6.04 LTS cause its got longer support02:42
Polygon89and ablyss thats what i did originally but it didnt work, so i dled the one from adobe and same thing.02:42
jeffMASTERflexPolygon89: gutsy does NOT use pulseaudio, regardless of what you saw in the update manager02:42
_Oz_speeddemon8803: but why don't you use the latest and greatest?02:42
m1chaeli have a builtin sprint mobile broadband card on my laptop.. whats it like configuring ubuntu to use one of those?02:42
_Oz_We should all be up to date.  The more laggards, the more problems, in my view.02:42
speeddemon8803_Oz_ because dapper does what i need it to do :)02:43
bruenig_Oz_: you think you are up to date?02:43
faileas_Oz_: actually i think dapper is supported longer than gutsy will02:43
ablyssI actually had less problems with 7.01 than gutsy.. Gutsy has been the most problematic version of ubuntu I've used thus far02:43
ubotuA higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.02:43
nosemanexist a way to install ossim-framework with php5?02:43
Polygon89_Oz_, ubuntu is behind by default.02:43
Polygon89_Oz_, you are not using the latest and greatest even if you are using gutsy, or even hardy.02:43
faileasablyss: i personally found otherwise, but depends on the system02:43
bruenigubuntu is tremendously behind at all times02:43
_Oz_bruenig: absolutely.02:43
_Oz_Polygon89: nonsense.02:44
* speeddemon8803 looks at the floor02:44
Polygon89_Oz_, lol.02:44
bruenig_Oz_: so you aren't using ubuntu?02:44
_Oz_I am using the latest and greatest supported release.02:44
Dr_willisif you want cutting edge version #'s - a Source based disrto02:44
speeddemon8803im gonna step outta this conversation :)02:44
_Oz_I do not run betas or alpha.02:44
ablyssfaileas, it is almost so bad I'm thinking of downgrading02:44
faileasspeeddemon8803: nothing wrong with an older version02:44
leio_hi, just a test02:44
Polygon89_Oz_, this is the latest version of the kernel02:44
DZEJMS007thanx for help greetings from balkan02:44
bruenig_Oz_: ok well the latest supported release is 4 months behind the rest of the linux world02:44
speeddemon8803I know, thats my point faileas :)02:44
jeffMASTERflexof you want to slit your wrists... source based distros are where it's at02:44
Polygon89_Oz_, from kernel.org:
_Oz_bruenig: it is hte proper thing to do.02:44
Polygon89_Oz_, and doing a uname -r, i get this 2.6.22-14-generic02:45
nasamoHello. how do I play DVD?02:45
Polygon89_Oz_, not the latest and greatst.02:45
mbrush_Oz_ they mean the packages are not the latest released by the devs02:45
mbrushand kernel02:45
nosemanossim-framework with php5, any ideas?02:45
bruenig_Oz_: proper is a funny word, but the point is that you are not close to up to date02:45
* faileas is trying to decide if he should downgrade the install on CT(one of my plaptops). its got a load of issues on gutsy, but less on feisty, mostly to do with the hardware being wirerd02:45
bruenig_Oz_: you are up to date relative to the ubuntu cycle which is way behind so in some respect I guess you are02:45
jeffMASTERflexbruenig: i don't think it's WAY behind... debian is WAY behind.02:46
Trey_nasamo: get libdvdcss202:46
_Oz_bruenig: I am up to date, but most importantly, I am stable.02:46
bruenigjeffMASTERflex: well way is not well defined, way behind with respect to just about every other distribution02:46
prince_jammysi am depracated02:46
prince_jammysdepraved, i mean02:47
_Oz_mbrush: I realize that, but they are hopelessly misguided.02:47
JangariThe hardy alpha 4 liveCD appears to think it's 7.10, anyone had that yet?02:47
bruenig_Oz_: you are up to date in ubuntu terms, you are not up to date in reality, you are probably stable though. However I am up to date in real terms and stable02:47
jeffMASTERflexbruenig: everything is way behind until it is re-released. unless it's a rolling distro like arch02:47
_Oz_Impossible, bruenig.  You are essentially running alpha...  very dangerous.02:47
speeddemon8803I have a question, isnt ubuntu supported for 5 years on the server side?02:47
soulburnerim trying to view an XML file 'its a media server config' what browser/program do i need to view this with?02:48
soulburnerer well an xml address02:48
Trey_speeddemon8803: lts is, not sure about regular02:48
bruenig_Oz_: I do not use any development software, you are behind even with respect to final releases02:48
faileasspeeddemon8803: LTS is02:48
Jangarispeeddemon8803: i think 6.06 is supported until '1102:48
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: any text editor02:48
nasamothanks Trey02:48
speeddemon8803well, thats great because im running 6.06..on my server :)02:48
_Oz_bruenig: I am not.  Do not be absurd.02:48
bruenig_Oz_: for instance you are on .22, the kernel is on .24, you are behind two kernel versions. .24 is not alpha, it is as final as .22 was when it got installed02:48
soulburnerjeffMASTERflex, well i have to view the file by going to a lan addy02:48
soulburneri dont know exactly where the file itseslf is located02:49
soulburneryou're supposed to go to the localip:7000 and configure the server02:49
_Oz_We are talking OS releases, bruenig, not kernel releases.  You are not stable, sir, and I urge you to rethink your ways.02:49
speeddemon8803Have we not drilled this discussion to the ground yet?02:49
soulburnerbut when i use firefox it just spits out a bunch of stuff doesnt really show anything02:49
faileasspeeddemon8803: if your running a server that needs to be up all the time for the next 5 years, LTS is better ;p02:49
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: navigate to it with firefox, it can open xml files, then edit the file with a text editor when you get the location02:49
soulburnerjeffMASTERflex,  ok ill try that, thanks02:49
bruenig_Oz_: see you continue to try to confuse the issue by asserting just blankly that you are up to date, I have already conceded that within the ubuntu world you are up to date, but that the ubuntu world is itself behind, meaning that in absolute terms you are behind02:49
optxcan somebody please tell me how to fix this ubuntu-vistaloader problem ??02:50
prince_jammyscarefully crafted statements that invite endless arguments02:50
_Oz_In absolute and relative terms, gutsy is the latest and greatest, and that is the final word, bruenig.02:50
Daisuke_Idohi!  i did something dumb.02:50
mbrushoh man02:50
danbhfiveoptx: whats the problem?02:50
faileasbruenig: just curious, what distro do you use?02:50
karllenzhow bout a good media play armoke?02:50
bruenigfaileas: arch right now, I used ubuntu for quite a long time though, the release cycle annoyed me though02:50
speeddemon8803Ok, im not an op here, but cmon, we have drilled the issue over versions of ubuntu in the ground....past the point of no return and its flipped in its grave ;)02:50
prince_jammyshow to troll 10102:50
Daisuke_Idonot particularly dumb, just wrong.  i copied all my settings and such from my old install to this one02:51
jeffMASTERflex_Oz_: nah man, gutsy IS pretty behind. other distros are indeed ahead and stable, but that's due to the natural release cycle of ubuntu02:51
=== ActiveOne is now known as IdleOne
bruenigit takes quite a long time to realize how obnoxious it is seeing as it takes 6 months for it to happen02:51
PriceChild!offtopic | jeffMASTERflex02:51
ubotujeffMASTERflex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:51
optxdanbhfive,  i've tested some tips, but none gave me to option to boot into ubuntu without the super-grub cd :(02:51
Daisuke_Idonow i just need to replace all instances of my old username with my new one02:51
Daisuke_Idolike, say, for f-spot02:51
bluefoxx_ok, so i have my second computer online via a modem, however now my main appears to be not connecting. this may be because my net is slow[30kb/s] so i was wondering, is there a configuration tool for limiting a computer's internet speed? say i wnat to drop it from 30kb/s to 10kb/s?[this is for net only, other one needs torrents, downloads and more bandwidth than this one]02:51
AtomicSparkdid i miss some ubuntu bashing?02:51
danbhfiveoptx: have you gotten the fixgrub tip?02:51
conundrumanyone in the easteren us watching the eclipse?02:51
JangariDaisuke_Ido: easier to change your current username to the old one02:51
PriceChild!offtopic > AtomicSpark (see the pm from ubotu)02:52
bruenigAtomicSpark: not bashing, just clarifying to those who think that it is up to date02:52
Trey_conundrum: yea, it's pretty cool02:52
optxnope ? whats that danbhfive02:52
caneif your sound card goes missing how can you get it back02:52
PendetaI'm wanting to set up a mail server using Postfix. I'm confused concerning the type of internet connection. What is needed and what should I beware of? I am in Indonesia, and our web host's mail server in the USA is not letting me send email, so I'm trying to get away from the restrictions. No, I'm not a spammer.02:52
PriceChildcane, are you sitting on it?02:52
Trey_cane: missing?02:52
frank23conundrum: there is an eclipse?02:52
Daisuke_IdoJangari: then i have the joy of changing all of the stuff using the new username to the old one :)02:53
conundrumfrank23: yes02:53
Jangaricane: try looking in your shoes02:53
Trey_frank23: total lunar02:53
danbhfivethere really needs to be a webpage explaining exactly how uptodate ubuntu is, because I have seen several people, including myself, misunderstand it.  Is there one already?02:53
Jangariwhen i lose something it usually turns up in my shoes02:53
two_bitsconundrum: is that why I can't see the moon right now?02:53
faileasPendeta: i assume your ISP knows you're running a mail server? lots of them block it02:53
Daisuke_Idoconundrum: i've been watching and taking pictures, hence how i found out about this issue with f-spot :D02:53
danbhfive!fixgrub | optx02:53
ubotuoptx: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:53
conundrumtwo_bits: probably02:53
canei was tring to fix the issue of the speakers playing while the headphones were hooked up and now no sound and no device02:53
JangariDaisuke_Ido: you should probably have been a bit cleverer about copying everything across to a new hard drive02:53
_Oz_jeffMASTERflex: I don't care about other distros.  This is an ubuntu-centric discussion.02:53
jeffMASTERflexdanbhfive: ubuntu is updated every six months. every april and october of every year02:53
conundrumdiasuki_ido: cool02:54
frank23conundrum: thanks. gonna go outside now ;)02:54
Daisuke_IdoJangari: and that's why i said "i did something dumb" :)02:54
PriceChilddanbhfive, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases02:54
EADG... not gonna be intenslly red as last August, but still a good show.02:54
Pendetafaileas, not yet. I guess I'll need to talk to them first.02:54
conundrumfrank23: no prob02:54
AtomicSparkjeffMASTERflex: is that LTS releases or every release?02:54
iceswordanyone use virtualbox to run uphuck successfully02:54
jeffMASTERflexAtomicSpark: every release. LTS releases are every 2 years i believe02:54
conundrumnext eclipse = 2010 december02:54
Daisuke_IdoEADG: not only that, saturn and a star (regulus?) are clearly visible right by the moon02:54
canedarn intel hd sound cards02:54
Jangariperhaps, just perhaps, Daisuke_Ido, if you change your username, all instances of that username will change to a new one, which if it allows it to be the same as another username, might, just might, conflate the two02:54
PriceChild!intel_hda | cane02:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel_hda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:55
speeddemon8803jeff, not exactly every april and october because june of 06 we had a release ;)02:55
AtomicSparkjeffMASTERflex: well i am excited for the next one. :D02:55
conundrumdiasuki_ido: correct02:55
iceswordanyone use virtualbox to run uphuck successfully02:55
Dr_willisDaisuke_Ido,  its *#$&@&@ cold outside here.. :) but i drug the wife outside anyway to show her.02:55
PriceChildcane, there's a help page for those... lemme find it02:55
canePriceChild, yes you are right02:55
Flannelspeeddemon8803: June of 06 was a fluke, it should be every april/october02:55
PriceChild!intelhda | cane02:55
ubotucane: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:55
EADGDaisuke_Ido: I thought it was Mars and Venus. Time to re-install Stellarium.02:55
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis: yeah, my fiancee's at work, but she's seeing the show too02:55
canePriceChild, ive read the help pages02:55
speeddemon8803ah, so i got a release that shouldnt have been?02:55
bruenigdanbhfive: new releases create the illusion of updates which is probably where the misunderstading comes in02:55
iceswordanyone use virtualbox to run uphuck successfully02:55
* speeddemon8803 archives this cd forever and keeps it never to be given away02:56
bluefoxx_ok, so now one computer connects but the other won't02:56
canePriceChild, none of them have led me to finding the device again02:56
Flannelspeeddemon8803: It was delayed for two months, for some reasonable reasons.  Dapper was suppoesd to be 6.0402:56
bluefoxx_help please?02:56
PriceChildspeeddemon8803, no. Extra tiems was spent on its development to make it better.02:56
canePriceChild, perhaps a mod prob?02:56
AnonConokay, I've tried and I can not figure out my resolution issues02:56
speeddemon8803sweet :)02:56
bluefoxx_brb[reseting modem]02:56
AnonConI don't get why it worked, and now it doesn't02:56
AnonConnothing changed02:56
l7_hey, does anyone know how well the aluminum imacs work with ubuntu and compiz?02:56
AnonConbut my resolution won't go about 800x600 now02:56
AnonConany ideas?02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uphuck - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:57
_Oz_l7: well, obviously, the composition of the laptop frame has nothing to do with how well ubuntu runs on it.02:57
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.02:57
AnonConlol @ oz02:57
EADGDaisuke_Ido: 28Mb to d/l & install before I can fire up the night sky....02:57
Trey_l7_: fine, just check the wiki for how to install with boot camp02:57
AnonConso, anyone?02:57
Jangarii was hoping ubotu would say "sorry i don't know anything about women"02:57
jeffMASTERflexAnonCon: have you tried reconfiguring your xorg.conf?02:58
icesword:(,i will stop it02:58
canewhats the command to search for devices02:58
AnonConno, could you please elaborate?02:58
speeddemon8803Jangari, please dont do that in open, if you must "play" with the bot do it in private by typing /msg ubotu command :)02:58
_Oz_ubuntu runs well on a plastic laptop, an aluminum laptop, even a laptop made of... peanut butter!02:58
hw00djohni have something in my Home Folder called "Nautilus-Debug-log.txt" anyone know what it is?02:58
jeffMASTERflexAnonCon: in a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"02:58
Daisuke_IdoEADG: i'm installing it myself - i wasn't even aware there was a good piece of software like that for linux :D02:58
Jangarihaha, yes speeddemon880302:58
l7_Trey_: which pages would you check?02:59
icesword_Oz_, ubuntu runs fast in my mobile phone02:59
jeffMASTERflexAnonCon: then just input the information is asks of you02:59
speeddemon8803Jangari, that way we have more room for support and not just users trying to figure out commands for ubotu :)02:59
l7_Trey_: there's a lot of documentation on the macbook, but not much for the imac02:59
wsysvnwho had set up  Voip services on Ubuntu ?02:59
l7_the last documented imac seems to be from several years ago02:59
AnonConthank you, going to try that now02:59
EADGhw00djohn: open a terminal and have a look inside... "less Nautilus-D" tab to have a peek.03:00
Jangarii think the newer range of n series nokia mobiles runs on an operating system based on ubuntu03:00
wsysvnif anyone had set up successfully Voip over Ubuntu, plz shared & talk with me03:00
Jangariwsysvn: you can get skype03:00
speeddemon8803i know my ipod runs linux :)03:00
Trey_I7_: the boot camp method is the same for the Santa Rosa iMacs, and unless you are using wifi, most everything else works "out of the box"03:00
iceswordJangari, really03:00
Jangarirockbox, speeddemon8803?03:00
speeddemon8803Yup :)03:00
speeddemon8803I havent gone back to ipods proprietary stuff since i went to rockbox...03:00
Jangariyeah, is the video supported with a stable build yet? 5.5g?03:00
hw00djohneadg how do i do that?03:01
Trey_l7: of course, there are some quirks, such as the iSight and right-clicking, which can be resolved via clever googling03:01
ObsidianXwhat  package provides the man pages for the standard c libraries?03:01
kidemubuntu doesnt like 8800GTS 512 g92 card :(03:01
speeddemon8803I dont know jangari, as i have a nano :)03:01
AnonConI did that..then selected resolutions I wish to be able to use, then it finished, but nothing happened..did I need to do something different?03:01
AnonConIt's just weird that it worked upon installation, but not today?03:01
l7_Trey_: yeah i've been googling the ATI video cards and ubuntu, but i'm getting confusing results03:01
Ithappenshow would i check for problems with a sudden loss of sound?03:01
AtomicSparkkidem: support will always lag a little. you cant expect a card that was just released to have full support.03:01
icesword!ubuntu moblie phone03:01
karllenzhow do u install screenlets??03:01
wsysvni wana set up Voip system for my company using03:01
Jangarigoogle it, icesword03:01
karllenzfrom gnome look.org03:01
icesword!ubuntu moblie phone03:02
l7_the imac is unique since they have ATI cards... i really wish apple went with nvidia :\03:02
jeffMASTERflexkidem: you can wait for the next stable release in april to provide the new nvidia drivers that support your card03:02
Flannel!fishing | icesword03:02
ubotuicesword: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:02
karllenznew macs have nvidia cards03:02
iceswordJangari, what keyword should i use03:02
karllenzmacbook pros that is03:02
jeffMASTERflexkidem: or of course, you can try to install them yourself directly from nvidia, but that is not officially supported03:02
kidemi used ENVY which it installed it but the resolution jsut wasnt right, the toolbars were off the screen no matter what i ppicked03:02
prince_jammysicesword just type /msg #ubotu03:02
speeddemon8803without the # in ubotu icesword03:02
EADGhw00djohn: open a terminal, find it under Accessories -> Terminal. Then type "less Nautilus-D" tab key. (tab auto completes the file name :)03:02
AnonConI really need some resolution help if someone is willing.03:03
iceswordya,who should i listen to03:03
prince_jammysicesword: there's a database there for you to look at03:03
speeddemon8803sorry to correct you prince, was just trying to correct before we had a confused user :)03:03
canelsmod --help03:03
kidemAnonCon - i jsut spent an hour trying to get resolution to work right no luck03:03
EADGhw00djohn: or, just click/double click on the file name in Nautalis to open it in doc viewer.03:03
WasneyI need some help...it seems someone in my family crashed my laptop while ubuntu was doing something...now I cant boot grub or ubuntu, and all a boot disk can get in windows running03:03
DezineI just install gimpshop, via a deb I found online, and I can't see to figure out how to open it. It's not in the menu. How can I find it? I searched my system but can't find it.03:03
prince_jammysspeeddemon8803: no prob03:03
iceswordJangari, what keyword should i use03:03
AnonConkidem: did yours work for a day, then quit working with no provocation?03:03
AtomicSpark!envy | kidem03:04
ubotukidem: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:04
kidemi dont know if its im in HDTV plus the 8800 or what, but its did jsut come out hmmmm03:04
Jangariit's on wikipedia, i think, icesword03:04
hw00djohnEADG i see what it is.. i need to know if it's bad, and if so, how to fix it03:04
Jangarihang on03:04
jeffMASTERflexDezine: try hitting alt + f2 then typing gimpshop03:04
wsysvn<Wasney> I need some help...it seems someone in my family crashed my laptop while ubuntu was doing something...now I cant boot grub or ubuntu, and all a boot disk can get in windows running---> you must reinstall Grub03:04
Trey_member:l7_: older MacBook Pros have ATI cards, try this wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro, it has a video section with some suggestions and several links03:04
Jangariit's not bad, hw00djohn03:04
Daisuke_IdoEADG: okay, stellarium is awesome.03:04
EADGhw00djohn: oh.. hehe. Sec.03:04
DezineDoesn't open it jeffMASTERflex. Should I uninstall and try to compile it?03:04
Flannel!grub | wsysvn03:04
ubotuwsysvn: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:04
DezineFrom source that is03:04
Flannelwsysvn: first link talks about reinstalling grub03:04
kidemAnonCon   no i jsut installed ubuntu new system03:05
jeffMASTERflexDezine: or in a terminal you can type "whereis gimpshop"03:05
nanbudhguys would gnome and kde work well as parallel installs?03:05
Jangarinotice icesword http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maemo03:05
speeddemon8803Can I ask why a grub floppy would be useful on a computer with no floppy drive, but just a cd-rom?03:05
prince_jammysnanbudh: yes03:05
Jangarisorry, forgot the /03:05
Trey_Daisuke_Ido: Indeed03:05
AnonConI just installed yesterday, and it worked fine last night, not today though..any ideas?03:05
iceswordJangari, yeah thx03:05
AnonCon*the resolution03:05
Wasneywsysvn - I have the super grub disk, but I cant get it to re install...I followed the sites guide and no luck03:05
DezineIt replies, gimpshop:03:05
Flannelnanbudh: don't do parallel installs, just install them both.  (install ubuntu then install the kubuntu-desktop package, or install kubntu then install the ubuntu-desktop package)03:05
kidemno my brain is squishy now :P03:05
jeffMASTERflexDezine: try "which gimpshop"03:06
woodwizzleAt work I have access to a Windows XP machine. I would like to be able to access my home PC from that machine if I want to transfer files. Start downloads, etc. What do I need to do that?03:06
EADGhw00djohn: Junk. Don't need. It's not sys critical. Delete or keep it... it's really small, and I can't see it growing...03:06
kidemim been trying to get mine to work using different drivers etc03:06
nanbudhFlannel: okay, thats what i was planning. is there any other way too?03:06
prince_jammysnanbudh: when you install the second one, you will have many apps in both menus (kde and gnome).. you can edit the menus and seperate menus for each. other than that, everything works fine03:06
Dezinenothing happened03:06
Jangariwoodwizzle: probably better asked in #windows03:06
macogwwoodwizzle: your home pc runs ubuntu?03:06
nanbudhprince_jammys: thanks03:06
Trey_woodwizzle: search google for VNC03:06
Jangarithough vnc viewer might work03:06
caneno sound device can someone help03:06
EADGDaisuke_Ido: What are the stars? I'm googling my lat/long atm03:06
jeffMASTERflexDezine: it didn't install correctly then. there is no executable for it03:06
Flannelnanbudh: Those are the only sane ways, but this is linux after all, you can do it probably a thousand different ways03:06
AnonConI didn't change a thing with the resolution settings, or drivers...i am stumpued03:06
prince_jammysnanbudh: *have separate menus for each03:06
woodwizzleYeah I'm running 7.10 at home03:06
macogwwoodwizzle: if you install openssh-server on the ubuntu one, you can use WinSCP to SFTP into your home box and transfer files03:07
EADGDaisuke_Ido: err, I mean planets.03:07
DezineAlight, thanks for the tips they'll be useful03:07
woodwizzleI know I could SSH in but I'd prefer some graphical interface03:07
kidemi gave up for the night.... will try tommmorow03:07
macogwwoodwizzle: WinSCP has a graphical interface03:07
Trey_woodwizzle: there are SSH GUI frontends03:07
G1015I'm using CD/DVD creator to burn 4 gigabytes of files to a dvd from an external USB 2.0 hard drive... and the estimated time to do so is 1 hour 14 minutes at full speed... is there a reason for it taking so long?03:07
macogwwoodwizzle: it lets you click through the directories and grab a file then I think you hit an arrow button to send it to the other comp, but it might be drag & drop03:08
iceswordJangari, cannot open it,maybe it refused my ip03:08
rraajjWhere are gutsy's old kernels located? It seems that after I upgraded to the latest kernel, the previous kernels are being wiped out. I really needed to test an old kernel. Does anyone have any clue where they can be installed again?03:08
jmazaredocan anyone point me to a dual gateway03:08
kidemu know what really sucks is all the menus at the login the wors are un readable....cant even see my username typed in03:08
AnonConI can still see in 800X60003:08
macogwG1015: 1) USB isn't very fasts 2) burning things at a slow speed helps ensure the data's integrity...otherwise you get a coaster03:08
kidemi can see once im in...at that too03:08
woodwizzlemacogw: I mean I would like access to my X server so I can edit settings in my GUI programs03:08
Jordan_Uwoodwizzle, ssh -X03:09
jeffMASTERflexkidem: what kind of video card do you have?03:09
macogwwoodwizzle: oh.  umm if you install Cygwin on Windows it puts an X server on Windows so then you can use ssh -X to forward the X apps over ssh to the windows box03:09
macogwwoodwizzle: other than that, what they said about VNC03:09
kidemeBGA 8800GTS 512 G92\03:09
woodwizzleJordan_U: That'll work from a windows machine? I didn't know that.03:09
Jordan_Uwoodwizzle, ssh -C -X to compress ( may help speed )03:09
G1015macogw, but 1 hour and 14 minutes? Does that not sound a little long for burning anything?03:09
Jordan_Uwoodwizzle, If you have a windows version of X11 installed03:10
jeffMASTERflexkidem: you need the new nvidia drivers for proper support. all envy does is tear a new one into your system and is never recommended03:10
woodwizzleJordan_U: ah, i getcha.03:10
kidemwell i seen envy go get the new drivers 169.03:10
ph0rensicwhats the command to open the emerald theme manager from the command line?03:10
macogwG1015: ummm well i usually burn CDs at 2x and that takes about 15-20 minutes, I guess03:10
Rev_Slid3rhey folx ... anyone ever hit the glitch where you hit backspace and hold it down ... and it does not repeat?03:10
Rev_Slid3rlike just one backspace per press03:10
credibleph0rensic: emerald-theme-manager03:10
macogwph0rensic: if you just type em then hit the tab key twice, itll list all possible commands that start with em03:11
Azodonlunar eclips03:11
macogwG1015: CDs are a lot smaller than DVDs03:11
ph0rensiccredible, thanks you03:11
AnonConha..figured it out, and it only took an hour03:11
ph0rensicmacogw, thanks bro03:11
G1015macogw: It's just strange it use to take me around 10-15 minutes to burn a dvd03:11
macogwph0rensic: girl03:11
ph0rensicmacogw, Pardon me03:12
macogwG1015: check your burn speed settings03:12
macogwG1015: and the USB transfer speed could be factoring in...that can really take a while03:12
NativeAngelshow can u check what ports are bein used please03:12
NativeAngelson a linux shell03:12
Trey_NativeAngels: you mean like this http://dir.filewatcher.com/d/Ubuntu/i386/net/doscan_0.2.9-1_i386.deb.62718.html03:13
NativeAngelsno from the kernal03:13
G1015macogw, I think the problem is it's copying the files to the folder... which takes more time.. and then it burns from there... If it burned directly from the hard drive without copying it would probably be faster but I don't know how to make it do that03:13
NativeAngelsis there a command to list what ports are being used03:14
macogwG1015: what directory is it copying to?03:14
prince_jammysNativeAngels: netstat -a    i think03:14
luca_I'm trying to install ubuntu from an USB drive03:14
luca_I've followed this instructions: http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Install_from_USB_drive03:14
G1015macogw, CD/DVD creator03:14
macogwNativeAngels: from the kernel??  you can see your firewall (iptables...it's in the kernel) config like this: sudo iptables -L03:14
EADGNativeAngels: netstat -tup might help... not sure though.03:14
luca_but I'm getting a "/linuxrc: not found" error and then a kernel panic03:15
macogwG1015: the Nautilus one?  yep, that'd slow ya down.  you could just use something else for burning.  I like GnomeBaker, but others recommend Brasero on GNOME or K3B on KDE03:15
soulburnerwhat are those little things you can add to the desktop to view system resources?03:15
soulburnercpu proc/load/mem info03:15
macogwG1015: K3B is probably the one with the most configuration options since it's from KDE, but it can be used on GNOME just fne03:15
macogwsoulburner: conky?03:15
G1015macogw, cool I'll give one of those a try.. I thought it would be cool to just use what came installed in ubuntu without having to install anything else but thats cool03:16
soulburnermacogw,  perhaps let me search that and see03:16
macogwsoulburner: gkrellm?03:16
soulburneryes gkrellm03:16
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: conky, but you can also use a system info applet on your panel03:16
soulburneri remember using that a long time ago03:16
macogwsoulburner: thats what i use03:16
soulburnerjeffMASTERflex, can it be made to be transparent and always shown on the destop?03:16
luca_I looked at the initrd.gz and the linuxrc is missing there is a "init" script though, but I changed syslinux.cfg to use that and I get a new error: mount: Mounting none on /proc failed: Device or resource busy03:16
luca_any ideas?03:16
Trey_luca_: I'm not sure what directions you used, but I know the ones at pendrivelinux.com work, you may want to see if there are any obvious differences that may screw things up, or just try the ones on the site.03:16
soulburnermacogw, gkrellm?03:16
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: i think you are looking for conky. gkrellm is atrocious03:16
AnonConQuick question...what program should a budding C++ user look for?03:16
soulburnerah ok03:16
EADGNativeAngels: install iftop if you want to watch connections and ports r/t.03:16
icanhasadminanyone familiar with dsdts?03:16
macogwsoulburner: yes, thats what i use.  as far as transparent goes though...do you want something like the widgets on the OSX Dashboard?  Screenlets is the closest thing to that03:17
AnonConwanting to write some code03:17
luca_Trey_: I'll take a look to that, thanks03:17
macogwAnonCon: a text editor?03:17
soulburnerok ill check out conky first03:17
prince_jammysAnonCon: you mean text editor?03:17
Trey_AnonCon: I just go with a text editor03:17
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: conky does transparancy and it can be customized and embedded on your desktop03:17
Trey_AnonCon: Ed is the standard :P03:17
AnonConmacogw: hmmm...I thought i needed a compiler03:17
prince_jammys!editors | AnonCon03:17
ubotuAnonCon: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code03:17
AnonConif I am wrong please enlighten me03:17
prince_jammys!compile | AnonCon03:18
ubotuAnonCon: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:18
macogwAnonCon: if you install build-essential, gcc and all the other compilers will be installed03:18
G1015macogw,  do you prefer GnomeBaker or Bresero?03:18
macogwG1015: gnomebaker03:18
jeffMASTERflexAnonCon: you basically need a text editor and install build-essential . that's basically it03:18
soulburnermacogw, conky can be visable on the desktop at all times yes?03:18
G1015macogw,  K thanks man for the help sorry for all the questions03:18
kidemanyone familiar with AHCI?03:18
macogwsoulburner: conky sort of stays embedded in your desktop...so it looks like its right on the wallpaper03:18
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: yes it can. but last i remember it had problems being used in tandem with compiz. not sure if that's been resolved ot not03:18
soulburnerahhh ok thats what i wanted03:19
soulburnerjeffMASTERflex,  ok, ill check it out03:19
tquocvu_anyone in VietNam ?03:19
G1015G1015,  test03:19
soulburnerhopefully i dont have any problems03:19
tquocvu_anyone Vietnamese using Ubuntu ?03:19
CVD-PRHow to remove a non empty folder?03:19
DocfxitHas anyone used autocutsel successfully?03:19
macogwtquocvu_: do you need help in vietnamese?03:19
jeffMASTERflexCVD-PR: rm -rf folder03:20
AnonConso.. do I download the dpkg-dev?03:20
Trey_CVD-PR: or rmdir (directory)03:20
prince_jammysmust be empty03:21
AnonConI use microsoft stuff at school03:21
Jangarior, CVD-PR rm folder/*, then rmdir folder03:21
soulburnermac, where do i start conky from? ive installed it now03:21
Trey_otherwise as jeffMASTERflex said03:21
AnonConso I am a little confused03:21
jeffMASTERflexAnonCon: installing the package build-essential will install everything you need to get started with C or C++03:21
tquocvu_<macogw> yes, i have problems when using ubuntu in vietnamese03:21
macogwsoulburner: dont know, but id suggest checking ubuntuforums.org for sample configuration files03:22
NativeAngelsdont know if im aloud to paste in here03:22
taerJust got a MX Revolution at work. HATE it. the middle mouse button seems to be SW driven.. Was needing new mouse for home. Anyone have a logitech G5 or G9? Does the middle click actually work?03:22
NativeAngelsbut what does this mean03:22
Jangari!pastebin | NativeAngels03:22
macogwAnonCon: just do "sudo apt-get install build-essential" and youll have your compilers03:22
NativeAngelsError binding stream socket to IP port 806703:22
ubotuNativeAngels: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:22
Jangarioh, one line is fine03:22
AnonConhow do I find that package?03:22
TrustNoOnetaer, just call logitech, i had some problems with revolution and they sent me a new one and it works great03:22
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: conky is customized through a .conkyrc file. it's a little complicated. might want to search around online for others to get a feel for it03:22
rraajjDid Gutsy use the 2.6.22 kernel line from the beginning?03:22
macogwAnonCon: then you need a text editor in which to type the code. i use vim, which is a command line text editor. if you're used to Visual Studio, you'd probably prefer to install Eclipse and the C++ plugins03:22
macogwAnonCon: itll just download it from the internet and install it all at once03:23
lab_ratsoulburner: TYPE CONKY IN CONSOLE03:23
JangariAnonCon: just put what's between the quotes into a terminal and hit enter, that's it03:23
NativeAngelsis there a way of clearin a port if its being used03:23
taerTrustNoOne: Normal X config? Or did you have to change to the evdev driver?03:23
NativeAngelsfrom the kernal03:23
lab_ratsorry 4 da caps lock03:23
taerTrustNoOne: left/right pastes, but thats annoying.03:23
AnonConman, I don't want to sound dense, but I am totally confused03:23
AnonConI don't mean "man" in the literal sense03:24
TrustNoOnetaer, just normal configuration, but i called their tech support and they just ended up sending me a brand new revolution mouse (i had to send the old one back though)03:24
* lab_rat is sleepy...03:24
CVD-PRHey i have an AMD64 1.8ghz, i changed the cpu-clock from 200mhz to 255mhz in the bios, now i have a 2.95ghz. Can i keep this settings or go back to the defaults?03:24
bazhangAnonCon: confused about what--please clarify03:24
macogwAnonCon: if you just type "sudo apt-get install build-essential" without quotes in the terminal, everything you need to compile code will download & instsall03:24
JangariAnonCon: open a terminal, then type this into it: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"03:24
taerTrustNoOne: thx.03:24
prince_jammysAnonCon: are you confused about how things are installed?03:24
NativeAngelshow do u list all processes in linux03:24
jeffMASTERflexAnonCon: "sudo apt-get install build-essential" that's it. then you type your code in an IDE or text editor. you can use eclipse, geany, vim, emacs, w/e you want to type it in03:24
musikgoatNativeAngels: ps -aux03:25
SpudDoggI'm getting an error when I run 'grub-install --no-floppy /dev/sda' which reads 'The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly'  Any ideas anyone?03:25
Jangariit does the rest for you (all you have to do is put in your password when it asks you)03:25
njolCVD-PR: try until 4 ghz is reached03:25
lab_ratNativeAngels: type in console top or htop03:25
riloso what's the deal with Ubuntu and Azureus03:25
CVD-PR255mhz is the max03:25
bazhanghtop has to be installed though03:25
TrustNoOnerilo,  what do you mean?03:25
iceswordtop -A > top.txt03:25
macogwrilo: what about it?03:25
bazhangrilo what is the issue03:25
CVD-PRi goma have problem if i keep that setting?03:25
lab_ratbazhang: true :]03:25
AnonConahhh...progress..finally...I understand a little03:26
riloapt-get only pulls
Jangariinstalling programs in ubuntu is exceedingly simple, AnonCon03:26
bazhangrilo try transmission--the default for the next version of Ubuntu, Hardy Heron 8.0403:26
TrustNoOnerilo, if you are wanting vuze, you can get it from their site03:26
soulburnerlab_rat i mean opening it as a daemon03:26
EADGNativeAngels: Htop is prefered... it's nice :) Anouther way is ps -e |less, and pstree |less.03:26
njolCVD-PR: not at all, just make sure you have money to buy new harware03:26
soulburnerso i dont have to keep a terminal open03:26
faileasapparently there's a ubuntu varient designed for VMs ;p03:26
jeffMASTERflexrilo: azureus now contains a non free component, so it's possible that they won't be packaging newer versions, but don't quote me on that03:27
macogwAnonCon: you can also install build-essential from system -> admin -> synaptic package manager (on gnome....it's called Adept and I don't know where it hides on KDE), but copying and pasting the commands we give you is faster than hunting down the package in the GUI :p03:27
CVD-PRhow to check the temperature from linux?03:27
riloTrustNoOne: yea, I just wanted it to be clean03:27
macogwsoulburner: if you type: nohup <command> &03:27
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: try alt + F2 then typing conky03:27
taerTrustNoOne: Sorry, forgot. What distro?03:27
penis miro better than azureus?03:27
macogwsoulburner: you can close the terminal then03:27
EADGCVD-PR: apci -V iirc03:27
rilojeffMASTERflex: yea, I figured that was the problem. I run the classic interface anyway, but yea.03:27
bazhangpen pretty much a whole different thing03:27
soulburnerahhhhh you are all great men!, thank you03:27
soulburnerjeff thanks i done that03:27
PriceChild!best | pen03:27
ubotupen: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.03:27
soulburnermac thanks for the suggestion on conky03:27
soulburneri like it03:28
CVD-PREADG, command not found03:28
macogwsoulburner: nohup means "no hang up" so when you close the terminal it doesnt close the program, and the & backgrounds the task so you get back to a prompt and can close the terminal03:28
TrustNoOnerilo, most private sites allow you to use azureus if it is past version, but transmission is also becoming more popular and more widely used and most private and public trackers allow that client as well03:28
yurimxpxmanhow do you redirect standard output to two files?03:28
EADGCVD-PR: I stand corrected.. acpi -V03:28
CyDcan I reconfigure an ubuntu install without re-installing when moving to new hardware?03:28
prince_jammysyurimxpxman: tee, probably03:28
CVD-PRsame thing03:28
pengot it03:28
EADGCVD-PR: hmm.03:28
JangariCyD: you could migrate your current installation to your new hardware03:28
bazhangpen miro is largely a rss scraper that also has a torrent engine, others such as azureus are only torrent clients03:28
soulburnerohhhhhhhhhh ok03:28
soulburnerthanks mac, im new back to linux havent used it in a few years03:29
soulburnerso i really appreciate the help03:29
penthen I'm sorry I asked the wrong question03:29
ryakufoxCan someone help? I think I'm missing something...I tried to sh something, but this is all I got. "cat: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/build/include/linux/version-*.h: No such file or directory"03:29
TrustNoOneanyone know a good site to get some cool bootloading screens in higher resolution?03:29
penhow about mutorrent and azerues?03:29
riloTrustNoOne: yea, I just like Azureus. So my question is, how can I install the newest Azureus cleanly? I know how to get it running, but as far as doing it "properly" I'm not exactly sure03:29
CyDJangari: i was wondering if dpkg -reconfigure kernel or some such might be enough03:29
faileaspen: utorrent runs fine in wine03:29
Trey_TrustNoOne: there is always GNOMEart03:29
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: if you want to start up conky when you log in, add it to your System/Preferences/Sessions03:29
EADGCVD-PR: well, lets install acpi. sudo apt-get install acpi.03:29
macogwsoulburner: np  that's something even a lot of experienced users probably dont know about... one of the other UF mods was all "omg seriously??" when i told him that on the phone :p03:29
penfull functional?03:30
bazhangpen this is not really a chat channel; there are several sites that rate the various torrent clients03:30
prince_jammys!themes | TrustNoOne try here03:30
ubotuTrustNoOne try here: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:30
CyDJangari: or is there some sort of migration tool?03:30
TrustNoOnerilo,  there are instructions when you download azureus, it is a deb package I believe so it should install itself, personally I had a problem getting the new azureus running (it would crash on startup) so I am just using 2.5 version as most of my private trackers allow that client and its pretty much the same thing as the newer version minux a few extra's03:30
soulburneris ther ea way to change where its at on the desktop03:30
soulburnerwhere is the conf file located for this?03:30
macogwryakufox: the script you ran is looking for a file that doesnt exist03:30
jeffMASTERflexsoulburner: .conkyrc it's a hidden file in your home directory03:31
geniusHello everyone, please help, how to enable external monitor?03:31
macogwsoulburner: ~/.conkyrc03:31
ryakufoxmacogw: Any clue what it is?03:31
macogwsoulburner: ~ means your home directory, and . makes the file hidden03:31
soulburnerok great, ill have to look around through search engines for config helping03:31
riloTrustNoOne: so I just toss the .deb in /home/rilo and install it03:31
Jangarihay macogw, that's quite a nice command, i might employ that when initiating huge jobs over a ssh connection, i could initiate them, then close the terminal and shutdown, groovy03:31
soulburnerahhhhhh ok03:31
bazhanggenius dvi vga or what--plugging it in would be a good first step03:31
macogwsoulburner: check on ubuntuforums.  there's a thread called something like "show us your conkyrc" and so its full of screenshots with config files03:31
Trey_genius: did you try the monitor conf tool in the preferences panel (if you use GNOME)?03:31
Jangarii don't know, CyD, there are plenty of ways03:31
riloTrustNoOne: I know using Synaptic it will set it up in /usr/bin/03:31
soulburnerokay sweeet03:32
CyDok thanks Jangari03:32
JangariCyD: what's the new hardware?03:32
geniusI use Gnome, i've tryed monitor conf tool. But it does not help. I have notebook03:32
macogwryakufox: itd be the one that's listed before "no such file or directory" :P03:32
pendo anyone know why fullscreen any window ubuntu will become weird?03:32
Jangarithat's not very descriptive, pen03:33
penlike firefox or games or apps03:33
serachtHow do I remove the bottom bar in ubuntu03:33
serachtI have AWN installed and want to remove that one03:33
penfor example03:33
NativeAngelshow do u kill all processes in linux03:33
geniusIt was not easy on OpenSUSE. Looks like it is harder here too03:33
Jangariseracht: right-click it and hti delete this panel03:33
jeffMASTERflexNativeAngels: in a terminal type killall process03:33
macogwryakufox: actually, looking at my system, it's called version.h not version-something.h03:33
nickrudseracht: right click it, and select delete03:33
penfirefox will flicker when fullscreen, games fullscreen will do a hard crash, other apps will just plain crash and freezes03:33
macogwryakufox: so if you edit the file and change that line to point to version.h it might work03:33
riloTrustNoOne: well, Azureus gives you a tarball, but apparently this getdeb.net site has it03:33
prince_jammysNativeAngels: kill PID (process id) . to kill by name, do what jeffMASTERflex said03:34
CyDJangari: moving from nforce2 chipset to nforce4/69003:34
Ububegini dont want to enter sudo command everytime as i have to key the password... how do i log in as root... what is the command03:34
CyDlan usually seems to be a prob in this move03:34
serachtnickrud:  can I add it back easily though?03:34
bazhangpen sounds like a hardware issue fullscreen works fine here03:34
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:34
macogwUbubegin: sudo has a 15 minute timeout set by default03:34
JangariCyD: presumably your install is on a local hard drive?03:34
nickrudseracht: yes, right click another, and select new panel03:34
penbazhang: hardware?03:34
CyDJangari: yep03:34
penbazhang: what do you mean?03:34
bazhangpen specifically video card03:34
Ububeginmacogw: how to increase it to few hours...03:34
Jangarijust keep it then,03:34
Jangarino reinstallation necessary03:35
CyDJangari: just minor things like needing a diff lan driver or such is usually what happens03:35
macogwUbubegin: if you want to keep a terminal open as root, you can make it a root shell with "sudo -s" or "sudo su" (which are like "su") or "sudo -i" or "sudo su -" (which are like "su -" since they go to root's environment)03:35
penbazhang: I use NVIDIA go 760003:35
Ububeginmacogw: or do u know , how to login as the root03:35
penbazhang: is it not supported?03:35
Jangarioh well, CyD, cross those bridges when you come to them03:35
bazhangwhat games pen03:35
karllenzwhat is gtk 2.x?03:35
penbazhang: astromenace03:35
bwaynekarllenz: the gimp tool kit version 203:36
penbazhang: or03:36
macogwkarllenz: the .x, you mean? it means version >=2 but < 303:36
nickrudkarllenz: the libraries that draw the stuff inside the window borders03:36
prince_jammys!gtk | karllenz03:36
ubotukarllenz: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI03:36
penbazhang: Tileracer03:36
Ububeginmacogw: danke, dude03:36
CyDJangari: heh ok was just trying to get a jump start. i've done a few of these upgrades where i just reinstalled in the end03:36
serachtalso with AWN, how do I get more widgets and what not03:36
karllenzhow do i instal gtk2.x themes then ?03:36
bwaynehey macogw.03:36
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:37
macogwkarllenz: get the .tar.gz's off of http://gnome-look.org and drag n drop them into the thing in system -> preferences -> appearance03:37
bazhangpen I have the 7300 (desktop); how does sauerbraten run for you? may be a drivers issue--do you have the full 3d functionality enabled (ie the correct driver for that)?03:37
macogwbwayne: whats up?03:37
penbazhang: that one runs fine03:37
bwaynemacogw: just trying to diagnose a FAH problem.  saw a name I recognized and wanted to say 'howdy'.03:37
penbazhang: 3d acceleration is on03:37
karllenzthanx macogw03:37
cheatersrealmwhat does ubuntu prefer to use for encryption?  I would like to use a file as a virtual drive and encrypt that.03:37
bazhanghttp://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=A_Visual_Install_Guide#Ubuntu check this seracht it may help03:38
penbazhang: I use envy to install driver03:38
DaveyJthis sound problem is driving me nuts03:38
bazhanguhoh envy pen03:38
penbazhang: is it not good?03:38
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:38
prince_jammysubotu to the rescue03:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about to the rescue - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:38
jeffMASTERflexpen: ouch... envy = xorg death03:38
bazhanggenerally reviled around here pen03:38
penjeffMASTERflex: why?03:38
DaveyJi tried restarting alsa03:39
nickrudseracht: http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=Main_Page03:39
DaveyJbut to no avail03:39
karllenzdrag and drop does not seem to work03:39
penbazhang: what what should I do?03:39
jeffMASTERflexpen: because it is unsupported, unstable and tends to do more harm then good03:39
ryakufoxmacogw: I fixed the file error, but now it's saying "Error: could not resolve matching ip-library." You know what might be wrong?03:39
penjeffMASTERflex: really?03:39
bazhanguse the ubuntu way of doing things pen ;]03:39
macogwryakufox: no03:39
penbazhang: O.o03:39
macogwbwayne: oh hello.  i dont know what FAH is, though, so I can't help there03:39
karllenzit says them engine is needed03:40
bazhang!nvidia | pen03:40
ubotupen: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:40
karllenzi need to complie it03:40
macogwkarllenz: which one?03:40
icanhasadminanyone familiar with the SB450 ati sound card issue?03:40
jeffMASTERflexkarllenz: for some themes you need a particualr themeing engine installed. find the ones you need in synaptic03:40
macogwkarllenz: if you install gtk2-engines it should install all of them03:40
YeTr2I'm currently running compiz. is there a way to change the behavior on double clicking the title bar to make it maximize instead of scroll up?03:41
YeTr2I mean roll up03:41
macogwYeTr2: yes, that setting is in ccsm03:41
YeTr2macogw: where?03:41
bazhangpen really good the way ubuntu does it, and they will keep your card uptodate with new kernel updates whereas envy needs to be run again and again and again etc03:41
JouvaI just tried to specify a FULL path to Gnome (or nautilus or whatever is handling it) for a mount point of drive of mine that I wanted to mount in a specific location and now it yells at me for doing so. How can I REMOVE said specified mount point from GNOME?03:41
macogwYeTr2: the settings thiing03:41
macogwYeTr2: compizconfig-settings-manager if you dont have it installed03:41
CVD-PR sensors = 32c, acpi -V = 40c?03:42
macogwYeTr2: it should be either in the general settings or in window manager settings, i think03:42
penbazhang: but then how do I choose what drivers I want to install?03:42
bazhang!ccsm | YeTr203:42
ubotuYeTr2: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:42
nickrudJouva: you'll find it in    gconf-editor (run from the terminal)  , look for storage in the left pane03:42
YeTr2macogw: if you having looked at the configuration options in ccsm recently, it's freaken complex. where in this nice area of 50 something mini menus is it?03:42
soulburnermac, i've mounted another drive but it doesnt configure into conky as the diskspace, do i need to configure the other drive in03:42
soulburnerfor it to show?03:42
nickrudJouva: /system/storage that is03:42
macogwYeTr2: either in General or in Window Management03:42
bazhangpen the restricted driver manager should take care of that for you we can help with reconfiguring x server if need be ;]03:43
macogwYeTr2: i dont have compiz on this computer, so i cant really be exact03:43
Jouvanickrud: Ahh no direct way then eh? That's kinda dumb that they DIDN'T tell the user that it needs to NOT be a full path and then not allow one to back out gracefully03:43
macogwsoulburner: i dont know. i dont use conky, i use gkrellm03:43
penbazhang: but I found out that the current 100 series driver is not for my laptop03:43
soulburnerahhhhh ok03:43
nickrudJouva: been bit by that myself03:43
penbazhang: it's too beta03:43
pentoo bugy03:43
penbazhang: so I downgrade to 90 series03:43
JouvaAlso I don't see it in there03:44
thechitowncubsAnyone know of a way to fix my ext3 partition through windows?03:44
penbazhang: and I remember that NVIDIA changelog says 100 series are for 8xxx cards03:44
nickrudJouva: it will be under /system/storage/_org_fredesktop -etc03:44
mjw-thechitowncubs boot with a livecd and check it from there03:44
Jouvanickrud: I see default options for various file sysytems03:44
thechitowncubsAfter last kernel upgrade it borked my partition i guess03:44
bazhangpen well if you use envy you need to look to the envy people for support; as far as I am aware envy is not supported here--I dont make the rules (sadly)03:44
thechitowncubsmjw-, thats what i thought, im having trouble burning the iso i just downloaded tho03:45
penbazhang: oh03:45
reasonsthechintowncubs, what is wrong with it?03:45
penbazhang: then do you know how to downgrade or do something like restrict new drivers to be install?03:45
cmuellerwhats the best linux bit torrent client03:45
serachthi guys with Vista you have a lot of control over different things regarding power, like strength of WiFi, max CPU speed etc. Is there an app similar to that for Ubuntu?03:45
bazhangthechitowncubs: what specific problem with burning please be precise03:45
nickrudJouva: arg, /system/storage/volumes/_org etc that is03:45
JouvaI can't find volumes03:46
thechitowncubsbazhang, well, i downloaded one of the dvd iso's and it 2 of my burning apps(CD Burner XP, Power ISO) say that my ISO is not valid.03:46
JouvaI only see default_options under /system/storage03:46
bazhangcmueller: that is an argument for the ages ;] transmission, deluge and a few others are good clients03:46
cmuellerno golden one like utorrent then:/03:47
bazhangthechitowncubs: try isorecorder203:47
penbazhang: no ideas?03:47
ToddEDMhey guys, i got a couple quick questions.... is there a way to shut down a PC(ubuntu) on my network, from my laptop03:47
nickrudJouva: you can do   gconftool --recursive-unset /system/storage/volumes , that will unset all your custom mounting stuff, and then you can redo03:47
bazhangcmueller: utorrent works under wine03:47
DG19075thechitowncubs: Try using BurnCDCC03:47
thechitowncubsthank you03:47
thechitowncubsi will03:47
cmuellerlets see...03:47
DG19075I've used it to burn ISO's under Windows and it works like a charm03:48
bazhangpen you want advice while still using envy? not sure what you are asking here--the restricted manager will choose the one that ubuntu teams has selected not sure about downgrading though03:48
EADGseracht: Not one all-inclusive app as far as I'm aware, but there are seprate programs; iwconfig for txpower, cpufreq-set for speed...03:48
reasonscmueller, I use rtorrent though deluge is nice if you want a GUI03:48
_Oz_ToddEDM: I wish there was a way to do that.  I'd do it if so.  But no, it is impossible...03:48
karllenzhow about screenlets how do they get installed?03:48
Jouvanickrud: THAT didn't do it EITHER... weird.03:48
serachtcool EADG, I'll check that out03:48
penbazhang: I thought restricted manager will always choose the newest driver?03:48
penbazhang: and the newest now is 100 series?03:48
serachtalso, do you guys know anything like widgets to what mac has for ubuntu03:48
ToddEDM_Oz_:  damn, my PC has alot of fan noise, and is bothering me rigt now, as im in bed03:49
=== badboy is now known as badboy[away]
Jouvanickrud: I mean I know you're telling me the right thing for what I am speaking of: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mount/+bug/10766803:49
nickrudJouva that is very strange, that's how the custom mounting stuff gets done03:49
jeffMASTERflexpen: it will choose the newest availabel driver supported by ubuntu03:49
yurimxpxmanis there any way to slow down the output of cat?03:49
cmuelleri like command line actually03:49
penjeffMASTERflex: but how about my hardware?03:49
cmuellercan load stuff up from work easily then in a screen session03:49
bazhangpen well there will always be some lag time for when nvidia releases new drivers and ubuntu packages them for use in the restricted manager03:49
cmuelleri think i used somethign liek bit tornado before03:49
reasonscmueller, rtorrent is CLI and is amazingly powerful03:50
thechitowncubsrtorrent is the best, by far performance and features03:50
EADGseracht: I'd recommend to you the search feature in Synaptic. Surprising what you can find in the Ubuntu software repositories. Dead easy to install - and remove if it's not to your liking.03:50
nickrudJouva: are you running gconf-editor as root?03:50
JouvaI JUST noticed that03:50
riloso how do I set Azureus to be my default bittorrent application? I used a .torrent's properties to open with Azureus, but all the programs still see gnome-btdownload as the default.03:50
serachtwhat is synaptic03:50
JouvaI figured I needed to run it as root for administrative purposes03:50
nickrudheh. I always start at the bottom of bug reports03:50
riloseracht: the package manager... how you install new applications03:51
bazhangseracht the package manager gui03:51
nickrudJouva: gconf controls your custom settings03:51
serachtoh, I have been doing apt-get lol03:51
Jouvanickrud: Ok. And I found it and changed it and testing now03:51
EADGseracht: It's akin to Add/Remove Programs in Win, but much more powerfull/usefull.03:51
jeffMASTERflexrilo: right click on a torrent file and click on properties. go to open with to change associations03:51
gmcastilhow do I use dpkg to list all packages available in a remote repository?03:52
rilojeffMASTERflex: I did, it didn't work. If I reopen the .torrent file, it's still selected as Azureus. That's what I said I did03:52
JouvaAHH much better03:52
jeffMASTERflexrilo: uninstall that gnome-bt download garbage03:52
EADGseracht: You can spend a few days poking around in Synaptic...03:52
serachtscreenlet isn't on there03:53
iceswordgmcastil, synaptic03:53
rilojeffMASTERflex: I tried, it wanted me to uninstall ubuntu-desktop if I uninstalled it03:53
penbtw, if I were to switch from envy to ubuntu03:53
nickrud!screenlets | seracht03:53
ubotuseracht: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/03:53
CVD-PRwhat is Core0 temp?03:53
bazhangseracht: they have their own site03:53
penhow do I do it?03:53
gmcastilicesword: i prefer the command line tools actually03:53
jeffMASTERflexrilo: ubuntu-desktop is not a required package. it is a meta package and is safe to delete03:53
Jouvanickrud: thank you thank you03:53
metasyntaxHow can I use the symbol table in the libx11 dbg library to get a meaningful backtrace from a crashing xterm?03:53
CVD-PRCPU 40c, Core0 temp 32c03:53
rilojeffMASTERflex: what's included in it?03:53
thechitowncubsDAMNIT, all day downloading that iso and i can't burn it!03:53
gmcastilicesword: apt-get handles all the repository interactions, doesn' it?03:54
metasyntaxI tried loading it with gdb `symbol-file' but then gdb seg faults.03:54
nickrudseracht: not yet in the repos, will be for hardy03:54
cmuellerrtorrent is my baby then03:54
jeffMASTERflexrilo: nothing. it's a pointer package. it points to other packages but doesn't really do anything on its own. uninstalling it will have no affect03:54
nickrudJouva: you would have found it, you had the bug report.03:54
EADGCVD-PR: acpi got installed succesfully I see.03:54
CVD-PRbut waht is the Core0 Temp?03:54
rilojeffMASTERflex: but I still want to set Azureus as the default. ok about the ubuntu-desktop03:55
icanhasadminmy acpi is so screwed right now03:55
nickrudCVD-PR: the temp in your first processor03:55
EADGCVD-PR: I dunno. You running a duo core?03:55
geniusI still have problems switching to external monitor on my notebook. I've tryed millions of times to set Monitor 1 to default with different settings.03:55
jeffMASTERflexrilo: if it's the only package that can open up torrents, that would make it the default, wouldn't it?03:55
Jouvanickrud: True but it's sometimes easier for me to talk to somebody, even if they don't end up being the one that helps directly. Sometimes I need to ask somebody a question before my brain kicks in ;)03:55
CVD-PRnot just AMD64 EADG03:55
RangdeBasantihow to do some thing that automatically checks wheather a proccess has not been runing for a specified time. if it isnt, runs it and logs in a file that it has made it run.?03:55
geniusIt does not save settings at all! :(03:55
jeffMASTERflexrilo: and if you are wondering how to do it directly from firefox, just go to preferences/applications in firefox and change the default for torrents03:56
penanyone? envy to ubuntu?03:56
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:57
nickrudRangdeBasanti: monit is one of many apps that do that03:57
EADGCVD-PR: ahh, dunno man. I have same on this lappy and all I get is CPU xx. I wouldn't loose sleep over it though.03:57
rilojeffMASTERflex: that's what I was thinking when I tried it before, but that's obviously not the right way to do it. I use Opera and have that menu open... just trying to change what comes up in the default field03:58
RangdeBasantinickrud monit ?03:58
nickrudRangdeBasanti: take a look at the description in synaptic, or  apt-cache show monit03:58
bazhangpen I gave you a link earlier; you can /msg ubotu nvidia for the link again03:58
penbazhang: I opened the link already03:59
jeffMASTERflexrilo: i have never had a problem changeing file association by right clicking on a file, properties, and changing the default in open with. i use transmission, even with other torrent apps installed, and don't havea problem with file associations03:59
penbazhang: it only says open up restricted manager03:59
thunderchicken_anyone know if its possible to mount --bind multiple folders into one?03:59
RangdeBasantinickrud ok. monit will run it. if its not run for the last 2 hours. (specified time) ?03:59
rilojeffMASTERflex: yea, I don't know why it's not working. That's the first thing I did.03:59
nickrudRangdeBasanti: yes, among other things03:59
mbrushthunderchicken: i tried this a while ago03:59
bazhangpen and then what is the issue?03:59
penbazhang: if I enable the driver, what should I do with envy?03:59
penbazhang: leave it there?04:00
penbazhang: will it cause problem with x?04:00
thunderchicken_how did it work out?  everytime i load another folder it gets rid of the first folder i bound04:00
jeffMASTERflexrilo: the easiest way, of course, is to get rid of the bt-download program and it's associated packages04:00
penbazhang: I was worrying about the questions it might happen if I enable it in the manager04:00
tdawgedogghey when i try to enable nvidia under restricted driver manager i get this error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:00
tdawgedoggE: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:00
mbrushi ended up using UnionFS to unite the two bind mounted dirs04:00
zerodamageI remember some older linux/unix systems that I've used had a local email system on it that would let you send email from one user to another locally only and would notify you when you logged into the system.  Is there something like that for Ubuntu for the command line?04:00
TrustNoOnerilo, sorry about the delay i was on the phone, download the tar file, extract to wherever /usr/bin is fine, then go into terminal, go to that directory and run ./azureus and it will start up04:00
nickrudzerodamage: you can install exim4 or postfix, they provide local mail delivery04:01
thunderchicken_mbrush ive been reading about unionfs but i cant seem to get it to work if i try and unionfs two folders to another folder the folder i want them to bind gets deleted04:01
penbazhang: what do you suggest?04:01
riloTrustNoOne: I used the .deb from that other site and dpkg'd it in my /home/rilo04:01
riloTrustNoOne: just trying to associate it with .torrent files now04:01
mbrushthunderchicken_ bind mount two seperate dirs and then unionfs them together in a third dir04:02
reasonsWhile I doubt I'll get an answer here, I'll try. In every file manager I use there is the gnome footprint in the top right corner. Is there a way to remove or change that icon?04:02
tdawgedoggE: _cache->open() failed, please report. any ideas???04:02
zerodamagenickrud: I looked at postfix but it did not seem to do what I wanted.  I want whatever did what I remember from way back when.  Maybe there isn't something but I recall logging into the system and having the system notify me I had some messages and I could read them and reply if I wanted.  I want to do that on ubuntu server without an overly huge hassle.04:02
TrustNoOnerilo,  just right click a torrent file, go to properties, go to the "open with" tab and add azureus in there, click ok or close and it should be associated with it04:02
thechitowncubsHello, can anyone help me repair my fileysystem, I got into the live cd finally04:03
bazhangpen not sure as I have never used envy--I would suggest backing up on a regular basis as stuff like that (third party) who knows what will happen--enable the drivers in the restricted driver manager and then follow the rest of the instructions from that link04:03
NativeAngelshow do u find whats running on what port in linux04:03
bazhangpen if you need help configuring resolution once that is done then we can likely help out04:03
thechitowncubsNativeAngels: nmap04:03
penbazhang: ok04:04
nickrudzerodamage: probably was a custom setup for that old distro. Personally, I think that exim4 (set for local delivery only) , and mutt would do what you want04:04
thechitowncubsnmap <host>04:04
penbazhang: btw, will enabling the driver change the xorg.conf?04:04
metasyntaxNativeAngels: netstat -anp <- run as root04:04
zerodamagenickrud:  thx.  I will take a look at those two04:04
penbazhang: or errors with the kernel?04:04
bazhangreasons it would easier if you used xfce to customize things (put an Apple there for example ;] ) though it is also possible under gnome04:04
riloTrustNoOne: yea, that's what I did, but no worky04:05
thechitowncubswhen I try to run fsck from the live cd i get: fsck.ext2: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/hda04:05
thechitowncubsCould this be a zero-length partition?04:05
riloTrustNoOne: well, when I closed and opened the properties, Azureus was still selected, but other programs still see the old client as the default04:05
nickrudthechitowncubs: did you fsck /dev/hda ?04:05
TrustNoOnerilo, im a little busy doing other stuff but im working on the new version of vuze as i would like to get that one working as well, so ill let you know04:05
bazhangpen not sure how that could make errors in the kernel, but dont you want your xorg conf file to be changed? was that not the point of this whole exercise?04:06
riloTrustNoOne: it's working great for me... just had to remove that Vuze content layer04:06
TrustNoOneoh ok04:06
penbazhang: I think I have a working one already04:06
thechitowncubsnickrud: yes04:06
penbazhang: I don't want to create panic04:06
amicrawlercan any body tell me what i need to do  for k3b in makeing the data burn as date and time04:06
penbazhang: that doesn't feel good04:06
nickrudthechitowncubs: you fsck partitions, not disks. Like  fsck /dev/hda104:07
bazhangpen then load it up and see what happens--using the restricted drivers is the safest bet though04:07
NativeAngelsim settting up unreal on my linux box04:07
NativeAngelsbut im gettin a streaming errror04:07
NativeAngelssayin a ports in use04:07
penbazhang: you mean with the restricted, the fullscreen bug will be solved04:07
penbazhang: ?04:07
NativeAngelsbut i cant find where to look and to stop it04:07
amicrawlercan any body tell me what i need to do  for k3b in makeing the data burn as date and time04:07
prettyrickyis there a google desktop for ubuntu 7.10??04:08
thechitowncubsnickrud: it happens with that too04:08
zelrikriandoprettyricky: I think so04:08
RangdeBasanti_nickrud monit can run commands also. if a proccess of file is not runninig? and no one can stop monit?04:08
nickrudthechitowncubs: you sure the partition isn't mounted?04:08
RangdeBasanti_nickrud except root or admin04:08
kdc1956anyone computer locks up while watching movies on 7.1004:08
jeffMASTERflexprettyricky: http://desktop.google.com/linux/04:08
prettyrickythanks guys! : )04:09
nickrudRangdeBasanti: if it runs as a root process, only root (or admin) can stop it. And it will restart programs that have stopped, yes04:09
bazhangpen hmm no way of knowing until you try correct? envy was the issue and now we will have to see04:09
AtomicSparkkdc1956: flash movies?04:09
cannonballNativeAngels: If you change that netstat to 'netstat -ltunp' it will show all processes listening on tcp and udp ports only, including the process name.  -a shows all open sockets, both network sockets and unix sockets, including open streams, which is a much longer list than the -l version.04:09
AtomicSparkkdc1956: known issue. flash freezes firefox once in awhile.04:10
bazhangcongrats on being opped by the way nickrud04:10
kdc1956ok thanks04:10
penbazhang: ok04:10
penI will try04:10
prettyrickyI see download for ubuntu x86 and 64 will that work for 32?04:10
thechitowncubsThis is my dmesg error04:10
thechitowncubs[  822.804000] hda: status error: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=121746, high=0, low=121746, sector=004:10
thechitowncubs[  822.804000] ide: failed opcode was: 0xea04:10
thechitowncubs[  822.804000] hda: drive not ready for command04:10
thechitowncubs[  822.804000] hda: wcache flush failed!04:10
FloodBot2thechitowncubs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:10
thechitowncubsshoot, sorry04:10
nickrudbazhang: I ducked and dodged, but when I told LjL to twist my arm he said:  +o or +b , my choice :)04:10
bazhangpen once it is done then you can come back here to reconfigure x if need be04:10
thechitowncubssorry about that04:11
penbazhang: ok04:11
bazhangnickrud: hahaha04:11
prettyrickyjeffMASTERflex_ ------> I see download for ubuntu x86 and 64 will that work for 32?04:11
hatterwhy is the dvd /dev/scd0 ?04:11
AtomicSparkprettyricky: x86 is 32 bit.04:11
nickrudbazhang: he had to explain it to me, rflol04:11
prettyrickyoh thanks!04:12
cmuellerrtorrent is perfect04:12
bazhanghaha nickrud04:12
RangdeBasanti_nickrud you therE?04:12
nickrudRangdeBasanti: yes04:12
tdawgedoggd00ds whenever i go into syn. package manager now i get this error! E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:12
tdawgedoggE: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:12
nickrudtdawgedogg: in a terminal, type   sudo dpkg --configure -a04:12
AtomicSparkprettyricky: if you downloaded something that said x86_64 that's for 64 bit processors. i know naming schemes fail a lot.04:12
Newbuntu2can someone help me start my RAID array? I switched to ubuntu and I'm not sure how to start it back up04:13
Newbuntu2(software RAID 5)04:13
TrustNoOnerilo, did you have older azureus installed prior to installing vuze? you can get vuze running by running the shell script, but for the file associations to be moved from the old one to the new one, you said you did something?04:14
Staggerhello, i am facing a weird connection issue here. My connection works fine other than when i try to use XChat, Pidgin (or aMsn, no difference), or synaptic. It works if I manually set the DNS - it wont work if I leave the DNS on (my router, a dlink, has DHCP and automatic DNS enabled by deafault). Now, if I edit resolv.conf to set my DNS of choice and restart, internet wont work. Same is true if I set DNS manually on the DLi04:14
Staggernk. I have noticed that before returning the error message, XChat tries to connect to What is going on? thanks :)04:14
prettyrickyYep I just realized it,, do i have to unistall it cause it gave me an error message04:14
AtomicSparkNewbuntu2: software raid 5? i don't believe it!04:15
riloTrustNoOne: I right-clicked the torrent and changed the "open with" to Azureus04:15
TrustNoOneya but i already have the older version installed right, so it opens with old version, im guessing you didnt have the old one installed, or you removed it04:15
hatterStagger, when you reboot you are getting dns from dhcp,04:16
Newbuntu2atomicspark: Should I past my raidtab file? ;)04:16
lynxxanyone else get an io-apic error on boot?04:16
hatterthe routers as dns servers are crappy04:16
tdawgedoggnickrud: thanks a lot man it worked ur the man04:16
hatterchange the dns server you use in the dhcp server04:16
AtomicSparkStagger: keeping your dns on your gateway works for most routers. they just forward the information on.04:16
nickrudtdawgedogg: heh. I read the error message :)04:16
fooerr, firefox is crashing with this: Segmentation fault (core dumped) .. it crashes when I'm not doing anything. It's crashed 4 times in the past hour. I have a fresh install of 7.10 ... any ideas?04:16
hatterpfff, i have used plenty, they are unreliable04:16
tdawgedoggi typed it in terminal just without sudo04:16
hatteras dns servers04:16
AtomicSparkwell. i use reliable routers *cough*04:17
macogwStagger: you mean because the resolv.conf changes when network manager connects and tries to set it to what it thinks is right?04:17
nickrudtdawgedogg: ah. with dpkg and apt-get , like all system commands, you need sudo04:17
NativeAngelsim gettin an error binding to a port04:17
NativeAngelsbut i cant see anything runing there04:17
hatterAtomicSpark, :)  I am sure there are reliable ones, but here in Australia, the cheap d-link, netgear, etc are not so great04:17
macogwStagger: you *could* "sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" to make that file immutable.  it won't be able to be changed, deleted, renamed, or have its mode (read, write, execute settings) changed.  to undo it, you'd use "sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf"04:17
jeffMASTERflexfoo: try deleting the .mozilla folder in your home directory and reinstalling firefox04:17
nickrudhack alert!04:18
Staggermacogw: yes i have used the chattr command04:18
NativeAngelshow can i clear port 806704:18
AtomicSparkNewbuntu2: anyways, i would advise to never run a software raid. if your software gets corrupt for any reason (your os is down) you risk losing everything, which defeats the point of raid.04:18
macogwStagger: it manages to change the file again even after you chattr +i?04:18
AtomicSparkNewbuntu2: anyways if you used a hardware controller for it, you can just use ubuntu to set up LVM on it if you want the feature to expand in the future.04:18
hatterAtomicSpark, i have been using s/w raid for quite a few years with no problems04:19
Staggermacogw: no, after that the file stays the same but connection fails completely. i wont even get through to my router04:19
riloTrustNoOne: I had run apt-get remove azureus so I thought it was removed... but it apparently wasn't. I opened Azureus up through the menu, and it was the new version. Then, I noticed in Synaptic Azureus was still there, so I removed it... then the Azureus link in the menu disappeared04:19
ubuntui have error when i turn off pc when i try turn on cant complete looding then show black screen04:19
=== NEETo is now known as ubu2
NativeAngelsso how do i clear all the ports in ubuntu04:19
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AtomicSparkhatter: just stating my opinion ;)04:19
NativeAngelsas i cant find what process is blocking it04:19
Staggermacogw: pardon i do get to my router but not to the internet04:19
macogwStagger: do you get an IP from the router?04:19
TrustNoOnerilo,  ok so you didnt remove with synaptic then04:19
hatterAtomicSpark, :) Of course04:20
Staggermacogw: yeah04:20
riloTrustNoOne: nope04:20
macogwStagger: can you ping your DNS servers?04:20
Staggerhow do i check that?04:20
macogwStagger: ping the IP addresses you put in resolv.conf04:20
Staggermacogw: ok I will do that and be back in min04:21
Staggermacogw: thanks :)04:21
Newbuntu2atomicspark: the point is for the data to survive a HDD failure rather than maintain uninterrupted uptime; the OS is on a different drive. anyway, my data is on the disks, so I need to start the raid array again. any help doing that?04:21
ubu2I've been having trouble with getting the console resolution to stay at 1024x768.  I added nvidiafb to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and un-blacklisted it... and it worked beautifully, but then X didn't.04:21
serachtanyone know how to remove join/quit messages in pidgin04:21
hatterNewbuntu2, cat /proc/mdstat shows you what state the raid is in04:22
riloseracht: it's in preferences04:22
asdrubalWhy does the volume panel applet always show mute when I do scroll wheel on it?04:22
nickrudubu2: I don't think anyone has gotten framebuffer working well on consoles in ubuntu04:22
asdrubalit's not muted but it shows mute04:22
nickrudubu2: anyone being me, anyway and others i've heard try04:22
serachtI can't find it rilo04:23
bazhangseracht: sure; switch to xchat ;]04:23
ubu2I used to have it working in feisty, but it seems like a lot more things are broken for me in gutsy04:23
EADGnickrud: ubu2 I have. took me awhile to sort out the config files, but it's "do-able"04:23
hatterwhats the graphical crontab program called in ubuntu ?04:23
Newbuntu2hatter: I changed OS (went from gentoo to ubuntu); I don't know how to configure/add my drives/etc from an existing array (I just remember how to create one, but that would pave my drives)04:23
warriorforgodDoes anybody know where pidgin puts files that someone sends to me over im?04:23
hatterNewbuntu2, google mdadm,  the commands arent too difficult04:24
CVD-PRHey, i can compile a .cpp in anjuta but dont let me choose build04:24
ubu2EADG: any suggestions?04:24
jeffMASTERflexCVD-PR: do you have build-essential installed?04:25
CVD-PRyes jeffMASTERflex04:25
EADGwarriorforgod: No, not I, but if you know the name of the last sent file you can find it like this: open a terminal and type "sudo locate -u && locate lastfilesent" Dead easy :)04:25
jeffMASTERflexCVD-PR: don't know the problem then, i've never used anjuta sorry04:25
ubu2most of the time I'll get a blinking cursor and a blank screen in the console04:25
usr13Stagger: hatter I don't know that there is one, but try   crontab -l   and   crontab -e04:25
EADGubu2: Wasn't following the convo, what do you want to do?04:26
ubu2EADG: I want my console to be 1024x768, the resolution of my LCD monitor04:26
ubu2I added nvidiafb to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and un-blacklisted it... and it worked beautifully, but then X didn't.04:26
EADGubu2: Running Gutsy?04:26
ubu2yes, 7.1004:26
hatterusr13, thx, just found it, kcron04:26
tdawgedoggi cant get my resolution to 1920 by 1200 like its supposted to be i have a nvidia 7600 gt04:26
usr13 hatter   crontab -e04:27
usr13hatter: Cool, thanks.04:27
warriorforgodOk.  Next question.  When I type ifconfig in a terminal, none of the interfaces shows an ip address, however I have full internet access.04:28
EADGubu2: K, Gutsy did some things ab it diffrent than previous releases in that the framebuffer is disabled by default. So what ya need to do is re-enable it. Pretty easy, but you need to edit 3 files.04:28
EADGubu2: gimme a couple minutes to track down a url for you.04:29
usr13warriorforgod: That's interesting.  Hummm, you sure?04:29
ubu2EADG: thank you04:29
warriorforgodusr13: yup04:29
warriorforgodWiered to me too.04:29
usr13warriorforgod: Wired network?   What kind of router?04:30
warriorforgodNo router.  Hooked directly to cable modem.04:30
AntiUSAI have laptop with a 15.4" WXGA screen with a 2MP camera, how can I see if the web cam is working? Skype is not able to see it04:30
hatterwarriorforgod, try turning off roaming mode - system -> adminstraitioon -> network04:30
ubu2This is what I tried, and it screwed up X: http://www.savvyadmin.com/2007/12/25/console-framebuffer-in-ubuntu/04:30
usr13warriorforgod:  What's your ISP?04:30
warriorforgodusr13: cox04:31
cedriczghello fellows, maybe here is not the place to post this question. Bu I need help with web control panels04:31
pen_bazhang: are you still there?04:31
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cedriczgI have a website which does not have cpanl04:31
bazhangpen_: yes of course ;]04:31
pen_bazhang: now after I enable the driver in manager04:31
cedriczgI know it has another control panel04:31
pen_bazhang: it says it cannot detect the driver04:31
cedriczgbut don't remember its name04:31
pen_bazhang: then I'm in low resolution04:32
AtomicSparkcedriczg: if you rented this server, i bet it's webmin.04:32
cedriczgDoes someone know another type of control panel for web hosting?04:32
cedriczgoh, that may be04:32
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg pen04:32
cedriczglet me trty04:32
AtomicSparkcedriczg: there is webmin, cpanel, and plesk.04:32
usr13warriorforgod: PIng the router, see what it says.  e.g. ping  or ping
pen_bazhang: and btw, I didn't go to envy and uninstall the driver first04:32
usr13warriorforgod:  route -n04:33
AtomicSparkcedriczg: webmin is used for server config mostly, not for virutal hosts (shared web hosting)04:33
pen_bazhang: now what should I do?04:33
warriorforgodusr13: There is no router.  Connected directly to cable modem.04:33
bazhangpen_: umm best to do that then04:33
pen_bazhang: ok04:33
cedriczgAtomicSpark, thanks04:33
pen_I wil try again04:33
bazhangebox also cedriczg04:33
usr13warriorforgod: Ping the modem.04:33
usr13warriorforgod:  route -n04:33
cedriczgAtomicSpark, I trtried webmin and no answer04:33
AtomicSparkcedriczg: what are you trying to do? log into something?04:33
bazhang!info ebox04:33
AntiUSAhow do I install my webcam?04:33
ubotuebox (source: ebox): eBox - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu9 (gutsy), package size 127 kB, installed size 1220 kB04:33
JouvaI was jut wondering: Is there any GPS and mapping software available for Linux? i.e., something where I could have my laptop with me and a GPS device connected to it and help directions to the driver of a vehicle for whereever we're going04:33
EADGubu2: still looking...04:34
* cyphase just saw a Dell commercial on CNN for a computer with Ubuntu installed04:34
cedriczgAtomicSpark, I am trying to log to site.org.uy/controlpanel04:34
Jouvacyphase: Nice04:34
bazhanghttp://www.linuxlove.org/2007/11/12/linux-webcam-microsoft-lifecam-nx-6000-on-ubuntu-and-fedora/ see if it is in this list AntiUSA04:34
cedriczgAtomicSpark, but I don't remember the controlpanel name04:34
cedriczgAtomicSpark, and there set the users webmail space usage04:34
gavohi all    im running a GA P35-DS4 with the latest bios, and an Nvidia 8800GTS... anyway when I try and run ANY ubuntu-based distro... I get a completely black screen after I hit enter on the install cd... I think this is a common problem, but im hoping theres a common fix?04:35
usr13Jouva: gpsdrive04:35
cedriczgAtomicSpark, for instancece I can access site.org.uy/webmail04:35
gavooh and usually i get a "kernel panic: cannot sync" error if I turn off quiet boot04:35
cyphaseJouva: at least, it looked a whole lot like Ubuntu04:35
cyphaseit was just a background04:36
usr13Jouva: gpsman04:36
Jouvacyphase: Well if it didn't look like Vista it was probably Ubuntu04:36
AtomicSparkcedriczg: you'll have to contact your host. its different depending on what you have and how its set up. most places use just ip:port and maybe they have a domain.com/cpanel forward to that. you know you have to use https:// right?04:36
seracht_ok with x-chat how do I remove join/part messages04:36
JouvaI think gpsdrive is what I'd be looking for, thanks :)04:36
seracht_it's annoying04:36
=== seracht_ is now known as seracht
cedriczgAtomicSpark, It seems it was /admin . I was lucky. Thanks to you I remembered (I supposed webim had the word admin in it :P )04:37
usr13Jouva: gpsdrive - Car navigation system04:37
bazhangseracht: right click on the nick list04:37
prettyrickyHey guys what can I do to add a new bootskin, whenever I start my pc04:37
AtomicSparkcedriczg: yeah they just have a redirect set up for you. neato.04:37
AnonConhow do i build a C++ file?04:38
