
belorix23112Everytime i start up Ubuntu i have to run sudo modprobe ndiswrapper is there anyway i can make it so i dont have to00:00
node357ko, maybe try #ipv600:00
kook ty00:00
wirechief_intelarooni maybe something here, use google dpkg-reconfigure locales00:00
FlannelToxicSoul2: the problem is your BIOS apparently lists SATA before your IDE, so your first IDE was 0, and is now 1 (with your SATA being 0).00:00
cathartiaIs there a known issue with the network-admin for wifi stuff?00:00
cathartiaI'm having trouble getting my wifi settings to "stick" with 8.04.  Everytime I reboot I have to go back in and manually configure them.00:00
Flannel!repeat | cathartia00:01
ubottucathartia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:01
shawnbnew ubuntu user here ... looking for programming editor suggestions00:01
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ToxicSoul2Flannel: yeah and there is no option to change it in the bios, I've tried installing grub over just it hasn't worked yet =p00:01
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shawnblooking for an editor that will keep a list of my scripts functions down the side00:01
cathartiawhat is ndiswrapper?00:02
=== noob is now known as neewbie
TaRDyshawnb, i like jeditor, and you can split the windows00:02
Arky44beli: how?00:02
wirechief_intelcartharitia search google but this is one http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=2&url=https%3A%2F%2Flaunchpad.net%2Fbugs%2F192845&ei=VcwoSKOwM4SmpwSknry0Cw&usg=AFQjCNGBH6Ws4Vf-3ax8Z5fVHqZ7wcH02w&sig2=eNYvQNMBXiGIcHmZM5kiJw00:02
shawnbsort of like an object inspector00:02
belorix23112cathartia, its a program that can be used to run unsupported wireless cards and stuff but i can run anything other than jsut wireless00:02
Flannelshawnb: Perhaps eclipse or anjuta??  You're looking for a full blown IDE00:02
belishawnb: a developing editor? use eclipse, anjuta or codeblocks00:02
Starnestommycathartia: it's a tool that lets linux use most windows networking drivers00:02
nickellery_cathartia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper00:03
shawnbwas a big fan of Notepad++ for windows ...00:03
Dante124hey, I want to run smartctl -a on my hd.....but not sure what the syntax should be.....I have to point it to the HD.....what should be after the smartctl -a?00:03
jesus_christoffehi gods and jesuses00:03
wirechief_intelDante124: try man smartctl00:03
CinniI thought the plural form was 'Jesi'.00:03
schnauzershawnb: try running notepad++ in WINE.00:04
Flannelshawnb: Notepad++ gave you a list of that stuff?    Notepad++ is based on SCintilla, you may like SCiTe.00:04
Arky44shawnb: you can also use gedit ("Text Editor"). You can set it to highlight all the key workds and such00:04
shawnbnot looking for a full blown IDE, just a syntax highlighting text editor with a few extras00:04
Dante124wirechief_intel  ERROR: smartctl requires a device name as the final command-line argument.00:04
belishawnb: or gvim and folding options00:04
konode357 everyone afk there, could u help me out?00:04
Flannelshawnb: Check SCiTE out, it uses the same engine as Notepad++, so you'll feel right at home.00:04
=== neewbie is now known as user1_
Arky44beli: how should I reinstall my packages00:04
wirechief_intelDante124: well maybe smartctrl -a /dev/sdX  where x is your hd00:05
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:05
ubottuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv400:05
shawnbIs there a way for get SCiTe to list my scripts functions ?00:05
cathartiaI know my wifi card works: when I configure the network settings in network-admin I can connect.  But when I reboot the settings are gone.  When I type them in again I can connect though.00:05
beliArky44: i am searching for a solution.....i use slackware mostly...new to ubuntu.....but there was a trick with dpkg....i cant remember atm....be patient00:05
shawnbthanks for these suggestions (everyone), I'm googling them as you offer them00:05
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)00:05
Arky44beli: sorry :)00:05
wirechief_intelDante124: do fdisk -l to see what your device names are probably sda00:05
Dante124that was it...thanks wirechief_intel00:06
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=== capeta is now known as Capeta
nasstyhello everybody, bcm4318 in hardy00:06
Flannelshawnb: I dont know00:06
CinniI'm inexperienced, trying to install WinXP as a subordinate operating system, but of course the accursed thing refuses to install properly.  And in the process of installing, it seems to have taken out the startup management utility, I think its name is GRUB, but I've been wrong before.  I'm booting off my Ubuntu 64 bit install disc, how can I fix GRUB so that I can get into my Ubuntu install?00:06
beliArky44: basically you can do a list of all installed packages...then clear the installed package list...and use a script to reinstall them00:06
Flannel!grub | Cinni00:06
ubottuCinni: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:06
beliArky44: or lets better say...to install over old ones00:07
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CinniFrank you, Ubottu.  Frank you very much.00:07
cathartiaright now I'm having this problem with Xubuntu 8.04 but I also had it with Ubuntu00:07
wirechief_intelcathartia: maybe your missing /etc/resolv.conf with your dns settings00:07
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:07
HummaKavulahi all00:08
ubottuFactoid it8212 not found00:08
cathartiaI don't see how /etc/resolv.conf has anthing to do with my wifi network settings.00:08
HummaKavulais anyone alive?00:08
nasstyI'm pretty alive00:09
cathartiamy dns server is persisting across reboots00:09
howaptis there a way of configuring Keyring? oft. I will have to load a program twice because the Keyring prompt and the program decide not to load00:09
wirechief_intelcathartia: well if they are missing it wont work well.00:09
howapt( ? )00:09
HummaKavulathank gods.. so irc isn't dead?00:09
nasstyI don't think so00:09
wirechief_intelcathartia: easy to find them cat /etc/resolv.conf00:10
cathartiawireschief: the dns settings persist fine - it is the network settings like network name and auth info that gets whiped out00:10
HummaKavulalast time i used irc was about 10 year ago00:10
nasstyI love ir00:10
ringerwhat is it better to do, an upgrade or clean install if i want to move from 7.10 to 8.0400:10
howaptHummaKavula: Same here! Only came back on thanks to Ubuntu (god Im turning into a fanboy)00:10
wirechief_intelcathartia: do you have a /etc/network/interfaces  file ?00:10
HummaKavulai needed it so badly00:10
SeaPhornot with 1,315 people in this one channel alone (counting bots, droids, gnomes and moles)00:10
wirechief_intelcathartia: does the /et/network/interfaces file disappear ?00:11
howaptSeaPhor: please dont bring attention to my mole00:11
wirechief_intelcathartia: does the /etc/network/interfaces file disappear ?00:11
cathartiawirechief:I'm not with the machine right now.  Is /etc/network/interfaces modified by network-admin?00:11
wirechief_intelcathartia: yes i would think it is.00:11
Intangirin nautilus, when i backspace to goto the parent directory. its beeping at me! even though i have system beep turned off in gnome preference00:12
_oOMOo_ringer IMHO if it's not too much hassle I'd do a clean install.00:12
Intangirits really annoying00:12
Intangirit didnt do this before upgrading to 8.0400:12
cathartiawirechief: what is that?  I do have an ubuntu machine with me - a different one00:12
wirechief_intelcathartia: yes i would think it is. you can see when it was created with ls -l /etc/network/interfaces00:12
laegIntangir: clearly you have angered the kernel!00:12
cathartiawirechief:  what kind of info is in there?  wireless net name and auth info?00:13
_Petrov_someone a tutorial, how can i install Pinnacle PCTV Pro e330 on ubuntu?00:13
Intangirlaeg: how do i unanger it00:13
wirechief_intelcathartia: unforntunately my lappy uses a different distro but (i cant test to see the contents for you)00:13
belito fix permissions...wouldnt it help to make a list of all installed apps with dpkg -l.....and then force-install them again?00:13
Intangirlaeg: btw werehamster was looking for you in pulseaudio00:13
SeaPhoris there a channel for um, ,,, channels? like how to make one and permanent?00:13
[GSF]Martin/cs register help?00:14
belorix23112Everytime i start up Ubuntu i have to run sudo modprobe ndiswrapper is there anyway i can make it so i dont have to00:14
RyanPriorI have a full tarred, gzipped Linux filesystem that I want to try and boot in VirtualBox. How can I turn that filesystem into a virtualbox disk?00:14
wirechief_intelcathartia: maybe it is a setting or bug but google Hardy interfaces bug00:14
laegIntangir: i am afraid i don't know but ty00:14
cathartiawirechief:  I'm looking at the interfaces file on a machine that has only an ethernet card (no wifi) it shows some stuff that I think I entered using the network-admin00:15
wirechief_intelcathartia:  or bug  Hardy wifi interfaces00:15
mneptokIntangir: turn off desktop effects00:15
beliRyanPrior: you mean you've got a gzipped tarball of that partition?00:15
ringer_o0M0o_ am i able to basically overwrite 7.10? or do i have to partition space around 7.10 to make room for 8.04?00:15
wirechief_intelcathartia: yes they all do.00:15
cathartiais Hardy the name given to 8.04?00:15
RyanPriorbeli: I've got a gzipped tarball with a /boot, a /usr, and so on.00:16
Starnestommycathartia: hardy heron00:16
FishsceneCathartia, yes00:16
wirechief_intelcathartia: but the lappy might be little diff, i can paste this one for comparison00:16
cathartiachief:  the thing is - I observed this bug on v6.06 too00:16
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:16
RyanPriorbeli: It's part of my filesystem and I want to boot it as a VirtualBox filesystem.00:16
ringerwhen i do a clean install of 8.04, will the install automatically get rid of my 7.10 for me? or do i manually have to get rid of it myself?00:17
camonzhi, i've been seeing some articles on improved font rendering for feisty, and was wondering how to configure that for hardy00:17
cathartiachief:  am I supposed to be looking at paste-bin right now?  I don't know how that owkrs00:17
wirechief_intelcathartia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11755/   not much there.00:17
ToxicSoul2Flannel, followed the link but it didn't help =\00:18
wirechief_intelcathartia: thats whats in mine.00:18
_oOMOo_ringer you can use the same partition and the installation process will format it for you.00:18
greg_universetonight xp goes away00:18
User70how do i play?00:18
beliRyanPrior:never used virtualbox....but you can mount the tarballs with the loopback feature00:18
AcglaphotisUser70: Hi, play what?00:18
User70i jsut came upon this on  google00:18
User70the game00:19
ringerokay, thank you _o0M0o_00:19
User70zombie game00:19
SeaPhorgreg_universe, Congrats!00:19
^Tech-Help^!yay | greg_universe00:19
ubottugreg_universe: Glad you made it! :-)00:19
hello_Hello! How do I make it so a new partition automatically mounts?00:19
ringeri will do that right now, wish me luck!00:19
cathartiawirechief: can you see mine? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11756/plain/00:19
RyanPriorbeli: That's neat, but could you then use something like QEMU to boot from that?00:19
tmapjcould anyone tell me if its possible to install ubuntu from a thumbdrive?00:19
iclebytewhen i do 'whereis java' it lists /opt/java/bin/java but when i type 'java' on the commandline it says the program 'java cannot be found'00:19
User70how do u play the zombie game???????????????????????????00:19
AcglaphotisUser70: Which zombie game exactly?00:20
mneptokUser70: you don't wrong channel. please drive through.00:20
RyanPriorhello_: You edit your fstab.00:20
_oOMOo_ringer you probably need to choose manual partitioner during the installation process to make sure this happens and only that one partition is formatted. Remember to back up $home! Esp if it's on that partition! Good luck00:20
User70zday game00:20
cathartiawirechief: ok, so I can at least confirm that those files are getting written properly by network-admin00:20
faisal_السلام عليكم00:20
User70z day age,00:20
cathartiawirechief: you must not be using network-admin?00:20
AcglaphotisUser70: Do you have flash installed?00:20
ToxicSoul2Im having an issue with Grub and Ubuntu. I have two IDE drives and recently added a SATA drive.. my mobo sees the SATA first and I can't change that.. I've tried booting via a live cd and a few different grub installs but nothing has worked so far: http://rafb.net/p/Bpdy7I69.html00:20
hello_RyanPrior: How?00:20
tmapjcould anyone tell me if its possible to install ubuntu from a thumbdrive?00:20
PiciUser70: This is the Ubuntu support channel, please move along.00:20
RyanPrioriclebyte: how about "which java" ?00:20
highsaccharoseappropriate name faisal00:20
mneptokAcglaphotis: stop.00:20
howaptHow do I quit IRC with a message?00:20
RyanPriorhello_: You can find some documentation on Google, I'm sure.00:20
Starnestommyhowapt: /quit message goes here00:21
User70fuck you bitch00:21
Picihowapt: /quit message!00:21
beliRyanPrior: never tried...i use XEN for virtual stuff00:21
RyanPriorhowapt: /quit (message)00:21
tmapjhowapt what IRC client do you have?00:21
marrecook .. anyone if i set my video driver i810 intel i can get dual monitor but i lose the compiz and if i use the intel experimental modseting i get compiz but lose the dual monitor00:21
Acglaphotismneptok: sorry i thought it was a firefox problem he was having00:21
tmapjcould anyone tell me if its possible to install ubuntu from a thumbdrive?00:21
RyanPriorbeli: Sure. Suppose you have a tgz'd filesystem and you want to boot it using Xen. What would you do?00:21
=== tom__ is now known as tom540
marrecoanyone can help me00:21
RyanPrior!helpme | marreco00:21
ubottumarreco: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:21
ToxicSoul2Im having an issue with Grub and Ubuntu. I have two IDE drives and recently added a SATA drive.. my mobo sees the SATA first and I can't change that.. I've tried booting via a live cd and a few different grub installs but nothing has worked so far: http://rafb.net/p/Bpdy7I69.html00:21
ThorneyHi, I'm trying to get MythTV going on Ubuntu 8.04 AMD64... can anyone help?00:21
tom540Hi.  I'm trying to configure a new version of tilda... it wants "lex" - but i can't find anything like that.  tried google, tried repos... tried getdeb.net.  Anyone have any ideas?00:21
wirechief_intelcathartia: maybe here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/8147300:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 81473 in gnome-system-tools "Feisty: Network Settings does not save configuration" [Undecided,Invalid]00:22
Bodsdabazhang, u alive m8???00:22
tmapjcould anyone tell me if its possible to install ubuntu from a thumbdrive?00:22
Pici!usb | tmapj00:22
iclebyteRyanPrior, shows nothing..00:22
beliRyanPrior: enable xen in the kernel first.....make image files out of the tarballs....and read the xen docu howto use them :)00:22
^Tech-Help^!repeat | tmapj00:22
ubottutmapj: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:22
marrecook .. anyone if i set my video driver i810 intel i can get dual monitor but i lose the compiz and if i use the intel experimental modseting i get compiz but lose the dual monitor ... anyone?00:22
ubottutmapj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:22
iclebyteRyanPrior, I installed the JDK manually from the .bin file on suns site00:22
=== Brent_ is now known as Brent^
bursiciao belli00:23
Brent^Is it possible to set a different background for each side of the compiz cube?00:23
tom540Hi.  I'm trying to configure a new version of tilda... it wants "lex" - but i can't find anything like that.  tried google, tried repos... tried getdeb.net.  Anyone have any ideas?00:23
stroyanmarreco:  Have you seen what xrandr says about dual-monitor connections with modesetting?  It likes xrandr for configuration.00:23
CinniSkulls for the Skull Throne!  time to see if this works.  Thanks, lads and lizards!00:24
belitom540: install flex00:24
marrecoi have downloaded and make a test but i dont know how to use xrandr00:24
cathartiawirechief: exactly00:24
cathartiaubottu: exactly00:24
ubottuFactoid exactly not found00:25
=== Double_D is now known as Sergeant_Pony
wirechief_intelcathartia: more https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/8280300:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82803 in gnome-system-tools "[network-admin] breaks /etc/network/interfaces (dup-of: 80622)" [Medium,New]00:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 80622 in system-tools-backends "[Feisty] network-admin forgets static in interfaces" [High,Fix released]00:25
marrecostroyan: i have downloaded and make a test but i dont know how to use xrandr00:25
wirechief_intelcathartia: good luck00:25
ThorneymythTV anyone?00:25
marrecostroyan: can u help me?00:26
stroyanmarreco:  Start with "man xrandr".  It lets you list outputs and set modes for each output.00:26
mneptokThorney: nope. PS3 here. ;)00:26
Thorneyps3 = expen$ive!00:26
wirechief_intelmarreco simple use of xrandr is  xrandr in terminal, you can then set resolutions xrandr -x 1024x768 or whatever is supported that you wanna use.00:27
mneptokThorney: so are computers for an HTPC. and they won;t play Blu-Ray or games. ;)00:27
marrecostroyan: im seen the man right now but i dont understand so much about this! example .. how can i get the XID for the --output00:27
wirechief_intelmarreco  xrandr -s 1024x768 or whatever is supported that you wanna use.00:28
bluefoxxwhears the magical hidden trash folder gone to now? uit used to be /home/<user>/.trash but its changed locations and now i cant delete corrupted items from the command line[sudo rm -R /home/bluefoxx/.trash/*] as my computer decided to freeze while i was moving a folder between disk drives00:28
zashgnome-panel froze and it wont die00:28
wirechief_intelmarreco  xrandr -x is wrong00:28
bluefoxxspeaking of which, my computer has been completely freezing a lot lately00:28
stroyanmarreco:  plain 'xrandr' will list the possible output IDs and their possible modes.00:28
bluefoxxwhen im doing not much on it[only burning a disk or browsing the web/files]00:28
marrecostroyan: i do this but i cant find where is the XID00:29
bluefoxxeven reisub stops working00:29
belibluefoxx: check your ram00:29
wirechief_intelbluefoxx: what grapics card and driver are you useing ?00:29
bluefoxxbeli: i did that all night >. >00:29
caramHello :D00:29
mneptokbluefoxx: /home/$USERNAME/.local/share/Trash/files00:29
caram/mode $me +x00:29
D-Uniti installed ubuntu inside windows on my other comp and restarted comp but were do i go to actually run ubuntu inside windows [xp pro]?00:29
zashah, now it died, nm00:29
bluefoxxwirechief_: PCI nvidia 6200 OC and nvidia-glx-new00:29
stroyanmarreco:  --output wants names like "VGA"00:30
bluefoxxmneptok: tyvm ^^ [now i can go back to working a little more efficiently]00:30
caramD-Unit, what do you mean?00:30
caramDo you mean in something like VMWare?00:30
bluefoxxbeli: it came up with nothing <. <00:30
marrecostroyan: thanks i will try now00:30
wirechief_intelbluefoxx check for buggy driver, use google search: Nvidia hangs Gutsy or so00:30
ZaidenHow do I get to the ALSA config panel?00:30
D-Unitcaram, i installed ubuntu inside windows but in all programs i cant find it00:30
bluefoxxwirechief_: usin hardy here...00:30
caramWhat do you mean inside windows?00:30
caramhow did you install it?00:31
StarnestommyD-Unit: that's not how ubuntu works, unless you're using Wubi00:31
belibluefoxx: increase your debug level and make a sync mounted partition and put your log files there00:31
stroyanmarreco:  There are notes and examples at http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.200:31
Brent^oops caps00:31
caramI'm guessing he's using Wubi00:31
caramYou can't "install" ubuntu in windows00:32
Brent^yes, you can00:32
caramUbuntu is an operating system like Mac or Windows00:32
Brent^look up wubi00:32
wirechief_intelbluefoxx see also http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=7249000:32
mneptokcaram: no, it's not, thankfully.00:32
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:32
HummaKavulaof course you can :)00:32
Sergeant_Ponyhas there been no updates in the last couple of days?00:32
bluefoxxwirechief_: kk00:32
caramI know what wubi is :|00:32
wirechief_intelbluefoxx well just change that to what you use when you google00:33
PiciThen stop arguing semantics00:33
HummaKavulaeventually you may use virtual machine :)00:33
ringerwhen i upgrade and do a clean install, deleting all linux partitions, do i delete the swap and extended partitions too?00:33
=== ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris
caramI dont think it's necessary ringer00:33
wirechief_intelringer no ,not necessary to do all that just the root partition00:33
bluefoxxbeli: hows that?[for a first time, that was a little over my head]00:33
sixfortyI can only run dosemu suid root, otherwise LOWRAM mmap: Invalid argument / Segmentation fault. Don't know whether it's a dosemu problem, or specific to hardy.00:33
ringerok, so when in hardy, run gparted, then delete my root partition, then run the install?00:34
wirechief_intelringer just format the partition you want to use, that will take care of it.00:34
bluefoxxi thought my system hangups were due to my CPU for a while, so i switched to standard clock speeds[didnt fix it] then switched to a different CPU00:35
chris2020Hi - Exaile does not show new music folder I added - Someone know best way to update this?00:35
wirechief_intelringer you can do that with gparted or within the installer00:35
belibluefoxx: well....i do that to see what is the last thing that has been logged via syslog daemon before failure happens....in common you use async mounted partitions....and async logging. means that syslogd writes data to disc when some buffer has been filled. if you use sync mounting and sync logging.....it MAY log the thing that caused your crash...00:35
bsdI've got a really biiig problem, my pendrive doesn't work00:36
Brent^how do I restart compiz?00:36
anomolywhat are the benefits of installing ubuntu inside windows as apposed to creating a dedicated partition?00:36
wirechief_intelbluefoxx: there have been reports of the nvidia driver causing hangs, you just downgrade to vesa for test00:36
bluefoxxbeli: so which files/folders do i look at?00:36
Brent^anomoly: you can uninstall it via add or remove programs00:36
bsdwhen i connect it to the usb the pendrive just flashes once an then it turns off00:36
wirechief_intelbluefoxx: just make a backup before you do.00:36
bsdwhat can i doo?00:36
ringerwirechief, which is easier? i have never used gparted brfore00:36
schnauzer!msg ubottu repomirror00:37
ubottuschnauzer: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:37
wirechief_intelbluefoxx: just make a backup before you do. of /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:37
caramringer, they are both rather easy to use.00:37
schnauzer!msg ubottu etiquette00:37
ubottuschnauzer: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:37
bluefoxxwirechief_intel: my travan didnt agree with linux >. > i wound up tossing it into my 98 box00:37
caramjust use the more popular one(I think it's gparted)00:37
belibluefoxx: man syslogd.conf00:37
wirechief_intelringer not sure easier is relative, use the manual partitioner in the installer. but gparted will work from a livecd too.00:37
bluefoxxbeli: ty ^^00:38
wirechief_intelbluefoxx: lol00:38
mneptokwirechief_intel: in my family, relatives never make anything easier. :/00:38
belibluefoxx: and read howto mount a partition sync00:38
ringercaram, and wirechief, thanks for your help.00:38
ringerwish me luck, here i go00:38
caramgl :D00:38
belibluefoxx: man mount, cat /etc/fstab00:38
wirechief_intelringer np00:38
caramlol fstab00:38
bluefoxxwirechief_: ok, thats easy enough[i tried backing up my core system to old TR-1 tapes with no luck]00:38
caramI read as facestab00:39
mneptokugh, ringer uses Bell. reformatting his partitions is the least of his problems00:39
bluefoxxbeli: i have no trouble mounting drives XP i run three extra hards plus a raid5 array for music files ^^00:39
belibluefoxx: yeah, but you should read about sync/async mounts00:39
carammneptok, is there something wrong with Bell?00:40
bluefoxxbeli: ok, i will learn the difference : \00:40
bluefoxxbeli: thanks00:40
mneptokcaram: more than what's right with them.00:40
AnswerGuyI have a pretty obscure question to ask ... so I'm not sure if someone would prefer to take it into PM with me.  I'm trying to create a customized initrd for Hardy (netbooting it) such that I can tickle an internal web server with the busybox wget script (with a ReSTful query like: ?req=register&mac=00-AA-11-BB-22-CC-33&ip=
mneptokAnswerGuy: this is *so* the wrong channel for you :)00:41
mneptokAnswerGuy: try a dev ML00:41
* spass is away: ( while [ $away -eq true ]; do sleep 1s; done )00:41
bluefoxxbeli: going by name, im deducing so far though, that a sync mount writes the data ASAP while a asinc waits to be unmounted, for the buffer to fill or some other event to happen right/00:41
AnswerGuyI boot with break=mount and this drops me into the initrd/Busybox shell --- and I can configure the net address, and find the mac and IP addresses (munging them into the right form)00:41
AnswerGuyThe only problem I'm having is getting any sort of name resolution to work! :(00:41
Pici!away > spass (Please see the private messsage from ubottu)00:42
CatkingdomI can't get my linux to recognise my sound card's existance, even though it worked under Windows and is a fairly standard card, circa 1999.00:42
mneptokCatkingdom: ISA?00:42
AnswerGuyWould #ubuntu+1 have any developers in it?00:42
bluefoxxCatkingdom: is it an ISA card?00:42
Catkingdommneptok: No, Sound Blaster00:42
wirechief_intelAnswerGuy there is a bug with booting into a busybox with Gutsy is that your problem ?00:42
mneptokCatkingdom: SB can be ISA, AFAIK00:42
anomolyhas anyone here done the ubuntu install within windows? If so, is the performance reduction worth it?00:43
belibluefoxx: thats it...and thats why there is the sync command. and guess what happens if your box crashes? it does not write tha buffered data to log files ;)00:43
bluefoxxCatkingdom: sudo modprobe snd-sb[hit tab, tab to list more]00:43
AnswerGuyNo, wirechief_intel, this is Hardy and I'm able to get to the BB shell with break=mount without any problem.00:43
bluefoxxbeli: ahh...i see. so how do i find out which my drives are using?00:43
belibluefoxx: in common async mode is better, because of the i/o load...but in debug case...00:43
AnswerGuythe only problem I'm having is getting DNS resolution.00:43
wirechief_intelAnswer ok00:43
belibluefoxx: it has nothing todo with your drives, but with how you mount them... --> fstab00:44
Catkingdombluefoxx: "FATAL: Module snd_sb not found."00:44
wirechief_intelAnswerGuy: well that takes place with the /etc/resolv.conf file00:44
AnswerGuyTried creating that.00:44
AnswerGuyNo go00:44
RyanPriorI have a full tarred, gzipped Linux filesystem that I want to try and boot in VirtualBox. How can I turn that filesystem into a virtualbox disk?00:44
mneptokCatkingdom: is it an ISA card?00:44
bluefoxxCatkingdom: get it to list more sound blaster modules by hitting tab key twice00:44
AnswerGuyI suspect that I don't have libnss_dns.so files00:45
mneptokCatkingdom: no one cares about the model name. we want the interface type. :)00:45
bluefoxxCatkingdom: then choose the one from there and type in the rest00:45
AnswerGuybut something on the system must be able to do it because my nfsroot mount options are by hostname, not by IP addr (I think ... let me check)00:45
Catkingdommneptok & bluefoxx: The command returns "FATAL: Module snd_sb not found."00:45
kanuhaneed help with getting an external monitor working on laptop. Display wonturks during post, but not in Ubu00:46
wirechief_intelAnswerGuy:  nameserver or something like that in the file00:46
AnswerGuyOoops --- that bites!  I did have to use IP addr for the nfsroot= argurment!00:46
linkmaster03how can I see the wireless settings being used through terminal?00:46
bluefoxxCatkingdom: thats cause thats just the family of coundblaster cards, not a specific module for them00:46
Starnestommylinkmaster03: iwconfig00:46
[GSF]Martinifconfig can set the settings00:47
belilinkmaster03: iwconfig00:47
wirechief_intellinkmaster03: maybe sudo ifconfig00:47
=== c is now known as Charitwo
AnswerGuywirechief_intell: no offense but I can create valid resolv.conf files in my sleep.  I've been doing Linux systems administration for 16 years and occasionally teaching it for about 10.00:47
bluefoxxCatkingdom: you need to find the model of your card. EG a soundblaster AWE series is snd-sbawe00:47
linkmaster03Thank you guys00:47
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: what does "ISA" mean anyway, the type of physical connection that it goes into? (the type of BUS socket)?00:47
alexander_Is there an app that lets me use and login to windows external desktops?00:47
bluefoxxCatkingdom: yes00:47
_NetHi I got a problem. No one is able to connect to my computer. I mean I can't remote desktop, I can use lampp only in localhost, no one use gobby (multiplayer text editor), basically anything that involves me running from my computer doesn't work.00:47
wirechief_intelAnswerGuy: sounds like you have all the self-help you need then ;)00:47
mneptokCatkingdom: correct, ISA pre-dates PCI00:48
bluefoxxCatkingdom: ISA is older, common in pre-/00 machines00:48
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: K, its the really old black-kind of socket, not the white one or the brown one.00:48
AnswerGuyIt's not a resolv.conf problem; it's more of a library issue (like not having any libnss_dns --- and not having the code linked statically into anything in the initrd image.00:48
_NetI dont know why, before I can go to http://<myip> and it would show me lampp now i can only do it via http://localhost00:48
mneptokCatkingdom: that's ISA, and it will not work.00:48
[GSF]Martin_Net: firewall?00:48
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: why not?00:48
beliAnswerGuy: its more a design problem....00:48
bluefoxxCatkingdom: yes. the white is PCI[current] and brown is AGP[replaced by PCI-E]00:48
ImaginalIn the shell, how to you cd to a directory with a space in the name?00:48
_NetI doubt it. Ubuntu even has a firewall?00:48
kanuha need help with getting an external monitor working on laptop. Display works during post, but not in Ubuntu00:48
_NetIt was working Wonderful 2 days ago00:48
_NetAnd I didnt change anything00:48
bluefoxxmneptok: i got a ISA card working in my other machine00:49
mneptokCatkingdom: for the same reason your new Toyota won't react well to shoving coal in the gas tank. times change. :)00:49
[GSF]Martin_Net: router?00:49
AnswerGuybeli: what design problem?00:49
beliImaginal: you need to escape special chars00:49
mneptokCatkingdom: you in the US?00:49
bluefoxxmneptok: no reason he cant, provided he can find the correct module00:49
_NetI have the ports forwarded too.00:49
beliImaginal: use cd foo\ bar00:49
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: no, UK.00:49
btfieldercan anyone help with reading dvds in ubuntu 8?00:49
beliImaginal: or try cd "foo bar"        ...it has to do with your shell expansion00:49
[GSF]Martinbtfielder: you'll need the restricted drivers00:49
mneptokbluefoxx: feel free to help do that. i'll cut my losses and recommend a 2 quid PCI sound card ;)00:49
j2khas anyone got the boot freespace error when upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04?  I'm not sure if i have to resize it or if i can delete files00:49
btfielderive got them00:49
Imaginalbeli: Thank you much *_*00:49
bluefoxxCatkingdom: which model of soundblaster is it?00:49
* AnswerGuy thinks I'll have to add yet another cmd argument passed by the pxelinux.cfg/* file to give me the registration server address.00:49
beliAnswerGuy: that you need to use ip00:49
btfieldertrying to read data dvds00:49
btfieldercant mount them00:50
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: I'll have to pull it out to find out: I'll go find a screwdriver.00:50
bluefoxxmneptok: i find that the awe64pro i had from my first computer runs very nicely so far :)00:50
AnswerGuybeli: well it is an nfsboot configuration after all.  And NFS is generally done over IP00:50
mneptokbluefoxx: cool, my AWE64 refused due to BIOS oddness.00:50
bluefoxxCatkingdom: you can allways boot he windows and look in the device manager00:50
mneptokbluefoxx: but hey, maybe this guy has your BIOS. ;)00:50
Veinor|awayI can't get wireless to work on my HP dv9235nr.00:51
mneptokbluefoxx: 2 quid soundcard = waaaaaaaay easier00:51
bluefoxxmneptok: ouch:( you tried PnP?00:51
Veinor|awaywith hardy heron.00:51
mneptokbluefoxx: oh yes.00:51
j2kDo i need to resize my boot to upgrade to hardy or can i delete files?00:51
AnswerGuy(I guess there's some new experimental NFS over RDMA that's being toyed with recently --- but that's not relevant to this)00:51
bluefoxxmneptok: cheap PCI== fired my mobo T_T00:51
Veinor|awayI have an Intel 3945ABG00:51
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
beliAnswerGuy: right, thats what i guessed.....design problem of nfs00:52
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: I've probably got a PCI sound card in the attic, Its just I don't really want to go into thr attic :P. The linux doesn't have windows on it.00:52
belinfs is really old...like ftp *shrug* but both still used widely00:52
iclebytegrrr!! ubuntu puts <hostname> into /etc/hosts and it breaks java's RMI registry!00:53
kanuhahow can I get my laptop to see my external monitor?00:53
bluefoxxCatkingdom: ah. i though i saw you say you had it booting windows and linux, my bad :\00:53
iclebytekanuha, it should work straight away00:53
kanuhaiclebyte: it did during post, but not once Ubuntu starting booting00:53
j2kare there any files I can delete from my boot in order to upgrade to 8.04? or do i have to resize?00:54
bluefoxxCatkingdom: so you figure out what kind it is? the creative card usually boast they're model name on them somewear00:54
iclebytekanuha, if it doesnt then make sure you have the right driver for your laptops video card and look in System -> administration -> screens and graphics00:54
caramkanuha, I know that some laptops, such as a thinkpad require you to press the fn key + then the f7 key00:54
AnswerGuyWell, my plan is to add dropbear (SSH) support into the initrd --- and make it so I can have machines boot into the initrd and dynamically select their NFS server, register their MAC/IP address, have a server generate a pxelinux.cfg/xx-yy-zz-aa-bb-cc configuration file, and wait for a callback to reboot into that new configuration00:54
Brent^kanuha: try hitting fn + f400:54
iclebytekanuha, unless you have an nvidia card in which case use the nvidia control panel00:54
caramor that00:54
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: Sound Blaster Model CT4180, Circa 1997, Chipset ViBRA 16C.00:54
caramwhat kind of laptop are you using, kanuha?00:54
* iclebyte just wasted 3 hours because of this host entry00:54
Brent^iclebyte: I feel your pain : /00:55
kanuhafn f4 worked00:55
andreas007Does anybody has a clue why with KDE4 Remix on Hardy 8.04 changing screen resolution is not possible. I have a notebook with a intel 915 and an extrenal TFT. Resolution is always identical to the notebooks internal 1024x768.00:55
bluefoxxCatkingdom: one sec there00:55
kanuhathx all00:55
Brent^yw kahuna00:55
kanuhathe display lookes wierd on the external though00:55
Catkingdom mneptok & bluefoxx: Fairly dusty too, though that shouldn't stop it working :P00:56
bluefoxxCatkingdom: so long as its not choked by dust, it works00:56
Brent^its funny how many problems are caused either by a) bad default settings or b) people overlook something simple (i.e. volume is all the way down)00:56
beliAnswerGuy: evil stuff :) how many boxes do you need this for?00:56
caramtry going to system, screen resolution kanuha00:56
caramand see if that helps00:56
kanuhaI have a nvidia video card, should I install the nvidia settings00:56
Brent^brent113: is your birthday january 13th?00:58
bluefoxxCatkingdom: try "sudo modprobe snd-sb-common" , then in alsamixer[from command line] check if it sees a sound card00:58
rcsheetsi wasn't expecting to be auto-connected here00:59
beliAnswerGuy: wow dropbear is really small....00:59
miwachiruIs anyone here familiar with Second Life?00:59
bluefoxxCatkingdom: any luck00:59
Catkingdombluefoxx: sudo modprobe snd-sb-common returned nothing, so presumably it worked. Whats an alsamixer?01:00
iclebyteCatkingdom, alsamixer is a commandline program for setting your volume levels01:01
Veinor|awayI can't get wireless to work on Hardy with my Intel PRO 3945ABG, any advice?01:01
bluefoxxCatkingdom: alsamixer is a program for adjusting sound levels from a terminal01:01
iclebyteVeinor|away, which version?01:01
=== rcsheets is now known as rcsheets`
Brent^Veinor|away: is that a laptop card?01:01
Veinor|awayWhich version of what?01:01
Veinor|awayYes it is.01:01
iclebytemy card worked out the box no problems01:02
iclebytei have the same chip in my viao01:02
Veinor|awayNo driver's showing up in the driver manager, despite the fact that one did in Gutsy01:02
Catkingdombluefoxx: Great. How do I use it?01:02
iclebytecheck out the 'restricted drivers'01:02
evil_techVeinor|away: my card worked out of the box as well01:02
rcsheets`oh, haha. i didn't know what network i was on.01:02
rcsheets`that was funny01:02
Veinor|awayI did. Nothing at all is snowhing up there iclebyte. I mean the video card is, but no wireless.01:02
Brent^Veinor|away: I had to restart Ubuntu twice before my laptops card showed up01:02
bluefoxxCatkingdom: run it from the terminal and if it correctly sees the sound card, then hit escape and type in "sudo gedit /etc/modules", and add a new line to the end of that document, then type in the "snd-sb-common"01:02
iclebytedo you have the wireless switch turned on on the laptop?01:02
Veinor|awayYeah :P01:02
iclebytedo 'iwconfig' on the commandline01:02
Veinor|awayI can find networks but I can't connect.01:03
ether_cHi, has anyone else had problems with Brasero "creating checksum" indefinitely rather than burning stuff?01:03
sparky01Anyone see this?  http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS6736055367.html01:03
Veinor|awayiwconfig works fine01:03
sparky01And now on Linux - Adware01:03
Sergeant_Ponyflannel you here?01:03
cottontopis there a "visual C ++" or C++ software that I can run on linux?01:03
Catkingdombluefoxx: I really have no idea how to use alsamixer, just give me the exact command.01:03
Chris_Weredoes anyone know how to install 8.04 off the command line?01:03
Veinor|awayit says it's using e1000 drivers01:05
Veinor|awayare these the ones it should be using?01:05
bluefoxxCatkingdom: that is the command. run it, when it opens if it sees the sound card[should say the name of the sound card] then exit it with escape key and then add the "snd-sb-common" to /etc/modules01:05
beligood night folks, need some sleep01:05
evil_techany one here handy with samba?01:05
Veinor|awayor should I get new ones?01:06
ttmontoyaHi Im having trouble with my resolution i have an ati rage m3 card how do I configure it.01:06
Chris_Werei need to knoe hoe i can start a command line install on 8.0401:06
Brent^cottontop: its called g++ you compile C++ files via the command line01:06
iclebyteVeinor|away, it should be using the ipw3945d01:06
Catkingdombluefoxx: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory"01:06
ether_cHi, has anyone else had problems with Brasero "creating checksum" indefinitely rather than burning stuff?01:06
evil_techChris_Were: alternate cd01:06
bluefoxxCatkingdom: then the module isnt the right one...01:06
iclebytesee if ipw3945d exists in /etc/init.d/01:06
cottontopthx brent.  where do i access g++?  I am running 8.04 ubuntu01:07
jtaylor13set my tool bar on the top of my desktop.can someone tell me the terminal command.01:07
evil_techChris_Were: select your language and then press F401:07
sparky01Anyone running Nexuiz server?01:07
iclebytewhat exactly is the 'alternate cd' ? whats the difference?01:07
Brent^cottontop: just type g++ in terminal01:07
Veinor|awayiclebyte: nope01:07
evil_techalternate cd is text based01:07
sparky01iclebyte, its light installer01:07
evil_techno GUI01:07
Brent^cottontop: followed by the program file you want compiled01:07
ttmontoyaHow do I set up my repos to get the right drivers for my video card from ATI01:07
Veinor|awayhow do I get ipw3945d?01:07
Pixeltimeand more install options01:07
sparky01much nicer and faster01:07
Catkingdomiclebyte: Alternate CD has a simple installer, instead of the live CD, for computers with > 192mb of RAM01:07
bluefoxxCatkingdom: did the sound card say anything else on it[i probabally have one of it but its burried somewear amongst a pile of parts]01:08
dmsupermanCan anybody help me figure out why fonts from msttcorefonts are terribly pixelated? I have tried all combinations, with/without full hinting, with/without subpixel smoothing, reinstalling msttcorefonts, etc. Nothing works, all fonts from that package, in any interface, are extremely pixelated, and this started a few days ago01:08
Veinor|awaythat's odd. it's under /etc/modprobe.d01:08
iclebyteVeinor|away, do 'sudo modprobe ipw3945'01:08
Chris_Werehow do i select my language01:08
cottontopgreat!  Also, is there a wait to set vim as my editor in the terminal?  I am not sure where the configuration files like vimrc exrc01:08
Chris_Wereoh right i got it cheers01:08
iclebyteright then do an 'lsmod | grep ipw3945' and see if its listed01:08
arrrghhhi'm using kubuntu and no one seems to be able to answer my question.  has anyone been able to setup external bluetooth speakers?  i'd be willing to give gnome a shot, but kde is usually easier with stuf flike this.01:08
Veinor|awayFATAL: Module ipw3945 not found01:08
Chris_Wereis that on the alternative or normal cd?01:08
sgillespiehow do i disable a module (pcspkr) permanently?01:08
arrrghhhkbluetooth connected to the device, but now i don't get what i need to do to get it working...01:08
Chris_Werethanx alot i owe u one01:09
Veinor|awayso how do I install it?01:09
evil_techselect it from the menu and follow the prompts01:09
bluefoxxCatkingdom: ok, did it say "CT" on it?01:09
Catkingdombluefoxx: It says, "Sound Blaster Model CT4280", Circa 1997, Made in singapore, Chipset ViBRA 16C (Circa 1995), and on the back it says its tested to comply with FCC standards, and theres two serial numbers01:10
evil_techanyone using guest access with samba?01:10
bluefoxxCatkingdom: then it would be a soundblaster ct...one sec01:10
Veinor|awayi heard it's iwlwifi now01:10
cottontopis there a better chat room for me to be in to learn more about developing on the linux OS when I have been programming in Windows environment?01:10
cottontopusing C++/g++01:11
evil_techVeinor|away:it is i think backtrack's wiki has some stuff on the Intel 3945 cards01:11
evil_techill see if i cant find it again01:11
neil_dI have a printer connected to my ubuntu computer, I want to share this with another ubuntu computer, can I do this via Linux or do I need to use samba ?01:12
jtaylor13set my tool bar on the top of my desktop.can someone tell me the terminal command.01:12
TaRDyhow do i make it so i can write to a mounted drive?01:12
jribTaRDy: what filesystem?01:12
Veinor|awayjtaylor13: gnome-terminal ?01:12
TaRDyjrib, ntfs01:12
jrib!ntfs > TaRDy (read the private message from ubottu)01:13
TaRDythank you01:13
jribjtaylor13: can't you just drag it with your mouse?01:13
Catkingdombluefoxx: any luck?01:13
alexander_what cheap laptop should i buy that works well with ubuntu? both wireless and sound should work. also graphics acceleration have to work...01:14
jribalexander_: eee pc?01:14
jtaylor13veinor:sorry i add panel bar on the top of my desktop.I want to reset it to factory.The problem i am having today is everytime i click the red exit button the entire bar disappears and i have to hold down the power button to exit.01:14
bluefoxxCatkingdom: ok, so these are the sound blaster modules, try the same thing with each of them until alsamixer shows something >snd-sb16       snd-sb16-dsp      snd-sb8-dsp    snd-sb-common       snd-sb16-csp       snd-sb8        snd-sbawe01:14
bluefoxxCatkingdom: one should work...01:14
alexander_jrib: Does it support graphic effects in ubuntu?01:14
Simonftcan someone help me with a broadcom? i have tried !broadcom01:14
ubernoobieI am dual booting ubuntu with windows xp and would like to know how big the swap,boot should be.01:14
jrib!laptop > alexander_ (read the private message from ubottu)01:15
jribalexander_: I believe so.  ubottu has sent you a more complete list01:15
evil_techill see if i cant find it again01:15
nickellery<ubernoobie> generally a swap twice the size of your RAM works01:15
nickellery<ubernoobie> Boot should be a minimum of 5gb01:15
evil_techanyone know if the guest samba account works?01:15
bluefoxxCatkingdom: a useful pair of tricks in the terminal are <tab key> after typing the first part of a command and <tab tab> to list more commands[or options]01:15
sten_alexander_: maybe one of these? http://system76.com/index.php?cPath=2801:15
ubernoobieokay so since my ram is 2gb should it be set as 512mb01:15
Simonftcan someone help me with a broadcom? i have tried !broadcom01:16
HummaKavulaubernoobie: it is simple - your swap should be something between 0.5 - 10 GB01:16
jtaylor13group:here is my problem   i add panel bar on the top of my desktop.I want to reset it to factory.The problem i am having today is everytime i click the red exit button the entire bar disappears and i have to hold down the power button to exit.01:16
mneptokubernoobie: laptop or desktop?01:17
ubernoobieits a desktop01:17
arthuri have a question? how do i determine a prossess id to kill. from termanal ?? bash: kill: motion: arguments must be process or job IDs01:17
nickellery<ubernoobie> sorry, the other way around.  But since you have 2gb of ram, a 2-3gb swap partition should be fine01:17
mneptokubernoobie: with 2GB of RAM yuor swap can be quite small.01:17
evil_techprobably will be overkill01:17
Jburrkehey everyone :D01:17
nickelleryubernoobie, note that when you install Ubuntu, it automatically generates a SWAP partition01:17
Starnestommyarthur: "ps aux" will tell you the names and PID numbers of all runing programs01:17
arrrghhhno BT gurus?01:17
HummaKavulaubernoobie:  just set it to 2xRAM01:18
bluefoxx!tab | Catkingdom01:18
ubottuCatkingdom: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:18
iclebytearrrghhh, whats your question?01:18
binvijhi, can someone help me for configuring sound card on lenovo Y410 on ubuntu 8.0201:18
bluefoxxCatkingdom: a better explaination of what i was trying to say ><01:18
mneptokarrrghhh: what's the question?01:18
sten_ok getting some weird results from my cups print-server:  from my laptop, all ports appear to be closed, while from my file-server, all ports that should be open are open.  It does not seem to be a hosts.deny problem.  Also, there isn't a firewall between the print-server and my laptop.  Any ideas?01:19
userloldoes anyone here know if photoshop cs3 works well with wine?01:19
HummaKavulaubernoobie: if you want to save disk space it can be smaller... lets say 1xRAM01:19
ubernoobieokay alright then I will set my swap for 102401:19
Catkingdombluefoxx: They all didn't work on Alsamixer, 'cept snd-sb8, who's sudo modprobe failed with the error "FATAL: Error inserting snd_sb8 (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/ubuntu/sound/alsa-driver/isa/sb/snd-sb8.ko): no such device"01:19
mneptokubernoobie: more than enough.01:19
ubernoobietoo much is overkill01:19
Simonftdoes anybody know how to reset my wireless settings?01:20
SeaPhorubernoobie, thats plenty01:20
nickelleryubernoobie, sounds good01:20
mneptokubernoobie: agreed. 1024MB is fine. and not wasteful.01:20
ubernoobiethanks all01:20
HummaKavulain a matter of fact in my entire life i didn't use swap space for standard desktop activities01:20
SindaciousHas anyone been having issues with watching vidoes on the internet? I can't even seem to watch videos on sites such as, http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jcink-show (Hardy)01:20
jribubernoobie: if you want to use suspend, then swap should be the same size as your ram01:20
mneptokevil_tech: nack.01:20
bluefoxxCatkingdom: hmm....search google for your sound card with the words "linux" or "ubuntu" attatched on the end...if your lucky something may come up...else you have to switch to a newer PCI card like mneptok said...01:20
codecainewhats a good program to record your linux desktop for tutorials?01:20
CatkingdomBluefoxx: OK, thanks for trying. It is appreciated.01:21
HummaKavulacodecaine let me check this01:21
evil_techsamba hates me01:21
bluefoxxCatkingdom: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards  and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCardsCreativeLabs   have more info too01:21
codecainewhy evil_tech?01:21
mneptokCatkingdom: where do you shop online for compu-stuff in the UK?01:21
dmsupermanCan anybody help me figure out why fonts from msttcorefonts are terribly pixelated? I have tried all combinations, with/without full hinting, with/without subpixel smoothing, reinstalling msttcorefonts, etc. Nothing works, all fonts from that package, in any interface, are extremely pixelated, and this started a few days ago01:21
binvijsound not working in ubuntu 8.05 lenovo y41001:21
CatkingdomBluefoxx: Thanks01:21
evil_techcoecaine: refuses to work01:22
binvijpls hel[01:22
bluefoxxCatkingdom: no problem, allways glad to help[gives me a excuse to learn more randoly useless info about linux :)]01:22
HummaKavulacodecaine: ffmpeg should fit your needs01:22
jtaylor13group:a little  i add panel bar on the top of my desktop.I want to reset it to factory.The problem i am having today is everytime i click the red exit button the entire bar disappears and i have to hold down the power button to exit.01:22
bluefoxxis it just me or did ubottu's name get an extra "t" in it?01:24
jtaylor13 group: it did it again...i add panel bar on the top of my desktop.I want to reset it to factory.The problem i am having today is everytime i click the red exit button the entire bar disappears and i have to hold down the power button to exit.01:24
cottontopplease what chat room should I be in to learn more about g++ on linux?01:24
mneptokbluefoxx: the extra T is for "try not to notice." kthxbai.01:24
codecaineHummaKavula ffmpeg is just a editor01:24
Starnestommycottontop: maybe ##c++01:24
bluefoxxmneptok: lol01:24
jtaylor13Group;were can i get help?01:24
cottontopstarnestommy thx!01:25
codecainecottontop c++ or gcc01:25
bluefoxxmneptok: i probably wouldnt of noticed had i used tab-completeion for it >. >01:25
Simonftdoes anyone know how to reset network setting to default01:25
evil_techanyone played with the guest account for samba01:25
codecainenaw evil_tech what you tryign to do?01:25
evil_techshare a folder to the whole network without having user accounts01:26
mneptokcodecaine: sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop recordmydesktop01:26
jobless8888888guys i am having trouble getting workspace switcher in hardy to work..01:26
codecaineit compresses videos pretty good mneptok?01:26
codecainewhen it records01:26
Carbonfluxhas anyone had problems using KDE news ticker in gnome?01:26
Agrajag-g'day, flash on my hardy box is causing ff3b5 to crash all the time. when i'm browsing youtube, i can always play one video fine, then trying to play the 2nd causes a segfault. i'm using the nonfree flash player. i have another hardy box where this doesn't seem to happen though. i tried creating a core dump but it wasn't useful at all. what else can i do to figure this out?01:26
Simonftevil_tech: this help?01:26
mneptokcodecaine: no idea. i don;t recordmydesktop. :)01:26
Simonftevil_tech: http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum40/349.htm01:26
SimonftCarbonflux: ask on either #kubuntu or #kde01:27
mneptokcodecaine: but compression is a function of the library. not the front-end tool.01:27
codecaineyea I can do that afters thanks01:27
Agrajag-hmm i just found the bug on launchpad, nevermind01:27
CarbonfluxSimonft, I am using it in Ubuntu01:27
codecainemneptok ill check its quailty of recording01:27
k20ado i have to do anything special to burn a .wmv to a cd-r for it to work on a compatable dvd player or just burn it on there in k3b?01:27
Carbonfluxthats why I used the word Gnome ;)01:27
mneptokcodecaine: rawk on, Socrates.01:27
FlynsarmyHi. i downloaded the latest checkgmail off the checkgmail site. it's a bz2 file. how do i install it?01:28
SimonftCarbonflux: should not matter, but try this: http://www.debuntu.org/guest-file-sharing-with-samba01:28
StarnestommyFlynsarmy: open it, then read the readme or install files in it01:28
jobless8888888i screwed up my working workspace switcher on my ubuntu machine .. now it does not switch workspaces anymore, can anybody help?01:28
jobless8888888I think the problem is with using compiz somehow ..01:29
Simonftannyone know how to reset wireless settings?01:29
CarbonfluxGnome does not have a good news ticker, so far I have been do lazy to write one, normally in Ubuntu I just run kdenewsticker, in 8.04 every so often it seems like KDE News ticker runs dd and tries to eat my drive or something, I have to do several full power cycles to get the drive to reset, its just about the weirdist thing I have seen, scary really01:30
Carbonfluxthanks Simonft01:30
ImaginalI have several parts of a rar file. When I open the first, it just displays the first chunk of contents. How can I open them all as one?01:30
arbiris back01:30
arbirhello everyone01:30
mneptokrar? *snort*01:30
mneptokthe rar format exists solely to make 12 year old warez kiddies feel like they know something.01:31
Simonftmneptok: got anything better for windows?01:31
Imaginalmneptok: original dos collection on windows. Now using dosbox. I have to work with what I have01:31
Bodsdabazhang, u alive yet?01:32
mneptokImaginal: oh, i know. i'm picking on the people that painted you into this corner, not you.01:32
mneptokSimonft: open compression formats, used where they make sense?01:32
DigitalisAkujinAnyway to add support for a 9600GT on the live CD 8.04 ?01:33
[Lowkey]Does anybody own an Ipod shuffle? I need help putting music on it.01:33
jobless8888888ok guys .. i found the solution .. resetting the advanced appearance settings to default did the trick .. so workspace switcher problems when screwing with compiz and emerald means reset to default and it works ..! :)01:33
evil_techsimonft:tried that its not working01:33
Bodsda[Lowkey], i dont but i geuss it would be -- mount drive, copy songs umount01:33
[Lowkey]Thats it?01:34
userloldoes anyone here know if photoshop cs3 works well with wine?01:34
arbiranybody has cofigured samba ?01:34
Bodsda[Lowkey], yep01:34
[Lowkey]i'll try, thank you01:34
Simonftmneptok: yea, well, most people are more confortable with .rar on windows, so if you download something windows usere will also downlaod, it will be rar01:34
Bodsdauserlol, ask in #winehq01:34
Simonftevil_tech: kinda forgot your problem01:34
Veinor|awayNothing that I've tried works to get my wireless working :/01:34
evil_techarbir: what are you trying to do01:34
arbirwhen i see my share from a windows machine, i see a homes and uid dir01:34
Charbucksuserlol: not likely http://wiki.winehq.org/AdobePhotoshop01:34
Simonftdoes anybody know how to reset wireless settings?01:35
ttmontoyahow do I config my video card01:35
evil_techsimonft: samba guest account isnt working01:35
Simonftevil_tech: hold on01:35
jtaylor13group: were can i get help?01:35
evil_techthough im starting to suspect its a windows problem01:35
arbirevil_tech: in my previous experience, when i define a homes section, then i only see homes.. now i see homes and the dir of the same name as the user.. but both are the same share01:35
Veinor|awayiwl3945 is there, it's just not working.01:35
Simonftevil_tech: found movies :) http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/SAMBA_Filesharing01:35
ttmontoyahow do I config my video card01:35
arbirSimonft: i am configuring a ubuntu server01:36
Simonft!video card01:36
ubottuFactoid video card not found01:36
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:36
evil_technow that is awesome01:36
arbirevil_tech: did you get my problem ?01:37
jtaylor13group: starting today everytime i try to log off the RED log off icon and panel bar  disappears and i can not shutdown.01:37
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[Lowkey]Anybody ever ran itunes in WINE?01:37
ttmontoyahow do I get the ATI drivers01:38
jrib!ati > ttmontoya (read the private message from ubottu)01:38
ttmontoyahow do I get the ATI drivers for a rage m301:38
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jtaylor13group:what is the command to reset the top panel to factory?01:38
CinniGRUB question!  When I do that thing in which I inform Grub of which drive it should be looking at, does it just add to the list, or replace the list?  Because I've got some old installs form previous hardware configs on here, and I really don't know how to tell which drive is what in the terminal.  Yes, I'm new at this.  :)01:38
evil_techurg it is definietly a windows problem. stupid windows01:38
ImaginalRar-hatred asside, did my question make sense? Multiple rars. I want them to be opened as one in archive manager?01:39
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arbirevil_tech: no its not..... because01:39
coldopmOK, NewB question. How can I restore my panels to default? (Hardy)01:39
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jribImaginal: open the first in the series01:39
ArgoHello... I have what is hopefully a simple question. I downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 and am tryign to run it from the CD and right now it's prompting me for a user name and pass and isnt loggin in with anything ive tried, does anyone know what to use?01:39
MTecknologyAnybody know much about setting up RAID/LVM ?01:39
arbirevil_tech: why should my server show me two shares, with different names, both pointing to the same share directory01:39
Imaginaljrib: strange, but it is just opening that piece. :S01:39
evil_techarbir: no i meant my samba problem is windows fault, as for yours its because they have two different names i imagine01:39
arbirArgo: try root01:39
jribArgo: verify the cd is burned correctly (option when you boot the cd).  That is not normal behavior01:39
evil_techarbir: i currently have 3 different samba shares pointing at the same place01:40
jribImaginal: you installed the 'unrar' package?01:40
arbirevil_tech: i see two shares , one is called "Home" and another is of the same name as the username with which i logged in....01:40
Argonods, humm root didnt work but if that's not normal behavior ill dbl check the cd with that option01:40
CharbucksCan anyone tell me how to force a module to stay loaded?  Every time my bluetooth mouse goes to sleep (to save battery, presumably) evdev is unloaded and I need to restart X to get the mouse functional again01:40
Imaginaljrib: yep01:41
SimonftMTecknology: http://www.excalibur-partners.com/archives/1801:41
dabaRArgo: did you just start, and got a login screen, or it was working for a while, and then started showing this login screen?01:41
=== paulo is now known as shellclear
jribImaginal: did you try extracting it?  It should automatically use the other archives as needed01:41
CinniI need a hand with GRUB, to make it see the right kernels as I try to make it recover from my, perhaps misguided and certainly ineffective attempt to get an XP install working.01:42
coldopmCan anyone tell me how to set panels to defaults? (Hardy)01:42
mauler5858hey all01:42
Imaginaljrib: I would rather not extract it. there are 8000 files in about 150 rar files. I would like to just search for one of them01:43
ArgoI loaded it in the comp selected english went to try ubuntu withough changing... and it loaded and was aksing for user name and password01:43
Argo(just started)01:43
evil_techurg this is so frustrating01:43
MTecknologyI created a RAID array, /dev/md1 that spans /dev/hda1 and /dev/hde1. On that partition, I used fdisk to create an LVM partition(8e). I try to fdisk this partition, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I want to create 3 partitions on it01:44
MTecknologySimonft, ^^ or so I need to install some tools before I can do that01:45
hvgotcodeswhy does viewing certain web pages with firefox cause high cpu usage?01:45
MTecknologyhvgotcodes, are you using noscript by chance?01:46
mauler5858jre or flash content on those pages?01:46
mavezcause it probably has some l33t flash movies on it01:46
ArgoMmmkay I just did the error check option and that said everything is good.... hummm\01:46
mavezthat use like 100000% cpu01:46
hvgotcodesMTechnology: i don't know what the is...I haven't modified firefox in any way01:46
le-dongWhich castle was destroyed by smoke?Roy01:46
ArgoI wonder if it does not like the hardware on that computer ro something?01:46
randali have a problem all my music players dont work and all my movie players dont work i had them working yesterday but all asuddon any music play i try doesent work plz help01:46
hvgotcodesmauler5858: engadget.com and espn.com01:47
hvgotcodesespn is particularly bad01:47
ttmontoyaHow do I get the right open source drivers for my video card01:47
MTecknologyhvgotcodes, it's an extension to blog scripts / flash / java content. Try it out. It basically stops irritating sites that try to take over your system / cpu01:47
randali have a problem all my music players dont work and all my movie players dont work i had them working yesterday but all a suddon any music players i try doesent work plz help01:47
randali have a problem all my music players dont work and all my movie players dont work i had them working yesterday but all a suddon any music players i try doesent work plz help01:48
mavezyeh we heard u the first time01:48
hvgotcodesMTechnology: but don't I want scripts for most sites?01:49
xenocampanoliApparently apache2 "Action" directive is missing on Ubuntu?01:49
xenocampanoliI am trying to configure eruby on apache the way it works for me on CentOS, and it won't work.01:49
xenocampanoliBackwards from what I usually experience, which is usually Centos is the harder to configure.01:50
jamboodaHas anyone gotten extended desktop to work with the intel graphics card.  Here's an excerpt from lspci:  00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)01:50
jambooda00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)01:50
MagillacuttyAll of a sudden my "add/remove programs " under applications is gone. When i go to add it, or anything to the menu using "main menu" , i select it and it unselects it self.    so i cant add it back, also the program is installed and current. Any ideas?01:50
jamboodai've tried xrandr and for some reason my laptop screen goes white each time01:51
xenocampanoliis there a time of day when people are alive on ubuntu-server?01:51
ackstormrtfm 2 all01:51
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pac1ackstorm, nack.01:51
mavezlol floodbot pwnz01:52
le-dongWent to a Muslim strip club last week, where all the blokes  were chanting 'show us ya face'.01:52
pac1What is a good free linux game to give a video card a good workout?01:52
hvgotcodesdoes no scripts only try to block scripts it considers dangerous?01:52
DigitalisAkujinCan someone recommend a light weight player similar to MPC for windows ?01:52
hvgotcodesI installed and things like gmail work fine01:52
coldopmHmmm Can anyone help me reset my panel defaults please? (hardy)01:52
fdepac1: Nexuiz or AlienArena.01:52
maveztux racer!01:52
evil_techsuper tux01:52
Starnestommyhvgotcodes: all scripts except from sites that you allow01:52
maveztux racer was da bomb01:53
ackstormglxgears pwnz all01:53
hvgotcodesStarnestommy: gmail worked without me having to allow it....01:53
jtaylor13group:does anyone  know the command to run to rest the top desk top panel???01:53
mavezglxgears 4 teh nubs01:53
wakka-wakkahello everybody, i was wondering if anybody knew how to dl codecs for rhythym box?01:53
jongI think the pacman screensaver rocks01:53
* fde has TuxRacer too... but he said "to give graphics card a workout"...01:53
Veinor|awayok, one last time before i go01:53
pac1mavez, is tux racer available in ubuntu?01:53
Codenutknowing that 256 MB of ram is the minimum system requirement, what speed of PC and what processor do you need to run Ubuntu?01:54
mavezlol ofcourse01:54
ackstormwakka-wakka, all codecs should work same in all media players01:54
le-dongSir Paul McCartney was asked how much he was going to give his wife Heather in their divorce settlement. He replied 'I'm going to give her my plane'. 'Is that all?' asked the journalist. 'No, I'm going to give her a razor for the other leg too'.01:54
fdepac1: Everything mentioned is available in Ubuntu.01:54
Veinor|awayI can see wireless network on my Hardy Heron install with an Intel 3945ABGS card, but I can't connect to them.01:54
Starnestommyhvgotcodes: is it working in HTML-only mode?01:54
Veinor|awayEven if they're unencrypted.01:54
hvgotcodesStarnestommy: no its just working01:54
coldopmWakka Wakka: Use add/remove and search for it in there, there is a couple gstreamer ones..01:54
Starnestommyhvgotcodes: also, I think that google's sites may be allowed by default01:54
axplushow can i log with user root on Ubuntu 8.0401:54
Veinor|awayI can connect to one I was able to connect before upgrading, but not anymore.01:54
wakka-wakkaackstorm: ok but how do i dl them01:54
Starnestommy!root | axplus01:54
ubottuaxplus: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:54
Simonftjambooda: i have tried everything01:54
ttmontoyaubottu: how do I get the right open source drivers for my card01:54
ubottuttmontoya: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:54
ackstormgstreamer plugins01:54
wakka-wakkacoldopm: i'll check it out right now01:54
hvgotcodesstarnestommy: yeah I just looked at the little noscripts icon, its definitely preventing stuff...01:54
Veinor|awayer, I mean I can still connect ot the one I was connecting before upgrading, but not to a new one.01:54
mojoe430anyone here know how to compile php from source?01:55
mavezi used to do it all the time on slackware01:55
coldopmHmmm Can anyone help me reset my panel defaults please? (hardy)01:55
Starnestommymojoe430: someone in ##php might01:55
pac1ttmontoya, you didn't tell ubottu which card you have.01:55
user__how can i send Rhythmbox taskbar button to top-right of the screen?01:55
MTecknologyI created a RAID array, /dev/md1 that spans /dev/hda1 and /dev/hde1. On that partition, I used fdisk to create an LVM partition(8e). I try to fdisk this partition, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I want to create 3 partitions on it01:55
Veinor|awayThe driver isn't showing up under restricted drivers01:55
ackstormmojoe430, ./configure;make;make install;?01:55
coldopmuser_: use the plugins or seting under prefrences01:56
ttmontoyapacl: ATI rage m301:56
fdemojoe430: sudo apt-get build-dep php && sudo aptitude install build-essential && /wherever/its/located/configure && make && make checkinstall01:56
hvgotcodeswhile im here, i tried installing the artwiz fonts but they don't appear in my font options.  Has anyone seen this?01:56
Simonft** mojoe43 0http://eightpence.com/running-multi-threaded-apache-with-php-on-ubuntu/01:56
user__coldopm, what's the name of top-right icons part?01:56
wakka-wakkacoldopm: i checked in add/remove under the applications, and nothing for codecs came up01:57
Simonftanybody know how to reset wireless configuration?01:57
Starnestommyuser__: notification area?01:57
fdehvgotcodes: dpkg -L <artwiz_fonts_package> ... where did it put them?01:57
coldopmuser_: usually reffered to in prefs as system tray01:57
user__Starnestommy, yes01:57
evil_tech!@$$#@! samba01:57
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:57
ttmontoyapacl: are you intelligent, because ubottu just said its not01:57
user__thank you01:57
pac1ttmontoya, tried r128?01:57
Simonftevil_tech: lol01:58
le-dongWhat is the difference between Essex Man and Essex Woman?Essex Woman has a higher sperm count.01:58
pac1ttmotoya, believe it.01:58
wakka-wakkacoldopm: never mind, i went to dl through movie player01:58
coldopmWakka Wakka: try to search under xvid and make sure it is set to all appz and not supported01:58
ttmontoyahow do I Do that01:58
STSXIn KDE 3.5, how do you change the system clock on the panel to 12 hour time instead of 24 hour time?01:58
ttmontoyaWhere do I get it01:58
coldopmuser_: np01:58
fdeSTSX: right click > Clock Preferences01:58
pac1ttmontoya, you probably already have it.01:58
hvgotcodesfde: /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc01:58
Simonft!hi | alecs01:58
ubottualecs: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:58
evil_techurg i can get 1 and only one computer to access my samba share01:59
alecsif i want to tar.z just some files in a dir ... can i make tar czf /path/to/archive.tar.gz /path/of/files* (where files can be "files", "files-1", "files.txt" etc) ?01:59
mavezoh hai thar01:59
greg_universehow do you turn off compwiz?01:59
pac1ttmontoya, have you tried putting r128 in for the driver in X?01:59
coldopmSo anyone have any idea how to reload panel defaults by any chance??01:59
mavezcompwiz haha01:59
le-dongcoldopm, Yes! I agree, you're awesome!01:59
ttmontoyapacl: how?01:59
Simonftalecs: do you need to to it from command prompt?01:59
pac1uh oh.01:59
STSXfde: I right-click it, go to "configure clock" and I don't see anywhere, under any tab, how to change it to 12 hour time.01:59
axplusI do not want a password root , I want to activate the expense of root (Ubuntu 8.04)01:59
alecsyeah ... actually bash script01:59
le-dongalecs, You are awesome!01:59
ZaidenIs it possible to undo the removal of packages from the synaptic package manager? :<02:00
ttmontoyapacl: how do i access x02:00
alecsle-dong: why ?!02:00
fdehvgotcodes: That should be fine... try 'sudo update-fonts-dir' and see if they show up.02:00
maveztinker lol!02:00
le-dongOne day two boys were walking through the woods when they saw some rabbit turds. One of the boys said, ''What is that?''''They're smart pills,'' said the other boy. ''Eat them and they'll make you smarter.'So he ate them and said, ''These taste like shit.''''See,'' said the other boy, ''you're getting smarter already.''02:00
pac1ttmontoya, It's usually pretty automatic in ubuntu.02:00
SimonftZaiden: just install them again?02:00
hvgotcodesfde: i assume on that dir that i posted earlier?02:00
Simonftle-dong: please stop02:00
fdeSTSX: It should be there... I'm not in KDE though... it's Configure Date/Time though... you want 'pH' rather than 'HH'02:01
fdehvgotcodes: just run it.02:01
wakka-wakkacoldopm: i just had a panel problem, what's yours?02:01
fdehvgotcodes: no arguments necessary.02:01
hvgotcodesits says i need to specify a dir02:01
ttmontoyapacl: is there a command for that02:01
fdehvgotcodes: hmm, ok then yes... my bad02:01
ZaidenSimonft: I only remember a few of the packages, and I barely have any programs left. I lost the terminal even :o02:01
fde!ot | le-dong02:01
ubottule-dong: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:01
hvgotcodesfde: a warning about an absolute path and no other output02:01
coldopmwakka wakka: I started messing around with it, lol I just want to restore defaults cuz now all I have on panel is icons for everything...02:02
le-dongI told my wife to get her coat on last night. She got all excited and asked 'oooh,  are we going somewhere nice?'I replied 'No, I'm turning the fucking heating off'02:02
SimonftZaiden: look at the default packadges in ubuntu. quick google should turn that up.02:02
tinkerHi.  I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 with the k3b installed.  I dowloaded an Ubuntu 8.04 iso for a friend.  How can I burn it to a CD so that it is bootable?  I tried just doing "burn image" in k3b, but it doesn't boot.  Thanks02:02
mavezfo shoa02:02
alecsSimonft:  yeah ... actually bash script  (@ your question :  alecs: do you need to to it from command prompt?)02:02
fdehvgotcodes: did you use '/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc' expicitely?02:02
fdeexplicitly even02:02
coldopmtinker: do you run WINE?02:03
hvgotcodesfde: affirmative02:03
axplusI want to Active Root User on Ubuntu 8.0402:03
wakka-wakkacoldopm: ahh i don't know how to restore to defaults, but if you had a problem i just had i would've told you how to troubleshoot02:03
tinkercoldopm:  no wine02:03
fdehvgotcodes: Hmm, ok, then lets see if they're showing up... they should be there now....02:03
fdehvgotcodes: If not, log out and back in, and they'll be there I'd bet02:03
evil_techthere a way to map all incoming usernames for my samba share to one user?02:04
hvgotcodesfde: negative, at least from the appearance gnome dealy02:04
evil_techsince the guest account doesnt work02:04
fdeevil_tech: no02:04
coldopmtinker: I had the same issue with the base install of vista. I could not burn the .iso without nero. Not to versed with ubu burn software tho sorry02:04
STSXfde: OK, I found it under "Adjust Date & Time", thanks. But how am I supposed to know that pH is 12 hour and HH is 24 hour? Totally counter-intuitive to me, but I'm not a programmer either.02:04
tinkercoldopm: thanks02:04
pac1ttmontoya, what do you know about configuring an X server?02:04
fdeSTSX: I forget where I found that out... I think it is defined if you hit "Help" or something.02:04
ShpookIsn't there a way to use the Ubuntu(or maybe another distro) installation CD to recover a damaged windows HDD? If so, does anyone know where I can find the documentation?02:05
tinkerI think it laughable that I can't make an Ubuntu cd for a friend with ubuntu02:05
axplusI want to Active Root User on Ubuntu 8.0402:05
hvgotcodesfde: Ill ask my other questions before trying the logout: 1) I have 1.7 ghz machine and it takes ~6 seconds for the gnome file browser to fire up.  Is that normal? 2)  Is it safe to go to HH from GG yet?02:05
tinkerI've been searching for docs and cant't find a thing02:05
Starnestommyaxplus: you don't need to02:05
Starnestommyaxplus: just use sudo02:05
evil_techive never had much luck with k3b in ubuntu02:05
coldopmtinker: lol...nod02:05
alecsaxplus: with sudo su -02:05
tinkerlet me try usenet02:05
axplusi know02:05
coldopmAnyone know how to reset panel defaults?02:05
fdehvgotcodes: That upgrade will probably fix the slow startup ... I'm not sure how safe it is but there have been many updates already (around 50 or so?)02:05
axplusbut i have root user02:05
ackstormsudo >= root02:06
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hvgotcodesfde: 50 updates from 7.10 to 8.04?!!??02:06
newbie_hello, does anyone in here knows about any application that would help me tune a piano. I need to detect the frequencies at which the keys are, so I can correct them. Any suggestion?02:06
axplusi know02:06
fdehvgotcodes: nah... since 8.04 was released... from 7.10 -> 8.04 there will be like 50002:06
davyhi folks02:06
* ackstorm has been programming too much, and not socializing enough02:07
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davycan somebody help me installing compiz? :s02:07
doofy_I'm trying to get SSH working on my box, but im getting connection refused. Im assuming the port is blocked, is there a gui tool to unblock it?02:07
fdenewbie_: See if there is a channel for Ubuntu Studio, they are the guys that specialize in such things.02:07
hvgotcodesfde: only 500 people have upgrade to hardy?  I would have thought 1000x that02:07
doofy_i cant even ssh in from my local network02:07
fdenewbie_: Probably #ubuntustudio02:07
axplusI know (sudo or Su = root) but i wont log with root user02:07
newbie_fde, thanks02:07
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)02:08
davysu doesn't work for me anymore :s02:08
fdehvgotcodes: No... that is # of packages upgraded....02:08
sCOTTocan anyone tell me what the best program is in Linux to CREATE PDF docs?02:08
ttmontoyapacl: I know Nothing, can you help me02:08
tinkerOy!  Why aren't there directions for makingt the Ubuntu ISO into a bootable CD?   Maybe on the page to download them? :)02:08
hvgotcodesfde: oooohhhhh02:08
anabolixis there any other chat programs that are similar to pidgin but better?02:08
Simonftanabolix: what is wrong with pidgin?02:09
MTecknologywow.... Linux really does rock. I don't want to try to imagine building partitions on top of RAID in a Windows environment.02:09
ackstormanabolix, what exactly are you looking for?02:09
punzadapidgin is probably the best you're going to see for everything cept irc, in which I would reccommend xchat02:09
HardHatPathow do i set one of my network cards at 1/2 duplex 10mb?02:09
Starnestommyanabolix: maybe kopete02:09
Simonftpunzada: im in pidgin for irc now, works fine02:09
dmsupermanpunzada, unless you want video/audio chat, but most of us don't need that02:09
fdesCOTTo: Applications > Office > OpenOffice.org Word Processor has a PDF export... also any application can print to PDF file.02:09
anabolixsimonft: nothing specif... just looking around for something new and better if there is such a replacement02:09
Simonftnope ;)02:09
dmsupermanand pidgin handles IRC decent, but XChat is waaay better02:09
axplusI know (sudo or Su = root) but i wont log with root user02:10
coldopmGnome Panel. Anyone have any idea how to restore defaults??02:10
pac1ttmontoya, reply to the direct chat.  I can talk you through it if you want.02:10
dmsupermanbut for the average user, getting in IRC only to get support, pidgin handlesi t just fine02:10
sCOTToanabolix: yes but what about OPENING PDF, EDITING and saving ?02:10
MTecknologypunzada, I was going to try to remake pidgin until I realized they had a CLI version of it. That's precisely what I wanted to make. :P02:10
punzadaSimonft, , it does, but it's not pretty when you're on as many networks as I am :)02:10
Simonftpunzada: ah :)02:10
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astro76axplus: man sudo_root will answer all your questions02:10
punzadaand, yeah, the purple base is amazing MTecknology02:10
mklebelanybody install 8.04 with raid0?02:10
yosypHas anyone installed 8.04 on usb with persistent?02:11
taquitoshi, can pm somebody about installing vmware server in ubuntu 8.0402:11
MTecknologypunzada, I do wish it had about 4 more years development on it though02:11
anabolixscotto: not sure i know what you mean?02:11
MTecknologytaquitos, I just did it today02:11
pac1newbie_, try lingot. Lingot is a musical instrument tuner. It's accurate, easy to use, and highly configurable. Originally conceived to tune electric guitars,t can now be used to tune any instrument.02:11
MTecknologygo for it02:11
arrrghhhcan someone help me with bluetooth?  i use kubuntu and i can connect to my speakers, but i can't figure out how to switch the audio to the external speakers.  i'd be willing to try gnome if it works better...02:11
HardHatPatno one knows how to set a network card at 1/2 duplex?02:11
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fdecoldopm: there is "Menu Bar" "Notification Area" "Volume Control" "Clock" across the top... then "Show Desktop" "Window List" "Workspace Switcher" and "Trash" across the bottom...02:11
arrrghhhHardHatPat, ifconfig can do it.  just read the man page.02:12
sCOTToanabolix: -- Use it to open the PDF file, then EDIT the pdf file and save changes as the original...02:12
fdecoldopm: Just right click the panel and "Add to panel" and choose those from the list...02:12
user__can i run 32bit vmware on my 64bit ubuntu?02:12
* sCOTTo found pdfedit02:12
ackstormuser1_, you mean a 32 bit server, or 32 bit os?02:13
pac1ttmontoya, what are you connecting with?  are you on linux?02:13
user__ackstorm, i'm on ubuntu 8.04 (64bit) and i want to install vmware but i've vmware(32bit) version. can i install and use it on this 64bit ubuntu?02:13
StevenXhow do i turn of the beeps in ubuntu? For example, when I hit backspace and there is "no more room" to go.02:13
ttmontoyaIm using Ububtu02:13
MTecknologytaquitos, you going to pm me?02:14
Starnestommyuser__: I think so02:14
ttmontoyapac1:Im using Ububtu02:14
taquitosi did... :(02:14
fdeStevenX: System > Preferences > Sound ... "System Beep" tab.02:14
StevenXfde, thank you.02:14
MTecknologytaquitos, you need to be registered to services02:14
ttmontoyapac1: why02:14
StarnestommyMTecknology, taquitos: PMs from unregistered users are blocked by default02:14
taquitosk, hold on02:15
MTecknologyStarnestommy, I allowed them once, but not for long :P02:15
amenadoHardHatPat-> look into using miitool02:15
shawnbwent with SciTE!02:15
arrrghhhkbluetooth connects to my speakers no problem, and keeps the connection.  now how do i transfer the audio to the external speakers?02:16
jsoftwarrrghhh: audio cable02:16
dmsupermanI'm in ##pfsense, but it appears to be empty, and this could possibly be a linux issue. I'm trying to get a samba share between 2 interfaces in a pfSense box. I have one PC (actually a PDA) with a debian based OS on it, and I've got my Ubuntu desktop. They're connected to different interfaces on my pfSense Router. Whenever I try to connect to network shares from the PDA to the desktop, it says it fails to mount (i'm using mount02:16
dmsuperman-t //MYPC /mnt/test)02:16
ipodman715just trying out the live cd, pretty neat02:16
jsoftwipodman715: super02:16
taquitosmtkecknology pm sent02:16
arrrghhhjsoftw, you're retarded.  the whole point of using BT is so i don't need a cable.  if i wanted to use an audio cable, i would.02:17
amenadowhose got Xen working? which version do you have running as I can not create initrd.img with 2.6.1602:17
jsoftwarrrghhh: awww, you hurt my feelings.02:18
amenadoarrrghhh-> be nice, no one owes you anything02:18
arrrghhhamenado, of course not.  but i asked for help and he gave me a very rude answer, so i responded with the same respect he gave me.02:18
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ShpookHow easy is it to use the Ubuntu install CD to recover information off of a windows HDD? Would I have to compile a special kernel or some type of magic?02:19
=== Veinor|away is now known as Veinor
ttmontoyapac1: are you still here02:19
AnswerGuyarrrghhh So his "rude" answer is a good reason to escalate things into an even more hostile more obviously rude level?  That'll help. NOT02:20
arrrghhhShpook, it's actually pretty easy.  i think ntfs-3g is even installed by default so you just need to mount the drive02:20
pac1ttmontoya, yes.02:20
pac1ttmontoya, do you know how to do a dcc chat?02:20
ipodman715I want to try to recover a drive as well02:20
ttmontoyapac1: no02:20
ttmontoyapac1: sorry man02:20
Shpookarrrghhh: Sounds good to me....that's if the drive will allow me. From past experience, I would say clicking hard drives aren't a good thing. Thanks :-D02:21
arrrghhhAnswerGuy, eh.  you have to give respect to get it.  he gave me no such thing.  what do you care anyways?  you encourage his arrogance?02:21
pac1ttmontoya, which chat client are you using?02:21
arrrghhhShpook, yea... probably busted.02:21
ttmontoyaX chat Gnome02:21
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haisamhelllo guys02:21
ipodman715hmm I found this in the help:  While other file systems (such as NTFS and HFS+) are usable, they may require additional steps to allow you to use them with Ubuntu. If possible, try to use the FAT format for your removable disk.02:22
darkcrabthe command to install emerald is sudo emerald -- replace right?02:22
ipodman715but ntfs should work just fine02:22
fde!attitude | arrrghhh02:22
ubottuarrrghhh: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:22
Starnestommydarkcrab: that's just to start it02:22
hsdpaum.. ok, so I have setup my 3g modem now.. connected to the net et all.. how do I make ubuntu use that as default for the time being, and how do I switch back to wifi as default when I want to stop using it? :) say the 3g modem is hso0 device, and wifi is wlan0 ..02:22
pac1ok. find my name over on the left and right click on it select open dialog window.02:23
arrrghhhfde, if you don't have an answer... simply don't answer.  why would you answer with something like "use an audio cable"... sheesh everyone encourages arrogance here.  i just asked for some help with BT.02:23
darkcrabI already have it installed, I am just trying to replace metacity with emerald02:23
pac1then select offer dcc chat.02:23
ttmontoyapac1: was that what you were asking02:23
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu
arrrghhhdarkcrab, i believe you're very close... "sudo emerald --replace" is it - make sure there's no space between the -- and replace.02:24
pac1ttmontoya, yeah.  two topics at once... x window server and xchat02:24
bullgard4What does 'peer-based' mean in the sentence: "Gnutella is a peer-based file-sharing protocol that allows a user running a Gnutella client to search for and download files from other Gnutella users"?02:24
pac1ttmontoya, can ya handle it?02:24
ttmontoyax server02:24
DarrenCTanybody know how to install "Dapper system sounds" in Hardy??.. I heard that you "should" install them to give the classic feel.02:24
ttmontoyalets see02:24
Starnestommybullgard4: it means that instead of connecting to a server, it connects to other users' PCs to share things02:24
Shpookbullgard4: It means that the files are hosted on all the client computers02:24
fdearrrghhh: They were attempting to assist you, everyone here is a volunteer, your attitude ensures you won't be getting help form those more knowledgeable... if you'd like to pay us, we'd be far more prompt in answering your questions, until then, please do not be hostile with those attempting to assist you.02:25
bullgard4Starnestommy, Shpook: Thank you very much for explaining.02:25
slidgei'm trying to add a loopback device loop8, but ubuntu doesnt want to accept the fact its there02:25
slidgeim using mknod to create the device02:25
SeaPhoramen fde02:26
arrrghhhfde, that was NOT an attempt to assist me, but belittle me.  i don't see how you say that was helpful.02:26
slidgewhen i sudo losetup /dev/loop8 /xen-images/internal/disk_image.img it says "/dev/loop8: no such device or address"02:26
fdearrrghhh: That's not the point.02:26
arrrghhhand maybe someone would pay you if you were actually helpful.02:26
bod_bazhang, you about m8?02:26
Jburrkedoes anyone here have any experience in using a graphics tablet with ubuntu?02:26
pac1ttmontoya, the more information you give us, the better.  Try to describe your situation:  hardware, what you're running on now, what you're trying to do etc.02:26
bazhanghey bod_02:27
arrrghhhfde, whatever.  i really don't care.  i just wanted some help and was greeted with arrogance and stupidity.  that doesn't help anyone.  just keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything helpful to say.02:27
bod_bazhang, hey dude, il just check if bodhi_zazen is around02:27
fdearrrghhh: I could have assisted you, but you have created a bad environment in the channel, so you won't be getting help from me.02:27
bod_bazhang, no he's not -- but il give u a shout if he comes in ;~)02:27
slidgei cant believe how difficult it is to get more than 8 loopback devices, has anyone ever done anything like this before in ubuntu?02:27
grockitHello, I'm running 8.04 on a Mac Pro, and the VNC and NX servers bog down the machine. X11 takes alot of the processor.02:28
arrrghhhfde, ok, thanks.02:28
babolatin subversion, i get 'PROPFIND request failed' http://paste.ubuntu.com/11765/02:28
grockitIts funny because the machine performs worse that a core 2 duo laptop and an iMac running Ubuntu.02:28
STSXWhat's the best way to disable "Dansguardian" from loading on startup without uninstalling it? It's set to load in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory.02:29
ttmontoyapac1: ok all I want is to fix the resolution which is 800x600 its too bog i hate it02:29
StarnestommySTSX: sudo update-rc.d -f dansguardian remove02:29
ttmontoyapac1: ok all I want is to fix the resolution which is 800x600 its too big i hate it, sorry02:29
amenadoSTSX initctl list dansguardian?02:29
bazhangarrrghhh, please refrain from name calling02:29
arrrghhhbazhang, where did that come from?02:30
pac1arrrghh, keep the questions and comments technical and you'll be ok. Comment on character flaws and us techies ignore you.  We know we have character flaws...02:30
fdettmontoya: Are there any more resolutions available in System > Preferences > Screen Resolution?02:30
ian_liu88Which is better? 64 bits processor or 32?02:30
ian_liu88for Ubuntu02:30
bazhang!coc | arrrghhh02:30
ubottuarrrghhh: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:30
Jburrkedoes anyone know how to set up a graphics tablet in ubuntu?02:30
arrrghhhpac1, didn't realize i was.02:30
ttmontoyapac1: only the 640x?02:30
pac1fde, ttmontoya, that 's the first thing to check.02:30
Starnestommyian_liu88: a 64-bit processor is usually better02:30
ttmontoyaI did02:30
fdepac1: Hence my first reply to him  :P02:31
babolatian_liu88: aside from being able to hold idiotic amounts of ram, they're basically the same02:31
pac1ttmontoya,  I had the same problem yesterday.02:31
ian_liu88Starnestommy: But, isn't it known to have more bugs?02:31
grockitWhy would Xorg be really slow when running VNC?02:31
=== bod_ is now known as Bodsda
STSXStarnestommy, amenado: Thanks much, and is there by chance a way to do it from the GUI?02:31
Starnestommyian_liu88: but the 32-bit version of Ubuntu, which works on 64-bit processors, has less bugs02:31
ttmontoyaI have only two options02:31
ikaruga2091hi all, what's the correct way to invoke an xterm from udev rules?02:31
arrrghhhi'm glad everyone defends arrogance.  that's the linux way!02:31
ttmontoyadid you fix it02:31
bazhangarrrghhh, please stop02:31
fdettmontoya: Unfortunately experience tells me that the new Xserver doesn't like manual configuration.02:31
pac1ttmontoya,  you need to do a bit of figuring out how x is configured on your laptop.  You may be able to increase the resolution without changing the driver.02:31
jsoftwWhat are you so wired up about arrrghhh02:31
fdebazhang: Could you please +b him for 10 mins so he can relax?02:32
arrrghhhbazhang, i'm done02:32
VeinorFor some reason, my sounds sounds like crap now.02:32
arrrghhhjsoftw, it's not even worth it.02:32
Jburrkecan anyone help me set up my graphics tablet on ubuntu? D:02:32
ikaruga2091does anyone know the correct way to invoke a terminal from udev rules?02:32
zChriswell it was a pretty stupid answer :)02:32
babolat!ask | Jburrke02:32
ubottuJburrke: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:32
pac1ttmontoya, ah... you may need to go poking about in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:33
Dr_willisgrockit,  vnc is a bit slow - in how its done. Theres a few tweaks you can do to speed it up dependong on exactly which vncserver you are using.02:33
Jburrkechats going so fast, figured it may have been over looked02:33
VeinorWeirdly, it only does it when stuff like music is playing. Pure tones sound fine.02:33
jairomy video driver as ATI02:33
pac1ttmontoya, its easy to mess things up, but if you have a backup of that file as it is right now, you can always get back to where you want it.02:33
grockitDr_willis: Both VNC and NX really bog the machine down02:33
Jburrkeusually if someone doesnt know they would say so >__>02:33
babolati know this is a repetition.. but please, have a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/11765/ it's a difficulty im having with SVN02:33
jairoand run the glest straategy game]02:33
grockitDr_willis: Its like I'm working remotely02:34
fdeJburrke: Many here are used to it, and all you need to worry about is text that is highlighted like this  :)02:34
pac1ttmontoya, use the cp command to copy the file to your home directory02:34
grockitDr_willis: What sort of tweaks do you usually do with Ubuntu's standard vnc server?02:34
Jburrkenot highlited.. using pidgin to get here XD02:34
Dr_willisgrockit,  try a much lighter desktopp/window manager.  I guess. check to be sure only  the vnc process you want to run are running. I normally DONT share the 'current/visible' desktop - that can bog things down. I dont use the gnome 'share desktop' feature.02:34
Jburrkebut, i hear you02:34
docgnomehow do I make X not start by default?02:35
jairoand when i click to mouse close the window, do you undertand my problem ???02:35
Dr_willisgrockit,  reducing the # of colors, res can help02:35
bullgard4Starnestommy: Is there a difference between a 'peer-based' protocol and a 'peer-to-peer' protocol? (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer)02:35
VeinorThis seems to happen  no matter what sound driver I use :/02:35
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Jburrkenewish question02:35
grockitDr_willis: Thanks02:35
Jburrkeif i link to a page that has directions on how to install my devices drivers, could one of you help me through it?02:35
babolatoh well.. thanks anyway :)02:35
Jburrkelike i said, the terminal makes no sense to me XD02:36
alexvdi have to run gutsy and it has the older version of lirc 0.8.2, if i do a upgrade will that allow me to get the newest version of lirc 0.8.3?02:36
arrrghhhgrockit, i've heard x11vnc is much more efficient if your connection is slow.02:36
darkcrabi keep putting emerald --replace in the terminal, and it starts emerald, but when I reset the computer, I am back to metacity, any ideas?02:36
Starnestommybullgard4: they're pretty much the same02:36
bullgard4Starnestommy: ok.02:36
fdeJburrke: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom might be of some assistance... what does 'lspci | grep -i graphics' return though?02:36
fdeJburrke: Tablets are just a different input method, graphics aren't part of that  ;)02:37
grockitarrrghhh: Thanks. I actually have a T1 connection. Its processing the screen thats slow for me.02:37
iXneonXihelp, can anyone tell me if you can overlay a Clock while a screensaver is active?02:37
Dr_willisgrockit,  normally when i vnc into a machine i use vnc4server and have it run as minimal of a desktop as i can in a 'virtual vnc only' desktop. Ive heard that FreeNX is much faster. but ive not iused freenx.02:37
Jburrkefde: nah, i know.. they're just called a "graphics tablet" usually..02:37
Jburrkefde: do you want me to just run that code through a terminal?02:37
InvisionfreeIm using Konqueror, and about:plugins says there's a java plugin, but java doesn't work .. Why?02:38
fdegrockit: Many report FreeNX to have good performance, of course X11 will take up a lot of resources, it's the parent of every GUI on the system.02:38
fdeJburrke: yes please.02:38
ScuniziWhat ever you do don't use Remote Desktop Viewer to view your own desktop.. you'll play havoc trying to get out.  It's like looking into a mirror that has a mirror behind you.. interesting actually02:38
Jburrke00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)02:38
Jburrke00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)02:38
Jburrkewhat i got >__>02:38
pac1ttmontoya, and you get logged out like i just did.  Don't panic it's just a logout and log back in.   Should happen in a few seconds.02:38
fdeJburrke: What issues are you having with that card?02:38
Jburrkenot sure of any issues Oo02:39
grockitfde: Its weird that NX is *much* slower on a 8-core than a 2-core.02:39
fdeJburrke: It _should_ be one of the best supported cards.02:39
redkimdk<darkcrab> put emerald --replace where it says "command" in the window decoration section of compiz settings02:39
fdeJburrke: Then what did you need assistance with with it?02:39
Jburrkei'm simply trying to get my tablet to work.. it's recognized when i plug it in but i cant move the mouse and a click = "backspace" on firefox02:39
ttmontoyapac1: ok02:40
Lincooledhi everybody :)02:40
pac1ttmontoya, if you've made changes to your xorg.conf, the server may not like them.  It will crash on startup.  You'll be left with a terminal window.  Again... don't panic.  You have your backup file right in your home directory so you can copy it back and try again.02:40
InvisionfreeIm using Konqueror, and about:plugins says there's a java plugin, but java doesn't work .. Why? Anyone? Highlight me please!02:40
Jburrkefde: http://www.geniusnet.com/geniusOnline/online.portal?_nfpb=true&productPortlet_actionOverride=%2Fportlets%2FproductArea%2Fcategory%2FqueryPro&_windowLabel=productPortlet&productPortletproductId=341204&_pageLabel=productPage&test=portlet-action02:40
Jburrkethat's my tablet02:40
VeinorThe sound on my hardy box is coming out heavily, heavily distorted.02:40
fdeJburrke: Great... but what isn't working that you need assistance with?02:40
fdeJburrke: From what you've said, it should just work by default?02:41
arrrghhhVeinor, have you tried turning the volume on the input side down?02:41
pac1ttmontoya, it helps if you have another computer you can log in and get to xchat with, in case you muck up something bad and need help getting things straightened out.02:41
Jburrkefde: it's not though.. i plug it in and all that works is the click button which is read by the computer as "backspace" on firefox02:41
DarrenCTanyone hear of installing dapper system sounds?02:41
Sergeant_PonyFlannel you here?02:41
pac1ttmontoya,  you'll also probably have to do some rtfm'ing02:41
Jburrkei cant move the mouse at all.. so i cant test to see if pressure/tilt even work02:41
Veinoroh, fixed it!02:42
arrrghhhyour welcome lol02:42
pac1I'd suggest looking at a wikipedia article on the x server for starters, then try reading about the various options for ati drivers.02:42
DarrenCTFreshUbuntu anyone???02:42
fdeJburrke: try installing wacom-tools ?02:42
ttmontoyapac1: rtfm'ing what is this02:42
martin_Hi i just installed 8.04 and im wondering is there a way to run dual monitor?02:42
ringerto manage my drives, i need to be using gparted from the livecd correct?02:42
Jburrkeokay.. is there a guide to walk me through that?02:42
pac1rtfm stands for "read the fine manual"02:43
Jburrkelike i said, ultimate linux nabb02:43
Lincooledsomeone know a guide in C/C++ for an open source project for a beginner ?02:43
fdeJburrke: via 'sudo aptitude install wacom-tools' ... it recommends something vital  :)02:43
Jburrkepac1: lol fine02:43
pac1s/fine/ f word of your choice/02:43
Jburrkepac1: XD02:43
Jburrkefde: thanks, it's installing..02:44
STSXI have to download about 180 MB worth of stuff in Synaptic, and I'm wondering if I can start it now, quit in a while, and continue with it tomorrow? Is this possible?02:44
slidgein case anyone was curious, you have to put this in /etc/modprobe.d/loop.local:02:44
slidgeoptions loop max_loop=25502:44
WIDESPREADpanicwhat should i use to edit css website in ubuntu?02:44
slidgethen rmmod and modprobe loop02:44
Jburrkefde: when it's done shal i just plug it in and see if it works, or is there a bit of configuring i should do?02:44
Jburrkepac1: it's a smiley.. like :) but a bit of a laughing one.. XD02:44
Jburrkepac1: :P02:44
fdeJburrke: That is a tool to configure things... but it might "Just Work(tm)" when that's installed, we'll see02:45
wobblywuI'm trying to make my multimedia keys (so, XF86AudioRaiseVolume) to control PCM volume instead of Master... don't even know where to start, though02:45
wobblywuminus 'to'02:45
Jburrkefde: nope.. same effect02:45
iXneonXianyone in here know how to get a clock that displays inside a screensaver02:45
pac1ttmontoya, another thing to do is simply print out the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and take a look at it.  You can also find samples of it on the web.  Maybe even one that can be used with your particular laptop.02:45
D-Unitany1 here have folding@home running properly?02:45
fdeJburrke: Is there a new entry in System > Preferences or System > Administration now?02:45
LincooledWIDESPREADpanic: did you try bluefish editor?02:46
andresjI know this is not #svn, but I was told it was not possible. I probably asked the wrong way though :)... How do I convert a SVN snapshot (say, a tarball with no .svn dirs) to a SVN checkout so that I can update it?02:46
sCOTTopdfedit is rubbish02:46
Jburrkefde: not sure02:46
fdeandresj: Ubuntu directly forked SVN for Bazaar, so you're really asking the wrong place  ;)02:46
Jburrkefde: do you have any idea what it would be named?02:46
pac1ttmontoya, when I'm struggling with something, I'm never afraid of breaking anything.  (its mine, I get to keep the pieces and put them back together anyway)02:46
fdeJburrke: Something about Tablets I'd assume02:47
Dr_willisiXneonXi,  check the package manager for other screensavers. I recall one or 2 with clocks in there.02:47
Jburrkefde: nope, dont see anything =/02:47
fideliohi.  Have problems with printer setup.  CUPS recognize printer and test page is ok. CAnnot print with any program02:47
D-Unitdoes hardy use more system ressources than gutsy cuz on package of hardy it says 386mb ram and on gutsy and below it says 256mb02:47
iXneonXiDr_willis: i'm looking for something that works with all screensavers - I enjoy my Flurry, I just wish I could have a clock somewhere02:47
Dr_willisiXneonXi,  all screensavers? Never noticed a tool that can put a clock on top of EVERY screensaver. There are clock-screensavers however.02:48
prakritiDoes anybody use dia?  Can it export to pdf?02:48
fdeJburrke: dpkg -L wacom-tools | grep bin ?02:49
Jburrkefde: i have no idea what you just said.. you want me to run that? Oo02:49
fdeprakriti: Every application that can print can export to PDF.02:49
arrrghhhD-Unit, 384 is 'recommended' for live-cd usage.  even on gutsy (as i recall)02:49
* sCOTTo just needs a proper pdf editing tool!02:49
fdeJburrke: yup02:49
iXneonXiDr_willis: I'll try looking at the Flurry source and I'll post a question on the mailing list or forum02:49
Dr_willisiXneonXi,  never heard of flurry.02:50
FloodBot2Jburrke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
Jburrkefde: what i got02:50
iXneonXiDr_willis: ah, it's the default OS X screensaver ported to Linux02:50
TokenBadhey folks...I went out and got an old computer to put ubuntu on...but everytime try to load the live cd...when it gets to loading the gui it says signal out of range..anyone know how to fix this?02:50
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
iXneonXiDr_willis: quite beautiful I find02:50
fdeprakriti: Print as usual... but pick the PDF export from the list of printers.02:50
fdeJburrke: try running xsetwacom02:50
STSXIf nobody knows how to interrupt then continue a download in Synaptic, is it possible with apt-get or something similar? Or if I could get a direct link to the files I'm downloading, I could use a download manager.02:50
Jburrkefde: got a lot of junk02:51
bazhangTokenBad, boot in safe mode; then down the screen res/fix the drivers02:51
Dr_willisiXneonXi,  there is flury for linux at the flury home page i just googled. :)02:51
rod0009does anyone have the intel 950GMA video card?02:51
Dr_willisiXneonXi,  Tobias Sargeant has produced a version of Flurry for all you GNU/Linux fans (as part of the xscreensaver distribution). Get it  here.02:51
gnomergood evening02:51
fdeJburrke: pastebin it for me please02:51
ttmontoyapacl: it says that i cant, You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file.02:51
fde!paste | Jburrke02:51
ubottuJburrke: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:51
Jburrkefde: is this the collaboration tool? Oo02:51
TokenBadbazhang I tried in safe mode..did same thing02:51
pac1ttmontoya, You might also try installing the ATI drivers and see if that does anything for you.02:51
rod0009(21:51:19) rod0009: does anyone have the intel 950GMA video card?02:51
JburrkeUsage: xsetwacom [options] [command [arguments...]]02:51
Jburrke -h, --help                 - usage02:51
Jburrke -v, --verbose              - verbose output02:51
Jburrke -V, --version              - version info02:51
FloodBot2Jburrke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
Jburrke -d, --display disp_name    - override default display02:51
rod0009(21:51:19) rod0009: does anyone have the intel 950GMA video card?02:51
rod0009(21:51:19) rod0009: does anyone have the intel 950GMA video card?02:51
FloodBot2rod0009: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
fideliohi.  Have problems with printer setup.  CUPS recognize printer and test page is ok. CAnnot print with any program02:51
pac1ttmontoya, info on ati can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI02:51
bazhangJburrke, pastebin it please02:52
fiyawerxdoes anyone actually have a working weather applet? none of the ones i find actually connect and get the weather02:52
iXneonXiDr_willis: yah, but I don't think his version has a clock. I may email him to see if it's an easy mod02:52
fdeJburrke: Do not paste in channel... I didn't specify that explicitly, apologies... I said to use pastebin though...02:52
tinkerI'm on Ubuntu 8.04.  I want to test a live Ubuntu CD.  My systems doesn't seem to be booting from a CD.  How do I get into my bios or is there another way?02:52
pac1ttmontoya, is this of any help?02:52
potycan anyone tell me how to install emesene themes ¿?02:52
bazhangtinker, get into bios and choose boot from cd02:52
arrrghhhtinker, every bios is different, on boot the bios tells you how02:52
fdeJburrke: You can talk again now.02:52
nirivenserver irc.freenode.net02:53
tinkerokay I will reboot and watch for messages02:53
Jburrkewhat's pastebin? ><02:53
rootyrootyHi, how do I delete a mysql databaseÉ02:53
Jburrkei think i did it >__>02:53
fde!paste | Jburrke please use the link this provides to paste what xsetwacom said:02:53
ubottuJburrke please use the link this provides to paste what xsetwacom said:: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:53
ttmontoyapacl: yes02:53
rod0009(21:51:19) rod0009: does anyone have the intel 950GMA video card?02:53
TokenBadbazhang I tried in safe mode..did same thing02:53
MTecknologytaquitos, you around?02:53
lopinAnyone know how to stream shoutcast in linux?  I have the server running on the computer downstairs, but no way to get music to it...02:53
Jburrkesorry bout that =/02:53
ttmontoyapacl: You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. how do I get permission02:54
cathartiahello - I hope you can help me02:54
bazhangJburrke, please dont do it again02:54
potycan anyone tell me how to install emesene themes ¿?02:54
pac1ttmontoya, sorry I can't be more specific, Its been a few years since used the r128 driver.02:54
Jburrkebazhang: i wont, was an accident.. sorry02:54
cathartiaI'm having a strange issue with my wireless configuration.02:54
armadill0Hi I am trying to install do the alternate encrypted kubuntu intstall, and I'm having some trouble with the partitioner.  It will let me set a partition as 'encrypted disk' but won't let me mount / on it.  How can I set this HD up with encrypted kubuntu?02:55
fdeJburrke: I'd recommend 'xsetwacom -x' probably, as I don't think the rest will be enlightening to you... ensure the tablet is connected to the machine though...02:55
martin_hi could anyone tell me how to setup dual monitors with an nvidia 8800gts gpu02:55
pac1ttmontoya,  Aha!  the permissions problem.  I ran into that on Saturday when I was getting my xorg.conf up to speed.  Here's what you do...02:55
Jburrkefde: i think the problem is that i do not have a wacom tablet.. take a look at this link02:56
Dr_willismartin_,  install and run the 2 not installed by default nvidia config tools.02:56
ttmontoyapacl: ok you told me to modified the xorg.conf file but it dont let me , do I have to login in root02:56
Jburrkefde: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen02:56
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:56
Jordan_Uttmontoya, No, use sudo02:56
cathartiaall of the parameters look correct in /etc/network/interfaces02:56
Dr_willismartin_,  theres one that does NOT have a X in the name. it has a gui to set up the monitors/layout. , the othe is what i use to enable twinview support in the xorg.conf file.02:56
WIDESPREADpanicwhat should i use to edit css website in ubuntu?02:56
Jordan_Uttmontoya, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:56
pac1ttmontoya, First go read about file permissions on linux if you haven't already.  You want to be able to set the permissions on the xorg.conf files and on the directory above them so you can do what you want from your login, without using sudo all the time.02:57
martin_dr_willis install what and how, ive got about 1hr experience on this OS02:57
cathartiabut ifup ath0 fails unless I do an "iwconfig ath0 essid networkname" 1st02:57
fdeJburrke: Do you see your device in that list?02:57
jribWIDESPREADpanic: your favorite text editor?02:57
docgnomeWIDESPREADpanic: emacs or vim :-p02:57
Jburrkefde: yes02:57
arrrghhhWIDESPREADpanic, a text editor, yes.02:57
cathartiathis means that the cmputer won't boot and joing the network on its own - which is exactly what I want02:57
fdeJburrke: Ok, then follow the guide there, and tell me whether it gets it working  :)02:57
pac1ttmontoya,  but first note what the permissions are before you start.  Be sure to reset them that way when you're done.  Leaving config files with open permissions is not such a good thing.02:57
Jburrkefde: but i dont understand that guide =/02:57
sunexplodesquick question: Hardy by default sets the inactive window decorations to be transparent, which I don't like, but I can't find the option to disable it in the Compiz Settings Manager... anyone know where I can find it?02:58
Dr_willismartin_,   one of the commands to do is lilke ' sudo nvidia-config --twinview'  (that may not be the right command name),,  then restart the X server that should make both moniotrs start working. then run the OTHER tool to  tweak the monitors.02:58
tinkerOkay, I rebooted my computer looking for directions in how to get into my bios.  There weren't any, just "ESC" to get out of grub.02:58
Dr_willismartin_,  not on a Linux box - so i cant verify the proper commands.02:58
fdeJburrke: everything in the boxes is stuff to type, and requires no thinking... everything explains what you're doing at that point.02:58
fidelioHALLO -- Have problems with printer setup.  CUPS recognizes printer and test page is ok but cannot print with any program02:58
=== mike is now known as Nalid
martin_dr_willis sorry you really lost me, and how do i do that02:58
pac1martin_, the gotcha in this is if you have a kvm...02:58
Jburrkefde: i'll give it a shot.. where it says "general info" though i dont have any of those ubuntu versions02:58
amenadocathartia-> paste in pastebin your interfaces file02:58
jribttmontoya, pac1: that's not the proper way to edit system-wide config files really.  You want to use sudo02:58
Jburrkei've got 8.04 or whatever02:58
fiyawerxwhere do you set the number of desktops?02:58
fdeJburrke: It looks complicated, but I promise it's really not, just follow that guide please.02:59
Dr_willismartin_,  from the shell. If you are lost in shell  ussage.  You may want to spend an hr reading a few shell/bash tutorials.02:59
=== Nalid is now known as nalid
Odd-rationalecathartia: you could consider putting the lines you want in the /etc/rc.local file02:59
rootyrootyHi, how do I delete a mysql databaseÉ02:59
Dr_willis!twinview | martin_02:59
ubottumartin_: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead02:59
=== nalid is now known as Nalidixic
Jordan_Utinker, Usually you have to hit something like the delete key *before* you see GRUB02:59
cathartiaWhat I mean to say is: /etc/network/interfaces correctly specifies the network name - but it doesn't get used unless I manually use iwconfig02:59
fdeJburrke: The guide needs to be updated is all...02:59
Jburrkefde: sure, but what about my ubuntu version.. ><02:59
Jburrkefde: so just follow it to the letter?02:59
tinkerJordan_U: which key should I hit?02:59
rycoleif i have a python app that tries to mount a filesystem, and i do 'sudo python', and manually call the function, would this be enough to mount the fs? it doesn't appear to be mounting anything.02:59
fdeJburrke: yup02:59
martin_ok, thx guys ill check that out02:59
cathartiawhat is /etc/rc.local   ?02:59
Nalidixicgood evening everyone. question about apt-get.. if there are programs I want to get but don't know the name of the package, is there a place to search?02:59
