
poolielifeless: can tribunal already handle subunit?00:15
* poolie just branches lp:tribunal00:19
lifelesstribunal runs a python test suite00:19
lifelessif that uses a SubProcessTestSuite, its transparent to tribunal00:19
lifelessigc: how are those reviews going00:19
igcstarting now00:20
igc(been reading the threads with abentley's and spiv's comments)00:20
lifelessthe one I pointed you at is much simpler00:21
ubotuNew bug: #208039 in bzrtools (main) "Feature Freeze Exception: bzr 1.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20803900:51
pooliemarkh: that document is pretty interesting01:12
markhpoolie: thanks!01:12
* poolie avoids getting sucked into reading the whole Old new thing01:13
markhheh - its a very intersting blog for windows developers01:14
markhI'm going to dig deeper into the tsvn cache etc01:15
markhand decided to get sidetracked by pulling their svn tree via bzr ;)01:15
* beuno pokes poolie and lifeless about the debconf bzr talk deadline01:15
pooliebeuno: hi01:16
beunohey poolie  :)01:16
poolieso what did we work out about that? that lifeless would propose a talk and james_w might go too, iirc?01:16
beunoyeap, he was willing to go01:17
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beunoand jelmer and LarstiQ are interested in going too, they where going to apply for sponsorship by debian01:18
beunoand with me and Verterok, we might be a pretty big bzr possy01:18
beunomight even be worth organizing a sprint  :)01:19
beunooh, and dato might come too, right dato?01:21
jelmer'evening markh01:22
jelmermarkh: great to see you taking on TortoiseBzr !01:22
markhhi jelmer - thanks!01:22
markhkey to its success will be these "external apps" which we call to do the grunt work.  I haven't really looked at them yet01:23
markhI don't have pygtk locally01:23
markhbut the cool thing is we can fix them later, and independently of the shell itself01:23
jelmerI think it would make sense to call out to qbzr from tortoisebzr rather than bzr-gtk01:23
jelmerqbzr is easier to install than bzr-gtk and looks more native on windows01:24
markhthere is an existing impl for a couple of "commands" in the tbzr tree01:24
markhI *think* they are gtk, but I've really only noticed they exist, not what they do :)01:25
jelmeryeah, that's all gtk01:25
markhso I'm up for nuking them, or whatever everyone agrees01:25
beunojelmer, hey  :)    I haven't had _any_ free time at all these past weeks, but I do have a few hours now. Is the bzr-gtk release missing anything other than the disable-through-nautilus bit?01:25
jelmerwe initially created tortoisebzr as a fork of bzr-gtk01:25
markhbut no1 focus should be the shell IMO01:25
jelmerbeuno: yep, that's the only bit missing01:25
jelmerbeuno: hi :-)01:26
lifelessright, I need a topic I think01:26
jelmerlifeless: "sock puppets" ?01:26
markhhow about xul? ;)01:26
* markh ducks01:26
beunojelmer, alright, I'm on it. I'll try and get that done tonight01:26
jelmerbeuno: that'd be awesome01:26
beunoxul!  that would be interesting!01:26
pooliebeuno: if those people don't get sponsorship from debian talk to me01:27
pooliemarkh: i don't have any particular comments, but it looks like a good start01:28
jelmermarkh: I think nuking them wouldn't be a problem - they're also in bzr-gtk anyway01:29
abentleylifeless: your deprecation of get_graph_with_ghosts appears to also affect get_graph01:29
pooliemarkh: i guess i would be inclined not to have a separate cache process other than the xmlrpc server, at least at first, just to reduce the number of moving parts01:29
luislavenajelmer: hello.01:29
jelmerluislavena: hi01:29
pooliealso, maybe you could expand in a future post on what kind of debug/trace _is_ needed?01:29
beunopoolie, sure, I'll follow it closely. jelmer, LarstiQ, keep your agendas open got august  ;)01:30
luislavenajelmer: is there a way I can branch/svn-cache 16K svn revisions without hit the memory error?01:30
jelmerbeuno: will do, thanks :-)01:30
markhpoolie: it we move to pure C++ for the shell, I'm a little concerned the xmlrpc requirement will complicate what should be fairly simple01:30
jelmerluislavena: use a version of python-subversion with the memory leaks fixed01:30
markhand slower and less secure if implemented via sockets on windows :)01:30
pooliewhat would be better?01:31
lifelessabentley: thats 'index.get_graph' which is on a private attribute of knits - knit._index.get_graph.01:31
pooliei guess you could make a dcom server in python?01:31
luislavenaluislavena: mmm, that will need me to swtich to ubuntu and put that on a pendrive :-D01:31
jelmerluislavena: or you can use "bzr init dir"; bzr pull -r1000; bzr pull -r2000; bzr pull -r3000.. etc01:31
pooliewould that be easier to talk to?01:31
beunomarkh, you'd also be able to get XML straigh out of bzr, just like with the current xmloutput plugin01:31
markhthe cache process is likely to need to create a hidden window to receive shell notifications from explorer when a user deletes files, for example, and maybe register for asynch NT filechange notifications to even handle the command-line changing the file-system01:31
luislavenajelmer: pull directly instead of branch?01:31
jelmerluislavena: yes, pull 1000 revisions each time01:32
pooliemarkh, i guess i don't understand what you mean by "the xmlrpc requirement will complicate what should be01:32
poolie              fairly simple"01:32
markhpoolie: dcom might work, yeah - but a few simple commands over a named pipe is really quite trivial01:32
luislavenajelmer: great, thank you for the pointer.01:32
abentleylifeless: acceptable breakage.01:32
markhxmlrpc imples a few C++ libraries I'm not familiar with01:33
jelmerDCE/RPC \o/01:33
markhand we want this as thin as possible, as it gets dragged into many processes01:33
pooliemarkh: another option is to talk the bzr network protocol01:34
pooliethe encoding for it would be pretty trivial to write in c++01:34
pooliesome of the commands you need may not exist01:34
pooliethis will possibly be smaller or simpler than xmlrpc01:34
poolieprobably more new code though01:35