cedriczgAtomicSpark, thanks a lot04:38
cedriczgAtomicSpark, Nice to find people eager to help around here ;)04:38
CVD-PRanjuta crate the main.o but not the executable04:38
serachtAnonCon:  you can use gdb04:38
serachtlet me remember the command04:38
serachtuse a make file or something04:39
AnonConsorry, I'm not familiar with gdb04:39
serachtgdb is a debugger04:39
usr13AnonCon: build-essential - informational list of build-essential packages04:39
serachtnot a compiler04:39
n0greenfxwhats the best irc client for ubuntu04:39
vbabiy-laptopHey is there a real Player package from ubuntu04:39
EADGubu2: I'm at a loss.04:39
usr13!build-essential | AnonCon04:39
ubotuAnonCon: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:39
TrustNoOnerilo, what did you use for a menu icon for azureus, because i didnt install the way you did, i just put azureus folder in /bin/share and then i created a file menu for the script, and made my own file association, it seems to be working, just that the icon in the menu is the default "no icon" one04:39
n8tusergavo can you try framebuffer=false as an entry during boot?04:39
gavon8tuser:   sure ill give it a go... should I add it to a regular boot command on standard res?04:40
nrossinOkay, for some reason everything in Ubuntu is crashing all of a sudden.  No sound, XChat crashes, Firefox crashes, Amarok and Exaile both crash...  Even restarting X hasn't solved anything.  I haven't installed anything... was just watching videos online and suddenly lost sound...04:40
speeddemon8803!packages > speeddemon880304:40
Jouvausr13: Yep. That's what it say here ;) I won't be using it yet but I'll keep it in mind. Right now I can only think of 3 applications and one big reason why I can't and stick Linux on my laptop as well.04:40
EADGubu2: I can't seem to track down one of 4 threads on the issue. Look on www.ubuntu-forum.org.04:40
penbazhang: ok04:40
penbazhang: not working04:41
n8tusergavo during boot, you can "e" edit it for a temporary try.04:41
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:41
usr13Jouva: Very good!  Go for it :)04:41
riloTrustNoOne: actually, I wiped out all the Azureus stuff I had... copied the .deb to /usr/bin, sudo dpkg -i Azureus.... and it set it up completely. I ran it through the applications menu as it also setup the icon there and it's all good04:41
penbazhang: and if I go to the manager, it says the driver is not in use although it's checked??04:41
gavoyep   ill just add it to the end of the standard entries   brb04:41
Jouvausr13: That's the problem. I do have it on my desktop, but my laptop I HAVE to keep Windows on.04:41
penbazhang: but when i go to xorg.conf to check the driver04:41
penbazhang: it's nvidia04:41
penbazhang: not nv04:42
nrossinOkay, for some reason everything in Ubuntu is crashing all of a sudden.  No sound, XChat crashes, Firefox crashes, Amarok and Exaile both crash...  Even restarting X hasn't solved anything.  I haven't installed anything... was just watching videos online and suddenly lost sound... Anyone know how I can fix this without rebooting?04:42
penbazhang: so tell me what should I do next?04:42
usr13Jouva: Dual boot. How big is the drive?04:42
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in the terminal pen04:42
cakedonkeyHey all.04:42
TrustNoOnerilo, i didnt get the deb, i got the tar... and it WORKS i just need the icon, mind sending it to me?04:42
bazhangnrossin: what extra repos you got in your sources list?04:43
riloTrustNoOne: I thought there was some residue from the old installs so I just did it all over again... there was that Azureus script in the directory after I installed from the .deb the first time and it removed things so I didn't the second time... alright04:43
Jouvausr13: Not big enough to dual boot really. I do some custom Windows software development for a consulting firm, so I kinda need Windows for that and need the space ;)04:43
nrossinbazhang: Uhm, nothing out of the ordinary.  I don't actually think I have ANY extra repos.04:43
TrustNoOnerilo, if you wouldnt mind just throwing it on megaupload or some sharing site and sending me the link, id appreciate...04:43
usr13Jouva: Get another drive.04:43
nrossinbazhang: I just know that I was watching movie trailers and when I tried to watch another one, the sound didn't work... then everything started crashing.04:43
AntiUSAhow do I install my webcam?04:43
bazhangnrossin: what triggered this event? what happened between when it was working and when it stopped working04:43
Jouvausr13: For the laptop?04:43
ubu2EADG: ah, well, I've already read as many as I can on it04:44
* NeT_DeMoN_ hugs ubotu04:44
nrossinbazhang: That was literally it... just a matter of moving from one website to another.04:44
Jouvausr13: Oh a bigger one. I see. No. Can't afford it right now and don't have the urge to dual boot for the most part anyway, and would put extra space to Windows' use anyway :/04:44
bazhangnrossin: did you install something like awn or other? are you running compiz? have you tried disabling it if so?04:44
nrossinbazhang: I've tried restarting X, but that hasn't helped either.04:44
fredmvNot sure how re-hashed of a topic this is, and I've searched around, but how should I go about fixing "Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device". Anytime I launch a game (that preseumably uses the SDL libs) I get this error.04:44
TrustNoOnerilo, that works too, thx04:44
nrossinbazhang: I don't use Compiz or any docks...04:44
TrustNoOnebest dock is AWN04:45
usr13Jouva: Yes, get a BID drive, ghost your existing MS onto it, leave 20g or so free and then install Ubuntu on it.04:45
NeT_DeMoN_@lart 8 NeT_DeMoN_04:45
bazhang!ot | NeT_DeMoN_04:45
ubotuNeT_DeMoN_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:45
Stagger_Leemacogw: hi, you still there?04:45
Jouvausr13: I'd consider it if I had the money ;)04:45
Stagger_Leemacogw: it didnt work!04:45
NeT_DeMoN_bazhang: i know, i was just testing something04:45
riloTrustNoOne: no problem, thanks for the info04:45
macogwStagger_Lee: yes04:45
EADGubu2: hehe, don't give up. It's possible. It's one of the first things I did when I installed Gutsy.04:45
NeT_DeMoN_back to offtopic!04:45
AntiUSAis there a guide to how to install a webcam on Ubuntu?04:45
macogwStagger_Lee: you cant ping the DNS servers, but you can ping the router, right?04:46
thechitowncubsI upgraded my kernel and now I can't boot into my ubuntu :(04:46
bazhangAntiUSA: apart from the link I gave you?04:46
fredmvHas anyone run into such a problem? Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device04:46
AntiUSAI missed it04:46
thechitowncubsI am now in the livecd but i can't run fsck or anything successfully04:46
Stagger_Leemacogw: no, if i edit resolv i cant ping the router either04:46
AntiUSAsorry man04:46
nrossinAntiUSA: I would assume typing "webcam ubuntu" into Google would give you exactly what you're looking for.04:46
usr13Jouva: Yea, I know what you mean.  But HDs are getting little cheeper now days, so.... save up and watch for good deal.  Check out the used market, etc.04:46
AntiUSAcould you send it again04:46
bazhangAntiUSA: can you scroll up?04:46
fredmvI just installed the latest sdl1.2 Debian libs and did an xhost + localhost.  Still nothing.04:46
jeffMASTERflexubotu: have you checked out this page? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-652038.html04:46
AntiUSAI have done that but I have not been able to succeed04:46
Exershiough, can someone help? I'm using Gnome (ubuntu gutsy) and I have items in my applications menu that I cannot delete (a warcraft game I installed through wine). I press delete and nothing happens. why cant I get rid of them?04:46
zelrikriandoAntiUSA: plug your webcam...if it doesnt work...go and buy one that is compatible04:47
AntiUSAI tried easy cam with no luck04:47
jeffMASTERflexubu2: oops... have you checked out this page? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-652038.html04:47
AntiUSAwell it's the one that is part of my laptop :(04:47
Jouvausr13: Sorry just that I have a nice big big big credit card debt I need to pay off first :)04:47
Stagger_Leemacogw: i am confused, how can it be that changing the dns makes me unable to connect to my own router?04:47
macogwStagger_Lee: why'd you edit the resolv.conf at all then?04:47
bazhanghttp://www.linuxlove.org/2007/11/12/linux-webcam-microsoft-lifecam-nx-6000-on-ubuntu-and-fedora/ AntiUSA see if your cam is in this list04:47
nrossinExershio: Are you trying to delete them while editing the menus?  Try right-clicking and choosing Remove/Delete04:47
EADGubu2: I spend most me time in CLI with Screen... couldn't live there if I couldn't have better res, and a better looking font.04:47
Exershionrossin: I tried that, and nothing happens04:47
usr13Jouva: Yea, esll maybe later on...04:47
macogwStagger_Lee: i dont know04:47
nrossinOkay, for some reason everything in Ubuntu is crashing all of a sudden.  No sound, XChat crashes, Firefox crashes, Amarok and Exaile both crash...  Even restarting X hasn't solved anything.  I haven't installed anything... was just watching videos online and suddenly lost sound... Anyone know how I can fix this without rebooting?04:47
hatterStagger_Lee, it cant04:48
macogwStagger_Lee: im pretty confused by what's wrong with your comp, so i'm gonna go ahead and let someone else take over04:48
Jouvausr13: Oh trust me I'd love to do it :) There's not many games I play these days so I won't have to worry about that for example.04:48
Stagger_Leemacogw: thanks anyway04:48
fredmvAnyone have any clue about SDL issues?    Man, I feel like such a newb...04:48
usr13nrossin: Try restartgin the Xserver   Ctrl-Alt-Backspace04:48
nrossinusr13: I wrote that I already tried that ;)04:48
usr13fredmv: What's the problem?04:48
Stagger_Leehatter: well if i edit resolv.conf, and replace nameserver with my own provider's DNS or OPen DNS, upon restart i cant connect to my own router04:49
penbazhang: what mouse protocal should I choose?04:49
usr13nrossin: I dono then, sorry.04:49
bazhangpen when in doubt choose the default04:49
Stagger_Leehatter:it keeps trying but it wont get through04:49
AntiUSAok bazhang, I found your link04:49
AntiUSAthanks man04:49
samuelwhat are the alternatives?04:49
samuelwhat is  the alternatives under ubuntu?04:50
n8tusernrossin--> when you do   ipcs  how many rows have their last column (status) blank?04:50
fredmvusr13: I'm trying to launch an SDL-based game  ( sauerbraten ) and I keep getting "Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device".    I've tried a) installing the latest sdl1.2 Debian libs.  and 2) running a xhost + localhost... but to no avail.04:50
nrossinMan, I tell ya... I get more random crashes and things just breaking in Linux than I do with Windows... I still LOVE Linux, just wish it didn't constantly break without any changes being made.04:50
bazhangsamuel not sure what you are asking--please clarify04:50
zelrikriandosamuel: hello...04:50
nrossinn8tuser: There are 3 blank entries.04:51
nrossinn8tuser: One for root, two for me.04:51
hatterStagger_Lee, when you say connect, do yuo mean open in a browser ?04:51
hatteryou dont need to reboot when you change resolv.conf04:52
fredmvusr13: any ideas?   I searched the forum but the solutions that worked for others don't seem to be working for me.  I've restarted the X-server several times too.04:52
n8tusernrossin--> under bytes how much do they take up?04:52
penbazhang: what should I do now?04:52
penbazhang: I finished the settings04:52
n8tusernrossin--> btw, which ubuntu version do you have?04:53
TrustNoOneanyways, time to go look at some bootloader screens04:53
samuelI want to know how to update ubuntu alternatives ?04:53
bazhangpen reboot04:53
nrossinn8tuser: root: 122880...  for me: 64528 and 131072.  I'm running Gutsy04:53
penbazhang: ok04:53
n8tuserStagger_Lee--> i hope you realized that using your ISP's dns would not allow you to resolve, 192.x ip addresses right?04:54
bazhangsamuel: what is ubuntu alternatives? clarify please04:54
hattern8tuser, not true04:55
n8tusernrossin--> you can try to remove them with ipcrm,  I dont know the options off hand, man ipcs, man ipcrm04:55
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nrossinn8tuser: WOuldn't it be easier to just reboot?04:55
UnIdiotanyone want to help me?04:55
nrossinn8tuser: Would basically accomplish the same thing, wouldn't it?04:55
n8tuserhatter--> does your ISP address resolve 192.x.x.x addresses?04:56
hatterdns has one purpose, map human readable names to ip addresses04:56
bazhangask away UnIdiot04:56
UnIdiotokay then04:56
n8tusernrossin--> go ahead and reboot04:56
nrossinugh... man this is infuriating.04:56
nrossinn8tuser: THanks04:56
UnIdiotim trying to blacklist the pc speaker, it keeps on beeping in the terminal and on startup in xubuntu04:56
pen_bazhang: unfortunately, it's still not working04:56
UnIdioti've added it to the blacklist, but it still does it04:56
n8tuserhatter--> you did not answer me, can your ISP dns server resolve a 192.x.x.x address?04:56
pen_bazhang: why?04:56
gavohey all  i was here before... urmmm figured out my problem   ... does 64bit kubuntu support Core2Duo processors? because the 32bit version is working without the black screen and kernel sync problems ive been having...04:56
UnIdioti can disable it temporarily though04:57
bazhangpen_: what happened in the restart?04:57
s_unixUnIdiot: in X -> xset -b04:57
pen_bazhang: what do you mean?04:57
hattern8tuser, you are speaking of ip addresses,  dns resolves names to ip addresses04:57
samuelbazhang: I am sorry , I don't know much about ubuntu alternatives. I just want to know how to change the jvm enviorment ?04:57
UnIdiots_unix: huh,..... I'm a linux newbie04:57
bazhangpen what does the restricted driver now say?04:57
n8tuserhatter--> and likewise in reverse noh?  you have not answered my question yet04:57
pen_bazhang: same thing, it's checked but say not in use04:57
palomerI just pressed a few buttons04:58
bazhangpen try unchecking it then rechecking it04:58
palomerand now my firefox is opaque!04:58
palomerie, transparent04:58
palomerhow do I stop this stuff?04:58
palomerits freaking me out04:58
hatterno an internet dns does not resolve a name to an internet non-routable address04:58
bazhangpalomer: sounds like a compiz plug in04:58
hatterthat is not the point04:58
pen_bazhang: no restart between?04:58
n8tuserhatter, correct04:58
palomerthis is a fresh install!04:58
bazhangpen_: nay04:58
hatterthe point is, he is trying to get to his router via an ip address04:59
fredmvI hate to keep asking this, but does anyone know how to fix: " Unable to initialize SDL: No available video device".  I've got the latest sdl1.2 libs for Debian, as well as trying a 'xhost + localhost'.  Still, I get the same error...04:59
pen_bazhang: ok, now?04:59
hatterto which, dns has no part04:59
pen_bazhang: do I need to do any configuration?04:59
palomerI press shift something04:59
palomeror control something04:59
bazhangpen hang on a second04:59
n8tuserhatter and if he is using the ISP dns server to resolve an ip address thats 192.x.x.x it would not work04:59
palomeralt-mouse wheel04:59
Staghatter: i have tried restarting, but nothing has changed04:59
s_unixUnIdiot: in term input -> xset -b -> to stop Xorg bell04:59
Staghatter: I am confused! :S04:59
hattern8tuser,  no it doesnt, but no router asks for a domain name.05:00
bazhangpalomer try alt f2 metacity --replace05:00
UnIdiotanyway to do it perminatly?05:00
serachtI have gnome xchat05:00
serachtcan I remove join/part messages there05:00
hatterthey need an ip address on the same subnet05:00
UnIdiotor will that last after a reboot?05:00
hatterwhich doesnt need any dns05:00
Staghatter: could it have to to with the DHCP settings?05:00
n8tuserhatter, correct, if in same subnet05:00
hatterstag, yes, the dhcp gives out the ip address05:00
ToddEDMhow can i make a different movie plaer the default one ?05:00
palomeralt-mousewheel can change the opacity05:01
palomerpretty funky05:01
jrib!defaultapp > ToddEDM (read the private message from ubotu)05:01
Djangooit's gone now05:01
ubu2EADG: thanks, I'll take a look at it. yeah, I spend a lot of time in CLI and it sucks with low res =p05:01
UnIdiots_unix:  I want it completely disabled, in everything, so that it will never beep.05:01
Staghatter: should I disable the DHCP?05:01
UnIdiothow would i do that?05:01
pen_bazhang: now?05:01
hatterstag, so you need to make sure of two things, the dhcp server is turned on, and you havent set a static ip address on your box which os on a different subnet05:01
pen_bazhang: are u there?05:01
Staghatter: I am sure of both05:01
serachtguys, for getting the best looking themes, should I search for emerald or something else?05:01
hatterthen you should be able to ping the router05:01
s_unixUnIdiot:you can add it to  X boot srcipt05:01
hatterand make sure youdon't have two dhcp servers on the same network05:02
pen_!theme | seracht05:02
ubotuseracht: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:02
UnIdiotand how would i do that s_unix?05:02
UnIdiotthanks for the help btw05:02
jack-desktopwhats the easiest way to remove a window list from a panel05:02
Staghatter: I only have one router, could I still have 2dhcp's?05:02
titanix88guys, i had an interesting ubuntu slowdown issue. It was just working fine with compiz and gnome. Suddenly i found my login taking 10-15 minutes. Then i disabled gdm and installed kdm. Now it's fast again. Why??!05:02
serachtpen what should I look for though05:02
hatterstag, do you have wireless ?05:02
ToddEDMis VLC the best media player?05:02
Jewsus_Can someone help me determine why my computer is going so slow right now (using Ubuntu)?  Is there a way to see which process(es) are making it so slow?05:02
FourX4Luvn!best | ToddEDM05:03
ubotuToddEDM: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.05:03
pen_seracht: it's obvious, although I forgot the exact name, but it's something like theme or05:03
Staghatter: yes05:03
pen_bazhang: plz, I'm stuck here, low resolution05:03
n8tuserJewsus_--> start with top, whats the highest cpu usage?05:03
hattermost wireless devices have dhcp servers turned on by default05:03
s_unixUnIdiot: like mk a file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/stopbell05:03
ToddEDMwould any of you consider VLC to be your favorite media player?05:03
Staghatter: yes I am sure it is still on, i have just checked05:03
samuelHow to list channels under ZhatZilla?05:03
bazhangpen you have the nvidia-glx-new installed?05:03
Stagit's always been on actually05:04
Jewsus_n8tuser, top of what? System monitor -> processes?05:04
n8tuserhatter come again? wireles devices have dhcp server turned on?05:04
titanix88Jewsus_: my pc was going slow too. but there was no detectable cpu or mem use.05:04
pen_bazhang: I think so05:04
pen_bazhang: it says the lastest05:04
usr13ToddEDM: mplayer05:04
hatterstag, wireless access point05:04
n8tuserJewsus_-->  on command line, type top05:04
bazhangpen_: open up synaptic and check please05:04
Staghatter: what do you mean?05:04
jribToddEDM: just try them and use what works for you05:04
n0greenf1i have and external usb hdd in ntfs format how do i share that with my macbook running os x??05:04
hatterstag, do you have a wireless access point or wireless router ? as a seperate little box to your modem ?05:04
Stagi have a router05:05
pen_bazhang: yes , it's marked05:05
pen_bazhang: and installed05:05
Staghatter: like a little box plugged into the wall downstairs05:05
n8tuserStag its best to describe the network layout you have, if you have drawing preferably05:05
jack-desktopwhats the easiest way to remove a window list from a panel05:05
pen_bazhang: btw, I haven't reboot yet05:05
pen_bazhang: you told me to wait05:05
hatterStag, what is this little box you speak of ?05:06
pen_bazhang: so what should I do now?05:06
FourX4Luvnjack-desktop: Right click on it and select "remove from panel"05:06
StagDLink G604T05:06
usr13Stag: What's the problem?  Are you unable to acquire IP settings from the DHCP server?  If so, try restarting the router, (sometimes the DHCP server wakes up after hard reset).05:06
Jewsus_the highest CPU usage is from a game I was playing, but that game won't respond when I try to close it.  How can I force it to close?05:06
jack-desktopFourX4Luvn, you can't right click on window list...05:06
FourX4Luvnjack-desktop: Don't right click on a window entry.. do it on the very edge of the window list05:06
Stagusr1: no, it's a much stanger thing05:06
bazhangpen this may take a few minutes to resolve--best to calm down first--we will get through this05:06
jack-desktopFourX4Luvn, i've been trying that, i cant ;o05:06
titanix88               *05:06
usr13Stag: What is it?05:06
n8tuserJewsus_--> how much cpu usage? to kill it, kill -15 pidofgame05:07
pen_bazhang: sorry, I just don't like low resolution05:07
jack-desktopnevermind i got it05:07
n8tuserJewsus_--> kill -15 pidofgame05:07
FourX4Luvnjack-desktop: My guess is you're still in the wrong area then.. The very left edge.. See a very faint set of little dots?  There.05:07
usr13Stag: What is your router's IP? ?05:07
bazhangpen you also have the nvidia-kernel-common?05:07
pen_bazhang: yes05:08
Stagusr1: xchat, pidgin and synaptic cant connect to the internet. firefox can. i can connect with xchat if i manually set the DNS; but if i change resolv.conf, give chattr +1 and restart, i cant access my router05:08
usr13Stag: Check the cable.  If you have a spare, replace it.  (Could have bad connector at one end or the other.)05:08
Stagusr1: yes
bazhangsudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf pen05:08
Stagusr1: it's wireless05:08
usr13Stag: Oh, well never mind about the cable.05:08
pen_bazhang: it's opened05:09
n8tuserStag are you only using wireless or also ethernet on same pc?05:09
usr13Stag: Are you not resolving domain names?05:09
Alyxanderanyone know of a way to install windows after i have installe dubuntu05:09
CVD-PRwhat is the equivalent of system("pause"); in linux?05:09
Staghatter: did you see Stagger_Lee just left the room? was i still logged in from before???05:09
usr13Stag: What happens when  you issue command:   host av.com05:09
bazhangpen does the file correctly identify your card?05:09
pen_and driver is nvidia05:09
Stagn8tuser: only wireless05:09
pen_says in Section Device05:10
n8tuserCVD-PR--> sleep ?05:10
Alyxanderanyone know of a way to install windows after i have installed ubuntu05:10
bazhangpen the line under busid paste this: Option"AddARGBVisuals""True"05:10
Stagusr1: av.com has address
Stagav.com has address
Stagav.com mail is handled by 50 av1-mrin.yahoo.com.05:10
Stagav.com mail is handled by 50 av2-mrin.yahoo.com.05:10
pen_Alyxander: google, there is a guide for it05:10
mo1neville - vmware server works great....  that way you can leave your ubu partition alone05:10
n8tuserStag re-establish your wireless connectivity, like sudo "ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan0"05:10
mo1and its free05:10
bazhangpen with the spaces--this is all from this link by the way: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68765405:11
usr13Alyxander: If your computer will boot from any drive, you should be able to put MS on another drive.05:11
Ttechmo1,  yap05:11
pen_bazhang: no need, it's already there05:11
UnIdiotCan anyone help me disable the pc speaker bell in xubuntu permanently?05:11
usr13Stag: You are connected.05:11
n8tuserStag and do not try to modify resolv.conf unless you really have to05:11
pen_bazhang: what do you mean?05:11
Stagifdown wlan0; ifup wlan005:11
usr13Stag: You are connected amd resolving domain names.05:11
pen_bazhang: do you want to me delete the line Option "AddARGBVisuals" "True"05:11
Stagifdown: interface wlan0 not configured05:11
Stagifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied05:11
pen_bazhang: and insert the line you gave me?05:11
n8tuserStag that just re-establishes the connectivity.. ifdown then ifup05:12
bazhangpen_: and the section marked module is glx there? no dont delete that05:12
titanix88UnIdiot: unplug the little speaker inside the casing ;) (just kidding:)05:12
usr13Stag: Must be some sort of packet filtering going on.05:12
UnIdioti wish haha05:12
pen_bazhang: dbe glx05:12
mo1Alyx - have you considered running windows in a vmware session?05:12
n8tuserStag we assumed you were using wlan0, if another name perhaps eth0, then use eth005:12
pen_bazhang: two modules05:12
usr13Stag: Check your router settings.05:12
Stagn8tuser: oh, sorry! i am such a dork05:13
bazhangpen_: what is the second one05:13
pen_bazhang: what do you mean? the module section?05:13
DarkmystereErr, Can some one help me i beileave my network device was switched to ip6 some how...and Network Manager doesnt load at start up and none of my connection managers work wifi-manager and kwifi manager05:13
pen_load dbe *space* load glx05:13
UnIdiotcan anyone help me with disabling the pc speaker?05:13
UnIdiotvery annoying05:13
bazhangpen what is dbe? is that a fragment from envy? there should only be glx in there05:14
pen_bazhang: I don't know, maybe, but didn't you just let me do the reconfigure?05:14
usr13UnIdiot: Open Volume Control and turn off PC Speaker.05:14
FourX4LuvnUnIdiot: system > preferences > sound..   System Beep tab05:14
pen_bazhang: shouldn't it reconfigure the file ?05:15
bazhangpen_: remove the dbe--who knows what kind of envy stuff is still around05:15
pen_bazhang: oh05:15
Stagusr13: I get ifdown: interface eth1 not configured05:15
Stagifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied05:15
pen_bazhang: I comment it out05:15
pen_bazhang: any more to check?05:15
n8tuserDarkmystere--> verify you have ipv6 enabled,05:15
Q_ContinuumAnyone have time to help with Gusty Bluetooth connections?  (Can see the keyboard, can't get it to connect quite right)05:16
Stagusr13: if i give sudo iwconfig, i get IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"G604T_WIRELESS"05:16
Stag          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:0F:3D:B6:E4:D205:16
Stag          Bit Rate:54 Mb/s   Tx-Power:15 dBm05:16
Stag          Retry limit:15   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off05:16
Stag          Encryption key:off05:16
Stag          Power Management:off05:16
=== workmissions is now known as marsmissions
FloodBot2Stag: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:16
bazhangpen_: now save the file, close it and restart--if you have further problems write this down sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:16
usr13Stag: You are connected to the internet and resolving domain names, so....05:16
Geoffrey2I'm trying to figure out where a configuration script is looking for particular header files, but I'm not sure what file would list that?05:16
Stagusr13: so?05:16
NEEToEADG: it worked! that page you gave me worked! =D thank you so much05:17
usr13Stag: You are connected, right?05:17
Stagok, now i am05:17
pen_bazhang: ok05:17
=== NEETo is now known as ubu2
usr13You have proven that it is not a connection issue.05:17
Stagbut when i restart, i'll have the same problem05:17
ubu2EADG: er, wrong nick, but yeah, thanks =)05:17
usr13Stag: Yes, see...05:17
Darkmysteren8tuser, I went to network tools...and then selected my device and under protocals it said ip605:17
bazhangI hope he wrote that down05:17
usr13Stag: What happens when you restart?05:17
yell0whey guys, is there a bleeding edge repo somewhere where  i can get the latest stuff ?05:18
DarkmystereIm acctually in backtrak...beause i ant connect to the internet05:18
Darkmysterein ubuntu05:18
usr13Stag: Is this a new 7.10 install?05:18
bazhangwired or wireless Darkmystere05:18
Stagusr13: i can browse sites but cant connect to xchat, pidgin or repositories05:18
FourX4Luvnyell0w: Most bleeding edge Debian based distro that I can think of is Kanotix05:18
usr13Stag: Fully updated?05:18
UnIdiotok, how do I disable the pc speaker from the kernel05:18
UnIdioti don't ever want to have to deal with it05:18
Stagusr13: yes. strangely enough, the previous install did not have this issue.05:18
bazhangyell0w: backports05:18
Darkmysterebazhang, Wireless05:18
asdrubalUnIdiot, bios, or cut the wires hehe05:19
yell0wFourX4Luvn: i like to stick with ubuntu05:19
bazhangDarkmystere: what card05:19
n8tuserDarkmystere--> you can turn them off in  /etc/modprobe.d/aliases05:19
Stagusr13: yeah fully updated05:19
yell0wbazhang: anything more bleeding edge than backports ?05:19
Darkmysterebazhang, Atheros AR5006EG05:19
UnIdiotok then05:19
yell0wbazhang: like debian's sid ?05:19
FourX4Luvnyell0w: My bad.. I read "distro"  sorry05:19
Stagusr13: should i re-install ubuntu?05:19
UnIdiothow to turn off in terminal, or whatever doing ctrl alt f2 is05:19
usr13Stag: No.  Look ad dmesg for  clues05:19
bazhangyellow you want bleeding edge? #fedora ;]05:19
usr13Stag: Just restart and see if it happens again?05:20
kasan_sweatUsing mc, I'm copying a large amount of data from a FAT32 (internal, don't ask) drive to an external ext3 USB drive. It is EXTREMELY slow--but not steady, as in, it copies in "bursts" - any ideas on how to aleviate this?05:20
yell0wthey don't use apt05:20
bazhangyellow or sidux05:20
NaisenuHi. I am trying to get dual monitor setup working on Ubuntu. Using an nVidia GeForce 6600GT (no problems with the driver previously.) Went through "sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg". It appeared to "switch" primary monitors around. Now one monitor is only showing "blue" and the other one has "no signal". Connecting the "no signal" with VGA. Blue screen is DVI.05:20
n8tuserUnIdiot--> what do you want turned off?05:20
yell0wbazhang: and i really don't know how their driver support is05:20
Stagusr13: when i restart, is there any command i should execute for diagnostics so i can report here?05:20
UnIdiotn8tuser: internal speaker beeps05:20
yell0wbazhang: i have a system running stable already05:20
n8tuseryell0w--> yum is their equivalent to apt-get05:20
Kitar|sthttp://wiresmash.com/gaming/top-5-amazing-free-games-you-probably-never-played-and-should/ great list05:21
Kitar|stanyone for a game05:21
FourX4Luvnit's still RPM based though... phbbbt05:21
bazhangyellow just a joke--bleeding edge debian is sidux, for ubuntu backports is about as out there as it gets unless you want to try hardy alpha 4 ;]05:21
yell0wbazhang:  do you know what happen to grumpy groundhog ?05:21
KiD_ChAoSdoes anyone here use limewire under Unbuntu and are happy with it?05:21
Geoffrey2more bleeding edge than backports?  well, I suppose there's gutsy-proposed (pre-release updates)05:21
bazhangyellow or wait for 8.10 intrepid ibex05:21
n8tuserUnIdiot--> sometimes you cant just cut of the wires, because its soldered in the mobo05:21
UnIdiotARGH....the speaker still beeps in XFCE when i reach the end of a list with the arrow keys... is there no relief!05:21
UnIdioti can't take this stupid pc speaker beep though05:22
Stagusr13: check this out: before I set the DNS manually and i managed to enter XChat. Now the DNS has been manually reset and I cant access Pidgin!05:22
UnIdiotthere has to be a way to disable it!05:22
yell0wGeoffrey2: that's outside/aside of multiverse and backports ?05:22
bazhangUnIdiot: turn off all system sounds that should do it05:22
nickrudUnIdiot: blacklist the pcspkr module05:22
n8tuseryell0w--> you want bleeding edge? why not go embedded linux, or uclinux ?05:22
=== exp_ is now known as Hammsand
g35cif i dont have pump, how can i manually set the ip, subnet mask, and default gateway of my wifi card?05:22
Geoffrey2um, power down the computer and physically yank the magnet out of the speaker?05:22
Naisenu(*hopes someone knows about dual-monitors*)05:22
UnIdiotnickrud: how would i do that, i tried, but it still beeps, but i may have done it wrong05:22
KiD_ChAoSis Limewire a good choice for unbuntu05:23
usr13Stag: Did you do a hard reset on the Router?05:23
FourX4LuvnUnIdiot: http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Visual-Bell-8.html05:23
penbazhang: still no use05:23
bazhang!xinerama | Naisenu05:23
n8tusergr35c easy, modify your /etc/network/interfaces file05:23
ubotuNaisenu: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:23
Stagi did today to see if restarting would change something, but nothing has changed05:23
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg pen05:23
penbazhang: I'm still in low resolution05:23
Naisenuthanks bazhang05:23
yell0wn8tuser: i got an ubuntu system running stably, i don't want to venture to antyhing else, my problem is there are a few things that i want the latest of05:23
nickrudUnIdiot: you added a file to /etc/modules.d/ , with the line    blacklist pcspkr   in it?05:23
g35cn8tuser: thats it?\05:23
nickrudUnIdiot: doh, /etc/modprobe.d that is05:24
UnIdiotis that it?05:24
penbazhang: what now?05:24
Ithappenswhats the command to remove something added to repositories?05:24
nickrudthat's it05:24
UnIdioti edited the file blacklist in that folder...05:24
bazhangKiD_ChAoS: gtk-gnutella or frostwire05:24
n8tuseryell0w--> then you are saying bleeding edge but yet you dont want to change things05:24
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:24
FourX4LuvnUnIdiot: You using Bash?05:24
Darkmysterenickrud, My Network Manager wont load at startup also when i choose network from administrator list it doesnt have enable roaming mode..05:24
KiD_ChAoSbazhang, are they fast?05:24
bazhangpen sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:24
bladezorDoes anyone know if Parallels is going to have Coherence for linux?05:24
n8tuseryell0w--> incompatible statements05:24
bazhangKiD_ChAoS: yup05:24
penbazhang: I did it05:24
UnIdiotFourX4Luvn: don't really know, what comes with stock xubuntu05:24
nickrudUnIdiot: I don't edit that file, I create my own. But the end result should be the same05:24
KiD_ChAoSwhich one do you use bazhang05:24
UnIdiotok, ill try creating one05:25
Geoffrey2oh, I'm running ./configure in trying to build a program from source...several header files that ARE installed aren't being properly detected...I'm trying to figure out why, and was hoping I could figure out somehow what directories the scripts were actually checking in?05:25
HammsandOkay so when i hit the mute button on my keyboard there is a OSD that pops up showing a speaker with an X on it,  and when i push volume up it also shows OSD's.   However it's not the correct track on my sound card, so nothing happens.   I fixed this problem by selecting preferences for the 'volume icon' on the taskbar, and changing it to  'analog front'    can i change these same settings for the On Screen Displays?05:25
usr13Stag: If it refuses to acquire IP info, just pick an IP that is outside the DHCP's pool and set to static IP and put known to be good nameserver  IPs in /etc/resolv.conf05:25
ubu2yay, links2 -g RAWKS05:25
CVD-PRthe suspend its working in ubuntu?05:25
yell0wn8tuser: i want to know if there's anything within ubuntu that's more bleeding edge than backports ?05:25
g35cn8tuser: werent there some commands to do it/05:25
nickrudDarkmystere: I know little to nothing about networkmanager05:25
bazhangKiD_ChAoS: not really a user, just an innocent bystander but folks here seem to like both05:25
brian_Hello all, would anyone mind giving me a hand setting up php?05:25
KiD_ChAoSbazhang, ok05:25
prettyricky_where can I get some widgets for ubuntu 7.10??05:25
penbazhang: what shoudl I do now?05:25
VulcanisGuys, my wifi range was halved when I booted into ubuntu, I manged to fix it with iwconfig ath0 txpower 16, but I need to do that every reboot.  CAn you give me a more perminant solution?05:25
bazhangprettyricky_: with compiz or without05:26
n8tuseryell0w--> dont know, i thought you want a really bleeding edge, and i suggested those two05:26
FourX4LuvnUnIdiot: I think it's bash.  Look for .bashrc in your home folder.. If you do add "set bell-style none" to it.  That should stop the speaker in the terminal.. and the other setting in gnome should stop it from any graphical programs.05:26
prettyricky_I currently have compiz05:26
Stagusr13: it usually acquires IP info no problem, except when i edit resolv.conf with my own DNS05:26
n8tuserg35c--> only vim /etc/network/interfaces05:26
bazhangscreenlets then prettyricky_05:26
prettyricky_does it matter if I have it05:26
Darkmysterenickrud, Wifi-Manager doesnt work either05:26
Darkmysterenickrud, *wifi-radar05:26
FourX4LuvnUnIdiot: You'll have to log out and back in again for the change to take affect05:26
brian_Hello all, would anyone mind giving me a hand setting up php.. I'm trying to set up a webserver but I can't seem to tell if PHP is correctly installed05:26
nickrudDarkmystere: I know even less abut wifi-radar :)05:26
bazhangwww.screenlets.org prettyricky_05:26
g35cn8tuser: hmm ok, but i remember last time, a user here gave me some commands to do it but ill give it a try05:27
penbazhang: I will reboot then05:27
n8tuserStage i suggest do not fool around with resolv.conf lest you really have to05:27
prettyricky_cool thanks!05:27
Hammsandwow you guys suck,  all i had to do was go into System/Preferences/Sound     thanks for nothing05:27
usr13Stag: Well, I dono05:27
nickrudDarkmystere: If networkmanager hadn't worked for me, I might have had to learn something ;)05:27
bazhanghammsand your welcome05:27
Darkmysterenickrud, :/ iwconfig doesnt work either.... nor kwifi-manager..05:27
Stagusr13: do you think reinstalling could get me out of this trouble? I have been trying to solve this for 4 days!05:27
FourX4LuvnDarkmystere: Have you looked into wicd?05:28
spowerswhat's the normal process for an important fix to be backported from hardy to gutsy?05:28
usr13Stag: No05:28
DarkmystereFourX4luvn, wicd?05:28
FourX4LuvnDarkmystere: I had the same problem.. neither of those working.. nor did wpa_supplicant.. but wicd worked a treat for me on my laptop05:28
Stagusr13: so what should I do now? just restart and then pay attention to what?05:28
brian_Hello all, would anyone mind giving me a hand setting up php.. I'm trying to set up a webserver but I can't seem to tell if PHP is correctly installed05:28
n8tuserspowers umm time is of the essence, wait til next release?05:28
DarkmystereFourX4luvn, any links?05:28
nickrudspowers: depends on the fix, sometimes it'll show up in gutsy-backports or -updates . The dev's are very conservative about what 'important' is05:28
spowersmy trackerd is using about 2gb of ram, and i found a bug in launchpad about it.  The fix has been uploaded to hardy, but is not yet available in backports05:28
FourX4LuvnDarkmystere: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD05:30
DarkmystereFourX4luvn,nickrud, well it used to work before i tried booting Windows partion from VMware Workstation with root previlages....then everything turned read-only and then i did fsck /dev/sda5 (ubuntu partion) that fixed that but i havent been able to use networking since..05:30
Stagusr13: should i restart and report dmesg to you?05:30
UnIdiotnickrud: It says that the folder is not writable, i have no idea what im doing05:30
usr13Stag: Just check to see if it is connected properly.  host av.com  ; route -n ; ifconfig ; iwconfig ; ping or ping  etc.05:30
bazhanghttp://wicd.sourceforge.net/ Darkmystere also here05:30
UnIdioti tried to make a blacklist file in abiword05:30
nickrudUnIdiot: oh, bad idea. use    sudoedit05:30
Darkmysterebazhang, also look at what i typed for nickrud and Fourx4luvn?05:30
Stagusr13: thanks a lot for your help05:30
Stagusr13: i will try this05:31
usr13Stag: If   host av.com  returns IP info, you are connected and resolving domain names.05:31
Stagok, i'll see what happens05:31
usr13Stag: Very good.05:31
caligarn1037my firefox won't let me do "copy image" with right click...has anybody hacked through this problem. or know where the solution is on the net?05:31
Staghatter: thanks for your help05:31
UnIdiotnickrud: PM'd05:31
Stagn8tuser: thank you05:32
Stagi'll probably be back in 5 mins lol05:32
usr13caligarn1037: You mean "Save Image As"?05:32
n8tuserStag no sweat..come back again05:32
DarkmystereErr, Can some one upload the .deb...i cant access any Ubuntu install with internet meaning i cant get to synaptics..05:32
caligarn1037usr13: no, Cop image05:32
caligarn1037copy image...05:32
bazhangcaligarn1037: why not just save image as05:32
penbazhang: something is wrong here05:32
dibzhow do i keep my grub conf from losing the kernel options i pass when apt-get updates grub?05:33
brian_Does anyone know anything about apache05:33
penbazhang: with the addtional flag -phigh, it worked05:33
penbazhang: but05:33
bazhangpen which is why I said envy uhoh at the outset05:33
caligarn1037usr13: save image is possible...it makes it a lot easier to copy image and then paste directly into, say, openoffice05:33
usr13caligarn1037: "Save image as..."05:33
n8tuserdibz--> umm save a file copy?05:33
dibzbrian_ im sure someone does05:33
penbazhang: when I enable compiz, it says it need to enable nvidia driver and I reboot again05:33
dibzn8tuser ummm i mean without my intervention05:33
brian_Well, I just need to know how to set it so it receives files from my computer05:33
penbazhang: then it's not working again05:33
caligarn1037usr13: i don't see, though, why this ability is lost in ubuntu05:33
spowerscaligarn1037: i do not believe that this is possible using firefox05:33
penbazhang: why?05:33
caligarn1037spowers: ive done it before though05:33
n8tuserdibz--> what is so wrong with a lil intervention? making a copy?05:33
spowersperhaps on windows05:33
bazhangpen: to enable compiz try alt f2 compiz --replace05:34
brian_As in I access the server from firefox and I want a specific folder on my computer to be the one it goes to05:34
usr13caligarn1037: Highlight it with the mouse and do Ctrl-c  and then  Ctrl-v in openoffice05:34
bladezorDoes anyone know if Parallels is going to have Coherence for linux?05:34
FourX4Luvncaligarn1037: Maybe on the Windows version.  Closest to copy image I have is "Copy image location"05:34
penbazhang: I did that in appearance,05:34
caligarn1037usr13: hm..ill try that.05:34
penbazhang: is that wrong?05:34
spowersbladezor: virtualbox already does something similar05:34
dibzn8tuser thanks , ill ask someone else , i know its possible , just cant remeber how i did it last time05:34
FourX4Luvncaligarn1037: Which would simply copy the URL.. not the image itself05:34
caligarn1037FourX4Luvn: yah...same here05:34
caligarn1037FourX4Luvn: it's a bit tedious of a function05:34
bladezorspowers, yes but virtual box does not support DirectX05:34
bazhangpen do you have ccsm installed?05:34
spowersbladezor: bummer05:34
caligarn1037i hope firefox 3 comes up with a solution05:34
=== z4w3p_ is now known as z4w3p
bobby_Firefox 3 beta 3 is amazing05:34
brambofirefox 3 beta?05:35
spowersbobby_: i pulled the nightly and tried it today... VERY fast!05:35
pentotally agree with you, firefox 3 beta 3 is good05:35
n8tuserdibz--> you dont like simple solution huh? hehe05:35
penbut with some glitches05:35
caligarn1037ctrl-C works.05:35
dibzn8tuser lol05:35
penbazhang: so, should I just run compiz --replace?05:35
caligarn1037usr13: thanks man05:35
usr13caligarn1037: caligarn1037 I do not think it is an issue with firefox.  Content is offered in different ways from websites and so there are different methods of retrieving it.05:35
bobby_I hear webkit is giving Gecko a run for it's money though05:35
spowersHOWEVER, i do not know of very many GTK+ or GNOME apps that support copying and pasting complex image types such as audio or images (which is strange, this has been supported by for example mac os 8 since the mid 90s)05:36
penbazhang: ?05:36
bobby_they say the new build of Safari is EXTREMELY faST05:36
n8tuserdibz--> to me, making a cp of a menu.lst before update is quite simple..hehe05:36
bazhangpen once you have things the way you like after the -phigh then try it that way yes05:36
caligarn1037usr13: nah...i scooped around and it's certainly one limitation in the linux firefox05:36
penbazhang: ok05:36
caligarn1037usr13: ctrl-c is a good work around though05:36
dibzn8tuser i dont want to have to do that every time i run apt-get update on many boxes05:36
dibzits just annoying05:36
spowerscaligarn1037: I believe QT and KDE apps do support copying image data.  That might not get you anywhere, but i'm just tossing it out there05:36
dibzand error prone05:36
* nickrud will be interested in the new epiphany, it's supposed to be able to use webkit05:36
spowerscaligarn1037: for example, you may be able to right-click an image in konqueror and paste it into ... uh, some other kde app05:37
n8tuserdibz not really, if you include this in  your script, you know you have a file you can fall-back on05:37
prettyricky_How in the world do you use screenlets?? Confused?05:37
caligarn1037spowers: that's a bit tedious.05:37
dibzn8tuser ok , thanks05:37
n8tuserdibz--> i dont see how copying a file can be error prone05:37
bazhangprettyricky_: you read their faq?05:37
caligarn1037spowers: but usr13's work around is good enough for me05:37
dibzn8tuser you have not admined many boxes?05:37
n8tuserdibz not in the thousands only hundres05:38
spowerscaligarn1037: it's a long standing issue with X framework clipboards unfortunately05:38
dibzthen you must have a lot of spare time05:38
spowersespecially gtk.05:38
dibzor no custom configurations05:38
dibzthat you dont want hosed05:38
weexI'm trying out xubuntu 8.04 alpha 3 on an old p3 with 256mb of ram and as a lark thought i might try to run compiz on it. Unfortunately apt-get couldn't find compiz-core. Are there sources I can put in so this will work?05:38
bramboalot of packages i try say error wrong architecture i386 in red print, is this cause i have ubuntu 64bit?05:38
n8tuserdibz someones got to do it.. <wink>05:38
g35chow do i change my shell from fluxbox to icewm?05:38
serachthey guys with Evolution, how do I remove the category (on the left) On this Computer05:39
nickrudweex: you should ask about 8.04 on #ubuntu+105:39
g35ci have the command line version installed only right now and when i do startx it goes into fluxbox, anyway to change it to icewm?05:39
caligarn1037spowers: really?...maybe it'll be solved in 8.;04?05:39
serachtI just want to show my e-mail accounts05:39
spowerscaligarn1037: don't count on it.05:39
prettyricky_well I extracted and it says to make install, but when I do that in the terminal it says no rule to make targer05:39
usr13g35c: You should have option in the login menus.05:39
spowerscaligarn1037: by long standing issue, i mean i don't think anyone's invented a fix for the problem yet.  sure would like someone to prove otherwise05:39
g35cusr13: i have the command line version instaleld only05:39
g35cand i added x.org manually after installing it, but fluxbox seems to be the default05:40
brambodoes anybody know what im saying?05:40
spowerscaligarn1037: then again firefox may not be the best app, as it is not truly GNOME, but only ancillarily so05:40
spowerscaligarn1037: GIMP supports copy/paste of images..  Maybe try copying an image or image segment in gimp and pasting to Openoffice?05:40
nickrudbrambo: yes, if you are running 64bit, you will have problems with 32bit software installation05:40
brambothere is no way around it? cuz it seems most every thing i get in  .deb dont work05:41
caligarn1037spowers: i did that....i've tried out most of the convenient work arounds...but i'd prefer the immediacy of this simple function....05:41
bramboi got 64bit figuring it would be fast for me05:41
usr13g35c: startkde or startfluxbox starticewm05:41
caligarn1037spowers: im patient about a fix though05:41
spowerscaligarn1037: does it work though?05:41
spowerscaligarn1037: i mean, between GIMP and Ooo05:41
caligarn1037spowers: yah, that works fine...i think it's a firefox thing05:42
usr13g35c: icewm-session to start IceWM05:42
caligarn1037spowers: not an ubuntu problem05:42
nickrudbrambo: you should be installing things with synaptic , rather than downloading random stuff off the net, anyway05:42
spowerscaligarn1037: you might try grabbing a firefox 3 beta and see if you can get it working there05:42
KuroachiaI've asked this before but I'm still looking for recomendations if anyone knows of any decent apps for CAD modeling. Qcad has been nice for 2D diagrams but I need 3D and Blender just isn't cutting it.05:43
caligarn1037spowers: i was thinking about that...have you played around with FF3 yet?05:43
caligarn1037spowers: im not sure how stable it is yet.05:43
brian_Can anyone tell me what I have to do to configure apache to host /home/user/public_html?05:43
bramboyea but .deb just seems the easiest quickest way for me to install things thats why i use it..i can never get .rpm files or install anything out of a .bin file i guess im somewhat a linux noob05:43
nickrudBrian323:  sudo a2enmod userdir && sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart05:43
StaggerLeei'm back05:43
StaggerLeeusr13: are you there?05:43
UnIdiotThansk to nickrud, I am now beep free!05:44
nickrudbrambo: rpm files don't install on ubuntu at all :)05:44
nickrudUnIdiot: yw05:44
brambothanks for that05:44
FourX4LuvnKuroachia: I have no experience with any of these programs, so don't ask me how good they are.. but here's a list you may want to look at:  http://www.tech-edv.co.at/lunix/CADlinks.html05:44
n8tuserg35c--> what do you have in your /usr/share/gnome/wm-properties  ?05:44
VulcanisDoes anyone know of a more perminant fix than iwconfig ath0 txpower 16 to fixing wifi range?05:44
nickrudbrambo: if you see something on the net you find interesting, look for it in system->admin->synaptic . 95% or better will be there, ready for installation05:44
brambowhat are all the compatible files for ubuntu?05:44
bramboooh ic05:45
serachthey guys I'm not sure what's wrong05:45
serachtbut on 1 desktop I only have 1 window open05:45
serachtand when I alt tab05:45
serachtit like shifts the alt-tab window05:45
serachtto the left05:45
StaggerLeen8tuser: are you there?05:45
serachtand it isn't centered05:45
nickrud!enter | seracht05:45
ubotuseracht: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:45
n8tuserVulcanis--> the driver must support it, if not, you are out of luck.. iwpriv  to show what it supports05:45
bramboi guess 64bit wasn't quite the way to go for me05:45
n8tuserStaggerLee--> yes am here05:45
Kuroachiafourx4luvn: thanks, I'll take a looK!05:45
nickrudbrambo: I use 64bit myself, and get just about anything I want in synaptic05:46
Vulcanisn8t: It lets me do iwconfig txpower, it just does not hold into next reboot05:46
chiefinnovator#join scipy05:46
usr13caligarn1037: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/24305:46
StaggerLeen8tuser: where can i paste the log so you can give it a look? host av.com is not good05:46
n8tuserVulcanis--> you may be able to use postup  in /etc/network/interfaces05:46
Vulcanishell, even cowsay ins in synaptic05:46
Vulcanisn8t: I'm pretty new, can you help with that?05:47
nickrudand vrms :)05:47
n8tuserVulcanis or in the scripts directory under /etc/network05:47
bramboi dunno if this is the wrong question for here, but do u know of an application like winamp i can use to play online radio station? i know one site but its not a application it streams music but it dont load05:47
nickrudbrambo: streamtuner works pretty well05:47
brambothats in synaptic?05:47
n8tuserVulcanis i really cant tell you what options your driver supports, mine does nt have many options05:47
nickrudbrambo: yes05:47
arekkusu_brambo: you can add radio stream to Rythmbox if that's what you're looking for05:47
OnyxI'm looking for someone to help with troubleshooting my audio issues in wine.  Anyone up for it?05:48
usr13caligarn1037:  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/231905:48
n8tuser!pastebin > StaggerLee-->05:48
StaggerLeen8tuser: i pasted it here http://rafb.net/p/oDYsCg35.html05:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:48
kozazzi have some question05:48
jack-desktopis there a keylogger type program for linux like whatpulse?05:48
kozazzhow can i get " mms:// "05:49
StaggerLeen8tuser: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56815/ :)05:49
n8tuserStaggerLee--> i didnt spot any issues with the 1st paste you had05:49
usr13kozazz: vlc or mplayer05:49
kozazzusr13 : i try mplayer but ...05:50
StaggerLeen8tuser: really? how about ;; Warning: Message parser reports malformed message packet.05:50
StaggerLee;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached05:50
arekkusu_kozazz: It play fine in totem too. (on my box if I go to this URL by default it launch totem)05:50
n8tuserStaggerLee--> nor the second, and what is the issue?05:50
OnyxI have no audio in any applications run with wine, but audio works perfectly natively.  When I run winecfg, I get "ALSA lib ../../src/conf.c:3949:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 0" and "ALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm.c:2144:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default:0" from the command line.  Any attempt to mess with audio settings in the audio tab of winecfg results in an "Audio test failed!" dialog box.05:50
usr13kozazz: gxine mms://
CarlFKdanbhfive: sudo cat fstab.txt | sudo tee /etc/fstab <- dosn't  --append!!!05:51
n8tuserStaggerLee--> it resolved google.com for you,05:51
spowersI am a huge fan of the update-manager tray icon and system for getting updates.  Is there a version I can deploy on my servers?  I'm talking specifically about its ability to automatically install security updates without confirmation.05:51
StaggerLeen8tuser: indeed. and it makes sense, i am always able to browse the internet. i am confused05:52
serachthi, is it possible to put an application in start up in a certain desktop?05:52
usr13kozazz: totem  mms://
bramboUnable to tune in...Failed to execute child process. "xmms" (no such file or directory) um what did i do ?05:52
serachtsorry, can I start up evolution in workspace 4, when I turn on my computer05:52
n8tuserStaggerLee--> you are able to browse web sites yes?05:52
g35cis there a shortcut to open a terminal in fluxbox?05:52
usr13brambo: What are you tryint to play?05:52
StaggerLeeusr13: do you have time to give my log a look? http://rafb.net/p/oDYsCg35.html05:52
Vulcanis_n8t: What were the commands again? I'm sorry, I was running mirc through wine and it decided to die05:52
brambo.977 hits05:52
usr13brambo: sent url05:53
StaggerLeen8tuser: yes, but still i could not enter Xchat or pidgin until i edited the DNJS05:53
g35ci did startx and i get a blue background and with "one" in the bottom left corner, but i have no icons and cant open a s hell05:53
arekkusu_brambo: sudo apt-get install xmms05:53
CVD-PRbueno c ya later05:53
n8tuserVulcanis--> you may be able to use postup  in /etc/network/interfaces..man interfaces05:53
=== dibz is now known as BigDaddy1
arekkusu_brambo: or in the package manager if you prefer... just install xmms and it'll will work :)05:54
=== BigDaddy1 is now known as mohadib
n8tuserStaggerLee--> which file you have to edit?05:54
usr13StaggerLee: Your wireless connection appears to be working ok.05:54
g35cStaggerLee: try dhcpclient05:55
StaggerLeeusr13: so you guys have do not have an idea why this is happening to me?05:55
n8tuserStaggerLee--> i dont have a grasp of what the issue is yet05:55
g35canyway shortcut keys to open a shell from fluxbox?05:56
usr13StaggerLee: What nameservers are you using?05:56
[chr0n0s]how do i stop gnome to show those huge previews for pdf files/images ?05:56
penbazhang: I think I found the reason05:56
StaggerLeen8user: I was here before as Stag, sorry guys maybe you did not recognize me?05:56
penbazhang: right now I still can't get it to work05:56
bazhangpen what was it05:56
bullgard4What programs use or evaluate the contents of the file /var/log/udev?05:56
penbazhang: but I think maybe because I recently upgrade some libs for the new evince05:56
penbazhang: I went to packages.ubuntu05:56
n8tuserStaggerLee--> i asked you which file you have to modify?05:56
bramboyes install that worked thank u05:57
brambomusic )05:57
penbazhang: and I upgrade some libgtk libglib libpango etc05:57
bazhangpen how did you upgrade them? outside of ubuntu apt?05:57
penbazhang: they are in hardy05:57
g35canyay to open a shell via a shortcut or someway in fluxbox?05:57
penbazhang: and they remove all the dev files05:57
bazhangpen aha05:57
penbazhang: yea05:57
penbazhang: that's why it's acting weird05:57
StaggerLeei go to manual config in the connection manager, DNS tab, enter my provider's DNS05:57
bazhangpen that and envy would seem to be it then05:57
penbazhang: why envy?05:57
brambothere is a new firefox?05:58
penbazhang: this has nothing to do with envy05:58
arekkusu_brambo: No problem :) A small trick: when you have a error message paste it into google (with Ubuntu for exemple) and you have a good chance to get your anwser05:58
penbazhang: just my mistake05:58
usr13StaggerLee: What nameservers are you using?05:58
StaggerLeen8tuser: and remove
bramboaah thanks05:58
penbazhang: now I'm just asking how to downgrade05:58
penbazhang: so I can get all the packages back?05:58
bramboi think i will leave this window open very often alot of tips thx05:58
Geoffrey2ok, I'm trying to install an application from source, when running ./configure, several .h files that are definitely installed aren't being found...I'm trying to figure out what directories are actually being searched....anyone have any ideas?05:58
StaggerLeeusr13: and
ploompen, why all packages?05:58
bazhangpen you have done so much customization with the hardy libs and envy I am not sure how you can get back05:59
penploom: I want to downgrade some packages05:59
ploompen, usually its easier to fix them and install new versions ;-)05:59
penbazhang: easy, just downgrade the libs05:59
g35cusr13: do you know if there is a way to open a shell via a shortcut of some sort in fluxbox, i have no icons in my fluxbox desktop and i dont know how to open a shell.05:59
penploom: but with the new packages, they conflict with the dev files05:59
usr13StaggerLee: Verify your nameservers.  Plug them in one at a time and do host av.com   or   host yahoo.com  or  host google.com  and verify that each one is resolving domain names.05:59
ploompen,  anyways - aptitude is my friend in doing just that06:00
n8tuserStaggerLee--> paste into pastebin the contents of your /etc/nsswitch.conf06:00
bazhangpen then have at it; but that kind of customization is just what this channel abhors and often leads to troubles like your own06:00
njolhow to "make, make install" debian way?06:00
penbazhang: so how do I downgrade packages?06:00
usr13StaggerLee: See how fast they resolve a domain name for you.  One may be responding very slow.  The fastest one should be first in the list.06:00
ploompen, it provides nice suggestions to choose from - even when downgrading06:00
penwhat should i type in ploom06:00
n8tusernjol--> no difference to others, if you have the Makefile and the targets for it06:01
usr13StaggerLee: Try using the router's IP address.  (Most routers have caching name server enabled, and if it is not, enable it, and use it for  primary nameserver.)06:01
StaggerLeeusr13: i get the problems when i use the autodetected dns, when i use the one i told you i am fine06:01
g35cn8tuser: do you know if there is a way to open a shell via a shortcut of some sort in fluxbox, i have no icons in my fluxbox desktop and i dont know how to open a shell.06:01
jeffMASTERflexubu2: i figured out the framebuffer issue if you haven't already06:01
usr13StaggerLee: nameserver
z3xdoes anyone know the boot option to disable bluetooth?06:02
n8tuserg35c--> am not familiar with fluxbox, btw  what shows up in /usr/share/gnome/06:02
StaggerLeeusr13: yes, it is when i use as nameserver for dns that i cant connect to xchat, pidgin or synaptic repositories06:02
usr13StaggerLee: If one of the nameservers is slow or un-reliable, report it to your ISP and ask for an alternative.06:02
jeffMASTERflexz3x: go to System/Administration/Services and disable it06:02
n8tuserStaggerLee--> you dont connect to xchat, you connect to the irc servers06:02
ubu2jeffMASTERflex: EADG gave me this link and it worked! http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-652038.html06:02
z3xI'd love to jeffMASTERflex, but I can't get it to boot in the first place06:02
Flannel!pinning | pen06:03
ubotupen: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:03
Vulcanis_Hm, hopefully it won't lag horribly this time06:03
usr13StaggerLee: See that the router's caching nameserver is turned on.  And that it has the fastest, most reliable nameserver at top of it's list.)06:03
ubu2finally kicking butt in the CLI06:03
z3xthus the request for the boot param06:03
penFlannel: I think I will use aptitude for now06:03
Flannelpen: Depending on what all you've done, it may be faster to backup and reinstall.06:03
StaggerLeen8tuser: sorry! i cant connect to irc servers06:03
penFlannel: reinstall???06:03
anonymous_anybody know what this means? sh: 2/DOOM: not found06:03
anonymous_LoadPlugin: /usr/lib/libdpdehread06:03
anonymous_LoadPlugin: /usr/lib/libdpmapload06:03
bazhangFlannel: envy and hardy libs06:03
usr13StaggerLee: Check the router's WAN settings.06:03
AtomicSparkwhat no ubuntu ps3 channel?06:03
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »06:04
n8tuserStaggerLee--> what exact errors were you getting?06:04
jeffMASTERflexubu2: cool, i solved it independently, it just took uncommenting some modules and adding them to initram. i wish i didn't have such an awkward resolution though, 1024 X 768 doesn'tdo it for me06:04
Flannelpen: envy and a partial upgrade are rather odd and potentially dangerous (well, for stability anyway) experiments06:04
penFlannel, ok I will avoid envy from now on, maybe :S06:04
brambois there any better messenger but gaim which i cant get to work, and pidgin, any yahoo messenger for ubuntu so i can use webcam etc?06:05
anonymous_I tried envy and it locked up my system, had to reinstall ubuntu06:05
StaggerLeen8tuser: i get  Tcl plugin for XChat - Version 1.6206:05
StaggerLee Copyright 2002-2005 Daniel P. Stasinski06:05
StaggerLee http://www.scriptkitties.com/tclplugin/06:05
StaggerLee Tcl interface loaded06:05
usr13StaggerLee: If  you find that one of the suggested nameserver's is not working or not performing well, report it to your ISP.06:05
FloodBot2StaggerLee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:05
n0greenf1anyone have any luck with the iphone and ubunut06:05
StaggerLeen8tuser: Perl interface loaded06:05
StaggerLee Python interface loaded06:05
StaggerLee* Ricerca di irc.ubuntu.com06:05
StaggerLee* Connessione a irc.ubuntu.com ( porta 6667...06:05
n8tuserStaggerLee--> dont paste here, you should know by now06:05
StaggerLeen8user: sorry, my bad06:06
AtomicSparkdo we have a ps3 channel? i'm installing it right now. :306:06
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it06:06
Decayhello all06:06
AtomicSparkz3x: try disabling it in your bios.06:06
StaggerLeen8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56816/06:07
n8tuserAtomicSpark--> am curious, do you require a special cable to load your ps3 ? what cable do you use?06:07
FourX4Luvnbrambo: I've never used it, but aMSN supports webcam06:07
AzMooHey, I want to have a modem answer a telephone call and redirect the voice directly to the sound card. Can I do that? If so, how?06:07
brambonothing for yahoo?06:07
AtomicSparkn8tuser: no followed instructions here: http://psubuntu.com06:07
FourX4Luvnbrambo: No idea, sorry06:07
ubu2jeffMASTERflex: check your /etc/usplash.conf resolution to see if it matches06:07
Decaywho know as connecting by vpn from Ubuntu pptp  to FreeBSD vpn-server mpd 3.18 ?06:08
brambonp thanks for help06:08
AtomicSparkn8tuser: pretty easy to follow. you have to reformat your ps3 though to make room. so you have to back up all your saved stuff (i was too lazy).06:08
n8tuserStaggerLee--> i dont see any errors, or maybe i dont comprehend italiano, but i dont see connect error06:08
=== chaos_ is now known as Vulcanis
Survivormanbrambo, try kopete yet?06:08
AntiUSAis there a guide to installing windows after I have already installed Ubuntu?06:08
ploompen, aptitude06:09
VulcanisHmm, apparently txpower doesn't even last 5 minutes...06:09
n8tuserAtomicSpark--> i meant the physical cable to load your ps3..special cable? serial? ethernet only?06:09
anonymous_Anyone have an idea why I am getting this message when loading Doomsday? sh: 2/DOOM: not found06:09
anonymous_LoadPlugin: /usr/lib/libdpdehread06:09
anonymous_LoadPlugin: /usr/lib/libdpmapload06:09
ploompen, to be exact - sudo aptitude06:09
StaggerLee n8tuser: sorry i cut the error out by mistake06:09
ploom? aptitude06:09
StaggerLeebasically it just times out06:09
VulcanisSo, I'm sorry for cutting off something like four times, but the wifi keeps cutting out, and thats pretty much why I'm here :\06:09
bramboa messenger?06:09
n8tuserStaggerLee--> try to use like irc.undernet.org or irc.freenode.org and see if it resolvs06:09
brambono but i willl if it works on 64bit ?06:10
AtomicSparkn8tuser: i don't get what you mean? you hook up a keyboard and a mouse. then boot it via a cd. :P06:10
Vulcanisn8tuser, sorry to bother you so much, but can you help again?06:10
ploombrambo, just try  it06:10
bramboits in synaptic?06:10
StaggerLeeyou mean entering irc.undernet.org into terminal?06:10
n8tuserAtomicSpark--> ahh i thought you download it from a pc, and ps3 is somehow connected to your pc..06:10
ubu2jeffMASTERflex: in /boot/grub/menu.lst you want to change "# defoptions=splash vga=791" (leaving in the #) to 794 for 1280x1024 or 838 for 1600x120006:11
Survivormanit's the default IM in kubuntu i think06:11
=== Fryda is now known as compiz
AtomicSparkn8tuser: nope. going to see what it's like using the ps3 as a computer. ha.06:11
AntiUSAif anyone can get my laptop cam working I will paypal them $1006:11
presumptious85new ubuntu user here06:11
=== compiz is now known as Fryda
n8tuserVulcanis, i will try to assist, I said earlier, some drivers do not support features, and if yours does, i dont know the parameters you can use to set them, try  iwpriv wlan006:11
AntiUSAI have tried several guides and haven't had luck, but I'm a noob06:12
n8tuserStaggerLee--> yes06:12
StaggerLeen8tuser: cant seem to ping06:12
n8tuserStaggerLee--> yes, i mean in the xchat06:12
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it06:13
Vulcanisn8tuser, "wlan0     no private ioctls."06:13
StaggerLeen8tuser: sorry, what i am supposed to do exactly with the irc.undernet.org line in Xchat?06:14
n8tuserVulcanis--> right, and you by chance able to set a txpower, kind of hocus pocus..lest your driver really supports it06:14
AntiUSAcan anyone help me with getting a generic laptop webcam to work? I will pay you $10!!! maybe even more06:14
n8tuserStaggerLee--> in xchat, you use that irc.undernet.org as the server to connect to...06:14
presumptious85anyone have an hauppage tv tuner06:15
presumptious85and working properly?06:15
StaggerLeeok i will try restarting xchat06:15
Vulcanisn8tuser: So, no way to get my wifi to the range I had in windows?06:15
presumptious85on their Ubuntu06:15
presumptious85i'm trying to get mine to work06:15
syndr0any one have a problem with an nvidia vc and gamma correction ( like  keeping the settings all the time)06:15
presumptious85but i dont know how to install06:15
presumptious85it says i have to make, make install06:16
syndr0any one have a problem with an nvidia vc and gamma correction ( like  keeping the settings all the time)06:16
n8tuserVulcanis--> i dont know, not all drivers support those features..so it is unique to yours, meaning the options are unique to yours too06:16
AtomicSparkVulcanis: windows exaggerates on the wifi signal strength06:16
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it06:16
presumptious85but i dont know how to properly use the terminal or know the commands06:16
syndr0anyone have an nvidia video card?06:16
Werdnahey, my kubuntu desktop has the annoying habit of only letting me type a ' or a " or a ` if I press the key twice. If I press it once, it puts an accent over the next character that I type. Can I turn this annoying feature off?06:16
ckorgAntiUSA:  Here is a link with a step by step dual-boot setup with screenshots.  Hope it helps.  http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu06:17
Vulcanisatomicspark: Thats not the problem.  I can connect to the router just fine from here in windows06:17
presumptious85i so syndro06:17
VulcanisI need to bring txpower to 16 in order to just get a signal where I am06:17
Vulcanisin ubuntu06:17
musikgoatpresumptious85: make and make install are just commands you type06:17
SkinnypuppY34will ffmpeg convert .swf files ?06:17
syndr0presumptious85, can you private chat with me for a min06:17
=== Onyx_ is now known as Onyx
pen_hey guys06:18
ere4siz3x, found this - https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2284306:18
pen_unfortunately, envy still saves me day06:18
pen_it just works06:18
Flannelpen_: It also makes it so you can't safely upgrade.06:18
AtomicSparkpen_: that's good and all but its not supported here. :P06:19
syndr0presumptious85, i pmed you06:19
AntiUSAckorg, I have already done the partitioning all to ubuntu... how can I adjust it?06:19
z3xere4si: sorry but that doesn't help06:19
xUFOxdoes anyone know how to install when the cd boots fine but goes to a blank screen while the cd reads? i have a nvidia 8800gts06:19
presumptious85but i'm not registered yet06:19
z3xI can't even get to a command line06:19
pen_I think I will reinstall when hardy comes06:19
presumptious85to musikgoat06:20
ckorgAntiUSA: This link has some information on resizing partitions for you.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot06:20
TrustNoOneHelp: how to share your root drive on linux so other boxes on the network can access it06:20
z3xI need to disable bluetooth as a boot param06:20
presumptious85what is the command line like06:20
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it06:20
musikgoatpresumptious85: go to Applications -> Accessories -> terminal06:20
presumptious85but i mean what do i type06:21
presumptious85in the terminal06:21
presumptious85here is a page of the instruction06:21
musikgoatpresumptious85: you need to follow what ever instructions told you to type make and make install06:21
n0greenf1new linux\ubuntu user im loving it by the way anyone have any suggestions for me?06:22
xUFOxdoes anyone know how to install when the cd boots fine but goes to a blank screen while the cd reads? i have a nvidia 8800gts06:22
z3xtried safe graphics mode xUFOx ?06:22
xUFOxyeah doesn't work either06:22
xUFOxthe mem test screen comes up06:23
musikgoatalt install xUFOx?06:23
SkinnypuppY34Would someone give me a syntax for ffmpeg to convert a .swf to flv mpeg or other? I issued ffmpeg -1 vid.swf vid.flv and get an error No audio or video streams available06:23
SkinnypuppY34 06:23
presumptious85i'm trying to install the driver for my tv tuner06:23
xUFOxwhats alt install06:23
TrustNoOnecan anyone tell me how to share my root drive so other boxes on the network can access it?06:23
musikgoatpresumptious85: do you have a link to the instructions?06:23
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal06:23
n8tuserxUFOx--> tried  removing the splash ?06:23
xUFOxthats deleting the 'splash' from that command line right?06:23
xUFOxif so,  yes06:23
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:24
xUFOxahh..ill try that out..thanks!06:24
presumptious85yeaa musikgoat06:24
pen_what do you guys think of hardy live cd?06:25
presumptious85i cant respond because i am not registered06:25
presumptious85i'm tryin to figure how to register06:26
musikgoatok presumptious85 where is the tip.tar.bz2 file you downloaded?06:26
TrustNoOneisnt hardy still in beta06:26
pen_yea, but what do you guys think? is it getting better?06:26
presumptious85in my home documents06:26
TrustNoOnei wont use an OS until its released officially, i hate dealing with bugs, im not a tester06:27
musikgoatok presumptious85 in the terminal type:  cd ~/Documents06:27
syndr0could anyone help me with writing a script that will run a program say every hour06:27
ere4si!cron | syndr006:27
ubotusyndr0: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm06:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about at - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:28
FourX4LuvnHrm.. Someone needs to teach the bot about at06:28
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.06:28
musikgoatpresumptious85: then type:  ls  and output the name of the file there06:29
TrustNoOnedoes mirc work well under wine?06:29
TrustNoOneim asking someone with experience with that06:29
Jangarimirc doesn't work well.06:29
Jangarifull stop.06:29
Jangari(which is english for 'period')06:30
bullgard4What programs use or evaluate the contents of the file /var/log/udev?06:30
kozazz i have some question06:30
kozazz how can i get mms://
pen_what is the safest and fastest way to backup my ubuntu partition?06:30
kozazz i try mplayer , totem  but i didn't work06:30
FourX4LuvnTrustNoOne: If you want an IRC client that supports scripting, aliases, popups, etc.. like mirc, check out x-chat if you haven't.  It's pretty much the *NIX version of mirc06:30
atrainWierd issue: xorg wont start, unless I go into failsafe, load gdm, restart, then it goes for 1 boot, then broken again. what could be causing this?06:30
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it06:30
Geoffrey2anyone wanna take a stab at why md5.h is present but cannot be compiled?06:31
TrustNoOneim using xchat, i just dont like the color schemes, and its too much work to change it all around06:31
Jangaripen_: "apt-cache search backup" you'll surely find something06:31
kozazzhow can i get mms://
pen_Jangari: k, thx06:31
FourX4Luvnz3x: Don't know how to disable BT.. but would it be possible for you to use the server CD instead?06:31
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:31
presumptious85thanks alot z3x06:32
StaggerLeen8tuser: i am back. cannot connect to irc.undernet.org either. All i get is an error message like, "Connection failed. Connection timed out" (my translation)06:32
kozazz i have some question06:32
pen_Jangari: are they all installed?06:32
kozazz how can i get mms://
kozazz i try mplayer , totem  but i didn't work06:32
presumptious85will work with wat u gave me immediatel to turn off computer tat his moment06:32
slack-lovewget mms://xxxx06:32
presumptious85because i am about to have a lights out06:32
presumptious85but i will be back06:32
Jangarino pen_, they are programs that you can install easily by "sudo apt-get install (package)"06:32
TrustNoOnewhat i think is horrible, is this one time i was playing halo2 and there was a netsplit during the online match, and my friend was on my team and he ended up leaving, so it got split into two games, so there were 2 different game outcoms and it was strange how that turned out06:33
pen_Jangari: ok06:33
pen_Jangari: got it06:33
kozazzwget didn't support mms06:33
Jangarigood, cause i gotta go06:33
acee1234any work around to keep computer from freezing when logging of or restarting x?06:33
slack-loverecompile mplayer and don't use apt-packages06:33
n8tuserStaggerLee--> just times out? no re-tries? how about somethinge like you type  /QUOTE passwd xxxx ?06:33
musikgoatpresumptious85: I didn't read anything before "but i will be back"06:33
slack-lovesee codecs for mplayer06:33
acee1234i hav ati x1400 usung resticted drivers06:33
pen_Jangari: which one do you recommand?06:34
kozazzrecompile mplayer ???06:34
StaggerLeen8tuser: it retries, and fails again06:34
n0greenf1what is mplayer?06:34
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it06:34
n8tuserStaggerLee--> maybe undernet is hard to get to,  try  irc.freenode.org06:34
kozazzrecompile mplayer then can i down load .wma througt mms ??06:34
g35cmy xorg is setup with 24 bit depth and 1024x786 resolution, but the text and graphics are very pixelated. Any ideas?06:34
brambowat would be the quickest way for me to grab the new firefox?06:35
Geoffrey2oh well, this is what I get for trying to upgrade the desktop manager unstead of just waiting for xubuntu 8.04, I guess.....06:35
StaggerLeen8tuser: ok i will try, but the same happens with this channel. i'll be right back :)06:35
syndr0how do i run the cron editor06:35
syndr0cron -e right06:35
syndr0for that edito06:35
musikgoatbrambo: sudo apt-get install firefox-granparadiso  is it I believe06:35
acee1234if there is no known solution or there is a better place to ask please tell me06:36
bramboill try thanks06:36
n8tusersyndr0--> crontab -e06:36
kozazz slack-love : can you download mms:// now by mplayer??06:36
atrainWierd issue: xorg wont start, unless I go into failsafe, load gdm, restart, then it goes for 1 boot, then broken again. what could be causing this?06:36
bramboE: Couldn't find package firefox-granparadis06:36
kozazz how can i get mms://
musikgoatbrambo: +o at the end06:37
presumptious85how do i register?06:37
brambosorry i must be getting tired06:37
mysteriosoif there is a -dev in a package do I need it?06:37
TurtleOfDoompresumptious85: register what?06:37
mysteriosoif there is a -dev in a package do I need it?06:37
musikgoatpresumptious85: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup06:37
presumptious85as a member06:38
Geoffrey2if I want to go back to an earlier version of xfce once I've started manually updating, is the solution to grab the liveCD and reinstall?06:38
musikgoatmysterioso: mostly no06:38
TurtleOfDoomread and follow all seven steps at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup06:38
mysteriosowhat is it for?06:38
brambostill dont work tho with that +o06:38
TurtleOfDoompresumptious85: then ask on #freenode06:38
musikgoatmysterioso: usually for modifying the source, and "development"06:38
mysteriosook thanx06:38
musikgoatbrambo: try tab completion,  after sudo apt-get install firefox-   then tab twice06:39
luisaHas anyone installed Mac/Global Menu applet    /   knows how to get around libgtk2.0-0 dependency issue?06:39
musikgoatbrambo: you may have to open some repositories06:39
StaggerLeen8tuser: nope, wont connect to freenode either. it tries to connect to irc.freenode.net (, on port 6667. Nothing happens until i am told connection has timed out. it tries again and times out again, ad lib06:41
bramboforgive me im sorta new i dunno what u mean open some repositories06:41
pen_what do you guys think of hubackup?06:41
pen_is it good for backup files and configuration in my ubnutu partition?06:41
Jewsus_My computer is going very slowly and top says the process "Xgl" is taking about 70% of the cpu.  What is "Xgl" and can I kill it?06:41
luisajewsus_ it's a video driver06:42
Jewsus_so if I kill it will my monitor turn blank?06:42
musikgoatbrambo: head to system -> admin -> software sources06:42
syndr0whats the file type that you would save acron file as06:42
Slurpeei could never get my alsa sound drivers to work. i was playing with alsa settings trying to install the drivers and get sound to work.  i reboot and now i am stuck wit the "your session only lasted 10 seconds" menu.  i can only boot to the command line.  any ideas ?06:42
luisajewsus_ you probably need to replace it by the other version (open vs restriscted, someone correct me if I'm wrong)06:42
Jewsus_Where can I find the other version?06:43
musikgoatbrambo: then go to the updates tab, and check unsupported updates (backports)06:43
paltemaltei have a dell inspiron 1100 that i finally got working (ubuntu does not correctly detect its video card) .. but now ubuntu starts up, and gdm starts up, and everything is fine - until i use it for a few minutes, start a few programs etc.  then the whole xserver becomes so slow not even the mouse pointer can move without hacking. does anyone have any idea of what might be wrong?06:43
musikgoatbrambo: then close it and press reload06:43
luisajewsus_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67950006:43
musikgoatbrambo: then back in teh terminal, do the same, and you should have -granparadiso06:44
Jewsus_thanks for the link luisa06:44
paltemaltethe video card is particularly crappy, with no ram memory of its own, rather it shares the machines memory.  but the thing is windows xp can handle this alright, so i was hoping and assuming ubuntu could too06:44
luisapaltermalte might want to check that link too06:44
bullgard4What programs utilize or evaluate the contents of the file /var/log/udev for what purpose?06:44
bramboah its getting it now thanks all06:45
paltemalteluisa: hmm, xgl, don't think that is enabled as it is06:45
iceman_hello all06:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:46
brambothe new firefox over writes the old one?06:46
ol_dude67paltemalte, what video card and how much ram are you using?06:46
presumptious85z3x, u still here?06:46
luisabullgared4 udev is the device manager for the Linux 2.6 kernel series. Its primary function is managing device nodes in /dev. BASICALLY it tells your computer your hardware. Basically :P06:47
paltemalteol_dude67: its a an inte 82845G/GL, and i can set the amount of ram it can use with VideoRam (actually i must set it)06:47
musikgoatbrambo: no06:47
paltemalteol_dude67: it seems to work the longest when i use exactly 64 mb06:47
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:47
paltemalteol_dude67: which is the recommended level too, when having 256 mb in total06:47
iceman_does anyone know how to install ubuntu on a computer with nvidia graphics?06:48
bullgard4luisa: I know already what you have told me. My question was more specific and not general.06:48
bramboi have the first try i hav nvidia graphics06:48
ol_dude67paltemalte, the problem is i think that you need at least 256 to run ubuntu as well not including the video how much swap?06:48
ol_dude67i run a intel 945gz at 64 and it is good but i have over a gig of ram06:49
paltemalteol_dude67: i never got the opportunity to set the swap size i don't think, but it doesn't seem to start using the swap anyways06:49
bramboi dont see a difference is the new firefox any different looking?06:50
paltemalteol_dude67: i didn't realize ubuntu required that much ram, but if that is the case, then i might as well stop trying now :p06:50
ol_dude67paltemalte, try using the xubuntu instead.06:50
ol_dude67less ram required06:50
presumptious85u were trying to help me out earlier06:50
presumptious85but my lights went off06:50
paltemalteol_dude67: oh yeah?  i'll check it out06:50
presumptious85so here is the site again http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/faq/support_faq_hvr1600.html#306:51
musikgoatbrambo: the graphics of beta 2 are not different (at least in ubuntu currently, i haven't looked into why), but are on windows06:51
ol_dude67paltemalte, its the same with windows now, if your running vista with that amount your going to go real slow as well.06:51
musikgoatbrambo: but its MUCH speedier06:51
apersonI just installed Ubuntu from Vista. I didn't back anything up and don't even have a windows back up CD. What I Want to know is how can I get back to Vista, my biggest fear is that ubuntu formated my HDD and installed itself. I've tried using the boot menu then hard drive boot but all that comes up is Ubuntu which I currently don't want.06:51