amenadocathartia-> paste in pastebin your interfaces file..lets see if anything we can spot02:59
Jburrkefde: okay, give me a minute and i'll be back.. thanks :D02:59
pac1jrib, ttmontoya, jrib is right, but I always break the rules.  As long as everyting is set back to the right permissions, would you be ok with it jrib?02:59
Jordan_Utinker, Depends on your BIOS unfortunately02:59
arrrghhhtinker, try a bunch - f2, del, any of the f keys.02:59
cathartiaamenado:  what is paste-bin  ?02:59
Odd-rationalecathartia: it is a file that runs on boot02:59
jrib!apt > Nalidixic (read the private message from ubottu)03:00
amenado!paste | cathartia03:00
ubottucathartia: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:00
Jordan_Utinker, It will usually flash quickly across the screen when you boot03:00
jribNalidixic: use Synaptic or Add/Remove if you want a gui03:00
arrrghhhtinker, that's why i said look for the message.  they almost always say *something* like "hit del to enter setup"03:00
fiyawerxtinker, hold down any key, then when you get the key stuck message it should say like f2 to enter setup03:00
cathartiaodd:  so I can just do an iwconfig in there - problem solved03:00
obijywkNalidixic, packages.ubuntu.com03:00
bazhangNalidixic, packages.ubuntu.com or apt-cache search keyword03:00
Odd-rationalecathartia: you could try...03:00
jribpac1: no, I don't really see the point to be honest03:00
tinkerfiyawerx:  okay I will try that03:00
fiyawerxtinker, what kind ofm achine?03:00
fiyawerxhe could have just googled :-\03:00
cathartiaamenado:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11771/03:01
fiyawerxdells are usually like f1203:01
pac1jrib, maybe I'm making this too hard... I just hate typing my password over and over.03:01
jribpac1: you would need to sudo to change permissions anyway and the likelihood you mess something up increases03:01
fiyawerxanyone know how to set extra desktops?03:01
cathartiaodd:  I need the command to be SUDOd03:01
pac1jrib, ttmontoya,  listen to jrib.03:01
bazhangfiyawerx, in ubuntu or compiz for cube03:01
Odd-rationalecathartia: that is ok. rc.local runs as root on boot up03:01
jribpac1: you shouldn't be editing files that often that it becomes a burden.  In any case, you can get a root shell with 'sudo -i' for those special occasions03:01
fiyawerxbazhang, both, actually, i only have 203:01
cathartiaodd:  that sounds like a good hack for this03:01
cathartiaamenado:  do you see anything wrong with my interfaces file?03:02
fiyawerxbazhang, might actually switch over to kde soon tho, gnome is gettign on my nerves again03:02
pac1jrib, thanks.  I didn't know that.03:02
rickJamesI am trying to run the 8.04 live cd and once i get past hte options i get "out of range" on my monitor. after attempting to change the vga settigns manually, i've come to ask for suggestions03:02
Jburrkefde: i'm at the part where it says to note the product of the tablet03:02
fiyawerxi really like how gvfs handles remote locations but eh03:02
cathartialike I said - it has the network name in there but when I do an iwconfig after an ifup the network name is blank until I manually set it with iwconfig03:02
amenadocathartia-> you are using static, am not sure even with auth ath0 would initiate an association to AP03:02
cathartiathen all is well03:02
taquitosMTecknology : still there?03:02
bazhangfiyawerx, cube is in general virtual horizontal desktops set to 4 (in ccsm) in ubuntu right click on workplace switcher and up the number03:02
Jburrkefde: mine's the exact same as his.. so do those commands just go into the same terminal?03:02
user__is there an application like netlimiter for linux?03:02
MTecknologytaquitos, you're back now?03:03
thingfishrickJames: what all have you done?03:03
MTecknologytaquitos, I PM'd you03:03
cathartiaamenado:  I don't understand - please explain03:03
TokenBadwhen at command prompt in live cd..how you start gui?03:03
rickJamesthingfish, other than the vga (f4) option nothing. i'm at a loss03:03
GestapospankWhats the kernel boot command to disable sda from probing the CD-ROM in ubuntu?03:03
Jburrkefde: are you there?03:03
bazhangTokenBad, startx03:04
cathartiaamenado:  I don't know what you mean03:04
pac1jrib, ttmontoya,  I dont' normally go around changing config files.  In this case it was a brand new box with an old xorg.conf on it from the box i ripped the disk drive from.  A certain amount of tinkering was needed to go from 640x480 on one screen to 1280x1024 on two screens with a kvm thrown in for more fun.03:04
taquitosi just pm'ed you03:04
arrrghhhso does anyone know how to transfer audio to bluetooth connected speakers?03:04
amenadocathartia-> having you set it as static, i dont believe it will initiate a process to associate with your AP03:04
pac1pac1, jrib, that's exactly what ttmontoya wants to do.03:04
Odd-rationalecathartia: put the commands that you usually execute to start your network in teh rc.local file... reboot and see if it worked.03:04
MTecknologytaquitos, register to services03:04
cathartiaamenado:  what do you mean by "associate"03:04
bluefoxxhow can i combine two boot disk ISOs? i want to combine a sisela boot disk with a super grub disk[to save CDs]03:04
cathartiaamenado:  what do you mean by "AP"03:04
pac1ttmontoya, jrib, gotta go.  bedtime for bonzo.03:05
jribpac1: night03:05
TokenBadbazhang, thanks...did that and get an error saying server is already active for display 0...and to remove /tmp/.xo-lock and start again03:05
bluefoxxcommand line is prefered...03:05
fipswhats the command to get root again?03:05
Odd-rationalecathartia: ap == access point03:05
cathartiaamenado:  what do you mean by "it"03:05
arrrghhhi have the speakers connected, but now i don't know how to transfer the audio from the computer to the speakers03:05
jrib!sudo > fips (read the private message from ubottu)03:05
bazhangTokenBad, try ctrl alt f703:05
m_tadeuhi eveyone03:05
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.03:05
pac1ttmontoya, good luck with this.  I hang out here sometimes, look me up and let me know how you make out.03:05
Odd-rationalecathartia: gtg, good luck!03:05
bluefoxxfips: sudo is single command, su is log into root03:05
cathartiaamenado:  I want to use static IPs - do you think it will work with dhcp?03:05
Sunxanybody ever get his error when trying access screen resolution under preferences with 8.04 "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available."03:05
TokenBadbazhang get signal out of range03:05
cathartiaodd: thanks for the idea03:05
m_tadeuhow can I run a script when I insert a usb disk?03:05
jribm_tadeu: research udev03:06
MTecknologybluefoxx, no - su is switch user03:06
amenadocathartia may i suggest you read up on some tutorials on wireless networking03:06
absntIm trying to use vlc as my media player in firefox and when I try to view a steaming quicktime video the link to it says "no video" and I can't even click on it..03:06
bazhangTokenBad, what res you have it set to03:06
bluefoxxMTecknology: but it also lets you log on as root if you use it alone03:06
TokenBad800x600 60hz03:06
TokenBadbut had to reset in the xorg stuff..so like need to restart it with those settings03:06
cathartiaamenado:  I've read some already.  The problem seems to be the network name not getting set right.03:06
porpoisehow do i disable automount?03:07
Jburrkefde: you there? ><03:07
bazhangTokenBad, that is out of range? what card and drivers and how installed03:07
arrrghhhporpoise, edit /etc/fstab03:07
thingfishrickJames: 8.04 doesn't make it easy on us.  They took away our prime tool for configuring display.03:07
sCOTToanyone with a clue about PDF editing programs?03:07
cathartiaamenado:  As I said, as soon as I manually set it with iwconfig - all is well03:07
TokenBadbazhang its an old hp..just bought it today..has a Intel 82865G card in it..and used vesa driver03:07
toxguy25hi, can somebody help me with sound problem? i updated my ubuntu 8.04 and i have no sound output but headphones are still detected03:07
Sunxset what with iwconfig03:07
paulcrosssCOTTo, pdfeditor03:07
rickJamesthingfish : it appears tokenbad (who i was helping too) has found some one who is working on it with him. thank you for your time :)03:08
cathartiaamenado:  And when I run "ifup atho -va" I see the correct network name in the output.03:08
amenadocatharia, then be happy with it, its not such an issue03:08
arrrghhhsCOTTo, there aren't really any that are *good*.03:08
MTecknologygosh I loved shared keys03:08
sparky01you mean displayconfig-gtk03:08
bazhangTokenBad, what res do you want to get with that03:08
porpoiseis it dangerous that ubuntu keeps automount my drive while I resize it with gparted?03:08
thingfishrickJames: what tools are available, require a gui.  Which of course you don't have. :)03:08
sparky01where did that go?03:08
MTecknologyso... can anybody explain to me how to set up IPsec?03:08
TokenBadbazhang whatever it allows...03:08
sCOTToarrrghhh: yeah tell me about it - I found pdfedit in ubuntu - but it didnt DO anything really... i need one for an end user :(03:08
cathartiaamenado:  It is a show stopper for me because I want to run this computer headless in the garage - it must be able to join the network at boot time03:08
bazhangTokenBad, that is something you need to fiddle with then--is this hardy or gutsy03:08
ubottuFactoid pdfeditor not found03:08
TokenBadbazhang but once get it set..how restart x with those settings03:09
sCOTTopaulcross: do you mean pdfedit or pdfeditor ?03:09
arrrghhhsCOTTo, there's not any good windows solutions either unless you want to pay for adobe reader pro03:09
cathartiaamenado:  I can't login to the machine to do iwconfig if the machine won't join the net03:09
Caramhey, how can I see what's running a specific port?03:09
TokenBadbazhang its 7.04 to be honest..thats the disk I have03:09
bluefoxxhow can i combine two boot disk ISOs? i want to combine a sisela boot disk with a super grub disk[to save CDs] command line is easier for me[though if i need programs i can do that /sigh]03:09
sCOTToarrrghhh: i wonder why...03:09
Caramrunning on*03:09
cathartiaamenado:  If this were a laptop - there would be no issue03:09
arrrghhhsCOTTo, it's a proprietary format...03:09
cathartiaamenado:  But it is a Desktop running headless03:09
arrrghhhCaram, netstat03:09
absntIm trying to use vlc as my media player in firefox and when I try to view a steaming quicktime video the link to it says "no video" and I can't even click on it.. sometimes firefox will crash03:09
fiyawerxsCOTTo, what about foxit?03:10
paulcrosssCOTTo, same thing. the package called pdfedit. but the programe named pdfeditor.03:10
sCOTTofiyawerx: whats that like?03:10
amenadocathartia-> you can try dhcp03:10
porpoiseDoes ubuntu have anything similar to partimage?03:10
Caramarrrghhh, is there a way for me to look at a specific port?03:10
fiyawerxsCOTTo, never tried their editor, but i always use it for just pdf reading, very nice, lightweight too03:10
cathartiaamenado:  I'll give that a go03:10
arrrghhhCaram, look at the man page for netstat, there may be.03:10
cathartiaamenado:  thanks03:10
sCOTTofiyawerx: is it for linux?03:10
fidelioHALLO -- Have problems with printer setup.  CUPS recognizes printer and test page is ok but cannot print with any program03:10
fiyawerxsCOTTo, might have to use the editor in wine tho, i see they do offer 6 month free licenses, worth a shot03:10
jribporpoise: how about partimage?03:11
amenadocathartia-> you're welcome03:11
sCOTToyeah thought so03:11
bluefoxxnoone knows how to combine bootable ISO disks?03:11
fiyawerxsCOTTo, they have reader for linux, editor prob. won't be too long in coming linux side03:11
cathartiaamenado:  I do need the IPs to be unchanging though03:11
paulcrossI need an python IDE with code auto completing feature? Is there an one?03:11
porpoisejrib: i don't think it's in ubuntu's repositories03:11
bazhangbluefoxx, cannot be done03:11
jrib!info partimage | porpoise03:11
arrrghhhsCOTTo, what i do is take a screenshot of the pdf and edit what i want to lol  then print to pdf.03:11
ubottuporpoise: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-1 (hardy), package size 271 kB, installed size 960 kB03:11
fdeporpoise: it is... in universe probably.03:11
cathartiaamenado:  I guess if I were to set the lease time to infinite that would be almost static03:11
rickJamesbluefoxx, you could burn both to one cd and make your own bootloader script to load one or hte other, but you would need to know where on the disk the second bootscript is03:11
fiyawerxarrrghhh, can just use imagemagick for that, convert foo.pdf foo.jpg03:11
amenadocathartia-> again, may I suggest reading tutorials on networking, and dhcp please..03:11
Jburrkefde: i got to the colibration part03:12
cathartiaamenado:  I'm pretty knowledgeable already - I'm a proffessional03:12
fiyawerxsCOTTo, do you need to actually change pdf forms? or just like fill in forms that are pdf?03:12
arrrghhhfiyawerx, eh either way it's not a *good* way to do it.03:12
amenadocathartia-> based on mac address..you can have the dhcp assign...03:12
Jburrkefde: got to where it says "make" and it said03:12
sCOTTofiyawerx: my customer wants to open a pdf, edit it and save it... i guess they are STUCK with Adobe huh...03:12
Jburrkefde: "nothing to be done for 'build'."03:12
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, I have never done it but I can suggest some things to try03:12
bluefoxxrickJames: any how-tos on that?[@bazhang i know it's do-able cause i saw someone do this with ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu cds and the alt installers on a dvd once]03:13
fdeJburrke: Can you provide the output in full to paste.ubuntu.com please?03:13
sCOTToi wonder if there is a util to IMPORT PDF to openoffice03:13
Jburrkefde: which output?03:13
Hossamhello i am currently in vista (hd0) i want to boot up ubuntu 8.04 in vmware (hd1), i can get to grub bootloader, but then i am notified by vmware bios that Error 21: Slected disk does not exit, what should i do?03:13
cathartiaamenado:  my network has few machines on it so I really want to assign static IPs03:13
bazhangbluefoxx, then why ask if you know03:13
rickJamesfiyawerx, i use open office03:13
RB2Can I have the ff2 package installed alongside the ff3 package?03:13
fdeJburrke: Everything that make said.03:13
cathartiaamenado:  I try to avoid DHCP whenever possible03:13
arrrghhhsCOTTo, i think the good folks at sun are working on one for OOo 3.03:14
Jburrkefde: all it said was "make: Nothing to be done for 'build'."03:14
amenadocathartia once more, read up a liltle bit more about dhcp, and mac address..03:14
BodsdaRB2, yes03:14
mshadeHossam, unless your setup is unique, tell grub to use hd003:14
RB2Bodsda, thanks03:14
sCOTToarrrghhh: good stuff03:14
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, Worst. Lag. Ever ( that was a response to your question about bluetooth speakers )03:14
BodsdaRB2, no probs03:14
mshadeHossam, it sees ubuntu's disk image as its own primary drive03:14
bluefoxxbazhang: because i dont know how to, but i figured someone in here might[i trolled  the internet the past hour for this, to no avail :(]03:14
arrrghhhJordan_U, ok?03:14
bazhangbluefoxx, try uck03:14
cathartiaamenado:  ok - thanks again03:14
bluefoxxbazhang: uck?03:14
cathartiaamenado:  gtg03:15
Hossammshade: i am trying to run off a physical disk hd103:15
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, Do you see the bluetooth icon in the top left panel?03:15
bazhang!uck | bluefoxx or remastersys/reconstructor03:15
ubottubluefoxx or remastersys/reconstructor: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/03:15
amenadocathartia-> and as suggested by the other gentleman, you can put a script in init.d but i would rather do it in if--pre-up.d03:15
bluefoxxbazhang: ah, interesting...i will look into that one, thanks03:15
arrrghhhJordan_U, the speakers are connected currently.03:15
Hossammshade: vista is on hd0, and ubuntu hd1, i instructed the vmware vmdk that is should use hd1 (full disk access), grub starts in vmware but i get the error 21: slected disk does not exist03:15
billeniumI some how lost my top and bottom bars... Is there a way to get them back besides restarting?03:16
wobblywuhow would I go about getting the keycode of the multimedia keys on my laptop if xev doesn't display them?03:16
arrrghhhJordan_U, paired, whatever you want to call it.03:16
Starnestommybillenium: maybe ctrl+alt+backspace03:16
Bodsdabluefoxx, theoretically -- u could use sgd's menu to boot the sisela when choosen03:16
bazhang!resetpanels | billenium03:16
ubottubillenium: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:16
mshadeHossam, so you have two physical drives and you are giving vmware full access to one of them03:16
hotmonkeyluvwhat is the lightest windowmanager that also has compositing?03:16
billeniumThats evil Starnestommy...03:16
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, Is the audio service running?03:16
fdeJburrke: See where it says "Calibrate output (If calibrate for some reason doesn't work for you) below there? try skipping to that bit...03:16
bluefoxxBodsda: O.o? any clue how?03:16
mshadeHossam, correct?03:17
Bodsdabluefoxx, erm,.,. no03:17
Starnestommybillenium: or enter "gnome-panel" in the Alt+F2 dialog03:17
Hossammshade: think i understand you now about hd003:17
arrrghhhJordan_U, well this is a laptop and sound works out of the internal speakers.  i just want to transfer the audio output to the bluetooth speakers.03:17
Starnestommyhotmonkeyluv: I think it's xfce03:17
Bodsdabluefoxx, but in theory its doable03:17
Hossammshade: that is correct03:17
Jburrkefde: do i paste everything from my tablet into there? Oo03:17
billeniumStarnestommy : i dot know if i want to take suggestions from you anymore...03:17
hotmonkeyluvStarnestommy: thanks03:17
bluefoxxBodsda: ah, well thanks for telling me :) i will do some more research into GRUB then[bout time i did anyways :\]03:17
caexo:(  my monitor is dying.... just as i get everything working great (software wise)03:17
Bodsdabluefoxx, i suppose youd have to find ut what code is used to boot the disk, then duplicate that code into a menu item that gets redirected to a section on the disk03:17
mshadeHossam, the traiditional way is to create a hd image file on your main OS's drive and use that.  since you're giving vmware its own disk, there is an extra step i think03:18
DigitalisAkujinI'm working in the ubuntu live CD playing around with my 9600GT. I have the drivers installed and now I'm trying to configure dual screen.03:18
RB2By any chance, can I kill wineserver if I'm not running any apps? IE for linux was running before (for testing) and now it's developed a wicked memory leak03:18
mshadeHossam, did it install fine? is this the first time you're booting the ubuntu guest?03:18
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, I think that if you enable the audio service that you will see a new sink in padevchooser ( pulseaudio ) which you can re-rout any ( or all ) applications you want too03:18
BodsdaRB2, yes03:18
bluefoxxBodsda: simple enough, in theory at least >. >03:18
Hossammshade: i edited the grub boot option to boot from (hd0,0) instead of hd(1.0) still same error03:18
Jordan_Uarrrghhh, If you are using Hardy that is03:18
DigitalisAkujinI have successfully setup my 24inch at 1920x1200 and my 20.1 inch at 1600x1200 in dualview mode and in seperate X servers mode but neither is satisfactory.03:18
=== bluefoxx is now known as bluefoxx|away
Hossammshade: i installed both of these operating systems without the use of vmware, now im just trying to run each in vmware through full physical disk access03:19
DigitalisAkujinI'd like to be able to drag between X servers but if I run something in full screen I want it to go into full screen on only that one monitor.03:19
arrrghhhJordan_U, i am... but kubuntu.  i'd be willing to give gnome a shot but i really have grown fond of kde.  and kbluetooth is connected to the speakers.03:19
Bodsdabluefoxx, lol, or ,.,.just thinkin on my feet here,.,. somehow partition a cd into two partitions then grub could detect and run each one03:19
RB2Bodsda, thanks again! It decided that it wanted 1.5GB all to itself and growing hehe03:19
SeaPhorDigitalisAkujin, ok, you're just braggin'03:19
DigitalisAkujinIf I run in dualview it treets both monitors as one.03:19
mshadeHossam, ahhhh03:19
fdeJburrke: You said there was nothing returned? You can copy and paste the section that is applicable to your tablet though from the section I pointed out, yes03:19
DigitalisAkujinlol no i'm trying to figure shit out XD03:19
Hossammshade: yes this is the first time im booting ubuntu as a guest within vista, but not the first time booting vanilla03:19
BodsdaRB2, yeah, those things need to be killed -- you can kill any process, just may need a reboot to fix it03:19
bazhanglanguage DigitalisAkujin03:20
SeaPhorDigitalisAkujin, j/k thats a sweet setup03:20
eisenhoweris network manager with ubuntu the same thing as wpa_suppicant?03:20
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:20
mshadeHossam, OK -- it's still going to be hd0,0 as to ubuntu, that is the only disk it has03:20
Jburrkefde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11773/03:20
mshadeHossam, but we might need to add a kernel option or something... is the ubuntu drive all a single partition?03:20
arrrghhhJordan_U, i am using hardy tho.03:20
Jburrkefde: that's what i got back for pasting all the info under my tablet..03:20
Hossammshade: ill try to edit grub again03:20
bazhangeisenhower, no03:20
fdeJburrke: No... into your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:20
DigitalisAkujinhere's a picture, http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/4163/P1010006.JPG03:21
m_tadeucan someone help me out finding what is the udev rule for usb memory sticks?03:21
DigitalisAkujinbut seriously, any solutions?03:21
Jburrkefde: explain that.. i have no idea what you just said lol03:21
Hossammshade: i selected guided use the whole disk when i installed ubuntu 8.0403:21
eisenhowerbazhang: alright well i need help connecting to m y universitys wireless internet03:21
billeniumHow do i rename a folder from a terminal?03:21
eisenhowercan you help me out?03:21
=== bluefoxx|away is now known as bluefoxx
RB2Bodsda, usually I don't hesitate to kill a process if need be, but wine is a finicky thing I try to stay away from as much as possible.03:21
BodsdaDigitalisAkujin, talk to the #compiz-fusion guys, they might know03:21
PaRruDoOhey... someone knows if the integrated vga from intel x3100 is now compatible with compiz fusion in ubuntu 804!?!?03:21
fdeJburrke: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf <-- type that, then paste it at the bottom.03:21
ubottuPaRruDoO: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 382, column 8403:21
BodsdaRB2, yeah,. its fine to kill it though,.,.;~)03:21
bazhangeisenhower, ask your question (with plenty of info) and if someone knows they will answer thanks03:21
Jburrkefde: okay, do i type that then press enter, then paste the other info?03:22
RB2Bodsda, it's a pleasure actually. :)03:22
bazhangPaRruDoO, best to ask that in #compiz-fusion03:22
Hossammshade: i dont have to change the uuid of the disk or anything do i?03:22
bluefoxxBodsda: still wont be that easy >. >03:22
fdeJburrke: It will bring up a text editor where you will paste what you just pasted to terminal!03:22
ttmontoyaJordan  u: Can you wriet me the command you gave me for the permissions problem sudo ???03:22
PaRruDoObazhang ok thanks03:22
BodsdaPaRruDoO, id ask the #compiz-fusion guys if i were you03:22
Jburrkefde: i see..03:22
mshadeHossam, you might need to get rid of the uuid all together03:22
Bodsdabluefoxx, nope ;~) thats half the fun03:22
Jburrkefde: so i type the info off of that page into the text editor? Oo03:22
mshadeHossam, but UUID is something i'm really not fluent with.03:23
Bodsdattmontoya, sudo chmod ??03:23
mshadeHossam, i can see that being the issue though03:23
Hossammshade:  ok, perhaps i should boot with livecd under vmware and reinstall grub through sudo grub?03:23
fdeJburrke: Yes... because it'll open an important text file that knows what to do with that info  :)03:23
bluefoxxBodsda: >D03:23
mshadeHossam, you can probably regen it, yes03:23
Jburrkefde: okay.. there are two tabs on that text editor, one named "xorg.confSection" & one named "InputDevice"03:23
mshadeHossam, give that a shot -- but then it may not boot natively!03:24
Jburrkefde: i paste it into the confsection one, right?03:24
UbubeginCan anyone guide me on how to install JAI in ubuntu.. thanks03:24
jeplerPaRruDoO: My Dell D830 said in the marketing information that it was X3100.  lspci calls it Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller.  It works with compiz, but compiz + opengl apps don't work well together.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/9699103:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 96991 in xorg-server "3D stuff breaks with Compiz:  Redirected Direct Rendering is needed in DRI" [Wishlist,Triaged]03:24
Hossammshade: i think i will try that, then force my pc's bios to boot off of the vista hdd (hd0) which also has a grub bootloader!03:24
mshadeHossam, i think removing use of UUID might be the final course of action needed.  try doing grub-install from liveCD within ubuntu though03:24
fdemshade: Nothing to be fluid about... ls -l /etc/device/by-uuid ... they are symlinks to regular devices via hash tables...03:24
Hossammshade: ok ill try both, thanks for your help03:24
Hossammshade: this project is becoming a pain d=]...03:25
bullgard4How to obtain the sourcecode of Tracker?03:25
fdeJburrke: Just paste it to the bottom of the file please.03:25
mshadeHossam, it's a pain to be able to boot VM and native for sure :)03:25
Bodsdabullgard4, if its in repo's      sudo apt-get source tracker03:25
mshadeHossam, you probably won't be able to get windows to do it.  perhaps with some funky hardware profile thing, but iv'e never been succesful being able to bop back and forth03:25
Jburrkefde: okay, moving on to "setting up X"03:25
twistageIs there a way to get Active X plug-ins working under Firefox?03:25
mshadefde, thanks -- i was unaware that's how it worked03:25
Hossammshade: gargh, ill see if i have luck thanks!03:26
mshadefde, i need to read an article or something.  UUIDs have always thrown me off.  i don't see the point :)03:26
Starnestommytwistage: I think you might need IE in wine to use ActiveX03:26
mshadefde, coming from slackware anyway ;)03:26
prettyrickyDoes anyone here know how to get the pen on a tablet toshiba laptop to work???03:26
fdemshade: It adds security as it's harder to locate a hash table than a simple '/dev/sda1'03:26
twistageStarnestommy: Eh, thats what I thought. Real flaky. Thanks.03:26
fdemshade: Slackers are notoriously bad at adjusting to new technology, it's ok  :)03:27
eisenhoweralright here is the universities set up page. But everyone says to connect using wpa_supplicant. can someone help me do this? http://www.utdallas.edu/ir/cats/network/wlan/8021x/linux.html03:27
fdemshade: New technology generally makes things easier, less work for you... this is simply a bad example... nothing wrong with knowing the old ways though  :)03:27
Pelohow do I reduce the timout in sudo ?03:28
mshadefde, i agree about slack being behind the curve of course :)  where is the hash table located, how do i find those symlinks03:28
Jordan_Utwistage, What do you need that requires active X? Is it really worth that dirty feeling? :)03:28
BodsdaPelo, you can reset with   sudo -k      maybe  man sudo has answers03:28
hotmonkeyluvwhat does "nice" mean on a process?03:28
MTecknology!pastebin > taquitos03:29
* Pelo agrees with fde , he'll have none of those new fangled electric shaving things03:29
PeloBodsda, man sudo was a nightmare,  that's why I was asking03:29
bazhangeisenhower, better to tell us what card chipset you have, what you have tried and what errors you have gotten-->network is presumably wpa/wpa203:29
fdemshade: I told you where you find the symlinks ... I'm not entirely sure what you mean by where the hash table is located... it's generated automatically...03:29
twistageJordan_U: Heh, yeah. Unfortunately one of my economics classes online components requires Active X, it half-way works under Wine, but it's pretty bunk03:29
fidelioHALLO -- Have problems with printer setup.  CUPS recognizes printer and test page is ok but cannot print with any program03:30
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
Pelofidelio, is the printer selected as your default printer ?03:30
Jordan_Utwistage, I assume you used IE4linux?03:30
mshadefde, i gotcha -- /etc/device/by-uuid ... i misspoke in reference to the hash table03:30
eisenhowerbazhang: alright well i've simply right clicked the network manager(icon thats out of the box in the panel) and did wpa2 enterprise then plugged in all the settings. this isn't wpa_supplicant .. but thats what someone else once told me to do03:30
bullgard1Bodsda: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/213095/ In what directory will I now find the Tracker source code on my computer?03:30
osxdude|laptopHi, all03:30
Jburrkefde: what is the "ServerLayout" section?03:30
osxdude|laptopHow do I install a screensaver into XScreensaver?03:31
fideliopelo: yes03:31
osxdude|laptopI cannot find it in Synaptic, btw03:31
eisenhowerOutcome:  never connnected to the wireless03:31
fdeJburrke: it's labeled "Section "ServerLayout" ... it's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf again.03:31
Jordan_Uosxdude, What screensaver?03:31
Peloosxdude|laptop, try just drag dropping the tar.gz file in the screensaver dialog box03:31
Jburrkefde: i found it, thanks :D03:31
osxdude|laptopJordan_U, it's called "bsod"03:31
twistageJordan_U: Nah, actually I used Crossover. I just came across that IEs4Linux though, you have any idea how stable that is?03:31
osxdude|laptopPelo, the page didn't have a download link.03:31
Pelofidelio, try selecting printe from the menu03:32
Hossammshade: VICTORY! it was the root(hd1,0) reference in grub, i thought i changed it, but it didnt apply my changes the last time03:32
osxdude|laptoptwistage, pretty stable.03:32
babolatare there known / popular (i could already hear the !poll messages) bidirectional FTP Sync tools for Ubuntu that has GUI ?03:32
Jordan_Uosxdude, It was available in the repos ( last time I tried it was in breezy though :)03:32
fdetwistage: It's as stable as it is on Windows....03:32
Bodsdabullgard1, ./tracker        or whatever directory you where in when you downloaded it03:32
Peloosxdude|laptop, you need to dl something to your compI'm afraid03:32
osxdude|laptopJordan_U, it isn't. :P03:32
Pelofidelio,  no from your applicateon03:32
osxdude|laptopfine, pelo.03:32
mshadeHossam, nice!  hd0,0 correct?03:32
fdetwistage: With the added caveat that any virii only effects things within ~/.wine/drive_c  :)03:32
Hossammshade: that is correct03:32
twistageHaha, wonderful03:32
osxdude|laptoptime to go hunting the nets03:33
|404NoTFounD|what kernel headers do i need if i have
barlrolhey how do i change the name of a hard drive....like its mounted as /media/applications but when it shows up on the desktop it just says 203.9 GB Media03:33
mshadeHossam, excellent03:33
Pelo!theme | osxdude|laptop try those03:33
ubottuosxdude|laptop try those: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:33
mshadeHossam, i'm sure getting vista up in vmware from ubuntu will be another beast entirely03:33
Hossammshade: anyway to get vmware to believe its @ (hd1,0)? so i dont need two grub entries?03:33
Hossammshade: true, true03:33
Pelolater folks03:33
fideliopelo: it does not work03:33
Jordan_Uosxdude|laptop, You sure it's not in xscreensaver-data-extra ?03:33
osxdude|laptopJordan_U, I didn't get that package.03:34
Hossammshade: perhaps add another hdd in vmware on the virtual machine?03:34
barlrolhey how do i change the name of a hard drive....like its mounted as /media/applications but when it shows up on the desktop it just says 203.9 GB Media03:34
osxdude|laptopI'll look into it.03:34
Jburrkefde: okay, i got done with the whole first section.. it says on the guide "you should be able to restart X and have the tablet working as a mouse."03:34
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 eisenhower here is a cli guideto try; nm is sometimes unreliable03:34
Jburrkefde: what does he mean by restart X? just, restart my computer?03:34
* osxdude|laptop jumps up and down03:34
osxdude|laptop!info xscreensaver-data-extra03:34
ubottuxscreensaver-data-extra (source: xscreensaver): data files to be shared among screensaver frontends. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.04-4ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2937 kB, installed size 7612 kB03:34
osxdude|laptop!info xscreensaver-data03:35
ubottuxscreensaver-data (source: xscreensaver): data files to be shared among screensaver frontends. In component main, is optional. Version 5.04-4ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 469 kB, installed size 1256 kB03:35
fdeJburrke: No... simply System > Quit > Logout will restart X...03:35
twistageAnyone have an indication when DRI2 will be released?03:35
rootyrootyMy screen is slightly off centre since I installed restricted drivers - anyhow to fix pls?03:35
Jburrkefde: okay, i'll be right back.. wish me luck!!03:35
babolatrootyrooty: your monitor's adjustment buttons ?03:35
billeniumThe System Monitor says one of my 4 cores is running at 100 percent... the rest at around 5 percent. IS this incorrect or should i be worried?03:36
fderootyrooty: Adjust the physical monitor03:36
osxdude|laptoplol babolat03:36
user__i enabled compiz fusion but it rotate only 2 desktop03:36
Bodsdababolat, that only works untill you reboot (i have same issue)03:36
mshadebillenium, depends on what you are running at the time03:36
user__how can i add other desktops to rotate effect ?03:36
rootyrootyfde babolat: alright, I thought there was a more gracefull way, a settings way I suppose.03:36
osxdude|laptopbillenium, uh, i don't know,  I would think it's bad.03:36
WongBaterno not troll.....golem03:36
crdlbuser__: please join #compiz-fuison03:36
billeniumumm Firefox, irssi and unrealircd03:36
Bodsdauser__, ccsm--> General plugin--> 2nd tab--> desktops=403:36
mshadebillenium, switch to the processes tab and sort by CPU03:37
babolatuser__: u need to add more desktops in the General Options in Advance Desktop Effects Settings03:37
|404NoTFounD|what kernel headers do i need if i have
rootyrootyfde babolat: bug squashed: gosh I feel dumb03:37
Jburrkefde: it doesnt work D:03:37
Bodsdauser__, 3rd tab sorry03:37
mshadebillenium, that will tell you what's taking up 100% of one core03:37
babolatrootyrooty: many had had that question too03:37
billeniumnothing is!03:37
billeniumI am going to restart my machine...03:37
osxdude|laptopJordan_U, It worked. It was in xscreensaver-data-extra. :)03:37
parkbenchhello! having some major issues :( i knwo this is kind of a free-for-all so...03:37
crdlbuser__: "Horizontal Virtual Size" is the setting name03:37
mshadebillenium, it could be disk I/O03:37
billeniumMy machine is getting a little hot.03:37
parkbenchwell basically ive got a geforce 7800 gt and ive been using vesa for awhile because none of the drivers worked03:38
Bodsdabillenium, give it some ice03:38
mshadebillenium, but it really should show up in the system monitor -- or top03:38
fdeJburrke: please paste 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | tail -n10' and your xorg.conf for me onto paste.ubuntu.com, thanks.03:38
parkbenchtoday i got the bright idea to fuck around in the console and even try nvidia-glx-new and such and now...03:38
billeniumBRB turning off computer.....03:38
user__thank you :)03:38
Bodsdaparkbench, restricted drivers??03:38
thingfishparkbench: that's thanks to the new and improved xorg03:38
prettyrickyDoes anyone here know how to get the pen on a tablet toshiba laptop to work???03:38
babolatare there known / popular (i could already hear the !poll messages) bidirectional FTP Sync tools for Ubuntu that has GUI ?03:38
|404NoTFounD|what kernel headers do i need if i have
* Cyntek slaps SeaPhor around a bit with a large trout03:38
fde!language | parkbench03:38
bazhanglanguage parkbench03:38
ubottuparkbench: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:38
SeaPhorCyntek, ? yes03:38
parkbenchwell nwo when i boot into ubuntu i just get a garbled unintelligible screen. i tried the livecd and the livecd gets tot he desktop but no further and its similarly garbled03:38
parkbenchim in some shell right now pre-login on ubuntu03:38
* SeaPhor ok03:39
parkbenchthat happens to be there because i was getting i/o errors before i logged in before03:39
CyntekHey the install went okay, but it did not boot into ubuntu03:39
CyntekIt booted straight into windows.03:39
parkbenchbasically i cant get into my install now...03:39
babolat!grub | Cyntek03:39
ubottuCyntek: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:39
SeaPhorCyntek, ?this uber? join #SeaPhor03:40
fallenangelHow do you open a .htm file using fire fox to display the file. I am trying to use the terminal window to navigate and launch fire fox to open the file03:40
parkbenchthingfish: yah well im in this thing that says root@multivac and i cant seem to run any command really03:40
Bodsdafallenangel, right click on file --> properties --> open with -- ff03:40
parkbenchmy brother was telling me to try dpkg xorg but its not recognising like any commands03:40
Bodsdaparkbench, is it a busybox shell?03:40
parkbenchwhats that?03:40
fallenangelSo is there no way to do this from the terminal?03:40
thingfishparkbench: sorry, you're having a different issue than the one I thought you were having.03:41
fdefallenangel: 'firefox some.htm' ....03:41
Bodsdafallenangel, firefox /path/to/htm/file03:41
thingfishparkbench: well wait, maybe not03:41
thingfishparkbench: did he mean dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?03:41
Bodsdaparkbench, does it say busybox at the top?03:41
parkbenchi mean i just want to at the very least revert back to vesa03:41
|404NoTFounD|what kernel headers do i need if i have
parkbenchthingfish: yeah.03:41
Jburrkefde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11780/03:41
parkbenchbodsda: i cant see a 'top'03:41
parkbenchi tried a bunch of commands03:41
parkbenchso it scrolled03:41
MythologicalTVWanted to see if anyone could help with some funkyness with mythtv installed and LIRC misbehaving on PVR 350 - docs are minimally helpful03:41
bazhang|404NoTFounD|, there is no grsec there is generic03:41
Bodsdaparkbench, dw -- try the       dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:41
parkbenchit's the thing where it asks you to ctrl-d to boot03:42
thingfishparkbench: good news: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg totally skips video configuration in 8.04.03:42
|404NoTFounD|Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-headers-
thingfishBodsda: it doesn't work in hardy.03:42
bazhangMythologicalTV, you may ask in #ubuntu-mythtv if you wish03:42
parkbenchthingfish: yeah but it doesnt recc the command03:42
MythologicalTVbazhang, Thanks03:42
parkbenchit doesnt rec anything really03:42
hotmonkeyluvWhat should I install when firefox prompts for it: 1: Adobe Flash Player (installer) 2: Swfdec player for Adobe/Macromedia flash, or 3: gnash SWF player03:42
user__is there a way to change a process's workspace on console? with a command..03:42
Bodsdathingfish, oh yeah i remember -- have they made it reconfigurable somehow else?03:42
bazhang|404NoTFounD|, apt-cache search generic03:42
thingfishparkbench: sounds like you're having other issues03:42
fdeJburrke: can you try pasting 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep wizard' instead please, that doesn't tell me what I'd like to know03:42
user__i've two extra workspace now and i cannot reach them :(03:42
thingfishBodsda: not that I ever found.03:42
parkbench:o well imean this is the only area im able to be inside of my distro righ tnow03:43
parkbenchand this happened immediately after i tried nvidia-glx03:43
|404NoTFounD|its -generic03:43
parkbenchnormally id press ctrl d now03:43
|404NoTFounD|not generic03:43
parkbenchand itd boot in03:43
babolati promise this is the LAST TIMEi ask this: are there known / popular (i could already hear the !poll messages) bidirectional FTP Sync tools for Ubuntu that has GUI ?03:43
parkbenchbut now it boots into graphical mumbo jumbo as i said03:43
Jordan_Uhotmonkeyluv, Adobe Flash Player ( for now at least it's the best option )03:43
eisenhowerhow can i create a folder in /etc/ ?03:43
thingfishBodsda: sometimes you see "Use nvidia-settings."  However it's a little hard to use nvidia-settings when you're limited to 640x480.03:43
prettyrickyDoes anyone here know how to get the pen on a tablet toshiba laptop to work???03:43
Jburrkefde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11781/03:43
bazhang|404NoTFounD|, then you did not try03:43
Bodsdathingfish, yeah, im gonna ask devs now (just asking to be shouted at)03:44
jsoftwprettyricky: sounds like the tablet its self is not working03:44
parkbenchwait i can try login shell...thats a recced command03:44
parkbenchbut whats the password! haha03:44
jsoftwprettyricky: should be able to use any old object03:44
StevenXcan someone tell me how to apply themes from gnome-look.org? I don't understand it.03:44
parkbenchokay wait...lets see03:44
* jsoftw enjoys watching the list of blacklisted ssh bruteforce attempts grow :)03:44
|404NoTFounD|Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-headers-"03:44
parkbenchi think i got it.03:45
barlrolhey how do i change the name of a hard drive....like its mounted as /media/applications but when it shows up on the desktop it just says 203.9 GB Media03:45
BridgerQuick question for anyone who can answer it:  How do I change the size of the scrollbar on my touchpad?03:45
fdeJburrke: what does 'sudo modprobe wizardpen-drv' say?03:45
bazhang|404NoTFounD|, apt-cache search generic as I said03:45
tmapjhey could someone please help me? every time i shutdown  computer it says "me-laptop login:" and just hangs there for like 50-60 seconds. (my username is "me" btw)03:45
|404NoTFounD|i did03:45
etheredgeplaying dvds in ubuntu is a nightmare for an ignorant man...03:45
thingfishBodsda: I worked on it for a long time - finally what did it was, I wiped out hardy, installed gutsy, configured all my display stuff with the accelerated drivers, copied off the xorg.conf file, installed hardy, installed the restricted drivers, and copied the xorg.conf from gutsy over my hardy xorg.conf.03:45
tmapjhey could someone please help me? every time i shutdown my computer it says "me-laptop login:" and just hangs there for like 50-60 seconds. (my username is "me" btw)03:45
Jburrkefde: "FATAL: Module wizardpen_drv not found."03:45
liveoutloud2day|404NotFounD|: apt-cache search linux-headers | grep generic03:46
fdeJburrke: Also, does /dev/tablet-event actually exist?03:46
eisenhowerwhats the command to bring up super user ? or nautilus or w/e it is?03:46
prettyrickytablet works, it stopped working after I upgraded to 8.0403:46
etheredgeis there anyone that could help me with dvds?03:46
Kohlrakgksu nautilus03:46
Jburrkefde: not sure.. how could i check? Oo03:46
thingfishBodsda: crappy way to fix things, but when you take away the MAIN display configuration tool, what do you expect...03:46
eisenhowerthanks kohlrak03:46
Bodsdathingfish, yeah but -- well thats just insane !! ;~)03:46
fdeJburrke: ahh... can you please try the Downloading and installing the driver section again please.03:46
thingfishBodsda: not at all03:46
hotmonkeyluvJordan_U: thanks!03:46
fdeJburrke: It won't be there if the module doesn't exist...03:46
Jburrkefde: LOL back to the beginning, sure XD03:46
thingfishBodsda: what's insane is wrecking dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:46
user__i cannot open Workspaces on second column03:46
|404NoTFounD|liveoutloud2day: gottim03:46
barlrolcan somebody help me with an easy task03:47
barlrolhey how do i change the name of a hard drive....like its mounted as /media/applications but when it shows up on the desktop it just says 203.9 GB Media03:47
user__what should i do :(03:47
neonis cnr ok to use with ubuntu?03:47
fdeJburrke: Well, you did everything in xorg.conf correctly if it's any consolation... you just didn't put the module in the right place.03:47
Bridgeretheredge >  What is your problem with DVDs?03:47
etheredgewas wondering how to get a dvd to play and stop saying its encrypted03:47
bazhangneon not needed nor recommended03:47
thingfishor being so foolish as to hold the position that you can abandon tried-and-true tools because xorg is "so much better now".03:47
BridgerEncrypted...  I'm not quite sure.  Hold on a moment.03:47
Bodsdathingfish, yeah it was a great command when coupled with -phigh03:47
etheredgeive been googling this for a good while and well ive only got a few hints and about five or six different "fixes"03:47
etheredgefrankly im lost03:48
Jburrkefde: lol sorry ><03:48
parkbenchso okay.03:48
bazhang!dvd | etheredge03:48
ubottuetheredge: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:48
BridgerHave you installed libdvdcss2?03:48
=== Angry_Bacon is now known as AngryBacon
parkbenchim in a reall shell now...how would i go about reverting back to vesa?03:48
parkbenchand removing nvidia-glx totally?03:48
kdc1956you want to play dvd?03:48
fdeJburrke: are you getting it via: wget http://www.dallerweb.dk/ubuntu/wp/i386/wizardpen_drv.so ...btw?03:48
Jburrkefde: okay, done.. did all of the downloading & installing the driver section03:49
BridgerAha, I was just about to paste the link that Ubottu just gave you. ^_^03:49
BridgerDoes anyone know how to change the size of a touchpad scrollbar?  I know it has something to do with the "xorg.conf" file, but I can't seem to find it.03:49
Jburrkefde: i guess.. i'm just copy & pasting everything that he has written, lol03:49
fdeJburrke: so the file is now correctly in /usr/lib/xorg/modules and /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input ?03:49
etheredgehrmm ive tried installing the libdvdccs2 a few times but i must be doin something wrong03:49
Jburrkefde: i'm not sure.. how can i check?03:49
fdeJburrke: ls those directories.03:50
jasonwhats a good dock bar for gnome i dont like taskbars any ideas?03:50
kdc1956getting dvds to play on ubuntu 8.04 is easy03:50
Bridgeretheredge  >    That's odd, let me check something.  I can't remember if "libdvdcss2" is included in the Ubuntu Extras package.03:50
h1dhello. how can i specify a smtp server to use with 'sendmail' or 'mail' command?03:50
fdeJburrke: So you're not reading anything that explains what is going on?03:50
Lunkshey, is there netselect-apt for ubuntu?03:50
Lunksit's there on the repos, but it search for debian's.03:51
Bridgeretheredge,  try Applications > Add/Remove Applications, and look for "Ubuntu Restricted Extras"03:51
Jburrkefde: I'm reading everything that he's saying03:51
Jburrkefde: but i'm not understanding half of it XD03:51
lwizardlhow do I enable write access to hfs+ in 8.04? i had it working on 7.1003:51
fdeLunks: yes03:51
Jburrkefde: so you want me to cd to those directories and then ls them to see if there are things in them?03:51
Lunksfde: where to get it? =P03:51
fdeh1d: Umm, Sendmail IS a SMTP server...03:52
h1di mean, from the command line03:52
fdeLunks: it's in universe dist... sudo apt-get install netselect-apt03:52
h1di want to send a mail from it and specify some smtp host of choice to pass it over03:52
user__another style question.. is there a shortkey or a command  to see a specific desktop/workspace number?03:52
Lunksfde: it's there, but it's looking for debian repos instead of ubuntu's03:52
barlrolguys whats the name of the hard drive called...like what it shows on the desktop...I'm trying to google this to find my answer but i dont even know what its called....I need to change the "name" of the hard drive from 202 GB to Applications...im sure this is a simple task03:52
fdeJburrke: or just 'ls <those directories>' either or.03:52
fdeLunks: It doesn't be03:53
|404NoTFounD|anyone want to help me compile a kernel?03:53
parkbenchxorg keeps ending midway, saying: "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.20080512225131"03:53
fde|404NoTFounD|: no03:53
etheredgeh/o its taking a few seconds to open add remove03:53
kelvin911why ubuntu uses /media instead of /mnt ??03:53
|404NoTFounD|fde: >:(03:53
Scunizikelvin911: it is what it is.. just different03:53
fdekelvin911: FHS ... /media is for removable devices, /mnt is for internal devices.03:53
etheredgeim not seeing a restricted area03:53
Lunksfde: it's downloading www.debian.org/mirros/fullmirrors03:53
kelvin911why not following standard?03:53
Jburrkefde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11782/03:53
Jburrkethat's what's in those directories03:54
Scunizikelvin911: actually /dev/<drive> mounted to /media/<drive>03:54
fdeLunks: Then edit your sources.list and remove the Debian stuff.03:54
kelvin911my internal hd also named under /media?03:54
Bridgeretheredge:  Make sure that you're viewing "All Available Applications"03:54
barlrolhelp ^^^^^ plz! :)03:54
etheredgealright thats set03:54
Scunizifde: then why do internal hd's show up in /media after a clean install?03:54
fdeJburrke: Then it SHOULD be working... last resort: restart X?03:54
Jburrke*crosses fingers*03:55
JburrkeXD brb03:55
Lunksfde: I want to use netselect-apt so it finds the best mirror for Ubuntu, but it's downloading for debian03:55
BridgerOkay, now in the search bar, type in "Restricted Extras"03:55
|404NoTFounD|How do i reinstall a kernel?03:55
|404NoTFounD|How do i uninstall a Pached kernel?03:56
etheredgealright what do i search for in all available?03:56
etheredgeif you told me earlier i think i got lost....03:56
fdeh1d: btw... take a look at 'ssmtp' (double s on purpose) ... it is an MTA that forwards to your e-mail account automatically from system tools.03:56
Jburrkefde: not working :'(03:56
etheredgefigured out what your sayin03:56
h1dyes, fde, i know that one, but right now, i only have sendmail/mail command out of postfix package03:56
nullboyJburrke: are from california or did you go to school in Ca?03:56
Bridgeretheredge:   It's no problem.  Just search for "Restricted Extras" among All Available Applications03:56
h1dwas wondering if there's any easy way to specify a relay smtp host from command lnie03:56
fdeJburrke: Restarting the computer isn't working? (oh, I meant computer not X, sorry)03:57
Jburrkenullboy: neither, why?03:57
|404NoTFounD|How do i uninstall a Patched kernel?03:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:57
Jburrkefde: i did the log out and log back in thing.. that what you meant?03:57
nullboyJburrke: just curious, there was a bully named John Burrke i went to school with ;)03:57
etheredgeheh thanks for puttin up with my dumb questions03:57
Jburrkenullboy: yep thats me :D03:57
etheredgeim bound and determined to use linux from now on03:57
etheredgeonly thing is...... ive had to kick my wow addiction :(03:57
Bridgeretheredge:   *grins*  It's a cleche, but "there's no such thing as a dumb question".03:58
BridgerIt's quite true.03:58
fdeh1d: Ok, postfix is not supposed to forward to anything else, it is your own smtp server... do you have your own website etc?03:58
docgnomeetheredge: wow runs under wine03:58
StevenXcan someone help me figure out how to install themes downloaded from gnome-look.org??03:58
bazhangetheredge, wow works fine with !wine03:58
r00tintheb0xAnyone know where I can find a list of freakin Atlantic servers (the Monopoly game for Linux)?03:58
lwizardletheredge, I'm glad to read that! i did the same thing (minus the wow addiction)03:58
fdeJburrke: no... System > Quit > Restart03:58
Bridgeretheredge:  Yes, I've also heard that WOW can work under Wine.03:58
etheredgewell ive tried it03:58
h1dwebsite? im just trying to send a mail on a server at the command line03:58
r00tintheb0xOr where to find out information on how to set up a server... or where to download the tarball.03:58
Jburrkefde: ohhh03:58
r00tintheb0xOr something! :'(03:58
Jburrkefde: *phew* theres still hope03:58
Jburrkefde: XD03:58
etheredgegot all the way through the loading screens then caput03:58
Jburrkefde: brb..03:58
etheredgeonly saw the mouse and nothin else03:58
parkbenchxorg keeps ending midway, saying: "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.20080512225131"03:58
etheredgeposted a few forums didnt really get a response so alas i gave up03:59
kdc1956nite al03:59
fdeparkbench: That means it's done... and wrote to xorg.conf03:59
r00tintheb0xI was spelling it with a C03:59
parkbenchfde: but i never got to choose the vid tytpe03:59
etheredgebut if any of you all might know what the issue is i would love to start playing again :)03:59
fdeparkbench: I dunno, Ubuntu seems to have taken out a bunch of the options from that command.04:00
Bridgeretheredge:  Were you able to find the restricted extras?04:00
etheredgeyes ive dowloaded them04:00
BridgerOkay, are they still installing?04:01
ZaidenWhat program opens .tar.bz2 files?04:01
etheredgethey have just finished04:01
nullboyZaiden: tar xjvf file.tar.bz204:01
Jburrkefde: still no luck :'(04:01
kelvin911Zaiden: file roller04:01
ZaidenThank you!04:01
nullboytar works fine though04:01
Bridgeretheredge:   Awesome.  Now, all you have to do is test your dvd04:02
kelvin911file roller able to see whats inside before unzip04:02
etheredgei just did on totem and the same encrpytion error04:02
nullboyoh lawd04:02
matthias_Nhi anyone know how to configure moblock ????04:02
=== Zimmy is now known as stitch
=== stitch is now known as Zimmy
Jburrke*sigh* guess its back to shitty xp/vista04:02
Bodsdathingfish, heres the instructions m8 --  If you want to fix a broken X config do the reboot to the recover option and pick the fix X choice.04:03
bazhang!language | Jburrke04:03
ubottuJburrke: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:03
etheredgeeven with xine its not working04:03
nullboynow that is hilarious04:03
usererhi. what's ctrl+alt+f5 doing? i pressed all of them together and it opened a new screen. i lost my old screen04:03
=== tom__ is now known as tom540
bazhangnullboy chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks04:03
Bridgeretheredge:  That is very odd.  Have you tried VLC Media Player?04:04
etheredgehrm let me try that04:04
fdenullboy: tar -xjf04:04
BridgerEven without the codecs, it can successfully play many DVDs.04:04
Jburrkethis stinks.. i need to talk to that guy XD04:04
etheredgeall my players do the same thing, get through the warnings then nothin04:04
matthias_Nnobody works on moblock ?04:04
fdeJburrke: Unfortunately I have no idea at this point why it's not working  :(04:04
Jburrkefde: it's fine..04:05
matthias_Ni can not access hotmqail woth mobolck on ...04:05
matthias_Nhotmail ...04:05
Bridgeretheredge:  What DVD is it?  Or rather, who is the publisher?04:05
Jburrkefde: you think you can help me with one last question?04:05
nullboyfde: 'v' will display the files being processed verbose mode04:05
fdeJburrke: Perhaps, shoot  :)04:05
BridgerDoes anyone know how to set up a printer for sharing on a Windows network?04:05
Jburrkefde: well i've got ubuntu booting off of an external hdd..04:05
fdenullboy: yup...04:05
etheredgelive free or die harder  from fox i suppose04:06
Jburrkefde: did it with hopes that i could just restart w/out the hdd plugged in and boot windows back up04:06
nullboyfde: 2008-05-12 20:01:23) nullboy: Zaiden: tar xjvf file.tar.bz204:06
Bodsda!enter | Jburrke04:06
ubottuJburrke: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:06
bazhangetheredge, is this blu-ray or hd-dvd04:06
joankidoes anyone know how i can change my password on irc?04:06
nullboyjoanki: /msg nickserv help04:06
Jburrkefde: how do i access my internal hdd from this os, on my external?04:06
Jburrkethis place is so tight on their rules, jeeze..04:06
Bridgerbazhang/etheredge:   Very good quesiton.04:07
fiXXXerMetNeed some help with the vmware-server package.  Installed it on my server box, and I am unable to remotely connect with vmware server console from another machine that is on the network.04:07
joankinullboy, i don't see change password there04:07
BodsdaJburrke, its tight on rules because we have almost 1300 people in here04:07
fdeJburrke: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt04:07
etheredgenot blu ray and i dont think its hd04:07
nullboyjoanki: /msg nickserv help set04:07
joankidoes anyone else know how i can change my password on irc?04:07
fdeJburrke: uhh... sudo that04:07
bazhangetheredge, please double check04:07
sinetheranybody know how to scroll up the window in ircii? ^^04:07
Jburrkefde: sudo mount /dev/hda1/mnt04:07
Jburrkefde: type that?04:07
Starnestommyjoanki: nickserv password?04:08
etheredgecant see it on the box as lame as that sounds04:08
fdeJburrke: space between 1 and /04:08
nullboyjoanki: stop asking the same question i told you how to do it04:08
Bodsdanullboy, calm down04:08
ZaidenTurns out Realtek makes audio drivers for linux04:08
bazhangnullboy, please be civil04:08
Jburrkefde: "mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist"04:08
Bridgeretheredge:  There should be a logo somewhere.  Ether the classic DVD logo, or one of the new HDDVD/Blu-Ray logos.04:08
joankiit worked04:08
fdeJburrke: doh... sda1 sorry04:09
nullboyBodsda: but they are repeating after help, that's not against your rules?04:09
Jburrkenullboy: lmao04:09
BodsdaJburrke, do     sudo fdisk -l   to make sure its /dev/sda1 you want04:09
bazhangnullboy, some are very new here04:09
nullboyBodsda bazhang: how about one of you picks on me instead of both mm k?04:09
etheredgeregular dvd04:09
Bodsdanullboy, the problem was the way you said it not what you said04:09
Bodsdanullboy, continue discussion in  ##discussion plz04:10
sinetherso.. anybody have any idea on how to recover grub's boot paramters after a hardy upgrade gone awry?04:10
bazhangetheredge, you have libdvdread3 installed?04:10
Bodsdaif you want to continue it04:10
Jburrkebodsda: okay, but what am i looking at Oo04:10
Bridgeretheredge:  Then I'm not sure why it wouldn't be playing the dvd.  I had the same problem before I installed the libdvdcss2 package, but afterwards, everything worked fine.  This would be a good question for the forums.04:10
etheredgeThe source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss04:10
BodsdaJburrke, it should give u a list of all your drives, find the one you want to mount and find the corresponding /dev/???04:10
fdeBodsda: It's Windows, which generally only uses one partition, so I'm guessing it's /dev/sda1 .04:11
etheredgeperhaps i could find just that package04:11
etheredgei thought i already had it installed04:11
Jburrkehow do i tell which is which? Oo04:11
bazhangetheredge, make sure that you correctly installed libdvdcss2 then-->check in synaptic04:11
Jburrkeer.. sorry04:11
Bodsdafde, if its his primary hdd yes04:11
fdeJburrke: did you type 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt' yet?04:11
Jburrkebodsda: hwo do i tell whcich is which04:11
FinnishHow can I sync my Nokia N73 and Evolution calendar04:11
BodsdaJburrke, pastebin it   and tell me what size the drive is04:11
etheredgeshows nothing04:12
fdeBodsda: Apparently it's his only... as he's got Ubuntu on an external, which won't be sdx#04:12
Jburrkefde: yes, it said "mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist"04:12
jsoftwevolution :/04:12
fdeBodsda: (mass USB storage)04:12
jsoftwAnyone else find that crashes all the time?04:12
etheredgealright how do i get that then....04:12
fdeJburrke: sda1 not hda104:12
bazhangetheredge, that would be the problem then04:12
ringercan anyone help me with a partitioning problem?04:12
etheredgeargh sorry i thought i had it04:12
Nikunj93HI all04:12
Bodsdafde, ok, so why its a *special* drive and why it wont mount is a new problem ;~)04:12
etheredgeperhaps i instlaled livedvdread304:12
Jburrkefde: oh, duh.. what was the command again?04:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:13
fdeBodsda: No, the internal should be sda1... external is fine, he's booted to it to run Ubuntu.04:13
etheredgeneither of those are shoring up04:13
fdeJburrke: 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt'04:13
Nikunj93anyone knows how to power on PC via any application04:13
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
Bodsdafde, ok, i still need to see fdisk to be sure ;~) otherwise the mount shoud have worked04:13
bazhangwww.medibuntu.org etheredge and follow the instructions carefully04:13
Jburrkefde: okay, i did it but nothing happened lol04:13
fdeBodsda: nah, I told him hda1 by mistake...04:13
nullboyNikunj93: you can use a magic packet tool if your NIC supports WOL (wake on lan)04:14
Bodsdafde, so whats his problem?04:14
fdeJburrke: cd /mnt & ls ... stuff there?04:14
bazhangNikunj93, that is not possible unless it is sleeping04:14
fdeBodsda: None now.04:14
nullboyNikunj93: or the bios of your system night support a wake up time04:14
Bodsdafde, oh, il shut up then ;~)04:14
Nikunj93bazhang: i can make it sleep04:14
nullboybazhang: it certainly is possible with wake on lan04:14
Jburrkefde: yes.. a few things04:14
gpledanyone good with iptables?04:14
Nikunj93nullboy: i checked my bios power managment system what option to choose there04:14
fdegpled: try #iptables or man ufw04:15
bazhangNikunj93, the follow nullboy 's instructions04:15
MTecknologygpled, no - but I'm experienced and bored04:15
Jburrkefde: i'll be right back.. have to wash the dishes04:15
StevenXguys, how do i bring up usplash-switcher? I don't see in applications menu.04:15
Jburrkefde: thanks for all the help, if you're not here when i get back..04:15
Jburrkefde: brb :)04:15
bravekn1ghthi room! has any1 here experienced the "ata1.01: qc timeout" error that causes the desktop to freeze for a few seconds?04:15
nullboyNikunj93: if the bios supports it, it will be listed somewhere as "automatic power on" or "scheduled power on" (something to that effect)04:15
gplednot sure if that is correct04:15
ringeri messed up my partitioning big time, can anyone help me sort it out?04:15
Nikunj93bazhang: how to check whether my lan card support WOL04:15
bullgard4Bodsda: Why did you recommend '_sudo_ apt-get source tracker'?04:15
nullboyNikunj93: but if your NIC supports wake on lan you can enable that in the bios or the NIC's bios and use a magic packet tool to turn the system on04:16
nullboyNikunj93: look up the NIC specs04:16
Nikunj93nullboy: my bios has something like alarm is it the thing?04:16
cute_bettongdoes ubuntu have a built in firewall or do i need to get one?04:16
bazhanghas one cute_bettong04:16
fdeBodsda: When he gets back, do me a favor and ensure it looks like a Windows partition? (just have him paste ls /mnt or something, and see if it looks right) ... he's not particularly technical, so I'm trying to do the thinking for him  :)04:16
nullboyNikunj93: it may be, but look up the motherboard manual and or nic specs to be sure04:16
MTecknologygpled, way beyond me04:16
fdeBodsda: I'm going in search of food.04:16
Bodsdabullgard1, dunno ,. lol,. i use sudo for all apt things -- but you would need it if you were in /04:16
MTecknologybut I'm provoked to learnign more about iptables04:16
FinnishHow to check, in terminal, what hardware I have04:16
Nikunj93nullboy: i dunno what motherboard or NIC i have so how to check the specs?04:17
Bodsdafde, kk, no probs04:17
StarnestommyFinnish: sudo lshw04:17
nullboyNikunj93: you start by figuring out which hardware you have ;)04:17
StevenXfde, I installed starup-manager, but I don't know how to bring it up.04:17
cute_bettongbazhang: well one of my roomates is screwing around with the house network and is port scanning my computer and yakking that one of the ports responds 3127 on udp how do i make my computer not respond to pings so he will shut the heck up?04:17
bravekn1ghthi room! has any1 here experienced the "ata1.01: qc timeout" error that causes the desktop to freeze for a few seconds?04:17
Nikunj93nullboy: actually i dont know all the model numbersw04:17
gpledMTecknology: np. i think it is right, just want someone more experience to look it over04:17
homecabledoes that work ?04:17
bazhang!firestarter | cute_bettong04:17
ubottucute_bettong: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:17
ringeris it possible for someone to help me out with partitioning?04:18
fdeStevenX: dpkg -L startup-manager | grep bin ... one of those  :P  I'm leaving for a bit though.04:18
Nikunj93nullboy: is it PME power wake up?04:18
RaWkuSsHowdy, is there a 7zip application for ubuntu?04:18
Bodsdagnu zip04:18
StevenXfde, thanks.04:18
BodsdaRaWkuSs, ^^^04:18
RaWkuSsO Rly04:18
bullgard4Bodsda: Ok. In my case I followed your advice uncritically and got a lot of trouble as I tried to correct it and made an error during this procedure.04:19
BodsdaRaWkuSs, their there by default and just work04:19
wh0hey guys, I've got a question about 8.04 server edition04:19
bravekn1ghthi room! has any1 here experienced the "ata1.01: qc timeout" error that causes the desktop to freeze for a few seconds04:19
FinnishKeyboard in my laptop is somehow messed this morning, how to cinfigure it right?04:19
Bodsdabullgard1, what were you doing downloading source???      cd ~/Desktop && sudo apt-get source tracker04:20
Nikunj93nullboy: i have an application in windows which power on the pc at a time if i hibernate the pc04:20
wh0I'm trying to install VMware04:20
RaWkuSsi see04:20
wh0and it wants to know where make is04:20
wh0but I can't find it04:20
wh0and apt-get install make04:20
StarnestommyRaWkuSs: there's also Applications > Accessories > Archive Manager04:20
wh0says make doesnt exist ; (04:20
bazhang!enter | wh004:20
ubottuwh0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:20
Starnestommywh0: does /usr/bin/make exist?04:20
Starnestommywh0: also, is build-essential installed?04:21
Nikunj93reply pleasew04:21
techno_freakwh0, apt-get install build-essential04:21
wh0no, it does not04:21
PPKumahi, im trying to mount an iso image and i keep getting an "wrong fs type" error, can somebody help me?04:21
techno_freakwh0, make is a tool which comes as a part of build-essential04:21
BodsdaNikunj93, please remember these people are volunteers, he does not have to reply.04:21
wh0I tried that as well This is what I get04:21
wh0root@virtumundo:~# apt-get install build-essential04:21
wh0Reading package lists... Done04:21
wh0Building dependency tree04:21
wh0Reading state information... Done04:21
bravekn1ghti consitently see this error on my logs "ata1.01: qc timeout". it causes the desktop to freeze for a few seconds. i've read some forums complaining of the same problem too.. does any1 know a fix?04:21
wh0E: Couldn't find package build-essential04:21
FloodBot2wh0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:21
ringerPartition problem, can anyone help me?04:22
Starnestommywh0: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list04:22
linkinxphello how can i Upgrade my OpenOffice to the beta ???? 3.0????04:22
Bodsda!ask | ringer04:22
ubotturinger: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:22
Flip2405Hello can i get some help with my webcam?04:22
Bodsdalinkinxp, download from there website04:22
linkinxpBodsda,  RPM or DEB?04:22
Bodsda!ask | Flip240504:22
ubottuFlip2405: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:22
Bodsdalinkinxp, deb04:22
Starnestommylinkinxp: deb04:22
linkinxpBodsda,  ok :)04:22
linkinxpthanks Starnestommy04:22
Bodsdalinkinxp, rpm is for red hat and other distro's04:22
Flip2405Umm bodsda its not installed04:23
linkinxpi see04:23
Nikunj93Bodsda: i know he does not have to but i am requesting him cant u see the please?04:23
bazhangwh0, why are you running as root04:23
etheredgeannoyed a bit heh04:23
BodsdaFlip2405, plz ask the channel, with your whole problem ,.,. what have you tried andis there errors04:23
bravekn1ghti consitently see this error on my logs "ata1.01: qc timeout". it causes the desktop to freeze for a few seconds. i've read some forums complaining of the same problem too.. does any1 know a fix?04:24
linkinxpBodsda,  Starnestommy  is there any wait to just use the package manager and make an update???04:24
rick59yHi. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial on how to set up Transmission? I am a noobie and have never used a torrent app.04:24
shortcircuitAlright...First, I'm not running a desktop environment.  Second, what's the name of the applet or program to let me manage Samba shares?  I'm not Samba-savvy enough to do it with SWAT.04:24
Jburrkefde: back04:24
Bodsdalinkinxp, not if the beta isnt in the repo's04:24
wh0I'm not sure how to copy all of the data from the file04:24
linkinxpBodsda,  ok :) ty04:24
Flip2405I need help installing my webcam i havent installed it because idk witch webcam or how to do it im kinda new to linux i got an aceraspire 452004:24
Jburrkefde: okay, just ran the ls of mount04:24
bazhang!sudo | wh004:24
ubottuwh0: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.04:24
Bodsdawh0,   cp /path/to/file/* /where/you/want/them/04:24
wh0I mean the text in the file04:25
fglrx804helpi have 8.04 ubuntu and how can i do ati x1900xt drivers of fglrx?04:25
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shortcircuitFlip2405: Is it built-in, or is it a USB device?04:25
Jburrkefde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11787/04:25
Bodsdawh0, ctrl+c ctrl+v ???04:25
Starnestommywh0: do you have a GUI text editor available?04:25
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:25
Flip2405shortcircuit, internal (built in)04:25
bazhang!fishing | fglrx804help04:25
ubottufglrx804help: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:25
techno_freakwh0, gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:26
bravekn1ghti consitently see this error on my logs "ata1.01: qc timeout". it causes the desktop to freeze for a few seconds. i've read some forums complaining of the same problem too.. does any1 know a fix?04:26
Bodsdabazhang, wow, fishing is easier to type then msgthebot (as i have no g button)04:26
shortcircuitFlip2405: Not sure, then.  All I can say is you'll need to play around with Video for Linux (v4l2)04:26
fglrx804helphttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto <-- not mentioning of 8.04 of ubuntu04:26
RaWkuSsOh why did i 7zip my pics :(04:26
RaWkuSsCould not open "July_08_Vacation.7z"  Archive type not supported.04:26
StarnestommyRaWkuSs: try p7zip04:27
BodsdaFlip2405, this is a busy channel,. was that really necessary?04:27
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | fglrx804help try this04:27
ubottufglrx804help try this: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB04:27
Jburrkefde: you still around? =/04:27
Starnestommyfglrx804help: I think the section for 7.04 and above also applies to 8.0404:27
BodsdaJburrke, hey, fde asked me to help you04:27
rick59ySorry. Trying to change channel.04:27
fglrx804helpbazhang: ok04:27
wh0I uncommented everything in the sources.list file but it still says it cannot find make04:27
Jburrkebodsda: cool.. :D04:27
Bodsdarick59y, /j #channel04:27
LunksI'v having some trouble using jabberd server on Ubuntu, it's not adding transports04:27
Starnestommywh0: did you also run "sudo apt-get update" ?04:28
fglrx804helpn Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron use the Hardware Drivers Manager from K Menu -> System.04:28
BodsdaJburrke, he'll be back but -- what is the prob?04:28
fdeJburrke: That looks like C:\ ... so it mounted fine... I don't see Documents and Settings though, did you use something like TweakUI to move that to another drive?04:28
techno_freakwh0, can you show us your sources.list?04:28
rick59yThanks, Bodsda04:28
PPKumahi, im trying to mount an iso image and i keep getting an "wrong fs type" error, can somebody help me?04:28
Bodsdarick59y, no prob04:28
bazhangwh0, you need build-essential; sudo apt-get install build-essential04:28
wh0I get some errors when I run it though..04:28
Starnestommywh0: try changing the servers04:28
Starnestommywh0: what errors?04:28
Jburrkefde: i didnt touch it.. honestly i think i screwed up the install of ubuntu..04:28
wh0when I try to get build-essential I get the same errors as when I try to get make04:28
bazhangpastebin the errors wh0 (not here in channel)04:28
bazhangwh0, and get out of root04:28
LunksFor some reason, jabber init.d script is not picking up transports I installed.04:29
Jburrkefde: i was trying to have ubuntu installed only on the external hdd, so if i wanted to go back to windows i would just boot without the external hdd plugged in04:29
fdeBodsda: Jburrke: That is C: ... so the mount was successful, however I'm not sure what is meant by "screwed up the install of Ubuntu, that needs to be looked into... but my food is ready, so I'm going to go for a bit... good luck04:29
fglrx804helpso the restricted friver manaher install the latest catalyst 8.4 driver?04:30
wh0Sorry I'm really new to IRC what do you mean by pastebin?04:30
Jburrkefde: damn.. thanks for all your help anyways :)04:30
fde!paste | wh004:30
ubottuwh0: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:30
Lunks!paste | wh004:30
Jburrkebodsda: you there?04:30
BodsdaJburrke, sure am04:30
LunksFor some reason, jabber init.d script is not picking up transports I installed. Little help here? =)04:31
techno_freakwh0, go to the url and paste the contents of your sources.list and/or the error you see there and when you submit it, you will get a link, give the link here04:31
NavopQuestion in the perfect server setup they install ProFTPD, do you really need a ftp04:31
StarnestommyNavop: only if you want to host files with ftp04:32
Gnarkillhello. How do I sign onto a server/channel when I open the app?04:32
GnarkillI want it to sign on automatically when I sign on04:32
bazhangin the irc client server setting Gnarkill04:32
bazhangwh0 also get out of root please04:32
astro76Navop: normal system users should just use ssh/sftp/scp04:32
wh0im not in root anymore04:32
Starnestommywh0: try changeing the servers to something other than us.archive.ubuntu.com04:33
wh0Although the server I was on isnt' online04:33
wh0which should I change it to?04:33
sortudo_78ubuntu 8.4 installed but no network connection! ps: while the installation setup, the network worked!04:33
JburrkeBodsda: cool.. okay, when i installed ubuntu i went through the complete regular installation, but when i got to step two or three i clicked something and clicked my external hdd04:33
Starnestommywh0: ubuntu.media.mit.edu is working for me04:33
bazhangwh0, try sudo apt-get update then search for build-essential with apt-cache search build-essential04:33
sortudo_78please! What should i try ?04:33
etheredgei got it to work04:33
etheredgei got it to work!04:33
etheredgethis is why i love linux04:34
JburrkeBodsda: so i think i screwed the install up somehow, because when i try to boot from my internal hdd (i think i'm doing it right) i get an ubuntu error.. windows doesnt bood D:04:34
ackstormsortudo_78, check and make sure your driver isnt' in the restricted driver manager04:34
BodsdaJburrke, ok go on (all in one post)04:34
lkthomasI hate linux :)04:34
etheredgethe shear satisfaction of figuring something out04:34
arrrghhhso does anyone know how to transfer audio to external bluetooth speakers?  i have paired the device successfully and i have a solid connection, but i have no idea what to do now.04:34
BodsdaJburrke, what error?04:34
o0Chris0o!ohmy | lkthomas04:34
ubottulkthomas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:34
bazhang!ot | lkthomas04:34
ubottulkthomas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:34
rahul_kumarsor:it will show as working but not work..try to disable network in live cd04:34
tempest130hi everbody04:34
Gnarkillbazhang..sent you a pm04:35
JburrkeBodsda: anyways, i'm looking to be able to boot windows from my internal hdd, and be able to access that internal drive while i'm booted into ubuntu from my external.. (sorry bout not having it all in one post)04:35
bazhangGnarkill, you need to registered04:35
JburrkeBodsda: not sure of the error.. something couldnt be found (the drive i'm guessing)04:35
BodsdaJburrke, whats the error (windows on internel, ubuntu on externel?04:35
BodsdaJburrke, was it a grub error?04:35
linkinxpBodsda, hey man i have a folder full of .deb i have to click in each one of them????04:36
JburrkeBodsda: can we move to a pm? easier to see when you're talking to me.. especially if i miss one of your posts =/04:36
jgroup:here is my question i have a 250 gig drive...i have vista on most of my drive. i got ubuntu on a 5.8 gig partitain.QUESTION how to get more space from vista side to add to ubuntu.withOUT reinstalling either04:36
Bodsdalinkinxp, no, did you download this?04:36
bazhang!register | Gnarkill04:36
ubottuGnarkill: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.04:36
linkinxpBodsda,  and a file named Update but i click in RUN and nothing happens04:36
sortudo_78please, how do i connect on network with ubuntu 8.4 ?04:36
linkinxpBodsda,  yes from openoffice.org04:36
BodsdaJburrke, yeah sure u identified with nickserv?04:36
Gnarkill!register | Gnarkill04:36
rahul_kumar<j>:try partition manager04:36
Starnestommysortudo_78: what kind of networking card to you have?04:36
Rageonhi can someone tell me a video player that can like open many copies of itself? trying to run 4movies on each virtual desktop04:36
JburrkeBodsda: no ><04:37
bazhangGnarkill, you need to read that link04:37
ubottujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org04:37
arrrghhhRageon, VLC04:37
linkinxprage,  VLC04:37
DmoleRageon: VLC?04:37
Rageoncheers guys04:37
=== hazerfen is now known as Deniz_Ogut
rahul_kumarRageon: why you need it04:37
BodsdaJburrke, type    /msg nickserv identify <put your password here without the <>;~)>04:37
jrahul_kumar:will it shrink the vista an space created?empty d allow linux to absorbe the04:37
wh0should I change all the lines that say us.ubuntu.... to the mit site?04:37
Starnestommywh0: yes04:37
FinnishWhat is the best way to installa OpenSync on Hardy?04:37
rahul_kumarj:ya it will04:37
wh0does vim have a find and replace ?04:38
Bodsda!compile | linkinxp04:38
ubottulinkinxp: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:38
Starnestommywh0: :%s/thing/new thing/g04:38
Flip2405Can some one please help me installing this webcam  i have done nothing simply because i dont know how04:38
linkinxpBodsda,  but i has already .deb and from openoffice.org i got the Deb one04:38
jrahul_kumar: is gpartian ok to use.04:38
=== RootMR_ is now known as RootMR
Dmolehow Do I get a "recursive directory listing with a full path for each file"?     ("ls -alR" is not what I'm looking for)04:39
Bodsdalinkinxp, can u ask the channel plz,.,. im a little busy sorry04:39
=== kiefer08|bbs is now known as kiefer08
linkinxpBodsda,  ok ty04:39
Rageonhow do i get movies to open in VLC by default instead of totem?04:39
rahul_kumarj:i have not used it..04:39
Bodsdalinkinxp, ;~)04:39
MTecknologyhrm - I just killed iptables for myself04:40
BodsdaRageon, right click the file, properties, open with tab04:40
arrrghhhRageon, you can right click on the file, go to properties and configure it to open with vlc.04:40
astro76Dmole: how about tree -f04:40
jrahul_kumar: should i shrink the vista and format the empty space to the linux format in use and then extend the linux parttian?04:40
Flip2405Can some one please help me installing this webcam  i have done nothing simply because i dont know how04:40
arrrghhhRageon, you just have to do that with each filetype you want to open vlc by default.04:40
jsoftwFlip2405: plugged it in?04:40
DmoleRageon: propertys open with ...... or remove totem04:40
bazhang!webcams | Flip2405 see here first04:40
ubottuFlip2405 see here first: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:40
kelvin911Rageon: right click the movie file, property | open with.  tick VLC04:40
Sergeant_PonyI'm having a problem with my login screen.. the section that has the users window is blank, I have to type my name in manually... it used to work.. anyone know how to fix this?04:41
BodsdaFlip2405, you tried pluggin it in?04:41
Gnarkilldid I do it right?04:41
rahul_kumarj:yup do that it will work..but it is not very relaible..70% chance you will not loose any dta04:41
Flip2405It is internal not external04:41
Gnarkillsorry...I'm a noob04:41
Dmoleastro76: installing ...04:41
wh0I'm still getting the same errors : (04:41
StarnestommyGnarkill: doesn't look like it04:41
bazhangGnarkill, no; you need to register and identify04:42
Starnestommywh0: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list04:42
RaWkuSsomg, ubuntu would be perfect if it had an application thats almost exactly like photoshop04:42
Gnarkillok. I read the faq's but I don't really understand it04:42
RaWkuSsthats the last thing on my list04:42
rahul_kumarGnarkill:see help how to register in your irc client04:42
Dmoleastro76: Thanks astro76 that perfect :)04:42
fluffmanomg, RaWkuSs...try GIMP04:42
damian__Does anyone use ubuntu studio?04:43
RaWkuSsi did, its not so omg04:43
fluffmanI can follow PS tutorials in GIMP04:43
bazhangofftopic RaWkuSs04:43
RaWkuSsOh really04:43
ubottugimpshop is a hack that makes The Gimp look and feel more like Photoshop.  A .deb for Ubuntu is available via http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=29404:43
userercan someone tell the solution in this page. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/32794  .. everybody thanks to cloudfx but i couldn't see the solution already04:44
RaWkuSswhy was i not informed of this before ! :P04:44
Nasrajust installed a brother printer and ubuntu does not recognize it....04:44
fluffmanalso, PS CS and CS2 work in WINE04:44
bazhangchit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic RaWkuSs thanks04:44
RaWkuSsmust have gimpshop04:44
jrahul_kumar: it is enternal.When i shrink vista i can use the built in program.that will keep the vista side ok,so my only risk is adding the space to ubuntu.last question i had my vista partion showning on ubuntu desktop.know it is not.and if i click on it under places it is not mounted04:44
RaWkuSsOh, sorry, its my happy nature04:44
Starnestommywh0: same error with sudo apt-get update?04:44
kelvin911i wonder if ps work in wine04:44
damian__I had problems with getting wine to work with window games.04:45
kelvin911anyone know a software that acts 100% like ACDsee 2.4?04:45
Gnodabhi I need to be able to create a file for configuring my sound card under the /etc directory, but can't do so through the regular Gnome text editor. I assume there is a console command so that I can create the file? i.e. Sudo...<something...>?04:45
rahul_kumarj:try to log as root user in ubuntu...root is locked in ubuntu go to user and manaj unlok root and from there mount..04:45
x1250userer: lol, thats a funny solution04:45
arrrghhhkelvin911, they're working towards v1.0 of wine and one of the goals is ps cs204:45
* Gnarkill pulls his hair out04:45
astro76Gnodab: if you want to use that editor, gksudo gedit04:46
Bodsdabazhang, is there a factoid for not feeding the troll?04:46
damian__I was wondering if vmware was better?04:46
GnarkillI can't find anything04:46
GnodabThanks astro04:46
kelvin911i can install acdsee in wine but the problem is when the filename is using unicode, acdsee cant open it04:46
jrahul_kumar:that went over my head.i vista savey.new to linux04:46
rahul_kumarj:ok i explain04:46
damian__I know that vmware works great with mac.04:47
^Tech-Help^!feedthetroll | bodhi_zazen04:47
ubottubodhi_zazen: The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.04:47
=== Thanatos is now known as Thanatos___
astro76rahul_kumar: it is not necessary to recommend unlocking root, use sudo04:47
kelvin911what is the newest version of ps?04:48
kelvin911is it cs3?04:48
rahul_kumarj:go in adminstration tab>user and group>click on root...give some password..log out and log in as root..then try04:48
linkinxpvoice recognition in ubuntu???04:48
arrrghhhkelvin911, yes cs3, with cs4 on the way.04:48
astro76!noroot | rahul_kumar04:48
ubotturahul_kumar: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)04:48
kelvin911why they use cs?04:48
Gnarkillit says this:      /msg nickserv register <your-password>  to resister. What do I put and where?04:48
rahul_kumarastro76:he is vista savy and diff in using cmd line..04:49
kelvin911it reminds me of counterstrike04:49
damian__does ubuntu support voice req?04:49
arrrghhhkelvin911, dunno, ask the bastages at adobe.04:49
wh0any ideas?04:49
Giskard_ReventloHi. Just downloaded ubuntu hardy iso and burnt it into a cd for installation. However, the installer doesn;t start after boot. Instead, I'm dropped to a initramfs/busybox shell.04:49
astro76rahul_kumar: so by all means make it easy for him to screw up in cmd line using root :S04:49
Rageonhow do i get VLC to repeat please?04:49
Thanatos___Hi, I installed ubuntu 8.04 lts to an external usb hard drive, not intending to modify my internal windows hard drive04:49
arrrghhhRageon, open the playlist window, there's icons there for shuffle, repeat one, repeat all.04:50
rahul_kumarastro76:ok you explain him...sudo method..04:50
bodhi_zazenLOL ^Tech-Help^04:50
kelvin911bastage = ?04:50
kelvin911bastard ?04:50
Rageonmmm k thx04:50
arrrghhhkelvin911, you're foreign huh.  sorry.04:50
Thanatos___ubuntu seems to have overwritten the boot partition on my internal xp drive, and it won't book from grub, says the device does not exist, anyone know what to do?04:50
homecablefor the iso04:51
homecablethanks me for hosting it04:51
arrrghhhThanatos___, grub is probably pointed to the wrong drive... it happens on mine all the time (every kernel upgrade)04:51
homecablewhat speed u geting :P04:51
rahul_kumarGnarkill: /msg nickserv register <your-password> , you write it in the free node tab..04:51
bazhang!md5 | Giskard_Reventlo try this04:51
ubottuGiskard_Reventlo try this: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:51
Navophow do you d/l in console mode, trying to d/l ispconfig2?04:52
homecableif u need to remmberi t for later use04:52
Thanatos___Thankyou for your idea arrrghhh, I tried all the hard drives and partitions available, and i do get different messages, but none work04:52
bazhangNavop, what ispconfig204:52
Giskard_Reventloubottu:Thanks. I already did that. Downloaded the iso 3 times. Same problem...04:53
ubottuGiskard_Reventlo: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:53
arrrghhhThanatos___, you're sure?  you tried every possible combination in the /dev folder? lol04:53
fluffmanThanatos___: insert your windows recovery CD, and when asked what to do, choose R for recovery04:53
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!04:53
Lunkslol not what i intended04:53
JburrkeBodsda = duh mayuuunn04:53
Gnarkillok...how do I get to the free nood tab? lol04:53
Navopbazhang: ISPConfig, for server, not sure how to d/l in console mode04:54
fluffmanThanatos___: then choose your current Windows install (probably 1: C:\Windows) and enter your admin password (probably blank, so just press ENTER)04:54
rahul_kumarGnarkill:which irc client u r using04:54
damian__Are u guys going to Ubuntu Live?04:54
MaicroDropAnyone else have an error with a green tinted GUI after hardy livecd boot?04:54
fluffmanThanatos___: then, at the prompt, type "fixmbr" (no quotes) and follow the prompts...when finished, type exit04:54
homecablehttp://joey.ath.cx/pub/linux/ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso tell me what my upload is sending at04:55
arrrghhhThanatos___, that will fix your windows but break your grub.  be warned.04:55
damian__In portland, or04:55
homecabletesting :P04:55
Thanatos___fluffman, sounds like a good thing to try, thank you very much for your assistance04:55
chetnickhi, i have bind server running on LAN, i added that dns server on my ubuntu host, i cant get name resolution to work for local hosts (www.tux.local, www.dba.local) al the other queries www.google.com, www.yahoo.com are resolved over that DNS server whitouth problem. Everything is ok on the server side because all other hosts on LAN can resolve local hostnames (www.tux.local, www.dba.local).04:55
Thanatos___What would be a good forum to post this at? So that others can learn?04:56
rahul_kumarGnarkill:see..on the left hand side free node is written click on that..then write in the space which appears..like you are typing now..04:56
chetnickAny ideas?04:56
arrrghhhThanatos___, it's already on ubuntuforums.org04:56
Nikunj93what is PME event wake up in BIOS?04:56
Thanatos___Thank you04:56
fluffmanThanatos___: next time, install Ubuntu to an internal drive04:56
fluffmanshoot....missed him04:56
rahul_kumarchetnik:what is the real prob?04:56
okaasanafter upgrading to 8.04LTS, my camera no longer mounts04:56
homecableanyone have a 100mb inet ?04:57
chetnickrahul_kumar: like i said when i ping www.tux.local from ubuntu host it does not resolve to IP address.04:57
bazhanghomecable, how is this related to ubuntu support04:57
arrrghhhhomecable, uh... why?04:57
homecableits not just want to test my servers upload speed04:57
RaWkuSsIs there a on screen keyboard for ubuntu?04:57
chetnickrahul_kumar: it works fine on all other hosts.04:58
kelvin911anyone here uses skype?04:58
arrrghhhi have access to an oc48, but that doesn't mean it's mine lol04:58
homecablehttp://joey.ath.cx/pub/linux/ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso tell me what my upload is sending at04:58
kelvin911any skype user here?04:58
damian__kelvin911 : I used too.04:58
okaasanLike I plug it in and nothing shows up in dmesg, there's nothing for it in /dev/ or anything04:58
kelvin911damian__: do u use webcam?04:58
damian__Now I use magic jack.04:59
arrrghhhhomecable, i'm not at the head-end... i'm in a hotel room.  and again, i don't see how this is related to ubuntu support.04:59
kelvin911what magic jack?04:59
bigbosshai guys heres the newbie in town04:59
bigbossanybody would like to hand a helping hand??04:59
bazhang!ot | homecable no chit chat thanks04:59
ubottuhomecable no chit chat thanks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:59
=== CatCheeto is now known as Catcheeto_away
okaasanbigboss: what's the problem04:59
damian__Its like vonage.  but with a usb instead04:59
bigbosswell its like this04:59
damian__of a router.04:59
bigbossgot hardy from  a friend04:59
bigbossinstalled it and no sound or wifi05:00
kelvin911damian__: i want to be able to webcam with my girl and she is using windows05:00
bigbosscompag presario v3000 laptop05:00
VentiMochaVonage can work off USB too... depends on form of FXO port you get05:00
kelvin911damian__: the only software i can think of is skype and msn05:00
rahul_kumarchetnick:i think you can work with external host without config a dns server..and are you sure you configured your dns correctly..05:00
khaotikcan anyone help me get neverwinternights installed ???05:00
kelvin911damian__: but msn is really bad in quality05:00
kelvin911damian__: and skype recently it is acting very strange05:01
bigbosshave browsed quite a bit for information.... nothing really for me ...05:01
VentiMochahave you tried eyeballchat in wine?05:01
damian__yes because of ebay problems05:01
kelvin911damian__: what ebay?05:01
damian__the strike,05:01
kelvin911damian__: ??05:01
damian__they tried to merge the skype with the service05:01
bigbossHello okaasan nice of u to ask05:01
ZoiXSomebody use Leopard on VirtualBox or VMWare?05:01
rahul_kumarchetnick:i do not have dns server on my pc..but i can ping external host because they have to config dns server there ..05:02
chetnickrahul_kumar: this is dns cache server as well, the dns is configured correctly, other 5 hosts resolve hostnames just fine, i just have problem with ubuntu host. The external host names are resolved from ubuntu whitohout problems, it just the local host names.05:02
kelvin911damian__: i wonder if i have just update the qt4 package causing the webcam session in skype acting stragne05:02
khaotikcan anyone help me get neverwinternights installed ???05:02
kelvin911damian__: what service?05:02
jgoohey people - I am running ubuntustudio theme, and inside filezilla, and a few other places, the text it lightgrey on white. The ubuntustudio theme is great for a dark and dingy office and long hours... so this is antithetical to the theme.05:02
tgelterI'd like to get the ubuntu boot messages to look like gentoo's or suse's...they are pretty (I'm talking the text boot). Does anyone have experience with doing anything similar?05:03
Dmolekelvin911: I find skype works well05:03
damian__The skype service thats attached to the ebay service agreement.05:03
jgooanyway I can tweak that colour? I've tried in filzezilla, and in appearances, but those components aren't styled from there... I changed all settings I could find.05:03
khaotikcan anyone help me get neverwinternights installed ???05:03
kelvin911Dmole: so u uses the webcam?05:03
DmoleI do05:03
kelvin911Dmole: are u using hardy with latest update?05:03
damian__Because of the recent strike money loss cause cutbacks in support05:03
umerhey guys, I was having problems with my top menu bar showing black specks, and some folks tried to help me out, the problem seemed to go away, however it came back...here is a picture of what is wrong http://img399.imageshack.us/my.php?image=blackspotszn4.jpg can someone please help me out?05:03
DmoleIt just *worked*05:03
Nikunj93how to use BIOS alarm? i have set the time but the pc doesnt power on do i have to shutdown pc or hibernate?05:03
jgooAlso skype webcam works on OSX :))05:03
Dmoleno 8.07 gave me sound problems so i'm using 7.1005:04
danhshello.....how do I get this bug confirmed?05:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229115 in vsftpd "Login is not possible" [Undecided,New]05:04
danhsor at least move it forward?05:04
dontpanicHi, I'm haveing some trouble, I need to install sendmail but first I need to remove some exim4 packages, but they seem to be screwed up.  When I try to apt-get remove exim4-daemon-light, it says: "warning: failed to kill 5856: No such process".  Then after it can't kill the process that isnt running, it decides to give up all together.  Is there anyway I can override the error and have it uninstall anyway?  Or any other solutions?05:04
kelvin911Dmole: in 7.10 everything wroks05:04
danhsit's an insane bug.....I downlaoded the upgrade a few days ago and vsftpd no longer works!05:04
damian__kelvin911: was the clear05:04
bigbosswell i thought i might get some help waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh05:04
jgooumer, google 'bubonic'05:04
kelvin911after upgrade to 8.04, something breaks almost everyday05:04
damian__was that clear05:04
Navophow to d/l and install ISPConfig2.2.2305:04
Giskard_ReventloHi. Just downloaded ubuntu hardy iso and burnt it into a cd for installation. However, the installer doesn;t start after boot. Instead, I'm dropped to a initramfs/busybox shell.05:04
chubaca_does anyone know of a  script to convert sound files in amarok?05:04
kelvin911hardy just like win9805:04
Nikunj93 how to use BIOS alarm? i have set the time but the pc doesnt power on do i have to shutdown pc or hibernate?05:05
VentiMochadontpanick have you tried apt-get autoremove ?05:05
arrrghhhkelvin911, i haven't found that true at all.05:05
kelvin911arrrghhh: what do u use in hardy?05:05
kelvin911arrrghhh: just internet?05:05
lartza_morning all05:05
chubaca_does anyone know of a  script to convert sound files in amarok? I need to convert a flac file to mp305:06
arrrghhhkelvin911, i use wine, virtualbox, ff nightlies, xchat, pidgin, krdc, amarok, OOo, thunderbird, kPPP05:06
dontpanicVentiMocha: I just tried that but it didn't help :(05:06
kelvin911arrrghhh: the only thing that hardy is good is that suddently after the last update 3 days ago, the screen tearing when playing back movie is gone05:06
Dmolekelvin911: yep I tried 3 different(repo levels) 8.07's and they all work less than 7.10 but that's just my exp I hear it works nice for many people05:06
umerjgoo, lol, yea, thats not what it is05:06
=== phenom_ is now known as phenom|Away
jgoo:) umer , I'05:06
arrrghhhkelvin911, i watch movies on my desktop, tv shows, i do a lot.05:06
jgoo:) umer , I'd say it is probably a driver issue... check if you are using the right / latest / greatest and then try disabling compiz if you are using it to see if it is present in 2d accelerated graphics05:07
chubaca_damian__: is it a script?05:07
kelvin911and after i upgrade to hardy, doom3 no longer playable05:07
jgooumer, low chance that your DPI could be setup wrong. that is all I can think of as routes of investigation05:07
damian__<chubaca_> no audacity is a program05:07
Dmoleno doom 3   ahahaha we all doomed05:08
kelvin911i try reinstalling doom3, but blank screen everytime i try to run doom305:08
damian__<chubaca_> you can use it to convert the files after you import them.05:08
chubaca_damian__: oh thanks a lot, i will try it out05:08
chubaca_damian__:  do you know if it supports flac files?05:09
damian__kelvin911: what kind of system are you running?05:09
kelvin911damian__: what do u mean?05:09
umerjgoo, i am using the nvidia driver from the restricted driver manager, i removed that, and went back to the vesa driver, and the black specks werent there, however, it looked like there was a black text cursor/blinker thing, like from the terminal, on the top left hand of the bar, so i reinstalled the nvidia, and the specks came back and the cursor thing disappeared, and it makes no difference if i turn compiz off or on05:09
VentiMochadontpanic: aptitude -f remove package_name05:09
kelvin911damian__: my computer spec?05:09
SeaPhorholy crap, i just received error message, " you've reached the end of the web. press continue to start over or cancel to end your session, and there is a checkbox next to kill all processes and destroy pc,,, what should i do?05:09
damian__Kelvin911: for doom.  duo core, amd , etc05:09
atul/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/parser.h:1057: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before string constant Facing this Error ?05:09
damian__<chubaca_> I believe so.05:10
chetnickThis guys had exactly same problem that i have,  issue not resolved. Can anyone take a look at this, maybe somebody here knows how to solve the problem . Thank you.. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-699852.html05:10
SeaPhorsorry i have terrets-type syndrome05:10
RaWkuSsSeaPhor, u are a troubled individual. Google "Jesus"05:11
kelvin911damian__: p4 dual 3.2 GHz, 1GB ram, geforce 7600 GT 256MB05:11
kelvin911damian__: mobo is ASUS i forgot the model, its nForce chip set SLI05:11
damian__kelvin911: nice your still in the game05:11
damian__chubaca_: Try this http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html05:12
khaotikcould anyone help me get neverwinter nights installed on my computer???05:13
Bodsdakhaotik, there are alot of tuto's for that on the forums05:13
damian__kelvin911: you may need to overclock if gonna keep up with the onliners.05:13
kelvin911overclock what?05:13
damian__the p405:14
chubaca_damian__:  thank you!05:14
Marfii'm looking for some software for editing music. I'm looking to start remixing songs. any ideas on some decent software?05:14
kelvin911damian__: why what for?05:14
SeaPhorRaWkuSs, sorry bro, just that last issue, pushed me, lol, I'm ok now, hope you forgive me05:14
damian__speed, man05:14
_kavOOr_hi, How do I know the default usb device in hardy ? .. /dev/ ?05:14
Navopcan someone tell me how to d/l ispconfig2.2.23, using console command05:14
kelvin911damian__: 3.6 GHz not enough?05:14
kelvin911damian__: give me example?05:14
=== manado_boy is now known as Guest602
khaotikyea i am following one and the install wizard says i dont have permission to create the file/folder. i am the only user on the computer. i do not understand05:15
tgelterI'd like to get the ubuntu boot messages to look like gentoo's or suse's...they are pretty (I'm talking the text boot). Does anyone have experience with doing anything similar?05:15
kelvin911damian__: i bought this system for $300 months ago05:15
the#j semarang05:15
damian__I have duo core @ 3.8ghz,  well then that was a steal05:15
kelvin911damian__: 3.6 3.8 not much different05:15
damian__Ok, I have no complaints.05:15
jtisme_kavOOr_, should be /dev/sdb if you have one hard drive05:16
kelvin911damian__: i dont see what is the advantage if u have faster cpu05:16
damian__I'm able to overclock mines to 6.2Ghz05:16
khaotik[: 64: ==: unexpected operator05:16
khaotik-e Possible write error05:16
khaotik-e Please try a different folder or change permissions on /home/khaotik/neverwinter05:16
kelvin911damian__: what?05:16
_kavOOr_jtisme: thank you05:16
kelvin911damian__: from 3.8 to 6.2 ?05:16
damian__duo core, can handle overclocking better.05:17
khaotikit doesnt let me change permissions in the properties menu05:17
jtisme_kavOOr_, when you insert a USB device  run  tail  /var/log/messages is should show you what device it found05:17
kelvin911damian__: do u see any duiffeerent?05:17
damian__A great site for tips05:18
kelvin911damian__: do u really need to oc from 3.8 to 6.2?05:18
kelvin911damian__: see any big wow improvement?05:18
kelvin911damian__: what about the cpu temp?05:18
damian__yes, with the video.  temp 62f with cooler05:19
_kavOOr_jtisme: Can I follow this tutorial to make  usb bootable ? http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Install_from_USB_drive05:19
MikeCulverAnyone know how to solve audio not working in flash?05:19
kelvin91162 degrees is hot05:19
Marfii'm looking for some software for editing music. I'm looking to start remixing songs. any ideas on some decent software?05:19
kelvin911mine is about 3005:19
MikeCulverMarfi: Audacity?05:19
SeaPhorRaWkuSs, no forgiveness? maybe you should do the google as well05:19
damian__Not for a desktop05:19
MarfiMikeCulver, looking for something more powerful05:19
MikeCulverMarfi: How so?05:19
MarfiMikeCulver, audacity always seemed not to have many features05:20
ed__Mcflyhola, alguien que hable español que pueda ayudarme con el sonido05:20
kelvin911damian__: 62 degrees is hot05:20
damian__kelvin911: my laptop ran at 82f before cooling05:21
legend2440Navop: wget  wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ispconfig/ISPConfig-2.2.23.tar.gz?download05:21
kelvin911damian__: only my laptop can get that hiot05:21
damian__Then you won't like a macbook pro05:21
ed__Mcflynadie que hable español?05:21
MikeCulverMarfi: True.  It has the basics though.  I don't know about other multi-channel editors.  You should probably ask in Ubuntu-offtopic though.05:21
kelvin911damian__: u mean celcius right?05:21
MikeCulverI can't get sound to play in flash.  It works fine everywhere else.05:21
MarfiMikeCulver, kk, ty  =)05:22
damian__when overlocking the processors heatup depending on your bios05:22
chetnicki found out what it is, finally after 3 days , if anyone is interested https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/8090005:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 80900 in avahi "problems resolving fully qualified domain names on Kubuntu feisty" [Medium,Confirmed]05:22
damian__kelvin911: no my friend fahrenheit05:23
chetnickrahul_kumar: i found out what it is, its a conflict with avahi-daemon https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/8090005:23
kelvin911damian__: u must be american05:23
rahul_kumarchetnick:thanks..sorry for conf u05:24
damian__Quarter pound burgers05:24
kelvin911damian__: only dumb american uses fuhrenheit or miles05:24
MikeCulverdamian__: most BIOS's report temp in C.  Even American releases05:24
a_in America most people use C for computer temps :-)05:24
SeaPhorkelvin911, ok bro, you're up05:24
damian__I use conversion05:24
damian__sue me05:24
MikeCulver62f is very cool05:25
MikeCulverand actually, 62f is abnormally cool05:25
kelvin911why cant u uses standard so everybody know what u r talking about?05:25
MikeCulveraverage room temp is 70-75f05:25
damian__MikeCulver:  thks mike05:25
MikeCulverkelvin911: he can do conversions, and so can you :)05:25
SeaPhorkelvin911 says <kelvin911> damian__: only dumb american uses fuhrenheit or miles05:25
penwhy is swiftweasel slow on scrolling in some sites? It is happening the same thing in firefox too. I'm using hardy, what should I do to fix this?05:25
TaRDyis having a separate home partition from the root easy toconfigure?05:26
peepsalotwhenever I run a sudo command, I get the message "sudo: unable to resolve host ninja"  ninja is the hostname of this computer05:26
TaRDyand can it be done from an already made partition?05:26
peepsalotthe command seems to run fine however05:26
MikeCulverdamian__: no prob.  I get the feeling that if your temp reads 62f then you are getting a bad reading or a reading from something that isn't under thermal load.05:26
MikeCulverdamian__: where is this reading coming from?05:27
damian__MikeCulver: you may be right, overclocking is experimental for me.05:27
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J-_peepsalot: what type of command are you trying to do?05:27
moobyseviltwinliquid cool couldnt get that cold?05:27
kelvin911what is 62f?05:27
MikeCulvermoobyseviltwin: unless you're refridgerating the liquid, no.05:27
kelvin911i know 100f = 37 degrees05:27
peepsalotJ-_, any command that involves sudo.  i usually use it for apt-get/aptitude commands, but it happens for any sudo command05:28
MikeCulver62f... i have a graphing calc that can do it..05:28
MikeCulverjust a sec05:28
kelvin911so 62f = 24 degrees?05:28
bazhangkelvin911, how is this relevant to ubuntu05:28
jtismepeepsalot, probably because you dont have an entry in /etc/hosts like this    ninja05:28
kelvin911qalculator can also do conversion but i am too lazy to do it05:28
MikeCulver62f = 16.667c05:29
jtismepeepsalot, use a tab after
damian__MikeCulver:  That's right, we started about the systems we were running05:29
kelvin911bazhang: we were talking about overclocking the ubuntu05:29
bazhangMikeCulver, kelvin911 please take the chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks05:29
kelvin911what about 0f ?05:29
kelvin911is 0f = 0 degrees?05:29
MikeCulverkelvin911: that's not part of the issue05:29
Starnestommykelvin911: 32f05:29
damian__Kelvin911: we were taking about gaming05:29
peepsalotjtisme, ok, i will try that.  I wonder why it wasn't a problem in gutsy05:29
MikeCulverdamian__: what is the problem we're trying to address?05:29
J-_peepsalot: okay. I can't really help you then, sorry. =) I was figuring you were trying to sudo a program with a GTK/QT interface. In other words, you'd have to gksu the program. :)05:30
kelvin911we were tallking about doom3 not working in hardy05:30
kelvin911it runs fine in gutsy05:30
damian__MikeCulver:  it was small talk, nothing more05:30
jtismepeepsalot, may need to  be   ninja  I have both localhost  and  mynodename05:30
damian__Not to offend anyone05:30
MikeCulverdamian__: oh.. sorry if i blew it out of perportion.  i thought it was part of the problem.05:30
kelvin911actually everything almost everything breaks in hardy thats what i am talking about05:30
eboyjrHow can I turn off compiz without running GDM (logging in)?05:30
eboyjrHow can I turn off compiz without running GDM (logging in)?05:30
peepsalotjtisme, worked05:31
eboyjrsorry :S05:31
Sindaciouswhat would be the command line command to see your hard drives?05:31
FloodBot2eboyjr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
jtismepeepsalot, good05:31
MikeCulverkelvin911: speaking of stuff breaking in hardy, I can't get sound to work in flash05:31
eboyjrhehm... problems everywhere05:31
kelvin911MikeCulver: did u have an app using the sound at the same time?05:31
MikeCulverkelvin911: strangely enough, I can't even get the windows standalone flash player to play audio under wine05:31
peneboyjr, don't be so in hurry, just use one of the consoles then you can turn off compiz without logging with gdm05:31
MikeCulverkelvin911: no..05:31
So_anyway?/server irc.icq.com 6666?05:31
kelvin911MikeCulver: i find that when i am playing music in rhymbox, i cant play audio in flash05:32
kelvin911MikeCulver: or vice versa05:32
penI still have the problem with slow scrolling in swiftweasel (firefox), anyone know how to solve this?05:32
legend2440MikeCulver: have you tried installing libflashsupport?05:32
kelvin911MikeCulver: when i am playing a movie in mplayer, the movie in vlc has no sound05:32
damian__MikeCulver: Are you trying to get flash to work in your browser or the program?05:32
penlegend2440, is the one in repo the fixed one?05:32
kelvin911very strange05:32
MikeCulverlegend2440: it's not a matter of lack of playback support05:32
eboyjrpen: Consoles? Like Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6] ?05:32
peneboyjr, yes05:32
fraggedHey guys, does GTK have an applications similar to Microsoft Picture and Fax Viewer and mspaint?05:33
peneboyjr, you can do that in the logging screen05:33
MikeCulverdamian__: I tried the linux flash player in firefox, as well as the standalone windows flash player under wine.  same result05:33
kelvin911i thnk it didnt happen in gutsy05:33
penor even boot up screen I think05:33
MikeCulverbut I can play audio in totem..05:33
Catcheeto_awayI am having a similar/same issue with sound. I can't get things like youtube to play05:33
kelvin911Catcheeto_away: which browser u use?05:33
MikeCulverfragged: do you mean Gnome?05:33
amenadowhose got Xen working? which version do you have running as I can not even create initrd.img with 2.6.1605:33
damian__MikeCulver:  You need to download mp3, and flash updates in ubuntu thru the apps05:33
kelvin911Catcheeto_away: i am using opera9.27, flash sucks05:33
=== Catcheeto_away is now known as Catcheeto
eboyjrpen: So, I run... "DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace &" .. arent compiz settings for each user?05:33
cyntekseaphor: you there/05:33
MikeCulverfragged: there is a picture viewer in gnome, yes.05:33
CatcheetoI am using FF05:34
eboyjri LOVE firefox05:34
SeaPhorok thats it,,, i ve seen alot here that i didnt agree with based on my own ignorance and the fact that the mods are here to mod, but this is too much, and all bazhang has to say is whats goin on !!! kelvin911 step up and be recognized05:34
fraggedMikeCulver, yeah, well I thought Gnome was the Window Manager / DE whereas GTK was what most applications were called (ie gtk based mplayer frontend)05:34
kelvin911i LOVE opera05:34
damian__MikeCulver: under add/remove05:34
bazhangSeaPhor, what is the issue05:34
CatcheetoI had similar issue with Gutsy, ran through 6-7 sites to try a fix and never did. Now updated to Hardy and same issue. I am using USB headset though, so not sure where that might add extra issues05:34
eboyjrGTK stands for GIMP Toolkit05:34
MikeCulverfragged: mostly correct.  but yes, the apps bundled with gnome was what I was refering to.  there's also f-spot photo manager.05:35
bennnaI accidentally moved my /home/ben/Desktop to /home/ben/Desktop.bak but when I try to change it back it always regenerates as Desktop.bak, so then I have both Desktop and Desktop.bak05:35
damian__MikeCulver: type in plugin, or flash then search05:35
SeaPhorbazhang, <kelvin911> damian__: only dumb american uses fuhrenheit or miles05:35
peneboyjr, I am not sure. I am the only user on my laptop. I don't know much about compiz settings effects to users05:35
bennnaDesktop.bak is always the actual desktop05:35
kelvin911SeaPhor: what?05:35
MikeCulverdamian__: I have flashplayer-nonfree already05:35
penwhy is swiftweasel slow on scrolling in some sites? It is happening the same thing in firefox too. I'm using hardy, what should I do to fix this?05:35
crdlbeboyjr: what exactly are you trying to do?05:35
eboyjrpen: Okay, thanks for your help :)05:35
fraggedMikeCulver, what about a tool for cropping images / basic modifications etc? GIMP is too complex for the basic things I want to do05:35
bazhangSeaPhor, thanks did not see that; kelvin911 refrain from name calling in channel please05:35
MikeCulverf-spot does cropping05:36
peneboyjr, np05:36
jtismeseaphor has someone on this channel insulted you?05:36
bazhang!coc | kelvin91105:36
ubottukelvin911: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:36
eboyjrcrdlb: I am trying to shut off compiz for a user when I log in to that user... before I log in05:36
kelvin911what i am saying is the fact05:36
kelvin911why uses fahrenheit?05:36
peneboyjr, however, if you are tired of this, why don't you install fusion icon? you can switch WM there easily05:37
eboyjrcrdlb: That was worded horribly :S05:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:37