igclifeless: looks like abentley and I just reviewed that patch for you. One was approve and the other was resubmit (though my review was borderline tweak)01:35
markhWould all the gui apps be written to use this xmlrpc server?01:36
beunomarkh, that's the plan, GUI and IDEs01:36
abentleylifeless: please to be running the test suite before submitting your patch.01:37
markhBut isn't it more moving parts for a GUI app that has direct access to bzrlib?  I do see the benfit for IDEs etc, but not so much for gui apps that are "part of" bzr01:37
markhbut thats fine :)01:37
markhI don't need to be convinced ;)01:38
pooliei didn't think guis would but i might be out of date01:38
beunomarkh, well, if you can access python directly, then it makes sense, yes01:38
beunoIIRC, there where some use cases for GUIs that couldn't interact with python01:38
markhso - that would make the shell code the only known consumer of this server on windows today.  Its not written yet, it adds complexity and offers a much richer API than we actually need :)01:39
markhhence I'm still on the "simple" side of the fence :)01:40
lifelessabentley: igc: both of you reviewed the superseded, broken, version of it01:40
lifelessabentley: I do run the test suite usually :)01:41
abentleyShould BB have noticed that it was superseded?01:41
beunomarkh, after a whole sprint of "windows support is extremely important", and nobody willing to do anything about it, I guess you should go down whatever path you want, and we can just help  :)01:41
markhI'm obviously happy to go with whatever is decided - but in the meantime I must take off to the shops for lunch.  bb in an hour.  thanks for the info about the server thinking!01:42
markhbeuno: thx - its still obviously open for discussion!01:42
abentleyI'm pretty sure BB didn't notice that it was superseded, because I voted using BB.01:43
lifelessoh hmm01:43
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igclifeless: sorry about that. I don't seem to have a more recent one in my email though and BB didn't list another with a similar name?01:43
lifelessoh, *I* was confused01:45
LaserJockis there an advantage to having a shared repo on a bzr server other than saving space?01:54
beunoLaserJock, nope, and that just applies if the branches have common revisions01:56
beunojelmer, we agreed on setting the nautilus disable flag in "~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf", right?01:57
fullermdWell,  You save a lot of traffic...01:59
abentleyLaserJock: Yes, it also saves time.02:00
LaserJockI guess my question is, is there a difference if the user creates a shared repo or if it's already a shared repo on the server?02:02
LaserJocknot sure if I was clear the first time02:02
lifelessLaserJock: no different really; but lp doesn't support or use shared repos's. if thats what you were thinking :>02:03
beunoLaserJock, my attempts to use shared repos for _many_ unrelated branches led to some weird results02:03
LaserJocklifeless: yeah it was02:03
LaserJocklifeless: does LP support rich-root-pack ?02:04
beunoLaserJock, LP has the latest version of bzr, so whatever you push to it will work02:04
LaserJockso just getting some LP bzr admin type to convert our dirstate-with-subtree branches to rich-root-pack should speed things up and allow us to make shared repos, correct?02:05
LaserJockthat's my bottom line I guess :-)02:06
beunoLaserJock, you shouldn't need an admin if you have access to the branch02:06
beunoyou can just "upgrade --format="02:06
LaserJockbut I can't really push it back up02:07
LaserJockif it takes pushing the whole branch02:07
beunoLaserJock, no, you can do bzr upgrade --format bzr+ssh://laserjock@baza....02:07
RAOFbeuno: But upgrade doesn't work over bzr+ssh, right?02:08
lifelessyou can't beuno02:08
beunooh?  sftp then?02:08
RAOFThat works, or should.02:09
beunoLaserJock, right, sftp instead of bzr+ssh02:10
LaserJockso would the LP server then do the conversion?02:10
* LaserJock struggles to wrap his brain around this stuff02:10
RAOFWell, no.  Your local bzr client does the conversion over sftp.02:11
RAOFSo this can be _sloooooooow_.02:11
LaserJockso when I did it locally it took 40 min02:11
beunoof course, I'm not sure what wil happen when pushing/pulling from other local formats. You'd probably want to upgrade all current branches02:11
LaserJockwhen we first pushed this branch it took about 5 days02:11
LaserJockso roughly how long do you think it'd take?02:11
beunoLaserJock, I'd say run it and go to sleep  :)02:12
LaserJockI'd have to do it for 4 branches02:13
LaserJockand I only have 2 locally02:13
beunoLaserJock, many times it's faster to re-branch02:14
LaserJockwhat do you mean by re-branch?02:14
beunoupgrade in LP, and re-branch to your box02:14
beunomuch cheaper in big repos02:14
LaserJockif we could get that done before Intrepid get's really going I think it'd be a big advantage for new contributors02:15
lifelessbeuno: upgrade over sftp copies all the data twice02:16
lifelessbeuno: over the wire02:16
beunoLaserJock, if it's that big of a deal, then it might be faster to get a LP admin to do it. Maybe abentley?02:16
beunolifeless, ah, so it should be cheaper to upgrade locally and fully re-upload?02:17
LaserJockbeuno: yeah, I just sent an email to the team to start a discussion about shared repos and getting the format upgraded02:17
LaserJockwe'll see how it goes, but I'm sure everybody will like the improvement02:17
LaserJockhow old of a bzr version will handle rich-root-pack? 1.0 ?02:18
beunoLaserJock, I think from 0.9202:19
beunoor 0.91 even02:19
beunoso 1.0 should be a safe bet02:19
LaserJockk, just wondered about gutsy users02:19
abentleyThey were introduced in 1.0, according to NEWS.02:20
beunoabentley, wasn't it introduced with packs itself?02:20
* beuno is awfully wrong today02:21
* beuno alt+tabs into vim02:21
jdongbeuno: at least that's one thing right.02:26
beunojdong, :p02:27
LaserJockjdong: I thought it was just typo ;-)02:27
LaserJock*just a02:28
beunoigc, btw, thanks for redirecting all the IDE people to be, I've got a pretty good list of people working on stuff. I'll put up a wiki page with it soon02:40