presumptious85and i saved the file to be extracted in my documents folder06:52
musikgoatpresumptious85: yes, I remember,  did you follow the commands I told you?06:52
AntiUSAcan anyone help me with getting a generic laptop webcam to work? I will pay you $10!!! maybe even more06:52
brambohow can i tell its installed right?06:52
bramboi open the browser all seems same06:52
presumptious85cd document06:52
musikgoatbrambo: go to Help -> About06:52
musikgoatpresumptious85: not quite06:52
ol_dude67aperson, what type of computer?06:52
bramboah version 2 okay06:52
musikgoatpresumptious85: cd Documents06:52
paltemalteol_dude67: oh yeah no doubt with vista .. i was still hoping i could squeeze ubuntu onto this old machine though. it belongs to a friend of mine, and she thought ubuntu looked cool on my other machine06:53
apersonUmm it's a HP media center, not sure what model.06:53
malnilionaperson, unless you manually partitioned your hard drive (shrunk the vista partition and installed ubuntu on a new partition you created), you're data's gone from everything but something a data recovery service could recover06:53
musikgoatpresumptious85: did you register?  it would be easier to follow along by PM06:53
mysteriosois there a way to save all pref. and internet bookmarks and EVERYTHING on a cd?  i already have aptoncd.06:53
ol_dude67paltemalte, try xubuntu06:53
presumptious85yeaa i think i did06:53
mysteriosois there a way to save all pref. and internet bookmarks and EVERYTHING on a cd?  i already have aptoncd.06:53
ol_dude67aperson, try hitting f10 when booting06:53
paltemalteol_dude67: just trying to find some sort of requirements page for xubuntu .. something that tells you the recommended amount of ram etc. you wouldn't happen to know about a such page?06:54
apersonI believe I've tried that06:54
luisaAnyone know how to get around this:06:54
luisadpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gtk2.0-examples:06:54
luisa gtk2.0-examples depends on libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.12.0-1ubuntu3.1); however:06:54
luisa  Version of libgtk2.0-0 on system is 2.12.0-1ubuntu3.06:54
apersonaperson, unless you manually partitioned your hard drive (shrunk the vista partition and installed ubuntu on a new partition you created), you're data's gone from everything but something a data recovery service could recover-----------So I'm screwed? Great I hate Ubuntu now.06:54
ol_dude67paltemalte, try going to ubuntu and in search type in xubuntu06:54
ssLost windows borders in gnome after uninstalling default compiz packages can someone guide me how to make it ok again? I have to use metacity --repalce at each boot, tried to make it automatic but could't. Adding it to startup does not work, adding it to /home/.bashrc did not worked plz tell me some solution06:54
ol_dude67aperson, call dell cause they will have to help you.06:54
ol_dude67i hope its new06:55
apersonMy computer isn't a dell...06:55
mysteriosois there a way to save all pref. and internet bookmarks and EVERYTHING on a cd?  i already have aptoncd.06:55
ol_dude67oops sorry hp06:55
luisass: ALT + F2 : type this:   metacity --replace06:55
luisaoops nevermind06:55
sslusia: I am already using it in terminal but want to make it automatic on each boot06:56
ol_dude67aperson, cause if it redid the whole hard drive then it killed windows.06:56
mysteriosohow do i use b43-fwcutter-009.tar.bz2?06:56
apersonOK, i'll call them tomorrow I'm going to bed, it's currently 3AM. I hope can send me a new disk.   I just did what Ubuntu told me to do.06:56
mysteriosohow do i use b43-fwcutter-009.tar.bz2?06:57
luisaI know, I just noticed. Anyway, make a SH file with #/bin/bash  (newline) metacity replace & (end of file) make it executable then add it to your Session so it loads each time you log in06:57
lutz_mysterioso, tar -xvf ur.tar.bz206:57
apersonI'd figure it've warned me that it would format my HDD06:57
mysteriosolutz im sorry?06:57
ol_dude67aperson, it does before it does it.06:57
ssokiez I try it as well..... Thnx06:58
mysteriosolutz_ i already downloaded it06:58
apersonI don't remember it say it would format anything.06:58
lutz_to extract it us "tar -xvf ur.tar.bz2"06:58
ol_dude67aperson, i have used several different linux versions and all of them warn you.06:58
=== brambo is now known as brambo^_^
mysteriosolutz_ not workin06:59
luisaYeah they do warn you... :P06:59
lutz_u typed it in a terminal?06:59
mysterioso]copied and pasted06:59
rkviraniI've got a server06:59
lutz_what does it say?06:59
mysteriosoin the directory of the file06:59
rkvirani... its completely messed up06:59
mysteriosoit doesnt say nething06:59
mysteriosoit says >07:00
rkviranithe apt repositories are all fscked up07:00
rkvirani /var/cache/apt/archives/debianutils_2.22.1_i386.deb07:00
rkviraniE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:00
apersonIt didn't say in big red letters "Will format whole hard drive!"07:00
mysteriosolutz_ it is a driver/firmware for my 43xx wireless card07:00
thedefenderwhats the current FGLRX version in the ubuntu restricted repos?07:00
luisawell it's usually what happens when you install a OS :-/07:00
rkviranithere was a problem with the dependancy for passwd so I tried removing it and that make things even worse07:00
lutz_mysterioso, tar -xvf b43-fwcutter-009.tar.bz2 don't work?07:00
rkviranihow do I fix the stupid debianutils package?07:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:01
mysteriosowill that install it also?07:01
lutz_no it will extract the tarball07:01
mysteriosoi want to install it07:01
thedefenderanyone know what the current FGLRX version in the ubuntu restricted repos?07:01
lutz_tell me what is inside the tarball07:01
Daisuke_Idoyou can't install it until you extract it -_-07:01
rkviranidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/debianutils_2.22.1_i386.deb (--unpack):07:01
rkvirani trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/add-shell', which is also in package passwd07:01
lutz_are there sourcecode's?07:01
SmackyI guess mIRC works good in wine (6.2 version)07:01
nano__hey guys, in what config file do i specify my windows manager ?07:02
rkviraniAny ideas?07:02
mysteriosoC source code files C headers 2 unknown07:02
apersonWell, bye I'm off to die. At least the computer was fairly new.07:02
lutz_try as root "./configure && make && make install"07:02
sjshi, anybody have any ideas to why during installation it says there's an error returned when trying to install the kernel into the target system?07:03
mysteriosolutz_ no habla espanol07:03
lutz_sry no espanol07:03
mysteriosoAfter extraction, copy the "b43" or "b43legacy" directory to your firmware07:04
mysteriosodirectory (usually /lib/firmware or similar, see below). Alternatively you07:04
mysteriosocan use the -w option to b43-fwcutter.07:04
luisai have no idea sjs07:04
SmackyI was at work the other day and some mexicans came in and wanted to buy something but they only spoke spanish so I couldn't help them07:04
sjshmm thanks anyways luisa07:04
AntiUSAI am still trying to install the webcam that is embedded on my laptop for ubuntu. I do not know what kind of webcam it is. how can I find out? can anyone help me do the drivers?07:04
=== Smacky is now known as TrustNo
=== TrustNo is now known as TrustNoOne1
luisalol np sjs07:04
mysteriosoAfter extraction, copy the "b43" or "b43legacy" directory to your firmware directory (usually /lib/firmware or similar, see below). Alternatively you can use the -w option to b43-fwcutter.07:04
TrustNoOne1imessed my name brb07:05
=== lutz_ is now known as moveax1
mysteriosomoveax1 any ideas?07:05
=== TrustNoOne1 is now known as TrustNoOne
moveax1sry, dont have07:05
rkviraniHow do I force apt to install something07:05
TrustNoOneok there we go07:05
rkviranidoes anyone know how to fix this07:05
rkviranior am I talking to a bunch of newbs :)07:05
mysteriosodoes anyone know how to use the b43xx fwcutter thingy?07:05
luisaWhy is it not installing?07:05
mysteriososudo apt-get force install?07:06
moveax1apt-get -f install ?07:06
mysteriosothats what I said!07:06
rkviraniit dies07:06
mysteriosodoes anyone know how to use the b43xx fwcutter thingy?07:06
two_bitsis there a way to restart alsa without rebooting?07:07
rkviranisame error07:07
rkviraniwhat should I do since apt-get wont install anything?07:07
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:07
ere4si!fwcutter | two_bits : have you seen this?07:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fwcutter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:07
cycomhow do I change which control my volume shortcuts change?07:08
jim_phow can find the runlevel my pc is running?07:08
two_bitsisn't that wireless?07:08
JoshuaRLwhat do you mean rkvirani07:08
JoshuaRLi just got here07:08
moveax1rkvirani, let me see ur /etc/apt/sources.list07:08
arooni-mobilehelp!  firefox 2.0.11 can't play back .divx or .wmv videos.  it says the plugin is missing and doesn't know what plugin to install... and the video area just has a white box07:08
rkviraniI pasted gutsy07:08
rkviranithe default gutsy sources.list07:08
rkviraniI tried to upgrade from 5.1007:09
rkviraniand it is all screwed07:09
ere4sijim_p, type in a terminal    runlevel07:09
moveax1have commented out the cdrom?07:09
JoshuaRLwhat errors does it give?07:09
mysteriosoere4si  see what?07:09
mysteriosoere4si yeah its wireless, broadcom 43xx07:10
luisaarooni-mobile: sudo apt-get install mkisofs ffmpeg dvdauthor mencoder python07:10
JoshuaRLyeah rkvirani, try commenting out the cd and source code07:10
jim_pcycom: under gnome go to System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts07:10
rkviranidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/debianutils_2.22.1_i386.deb (--unpack):07:10
rkvirani trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/add-shell', which is also in package passwd07:10
rkviranidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/debianutils_2.22.1_i386.deb (--unpack):07:10
rkvirani trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/add-shell', which is also in package passwd07:10
rkviranidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/debianutils_2.22.1_i386.deb (--unpack):07:10
rkvirani trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/add-shell', which is also in package passwd07:10
FloodBot1rkvirani: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
ere4siok - sorry two_bits  - mysterioso I thought the bot would know about that...07:10
luisaarooni-mobile: sudo apt-get install mkisofs ffmpeg dvdauthor mencoder python07:10
cycomjim_p: no, I don't want to change the keys, just which channel they control...07:11
arooni-mobileluisa, then just restart firefox?07:11
rkviraniso sorry the stupid xchat for OS X didnt paste properly07:11
JoshuaRLnw rkvirani07:11
mysteriososo who knows how to make07:11
mysteriosooh poop on it07:11
rkviranidamn mac07:12
mysteriosoim goin to bed07:12
cycomnevermind! found it.  System, Preferences, Sound, Default Mixer Tracks07:12
rkviraniJosh yeah sorry about that07:12
rkviraniso as you can see I have these problems07:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about b43 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:12
mysteriosoere4si thanks for your help07:12
=== azdrubal is now known as asdrubal
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:12
arooni-mobileluisa, that didnt make it work :(07:12
mysteriosoere4si !bcm07:12
ere4siI don't do wireles but have seen some links at times ...07:13
JoshuaRLhave you tried "dpkg--configure -a" or "apt-get install -f"?07:13
rkviraniJoshuaRL yes I have07:13
mysteriosoere4si yeah.  I got it to work once. but I JUST reinstalled everything.  So here I go again07:13
mysteriosoim gettin better though07:14
ere4sipractise makes perfect  or insane :)07:14
JoshuaRLcan you go to synaptic and fix any broken packages?07:14
rkviraniJosh Im at an SSH console07:14
JoshuaRLdoes it support Xsessions?07:15
luisaarooni-mobile: (testing this on spare computer with fresh ubuntu install) I believe just installing VLC player install alll those codecs07:15
rkviraniI dont have local console07:15
rkviraniI just have SSH07:15
JoshuaRLare you physically on the computer in question?07:15
arooni-mobileluisa, i already have VLC player installed... btw it WAS working before but is no longer working :(07:15
rkviraniJoshuaRL nope07:16
paltemaltei just installed xubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu machine. can anyone tell me how i start x using xfce from xubuntu instead of gdm at boot?07:16
JoshuaRLerr, you might be able to fix more if you were there.07:16
JoshuaRLnot to sound insulting or anything :)07:16
rkviraniJoshRL I should be able to fix everything console07:16
Daisuke_Idopaltemalte: completely different concepts, you'll still launch gdm, just go to the menu there and select xfce as your session07:17
paltemalteDaisuke_Ido: ah.. i thought gdm was a gnome manager or something?07:17
slnoffпривет всем07:17
JoshuaRLin theory, but i've been able to fix stuff with synaptic that I couldn't fix from the terminal07:17
=== u^A is now known as allbert
Daisuke_Idoit's the gnome display manager, but its job is to launch whatever the selected session is.  i use gdm to launch gnome, kde, xfce, enlightenment, and fluxbox :D07:18
rkviraniJosh it uninstalled openssh-server so I cant even do ssh forwarding07:18
rkviraniotherwise I would forward07:18
JoshuaRLare you trying to fix someone else's computer?07:19
paltemalteDaisuke_Ido: oh, wasn't aware of that .. can i make it default into starting xfce then?07:19
CVD-PR512 = 64kbps download07:19
paltemalteDaisuke_Ido: or do i have to uninstall the ubuntu-desktop for that?07:19
rkviraniJoshRL yes07:19
JoshuaRLone second paltemalte07:19
paltemalteDaisuke_Ido: right now its defaulting into the gnome desktop, so i presume making it do the opposite should be possible :)07:20
ynefpaltemalte: no, just select "session" and choose xfce -- it'll ask you if you want to have xfce as default07:20
JoshuaRLwhen you login use Sessions to change to XFCE and just change it to default07:20
Daisuke_Idoyep!  when you select xfce, it will ask if you want to make it your default choice or just for that session07:20
paltemalteJoshuaRL:ah, thanks!07:20
Daisuke_Idomake it the default and you're all set07:20
JoshuaRLin triplicate07:20
paltemaltethanks guys, very helpful07:20
ere4si512kbits/s divided by 8 = 64k/bytes/s CVD-PR07:20
JoshuaRLokay rkirani, can you email or write down the steps for them to fix from synaptic?07:20
theTravI have a dual boot setup on my laptop, gutsy and XP.  I want my xp hdd (ntfs) to automatically be mounted every time I log in to ubuntu.  How can I get that done?07:21
fdsajklHow do I download source files from a CVS repository?07:22
moveax1theTrav, you can write it in ur /etc/fstab07:22
fdsajklI tried svn checkout, it did not work. I pointed it to the directory of listed files.07:22
fdsajklOn sourceforge.net07:22
StrangeCharmwhat possible reasons could there be for hibernate not working on a laptop?07:23
theTravmoveaxl: what does that mean?07:23
moveax1theTrav, in the /etc/fstab are the devices which are automaticly mounted on startup07:24
theTravok, so there's an fstab file in the etc folder with a list of devices07:24
theTravhow do I find out what to put in there?07:25
theTravnormally when I mount ubuntu just works it out for me07:25
moveax1theTrav, one moment07:27
yneftheTrav: google for fstab, i guess -- that, and read the "mount" man page07:27
TrustNoOnei love my sexy desktop, i want to make love to it07:27
JoshuaRLwelcome to linux07:28
moveax1theTrav, the syntax is like this "/dev/sda7       /media/Windows               ntfs-3g    defaults,users 0 0"07:28
luisaMine would be great if only i could install that mac/global menu thingy :( :( :(07:28
moveax1theTrav, to find the right values try "cat /etc/mtab"07:28
TUKIEMTrustNoOne: congratulation07:28
TrustNoOneit took me 4 days to install everything, like going through all these themes and icon packs and boot and login screens and stuff till i found the hottest ones07:28
moveax1theTrav, in the mtab are the currently mounted devices07:28
TrustNoOnethe only thing that would be hotter is if i installed gentoo07:29
moveax1or LFS07:29
yao_ziyuani want to suggest an emergent action on kubuntu's official website: put a note there advising east asian prospective users to "download ubuntu instead and then install the kubuntu-desktop package, because installing kubuntu directly will not get them input methods."07:29
TrustNoOneanyways someone said mIRC sucks on linux, im using it right now and its flawless sooo...07:29
ynefTrustNoOne: yeah, but then you'd still be compiling gnome by now ;-) (just kidding)07:29
JoshuaRLwhys that yao_ziyuan?07:29
JoshuaRLhaha thats true ynef07:30
yao_ziyuanJoshuaRL: see "because"07:30
TrustNoOneya probably, gentoo is way harder/longer to install than most other distros07:30
moveax1TrustNoOne, i think x-chat is better07:30
Daisuke_IdoTrustNoOne: why not use a native client?07:30
TrustNoOnealso my laptop graphics card doesnt like a lot of distros, many wont install properly07:30
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it07:30
TrustNoOneumm cuz i like the mIRC color schemes07:30
moveax1TrustNoOne, why dont use a open source client?07:30
Daisuke_Idoxchat, irssi, konversation, kvirc...07:30
TUKIEMxchat is nice yess07:30
Daisuke_Idoyou can use those colours anywhere.  it's configurable in *every* irc client i've ever seen07:30
TrustNoOnelike with mIRC on full screen everything is black with neon text, i like it more07:30
ynefTrustNoOne: i don't really remember it being hard to install as much as being time consuming. especially when KDE or whatever had a new minor update, and I'd sit there emerging world for a day... ;-)07:30
nedvedhi im mexican!07:30
TrustNoOneya i tried xchat but only main chat window you can change color07:31
TrustNoOnecant change it for list or the rest of the client (that i found)07:31
white_eagleyiu can have mirc on linux via wine, but why bother with that client?07:31
luisahey ned07:31
TrustNoOnei dunnos i like mirc07:31
Daisuke_IdoTrustNoOne: if you don't mind kde apps, try konversation07:31
TrustNoOnereminds me of dos07:31
TUKIEMynef: only those hwo likes to mess a lot07:31
white_eaglewhen you can have irssi or xcha07:31
TrustNoOnei dont use kde07:31
Daisuke_Idomirc reminds you of dos?07:31
TrustNoOneor kde aps07:31
theTravok, so I just copy the right line from mtab to fstab?07:31
TrustNoOnelol i dunno07:31
white_eagleI hate kde07:31
Daisuke_Idotry irssi then07:32
TrustNoOneya gnome is better07:32
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:32
sn00zerTrustNoOne, i have xchat and my main chat, server list and nick list are all in color07:32
Daisuke_Idowhite_eagle: lovely, i was just making a suggestion.07:32
moveax1theTrav, try it, i can't see ur files from here07:32
luisayeah but it doesnt have global menu bar :(07:32
white_eagleDaisuke_Ido: of what07:32
white_eagleI didn't catch up07:32
JoshuaRLoh sorry yao_ziyuan, didn't understand it07:32
TrustNoOneya well i couldnt find the option to change all the color schemes, i only find the one for main window under preferences < colors07:32
theTravok it's got a whole heap of comma separated things in there07:32
Daisuke_Idowhite_eagle: then why did you throw out the offtopic?  it was perfectly ontopic (except for the expected kde-hating zealotry)07:33
JoshuaRLyou mean all east asian languages or just one?07:33
theTrav/dev/sda1 /media/disk fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 007:33
TrustNoOne*opens xchat*07:33
theTravlooks about right though07:33
moveax1is /dev/sda1 ur ntfs devices?07:33
sn00zerTrustNoOne, i'm pretty sure thats where i changed mine, all 3 sections have the same color scheme07:33
white_eagleDaisuke_Ido: yeah, I was reminding myself07:33
Smackysn00zer, im in xchat, how do i change the color schemes for everything including menu and server list07:33
white_eagleit was for me07:33
* Daisuke_Ido nods07:33
yao_ziyuanJoshuaRL: input of all east asian languages is via scim, and scim isn't correctly set up in kubuntu07:33
white_eagleget it?07:33
theTravI think so07:33
Daisuke_Idofair enough07:34
Smackyoh well i changed my color scheme there and it only changed main window07:34
theTravi ran cat mtab before and after mounting it07:34
theTravand that was the only new line07:34
JoshuaRLwow, you should definitely file an urgent bug report yao_ziyuan07:34
white_eagleDaisuke_Ido: I do repeat that I hate kde often, and its better for me to remind myself ;)07:34
brambowhat is the main difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?07:34
moveax1when u mount it and do "cat /etc/mtab" have it the same media folder like in the gui07:34
white_eaglebrambo: Ubuntu uses gnome kbuntu uses kde07:34
white_eaglexubuntu uses xfce07:35
adrienanyone knows how to change channel ? i forgot?07:35
brambois one better then the other or?07:35
white_eagle!kubuntu | brambo07:35
ubotubrambo: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE07:35
adrienjoin #xubuntu07:35
sn00zerSmacky, i changed the foreground and background colors under the text colors section in settings -> preferences -> colors07:35
white_eaglebrambo: its all about wishes07:35
white_eaglei personally like gnome better07:35
theTravmoveaxl: sorry I don't quite understand that "have it the same media folder like in the gui"07:35
white_eaglebut some find kde to be nicer07:35
moveax1fluxbox ftw07:35
adriengot it07:35
theTravare you asking if it's mounted properly?07:36
white_eagleand some like xfce because its fast07:36
brambooh so not much difference except appearance?07:36
Smackysn00zer, so did i, but only the main chat window changes color, not the side windows07:36
white_eaglebrambo: no07:36
theTravit's mounted to media/disk07:36
white_eaglebrambo: its still linux07:36
sn00zerSmacky, i think i had to restart xchat too07:36
Daisuke_Idoyeah, it all comes down to whatever you're comfortable with.  there are a LOT of differences07:36
moveax1theTrav, yes when it is mounted the windows partition have the same folder in mtab and in the graphical filemanager? i mean /media/<thishere>07:36
bramboi wonder if its worth trying the live CD07:36
white_eagle!KDE | brambo07:36
ubotubrambo: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:36
Daisuke_Idokde this thing about being infinitely configurable with all the options right there all the time07:36
AliTarihiHi I have a problem: I want to use a debdiff file, any idea?07:36
white_eaglebrambo: are you on ubuntu right now?07:37
bramboubuntu gutsy 7.1007:37
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it07:37
Smackysn00zer, since changing the colors i ahve rebooted my machine07:37
yao_ziyuanJoshuaRL: i did07:37
white_eaglebrambo: if you like KDE type into terminal sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:37
yao_ziyuanJoshuaRL: kubuntu devel hasn't been able to solve it07:37
theTravmoveaxl yeah it's media/disk07:38
brambooh it will change my desktop?07:38
sn00zerSmacky, i have this uberscript plugin, maybe thats the difference?07:38
white_eaglelog off, press F10 on your keyboard, and choose the KDE session07:38
theTravthanks for your help moveaxl07:38
white_eaglebrambo: no07:38
moveax1theTrav, it works?07:38
white_eaglebrambo: you will have to log off07:38
theTravdunno I'd have to re-start to test that wouldn't I?07:38
white_eagleand do that what I told you above07:38
Smackysn00zer, ya i only have the native software, no plugin07:38
bramboi thought so07:38
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it07:38
moveax1theTrav, no "umount -a" and "mount -a"07:38
moveax1theTrav, as root07:39
Smackysn00zer, i guess i was just hoping for it to work *out of the box* without configuring plugins, im lazy like that...07:39
theTravthat unmounts and then mounts the file systems?07:39
=== _Kwitschibo is now known as Kwitschibo
brambowell i have 3mb dsl gonna be a little bit07:39
white_eaglebrambo: and if you want to try out xfce, do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop , xfce is based on gnome but its very much lighter than it, and some preffer it because it gives them more speed07:39
theTravheh, my devices are busy07:39
moveax1theTrav, yes all filesystems in the /etc/fstab07:39
bramboim looking for cooler looking to speed really07:40
JoshuaRLyao_ziyuan: okay, thanks for the info.07:40
sn00zerSmacky, i have xchat on another box w/o the plugin, i'll check that really quick and see if it changes all the areas07:40
white_eaglelooks, is mainly because you can change the looks immediately07:40
moveax1theTrav, have it mounted the windows device?07:40
theTravhmm... it unmounted it, but didn't re mount it07:40
theTravsaid mount point /media/disk does not exist07:40
white_eaglethe main advantage on linux over win is in the looks, is mainly because you can change the looks immediately07:40
moveax1mkdir /media/disk07:41
bramboterminal is asking for  Kubuntu 7.0 Gutsy CD07:41
bramboi only have Ubuntu disc07:41
Daisuke_Idowhite_eagle: and because you don't have to reboot after a minor update to a minor program -_-07:41
Daisuke_Idoa pet peeve of mine07:41
Smackysn00zer, if it doesnt work on your other box, could you send me that plugin or tell me where to get it?07:41
moveax1brambo, are u trying to use apt?07:41
bramboyeah i blieve so07:41
theTravhmm, got mount: wrong fs type, etc07:41
white_eagleDaisuke_Ido: yeah07:42
theTravdidn't like the mount07:42
Daisuke_Idoyeah, remove the cd from the repositories07:42
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it07:42
bramboi put  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:42
moveax1theTrav, ahh sry, "/dev/sda7       /media/Windows               ntfs-3g    defaults,users 0 0" only change the devices and the mount point07:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wanda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:42
white_eaglebrambo: yeah07:42
brambokeeps asking for Kubuntu CD07:43
moveax1brambo, have u changed ur /etc/apt/sources.list?07:43
bramboim not sure what you mean07:43
moveax1brambo, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fortune - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:43
moveax1and put a # for the line with the cdrom07:44
theTravmoveaxl: sorry, only change the devices and the mount point? what's that about?07:44
z3xdoes anyone know the boot param to disable bluetooth? I can't get the live cd to boot past it07:44
white_eaglebrambo: go to system/administration/software sources07:44
brambowait a minute its doing something now....hm07:44
bramboits downloading stuff07:44
moveax1theTrav, sry, the mountpoint is the /media/something directory07:44
white_eaglebye guys07:44
brambosee ya eagle07:44
moveax1theTrav, and u said ur win devices is /dev/sda107:45
prohnaive been playing around with gnome07:45
theTravahh ok07:45
prohnaand somehow managed to screw up nautilus i think. when i log out or reboot nautilus either crashes or isnt starting so i have to manually start it each time.07:45
=== Col is now known as Colonel_Panic
theTravok, so maybe that worked...07:46
brambowhich is the cooler looking one, Kubuntu or Xubuntu ?07:46
theTravactually... no now it's coming up as /media/disk-107:46
sn00zerSmacky, it only changes the main... http://digdilem.org/irc/index.cgi?entry=213077922707:46
theTravso I'm guessing that's still ubuntu just working it out for me :/07:46
bramboi believe its getting Kubuntu..07:47
theTravbecause it's probably cached my admin password now07:47
bramboits downloading stuff can i cancel it/close it?07:47
prohnai tried making sure nautilus is in my current session and it still doesnt load my desktop when i boot07:47
moveax1theTrav, hmm, normally this is the right way07:47
sn00zerSmacky, that comes with a whole bunch of annoying things too, so check out all the options and disable most of it before going into channels or you might be kicked or banned07:47
Smackysn00zer, i instaled uberscript but nothing changes with the color scheme, and i dont see extra options for it07:47
theTravso there wouldn't be a GUI way of configuring this now would it?07:48
sn00zerSmacky, it has things like random away/join/part messages and other crap07:48
theTravbecause it strikes me as something people would generally want to do07:48
theTravespecially new ubuntu adopters07:48
Smackywell if i cant change the colors im going to not use xchat anyway07:48
brambocan i try Kubuntu desktop then try Xubuntu later?07:49
sn00zerSmacky, it added three menu drop downs for me "system" "uberscript" and "favorites"07:49
moveax1theTrav, good idea, after school i try it with perl/tk07:49
=== |john| is now known as Colonel
bramboumm maybe a noob question here....Default display manager, gdm or kdm ?07:50
bramboforgive me i am sleepy....07:50
moveax1what u want to brambo07:50
prohnaSmacky: i was using xchat for a bit07:50
djbrucehi peeps07:50
prohnabut ive since tried irssi which imo is pretty good07:50
brambooh its  Gnome etc?07:51
=== Colonel is now known as Colonel_Panic
ere4signome for ubuntu - brambo07:51
Smackyprohna, ya? well i think ill stick to mIRC until I find another native open source client that lets me change the skins and colors to look more like mIRC, the white hurts me eyes :p07:51
moveax1gdm is from gnome kdm from kde07:51
devilsadvocatehi - I just did an aptitude install kubuntu-desktop that seems to have broken my aptitude. it refuses to install anythin g until i run a dpkg--reconfigre -a, which i did twice.  and answered _all_ those questions over and over07:51
bramboi mean gdm or kdm...wats difference?07:51
prohnayou can change the colors on xchat07:51
prohnaits in there somewhere07:52
moveax1brambo, hmm, it have other looks07:52
prohnamine was black with white text07:52
djbruceany 1 know where i can get dj drops and voice overs07:52
brambowhich is better looking?07:52
prohnaso anyone know  why nautilus crashes for me everytime i boot?07:52
Smackyprohna, yeah thats just for main window, not the skin or side panels, user list or server list windows07:52
ere4sibrambo, both do the same job - just look different - kdm comes with kubuntu07:52
fuzzyif i have a 7200 rpm with 8 mb buffer 80 gb hdd on my laptop, which one of these is recommended: an external hdd with 16mb buffer, 7200 rpm and 500 gb or the same thing with 8mb buffer?07:52
bramboso gdm is Xubuntu?07:52
Smackyfuzzy, depends what u use it for07:53
moveax1xubuntu dont have it own login manager07:53
ere4sibrambo, gdm is the gnome one - ubuntu07:53
Smacky7200rpm for laptop is great, normally its 5400 or 420007:53
prohnaSmacky: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/proananhgh/Screenshot-1.png07:54
fuzzyyeah ... but what about that externel hdd07:54
=== max411 is now known as max`
fuzzyshould i choose the 8mb version07:54
prohnamy irssi is easy on the eyes07:54
fuzzyor the 16 mb version07:54
Smackyfuzzy, if you want the hard drive for storage get the 500gb one, as the buffer wont be as important, but both are still great hard drives because of the 7200rpm, so i would probably go with 500 gb07:54
pavshi there after modifying sysctl.conf do I have to restart the system for it to read it?07:54
Smackyprohna, thats too simplistic of a client07:55
Smackyprohna, you just have the main window there07:55
ihmSelbsti search the name for a programm like 'norton commander' for ubuntu. can somebody help me?07:55
ere4sipavs: yep07:55
prohnaeverything is in terminal07:55
prohnai have 2 windows right now07:55
sn00zerprohna, whats the name of the dock in that screenshot?07:55
prohnaserver and this channel07:55
prohnaavant window navigator07:55
Smackyavant rules07:55
pavsere4si thanks for the info07:55
Smackywith black gloss icon pack07:56
prohnawhich i think may have started the problem im having now07:56
prohnaat least thats what i was screwing with last07:56
Smackyprohna, that may work for you but i want something more mIRC like... so i guess ill have to find a plugin for xchat or another open source irc client07:56
prohnai think theres a gui version of irssi07:56
prohnaits got loads of options if thats what you want07:56
Deep_Oceanthe first time to use this tools07:57
presumptious85 /msg nickserv gangsta8707:57
sn00zerSmacky, i'm also running xchat on kde, i don't know if that would make a difference or not, the other box i checked has gnome07:57
prohnashouldnt typing nautilus in terminal restart it?07:57
prohnait says nautilus is running in my current session07:59
prohnabut i dont have a desktop08:00
pen_anyone here know how to mount vhd file?08:01
prohnaso what i have to do to get nautilus started is go into sytem tools kill it then restart it from terminal08:02
pen_I have backup my computer with vista, and now I want to access the vhd file08:02
pen_what should I do?08:02
bullgard4What is the purpose of the document file:///usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/html/kernel-api/index.html? Especially, what is a 'Device Driver's Base?08:02
=== blimpdude is now known as pppoe_dude
Smackysn00zer, http://img403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotne0.png08:04
pen_is there a tool for mounting vhd file?08:04
Smackysn00zer, thats what it looks like right now, with the white on the sides08:04
megaman5After installing ubuntu on my computer, i booted into windows, now, instead of grub, my computer just reboots08:04
megaman5It shows grub loading stage 1.5, then reboots again08:04
pen_megaman5: try reinstall grub in live CD again08:05
brambo_ok i installed the Kubuntu desktop and all i got was the applications and they dont really work even08:05
megaman5i chrooted my /media/disk folder then ran update-grub08:05
megaman5was that right?08:05
megaman5cause it did not work08:06
brambo_that much i realize i just dont know why it didnt work08:06
pen_megaman5: you dn't have to chroot08:06
megaman5it did give errors08:07
megaman5should I just run update-grub then?08:07
pen_megaman5: http://apcmag.com/6101/dualboot_windows_xp_and_ubuntu08:07
DirtyMonkeyCan anyone help me with an install problem of tightvnc server on Ubuntu 6.06?08:07
DirtyMonkeyHave followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH08:08
DirtyMonkeyand edited vnc.conf but get the following error08:08
brambo_how can i get rid of all the applications it installed, most do not work     ?08:08
pen_megaman5: http://apcmag.com/dualboot or try this08:08
DirtyMonkeyFatal Server Error Could not open the default font fixed08:08
pen_anyone know how to mount vhd file?08:09
pen_it's from vista backup08:09
sn00zerSmacky, i don't know why its not working08:09
jim_pif i remove EVERY  virtualbox-ose entry from /etc/rc?.d/ will i be right? I had the package removed yet the entries are still there. When i say remove I mean "sudo rm /etc/..." !!!08:09
entr0pyanyone know a quick and rity work around for an issue with Ubuntu 6.06-2 LTS not being able to detect SATA cdrom drives?08:09
nano__hey guys, in what config file do i specify my windows manager ?08:10
sn00zerSmacky, i think i found it, go to settings -> preferences -> userlist and check the second box (use the text box font and colors))08:10
pen_no tools to mount vhd file in ubuntu?08:11
okрусские есть?08:12
bsdnewb07 русские есть? wtf08:12
Smackysn00zer, thanks08:12
DirtyMonkeycan anyone help me with a VNC over SSH error?08:13
brambo_whats the  code i can type in terminal to get the Xubuntu desktop?08:13
jim_ppen_: you must convert the vhd file to something that vmware understands08:13
bullgard4ok: Zdec govorjat po-angliskij.08:13
megaman5what is the proper way to re-install grub from the live CD?08:13
pen_jim_p: vmware?08:13
pen_jim_p: why vmware?08:13
pen_jim_p: I just want to mount it in my ubuntu system08:13
okbullgard ок08:13
moveax1vhd is an vmware harddisk or?08:13
sn00zerDirtyMonkey, whats your error?08:14
pen_it's the image file created by the vista backup PC08:14
jim_ppen_ : a vhd file is created by MS virtual machine software right?08:14
DirtyMonkeyFatal server error:08:14
DirtyMonkeycould not open default font 'fixed'08:14
pen_maybe, yes08:14
pen_I found a tool to mount it in windows, but I want to mount it on ubuntu08:14
DirtyMonkeySn00zer im following the guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH08:15
bullgard4ok: Poprobujte kanal #ubuntu-ru pozalujsta.08:15
DirtyMonkeyUbuntu 6.0608:15
DirtyMonkeycurrently its a VPS and I only have access via SSH08:15
brambo_it thinks i have Kubuntu but it didnt change my desktop at all, and most the applications it put on dont work..any help?08:15
pen_no tools for that ?08:16
sn00zerDirtyMonkey, 3rd ? down: http://www.fifi.org/doc/vnc-common/faq.html08:16
nano__hey guys, in what config file do i specify my windows manager ?08:16
nano__like the default setting?08:16
Smackysn00zer, in preferences go to channel switcher and choose tabs, in user list section check the second box and in the text box section check the second box, and it looks like mIRC now08:17
Smackysn00zer, thanks for the help08:17
musikgoat!tab > presumptious8508:17
sn00zerSmacky, np08:17
Smackygonna uninstall uber now08:18
Slue_GnifferAnyone get Wolfenstein ET working?08:18
=== Smacky is now known as TrustNoOne
TrustNoOneok great, now all should be good08:19
DirtyMonkeysn00zer can i run the 'xset q' command from SSH?08:20
sn00zerDirtyMonkey, if you're logged into the remote box, yes08:21
DirtyMonkeyi typed 'xset q' and got the reply unable to open display""08:22
TrustNoOnein Xchat is there a setting to minimize to tray on close? so the program wont quit when i close the window?08:24
void^DirtyMonkey: you have to tell it where your X is.08:24
Scorpio-GLXis there an active Ubuntu Wish list. Im working on a project for MCA and wanted to see if I could contribute in one of the projects etc :x if this is the wrong channel where should I go ?08:24
pen_what should I use to open VHD file created by vista backup?08:24
sn00zerDirtyMonkey, hmm, maybe not then? i'm not too sure, i can't get vnc over ssh to work for myself08:25
DirtyMonkeyvoid im new to this, whats the default location for X?08:25
DirtyMonkeySn00zer thanks anyhow08:26
sn00zerTrustNoOne, yes there is, i think you just have to check the enable tray icon under chatting alerts08:26
void^DirtyMonkey: the local X server is :0, so xset -display :0 or export DISPLAY=:008:26
TrustNoOnesn00zer, that is already enabled, yet when i close the window it doesnt minimize to tray08:27
sn00zerTrustNoOne, do you have the icon in the tray?08:29
waterzanyone here play counter strike08:29
waterzhow can i change the window size of counterstrike08:29
ph0rensichello mates08:30
waterzor a game management system08:30
DirtyMonkeyvoid^ im totally lost08:31
TrustNoOnesn00zer, yes i have the icon in the tray08:31
TrustNoOnesn00zer, if i right click on the tray icon i can only go to hide or blink on options or quit08:31
brambo_anyone know the sudo apt-get code for getting the Kubuntu desktop?08:31
sn00zerTrustNoOne, thats all i have08:31
sn00zerTrustNoOne, did you set it to always quit when you close the window?08:32
AndrewBbrambo_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:32
TrustNoOnesn00zer, well its not a huge deal, i just like keeping irc on all the time but dont like the fact that the window is there on my task bar08:32
DirtyMonkeyi typed 'xset -q :0'08:32
DirtyMonkeyunable to open display""08:33
TrustNoOnesn00zer, i dont know where that option is08:33
brambo_thanks i already have it but it didnt install right..most applications it got dont work it didnt change the appearance and i wasn't aware it over writes any programs you had already installed...08:33
AndrewBbrambo_: you are selecting KDE when you login right?08:34
ph0rensicman linux is the bomb08:34
sn00zerTrustNoOne, it pops up everytime you close xchat asking to minimize or exit, but there is a check box to never ask again, maybe you checked it and told it to quit?08:34
* FBIGuy blows up linux08:34
TrustNoOnesn00zer, if i did, how can i get it back08:34
brambo_i am on Ubuntu i installed Kunbuntu desktop through the terminal...08:34
FBIGuywhat you said it was the bomb08:34
FBIGuyi sent in the bomb squad08:34
AndrewBbrambo_: when you login, click on 'sessions' then select KDE08:34
sn00zerTrustNoOne, i'm looking for that right now08:34
TrustNoOnesn00zer, thx08:34
brambo_where is that08:35
AndrewBbrambo_: on the login screen08:35
sn00zerTrustNoOne, /set gui_tray_flags 4 will now enable a "Minimize to tray" feature. Clicking the window minimize button will minimize to tray instead of the task-bar.08:35
brambo_i didnt notice  sessions at the logon screen08:35
Mba7ethhow can i select wanted lines with more, or less ?08:35
ph0rensicanyone know the command to start gnomebaker from command?08:36
TrustNoOnesn00zer, could you explain that a little more? im confused08:36
AndrewBbbrebbottom left corner08:36
AndrewBbrambo_: it's in the bottom left corner08:36
TrustNoOnesn00zer, im guessing i put that command in xchat, but where does the command end08:36
AndrewBph0rensic: does gnomebaker & work?08:36
brambo_ooh i'll brb then ill see k08:36
TrustNoOnesn00zer, nvm i got it, it ends at 408:37
sn00zerTrustNoOne, me too, i got it from a forum, i'm not sure if that will work for closing it, just minimizing08:37
ph0rensicAndrewB, thanks08:37
pen_I have a problem here08:37
ph0rensicAndrewB, what does the & do?08:37
AndrewBph0rensic: most applications are just  $appName &08:37
brambo_whats a partial upgrade?08:37
pen_I recently backup my PC using vista backup tool08:37
pen_but now I need the files in the backup files08:37
TrustNoOnesn00zer, i restarted chat but it still quits when i close the window08:37
pen_it's in .VHD how should I open it?08:38
AndrewBph0rensic: & backgrounds the process so that you don't get aload of messages in the terminal, it also means that you can continue to use said terminal08:38
Mba7ethhow can i select wanted lines with more , or less ?08:38
TrustNoOneand i did "/set gui_tray_flags 4"08:38
brambo_i have 31 updates avaliable now but when i try to get them it says, Not all updates can be installed..Run a partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible..wats this?08:39
TrustNoOnesn00zer, oh it MINIMIZES to tray on minimize... not on close... thats fine, that works just as good08:39
ph0rensicAndrewB, wow sick, thanks that is good to know.. especially when emerald crashes08:39
TrustNoOnesn00zer, thx08:39
AndrewBph0rensic: sadly if you cloase the terminal bbox then it closes the app08:39
Kibblestrying to set my resolution... what do i have to change (syntax?) in xorg.conf?08:40
hubuntu&join #jav08:40
ph0rensicAndrewB, oh so I still have to use the run app applet08:40
Slart!res | Kibbles08:40
ubotuKibbles: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:40
AndrewBph0rensic: I don't know what you mean08:40
AndrewBph0rensic: it means not evertyhing will be installed, there is possibly a conflict or something hasn't installed correct previousley that you need now08:41
AndrewBehh sorry ph0rensic not ment for you08:41
=== foka__ is now known as foka_
AndrewBOh he /quit08:41
ph0rensicAndrewB, alt-f2 ... it wont stop the process  like it does when you close out a terminal08:41
AndrewBph0rensic: yeah thats correct08:42
sn00zerTrustNoOne, /set gui_tray_flags 1 makes it minimize on close according to ubuntu forums08:42
TrustNoOneok thx08:42
AndrewBph0rensic: running in terminal is normally good for debbugging etc, but not a whole lot more08:43
TrustNoOnesn00zer, thanks thats exactly what i wanted08:43
sn00zerTrustNoOne, you're welcome08:43
ph0rensicAndrewB, yeah..mostly I am setting up some launchers for awn hehe08:44
* sn00zer goes to bed08:44
pen_why no program in linux can open vhd files?08:44
AndrewBpen_: cause i would imagine MS use some proprietry ssystem that is hard to port08:45
=== KenSentMe_ is now known as KenSentMe
pen_AndrewB: you mean it's a proprietary format?08:45
AndrewBpen_: I would imagine it is yeah08:46
pen_AndrewB: I would like to hear a definite answer08:46
AndrewBpen_: then I don't know.08:46
AndrewBpen_: according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Virtual_PC it is08:47
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo08:47
ubotukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu08:47
pen_AndrewB: grrr...08:47
pen_AndrewB: howa botu qemu? can it mount vhd file?08:48
AndrewBpen_: no idea, not used windows is yonks. Infact not used a PC in years!08:48
pen_AndrewB: PC? you mean windows right?08:49
AndrewBpen_: yeah, I use macs08:49
pen_oh :O08:49
pen_I see08:49
AgentHeXi'm having problems getting kvm to recognize the VMX extensions in my CPU to take advantage of hardware virtualization.  anyone have experience with KVM or KQEMU?08:49
macogwAndrewB: last i checked, most macs were pcs...they certainly aren't servers or mainframes or microwaves nearly as often as they tend to be pcs08:50
pen_I'm depressed08:50
pen_I have to go to xp to do thie freaking easy task08:50
AndrewBmacogw: yeah true heh08:50
bridezillaI am confused. Wasn't Ubuntu's naming scheme <year>.<month>?08:51
AndrewBmacogw: I just grab it from the 'PC vs. Mac'08:51
AndrewBbridezilla: it is08:51
bridezillaAndrewB: Then why is 8.10 8.10?08:51
bridezillaOr are they planning ahead 8 months?08:51
AndrewBbridezilla: cause it is due in Oct08:51
macogwbridezilla: the next release will be 8.0408:52
dgjonesbridezilla, the next version  is hardy heron which is due in April08:52
macogwbridezilla: but anything that's too "radical" for the 8.04 LTS release is being pushed off to 8.1008:52
bridezillaThe version scheme is ingenius and confusing at the same time.08:53
AndrewBThey try for a release every 6 months thus it will bbe 8.04 then 8.1008:53
bridezillaWhy didn't anyone else thinkof this scheme before anyway?08:53
csabaWhen I type a directory path, what button should I press to have the list of files displayed below the current line?08:53
csabalike when I press Tab the path is completed08:54
csababut i want the files in the current path to be lsited out08:54
macogwcsaba: if there's no further to go, hitting tab twice will list them08:55
bridezillaAlso, why is an entirely difference... um... "branch" needed for a different GUI and so on? Why not give the choice when installing it or something?08:55
jay-oh-enif anybody isnt being helped at this moment i can try to help you.08:56
megaman5how do i update ntfs-3g on ubuntu?08:56
macogwbridezilla: can only fit one on the cd :)08:56
AndrewBbridezilla: then it would go over 1 cd08:56
macogwbridezilla: the apps are all different too08:56
AndrewBoh macogw bet me08:56
csabaalso, how can I copy-paste in the console? Right now I select with the mouse and right-click and click copy, is there something like ctrl+c ctrl+v?08:57
macogwbridezilla: so you could just do a server install so there's no GUI then apt-get whichever you want (like I did...that's how I have a Fluxbox-only system)08:57
macogwcsaba: highlight to copy, middle click (or click left & right at the same time if you lack a middle button) to paste08:57
arhi all08:57
bridezillaHmm. I still think Ubuntu should be available via FTP install so you can just download a tiny setup CD ISO image on like 2 MB.08:58
jay-oh-enmegaman5, sudo apt-get update && upgrade08:58
megaman5ok, thanks08:58
macogwcsaba: the gnome-terminal shortcuts all add shift to the usuals, so ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v should work08:58
bridezillaMuch less bandwidth wasted and much better in every way.08:58
=== Jannita is now known as Johanna
AndrewBbridezilla: debbian has that08:58
macogwbridezilla: there is a mini install disk somewhere...08:59
bridezillaFreeBSD does as well. Why not all distros?08:59
bridezillaHell... why not even Windows?08:59
macogwand a thing for PXE booting08:59
bridezillamacogw: Somewhere? Why not on the public download page?08:59
macogwbridezilla: not all distros:  lots of work to maintain that many CD images and support a whole ton of installation methods08:59
macogwbridezilla: not windows: too easy to pirate08:59
macogwbridezilla: its in the wiki08:59
bridezillaEasy to pirate? All that matters is their serial key.09:00
jay-oh-enis it hard to repair mbr if you installed ubuntu first. then you install windows and need grub back. is it hard to bring back or no?09:00
macogwbridezilla: i dont think the usb installation or mini installer or PXE are officially supported, so they go on the wiki since theyre community efforts... like how the PowerPC ports are only available on 1 or 2 servers09:01
macogwjay-oh-en: just use your live cd to boot, then use "sudo chroot /dev/sda1" (or whatever partition your ubuntu install is, and then "sudo grub-install" i think09:01
BenniBoyahey, i want to dual boot ubuntu with my windows xp laptop, i have a few questions, 1. do i need to defrag my hd and with what 2. i want 2 use the windows xp bootloader 3. is it easy to remove ubuntu to get my hd space back09:02
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:02
macogwBenniBoya: the windows hard drive?  its a good idea to defrag first (the one built into windows is fine, but maybe do it twice) so everything's together to lower the chance of changing the partition size hurting the data09:02
macogwBenniBoya: there is a way to use the NTLDR, but I don't know it...it involves installing GRUB on the Ubuntu partition then chainloading it from NTLDR09:03
achandrashekarmuch easier to go with grub and use that bootloader09:03
bridezillamacogw: Isn't the point of FOSS that it's "community efforts"?09:03
macogwBenniBoya: to remove ubuntu and get your space back, just delete the partition it was on and format it as whatever you want (probably NTFS for windows).  that might have to be done from a live cd since Windows doesn't understand ext3 (the most common Linux file system)09:03
BenniBoyamy drive is ntfs and i want 2 use the windows one because i dont know how lonmg i will use linux 409:04
jay-oh-enmacogw, can you get the reall instructions so im not left out when i go to fix grub09:04
macogwbridezilla: there's a company that backs Ubuntu though, Canonical09:04
macogwjay-oh-en: they're online somewhere... just google for grub install09:04
macogwjay-oh-en: i think there's actually a page on either the ubuntuforums or the ubuntu wiki that explains how to get grub back after windows eats it09:05
BenniBoyamacogw: do you know how 2 use the windows xp boot loader 4 ubuntu09:05
macogwBenniBoya: no. i havent used windows much in nearly 2 years09:05
jay-oh-en!grub | macogw09:06
ubotumacogw: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:06
jay-oh-enthat one?09:06
macogwBenniBoya: and when i have, it hasnt been on my computer or any over which i have free reign (if i had free reign over it, windows would be gone :P)09:06
macogwjay-oh-en: yes the one that says RecoveringUbuntuAfter...09:06
BenniBoyacould i install ubuntu without a boot loader then  i read somewhere you can extract something and add it 2 the boot.ini, would that work09:07
SleepingSlothis anyone on here using gmailfs?09:07
macogwBenniBoya: hey there's only one windows computer in my family's possession now.  something about needing Skype video which used to not work on Linux...except they dont have a webcam....no idea how they intend to make that work O_o  i only touch it 3 times a year to update the anti-virus09:08
macogwBenniBoya: er...maybe?  i dont really know as ive never had to do it09:08
macogwBenniBoya: i think the usual way is to install grub in the ubuntu partition then edit the boot.ini to point at grub if you pick Ubuntu09:08
BenniBoyafor the re partioning my ntfs, would ubuntu do it, i read somewhere else that it isnt totaly compatible with ntfs09:09
macogwitll be fine09:09
macogwit didnt used to be compatible with ntfs09:09
BenniBoyacause i use this computer every day 4 school09:09
BenniBoyai ned it to eb working lol09:09
macogwthe drivers for NTFS have been in good shape since around summer09:09
macogwbefore that they were "you can definitely read...just not so sure you'll be able to save to the NTFS drive from linux..."09:10
BenniBoyaso windows defrag twice, repartion while in the installer, try and not install grub is what im going to do. is that a good plan?09:10
macogwbahh my SQL injection is not working09:10
macogwthe advanced button at the end of the install is where you pick where grub goes09:11
gideanis there a command that would create a decktop icon? Execute "Blankity Something"  and an icon appears on the desktop..09:11
macogwit defaults to just saying hd0 i think09:11
macogwwhen it shows how its splitting up the disk, look at partition numbers. first disk first partition would be hd(0,0) for grub (i think thats the notation, i *know* theyre both 0), 2nd partition would be hd(0,1) etc09:12
macogwmake sure it's installing to ubuntu's partition09:12
macogwif grub gets installed on the MBR and you need to undo it, though, your Windows disk has a recovery console from which you can type "fixmbr" and restore NTLDR09:13
macogwgidean: you have to make a .desktop file on the Desktop to do that09:13
macogwgidean: dont ask me how, as i dont know the format09:13
macogwgidean: but if you make some other rubbish one, you can open it in a text editor and see how it's setup and modify it to whatever you want to do09:14
macogwliook: habla espanol?09:14
macogwliook: va al #ubuntu-es09:15
liookde dnd eres??09:15
magnetrongidean: if you are using the standard Ubuntu, you can make an icon on the desktop by right clicking on the desktop and choose "create launcher"09:15
macogwliook: /join #ubuntu-es09:15
liooktu hablas español¿?09:15
gideancreate launcher and then the command for the bin, yes?09:15
Kitar|sthttp://wiresmash.com/funny/epic-battle-puppy-vs-robot/ hilarious09:15
macogwliook: un poquito09:15
liookwere you from?09:16
macogwliook: #ubuntu-es es en esta server09:16
dgjones!es | liook09:16
ubotuliook: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.09:16
liookok gracias pero como entro hay?09:16
bramboim having trouble deleting wine09:16
bramboi cant do partial upgrade until i do09:16
macogwliook: /join #ubuntu-es09:16
macogwliook: solo este09:17
BenniBoyaty 4 the help macogw09:17
macogwliook: y el <<entrar>>09:17
bramboanyone know how i can uninstall wine?09:17
BenniBoyai found out to use bot.ini by extractinf some file from the ubuntu thing09:17
gideanthanks all for your help..09:18
magnetronbrambo: use the "add/remove applications" window09:18
bramboi did but it wont let me uncheck it09:19
jay-oh-enmacogw, on a scale from 1 to 10 ten the hardest what would that tut be09:19
BenniBoyahey i just realised somehting09:19
BenniBoyahow much space does a regular ubuntu install take?09:20
jianfeienough to install09:20
BenniBoyacause i only got like 5gig to spare09:21
BenniBoyai got a 60gig hd with 18gig of games lol09:21
dgjonesBenniBoya, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements09:21
brambo5gig is plenty for ubuntu depends how u wanna use it i guess09:22
jianfeinovell login client for gutsy...when is that happening ffs!09:22
BenniBoyai want 2 build apps with it09:22
BenniBoyajust build little programs09:22
BenniBoyaand eep it as a recovery os09:22
BenniBoyawould 5 gig leave me with room for applications?09:23
bramboyeah i think so09:23
BenniBoyakk thanks09:23
brambonot  big apps as u should have like 1gig at min for any OS i think09:24
dgjonesBenniBoya, The minimum needed is 2Gb, although it recommends 8Gb for a normal install (according to that specification page)09:24
brambobut the system itself dont seem to take up more the 1 to 2gig09:25
GodSynHi! I have a remote virtual server that has CENTos 4.5 on it. I have root. I would like to install Ubunti 7.10 on it, without using external media (other than internet). Suggestions?09:25
jianfeiyeh my install uses 6.3gb and that includes wine with msoffice, google-earth, utils etc09:25
speeddemon8803Ubuntu should NEVER take up more than 4GB...not even bloated09:25
bramboanyone have an idea why i cant uncheck wine in add/remove apps ?09:26
speeddemon8803dependencies brambo09:26
speeddemon8803something wants what it installed.09:26
brambolike programs i may have installed thru wine?09:27
jay-oh-enmacogw, ? you there09:27
macogwjay-oh-en: yes09:28
speeddemon8803hey, try this09:28
macogwjay-oh-en: never tried it09:28
speeddemon8803go to terminal..by clicking aplications...terminal09:28
speeddemon8803then typing sudo apt-get clean09:29
cpk1quick question (hopefully) If I have a wireless card in master mode serving as a dhcp server to set up wep I just enter the wep info like I would if I was connecting to something?09:29
GodSynso am I correct in assuming that there is no way to replace an existing copy of linux with ubuntu using nothing but network media?09:29
bramboget clean?09:30
speeddemon8803sudo apt-get clean09:31
speeddemon8803exactly like that09:31
bramboyea i did that, just went back to desktop:~$09:31
bramboafter i typed the password09:32
speeddemon8803did it spit out anything about removing packages?09:32
allaertGodSyn, you could check out debootstrap09:32
Slue_GnifferDoes anyone know what it means when you get an "Invalid GUID" message in an online game?09:33
speeddemon8803well folks, im sorry but i gotta get to sleep09:33
chazcoAnyone know what version of ffmpeg (src) is in the Gusty repos?09:33
ph0rensicwhen I log into gnome, the screen temporarily turns the ugly tan color, where do I change this so it matches my theme??09:33
bramboyea me 2 thx tho speeddemon09:33
ph0rensicchazco, i think ffmpeg is only in medibuntu repos .. id check medibuntu.org09:33
speeddemon8803i wish i could stay to help you out...i have an idea..but i dont know for sure09:34
speeddemon8803and i dont wanna risk "bricking" your pc over this idea.09:34
bramboits alright09:34
chazcoph0rensic - Its in the repos iirc, but crippled. Want to rebuild it, but want to make sure i dont downgrade09:34
brambodo u know the sudo for getting the Xbuntu desktop?09:34
speeddemon8803sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop09:35
compwiz18ph0rensic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/16034909:35
speeddemon8803imo xubuntu kicks butt ;)09:35
bramboits asking for Kubuntu disc09:35
speeddemon8803do you have one?09:36
brambono, only Ubuntu09:36
bramboand its not accepting that09:36
speeddemon8803uh, i dunno man09:36
Viktoriouscan i change a ogg file to something else09:36
bramboi did this for Kubuntu i just type anything09:36
speeddemon8803!oggconvert | vikorious09:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oggconvert - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:37
bramboand it continued, is that ok u think?09:37
speeddemon8803crap, anyways viktorious, thats the program you need :)09:37
speeddemon8803brambo im not sure.09:37
brambohm nvm its doing stuff i just pressed enter lol i need to sleep also i think09:37
speeddemon8803Sudo aptitude install oggconvert09:37
bramboits downloading stuff09:38
dgjones!info oggconvert09:38
ubotuoggconvert (source: oggconvert): Convert media files to free formats. In component universe, is extra. Version (gutsy), package size 18 kB, installed size 192 kB09:38
speeddemon8803good :)09:38
speeddemon8803thanks dg :)09:38
kerrichi everyone09:38
speeddemon8803!hi | kerric09:39
ubotukerric: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:39
Viktoriousi wanan convert a ogg. file to something smaller video file can it be done09:39
kerrici was trying to install i915 driver and it seems i have only console ;)09:39
kerriccan any1 help me with it ? :]09:39
realz`i am getting error 22 on grub09:39
realz`any help09:40
speeddemon8803!ask | everyone09:40
ubotueveryone: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:40
realz`what should i do next09:40
bramboi still gotta get rid of wine so i can get my updates09:40
Ububeginlets say i download eclipse via synaptic manager, how can i find where is it installed to :?09:41
speeddemon8803Usually its installed under applications > programming09:42
speeddemon8803eclipse the programming thing correct?09:42
bramboi got rid of what i thought was dependencies but it still wont remove wine..09:42
UbubeginNo, i mean where is it installed in the file system09:43
UbubeginLike where are all its files and directories located :?09:43
speeddemon8803Ububegin, they can be scattered across your drive, honestly.09:43
=== brambo is now known as UbuntuUser
Ububegin:| ... so are u telling there is no solution other than to use "find / -name "eclipse" at root09:44
speeddemon8803pretty much09:44
=== brambo is now known as noobUbuntuUser
noobUbuntuUserits done with the xubuntu ill log out09:45
noobUbuntuUserbut i gotta get rid of wine somehow so i can get 31 system updates...09:46
SpacePilotNeed help with my sound. I got it to work through the troubleshooting guide, but then it stopped working again. Did the guide, but this time, nothing at all.09:46
bullgard4Where can I find a good description of 'uevent'?09:50
speeddemon8803!info uevent09:51
ubotuPackage uevent does not exist in gutsy09:51
GodSyndebootstrap. looking.09:51
bullgard4What is the purpose of the document file:///usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/html/kernel-api/index.html? Especially, what is a 'Device Driver's Base'?09:52
macogwbullgard4: if you have to ask, it probably doesnt matter to you09:53
macogwbullgard4: oh wait didnt see the question above that one09:53
macogwbullgard4: well i think device driver base falls under the category of "if you know wayyy too much about C and assembly and drivers and little transistors and things, it'll make sense and be helpful, otherwise it's greek"09:54
nano__heyguys, is there a program in ubuntu that is simlar to the the side panel in windows vista?09:56
zsiavashwhen i type su to be as a root user and enter password the message is "su:Authentication failer",is that anything wrong09:57
yclianzsiavash, use sudo su?09:57
zsiavashsu to be a root user09:57
compwiz18sudo -i works too :)09:58
zsiavashcompwiz18: thanks that works09:59
magnetron!noroot | yclian10:00
ubotuyclian: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)10:00
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u007-1hi , anyone know what package should i install in order to get php5 with-freetype-dir10:02
nano__hey does anybody know what config file has metacity set as my default windows manager?10:04
fotoflohey how do i install gd?10:04
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yclianmagnetron, sudo su doesn't imply using a root pass. It askes for a sudoer's pass.10:06
fotofloi need to install JSON and GD, doesn anyone know how?10:07
magnetronyclian: yes. but use the sudo -i next time in here, ok?10:07
yclianmagnetron, k ;)10:08
dgjonesfotoflo, there's an app called edit-json in gutsy, is that what you're looking for?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/edit-json10:09
=== Dazgar1 is now known as Dazgard
Dazgardis there a gnome sudo frontend please ?10:10
dgjones!gksudo | Dazgard10:11
ubotuDazgard: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:11
Dazgardubotu, dgjones thanks10:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dgjones thanks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:12
knappen_Is there anyway to run wow in fullscreen? It have a majorlagg if i run in 1920x1200 on one page of the cube. Can work and play at the same time then ^^10:12
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:12
u007-1anyone know which package contains php5 with-freetype-dir option?10:14
Dazgardu007-1: use apt-file search10:17
uniscriptanyone successfully mirroring hardy using debmirror?10:18
SnapShortyhi all10:19
u007-1Dazgard, but i don't know what file does that option install in php10:19
bobbydthe network manager and laptop batter displays have dissapeared from my top bar thing. I'm on gutsy on a Dell Inspiron 6400. Can anyone suggest what's wrong? Maybe the tray applet is missing or someting?10:20
bobbydnm-applet is running though...10:20
Wander_wI read that Alpha5 is going to be released today, is that still true?10:21
Wander_w(of Hardy, that is)10:21
dgjones!hardy | Wander_w, best place to ask would be here10:21
ubotuWander_w, best place to ask would be here: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu10:21
Blankins[1]is this the support channel?10:21
dgjonesBlankins[1], for ubuntu yes10:22
bobbydok yeah , it seems that the "status icon" area is missing. Does anyone know how I get that back?10:22
Wander_wthanks dgjones, will ask over there10:22
Blankins[1]i have a little problem wih my laptop10:22
bobbyd(e.g. I ran pidgin and it's tray icon is missing too...)10:22
bobbydBlankins[1]: Hi, what's up?10:23
Blankins[1]i have a HP6710b and installed gutsy10:23
Blankins[1]i can set it up to 1680x1050 resolution10:23
Blankins[1]but the refresh rate is not good i think10:23
Blankins[1]i can only set it up to 60hz.10:23
bobbydcan you set it higher under windows?10:24
bobbyd(if you've tried that OS :) )10:24
Blankins[1]will try but i think so10:24
bobbydI haven't seen any flat panels that report higher than 60hz10:25
Blankins[1]i have a dualboot, so i'll give it a shot10:25
Blankins[1]then there is some other problem10:25
bobbydBlankins[1]: have you tried an empirical test to see if you get smearing?10:25
StaggerLeehi, i am trying to listen to radio stations on rhythmbox, with no success. I have installed w32codec but nothing works, except m3u files. While pls. and rm files do notwork: i get error messages such as "unable to read from resource". any ideas?10:25
bobbydif you drag things about you would see smearing if the update rate is only 60Hz10:25
Blankins[1]i haven't done any other test10:26
SilencerrI have 1910:26
Blankins[1]it is just that the screen isn't as bright as in windows.10:26
bobbydthat's different10:26
Blankins[1]the letters are thicker10:26
Wander_wTo see what screen resoultion and refresh rate your in, try xrandr10:26
StaggerLeeplease note that i can read those files with totem10:27
bobbydthat's also different, probably just different fonts. You may also have anti-aliasing turned on10:27
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Blankins[1]how can i see that, i am rebooting the laptop now windows XP to check...10:27
SilencerrI have 19" widescreen, with max 59Hz refresh rate...when I try to install Ubuntu using the live cd I can see the install options in the first menu, but when I press enter my screen goes black and displays a 'signal lost' message :<10:28
SilencerrWorks fine with an old CRT monitor though. =/10:28
bobbydSilencerr: try installing using the "alternate" install cd10:28
bobbydit has a text interface10:29
Wander_wSilencerr: I you wait for a while, do you get in the graphical mode?10:29
Blankins[1]oops, also 60 hz at windows...10:29
Silencerrnope Wander_w, just stays black :)10:29
Wander_wSilencerr: Well, try the alternate CD, or use the CRT you have to install10:30
Silencerrbobbyd, I have installed it like that before, but even after installation I don't get a graphical mode to work.10:30
Wander_wSilencerr: What graphical card do you have?10:30
Silencerran ATI (yes, I know ><) x1800xt10:31
Wander_wDid you install the restricted drivers?10:31
pteagueanybody know of something that can look at 2 different sql create table queries & can generate the needed alter statements... kind of like diff & patch?10:31
what_ifI am upgrading from feisty to gusty should I go 64 bit? Is there any reason *not* to.10:31
NET||abuseis there a way to setup authentication proteted web browsable svn repo's on feisty? will trac do this?10:32
NET||abuseor is there a better package / system to use for this?10:32
Wander_wwhat_if: I've heard of some driver troubles with 64 bit, But I guess that most will be resolved by now.10:33
knappen_Hi ppl, when i'm trying to print a test pake on our HP 3600n i'll get this report: Unable to find IP address for server name "knappen-laptop"!10:33
what_ifWander_w: my nvidia drivers will still work, right??10:33
SilencerrWander_w: I'm kind of a noob and I don't even get to installing anything if I'm in text-mode :)10:33
Wander_wwhat_if: but do keep in mind that going to 64bit doesn't make your computer faster (unless you have an AMD processor which are faster in 64 bit mode)10:34
SilencerrI'm only taking my first linux-steps ;x10:34
macpowerhop mac10:34
macpowermac mac mac10:34
Wander_wSilencerr: Use your CRT10:34
what_ifWander_w: have an amd64 X2. :)10:34
macpowermac it s the best10:34
NET||abuseand secondly is my time better spent looking into this git local repository idea instead?10:34
macpowerje suis ou10:34
macpowerje comprends rien10:34
Wander_wwhat_if: Make a backup of your stuff, and just give it a go, it should work10:34
Slart!fr | macpower10:35
ubotumacpower: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:35
m3gab0ymacpower i can't agree with you10:35
Wander_wwhat_if: Great! I'd go for 64 bit10:35
macpoweriok dankiu10:35
macpowervery match10:35
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m3gab0ythe best is ..... uhm i gona get kick if i say it10:35
m3gab0ybut however it's not windows :)10:36
knappen_Hi ppl, when i'm trying to print a testpage on our HP 3600n i'll get this report: Unable to find IP address for server name "knappen-laptop"!10:36
faileasthe best OS is whatever i'm familiar with ;p10:36
overdubis there a Ubuntu program for image to text like OCR or something?10:37
dgjonesknappen_, you coul try editing your /etc/hosts file to add a line for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx knappen-laptop, I had to a similar thing last night to mount an nfs drive10:37
Wander_woverdub: I used "apt-cache search OCR" and it gave me results like:10:38
Wander_wgocr - A command line OCR10:38
Wander_wclara - Free OCR program for Unix Systems10:38
Wander_wtesseract-ocr - Command line OCR tool10:38
overdubgreat information Wander_w , thanks10:39
overdubnow I even know how to find things myself10:39
Wander_wno problem, just try apt-cache search yourself sometimes :)10:39
Hiro_ZAgreetings to one and all10:40
Silencerr greetings10:40
Hiro_ZAi'm not sure if this is the correct channel to ask the question, so plz point me in the right direction if i'm mistaken10:40
Wander_wHiro_ZA: Left!10:40
Hiro_ZAi have just recently installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my Del D600 laptop10:40
Hiro_ZAbut it seems like the Graphics drivers are not 100% correct :-<10:41
Hiro_ZAfor example, when i scroll up and down on a website, it is not a smooth scroll10:41
Hiro_ZAbut is jerky and lagged.  i see the same thing right after a fresh windows install, but then i fix it my applying the latest ATI driver10:42
faileasHiro_ZA: trie restricted drivers?10:42
Hiro_ZAfrom the ATI website ?10:42
Hiro_ZAi think i saw some, but none mentioned for ubuntu10:43
Hiro_ZAdoes it matter if its for a different Distro ?10:43
Wander_wHiro_ZA: Ubuntu has the same driver pre-packaged for you allready10:43
Wander_wHiro_ZA: install package "xorg-driver-fglrx"10:44
chazcoI want to build ffmpeg as detailed here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg - Can anyone tell me approximately how much i'll need to download for the source and build apps (assuming nothing is installed, some may be already)?10:44
Hiro_ZAit does ?cool! umm....but how can i install this driver? (bearing in mind my n00b linux status) :-(10:44
Hiro_ZAWander : Can i send u a pm plz10:44
Wander_wHiro_ZA: so type in a terminal: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx10:45
Wander_wHiro_ZA: I could, but this discussion belongs in the channel imho10:45
Hiro_ZAthats cool10:45
Hiro_ZAis there a terminal shortcut button/menu point ?10:45
TrackilizerHey guys, need your help. After installing ubuntu, somehow grub added windows XP to the grub list, but i don't have windows XP installed anymore, the partition that had windows XP on it now has windows vista. I can't acces windows vista anymore. Is there anyway i can add windows vista to the grub list?10:47
Hiro_ZAo, sorry, fund it10:48
Hiro_ZAfound it :-)10:48
VSpikewhat's the best way to get an nvidia driver newer than the one available in standard repos?10:48
* Hiro_ZA is a dumba$$10:48
Hiro_ZAwanderer : The Install first ? or SUDO first ?10:48
macogwVSpike: you can just download it from nvidia if you're card's so new the current doesnt work10:49
VSpikemacogw: i'm just getting annoyed by this bug http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-590318.html10:50
VSpikemacogw: aren't there some 3rd party repos?10:51
VSpikemacogw: you'd favour a manual install over a packaged version or envy?10:51
Wander_wHiro_ZA: so type in a terminal: "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx"10:51
Hiro_ZAgot it10:51
Hiro_ZAdid it10:51
macogwVSpike: there are some scripts that are supposed to automate it (like envy and automatix) that are known to occasionally break things10:51
Hiro_ZAgot error message10:51
dgjones!envy | VSpike10:52
ubotuVSpike: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »10:52
Hiro_ZAwanderer: check PM10:52
St0n3-C0lGuys...i've a problem regarding internet on ubuntu..10:52
Hiro_ZAor should i post error msg here ?10:52
St0n3-C0lis anyone here willing to help on internet issues?10:52
macogwVSpike: its not guaranteed that the nvidia.com driver even has a fix for that.  i suggest looking around to see if nvidia ever actually fixed it or if it's an outstanding bug10:52
Wander_wHiro_ZA: just post it here, I didn't get a PM10:52
egoleoplse can someone help me with installing windows fonts on ubuntu? plse10:52
VSpikemacogw: it says in that bug report that it's fixed in the hardy versions10:53
Hiro_ZAE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:53
Hiro_ZAE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:53
Hiro_ZAE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:53
Hiro_ZAE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:53
St0n3-C0lhiro_za: You're using another program which also uses dpkg10:53
lagann_Hiro_ZA, close your synaptic or add/remove10:53
St0n3-C0lcould be synaptic with apt-get10:53
macogwVSpike: ok then yeah grab the ones from nvidia.com10:53
Hiro_ZAwhats syaptic ?10:53
Wander_wHiro_ZA: Ah, are you using adept-updater, adept or an other package manager? if so, close it10:53
VSpikedgjones: yeah I know the official line on envy.  But in this case, i do need a driver outside of what restricted manager provides, so I'm asking the safest way to go about it10:54
macogwVSpike: dont try to use the hardy package though because its not compiled for your kernel10:54
Hiro_ZAcould it be the update manager ?10:54
St0n3-C0lsynaptic package manager...on gnome..10:54
lagann_hiredgoon, yes...that is it.10:54
Hiro_ZAahh, cool, yes, that is open, but busy installing updates.10:54
dgjonesVSpike, i'd say a manual install, at least then you'd know what it was doing10:54
Hiro_ZAwill kill it soon as its done and then ry again10:54
St0n3-C0lthen let it10:54
Wander_wthen you'd have to wait10:54
VSpikemacogw: there definitely used to be 3rd party repositories for bleeding edge nvidia drivers.10:54
St0n3-C0lOk guys...someone here for internet help ? :P10:54
macogwVSpike: havent been around since edgy, i think10:54
VSpikedgjones: with the manual install, don't you have to remove the restricted kernel modules package?10:55
Hiro_ZAthanks ppl :D i'll wait till i can and then try updating the graphics drivers. wish me luck :D10:55
St0n3-C0lBest of Luck :p10:55
Wander_wmacogw: I'm just using the NVidia ones from their website; It's a pain to keep up to date, but I like pain10:55
Wander_wbest of luck, hiro10:55
dgjonesVSpike, I'm not sure, I've not had to do it, my graphics card is an old one anyway10:55
trosswhat could be the reason if (ubuntu gutsy) firefox and other windows vanish periodically?10:55
St0n3-C0lOk i'll post it.10:56
Hiro_ZAjust out of curiosity, how many of u guys use the drivers i am trying to install ?10:56
macogwi only use Intel graphics.  nice open source drivers that never fail :D10:56
Wander_wHiro_ZA: I don't use those, I only have NVidia cards (and an VIA openchrome somewhere)10:56
macogwthough actually the card on this laptop (borrowed) is an old ATI that uses the open source drivers10:56
Hiro_ZAahh, darn, me and my dodgy ATI10:57
macogwthe old ATI cards are nice... Radeon 9250's work very well10:57
Wander_wHiro_ZA: The NVidia cards require allmost the same steps10:57
St0n3-C0lI've a very strange kind of problem on ubuntu so far, My internet be it on roaming mode, dhcp or static ip. It loads everything perfectly, I am on LAN and it loads all the dns servers and ips perfectly but when for instance I connect to IRC or Firefox it says connection refused? why is it so? while on windows it works perfectly. Then if I disable networking and quickly enable it and within 1-2 secs connect the irc server..it catches it b10:58
St0n3-C0lut if after 3-4 secs i do it..it gives again connection refused...sometimes it works nicely but most of the time it gives problems of connection refused. Any guide?10:58
shingouzhow to get rid of an xfce error when starting up the desktop. the splash tells me xfce is "verifying DNS settings" and that it cannot lookup the address for this computer. the computer sits on a natted lan10:58
Hiro_ZAadios amigos10:58
Hiro_ZAcatch ya later10:58
Wander_wHiro_ZA: the VIA openchrome required a FULL rebuild of X (talk about difficult to setup)10:58
faileasWander_w: don't get me started on a system that has that i've been trying to install ubuntu on ;p10:58
St0n3-C0lI feel so frustrated with it, I can't explain it.10:58
monziehi all10:59
monzieI need help on CGI with Ubuntu 7.1010:59
Wander_wSt0n3-C0l: are you on a coperate LAN?10:59
SleepingSlothhi - i've removed compiz from my machine, but now i have no window controls - how do i revert back to metacity altogether so i dont have to type 'metacity --replace' when i start x?10:59
VSpikedgjones, macogw : thanks .. I think I'll live with it until either I get really ticked off with it or hardy is released, whichever comes first.10:59
St0n3-C0lWander_W: Nope..it's my whole area lan...they use wireless switches11:00
St0n3-C0lu could say it's a cable connection.11:00
paty29hola perrita11:00
paty29que hay loquita11:00
Wander_wno hable espagnol11:00
macogw!es | paty2911:00
ubotupaty29: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:00
macogwpaty29: nosotros no hablamos muchos espanol11:01
Wander_wwhat he said :P11:01
macogwWander_w: she11:01
Wander_wmacogw: Pardon me ma'am11:01
macogwWander_w: its fine. i just figure ill dispell the myth that there are no girls on the interwebs or especially on irc :P11:02
St0n3-C0li guess no one ever encountered such an alien problem :p11:02
St0n3-C0lmacogw: You better do it, cos there are :p11:03
St0n3-C0land many use linux too now :d11:03
jay-oh-enhow do i watched XviD videos?11:03
macogwSt0n3-C0l: yes i know.  my femaleness & linux-usage was pointe out in #ubuntu-offtopic as proof that linux isnt just for geeks.  i was pretty insulted.11:03
Wander_wjay-oh-en: Try mplayer or totem11:04
jay-oh-enWander_w, okay11:04
St0n3-C0lguyss...plzzz helppp11:04
egoleohow do i install ms fonts11:04
egoleoon ubuntu11:04
macogwegoleo: install msttcorefonts or just install ubuntu-restricted-extras from add/remove to get fonts, codecs, java, etc11:05
paty29loco chico o hcoca11:05
SleepingSlothanyone know how to revert to metacity from compiz?11:05
macogwSleepingSloth: metacity --replace11:05
AndrjCiao a tutti da Andrj11:05
macogwSleepingSloth: type that in the runbox (alt+f2)11:05
Wander_wegoleo: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/09/installing-microsoft-fonts/11:05
macogw!it | Andrj11:05
ubotuAndrj: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:05
egoleothnx guys11:05
Shinji-!info vlc | jay-oh-en11:06
ubotujay-oh-en: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.c-0ubuntu5 (gutsy), package size 1134 kB, installed size 3228 kB11:06
SleepingSlothmacogw, yes, i know that, but i want it to happen automagically - on startup at the moment, i have neither11:06
macogwpaty29: que?11:06
SleepingSlothmacogw, is there a cleaner way than putting it in a session?11:06
macogwSleepingSloth: O_o freaky.  put it in system -> preferences -> session -> startup11:06
jay-oh-enShinji-, does it play those tho?11:06
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:06
macogwSleepingSloth: dunno.  weird that it doesnt autostart though11:06
egoleoit works fine11:06
Shinji-jay-oh-en, vlc plays about anything11:07
SleepingSlothmacogw, yeah, i removed compiz, and the result is i have no window bars at all, until i type metacity --replace11:07
SleepingSlothmacogw, obviously *somewhere* there is a reference to it, but i dont know where11:07
macogwSleepingSloth: i suppose there should be a way to set metacity as the default WM... maybe in gconf-editor?11:07
lagann_SleepingSloth,  how about open the sessions in system, preferences?11:07
bachillerato-cgo to #ro11:08
SleepingSlothlagann_, i know that will provide a solution - but its not very elegant, is it... X tries to start something non-existant and fails, presumably, and then i tack on a replace at the end11:09
macogwSleepingSloth: the setting is probably in gconf.  it's like gnome's registry11:09
SleepingSlothmacd,  looking now...11:09
macogwSleepingSloth: you have desktop effects totally disabled in system -> pref -> appearance, right?11:09
SleepingSlothmacd, uhum, sorry11:09
SleepingSlothmacogw, yes, looking now :S11:10
SleepingSlothmacogw, yes11:10
cpk1_can I have dhcpd listen on 2 interfaces (eth0 and ath0) and assign ips in the same subnet (192.168.1.XXX)?11:10
jay-oh-enShinji-, do you use vlc? i used to but i didnt know how to set it up good for mozilla11:10
St0n3-C0lhow to re-configure internet settings through dpkg ?11:10
St0n3-C0latleast tell me dis plzz :(11:11
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: (someone correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think you can reconfigured internet settings through dpkg -- what do you want to do?11:11
FrogzooSt0n3-C0l: you don't - you edit /etc/network/interfaces11:11
St0n3-C0lI've a very strange kind of problem on ubuntu so far, My internet be it on roaming mode, dhcp or static ip. It loads everything perfectly, I am on LAN and it loads all the dns servers and ips perfectly but when for instance I connect to IRC or Firefox it says connection refused? why is it so? while on windows it works perfectly. Then if I disable networking and quickly enable it and within 1-2 secs connect the irc server..it catches it b11:11
St0n3-C0lut if after 3-4 secs i do it..it gives again connection refused...sometimes it works nicely but most of the time it gives problems of connection refused.11:11
Shinji-jay-oh-en, for firefox i use "mozilla-mplayer" plugin11:12
SleepingSlothmacogw, /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default thanks :)11:12
jay-oh-enShinji-, but i cant set it up right it never loads videos11:12
Shinji-jay-oh-en, you will have to remove "totem-mozilla" for it to work11:13
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: are you using some sort of proxy?11:13
St0n3-C0lcompwiz18: nope11:13
St0n3-C0lit's auto dns11:13
St0n3-C0lit's on roaming mode11:13
St0n3-C0lno proxies11:13
jay-oh-enShinji-, its just a black screen and it stays there11:13
St0n3-C0l nothing11:13
=== cpk1_ is now known as cpk1
lagann_jay-oh-en, you should let the totem load the videos for you11:13