bazhangkelvin911, that is not allowed here; there is a code of conduct please stick to it thanks05:37
penkelvin911, ha, we should all use K05:37
crdlbeboyjr: if you disable compiz via visual effects preferences, it will be remembered for that user05:37
kelvin911i mean everyone is using celcius05:37
bennnawhere is the setting that tells nautilus what my desktop is05:37
MikeCulverfragged: F-spot does do basic manipulation.05:37
bazhang!ot | kelvin91105:37
ubottukelvin911: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:37
SeaPhorjtisme, not me personally, america and americans in general05:37
jtismeeveryone does not use celcius05:37
eboyjrcrdlb: How do I turn off compiz for a user without logging in?05:38
bennnait keeps thinking it's Desktop.bak because I accidentally changed it once05:38
crdlbeboyjr: some key in gconf in /desktop/gnome05:38
jtismeSeaPhor, and you are from what country?05:38
eboyjrcrdlb: Thanks... I'll look for one05:38
cyntekCountry: USA05:38
bazhangjtisme, please stay on topic thanks05:38
kelvin911come on if u go to the mall and ask what is the body temp, i bet that 99% will say 37 degrees05:38
penis there no solution to the question I have?05:39
TaRDyis having a separate home partition from the root easy toconfigure?05:39
jtismebazhang, i was talking to seaphor and his topic05:39
rignesHello.  Can someone tell me what the default links are in the rc#.d directories for rc.local?  I was messing with mine, changed a couple of things, and didn't write the default down and I'd like to put it back if possible.05:39
MikeCulverTaRDy: yes.  Just do it in the installation dialog when setting up partitions.  Easy as cake for me :)05:39
tgelterI'd like to get the ubuntu boot messages to look like gentoo's or suse's...they are pretty (I'm talking the text boot). Does anyone have experience with doing anything similar?05:39
SeaPhorjtisme, i am from Houston, Texas USA05:39
ZaidenI have an onboard soundcard (Realtek ALC888) and I can't figure out how to get it working properly with a certain program. When it works, the sound lags for a secound. When it doesn't, the sound doesnt lag, but the sound is choppy and static like. ANyone know what I could do?05:39
CatcheetoZaiden: what program?05:40
rignesI think it was linked in runlevels 2,3,4,5 at priority 99 (run last) but don't remember the K and S of the links. :(05:40
kelvin911do people in US really uses fehrenheuit?05:40
Starnestommykelvin911: yes05:40
jtismeSeaPhor, i doubt that, end of conversation!!!05:40
bennnatgelter remove quiet and splash from your kernel boot line in /boot/grub/menu.list05:40
ZaidenSecond Life.05:40
TaRDyMikeCulver, would i do one partion mounted at / and the other /home/tardy (for usr tardy)05:40
DrakoiGreetz all!05:40
CatcheetoKelvin911: Most people do05:40
bennnathat will show all text -- same as hitting ctrl-alt-f1 during boot05:40
MikeCulverTaRDy: When I did it, the most complex I got was assigning a separate /home.  I believe that would be the /home for all users.05:41
tgelterbennna: yeah, I've done that, I'm wanting to make the text boot colorful05:41
MikeCulverTaRDy: but of course each user had a folder inside that05:41
SeaPhorjtisme, i am in a suburb, called Richmond05:41
bennnadoes anyone know how to set what dir nautilus thinks is $HOME/Desktop?05:41
bennnatgelter -- can05:41
MikeCulverTaRDy: so yes, you would end up with /home/tardy or what have you.05:41
bennna'cant help you there sry05:41
tgelterbennna: huh?05:41
eboyjrHoe do I set something with a command like gconf?05:42
TaRDyMikeCulver, Thank you, I am hoping to salvage my current 7.10 installed user but upgrade to 8.0405:42
ZaidenI can't use esound because nothing works when it's running, and pulseaudio doesn't fix it, so I'm not sure what I should do or what sound device to use05:42
penwhy is swiftweasel slow on scrolling in some sites? It is happening the same thing in firefox too. I'm using hardy, what should I do to fix this?05:42
eboyjrbennna: How do I set it?05:42
CatcheetoZaiden: I know I had issues with SL audio. I found several people had as well. Not sure of any details sadly as the graphic card in this PC is crappy and can't keep up05:42
beterrabadoes somebody have the code to create 2d (mathematic) graphics, like plot, in c++?05:42
MikeCulverTaRDy: good luck there.  I upgraded my 7.10 to 8.04.  it had a similar config.  no problems so far.05:43
bennnaman gconftool gives the options, I forget exactly05:43
eboyjrbennna: Thanks05:43
SeaPhorjtisme, on the border of rosenberg,,, i assure you, i grew up in Ft. Worth and have lived everywhere between there and her, but always in the USA, and except for military time, in Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:43
rignesHello.  Can someone tell me what the default links are in the rc#.d directories for rc.local?  I was messing with mine, changed a couple of things, and didn't write the default down and I'd like to put it back if possible.05:44
NightMareKamikaze o/05:44
ZaidenCatcheeto: Think a PCI soundcard might fix it?05:44
KamikazeNightMare o/~05:44
bazhangSeaPhor, and jtisme chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks05:44
kelvin911dill ni no mo05:44
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kelvin911if u understand what i am saying05:45
hroihello, I have an issue that I dont find so clear from ubuntu05:45
jtismebazhang, i know the rules and i wasnt chit chatting i was responding to a previous message and i ended the conversation several minutes ago05:45
hroiI want a new kernel from kernel.org for my ubuntu05:45
CatcheetoZaiden: I know several people did that to get it working, depends on how much you want to beat your head against a wall vs install a card, lol05:45
bazhangkelvin911, yes I do; and if you wish to remain in this channel you will refrain from language like that05:45
hroihowever the ubuntu docs seem to suggest I should get some special source with apt-get05:45
hroiis that really necessary?05:45
SeaPhorbazhang, are you blind?05:46
ZaidenCatcheeto: At this point, I'm happy to buy  a card if it'll fix the problem05:46
SeaPhornvm, you made your choice05:46
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CatcheetoZaiden: I would check around a bit first to make sure you grab a card someone has gotten working. I am sure most would fix, but would be your luck to grab the one that didn't and be back at square one05:47
beterrabadoes somebody have the code to create 2d (mathematic) graphics, like plot, in c or c++?05:47
devilsadvocatebeterraba, wrong channel05:48
jtismebeterraba, you would probably have better luck in  #c++05:48
kelvin911beterraba: maple05:48
beterrabajtisme i'm trying as well, thanks :P05:48
LinuxTryerHello, can anyone offer some insight into a missing /xinted ? (following some instructions for VNC)05:49
jtismeLinuxTryer, did you load xinetd  package05:49
rignesHey there, trying not to spam here, but if someone can run "ls /etc/rc?.d/*rc.local" on a default hardy install and let me know the output I'd greatly appreciate it.05:50
hroianybody here familiar with optimising their Ubuntu Kernels?05:50
LinuxTryerjtisme: No, I tried apt-get install xinetd but it couldn't find a package of that name.05:50
hroii just came over from Slackware05:50
hroiand always had easy time with kernel.org pure kernels05:50
CT|ParanoidDoes anyone have any idea how to get Hardy running on a Dell Inspiron 1420 Laptop? :s05:51
jtismeLinuxTryer, let me check doesnt seem like that is the real name05:51
gurukishi all. help plz. just install hardy on laptop. install is OK but can not login, cause the screen is blank. what should i change in /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:51
hroisomebody told me Ubuntu and Suse and other ... are corrupted kernel source... and they need to be from them...05:51
hroinot the pure kernels05:51
hroithat seem really stupid to me... but I think it might be correct ... anyone?05:51
J-_!xorg | gurukis05:51
ubottugurukis: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:51
CT|ParanoidI used to have Dapper Drake running on my old Laptop, but haven't managed to be able to get Hardy working on my new one, and have similar probs with Dapper Drake. And I am stuck :|05:51
jtismeLinuxTryer,  apt-get install  xinetd05:52
friedtofu_hroi: i believe they patch the kernel for more features and drivers and stuff... so it wouldnt be a plain vanilla kernel from kernel.org.... (but i'm pretty ignorant so meh)05:52
szx0Hello, I'm sorry but I really can't find this option. How can I add more "Desks" to my Ubuntu Gnome setup? By default there are 2 desks... I want 4 ;-05:53
hroifriedtofu_,  yes, I bet they might use some patches... however are they necessary...  Linux is Linux right??05:53
bazhangszx0, right click workspace switcher and choose more05:53
MikeCulverhroi: I have tried to compile a kernel with HDAPS support for my thinkpad... it was pretty easy.  I don't know precisely what you mean by optimizing.. do you mean removing excess modules?05:53
gurukisthx J-_05:53
J-_szx0: right click on the workspaces, and go to preferences. you'll see columns and rows05:53
LinuxTryerjtisme: /sigh, thank you for your help. scrolling into history I mistyped it.05:54
hroiMikeCulver,   yup, thats what I meant05:54
SeaPhorjtisme, kelvin911 's mama, whats your problem and why do you think you need to deal wit me?05:54
hroiMikeCulver, did you download the kernel source directly from kernel.org?05:54
szx0bazhang, thx05:54
szx0J-_, thx05:54
friedtofu_MikeCulver: huh - so how would you do that, because i would like to do the same05:54
MikeCulverhroi: I'm a real noob with this.. but aren't lsmod and rmmod pretty much the swiss army knife for that sort of thing?05:54
kelvin911SeaPhor: what is your problem?05:55
MikeCulverfriedtofu_: Well, I got so far as to compile it into the kernel, but from there I couldn't get it to actually work and park the disc05:55
hroiMikeCulver,   ehhh thats just for kernel modules05:55
etheredgequick question with k9copy for mpeg-4 file creation05:55
hroiMikeCulver,  to load and list them... not compiling a new kernel itself05:55
MikeCulverhroi: where a module ends and the kernel begins is still confusing to me.  sorry.05:55
MikeCulverhroi: I understand the concepts completely, but I don't know enough about the tools05:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:56
etheredgeevery time i try to create a mpeg4 file to a folder it closes out k9copy any help?05:56
bazhangSeaPhor, kelvin911 please take this elsewhere05:56
TaRDywill my ubuntu recognize a zfs partition?05:56
hroiMikeCulver, ok,... well you can have a module inside your kernel or loaded as you need it... however sound to me like you didnt download a new kernel like a newer version so..05:56
holdtkI made a post here with details to my problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=792171 anyone care to help?05:57
bazhangTaRDy, not likely05:57
hroiMikeCulver, I love Ubuntu because they have done so much work on all the drivers, and my laptop is a mess when getting drivers to work05:58
etheredgeany ideas?05:58
TaRDybazhang, thanks, I am considering seeing if a triple boot could occure05:58
csd1,265 members?!05:58
MikeCulverhroi: What I did was download the kernel headers.. and module source for HDAPSD05:58
hroiMikeCulver, but I love the purity and speed of Slackware...05:58
bazhangTaRDy, with solaris?05:58
hroiMikeCulver, yup... I think I know what you did, so you compiled a new kearnel with a patch for this driver05:58
TaRDybazhang, correct, ubuntu 8.04, opensolaris 2008.05 and vista05:58
MikeCulverhroi: then I compiled it all together following some arcade web recipe.. and I ended up with a new kernel.. and the kernel logs on boot talking about HDAPS and inital reading and the like.05:59
TaRDybazhang, if triple booting even is possible05:59
MikeCulverhroi: yes.. that sounds about like what the instructions said.05:59
bazhangTaRDy, grub might do it; not sure if you could mount zfs though05:59
naliothany posix file system should be mountable05:59
devilsadvocateTaRDy, you can have as many operating systems as you want05:59
bazhangTaRDy, sure it is possible to triple or even higher boot (someone had a hundred)05:59
LinuxTryerJTISME: thanks again. that solved it :)06:00
kelvin911hundred boot?06:00
etheredgeargh anyone help me out with k9copy?06:00
devilsadvocateTaRDy, OpenSolaris uses ggrub on their live dvd too06:00
jtismeLinuxTryer, great06:00
jtismeLinuxTryer, what ubuntu release are you running06:00
crwebdoes anyone know why suddenly Deluge is broken in 8.04 x64?06:00
TaRDybazhang, devilsadvocate thanks I will try it out then06:01
GestapospankWhat is the boot command to disable any loading of scsi drivers?06:01
etheredgebah every time i try to copy a dvd to mp4 it closes out k9copy06:01
devilsadvocateTaRDy, worst case you will have to have 2 grubs, one which launches everything except opensolaris and can launch the second grub, which in turn can launch open solaris06:01
naliothetheredge: tried handbrake?06:02
TaRDydevilsadvocate, ok, i will install opensolaris 2nd of the 3 to ensure ubuntu's grub has final say06:02
=== Thanatos is now known as Thanatos___
adredwhere can i access ubuntu's control center? sorry for the stupid question..:)06:03
etheredgewhere can i get handbrake from?06:03
devilsadvocateadred, what control centre?06:03
etheredgeand why wont the MPEG-4 creator work?06:04
naliothetheredge: google can tell you  ( i know nothing about k9copy but use handbrake all the time )06:04
etheredgeheh alright ill try it06:04
adreddevilsadvocate, like the mint's and pclos' control center? does unbuntu have one?06:05
theLichKinghow can i optimize the startup of ubuntu to make it start faster?06:05
bazhangadred, not the same; it is broken down into several components06:05
devilsadvocateadred, i dont know about those ones, but from what i know kde has a control centre. gnome doesnt (not in the same way atleast06:05
Thanatos___I'm a noob. I installed ubuntu 8.04 to my thinkpad's harddrive. When it goes to grub and I choose ubuntu, it gives me "error 21: device not found" I edit the command line and have it choose hd0, and not hd1, and it boots. How do I make this change permanent?06:05
ackstormThanatos___, you have to adjust it in the /boot/grub/grub.conf file06:06
P_KableI just notices something weird... I cannot change my password !06:06
ArrowLanceim having a problem keeping ubuntu working, i had it set up to dual boot (twice) with XP, but if i let my computer idle on ubuntu over night, i wake up to a black screen, and ubuntu will no longer load06:06
etheredgeis handbrake for ubuntu?06:06
devilsadvocateadred, if you want the same interface you had on kde, you should try kubuntu06:06
P_Kablethe command just gets stuck06:06
MikeCulver adred there is a control center app you can get.. but things are all accessible from the system admin (for global settings) and system preferences (for per-user settings)06:07
kelvin911when u r playing mp3, can u watch youtube with sound?06:07
devilsadvocateMikeCulver, gconfeditor?06:07
LinuxTryerjtisme: 7.10, I went to 8.10 but it totally broke Sun Java (I'm on a VM machine, so I rolled back to 7.10)06:07
MikeCulverkelvin911: i can, yes.. pulseaudio seems to solve things06:07
naliothetheredge: #handbrake may be of more help06:07
MikeCulverdevilsadvocate: no.. another one..06:07
stevemccanyone know where the config file is for gnome-main-menu is located under gnome 2.22? was previously in .icons06:08
ackstormkelvin911, is that a question or a comment?06:08
ArrowLanceI installed 8.0406:08
adreddevilsadvocate: linuxmint has and it uses gnome. bazhang says ubuntu doesnt have.. thanks! :)06:08
MikeCulverdevilsadvocate: I think it's was just called control center.. I'll hunt in synaptic for it06:08
LinuxTryerjtisme: speciffically, it broke JAVA_HOME06:08
kelvin911because i cant06:08
ackstormoh, yea06:08
J-_adred: gnome-control-center in terminal06:08
jtismeLinuxTryer, ok just wondered thanks06:08
ackstormand you can adjust the volume on the youtube applet too06:08
cvd-prHwy the hell the eject button od the dvdrom dont work i always has to unmount?06:08
Thanatos___Thanks ackstorm, I think i'm almost all the way to resolving this issue. What is the default text editor program, similar to edit in DOS? I think I will need to change permissions, so use sudo?06:08
bazhangadred, you can add the mint one or something similar if you wish but it is not recommended nor supported06:08
kelvin911ackstorm: when i am playng sound in some other app, youtube has no sound and vice versa06:09
etheredgehrm no way to get k9copy to work huh06:09
MikeCulvercvd-pr: because sudden disconnection of a mounted filesystem can cause problems.  unmounting is safer.06:09
ackstormThanatos___, nano is a simple editor, but when you want be really l33t learn vi06:09
legend2440Thanatos___: gksudo gedit /bbot/grub/menu.lst06:10
DoubleBhey how do delete /etc/network/interfaces and make a new one via terminal?06:10
cvd-pra dvdrom is a filesystem?06:10
legend2440Thanatos___: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:10
stevemccanyone know where the config file is for gnome-main-menu is located under gnome 2.22? was previously in .icons06:10
ackstormkelvin911, working for me, I'm not sure why your sound wouldn't be mixing.. are you using kde or gnome?06:10
adredbazhang, devilsadvocate & and all: alright..thanks for the tip.:)06:10
MikeCulvercvd-pr: an data storage device usually has a filesystem on it.  and a dvd is such a type of media which has a filesystem on it.06:10
Thanatos___thanks legend, i'm trying that now06:10
kelvin911after upgrading to hardy i cant have more than 1 app using the sound06:10
J-_!filesystem | cvd-pr06:11
ubottucvd-pr: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview06:11
MikeCulverkelvin911: try pulseaudio06:11
kelvin911i used to webcaming and watch youtube and even playing mp3 at the same time in gutsy06:11
stevemcckelvin, some people have fixed that by turning off integrated sound inside their bios06:11
ackstormehh, if you like the graphical way out06:11
stevemcci dont think that is the right solution tho06:11
MikeCulverstevemcc: how does that fix the matter?  then we'd have no sound unless we have a separate device.06:12
kelvin911what is pulseaudio?06:12
kelvin911do i need tio install that?06:12
SNIaHello, I'm trying to redirect kernel output from tty1 to tty7. I set in grub to have console=tty7 and it's working, but there are still two lines that show up on tty1 on boot. the06:12
SeaPhor<kelvin911> damian__: only dumb american uses fuhrenheit or miles06:12
ackstormkelvin911, it should be installed already06:12
SNIa[sda] assuming drive cache: write through part06:12
MikeCulverkelvin911: pulseaudio is selectable in the sound preferences... it's pre-installed for me.06:12
ArrowLanceim having a problem keeping ubuntu(8.04) working, i had it set up to dual boot (twice) with XP, but if i let my computer idle on ubuntu over night, i wake up to a black screen, and ubuntu will no longer load06:12
SNIaand piix4_smbus 0000:00:07.3: Host SMBus Controller not enabled part06:12
stevemccmike: thats exactly why i said i figured its the wrong fix. with some the card can be detected anyway06:13
BridgerHow would I go about sharing an HP Deskjet 1455 on a Windows Network?06:13
SNIaotherwise all other parts show up on tt706:13
MikeCulverArrowLance: what state is the system left in?06:13
kelvin911dont know why the mp3 song is skipping now06:13
SNIaAnyone know how to redirect those 2 last kernel messages to another tty?06:13
ackstormArrowLance, try hitting Alt-s06:13
ArrowLancea black screen06:13
Thanatos___askstorm, i've been trying to edit the file specified, but it seems to be empty, or doesn't exist06:14
ArrowLanceim guessing my file issues has to do with me havting to turn off hard06:14
P_KableI can't change my passwd, any idea why ?06:14
MikeCulverArrowLance: I meant, what things was the system doing when you left it functioning properly?06:14
ArrowLancejust idleing06:14
ArrowLancei fell asleep06:14
GestapospankI have a server with two 2 ide devices (harddrive, atapi cdrom). Ubuntu 8.04 and 7.10 both have locked up when installing the scsi driver over the attached CD-Rom device. Any boot command to ignore this device?06:14
Thanatos___legend2440, i copied and pasted your command and gedit stopped responding and had to be force quit06:14
ackstormThanatos___, it might be /boot/grub/menu.lst06:14
MikeCulverArrowLance: are you saying the system won't boot up again when powered-on?  or has the system gone into suspend but won't come out?06:15
ArrowLancewhen i select ubuntu, i get error 15 stating the menu.lst can't be found. When i check on the files in windows, they are no longer there06:15
SNIaAnyone know how to redirect kernel messages to another tty?06:15
WoDaNGestapospank: found out if the scsi device is builtin or not, if it's a moduleyou can blacklist it06:16
MikeCulverArrowLance: wow... that isn't normal at all.  Are Windows and Ubuntu on the same hard drive?06:16
WoDaNGestapospank: s/scsi device/scsi driver/06:16
kelvin911why no more than 1 application can play the sound?06:16
legend2440Thanatos___: you could try  sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst if gedit isn't working06:16
MikeCulverArrowLance: how are you getting it to boot into windows?06:16
kelvin911is it hardy bugs?06:16
GestapospankThis is on install, I don't have ubuntu installed yet to blacklist the driver06:16
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
WoDaNkelvin911: by default only one app can access an OSS sound device06:17
devilsadvocateArrowLance, is this the first time you rebooted?06:17
ArrowLanceim dual booting, i just have to select which OS to use when i boot up06:17
WoDaNkelvin911: afaik if you use alsa for sound more can be done06:17
Thanatos___in nano, do I save by "writeout"?06:17
WoDaNkelvin911: but then you have to enable software mixing06:17
kelvin911i use alsa06:17
WoDaNkelvin911: or your soundcard should support it in hw06:17
legend2440Thanatos___: yes06:17
MikeCulverArrowLance: if menu.lst isn't found, then I'm kinda confused...06:17
kelvin911in gutsy i can have more than 1 app uses the sound06:17
ackstormkelvin911, make sure mixer kernel module is loaded06:17
devilsadvocateArrowLance, so it comes till the grub menu, lets you pick, and you get error 15 when you select ubuntu?06:17
MikeCulverdevilsadvocate: is it possible he has two grubs?06:17
WoDaNkelvin911: this is th reason most desktop environments use an audio manager (pulse, artsd, ...)06:18
kelvin911ackstorm: how?06:18
ArrowLanceactually, im checking and none of the ubuntu file are there06:18
ackstormkelvin911, pm my copy of lsmod06:18
kelvin911but it works in gutsy b406:18
Thanatos___thanks to both legend2440 and ackstorm!06:18
devilsadvocateMikeCulver, ArrowLance , im not entirely certain but it definitely sounds that way06:18
devilsadvocateArrowLance, you wont be able to see the ubuntu files from windows unless you have etx2fs06:18
MikeCulverArrowLance: it sounds like you might have two copies of grub installed..  probably from both attempts at install06:19
ArrowLanceah ok, but i checked once and it said the ubuntu file was 6 gb06:19
ArrowLancenow its like 1.506:19
MikeCulverArrowLance: that's possible.  You could just be seeing the swap or maybe just the home06:19
ArrowLancewell the same problem happened last time i installed06:19
MikeCulverArrowLance: Windows isn't very good at seeing filesystems it doesn't know how to read.06:20
devilsadvocateumm, ArrowLance , where are you seeing this 1.5 gb and 5 gb? how did you install ubuntu06:20
devilsadvocateArrowLance, wubi?06:20
ArrowLancei used wubi06:20
MikeCulverArrowLance: Part of the boot process for Ubuntu involves a UUID for root being sent to the kernel..  That UUID being sent may be the wrong one if you have two grubs06:20
LaneLimitedPlease help me... I put a DVD into my DVD rom and it trys to play the movie in Totem movie player and it tells me .. An error has occured...  You might not have permission to open the file.... What should I do or what program should I use to play a DVD? Thank  you06:20
Vegombreihi .. how do i register a nickname on irc ?06:21
devilsadvocateArrowLance, ah06:21
ArrowLanceif i reinstall it will work again06:21
Starnestommy!register | Vegombrei06:21
ubottuVegombrei: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.06:21
devilsadvocateArrowLance, the ubuntu file shrunk from 6 gb to 1.5 gb?06:21
friedtofu_Vegombrei: /msg nickserv register (pass) (email)06:21
ackstormArrowLance, try installing from the boot CD for best resules06:21
ArrowLanceyes, after the problem06:21
Starnestommyfriedtofu_: the email isn't part of it06:21
J-_!dvd | LaneLimited06:21
ubottuLaneLimited: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:21
MimiQuestion: If I lock my session, will the thing Im downloading via WGET keep downloading all night? Or will it not download because I "Locked" the session?06:21
devilsadvocateArrowLance, then there is a good chance youve lost data. i dont know how it could have happened though06:22
friedtofu_Stamestommy: oh. meh - it is on some servers06:22
ArrowLanceok, its annoy because now i have to go hook up to a hard wired internet to reinstall my wireless drivers06:22
ackstormMimi, not unless it suspends or hibernates06:22
ArrowLancewell i did have to poweroff in an unorderly fashion devil06:22
MikeCulverdevilsadvocate: how should he clean out his other grubs?  or will the install handle that?06:22
Mimiackstorm,  cool, thanks a lot =)06:22
MimiGood night!06:22
kelvin911ackstorm: http://www.pastebin.ca/101664206:22
devilsadvocateMikeCulver, it might not be different grubs. imnot entirely familiar with the wubi way of things06:23
MikeCulverArrowLance: devilsadvocate:  It's also possible that an EISA partition and BIOS masking of such would cause problems with loading GRUB06:23
ArrowLancewould me using a cd image work better?06:23
MikeCulverArrowLance: significantly06:23
Vegombreifriedtofu_: how do i know when its done ?06:24
cyntekbazhang: why did you boot Seaphor as why he got booted but not somone who insulted an Entire Country?06:24
ArrowLancei read somwhere on the forums that it has problems with handling poweroffs like i did, might that be the problem?06:24
devilsadvocateMikeCulver, ArrowLance i think what happened is that th main grub points to some sort of grub inside the ubuntu ´partitiion´ which is basically a file on windows partition that is loopmounted. ArrowLance i _think_ reinstalling should fix the problem. i would suggest you also ask on a wibu support channel (is there a #wubi?)06:24
bazhangcyntek, you may PM me if you wish06:24
devilsadvocateArrowLance, its possible06:24
MikeCulverArrowLance: I have encountered one power-off problem with Ubuntu, but it's never caused a problem like that.06:24
MikeCulverArrowLance: that's not to say it's impossible, just highly unlikely06:25
friedtofu_Vegombrei: all the information you need should be in your status window - the one with the server and such... afterwards you just do "/msg nickserv identify (password)" or you can set it up in your IRC client to do it automatically06:25
jim_beamis this a dual boot issue y'all are discussing06:25
ArrowLancewell, eitherway, both times i installed the same problem occured06:25
devilsadvocateMikeCulver, he does not have a traditional ubuntu install06:25
MikeCulverjim_beam: yes sit06:25
ArrowLanceso i dont think it is an issue with grub06:25
jim_beamyes sir06:25
Neo_The_UserI thought I was banned06:25
friedtofu_Vegombrei: well. if "/msg nickserv ..." doesnt work try "/nickserv ..."06:26
ArrowLanceot try /ns06:26
ArrowLance usually /ns works too06:26
devilsadvocateArrowLance, you could reinstall, but if its happened twice it will happen again06:26
cyntekhow do i pm?06:26
ArrowLancethats why im hesitant to do so06:26
bazhangclick on my name cyntek06:26
cynteki did06:27
J-_Wubi is used to dualboot? I thought it was used to install Ubuntu on top of Windows. Or, provide a simple installation/ transition between both.06:27
MikeCulverArrowLance: just don't use wubi this time.  try it pure from CD06:27
ArrowLanceid like to figure out the problem and avoid it if possible before i reinstall06:27
MikeCulverArrowLance: alternate if you're really paranoid06:27
cyntekyour not there06:27
devilsadvocateArrowLance, if youve got an empty partition lying around i suggest a normal ubuntu install06:27
devilsadvocateArrowLance, that is probably much more tolerant to unclean shutdowns and stuff06:28
MikeCulverdevilsadvocate: and gparted can resize an NTFS part for you.  just remember to cross all your fingers and toes06:28
friedtofu_J-_ apparently wubi installs Ubuntu as an Image file on the Windows partition and sets up the boot menu for the comptuer to boot into linux (but this is just from reading articles)06:28
jim_beamwould anyone know where shutdown errors are stored06:28
devilsadvocateMikeCulver, :)06:28
ArrowLancehow can i set up another partition, if i can06:28
bazhangcyntek, check for a PM06:28
anomolyif you set up a crontab command to  > toThisFile, where would it drop the file?06:29
J-_!dualboot | ArrowLance06:29
ubottuArrowLance: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:29
J-_ArrowLance: might be easier just to do it without wubi no?06:29
VegombreiArrowLance: hi06:29
cyntekPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )06:29
saundesjI'm trying to find an app to display keystrokes in my screencasts. Something similar to KeyCastr on OS X. I found Key Status Monitor but couldn't get it running on Hardy. Can anyone recommend alternatives?06:30
anomolyif you set up a crontab command to  > toThisFile, where would it drop the file?06:31
Vegombreihi ..how do i set irssi to auto connect to this server with my nick as default ?06:31
ackstormArrowLance, isn't that what I said? no? =P06:31
kelvin911how do i know if i am using alsa or pulseaudio?06:31
ArrowLancei dont think i have any black cds06:31
ackstormkelvin911, pulseaudio should work with alsa06:31
devilsadvocateArrowLance, the general overview is to first defrag the partition you want to resize, then reboot using the live cd, use gparted to resize the partiotion (i suggest atleast 10 gb, but ive used 6gb without any problem before) and then install as usual06:31
friedtofu_kelvin911: i believe you'll be using pulseaudio if you're in 8.04, in 7.10 it should be alsa06:31
MikeCulverArrowLance: do you have a spare computer on your network?06:31
devilsadvocateArrowLance, well, if you are feeling brave you dont need a blank cd.06:32
kelvin911but when i am playing mp3, i cant have sound in other applications06:32
MikeCulverArrowLance: you could set up a server to do RPL or PXE and load the setup that way06:32
friedtofu_probably pulseaudio? :/06:32
J-_I've never used wubi before. And, I can say that dualbooting following the correct tutorial. It went pretty well when I first started using Ubuntu, ArrowLance. I don't dualboot now though.06:32
kelvin911how to switch back to gutsy setting?06:32
ackstormkelvin911, what client are you using?06:32
devilsadvocateArrowLance, get the alternate install cd and use that. its much easier06:32
friedtofu_J-_ meh too. i triple boot. haha.06:32
kelvin911and the mp3 playback has poping sound now06:32
MikeCulverArrowLance: listen to devilsadvocate..06:33
kelvin911ackstorm: what do u mean what client?06:33
ackstormwhat music player06:33
devilsadvocateArrowLance, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows : CD ISO approach06:33
kelvin911vlc or rhythmbox06:33
Vegombreihi ..how do i set irssi to auto connect to this server with my nick as default ?06:33
ackstormnither work? hmm06:33
kelvin911in vlc, the mp3 song is skipping and poping06:33
MikeCulverArrowLance: there's also install from a flash drive06:33
kelvin911in rhythmbox the sound is nice06:33
novato_brwhat are they newest for ubuntu ?06:33
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:33
kheroDid ubuntu fix the DSL Alcatel modem problem?06:34
devilsadvocateArrowLance, just make sure you defrag the partition you are going to resize first. itĺl make the resizing later signifincalty safer06:34
kelvin911but when i am playing mp3 in either player, i cant have sound in youtube or in games06:34
Geoffrey2I'm trying to build virtualbox from source, after running configure, I sourced the env.sh file, and ran kmk...do I still need to make and make install after kmk, or does that perform some of those steps?06:34
ImaginalWhat is the right way to get audio working in DosBox in hardy?06:34
kelvin911or if i am watch youtube, the player doesnt have sound06:34
MikeCulverArrowLance: repeated defragging can help and my be necessary.  but free up as much space as you can before defrag06:34
legend2440kelvin911: system>preferences>sound>music and movies select alsa06:35
anomolyif you set up a crontab command to  > toThisFile, where would it drop the file? I've even tired specifying a full path but it doesn't seem to be outputting the file06:36
kelvin911i close vlc but the mp3 still keep plauying06:36
kelvin911hwo to stop that?06:36
J-_kelvin911: killall vlc possibly. I've never used vlc before though.06:36
kelvin911vlc is killed06:37
Neo_The_Useri love vlc. be nice to it!06:37
kelvin911so in sound i dont use auto detect?06:37
kelvin911pick alsa?06:37
* friedtofu_ likes mplayer best06:38
=== dudus_ is now known as dudus
Neo_The_UserIm using Ubuntu 8.04 on the ps3. would anybody know how to help me if I asked a general basic question?06:40
diverhey again guys06:40
Neo_The_UserMy playstation 3 keeps crashing when I try switching kernels.06:40
diverps3 ftw!06:40
friedtofu_Neo_The_User: hm. cool - so how has that been working out for you?06:40
Neo_The_Userpretty good only on the -16 generic kernel06:41
kelvin911after i choose alsa, do i need to restart X?06:41
diverNeo:i love ubuntu but i heard its pretty buggy on ps3. People said that yellow dog worked well06:41
kelvin911or computer?06:41
kelvin911because this didnt solve my sound problem06:41
MikeCulverNeo_The_User: I would guess it's something specific necessary to support the system that's missing.06:41
Neo_The_UserI am a buntu fan boy06:41
diverthen learn to spell it!! JK :D06:41
friedtofu_Neo_The_User: videos play decently? even the 1280x720 resolutions? :)06:41
diverHas anyone installed steam on wine?06:41
Neo_The_Userbuntu = all types of linux that end with buntu06:42
divernote the jk...06:42
AtomicSparkdiver, yes06:42
diverAtomic, Howd you get it to run the msi?06:42
friedtofu_how about *buntu?06:42
diverwhen i right click and open with wine it doesnt do anything06:43
* yowshi wishes he could use vlc to watch his movies06:43
Neo_The_Userdiver, I have been hacking wine for weeks trying to get battlefield 2142 to work. any ideas?06:43
divermy cpu doesnt chang at all either06:43
AtomicSparkdiver, msiexec -i <filename> for msi exe's06:43
Neo_The_UserDoes anybody know how to get battlefield 2142 working very well under wine?06:43
diverone sec neo06:43
AtomicSparkNeo doesn't hack06:43
Neo_The_Useryes i do06:44
diveratomic do i need to go into the dir. at all or what?06:44
stefan_hi there06:44
diveror do i choose other app. and command line06:44
diverNeo: im a hacker too :D just mostly on windows...06:44
kelvin911so i need to sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset to solve the sound problem?06:44
diverstarted using ubuntu around a week or 2 ago06:44
ZaidenI think I messed something up in Ubuntu, when I log in, it's very fast compared to yesterday06:44
Neo_The_Userdoes that include DirectX diver?06:45
elpargodiver, that's an interesting statement06:45
Neo_The_Userdiver we love you! lol06:45
diveri know how people think of windows and hackers...like mac users and non hybrids06:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:45
Neo_The_Userubottu shut up06:45
ubottuFactoid shut up not found06:45
kelvin911i have same problem like this guy here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3118606:46
kelvin911anyone has a fix?06:46
diveratomic, you said to use msiexec -i <filename>. i saved the msi on my desktop. Do i need to specify the location?06:46
diverNVM solved :D thanks again guys06:46
Neo_The_Usersorry Tm_T06:47
divernow to find my steam account...06:47
Neo_The_Userdiver, do you have the source code for DirectX 9.0c?06:47
diveri can get it if you need it?06:47
=== Neo_The_User is now known as ubottu_
Tm_Tdiver: Neo_The_User: stop offtopic chat06:47
ubottu_Tm_T are you mad?06:48
ubottu_MIDIval hows it hang essay?06:49
ubottu_Don64 hows it hang essay?06:49
jussi01ubottu: you have been asked, please stop06:49
ubottujussi01: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:49
MIDIvalguys my ubuntu is not longer functioning like it should  after i upgraded to hardy06:49
bazhang!ot | ubottu_06:49
jussi01ubottu_: you have been asked, please stop06:49
ubottuubottu_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:49
ubottujussi01: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:49
MIDIvalmy network not functioning properly neither is my graphic card working now06:50
tech_who can help me06:50
diverthanks guys bbl :p06:50
MIDIvalbazhang, are u free for support06:50
bazhangMIDIval, what is the issue?06:51
ArrowLanceoh boy this download is slow06:51
MikeCulvertech_: what problem are you having?06:51
MIDIvalbazhang, since i upgraded to hardy nothing seems to be working ...eg. cant excess network neither is my graphic card working now06:51
=== o0Chris0o is now known as o0Chris0o_
bazhangMIDIval, what card do you have (video) and how did you install the driver (one step at a time)06:52
ArrowLancejust a bad mirror06:52
=== o0Chris0o_ is now known as o0Chris0o
phantomcircuit8.04 is completly unstable06:53
phantomcircuitthis is ridiculous06:53
kelvin911phantomcircuit: i agree06:54
kelvin911phantomcircuit: it is ridiculus06:54
Devishello anyone have virtualbox running perfect?06:54
phantomcircuitI just started to use this and firefox won't open now06:54
phantomcircuitim going back06:54
kelvin911how to make sound works on more than one application?06:54
Raheemas with any new release .. lot of work needed .. here & there .. that's all ;)06:55
MIDIvali think i m lagged06:55
Devisif so please i need help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=787005    im incadudeF by the way06:55
MIDIvalbazhang, i m lagged...tis I MIDIval  :D06:56
bazhangMIDIval, did you see my last question?06:56
LoneShadowHi, I am having problem booting into my fake-raid with the latest kernel 2.6.24-1606:56
MIDIvalbazhang, <bazhang> MIDIval, what card do you have (video) and how did you install the driver (one step at a time)???06:56
LoneShadowboots fine with the old kernel of gutsy, any  suggestions to fix this ?06:56
bazhangMIDIval, aye06:56
MIDIval<MIDIval> bazhang, i had it installed...nvidia 6200 is my driver, now when i manually select the driver and put it on test it doesnt work. And at startup it says no card found.06:56
MIDIval<MIDIval> bazhang, wen i installed 7.10 it automatically detected the drivers and installed it self since the upgrade its been giving problems06:56
bazhangMIDIval, try envyng-gtk this is gnome right?06:57
aroonihey folks!  when i do sudo crontab -e ... i'm not editing with vim.  how can i fix this?06:57
MIDIvalbazhang, yes gnome ubuntu hardy ... er how to try envy..-gtk?06:57
bazhangMIDIval, sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk06:58
kadkoHello i have a problem whit my wifi at ubuntu 8.04 any one can help me?06:59
TropLockno, piss off and die06:59
MIDIvalkadko, dont ask about asking...just ask away :D06:59
Bodsdahow can i change the apps,places,system Icon?? (the one displayedto the left of thethree word) ive tried changing the picture in my icon file in ~/.icons to no avail -- any thoughts?06:59
o0Chris0ohello guys, how do I become a member of ubuntu and help out?06:59
jussi01!attitude | TropLock06:59
ubottuTropLock: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:59
Bodsda!ohmy | TropLock06:59
ubottuTropLock: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:59
jussi01kadko: please state your problem07:00
jussi01!member > o0Chris0o07:00
zcat[1]Bodsda: gconf-editor07:00
MIDIvalbazhang, ok its been installed...do i have to restart X?07:00
Bodsdazcat[1], bit more info plz07:01
zcat[1]Bodsda: can't remember exactly where.. hang on..07:01
jgooHey guys - I haven't setup a process as a service yet, but I want to remote ssh into a server, run a command, and have that session remain active, even if I loose access from this other machine... this is attaching and detaching sessions right?07:01
bazhangMIDIval, you need to run it first; then reboot07:01
kadkoSorry :P, My problem is the restricted wifi driver of my HP dv6815nr does not work, and in the drivers it say "Atheros comiunication Wifi" when my laptop have a BroadCom hardware what can i do ?07:01
Bodsdazcat[1], cheers dude ;~)07:01
MIDIvalbazhang, running it, where do i run it from?07:01
patifajgoo: while, yes, the effect is attaching and deteachig sessions, you want to look up everything to do with the terminal program 'screen'07:02
bazhangMIDIval, from the applications system tools07:02
o0Chris0ojussi01: hi, thanks!07:02
egestecan someone please help me with this syntax: sudo -p -u root VirtualBox07:03
jgoohttp://www.gnu.org/software/screen/screen.html << that is what I was reading.. .so I am on the right track, right?07:03
jgoo@ patifa07:03
Bodsdaegeste, sudo -pu VirtualBox07:03
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patifajgoo: Yeah, though I'd have expected more of a useful page out of the GNU project.07:04
egesteBodsda: sudo: please use single character options07:04
zcat[1]apps > panel > objects > default_setup > objects > menu_bar07:04
jgoopatifa, also, googling 'screen' ubuntu, attach... detach... comes up with 'my screen is blank!!!1111sin(x)/f(n)x_O07:04
Bodsdaegeste, why are you using sudo options?? sudo VirtualBox     will work07:04
patifajgoo: try "screen linux"07:04
patifaIt's a more general linux tool than an Ubuntu specific one07:05
zcat[1]the options you want are custom_icon (a path and filename) and use_custom_icon (checkbox)..07:05
userlolhi, is it possible to get wireless working with a ThinkPad T61 laptop?07:05
userlolwith hardy that is07:05
Bodsdazcat[1], and whereabouts in gconf are these settins?07:05
egesteI want to launch it without the terminal staying open, and I want it to prompt me for a password in teh same fashion that other root-level utilities do07:05
zcat[1]apps > panel > objects > default_setup > objects > menu_bar07:05
zak2anyone know what's going on with monodevelop-java and monodevelop-boo in hardy?07:05
fdeBodsda: you have to run it manually... or add it back, as it's not set by default to display07:06
Bodsdaegeste, sudo nohup VirtualBox            (nohup=no hangup)07:06
Bodsdafde, what isnt?07:06
zcat[1]If you've replaced the default menubar, it'll be in one of the unnamed "object_n" entries instead07:06
Bodsdacheers zcat[1]07:06
fdeBodsda: gconf-editor ....07:06
Bodsdazcat[1], im using a custom theme called SlicknesS and an icon theme called Black and white 207:07
* zcat[1] wonders who in gnome decided the windows registry was a good model to copy...07:07
arooniERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) ... how to fix?  ubuntu hardy server07:07
userlolhi, is it possible to get wireless working with a ThinkPad T61 laptop? doesnt work out of the box07:07
Bodsdaegeste, your welcome07:07
fdezcat[1]: It really is though considering the mess that moving those out of gconf would have resulted in...07:07
devilsadvocateuserlol, check if it needs restricted drivers07:08
zcat[1]perhaps ... I'm not entirely convinced :)07:08
fdezcat[1]: the windows registry is more like /etc though... give /etc an XML interface, and a GUI, you got you a registry... gconf is just for advanced gnome settings.07:08
kadkoI have a problem whit my wifi, I install the restricted drivers but dont work so what can i do?07:08
Bodsdazcat[1], i dont have a default_setup  in that file path07:08
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zcat[1]Bodsda: I kinda got lost, you might have to search around a bit, it's in there somewhere :)07:09
jgoopatifa, helpfully, screen was already installed (it was only an apt-get away in any case), I will try the amazing ctrl-a now :)07:09
patifajgoo: Just make sure you read up on all the key combinations first, screwing them up can get you quite lost in screen.07:09
fdeBodsda: Same settings in /apps/panel/objects/menu_bar_screen07:09
Bodsdazcat[1], lol, i dont like gconf-editor,. the weird thing is ,. ive deleted the png being displayed and replaced with one of my own07:09
fdeBodsda: Same settings in /apps/panel/objects/menu_bar_screen007:10
Bodsdafde, ty dude07:10
jgoopatifa, yep, reading up now, thanks!07:10
fdeBodsda: heh... yeah, that's the hackish way to do it  ;)07:11
Bodsdazcat[1], fde, what value should the custom_icon be?07:11
Bodsdafile path?07:11
zcat[1]yep, full path ..07:11
fdeBodsda: yeah07:11
fdeBodsda: btw, what happened with that dude earlier?07:12
Bodsdafde, fixed it -- it was da2 -- sda1 was a boot partition --07:13
fdeBodsda: ahh07:14
aroonihow can i get mysql server and apache server to come back online immediately after reboot on ubuntu hardy server?  i installed both apps with sudo apt-get install ..07:14
xen_sorry i got cut off07:14
Bodsdafde, lol,. and he still cant boot into windows cause he had to sleep b4 i could fix07:14
fdeI asked him whether he'd customized with TweakUI or something, he said no... oh well.07:14
=== konsumer is now known as konbon
xen_anyone here managed to get wireless working with hard on a ThinkPad T61?07:14
xen_laptop that is07:14
jgooI know this will sound non-important but... I am using ubuntu studio theme, and fileopen dialogs and filezilla main area are near unreadable because of light grey on white... I've tried changing prefs and prefs appearance... non fix it...07:14
devilsadvocatearooni, they should do that already07:14
Bodsdafde, i dont think he did it -- he wasnt tech savy07:14
jgooI use ctrl-n to negate it and it heeelps a little07:14
aroonidevilsadvocate, how can i check if apache server is running07:14
konbonIs there a keyboard short cut for terminal ?07:15
devilsadvocatearooni, maybe a ps aux |grep apache07:15
fdexen_: Computer make/model does little good, and holds little relevance... can you please type 'lspci | grep -i wireless' does it return anything?07:15
ScreaminIk1i uhm... lost my "screens and graphics" launcher. it's just gone. from all my menues. how do i get it back?07:15
Bodsdaarooni, top07:15
devilsadvocatearooni, or if you have nmap, then nmap localhost07:15
ScreaminIk1also, i lost the "games" folder. now, it's part of the "other" folder07:15
fdeScreaminIk1: Did you upgrade to Hardy recently?07:15
ScreaminIk1any way to change that?07:15
aroonilooks like apache2 is activated....07:15
ScreaminIk1uhm... i've been on it since alpha07:16
Bodsdakonbon, you can make one in System-->Pref-->Keyboard shortcuts07:16
bpat1434How can I manually set which desktop is brought up after my screen goes to sleep?  Right now, I have to hit ctrl+alt+F7 to change to the default desktop07:16
ScreaminIk1and i lost the games folder about a year ago. on 7.0407:16
fdeScreaminIk1: Screens and Graphics changed to Screen Resolution in Preferences.07:16
shaft0Is there a way to restore Ubuntu to only what was installed initially, like a wipe all preferences and programs without having to reset the whole hard drive?07:16
bazhangalt f2 gnome-terminal konbon07:16
shaft0if that makes sense07:16
bazhangshaft0, make a new user07:16
xen_fde yes it returns "Intel corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network connection"07:16
shaft0good idea07:17
xen_how do i activate this?07:17
Bodsdabazhang, hey;~) wantmeto seeif bodhi_zazen is awake?07:17
Bodsdaactivate what xen_07:17
ScreaminIk1that's awesome. ok. new problems.07:17
devilsadvocateshaft0, well, if you want to wipe all the user preferences you need to delete all the stuff in your home folder. system and services preferences are much more complicated07:17
xen_Bodsda wireless07:17
xen_on a ThinkPad T6107:17
xen_i typed in ifconfig and iwconfig07:17
xen_and it doesnt see the connection07:17
MikeCulverxen_: did you check intel's site for a driver package for this?07:18
ScreaminIk1i have TWO monitors. my secondary monitor works fine until x launches... then it just goes blank. fix?07:18
Bodsdaxen_, wifi not my forte im afraid07:18
aroonianyone know how to get the mysql server to load on ubuntu hardy server?  i run it:  but it gives me the error of  [ERROR] Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Cannot assign requested address; 080513  2:08:54 [ERROR] Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ;   tried stopping it & running netstat -plon | grep 3306 with no results.   ... ideaz?07:18
fdexen_: I hate advising ndiswrapper, but this is all I find: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Intel_4965_AGN_WiFi_Driver/Fiesty07:18
xen_MikeCulver no i have enough trouble navigating around intels site as it is07:18
tmapjcould someone tell me how to run a program at startup?07:18
devilsadvocatearooni, what port are you trying to run it on?07:18
konbonbazhang, Thanks, this one is much better since there is no actual terminal wiindow. Nice.07:18
aroonidevilsadvocate, i didnt even know it had a port until i saw that error message07:19
MikeCulverxen_ I'm looking...07:19
devilsadvocatearooni, hm, ok07:19
fdexen_: Follow that guide, it should be up in a few mins... hopefully in the next release, it'll work out of the box, as Intel is pushing to open such things.07:19
xen_oh ok thanks heaps guys :)07:19
devilsadvocatearooni, run ¨sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld stop¨07:19
MikeCulverxen_: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_results.aspx?strTypes=all&ProductID=2753&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng&strOSs=39&submit=Go!07:19
ScreaminIk1repost: i have TWO monitors. my secondary monitor works fine until x launches... then it just goes blank. fix?07:19
tmapjcould someone tell me how to run a program at startup?07:19
ganjamani got question07:20
konboni tried asking in the xchat channel, but i got no response for this question, so here it goes again07:20
ScreaminIk1also, i know that graphics are everyone's LEAST favorite bugs to troubleshoot.07:20
konbonI have ubuntu with xchat installed, and using it now, i downloaded some dark theme for it but i have no idea where to place the files. Any help please?07:20
ScreaminIk1ask it, ganjaman07:20
aroonidevilsadvocate, stop works ok funnily enough07:20
ganjamani try to convert my archive using a 5TB Raid07:20
tmapjcould someone tell me how to run a program at startup?07:20
ganjamani go from ext3 to xfs07:20
devilsadvocatearooni, then it was already running earlier07:20
dabbillI am getting permission denied when tryin to remove some files from my Trash, any way around to delete these?07:20
Bodsdatmapj, System-->Pref-->Sessions07:20
devilsadvocatearooni, so the same thing with start07:20
* ScreaminIk1 opts out of RAID discussions because he's never used RAID.07:20
fdexen_: actually, first please try: http://kuscsik.blogspot.com/2007/06/how-to-install-intel-4965-wireless.html  *if* that doesn't work, then try what I said before please.07:21
ganjamani bought some 10 new 1tb drives for this , to temporary convert the archive07:21
Bodsdadabbill, do it from terminal with sudo07:21
aroonidevilsadvocate, but when i run sudo /etc/inti.d/mysql start ... it fails07:21
dabbillBodsda, is it just .trash in home folder?07:21
devilsadvocatearooni, even now?07:21
ganjamancan i just copy the data back from the ext3 formated system to the xfs system, just change the bootloader?07:21
ScreaminIk1ok. i'll deal with not having a second monitor... still... i'd like to have my games folder seperate from other. any idea how to get it back?07:21
fdexen_: If modprobe works... just throw it into /etc/modules and you should be all set.07:21
Bodsdadabbill, dont think so i think its now somewhere else,. 1 sec07:21
fdexen_: (just the module on a new line...)07:22
aroonidevilsadvocate, even now :(07:22
ganjamanmaybe i format the new array to xfs and build the os new07:22
bazhangkonbon, open up appearancse and then install themes and go to where you save them07:22
gaviok im trying to download a software and its asking me to put the cd in, so i put it in, ubuntu sees the cd it even makes a shortcut on my desktop "ubuntu 7.10 i386" but when i press ok that the cd is inserted it doesnt do anything.. whats wrong?07:22
devilsadvocatearooni, pastebin the error07:22
fdexen_: Once loaded, you should be able to configure it via NetworkManager in the panel.07:22
MikeCulverxen_: here's the site for you: http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/07:22
bazhanggavi remove cd from software sources then reload refresh07:23
aroonidevilsadvocate, where do i go to get more detailed log info other than [fail]   from /etc/inti.d/mysql start07:23
ganjamanonly 10tb space is crap with ext307:23
fdeMikeCulver: The guide I point to says that's no longer relevant.07:23
devilsadvocatearooni, i guess somewhere in /var/logs. not sure where exaclty. usually it gives some kind of error right there ...07:23
ScreaminIk1http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=15yj4nt&s=3 << my unfortunate menuing issue07:23
Bodsdadabbill, i think its now here -- /home/bod/.local/share/Trash07:23
GestapospankIf you have a kernel crashing on install, whats the boot command to have dmesg write to a floppy?07:23
fdeMikeCulver: (it's in the kernel already)07:23
aroonidevilsadvocate, theres nothing in /var/log/mysql07:23
ganjamanhow can i put the kernel in the 2nd level cache?07:24
gavibazhang, thanks, theres a few tabs in there, what am i removing exactly?07:24
xen_fde unfortuantly the sudo modprobe on the first line didnt show any wireless device after i tried ifconfig or iwconfig07:24
ZaidenHow do I give myself access to put a folder in /usr/share/themes ?07:24
dabbillBodsda, thanks :)07:24
xen_ill take a look at that site MikeCulver, thanks btw07:24
ScreaminIk1chmod 666 /usr/share/themes/[folder]07:24
fdexen_: does it show up in lsmod | grep iwl ?07:24
ScreaminIk1or mess with groups07:24
ScreaminIk1but that's messy07:24
ganjamanthe kernel is watching tv whatever....07:25
bazhanggavi just go to the themes tab and select install; then choose from the folder where you put the tar.gz files07:25
Bodsdadabbill, no probs07:25
devilsadvocatearooni, hm. very strange.07:25
ScreaminIk1CHMOD IS NOT A TOY, Zaiden. remember that.07:25
xen_fde about 2 different "iwl" descriptions came up07:25
gavibazhang, themes tab? im in software sources. using ubuntu 7.10 gutsy theres no themes tab am i missing something?07:25
xen_fde and another one called cfg8021107:25
ScreaminIk1i have destroyed systems with it.07:25
aroonidevilsadvocate, errors: http://pastie.caboo.se/19592507:26
n-iCequestion, install vmware on ubuntu 7.10 is free?07:26
fdexen_: Ok... check System > Administration > Network ... is it there now? Should be set to Roaming.07:26
bazhanggavi, sorry got you confused with konbon; in software sources uncheck cd07:26
ScreaminIk1... anyone understand gnome menuing?07:26
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RomanianHiya all07:26
fdeScreaminIk1: What do you need to know?07:26
RomanianHow would I run scandisk?07:26
fdeRomanian: fsck07:26
gaviok i uncheked it hit ok refreshed07:26
xen_fde nope doesnt show up07:27
gavino i went back in and put the check back and refreshed07:27
beterrabahelp plz!! i got a library for C++ (named PLPLOT), but i can't install it.07:27
ZaidenEr, how do I log on as root?07:27
ScreaminIk1http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=15yj4nt&s=3 << my unfortunate menuing issue07:27
fdeZaiden: sudo -i07:27
ScreaminIk1how do i get my games folder back?07:27
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot07:27
gavilets see if itll work07:27
gavistill no :-(07:27
RomanianHow would I use fsck on an external HDDD?07:27
konbonbazhang, i dont see "appearancse"07:27
devilsadvocatearooni, can you do an aptitude install nmap and then run an nmap localhost07:27
bazhanggavi, you need to update first07:27
n-iCequestion, install vmware on ubuntu 7.10 is free?07:27
gaviahhh.. but was i supose to put the check back in?07:28
konbondid yo mean appearances ?07:28
BodsdaVirtualBox is07:28
ganjamanfscrck /dev/hdaoutside07:28
bazhangkonbon, system--prefs--appearances07:28
fdexen_: I dunno why it wouldn't ... perhaps there is some firmware you need that I'm not aware of?07:28
konbonOh :D07:28
gavibazhang,  before i update do i put the check back and refresh?07:28
konbonbut, this is for ubuntu appearance, not for xchat? or and i wrong?07:29
devilsadvocatearooni, in the meanwhile, also run a ¨ps aux|grep sql¨07:29
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bazhanggavi, dont re-check just refresh07:29
n-iCeBodsda was that for me?07:29
gaviok dood ill give it a try07:29
Bodsdan-iCe, indeed ;~)07:29
aroonidevilsadvocate, 1000      2848  0.0  0.1   1704   600 pts/1    S+   02:29   0:00 grep sql07:29
n-iCeBodsda then vmware is not? are you sure?07:29
Bodsdan-iCe, not sure entirely07:29
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications07:29
Syntuxhow to enable JRE in openoffice ?07:30
ubottuFactoid qemoo not found07:30
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:30
fdeSyntux: Uhh... OpenOffice uses JRE to even run.07:30
ubottuFactoid aircrack not found07:30
ScreaminIk1fde: any idea?07:30
fde!info wireshark07:30
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1504 kB07:30
Syntuxfde, I need to locate it so I can install add-ons check options -> oo.org -> java07:30
Bodsdan-iCe, if its in repo's its free ;~)07:31
b\6installing ubuntu to a flash drive, grub just tells me "GRUB " on boot. any idea?07:31
n-iCeBodsda soo vmware is indeed free :D07:31
Bodsdan-iCe, yes07:31
DrakoiI have a question about installing Ubuntu -07:31
bazhangn-iCe, but not open source free07:31
TropLockHow many people here actually have lifes?07:31
n-iCeBodsda cool, can I install windows on ubuntu, then?07:31
Bodsda!ask | Drakoi07:31
ubottuDrakoi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:31
ScreaminIk1i just dropped off my g/f, TropLock07:32
Raheemn-iCe vmware player & server .. both are free07:32
bazhang!ot | TropLock07:32
ubottuTropLock: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:32
Bodsdan-iCe, dunno why you'd wanttobut yes07:32
n-iCeBodsda hehe wondering07:32
fdeTropLock: Define "having a life"?07:32
ScreaminIk1lets take this to offtopic07:32
DrakoiWhen I am installing ubuntu and I get two choices concerning installing ubuntu on partions (the two guided choices), which is better if I want to dedicate my machine to ubuntu?07:32
Bodsda!atroll| TropLock07:32
ubottuTropLock: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel07:32
MikeCulverDrakoi: Guided - Use entire disk07:33
pwnguinwhich alternatives target is the firefox java applet?07:33
TropLock!atroll| Bodsda07:33
ubottuBodsda: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel07:33
DrakoiMikeculver: Thanks, that's what I've been doing. I was just making sure. =)07:33
BodsdaTropLock, youve been warned twice already at least -- considerthis your last warning07:33
tmapjcould anyone tell me what visual assistance is?07:34
DrakoiThe best way to deal with trolls is just to ignore them. =)07:34
TropLockbye wankers07:34
* tw2113 scratches his troll button07:34
bazhangTropLock, please stop07:34
devilsadvocatearooni, any luck?07:34
DrakoiGoodbye - God bless!07:34
fdetmapj: Assistance that is visualized? Heh... wrt what?07:34
billy12Ram bench marking tools?07:34
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aroonidevilsadvocate, no but i think its my iptables07:35
tmapjfde what are you trying to communicate to me?07:35
MikeCulverbilly12: memtest isn't bad to start.07:35
devilsadvocatearooni, ah. very likely. it must be holding 3306 closed07:35
fde<tmapj> could anyone tell me what visual assistance is?  <-- answering this07:35
tmapjwhat does wrt mean:?07:35
DrakoiI am curious about executing a command on start-up to restart my network interface file. Any suggestions? I know the command, now I just need to know how to launch it on start-up.07:36
pwnguintmapj: "with respect to"07:36
fdewrt = with relation to07:36
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bazhangtmapj, with regards to07:36
tmapjoh ok07:36
gavibazhang, worked beautifly07:36
bazhanggavi well done :)07:36
tmapjits in the sessions preferences menu07:36
jussi01!bum | Drakoi07:36
ubottuDrakoi: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:36
BodsdaDrakoi, you write a script and put it into System-->pref->sessions07:36
DrakoiPwnguin: Not to go off-topic, but that's an awesome name.07:36
pwnguini know07:36
DrakoiJussi01 Bodsda: Thanks guys07:36
Bodsdano probs07:36
TropLockYou suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You...07:37
TropLock...suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck...07:37
TropLock...You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You...07:37
TropLock...suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck You suck...07:37
FloodBot2TropLock: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:37
elpargoand kick07:37
patifaFigured he'd turn bad sooner or later.07:37
MikeCulvertmapj: visual assistance...07:37
franzrebshello everyone, newbie here. um, can anyone teach me how to transfer files from my ubuntu partition to my windows partition (ntfs)?07:37
ScreaminIk1troplock can has ban?07:37
tmapjyes MikeCulver '?07:37
Bodsdafranzrebs, is your windows drive mounted?07:37
b\6installing ubuntu to a flash drive, grub just tells me "GRUB " on boot. any idea?07:37
MikeCulvertmapj: either braille displays or high contrast/large font themes07:38
pwnguinsince i'm so awesome, how do i set my firefox plugin to sun java 6?07:38
franzrebsno, how do i mount my windows drive?07:38
zcat[1]invisible troplock!07:38
ScreaminIk1fde: did you have time to look into my menuing issue?07:38
tmapjbraille displays? wtf07:38
Bodsdafranzrebs, can u please pastebin the output of this command          sudo fdisk -l07:38
MikeCulvertmapj: for blind users07:38
Bodsda!paste | franzrebs07:38
ubottufranzrebs: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:38
zcat[1]braille displays are expensive..07:38
tmapjso it makes little bumps on the screen?07:38
fdepwnguin: Did you already install ubuntu-restricted-extras? If so, remove icedtea-gcjwebplugin first... then sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin.07:38
DrakoiThanks again all - later!07:38
fdeScreaminIk1: sure... via screenshots or what?07:39
Phanto1Interesting...I log on for help and the place is being spammed07:39
MikeCulverbraille displays are a kind of board with dots that are mechanically raised or lowered.. making it possible for a windowing system to be represented to a blind person.07:39
zcat[1]Basically like a matrix of wired that can be pushed up and down.. really low-res though and usually just one line07:39
fdePhanto1: Ask your question please, rather than adding to the noise  :)07:39
MikeCulverzcat[1]: newer ones can represent a full screen07:39
pwnguinfde, already did that, but this install dates back quite a long ways07:39
tmapji know that mike but how the heck would you make braille on a regular computer?07:39
pwnguinfde: i was wondering what the alternatives name was for it07:39
zcat[1]yikes.. that would cost...07:40
aroonilooks like my locale isn't being set properly:  http://pastie.caboo.se/195926 ... on ubuntu hardy... any ideas on how to fix?07:40
MikeCulvertmapj: uhm.. it's just another language is all07:40
ScreaminIk1uhm... my games menu is just GONE. http://i31.tinypic.com/2ikcp34.png how i can has it back?07:40
RomanianFunny you're talking about this, 'cause my highschool invention team was producing a graphing calculator for the blind07:40
ScreaminIk1i accept shell commands ;)07:40
MikeCulvertmapj: you need special hardware for it..07:40
zcat[1]I was thinking about fitting a small braille display into a mouse and making a 'virtual fullscreen' display... never got too far with it though07:40
franzrebsgive me a moment please07:40
pwnguinScreaminIk1: does it still exist for a new user?07:40
ScreaminIk1new users get it07:41
ScreaminIk1just not me07:41
pradalvranyone here that can help me with a boot issue i am having07:41
zcat[1]'cos with a fullscreen display, the only part that matters is what's under a fingertip at any point in time..07:41
MikeCulvertmapj: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refreshable_Braille_display07:41
franzrebsbodsda, can i jsut paste here the output?07:41
fdepwnguin: xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so currently.07:41
Bodsdafranzrebs, no a pastebin07:41
pwnguinah of course07:41
Bodsda!paste | franzrebs07:41
ubottufranzrebs: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:41
pwnguinfde: something id never guess in a million years07:42
tmapjoh thats cook07:42
MikeCulverzcat[1]: that would be difficult to interpret.. especially if the mouse tracked in the slightest way poorly07:42
fdepwnguin: Currently, all plugins go into /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins rather than /usr/lib/firefox like they always did.07:42
Phanto1I am having trouble in two different ares and was wondering if I could get assistance.  First, I can not get ubuntu to connect to our router.07:42
napsteri am not able to make avant window navigator to stay behind the open window. plz help......07:42
franzrebsokay, im just having trouble loading the page.. seems like there's somethign wrong with my internet connection07:42
bmoll8guys, I'm trying to compile some latex code using vim. Have installed tetex; however, vim won't compile my code. No errors, nothing; just doesn't do anything when i run make. What is goin on?07:42
zcat[1]MikeCulver: might work better with a tablet perhaps..07:42
tw2113what version of FF does hardy have?07:42
aroonilooks like my locale isn't being set properly:  http://pastie.caboo.se/195926 ... on ubuntu hardy... any ideas on how to fix?07:42
fdepwnguin: haha, seriously... I just dpkg -L sun-java6-plugin though, because it put the plugin there  ;)07:42
pradalvrwhen i try loading Ubuntu i get grub loading and it never does or i get  /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off07:42
Phanto1It keep asking me over and over for the WEP key, and I keep entering it exactly as it shows on the router's configuration page07:43
tmapjcan anyone tell me what the beagle search daemon is?07:43
BodsdaScreaminIk1, sudo apt-get install gnome-games07:43
napster i am not able to make avant window navigator to stay behind the open window. plz help......07:43
ScreaminIk1gnome-games is already the newest version.07:43
hylinuxhi, all. how can i debug the CGI?07:43
zcat[1]but anyhow.. verne doesn't know braille so wasn't really interested :)07:43
Bodsdafranzrebs, search google for 'pastebin' andusea different site07:43
fdepwnguin: Most things on a Linux box aren't entirely intuitive... I'd be lost if I didn't know the package tools so well  :)07:43
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone
napster i am not able to make avant window navigator to stay behind the open window. plz help......07:43
BodsdaScreaminIk1, synaptic search 'games' makesurethetwo either side of gnome-gamesare installed07:44
matrixhow can i disable directory index  in apache on ubuntu ?07:44
pwnguinfde: im not exactly a novice, but i cant say i know all the dpkg options07:44
napster i am not able to make avant window navigator to stay behind the open window. plz help......07:44
jgoo__ok, screen - I just pressed ctrl-a but I didn't want to... how do I cancel 'ctrl-a mode?07:44
tmapjcan anyone tell me what the beagle search daemon is?07:44
Phanto1It connects to our neighbor's router just fine, but the difference between ours and theirs is that theirs is not secure >_<07:44
franzrebsthe page has loaded. what should i choose as syntax, just plain text?07:44
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:45
serifnapster u checked all options n preferences section?07:45
jgoo__anyone use screen to attach detach sessions? I am treading three doscs but non say how to cancel ctrl-a mode if you hut by accident07:45
tw2113isn't pulseaudio in hardy?07:45
fdetmapj: http://beagle-project.org/Main_Page  although why it's installed on your box is beyond me if you didn't install it first.07:45
InvisionfreeSeveas around?07:45
pwnguinjgoo__: screen -d -r07:45
jgoo__WHY did they choose ctrl-a when ctrl-a is used ALL THE TIME07:45
serifmight be an option box for that issue.napster07:45
napsterserif: yes i have. but they r not working as desired07:45
jgoo__pwnguin, ok... I am in ctrl-a mode... do I just type that? screen -d -r?07:46
Bodsdaares=napster but better07:46
Bodsdaand free'er07:46
pwnguinjgoo__: you arne't detached yet then07:46
jgoopwnguin, I hit ctrl-a... I don't want to detach...07:46
franzrebsBodsda here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/11808/07:46
serifsudo apt-get install awn awn-manager n other needed dependencies07:46
pwnguinjgoo: so hit escape07:46
jgooAaaaah :))07:46
serifre install with command07:46
pwnguinjgoo: or control-a ?07:46
crdlbjgoo__: I usually just press it three more times so that it toggles to the previous screen, then back07:47
Phanto1This is my mom's laptop, and I am trying to get it all set up for her, and this is keeping me from getting it configured right07:47
jgoopwnguin, gah! now it is in copy mode... fffffff07:47
crdlbEscape doesn't work; it enters copy mode07:47
tmapjcould anyone tell me what PulseAudio session management is?07:47
Bodsdafranzrebs, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt07:47
jgoocrdlb, ok, how to get out of copy mode? :p damn pwnguin - I trusted you! ;-)07:47
fdeserif: it's avant-window-navigator , not awn... awn-manager works though.07:47
crdlbjgoo: just hit escape again07:47
Phanto1we do not want to be connecting to the neighbor's connection07:48
pwnguini know enough of screen to change screens and start new ones ;)07:48
InvisionfreeWhat happened to ubuntu-nl.org07:48
Phanto1so, what should I do?07:48
seriffde ,awn i think its abbrev07:48
fdeserif: If you install awn-manager ... it depends avant-window-navigator, probably easier to remember just one  :)07:48
franzrebsokay, done. what next?07:48
serifAvant Window Nav07:48
InvisionfreeWhat happened to ubuntu-nl.org??????????07:48
friedtofu_Phanto1: maybe you could try another network manager - like wicd07:48
napsterserif: i already have awn manager07:49
Bodsdafranzrebs, nothing -- go to /mnt innautilus andcopy filesover07:49
pwnguinwas ubuntu-nl run by the ubotu guy?07:49
fdeInvisionfree: It's probably just down for maintanence....07:49
jgoo__ok averted disaster. thanks crdlb and pwnguin . Question: I just apt-get iptables... and then added a route... surely I need to restart or something for this to work?07:49
tmapjcould anyone tell me what PulseAudio session management is?07:49
serifyes napster checked its optons07:49
InvisionfreeWhatever happened to Seveas?07:49
Phanto1i'm quite new to linux...07:49
fdetmapj: It is the sound server ... you want to keep it.07:49
pwnguinjgoo__: if you added the route, it's there. in fact, rebooting will probably delete it07:49
franzrebsoh okay, thank you! so much :)07:49
tmapjthnx again fde07:49
jgoo__also, to anyone, how can I dinstinguish between all 4 of my screens? I'd like a different color bar or something...07:49
bazhangInvisionfree, offtopic here07:49
franzrebshow do i unmount?07:49
jgoo__pwnguin, iptables is too cool07:50
pwnguinjgoo__: its a bit confusing07:50
InvisionfreeWhat happened to Seveas??07:50
fdefranzrebs: umount /where/you/put/it ... or umount /dev/whatever ... both work07:50
tmapjfde: how about tracker and tracker applet?07:50
franzrebsokay thanks07:50
fde!repeat Invisionfree07:50
ubottufde: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:50
bazhangInvisionfree, please join #ubuntu-offtopic thanks07:50
jgooLOL I opened two xchats because I am such a multiscreen newb07:50
fde!repeat | Invisionfree07:50
ubottuInvisionfree: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:50
kelvin911does anyone having problem with the sound in hardy?07:50
friedtofu_Phanto1: dont know about ubuntu - but try "sudo apt-get install wicd"07:50
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:50
friedtofu_Phanto1: maybe you could also get better help if you knew what your wireless card was "lspci"07:51
fdekelvin911: wrt what? flash? install libflashsupport07:51
BoltClockhi, is there a way i can connect my iPod without having rhythmbox launching?07:51
napsterserif: i hve checked its option, but i is autohide, that is it stay on for some time over the active window until i dont use it for some time. i want it to go behind as soon as i open a window07:51
Phanto1also, I cannot install anything from the add/remove applications dialog07:51
* Phanto1 sneezes07:51
tmapjfde: how about tracker and tracker applet?07:51
fdetmapj: Similar to beagle ... what are you doing exactly?07:52
tmapjim cleaning up my sessions preferences list07:52
InvisionfreeIs jussi01 still floating?07:52
tmapjshould i delete it then?07:52
jussi01yes, im here07:52
Invisionfreejussi01: Yay! PM please?07:52
fdetmapj: Tracker was created because Beagle is written in C# ... it is C, and thus fits better with Gnome.07:52
jussi01Invisionfree: sure07:52
zashcan someone who knows more than i do about gpg tell me why i have two keys07:52
jgoo__... I cannot believe how easy that was. /me hugs whole channel. zomg. screen and jetty and iptables oh my.07:53
tmapjso i can delete it07:53
fdetmapj: If you don't use it, you can get rid of it, sure.07:53
BoltClockis there a way i can connect my iPod without having rhythmbox launching?07:53
zashCan someone who knows more than i do about GPG tell me why i have two keys?07:54
pwnguinBoltClock: check system->preferences->removable media and discs07:54
Phanto1ok, what on earth did i just do?  the screen just zoomed in and i can't get it zoomed back out07:54
fdeBoltClock: I imagine turning off the iPod plugin in Rhythmbox would stop it from doing that.07:54
kelvin911fde: when one application is using the sound, other application cannot have sound07:54
pwnguinhuh, they got rid of it07:54
fdepwnguin: It doesn't have a setting for iPods in there, that was where I checked first too  :P07:54
pwnguinit used to07:54
kelvin911like when i play mp3 in vlc then youtube has no sound07:54
Phanto1i typed winkey+r07:54
BoltClockpwnguin: well this is hardy :P07:54
RaheemPhanto1 - Ctrl + ALT + -07:54
BoltClockfde: hold on07:55
Phanto1i'm so used to windoze07:55
crdlbPhanto1: super+mousewheel07:55
kelvin911or when i play youtube, then vlc has no sound07:55
fdekelvin911: Shouldn't be the case... make sure all apps are using PulseAudio or ESD (same thing on Ubuntu)07:55
kelvin911fde: or when i play movie in vlc then movie in mplayer has no sound07:55
fdekelvin911: With YouTube (flash) ... install libflashsupport like I said.07:55
zashBoltClock: in 7.10: http://pic.zash.se/screenshot1-3.png07:55
fdekelvin911: Because netierh of those use Pulse by default.07:56
fdeneither too07:56
Phanto1k, it's not getting me out07:56
kelvin911fde: it works in gutsy but not now07:56
pwnguinzash: /me shakes fist07:56
kelvin911fde:  how come in gutsy everything works?07:56
zashpwnguin: wut?07:56
crdlbPhanto1: if you don't have a mouse wheel, you can use super + 107:56
pwnguinfound it07:56
pwnguincheck "preferred applications"07:56
fdekelvin911: Make sure libflashsupport is installed... and make sure everything is using PulseAudio please.07:56
fdekelvin911: They replaced dmix with pulseaudio.07:56
kelvin911how to make et using pulseaudio?07:57
napsterhow can i show my current music track when looged into google in pidgin??????07:57
BoltClockzash: but theres no Multimedia tab anymore lol07:57
b\6installing ubuntu to a flash drive, grub just tells me "GRUB " on boot. any idea?07:57
crdlb(super is the windows key by the way)07:57
Phanto1oh now i'm out07:57
zashBoltClock: :(07:57
zashCan someone who knows more than i do about GPG tell me why i have two keys?07:57
BoltClockzash: yeah i know07:57
kelvin911in vlc i cant choose pulseaudio07:57
Phanto1but i inverted the colorws on some of the windows :/07:57
crdlbPhanto1: super+M07:57
fdenapster: sudo aptitude install pidgin-musictracker07:57
pwnguinAzzmodan: you should have a private and public key?07:57
crdlband or super+N07:57
napsterhow can i show my current music track when looged into google in pidgin??????07:57
Phanto1ah, thankies07:57
pwnguinzash: private + public key?07:57
napsterhow can i show my current music track when looged into google in pidgin??????07:58
fdenapster: then go to Tools > Plugins > MusicTracker in pidgin... enable it and configure it from there.07:58
fde!repeat napster07:58
ubottuFactoid repeat napster not found07:58
fde!repeat | napster07:58
ubottunapster: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:58
crdlbPhanto1: the zoom was caused by the Enhanced Zoom Desktop plugin, and the color inversion by the Negative plugin (for compiz)07:58
zashpwnguin: but both --list-public-keys and --list-secret-keys lists my name twice07:58
Phanto1ah, okay07:59
fdezash: You probably thought you messed up once, so created another key.07:59
fraggedugh can somebody recommend a good (basic) image manipulation tool with a Gnome frontend? kolourpaint is what I want but I prefer to stay purely GTK based; and GIMP is too extreme for what I mostly want to do (Such as cropping, shapes etc)07:59
fdefragged: gpaint07:59
Phanto1i know that the wireless card in this laptop is an intel one07:59
zashfde: dont think so07:59
BoltClockfde: disabling the plugin doesnt work07:59
kelvin911fde: in preference | sound , Do i change everything to pulseaudio instead of autodetect?07:59
pwnguinfragged: f-spot?07:59
fdeBoltClock: huh?07:59
BoltClockfde: rhythmbox still pops up when i connect my iPod08:00
fdekelvin911: You can yes... but note that mplayer and vlc won't obey that setting.08:00
napsterfde: well i m not havin musictracker in the plugin list08:00
zashfragged: gnu paint?08:00
Phanto1i can't install the adblock extension for firefox, every time i try to check the box, it tells me to reload08:00
fdeBoltClock: Then I'm not sure... check System > Preferences > Removable Drives & Media if you're using a version prior to Hardy.08:00
BoltClockfde: nope, im on hardy08:00
fdenapster: Did you install it?08:00
visik7does ubuntu works with 4gb of ram without pae support ?08:01
konbonThanks for all the help guys. Adios.08:01
fdeBoltClock: I don't even see it in gconf-editor anywhere, sorry.08:02
napsterfde: how to install it? using sudo apt-get install ............. then wats the application name????08:02
fdenapster: I told you while you were repeating your question 10 times in a row... sudo aptitude install pidgin-musictracker08:02
=== jhesketh_ is now known as jhesketh
kelvin911fde: how to make enemy territory using pulseaudio??08:02
kelvin911fde: now i cant play mp3 and play games08:03
fdekelvin911: libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio  <-- install that08:03
pwnguinvisik7: 64bit processor?08:03
Phanto1i can't install anything08:03
visik7pwnguin: no 3208:04
kelvin911fde: how?08:04
fdePhanto1: Do you get an error?08:04
kelvin911fde: in synaptic?08:04
LiniXHi, Have one use php with ibm db2 ?08:04
fdekelvin911: yes08:04
Phanto1<application> cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.08:04
napsterfde: thanx08:04
fdePhanto1: What arch do you run?08:04
LiniXi use php on ubuntu-server 8.04 and i want connect db2 database on AS/400 .08:05
fdePhanto1: uname -m08:05
kelvin911fde: it is asking me to remove libsdl1.2debian-alsa08:05
kelvin911fde: is it ok?08:05
fdekelvin911: yes08:05
bpat1434How can I manually set which desktop is brought up after my screen goes to sleep?  Right now, I have to hit ctrl+alt+F7 to change to the default desktop08:05
Phanto1uname -m08:05
BoltClockanyone else know of a way i can connect my iPod without having rhythmbox launching automatically?08:05
fdePhanto1: in a terminal ... or type /exec -o uname -m here08:06
kelvin911fde: now what?08:06
kelvin911fde: do i restart computer?08:06
fdekelvin911: now play the game again.08:06
pwnguinvisik7: well, im reasonably sure you cant use all 4 in usespace08:06
Bodsdafde, iprefer uname -a (but whatver ;~))08:06
fdeBodsda: I want to know arch... not everything... -m is machine type/arch08:06
fdeBodsda: just like kernel version is uname -r ... revision...08:07
Bodsdafde, fair,play,.,.;~)08:07
InvisionfreeIf you apt-get install supybot, where is the conf file for it?08:07
kelvin911fde: oh no, my game has no sound now08:07
kelvin911fde: even i stop the mp3, ET has no sound now08:08
=== kiosk is now known as co_15_sby
fdePhanto1: And what arch is this software for?08:08
Invisionfreekelvin911: Close everything, then open just the game and try08:08
kelvin911i did08:08
kelvin911has no sound now08:08
Phanto1what is an arch?08:08
fdekelvin911: then your game doesn't want to play nice...08:08
InvisionfreeYou exited everything, quit everything, turned volume up, etc?08:08
kelvin911it works b408:09
fdePhanto1: architecture ...08:09
Invisionfree!info supybot08:09
ubottusupybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83.3-1 (hardy), package size 495 kB, installed size 2968 kB08:09
lewwyguys i just bought a HP p1005 printer and no matter what I do i cant get it to print08:09
BoltClockanyone else know of a way i can connect my iPod without having rhythmbox launching automatically?08:09
kelvin911after installing pulseaudio now has no sound08:09
kelvin911can i install back alsa?08:09
fdekelvin911: alsa is installed.08:09
Bodsdakelvin911, yeah it sucks see if          killall pulseaudio    sorts things08:09
fdeBodsda: That will make the situation more predictable, but much less desirable...08:10
kelvin911fde: but libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio is removed ...08:10
Bodsdafde, pulseaudio=problems      what does pulseaudio do better? apart from screw up08:10
lewwyany idea on how to get a HP P1005 printer to print properly?  It won't work with the default drivers, and HPLIP manages to get one page out before hitting an error.  Any ideas?08:10
kelvin911so what can i do?08:10
Bodsdalewwy, tell us what the error is08:11
fdeSDL = OpenGL and OpenAL amongst other things... there is no reason using a Pulse plugin for SDL wouldn't work with such a game... (that I know uses SDL)08:11
zashCan someone who knows more than I do about GPG tell me why both gpg --list-{public,secret}-keys say I have two keys?08:11
lewwyBodsda, it gets stuck on processing, and then nothing08:11
fdeBodsda: Lets more than one process access /dev/dsp ?08:11
kelvin911fde: can i install back libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio ?08:11
fdekelvin911: install it.08:11
kelvin911fde: libsdl1.2debian-alsa08:11
fdekelvin911: Remove that, and install the pulseaudio one.08:12
Bodsdafde, i suppose but its a pain to get working probperly,.,. i dont think it should be introduced untill it "works" so to speak08:12
kelvin911fde: but with libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio ET has no sound08:12
kelvin911fde: and also pulseaudio didnt solve my problem here08:12
fdepwnguin: Umm, then just OpenAL... but I could have sworn it was both.08:12
kelvin911fde: i still got no sound when playing mp3 and youtube togehter08:12
fdeBodsda: It's just a horrible implementation by default.08:12
Phanto1i'm not even gonna think about dualbooting my xp laptop with ubuntu anymore if it is this grouchy08:12
fdekelvin911: I told you how to fix that... install libflashsupport!!!08:13
pwnguinfde: im not even sure its openal08:13
Bodsdafde, too true -- intrepid should only include it if its is integrated better08:13
fdepwnguin: I am 100% sure it is OpenAL.08:13
fdeBodsda: It will include it, and they better integrate it better.08:13
Bodsdaanyway ,. school calls -- c u guys in a few hours08:13
fdePhanto1: Who is grouchy?08:14
aRMX_WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!08:14
BodsdaaRMX, dont worry bout that08:14
fdeaRMX_: What archive?08:14
aRMX_everytime i try to install something the folloing error comes out08:14
Bodsdaworry bout that08:14
aRMX_every single application give the same message.08:14
aRMX_owh ok..08:14
aRMX_but what's that means?08:14
lewwyany takers on my p1005 issue?08:15
kelvin911fde: thanks08:15
fdeaRMX_: Please answer me, what archive? If you can tell me, I can fix it for you.08:15
BodsdaaRMX, means you dont have the certificate i think08:15
Bodsdafde, he did answer you -- all of them08:15
kelvin911fde: but how to make the sound work if i want to play mp3 and play games?08:15
aRMX_apt-get dist-upgrade give the error messages08:15
fdeaRMX_: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-keyring08:15
aRMX_and every i try to apt-get something08:15
fdekelvin911: It should be working with libsdl1.2-debian-pulseaudio ...08:16
fdeaRMX_: We understand the issue, check to see if ubuntu-keyring is installed please.08:16
kelvin911its enemy territory08:16
Phanto1i'm on ubuntu 7.1008:16
fdekelvin911: Yes... you said that.08:17
kelvin911if i install pulseaudio et has no sound08:17
BodsdaPhanto1, 7.10 is better then 8.04 imho08:17
kelvin911but in gutsy i can play mp3 and play et together08:17
Phanto1actually, i'm beginning to consider just slapping winxp back on this laptop right now08:18
fdePhanto1: Why do you keep threatening that?08:18
fdePhanto1: You want us to bed you to keep Ubuntu on it or something?08:18
kelvin9117.10 is definitely better than 8.0408:18
Bodsdakelvin911, there are plus sides to both08:19
kelvin911hardy is like win ME08:19
Phanto1one thing stopping me though08:19
ganjaman98% fragmented08:19
aRMX_yes that's rite, depend on our need08:19
ganjamantakes a month to defrag08:19
kelvin911where is the plus?08:19
Phanto1we didn't get the xpmc install disc with this thing08:19
fdeganjaman: Linux performs better when it's fragmented.08:19
Bodsdakelvin911, that cant be true if 7.10 is better then 8.04 because win me = better then xp08:19
kelvin911win me better than xp ??08:20
fdePhanto1: Are you having a particular issue? If not, please moan in #ubuntu-offtopic08:20
o0Chris0oThis message is for everyone: if anyone has any artwork requests please message me :) (ubuntu Related --All Flavors)08:20
kelvin911are you crazy?08:20
Bodsdaim off08:20
Bodsda bye08:20
bazhang!ot | kelvin91108:20
ubottukelvin911: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:20
kelvin911why hardy takes 30 seconds longer to load then gutsy?08:20
kelvin911am i missing some lib?08:21
ganjamanbecause hardy is already stiffy08:21
fde!enter | kelvin91108:21
ubottukelvin911: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:21
Phanto1this hard drive was so infected i just up and low-level formatted it and put ubuntu on it08:21
ganjamanlow level format08:21
fde!ot | Phanto108:21
ubottuPhanto1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:21
ganjamanlow level format is not just format C: or whateer08:21
ganjamanyou need tools from hd manufacturer08:22
fdeganjaman: It's certainly not a support question either.08:22
bazhangganjaman, please stay ontopic thanks08:22
ganjamanyeah i stay ontopig08:23
hardondoes anyone know the command to view what pkg u have installed?08:23
bazhangdpkg -l hardon08:24
Rastemhey all, quick question on a problem I'm having with hardy08:24
Phanto1i can't get the thing to connect to our router and i also can't install anything for my mom08:24
hardonthat easy08:24
bazhangPhanto1, this is wired or wireless08:24
Rastemran it from cd, and had wired network hooked up. ubuntu found my host computer running windows, but couldn't 'see' anything in it08:24
Phanto1what does an arch have to to with installing things?08:24
bazhangPhanto1, what chipset08:25
Phanto1intel pro/set08:25
fdehardon: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | less08:25
bazhangdoes ifconfig show three entries or two Phanto108:25
Rastemanyone have this problem / know why it couldn't see anything shared on the windows network?08:25
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fdehardon: It'll structure the output a little better, and run it through less so it doesn't fly by08:26
KenSentMeHow do i know if my updated desktop pc (gutsy->hardy) actually uses pulseaudio or alsa?08:26
fdeRastem: Apparently hardy only wants to view/share via samba if you're in the workgroup "WORKGROUP"...08:26
Phanto1it shows three08:26
ytjohnI had Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 with full disk encryption and did the update manager upgrade to Gutsy08:26
bazhangPhanto1, what is the encryption08:26
Rastemfde: hmm, but doesn't hardy come with samba set up?08:27
aRMX_which one is better between virtualbox and qemu?08:27
Rastemlast version I toyed with was 7.0408:27
Phanto1128-bit WEP (darn nintendo ds)08:27
Rastemand that worked ok08:27
fdeRastem: no... it comes with smbclient ... samba is required to share anything yourself.08:27
ytjohnnow my grub menu has the 8.04 kernel entries and they kernl panic08:27
bazhangPhanto1, wep is worthless; best to use wpa/mac filering08:28
kelvin911fde: how to make skype sound working if i am playing mp3?08:28
bazhangPhanto1, please set to open for test08:28
* fde wonders why simple passwords is better than encryption?08:28
ganjamanyou need to smoke a skygar08:28
aRMX_because it's simple :)08:28
Phanto1k brb08:28
Phanto1lemme go grab other laptop and do that08:29
* fde uses 128bit WEP+MAC filtering08:29
ariqsi just went to try to play isketch www.isketch.net and it said I needed a plugin, but when I clicked ot install it, it said no suitable plugin was found08:29
ariqswhat do I need to do to get isketch working?08:29
ytjohnso i guess i'm looking for some grub foo to get the system booting08:29
fdeariqs: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree libflashsupport <-- copy and paste that into a terminal08:30
ariqsthanks, fde08:30
Rastemfde: what do you recommend to let the laptop see the windows shared folders08:31
ariqsI am assuming there is a fundamental amount of knowledge you need to learn and then all of this becomes obvious. What book do I need to read to get to that point?08:31
Phanto1oh crap08:31
ganjamani search a pplayer to play .HSC files08:31
Phanto1i can't do this tonight08:31
bazhangPhanto1, okay, well come back when you can08:32
Phanto1i just realized that it is 1:23 AM08:32
ariqsfde: I pated exactly what you said into a terminal08:32
bazhangariqs, just idle in this channel; no books needed :)08:32
fdeRastem: right click a folder > "Sharing Options" ... make sure your user is in sambausers group08:32
fdeariqs: did you hit enter?08:32
ariqsfde: and I'm still getting a plugin required message08:32
fdeariqs: restart Firefox08:33
ariqsI did08:33
Phanto1and i have have a meeting at work at 8:00 am08:33
fdeariqs: remove swfdec and/or gnash via synaptic ... then restart firefox and try again.08:33
Phanto1well, it's to take place between 8 and noon, so i gotta be there early08:33
Rastemfde: many thanks for the help. Seems a little clunky, wonder why it doesn't work right off...08:34
fdePhanto1: Please stay on topic or /j #ubuntu-offtopic08:34
Phanto1darn meetings...08:34
kelvin911fde: i am using libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio now but the game in wine dont have sound if i am playing mp308:34
ariqsdfe: I don't have either installed08:34
ariqsfde: I don't have either installed08:34
Phanto1well, thank you anyway, i'll come back when i have plenty of time to work with this laptop08:34
fdeariqs: then it should be working.08:34
kelvin911fde: actually games in wine dont have sound with libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio installed08:35
neil_dI have installed hylafax, the howto says to use 'faxsetup' to configure it, but this doesn't seem to be installed :( what do I do ?08:35
alusiajoin ubuntu-pl08:35
jaffarkelshaci am trying to make some cron schedules, i put in 36 9 * * * /usr/bin/firefox to test if firefox will run at 9:36am but it does not, what am i doing wrong08:35
ariqsfde: he first flash screen works. It's when I click on "play now" that it gives me a plugins thing.. and now firefox just crashed on me at the login screen08:36
Rastemtc all thanks again08:36
fdekelvin911: run 'winecfg' ... go to 'audio' tab ... hit "Test Sound" ... do you hear anything?08:36
aroonii have a concern that my gmail/google password has been intercepted over wireless... currently my network is unencrypted and mac filtered... even though gmail is https:// ... could someone have sniffed my password?08:36
kelvin911fde: actually because i have dosbox running ...08:37
blippearooni: your password isn encrypted with ssl when gmail uses https08:37
jaffarkelshaci am trying to make some cron schedules, i put in 36 9 * * * /usr/bin/firefox to test if firefox will run at 9:36am but it does not, what am i doing wrong08:37
kelvin911fde: the problem of one app using the sound the other app cant have sound08:37
bazhangariqs, you need shockwave for that site08:37
blippewhere do gnome save it "per user" screen resolution?08:37
kelvin911problem still not solved by installing libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio08:37
hardonwhat are the commands to view a file08:37
simplexiojaffarkelshac: thats because cron dosent know about your X enviroment08:37
blippehardon: depends... you want to see a textfile: less {file}08:38
simplexiojaffarkelshac: cron is meant to be used with commandline programs08:38
ariqsbazhang: is there a shockwave library I need to get?08:38
hardonwell no I no about nano08:38
fdekelvin911: Click on 'EsounD Driver' and hit Test Sound in wine please.08:38
bazhangariqs, no shockwave for linux08:38
fde!hi iesmila08:38
ubottuFactoid hi iesmila not found08:38
fde!hi ! iesmila08:38
ubottuFactoid hi ! iesmila not found08:38
fde!hi | iesmila08:39
ubottuiesmila: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:39
jaffarkelshacso it cant launch any gui apps? simplexio but can it launch a script that launches a gui app?08:39
hardonsay if I have a .html file could I view it threw terminal08:39
* fde needs to go to bed soon08:39
hardonor threw ssh08:39
simplexiojaffarkelshac: try with mplayer or mpg123 to play mp3 and it should work08:39
kelvin911fde: yes it has sound08:39
ariqshow can linux not have something so commonly used?08:39
blippejaffarkelshac: you need to pass the "DISPLAY" to it, and it works in cron08:39
BoltClockanyone else know of a way i can connect my iPod without having rhythmbox launching automatically?08:39
fdekelvin911: Then there is no reason your game doesn't.08:39
simplexiojaffarkelshac: far as i know you cant do that easily, there is work around for it probably08:39
kelvin911the sound doesnt have problem until i have other program using it fisrt08:40
simplexiojaffarkelshac: but no gui apps which require that gui is started08:40
blippeBoltClock: yes, we know, wait a sec08:40
kelvin911for example if i am running quake1 in dosbox then wine dotn have sound08:40
kelvin911and vice versa08:40
bazhangariqs, shockwave is not commonly used08:40
fdekelvin911: If you make it use esound, it should be able to have other apps playing sound just fine.08:40
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know how I can fix my logon screen? It doesn't show the users that have access to the system.08:40
kelvin911fde: let me try that now08:40
fdeSergeant_Pony: That is currently broken in hardy.08:41
jaffarkelshacok simplexio08:41
gordonjcpthere's a bug in the gstreamer-extra plugins08:41
hardonwhats a good pkg for ftp?08:41
simplexiojaffarkelshac: and what blippe sayd about DISPLAY.. that could work08:41
Sergeant_Ponyfde ahh, ok, did it have to do with some updates? I ask because it worked til a few day's ago08:41
fdeSergeant_Pony: If you're not using hardy... go to System > Administration > Login Window08:41
gordonjcpor the thing that installs them, I don't know which08:41
blippeBoltClock: check the settings for nautilus (that is the filebrowser) it has a tab called media, change it there08:41
fdeSergeant_Pony: Yup, sorry08:41
gordonjcpdoes anyone know where the bit that causes the "restricted plugins" dialogue to pop up when you add the gstreamer-extra plugins to Totem is?08:42
Sergeant_Ponyfde: ok, no problem.. that would explain the black box next to the login window08:42
kelvin911fde: but the sound's timing is off08:42
fdeSergeant_Pony: Someone reported it first a few days ago... should be fixed soon.08:42
gordonjcpbecause, it pops up to warn me that it's trying to install restricted codecs when it isn't08:42
Sergeant_Ponyfde: ok, cool and thanks for the heads up.08:42
* delcoyote hi08:43
kelvin911fde: maybe i restart my computer to see08:43
kelvin911fde: because the sound in mplayer is also off by like 1 or 2 sec08:43
BoltClockblippe: ah found it and it works. did they move that from System > Preferences > Removable Drives and Media? heard the settings used to be there before hardy08:43
rasimuHi, Since I installed ubuntu hardy I can't run my firebug extension , either on ff3 or ff2, any suggestions?08:43
ganjamanis wine 1.0 now capable to do DDE?08:43
gordonjcpganjaman: DDE?08:44
ganjamanor drag&drop?08:44
bazhangask in #winehq ganjaman08:44
ganjamandynamic data exchange08:44
gordonjcpganjaman: <shrug>08:44
AimLXJHi can someone help me? Apparantly I installed XGL and Compiz on  xfce 4.4.2 and now my windows border are gone.  So I went and uninstall XGL and Compiz but how do I get my windows border back?08:44
gordonjcpas bazhang says, maybe #winehq would be better08:44
gordonjcpganjaman: is have you tried installing DDE?08:44
gordonjcps/is //08:44
ganjamani have dcombulator installed08:45
ganjamandcom native08:45
o0Chris0oAimLXJ have you tried restarting x?08:45
ganjamanpress alt+f4 to continue08:45
fdeAimLXJ: xfwm --replace ... then compiz --replace  (might be fvwm4 I forget)08:45
o0Chris0oThis message is for everyone: if anyone has any artwork requests please message me :)08:46
o0Chris0ooops wrong message08:46
o0Chris0owas gonna say fde, he got disconnected :(08:46
neil_dhow do I setup a hylafax server ? there doesn't appear to be the 'faxsetup' program08:46
ganjamanis this keyboard compatible to linux?08:46
blippeganjaman: ?08:46
fdeo0Chris0o: Cuz of what you told him probably... that is a dirty way to do things... should only be used if X locks up.08:47
fdeganjaman: no08:47
blippeganjaman: yes, i use it quite often, it doesn't do anything, but it "works"08:47
gordonjcpganjaman: should be, but not very useful08:47
ganjamanit has being sold with voice regconiton08:48
AimLXJo0Chris0o: Yes, I have restarted X about 5 times already08:48
hailehello can someone help me with a corrupted source.list08:48
o0Chris0oyou didn't just do it right?08:48
fdeAimLXJ: xfwm --replace ... then compiz --replace  (might be fvwm4 I forget)  <-- try this08:48
o0Chris0o :)08:48
rasimuHi, Since I installed ubuntu hardy I can't run my firebug extension , either on ff3 or ff2, any suggestions?08:48
fdeAimLXJ: If the compiz part makes the borders go away again... do the xfwm --replace again...08:48
o0Chris0oapparenly I am a dirty person, so I go with what fde says, I am new08:49
haileits not corrupted but i messed it up08:49
AimLXJfde: Is there a button to bring up the terminal since tit's being covered up by Opera and I can't move it08:49
fdeo0Chris0o: I didn't say you're a dirty person... heh... just that that is a dirty way to restart X... should never be needed... either log out and back in, or restart the process itself...08:50
kelvin911after installing that esound in wine, the game's sound is off timing08:50
fdeAimLXJ: heh... alt+f2 ... although I forget what terminal xfce uses08:50
hailehello i screwed up my  source.list for hardy and i cant install updates08:51
fdeAimLXJ: maybe xfterminal?08:51
fde!repomirror | haile08:51
ubottuhaile: Go to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.08:51
fdeChoose a different mirror, and it should fix itself automatically.08:51
AimLXJfde: Okay I'm trying to type on the terminal but no text is coming up08:51
o0Chris0ofde :) I know just j/k isnt restarting x the same way as loging out and loging back in, since thats what it is doing basicly08:51
oystein_Where can i ask questions about gdesklets?08:51
haileok thankyou i'll try it out08:51
neil_djoin #hylafax08:51
fdeAimLXJ: maybe xterm instead?08:52
ariqswhat? I can't even play java games?!?!?!08:53
AimLXJfde: Sorry everytime I type it comes through here08:53
fdeariqs: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin08:53
fdeAimLXJ: /exec xfce --replace ?08:53
oystein_How can I remove my gdesklets addons from my bottom bar?08:54
fdeAimLXJ: actually ... /exec xfwm --replace &08:54
fdeoystein_: Right click > Remove from panel?08:54
AimLXJfde: Nothing happened08:54
fdeAimLXJ: /exec xfwm4 --replace &08:55
ariqsthanks fde, people in here told me before that it came with java. I was lied to!08:55
AimLXJfde: Nope :(08:55
fdeariqs: It does... just not by default...08:55
fdeAimLXJ: close everything but the terminal ... then try that command08:55
kelvin911fde: how to make hardy using alsa instead of pulseaudio?08:56
fdeAimLXJ: or just go to ctrl+alt+f1 and rm -r ~/.xfce4 and restart X08:56
oystein_fde: Nope. Then I just can close the program. I want them running just not showing at the bottom bar.08:56
fde!sound | kelvin91108:56
ubottukelvin911: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:56
fdeoystein_: no idea then08:57
oystein_fde: ok. thax08:57
fdeoystein_: I don't mess with gdesklets anymore... screenlets are much nicer08:58
fde(apt-cache show screenlets)08:58
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=== aRMX__ is now known as aRMX
neil_dI need help!  I can't figure out how to configure hylafax :( what do I do ?09:01
barataI cannot type!! what the heck is this?09:01
baratain this xchat for instance ... I must click on the 'Input Method' then 'Default' first09:01
barataelse, I cannot type!09:01
baratawhat's wrong?09:01
oystein_fde: I have used screenlets, but most my addons wont stay on the play I want when they restart. I have saved the desktop, but still they move during reboot...09:02
bazhangneil_d, hylafax? what is this for please explain09:02
kelvin911fde: what was that package using alsa?09:02
kelvin911i want to swtch back now09:02
bazhangbarata, you have skim/scim installed?09:02
kelvin911fde: is it libxxxx2.something.alsa?09:02
neil_dbazhang: receive/send fax via a modem09:02
baratayes baza09:02
AimLXJfde: Still doesn't work09:02
baratawhere the problem is?09:02
bazhangneil_d, you got any links for me or other help? :)09:03
bazhangbarata, set scim/skim to english, or click in xchat window for input method09:03
hailei upgraded from gusty to hardy and all the gusty repos are still in my source.list so my updater just crashes when i try to update. Is there a way i can change the repos in the source.list to the hardy repos ?09:03
=== Pusselge1erator is now known as respektive
barataI did as I said ... but now this thing goes global09:03
SkinnYPupanyone know what I can issue at bootup for hardy to get it to skip looking for sata drives? I got no sata and it cycles up through sdaz on boot probing09:03
=== respektive is now known as Pusselgenerator
baratalike with easytag it's the same too09:04
kelvin911was it libsdl1.2debian-alsa??09:04
bazhanghaile, sure open them gskudo gedit09:04
neil_dbazhang: here is something "http://www.hylafax.org/content/Documentation", but I am having trouble at the moment09:04
bazhangneil_d, which bit has you stumped?09:04
WShi all, im trying to change the character encoding on my gnome-terminal and inorder to do it permanently i need to change my locales. i found an forum post that sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales should give me an option to change my locales but it only generates the locales and nothing more. i found that others have similar problem and my output looks almost like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4279316&postcount=4 when09:04
bazhangbarata, you did the scim global setup?09:04
haileright but i dont know the hardy repo urls to paste in09:04
fdeAimLXJ: You removed the ~/.xfce4 dir?09:04
baratayes bazhang09:05
bazhanghaile, just replace gutsy with hardy unless third party09:05
fdehaile: I told you what to do...09:05
AimLXJfde: Yep09:05
fde!repomirror | haile09:05
ubottuhaile: Go to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.09:05
hailei tryed it and the updater just crashed09:05
fdeAimLXJ: sudo aptitude install --reinstall xserver-xorg09:05
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)09:05
barataok bazhang ... I just disabled the "Complex language support" in scim09:06
barataI'm done09:06
bazhangSkinnYPup, how long does it cycle?09:06
neil_dbazhang: all the howto's I have read say to use a program called 'faxsetup' to do some of the config, but it hasn't been installed, and I dont know what to do now.09:06
SkinnYPupit takes about 30 minutes for it to probe from sdaa to sddz I belive it is09:06
Balachmar_Hi, I get the message: "You have mail in /home/username"09:06
Balachmar_How can I read this mail?09:07
hailei tryed what you said to do and my updater just crashed.09:07
bazhangneil_d, you done apt-cache search fax for that yet09:07
fdeWS: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup I believe is what you want.09:07
WSfde: okey ill try that out :)09:07
AimLXJfde: "This apititude does not have Super Cow powers"09:07
neil_dbazhang: no.09:08
fdeAimLXJ: The heck? You typed sudo in front right?09:08
SkinnYPupI've run 5.10 through gutsy but hardy keeps looking for sata drives on startup09:08
AimLXJfde: Yea09:08
bazhangneil_d, could you give me a pointer on what errors you are getting?09:08
SkinnYPupthen won't install....09:08
darehow to add internal partition /dev/sda4 to automount on startup and external disk to not be mounted on startup09:08
haileis there a way i can replace my gusty source.list with a hardy source.list09:08
fdedare: Comment out that line in /etc/fstab ... (stick a # in front of the line)09:09
bazhangSkinnYPup, this is a fresh install or not installed yet09:09
neil_dbazhang: none, I haven't set anything up yet.09:09
AimLXJfde: Well if we can't fix it, let's try putting gnome, how do I do that?09:09
nophiswhat "link-pruning" means?09:09
fdeAimLXJ: ahh... cuz that's an apt-get command... my bad...09:09
fdeAimLXJ: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg .... try that  :)09:09
AimLXJfde: Okay09:09
fdeaptitude has just 'reinstall' also09:10
darefde, ok, i will try out, but any way to do it by gui09:10
Fath[0]m« /msg ubottu etiquette »09:10
bazhangneil_d, okay; best to try something first-->you checked the forums yet? what does ubuntu hardy hylafax return for you09:10
SkinnYPupbazhang: would be fresh install. Whether from cd or inside a vmware it keeps scaning for sata's and then the install icon doesn't launch09:10
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fdedare: Currently no, I hear they are going to create such a tool for Gnome 2.24 though09:10
AimLXJfde: Okay it's done, do I restart X?09:10
bazhangSkinnYPup, this dual boot or no09:10
darefde, ok thanks09:11
TimothyPHi, I'm supposed to install the ia32-libs package but I can't find it in any of the repositories for 7.10 ? Does anybody have any idea (need to install VMWare server on Xeon X3210 cpu)09:11
SkinnYPupI have several ubuntu versions on here09:11
fdedare: you can 'gksudo gedit /etc/fstab ... that's sort of a GUI  :)09:11
alusia#join ubuntu-pl09:11
SkinnYPup6.06 fiesty and gutsy09:11
fdeAimLXJ: Yup...09:11
alusia#join ubuntu.pl09:11
bazhangSkinnYPup, any non-ubuntu?09:11
darefde, yeah I know :)09:11
Fath[0]mWould anyone mind answering a few questions about a dual boot install?09:11
=== amidaniel is now known as amidaniel|away
bazhangFath[0]m, ask away09:11
SkinnYPupwas messin with debian but needed some hdd space back :o)09:12
fdeFath[0]m: Would you mind asking them?  :P09:12
Fath[0]mOk well its kinda complicated09:12
Fath[0]mI have 127 gb hard drive with XP09:12
bazhangSkinnYPup, you might try the minimal installer or unetbootin09:12
Fath[0]mI have 60 gb of unused HD space09:12
Fath[0]mI partitioned the drive when I first installed XP09:12
bazhangFath[0]m, no worries; the ubuntu installer will it for you09:12
darefde, but everythime I do something not by gui Im afraid to mess something, cus only one misstake in letters might be catastropfic, I had bad expiriance with it :D09:13
fdebazhang: what is unetbootin btw... lots of people make reference to it... got a link?09:13
Fath[0]mRight but I have been reading that you need Grub or something09:13
bazhangsilent 'do'09:13
Fath[0]mto make sure it will boot both ubuntu and Xp09:13
bazhangFath[0]m, it will do that too09:13
fdedare: mv file file.backup ... no need to fear anymore  :)09:13
Fath[0]mAnd this will keep my original XP partition safe?09:13
SkinnYPupthanks for the tips , I didn't poke at it much , wondered if it was common for ata only systems to scan through sata on boot09:13
fdedare: if you mess up... you just do the opposite ... mv file.backup file and you're back where you started  :)09:13
bazhangFath[0]m, yes :)09:14
Fath[0]mand also hwo do I make a swap partition09:14
darefde, in beggining I didnt knew it, now every week I backup whole my sistem drive with g4l09:14
Fath[0]msince that seems to be needed09:14
Fath[0]min all the tutorials I read09:14
bazhangFath[0]m, it will do it for you or you can do yourself09:14
Vegombreihi i have a strange problem .. its a lot to explain ..  is anyone free to help me09:14
Fath[0]mHow will it know what to partition?09:14
AimLXJfde: No luck :(09:14
fdeFath[0]m: It's all in the installer ... choose 'custom' and don't overwrite your existing XP partition.09:14
bazhangFath[0]m, it is magic :)09:15
fdeAimLXJ: sudo aptitude reinstall xfwm409:15
Fath[0]mSo would I just use the swap partition before I install on the 60 gb partition09:15
Fath[0]mwoudl I make the swap partition I mean09:15
laegit's a kinda magic magic magic.09:15
AimLXJfde: Aptitude or apt-get? :P09:15
bazhangFath[0]m, best to let the installer do it for you09:15
Fath[0]mSo it willmake a swap automatically?09:15
bazhangFath[0]m, aye09:16
fdeFath[0]m: No... you make the swap partition during install for the installed Linux system... I think you're over thinking things... docs are more confusing when you're not going along with them.09:16
fdeAimLXJ: aptitude ... heh...09:16
bazhangAimLXJ, apt-get :)09:16
Fath[0]m"aye" and a "no" lol09:16
bazhangVegombrei, please ask away09:16
bazhangFath[0]m, dont listen to that f-de guy :)09:17
fdeFath[0]m: I recommend choosing 'custom' partitioning... and making a / of 5120 mb (5 gigs) ... and a swap of 2048mb (2gigs) ... then whatever is left for /home ... you'll see "mount point" where you set swap or /home or / ... it's pretty simple really.09:17
bazhangFath[0]m, that works too :)09:17
fdebazhang: >:(09:17
bazhangfde just kidding :)09:18
Fath[0]mwhats /09:18
Vegombreii have windows xp on another partition , i thought i'd have it around since i am new to unix and ubuntu .. anyways i hear there's a way to make xp run virtually thru ubuntu , could you help me sort this out ?09:18
bazhangroot Fath[0]m09:18
AimLXJfde: Nope :(09:18
fdebazhang: I don't recommend doing the 'guided' partitioning... it sets up everything on / which is a pain... if you don't do guided, it won't do it automatically.09:18
jaffarkelshacsimplexio: after digging around i found it, export Display=:009:18
bazhangfde what is the keystroke with the up arrow09:18
simplexiojaffarkelshac: yeah. something like that09:19
fdeAimLXJ: I have no idea what you did then... you messed something up bad... we've reset XFce to defaults... we've reinstalled Xorg, and we've reinstalled the correct Window manager... I dunno what else there is to try...09:19
bazhangVegombrei, you want a virtual machine for that or using wubi09:19
simplexiojaffarkelshac: if you dont have several user logged in X09:19
fdebazhang: ^ you mean?09:19
AimLXJfde: All I did was install XGL and Compiz :\09:19
bazhangfde aye09:20
fdebazhang: here it's just ctrl+609:20
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bazhangthanks fde09:20
Fath[0]mI am completely noob to the whole / thing. I will make a 5120 partition and then swap partition of 4 gigs (double my ram) and then another partition /home?09:20
fdeAimLXJ: XGL is evil and dead... maybe 'sudo aptitude purge xserver-xgl' as last thing?09:20
bazhang!es | FREDDY1809:20
ubottuFREDDY18: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.09:20
Fath[0]mI am confused09:20
bazhangFath[0]m, that is best; that way if anything screws up /home will be protected09:21