igcbeuno: excellent. I almost did exactly that yesterday but didn't get to it02:41
igcI want a page called EditorsAndIDEs (say) that lists all of them together with software and/or contact points02:41
beunoexactly what I had in mind  :)02:42
igcwe can also use that to direct people to the team you've set up02:42
beunoigc, yeap, sounds great. Seems the news from the sprint got many people excited about it02:43
lifelessigc: there were two patches ...02:44
igclifeless: didn't abentley approve the seocnd one?02:45
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* igc lunch & doctor visit02:59
lifelessabentley: cool patch; I don't think I'll get to review it myself today03:41
lifelessabentley: but it sounds excellent (though I'm not 100% sure about validating against different formats automagically)03:42
lifelessabentley: spiv: duplication reduction ping03:42
abentleylifeless: Well, that's only on conversion.  And it's only if the obvious choice fails.03:42
lifelessso, I've reduced about half of the duplicate sites to use helpers; the rest are not actually all the same03:43
lifelessthe knit and versionedfile ones don't filter nulls and so on03:44
abentleyOtherwise, I would have to fail to convert.03:44
lifelesswell, my thoughts were that if its wrong, its wrong and failure is expected.03:45
lifelessI'll sleep on it03:45
abentleySo that means that if we convert something from format 5 into 6, we can't convert it to 803:45
abentleyAnd similarly for 7 -> 503:45
abentleysorry, 7->603:45
lifelessthe way I looked at it, reading the old inventory will fail03:46
lifelessso this is a job for reconcile, which is allowed to be slower and more complex than just pull03:46
spivlifeless: yeah, in the patch I saw I think there were two variants.03:46
lifelessspiv: do you want to see the new diff; I think its about as reduced as I'm comfortable with03:47
lifelessor an incremental diff?03:47
lifelessor <alternate>03:47
abentleylifeless: But then you're generating format 5 serializations with differing inventory_sha1s for the same revision.03:48
spivlifeless: an incremental diff would do03:48
lifelessabentley: huh? whatever rich-root is today - yes. And it can happy today trivially.03:48
lifelessabentley: all you have to do to get different inventory sha 1s today is to do a bzr baz-import into a rich root repo, and also a bzr baz-import into a pack-0.92 which you then upgrade.03:49
abentleyThe 5, 6 and 7 serializers all use format 5 for their serialization.03:49
abentleyof revisions.03:49
lifelessand ditto with bzr-hg/hg-import etc - all the deterministic importers will create this03:50
lifelessspiv: mailed you03:50
spivlifeless: ta03:50
abentleylifeless: That's just them not being completely deterministic.03:51
beunojelmer, sent the patch  :)  I suppose I have to add the stuff I ahve done up to now in NEWS, but I'll wait until it gets approved to send that in03:51
lifelessabentley: they would have to generate a format 5 inventory, grab its sha, and then reserialise to format 7 inventory03:51
lifelessabentley: I think they are being completely deterministic; its *our* bug on upgrade that makes any problems exist; which is what your patch is about fixing.03:52
abentleyThey're not deterministic.  They don't force the root revision_id to always be updated, AFAIK03:52
abentleywhich is the non-rich-root behavior.03:52
lifelessabentley: mmm, possibly;03:53
abentleyi.e. what you'd get if you converted something from baz into knit, then rich-root.03:53
spivlifeless: +103:53
beunopoolie, if you want some help with bzr packaging for ubuntu, just upload the current branches to LP and I'll pitch in to get 1.3 into PPA03:57
lifelessbeuno: I need a topic suggestion; looms would be ideal but they aren't really polished yet :(03:57
beunolifeless, how about generically going for "managing your packages with bzr"?03:58
beunoand then see how polished they are by august  :)03:58
markhis there a simple way to have bzr show the traceback when it can't load a plugin?04:16
spivmarkh: the traceback is written to the .bzr.log04:17
markhah - thanks!04:17
spivmarkh: it might be good if there were a -Dplugin debug flag, perhaps.04:17
pooliemarkh: i would think -Derror should do that but i guess it does not?04:28
markhheh - the log is in "my documents" :)04:31
markhso - .bzr.log is misplaced IMO on windows.  What is the best place to discuss that?  Open a launchpad bug or just email the list?  The patch is trivial, but agreement on the correct place might not be ;)04:42
lifelessmarkh: see the archive first please04:43
lifelessmarkh: its not accidental where it is :>04:43
markhbugger - so it is to help the user find the log?04:45
lifelessit may be that there is a better place04:46
lifelessbzr --version shows where the log is going04:46
lifelessso please google a bit, and if you decide that it should be moved:- send a [MERGE] in  :)04:47
markhwell - making it easy to explain to a user where to find the log is very true and I don't want to start a bikeshed discussion - but I think its safe to say I'm very glad that no other apps take the approach of dumping their logs where I store my documents ;)04:48
lifelessmarkh: which is why I am acking that there may be a better place; but asking you to check the history a bit first, and rather than openning a bikeshed discussion, send in a patch that does the right thing04:49
markhfair enough - tho me even bringing it up is kinda bikeshedding :)04:52
lifelessI don't think its bikeshedding to say 'here is a way to do things better'. bikeshedding is arguing about trivialities.04:55
spiv"I want my shed to be pink, and called 'My Documents'" ;)04:55
markhI did assume the location was "accidental" - but given it was explicitly decided, the location of the log file is almost a triviality at this stage of the game - much bigger fish to fry!04:57
markheg, how we bend py2exe to allow plugins to work OK in binary releases.  For now I'll just switch to a source version of bzr instead though...04:58
pooliebye lifeless05:18
AfCIs jam up? Guess not.06:28
poolieAfC: he's on holidays for the next week and a bit06:29