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: that's strange --- it shouldn't give you connection refused11:14
St0n3-C0lJust too sick cos late at nights11:14
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: can you connect using the terminal?11:14
lagann_jay-oh-en, sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer11:14
St0n3-C0lit works11:14
jay-oh-enlagann_, but i want to setup the prefs correctly so it loads quick11:14
St0n3-C0li try11:14
St0n3-C0lshall i paste in pvt?11:14
dgjones!paste | St0n3-C0l11:14
ubotuSt0n3-C0l: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:14
jay-oh-enuse pastebin11:14
St0n3-C0lits so small11:15
St0n3-C0lmy browsing already showing connection refused11:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:15
St0n3-C0lm on linux right now...11:15
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: use the pastebin, that way others can help too :)11:15
St0n3-C0lusing that disable techniques11:15
St0n3-C0ldisable n enable so xchat quickly connected11:15
St0n3-C0lshakil@SHAKIL:/etc/network$ wget www.google.com11:15
St0n3-C0l--16:16:52--  http://www.google.com/11:15
St0n3-C0l           => `index.html'11:15
St0n3-C0lResolving www.google.com...,,
St0n3-C0lConnecting to www.google.com||:80... failed: Connection refused.11:15
St0n3-C0lsorry guys :(11:16
compwiz18what did we say about the pastebin?11:16
St0n3-C0lbut bro it's a web11:16
St0n3-C0land my browsing not working..on linux11:16
Shinji-jay-oh-en, if totem-plugin and mplayer-plugin are on your system it will always use totem11:17
St0n3-C0li also know well bout paste-bin11:17
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: gotcha. no worries, just be warned :)11:17
compwiz18the floodbot is evil :D11:17
St0n3-C0lso it's upto u11:17
St0n3-C0lconnected refused11:17
St0n3-C0lpretty strange..11:17
FloodBot1St0n3-C0l: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: right, so you use dhcp?11:17
St0n3-C0lcompwiz18: Yup...even if i try static ip...the result is same11:18
mehrab1131hello there11:18
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: try running sudo dhclient from the terminal11:18
compwiz18!hi | mehrab113111:18
ubotumehrab1131: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:18
St0n3-C0lwhat to do11:18
mehrab1131I have problem in setting up LAMP11:18
Shinji-jay-oh-en, you could also try to install "gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad / good /ugly"11:18
jay-oh-enShinji-, thats not the problem,  the problem is when it doesnt load for a long time thats why i want to have somebody help me setup the preferences according to my connection speed for it to work best11:18
mehrab1131there is an error11:18
St0n3-C0lcurrently im on network manager roaming mode.11:19
mehrab1131when I run this command  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart11:19
compwiz18St0n3-C0l: can you run sudo dhclient from a terminal?11:19
compwiz18!enter | mehrab113111:19
ubotumehrab1131: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:19
Shinji-jay-oh-en, ok sorry dude11:19
St0n3-C0li can11:19
compwiz18mehrab1131: it's easier to read :)11:19
St0n3-C0lit shows a port11:19
St0n3-C0lmaybe the port is off!11:19
St0n3-C0lbut then does windows also uses the same port?11:20
compwiz18mehrab1131: yes?11:20
mehrab1131what should I do for that error?11:20
palomerI'm not getting sound out of my soundcard11:21
mehrab1131should I paste the error here for you to read?11:21
* FiveSheetsOfAcid is away: essen und KSCler überfahren11:21
St0n3-C0li reboot11:21
St0n3-C0land catch u11:21
FloodBot1St0n3-C0l: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:21
St0n3-C0lopss..floodbot will keep in mind next time..sorry11:21
saltyWhoops sorry. I'm not sure how to word my problem but I'll try my best.11:22
Predatorianwould anyone be able to help me with the syntax of a force architecture dpkg install?11:22
reisidoes anyone know if there's an homepage for the ubuntu linux generic kernel image package?11:24
mehrab1131any body know what should i do with this error?11:24
mehrab1131 * Restarting web server apache2                                                Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf:11:24
mehrab1131Invalid command 'Alias', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration11:24
reisithe latest proposed package broke my laptop's suspend...11:24
mehrab1131                                                                         [fail]11:24
faileasmehrab1131: use pastebin11:24
saltyI had Ubuntu 7.04 set up to read my NTS? partition of windows and when upgrading to 7.10 it didn't know how to read or mount that part of the computer and fails to start up properly. Could I get some help as to get that fixed please?11:25
compwiz18!pastebin | mehrab113111:25
ubotumehrab1131: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:25
reisimehrab1131: you have a problem in your /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf11:25
mehrab1131sorry all11:25
Wander_wmehrab1131: yeah, remove phpmyadmin if you don't use it11:25
mehrab1131so what shoul I do?11:25
faileassalty: sounds like two issues...seperately11:25
mehrab1131reisi:what should I do?11:26
mehrab1131Wander_w:what should I do?11:26
Shinji-reisi, you could look in /var/cache/apt/archive/ if your old package is still there11:26
jianfeimehrab: reboot11:26
reisimehrab1131: remove phpmyadmin or open /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf and look at line 3, see what's the problem11:26
reisiShinji-: i guess it's but do you know how could i report this problem?11:26
reisiShinji-: quite obivious regression.. though the changelog didin't show anything related to acpi11:27
mehrab1131jianfei:I have this problem for some days, and rebooted many times11:27
Shinji-reisi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/11:27
Wander_wmehrab1131: remove phpmyadmin if you don't use it11:27
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:27
reisimehrab1131: rebooting wont help11:27
mehrab1131ok, Im going to remove phpmyadmin11:28
reisiShinji-: thanks.. looks like the one. though in launchpad.net there are quite many ubuntu/linux image related "projects" or packages, none of which are up to date with proposed package11:28
mehrab1131but I want to setup wordpress in my local server, isnt it necessary?11:28
reisimehrab1131: no11:28
lagann_salty, how about you boot into your windows partition and boot back into ubuntu11:29
Xbehaveive managed to get my splashy working & terminals working but the resolution is all wrong is there a good guide somewhere?11:29
pznis there any live ubuntu rescue small iso cd (<60Mb)?11:30
Shinji-reisi, at launchpad.net you could report your bug if your looking for a package you could try http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:31
Xbehavei doubt theres a ubuntu 1 but do you need it to be ubuntu?11:31
reisiShinji-: oki thanks again11:31
fleggedis it so bad if I use 7.10 for a while until I get 8.04 in April?11:31
saltylagann_: That I have done. Sadly it hasn't made a difference. After asking about an unmountable partition it then goes on to load to a black screen which I get no response from till rebooting.11:32
dgjonespzn, there's this, I've not used it, but maybe its what you're looking for, although its about 160Mb http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page11:32
fleggedI'm severly limited by bandwidth, and shipit will take at least 6 weeks to get to me11:32
mehrab1131I removed phpmyadmin, but the error is remained11:33
macogwflegged: uh thats normal11:33
faileasflegged: no, and their faster than they say ;p11:33
saltyI could try and copy down the error message and post it here if it'll mean someone will have a better understanding of my issue?11:33
faileassalty: pastebin it ;)11:33
macogwflegged: most people arent using 8.04 yet11:33
mehrab1131this is my phpmyadmin.conf11:33
fleggedmacogw I'm not saying it isn't. I just wanted to know if installing 7.10 was so bad11:33
mehrab1131what is the problem?11:34
fleggedfaileas to Australia though? Last time it took 5 weeks11:34
macogwflegged: oh its easy to install11:34
faileasflegged: ahh. 2 weeks in the UK ;p11:34
saltyfaileas: I'm sorry. I'm new enough not to get what pastebin means.11:34
boxemallhi there. is this also support channel for hardy?11:35
faileas!pastebin | salty11:35
ubotusalty: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:35
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:35
Wander_wno, not that dsl11:35
boxemallafter install no x running xorg.conf is almost empty11:35
Xgamerzhow to delete database ?11:35
fleggedmacogw yes, I know it's easy to install. I'm just saying what will the pitfalls be of installing 7.04 now instead of waiting till I get the latest one from shipit11:35
pale-yafahi, how I disable the auto complete of the syntax from Quanta?11:35
faileas!hardy | boxemall11:35
ubotuboxemall: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu11:35
Wander_wpzn: http://damnsmalllinux.org/ DSL is a very versatile 50MB mini desktop oriented Linux distribution.11:36
mehrab1131reisi:I have that error even after removing phpmyadmin11:36
mehrab1131reisi:would u look at my phpmyadmin.conf file?11:36
macogwflegged: uh....you have to download more stuff when you upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 than if you just install 8.04 from a disk?11:36
pzndgjones, Wander_w thanks for the answers, I'll try DSL, I will burn in a 60mb cd-card11:36
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
Vaajdacan someone help me11:37
saltyRight, thanks. pastebin makes sense now.11:37
macogw!ask \ Vaajda11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask \ vaajda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:37
Wander_wmehrab1131: you could just remove that file11:37
macogw!ask | Vaajda11:37
ubotuVaajda: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:37
fleggedmacogw yeah. I wasn't going to upgrade the installation. I was going to use 7.04 until I got the latest installation disk.11:37
macogwi can type, i swear :)11:37
* faileas throws Vaajda a life preserver ;p11:37
saltytime to reboot. Thanks for this much so far.11:37
mehrab1131wander_w:ok I'll do that now11:37
Predatorianwhat is the command for force architecture? i was told i have to force architecture a package for gizmo11:38
Vaajdaok im trying to get my wmp54g linksys card to work11:38
Predatorianbut i am unsure of the syntax11:38
macogwflegged: should be fine.  if you need to mount an ntfs (windows) partition to use inside ubuntu it'll be slightly trickier...like 5 minutes of setup extra the first time11:38
Wander_wmehrab1131: and to test it, to see if it works, don't reboot; but use the command "sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart"11:38
fleggedmacogw that's ok. I'm fairly experienced, just wanted to know if there were any major things to look out for in the 7.04 install11:38
shingouzwhy does xfce barf about "verifying the dns settings" when i logon? more specificaly, how the hell do i disable the annoying dns verification in gutsy11:39
macogwPredatorian: dpkg --force-architecture -i thing.deb11:39
macogwPredatorian: that should work...oh put "sudo" at the front11:39
iblicfHAPPY chinese new year , the last day …………^^11:39
macogwiblicf: youre like 2 weeks late11:39
macogwoh wait, last day? it lasts multiple days? ok nvm11:40
fleggedmacogw ie, any major security updates that would suck up my bandwidth. Anyway, I'll just install it, remove the Gnome, install XFCE4 and only update the packages I'll be using11:40
Vaajdait have a ralink chipset on it and i know i need the rt61 thing11:40
macogwflegged: there is definitely a kernel update to account for the vmsplice exploit released last week11:40
fleggedmacogw ah yes, I'd of course update to the latest kernel. *If* that isn't a problem with 7.0411:41
Wander_wflegged: but that vmsplice exploit is one a local exploit11:41
macogwPredatorian: "man dpkg" and then if you type "/force" itll search for the word "force" and if you hit "n" it moves to the next one...eventually there's a list of things you can force11:41
fleggedI usually do my own rebuild of the kernel anyway .. (I know, I know, not the ubuntu way ;) )11:41
fleggedWander_w yeah11:42
macogwflegged: the kernel update is just a rebuld of the original kernel patched to block that exploit11:42
mehrab1131Wander_w: there is another error11:42
mehrab1131Wander_w: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56832/11:42
erUSULVaajda: ralink chipsets are supported by default in ubuntu11:42
fleggedmacogw yeah, I'll rebuild the latest kernel to my own needs anyway. If the update needs to be applied (as I think you are saying) I'll do that at the same tiem11:42
mehrab1131Wander_w: that file is needed I think11:42
Wander_wmehrab1131: well... the phpmyadmin is quite stubborn... try these commands:11:43
fleggedSo besides the vmsplice exploit, any major security problems since 7.04 offhand?11:43
NativeAngelsim installin unrealirc on my linux box11:43
Wander_wmehrab1131: apt-get install phpmyadmin11:43
NativeAngelsbut it thinks port 8067 is being used11:43
Vaajdawell its not connecting to the network11:43
Wander_wmehrab1131: apt-get remove --purge phpmyadmin11:43
NativeAngelswhich its not11:44
Wander_wmehrab1131: that will rid you of every trace of phpmyadmin11:44
erUSULflegged: the exploit is already fixed on the kernel updates11:44
NativeAngelsand when i go to start unreal its sayin that port 8067 is still being used11:44
Vaajdaim running ubuntu 7.0411:45
NativeAngelshow do i see whats runing on port 806711:45
NativeAngelsif there is anything11:45
Wander_wNativeAngels: lsof -n | grep 806711:45
fleggederUSUL ok, thanks for the info. So I'll just install 7.04, install and rebuild (just because I want to) the kernel. Then update the packages I need. After losing Gnome of course ;)11:45
fleggedplease, Gnome fans, don't get angry11:45
danisahnehi i am allready member of AD Domain and want to use my account with ubuntu now11:45
fleggedVaajda do you regularly update your packages?11:45
danisahnedo i have to join again after samba is set up?11:46
saltyAlright, an edit on what I said previously. Booting up Ubuntu provides no errors. Just loads up to a point where the Monitor turns its self off and the keyboard becomes responseless.11:46
NativeAngelswhats does that do Wander_w11:46
Vaajdano i just installed7.04 and i havent done the updates yet11:46
mehrab1131again that error11:47
fleggedVaajda ah well, I personally wouldn't do that. Was interested in the amount of downloads to get up to latest versions of commonly installed packages. Anyway, I'll investigate myself11:47
Wander_wNativeAngels: lsof: "LiSts" open file descriptors11:47
reisimehrab1131: should you just revert everything related to apache/etc. and build your setup again from the start?11:47
Wander_wNativeAngels: grep searches for a patern11:47
NativeAngelsi did that and it came up with nothing11:48
mehrab1131I had installed xampp too11:48
mehrab1131mybe related to it?11:48
reisimehrab1131: this time, do it by yourself, and while encountering a problem, consult manuals related to apache/phpmyadmin/mysql/xampp11:48
erUSULflegged: you update before rebuild so you get the patched kernel and sources ;)11:48
Hiro_ZAhullo againn ppl11:48
Hiro_ZAthanks to wanderer and whoever else commented11:48
NativeAngelsError binding stream socket11:48
Hiro_ZAi have installed the propiet drivers11:48
Wander_wHiro_ZA: please get my name right11:48
fleggedNativeAngels what about "netstat -lanp |grep 8067"11:49
NativeAngelsim getting that message Wander_w11:49
Hiro_ZAand evesorry11:49
Hiro_ZAWander_w :D11:49
Vaajdasould i do all of the updates11:49
Hiro_ZAit appears to be working cool11:49
fleggederUSUL ah ok. I forgot with ubuntu you do the repository thing.11:49
fleggederUSUL was going to download from kernel.org like I used to11:49
saltySo my question is now; What steps would one take when Ubuntu loads upon startup then turns off the screen and keyboard and enters limbo?11:49
NativeAngelsi did that and still nothing flegged11:50
Wander_wflegged: Wow, neat command11:50
Hiro_ZAquick question : Is it normal for Ubuntu to take quite a while to boot up ?11:50
fleggedWander_w heh, yeah ...11:50
fleggedNativeAngels then nothing is running on that port, I'd say11:50
Wander_wNativeAngels: nothing probably means that there is nothing running on that port11:50
saltyI've been using Unbuntu far too shortly to have actually learnt any real knowledge on how to use it, and so my problem is beyond me.11:50
Wander_wwhat flegged said :P11:50
Hadeshorn Hey i want to extract the sound from an AVI, just 30 seconds of it.. Which is the best way to do this in ubuntu?11:51
erUSULflegged: i personalyy use vanilla kernels (from kernel.org) so if you want to and your hw is properly supported (ubuntu kernel comes with a lot of external drivers) go ahead11:52
osfameronHadeshorn: ffmpeg from the command line will do it (with a bit of reading up on exactly which flags to use, or ask nicely on #ffmpeg)11:52
Wander_wHadeshorn: mplayer -dumpaudio -endpos 30 somefile.avi11:52
Hadeshornoh sweeet11:52
fleggederUSUL well that is what I was going to do anyway ;) I'm an old-timer with *nix but just wanted to know any probs with the 7.04 install11:53
Vaajdaflegged should i do all of the updates11:53
fleggederUSUL all my hardware is supported in FreeBSD so I'm fairly sure ubuntu will support it11:53
fleggedVaajda I would11:53
Vaajdaok thanks11:53
Wander_wNew updates in Ubuntu is like Cristmas every time! New toys to play with11:53
Hiro_ZAhehe :)11:54
Hiro_ZAanybody managed to get a 3G USB modem working in Ubuntu ?11:54
fleggedAnd it makes it harder for black hats to get their Christmas presents11:54
Wander_wUpdates in Windows always means trouble and wasted time11:54
Hiro_ZAthe Huawei E22011:54
HackTalkI need to know something about linux; what sounds nicer: xnode.org or xcoal.net?11:54
fleggedHiro_ZA nice question as that is exactly what I'm going to do after installing in a minute11:54
Hiro_ZAflegged : hehe, please let me know if you succeed11:55
Hiro_ZApal of mine lost his copy of windoze and wants to join the light side11:55
fleggedHiro_ZA I've got it working with my phone (LG 8138), but that is UMTS speeds11:55
Hiro_ZAbut his only holdup, is the lack of 3G support11:55
Hiro_ZAahh, the E220 has HSDPA 3.6+11:55
fleggedHiro_ZA yeah, I'll be able to report back later tonight (It's evening here)11:55
Hiro_ZAwhere abouts are ya ?11:55
fleggedaustralia, that is11:56
Vaajda190 updates  and i have another question can ubuntu use 2 Internet connection at the same time11:56
Hiro_ZAof course11:56
Hiro_ZAi'm from SA so we know all about the Ozzies11:56
fleggedVaajda does it tell you how many Meg the updates are?11:56
Hiro_ZAdamn cricket killers!11:56
fleggedHiro_ZA ah yes ... lol11:56
fleggedHiro_ZA well it's all 20/20 now11:57
fleggedVaajda sweet, I can handle that when I update. Cheers11:57
Hiro_ZAflegged : can u see my pm ?11:57
fleggedHiro_ZA nope11:57
fleggedHiro_ZA you not registered?11:57
Hiro_ZAdarn, something wrong with my PM's :-(11:57
Hiro_ZAwhat chat client are u using ?11:57
fleggedhave to be registered with freenode I believe11:57
Hiro_ZAohhh....that's true :D11:57
HackTalkCan no one of you experts anser my ubuntu-related question?11:57
Wander_wHackTalk: The left one11:58
fleggedHackTalk "what sounds nicer" isn't really an "ubuntu-related" question11:58
HackTalkThe left?11:58
Hiro_ZAfar left11:58
HackTalkI was being sarcastic, just to get someone's attention11:58
Wander_wask stupid questions,..11:58
Hiro_ZAyes, thats a good idea hacktalk11:58
fleggedHackTalk usually has the opposite effect11:59
fleggedHackTalk what's your real problem?11:59
Hiro_ZAapart from your lack of netiqutte :D11:59
HackTalkI can't choose a nice domain name for my UBUNTU powered webserver11:59
HackTalkI've got apache and all up, but I need to get a domain name now12:00
Hiro_ZAflegged : Sorry, non ubuntu question...how do i register on freenode ?12:00
Hiro_ZAok, hang on , lemme google it12:00
dgjones!register | Hiro_ZA12:00
ubotuHiro_ZA: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.12:00
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
Hiro_ZAcool, thanks dgjones12:00
fleggedHiro_ZA I have to reboot to install now12:00
Hiro_ZA!register Hiro_ZA12:00
dgjonesHackTalk, you might get a better answer in #ubuntu-offtopic, they're more likely to chat12:00
Wander_wHackTalk: I still want the left one12:00
fleggedwill be back soon12:00
Hiro_ZAyeah, thanks dg12:01
Vaajdacan ubuntu use 2 Internet connections at the same time12:01
HackTalkYou need a certian bash script thoug12:01
HackTalkOne sec, vaajda, I'll show you12:02
HackTalkI use one for Wine and one for Ubuntu applications myself12:02
HackTalkHere Vaajda: http://bash.org/?10438312:02
cybicsorry, i have also a question12:03
=== HackTalk is now known as vjl323
erUSULvjl323: wtf is this http://bash.org/?104383  ??12:04
Garyvjl323, posting bash.org posts pretending that they are help is not good12:04
cybicafter rewake of a hibernation modus my X31 WLAN Led is blinkin, although it's marked as off in connection manager...12:04
TANATHOSI read it to .... but it's smth about a chat conervsation12:04
vjl323!ubotu bash12:04
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:04
vjl323!ubotu bash.org12:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bash.org - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:05
TANATHOSbash is a command terminal like csh12:05
TANATHOSvjl323 it was just a ugly joke what he made12:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about csh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:05
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins12:05
vjl323Firefox is a web browser?12:06
erUSUL!botabuse | vjl32312:06
ubotuvjl323: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:06
vjl323I thought it was a mail client12:06
BlinkizJust wanted to tell that "fake" sucks. Nothing more special...12:06
TANATHOSvjl323 that is thunderbird12:06
TANATHOSmade by moziila12:06
DjViperwhy does my login window use huge fonts?12:06
vjl323I use Netscape12:06
DjViperalso titlebars in emerald12:06
vjl323Netscape navigator actually12:07
willwork4fooHullo all12:07
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m3gab0yk-meleon rullz12:07
vjl323!ubotu ndiswrapper12:08
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:08
faileasm3gab0y: its wndows oly tho ;p12:08
m3gab0yso what? I use it on the shared home PC12:08
m3gab0yand i managed to make the XP 90 mb pagefile and 60 mb RAM12:08
m3gab0yso it runs smooth12:08
m3gab0ybut i like freebsd best :)12:09
faileasm3gab0y: once shrank down winxp to 128 mb ;p12:09
vjl323!ubotu suse12:09
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)12:09
vjl323!ubotu linux12:09
vjl323!ubuto redhat12:09
vjl323!ubuto fedora12:09
vjl323!ubuto linus torvalds12:09
vjl323!ubuto ubuntu12:09
FloodBot1vjl323: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:09
ubotuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux12:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuto redhat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuto fedora - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:09
Shinji-!botabuse | vjl32312:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuto ubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:09
FloodBot1ubotu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:09
ubotuvjl323: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:09
Vaajdahey hacktalk aka vjl323 that bash.org thingy that u told me to go to didnt help its some stupid chat history12:09
Wander_wHa, that is Nothing! I once burned a windows XP CD untill it was like, TINY!12:09
faileasWander_w: plastic fumes are bad for you12:10
BeliverDoes anyone know is it possible to setup freeradius on ubuntu12:10
Wander_wpastic fumes... baaaad12:10
cybichey, what's the best download manager for ubuntu and what is the best irc app?12:10
Wander_wcybic: I use pidgin for IRC12:11
m3gab0yfor d/w is wget :)12:11
erUSUL!best | cybic12:11
ubotucybic: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.12:11
m3gab0yirc .... x-chat12:11
Wander_wit's nice, also does MSN, ICQ, gadugadu and most other instant messasing protocols12:11
bullgard4What is the purpose of the document file:///usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/html/kernel-api/index.html? Especially, what is a 'Device Driver's Base'?12:12
cybicWander_w: it's ok, but i don't like it :)12:12
HollandVoer tekst hier in...12:13
cybicWander_w: what's your favorite download manager?12:13
dgjones!nl | Holland12:13
ubotuHolland: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:13
Wander_wcybic: You didn't like my suggestion for an irc client, what makes you think you like my downloadmanager?12:13
cybicWander_w: caz i'm not using any one at this moment :)12:14
cybicWander_w: for irc i'm on XChat12:14
Wander_wcybic: Well then, I use Firefox and wget12:14
ofxhi out there12:14
cybicWander_w: give it a try :) thx12:14
KnightWsehey , does anybody know the syntax for adding groups ?12:15
KnightWsei would like to create some NT groups and add them to my unix groups12:16
Wander_waddgroup anewgroep12:16
KnightWsedoes that create an NT group ?12:16
Wander_wdoes it say #nt?12:16
m3gab0yadduser -group ?12:16
ofxguys does anynone installed ubuntu on a LG E500 Notebook?12:16
KnightWseWander_w: No , how can i do that ,12:17
bullgard4KnightWse: man adduser12:17
KnightWsebullgard4: Its for adding groups12:17
ofxgpasswd -a <user> <group>12:17
Wander_wofx: why don't you try the live-cd, you can try it out without changing anything on your laptop12:18
KnightWsecan i just use addgroup ntgroup="domain admins"12:18
EythanHello, i m looking for create a liveUSB ubuntu, anyone can help me ?12:19
KnightWsei would like to create some NT groups to put them into my unix groups12:19
m3gab0yadduser --group ntgroup12:19
ofxWander_w: yup i guess that`s the most safe way to test hardware compat.12:19
macogwEythan: search for install and usb on wiki.ubuntu.com12:19
=== SaSav is now known as acidus
KnightWsebut when i do a net groupmap modify ntgroup="domain admins" unixgroup=root12:20
macogwEythan: there's a script called isostick.sh on there that should get you going12:20
TrapperDaveDoes anyone know of any software that I can use that will automatically backup my files to a USB memory stick?12:20
Eythanmacogw> i tried, but the Howto doesn't work12:20
saurabhhello guys12:20
martin_why cant i run 32 bit apps on my 64 bit installation. this question has been bugging me...?12:20
Eythanmacogw> isostick ? interesting ;)12:20
macogwEythan: oh.  dunno then.  it has to be done from a linux system, not a windows system...12:20
Wander_wTrapperDave: cron?12:20
saurabhthis is my first time in this forum12:20
m3gab0ymartin_ because u can't :)12:20
m3gab0yinstall in 32 bits :)12:20
saurabhI am Saurabh Kumar from India12:21
martin_m3gab0y, that is a poor, poor answer12:21
saurabhI guess, i am in Ubuntu forum now12:21
Vaajdacan i use 2 Internet connection at the same time12:21
Wander_wsaurabh: you are indeed12:21
macogwsaurabh: rooms on irc are called channels12:21
TrapperDaveWander_w: Will that be able to automatically sync the USB stick when I attach it to the machine?12:21
m3gab0y64 bit systems don't support 32 bit apps except in emulation...12:21
saurabhthanx, I got it12:21
martin_m3gab0y, since the hardware supports it, i would like to know why ubuntu has decided not to allow native 32 bit apps to run, when other distros do.12:21
Wander_wTrapperDave: not really, you might want to use the hotplug system for that12:21
saurabhi am for the first time in this channel12:22
faileasmartin_: i was under the impression it was possible if you had the right packages installed. my systems are 32 bit tho so i don't know personally12:22
Eythanmacogw> i will try isostick, thx12:22
m3gab0ysome distror really have code for that12:22
TrapperDaveWander_w: Thanks, I'll look into it :)12:22
m3gab0ybut it's rare and windows is not one of them ;)12:22
Wander_wTrapperDave: But I'm used to writing complex shell scripts for stuff like this, I'm not sure if that's what you want12:22
martin_m3gab0y, what is rare?12:23
KnightWsenobody around who can help me adding NT groups to ubuntu ? want to use a ubuntu server as a windows pdc12:23
martin_faileas, do you mean with chroot?12:23
=== dgjones_ is now known as dgjones
* syc_ brb, makan dulu12:24
Hiro_ZAi keep getting this error popping up12:25
Hiro_ZAwhen using the Updater12:25
Hiro_ZAand Add/Remove12:25
Hiro_ZAbasically, synaptic(?) stuff12:26
Hiro_ZAW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>12:26
Xbehaveall my ttys are broken, is this due to a bad vga setting, what should i set vga to on an intel?12:26
Hiro_ZAhow can i fix this ?12:26
leongooHi all! Does anybody know, is xchat-gnome better than xchat?12:27
Vaajdacan someone pls tell me if ubuntu can use 2 internet connections at the same time12:28
dgjonesleongoo, its personal opinion, xchat has more features, so would probably be said to be better than xchat-gnome12:28
Silencerrleongoo, I'm using xchat-gnome atm, works fine for me :)12:28
bullgard4I habe 4 Gnome-Terminals offen but there are 5 bash processes, see http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/43064/. What is the role of the process 'bash -rcfile .bashrc'? Who started it?12:28
Frogzoobullgard4: man bash12:30
Frogzoobullgard4: oic - no idea12:30
goppphow do I get mycomputer on ubuntu desktop gnome12:30
luisbg_I want to access my home HD from work to listen to my music at work... how you do people recommend me to do this?12:31
gopppuse a music deamon web app12:31
bullgard4Frogzoo: Tell me what do you mean by 'oic'?12:31
biabiaoh, I see ?12:32
Frogzoobullgard4: no idea what started that process - check the parent process id in 'ps aux'12:32
Hiro_ZAok, back online using xhcat gnome now12:32
Hiro_ZAhow do i setup a script to auto authenticate me via nickserv ?12:32
goppp!shoutcast | luisbg_12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shoutcast - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:33
Frogzoobullgard4: ps axl actually12:33
luisbg_goppp, thanks12:33
IdleOneHiro_ZA, it is under Xchat> Network List12:33
bullgard4Frogzoo: You still did not tell me what do you mean by 'oic'? --  I have checked the parent process. I even have published the result of that check. Did you miss it?12:33
IdleOneHiro_ZA, #xchat is a good place to ask. www.xchat.org has a good FAQ page12:33
goppphow in gnome ubuntu do you get the mycomputer incon12:34
gopppicon on the desktop12:34
magoueroHello all12:34
youngmusi1Does anyone know what exactly the boot option 'noirqdebug' does? It seems i can only use the partitioner at the install disk if i boot with this option. (Although i've never needed it before on this pc.)12:34
cesc_how can I prevent Evolution from starting every time I log into Gnome? There's nothing in ~/.config/autostart  and I've made sure it isn't set in System --> Preferences ---> Sessions --> Startup programs :(   Thanks, guys12:34
IdleOnegoppp, create a launcher and select the icon you want12:34
neogoppp did u disable icons on desktop?12:35
gopppI think by mistake, but I forget how to get it back12:35
tehnikhow to embed an arhchived file into a shell script without uuencoding it like shar does? What tool to use?12:35
tehnikI want to write the same installer like that of ATI and NVidia (run-files)12:35
plen0x_Hmm, firestarter still protects even if the GUI is not running, correct?12:36
magoueroi would like some help: unable to chat with kopete in msn format. when i send a msg in a chat with a contact i only get: "The following message has not been sent correctly  (Connection closed):". Any idea it could come from ?12:36
white_eaglesomebody ask something ;)12:36
macogwplen0x_: yes.  it just sets rules in iptables and then those run all the time12:36
IdleOneplen0x_, firestarter is a frontend to iptables12:36
plen0x_That's what I thought, wasn't sure and didn't feel like opening firefox :P12:36
Xbehavedoes swap have to be bigger than memory to suspend (even if im not using most of the memory?)12:37
Vaajdacan someone pls tell me if ubuntu can use 2 internet connection at the same time12:38
Dr_willisXbehave,  i dont think it has to.. BUT if you some how are using all your memory, and some swap. Youmay get in a state where you cant suslend.12:38
shishirm1where do i place a command which i want ubuntu to run everytime on startup?12:38
Dr_willisVaajda,  yes it can. ip-masquerading can handle that.12:38
Dr_willisshishirm1,  depends onw hat the command is doing.12:38
macogwshishirm1: system -> pref -> sessions -> startup12:38
Dr_willisshishirm1,  /etc/rc.local for system stuff12:38
magoueroXbehave: normally swap is used when memory if quite full12:38
Dr_willislocal user stuff like macogw  said.12:39
VaajdaDr_willis thank you very much12:39
shishirm1i want to start fetchmail in deamon mode everytime system starts12:39
threefcatahi, where can i get support for gimp?12:39
macogwthreefcata: if its in-depth kind of stuff, #gimp might be a goo idea12:39
Dr_willisshishirm1,  guess ya could do it in rc.local,  ive never messed with fetchmail12:39
macogwthreefcata: i mean "good".  if its basic, we might be helpful12:39
exporterAnyone else having problem when exporting an image with inkscape?12:39
shishirm1ok fine i will give it a try12:40
Xbehavemy gig of swap is unused but my system doesnt seam to like suspending since i increased the ram to 1gig + 25612:40
threefcatamacogw: i guess it a simple question, how to get rid of the annoying dotted box around the layer when a layer is selected?12:40
Hiro_ZAthis is odd12:40
macogwthreefcata: unselect it12:41
Hiro_ZAmy xhcat gnome seems to be locking up12:41
Hiro_ZAevery time i click on the "Ubuntu Server" and try to msg ncikserv12:41
threefcatamacogw: is that the only way?12:41
magoueroi would like some help: unable to chat with kopete in msn format. when i send a msg in a chat with a contact i only get: "The following message has not been sent correctly  (Connection closed):". Any idea it could come from ? Please...12:41
macogwthreefcata: think so.  the crawling ants are visual clue to let you know what you've selected. without them, how would you see what youve selected to know what you're doing?12:41
squid0magouero: perhaps a firewall?12:41
* FiveSheetsOfAcid is back (gone 01:20:36)12:41
shishirm1Dr_willis: Thanks and thanks to macogw: too12:42
magouerosquid0: can the contact appear online, and I also in this case ?12:42
threefcatamacogw: i mean the one that is not moving, it appears when you choose a layer in the layer panel but haven't done anything to that layer yet12:43
Eythanmacogw> it doesn't still work12:43
Eythanmacogw> i trioed with gutsy and hardy alpha 412:43
threefcatamacogw: the black and yellow one12:43
squid0magouero: hmm. I don't know. I'm not sure exactly how the data is sent. have you tried a) using another IM program, and b) using another IM network?12:43
squid0magouero: this will help you to isolate / localize the problem12:44
macogwthreefcata: oh umm...you could make the layers all the same size so that the dotted line and the edge of the image are the same place...12:44
=== neversfelde|mobi is now known as neversfelde
macogwthreefcata: dont think theres a way to be rid of it12:44
macogwEythan: what was your trouble again?12:44
Eythanmacogw> my usb stick doesn't boot,12:45
Dr_willisBut the dotted box shows you the edges of the layer..12:45
Dr_willisisent that the point of it. :)12:45
Eythanmacogw> i used the script12:45
macogwEythan: oh umm i dont know12:45
magouerosquid0: irc seems to work properly. Anyway: where to find the firewall settings in kubuntu ? (i have it since yesterday...)12:45
Eythanand follow many tuts12:45
Dr_willismagouero,  there are no default firewall rules. Unless you set some up12:45
Dr_willis!firewall | magouero12:45
ubotumagouero: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:45
squid0magouero: as far as I know, there is no firewall installed by default.12:45
squid0magouero: this probably means that it's not a firewall problem12:46
Dr_willisfirewall is built in.. just no 'rules' by default. :)12:46
threefcatamacogw: well, i'm piecing several pictures that are cut from the same one together to get the original on back.. guess not be able to make them of different sizes..thanks anyway~12:46
squid0magouero: google the kopete error message, enclosed in quotation marks ("")12:46
fevelis there a way to take a screenshot of an ubuntu virtual machine on virtualbox?is it possible on the opensource version or will I have to use the gnomes snapshot?12:46
magoueroso it should be ok. Hummm ok i check with google, good idea, back in some minutes12:46
macogwfevel: you should be able to take a screenshot of the whole VM including VB from the host OS or of just what's inside VB's viewing area from the guest12:47
dhqplease someone help me with my mic12:48
fevelmacogw, yes, I use ubuntu as host too, the virtual ubuntu is for me to mess up, I found gnome app on host the easiest12:48
fevelmacogw, thanks12:48
damdalfhi :D12:50
Radiergummii fix my codec problem12:51
tangle-toothHi there :D. I've got a somewhat obscure question. I've got a large folder, full of subfolders which are regularly changed by an application. Is there an easy (read: command-line) way that I could selectively backup the ones that have changed in the last week or so?12:52
[chr0n0s]tangle-tooth, read man of cp12:53
[chr0n0s]tangle-tooth, you will find something useful there12:53
Picitangle-tooth: rsync may also be what you are interested in12:53
Dr_willistangle-tooth,  also i thought rsync, could do that.. or some other backup tools.12:53
tangle-toothOkay. (still somewhat new at this)12:53
magouerosquid0: I found out using your advicce (google etc)  it is bug #134664 and not solved yet if i'm right. A pity all contacts i have use msn or ... Skype. Thanks for all. Thank also Dr_willis.12:53
feveltangle-tooth, there is rsync12:54
feveltangle-tooth, unison12:55
magoueroAnother newbie question: where do we find the kdewallet ? Which menu ? It is shouting for a password that i never set up and there is no icon ...12:55
* tangle-tooth is busily looking up all these apps.12:55
Dr_willismagouero,  look at the right side of the panel. should be a systemtray icon forit12:55
macogwmagouero: if you never set it up, are you sure its not asking you to set it up?12:55
Dr_willistangle-tooth,  unison is very very handy also.12:56
wormin(( il y a pas un chn français? :p fench channel? :p)12:56
macogw!fr | wormin12:56
ubotuwormin: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:56
syc__server irc.indika.net12:56
syc__ups sorry12:57
* faileas was about to do that too12:57
sgtcyrexmy school uses a root certificate to allow us to connect to the wireless at school... can i use a windows based certificate to connnect to the same network in linux?12:57
magoueroDr_willis: on the right i have trash, clock, sound, kopete, clip, eth0. That's all. It requires a kdewallet pswd each time i start a chat in kopete for ex which is logical. But i cannot answer as i do not have thos psw12:58
wormintank you macogw12:58
Dr_willismagouero,  somthing seems odd here.. kwallet starts up and asks for a password to let it rember all your other passwords for you. Since its not setup. its not rembering them.. sounds like to me.12:58
Dr_willisYou could just disable kwallet i guess.12:58
eQualizerMy login screen has turned to remote login screen. How do I normalise it?12:59
magoueroDr_willis: i fully agree. But how to set this thing up ? Is there a menu or a command somewhere (or even to disable it, why not)12:59
Laney_Familydoes anyone know how to remote desktop into ubuntu?13:00
macogwLaney_Family: you can ssh in with X forwarding if you're coming from a Mac, Linux, or using Cygwin on Windows13:01
macogwLaney_Family: you can also install a VNC viewer on Mac or Windows13:01
macogwLaney_Family: Unix/Linux command line for Windows, includes an X server13:01
joecurleehi all... I'm using a dlink 120m bluetooth dongle and have a white mac book keyboard (the one they released before the small steel ones)... ubuntu 7.10 is not auto detecting this device that I am aware of. I don't know if it's the dongle that isn't working or the keyboard. any ideas?13:02
cliebowLadyNikon, nx ROCKS13:02
Laney_Familyyea, i was wanting the gui, i can terminal into it no issue13:02
Dr_willismagouero,  check the kde help docs would be step 1 i guess Hit F1 .   I havent been using kde much lately.13:02
plen0x_Okay, here's one for you. I can't connect to my SSH all of a sudden. Just get connection refused.13:02
macogwLaney_Family: but if you use "ssh -X ...." then any GUI apps you open on Ubuntu will show up on Windows instead13:02
plen0x_And I'm allowing EVERYONE to connect, no restrictions.13:02
macogwLaney_Family: thats what X-forwarding means13:03
mozz_yusti cantik13:03
cliebowjoecurlee, start with lsusb13:03
Dr_willisInstead of CYGWIN, one can use 'xming' and do a simielr thing.. with much less hassle. :)13:03
cliebowLaney_Family, NX Rocks13:03
joecurleecliebow: cool, it sees my bluetooth13:04
macogwmozz_: francais? hrvatski? deutsch?13:04
ubuntuwestbengalis there anyone here from the community council?13:04
Laney_FamilyI was trying nx but could not get it to connect, any assistance there?13:04
Pici!id | mozz_13:04
ubotumozz_: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia13:04
ubuntuwestbengalis there anyone here from the community council?13:05
macogwPici: how do you know what language he's speaking?13:05
joecurleeok so now I have confirmed with lsusb that my bluetooth dongle is recognized by ubuntu, but I'm still not picking up on the apple keyboard... is there a way to browse devices?13:05
Picimacogw: I have a script that does a whois on his host and grabs the country field from that.13:05
ubuntuwestbengalis there anyone here from the community council??13:05
Piciubuntuwestbengal: Probably not at this time.13:05
macogwPici: oo ook i /whois'd but didnt notice it13:06
Wander_wwhat is "this time" 2 pm?13:06
macogwWander_w: huh?13:06
ubuntuwestbengalZulu time13:06
Dr_willisits 8 am here in the usa13:06
macogwubuntuwestbengal: its 1pm UTC13:06
PiciWander_w: The CC is very busy, they don't usually (ever) hang out in here.13:06
Wander_wDr_willis: ah ok, that explains :)13:06
ubuntuwestbengalits 630pm here in india13:06
macogwDr_willis: where are you?13:07
Dr_willismacogw,  Indiana13:07
ubuntuwestbengali checked in the #ubuntu-meeting13:07
ubuntuwestbengalnoone there13:07
macogwDr_willis: do you switch time zones?13:07
cliebowjoecurlee, guess ya have to figure out what module it needs..and see if lsmod shows it loaded13:07
SpacePilotAnyone feel like helping me with my sound problem? Audigy 2 ZS, didn't had sound, troubleshoot and got sound back, now it is gone again.13:07
macogwjoecurlee: lsmod | grep blu13:07
Laney_Familycliebow, any idea how to setup NX?13:07
faileas!nx | Laney_Family13:08
ubotuLaney_Family: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX13:08
plen0x_Okay, I messed with hosts.allow and deny. SSH hasn't been working since (even though I've commented out my changes13:08
Tasabhi , how i can install fonts , i used Ubuntu , is windows fonts work with the same ?13:08
magoueroDr_willis: how do you proceed if u want e.g. to change the password for watt you set up ? Only the right icon i do not have ?13:08
Dr_willismacogw,  indiana is so confused on that issue. we have some counties that Do, some dont, and so forth. We used to switch zones,, so we never changed our clocks.. Now  we got counties next to each other that have 1 hr differance in time.13:08
Laney_FamilyFaileas, what does that mean?13:08
macogwDr_willis: which is your county?13:08
Piciubuntuwestbengal: The next meeting is scheduled for 20:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda for more details.13:09
faileasLaney_Family: there should be a howto,and a listing of repos there13:09
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: February 21 2008, 13:09:10 - Next meeting: Desktop Team in 50 minutes13:09
faileasPici: he peft13:09
Picifaileas: pfft.13:09
Picifaileas: :)13:09
Dr_willismagouero,  the extent of me using kwallet it it asking  to rember my passwords. and wanting a master password that i enter.. then i leave it alone.. only entering my mawster password once i login.    Anything else. Id have to go read the kde help docs on it.  and im not in kde right now - so i cant do that.13:09
cliebowLaney_Family: i took the debs from nomachine..that will only alllow two users..13:09
plen0x_Anyone have an idea?13:09
_Oz_HALLLOOOOOO Ubuntu friends!13:10
* faileas takes away _Oz_ sugar13:10
* _Oz_ roars into #ubuntu like a red-hot cannonball shot from a distant pirate ship in the bay.13:10
cliebowwatch out...watch out13:10
shinobi2how to check my gnome version?13:10
magoueroDr_willis: ok i understand. Anyway: thanks very much for your help.13:11
wildoes anyone know a good sony ericsson mobile phone manager that works on ubuntu? I tried using the windows version under wine but had no luck :( I need to edit some system files13:11
_Oz_shinobi2: I think it's "sudo check gnome-version"13:11
joecurleemacogw: i'm seeing bluetooth listed there, but still no keyboard control? I'm assuming the lsmod info is for the dongle?13:11
_Oz_or "sudo gnome-version"13:11
_Oz_something like that.13:11
macogwjoecurlee: lsmod tells what drivers (kernel modules) are loaded13:11
magouerojoin #amarok13:12
_Oz_bluetooth this, bluetooth that.  What are people using linux + bluetooth for these days?13:12
macogwjoecurlee: do you have bluezutils or any GUI program for setting up the bluetooth devices?13:12
palomerI just got a new computer13:12
joecurleemacogw: yes @ bluezutils13:12
palomerbut I have no sound13:12
palomerhow do I fix this?13:12
plen0x_Okay, I messed with hosts.allow and deny. SSH hasn't been working since (even though I've commented out my changes)13:12
macogw_Oz_: so they can have unencrypted transmissions from their wireless keyboards to their computers so that anyone within 20 feet can see everything they type13:12
shinobi2_Oz_: nope, am still trying13:12
joecurlee_Oz_ it's hardware I have lying around and want it so that I can use mythtv from the couch13:12
_Oz_macogw: bluetooth for keyboards?  Why not just use IR or some other method like that?13:13
macogw_Oz_: because "Bluetooth" is a buzzword and "I13:13
_Oz_joecurleee: kinda like a remote control?  I dig.13:13
macogw_Oz_: and "IR" isnt, so its easier to sell things that say "Bluetooth"13:13
_Oz_macogw: excellent point.13:13
Dr_willisWe need BlueIR!13:13
_Oz_All of this bluetooth hype seems a little... fruity.13:13
_Oz_Bluetooth is useful for cell phones and headsets.  That's about it.13:14
joecurlee_Oz_: because i don't have a remote control, I'm sick of cranking my head back at a 90% angle to see the tv while i type because i'm right up on it, and the bluetooth keyboard and dongle have been sitting around the house for about 3 years now... might as well use it13:14
macogw_Oz_: just like how nobody "writes applications" anymore.  Instead, they "develop solutions."13:14
_Oz_macogw: yeah, and it's uncool to call it a "program"13:14
Dr_willisBluetooth could of been a lot more usefull. if all the makers put the  things built in to all the pc's and laptops' and printers, and scanners, and.....13:14
* _Oz_ and macogw find themselves remarkably in sync.13:14
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:14
faileasbluetooth dosen't need LOS, like IR13:14
eth01hiya pici.13:14
Picieth01: Hiyas eth0113:15
shinobi2is there a command, hot-key to bring out shutdown menu, instead of clicking the green man on the corner all the time?13:15
macogwhi pici13:15
_Oz_Dr_willis: it'd be better to simply use wireless networking for those applications.13:15
eth01i agree13:15
Picishinobi2: You may be able to find something in System>Preferences>Keyboard Short cuts13:15
macogw_Oz_: have you tried using bluezutils?  all bluezutils ever told me was "the website lied, this computer didnt come with bluetooth"13:15
_Oz_macogw: heheheheh13:15
plen0x_Okay, I messed with hosts.allow and deny. SSH hasn't been working since (even though I've commented out my changes)13:16
vikkuHi alll.....I just installed " apt-get install kde " in 7.04 , what should i do nest to have my ubuntu start in GUI mode and how do i  start the kde ?13:16
joecurleewow, obnoxious. came here for quick bluetooth support before i go off to my job, not a discussion on whether or not it's worth using. thanks for the help13:16
cefbluetooth designed as a serial replacement. and it's pretty good at it's job..13:17
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
Wander_wvikku: if you want a complete system targetted towards KDE install this: kubuntu-desktop13:17
shinobi2Pici: it says, control-alt delete, but no work here13:17
shinobi2Pici: it says, control-alt L to lock screen, that one works13:18
macogwjoeythesaint: sorry that one about "have you used bluezutils?" was supposed to go to you13:18
macogwack wrong joe13:19
cefand no offence, but for the small amount of data being sent for most of the usual apps, bluetooth is quite adequate.. as for using wireless networking for many of those things: I've seen that done, and in 99%of cases, it's done badly, it's expensive, and it gets dated VERY quickly13:19
vikkuWander_w : ok , but then i need all the guidance on how to start the service and bboot in gui everytime i log in , will i need to edit any file13:19
joeythesaintmacogw: No worries.  I didn't think I'd been asking anything for which "bluezutils" would be an answer.13:19
Piciplen0x_: Have you restarted networking since you made those changes?13:19
plen0x_Pici: my whole computer, even13:20
Wander_wvikku: I believe that you just have to install that one package and you'd be done13:20
vikkuwander_w : gr8, i'll try it in a while13:20
vikkuthnks much wander_w13:21
Wander_wno problem13:21
Wander_wbware though, it might be a big download13:21
Colin2 irc.efnet.net13:21
macogwColin2: you have to put /connect before you put the server13:22
=== gold44 is now known as shinobi2
shinobi2Pici: it's a bug.13:22
shinobi2Pici: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-control-center/+bug/71620/+viewstatus13:22
Christina18How do I restore/fix X window from the terminal when i am unable to startx ?13:23
macogwChristina18: you can try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" or you can use "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to edit the file manually13:23
macogwChristina18: if you know how to use emacs (and have it installed) or vim, you can use those instead of nano, but nano has the lowest learning curve13:24
prince_jammysdoesn't want to edit xorg, wants to stop x session13:24
macogwChristina18: well, as long as you know that ^ means you press Ctrl with the letter and that "Write Out" means "Save"13:24
macogwprince_jammys: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop13:24
Christina18ok, i'll give it a try13:24
NixonInnesHey, anyone had problems setting up a nvidia geforce 8800 GT ?? Ubuntu doesnt recognise it, what's the best drivers to use??13:25
macogwNixonInnes: have you tried system -> admin -> restricted driver manager?13:26
ofxyou can download the official drivers for linux from nvidia.com and install them13:26
NixonInnesthanks, i'll give it a try13:26
damdalfi  have that caard13:26
NixonInnesrestricted drivers comes up with "i dont need any"13:26
macogwNixonInnes: the restricted manager is easier than nvidia.com's driver13:26
damdalfi download new kernel ;)13:26
damdalfand nvidia drivers13:27
macogwNixonInnes: ok then in that case you have to kill X all the way as i just told prince_jammys, and follow umm13:27
macogw!nvidia | NixonInnes13:27
ubotuNixonInnes: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:27
macogwNixonInnes: from that page, go to the Manual HowTo13:27
Christina18Can anyone help me connect my HP M307 camera ? Seems my comp can't find it13:28
Blasturhi.. is there anyway i can select which packages i want to be installed for my ubuntu install? it seems to install a lot of apps which i never use. In debian, I used to be able to pick packages manually, and let it download/install only those.. is this possible in ubuntu?13:29
hcgood afternoon, i've got a prob with my laptop's gfx card as ubuntu won't recognize it and gives me a shitty resolution13:30
macogwBlastur: you can do a server install then pick what you want from there13:30
prince_jammysBlastur: i'm not sure there is a way, other than making a basic install and then building on that with what you want13:30
Blasturmacogw, ok, cool.. can i still install a desktop with the server install?13:31
macogwBlastur: "server install" just means no GUI...it might also mean you have to chroot in afterwards with a livecd and install the generic kernel because the server kernel expects PAE and freaks out (kernel panic on boot) if your hardware doesnt support PAE13:31
macogwBlastur: you can install a GUI afterward13:31
BlasturPAE? thats the 4 GB ram hack for x86, right?13:31
Dr_willisi wonder how the 'jeos' ubuntu install handles that.13:32
macogwBlastur: i think it might offer "desktop environment" in tasksel, but then itd just install Ubuntu's regular ubuntu-desktop meta-package, which it sounds like you dont want13:32
macogwBlastur: yes13:32
Blasturprince_jammys: how do I tell the installer to simply install basic install?13:32
NixonInnesi think my problem is I just upgraded my gfx card from the 8400 GS to the 8800 GT, should i uninstall all the nvidia packages13:32
macogwprince_jammys: by "basic install" do you mean the server install im suggesting? or is there something i ont know about?13:32
macogwNixonInnes: no but you should reconfigure X13:33
h00liganhi guys13:33
macogwNixonInnes: its probably looking for the old card13:33
prince_jammysBlastur: you need a different cd, i think there is a text-mode install as well as a server install.  either should do13:33
NixonInneshow'd i do that?13:33
Blasturokay.. and what does the basics include?13:33
BratJanOh my GOD! You killes Kenny?13:33
fossilcatlinux for human beings13:33
_Oz_macogw: heheheheh13:34
danbhfiveBlastur: get the alternative install cd, and select CLI only install13:34
macogwprince_jammys, Blastur: i think the only text-only system after install is the server one.  there's a server cd that does that, alternate which uses debian's text installer but results in a gui system, and the live cd which has a gui installer and results in a gui system13:34
prince_jammys!install | Blastur13:34
ubotuBlastur: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:34
macogwNixonInnes: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:34
Dr_willisiv4e never noticed the alternative iinstaller cd doing a  CLI only install option.13:34
h00ligancan anyone help. im trying to get 2 monitors working. they are fine, just on the wrong side of each other and "TwinViewOrientation" "LeftOf" left or right makes no difference13:34
macogwDr_willis: neither have i13:34
prince_jammysmacogw: that's what i thought - but somebody here told me otherwise.13:35
danbhfiveDr_willis: maybe its just kubuntu, thats where I saw it13:35
h00ligani can upload my xorg.conf if it helps?13:35
Dr_willish00ligan,  be sure to totally restart the X server,  and I used the nvidia configuration tool to set my xorg.conf file up properly13:35
h00liganyeah did that all13:36
Dr_willish00ligan,   i think the nvidia tool for me set them up a little differently then the leftof/rightof way.13:36
BratJana nie nie Nvida ma cos zepsute z rozdzielczoscia lepiej uwazaj h00ligan13:36
h00liganbut if i use the nvidia tool, my toolbars span accross the two screens, thats something im trying to avoid13:37
dgjones!pl | BratJan13:37
ubotuBratJan: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:37
prince_jammysBlastur: the server install will definitely work, because i've done it.  but check out the other stuff available13:37
Dr_willish00ligan,  Mine did that UNTILL i tottally restarted the X server.13:37
Blasturim downloading alternative iso now13:37
Dr_willish00ligan,  they no longer did that afterwards. (under gnome and kde at least)13:37
shinobi2where can i find geubuntu wallpaper? -->   http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/thumbnails/Geubuntu%207.10/16.gif13:37
BratJanthx jakie to fajne i chrzescijanskie!!!  Jestescie Koffani dgjones i ubotu13:38
shinobi2and this one too --> http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/screenshots/thumbnails/Geubuntu%207.10/17.gif13:38
h00liganoh really..  ctrl+alt+del not fully restart it ?13:38
prince_jammysBlastur: yeah that's the text-mode install.  the question is whether it will auto install the stuff you don't want or not13:38
macogwBlastur: i gotta say, the error message the kernel gives when it panics about lack of PAE is a very non-obvious error message:  Panic!  CPU too old!13:38
h00liganerr backspace13:38
wershow do I choose what to prioritize downloading? for example, I want to make the download of a youtube video faster by prioritizing it. how do I do it? there's a windows app that does that13:38
Blasturmacogw: okay, i run a core2duo cpu in this system, do you it supports PAE?13:39
macogwBlastur: its 64bit, so probably.  i got the error on a pentium M13:39
joe_satrianiHello there13:39
erUSUL!info trickle | wers13:39
ubotuwers: trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-4 (gutsy), package size 34 kB, installed size 164 kB13:39
Blasturonly 1 way to find out :) it's reboot time!13:39
patogenHow do I manually mount a usb device so that somebody besides root can write to it?13:40
Blasturthanks for your help macogw, prince_jammys et al!13:40
patogenIt's a fat32 usb device13:40
macogwBlastur: its about 4 years old, i'd guess.  a gentoo-using friend thought it was the weirdest error ever since he has practically the same laptop.  he almost convinced me to use gentoo13:40
usr13 wers I don't think we have anything like that.13:40
wersthanks, erUSUL! :)13:40
Dr_willispatogen,  use the umask or uid/gid options13:40
hcubuntu is complaining that it is running in low graphics mode because it couldn't detect my gfx card13:40
macogwpatogen: in /etc/fstab make "user" one of the options13:40
macogwpatogen: oh wait that lets non-root mount it13:40
elnjarok go to root13:41
prince_jammyspatogen: how did the permissions issue go?13:41
patogenIt doesn't matter if non-root is able to mount it13:41
macogwpatogen: set GID on it when you mount it to a group which all  your normal users are in13:41
usr13erUSUL: I stand corrected, Thanks.13:41
erUSULwers: no problem :)13:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xnest - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:41
prince_jammyspatogen: was it you yesterday?13:41
patogenprince_jammys: I reinstalled this morning, and everything is up :)13:41
patogenprince_jammys: Yes :)13:41
faileasanyone familiar with setting up xnest?13:41
elnjaron go to gooogle13:41
macogwpatogen: and set the mount point as group-writable and belonging to that group13:41
erUSULusr13: ;P noone knows everything13:41
patogenExcept for me not getting to write to my usb disk :)13:42
prince_jammyspatogen: ok it gets mounted automatically, right?13:42
werserUSUL, how do I use it? :)13:42
patogenprince_jammys: Well no13:42
prince_jammyspatogen: you mount it manually?13:42
macogwpatogen: UUID=3FA8-13EE          /media/disk             vfat    user,noauto,uid=1000,rw,noexec,sync,noatime     0               013:42
bullgard4What programs use or evaluate the contents of the file /var/log/udev?13:42
faileasi installed it but when i try to run it it tells me there' ss no suck command13:42
macogwpatogen: thats my USB drive in /etc/fstab.  see the ui=1000? that means i own it13:42
davmonsterwhat're the best ubuntu books out at the moment?13:43
erUSULwers: well that's something you will have to investigate on your own... her home page has examples as well as the man page. I do not use it myself13:43
macogwpatogen: you can set gid=x where x is the group id number for a group all your users are in13:43
macogwpatogen: then on your mount point (in my case /media/disk/) chown it so that the group is that group you set in /etc/fstab13:43
knox_Hi All13:43
Dr_willisdavmonster,  theres the ubuntu training book - in teacher/student edition (about 400 pages) thata avail for free/psdf format. at the ubuntu training wiki page.13:43
macogwpatogen: and chmod the mount point to, say, 664 so that the group can write to it too13:43
prince_jammyspatogen: you can replace UUID with /dev/blah  for your device13:43
elnjarknox hi13:44
davmonsteris that part of the LPI course?13:44
bullgard4What is the purpose of the document file:///usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/html/kernel-api/index.html? Especially, what is a 'Device Driver's Base'?13:44
joe_satrianii need 1 porno game for GNU/Linux plz help me13:44
macogwprince_jammys: oh you cant cd into non-executable directories, huh?  guess thats why i set noexec!13:45
IdleOne!offtopic | joe_satriani13:45
ubotujoe_satriani: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:45
IdleOne!coc | joe_satriani13:45
ubotujoe_satriani: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/13:45
prince_jammyspatogen: where does it get mounted?13:45
hccan any1 help me get my wireless card working?13:45
macogwpatogen: k yeah listen to him and make those 7's so you can cd to them13:45
macogwdavmonster: is what part of LPI?13:46
macogwdavmonster: /etc/fstab?13:46
elnjarOK what you need13:46
Dr_willisone does not normally CHMOD the mount point for vfat/ntfs filesystems.. I dont think it works. :P try it and see13:46
davmonstersorry, the Ubuntu training book13:46
usr13macogw If you are talking about thumb drives, it is already restrected to those that belong to plugdev13:46
joe_satrianiokay okay excuse me please tell me about one chanle about this games13:46
davmonsteris that part of the LPI syllabus?13:46
davmonsterthe ubuntu specfic exams?13:47
macogwRemoteViewer: i chmod the mount point that i have created on the ext3 drive. i dont chmod *inside* the usb drive13:47
IdleOne!games | joe_satriani13:47
ubotujoe_satriani: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php13:47
macogwDr_willis: read that^13:47
usr13macogw: So just don't include anyone in group plugdev that  you don't want to access the thumb drives.13:47
macogwdavmonster: the ubuntu specific exams are only for after youve already taken the first 1 maybe 2 levels of LPI13:47
DirtyMonkeyi need help with vnc over ssh, i have followed the guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH but all i get is a blank screen in X13:48
Dr_willismacogw,  for ext3 its ok. :) niot ntfs/vfat13:48
macogwdavmonster: the ubuntu training things that recently were released are more on teh beginner side13:48
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macogwDr_willis: well you have to mkdir the mount point, right? so i mkdir the mount point and make it writable, then mount the flash drive to there.  i cant mount it to there if its not writable13:48
Dr_willismacogw,  yes. the mountpoint dir MUST exist. but the permissions on that dir - have no affect on the permissions of the mountpoint/filesystem once you mount it.13:49
joe_satrianii cant go out from this channel please kick me :-s13:49
macogwdavmonster: at least, i think they are...it said a bunch of stuff in the intro about using it in a classroom13:49
hccan any1 help me get my wireless card and graphics card working properly?13:49
macogwDr_willis: but they do have an effect on your ability to mount to that point at all13:49
Dr_willismacogw,  chmod +whatvber /media/mnt will NOT be in affect after you mount somthing to /media/mnt13:49
macogwjoe_satriani: /part13:49
Dr_willismacogw,  never noitced. :) thats what the 'user' option is for.13:50
davmonsteryeah I know about the LPI13:50
davmonsterI'm set to take it this year13:50
macogwDr_willis: no if you do it as root you dont need to make it writable because well..root can do anything13:50
macogwDr_willis: its when you have the user option that the user has to be able to access the mount point to put the drive there13:50
IdleOnejoerlend_, /part13:50
Dr_willismacogw,  ive never had to mess with the modes of any mountpoint that i can rember. :)  user lets users mount.. otherwise root needs it.. correct.13:50
davmonstermacogw: do you know which would be some good books in order to train for the ubuntu-specific stuff?13:50
IdleOneerr oops13:51
macogwdavmonster: good luck.  they need to revise it.  who worries about IRQs on a 2.6 kernel?  and who cares about winmodems?  why are you using dialup on your server?13:51
DirtyMonkeycan anyone help me with vnc over ssh?13:51
AutoMatriXhi folks13:51
presumptious85how can i retain the volumes that have been mounted from other file systems on my ubuntu13:51
macogwdavmonster: nope13:51
macogwdavmonster: i havent been studying bookishly.  i prefer hands-on13:51
Piethi i created virtual hosts starting with <virtualhost *> but did not created a NameVirtualHost. Now when i reboot it says [warn] NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts13:51
IdleOnejoerlend_, tab completion error. sorry13:52
joerlend_oh :)13:52
macogwdavmonster: i did a few onliine courses from my ACM membership as a bit of study, but just using linux teaches you a lot.  im taking a system administration class this semester and based entirely on spending too much time on this channel and ubuntuforums, its a very very easy class for me...and very hard for all the kids who took the pre-requisite (not me) and are in a high enough year in school to take the class (not me)13:53
ktulhuHi. Is here somebody from Russia?13:53
Pietand i created the vhosts in sites-available.it autoincludes in apache2.conf.13:53
erUSUL!ru | ktulhu13:53
ubotuktulhu: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:53
macogwktulhu: #ubuntu-ru13:53
patogenprince_jammys: Thank you.13:53
patogenAlso thanks to the other one how helped me13:54
patogenI don't remember who it was however13:54
patogenbut you :)13:54
EnvoyRisingirc > class lecture13:54
davmonsteryeah I can imagine it will be quite easy13:54
prince_jammyspatogen: macogw helped you.  so you accomplished what you wanted?13:54
hccan any1 help me get my wireless card and graphics card working properly please?13:54
davmonstermacogw: at least, I hope it will :)13:54
Trashlordhi, my sound card is an EMU 1212m, I have installed all of the ALSA drivers, and tools, when I do asoundconf list, the only driver shown is EMU1010, while sounds are played, they are pitched to a high speed. IE; the music is faster than it really is. has anyone encountered this?13:54
patogenprince_jammys: Yep, and know my system is up and everything works as it should :)13:54
davmonstermacogw: I'm just looking for good linux books so that HR can buy them for me :)13:54
EnvoyRisinghc: you'er in for a ride :-\13:54
hcEnvoyRising: meaning it's quite a challenge?13:55
DirtyMonkeywhen i open a session of vnc over ssh all i can see is a blank X screen?13:55
macogwdavmonster: the hardest part will *definitely* be the stuff about outdated hardware that causes trouble on outdated kernels that nobody uses anymore and that you therefore would get *no* real-world experience with unless you just like trying to install 10 year old releases for fun13:55
EnvoyRisinghc: it certainly isn't fun, depending on the cards, lol13:55
prince_jammyspatogen: regarding yesterday's::  you don't need to mess with permissions too much, especially outside of your home dir.  also avoid making "bulk" permissions changes without a lot of care13:55
DirtyMonkeywhat am i doing wrong?13:55
patogenprince_jammys: Hehe I noticed. Everything broke ;)13:56
EnvoyRisinghc: that isn't saying we won't help though :P we'll always give it a shot...we aren't microsoft13:56
hcEnvoyRising: yeah i was afraid of that. the graphics card is a nvidia 7000m, the wireless card is an atheros 500713:56
EnvoyRising(ok, cheap shot, but i gotta get my daily lickin's in13:56
hchaha yeah i know :)13:56
hchence why i'm tryin to switch over ;-)13:56
prince_jammyspatogen: read this:: http://www.linuxcommand.org/lts0070.php13:56
prince_jammyspatogen: to understand what the numbers mean, etc13:56
EnvoyRisinghc: actually, that'll be quite easy. i could have sworn atheros worked out of box on linux.. as for nvidia, there's a package13:56
hcalso: tryin to update apt fails with timestamp to far in the future?13:56
hcEnvoyRising: yeah so i was told, but unfortunately it fails :( as for nvidia, i can't update nor install since that timestamp error13:57
EnvoyRisinghc: for that one we're going to need command line output => pasted to paste.ubuntu-nl.org13:58
DirtyMonkeyis anyone willing to help me? ;)13:58
patogenprince_jammys: I know what the numbers mean. They are hexadecimal, 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = execute and 4+2+1 = 7 so 7 means read write execute. First number is owner, second is group and third is other right? So for instance 770 would me owner plus the group is allowed to read, write, execute. Last 0 means that others can't touch it.13:58
Dr_willisDirtyMonkey,  depends on how you are sta4rting vnc.  You may need to make a .vnc/xstartup script that launches a proper window manager. I tend to use jwm13:58
macogwdavmonster: if i have a spare $300 sitting around at the end of the semester ill take it.  i figure getting the cert is the only way to get around the HR jerks who say "only 2 years experience with linux? we asked for 7!" and dont get that 7 years of playing around with it for 15 minutes a week v. using it for *everything* for 2 years...the immersion's going to help, and being a fast learner can never be looked at as a *bad* quality, right?13:58
patogenprince_jammys: But I was really really tired yesterday and just ran it on auto when somebody told me that it would work :)13:58
EnvoyRisinghc: first, we'll start with the graphics card, just because just the word wireless sends me into a post traumatic stress spiral13:58
prince_jammyspatogen: yes, and a directory needs "x" in order to be opened13:58
hcEnvoyRising: okay ... :p13:59
patogenoh not hexa but octa13:59
macogwDirtyMonkey: "willing" and "capable of" are two different things13:59
EnvoyRisinghc: easiest way i'd say is to launch the restricted-manager and enable the proprietary driver, then restart13:59
reikalusikkahow do I open .chm files in ubuntu? (similar to .pdf)13:59
jlhello every body13:59
Dr_willisDirtyMonkey,  ive seen vnc set uo a xtartup scruot that runs twm , which is NOT isntalled by default14:00
hcEnvoyRising: been there, enabled, reboot --> no luck :(14:00
jlso can help me ?14:00
jli've some sound pb ...14:00
macogwreikalusikka: if theyre like pdf, evince should be able to open them14:00
EnvoyRisinghc: what error gets thrown?14:00
jlan mysterious disappearing ..14:00
DimitreeHow can i completely uninstall KDE ? I have Gnome and KDE i want to get rid of KDE ?14:00
Dr_willisreikalusikka,  those are compresed MS HELP files. :) theres several viewers in the package manager that can read them14:00
davmonstermacogw: I agree..14:00
reikalusikkaDr_willis: oh thank you :)14:00
EnvoyRisinghc: you don't see the nvidia splash window or what?14:00
macogwreikalusikka: internet says theyre compiled HTML files14:00
EnvoyRisingspash screen*14:00
reikalusikkamacogw: hmm, I tried to open them with the basic tool but didn't work14:01
lunaphyte__how can i determine which version i'm running, from a shell?14:01
jlwhat line command could help me ?14:01
jrib!version | lunaphyte__14:01
ubotulunaphyte__: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell14:01
reikalusikka"document viewer"14:01
dgjones!version | luna14:01
ubotuluna: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell14:01
macogwlunaphyte__: lsb_release -a14:01
lunaphyte__thanks :)14:01
macogwreikalusikka: eh go with what Dr_willis said14:01
hcEnvoyRising: it should show a splash screen? at least it doesn't for me no, but they are enabled14:01
magicrobotmonkeyhey, i changed my password and now i have to put my old password in to the keyring to use stored wireless passwords, how can i change that?14:01
Dr_willis!find chm14:01
ubotuFound: fetchmail, archmage, archmbox, fetchmailconf, gnochm (and 13 others)14:01
davmonsterhas anyone got a recommended reading list for intermediate to advanced linux sysadmins?14:01
reikalusikkamacogw: ok thanks14:01
Dr_willis!info gnochm14:01
ubotugnochm (source: gnochm): CHM file viewer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 143 kB, installed size 760 kB14:01
macogwdavmonster: UNIX in a Nutshell14:02
EnvoyRisingmine does...maybe that's because i'm running dual heads as well :-\ which card was it again?14:02
hcnvidia geforce 7000m14:02
macogwdavmonster: Linux Administration Handbook14:02
magicrobotmonkeydavmonster: check out rute14:02
hcEnvoyRising: if it helps: it's a laptop14:02
EnvoyRisinghc:  while your'e addit, can you paste bin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for me?14:02
macogwdavmonster: those two are "textbooks" for my class14:02
hcyes, sec14:02
usr13macogw: I think what you were looking for is this;  sudo groupadd wheel ; sudo mkdir /mnt/memstick ;  sudo chown root:wheel /mnt/memstick  and then specify wheel in fstab14:03
magicrobotmonkeydavmonster: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz14:03
usr13macogw: But still dont think that'll do what  you really want.14:03
prince_jammysdavmonster: this might be too beginnerish, but sudo apt-get install rutebook14:03
EnvoyRisinghc: i figured it was a laptop from the "m" in the card model number , lol14:04
magicrobotmonkeynah rute is sweet14:04
macogwusr13: chmod 775 /mnt/memstick as well so users can mount to the mountpoint...but yeah that looks about right14:04
magicrobotmonkeyi didnt know you could install it like that though14:04
macogwusr13: i just manually edited /etc/group when i did it14:04
_Oz_  !fstab14:05
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:05
prince_jammysdavmonster: then view in a web browser:: /usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html   after installing14:05
usr13macogw: Well, yea, but you'll have to turn off plugdev if it's a flash memory device or it'll get mounted /media/disk14:05
davmonstercool thanks14:05
EnvoyRisingbtw, hc, seems others solved the problem just by enabling the card. you DID restart after enable, right?14:05
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:05
davmonstereveryone here = great14:05
_Oz_davmonster: the channel is awesome, innit?14:05
usr13macogw: Right?14:05
hcEnvoyRising: yes. To be sure, i'll restart again :)14:05
jlno one have any idea or just don't want answer me ?14:05
hcEnvoyRising: quick question: sudo fails most of the time with an error about timestamp in the future ... quick solution by any chance?14:06
Christina18Can anyone help me connect my HP M307 camera ? Seems my comp can't find it14:06
macogwusr13: thats where i mount mine anyway14:06
Pici!ask | jl14:06
ubotujl: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:06
martin_is chroot considered a deprecated solution for running 32 bit apps?14:06
usr13hc Check your system clock.14:06
usr13macogw: O14:06
hcusr13: riiiiiiight didnt even notice that it was off14:06
macogwusr13: no gnome = no HAL automounting things for me14:07
jlok ubotu , so I don't know why but my sound disappears14:07
usr13macogw: What window manager are you using?14:07
macogwusr13: so after about a week of having to sudo mount and sudo cp i went and poked fstab into shape14:07
macogwusr13: fluxbox14:07
prince_jammysmagicrobotmonkey: yes, a lot of those docs and ebooks are available through apt14:07
martin_i should rephrase that. i am banging my head against the wall trying to get 32 bit eclipse running on my 64 bit machine - which has plenty of dependencies. i'm considering 32 bit chroot as an alternative to this mess. is that a good idea or not?14:08
macogwmartin_: its java14:08
jlPici: all in alsamixer is ok ..14:08
macogwmartin_: what is there about it that can be 32 or 64 bit?14:08
martin_macogw, the flex plugin refuses to install on 64 bit eclipse14:08
macogwmartin_: flex? is that some language nobody told me exists?14:09
martin_macogw, ie - a 64 bit jvm, specifically (i think)14:09
usr13macogw: Well,  b4 plugdev we just mkdir /mnt/memstick and make entry in fstab and set to user14:09
martin_macogw, if that's not a joke, it's a flash alternative.14:09
hcEnvoyRising: ok rebooted .. no spash screen ... but i got horrid small letters when loggin in...14:09
macogwmartin_: 64bit jvm... hmmm.. um have you tried using icedtea instead of sun?  since its open source and sun (at least version 6, which is the last one released) isn't, it might be available 64bit14:10
EnvoyRising_hc, you back yet?14:10
hcEnvoyRising: and i can't get a decent resolution on my screen ... it seems stuck at 640*48014:10
macogwmartin_: ooo you mean flex is the jvm youre using?14:10
martin_macogw, produced by adobe. without going into detail - if i can get it running so i can move away from flash as a dev platform, i can ditch windows for good, but this is a dealbreaker for me14:10
martin_macogw, no, i'm using (several) sun jre(s)14:10
usr13macogw: /dev/sda1 /mnt/memstick auto noauto,user 0 014:11
martin_macogw, flex is a RIA platform - but i need it as an eclipse plugin14:11
_Oz_HALLLOOOOOO Ubuntu friends!14:11
hcEnvoyRising_: yeah ...14:11
_Oz_hc: do you have an nvidia card?14:11
hc_Oz_ yeah14:11
_Oz_hc: did you get the nvidia restricted driver?14:12
usr13macogw: and just leave root:root /mnt/memstick14:12
macogwmartin_: ok well have you seen http://rachaelandtom.info/node/148514:12
hc_Oz_ yes enabled those14:12
EnvoyRising_hc: your config file is wrong14:12
jay-oh-enhow do i burn a ..nrg file?14:12
_Oz_hc: have you run the nvidia setup?14:12
hcEnvoyRising_ i was afraid so ... solution?14:12
EnvoyRising_it is configured for fail safe.14:12
martin_macogw, no- but i have followed very similar instuctions. i'll brb14:12
_Oz_hc: even though this is for twin monitors it still gets you up and running on an nvidia card: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117414:13
EnvoyRising_hc: by chance did you get a blue screen of death that said something to the effect of x could not  be configured?14:13
macogwEnvoyRising_: they made the failsafe X screen blue???14:13
_Oz_Gotta run, Ubuntu friends!14:13
EnvoyRising_macogw: it was on my friends computer the other day14:13
hcEnvoyRising_: no bsod, but then i'm probably thinking m$ version of it14:13
Dr_willisjay-oh-en,  convert them to iso. but if its a game or other special cd - you wull lose the specal info.14:13
patogenprince_jammys: Now I've got a fully loaded mp3-player :) Really nice with the help you get :)14:14
hci did get a warning at first startup about not being able to configure desktop/screen/gfx14:14
EnvoyRising_hc: we can fix this a few ways.. first thing you should do is back up your fail safe config14:14
macogwhc: he doesnt really mean BSOD... the linux version of a BSOD is black and says "Panic!"...he just means an ugly blue screen with big text14:14
hcok done (copied it to /home/iositd/backup)14:14
EnvoyRising_hc: in command prompt: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup14:14
hcEnvoyRising_: that should be sudo'd right?14:15
EnvoyRising_hc: well move it to /etc/X11 just to save you some typing later, lol (have to be root)14:15
bazhanghc yes sudo14:15
prince_jammyspatogen: :)   (except that other "help" you got)14:15
jimcooncatis there a nice gnome applet that will help me figure when 17:00 UTC is in local time?14:16
patogenprince_jammys: Well it was "help" in the way that it thought me to be more careful ;)14:16
KL3B3RHi all. I bought a laptop with a 4GB RAM and I've downloaded one kernel source and compiled for enabling support for EAP but sound doesn't work now. Where is ALSACONF? :)14:16
compengii installed a new sata hard drive to my system, it is formated ntfs. eventually i couldn't mount it because an error appears "unable to mount the volum" in details it says that "$LogFile indicates unclear shutdown (0, 0) Failed to mount '/dev/sdb5': Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS in marked to be in use."14:16
jaxonany familiar with totem? for some reason it's unable to play rmvb(real media) files saying problem occurred while loading a library or a decoder (cook.so)??14:16
EnvoyRising_hc: ok, in the original version of the config file (the non backup) scroll down the the screen section14:16
martin_macogw, it's complaining about not having gtk-2 in my lib32 directory14:16
martin_macogw, can i symlink that do you think?14:17
Viktoriouswhats the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu ultimate edition14:17
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde
macogwmartin_: probably if you know where it is14:17
KL3B3Rwhere is alsaconf, please?14:17
EnvoyRising_hc: wow, actually, yours is a bit different than mine... scroll down further were it says "section device" just past the serverlayout section14:17
ewookViktorious: existense?14:17
bazhangViktorious: ultimate has all the de's included14:17
EnvoyRising_change driver from "vesa" to "nvidia"14:17
macogwViktorious: someone added a bunch of extra stuff and repackaged the "ultimate edition"14:17
Pici!ultimage | Viktorious14:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ultimage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:18
Pici!ultimate | Viktorious14:18
ubotuViktorious: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate14:18
martin_macogw, i'll try symlinking it to the 64 bit lib. this is the sort of stuff i'm trying to avoid, but... meh. b0rkdom here i come...14:18
EnvoyRising_you running dual displays or something hc, your config file looks all kind of foobar14:18
TrashlordKL3B3R, try in /usr/share/alsa14:18
hcEnvoyRising_: the one with PCI:0:18:0?14:18
jaxondoes totem player have an IRC channel?14:19
hcEnvoyRising_: no14:19
EnvoyRising_hc: crap, i closed paste bin. it should only say "vesa" in one location14:19
KL3B3RTrashlord thanks, I'll try14:19
EnvoyRising_ctrl + f for "vesa" then replace.14:20
hcEnvoyRising_: under driver sections?14:20
EnvoyRising_hey guys, isn't there a command to auto regen the xorg config file? i can't remember it off the top of my head14:20
EnvoyRising_hc: correct14:20
vix85I want to install Netbeans 6. Should I install Netbeans 5.5 from the repository and then manually upgrade it to 6, or download the 6 version from sun's site?14:20
macogwEnvoyRising_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:20
tsmitheEnvoyRising_, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:20
prince_jammysthats it14:21
compengijaxon, it's a gnome project, try going to gnome channel14:21
vix85i prefer ubuntu packages from repo but, i want the newest version.14:21
hcEnvoyRising_: ok done14:21
EnvoyRising_hc: see? this is why i love the linux community. i get a correct answer, and i get it multiple times14:21
hcreboot or ctrl backspace?14:21
macogwvix85: you can just grab from sun's site14:21
EnvoyRising_hc: you can restart now. but i'd recommend rerunning the command i just asked for14:21
vix85macogw, okay. but how do i add the netbeans command to my shell ?14:21