AimLXJfde: Oh wow didn't know that, ill give that command a try09:21
Vegombreibazhang: how do i set up a virtual machine ?? ive been reading up on software like vmware and parallels desktop .. do they have that for ubuntu ?09:21
fdeFath[0]m: It is just what you pick from "Mount Point" options in the installer... it is the root partition... like C:\ in Windows.09:21
bazhangVegombrei, sure do; there is also virtualbox; you got gutsy or hardy09:21
Vegombreibazhang: im not sure .. how do i check what i have ?>09:21
bazhanglsb_release -a Vegombrei09:22
fdeAimLXJ: XGL was a nasty hack for a proof of concept of XGLX - a full replacement Xserver - however it was a nasty hack on top of Xorg, and is no longer supported... Xorg uses AIGLX to accomplish the same thing, and this is enabled in Ubuntu by default.09:22
Fath[0]mOk so why woudl i want to make / only 5 gigs?09:22
bazhangfde she is gone09:22
Vegombreibazhang: i got hardy09:23
Fath[0]minstead of the full 60 gb?09:23
lopinI know no one will probably be able to help me with this, but I'm having some problems with a shoutcast server...09:23
bazhangFath[0]m, more is better of course09:23
fdebazhang: I don't see how you follow this channel with join/parts on... heh09:23
bazhangfde no choice :(09:23
fdeFath[0]m: I'd recommend using most for /home as that's where your files will be...09:23
lopinIt keeps not accepting my passwords, even though I know they're right...09:23
AimLXJfde: Doesn't work but hey I do remember that when XGL was installed, it says that it would take over something and it will automaticly start when I login09:23
bazhangVegombrei, sudo apt-get install virtualbox09:23
fdeAimLXJ: Removing it should have taken it out of such scripts though.09:24
fdebazhang: XChat?09:24
bazhangfde aye09:24
Balachmar_How can I read the mail when I get a message you'got mail in /home/username?09:24
AimLXJfde: Well incase it doesn't, where is the XGL folder located?09:24
fdebazhang: Right click the channel name > Uncheck "Show Join/Part Messages" ... voila  :)09:25
bazhangBalachmar_, what app gives this message09:25
BUGabundo_workhi guys and galls09:25
bazhangfde nay, have to watch for the troublemakers :)09:25
BUGabundo_workneed help with soft button on an intel wifi card 496509:25
fdeAimLXJ: Did I have you purge or remove xserver-xgl09:25
Fath[0]mOh goodness, I am going to try and install09:25
Fath[0]mwish me luck09:25
AimLXJfde: Purge09:25
BUGabundo_workit is stuck on kill switch on09:25
fdebazhang: Floodbot takes care of that?09:25
bazhangFath[0]m, come back if you have troubles09:25
fdeAimLXJ: then the conf files are gone.09:25
AimLXJfde: :\, okay then how do I install gnome? :D09:26
fdeAimLXJ: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop09:26
Fath[0]mWould it be better for me to install ubuntu in its own partition or install it inside windows?09:26
fde(technically gnome-desktop-environment but this is #ubuntu  :P )09:27
bazhangFath[0]m, its own09:27
esphamI've installed a desktop environment, but how do I chance it from how it looks now?09:27
bazhangBUGabundo_work, well set kill swtich off09:27
fdeespham: Install a new theme? Which desktop manager?09:27
achiLaþlfkladfkadfl ..09:27
redondoswhat's the cleanest way to create an ubuntu cd with some more packages installed? not remastersys, right?09:27
bazhang!themes | espham09:27
ubottuespham: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:27
* spass is back (gone 08:46:26)09:28
achiLSýkýldým yahu ..09:28
bazhang!uck | redondos09:28
ubotturedondos: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/09:28
esphamfde: I used the synaptic package manager09:28
gradinanybody know how i can install a vncserver remotely to take over the local session?09:28
redondosbazhang: thank you09:28
esphambazhang: it isn't in themes09:28
bazhangenglish please achiL09:28
ActionParsnipgradin: ssh to the system09:28
fdeespham: Ok... what desktop did you install?09:28
ActionParsnipgradin: you'll need to turn on sshd first mind09:29
achiLbazhang nema problema ..09:29
esphamfde: fvwm-crystal09:29
gradinscratch that let me rephrase, i need to tell the login window to honor remote logins09:29
gradini've got ssh access09:29
tehkIs it possible to somehow install ubuntu on another drive while running ubuntu?09:29
esphamfde: I'm trying to install a new theme:P09:29
ActionParsnipgradin: with ssh all keypresses are as if you are at the remote system09:29
TooFlyHi, does anyone know how to get rid of the "beeping" noise from the system speaker?09:29
bazhangtehk, well you want to boot through livecd or what09:30
ActionParsnipgradin: so you can install vncserver via repos, then configure it using nano etc09:30
gradinbut i can't figure out how to enable vnc to login to the local session09:30
esphamTooFly, check BIOS09:30
TooFlyreally? it's not a ubuntu option?09:30
xs142Hey there, I'm trying to share files on the network so a XP computer can download it from me but Nautilus just says "Could not change permissions" what's up?09:30
gradinin other words i can connect to <servername>:1 but no <servername>:009:31
tehkbazzieb: No I would like to do something like install from a vm to a real partition and be able to boot natively09:31
bazhangTooFly, sure disable system sounds in sound prefs09:31
fdeespham: I know little to nothing about fvwm ... which is disappointing, because the guy that helped me most when I first used Linux was a FVWM developer...09:31
bazhangtehk, wrong baz :)09:31
esphamTooFly, sometimes you must go into BIOS in order to turn them off. that's at least what I must do on my thinkpad09:31
TooFlybazhang: Thanks, I found the option.09:32
esphamfde: too bad, because I know nothing about it:P09:32
gradinActionParsnip: i've got vncinstalled i just can't figure out hot to make it connect to the local session09:32
bazhangtehk, you can do that though in vmware-server at lest09:32
TooFlythanks for the help too espham09:32
Vegombreibazhang: done .. i downloaded and installed virtualbox09:32
KenSentMeHow do i know if my updated desktop pc (gutsy->hardy) actually uses pulseaudio or alsa?09:32
tehkbazhang: Ah good idea I forgot vmware server had the real partition thing09:32
fdeespham: try #fvwm or #fvwm-themes ... awol is really helpful   :)09:32
xs142How do I force folder sharing? Nautilius just whines ..09:32
bazhangVegombrei, no get an iso or cd and open vbox09:33
esphamok, thanks for the help fde :)09:33
Vegombreibazhang: i dont have any iso or cd bro ... i have windows xp on another partition .. can i not run that thru virtualbox ?09:34
bazhangVegombrei, what about xp install disk?09:34
bazhangxs142, just whines? please clarify09:35
fdexs142: Your user must be in sambausers group.09:35
Vegombreibazhang: i do have one but its not the same version as the one currently installed on the other partition09:35
fdexs142: also, you have to have samba installed ...09:35
bazhangVegombrei, makes no difference09:35
darewhen I enter mount /dev/sda4 terminal prints error mount /dev/sda409:36
daremount: can't find /dev/sda4 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab09:36
fdedare: You have to define where to mount it to...09:36
bazhangdare is that ntfs or what09:36
xs142Right click folder -> Sharing Options -> "Share this folder" --> Create Share -> Add these permissions Automatically --> ""Could not change the permission of folder "xx" ..09:36
dareoh yes09:36
Vegombreibazhang: cool .. ok lemme find the cd .. brb09:36
fdedare: We took it out of fstab ... so you have to say something like 'mount /dev/sda4 /mnt'09:37
xs142bazhang, fde, I do this: Right click folder -> Sharing Options -> "Share this folder" --> Create Share -> Add these permissions Automatically --> ""Could not change the permission of folder "xx" ..09:37
darefde, yes yes... i totaly forgot09:37
fdexs142: As I said, install samba and add yourself to the sambausers group.09:37
xs142fde Bue samba installed when I first opened the sharing options09:38
Fath[0]mok so I see 66gb free space in the manual install "prepare" partitions step. I want to create a new partition right?09:38
Fath[0]mor do I want to click forward?09:38
bazhang!cn | hchufeng09:38
ubottuhchufeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:38
fdexs142: Ok... then add your user to the sambausers group......09:38
xs142fde, how?09:38
TooFlyCan anyone recommend a daily planner program in linux09:38
TooFlyLike.. organizer of sorts09:38
fdexs142: gksudo gedit /etc/group ... add your user to the line that starts 'sambausers' after the last : without spaces.09:39
bazhangTooFly, l;ike ical?09:39
PauloRicardoMy Applications > Internet menu it's unordered. How I can sort them automagically?09:39
Vegombreibazhang: ok dude i inserted the xp cd ..09:39
TooFlybazhang: Yessir, something along those lines.09:39
ddaltonhow do I install ubuntu to a certain partition?09:39
Vegombreibazhang: it says cannot mount volume as my system doesnt support it '09:39
fdeTooFly: Click the date and double click a specific date...09:39
fdeTooFly: That thing support iCal09:39
hchufengthe input method can't use in opera ,how I can do ?09:40
bazhangTooFly, evolution?09:40
xs142fde, you mean sambashare?09:40
Vegombreibazhang: isnt there a way that i could give virtualbox a path to find windows xp already installed and running on a different partition ?09:40
bazhanghchufeng, you got scim installed?09:40
fdexs142: yeah... sorry09:40
TooFlybazhang: Ah, yes exactly what I was looking for.09:40
xs142fde, it's there09:40
TooFlyfde: Thanks.09:40
fdexs142: Then it should work fine.09:40
xs142fde, it doesn't09:40
hchufengin eva ,pidgin and firefox is right09:40
Fath[0]mI am at the install screen, I have "free space" with 66gb. should I click "forward" or "new partition"09:41
fdexs142: What is it not doing?09:41
xs142fde: Right click folder -> Sharing Options -> "Share this folder" --> Create Share -> Add these permissions Automatically --> ""Could not change the permission of folder "xx" ..09:41
bazhanghchufeng, not sure about opera; it is outside of ubuntu so you might to check opera forums09:41
fdeFath[0]m: new partition... you should end up with 4 partitions created.09:41
hchufengok ,thank you very much09:41
bazhangFath[0]m, guided or manual09:41
Fath[0]mok do I want primary or logical?09:41
bazhanghchufeng, also check ubuntuforums09:42
Fath[0]mI am in manual bazhang09:42
fdexs142: I don't even have that option... hardy?09:42
xs142fde, ofc09:42
fdeFath[0]m: go with logical, that's fine.09:42
xs142fde, it just says it can't :P My guess is the usual "oh you're not root, sod off then" thing that's going on?09:43
fdeFath[0]m: It actually doesn't matter... you can have 4 primaries.09:43
Fath[0]mare you sure because the default setting is primary09:43
bazhangFath[0]m, either will do really09:43
AssargadonIs there any GUI ODBC manager for Ubuntu?09:43
fdexs142: You're in the group that has permission to do that...  what is 'ofc' though?09:43
xs142fde, "ofcourse" sorry :P09:44
bazhangAssargadon, oracle db?09:44
fdeFath[0]m: Remember, you're creating a 5 gig partition mounted on / ... a 2 gig mounted as swap ... and the rest that you want for your files mounted on /home09:44
Vegombreibazhang: ok dude i inserted the xp cd ..09:44
Vegombreibazhang: it says cannot mount volume as my system doesnt support it '09:44
Assargadonbazhang, no, MySQL09:44
Vegombreibazhang: isnt there a way that i could give virtualbox a path to find windows xp already installed and running on a different partition ?09:44
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Fath[0]mok so all as primary09:44
Fath[0]mand teh ext3 journaling09:44
skipeQual irc usam :09:44
Fath[0]mand begginning?09:45
fdexs142: Then I'm not sure where you're getting that option... I see "allow others to write to share" as the closest option to yours....09:45
bazhangbrasil skipe?09:45
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
yaccAny suggestions for a commandline tool to cut mpeg files?09:45
bazhangVegombrei, you want the cd and the already installed xp?09:46
martinjh99Morning all - Where in Compiz Config Manager is the options for Window Drop Shadows?  I have a pink dropshadow and want to get rid of it...?09:46
meowludowhat is the command to download a 'rar' program for ubuntu? is it like sudo get-app ?rar-something?09:46
bazhangmeowludo, unrar or rar09:46
martinjh99neowludo > appt-get install rar unrar09:46
fde!medibuntu | yacc mencoder is in medibuntu:09:46
ubottuyacc mencoder is in medibuntu:: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:46
bazhang!unrar | meowludo09:46
ubottumeowludo: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:46
o0Chris0ohey guys, eww non free09:47
meowludothanks guys!09:47
Fath[0]mOk so I have right now type= primary, size=5120, location=beginning,use as=ext3journaling file system,mount point = /      correct?09:47
fdeo0Chris0o: Ubuntu is so popular because they aren't rigidly against non-free things as a whole...09:47
yaccfde: mencoder with copy mode I guess?09:47
ByorderEuropeguys i got a nice article for ya... and i have exact the same experiences... so the guy is 100% right in what he says09:47
bazhangFath[0]m, aye09:47
fdeo0Chris0o: infact there is restricted and multiverse explicitly for non-free things.09:47
bazhangByorderEurope, dont post here please09:48
Vegombreibazhang: i already have windows xp on another partition .. the primary partition .. how do i run that thru ubuntu and virtual box instead of boot loader09:48
ByorderEuropeso... maybe a next release :-)09:48
o0Chris0ofde true, I can't wait till go buntu comes out, Id like to test it :)09:48
ByorderEuropebazhang what ?09:48
bazhangByorderEurope, not the place to post that thanks09:48
fdeyacc: I don't recall the exact args... but you can say cut it every x secs ... or from this point to this point etc... been a while though.09:48
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ByorderEuropebazhang are you sure ? It is about ubuntu in the first place right ?09:49
ByorderEuropei have the same experiences as that guy09:49
fdeo0Chris0o: It was released at the same time as Ubuntu... it's just Ubuntu without restricted or multiverse enabled.09:49
Fath[0]mhow do I mount something as swap?09:49
bazhangByorderEurope, this is ubuntu support not ubuntu chat read the /topic09:49
hchufenghow can I connect to an chinese irc09:49
martinjh99Which chan is ubuntu chat?09:49
fdeFath[0]m: You just create the partition, and choose Mount as: "Swap" from the list09:49
ByorderEuropebazhang well in that case... fix it ?09:49
bazhanghchufeng, /j #ubuntu-cn09:49
Fath[0]mI dont have a mount as09:50
Fath[0]mI have mount piont and use as09:50
o0Chris0oI see09:50
fdeFath[0]m: Its the bottom option when you click "New partition".09:50
o0Chris0owell its not out officially yet :)09:50
o0Chris0ofde ^09:50
fdeFath[0]m: My wording might be off as I'm not looking at the installer currently, and have only installed hardy twice so far.09:50
fdeo0Chris0o: yes it is.09:50
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic martinjh9909:50
tony_hi guys09:50
Fath[0]m8.04 is hardy?09:50
bazhangFath[0]m, aye09:51
fdeFath[0]m: yes09:51
o0Chris0oso I can go to gobuntu.org can download it freely :)09:51
yaccfde: Hmm, it looks like outputing an avidemux job file is comparable in pain ;)09:51
Fath[0]mwould it be under "use as:swap area" ?09:51
Fath[0]minstead of ext3 journaling file system09:52
fdeyacc: heh... you're the one that wanted a cli tool  ;)09:52
fdeyacc: There are some things that a GUI make easier...09:52
uncontrolhey, does anyone know if all DDR RAM are DIMM?09:52
fdeyacc: Cinelerra would be easier...09:53
redondosis uck the official way ubuntu cds are created? -- I doubt it, that's why I'm asking09:53
Fath[0]mI have "use as:" set to swap area which then grayed out the "mount point:" is this correct?09:53
manoffwhat is the command to see how much free space i have in my hard drives?09:53
void^Fath[0]m: yes09:53
fdeFath[0]m: yup09:53
yaccCinelerra: Well, I already know the frames that I want removed from the video, ...09:53
redondosmanoff: `df -h' is one09:53
void^manoff: df09:53
manoffthank you!09:53
yaccfde: I already know the frames that need to go ;)09:54
Fath[0]mSo I am good with primary 4k size swap area right?09:54
fdeyacc: Then it's a case of finding the right switches... I can't really help there though as I said.09:54
fdeFath[0]m: 4k ?09:54
Fath[0]m4000 MBs09:54
Fath[0]mI have 2 gigs of ram09:54
fdeFath[0]m: That is 4megs... more than enough.09:54
Fath[0]mI thought you wre supposed to double it09:54
yaccfde: yeah, no problem :)09:55
fdeFath[0]m: I have 2 gigs of ram... and barely touch swap.09:55
Fath[0]mso how much should I put it09:55
fdeFath[0]m: Such rules are only really applicable if you're going to use it as a server.09:55
fdeFath[0]m: I use 2gb09:55
Vegombreibazhang: ?09:56
redondosFath[0]m: I wouldn't use more than 768MB09:56
fdeI actually saw it use 64mb earlier... it was amazing.09:56
redondosFath[0]m: but that's just me...09:56
bazhanghttp://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/User_FAQ Vegombrei yes it is possible the guys in #vbox tell me you need to read that09:56
HSnewshow to get Compiz configuration panel?09:56
HSnewswhere i can find it?09:56
fdemade my hd spin like crazy... and annoyed the crap out of me, but it actually used swap... </rant>09:56
bazhang!ccsm | HSnews09:56
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion09:56
ubottuHSnews: please see above09:56
manoffokay well, i need to mount a part of windows filesystem which is inside a laptop computer to my linux system. can you point me into the right direction?09:56
Vegombreibazhang: cool .. thanks ill read that and get back to ya09:57
fdeHSnews: either install simple-ccsm or ccsm ... former is cleaner.09:57
bazhangVegombrei, also /j #vbox :)09:57
HSnewsbazhang: I haven't Compiz tab in Appearance :( I have only `Effects` at all)09:57
k1dugarHSnews: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager09:57
fdek1dugar: no09:57
HSnewsbut compiz work ok09:57
manoffi need this because i have lot of files to which i need to do some complex operation and would like to use linux tools, but i cant copy these files into my linux box due to hard disk constraints09:57
bazhangccsm is what you need HSnews09:58
fdeHSnews: sudo aptitude simple-ccsm ... you'll be able to set it up more to your liking instead of defaults.09:58
manoffso can you point me into the right direction of how to mount this windows filesys of my laptop into my linux box, ty09:58
fdesudo aptitude install simple-ccsm ...09:58
Fath[0]mok so my last partition is type=primary,size=59378,location=beginning,use as=ext3 journaling system,mount point=/home correct?09:58
redondosmanoff: linux box != laptop?09:59
fdeFath[0]m: If you want to use that much room for your files, yes.09:59
bazhangFath[0]m, aye09:59
manoffredondos: no in this laptop i have windows xp and in my linux server i have ubuntu09:59
fdeFath[0]m: remember you can add, but it's harder to take away....09:59
Fath[0]mok so would you suggest smaller?09:59
manoffredondos: i would like to use the hard drives of my laptop from my linux server09:59
fdeFath[0]m: Depends on your needs.09:59
manoffredondos: is this possible?09:59
redondosmanoff: how about "sharing" your windows drive (via cifs/smb, which is native in windows) and mounting it on the ubuntu system?09:59
manoffredondos: okay i will seek into that thank you10:00
Fath[0]mso maybe go with 20k to start?10:00
redondosmanoff: that's quite simple, just `mount -t smbfs //laptop/share /mnt/laptop'10:00
manoffredondos: aha10:00
Fath[0]mThis is really just so I can learn Linux and mess around, my windows HD is my main one10:00
Fath[0]merr windows partition10:00
fdeFath[0]m: 20480 ... sure... that's a good number... you can use /home on all distros... so that leaves you like 40gigs to play with other stuff in...10:01
ibleedredondos, what ports need to be open on the ubuntu computer for samba to work ?10:01
HSnewswhere I can disable window shadows?10:01
maekHSnews, why would you want to disable window shadows ... they look really nice10:01
maekand they make your windows stand out more on top of other windows10:02
redondosibleed: none. you're sharing on the windows one. there port 445 tcp shall be opened automatically.10:02
Fath[0]mso /home is where everything you add to the HD goes ?10:02
HSnewsmaek,  my shadow is red color ))10:02
HSnewsabove window border10:02
maekHSnews, are you running Emerald ??10:02
gatenim trying to share a folder in hardy using the "guest" option (so i dont have to enter a password), but from windows it asks for a username and passwd still. any ideas?10:03
Fath[0]mOk so now I have my 4 partitions I click forward right?10:03
ibleedredondos, it wasn't me with the windows / samba problem i was wondering out of curiosity if i share things from my ubuntu computer with my home network what might ports need to be open (so the other way around)10:03
HSnewsmaek, I don't know ) I install ubuntu 8.04 at all10:03
fdeFath[0]m: No, that is all your files... apps go into /usr which is part of the / partition.10:03
fdeFath[0]m: Yup10:04
PauloRicardoMy Applications > Internet menu it's unordered. How I can sort them automagically?10:04
crash91Could anyone link me to a FAQ about sharing files between windows and ubuntu10:04
redondosibleed: open 445 tcp and udp and you'll be fine. I wonder why you have a firewall against your LAN, though.10:04
adam7!samba | crash91 : not sure if this will help, but worth a try :)10:04
ubottucrash91 : not sure if this will help, but worth a try :): Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:04
fde!samba | crash9110:04
ubottucrash91: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:04
terminal_Dudehey people...10:04
=== lustrousrodent is now known as shinygerbil
terminal_Dudecan anybody help me clear up few things..10:05
manoffredondos: ok just one question; how do i make the laptop visible into my linux so that i can access it with //laptop/foo ?10:05
fdeterminal_Dude: we can try if you ask...10:05
fde!samba | manoff10:05
ubottumanoff: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:05
DracoZAI have a new hardy installation and I am able to see computers on the network but I can not see any shares ?10:05
ibleedthank you redondos.  firewall against my lan ?  i dont have a firewall on my internal lan but a nat router so i assume i still have to open ports when its on my internal network.  i'll google for more info if i ever decide to do that10:05
redondosmanoff: just "share" one drive. this is really a windows question...10:05
manoffaha ok...10:06
redondosibleed: nope, you shouldn't have to do anything. the firewall is for the wan not the lan.10:06
crash91adam7, fde: thanks10:06
redondosehm, ok, work to do.10:06
DracoZAQuestion: I have a new hardy installation and I am able to see computers on the network but I can not see any shares ?10:06
maekHSnews, are you running compiz ??10:07
blackv1so I just screwed something up pretty badly here. I installed virtualbox and it asked for me to install virtualbox-ose-modules so I did and when I rebooted my computer was fried as in low screen res and my gfx card not working?10:07
XB23guys if i add a user to sudo .. they cant lock the root administrator out the box can they by changing there password?10:08
Fath[0]mIts asking me if I want to migrate documents and settings from XP should I?10:08
HSnewsmaek, I find that :) Windows Decoration section10:08
maekHSnews, did you download any themes ??10:08
terminal_Dudei had just looked at lshw and noticed how my cpu width is 64 bits and i have cpu flag x86-64 dose this means  that i have 64 bit processor10:08
crash91terminal_Dude: which processor do you have?10:09
adam7XB23: yeah, they can change the root password, depending on what sudo permissions you give them (for instance, sudo passwd root)10:09
achadwickterminal_Dude:    cat /proc/cpuinfo    should give you more info10:09
DracoZAis virtual box preferred over vmare ? I notice vmware is no longer in the repositories10:09
HSnewsmaek, Alright!)10:10
crash91terminal_Dude: intel is not specific enough, they have made lodas of processors, which model?10:10
XB23guys if i add a user to sudo .. they cant lock the root administrator out the box can they by changing there password?10:10
erUSULDracoZA: VB is free software10:10
terminal_DudeIntel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz10:10
DracoZAerUSUL, so is vware10:10
skurakaiHi. I try MovieFly but need "python stringtemplate". Do you know where i can find it?10:10
erUSULDracoZA: not true check its license10:10
adam7terminal_Dude: looks like you do10:10
maekHSnews, glad you got it sorted out10:11
terminal_Dudelol i have been runnign 32 bit ubuntu stupid me10:11
adam7erUSUL: vmware is free in the sense you can download it, not free in the sense you can hack up the code10:11
HSnewsthanks :)10:11
HSnewswhat is Button1?10:11
DvyjonesWhat is the meta-button in ubuntu on windows keyboard?10:11
DracoZAthanks adam7 thats what I wanted to say10:11
erUSULadam7: i know is DracoZA who seems confused10:11
maekHSnews, the first button on your mouse10:11
adam7Dvyjones: probably the windows key10:11
terminal_Dudeso to get full jkuice out perfomance i need to run 64bit Ubuntu correct ?10:12
Dvyjonesadam7: That is the super keyy on my computer :S10:12
erUSULDvyjones: windows key probably10:12
adam7Dvyjones: you probably don't have one then10:12
crash91terminal_Dude: if you run 64bit you will not see a major improvement, but maybe something like 10-15%10:12
karexhi, how to burn in el torito format in Brasero?10:12
manoffwhat is the command to list all available samba shares?10:12
adam7erUSUL: "free software" is ambiguous; since we're in #ubuntu, it most likely refers to OSS, but think s/he was using it to mean free to download10:12
adam7crash91: not even that much, probably10:13
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:13
adam7unless you do some seroius video encoding10:13
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:13
erUSULadam7: yep i should have used my native tongue and say software libre XD10:13
crash91adam7: yeah, its mainly for the 3.5GB+ ram that people use it10:13
terminal_Dudecrash91, really.. so is there any reason why I should not go for 64 bit , any problems with software kernels etc. ?10:14
adam7crash91: I use it and I only have 2gb, but there isn't a huge (any) speed advantage10:14
DracoZAerUSUL, Ok license issues aside as that wasnt my question, is virtual box preferred over vmware using an Ubuntu host ?10:14
ThreeFingerPetei'm trying to set up smb/samba for my ubuntu machine. in the general tab of network i have my computer name, but i have no idea what to put for domain name. i am unclear what to put in it10:14
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DvyjonesHow do i make a buttton the meta key then?10:14
adam7terminal_Dude: no crashes, a little trouble with Java and Flash, and some propietary stuff (graphics drivers work fine)10:14
crash91terminal_Dude: not really except afaik the only problem i have is not being able to install the java plugin for 64-bit, just use openJDK for that10:14
adam7Dvyjones: if you really want one, you might be able to map one of the ctrl keys or hte caps key to it10:14
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:14
erUSULDracoZA: well as you found out VB is in the repos and is easier to install and more imprtant keep u to date with new kernel revisions10:15
jattThe META key is Alt10:15
crash91adam7: me too, but i cant say because i used fedora before10:15
adam7!shortcuts > Dvyjones10:15
terminal_Dudehmmm. now I'm kinda put off!10:15
adam7IMO, Ubuntu has Flash working fine, and java seems to work fine too if you install the openjdk thingy in Firefox10:15
terminal_Dude#so what would you say for  advantage side of it ?10:15
HSnewswhere I can find docklets as in macosx?10:15
HSnewsat bottom of screen10:16
adam7so for me at least, no disadvantage, a slight speed increase10:16
ubottuAvant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that  positions itself at the bottom  of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/  Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and  in Universe  in Hardy10:16
DracoZAerUSUL, vmware was in the repositories un 7.10, I'm gonna give VB a bash anyways for comparison10:16
slayer_ду ю спик рашен? анибари?10:16
crash91terminal_Dude: a little pickup in speed, and allows you to have more than 3.5 GB of RAM10:16
adam7HSnews: cairo dock, and the AWN (see up)10:16
HSnewsанибади ду10:16
adam7!ru | slayer_10:16
ubottuslayer_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:16
HSnewsadam7: thank you!10:16
DistroJockey!ua | slayer_10:16
ubottuFactoid ua not found10:16
DistroJockeyhmm :(10:17
terminal_Dudecrash91, i will give it try hopefully wont be a painfully experience!10:17
* DistroJockey shrugs10:17
kelvin911is there a way to remove pulseaudio in hardy?10:17
adam7kelvin911: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio10:17
adam7terminal_Dude: if this is your first time with Ubuntu, try the 32 bit version, its a bit easier to setup10:17
crash91terminal_Dude: if you have customised you install much, then just stick with 32 bit10:17
erlandHELP! I'm trying to rescue data from a HDD and have followed steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery but got stuck trying to mount it...10:17
crash91terminal_Dude: your*10:17
ubuntunoobmmk, soooo, first time on ubuntu10:18
terminal_Dudethanks dude! guyz! :D.. thank you fro you help.. Open Source! Community RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:18
adam7ask away, ubuntunoob10:18
ubuntunoobhow in the world do I get the on/off switch on my HP laptop to work10:19
adam7erland: bad drive, corrupted filesystem, bad hardware?10:19
adam7ubuntunoob: the power switch?10:19
ubuntunooboh well, before that, how do i get ubuntu to detect my wireless card?10:19
crash91ubuntunoob: which wireless card do you have?10:19
neil_dbazhang: I found the problem.   I seem to have things setup now, but I can't test yet.10:19
adam7ubuntunoob: Go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers10:19
ubuntunoobBroadcom 802.11g10:19
ubuntunoobit doesn't even detect that it exists, I went to hardware drivers10:20
erlandadam7: damaged superblock I think, but before I try to fix it, I want to backup, which I did with gddrescue. Now I want to know how to mount the generated image as a filesystem...? Thanks!10:20
neil_dI have setup gfax but no virtual printer is showing :( what is wrong ?10:20
crash91ubuntunoob: Maybe this could be of help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear10:20
adam7erland: sure -- what was the mount error? if you want to mount the file with the filesystem in it, then you'll need to use -o loop when you run mount10:20
askandWhen I have check for updates daily enabled, what time does it check?10:20
maekwhats the channel for chatting about ubuntu ??10:20
askandmaek:  this is the one10:21
kelvin911adam7: if i remove it will all my app has no sound?10:21
adam7maek: if you have a question, here, otherwise, #ubuntu-offtopic10:21
adam7kelvin911: probably, unless you install alsa or something10:21
adam7kelvin911: is it giving you trouble?10:21
maekthats it adam710:21
microwaverGot me a problem mounting a HDD. I can't mount the darned disk, not even with the mount -t -o option10:21
MartinCzHi, how do I force mcedit to write TAB instead of spaces when I press tab key?10:21
kelvin911adam7: how to install the one gutsy uses?10:21
erUSULerland: use loopback "mount -t fstyp -o loop image-file /mount/point/" ??10:21
adam7kelvin911: that's alsa, so it should be in the package manager10:21
ikoniaerUSUL: you don't need -t for a loop device10:22
kelvin911adam7: in gutsy i can play mp3 and play games at the same time but in hardy i cant10:22
adam7kelvin911: ah, try alsa then10:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:22
kelvin911i cant even play mp3 and using webcam10:22
MartinCzI found it, is is simply placed in settings of mc.10:23
erUSULikonia: most times mount can figure out the fstype but not allways10:23
sortudo_78Hello! I am a Ubuntu 8.4 beginner, I just intalled that but having some probles with network connection, i tested my router and his DHCP server, the UTP RJ-45 cable, and my network interface card Realtek 8139 is perferct driver installed and working, the bug is in other place, Please! someone could help me ???10:23
ubuntunoobQuestion:  is this still relevant if ubuntu does not even recognize my wireless card?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear10:23
blackv1so I installed virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and now my comp is all jacked up so I removed it but I'm still stuck at low res? how can I fix this? thanks in advance for any life saving help.10:23
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:23
erUSULerland: worked ?10:24
adam7ubuntunoob: that guide is a bit old, let me find you a more recent one that I had luck with10:24
gordonjcpubuntunoob: that's pretty old now, it talks about Ubuntu Dapper10:24
adam7ubuntunoob: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656010:24
manoffi tried to access the windows share with smbclient and it worked! however, when i try to mount it with 'mount -t smbfs //laptop/foo /mnt/laptop' i get the following error 'mount error: could not find target server. TCP name laptop/Code not found. No ip address specified and hostname not found.' any idea?10:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:24
kelvin911adam7: i dont get it10:25
gordonjcpmanoff: instead of "//laptop/" try "//<ip of laptop>/"10:25
adam7manoff: if you can, substitute the ip for //laptop10:25
manoffwill do10:25
Fath[0]mok so thanks everyone who helped me install, so far so good, I am running off of it now! (especially FDE and bhazang)!10:25
adam7manoff: see gordonjcp's message :)10:25
erUSULblackv1: 2.6.24-16-386 ?? why not for the -generic one? probably you switched to the "bad" 386 kernel and loosed the graphic drivers make sure you use the gneric kernel10:25
kelvin911adam7: is there a more detail instruction how to use the old sound system in gutsy?10:25
bazhangneil_d, sorry was away for a bit; what is the setup issue?10:25
ubuntunoobthanks!  I'm trying to break free of HP BS, I've learned that everyone's hp presario laptop has a wireless issue within the first 6-10 months10:25
manoff'smbclient //laptop/foo' worked fine10:25
pvh_sa|wrkheya... i'm running Edubuntu 8.04 on a machine with an Intel 82G33/G31 graphics controller. is there any way to adjust the gamma on this thing?10:25
ubuntunooband I don't think it's a hardware issue10:25
Askenjoin #ubuntu10:26
Fath[0]mWith a fresh install, shoudl I approve the 61 or so addons that the update manager gives me?10:26
adam7Fath[0]m: yep10:26
erlanderUSUL: what should I substitute for "/mount/point" ?10:26
ubuntunoobHP shipped the laptop with 512 MB RAM,  with VISTA!  I made them 'downgrade' me to XP10:26
askandWhen I have check for updates daily enabled, what time does it check?10:27
Askenhaving problems setting up port forwarding using webmin.10:27
ubuntunoobThey failed to mention that XP did not have a high precision event timer system driver!!!10:27
ubuntunoobneedless to say10:27
manoffit works! thank you10:27
manoffit works by using ip addr10:27
kelvin911Originally Posted by Fred_E _krugar10:27
kelvin911An easy way to disable PulseAudio is to go into the system monitor and turn off PulseAudio Server. Alsa will then take over. You will have to turn it off each time you boot unless some one knows how to make a script to turn it off during boot. If so please post the script or IM me with it.10:27
kelvin911can someone explain how to kill it?10:27
erUSULerland: /mnt/ or a subdirectory within previously created (e.g. sudo mkdir /mnt/recovered/)10:27
ubuntunoobHP decided that registry hacks were a good way to control I/O for a wireless on/off switch!!!10:27
kelvin911I did this so I could play CSS and talk on Ventrilo and to also listen to music at the same time.10:27
erUSULkelvin911: sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove10:28
adam7kelvin911: well, I'd start with seeing if switching off Pulse by the directions provided there helps, and if it does, then worry about removing it10:28
ubuntunoobneedless to say, upon power failure, the current state of the registry was not saved, thus turning off my wireless card, seemingly permanently!10:28
erUSUL!webmin | Asken10:28
ubottuAsken: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.10:28
blackv1so how do I switch back??10:28
kelvin911so sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove?10:28
manoffthanks to you all, you helped me a lot :))))10:29
blackv1cause yeah is booting the 386 kernel10:29
bazhangubuntunoob, what about an xp restore disk10:29
kelvin911i see that there is a pulseaudio manager server in preference | sessions10:29
kelvin911should i delete it?10:29
bazhangubuntunoob, reset it there then get into ubuntu10:29
Askengreat!!! thx!10:29
erUSUL!who | blackv110:29
ubottublackv1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:29
ubuntunoobbazhang - when you say it, what do you mean?10:29
bazhangubuntunoob, you have what chipset for that wireless10:30
erUSULblackv1: make sure you have the linux-image package installed and the kernel in /boot/ reboot and in the grub menu choose the right kernel10:30
blackv1erUSUL:How do I switch back from 38610:30
ubuntunoobbroadcom 802.11g?10:30
bazhangubuntunoob, and the fwcutter does not do it?10:30
erUSULblackv1: see above10:30
ubuntunoobbazhang, explain fwcutter?10:31
bazhangubuntunoob, what does lspci show in the terminal for that card10:31
kelvin911so will this sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove wiorks?10:31
Fath[0]mwhats the best flash player plugin to use?10:31
ubuntunoobbazhang, i'm sorry, hate to sound like a tard, but lscpci?10:32
bazhangFath[0]m, the nonfree one10:32
Fath[0]m: (10:32
bazhangubuntunoob, open a terminal and type that-->alt f2 gnome-terminal (type)lspci10:32
Fath[0]mIf I had to pick a free flash plugin10:33
blackv1erUSUL: ok so just straight up linux-image right? no 2.16 blah blah blah?10:33
Fath[0]mwhich should I pick10:33
bazhang!ru | slayer_10:33
ubottuslayer_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:33
sortudo_78Hello! I am a Ubuntu 8.4 beginner, I just intalled that but having some probles with network connection, i tested my router and his DHCP server, the UTP RJ-45 cable, and my network interface card Realtek 8139 is perferct driver installed and working, the bug is in other place, Please! someone could help me ???10:33
erUSUL!info linux-image | blackv110:33
bazhangflashplugin -nonfree Fath[0]m10:33
ubottublackv1: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB10:33
erUSULblackv1: linux-image is a package that depends on the last kernel aviable10:33
adam7ubuntunoob: did you check out the link I gave you (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766560)?10:34
ubuntunoobbazhang, BY GOD that is a nifty tool10:34
Fath[0]mwhat does that mean bhazang?10:34
ubuntunoobbazhang, give me one moment to look through this list10:34
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bazhangFath[0]m, that is the flash plugin you want10:34
erUSULbazhang: we have  !ru slayer_ many times now ( /lastlog slayer_ )10:34
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bazhangoops sorry erUSUL was afk10:34
Fath[0]mhow do I find it?10:35
ubuntunoobbazhang, I'm not used to such a busy chat room, can we talk in private?10:35
bazhangFath[0]m, install from synaptic10:35
erUSULbazhang: just FYI nothing to be sorry about10:35
bazhangerUSUL, thanks :)10:35
vegombreihey how do i search the irc list with specific keywords instead of getting the entire list in my face ?10:35
bazhangubuntunoob, you forget all the other folks who are watching and can benefit :)10:35
ubuntunoobgood point10:36
ubuntunoobbazhang,  I'll learn to keep up then :D10:36
kelvin911i end pulseaudio in system moniter now eveything workls10:37
ubuntunoobbazhang, in lspci, what am I looking for?  The wireless device?  If so, it does not show up.10:37
kelvin911anyone know how to stop pulseaudio auto run when reboot?10:37
bazhangubuntunoob, what about lsusb10:37
Fath[0]mtjhanks again bazhang10:37
adam7kelvin911: someone gave youthe command up above, I think10:37
adam7kelvin911: update-rc.d, I think10:38
ubuntunoobbazhang, if my intuition is correct, that brings up an ls(list) of usb(usb), and the wireless card is not a USB device, but I'll give it a whirl10:38
kelvin911adam7 u sure that wont break alsa driver?10:38
bazhangkelvin911, you removed pulse for alsa; now you want it back?10:38
adam7kelvin911: it's working now, right? you can undo that command too if you want10:39
Fath[0]mI am getting a "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and it says to enable my graphics driver should I do this?10:39
kelvin911bazhang: i dont want pulseaudio to autorun10:39
Fath[0]mit says status "not in use"10:39
sortudo_78Please, someone help me ???10:39
adam7bazhang: no, he was testing alsa without pulse, and now he wants to get rid of pulse10:39
kelvin911so i delete it in sessions?10:39
ubuntunoobbazhang, that brings this up:  Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000010:39
ubuntunoobBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000010:39
bazhangadam7, now yes; but about three hours ago it was the reverse :)10:39
adam7bazhang: ah, I wasn't here three hours ago, sorry :)10:40
erUSUL!ask | sortudo_7810:40
ubottusortudo_78: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:40
bazhangubuntunoob, how did you learn it was broadcom?10:40
blackvderUSUL: So I installed linux-image and rebooted, selected linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic from grub but still my screen res is jacked. video card seems to be working cause compiz is?10:40
kelvin9113 hrs ago a guy tell me to use pulseaudio to solve my problem10:40
kelvin911actually pulseaudio is the problem10:40
erUSULkelvin911: as i told you earlier sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove10:40
Fath[0]mI am getting a "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system" and it says to enable my graphics driver should I do this?10:40
bazhangFath[0]m, what card do you have10:41
kelvin911what about the PulseAudio Session Manager in Sessions?10:41
kelvin911do i need to remove it?10:41
Fath[0]mNvidia 7800 I blieve10:41
TravisQuestion ... Running Hardy here: Totem plays certain videos (not all), especially of .wmv | .avi formats at a rate of about one frame per second. Anybody have the solution?10:41
ubuntunoobbazhang, originally on my xp system, the wireless card was working fine, in the device manager it came up as "Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Adapter"10:41
bazhangFath[0]m, are the drives installed?10:41
erUSULblackvd: «gksudo displayconfig-gtk» and set up resolution again ??10:41
Fath[0]mI have no idea, I think they were on my XP partition10:41
bazhangTravis, you tried vlc?10:42
Fath[0]mbut I dont know how I would check that in linux10:42
vegombreianyone know how to search the icr channel list thru irssi ?? but with specific keywords10:42
erUSUL!w32codecs | Travis10:42
ubottuTravis: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:42
Travisyeah. vlc works. but i don't like it as much as totem.10:42
kelvin911please llook http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2sp2.png10:42
R2r need help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:42
blackvderUSUL:won't go above 640x48010:42
ubuntunoobbazhang.  the wireless card (or so it seemed), crapped out after a power failure10:42
bazhangFath[0]m, you might wish to try envyng-gtk to install drivers; sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk10:42
erUSULblackvd: o.0! try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'10:43
ubuntunoobbazhang, this was on an XP downgraded HP presario laptop10:43
bazhangubuntunoob, have you read the broadcom link?10:43
Fath[0]mwhere do I type in that sudo part?10:43
Traviswell, i guess it would help to have the w32codecs installed, huh? i'm trying that now.10:43
bazhangFath[0]m, alt-f2 gnome-terminal10:43
Travissweet. solved my problem. thanks erUSUL.10:44
DracoZAOk so I just installed virtual box, rebooted and my system is all screwy, gnome is working on minimal display and restricted nvidia drivers have disappeared :((((10:44
erUSULTravis: no problem ;)10:44
bazhang!broadcom | ubuntunoob  you seen this10:44
ubottuubuntunoob  you seen this: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx10:44
Fath[0]mHow do I check my disk space?10:45
ubuntunooblet me read that a bit10:45
guillaume__join #nautilus10:46
blackvderUSUL: hm no good but my xorg is definitely messed up. what about running X -configure from the shell?10:46
Fath[0]mBazhang: I just installed that what do I do now?10:46
R2rneed help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:46
Sergeant_Ponyis there a way to reload inetd.conf file and the services file?10:46
R2r#flood need help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:46
R2rneed help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:46
R2rneed help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:46
R2rneed help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:46
FloodBot2R2r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:46
bazhangFath[0]m, run it from applications --system tools10:46
erUSULblackvd: that's what i said 11:43 < erUSUL> blackvd: o.0! try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'10:46
R2rneed help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:47
Myrtti!repeat | R2r10:47
ubuntunoobbazhang,  after reading the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx I determined that it is not relevant to my situation:  The device is not found with lspci or ubuntu period10:47
ubottuR2r: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:47
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:47
ArmyMan007i want to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a virtual PC10:47
ArmyMan007and when i get to start it up10:47
ArmyMan007it gives me an unrecoverable error10:48
kakooniaHey... I need some help with MY wireless card and Ethernet card.. The wireless card doesnt detect any wireless network connection its an Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection, i understood its a problem with the iwl3945 driver in the new kernel comes with ubuntu 8.04, instead of ipw3945 that was loaded in lower distros... + My ethernet card isnt configurable it uses lo (loopback as my network device) and cannot load eth0 n10:48
=== Lamego_ is now known as joaopinto
bazhangubuntunoob, wow that is bad; seems like you need to get into xp and set to dont power down that nic then reboot into ubuntu10:48
R2rthis is basic question please answer need help in finding the best ubuntu version and style for a client with 256mb 1.4ghz 64mb-vram usage will be only for the internet , openoffice10:48
ArmyMan007I want to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a virtual PC, and when i get to start it up, it gives me an unrecoverable error. What do I do?10:48
bazhang!attitude | R2r10:48
ubottuR2r: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:48
ubuntunoobbazhang,  the problem is, the Broadcom wireless doesn't even show up in XP on the devmgr!!!10:49
MyrttiArmyMan007: *a* virtual pc10:49
MyrttiArmyMan007: elaborate10:49
ArmyMan007Myrtti -> correct10:49
blackvderUSUL: awesome that fixed it after a x restart! thanks a bunch! Should I remove the 386 kernel?10:49
Myrtti!elaborate | ArmyMan00710:49
ubottuArmyMan007: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:49
R2rplease say yes if know my answer10:49
kelvin911hi pulseaudio is still there10:49
kelvin911i reboot pulseaudio is back10:49
erUSULblackvd: if you do not use it yes ;P10:49
kelvin911how to completely removei t?10:49
ArmyMan007Myrtti -> virtual PC 2007 is an emulation for old microsoft's OS's, and is able also to put Linux systems10:49
bazhangfluxbuntu r2r10:49
fdeArmyMan007: You're using VirtualPC? Have you tried VMware instead? It has a free version also.10:49
ArmyMan007Myrtti -> (such as Ubuntu)10:49
jaffarkelshachow do i edit my vidoes captured with recordmydesktop, its in ogg and i cant find any editor that works with this format10:50
erUSULkelvin911: have you done as i told you twice now " sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove "10:50
R2rthankyou very much10:50
ArmyMan007fde -> any diffrence between the two?10:50
joaopintojaffarkelshac, have you tried avidemux or lives ?10:50
fdeArmyMan007: Other than better performance, and wider support? Nothing at all.10:50
erUSULArmyMan007: one is free the other is not10:50
bazhangubuntunoob, what about in lshw10:50
kelvin911i did sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove10:50
MyrttiArmyMan007: there's also virtualbox, qemu (with or without frontends) ...10:50
jaffarkelshaci have tried avidemux, but not lives10:50
fdeerUSUL: Nah, both are free beer... neither is free speech.10:50
ArmyMan007erUSUL -> the microsoft's one is free10:50
ArmyMan007erUSUL -> the vmware is not10:51
kelvin911i did sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove10:51
erUSULfde: VB is libre <> free speech10:51
jaffarkelshacjoaopinto: lives in not in the repos is it?10:51
fdeArmyMan007: VMware has a free version.10:51
joaopintoArmyMan007, the vmware is also free10:51
ArmyMan007so? i ask you: any diffrence?10:51
metalfan_im new to ubuntu, how do i start ms office10:51
Myrttithe VMWare _PLAYER_ is free10:51
joaopintojaffarkelshac, no, but you can grab it from getdeb10:51
bazhangArmyMan007, virtual pc is sadly lacking10:51
Myrttias in gratis10:51
joaopintothe server is also free10:51
ArmyMan007try VMware insted?10:51
ubuntunoobbazhang, looking, but somehow I think the problem is deeper than the card itself10:51
kelvin911erUSUL: do i need to remove pulseaudio in sessions too?10:51
fdeArmyMan007: Performance and support... like I said.10:51
kelvin911i see pulseaudio session manager in sessions10:52
erUSULkelvin911: wouldn't hurt10:52
ArmyMan007suppport and performance better on VMware?10:52
fdeArmyMan007: VMware is vastly superior.10:52
ArmyMan007will try10:52
ArmyMan007if i get an error i'll be back10:52
ArmyMan007thanks y'all10:52
Fath[0]mBazhang I am using those restricted drivers but its still giving me a warning message about using them, will it always do this?10:52
bazhangFath[0]m, only that one time10:52
kelvin911erUSUL: let me reboot and see10:52
fdeVirtualBox is nice also... but doesn't have as good support for things like USB devices in the vm ... etc10:52
kakooniaany1 got my message?10:53
ikoniakakoonia: your message was posted to the channel10:53
BuRn_sLuGDoes anyone know how to set Conky transparency?10:53
kakooniaikonia: Yup.10:54
kakooniaHey... I need some help with MY wireless card and Ethernet card.. The wireless card doesnt detect any wireless network connection its an Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection, i understood its a problem with the iwl3945 driver in the new kernel comes with ubuntu 8.04, instead of ipw3945 that was loaded in lower distros... + My ethernet card isnt configurable it uses lo (loopback as my network device) and cannot load eth0 n10:54
fdekakoonia: Someone with the same question was here earlier... no resolution to his issue I'm afraid.10:55
erUSULkakoonia: can you paste the output of "lspci | grep -i net"10:55
Fath[0]mHow do you stop pinging an ip?10:55
jussi01ctrl +c10:55
erUSULFath[0]m: crtl + c10:55
kakooniafde: earlier as today?10:55
rebeccahey all, flash is causing my computer to totally freeze. im using heron, firefox2 or 3 and non-free adobe flash. i have tried the nswrapper 'fix' but it doesn't help10:55
fdekakoonia: Yup.10:55
ximdoes hardy not come with any games by default? or is something funny with my install?10:55
ubuntunoobbazhang,  no broadcom detected with lshw10:55
kelvin911pulseaudio is still there10:55
kelvin911do i have to manually end task pulseaudio everytime i reboot my computer?10:56
kakooniaerUSUL: sec..10:56
ubuntunoobbazhang, I know what you -want- to tell me, my wireless card is fried, but I would have to fight you to th e grave on that one10:56
fderebecca: It won't it'll just cause Firefox to not crash when Flash crashes... there is no fix really, Flash on linux just is poor.10:56
vallhalla81xim: i had some games on my defualt install10:56
kakooniaerUSUL: ima paste it here.. not too long.10:56
kakoonia03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)10:56
kakoonia05:01.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)10:57
ximuuugh i wonder what that means10:57
fderebecca: Hopefully that'll improve when Gnash or SwfDec mature more... but for now, we're stuck.10:57
vallhalla81xim: did you check the disk before installing?10:57
fdevallhalla81: Kubuntu doesn't include games by default... did you install Kubuntu?10:57
erUSULkakoonia: "lsmod | grep 8139" please use a pastebin10:57
maekadobe released the flash specification recently10:57
rebeccafde: yeah, i know what it's supposed to do.. but it still completely freezes it(?). i have flash working fine on gibbon which confuses me..10:57
ximcheck it for what, you mean the cd not my HD right?10:58
DracoZAAny help ? I just installed virtual box and my display/sound are no longer working please ?10:58
vallhalla81fde: xim: has the problem i am just helping but thank you10:58
kakooniaerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11818/10:58
vallhalla81xim: yes you need to check the cd for erors10:58
ximfde: no its regular ubuntu hardy10:58
rebeccafde: oops, i meant feisty. flash works fine on my feisty laptop.10:58
ximlike with chkdisk10:59
erUSULkakoonia: the drivers are loaded  and still you do not get eth0 ??10:59
fderebecca: It hasn't gotten any better/worse for me since warty... since flash 9 was first released for Linux, it has been poor.10:59
rebeccafde: is it possible to roll back the flash version to fix the problem?11:00
kakooniaerusul: sec.. im gonna pastebin soething more informative..11:00
vallhalla81xim: i believe when you start from the disk one of the start options is to check the disk11:00
fdeIf Adobe really released the specs, then hopefully Gnash/SwfDec will replace Adobe's Flash and the issue will not be applicable anymore.11:01
erUSULrebecca: no; flashplugin-nonfree just dl whatever is aviable at adobe site11:01
fderebecca: It's not the flash version.11:01
ximvallhalla81: ah i see, ill try that11:03
rebeccafde: do you know of any work arounds?11:04
ubuntunoobProblem:  Broadcom wireless card is not detected under Windows XP,  Possible lead:  XP does not have a functioning high precision event timer, and ubuntu doesn't detect that system device!!!11:04
fderebecca: No, other than don't use flash more than you have to.11:04
Shadow420ubuntunoob winsows needs your cards drivers to use it properly11:05
rebeccafde: hehe. okay11:05
fderebecca: 90% of Flash on the internet is used for ads anyways...11:05
* emma *smiles*11:05
ubuntunoobShadow420,  I most definitely have reinstalled drivers upon drivers trying to get this thing to work11:06
DracoZAhow do I get the restricted drivers back in the list for my nvidia card, it's no longer displayed there and my graphics are screwy ?11:06
ubuntunoobShadow420, with some unknown chain of events including driver uninstall/reinstalls and resetting the CMOS I can get it to turn on periodically on XP11:06
fderebecca: Recommend adblock and noscript for such sites... then allow sites like youtube that you actually want to use, and bare with the bad performance...11:06
Shadow420ubuntunoob plus my sis had a laptop with XP and a wireless card and it worked I think maybe because it's a linksys11:06
rebeccafde: yeah, those are what usually cause the freezes.. oh well, i might give the FOSS alternatives a try.11:07
* fde pinches emma's cheeks11:07
napsy_Is it possible to upgrade an existing 32-but ubuntu installation to a 64-bit one?11:07
Ahronzombihello mates. i need help getting regular automated backups to a external usb drive goin. time vault fails because it writes to /media/disk before it mounts it and flyback fails because he dosent delete old backups when my drive is full even if i tell it to do so. any suggestions on getting these solutions to work, or new ideas ?11:07
fderebecca: They certainly work for YouTube.11:07
fdenapsy_: nope11:07
rebeccafde: ok11:07
BuRn_sLuGDoes anyone11:08
fdeDepending on the scope of the specs recently released, they should be getting _much_ better soon too.11:08
kakooniaerusul : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11819/11:08
fdeBuRn_sLuG: does anyone what?11:08
Shadow420ubuntunoob maybe checkout broadcoms website to get support on xp's side and ubuntu I am not sure11:08
BuRn_sLuG*Does anyone know how to change the background transparency in Conky?11:08
MrGreentrying to get ssh working but can only log into my own machine?11:08
kakooniaand anyone else also is invited to watch this.. and try to help with this problem wireless/ethernet..11:08
Shadow420napsy_ no I don't think so11:08
beliMrGreen: what are you trying to do?11:09
MrGreenlink laptop to desktop11:09
MrGreenvia ssh11:09
MrGreenatm linking to itself11:09
MyrttiMrGreen: and not from the outside?11:09
ubuntunoobShadow420,  I believe the issue pertains to the fact that the Broadcom 802.11g is not ACPI compatible11:09
MrGreenno local11:09
MrGreenfollowing wiki11:09
Myrtti!who | MrGreen11:09
ubottuMrGreen: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:09
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:10
z3rumHi guys, trying to install Hardy(server) on a Dell Poweredge Server using a USB HD, it boots fine, but cant mount cd, any ideas?11:10
beliMrGreen: so you need a functional networking (IP config and ROUTING)11:10
ximanyone know where the settings for the terminal are saved?11:10
MrGreenbeli well yes11:10
beliMrGreen: as ssh works over tcp/ip this must work. is that functional?11:10
fde!enter | MrGreen11:10
ubottuMrGreen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:10
MrGreenbeli yes11:10
Shadow420ubuntunoob that is very possible did you check the manuel to see if it has ACPI compatabiliys11:11
beliMrGreen: so you can ping both machines vice versa?11:11
Ahronzombiif anyone can help me setup automatic backups to a external usb drive please let me know11:11
fdez3rum: What is the error? What kind of CD device is it?11:11
MrGreenbeli let me just check11:11
z3rum/msg ubottu etiquette11:11
MrGreenbeli yes its ok11:11
z3rumfde, its a maxtor USB HD11:12
kelvin911how to completely REMOVE PULSEAUDIO ?11:12
ubuntunoobShadow420,  I didn't check a manual, but I know that when the wireless card was working,  in the XP device manager, with view by connection:  The wireless card was not under ACPI Multiprocessor CPU11:12
beliMrGreen: ok...so....you want to have access von box a to box b and from b to box a? or just one way?11:12
MrGreenbeli ahhhh11:12
kelvin911how to completely REMOVE PULSEAUDIO in ubuntu 8.04 (is it possible?)11:12
MrGreenbeli the laptop pings desktop but not other way round11:12
beliMrGreen: so fix your basic networking ;)11:12
Shadow420ubuntunoob how old is the card11:12
MrGreenbeli thanks dude :-)11:12
beliMrGreen: its like with building a house...you dont start with the roof....11:13
ubuntunoobShadow420, 6-8 months11:13
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
kakooniaerUSUL: You got the pastebin?11:13
MrGreenbeli well yeah.... lol11:13
Ahronzombidoes anyone know where i can go that i might find someone to help me setup incremental backups to a external usb drive?11:13
z3rumfde> Maxtor Onetouch USB HD, it works fine and just used the method for installing on my desktop11:13
adam7ubuntunoob: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656011:13
z3rumfde> but when trying the server it says it cant mount the cd device11:13
MrGreenbeli thanks again :-)11:13
Shadow420ubuntunoob hmm it's possible the card when bad and check adam7 link11:13
z3rumfde> after boot, before installation11:14
fdez3rum: Apologies, phone... I have to go  :(11:14
z3rumfde> ok np :)11:14
Shadow420z3rum was is the problem?11:14
tyrionhi, is there ANY way to get PKCS Personal Certificates to work under Ubuntu ? Doesn't Matter which browser11:14
rebeccafde: ummm.. gnash isn't working for youtube for me.. only some simple flash ads11:14
ubuntunoobShadow420,  According to HP forums (where i got the laptop),  this issue occurs in a LARGE amount of HP laptops,  replacing the motherboard has been their main solution when faced with this problem11:15
z3rumCan anyone help? I'm trying to install Hardy Server on a Dell Poweredge using a USB Maxtor Onetouch HD as install medium, it boots fine, and loads the installation, but then it cant mount the cd11:15
adam7z3rum: there's a wiki page with instructions on how to do that, I think11:15
adam7!install > z3rum11:15
ubuntunoobShadow420, I refuse to believe this is a problem any deeper than HP stupidity11:15
fderebecca: you have to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad at least... although I only have experience with swfdec - gnash is said to use gstreamer also...11:16
fderebecca: I'm on the phone though, so I can't assist further...11:16
adam7one does not usually replace the motherboard because of a software error11:16
rebeccafde: okay, thanks for your help :)11:16
Shadow420ubuntunoob I don't like HP laptops because of these problems but thier printer wonderful to have11:16
Shadow420ubuntus I meant to say thier combo printers I am going to be getting and all in one11:17
Shadow420ubuntunoob I meant to say thier combo printers I am going to be getting and all in one11:17
DracoZALast attempt before I have to do a whole new installation, I installed virtual box via the repositories and now my hardy setup is a mess, can anyone help >11:17
fermesmy synaptic can not install  package until 100%11:17
=== fermes is now known as rinovan
=== sjoerd_ is now known as sjoerd
Shadow420DracoZA get into the tty1 and run sudo apt-get remove virtualbox11:18
kelvin911how to stop pulseaudio to load in startup?11:18
=== fermes is now known as rinovan
tyrioni really need to get PKCS12 Certificats to work under Ubuntu ... can anyone help ?11:19
DracoZAk Shadow420 , trying11:19
ubottuFactoid pkc not found11:19
rinovanmy synaptic can not download & install package untill 100%11:20
RakanHello, Ubuntu recognized RT2500 Ralink wireless usb dougle but the driver is unstable and it keeps disconnecting me of the network11:20
ubuntunoobadam7, when I run those 3 lines of code at the beginning of the link you set me, I type y and hit enter, it says Abort.  and doesn't do anything???11:20
Shadow420ubuntunoob did you use sudo?11:20
ubuntunoobShadow420, forgive my noob ways, sudo?11:21
babolatFriends keep sending me *.tar.gz files. I know they're installers of some kind. How do I use them?11:21
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.11:21
RakanHello, Ubuntu recognized RT2500 Ralink wireless usb dougle but the driver is unstable and it keeps disconnecting me of the network11:21
neil_dhow do I get the gfax printer to show ?  it isn't appearing in any of the print dialogs :(11:21
Shadow420ubuntunoob >  !sudo11:21
ubuntunoobshadow420, ty11:21
ubuntunoobShadow420, this is what I entered:  echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:22
ubuntunoobsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.911:22
ubuntunoobmkdir ~/bcm43xx; cd ~/bcm43xx11:22
Shadow420ubuntunoob it helps keep other people from installing stuff without your password11:22
emmababolat, you type tar -xvvf nameoftarfile.tar.gz11:22
DracoZAShadow420, virtual box removed, gnome still 800x600 and restricted drivers for nvidia not shown under hardware11:23
babolati have to cd to the file's directory right emma?11:23
emmababolat, if it is an extracted source directory then you cd sourcedirectory and you ./configure to begin an installation from source.11:23
jk_can the locations that appear under places on the app bar be edited?11:24
Shadow420DracoZA reinstall the Nvidia Drivers and vix your setings the way u had them before virtualbox messed them up11:24
ubuntunoobShadow420, this is what I entered:  echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:24
babolatemma: I'm using the boss's irc nick. so maybe u're mistaking this noob for someone else. how to do that?11:24
Shadow420ubuntnoob ok11:25
aRMXwhich one is better between virtualbox and qemu?11:25
chazcoI'm trying to force an application to use the system version of Freetype. Running "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libfreetype.so textmaker" (the same method used for OO) gives the following error: "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libfreetype.so: undefined symbol: FreeTypeRegisterFontFileFunctions". Any ideas?11:25
emmababolat - Here is some good information on installing in Ubuntu -- http://www.monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/11:25
ubuntunoobShadow420, it asks me y/n to continue, i enter y....  Abort????11:25
Shadow420ubuntunoob I don't much about wireless cards under linux11:25
DracoZAaRMX, I dunno I just installed vbox and it screwed up my brand new 8.4 installation11:25
babolatthank you emma11:25
Shadow420ubuntunoob y11:25
ubuntunoobShadow420, it Aborts :\11:26
emmababolat, you are quite welcome. :)11:26
Shadow420ubuntunoob hmm11:26
ubuntunoobShadow420, would this have anything to do, at startup when I get console text, I see the words Bios bug flash11:26
eth01emma: you should be recommending the official ubuntu installation guide.11:27
Shadow420ubuntunoob hmm I am not sure11:27
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
emmaeth01 sorry that is what I found when I did a google search.11:27
ubuntunoobShadow420,  I'm near positive that my wireless card is still good,  but somehow I can't take control away from whatever has it turned off11:28
Shadow420DracoZA give qeum a try if you can use it use VMware11:28
z3rumhow do i add boot parameters to installation cd, ie. linux pci=off?11:28
Shadow420DracoZA > !vmware11:28
aRMXDracoZA: i think you need reconfigure your xorg11:28
Shadow420DracoZA run sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:29
Shadow420ubuntunoob man I use bazhang was on11:30
Shadow420ubuntunoox=b wish**11:30
Shadow420ubuntunoob wish**11:30
aRMXi'm new with ubuntu dunno whether xorgconfig or xorfconf working or not, but that the best way to configure your xorg11:30
ubuntunoobShadow420, he was on and was troubleshooting with me, but left randomly11:30
ubuntunoobShadow420, got as far as establishing that ubuntu did not detect the card at all11:30
Shadow420DracoZA then run the connman thats in the xorg.conf file11:31
Shadow420DracoZA command*11:31
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx11:32
emmaeth01, this is the closest I could find on the forums -- http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=76814811:32
aRMXif you have a good luck /etc/X11/xorg.conf has been backup in the dir, maybe you can revert back to previous setting if it's there11:32
Shadow420ubuntunoob > !broadcom11:32
emmaeth01 but by the time I found that the person might be gone.11:32
eth01emma: huh? read the wiki. sigh.11:33
ubuntunoobShadow420, I'm currently working with this link:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656011:33
kap0w /server irc.dal.net11:33
emmaeth01, what wiki are you referring to?11:33
z3rumI need help adding bootparameters before i install, on Hardy Heron, such as "linux pci=off"11:33
Shadow420ubuntunoob use the link I gave you it may assist you better11:33
Shadow420z3rum why do you need special boot parameters11:34
z3rumShadow> im trying to install hardy heron on my server, with a usb hd, but it cant find the cd, another forum suggested adding linux pci=off to the bootparam11:35
theom3gahi there11:35
z3rumim not having trouble creating the usb hd for installation, that works fine, but it cant get past the mounting cd part11:36
aRMXwhat is the default xmms package in ubuntu hardy if i want to install it?11:36
aRMXfind a lot of xmms in apt-cache list, dunno which one is the correct11:37
emmaeth01, is this the wiki you are talking about -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions11:37
AstralliSdoes anyone know how to get a dock?11:37
Shadow420!find xmms |  aRMX11:37
ubottuarmx: Found: gkrellxmms2, gxmms2, libaudio-xmmsclient-perl, libxmmsclient++-dev, libxmmsclient++-glib-dev (and 71 others)11:37
erUSULaRMX: there is no xmms on hardy use audacious or bmp11:37
aRMXi see..11:37
erUSULaRMX: xmms2 is a client server based player (it has no gui by default)11:38
creeedhow can I find out if to the CLASSPATH an added java library is really in the CLASSPATH?11:38
Shadow420well later I am falling asleep11:38
=== illovae_ is now known as illovae
neil_doh where do I find out how to get gfax to setup a virtual fax printer, there it isn't done at install time ?11:39
creeedis there any tool witche can look for a jar-file, if is it in the classpath?11:39
aRMXerm.. audacious is interesting option we have here, just saw the screenshoot at their site11:39
NevernHello, I have installed a new NVidai card. I need to edit the inittab file which ought to be in /etc - but I can't find it. Using Ubuntu 8.?11:40
ubuntunoobProblem:  Neither XP or Ubuntu are detecting my wireless card, the wireless radio switch shows a red light for off, the switch does not respond to, well switching.11:41
fatbrainA gedit question, is there a way I can view-whitespaces?11:41
reidmanwhen I do "sudo chroot /media/disk" i can't do anything with my network (ping, apt-get, wget, etc) -- is it possible to restore network traffic in that session?11:42
beliNevern: ubuntu does not use common inits11:42
ubuntunoobProblem:  Neither XP or Ubuntu are detecting my wireless card, the wireless radio switch shows a red light for off, the switch does not respond to, well switching.11:42
ArrowLancewhen i try to install using the method listed at the bottom of this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows11:43
simplexioubuntunoob: best quess is that you need to go into bios and enable it11:43
remoteCTRLcan anyone pls tell me hot to use that format options of the date command?11:43
ArrowLancei get an error saying hal.dll is corrupt or missing11:43
beliNevern: ubuntu is using upstart for the init levels....but iirc upstart is still parsing /etc/inittab file.....give it a try and create your own11:43
ubuntunoobsimplexio.  the bios for my HP laptop is INCREDIBLY limited,  I notice the words "Bios Bug" flash when I load the live session.11:44
NevernSo if Ubuntu does not use common inits how do I set the service level at startup?11:44
jribremoteCTRL: man date  tells you what they do.  date '+%d' for example11:44
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jribNevern: why do you need to edit inittab because you have an nvidia card?11:45
remoteCTRLjrib: yeah that "+" was what i was missing, noone tells you in the manpages gg11:45
jribremoteCTRL: it does, in the second line :)11:45
simplexioubuntunoob: what dmesg says about your wireless11:45
ArrowLancenever mind, i may have figured it out11:45
ledeppelinребят объясните пжлст нубу: по apt-get install установил на убунту xchat,mc,centerim и xmms. иксчат сразу появился в меню, а остальных прог не видно. искал также в /usr/bin, там есть папки, но они не открываются11:46
simplexioubuntunoob: in terminal type dmesg .. or dmesg | grep <something>11:46
ubuntunoobsimplexio,  dmesg?11:46
jrib!ru | ledeppelin11:46
ubottuledeppelin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:46
simplexioubuntunoob: dmesg shows kernel messages11:46
beliNevern: read the upstart docu11:46
Kohlrakanyone know why some windows (probably dialog boxes) close?11:46
remoteCTRLjrib: gosh! i completely overlooked that, thanks a lot!11:47
Kohlrakfor example, you can't save as from gedit?11:47
simplexioubuntunoob: so it should be able see if kernel did report somereason why wireless isnt working or if it dosent even notice that there is wireless11:47
beliNevern: upstart.ubuntu.com11:47
Nevernjrib: because the NVidia drivers will not install without service levels being set to exclude X windows system running.11:47
Randocal_Installing something like Amarok gives me a pile of dependencies, becuase it's a KDE app, and i'm running gnome, does that hurt my system performance much? or is it pretty trivial generally?11:47
ubuntunoobsimplexio, is there a way to search through the terminal for specific terms/phrases?11:48
Kohlrakanyone know why gedit won't allow a save as dialog without crashing?11:48
simplexioubuntunoob: dmesg | grep net11:48
jribNevern: sure they will, you should be using System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers  to install them.  In any case, all the runlevels (2-5) in ubuntu/debian are identical by default and 2 is the default runlevel11:48
reidmanwhen I do "sudo chroot /media/disk" i can't do anything with my network (ping, apt-get, wget, etc) -- how can i restore network traffic?11:49
gatestoneI have a simple prgram that test overflowing memory with gets(). Looks like there is something by default that catches and warns about stack smashing. What is this? What arre the memory overflow mechanism at use by default in Hardy?11:49
simplexioubuntunoob: means dmesg output is forwarded to grep which search line which matches ti its input in example "net"11:49
jrib!nvidia > Nevern (read the private message from ubottu)11:49
ubuntunoobsimplexio, WOW....11:49
HSnewswhy my weather don't show at tray? ((11:49
ubuntunoob[   52.498191] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)11:49
ubuntunoob[   56.844106] forcedeth: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version 0.611:49
HSnewsin Preferences weather is enabled11:49
simplexioubuntunoob: in linux, there is allways some way to do stuff in terminal effeciently11:50
Kohlrakyou may have deleted it HSnews, just re add it by right clicking the bar.11:50
beliNevern: you can switch runlevels easily using init!11:50
beliNevern: switch to single user mode and do the install from there11:50
ubuntunoobsimplexio, help me interpret what im seeing here11:50
maxbAre there any particular reasons to choose between foomatic or openprinting PPDs for the same printer?11:50
HSnewsoh sorry, I just add location and it's work11:50
belisimplexio: right :)11:50
simplexioNevern: nvidia driver probem ? change to vt alt+f1 and login in type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and install nvidia drivers11:51
simplexioubuntunoob: give me link into pastebin11:51
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:51
Kohlrakwhy gedit crash when i go to "save as"?11:51
Nomadi'm sorry to disturb, but i would like to know how i could move some files by batch let say of 100 to another dir (as far i as could think of it 's :  for i in $(ls ./ | head -n10);do mv $i /dir;done  but if my files have space name it's return file not found11:51
beliKohlrak: use strace to find out what happens11:51
smaxwhat I do wrong? sudo echo "deb ....." >> /etc/apt/sources.list it said permission denied?11:52
ubuntunoobsimplexio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11826/11:52
simplexioNomad: do mv "$i" /dir ;done11:52
jribNomad: mv file1 file2 ... /path/to/some/place/to/move/them   works fine11:52
belismax: the >> happens to be executed in YOUR actual scope...not the sudo scope11:52
smaxbeli how fix it?11:53
Nomadjrib: i have more than 2k photos to works with^^  ( and it's aint porn )11:53
smaxdo with `` ?11:53
simplexioubuntunoob: you did get it wrong... grep net was exxample, do like grep wireless or grep somethign you try yo look11:53
jribsmax: pipe to sudo tee -a instead11:53
Nomadsimplexio:  same, it would split files name11:53
Kohlrakbeli, oddly enough it's a segmentation fault... I noticed this is a problem with other programs too, like firefox.....11:53
simplexioubuntunoob: and paste whole dmesg into there11:53
belisudo bash -e "echo ...."  for example11:53
creeedI added a jar-file to my CLASSPATH, I wanna find out if this library really exist on the path, any tool or option makes such thing?11:53
Finirashow do i make compiz start automatically? every time I reboot I have to enter the compiz --replace & command11:53
microwaverGot me a problem mounting a HDD. I can't mount the darned disk, not even with the mount -t -o option11:53
simplexioNomad: hmm what does  ' ' do11:53
beliKohlrak: ok....so strace is really nice to see what is happening...it shows up syscalls and stuff11:54
jribNomad: so?  are they all in the same directory?  Just glob them.  mv dir1/* dir211:54
microwaverFiniras, did you ty enabling extra visual options?11:54
Nomadmv: cannot stat `$i': No such file or directory11:54
Finirasis that the same as compiz?11:54
smaxbeli sudo -e doesn't help11:54
simplexioNomad: ' ' is different ` ` and ` '11:54
Kohlrakoh really, i'm new to linux64 dev so it'd be nice to use that, thanks. But i think there's a bug with hardy, 'cause i don't see why a default build of gedit would crash and i can't think of anything that would break it's save as....11:55
quannhHi all11:55
belismax: -e isnt correct....need to check manual11:55
chazcoI'm trying to force an application to use the system version of Freetype. Running "env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libfreetype.so textmaker" (the same method used for OO) gives the following error: "symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts/libfreetype.so: undefined symbol: FreeTypeRegisterFontFileFunctions". Any ideas?11:55
Nomad(( for i in $(ls ./ | head -n1);do mv '$i' /dir;done11:55
Nomadmv: cannot stat `$i': No such file or directory ))11:55
jribsmax: echo "deb ..." | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list11:55
smaxjrib <jrib> smax: pipe to sudo tee -a instead>> could you explaine me11:55
smaxjrib thanks11:55
Nomadand that's why i'm kinda stuck^^11:55
jribNomad: did you read what I said?11:56
Nomadjrib:  yes,11:56
beliNomad: what shell? replace '$i' with $i11:56
jribNomad: so why are you still doing it this way?11:56
Nomadjrib: i'm putting '' if you read11:56
jribNomad: but that's nothing like what I said...11:56
ubuntunoobsimplexio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11827/11:56
Finirasmicrowaver, extra visual options is not compiz11:57
Finirasoh crap11:57
ubuntunoobsimplexio, it's weird, I see a few disabled things on the pci bridge11:57
Nomad<simplexio> Nomad: ' ' is different ` ` and ` '  : when i do the '$i' it would return cannot stat `$i'11:57
Finirasso how do i make compiz start every time ubuntu starts?11:57
belismax: do it like this:  sudo "echo foo >> bar"11:57
jackchetnobody here?11:58
smaxbeli thank you it's work11:58
Nomad and for the glbo i want to split that huge dir into different subdur11:58
reidmanplenty of people here, jackchet ;)11:58
jribFiniras: system -> preferences -> appearance -> effects11:58
jackcheti got noob question11:58
jackcheti wanna install ubuntu 811:58
simplexioNomad:  for i in *.sql  ; do cp "$i"  /tmp/test ; done11:58
jrib!enter | jackchet11:59
ubottujackchet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:59
belismax: you just mixed up scope of your acutal environment and the environment sudo is using.....sudo basically exectues another shell with privileges and executes your command then11:59
jackchetbut should i get x64 or x86? i have got a core 2 duo cpu so i know x64 would work however i am not sure if they are equally as compatible with programs11:59
jribNomad: you need to be more precise about what you are doing.  Give an example or something11:59
ubuntunoobsimplexio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11827/11:59
jribjackchet: go for 32bit if you aren't sure11:59
Finirasjrib, you mean the extra visual effects? but that doesn't do the same as compiz... for example when i put that on i can't use the cube and stuff like that11:59
jribFiniras: install 'simple-ccsm', then choose "custom effects"12:00
jackchetso i mean compared to 32 and 64 would programs would work equally as well with one or the other?12:00
jribjackchet: some programs, like sun's java plugin, are not available on 64bit12:01
jackchetok thanks12:01
=== letubenaiah_away is now known as letubenaiah
beliNomad: "$i" is ok for escaping special chars....'$i' will take the string '$i'⇧ and `ls` works like $(ls)  ...all with bash12:01
jrib!away > letubenaiah (read the private message from ubottu)12:01
reidmanwhen I do "sudo chroot /media/disk" i can't do anything with my network (ping, apt-get, wget, etc) -- how can i restore network traffic?12:02
vltHello. How are regression bugs handled by ubuntu-updates. When a feature worked in the previous LTS version that is now broken, will it be fixed in the current release soon?12:02
jrib!chroot > reidman (read the private message from ubottu)12:02
jribreidman: those docs might (or might not) help12:02
tritonxDoes anyone knows where to find a good tutorial to setup a raid1 ?12:02
reidmanthanks jrib. i checked those out but i'll look over them a bit more carefully12:03
belireidman: simply exit the changeroot....12:03
jribvlt: depends on the bug, usually only security bugs or big bugs are going to get fixed12:03
vlttritonx: mdadm's man page is quite good.12:03
jrib!raid > tritonx (read the private message from ubottu)12:03
tritonxvlt: :/ really, :/12:03
Nomadthanks beli, got it:)12:04
L2Lhmph jrib that is cool12:04
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:04
reidmanbeli: i realize that, but i need to use it inside the chroot to do an 'apt-get install' on an external USB drive12:04
ubuntunoobCan anyone explain to me what this means in dmesg?12:05
ubuntunoob[   51.675018] PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:10.012:05
ubuntunoob[   51.675020]   IO window: disabled.12:05
ubuntunoob[   51.675023]   MEM window: disabled.12:05
ubuntunoob[   51.675026]   PREFETCH window: disabled.12:05
FloodBot2ubuntunoob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:05
laegwindows i have minimized are not showing in my window list. i have already removed and readded the window list applet to no success. how can i resolve this please?12:06
belireidman: the problem is that if you chroot somewhere your binaries, libs....arent in the chroot12:06
belireidman: so you cannot run them....12:06
ubuntunoobHelp me understand what I'm reading in dmesg,  device 10 I think is my wireless adapter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:06
belireidman: you might better MOUNT that device and do the install OR boot from a live cd and use sth. like:  linux root=/dev/media    on the boot prompt12:07
tritonxubottu: I don't think I want a FakeRaid, I'd rather have a much safer software raid(I've read software raid was much simpler to setup)12:07
ubottutritonx: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:07
belireidman: just works if you have a working linux install on /dev/media12:07
tritonxAnyone has experience with setting a Raid1 on 8.04 ?12:07
reidmanbeli: that's great, you read my question before i asked it. i'll look that up and give it a shot12:07
=== sjoerd_ is now known as sjoerd
reidman(for the record, i'm trying to set up an external usb hard drive to boot ubuntu on my apple tv: http://code.google.com/p/atv-bootloader/wiki/InstallUbuntuGutsy )12:08
ubuntunoobPlease help me understand what I'm reading in dmesg,  device 10 I think is my wireless adapter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:08
vltjrib: Hmmm, how easy is it to get the source of an ubuntu package and then rebuild that pkg (after fixing the bug, which is of course not part of my question ;-)12:08
jrib!source > vlt (read the private message from ubottu)12:09
erlandHi, can someone help me recover files from a broken tar.gz please?12:09
jribvlt: erm, hold on12:09
jribvlt: you got the apt link, not the link to supybot right?12:09
beliubuntunoob: use lspci -vvv to get more information12:09
ubuntunoobbeli, would you mind helping me interpret what I see here?12:10
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)12:11
erlandHi, can someone help me recover files from a broken tar.gz please?12:11
vltjrib: I got a link to the Debian doc using `apt-get -b source <pkg>`12:11
ralphI need some help, I had setup an app to autostart in Xfce and it worked, but then I changed the display from the one connected to vga to a dvi display, and now it doesn't work anymore, how can i fix that?12:11
beliubuntunoob: i didnt follow your problem...i just wanted to tell you that lspci -vvv might give you some more information about cards & stuff using pci12:11
jribvlt: yeah, that's what you want12:11
microtuxi want to install a tftp server on my debian box, everything seems to be OK; but i can't load an image via tftp; any help ?12:11
vltjrib: "-b" only to instantly build it ... I'll read that, thanks.12:11
ubuntunoobbeli, that gave me ALOT of information!!!12:11
ubuntunoobbeli,  misc control Capabilities = access denied!!!!12:12
beliubuntunoob: use lspci -vvv |less  or lspci -vvv|grep -i somesearchstringhere12:12
beliubuntunoob: try as root...use sudo12:12
ubuntunoobbeli, lol thats more like it ty :d12:13
jribvlt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing#head-b205c74e27fe15e79e10c9e7f14d3cdfb359d81d may be more useful if you actually want to help with bugs12:13
erlandHelp please? Recover files from a broken tar.gz12:13
ubuntunoobbeli, I misinterpreted access denied as the hp proprietary bios pwning me and not allowing my card to turn on12:14
NeT_DeMoNcan anyone tell me how to get me wireless working with an atheros drive using the madwifi version from synaptic12:14
Fbthpggood morning everybody.12:14
armadill0Good morning Fbthpg12:15
ubuntunoobCan anyone explain to me the control and status fields when I go lspci -vvv?12:15
HSnewshow to disable lags?12:16
HSnewsat window, in firefox12:16
HSnewsand other12:16
HSnewsI have little lags... ((12:16
HSnewsoops =))12:17
ubuntunoobWhat does [subtractive decode] mean???12:17
vltjrib: The relevant package is part of "main", not {un,mult}iverse.12:17
vltjrib: What's a reccommended way to manage both security updates from ubuntu and my own patch to a package? Will updates still be announced by `aptitude update`, for example?12:17
jribvlt: procedure for patching would be the same12:18
erlandHelp please? Recover files from a broken tar.gz ?12:18
PrefixHow do I start another X session on F8?12:18
Fbthpgso, i am having problems getting my wireless to work correctly12:19
ubuntunoobQuestion:  If a kernel message says that i/o and memory and prefetchable memory is disabled on pci bridge 10, why would this happen?12:19
laeghow can i test my ping over 5 minutes?12:19
Fbthpgand am having a hard time finding an ndiswrapper for 8.1012:19
jribvlt: I just use 'dch -i' to increment the version.  There may be a better way to ensure that the security repository's version is preferred in case the increment the version in a different way.  Not sure how though12:19
PrefixFbthpg: What card you got?12:19
Fbthpg[prefix] broadcom12:20
ubuntunoobFbthpg: is it on an hp presario by any chance?12:20
Fbthpgyes it is12:20
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: you can also use 'lspci' to check out your pci hardware. basically all im trying to determmine now is whether or not your computer is even reading your card at all12:20
ubuntunoobjoin the club@@12:20
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: it is a pci card, right?12:21
PrefixFbthpg: Is it on this list? http://linux-wless.passys.nl/12:21
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: http://pastebin.org/35632 is what ifconfig -a shows me12:21
ubuntunoobfbthpg,  let me guess, your wireless card crapped out on you at about 6-10 months?12:21
ubuntunoobFbthpg: Am I wrong?12:21
NeT_DeMoNand 0e:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) is what lspci says12:21
NeT_DeMoNso yes12:21
Fbthpgno actually...12:22
Fbthpgits been working beautifully for about a year12:22
PrefixFbthpg: Did upgrading to Hardy stop it from working?12:22
ubuntunoobFbthpg: okay, get this, in the terminal, type in sudo lspci -vvv | grep bridge12:22
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: ok, well that confirms your chipset (which is always good to do) and confirms that at least your mobo and the kernel can see it12:22
erlandPlease help! Can someone tell me how to recover files from a broken .tar.gz ?12:22
Fbthpghardy was actually my first install of ubuntu, unless you count kubuntu12:23
PrefixFbthpg: Ok, was it in windows that it was working?12:23
Fbthpgyes, and im actually in windows right now.. :-(12:23
PrefixFbthpg: Ok, try this HOWTO http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73400312:24
ubuntunoobFbthpg: Do you have a wireless switch that shows red on your laptop?12:24
PrefixFbthpg: Its for doing ndiswrapper in Hardy, although the topic may be outdated, try it :P12:24
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: next, we'll check that the driver modules are actually loaded. pastebin the output of this command, 'modprobe -l|grep mad'12:25
Fbthpgand i have a blue/off switch12:25
ubuntunoobPrefix:  Could you help me understand something lspci -vvv |grep bridge is telling me?12:25
erlandHELP! Lost my home dir backup in a broken .tar.gz12:25
ubuntunoobFbthpg: lucky dog you, my wireless turned off about a month ago, won't turn back on, trying to solve the issue12:25
PrefixFbthpg: Wait, that links going to be of no use to you - it assumes you had it working in the older version of Ubuntu :/12:26
Sarahcan anyone recommend me a good program for watching tv from my hdtv card?12:26
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: http://pastebin.org/3563412:26
Fbthpgyour right12:26
ubuntunoobPrefix:  Could you help me understand what dmesg | grep bridge is telling me?12:27
erlandHELP! Lost my home dir backup in a broken .tar.gz12:27
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: i think i found your problem. give me a minute or two12:27
erlandHow do I recover the files?12:27
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: alright12:27
Prefixubuntunoob: No Idea, I guess its telling you about your PCI bridges12:27
razelhi is there an application in ubuntu for burning dvd movies?12:28
teI am using Ubuntu 8.04/Hardy Heron, when I mount a volume under places it mounts but the permissions don't let me write to it how can I fix this?12:28
Prefixrazel: Quite a few12:28
Prefixrazel: DeVeDe for excample12:28
ubuntunoobPrefix: sorry to be um, vague, but look at this pleeeease: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:28
Prefixrazel: Just type DVD burn into synaptic12:28
razelPrefix: what do u use?12:28
erlandPlease help: can you tell me how to recover files from a broken tar.gz?12:28
razelill download it and install it so i can make dvd movies12:29
terazel do you know about the add/remove button, or synaptics?12:29
Prefixrazel: Im on a new fresh install, so as of now I havnt got a program for burning DVDs :P12:29
Prefixrazel: DeVeDe was just an excample - Im sure there are better ones with menu features etc12:29
ubuntunoobPrefix: what exactly is the "IO window" and, "Mem window", and "Prefetch window"12:29
Fbthpgi will bbl...12:29
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: try this: 'sudo modprobe ath_pci' . then do 'modprobe -l|grep mad' again, and paste the results12:29
razelte: ah im quite new in linux but ill try to figure it out and tell you...12:30
Prefixubuntunoob: I'm also a ubuntu noob ;)12:30
ubuntunoobPrefix: darn, I'm having an issue with my wireless card won't turn on, the switch on the outside of the laptop doesn't work :\12:30
razelok maybe ill try Devede. thanks a lot Prefix12:30
Prefixrazel: Go System > Administration  > Synaptic Package Manager, from what I remember DeVeDe isn't that good, there are far better programs12:31
razelte: synaptics i think is for adding and removing applications in your system12:31
Prefixubuntunoob: Try googling your laptop model, folled by Ubuntu and wireless12:32
teyou may want to apt-get install gnome-app-install, its like synaptic but the software in their seems to be more recommended (i.e. you don't get all the results that synaptics gives)..12:32
razelPrefix: well ok.. ill search for forums what are the better ones...12:32
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: http://pastebin.org/3563612:32
terazel yes..12:32
ArrowLancewell i went and got myself into a tough spot12:32
ArrowLancemy laptop is totally out of commision12:32
teI am using Ubuntu 8.04/Hardy Heron, when I mount a volume under places it mounts but the permissions don't let me write to it how can I fix this?12:32
razelte: i recomment use apt-get install thats the best i think for me.. in adding /installing applications12:32
agnaldoalguem poderia me dizer se existe drives para camera de video12:33
ArrowLance~could anyone help me, i need a way to boot my computer and change 2 files12:33
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: hmmm....see if this finds anything: 'find /lib/modules -name "*ath_pci.ko"12:33
terazel, yeah i love apt-get too, but actually its not the best anymore, its turning into dpkg sort of speak. i.e. to apt-get dist-upgrade your better off with update-manager -c || -d12:34
ArrowLancebut right now i have no way to get any OS up12:34
osfameron!br | agnaldo12:34
ubottuagnaldo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:34
ArrowLancehelp would be much appreciated12:34
nenadEnter text here...12:34
razelte: so what is the best for you right now?12:34
askandArrowLance: what do you need help with?12:34
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: and also see if this says anything: 'modprobe -l ath_pci'12:35
ArrowLanceaskand, i need a way to boot my comptuer and change a .dll file12:35
askand ArrowLance: why cant you boot? what happens?12:35
ArrowLancespecificall hal.dll12:35
Prefixrazel: Just use synaptic to search for  package, I found one thatlooks kinda promising for you - its called tovid12:35
terazel, I use synaptics/add-remove button, and update-manager for upgrades. But, I still use apt-get when I am on the console..12:35
FreesanyaVsem Salam12:36
razelte: ok thanks12:36
ArrowLancei get a message saying i need to contact tech support, but i know it is hal.dll12:36
razelPrefix: tovid? yes ill check that12:36
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: http://pastebin.org/3564212:36
tei.e. if your playing with apache/php it shouldn't matter, if your playing with gnome-applet-X you may want to do it in X, think along the lines what would the developer who put the package into the system do, ubuntu is very X orientated.12:36
teby playing around i mean installing.12:37
razelPrefix: ill check Tovid's website12:37
askandArrowLance:  aha we are talking windows xp?12:37
ArrowLanceyes, i was trying to install and set up a partition for ubuntu12:37
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: ok, thats good12:37
askandArrowLance:  perhaps this can help: http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_haldll_missing.htm12:37
MrMistI've got a strange problem. When ever I push a button on my numeric keypad, X restarts12:37
ArrowLanceand hal.dll got messed up in the process, now i can't boot12:37
MrMistAnyone want to help me ?12:37
razelPrefix: tovids look nice...12:38
laeg!ask | MrMist12:38
ubottuMrMist: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:38
askandArrowLance: this looks simplier http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fixtheproblem/ht/restorehaldll.htm :)12:38
tedo I look like your psycologist?12:38
MrMistlaeg: I did ask the question on one line12:39
jgoo_:)) so, I run emacs -nw - and this has a totally different / non existent .emacs to mine (esc-x query-replace instead of exc-q) - now how do I quit emacs ^^12:39
sergiui have installed the kubuntu-kde4-desktop            - Kubuntu desktop system, how to remove this ?12:39
ArrowLancei dont have a cd12:39
sergiuwhen i use sudo aptitude remove, it only remove this package kubuntu-kde4-desktop but not the whole programs installed with this package..12:40
Sarahis xmms still the popular mp3 player in linux?12:40
ArrowLanceall i have is a usb12:40
ubuntunoobCan anyone give me reasons why my PCI Bridge has disabled IO MEM and PREFETCH windows?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:40
microtuxany help about tftp server on ubuntu feisty ??12:40
jgoo_ok I ctrl-z'd it for now (background process)12:40
laegMrMist: repeat it12:40
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: try this, 'sudo modprobe wlan_scan_sta' . then do a 'iwconfig' and see if it shows anything12:40
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: thats kind of a stretch though. how did you start all this? like did you delete the ubuntu madwifi drivers, and then get a snapshot of your own, or what?12:41
NeT_DeMoNlo        no wireless extensions.12:41
askand ArrowLance: I see.. could you perhaps boot with an ubuntu live cd, acess the windowspartition from there, download the hal.dll from http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?hal and copy it to c:\windows\system32\ ?12:41
NeT_DeMoNeth0      no wireless extensions.12:41
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: the update did it :S12:41
ubuntunoobCan anyone give me reasons that would cause my PCI Bridge to have disabled IO MEM and PREFETCH windows?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:41
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: what do you mean?12:41
emmaI'll be back to try to help out after work. :)12:42
mark[oz]I have changed my keyboard layout, how come some apps see the old qwerty style while others see dvorak?12:42
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: it was working fine until i did the updates12:42
sjoerdit ?12:42
NeT_DeMoNabout two weeks ago12:42
askand Sarah: xmms is dead I think12:42
sjoerdwoops wrong channel12:42
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: did you upgrade kernels?12:42
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: i dont know, i just did everything that popped up12:43
MrMistWhen ever I push a button on my numeric keypad, X restarts. This has been a problem since my last update. I don't know how to fix it. Does anyone here know?12:43
NeT_DeMoNin the upgrade manager12:43
Sarahaskand, oh... lol12:43
sortudo_78Please, Help, my ubuntu did not connect to internet :(12:43
kripzis network manager a frontend for wpa_supplicant?12:43
ubuntunoobCan anyone give me reasons that would cause my PCI Bridge to have disabled IO MEM and PREFETCH windows?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:43
NeT_DeMoNsortudo_78: wireless or hardwire?12:43
KrimZonapparently my webcam is already in use all the time, which could be the problem12:43
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: look up the restricted drivers package in syanaptic and make sure the kernel number that its for matches the kernel youre running12:44
askandSarah: but I think xmms2 is the new thing..if you dont like rhythmbox and such12:44
ArrowLanceall i need to do is change the file extension of a file12:44
KrimZonis there any way i can see what processes are using a particular usb device?12:44
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: alright12:44
Sarahoh ok thanks askand i'll check it out12:44
ArrowLancebut i cant boot :(12:44
PrefixSarah: If your looking for an alternative to rythmbox try Banshee12:44
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: you can find out what youre running with, 'uname -r'12:44
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: ill be back in like 10 btw12:44
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: alright12:45
ArrowLanceugh, if only i could find a disk12:45
Piciusuario6: Can we help you?12:45
teDoes anyone know why Hal isn't letting me write to my volumes?12:45
ubuntunoobCan anyone give me reasons that would cause my PCI Bridge to have disabled IO MEM and PREFETCH windows?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:46
KrimZonaha, motion is using i!12:46
mark[oz]I have changed my keyboard layout, how come some apps see the old qwerty style while others see dvorak? anyone had this happen?12:47
sortudo_78my ubuntu did not connect to the internet, i checked may router, the cable, and the network card driver realtek 8139, what more could i test ?12:47
joaopintoubuntulog, do you understand the meaning of those options ?12:47
SarahPrefix, ok thanks12:47
olskolirchey guys.  how do i fix my /dev/video0 its missing from /dev please12:47
kripzdoes network manager use wpa_supplicant?12:48
ubuntunoobCan anyone give me reasons that would cause my PCI Bridge to have disabled IO MEM and PREFETCH windows?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11828/12:48
Prefixjoaopinto: If you can help do, he as been asking for hours12:49
linkmaster03how do I find my laptops MAC address through terminal?12:49
EmPeRoRhi  all guys12:49
joaopintoubuntunoob, what is your problem ? You shouldn't be concerned with those options unless you understand their purpose12:50
=== EasyScript6627 is now known as Fu-cking
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
FloodBot2Fu-cking: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
Fu-ckingFuck you all motherfuckers12:50
tyrionHi, i want to have the Places Menu as a Tree menu also showing the subfolders.. is this possible ?12:51
abramsoni use a macbook 1st generation white bottom model and extra ram + external hdd12:51
Prefixrofl how random12:51
abramsonhow do i fix my wifi?12:51
ubuntunoobjoaopinto: well,  i know in XP when my wireless card actually turns on and is detected, it's device 10, same as in the paste, and in linux it shows a bunch of things disabled, so naturally it concerns me i think12:51
BridgerTyrion:   I second this... I'm curious.12:51
olskolirchey guys.  how do i fix my /dev/video0 its missing from /dev please12:51
linkmaster03how do I find my laptops MAC address through terminal?12:51
olskolirclinkmaster03, : ifcinfig12:52
olskolircoops no12:52
EmPeRoRi'm brb 3 minutes12:52
linkmaster03is it HWaddr12:52
markvandenborreI'm trying to get sound input to work on ubuntu 8.0412:52
riocan i get single packages of hardy-proposed?12:52
Picityrion: The places menu parses Nautilus's bookmarks, you could try putting some folders with subfolders in there in its possible.12:52
abramson i use a macbook 1st generation white bottom model and extra ram + external hdd   how do i fix the wifi problem evry1 is having with the macbook?12:52
olskolirclinkmaster03, its ifconfig12:52
linkmaster03olskolirc: i know12:53
ubuntunoobjoaopinto: there is a wireless switch on my laptop that will not turn on, it has a red LED and is stuck there12:53
markvandenborreI have quite a bit of linux knowledge, but I know very little about pulseaudio12:53
linkmaster03but theres a lot of info that shows, wihch is my laptops MAC12:53
markvandenborreand the way it interferes with alsa12:53
olskolirchey guys.  how do i fix my /dev/video0 its missing from /dev please12:53
tyrionhmm but i want to have this dynamically ... is this possible with KDE or some replacment packages ?12:53
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.12:54
BridgerWow.  Whoever's banning these people is very efficient.12:54
linkmaster03it's a bot12:54
ubuntunoobjoaopinto: any ideas there?12:54
BridgerWell, that explains it. ^^12:54
joaopintono :|12:54
ubuntunoobjoaopinto: are you familiar with lspci?12:55
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: ok, im back12:56
BlinnyWhat's the preferred method of setting up an /etc/skel for your users ? I made a dummy account, made all changes, then copied over /etc/skel but one thing is missing - The 'Places' menu doesn't show my Documents/Videos/Pictures folders; I think because the address references the dummy user's path to these folders.12:56
ubuntunoobjoaopinto: would you mind taking a look at my paste?  it is lspci -vvv | grep bridge12:56
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: my kernals not upgraded, should i?12:56
Fallen[oqp]hi ! since i upgraded from gutsy to hardy i can't manage to get my network ethernet controller work (dhcp does not work at least)12:56
Fallen[oqp]what can i do ?12:56
BlinnyI'm looking into Sabayon and user profiles but I've tried it every year for a few years and it's never worked correctly.12:56
Fallen[oqp]i tried to install from scratch with an ISO cd hardy but still the same12:56
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: nah not yet. did you have the correct restriced drivers module installed?12:56
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: i have 2.6.24-17-generic12:57
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: ok, does 'uname -r' give you the same kernel version?12:57
dougskoas in 2.6.24-17?12:57
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: thats what it gave me12:57
linkmaster03Is there a way to see what another Linux box is doing through SSH on my box?12:58
bazhangFallen[oqp], what does ifconfig show12:58
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: and is that the version of restricted drivers package that you have installed?12:58
dodomanca va12:58
dodomantu bouf12:58
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: i dont know, where do i look?12:58
Pici!en | dodoman12:58
ubottudodoman: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:58
bazhangFallen[oqp], what is the chipset of that nic12:58
Fallen[oqp]bazhang < it shoes my 2 ethernet controllers12:59
dodomanok sorry12:59
bazhang!fr | dodoman12:59
ubottudodoman: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr12:59
Fallen[oqp]bazhang <  NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller12:59
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: synaptic. search for 'restricted drivers'12:59
Fallen[oqp]it is mother board embedded ethernet controller12:59
bazhangFallen[oqp], neither works via sudo dhclient eth0?12:59
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: 0.33.1 is what it says12:59
Fallen[oqp]no bazhang12:59
Fallen[oqp]it does not find any IP13:00
olskolirchey guys.  how do i fix my /dev/video0 its missing from /dev please13:00
ubuntunoobbazhang: I was wondering if you could look at this paste and tell me if anything looks odd? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11836/13:00
epscylonbis there an easy way to see what distro a box is running from the command line ?13:00
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: and you might have said this already, but did you compile and install the drivers from the madwifi website?13:00
Fallen[oqp]i tried with my laptop (under hardy too) on the same ethernet cable/socket and it does work13:00
bazhangFallen[oqp], this is directly to adsl modem or to router first13:00
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: yeah but i also have the one from synaptics13:00
Fallen[oqp]<bazhang> Fallen[oqp], this is directly to adsl modem or to router first < what ?13:00
Blinnyepscylonb: lsbrelease or uname -a13:00
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: thats not the right version number. there should be a restricted modules package for each kernel13:00
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: and that could also be a big problem. i totally borked my drivers once by installing two versions of madwifi on top of each other13:01
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: :S13:01
bazhangubuntunoob, what is that a paste of?13:01
epscylonbuname -a gives me this 2.6.17-11-server13:01
Fallen[oqp]i didn't understand what you said bazhang13:01
=== D3javu_ is now known as D3javu
straakaatt9A Mazda B2600 Pickup truck headlights are on in the parking lot.13:01
epscylonbwhich distro is that ?13:02
kelvin911how to make ps1 gamepad working in ubuntu?13:02
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: when you installed the madwifi version, did you remove the ubuntu version of the drivers first?13:02
bazhangFallen[oqp], ethernet cable (yours) connected to your computer-->router?13:02
ubuntunoobbazhang: lspci -vvv | grep bridge, something is wrong with my pci bridge13:02
linkmaster03what was the name for 7.1013:02
jberghei i installed the latest ubuntu yesterday and everything worked fine except it didnt install firmware/drivers for my wireless network card. so i downloaded some but couldn't build them so i think i need build-essentials. but apt-get says it cant find build-essential?13:02
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: no, i installed the ubuntu version over the website one13:02
Picilinkmaster03: Gutsy Gibbon13:02
jbergi've checked source-list and they look fine i think13:02
jbergwhat could be wrong?13:02
linkmaster03Pici: thank you13:02
sortudo_78Please! here is my ifconfig am lspci, i cant get internet connection, what should i do? http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/470113:02
bazhangubuntunoob, is that a hardware issue then?13:02
Fallen[oqp]bazhang < i'm in a university room so i don"t know very well the network but i can assure you i changed nothing i just upgraded the software on my computer :) and it does work under windows XP13:03
Fallen[oqp]and it works with my laptop13:03
Fallen[oqp]so it's not linked to the routeur or adsl modem configuration13:03
Fallen[oqp]it's just a linux issue13:03
Fallen[oqp]i'm sure of that13:03
ubuntunoobbazhang: im hoping it's not, does something on there look broken or out of place?13:03
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h274/bob5929/Screenshot-2.png is a screenshot of my synaptic though13:03
bazhangFallen[oqp], you seem to have things well in hand then since you know what it is and what is not. cheers :)13:03
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: oh man...here's what i suggest: read this, http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo, and pay close attention to the part where it shows you how to uninstall any madwifi that you already have. do what it says to uninstall what you have, then reinstall the restricted kernel modules package for your kernel through synaptic13:04
ubuntunoobbazhang: my wireless card won't turn on, the wireless switch is set to off and it won't respond13:04
Fallen[oqp]bazhang < but i don't understand at all my situation13:04
kelvin911after i remove pulseaudio i dont have any system sound.  how to solve the problem??  do i need to sudo apt-get install esound??  i am using hardy13:04
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: alright13:04
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: those are the wrong packages13:04
Fallen[oqp]why is it not working ? =)13:04
Fallen[oqp]what i wanna do is simple and worked very well under gutsy13:04
Fallen[oqp]just wanna get ip via dhcp13:04
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: search for 'restricted' and look for ones that are called something like, "restricted-kernel-modules'13:05
bazhangsortudo_78, that site wont open for me-->could you paste on paste.ubuntu.com please? obrigado :)13:05
kripzdoes network manager use wpa_supplicant?13:05
olskolircis heron any good guys or is it buggy?13:05
R2rhow to use your bot??13:05
Fallen[oqp]is there any network driver issue on hardy ??13:06
PiciR2r: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:06
Finiraswhat is a good video editing program for ubuntu?13:07
kelvin911olskolirc: hardy is buggy dont try it13:07
sortudo_78bazhamg: ok13:07
Finirashardy is buggy?13:07
Fallen[oqp]i think so :o13:07
FinirasI haven't had any problems13:07
dougskoNeT_DeMoN: the packages im talking about are actually called, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.xxx. the number on the end should match the number that 'uname -r' gave you13:07
Finirasyou mean ubuntu 8.04 with hardy rigth?13:07
kelvin911yes 8.0413:07
NeT_DeMoNdougsko: alright, thanks13:07
Finiraswhats so buggy about it13:08
kelvin911fonts are fat13:08
kelvin911longer to load13:08
kelvin911sound is fcuked up13:08
kelvin911doom3 no longer working13:08
Finirasit takes like 20 seconds to load for me, and sound is al right13:08
Picikelvin911: Watch the language please.13:08
sortudo_78bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11838/13:09
kelvin911is 20 second counted from after u put in your password?13:09
Finirasfrom turning on my pc to password screen13:09
kelvin911what about password to desktop?13:09
Finirasabout..... instantly? lol13:10
Triffid_Hunterhi, what's the easiest way of installing i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc instead of i486 so I can use my ubuntu machines in my distcc cluster?13:10
zeno__i want my extrnal drive to mount with -o sync (anything else i should want?) what do i replace defaults with in the /etc/fstab?13:10
Sarahwhere are those 4 default wallpapers kept in ubuntu? i want to add a bunch of new desktop images to the same dir they are in, i like to keep everything organised like that13:10