AfCpoolie: ah! Nice. Thanks06:29
pooliei've forwarded your expenses06:33
AfCpoolie: thanks06:35
AfCpoolie: So it's probably a rear guard action at this point,06:35
AfCbut I'm trying to [automate] set up [of] bzr-svn branches for GNOME projects for people to use.06:36
AfCI'm happy to publish a selection of the resultant branches on our R&D server, but06:36
AfCI was wondering if the launchpad guys are {likely, in progress} doing that themselves06:37
pooliei'd like them to move to doing it through bzr-svn rather than cscvs06:37
AfC(versus bzr-vcs-import, which is unfortunately no good for projects that are not migrating but still using Subversion as their main)06:37
pooliefor a few reasons including the result being more useful, ... well you can imagine06:37
pooliebut that is not on their plate at present06:38
pooliei have heard there is interest in having those imports though06:38
AfCpoolie: ok. Just thought I'd ask before writing a bunch of scripts and kicking them off.06:38
pooliecan you mail the list when you do it?06:38
pooliei'd like to at least mirror them to launchpad06:38
AfCpoolie: yeah, I sorta heard that murmour in the back of the room in London; I also now understand some of the things the Launchpad team are up against.06:38
AfCpoolie: yeah, for sure.06:39
pooliewe had an interesting thread about downtime recently06:39
poolieit's actually above 99% but whether that's good or not depends on your point of view06:39
poolieanyhow i should finish rebuilds06:40
AfCNot bzr-svn's fault, but I had to do the 100 revisions at a time trick to try and do the 19,000 revision repo. I didn't have a server handy with the patched Subversion, and the machine I was on (ie, my laptop) was in an environment that was VERY intermittent.06:40
AfCIt took 9 days to do the import.06:40
AfCNeedless to say, I'm not going to tell anyone else that :)06:40
pooliethis is one reason it would be good to get it running on proper infrastructure06:41
AfCpoolie: [99%.... for most people, that's pretty good. The one I usually look for is planned vs unplanned]06:41
spivAfC: jelmer says bzr-svn 0.4.9 is much faster, btw06:41
AfCspiv: I was just going to grab it... I know it has the changes that you and he made a couple weeks back06:41
spivAfC: so if the dependencies aren't too horrible, it'd be worth trying the upgrade06:42
AfCspiv: should be ok... I just had to jump through lots of stupid hoops to get Subversion to co-operate.06:42
AfCAnyway, it's on my list of things to contribute in April.06:42
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igcnight all - have a good weekend07:59
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james_wthanks jdong09:24
pooliehi james_w09:26
james_whi poolie09:26
james_whow are you?09:26
poolievery good09:26
pooliei should sign off though...09:27
james_whave a good weekend09:27
Lo-lan-doG'day all10:16
james_wHi Lo-lan-do10:17
Lo-lan-doI'm reading about the new dpkg source formats, including one called "3.0 (bzr)".10:17
Lo-lan-do(Basically, replace orig.tar.gz+diff.gz with a single tarball containing a bzr branch)10:17
Lo-lan-doThat sounds interesting to me, but converting my main package (gforge) to it would make the source package grow from ~10MB to ~60MB, because of the full history included.10:18
Lo-lan-doSo I was wondering whether the history horizon/shallow branches feature is still being worked on...10:18
Kamping_Kaiseri expect any package will have that problem too :|10:19
Lo-lan-doNot every package has thousands of revisions, but yeah.10:20
Lo-lan-doIt would be nice to be able to only keep like the last year of revisions.10:20
pooliesome preparatory work is happening but it is still over the horizon10:21
Lo-lan-doI see.10:22
pooliebut you can use lightweight checkouts in many places, i presume10:23
poolieand then they will not be so large10:23
poolieanyhow, really going now10:23
Lo-lan-doI know about lightweight checkouts, but that's not the use case I'm talking about.10:24
james_wpoolie: nice pun :-)10:27
datoheh, so I wasn't the only one =)10:27
james_whi dato10:27
datohello james_w10:28
james_wLo-lan-do: I haven't looked in to those formats to understand them yet.10:28
Lo-lan-dojames_w: They sound promising to me, but I won't switch quite yet, because of the size problem.10:32
james_wyeah, I think that's reasonable.10:32
james_wit seems to me like they may be more of a stepping stone to get to a proper VCS based workflow10:33
chadmillerMoin moin.12:20
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yaccJust making sure, when I work with a remote repo, I do a "bzr commit" and after that a "bzr push", right?13:05
yaccSo that my changes get immediatly applied to the remote repository?13:06
Lo-lan-doYes, unless you're in a checkout (bound branch)13:06
luksby repo you mean a branch created by 'bzr branch'?13:06
yaccluks: not hundred percent. By repo I mean a svn+https:// url that I have created via bzr svn-push.13:07
yaccandreas@andi-lap:~/lookery/lookery_memberfind> bzr merge svn+https://lookery_andreas@lookery.unfuddle.com/svn/lookery_process/trunk/logs/lookery-memberfind13:07
yaccbzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository('file:///home/andreas/lookery/lookery_memberfind/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with repository SvnRepository('svn+https://lookery_andreas@lookery.unfuddle.com/svn/lookery_process')13:07
luksoh, no idea about bzr-svn13:07
yaccIsn't that peachy?13:07
luksthis looks like a incompatible shared repository format13:08
james_wyacc: you created ~/lookery/lookery_memberfind with bzr-svn?13:08
luksand I think it's explained in bzr-svn's FAQ13:08
yaccNo, lookery/lookery_memberfind was the initial directory where the project started, so it was created by bzr init.13:09
bob2the project originated in bzr, then was branched to svn?13:09
yaccbob2: yeah.13:09
bob2the bzr branch has to have a compatible repository format13:09
yaccYeah, but upgrade --rich-root-pack breaks too.13:10
bob2'bzr upgrade --rich-root-pack' (ideally after making a backupof it)13:10
bob2ah, suck13:10
yaccbob2: well, I did already svn-push from this directory.13:10