martin_macogw, okay, now  complaint about svg_loader.so not being in the gtk lib - and it isnt. presumably it *is* in the 32 bit lib.... got any suggestions about adding it?14:21
jaxoncompengi: cheers14:21
vix85If i do it that way.14:21
macogwvix85: the deb way is probably a bit easier to uninstall but "manually updating" sounds like downloading it from there anyway14:22
compengii installed a new sata hard drive to my system, it is formated ntfs. eventually i couldn't mount it because an error appears "unable to mount the volum" in details it says that "$LogFile indicates unclear shutdown (0, 0) Failed to mount '/dev/sdb5': Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS in marked to be in use." any idea on to make the partition mount?14:22
vix85macogw, thats true.14:22
macogwmartin_: you can install the 32bit GTK libs14:22
hcEnvoyRising_: yeah, i love the community as well ... since this is why i want to switch to linux :)14:22
hcalso: rebooting now14:22
donald_compengi: best run a fsck on the volume14:22
macogwvix85: if its in your $PATH you can just run it14:22
=== helpme is now known as lovemedo
macogwvix85: echo $PATH and youll see a bunch of paths all over the system like /usr/bin...anything in those directories can be run by name14:23
vix85it wasnt last time, i tried it.14:23
donald_compengi: but i dont use NTFS so doing fsck might blow the hard drive away14:23
eugen_How can i install nero for linux14:23
Soladon I need to reinstall my ubuntu  and last time I did it I got grublist error 22 and took me forever to fix it .. how do I circumvent getting that error after deleting part ?14:23
dgjonescompengi, do you have a windows dual boot on that machine? you might need to start windows and let that run its error check to clear the in use flag14:23
EnvoyRising_hc: i think for fixing your resolution probs as well you should run the reconfig script..14:23
donald_eugen_: lotsa good apps besides nero14:23
macogweugen_: does it have to be nero or do you just want some cd burner and heard nero exists for linux?14:23
macogweugen_: cuz gnomebaker's nice14:23
bazhangeugen no need try the others like k3b gnomebaker etc14:23
donald_brasero looks fine too as a cd burning app14:23
compengidgjones, yes i do have windows dual boot14:24
hcEnvoyRising_: ok, commands?14:24
martin_macogw, this is what i mean about 32 bit versions. jvm, firefox, gtk - etc etc. would you advise against chroot environment to solve this ?14:24
EnvoyRising_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:24
EnvoyRising_hc: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:24
macogwmartin_: im honestly not sure how youd make a chroot do that14:24
lovemedoIs there any way i can upgrade my Xubuntu using the Gutsy cd?14:24
rinaldi_don't you have to pay for nero for linux?14:24
EnvoyRising_from the driver list it should let you pick nvidia (NOT nv) and also config the resolution.. doing it this way, at least you know for a fact the correct section got changed, hooah?14:24
lovemedo I downloaded the Live CD version and was wondering if i could upgrade without resorting to a format, or downloading from the Internet.14:24
compengidgjones, but i have a very low space on that partition and i need to copy over 20G of data14:25
martin_macogw, well, as i understand it, you produce a completely 32 bit environment, with synaptic32 which recognises the chroot environment as 32 bit, and allows debs to be installed14:25
EnvoyRising_hc: please ignore the hooah... read as "right?"... damned army infecting even my nerd life14:25
bazhanglovemedo: from what to what? feisty to gutsy?14:25
macogwmartin_: go for it14:25
EnvoyRising_hc: sorry i didn't think of it soone14:25
dgjonescompengi, go into windows and see if you can access the drive, run the disk checker and then see if you can access it from ubuntu afterwards14:25
macogwmartin_: i dont have 64bit hardware to perform those types of experiments14:25
hcEnvoyRising_: hooah? what i miss?14:25
martin_macogw, its not so much from laziness i want to do it, more from the point of view of keeping everything nice and neat, and automatically updated etc14:25
hcoh that14:25
compengidgjones, Okay, i'll try that14:25
martin_macogw, and not trusting myself to remember anything i did a week ago :S14:26
lovemedobazhang: Yes sir.14:26
magicrobotmonkeywell i figured out the keyring password thing: http://magicrobotmonkey.blogspot.com/2008/02/chaging-your-password-on-gnome-keyring.html14:26
dgjonescompengi, if there are errors on the drive, windows chkdsk should sort them out so that you can mount it afterward in ubuntu14:26
martin_macogw, okay. well, sod it, i'm going to try it and i'll let you know how i go....14:26
lovemedobazhang: Feisty 7.0414:26
donald_compengi: dgjones: there should be ways to check NTFS from within Ubuntu14:26
EnvoyRising_hc: lol. again, sorry. do the config script and we can kill two birds with one stone - get your nvidia recognized and fix your resolution14:26
compengidgjones, aha..14:26
=== a_ is now known as cufaf
hcEnvoyRising_: ok i'm doint hat now14:26
bazhanglovemedo: you certainly can upgrade via the net from fiesty to gutsy; /msg ubotu upgrade for the link14:27
EnvoyRising_hc: while you're doing that, i'ma track down stuff on that atheros card, ok?14:27
hcamount of memory used? should set that lik eit's in my mobo?14:27
hcEnvoyRising_: ok thanks :)14:27
EnvoyRising_hc: model number again?14:27
lovemedobazhang: is it possible to upgrade from the Live Cd? i have gutsy in a cd14:27
macogwmartin_: k good luck14:27
bazhangerr feisty14:27
dgjonesdonald_, there should be, but as ntfs isn't a native format of linux, better to let MS do the fixing14:27
hc5007 ... if i remember right EG ont he end14:27
bazhanglovemedo the live cd no14:27
macogwlovemedo: cant upgrade from a livecd14:27
macogwlovemedo: can only use alternate cds as repositories for upgrades14:28
lovemedothanks macogw and bazhang14:28
macogwlovemedo: the live cd doesnt have enough of the packages and isnt arranged in repository form for it like the alternate is14:28
nanbudhguys my java compiler is running fine and but when i run java command it says class not found error! how is this possible? i also tried specifying the classpath but then it gave another error Unsupportedclassversion14:28
hcEnvoyRising_: use kernel framebuffer device interface? (dont hav a clue what it does)14:28
macogwnanbudh: your compiler probably is fine.  your CLASSPATH might be wrong though14:29
macogwnanbudh: or youre trying to import a package you dont have14:29
EnvoyRising_hc: no14:29
nanbudhcould u give a tip ? i am a bit new to this14:29
nanbudhi am just starting with a simple hello world main function. the first step14:30
macogwnanbudh: you can do "export $CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH" to add "current directory" to your classpath14:30
EnvoyRising_hc: and for your reference- http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Framebuffer-HOWTO-4.html  we don't give answers here without reasons to match :P14:30
macogwnanbudh: if you put that in ~/.bashrc itll always do it14:30
macogwnanbudh: then it can find classes youve written in the directory you're in instead of only in standard places14:30
hcEnvoyRising_: thanks :) since this part of linux i'm new to, i prefer to ask then to guess ;-)14:31
xrestassuredxi'm having errors with apt-get: "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)"14:31
EnvoyRising_hc: you'd be retarded not to ask first. np :P14:32
hcEnvoyRising_: oh i feel so welcome now :p14:32
chris_baconwhat can i use to make my stuff transparent ?14:33
hcEnvoyRising_: write default files section to config files?14:33
Picixrestassuredx: Either close out any other apt-gets/synaptics/package managers you have open or make sure that you prefix the command with sudo.14:33
bazhangxrestassuredx: do you have more than one package manager open ie add/remove synaptic at the same time?14:33
EnvoyRising_hc: yes14:34
EnvoyRising_hc: we have backups right? ;-)14:34
bazhangchris_bacon: what stuff do you mean14:34
hcEnvoyRising_: yeah :-)14:34
chris_baconlike my desktop14:34
bazhangchris_bacon: you  mean compiz?14:35
chris_baconsorry, not my desktop, but i mean like my terminal windows and aim windows14:35
katertotHi I have ubuntu working. But my volume control will only show master and PCM.. so I cant do anything with my headphones or microphone. Is there anything else I need to do?14:35
hcEnvoyRising_: it created a backup of it's own along mine :-) and it's done so i'm assuming reboot?14:35
xrestassuredxpici, bazhang: synaptic is not currently open, but I got the same error installing a package from in there. and yes i was running apt-get as sudo14:35
bazhang!aptfix | xrestassuredx14:36
ubotuxrestassuredx: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:36
bazhangchris_bacon: how transparent we talking? 80%?14:36
chris_baconthansk bazhang, compiz looks like what i was looking for14:37
bazhangchris_bacon: be sure to install ccsm14:37
xrestassuredxbazhang: should i replace /var/lib/dpkg/lock with /var/cache/apt/archives/lock ?14:37
EnvoyRising_hc: open up the config file and make sure it says "nvidia"14:37
differentrealityhi, could someone please recommend a wireless network card around 50 euro, pci connection, supporting n protocol and supported by ubuntu ?14:37
spaghetti_knifeI was wondering if anyone could recommend a good software apt-get source for someone in Wisconsin.14:37
spaghetti_knifeMy source is running 3kB-15kB/s14:37
bazhangchris_bacon: you can /msg ubotu ccsm to find out more14:38
bazhangxrestassuredx: the commands (two) that ubotu gave you should do the trick14:38
=== EnvoyRising_ is now known as EnvoyRising_AFK
bazhanghello julio_14:39
hcEnvoyRising_AFK: yeah, winnar14:39
spaghetti_knifeWhat software sources is everyone using? Which ones would be fastest for someone in Wisconsin?14:40
Picispaghetti_knife: If you are running gnome, you can use System>Administration>software sources to find the fastest/closest mirror14:40
bazhangspaghetti_knife: the us archive most likely; are you having issues currently?14:40
spaghetti_knifeYes, yes I am having troubles.14:40
fatal-does anybody have a kernel package for gutsy that would have fixed nfs lock daemon?14:41
katertotdoes anyone know a place to go to add things to the mixer? right now i have only master and pcm. and only the playback tab. Do I need to install proprietary drivers or something? any help is appreciated. I am on gutsy14:41
=== EnvoyRising_AFK is now known as EnvoyRising
fatal-is there a such a thing as "testing" repo for ubuntu?14:41
EnvoyRisinghc: you're good to reboot too14:41
ja_Will the new Gnome 2.22 be included with Hardy?14:41
Picija_: Thats the plan.14:41
EnvoyRisinghc: hopefully you noticed whether or not the set up gave you good resolutions too14:41
danbhfive!hardy | fatal- maybe this is what you are looking for14:41
ubotufatal- maybe this is what you are looking for: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:41
hcEnvoyRising: yeah, my resolutions are fixed now :-)14:42
xrestassuredxbazhang: now i have another problem: « sdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable »14:42
spaghetti_knifebazhang: I'm changing software sources, and it's downloading packages, but it's doing so really slowly14:42
fatal-ubotu: is hardy usable already? :)14:42
jformanis there a way to make an image of a hard drive during the installation of ubuntu to be used later inside vmware?14:42
EnvoyRisinghc: so hopefully on restart your nvidia card will be good14:42
KnightWsedoes anybody know anything about samba ?14:42
hcEnvoyRising: yeah, i already rebooted and it looks like it's running perfectly now14:43
compwiz18fatal-: if you want something usable, hardy is not for you :)14:43
bazhangfatal-: he is a bot you know ;]14:43
katertotdoes anyone know how i can tell what sound drivers I am running?14:43
compwiz18!ubotu | fatal14:44
ubotufatal: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:44
erUSULkatertot: lsmod | grep snd14:44
katertoterUSUL: thanks14:44
katertoterUSUL: thanks i am using the oss drivers..and it says i cant ...how would I install the non-free drivers? any chance you know?14:45
* N3bunel saluta14:46
Bmmhi, I'm trying to get Symantec Backup Exec 11d Remote Agent to run on Ubuntu Server. I've done pretty much the same as 'dhoffman' explains in the first post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=330717 and I have the same problem he does. I can't get it to work the way he did though. Does anyone have a suggestion how to fix it?14:46
hcEnvoyRising: any chance you found something concerning that atheros card?14:47
EnvoyRisinghc: only that it should work out of the box, lol. gimme just a second...girl friend rings, lol14:47
hcEnvoyRising: take your time, i've got all day :-)14:48
madrazrhiii all14:48
madrazrI have a D-Link GLB-502T Router and my internet connection is setup over pppoe, can some one help me in resetting the IP of my connection without restarting the router??? Thanks for the help14:49
ConstyXIVis there any easy way to get ubuntu onto a usb stick from a windows or mac machine?14:50
EnvoyRisinghc: open up a console and type "wlconfig" tell me what you get14:50
erUSULkatertot: oss drivers? i do not think so (you may have seen on the output of lsmod the oss emulation modules) what non free drivers are you refering too?14:50
Frijoliehey all, is there a way to encrypt just a single directory instead of your whole HDD?14:50
hcEnvoyRising: command not found14:50
bazhangspaghetti_knife: that will happen from time to time; I can get 200k/s down to 8000bytes/s; just a matter of luck I guess14:50
EnvoyRisinghc: great :-| what about ifconfig?14:51
leeping2007Hi there, this is a silly question but I just want to put it to rest ... When I set the PATH in my environment variables, the higher priority directories come first, right?14:51
bazhanghc that is the atheros_swan card iirc, the same one they use in the #eeepc ; not sure if it is part of madwifi yet14:51
froldbest php-editor where I can edit the pages online like I could in Dreamweaver.. I also like that the window can be splited so you have code on top and eg. layout below... any editing tool that can do so?14:51
bazhangxrestassuredx: not sure about that second one; is your apt-get functionality back yet?14:52
hcEnvoyRising: long list. eth0 (unused lanport atm) lo, wlan0 (of the adapter i stole from another pc) and wmaster014:52
bazhangFrijolie: truecrypt14:52
EnvoyRisinghc: so the wlan0 isn't the atheros card you're trying?14:53
Frijoliebazhang: it will do a single directory over an entire partition/HDD?14:53
hcEnvoyRising: no it's a sitecom wg172 usb adapter14:53
bazhangwlan0 and wmaster0 are the same card iirc14:53
hcbazhang: confirmed. unplugging the usb card removes both wlan0 and wmaster014:53
madrazrcan some one please tell me how to reset the IP address for an ADSL connection, connected over pppoe??14:53
bazhangtruecrypt is pretty nifty Frijolie you should check out their faq14:54
erUSULbazhang: yes but you really must use wlan0 no master14:54
EnvoyRisinghc: so you tried just the atheros, but it didn't work so you plugged in the usb adapter, right?14:54
hcEnvoyRising: correct14:54
Frijoliebazhang: alright, I've never heard of it. I'm looking them up right now.14:54
hcEnvoyRising: i have now uplugged the usb adapter so it can't get in the way14:54
bazhangerUSUL: does that not mean that the proper driver is not loaded though? (the existence of both wlan and wmaster that is)14:54
bazhangFrijolie: apparently there is a gui for linux or one coming soon14:55
EnvoyRisinghc: i'm wanting to say the staple for ahteros cards is to use madwifi drivers.. is this a pcmia card or onboard?14:55
hcEnvoyRising: onboard14:55
jonoeveryone: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Make_a_real_difference_to_Ubuntu_with_5_A_Day14:56
jonoplease go and digg it and join in the bug revolution :)14:56
EnvoyRisinghc: good.. makes things slightly less complicated14:56
EnvoyRisinghc: or more, considering i can't just say "buy a new card then"14:56
bazhangjono thanks but offtopic ;]14:56
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto14:56
Picijono: I'd normally say something about channel spam, but I'll let you slide ;)14:56
Frijoliebazhang: hmm, I wonder if it will work... I have financial software which stores the "database" of my transactions on my computer14:56
EnvoyRisinghc: i'm doing a billion things at once, whats that model number one last time?14:56
jonothis initiative designed for everyone in here :)14:57
hcEnvoyRising: no problem i've got all the time. 5007 EG if i'm correct14:57
Frijoliebazhang: and I would like to encrypt these files that are saved/stored on my local HDD for backup14:57
bazhangatheros swan EnvoyRising14:57
ConstyXIVis there any way to directly boot an .iso from a usb stick?14:57
Frijoliebazhang: can truecrypt encrypt/decrypt and pass them back and forth from the HDD to the application?14:57
hcFrijolie: yes, truecrypt will transparently encrypt/decrypt data and function like a normal HDD14:58
EnvoyRisingbazhang: atheros swan had modules that had to be activated didn't it?14:58
xrestassuredxbazhang: no, i'm still getting /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked errors14:58
Frijoliehc: ah, I'll have to check it out. Thanks14:58
bazhangFrijolie: on the fly? perhaps, it has been a while since I used it and now is version 5.0 (new!) so best read what they have to say then trust me ;]14:58
hcbazhang: i use it to encrypt my external drive and truecrypt can encrypt/decrypt on the fly without noticing any delays or lower speeds :-)14:59
bazhangEnvoyRising: at least in the eeepc; should likely be same here though I think you have it right when you say the madwifi may work here for hc's card14:59
bazhanghc tell Frijolie ;]14:59
hcjust did ;)14:59
skumlesenanyone here that help me with a ubuntu install problem?14:59
KaiForceif i've installed SSH into a system booted with a live CD, what userid/password can I login remotely with (without adding users etc.)14:59
EnvoyRisingbazhang: thanks15:00
bazhangask away skumlesen15:00
bazhangEnvoyRising: thanks to you sir ;]15:00
EnvoyRisinghc: got that handy dandy console up? (yes i just called it handy dandy)15:00
hchaha yeah got it :)15:00
hcsec, sis callin15:00
skumlesenI installed the 6.06 server on a mini pc, but the kernel wont boot, it says grub then comes with the initrd then reboot15:00
EnvoyRisinghc you'll need madwifi, so get that crackin ala > sudo apt-get install madwifi-tools15:01
Frijolieis anyone trying "Hardy"? (general question -- nothing specific which requires the discussion to move to the other channel)15:01
guest1I'm trying hardy15:01
EnvoyRisinghc: bad news. i have a completely different card that doesn't require madwifi, so you'll be on your on from there15:01
hcEnvoyRising: right15:02
KaiForceis there  a default root password for the 7.10 live CD15:02
EnvoyRisinghc: man is your friend though15:02
EnvoyRising(man is short for manual)15:02
spdfKaiForce: No15:02
hcEnvoyRising: yeah i know :-) helped me more then once15:02
KaiForceis there a default user created (beyond root?) and does that user have a default password?15:03
spdfKaiForce: No15:03
Frijolieguest1: worth making the upgrade?15:03
PiciKaiForce: I dont believe sudo requires a password on the livecd.15:03
KaiForcei've got a 17 hour jobstream I need to run on a remote system booted with the live CD and the only thing added to it is SSH, how can I log in?15:04
deeptrancecan anyone reccomend a good dvd playback software (that compiles with codecs)15:04
hcEnvoyRising: there we go .. back on :-)15:04
spdfKaiForce: For the first 15min or so, I think, you can sudo adduser without a password prompt15:04
EnvoyRisingwarning: windows bashing moment: first time i ran linux, when I was advised to press F1 for help i grimmaced until I actually saw it. Go figure something that actually IS helpful. anyways, i've dropped that for the -help flag, and in turn for man15:04
TrustNoOnedeeptrance, use VLC if you are not streaming over the network15:04
jrib!dvd > deeptrance (read the private message from ubotu)15:04
TrustNoOnedeeptrance, if you are streaming over the network try "movie player"15:04
deeptranceTrustNoOne, no stream, just trying to get ubuntu to play dvd's i have installed vlc mplayer and totem15:05
EnvoyRisinghc: so your wifi works now?15:05
TrustNoOnedeeptrance, vlc has codecs built in, so it should work fine, if you do have problems with it, change the video stream to X1115:05
hcEnvoyRising: no, i just installed madwifi-tools and i'm tryin to find the right man entry15:05
EnvoyRisingoh ok15:06
deeptranceTrustNoOne will try that now15:06
mandymaus20Ich sitze  gerade nackig  vor meiner Webcam zu Hause .kuckt mal jetzt auf meine Homepage,das wird sicherlich Lustig:   http://www.mandymaus.de15:06
Pici!de | MasterShrek15:06
ubotuMasterShrek: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:06
PiciMasterShrek: er, nevermind.15:06
EnvoyRisinghc: sorry for  being useless right now15:06
katertoterUSUL: the mixer doesnt have any other settings..so I thought it didnt have the right drivers for this sound card or something....so we are just trying to get to display the other parts..like headphones, microphone and so on. as it is now it just displays master and pcm15:06
hcEnvoyRising: no problem, you already helped out with my biggest problem of the grpahics15:06
EnvoyRisinghc: heads up btw, if you download the nvidia-settings package, you can do more advanced config15:07
KaiForceok what is the password for the user "ubuntu" on the livecd - is that a known quantity?15:07
burkmatHow would I, through bash, set a file to run in a certain location?15:07
jribKaiForce: it's blank15:07
KaiForcejrib ok thanks15:07
jribburkmat: what does that mean?15:07
Pietvirtualhosts are working but still i got [Warn] NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts15:08
Pietdo i need delete default?15:08
erUSULbazhang: nope thr driver works well wmaster is supposed to be used for things like hostapd not normal connections15:08
Pietin sites-available15:08
lee__hello im new15:08
burkmatjrib, Well, let's say I want to run the program X in /home/user/.X_stuff. How would I do that if the program was located in /sbin?15:09
EnvoyRisingdarn it, why couldn't you all just be korean15:09
skumlesenanyone here know the ebox 2300?15:09
jriblee__: hi lee, welcome15:09
EnvoyRisingswitching between english and korean typing is getting hectic :|15:09
faileasEnvoyRising: lol15:09
erUSUL!kr | EnvoyRising15:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:09
jribburkmat: cd /home/user/.X_stuff; /sbin/whatever   ?15:09
erUSUL!ko | EnvoyRising15:09
ubotuEnvoyRising: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko15:09
EnvoyRisingerUSUL: but if i go there, how will i finish helping hc? lol15:10
lee__latin american help?15:10
Pici!es | lee__15:10
ubotulee__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:10
burkmatjrib, Kinda not great with Linux, but anything in sbin is possible to run just straight out of any bash no matter location, right?15:10
jribburkmat: if /sbin is in your PATH, sure15:10
Ven]nif i dont set DPI manually in xorg.conf .. what will my external mouse be using?15:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openwengo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wengo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:11
jribburkmat: when you type a program name like "gedit", bash looks in your PATH for a program called gedit.  "echo $PATH" shows you your current path15:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wengophone - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:11
jrib!fishing | tinin15:11
ubotutinin: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.15:11
sdsheeksmorning all15:11
atharh_nick Arif_Iqbal115:12
EnvoyRisingwow... all of 8 people in korean chat and none of them live15:12
burkmatjrib, Alright. So when program X is in PATH, how can I get it to run out of a different directory?15:12
EnvoyRisingthat is, no one says anything15:12
archquick question, does my swap space appear in /dev/ ? and how can I identify it?15:12
=== atharh_ is now known as Arif_Iqbal1
TrustNoOneEnvoyRising, maybe they dont speak english?15:12
EnvoyRisingis there an ebonics channel by chance? !eb15:12
tininsooory, I'm just searching something to use video calls, and I need it to be avaliable on mac, any ideas?15:12
jribburkmat: why don't you explain exactly what you are trying to do?15:12
EnvoyRisingtrustNoOne: i was typing in Korean, lol15:12
TrustNoOneEnvoyRising, i know i was joking15:12
EnvoyRisingwhats the irc command for something going over my head? i laughed a lot after the fact, lol15:13
riaal_Anyone knwo what language this is ? http://pastebin.com/d4bf844615:13
burkmatjrib, Putting stepmania in sbin allowing me to instead of navigating to /home/user/Desktop/blah/games/SM/StepMania-3.9/stepmania, just run it like I would gedit.15:13
sTiVoQuestion about temporarily mounting old hard drive to extract data15:13
TrustNoOne:( i totally dont wanna go to work today15:14
burkmatjrib, and in order for this to work, the program needs to find the "Songs" directory located in StepMania folder.15:14
sTiVoI have an old hard drive from a crashed computer that was running CentOS.  The hard drive is not what crashed.  It is intact.15:14
hcEnvoyRising: thanks, i found it on the madwifi site. All i got to do is manage to get it working now but it lists as working with my laptop model :-)15:14
EnvoyRisinghc: nice!15:15
sTiVoI bought a new Dell Inspiron 530 (which does not support CentOS) and try to install the drive as second drive.15:15
TrustNoOnesTiVo, you poor soul15:15
pablo889alguien que hable español, por favor?15:15
jribburkmat: does running the command "/home/user/Desktop/blah/games/SM/StepMania-3.9/stepmania" in a shell work if you're current working directory is, say, your HOME?15:15
burkmatjrib, Although I just realized I could probably just aswell run a shellscript starting the app in its home dir... Right?15:15
burkmat!es | pablo88915:15
ubotupablo889: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:15
dgjones!es | pablo88915:15
cretinousablo un poco espanola15:15
burkmatjrib, Yes.15:15
cretinousbueno bueno15:15
burkmatjrib, Actually... Wait a minute. Let me confirm that.15:16
jribburkmat: yeah, and drop that somewhere in your path.  You don't want /sbin since that's for admin stuff.15:16
sTiVoComputer boots up into Ubuntu, and fdisk can see the second drive.  /dev/hdb exists as do /dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdb215:16
TrustNoOneburrito burrito, i speak spanish too15:16
sTiVothis drive was partitioned with Logical Volumes.15:16
pablo889burkmat: necesito hacer una consulta15:16
erUSUL!es | pablo88915:16
ubotupablo889: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:16
sTiVoSo there should be /dev/LogVol00, etc.  But there isn't.15:16
TrustNoOnedoesnt anyone just get.... a feeling that they want to smash something into a billion peices, yet you arent angry or anything? you just feel like it?15:16
erUSUL!ot | TrustNoOne15:17
ubotuTrustNoOne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:17
sTiVoYet, LVM sees these logical volumes even though there are no companion entries in the /dev file system15:17
TrustNoOneno one likes me :(15:17
burkmatjrib, Alright, I'll do that. :) If I make a shellscript can I run it if I set it executable without the .sh ending?15:17
sdsheekswow erUSUL you sure do love using that15:17
sTiVoHow to get around this.15:17
jribburkmat: before you do that, did the command before work?15:18
sTiVoIf this is not right chatroom to answer such question, can someone suggest another?15:18
burkmatjrib, Yes.15:18
TrustNoOnesTiVo, i would answer you but i have no idea what the answer is15:18
Dodecagon-MHello! Anyone in here use a GMAX3100 in 7.10?15:18
hcEnvoyRising: a patch file should be in the root of the folder with the files to patch?15:18
burkmatjrib, I guess I could just copy the file into a PATH then, right?15:18
jribburkmat: then you can just create a symlink.  Do you know how to do that?15:18
sTiVoIs there another chatroom where such questions are more likely to be able to be answered?15:19
erUSULsdsheeks: i'm the bot that triggers the bot XD15:19
Dodecagon-MI've got all the intel drivers and dri stuff in my xorg.conf, and yet glxgears is only 1k FPS, and when I use the opengl spectrum analyzer, the processor is taxed 30% making me think it's using software rendering15:19
arnonym# Appears as XENO15:19
burkmatjrib, Nope, although I did rightclick the SM file and click "Make link", don't think that's enough. ^^15:19
EnvoyRisinghc: as in kernel patch?15:19
hcno, as in madwifi patch :-)15:19
sdsheekserUSUL: lol15:20
jribburkmat: ok, well to do this the nice way, you want to create ~/bin and get that into your path since this is a command just for your user.  Let's do that first15:20
EnvoyRisinghc: i'll be honest here. the last the last thing i patched was a video game :-|15:20
burkmatjrib, ok. done.15:20
EnvoyRisinghc: i'll have to pass the ball on this one15:20
hchaha okay15:20
MasterShrekhow do i figure out what kind of ram my pc has? ddr2 for example, and what the bus speed is on it?15:20
hcEnvoyRising: i'll figur eit out ;-)15:20
jribburkmat: now do 'source ~/.profile' and then 'echo $PATH' and verify ~/bin is in your PATH15:20
erUSULMasterShrek: looking on you mobo manual15:21
MasterShrekerUSUL, and if i dont have one handy?15:21
hcEnvoyRising: i was right, handy dandy in the root of the folder to patch and then patch command (as you'd say it)15:21
MasterShreki figured there woudl be a command, cat /proc/meminfo  doesnt give me enough15:21
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EnvoyRisinghc: who said linux wasn't for dummies?15:22
EnvoyRisinghc: thansk for teaching ME something :P15:22
hcEnvoyRising: that wasn't me15:22
hchehe yw :p15:22
Dodecagon-Mso... I take it that noone here use an X3100 in u7.10....15:22
erUSULMasterShrek: the kernel can not know what memory is using afaik... what cpu chipset are you using??15:22
MasterShrekerUSUL, no idea, im just gonna shut it down and pull a stick out15:23
burkmatjrib, Hmm... Created the directory, and though just setting variable PATH to whatever floated my boat worked, but it didn't... And 'source ~/.profile' just tells me there's no such command.15:23
MasterShrekerUSUL, its a dell dimension 8200 i got from a friend, pieced together the mobo/case with a hard drive and dvd burner, its mostly a mystery to me heh15:23
erUSULMasterShrek: lspci and cat /proc/cpuinfo on a pastebin please15:23
burkmatjrib, Oh, actually, "no such directory", guess I'll make that then...15:23
MasterShrekerUSUL, already shut down =P15:23
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erUSULMasterShrek: :| nevermind then15:24
jribburkmat: huh? can you pastebin what you did and the output?15:24
PriceChild!away > m4steR|away (see the pm from ubotu)15:24
SleepingSlothanyone using schroot?15:24
MasterShrekerUSUL, ill paste them in a min for ya15:24
black-flagi have a problem  with sound card under ubuntu 7.1015:24
burkmatjrib, well all I really did was mkdir ~/bin and then try the 'source ~/.profile', which told me "No such file or directory".15:24
erUSULMasterShrek: it seems to use DDR1 http://pcworld.about.com/news/Sep242001id63050.htm15:25
MasterShrekerUSUL, thanks bro, i guess a little googling would have done it, i just wanted to know if there was an easier way to do it15:25
jribburkmat: is this the default user on a regular ubuntu 7.10 install?15:26
gabrielhola buenas tardes15:26
erUSULMasterShrek: no problem15:26
MasterShrekerUSUL, it says rdram is that ddr1?15:27
Wander_week rdram15:27
gabrieluna consulta15:27
prince_jammys!es > gabriel15:27
Wander_wrdram is Rambus ram15:27
EnvoyRisingyaay, i help one person today i'm not going to hell ^^15:27
Wander_wgood luck finding that these days15:27
erUSULMasterShrek: with 64MB of DDR SDRAM15:28
hcEnvoyRising: no you won't go to hell :p you'll just stay on earth a day longer ;-)15:28
black-flaghello again ... any body can help me ... my microphone don't working under ubuntu 7.1015:28
MasterShrekerUSUL, thats vid card i beleive15:28
EnvoyRisinghc: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo15:28
burkmatjrib, Edgy, 6.1015:28
gabrielcomo puedo cambiar la hora y la zona horaria desde la consola ?15:28
MasterShrekDell GeForce3 graphics card with 64MB of DDR SDRAM15:28
EnvoyRisingwell... as long as i can stay in korea, they give great hair cuts ;)15:28
erUSUL!es | gabriel15:29
ubotugabriel: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:29
hcEnvoyRising: happy 2 soon :( on another reboot it freaked out on me15:29
Dodecagon-Mdo I need to logout/reboot after editing  /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz-manager ?15:29
EnvoyRisinghc; did it reset your config file?15:29
hcnot afaik15:29
Wander_wDodecagon-M: probalbly a ctrl-alt-backspace is enough15:29
jribburkmat: ok, well create ~/.profile with the following: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56846/15:30
jeffMASTERflexgabriel: se usa el programa 'date' pero podrias obtener mejor informacion en #ubuntu-es15:30
Dodecagon-MWander_w, ok I'll try that15:30
bsdnewb07whats .profile do?15:30
speedo_hey guys i've just ried to set the visula effect but it gives me  an error message about composite15:30
jribbsdnewb07: it gets sourced when you login15:30
gabrielcomo entro a ubuntu-es15:30
erUSULbsdnewb07: is .bash_profile one of the shell int scripts (the other is .bashrc)15:30
bsdnewb07oh i see, cool15:30
erUSULgabriel: /join #ubuntu-es15:30
speedo_i don't know set compiz and all it needs to run15:31
jeffMASTERflexgabriel: en su programa de irc entras '/join #ubuntu-es'15:31
erUSULgabriel: no hay de que15:31
SleepingSlothanyone using schroot?15:31
jrib!anyone | SleepingSloth15:31
ubotuSleepingSloth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:31
Dodecagon-MWander_w, nope, still no wiggly windows after restarting it.15:31
SleepingSlothjrib, well, because i doubt anyone will be able to answer ir15:32
SleepingSlothits easier to ask if anyone has any experience first15:32
jribSleepingSloth: well then why do you bother asking it?  just ask the question and find out for sure15:32
hcEnvoyRising: it's complaining about to many arguments, failsafe mode was already attempted within 30 seconds with failsafeXServer15:32
prince_jammysDodecagon-M: do:::   compiz --replace15:32
Dodecagon-Mprince_jammys, ok. do I need to restart x after?15:33
Wander_wDodecagon-M: Is compiz running?15:33
SleepingSlothjrib - in the hope i will get a reply15:33
burkmatjrib, Alright, it's in my path now. :)15:33
prince_jammysDodecagon-M: no15:33
SleepingSlothjrib - like everyone else in here i guess15:33
Dodecagon-MChecking for Xgl: not present.15:33
Dodecagon-MBlacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found15:33
* Wander_w is nog waiting for a reply15:33
orgy_hi, whats the easiest way to create an iso from a cd?15:33
EnvoyRisinghc: x was complaining about too many arguments?15:33
jribSleepingSloth: getting a "yes", then asking your question and getting a "I don't know" is not really better than just asking your question, don't you agree?15:33
Dodecagon-MWander_w, no I can't enable it15:33
Wander_wDodecagon-M: you have an intel card, right?15:33
SleepingSlothi have set up a debootstrap schroot, but attempting to run a 32 bit application results in a gtk-warning that a disaply cannot be found. this is from within X15:34
Dodecagon-Myeah, an x310015:34
erUSULorgy_: sudo cat /dev/cdrom > file.iso15:34
Dodecagon-Mbut I enabled skip_check so it should be ok, from what I read15:34
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jeffMASTERflexorgy_: use a burning program like gnomebaker, k3b or brasero to make it for you15:34
lunaphyte__did something just happen to packages.ubuntu.com?15:34
EnvoyRisinghc: i'd have to see that config file.. theory is that instead of overwriting the config file it appended it, which is why x is complaining about too many arguments15:34
hcEnvoyRising: I'm booting up, just before the gui login screen (GDM i assume) it gives me the linux equivalent of a bsod ... with failsafeXServer complaining on line 4715:34
orgy_erUSUL so an iso is nothing more as a direct copy of the source?15:34
jeffMASTERflexorgy_: or follow erUSUL console command which is faster15:34
SleepingSlothjrib, well, only in that instance. in another instance, ie nobody respons with "yes", i dont have to explain the problem to deaf ears15:34
hcEnvoyRising: no, i'm looking at it right now, it's fine15:35
SleepingSlothjrib, but it's moot. we'll wait and see, eh?15:35
EnvoyRisinghc: whats on line 47?15:35
orgy_wow thanks guys, didnt think it was _that_ easy :D15:35
jribburkmat: ok good, now we just make a symlink to stepmania like this: ln -s /home/user/Desktop/blah/games/SM/StepMania-3.9/stepmania ~/bin15:35
hcEnvoyRising: typing :47 goes to line 47 right?15:35
hcin vim15:35
erUSULorgy_: you can do it with dd too 'dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso'15:35
EnvoyRisinghc: i'm an emacs guy :-P15:35
jribSleepingSloth: did you follow the wiki guide on help.ubuntu.com?15:35
erUSULorgy_: if the the source is an iso filsystrem yes15:35
erUSULorgy_: filesystem15:36
SleepingSlothjrib i did15:36
kyxapкто-то говорит по русски?15:36
Wander_wDodecagon-M: maybe this link can help you: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.10_(Gutsy_Gibbon)_Release_Candidate_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Accelerated_Video_and_Desktop_Effects15:36
burkmatjrib, That was surprisingly easy. :) Thanks alot for the help.15:36
ubotuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:36
jribburkmat: np15:36
hcOption "horizEdgeScroll" "0"15:36
hcEnvoyRising: that's on that line15:36
orgy_hrm i get Input/Output error, seems like theres somthing wrong :O15:36
Dodecagon-MWander_w, quite possibly, I even have an R61 which is a T61 board in a new case XD15:36
EnvoyRisinghc: whats on that line? "nvidia" or what?15:37
jribSleepingSloth: what does "echo $DISPLAY" return?15:37
kyxapubotu, меня забанили15:37
EnvoyRisingoh, nvm, i see it now, lol15:37
hcno, Option "horizEdgeScroll" "0" from touchpad15:37
burkmatjrib, Although it seems to have dissapeared from my path now that I restarted bash...15:37
kyxapкто-то говорит по русски?15:37
jribburkmat: yeah, it only stays after the next time you login (check now)15:37
SleepingSlothjrib, from inside and outside schroot, it returns :0.015:37
LjLkyxap: /join #ubuntu-ru15:38
nDuffinitrd ordering in hardy is broken -- lvm is in init-premount, while dmraid is in local-top; consequently, LVM tries to come up before dmraid devices are available.15:38
EnvoyRisinghc: is that duplicated anywhere? i don't understand what changing video options has to do with your touch pad15:38
speedo_"the composite extension is not available15:38
burkmatjrib, Ah, alright.15:38
kyxapHI! people! i have pormblem with Wine and WOW(world og warcraft) hou can help me???15:38
speedo_i can't set the visula effect15:38
hcneither do i, but that's what the error is saying15:38
kyxapLjL, i have ban! (((15:38
bazhangnDuff: that would be better discussed in #ubuntu+1 ;]15:38
nDuff...there are some tickets basically marking the big picture (dmraid+lvm2) WONTFIX for a few releases -- but if I provide some patches to make it work, would they likely be accepted?15:38
hcEnvoyRising: no duplicates15:38
LjL!wow | kyxap15:39
ubotukyxap: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php15:39
speedo_nayone could give me a trick?15:39
nDuffbazhang, thanks for the pointer.15:39
inferiusCan someone tell me command for check info 'bout my soundcard ?15:39
EnvoyRisinghc: ok, i'ma  check google right quick.15:39
LjLinferius: what info?15:39
Wander_winferius: lspci ?15:39
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php15:39
SleepingSlothjrib, the exact error I get is on running 'sudo schroot firefox' - and the response is: (firefox-bin:6576): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:15:39
jeffMASTERflexinferius: you can use the program hwinfo.15:39
Wander_wSleepingSloth: maybe you need the ~/.Xauthority file15:39
jribSleepingSloth: tried 'xhost +local:' not in chroot to see if that's the problem?15:40
erUSULinferius: System>Preferences>Hw info15:40
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SleepingSlothjrib, can you elaborate on that?15:40
inferiusthanks a lot ;)15:40
SleepingSlothWander_w, i've binded the /home/user/ directory to the chroot environment15:41
jribSleepingSloth: if that resolves the issue, then you know it is an X authorization/permissions problem15:41
EnvoyRisinghc: god forbid things be cut and dry huh? things went funky after you configured madwifi, right?15:42
SleepingSlothjrib, with that command literally?15:43
jribSleepingSloth: yes15:43
SleepingSlothJrib non-network local connections being added to access control list15:43
burkmatjrib, Even rebooted it shows nothing in PATH. =/15:43
jribburkmat: k, must be different in edgy.  Rename the file to ~/.xprofile15:44
burkmatjrib, Alright.15:44
jribSleepingSloth: see if the issue persists15:44
SleepingSlothjrib, it does15:44
hcEnvoyRising: yeah15:44
hcEnvoyRising: i downloaded the source with the patch from their site, patched the source, compiled it, installed it, rebooted .... and it freaked out15:45
hw00djohni understand that Ubuntu has some form of bittorrent support, can someone tell me what it is and how to get it?15:45
sdsheekshw00djohn: ever get your video cam working?15:46
LjL!torrent | hw00djohn15:46
ubotuhw00djohn: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P15:46
sdsheekshw00djohn: had to go last night and watch the eclipse15:46
hw00djohnsdsheeks: unfortunately no15:46
jribhw00djohn: double click on a .torrent file and it will download it15:46
erUSULhw00djohn: it camoes with a basic client (lauch it double clicking on a torrent file)15:46
bazhanghw00djohn: you can use the default client, though most avoid it and use transmission deluge and the like15:46
EnvoyRisinghc: this is going to sound lame, but what if you re-reconfigure your nvidia driver?15:46
hcEnvoyRising: naah that ain't lame, that's fun!15:46
EnvoyRisinghc: its only fun if you still have hair left15:47
hcguess what ... i have plenty of that left ;)15:47
hcdpkg-reconfigure .... ?15:47
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:48
EnvoyRisingthanks bazhang, got my hands a bit tied, sorry about that hc15:48
hw00djohnsdsheeks: i never got my cam working, which is bugging me, but i can't really work with it right now as i am in class...if you could just give me some pointers on where to find resources i would appreciate it15:49
bazhangEnvoyRising: haha no problem ;]15:49
jribSleepingSloth: does using xnest as in the wiki not work either?15:49
EnvoyRisingwell i have to be up in like 4 hours and take another pt test...15:49
hw00djohndoes anyone know a good music composition program that would have preloaded drum tracks that i could work with?15:49
hcEnvoyRising: like i said, i've got all day for this :-) so no problem if it takes longer15:49
hcEnvoyRising: you'll love this15:50
EnvoyRisinghw00djohn: rosegarden and lmms come to mind. i wouldn't say they were good, but they're alright15:50
hci think the prob is ... that it doesn't have those drivers installed anymore ... as they aren't in the list of x server drivers15:50
EnvoyRisinghc: uh oh, what happend15:50
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SleepingSlothjrib, xnest performance is terrible - as i dont seem to have any hardware acceleration in it15:50
burkmatjrib, .xprofile didn't work, but I'll just throw the link in something that's already listen in PATH, /usr/games. Thanks for the help anyway ^^15:50
EnvoyRisinghc: you're f'ing kidding?15:50
hcEnvoyRising: do i look like i'm kidding?15:51
sdsheekshw00djohn: honestly I have not had a chance to look.  I started to last night, but then remember about the eclipse.  I am currently at the office working on an executive summary.  I'll be on later and we can work on it together.15:51
Vaajd1my computer keeps freezing and i cant use ctrl + alt + backspace15:51
EnvoyRisinghc: i can't see you :P15:51
hcEnvoyRising: good point ....15:51
hcEnvoyRising: well i'm not really kidding you ;-)15:51
vltHello. I started a second X server `X :1` and then a remote (KDE) Session `export DISPLAY=:1; ssh -X user@remotehost startkde`. This works but the font's don't look like on the remote machine. They actually look like crap. What am I missing here?15:51
EnvoyRisinghc: well, you could reinstall mesa drivers, just to get back into a graphical environment, then reinstall them15:51
hcEnvoyRising: how2install mesa?15:52
EnvoyRisingactually, f that, lemme look up the package names so you can sudo apt-get install them15:52
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Odd-rationaleI was reading somewhere about this project for "One App, One File" for linux. But I can't remember the website. :( Any ideas?15:52
EnvoyRisinghc: nvidia-glx-new15:53
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SlartOdd-rationale: installation thingy?15:53
hcplease tell me it will auto detect wireless in console without gnome etc?15:53
Odd-rationaleSlart: Yes, something like that15:53
xalanthyrcan anybody suggest me light and fast window manager?15:54
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: fluxbox15:54
lunaphyte__xalanthyr: ncurses15:54
SleepingSlothjrib,  is it too much to expect schroot to work as prescibed in the howto at help.ubuntu.com? i dont know exactly why, but it does appear to be a permissions problem. since i've binded ~/ i cant understand what is the culprit15:54
EnvoyRisingwell, i gotta get up in the morning, so i'll have to get at ya'll later15:54
=== lunaphyte__ is now known as lunaphyte_
Vaajd1my computer keeps freezing and i cant use ctrl + alt + backspace15:54
hcEnvoyRising: thanks for all your help :-)15:54
EnvoyRisinghc: np15:54
SlartOdd-rationale: and the .deb system isn't working out for you? anyways.. look at this one http://wiki.freespire.org/index.php/Linux_App_one-click_Install15:54
xalanthyrOdd-rationale: is it much faster sompared to gnome?15:54
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: Gnome is a DE. fluxbos is a wm15:55
EnvoyRisinghc: oh, in case this doesn't work as planned, you can get the vesa/mesa (try both) driver by openning the config file in nano/vim/emacs and changing the drive from "failsafe' TO "vesa" or "mesa"15:55
Odd-rationaleSlart: Apt is fine. Just this seems to be a good way to unite the different Linux distros15:55
jribSleepingSloth: maybe I used dchroot when I tried this15:56
Odd-rationaleSlart: No, that is not what I was looking for...15:56
SlartOdd-rationale: as far as I'm concerned, they can all start using apt =)15:56
SlartOdd-rationale: what about this one then.. http://klik.atekon.de/15:56
xalanthyrOdd-rationale: can you tell me the difference between desktop anvironment and window manager?15:56
jribSleepingSloth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot I recall whatever I tried "just worked" so trying dchroot may be worth it15:57
skarfaceis there a way to have certain scripts run when a wireless connection is made?15:57
Odd-rationaleSlart: Yes. That is it! Thanks!15:57
SleepingSlothjrib - thats the one i followed, only with schroot - as per the instructions. is moving from schrrot to dchroot going to be as simple as removing schroot and installing dchroot, or are you saying i should clean and start from scratch?15:58
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: A DE is a whole suit of apps that *includes* a WM. You can have a WM without a DE.15:58
erUSULskarface: do you use network manager or /etc/network/interfaces ??15:58
sledhow can I "make" a make file called "Makefile" ? ;)15:58
sledmake Makefile doesn't work15:58
skarfacenetwork manager15:58
Slartxalanthyr: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment vs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_manager =)15:58
Picisled: just type 'make'15:59
xalanthyrOdd-rationale: but will there be any problems when i won't have a de?15:59
erUSULsled: is make15:59
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: No, not really.15:59
jribSleepingSloth: afaict you can use the same /var/chroot/ you have, you'll just access it with dchroot15:59
bartmonhi! can anyone tell me what static content in a file system is?15:59
slederUSUL: damn I forgot to sudo :P15:59
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: You will have to borrow al lot from other DE's lib's16:00
Andycassshow to search a file in whole filesystem?16:00
erUSULsled: you shouldn (and is dangerous) need sudo for make (only for make install or checkinstall)16:00
TrustNoOnewhat is the most 'stable' distro right now16:00
SleepingSlothjrib,  just a quick aside.... when i type 'sudo schroot', the prompt (inside schroot) is root@ instead of user@ - but there is no /home/root in schroot. is that possibly causing the problem?16:00
hcAndycasss: use locate16:00
erUSULAndycasss: locate or find16:00
Andycasssok thanks16:01
bartmonTrustNoOne: Debian stable is usually pretty solid.16:01
Wander_wTrustNoOne: Debian stable16:01
xalanthyrOdd-rationale: I'm planning to renistall the system and install debian. I'd like to install it without X and configure it by myself, so should i install for example only fluxbox, or something else also?16:01
prince_jammysAndycasss: locate filename (uses an index)  or   find / -name filename (searches disk)16:01
Wander_wTrustNoOne: stable, but old as hell16:01
jribSleepingSloth: well remember that root's home is /root16:01
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: I can get you a good link on how that all works...16:01
Zsuzsi_can i change gpu in a laptop?16:01
TrustNoOneok whats the NEWEST (within 8 months) that is the most stable16:01
MaDoGKhi room16:01
Wander_wZsuzsi_: no16:01
LHX2it's usually VERY nicely security patched too16:01
LHX2Re: deb stable16:02
SleepingSlothjrib, either way, there is no .Xauthority in there16:02
Zsuzsi_Wander_w: :(16:02
LHX2good for headless server16:02
jribSleepingSloth: the xhost +local: would have taken care of that16:02
LHX2not so good for fun desktop16:02
xalanthyrOdd-rationale: I'll be grateful16:02
hcapt-get is giving me an error trying to install nvidia-glx-new ... dies with a segmentation fault and error status 13916:02
Wander_wTrustNoOne: Ubuntu Hardy Heron LTS, out due april16:03
erUSULxalanthyr: debian help on #debian16:03
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: It is for ubuntu, though not debian per se. Just start with a cli from the alternative install cd.16:03
Wander_w(or did you mean 8 months in the PAST?)16:03
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems16:03
TrustNoOneWander_w, its still beta tho, dont see how that can be that stable, looked at latest debian "etch" and it said to be released as stable, but has some bugs16:03
SleepingSlothjrib, this whole thing is ridiculous- have you any idea when 32 bit apps will run natively in ubuntu?16:03
jribSleepingSloth: I thought they did, what are you trying to run?16:05
xrestassuredxholy crap i have sound16:05
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: But once you get used to starting with a CLI, you might consider switching to a distro that is better suited for doing so. Like I switched to Arch Linux.16:05
nox-Handxrestassuredx: :-O But yeah, good for you :)16:06
SleepingSlothflex builder, specifically16:06
SleepingSlothjrib ^16:06
DaveEnglandhello, i have a problem with my wirelles card! ubuntu doesnt recognize my digitus wireless card! I have also tried with ndiswrapper and windows drivers, but it doesnt work! can anybody help me pls?!16:06
xalanthyrOdd-rationale: i'm thinking also about Gentoo, but i think i'll stick still to debian for some time16:06
=== neversfelde is now known as neversfelde_
mattgrieserI'm trying to get the program Phun to run on 7.10. The readme says: "The program uses boost_filesystem, SDL, SDL_image and GLEW." How do I check if these are installed/install them?16:07
bazhangxalanthyr: that would be a mistake; though they their own channels ;]16:07
patogenDoes anybody have experience with easypmp (PMPlib)? I can't get it to find my player now ... I had trouble accessing it before ... now it works but it can't find the player16:07
IdleOnexalanthyr, is there a reason why you dont want a GUI?16:07
xrestassuredxfixing my sound didn't get WoW on wine to work properly though >_>16:07
IdleOnexalanthyr, sorry if you already stated just got back16:07
Odd-rationaleIdleOne: I think he just wants to install the GUI himself...16:07
patogen"ERROR: Failed to find a player"16:07
SleepingSlothjrib, but flex builder requires 32 bit eclipse, and 32 bit jre/jvm, 32 bit gtk, 32 bit you name it - i've got more crud floating around my system as a consequence of trying to do this various ways that i am fairly annoyed about the fact that a 32 bit application refuses to run on a 64 bit system. i know it *could* be compiled from source, but not in this case16:08
IdleOneOdd-rationale, ahh well then...16:08
bazhangxalanthyr: and from experience the #gentoo channel can be a bit ahem rough ;]16:08
DaveEnglandhello, i have a problem with my wirelles card! ubuntu doesnt recognize my digitus wireless card! I have also tried with ndiswrapper and windows drivers, but it doesnt work! can anybody help me pls?!16:08
jribSleepingSloth: well I don't know the specifics but you do have ia32-libs and packages like ia32 java that just work when you install them.  Why are you using 64bit?16:08
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Odd-rationalexalanthyr: Go with Arch. You may never switch again! ;)16:08
xalanthyrIdleOne: I want my computer work fast and efficient but it's now a bit old and programs and some games (rarely) need great power while playing under wine16:09
hcalright i'm out16:09
hcc y'all soon16:09
jribxalanthyr: I wouldn't say gentoo or arch are stable, but can you please move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic?16:09
IdleOnexalanthyr, have you looked at xubuntu or icewm,blackox,fluxbox?16:09
SleepingSlothjrib, because i was 'reliably' informaed that 64 bit support was a lot better now16:09
sybariteni dont have the developer tools, i think... its a ubuntu server install. more or less the newest version.16:10
DaveEnglandhello, i have a problem with my wirelles card! ubuntu doesnt recognize my digitus wireless card! I have also tried with ndiswrapper and windows drivers, but it doesnt work! can anybody help me pls?!16:10
sybaritenwhat apt package do i want?16:10
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: There is fluxbuntu and icebuntu is now coming up...16:10
bazhangfor what sybariten16:10
jribSleepingSloth: well it's a lot better but it may not be good enough for your use-case16:10
sybariteni ran make, and the shell said i could apt-get install make, but something tells me i want a bigger package than that16:10
IdleOnesybariten, if you mean gcc and that you need build-essential16:10
bazhangDaveEngland: are you at the computer now the one with the wireless that is16:10
sybaritenand that last part of that last sentence may very well be interpreted in a funny way, go ahead16:10
SleepingSlothjrib, of course, going back to 32 bit, apart from the obvious irritation of having 64 bit hardware and an OS that purports to support it, but the reality is different, is going to mean a fresh install, isnt it?16:10
DaveEnglandbazhang no :(16:10
sybaritenIdleOne: i suppose thats what i want, yes... build-essential... thanks16:11
jribSleepingSloth: yes16:11
SleepingSlothjrib, that wasnt meant to sound like ubuntu-bashing, btw.16:11
neverbluesybariten, sudo aptitude install build-essential16:11
sybaritenbazhang: well, for "most" source code program installing issues16:11
xalanthyrOdd-rationale: I was told, that debian works faster than ubuntu, so i'll give it a try16:11
bazhangDaveEngland: well what is the card make and model--digitus wont do it here16:11
sybaritenneverblue: merci16:11
mattgrieserCan anyone help me get Phun to run on 7.10?16:11
neverbluesybariten, pas de problem16:11
Odd-rationalexalanthyr: OK. Have fun!16:11
bazhangbuild-essential as IdleOne suggested sybariten16:11
IdleOnesybariten, that package will install all the tools needed for compiling. check in synaptic before you compile as there already may be what you want pre-packaged in the repos16:11
DaveEnglandso how can i solve the problem? i need internet!16:11
fernandoI can not talk in KOpete anyone has a solution?16:12
DaveEnglandbazhang: - WLAN PCI Adapter,54Mbps mit externer Antenne16:12
DaveEngland- DN-7006GS16:12
bazhangDaveEngland: first take a deep breath this may take a while16:12
neverbluefernando, talk, via a mic ?16:12
IdleOnefernando, try pidgin16:12
SleepingSlothjrib, are you running 32 or 64 ?16:12
sybaritenIdleOne, neverblue : hmmmmm.....      Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-libc-dev_2.6.22-14.47_i386.deb  404 Not Found16:12
sybaritenthat one i've never encountered16:12
sybaritenand i've installed lots and lots stuff via apt16:12
neverbluesybariten, try again, or ping security.ubuntu.com16:13
jribSleepingSloth: 64.  Make sure you have ia32-libs installed by the way, it seems to provide things like gtk32 that you mentioned before16:13
fernandoI will take a while to try pidgin ... Thanjks for your help16:13
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neverbluefernando, its a great im client16:13
LHX2pidgin's a decent program... if you've used gaim in the past, pidgin will seem very familiar16:13
youngmusi1Hey. Is there a graphical config tool in ubuntu to setup dual monitors? I am using the ati driver.16:14
SleepingSlothjrib,  i already have16:14
Trashlordyeah, pidgin is cool16:14
sybaritenneverblue: the ping works out well, but the package gives the same error....16:14
IdleOnesybariten, look on packages.ubuntu.com make sure that is the correct file name16:14
neverbluesybariten, then that package must have been remove/renamed, sudo aptitude update16:14
neverbluesybariten, after the update do: sudo aptitude install build-essential16:15
IdleOne!hi | chana16:15
ubotuchana: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:15
jribSleepingSloth: 64bit isn't really worth it imo unless you have >4GB ram16:16
sybaritenneverblue: ca a marche!16:16
mattgrieserCan anyone help me check if boost_filesystem, SDL, SDL_image and GLEW are installed?16:16
neverbluesybariten, :)16:16
chanaI have a ?, I would like to create a dual boot (Ubuntu/Vista) machine.16:16
Trashlordchana, my suggestion, install vista, then ubuntu16:16
SleepingSlothjrib, its a bit late for that now. i have 4gb, incidentally, so yes 32 bit would be okay, but i've invested far too much time in this installation to go back because one application refuses to play ball16:17
dgjones!dualboot | chana16:17
ubotuchana: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:17
Trashlordbecause the windows boot loader doesn't understand linux, and if you install linux first, the windows bootloader will overwrite GRUB, and you won't be able to boot into ubuntu16:17
sybaritenmais pourquoi? i've never really understood what update does...  i didnt use aptitude for the very install, i used sudo apt-get install build-essential just like before, but now it worked. what does aptitude update do that makes things different?16:17
chanaWell, I have built a couple dual boot machines using Ubuntu/vista, but they were on different drives.16:17
sybaritenIdleOne: i followed neverblues tip, never got to looking at the packages page16:17
IdleOnesybariten, it worked? if so I am glad16:18
Trashlordchana, so you want it on the same drive?16:18
mattgrieserokay. I'll try later.16:18
neverbluechana, let us know when you have the question :)16:18
chanaI already have vista loaded, and for some reason, on the guided partition, it only see's one drive, and not the partition i created specifically for ubuntu16:18
Trashlordpre-creating the partition is not necessary16:19
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IdleOnesybariten, packages.ubuntu.com is a great place to get packages if lets say you need something for a machine without internet access or whatever.16:19
Trashlordyou can install ubuntu, and create the partition from there16:19
neverblueTrashlord, there is no issue in doing it16:19
Trashlordof course there isn't16:19
fernandoI am on Pidgin, but I can not see how to talk with my mic16:20
Trashlordjust saying, doing it from the ubuntu installation might be a little bit more comfortable16:20
bazhanghttp://www.services.assmann.com/download/adm/support-driver-2/DN-7006GS_driver_linux_v1027_20071221.zip the linux driver is here DaveEngland16:20
=== patrick_ is now known as ubuntunewb
ubuntunewbhello there!16:20
DaveEnglandbazhang thnx!!!!16:20
DaveEnglandi`ll go try it^^16:20
ubuntunewbanyone here that could help me with some steam issues?16:20
IdleOne!ask | ubuntunewb16:21
ubotuubuntunewb: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:21
ubuntunewbokay xD16:21
chanaTrashlord, I am currently using the ubuntu install, and I am at the guided partition, and it only sees the whole 200gb volume. if I continue, will that format everything on that drive?16:21
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Trashlordno, you should have at least 2 options there16:22
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Trashlordone, is to use the entire drive16:22
Trashlordand the other one is to create a partition, and install ubuntu on that16:22
IdleOnechana, you should have the option to let it partiton the drive for you. read carefully and follow instructions16:22
ubuntunewbinstalled steam via wine, everything works finde, log in, steam software itself, i downloaded teamfortress2, it will launch till the startup screen, then just close and return to the desktop, all i see then is my desktop with a resolution like 100 x 10016:23
IdleOneubuntunewb, wine issues better server in #winehq16:23
Cew27hi all just baught an intel wireless card it is in the restricted driver but i cant connect to my wireless or see any for that matter16:23
ubuntunewbIdleOne: okay!16:24
chanamy only 2 options are guided, use entire disk/ scs13 (0,0,0) 200gb or manual16:24
IdleOneclick on manual what options does it give you?16:25
hw00djohnhey, i just installed LMMS thru Synaptic and i can't find it anywhere on my comp now...any suggestions?16:25
bazhangCew27: which intel card16:25
IdleOnehw00djohn, in terminal type lmms16:25
Cew27bazhang:  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)16:25
dgjoneschana, if you select manual, you should be able to select the partition that you created to mount as "/", did you also create a swap partition as well?16:25
chanaIdle1, it shows my 3 partitions16:26
bazhangCew27: are you at that computer now or can you access it easily?16:26
hw00djohnidleone what if i got lmms-common?  type lmms-common?16:26
Cew27bazhang: im on it on etherne16:26
IdleOnehw00djohn, give it a shot16:26
prince_jammyshw00djohn: try lm<tab> and see if it autocompletes16:26
bertvdphi, is packages.ubuntu.com down or something cause nor getlibs nor I can reach the site :S16:26
bazhangCew27: onboard or card?16:27
IdleOnechana, Trashlord might be better at guiding you through the manual install16:27
IdleOneor dgjones perhaps16:27
Cew27bazhang: mini pci i just baught it to replace my atheros that didnt work16:27
hw00djohnit just puts in lm- and then a box16:27
TrashlordWell, I am pretty novice as far as linux goes16:27
chanaIn manual, I show the 3 partitions16:27
eth01packages has packet loss16:27
prince_jammyshw00djohn: hit tab again16:27
bertvdpeth01 how do you mean ?16:27
hw00djohnim just installing thru terminal16:27
bazhangCew27: does iwconfig in the terminal show anything16:28
chanaI have 1 partition created for ubuntu16:28
SleepingSlothjrib, i've gotten dchroot working16:28
SleepingSlothjrib, thanks for the pointers16:28
bazhangbertvdp: site is very slow loading so far...16:28
eth01bertvdp, packages.* has packet loss, packets are being lost whilst they're being routed? :/16:28
Trashlordok, what are the other 2 partitions for?16:28
eth01can't really put it much simpler.16:28
hw00djohnif i decide i want to stop an installation thru terminal, how do i do that?16:28
eth01try later!16:28
Cew27bazhang: lo no wireless extentions and eth1 no wireless extentions16:28
Trashlordwindows, and?16:28
bertvdpeth01, damn, is this going to take long ?16:29
prince_jammyshw00djohn: i recommend you let it continue and then uninstall whatever you wanted to undo16:29
hw00djohnokay. lol16:29
Trashlordone more thing, chana, you said windows doesn't show the other partition you've created, have you formatted that partition?16:29
bazhangCew27: did the card come with a cd with the linux drivers? not sure if the restricted manager will have that card supported (ie they are the same drivers as the onboard 3945)16:29
eth01bertvdp, i've no idea.16:29
chanaTrashlord, 1 is for Vista, 1 for Vista bu, and 1 for ubuntu16:29
TrashlordBecause windows won't show it if it's not formatted into FAT32 or NTFS16:29
prince_jammyshw00djohn: you thought you already had it installed16:29
eth01bertvdp, whos your ISP?16:30
prince_jammyshw00djohn: *i thought16:30
Cew27no i got it off ebay my mum has the same card and its fine16:30
dholbachUbuntu Developer Week is going on, join #ubuntu-classroom16:30
bertvdpeth01, fulladsl a small company in Belgium who provide lines for teachers and students, they're part of belgacom nog I think16:30
bazhangCew27: that is probably the single best supported card in all of linux (ubuntu included)16:30
Trashlordchana, do you have Vista and Vista bu already installed?16:30
hw00djohnprince_jammys i thought i did, but it's not showing up...this install thru terminal is going to take about an hour, but i wont be in class for that long...that's why I want to cancel it16:30
eth01Cew27, heh.16:30
bazhangCew27: I have the same card and it works great in my thinkpad16:31
Worrumis there anywhere a list available of video cards that work out of the box with the current ubuntu releases (3d-support, and all that)16:31
Trashlordok, then you should be able to distinguish them from the other unused partition, in the ubuntu installer16:31
bazhangCew27: when you booted up was it in the slot or did you add it later?16:31
eth01bertvdp, do this, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get package16:31
Tokaylaim using lvm on ubuntu .. but its not autoloading dm-mod16:31
Cew27bazhang: hmm well it aint working, i have a wireless button on my laptop that turns it on but it dont work in linux16:31
Tokaylaso i have to manualy modprobe dm-mod each booth16:31
Tokaylaany way around this?16:31
prince_jammys!hardware | Worrum: this might help:16:31
ubotuWorrum: this might help:: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:31
eth01Cew27, hardware issues? :/16:32
Cew27i shut down, installed it then booted16:32
chanaI see them only when I select manual, and not guided16:32
bertvdpeth01, I don't have any problems getting packages installed, it's the packages.ubuntu.com site who isn't working and I need it to get some 32bit libs for me 64bit system16:32
Cew27eth01: yeh with brand new wireless card16:32
bazhangCew27: okay; well it can be made to work if you care to go through with it16:32
hw00djohnso, prince_jammys is it possible to cancel it, since i wont be in class for long enough for it to install?16:32
Cew27bazhang: i am ...16:32
prince_jammyshw00djohn: is it downloading or installing?16:32
Trashlordok, can you tell them apart though?16:32
eth01bertvdp, like i said, wait.16:32
eth01Cew27, oh dear.16:32
bazhangbertvdp: the site did not load for me either16:33
chanaYes, only when in manual.16:33
bertvdpeth01, okey, thank you for your help16:33
hw00djohnprince_jammys appears to be downloading, is there a way to verify that?16:33
Cew27eth01: yeh16:33
prince_jammyshw00djohn: mmm the only i way i know is with  ctrl C16:33
bertvdptoo bad I can't do anything about it...16:33
hw00djohnprince_jammys that worked, thanks16:33
TrashlordI've never done manual install, so tell me what, besides the partitions, what other options do you get there?16:33
prince_jammyshw00djohn: np16:34
Cew27bazhang: so do you know how i can get it working16:34
hw00djohndoes anyone know if there is any conflict with Compiz Fusion and WINE?16:35
bazhangCew27: does lspci show the card?16:35
Cew27bazhang: yes  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)16:35
patrick_halp! installed steam via wine. steam is working fine, but after i launched a game e.g. tf2, it will show that startup vid, then just close it and return to desktop. somebody already told me to use the restriceted ati drivers, but i had to deactivate them again since it screwed up my resolution completely, my whole screen was streched vertically... so what can i do?16:35
prince_jammyshw00djohn: there shouldn't be, though running both seems a bit taxing16:36
erUSULhw00djohn: no in latest versions (there were some verswions that didn't drw the app window)16:36
bazhangCew27: great news! now to get it responding, ahh just a moment16:36
hw00djohnprince_jammys: erUSUL: if it is taxing, would simply setting my appearance settings lower help it?16:37
prince_jammyshw00djohn: yes16:37
chanaTrashlord: Edit Partition,Del Partition, Undo Change. If I edit, I can edit mount points. The default points are /media/sda1, 2, and 3.16:37
anderswccan anyone tell me how to allow shell access to my server?16:37
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Cew27bazhang: yey16:37
erUSULanderswc: remotely?16:37
erUSUL!ssh | anderswc16:37
ubotuanderswc: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/16:37
hw00djohnprince_jammys thank you so much for all your help over these past few days...i'm still researching for myself and eventually i hope to help others as well16:38
Trashlordchoose the partition you made for ubuntu, and click Edit Partition16:38
DaveEnglandbazhang: the driver doesnt work :( fist of all, id doesnt work with the ./makdedrv! then i tryed to add by hands intomod, but then ifconfig wlan0 up doesnt work :S16:38
Trashlordif there's a format option, format that partition16:38
Cew27DaveEngland: did you ever play xbox 360 online16:38
mikkeHello. I have a problem with my DHCP server. Can I config my DHCP3 to only share IP to one specific MAC?16:38
DaveEnglandCew27 no16:38
Trashlordchana, once the partition is formatted, you should be able to see it in the Guided Installation16:38
patrick_halp! installed steam via wine. steam is working fine, but after i launched a game e.g. tf2, it will show that startup vid, then just close it and return to desktop. somebody already told me to use the restriceted ati drivers, but i had to deactivate them again since it screwed up my resolution completely, my whole screen was streched vertically... so what can i do?16:39
chanaIn edit, I can olny change ntfs/fat32 or the mount point from /media/sda2 to /dos or /windows16:39
sipiormikke: yep16:39
Trashlordformat it into NTFS16:40
Trashlordthat'll do for now16:40
Trashlordin the guided installation, the ext3 filesystem and the swap partitions will be created16:40
sipiormikke: man dhcpd.conf should show a number of examples16:41
IdleOneI tried installing Ubuntu via WUBI if I delete the folder it created will that remove or should I use the installer in Add/Remove in windows?16:41
PriceChildIdleOne, use the uninstaller16:41
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html16:42
IdleOnePriceChild, and that will completly remove ubuntu?16:42
PriceChildIdleOne, i assume so16:42
IdleOnePriceChild, ok lets find out :)16:42
loriwhat plugin/player do i need to play apple quicktime trailers?16:42
amenadoanderswc-> a user has to have an entry in /etc/passwd16:42
LilCrazyehi sono tornato16:43
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:43
kalleperssonHi, I'm on Ubuntu Gutsy. What package should you install to be able to configure how QT apps look?16:43
anderswcanenado, ok16:43
kalleperssonRight now for instance Scribus looks very weird.16:43
DarkSpirit221Hi, how can I run a program installed by autopackage?16:43
erUSULkallepersson: qt[3,4]-config16:43
IdleOnePriceChild, good assumption16:44
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sweezebug question:  a bug was fixed in gutsy, but seems to have reappeared in hardy, do i re open the old bug, or file a new one?16:45
kalleperssonhmm, erUSUL it was qt3-qtconfig but thanks anyway. your answer guided me :)16:45
Cew27bazhang: you still there16:45
horus_Bonjour !16:45
DaveEnglandbazhang are you here?16:45
loriwhat plugin/player do i need to play apple quicktime trailers?16:45
horus_xine ?16:45
Picilori: VLC plays them quite nicely for me.16:45
eth01get back on topic.16:45
bazhangcew27 DaveEngland sorry had to step a way for a few;16:46
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IdleOne!hardware > IdleOne16:46
Cew27bazhang: oh ok is it possible to get this card working16:46
bazhangDaveEngland: what commands were you using to insert that module16:46
TrashlordIdleOne, it's !hardware | IdleOne16:47
DaveEnglandbazhang: insmod ieee80211_crypt_ccmp-rtl.ko16:47
claudio_ hi16:47
PiciTrashlord: Its either. > sends it as a private message.16:47
IdleOneTrashlord, to send it via private message use >16:47
bazhangcew27 does the restricted manager show a listing for it?16:47
Trashlordah, didn't know that, alright then16:47
claudio_can you tell me the name of the library to play mp3?16:47
IdleOne!mp3 | claudio_16:48
ubotuclaudio_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:48
bazhanginstall ubuntu-restricted-extras claudio_16:48
erUSULkallepersson: both qt3- and qt4- config exist so i gave the correct answer (you now bash will have installed both)16:48
Cew27bazhang: yes its enables in restricted driver manager16:48
bazhangCew27: and what does ifconfig in the terminal return?16:48
kalleperssonerUSUL: no, the right name is qt[3,4]-qtconfig not qt[3,4]-config as you told me16:48
bazhangCew27: I am concerned that the card may be recognized as eth1 or some such and not wlan016:49
kalleperssoni seem only to be able to choose between a few, bad looking themes. do you know how to get themes like klearlooks and stuff into that config?16:50
aoupiI'm looking for the name of a web browser, it's pretty new, it begins with k, it has a pretty long weird name, and I think it uses webkit(but that's just maybe)16:50
Cew27bazhang: it shows eth1 and local loopback eth one is the ethernet i am using now16:50
kalleperssonaoupi: konqueror16:50
DaveEnglandaoupi konqueror16:50
patogenanyone else having problems with sourceforge?16:50
bazhangkazakaheasse or something like that aoupi ;]16:50
aoupibazhang: yea!16:50
patogenI can't get it to download a file from it ...16:50
aoupisomething weird like that16:50
erUSULkallepersson: fair enough we all make typos but some people are just too pedantic i guess16:51
DaveEnglandbazhang: were those commands correct?16:51
kalleperssonerUSUL: as I said I really _was_ thankful for your help! Without that it would have taken more time to find it, so thanks.16:51
bazhangaoupi: see above ;]16:52
aoupibazhang: thanks! :)16:52
kalleperssonjust wanted to tell you my discovery, nothing else.16:52
cybictell us16:52
Cew27bazhang: ?16:52
cybickallepersson: ?16:53
bazhangCew27: I am having trouble here because this card just works for me--the only card I have ever had that did that--just a moment16:53
kalleperssonnothing, cybic16:53
Cew27bazhang: thanks i would run a live cd and see it worked then but i cant my cd drive is knackered16:54
bazhangDaveEngland: no, that should be the right command; did you modprobe to see if it loaded properly?16:54
DaveEnglandbazhang: how should i type the modprobe? modprobe <what> ?16:54
ill13Ïðèâåò âñåì. Òóò ðóñêîãîâîðÿùèå åñòü?16:55
Tokaylamy /etc/modules is empty.. any idea how i can find what should be in there?16:55
chana Trashlord: Thanks for your help and time. I needed to add another partion (one root, one swap) Then continue on with the install. I just wanted to be really careful about not corrupting my other partions, especially on this machine. Thanks again for your help.16:56
=== os2mac-_ is now known as os2mac
erUSULTokayla: there is no need to be anything there unless specifically needed16:57
erUSULTokayla: is to load modules at startup that for ereason do not load automatically16:57
kalleperssonerUSUL: are we OK? no hard feelings? :-)16:58
TrashlordYou're welcome, chana16:58
Indiadev_TechieHi Everyone :-) !!!16:59
Tokaylai accidently overwrote my modules file16:59
erUSULkallepersson: no; sorry if i sounded too rude english is not my primary language (not even the second one)16:59
bazhangCew27: did you cat /etc/network/interfaces and see it it shows up there? my other concern is that if this is after you installed that the iwlwifi did not make it in16:59
killa_berckiehi india16:59
=== Borre is now known as Borre`Eat
Indiadev_Techiekilla_berckie: Hi...16:59
PriceChild!away > Borre`Eat16:59
Tokaylais there any way of listing loded modules?16:59
PriceChildTokayla, lsmod I think16:59
erUSULTokayla: lsmod16:59
Cew27bazhang: no how do i do the cat thing17:00
bazhangDaveEngland: the modprobe would be the module name you listed17:00
Tokaylahow do i tell which ones should be in modules?17:00
prince_jammysCew27: cat filename17:00
DarkSpirit221How do I run an Autopackage installed app? It is not in the menu...17:01
bazhangCew27: just as I posted ;]17:01
Cew27bazhang: # The loopback network interface -auto lo-iface lo inet loopback17:01
Cew27bazhang:  the hyphens represent new lines17:02
TitoNhmm i have a problem with my xubuntu that it freezes when it feels like it after using it for a bit17:02
TrashlordDoes anyone here mess with sound cards and drivers on ubuntu?17:02
TitoNit freezes completely and i cant type or move the mouse.....no activity what so ever17:02
bazhangCew27: then it does not show up there, much as I suspected ;[17:03
Cew27bazhang: whar does that mean17:03
cruisemaniachello people, i run feisty and i'm having a problem with apache, php and mysql. they're installed but http://localhost doesnt return a page :(17:03
cruisemaniacwould someone be able to help me out with this??? troubleshoot an AMP installation???17:03
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: try   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start17:04
cruisemaniac@prince_jammys what am i supposed to get in response to that command??? coz it just returns back to the commandline without a response17:05
TitoNsee it froze again grrr17:05
TitoNanyone able to help me with this freezing problem that would be extremly appreciated17:06
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: mmm.  should say  "starting apache" or "it's already running"17:07
kalleperssoncruisemaniac: it's supposed to say restarting service Apache 2 or similiar17:07
kalleperssoncruisemaniac: do a restart instead of start17:07
bazhangCew27: just a moment; browsing the forums...17:07
cruisemaniacprince_jammys, kallepersson nothing like that... i key in the command and it blindly returns17:07
kalleperssonand localhost doesn't work?17:07
Cew27bazhang: i posted a thread but nonone replyied17:07
Tokaylacruisemaniac, do "ps aux | grep apache"17:07
cruisemaniackallepersson: no! unable to connect error on firefox17:08
Tokaylathat should show if apache is running17:08
cruisemaniacTokayla just a sec... will check and let you know17:08
titon_hmm i dunno what is going on17:09
cruisemaniacTokayla yes apache is running...>>>1000      6499  0.0  0.1   2884   732 pts/0    R+   22:38   0:00 grep apache17:09
=== titon_ is now known as TitoN
mattlis this the right channel for Ubuntu-PPC?17:09
Tokaylais there nothing else?17:09
Tokaylalike www-data17:09
cruisemaniacTokayla: no nothing else17:09
Tokaylathen its not running17:09
TitoNwhich file contains the error log17:09
Tokaylathat line is you looking at the processes :P17:10
aoupicruisemaniac: the apache you see tehre is just the "grep apache" thing you entered ;)17:10
cruisemaniacTokayla: there's a separate entry for www-data17:10
cruisemaniacaoupi: right! ;-)17:10
Tokaylawww-data  3898  0.0  1.4  38212  6440 ?        S    Feb17   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start17:10
Tokaylalike that?17:10
kwajstaboi would like to install "pcb". ./configure shows "configure: error: Cannot find gtk+ >= 2.4.0, install it". What should i install then, synpatic package manager shows a lot of gtk+ files?17:11
cruisemaniacTokayla nope17:11
cruisemaniacnothing like that17:11
shishirm1how to install kde 4 on feisty17:11
Tokaylaapt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:12
Tokaylaor something similar17:12
takatskihey im having trouble installing gstream's ugly plugins17:12
ubotuKDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde417:12
bazhangCew27: what does dmesg | grep 3945 return? best to describe briefly instead of pasting here ;]17:12
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: type "which apache2"17:12
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: /usr/sbin/apache217:12
aoupicruisemaniac: /etc/init.d/apache2 start17:13
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: ok just checkin17:13
aoupicruisemaniac: with sudo17:13
Cew27detected the card and radio frequency kill switch is on17:13
prince_jammyshe did, says no result17:13
cruisemaniacaoupi: doesnt say anything... even with sudo17:13
aoupiprince_jammys: ah, missed that17:13
Cew27bazhang: detected the card and radio frequency kill switch is on17:13
TitoNanyone able to help me with my problem with my xubuntu keeps freezing17:13
aoupicruisemaniac: anything in the logs?17:13
cruisemaniacaoupi: where do i check for logs???17:14
takatskiim getting a msg that says        --> gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly:17:14
takatski Depends: libid3tag0 (>=0.15.1b) but it is not installable17:14
takatski Depends: libmad0 (>=0.15.1b) but it is not installable17:14
aoupicruisemaniac: /var/log/apache217:14
bazhangCew27: this is 32bit gutsy correct?17:14
aoupicruisemaniac: do you know how to use tail?17:14
Cew27bazhang: indeed17:14
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: try "grep localhost /etc/apache2/*"17:15
Lartza_what is the best ubuntu media player? rhythmbox doesn't play video and vlc doesn't support iPod17:15
adelie42is there a way to tell apt-get to install all suggested packages?17:15
phoenix24Which script/program runs when I click on the Poweroff button in the Gnome-Panel ?17:15
=== Borre`Eat is now known as Borre
cruisemaniacaoupi: the error log and access log are empty17:15
phoenix24Which script/program runs when I click on the Poweroff button in the Gnome-Panel ?17:15
aoupicruisemaniac: :(17:16
hawkeyeIch kann unter Gnome den Rechner nicht per Button runterfahren.17:16
aoupicruisemaniac: sudo apache2ctl start17:16
Lartza_phoenix24 | !repeat17:16
aoupicruisemaniac: hopefully that'll give you some output17:16
hawkeyeDas erscheint nur Hibernate und Suspend. Unter KDE geht es aber ohne PRobleme.17:16
=== Borre is now known as Borre`
aoupi!de | hawkeye17:16
ubotuhawkeye: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:16
Lartza_what is the best ubuntu media player? rhythmbox doesn't play video and vlc doesn't support iPod17:16