kelvin911used to be instantly but after i upgrade from gutsy now it takes like 15 seconds to load the desktop13:10
RickXdoes anyone know if there is a GUI to edit video settings... which card driver, screen resolution, and sych?13:10
EmPeRoRi coming  :D13:10
jbergdoes anyone know why apt-get says it cant find build-essential?13:11
Finirasso even if it takes 15 secs for you, wow, that sounds like a real pain ><13:11
mgolischjberg: you may not have enabled the required repositories13:11
mgolischjberg: maybe the cd is still the only repo, i bet its not on there13:12
nikitisWhat's some good Audio Editing software.  e.g. to like cut songs in half and such?13:12
jbergmgolisch:  http://rafb.net/p/WDp0eP40.html13:12
kelvin911it used to take about 15 sec to start from turning on the computer to working desktop, but now it takes like 1 minute or longer13:12
mgolischjberg: and you did apt-get update?13:12
RickXbbl ..13:12
zeno__Sarah: find / -type f -iname "a_wallpaper_name"13:12
markvandenborrenikitis: audacity?13:13
kelvin911and sometimes when i click restart computer it just freezes13:13
jbergmgolisch: hm no. maybe i should13:13
lobii have a problem with DRI13:13
mgolischjberg: yeah that refreshs the package lists13:13
sortudo_78bazhang: did you see, it all right? inst is?13:14
lobidrmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card013:14
lobi531 drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)13:14
lobi532 drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device or address)13:14
sortudo_78isnt is?13:14
lobican anybody help me13:14
Sarahzeno__, oh thanks, i couldnt see the name but i just found the path comes up when the mouse hovers over it anyway13:15
Sarahand the name comes up as well lol13:15
zeno__ah cool :)13:15
OrbulonHey guys, I was wondering if someone could give me pointers as to how to easily increase my resolution please13:16
Orbulon(as in, more so then the defaults)13:16
Sarahhave you looked in system - preferences - screen resolution, thats where i increased mine13:16
AndycasIs there a way to have different icons on different workspaces13:17
Orbulonas i said13:17
Orbulonid like it to be larger then the default settings13:17
shadowjackOrbulon, if you're using nvidia proprietary drivers you can use the nvidia configuration tool to tweak the resolution13:17
Orbulonthanks shadowjack13:17
Orbulonis that under hardware?13:17
shadowjackOrbulon, if you have an nvidia card that is13:17
jbergthanks that worked mgolisch13:17
Orbuloni do fortunately13:17
mgolischis it true that the new nvidia drivers do not implement the randr stuff?13:17
tyrion_ok, my problem seems not to be solvable with Gnome ... can i install KDE parallel to Gnome so that i can switch easily between them ?13:18
shadowjackOrbulon, i think it's not in the menu by default. ill look just a sec13:18
jbergbut does anyone know how to get my wireless network card to work? its a broadcom b43 or something13:18
jussi01tyrion: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:18
Orbulonthanks man13:19
shadowjackOrbulon, its in my "Preferences"  but im not using stock ubuntu, im using Linux Mint and their slab style menu13:20
tyrion_and how do i switch between them ?13:20
mgolischjberg: not realy but iam sure there might be hints on the wiki13:20
mgolischonly have intel wlan here13:20
mgolischthat worked out of the box13:20
Orbulonshadowjack, thanks13:20
shadowjackOrbulon, if you dont see it anywhere, just open a terminal or alt*f2 and type nvidia-settings13:20
shadowjackOrbulon, alt+f213:21
Orbulonoh dear13:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Teo-
epifanioi'm tring to install libapache2-mod-mono  on ubuntu8.04,  but tring to install it, i need to remove some packages that i need for other things (php5 mapserver etc ...)13:21
Orbulonshadowjack, that application does not exist for me :S13:21
v0lksmanHello all!  Does anyone know how to completely disable the back/forward mouse buttons in FF3?13:21
sortudo_78bazhang: did you see, it all right? inst is?13:21
epifaniosee : http://rafb.net/p/6iLl5j45.html13:21
Teo-i am installing ubuntu on windows and when i restart the computer to kubuntu the installation falls down on 66% it says scanning the mirror and freezes ??13:21
sortudo_78my ubuntu did not connect to the internet, i checked may router, the cable, and the network card driver realtek 8139, what more could i test ?13:21
sortudo_78Hello! I am a Ubuntu 8.4 beginner, I just intalled that but having some probles with network connection, i tested my router and his DHCP server, the UTP RJ-45 cable, and my network interface card Realtek 8139 is perferct driver installed and working, the bug is in other place, Please! someone could help me ???13:21
shadowjackOrbulon, if you are using nvidia 3d accelration drivers, you should have it13:21
Orbulonshadowjack, apparently not :S13:22
shadowjackOrbulon, then you need to enable the restricted drivers13:22
shadowjackOrbulon, look for "Restricted Drivers Manager"13:23
mgolischsortudo_78: what does networkmanager show?13:23
gentlyninjais there a open source alternative to create flash files?13:23
Orbulonshadowjack, thanks working now, i could have sworn i had them turned on, thanks heaps13:23
Teo-i am installing ubuntu 8.04 on windows and when i restart the computer to ubuntu the installation falls down on 66% it says scanning the mirror and freezes ??13:23
shadowjackOrbulon, prego :)13:23
Orbulonpeace all seeya13:23
sortudo_78mgolish: wired conection and dial up conection.13:24
mgolischsortudo_78: does it show up as connected?13:24
sortudo_78poit to poit connection13:24
mgolischsortudo_78: usualy it should connect on its own if the cable is pluged in13:25
Holyhandgrenadehey people .... how can i start a dist upgrade via cd rom?13:25
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sortudo_78it says roaming mode enebled13:25
mgolischsure you are looking in networkmanager?13:25
heymrlinux = kernal13:25
mgolischthat sounds like the network properties in the system menu13:25
mgolischheymr: yeah13:26
sortudo_78i am not shure13:26
sortudo_78i did, system > managemet < network13:26
RickXdoes ctrl-alt-f2 not take you to a text login in Ubuntu?13:27
shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, ive only done a linux upgrade once in all the years ive been using it and it was such a disaster i always do a fresh install.13:27
barlrolhey fellaz13:27
mgolischsortudo_78: there should be a litle icon the notification area13:27
sortudo_78mgolisch: with comanda teste dhcp ?13:27
sortudo_78with command testes dhcp?13:27
Holyhandgrenadeare there any other options to the disastrous effect of dist upgrade without having to swip clean my installation?13:27
mgolischsortudo_78: you can manualy aquire a dhcp address using sudo dhclient networkinterfacename13:27
barlrolis there a better video player than vlc player to play x264 mkv files...in windows i use ffdshow decoder and it plays perfectly but in vlc ints all choppy13:27
tyrion_how can i switch between KDE and Gnome when i have both installed ?13:28
mgolischsortudo_78: for example sudo dhclient eth0 if thats your wired network interface13:28
Holyhandgrenadetyron you cant13:28
shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, yes, create a home partition and do a fresh install on a seperate partition13:28
mgolischbarlrol: i used mplayer, it worked very well13:28
shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, and there is a good tutorial for that, just a sec13:28
mgolischbarlrol: and i think in totem it worked too13:28
axplusI'm new in linux/Ubuntu8.04 , how can i do ping in terminal  (ex in win : ping -t google.com)13:28
gordonjcptyrion_: you get an option to pick which one you want to use when you log in13:29
mgolischbut i may be wrong13:29
Holyhandgrenadetyron you can have both cores installed , in that case you can use apps from other deb based dists as well13:29
gordonjcpaxplus: the same13:29
CatcheetoWhere does VMware store the HD files?13:29
mntznFor some reason my cpu is only used at 800 mhz, when i start firefox or simmilar it jumps to 2.20 and again to 800, how can i disable this?13:29
mgolischsortudo_78: do you get an ip?13:29
tyrion_gordonjcp thx13:29
gordonjcpaxplus: -t sets ttl, so it takes a parameter13:29
sortudo_78no working leases in persisten database - sleeping13:29
barlrolmgolish: ok did u have to download some codecs or libraries or anything...i have a 3.0 ghz amd dual core...it shouldnt be choppy13:29
gordonjcptyrion_: it's one of the menus at the bottom on the login screen13:29
mgolischsortudo_78: did you run the command i told you?13:30
ljsoftnetWhat does this mean, "For pre wine-0.9.47 versions only"?13:30
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shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome13:30
v0lksmanDoes anyone know how to completely disable the back/forward mouse button gestures in FF3?13:30
mgolischsortudo_78: looks like it cant reach your dhcp server13:30
gordonjcpljsoftnet: just what it says, it's intended for versions of wine before 0.9.4713:30
Holyhandgrenadeshadowjack i never managed to correctly own the home partition after the new inst13:30
sortudo_78i got a ip13:30
mgolischsortudo_78: is eth0 your wired interface?13:30
newbie204For some unknown reason i am unable to use update manager and synaptic. When I try to start synaptic i see starting administrative application tab which disappears in a few seconds and nothing happens13:30
mgolischsortudo_78: oh ok13:30
ljsoftnetgordonjcp ok13:31
shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, ubuntu should have a seperate home partition by default, i dont know why they dont13:31
vegombreiis there a skype for ubuntu ?13:31
axplusif i wort ping -t google.com in terminal i get Usage: ping [-LRUbdfnqrvVaA] [-c count] [-i interval] [-w deadline]13:31
axplus            [-p pattern] [-s packetsize] [-t ttl] [-I interface or address]13:31
axplus            [-M mtu discovery hint] [-S sndbuf]13:31
axplus            [ -T timestamp option ] [ -Q tos ] [hop1 ...] destination13:31
FloodBot2axplus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
bazhangAnacranom, you messaged me?13:31
newbie204when i click on update manager it starts but i am unable to download any updates13:31
gordonjcpaxplus: -t needs a parameter13:31
sortudo_78mgolisch: please take a look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11838/13:31
gordonjcpaxplus: What exactly are you trying to do?13:31
DracoZAwhat do I need to enable/install to be able read smb shares ?13:31
Holyhandgrenadenewbie204: maybe you should try running apt get from the terminal to see apts output13:31
barlrolmgolish: ok did u have to download some codecs or libraries or anything...i have a 3.0 ghz amd dual core...it shouldnt be choppy13:31
shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, its easy actually. sudo into the users control thingy and change the permissions13:31
white_eaglehello, I connected another monitor to my laptop, but I don't know how to activate it13:32
v0lksmanDracoZA: smbfs13:32
white_eaglein gutsy there was screens and graphics I think13:32
mgolischsortudo_78: looks good, the question is why didnt networkmanager do that on its own13:32
white_eagleI don't know how can I configure it with hardy and the ati driver13:32
shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, but yeah, its a hassle. thats why i do fresh installs :)13:32
DracoZAtx v0lksman13:32
sortudo_78i got an ip but cat ping my gateway :(13:32
mgolischnetwork manager is installed by default right?13:32
Catcheetovegombrei: Yeah, you can get skype from apt-get, sudo apt-get install skype13:32
newbie204Holyhandgrenade,  it says unable to resolve nom which is my computers hostname13:32
mgolischit seemed to be for me atleast13:32
white_eagleany tips?13:32
mgolischsortudo_78: what does it say?13:33
mntznHow can i make ubuntu use my cpu @ 100% ?13:33
gordonjcpmntzn: "stress"13:33
gordonjcpmntzn: What exactly are you trying to do?13:33
Triffid_Huntermntzn: I often use transcode for that, or gcc13:33
mgolischsortudo_78: maybe your routing table is screwed13:33
shadowjackHolyhandgrenade, its also why i usually wait 3 months or more before i upgrade after a new release. once i skipped an upgrade entirely just so i wouldnt have to deal with the mess13:33
Triffid_Huntermntzn: while true; do echo; done works, but only uses a couple parts of your cpu, whereas transcode tends to use most of it13:34
mgolischsortudo_78: but usualy you should be able to reach computers in the same subnet13:34
tyrion_is there a way to configure libnotify so that the boxes are opening at the left bottom in a horizontal order ?13:34
Holyhandgrenadenewbie204: can you try running :sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade: in your terminal please13:34
sortudo_78ping > Destination Host Unrreachable13:34
gordonjcpaxplus: did you solve your ping problem?13:34
mntzngordonjcp: well it's only used @ 36%13:34
mntznsomekind of powersave i think13:34
mgolischsortudo_78: and is definetly right?13:34
gordonjcpmntzn: uhm13:34
newbie204Holyhandgrenade,  no need i think its resolved i needed to left the hostname field blank in my network settings13:34
gordonjcpmntzn: it's not meant to be at 100% all the time13:34
mgolischsortudo_78: was that the ip the dhcp response came from?13:34
newbie204Holyhandgrenade,  thank you13:35
axplusin need to get time out from my site13:35
mntzneven if set cpufreq -g performance it goes to lowest in 10 secs13:35
sortudo_78192.168.0.1 is my router, i have dual boot, o windows is everything all right13:35
gordonjcpaxplus: what does ping -t do in Windows?13:35
newbie204Holyhandgrenade,  by the way i am disliking 8.04 each day. First of all i dont like firefox beta 3 which freezes often13:35
vegombreiCatcheeto: doesn't work :(13:36
white_eaglehow can I configure the other monitor using the ati drivers on my laptop (hardy system)?13:36
mgolischsortudo_78: and ifconfig list that you have an ip in the same subnet?13:36
axplusaxplus@axplus-desktop:~$ ping -t13:36
axplusping: option requires an argument -- t13:36
axplusUsage: ping [-LRUbdfnqrvVaA] [-c count] [-i interval] [-w deadline]13:36
axplus            [-p pattern] [-s packetsize] [-t ttl] [-I interface or address]13:36
axplus            [-M mtu discovery hint] [-S sndbuf]13:36
FloodBot2axplus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:36
axplus            [ -T timestamp option ] [ -Q tos ] [hop1 ...] destination13:36
Fallenouhere is my problem : http://pastebin.com/m38a16b1c13:36
white_eagleI remember 'screens and graphics' in gutsy, but I can't see anything like that in hardy13:36
shadowjacknewbie204, from what ive seen of ubuntu, new releases are like star trek movies, every other release sucks13:36
newbie204Holyhandgrenade, i tried to download firefox 2 and even with firefox two i am unable to install google browser sync plugin13:36
Fallenoui tried killing nm-applet it  does not work13:36
gordonjcpaxplus: hello, are you listening to me?13:36
v0lksmanwhite_eagle: check out urandr....13:36
mgolischaxplus: -t needs an argument, didnt we tell you that?13:36
sortudo_78mgolisch: it is not a fisical foult, becaose i got ip and dns configuration atomatcaly13:37
newbie204shadowjack,  but its a lts it had to be better13:37
* gordonjcp stabs axplus with a rolled-up man page13:37
v0lksmanwhite_eagle: but with an ATI it will be very hit or miss13:37
Catcheetovegombrei: What version are you running?13:37
white_eaglev0lksman: ??13:37
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newbie204shadowjack,  i am thinking about going back to 7.10 which was quite stable and bug free atleast for me13:37
sortudo_78i am sure it is not a fisical problem13:37
mgolischsortudo_78: yeah but something must be wrong13:37
white_eaglev0lksman: I can't run urandr from terminal13:37
ir1ohyeah, 7.04 was also stable13:38
v0lksmanwhite_eagle: you aren't in X at all?13:38
ir1firefox 3 suckz ATM13:38
mgolischsortudo_78: type sudo route -n13:38
sortudo_78not in layer 113:38
white_eaglev0lksman: ??13:38
white_eaglev0lksman: I am in gnome13:38
mgolischsortudo_78: and paste the output on a nopaste service13:38
shadowjacknewbie204, im still on 7.10 and dont plan on updating anytime soon13:38
white_eaglevorian: currently13:38
Holyhandgrenadenewbie204: i use kubuntu so i think we may face different problems.13:38
v0lksmanwhite_eagle: right...so download and install the urandr package and run it13:38
gordonjcpaxplus: I'm trying to help you solve your problem but you appear to be ignoring me.  Have you solved your problem?13:38
sortudo_78my ifconfig has changed13:39
sortudo_78i will rebbot13:39
v0lksmanwhite_eagle: http://albertomilone.com/urandr.html13:39
shadowjacknewbie204, and the last lts release was awful for me13:39
axplusbut i wont13:39
msshamsi want run a script every hour only one time. is this true? 0 * * * * sh /root/ref-ip-ban.sh13:39
mgolischaxplus: if you use -t why dont you give it the required arguemtn as shown in the help message?13:39
gordonjcpaxplus: ok, right, what exactly does -t do in Windows?13:39
legend2440white_eagle: screens and graphics is under Other in menu but you have to open menu editor and click it for it to show13:39
barlrolmgolish: in mplayer it says to many packets in buffer when i try to play this movie13:40
gordonjcpaxplus: you said you were trying to get the same result as 'ping -t' in Windows, but I don't know what that does13:40
v0lksmanlegend2440: thx....didn't know that!  cooL!13:40
white_eaglelegend2440: oh, thanks13:40
mgolischgordonjcp: it sends pings forever13:40
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gordonjcpmgolisch: ah13:40
rutgermasi!repeat | white_eagle13:40
ubottuwhite_eagle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:40
mgolischgordonjcp: until ctrl+c13:40
white_eaglerutgermasi: what?13:40
axplusit's give me time out for server13:40
rutgermasiWhat was your question?13:40
Catcheetogordonjcp: ping -t in windows just keeps pinging till you hit ctrl+c13:40
barlrolmgolish: in mplayer it says to many packets in buffer when i try to play this movie13:41
white_eaglerutgermasi: I already solved it ;)13:41
mgolischbarlrol: is that movie finished?13:41
barlrolnow just starts13:41
mgolischbarlrol: i had the same with a movie that was still torrenting13:41
barlrolits a 1080p file though13:41
rutgermasiwhite_eagle: Ok ;), but there is an alternative to Screen&Graphics in menu: 'nvidia-settings'13:41
mgolischther emight be too much missing13:41
v0lksmanrutgermasi: he's using ATI13:42
mgolischwatched a h264 mkv with 1280x800 or something yesterday13:42
mgolischit worked flawlessly13:42
white_eaglerutgermasi: I am an ati user13:42
Andycaswhy doesnt rythmbox want to play networked content?13:42
joeKrWhen I install the restricted Nvidia driver, I "must manually configure", but I can't find any settings that work, it doesn't pass "X test" on nVidia, nv, or VESA.  And the only resolutions are 640x480 or 800x600.  What's wrong?13:43
spindleHello all13:43
derspanksterAndycas, The only program that I've found that will play media over my network is movie player.13:43
shadowjackAndycas, you may need restriced codes13:43
polvancamphi, I'm having gnome-volume-control segfaulting on me here13:43
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sortudo_78mgolish, i rebboted, now the routes is ok it is correct13:43
polvancampnot too amusing13:43
shadowjackAndycas, restricted codecs13:43
mgolischsortudo_78: ok13:43
polvancampwhere can I best report this?13:43
PrefixjoeKr: Set your monitor in displayconfig-gtk13:43
kripzdoes network manager use wpa_supplicant?13:44
PrefixjoeKr: run displayconfig-gtk as root and set up your screen13:44
mgolischkripz: yeah iam quite sure it does13:44
rutgermasiwhite_eagle: That's why i asked to repeat your question ;)13:44
mgolischkripz: i dont know of any other supplicant thats availiable13:44
mgolischfor linux/unix13:44
=== redondos_ is now known as redondos
* spass is away: idzie w teeworlds mieszać \o/13:44
Mikegeveryone, how to move the mysql data directory to difference directory?13:44
spindleHi Mikeg13:44
Mikegspindle: hi13:45
XB23why would you need to mikeg?13:45
Mikegspindle: any idea?13:45
mgolischi think its one setting in the conf only13:45
XB23i guess reinstall mysql with --prefix==13:45
mgolischdatadir or so13:45
shadowjackAndycas, also, most gtk gnome media players have major show stoppers. i dont know why but no one can get them right. i suggest trying Amarok13:45
Mikegnot really.13:45
MikegI had changed the configuration file.13:45
Mikegin /etc/mysql/my.cnf13:45
sortudo_78i think i will have to change tu suse :(((13:46
Sarahhmm so rythmbox said i needed some codec, and it searched and found gstreamer, now the files it wants to install are named libsidplay1 and gstreamer0.10-plugin-ugly ... that -ugly bit isnt very reassuring, is that an ok thing to download?13:46
joeKrPrefix: OK, I'll try it.  BRB...13:46
kripzthis is my working wpa_supplicant.conf: http://pastebin.com/m5f502f85, can i use network manager instead? if so, which settings do i choose?13:46
shadowjackSarah, yes, its ok. i dont know why they name them like that13:46
adrienil y a des fr ici ?13:46
shadowjackSarah, it scares new users but its ok13:46
Sarahlol thanks13:47
spindleNope, sorry. Thinking of a similar problem, but installed xine player and codecs and worked itself out.13:47
_adriaanSarah: yeah, it's something with the nonfree part13:47
Mikegno one know this issue in ubuntu8?13:47
black971i have a problem with unreal ircd. plz help me13:47
mgolischMikeg: whats wrong?13:47
derspanksterAndycas, Actually, I misspoke, I can get rythymbox to play network mp313:47
mgolischMikeg: isnt there those basedir and datadir settings?13:47
Mikegmguolisch: I can't move my mysql datadir to difference directory.13:47
DracoZAI need to copy a file from my desktop to a usr/share folder however I cant do it via the gui as it says I dont have permissions, whats the copy command from console ?13:47
mgolischwhat happens if you do? @ Mikeg13:47
Mikegmgolisch: I had changed the configuration file.13:47
Mikegsay:May 13 19:54:54 ghw kernel: [ 2017.285441] audit(1210679694.777:33): type=1503 operation="inode_create" requested_mask="w::" denied_mask="w::" name="/home/mysql/ghw.lower-test" pid=9583 profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" namespace="default"13:48
rutgermasiMikeg: Why should you not use mysqldump?13:48
_adriaanDracoZA: sudo cp mydir /usr/share/mycopieddir13:48
Mikegrutgermasi: use mysqldump?13:48
sortudo_78moglisch: what else could i try ?13:48
DracoZAthankx _adriaan13:48
Moyano french  ?13:48
MikegI need mysqld work on difference datadir.13:48
Mikegif I use /var/lib/msyql, it is ok.13:48
Mikegit can work, I can start mysqld.13:48
gordonjcpaxplus: so it pings forever and tells you how long the ping took?13:49
rutgermasiMikeg: edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf13:49
spindleIs there anyone here that knows about a problem with the HD thrashing constantly on a desktop, even in the logon screen?...13:49
mgolischMikeg: did you alter the permissions on the new dir?13:49
Mikegbut I move the datadir to difference place, it can't work.13:49
Andycasderspankster: how?13:49
kling0nlol: http://xkcd.com/416/ b sure to read the alt text :)13:49
Mikegmgolisch, yeah, let me check.13:49
mgolischMikeg: like that the mysql user has write permission to that stuff?13:49
adrienfrench ?13:49
rutgermasiMikeg: what says mysql in his error log or terminal?13:49
Pici!fr | adrien13:49
ubottuadrien: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:49
Pici!ot | kling0n13:49
ubottukling0n: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:49
kling0ngot it :)13:49
Mikegdrwxr-xr-x  3 mysql mysql  4096 2008-05-13 19:53 mysql13:49
gordonjcpkling0n: heh13:49
MikegI think it is ok.13:50
adrienha merci c'est ce que je voulais13:50
Mikegthe permission is ok.13:50
gordonjcpkling0n: I thought about writing a patch for Network Manager to automatically wave aircrack-ng at WEP and WPA/PSK connections ;-)13:50
mgolischMikeg: what error message do you get?13:50
rutgermasiMikeg: what says mysql in his error log or terminal?13:50
Andycasderspankster: nvm, amarok is playing it fine13:50
Mikegwhere can i pasted the error message?13:50
MikegCan I pasted them in here?13:51
rutgermasi!pastebin | Mikeg13:51
ubottuMikeg: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:51
derspanksterAndycas, build a playlist by browsing to the file location on your server.13:51
derspanksterAndycas, I just added everything I have on my server13:52
MikegI had pasted, why can not see it here?13:52
DracoZAwhats the command line to rename a file ?13:53
derspanksterAndycas, amarok and rythymbox are about the same13:53
kling0ngordonjcp: gould be a plugin to network manager13:53
gordonjcpkling0n: yeah13:53
barlrolis there a task manager built into ubuntu...there is a movie playing and i closed vlc but i still hear audio13:53
gordonjcpkling0n: could be tricky, some net drivers need to be patched to allow injection13:54
BUGabundo_workcan some one please test run seahorse from a shell?13:54
kling0nbarlrol: alt-f2 then "killall -9 vlc"13:54
BUGabundo_workI just get a buch of "dump" messages13:54
DracoZAcan someone tell me the command to rename a file, I thought it was rn but not13:54
barlrolklingOn: thanks is there a gui interface task manager?13:54
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: mv13:54
DracoZAtx BUGabundo_work13:55
kling0ngordonjcp: but could be made to work for supported drivers first :)13:55
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: no prob13:55
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: can you repay back by testing sshfs?13:55
kling0nbarlrol: gnome-system-monitor13:55
BUGabundo_workto see if it is just me, or if it is a bug?13:55
kling0nbarlrol: you can add it to your gnome panel as an applet13:55
kripzthis is my working wpa_supplicant.conf: http://pastebin.com/m5f502f85, can i use network manager instead? if so, which settings do i choose?13:55
DracoZABUGabundo_work, you tell me how and sure13:55
vegombreihi is there a terminal based web browser ?13:56
gordonjcpvegombrei: links, or lynx13:56
gordonjcpvegombrei: or even elinks13:56
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: sudo apt-get install sshfs (if you don't have it yet)13:56
vegombreigordonjcp: thanks :)13:56
derspankstercan't get a rise from anyone on #awn but is anyone using awn having trouble with the weather applet not updating?13:56
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: then just run it from a shell13:56
kling0nkripz: it should be able to.... try shutting down the wpa_supplicant and connecting through the network manager13:56
DracoZABUGabundo_work, k where do you want me to connect to ?13:57
vegombreigordonjcp: none of them are installed .. isnt there one with a w2 something ?13:58
kripzkling0n, im not sure what settings to use, i chose wpa enterprise, ttls, but couldnt find md5 anywhere?13:58
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: no need to connect nowhere13:58
BUGabundo_workjust test it13:58
=== Karagandinec is now known as KaragandineOFF
gordonjcpvegombrei: possibly13:58
kling0nkripz: it doesn't autodetect ?13:59
kling0nkripz: should be able to be negotiable13:59
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: if it fails, as it does with me, you get a lot of lines with dump13:59
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DracoZABUGabundo_work, it runs : "missing host" is the response13:59
BUGabundo_workso it is on my side13:59
BUGabundo_workthanks, DracoZA14:00
kripzkling0n, for phase2 type there is no md514:00
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: one more thing14:00
BUGabundo_work32 or 64 bits14:00
FooAtariif I mount a second hard drive to a folder inside my home folder, and then formatted my primary hard drive containing that home folder would it format the second hard drive as it was mounted there?14:01
wirechief_anyone have a idea why it takes 10 minutes for a Sony Laptop to boot a Ubunto 8.04 livecd ?14:01
mgolischMikeg: you need to  paste there, then copy and paste the url in here14:01
alexi5what is the RFC number for the http protocol14:01
mgolischalexi5: ask google14:01
BUGabundo_workDracoZA: one more thing: 32 or 64 bits?14:01
TimothyPHi, I have configured software raid on ubuntu server, I have /dev/md0 which seems to be 0GB , then /dev/md2 and /dev/md3 (which is mounted / ) and the server is working. but array-info says md2 and m3 are not clean, but contain no errors, I get the same at start up14:01
TimothyPwhat does it mean14:01
leif_does steam games run fine in wine14:01
FooAtarisome do leif_14:02
bazhang!appdb | leif_ check here14:02
leif_ok nice14:02
ubottuleif_ check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org14:02
ubnoobHi, I was wondering what people suggest for a swap partition for the latest Ubuntu download?14:02
Redfoxyhi all14:02
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:02
BUGabundo_workubnoob: 2xRAM as usual14:02
gordonjcpubnoob: typically people say twice as much swap as RAM14:03
Redfoxyboys, i've a toshiba l30-114 and iv'e troubles with my audio card, it look like recognized but i cannot hear nothing... and i cannot change the volume in the mixer14:03
BUGabundo_workmine is 8.4GiBs14:03
Redfoxyany info?14:03
BUGabundo_workI have 4GiBs of RAM14:03
gordonjcpubnoob: this is kind of "received wisdom" though, which made sense 20 years ago14:03
Mikegmgolisch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11845/14:03
Mikegit is here.14:03
ubnoobWow, well, I'm sporting 4 gigs of RAM on this laptop...That's a lot of space for memory, hmm?14:03
Mikegpls help me.14:03
Hote1anyone here able to help me out with minicom?14:03
gordonjcpHote1: What exactly are you trying to do?14:03
Hote1I just installed a fresh 8.04, ran setup with a USB to Serial device /dev/ttyUSB014:04
gordonjcpubnoob: incidentally with 2GB of RAM I basically can't see a difference between swap being on and swap being off14:04
Hote1and I get this when starting up14:04
Hote1minicom: ../iconv/loop.c:430: internal_utf8_loop_single: Assertion `inptr - bytebuf > (state->__count & 7)' failed.14:04
Hote1                                                                                                                   Aborted14:04
gordonjcpHote1: pastebin14:04
gordonjcpah, it's only one line14:04
gordonjcpHote1: weird14:04
Hote1yeah, that is what I thought14:04
GhostFish2_HELP Please I keep getting " Desktop effects could not be enabled " when I try and run compiz.. But if I do a compiz --replace it gives me an error about my screen being too big.. 2560 X 1024 . If I shrink it . and run compiz --replace I get the white screen of DEATH!!! help please...14:05
gordonjcpiconv is to do with utf8 conversion14:05
ubnoobgordonjcp, so do you suggest skipping this step all together? I'm planning on using Ubuntu almost exclusively for college and work, so I wont NEED a lot of ram, but there was a deal on the dell website *Shrug* I figured, the more the merrier.14:05
Hote1it was working for a while on my 7.10 upgrade to 8.04, I screwed something up royally and decided to re-install yesterday when I noticed this message on that system14:05
harrisheyyyy guyss,, how can I delete a program?14:05
laegharris: applications > add/remove14:05
bazhangharris how installed14:06
LadyNikonharris: go into synaptic.. select the package for deletion14:06
zephyrharris, sudo apt-get remove <program>14:06
Mikeglook like the audit some limited.14:06
gordonjcpubnoob: set it up anyway, it can't hurt14:06
Tm_Tubnoob: have swap, a bit more than you have ram14:06
Tm_Tubnoob: you would love swap if you like to use suspend or hibernate14:06
zephyrif cups does not autodetect my printer, how do I install the necessary driver?14:06
gordonjcpHote1: try googling for just the bit about "internal_utf8_loop_single"14:06
Hote1gordonjcp, do you think I might be missing some sort of package?14:06
gordonjcpHote1: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=42301714:07
ubottuDebian bug 423017 in minicom "internal_utf8_loop_single: Assertion" [Normal,Open]14:07
ubnoobTm_T, oh! Is that it's main purpose? I'm a huge fan of hibernates and suspends on Windows14:07
gordonjcpHote1: also http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=41393414:07
Mikegare you here now?14:07
ubottuDebian bug 413934 in minicom "minicom crashes if LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 is set - with LANG=POSIX it works fine" [Normal,Open]14:07
ubnoobSo much easier than worrying about wasting battery power between classes, shutting down and starting up each time14:07
Tm_Tubnoob: no, but it is used to that too14:08
khamaelafter I upgraded to hardy, sound won`t work with zsnes. I have tried all the "zsnes -ad" commands14:08
Tm_Tubnoob: swap is "extend" to your ram14:08
Hote1gordonjcp, so it is a sit and wait situation?14:09
ubnoobTm_T, alright, thanks, and just allocate the rest to the root mount point? Or are there any other linux "kernals" of wisdom (Pun-tastic) I should know about partitioning?14:09
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skyowneris anyone here have an Inspiron 1525 ?14:10
Mikegmgolisch: seem to I got it.14:10
gordonjcpHote1: the second link I posted suggested something14:10
Mikegmay be the selinux-policy-default issue14:10
Jack_Sparrowskyowner yes.. in many parts....14:11
ubnoobSkyowner, I do :)14:11
ubnoobCurrently installing Ubuntu on her right now :)14:11
gordonjcpubnoob: it's probably a good idea to make /home a separate partition, so when you need to reinstall you don't need to blow away your existing data14:11
Redfoxyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11847/ <-- what lsmod, lspci and aplay tell about my audio card14:11
ubnoobgordonjcp, so how much room should I use for root, do you think?14:11
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:12
Jack_SparrowRedfoxy Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh  #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh  ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions ..  then  /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file.14:12
gordonjcphm, not quite what I was looking for14:12
dj_shoohi all. got a question. i've got an Ubuntu 8.04, Gnome, configured autologon and hibernate. after resume from hibernate system asks for a password. how can i resume directly to desktop, without prompting for password?14:12
GhostFish2_HELP Please I keep getting " Desktop effects could not be enabled " when I try and run compiz.. But if I do a compiz --replace it gives me an error about my screen being too big.. 2560 X 1024 . If I shrink it . and run compiz --replace I get the white screen of DEATH!!! help please... I'm runnign a ATI X1950 card14:12
Tm_Tubnoob: you perhaps like to have /home in separate partition14:13
Jack_Sparrowgordonjcp http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome14:13
msnbotmy ubuntu hardy doesn't append mshome.net dns suffix that is served from a winxp sp3 pro ICS. the hostname of ubuntu is Kubuntu. so I need whole network should recognise it by Kubuntu.mshome.net. how can I achieve that?14:13
Tm_Tubnoob: / needs 20 G at top (usually much less is way enough)14:13
Redfoxythanky jack14:14
xinu1Hi, I am using hardy and since official release date, when I go into 'update manager' i see no updates. it this ok?14:14
ubnoobTm_T, eep...Really? I don't have that much space, I only left about 30 gigs for Linux out of the 120 gig hard drive, because I wasn't putting anything heavy duty into it14:14
Andycashow to add "sudo conky" to be launched at startup?14:14
ikoniaxinu1: depends if the packages you have installed have updates available14:14
Jack_SparrowGhostFish2_ PLease drop the help-me text and /join #Compiz14:14
AndycasAnd do i need to enter password each time?14:14
gordonjcpAndycas: What exactly are you trying to do?14:14
ikoniaxinu1: there have not been many updates since stble14:14
Tm_Tubnoob: oh, then, just rest for the system, it's still enough14:14
jussi01!bum | Andycas14:15
ubottuAndycas: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:15
xinu1ikonia: thnx14:15
Andycasgordonjcp: i need to launch conky with sudo, else it wont read data from hddtemp.14:15
ubnoobTm_T, Well, I know Vista uses around 7 gigs of hard drive space off the CD, at least ultimate does...Assuming Linux is lighter weight, do you think 5 or 8 could handle root?14:16
Tm_Tubnoob: heh, prolly even 4 is enough14:16
Tm_Tubnoob: but put just one partition, with that small space you might lose flexibility14:16
geniiMin somewhere like 2.614:16
Jack_Sparrowubnoob I have run as little as 414:17
gordonjcpAndycas: hm, you might be looking for something like suid14:17
ubnoobTm_T, great :) Thank you, and you too Gordonjcp, for your help! :)14:17
gordonjcpAndycas: maybe googling for something like "run conky as root"14:17
gordonjcpubnoob: good luck ;-)14:17
Tm_Tubnoob: FYI, my / uses only ~4 G and I have "huge" install, sorta, getting bigger soon actually :-P14:18
greg__salve a tutti14:18
msnbotmy ubuntu hardy doesn't append mshome.net dns suffix. how can I make it append? and the full host address will be Kubuntu.mshome.net14:18
bazhang!it | greg__14:18
ubottugreg__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:18
ubnoobTm_T, wow, ok :) I was going to customize the look a little bit, since from what I hear that's one of the most awesome things about Linux14:18
=== Spec[x] is now known as Spec
ubnoobHope that wont take up too much space hehe14:19
Tm_Tubnoob: meet us in #ubuntu-offtopic and we'll talk more14:19
Jack_Sparrow!themes | ubnoob14:19
ubottuubnoob: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:19
ubnoobAh thank you Jack :)14:20
ubnoobUbotu still a fan of the botsnacks?14:20
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!14:20
Jack_Sparrownp.. also look at videos on youtube for ideas on what you can make compiz do to be cute14:20
laegubnoob: there are compiz-fusion official release videos on their site14:21
Jack_Sparrowubnoob I have 3d windows that float off the cube and fishies swimming inside the cube etc..14:21
ubnoobThat sounds cool!14:21
mgolischwow my comp allways dies when activating compiz14:22
Sarahhow do you get the fish Jack_Sparrow ?14:22
laegwouldn't it be cool if we could have multiple OS running on one screen with compiz cube14:22
mgolischthat old geforce fx 5200go with 32mb ram has a hard time rendering all that stuff14:22
laegi don't mean a virtual machine14:22
Jack_SparrowSarah it is an addone that I had to compile...  I can probably find the link if you like14:22
kripzdoes ntwork manager support phase2 md5?14:22
Sarahnah thats ok, thanks though14:23
Jack_Sparrowany time14:23
Sarahi really should cut back on the unnecessary effects14:23
Andycaswhats the "users settings" terminal command?14:23
cq_hi... i just installed the system, time and date settings won't update automatically (I can't select the checkbox) even though I have ntp and ntpdate installed... any ideas?14:23
Jack_SparrowSarah ok.. start by removing gdm..  :)  Just kidding people..14:23
skyowneri don't understabnd why after installing backports modules for my Dell Inspiron to enable Front microphone14:24
skyowner(what does'nt work)14:24
skyownerbut after boot i did not have net anymor ei needed to do a /etc/init.d/networking restart14:24
Jack_Sparrowskyowner /join #Alsa14:24
STSXI'm trying to stop "dansguardian" from loading on startup w/o uninstalling it. I ran update-rc.d to remove it from the startup scripts, and it seemed to work since I don't see any reference to dansguardian in any of the /etc/rcX.d folders, but it still ends up somehow being loaded. What am I missing?14:27
ghaithhey, is there a way i can install only selected apps in ubuntu, i need for example to install just mysql, a C compiler and libpcap, probably additional stuff, but not the selection from ubuntu's main cd, and i dont' want to download the full ubuntu server cd for just these14:27
hostf4cekillaghaith: look for netinstall mini.iso14:27
ghaithhostf4cekilla, thx14:27
simNIXi just did a fresh 8.04 install - I would like to add filezilla - when I type it at the command line I dont get what to type to install it (like it do get with for instance mc) - I gave enabled all repositories by default in synaptic14:28
vegombreihi how do i set up an ftp so my friends can connect to my computer and download movies and stuff14:28
simNIXdo I need to add a repository ?14:28
m00sesorry, my connection was reset14:28
rutgermasisimNIX: 'sudo apt-get install filezilla' I think14:28
ubottuFactoid filezilla not found14:28
Jack_Sparrow!find filezilla14:28
ubottuFound: filezilla, filezilla-common, filezilla-locales14:28
Byancan anyone tell me off hand what ubuntu's kernel was at, at the launch of the last release?14:28
codecain1how can I tell what type of memory hardware is installed in bash?14:28
mgolischghaith: maybe install using debootstrap or look if the install cd has a minimal installation option14:29
=== ubnoob is now known as neuron
rutgermasiByan: 8.04 (hardy) has: uname -r14:29
KRFcodecain, lshw14:29
Jack_SparrowsimNIX rutgermasi has it right14:29
KRFvegombrei, there are so many howtos for that14:29
simNIXI thought since when I typed mc it sayd do apt-get install mc that it would for every program14:29
mgolischcodecain1: lshw maybe14:29
rutgermasicodecain1: try the package 'hwinfo'14:29
lartza_What's the best lightweight MEDIA player and audio player? Not most lightweight, just some of the top.14:29
rsklartza_: MPlayer14:30
spasslartza_, aplay :P14:30
rskor XMMS14:30
Byanrutgermasi: I would've done that but i'm not running it atm >_>14:30
mgolischmplayer allmost plays everything14:30
lartza_xmms is not mediaplayer and it sucks14:30
mgolischwhat would you want more?14:30
=== MaxP is now known as maxp
lartza_is mplayer lightweight then?14:30
rskwhy does xmms suck14:30
simNIXvlc is IMHO also nice14:30
gaokaicould anybody tell me how to install tar1.13 on ubuntu8.04?i have to install cadence.14:30
ghaithmgolisch, as far as i know the default cd has only a standard installation, but what's debootstrap? let's google14:30
lartza_it just sucks rsk, it's ancient14:31
joaopintoMikeg, Ubuntu Hardy ships with apparmor, I am not sure there is a mysql profile for it14:31
rsklartza_: chekl the cvs it's still developed = not ancient.14:31
MikegI got it now.14:31
joaopintoif there is that could be blocking the accessed on an unpexected dir14:31
Jack_Sparrowlartza_ please tone down your comments, this is a support room, we dont do polls or best applications.14:31
joaopintoit's a security profile14:31
lartza_simNIX, VLC's playlist management sucks14:31
rsklartza_: and there was a recent realse.14:31
lartza_Jack_Sparrow: I'm finding good lightweight mediaplayer14:31
lartza_Cant find any14:32
joaopintoMikeg, ok, you foound it, nice :)14:32
erUSULgaokai: what's wrong with the version of tar that ships wit ubuntu14:32
Jack_Sparrowlartza_ we dont do polls, /join #ubuntu-offtopic14:32
lartza_Jack_Sparrow: Not poll14:32
lartza_Ok, just any lightweight media player14:33
Jack_Sparrow!best | lartza_14:33
ubottulartza_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:33
lartza_I'm not asking best now14:33
lartza_just some lightweight mediaplayer, audacious wont play videos and vlc has bad playlist, i'm trying mplayer, GUI?14:33
lartza_and how ot install in ubuntu14:33
gaokaithe software i want to install can only uncompress under tar1.1314:33
joaopintolartza_, install it from the repositories, there is also the gnome mplayer front end14:34
shane2perudoes anyone know what would cause my swap to be used, when really nothing is running?  1.5GB of my 3GB swap is being used!14:34
STSXI'm trying to stop "dansguardian" from loading on startup w/o uninstalling it. I ran update-rc.d to remove it from the startup scripts, and it seemed to work since I don't see any reference to dansguardian in any of the /etc/rcX.d folders, but dansguardian still ends up somehow being loaded on startup. What am I missing?14:34
shane2perudoes anyone know how to dump what is in swap?14:35
shadowjacklartza_, try Audacious. use synaptic to install14:35
mgolischlartza_: yeah14:35
lartza_shadowjack: Audacious wont play videos...14:35
lartza_MEDIA player14:35
mgolischbut gmplayers playlist thing sucks14:35
mgolischits a pain in the ass14:35
mgolischthats why i dont use gmplayer14:36
shadowjacklartza_, being a jerk wont get you anywhere14:36
Jack_Sparrowmgolisch Watch the language.. thanks14:36
Jakoohello may I ask a question? what's the comand to open the writer?14:36
lartza_so no good media players in ubuntu or linux14:36
=== phenom|zZz is now known as phenom_
mgolischi use some shellscripts instead which start mplayer in fulscreen mdoe in a loop over the given files14:36
lartza_shadowjack: How am I a jerk?14:36
gaokaii know how to upgrade tar,but don't know how to downgrade it14:36
quentusrexDoes anyone know if it is possible to use finger print scanner for all password control?14:36
ben_underscoreJakoo: oowriter14:37
shane2perudoes anyone know about swap???14:37
quentusrexI want to be able to login, and send e-mails with evolution(I have the DSA signature in the keyring) all with just a touch of my finger?14:37
jberg-if i want to use ndiswrapper for my wireless network card on a dell latitude d531, does anyone know which inf-file i need?14:37
ben_underscoreshane2peru: what do you want to know?14:37
kripzmy network supports many encryption types, how do i create multiple profiles for wpa_supplicant.conf?14:37
shane2peruben_underscore, why 1.5GB of swap is being used when nothing is running.14:37
STSXjberg: Do you know the chipset your wireless card uses?14:38
shane2peruben_underscore, I have 3GB of swap and 1.5GB or ram14:38
TonrenIs there a changelog of some sort for 8.04?14:38
shane2peruben_underscore, nothing running and half of swap used.14:38
geniijberg-: Why not download the 2000 or XP driver from Dell for your model and use the inf file in there?14:38
Jakooben_underscore it's ok but indeed gives me this :javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!14:38
shane2peruben_underscore, I think something got stuck in swap, is there a way to dump swap?  without restarting?14:39
ben_underscoreJakoo: hmm...what does the system monitor say? it sounds like you have a process in the background chewing up ram14:39
LOWER_CASEHi, ever since I installed Gutsy about 6 weeks ago, I've never had so much trouble with my disk partitions. (1) after the initial install, the disks were all changed from /dev/hdAN to /dev/sdAN, but after any boot-up, they can be *anywhere*. (2) But what is upsetting me hourly, is that USB memory-stick mounts are totally inconsistent: various wrong permissions, various wrong mount points, or just not mounting.  What changed? Why is14:39
LOWER_CASEit so screwed up? Can anybody help with a URL or HOWTO to fix this mess?14:39
Jakooall sleeping14:39
mgolischLOWER_CASE: with gutsy?14:40
Jack_Sparrow!uuid | LOWER_CASE14:40
ubottuLOWER_CASE: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)14:40
mgolischLOWER_CASE: why do you care about the devicenames for your drives?14:40
mgolischuse uuid14:40
bazhanglartza_, miro plays videos, what did you need specifically?14:40
shane2peruLOWER_CASE, is there any reason you didn't install Hardy?14:40
shadowjackLOWER_CASE, each computer setup has so many variables, its hard to tell. if youre not finding anyting in a google search you may have a rare problem14:40
shane2perumgolisch, it is nice to have devices named, for consistency, I use mslables for my usb stick and disk14:41
Jakooben_underscore : it may be the awn14:41
ben_underscoreJakoo: it could be anything. try installing atop and then run it on the command line, then type m to see the memory usage. that is quite good14:41
geniiLOWER_CASE: Use UUIDs in the files instead of dev names, if you put USB stick A in first one day it's sdc or so, if you ut USB stick B in by itself next day, it becomes sdc instead, even if totally different size or filesystem. UUIDs make sure you have that specific device.14:41
ben_underscoreJakoo: and if they're sleeping that is only cpu, they would be still in ram14:41
Jack_SparrowLOWER_CASE try this.. it may help us..    sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)14:41
shane2peruLOWER_CASE, the usb things can be named so that they are always consistent, let me find the link on setting that up14:41
Jakooyes true14:42
Jack_Sparrowshane2peru !uuid14:42
spine55does anyone have this error in their xorg log file?  I've commented it out but was wondering if there is a way to fix it  (EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)14:42
ben_underscorejakoo: do you run avant window nav?14:43
Jakoothats the problem then14:43
shane2peruJack_Sparrow, is that a uuid issue?  I always hate uuid, and delete them, and switch to device names. :)  in my fstab and menu.lst at least14:43
LOWER_CASEYes, with Gutsy. After all users could no longer long on (because /home had moved from /hdAN to /sdAN and fstab was not updated by the upgrade) I got a bit disillusioned, and do not want to go to later releases just to get burnt again.14:43
LOWER_CASESorry, "After all users could no longer log on".14:44
Jack_Sparrowshane2peru if he locks down the devices with uuid then he wont have a problem.  in some cases a dd copy will cause problems with uuid.14:44
ben_underscoreJakoo: best of luck, i have to split14:44
shadowjackawn is flaky14:44
Jakoothank you ben14:44
shane2peruJack_Sparrow, ahh, I know uuid has it's uses, but for me, it is just more of a headache. :)14:44
mgolischshane2peru: why?14:45
mgolischits easy14:45
Jack_Sparrowshane2peru agreed, but it is nice for usb devices14:45
mgolischyou can rearange the disks and stuff14:45
mgolischit wouldnt matter14:45
shane2perumgolisch, mostly because of backing up and restoring, then restoring grub, and the uuid's don't line up, won't boot, etc!  My system works great with /dev/sda#14:45
facilitadorhello friends!!!14:46
facilitadorhello bazhang14:46
geniishane2peru: Also the method for changing volume name for a drive varies greatly depending on the filesystem, etc14:46
bazhangfacilitador, hi :)14:46
facilitadorhow are you?14:46
shane2perumgolisch, I just swapped everything over to a bigger hdd, and then changed the booting order, and presto, worked like a charm, it is probably because of my ignorance to uuid. :)14:46
Peloyou guys know about dslreport.com , does anyone know an ap or a script that I could run for 24hrs that would give me the same kind of results,  testing my connection speed every 30 min or so and putting out a log or a graph ?14:47
napsterhow can i make awn run at startup??????14:47
Sarahhmm is there a setting somewhere that lets me play audio in firefox while its playing somewhere else, even when i pause my mp3 player, firefox wont play audio... if that makes sense14:47
STSXCan anyone help me? I can't figure out how "dansguardian" still gets loaded on startup, even though I removed it's startup scripts via update-rc.d (or at least I think it worked--there's no reference to dansguardian in any of my /etc/rcX.d folders). I could uninstall it as a last resort, but I want to just disable it for now. Any ideas?14:47
shane2perugenii, correct, but it isn't too hard in ubuntu now. :)  Granted in M$ it is still a bit easier, I'll live with the hardships for a better OS14:47
napsterhow can i make awn run at startup??????14:47
facilitadorvisual basic need for ubuntu, or something similar14:47
rutgermasinapster: go to system->prefs->sessions and add AWN14:47
facilitadorvisual basic need for ubuntu, or something similar14:47
PeloSarah, it's related to pulseaudio I beleive,  there is a libsupportmozilla or someting like that but it cause flash to crash FF3,14:48
rutgermasinapster: I thought you must add an startup item with some name (eg AWN) and command avant-window-navigator14:48
bazhangfacilitador, that is c or c++14:48
shane2perudoes anyone know why half of my 3GB swap space is used, when nothing is running?14:48
bazhang!info anjuta14:49
ubottuanjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.4.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1777 kB, installed size 4540 kB14:49
shane2perudoes anyone know how to dump what is in swap space?14:49
bazhangsee above facilitador14:49
SarahPelo, oh ok thanks14:49
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Pelonapster, open everytning you want to run on start up  close everything you don'T ,  goto menu > system> prefs  > sessions,   3rd tab ,  save session14:49
shane2peruI'm haveing XP HomeED flash backs of my OS not handling it's memory properly.14:49
skyowneram i alone to have problems with Hardy on networking14:49
skyowneri tried tor euse my network/interfaces file to connect to Internet14:49
Peloshane2peru, more details14:49
TaeZhello everybody14:49
skyownerbut i don't know why it was not possible on Hardy14:50
TaeZi said hello14:50
shane2peruPelo, 1.5GB of my 3GB swap is being used when nothing is running14:50
rutgermasinapster: you could also use Pelo's solution, to test it just p[res ctrl+alt+backspace14:50
STSXbazhang: Any chance you could help me out? I can't disable dansguardian from loading on startup.14:50
FlashWolfhey guys :)14:50
SpzattWhy does my brothers laptop overheat with ubuntu 8.04 all the time ?14:50
Peloshane2peru, the report is not relaible,  is your system actualy slowing down ?14:50
facilitadorI need visual programming in Ubuntu14:50
FlashWolfi'm with a prob here14:50
shadowjackskyowner, gutsy has networking issues as well. i work around is to use OpenDNS14:50
bazhangSTSX, where is it set? in the dansguardian settings or in startup session14:51
FlashWolfi have to install vista on a pc that has ubuntu14:51
shane2peruPelo, right, but when I run:  free I get the same results, no the system is running fine.14:51
SpzattWhy does my brothers laptop overheat with ubuntu 8.04 all the time ?14:51
rutgermasiFlashWolf: just a sec, ill look for a howto14:51
mgolischfacilitador: what are you aiming at?14:51
napsterwell thanx evry1, i did it by adding14:51
shane2peruPelo, just bothers me to see the swap graph half full. :)14:51
FlashWolfi have 4 partitions, ubuntu, swap, files and a new partition for windows14:51
shane2peruPelo, on system monitor that is.14:51
mgolischfacilitador: there are interface desigenrs for both gtk and qt14:51
SpzattWhy does my brothers laptop overheat with ubuntu 8.04 all the time ?14:51
shadowjackskyowner, unfortunately there is no indications that the networking issues will be resolved as these bugs are supposed to be "features"14:52
rutgermasiFlashWolf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76652&highlight=restore+grub14:52
Peloshane2peru, I beleive the swap just doesn'T get updated unless new room is needed,  don'T worry about it to much , I get more or less the same14:52
STSXbazhang: I believe it's set to load via the /etc/init.d folder, but I used "update-rc.d" to remove it; still loads on startup tho.14:52
napsteris it possible to mount a drive at startup????14:52
lartza_FlashWolf: I give you link14:52
shane2peruPelo, ok, that is what I was wondering.  thanks!14:52
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:52
Peloshane2peru, not in actual usage , just in stuff not going away aftetr the app stops14:52
SpzattWhy does my brothers laptop overheat with ubuntu 8.04 all the time ?14:52
napsteris it possible to mount a drive at startup????14:52
bazhangSTSX, does it have some kind of settings or gui? never used it before14:52
rutgermasiFlashWolf: just resize your ubuntu ext3 partition and install windows on a new partition (resize your current partition using ubuntu live cd!)14:52
FlashWolfi began to install windows in the 4th partition, but when it restarts to resume the installation, the pc doenst boot14:52
shane2peruPelo, ahh, because it is swap space, it just stays written there until overwritten?14:53
bazhangSpzatt, need more info than that to help14:53
FlashWolfrutgermasi: ya, i already did that14:53
napsteris it possible to mount a drive at startup????14:53
lartza_FlashWolf: I saw one sitea about this someday14:53
Peloshane2peru, something like that14:53
ubottuFactoid mtab not found14:53
shane2peruPelo, makes sense, thanks14:53
slavikanyone ever successfully beam files from ubuntu to a pocket pc?14:53
spassnapster, fstab14:53
ubottuFactoid mstab not found14:53
heymrnapster: hal does that14:53
STSXbazhang: No GUI, just a big config file.14:53
facilitadorwhich allows me a qt and gtk14:53
FlashWolfrutgermasi: the prob now is about boot14:53
clustyi am trying to get suspend to ram work with my laptop. most of the time it fails to fall asleep (maybe video card?) any clues, or to start from?14:53
bazhangnapster sure14:53
FlashWolfi tried to reinstall grub and setup a windows line, but nothing happens...14:53
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:53
prayforwind_g'day: how does one add networkmanager to new user's gnome-panel pls? (ubuntu 8.04)14:53
slavikclusty: what video card driver are you using?14:53
facilitadorsorry my english is not good14:53
skyownershadowjack why features ????14:54
shane2peruFlashWolf, did you follow a guide?14:54
FlashWolfneither windows detects a init error14:54
Jack_Sparrowclusty You are on the right track. video drivers seem to be the number one culprit14:54
Peloshane2peru, you can expect that if swap was being treated the same way as memory the write/erase would probably ware the hdd down14:54
facilitadorI speak spanish14:54
skyownershadowjack can u explain to me14:54
FlashWolfshane2peru: np14:54
STSXbazhang: If it is not listed in /etc/rc.local, or any of the /etc/rcX.d/ folders, where else would I look to figure out how it is loading?14:54
rutgermasiFlashWolf: insert your vista dvd and press recover and recover mbr of windows14:54
shane2peruPelo, very true.14:54
heymrfacilitador: q tal tio14:54
clustyJack_Sparrow, well laptop has 2 cards nvidia 7400GS and intel 95014:54
Pelo!sp | FlashWolf14:54
ubottuFactoid sp not found14:54
SpzattWhy does my brothers laptop overheat with ubuntu 8.04 all the time ?14:54
neil_dcan anyone tell me why the gfax virtual printer doesn't show up?  in any print dialogs14:54
facilitadorhola heymr14:54
shane2peruFlashWolf, ?  did you follow a guide?14:54
mgolischfacilitador: as i sayd there are grafical interface designers for both gtk and qt, so youll just have to set on an ide that works well for your programming language, whaever it is14:54
slavikanyone ever successfully beam files from ubuntu to a pocket pc?14:54
Pelolater folks14:54
clustyslavik,  well laptop has 2 cards nvidia 7400GS and intel 950. both fail similarilly14:54
FlashWolfthx for attention, rutgermasi, lartza_, shane2peru14:54
bazhangSpzatt, you need to provide more info14:54
shadowjackskyowner, no i cant because im not a developer. all i know is that networking works like ass with certain routers7modems and isps14:55
SpzattWhat more info?14:55
clustyJack_Sparrow, in 7.10 it was workingm uch better14:55
SpzattIt just overheats and shuts down.14:55
rutgermasiSpzatt: it is probably your laptop, it cant be ubuntu14:55
SpzattThe fan runs constantly and the CPU goes to around 70 degrees celcius.14:55
SpzattNope, 7.10 worked smoothly.14:55
Jack_SparrowSpzatt there are soultions.. I need to leave but google will find it...14:55
bazhangSpzatt, just repeating that same question with nothing else will not net you much in the help department14:55
ubottuFactoid acpi not found14:55
facilitadorin this case which can serve?14:56
rutgermasiSpzatt: look on the website of your manufacturer14:56
FlashWolfi can reinstall grub and make ubuntu work normally, but windows doenst start to resume the installation14:56
facilitadorapart from Glade14:56
rutgermasiFlashWolf: as I said before, insert vista dvd and press recover14:56
SpzattRutger. it cant by much of the PC, ubuntu 7.10 worked smoothly, when we upgraded to 8.04 it just overheats.14:56
heymrFlashWolf: edit your menu.lst file?14:56
FlashWolfheymr: ye14:56
lartza_FlashWolf: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_linux_is_already_installed.htmhttp://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_linux_is_already_installed.htm14:56
sloopyi am trying to mount a freebsd partition (UFS) and it keeps telling me 'wrong fs, bad option etc' but the kernel has the bsd config options in it any ideas what else i need?14:56
heymrFlashWolf: yea, recover vista with your OS disc14:57
ikonialartza_: thats not a good guide14:57
ikonia!dualboot | FlashWolf14:57
ubottuFlashWolf: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:57
FlashWolfrutgermasi: i tried, windows says that there's not a problem with starting14:57
ikoniaFlashWolf: please see that guide14:57
skyownerwhy the net doesn't work with ubuntu 8.04 ?14:57
rutgermasiFLashWolf: what did your pc say w=hen ot boots up?14:57
clustyslavik, so am I doomed? anything to try/do?14:57
lartza_ikonia: How not good?14:57
skyownerwhen we reuse interfaces file14:57
skyowneris it because of NetworkManager ?14:58
FlashWolfrutgermasi: the windows' recover console doesnt detect any prob14:58
lartza_Well pretty complicated14:58
FlashWolfrutgermasi: simply nothing14:58
facilitadorapart from Glade, there are others for programming?14:58
ikonialartza_: it's a generic PC guide, the official ubuntu documentation is better for support14:58
FlashWolfit stays flashing somthing like a text cursor14:58
lartza_FlashWolf: Follow what ikonia send.14:58
Sarahi get a bunch of dbus errors whenever i shutdown/restart14:58
amenadoskyowner-> what exactly is the problem? can you clarify?14:58
bazhanglartza_, the official docs are usually the best choice if possible14:58
FlashWolfthx, ikonia, i'll try14:58
freak_hey does somebody know some kind of desktop ruler? so i can check how much pixel something on my desktop needs14:58
FlashWolfok, lartza_14:58
slavikclusty: use open source driver14:58
DanielRMHello, I need help writing a binary string to disk as a file and I can't remember the dd parameters I need to use. The man page is confusing me.14:59
clustyslavik, for nvidia?14:59
SpzattWhy does my brothers laptop overheat with ubuntu 8.04 all the time ? The fan runs constantly, 7.10 worked, no problems there, but when we upgraded to 8.04 it just overheats, How come?14:59
bazhangfreak_, a ruler? as in physical ruler?14:59
rutgermasiFlashWolf: try to reinstall vista, it should set the necessary boot flags on your hdd14:59
majikinshi - i have a problem with trying to do an update via a proxy14:59
shadowjackfreak_, screenlets. if you can find a working repository. its no longer available in ubuntu repositories for some reason14:59
clustySpzatt, is ACPI working as it should?14:59
FlashWolfrutgermasi: hehe... i did it 3 times14:59
slavikclusty, yes15:00
FlashWolfi have never see somthing like that15:00
majikinsI have done the export  and can surf via browser but apt-get update says proxy refuse15:00
slavikthat is your only hope15:00
majikinsthe addresses are http15:00
clustyslavik, i thought open shource thing has no GLX15:00
sloopyDanielRM, dd if=/filefrom of=/fileto -bs=blocksize -bc=bytecount15:00
jhaigMy panel has frozen (in Hardy).  Can anyone help?  The window manager itself appears to be ok but I cannot, for example, access the gnome menus.15:00
SpzattClusty : We're not sure.15:00
facilitadorhola HEYMR15:00
ripplepayHow do I adjust screen brightness? (Hardy heron)15:00
DanielRMsloopy: how do I determine the last two?15:00
rutgermasijhaig: press ctrl+alt+backspace but everything will be lost15:00
FlashWolfi'm seriously thinking about delete ubuntu's partition and install vista on its place15:00
shadowjackfreak_, i find its easier and more precise to take a screenshot and measure with a selection in the gimp15:00
facilitadornecesito un lenguaje de programacion visual para linux ubuntu15:00
clustySpzatt, do you have /proc/acpi/thermal ?15:00
FlashWolfand after reinstall ubuntu =\15:00
rutgermasiFlashWolf: why vista :P?15:01
clustySpzatt, or sorts15:01
jhaigrutgermasi: I know that, but I would prefer not to have to restart X.  It appears to be only the panel that is broken.15:01
joaopinto!es | facilitador15:01
ubottufacilitador: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:01
FlashWolfrutgermasi: my client15:01
sloopyDanielRM, block size isnt really need but usually 512 and size is how big you want it15:01
majikinshi can someone help me with a proxy problem please?15:01
clustySpzatt, you should have there temp sensors15:01
facilitadormuchs gracias15:01
richardrblcanyone else having problem with art manager not launching15:01
sloopyDanielRM, and its block count not byte count sorry15:01
shadowjackfreak_, kde4 has a ruler - if you dont mind having that mess on your install15:01
LOWER_CASEJack_Sparrow: you can see for example that the USB stick is in three places in fstab! http://paste.stgraber.org/363915:01
clustySpzatt, also what laptop? CPU15:01
=== Mr_SpOOn[nonciso is now known as Mr_SpOOn
FlashWolfrutgermasi: i have reinstalled grub15:02
FlashWolfand tried to install vista again15:02
Spzatti'll be back laters.15:02
neuronAnyone know off hand the update to have a Dell Inspiron 1525's wireless card function under Ubuntu?15:02
mgolischLOWER_CASE: why do you mount the usb stick using fstab? why not use the automount stuff instead?15:02
bazhangneuron, what chipset15:03
mgolischLOWER_CASE: like adding that drive mount applet to your pannel15:03
ikoniaLOWER_CASE: that fstab is a mess, it's hard to see what's what15:03
mgolischusb sticks are removeable media, why have them in fstab?15:03
FlashWolfthen grub dies and windows installation doesnt resume when it restarts15:03
ikoniaLOWER_CASE: it also makes no sense that /dev/sdb is listed as a cdrom, yet there is also partitions in /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb215:03
FlashWolfit's driving me crazy15:03
lartza_How ot send private messages? Using xchat15:03
neuronbazhang, not sure offhand, can you give me the terminal command to show a read out of that?15:04
bazhanglartza_, /msg nick hi15:04
mgolischlartza_:  /msg person message15:04
ikonialartza_: clikc on the username15:04
ikonialartza_: you can get xchat help in #xchat15:04
lartza_Like this?15:04
bazhangneuron, just enter the terminal and type lspci and look for broadcom atheros intel etc15:04
ripplepayMy screen is really dim. I went to System -> Preferences -> Power manager and unclicked "dim display while idle" for both ac power and battery. Still dim.15:05
neuronbazhang, 0b:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)15:05
mgolischripplepay: dont you have buttons to set that?15:05
ripplepaydon't think so.15:05
bazhangneuron, does hardware drivers list them15:05
ripplepayI'm on a toshiba satellite15:06
lartza_Can I send to multiple responders?15:06
mgolischripplepay: maybe have a look at /proc/acpi there might be stuff to control that15:06
LOWER_CASEmgolisch: I *DON'T* want to mount the stick using fstab, but like I said, under Gutsy, Gutsy either mounts it with wrong permissions, (e.g. I can edit files but cannot "touch" them!), or various places, or does not mount it at all.  Also, my camera's SD stick is often labelled ALFREDO_2GB.15:06
bazhanglartza_, bad idea15:07
win--I used Wubi to install kubuntu (kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-i386.iso). It did install successfully after rebooting but when it tries to boot, it says it can't find the kerne file (error 15)15:07
neuronbazhang, either it's loading, or the Hardware Drivers window is quite literally empty O_O15:07
dontpanicHow do I set up my FQDN?15:07
mgolischLOWER_CASE: mostlike the volume has that label15:07
ripplepaymgolish: like edit this?15:07
ripplepaythartman@thartman-laptop:~>cat /proc/acpi/toshiba/lcd15:07
ripplepaybrightness:              015:07
ripplepaybrightness_levels:       815:07
FlashWolfikonia: i'm reading that guide15:07
neuronbazhang, it says "No Proprietary Drivers are in use on this system" at the top, if that means anything to you?15:08
FlashWolfbut it doesnt talk about installing ubuntu then windows15:08
ray_hi any dell fixes for ubuntu 7.10 i need  wireless would not work with my wireless15:08
bazhangneuron, that might be in linux-restricted-modules; do an apt-cache search 496515:08
LOWER_CASEikonia, when it went from Feisty to Gutsy, all my users "/home" directoies disappeared.  This was a quick fix to get "/home" and "/home/dosc" working again.15:08
mgolischripplepay: try echo "brightness: 8" |sudo tee /proc/acpi/toshiba/lcd15:08
mgolischor something15:08
juiceHello World15:09
frytekray_ use  ndiswrapper15:09
ray_frytek im on ubuntu 7.1015:09
neuronbazhang, assuming that's a terminal command, it's just kicked me back to bash15:09
ray_installed the driver like a charm15:09
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ray_frytek do i need  any fixed for my dell laptop?15:09
ikoniaLOWER_CASE: how does that have any relevance to what I said ?15:10
fryteki was figting 3 days with mine, there is program that allow use of winxp NT drivers in linux called ndiswrapper15:10
ray_frytek see my q?15:10
bazhangneuron, yeah I got that too; could either be not drivers needed or in linux-restricted-modules--what does ifconfig show two entries or three15:11
shadowjackLOWER_CASE, did you upgrade or do a clean install?15:11
neuronbazhang, 4, it looks like.15:11
rrittenhouseIs there a way to use an Ubuntu CD to get to a command-line only system? (low ram machine)15:11
bazhangwlan0 and wmaster0 neuron ?15:11
rrittenhouse*ubuntu live cd15:12
sgtdWhat's the word on http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2008/msg00152.html   ?15:12
frytekray_I do not exactly uderstand your q, i am only telling you there is option to install windows drivers for linux if linux ones are not working for you15:12
neuronbazhang, yes, those two are at the bottom15:12
bazhangrrittenhouse, sure do the minimal install (9mb iso)15:12
rexy_sgtd, someone pointed me to here https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/cve/2008-016615:12
ray_frytek how i do this?15:12
bazhangneuron, you got an open wifi spot to test on?15:12
ray_i never did it15:12
rrittenhousebazhang, I just need to analyze a drive15:12
neuronbazhang, I'm in range of my home network15:13
rexy_sgtd, but havent seen anything yet15:13
bazhangrrittenhouse, then a rescue cd15:13
rrittenhousehmm ok15:13
ray_would dl the drivers fdrom dell before i upgrated15:13
rexy_sgtd, also http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-115:13
bazhangrrittenhouse, like backtrack, knoppix, or similar for real analyzing and other things15:13
sgtdrexy_: heh @ https://edge.launchpad.net/....15:14
ray_frytek how i do install of windows driver i never did it15:14
sgtdhttpS <--15:14
bazhangneuron, does iwconfig show the essid15:14
neil_dcan anyone tell me why the gfax virtual printer doesn't show up?  in any print dialogs!15:14
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neuronbazhang, Nope :( Just two quotes.15:14
rexy_sgtd,  :)15:14
ripplepayHow do I edit files under /proc/acpi? ..... echo "brightness: 8" |sudo tee /proc/acpi/toshiba/lcd15:14
ripplepaybrightness: 815:14
ripplepaytee: /proc/acpi/toshiba/lcd: Invalid argument15:14
ripplepayI'm trying to get my laptop display brighter.15:15
neuronbazhang: wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:""  Nickname:""15:15
|chiz|Does anyone know of a replacement for the standard gnome app menu?15:15
bazhangneuron, you know the cli at all? I got a how to guide if you want15:15
rexy_sgtd, seems judging from the usn that an update has been released, so either check the main mirror or wait for the patches to propagate i suppose15:15
LOWER_CASEshadowjack: upgrade from Feisty.15:15
ubottuFactoid lista not found15:15
ripplepaywhen I try to edit via sudo emacs I get this weird behavior where it keeps trying to revert the buffer15:15
LOWER_CASEikonia: I'm not sure: I fixed:   /dev/sda2 to /boot    /dev/sda7 to /home     /dev/sda1 to /home/dosc15:15
LOWER_CASEI don't know why there are three /media/ALFREDO_2GB in there, or why CD is where it is.  I *did* fix the permissions on the very last ALFREDO_2GB in http://paste.stgraber.org/3639 because I couldn't set timestamps.15:15
FlashWolfi think i found the prob15:15
mgolischripplepay: editing what?15:15
neuronbazhang, I have no idea what a CLI is lol, so No :(15:16
mikez0rHow can I find out what my default root password is?15:16
mgolischripplepay: you cant edit the stuff in /proc15:16
shadowjackLOWER_CASE, upgrades are messy. its much better to do clean installs15:16
ripplepaymgolisch: /proc/acpi/toshiba/lcd15:16
ikoniaLOWER_CASE: again, totally nothing to do with what I said to you15:16
mgolischripplepay: why didnt you do what i told you to?15:16
sgtdrexy_: thanks.15:16
FlashWolfrutgermasi: i think the prob is a partition that has data15:16
ripplepayI did, and pasted the error message.15:16
bazhangneuron, the terminal where you typed ifconfig etc15:16
FlashWolfi have 4: ubuntu's, swap, some data and a a partition to windows15:17
ray_flash in ubuntu 8 how i install the win dows driver never did it going to once dl them on 7.1015:17
frytekray_ i am afraid you have to check ndiswrapper documentation for more details15:17
neuronbazhang, yes, what about it? (Sorry, I'm a total Ubuntu noob here) O_O15:17
ripplepaymgolisch: "Invalid argument" if I do what you suggested with tee.15:17
ray_frytek o ok how i get this15:17
STSXIn KDE 3.5, when I add a program to the bottom panel, how can I change it's icon? I right-click it, choose "configure <app> button" and I don't see that option anywhere. Any ideas?15:17
ray_frytek is it easy in ubuntu 8]15:17
ringeri partitioned my hard drive wrong, and i dont know what to do to fix it. can someone help me with it?15:17
bazhangneuron, that is the cli (command line interface) the gui is the shiny buttons we click :)15:18
mgolischripplepay: oh maybe i had a typo in that15:18
mgolischripplepay: do cat on it again to see what that value actualy is named15:18
neuronbazhang, OH! LOL I know a few basic commands, sudo, apt, etc etc15:18
|chiz|ringer: what do you do wrong?15:18
bazhangneuron, let me get you the link-->is the network open?15:18
ripplepayroot@thartman-laptop:/proc/acpi/toshiba>cat lcd15:18
ripplepaybrightness:              015:18
ripplepaybrightness_levels:       815:18
ripplepaymaybe it's a whitespace thing?15:18
ray_mgo how i install the windows driver in 8 once upgrade to it15:18
ray_i never did it15:19
ray_dont want to mess it up and lost what i have15:19
codecain1anybody know where I can get of the newest nvidia card that will work on linux?15:19
mgolischripplepay: yeah try that or only try echo 815:19
ripplepaynow that I know what to google on I found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74864115:20
fryteki am almost fresh in linux & ubuntu so it took me a while,  read ndiswrapper docs for more details. and google your wireless card and check how other ppl dealt with the problem15:20
ringer|chiz| i tried to upgrade to 8.04 from 7.10 and i was told to delete 7.10 with the manual partitioner on install, and when i tried to create new partitions i did it all wrong.  i have the wrong sizes for the wrong parts, also i tried to resize them loading the livecd but i cannot since i have my /home inside my extended15:20
rutgermasicodecain: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us15:20
neuronbazhang, yes it is :)15:20
bazhangneuron, try sudo dhclient wlan0 in the terminal15:21
mikez0rIs the administrative password different from the root password?15:21
blubbafter updating I can't insert png images in an openoffice document any longer. It says the the filter is missing15:21
bazhangmikez0r, no root use sudo15:21
mgolischmikez0r: root doesnt have a password in ubuntu, the root account is locked15:21
rexy_mikearr, it's the same as your password, by default there is no root password15:21
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.15:22
neuronbazhang, if this is relevant, at the beginning it said: wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 80115:22
rexy_you can set one if you like15:22
platinumi have a question about stopping and starting services15:22
|chiz|ringer: can you just delete the new partitions and then try it again? rather than tring to resize?15:22
bazhangneuron, yeah no worries-->any dhcpoffers?15:22
Vlet!ask | platinum15:23
ubottuplatinum: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:23
platinumwhy does can i not /etc/init.d/apache2 restart15:23
Vletplatinum: you need to use sudo15:23
LOWER_CASEikonia: you said: (1) LOWER_CASE: that fstab is a mess, it's hard to see what's what (2) it also makes no sense that /dev/sdb is listed as a cdrom, yet there is also partitions in /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb215:23
neuronbazhang: No DHCPOFFERS received :(15:23
ringer|chiz| you mean completely reformat and do it a clean install again?15:23
no7up4u2sup all15:23
platinumubottu:  10/415:23
ubottuFactoid 10/4 not found15:23
LOWER_CASEikonia: (1) Yes, it's hard to see what's what: it's just gotten worse in the last few weeks. (2) *I* didn't put the CDROM in there.15:23
ringer|chiz| you should know i am dual booting xp15:23
LOWER_CASEHere's a question: Where can I find what the installer does when installing to a new, clean system? Then I can copy this to fstab, and touch-wood, I'll be saved from going mad(der).15:24
bazhangneuron, you need to set the essid either in network manager or via the command line--try in network manager first15:24
platinumvlet:   thanks,  that make's sense15:24
AndycasI cant get sudoers to work: I added this to my file  - "andy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp". And when i do "/usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sda" it gives me permission denied??15:24
ripplepaymgo: the echo stuff ain't working, but the ubuntu forum thread looks promising. Shifting to that. Thanks for your help.15:24
mgolischLOWER_CASE: the install puts the partitons you told him about into the fstab file+the cdrom drive15:24
VletAndycas: did you use visudo to edit the file?15:24
no7up4u2bazhang, isnt there a wireless.opt that can be set also?15:25
|chiz|ringer: well you said that you made some new ones when you upgraded or tried to upgrade15:25
bazhang!enter | Devistator15:25
mgolischAndycas: did you type sudo before that?15:25
ubottuDevistator: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:25
fryteki have a q, how do i autostart efficiently software in ubuntu like skype, messenger and other, i am sure there is many ways to do that but i am looking for the best one ;p15:25
codecain1anybody know a good video card for hardy? thats nvidia I want to upgrade15:25
neuronbazhang, ok, under network settings, wireless, you want me to put the ID in there?15:25
plutonashello, i have installed ubuntu to the laptop of a friend, and he loves it except two things, the first one is that wireless is not working. I suspect that the card is not supported, because that dropdown menu on gnome that i can activate wireless in my computer, on his just sais wired. How can be assured? his laptop model is HP G700015:25
LOWER_CASEmgolisch: but I didn't do an *install* ----- I did an *upgrade*15:25
mgolischfrytek: use the session management of gnome15:25
Andycasmgolisch: yeah, then it prompts for pswd15:25
bazhangthe router name (essid) yes whatever you named it15:25
ikoniaLOWER_CASE: to a tidy up, clear out as much as possibly, then work forward15:25
ikoniaLOWER_CASE: "do" a tidy up that should read15:25
rexy_plutonas, you have to check what card it is and then see how you have to configure it15:25
mgolischAndycas: maybe the line you have there is invalid15:25
platinumvlet:  it still dos not wor15:26
ringer|chiz| can i show you what my partitions look like on a private chat thing?15:26
rexy_!wireless | plutonas15:26
ubottuplutonas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:26
VletAndycas: did you use visudo to edit the file?15:26
Andycasmgolisch: ill try rebooting15:26
bazhangneuron, so if the name is homewifi that would be your essid15:26
LOWER_CASEThe Gutsy *upgrade* changed things from /dev/hdAN to /dev/sdAN, and that was just the start of my disk problems.15:26
plutonasrexy_: its broadcom i think15:26
Devistatordooftart? lol15:26
mgolischLOWER_CASE: use uuid15:26
AndycasVlet: no, i couldnt understand how it worked. It actually corrupted my file, i just used nano15:26
rexy_plutonas, they are notorious, think the wiki deals with installing those though15:26
mgolischLOWER_CASE: thats been said multiple times15:26
|chiz|ringer: sure or you could pastebin them15:26
bazhangDevistator, this is ubuntu support do you have a support question15:27
lartza_How to send pm like ubotu messages for someone?15:27
neuronbazhang, yeah, I've entered it, now what? :)15:27
sdxwhat does logwatch do if invoked without arguments?15:27
bazhangneuron, try the sudo dhclient wlan0 again15:27
no7up4u2anyone was able to patch rt73 wireless driver in hardy ?15:27
VletAndycas: did you use visudo to edit the file?15:27
mgolischsdx: try it!15:27
=== hwilde_ is now known as hwilde
AndycasVlet: no15:28
AndycasVlet: i used nano15:28
VletAndycas: you have to@15:28
shadowjackLOWER_CASE, in a perfect world, linux upgrades would work fine. but they dont. back up your important files and do a clean install. it will be faster than and cheaper than the hair club for men after you tear all your hair out15:28
sdxmgolisch, i tried. i can't figure out15:28
mgolischsdx: what does happen?15:28
FlashWolfrutgermasi: someway windows recorded boot file in the 3rd partition15:28
FloodBot2Devistator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:28
AndycasVlet: But it doesnt display characters correct, also i cant use arrows to move......15:28
bazhangsdfgdf, not here please15:28
FlashWolfand then copied the install files to the 4th15:28
sdxmgolisch, i just get back to the shell15:28
FlashWolfi cant understand15:29
moon_I wanna donwnload free cedega15:29
PriceChildmoon_: it is not free15:29
rexy_moon_, it's commerical software15:29
bazhangmoon_, it is not free15:29
ringer|chiz| i think i will just reload and delete my existing partitions, thanks for your help sir15:29
lartza_there is "free" cedega too15:29
|chiz|ringer: ok15:29
lartza_i think?15:29
lartza_i have cedega source15:29
neuronbazhang, same, no offers :(15:29
bazhangwine lartza_15:29
rexy_lartza_, there is wine15:29
lartza_cedega cvs15:29
moon_There is no way to use free ??15:30
mgolischsdx: i guess it will read its config file15:30
rexy_lartza_, yeah transgaming makes a cvs tree availeable15:30
isaacuhm, trying to get my iSight working here, but ift-extract complains about the firmware not having the right length15:30
rexy_lartza_, but that also has certain features missing15:30
bazhang!piracy | moon_15:30
ubottumoon_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o15:30
VletAndycas: execute this first: export EDITOR=nano15:30
isaacanyone else has had this problem with iSight?15:30
DevistatorWhat are some cool hacks I can do easily?15:30
rexy_bazhang, it's a legit question, but offtopic for ubunti. but there is a somewhat freely licensed cvs version availeable15:30
bazhangneuron, what does iwconfig show for essid15:30
VletDevistator: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic15:30
moon_tnx all15:30
mad_max02^^^ lol15:31
FlashWolflartza_, ikonia, rutgermasi: i'm trying to install vista in the 3rd partition, now with the 4th deleted15:31
bazhangrexy_, yeah, but he seemed to be in the piracy category15:31
neuronbazhang, that shows the correct name for the network! \o/15:31
AndycasVlet: what does it do?15:31
bazhangneuron, try the command again then--sometimes takes a couple15:31
no7up4u2neuron and other thing u can do is set ur network manager in roaming mode and select ur network from the drop down menu15:32
VletAndycas: it changes the editor that visudo uses to nano (a more 'normal' editor)15:32
platinumwhy would I get a "-bash: bind9: command not found" when trying to stop the service.  it is in the dir tough????15:32
=== chamunks is now known as weix
VletAndycas: if you don't use visudo, the changes you make don't take effect until you restart15:32
rexy_platinum, prefix with ./15:32
rexy_platinum,  and make sure it's executeable15:32
AndycasVlet: Well when i use visudo after that command, it still looks the same...15:32
FlashWolfplatinum: sudo chmod +x [file]15:33
VletAndycas: okay fine, save it and NOW it will take effect15:33
rexy_platinum, if a directory is not in the search path you have to specify the full path or the path relative to your current location, so if you're in the dir that's ./, if you are in the root thats /dir/to/binary/bind915:33
FlashWolfplatinum: and then ./[file]15:33
weixI've been having troubles with my audio playback and capture since hardy is this something thats been coming up alot lately would someone be able to give me an idea as to why its happening?15:33
VletAndycas: visudo is a script that launches the editor, but THEN updates the system after you close the editor15:33
bazhangthis guy is back?15:34
moon_any body have book about wine15:34
platinumflashwolf:rexy_:  awesome,   thanks15:34
bazhang#winehq can help moon_15:34
Vletmoon_: http://winehq.org/site/howto15:35
brunodsHey I need some suggestions: Im buying a new laptop and I need to transfer a Massive load of data into it, (from backup files). What's the easier way to do it?15:35
bazhang!appdb | moon_15:35
ubottumoon_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org15:35
bazhangbrunods, what fs to what fs15:35
brunodsext3 to ext3, hardy to hardy15:35
AndycasVlet: apparently i dont know how to save in visudo??15:35
VletAndycas: ctrl-o15:36
bazhang!nfs | brunods15:36
ubottubrunods: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.15:36
weixis there a way to mic boost more than +20dB in the alsa volume control or otherwise?15:36
VletAndycas: O for Output15:36
AndycasVlet: doesnt seem to have any effect? No prompts15:36
weixbecause my skype cannot hear me.15:36
FlashWolfikonia, lartza_, rutgermasi: YEEAAHH!!! I GOT IT!!!15:36
rutgermasiFlashWolf: what was ur solution?15:36
weixwell it can barely hear me and its something rather consistant across all my nux platforms15:37
brunodsubottu, tnx!15:37
ubottuFactoid tnx! not found15:37
bazhang!yay | FlashWolf15:37
ubottuFlashWolf: Glad you made it! :-)15:37
AndycasVlet: I must use ctrl+c - then i can enter some commands....15:37
FlashWolfrutgermasi: remember i told that i have 4 partitions? ubuntu, swap, files and win?15:37
ElvanorHello, I was wondering if it was possible / ethically correct to register a project on launchpad.net for translations15:37
FlashWolfi had to delete the 3rd15:37
ElvanorMy project is *not* open source15:37
VletAndycas: that means you're still using vi as your editor, not nano15:37
rutgermasiFlashWolf, ok :)15:37
VletAndycas: did you "export EDITOR=nano"?15:37
bazhangElvanor, not OSS? seems doubtful and ot here15:37
m1rubuntu 8.04 : is there a way to find out how many tabs are open in one FF window?15:38
borishello. ive got a problem. ubuntu cant control sound with software15:38
rutgermasiFlashWolf, but now is your files-partition gone?15:38
ElvanorIt's rather a proprietary website, but I need to find some OSS translation tools15:38
ivaynberg_i got what may be a stupid question...how do i allow my user access to bind port 80?15:38
ivaynberg_i understand that only root users can normally bind ports <100015:38
Elvanorbazhang: yes, although underneath my whole software stack is OSS15:38
AndycasVlet: Yes15:38
Vletm1r: maybe there's an addons.mozilla.org15:38
rexy_ivaynberg_, only root can15:38
Elvanorbazhang: and I only use OSS software15:38
FlashWolfrutgermasi: cuz windows was recording boot data in the 3rd and installation files in the 4th15:38
ivaynberg_rexy_, there is absolutely no way around it?15:38
m1rVlet: tnx , i recheck15:38
FlashWolfrutgermasi: yah, i had to delete it...15:38
Hote1gordonjcp, Hotei again15:38
laeghas anyone installed the  _alsa pulse_ plugin?15:38
vahidi install wine and now i want configure wine and in audio tab i have error15:39
FlashWolfrutgermasi: but i made a backup to the first partition15:39
bazhangElvanor, you can use OSS if you abide by GPL; again best go to #ubuntu-offtopic for that as this is strictly ubuntu OS support thanks15:39
rexy_ivaynberg_, if there is it's a kernel option, i dont know, but it seems unlikely15:39
vahidwhat i must to do?15:39
ivaynberg_rexy_, thanks15:39
borishello. ive got a problem. ubuntu cant control sound with software15:39
Hote1Say, I tried setting the LANG=posix for minicom to get past the UTF-8 bug and I am not seeing the desired results15:39
FlashWolfbazhang: thk :P15:39
Hote1Mini�}m2.3-r�Minicoi .3-pc��E+k���x15;/-rc1�Min!ם[&hjRU0���x1;�!��x15;�T�U������Min�om2.3-�D`�Mini�׵�.3-r�Minix3;�t2.3-p��Minic��3.3-rc���������15:39
rexy_ivaynberg_, if it's about apache, it drops privelidges after it's started15:39
rutgermasi!pastebin | Hotel15:39
ubottuHotel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:39
plutonas`can't find out what kind of wifi card it has, internet doesn't help15:39
white_eagleI get this message when I log in to my username: "Users $HOME/.drmc file's being ignored. This prevents the default session and language to be saved. File should be owned by user and not writable by others. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users."15:39
bazhangHote1, adjust your fonts15:40
Elvanorbazhang: I abide by GPL, that's not the problem; is there a more specific channel for help or information on launchpad?15:40
white_eagleWhat should I do so it won't appear???15:40
FlashWolfrutgermasi: i'll write a guide, someday :P15:40
plutonas`it's either some kind of intel, or some kind of broadcom15:40
bazhang!irc | Elvanor  check here at the end15:40
ubottuElvanor  check here at the end: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:40
FlashWolfrutgermasi: thx for tha help15:40
rexy_plutonas`, what does lspci give?15:40
rutgermasiFlashWolf, nice, post it @ ubuntu wiki, no problem15:40
mgolischwhite_eagle: correct the permissions on your homedirectory?15:40
white_eaglemgolisch: how15:40
Elvanorbazhang: ha, there is a #launchpad, I'll go there. Thanks15:40
vahidno body can help me?15:40
white_eaglemgolisch: chmod +x 644 .drmc ??15:40
rutgermasi!repeat | vahid15:40
ubottuvahid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:40
VletAndycas: well, I don't know why your visudo keeps using vi, but I can tell you that: 1) you need to use visudo unless you want to restart. 2) you need to either figure out how to get visudo to use an editor you can use or you need to figure out how to use vi15:40
plutonas`hm, rexy_ it's not my laptop, will go to his room and check15:40
bballplaya344hello all15:41
laegwhat command lets me check if something is installed?15:41
no7up4u2hi bballplaya34415:41
rutgermasi!welcome | bballplaya34415:41
ubottubballplaya344: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.15:41
laegi know i can use synaptic package manager but surely there's a way in terminal?15:41
_adriaanwhite_eagle: first of all, type "ls -l /home" in your terminal15:41
Hote1before launching minicom $LANG=posix15:41
bazhangvahid /join #winehq thanks15:41
phoenix5002how do I change the screen brightness?  I am using Ubuntu 8.04.15:41
rexy_laeg, apt-cache policy <packagename>15:41
mgolischlaeg: dpkg -l|grep searchstring15:41
Hote1and i get the above garbage15:41
Hote1any ideas?15:41
rutgermasilaeg: Yes there is, sudo apt-get install <package>15:41
white_eagle_adriaan: I have 3 folders there (3 users)15:41
bazhangHote1, yes, pastebin next time :)15:41
white_eagle_adriaan: I am the user 'whiteeagle'15:42
rutgermasilaeg, sorry, didnt read your last messages15:42
laegrutgermasi: nps ty15:42
laegrexy_, mgolisch: ty guys15:42
Hote1ok, so you want me to put it to the paste bin15:42
rexy_phoenix5002, do your laptop brightness keys work?15:42
laegi have to start writing these things down on a cheat sheet :)15:42
Hote1I got that, sorry second time I have been in the channel15:42
rutgermasilaeg: use solution rexy gave u15:42
_adriaanwhite_eagle: okay, the line should start with something like drwxr-xr-x15:42
Devistatorcan I talk now?15:42
bazhangDevistator, if you are on topic15:42
mgolischlaeg: you ll get used to if you use debian based distros for a while15:42
bballplaya344I was wondering if anybody had any insight concerning progress with Realtek wireless drivers; specificially for a Realtek card in a Toshiba A21515:42
_adriaanwhite_eagle: what does it say for your folder?15:43
phoenix5002rexy_: no.  it used to use the "Fn" key when I had windows but now that key combination doesn't do anything.15:43
Devistatoroh, got it15:43
lartza_!msg laeg you will learn when you use it enough15:43
ubottulartza_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
white_eagle_adriaan: it starts with drwxrwxrwx15:43
Devistatorwhat is the topic?15:43
laeglartza_: ty :)15:43
AndycasVlet: But how to change editor to nano then? export command doesnt seem to work15:43
k20ahow do i burn .wmv to cd-r so that it will play in a cd-r compatable dvd player?15:43
bazhangubuntu support Devistator15:43
_adriaantype the command: sudo go-w /home/whiteeagle15:43
AndycasVlet: Doesnt give any output in my terminal atleast..15:43
bazhangchit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic Devistator15:43
Roshanhey all, I am trying to setup key authentication for ssh on ubuntu...and I am getting "server refused our key"...can someone help15:43
Adylas Hello ! I m trying to get a Matrox "Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400/G450 (rev 85)" working on xorg 7.3 with dual-screen. The man page of the driver seems to be outdated. Is this working with randr ? Do I need the binary lib of Maxtrox (HALLib) ??15:43
no7up4u2k20a, burn it as vcd15:43
rexy_phoenix5002, did you check if the laptop is supported? google for the name in the ubuntu wiki15:44
laegrexy_, mgolisch, rutgermasi: i prefer dpkg 0l|grep string than apt-cache policy because the latter doesn't seem to allow me to use a string and wants the entire package name15:44
_adriaanwhite_eagle: because you should be the only user with write access to your home directory15:44
VletAndycas: I don't know, so either you google for it, or you wait for me to do it for you15:44
rexy_laeg, yeah that way is easier15:44
white_eagle_adriaan: I get sudo: go-w: command not found15:44
my_user_adriaan: Error: "_-" is not a valid command.15:44
rexy_laeg, or quicker at least to check if it's installed15:44
AndycasVlet: ill wait :)15:44
_adriaanwhite_eagle: sudo chmod go-w /home/whiteeagle15:44
VletAndycas: no, you'll learn to find your own info15:44
phoenix5002rexy_: should I also include the model number in my search?  or is "sony vaio laptop" good enough?15:45
LOWER_CASEikonia, mgolisch, shadowjack: thanks: I will try the tools described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks. Next time, a big red label would be nice: "Warning: Your /dev/hd** disks will be subjugated and now be called /dev/sd**." Thanks for putting up with my newbie questions. BFN15:45
daniXxXahoy all15:45
rexy_laeg, dpkg -l | grep name | xargs apt-cache policy :P?15:45
white_eagle_adriaan: should it be ok now?15:45
k20ano7up4u2 i can't seem to find a way to do that in k3b what app do i use to make a vcd?15:45
white_eagle_adriaan: or should I do something else15:45
_adriaanwhite_eagle: I would think so...15:45
VletAndycas: hint: run "man sudo"15:45
white_eagle_adriaan: ok, I will restart the x server now15:45
adam7Is there a rule against unauthorized bots in this channel?15:45
rexy_phoenix5002, no you need to include especially the model number15:45
NavopFollowed the Perfect Server Setup to a tee, and when I try to install ISPConfig, I get the following error ---> http://pastebin.com/db8f0350 can someone help me out plz15:45
_adriaanwhite_eagle: at least your permission are set up correctly now15:45
rexy_phoenix5002, they make a lot of laptops ;)15:45
no7up4u2k20a, never done one in ubuntu yet but im sure google can help u on that15:45
k20ayeah thanks for vcd atleast :)15:46
Hobbseeadam7: effectively, yes.  if they speak, or make any noise at all, both the bot and bot owner will be removed from the channel.15:46
no7up4u2k20a, yeah thats all i got for you srrry15:46
bballplaya344Anybody have any good news about Realtek wireless driver progress being made for linux??15:46
phoenix5002rexy_: ok I did both, and my model isn't in there.  but there is one model number that is close.  mine is "PCG-K45" and there is an entry for "PCG-K23"15:46
Roshandoes anyone has a good doc on sshd...I generate a key using putty-keygen15:47
djohngoI just switched over from Fedora.  How do I get apt to fetch and install all packages that have been updated?15:47
Roshanimport it and it not working15:47
Hote1I just pasted the problem, what I have found, what I did and what my output was to http://paste.ubuntu.com/11856/.  Anyone help me out with this?15:47
rutgermasidjohngo: apt-get update and apt-get upgrade will do it i think15:47
laegrexy_: RAWR! :)15:47
bazhangdjohngo, either synaptic add/remove or apt-get15:48
rexy_phoenix5002, im not really up to speed on how backlights work, but if you have an ati card you can also set the brightness through atitool or aticonfig something15:48
VletHote1: sure you don't want to set $LANG=en_US.UTF-8 or something like that?15:48
no7up4u2Is there a way to make a restore dvd in ubuntu?15:48
vahidhow i use ESD?15:48
bazhang!uck | no715:48
ubottuno7: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/15:48
Hote1the problem is that there is a bug in minicom and it pukes on UTF settings15:48
djohngobazhang: thx!15:48
amenadoRoshan-> do not forget that windows have extra chars on an ascii file, compare to an ascii text generated from linux15:48
rexy_vahid, the sound daemon?15:48
VletHote1: so then how about $LANG=en_US15:48
bazhangoops no7up4u2 that was for you15:49
Traeis there a way I can run nautilus as Root so I can set up a share on a file?  Right now I'm getting permission denied.15:49
akibonohelp me, im noob15:49
amenadoakibono-> google is your friend15:49
vahidi want use esd15:49
Traeand I'd rather not exit X  (and root has no passwd by default iirc)15:49
no7up4u2bazhang, I figured god bless nick completion hehe15:49
bazhangakibono, what is your question15:49
phoenix5002rexy_: I do have ati, but I don't use their proprietary driver because I have problems with it, so I don't think aticonfig works15:49
rutgermasiTrae: I dont recommend it but run in terminal: 'sudo nautilus'15:49
Hote1I will try that15:49
VletTrae: alt-F2 and type: gksu nautilus15:49
rexy_phoenix5002, there's also another tool that works with the opensource drivers15:49
Myrttirutgermasi: gksudo15:49
joaopintoTrae, gksudo nautilus15:50
STSXWhen I'm using normal Ubuntu 7.10 w/ Gnome, I can "suspend" my computer fine using the special suspend key on my keyboard. When I use my KDE 3.5 environment, the button doesn't do anything. Any ideas how to get it working?15:50
rexy_phoenix5002, named something similarly15:50
Hote1so the next question is, where is the lock file for /dev/ttyUSB0?15:50
akibonoI need to open a .lit file15:50
lartza_How to see what xorg is in use?15:50
laegcan somebody tell me what the default settings for system > prefs > sound are?15:50
rutgermasigksudo isnt necessary15:50
Hote1locked me out15:50
phoenix5002rexy_: would it be installed already or do I have to manually get it?15:50
rexy_STSX, did you install kubuntu-desktop or just some kde packages?15:50
rutgermasilaeg: These are all automatic and I think its different for each hardware configuration15:50
Traetx guys!15:50
Trae #ubuntu++15:50
rexy_phoenix5002, dont think it comes installed by default, but it's in the repo i think15:50
vahidhow i can  disable pulseaudio15:51
akibonoI've the program but it requires something called libtommath and I don't know how to install that :G15:51
aninhumerI have a problem with hardy heron, sometimes applications, maybe just x apps, stop loading. Notably gnome-terminal, firefox and most importantly, the shutdown dialouge. Applications which were already running seem to work okay, but nothing new will load.15:51
codecain1anybody know if this wil fun on hardy? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413028615:51
Hote1so I set the variable to LANG=en_US and I get the same garbage I did with POSIX15:51
bazhang!sound | vahid15:51
ubottuvahid: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:51
Hote1I have been working from http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=413934 provided by gordonjcp15:52
rexy_vahid, in the sound settings you can select what sound subsystem to use. it is probably currently set to pulseaudio, you can change it to esd there and reboot, then it should use esd15:52
ubottuDebian bug 413934 in minicom "minicom crashes if LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 is set - with LANG=POSIX it works fine" [Normal,Open]15:52
Danish989hi all15:52
Hote1and this is a fresh install15:52
phoenix5002rexy_: well how does brightness changing normally work... I don't see a shortcut for it in the "keyboard shortcuts" for my system.15:52
rinaldi_hi, are there any apps like Adobe Dreamweaver that will be able to open the same files?15:52
no7up4u2When u upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 is ther a way to keep ur previous config intact (exemple: previously patch driver for wireless)?15:52
k20acodecain yes it will but you might want to get ati instead of nvidia because of the open source ati15:52
Roshanamenado -> I did a compare and the keys are the same15:52
Danish989I'm getting busybox at bootup, and they're mount errors .. I was being assisted by someone at UbuntuForums but it's been a week and I haven't gotten a reply, can someone please see my thread and help me out?15:53
codecain1nvidia always been better open source then ati15:53
laegrutgermasi: nps i am reinstalling later anyway ty15:53
codecain1from the past ati its up there now?15:53
amenadoRoshan-> are you sure? no extra carriage return?15:53
rexy_phoenix5002, it's a system function iirc, which is why it's not bound to normal keys. I dont think you can bind to FN-keys either15:53
k20acodecain ati has open source...nvidia is not15:53
RoshanI even gen a local key15:53
Roshanand same15:53
Chousukeno7up4u2: the driver probably won't survive a kernel upgrade, so you'll have to recompile it anyway15:53
codecain1can you recommend a card that wil work with hdtv15:53
AndycasVlet: I cant seem to change the editor, every site gives the same editor=nano command15:53
aninhumerDoes anyone know why gnome apps would suddenly stop loading?15:54
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:54
Chousukeno7up4u2: unless it's provided by an ubuntu package, in which case it will probably be upgraded properly like everything else.15:54
laegvahid: allegedly you just have to go into system > prefs > sound and select alsa from the list rather than pulse audio but that didn't work for me so i am now pursuing a different avenue15:54
=== solexious1 is now known as solexious
no7up4u2Chousuke, yeah last time i tryed to updgrade my rt73 driver coulndt be patch in 8.04 same with ipwraw15:54
Chousukeno7up4u2: your settings won't be touched though.15:54
no7up4u2so i downgraded back to 7.1015:55
k20acodecain1 there is a motherboard with hdmi output its a biostar ta690g15:55
Chousukeno7up4u2: that's probably because the kernel is new.15:55
k20ai have 6 of them15:55
Chousukeno7up4u2: you need a new version of the driver too15:55
codecain1I don't want to replace my motherboard though :/15:55
codecain1just upgraded my video card15:55
k20awell i dunno15:55
phoenix5002rexy_: well is there any way to change screen brightness without using the keyboard?  it seems like there should be a way, because if my laptop switches to battery power the screen dims the brightness, so it is capable, I think.15:55
Hote1ubottu yes I have seen that, maybe I am not setting the language correctly.  Before launching minicom, I am just entering LANG=POSIX on command line, then running minicom and I get the garbage posted to http://paste.ubuntu.com/11856/15:55
Hote1what is the correct way to set the language for minicom?15:56
|chiz|codecain1: I'd look into nvidia stuff, then ati but I have a feeling nvidia will have better support for hdmi, at the moment anyways15:56
rexy_phoenix5002, well at least that is working, the dimming is performed by the gnome-power-manager, you can fiddle with that by right clicking on the battery icon in the taskbar15:56
codecain1I was thinking that to chiz15:56
VletAndycas: does anything show up if you execute: echo $VISUAL15:56
rexy_or the power cord, depending if you're plugged in or not15:56
codecain1I want a nvidia card with hdtv support15:56
Roshanamenado -> do you have a doc, I want to make sure I did not miss anything15:57
Danish989I'm getting busybox at bootup, and they're mount errors .. I was being assisted by someone at UbuntuForums but it's been a week and I haven't gotten a reply, can someone please see my thread and help me out?15:57
Roshanamenado -> I am using SSH2-RSA15:57
AndycasVlet: no15:57
|chiz|Danish989: can you link us?15:57
phoenix5002rexy_: under gutsy that's how I used to change the brightness, but it seems in hardy that they removed the brightness slider..  :(15:57
VletAndycas: well, I dunoh man - time to learn vi :)15:57
Danish989[chiz] : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=784592&page=215:57
STSXrexy: I installed all the KDE packages I thought I needed, but obviously not. :) So do I need anything else other than kubuntu-desktop?15:58
=== KaragandineOFF is now known as Karagandinec
rexy_phoenix5002, well you can disable the dimming15:58
phoenix5002rexy_: true, I guess that will have to do.  Thank you for your help15:58
rexy_phoenix5002, but other then adjusting it through the console tool i have no idea to how to get the fn keys working15:58
jdehlin_'ssh user@server' works with ssh keys but 'sudo ssh user@server' asks for a non-exsistant password for user.. is there any way around this?15:59
rexy_jdavies, sudo asks for your password15:59
rexy_jdavies, but ssh'ing somewhere as root is generally a bad idea15:59
Vletjdehlin_: why would you run ssh through sudo?15:59
rexy_jdavies, also when you sudo you run as root, so you would have to setup keys for root to autologon16:00
jdehlin_yes it asks for my password for the user on the machine but it should be asking for the password of the user I'm sshing in as16:00
AndycasVlet: I dont understand, i must be doing something wrong then?16:00
amenadoRoshan-> sorry i have to attend to a task right now16:00
STSXrexy: Is the kubuntu-desktop compatible with KDE 3.5, or only 4.0?16:00
ErickGhintok, i may catch hell for this... but i'm in the process of switching from windows to linux. i've been trying my damnedest to install a game for my wife, and we can't figure out what we're doing wrong. there is no entry in the package mngr, and the terminal ends up giving me a segmentation fault. i would really appreciate any help.16:00
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newairWhich is more popular with Ubuntu, wired or wireless stuff?16:00
rexy_STSX, dunno, think hardy by default does not use kde4.016:00
jdehlin_Thats not the goal.. just a demonstration of whats not working.. I need to get apt sources using ssh so my keys can be used16:00
VletAndycas: what does "export | grep SHELL" print out?16:01
jdehlin_you can't sudo apt-get update without sudo16:01
Danish989I'm getting busybox at bootup, and they're mount errors .. I was being assisted by someone at UbuntuForums but it's been a week and I haven't gotten a reply, can someone please see my thread and help me out?    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=784592&page=216:01
Roshanmsg amenado thans16:01
rexy_jdavies, if you want to sudo to another user then root you have to specify the user with -u user, is that what you mean?16:01
laegwhy is the drop down box in system > prefs > sound > not large enough to list the options? the text runs outside of the box and i cannot discern what each one is16:01
Vletjdehlin_: if you run anything with 'sudo' at the beginning, it's going to ask for your password, so if you run "sudo ssh user@host.com" it's going to first ask for YOUR username to get past 'sudo' then for the password of 'user' on the machine 'host.com'16:02
rexy_laeg, on 800x600 resolution?16:02
laegrexy_: 1280x102416:02
grindholdso close no matter how far oO.. does anyone know when a new hal-update is being released_16:02
rexy_odd should be big enough16:02
laegi will take a screenie for your viewing pleasure!16:02
Danish989is there a Wubi channel ?16:02
AndycasVlet: declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"16:03
Niklas_Eis there any bug that ubuntu can't exec the cdroms (hda and hdb)?16:03
facilitadorhello bazhang16:03
jdehlin_Vlet, it asks for the first one for the local user which is fine.. the second user (the one I'm sshing in as) should be handled with ssh keys though16:03
bazhangfacilitador, hi ")16:03
facilitadorI found the language he needed16:03
rexy_jdehlin, hmm maybe paths arent set correctly so it cant find the keys perhaps?16:04
bazhangnice going facilitador :)16:04
facilitadorfor visual programming  is "gambas"16:04
facilitadorthanks for you help16:04
Vletjdehlin_: no, if you're using sudo to run the command then it's no longer using the keys your set up - it's likely looking in /root/.ssh/ for keys instead of /home/you/.ssh/16:04
jdehlin_rexy_, the keys work fine if I do 'ssh user@server'.. logs in without password prompt16:04
newairAny wireless nic users here?16:04
jdehlin_Vlet, ohhh.. genius16:05
no7up4u2i am newair16:05
Vletjdehlin_: :) ... why run ssh as sudo anyway?16:05
laegrexy_: http://i27.tinypic.com/2yno2mp.jpg - it wouldn't allow me to take the screenie with the drop down box open16:05
bazhangnewair, please ask16:05
no7up4u2must be a big question hehe16:06
Danish989is there a Wubi channel ?16:06
newairno7,  Is it just me or is there just a handful of compatible nics for ubuntu?16:06
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
Vletjdehlin_: if you want to 'be root' on the server into which you are ssh-ing, you need to wait for the connection, then run sudo ON the server, not beforehand16:06
jdehlin_Vlet, it's not ssh that I need to run as sudo.. I changed my sources.list sources to use ssh://user@mirror instead of http.. so when I run 'sudo apt-get update' it doesn't use my keys as it does when I just 'ssh user@mirror'16:06
no7up4u2nah most of them are compatiple at some extend16:06
Vletjdehlin_: ahh :)16:07
stbainDanish989: best wubi info I found was on the web16:07
stbain!wubi | Danish98916:07
ubottuDanish989: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:07
AndycasVlet: declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"16:07
ShaduHow can i connect to a wireless 802.1x connection? (the connection uses wep or wpa)16:07
jdehlin_Vlet, I was just using ssh as an example of how it wasn't working.. just showing that when throwing sudo in the keys don't work.. I think your suggestion should help me out a lot though.. thanks16:07
VletAndycas: yep, same as mine. Not sure why it's not working. Just use vi16:07
no7up4u2shadu theres a way but not so legal so i wont say16:08
OllieHi, Just a quick question. I'm running 8.04 on a laptop, and when I tell i to shutdown - after it's finished doing all it's stuff and it would /normally/ power off the machine, the screen goes bright white, and starts to fade in random patterns. Also it doesn't power off afterwards.16:08
Vletjdehlin_: yeah, I see... perhaps: sudo ln -s /home/you/.ssh /root/.ssh would solve the problem :)16:08
Shaduno7up4u2: lol just tell me, i need it for my school.. or i gotta boot vista :(16:08
newairWhat brands have been known to work wireless nics?16:08
eugmanI've got a commandline comp, how do I upgrade it?16:08
weixubottu, !paste16:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:08
laegOllie: pyschadelic - i had a similar problem but only with 7.04 - which version are you running?16:09
majikinshi everyone - I'm having a problem with php files - my browser is deciding to tryin and open with rather than process the file16:09
no7up4u2shadu ::cough::boycottwep.org:: may help but i do not think its right to invade some's wireless network16:09
makkbemajikins: on several websites?16:09
rexy_majikins, you have to tell apache to process php files probably16:09
Ollielaeg: it doesn't even look like something the screen would normally be capable of displaying... I'm not even sure what I'm seeing... I hope it doesn't damage the LCD?16:09
Vletmajikins: that's not a problemw with php. it's a problem with your apache config not treating .php files as scripts16:09