bob2the push will be fine13:10
bob2pull/merge won't, tho13:11
bob2some missing revision error from bzr upgrade?13:12
james_wyacc: what's the error on upgrade?13:12
yaccYeah, but it complains about diverged branches and asks me to merge. Which is curious, as there have been no commits to the directory in the mean time.13:12
yaccbob2: it complains that some version does not exist in the repo.13:12
yaccjames_w: bzr: ERROR: Revision {('andreas@andi-lap-20080318163204-v6cbndpdo3k2hneq',)} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0xb6c53b2c>".13:12
james_wyeah, I don't know if there is a workaround for that problem yet, sorry13:13
bob2what about 'bzr missing' - does it show revisions missing on both sides?13:13
james_wabentley: hi, are you around?13:13
yaccjames_w: yeah, I'm getting this sick feeling that despite jelmer's efforts bzr-svn is not a viable svn client solution ;(13:13
bob2'bzr reconcile' might 'fix' it for now13:13
yaccbob2: I already run reconcile13:13
abentleyjames_w: hi13:13
james_wabentley: hi, is there a workaround known for yacc's error above?13:14
bob2yacc: the issue is with the conversion, as far as I know - if you'd started with rich-root-pack (or branched from svn), pretty sure it would be fine13:14
yaccThat's curious, branching the svn repo freshly, commit the single again, and pushing it worked fine.13:14
yaccbob2: yeah, I have a feeling that the "start a svn repo with bzr" is not exactly a typical usecase.13:14
james_wyeah, you get the right local repository format that way, the problem is with the upgrade13:14
bob2yacc: maybe branching the original bzr branch into a rich-root-pack repo would work, too13:15
abentleyWhat was the original format?  dirstate-tags?13:15
yaccbob2: well, I'll try to start my new egg with svn mkdir && bzr branch for a change.13:16
yaccabentley: the format before was pack-0.92.13:16
bob2abentley: KnitPackRepository13:16
yaccabentley: But svn-pushing worked before, ...13:16
james_wyacc: yeah, it's not the typical use case.13:16
bob2yacc: pushing wiwll work, it's the pulling of data from svn that is the issue, afaik13:16
abentleyyacc: You were using bzr-svn 0.3?13:16
yaccabentley: nope :)13:17
yaccbob2: yeah, but it complained about diverging branches, so pulling was needed too.13:18
yaccbob2: despite that nobody has commited anything to the directory on svn.13:18
bob2yacc: does 'bzr missing' explain that?13:18
abentleyyacc: AIUI, bzr-svn 0.4 requires a rich-root format.  So I don't know how you got that.13:18
yaccbob2: nope, I already managed to push it via a fresh branch.13:19
yaccabentley: which makes me wonder how the revisions in lookery-memberfind ended up in the svn repo in the first case?13:20
yaccOk, I've got an idea what can be out of whack.13:21
yaccbzr missing complains that I'm missing the initial revision the directory is based on, that I did via "svn mkdir" if I remember right.13:21
abentleyyacc: Could you run this in the root of your branch please?13:21
abentleypython -c "from bzrlib import workingtree; wt = workingtree.WorkingTree.open('.'); wt.lock_read(); print wt.inventory.root; wt.unlock()"13:21
yaccabentley: nope, the branch had a portion of tender-love-care from rm -Rf ;(13:22
abentleyyacc: So you didn't originate this bzr-svn conversion?13:22
yaccI did orginate yet again, but I solved it by branching the svn url freshly, applying my change and pushing it. Everything worked fine then.13:23
james_wyacc: did you just start with bzr init, made some commits, and then did bzr svn-push?13:24
yaccjames_w: yes.13:24
abentleyAlright, I guess there's nothing for me to see here.13:24
james_wthanks abentley13:24
abentleyjames_w: To somewhat answer your question, there are two fixable causes of that error.13:25
abentleyOne is the sort of data inconsistencies that reconcile will fix, so that's fixable.13:25
yaccAnd the second one?13:26
abentleyThe other is that the non-rich -> rich converter assumes non-rich trees have TREE_ROOT as their tree root.  That hasn't been addressed yet, but I'm planning to do it as part of my pack-1.4 work.13:26
schierbeckhey guys -- any news on nested branches?13:28
james_wabentley: great, thanks.13:28
james_wschierbeck: I think LarstiQ had almost all tests passing in London, so hopefully we will get the first bits to review at some point.13:29
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deepjoybzr+http woohoo!!!13:56
deepjoyfinally got the basics running13:56
deepjoynot if only I could figure out how to use the update the working tree remotely or an alternate work flow that will server multiple developers13:57
deepjoyI have bzr+http with write enabled working with mod_authz_ldap13:58
deepjoyanybody here to share my joy :-)13:58
deepjoydato: Lo-lan-do: thanks13:59
chadmillerHi all.  I'm trying to push a Very Large pack-0.92 branch (total repo is ~500MB) to Launchpad using very recent bzr.dev over bzr+ssh.13:59
bob2deepjoy: you should document that somewhere :)14:00
chadmillerBy my calculation, if it were just streaming data, it would take ~30 minutes over my 'net connection.14:00
chadmillerBut, I stopped it yesterday at 8 hours, with the progress bar about 2/5ths the way across the screen.14:01
Lo-lan-dochadmiller: You might try packing it first14:01
Lo-lan-do(But I don't know what I'm talking about, so ignore me if I'm just giving nonsense)14:02
chadmillerIt is packed.14:02
bob2was it still sending data when it stopped (according to iptraf or tcpdump or whatever)14:02
chadmillerbob2: Yes.14:02
chadmillerThe trees are public, if anyone wants to try.14:04
chadmillerbranch from 6.0-trunk, push back.14:05
Lo-lan-dochadmiller: Are you trying to push over a DSL line?14:05
chadmillerLo-lan-do: No.  Cable.14:05
Lo-lan-doLarge latency?14:06
chadmillerNo, not usually.  Very good, most of the time.14:06
Lo-lan-doIf so, you may want to rsync over to a good server, and push from there14:06
lukspushing over sftp will be probably faster than over bzr+ssh if it's just one big pack file14:07
chadmillerLo-lan-do: I can scp the whole repo in ~30 minutes.14:08