AndrewBhawkeye: detuch hilfe ins #ubuntu-de bitte17:16
hawkeyeWas muss ich da ändern?17:16
cruisemaniacaoupi: apache2: Syntax error on line 189 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory17:17
bazhangCew27: and iwlist scan returns what?17:17
Cew27Lartza_: use vkc fir video and amarok for music17:17
hawkeyetry amarok. ipod-Support!17:17
prince_jammyshawkeye: /join #ubuntu-de17:17
aoupicruisemaniac: there you go :)17:17
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: grep localhost /etc/apache2/* returns blank17:17
Lartza_but amarok doesnt play video17:17
cruisemaniacaoupi: what do i do now???17:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:17
aoupicruisemaniac: you edit your apache2.conf of course17:17
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:18
Lartza_i would like to have an all in one solution like iTunes in windows and mac17:18
aoupicruisemaniac: you'll probably see what's wrong, just scroll down and look around line 18917:18
Lartza_but no need of ipod sync, just playing from it17:18
Cew27bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56863/17:18
cruisemaniacaoupi: hold on... will get back in a min...17:18
aoupicruisemaniac: "sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf" or whatever editor you prefer17:18
hawkeyeno idea. What about kaffeine ? is there ipod-Support?17:18
Lartza_i don't know, i'll check17:19
Lartza_but does it need some kde libraries17:19
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: it seems to be configured wrong. i have a file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.  the entire contents of my file is the line "ServerName localhost", followed by a blank line.  but you should check a howto, unless aoupi knows17:19
aoupimy httpd.conf is empty ;)17:19
bazhanglshw -C network how about that Cew2717:19
prince_jammysbeats me sorry :)17:20
cruisemaniacprince_jammys, aoupi: i dont have a file /etc/apache2/ httpd.conf17:20
aoupicruisemaniac: did you check line 189? it's probably some include thing you can comment out17:20
Cew27do you want me to pastebin this text ?17:20
Lartza_no ipod support in kaffeine17:20
bazhangyes Cew2717:20
cruisemaniacaoupi: the line 189 is thus: Include /etc/apache2/httpd.conf17:20
PixelTricksany netflix users here ?17:20
aoupicruisemaniac: yea, either you comment it out with a # or sudo touch /etc/apache2/httpd.conf17:21
hawkeyemaybe. no problem at gnome, just aptitude install kaffeien. but im not sure about ipod-support. look@ http://kaffeine.kde.org/17:21
aoupicruisemaniac: but you understand why it doesn't start now?17:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)17:21
hawkeyesorry, no more ideas17:21
hawkeyexmms ?17:21
cruisemaniacaoupi: the file doesnt exist... and i guess its mandatory17:21
hawkeyeitunes by wine ?17:21
aoupicruisemaniac: yup, can't include something that doesn't exist17:21
bazhanghttp://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:IPod for iPod with amarok and gtkpod17:21
DaveEnglandbazhang: i have tryed with modprobe and seen, that the mods arent installed:S how can i inset a mod?17:21
Cew27bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56864/17:22
Lartza_hawkeye: iTunes with wine in 800mhz CPU...17:22
eth01itunes does work with wine.17:22
geokokHi all. I have a .srt file with greek subs. The problem is that while on windows i can read it on ubuntu i get strange symbols instead of greek letters. any clues\?17:22
aoupigeokok: what video player?17:22
hawkeyewhy r u looking for full multimdeia-suuport with 800MHz support ?17:23
geokokaoupi totem17:23
aoupigeokok: you probably have to set the character encoding in the preferences17:23
eth01but it runs better on crossover.17:23
bazhangCew27: does lshw -C network return only that?17:23
phoenixzHi there, I just installed kubuntu on an LG laptop, model LE50, radeon xpress200 chipset.. When I boot the laptop, I do not see the kubuntu startup screen with the kubuntu logo, instead the screen stays blank until the login screen.. Also, booting takes some 1 minute 45 seconds, which seems very much.. Anybody has an idea how I can fix and improve this? I already asked on the kubuntu channel but nobody knew there, and since ubuntu is pretty much the same,17:23
phoenixzI hope somebody here might know17:23
Cew27bazhang: yeh17:23
Lartza_hawkeye: whats worng with the CPU17:23
geokokaoupi the letters don' t show up correctly even in gedit!17:23
prince_jammysphoenixz: hold for link17:23
takatskiHey, i need some help with gstream's ugly plugins can anyone lend me a hand17:23
Cew27oh ait17:23
Abhishekhello, I had a problem while logging into my GNOME session. it lasts for only 10 seconds and then it quits17:23
aoupigeokok: yea, but did you try changing the character encoding in totem?17:23
phoenixzprince_jammys> sorry?17:24
cruisemaniacaoupi, prince_jammys what do i do now??? i did do the touch...17:24
cruisemaniacand it still wont run17:24
prince_jammysphoenixz: i'll give you a link17:24
Indiadev_Techie Abhishek: Hi Abhishek...17:24
Abhishekhi Indiadev_Techie17:24
prince_jammysphoenixz: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen17:24
aoupicruisemaniac: what does sudo apache2ctl start say now?17:24
Cew27bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56866/17:24
Indiadev_TechieAbhishek: new to ubuntu ???17:24
cruisemaniacaoupi: nothing!17:25
prince_jammysphoenixz: looks like thats your problem17:25
Abhishekusing it for a 3/4 months now17:25
geokokaoupi ...cant find that option in totem17:25
Abhishekit was all running good, then this happened17:25
bartonI am looking for documentation on using Wine with a native Windows partition.17:25
Indiadev_TechieAbhishek: gr8 yaar...17:25
aoupicruisemaniac: ps aux | grep apache still doesn't return anything but the grep?17:25
Lartza_well how i can play wmv files?17:25
PixelTricksHas anyone done a Maya install on Ubuntu ?17:25
bazhangCew27: well scanning the forums seems to return that if that card is not working, and the hardware kill switch is off, then it should work with the restricted drivers--that lshw command seems to be 'lshw' only with no arguments17:25
aoupigeokok: look harder ;)17:25
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: try restarting the server with the init.d command17:26
Indiadev_TechiePixelTricks: is ther a linux version of maya ???17:26
Lartza_well how i can play wmv files?17:26
arvindhey does ne one know who is the contibutor for AMD  side17:26
TurtleOfDoom!hi | takatski17:26
ubotutakatski: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:26
aoupigeokok: Edit -> Preferences  -> General -> Encoding17:26
cruisemaniacaoupi: now it lists a lot of lines with www-data stuff17:26
phoenixzprince_jammys> thanks, I'll take a look!17:26
aoupicruisemaniac: hooray17:26
DaveEnglandwhat is the command, to add a module with modprobe ??17:26
takatskilol thanks17:26
cruisemaniacaoupi: awesome! localhost opened up... thanks17:26
arvindhey does ne one know who is the contibutor for AMD  side????17:26
PixelTricksIndiadev_Techie - yes a native one, but its rpm, works great in redhat, but I can't get it to install in Ubuntu correctly17:26
aoupicruisemaniac: and it shows up with lsof -i :80?17:26
prince_jammysphoenixz: i think thats exactly what you need17:26
* jc_denton has a prob: i tried to format an usb-stick (fat16) with qtparted and it seems crashed17:26
takatskiim having some restricted plugin problems17:26
aoupicruisemaniac: great! (no need for lsof)17:26
geokokaoupi all i can find is subtitles--> none/auto/text0 which makes no difference. my guess is i am missing some fonts here17:27
cruisemaniacaoupi: lsof shows the open connections now...17:27
danand_DaveEngland - just sudo modprobe module_name17:27
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: and you did   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start ?17:27
jc_dentonhow do i find out if there is writing access to my usb stick17:27
aoupigeokok: in totems preferences?17:27
cruisemaniacaoupi: next question / problem.... when i open a php file in the browser, it asks me to download it17:27
Cew27bazhang: ok so what now17:27
danand_hub_ - we see you :)17:27
hub_ok :)17:27
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: apache2 issue resolved... the server is working now...17:27
aoupigeokok: I have Text Subtitles in the general tab17:27
Indiadev_TechiePixelTricks: i am a animator...was lukin for Maya's Linux version...Thanx bro... but can u gimme the linux version link...17:27
phoenix24how can I generate a gpgkey ?17:28
arvindhi hub17:28
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: your php has to go in /var/www for it to be parsed and executed on your end17:28
arvindwell does ne one here knw the site for ubuntu.in??17:28
PixelTrickshttp://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/qualcharts/Maya_Linux_2008.html -says ubuntu qualified, but I can't get to install17:28
arvindi mean indian ubuntu17:28
PixelTrickserr compatible17:28
aoupicruisemaniac: you need to install php, and enable it in your apache conf17:28
=== Abhishek is now known as figuringout
geokokaoupi i found it thanks a million!!!! but could u suggest a way to read them correctly in gedit as well?17:28
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: the phpfile is inside the /var/www folder. name: test.php, content <?php phpinfo(); ?>17:28
Indiadev_Techie arvind: ubuntu.in >> does it really exists..???17:28
hub_i have a problem some time, on the boot its calls like > bttv Err ?17:28
=== figuringout is now known as Abhishek
phoenix24arvind: www.ubuntu.in17:29
cruisemaniacaoupi: can u walk me thru this??? php is installed... php517:29
Abhishekhello, can someone help?17:29
bazhangCew27: the hardware kill switch is set to on or off? lshw seems also to be returning nothing for your hardware--just try it without any thing lshw and see if the card shows up there17:29
AbhishekGNOME crases after 10 seconds17:29
TurtleOfDoomphoenix24: http://www.madboa.com/geek/gpg-quickstart/ that was the first hit on google17:29
arvindwell tats wat am askin a site related to ubuntu development in india17:29
aoupigeokok: sorry, don't know about gedit :)17:29
Cew27bazhang: the switch is on17:29
aoupicruisemaniac: sure sure, but you can easily google it17:30
hub_Haves the latest Driver Problehms or Bugs ?17:30
geokokaoupi that's cool man thanks anyway17:30
bazhangCew27: and does lshw show the card at all? no need to paste just tell me ;]17:30
aoupicruisemaniac: hint: a2enmod17:30
cruisemaniacaoupi: how do i enable php in apache?17:30
arvindindiadev::::: well tats wat am askin a site related to ubuntu development in india17:30
aoupicruisemaniac: man a2enmod :)17:31
foushow do i disable cd source ?17:31
Indiadev_Techie Abhishek: go do a fresh install...:P17:31
phoenixzHow can I see what resolution and color depth X is using at the moment?17:31
Indiadev_Techiearvind: oh..i see..17:31
foushow do i install x17:31
bazhangfous open synaptic and disable it in the repos list17:31
arvinddo u knw it??17:31
cruisemaniacaoupi: thanks for the heads up!17:31
Indiadev_Techiearvind: wanna b part of ubuntu development..17:31
fousthrew command line17:31
danand_fous - comment out the line in /etc/apt/sources.list that starts with cdrom - just put a # in front of it17:31
arvindyeah kinda17:31
TurtleOfDoomfous: do you want gnome or kde also?17:31
Cew27bazhang: yes17:32
Indiadev_Techie arvind: wht ??17:32
arvindbut wanna ask them something too17:32
hw00djohnokay, i installed LMMS, set it up thru terminal, now i can only open it thru terminal...is there anyway to get a button in my applications menu?17:32
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: sudo a2enmod php5   and restart apache17:32
arvindindiadev:::i want to be a part of development17:32
Indiadev_Techie PixelTricks: i am a animator...was lukin for Maya's Linux version...Thanx bro... but can u gimme the linux version link...17:32
fousI love your name turtleof doom17:32
Indiadev_Techiearvind: wht ???17:32
foussorry i spelled it wrong17:32
bartonI have a Wine question.17:32
fousim sick and my typing is a little offf17:33
danand_fous - you'll need to run sudo apt-get update after commenting out that line to disable cdrom source17:33
TurtleOfDoomfous: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:33
Indiadev_Techiearvind: k...ths gr8...17:33
bazhangCew27: and your ethernet is eth1? that is really odd as well--should be eth017:33
arvindindiadev::would u jus tell the site...17:33
fousits that easy wow17:33
Indiadev_Techiearvind: ya that is http://www.ubuntu.in17:33
cruisemaniacaoupi, prince_jammys  i did the a2enmod and restarting apache, but it still asks me to download the php file... doesnt parse :(17:33
TurtleOfDoomfous: the first one just updates the list, all you have to do is install ubuntu-desktop17:34
MossopI'm running ubuntu in vmware fusion and the network manager seems to think the network is offline and as such some app's refuse to try to connect to the network. In fact it is online and I can ping things just fine. How do I correct this?17:34
takatskiActually i just resolved my problem, but now im having trouble with my sound17:34
aoupicruisemaniac: installed the php apache module?17:34
takatskiits very muffled17:34
arvindno tats nt the proper site17:34
sneedlyhello all17:34
shishirm1Indiadev_Techie: there is no such site17:34
cruisemaniacaoupi: yes17:34
fouswell in going to do apt-get upgrade17:34
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-719e91558dc00ee13c4549ae03444e7594a3d10b17:34
fousas well17:34
arvindshishirml:::do u knw the site??17:34
PixelTricksIndiadev_Techie: Maya includes the linux version in the package, but its rpm only and I can't get it to work with anything but redgat17:34
shishirm1arvind: nope even i am looking for i17:35
Indiadev_Techiearvind: shishirml: sorry its arvind: >>> in.org/wiki/Main_Page17:35
sneedlyis there a dirrence between setting up a static ip with ubuntu vs windows17:35
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danand_fous - make sure you run sudo apt-get update before you upgrade17:35
arvinduse alien Pixel17:35
fousu no about that pakg pptd something like that for vpn17:35
ethan961same, on iPhone so typing is just a little off...... :P17:35
fousi did17:35
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aoupicruisemaniac: no error in error.log?17:35
Cew27bazhang: how do i tell the ethernet is eth 117:35
shishirm1arvind: you wanna be a dev there?17:35
arvindthanks indiadv17:35
Indiadev_Techiearvind: shishirml: sorry its arvind: check this out >>> http://www.ubuntu-in.org17:36
arvindwell i want to be but on AMD side17:36
TurtleOfDoomCew27: as opposed to?17:36
hw00djohncan someone tell me how to get a button for LMMS in my applications menu?17:36
Led_Zeppelinhi all, how can I check what shares are avaliable on my Samba server?17:36
prince_jammyshw00djohn: are you now able to run it from command line?17:36
cruisemaniacaoupi: nope17:37
arvindr u a developer shishir??17:37
fouswhat is the alternative to openvpn?17:37
hw00djohnprince_jammys: yes17:37
bazhangCew27: I have to go away for a bit; will be back in a while--likely the other fine folks can help you while I am away17:37
Indiadev_Techiearvind: go checkout this channel to >>> #ubuntu-in17:37
aoupicruisemaniac: make sure libapache2-mod-php5 is installed, and check that php5 is in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled17:38
danand_Led_Zeppelin - the command smbstatus might help you out17:38
patrick_halp! installed steam via wine. steam is working fine, but after i launched a game e.g. tf2, it will show that startup vid, then just close it and return to desktop. somebody already told me to use the restriceted ati drivers, but i had to deactivate them again since it screwed up my resolution completely, my whole screen was streched vertically... so what can i do?17:38
cruisemaniacaoupi: installed17:38
Led_Zeppelindanand_, yep, thanks17:38
fousand for samba how do i config that17:39
aoupicruisemaniac: and php5 stuff is in mods-enabled?17:39
cruisemaniacaoupi: php5.load and php5.conf in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled17:39
arvindno one on tat IRC indiadev17:39
squarebracketpatrick_: was the resolution just set wrong?17:39
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aoupicruisemaniac: then I don't know, try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart again17:39
AbhishekHi guys, i was getting that logged out under 10 seconds error - don't know what to do - i'm using another instance of ubuntu on the same machine and hence have access to all the error files that you guys might need to look at. - don't know where to look though.17:40
prince_jammyshw00djohn: go to system->preferences->main menu and create a menu entry there.  click on an icon to select an icon .. in "command" type whatever command you ran to start it from command-line17:40
danand_Led_Zeppelin - the command smbstatus tells you which mahines etc are attached to where. smbtree will browse a network similar to network neighbourhood in windows17:40
Cew27bazhang: ok17:40
cruisemaniacaoupi: tried that... still not working :(17:40
prince_jammyshw00djohn: *click on the icon to select an icon17:40
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:40
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: did you check the stuff in the link?17:41
* genius will pay $ (paypal) for help. I need to enable external monitor on NV7400Go. Please go private.17:41
Led_Zeppelindanand_, just run smbstatus? thats all17:41
takatskiCan anyone help me with my sound problem?17:41
TrapperDaveI have a load of rules which file new e-mail messages in different folders in Evolution. Is there anyway I can still get a notification when I receive a new email no matter what folder it is in?17:41
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: everything is right according to the link... just that its not working... :(17:41
Cew27genius: i can try17:41
squarebracketgenius: try the restricted driver17:41
prince_jammysecho $(paypal) ...  nothing shows up17:41
danand_Led_Zeppelin - yeh - try it to see if its what your after17:41
Led_Zeppelindanand_, i get nothing back17:42
fousi have a question with vnc do I add the server on the box I want to control?17:42
pranith hello, which channel do i join for the developer week irc's?17:42
danand_Led_Zeppelin - are you trying to connect to a smb server? or see what shares are available17:43
Led_Zeppelindanand_, basically I am trying to connect to my NAS device. Its ip is I can connect to it using the GUI, but I want a CLI17:43
mrsnopranith #ubuntu-classroom17:43
Led_Zeppelindanand_, yes17:43
pranithmrsno, thank you17:43
DaveEnglandbazhang: why cant i add those modules? it doesnt work with insmod <- it gives an error: -l not alowed17:43
mrsnofyi pranith https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek080217:43
Led_Zeppelinsmbclient -L
cruisemaniacaoupi: anything else that could solve this issue???17:43
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: anything else u think might be done???17:44
danand_Led_Zeppelin - have you tried ssh?17:44
pranithmrsno, thanks again :)17:44
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: no, i'm stuck17:44
Led_Zeppelindanand_, lol. nmap does not show ssh running. Just smb17:44
aoupicruisemaniac: can't think of anything17:44
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: refresh the page? :)17:44
PixelTricksarvind - I tried , it doesn't work with maya install17:44
aoupicruisemaniac: ah yes, refresh might actualy help, browser cache can be evil17:44
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: tried across 3 browsers, cleared cache twice...17:44
arvindpixel::wats the error17:45
Led_Zeppelindanand_, got it working!17:45
fousso when I installed gnome desktop do I have to install x as well?17:45
danand_Led_Zeppelin - :) ok - some of them devices have ssh servers running. To connect to your share via the command line run smbmount //server_name/share mount_point17:45
k4m3l0tC'est bon!17:45
aoupicruisemaniac: if you download the php file, does it contain the output or the php source?17:46
TurtleOfDoomfous: no, gone depends on x17:46
danand_Led_Zeppelin - just looked up and got your last - cool :)17:46
geniusCew27, Please join #help-genius17:46
* TurtleOfDoom is making way too many typos today17:46
Desert_StormIf i want to dual boot gentoo and Ubuntu, Ubuntu on prim drive, and gentoo on sec drive, do i need to mess with jumpers?17:46
cruisemaniacaoupi: contains the source17:46
dieanotherdayhow do i install alienarena2007-20071011-linux.zip ?17:47
XorothalDesert_storm: no, just configure it in grub17:47
quaaldieanotherday, read the README and/or INSTALL17:47
XorothalDesert_storm: are you sure you want to use gentoo?17:47
Desert_StormDual boot with ubuntu17:47
Desert_StormSome said gentoo is faster17:47
wild_oscarcould anyone help me make an usb microphone built in a webcam work in sound recorder?17:47
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: tried both libapache2-mod-php4 and libapache2-mod-php5?17:47
Pici!grub | Desert_Storm17:47
ubotuDesert_Storm: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:48
wild_oscarand/or test it on another program to see if it is working?17:48
prince_jammysprince_jammys: aoupi  sorry if i am repeating things you guys have already tried17:48
TurtleOfDoomDesert_Storm: I would strongly disagree with the whole "faster" but it's up to you17:48
patrick_squarebracket: no i couldnt change it17:48
patrick_squarebracket, no matter wich resolution i tried, its ws still streched17:48
NigelSTurtleOfDoom: well you know, it's important to have a -O3 ls ;)17:49
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: libapache2-mod-php4 is notthere on the system....17:49
takatskican someone help me with my audio problem17:49
DaveEnglanddoes anybody else know, how could i install my digitus wirelles card?17:49
TurtleOfDoomNigelS: I prefer it when ls doesn't segfault17:49
danand_Desert_Storm - grub will allow you to choose which OS you boot when you first turn the computer on. As for jumpers - if you have a secondary disk attached to the _same_ cable as the first - you need to set the first drive as the master and the second as the slave. else just set to "cable select" on both17:49
foushow do i start the desktop17:49
danand_fous - startx17:50
XorothalDesert_storm: I'm not trying to be annoying or n00b-bashing, but I would seriously consider switching to an easier distro that gentoo if you don't know what grub is yet17:50
fousi have to install xinit17:50
fousthats whats it telling me17:50
TurtleOfDoomfous: well rebooting *should* do it, so should startx17:50
NigelSTurtleOfDoom: pfft, gentooanistas laugh in the face of segfaults17:50
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: what php version do you have installed?17:50
fousdid that17:50
foushold up let me to an update17:50
danand_fous - else try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start17:50
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: php517:50
xrestassuredxi don't think ubuntu is using the proper drivers for my graphics card, can anyone tell me how to check this?17:50
Cew27doe anyone know why my wireless card doesnt appear to be switched on17:51
Xorothal<xrestassuredx>: WHat graphics card do you have17:51
phanatichi guys17:51
magnetron!tab | Xorothal17:51
ubotuXorothal: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:51
foushold up let me to an update17:51
jamiejacksonsynaptic's search doesn't seem to be very robust. i'd like to search for "ms project", but it doesn't seem to accept phrases. how would i do that?17:51
fousooops its telling me17:51
phanaticI started up ubuntu live for the first time and my LCD monitor has 'Not Optimum Mode' 1280x1024 60hz' - what's going on?17:51
fouscommand not found17:52
Cromaggah, sorry..17:52
phanaticI plug it into my vista machine and all works perfectly, why can't everything be like vista?17:52
xrestassuredxXorothal: from lspci: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)17:52
prince_jammyscruisemaniac: i don't know. if you have libapache2-mod-php5 supposedly this shouldn't be happening. stuck17:52
sneedlyhow do I set up a static ip address that works17:52
Xorothalxrestassuredx: sorry, no idea17:52
cruisemaniacprince_jammys: ideally, yes...as you say.... but then... damn!17:52
fousstart x is not installed17:52
IdleOnephanatic, thank the all mighty super beings that everything is not like vista17:52
danand_jamiejackson - apt-cache pkgnames | grep project - don't think you'll find Microsoft sofware in there though!!17:53
cliebow sneedly..use network tool..or edit /etc/network/interfaces manually17:53
prince_jammysi think the best way to get everything to be like vista is to install vista17:53
danand_jamiejackson - and good job too :))17:53
phanaticidleone: I've not had one problem with it yet :)17:53
fouswhats ur take on vista?17:53
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents17:53
IdleOnephanatic, then continus to use it if it suits you17:53
jamiejacksonthanks danand_17:53
phanatichow can i get my monitor to work when starting ubuntu for the first time?17:53
danand_jamiejackson - np17:53
phanaticit's not a very good start17:54
magnetron!vista > fous   (read message from ubotu)17:54
fouso ok17:54
sneedlycliebow: is there a write up any where to follow to do this17:54
IdleOne!fixres | phanatic17:54
Kitar|sthttp://wiresmash.com/how-to/how-to-play-world-of-warcraft-online-for-free/ it works lol17:54
ubotuphanatic: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:54
phanatichow can I type anything when nothing comes up on my monitor?17:54
cliebow sneedly..probably..but an example might help?17:54
jamiejacksoni'm looking for a linux app that will alllow me to view ms project files, that's why i'd like to search package descriptions for "ms project"17:54
phanaticit's like saying Press F1 when the keyboard wont be recognised17:55
ubuntuHey, I'm about to install Ubuntu and want to ensure the bootloader goes on /dev/sda's MBR, but the selector only says "(hd0)", how do I know what this refers to?17:55
TurtleOfDoomphanatic: control-alt-f2 shoudl give you a working command prompt17:55
danand_phanatic - hard time to do that. try using ssh to get into your box with the problems.17:55
phanatici get lines down my screen as if the resolution is too high17:55
jamiejacksondanand_: is there a way to search descriptions?17:56
TurtleOfDoomdanand_: he's using the livecd17:56
Cew27can anyone help me with my intel wireless card i have the driver but it aint working please17:56
Xorothalubuntu: it's grub notation -- (hd0) is /dev/sda17:56
phanaticso, again, vista to the rescue eh? i have to ssh it from my vista machine17:56
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:56
phanatici'd prefer to let the baby do the walking by itself without any help from any other os17:56
PriceChildubuntu, the 0 in hd0, means the first drive. the a in sda means teh first drive17:56
ubuntuXorothal: are you sure? Ubuntu lists /dev/hdb first in the list17:56
IdleOnectrl-alt-F1 to get to a TTY ctrl-alt-F7 to return to GUI phanatic17:57
TurtleOfDoomphanatic: when you get the prompt to boot at the start, you can slect the correct resolution17:57
Xorothalubuntu: Princechild is right17:57
ryakufoxDoes anyone here know anything about ATI video cards, and direct rendering?17:57
=== ubuntu is now known as Raeth
phanaticok IdleOne17:57
danand_jamiejackson - apt-cache search may help you out ie apt-cache search ssh | grep server should bring up openssh-server17:57
phanaticheres my words of what I think it is17:57
sneedlycliebow: yeah, I am just getting back into computers after being a windowser for years.  Finally got tired of my machine not working.17:57
phanaticthe resolution 1280x1024 is too high for ubuntu at present without it installing my nvidia drivers for me17:58
phanaticIt's just a flashing screen with lines down everywhere saying where my monitor is stating: "Not Optiumum mode"17:58
* jamiejackson needs to get more familiar with apt-cache17:58
shipclar Okay, doing some testing with WPA2/8021X and machine authentication.  My client is a  linux laptop.  The Wireless administrator has set up the system so that the system needs to do machine authentication to get into the proper role to do user authentication at which point the user gets a secure connection17:59
shipclar Any idea how I would get this to work in Linux.  I already have my machine registered in Active directory17:59
cliebowphanatic, cant you ctrl-alt-f2 and get a tty?17:59
Alex_LoganMy computer really hate Live CD. I've try to use ubuntu 7.10 Live cd and my computer locks up with a black screen17:59
shipclarjoin #wpa_supplicant17:59
danand_jamiejackson - man apt-cache and read ... and read .... and read .... :)17:59
phanatichold on clie18:00
=== shipclar is now known as plagerism
phanaticit changes something on the monitor but its all gray with black lines going down18:00
chazcoDoes anyone know how to get documents to render as they do under Windows? I'm using Textmaker - which when on a Windows system renders identically to Word - but running the native Linux version results in massive spacing differences when msttcorefonts is installed. If i remove them it gets better, but not perfect.18:00
ltoroHi, can anyone help me: I have to rebuild my Desktop and I'd like save my emails and contact list? Thanks forward.18:00
xrestassuredxanyone in here have experience running WoW on wine? it's really the only remaining thing i can't use ubuntu for..18:00
Alex_Loganany way around that problem.18:00
cliebowsneedly:here is a piece of mine..18:00
cliebowiface eth1 inet static18:00
cliebowauto eth118:00
FloodBot3cliebow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:00
TurtleOfDoomphanatic: reboot and at the boot prompt select the correct resolution18:01
takatskiI';m having a sound problem can anyone lend a hand?18:01
phanatici'll try that18:01
phanaticgive me a second18:01
phanaticnot to mention booting up live ubuntu takes 10 years18:01
phanaticdo i want to 'Start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode" ?18:01
secleinteerhi, does anyone know if it's possible to rip the flash video from thedailyshow.com in ubuntu? i don't see the video file in /tmp like i do on youtube18:02
phanaticF4 - VGA18:02
ryakufoxCan someone please help me with ATI issues having to do with direct rendering and desktop effects? I use an ATI x1600pro and I can't figure it out x.x18:02
Raethryakufox: ask away18:03
lollohow can i unamonut a volume ? ? ? ?18:03
Cew27lollo: right click and unmount18:03
stercorDoes Ubuntu have a time-out screen saver that requires entering a password to gain access to the screen?18:03
Cew27stercor: yes it does18:03
TurtleOfDoomlollo: man unmount?18:04
ryakufoxRaeth: Well, I've just installed ubuntu this morning, actually. Third time, becauseof this issue. I enable the restricted module on my ATI, but it still refuses to allow desktop effects, even after a restart. Though, looking it up before, it tells me to install XGL over XOrg, but as soon as I do that it disables direct rendering so none of my games can run.18:04
=== phanatic is now known as phanatik
prince_jammysstercor: System->Preferences->Screen Saver18:04
=== phanatik is now known as cadefy
lollouhm yes, i've created a folder in /media and now i wanna delete it18:04
Raethryakufox: the regular Desktop effects won't work with AMD's proprietary drivers18:04
lolloin this folder there were all the files of an iso file18:05
jay-oh-enlollo, rm -r /media/folder you want to delete18:05
Raethryakufox: Xgl is an alternative X server you need to install... do you at least get desktop effects with Xgl?18:05
lollowhy -r ?18:05
EO3lfpoFiHi ppl18:05
prince_jammyslollo: first unmount, then do what jay-oh-en said .. -r because it's a dir18:05
wild_oscarcould anyone help me make an usb microphone built in a webcam work in sound recorder?18:05
Xorothallollo: recursive18:05
=== EO3lfpoFi is now known as deko
ryakufoxRaeth: Yes, I do, when I install Xgl, though it disables my direct rendering. Is there a way to get both?18:05
stercorprince_jammys: Thanks!  It's really a snap.18:05
Raethryakufox: I don't think so, due to the nature of Xgl18:06
dekoAnyone managed to get 7.10 running on a sun blade 200018:06
jay-oh-enprince_jammys, thanks lol i was almost finished typing when you said that too18:06
wild_oscarcould anyone help me make an usb microphone built in a webcam work in sound recorder?18:06
TurtleOfDoomlollo: -r deletes everthing in the folder too18:06
wild_oscarit works in skype, but not in sound recorder18:06
dekoi keep getting no screens found for GDM18:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crypting - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:06
prince_jammyslollo: depending on ownership, sudo may be necessary18:06
Raethryakufox: If you want to use ATI's fglrx drivers, I think you'll have to forgoe the desktop effects18:06
Rei-chanAsterisk from source on Ubuntu 7.10 - termcap support is missing. Has anyone succesfully built asterisk from source?18:06
Raethryakufox: have you tried the default radeon drivers that Ubuntu uses?18:06
ryakufoxRaeth: The defaults? Not yet, should I?18:07
goodhabitAdvice me please applications for mail cryptography.18:07
brohkendoes anyone have enlightenment working with ubnutu?18:07
Raethryakufox: I have a Radeon X850 XT and they run Nexuiz, Blender etc fine, and you get desktop effects18:07
TurtleOfDoomwell the "proper" way to remove a directory is "rmdir"18:07
ejergoodhabit: enigmail18:07
WorkingOnWiseis there a way to embed web stuff (pages, widgets, etc) right on the desktop, ala Active Desktop in Windows 98/2k?18:07
=== BigDaddy1 is now known as dibz
dekoi am using the sun PGX64 card and the gdm logs shows a error18:07
ryakufoxRaeth: How would I go about changing. Screen and Graphics, and Just radeon, without the FGLRX?18:07
goodhabitejer, enigmail is for thunderbird, I need gnome-integrated one, like kgpg @ kde.18:08
Raethryakufox: I'm not sure, try unticking the fglrx drivers in that dialog18:08
brohkendoes anyone have enlightenment working with ubnutu?18:08
lollook, now ... what's the right string to mount an iso file in a specified folder ?18:08
ejergoodhabit: look at docs of mail client you are using... kgpg is a standalone app18:08
RaethTime to restart18:08
prince_jammys!iso | lollo18:08
wild_oscaror is there a good alternative to sound recorder?18:08
ubotulollo: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:08
dekoi have tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376894 to no avail18:09
Cew27i need help please please someone help a 18year old girl with a new computer !18:09
lollowhat does -o mean ?18:09
dekoand its beginning to drive me nuts.18:09
ryakufoxRaeth: There's no real checkboxes or such. It's a list. Radeon, fbdev, fglrx, and vesa.18:09
Cew27oh well worth a try lol18:09
prince_jammyslollo: don't know. do "man mount" to see :)18:09
WorkingOnWiseCew27: !ask18:09
TurtleOfDoomlollo: man mount18:09
danand_brohken - check out www.ebuntu.org/18:09
geniusCew27: hello world18:09
TelnetMantaanyone know a good utility to configure bluetooth on Gutsy??18:10
WorkingOnWiseis ubotu broke?18:10
brohkendanand_: thanks but is there an english site?18:10
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:10
prince_jammysno, this is his part time job18:10
brohkenoh there it is18:10
releodHow do I remotely renew my DHCP lease?18:10
releod(via SSH)18:10
PriceChildreleod, sudo dhclient18:11
kwajstaboi would like to install "pcb". ./configure shows "configure: error: Cannot find gtk+ >= 2.4.0, install it". What should i install then, synpatic package manager shows a lot of gtk+ files?18:11
ejerreleod: /etc/init.d/networking restart18:11
leeping2008Hi there, I'm getting MCE machine events.  The error messages I'm getting are: bit32 = err cpu0 and bit46 = corrected ecc error.  Are these errors severe enough to bring down a machine occasionally?  I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with the dead nodes in my beowulf cluster...18:11
=== BigDaddy1 is now known as the_horrible
TurtleOfDoomreleod: very carefully?18:12
cadefyrebooting in safe graphics mode worked :)18:12
cadefypitty I dont have a mouse LOL18:12
danand_brohken - there are tabs at the top of that site for french, german, english ... just click the tab!18:12
leeping2008Or, alternatively, are there channels for hardware support?18:12
OutlawZ_UTzoneist auch wer da der deutsch kann?18:12
cadefyif I plug in my Logitech into USB will ubuntu automatically pick it up18:12
ukhkwajstabo: "sudo apt-get build-dep pcb" maybe helps?18:12
releodThanks PriceChild and ejer - worked18:12
amidanielDoes anyone perchance know of an "easy" way to generate MIPS assembly from C code? That is, without rebuilding gcc as a cross-compiler18:12
danand_cadefy - logitech what? mouse, keyboard, camera??18:13
cadefyKeyboard and mouse18:14
TurtleOfDoomahh mips assembly that brings back fond memories, I still have my massivly overpriced textbook18:14
cadefymouse plugs into the keyboard18:14
cadefyvista picks it up18:14
cadefyif ubutuntu is superiour it should too shouldnt it?18:14
Boglizk_cadefy: Yeah.. it should pick it up18:14
FP76w51vCGuys i need some help with getting gdm running on sparc blade 2000 with a pgx64 card18:14
cadefybrb then18:14
ejercadefy: try unplugging wait a sec then replug18:14
=== FP76w51vC is now known as deko
cadefywell at the moment some PS2 keyboard is in there no mouse18:14
cadefyill unplug this kb and mouse to see, brb18:15
ejercadefy: type dmesg in terminal after plugging to see errors or success18:15
xrestassuredxCew27: what's the wireless card?18:15
Solethow can i find a list of the wifi modules that are available straight off the ubuntu liveCD?18:15
cadefyso i uh18:15
Cew27xrestassuredx: intel 294518:15
cadefyproved my self wrong18:15
cadefyworked instantly18:16
cadefyand i said18:16
cadefyi guarantee it wont work :P18:16
FloodBot3cadefy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
jayhi everyone18:16
magnetronamidaniel: so basically you are looking for a free MIPS compiler that's not GCC?18:16
mskhi..i have installed VLC media player in ubuntu 7.10 ..but sometimes it just shuts off when i try to select a file..whats the reason for this..18:16
Cew27xrestassuredx: sorry its an intel 3945abg18:16
wsukidi need help everytime i play urban terror about 10 minutes into it my scree goes from full to partial what do i need to do to fix that?18:16
LjL!de | OutlawZ_UTzone18:16
ubotuOutlawZ_UTzone: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:16
amidanielmagnetron: Yes, well a C compiler that will compile to native MIPS assembly18:16
prince_jammys!wifi | Solet:not sure if this is what you want18:17
ubotuSolet:not sure if this is what you want: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:17
danand_Solet - type modprobe -l | grep wireless in a terminal18:17
xrestassuredxCew27: does your card show up both in lspci and iwconfig?18:17
amidanielmagnetron: GCC would be fine, but unfortunately in order to get it to work I'd have to rebuild it with MIPS architecture support and a lot of other painstaking work18:17
TurtleOfDoomamidaniel: building gcc as a cross compiler might be your best option18:17
danand_prince_jammys - do you remember the command for the hardware info from the bot re Solet ??18:18
mskhi..i have installed VLC media player in ubuntu 7.10 ..but sometimes it just shuts off when i try to select a file..whats the reason for this..18:18
dekoanyone able to help me with a GDM startup issue on a sparc blade 2000 using a PGX64 GFX card ?18:18
amidanielTurtleOfDoom: Yeah, I'm afraid of that :)18:18
TurtleOfDoomamidaniel: well, it's not really a common request18:18
amidanielTrue :)18:18
prince_jammysdanand_: i directed him to wifi , the other is !hardware18:18
RaethFor future reference, (hd0) links to hdb, not sda18:18
TurtleOfDoomamidaniel: may i ask why you want it?18:18
ejerdeko: you may find info in /var/log/Xorg.log18:18
danand_prince_jammys - k18:18
cadefyif I want to use my PS2 mouse18:18
cadefydoes it require a restart?18:18
Cew27xrestassuredx: hold on18:18
danand_!hardware | Solet18:18
ubotuSolet: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:18
ejercadefy: should not18:19
magnetron!enter | cadefy18:19
ubotucadefy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:19
Cew27xrestassuredx: no18:19
lollouhm ... i tried to mount but it says ... impossible to find  /media/DvDiso in /etc/fstab o /etc/mtab18:19
Cew27xrestassuredx: only lspci18:19
mskhi..i have installed VLC media player in ubuntu 7.10 ..but sometimes it just shuts off when i try to select a file..whats the reason for this..18:19
=== dibz is now known as mohadib
amidanielTurtleOfDoom: Educational purposes. Currently studying the MIPS architecture18:19
ejer.join #ubuntubots18:19
TurtleOfDoomamidaniel: ah18:20
prince_jammyslollo: what command did you use to mount it?18:20
takatskiis there anyway i could get some help wiht my sound please, im new and my sound is very muffled18:20
xrestassuredxCew27: did you download the driver package from dell already?18:20
cadefyi knew it18:20
iwkseis packages.ubuntu.com dead?18:20
cadefyhave to restart18:20
lollosudo mount -o /home/lollo/Desktop/Cart/Tell/beginner.000 /media/DvDiso18:20
wsukidI'm having a problem with my screen when playing games can anyone help/18:20
cadefyDAMN the 10minute livecd wait18:20
Cew27xrestassuredx: no it was in restricted18:20
deko i get in my logs (II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa18:20
deko(EE) No devices detected.18:20
dekoFatal server error:18:20
dekono screens found18:20
mskhi..i have installed VLC media player in ubuntu 7.10 ..but sometimes it just shuts off when i try to select a file..whats the reason for this..18:20
prince_jammyslollo: missing "loop18:21
prince_jammys!iso > lollo18:21
BdeVsomeone dutch who can help with the install of ubuntu ?18:21
ejermsk: possibly corrupt file18:21
xrestassuredxCew27: restricted? try http://ftp.us.dell.com/newtork/R164255.exe18:21
xrestassuredxCew27: save that file to a clean directory, and unzip it18:22
danand_!nl | BdeV18:22
ubotuBdeV: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:22
cadefywhile in the GUI ubuntu, how can I shut down the system using my keyboard (without the windows logo) ??18:22
lolloyeeeee thx ;););)18:22
BdeVubotu: a dankje18:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about a dankje - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:22
prince_jammyslollo: good18:22
ejercadefy: ctrl-alt-f1 then ctrl-alt-del18:22
danand_cadefy - sudo shutdown -h now18:22
cadefythanks :)18:22
cadefyhehe or that18:22
cadefythanks anyway18:22
mskejer:no..i don't think so...when i restart VLC...it is able to play the file which was the reason for its Crash.18:23
white_eaglecadefy: sudo reboot -h now18:23
white_eagleworks for restarting18:23
RaethPriceChild: hd0 refers to what Ubuntu's installer lists first, you might want to remember that18:23
dekoanyone ... gdm no starting on sun blade 2000 using a pgx64 card18:23
TurtleOfDoomamidaniel: http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/Toolchains18:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:23
cadefyejer was first :P, was easier than spending 2 seconds of my life typing it :P haha18:23
ejermsk: try starting it from a command line so you can see errors18:23
white_eaglewhat was gdm deko I forgot18:23
JakkuDead1hey guys - absoloute newbie to ubuntu here. i just booted it, all went fine(cept 2 "buffer I/O" errors, oh and i couldnt get my network set up, so im on windows atm), I went to install and it went through the scanning drives, but when it got to the bit where it was supposed to list the partitions nothing was there. I loaded up Gparter, which took forever and eventually said "no drives found". Anyone have any suggestions?18:23
lollouhm there's not a graphic interface ( like daemon for windows ) to mount specified volumes ?18:23
PriceChildRaeth, refers to grub's view of what is first. You might want to remember that.18:23
amidanielTurtleOfDoom: Ah! Awesome, thank you :) Let me see if I can get any of those to work18:24
white_eagleJakkuDead1: are you using some kind of encryption on the drive?18:24
mskejer:can u tell me...how to start it from command line.18:24
RaethPriceChild: So I can't in fact, tell Ubuntu to install in /dev/sda18:24
JakkuDead1white_eagle: I have no idea, any way I can check?18:24
dekothe graphical desktop tingy white_eagle18:24
XorothalJakkuDead1: are you using SATA?18:24
PriceChildRaeth, pardon?18:24
Cew27xrestassuredx: thats an exe18:24
white_eagleJakkuDead1: yeah, sata?18:24
RaethPriceChild: Nevermind18:24
ejermsk: applications>accessories>terminal; type vlc nameofyourfile.avi18:24
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:24
leeping2008Hi there, I'm trying to network three computers together in a point to point VPN.  I currently have a running point to point VPN up between two computers; is it hard to add the third??18:24
PriceChildRaeth, no please explain.18:24
JakkuDead1Xorothal: what? i should've mentioned im a bit braindead when it comes to computers too.18:24
PriceChildjay-oh-en, what was that for18:24
=== emgent`work is now known as emgent
jay-oh-enPriceChild, for me18:25
JakkuDead1its an NTSF hard-drive if thats what you mean18:25
lollouhm there's not a graphic interface ( like daemon for windows ) to mount specified volumes ?18:25
chris_baconis there a program similar to utorrent for linux?18:25
JakkuDead1NSTF, whatever ><18:25
cadefymore like18:25
Yegarhi all18:25
white_eagleJakkuDead1: did you partition the drive?18:25
RaethPriceChild: I want to force Ubuntu to install on the MBR, but by default it installs on a secondary IDE drive for some reason18:25
wsukidcan anyone help me with a screen problem whe playing games18:25
ejerchris_bacon: it is built-in to gnome18:25
dekobitcomet for linux i think18:25
xrestassuredxCew27: i know. save it to a clean (empty) diretory, then run « unzip R164255.exe »18:25
JakkuDead1white_eagle: thats what it can't do. when it goes to partition it doesnt list any drives.18:25
chris_baconthanks deko18:25
PriceChildRaeth, well then just specify the correct drive with grub-install?18:25
white_eagle!ext3 | JakkuDead118:25
ubotuJakkuDead1: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org18:25
FireHawkAnyone know where I could go to get info on solving my sound problem? I'm in 7.10 and all my sound completely died.18:26
JakkuDead1aha, ill check this out.18:26
xrestassuredxCew27: it will decompress the files in the .exe, and you should be able to find the .inf you need18:26
RaethPriceChild: If I wanted to pass CLI commands, I'd choose a different distro18:26
mervynany one there18:26
ejerFireHawk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting18:26
white_eagleJakkuDead1: try partition (diving) the drive from windows using an app specialised for that18:26
PriceChildRaeth, i thought you meant you had already done it and want to fix it18:26
white_eagleto parition *** JakkuDead118:26
XorothalJakkuDead1: which version of ubuntu are you trying to boot?18:26
PriceChildRaeth, at the end of the installer you can click something like "advanced" to change the drive grub is installed to.18:26
demon_sporkin firefox, with certain gtk themes, the input boxes have black text and a black bachground. I fixed this problem before, but I don't remember how. Can someone point me in the right direction18:27
JakkuDead1Xorothal: the latest one AFAIK, it was a disk off my mate.18:27
RaethPriceChild: Yeah, I could change hd0 to hd1, but it's not very clear18:27
jeffMASTERflexdemon_spork: if you use firefox 3, it will use your native gtk themes and shouldn't have that problem. you would be giving up most of your extensions though18:28
Cew27xrestassuredx: didnt work18:28
RaethPriceChild: For instance, when installing Ubuntu, how do I know what drive "hd0" refers to?18:28
danand_JakkuDead1 - can you type lshw in a terminal - this should list all the hardware your system has. See if your disks are there.18:28
YegarI hope this is an easy one, I've been using Ubuntu since 6.04 and every release has recognized my ethernet connection right off. I just installed 7.10, I see the card as installed but the network manager icon at the top right of the screen shows the animation for connecting to a network then the icon for no connection, they cycles again. My network cards lights are not coming on. I have tried different ports on the router as well 18:28
rraajjHey all, I've got a question. What was the default kernel version Gutsy shipped with?18:28
prince_jammys!helpme > cpuconartist18:28
cpuconartistcould someone give me some tips and pointers on how to hack using ubuntu?18:28
danand_JakkuDead1 - make that lshw | less18:28
JakkuDead1danand_: i'll try that later. I'm not currently on linux atm, I haven't set the internet up on it yet(damn wireless)18:28
jay-oh-enif my windows is on a sata would it be on (sd0,0)? how would i make grub boot windows18:28
Cpudan80cpuconartist: ....?18:28
prince_jammyscpuconartist: hack as in crack? not here18:29
danand_JakkuDead1 - oh the joys of wireless networking ... :)18:29
XorothalJakkuDead1: what wireless card do you have?18:29
cpuconartisthack as in hack18:29
Cpudan80cpuconartist: Make a program in C -- 1 line while(1){ fork(); } -- run that on your system :-)18:29
JakkuDead1Xorothal: its a belkin PCI thing, not too sure on the specifics.18:29
cpuconartisti heard the crakers were the bad guys18:29
prince_jammyscpuconartist: hack as in program? what language18:29
_btYegar: in a terminal, type     lspci | grep Ethernet18:29
Cpudan80cpuconartist: You cant seriously expect us to help you hack....18:29
XorothalJakkuDead1: I had one of them... be prepared for a lot of cursing and it cutting out every ~30 mins18:29
Raeth"Bad" depends on your point of view :)18:30
ejercpuconartist: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ubuntuhks/18:30
JakkuDead1Xorothal: yeah, i have that on XP :/18:30
xrestassuredxCew27: what happened when you ran the unzip command?18:30
cpuconartistwell i heard that  a c compiler comes with ubuntu18:30
demon_sporkjeffMASTERflex, I am actually trying to fix the problem in firefox 3 :(18:30
madsporkmurdererI'm looking at building a system with 4 monitors (although it doesn't matter if 2 are closes of each other). The motherboards I'm looking at are SLI ones- however they say that in normal mode there is access to the first PCI-E at 16x but in sli mode there is access to both at 8x each. Does this mean that it impossible to have 2 graphics cards operating independantly? and if so do motherboards exist that will take tw18:30
madsporkmurderero graphics cards operating independantly?18:30
cpuconartistbut i dont know any programming language18:30
prince_jammys!compile > cpuconartist18:30
white_eagle09:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)18:30
jeffMASTERflexdemon_spork: doh! sorry18:30
cpuconartistjust a lil html18:30
white_eagle09:04.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01)18:30
Yegar_bt I see the card in there18:30
white_eaglesorry guys18:30
white_eaglethis wasn't meant in here18:30
FloodBot3white_eagle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:30
_btYegar: what card is it?18:30
* white_eagle yawns18:31
wild_oscardoes anyone know how sound recorder works?18:31
JakkuDead1white_eagle: I tried to install, but it gave me an I/O error :S18:31
_btYegar: model?18:31
danand_cpuconartist - hack == program, solve problems. Crack == break into other peoples stuff, script kiddie, smoke some18:31
gorbierdsuggest me please where ubuntu-desktop depended settens are saved?18:31
Yegarit is an onboard on a gateway mx612318:31
white_eagleJakkuDead1: 32 bit version?18:31
leeping2008Where can I get help on how to set up a VPN?18:31
echosAnyone know of descent way to work with a USB HID Swipe Reader that isn't emulating a keyboard?18:31
ejergorbierd: /home18:31
JakkuDead132 bit version of what?18:31
JakkuDead1ext2 only has one version18:32
Yegarhmm model, maybe 88e8036?18:32
ejergorbierd: /home/youruser actually18:32
white_eagleJakkuDead1: 32bit version of ubuntu18:32
_btYegar: does the output of the command not give you the exact model18:32
white_eagle!architecture | JakkuDead118:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about architecture - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:32
cadefyubuntu just picked up the network instantly18:32
white_eagleJakkuDead1: what processor do you have?18:32
JakkuDead1oh ya, um. I think it is. It's the standard PC one.18:32
cadefyi had false hope in it doing that18:32
Yegarits pretty specific, but no model number that sticks out18:32
JakkuDead1sorry im really vague on details :P18:32
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD18:32
QuickGoldCan someone recommend a good HowTo for installing Ubuntu on a server with RAID?18:32
demon_sporkin firefox, with certain gtk themes, the input boxes have black text and a black bachground. I fixed this problem before, but I don't remember how. Can someone point me in the right direction. Firefox 3.0, neutronium gilouche theme18:33
gorbierdno no, I mean confifuration files and etc, I just change ubuntu-desktop to kubuntu-desktop and have some problems18:33
JakkuDead1Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)18:33
JakkuDead1that one white_eagle. 7.1018:33
white_eagleok JakkuDead1 than, what about the suggestion I gave to you to partition the drive from windos18:33
QuickGoldCan someone recommend a good HowTo for installing Ubuntu on a server with RAID?18:33
danand_JakkuDead1 - thats the problem with dual booting and errors of this kind ;) - no way to test, get info on your gnu/linux system!18:34
Yegarits acting almost like the card isn't enabled18:34
miguel_alguien me puede decir algun programa para ubuntu 32 bits con el que bajar musica18:34
demon_spork!es | miguel18:34
ubotumiguel: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:34
cadefylol miguel_18:34
wild_oscarmiguel_: amule18:34
JakkuDead1white_eagle: hmm, but if it can't recognise any devices won't it not see it?18:34
JakkuDead1danand_: hmm I think im gonna look up setting up my wireless, then come on IRC from there. It'll be easier.18:35
white_eagleJakkuDead1: so... gparted doesn't list the drive?18:35
JakkuDead1nope white_eagle18:35
tomd123is there such thing as a minimal ubuntu installation? only installs drivers and synaptic package manager?18:36
danand_JakkuDead1 - agreed. unless you can borrow another laptop off of someone?18:36
danceifyoucannotwhat is the use of opengl?18:36
white_eagleJakkuDead1: I'll google it, if I find something I'll let you know18:36
oompa_loompahow can I install qtpasswd on gutsy?18:36
JakkuDead1its a MAXTOR 4K04H2(the hard-drive)18:36
prince_jammys!minimal > tomd12318:36
Xorothaloompa_loompa: sudo apt-get remove qtpasswd18:36
JakkuDead1danand_: no laptops in this house, I've been reading forums from my Wii trying to find info :P18:36
tomd123danceifyoucannot: opengl is used to create graphics, handles all the 3d and rendering if you use it18:37
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: usually in games or 3D software which wants it: like Celestia, Stellarium, GOogle Earth..18:37
ejertomd123: there is a server package which basically leaves out graphics and other stuff18:37
JakkuDead1anyone who has wii internet will know how annoying it is to navigate.18:37
oompa_loompais not on the repositories and that is to remove it, Im trying to add it18:37
cadefyhow do I rename the stupid american 'Trash can' name to 'Garbage bin'18:37
cadefyor something more un americanized?18:37
danand_JakkuDead1 - are the drives sata or pata?18:37
prince_jammysno trolling18:37
JakkuDead1danand_: I'm not sure how to find that out. I know its NTFS and thats about it.18:37
danceifyoucannottomd123 white_eagle i getting an error i think i have open gl kde what is the ename for open gl gnome18:38
tomd123cadefy, lol can you be any more british :P18:38
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: what graphics card do you have?18:38
cadefyactually, aus18:38
danand_JakkuDead1 - how old is the machine your using?18:38
cadefyso is there a way?18:38
Yegarwhen I run sudo dsmg it returns link is up... then link is down back and forth over and over18:38
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle 8500gt18:38
tomd123cadefy, dunno will do a quick google18:38
cadefyi tried18:38
JakkuDead1haha danand_ I'd say... about 3 years, maybe 2.18:38
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: do you have the latest drivers?18:38
cadefyall i got was 'trash icon wont change' etc18:39
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle yes18:39
JakkuDead1our family seems to pass computers down through the generation.18:39
demon_sporkhow would I go about making a copy of the entire Ubuntu repository on an external hard drive?18:39
MerfnadCan someone tell me how to dual boot ubuntu and xp?18:39
jeffMASTERflexcadefy: i thought there would be some language pack you can install from GB english or so, but i am not sure18:39
cadefycant stand that word18:39
danand_JakkuDead1 - can windows not tell you about you hardware - ie in control panel18:39
Columbodemon_spork: use apt-mirror18:39
JakkuDead1ill check it not danand_18:39
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: go to terminal and type glxinfo | grep rendering18:40
jeffMASTERflexcadefy: that anit-american attitude is trash. throw that in the trash can man18:40
ejercadefy: gconf-editor; apps>nautilus>desktop>trash_icon_name - change to "loo bonnet"18:40
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.18:40
cadefywhat the hell is a loo bonnet?18:40
demon_sporkColumbo, would I be able to take that to another computer and use the HDD to install stuff from the mirrored repo?18:40
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: that shows up?18:40
tomd123cadefy, it looks your out of look, if google doesn't know, no one knows18:40
ejersorry shrimp barbie18:40
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: than do sudo nvidia-xconfig18:40
cadefyejer did18:40
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle yes but i am running compiz fine18:40
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: and follow the instructions18:40
cadefyhow does that define a garbage bin ejer?18:40
danceifyoucannotglxinfo | grep rendering18:40
danceifyoucannotdirect rendering: No18:40
ewooktomd123: or it hasn't been parsed yet by the googlebot :)18:41
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: you should get that to "yes"18:41
demon_sporkin firefox, with certain gtk themes, the input boxes have black text and a black bachground. I fixed this problem before, but I don't remember how. Can someone point me in the right direction. Firefox 3.0, neutronium gilouche theme18:41
ejeryou get the gist of it i think cadefy18:41
JakkuDead1I think it's SATA, I'm pretty sure I heard my dad mentioning SATA.18:41
white_eagle!patience | demon_spork18:41
ubotudemon_spork: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:41
Columbodemon_spork: yes, as long as you add the local repository to you /etc/apt/sources.list18:41
madsporkmurdererI'm looking at building a system with 4 monitors (although it doesn't matter if 2 are closes of each other). The motherboards I'm looking at are SLI ones- however they say that in normal mode there is access to the first PCI-E at 16x but in sli mode there is access to both at 8x each. Does this mean that it impossible to have 2 graphics cards operating independantly? and if so do motherboards exist that will take tw18:41
madsporkmurderero graphics cards operating independantly?18:41
cadefynot hardly..?18:41
tomd123ewook, you mean bot(s) :P18:41
cadefybut anyway18:41
cadefythank you for the help18:41
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".18:41
danceifyoucannotBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'18:41
danceifyoucannotNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'18:41
demon_sporkooh, nice, thx Columbo18:41
tomd123ewook, don't forget, google has an army of bots, not just one18:41
demon_sporknow for 2 days or downloading18:41
white_eagledemon_spork: please wait18:41
white_eagleif someone knows18:41
white_eaglehe will answer18:41
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: let me google it18:42
ejercadefy: i think i was wrong actually, that just hides the name afaik18:42
demon_sporkwhite_eagle, he just answered another question of mine18:42
prince_jammysa round-about way would be to create a link on the desktop and call it waste-paper-basket or whatever18:43
Columboanyone familiar with gconf and how to modify the default ubuntu desktop look and feel?18:43
RaethColumbo, ask away18:43
JakkuDead1Brb, gonna load irc on my DS.18:43
ColumboI want to have my own settings the default after an unattended installation18:43
CarlFKI want to make this kernel mod (or see if it is already in ubuntu's.) http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/7582/ "devio.c file should be modified"  but I only fiind that file in xen-doc-2.6.16    http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=devio.c&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive18:44
tomd123cadefy, I personally don't even see my trash can... I actually go into my ~/.Trash/ folder every once in a while and delete everything in it :P18:44
ejerColumbo: look into /etc/skel18:44
ewookJakkuDead1: can you even type with a ds?18:44
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: hey do sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:44
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: and copy and paste it to pastebin18:44
white_eagleand give us the link18:44
Rei-chan• Columbo: What about using the OEM version? •18:44
CarlFKwhat is the vanilla kernel source package for i386 or generic ?18:44
JakkuDead1ewook: mmhm, on-screen keyboard18:44
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle ok18:44
Rei-chan• Columbo: It allows you to clone your changes for OEM distribution of Ubnutu. •18:44
Columbowhat about /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults?18:45
ewookJakkuDead1: figures :)18:45
deko? anyone gotton gdm to start ona sun blade 2000 with a pgx64 gfx card ?18:45
ewookanyone sitting on a remote x-server setup-guide?18:45
prince_jammyscadefy: create a link to your /home/youruser/.Trash and place it on your desktop (might work, though it won't show you whether it's empty or full)18:45
Columbowhat's the difference between OEM distribution and the normal one?18:45
ColumboI currently have a net install with PXE and a preseed file18:45
Rei-chanOEM distro is on the alternative CD.18:45
JakkuDead1there, jakku = me...18:45
dekoi have tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60124318:46
Rei-chanAnd its for OEM's to create their own version of Ubuntu for installation on their boxes.18:46
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle http://pastebin.org/2059718:46
Columbook, is it suitable for unattended installs with PXE?18:46
cadefyejer, where abouts can I change it?18:46
CarlFKColumbo: does your preseed select the partition recipie thing?18:46
dekooops i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376894 and it did not work18:46
Columbocarlfk: yes18:47
CarlFKColumbo: can you post it?18:47
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: did you post that url, I reconnected18:47
dekogetting to the point now of dumping this unix marlarky and staying in the realm of winblows..18:47
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle http://pastebin.org/2059718:47
=== jakku is now known as jakku1
Columbocarlfk: I used some default I found on the internet18:48
white_eaglethanks danceifyoucannot18:48
Columbocarlfk: nothing really fancy18:48
=== jakku1 is now known as jakkudead
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle just let me work my games18:48
CarlFKColumbo: so... can you post it?18:48
mrpocketsis there any way to get into a windows file system on a diffeerened HDD from Ubuntu if the windows install wasnt shut down properly?18:48
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: ok, ok ;)18:48
Columbocarlfk: I would love to, but it's at work (I'm at home now) :(18:48
CarlFKColumbo: gah18:48
CarlFKColumbo: I have:  d-i     partman-auto/choose_recipe  select  All files in one partition (recommended for new users)18:49
jakkudeadwhat's the command to check drives again?18:49
ejercadefy: http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/docs/faq2.html #1818:49
xrestassuredxanyone: i cannot get WoW/wine to work, i've done everything in !wow and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft, and i get the launcher splash, and it dies before opening the actual game18:49
dekohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=376894 tried this but no joy ? anyone18:49
CarlFKany idea how close that is?  or how you found the one you found (cuz I have searched, and not found one that did 'that')18:49
Columbocarlfk: drop me a msg at roland@erca.nl18:49
ColumboI'll mail it to you tomorrow18:49
KaiForceis the gparted "copy" function the best way to image disks in Gutsy?18:50
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
ColumboI'll also mail you a document I found describing how it should work18:50
cadefyI cant rename it, it has a box there but I cant click in it, its like disabled?18:50
dekomaybe i shall come back tommorow... as you lot seem busy18:51
CarlFKColumbo: thanks18:51
high-freqxrestassuredx, might have to disable "allow pixel shader" in the gfx section in winecfg...thats what i had to do18:51
Columborei-chan: do you have some more info about that oem install?18:51
xrestassuredxhigh-freq: i'll try it18:51
matisseHi, is it possible to use ssh for http-proxy ? someone told me I had to use the -D option, but it doesnt work18:51
palomerhow do I find out my CPU temp?18:51
lightenupAny one here use zoneminder with a ivtv based card (Hauppauge PVR-150 etc.)?18:52
=== Basic_Element is now known as Basic_Elemen`afk
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle hello?18:52
mrpocketsAnyone know of a way to tweak a 5.1 speaker settup in ubuntu?18:53
high-freqxrestassuredx, good luck...i have to go back to work hehe...laterz18:53
mrpocketsbetter than what alsamixer can do18:53
xrestassuredxhigh-freq: nope, didn't do anything .. thanks anyway18:53
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: I am still looking, but don't be dissapointed from me, because I don't have any experience with nvidia, what I suggest is unticking the box at restricted drivers manager, so, it erases the drivers, rebooting (disable compiz and emerald from the startup list (sessions)) and retick that box18:53
Cew27i need help with wireless18:53
ejermrpockets: try using alsamixer in terminal18:53
white_eagleso it installs the drivers again18:53
mrpocketsejer, thats wahve i've been doing18:53
danceifyoucannotcan someone fix my x11 server so direct rendering is enabled? my compiz is working18:53
ejermrpockets: what do you want18:53
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: will you do that?18:53
danceifyoucannotwhite_eagle no i have the latest one18:54
wild_oscardoes anyone know of a replacement for gnome sound recorder?18:54
danceifyoucannotso i'll use that18:54
mrpocketsbut i'd like to be able to controll the volume of each speaker individualy to properly componsate for different distaneces from the listening field18:54
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: my friend has the nvidia 8600 gt, it got installed flawlessly18:54
ejerdanceifyoucannot: from my understanding you need direct rendering for compiz, so it is one or the other18:54
Columboejer: is putting a default setup in /etc/skel preferred, in stead of modifying /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults ?18:54
malebriaHello, I think I've found a bug in evolution integration with gnome calendar.  I have an appointment at 19h in evolution for today, but when I look at gnome calendar, it says the appointment is at 20h.18:54
white_eagleonly with ticking that box18:54
malebriaHave you ever heard about this?18:54
ejerColumbo: totally depends on your deployment18:54
white_eagleejer: you can have compiz without direct rendering18:55
danceifyoucannotejer so if direct rendering is not enabled how am i running compiz18:55
ejeroh ya?18:55
mrpocketscompiz is god18:55
white_eagleejer: yes18:55
white_eagleyou can18:55
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:55
white_eaglesee above ejer18:55
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: thats incorrect18:55
white_eagleyou can have compiz and not have direct rendering18:55
Columboejer: in what way does it depend on the deployment? In my case, PC's are rolled out using netboot, pxe and preseed18:56
white_eagleI had that situation for 2 months18:56
ejerwhite_eagle: Composite managers require an X server capable of making 3D acceleration available to the window manager18:56
arooni-mobilehelp!  firefox 2.0.11 can't play back .divx or .wmv videos.  it says the plugin is missing and doesn't know what plugin to install... and the video area just has a white box.  i've already tried: "sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer" and that doesnt work :(18:56
Columboejer: and I'ld like to modify the default look and feel18:56
ejerColumbo: this is a case for testing18:56
Columboejer: to be more in line with the suse desktop18:56
white_eagleejer: so then, why did I had compiz and I didn't have direct rendering, then18:56
monalisawhat is the current kernel for ubuntu ?  .. sever edition ?18:56
monalisai am looking for 2.6.2418:56
danceifyoucannotXlib:  extension "XFree86-VidModeExtension" missing on display ":0.0".18:56
Picimonalisa: 2.6.24 is only in Hardy, which is still an alpha. It will be released in April.18:57
monalisais that the default kernel18:57
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: yeah, I had an error just like that18:57
white_eaglebut with ATi18:57
monalisaPici: i can still get hardy right , if i wanted to .. maybe u can give me a lin k18:57
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: keep asking, maybe someone will answer18:57
Pici!hardy | monalisa18:57
ubotumonalisa: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:57
white_eagleor ask in the !forums18:57
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:57
ewookerr.. what's the 'xwindow gnome/kde/something deb-pack called ?18:57
monalisathanx Pici18:57
Piciewook: ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-dektop18:57
ewookPici: oooh. doh. thanks :)18:58
white_eagledanceifyoucannot: yeah, the best thing to do now, is ask in the ubuntuforums.org18:58
jakkudeadwhats that terminal command to check drives?18:58
Yegardoes it matter that it says "firmware=n/a" in the reponce from sudo -C network?18:58
ewookouch. ubuntu-desktop is 1.7gb ^^18:58
danceifyoucannotthey ake long times to reply and i don't feel comfortable to open and close browsers18:58
white_eaglejakkudead: what do you mean "to check drives"18:59
Columboejer: case for testing? what do you mean exactly?18:59
white_eagleits fsck18:59
ejeri guess the terminology is strange, you need 3d acceleration for compiz, which we used to call direct rendering18:59
white_eaglejakkudead: its fsck, but DON'T TRY it on a mounted drive18:59
cadefya program has suddenly froze for some odd reason ? how do i force kill18:59
cadefythe buttons click but no action happens18:59
ejerColumbo: I mean this is the kind of thing you test, my answer should not matter much18:59
white_eaglecadefy: go to system/administration/system monitor18:59
white_eagleright click -> kill19:00
ewookcadefy: urm, get a console and do a ps aux | grep programname and then use the pid and do a kill -SIGTERM pidnr19:00
Survivormanor in the terminal killall program19:00
ewookwhite_eagle: phaw! that's to easy :P19:00
white_eaglecadefy: did that work?19:00
white_eagleyes it is19:00
ewooknot used to the gui =/19:00
Yegarwhat is the trick to enabling a wired network card?19:00
white_eaglecadefy: waiting for what19:00
ewookYegar: is it detected and installed?19:01
white_eagleit should kill the task19:01
ewookYegar: ifconfig eth[nr] up19:01
cadefyfor it to come up :P19:01
Columboejer: suppose I'd like to have the application bar on the bottom of the screen19:01
white_eaglebut before killing it, it will ask you for permission cadefy19:01
cadefyyou know on Live CD how it has 'Install' on the desktop19:01
Columboejer: for all new users19:01
cadefywhats that program called19:01
Columboejer: after imaging, I'd like to have that as the default19:01
palomerwhat do you guys use to monitor your cpu temp?19:01
prince_jammyscadefy: i think it's called ubiquity19:02
Yegarewook: still no lights19:02
ejerColumbo: yes, what I suggested will work fine if set up right http://www.linfo.org/etc_skel.html19:02
cadefynot there :(19:02
nano__hey guys, whats the difference between a splash screen and a usplash screen19:02
ewookYegar: and you did of course do a sudo with it? do you have a gui?19:03
Yegaryes and yes19:03
Columboejer: just put a .gconf dir there with the correct settings?19:03
ewookYegar: isn't  there a nice program in the gui to control the nics?19:03
Yegaryeah but everything appears ok19:03
david_join #ubuntu19:03
white_eagledavid_: this is #ubuntu19:04
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
david_white_eagle: thanks, I see that19:04
Yegari'm not getting a physical connection for some reason, I know the card works because I had windows on it up until about an hour ago and it was fine19:04
white_eagledavid_: i was kidding ;)19:04
ewookYegar:  uhm, okay..19:04
david_is it possible to install lamp on 7.10 desktop?19:04
Columboejer: I just think, it may not work, because the homedirs are automounted from an NFS share19:04
ewookdavid_: ya19:04
cadefywhat's vino-session19:04
Columboejer: so no new homedir is created...19:04
Yegartried different cables, different ports on router19:05
ewookYegar: well, I'm lost =/19:05
ewookYegar: if you had a working link before, that really shouldn't matter19:05
white_eaglecadefy: its program which controls the remote session19:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vino - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:05
cadefywell in my task bar it has19:05
cadefyand i cant close it19:05
cadefygod damnit19:05
Yegartrue, but worth trying19:05
cadefyand i dont want to reboot waiting another 20mins19:05
cadefyfor it to boot back up19:05
Yodudehey, does anyone know if it's possible to monitor a network's visited websites from a specific PC ?19:05
ewookcadefy: you can of course just reboot the x-session19:06
cadefyah how19:06
white_eaglecadefy: ctrl-alt-backspace will log you off19:06
ewookcadefy: ctrl+alt+backspace19:06
white_eaglecadefy: save your work though ;)19:06
cadefyhehe had nothing19:06
Pici!language | cadefy19:06
ubotucadefy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:07
ewookYegar: I'd say that your nic isn't correctly installed anyway..19:07
CarlFKhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile  trying to do "AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs" (like it says) and get No rule to make target `binary-debs'19:07
Yegarewook: thats what I'm trying to determine, but I guess I don't know the right place to look19:08
david_Any thoughts on installing lamp on gutsy desktop? or do i have to have the server version?19:08
white_eagleguys if anyone wants direct rendering with ati, follow this version, but don't use that installer grab the latest from ati.amd.com ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58963719:08
amenadodavid-> you can install it19:08
ejerdavid_: sudo tasksel, tick LAMP server19:08
white_eaglejust reminding ^_^19:08
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:08
ewookYegar: start with IRQ19:08
david_amenado: thanks!19:09
Yegarewook: where can I see IRQ conflicts?19:09
weltschmerzis my thinkpad's backlighting (the fact that it keeps dimming) controlled in bios or is there some way to set it from within ubuntu?19:09
miguelalguien me puede decir como mirar la ip en ubuntu? con windows lo hacia con el simbolo del sistema, pro con ubuntu no se19:10
versanweltschmerz: you mean brightness of display?19:10
BratJanCześć potrzebuje pomocy19:10
miguelalguien me puede decir como mirar la ip en ubuntu? con windows lo hacia con el simbolo del sistema, pro con ubuntu no se19:10
BratJanbo mi X-y nie działaja19:10
miguelalguien me puede decir como mirar la ip en ubuntu? con windows lo hacia con el simbolo del sistema, pro con ubuntu no se19:10
miguelalguien me puede decir como mirar la ip en ubuntu? con windows lo hacia con el simbolo del sistema, pro con ubuntu no se19:10
miguelalguien me puede decir como mirar la ip en ubuntu? con windows lo hacia con el simbolo del sistema, pro con ubuntu no se19:10
miguelalguien me puede decir como mirar la ip en ubuntu? con windows lo hacia con el simbolo del sistema, pro con ubuntu no se19:10
_elementalweltschmerz are you running on battery?19:10
FloodBot1miguel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:10
miguelalguien me puede decir como mirar la ip en ubuntu? con windows lo hacia con el simbolo del sistema, pro con ubuntu no se19:10
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud!19:10
ewookYegar: ifconfig eth[nr] gives you the right stuff19:10
weltschmerz_elemental, no, but when i am running on batter, i get annoyed that it dims like that and would still like to fix it.19:10
sirius-blackis there a good virus scan app in ubuntu?19:10
LjL!virus > sirius-black    (sirius-black, see the private message from Ubotu)19:10
LjL!cz | BratJan19:11
cadefyyou  need a virus scanner?19:11
cadefyin ubuntu?19:11
Pici!pl | BratJan19:11
Yegarewook, it is on IRQ 1719:11
ewookBratJan: what ever language - wrong channel19:11
white_eagleBratJan: what language is it19:11
xrestassuredxweltschmerz: that's often a setting in bios, i don't know about your particular machine19:11
cadefyif i install ubuntu instead of using Live CD will everything run so much smoother and quicker?19:11
white_eaglewe don't know19:11
BratJanja ni panimaju19:11
ewookYegar: I'd say, check in windows and look if that's the same19:11
versanweltschmerz: i think you are refering to display brightness19:11
BratJanale uny mi bana zasadzily19:11
ubotuBratJan: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.19:11
ubotuBratJan: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl19:11
ewookYegar: and doublecheck it's the right drivers.19:11
_elementalweltschmerz, I have a TPs as well (a31 and t42), is it always dim or does it do this periodically?19:12
BratJanand /j #ubuntu-pl    "You have been baned WTF ?19:12
LjLBratJan: have you been there before?19:12
BratJanand /j #ubuntu-pl    "You have been baned" WTF ? I DONT THING SO19:12
ewookBratJan: we saw you the first time mate.19:12
RangdeBasantihi,  i have 'xlockmore' to lock screen. how can i run it as system admin on all accounts at start up.(boot time)19:12
LjLBratJan: yes, you have been there, and you have been banned. sorry.19:13
sirius-blackbecause my mouse sometimes freaks out, clicking all over my screen about 1000 times(giving me an average of 5 logoff screens), and now my mouse buttons suddenly reversed, and i can access the mouse menu19:13
weltschmerz_elemental, like every 20 seconds or something.19:13
weltschmerzversan, yes, display brightness.19:13
BratJanthey said than i need calm down so now im relaxed19:13
_elementalfn + PgUp all the way up?19:13
komputesCan anyone help me turn this loud cpu fan off and make my CPU go slower?19:13
LjLBratJan: then talk to them. we're not responsible for them.19:14
weltschmerzi thought that was just backlighting, since the lcd's don't get any "brighter".19:14
ewookYegar: is it a 'normal' nic? search for issues with the card .. don't know much else to say =/19:14
versanweltschmerz: you can control it from system setting i think19:14
weltschmerzkomputes, get a cpu fan variable resistor thingie like i bought.  works great.19:14
ron__any one know how i can get a bigger pointer on 7.1019:14
_elementalweltschmerz, err I meant fn + Home19:14
ron__and change colors19:14
ron__of the pointer19:14
versanweltschmerz: Preferences -> Power management19:14
komputesweltschmerz: a resister, did you solder that on? I want to do it with software/config.19:15
claudiohow to install unrar on ubuntu 6.10 ?19:15
LjL!unrar | claudio19:15
ubotuclaudio: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:15
TrustNoOneI leave my notebook on 24/7, it is not a laptop (the fans are on the bottom of the notebook), and when i use it on my lap im careful not to cover the fans. I am asking about what I can do to cool it down, because at night I leave it on my table and shut the lid, but sometimes (once every few weeks) it overheats and shuts down, more frequently in summer it shuts down because of overheating (i am guessing) because no matter what OS19:15
TrustNoOne i am using it will shut down with no warning or error log, so what can I do to prevent this?19:15
cadefyAn error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.   ->  The resize operation is aborted.19:16
cadefywhat's going on ?19:16
weltschmerzkomputes, i don't think i soldered it..i just put one of those screw cap things on.19:16
_elementalTrustNoOne, do you raise the back of the lappy, like with a book?19:16
weltschmerzversan, thx19:16
pbrunierWhat's the name of Ubuntu 8.04 and is it already available through APT?19:16
leon31Escriba el texto aquí...ola hay algien por ahy de benidorm.19:16
LjL!es | leon3119:16
ubotuleon31: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:16
TrustNoOne_elemental, no i dont, i just keep it flat on the table19:16
KaiForceTrustNoOne there are laptop coolers you can set it on that will move air from under it19:16
komputesI posted this concerning the CPU: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4375279#post437527919:16
komputesIf someone can take a look and help me figure out how to quiet down my CPY fan and slow down my CPU tht would be appreciated19:16
LjL!hardy > pbrunier    (pbrunier, see the private message from Ubotu)19:17
cadefyanyone ?19:17
TrustNoOne_elemental, i dont want it to fall off the table (its not a big one its just a comp desk)19:17
_elementalTrustNoOne, put a book under the rear to jack it up a notch, will allow better air flow19:17
tigon5I need help with VLC on my gutsy box - can anyone help?19:17
pbrunierLjL: Thanks19:17
TrustNoOneKaiForce, i dont know if those are a good idea if the laptop cooler covers the fan on the bottom of my notebook in the corner, because it wont cool properly19:17
wng-tigon5, what's wrong with it?19:17
LjLkomputes: there is a "fancontrol" script in lm-sensors19:18
tigon5X11 playback is pixelated19:18
shenshei_someone know how it is about the alpha5 of hardy ?19:18
KaiForcei think they have risers to keep a space between the cooler and the laptop19:18
TrustNoOne_elemental, i guess i can try a book if i can find one19:18
tigon5opengl crashes19:18
LjLkomputes: note that it doesn't provide many safety guarantees19:18
_elementalweltschmerz, you get your display sorted?19:18
white_eagletigon5: what graphcs card: ati or nVidia19:19