DShepherdDanish989, no. if you need assistance with wubi ask in here16:09
majikinsyes - it was kinda working before16:09
eugmanmajikins, yeah you probably need to edit your .htacces file16:09
makkbemajikins: then you probably don't have php installed in apache16:10
shane2peruanother web browser???  Firefox 3 beta probably shouldn't have been the main Hardy browser16:10
Shaduno7up4u2: lol its your site :P16:10
majikinswhere do I find that?16:10
no7up4u2newair, i use wusb54gc and wg511t and the build in centrino and all work smoothly16:10
[T]an2could anyone recommend a good pptp client for gnome?16:10
Danish989DShepherd:  I'm getting busybox at bootup, and they're mount errors .. I was being assisted by someone at UbuntuForums but it's been a week and I haven't gotten a reply, can someone please see my thread and help me out?    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=784592&page=216:10
shane2peruany recommendations for web browsers?16:10
shane2peruoh, on 64bit. :)16:10
makkbemajikins: sudo apt-get install php516:11
Vletshane2peru: firefox.... 2?16:11
bartoslaffon 64bit?16:11
majikinsI have installed php5 apache2 libapche2-mod-php516:11
majikinspurged and reinstalled again16:11
Shaduno7up4u2: but isn't there a legal way to connect to it? as i gotta connect to the wireless network (which gives a new certificate) then i gotta login and think i then get the key for the wep16:11
mgolischshane2peru: hm the devs told me its because mozilla will stop development of ff2, so they would ship their long time support product with a software component thats not supported by the upstream developers anymore16:11
shane2peruVlet, hmmm, other than FF16:11
mgolischshane2peru: that makes sense somehow16:11
makkbemajikins: weird, it should work then16:11
fprimexI'm trying to pxe boot the ubuntu 8.04 live CD and not having much luck. I've followed the directions here (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot) but can only get as far as the splash screen. I have PXE and tftpd-hpa set up and working correctly on centos 5.1. appreciate any help16:11
laegOllie: i'm going to have to recommend you repeat your question so someone else can help you because i could only have helped if it was on 7.04 and by help i mean tell you to upgrade16:11
majikinsall installed properly16:11
makkbewhat does your /var/log/apache2 log say?16:11
no7up4u2shadu ask the amin for the key, if they want u in they'll give it to you16:11
Vletmajikins: try: sudo a2enmod php516:12
laegcan somebody tell me what i should select in the last drop down box? http://i27.tinypic.com/2yno2mp.jpg16:12
DShepherdDanish989, i dont know much about wubi. have you checked here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide?16:12
shane2perumgolisch, seems like they would have waited till it was out of beta, shipped with ff2, and then when it was complete updated. :)16:12
Vletshane2peru: ask synaptic16:12
majikinsbut now I notice that /etc/apache2/mods-enabled don't show php.load and php.conf16:12
shane2peruVlet, will do, thanks16:12
weixI've been having trouble setting up samba shares in my smb.conf my samba server shows up in windows network browsing but the shares do not.  my /etc/samba/smb.conf file's contents http://paste.ubuntu.com/11871/16:12
Shaduno7up4u2: yeah but to get the key they made some weird login thingy.. but i guess i can go to the IT service and ask them how to do it16:12
newairno7, I think I have seen that for linksys16:12
Ollielaeg: I used to get similar problems while trying to install fedora core - I would have to install in text mode. After installation, it would run OK.16:12
OllieHi, Just a quick question. I'm running 8.04 on a laptop, and when I tell i to shutdown - after it's finished doing all it's stuff and it would /normally/ power off the machine, the screen goes bright white, and starts to fade in random patterns. Also it doesn't power off afterwards.16:12
no7up4u2shadu that would be the right thing to do16:12
vahidi need wine IRC16:13
shane2perumgolisch, I guess I'm too simple minded, ff2, has memory problems, and ff3 just stops responding and I have to give it a few minutes to catch up with me, just minor annoyances. :)16:13
Vletweix: #samba maybe?16:13
Shaduno7up4u2: kk will do that then, however im gonna check your way :P16:13
Vletshane2peru: lynx16:13
weixVlet, ill look into it thanks16:13
majikinsvlet: weird - I did that and says could not find any package "libapache2-mod-php5 sud"16:13
vampiskhello, what is logwatch?16:13
no7up4u2shadu i wouldnt know what u talking about , my my i the legal way....16:13
shane2peruVlet, is opera any good?  What is lynx?16:14
no7up4u2my way is *16:14
majikinswhy 'sud' at the end?16:14
shane2peruVlet, I'm a long time Mozilla user, even since my M$ days.16:14
Vletmajikins: "libapache2-mod-php5 sud"? why is there a "sud" at the end there? what was the command you ran?16:14
Shaduno7up4u2: i mean that site of yours :)16:14
no7up4u2newair, u can get that wusb54gc for like 25$ it wark right off the box16:14
Vletshane2peru: never had any problems with FF, so I don't know. lynx is awesome!16:14
shane2peruVlet, ok, I will give that a try, and see how I like it, thanks.16:15
* Vlet giggles16:15
majikinsvlet: ok don't know what happened there but it says module is already enabled when I run again16:15
einPauledoes anyone know why my videoplayback could be so much more ugly and pixelated than in windows?16:15
shane2peruVlet, FF, just gives me minor annoyance lately, slowdowns, not really lockups, FF3 is about the same, I will give lynx a try, thanks.16:15
einPauleI'm using Hoarz16:15
Vletmajikins: maybe you made a type-o the first time16:16
majikinsfirefox is still asking the open the php file16:16
vahidplease WINE irc?16:16
Ollieshane2peru: I think lynx is a text-only browser for the terminal?16:16
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.16:16
dmacnuttopenssl vulnerablity16:16
Vletmajikins: sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart16:16
rexy_doh, #winehq vahid16:16
CShadowRunAnyone know of a good text editor for linux, similar to editpad pro on windows. I want a GUI (So if you say VIM i'll stab you in the face.) i also want syntax highlighting, themes and regex searching/folding.16:16
VletOllie: yep =D16:16
vahidtanks rexy16:17
rexy_CShadowRun, gedit ?16:17
shane2peruOllie, ahh, now that you mention that, I think you are right!  I have used it before!  ahh16:17
rexy_or kate16:17
majikinsstill doing it16:17
rexy_not sure if they do all that though16:17
majikinsbeen struggling with this the whole day16:17
CShadowRunrexy_ doesn't have regex or themes16:17
dmacnuttthank you DSA !!16:17
Vletmajikins: well, #apache or #php are better places for support for this16:17
|neko|majikins, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP16:17
einPauleemacs CShadowRun16:17
shane2peruVlet you are bad. :)16:17
DShepherdDanish989, http://josephmclaughlin.wordpress.com/2008/05/11/wubi-error-busybox-and-initramfs/ -- this may help16:17
majikinscan't get on - server too busy16:18
grindholddoes anyone know when a new hal-update is being released_16:18
majikinsfor php16:18
dmacnuttopenssl security alert http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-116:18
CShadowRuneinPaule looks cool :p16:18
hcoalIf I install Ubuntu using an encrypted file system, can I reinstall ubuntu later down the line or will I have to wipe the encrypted partitions and start over?16:19
STSXIf I'm adding KDE windows manager to my Ubuntu 7.10, and it's asking if I want to make "gdm" or "kdm" my default display manager, should I say gdm to keep gnome as my default windows system? Or when I'm in KDE will it try to use gdm?16:20
rexy_it uses one or the other STSX16:20
Scientuswhat command do i use to see what process is binded to a resource16:20
Vletmajikins: I think you have to register with nickserv to get into #php16:20
STSXrexy_: OK, so why is it asking for the default?16:20
PiciSTSX: KDM/GDM is only for the initial graphical login, not the desktop environment loaded afterwards.16:20
dmacnuttstsx: because it is asking you which one you want to use16:21
Scientuswhat command do i use to see what process is binded to a resource16:21
PiciScientus: lsof16:21
STSXPici: OK, that makes much more sense now. Thanks for clarifying that. :)16:21
jaffarkelshacdoes anyone encrypt folders with seahorse, it always makes an archive and encrypted archive, there are toomany duplicated of files, anyway to just have the encrypted?16:21
* spass is away: przeto jeść cuś trzeba16:21
rexy_STSX, you have to choose one16:21
STSXrexy_: Yes, I understand now that Pici pointed out it is the graphical login, not my desktop environment.16:22
Pici!away > spass (Please see the private messsage from ubottu)16:22
fprimexI removed the quiet and splash options and it appears to be hanging at the decompression/sending of the filesystem.squashfs16:23
Gnine!session > Gnine16:23
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vahidhow make sure your video drivers are installed correctly???16:24
majikinsvlet: I'm in thanks16:24
Scientusthis man page is huge-- how do i just put the string of the file name into lsof16:24
hcoalvahid: try glxinfo16:24
vemion-archi everyone16:24
Scientusim getting permission denied on lsof when im root16:25
Scientusi mean seriously16:26
Scientusthats the end of the road16:26
VletScientus: that shouldn't be16:26
vahidhcoal, i run it but how i know work correctly?16:26
VletScientus: I can run it as not-root16:26
Scientuslsof: status erros on .gvfs: Permission denied16:26
aninhumerDoes anyone know why gnome apps would suddenly stop loading?16:26
Scientusand some fuse errors16:26
hostf4cekillaemacs launched from command line (not terminal emulator) does not map Alt to Meta. What gives?16:27
gantellushello people16:27
raddyI have recently installed the Hardy version16:27
vemion-archeck yeah... a wutang enthusiat16:27
Scientusfuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/blah/.gvfs16:27
Scientuscan't stat()16:27
hcoalvahid: after running the command, does it say Direct rendering: yes?16:27
raddyMy BIOS is configured for for turning on the system when i press a key16:28
vemion-archostf4ce, what have you tried so far?16:28
demonlol that cool16:28
vahiddirect rendering: Yes16:28
hostf4cekillatried keyboard preferences in Gnome, ...nothing16:28
raddyBut when i turn off from Gnome, it is not turning ON when i press a key16:28
demonhow about when opeing laptop ?16:28
=== dgram is now known as crono-
hcoaland does it show the vendor as the card you're using?16:28
ShadowBelmolvehello, anyone can say a video player to open a video with 18gb? Totem and MPlayer is not capable =/16:29
Scientusthe ultimate error, running stat() is Thatnsport endpoint is not connected16:29
vemion-arclet me try it16:29
vahidserver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation16:29
Scientuseseems like a mount, but i cant umount it16:29
Scientusor deleate it16:29
hostf4cekillavemion-arc: cool16:29
jaffarkelshacdoes anyone encrypt folders with seahorse, it always makes an archive and encrypted archive, there are toomany duplicated of files, anyway to just have the encrypted?16:29
hcoalvahid: that sounds good to me, unless you're having problems then I'd say you've set everything up correctly16:30
VletShadowBelmolve: 18gb? never heard of it16:30
gantellusI've read a lot of topics on ubuntuforums.. but still no solution. My MB p5b plus built-in soundcard does not work. Ubuntu Hardy. :)16:30
ShadowBelmolveVlet, a video with 1 hour and 30 min, quality DV =/16:31
Scientusso how can i get rid of a wierd mysterious non-connected 'transport' that lsof and stat cant get anything on16:31
u007hi, if my bluetooth hang, is there a way to restart it?16:31
VletShadowBelmolve: are you sure that's the codec name? 18GB?16:31
u007the restart of the service seems to hang also :(16:31
ubottuFactoid ssl not found16:31
Shadugantellus: did you try the mixer and enabled all thingies ? that worked for me atleast :P (dunno if you found that forum xD)16:31
vemion-arcwhat layout are you using for your keyboard?16:31
MitchMhow can i fix my Magnifier in 8.04 ? I hit Windows key + R and i get stuck16:31
hostf4cekillavemion-arc: us16:31
[T]an2i am trying to install a pptp client following these instructions: http://happylinuxthoughts.blogspot.com/2007/10/connecting-to-windows-vpn-server-with.html16:32
[T]an2The install looks like it worked, but I do not have any option of configuring any vpn... anyone know how to get this working?16:32
greg_universein VLC are you able to download other visualizations?16:32
gantellusShadu: the mixer does not start... Ubuntu does not recognize the card.. Says that no devices found16:32
ShadowBelmolveVlet, yeah, i have other videos, but it's size is 15gb, the totem can open but he only read the first 9 minutos, but the video with 18gb he cannot read >.<16:32
hostf4cekillau007: sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart or similar16:32
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u007hostf4cekilla - nope, it stop at stopping service16:33
VletShadowBelmolve: ooooh, it's an 18 gig movie... try VLC16:33
Scientuswell now i guess i have a tale to tell: lsof permission denied as root...16:33
ShadowBelmolveVlet, VLC?16:33
VletShadowBelmolve: yes16:33
kelvin911is it okay if i dont have ubuntu-desktop installed?16:33
Vletkelvin911: we won't tell16:33
u007hostf4cekilla, when this happen, my ubuntu cannot restart or shutdown16:33
kelvin911what do u mean?16:34
ShadowBelmolveVlet, ok, i will test it16:34
bazhangkelvin911, its fine16:34
Vletkelvin911: well, is it okay? like, will we get mad and tell on you? define "okay".16:34
hostf4cekillau007: kill the offending process via top16:34
MitchManyone running 8.04 know how to get their X desktop out of "zoom mode" ? SuperKey + R ?16:34
kelvin911okay mean everything runs fine16:34
bazhangkelvin911, it is just a metapackage16:35
kelvin911what is the purpose of ubuntu-desktop package?16:35
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Vletkelvin911: yep, that's fine, assuming you know your shell commands.16:35
Shadugantellus: k, was just a guess :P, think its a unsupported device then16:35
stefg!msg ubottu metapackage16:35
ubottustefg: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:35
devilsadvocatekelvin911, ubuntu-desktop is a met package which has all the other stuff as dependancies. it by itself doesnt do anything16:35
hostf4cekillakelvin911: pseudo meta-package, brings in a bunch of crap via dependencies16:35
kelvin911what shell command?16:35
gantellusMitchM: try hitting the zoom button until the desktop reaches the normal size16:36
u007hostf4cekilla, how do i know which is offending? is it with status uninterruptable?16:36
personalcomputerhello.i have a problem upgrading ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04: when it's fetching files and arrive to the 48th file in "setting new software channels"  it tells me "Error during update16:36
personalcomputerA problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry"  can somebody help me ?16:36
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.16:36
Vletkelvin911: oh, I'm sorry, I mis-understood your questions.16:36
Vlet!repomirror | personalcomputer16:36
ubottupersonalcomputer: Go to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.16:36
gantellusShadu: 7.04 and 7.10 worked fine :) Guess it's simply a bug16:36
MitchMgantellus, definetly got movement - did a zoom in / out real quick, any specific movement (of my mouse) i need to make?16:36
hostf4cekillau007: it's probably running under your username or root and of questionable status, zombie, etc...16:36
MitchMgantellus, got it, just had to time my scroll / release of zoom button right.16:37
kelvin911how to get the system sound working again?16:37
[T]an2trying pptpconfig... getting this error. how do i correct it?16:37
[T]an2 Depends: php-gtk-pcntl but it is not going to be installed16:37
kelvin911so i install esound?16:37
MitchMgantellus, thank you :)16:37
gantellusMitchM: you're welcome :)16:37
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Scientuswhat's going on if you cang ping a computer but the traceroute goes in an ionfinate loop, with no ips showing up besides the gateway?16:38
[T]an2tried it in synaptic and using apt-get and get the same error16:38
Scientusis there a better channel for networking problems16:38
jdehlin_Vlet, Just to let you know the solution in to use 'sudo -E' which carries over the environment16:38
Vletjdehlin_: oh cool - thanks :)16:39
jdehlin_Vlet, this is a change in sudo since feisty16:39
sdxhow can i see the space a dir takes up?16:39
Vletsdx: df -h16:39
Znuffsdx, du -hs /dir16:39
Vletsdx: oh, a dir.... use du16:39
ShadowBelmolveVlet, OMG, the VLC cannot open de video >.<, OMFG, exist another program?16:40
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker``
u007hostf4cekilla, i can't kill the process16:40
u007its still there16:40
u007its  wammu hang16:40
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VletShadowBelmolve: frankly, if VLC can't open it, I doubt anything can. I would almost guess that the file may be corrupt. VLC is like the jacknife of all media players16:41
sdxZnuff, thanks16:41
VletShadowBelmolve: what error did VLC give you if any?16:41
=== p33p is now known as p33pz
ShadowBelmolveVlet, Unrecognized format for '/media/e/hein.avi', but in windows he open normaly >.<16:42
sparr_My home LAN uses the 192.168.1.* subnet.  A VPN I am connecting to uses the same.  How can I re-map one of them locally?16:42
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, try this in a console, file /media/e/hein.avi16:42
VletZnuff: about to say the same :)16:42
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, /media/e/hein.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 0 x 0, ~30 fps,16:43
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, what's the size of the file?16:43
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, ls -l /media/e/hein.avi16:43
VletZnuff: he said ~18G16:43
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, what filesystem?16:44
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, -rwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 20281354752 2008-05-10 18:29 /media/e/hein.avi   NTFS =/16:44
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, it could be a problem with the NTFS driver and 4gb file limit :-/16:44
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, but with another video with 15gb he open normaly =/16:45
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, on the same partition?16:45
hostf4cekillau007: you should be able to kill ANYthing as root with a signal 916:45
slavikI have a usb-irda dongle, but when I try to use ussp-push to send files, it does some kind of a handshake and does not transfer the file ...16:45
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, yeah16:45
hostf4cekillau007: I've killed disk drivers that way16:45
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, try dd if=/media/e/hein.avi of=/dev/null16:46
u007hostf4cekilla, i can't16:46
u007even with sudo -s16:46
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, slow...... >.<16:47
Roshanwhat am I getting "No identities found" when I try to copy an ssh-id16:47
[T]an2anyone have any ideas on my pptp predicament?16:47
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, no error yet?16:47
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, not, is processing... =/16:47
doktoreashello everybody16:48
doktoreasI have resized my ubuntu partition for installing windows16:48
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, ok, ctrl+c it, install the ffmpeg package, and try to run: ffplay /media/e/hein.avi16:48
Znuffdoktoreas, and now it doesn't work, right?16:48
doktoreasnow my problem is to know if it will overwrite the boot sector16:48
ZnuffYup, windows will overwrite16:48
doktoreashi Znuff16:48
Roshandoes anyone know why I am getting  "No identities found" when I try to copy an ssh-id?16:49
doktoreasZnuff, should I log with livecd to create it?16:49
laegwhat is the purpose of pulseaudio on linux?16:49
AndycasHow to manually install fonts?16:49
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, he's open ^^, but no have the bar to jump for a % of video =/16:49
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, well, that's not a player :)16:49
mgolischlaeg: i guess its the replacement for esd16:49
sahaknautilus does not work for me anymore after today's updates. Ubuntu 8.0416:49
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, lol16:49
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, it's just a rudimentary player :)16:49
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, sort of... "proof of concept"16:49
EnselicI don't get it, what is this PulseAudio thing? It sounds cool but is it?16:50
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, install xine or mplayer and use it to play your files. It will work.16:50
EvilynSo, I'm having this little problem trying to install Ubuntu, in that the installer will never finish loading.  It boots up just enough to show the BG, and then hangs there forever (or at least overnight, which is forever-enough).  Anybody have an idea what the problem might be?16:50
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, but he's open the video, and the player not xD16:50
Znufflaeg, http://www.pulseaudio.org/16:50
ZnuffShadowBelmolve, like I said, try with mplayer or xine :)16:50
Maxitohola a todos16:50
Znuffdoktoreas, yup16:50
mgolischyeah mplayer ftw.16:50
Maxitoalguien habla español16:51
SaschaRedcan you guys please upgrade to the latest version of pidgin-plugin-pack16:51
SaschaRedwe are two versions back16:51
Znuffdoktoreas, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:51
algyz!es | Maxito | la puta madre ;)16:51
ubottuMaxito | la puta madre ;): Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:51
ZnuffSaschaRed, so?16:51
BenalexHello folks, I just did an upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy, and I always remove quite parameter from the kernel line in Grub, and I see sever fails in red during boot... isn't these messages stored in some log file some where?16:51
ShadowBelmolveZnuff, mplayer not open =/, xine cannot install with apt-get ^^, but with ffplay i can see the end of video, its all i need ;D16:51
mgolischif the enw plugins require another pidgin evrsion thats not gona happen i guess16:51
mgolischits unlikely to change the evrsion of some software during the lifecycle of the release16:52
ZnuffBenalex, "dmesg"16:52
SaschaRedZnuff: the latest version is 2.3.016:52
AndycasHow to manually install fonts?16:52
mgolischanyways, time to head home16:52
mgolischhave fun ppl.16:52
Maxitoninguna de esas salas existe en mi lista16:52
Maxitosabes de alguna  otra16:53
SaschaRedubuntu hardy has 2.0.0-116:53
benanzoWhy does trackerd still run and consume 7.8MB of memory even though I've explicitely disabled it in System -> Preferences -> Sessions and disabled both indexing and watching in System -> Preferences -> Search and Indexing.  I've restarted my session and rebooted but it still starts16:53
tikkaHi, I have a question relating to the differences between 7.10 and 8.04.. The specific question I have is, what has changed between versions which would affect how the keyboard functions?16:53
ZnuffSaschaRed, like someone said above, the versions of the packages will NOT change during the lifecycle of the distribution.16:54
BenalexZnuff: can I show this file in gedit?16:54
osfamerondammit, upgrading libssl has broken openssh-server upgrade16:54
sahaknautilus does not work for me anymore after today's updates. Ubuntu 8.0416:54
osfameronrunning apt-get install -f it's complainging about " Template #4 in /tmp/openssh-server.template.124950 has a duplicate field "template" with new value "ssh/vulnerable_host_keys". Probably two templates are not properly separated by a lone newline"16:54
ZnuffSaschaRed, and as an extra, latest version is gutsy, not hardy -_-16:54
SaschaRedZnuff: can we please put it in the repo16:54
ZnuffBenalex, probably, but it's also a command and log file.16:55
jeremy_i'm getting that same problem on my server upgrade via commandline16:55
ZnuffSaschaRed, no.16:55
ZnuffSaschaRed, package versions won't EVER change during the distribution16:55
ZnuffSaschaRed, if you really need the latest stuff, just compile it yourself16:55
Pici!newpackage | SaschaRed16:56
ubottuSaschaRed: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:56
squirrelpimpanyone already knowing, why that obscure dowkd.pl utility keeps reporting "no suitable blacklist"?16:56
benanzoDo I have to remove tracker in order to get trackerd to stop starting?  I've already disabled it via the normal preferences menus16:56
BenalexZnuff: I don't think this is the one I am referring two, fails messages are displayed in red under Ubuntu splash image16:57
makkbebenanzo: have you disabled it in preferences --> sessions16:57
serengetiEvilyn, try checking the cd for defects16:57
benanzoand preferences -> search and indexing16:57
EvilynI have.  This is actually a long, ongoing problem that happened with 7.x too16:58
EvilynAnd multiple CDs16:58
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osfameronis the openssh-server package broken, or is this likely to be a problem on my setup?16:58
benanzoI've disabled watching and indexing, and I've disabled it from starting as part of my session in the Sessions app16:58
EvilynMultiple CDs burned on multiple other machines :)16:58
makkbeosfameron: no issues with openssh-server afaik16:58
benanzoit runs anyway everytime I log in and consumes 0% CPU but about 7-8MB memory16:58
EvilynI'm imagining it's a hardware problem somewhere, but...16:58
benanzoit has all its cache files open16:59
Bodsdabenanzo, if you dont need it, why not remove it? apt16:59
iddoi also disabled tracker in session and indexing prefs, and it's still starting16:59
Vletbenanzo: check your session startup programs perhaps16:59
osfameronmakkbe: ah... it's giving errors about templates in /tmp/openssh-server.template.* so maybe I should delete those16:59
benanzobecause it's depended on by ubuntu-desktop -- I'd like to keep a sane system but just disable it16:59
osfameronnope they're clean16:59
benanzoVlet: yes I've done that16:59
serengetiEvilyn, I had a similar problem with an old K6-2, but I guess you have something more modern ;)16:59
Bodsdaosfameron, please be specific as to which errors -- pastebin if needed16:59
=== Norrisl^College is now known as Norrisl
Norrisli need help17:00
osfameronBodsda: it's one long line17:00
Evilynserengeti: Sadly, some random piece of junk Dell desktop, since it's a work system17:00
osfameronBodsda: openssh-server Template parse error: Template #4 in /tmp/openssh-server.template.127120 has a duplicate field "template" with new value "ssh/vulnerable_host_keys". Probably two templates are not properly separated by a lone newline.17:00
Bodsda!ask | Norrisl17:00
ubottuNorrisl: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:00
Vlet!ask | Norrisl17:00
osfameronwell, there's more that I can pasty if required17:00
AndycasHow to manually install fonts?17:00
EvilynBut it's a fairly modern system, yes17:00
kauerHI. I'm trying to use apt-get upgrade to install the very recent ssh security fixes. It installs them all except openssh-server and openssh-client, these are "held back"? How can I get these installed? I beliebe apt-get dist-upgrade might work, but I don't want to try it if there is any risk that it will actually try to upgrade my distro from feisty!17:00
Bodsdaosfameron, so chek the file for this 'duplicate  field'17:00
benanzoI've guess I have to resort to killing it via a script at login.  That's kind of lame17:01
* Evilyn will try the alternate installer...17:01
duryhi there channel :)17:01
rskkauer: most likely not mirror fully updated try apt-get update again17:01
roberto_salve scusate17:01
roberto_mi serve una mano x cortesia17:01
serengetiEvilyn, that's a good idea17:01
benanzoOff to LP to file a bug17:01
osfameronBodsda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11876/ for full details - but there's nothing in /tmp/openss* after the failed install17:01
Bodsdakauer, dist upgrade will upgrade your distro17:01
serengetiI think ;)17:01
Norrisliv just installed a new copy of ubuntu when i go to boot from it it wont boot i get this back screen with normal mode etc.. demo mode. i clicked normal mode but it says a file is missing Please help me17:01
durysudo apt-get install -f what is it for?17:01
k0phi all17:01
iddobenanzo: what if you rename or delete /usr/bin/trackerd ?17:02
Bodsdaosfameron, im not sure what im doing here so ask the channel but you should probably pastebin this file -- /tmp/openssh-server.template.12712017:02
Vletdury: if you run this, you can find out: man apt-get17:02
jeremy_osfameron: I'm having the exact same problem, when i attempt sudo-apt get dist-upgrade it's saying my openssh-client is .03 when it should be .0217:02
BodsdaNorrisl, does it say which file?17:02
osfameronBodsda: as I said, it doesn't exist when the apt session finishes17:02
k0pI'm making a package for ubuntu about python project. what's way to discover path like : /usr/lib/python$VERSION/site-packages? or there are way to run setup.py?17:02
Norrislwell i would need to reboot17:02
Norrislhold on one second17:03
durythe system it's trying to update17:03
Bodsdaosfameron, oh, im not sure im afraid17:03
osfameronI'll delete the cached .debs17:03
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duryor upgrade17:03
osfameronjeremy_: I haven't had that error specifically17:03
Bodsdak0p, you can run thet as it is -- if your talking about in a bash shell17:03
durycan't install or remove software17:04
sulimanhi how to configure MySql server17:04
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:04
makkbesuliman: in what aspect?17:04
serengetik0p, for the site-packages try python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()"17:04
k0pBodsda, yeah I'm talking about rules17:04
* Bodsda *shrugs*17:04
Vletsuliman: sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf17:04
k0pserengeti, thanks17:04
kauerrsk: thanks...17:04
linduxedguys, do you know what to do when youve got a hdd that is breaking but you insist on installing on it?17:04
teanyone know enough about hal so that I can specify a uid for ext3 systems?17:04
durynever had this problem to update and now problems come17:05
Bodsdalinduxed, define 'breaking'17:05
k0pserengeti, yeah works ! :D17:05
linduxedis there any cool way to omit broken sectors?17:05
Bodsda!enter | dury17:05
ubottudury: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:05
serengetik0p, I found it in Django docs ;)17:05
benanzoiddo: that's not a good solution17:05
Vletlinduxed: YOU insist on installing on it?17:05
durysudo apt-get install -f17:05
k0pserengeti, great ! :D17:05
Vletdury: type out your question in one line.17:05
linduxedBodsda: basically ubunutu installation gives an error during "copying files" and i know it has had problems before like data dissappearing17:06
sulimanvlet: thank you17:06
durycan't put my system in english how can I do that17:06
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Bodsdalinduxed, are you installing with alternate cd or live?17:06
* osfameron works around by uninstalling openssh-server (suboptimal)17:06
kauerdury: You said "sudo apt-get install -f what is it for?" What do you mean? Do you mean that -f will cause the held-back packages to install?17:07
linduxedVlet: yeah, currently ive got XP on the main drive (not my main computer, mind you :-P17:07
durykauer: yeah can't install packages17:07
kauerBasically I want to know what that message actually *means* "The following packages have been kept back"17:08
Norrislim back17:08
linduxedVlet: and i wanted to get ubuntu on, however ive only got this semi-broken drive17:08
Norrislit says17:08
Bodsdalinduxed, why do you 'insist' on installing on a duff drive?17:08
linduxedBodsda: live-cd17:08
NorrislKernel Normal Mode17:08
=== JeffersonGiusti is now known as Unhappy
Vletlinduxed: well, there's little advise we can give other than to cross your fingers17:08
durykauer: it's trying to update to 8.0417:08
=== Unhappy is now known as CYBERDEMON
linduxedBodsda: check my answers to vlet17:08
NorrislError 1: filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist17:09
duryand the databs17:09
=== CYBERDEMON is now known as ic3
NorrislPress any key to contine17:09
kauerdury: You mean they are held back until my distro catches up?17:09
Bodsdalinduxed, install on xp drive not an option?17:09
=== ic3 is now known as JeffersonGiusti
Bodsda!enter | Norrisl17:09
ubottuNorrisl: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:09
linduxedBodsda: hmmmm, might work...XP left 22 gig over for some odd reason17:09
Bodsdanp ;~)17:09
tikkayou did it again ;p17:09
Norrislcan you help me17:10
linduxedbut i was most interested in actually omitting the bad sectors in some way17:10
TauJ / #ubuntu-de17:10
Norrisli get this error17:10
NorrislError 1: filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist17:10
Norrisl<dury> and the databs17:10
Bodsdalinduxed, reinstall and choose xp drive & use largest amount of continous free space17:10
osfameronBodsda, jeremy_: apparently this is a gutsy problem that's known about, new version being pushed out shortly17:10
linduxed"smoothing the surface out" so to say17:10
tikkalinduxed i have fixed bad sectors using hddreg / hdd regenerator.. its quite cool17:10
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durykauer: the database it's broken or something can't install packages, what's wrong17:10
Norrislwill anyone help me?17:11
Norrisl!enter | Norrisl17:11
Bodsda!msgthebot | Norrisl17:11
ubottuNorrisl: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:11
linduxedtikka: procedure on live-cd?17:12
jaffarkelshacNorrisl: what are you trying to do when you get the errors, i read  up and you did not specify17:12
NorrislI have a problem when i go to boot from my drive i get this error: Error 1: filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist17:13
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NorrislI click normal mode17:14
Norrislor any mode17:14
Norrisland i get that error17:14
jaffarkelshacthis is from the grub menu?17:14
Bodsda!enter | Norrisl :please,you've been told before:17:14
ubottuNorrisl :please,you've been told before:: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:14
Norrislfrom a menu when u boot up17:14
Norrisla black background and white text17:14
Bodsdayeah, grub17:15
benanzowhen I look at my memory consumption in gnome-system-monitor it says I'm using 324MB of 1996MB total, but when I run 'free -m' it shows I'm using 1503MB of 1996MB total -- I suppose gnome-system-monitor only shows memory consumed by my processes, but even then if I add the memory reported per process in the processes view it doesn't add up17:15
benanzowhy the major difference?17:15
jeremy_osfameron: ah thanks, i guess i'm wasting my time uninstalling openssh-client and server and reinstalling them then lol17:15
djhash!welcome | djhash17:15
belibenanzo: memory is a greedy matching word for stuff ;)17:15
VletNorrisl: You seem to have modified your /boot/grub/menu.lst file and have made a syntax error in doing so.17:16
benanzoI don't know what that means17:16
jaffarkelshaccan you paste the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst to pastebin.ubuntu.com to look at maybe someone can help17:16
Norrisli have done no such thing17:16
belibenanzo: maybe the one tool includes swap memory...the other not...for example17:16
Bodsdabenanzo, it means its just stuff,. nothing to worry about unless its beeing seriously spammed by a single process17:16
benanzoboth report zero swap usage17:16
kauerdury: Sorry, I don't understand you. Are you making a statement or asking me a question? I would like to know exactly what the "held back" message means. That is, under what conditions does apt-get issue that message?17:17
no7up4u2anyone seen that today http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2008/msg00152.html17:17
VletNorrisl: well, what did you do before this happened? What linux distro are you running?17:17
belibenanzo: use top  or top -i for stats...or use gkrellm2 for graphical stuff17:17
osfameronjeremy_: yeah, people suggested 30 mins17:17
benanzotop reports the same as 'free -m' ~1500MB used17:17
aubrac12Anyone else having problems installing openssh-server_1%3a4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11881/17:18
colonelqubitI'm trying to upgrade openssh-client & open-ssh-server and I'm getting a "template parse error: Template #4 in /tmp/openssh-server.template.282110 has a duplicate field "template".17:18
benanzoeven if I run gnome-system-monitor with sudo it still reports only 324MB used17:18
laegmgolisch: ya but i don't understand what it was supposed to be doing for me. my sound works now that it's totally been removed and i can still do everything i could before17:19
Bodsdabenanzo, is that actually a problem or a statement?17:19
belibenanzo: so you need to read the documentation.....or trust the rudimentary system tools :)17:19
colonelqubitaubrac12: I'm having issues installing openssh-client/openssh-server17:19
aubrac12Sounds like colonelqubit and i have the same problem.17:19
colonelqubitI'm not on a 64bit system, though17:19
rpj8colonelqubit: What's the problem17:19
belibenanzo: what is your problem? just the interpretation? or does something else make you feel sick? ;)17:19
VletNorrisl: what is that, that you posted?17:19
joaopintoit's a known problem, is being worked17:19
aubrac12Are you running gutsy for amd64?17:19
Norrisli need help this is the menu.lst17:19
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:20
colonelqubitrpj8: dpkg is reporting issues when I'm trying to upgrade openssh- client and server.17:20
VletNorrisl: that's the menu.lst from the live CD17:20
rpj8colonelqubit: Ok. Continue17:20
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:20
benanzowell it's somewhat of a problem if the tool reports erroneous results, or doesn't consider all processes taking up memory to be actually taking up memory17:20
colonelqubitrpj8: the error continues with "Probably two templates are not properly separated by a lone newline."17:20
colonelqubitbut it looks like that file is temporary -- generated by apt or dpkg during the install process17:20
Bodsda!msgthebot > please read pm from ubottu17:20
Kl4mopenssh-blacklist : is that a new package to correct the last openssl vuln?17:21
FishsceneDo I need to isntall some kind of Samba filesharing to browse Windows computers on my network?17:21
rpj8colonelqubit: Well what command are you using to install the openssh ?17:21
BodsdaFishscene, only to host file sharing server17:21
colonelqubitrpj8: sudo apt-get upgrade17:21
colonelqubitthat held back openssh-client and openssh-server17:22
zChrisBodsda: what do you need to browse windows comps shares?17:22
colonelqubitso I tried installing openssh-client, but then it b0rked out17:22
FishsceneBodsda, I can't browse any of my servers (they don't show up) and I can't connect to my printers despite my manually pointing directly to the printshare17:22
FishsceneBut Thanks anyway17:22
BodsdazChris, samaba i believe17:22
Kl4mIf you get told that openssh-client and server have been held back, apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server17:22
BodsdaFishscene, then you prob need samba17:22
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:22
v0lksmananyone get the latest openssh-server installed?  I get a template error when I try to upgrade teh package17:22
zChrisBodsda: does Ubuntu come with samba preinstalled?17:23
colonelqubitrpj8: (so I ran 'apt-get install openssh-client', which seemed to work, but openssh-server failed17:23
FishsceneThanks guys17:23
Kl4m!bug 23000317:23
Bodsdav0lksman, so do most the people in here-- we have no fix as of yet17:23
belicolonelqubit: locally or remote?17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230003 in openssh "openssh-server: regression: won't install due to debconf error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23000317:23
colonelqubitv0lksman: yeah, I'm getting that problem too17:23
BodsdazChris, nope17:23
colonelqubitbeli: it's a remote server17:23
v0lksmanBodsda: thx...will wait patiently... ;)17:23
TheCompWizdoes anyone know why I can't have an alias interface with no ip address?  keeps complaining with "Cannot assign requested address"17:23
Norrisldont help me17:23
zChrisBodsda: :<17:23
colonelqubitlow priority, though, so I can shut it down17:23
Bodsdav0lksman, cheers ;~)17:23
VletNorrisl: I'm trying, but you're giving almost nothing to work on17:23
belicolonelqubit: if i work on remote servers...i always enable telnetd or some own statically linked sshd on a different port17:23
k0pserengeti, how I can attribute it for a bash variable? u know?17:23
jaffarkelshacVlet: have you looked at his grub there is nothing there i am nt sure how to assist you Norrisl17:24
colonelqubitOh, I still have an ssh connection, and I can go to the server17:24
VletNorrisl: that file you posted appears to be off the live cd17:24
serengetik0p, use the fancy quotes like this `python -c .....`17:24
TheBestOfcolwhat's irc channel brazilian about Ubuntu?17:24
belicolonelqubit: ok, so enable telnetd, just to be on the save side....then go on with your package problems17:24
colonelqubitisn't telnetd....rather insecure?17:24
zChrisBodsda: whats that program called you use to browse in gnome? Nautilius?17:24
VletNorrisl: if you want help, you need to respond17:24
k0pserengeti, don't works :\17:24
serengetik0p, it turns the command's output into a string17:25
NorrislWhen i start up my Computer i get 2 options Windows Vista or Ubuntu, choose Ununtu i then get a message please w8 3 seconds so i do then it comes up with a list Normal Mode something else etc.. then when i click b i get this message:17:25
BodsdazChris, nautilus17:25
TheBestOfcolwhat's irc channel brazilian about Ubuntu?17:25
k0p/bin/sh tmp not found ...17:25
BodsdaTheBestOfcol, dunno,go there and find out17:25
Norrislerror 1: filename must be either an absolute pathway or blocklist17:25
k0pserengeti, tmp is name variable17:25
jaffarkelshacNorrisl: pastebin the menu.lst from the harddrive you try to boot off not the livecd you are using right now17:25
NorrislPlease press anykey to contine17:25
belik0p: what are you  trying to do?17:26
serengetik0p, it should work like this tmp=`python -c ......`17:26
k0pbeli, make a ubuntu package of a python project17:26
gilothHas anyone else had issues with the proprietary ATI driver in 8.04? When I try enabling it and restart my computer goes into abstract art mode. (You'd understand if I sent you the screenshot I took of it) :(17:26
k0pserengeti, yeah you're right.. it's spaces. thanks :D17:26
belik0p: ok, but you have problems with vars as i can see....17:26
jaffarkelshacits the same one from before, this is from the live cd, Norrisl17:26
k0pbeli, yeah it's spaces :)17:27
k0pI think that now is solved.17:27
VletNorrisl: Are you running through wubi or something? o_O17:27
Norrislwhat do you mean?17:27
serengetik0p, no worries ;) my second guess was that you were forgetting the $ sign afterwards17:27
VletNorrisl: how did you install ubuntu?17:27
Norrislthrough window xp17:27
k0pBut I suspect that there is a way nice to make package for python project using setup.py17:28
belik0p: using bash i recommend to use tmp=$(ls -alsF)    so you dont need to care about spaces or sh¹t17:28
VletNorrisl: oh, so you are running through wubi17:28
jaffarkelshacusing wubi Norrisl17:28
colonelqubitbeli: it seems that apt/dpkg are telling me that openssh-server blah-0.3 depends on openssh-client blah-0.2.  Is there a way to downgrade my openssh-client package to blah-0.2?17:28
k0pbeli, yeah I try.. but the trouble is something like that: tmp = $(ls -alsF)17:28
Bodsdabeli, although nicely covered up,still not necessarry17:28
k0pI was thinking wrong17:28
gilothCould anyone who's been through the ATI driver nightmare be able to lend a hand? I have a Radeon 5500 and the automated Proprietary Driver messes up the display something awful. Would like to know if there is a manual how-to on the issue.17:29
colonelqubitbeli: and should I even worry about it -- should I just wait for the package maintainers to fix the apt repository?17:29
jaffarkelshacdo you know how to mount the .disk in wubi Vlet17:29
beliBodsda: i like to take ppl out of trouble...sure, there are other methods ;)17:29
Pumajoin #slicehost17:29
Bodsdabeli, ??? i dont understand17:29
=== TheBestOfcol is now known as Coca-Colaallnigt
BodsdaPuma, or not17:29
serengetigiloth, radeon 5500?17:29
Norrislis this the one u mean17:30
giloth9550 i meant :P17:30
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Bodsda!coc | Puma17:30
ubottuPuma: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/17:30
belicolonelqubit: sorry, i am new to ubuntu17:30
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beliBodsda: never mind :)17:30
colonelqubitbeli: no problem17:30
Bodsdabeli, looll, ok ;~)17:31
PumaBodsda, I apologize for my rudness17:31
serengetigiloth, I have an HD2600 and I think I had to make a new xorg.conf after installing ati's driver17:31
LogiTechDoes anyone know why my Screen Resolution goes from normal 1024X768 to 1280X960 ??? Please help anyone....most of the time i Switch pc on then screen reso is messed up.17:31
jeremy_colonelqubit: are you running gutsy? apparently it's a known issue with gusty and the fix should be out about 30 mins from what i've heard17:31
BodsdaPuma, thankyou ;~)17:31
VletNorrisl: http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&safe=off&q=%22filename+must+be+either+an+absolute+pathname+or+blocklist%22+grub4dos&btnG=Search17:31
colonelqubitjeremy_: yes, I'm running gutsy.  Thanks for the heads-up.17:31
BodsdaLogiTech, reboot, at grub choose recovery mode,then pick the fix x option17:31
art_hi all17:32
colonelqubitjeremy_: is there a good way for me to know about these things without hopping on IRC?17:32
jaffarkelshacNorrisl: if you installed using wubi then you have to mount the .disk that wubi makes, dont copy anything from filesystem coz that is just the live cd.17:32
Bodsda!launchpad | colonelqubit17:32
ubottucolonelqubit: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/17:32
LogiTechrecovery mode? how i choose that when i reboot?17:32
serengetigiloth, i don't remember exactly what I did but it involved running the aticonfig tool from the console17:32
BodsdaLogiTech, you should see a grub screen, and you have a few boot options ,. the seciond one down is recovery17:32
jeremy_colonelqubit: not that i know of osfameron told me about it, he was getting same problem17:33
Norrislwhat do you mean .disk?17:33
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LogiTechokei thank you Bodsda i will try17:33
jaffarkelshachold on Norrisl17:33
BodsdaLogiTech, your welcome17:33
Norrisliv installed Wubi on to my d drive17:34
Norrislnot my c drive17:34
colonelqubitjeremy_: yeah, that's what I figured -- I mean, it would be great if launchpad or the packages.ubuntu.com page for a given package were to have a warning on it if the package ever were to get b0rked, but that might be a little difficult to implement17:34
VletNorrisl: is it a pre-release version of ubuntu that you installed?17:34
Bodsdacolonelqubit, if its borked it s not in repos17:34
Norrislits the one off this site17:34
beliBodsda: hopefully ;)17:34
Technovikinghow do I display my xorg setting on the command line17:35
VletNorrisl: yeah, but was it the pre-release or not?17:35
colonelqubitbosda: then where was it borked?17:35
Bodsdabeli, yeah,most of the time lol17:35
rpj8Technoviking: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:35
durykauer: iare you there17:35
colonelqubitor did the new versions of the packages just not play properly together?17:35
* Norrisl slaps Norrisl around a bit with a large trout17:35
Bodsdacolonelqubit, what borked?17:35
VletNorrisl: it seems there was a bug in the menu that the pre-release installed, and I can't seem to find any info on how to fix it17:35
VletNorrisl: other than to simply reinstall17:35
jaffarkelshacNorrisl: can you access your d drive?17:35
Norrisldo u just uninstall17:36
colonelqubitbosda: when I tried to install openssh-client, openssh-server wouldn't install afterwards17:36
* beli detex: oh...this trout slapping still exists ;)17:36
linduxedis there a hdd regenerator for ubuntu?17:36
Technovikingrpj8: thought there was a command to see what X is realy doing17:36
Norrisljaffarkelshac yes17:36
rpj8Technoviking: 'doing'?17:36
colonelqubitbosda: openssh-server: Depends: openssh-client (= 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2) but 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3 is installed17:36
Bodsdacolonelqubit, its not borked 'perse' just temporerily broken17:36
Vletlinduxed: regenerator?17:36
Norrislshould i uninstall17:36
jaffarkelshaclook through the folders there should be ubuntu folder or wubi folder with root.disk swap.disk...17:36
Norrisland install on my c drive?17:36
linduxedVlet: yes17:36
Technovikingrpj8: sorry yes17:36
Vletlinduxed: what is that?17:37
rpj8Technoviking: Not too sure what you mean by 'doing'. X is just a program that'll draw on your screen basically.17:37
colonelqubitbosda: there's a difference?  I mean, I'm not running debian unstable here... I'm running Ubuntu Gutsy.17:37
rpj8Technoviking: kernel > command line > X > Gnome17:37
linduxedVlet: there is such an app for xp17:37
jaffarkelshacwhen you install using wubi, it installed ubuntu on virtual disk, and normally does not appear under live cd, so you need to mount the virtual disk to access the menu.lst in them Norrisl17:37
Bodsdacolonelqubit, if its borked its the packages problem and wont be fixed -- if its broken it could be anyones fault and will probably be fixed17:38
linduxedVlet: repairs physicaly bad sectords17:38
Bodsdacolonelqubit, if you were a deb you could fix it for everyone else ;~)17:38
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
Technovikingrpj8: got it xvidtune -show17:38
colonelqubitbosda: oh, I wish...  man, my life is so busy17:38
durycan't launch Synaptic Package Management17:39
abhinay_I installed hardy in my MacBook, I am not getting audio, i followed this wiki : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook , my volume controller is working , even the alsa has been started successfully, but i am not getting audio.. any suggestions ?17:39
Bodsdacolonelqubit, hahah,. the life story of almost everyone here -- except me i have lots of free time17:39
belirepair physically bad sectors?!17:39
* Bodsda hands colonelqubit some free time17:39
rpj8Technoviking: Oh oh. alright.17:39
colonelqubitbosda: danke.17:39
beliif i have some bad sectors i took the harddrive and give it a kick into the rubbish17:39
NorrislInstalling onto the c drive17:39
Bodsdanp ;~)17:39
Norrislnot d drive17:39
durydpkg sinaptic reconfigure is it right17:40
XDS2010!seen frogscott17:40
ubottuFactoid seen frogscott not found17:40
Pici!seen | XDS201017:40
ubottuXDS2010: The seen function has not been operational for a long time.  Use /msg seenserv seen nickname instead.17:40
LogiTechCould anyone tell me why games trhough "wine" lagg????... can i change some kind of "wine" option to get rid off that lagg ???17:40
Bodsdadury, why not work out why synaptic wont run17:40
XDS2010:P ty pici17:40
andrew___beli: after securely destroying any data on the drive, of course :p17:40
BodsdaLogiTech, #winehq17:40
PiciLogiTech: Have you asked in #winehq ?17:40
LogiTechok ill try17:40
colonelqubitbosda: thanks for the info -- hopefully after I grab some lunch things will be fixed.17:40
Nostahldoes linux use .ico   or png or svg for icon format?17:41
StargazersHi. Anyone knows if SSH package is broken?17:41
ZnuffNostahl, png/svg/xpm17:41
duryBodsda: I want to update the system17:41
ray_how i get my lap top on 8 my light for wireless dont work how i get the windows ini17:41
Bodsdacolonelqubit, hopefully (i wouldnt count on it though)sorry17:41
ray_i need?17:41
StargazersI get this kind of problem.17:41
algyzdury:  sudo aptitude upgrade17:41
ray_how i get my wireless ini i need from windows17:41
StargazersI have tried to apt-get clean etc.17:41
Bodsdadury, im aware but we cant help yoou unless you give us sufficient information17:41
ray_i looked in driver and nothing is there17:41
duryalgyz: thanks17:41
ray_im in ubuntu 817:42
Bodsda!enter | ray_17:42
ubotturay_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:42
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:42
WarMXhi there17:43
WarMXwhat's up?17:43
Bodsdafixin things17:43
WarMXwhat are u fixin17:43
WarMXgosh :-P17:44
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:44
StargazersJack_Sparrow: Tried that, but still same problem,17:44
BodsdaMyrtti, sorry, but the channel was stale17:44
StargazersJack_Sparrow: Tried that, but still same problem.17:44
WarMXin fact17:44
StargazersUh, sorry two times.17:44
Jack_SparrowStargazers what does your source list look like?17:45
StargazersLet me see..17:45
Andre1Hey guys, can someone help me with skinning the Ubuntu panel?17:45
Jack_SparrowStargazers sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)17:45
Bodsda!ask | Andre117:45
ubottuAndre1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:45
PrefixAndre1: What are you trying todo?17:45
fyrfryHow do I permanently delete both panels from my desktop?17:45
BodsdaJack_Sparrow, thats a nice cheeky way to save them time ;~)17:46
StargazersJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11889/17:46
Andre1I'm trying to make it look like the Mac panel, following the mac4lin theme.17:46
WarMXfyrfry: why do you want to delete both panels?17:46
StargazersSOrry! Not all lines wasn't on that paste :S17:46
jaffarkelshacright click them and select delete panel fyrfry17:46
fyrfrywarmx I'm using AWN and want a clean desktop17:46
jeremy_fyrfry, right click the panel select delete panel would't that do it17:46
Bodsdajaffarkelshac, will only remove for session17:46
fyrfryjaffarkelshac that works until I have only one left, then it won't let me delete it17:46
fyrfryjeremy_ not when there's only one left, it doesn't have the option17:47
Jack_SparrowStargazers and what is this ...  deb http://debian.o-hand.com gutsy/17:47
nubunt2anyone know how to fix the browsing of windows shared folders?  i can connect to some shares but not all. when i go to the computer with the shared folder..it comes up blank. does not prompt for pw17:47
WarMXfyrfry: of course clean desktop but think if compiz craches...17:47
jaffarkelshaci see, i neer tried deleting mine so i guess i dont know17:47
WarMXfyrfry you won't have anything17:47
fyrfrywarmx I'll use the terminal to reboot the panels17:47
livingdaylightHola Ubunteros!17:47
VletJack_Sparrow: see the comment; it's clutter :)17:47
Jack_SparrowStargazers please provide link to your original ssh iisue.. not my thing really but I will look.17:47
KabarakhWarMX, alt+f1 always works17:48
WarMXfyrfry of course17:48
fyrfrywarmx my terminal is set to alt+t so I'll never be screwed17:48
StargazersThat was the problem.17:48
Jack_SparrowVlet looks like a repo, that may be causing his problem17:48
WarMXfyrfry cool17:48
v0lksmanfyrfry: I don't think you can delete all the panels in gnome...try xfce on for size...17:48
jaffarkelshacwhat about removing gnome-panel fyrfry17:48
VletJack_Sparrow: yes, the clutter repo =D17:48
noodles12i'm just learning html, i just finished the tutorial in w3schools, should i go on to learn xhtml ? or learn css?17:48
fyrfryjaffarkelshac I've thought about that, but was wanting a different method17:48
WarMXjaffarkeshac quite dangerous17:49
Vletnoodles12: ask in #web17:49
fyrfrywarmx I could just killall gnome-panel17:49
fyrfrywarmx but I'd have to do that everytime I boot, no?17:49
jaffarkelshacit restarts fyrfry17:49
fyrfryoh well, I'll just leave the little stump of a panel there just in case17:49
WarMXfyrfry no you can manage it in session manager17:49
fyrfrythanks for the suggestions anyways17:49
seb962Hey there guys, how can I setup a mounted drive to be writable? It's read only right now and windows won't let me change it.17:50
jaffarkelshacor just hide them17:50
Stargazersnoodles12: Imho you should learn PHP + Extjs/jQuery + AJAX17:50
majikinshello - how do I create a file on my desktop with a specific link location?17:50
tikkaanyone know of any streaming applications, like shoutcast that have an intuitive way to configure the sound properties?17:50
Vletseb962: is it NTFS?17:50
WarMXno you can do pkill gnome-panel17:50
Myrttiseb962: windows?17:50
Andre1How do I make my panel at the top look like this: http://images.howtoforge.com/images/mac4lin/Mac4Lin%20Documentation_html_m2ad3b0cf.jpg17:50
WarMXmajikins you mean linke in windows?17:50
majikinsie when I click on the file it opens a specfic file and in a specific location17:50
majikinsnope ubuntu17:50
seb962The file system appears to be Vfat17:50
windmillIs anyone having trouble with a recent update to openssh-server packeage??17:51
Piciwindmill: What sort of trouble?17:51
seb962But It should be Nfts, it's my linux / windows swap drive.17:51
WarMXmajikins... maybe a launcher17:51
StargazersPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11884/17:51
StargazersThat kind of... :P17:51
StargazersAt least I have that kind of problem.17:51
VletAndre1: here's how: http://howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac17:51
windmillPici, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)  on gutsy17:51
no7up4u2greeting all17:51
nubunt2can anyone help with accessing windows shares?17:51
majikinsbut is there a way to do this via command line?17:52
windmillPici, apt tells me about broken package17:52
Andre1Vlet: I have followed that guide and got everything working except theres no instructions on how to change the panel.17:52
=== ifconfig is now known as Fallos_XXL
jaffarkelshacsmb://ip works for me nubunt217:52
noelferreiraits already possible to undelete from a shift+delete in the ext3?17:52
nubunt2let me try17:52
WarMXmajikins answer in private chat17:52
majikinswarmx: getting error of private message17:53
Stargazerswindmill: You mean that openssh-server is broken package?17:53
xtreme__Ubuntu r0cks...17:53
StargazersAnd it is not problem only for me?17:53
=== ifconfig is now known as Fallos_XXL
WarMXmajikins ok17:53
WarMXmajikins however17:53
windmillStargazers, yes17:53
nubunt2no workie17:53
WarMXmajikins right click your desktop, the click create launcher17:53
StargazersOh, great. Well, actually, not great, but I just thoght that I'm just too stupid to make it work somehow :D17:53
majikinsits xubuntu17:53
windmillStargazers, Pici the update manager tells me software index is broken now17:53
KomiaPoikai can't get googleearth to start on kubuntu 8.04 amd64. no matter the version or how it installed, it segfaults17:53
jeremy_Stargazers, i have that exact problem, in hardy the upgrade works just fine  tho17:54
Andre1Well can someone tell me how to get Avant Window Manager to launch on startup?17:54
majikinsand I can't - only get a set menu!17:54
noelferreiraits already possible to undelete from a shift+delete in the ext3 file format?17:54
windmillStargazers, Pici  :   It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.17:54
Stargazerswindmill: Didn't help.17:54
jaffarkelshacyou entered that in nautilus not in terminal right? nubunt217:54
StargazersSurely, it let me install other softwares.17:54
seb962(I'll rephrase the question) I'm running a dual boot computer, with 1 partition for linux, other for windows, and a common ntfs partition which I use to store files from both instalations. However, when trying to access this partition from windows, it comes up as " read only " and I can't disable it. Any thoughts?17:54
StargazersBut not that package I need (openssh-server17:54
treznot here either17:54
WarMXseb962 try formatting the partition17:55
PiciStargazers: windmill : Are you both on Gutsy?17:55
StargazersAnd I don't want upgrade this computer to hardy because it's wlan it much worser than hardy in same usb-stick :S17:55
StargazersPici: At least I am.17:55
windmillPici, yes17:55
iMoleskin1does anyone else has a serious problem with 2d-things with an ati hd3850 or higher with the proprietary drivers? Or does anyone know a solution? I'm on 8.04.. Desktop effects are superfast, but if theres just a progress bar or a firefox window or whatever it'S really really slow. Suggestions?17:55
Andre1Can someone help with launching Avant Window Manager  on startup?17:55
jaffarkelshacnubunt2: what do you get when you do enter smb://ip-address in the address bar17:56
CharbucksAndre1: go to System->Preferences->Sessions17:56
mgolischAndre1: just add it to your session17:56
beliandrew___: you own a HILTI too? ;)17:56
StargazersSo, it seems that I can't fix that package problem anyway?17:56
majikinsok this sucks - I'm trying to open a file via a specific location in firefox17:57
AmishNinjaDoes anyone know of an FTP client that works well with Ubuntu that also supports editing files directly over the FTP connection with an editor of choice?17:57
PiciStargazers: windmill: Looks like its a known issue and the devs are working to resolve it, I dont have any other information than that.17:57
majikinsfile only opens if it has http://localhost and path to file17:57
CharbucksAndre1: then click "add", and in the "command" field just type in avant-window-navigator17:57
StargazersWell, then I thinkj that I just have to upgrade to hardy and wish best that it won't crash my wlan working...17:57
andrew___beli: no, but now I want one :)17:57
majikinswhen I add the full path to laucher, it says file does not exist17:57
WarMXAndre1 follow the guide in private message17:57
beliandrew___: very nice tool :)17:58
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WarMX;-) andre117:58
PiciStargazers: windmill: let me see if I can get a link to the bug report so you two can see when its fixed17:58
konbonIs there a way i can change the ubuntu log in screen?17:58
StargazersWell, I think I just upgrade to hardy because I have to make this computer work today :P17:58
majikinsis there a way to create a link that puts in the http://localhost/path in firefox?17:58
StargazersBut thanks for the help!17:58
PiciStargazers: Its working fine in Hardy :)17:58
StargazersGoid to know that it is global problem.17:59
Jack_Sparrowkonbon gdm themes17:59
Andre1Does anyone know how to skin the panel of Ubuntu to look like OSx'x one. The Mac4lin guide doesn't.17:59
aurel42Any hardware/kernel geeks out there? I seem to have some problem with CPU frequency scaling. According to dmesg, the CPU is 4 core, 2.5GHz, 8 throttling states, yet according to cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies, it only supports 2.0 and 2.3 GHz. Any ideas?17:59
jaffarkelshacofcourse konbon system administrator login windows17:59
seb962Vlet: Any thoughts?17:59
knewti just tried to install the updated openssh-server onto a gutsy system, but i'm getting an error about template parse error. anyone got any ideas?17:59
JediMasteranyone else having problems upgrading to the latest openssh-server? I'm getting errors about a template from dpkg17:59
gumpishso, the package 4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3_all.deb is broken, yes?17:59
konbonOh, very nice. Thanks. (ububtu #1)17:59
jaffarkelshackonbon: its under local tab in the login window17:59
gumpishJediMaster: yep17:59
trezjibel: same here17:59
windmillknewt, on gutsy? I'm having the same issue18:00
JediMastergumpish: good, not just me then18:00
jeremy_JediMaster: seems alot of people on gusty are18:00
knewtgumpish: 4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb here18:00
Jack_SparrowJediMaster that was just covered, it is a known problem and they are now working on it18:00
Charbucksdoes anyone know if there's a way I can stop evdev from unloading when my BT mouse goes to sleep?18:00
JediMasterJack_Sparrow: ta, just panicing a bit that if I log out I won't get my ssh session back (and the connection tends to drop the ssh session)18:00
iMoleskin1so really noone else with a nonworking hd3850? Well, 2d problems.18:01
AmishNinjaDoes anyone know of an FTP client that works well with Ubuntu that also supports editing files directly over the FTP connection with an editor of choice?18:01
beliaurel42: iirc some machines have settings for native throtteling in the bios....maybe you can expand the ranges there..just a guess18:01
Jack_SparrowJediMaster ok18:01
unlinkwhen upgrading openssh-server on gutsy, i get the error message; Template #4 in /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/templates has a duplicate field "template" with new value "ssh/vulnerable_host_keys". Probably two templates are not properly separated by a lone newline.18:01
CharbucksAmishNinja: if you go Places->Connect to Server, you can browse an FTP share just like it's a folder on your desktop18:01
JediMasterjeremy_: is it gutsy only? this machine could do with upgrading to hardy anyhow18:01
* knewt thinks someone should put the openssh-server template problem into the /topic *g*18:02
jeremy_JediMaster: my server is upgrading to hardy right now, my desktop which is gutsy got the upgrade just fine18:02
Jack_SparrowWe need ssh factoid18:02
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubottu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Gutsy openssh-server upgrade is broken, see https://launchpad.net/bugs/230003
jeremy_JediMaster: i meant hardy18:02
Kl4mAmish, either the client uses gvfs, or a workaround to edit files "directly"18:02
SomeGuydoes anyone know when the OpenSSH vulnerability is going to be added to the updates in the main repositories?18:02
knewtjeremy_: are you running ssh-server on the desktop, or just the client?18:02
JediMasterjeremy_: ta, just trying it on a hardy box now18:02
SomeGuyI would think that would be a pretty big priority18:03
PiciSomeGuy: Its already there18:03
Jack_SparrowPici well done18:03
Kl4mSomeguy, it is, are you using a mirror?18:03
knewtSomeGuy: already done, although there's a problem with the gutsy openssh-server18:03
SomeGuyhmm, maybe it didn't push to all mirrors yet18:03
SomeGuyyeah I am18:03
AmishNinjaBy "directly" I just mean being able to edit the file on the server using my own programs...18:03
jeremy_knewt:  srry meant the desktop is hardy and upgraded just fine18:03
SwedeMikeSomeGuy: wait a few hours if you're on 7.1018:03
knewtjeremy_: ah18:03
SomeGuyI'm on 8.0418:03
LimCoreperhaps info about ubuntu being ownable should be in /topic so ppl will update?18:03
SomeGuy8.04 is fine?18:03
JediMasterjeremy_: yeah, openssh-server installs fine on hardy18:03
LimCorethere is fixed version for 8.04 amd64 yet?18:03
Kl4mThe packages are being held back, and nobody wonders why?18:03
CharbucksAmishNinja: yep, the files on the FTP share will show up just like they're on your hard drive, and then you can use whatever program you want (gedit, etc)18:03
AmishNinjagotcha. thanks!18:04
aurel42beli, I don't remember seeing anything in the BIOS, but I'm planning a BIOS update as soon as I can get hold of a FLOPPY DISK. Damn, this is SO 20th century.18:04
SwedeMikeKl4m: I thought the held-back was due to it being a new version with new functionality, not because it was "stopped"18:04
SomeGuyoh well, I'll worry about it more when I get home18:04
SomeGuythanks guys18:04
knewtKl4m: for a moment, sure. but the strength of the security problem overrides that18:04
beliaurel42 :) biosupgrades should be done by flash devices nowadays ;)18:04
aurel42beli: I don't follow?18:05
JediMasterother than changing sources.list to hardy, and apt-get dist-upgrading, is there anything else I should do before a gutsy=>hardy upgrade, or any other way (no gui, running on a remote server)18:05
mgolischbeli: the problem is that dos doesnt support that proly18:05
beliaurel42: floppy is sooooooo outdated18:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:05
PiciJediMaster: Thats not the proper way to upgrade, use sudo do-release upgrade instead.18:05
JediMasterKl4m: ta18:05
belimgolisch: does isnt needed.....you just need a bios that supports it18:05
mgolischits ok for that, and you can get bios updates on cd too, dos should boot fine from cd18:05
eth01biosflash is better imo18:05
aurel42beli: indeed, but I'm not sure if there's another way. Perhaps a bootable USB stick or a DOS partition, but both is non-trivial to set up.18:06
drewbyHello, I already have a working bootloader, but I have no CD-ROM drive and I want to install ubuntu to a given partition.18:06
aurel42Apparently, ASUS will nowadays allow you to flash the BIOS directly from Windows. That would be easy, I actually have a Wintendo partition on the machine.18:06
beliaurel42: or buy a EEPROM burning toolkit and do it right from your shell :)18:06
aurel42BUT... it's not an ASUS board. :)18:07
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubottu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Gutsy openssh-server upgrade is fixed, but may take a while to mirror
livingdaylightis skype the latest version for ubuntu?18:07
mgolischdrewby: i think you can boot iso images directly18:07
drewbymgolisch: so just dump the iso into the second drive and reboot?18:08
PiciJediMaster, windmill, knewt /topic :)18:08
jaffarkelshacdoes anyone encrypt folders with seahorse, it always makes an archive and encrypted archive, there are toomany duplicated of files, anyway to just have the encrypted?18:08
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knewtPici: heh, good. although not that obvious of course, being at the very end18:09
Piciknewt: looks like there still may be an issue with one of the packages, but the rest should work18:09
knewtcool, it's reached my mirror18:09
mgolischdrewby: so you have grub running allready?18:10
mgolischdrewby: no idea about other bootloaders18:10
JediMasterPici: damn, I was using it as an excuse for to my boss to upgrade the machine to gutsy =), which is the main mirror it's available on now?18:10
JediMasterer hardy18:10
drewbymgolisch: yeah, i've got grub running without problems18:10
PiciJediMaster: archive.ubuntu.com is the main one18:10
JediMasterduh, yeah, thanks18:11
knewtit's already reached de.archive18:11
knewtoh, wait, it'll be coming from security.ubuntu, won't it?18:11
matiasHi... how do i kill and view processes ?18:11
JediMasteryay, it works =)18:12
quentusrexDoes anyone know why on gutsy the package openssh-server is broke???18:12
sarthori have amd computer, msi m/board, how can i install skype and mymoney, Its giving me the error of i386, i am using hardy.18:12
quentusrexthere is a template error18:12
JediMasterknewt: yes, it's from security18:12
jaffarkelshacmatias: top in terminal18:12
JediMasterquentusrex: it's fixed18:12
knewtquentusrex: rerun update and then upgrade again, is fixed now18:12
JediMasterquentusrex: apt-get update again and it'll work18:12
jeremy_quentusrex: it should be fixed now18:12
darehow to recevie data from phone via bluetooth, I can send to phone but when i try to recevive something from phone, phone popups error message: Unable To Conect18:12
quentusrexJediMaster, I just did....18:12
patifaquentusrex: fall out from the gigantic debian screwup. :\18:12
JediMasterquentusrex: it was fixed like 2 min ago18:13
j00baris ubuntu going to release the openssh-blacklist package for dapper as well? we still need to check authorized keys.18:13
Piciquentusrex: it may have not reached your mirror yet.18:13
matiasjaffarkelshac: ???18:13
JediMasterquentusrex: it's coming from security.ubuntu.com18:13
NorrislHow do i remove Ubuntu  from my system18:13
jaffarkelshacyou wanted to kill and view process, open terminal and type top18:13
quentusrexok, that worked.18:13
Norrisli used the wubi installer18:13
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matiasjaffarkelshac, ok thanks18:13
jaffarkelshacNorrisl: you are back, did you not reinstall?18:14
Norrisli did18:14
Norrislit worked fine18:14
quentusrexI updated apt-get again, and now it works. Thanks.18:14
sarthori have amd computer, msi m/board, how can i install skype and mymoney, Its giving me the error of i386, i am using hardy.18:14
Norrislnow how do i remove it18:14
Norrislit was just a test thingy18:14
msnbotPressing "Administrator Mode" doens't prompt password in "network settings - System settings"18:14
Norrisli wanted to test out18:14
FloodBot1Norrisl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
Andre1Hi, how do I get my Canon MX310 set up to print in Ubuntu?18:14
jaffarkelshacif you installed with wubi, but into vista and click the wubi uninstall on the partition you installed Norrisl18:15
msnbothow to fix my problem ??18:15
Picisarthor: Is this an upgrade from Gutsy?18:15
* JediMaster runs do-release-upgrade from gutsy and drools at the 11Mbytes/sec =)18:16
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CharbucksAndre1: Canon has notoriously poor linux support for its printers... but try choosing the Pixma MP150 driver when you add the printer (System->Admin->Printing)18:16
habitIs it possible to install ubuntu on usb storage, and changing settings _after_ installing?18:17
Andre1Thanks Charbuck, will try18:17
slackpipehabit: it is possible, and actually quit easy.  I had it on my watch for a bit.  let me see if i can find the url18:17
mgolischhabit: what do you mean by changing settings?18:17
drewbyhabit: google pendrivelinux18:18
drewbyit should be exactly what you're looking for18:18
CharbucksAndre1: I just found that suggestion from a forum posting, but it's worth a shot18:18
msnbotcan anyone tell me how to fix it ?18:19
Charbuckscan anyone help me force a module to stay loaded?18:19
Picimsnbot: What problem?18:20
habitmgolisch, I mean I read somewhere about installing linux on usb, and there was written about you cannot change nothing on usb later.18:20
Andre1Charbucks: Works fine! Thanks!18:20
habitLike settings and packages.18:20
kapqhi, i cant connect my k750i to ubuntu, im noob :(18:20
CharbucksAndre1: awesome, good to hear18:20
slackpipehabit: try this wiki. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:20
slackpipehabit: it's what i used for my drive.  worked pretty well18:20
Andre1How do I skin my Ubuntu panel to look like mac's one, with the apple logo and everything?18:20
sdfdGutsy openssh-server upgrade is fixed, but may take a while to mirror18:21
jbroome__buy a mac18:21
habitslackpipe, so I will be able to install|remove software after installing?18:21
kexp903_Hi I'm having problem with apt-get update for wine GPG error NO_PUBKEY  NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26318:21
Vletmsnbot: do you see an 'unlock' button on the window18:21
sdfdjust here for this shit18:21
Picisdfd: Please watch the language18:21
Vletkexp903_: on the winehq page that told you the repo info to add, there should have also been a command to add their key18:21
PiciAndre1: Have you read this? http://howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac18:21
slackpipehabit: yep.  runs just like it's on an hd.  and it also has a live mode you can boot into for doing installs18:22
kexp903_vlet: did that18:22
msnbotVlet: No there is no unlock button18:22
habitslackpipe, thanks a lot!18:22
slackpipehabit: no prob =)18:22
Vletkexp903_: well, you might not have done it right18:22
Andre1Pici: Yes, it looks fine in the picture they have, but when you are finished following their guide, the panel still looks thae same.18:22
msnbotVlet:  Only "help" "Administrator Mode... " buttton. others are disabled18:22
Vletmsnbot: so, click administrator mode18:23
msnbotVlet: I click it. Then It  just get refreshed. But no prompt appears from password. and the buttons and other controls are still disabled18:24
sarthorPici, No, its fresh and newly installed18:24
Vletmsnbot: what version are you using?18:24
Picisarthor: Are you using the -generic kernel or the -i386 one?18:24
msnbotVlet:  Hardy18:24
mrpocketsoh hai18:24
shafirewhich theme is that => http://blog.chip.de/chip-linux-blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/news_gr.jpg ?18:24
askb_hi every body18:24
msnbotVlet:  It worked some hours ago18:25
slackpipeaskb_: hi, dr. nick!18:25
sarthorPici, i am using the kernel for amd, how to check it.18:25
Picisarthor: uname -r18:25
Vletmsnbot: if you're using hardy, there should be an 'unlock' button18:25
kexp903_vlet: it worked thanks18:25
sarthorPici, 2.6.24-16-generic18:25
kklimondashafire: Isn't it some kind of mockup?18:25
Picisarthor: Hrm, thats odd.18:25
msnbotVlet: Its Kubuntu18:26
askb_uh oh whats happwning?18:26
evil_techhow do i check to see if i am using the SMP kernel?18:26
shafirekklimonda, do you know, which mockup it is?18:26
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sarthorodd? suld i have to reinstall the computer again with some other kernel??18:26
msnbotVlet: wow, I got something,18:26
Picievil_tech: The -generic kernel supports smp, so if you are using that you are fine.  uname -r to check18:26
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evil_techok thanks18:27
msnbotVlet: When I enter "kdesu kate" in terminal, it says 'sudo: unable to resolve host shiplu-laptop'18:27
nenorbotI have a pgsql script which does something like the following:18:27
nenorbotfor row in cursor loop18:27
nenorbotinsert into...18:27
nenorbotif counter = x18:27
nenorbotcounter = 0;18:27
FloodBot1nenorbot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:27
msnbotVlet:  It think its the problem wiht kdesu18:27
Vletmsnbot: when you change your hostname, you need to restart18:27
nenorbothowever, the commit fails18:27
msnbotVlet: I have restarted it many times.18:27
nenorbotSorry for the flood18:27
kreibis it possible to shutoff the laptop screen, and use only another lcd connected o nthe vga port?18:27
nenorbotany ideas why it can't commit?18:27
fbcWhat would be the best webpage creator for someone familiar with Dreamweaver?18:28
yaroslavsecurity notice sucks. anyone got erroneous keys up to date?18:28
Picinenorbot: This channel is for Ubuntu support, you'd be better off asking that in a channel for your specific dbms18:28
yaroslavfbc: nvu18:28
nenorboterrr sorry :l lol18:28
gileadI'm trying to get Intel 3945ABG WiFi controller to work on 8.04. It's detected properly in syslog but when I try to ifup eth1 (wlan0 has been renamed to eth1) I get "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1". All controls for eth1 and wmaster0 devices in Network Tools are also disabled. It seems the driver is there but something is not working. Any hints?18:28
kklimondashafire: it is just a vision of an artist. I have no idea how it's called or who's the author.18:28
Vletmsnbot: what does your /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files look like? paste them into http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:28
Prefixfbc: Get dreamweaver CS2 and run it in wine. At least thats what I did. Although there are some other intresting programs such as bluefish18:29
ibleedwhen i install hardy why is my /etc/network/interfaces file missing?18:29
hirumattoanybody notice that updating openssh-server 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3 on gutsy fails?18:29
fbcyaroslav, are you polish? I used to work with someone by that name in Miami.18:29
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Kl4mhirumatto: read MOTD18:29
yaroslavfbc: there are a lot of russian, urkainian and polish guys with Yaroslav first name18:29
sarthorPici, Any idea?18:29
fbcyaroslav, oh.. k thanks18:30
Picisarthor: I can't think of a reason, sorry18:30
fbcPrefix, how interesting is bluefish??18:30
sarthorPici, Ok.18:30
Prefixibleed: Its probably there but empty18:30
babolatPici: were you the one I asked about bi-directional FTP synch about 24 hours ago?18:30
ibleedPrefix, why might it be empty?18:30
macsimhi,  I got two harddrive how's mount as "Media {SIZE}" on desktop, FS is reiserfs, I umounted the disk, add a label like this $sudo reiserfstune -l public /dev/sdc1, mount the disk but the name still "Media {SIZE}" on desktop, any idea ?18:30
k0pI'm only install python2.5 but pyversions -r returns python2.4 python2.5. any ideia?18:31
Picibabolat: If I had suggested using a vcs system, then yes.18:31
Prefixfbc: Its a HTML code editor, but if you want the design interface, I dont know of any programs18:31
hirumattoK14m: Thanks, I didn't check the message.18:31
Picibabolat: in fact, I wrote a factoid about what VCS systems are available for Ubuntu.18:32
fbcPrefix, thanks18:32
kapqkto zna twoja stara?18:32
Prefixibleed: No idea, just type /etc/network/interfaces in terminal and see if it sees the file18:32
Picikapq: #ubuntu-pl please.18:32
slackpipeprefix: have you tried geany?  it's what i've been using.  It was actually the first one i tried and i just liked it.  was wondering how it compared to bluefish18:32
chxhello if perl dowkd.pl user came back empty handed then I am OK? regenerating my ssh key and redeploying is probably days of work for me.18:32
babolatPici: confirm. turns out almost every vcs system does not have FTP overhead competent enough for my needs. i just went and bought CrossFTP Pro. just an FYI ;)18:32
kapqPici: skad you know ze ja z poland?18:32
Prefixslackpipe: No I havn't Ill take alook at it now, thanks.18:32
Picikapq: no.18:32
Picibabolat: Sorry to hear that, but at least you found a solution.18:33
slackpipeprefix: it doesn't do wysiwig, but frontpage ruined me on those systems when i was but a wee lad18:33
ibleedwhy would hardy fail to fill out my /etc/network/interfaces file?  i have to sudo cp interfaces /etc/network/ in order to get networking running18:33
sdfdroot@zero:~# ssh-vulnkey -a18:33
sdfdNot blacklisted: 2048 f4:fb:08:be:c618:33
sdfdis a key good or a key bad?18:33
babolatPici: thanks. a hodgepodge of sorts but a start. I'm begging the gods from 5 floors up to give me SSH. hope they listen so that I could start using subversion or at least unison. thanks for last night18:34
Bodsdahey guys, does anyone remember the sudo problem with the hostname resolve thing a week ago? what was the fix?18:34
msnbotVlet: /etc/hostname contains kubuntu18:34
Piciibleed: I believe it wants you to use Network-Manager, which doesnt need to use /etc/network/interfaces18:34
babolatBodsda: renaming your localhost or something.. i'll look it up18:34
Bodsdababolat, cheers dude18:34
acxtyhey guys, How can I have 2 monitors at the same time. laptop + monitor, but instead of showing the a same image on both, to show two different desktops to drag things between them?18:34
mgolischacxty: you can extend your desktop18:35
msnbotVlet: and /etc/hosts contains " localhost" other entries are IPv6 type18:35
mgolischso it would be one big desktop over both screens18:35
Vletmsnbot: well, I don't know why it does, but in your case, /etc/hostname should contain shiplu-laptop18:35
babolatBodsda: is this it? -->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687518:35
ibleedPici, i can't seem to get any internet connection at all with gnomes network manager until i copy the old interfaces file over.  very strange.  i wish it would just auto create and auto work18:35
acxtymgolisch, how can I do that?18:35
shafirehey how to make a own theme for gnome?18:36
mgolischusing xinerama or whatever extension your grafics card driver supply for that18:36
cathartiaI'm closing in on a problem that, it looks like, a lot of folks are having.  I hope you can help me.18:36
Vletshafire: ask in #gnome18:36
Bodsdababolat, no, it was    sudo -- password = ***** ; unable to resolve host18:36
Pici!hostname | Bodsda18:36
ubottuBodsda: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab18:36
cathartiaHello Ubuntu helpers.18:36
=== magnet_ is now known as magnet
BodsdaPici, is that the fix for the 'cannot resolve host' problem?18:36
cathartiaMy wireless network card won't connect to my wireless network at boot time.18:37
PiciBodsda: Its a cause/fix for it18:37
cathartiaAs soon as I ifdown the interface and then ifup it - it works great.18:37
babolatBodsda: this is it then -->ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72336118:37
mgolischcathartia: is it configured using /etc/network/interfaces?18:37
BodsdaPici, babolat, cheers guys18:37
mgolischcathartia: did you set the interface to auto?18:37
sdfdok man solved18:38
mgolischcathartia: otherwise it will only be switched on when using ifup18:38
cathartiamgolisch:  well - I don't change those settings to get it working - I just ifdown and then ifup18:38
msnbotVlet: Oops! /etc/hostname contains shiplu-laptop actually18:38
cathartiamgolisch:  yes, it is set to auto in /etc/network/interfaces18:38
biouserhello all!  I am looking to parse some html and get a few floating point values out of here: http://www.xe.com/ does anyone have a resource that can walk me through the process?18:38
cathartiaI found some interesting things with dmesg18:38
mgolischcathartia: what does it say?18:39
cathartiaat boot time it looks like a different interface is setup: wifi018:39
cathartiathe one that works is called ath018:39
InvisiblePinkUniOk, I am on ubuntu 7.10 and am having problems with updates: especially openSSH. Here is the message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: openssh-server: Depends: openssh-client (= 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2) but 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3 is installed18:39
cathartiawifi0 is not mentioned in /etc/network/interfaces18:39
biouserif someone wants to write the HTML parser or send some sample code I will gladly pass along my little app for making serious $$ (hehe)18:39
mgolischcathartia: do you load drivers using the rc.local file or something?18:39
biouseroops, this is not #python, my bad18:40
SecurityHolesOPENSSL is haxored!   Updgrade quickly!18:40
babolatInvisiblePinkUni: have you tried fising them with synaptic pack man?18:40
mgolischSecurityHoles: ??18:40
cathartiamgolisch:  rc.local is unchanged18:40
InvisiblePinkUnibabolat: Ok, will check that.18:40
SecurityHolesEveryone upgrade openSSL and regen all your keys or you'll die!!!18:40
mgolischSecurityHoles: proof?18:40
cathartiaone more thing about the dmesg output18:41
Andre1Can someone help me to skin my panel to look like osx?18:41
Devyllhas anybody seen this error in pureftp log ? Timeout - try typing a little faster next time18:41
mgolischAndre1: use awn it looks kinda like the osx panel thing18:41
cathartiaath0 is mentioned - but it fails with a msg saying, "no IPv6 routers present"18:41
SecurityHolesproof: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2008-May/000705.html18:41
erwinHey guys. How does the vulnerability affect authorized_keys? Should I force all users with detected weak keys to re-generated and wipe them from authorized_eksy?18:41
VletAndre1: that isn't really relevant here I don't think18:41
babolatAndre1: www.digg.com/linux_unix/best_guide_to_make_Ubuntu_look_like_Mac_OS_X but i believe Ubuntu Human Theme is loads more handsome than Leopard18:42
cathartiaWhere does the name "ath0" come from?18:42
mgolischcathartia: thats not bad unless you use ipv618:43
Picicathartia: Atheros is the name of the chipset that the wifi card uses18:43
Devyllnobody ? (Timeout - try typing a little faster next time)18:43
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)18:43
cathartiaPici: yes, I see this with dmesg: [   75.843149] wifi0: Atheros 5212: mem=0xfdff0000, irq=918:43
DjViperhow do I change the calendar in ubuntu so that the week starts on monday and not sunday, which only 2% of the world uses..18:43
VletDevyll: tyy increasing your servers' timeout18:44
cathartiaso, ath0, is an alias for wifi0 - or something?18:44
cathartiaI think this is where the problem is.18:44
dada__your problem is ubuntu18:44
babolatdada__: that is not a very nice thing to say18:44
dada__ok sorry18:44
dada__Ubuntu FUcking sucks18:45
cathartiaat boot time - wifi0 is failing to start - what I need is for ath0 to start18:45
DJones!ops | dada__18:45
ubottudada__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!18:45
cathartiadoes this make sense?18:45
DJonestoo slow18:45
lyziumim trying to install 7.10 on an old laptop... could i just boot live with it and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade instead?18:45
PiciDJones: thanks anyway ;)18:45
dada__why was I kicked?18:45
babolatlyzium: care to share why you won't use 8.04 livecd instead?18:46
Picidada__: This is the Ubuntu support channel.18:46
cathartiaI've searched online a lot about this and I am not the only one.  No one has found a solution.18:46
mgolischcathartia: i think its normal to have those too18:46
Kl4mdada__: wrong capitalization?18:46
lyziumbabolat, i dont have one18:46
Pici!coc | dada__18:46
ubottudada__: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/18:46
babolat!language | dada__18:46
ubottudada__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:46
mgolischcathartia: wifi0 the master device and ath0 is the thing your tools like iwconfig and so on actualy interfer with18:46
dada__Pici: I know I want to help them poor souls and give them a real distro18:46
DjViperhow do I change the calendar in ubuntu so that the week starts on monday and not sunday, which only 2% of the world uses..18:46
babolatlyzium: well, you'll be able to get one fast enough through torrents18:46
dreamfireI have updated from gutsy to hardy. Now in the Run-Dialog (ALT-F2) the shortcut ~/ to open nautilus with the home directory is gone. How can I get it again?18:46
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
cathartiaThis problem is a show stopper for me because I want to deploy the machine headless, so, I need it to join the network at boot up.18:46
Picidada__: We're all in here by choice, if you have nothing constructive to add to the channel then you can either not say anything or leave.18:47
mgolischcathartia: but you configured the stuff in /etc/network/interfaces for ath0 right?18:47
[GSF]Martindreamfire: can't you type "nautilus"?18:47
VletDjViper: what locale are you using?18:47
InvisiblePinkUnibabolat: Great, it's fixed after I upgraded with Synaptic. Thanks :-)18:47
cathartiaWhy does it work when I manually ifdown and then ifup but not automatically at boot time?18:47
InvisiblePinkUniw00t w00t w00t18:47
dreamfire[GSF]Martin: yes, but it is much longer :)18:47
dada__Pici: thats not nice18:47
DjViperVlet: dunno, how do I check?18:47
cathartiamgolisch:  yes - that stuff is in there18:47
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntu rules...18:47
babolatInvisiblePinkUni:  ;)18:47
dreamfire[GSF]Martin: and it worked in gutsy!18:48
TheCompWizdoes anyone know why I can't have an active interface unless an IP is assigned to it?18:48
mgolischcathartia: and you didnt do something wifi0 there right?18:48
VletDjViper: echo $LANG18:48
cathartiamgolisch:  let me ask you - that file is used when I manually ifdown and then ifup, correct?18:48
babolat!torrent | lyzium18:48
VletDjViper: ^ in a terminal18:48
ubottulyzium: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:48
dada__InvisiblePinkUni: ubuntu stinks like your cunt18:48
cathartiamgolisch:  correct, there is no mention of wifi0 in there18:48
lyziumbabolat, thanks for helping out18:48
DjViperVlet: hmm that didn't return anything18:48
babolat!torrents | lyzium sorry wrong factoid18:48
InvisiblePinkUnidada__: Since I don't have a c*nt, It doesn't stink.18:48
PiciInvisiblePinkUni: hes gone, ignore it18:49
mgolischcathartia: i never used used madwifi, but it seems like that ath0 thing is somekind of frontend to the real device wifi018:49
gileadI'm trying to get Intel 3945ABG WiFi controller to work on 8.04. It's detected properly in syslog but when I try to ifup eth1 (wlan0 has been renamed to eth1) I get "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1". 'Properties' buttons for eth1 and wmaster0 devices in Network Tools are disabled. NM applet shows 'Enable wireless' option (it's on), but 'Edit Wireless Networks' tool shows no networks. 'iwconfig' detects eth1 as 802.11g but I still can't se18:49
gileade any networks. It seems that everything is fine except it's not :( Any hints?18:49
lyziumbabolat, no worries i have the local mirror adress for my country :)18:49
InvisiblePinkUniPici: Yeah, stupid troll.18:49
cathartiamgolisch:  that file contains my wpa auth info - so it must be used at all times to connect18:49
DjViperVlet: no wait, en_US.UTF-818:49
babolatlyzium: figures ;)18:49
SebNaitsabesgot a few issues with Ubuntu now,  but  i'll start off with the kernel issues.   right so yes this is Ubuntu Hardy Heron, but it seems I am running  2.6.22-14-generic  which is I guess an old kernel from Gutsy Gibbon.  hence also I am assuming why I am having such issues regarding the virtualbox kernel modules installation.  also  my Grub menu.lst has a load of stuff listed. ,but the actsaul Grub menu it self only has18:49
SebNaitsabesstuff for one kernel and memtest and  the thing for Vista.  any suggestions?18:49
cathartiamgolisch:  I'm not using madwifi this is the default18:49
Danniknikeu atualizei meu ubuntu gorinha, agora a imagem do meu monitor fica torta18:49
* InvisiblePinkUni urges all Ubuntu lovers to try out Gobuntu and GNewSense as well.18:49
mgolischcathartia: you could do something bad like starting ifdown && ifup on rc.local but that not a real solution18:50
Danniknikalguem consegue me ajudar?18:50
termitori'm have some probleme on usb and hardy , it's dont detect atache device, lsusb is reduce chjpset is nvidia 610018:50
rutgermasi!english | Danniknik18:50
ubottuDanniknik: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:50
sarthorHelp, Some fonts are missing in my ubutnut here, how to view this website    http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/18:50
VletDjViper: ahh, well in the US, Sunday is the beginning of the week. If you were to change locales (which I can't recall how to do) it would change to whatever is relevant to that locale18:50
DvyjonesMy bcm4306 card stopped working. Its a Belkin F5D7001. Syslog and lshw -C network output can be found in bug 229495 on launchpad. The problem is that it won't connect to any networks18:50
CITguy08does anybody know why Hardy mounts drives to sda, sdb instead of hda, hdb?18:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229495 in network-manager "Bcm4306 won't connect to networks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22949518:50
wakka-wakkawould anyone happen to know why my ubuntu won't shut down after it's finished shutting down?18:50
DjViperVlet: okay18:50
SebNaitsabesInvisiblePinkUni:  Goubuntu by what I read about it is probably to difficult for many Ubuntu userse to install.  and gnewsense tryed the dapper one in a VM.  it's alright yeah18:50
Dvyjones!es | Danniknik18:50
cathartiamgolisch:  wpa-driver wext18:50
ubottuDanniknik: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:50
mgolischcathartia: or write some cronjob that fires every 5 mins or so that checks the connection and does the ifdown && ifup if its not connected18:51
ibleedcathartia, maybe as a work around, even though this is not solving the problem at all, see if you can make a bash script to ifup ath0, when gnome loads up.  i know its not getting to the heart of the matter though18:51
VletDjViper: if you want to customize yours, look for 'first_weekday' in the file /usr/share/i18m/locales/en_US18:51
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: did you use normal shutdown procedure or "shutdown" command?18:51
magnetronwakka-wakka: is ACPI support enabled in BIOS?18:51
DanniknikI will join in ubuntu-br18:51
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:51
cathartiaibleed & mgolisch:  good hacks18:51
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: i hit the red button on top18:51
AndycasWhat is the default font for terminal??18:51
magnetronwakka-wakka: is ACPI support enabled in BIOS?18:51
InvisiblePinkUniSebNaitsabes: I want to let users taste "more" and "more" FREEDOM. :-)18:51
cathartiaibleed: I don't want to use gnome at all18:51
wakka-wakkamagnetron: i'm not too sure.. it always shut down before, just stopped last night18:51
cathartiaibleed: I don't want to hav to login18:52
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Is it laptop or desktop?18:52
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: desktop18:52
SebNaitsabesInvisiblePinkUni: I think to be honest with you,  that many Ubuntu users don't really care,  they just want good software that isn't meant to be paid for18:52
tgelterI can't get the nvidia beta driver working under hardy amd64. GDM logs say that the glx module can't be loaded because it doesn't exist. I've tried commenting out/deleting  the load modules section, yet X still attempts to load the module. Any ideas?18:52
ibleedi dont know what to tell you cathartia i'm limited in my wireless experience18:52
KomiaPoikatgelter: don't use packages18:52
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Try "sudo shutdown -h now" in the terminal. It's a command line way of shutting down.18:52
sarthorHelp, Some fonts are missing in my ubutnut here, how to view this website    http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/18:52
=== amblin_ is now known as amblin
wakka-wakkait'll unload everything (the orange bar goes down to nothing) then it stops and just doesn't turn off. nothing is running, just won't turn off, i have to hit the button18:53
tgelterKomiaPoika: I am not using nvidia-glx-new or any other nvidia packages18:53
InvisiblePinkUniSebNaitsabes: Yes, I agree. That's why I want them to taste "more" freedom.18:53
SebNaitsabeswell Debian18:53
tgelterKomiaPoika: I installed via the NVIDIA-setup* script18:53
cathartiaI don't see why it would work manually but not at boot time.18:53
SebNaitsabesDebian is a pure free and open source software distro??????18:53
babolat!fonts | sarthor, try these first18:53
ubottusarthor, try these first: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:53
termitorsomeelse for hardy detect usb bug ?18:53
InvisiblePinkUniSebNaitsabes: Even shuttleworth wants the non-free parts in Ubuntu to be shrunk as much as possible.18:53
AndycasI have a same problem like he did: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=383468 My characters are squeezed in terminal... How to fix that??18:53
tgelterKomiaPoika: err, NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64*.run script18:54
linksliceanyone know yet if ubuntu picked up the missing randomness vuld from debian?  I've seen conflicting statements about this18:54
InvisiblePinkUniSebNaitsabes: Debian is not as free as gnewsense.18:54
patifalinkslice: yes18:54
SebNaitsabesof course not18:54
SebNaitsabessince Debian has open source18:54
cathartiaany other ideas?18:54
SebNaitsabeswhere as gnewsense is free software only I think yeah18:54
SebNaitsabeswell yeah18:54
patifalinkslice: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2008-May/000705.html18:54
linkslicepatifa, *sigh* ok thanks!18:54
KindOnesarthor, is that arabic ?18:54
penis it possible to use custom resolution for usplash?18:54
InvisiblePinkUniSebNaitsabes: I heard a lecture by RMS(stallman) and realised how important Free Software is.18:55
PiciInvisiblePinkUni: SebNaitsabes: Neither Debian nor Gnewsense are related to Ubuntu support, can you please take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere?18:55
SebNaitsabesloads of great articles by him on the gnu.org site18:55
InvisiblePinkUniOoops, sorry Pici.18:55
sarthorKindOne, Its urdu, but urdu and arbic have same fonts18:55
SebNaitsabesindeed  Pici18:55
linkslicegnewsense is for commies18:55
babolatsarthor: have you been to the basic howto?18:55
KomiaPoikatgelter: try http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/anyone-got-nvidia-3d-acceleration-working-on-lenny-634622/page2.html18:55
SebNaitsabeslinkslice the troll18:56
ubottuFactoid troll not found18:56
linksliced'oh sorry for the troll18:56
KindOneI can see it fine on my Ubuntu18:56
InvisiblePinkUniMan, jesus quit :-)18:56
tgelterKomiaPoika: checking now, thanks18:56
VletKindOne: you don't see some characters as blocks?18:56
durywhat's wrong in my ubuntu system http://paste.ubuntu.com/11900/18:56
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka, any luck?18:56
KomiaPoikatgelter: without the cc 4.1 part, if you're not using current18:56
SebNaitsabesright so I guess this channel is uselss at the moment for my kernel issues18:56
Picidury: Do you have another package manager open?18:57
wakka-wakkadid not work =/18:57
babolatsarthor: in a terminal, do:  $ sudo apt-get install ttf-arabeyes xfonts-intl-arabic ttf-kacst18:57
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: What happened? did it not shutdown?18:57
Vletdury: do you have synaptic or something like it open?18:57
wakka-wakkaafter the progress bar turns black it just stays there.. all i have to do is touch the power off button, but other then that18:57
wakka-wakkait weont go itself18:57
penor is it possible to have custom resolution for framebuffer?18:58
sarthorbabolat, Ok.18:58
VletKindOne: interesting - untouched hardy install, and I do18:58
Pici!fb | pen18:58
ubottupen: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub18:58
tgelterKomiaPoika: I'm not done reading yet,  but I don't think this is relevant to my issue. I can install the driver just fine, the nvidia kernel module gets loaded just fine, just X won't load and it complains that the glx module can't  be found18:58
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Do you have a live CD?18:58
AndycasI have a same problem like he did: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=383468 My characters are squeezed in terminal... How to fix that??18:58
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: you can try using live CD and test if it shuts down properly.18:58
wyHi, I have a XP and Ubuntu dual boot and have the time zone problem. I tried to set RealTimeIsUniversal in XP to 1. But that doesn't seem to work. I checked that my BIOS is storing time in UTC, but windows seem not to adjust time according to my timezone. It displays UTC directly18:58
patifadury: Another package manager program is open somewhere.18:58
penPici, I have a widescreen, I want a different resolution than 1024x768 or 1280x102418:58
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Then we can see if its BIOS settings problem.18:58
walkie_i installed gnunet-gtk but it is not runs - it shows in console no libgnunetutil.so.1 it is of cause unmet but missing dependancy it should be reported but how can i fount using apt- which packet contain this librurary if any?18:58
duryPici, Viet: I 've closed18:58
penPici, like 1280x80018:58
Pici!aptfix | dury18:58
ubottudury: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:58
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Are you on 8.04?18:59
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: i will try with the live cd..18:59
sarthorbabolat, Its done, Thank you.18:59
babolatwy: try to search System > Help and Support for "ntpdate". It shold turn up a few basic solutions that might work for you18:59
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: i went from 7.0 to 8.04 now back to 7.118:59
babolatsarthor: ;)18:59
slackpipepen: did you check the widescreen box in the section for selecting your monitor?18:59
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Oh ok.18:59
KindOneVlet, I got Ubuntu 7.1018:59
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Wait,18:59
VletKindOne: ahh18:59
rahsputinhello, i wish to remove cupsys totally from my computer, how can i do so ?18:59
penslackpipe,  I think so18:59
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: waiting18:59
Picipen: I'm not sure if that is possible, but that page might put you in the right direction, perhaps fbset ?18:59
wakka-wakkahello randall19:00
R4ND4llWhat I can't say that ubuntu stinks like a cunt?19:00
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Do complete update with synaptic, to make sure everything is OK first.19:00
wybabolat, No match found19:00
babolatwy: one moment. i've done this before19:00
penPici, but does it provide the function to use widescreen resolution?19:00
wybabolat: thanks. you have dual boot?19:00
slackpipepen: that was the problem i had, tried everything in the world, then went to change the resolution back and found the widescreen option.  gave me all the correct resolution choices after that19:00
InvisiblePinkUniR4ND4ll: Why do you want to troll?19:00
Picipen: I don't know19:00
=== dholbert is now known as dholbert_afk
babolatwy: yes i do19:01
duryPici, Viet: and now http://paste.ubuntu.com/11902/19:01
wybabolat: thanks19:01
penslackpipe, where is that place? Are you sure that's for fb?19:01
penPici, ok19:01
InvisiblePinkUnidholbert_afk: Are you a mozilla employee?19:01
Picidury: Do a sudo aptitude update first19:01
jaffarkelshacfretsonfire keeps messing with my resolution and now i cant move my mouse,19:01
KindOnewhy does that aribic go backward compared to English ?19:01
patifaKindOne: uhhhhhhh, it just does?19:02
InvisiblePinkUniPici: Is there a difference b/w doing aptitude update or apt-get update?19:02
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: messages19:02
PiciInvisiblePinkUni: nope19:02
InvisiblePinkUniPici: Cool.19:02
patifaArabic is read right to left19:02
babolatwy: if you really can't find it in Help and Support, look here instead -->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=471019:02
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: What messages?19:02
slackpipejaffarkelshac: do you have compiz running?19:02
jaffarkelshaci do19:02
ariqsit's because they're on the other side of the world and so they're upside down. It's forwards on their side19:02
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: i believe i sent you a private message..19:02
jaffarkelshaci do slackpipe19:02
Pici!register | wakka-wakka19:02
ubottuwakka-wakka: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.19:02
KindOnepatifa: rofl that arabic is chicken scratch to me19:03
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: I didn't get any.19:03
wakka-wakkagotcha pici19:03
slackpipejaffarkelshac: i had lots of problems with FoF til i disabled compiz19:03
babolatgosh. System > Help and Support needs work :-/19:03
InvisiblePinkUniOkily dokily.19:03
jaffarkelshaci dont want to disable compiz,19:03
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: i asked "dumb question but how do i update through synaptic" i just updated through the update manager19:03
Andycashow to see which disk has /dev/sda* ?19:03
jaffarkelshachow do i logoff from terminal19:03
InvisiblePinkUnibabolat: I agree. It's good, but could be made better.19:03
duryPici: it's doing something,  done it, and now19:03
slackpipejaffarkelshac: try disabling it just to see if it fixes the problems you are having, and then turn it back on.  then you know where to focus your attention19:04
wybabolat: It doesn't give much info. I think it's not a ntp problem19:04
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Go to synaptic, click on "mark all upgrades" and then "apply"19:04
jaffarkelshaci cant move my mouse slackpipe19:04
SlartAnyone knows how ubuntu/nautilus comes up with the names for your hard drives in the "places, removable media" menu.. All I get are the sizes as names.. I want something a bit more useful.. especially since the drives aren't really removable.. it's regular hard drives19:04
wybabolat: I can do it manually. But the timezone is still not respected19:04
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: We all ask lots of dumb questions, thats how we learn. I keep asking dumb questions all the time. dont worry :-)19:04
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: word ty =].. i marked them all, it said they marked, but the apply is still darkened19:05
babolatwy: why do you think it's not ntp? My timezone doesn't change. It just increments itself every after shutdown (by 3 hours each time i think)19:05
helvetehey guys, i'm trying to setup so that i can share internet(eth1) over my wifi, i followed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=335465 but when i type "sudo ifdown ath0 (name of card)" it tells me that "interface ath0 is not configured"19:05
helvetewhat do i need to do?19:05
jaffarkelshachow do i logoff with terminal, i cant move my mouse19:05
SlartAndycas: you can get some info by running "sudo blkid" in a terminal.. or "cat /etc/mtab"19:05
slackpipejaffarkelshac: that's a problem.  is FoF still running?19:05
mgolischhelvete: is ath0 configured using /etc/network/interfaces?19:06
dreamfireI have updated from gutsy to hardy. Now in the Run-Dialog (ALT-F2) the shortcut ~/ to open nautilus with the home directory is gone. How can I get it again?19:06
richcollinsThe php5 package is missing cdb support.  How can I get a php5 binary compiled for ubuntu with cdb support?19:06
slackpipejaffarkelshac: have you tried ctrl-backspace to restart x?19:06
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Then they are all updated.19:06
jaffarkelshaci guess that will have to work19:06
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Try out the live cd now.19:06
duryPici: I did sudo aptitude update success19:06
bulliumwhere did the hardware information application go in 8.04?19:06
wybabolat: I might not have an internet connection to adjust the time19:06
helvetemgolisch, i'm not sure, how would i tell?19:06
shafirehow can i create a own widget for ubuntu/gnome??19:06
wobblywuquick question only semi-related to Ubuntu, is there any obvious way of making wget perform a command upon completing a download i'm missing?19:06
duryPici: and now?19:06
wybabolat: I want the time to be correct even if I don't have network19:06
Picidury: sudo aptitude  upgrade19:06
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: there are some in there that have little ubuntu symbols to the left of the file name, i'm assuming that's just ubuntu only files?19:06
AndycasSlart: thanks!19:07
mgolischhelvete: do you use networkmanager? then it isnt19:07
duryPici: rifgt19:07
babolatwy: it should be right even after loss of Internet connection. Perhaps your CMOS battery needs replacement19:07
duryPici: sorry  I mean .. right19:07
Slartwobblywu: you can always put in at the end of your terminal command line.. wget bla bla bla bla ; echo Finished19:07
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: In synaptic? I think they mean they are "officially" supported by ubuntu.19:07
helvetemgolisch, i know networkmanager is installed, i just cant find it in my system> administration19:07
SlartAndycas: you're welcome19:07
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: yes, alright.. i'm gonna shut down now, see if that works, if not i'm gonna try the live cd. brb19:07
jtsigmaanyone understand why vmstat shows io as very little (most of the time 0 for bi and bo) but iostat shows that two of my disks are at 100%19:07
wybabolat: No. I checked the BIOS time and it's correct UTC time19:08
SlartAnyone knows how ubuntu/nautilus comes up with the names for your hard drives in the "places, removable media" menu.. All I get are the sizes as names.. I want something a bit more useful.. especially since the drives aren't really removable.. they are regular hard drives19:08
babolatwy: with that off the list, i dunno what to say but ntpdate worked for me. sorry ;)19:08
wobblywuSlart, I was hoping to do it through wget, but I suppose that will suffice.. thanks :)19:08
Soopahi gang19:09
InvisiblePinkUniSlart: You can rename some of them.19:09
amikropIt is `./configure && make && checkinstall` or `./configure && checkinstall`?19:09
InvisiblePinkUniSlart: You can bookmark a few folders which then appear in the Places. Then you can rename them.19:09
wybabolat: Oh... This stupid OS can't even get the time right19:09
Soopai'm trying to telnet to an address, but can't connect19:09
Slartwobblywu: well.. it's a workaround.. but I think it works.. there might be some wget voodoo you can do to make wget do it for you.. that program has so many switches and parameters it scares me =)19:09
Soopaall other addresses work fine19:10
Vletwy: I think it's the other way around19:10
Soopawhat could be the reason for this?19:10
Piciamikrop: Follow the INSTALL directions and replace make install with check install19:10
wyVlet: What's that?19:10
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: May be it doesn't have telnet.19:10
mgolischhelvete: how did you setup the connecten then?19:10
cirohi all19:10
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: well, it's a MUD, and I can get to it on my windows machine19:10