Lo-lan-dochadmiller: Hence the idea to push over bzr+ssh from a place where network roundtrips don't matter much14:09
chadmillerLo-lan-do: That's not it, sorry.14:09
Lo-lan-doThen I'm happy to be ignored :-)14:09
chadmillerWhile I've been patient about other uses of bazaar, I'm trying to decide whether or not to use bazaar (and launchpad) for my Google-Summer-of-Code students.14:17
james_wchadmiller: the ~/.bzr.log from the push may give some clues14:21
james_wchadmiller: for future reference -Dhpss can help debugging this14:22
chadmillerjames_w: The .bzr.log has the startup info, and then at t+33 "Using fetch logic to copy..." and is then silent.14:23
james_wchadmiller: that's not much use then.14:23
chadmillerjames_w: I left it running last night with -Dhpss, and (I suppose) it bogged down enough that the ssh socket timed out.14:24
chadmillerOh, wait, that was -Devil.14:24
* chadmiller uses hpss.14:24
james_w-Devil isn't that useful as it doesn't really change depending on your specific circumstances14:25
chadmiller(Yeah.  After the 8-hour wait, I wanted to see if there was anything obviously algorithmic in the way.)14:26
asabilwhen having a conflicts14:54
asabilis there a way to tell resolve to auto pick the .THIS ?14:54
asabiloverriding the changed from .OTHER ?14:54
james_wI don't think so14:54
asabiloki thanks14:55
fullermdcp ; resolve14:57
fullermdOr revert, I s'pose.14:57
asabilfullermd: yes, but when you have a bunch of files14:59
asabilyou need to end up using find15:00
Lo-lan-doNot necessarily.15:00
fullermdNah, you could use perl instead   ;)15:00
Lo-lan-doHow about "bzr conflicts --text | xargs bzr revert"?15:00
james_wthat should work15:00
asabilhmmm right, forgot aboy xargs15:00
fullermdThough it does lead one to think that bzr really needs a -0 option...15:01
fullermdGot it on ls, but not on conflicts.15:02
Lo-lan-doAlso, this will entirely drop the parts of the patches that are not conflicting.15:03
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luislavenahello guys, question for any using bzr-svn...17:00
luislavenaeven I created a branch in svn using svn copy from trunk, bzr merge is not accepting it:17:00
luislavenabzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.17:00
luislavenaI use bzr pull since branch was eating all my memory :P17:00
Lo-lan-doluislavena: I know, I already reported that bug.17:05
luislavenaLo-lan-do: oh, I see, I'm not the only one.17:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197356 in debian "Branches created in svn don't seem related in bzr (dup-of: 203368)" [Unknown,Confirmed]17:05
luislavenaLo-lan-do: how do you workaround it?17:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203368 in bzr-svn "svn-push a branch with no new history makes surprising commit to SVN repo" [Wishlist,Confirmed]17:05
Lo-lan-doWhich is even a duplicate17:05
Lo-lan-doI, uh, don't.17:06
Lo-lan-doApart from using bzr-push to create the branch in the first place.17:06
luislavenaLo-lan-do: the branch already existed :-(17:07
luislavenaguess that will have to deal with the shelve.17:07
Stavroswhat's the difference between "bzr branch" and "bzr co"?17:52
LeoNerdWhere the commits go17:52
LeoNerdIf you commit to a 'branch'ed one, it's only stored there17:52
LeoNerdIf you commit to a 'co'ed one, it'll try to push it back upstream again17:52
Stavrosah, so you need to push afterwards17:52
Stavrosaha, thanks17:53
LeoNerdpush, or pull from the other place, or merge..17:53
LeoNerdBasically, it's a question of "is this some other branched work, or is it supposed to be 'thesamework' in another physical location?"17:53
Stavroshmm, it's the latter, but i think i'll still tell people to branch17:53
Stavrosso they can commit offline until they're ready to push17:54
LeoNerdAh.. well, that can be done too17:54
LeoNerdFor "occasional-offline" machines, you can co anyway.. and pass the  --local  flag to commit17:54
Stavrosis there a windows setup package that includes a gui?17:54
Stavrosi suggested bzr over svn so i want to make this as easy as possible17:55
Stavros(to avoid getting lynched, you understand)17:55
jkakarIs bzrtools distributed in the bzr PPA?17:58
abentleyjkakar: yes17:58
jkakarabentley: Cool, thanks.18:00
sabdflhey folks, should we still have "baz" packages in ubuntu, labelled "bazaar"?18:21
chadmillersabdfl: I think it's to be fixed soon.  The disambiguating version number is about to be false too.18:22
datosabdfl: afaik james_w and beuno are putting some work into having them renamed to baz, and have bazaar be bzr (at some point)18:23
sabdfljames_w: is that a hardy exercise?18:23
sabdflimo, we definitely don't want "bazaar" being "baz" for all of hardy18:23
james_wsabdfl: I would like it to be, but baz FTBFS and I haven't been able to fix that yet18:24
james_wso the transition is stalled until we can fix that.18:24
dato.oO(unless you completely drop it from the dist)18:24
* sabdfl is inclined to drop baz18:24
sabdfldoes bzr still do a good job of conversion from baz?18:25
chadmillersabdfl: What's the "sa"?18:25
james_wthat's reasonable, we'd like to do the transition in Debian as well, and there is less support for just dropping it there18:25
james_wthe other thing is that baz is a requirement for bzr baz-import, and so it's a way we can provide a migration path for baz users to bzr18:25
ubotuNew bug: #208387 in bzr "bzrtools 1.3 is not available for feisty fawn" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20838718:26
sabdflchadmiller: self-appointed18:31
Stavroshmm, i think bzr doesn't like cygwin18:58
Stavrosbash: bzr: command not found18:58
james_wStavros: did you install the cygwin or Windows bzr?19:00
Stavrosjames_w: python, i think19:00
Stavrosdefinitely not cygwin19:00
Stavroslet me doublecheck19:00
james_wI think you may need to adjust your $PATH19:01
james_wthough I think windows bzr through cygwin is a long road to pain19:01
ubotuNew bug: #208418 in bzr "ValueError when trying to pull/merge from a remote repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20841819:01
Stavrosdamn, it's huge19:01
Stavrosjames_w: it's not through cygwin19:01
Stavrosi didn't touch cygwin19:01