_elementalTrustNoOne, anything that would raise it about an inch will be sufficient19:19
tigon5nvidia fx5600 or thereabouts19:19
DaveEnglandcan anybody help me -> bash: ./makedrv: Permission denied <- how could i solve this problem?19:19
white_eagletigon5: do you have the drivers from the restricted drivers manager?19:19
white_eagle!sudo | DaveEngland19:19
ubotuDaveEngland: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:19
LjLDaveEngland: chmod +rx makedrv19:19
_elementalTrustNoOne, I've also used a small fan to help clear the hot air out from under the lappy while its jacked up19:20
versanDaveEngland: try prefixing sudo to your command which will ask for administrator password19:20
aoupiDaveEngland: you need to chmod u+x makedrv19:20
TrustNoOne_elemental, there is only 1 fan on the bottom of the laptop, it is the CPU intake fan, so generally the hot air is coming out the back vent, not on the bottom of the laptop19:20
aoupiDaveEngland: no need for sudo19:20
DaveEnglandmakedrv is not a direcotry!19:20
densoneanyone know what the sar package is called for ubuntu?19:21
hazemHI, im who installed the os but ididnt make aroot and when imake asudo command when iwriting my password it cant be writed no thing write (i want to install kde)19:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lmms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:21
LjLversan: that's a very bad idea, to suggest executing an unknown script as root...19:21
zacuanso many people here i'll just assume you know everything: i need a gizmo that acts as a converter between the PTP protocol and the PictBridge protocol... anyone happen to know where to continue my search?19:21
_elementalTrustNoOne, still, any extra air flow will help, lappy fans are notoriously weak19:21
hw00djohnD:  can someone help me with LMMS?19:21
white_eaglebye guys19:21
LjLDaveEngland: who suggested it was a directory?19:21
cadefyif work is running ubuntu and have terminal open and i know the password, could I log onto it from home? :D19:21
DaveEnglandlol sorry.. i was on the wrong direcotry xD19:21
TrustNoOne_elemental, i guess i can take my laptop apart, clean the dust from the heatsink and juice up the fan a bit, but i dont have any money for air, im poor :)19:21
matisseHi, is it possible to use ssh for http-proxy ? someone told me I had to use the -D option, but I'm not able to get it working19:23
TrustNoOneI'm using firestarter firewall and every so often I get some IP addresses blocked on random ports, and i do a whois on the IP and its usually from RIPE network, any idea what this is?19:23
mxpxpodI just tried upgrading my server from feisty to gutsy and the exim4 upgrade failed... I keep getting an error about malformed macros and how I didn't accept some changes that were never offered to me... does anyone know how to solve this?19:23
versanLjL: I thought its his own script which required administrative privilege else as you said he can change permission which again depends if he is the owner of the scipt19:23
neverbluecadefy, unless there is a firewall between you and your work system19:23
david_Looks like lamp install has frozen... it says 100% install php5-mysql, but the install window stays o;pen and Idon't have a command prompt...is this ok?19:23
cadefyah ok19:23
ewookgeebus. takes a while to install gnome,x19:24
cadefyim starting to like ubuntu :)19:24
neverbluecadefy, which in most cases it should19:24
aoupimatisse: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/12/08/ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy-forwarding-secure-browsing/19:24
neverbluecadefy, it gets better over time :D19:24
kwajstabowhat command lists all hardware installed?19:24
neverbluelspci or lsusb kwajstabo19:24
erUSULkwajstabo: lshw19:24
cadefyjust want to play WoW on it19:24
cadefyanyone able to acheive this yet?19:24
neverblueand there is lshw as well :D19:25
* RangdeBasanti got disconnected. now back19:25
DaveEnglandcan anybody tell me, where could i get drivers for my wireless card -> digitus DN7006gs?19:25
neverbluecadefy, talk to the ppl in #winehq about that...19:25
sirius-blackmy mouse sometimes freaks out, clicking all over my screen about 1000 times(giving me an average of 5 logoff screens), and now my mouse buttons suddenly reversed, and i can access the mouse menu, any way to solve that?19:26
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:26
erUSULDaveEngland: what chip does it uses?19:26
sirius-blackgot it19:26
graftsirius-black: apparently the catholic church is once again endorsing exorcism19:26
sirius-blackgot it19:26
QuickGoldcan anyone recommend a good howto for installing ubuntu server on a machine with a RAID5?19:26
=== Basic_Elemen`afk is now known as Basic_Element
elvis_prestoni was wondering if any1 could guide me: I want to install ubuntu onto the 2nd free ntfs partition on my laptop - what partition option does I use during the install?19:27
macdQuickGold, if its hardware raid, then you shouldn't need anything19:27
mxpxpodI just tried upgrading my server from feisty to gutsy and the exim4 upgrade failed... I keep getting an error about malformed macros and how I didn't accept some changes that were never offered to me... does anyone know how to solve this?  This is pretty urgent as my MTA is now down19:27
LHX2elvis - you can't install ubuntu to NTFS19:27
niosist possible to list all packages i installed with apt-get install ?19:27
QuickGoldmacd: It is a hardware RAID.  I just run the installer?19:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about guest - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:27
LHX2at least I wouldn't recommend it19:27
TitoNhi i wonder if anyone is able to help me with my xubuntu that keeps freezing after a while19:27
macdQuickGold, yes19:27
goppany one have some documention19:27
david_my lamp install is stalled.... what is the best way to get my prompt back?19:27
macddavid_, crtl+c19:28
DaveEnglanderUSUL, realtek19:28
matisseaoupi: thx19:28
david_macd, thanks19:28
rainrunner87Has anyone heard of a good tagged file manager?  Either a true file manager or even just one that allows you to add files to its database?19:28
danand_nios - type dpkg -l19:28
goppoh how to create a proper guest acount, with only access to it home dir, and still be able to use gnome desktop, any one here have proper documention19:28
elvis_prestonLHX2: i dont want to keep ntfs, but i want to use that partition to have windows on c: and ubuntu on d:19:28
macddavid_, I forgot to ask, is this during server install, or just doing the trasksel for LAMP?19:28
QuickGoldmacd: what file system should I use?19:28
david_macd while doing sudo tasksel19:28
QuickGoldmacd: this server had Windows on it for a while so it has old data that needs to obviously be cleaned out19:29
sirius-blackis there any way to install autodesk 3dsmax on linux(its a windows program)19:29
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
niosdanand_: thx19:29
kwajstaboi tried "lshw", but it doesn't show the lpt port, even though it is there. Why is that?19:29
david_macd: i got the [prompt back...what is a good online resource for lamp config?19:29
danand_nios - np19:29
macdQuickGold, thats all upto you, I like ext3 for /boot, reiser for most anything else, if your going to store mass amounts of large files on one partition Id recommend xfs.19:29
archcan my swap space be found in /dev/ ?19:29
j_Boa tarde. Sou Português alguém me ajuda a procurar um lugar onde se fala português?19:30
macddavid_, Id just restart the process, it should finish, but first use ps to find any apt processes and then kill them.19:30
sirius-blackand also, i m missing 3 drives(i have hda1, hdb1, hdb5 and hdb6 in /media19:30
QuickGoldmacd: thank you19:30
david_macd; just type sudo ps ?19:30
sirius-blackhda1, hdb1, hdb5 and hdb819:30
danand_kwajstabo - did you run lshw as root ie sudo lshw19:31
densoneanyone in here use atsar on ubuntu server?19:31
macddavid_,  'ps ax | grep apt' , then take the pids, and 'sudo kill -9 pid pid pid pid'19:31
david_macd: thanks!!19:31
jboa tarde a todos19:31
sirius-blackbut i cant enter my 180 gb disk19:31
QuickGoldmacd: should I be concerned when I went to install through the guided partition portion and it couldnt write to disk the changes?19:32
DaveEnglandinsmod: error inserting 'ieee80211_crypt-rtl.ko': -1 Operation not permitted19:32
DaveEnglandwhat could this mean?19:32
macdQuickGold, that would be a problem, did it detect your raid array as a single drive?, or possibly not detect your raid array at all?19:32
aoupiDaveEngland: you probably need to run the command with sudo19:32
macdDaveEngland, 'sudo'19:32
danand_DaveEngland - you need to be root to run that - ie sudo modprobe ...19:33
Bulwinklehow do I disable this tracker thing that seems to be running19:33
DaveEnglandi know, but if i type sudo insmode... it doesnt insert the module :S19:33
jay-oh-enhow come i cant get grub to reconize windows19:33
macdBulwinkle, trackerd is part of the desktop search, if you want to stop it you can, but then search will not function.19:33
TrustNoOneI have a printer on another computer, and its shared. the other computer is a windows box. I set up the default printer on my other windows comp to share that printer and it works fine, just wondering how to go about it in gutsy19:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:34
macdDaveEngland, use 'sudo modprobe modulehere'19:34
sirius-blackis there any way to install autodesk 3dsmax on linux(its a windows program)19:34
ArthurArchnixHey... I built and installed the nodoka engine and the nodoka theme, because it's so clean and beautiful. Unfortunately, now my OpenOffice icons are completed wrecked. A dude on the openoffice forum said it's because of how Ubu-devs build openoffice... I dunno though. Is there a fix you think? I can't find anything on the forum.19:34
danand_DaveEngland - no don't use insmod - thats deprecated in favour of modprobe. modprobe will install/insert your module for you19:34
sirius-blackand also, i m missing 3 drives(i have hda1, hdb1, hdb5 and hdb8 in /media so i can access my 180 gb disk19:34
cadefyTotal noob question: what's the difference between downloading a .tar.gz file and a .rpm file ?19:34
DaveEnglanddave@dave-desktop:~/DN/ieee80211$ sudo modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip-rtl.ko19:34
DaveEnglandFATAL: Module ieee80211_crypt_tkip_rtl.ko not found.19:34
DaveEnglandadn WTF is this?:S19:34
sirius-blackcant *19:34
ejersirius-black: i don't think os, but you could run it in a virtual machine using something like virtualbox19:34
macdcadefy, well if your trying to install software neither are really the recommended way, one is a source package, the other is a RPM package19:35
ewookhow does the menu.1st (grub) look like when you have say a win xp part?19:35
ejercadefy: .tar.gz is like a zip file, it usually holds source code, .rpm is a package for fedora or redhat19:35
cadefyok well im on the adobe flash website, because firefox wants me to download it19:35
cadefywhich shouldI choose?19:35
macdcadefy, oh boy.19:35
cadefyah ok thanks19:35
cadefywhat ?19:35
macdcadefy, the tar.gz one in that case.19:35
cadefyoh boy what19:36
ejercadefy: flash is installable in synaptic19:36
erUSULDaveEngland: with modprobe you do not use the .ko try  sudo modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip-rtl19:36
* macd really wishes they would fix the flash bug, you know how many people are struggling with that.19:36
macdejer, I dont think it is19:36
macdejer, I think its still sufferring from the MD5 bug.19:36
DaveEnglanddave@dave-desktop:~/DN/ieee80211$ sudo modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip-rtl19:36
DaveEnglandFATAL: Module ieee80211_crypt_tkip_rtl not found.19:36
DaveEnglandsame error :S19:36
graftyeah you don't need to goto the adobe website, cadefy19:36
macdDaveEngland, give it the exact path.19:36
Columboejer: /etc/skel is not an option -> home dirs already exist and are automounted19:36
ejerthey fixed the flash bug as far as I can tell, I installed it the other day macd (32bit that is)19:36
graftcadefy: just install flashplugin-nonfree19:36
erUSULDaveEngland: have you installed it? have you run depmod -a after installing it?19:37
cadefyall of those worked19:37
goppwhat is the most proper way to create a guest acount with only access to his home dir and no where and only acess to gnome desktop19:37
=== Bupuntu is now known as Bupsss
erUSUL!brokenflash | macd19:37
ubotumacd: The Flash plugin installation has been broken for some time. A fix has been released now, although it might not have yet reached all mirrors. If the update fails to install Flash, try « sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree ; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree »19:37
danand_DaveEngland - type modprobe -l | grep ieee80211 to see the list of kernel modules you can insert19:37
TitoNhi i wonder if anyone is able to help me with my xubuntu that keeps freezing completely after a while19:37
Columboejer: any idea about alternatives?19:37
goppi.e. can not change setting of gnome or go out of home dir19:37
ewookthis is nuts. at 30 mins (with dl ) installing x+gnome *_*19:37
jason999_hello ?19:37
ewookjason999_: elo19:37
DaveEnglandit gives a list yes19:38
ejerColumbo: you are looking for a custom solution, writing a script in bash might be your best bet, or google for others who set this up19:38
jason999_hey I need help badly, can anyone help ?19:38
DaveEnglanddave@dave-desktop:~/DN/ieee80211$ modprobe -l | grep ieee8021119:38
QuickGoldmacd: When I went through the installation process, I selected the Guided Partition and I see "Resize SCSI3 (2,1,0), Partition #1 (sdb) ans use free space" so I select it and it asks to write previous changes and I hit ok.  It then asks me for the size and the default entry is 176.9gb and I accept and then I get a red screen saying "An error occured while resizing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation is aborte19:38
graftgopp: you mean like a kiosk mode?19:38
graft!paste | DaveEngland19:38
ejer!ask | jason999_19:38
jason999_Can any one help ?19:38
ubotuDaveEngland: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:38
ubotujason999_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:38
sirius-blacki m missing 3 drives(i have hda1, hdb1, hdb5 and hdb8 in /media) so i can't access my 180 gb disk19:38
Columboejer: I now created a small deb which populated /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults19:38
ArthurArchnix!ask | jason999_19:38
macdQuickGold, you should not resize unless you want to preserve another operating system, just use the entire disk...19:38
insomninjais there a preferred way to make xsetwacom settings stick between sessions? sudo makes no difference19:38
Columboejer: but for some reason, it's overwritten somewhere19:38
jason999_I dont get this never don IRC19:38
QuickGoldmacd: Ok, what should I do then when I get to the Partition portion of the install19:39
Columboejer: I may need to implement a less clean solution....19:39
ejerjust ask your question jason999_ we are here to help19:39
ArthurArchnixsorry jason999_ I forgot to scroll down. Usually we don't gang up on you like that.19:39
TitoNhi i wonder if anyone is able to help me with my xubuntu that keeps freezing completely after a while19:39
DaveEngland danand_  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56880/ <- this is what it tells, when i type that19:39
niosanyone got problem with nvidia drivers ?19:39
grezergood afternoon everyone19:39
niosi have have Nvidia 6100 and got problems :/19:39
macdQuickGold, do you want anything off your drive? or is this a fresh install and you wish to use all of your disk?19:39
grayhanewhat directory is the grub boot menu stored ?19:39
bruenignios: problems meaning...19:39
QuickGoldmacd: Fresh install. Don't want anything saved.19:39
ejergrayhane: /etc/grub/19:40
sirius-blacki m missing 3 drives(i have hda1, hdb1, hdb5 and hdb8 in /media) so i can't access my 180 gb disk19:40
macdQuickGold, then tell it to use the entire disk.19:40
erUSULgrayhane: /boot/grub/19:40
NativeAngelshello can anyone tell me what his error is19:40
NativeAngelsLOAD_MODULE logserv19:40
NativeAngelsLOAD_MODULE SecureServ19:40
grayhaneejer, thank you19:40
ejergrayhane: i am an idiot i am wrong sorry19:40
erUSUL!paste | NativeAngels19:40
ubotuNativeAngels: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:40
NativeAngelssorry wron thing19:40
macdNativeAngels, thats IRCD error, I dont think thats best asked here.19:40
ejererSUL was right grayhane19:40
bruenighardly constitutes a "large text"19:40
QuickGoldmacd: Okay, let me give it a shot....brb19:40
grayhaneThank you both19:40
NativeAngelsis there a channel i can go to19:40
NativeAngelsjoin #ircd19:41
niosbruenig: when i watch prison break or any other movie on VLC or mplayer19:41
AutoMatriXHi folks, do I absolutely have to install a feisty to upgrade to gutsy or hardy ? Neither of those 2 seems to be willing to install when ther is an NTFS partition on my harddisk19:41
TitoNwere do i see the running daemons?19:41
macdNativeAngels, try joining #anope or #unrealircd19:41
bruenignios: what window manager are you using19:41
danand_DaveEngland - yes - thats it :) That is the list of modules on your system matching ieee80211. You can try sudo modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip - thats similar to what you wants i thinl19:41
niosbruenig: gnome19:41
Bupssssomeone here watches shoutcast tv?19:41
danand_*think :)19:41
bruenignios: gnome is a desktop environment, not a window manager, are you using metacity?19:41
ejerTitoN: ps -A will show you all processes19:42
sirius-blacki m missing 3 drives(i have hda1, hdb1, hdb5 and hdb8 in /media) so i can't access my 180 gb disk19:42
niosbruenig: good question19:42
ejersirius-black: that is not a question19:42
absalomHello. Anyone know how to unintsall realplayer? I have it installed to my desktop which I dont like. Its not in the add/remove list and "sudo apt-get remove realplayer" doesnt work.19:42
bruenignios: do ps -A | grep metacity19:42
narfuhow can i reboot '/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base' ?19:42
niosbruenig: ok nothing there19:42
sirius-blackokay then... how do i get those back...19:42
bruenignios: do ps -A | grep compiz19:43
absalomAlso, what is the name of the winamp look-a-like to ubuntu?19:43
niosbruenig: i dont usee such crap ;)19:43
ejerabsalom: beep-media-player19:43
danand_absalom - think you can just remove it manually.19:43
bruenignios: well you have some window manager being used, the question is which one19:43
absalomhm ok19:43
jason999_OK I need help, when I boot I can't go into any OS I get an error named 'GRUB error 21'and I now can't use the normal live ubuntu and are running it in safe graphics mode19:43
KaVanyone knows where to find the setting to prevent from kaffeine the screensaver ?19:43
bruenigif not metacity or compiz, then I am confused19:43
bruenigmaybe kwin or xfwm4?19:44
mrpocketsjust on a rough general estimation19:44
cadefygoodnight all, thank you for the help :)19:44
mrpocketshow hard is it to play Counter Strike on Wine?19:44
jason999_OK I need help, when I boot I can't go into any OS I get an error named 'GRUB error 21'and I now can't use the normal live ubuntu and are running it in safe graphics mode19:44
ejersirius-black: this may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:44
niosbruenig: i run default one in ubuntu19:45
absalomejer: I think it started with X, first I thought maybe it was Xine...but apparently that was a dvd player.19:45
bruenignios: did you do the ps -A | grep compiz or not?19:45
ejerabsalom: xmms, but beep is better imo19:45
danand_jason999_ - i think grub error 21 means that grub can't find the disk/partition/kernel_image you are trying to load. have you made any changes to your grub config file or is this a fresh install?19:45
niosbruenig: compiz it found19:45
QuickGoldmacd: when i select the option for guided install: use entire disk, it then asks me "Select disk to partition: SCSI 3 (2,0,0) (sda) - 10.7GB MegaRAID LD0 RAID5 10.7GB | SCSI 3 (2,1,0) (sdb) - 282.7GB MegaRAID LD1 Raid5 269GB"....which do I select?19:45
absalomejer: ok, thx19:45
erUSUL!info audacious | absalom19:45
ubotuabsalom: audacious (source: audacious): Small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-4 (gutsy), package size 976 kB, installed size 2956 kB19:45
bruenignios: so you are using compiz19:46
bruenignios: I would try to use metacity or some other wm19:46
jason999_danand: It's fresh install though I'm not to sure I'm new to Linux19:46
grezergezz how long does it take to load ISPConfig ??19:46
stefkoHello people How to set IP tables ( anti ddos ) on linux ubuntu 7.10 ( my computer ) i really need that anti ddos everyone ddosing me :S ?19:46
macdQuickGold, I'd think youd want to use the 296GB one, I assume that matches your raid set right?19:47
* KaV wonders how to prevent screensaver from kaffeine19:47
macdQuickGold, I assume if you setup the raid, you should be able to figure out what disk ;)19:47
jason999_Can some one walk me through the install of ubuntu please ?19:47
ejer!firestarter | stefko19:47
ubotustefko: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:47
QuickGoldmacd: Yea, someone else says I need to wipe and redo the RAID first. Is that right?19:47
bruenigjason999_: put the disk in, double click on the install icon, press next next next next next next, then restart19:47
ejerjason999_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation19:48
beeblebrowith 7.10 / 8.04 my wireless gets disconnected after a while and I have to reboot to get online again. Is there an easier method than reboot?19:48
jason999_Bruenig I've tried that many times19:48
TitoNhi my laptop freeze up after a bit and gui is frozen. and on the case of the laptop the letter A is blinking19:48
macdQuickGold, it can't hurt, do you have only one logical raid volume?19:48
QuickGoldmacd: I think so19:48
danand_jason999 - the config file for grub is located at /boot/grub/menu.lst of your hard disk/partition that you installed ubuntu on.19:48
jason999_theres to much writing for me here19:48
macdQuickGold, how many physical disks?19:48
QuickGoldmacd: 5, i believe19:49
QuickGoldnot sure19:49
grezerDoes anyone know how to change the colors on ircii, this is driving me nuts19:49
beeblebrogrezer: use nirc :)19:49
brueniggrezer: use irssi19:49
popeyirssi \o/19:49
sirius-blackwell... mounting doesnt help(i dont know what the partitions names are19:49
jason999_bye guys thanks for the help I'll try19:49
macdQuickGold, well, I'd gather some more information, then come back to install, but if you had varrying size disks, I'd prolly install buntu to one disk, then use the raid volume for /home or something, for your storage.19:50
=== neuwald_ is now known as neuwald
grezernow people, I am not using a gui .. :)19:50
* QuickGold runs back to the server room19:50
bruenigirssi is cli19:50
macdQuickGold, it really boils down to you knowing the exact configuration of your machine before attempting to partition and install19:50
bruenigit is the most popular cli client for sure19:50
QuickGoldmacd: Yes, thats what im gonna do first...figure out what this server has on it19:50
macdbruenig, +1 ;)19:50
GigamoI'm having a problem with my compiling. I'm trying to install Together Architect (for eclipse) and it fails. Together gives this: "error while loading shared libraries:libc.so.6"19:50
PopoiHi guys!19:51
danand_grezer - bitchx has colours!19:51
beeblebronaim/nirc is cli too19:51
macdirssi has colors too!19:51
neuwaldhi guys. If I go on Places - Network, I can find my windows network. But if I try to save some file in thunderbird or firefox, I can't see my windows network. There is some way that I can see the windows network using thunderbird and firefox?19:51
ahorriblemessIf anyone uses Python (I'm using it through Eclipse). I'm using PyGame to follow this snake/pac-man sort of game tutorial. I followed the directions and compared my indentations and spelling and everything, but I'm still having a problem. Is anyone skilled at Python/PyGame?19:51
d3dhi, am i write in assuming dvd playback in ubuntu is a complete write-off ?19:51
afiefWhat could cause ubuntu to say #which foo => /bin/foo and foo bar => couldn't find /usr/local/bin/foo ?19:52
erUSUL!dvd | d3d19:52
ubotud3d: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:52
macdd3d, it works fine when you install the proper library19:52
macd!dvd > d3d19:52
ejer!dvd | d3d19:52
macdslammer by uboto spam ;)19:52
nios_bruenig: i disabled compiz now and started a movie with mplayer it got a green screen, so now even worser19:52
* erUSUL one time is enough ;)19:52
d3dthx macd19:52
danand_d3d - no i watch dvds all the time :)19:52
ahorriblemessejer: how do you do that line? Sometimes I see it in terminal commands, I usually copy and past because I don't know how to do it19:52
erUSULahorriblemess: AltGr + 119:53
ahorriblemesserUSUL: Gr?19:53
neuwaldhi guys. If I go on Places - Network, I can find my windows network. But if I try to save some file in thunderbird or firefox, I can't see my windows network. There is some way that I can see the windows network using thunderbird and firefox?19:53
erUSULahorriblemess: it is used to build "pipes"19:53
ejerahorriblemess: it is usually SHIFT plus \ key19:53
ejeri tink, I have it marked on all my keyboards19:53
erUSULahorriblemess: AltGr is the key on the right side of the space bar19:53
ahorriblemessejer: oh der it;s right on my friggin keyboard19:54
ian2012Hi again, sorry but i have another problem.. this time im trying to install kiba-dock. i went to there site and theres a script there which is called "easykiba" ment to be easy to install. all was going good untill i got this error. anyone know what this means. heres a pic http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6879/screenshotqg3.png19:54
ahorriblemessI never had any reason to use that in the past19:54
beeblebrogrezer: i find nirc very nice, tabbing through multiple windows, status console overlay etc.19:54
ejeraltgr+1 does not work for me19:54
ahorriblemessalright I'm gonna go search around for Python help some more19:54
erUSULahorriblemess: it is prety central to unix filosophy the hability to build pipes of multiple commands19:54
=== twostepper is now known as grezer
grezerok this is better19:55
grezermuch better19:55
erUSULejer: spanish keyboard here19:55
erUSULejer: ñ19:55
ejerwell that won't work for a lot of the users here ;)19:55
grezerirssi will do me for now19:55
grezerthanks bruenig19:56
danand_erUSUL - try key to left of z. shift and \ should give you |19:56
ian2012can anyone help me please19:56
ian2012this time im trying to install kiba-dock. i went to there site and theres a script there which is called "easykiba" ment to be easy to install. all was going good untill i got this error. anyone know what this means. heres a pic http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6879/screenshotqg3.png19:56
neuwaldthat is some way that firefox can see my network shares on ubuntu?19:57
grezerok, does it like take 7 hours to load ISPConfig or what ?19:57
=== Basic_Element is now known as Basic_Elemen`afk
danceifyoucannotMaybe you need to specify another gamepath with '-d /path/to/datadir'?19:57
ejergrezer: yes, it is a long process, maybe not 7 hours...19:57
grezerthis is taking for ever19:57
co0lingFir3how do i run the game warsow? nothing happens if i run the warsow file in the unzipped dir19:57
ejerian2012: that is a script someone else wrote, doubt anyone here can help you with it19:57
TrustNoOnecan someone help me setup a network printer on linux19:58
erUSULco0lingFir3: sudo apt-get install warsow then go to Applications>Games>Warsow19:58
ian2012oh ok thanks anyway19:58
MIFIian: your desktop looks cool. ;) double-checked all the required packets?19:58
co0lingFir3erUSUL: i'd like to use the new version of the game, so i downloaded it19:58
=== Basic_Elemen`afk is now known as Basic_Element
ian2012MIFI: i only got ubuntu few days ago :P19:59
ian2012i will check with kiba-dock site19:59
ahorriblemessFigured I'd drop back in if anyone paid attention to my previous question... the problem was simply a lowercase letter when it should have been a capital19:59
DaveEnglandhow could i add my wireless card to the list of iwconfig ??19:59
MIFIok.. i would rather use compiz than a dock :)20:00
aoupiDaveEngland: it shows up automaticaly when you have a proper driver20:00
MIFIcompiz is easy to install and looks GREAT :)20:00
DaveEnglandaoupi, the drivers are a problem yes :D dont know where to get them :( can you help me plz?20:00
aoupiDaveEngland: no, sorry20:00
prince_jammyshe probably has it installed, stuff is transparent20:00
ejerDaveEngland: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide20:01
QuickGoldmacd: Ok, I have one "mega drive" now in my RAID.  What file system would you recommend? xfs?20:01
orlandojwhich program can i use to run .ra files ?20:01
co0lingFir3erUSUL: anyway to install the new version of warsow?20:01
grezerand the other thing I noticed about ispconfig, is there isent much in the support forums about it, or at least I havent been able to find anything20:01
aoupiDaveEngland: looked at this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported20:01
=== flo_ is now known as groovehunter
StucKmanhi all. almos everytime I do my round of updates I find that when I have something to update, be either a security or an update, there are some packages "automatically being held back". why's that, and how can I make aptitude not to hold back anything?20:01
DaveEnglandyes thnx20:01
danand_DaveEngland - you really need to find out the exact make and model of your wireless card and more specifically the chipset it uses20:01
StucKmanQuickGold: what will you store in it?20:02
StucKmanQuickGold: what kind of files...20:02
danand_DaveEngland - the commands lspci lsusb and lshw may shed some light depending on what type of card your using20:02
QuickGoldStucKman: This will be a web server that will be running Drupal20:03
danceifyoucannothow do i install sauerbraten_2007_12_24_assassin_edition_linux.tar.bz220:03
StucKmanQuickGold: etx320:03
StucKmanxfs is for big files20:03
QuickGoldStucKman: Thank you, I will use that20:03
ejerext3 QuickGold20:03
DaveEnglandthis is the card i use!20:03
QuickGoldejer: thanks20:03
* QuickGold runs back to the server room20:03
StucKmanQuickGold: why dod you said "mega drive"?20:03
erUSULco0lingFir3: never done it so dunno20:04
trond_my adept database is locked.. how do i resolve it? the windows method of reboting didnt do it..;P20:04
ejerStucKman: he is installing  a sega server ;)20:04
QuickGoldStucKman: I said that rather than set up more than one drive with my RAID array20:04
co0lingFir3does any1 how to start newest version of the warsow game?20:04
DaveEnglanddanand_, http://www.digitus.info/scripts/digdetail.asp?artnr=DN%2D7006GS this is the card i use!20:04
prince_jammys!aptfix > trond_20:04
ere4sidanceifyoucannot, you should be able to use nautilus to extract it - double click then extract then look for a readme file20:05
goppwhat would be a proper way to make a guest acount in ubuntu linux20:05
macdQuickGold, also consider reiser20:05
trond_ok dubman ^20:05
StucKmanQuickGold: raid1?20:05
QuickGoldStucKman: RAID520:05
StucKmanQuickGold: nice20:05
QuickGoldmacd: Which is better for speed....ext3 or reiser?20:05
macdQuickGold, I've seen benchmarks point both ways, but I believe in reiser.20:05
ejeri like reiser too, but still use ext3 for servers20:06
StucKmanQuickGold: macd: reiser has some disadvantages20:06
macdQuickGold, however I would partition /boot on its own parition (say 200megs) and use ext3 there20:06
cfeddedifference in performance between those file systems is application specific.  and probably small enough to be swamped by production issues.20:06
StucKmanmacd: yes, that's a workaround of one of the disadvantages I mentioned20:06
trond_umm, how do i apply this command mr. prince_jammys ?20:06
QuickGoldmacd: if I made a /boot partition, I would need to redo my RAID, correct?20:07
macdStucKman, I've learned the hard way years ago ;)20:07
macdQuickGold, no20:07
macdQuickGold, just dont use the guided partition setup20:07
=== Boglizk_ is now known as Boglizk
prince_jammystrond_: paste it into a terminal , or do alt f2 and paste it there20:07
QuickGoldmacd: so instead I would use the manual partition option in the ubuntu installer?20:08
prince_jammystrond_: you're kde right?20:08
macdQuickGold, yep20:08
QuickGoldmacd: so /boot is reiser and the other drive would be ext3?20:08
thebusbyI apologize for speaking out of turn, but I was wondering if there was some system for asking a question? (take a number, etc)20:08
SafiyyahI just installed my nvidia gforce card + now ubuntu gets stuck when booting up, it gets stuck when it tries to load the gdm, I loaded the live CD + that picked it up fine what now?20:08
erUSUL!ask | thebusby20:09
ubotuthebusby: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:09
StucKmanQuickGold: the other way aorunf20:09
QuickGoldStucKman: thank you20:09
macdQuickGold, and with that, you get some advantages, I'd make /boot 200mb- ext3 , /var a few gigs ext3, / reiser the rest of the space20:09
=== TechnoViking is now known as MikeB
StucKmanbut I would say ext3 all the way20:09
filthpighi, I downloaded and ran gparted as sudo, but it just stands still at "searching through all devices", nothing happens. I've one 250 gb internal disk and one 250 gb external disk. I'm going to reformat the external one to ext3 since the default is ntfs...20:09
* genius will pay 100$ via paypal for professional help with laptop (Nvidia 7400Go) + external monitor installation. Problem is not so easy for newbies. join #genius-help.20:09
Beererdehi. when i try to start open office, it says "bus error". any solutions?20:10
trond_prince_jammys: correct..im using kubuntu :)20:10
danand_DaveEngland - it uses a realtek chipset by the look of it (sure my german stretched that far)!!20:10
QuickGoldmacd: StucKman: Let me attempt to do this then (keyword: attempt)20:10
macdQuickGold, yes its really your decision on filesystem type, and ext3 does have its advantages when it comes to repairing, as well as someone mentioned earlier chances are the filesystem wont be yiour bottleneck20:10
* QuickGold runs back to the server room20:10
DaveEnglanddanand_,  yes realtek^20:10
prince_jammystrond_: then you type it or paste it into Konsole, KMenu->System->Konsole20:11
trond_prince_jammys: i saw your msg in ubotu now..sorry..i think that solved it :D20:11
mphill_is there any software to manage ubuntu servers like with Sun's Connector.  I would like to be able to remotely administor and apply patches. I know there is cron, ssh, vnc, etc but the "enterprise" team here at work won't consider ubuntu because it doesn't have this software.20:11
prince_jammystrond_: oh, i thought you had seen the bot message20:11
macdmphill, yes its called 'landscape' and is available form canonical ltd.20:11
trond_prince_jammys: didnt see it at first..sorry..hehe20:11
thebusbyQuestion: How do I get g++ with the "-m32" option on Ubuntu Server 64-bit to use the /usr/lib32/stdc++ library instead of /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.3/libstdc++ during compilation?20:12
macdmphill, see https://landscape.canonical.com/20:12
danand_DaveEngland - that's still probably not enough info though. Can you pastebin the output of the lspci -vvv command20:12
QuickGoldmacd: For the 3 drives you outlined, should they be Logical or primary?20:12
macdYou can have that many primary partitions, but I suggest making 2 primaries then one within that.20:13
* genius will pay 100$ via paypal for professional help with laptop (Nvidia 7400Go) external monitor installation. Problem is not so easy for newbies. join #genius-help.20:13
macdbut I have to run, hopefully you can get some more help :)20:13
macdgood luck QuickGold20:13
trond_prince_jammys: it worked mon! great ;)20:13
QuickGoldmacd: thank you for your help20:13
prince_jammystrond_: good20:13
* QuickGold runs back to the server room20:14
ally_oxxoohey guys, does ubuntu have any free software for mixing/editing music?20:14
=== Guest98 is now known as Pownager
prince_jammys!info audacity | ally_oxxoo20:14
ubotually_oxxoo: audacity (source: audacity): A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1ubuntu0.1 (gutsy), package size 2321 kB, installed size 6836 kB20:14
sveakexPownager: i know you ;(20:15
ally_oxxooprince_jammys have you used it before?20:15
prince_jammysally_oxxoo: a little bit20:15
ally_oxxooand how did you like it?20:15
=== Pownager is now known as Namul
nonniiis there plans when ubuntu will start using real upstart jobs instead of old rc-scripts?20:15
ally_oxxooany ofter software similar to audacity?20:15
prince_jammysally_oxxoo: i use an old windows one mostly, but havent done that sort of stuff in a while.20:15
sveakexNamul: x)20:15
ally_oxxoooh okay20:16
ally_oxxooim just trying to make my first remix :)20:16
Solethow long should mkfs.vfat take on a 190gig usb 2.0 hard hard drive (making a single full drive partition)20:16
prince_jammysally_oxxoo: apt-cache search "sound editor"  <-- type that in terminal, and there are others too.  audacity the most popular, i think20:16
ejerally_oxxoo: http://linux-sound.org/ TONS of resources there20:16
Bad_boyhi folks, I have a little problem, i tried to install flash-plugin non free, and package manager hung so I had to reboot. now when I ope package manager it says to run dpkg --configure -a, the ftp site is not working, how can i kill it20:16
Bad_boyResolving fpdownload.macromedia.com...
Bad_boyConnecting to fpdownload.macromedia.com||:80...20:17
ally_oxxoothanks guys :) cheers20:17
noahhow can i find out what memory cards i have in what slots in my machine, without opening it up?20:17
bastid_raZornoah; lspci20:17
erUSULgenius: http://www.ubuntu.com/support20:17
bastid_raZornoah; i could be wrong on that. :\20:18
housefly7kHi, wht IRC client do you guys use in ubuntu20:18
paxhelp please, suspend wouldn't work with Gutsy20:18
ejerhousefly7k: pidgin, can chat on msn, aol, irc, everything20:18
paxanyone please?20:18
noahbastid_raZor: if the info is there i'm not sure how to interpret it...20:18
danand_housefly7k - bitchx20:18
bastid_raZorhousefly7k; i like Xchat for irc. many more to choose from though20:18
paxsuspend wounld work with gutsy20:19
paxsuspend wounld work with gutsy, how to fix it?20:19
prince_jammys!repeat | pax20:19
ubotupax: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:19
paxI did some search, but didn't know how to fix the problem still20:20
zacuanso many people here i'll just assume you know everything: i need a gizmo that acts as a converter between the PTP protocol and the PictBridge protocol... anyone happen to know where to continue my search?20:20
paxhere is the problem, I have a supercomputer, and install gutsy as a second os in the second partition20:20
Optimus55does anyone know how to install fonts easily in ubuntu?20:20
prince_jammys!fonts | Optimus5520:21
MasterShrek!fonts | Optimus5520:21
paxat the beginning, when I pressed sleep button on my keyboard, it enters into suspend20:21
NativeAngelscan anyone tell me what a stack error is please20:21
mysteriosoDoes anyone know how to get the 43xx cutter to work?  I dont know how to use it.  I already have it downloaded. !!!!20:21
paxit was good then20:21
ubotuOptimus55: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:21
prince_jammys!enter | pax20:21
ubotupax: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:21
carpedie2mysterioso: are you sure you need it?  usually not20:21
jason999hello, I need some help, I cant seem to install Ubuntu properly.I get 'GRUB error 21' please help me I cant access my computer at all20:21
MasterShrekmysterioso, bcm43xx-fwcutter --help20:21
=== LoRez_ is now known as LoRez
MasterShrekmysterioso, but as suggested, you shouldnt need to manually cut the firmware20:22
paxthis morning, when I tried to wake it up by pushing the power key, the monitor gives a black screen with nothing on it at all20:22
mysteriosocarpedie2  Yeah i need it.  i had it workin b4 my system crashed.  but i did so much stuff i forgot how i got it to work20:22
danand_Optimus55 /quit20:22
jason999 hello, I need some help, I cant seem to install Ubuntu properly.I get 'GRUB error 21' please help me I cant access my computer at all20:23
grezerthis sucks, I forgot to load some perl scripts .. now I have to load ISPConfig all over again20:23
danand_ooops :)20:23
mysteriosoi am not using bmc43, it does not work, I am using b43-fwcutter-00920:23
carpedie2mysterioso: You don't have a .inf driver file?20:23
jason999Please help me, you have no idea how much I need a PC20:23
mysteriosoits a tar.bz220:23
carpedie2mysterioso: jason999, are you trying to install and can't run the installer? or is this after you've already installed?20:24
jameywhich room do i join for programming questions?20:24
alphabmr_Hi!! I can't install Ubuntu 7.04 on my HD sata Maxtor 250Go !!20:24
paxthen I turned my computer off, ubuntu runs the logo thing, and gives me the black screen, I had to delete ubuntu from my computer.  so is it the problem with nvdir card or with the os itself?20:24
jason999After I've run the installer, sorry its my first time on a IRC20:24
jason999when I reboot20:24
grezerthird time is the charm20:24
ZerO^Coo|hi guys i need some help20:24
* grezer crosses his fingers20:24
ZerO^Coo|i got a problem i cant access my windows boxes network20:24
ZerO^Coo|from ubuntu20:24
housefly7kI tried pidgin and got disconnected a couple of time20:24
TrustNoOnedoes anyone here use a firewall on linux?20:25
jason999<carpedie2> after the install on reboot20:25
jrib!anyone | TrustNoOne20:25
ubotuTrustNoOne: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:25
mysteriosocarpedie2 am I trying to install what?20:25
ompaul!grub >  jason999 (please read the message from ubotu, it is the community notes on grub)20:25
housefly7kSo now i am trying XChat IRC20:25
housefly7kI will see how it works20:25
paxI looked for help from the forum, some people said that downgrade to feisty would fix the problem, but why.  should gutsy be better than feisty20:25
alphabmr_Hi!! I can't install Ubuntu 7.04 on my HD sata Maxtor 250Go !!20:25
ompaul!firewall > TrustNoOne (check message from ubotu please for firewall info)20:25
jribalphabmr_: please do not repeat so often20:25
amenado!patience | alphabmr_20:25
ubotualphabmr_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:25
paxanyone could help me with this suspend thing20:25
carpedie2mysterioso: sorry, I switched to jason999 after starting to type something to you20:26
TrustNoOneI use firestarter firewall and it keeps blocking random ip's and random ports when im not doing anything, I whois the IP and its usually from RIPE network, im not sure what this is from20:26
TrackilizerHey guys, i need your help. After installing ubuntu windows Xp was added to grub, the thing is windows XP ist not installed on my computer anymore. The partion that had win xp on it now has windows vista but i can't boot into vista. Is there anyway i can add vista to Grub?20:26
alphabmr_Sorry about that !20:26
carpedie2jason999: one person suggests powering down for a few seconds, then rebooting20:26
jason999<carpedie2> I dont think thats going to help, I need to know where I am going wrong, I still want windows on my PC20:26
odb|fide1_hi, i am new to ubuntu. is there something like a testing tree inside the 7.10 release version ?20:26
ompaul!grub >  jason999 (please read the message from ubotu, it is the community notes on grub)20:26
jameywhat is the channel for programming questions?20:26
jribodb|fide1_: what do you mean by a "testing tree"?20:26
jribjamey: what language?20:27
odb|fide1_like debian stable, testing20:27
paxanyone received my message20:27
ompauljamey, that is language dependant20:27
DaveEngland00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Marvel technology gruop ltd. 88w335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g wireless (rwv 03) this is my wirelles card, can anybody tell me, where could i get the apropriate drivers?20:27
ompaul!patience | pax20:27
ubotupax: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:27
jrib!repositories > odb|fide1_ (read the private message from ubotu)20:27
jason999<carpedie2> thanks I'll try20:27
ZerO^Coo|any one can help[ please20:27
ompaulpax a bit harsh I was thought it was politer -- hmmm20:27
jribodb|fide1_: ubuntu works differently.  Currently 8.04 is being developed but you cannot mix repositories20:27
mysteriosoDOES ANYONE KNOW how to get a broadcom 43xx wireless modem to work?20:28
paxdo you think the developer would help me with my problem20:28
odb|fide1_ok thank you jrib20:28
ompauljrib, what is the "nicer version of " patience20:28
fliegenderfroschjamey, what programing language?20:28
jrib!wifi > mysterioso (read the private message from ubotu)20:28
carpedie2mysterioso: totally depends on the actual chipset, but yes, quite a bit20:28
Led_Zeppelinhello, anyone setup Ubuntu with Dual monitors? I need help configuring mine20:28
jribompaul: !repeat ?20:28
mysteriosojrib the wifidocs suck20:28
carpedie2mysterioso: as I asked before, do you have a .inf file for your chipset?20:28
DaveEngland00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Marvel technology gruop ltd. 88w335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g wireless (rwv 03) this is my wirelles card, can anybody tell me, where could i get the apropriate drivers?20:28
fliegenderfroschLed_Zeppelin, depends on the graphic card20:28
Led_Zeppelinfliegenderfrosch, nvdia20:28
paxit's such a dissappointment, I was going to switch from windows to ubuntu, but now I have to go back to windows20:29
mysteriosocarpedie2 i dont think so.  isnt ini for windows?20:29
ompaulmysterioso, it is detailed go find your card there and you will make it works20:29
carpedie2mysterioso: yes20:29
jribmysterioso: well I don't know anything about it, but you can probably get better help if you state exactly what document you followed and exactly what did not work20:29
jason999<carpedie2>None of the Commands work for me20:29
nano__hey guys, is there a side panel option available in ubuntu, similar to taht in vista?20:29
carpedie2jason999: don't know what you mean by that20:29
jameyenglish programming channel?20:29
Beererdehi. when i try to start open office, it says "bus error". any solutions?20:29
jribjamey: what programming language?  Like C is in ##c, python is in #python, etc20:29
jason999<carpedie2> It tell me to do certain commands in terminal, one example being 'find /boot/grub/stage1'20:29
fliegenderfroschLed_Zeppelin: the proprietary nvidia driver ships with a tool called "nvidia-settings" if i recall correctly, which allows you setting up dual view20:30
carpedie2mysterioso: but windows .inf files work with ndiswrapper.  the cutter program is only to extract from a .sys file, also used by windows20:30
paxpax is being polite, anyone knows how to solve suspend wouldn't work with gutsy problem?20:30
jribjamey: /join ##php20:30
fouswhats an alternative to open vpn20:30
nano__does anybody know of any good system statistics panel for gnome?20:31
=== carpedie2 is now known as carpediem
mysteriosocarpedie2 im just gonna work on it myself for a bit.  then ill know myself. and when someone comes here and asks ill be like.  helz ya20:31
housefly7kpax: what is your computer?20:31
ompaulpax, wait a while -- it is going to take a while for someone with that solved to talk with you - (rare enough someone gets it sorted_) check http://help.ubuntu.com/community20:31
jimcooncatnano__, I don't know about windows, but in the default ubuntu you can add panels all over the place. Right-click on the top panel, and choose "New Panel"20:31
jason999<carpedie2> ill boot down for a little and try that then20:31
nano__jimcooncat: thnx20:31
paxm8120n is my computer20:31
carpediemmysterioso: that's fine, but you won't get far with the cutter program without a .sys file.20:31
fliegenderfroschnano__, you could use conky20:31
absalomhmm, my download speed seems awfully slow in Bittorrent, anything u have to do to get a higher speed?20:31
mysteriosocarpediem i used it b420:32
komputesLjL: do you have a guide which can help me figure this stuff so I can fix my noisy laptop cpu fan?20:32
Led_Zeppelinfliegenderfrosch, hmmm20:32
TrustNoOnein amarok, is there a way to change the hotkeys for skipping tracks? because my Super+Z is macro for another compiz setting and I'd like to keep it that way20:32
DaveEng00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Marvel technology gruop ltd. 88w335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g wireless (rwv 03) this is my wirelles card, can anybody tell me, where could i get the apropriate drivers?20:32
Led_Zeppelinfliegenderfrosch, do I need to setup anything with BIOS ?20:32
carpediemmysterioso: then you had a .sys file20:32
fliegenderfroschLed_Zeppelin, I don't think so20:32
nano__fliegenderfrosch: I assume conky looks good as well.20:32
carpediemTrustNoOne: it's in the options20:32
Led_Zeppelinfliegenderfrosch, ok, it seems its only finding only 1 video card20:32
ompaul!torrent | absalom (check message from bot - includes faq)20:32
ubotuabsalom (check message from bot - includes faq): Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P20:32
jimcooncatnano__, then right-click on your new panel, adjust the Properties, and add stuff to it.20:32
TrustNoOnecarpedie1, where in the options? i was looking but couldnt find it20:33
beyhana question20:33
fliegenderfroschLed_Zeppelin: so you use two different video cards?20:33
housefly7kpax: So what happens when you try to suspend now?20:33
Led_Zeppelini have 2 vid cards. 1 PCI (which I am using now).20:33
paxhousefly7k: don't you have the same problem, I know someone has the same problem as I'm having20:33
ompaul!enter | beyhan20:33
ubotubeyhan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:33
Led_Zeppelinfliegenderfrosch, yes, 2 video cards20:33
absalomompaul: you prefer any else?20:33
paxhousefly7k: I couldn't load ubuntu at all so I deleted it20:33
ZerO^Coo|any one can help[ please20:34
TrustNoOnecarpedie1, i found it20:34
housefly7kpax: i thought the problem was with suspend, so now you are saying you cannot install ubuntu?20:34
ompaulabsalom, speed is dependant on how free you are with your upstream as opposed to you downstream and the total seeds - happy gnu linux20:34
paxhousefly7k: I haven't started reintall ubuntu20:34
deeflexHi I have succesfully installed ubuntu but when I restart the grub loader gives me the error: "error 21". I have win on my primary hdd and ubuntu on secondary hdd.20:34
LjLkomputes, no, no guide that i know of. do you have the "sensors" command working?20:34
deeflexI've tried to re-isntall grub too ...20:34
mysteriosocarpediem from what I see you dont need anything but the cutter tar.20:34
ZerO^Coo|got a problem with my network20:35
fliegenderfroschLed_Zeppelin: sorry, i don't know about using two video cards20:35
komputesLjL oops caps20:35
LjLkomputes: yes but does typing "sensors" actually work and give you data?20:35
paxhousefly7k: I just want to know what happened, so next time I hit suspend, I wouldn't have to delete gutsy and reinstall it20:35
komputesLjL yes, i posted it on ubuntu forums20:36
housefly7kpax: so you had Gutsy installed, you hit suspend and after that you werent even able to load up gutsy again?20:36
komputesLjL http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4375279#post437527920:36
paxhousefly7k: yes20:36
CarlFKwhat is the  /etc/modprobe.d/ way of doing adding a line to /etc/modprobe.conf ?20:37
foushow do i change permision on hd writing20:37
housefly7kpax: so no error messages? what happened when you rebooted? GRUB came up?20:37
CarlFKguessing I add a file, put the line in the file. does it matter what the file name is?20:37
paxhousefly7k: the strange thing is that at the beginning it worked fine, but the problem emerged after two days I had gutsy install.  and there was error messages.  Grub came up, and the logo screen ran, then it was a black screen.  There was nothing I could do, so i unplug the power20:39
paxhousefly7k: I meant to say there was NO error message20:39
LjLkomputes: your cpuinfo states that your cpu is *already* running at 800 mhz though...?20:40
fliegenderfroschLed_Zeppelin: you could have a look at xinerama though20:40
squeeHow do I print the busid of my video card?20:40
trond_hm, any tricks to unrar big archives? i use ark and have gotten the unrar-free file..20:40
fliegenderfroschsquee: i think you can find it in the xorg.conf20:40
MasterShrektrond_, i usually use the command line to do it, seems to be alot more stable for some reason20:41
housefly7kpax: so right now you removed gutsy? did you change any files to try and make the suspend work? or from a fresh install of gutsy you hit suspend?20:41
prince_jammystrond_: i cant seem to open those with ark.  i use gnome's file-roller20:41
MasterShrektrond_, unrar x file.rar20:41
komputesLjL: beleive me, it HT20:41
prince_jammystrond_: yeah there's also the command-line "unrar"20:41
LjLkomputes, i don't know what that is20:41
paxhousefly7k: I haven't tried to reinstall gutsy, becase I want to find out why first20:41
trond_ok..thanks for all the good advice20:41
komputesLjL: me neither but it jumps between 800 and 160020:42
komputesLjL I want to tell it, stay statically at 800 and turn off the fan20:42
squeefliegenderfrosch, I'm trying to find it for my xorg, it seems to be improperly detected20:42
killux_hey i pressed ctrl + r in my file browser and now it wont open up20:45
killux_and when i try to rename a file in the terminal i get this error20:45
LjLkomputes, i don't know what to look for. the correct term cannot be hypertreading, because that's an Intel term, but your processor is AMD20:45
housefly7kpax: one moment please20:46
MasterShrekkomputes, are you talking about dynamic cpu frequency, you can set that to different profiles, ondemand, powersave, etc20:46
paxhousefly7k: ok20:46
didrainpax ~»hi20:47
paxdidrain: hi20:47
killux_what happen when you press ctrl + r in the file browser?20:47
bullgard4What is the purpose of the document file:///usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/html/kernel-api/index.html? Especially, what is a 'Device Driver's Base'?20:47
MasterShrekkomputes, sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils20:47
paxdidrain: are you trying to help me or trying to help me help you?20:47
housefly7kpax: did you only have ubuntu on the computeR?20:49
WhateverHello all20:49
housefly7kpax: did you have another OS installed20:49
paxhousefly7k: I also have vista20:49
killux_how do you logout via the terminal?20:49
DaveEng00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Marvel technology gruop ltd. 88w335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g wireless (rwv 03) this is my wirelles card, can anybody tell me, where could i get the apropriate drivers?20:49
paxin the first partition, I know to dual boot, it was simple matter20:49
fliegenderfroschsquee: lspci should work20:50
prince_jammyskillux_: logout20:50
WhateverWould someone help me?20:50
housefly7kpax: so when gutsy wouldnt load did you try loading into vista? and di that work?20:50
killux_prince_jammys, doesnt work20:50
paxhousefly7k: yes, I am using vista now20:50
riaalIs there any way I can stream internet radio from my ubuntu server? (no gui) ?20:50
killux_prince_jammys, i get this Vampire Weekend - I Stand Corrected20:50
housefly7kpax: so ubuntu is still installed?20:50
boneyendoplasmsup guys20:50
killux_i mean bash: logout: not login shell: use `exit'20:50
paxhousefly7k: I deleted it20:50
killux_and exit just quits the terminal20:50
housefly7kpax: what video card do you have in there? Nvidia?20:51
aneviltrendHas anyone installed kqemu on 7.10? Do you need to have hardware support for virtualization in order to use it?20:51
DaveEng00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Marvel technology gruop ltd. 88w335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g wireless (rwv 03) this is my wirelles card, can anybody tell me, where could i get the apropriate drivers?20:51
prince_jammyskillux_: oh you're in an xsession20:51
carpediemaneviltrend: no, you don't20:51
paxhousefly7k: nvdia geforce 735020:51
aneviltrendcarpedium: thanks20:52
jlarsondoes anyone know of a way to remotely start apps on windows from a linux box?20:52
killux_prince_jammys, so how do you do it20:52
WhateverHi all20:52
prince_jammyskillux_: i'm trying to figure that one out :)  i thought you were on console20:53
housefly7kpax: <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/25607>20:53
tomd123jlarson, look at the rdp protocol20:53
fliegenderfroschjlarson: i suppose you don't mean something like vnc?20:53
housefly7kpax: <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=4cbfd9eacf137102cab224a10441e46f&t=270996>20:53
riaalPlease? Is there any way to stream internet radio from the terminal? (have no gui)20:53
hadi57hi, i want to download ubuntu and firefox me hard time, any torrent file available?20:53
jlarsonthank you tomd12320:53
boneyendoplasmi dont riaal.  im new to ubuntu20:53
fliegenderfroschriaal: maybe mplayer can do it20:53
tomd123hadi57: what?20:53
housefly7kpax: sorry i dont know what the problem is but Nvidia was mentioned in a couple of pages that had problems with computers loading after suspend20:53
riaalfliegenderfrosch: mplayer? :S sounds like a longshoot?20:53
prince_jammyskillux_: this will quit your x session :  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop     --- then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start will restart it20:54
jlarsonfliegenderfrosh, i basically just want to start an app on a windows server via a script on a linux server20:54
boneyendoplasmhadi, you can't download those from the internet?20:54
boneyendoplasmthey are free after all20:54
Whateverhadi57: search on mininova.org you would be able to find it over there. For firefox, it isn't that big, therefore you should be able to download it from the website20:54
hadi57i want to download ubuntu, but cant stay long on the internet waiting for the download20:54
housefly7kpax: I think it is best to keep it installed and try again, and see what the problem is, this way when someone suggests a fix you can do it right away20:54
Whateverhadi57: I would say then you should request a CD20:54
jlarsonah, rdp looks like what i need, thanks again tom20:54
boneyendoplasmyeah it took my like 45 mins to d/l it20:54
fliegenderfroschhadi57: yes there are torrents on the server20:54
paxhousefly7k: do you know what VBERestore mean20:54
fotoflohey, how do i update my php?20:55
hchadi57: you can use torrents which will start from where you last stopped them, letting you continue your download20:55
housefly7kpax: it would be best if you had another computer/laptop so you can check online while trying to fix the problem20:55
hadi57torrents available? ok ill have it20:55
housefly7kpax: I dont I will google it20:55
Ubuntuhi all, is this the place to get help on kdevelop20:55
raidghostIs there anyone that knows a way to get the inbuild webcam on acer aspire 9300 to work propperly? uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device USB2.0 Camera (5986:0100)20:55
fliegenderfroschhadi57: they are on virtually all mirrors20:55
tomd123hadi57: you can also request free cds20:55
hadi57cd takes long time according to site20:56
fliegenderfroschhadi57: true20:56
WhateverHi all, how do I reduce the font on my login in screen? The fonts are so big, I can't see what I am typing.20:56
ScottHAnyone have a sec for a simple Apache security Q?20:56
hadi57i did request in the past, and took 2 months20:56
housefly7kpax: why did you have a problem with VBERestore?20:56
hcScottH: why don't you just ask and see who has time?20:56
hadi57any way checking the site for torrent again20:57
tomd123hadi57, http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/release/dvd/ubuntu-7.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent20:57
tomd123hadi57 no wait, thats the dvd20:57
paxhousefly7k: I am having problem with it, someone mentioned that somewhere saying that it would be added to xorg.conf20:57
Ubuntubut there are many discussions going on at the same time...it is hard to find "my" question among the others...20:57
hadi57ah ok20:57
paxhousefly7k: I don't know what it will do, so I am asking what it means20:57
hcUbuntu: people precede their answers with your name when they speak to you20:58
WhateverHow do you reduce the font on the login screen?20:58
fevelanyone using kde4?20:58
tomd123hadi57, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ there you go, pick out the torrent you want :P20:58
Ubuntuhc: is there some way to filter the view?20:58
prince_jammysUbuntu: you should also check #kubuntu20:59
hadi57thank you for the link20:59
hcUbuntu: it would depend on your client, see if you can find something in their help guide20:59
=== Spencer__ is now known as Spencerical
ScottHOk :)  I changed the directory security on /var/www to have group www-data access for read and write.  I added my web editors to that group and setup file permissions 755 for the group.  Any security concerns I should address?20:59
WhateverHow do you reduce teh font on the login screen?21:00
bullgard4What programs use or evaluate the contents of the file /var/log/udev?21:00
Ubuntuhc: but what if more than one is answering do I have to include all names...sorry for my questions but this form is new to me..21:00
tomd123whatever, i don't think *teh* font can be changed21:00
danceifyoucannotis there bos wars strategy guide21:01
WhateverHow do you install application.21:01
tomd123whatever, go to applications->add/remove21:01
hcUbuntu: no problem, you're asking instead of shooting in the wild. Most clients have tab auto completion, so you can hit tab to complete a nickname. If your answer is directed at more then 1, you usually type all names.21:02
tomd123whatever or System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager21:02
danceifyoucannotis there bos wars strategy guide? and with all the good strategy games out there why would anyone choose bos wars which is like out of date gameplay and gui?21:02
housefly7kpax: sorry i got disconnected21:03
paxhousefly7k: it's alright21:03
Solethey when doing the "Copy Disc..." from right clicking a cd icon on the desktop, i go through tell it what file to save it to and all, then it starts going, a dialog pops up and it says something about creating image file etc, but then the dialog goes away a half second later.  Is the process still going in the background? how long should it take for ~600MB disc?21:03
housefly7kpax: so you were aying something about VBrestore21:04
Ubuntuhc thanks for your time. I was actually just qorious about the irc and if it is working. I have som issus about how to install kdevelop on kubuntu. I will read the manual first before I ask in this chat...21:04
=== hc is now known as goth
grezerthis install is putting me to sleep its taking so long21:04
edmonti have problems with java and flash21:04
=== goth is now known as gothy
Whatevertomd123: I want to install VLC player, because Totem does not play avi. I go in to add remove programs and I click on VLC player. It tells me refresh as the list of applications is not available. What do I do?21:05
paxhousefly7k: I found this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugs/2006-October/308020.html21:05
maurociudad de dios21:05
gothyUbuntu: you're welcome. If you're having trouble with installing, we're more then willing to help out (i changed my nick btw)21:05
Slarta quick question... when an application needs a certain library.. how does it search for that library? can I put the library in the same folder as the executable and it should find it?21:05
ScottHApache security Question:  I changed the directory security on /var/www to have group www-data access for read and write.  I added my web editors to that group and setup file permissions 755 for the group.  Any security concerns I should address?21:06
fliegenderfroschWhatever: if add/remove doesn't allow you to refresh the list, use synaptic21:06
tomd123whatever: do what fliegenderfrosch said, lol that was a fun type :P21:06
WhateverWhere is that (FGF21:06
jribScottH: yeah, www-data shouldn't be able to write to anything it doesn't need to21:06
edmonti got this: http://img46.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pantallazotestjavavirtuqg5.png21:06
LibertyShadowFor some reason, I cannot connect to anything via http21:07
housefly7kpax: did you do any changes to your xorg.conf21:07
LibertyShadowI can connect by https21:07
LibertyShadowor ftp21:07
fliegenderfroschWhatever: System > System settings > synaptic package manager21:07
WhateverFGF: Okay.21:07
LibertyShadowAny suggestions?21:07
ScottHjrib, could you elaborate?  should i create my own group and use that instead?21:07
WhateverOkay I found it, what do I do now?21:07
housefly7kpax: what was your computer model again?21:08
fliegenderfroschLibertyShadow: just an idea, but are you using a http proxy?21:08
LibertyShadowfliegenderfrosch: no21:08
jribScottH: yes21:08
fliegenderfroschWhatever: click on "Reload" on top left21:08
paxhousefly7k: I think I will when I have gutsy reinstalled, but does that make sense to you though, what does it do to add that line of code to xorg.conf.  My computer is hp m8120n, a supercomputer21:08
jribScottH: you should only let www-data write to files it need to write to (e.g. wiki files)21:08
rainrunner87Anyone know any good tools for tagging arbitrary files and sorting by combinations of those tags?21:08
fliegenderfroschWhatever: maybe the things are labeled slightly different, i don't use the english locale21:09
ScottHOk, so I'll make group called www-editor and use it instead.  Cool?  Some issues with the www-data group?21:09
WhateverFGF: It downloaded 6 files, searched for VLC and nothing.21:09
jribScottH: that sounds fine.  www-data should not have write permissions21:10
prince_jammysrainrunner87: doesn't "tracker" do this? it comes with ubuntu21:10
housefly7kpax: it is mentioned in a couple of places21:10
paxhousefly7k: what is21:10
ScottHOk, thanks for the input!  :-D21:10
fliegenderfroschWhatever, probably the sources aren't activated21:10
prince_jammysrainrunner87: i guess tracker probably doesnt let you tag files arbitrarily21:11
housefly7kpax: well I am not an expert, but i know when the same problem happened to my friend, we would load the laptop and the logo would come thn black screen21:11
LibertyShadowfliegenderfrosch: My Nvidia installer can connect to ftp://download.nvidia.com21:11
housefly7kpax: Hitting ALT+f1 at stratup would load into terminal21:11
fliegenderfroschWhatever: go to System > system administration > software sources21:11
LibertyShadowfliegenderfrosch: My Firewall is disabled, I tried restarting, and my hosts file is empty21:11
housefly7kpax: and from there you can access all the files and change them or restore them21:11
WhateverFGF: Okay I am there, what do I do next?21:12
fliegenderfroschWhatever: make sure that main, restricted, universe, multiverse are all enabled21:12
housefly7kpax: so install gutsy, try it out, add the VBErestore line in xorg.conf but before you do back up your xorg.conf21:12
paxhousefly7k: what happened to your friend is the same  thing that happend to me21:12
WhateverFGF: What abotu source?21:12
fliegenderfroschLibertyShadow: sorry, i don't know more, i'm no network pro either21:12
housefly7kpax: just do "sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf_back"21:12
=== rufus is now known as rufus_
paxhousefly7k: when i got into the terminal by alt+f1, what should I do from there21:13
fliegenderfroschWhatever: you probably don't need source codes, but activating it as well does no harm either21:13
housefly7kpax: no unfortunately it isnt, he has a laptop and some laptops have problems with ACPI and changing that fixed his issues21:13
housefly7kpax: well from the terminal you can follow any advice given to you or you can file a bug report and be able to provide them with the information they ask for21:14
WhateverFGF: Thanks, what is the packet manager, is it the "thing" behind add/remove?21:14
paxhousefly7k: I never filed a bug report before and didn't believe that someone will actually try to fix it, but I guess I will have to someday21:15
fliegenderfroschWhatever: add/remove is basically just a simplified installer21:15
housefly7kpax: well you can file the bug report and meanwhile dont use suspend and see if anyone can help with that21:16
ColorSounfBoyhow can i enable icecast client :|21:16
rainrunner87prince_jammys: Tracker's not particularly friendly to the problem, or at least not that I've seen in my tinkerings with it.  I guess I'll just have to code something up.  Oh well.21:16
housefly7kpax: sorry i am not of much help21:16
fliegenderfroschWhatever: but all these programs are frontends for the same package management system21:16
WhateverFGF: Okay21:16
housefly7kpax: from the temrinal if you type "gdm" it will try to launch the Gnome desktop manager which is the GUI you normally log into21:16
paxhousefly7k: could you give me your IM id, so I could add you to my buddy list, you seem to be a very nice person21:16
LibertyShadowTo whomever: I cannot connect to the internet via http, but I can connect using other types of connections.  I am not using a proxy.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me.  I would search the forums but I can't connect to the internet...21:16
housefly7kpax: i am sending it to you in PM21:17
WhateverFGF: My font for the login screen is too big. How do I solve that issue?21:17
paxhousefly7k: what is PM21:17
mdm4432how do I get a root password so I can just type su ?21:17
demonsporkhow do I see how fast apt-mirror is downloading?21:17
housefly7kpax: a private window21:17
mdm4432or rather set a root password21:18
housefly7kpax: what are you using for IRC?21:18
paxhousefly7k: pidgin21:18
demonspork!root | mdm443221:18
ubotumdm4432: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:18
prezes_xchat rulez ;)21:18
nebesysgoukki: abraco aqui do irssi em mac os 10.5.21:18
demonsporkxchat-gnome is not xchat, remember that21:18
housefly7kpax: so there isnt a private window that popped up when i typed straight to you21:18
NixerXAnyone know how to lock down printers in ubntu so they cant be deleted?21:18
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housefly7kwhy dont you try double clicking my name and see if you can chat with me21:19
paxhousefly7k: no21:19
prezes_i use xchat from repository - it's for kde and works great21:19
housefly7kpax: ok give me your IM and I will add you21:19
fliegenderfroschWhatever: have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2304821:20
ewookthis is not really related to ubuntu, but I am running putty/xming towards ubu 7.10 (with gnome), and am curius if I can fire upp the whole x-session against it. got this when i tried : X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.21:20
nebesysgouki: greetings to the  nslu2 :)21:20
NixerXanyone know about printers?21:20
paxhousefly7k: have you received my IM21:21
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housefly7kmdm4432: sudo  passwd root21:21
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housefly7kpax: i did not21:22
fliegenderfroschWhatever: have a look at the last post21:22
TonrenI'm setting up ruby.  It seems that ruby1.9 is available as a package, but installing just "ruby" installs 1.8.  to maintain the best level of compatibility with current packages (like rubygems) should I install 1.8 or 1.9?21:22
paxhousefly7k: I guess private window wouldn't work21:22
takatskican someone quickly lend me a hand with a couple things?21:22
housefly7kpax: as_alkhatib@hotmail21:22
erUSUL!anybody | takatski21:22
ubotutakatski: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:22
paxhousefly7k: I got it21:23
Whateve1FGF: sorry, ubuntu crashed, it has been doing that alot.21:23
Whateve1Anyone: Why is my ubuntu crashing alot?21:24
takatskiI'm having trouble with my sound card and my graphics card, my sound card isn't allowing me to turn up my volume to a usefull level, and my video card is messing up my startup, it was fine until i update ubuntu, now it starts in Low graphics mode21:24
DarkmystereErr, i still cant get intenet to work in Ubuntu network manager still doesnt work and i cant seem to get that other one you  mentioned21:24
prezes_Whateve1: maybe your hardware are egzotic or damaged21:24
takatskiive done a bunch of research and a lot of people are having the same problem with my toshiba laptop, but none of their suggestions help my case21:24
takatskiwell for the sound part atleast21:25
danceifyoucannotwhat's the difference between linux gamnes and windows games?21:25
mac_Where can I find a list of new notebooks that run Ubuntu well?21:25
danceifyoucannotwhat's the difference between linux games and windows games?21:25
gothytakatski: are you using the restricted drivers?21:25
Tonrendanceifyoucannot: Your question isn't very clear... what kind of differences are you looking to find out about?21:25
Tonrendanceifyoucannot: Generally, Linux games are lower-budget and more rare.21:25
erUSULdanceifyoucannot: you mean between quake 4 for linux vs quake 4 for windows or.... ??21:25
Whateve1peres: If I run XP, it doesn't happen21:25
burkmatAnyone know how to get XChat to show as a tray icon rather than a huge bloated bar?21:26
prince_jammysintriguing question21:26
danceifyoucannoterUSUL yes21:26
justin6891mac_:you can check out http://www.linux-laptop.net/21:26
takatskigothy: yes i am21:27
sn00zerburkmat, under settings -> prefs -> alerts enable the tray icon check box21:27
danceifyoucannotTonren phychology21:27
Tonrendanceifyoucannot: What?21:27
prezes_Whateve1: how does crash look like? is it freeze?21:27
Nuke_why might the gradient editor in gimp be broken?21:27
Nuke_i can't drag any of the handles21:27
Whateve1prezes_: yes it is freeze21:27
erUSULdanceifyoucannot: there is no difference between the two afaics (tried ET:quake wars demo)21:27
Nuke_this is on feisty, and i just upgraded gimp to gutsy's version, which didn't fix it21:27
Jewsus_hi, what is the process "mandb", why is it taking 89% of the CPU, and can I kill it? :P21:28
danceifyoucannoterUSUL windoes games are damaging to your mind21:28
prezes_Whateve1: how long does it take to freeze?21:28
erUSULdanceifyoucannot: maybe ;P21:28
prince_jammysJewsus_: man mandb21:28
gothydanceifyoucannot: not the games, only windows ;-)21:28
Whateve1prezes_: It is instant21:28
danceifyoucannoterUSUL so you know about this21:29
burkmatsn00zer, My alerts options don't show that one... Just a bunch of stuff about beeping when messages are sent/recieved.21:29
Jewsus_prince_jammys man says it creates and updates manual page index caches.  I do not know what that means, or whether it will break my computer if i kill it21:29
danceifyoucannotgothy so why is windows damaging?21:29
DarkmystereCan some one help me get network working?21:29
takatskican anyone help, im actually getting no sound at all21:29
mysteriosoIs there a way to boost wireless signal?21:29
prince_jammysJewsus_: i suggest you don't kill it.  has it been stuck for a long time?21:29
prezes_Whateve1: I think, your kernel is damaged. did you try to reinstall?21:30
Jewsus_I don't know, I just came back to my computer and it was going slow21:30
gothydanceifyoucannot: my pc tends to crash a lot when running windows, as soon as i start to use it heavy like with games21:30
luisbghow do I reload the ssh service in ubuntu?21:30
Jewsus_and on "top" it is using 93% CPU atm21:30
gothydanceifyoucannot: which ofcourse isn't good for your mind ;-)21:30
fliegenderfroschtakatski: what type of  soundcard do you have?21:30
justin6891mac_:you could also check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam21:30
takatskii believe21:30
danceifyoucannotgothy no the programming of windows21:30
danandluisbg - /etc/init.d/ssh restart21:31
mysteriosoIs there a way to boost Wireless signal???21:31
luisbgdanand, no such file21:31
sn00zerburkmat, type this "/set gui_tray_flag" in the message area and send it,21:31
FreeFullmysterioso: get nearer to the router.21:31
Whateve1prezes_: pm21:31
mysteriosofreefull i mean somekinda software21:31
takatskiHDA alsa maybe?21:31
danandluisbg - ?? - do you have ssh installed?21:31
gothydanceifyoucannot: what do you mean?21:31
takatskibut theres no volume control on the top right21:31
luisbgdanand, oops might have only the client in this new install21:32
luisbgdanand, let me check, sorry21:32
FreeFullmysterioso: I don't think there is any software that does that.21:32
sn00zerburkmat, "/set gui_tray_flags 1" sorry, didn't get the whole command copied21:32
fliegenderfroschtakatski: what does "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec" return?21:32
danandluisbg - dpkg -l | grep openssh-server :)21:32
burkmatsn00zer, "No such variable."21:33
sn00zerburkmat, which version do you have?21:33
luisbgdanand,  Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key21:33
pronegood evening @all.......im a linux newbie. can somebody  tellme if i can use some wep cracking tools with an PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection????21:33
burkmatsn00zer, 2.6.621:33
proneIntel Pro wlan card,imean21:33
tomd123prone, if you have to ask you shouldn't be using those tools in the first place :P21:34
Darkmystereprone, ip2200?21:34
justin6891mysterioso:check out http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2007/12/09/9-common-wireless-hacking-tools/21:34
ivan_vvxf gbgfh21:34
popeyDarkmystere: no its iwl394521:34
cdeszaqI have installed gutsy onto an acer Aspire 5520 laptop and my WiFi card is not detected, and there is no sound coming out of the speakers. Could someone help me get these working? (mostly the WiFi)?21:34
FreeFullprone, why do you want to crack WEP?21:34
sn00zerburkmat, did you try the second command "/set gui_tray_flags 1" first one was missing the last characters21:34
tomd123freefull: i think we all know the answer to that21:34
danandluisbg - you have the ssh server installed i take it?21:34
Darkmysterepopey, Oh i have an extra labtop with Intel Pro Wireless 2200 :/...21:34
proneonly because my neigbhour mean i cant ^^21:34
takatskifliegenderfrosch: Realtek ALC86121:34
burkmatsn00zer, Yes.21:35
grezerok now I have a question I am installing ISPCONFIG AHHH and its asking me for " Please enter the IP address of the ISPConfig web "21:35
luisbgdanand, and rsa fixed21:35
takatskifliegenderfrosch: and also Generic 11c1 Si305421:35
grezeris that the IP address for my server or my router ??21:35
fliegenderfrosch!wlan | cdeszaq21:35
ubotucdeszaq: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:35
grezerdont know21:35
fliegenderfroschtakatski: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:36
grezeranyone ??21:36
grezer.... HELP21:36
luisbgdanand, know it doesn't want to accept my change of port :(21:36
* genius happy Ubuntu21:36
pronefirst time in irc, im a little bit confused ;)21:36
burkmatsn00zer, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56892/21:37
proneso many people and questions ^^21:37
sylvanHi, anyone know of a guide to install ubuntu from an USB drive? I don't have any empty CD-ROMs, but I do have a 2GB memory stick...21:37
L3ttuc3say im using synaptic to install a bunch of packages totallng something like 100MBm decide halfway i need to shut down my computer for whatever reason, cancel it, and restart later, is there a way to recover the process? just run synaptic and install the same packages and it'll use files from the cache? or will cancelling in the middle break something?21:37
erUSULsylvan: www.pendrivelinux.com21:37
sylvanto clarify: I want to install it to the hard drive, but I just want the installer to boot from the stick21:37
danandluisbg - do you have sshd running?21:38
Odd-rationaleL3ttuc3: In the download stage or install?21:38
luisbgdanand, yes and working in port 2221:38
luisbgdanand, I want it in port 222221:38
fliegenderfroschtakatski: especially the "Manually Specify Module Parameters" section21:38
L3ttuc3Odd-rationale download stage.21:38
thechitowncubsI am having problems installing ubuntu, is there a way I can wipe my entire hard drive?21:38
L3ttuc3Odd-rationale and what about half-downloaded packages? are these resumeable?21:39
gothythechitowncubs: yes, you can select during installation to wipe your entire drive21:39
danandluisbg - did you set port 2222 in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file?21:39
grezerwhen you are installing ISPConfig and the questions comes up Please enter the IP address fo the ISPConfig web, is that Directed at the routers DG or the Server IP anyone know ??21:39
luisbgdanand, yes and restarted the service21:39
erUSULL3ttuc3: apt tools dl packages to /var/cache/apt/archives/ so it can resume later21:39
Odd-rationaleL3ttuc3: I beleive you can cancel safely in the download. you will not have to redownload the packages you already have. I have done it before. But won't garuntee anything :P21:39
thechitowncubsgothy: it doesn't give me that optin21:39
gothythechitowncubs: what installation error are you having?21:39
thechitowncubsgothy: and when i do sudo fdisk /dev/hda it says it can't read it21:39
luisbgdanand, ahhh now it's working, thanks21:40
thechitowncubsI have concluded that my superblock got corrupted, but now I need to reformat the entire drive but cant figure out how.21:40
sn00zerburkmat, can you upgrade to 2.8?21:40
coloneLkerneLhi, just wondering if I can get some help21:40
L3ttuc3erUSUL Odd-rationale thanks :).21:40
burkmatsn00zer, I guess. Thought I was running latest though, so didn't really cross my mind. :)21:40
danandluisbg - what got it working?21:40
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:40
coloneLkerneLI am new to Linux21:40
burkmatsn00zer, Will do that and that'll probably fix it. Thanks for your help.21:40
Odd-rationale!ask | coloneLkerneL21:40
ubotucoloneLkerneL: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:40
sn00zerburkmat, no problem :)21:40
luisbgdanand, when I reinstalled ssh to get the new rsa and dsa, the changed I had done in the config where washed, so I had to change them again21:41
gothythechitowncubs: sorry, i don't know about corrupted superblocks :(21:41
thechitowncubsgothy: no problem21:41
pronecan i use such progs with an Intel PRO/100 VE?21:41
luisbgdanand, sorry for the inconvenience :) thanks for all the help21:41
grezerwhen you are installing ISPConfig and the questions comes up Please enter the IP address fo the ISPConfig web, is that Directed at the routers DG or the Server IP anyone know ??21:41
thechitowncubsAnyone else know how to force fdisk to format my entire drive?21:41
danandluisbg - np, glad you got it up and running!21:41
coloneLkerneLHow should I go about installing drivers for my Synaptics Touchpad?21:41
coloneLkerneLI want to be able to disable it21:42
luisbgdanand, now the router is not redirecting the new port correctly :( problem after problem21:42