Soopabut not linux19:10
SlartInvisiblePinkUni: I can't rename my drives.. I've tried that.. I guess I can bookmark them but then I'd still have all the drives AND my own bookmarks..19:10
babolatwy: it's not an Ubuntu problem exactly. a component simply failed to respond in a timely fashion19:10
Soopaboth machines are behind the same router19:10
helvetemgolisch, i just followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33546519:10
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Does it ping.19:10
InvisiblePinkUniSlart: Oh yeah, I understand what you mean.19:11
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: on the windows machine, yes, on ubuntu, no19:11
amikropPici: OK. Thanks.19:11
duryPici: openssh-client it's giving a problem - http://paste.ubuntu.com/11907/19:11
helvetemgolisch, but i believe its configured as i can type 'sudo iwlist ath0' and it will scan19:11
ciroi can write on my hds with root only .. who can help me please? this is my ls -l /media http://pastebin.com/m84cdb64 ... hds are sda1 sda5 sdb119:11
mgolischhelvete: you adjusted the stuff in /etc/network/interfaces right? like instead of wlan0 you put ath0 there19:11
tgelterI can't get the nvidia beta driver working under hardy amd64. GDM logs say that the glx module can't be loaded because it doesn't exist. I've tried commenting out/deleting  the load modules section, yet X still attempts to load the module. Any ideas?19:11
wybabolat: It's a windows problem19:11
helvetemgolisch, yes i did19:12
babolatexactly, wy19:12
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: First let's try to get it respond to pings.19:12
wybabolat: They don't really know about UTC19:12
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: okie doke19:12
mgolischhelvete: then ifdown ath0 should work usualy19:12
duryPici: what you suggest http://paste.ubuntu.com/11907/19:12
Picidury: try sudo aptitude full-upgrade19:12
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: So you want to ping Machine A, from ubuntu.19:12
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
TheCompWizAAAAAAAAAAA! this is driving me nuts.   Can ANYONE bring up a network alias without assigning an IP to it?19:12
Slartciro: you can mount them as user readable by changing the line in /etc/fstab.. I don't know the syntax by heart.. do a "man mount" or "man fstab".. or you can change the drive permissions when it's mounted using chmod -R and chown -R19:12
TheCompWizi.e. ifconfig eth0:0 up19:12
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: yes19:12
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Where are machine A and ubuntu located?19:12
duryPici: ok suddenly19:12
mgolischhelvete: maybe its because ath0 is not up, try what happens if you do sudo ifup ath019:13
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Within your internal network or anywhere else on internet?19:13
helvetemgolisch, ill check now19:13
ubottuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.19:13
babolatwy:  If you change UTC=yes to UTC=no in /etc/default/rcS, Dapper will use local time instead.19:13
babolatThat might do the trick.19:13
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: A is aardmud.org,
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Ok cool.19:13
wybabolat: hmm... so I will go backwards with windows19:13
Soopamy ubuntu is behind my router19:13
niadhI have a screen resolution of 640 when it should be at least 1024, how do i fix this?19:13
Slartniadh: graphics card?19:14
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Is A behind a router? or directly connected to internet?19:14
niadhSlart: Nvidia 660019:14
babolatwy: but that will be prone to change once the CMOS dies.. it's a temporary fix 'till we spank windows back to a semblance of submission19:14
Slartniadh: laptop? or a regular desktop?19:14
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: I think it's directly connected to the internet19:14
frojndhey guys. Where can I download ubuntu server but via torrent ?19:14
niadhSlart: Regular desktop19:14
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: but I can't be sure since it's not my machine19:14
Slartniadh: have you got the restricted nvidia drivers installed?19:14
ubottuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:14
sahili have a machine which for some reason changed the name of the network interface to eth3 from eth0 (how did this happen)? also it is able to ping google.com but in the browser i cannot actually bring up the page19:14
duryPici: done it19:14
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: it's an online MUD that you telnet to in order to play19:15
|chiz|Does anyone know how to have it so that windows opened by gnome-do come to the front?19:15
niadhSlart: Tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and this did not give me any screen resultion optiosn19:15
duryPici: after that what you suggest, now19:15
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Are you able to telnet to it from windows?19:15
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: yes19:15
frojndbabolat: I don't see any server 36819:15
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: and the windows box is behind my router too19:15
konbonIs it possible to download the dvd version of ubuntu for amd x2 64 bit cpu's vai torrents?19:15
Picidury: did that work?19:15
wybabolat: I guess I can change my timezone to be something else in XP. Just to get the time right19:15
niadhSlart: Looking to see if i have the restricted packages installed now19:15
Slartniadh: ok, click system, administration, hardware drivers.. see if there is a nvidia driver there19:16
NeT_DeMoNanyone know how to get madwifi from synaptic to work?19:16
duryPici: yeah19:16
Pici!torrents | konbon19:16
ubottukonbon: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:16
konbonnice nice19:16
duryPici: success19:16
babolatfrojnd: click on the third link19:16
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Ok, first ping to aardmud.org from ubuntu19:16
Picidury: great19:16
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: [~] ping aardmud.org19:16
SoopaPING aardmud.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.19:16
babolatwy: but as you said, XP doesn't understand UTC19:16
konbonThanks pici19:16
niadhSlart: Yeah it's how I installed the driver in the first place, I thought you meant if I had ubuntu-restricted-packages or w/e installed19:16
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: that's all i get.. it just hangs from there19:16
niadhSlart: The driver is working as I have desktop compositing just on a tiny tiny screen.19:17
wybabolat: but changing the timezone can really change the time displayed19:17
evolution_Hello Filefragg.19:17
Slartniadh: hmm.. is the frequencies for your monitor correct?19:17
niadhSlart: I may have a theory as to WHY it's small but not how to fix it.19:17
duryPici: really appreciate your support and help, believe me :)19:17
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: ping from your windows machine.19:17
Lynetfrojnd: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso.torrent19:17
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: Pinging aardmud.org [] with 32 bytes of data:19:17
SoopaReply from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=5319:17
SoopaReply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=5319:17
SoopaReply from bytes=32 time=71ms TTL=5319:17
SoopaReply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=5319:17
rrittenhouseIs it possible for me to run (in hardy 64bit) firefox 2 alongside firefox 3 beta 5?19:17
FloodBot1Soopa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:17
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: I was getting proper pings to aardmud.org from my machine. :o19:17
wybabolat: That's weird...19:18
fluffmanniadh: try adjusting your bits of color19:18
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: weird, huh...19:18
Slartniadh: usually the graphics card gets those from the monitor using some kind of plug & play thingy... it doesn't always work and then it uses some very very very safe values from some 80's computer... ie 640x480 =)19:18
duryPici: thanks so much - good supporter 10 points for you19:18
niadhSlart: Would starting the installer in safe graphics mode do this? Because I just get the crazy lines thing if I don't use safe graphics19:18
Chipsa964!paste | soopa19:18
ubottusoopa: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:18
fluffmandrop it from say 24bit color to 16bit color19:18
babolatwy: that's what I'm saying. Setting your Ubuntu System clock to *not* depend on anything19:18
Picidury: woo, 10 points.  Thanks :)19:18
wybabolat: If I change my timezone to GMT. The time goes forward 5 hours19:18
FilefraggHi evolution_19:18
rrittenhouseIs it possible for me to run (in hardy 64bit) firefox 2 alongside firefox 3 beta 5?19:18
hotmonkeyluvwhat is the difference between libglib1.2ldbl and libglib1.2?19:18
Slartniadh: ah.. yes.. that might be the problem19:18
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: ping google.com from ubuntu.19:18
amikropHow can I check what libcpp version do I have?19:18
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Yes, strange.19:18
SoopaPING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.19:19
Soopa64 bytes from py-in-f99.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=243 time=22.7 ms19:19
fluffmanrrittenhouse: yes19:19
jaffarkelshachow do i play network game of glchess19:19
babolatwy: when you change your XP clock to GMT?19:19
niadhSlart: I thought it might be, it's never happened before, but I just had a hunch.19:19
fluffmanfirefox 2 is in the repos19:19
rrittenhousefluffman, I installed firefox-2 and when I launch it, it just launches firefox3. I'm assuming theres something I need to change19:19
wybabolat: yes19:19
SNIaHello, I'm trying to redirect kernel output from tty1 to tty7. I set in grub to have console=tty7 and it's working, but there are still two lines that show up on tty1 on boot. the19:19
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: it seems to only be that one address that i can't ping19:19
thiebauderittenhouse:you can have ff2 and ff319:19
duryPici: the comunity need good and reliable supporters like you, believe me :)19:19
Slartniadh: do me a favour.. pastebin the file /etc/X11/xorg.0.log ... it contains the log from the last startup of X19:19
walkie_how to using apt to find to which unninstalled package belongs some file?19:19
Slart!pastebin | niadh19:19
ubottuniadh: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:19
babolatwy: one moment19:19
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: The DNS is happening, but not going any further.19:19
ubottuFactoid libglib1.2ldbl not found19:19
wybabbe: It's weird that I spent more than an hour to this!!19:19
ubottuFactoid libglib1.2 not found19:19
fluffmanrrittenhouse: try pressing alt-f2 and typing firefox-219:19
tuxxHi ppl. Faith will I cannot find BlackdownJava (the only one for us with 64bit afaik).. can someone help me so I can get my java in Firefox working?19:19
Meyvnis there a way to upgrade kernel 8.04 from 7.10?19:19
ubottuFactoid libglib not found19:20
Slartniadh: bah.. sorry.. my bad19:20
SNIaI believe console=tty7 that I have in grub works for stderr19:20
Pici!msgthebot | hotmonkeyluv19:20
ubottuhotmonkeyluv: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:20
SNIabut the last 3 kernel messages that are showing up on tty1 are stderr19:20
rrittenhousefluffman, OH its because I had an instance of FF3 open still. DOH thanks19:20
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: And if they blocked your address, you shouldn't be able to login through windows as well.19:20
Slartniadh: the file is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:20
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: yep... weird19:20
fluffmanhaha glad you got it!19:20
niadhSlart: Right ok, will do.19:20
wybabolat: Maybe I shouldn't use time.windows.com as ntp server?19:20
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: If its ok, can you try on a live cd?19:20
ubottuwalkie_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:20
SNIaI mean console=tty7 in grub is stdout19:20
duryPici: how do I know if I'm under 8.04 release19:20
SNIaI think i'm still getting stderr kernel messages on boot to tty119:21
Slartdury: I think there is an about box in the system menu19:21
SNIaany ideas?19:21
nathan_I have an error with Ubuntu i think, or maybe its just my laptop. When i click 'sleep' or 'hybernate' when it comes back on, the screen has split into 4 seperate screens and i cant get them off unless i shut down.19:21
Picidury: lsb_release -a will also tellyou19:21
=== Margarita is now known as Orestija
Virtuecan someone help ? I installed WinXP, then ubuntu. then Ubuntu screwed and I reinstalled it - windows doesn't boot anymore19:21
niadhSlart: http://pastebin.com/m58330db19:21
OrestijaBuenos noches!19:21
=== peter_ is now known as imterro
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: you know what, i think i know what's happening19:22
imterromgolisch, this is helvete, seems one of the commands i did disconencted me19:22
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Whats happening?19:22
imterroso just thanking you for your help19:22
Meyvn8.04 is driving me crazy, wireless doesn't work, X fails, now I'm back on 7.10. Supposedly some bugs are fixed in a new kernel release, but I can't update since I don't have a wired connection here. Any ideas?19:22
thenamevirtue it windows should be listed in your gru19:22
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: i have an ip blocker here19:22
Slartniadh: looking.. be back in a minute or so19:22
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: on the ubuntu machine19:22
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Ooooh ok,19:22
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: just dawned on me19:22
mgolischimterro: hehe19:22
VirtueI edited menu.lst with boot (hd0,0) and makeactive chainboot +1 - and still nothign19:22
Virtuewhen I choose WinXP on boot (after pressing esc to enter menu) it just loads same "press escape to enter menu" and then boots ubuntu...19:22
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: :-)19:22
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: same with the live cd.. it shuts down, it just won't shut off.19:22
thenamewindows should be listed in your grub19:22
farfadetspeack frecnh?19:22
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: i'll add it to the whitelist and see what happens :)19:22
Slart!fr | farfadet19:22
ubottufarfadet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:22
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Ok, then it's something with BIOS settings I guess.19:22
amikropHow can I check what libcpp version do I have?19:22
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Great. Let me know what happens.19:23
Virtuethename, no it doesn't list there... when I installed ubuntu 2nd time it didn't appear in boot menu :/19:23
nathan_If you think you have a suggestion to my problem, join #urgent prob19:23
jerzyk86hi, i just install eclipse from repositories ubunt 8.04, but i see to choose only java project, i need php19:23
InvisiblePinkUniamikrop: One way is in synaptic.19:23
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: anything to look for specifically? and would it start to happen out of the blue? i've been running ubuntu for a while, just recently i upgraded then downgraded19:23
duryPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11912/19:23
XT8086ciao a tutti19:23
Picidury: thats Gutsy, the not the most recent release.19:23
ubuntu_is arhclinux faster than ubuntu?19:23
|chiz|How do I make it so that new windows are brought to the front when they are launched?19:23
Pici!upgrade | dury19:23
ubottudury: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:23
nathan_Please can somebody help, im worried about ubuntu and my laptop, join #urgent if you can help19:24
Pici!it | XT808619:24
ubottuXT8086: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:24
ButtercupI'm running the Ubuntu live CD, downloaded it a few days ago. It's not working quite right. FIrefox hung on something, so I tried to close it, but it didn't close completely, so I kept clicking the System Monitor trying to end/kill the Firefox process, which eventually caused the system monitor to hang. I managed to close the system monitor, did the same thing again, and the System Monitor and whole computer froze.19:24
ButtercupI rebooted, so far Firefox is working ok, but I tired opening the system monitor to take a look at it, and in the task bar it says it's opening, but then it just disappears.19:24
thenamesorry im a noob19:24
NemesisDhi all. I have an eee and out of nowhere today it started failing to start X and I can't use the keyboard at all, using hardy. any ideas where I would check? is mouse usage X11 territory?19:24
NemesisDi think its failing to load drivers or something19:24
thenamedo anyone know how to install the hal.dll file from ubuntu to windows19:24
=== komTTa is now known as Stex
mgolischButtercup: start from a terminal, it will mostlikely display an error message19:25
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Not particularly sure myself, but I am pretty sure its something to do with BIOS, since liveCD also gives same result.19:25
NemesisDthename, why would you do that?19:25
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Probably must escalate from me :-)19:25
Slartniadh: ok.. at line 388  (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-1  .... that's the plug & play thingy I mentioned.. edid information contains the freqs for your monitor.. it happens for me to.. don't know why19:25
amikropInvisiblePinkUni: OK. Thanks.19:25
InvisiblePinkUniPici: Do you know why desktop's wont shutdown? wakka-wakka needs some help with it.19:25
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: thank you thank you =D19:26
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: :-)19:26
wakka-wakkaPici: it shuts down, it just won't turn off19:26
Slartniadh: lets take a look at your configuration file for X.. can you pastebin the file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ?19:26
niadhSlart: Ok, so what do I do to fix it? Want me to post /etc/X11/xorg.conf in pastebin now?19:26
niadhSlart: Yes, then ;)19:26
imterromgolisch, i wouldnt be able to impose on you again to get you to help me get my net shared over a w/less network?19:26
Piciwakka-wakka: does it turn off if you use halt?19:26
thenameNemesisD when i reboot my computer and from the grub click on windows it says something about hal.dll file missing and that i need to reinstall it19:26
Meyvn8.04 is driving me crazy, wireless doesn't work, X fails, now I'm back on 7.10. Supposedly some bugs are fixed in a new kernel release, but I can't update since I don't have a wired connection here. Any ideas?19:26
Slartniadh: you've been here before I see =)19:26
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: that worked :)19:26
mgolischimterro: doesnt it work?19:26
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: Great :-)19:26
SoopaInvisiblePinkUni: thanks for helping and being patient :)19:27
imterrohmm it doesnt seem to19:27
NemesisDthename, thats often times not really related to hal.dll but something about the boot loader not being able to find the right partition19:27
mgolischimterro: if your network interface comes up and is connected the wlan part should be done usualy19:27
wakka-wakkaPici: some background, i was running 7.1 for a while, upgrade to 8.04, loved it, then something went bad (turned out i could've fixed it) so i went back to 7.1 and since i did that it won'tturn off after shutting down.19:27
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: did you use the "-h" option with shutdown?19:27
niadhSlart: Just not a total noob is all. Know roughly where things are stored, just not how to fix things yet.19:27
wakka-wakkaPici: i'm not too sure19:27
imterromgolisch, well, my wireless card doesnt even seem to have an ip19:27
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: yup, when i tried the sudo -h now19:27
InvisiblePinkUniSoopa: YW. It's a pleasure to keep helping.19:27
imterroaccording to ifconfig19:27
mgolischimterro: ok can you post that link again?19:27
Buttercupmgolisch: OK. I clicked on Terminal, and it did the "starting terminal" thing in the taskbar, but then disappeared.19:27
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: ok.19:27
Piciwakka-wakka: How did you go back to 7.1? reinstall?19:28
imterromgolisch, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33546519:28
mgolischButtercup: hm theres something wrong then, try alt+f2 then type xterm19:28
wakka-wakkaPici: yeah i put the live cd in, formatted 8.04 out and reinstalled in same partition19:28
mgolischButtercup: does the xterm terminal open?19:28
thenameNemesisD i would no where to start19:28
niadhSlart: http://pastebin.com/m6f6fbb13 Being no expert but it looks kinda sparse.19:28
Slartniadh: will have a look.. I'm no expert neither.. but if we're lucky I can fix this =)19:29
thenameNemesisD ok lets say i got linux install 2wice How do i delete 1 of them completely19:29
Buttercupmgolisch: Ok. Yeah, a little window pops up.19:29
mgolischimterro: what does ifconfig show?19:29
niadhSlart: It's also worth pointing out it DOES use the nvidia driver, not vesa like it says, I appear to have two xorg files.19:29
imterromgolisch, i'll pm it to you19:29
Slartniadh: hmm.. you're really sure this is the file you're using? it says VESA??19:30
mgolischButtercup: type in there   gnome-system-monitor19:30
niadhSlart: Just posted the wrong one, it appears to be the same otherwise19:30
NemesisDthename, delete what? a grub entry or a linux partition?19:30
mgolischButtercup: does it display an error message?19:30
DalrainHi all, could someone tell me the "EZ" way to regenerate my SSH server keys after applying the latest openssl/openssh patches?19:30
Soopamanhello, is there a way to read the solution for http://paste.ubuntu.com/11884/19:30
niadhSlart: Here is the corrected one.19:30
thenameNemesis both19:31
niadhSlart: http://pastebin.com/m6548646219:31
=== sk is now known as skinkiller
k20aeverytime i restart i lose my resolution in displayconfig-gtk even if i edit out the ones i don't want from xorg19:31
wakka-wakkaPici: i lose you =D19:31
Buttercupmgolisch: I typed it, then hit enter, but all it did is put my cursor on the next line.19:31
skinkillerздоровья всем!19:31
Slartniadh: what kind of monitor are you using?19:31
NemesisDthename, you can comment out lines in /boot/grub/menu.lst19:31
Pici!ru | skinkiller19:31
ubottuskinkiller: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:31
Slart!ru | skinkiller19:31
NemesisDthename, and delete partitions with gparted, but BE CAREFUL ;)19:31
lorenI have an interesting question.... I'm a long time member of North Orange County Computer Club (I think we're currently the oldest US computer club still in existance) in Orange, CA... I've been asked to present on Linux at the next meeting. As the audience is mostly end-users, I think presenting on Ubuntu is the obvious choice, but my personal expertice is honestly server-side web-development... Would Ubuntu want to send a represe19:31
jaffarkelshacniadh: use gksu displayconfig-gtk to select the appropriate monitor and resolution, logoff and then on19:32
thenameNemesisD that the only thing im afraid of that i might delete the wrong thing19:32
niadhSlart: Actually, I dunno xorg.conf is the one with Vesa, how is it I have desktop compositing then if the xorg.conf file uses Vesa? Monitor is 17" CRT can do 1200x1024 but i usually leave it at 1024x76819:32
mgolischButtercup: strange19:33
paddaxDoes anyone know why I'm getting the error LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless: Permission Denied, What permissions do I need to do this.19:33
ganesham first time using this19:33
Slartniadh: do you know what frequencies it can use? or do you have a model name serial number?19:33
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10486819:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104868 in linux-source-2.6.20 "PC does not power down after shutdown or hibernate" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:33
niadhruns happily at 61Hz19:33
k20a everytime i restart i lose my resolution in displayconfig-gtk even if i edit out the ones i don't want from xorg19:33
shafirehey, does Hardy Heron look already like this?: http://blog.chip.de/chip-linux-blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/news_gr.jpg19:33
niadhLEast that's what 7.10 said19:33
NemesisDthename, i would suggest not deleting the wrong thing19:33
Slartniadh: and horizontal freq?19:33
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Reading that, i think add acpi=force and vga=normal to bootline options19:33
kasraI have problem with emerald after upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy ,  emerald theme is not active anymore , and when I try "emerald --replace" I lose window borders :( any help ?19:33
thenameLOL of course19:34
acusterso how do we regenerate all our keys? And in passing, how do I fix a keychain password that no longer works?19:34
tehdaveI've set my ~/Movies, ~/Pictures etc. folders to a secondary hard drive using mount --bind. Is there a way to make the bindings permanent?19:34
k20ashafire it could if you use kubuntu and find out which applets they are using19:34
niadhSlart: Uhm... dunno, 7.10 just said it was running at 61Hz19:34
Piciloren: A good place to start would be #ubuntu-locoteams and/or #ubuntu-marketing19:34
Slartniadh: ok.. hang on..19:34
shafirek20a, is this kubuntu?19:34
lorenPici... cool.. thanks :)19:34
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niadhSlart: I accepted defaults and I'm looking at the GTK monitor thing jaffarkelshac pointed me at19:35
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k20ashafire no this is ubuntu chat but that screenshot was using kde19:35
tuxxHi ppl. Faith will I cannot find BlackdownJava (the only one for us with 64bit afaik).. can someone help me so I can get my java in Firefox working?19:35
Threepwoodhi, is there anybody running a 8800GS with Ubuntu 8.04? dont get the driver working properly.19:35
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE19:36
Slartniadh: I've never actually had to use the configuration thingy for the monitor.. it just worked when I installed19:36
fluffmantuxx: Java works fine for me.  I just installed ubuntu-restricted-extras from add/remove19:36
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: just checked that link out, think i should try the one near the bottom?19:36
Slartniadh: here's a modeline you can try Modeline "1280x1024"   108   1280 1328 1440 1688   1024 1025 1028 1066  +hsync +vsync19:36
tehdaveIs there a way to keep the bindings I set with "mount --bind" across a restart?19:36
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)19:36
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava19:36
tehdaveThe bindings reset when I reboot the machine.19:36
niadhSlart: And place it where?19:36
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: just read your second one, how would i go about adding those?19:36
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bulliumwhat happened to the hardware information application in 8.04?19:36
Buttercupmgolisch: What I don't understand is why it would act like this straight from the CD. I ran the thing that checks the CD and it gave no errors.19:37
Slartniadh: and here's one for 1024x768   ....   Modeline "1024x768"   65   1024 1048 1184 1344   768 771 777 806  -hsync -vsync19:37
Slartniadh: those go into your xorg.conf.. in the monitor section I believe19:37
tuxxfluffman: they don't work here with Sun's. I have of course all repos added. Nevertheless I read on a ubuntu forum that BlackDown was the only one working with Firefox as plugin on 64bit. Now.. where do I get BlackDown? :)19:37
Slartniadh: normally these values are autodetected.. the edid thing19:37
kasraI have problem with emerald after upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy ,  emerald theme is not active anymore , and when I try "emerald --replace" I lose window borders :( any help ?19:37
niadhSlart: There not a way to force auto-detection?19:37
fluffmansorry, tuxx, can't help you there19:37
ubottuFactoid openssl not found19:38
DalrainHey all: For key regeneration, just use aptitude for your security patching, it'll automatically regenerate the server key.  (apt-get update / upgrade doesn't seem to do it?)19:38
ubottuFactoid openssh not found19:38
niadhkasra: emerald --replace19:38
LimCoreis there java 64 bit - for firefox 64 bit?19:38
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Not sure myself.19:38
kasraniadh: "and when I try "emerald --replace" I lose window borders"19:38
Slartniadh: ubuntu tried.. I have no idea why it didn't work..19:38
jjaramillohello hello19:38
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: probably editing the GRUB. but be careful19:38
Slartniadh: that's what that line in the log was about..19:38
acusterDalrain, no, apt-get doesn't do much --- just installs the packages19:38
niadhkasra: That's odd.19:38
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: Ask someone else who knows how to do it.19:38
durythank you channel :)19:38
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: or search in ubuntu forums.19:38
niadhSlart: And re-forcing it to try won't work?19:38
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: think i should try this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/104868/comments/1419:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104868 in linux-source-2.6.20 "PC does not power down after shutdown or hibernate" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:39
acusterLimCore, yes but it has issues; try it and see19:39
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: let me read it.19:39
thenameim new to every damn thing19:39
Slartniadh: it isn't disabled.. it tried.. but failed.. forcing it won't make it work.. at least I don't think it will19:39
niadhSlart: So where do I put these lines then?19:39
thenamecan you have like a buddylist with in irc19:39
niadhSlart: Monitor section, I presume?19:40
tehdaveAnyone have experience with forcing "mount --bind" to be permanent after a system reboot?19:40
zytar77tehdave: you'll need to add the entry to fstab i believe19:40
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: That's all "dangerous" stuff to do, if you don't understand it.19:40
Slartniadh: yes.. just after the "identifier "Configured monitor"" line19:41
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: If you dont understand that I strongly suggest you not do it.19:41
SebNaitsabesthename:   yes you can if ou got a client that can do it, but IRC is not really for that since it's not an instant messenger19:41
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: i like living on the edge.19:41
cbx33how do we regenerate the system ssh key used to ssh logins?19:41
zytar77tehdave: easiest way is to copy the line from /etc/mtab to /etc/fstab19:41
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: If the machine is only for fun, go for it.19:41
fluffmantuxx:  I just confirmed that installing Java from the repos does indeed work with Java programs embedded in Firefox19:41
tehdavezytar77, mtab? h/o a sec19:41
niadhSlart: Before I do that, I might have made the gtk configuration method work. Would you suggest just adding the lines or attempt the GTK way?19:41
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: But if you do daily work, etc, i dont suggest it.19:41
fluffmanthe official Sun java19:41
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: :-)19:41
djhashHey there.. Anyone around here knows a good resource to learn about fstabs and whatever other things related to it?19:41
LimCoreacuster: I dont see up to date howto for that java64 in ubuntu6419:41
erwincbx33: your client keys can be recreated using ssh-keygen19:41
fluffmanon 64but Hardy Heron, Firefox 3beta519:41
LimCore*in firefox6419:42
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: I hope you understand that I say that only for your safetly.19:42
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: it is, and worse comes to worse i'll just reinstall.. i'm thinking of throwing 8.04 on it... while i have you, is there a way i could start 8.04 with my windows drive mounted like in 7.119:42
Slartniadh: try the gtk way first if you want.. if that fails you can always try this one later19:42
InvisiblePinkUnidjhash: tldp.org has good resources on almost all things linux.19:42
tehdavezytar77, so the mtab file resets itself?19:42
niadhSlart: Right ok then, I'll apply these, restart X11 and see where we are after that.19:42
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: haha nah, i hear you.. this is a play toy, only thing i'll lose is music19:42
djhashInvisiblePinkUni: Thanks19:42
UbuntuNuubhey people19:42
zytar77tehdave, yeah mtab lists your currently mounted mounts19:43
italo-esbox /server irc.embedded.ufcg.edu.br 666719:43
UbuntuNuubIs this where I can get some help regarding driver installation or ubuntu?19:43
InvisiblePinkUnidjhash: :-) if you dont find on tldp.org, goto wikipedia, then google :-)19:43
UbuntuNuub *for rather19:43
Slartnikin: do that.. good luck19:43
suppressingfireanyone seeing a Template parse error when upgrading openssh-server ?19:43
tuxxfluffman: So did I - not working - confirmed by Ubuntu also. What Java do you have installed and do you run pure 64bt?19:43
niadhSlart: Better, 800x600, not the 1024 I asked for, but I have significatly more screen real estate19:43
tehdavezytar77, # comments a line out in linux config files, right?19:43
Soopamansuppressingfire, i am also19:43
Soopamanis there a fix for it?19:44
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: you want to mount windows drive after booting into Ubuntu 8.04?19:44
UbuntuNuubNoob here in dire need of some basic help ><19:44
laegi have downloaded a 'linux executable' dynamips-0.2.7-x86.bin - how do i correctly install it? there are no instructions19:44
suppressingfiresoopaman: dunno just came in here to find out19:44
suppressingfireI upgraded half a dozen machines, and only one had this problem19:44
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: What do you want N00b. :-)19:44
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: yeah, when i boot into 7.10 hda1 pops up.. however it doesn't when i boot into 8.04.. it's nothing crazy, just would like to save a button19:44
niadhSlart: Trying a few other options in the configuration window19:44
tehdave# comments a line out in linux config files, right?19:45
UbuntuNuublol im having trouble installing a driver for my network card on my laptop19:45
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: I think it can be done, but need to look around.19:45
fluffmantuxx: I just remembered that I tried to compile a java program for class, and installed some of the recommended programs after running javac something.java19:45
zytar77tehdave, yes19:45
tuxxfluffman: ok :)19:46
tehdavezytar77, Thanks :319:46
suppressingfiresoopaman: are you using a mirror for security updates?19:46
wakka-wakkaInvisiblePinkUni: k thank you for the help.. i'll probably revert back to 8.04 again.. wipe out my whole hd this time haha19:46
tuxxDoes anyone know where to obtain BlackDown? I've seached google but with no luck :-( seems to have been discontinued19:46
wakka-wakkac ya19:46
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: :-)19:46
suppressingfireblackdown... damn that's oldschool19:46
InvisiblePinkUniwakka-wakka: YW.19:46
shadowjacki have gmrun set to autostart in openbox - the problem is the the dialog for entering commands pops up immediately on login. is there anyway to get it to not do that?19:46
tuxxsuppressingfire: I am oldschool.. haha19:46
djahandarieAll ur ssl are belong 2 us19:47
UbuntuNuubUni, are you getting my messages..?19:47
UbuntuNuubi'm noob at IRC too.. >_<19:47
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: yes19:47
PrefixOk, how do I group windows?19:47
djahandarieChrist, there are a whole lot of people in here.19:47
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Are you /msg'ing me?19:47
mocamocaI need some help for something really easy...19:48
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: I dont get any private msg's19:48
thenameok Im in my Ubuntu terminal wanting to open a file so i type cd /boot/grub; ls and when it list the files i type ./menu.lst and it says permission denied19:48
UbuntuNuubwell...i clicked your nameand got a separate window aaah19:48
Slartmocamoca: just ask19:48
djahandarieMy irssi can't handle this many people. >.<19:48
UbuntuNuubi see.19:48
AnveoAnyone here run multiple versions of firefox?19:48
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: you need to be registered to send msg's19:48
laegi have downloaded a 'linux executable' dynamips-0.2.7-x86.bin - how do i correctly install it? there are no instructions19:48
PrefixInvisiblePinkUni: He probs isnt regged with nick, so pms dont go through19:48
UbuntuNuuboh, i see19:48
mocamocaWithout intention I've deleted the folder "Documents" from my home directory19:48
InvisiblePinkUniPrefix: Yes, most probably.19:48
suppressingfiresoopaman: I guess you should probably make sure you're using security.ubuntu.com for *-security repos19:48
Mathmantheaber: that would be you trying to run menu.lst.  which is not what you do with that file.  edit it instead.19:48
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Just ask here.19:48
AnveoI downloaded the binary, but when I run it, it says it can't find libmosjs.so, but it is in the current directory, and /usr/lib19:48
niadhSlart: It's only partially worked, I've had to move my xorg.conf file in order to get a useable desktop again19:49
nikinthename.. you cant run menu.lst .. to edit it type..:    sudo nano ./menu.lst19:49
suppressingfiresoopaman: the bug we were seeing was in 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3 as far as I can tell, and the very latest is 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.419:49
Slartlaeg: make it executable first.. then just double click it.. or "./dynamips-0.2... etc"19:49
mocamocathe problem is that it's in the Trash but Ubuntu doesn't allow me neither delete it forever nor move the folder, just copy19:49
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: someone else might have had the same problem, or they might have solved it. More chance of getting it solved :-)19:49
UbuntuNuubWell, Ive been wanting ubuntu on my Gateway mx6960 for the longest19:49
Slartniadh: move it? that sounds weird19:49
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: ok.19:49
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Did you install ubuntu?19:49
the_coronahey guys, pls somebody help me get firefox back running! it cant create a new profile but under sudo it runs fine?19:49
UbuntuNuubbut I always get driver issues, like now, I'm having difiulty installing a network driver for it., yeah its installed on top of XP.19:50
Jack_Sparrowlaeg INstalling a bin file from someone you dont know and with no instructions is probably not a good idea19:50
laegSlart: how do i make it an executable please/19:50
laegJack_Sparrow: it's safe19:50
SkinnYPupWhat can I do at startup on 8.04 live cd to get it to NOT scan for sata drives? It cycles from sda to sdzz looking for sata drives, I only have ata19:50
niadhSlart: The graphical application messed something up, and I could not use the desktop to any degree to undo it, so I moved to a console and moved the file and allowed X11 to create a barebones one so I could bring the desktop back19:50
laegJack_Sparrow: cisco engineers everywhere use it19:50
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Did you use Wubi to install?19:50
Slartlaeg: right click the file.. check the permissions-tab19:50
suppressingfirethe_corona: try killing all firefox: "killall firefox" or "killall firefox-bin"19:50
nasstyhello everybody, does anybody know if there's any complication with the wireless card pcchips a530?19:50
laegSlart: should i place it somewhere?19:50
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Ok.19:50
rutgermasilaeg: (sudo?) chmod +x file.bin19:50
Jack_Sparrowlaeg then if that many people are using it there must be plenty of documentation on how to install it19:50
the_coronathnx....tells me: firefox-bin: Kein Prozess beendet19:51
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: So you are unable to use the network card now.19:51
Slartniadh: ah.. so you're back with the almost empty xorg?19:51
mocamocaWhat I shall need is to open Trash as root, but I tried to do that and I failed... Because I couldn't find the Trash folder with nautilus19:51
the_coronameans no process was ended19:51
niadhSlart: Yeah19:51
thenamethanks nikin19:51
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: are you chatting from windows now?19:51
the_coronai get error19:51
laegJack_Sparrow: see for yourself http://www.ipflow.utc.fr/index.php/Cisco_7200_Simulator#Download19:51
UbuntuNuubdirections say i have to log into root to unpack and install my driver, im using my macbook for IRC19:51
earthlingi lost my ubuntu 7.10 installation cd. but have it installed on my machine. Would like to recreate the cd from the installed cd.19:51
the_coronaComponent returned failure code: 0x8000400519:51
the_coronawhen try to create new profile19:51
laegrutgermasi: ty i'm writing that down19:51
UbuntuNuubmy gateways right next to me in ubuntu19:51
Slartniadh: and the dpkg-reconfigure bla bla bla  command doesn't work for you?19:51
typhoon07hey question for you all, every time I try ./configure and it calls gcc I get error message C compiler cannot create executables - anyideas why19:51
laegSlart: where is a logical place to locate it?19:51
Picityphoon07: Install the build-essential package19:51
niadhSlart: Can try running it now19:52
Slartlaeg: well.. you saved it somewhere when you downloaded it.. or?19:52
typhoon07that in the repos19:52
the_coronaProfile couldn't be created. Probably the chosen folder isn't writable.19:52
the_corona[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIToolkitProfileService.createProfile]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://mozapps/content/profile/createProfileWizard.js :: onFinish :: line 233"  data: no]19:52
fci_bodoi just installed ubuntu8.04 now and i can't read windows i've opened grub.conf and added the lines of windows but not working19:52
Slarttyphoon07: what are you trying to compile?19:52
Picityphoon07: Yes19:52
laegSlart: ya but that's just a dir i use for all downloads and is supposed to be temporary19:52
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: For root, in ubuntu you can do sudo.19:52
laegSlart: where are other executables installed?19:52
IkariShinjiWhen anyone has a second, I was wondering if anyone has had issues with HTTP transfers after upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.  I currently cannot get any of my browsers (Firefox 3 Beta 5/Epiphany/Lynx) to load any web pages, but I can connect to IRC and other types of protocols.19:52
rutgermasifci_bobo: you cant read your windows partition with ubuntu?19:52
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Can you give me the link for the directions?19:52
Slartlaeg: it will probably install itself somewhere else19:52
thorny_sunubuntu-ers!  what procedure should I use to get latest eclipse version (synaptic is giving older version)?19:52
nikindoes someone know any vloopback replacement?19:52
UbuntuNuubits a txt that came with my driver19:52
Slartlaeg: if this isn't the case.. put it in /opt or something19:53
UbuntuNuublemme see if its viewable onlne19:53
rutgermasiIkariShinju: wget www.ubuntu.com works or lynx ubuntu.com?19:53
IkariShinjiNeither do.19:53
InvisiblePinkUnithorny_sun: mark all upgrades in synaptic and apply them.19:53
earthling Would like to recreate the .iso image from the installed OS on my PC.19:53
fci_bodorutgermasi you cant read your windows partition with ubuntu? no i mean that i can't login19:53
mocamocaWithout intention I've deleted the folder "Documents" from my home directory. The problem is that it's in the Trash but Ubuntu doesn't allow me neither delete it forever nor move the folder, just copy. What I shall need is to open Trash as root, but I tried to do that and I failed... Because I couldn't find the Trash folder with nautilus, someone could help me...?19:53
SlartIkariShinji: no problems here.. clean hardy install19:53
laegSlart: when i try to run it it says there is no application installed for this file type19:53
RyanTMis there a way to make ssh not wait around for child processes to finish, that is make something like echo 'sleep 5 &' | ssh localhost exit immediately?19:53
IkariShinjiWell, wget works.19:53
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Otherwise post them in pastebin.com and give me a link.19:53
Pici!trash | mocamoca19:53
ubottumocamoca: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:53
IkariShinjiI upgraded from Feisty.19:53
nasstyanybody? pcchips a530 in ubuntu? works?19:53
rutgermasifci_bodo: you can, but what does windows say19:53
laegSlart: i think it can only be used to open os images - i'll look into it - for now i will place it in opt - ty19:53
SkinnYPupWhat can I do at startup on 8.04 live cd to get it to NOT scan for sata drives? It cycles from sda to sdzz looking for sata drives, I only have ata. After 30 mins of scanning drives , the install icon doesn't launch.19:54
nixnoobdoes anyone kno if i can get a voice synth to read me a block of text like in M$Office?19:54
IkariShinjiBut I've been browsing for a few days, and this just happened today.19:54
UbuntuNuubjust a moment, and i appreciate your patience in all this.19:54
thorny_sunInvisiblePinkUni: the problem is that synaptic is showing older version-- won't let me install latest version from eclipse19:54
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: No problemo.19:54
Slartlaeg: it is an executable file.. binary.. right?19:54
earthlingany one19:54
the_coronaif i run sudo firefox it starts normally19:54
Slartlaeg: what happens if you open a terminal and run it from there?19:54
InvisiblePinkUnithorny_sun: Oh ok. probably ubuntu repositories don't support new version yet.19:54
ringeri am running live cd right now and want to delete my old 7.10 partitions to install 8.04, how do i do this19:55
fci_bodorutgermasi nothin but starting up and nothin happen you know i added rootnoverify and chain loader with the wright partition and nothin happen19:55
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Don't you want anything from your old 7.10?19:55
thorny_sunInvisiblePinkUni: so in that case-- what is the best way to pull in a version that ubuntu doesn't support yet?  seems like there are several ways-- just wondering which is best19:55
niadhSlart: Right gotten xorg.conf reconfigured changed vesa for nvidia so I'll fling those lines into the monitor section and hope, if you have them again?19:55
cbx33hey peeps anyone use NX here?19:55
Slartniadh: sure.. hang on19:55
cbx33how do we regnerate a compormised ssh key from NX?19:55
ringerInvisiblePinkUni no i dont need anything from that.19:55
Slartniadh: and here's one for 1024x768   ....   Modeline "1024x768"   65   1024 1048 1184 1344   768 771 777 806  -hsync -vsync19:55
InvisiblePinkUnithorny_sun: Not sure myself, this happened for firefox in previous versions.19:55
SkinnYPupAnyone successfully running 8.04 on a ATA only no sata machine?19:55
Slartniadh: here's a modeline you can try Modeline "1280x1024"   108   1280 1328 1440 1688   1024 1025 1028 1066  +hsync +vsync19:56
rutgermasithorny_sun, its not the best i think, but i get that test packages from http://packages.debian.org or from vendor itself (compile it by myself)19:56
ariqsdo i have to enable java in my broswer somehow before I can use it?19:56
slackpipeskinnypup: i am19:56
InvisiblePinkUnithorny_sun: check out wiki.ubuntu.com and search for eclipse page.19:56
thenameshould i delete titleUbuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (on /dev/sda3)19:56
thenamekernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=2c4e2e4d-975a-40f7-90cc-cf963835e8ca ro quiet splash19:56
FloodBot1thename: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:56
dholbert_afkInvisiblePinkUni: Yup i am19:56
=== dholbert_afk is now known as dholbert
thorny_sunInvisiblePinkUni: yeah-- already looked there -- it doesn't say19:56
ibleeddoes going from 2gb to 4gb of memory cause the preload application to speed things up?  like does the extra 2gb make a difference?19:56
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Then after you boot in the livecd, go to the partition editor, and you can delete the partition.19:56
rutgermasifci_bodo, sorry i have to go, please repeat your question here19:56
SkinnYPupslackpipe: were you haveing problems with it scanning for sata drives sda -sdzz on bootup of the install cd?19:56
InvisiblePinkUnithorny_sun: Oh ok.19:56
InvisiblePinkUnidholbert: Cool.19:57
dholbertInvisiblePinkUni: yup :)19:57
UbuntuNuubUni: the plot just thickend19:57
ringerInvisiblePinkUni: i am trying, but my swap and extended partitions are locked or something and cannot be deleted19:57
ariqsI have java installed, I have it enabled. Why can't I play yahoo games?19:57
UbuntuNuubSort of19:57
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Or reformat it to ext3 again.19:57
slackpipeskinnYPup: nope.  picked them up fine, but it recognizes them as sda and sdb19:57
stefgibleed: not noticable... you get more buffers and cache, and some lost ram on a 32 bit machine with 4 gb19:57
niadhSlart: This is my xorg.conf file now: http://pastebin.com/m7551fe0c19:57
InvisiblePinkUniringer: dont touch swap and extended partitions.19:57
earthling_anyone use remastersys here?19:57
SkinnYPupslackpipe: thanks19:57
vegombreihi i need help making my pc an ftp19:58
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Why do you want to delete the whole thing and install fresh?19:58
fci_bodoi added the lines of windows in grub.conf but i can't login windows he just say starting up and hang on19:58
InvisiblePinkUnidholbert: What language do you program in?19:58
UbuntuNuubI'm using an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)19:58
ariqsI have java installed, I have it enabled. Why can't I play yahoo games?19:58
Slartniadh: looks right.. give it a try.. if it doesn't work, pastebin that log file again.. /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:58
dholbertInvisiblePinkUni: C++ mostly19:58
UbuntuNuub-and I don't see a linux folder for that driver for that card.19:58
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: ok, what happened.19:58
=== dholbert is now known as dholbert_lunch
niadhSlart: Okies, here goes nothing.... again.19:58
ringerInvisiblePinkUni: because i was having sound problems and figured this was the best way to solve it.  i was running 8.04 last night and it worked perfectly, i just messed up all my partitions and now i dont know what i am doing.19:59
InvisiblePinkUnidholbert_lunch: great work.19:59
cb160hello, how do i set an environment variable so that it's picked up by applications started under gnome? Thanks.19:59
UbuntuNuubWell, in a nutshell, where an I get a driver that will support that card, and how would I go about installing it?19:59
slackpipeskinnYPup: what exactly does yours say when it's doing that?19:59
ringerInvisiblePinkUni: so i would like to just reinstall and correct all of my partitions.19:59
UbuntuNuubThe other was just the ethernet card, and thats trivial.19:59
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Normally, you do all the partition stuff first and then install ubuntu.20:00
niadhSlart: Nope, am back down to 640 again now. :(20:00
Slartniadh: and the log file?20:00
ariqsI have java installed, I have it enabled. Why can't I play yahoo games?20:00
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Normally ubuntu supports Network cards out of the box.20:00
mocamocaubottu: thanks a lot! it worked ;)20:00
ubottumocamoca: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:00
vegombreihello .. how do i configure my machine to be an ftp place so i can share files online20:00
earthling_HOW TO create a .iso image  of your installed linux distro?20:00
ringerInvisiblePinkUni: yeah i know, i was actually doing it manually with the partition editor while installing, but i messed it up through there20:00
Slart!clone | earthling_: perhaps there is something here...20:00
ubottuearthling_: perhaps there is something here...: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate20:00
UbuntuNuubInsiviblePinkUni: I've ran into this problem before, it doesn't seem to recognize this one, and its a popular one for Gateway laptops..20:01
InvisiblePinkUniringer: If you use liveCD you should be able to delete all partitions.20:01
niadhSlart: Log file is here: http://pastebin.com/m7cd5074f20:01
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Oh ok.20:01
aiduciukashey, how can I remove prompting of sudo password? hardy20:01
patifaaiduciukas: That's a really bad idea.20:01
IkariShinjiWhy would you want to remove prompting for the password?20:01
fluffmanUbuntuNuub: try connecting to a wired network.  You should be notified of new drivers that can be automatically installed20:02
SkinnYPupslackpipe: rejecting I/O to offline device 6 times in a row, then Asking for cache datafailed, Assuming the drive cache: write through. I could deal with that on boot but the install script not runing ... same on U X and K 8.0420:02
aiduciukasbut whatever, how?20:02
UbuntuNuubAh, ok, lemme try that now.20:02
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: Is it wireless?20:02
UbuntuNuubAye, it is.20:02
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: ok.20:02
Jburrkehey what's the name of the beginners channel?20:02
niadhaiduciukas: I don't know how, but I know if you removed it it's not likely you'd be able to achieve the tasks you set out to perform20:02
SkinnYPupslackpipe: it repeates those three messages for sda-sdzz every drive designation20:02
UbuntuNuubI'll connect with a cat5 to my router now, to see if it will work.20:03
patifaaiduciukas: A better idea might be to just extend the sudo expire time, so it prompts less often.20:03
PiciJburrke: We answer all types of questions here.20:03
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70526620:03
aiduciukaspatifa, how?20:03
Soopamansupp, i check, and I am usng the appropriate security repos, but i'm still unable to fix the ssh on that machine20:03
InvisiblePinkUniUbuntuNuub: There's a link that might help.20:03
ringerInvisiblePinkUni: i have my xp partition and an extended and swap partitions, what should i do during installation20:04
JburrkePici: i know, but i assumed that one may be a bit less packed so i could actually read my answers XD20:04
mkquistis there a command to rebuild fstab automatically?20:04
JburrkePici: this ones so full it's just hard to read XD20:04
slackpipeskinnYPup: I had a similiar issue installing to a laptop a while back with fiesty.  IIRC, it was because there was an SD card in the card reader.20:04
PiciJburrke: Theres always the forums ;)20:04
masterblastercan anyone prefer me a distubution?20:04
UbuntuNuubUni: thanks for all your help, ill look into it from here, see if I can update with a hardline, can I come back to you if I get stuck again?20:04
JburrkePici: replies take forever D:20:04
Soopamanis anyone else having ubuntu SSH issues?20:04
patifaaiduciukas: Changing the timestamp_timeout in /etc/sudoers will extend the time frame at which all sudo commands remember that you entered a password before.20:05
PiciSoopaman: When was the last time you did an aptitude update?20:05
earthling_Slart: I  dont want to clone the installation, but want to get back the original cd from which i actually installed the system20:05
Jburrkecan anyone help me install a .tar.gz?20:05
SkinnYPupslackpipe: Desktop 2.4 amd with 1G nothing special nor extra . Have 6.06 fiesty and gutsy partitions. Would hate not to get hardy going.20:05
Jburrkei've got no idea what to do with it.. ><20:05
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Do you want to keep your XP?20:05
vegombreihi .. i need help installing an ftp client20:05
ringerInvisiblePinkUni: yes, for a little while longer anyways20:06
ariqsI have java installed, I have it enabled. Why can't I play yahoo games?20:06
PiciSoopaman: Try it again, there was a patch released today due to a vulnerability.20:06
masterblasterwhich Linux Distrubution you prefer?20:06
patifavegombrei: A specific one, or do you just want an FTP client?20:06
tolonugahi. I updated my server with xen from 7.10 to 8.04 (and xen 3.1 to 3.2). I see packets from internet via xen0 going into the vif for the xenU, but ifconfig on xenU shows no packets being received. maybe anyone saw a problem like this before?20:06
slackpipeskinnypup: you've already got fiesty and gutsy running on it?20:06
PiciSoopaman: Rather, the first patch release was a little flawed.20:06
Picimasterblaster: If you expect any answer other than Ubuntu, try asking in ##linux20:06
masterblasterah ok thaks20:06
JburrkePici: could you help me out?20:07
PiciJburrke: What are you trying to install?20:07
SkinnYPupslackpipe: sure do ... not really a noob20:07
vegombreipatifa: i wanna make my pc an ftp place where my friends can connect and download stuff from it directly instead of me burning dvds for em20:07
SoopamanPici, would yo mind walking me through the fix?20:07
JburrkePici: er.. bittorrent xD20:07
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Ok, boot liveCD, go to partition editor, delete extended and swap (hoping you dont need them). Then reformat available space as ext3, and then 2*RAM size as swap.20:07
patifaoh, you want an FTP server.20:07
PiciJburrke: There are many bittorent clients already in the Package repositories.20:07
JburrkePici: i see a .tar.gz & a .deb.. which would be better to install?20:07
* Soopaman is walking over to the server as we speak20:07
PiciSoopaman: Sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get full-upgrade20:07
cheeseboythere a ubuntu installer for servers?20:07
Mathmanvegombrei: I'd recommend making it a web server as opposed to ftp server20:07
patifaJburrke: .deb .deb .deb .deb ;)20:07
InvisiblePinkUniringer: After that is done, then proceed to installing ubuntu.20:07
JburrkePici: oh, i guess i should have looked there first20:07
PiciJburrke: Preferable from the repos, if not a .deb20:08
SoopamanPici, will that upgrade my dist?20:08
Scunizicheeseboy: yes.. check out the link at www.ubuntu.com20:08
JburrkePici: let me take a look.. thanks :D20:08
vegombreiMathman: how do i make it a web server ?20:08
PiciSoopaman: No20:08
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: Use synaptic and install.20:08
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: If in doubt use synaptic package manager.20:08
Pici!torrent | Jburrke20:08
ubottuJburrke: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P20:08
Mathmanvegombrei: same way youd turn it into an ftp server basically.  install a web server and configure it20:08
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: synaptic = the add/remove thing under applications? Oo20:08
Andre1How do I install a font into openoffice?20:09
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: System->Administration->Synaptic20:09
vegombreiMathman: i'm new to linux and ubuntu dude .. could you walk me thru it ?20:09
InvisiblePinkUniAdd remove thing, under applications is confusing.20:09
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: what's the difference between this and the add/remove thing?20:09
Slartniadh: hmm.. I was kind of hoping for something in the log file about "rejecting mode bla bla bla.. because of bla bla bla".. it seems it doesn't really even try those modelines you inserted.. strange20:09
patifaIn reference to vegombrei issue: Do we have anything simplier than apache for making a simple web server?20:10
SoopamanPici, sudo apt-get full-upgrade wasn't recognized20:10
niadhSlart: Uhm.... ok.20:10
Mathmanvegombrei: not I.  it's not really a simple little thing.  but it would be something along the lines of: apt-get install apache; vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf; cp some_junk /var/www/html/20:10
Soopamanpatifa, php's nanoweb?20:10
ringer<InvisiblePinkUni: it wont let me delete the extened and swap and i am in the live cd20:10
SkinnYPupslackpipe: It is the same with live cd , or VMware creating vm from .iso. I've  also noticed the newest debian and fedora are the same on boot, but their install scripts do run.20:10
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: I think they are related, Both of them use apt, but Add/Remove is supposed to be Friendlier to use for Windoze users.20:10
ariqsI have java installed, I have it enabled. Why can't I play yahoo games?20:10
acusterSoopaman dist-upgrade ?20:11
InvisiblePinkUniringer: Is the swap size ok now? like is it double your RAM?20:11
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: lmfao windoze.. synaptic is confusing.. there are so many things here20:11
Soopamani don't want to upgrade my distribution20:11
PiciSoopaman: dist-upgrade should work20:11
Andre1Anyone know how to install fonts in openoffice?20:11
patifaSoopaman: vegombrei's looking for a simple way to share files to his friends and apache's a full blown web server with all the trimmings.20:11
SebNaitsabesariqs:  sun java 6 plugin instaleld that?20:11
Soopamani just want to fix the ssh issues20:11
ringer<InvisiblePinkUni> its a little smaller but not by much20:11
InvisiblePinkUniringer: If it is, then just leave it as it is.20:11
vegombreipatifa: so should i just apt get apache for starters and then take it from there what say mathman20:11
orangepeelbeefhey guys, i'm having a problem trying to install mythvideo and i'm getting unresolvable package dependencies  http://pastebin.com/m65a9befd20:11
InvisiblePinkUniringer: just reformat extended. delete it and make it ext320:11
IkariShinjiConfiguring apache is a bit more work than you'd want for something so simple.20:11
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: :-)20:12
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: Synaptic is the best in my opinion.20:12
SoopamanPici, but i don't want to upgrade my distribution, i just want to fix the openssh issues20:12
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: I don't use it much, but its very easy to use.20:12
PiciSoopaman: An apt-get upgrade might do it.20:12
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: lol, but i have no idea what to do from here XD.. there are so many results under bittorrent ><20:12
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: I use apt-get a lot.20:12
SoopamanPici, k trying now20:12
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: Just click on the one you like and install.20:13
patifavegombrei: I may have a found a simple web server, 'boa' is in the World Wide Web (universe) repository section in synaptic, and it's website is http://www.boa.org20:13
MathmanIkariShinji: I dunno.  redhat for instance has some pretty sane defaults.  there's not a whole lot to configure as far as apache goes if you just want to share files.  ubuntu...couldn't tell you about that.20:13
Soopamanthank goodness20:13
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: okay ><20:13
Soopamanthat worked20:13
Soopamanmuch appreciated20:13
ariqsSebNaitsabes, other java applets work fine for me, but I can't get on yahoo games20:13
SebNaitsabesI don't know20:14
LimCorewhat to install to have java in my firefox64 (amd64 ubuntu 8.04)20:14
vegombreipatifa: thanks im checking it out now20:14
zytar77go to java.com and check your java version20:14
ringer<InvisiblePinkUni> i am seeing two keys next to my extended and swap and i cannot change anything. i cant delete resize move or format20:14
jagggyhey, any good mindmapping progie?20:14
SebNaitsabesLimCore:  is there a 64bit Java for Linux?20:14
niadhSlart: So what further can be done?20:14
SebNaitsabesLimCore:  for example there is no 64bit Flash20:14
SebNaitsabesfor any OS20:14
LimCoreSebNaitsabes: I think I use 64 bit flash20:14
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: where did it install.. i dont see it under apps20:15
LimCoreI have normal firefox,  and flash runs in it20:15
SebNaitsabesthere is no 64bit Flash for any OS20:15
SebNaitsabescan run the 32bit version though in a 32bit browser20:15
Slartniadh: have you checked the forums? perhaps search for "nvidia 6600" ... or ask the room again.. there must be someone better than me here =)20:15
LimCorestrange.. so perhaps default  firefox in 8.04 amd64 is 32 bit?20:15
niadhCan't easily navigate forums atm :P20:15
SebNaitsabesyeah maybe20:15
orangepeelbeefanyone know what i can do to resolve these errors with libxml-libxml-perl and libxml-sax-expat-perl ?    http://pastebin.com/m65a9befd20:15
niadhAnyone any good with X11 I have a resolution stuck on 640 using the nvidia driver on a 6600?20:16
SalishSeaI am having nautilus or gnome problem. Basically have crippled system. Is this the best IRC channel20:16
jagggyhey, any good mindmapping program?20:16
logyatiim trying to use apt-build to install applications... i tried for example apt-build install gftp. Everything seems to work fine, the package is created after the compilation, but seems that apt is downloading gftp from repositories instead of using the one apt-build created... look this paste of the last lines of apt-build install gftp -> http://www.paste2.org/p/27652  Im using Ubuntu 8.0420:16
SebNaitsabesSalishSea: what's the problem20:16
Bert_2hi, I'm running kopete 0.12.7 with kdelibs 3.5.9 on an ubuntu gnome installation and I can't receive or send webcam, why and is there a fix ?20:16
vegombreipatifa: downloading and installing boa .. would you please walk me thru the config ?20:16
Intangirhow do i turn off the pc speaker beeping sound in nautilus when i backspace (to parent directory)20:16
logyatiplease help20:17
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: you there? D:20:17
SebNaitsabesSalishSea:  you have to be exact about your problems or people carn't help you.  by the way are you a girl?20:17
LimCore /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5/firefox: ELF 64-bit LSB executable,   and yet  flash works in that.  how? O_o  amd64 8.0420:17
Bert_2Intangir: do you want to put it off entirely or just when you are packspacing ?20:17
IntangirBert_2: both20:17
orangepeelbeeflimcore: doesn't mean flash is 64bit20:17
LimCoreanyway... how to use java in that20:17
SalishSeaI have lost taskbar, cant raise launcher from desktop, so largely hooped. Currently in terminal mode...20:18
jagggyAny good mindmapping program?20:18
SalishSeaLooks like it is related to nautilus or gnome20:18
SebNaitsabesIntangir:  I can get cheap thrills of those beeps at time :D20:18
logyatiplease help me20:18
SalishSeahave tried to delete .gnome folders, restarted, etc without success20:18
Bert_2intangir: open a terminal screen and type alsamixer, then put down the beep meter (don't know the GUI way)20:18
SebNaitsabeswhat is exactly going wrong Sea?20:18
logyatiim trying to use apt-build to install applications... i tried for example apt-build install gftp. Everything seems to work fine, the package is created after the compilation, but seems that apt is downloading gftp from repositories instead of using the one apt-build created... look this paste of the last lines of apt-build install gftp -> http://www.paste2.org/p/27652  Im using Ubuntu 8.0420:18
wyIs there an applet that can show thumbnails of windows in workspaces? I work in one workspace, but I want to get some notification if things happen in other workspaces.20:19
Jburrkeanyone know where synaptic installs bittorrent?20:19
Jburrkei cant find it under any application setting20:19
ringerwhy cant i delete my old extended and swap partitions20:19
jagggyAny good mindmapping program?20:19
wyjagggy: freemind seems to be ok20:19
orangepeelbeefjburrke: can't you do dpkg -L bittorrent20:19
jagggyty wy20:19
SebNaitsabesjburrke: some where but if you open up the termianl and type in bittorrent and then enter it should open20:19
Jburrkeorangepeelbeef: i have no idea XD20:19
vegombreipatifa: i installed Boa from synaptic .. but it wont run20:19
wyjagggy: not very convenient to my idea, but at least you can use it20:20
orangepeelbeefjburrke: dpkg -L packagename  will show you where all the files are20:20
IntangirBert_2: its all the way down, and muted20:20
Intangirand its still playing20:20
jagggywy, will do, ty :)20:20
JburrkeSebNaitsabes: i typed it and nothing happened20:20
patifaDunno vegombrei, it was just a suggestion, I have no idea how to use it without experimenting with it myself.20:20
Jburrkeorangepeelbeef: i see but wtf do i do with this.. how do i open it XD20:20
SebNaitsabesjburrke: also as a torrents program I would recommend Ktorrent or Azurues20:20
Bert_2Intangir: try putting down the front thing20:20
orangepeelbeefjburrke: i dunno, i use torrentflux :)20:20
=== helvete is now known as imterro
JburrkeSebNaitsabes: why :P20:20
SebNaitsabes,because they are both rather good20:21
Bert_2Intangir: one of those controls the beep, but keep in mind that that also controls all the other audio20:21
=== helvete is now known as imterro
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P20:21
imterromgolisch, i was right, it dc'd me :p20:21
* Jburrke installs ktorrent20:21
mgolischimterro: ok20:21
thenameive deleted the right grub20:22
thenameand im still here20:22
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: are you on kubuntu?20:22
Jburrkeubuntu? yes20:22
Intangirdamn i just cant turn this bugger off20:22
SebNaitsabeshe can run KDE apps in Ubuntu20:22
thenameis there a way to see whats on each partition be fore i delete them or can i just back them up?20:22
Intangiri muted PC Beep and Speaker20:22
Intangirstill get beep20:22
=== Pusselgenerator is now known as Pusselgelerator
Jburrkewewt ktorrent was under internet XD20:23
InvisiblePinkUniJburrke: you can press "Alt + f2" and type in application name.20:23
AstralSinanyone know how to make my mic stop echoing to my speakers?20:23
Bert_2Intangir: keep on muting, one of those options is the key for as far as I know20:23
Mathmantheaber: mount it and browse it.  works for me20:23
InvisiblePinkUnibuh bye all.20:23
JburrkeInvisiblePinkUni: wow thanks for that XD20:23
=== backslash is now known as backslash7
mkquistis there a command to rebuild the fstab?20:23
slackpipeAstralSin: i just mute it.  even muted it still works in teamspeak and skype20:23
AstralSinslackpipe: it was muted but it wouldn't accept input, lemme try that again20:24
ringeri want to get rid of all my 7.10 partitions including extended and swap, how do i do this so that i can do a guided partiton in 8.0420:24
AstralSinuhhhh or not... now the mic isn't listed in volume control20:24
=== Pusselgelerator is now known as Pusselgenerator
SebNaitsabesringer:  Ubuntu only on the computer?20:24
mkquistringer use partition editor?20:25
orangepeelbeefmkquist: your favorite editor :)20:25
ringer<SebNaitsabes> i am dualbooting with xp20:25
thenamehow do you know whats on a partition20:25
SebNaitsabesmkquist:  he carn't delete  the Ubuntu partition that is being used when running Ubuntu from his computer.  he can delete it from the Live CD though of course20:25
mkquistorangepeelbeef: ?20:25
ringer<mkquist> partition editor wont let me delete swap and extendded20:25
mkquistSebNaitsabes: of course20:25
SpookyETDoes anyone know of a vim colour scheme that looks like the terminal on the right  http://www.studioindustryllc.com/user/spookyet/xterm-vim_vs_screen-vim.png20:25
SebNaitsabesringer: boot up the Live CD open up Gparted and delete the Ubuntu partitions20:25
steve_jevening all - i've got a user (ftpbod) that i created to run vsftpd, but I've just spotted that ftpbod is logged in on pts/2 (and hasbeen since November) and I can't log 'him' out. any tips?20:25
mkquistringer: check last line by SebNaitsabes20:26
Mathmanthename: you see my previous comment?  it was meant for you20:26
orangepeelbeefmkquist: saying you need to text edit the fstab and fix it20:26
thenamei know20:26
steve_jcan anyone help?20:26
ringer<SebNaitsabes> it wont let me. i cannot delete the swap or extended for some reason.  there are a set of keys next to them20:26
thenamedo you have one for me20:26
mkquistorangepeelbeef: oh ic, thought i remembered a command the would rebuild it .. no?  if not i'll just text editor it20:26
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter20:26
Jburrkeoh i got another questions20:27
ubottuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/20:27
ariqsI have java installed, I have it enabled. Why can't I play yahoo games?20:27
SilivrenionHey folks, what is the default GUI interface for Ubuntu? Gnome or KDE?20:27
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)20:27
mkquistringer: youll have to boot from a live cd to do it20:27
ubuntunoviceI use cfdisk for patitioning.. is this also good?!20:27
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
Jburrkewhen i started up ubuntu for the first time, my sound worked fine.. but it just seems so quiet coming out of my computer speakers..20:27
* SebNaitsabes Ubuntu uses Gnome20:27
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:27
Jburrkeit's loud out of headphones20:27
Jburrkeanyone know why?20:27
ringer<mkquist> i am currently using the liveCD20:27
ubottuFactoid hotsex not found20:27
ariqsi already did that, SebNaitsabes20:28
orangepeelbeefanyone have any idea with this libxml-perl crap?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11919/20:28
mkquistringer: open gparted and it won't let you? do you have the drives mounted?20:28
SebNaitsabes!botabuse  ubuntunovice20:28
ubottuSebNaitsabes: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:28
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:28
laegslackpipe: sorry i was having dinner. the link calls it 'Executable for Linux/x86' dynamips-0.2.7-x86.bin. terminal tells me bash: dynamips-0.2.7-x86.bin: command not found20:28
laegslart even20:28
ringermkquist: when i right click them it doesnt give me an option to mount or unmount so i am not completely sure.20:29
SebNaitsabesringer:  are you on the LIve CD now?20:29
mkquistringer: do they show up on ur desktop?20:29
orangepeelbeeflaeg: what are the permissions on that file?  seems like it's not +x20:29
Chillanceanyone here that got Stepmania installed in ubuntu 8.04?20:29
thenameok i didnt delete it but i did shrink /dev/sda20:29
ringermkquist: no, on my desktop is Examples, and Install20:29
mkquistSebNaitsabes: he says he is20:29
fdeorangepeelbeef: 'touch /usr/share/perl5/XML/SAX.pm' ... then try again.20:29
thenameim bout to reboot and see if everythings ends well20:29
ariqseverything is an issue with linux! argh20:29
ringerSebNaitsabes: yes im on the live CD right now20:29
Jburrkefde: hey :D20:29
SebNaitsabesringer:  just unmount them in Gparted and delete simple20:30
ringerSebNaitsabes: 8.0420:30
fdeJburrke: hey!20:30
tmapjis there anyone who can tell me how to open a .chm file?20:30
Jburrkefde: you think you could help me with another question? :)20:30
fdeJburrke: If you ask it  ;)20:30
laegorangepeelbeef: is there a way to get the permissions in text form from term instead of communicating what i see under properties in the gui?20:30
ringerSebNaitsabes: i dont have an option to unmount20:30
niadhAnyone an expert in Xorg?20:30
Starnestommylaeg: ls -l20:30
orangepeelbeefls -al20:30
episparhrver irc.lirex.net 666720:30
mkquistringer: and it wont let you delete the partitions?20:30
Jburrkefde: XD.. well when i first started up ubuntu my speakers worked fine, they were just super quiet.. they play loud out of headphones but from the computer speakers they're so much quieter then they were on windows.. any idea why? Oo20:30
SebNaitsabesringer:  you can also try QTParted open the terminal and sudo apt-get install qtparted20:30
rathelhmm... I did aptitude install kubuntu-desktop and I want to remove kubuntu so I did aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop, but the only file it removed was kubuntu-desktop everything KDE is still there. What do I do now? lol20:31
fde!anyone | niadh20:31
ubottuniadh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:31
x018523what should i delete in order to save space? (cant install a new program due to lack of space)20:31
ringernope.  are you talking about the 8.04 livecd or the gparted livecd20:31
ringerSebNaitsabes: i will try that20:31
SebNaitsabesringer:  yes the Ubuntu Live CD20:31
laegStarnestommy: ty20:31
tmapjis there anyone who can tell me how to open a .chm file?20:31
orangepeelbeeffde: that file exists, that's the weird part20:31
Pici!info gnochm | tmapj20:32
ubottutmapj: gnochm (source: gnochm): CHM file viewer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 139 kB, installed size 756 kB20:32
fdeJburrke: Everything is turned up in Volume Control Applet > Open Volume Control  (especially PCM)20:32
=== x018523 is now known as CalrCox
CalrCoxwhat should i delete in order to save space? (cant install a new program due to lack of space)20:32
Chillance00:00.384: WARNING: Error opening "/sys/block/sr0/device/../idProduct": No such file or directory20:32
=== ubuntu_ is now known as HermanChess
InvisionfreeIs anyone on a sorta fresh install of Hardy?20:32
laegorangepeelbeef: -rwxr-xr-x 1 laeg laeg 917608 2008-05-13 19:21 dynamips-0.2.7-x86.bin - i've found it in synaptic20:32
niadhCan someone help me fix a broken resolution in Xorg, it's stuck at 640 and should be at 1024.20:32
vegombreihi can someone help me set up Boa ?20:32
Jburrkefde: how do i access that?20:32
laegorangepeelbeef: i really didn't think it would be there because it's a very specialised piece of software20:32
SebNaitsabesCalrCox: any unwated programs and data20:32
fdeorangepeelbeef: does /etc/perl/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.d/XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser: exist? Looks strange for a file name though...20:32
fdeJburrke: The speaker looking thing in the panel.20:33
ringerSebNaitsabes: i tried to launch qtparted and get this error "Failed to execute child process "qtparted-root" (No such file or directory)"20:33
orangepeelbeeflaeg: so you are running it as ./dynamips-0.2.7-x86.bin20:33
InvisionfreeCan someone pastebin an unedited /etc/apt/sources.list for me please?20:33
fdeJburrke: Right click on it.20:33
CalrCoxSebNaitsabes should i use synaptik manager?20:33
frojndhello there. I have 2 disks. What will happen if I choose during the installation at partitioning part, if I choos for borh disks mount oint /home? would  be be better if I choose for one disk /home and for other /home2 maybe *20:33
SebNaitsabesringer: ah right yeah  sudo apt-get install qtparted and to open qtparted  in the terminal:  sudo qtparted20:33
orangepeelbeeffde: no20:33
fdefrojnd: Bad idea to mount 2 things at the same location.20:33
orangepeelbeeffde: there is no ParserDetails.d20:34
fdefrojnd: maybe /home and /home/<user>/Music or something instead?20:34
frojndfde: so One home1 and one home2 for example ?20:34
InvisionfreeCan someone pastebin an unedited /etc/apt/sources.list for me please?20:34
ringerSebNaitsabes: okay it is open20:34
laegorangepeelbeef: no i just type dynamips-0.2.7-x86.bin to try run it20:34
Shaducan anyone help me with getting hellanzb working? (its installed if im right, and i installed lottanzb but when i add a nzb file the file goes away and no files are added)20:34
fdeorangepeelbeef: Try making that dir at least, then try again... then touch that mumbo jumbo if it still complains.20:34
ringerSebNaitsabes: now i should delete everything except my xp drive? the ntfs one?20:34
VletInvisionfree: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11920/20:34
Jburrkefde: thanks a lot :D20:34
fdefrojnd: That can work yes.20:34
orangepeelbeeflaeg: you have to preface with ./  if you are running a command from the current directory20:35
SebNaitsabesdetelete all the Ubuntu stuff20:35
tmapjthanks ubottu20:35
SebNaitsabesyou did back up anything you wanted to keep first?20:35
frojndoh guys can I install ubuntu server via LAN ?20:35
Odd-rationale!thanks | tmapj20:35
ubottutmapj: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:35
VletInvisionfree: that IS however using the MIT mirror, but it works well20:35
fdetmapj: ubottu isn't a person.20:35
ringerSebNaitsabes: then when i run the 8.04 install i can just use the guided partition?20:35
hypn0do I need to install libflashsupport?20:35
ringerSebNaitsabes: i dont really want to back anything  up20:35
Shaducan anyone help me with getting hellanzb working? (its installed if im right, and i installed lottanzb but when i add a nzb file the file goes away and no files are added)20:35
orangepeelbeeffde: woohoo that did it =)  thanks20:35
fdehypn0: yes20:35
ericvwIn a pure terminal window, is there a way to scroll back and view the console buffer?20:35
laegorangepeelbeef: cool ty20:35
tmapjubottu where do you live?20:35
SebNaitsabesringer:  yeah then you can do the guided thing20:35
ubottutmapj: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:35
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:36
fdeorangepeelbeef: dpkg is good about telling you what's wrong  :D20:36
ringerSebNaitsabes: okay, so just format then delete and i am good to go?20:36
frojndIs it possible to install ubuntu  server without monitor keyboard somehow via LAN ?20:36
SebNaitsabesringer: well yeah basicalely20:36
SebNaitsabesringer:  just get rid of everything, but Windows20:36
orangepeelbeeffde: well i thought it was complaining about the SAX.pm and couldn't figure that out20:36
sajicb lvlssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss20:36
tmapjtthanks to whoever summoned ubottu for me20:36
ringerSebNaitsabes: okay, ill try now20:36
hypn0fde: even if I don't seem to have problems?20:36
Vletfrojnd: that would be tricky20:36
FloodBot1saji: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:36
orangepeelbeeffde: but now that i look at it, it makes sense20:36
SebNaitsabes!ubotu tmapjismyhero20:37
Vletsaji: we hear you20:37
ubottuSebNaitsabes: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
fdehypn0: Try playing a flash movie on youtube, for instance... then play something in a local player.20:37
UbuntuNuubHey Uni20:37
FloodBot1saji: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
fdehypn0: You'll see why you need libflashsupport  :)20:37
frojndVlet: maybe but extremely useful20:37
UbuntuNuubPink you still there?20:37
rathelhmm... I did aptitude install kubuntu-desktop and I want to remove kubuntu so I did aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop, but the only file it removed was kubuntu-desktop everything KDE is still there. What do I do now? lol20:37
ringerSebNaitsabes: seems like it is taking a while, it has said 100% on the progress bar for over a minute20:38
ariqsSebNaitsabes: I have to remove all files with gcj in them from synaptic package manager. Just for future reference for you20:38
niadhDoes anyone have a xorg.conf file that uses the nvidia driver and has resolutions of at least 1024x768 they can pastebin for me?20:38
Shaducan anyone help me with getting hellanzb working? (its installed if im right, and i installed lottanzb but when i add a nzb file the file goes away and no files are added)20:38
orangepeelbeefrathel: did you try apt-get autoremove20:38
UbuntuNuubInvisiblePinkUni:  Thanks so much, I got the wireless working on my OS!!20:38
fderathel: Ahh... it should have removed it due to nothing being wanted from there anymore... you can try 'sudo apt-get autoremove' see if it knows you don't want that stuff...20:38
SebNaitsabesrathel: yeah it's just a container package like  ubuntu-desktop20:38
fdeorangepeelbeef: beat me to it20:38
Vegombreisorry i had to reboot20:39
hypn0fde: I don't have time to do that, will just install it, If have problems will blame you :-))20:39
Vegombreihow do i install a web server boa ?20:39
rathelfde, autoremove didn't do anything, remove 0 packages.20:39
orangepeelbeefanyone have a good source for hardy freenx-server  i keep getting unresolvable depends20:39
fdeSebNaitsabes: Aptitude ought to know that the other stuff weren't explicitly installed though, and know that if you remove kubuntu-desktop it'll remove everything else... that's how it's _supposed_ to work.20:39
orangepeelbeefrathel: then apt-get remove kde20:39
=== helvete is now known as imterro
orangepeelbeefrathel: seb is prolly right, it's just a container package20:40
Vegombreihow do i install a web server boa ?20:40
scriptkidd-eSo, i've just installed Microsoft Hardy Heron.20:40
rathelorangepeelbeef, remove kde also removed 0 packages.20:40
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:40
fderathel: sudo aptitude purge kdelib*20:40
steve_jstew: ps aux is here -> http://pastie.caboo.se/19633520:40
xjkxcan you make your mouse click by a command on terminal ? always wanted to do that :p20:41
ubottuFactoid webserver not found20:41
StarnestommyVegombrei: sudo apt-get install boa20:41
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:41
IkariShinjiAnd I'm back :(20:41
SebNaitsabesApache = web server20:41
Shaducan anyone help me with getting hellanzb working? (its installed if im right, and i installed lottanzb but when i add a nzb file the file goes away and no files are added)20:41
ringerSebNaitsabes: i think it froze.  its sitting at 100% on the progress bar and not doing anything, i cant quit either20:41
scriptkidd-eEVA00 won't fly?20:41
newuserri am here with the live cd i have installed ubuntu 8.04 with the aternate cd everything worked but i cannot access gnome what have i done wrong??20:41
SebNaitsabeshow much RAM?20:42
IkariShinjiAnyone have any idea as to why I am unable to get any website to load in any web browser?  (On the computer I am currently connected to IRC with)20:42
rathelfde, lol again 0 packages removed, I know it' still installed.20:42
scriptkidd-enewuserr: Instaling ubuntu in the first place.20:42
orangepeelbeefshadu: i use hellanzb but i don't use lottanzb   is hellanzb running daemonized20:42
VegombreiStarnestommy: says ive already got the newest version but it wont show in applications20:42
IkariShinjiI even just installed Firefox2, to see if that would work.20:42
orangepeelbeefrathel:  dpkg -l | grep kde20:42
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: What's your issue?20:42
StarnestommyVegombrei: it's a command-line service, not an application20:42
SebNaitsabesringer:  re boot20:43
orangepeelbeefrathel: does that return items?20:43
rathelorangepeelbeef, alotta stuff pops up want me to pastebin it? or no need?20:43
newuserri need which command to access gnome??20:43
VegombreiStarnestommy: oh ok .. so i just type BOa ?20:43
ringerSebNaitsabes: into the live cd then try again?20:43
SebNaitsabesringer: will have to install qtparted again if you do that20:43
orangepeelbeefrathel: try apt-get remove kdebase-bin20:43
IkariShinjiI'm using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, and I can't get any webpage to load in Firefox (3 or 2), Epiphany, or Lynx.  I have tried rebooting, reinstalling firefox, and even multiple networks.20:43
fderathel: ahh aptitude doesn't wanna take wildcards... sudo aptitude purge kdelibs4c2a20:43
IkariShinjiBut other protocols such as IRC and IM work just fine.20:43
IkariShinjiAnd I can download through aptitude and such.20:43
SebNaitsabesringer: since your running from a Live CD and the stuff only goes into your RAM20:43
StarnestommyVegombrei: probably just "boa", but it may have been launched automatically when it was installed20:43
Shaduorangepeelbeef: how can i check that?20:43
ringerSebNaitsabes: ok20:43
orangepeelbeefrathel: but you can just pick one of those and start whackin em, they should all come out from deps20:44
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: It's just a browser failure?20:44
orangepeelbeefshadu: ps -aux | grep hellanzb20:44
IkariShinjiThis issue just appeared today, and I have no idea what it could be.20:44
newuserri am here with the live cd i have installed ubuntu 8.04 with the aternate cd everything worked but i cannot access gnome what have i done wrong??20:44
Shaduorangepeelbeef: (i've got no clue about how hellanzb works, just wanted to download with usenet again :P)20:44
newuserri need which command to access gnome??20:44
IkariShinjiNot sure really.  All the browsers do the same thing.  Attempt to load, and then load nothing.20:44
windmillDid anyone resolve the openssh-server problem from earlier?20:44
SebNaitsabesringer: re boot whole computer and back on the live CD.  turn it off and on again even to save time.20:44
orangepeelbeefshadu: hella works by monitoring a directory for .nzb files20:44
Starnestommynewuserr: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart20:44
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: I mean, any other connection works?20:44
IkariShinjiAs far as I've tried.20:45
orangepeelbeefshadu: but make sure you have hellanzb -D running somewhere otherwise no go20:45
ringerSebNaitsabes: okay, ill be back then20:45
Shaduorangepeelbeef: if i run that command i get somekind of a error :/20:45
orangepeelbeefshadu: you are using a pipe right ?   |20:45
rathelorangepeelbeef, Okay, I'll just browse through synaptic picking them off one by one, thanks, I thought there was an easier way. lol20:45
Shaduorangepeelbeef: yeah a |20:45
orangepeelbeefshadu: what error are you getting20:46
fderathel: we can go lower if you want to get rid of everything related to kde in any way: aptitude remove libqt3c-mt20:46
IkariShinjiOkay, scratch that.  It seems like my connection to AIM/ICQ/MSN/Yahoo don't work either.20:46
landorhi, I don't know where to ask this question.  I have gnome-terminal using the font "Monospace 10".  how do I figure out the font string name for that font suitable for passing to xterm or rxvt?20:46
IkariShinjiBut IRC and a MUD I play do.  (The MUD uses port 4000)20:46
windmillmy openssh-server package is still broken20:46
fderathel: I'm not sure the base package for qt4 though... it's more modular...20:46
Shaduorangepeelbeef:  bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html20:46
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: do you have any other operative system?20:46
VegombreiStarnestommy: im new to linux .. could you help me set it up ?20:46
IkariShinjiNot on this computer.20:46
fderathel: nm... throw libqt4-core on the end of the last command too  :)20:46
Shaduorangepeelbeef: but now i also get a line with "douye     1427  0.0  0.0   3004   748 pts/1    R+   22:10   0:00 grep hellanzb"20:46
StarnestommyVegombrei: I don't know anything about boa20:46
orangepeelbeefshadu: but that's all you get?20:46
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: It the other computer in a nat/lan?20:46
IkariShinjiI've been running Ubuntu for a year, and I've never encountered this problem.20:47
orangepeelbeefshadu: ok it's not runnign then20:47
IkariShinjiYeah it is.20:47
ronnyanyone knows how to put a ubuntu installer on a usb stick, google didnt really help20:47
orangepeelbeefshadu: try typing /usr/bin/hellanzb -D20:47
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: If its the same as that pc, do the other has connectivity?20:47
IkariShinjiYes it does.20:47
IkariShinjiComplete connectivity.20:47
rathelfde, Okay thanks.20:47
SebNaitsabesronny:  Ubuntu dosan't really run on a USB stick  unless it's big enough, but there are other distros that will20:47
Shaduorangepeelbeef:  Cannot continue program, required executable not found: 'unrar' :/20:47
scriptkidd-eYou should first discard wire issues20:48
SebNaitsabesronny: how big is your USB stick?20:48
orangepeelbeefshadu: interestingly enough, hellanzb doesn't have a startup script20:48
evil_techi run ubuntu off a 4gig memory stick20:48
VegombreiStarnestommy: you think there's a #boa ?20:48
evil_techruns just fine20:48
markotitelHi, has someone working VirtualBox seamless mode xp guest Hardy host, without overlaping taskbar issues ?20:48
SebNaitsabesok you help him then20:48
orangepeelbeefshadu: apt-get install unrar20:48
Starnestommyccooke: yes20:48
ronnySebNaitsabes: about 1 gb20:48
Starnestommyer, whoops20:48
StarnestommyVegombrei: yes20:48
SebNaitsabesronny:  evil_tech can help you20:48
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: Is your bed over the wires?20:49
ignoramusanybody know a good liveCD for ghosting partitions between computers?20:49
IkariShinjiIt's wireless.20:49
Shaduorangepeelbeef: now i should try the command again ?20:49
orangepeelbeefshadu: yes20:49
SebNaitsabesignoramus:  Norton Ghost maybe20:49
VegombreiStarnestommy: nah theres no #boa20:49
shaft0my custom error page for dansguardian doesn't display images in the HTML, is there a special way i'm supposed to call them?20:49
SebNaitsabesor does that not copy Linux paritiosn hummm20:49
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: It's most possible that you have a router problem then.20:49
ignoramusSebNaitsabes: FOSS, please20:49
evil_techronny: how big a usb key you have?20:49
tatignoramus: ubuntu + dd and nc :)20:49
ignoramusSebNaitsabes: and it needs to copy an ntfs filesystem20:49
Shaduorangepeelbeef: hellanzb v0.13 (config = /etc/hellanzb.conf, daemonized)20:49
Jburrkefde: you still around?20:49
IkariShinjiEven if this problem occurs on different wireless networks?  With different routers?20:49
ddgooseronny : try penbuntu maybe?20:50
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: Of course, not.20:50
orangepeelbeefshaft0: they have to be fully resolvable i believe20:50
ignoramustat: anything that won' t copy the blank space on the drive?20:50
IkariShinjiWell it does :20:50
orangepeelbeefshadu: ok it's running now =)20:50
StarnestommyVegombrei: it exists, but I think it's abandoned20:50
scriptkidd-ePlease, tell the whole problem20:50
fdeJburrke: yeah20:50
tatignoramus: you could just transfer the files then20:50
Shaduorangepeelbeef: k, will it auto start with ubuntu now?20:50
orangepeelbeefshadu: nope20:50
maw_for ubuntu server, when the LAMP option is enabled during install how can a user modify the PHP compiled in options, example adding SNMP support?20:50
evil_techronny: and what exactly are you doing with ubuntu on the usb key?20:50
orangepeelbeefshadu: what i did was add that line to the end of /etc/rc.local20:50
Jburrkefde: cool.. can i pm you real quick? this channel is crazy XD20:51
Shaduorangepeelbeef: ah20:51
fdeJburrke: Sure.20:51
orangepeelbeefshadu: make sure you put it before the exit 0  of course :)20:51
Starnestommymaw_: try running "sudo apt-get install php5-snmp" to install the snmp module20:51
yakuzii've a problem concerning getting bluetooth to work on a toshiba qosmio G4010z the adapter doens't show on hwinfo20:52
VegombreiStarnestommy: how do i configure BOA .. do you know anyone who would ?20:52
Shaduorangepeelbeef: huh? you mean i gotta exit hellaznb when im gonna shut down ?20:52
Jburrkefde: did you get it? not sure if it worked because i'm not registered on this channel ><20:52
paraplegicpandaOkay, I need help... I'm using XChat Gnome and I can't figure out how to add a server...20:52
maw_Starnestommy: oh and ubuntu does all the magic to update config files etc?20:52
evil_techSebaitsabes: sorry i didnt mean to be rude about what you said20:52
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: If you need help, just ask20:52
fde!register | Jburrke20:52
ubottuJburrke: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.20:52
ronnyevil_tech: i want to put a installer on it for a laptop thats lacking a bootable cdrom drive20:52
Starnestommymaw_: it usually does20:52
orangepeelbeefshadu: no i mean in your /etc/rc.local the last line is exit 020:52
orangepeelbeefshadu: at least mine is20:52
IkariShinjiI'm working on it, but I just am not sure where to go at this point.  The problem doesn't make any sense to me.20:52
ignoramusSebNaitsabes, tat: thanks20:53
maw_Starnestommy: I see... that is good :), I didn't think it would be that easy20:53
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maw_Starnestommy: thanks I will try20:53
Shaduorangepeelbeef: kk gonna check20:53
evil_techronny: does the computer support booting from USB?20:53
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: Do you have a removable wireless card?20:53
StarnestommyVegombrei: I might be able to find an online tutorial somewhere, but I don't know anything about boa20:53
=== rude is now known as be
Vegombrei!ubottu Boa20:53
ubottuFactoid boa not found20:53
scriptkidd-eIkariShinji: Do you have any other wireless card?20:53
drewbyAlright so I'm trying to install ubuntu without the use of the cdrom drive and I keep getting stuck.  I have the .iso's decompresed to a partition and grub is set to boot those partitions and they load find at first, but the install session wants to use the CDROM and I can't figure out how to tell it to read off the drive.20:53
SebNaitsabesignoramus:  for what?20:53
IkariShinjiNot for a laptop, hrm.20:53
Shaduorangepeelbeef: the only thing in that file is "exit 0"20:53
ignoramusSebNaitsabes: help20:53
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:54
scriptkidd-eThe first thing i'll try, it to use a live cd20:54
shaft0orangepeelbeef: im calling the images from an external http server, that i know works20:54
ubottuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.20:54
Shaduorangepeelbeef: (lottanzb is working now tho :P)20:54
scriptkidd-eAnd check if connectivity is available20:54
orangepeelbeefshadu: here's what mine looks like  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11926/20:54
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orangepeelbeefshaft0: with the full path?  http://blablabla/image.jpg ?20:54
Hokari want to allow one user to access /dev/input/event0. how can i do that?20:55
Shaduorangepeelbeef: and.. that file makes it autoboot or.. ?20:55
orangepeelbeefshadu: yes, that makes it start on bootup20:55
shaft0orangepeelbeef: yep, here's what it should look like: http://www.bigbrownbox.net/wg/20:55
SebNaitsabesignoramus:  I didn't suggest a program that you would use though20:55
Shaduorangepeelbeef: ah kk thx a lot :P time to add it then20:55
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shaft0orangepeelbeef: but the file i'm using has full path names, the online version doesn't.20:55
ronnyevil_tech: yeah20:55
frojndcan someone explain me why is better if I made all partitions by themself for /dev for /tmp and so on ? why shouldn't I made just one partition for / ?20:55
erkanea     /msg nickserv set hide email on20:56
Shaduorangepeelbeef: there added it :)20:56
cathartiaHi all.  I got that problem with my wireless card fixed with a hack in rc.local.  Thanks for all of your help figuring this one out.  Too bad it can't be more elegant.20:56
orangepeelbeefshaft0: what i always did was use the redirect one and pass the info through the url20:56
evil_techronny: what size USB stick?20:56
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StarnestommyVegombrei: try http://www.boa.org/documentation20:56
cathartiaNow I have a NEW question.20:56
=== scriptkidd-e is now known as soilworker
SebNaitsabesfrojnd:  you don't need /dev and /tmp partitons20:56
ignoramusSebNaitsabes: you helped me clarify my question20:56
SebNaitsabesfrojnd:  you need / yes20:56
ronnyevil_tech: 1gb20:56
cathartiaanother wifi question20:57
Shaduorangepeelbeef: now i just need to figure out how to get my usb hd back to full usb 2.0 speed :P (seems to stick with the max usb 1.1speed.. tried to fix it with some guy last night but didnt work :( )20:57
pickettcan you run dx9 games in vmware from ubuntu?20:57
VegombreiStarnestommy: already did .. cant understand its too complicated for me20:57
soilworkerpickett: yes.20:57
StarnestommyVegombrei: I'll see if there's anything simpler out there20:57
pickettfully supported dx9?20:57
UbuntuNuubWOOT I got my wireless card to work!!20:57
joeaminedi installed gfxboot in ubuntu hardy but it didn't want to work. what should i do please ?20:58
soilworkerpickett: if you tell me what game, i'll tell.20:58
cathartiaRight now, I have a wireless router and a wireless card in my ubuntu box.  The card joins the net just fine.  I'm wondering if it would be possile, not to just join the net, but to also extend the radio signal.20:58
VegombreiStarnestommy: thanks :)20:58
SebNaitsabesUbuntuNuub:  well done since they can be a right problem in Linux depending on the device and lack of Linux hardware manufacture suppourt20:58
lartza_Is there any program or a ned for program like CCleaner in ubuntu?20:58
jagggyany good firewalls for ubuntu?20:58
evil_techronny: do you have a cdrom at all? or another computer to perform this task on. cause i know of no way to do it without a cd rom20:58
rsklartza_: no20:58
zephyrjagggy, iptables20:58
pickettsupreme commander forged alliance20:58
cathartiaCan my wireless card in my Ubuntu box be used to extend the wireless net instead of just join it?20:58
jagggyok zephyr  :)20:58
gforsterjaggy: hardy heron has a firewall20:58
Starnestommyjagggy: iptables is installed by default, but I think ufw and firestarter are good frontends to it20:58
soilworkerpickett: let me check20:59
frojndis 7gb for / enough space for server ?20:59
DragginGood evening - is there a specific channel where I can ask questions about web design on Linux?20:59
StarnestommyDraggin: maybe #web20:59
erkaneafirestarter is easy to use gui for firewall20:59
pickettyou have a link or 2?20:59
SebNaitsabesfrojnd:  for a server that is more than enough I expect depending on what server it is20:59
soilworkerpickett: you can.20:59
DragginStarnestommy - would that be specifically Linux web though?20:59
lartza_I would like to spped up ubuntu boot by removing the login so it automatically logs me in. How to do that?20:59
maw_after issueing "sudo apt-get update", what is the apt command to apply all upgrades?20:59
Nickemaw_: sudo apt-get upgrade21:00
StarnestommyDraggin: it would be more general, but I don't think there are any specific to linux21:00
Shaduorangepeelbeef: does hellanzb also auto repair and unzip the files btw ?21:00
DragginStarnestommy - thanks21:00
ronnyevil_tech: the usb stick just broke21:00
orangepeelbeefshadu: yep21:00
maw_Nicke: cheers... (as I found that in man apt-get) :P21:00
Nickemaw_: hehe21:00
erkaneais there any rules that i need to read as a first time user here note that i m about computers for like 10 years but never used irc :)21:00
ronnyevil_tech: aint there any cdrom-free way ?21:00
DanielRMI don't suppose anyone knows why my entire hard drive with ten partitions is now showing up in Gparted as 100% unallocated space?21:00
he11_knightcan someone help me with vpnc?21:00
Shaduorangepeelbeef: k great :D21:00
orangepeelbeefshadu: check your /etc/hellanzb.conf file to figure out where everything is going.  I think the default is your home directory21:00
evil_techronny: if there is I dont know about it21:00
DanielRMDespite my being able to boot fine and despite fdisk seeing them?21:00
_sourcemakerI have the problem... that the wlan card (Realtek) is not detected with the current installation of hardy (without the last updates installed)...  are this problem solved after I have installed all the lastest available updates?21:01
evil_techronny: not unless you have a linux computer21:01
joeaminedhow to get gfxboot work in hardy ?21:01
Jburrkefde: :)21:01
shane2peruddclient doesn't work with hardy!21:01
Shaduorangepeelbeef: yeah i know that file, used it to add my server21:01
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ronnyevil_tech: i have another linux computer21:01
orangepeelbeefshadu: the Hellanzb.DEST_DIR  is the one that is whhere the files end up21:01
he11_knightwhen i connect to vpn my other net apps just stop working .. how to repair it?21:01
Jburrkefde: sorry, i'll be right back.. just have to grab some food21:01
shane2peruI have installed ddclient, and re-installed it and I can run it once, it works, then after that nothing, any ideas???21:01
pickettwhat vmware version do i need for dx9?21:02
Jburrkefde: two minutes :D21:02
evil_techronny: you can do it from there then i think21:02
evil_techlet me check21:02
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soilworkerpickett: 1.1 fussion21:02
shane2perudoes anyone know about ddclient???21:02
joeaminedi installed gfxboot but i get the classic grub when i reboot21:02
jeplerlartza_: it's under administration > login window, or something like that21:03
frojndSebNaitsabes: so 6g is enough for apache ampache php maybe someday will serve as router to...21:03
jeplerlartza_: unfortunately I'm not at my ubuntu machine so I can't check the exact name of the option21:03
jeplerlartza_: (to automatically log in a specific user at boot time)21:03
SebNaitsabesfrojnd: yeah 6GB should be fine.  ,but you can run Apahce on a normal computer21:03
StarnestommyVegombrei: I couldn't find anything other than the official documentation page.21:03
SebNaitsabesfrojnd:  you don't need a special server computer for Apache21:03
maw_with the openssl patch it is recommended to regenerate ssh_host keys. Typically just deleting the keys and rebooting will cause new ones to be generated, how can it be done without restarting?21:03
evil_techronny: just follow that and you should be good21:03
frojndSebNaitsabes: I know that only that on this comp I have all my music , movies... pages...21:03
masterlokiI haveing a problem with my mp3 player in harty could someone help me21:04
soilworkerIkariShinji: Have you tried disabling ipv621:04
SebNaitsabesfrojnd: so  they can only access the server21:04
VegombreiStarnestommy: how about apache ? is that easy to configure ?21:04
niadhSlart: I have fixed most of the issue now. Somehow, I need a quick bit of advise if you can, the only thing that's not working now is GDM, it's TOO big, everything else is at a decent enough resolution, it's just scaling GDM back down.21:04
SebNaitsabesfrojnd: if your firewall is good enough21:04
StarnestommyVegombrei: it21:04
StarnestommyVegombrei: er, it's a bit hard, but there are several tutorials and guides for it on the internet21:04
masterlokiI installed the latest updates and now I can't get my mp3 player to mount what could be the problem21:04
jeplermaw_: remove keys and restart openssl-server?21:05
frojndSebNaitsabes: I own the firewall... it's good to have enetrtainent on one server21:05
gforsterI am having struggles installing a network printer in hardy. I know the ipp address, but it is not connecting. Can someone point me to a resource?21:05
masterlokibut most of the update was for ssh21:05
jeplerlartza_: don't ask in private.21:05
Vegombreihmm ..so there's no ftp or web server i could easily install ?21:05
IkariShinjisoilworker: No.  I shall try that.21:05
evil_techronny: you'll have to mount the Ubuntu iso in loop and as such some of the directories you need to pull from will be different but it should work21:05
Vegombreithing is im new to unix i dont understand21:05
lartza_How do I remove login? No autologin cause it still loads the rpocess.21:06
ferbyboyhey can someone help me out here.... ever since i upgraded to hardy heron my gdm login screens have been real blown out..i can only see a portion of my gdm login and i cant see what im inputitn for usernmae and password when i sign in..is there anyway i can fix this or change the resolution im looking in login windows preferences but i see no option to change size21:06
Vegombreiand even the doccumentation doesnt make sense heheheh21:06
jeplerlartza_: there may be a way to do what you want, but you would have to do it yourself.  there's not a facility built into ubuntu to automatically log into X without starting gdm.21:06
masterlokiwhat can I do to get my mp3 player to mount it was work fine before I did any updates21:06
Slartniadh: gdm? you mean the login window?21:06
evil_techronny: alternativley you could turn your linux box into a boot and install server and install over the network21:07
ferbyboyslart: yes i mean my login window21:07
niadhSlart: Yeah, is that not GDM?21:07
igcekhello, ive got a problem with evolution... i cant click at the receive/send button in my evolution! could it be because i use thunderbird too?21:07
IkariShinjisoilworker: Where would I find the setting to disable IPv6?  Or is there a way I can do it through the terminal/21:07
med0zahi all, is there an open source equivalent to adobe illustrator than runs on ubuntu?21:07
ferbyboyniadh: thats gdm as well21:07
torthoDoes the cloning thing work from an old to a new laptop with different hardware? -Just want the apps, not the hardware specific things..21:07
frojndIs there any commandline burning tool ? that supports DVD/CD data, DVD/CD iso ?21:07
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Slartniadh: indeed it is.. just checking.. hmm.. I kind of thought that gdm used the same settings as X...21:07
frojndso I won't have to install any fluxbox or so..21:07
soilworkerIkariShinji: in firefox21:07
niadhSlart: It would have been my assumption too.21:08
fdefrojnd: wodim21:08
habitWhat is difference between this ftp://anonymous@archive.ubuntu.com//ubuntu/ and this  ftp://anonymous@security.ubuntu.com//ubuntu/ mirrors?21:08
menijohi! how can i get sound workin on flash videos, like youtube. My sounds work exept the flash! Im using hardyheron21:08
fdefrojnd: wodim --data some.iso for instance will burn an ISO21:08
voidmagedo i need to regenerate my apache ssl certificates?21:08
masterlokiok then can someone tell me how I can go back to the prevuse updates21:08
Slartniadh: the only settings for gdm that I know of are in the system, administration, login dialog.. but there's nothing there about graphics mode..21:08
fdehabit: Once is security updates, the other is regular packages?21:09
habitmenijo, try to switch off all of other sound applications.21:09
habitfde, look here plz http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11929/21:09
fdehabit: They keep them separate and no one mirrors security...21:09
soilworkerIkariShinji: So?21:09
ffmDoes the OpenSSL vulnerability weaken my GPG keys?21:10
IkariShinjiI don't even see any IPv6 settings anywhere in Firefox.21:10
habitfde, why?21:10
Pici!it | lucia_21:10
IkariShinjiUnless I'm blind.21:10
ubottulucia_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:10
soilworkerIkariShinji: follow me21:10
Slartniadh: take a look at this.. might be something worth trying here.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/22361321:10
menijohot to get sound working on youtube in ubuntu 8.0421:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223613 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "Wrong GDM resolution at boot on  hardy" [Undecided,Invalid]21:10
fdehabit: Umm... where are you getting that from?21:10
soilworkerIkariShinji: type about:config in the browser21:10
juan__hi, anybody can help, te live cd  not detect mi sata disk, my only hd.21:10
voidmagewill i need to regenerate my apache ssl certificates?21:11
habitfde, our mirror maintainer asks that question @ our forum. I am just re-asking it here because of I am curious.21:11
soilworkerIkariShinji: You know should see the Filter Bar21:11
patholiohmm, updating from 7.10 to 8.04 broke samba, synergy2 and b0rks the boot process, other than that it went  well :)21:11
IkariShinjisoilworker: network.dns.disable.IPv6?21:11
IkariShinjichange it to true?21:11
niadhSlart: That sounds JUST like the issue.21:11
fdehabit: Presumably it would only access files from security.ubuntu.com for the -security dists21:11
orangepeelbeefman i wish the freenx-server package for hardy wasn't broken.. anyone have a good repo?21:12
juan__please, i need install the system now21:12
menijosound in flash wont work. what to do in hardyheron21:12
fdehabit: Like file pointers etc, as the Packages.gz points to actual location of such things.21:12
IkariShinjiDoesn't seem to have helped though.21:12
soilworkerStill no connection?21:13
habitfde, thanks for info.21:13
TheCompWizcan someone tell me the *correct* way of setting up a network alias?  (don't want to assign it a static address either)21:13
IkariShinjiCorrect :\21:13
juan__why hardy not detect sata disks?21:13
frojndI choose for hostname forjnd. What sohhould I choose for my domain name ?21:13