james_wyeah, there's a separate cygwin port19:02
Stavrosi have no clue wtf it's doing with bash now..19:04
Stavrosmaybe it's running bash on the remote server19:04
Stavrosor maybe bash is telling me bzr wasn't found19:05
Stavrosthat's it :/19:05
Stavroswhat's an easy to install gui for windows?19:05
james_wah, what command are you running?19:05
Stavrosbut it's odd, because bzr is supposed to be there19:06
james_wBZR_REMOTE_PATH might help you there.19:06
james_wset that in your environment to be the path to bzr on your server19:06
Stavroshmm, it's multiuser, so it should just work :/19:07
Stavrosi will ask the admin to do it19:07
Stavroshmm, shouldn't bare ssh:// work?19:10
fullermdWell, it doesn't.19:10
fullermd"should" is a very broad question  :p19:10
Stavrosso anything i can do now?19:12
sabdflpoolie: ping19:23
james_wStavros: sftp:// should work for you19:28
Stavrosoh, thanks19:28
Stavrosah, it needs paramiko :/19:28
Stavrosdoes anyone have the link to the qt redist i need to install to get qbzr to work? the one i got is 70 mb19:29
james_wdoes it work?19:30
Stavrosdoes what work?19:30
james_wthe distribution you have?19:31
Stavroswhat do you mean? i'm in windows19:32
james_wyou said "does anyone have the link to the qt redist i need...the one i got"19:32
james_wwhich seems contradictory to me19:32
Stavrosi mean the link i found19:32
Stavrosi didn't download it19:33
james_wah, ok19:33
Stavrosis that the correct one?19:33
james_wis it a qt distribution, or a qbzr one?19:33
Stavrosdamnit, why doesn't anyone include the correct link in the qbzr page? :(19:36
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luksbecause you are supposed to use the binary qbzr installer19:37
Stavroswhat if you used the python bzr package?19:37
luksthat's not a problem19:37
Stavrosapparently it is, because i can't get it to work19:38
luksunless you have some strange version of python19:38
Stavrosi just installed 2.519:38
Stavrosqt isn't included in what i installed19:38
luksyep, I said the binary installer19:38
Stavrosthe 110 kb one?19:38
luksyou can use http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/download.php for the other one19:39
luksI dunno how big is it19:39
Stavrosit doesn't include qt19:39
luksthat's the wrong one then19:39
Stavrosthere's one for python and one for standalone19:39
luks"qbzr-setup-0.8.0.exe  "19:39
Stavrosthat's for the standalone bzr version19:39
Stavrosi don't want that version19:39
luksignore that19:40
luksotherwise, download pyqt from the link I posted19:40
Stavrosok, i'll do that and see...19:40
james_wjelmer: my apologies, I underestimated bzr-svn20:02
jelmeryacc: if you want a stable bzr-svn, use a release...20:03
LarstiQbzr: ERROR: Unable to push revision 'wouter@chuck-20080328195425-e5de7xtz87t6ozd4' because it would change the ordering of existing revisions on the Subversion repository root. Use rebase and try again or push to a non-root path20:04
LarstiQho hum20:04
LarstiQjelmer: I suppose this is due to different branching schemes20:04
jelmerLarstiQ: you can only append revisions when pushing to a repository root20:06
jelmerLarstiQ: you merged I think, and that would change the lhs revision history20:07
jelmeryacc: still there?20:14
LarstiQjelmer: well. That sucks.20:16
jelmerLarstiQ: it's impossible to change the root in subversion20:16
LarstiQjelmer: I don't understand it yet, but I'll just uncommit for now20:17
fullermdAnything's possible if you push hard enough   ;)20:27
RainCTcan I let bzr remember two commit URLs?20:31
RainCTie, save a second one with an alias so that I don't have to write the complete URL each time I want to push there20:32
beunoRainCT, I don't think you can have aliases on a per-branch basis20:32
RainCThm.. well I think I'll just keep two branches locally too20:35
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beunoRainCT, you can always file a bug requesting it  :)21:06
james_wyeah, aliases would be a good thing to have21:16
RainCTjames_w: great you want them too, feel free to request them then :P21:19
james_wfeel free to implement them :-)21:19
fullermdIt's probably been at least a month since they were last requested   :P21:20
javierderI'm working in a bzr plugin for Gedit.21:25
javierderAnd I have a problem! :)21:25
dashHi. does bzr have anything like svn's "externals"?21:25
javierderwhen doing a workingtree.smart_add("mypath") to add everything there, it only adds files in that directory, but it's not recursive...21:26
beunojelmer, ping21:40
abentleydash: There has been some work on that, but it is incomplete.21:41
dashis it the useful-in-limited-situations kind of incomplete or the breaks-in-surprising-ways kind? :)21:42
abentleysabdfl: bzrtools does good conversion from baz, but it uses baz to do it.  (bzr itself has never handled baz)21:43
abentleydash: The latter.21:44
sabdflthanks abentley21:44
dashGuess I'll be patient then. :)21:44
sabdflanybody know why 1.3 hasn't shown up in the PPA?21:44
beunosabdfl, it has today  :)21:45
beunoI just installed a few minutes ago21:46
beunoah, you meant bzrtools21:46
* beuno goes back into vim21:46
awmcclainJust to be clear... there's no way to check out one file from a branch, correct?21:52
james_wjavierder: I think it should be recursive, is there a recursive parameter to the method?22:01
james_wjavierder: another possibility is that all the files in there are ignored.22:01
javierderjames_w, i found the problem. there was a .bzr inside the subfolder. thanks!22:31
james_wjavierder: cool22:34
awmcclainuh oh22:43
james_wwhat's up?22:44
awmcclainI think i really broke something... I changed my .bzr/branch/location  from sftp:// to bzr+ssh://, got a bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad protocol marker "error\x01Generic bzr smart protocol error: bad request '/'\n"22:45
awmcclainAnd now when i changed it back, i get bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "sftp://bamboo.fluther.com/repos/conf/22:45
awmcclainany thoughts?22:45
james_wdouble ouch22:45
james_wI'm not really sure.22:46
awmcclaintriple ouch22:46
james_wthat's a public branch? Is there http access?22:46