bazrini just installed ubuntu last night and i can definitly say, if it wasnt for producing music, i would totally live windows behind, but i will use ubuntu for my main desktop21:42
pronecan i use such progs with an Intel PRO/100 VE? for example wep crack?21:42
luisbgdanand, but this one isn't an ubuntu one related so thanks21:42
erUSULthechitowncubs: what error do you get when you do sudo fdisk /dev/hda ?21:42
* bazrin goes back to lurking21:42
thechitowncubserUSUL: Unable to read /dev/hda21:43
cdesza1is there any way to determine my wifi card type if it isn't currently detected? I have an acer Aspire 5520 laptop.21:43
danandluisbg - know how you feel - just log into your router and sort out the firewall!21:43
thechitowncubserUSUL: the hard drive is fine, i just installed windows on it21:43
erUSULcdesza1: lspci21:43
proneimout cya@all21:43
bazrincan anyone recommend a good ebook on the basics of linux?21:43
gothycdesza1: yes there is. You have to use madwifi and a patch to get it working. I have the same laptop and the same problem which i'm working on now21:44
erUSULthechitowncubs: very weird have you tried gparted from the/a livecd21:44
LilBlackDemonhas anyone tried to install junit into Eclipse?21:44
cdesza1erUSUL: thx21:44
sylvanerUSUL: That web site seems to be about running linux from the pen drive, I just want to run the installer. In fact, the tutorial they had required a CD drive which was precisely why I wanted to use the USB stick...21:44
thechitowncubsya it just says my whole drive is unallocated21:44
danandcdesza1 - try using the lspci -vvv and lshw commands to see if your wireless card is listed21:44
erUSUL!install | sylvan21:44
ubotusylvan: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:44
erUSULsylvan: see the page Don't want to use a cd?21:45
sylvanerUSUL: thanks21:45
cdesza1gothy: where can I find info about how to get it working?21:45
=== lunaphyte__ is now known as lunaphyte_
alex123hey guys, sometimes firefox becomes unresponsive and my entire ubuntu box becomes sluggish (even the mouse doesn't move slowly). is the some ctrl-alt-del equivalent in ubuntu to kill the offending app?21:45
komputesI'm halfway there - Thank you MasterShrek21:45
gothycdesza1: sec, i'll find it for you21:45
alex123*even the mouse moves slowly. i mean21:45
Survivorman top21:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:46
gothycdesza1: look at http://madwifi.org/ticket/1679 for how to do it. I'm currently working on that mysefl21:46
erUSULalex123: no that combo kills the Xserver21:46
lunaphyte_i'm trying to use a program (anyterm) that uses "some of the Boost C++ libraries.".  i see there are a bunch of boost related packages - how can i determine which are appropriate for me?21:46
ForzaPalermoanyone here use x11vnc to act as a server to remote into their machines?21:46
erUSULlunaphyte_: anyterm should tell you which ones21:47
SlartForzaPalermo: yes21:47
thechitowncubswhen i do mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda i get:21:47
thechitowncubs could not erase sector 2: Attempt to write block from filesystem resulted in short write21:47
ForzaPalermoSlart, you vnc in from windows?21:47
SlartForzaPalermo: nope.. linux to linux21:47
MasterShrekkomputes, whats the other "half" ?21:47
erUSULthechitowncubs: you can not format a hard drive you format a partition /dev/hda1 or /dev/hda221:48
ForzaPalermodamn... i am trying to figure out how ot file trnasfer windows to linux21:48
coloneLkerneLIs there anyway to add tablet functionality to Ubuntu?21:48
lunaphyte_erUSUL: yeah, i was expecting that as well.  the extent of what i can seem to find so far has been "You may already have them on your system; if not, precompiled packages for most systems are available from the usual places. "  :)21:48
ForzaPalermoand vice versa21:48
YeTr2thechitowncubs: you need to check the hdd for badblocks21:48
ForzaPalermoseems i can only do vnc windows to windows file transfer21:48
SlartForzaPalermo: are file transfers a part of the vanilla vnc protocol? I don't think so21:48
komputesMasterShrek: well the CPU is down to 800Mhz which helps with the fan, but I still want to turn the fan off21:48
lunaphyte_oh - wait - here is a bit more detail: Anyterm uses Ion Gaztañaga's Boost candidate shared memory library for communication between the Apache processes"21:49
thechitowncubsYeTr2: how can i do that?21:49
erUSULlunaphyte_: well you will have to install everything boost related or configure; see error; install package; got configure until done21:49
DarkmystereCan someone recommend me a Network Manager for Ubuntu 7.10 because the default one wont load in my ubuntu install21:49
danandForzaPalermo - do you mean over a network or from your windows install to ubuntu (on the same machine)21:49
ScunizicoloneLkerneL, the wacom drivers listed in xorg.conf and another driver I can't remember the name of provide functionality for mouse pads and graphics tablets.. they might work as well for tablets21:49
MasterShrekkomputes, im not exactly sure how to do that...sorry bud21:49
ForzaPalermofrom different locations21:49
erUSULDarkmystere: wifi radar ??21:49
YeTr2thechitowncubs: manufacturers usually have a bootable cdrom image you can download to use for checking for badblocks.21:49
YeTr2thechitowncubs: who made your hdd?21:49
lunaphyte_erUSUL: oh, that's not a bad idea.  i'll just try it and see how it goes.21:49
komputesMasterShrek: no problem you've helpped me enough for a day21:49
ScunizicoloneLkerneL, there are tablets available commercially that have linux preinstalled so it is possible.21:49
ForzaPalermodanand, i am at work now remoted into my linux machine21:49
DarkmystereerUSUL, That thing has never successfully connected to any network for me..21:49
andrea6030where is the linux complain channel?21:50
MasterShrekkomputes, if you want the fan permanently off, just open the box and unplug it :)21:50
PriceChildandrea6030, complain channel?21:50
PriceChild!bug | andrea603021:50
MasterShrekkomputes, but i wouldnt recommend it personally21:50
ubotuandrea6030: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:50
Scuniziandrea6030, complain?  help with hardware software.. right here.21:50
Slartandrea6030: linux complain channel? what do you want to complain about?21:50
danandForzaPalermo - and your on a windows machine at work?21:50
erUSULandrea6030: /dev/null ;P21:50
komputesMasterShrek: if I take this pc apart theres no putting it back together21:50
ForzaPalermodanand, yes21:50
erUSULandrea6030: echo "Complain" > /dev/null XD21:50
ScunizierUSUL, :)21:50
thechitowncubsYeTr2: Samsung21:50
MasterShrekkomputes, u cant just open it and unplug the fan?21:51
prince_jammysyou can try #complain, maybe you get a refund21:51
Milos_SDHow can I fix Ubuntu freezing after random periond of time (1 to 3 days uptime)?21:51
thebusbyAnyone know how I get g++ with the "-m32" option on Ubuntu Server 64-bit to use the /usr/lib32/stdc++ library instead of /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.3/libstdc++ during compilation? GCC uses the proper 32 bit libraries and everything runs fine, but g++ is dieing on this one library for some reason...21:51
komputesMasterShrek: laptop, too many screws21:51
ewookMilos_SD: you need to find the cause21:52
MasterShrekkomputes, ah, was not aware it was a lptop21:52
Scunizithebusby, you might try in #ubuntu-server21:52
SlartMilos_SD: depends on why it's freezing.. might be lots of things... any error messages?21:52
andrea6030not bugs just guides in particular, theres always something missing21:52
thebusbyScunizi thanks I'll move over there!21:52
komputesMasterShrek: now you know, and knowing is half the battle21:52
danandForzaPalermo - the easiest way i could suggest would be to set up a samba server on your gnu/linux box. that way you can remotely access files by using the "map network drive" thing in windows.21:52
YeTr2thechitowncubs: then go to samsung's website and look for the tools to test samsung harddrives.21:52
Scuniziandrea6030, what kink of guides are you looking for?21:52
Slartandrea6030: you could write an email to the persons who wrote the guides21:52
cdesza1gothy: any luck getting it to work? Everything seems to say 32bit only21:53
andrea6030im no newbie but theres all this waste of time people asking questions, we could save so much time21:53
Slartandrea6030: a nice email, mind you.. unless you paid for it or something21:53
Odd-rationaleandrea6030: If it is on a wiki, you can start a wiki discussion page21:53
andrea6030like ubuntuguide.org21:53
K_DallasHi guys! What is the easiest way to run ubuntu (as a virtual machine which i have never done btw) in XP? Thanks21:53
gothycdesza1: yes, i'm running 32bit ubuntu just for this reason. I'm currently downloading build-essential for the compilation21:53
Milos_SDThere are no error massages ... It just freez totally ... I have C2D E6550, 2GB RAM, Nvidia 7600GT ... I think that I have this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/145112    but, it is not fixed as it says it is. :(21:53
thechitowncubsGOD BLESS IT21:53
thechitowncubsthis is so annoying!21:53
MasterShrekthechitowncubs, whats the problem?21:54
ForzaPalermodanand, and i can share files from anywhere in the world21:54
Odd-rationaleK_Dallas: Use VirtualBox or VMware21:54
thechitowncubsMasterShrek: I can't format my hard drive21:54
cdesza1gothy: will ndiswrapper work for this?21:54
thechitowncubsMasterShrek: no matter what i do21:54
MasterShrekthechitowncubs, is it mounted?21:54
thechitowncubsThere are bad blocks apparently, and i can't do anything abou tit21:54
Slartandrea6030: then write an email to the author.. his name is on the front page21:54
K_DallasOdd-rationale, ok, are they the fastest?21:54
thechitowncubsMasterShrek: no it won't mount21:54
b53523can anyone  tell me how i would go about connecting to my router? its plugged in and everything, trying the cable in a different computer (winxp) works so i dont know whats wrong. my connection is enabled and the settings are correct.21:54
thechitowncubsMasterShrek: im in the live cd21:54
Odd-rationaleK_Dallas: Pretty much.21:54
MasterShrekthechitowncubs, it may be automounting it, open a terminal and type: mount21:54
NouroxHey everyone, I am new to linux, and at the moment I am installing Ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop. I am at the stage where I have to prepare partition. I formatted free space into ext3 type. Now I need to select "mount point" from the list. What should I choose?21:54
K_DallasOdd-rationale, thanks21:54
thechitowncubsfsck.ext2: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/hda21:55
gothycdesza1: there have been reports of using ndiswrapper to get it to work, though i'm trying this approach first21:55
MasterShrekthechitowncubs, if its not mounted, run sudo cfdisk /dev/xxxx21:55
danandForzaPalermo - yes. its just like the files on your gnu/linux box are on the hard drive of your windows (or gnu/linux) machine21:55
pumamar#join hellas21:55
thechitowncubsMasterShrek: another thing that don't work... FATAL ERROR: Cannot read disk drive21:55
andrea6030the samba server thing is good but it was missing the most important part, enable the user after adding it, if you dont enable it, beats the whole purpose, im not trying to start a fight, but every guide on samba server is missing the point about enable the user21:55
ForzaPalermodanand, do you have any literature on how to set that up?21:55
thechitowncubsMasterShrek: the hard drive is physically fine, i just installed windows21:55
MasterShrekthechitowncubs, sudo cfdisk /dev/hda    or /dev/sda ?21:56
MasterShrekNourox, choose /21:56
Slartandrea6030: enable the user?... I don't really understand21:56
thechitowncubsMasterShrek: yep, borked.21:56
neverblueNourox, there are a few settings you need to apply, first off, you will need a SWAP space allocation, which should be your ram size * 1.521:56
danandandrea6030 - agreed with that one - Finding that out took me hours .,, check firewall, check smb.conf, check permissions ... sigh21:56
Nouroxneverblue, that is 2GB *1.5?21:56
andrea6030slart, sudo smbpasswd -h21:57
sdsheeksafternoon.  Does anyone know of a gui for clamav (gnome)?21:57
thechitowncubsOk, im booting into the windows installer21:57
neverblueNourox, secondly, some ppl like to keep /home on a seperate partition as well, so in say an 80GB system, with 2 GB RAM, I would do SWAP 3GB, / 20GB, and /home the remaining 57GBs21:57
thechitowncubsI can't believe no linux tools can fix my drive21:57
andrea6030the user is disabled by default after adding it21:57
steve176hi. Just bought a new dell inspiron 1525 which comes with a wireless Dell 1395 mini card. Ubuntu 7.10 doesn't list it in network settings and there's no linux drivers on the dell website. Is there any way to get this working?21:58
neverblueNourox, if that is your RAM size, then yes, you want to allocate 3GB to swap21:58
sdsheekssteve176: is that a notebook or laptop?21:58
neverblueNourox, u can setup your partitions manually, in the installation21:58
steve176its a laptop21:58
sdsheekssteve176: happen to know if it uses the bcm series of wireless?21:58
ForzaPalermodanand, do you have any literature on how to set that up?21:58
MasterShreksteve176, if its a broadcom card, as i imagine it is, youll need firmware for it, the restricted drivers manager should take care of it for you21:58
danandForzaPalermo - do sudo apt-get install samba. that should get you started.21:58
ForzaPalermodennda, i have that already21:59
ForzaPalermodenand i ahve that already21:59
killuxhey, when logging into pidgin it hangs on "waiting for network connection"21:59
sdsheekssteve176: mastershrek is correct.  It took me  a few hours to figure that out but it does work.21:59
NouroxOK, I have anly 8GB for Ubuntu :)21:59
killuxmeanwhile i already have a network connection established21:59
Slartandrea6030: never had any problems with it.. must have used other guides than you did... but the best thing you can do is make it better.. send your suggestions to the authors of the guides.. that way we'll have better guides21:59
steve176OK, so if i use the wired connection, check all the right boxes in apt-get it should work21:59
Zimmerhow can I change the font colour on ubuntu panels?21:59
NouroxNow, 3GB for swap,21:59
L3ttuc3running ubuntu and installing kubuntu-desktop won't create problems? i'm thinking specfically between gdm and kdm.21:59
MasterShrekNourox, you really dont need much swap, 1 gig should do, with 2 gigs of ram you probably wont use much swap if any21:59
DarkmystereOk since no one knows that how can i get a kernal for a ubuntu install without internet...21:59
=== ihswem is now known as mewish
sdsheeksDarkmystere: mail?22:00
MasterShrekL3ttuc3, kdm will replace gdm, if you want to still use gdm, type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm22:00
NouroxI read somethere, that if swap has less memory than your RAM, then suspention won't work?22:00
MasterShrekNourox, good point, thats probably true22:00
SlartDarkmystere: snailmail a dvd?.. I don't think distribution of kernels in meatspace is a big priority for the kernel people22:00
sdsheekssteve176: should in theory yes22:00
josspykerNourox: is true22:00
nenelinuxhi to all22:00
QuickGoldHow do I disconnect from an SSH session once I'm connected?22:01
Zimmerhow can I change the font colour on ubuntu panels?22:01
L3ttuc3MasterShrek what i thought. thanks for clearing it up. i'll have a look at whether i like kdm better first though :). nothing else will get messed up though?22:01
sdsheekssteve176: mine took a little kicking to get going...i had to reboot a few times22:01
Odd-rationaleMasterShrek: I don't recall kdm replacing gdm... Just pick kde from the gdm sessions menu22:01
MasterShrekQuickGold, type exit22:01
MasterShrekOdd-rationale, i could be wrong on that, i thought it did, but i guess i havent installed ubuntu (gnome) in awhile22:01
nenelinuxsomebody use opera in ubuntu 7.10??22:01
digital00is there a way to read how much Volts and Watts use got my computer??22:01
Tim000hi guys, can someone confirm that the command "rm -r *.jpg" will delete all jpg files in the current folder and subfolder, but leave all other files ok?22:01
digital00is there a command?22:01
sdsheeksQuickGold: type exit22:01
MasterShrekL3ttuc3, so kdm may not replace gdm, but if it does its easy to fix :)22:01
QuickGoldMasterShrek: Not working. it says "logout. There are stopped jobs"22:01
sdsheeksQuickGold: type exit again22:02
Slartdigital00: powertop22:02
MasterShrekOdd-rationale, ive just heard of some people having kdm replace gdm22:02
QuickGoldsdsheeks: that did it. thank you22:02
sdsheeksQuickGold: np22:02
erUSULTim000: yes that should be the outcome22:02
Scunizinenelinux, I've tried it.22:02
Odd-rationaleMasterShrek: With apt-get kubuntu-desktop?22:02
NouroxOK, I am going to reboot and allocate more space for linux partition ( borrow some from Vista ). What total partition size for ubuntu would you recommend?22:02
Tim000thanks, just wanted to doublecheck :)22:02
sdsheeksDoes anyone know of a gui for clamav (gnome)?22:02
Zimmerguys, is there any way to change the font colour of panels?22:02
Odd-rationaleNourox: 10 gb is recommended22:03
josspykerNourox: 5 gig min 10 is better22:03
L3ttuc3MasterShrek fair enough. thanks.22:03
nenelinuxI have a problem with flash in opera22:03
SlartZimmer: I'm not sure there are such a thing.. I've not seen any text on the panels themselves.. you might be able to change the font color of the widgets though22:03
danandForzaPalermo - you will then need to configure samba by editing /etc/samba/smb.conf. I can pastebin my smb.conf file if you like. then you need to add a password for your users account you will be connecting to by running smbpasswd. then you need to enable the account. after that you need to allow access to the samba server in your firewall. after that you'll be able to connect your windows (and gnu/linux) machines. NB on gnu/linux machines you need to ins22:03
nenelinuxI can't se anything22:03
ZimmerSlart: I mean the main panels, with the "Applications" etc22:04
digital00Slart: there's nothing about Volts or Watts in powertop..22:04
NouroxOK, 10GB. Now, as you listed previously: 3GB for `swap`, how many for `/`?22:04
erUSUL!sensors | digital0022:04
ubotudigital00: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto22:04
SlartZimmer: the panel is the solid square that you place stuff on.. the applications menu is a widget.. or whatever they are called22:04
corevettehttp://air.mozilla.com/ Mozilla Air (their live show) is on right now talking about themes/mozilla messaging22:04
josspykerNourox: 10 for /22:05
ZimmerSlart, ok then how do you do it?22:05
ZimmerWhen I got to properties, there are no options22:05
takatskiI'm having trouble with my sound, i tried updating to the latest version of ALSA for my RealTek driver, but the utils didnt install correctly, now i have no sound and my gstream.plugins ugly are not working22:05
tehkI am getting better font rendering in my browser then in my gui in general, is there anyway to see why?22:05
Scunizinenelinux, not to be glib.. but "don't we all".. sorry I don't have a solution22:05
SlartZimmer: there might be some weird setting deep down in gconf .. I have never seen anything in the usual places22:05
MepT_Bblu<sent_inel>: .22:05
ForzaPalermodanand, yes i would appreciate that22:05
capital86Hi, I unplugged my hard drive then plugged it back it and when I try to run ubuntu I get a grub  Error 21. I have googled it to look for answers but I'm not that familar with linux so I didnt get a real straight answer on what to do. Can anyone help?22:05
Milos_SDAnd, can anybody help me?22:06
danandForzaPalermo - ok, wait one...22:06
MasterShrek!helpme | Milos_SD22:06
takatskinot to mention my emerald is no longer working..22:06
ubotuMilos_SD: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:06
ewookMilos_SD: shoot22:06
NouroxTotal is 10GB and it is divided between: `swap` = 3GB, `home` = 7GB?22:06
larson9999kivio. dia, or something better?22:06
erUSULcapital86: did you plugged it on the same ide/sata port?? have you added another hard disk to the computer?22:06
nenelinuxwell :( its sad22:06
Tim000is my deleting dyntax correct? I'm trying to delete a bunch of jpg files with the command22:06
ForzaPalermodanand, ok thanks22:07
steve176thanks sdsheeks / mastershrek, restarting now22:07
erUSULcapital86: error 21 means that grub can not find the hard disk on the "place" it thinks it should be22:07
ewookTim000: could you state it again, missed it22:07
takatskishould i just reformat and start from scratch?22:07
Scunizicapital86, did you plug it into the same exact place on the cable and motherboard connection?22:07
AntiUSAcan I use .run installers with Ubuntu?22:07
slimjimflimif i add a second hard drive will ubuntu automatically use it when the first one runs out? anybody?22:07
capital86I plugged it into the same sata port. I also have a 160gig hd. But i did not remove it. the 160 is ide.22:07
Tim000is my deleting dyntax correct? I'm trying to delete a bunch of jpg files with the command "rm -rf *.jpg" but when I do "ls -R | grep jpg" afterwards it still finds files22:07
erUSULAntiUSA: depends on what are you triying to install22:08
capital86Everything ran fine before I unplugged it.22:08
AntiUSAa game22:08
NouroxTotal is 10GB and it is divided between: `swap` = 3GB, `home` = 7GB?22:08
erUSUL!who | capital8622:08
ubotucapital86: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:08
ewookTim000: rm *.jpg should suffice22:08
LjL-TempTim000: you can't recursively remove like that. your command will only remove files in the *current* directory that are named something.jpg, and recursively removed *directories* which are themselves named something.jpg22:08
Scunizitakatski, emerald has issues.. no you don't need to reformat and reinstall..  /join #ubuntu-effects and ask there.. you should be able to just uninstall emerald and restart X to get back to normal.22:08
LjL-TempTim000: if you want to remove recursively, you should probably use "find"22:08
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:08
prince_jammysTim000: your rm command is only deleting jpgs in the present dir, but you ls -R is showing jpgs recursively in sub dirs22:08
erUSULAntiUSA: then do chamod +x file.run && sudo ./file.run22:08
Tim000is there an easy way to pipe jpgs in subfolders to the rm command?22:09
MasterShrekTim000, rm ./*.jpg22:09
prince_jammysTim000 check the faq at #bash, this question is answered22:09
maxspacemaxturkçe konuşan varmı22:09
Tim000ok thanks22:09
slimjimflimtim000 `rm *.jpg`22:09
LjL-Temp!tr | maxspacemax22:09
ubotumaxspacemax: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:09
takatskiScunizi: its not only emerald, its also my sound card and my video card, not to mention gstream ugly plugins have stopped working :S22:10
erUSULTim000: as LjL-Temp says use find something like (totally untested "find . -name '*.jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 rm"22:10
LjL-Tempslimjimflim, MasterShrek: what is the practical difference to what it's doing?22:10
Tim000thanks all22:10
LjL-TemperUSUL: yes, or just use the exec options of find itself. i'm not particularly familiar with them though so i guess he'll refer to the manpage22:11
Milos_SDI have this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/145112 ... Do anybody know how to fix it? :(22:11
capital86Scunizi: did you get that info I wrote?22:11
Scunizitakatski, did all that just start to happen at once..?22:11
Scunizicapital86, nope.. I look for lines with my nick since the channel is so busy.22:11
MasterShrekLjL-Temp, whadda mean?22:11
reloophi, anyone knows how to use a command like /msg %me hello on server connect?22:12
danandForzaPalermo - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/56894/plain/ - it looks like a lot of work to configure at first, but you can leave most of the default settings as is. run meld or diff to see exactly what i changed from the original. that way you can tell if my file will suit your needs. dont forget to restart samba after you make changes to that file ie sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart22:12
Scunizicapital86, is the entire ubuntu install on the sata drive?22:12
AntiUSAerUSUL: I don't funny understand what your second parameter is22:12
erUSULLjL-Temp: find exec syntax is weird i prefer xargs. totally untested means find + rm is *dangerous* handle with care ;)22:12
capital86Scunizi: Okay sorry. Here is what I have. I have a 160ide, and two 40gig satas. The ubuntu install is on the sata that I removed. I plugged it in the exact same ports and did not remove the other two.22:12
NouroxCan anyone help me with creating ubuntu partitions?22:12
takatskiscunizi: first my sound was really low, but graphics was working fine, then i updated ubuntu, and then my video card kinda went, it gave me over sized title bars. so then i changed my cardtype in display settings, then everytime i boot up i now start in low graphics mode, then i tried to fix my sound by installing ALSA the latest version and when i rebooted my emerald AND sound werent working22:13
erUSULAntiUSA: second parameter ??22:13
AntiUSAwhat goes here : ./file.run22:13
Scunizicapital86, did you happen to change the default drive boot order in bios?22:13
KuniNourox: what do you mean?22:13
erUSULAntiUSA: the actual filnem of tge run file22:13
danandForzaPalermo - don't forget those last steps either - run smbpasswd to create a password and then again to enable the account. :)22:14
AntiUSAso if it's file.run, all I have to enter is ./file.run22:14
capital86no, I just unplugged it then plugged it back in and restarted.22:14
erUSULAntiUSA: the actual filname of the *.run file22:14
capital86Scunizi: No, I just unplugged it then plugged it back in and restarted.22:14
erUSULAntiUSA: no "sudo ./file.run" or wont install becouse of file permissions22:14
Scunizitakatski, well.. first I'd uninstall emerald and get back to the gtk default theme.. then reconfigure x using the line mentioned in the top part of /etc/xorg.conf.. after that see if it works.22:14
miki00hi, im having some trouble after the instalation of Gutsy, can anyone help me?22:15
AntiUSAyeah that's what I mea22:15
mysteriosoWhat is the best bittorrent application?  What is the FASTEST way to get a torrent?22:15
NouroxI created new partition, and I am at the process of installing Ubuntu. Now I need to create correct "directories (swap,home,etc)", but I have no idea wich ones I need and how much space should I allocate for each one.22:15
erUSUL!best | mysterioso22:15
ubotumysterioso: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.22:15
AntiUSAso i enter chmod or chamod?22:15
AntiUSAsomeone else said chmod22:15
Scunizicapital86, ok.. here's a link that saved me several times.  put grub on the drive that boots 1st.  http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm22:15
danbhfivemysterioso: transmission is the client slated for the next release22:15
erUSULAntiUSA: is chmod we all make typos ;)22:15
AntiUSAoh ok, just making sure22:16
mysteriosodanbhfive but I want on noowwwww22:16
AntiUSAthanks for the help :)22:16
erUSUL!torrent > mysterioso22:16
ForzaPalermook great thanks22:16
danbhfivemysterioso: yeah, you can get it now, sudo apt-get install transmission22:16
ForzaPalermodanand, hey do you use ssh or vpn for security?22:16
KuniNourox: when you are installing ubuntu and you get to the partitioner, if you use the "manual" option you have to tell ubuntu to mount the partition you want it installed on as "/"22:16
KuniSo where it asks for mount point, enter "/"22:16
Kunithen it will automatically create the file structure.22:17
blackbeasthi all22:17
danandForzaPalermo - err ... never used vpn. so you mean in conjuntion with smb ie to keep it secure?22:17
matehortuahi, what the irc channel for the community council?22:17
danandForzaPalermo - *do22:18
NouroxKuni, thanks for info, but let say, I want allocate 3GB for swap, how can I do it?22:18
KuniYou have to create a separate partition. when it asks what type, choose "swap"22:18
Kunimake that partition 3GB22:18
blackbeastcan someone help me with ssh server?22:18
=== TechnoViking is now known as MikeB
L3ttuc3is there a way to conveniently uninstall packages installed by a metapackage?22:18
Kunialthough unless you have a very small amount of ram or plan to do some heavy processing, I don't know why you'd need so much swap personally.22:19
capital86Scunizi: I have xp on the 160. Is there any way I can get it to load the windows bootloader and then open windows at least? I dont have time to fix grub  tonight but I have to get some work done for school.22:19
ForzaPalermodanand, yes itried ssh  couldnt ge tit to work22:19
takatskiScunizi: i uninstalled emerald, then tried a sudo gedit command on xorg.conf and it came up blank22:19
blackbeasti am trying to set it up22:19
blackbeastin order to connect to comp over mobile phone22:19
blackbeastwith putty22:19
erUSULcapital86: boot the windows installcd enter recovery mode run "fixmbr"22:20
cyberjamesblackbeast: have you installed ssh in your server?22:20
capital86erUSUL: I dont have my windows boot cd. The computer came with xp on it. I do have a ubuntu live cd though.22:20
blackbeastit is installed22:20
danandForzaPalermo - not quite sure what your asking - are you asking if you'll need to use ssh _with_ samba?22:20
blackbeastand running22:20
blackbeasti have nokia e60, symbian os22:21
cyberjamesblackbeast: did you check your firewall to open from outside?22:21
blackbeastand installed putty on it22:21
danandForzaPalermo - or just about how to set up ssh on you gnu/linux box?22:21
erUSULcapital86: and the option boot from first hard drive (in the livecd boot menu) does not work??22:21
ForzaPalermohow to set i tup22:21
blackbeasti have set the port to 8000, which is opened on router22:21
KuniNourox: did you get that?22:21
=== Nourox is now known as Nouroxx
MasterShrekblackbeast, port 8000 is forwarded to the ssh server you are trying to connect to?22:21
tomd123I need to merge 4 m4v files, does anyone know how to do that?22:22
Scunizitakatski, gksudo gedit /etc/xorg.conf22:22
blackbeastit is on this computer22:22
cyberjamesblackbeast: try /sbin/sshd -p 800022:22
Kunitomd: I would try using AviDemux22:22
Kuniit's in Add/Remove22:22
capital86erUSUL: correct, i thought I would be able to but it doesnt. It comes up with the same exact error.22:22
blackbeastbash: /sbin/sshd: No such file or directory22:23
Kunitomd: add the four videos to a project in AviDemux, then save it as one video file22:23
cyberjamesblackbeast: sorry, /usr/sbin/sshd -p 800022:23
mysteriosowhat is a good gui bittorrent?22:23
capital86erUSUL: and my ide that has windows is my master drive.22:23
Scunizicapital86, fixing grub takes seconds.. check the link. the steps are really easy.. as for booting into windows.. doesn't look that way right now until you fix grub.. if you need to wait can you say "google docs?"22:23
takatskiScuzini: still blank22:23
jellmandeluge is good22:23
Kunimysterioso: transmission is good22:23
mysteriososo which is better, deluge or transmission?22:23
corevettemysterioso: deluge is by far the best22:23
Scunizitakatski, ah.. sorry  gksudo /ext/X11/xorg.conf  I always forget the X11 part.. :(22:24
mysteriosodeluge by 122:24
KuniI've never tried deluge, but I do know that transmission is going to be default in Hardy Heron22:24
capital86Scunizi: would you recommend super grub disk?22:24
lewmich\j drupal22:24
Kuni(actually, I'm using transmission on Hardy right now)22:24
mysteriosokuni is hardy out?22:24
Scunizicapital86, never used it.. I found the instructions easy..22:24
danandForzaPalermo - k. just sudo apt-get install openssh-server i believe. you'll need to configure your firewall again to accept connections on port 22. to connect to a gnu/linux box from another you just type ssh ip_address -o user=username. from windows you can use a ssh client like "putty". putty is free to download off the web22:24
KuniNo, but the alphas are available. Pretty buggy still.22:24
jnriopelI am having problems with booting.  The alternate install CD was not able to do the last part having to do with grub or lilo, I forget exactly which, happened 2 days ago when I 1st tried to install for the 1st time22:25
jellmani havent had that many probs with it tbh22:25
takatskiScuzini : gksudo gedit /ext/X11/xorg.conf ? and if so, still blank :S22:25
corevettemysterioso: deluge is like a utorrent for linux....transmission is nice, but less features22:25
mysteriososo still up for vote.  deluge or transmission22:25
skiandyyou need to port forward if you have a router22:25
mysteriosocorevette what features?22:25
L3ttuc3how do i go about uninstalling all the packages associated with a metapackage?22:25
KuniTransmission is very simplistic (and simple). Let's just say that it's probably the best torrent program on MacOSX (it's cross platform)22:25
erUSULmysterioso: why don't you install both and compare ??22:26
KuniI have yet to try deluge22:26
danandForzaPalermo - samba uses ports 137-139 and 44522:26
corevettemysterioso: what features? what do you mean22:26
jnriopelI had to boot off a diskete I made from the install directory22:26
cyberjamesblackbeast: working?22:26
mysteriosoerUSUL cuz  Im tryin to keep the extra stuff off22:26
blackbeastgo to priv22:26
mysteriosocorevette you said transmission had less features22:26
cyberjamesblackbeast: did it already..22:26
erUSULL3ttuc3: apt-cache show metapackage copy the list of dependencies and do sudo apt-get remove --purge <paste>22:26
corevetteyes mysterioso22:26
corevettemysteriso: i would just try both22:27
blackbeastyou don't answer there22:27
mysteriosook guys ill try BOTH22:27
L3ttuc3erUSUL thanks.22:27
Kunifewer features, but it can do pretty much what you need. If you delve into it's settings and details it pretty much has the same functionality as, say, uTorrent, just not as readily available.22:27
Kunilol mysterioso22:27
Kunidon't worry, if you find you like one better, just sudo apt-get remove the other one.22:27
Scunizitakatski, hang on.. I'm looking22:27
capital86Scunizi: sorry but I'm a huge noob with linux. I see on that webpage where it tells me that it is probaby loading the wrong hd. but how do I change it, if I cant get into linux to fix my menu.lst?22:28
mysteriososooo ill just try transmission22:28
cyberjamesblackbeast: try /query cyberjames22:28
Scunizicapital86, follow the instructions.. no need to edit menu.lst at all.22:28
mysteriosotransmission wins the bittorrent vote WOOOOO22:28
erUSULcapital86: you can with the liveCD mounting the partitions from it22:28
blackbeasti tried... nothing22:29
KuniYeah, transmission's pretty good. I still miss uTorrent from my windows partition, and I don't want to bother running it in WINE.22:29
capital86Scunizi: Thanks for the help. Im going to give this a shot.22:29
MasterShrekmysterioso, just to throw you a curveball, ktorrent is my fav, runs fine under gnome, lots of features. never used deluge though but ive heard its good too22:29
Scunizitakatski, was I typing gksudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etx?  it should be etc22:29
KuniMasterShrek: I had a hard time getting "Open with kTorrent" to work in gutsy22:30
ameriohey guys22:30
ForzaPalermothanks for the help, i will figure it out22:30
blackbeastcyberjames, do you see the priv window?!22:30
Scunizitakatski, don't forget to add gedit in there too.22:30
amerioany good software for video joining in ubuntu?22:30
cyberjamesblackbeast: nothing :(22:30
takatskiscunizi: u were typing ext lol, etc works22:30
MasterShrekKuni, never tried it, i run kde so it just works :)22:30
Scunizitakatski, my bad as they say..22:30
MasterShrek!register | blackbeast22:30
ubotublackbeast: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.22:30
Kuniah, well, there you go! :)22:30
blackbeasti use x-chat22:30
killuxhey, ubuntu doesnt recognize my cd drive22:30
Slue_GnifferWhat does "Invalid GUID" mean when you play an online game?22:30
cyberjamesblackbeast: have you registered your nick?22:30
danandForzaPalermo - its quite simple once you know how ;) Good luck and np for the help22:30
blackbeastno, i haven't22:30
killuxi mean it shows under "computer", but ubumtu wont mount it22:31
cyberjamesblackbeast: register first22:31
blackbeastok, wait a sec22:31
amerioany good software for video joining in ubuntu?22:31
takatskiScunizi: no biggie, and u mean take the sudo command thats in # in that file?22:31
Scunizitakatski, yes22:31
Kunikillux: type "lsmod | grep cdrom"22:31
erUSULamerio: avidemux ??22:31
amerioerUSUL does it work with wmv files?22:31
SkinnypuppY34killux if you are trying to connect to a windows machine try putting its IP address in to nautilus22:32
takatskiScunizi: its giving me a warning and it looks like its not proceding overwriting possibly-customised configuration22:32
killuxKuni, cdrom                  37536  1 sr_mod22:32
blackbeasthow to check22:32
blackbeastif i registered?!22:32
Kunik, so it's there22:32
Kuniwhat's on the cd?22:32
killuxKuni, yes,  counter strike source install22:32
killuxi am trying my luck with cedega22:32
danandkillux - also check you are a member of the cdrom group. type groups in a terminal and see if cdrom is on the output22:33
Scunizitakatski, do you have the propiatory driver loaded for your vid card?22:33
blackbeastcyberjames, how to check if i registered22:33
Kunibut you can't open it?22:33
takatskiScunizi: im not sure what u mean22:33
grezeris that the IP address for my server or my router ??22:33
grezerthis install is putting me to sleep its taking so long22:33
killuxdanand, i am amember22:33
killuxKuni, i cannot open it22:33
cyberjamesblackbeast: /msg nickserv identify <password>22:33
Scunizitakatski, do you have the "effects" enabled for cube and rotate etc?22:33
SkinnypuppY34Any ffmpeg gurus around? Will ffmpeg convert .swf to other formats  first?22:33
grezerok now I have a question I am installing ISPCONFIG AHHH and its asking me for " Please enter the IP address of the ISPConfig web "22:33
grezeris that the IP address for my server or my router ??22:34
takatskiScunizi: well it was working to some degree before so i think yes, but now emerald is uninstalled so22:34
amerioerUSUL does it work with wmv files?22:34
ScuniziCan anyone help takatski with stuck video resolution?  I've gotta run.. sorry takatski .. I'm passing the buck here.22:34
Kunikillux: does the folder "/media/cdrom" exist?22:34
blackbeasti got the message22:35
blackbeasti see it22:35
Kuniif not, try "sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom"22:35
takatskiScunizi : np22:35
killuxKuni, it exists22:35
mysteriosotransmission is pretty good, but my download rate goes from 8-28 k/s22:35
Kunithen it's mounted22:35
xrestassuredxis there a way to change the volume setting sensitivity? i have very little control now; my computer's almost completely silent when the slider is at 75%...22:35
Kunibut it shows nothing on it, or cedega can't open it?22:36
mysteriosoanyway to make it more stable?22:36
WebspotHey. I've got a little server that I run at home. For all of today, I've been getting a bad connection to it. It's just become available again. I looked through /var/log/auth.log and found this: http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/660 - Is it anything to worry about?22:36
grezerNouroxx its asking this question Please enter the IP address of the ISPConfig web22:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:36
Kunithe disc might be corrupted, that would be my guess. I'm not all that experienced with cd problems, though, so it could be something else.22:36
killuxKuni, i just manually mounted the device and it shows in the file browser22:37
killuxhold on let me try cedega22:37
jugheadI'm trying to analyze network traffic and ntop sounded great... it's described as being like the top Unix command... it's not like that at all.  what's a real command like top that shows network traffic?22:37
TrustNoOneis it necessary to have a firewall program such as firestarter running, or is the firewall always running and firestarter is just to manage it22:37
SkinnypuppY34Will ffmpeg convert .swf files to other formats ?22:37
WebspotHey. I've got a little server that I run at home. For all of today, I've been getting a bad connection to it. It's just become available again. I looked through /var/log/auth.log and found this: http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/660 - Is it anything to worry about?22:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about login - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:37
mysteriosowhat are some good gdm sites?22:38
grezerand then gives an example of
killuxKuni,  you dont happen to know the command for cedega22:38
mysteriosoany one know some good GDM sites?22:38
TrustNoOneis it necessary to have a firewall program such as firestarter running, or is the firewall always running and firestarter is just to manage it22:39
ForzaPalermodanand, thanks man22:39
fliegenderfroschmysterioso: what do you want to know about gdm?22:39
killuxKuni, ah ha!22:39
Kunino, but I know in Cedega's GUI there's both an option for installing from CD and installing from an installer.22:39
killuxF1 2008-02-21 17:39:04,795 WARNING Optical drive detection: there appears to be an incompatibility with installed dbus bindings.22:39
killuxcedega gives me that error22:39
mysteriosofliegenderfrosch i want to download some new ones22:39
mysteriosothe login screens22:39
fliegenderfroschmysterioso: gnome-look.org22:39
grezerso no one knows what this questions is then ??22:40
killuxdo you have any ideas Kuni?22:40
Kunikillux: I don't know then. I would try opening the installer off of the CD instead of the CD in Cedega22:40
sdsheekstrying to watch a DVD and totem is telling me i need libdvdcs to read encrypted dvd's but i'm unable to install this package...any ideas?22:40
needhelpHi I am unable to switch to norwegian keyboard. Can anyone help?22:41
levanderWhen I go to "Places -> Network" I end up in Nautilus look at some other Windows computers on my network.  I can see the computers, but when  I click on one, I wait a long time and then it says "Couldn't connect".  Anyone know how to make it so I can connect?22:41
SkinnypuppY34levander I work around that by putting the windows machine ip address into nautilus22:41
levanderSkinnypuppY34: thanks, but they're dynamic IP's22:42
levanderSkinnypuppY34: But, this is a common issue?22:42
SkinnypuppY34then I can see all the shares something in the name resolution22:42
Kunijust so you know, killux, I've had very little success with steam apps in cedega. They don't like to mix well with compiz usually.22:42
mad_max02I got a question: why does my memory consumption rise with time when azureus is running ???22:42
levanderSkinnypuppY34: I have no idea what your last sentence means.22:42
killuxcompiz? kuni?22:42
andrea6030any way to boost the sound on xubuntu?22:42
killuxwhat does compiz have to do with it22:43
levanderandrea6030: alsa-mixer22:43
TrustNoOneis it necessary to have a firewall program such as firestarter running, or is the firewall always running and firestarter is just to manage it22:43
Kunimad_max02: because azureus is a memory hog.22:43
levanderandrea6030: type 'alsa-mixer' on a command line22:43
Kunikillux: your desktop effects manager, basically.22:43
mad_max02Kuni, whats connected to a memory consumption ??22:43
andrea6030command not found22:43
SkinnypuppY34Oh something in the resolution of windows machine names to IP address , others have suggested samba config22:43
mad_max02Kuni, Java or Azureus itself ??22:43
mad_max02Kuni, and is there anything I can do to prevent it ?22:43
needhelpWill someone please help to fix the keyboard? When I try to select norwegian keyboard layout, only a error message appears error while activating XKB-configuration.22:44
sdsheeksnvm got it to work by install libdvdcss222:44
mad_max02because after startup system takes about 380mb of ram and after few days of using azures it rises almost to 1gb22:44
killuxhow do you uninstall a program and the deps the package installed22:44
mad_max02which is apsurd22:44
Kunimad_max02: dunno. I've never found azureus to be that kind to my system stats. I think it's a combination of the program and the fact that it is built in java. Try using Transmission or Deluge instead.22:44
levandermad_max02: memory is a resource used by programs.  You're computer only has so much memory when you buy it.  If a single program uses too much memory, people don't like that because it doesn't leave enough for other programs and your computer becomes slow.  Use too much memory == memory hog.22:44
andrea6030whats the package for alsa-mixer22:44
natbethow do I stop ubuntu from loading gdm right away?22:45
skiandyin sessions22:45
natbetI want it to go straight to command line instead of the gui22:45
Kunikillux: you can go into Synaptic, find the package, and "mark for complete removal" or use "sudo aptitude remove"22:45
DevourerCan Ubuntu decompress .rar files?22:45
killuxKuni, that doesnt remove deps22:45
KuniDevourer: yes.22:46
mad_max02levander, I understood what memory hog means but I dont know how to prevent it. I have 4gb and that consumption doesnt give me problems but I would like to know what to do22:46
killuxjust config files22:46
DevourerKuni, cool.22:46
Recoilhey i've got a problem with my grub it says always error 17... i checked already about the hd but it is (hd1,0)... any 1 got an idea22:46
Kunikillux: not even aptitude?22:46
killuxpretty sure22:46
andrea6030<Devourer>, sudo apt-get install unrar22:46
levandermad_max02: Don't use programs that are memory hogs is what you do.22:46
levanderandrea6030: My bad, it's alsamixer - all one word.  I just checked.22:46
ziggy__what like compiz =P22:46
andrea6030its the same thing of xfce4-mixer22:47
Kunikillux: i'm not entirely sure then. I'm sure there's a way to remove unused dependencies, though22:48
Recoilhey i've got a problem with my grub it says always error 17... i checked already about the hd but it is (hd1,0)... any 1 got an idea???22:48
killuxKuni, how?22:48
prince_jammysdeborphan will remove orphaned packages22:48
prince_jammyspr rather list them22:48
Housefly7kcould someone do me a favor and reply to me using Housefly7k: jut need to test something out22:48
jewardHow can I enable the builtin :0 vncserver from the command line?22:49
prince_jammysHousefly7k: yo22:49
Kunikillux: turns out aptitude does it -if- you used aptitude to install it.22:49
Housefly7kprince_jammys: Thank you it worked, i was just teting Irssi22:49
Devourerandrea6030, thanks.22:49
Kunikillux: i did find this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2000122:49
mysteriosois there any packs I can download that everyone should just have?22:50
mysteriosolike codecs?22:50
MasterShrekmysterioso, build-essential is good, also add medibuntu repositories22:50
MasterShrek!medibuntu | mysterioso22:50
ubotumysterioso: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:50
steveireCan I get a md5 sum of a cd?22:50
andrea6030there is a command to download them all, extras or something22:50
scjp_i have mdf file extension, how should i open it22:50
Kunimysterioso: automatix can install a lot of good stuff for you, especially codecs.22:50
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »22:51
jewardAnyone know how to enable remote desktop sharing from the command line?22:51
=== skiandy is now known as skiandy_
ICXCNIKAI recently downloaded Ubuntu and Xubuntu for my Dell Inspiron 5100. Are there any pros and cons between XFCE and Gnome that a new Linux user should worry about?22:51
scjp_i have mdf file extension, how should i open it22:53
andrea6030k3b or nerolinux22:53
mysteriososo besides automatix, is there a way to get the standard codecs that you pretty much need?22:53
andrea6030if im correct that mdf is like iso22:53
two_bitscan someone recommend some good .rar software for ubuntu?22:53
steveiremysterioso: Add the medibuntu repo and install the packages there22:53
=== skiandy_ is now known as skiandy
prince_jammysmysterioso: for dvds?22:53
SkinnypuppY34mysterioso http://www.medibuntu.org/22:54
AntiUSAcould someone tell me the command to install .run files one more time?22:54
AntiUSAnvm got it22:54
mysteriosoprince_jammys just for stuff.  mp3 divx mpeg dvd. everything22:54
needhelpHi I need help. I am unable to write norwegian characters. What can I do ?22:54
KuniICXCNIKA: gnome has more features, but also uses more resources. But due to their nature, you can run apps made for gnome in xfce and visa versa, it just will download the libraries for the other.22:54
=== beasty__ is now known as beasty
prince_jammysmysterioso: medibuntu takes care of at least dvds, if not more.  also install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:55
SkinnypuppY34mysterioso: also these mplayer codecs22:55
=== skiandy is now known as skiandy_
prince_jammysmysterioso: it's a repository22:55
ICXCNIKAKuni: I see. I don't really use my computer for much for E-mail, chat, internet, and word processing.22:56
andrea6030i have lindvd, its like windvd but for linux22:56
scjp_i want to mount the .mdf file in ubuntu22:56
prince_jammysICXCNIKA: you have nothing to worry about22:56
andrea6030acetoneiso2 to mount images22:56
=== skiandy_ is now known as skiandy
KuniICXCNIKA: how recent is your computer? because either one will work for you.22:56
ICXCNIKAI bought it in '0322:57
prince_jammysoh, i thought you had both22:57
YahooadamHey all, i just installed ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop, but sound and wireless networking arent working - the sound card appears to be detected but the wireless isnt22:57
osfameronwhat's the best way to install 7.10 from a usb pendrive?22:57
two_bitsYahooadam: Would your wireless card happen to be broadcom?22:57
osfameron(I've just ordered an x61 laptop that doesn't have a CD drive)22:57
KuniICXCNIKA: You really can't go wrong either way then.22:57
scjp_andrea6030, so what command should  i give something like "sudo acetoneiso2  filename.mdf"22:57
Yahooadamtwo_bits - http://www.pcnextday.co.uk/products/ProductDetail.asp?ProductCode=3384-4743 - im not really sure22:58
KuniICXCNIKA: Xubuntu may run a little faster, but it probably will be negligible if you're just using it for email and the like.22:58
two_bitsbroadcom is notorious for not writing linux drivers... which is why I ask...22:58
steveireI did `cat /dev/cdrom | md5sum` to get it.22:58
two_bitsyahooadam: what kind of sound card do you have?22:59
Yahooadamtwo_bits - the wireless doesnt appear in lspci - so i cant say what it is :s22:59
Yahooadamtwo_bits - 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)22:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pendrive - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:00
Bruno_anyone with experience using BlueProximity?23:00
Decinogeso, does anyone in here knows how could i truncate the last 3 numbers of 130987 so i get 130??? C prog23:00
two_bitsas suspected23:00
two_bitsYahooadam: your sound can probably be fixed by updating ALSA to the latest version23:00
scjp_can somebody pass me example of mdf2iso to convert file from mdf to  iso23:00
needhelpDoes anyone know why I am unable to write norwegian characters ?23:01
Yahooadamtwo_bits - is there a guide or easy way to do it? i have done apt-get upgrade23:01
rkviraniI'm trying to upgrade a server that had Ubuntu 5.10 on it and when I boot the disc I just burned it sends me to busybox23:01
rkviraniwhat is the problem23:01
rkviraniwhat should I do?23:01
rkviraniThe release I downloaded was 7.10\23:01
vltHello. Is there an "inverse option" in rsync? I have dir A/ and Copy_of_A/. I did some changes to A/ and now only want to keep the different files in the copy. Any idea?23:02
two_bitsYahooadam: unfortuantely, ubuntu does not do this automatically... howerver there is a guide23:02
two_bitsYahooadam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting23:02
two_bitsgo to the section entitled ALSA driver compilation23:02
archangelpetrodoes anyone know how to attach gdb to a process without pausing the process?23:02
rkviraniDoes anyone know why the ubuntu cd would have dumped me into busybox??????/23:02
two_bitsYahooadam: I'll be right back and help you with that wireless problem23:03
hdevalencewhere could I find a list of the escape sequences you use to do colors, and what is the system called?23:03
Bruno_anyone with experience using BlueProximity?23:03
prince_jammyshdevalence: ANSI the name, don't know where23:03
steve176Any idea what package I need to install for a broadcom?23:03
L3ttuc3while configuring packages after download i get an error message about an invalid cache generated, or something similar, i was using synaptic, and the window's closed, so i cant give you the message verbatim. why do i get that error message?23:04
GewoonM2Hi everybody! A couple minutes ago my system started freezing up, I managed to go to a terminal and do "top", where I found out that "ld-linux.so.2" was eating all the memory, I tried killall-ing it, but it was to late. My system locked up and I had to force reboot it. How does this come, can I prevent this in the future?23:04
scjp_i am trying to convert mdf to iso file and getting and message ::file   is already ISO9660.23:04
needhelpCan anyone help me please ??23:04
DevourerHow do I adjust my volume levels?23:04
Kunineedhelp: what do you need?23:04
YahooadamDevourer - alsamixer23:05
DevourerYahooadam, thaniks.23:05
needhelpKuni: I am unable to write norwegian characters23:05
=== inzion_ is now known as inzion
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:05
=== Newbuntu2_ is now known as Newbuntu2
=== t0ny2 is now known as t0ny-p40
Itakuholy crap that netsplit was huge23:06
archangelpetroit looks like a big brown stain across my screen23:06
archangelpetroi kinda feel empty inside23:06
Yahooadamtwo_bits - i just tried plugging speakers into the "headphone" port on my laptop, and they work fine23:07
Kunineedhelp: (if you're still here), I can't help you with the typing part, but you can go to Applications > Accessories > Character Map to put in the characters manually.23:07
prince_jammys!locale | needhelp23:07
ubotuneedhelp: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf23:07
=== J_To^ is now known as J_To
AntiUSAwhat is the command to copy from one location to anothe23:08
Yahooadamcp ?23:09
AntiUSAi'm new ;)23:09
prince_jammysAntiUSA: cp -r   for directories23:09
AntiUSAwhat does the -r do?23:10
Yahooadamrecursive copy23:10
AntiUSAoh nvm i get it23:10
prince_jammysAntiUSA: -r means recursive in most commands23:10
Yahooadamcp --help23:10
Yahooadamor man cp23:10
AntiUSAthsnks guys :)23:10
mrpocketsim installing steam VIA Wine23:10
mrpocketsand it says "updating steam"23:10
mrpocketsanyone have a clue as to about how long this takes?23:10
Kunimrpockets: have you installed the right font (tahoma)?23:11
Kuni(into wine I mean)23:11
mrpocketsNO idea?23:11
johndbrittonhow can i run diagnostic tests on my hard drive23:11
colin2007does anyone here have exp. installing ubuntu on a HP/Compaq DL380 ?23:11
bjwebbwhat is dvd::rip in the repos as?23:11
Kunilook for tahoma.ttf on google, and put it into your wine c drive's Windows/fonts folder23:11
mrpocketsWhat does that do?23:12
KuniSteam needs the font23:12
Kuniwell, just a second23:12
mrpocketslike, should i cancel its updating to do this?23:12
two_bitsYahooadam: I went away for a while... so it's just your internal speakers that aren't working?23:13
Yahooadamit looks like it two_bits23:13
Kunimrpockets: yeah23:13
woodpusherghdHas anyone gotten WordPerfect 8 for Linux to run on Gusty? I installed all the libraries, it installed, but when I try to run it, I just get a splash screen and then it crashes.23:13
two_bitsYahooadam: audio problems of this nature are common with HDA intel cards. I had no sound AT ALL until I upgraded to ALSA version 1.0.1623:14
Kunimrpockets: there are a few good guides online, too. here's one, I think it's the one I used: http://linux.wordpress.com/2007/02/07/wine-gaming-steam-half-life-half-life-2-counter-strike-source-and-16/23:14
two_bitsYahooadam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting <-- this guide can help you, under alsa compilation23:14
Yahooadamok, so keep trying to update two_bits23:14
mrpocketsand where do i put this font?23:14
Kunigo to your home folder, press ctrl+h, and find the .c_drive or something like that23:15
hdevalenceit's in .wine23:15
Kunithen go to /.c_drive/windows/fonts or something along those lines, and put it there23:15
mrpocketsGOT IT!!!23:15
mrpocketshahaha you're a genious man!23:15
NerdzIs there a channel for alsa-oss emulator question?23:16
needhelpprince_jammys: I tried that link, but sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data gives me errormessage23:16
hdevalencehmm, could you link your ~/.fonts to that?23:16
prince_jammysneedhelp: what error?23:16
mysteriosoprince_jammys how do I install ubuntu-restricted-extras?23:16
needhelpprince_jammys: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: console-data is broken or not fully installed23:16
NerdzIt's smell floodbot :(23:17
mrpocketsso dude, can i run office 2k7 programs with Wine?23:17
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:17
hdevalencemrpockets: you can try23:17
Kunimrpockets: theoretically, yes. I don't actually know though.23:17
prince_jammysmysterioso: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:18
GewoonM2Hi everybody! A couple minutes ago my system started freezing up, I managed to go to a terminal and do "top", where I found out that "ld-linux.so.2" was eating all the memory, I tried killall-ing it, but it was to late. My system locked up and I had to force reboot it. How does this come, can I prevent this in the future?23:18
mrpocketsohj man23:18
mrpocketsif i could run office 2k7, and get my TV tuner working23:18
mrpocketsi could be 100% windows independant23:18
prince_jammysneedhelp: try sudo apt-get install console-data23:18
NerdzHmmm how do you config the alsa-oss emulator?23:18
Kunimrpockets: why use Office 2k7? OpenOffice is much better imo23:18
mad_max02nice netsplit23:19
mrpocketsKuni, for my MIS class, all the work we do is 2k7 shit23:19
prince_jammysneedhelp: or rather sudo apt-get install --reinstall console-data23:19
Kunimrpockets: ah, that blows.23:19
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:19
mrpocketsand i can get by much easier with openoffice, but all the boarders and shit has to be exact 2k7 shit23:19
mrpocketsJESUS unstable net..23:19
=== Newbuntu2_ is now known as Newbuntu2
pinguanyone know how to lock/create a password for a file in your computer23:19
hdevalencemrpockets: sucks. write them an angry letter23:19
corevetteFREENODE FTW23:20
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!23:20
mrpocketsbee are bee23:20
hdevalencepingu: encrypt it, or make it so that only your user can see it?23:20
needhelpprince_jammys: thanks. Do you know if I should select Standard or latin1 for norwegian ?23:20
DanCI can't seem to print from wine. I had this problem under debian, and installing libwine-print fixed it. But under ubuntu, I get "E: Package libwine-print has no installation candidate"23:20
delmarhey everyone. i just stuck 4gb ram in my box and it was only showing up about 3.5gb. I checked the bios and enabled an option I found.. "memory remapping", now its only showing up 3.1gb... so thats no good.  im running ubuntu 7.10.. kernel 2.6.22-14-generic ...i'm guessing thats not 64bit kernel and I need to run a 64bit kernel to address all the ram?23:20
prince_jammysneedhelp: this i don't know23:21
pinguhdevalence: how would i go about that?23:21
prince_jammysneedhelp: you were able to reinstall?23:21
prince_jammysneedhelp: my *guess* is latin123:21
ScuniziWhen picking a new 775 socket mb, what chipset is considered better for both linux & win compatibility? Intel? nVidia? Via?23:21
billeniumdoes ubuntu have 9600GT nvidia geforce driver support?23:21
needhelpyes I am able to enter the configuration tool now23:21
pinguhdevalence: how would i go about that?23:22
Chapulinanyone recommend a good vncviewer for Ubuntu? I installed svncviewer and xsvncviewer...the one I can't get to connect to my mac..the other even in full screen mode has to scroll to let me see the whole remote desktop...is there a way to put one in like 800x600 mode or something?23:22
prince_jammysneedhelp: let's google for that, though i think it's latin123:22
Kunibillenium: the card isn't even out yet...23:22
billeniumyes it is...23:22
mrpocketsalright man23:22
mrpocketsso it should be all installed23:22
Yahooadamtwo_bits - i did sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel23:22
needhelpprince_jammys: but still the keys for the norwegian characters are dead23:22
Yahooadambut still no sound, should i restarT?23:22
billeniumlol Kuni: go to www.newegg.com23:22
hdevalencepingu: they're different options23:22
billeniumsearch 9600GT23:22
blackbeastis someone here that can help me with ssh?23:22
ScuniziChapulin, it's built in appications/internet/terminal server client23:22
blackbeaston priv please23:22
mrpocketswhen i click the icon, it thinks for a while, then nothing happens. but when i click again it says steams areayd runnign and you can only run one version ect...23:23
scjp_i am converting an mdf file to iso file using mdf2iso, now getting error message "file  is already ISO9660."23:23
Kunibillenium: sorry, I was thinking of the 980023:23
billeniumSo does ubuntu have 9600GT driver support?23:23
ChapulinYahooadam:: Did you run alsamixer and make sure that volume isn't muted,or too low? I have the same driver and mine is working just fine23:23
pinguhdevalence: ok how to you encrypt a file and does that just work like a password or something?23:23
Kunibillenium: if nvidia's drivers support it then yes, it's supported.23:23
Kunibillenium: ubuntu uses drivers from nvidia23:23
ChapulinScunizi:: Really..didn't see it when I first looked...thanks23:23
ompaulblackbeast, ssh -C username@far.machine.on.internet what more is there to know - you need to push your packets though a modem - you need to address your modem on that matter23:23
julleTo get videos working in firefox, which plugin should i use for apple.com/trailers and realplayer files?23:24
YahooadamChapulin - all on max23:24
ScuniziChapulin, sure.23:24
Carbonfluxbillenium, there is not such thing as a 9600 GT23:24
Carbonfluxyou mean 8600 ?23:24
Indiadev_Techiejulle: quicktime ....23:24
PriceChildbillenium, that card is not released yet.23:24
billeniumCarbonflux: the 9600GT is out!!!23:24
ompaulblackbeast, to remove passwords do this ... ssh-keygen -t rsa (hit enter and add passwords if want to have passwords and keys)23:24
aehgts9600GT is out now...23:24
billeniumgo to newegg.com and search for 9600GT...23:24
ompaul!pm | blackbeast23:24
ubotublackbeast: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.23:24
billeniumwhy does no one beleive me?23:24
Kunicarbonflux: http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=20680115223:24
CarbonfluxI did not know23:24
* billenium cries in a corner23:24
scjp_Anybody can helpo me please   i am converting an mdf file to iso file using mdf2iso, now getting error message "file  is already ISO9660."23:25
ScuniziCarbonflux, check out http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_9600gt.html23:25
Carbonfluxits way late23:25
julleIndiadev_Techie:  yeah well apple doesn't make quicktime for linux?23:25
ompaul!enter | billenium23:25
ubotubillenium: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:25
blackbeasti have set up a server23:25
blackbeaston my computer23:25
blackbeasti am trying to connect to it with my mobile phone23:25
blackbeastwith putty23:25
ompaulblackbeast, to do that sudo apt-get install openssh-server23:25
blackbeastbut, i cannot connest23:25
Indiadev_Techiejulle: then google up...or download alternative plugins..23:25
blackbeastserver is installed and running23:25
blackbeastbut i cannot connect23:26
ompaulblackbeast, more important can you connect from the box as yourself to that box - one step at a time23:26
hdevalencepingu: ick, sorry, my computer froze23:26
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
PriceChildbillenium, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html - latest drivers don't have support23:26
Indiadev_Techiejulle: wait lemme google up this stuff....23:26
ompaul!enter | blackbeast23:26
ubotublackbeast: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:26
prince_jammysneedhelp: did you follow the other steps after reinstalling console-data?23:26
blackbeasti apsolutely cannot connect to it23:26
YahooadamChapulin - do you think restarting may help?23:26
PriceChildbillenium, feature freeze is now in effect for ubuntu hardy, due to be released in april. This means hardy will most likely not support the 9600 otb23:26
Carbonfluxthanks for the information :) looks like its time to buy a 8800 ultra heh23:26
Itakuin alsamixer all of the bars are at 100 but i cant hear any sound23:26
blackbeastit just says, connection closed23:27
ChapulinYahooadam:: Probably not...most times linux doesn't need to do the windows thing23:27
PriceChildbillenium, However you may install drivers from nvidia.com when they are available. They just won't be supported by Ubuntu, and will cause problems with upgrades.23:27
blackbeastany ideas?23:27
needhelpprince_jammys: yes,,, except for rebooting23:27
KuniCarbonFlux: don't bother with the 8800 series, there's a reason the 9x00 series is coming out so quickly...23:27
pinguhdevalence: i think i might have it i looked it up on ubuntu forums23:27
decaeloanyone aware of a program that allows me to set bandwidth constraints on a computer? unforunately my archaic router doesn't support such a thing23:27
CarbonfluxKuni, its been delayed almost 6 months tho23:27
blackbeastompaul, do you have an idea?23:27
LjLdecaelo: "apt-cache search traffic shap"23:28
CarbonfluxKuni, you have a point tho :)23:28
prince_jammysneedhelp: rebooting seems to matter in this case. try it.  if it doesn't work, check this::  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13903923:28
decaeloLjL: thank you. =)23:28
DevourerCan unrar decompress multi-part archives?23:28
hdevalencepingu: I actually am not sure about doing it for files.. I have an encrypted harddrive, so I tend not to worry about it23:28
mysteriosodoes my upload speed affect how fast I can download in transmission?23:28
CarbonfluxI am sure Ubuntu will have the nVidia drivers fairly quick23:28
laquedecaelo, trickle23:28
hdevalencepingu: i'll look around though23:28
PriceChildmysterioso, depends on the tracker23:28
Indiadev_Techiejulle: well check this link out >>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LifeWithUbuntu#head-e9144cee8b65caddc0f8e8cb71ea68cd1ac883b523:28
Yahooadamadam@adamslaptop:~$ alsactl -v23:28
Yahooadamalsactl version 1.0.1423:28
PriceChildCarbonflux, please see what I said to billenium above.23:28
needhelpprince_jammys: thanks. Will be back in some minutes if I haven't figured it out23:29
mysteriosoprincechild what is a tracker?23:29
ompaulblackbeast, forget about the phone, on the machine itself, do this    ssh -C yourUsername@localhost23:29
PriceChildCarbonflux, several lines of it23:29
pinguhdevalence: what exactly does it mean to encrypt a file, hard drive, etc.23:29
prince_jammysneedhelp: ok23:29
* DanC wonders how to get join/leave messages to be less disturbing in gaim23:29
GewoonM2itaku: check "asoundconf list" and configure it to the correct soundcard with "set-default-card <NAME", perhaps you've got the wrong card selected ;)23:29
mrpocketscould use some help with steam again when someone gets a chance23:29
PriceChildmysterioso, that's the machine that tells you where all your other peers are23:29
ompaulDanC, use Xchat (not xchat gnome ;-))23:29
Carbonfluxmaybe its targeted at videos/gaming in Vista23:29
* nickrud thinks DanC should use a client that works right with irc, like xchat 23:29
blackbeastit says: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer23:29
PriceChildDanC, there is a pidgin plugin to hide them23:30
mysteriosopricechild i am usting transmission23:30
cretepdoes anyone know how to configure Evolution with a GroupWise server?23:30
LjLpingu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encryption23:30
ompaulblackbeast, so do this, sudo apt-get install openssh-server23:30
ompaulblackbeast, this is on the server23:30
pinguLjL: thanks23:30
PriceChildmysterioso, good for you :)23:30
nickrudhdevalence: http://www.macworld.com/article/132207/2008/02/hdencryption.html23:30
blackbeastit is installed23:31
Indiadev_Techiejulle: Install mozilla-mplayer from the repositories . It will play quicktime and  windows media video also . If u r using the 64 bit Ubuntu then wmv is  tricky23:31
Indiadev_TechieGxine plugin aalso plays quciktime well23:31
mysteriosopricechild will the tracker notice my upload speed there? :-p23:31
DanCPriceChild, I'm running 7.10; it seems to have game, not pidgin. would I have to upgrade the whole OS?23:31
blackbeasteverthing is intalled, i told you23:31
PriceChildmysterioso, depends on the tracker.23:31
PriceChildDanC, gaim has a plugin to do it23:31
ompaulblackbeast,  --- so this then should work (out of the box on the server itself)    ssh -C yourUsername@localhost23:31
mysteriosopricechild what exactly is a tracker?23:31
PriceChildmysterioso, that's the machine that tells you where all your other peers are23:31
ubotuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)23:31
blackbeastagain: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer23:32
julleIndiadev_Techie:  okey thank you very much!23:32
blackbeastthe port is not standard, 22. i changed it to 800023:32
hdevalencenickrud: hmm, will read23:32
blackbeastbecause i cannot access the router and 8000 is already opened23:32
* DanC ususally uses xchat, but was giving the ubuntu-supported option a try23:32
mysteriosonickrud how did you become an op?23:33
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
nickrudmysterioso: LjL twisted my arm23:33
GewoonM2blackbeast: if it's already opened, perhaps another program is using the port?23:33
Indiadev_Techie julle: did u check that link...23:33
KuniDanC: 7.10 has pidgin by default...23:33
blackbeastno, everthing is closed now23:33
LjLnickrud: and i'm thinking of twisting the other arm now23:33
PriceChildKuni, DanC is not using 7.1023:33
blackbeastok, i will try another port, just ti make sure23:33
ompaulblackbeast,  so then ssh -C -p 8000 your-username@localhost23:33
nickrudLjL: nothing to be ashamed of, using force on an old man ;P23:33
GewoonM2blackbeast: what ompaul says is on your server, so on your own pc ;)23:34
blackbeastyes, i know23:34
mysteriosowhat is a .bin file?  i just downloaded realplayer 10gold.bin and am wondering how to install it23:34
nickrudmysterioso: in reality I was asked to help out, at least thru the surge in traffic when hardy is released.23:34
mysteriosonickrud well your the man.  and i appreciate you helpin23:35
PriceChildmysterioso, it could be anything. In this case, its probably an executable.23:35
mysteriosonickrud and when im the man ill take your place23:35
Kunimysterioso, try chmod -x realplayer\ 10gold.bin, then running sudo ./realplayer\ 10gold.bin23:35
blackbeastok, localhost works23:35
PriceChildmysterioso, in a terminal, "sh /path/to/file.bin"23:35
blackbeasti changed the port to 467223:35
vltHello. I'm trying to run a remote app on my ubuntu desktop. I tried `ssh -X user@server1 xeyes` but get "Error: Can't open display:". On server2 it works. What could be missing on server1?23:35
nickrudmysterioso: it's an executable file that installs realplayer. You would do chmod u+x /path/to/<realplayerbin> && sudo /path/to/<realplayerbin>23:35
mysteriosodoes /path/to/~ equal the actual path?23:36
nickrudmysterioso: yes23:36
Jewsus_Why does top say there a process called "mandb" using about 90% CPU?  Should I be concerned?23:36
nickrudmysterioso: that is, you fill in the real path23:36
ompaulblackbeast, now you want your router to advertise that port as open to the outside world = and that is beyond this channel other than to say you are looking at nat23:36
GewoonM2vlt: try adding "-Y", it sometimes works instead of "-X" (don't know the real difference, though)23:36
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nickrudJewsus_: not to worry, it's building the man page index23:37
steve176Trying to get a broadcom 4310 installed. Have tried bcm43-fwcutter and cafeugo download but neither seem to install the card. Any ideas?23:37
blackbeastlol, it works now23:37
mysteriosonickrud could i just do something in the directory where it is currently? without entering the path23:37
vltGewoonM2: I'll try ...23:37
blackbeastIT WORKS!!! ;) LOL23:38
ompaul!lol | blackbeast23:38
ubotublackbeast: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.23:38
swhat kind of machine are you interested in using the broadcom with?23:38
vltGewoonM2: No, -Y didn't help.23:38
steve176dell inspiron 152523:38
nickrudmysterioso: yes.  you can do sh binfile   or  chmod +x binfile && ./binfile    (./ is the path to the current directory)23:38
nickrudmysterioso: in this case sudo ./binfile , since it's an installer23:38
son some dell's it is easier to use NDIS instead23:39
GewoonM2vlt: might be in the settings then of your ssh-server, but that is beyond my knowledge, perhaps some-one else can help23:39
steve176OK, I'll try that. thx23:39
macheeI get the error "-bash: ./q3ded: No such file or directory" when trying to run q3ded... it has execute privs (755 and tried 777) and gives the same error whether i run it as root (with the file owned as root:root) or as q3user (with the file owned as q3user:users)... any help?23:39
kronus_I'm having a problem with file-roller's drag-drop functionality - it will extract stuff out of the archive if i drag to desktop, but not if i drag to nautilus windows23:40
mysteriosook i am in the process of installing "ubuntu-restricted-extras"  and it is hung at the java screen it has a bunch of license junk and it says <ok> at the bottom but wont let me hit enter!23:40
PriceChildmysterioso, press right, then try23:41
PriceChildmysterioso, if that doesn't work, make sure you've read the license agreement, and then try enter.23:41
GewoonM2mysterioso: perhaps you need to "read" it, so scroll through it entirely then try again23:41
mysteriosoi scrolled through the whole doc and tried enter23:42
mysteriosono go23:42
nickrudmysterioso: try <tab> <enter>23:42
stry using <tab>23:42
xybreWhat do I need to look out for in the xen wiki page that might be different for Gutsy?23:42
mysteriosonickrud saves the day23:42
prince_jammystab peoples23:42
LukeLChmm.. think I'll order a tab23:43
kronus_anyone? :|23:43
vltsshd_config on server1 says: X11Forwarding yes23:43
prince_jammysi spent i long time to figure the tab thing the first time, lol23:43
vltAny idea why I can't forward X from there?23:43
prince_jammysfond memories23:44
mysteriosoprince_jammys it is kinda dumb23:44
kellisHi all, could anyone advise me on a laptop touchpad problem?23:44
s<TAB> is old school   :-)23:44
prince_jammysit is23:44
swhat seem to be the issue with the touch pad?23:44
kellisThe middle 'rocker' button doesn't work properly23:45
* murshed slaps kellis tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash ...23:45
* murshed slaps FloodBot2 tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash ...23:45
* murshed slaps [swb] tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash tash ...23:45
kellisUp goes down, down does all kinds of randon things23:45
sis the touch pad by synaptics?23:45
Kunikill it.23:45
prince_jammysare you about to commit the crime of playing a dvd?23:45
kellisNot sure how to find out?23:45
slook in the device listing.<SYSTEM><prefernces><Hardware infomation>23:46
kellisWill do. brb23:46
eshaasei have some files that are magically disapperaing on my system, is there a way to track the removal of files on a system?23:47
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prince_jammyseshaase: that sound very scary. magically disappearing?23:47
eshaaseprince_jammys: haha, yeah23:47
prince_jammyseshaase: from where?23:48
Yahooadamstill not having any luck getting my sound23:48
tachuhey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my Dell machine using GRUB, as it says on the instructions without a live CD. everything is going well until I select to boot "Install Ubuntu", I get an error.23:48
kellisI see a PS/2 Mouse and a Macintosh mouse button emulator23:48
smust mean his data is magiclly delicious..... ;->23:48
GewoonM2vlt: tried restarting the deamon? sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload23:48
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
mysteriosook, Im back at trying to install the .bin.  I did not understand the directions earlier.  I am in the directory where the file is located.  what do I type?23:48
sdid you drop into Advance also?23:49
vltGewoonM2: No, why should I do this?23:49
salso is this a pc or a mac?23:49
kellisIts a PC23:49
kellisIts an Acer Aspire 7720G23:50
GewoonM2vlt: well, after changing the settings the ssh-deamon needs to be restarted: http://www.techthrob.com/tech/ssh101.php23:50
slaptop i assume?23:50
kellisYep, sorry forgot to mention that :)23:50
kronus_mysterioso: chmod u+x filename.bin, then sh ./filename.bin23:50
Kunimysterioso: I think it's chmod +x <filename> && sudo ./<filename>23:50
Kunikronus_'s version will work, too.23:50
vltGewoonM2: I haven't touched the settings.23:50
hdevalenceis there a JPG or PNG of the ubuntu logo already on my filesystem somewhere?23:50
prince_jammyshdevalence yes23:51
prince_jammyshdevalence more than one23:51
prince_jammyshdevalence hold on23:51
runemaste644Is it safe to install gutsy packages under feisty?23:51
runemaste644or will it not work at all23:51
vltGewoonM2: Just noticed something: When I connect to server 1 `echo $DISPLAY` is empty while it is "localhost:10.0" on server 2.23:51
mjw-runemaste644 that is not recommended23:51
tachuhey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my Dell machine using GRUB, as it says on the instructions without a live CD. everything is going well until I select to boot "Install Ubuntu", I get an error. help?23:51
Grezerquick question for you all, is there a way you can check to see if you USB drive is working23:51
kronus_runemaste644: it will work unpredictably23:51
runemaste644will it work23:51
mjw-runemaste644 it's easy to break things doing that23:51
runemaste644well the package is ipod-convenience23:52
kronus_runemaste644: it's dangerous, i suggest you look for a feisty port of the package you're trying to install23:52
mysteriosochmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && sudo ./Realplayer10GOLD.bin?23:52
mysteriosochmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && sudo ./Realplayer10GOLD.bin23:52
runemaste644there is none23:52
kronus_mysterioso: yes23:52
runemaste644thats the point!23:52
mysteriosoit says sudo: ./Realplayer10GOLD.bin: command not found23:52
skellis ,just looking for some info from acer brb23:53
kronus_runemaste644: sudo sh ./Realplayer10GOLD.bin23:53
kelliss , thanks23:53
Grezerhow do you check to see what CD rom's you have installed or working ??23:53
GewoonM2vlt: well, that might be it :) Sounds like that could be it, anyway ;) (my ssh-server worked right away, so I'm not really skilled at all this)23:53
kronus_mysterioso: you need to be in the directory the file is in, if it's on your desktop, cd ~/Desktop23:54
tachuif i install ubuntu, will it erase my windows?23:54
mjw-tachu There is an option to preserve other operating systems when you install it23:54
runemaste644wtf is this realplayer10gold.bin file that doesnt exist on my system that you want me to use23:54
mjw-!install > tachu23:54
mysteriosokronus_ i am in the desktop, and the last command resulted in   sh: cant open23:54
xybreHow do I get Xen running on gutsy?23:54
Kunirunemaste644: forget about it23:54
skellis this is for dual boot or only ubuntu?23:54
rdehleri deleted a .conf file and now i can't apt-get remove it, any idea how i can apt-get remove this?23:54
tachuok thanks23:54
Kunirunemaste644: wrong guy23:54
kelliss, its dual with vista23:55
shold on23:55
mysteriosokronus_ sorry to me or the other wrong guy?23:55
prince_jammyshdevalence:  find /usr/share/gdm/themes -name ubuntu*.png23:55
kronus_mysterioso: you're the one with the .bin23:55
prince_jammyshdevalence those are the ones you see on the login screen23:55
twosouls82xybre: giyf; search "ubuntu gutsy xen"23:55
mysteriosokronus_ hyuk23:56
JasonWardHi :) a Linux noob here, I want to add an IP route on my laptop, which I've been able to do, BUT, how do I make it permanent?23:56
xybretwosouls82: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen is where I am, but it warns it might not work23:56
mysteriosokronus_ ok i just double clicked it and it gave me a folder23:56
hdevalenceprince_jammys: thanks23:56
mysteriosoand now ill stop being dumb and read something23:57
mjw-JasonWard look at /etc/rc.local23:57
whabo does anyone of yoiu know of a plugin for screenlets or widgets... please anyone?23:57
kronus_mysterioso: ok, it looks like you need to run it directly, without sh.  I think you were in the wrong directory at first23:57
mjw-JasonWard not sure if that's THE best way, but it will probably work ;)23:57
twosouls82xybre: that query resulted this page; http://itcompanies.wordpress.com/2008/01/22/xen-on-ubuntu-gutsy/23:57
Kuniwhabo: www.screenlets.org23:57
JasonWardMJW : OK, I will google some more using that as my key, thanks :)23:57
kronus_mysterioso: so, get into the proper dir, then sudo ./Realplayer10GOLD.bin23:57
GewoonM2whabo: Opera (the webbrowser) can also run widgets for you23:58
whabothx guys23:58
mjw-JasonWard /etc/rc.local is a file that executes automatically after everything else has started automatically23:58
Kuniwhabo: no problem23:58
mysterioso_kronus i am most def. in the desktop.  but ill do it just to make you happy23:58
mysteriososudo ./Realplayer10GOLD.bin:  command not found23:58
skellis - per acer "Pointing Device23:58
s 23:58
sSeamless touchpad pointing device with 4-way scroll button"23:58
xybretwosouls82: awesome, I like blank pages as much as the next guy, but wtf.23:58
Kunimysterioso: I'm going to try this on my end, and see if I can get it to work23:58
mysteriosokuni thanx23:59
smy be is its synaptics23:59
mysteriosoI double clicked it and it extracted a folder "realplayer" to my desktop23:59
JasonWardMJW: Ah, OK, that will do for now, but ideally want the route to be available as soon as the default gateway23:59
kelliss I wasn't aware it was 4-way23:59
mysteriosobut nothin in it seems to do nething23:59
twosouls82xybre: the formatting you mean? that is messy indee23:59
JasonWardIn Windows is dead simple23:59
smy be???  my guess is it is a synaptics23:59
nicubuAll of my gnome desktop icons are gone, and when i go into places > home my home folder doesn't open up in a window....in fact, nautilus won't open at all even from the command line. Can anyone help?23:59
mysteriososcratch that23:59
xybretwosouls82: er, no, the page is just blank for me23:59
mysteriosoi double clicked it again23:59

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