soilworkerIkariShinji: I must say it seems like a failure in your wireless card21:13
KohlrakTheCompWiz, you mean like the windows host file?21:13
ompauljuan__, it does for me on servers and desktops - I have tried it on that and laptops already21:13
TheCompWizKohlrak: no.  like... the I want eth0:0 to work.21:14
livingdaylightanyone recommend cGmail?21:14
Shaduorangepeelbeef: seems it doesnt unpack :/21:14
KohlrakWhat's wrong with eth0:0?21:14
livingdaylightwhat is the best Gmail notifier out dere?21:14
joaopintoTheCompWiz, you configure it  the sameway you do with a regular eth device, but using :instance for the device name21:14
fdeTheCompWiz: DHCP assignments by MAC addresses...21:14
ompaul!best | liveoutloud2day21:14
ubottuliveoutloud2day: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:14
livingdaylightpreferably multi gmail accounts21:14
orangepeelbeefshadu: mine does... check your logs   or maybe you got a non-finished release21:14
IkariShinjiIt works now :D21:14
ompaul!best | livingdaylight21:14
soilworkerso i see.21:14
ubottulivingdaylight: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:14
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx21:14
IkariShinjiThanks :)21:15
TheCompWizfde:  god I hope so.21:15
soilworkerI was almost dissapointed at me.21:15
ompaulliveoutloud2day, bad tab in previous case21:15
IkariShinjigood job :)21:15
KohlrakAnyone know why i can't use save as in gedit without it closing? Same thing happens on other programs too.21:15
soilworkerIkariShinji: what about the other services?21:15
IkariShinjiSeems AIM connected fine21:15
IkariShinjiVery nice.21:15
livingdaylightompaul: i knew someone was gonna do that. But actually sometimes there really are better ones that everyon eagrees on21:15
fdeTheCompWiz: It's a pain, but without static IP's, that's your only choice really  :/21:15
Jburrkefde: wow, i'm really sorry.. wasnt trying to be disrespectful at all.. thanks for everything anyways =/21:16
Nissan_350ZI Need help with Hardy Heron, dealing with graphics please21:16
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fdeTheCompWiz: Unless joaopinto is correct and I am getting the wrong definition for network alias...21:16
TheCompWizfde: ... why can't I setup an interface alias like every other linux distrobution?21:16
soilworkerNissan_350Z: What's the issue?21:16
KohlrakNissan,  give us more info as in what doesn't work and what card you have.21:16
Jburrkefde: roomates parents showed up with groceries, and i had to help unload them.. my apologies =/21:16
fdeTheCompWiz: You said computer alias... not interface alias... sorry.21:16
TheCompWizfde: ... aka... my interface is eth0... I should be able to define eth0:0 & change the mac.21:16
soilworkerIkariShinji: Good luck, if you have any more questions, just ask.21:17
TheCompWiznope... said network alias every time... "(4:13:15 PM) TheCompWiz: can someone tell me the *correct* way of setting up a network alias?  (don't want to assign it a static address either)"21:17
buffedIs there an exploit, to test whether my OpenSSH installation is really secure?21:17
TheCompWizguess I shoulda said "interface" alias.21:17
fdeTheCompWiz: joaopinto is on the right track... I haven't slept since like 3pm yesterday.21:17
TheCompWizLOL no prob fde21:17
Shaduorangepeelbeef: where is that log located? (google gives a few locations :P)21:17
maw_jepler: I figured it out21:17
soilworkerbuffed: give us you openssh data and we could try.21:17
orangepeelbeefshadu: check your /etc/hellanzb.conf file21:17
livingdaylightompaul: there are like 7 gmail notifiers in synaptic but most of them have proved not so good21:18
gforsterwoohoo! I got my printer working!21:18
tagEver since I upgraded to hardy, evolution no longer shows meeting invites as meeting invites (it shows them in text, instead of searching my calendar...)21:18
fdeTheCompWiz: man interfaces btw ... it's really easy on a debian machine.21:18
maw_jepler: delete the keys, then sudo ssh-keygen -t dsa/rsa -b 1024 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa/rsa_key -N ''21:18
KohlrakAnyone know why gedit crashes on "save as" and extraction from archive viewer crashes?21:18
soilworkergforster: What's the first thing you'll print?21:18
Jburrkecan anyone help me with a few boot problems i'm having?21:18
maw_you have to run it twice if you want ssh1 and ssh2 support (rsa and dsa)21:18
Nissan_350ZWell, when i started it today it froze, but the whole screen was blocky.. It does that anytime i play a game or do anything dealingwith graphics.. I dont know what to do, someone said i need a better graphics driver? But it goes all blocky and usually i have to pull the plug.. Today i had to go under the guest account and then to go my name.. But i am using a bigger screen resolution.. But i cant see anything on the defaul screen resolution.21:18
Shaduorangepeelbeef: it says "Hellanzb.LOG_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.hellanzb/log'" ?21:18
ompaullivingdaylight be aware that if you get into a discussion with someone here you will be told you are off topic - with predictable results so please don't do that polling21:18
TheCompWizjoaopinto: the problem is... I can't ifconfig eth0:0 up ... for some strange reason ubuntu complains...21:18
Shaduorangepeelbeef: but if i go to /.hellanzb/log the folder doesnt exist21:19
soilworkerNissan_350Z: What's the card brand and model?21:19
fdeTheCompWiz: Care to provide the error?21:19
gforsternow, my other question - I'm looking for a bluetooth keyboard to work my ubuntu laptop (HP dv6000) - do you have any thoughts on apple's keyboard or another recommendation21:19
buffedsoilworker: Thanks but I think this channel is being logged. That's too dangerous. I cannot private message you since I haven't signed up an account here on freenode21:19
Chris_Weredoes anyone know the apt-get package name for the restricted drivers manager in 8.04?21:19
Nissan_350Zsoilworker: i have no clue :/21:20
livingdaylightompaul: huh?21:20
Nissan_350Zsoilworker: its built in to the computer21:20
TheCompWizfde: exact error "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address"    for the command "ifconfig eth0:0 up"21:20
soilworkerNissan_350Z: We can't help you if you don't know that.21:20
ompaullivingdaylight, it is offtopic to debate what application is best21:20
Nissan_350Zsoilworker: It wortked perfectly with Windows Vista21:20
tagthis is massively annoying21:20
masterlokimy mp3 player will not mount after I installed the most resent update can anyone help me out21:20
Nissan_350Zsoilworker: How can i find out?21:20
buffedsoilworker: Can you tell me how you'd check it? There are several servers that need to be checked. Some of them are only internal ones.21:20
soilworkerbuffed: we can't deliver exploits, that the issue.21:20
buffedsoilworker: Okay.21:20
soilworkerNissan_350Z: you could make it simple and take a look at the mobo21:20
livingdaylightompaul: not looking to debate... i was after a recomendation21:21
jeplerChris_Were: maybe it's jockey-gtk - GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management21:21
buffedsoilworker: I've re-generated the keys. Is it sufficient?21:21
soilworkerbuffed: yes21:21
ompaul!offtopic | livingdaylight21:21
ubottulivingdaylight: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:21
Nissan_350Zim sorry, im new to ubuntu :/21:21
soilworkerNissan_350Z: Just open the case, and look for big shiny numbers and letters21:21
=== nick__ is now known as NickGarvey
sharphey. thoggen doesn't work21:21
Chris_Werets looking good21:22
livingdaylightompaul: just leave me alone please21:22
buffedsoilworker: Ok, great. So thank you very much. People often try to break in my server. That's why I was a bit unsure. They use bruteforce attacks or something.21:22
Kohlrakanyone know what's wrong with some save dailogs in some default programs with ubuntu?21:22
ompaul!rtfm | soilworker you give the full answer in here we don't suggest rtfm find the manual page ;-)21:22
ubottusoilworker you give the full answer in here we don't suggest rtfm find the manual page ;-): Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.21:22
sharpthoggen gets to the part where its supposed to encode21:22
cyluxHey guys, I just got out of screensaver mode and now my sound doesn't work. All I hear are clicks. I even restarted alsa21:22
sharpthen all there is is a blue screen with an empty progress bar21:23
soilworkerubottu: if someone says, it doesn't work, what should i answer?21:23
ubottusoilworker: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
soilworkerNissan_350Z: Any news?21:23
Nissan_350Zits butilt in ad says: MAC address21:23
soilworkerso i see.21:23
KohlrakCan anyone tell me why gedit causes a segmentation fault?21:23
thenameshould i delete dev/sda3 ?21:23
TheCompWizso... did I scare everyone off with a legit bug?21:24
fdeTheCompWiz: Stupid question... did you do /etc/init.d/networking ?21:24
fdeTheCompWiz: Stupid question... did you do /etc/init.d/networking restart?21:24
soilworkerNissan_350Z: http://ezix.org/project/wiki/HardwareLiSter21:24
anabolixcan anyone help me with removing a program? i just want to make sure im doing the right thing21:25
soilworkerThat should get you started.21:25
TheCompWizfde:  after changes made to /etc/network/interfaces ... yes... same results...21:25
Nissan_350Zsoilworker: okay, thanks21:25
TheCompWizfde: even trying to manually implement changes... I get that error.21:25
soilworkerNissan_350Z: When you have the info, please, ask again.21:25
SebNaitsabesanabolix: which program?21:25
Nissan_350Zokay i will :D21:25
thenamesudo apt-get remove yourprogram21:26
* SebNaitsabes sudo apt-get purge yourprogram21:26
fdeTheCompWiz: Is what javaroast says here acceptable to you? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/trouble-with-alias-ip-on-debian-4-613990/21:26
thenameanabolix try sudo apt-get remove yourprogram21:26
SebNaitsabesthat will remove the program and config files21:26
thenamein the terminal that is21:26
SebNaitsabesalso might be something left behind to do with it as a hidden folder in home21:26
anabolixsebnaitsabes: im un-installing transmission (torrent client), but when i run sudo apt-get autoremove transmission   .... its says its not installed and therefore not un-installed.... which is funny cause i have a directory with all its files... and i can run the program without any problems21:26
masterlokimy mp3 player will not mount after I installed the most resent update can anyone help me out21:26
masterlokimy mp3 player will not mount after I installed the most resent update can anyone help me out21:27
masterlokimy mp3 player will not mount after I installed the most resent update can anyone help me out21:27
masterlokimy mp3 player will not mount after I installed the most resent update can anyone help me out21:27
FloodBot1masterloki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:27
TheCompWizfde: only works with static IPs.21:27
TheCompWizfde:  I did read that one already tho.21:27
SebNaitsabesanabolix:  sudo apt-get purge yourprogram21:27
anabolixsebnaitsabes: should i just manually delete all its files and remove its directory? is that dangerous?21:27
soilworkeranabolix: just use appzapper21:28
sudobashwow almost 1500 today21:28
masterlokimy mp3 player will not mount after I installed the most resent update can anyone help me out21:28
thenameanytime you delete its dangerouse if you dont have a backupfile21:28
Chris_Werewhats the command for letting things show up in your system tray?21:28
SebNaitsabesanabolix: did you get the program from the network yes?21:28
anabolixsebnaitsabes: whats the different between sudo apt-get purge program , compared to: sudo apt-get autoremove program?21:28
soilworkeranabolix: http://www.appzapper.com/21:28
SebNaitsabesanabolix: if you purge the program it will get rid of some config file stuff as well that you don't want anymore21:28
ompaulsoilworker, you asked the bot a question earlier I will forward you the command you need ;-)21:29
fdeTheCompWiz: then you saw this too? note it's all within /etc/network/interfaces21:29
SebNaitsabesanabolix: also if there is anything to do with the program after removing as a hidden .folder in the home folder remove that as well21:29
anabolixsebnaitsabes: so i should always use purge instead of autoremove21:29
fdeTheCompWiz: Although you said you don't want static  >:|21:29
SebNaitsabesanabolix:  well if you don't purge there may be some files left behind that were to do with that program,  that you may as well also have deleted21:29
TheCompWizfde:  I don't.... hence the problem with that doc.   Even if I define it in /etc/network/interfaces same result.21:30
acxtyHi guys. I have a 945GM Intell graphic card. I want to expand the desktop, to a lcd monitor and the laptos monitor. may someone help me with that?21:30
menijohelp no sound in flash videos. im using hardy and my other sounds work fine! What to do?21:30
TheCompWizfde: if I define static IPs... or even manually run ifconfig eth0:0 up    <--- works.21:30
fdehttp://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2005-07/4039.html <-- TheCompWiz sorry, I forgot to paste heh21:30
SebNaitsabesmenjo:  the non free Adobe flash player yes? from the network?21:30
TheCompWizbut if I specify NO ip... or I get the same error21:30
soilworkermenijo: What browser do you use?21:31
anabolixsebnaitsabes: im just getting facts straight so i dont have to ask again... basically purge does what autoremove does... but also gets rid off all unwanted config files etc... while sometimes the hidden file might still be left behind.. in which case i manually remove?21:31
rpj8Is there anyway to start an X session if you're logged into a computer via ssh and they already have an x sessioni running?21:31
SebNaitsabesanabolix: quite a lot of programs will leave user data in the home folder as a hidden folder21:31
fdeTheCompWiz: Ugh... I don't think you're going to get DHCP working on IP aliases... why can't you use static anyways?21:31
Simonftwhen i do sudo ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta-, i get this messege: sudo: ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter: command not found. does anybody know why? i am tying to do this: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-bcm43xx21:31
SebNaitsabesanabolix:  it's best to always purge the program and then view hidden files and folders of the home folder and look for any . folder that has anything to do with it and delete that as well if there is one21:31
TheCompWizfde:  because it's going to be a listen-only interface... having an IP would cause other problems.21:32
SebNaitsabesanabolix: well that's for  ordindary programs like the one you mentioend and stuff like Firefox21:32
menijo<SebNaitsabes> just macromedia flash player not shure whats the differense. I use firefox 3 beta 521:32
paddaxDoes anyone know why I'm getting the error LHNET_OpenSocket_Connectionless: Permission Denied, when running nexuiz21:32
fdeTheCompWiz: Then good luck21:32
anabolixsebnaitsabes: well i just used the command on transmission.... and it didnt work... says its not installed therefore cant remove it21:32
SebNaitsabesmenijo: there is a free software  Flash player, but you don't want that21:32
anabolixsebnatsabes: and i used purge21:32
saelynhnuit ..21:32
menijook what do I want then21:33
SebNaitsabeswhere is transmission?  you said you could open it21:33
SebNaitsabesdoes the package maanger say it's installed?21:33
TheCompWizfde: ... still... this is a definate bug... I should be able to bring any interface up without defining an IP.21:33
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:33
soilworkermenijo: install http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13470096/nspluginwrapper_0.9.91.5-2ubuntu2_i386.deb21:33
anabolixsebnaitsabes: its in my applications tab.. under internet.... i can also see its hidden file in my home directory21:33
soilworkerthen sudo apt-get install libflashsupport21:34
fdeTheCompWiz: ip aliases have worked on other distros with dhcp? it's never even occured to me to try  :S21:34
soilworkermenijo; then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:34
soilworkerthat should make it.21:34
TheCompWizfde:  works in almost every distro... except ubuntu.  (8.04, 7.10 etc...)21:34
soilworkerif you already have the plugin, you should of course purge it21:34
SebNaitsabesanabolix: delete the hidden files from the home directory to do with it and then try and open the program again21:34
fdeTheCompWiz: have you checked Launchpad for an applicable bug? does it work in other debian derivs?21:35
anabolixsebnaitsabes: is this dangerous in anyways?21:35
Falling-InfernoCan someone help me setup a working apache server?21:35
fde!apache | Falling-Inferno21:35
ubottuFalling-Inferno: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:35
evilbughow can i change the panel font color?21:35
SebNaitsabesanabolix: not for tranmission no21:36
TheCompWizI've seen several reported bugs in launchpad... none fixed... every 'work around' is to set a static IP on the interface.... but NONE have been fixed.21:36
Nissan_350Zokay, soilworker, its downloaded, what do i do, like how to run it, lol21:36
SebNaitsabesanabolix: what torrents program you using now then?21:36
Kohlraki think it should be pointed out that gedit now needs sudo to keep from crashing =p21:36
[chr0n0s]hi, can anyone help me with installing my webcam in gutsy?21:37
Nissan_350Zis soilworker still here?21:37
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:37
menijo<soilworker>  still no sound, did what you told21:37
soilworkerNissan_350Z: read the howto in the website, please.21:38
SebNaitsabeswhy Gutsy not hardy?21:38
soilworkermenijo: please, follow me again.21:38
Nissan_350Zokay, soilworker, its downloaded, what do i do, like how to run it, lol21:38
anabolixsebnaitsabes: im using azureus21:38
fdeTheCompWiz: That's not what I asked... have you gotten it working on any other Debian deriv?21:39
SebNaitsabesanabolix: delete the transmission stuff from home and try and opne the program again to see if it will open or not21:39
TheCompWizfde: ... I don't use any other deb derivitaves21:39
Chris_Werewhats the package name for the network manager used in gnome to configure your wireless connection?21:39
soilworkermenijo: have you installed the package?21:39
marek_need hepl with nvidia 8800gt tvout21:39
anabolixsebnaitsabes: btw i completely removed all transmissions files and directories... but its still on my internet applications list... and i can still run the program? do i have to do something as root to make this work?21:39
soilworkersudo apt-get install libflashsuppor21:39
fdeTheCompWiz: Out of curiosity, what distro have you gotten ip aliases to work with dhcp?21:39
soilworkerget that in your terminal21:39
SebNaitsabesanabolix: and synaptec package manager says it isan't even installed?21:39
_NetHow can I chown a folder and everything inside it.21:40
GibbaTheHuttTheCompWiz, what settings are you using and which launchpad bug ?21:40
TheCompWizfde:  RH, fedora, slackware, ... mostly all RHEL stuff.21:40
_NetI did chown <user> folder/*21:40
_NetThat chowns everything inside folder/* but other folders thats inside that folder21:40
fdeTheCompWiz: Slack use sysconfig these days?21:40
Starnestommy_Net: chown -R user folder21:40
_NetOk Thanks.21:40
soilworkermenijo: Ask again when you have time to.21:41
SebNaitsabesanabolix: you can manually find out where the transmission files are and delete them with root/sudo or whatever, but that will be a right pain.  also  the Gnome menu can be edited, but it's not as easy as say editing the Windows start menu21:41
evilbugdoes anyone know a good tutorial to create Splash Screens and Log Ins?21:41
SebNaitsabesanabolix: if it says it's not installed you could try to just install it and then purge remove it21:41
_NetStarnestommy:  Okay worked thanks.21:41
RyanPrior!google | evilbug21:41
ubottuevilbug: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux21:41
_NetStarnestommy:  How can I chown it so both my user and my root account has access to it.21:41
SebNaitsabesanabolix: and make sure the transmission stuff is gone from home21:41
Starnestommy_Net: I think root has access to everyhitng including things that it does not own21:42
soilworkerStarnestommy: yes.21:42
anabolixsebnaitsabes: ok i just did a sudo apt-get update and i got 2 messages ive never seen before.... i dont know if its related to what i just did... i would think so cause i didnt edit my repo list recently21:42
menijosoilworker: it did not find the backage libflashsuppor21:42
evilbugRyanPrior- i have and i'm getting results for them,not on how-to's.21:42
RyanPriorStarnestommy: correct, Root is the "super user".21:42
_NetStarnestommy: Thank you. :)21:42
ddumanishelp! I borked my sound--it's all muffled with only bass and no treble, and all I did was plus in a USB headphone set for a minute.21:42
Simonftwhat does -w doe in command propt21:42
soilworkermenijo: sudo apt-get install libflashsupport , sorry21:42
anabolixsebnaitsabes: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch21:43
anabolixE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:43
ddumanisNow the regular analog output jack sounds all bassy and like it's coming thru a tin can21:43
menijooh sorry i should have got it. thanks21:43
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories21:43
StarnestommySimonft: it depends on which command is using the -w21:43
ddumanisAny way to reconfigure the sound output back to the way it was?21:43
RyanPriorevilbug: http://www.google.com/search?q=usplash+how-to21:43
Bl4cKCrOwhi all21:43
zaputrplease? help me? how can i see all daemons in my system21:43
ubottuFactoid daemons not found21:44
evilbugRyanPrior- thanks.21:44
RyanPriorzaputr: ps21:44
SimonftStarnestommy: ./bcm43xx-fwcutter.1 -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta-
menijosoilworked: and whats next?21:44
RyanPriorevilbug: Thank Google. :o)21:44
soilworkermenijo: sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfre21:44
soilworkermenijo: sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree21:44
raheempas aux will show all running/sleeping daemons21:44
StarnestommySimonft: I'm not sure what the -w does in that command21:44
raheemps aux that is21:44
soilworkermenijo after the purge, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:45
SimonftStarnestommy: im trying this - http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-bcm43xx and the last commmand is not working21:45
=== dabaR_ is now known as dabaR
raheemSimonft .. please check the path of the command .. it could be different in your system .. have a look21:46
Nissan_350ZAnyone know how to run that program soilworker gave me?21:46
Simonftraheem: the path of which part?21:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123773 in ifupdown "'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address' when setting up ip alias" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:47
Nissan_350ZSoildworker you there?|21:47
RyanPriorNissan_350Z: you can probably chmod it +x and then just run it.21:47
menijosoilworker: isntall done, whats next?21:48
jason_1any reason why xfce hang when i log in? i need to do a ctl+alt+bksp to retsart ecverything.21:48
freenotfreehi - how can i kill a process when "kill [pid]" doesnt work?21:48
Nissan_350ZThis is dealing with that program that tells me what graphics card i have.21:48
grobertsonHi - I'm trying to update openssl to deal with the key entropy vulnerability, but apt-get upgrade doesn't do anything - do I have to download a file and use dpkg?21:48
Falling-InfernoWhen LAMP Was installing it crashed and i tryed restarting the download in terminal and i get tasksel: aptitude failed (100)21:48
zaputrps view only ps and bash21:48
RyanPriorgrobertson: If apt-get update doesn't do anything, perhaps you need to apt-get update.21:49
maroHello everybody!21:49
RyanPriorgrobertson: If you update and then upgrade and it doesn't do anything, then you're already fully up to date.21:49
STSXAnybody know how I can map my keyboard to recognize my "suspend" key? I know suspend works by running /etc/acpi/sleep.sh, but my suspend key does not work. I can use "xev" to prove that Ubuntu does indeed see it being pressed, but it is obviously not mapped to anything. Any ideas?21:49
raheemfreenotfree .. killall programname21:49
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:49
menijosoilworker: install done, whats next? lots of traffic here.21:49
TheCompWizfde:  and for what it's worth... removing wireless tools does not fix the problem as the last poster says.21:49
RyanPriorzaputr: use "man ps" to figure out how to use it correctly.21:49
patifajason_1: Have you checked the system logs for any indications?21:49
frojnd!mail server21:50
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html21:50
RyanPrior!botabuse | frojnd21:50
ubottufrojnd: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:50
soilworkermenijo: restart your browser21:50
maroI am having a sound problem with my Laptop ... Toshiba Satellite L30-134 ... Have no sound on the laptops speakers!!?? Anyone who can help?21:50
freenotfreeraheem: its a python script, and i have other ones running that i dont want to kill21:50
jason_1patifa, where does xfce log to?21:50
RyanPriormaro: Have you had sound before?21:50
soilworkerNissan_350Z: there are bigger problems that affects users, you should just read the howto on the website i gave you21:50
jason_1patifa, there's no /var/log/xfce.log file.21:50
Nissan_350Ztheres a howto site?21:51
logyatiRyanPrior, please help me21:51
Nissan_350Zsorry :/21:51
raheemdoesn't ps tell u exactly the pid ?21:51
[11touche]Hi guys. I am desperately trying to dual-monitor with an ATI card on Hardy but Xrandr won't even see my second monitor, which is well plugged. I was able under Feisty, without any problems. Someone?21:51
logyatiryanprior, im trying to use apt-build to install applications... i tried for example apt-build install gftp. Everything seems to work fine, the package is created after the compilation, but seems that apt is downloading gftp from repositories instead of using the one apt-build created... look this paste of the last lines of apt-build install gftp -> http://www.paste2.org/p/27652  Im using Ubuntu 8.0421:51
RyanPrior!helpme | logyati21:51
ubottulogyati: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience21:51
logyatii did cos no one is answering21:51
maroI had on the speakers but not on the Headphone jack.... after updateing to 8.04 it is the other way around!!!21:51
[chr0n0s]hi, can anyone help me with installing my webcam in gutsy on my laptop?, easycam isn't helping, and i don21:51
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:51
bmk789how do i find out why my HD is under HEAVY activity for the past hour?  its slowed my system to a crawl and almost nothing iss running21:52
[chr0n0s]that isn't helping21:52
menijosoilworker: still no sound in flash videos :(21:52
[chr0n0s]i need to know first what command to use to find out my camera model first21:52
logyatiraheem: are u familiar to my problem?21:52
soilworkermenijo, let's get to it, do you have any other browser?21:52
logyatiRyanPrior: and u?21:52
menijono i dont21:52
RyanPrior[11touche]: Did you change your driver, perhaps? Is the proprietary one still installed?21:52
soilworkermenijo, please download one.21:52
menijook, what would you succest?21:53
RyanPrior!patience | logyati21:53
ubottulogyati: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:53
soilworkermenijo: Epiphany uses the same motor as Firefox21:53
soilworkerYou should check it.21:53
menijosoilworker: ok that it shall be then21:54
bmk789epiphany is switching to webkit21:54
maroRyanPrior: I had sound on the laptop speakers with Ubuntu 7.04 but after updating to 8.04 I lost the sound on the speakers and now I can have sound only via the headphone jack!!!21:54
[11touche]RyanPrior, I did try the proprietary one, but I removed it completely, because when I played a video, the resolution was crappy as hell. Of course, it worked as dual head, but never as great as Feisty was doing21:54
soilworkermenijo: sudo aptitude install epiphany-browser21:54
RyanPriormaro: Is it strange that you have headphones but not speakers. Do you have the proprietary Atheros HAL driver installed?21:55
jason_1kde4 in the repos?21:55
rigolo_hi folks21:55
maro:RyanPrior How can I see that?21:56
rigolo_I have to install ubuntu on a d63021:56
RyanPrior[11touche]: Perhaps the proprietary driver will work better now? I use the proprietary ATI driver on a Satellite myself and videos play well. I don't use Zaphod mode, though.21:56
[chr0n0s]how do i find out which camera model i have on my laptop ??21:56
olskolirccan someone say my name please?21:56
SimonftI need hlep. i am told to do sudo ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-, and the files are in /home/simon/bcm43xx-fwcutter-006, and i am in simon@simon-laptop:~$  and it gives me sudo: ./bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/bcm43xx-fwcutter: command not found21:56
RyanPriormaro: Sytem -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers21:56
X4DDoes Rythmbox save track rating into the id3 tag? can this be done with any player ?21:56
[11touche]RyanPrior : since yesterday ?21:56
menijosoilworker: sudo wont work, does it matter if i install it graphically? gecko version?21:57
rigolo_on the d630 there is a fat16 partition of 115 Mo at start of the disk, do you know what this is ?21:57
soilworkermenijo: It's the same thing right now21:57
jason_1kde4 in the repos?21:57
maroRyanPrior: The Atheros HAL driver is there and ticked!21:58
STSXSimonft: Look in your bcm43xx-fwcutter-006 folder and make sure the script/program "bcm43xx-fwcutter" exists.21:58
soilworkermaro: Do you have a live cd?21:58
SimonftSTSX: there is kinda, but it is called bcm43xx-fwcutter.121:58
marosoilworker: Yes I do have it.....21:59
soilworkermaro: Not a Hardy Heron Live cd..21:59
MrBillCan anyone recommend a program I could install that would put my CPU temp in my panel so I can monitor it when my system is under heavy load?21:59
STSXSimonft: Anything else there? Is that a script? Do "file bcm43xx-fwcutter.1"21:59
menijosoilworker: done isntalling epiphany22:00
marosoilworker: I initialy installed the 7.04 and then I have upgrded into 8.04 via the internet!22:00
olskolircI just upgraded to Gutsy and I lost my /dev/video0 how do I get that back please?22:00
rigolo_on the d630 there is a fat16 partition of 115 Mo at start of the disk, do you know what this is ? is it safe to remove it ?22:00
raheemMrBill conky can say it22:00
=== joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ
evilbughow can i stop the sounds that play when the log-in window comes up and the desktop loads?22:00
soilworkermenijo: what about the sounds?22:00
frojndwhat do u suggest for mail server configuration: 1) Internet site, 2) Internet with smarhost, 3) Satellite system 4) Local only.    I wanna to access from anywhere to this server and to mail.22:00
menijosoilworker: they dont work22:00
SimonftSTSX: bcm43xx-fwcutter.1: troff or preprocessor input text22:01
=== Uranellus is now known as Ur[a]nellus
soilworkermenijo: Uninstall libflashsupport, nspluginwrapper, y flashplugin-nonfree with Synaptic please.22:01
rexy_frojnd, depends, probably satellite since most isp wont let you run your own smtp server22:01
HermanChessanyone noticed fedora 9 more stable than hardy?22:01
soilworkerHermanChess: All fedora fans.22:01
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.22:01
orangepeelbeefwhats the ubuntu command to add things to startup, its not service its something like that tho22:02
maw_HermanChess: what do you base that on?22:02
soilworkerThe ubuntu ircforums?22:02
Fallenouhi i posted a bug about NVIDIA nForce driver on Hardy which can't see when i plug an ethernet wire ... if someone can do something : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/23009922:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230099 in ubuntu "nForce nvidia network driver can't link up when plugin wire" [Undecided,New]22:02
HermanChessmaw_:  Im just asking, considering installing it22:02
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
JamesGI'm doing an apt-get upgrade, and it's telling me that openssh-client and openssh-server are being held back, but doesn't tell me why. What's going on?22:02
orangepeelbeefjamesg: try apt-get dist-upgrade22:03
ubuntuislovedHi i just installed the latest greatest ubuntu has anyone experienced a crash with firefox 3 beta 5 preinstalled?22:03
soilworkermenijo: please let me know when you're finished22:03
magnetronMrBill: the package is named sensors-applet22:03
DanielRMHello. My partition table prints fine using fdisk -l /dev/sda and fdisk /dev/sda and then p, but doing a v command instead shows that all my sectors are unallocated. Gparted reports the same thing. And yet everything functions fine.22:03
STSXSimonft: Sounds fishy--that doesn't sound like a bash script/executable program, so you probably can't run it. How did you get it in the first place?22:03
JamesGorangepeelbeef: That's a thoroughly useless suggestion. I don't want to do a dist-upgrade.22:03
navetzdo you guys know if its possible to dualscreen (extended) and use compiz at the same time?22:03
orangepeelbeefjamesg: ok then they will be held back =)22:03
darkone1687Could anyone help me with a problem I'm having with my sound22:03
DanielRMI don't suppose anyone knows what could be causing it?22:04
napsterwhenever i am using sudo apt-get, it says that dpkg is iterrupted, u must use dpkg --configure -a to correct the problem. but wen i type it, it says i have to be a super user. plz help22:04
SimonftSTSX: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-bcm43xx22:04
wax_irri bug in kvirc :p als ik minimize naar tray ben ik m volledig kwijt ^^22:04
darkone1687I just installed the new Ubuntu release and my sound quality is HORRIBLE22:04
JamesGorangepeelbeef: BS. A critical security flaw like this is backported to every version back to the previous LTS version (6.04). There's absolutely no reason to do a dist upgrade.22:04
DanielRMnapster: don't forget to put sudo in front of the dpkg command.22:04
orangepeelbeefnapster: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:04
marodarkone1687: What is the problem?22:04
_NetHow can I check wether my computer is 32bit or 64bit in ubuntu22:04
=== Ur[a]nellus is now known as Uranellus
magnetronnapster: add a "sudo" in front of that dpkg command22:05
Starnestommy_Net: the computer or the OS installed?22:05
soilworker_Net open the case.22:05
menijosoilworker: i dont find those to unisntall22:05
orangepeelbeef_Net: uname -a22:05
[11touche]I'm still stuck with a basic problem I think : xrandr won't even detect my second monitor, which is plugged.22:05
STSXSimonft: When you ran "make" in that directory, did it give any errors?22:05
_NetI got: Linux Navid-Linux-Desktop 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux22:05
_NetThats 64bit right22:06
ringerdereck: hello good fellow22:06
dereckhey rigner lol22:06
Starnestommy_Net: i686 is a 32-bit OS22:06
marodarkone1687: So it's the quality... not that you have NO SOUND.. right?22:06
Starnestommyer, architecture22:06
soilworker_net: x3222:06
MrBillthank you magnetron22:06
_NetOh okay. Thanks.22:06
spiceminthi ppl :)22:06
magnetron_Net: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep name in a terminal to learn about your hardware (not the software)22:06
menijosoilworker: should i find Uninstall for libflashsupport, nspluginwrapper, y flashplugin-nonfree with Synaptic please.22:07
SimonftSTSX: huge number, but i assumed that was fine. maybe that was the problem22:07
soilworkermenijo, you need to purge those packages22:07
orangepeelbeefmagnetron: pretty sure he wanted to know if he was running 32 or 64 bit ubuntu22:07
spicemintcan someone help me ? i got a asus p5gc with a nic on board but it does not work properly, i have ubuntu hardy 64bit, i followed this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=711133 but it does not work22:07
napsterwell how can i change the bootscreen, i changed it once with edubuntu theme but now it wont go back to the original default screen. i need the default bootscreen.22:07
spicemintcan someone help me out ehre?22:07
spiceminthere please :)22:07
STSXSimonft: Yes, maybe. :) Seriously, it didn't build correctly if you got lots of errors. Is there a "configure" file?22:07
Vlet!ask | spicemint22:08
ubottuspicemint: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:08
magnetron!helpme | spicemint22:08
menijosoilworker: is there any possibilyt you could guide me to purge those?22:08
ubottuspicemint: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:08
_Netmagnetron: Oh okay thanks.22:08
napsterwell how can i change the bootscreen, i changed it once with edubuntu theme but now it wont go back to the original default screen. i need the default bootscreen.22:08
spiceminti just corected my typo...22:08
raheemSimonft .. isn't it in the  repos? why don't u try from repos22:08
spicemintanyhow sorry if i bothered someone, wasn't my intention :)22:08
soilworkermenijo: i think the problem is you're not following me.22:08
napsterwell how can i change the bootscreen, i changed it once with edubuntu theme but now it wont go back to the original default screen. i need the default bootscreen.22:09
Simonftraheem: what command would i run?22:09
darkone1687Why is my sound quality shit with the new ubuntu? I acutally have sound with media but the test sounds for the OS don't make any sound... any ideas?22:09
menijosoilworker: sorry im trying22:09
soilworkermenijo: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13470096/nspluginwrapper_0.9.91.5-2ubuntu2_i386.deb22:09
SimonftSTSX: no configure22:09
soilworkerHave you installed that?22:09
prinnc82does any one know how to set up the serial port for ubuntu 8.04??22:09
Vlet!usplash | napster22:09
ubottunapster: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork22:09
frojndaaa, I've start ubuntu server and all I get: 142.45334 usb 2-3: can't read configurations, error -8422:09
MrBillI have installed Sensors-Applet, but it appears only to give me the temps of my video card, not CPU or anything else, is there additional components that are required?22:09
raheembe b43cutter is in the repos .. use the synaptic package manager22:09
raheemeasier for you, may be22:09
frojndaaa, I've start ubuntu server and all I get: 142.45334 usb 2-3: unable to read config index 0 descripor/all22:10
menijosoilworker yeas i have22:10
RyanPrior!repeat | frojnd22:10
ubottufrojnd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:10
patifaMrBill: actually, yes22:10
Jburrkewhat's a good linux media player?22:10
patifaMrBill: Hold up while I remember what I did.22:10
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:10
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:11
VletJburrke: there are many - take a look at your 'add/remove programs' tool22:11
raheemJburrke .. vlc should work for you22:11
maroVLC and MPlayer are good Linux Players22:11
soilworkermenijo: Wait, please.22:11
Jburrkevlc is boring XD22:11
darkone1687VLC is the best22:11
STSXSimonft: Just go into your Synaptic package manager, search for "fwcutter" and it will pop up. Just install it from there.22:11
theom3gaHi, I have a problem with my printer22:11
DanielRMAny help for my earlier question would be appreciated...22:11
Jburrkei just want a nice one that hides away in the task bar22:11
napsterwell where is usplash in the system, it says i already have the newest version installed22:11
Jburrkenotifies me of a song when it changes, maybe has an easy way to skip songs22:11
VletJburrke: there are many - take a look at your 'add/remove programs' tool22:12
RyanPriorVlet: no need to repeat.22:12
theom3gawhen I first installed it, it worked fine. But these days it's not working. Ubuntu detects it (it appears in lsusb) and the printer is not broken (it works on windows XP). What can I do? I've tried reinstalling it from ubuntu and from cups, but nothing22:12
adambis there an equivilent to rc.local on ubuntu?22:12
MrBillsure thing patifa - any help is appreciated.22:12
RyanPriorJburrke: Rhythmbox and Banshee both satisfy those requests.22:12
harmI cant seem to play some video files on my laptop but i can whatch them on my Desktop? both ubuntu 8.04 need help :D22:12
napsterwell where is usplash in the system, it says i already have the newest version installed22:12
prinnc82anyone know how to set up the serial port on ubuntu 8.04 plz pm me!!!!22:12
RyanPriorJburrke: I have used them both and they are very nice.22:12
patifaMrBill: Install lm-sensors then run 'sudo sensors-detect' from the terminal.22:12
JburrkeVlet: thanks :)22:12
soilworkermenijo: have you checked the folders permission in ~/.macromedia?22:12
jarleihhi, can anybody tell me how to find out, which module is loaded to activate my network card?22:12
napsterwell where is usplash in the system, it says i already have the newest version installed22:13
harmjarleih: try ifconfig in terminal not sure though :)22:13
patifaMrBill: and uhh, lm-sensors may not be named *exactly* that, I'm trying to figure out the package name.22:13
Kl4mIs the gutsy openssh problem fixed now?22:13
harmI cant seem to play some video files on my laptop but i can whatch them on my Desktop? both ubuntu 8.04 need help :D22:13
napsterwell where is usplash in the system, it says i already have the newest version installed22:13
darkone1687Harm use VLC22:13
harmdarkone1687: tried with multiple players didnt work22:14
menijo_Soilworker: I just had a major crash22:14
Itakuhow do i get xm radio working on ubuntu?22:14
Vletnapster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto22:14
Kl4m$locate usplash22:14
=== jernster is now known as jme`
patifaMrBill: Yes, I think it is called 'lm-sensors'22:14
soilworkermenijo_: i saw22:14
MrBillpatifa, yes it is, I just installed it. Going to do a detect right now.22:14
jarleihharm: no, that's not it22:14
ubottuFactoid xm not found22:15
ubottuFactoid xmradio not found22:15
ubottuFactoid radio not found22:15
menijo_so where were we22:15
soilworkermenijo_: re boot22:15
harmjarleih: then i dont know sorry22:15
=== MidgetARG is now known as MidgetSpy
jessica_how can i get the cubes on the desktop22:15
menijo_soilworker: i had to reboot allready22:15
Kl4mItaku: test ubotty with private messages22:15
soilworkermenijo_: right now?22:15
menijo_just did22:15
ringerjessica: you must have compiz22:15
patifaMrBill: The default options in lm-sensors should be plenty good for you.  Be aware that it may find duplicate entries. After it finishes you may, unfortunately, have to restart your computer to get the proper sensors interfacing kernel drivers to load.22:15
soilworkermenijo_ great22:16
temagichi all. I have a quick question... How can I remove the "Sabayon user" from the log-in screen? All help appriciated...22:16
MrBillsensors-detect is asking me if it should load 'i2c-i801' and it says to say no if it's built into my kernel. How do I know if that is in my kernel or not?22:16
yjleeHello, after updating software through update manager, my 8.04 system becomes non-bootable.22:16
D3RGPS31Security Question - when running UFW (any command) i'm told i need to be rood, but when i use root it gives me error "ERROR: / is world writable!". What can I do?22:16
_NetAnyone here tried ZendStudio on ubuntu?22:16
soilworkermenijo_: there's a drastic solution that came to my mind22:16
yjleeAnyone having this problem?22:16
patifaMrBill: What's the default option?22:16
menijo_soilworker: ok please tell?22:16
gronneI use my old xbox with xbmc all the time to stream video content from my pc, but for some reason I just cannot get the network to work. My xbox cannot enter my pc's hdd.22:16
frank23running firefox 3 b4 from gutsy-backports. how do I install flash? the integrated install in firefox doesn't work.22:17
MrBillpatifa - default appears to be yes.22:17
litlebudayjlee, change the setings in grub22:17
ringerjessica_: you must have compiz installed and enabled22:17
Vlettemagic: look in your 'login screen' admin control panel on the 'users' tab22:17
benhi - i have a freshly built pc with nothing on it, and my old laptop. Is there a way of seeing what's going on in a live cd install from the laptop?22:17
theom3gahow can I completely delete my printer to reinstall it?22:17
patifaMrBill: hmm22:17
Simonftraheem: i cant find it.22:17
yjleelitlebuda: Could you please tell me how?22:17
temagicVlet: thanks, I'll have a look22:17
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows22:17
Jburrkethere are so many media players in the add/remove application22:17
jessica_how can i get it in to the cube things22:17
Jburrkewhich is the best ><22:17
lcc77my switch user doesn't works fine : I only see the current user22:17
soilworkermenijo_: you could rename the /home/you to anything else, and start from scratch22:17
_NetIf anyone can take a look at this screenshot: http://myfiles.teslanova.com//files/1/Pics/ZendStudio.png   It was never like this before, now it just shows a blank dialog..need some help.22:17
patifaMrBill: Try it without it first.22:18
MrBillpatifa - i just ran with the default (yes) the whole way through. It seems to have completed without any smoke or fires. my /etc/modules has been updated. I'll restart and see what I get.22:18
ringerjessica_: you have to go System>Administration>Synaptic PAckage MAnager22:18
litlebudayjlee, you get an error on grub ? right ?22:18
lcc77is it possible to set it ?22:18
menijo_wont that basicly mes up everything i have done allready22:18
ringerjessica_: then search for compiz manager22:18
soilworkermenijo_: yes.22:18
temagicVlet: Can't see "Sabayon user" there. Tried to add it to "exclude"but it didn't work...22:18
harmI cant seem to play some video files on my laptop but i can whatch them on my Desktop? both ubuntu 8.04 need help :D22:18
yjleeNo, the update manger told me to reboot. When I did, I got blank screen.22:18
jessica_ok thanks22:18
soilworkermenijo_: you could copy the important things to this new folder22:18
litlebudayjlee, :(22:18
patifaMrBill: ok, I seem to remember doing default answers the whole way through as well.  That thing should find a few sensors on your computer.22:18
gronnedoes anyone understand why my network fails to work all of a sudden?22:18
litlebudayjlee, dosent grub show ?22:19
menijo_soilworker: is there anything else we could try22:19
CodddEr8.04 is the lataest right ?22:19
soilworkermenijo_: Yes, im onto it22:19
yjleeYes, I saw a couple of kernels.22:19
Vlettemagic: what about it didn't work? did it give you an error of some sort?22:19
prinncanyone know how to fix serial port on a desktop so i can use it ... plz pm me!!!22:19
patifaMrBill: Once it does, possibly after a restart, the sensors applet should have a ton of stuff.22:19
CodddErchange the topic : )22:19
prinnc82anyone know how to fix serial port on a desktop so i can use it ... plz pm me!!!22:19
menijo_soilworker: its weird that it plays mp3 files fine and flash video just fine. There is just no sound.22:19
temagicVlet: Yes, it says user "Sabayon user" does not exist.22:20
litlebudayjlee, then when you see grub startind it escape to enter the grub menu22:20
mikei took an old hard drive with linux installed on it and decided to use it as an external storage drive. when i plug it in as an external drive (via usb) it says i dont have permissions to delete the files on the drive.  how can i bypass?22:20
soilworkerDo you have sound in mp3?22:20
mikeand i have the password22:20
soilworkeroh, ok ok22:20
yjleeDid you mean hit "ESC"? Then what I should do next?22:20
Kl4mhow can I see the update notes for a package out of the update manager?22:20
MrBillthanks for the help patifa22:20
Slartmenijo_: have you tried killing the pulseaudio sound server? that made flash sound work for me (pkill pulse)22:20
D3RGPS31mike: gksudo nautilus >.>22:20
Vlettemagic: ahh, you need to enter the username of the user, not the 'display name'... to find out what it is, open the 'users and groups' admin control panel, and you'll see the login name of 'saybon user'22:21
ms1989I have a question, can I reach files that are on my desktop if my ubuntu is installed with wubi22:21
litlebudayjlee, and there change the (hd0,0) to (hd1,0) tthat should do it .22:21
menijo_slart: i could try that, i read about it22:21
ompaulmike, ownership issues sudo chown your-username:your-username /mount/point where your-username and mount point are specific to your machine22:21
Slartmenijo_: of course, you should try and fix it as a first solution.. but perhaps it will lead you to what is wrong22:21
olskolirchow do i do an ivtv-tune channel scan yall?22:21
Kl4mms1989: unlikely22:21
temagicVlet: ahhh.... sabayon-admin....I'll try to add that to the exclude list, thanks22:21
ompaulmike, you need to -R that betwen chown and the rest22:21
litlebudayjlee, if that does not work try with diferent numbers22:22
menijo_slart: ok thanks i will do that if we dont find solution.22:22
D3RGPS31mike: in terminal type gksudo nautilus in a terminal then locate your drive22:22
yjleeI don't understand how I can choose the (hd0, 0) to (hd1,0). Can I type it?22:22
menijo_slart: sorry i have to ask to be shure. How to do that?22:22
temagicVlet: it worked, thanks!22:23
joacim_I've trouble "porting" my S99sshfs_start script from Ubuntu 6.10 to 8.04, seems the network is not up and running by the time my script start sshfs and try to contact the remote host. Any suggestions for where I can place my script without using the session/gui in gnome, or is this the only way?22:23
darkone1687can anyone help me with my sound quality problem with ubuntu I am having horrible sound quality listening to perfect quality songs the bass is horrrrrrrible22:23
Itakuhow do i get xm radio to work on ubuntu???22:23
Vlettemagic: =D22:23
Slartmenijo_: open a terminal, type pkill pulse22:23
Lunkselkbuntu: #ubuntu-br needed help22:23
Slartmenijo_: or sudo pkill pulse22:23
D3RGPS31when running UFW (any command) in terminal, i'm told i need to be root, but when i use root it gives me error "ERROR: / is world writable!". What can I do?22:24
litlebudayjlee, if you hit escape key when grub is starting it will show you all the boot options , ( kernel x.y.z          kernel x.y.z rescue mode           etc )22:24
deadsouli have another problem.. i've installed the ZDE (Zend Studio) its software for developing the php language.. anyway.. it runs but the software doesn't show the boxs and menus it doesn show anything.. i beleive its because the java(tm) does anyone familiar with zend and java and how it works?22:24
frank23running firefox 3 b4 from gutsy-backports. how do I install flash? the integrated install in firefox doesn't work.22:24
Daisuke_Ido!root | D3RGPS3122:25
ubottuD3RGPS31: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:25
litlebudayjlee, select the first one and hit the e key22:25
D3RGPS31Daisuke_Ido: how is that valid?22:25
yjleeThanks, litlebuda, I will try that.22:25
makkbedeadsoul: i might have a solution for you... just let me google for a sec22:25
litlebudayour welcome yjlee22:25
Vlet!java | deadsoul22:25
ubottudeadsoul: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)22:25
Daisuke_IdoD3RGPS31: in other words, use sudo instead of root, and the / world writable thing is expected because, as root, / IS world writable.22:25
litlebudayjlee, wait just a second22:25
deadsoul<makkbe> thanks a lot bro22:25
D3RGPS31Daisuke_Ido: that's what i did22:26
mikeompual, ok that let me delete some stuff but not all22:26
menijo_slart: pkill pulse wont work22:26
D3RGPS31Daisuke_Ido: i can't get USF to work with root, which is what it asks for22:26
Daisuke_Idonot sure...  not even sure what USF is22:27
Slartmenijo_: then pulseaudio actually likes you.. wow.. that's like winning the lottery =)22:27
menijo_soilworker: think there is anythin to be done anymore22:27
makkbedeadsoul: try export AWT_Toolkit=MToolkit before opening Zend22:27
gnuskoolg' day22:27
Daisuke_Idodon't know what UFW is either :)22:27
soilworkermenijo_: pulseaudio -k22:27
theom3gadamn I can't solve this problem with the printer22:27
harmHey Mplayer wont open some videos on my laptop but it opens them on my desktop, how to fix my laptop?22:27
menijo_slart: :D22:28
mikeD3RGPS31: Thanks! that worked perfect22:28
chuy_maxhaven't you people found firefox 3 somewhat slow?, I don't find it light anymore. and flash seems to crash every now and then22:28
deadsoul<makkbe> how can i export AWT_Toolkit=MToolkit ?22:28
D3RGPS31mike: yay, i finally helped someone!22:28
dondonmy home folder says its using 30 more gb than what i've put there? is this normal for linux (its a 570gb partition).22:28
gnuskoolharm: some videos or all videos22:28
theom3gaall the time saying "maybe it's unplugged"22:28
makkbedeadsoul: just execute it in a terminal22:28
Slartchuy_max: it's fast when it comes to starting.. not so sure about the rest of the experience22:28
menijo_soilworker: I didnt quite understand22:28
Daisuke_Idouncomplicated firewall...  stick to firestarter22:28
mikeDERGPS31: does that just bypass permissions or just allow you to delete?22:28
bloodrockfrank23 go to a site that you known is flash  then it should show you a icon to download flash22:28
Vletdondon: what are you using to check this?22:28
=== Fallenou[oqp] is now known as Fallenou
D3RGPS31Daisuke_Ido: =/ i don't want a firewall period22:29
frank23bloodrock: doesn't work for firefox3 in gutsy-bakcports22:29
gnuskoolfrank23, go to 2advanced.com22:29
justme_hates_wlahi all22:29
NerdyRyukiI want to fix the wireless issues22:29
harmgnuskool: well it wont open some .mkv files i downloaded. It works fine on my Desktop which is also running 8.0422:29
deadsouli'm new to linux.. can you tell me how to execute it in a terminal?22:29
dondonViet: Konquerer (is there some terminal command i can run? my home folder has it's own partition)22:29
zaputrPlease? help? i have a problem with nmbd, how can i run it correctly?22:29
justme_hates_wlai got some problems22:30
D3RGPS31mike: permissions22:30
=== NerdyRyuki is now known as jhb1608
makkbedeadsoul: open up a terminal22:30
trumpetmic-linuxis there an easy way to get ubuntu to recognize the second hard drive?22:30
makkbepress alt+f2 and type gnome-terminal22:30
mikeDERGPS31: now, how can i format that drive...its still not letting me do that :(22:30
justme_hates_wlaI have ubuntu 8.04 installed and my WLAN Chip is 3945 abg22:30
m_tadeu2hi...does anyone know what is the udev rule that mounts a usb memory stick?22:30
justme_hates_wlai just got WLAN to work22:30
justme_hates_wlabut it keeps disconnecting me22:30
justme_hates_wlawithout any reason22:30
justme_hates_wlaand keeps reconnecting22:30
gnuskoolharm, thought it might have been a codec issue, maybe not22:30
FloodBot1justme_hates_wla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
makkbedeadsoul: enter the text export AWT_Toolkit=MToolkit and press enter22:30
makkbedeadsoul: then launch Zend22:30
harmgnuskool: i have a feeling it codec related.. it wont open in any of my players22:31
trumpetmic-linuxubuntu + another hard drive = me confused22:31
FishsceneHow do I browse Windows shares?22:31
D3RGPS31mike: type in terminal: apt-get install gparted22:31
frank23bloodrock: gnuskool, I installed flash using the tar.gz from adobe22:31
deadsoulok i will try it now22:31
menijo_soilworker: so what do you think i should try. start to feel kinda bad to be bothering so much. Sorry for that22:31
harmtrumpetmic-linux: ok.. did u attach the harddrive to computer?22:31
D3RGPS31mike: sudo apt-get install gparted* sorry22:31
trumpetmic-linuxharm: yes22:31
jhb1608http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=793256 Read this issue I described22:31
trumpetmic-linuxharm: it's in there22:31
soilworkermenijo, do you have pulseaudio?22:31
harmtrumpetmic-linux: did you mount it?22:32
mikeD3RGPS31: already have it, but it shows a couple keys next to the drive...i believe its locked. and it doesnt give me the option do delete22:32
menijo_how to find out?22:32
trumpetmic-linuxharm: iit was working in another distro... I tried mounting it but didn't see what I expected22:32
D3RGPS31try running gparted as root22:32
soilworkeri was thinking in what slart said22:32
Vletdondon: sorry, didn't see your reply (I'm Vlet, not Viet :p ) .. you can try out installing kdirstat22:32
harmtrumpetmic-linux: try looking at your syslog22:32
jhb1608anybody can help me?22:32
FishsceneI'm sitting on a Windows Domain network- I would like to browse shares, and connect to printers, but I can't browse any computers and it refuses to connect to printers. =\22:32
harmtrumpetmic-linux: there is a very good wikipage about mounting on wiki.ubuntu.com22:33
trumpetmic-linuxharm: i usually just say "mkdr /mnt/seconddrive" and then "mount /dev/hdb /mnt/seconddrive"22:33
deadsouli typed export AWT_Toolkit=MToolkit in terminal then enter.. nothing happened.. then launch zend.. same problem...22:33
menijo_soilworker: yes that was posted on many forums what slart said, so it could really help22:33
spiceminthow can i make a change to modules permanent in hardy?22:33
trumpetmic-linuxalso... it sems like there would be a aguii for ths22:33
harmtrumpetmic-linux: read the wiki it explains it a bit better.. but that does sound right. What is the file system? NTFS? EXT3? FAT32?22:33
spiceminthardy keeps loading the wrong driver for my network card22:34
soilworkermenijo_ you need to kill pulseaudio22:34
bloodrockfrank23 when you ran the install you got from adobe did oyu have firefox running or closed?22:34
harmtrumpetmic-linux: you could also try to add it to your fstab and then mount -a22:34
menijo_soilworker: ok how sudo pkill pulse?22:34
jhb1608I have the issues on my wireless on Ubuntu 5.1022:34
trumpetmic-linuxharm: it's some sort off linux parrtitioin... probably ext something22:34
soilworkerwait, my girlfriend showed up22:34
Vlet!blacklist | spicemint22:34
ubottuspicemint: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »22:34
frank23bloodrock: I closed it before installing as it said. flash works now22:34
mikenevermind i figured it out22:35
mike :D22:35
jhb1608wireless issues22:35
spicemintubottu: tried that /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename>22:35
spicemintdoesn't work22:35
soilworkerxikomur2: This channel is for english speaking users.22:35
harmtrumpetmic-linux: ok try reading your syslog and see if it says anything about your harddrive :)22:35
lanternkoolio peeps22:35
menijo_soilworker: sudo pkill pulse wont do anything22:35
trumpetmic-linuxharm, where's that?22:36
Vletspicemint: that's how it's done. perhaps you didn't have the syntax right; you should read up on blacklisting modules in ubuntu22:36
jhb1608I am in ubuntuforums and waitong for someone to help me22:37
soilworkermenijo_: it's pulseaudio --kill22:37
harmtrumpetmic-linux: /var/log/syslog if iam right :)22:37
spicemintVlet: i followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=711133 only difference is i have hardy22:37
gnuskooljhb1608: have you searched the ubuntuforums?22:37
menijo_so i write sudo pulseaudio --kill22:37
jhb1608It is only for 7.1022:37
jhb1608not for 5.1022:37
kitchejhb1608: actually state what is wrong since you just said Can anyone help me then just wireless issues not a lot of information really22:37
trumpetmic-linuxharm: nthing interesting in the syslog22:38
frostburnhas there been any forward progress with connecting to smb shares with ads?22:38
menijo_soilworker: it says on red failed to kill daemon22:38
WhoNeedszzzHey guys. I'm trying to get perl running with apache2. I've installed the perl package for apache2 and have followed some forum posts on perl and apache2 and have not gotten anything. Every time I try and test a perl script, it gives an internal server error or directory does not exist error. Why is this?22:38
trumpetmic-linuxharm: I visited your link... not seeing anything about hd stuff... did a searc htoo22:38
jhb1608I have IOGEAR Wireless G USB 2.0 USB Flex adapter, the ID code is: ID 124a:4025 AirVast.22:38
jhb1608I tried to install ndiswrapper.22:39
Simonftim running http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-bcm43xx and get a ton of errors with make22:39
WhoNeedszzzHas anyone gotten perl running on apache2 successfully?22:39
soilworkermenijo_: is there a chance you can post the error so i can give you a direct answer?22:40
VletSimonft: what kind of errors?22:40
menijo_soilworker: now it did something. Should i post it here on the main chat?22:40
SimonftVlet: this is one line out of MANY fwcutter.c:852: error: ‘const struct file’ has no member named ‘iv_map’22:41
ubuntuislovedanyone notice crashes in firefox 3 beta 5 default install with 8.0422:41
bloodrocksoilworker have him do a pastebin22:41
mikeso im trying to format my external hard drive (that i just erased a previous linux distro from) and when i try to format it it gives me an error saying "/dev/ssd1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!"22:41
WhoNeedszzzno one?22:41
VletSimonft: did you install build-essential?22:41
WhoNeedszzznobody here has gotten perl running on apache2?22:41
SimonftVlet: no, do i need to?22:41
VletSimonft: definitely22:42
SimonftVlet: link did not say that, but ok22:42
SimonftVlet: Thanks22:42
makkbedeadsoul: ok, then i don't really know what to do...22:42
makkbethat line has solved many issues for me with java applications22:42
makkbelet me see if i can find anything else22:42
bloodrockubuntuisloved i have seen in here people having firefox crash22:43
adamski84how do i install ubuntu 4.10,i have downloaded and burnt the iso22:43
WhoNeedszzzI need help here with perl and apache222:43
SimonftVlet: thanks, that worked22:43
adamski84do i just boot from cd22:43
ubuntuislovedbloodrock, anyone say what was causing it? i mean it seems weird and random22:43
menijo_soilworker: so where do i paste it? :)22:43
makkbedeadsoul: what java version do you have installed?22:43
soilworkermenijo_ do you know how to use pastebin?22:44
menijo_sorry no i dont22:44
VletSimonft: they tutorial probably assumed that the distro you were using had development tools installed by default22:44
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:44
SimonftVlet:ok, thanks, ill restart and see if it worked22:44
makkbedeadsoul: execute this in a terminal: sudo update-alternatives --config java22:44
makkbeand pastebin the result :)22:44
bloodrockubuntuisloved i recall them saying same as you22:44
WhoNeedszzzI need help here with perl and apache222:44
theom3gadamn, cups says "Unable to open device: permission denied"22:44
soilworkermenijo_: just do as told by the bot22:45
matt___i remember seeing a program that would allow you to "record" a series of clicks, keys, etc. Then you could replay them. Anyone know the name of it?22:45
ubuntuislovedbloodrock, ok so they just didnt say flash causing or addon's plugins etc doing it?22:45
menijo_soilworker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11940/22:45
WhoNeedszzzI need help here with perl and apache222:45
soilworkerlet's see22:45
menijo_hopefully thats something22:45
chetnicki have audigy 2 ZS sound card, i cant get my sound to work in wine (trying to play CS), under winecfg - audio, alsa driver si checked. Can i please get some help setting up sound in wine ...22:46
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows22:46
bloodrockubuntuisloved think 1 had said it was possible it was a addom causing prob did you recently add any addons22:46
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, go into the wine config22:46
ariqsi installed a game, crossfire, and I can't figure out how to run it. It was a synaptic package22:46
trumpetmic-linuxsda, not hdaa22:46
calimansiwhy does virtualbox run so much faster than vmware?22:46
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, under sound22:47
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: i am listening22:47
ariqsit's not in the pulldown bars and running crossfire in terminal doesn't work22:47
adamski84HOW DO I INSTALL UBINTU $>!)22:47
trumpetmic-linuxoh, but still... it's showing my sda, but not sdb!22:47
adamski84ubuntu 4.1022:47
ubuntuislovedbloodrock, well ive added the day i installed 8.04 ubuntu so unsure which one but now im going to disable the addons and try it22:47
trumpetmic-linuxanyone know why sdb wouldn't be available to a mount command?22:47
matt___i remember seeing a program that would allow you to "record" a series of clicks, keys, etc. Then you could replay them. Anyone know the name of it?22:47
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: waht should i do under sound?22:47
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, which one is currently enabled?22:48
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: alsa22:48
anabolixcan someone tell me what this means?::    W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)22:48
anabolixE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.22:48
trumpetmic-linuxwhy can't I su?22:48
gnuskooladamski84: burn the iso , put it in your cd tray, reboot22:48
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trumpetmic-linuxis it impossible to su?22:49
bloodrockadamski84, i would image that ubuntu 4.10 would be a install cd not a livecd so yu would reboot and install?22:49
WhoNeedszzzand does Test Sound work?22:49
soilworkermenijo_: try this sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin22:49
menijo_soilworker: please tell if i can give you more information, to make some kind result.22:49
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: nope22:49
Kl4mtrumpetmic-linux: you can't su because you're not root, and there is no root.22:49
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, try oss22:49
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: thats what i said :)22:49
Kl4mtrumpetmic-linux: try sudo su22:49
trumpetmic-linuxthere is no root?22:49
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: will try it now .22:49
trumpetmic-linuxsudo su22:50
WhoNeedszzzchetnick ok22:50
trumpetmic-linuxthat worked22:50
FloodBot1trumpetmic-linux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:50
trumpetmic-linuxvery weird22:50
Vlet!enter | trumpetmic-linux22:50
ubottutrumpetmic-linux: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:50
frank23trumpetmic-linux: actually the root password is randomly generated I think22:50
ariqsso how do I figure out how to run a package that doesn't put itself in the applications pulldown bar?22:50
menijo_soilworker: done. next?22:50
WhoNeedszzzHas anyone here had success running perl in apache2?22:50
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: should i uncheck ALSA?22:50
ariqsi mean, where does it even put this junk?22:50
soilworkermenijo_: check22:51
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, that would be best22:51
gnuskoolariqs: type ts name in the run box22:51
VletWhoNeedszzz: you may want to ask in #apache if you can't get an answer in here22:51
krthi, sorry for not reading the etiquette (privmsg is restricted for non-registered users), but i have a problem with texmaker and teamspeak running ubuntu 8.04. their guis seems to be messed up and is mosly black (see: http://www.imagenetz.de/img.php?file=aa0430284a.png ) any ideaswhat is causing this?22:51
WhoNeedszzzVlet, ah thanks22:51
gnuskoolariqs: or in terminal :D22:51
ariqsit doesn't work, tried that already, gnuskool22:51
Kl4mkrt: first, try to turn off desktop effects22:51
frank23ariqs: I use synaptic to find out what files were installed by the package22:52
krtKl4m: i am not running effects :/22:52
deadsoulits java-6-sun22:52
frank23ariqs: the executable is usually in /usr/bin22:52
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: nope, test sound still nowt working with OSS checked22:52
gnuskoolariqs: ok, search for the app, it may have a different name to what youre expecting22:52
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, and u aren't having any problems with sound normally?22:52
speedhunt3ris it possible to force architecture install a .deb package?22:52
menijo_soilworker: still nothing :( wow this is one weir problem22:52
pretenderCan anyone help me with running koverartist in ubuntu gutsy?22:53
deadsoul*+        1    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java22:53
deadsoul          2    /usr/bin/gij-4.222:53
trumpetmic-linuxdo I somehow need to create sdb in order to see my disk?  it's a disk I've been using but I just installed a neww ubuntu and now it'sgone22:53
makkbedeadsoul: ok, then it's not that problem either...22:53
soilworkermenijo_: uninstall pulseaudio from synaptic22:53
ldiamondWhere is the running kernel in Ubuntu?22:53
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: thats a good question, i dont think i heard sound on this new box since i installed ubuntu. let me try to play something22:53
zeeeeehi, i have been reading about this openssl keygen vulnerability today.  i did install some ubuntu updates today, but i'm not sure if those included a newer openssl.  is there some way for me to check?22:53
harmin System > Prefernces  i have TWO Screensaver options? what the hell... howto resolve this?22:53
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, ha that could be the problem :)22:54
soilworkerharm: choose the same.22:54
harmzeeeee:  yah been updated :P22:54
harmsoilworker: ? huh22:54
menijo_soilworker: there seems to be no such thing installed22:54
menijo_thats weird22:54
zeeeeeharm, ok, but in general, is there a log of what has been installed?22:54
theom3gaHOW can I change cups permissions?22:54
thiebaudeharm:edit your menu to see if you can get rid of one of them22:54
soilworkermenijo_ ¬¬22:55
frank23zeeeee: in synaptic click openssh package and  read the changelog22:55
deadsoulwell, i'm trying the explaination whih mentioned here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java and installing the the openkde runtime and will see what will happen next...22:55
zeeeeeharm, i mean, how would i check on my own?22:55
deadsoulanyway thanks a lot makkbe22:55
harmzeeeee: i read somewhere there has been an update about it already.. check changelog of the generator?22:55
Kl4mzeeeee: (hardy only) apt-cache show openssh-server, check if you have version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu122:55
menijo_soilworker: I quite don get it, i just installed all and did everything as you told.22:55
ldiamondWhere is the running kernel in Ubuntu????22:55
chetnickWhoNeedszzz: tanks for help, i got it working :)22:56
WhoNeedszzzchetnick, no problem22:56
Jburrkei'm getting some wierd errors in rhythmbox.. it says "couldnt stop playback. unknown playback error"22:56
Kl4mldiamond: where, as in its image file?22:56
soilworkermenijo_ there's something quite disturbing about your installation22:56
Jburrkewhen i try to play a song D:22:56
ldiamondI need config.gz22:56
menijo_im starting to believe it too22:56
zeeeeefrank23, i can't find any changelog22:56
FishsceneThis is truly madening. Ubuntu refuses to talk to any of my Windows machines. Is there further configuration needed? or should Ubuntu 8 be able to browse Windows shares out-of-the-box?22:56
ldiamondInstead of /proc/config.gz22:57
deadsoullol, i mean openjdk java runtime22:57
menijo_soilworker: if we try one time and then call it a day?22:57
soilworkerfrom the top?22:57
frank23zeeeee: package-> Download changelog22:57
makkbedeadsoul: ok, good luck22:57
ScuniziSince I've upgraded printing to my network laser printer creates pages that have drastically enlarged text. One page will take from 2 to 4 pages.  I've changed the ppd file from the propriatory one to foomatic version with worse results. Am I unique? how do I go about diagnosing the solution?22:57
soilworkermenijo_: I don't mind wasting time, the thing is you can solve your issue22:58
frojndI'm trying to access with sftp and I get error: http://pastebin.ca/101734822:58
zeeeeefrank23, thanks22:58
zeeeeeKl4m, thanks22:58
frojndI've tryed to add key to ~/.ssh/known_hosts but it's the same error22:58
menijo_soilworker: ok22:58
frank23zeeeee: np22:58
soilworkermenijo_: let's get back22:59
soilworkermenijo: sudo apt-get install libflashsupport22:59
Myrttifrojnd: try to connect to it with plain ssh22:59
menijo_soilworker: there was errors during the installation today, when i did upgrade from gutsy22:59
prodigelHi all. Anybody good with wine? I'm trying to run a game with no success and the messages I get don't say much to me22:59
Myrttifrojnd: ssh gives an error message that says which line in the known_host-file you have to *delete*22:59
jribfrojnd: verify you don't have a wrong key in there as well22:59
makkbeprodigel: what game is it?23:00
prodigelmakkbe: Risk II23:00
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
menijo_Soilworker: it didnt manage to install éverything.23:00
frojndMyrtti: the esame error23:00
macdunbardoes anyone know an alternative to system-config-samba?23:00
Simonfthow do i open the network manager in ubuntu? it crashed23:00
soilworkermenijo_: could you be more specific?23:00
=== carignou is now known as caribou|
Vletfrojnd: perhaps you have to remove the old entry for that server23:00
FishsceneI can ping my Windows File-sharing server, I can connect to it via RDP. Windows clients can connect to the fileserver just fine. I can connect to the server by manually typing in the information for a SPECIFIC share. But I can't browse. Does anyone know how to browse?23:00
leachim6I want to run the updater manually23:00
leachim6the gui one23:00
leachim6how do I do that23:01
deadsoul1    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java23:01
deadsoul          2    /usr/bin/gij-4.223:01
deadsoul*+        3    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java23:01
leachim6what's the bin name23:01
FloodBot1leachim6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
Myrttifrojnd: frojnd it doesnt say that the line X on the file needs to be changd?23:01
leachim6I didn't flood ...23:01
Vlet!enter | leachim623:01
ubottuleachim6: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:01
leachim6sorry ....23:01
deadsoulhow can i run the 3rd one.. i mean what command should i write in the terminal to run it23:01
Kl4mjust... stop...23:01
jhb1608ubottu, can you help me?23:01
ubottujhb1608: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:01
ldiamondWhere is the running kernel in Ubuntu? where config.gz is23:01
leachim6fine , what the name name of the ubuntu gui update notifier binary23:01
Simonftleachim6:  lol23:01
frojndMyrtti: yep apperantly I must delete keys, I've reinstall...23:01
menijo_soilworker: errors occured in the end of the upgrade. Thats all i can remember and i just klicked ok dont instal.23:02
makkbeprodigel: risk II does not seem to work according to the wine appdb23:02
Simonfthow do i open the network manager in ubuntu? it crashed23:02
leachim6lol : command not found23:02
macdunbarleachim6: system - admin - update manager23:02
=== capito is now known as capo
Vletleachim6: sudo update-manager23:02
krtKl4m: any other ideas what might cause this gui-screwup?23:02
Kl4mldiamond: you probably want the kernel source for the kernel config23:02
soilworkermenijo_: there's a lack of information that i need to help you23:02
menijo_yes i understand.23:02
soilworkertheres a zillion ways things could be wrong23:02
Kl4mkrt: absolutely no idea sorry23:02
gordonjcphas anything significant changed between gutsy and hardy with the parallel port driver/23:02
jhb1608Ok, I have to activate sit0, how do I do that?23:02
krtk, thnx anyways23:02
makkbedeadsoul: no success?23:02
Vletkrt: yes, the teamspeak client doesn't use GTK... I'm no expert, so I can't recognize the toolkit it uses.23:03
deadsoulno its not23:03
prodigelmakkbe: this means it's useless to try?23:03
macdunbardoes anyone know a good samba gui config?23:03
menijo_soilworker: this problem was on gutsy too, i did not have sound on flash back then eighter.23:03
gordonjcpI can't get wine apps (specifically EPROM programmer software) to talk to the parallel port in Hardy, although it worked in Gutsy23:03
makkbedeadsoul: ok, well i've read some more about it, and afaik it has to do with the AWT_TOOLKIT variable that i mentioned eariler23:03
Vletkrt: whatever toolkit they used to program the client for linux must keep some graphical settings somewhere that for some reason are screwey on your system23:03
Myrttifrojnd: I updated my ssh, redid the keys, my ssh client said the line #3 doesnt' match in known_hosts,, I deleted it, tried to login again, success.23:03
makkbeprodigel: probably, yes23:03
jescisHello all23:03
FishsceneDoes Ubuntu NOT automatically browse Windows-domain computers?23:04
ldiamondKl4m: Where is the kernel image?23:04
NighTi^how can i make the Gnome Terminal default to Nordic character encoding?23:04
menijo_soilworker: those erros i think were about my radeon 9800 drivers23:04
MyrttiNighTi^: luit might be one solution23:04
soilworkermenijo: are you in a desktop pc?23:04
Kl4mldiamond: /boot/vmlinuz-(whatever)23:05
jaffarkelshaccan i edit the location on the app bar under places?23:05
jhb1608http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4952014#post4952014 <-- I know it have lack of information.23:05
menijo_soilworker: yes23:05
jhb1608But I am trying to get the wireless work by activating sit0, but it won't work23:05
makkbedeadsoul: try this then, in a terminal AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit /path/to/zend23:05
deadsoulmakkbe thanks a lot bro.. i really do apreciate it :)23:05
jesciswill gentoo be recognized if I installed ubuntu on the first disk drive? I can't get the grub for gentoo to work with windows(was hoping ubuntu could help :/)23:05
NighTi^Myrtti: ok, i'll look into that. thanks23:05
makkbein one line, and replace /path/to/zend with wherever your zend executable is located23:05
menijo_soilworker:and i have soundblaster live 5.1 soundcard23:06
soilworkermenijo_: let's tray with alsa23:06
MyrttiNighTi^: welcome to #ubuntu-fi aswell23:06
menijo_ok lets23:06
soilworkermenijo_: sudo apt-get install alsa-oss23:06
krtVlet: looking at the dependencies it just uses xlibs... or uses a hardcoded tk..23:06
FishsceneHas anyone here succesfully browsed Windows shares on a Windows Domain?23:06
deadsoulok, i will try it now23:06
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Vletkrt: yeah, I tried the same. it's obviously not gtk though23:07
Kl4mldiamond: and ... I see I also have a config-2.6.24-16-generic file in /boot23:07
Vletkrt: it looks fine on my system though23:07
menijo_soilworker: ok done23:07
soilworkermenijo_ now get to firefox file23:07
neggewhy does the latest set of updates require a restart?23:07
soilworkerin /etc/firefox/firefoxrc23:07
neggethat's not normal right23:07
soilworkersearch for this line : FIREFOX_DSP="none"23:07
menijo_firefox file is where?23:08
makkbenegge: it's very normal23:08
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jhb1608I have issues on wireless23:08
Vletnegge: it depends on what's being updated23:08
neggemakkbe never happened to be before23:08
makkbenegge: some updates requires a restart23:08
Kl4mnegge: it's an openssl update. I don't know exactly why but those need an update23:08
soilworkermenijo_: in /etc/firefox/firefoxrc23:08
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FishsceneIs anyone here?23:08
frojndI've just installed rtorrent via apt. How can I check what version it is ?23:08
neggeVlat I got updates for ssh/ssl and nfs23:08
neggeguess that's why23:08
soilworkermenijo_: change FIREFOX_DSP="none" for FIREFOX_DSP="esd"23:08
ARKANIADi am so disappointed!23:08
fugitivoany ideas about this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/22836323:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]23:08
neggefrojnd open synaptic, search for rtorrent and see what the current version is23:08
mgolischis it normal that make oldconfig && make prepare fails on the kernel source?23:09
frojndnegge: I am on server.. only command line23:09
prodigelmakkbe: how did you see risk isn't supported? Is it a blacklist somewhere?23:09
mgolischthe nvidia installer wants me to do that23:09
Kl4mfrojnd: apt-cache show packagename23:09
makkbenegge: http://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2008/msg00152.html23:09
ARKANIADGuys! I AM SO UPSET! i got the new 8.04 and the highest resolution on cd is 800.60023:09
makkbeprodigel: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1729&iTestingId=1846423:09
soilworkerARKANIAD: Don't be a fool.23:10
soilworkerPlain answer.23:10
FishsceneThis is a test. test 1 ... 2 Anyone see this text?23:10
Vletfrojnd: sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions; apt-show-versions | grep rtorrent23:10
soilworkerFishscene: no.23:10
j1solutionsyes i see that text23:10
Kl4mFishscene: indeed, over 1300 people see it23:10
FishsceneFinally. Thanks Soilworker23:10
menijo_soilworker: it wont let me to change it to esd23:10
rexy_ARKANIAD, it probably defaulted to the standard vesa driver for your video23:10
VletKl4m: oh yeah, suppose that's simpler :)23:10
Kohlraki686? What's the 6th pentium?23:10
zChrisWhen i mount a nfs share from the server on my client, it mounts as root and libuuid, whats wrong ?23:10
gronneI need help please..I've got network issues..23:11
neggemakkbe you know why I get this when trying to update again:23:11
neggeThe following packages have been kept back:23:11
negge  openssh-client openssh-server23:11
deadsoulmakkbe THAAAAAAAAAAAANKS A LOT BROOOO it works... it does... finally23:11
ARKANIADsoilworker: Nvidia 7600 can only go to 800.600? shame.23:11
VletKohlrak: wikipedia.org/wiki/i68623:11
makkbedeadsoul: glad to help :)23:11
=== [FA]ABC is now known as ABC
deadsoulmakkbe i really do apreciate it bro.. thanks again :D23:11
fugitivoanyone with a Hauppauge PVR 150?23:11
soilworkerarkaniad: You need to install the drivers.23:11
Finirascan somebody explain to me how to get my scroll wheel on my mouse working with firefox?23:11
Kl4mnegge: are you on gutsy? if so, don't upgrade23:11
Fath[0]mHow do I turn off Desktop dimming, so that when I am watching a movie or something on my computer it doesnt go black?23:11
polpakARKANIAD: did you install the nvidia drivers?23:11
soilworkerARKANIAD: punk23:11
jescissoilworker: Do you think gentoo would be recognized if I installed ubuntu on the first disk drive? I can't get the grub for gentoo to work with windows(was hoping ubuntu could help :/)23:11
ARKANIADsoilworker: the whole point was to use the live cd to see if any better than my gutsy.23:12
makkbedeadsoul: now you can add this line: export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit to the bottom of your .bashrc file23:12
menijo_soilworker: so what do i have to do to change it. it says stop because i dont have enough privilidges23:12
makkbeand you won't have to do the same thing every time23:12
Kl4mNvidia series 7 and 8 work fine on the hardy liveCD23:12
Kl4mMy screen was 1920x1200 right from the start23:12
ARKANIADbut my monitor is screwed. 800.600 is skewed offf screen.23:12
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M1DLGhello all23:12
ARKANIADand no higher res in the monirot23:12
soilworkerARKANIAD: You can do it eitherway just installing the drivers.23:12
gnuskoolhow is performance on intel 855 on hardy?23:13
jeriathany preference as to what to format a drive to in linux?23:13
Finirascan somebody explain to me how to get my scroll wheel on my mouse working with firefox?23:13
soilworkerARKANIAD: Is Gutsy comfortable to you?23:13
VletARKANIAD: blame NVidia and ATI's lawyers23:13
M1DLGhow do I restore my taskbar thing on the bottom of my desktop?23:13
gnuskooljeriath: ext223:13
gnuskooljeriath: ext3 is the default, but ext2 is faster23:13
ABCi am trying 2 set up a "share" folder on my network, when i try i get this error http://img150.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotfilemanagerzi0.png23:13
soilworkerjeriath: There are greater tools than grub23:14
Finirascan anybody help me plz... its very irritating taht i can't use my scroll wheel23:14
Kl4mgnuskool: with minimal desktop effects it's ok (if you're talking about the video card)23:14
krtVlet: is your  ~/teamspeak2/TeamSpeak.Conf a human readable ascii file or stores it binary values?23:14
jeriathhuh soilworker?23:14
Fath[0]mHow do I turn off Desktop dimming, so that when I am watching a movie or something on my computer it doesnt go black?23:14
soilworkerjeriath: Mind me, just wrong tabbing.23:14
menijo_soilworker: so why cant i change that to esd23:14
makkbenegge: do a apt-cache policy openssh-client openssh-server and you will see why23:14
jeriathsecond question....why does it say there is 1.55 GB being used after the format?23:15
gnuskoolKl4m: i have turned off compiz and all that but its very slow, slower than when i boot xp23:15
jeriathnow i cant copy my stuff over :/23:15
jeriathfrom one identical drive to another23:15
Vletkrt: binary junk. maybe the packaged is hosed23:15
soilworkermenijo_: what's the error that shows up?23:15
Finirascan somebody explain to me how to get my scroll wheel on my mouse working with firefox?23:15
jeriathits extremely full :P23:15
pretenderHas anyone got koverartist running in ubuntu gutsy.  I cant select case why?23:15
soilworkermenijo_: Is firefox closed right?23:16
menijo_soilworker: its in finnish23:16
Vletkrt: perhaps you could uninstall the ubuntu package for it, and try downloading whatever the teamspeak folks offer on their site23:16
neggemakkbe okay23:16
menijo_my ubuntu is in finnish23:16
kirui just upgraded to ubuntu 8.0423:16
krtVlet: yap, will try that. thx23:16
soilworkermenijo_: Do you speak soumi?23:16
menijo_soilworker: jes23:16
menijo_dont say your finnish23:17
FishsceneWould anyone know why I am unable to browse Windows domain computers?23:17
soilworkerIm not.23:17
jeriathanyone know why ext3 uses 1.55 gigs of my free space?23:17
soilworkerIm just well educated.23:17
soilworkerSo, past me the error23:17
kirueverything is jerking while trying the 3d desktop effects23:17
neggemakkbe can you take a look at it if I paste it to pastebin?23:17
kirui have an ati-card23:17
ABCi am trying 2 set up a "share" folder on my network, when i try i get this error http://img150.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotfilemanagerzi0.png how do i give my self permission23:17
kirumaybe this is the problem...?23:17
makkbenegge: sure23:17
neggemakkbe http://pastebin.com/d6ff91fb823:17
kiruafter selecting 3d desktop effects, it downloaded the fglrx ati drivers23:18
menijo_soilworker: so what can i do when firefox wont allowe me to change this to esd23:18
gronnecould someone please help me with my network issues?23:18
kirui restarted but nothing is working23:18
kirucould anyone help me pls?23:18
soilworkermenijo_ i cant understand why cant you change it23:18
Simonft!enter | kiru23:18
ubottukiru: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:18
cameronSomehow I "deleted" my desktop folder. It sits in my trash can. If I open the folder, its another folder called Desktop, I open that, another folder called desktop. It does this, from what I see, 506 times. Nothing in any of these folders other than another folder. I empty trash and it wont go away. Can I sudo empty the trash or something?23:19
makkbenegge: basically, it has to do with the priorities of the packages23:19
kiruSimonft: thx for advertisement23:19
menijo_soilworker: it shows me international forbidden sing. red sing that has white stripe23:19
makkbenegge: what you can do is install both packages manually23:19
Vletjeriath: google for "Reserved block count" to find out why23:19
makkbenegge: with sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server23:19
menijo_and says that i cannot make the change becouse i dont have rights to do so23:19
neggemakkbe I'll try that23:19
kirunice help... really...23:19
kirupointing on some behavioural stuff23:20
neggeI'll see if the GUI updater works (I always update from terminal), if it doesn't I'll do what you said23:20
Vletkiru: do you have a question?23:20
kiruVlet: yes23:20
con-manPatch 2.4.2 came out23:20
menijo_soilworker: wait i said it wrong23:20
con-manI wont have to listen to that messed up power word shield sound again23:21
menijo_it wont allowe me to save the altered file23:21
Vletkiru: ahh, I see. what type of video card do you have?23:21
frojndI'm trying to run rotrrent and I get: rtorrent: Could not lock session directory: "/muska/mp3s/wildchild/", held by "umbrella:+22462".23:21
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kiruvlet: ati radeon23:21
menijo_soilworker: so it wont let me save the file with esd23:21
neggemakkbe it worked when I used the GUI:)23:21
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makkbenegge: ok, goodie23:22
jeriathVlet: what about reiserfs, only uses a few hundred MB23:22
Vletkiru: more specifically, what version?23:22
kiruati radeon 9800 pro23:22
deadsoulmakkbe: is there anyway to let the ubuntu launch some programs automaticlly when i start the ubuntu... like the startup in windows?23:22
makkbedeadsoul: yes, under preferences --> sessions23:22
soilworkerminejo_ you have all your music and video software off, right?23:22
techwhosaysneeDoes anyone know why flash games are so laggy in firefox? I can access them fine from Windows. This is happening on both the firefox-2 and firefox-3 installs, and I'm using Adobe's flash plugin.23:22
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Vletjeriath: well, ext3 uses 5% by default; if it's your system partition then leave it alone. if it's just a data drive, then you can use tunefs to make it smaller23:23
deadsoulfor example each time i start the ubuntu i have to type in terminal /opt/lampp/lampp start is there anyway to let ubuntu start it by default once i start ubuntu23:23
menijo_soilworker: yes i think so. i havent turned anything on to preserve the soun channel23:23
jeriathits a data drive23:23
deadsoulok thank you23:23
Starnestommydeadsoul: maybe cron or an init script23:23
soilworkertry changing the same file in /etc/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefoxrc23:24
kiruVlet: ati radeon 9800 pro23:24
Vletjeriath: yeah, I've adjusted mine to be 0% on my data drives23:24
ABCi am having troubler with "share" folders can ne one help23:24
jeriathVlet: what is tunefs?   it is a data drive, but that format isnt listed on gparted23:24
deadsoulok thank you bro :)23:24
jarleihdeadsoul: system - cofiguration - sessions23:24
Vletjeriath: google my friend :)23:24
M1DLGhow do I restore my taskbar thing on the bottom of my desktop? does anyone know how i fudged it?23:24
Vletjeriath: http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&safe=off&q=%22Reserved+block+count%22+tunefs+ubuntu&btnG=Search23:25
Fade2Blachey do anyone know of a tftp server that will run in ubuntu23:25
echazandoes the ubuntu update manager 'just work'?23:25
makkbeechazan: yes23:25
makkbeFade2Blac: gftpd23:25
Choicefreshhow do i use the gparted cd again?23:25
derspanksterM1DLG, do you have a panel at top?23:25
jesciscan no one help me out? :(23:26
BakefyAnyone feel like helping out a nice guy with installing a scanner?23:26
Choicefreshoh yeah, lemme check the forum23:26
Choicefreshonce sec23:26
menijo_/etc/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefoxrc doesent exist23:26
Finirascan somebody explain to me how to get my scroll wheel on my mouse working with firefox?23:26
echazanChoice, the gparted disk is bootable.23:26
Fade2Blacis that ftp server or a tftp server makkbe its 2 different protocalls23:26
derspanksterM1DLG, then left click on that panel and click add panel23:26
soilworkermenijo, lets try with nano23:26
soilworkersudo nano /etc/firefox/firefoxrc23:26
menijo_soilworker: ok. i have no idea what that is23:26
Choicefreshyay sudp23:26
derspanksterM1DLG, sorry, I meant RIGHT click23:27
makkbeFade2Blac: ftp, sorry23:27
derspanksterM1DLG, then add new panel23:27
menijo_ok im there23:27
VletFiniras: what version of ubunt?23:27
menijo_soilworker: what to do23:27
M1DLGok done, it's not the same as the original panel23:27
soilworkercheck if you can change23:27
M1DLGjust blank23:28
makkbeFade2Blac: have you tried apt-cache search tftp?23:28
soilworkerFIREFOX_DSP="none" to FIREFOX_DSP="esd"23:28
derspanksterM1DLG, you'll need to add what you want to the new bottom panel23:28
menijo_esd it was?23:28
mikeAnyone know why flash games are so slow in Firefox? I'm using Ubuntu 8.04, and it happens with both firefox-2 and firefox-323:28
Jburrk1can anyone tell me how to access my internal hdd?23:28
CaramHello :D23:29
soilworkerJburrk1: Screwdriver and quite a big ammount of curiosity23:29
M1DLGi'll ave to add the minimise all to desktop button and the trash and the windows/desktops button23:29
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Jburrk1soilworker: what?23:29
=== Jburrk1 is now known as Jburrke
Vletmike: you likely don't have the right video card driver installed23:29
kitcheJburrk1: do you mean mount the hdd or something else?23:29
soilworkerJburrke: Im a funny person23:29
Vlet!resolution | mike23:29
ubottumike: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:29
Jburrkesoilworker: lol23:29
soilworkerJburrke: if you ask the right question, i might even could help you23:29
derspanksterM1DLG, you're welcome23:30
mikeIs it a windows drive you're trying to access, JB?23:30
Jburrkesoilworker: lol.. well my internal has windows installed23:30
Jburrkeexternal has ubuntu23:31
Jburrkehow can i access my internal from ubuntu23:31
CaramWhen I ran qtparted I got "Error: File system was not cleanly unmounted!  You should run e2fsck.  Modifying an unclean file system could cause severe corruption.23:31
CaramError: The file system is bigger than its volume!23:31
menijo_soilworker: is it saved to file if i just shut the terminal23:31
Caramshould I be worried?23:31
M1DLGFIXED thank you m823:31
FloodBot1Caram: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
VletJburrke: look in your 'places' menu - you should see it in there.23:31
soilworkermenijo_ check it23:31
menijo_ho in earth23:31
soilworkerJburrke: by access you mean modify, view, play23:31
menijo_ou you mean browser23:31
JburrkeVlet: it's not.. last night i was able to access it with some help with people by doing a few strings of terminal commands23:32
soilworkercheck if changes23:32
soilworkerwere made23:32
frojndAnyone has an idea why I can't run as a normal user rotrrent? I get following error: rtorrent: Could not lock session directory: "/muska/mp3s/wildchild/", held by "umbrella:+22462". Ive seaerch for any rtorrent if there would be any other instalnce with ps aux | grep rtorrent but there was nothing23:32
Caramcan I get help on this?23:32
Jburrkeit had something to do with mounting a drive, or something23:32
kitcheJburrke: well if it's not automounted it usually is already you need to mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/<place of hard drive{sd1, hda1} /media/windows23:32
VletJburrke: you should have written it down then23:32
Jburrkei did ><23:32
Jburrkesudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/jburrke23:33
Jburrkethat's the string i was told to copy23:33
kitcheJburrke: I haven't checked which way ubuntu calls the drives that's why I did sda1 or hda123:33
menijo_Soilworker: changes were made, but not saved at least i think. it wont let me leave from the file without ignoring the chnage23:33
kitcheJburrke: and then cd to /mnt/jburrke and it should be mounted :)23:33
soilworkermenijo_ just reopen it23:33
Caramhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11943/ <--- Do I have a problem?23:33
Jburrkewhen i type that string that i just posted i get "fuse: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/jburrke: no such file or directory"23:33
menijo_no it did not change it23:34
kitcheJburrke: is the directory made?23:34
soilworkermenijo_: so try again23:34
Jburrkekitche: i'm not sure ><23:34
Jburrkekitche: how can i check?23:34
* Caram pounds his head into the wall23:34
kitcheJburrke: ls -l /mnt/jburrke23:34
makkbeCaram: easy...23:34
Jburrkekitche: no it's not23:34
makkbei am thinking23:34
zChrisWhen i mount a nfs share from the server on my client, it mounts as root and libuuid, whats wrong ?23:34
kitcheJburrke: well you need to make it first with sudo /mnt/jburrke23:35
menijo_soilworker: i have a problem, i would need to kinda save this change in terminal, but how. It advises to type^x to quit23:35
Caramhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11943/ What does it mean by "The file system is larger than it's volume"?23:35
menijo_but nothing happens23:35
Jburrkekitche: can you tell me the whole command?23:35
zChrissoilworker: helpfull...23:35
Simonf1can someone help me with my broadcom?23:36
soilworkerzChris: laughing is great for trouble.23:36
menijo_soilworker: I need key kombo for the noob, please :)23:36
soilworkermenijo_ so you cant modify it with nano?23:36
menijo_yes I can23:36
Jburrkeis it sudo mount /mnt/jburrke?23:36
zChrissoilworker: if you dont know, dont reply, easy as that :)23:36
menijo_dont know how to save it23:36
soilworkerzChris: I knew.23:36
vincenzoCan I ask here about SSL-bug?23:36
soilworkerzChris: I just hate people with 0 humour.23:36
soilworkerGood luck with your issue.23:37
kitcheJburrke: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/jburrke23:37
zChrissoilworker: I also hate ppl with 0 humour23:37
Simonf1I need help with a broadcom23:37
vincenzoHow do I fix aothorized_keys?23:37
con-manI need to run a .net executable in wine any suggestions?23:37
soilworkermenijo_: so..23:37
Jburrkekitche: mount: can't find /dev/sda2/mnt/jburrke in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:37
Simonf1!wine | con-man23:37
ubottucon-man: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:37
menijo_soilworker: so should i type ^x and enter to exit and savve? or what?23:37
cheeseboycan anyone help me with wubi?23:38
Simonf1cheeseboy: ask a question23:38
makkbecon-man: that is not possible i am afraid23:38
soilworkerthat's pure magic23:38
con-manSimonf1: Im using wine, its not working23:38
CaramI got http://paste.ubuntu.com/11943/ when I ran QTparted. What's wrong?23:38
darkone1687I was having problems with my sound quality so I uninstalled alsamixer and reinstalled it and now it says I don't have a sound card installed23:38
makkbecon-man: the .net framework is not a part of wine23:38
menijo_or is it done when its done like in unix?23:38
con-manmakkbe: QQ23:38
zChrisWhen i mount a nfs share from the server on my client, it mounts as root and libuuid, whats wrong ?23:38
soilworkermenijo_ it's done23:38
CaramI got http://paste.ubuntu.com/11943/ when I ran QTparted. Any ideas on what's going on?23:39
menijo_soilworker: ok23:39
makkbeCaram: what were you trying to do with qtparted?23:39
fiyawerxAnyone else having problems with firefox just randomly crashing when using gmail?23:39
makkbeCaram: if you try with gparted instead, what happens?23:39
soilworkerfiyawerx: Nothing is random23:39
crffiyawerx yeah, using various websites23:39
CaramI just opened it23:39
phixxorhey guys, I need to do a backup of my mac, and I have enough space on my ubuntu computer to do so. can I just drag and drop the contents of / to a folder on my ubuntu computer?23:39
Choicefreshmakkbe: no23:39
fiyawerxsoilworker, it just seemed to start happening for me today23:39
crfjust disable some of the plugins fiyawerx23:40
Caramwith GParted it wont let me resize my ntfs partition23:40
frielGot a Dual Montior Issue, Main monitor is no longer working on an extended desktop. anyone got any experience with this?23:40
menijo_soilworker: it made an file named firefoxrc.save23:40
Slartphixxor: you should ask some macintosh people that question23:40
CaramIt also shows my ntfs partition as "active"23:40
soilworkermenijo_ delete, rename23:40
kitcheJburrke: space between /dev/sda2 and /mnt/jburrke23:40
Slartphixxor: I don't think it would work on a linux system though.. copying the /proc structure might not be in your best interest23:40
makkbeChoicefresh: no to what? :)23:40
soilworkerfiyawerx: It's JUST in Gmail site?23:40
phixxorslart: ok. I was wondering if any ubuntu people would have any insights,23:40
Choicefreshno, i don't have problems with gmail in firefox23:40
fiyawerxsoilworker, that i've noticed, it crashes when i click sign out23:40
Choicefreshnot since a while ago23:41
Choicefreshtry leaving a bug at bugzilla.mozilla.org, but try ff3b5 first23:41
makkbeCaram: unmount it23:41
Jburrkekitche: fuse: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/jburrke: No such file or directory23:41
fiyawerxnod using ff3b5, will try to narrow it down more23:41
menijo_soilworker: hah no permission to delete the file23:41
DShepherdfiyawerx, maybe its some addon you have installed?23:41
makkbeChoicefresh: i think it was fiyawerx who asked that question, not me :)23:41
cheeseboyanyone help with wubi?23:41
menijo_im starting konsidder fully re-install.23:42
Carammakkbe, it's still showing it as "active"23:42
kitcheJburrke: did you sudo mkdir /mnt/jburrke like I said?23:42
Caramwhile my ext3 isn't shown as active.23:42
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Choicefreshmakkbe: oh23:42
nasstyhello there, anybody checked out the Eusso usb wireless adapters ?23:42
makkbeCaram: weird23:42
crfIs there an archive program that shows permissions of files within an archive?23:42
soilworkerfiyawerx: What happens if you click on another button23:42
soilworkermenijo_: I'll advise that23:42
ubottuFactoid essuo not found23:42
ubottuFactoid eusso not found23:42
CaramThere's an option to make unactive23:42
soilworkerfiyawerx: let's say in Compose23:42
Jburrkekitche: sorry, forgot.. okay, it returned a blank entry box thing23:43
Jburrkenow i put that string i pasted earlier, right?23:43
CaramI just dont want to screw up windows.23:43
Slartphixxor: I don't know how much the macintosh people have changed the basic linux system... but as I said.. I don't think a plain old, drag and drop copy would work.. you've got permissions to worry about.. and stuff you might not want to copy23:43
CaramApart from how it comes screwed up out of the box23:43
newairDo proprietary DVD drives normally get rejected from Ubuntu?  Like one from an old HP computer? VLC rejects my DVD movies and also MoviePlayer Totem rejects my stuff.23:43
menijo_soilworker: allthough same problem would be there, because it was there when i did my first ubuntu install23:43
makkbeCaram: can you still boot into windows?23:43
makkbeif so, try doing a chkdisk in windows23:43
soilworkermenijo_: there's one more thing to try23:43
Slartnewair: installed the libdvdcss thingy?23:43
soilworkertoday, tomorrow i'll dream like 25 more23:43
CaramIll be back in an hour :P23:44
phixxorslart: yeah, I was wondering if I could use rsync23:44
RickXmy windows seem to have lost the top bar with the window controls in them. Can anyone tell me how to get them back?23:44
menijo_soilworker: one more? what could there be23:44
kitcheJburrke: yes23:44
makkbeRickX: are you using compiz?23:44
UneSourisVerteSee you later !23:44
soilworkermenijo_: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla arts23:44
Jburrkekitche: awesome.. thanks, a lot23:44
RickXmakkbe, I don't think I am.23:44
RickXI should have 4 vitrtual desktops, too, and I don't.23:45
soilworkerrickX, you'll need like 3 pairs of extra eys23:45
Slartphixxor: that's just an alternative to the copying problem... you'll still have to select what you want to copy23:45
makkbeRickX: when the windows decoration dissapears it is usually due to compiz23:45
makkbethe desktop effects that is23:46
menijo_soilworker: it wont find it23:46
RickXmakkbe, how do I turn it off?23:46
newairThe libdvdcss was attempted with apt get.  I got a message that it was a dependent program. Not able to get or install.23:46
D3RGPS31how do i refresh iptables so the ports i opened are opened?23:46
makkbeRickX: preferences --> appearence --> desktop effects23:46
makkbeor something23:46
frielSorry to ask again, But i'm having an issue with dual monitor support, My main monitor refuses to work, Ati Cataylst center is reporting both as DVI connectors, Should it be reporting one as VGA ?23:46
SlartD3RGPS31: iptables doesn't need refreshing.. if you changed something it's changed when the command returns23:47
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soilworkermenijo_ http://developer.songbirdnest.com/nightly/builds/linux/i686/Songbird_0.6pre_20080501_linux-i686.tar.gz23:47
RickXrats, I think I just turned them on.23:47
D3RGPS31Slart: the changes i've made haven't been put into effect, the commands were valid and showed up on status as working23:47
D3RGPS31Slart: but they don't work when i have a client test them23:48
menijo_ok how to isntall that?23:48
setnerhi everyone23:48
SlartD3RGPS31: are you working directly on the iptables then? not using some other firewall software?23:48
RickXmakkbe, there is no button to turn them off, just enable.23:48
soilworkerit's a tar.gz23:48
D3RGPS31Slart: yes, just iptables23:48
zChrisWhen i mount a nfs share from the server on my client, it mounts as root and libuuid, whats wrong ?23:48
makkbeRickX: there should be a "no effects" button or the like23:48
menijo_yes. it seems to open in a window23:48
brentc4mcan someone explain why an apt-get upgrade would hold back openssh-server and openssh-client? trying to clean up after the vuln23:48
phixxordoes anyone know if gparted works on intel macs?23:48
phixxorthe gparted cd23:48
chetnickanybody plays CS on ubuntu (wine)? How can i set resolution? It cant do it trough options-video in CS. ?23:49
SlartD3RGPS31: what kind of commands have you tried?23:49
kitchezChris: well it will mount as root not sure what the group is though23:49
RickXwhen I try to goto system-preferences-windows, I get an error window manager unknow.23:49
soilworkermenijo_ it's already downloaded?23:49
zChriskitche: for me it mounts as libuuid, and for a friend of mine it mounts as his user23:49
menijo_soilworker: yes23:49
Slartchetnick: have you checked the application database? might be some hints there23:49
RickXhow can I kill whatever manager is running, and restart metacity?23:50
makkbeRickX: hum...23:50
D3RGPS31Slart: http://pastebin.com/d61c0b8bc23:50
menijo_and it opens library and lots of different files23:50
chetnickSlart: i am looking at it right now ... :)23:50
andresjhello. my sound is not working. not flash, not kde4 nor aplay produce anything in my speakers. I don't know what could've caused it, but it was working fine yesterday...23:50
soilworkermenijo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird23:50
makkbeRickX: metacity --replace23:51
SlartD3RGPS31: looks correct.. but I haven't messed with iptables for a long time.. you're running this on a computer directly connect to the internet?23:51
EighthHi i was just wondering if im using a usb mouse and keyboard i dont need the psmouse module right? :)23:51
RickXmakkbe, metacity is back...23:51
D3RGPS31Slart: no, through a router with firewall disabled23:51
RickXwill it stay as the default?23:52
makkbeandresj: try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart23:52
andresjmakkbe: I already tried it :(23:52
SlartD3RGPS31: setting up port forwarding for something? are you sure the ports are forwarded properly?23:52
makkbeRickX: try restarting your X server with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and you will find out23:52
menijo_soilworker: ok now its installed, should i try if sites work or is there more?23:52
D3RGPS31Slart: port forwarding isn't needed in the router, the firewall is disabled23:52
soilworkerjust go!23:52
andresjmakkbe: and I jsut did it again, too. but aplay still does not work23:53
compycould someone point me in the right direction to do this:  Have my ubuntu box have all my music and then over the network beable to connect to it and stream/play the music from my ubuntu box?  Should i use xbmc or mythtv or what?23:53
menijo_hooray for the sausage party. no sound what so ever :( saddly23:53
soilworkerThis has a good finale at least.23:54
soilworkerYour issues are with alsa23:54
newairSlart: so DVD players normally work with Ubuntu?23:54
SlartD3RGPS31: well.. as I said.. afaik iptables works instantly.. no need to "activate" the rules or "refresh" anything..23:54
FooAtariwhat are you streaming to compy?  kind of lost me a bit23:54
RickXmakkbe, no, metacity didn't stay.23:54
soilworkermenijo_ backup your info, and format your hd23:55
SlartD3RGPS31: but iptables are messy to work with.. hundreds of ways of making a mistake =)23:55
Finirashow do i see whether i have the x86 or x64 version of ubuntu installed?23:55
makarionewair: http://lifehacker.com/350015/enable-dvd-playback-in-ubuntu-in-two-commands But only if it's legal in your country.23:55
soilworkeri wouldn advise installing hardy heron23:55
SlartFiniras: lsb_release -a23:55
StarnestommyFiniras: uname -m23:55
menijo_soilworker: thats it, thank you wery wery much for you patience and help. At least I learned alot about ubuntu. I will re isntall. Thank you for all the help. cheers23:55
crackerjackzim using gentoo any idea why emerge vDNu dbus | wgetpaste is pasting the wrong thing23:55
soilworkerI see you more comfortable with gutsy23:55
crackerjackzi asked in #gentoo but they seem to be ignoring me23:55
Slartnewair: well.. it's always worked for me.. I'm not sure I've tried using a .. ahem.. regular.. commercial dvd23:55
menijo_It was a long day :D23:55
Starnestommycrackerjackz: this channel is for ubuntu support, not gentoo23:55
jeriathso i set the reserved block count to 0 and i still have 1.55 GB being used on my ext2 drives :/23:56
makarioMy hard drive is currently partitioned so that I can not add an extra partition for swap. Is swap still recommended?23:56
soilworkerjaja, it was23:56
andresjaaahhhh! it was on mute! sorry ;)23:56
Finirasah.. so x86_64 means that I have the 64 bit version of ubuntu?23:56
crackerjackzi understand that Starnestommy but my distros channel is not helping me23:56
SlartFiniras: yes23:56
soilworkerwhat time is in Suomi?23:56
crackerjackzif some one here has the answer it would be greatly appreciated23:56
compyanyone ^^23:56
FooAtariyeah makario23:56
menijo_its 2.30 am23:56
makkbeandresj: lol23:56
FooAtaricompy, what are you streaming to?23:56
makarioFooAtari: Okay. I'm guessing swap files are the way to go?23:56
soilworkermenijo_ go sleep and dream about alsa23:57
menijo_night and im going to work at the morning :D23:57
soilworkerhere's just 0823:57
compyFooAtari: so have my music on my ubuntu box and steam it to my mac23:57
FooAtariIt's not the best idea to go without one. you might be ok if you have a lot of ram...23:57
menijo_yes I will do that. thanks again and bye :D23:57
linkmaster03I cannot use "java" as a command in my terminal, even though I have JRE installed... Java applets in Firefox work fine, what's wrong?23:57
compyover network23:57
RickXmakario, OK... metacity --replace restarted metacity, and my previous settings. Saving the sessions made things permanent.23:57
Nithmakario: swap files  are always recomended unless you've got a massive amount of ram23:57
Nithlinkmaster03: prolly your path, check if the binarys are in your path23:58
newairSlart: Thank you.  I guess I will just live with it for now. Got to go23:58
dopievoliI've installed some metacity themes yet it does not show, is there a fix?23:58
menijo_its so hard to part after this long stucle :D ok il go il go :D23:58
crackerjackzcan some one here help me with wgetpaste23:58
Slartnewair: bye23:58
FooAtarihmmm.  I just setup a share when I was accessing music from my windows PC.  Other than that I use mediatomb to stream to my PS323:59
RickXis there any utility that applies gtk themes to KDE apps in Gnome?23:59
LancejAnyone know why fdisk -l would list /dev/sda1 as a partition but it wouldn't actually show up in ls /dev and couldn't be mounted? (/dev/sda should have a NTFS partition on it)23:59
ArthurArchnixWell, I've just reinstalled and it hasn't fixed my problem of random lockups/freezes/x-restarts. I'm on all intel hardware that's been really well supported since feisty. Anyone come across something similar?23:59
vltHello. There are various ways to install Ubuntu. I'm ssh connected to a netbooted Debian with an empty hard disk and the install dvd iso mounted. Any chance to run the installer from the dvd (w/o sitting in front of the machine)?23:59
lusepusterGoodmorning! Since a few days ago, I get the error message at login that it fails to initialize HAL. Sucks, because it means that my power management on my lappy doesn't work. Tried googling but can't seem to find anything newer than Dapper. Does anyone know what might be up?23:59

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