awmcclainno, it's publicly available authenticated branch22:46
james_wok, can you ssh to the machine?22:49
james_wif you can please do so and ls -R .bzr on the branch.22:50
james_wlet's find out what state it is in22:50
luislavenahello everybody.23:00
luislavenabeen testing bzr-svn in my workflow, and found something funny...23:00
luislavenaif you svn-push a new branch (which previously was a branch from trunk) and forgot to push the changes in trunk, it always mark as missing and don't let oyu push them...23:01
awmcclainjames_w: Here's the output of the ls http://dpaste.com/41918/23:06
awmcclainjames_w: Fortunately, I don't have very many changes23:08
awmcclainjames_w: I can re-checkout the branch and port my changes over23:08
james_wluislavena: you probably want to file a bug on that23:10
james_wawmcclain: sorry, I was trying to code, let me look now23:10
awmcclainjames_w: np23:10
hnoIs there any way of creating a submission bundle (bzr send) of changes already in trunk?23:10
james_wawmcclain: that's the remote branch?23:10
awmcclainjames_w: Correct.23:11
james_wit looks ok. perhaps you should cat .bzr/branch/format and check it is sane23:11
awmcclainjames_w: I just rebranched and was able to checkin23:11
james_whno: you might be able to do it with a -r23:11
beunohno, I suppose you could copy over trunk, bzr revert to where you want it, and do a send against that one23:11
luislavenajames_w: ok, I'll try to recreate the steps and post on a bug.23:11
luislavenajames_w: thank you.23:11
james_wand what beuno says23:11
awmcclainjames_w: (re checked-out, i should say)23:11
lifelesshno: yes, just supply the exact revision range23:12
hnojames_w: Not quote.. the patch gets rendered fine, but the resulting bundle is empty..23:12
lifelesshno: -r x..y23:12
james_whi lifeless23:12
hnohi lifeless23:12
james_wawmcclain: odd, perhaps your local end was messed up23:12
james_wawmcclain: does it still happen with the original checkout?23:12
hnolifeless: I guess it's due to not really having a target branch..23:12
james_wawmcclain: -Derror and ~/.bzr.log might help if so23:12
james_wthough I don't know if -Derror will change anything here23:13
hno(used trunk as the target)23:13
james_whno: what do you want the merge directive for?23:13
lifelesshno: perhaps try manual target branch etc; it seems to me it should still add content in this case and I'd call it a bug23:13
fullermdMmmph.  Seems like we've had that discussion more than once...23:14
awmcclainjames_w: A ha!23:15
hnolifeless: I guess it would work specifying an empty target branch, or at least one not having the change...23:15
awmcclainjames_w: Newline at the end of the file!23:15
james_wawmcclain: wow23:15
fullermdhno: I doubt that would do what you want either...23:15
awmcclainjames_w: FTR, this is all because you can't do a branch on a rich-root-pack over ssh://23:16
awmcclainjames_w: Correct.23:16
james_wawmcclain: sorry, I'm not familiar with that problem, what is it?23:17
awmcclainjames_w: Ah. Branch over a smart protocol default to creating the branch in the default format (pack?). If you have a branch converted from svn (in rich-root-pack) it will fail. The workarounds are 1) Do a lightweight checkout 2) cehckout into a shared repo formatted with rich-root-pack 3) checkout over sftp://, then change the protocol to bzr+ssh://23:18
hnousing an empty target branch was not a good idea.. bzr send -r x..y /empty/branch is chewing up all the cpu...23:18
lifelesshno: yah; I think this is a bug :>23:19
fullermdIt'll end up bundling the WHOLE branch.23:19
lifelesshno: using a branch without y, where -r x..y, will work; ideally the branch will contain x.23:19
hnoFeels kind of odd to not be able to create an untargeted bundle..23:20
fullermdThe logic (AIUI) goes like   - "-r" gives the rev range to be commanded   - The displayed patch is an approximation of the result of applying that   - The revisions bundled up are determined by what doesn't exist in the target branch23:21
james_wawmcclain: ah, I remember now, thanks23:21
hnofullermd: Yes, I understand that. But what I need in this case is to bundle exactly the revisions said without a specific target.. it's input to a separate cherrypicking/backporting tracker.23:23
fullermdRight; there isn't a way.23:24
fullermdWhat you'd do is make a temp branch to use as the target holding the base rev.23:24
fullermd(at least, there isn't a UI way; you could probably force it using bzrlib directly)23:25
* hno isn't a very python guy..23:25
* fullermd isn't either :)23:26
* hno wonders what that send against an empty target is up to.. it's still running..23:27
fullermdBundling up the whole history of the branch.23:27
fullermd(after all, the target doesn't have ANY of those revs, so we need to send them ALL)23:27
hnothat doesn't make sense.23:28
fullermdA merge directive is a directive to merge.  -rx..y defines what revs the other end is being told to merge.  The target branch determines what revs need to be bundled to do that.23:29
fullermdSo the bundled revs are something like -r{HEAD_OF_TARGET_BRANCH}..y23:29
fullermdAnd since the head of your target branch is nothing (or at least, nothing in the ancestry of x or y, which is the same thing in this case)...23:30
james_wheh, it seems I've invented an O(ugliness of history algorithm)23:36
james_wor rather O(ugliness of history) algorithm23:36
james_wthough I'm sure the former would be an interesting one to try and analyse23:36
hnofullermd: I believe you that it's what bzr does. But still doesn't make sense.23:39
james_won bzr.dev: bzr mlog  4.21s user 0.09s system 93% cpu 4.598 total23:39
james_won emacs: 0.24s user 0.05s system 87% cpu 0.328 total23:39
james_w(straight line history for the latter)23:39
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james_wthough I guess it's not unusual23:41
fullermdjames_w: The prettier the algorithm is, the better it scales?  There's a PhD thesis in there somewhere...23:44
james_wI think so too23:45
fullermdHm.  That suggests that code optimization could best be done in Befunge...23:46

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